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Did I luck out with pre-ground?
Hi all, I'm a bit lost with my results. I recently got the V6 Silvia and while I wait for grinder availability (Specialita from ECS) I went to my local Trader Joe's and got the only 'espresso ground' coffee they had which is their 'shade grown espresso blend'. A few tries with around \~16g+/-2g (measured on regular kitchen scale) and I started getting approx. 1:2 ratio in 25-35 seconds with acceptable taste (especially for cappuccinos). Then over the weekend I got a scale with .1g accuracy and confirmed that I'm getting 15g in/30g out in 30 seconds. All this with the V6 double basket which I believe is 16g and unpressurized. Now I'm on a second bag of the same coffee and no matter what I do I can't get it to work AT ALL. The grind seems to be the same but I no longer have the old bag to verify. No matter how much I put or how hard I tamp it just gushes out and I get over 60g in as little as 5 seconds. How is this even possible to get such a different result from the same coffee? Does t
be patient!! we are flying to the moon anyways!!💎🙌🚀
if you could go back to 2016 and buy a bitcoin for $560 what would your environment say? no matter if you would have bought at 560$ at 800$ or at 2000$ - people would have called you crazy! "how can you buy several thousand dollars in bitcoin?" i am sure that there were enough people (also monkeys) who were in possession of bitcoin at that time! What was the reason for the sale? a dip of 30/40%? FUD on the part of the media? Uncertainty of friends or family? If I had the option in retrospect I would immediately dump everything I have into bitcoin for the $1000 offer! I wouldn't care if it was at 560, 800, 1000 3000$ or higher! We all know it can be painful to watch a lossporn, but based on this over the top blatant DD I've seen here on reddit I'm sure it's going to the moon! I figuratively don't want to be the person who buys bitcoin at $1000 and sells it at $560! I want to be the person who doesn't miss out on another huge life changing opportunity!!!! I have enough information to
im thinking of someone other than my significant other
19F here, i am still immature for sure, but i’m seeking help to stop thinking of someone else when i spend time with my significant other, not when we have sex or anything but just in general. i love my significant other, i have been with them for 3 years, tomorrow. this isn’t the first time where if someone gives me attention i just start to think about all the possibilities i could have with them. i’m not sure why i’m like this. i opened up to my significant other about it the last time it happened and they wanted to try to help me... am i falling out of love with them? i also have a shit load of things on my plate, and when i start hanging out with the other person i think about, i get very happy and they get flirty. however they are married, there’s no chance of us happening, which i keep reminding myself of hoping it will stop my thoughts, but it doesn’t. i love my significant other, but when i do this i feel like i’m cheating, do i really love them? i need advice. has any one els
Trying to Understand Transplant Timeline
I found out last week about a recurrence (DLBCL - in 2019 was stage 2b; this time staging not confirmed yet but biopsy and PET have been done). I've been referred to Seattle Cancer Care Alliance to the transplant department. I am still waiting for a call from their coordinator so I've been researching the process but I still don't understand the timeline. Can anyone share their experiences? Just trying to figure out how soon I might expect treatment to start. I've got a big tumor in my chest that kinda hurts. Specifically: - donor search/preparation: how long does this take? I have lots of family nearby who could be eligible (we mostly live ~40min away) how long does the test take? What kind of preparation is needed? How long does the procedure take for them? - experience with inpatient vs outpatient time lengths? Was most of this an inpatient or outpatient procedure for you? Is that flexible at all? I have a 2 year old so trying to plan ahead logistics, etc. - will they start th
Is it me or is bfV way less intense than bf1?
I just got bfV yesterday and granted I've only played a few matches so far, i dont know if im playing the wrong gamemode or if its just everyone using snipers and staying in the edges of the maps or the game itself I played bf because i loved the scale and how intense and usually action packed it is, i like being in these large groups of players all attacking or defending an objective like in bf1, but in bfV i haven't had anything close to that so far, I'd spend 5 minutes running around looking for an enemy and get sniped or I'd find the enemy and then have to look around for another 5 minutes despite being a full lobby, and sometimes I'd see enough people to get over 10 kills but thats it, meanwhile in bf1 i could run literally anywhere and find people to fight and I'd come out on the leaderboard with sometimes 20+ kills (even if thats not "good" i always have a ton of fun playing" I guess it just feels empty, to put it simply, for context I've been playing strategic conquest Edit:
paying to do an “internship” as a highschooler is messed up
so today one of my teachers promoted this amazing summer “internship” opportunity for high school students interested in computer science. out of curiosity i checked out the website to find out that this “internship” actually costs at least $3k to attend. and if you aren’t local to the area and need room + board (the “internship” lasts only 10 days btw 🥴) it would be an extra $2k. the program boasts that you get to work with professionals at big tech companies like google, apple, dell, etc. so it’s not like it’s for some random startup but i still find the entire concept insane. why are programs like this even exist and why do they misleadingly parade themselves as “internships”? you’re literally paying them a crazy amount of money to “work”. but i guess there probably is some sort of demand for them because i dont doubt that families that can afford it actually do send their kids to these programs to fluff up their college apps. which just makes it sadder that this program was adver
ERP with "Easy" Compulsions
I've recently started doing ERP on my own (I have a therapist, but she's not very familiar with ERP). While I'm able to do it with many of my compulsions, I find there are a few that are very difficult to apply ERP to, because these compulsions are almost too "easy" to do. 1. I often wake up with anxiety/thoughts that my spouse might be dead next to me in the bed, so I listen for their breathing. Used to if I didn't hear them breathing I would purposely toss and turn until I woke them up or disturbed them and they moved. I've been able to mostly stop doing the latter, tossing and turning, but I can't help but listen for their breathing when I wake up with these thoughts because I don't really have to do anything, just lay there and listen - it doesn't require a physical action really. 2. Sometimes when I'm extra anxious and I'm having internal dialog I have to repeat the last word of statements a certain number of times in my head. For example, I might say to myself "Oh this is real
This has been the worst year for my PCOS.
\*\*just a rant, I'm sorry. You folks are the only ones who understand\*\* TW: depression, anxiety, etc. The pandemic, as I'm sure it has for many of you has been a major stressor for me. This year has been the worst for my PCOS. I was finally making progress. I had lost 20 pounds and was now in the healthy range for my BMI, and was eating and working out regularly. Flash forward to the past few months. Online college has been absolutely destroying me. I was failing an important class I needed to graduate and I nearly cracked under the pressure. The doubt made me question my law school acceptance next year and under all of my depression I declined the acceptance (who declines law school? I don't know). Feeling a bit like a failure for that one. My hair on my head is falling out, yet it's growing like crazy everywhere else (boob hair anyone???). I'm terribly anxious and keep thinking I have some deadly disease that's causing all of these issues. My periods have been terrible, eve
What do you think about Biden's statement on the shooting of Daunte Wright?
I was reading a forum consisting of mostly farther-left Democrats and independent progressives discussing Biden's statement on the killing of Daunte Wright. # To me, the statement seemed totally innocuous. President Biden called for calm, and discouraged looting and rioting. He expressed sympathy to Mr. Wright's family and the black community. He asked for a full investigation into the killing of Mr. Wright. Most of the people on the forum were disappointed/angry about Biden's statement and many said that they regretted voting for Biden after seeing it. They seemed to think that Biden was abandoning the black community by not full-throatedly endorsing looting, wanting to abolish the police, and calling the police officer who killed Mr. Wright an evil white supremacist. Are these people terminally online radicals who don't understand what most people think about police, or am I missing something? Was Biden too charitable to the police officer in this statement? Is asking for peacef
Idea for an innovative defense mechanic
Every single arpg has pretty much the same resistance points stacking mechanic (elemental, physical, others) and its at the very core of any characters defensive development. Some games have made the effort to shake up the the sources or resistances (ie jewels PoE or idols LE) but still they mostly come from attributes from gear. Its getting kind of boring imho. What if there was a way that we could build up resistances on our characters in a completely new way? Imagine our characters just becoming more resistant to different types of damage by fighting more and more enemies of that type. Building up the immunity to fire by killing fire monsters etc. If body resistance is not appealing than it could be something like: along the jurney, by fighting first enemies with certain type of damage, we discover crystals that provide resistances to those types of damage. We could place those crystals in our belts and they would radiate protection to that dmg type to our character. When found th
**SUNDAY SCENE CLASSES** First of all, for some reason, lots of people have signed up for the Sunday AM class and we are up to the max number of students in that class. It’s FULL! I’m going to ask if any of you (hopefully at least 2-3) would be be able to switch to the 2 pm PST class. If you are trying to avoid doing Shakespeare, that is not a necessary requirement for the PM class. You can do Shakespeare, or not. It will be a more intimate class. And we can work on anything from film tv or stage, from any time period. Private message me if you can switch to the afternoon class. And if you don’t have a scene or a scene partner yet...introduce yourself and find someone here: **BEGINNERS INTRODUCTORY TO ACTING** - Hoping that a few more of you who have never done an acting class will take the plunge and do the Tuesday class from 3:30 - 5:30 PST. I know you are out there hesitating. Did you watch the video yesterday? If not maybe these students can convince you to jump in the pool!
Blues/Rock Band looking for a live PA
I'm reposting this from the gearspace forum. As the title states, I play in a Blues/Rock band and we are looking for a nice setup in order to be able to perform live without being dependant on renting services. We have 2/3 guitars, 2 vocalists, drums, bass and occasionally Hammond/Electric Piano We play only outdoor mostly in front of 100-400 people (we also perform in small venues, but we don't need any PA for that beside a 12" for the voice) We are going to have a guy behind the mixer (me!!) We don't have a budget, but since we are young and broken, we are willing to spend the less possible, at least for now. We don't have transport issues, like weight limit on a van, ecc... What we need is a pair of speakers, a subwoofer I guess, monitors, mics, cables and stands, and eventually mixer, lighting and all sorts of equalizers/compressors. As for now we have a copule of SM58, a DDA DM16 analog mixer and a pair of old opera we've paid 400 € used some time ago. Despite the age we hav
Embarrassing Herman Miller story at work
I just found this sub as I'm looking to purchase a new chair. ​ I ended up realizing a really embarrassing story from my time as a software intern that I thought you guys might enjoy. ​ So I was an intern at a fairly small tech company. My chair was normal. I didn't think anything of it. But sometimes, I went into a rarely used conference room to work. I noticed that the chair there made my back feel amazing. (Not that I had back problems at such a young age but it just felt better.) I sent my manager a message asking if it would be okay if I swapped my chair for that one as it seemed to feel much better for my back. She said it wouldn't be fair to the devs. I didn't understand what she meant because I thought it was just a regular chair but I just shrugged it off. As you can guess, the chair was actually a Herman Miller Aeron. So yeah, now that I'm researching chairs a few years later, I'm realizing I waltzed in as an intern and started asking to use a b
[R.A.D.] From 200 FPS to 15 FPS when looking at other (visable) players.
Me and my 3 other friends have been playing this pack for about 2 weeks now and after the first week we entered the Aether dimention, after some exploring I started to get insane lags to the point where my screen had frozen completely and then my FPS came back again at max 5 FPS. Somehow I managed to disconnect and restart my PC. After rebooting I logged in onto the server with a max of 15-20 fps. I made my way to the portal into the overworld. My FPS is fixed (around 200 FPS)! I thought.. Untill my friend logs on and comes to where my house was suddenly my FPS dropped to 15 FPS again. I told my friend to log off and my FPS came back, he then logged in and once again my frames dropped to 15 FPS. I looked away from my friend and noticed my FPS went up to 200 again, I looked back and BOOM 15 FPS.. Is this a known bug? Because after 2 days or so my friends also got this issue and just stopped playing. Keep in mind the FPS drop only happens when someone is on screen even 30 blocks away, a
AIO issues while booting with Kraken Z63
Hi PC builders out there, lets have the situation and setup first. System: Case: LianLi O11 D Mini MB - Asus Rog Crosshair VIII Impact (Dtx) CPU - AMD Ryzen 9 5900x GPU - Nvidia RTX 3090 FE RAM - G.Skill Trident Z 32GB 4000Mhz CL18 SSD - Samsung 980 Pro M.2 1TB AIO - Kraken Z63 FAN - LianLi UNI Fans 120: 3 bottom intake, 3 on top outtake, 1 at the back out; 140mm: 2 side intake on 280mm Radiator from AIO AIO Setup on MB: Pump is connected via USB on an internal USB 2.0 splitter from Nzxt, because the MB has only one USB 2.0 internal port, and i need two. One for the AIO and the other one for the LianLi Fan Controller. The 3 Pin Cable for the Pump is on the CPU fan header. The 140mm fans are connected to the cable of the AIO, where you can connect up to 3 fans. Also the Sata cable is connected. I used Kryonaut thermal paste. Problem: While booting, the Cpu hits across 70 degrees C and as soons as windows is there and NZXT Cam software has loaded, the pump is going full
32[M4F]San Diego/USA- Soft Daddy with a big heart looking for love❤️(READ ENTIRE POST)
Hello there little ones! My name is Bobby and I’m looking for a little of my own to love and cherish. My interest in ddlg is pretty recent(about a year) but I did have an online relationship. I’m looking for a serious monogamous relationship. Obviously it will be long distance in the beginning but I would eventually like to see you regularly. I need someone who can be patient with me because I am still learning. One thing I do know for sure is that I am a Soft Daddy. So if you’re looking for a sadistic pain inflicting Dom, I’m not your guy I am definitely not your average Daddy because I have a muscle disorder and I use a power wheelchair. I have severe muscle weakness throughout my body. If you’re wondering, yes I am able to have sex but we will need to be a little creative😉(I am open minded when it comes to kink). Because of my condition I don't work so I have time to provide you a lot of attention. My interests include music(Rock), podcasts, stand up comedy, watching sports, a li
Question about how Carvana values cars
Hi everyone, So I’m considering buying a 2011 Sportwagen Jetta TDI 4D from Carvana. I’m in love with these cars and have been dying to get one. But, the price seems much higher than what I’m finding from KBB, Edmunds, etc. The Carvana price (after taxes and everything) is $15,685. The car has 93k miles and is in excellent condition—accident free, clean carfax, one previous owner. The only thing “fixed or replaced” on the inspection check list were wiper blades and interior light bulbs. I’m thinking maybe if I found another one in as good of condition from a private party or other dealer, I might save a couple grand? So my question is, why on earth are the selling this car for what looks like $3k-$5k more than what you’d find at other dealers? People are clearly snatching them up from Carvana FAST. That being said, I’ve had the hardest time finding these cars OTHER than Carvana, which makes me think maybe they’re buying them up and selling them for higher prices after reconditioning
I think there’s something wrong with my iPod
Sorry if i seem kinda dumb, i don’t know much about ipods, i’m also not even sure if this is the right subreddit and i’m probably using the wrong flair but i really don’t know I recently bought a used ipod nano 3rd gen classic (idk what it’s called, however searching that brought up pics of the one i have) but i think there’s something wrong with it (id be surprised if there isn’t) So at first it worked, i plugged it in and it brought up a normal menu. Then a while later, i came back to it and it refused to turn on until i plugged it in. i just assumed it was dead, however i need to do this every time (i guess it’s okay, i don’t mind doing that). Now it’s the next day, just tried to turn it on by plugging it in and it came up with the apple logo, then flashed white for a brief second and tried to boot again, then it brought up a very bland screen (it looked like an entirely different UI, like an older version or something, just black and white) and it said ‘Ok to Disconnect.’ so i di
Auxiliarists in regards to
Hello, All! I have a situation: A longtime, valued, and experienced member of my flotilla - with nearly 20 years in the Auxiliary - reached out to me to start his retirement paperwork. This was super unexpected, and after a little chit-chat, he shared that part of his reason was due to the Coast Guard's ban on the use of CBD products. He is in his 60s and uses CBD (non-high producing, hemp-related tincture) specifically to address elbow and shoulder pain. He is a coxswain and was told that he cannot be aboard a patrol if he uses the CBD oil. What is the current Auxiliary policy regarding Auxiliarists' usage of these products? What, if anything, are the possible prohibitions for Auxiliarists? Thanks, in advance, for your guidance. (see below for link to bulletin sent out in 2020) ​ Re: "*U.S. Coast Guard sent this bulletin at 08/13/2020 04:17 PM EDT* R 131606 AUG 20 FM COMDT COGARD WASHINGTON DC//CCG// TO ALCOAST UNCLAS //N05780// ALCOAST 308/20 COMDTNOTE
Person in my class constantly asks to copy my assignments
So I’m in first year university (which has been all online this year) and our entire class is in a discord so we can study and help each other. Ever since the beginning on the semester, this one random person has been messaging me for all my assignments in this one course. I have no problem with helping people, but when I try to guide him along he just asks me to send my assignment so he can copy it. I’ve done it up until now, but I’m starting to get annoyed. If I don’t answer he will spam me all day asking where I am and saying he needs help, it seems like he’s relying entirely on me and not making any effort. Now he’s asking me if I can help him study for the final, which is getting on my nerves since he’s leeched off me for the entire semester. He says this is his second time taking the course. I should clarify that neither of us know exactly who each other is, since it’s all online. I pointed him to someone else who’s been very helpful to other people in the discord, but he
All 2020 AP review videos have been deleted - for some reason I dunno
What the hell? All of the fantastic review videos that were created for the 2020 tests are just straight up gone from the YouTube channel, and there’s not a trace of them on the website either. These had great teachers run through a review of all of the material, which was a fantastic resource and I know that many of us used them to death to learn all the stuff our teachers couldn’t be bothered with. What purpose deleting all of these serves is beyond me. It’s not like it costs them anything to keep them on the YouTube channel. Also if anyone has a copy downloaded of the chemistry videos, or at least knows a good review playlist I would be sorely in your debt. EDIT: apparently if you have playlists with the videos in it you can still access them for now, they’re just delisted. If there was a really good set of review videos and you happened to make a playlist with them in it, now is the time to do your part and download/share them around to those that need them, or at least give them
Before going NC with my N-JNMIL
Hi everyone, Cross posting this on r/justnomil but need advice. I come from a house hold with a narcissistic father. I got myself out 4 years ago and moved in with my then fiancé’s (now husbands) family to save for our wedding. Little did I know his mom was a huge narcissist and made living there a hell. My SO and BIL didn’t know what a narcissist was, and basically because she put me in therapy I had all the know-how and the vocabulary. We recently moved out in September (WE HAD TO GO) and now she is still trying to control us from 100km away and in the middle of a global pandemic. Every time I she speaks I get re-triggered. Posting because we need advice, Orthodox Easter is coming up and she is expecting us to go to her house. She is extremely unsanitary in her cooking and doesn’t care about COVID. I want to set boundaries and not use COVID as an excuse. I just don’t want to go because it takes my nervous system days to calm down after spending time with her. My husband suggested
Which team improves the most if one of their players magically returned to prime form?
Important: this isn't a question asking which team would be the best if one of their players returned to prime form (In which case, it would probably be the Nets. Kyrie-Harden-KD + prime Blake/Aldridge is unstoppable) This is a question about which team would **improve the most** *relative* to their current performance if one of their players returned to prime form. Some candidates off the top of my head: 1. Blazers- Prime Melo dropping 30s alongside Dame, CJ, and Powell is unstoppable 1. Suns- The Suns already look great, but if CP3 were faster and an elite scoring threat, this is a possible 1 seed 1. Lakers- a prime Marc Gasol creates one of the greatest big man duos in history, capable of scoring and locking down the paint 1. Heat- prime Iggy gives scoring, playmaking, and insane defense to an already solid Heat team 1. Clippers- prime Rondo OR prime Boogie instantly grants this team another star. Prime Rondo for playmaking and defense might be the thing that pushes this tea
[Help] Pup hates dry kibble, will only eat moist/wet food
So my 9 month old poodle has recently gotten extremely reluctant to eat hard kibble, to the point where she'd throw up bile because of how hungry she'd get. We know she's hungry because she'd eat her training treats without hesitation. She eventually does eat some out of her bowl but it's barely enough to keep her going to the next day. We've tried mixing in shredded boiled chicken, which worked for a bit but recently she's been ignoring that too. I recently bought her Purina Moist & Meaty, and she ate that. I'm realizing that this may not be the best food for her because of the ingredients, but I'm not sure where to go from here aside from straight canned food. I've tried Iams chicken, Eukanuba chicken, Purina Pro Plan lamb, and recently Purina Sensitive Skin & Stomach salmon flavored but all have been ignored. Is there any other food that's similar to Moist & Meaty but that doesn't have high fructose corn syrup towards the top of the ingredients list? Edit: Her pickin
I just quit my job and I regret it
I quit my job to do another more adventurous job (specifically tree planting). What I didn’t realize during my decision making process was how much my current job (golf course) means to me. I’ve had a really tough year and I love the people there and it’s actually a very fun work place and is outside. And now I regret everything because I’ve basically taken the thing that I did everyday, the thing that gave me happiness throughout a lot of dark times, the thing where a lot of my social connection, and took it away from myself. And now on top of that I’m going to have to leave my family all together to do this uncomfortable, difficult job which I took in the first place jsut to be more adventurous. I guess the biggest flaw in my decision making is the inconsideration for my current mental state. I’ve had a lot of emotionally taxing events occur in my life over the past year and I’m very exhausted from that. And instead of giving myself a break I’m throwing myself into an extremely
I got diagnosed! Thank youu
I never thought I had ADHD. When I was a kid, I was only ever taught it was hyperactivity and an inability to sit still, and that just wasn't me. I was the "gifted" kid in elementary, school was easy and I didn't have to try very hard. Then came middle school. I couldn't focus, my grades were awful, and I always had sooo many missing assignments. My psychiatrist said this was because of my depression and my lack of motivation from that. Fast forward to 16, and I'm longer depressed, but I still can't get schoolwork done. I think the first thing that spurred the idea in my head, that huh maybe it's ADHD, was a meme (lol) and so I went to reddit, bc duh 🤣 And then I found this page, and everything started making sense. And I just wanted to thank everyone who shared there stories on here, bc it was reading through those, and going "hey that sounds like me!" that convinced me that I should talk to my psychiatrist about it. So, now here we are, 19 years old, and I just got diagnosed today. I
YA Mystery/Romance Novel, girl moves to France, runs a blog where her life is threatened anonymously, is almost murdered
Hi! I've been searching everywhere for this novel I read as a kid, probably about a decade ago, but no dice so far. Hopefully you guys can help. This was a YA mystery/romance novel written probably in the early 2000s about a teen girl who has to move from her home in America (I think) to rural France, possibly after the death of her parents or something? She runs a blog (there was an actual blog online to accompany the book that is linked throughout the story too) and after her move she starts getting threatening anonymous comments on her site. I don't remember too much about the whole plot but I know that in the end the anonymous blog guy makes an attempt on her life - it's unsuccessful as I think she might have figured it out right before he tries to kill her, but the story up until this point is basically her trying to figure out who of her new acquaintances is the villain. There's a repetitive motif of a rose throughout the book, not sure if that's the character's name or jus
I [F18] wore nothing but a butt plug under my graduation gown at my highschool graduation ceremony
(Sorry for bad English) Last year I gratuated highschool. I've always been wild in school (you can read my other stories) and I wanted to close this chapter of my life in a nice fun way. The gown itself was really high so I knew I could just wear nothing under since almost every girl at their graduation wear dresses under their gown, so even if my legs were showing they'd just assume I had a dress under or something. We had to zip it all the way up so I realised I could just wear nothing under. At first I was gonna go like that but I felt like I was missing something. Of course, I picked up my buttplug, slide it in my super tight asshole, and went like that. The ride there was so stressfull😂 I was scared my parents would notice something. Once we got there and I sat down on my seat, I began to do what I do best and it was just moving and wiggling my ass around so I could feel it inside me. It was so good... When my name got called was the most stressful, I was just thinking about if
Anime with fighting endings are better than "magical friendship" endings.
It pisses me of when animes build up tension for a great last battle between the strongest of the good and the bad guys and then some "world peace" bullshit happens and they're friends all of a sudden. I came here for cool anime fights not for some reasoning or peace agreement bullshit. If I wanted that I would watch my little pony or some shit. Why do so many animes do this? I spend so much of my time watching just for it to be resolved with a few half assed fights between the main character and some stupid people that aren't as strong as the main villain. And then the most powerful evil person decides he's not a bad guy anymore? Those friendship endings feel undeserved as the main character never got to face his nemesis. The ending is way better if one of the main characters dies after a long and hard fought battle. Imagine Endgame but Thanos decides to be a good guy when his henchman died. Do people actually like these endings? A good example is Part 5 of JJBA. We get no interes
Need some tips for training a pretty well-behaved rescue dog
Hey y'all, here is my situation. I am teaching in Korea, and about a month ago, as I was leaving work, my boss mentioned she had rescued a dog off the street. She took her to the vet and the groomer, and got her all cleaned up and made sure she had a clean bill of health. She was saying that her other dog wasn't loving having this dog in the house, and that she was looking for someone to take care of her for a few days until she found a new home for her. I said I could take her for a few days, and obviously the rest is history. The vet estimates Heather's age to be around 2 or 3, and I'm guessing she is some kind of Russel Terrier mix, weighing around 15 pounds. Heather is pretty well-behaved overall, which is why I agreed to adopt her; she has never pooped or peed in the house, never chewed anything that I didn't want her to chew, and I have heard her bark just once (there was a very noisy truck outside). On the leash, she does tend to pull, but usually halfway through our walks she
Writing Latinx characters- language nuances?
I am working on an original novel and I have a group of people who all come to meet each other throughout the story. Specifically, I have 2 brothers who are latinx. I'm still working on the exact heritage, but I have this image of them that they tend to have little spats (think one criticizing the other's driving while in the car and a slap fight ensues or "well at least I didn't break mom's favorite vase" "That was 20 years ago!"). I like the idea that they are 1st gen american and have the tendency to switch to spanish while speaking to each other. One is \*\*extra\*\* and a hot mess. My question is this: since i'm whiter than elmer's glue I want to accurately portray people in a respectful manner in my story. Is it likely that they may, after getting to know other characters, that they would add spanish into their casual conversations? Like "esse" or "hermana"? Note that this won't happen until they become very close to the other characters in a family type of way. There may be a
The little fella has been staying little..for too long
Hey guys...unsure how to start this but here it goes. I’m 23 years old, and have had no medication requirements, diabetes or anything else which would be cause for suspicious concern or reasoning. However, over the last I would say 2-3 years I’ve developed erectile problems and it’s to the point where I can’t even remember the days of how “normal” was anymore. I was at uni and started drinking a lot and I believe this may be the major issue and domino. I was drinking far to much for over a year, going out almost twice a week and drinking almost a bottle vodka each time. I’ve stopped drinking now, have been sober for almost 5 months however my erectile deficiency remains. I can get as hard as I use to and it’s not nearly as strong. Also, if it does not remain stimulated it will soften within seconds like a lil limp marshmallow.. you get the picture. I no longer get random or morning erections either and I know I should have prioritised getting help sooner but I thought it would eventual
VLIVE, DMCA, and idols playing copyrighted music
I was wondering if anyone had any insight on this topic. My main questions are: Does VLIVE have to abide to the DMCA and/or a Korean equivalent? Are there any examples of infringement issues arising due an idol playing copyrighted music on specifically VLIVE? I would love to hear any general insight on Korean copyright laws though. Thanks! Youtube and Twitch are crazy strict about not letting content creators/streamers play music (or other content) they do not have rights to unless it falls under some kind of fair use. However, I feel like idols are always playing music (both by Korean and western artists) in their VLIVE streams all the time. But I have never heard of a VLIVE getting taken down before due to copyrighted music. Maybe because VLIVE is a Korean platform? Or maybe copyright holders don't care since idols playing their music gives them clout/exposure? The only example I could think of was when Jungkook and Jimin danced to a Michael Jackson song in a fanmeeting that was
We're building a database of sustainable, eco-friendly & ethical brands. You'll be able to find brands that you love, as well as learn the companies values and efforts so you can choose to support them or not.
Hey friends, we recently launched a new resource to help everyone here find new sustainable brands that they may want to buy from ( There are already a few databases out there that give you a list of brands — but none of them provide any context around why they are sustainable, and where they are located (with the exception of Cruelty-Free Kitty and maybe 1 or 2 more). So far we've featured some of the best large, up-and-coming, and even small local brands that create clothing, skincare, and makeup — but we're looking at expanding this to cover literally everything (like appliances, kitchen utensils, cleaning, plastic alternatives etc. By no means is this a complete list of sustainable brands in the world, but we hope to write about a few 1000 more brands in the next few months. So please let me know if you have any questions or thoughts; we're always happy to hear feedback and improve/fix what we're doing. P.S. We're looking at expanding the list of brands we have in our databas
Idea for hockey Comic/manga, have a few questions and would like some help, Explained in post.
(copied from a post I made in another hockey Reddit, and was told to post this here) Hello everyone. I apologize if this is the wrong place to ask this but I'm looking for people who can help me on a project. I plan on writing and illustrating a Hockey comic of sorts. More closer to a north American manga. I really enjoy hockey and I feel there aren't enough manga or comics out there about hockey. So what am I asking? I'm looking for people who grew up on hockey, more than I have, played in leagues, are highly knowledgeable and to share the experiences they have had growing up with hockey, as me personally have not fully played in a league before even as a kid(just a ball hockey League for awhile). I want to make sure that if I do this project, that I do it right. I already have a story planned, but I want to make sure the actual Hockey part is as true as it can be. I can spend all day learning the rules and the slang but I feel it just won't feel right without knowing how it a
Indoor soccer rule question
First, I'm not sure this is ok to post here. If not, please let me know. I've got a player on my indoor team that I thought was obviously fouled right in front of the ref. I am wanting to find a good rule to either back up my thoughts, or to teach me what I was wrong about. Here's what happened: My player was pressing high on the second to last defender (only the goalie was behind him) who had possession of the ball. After a few seconds he passed back to his keeper, and my player pressed on the keeper. The keeper began running the ball up the side and my player began running along his side continuing the pressure. The keeper (considerably taller and thicker) momentarily left the ball (and the play) and shouldered my player which put him to the ground. The ref didn't call any foul. I wondered if maybe I had seen it wrong so I didn't press the issue further at the time. But I record the games for my players to have highlights if they'd like them. But looking at the recording, it shows
Is my fear of syringes/injections a phobia? Should I seek treatment?
I have a really bad fear of syringes. I have postponed important vaccines, I can barely stand to talk or think about injections, I have a weird involuntary physical response to talking about them (I do a thing with my tongue and face that is almost like an exaggerated cringe). When I had to get an IV put in for my wisdom teeth, they gave me laughing gas and I didn’t even feel it because I was so caught up in a thrashing panic attack. I’ve had two really bad experiences with syringes that has led me to this point. I’m surprised I’m even able to type about injections/needles/syrunges. My heart rate and temperature are going up thinking about injections. Should I see someone about this, or is it just a fear that I will get over in time? Am I being dramatic by thinking it might be a phobia, because I know phobias are actually a serious mental illness and have met a couple people with them (one girl can’t drink alcohol in large quantities because her body won’t let her throw up if she dr
Best way to stream videos to a friend similar to Discord
I run Linux Mint. I wanna find a way to stream video files to my girlfriend for the purpose of watching a legally obtained TV series together when we aren’t at one place. I did that on Windows using Discord but then I finally broke my Windows installation when messing with my dual boot partitions. OK, so streaming with Discord on Linux can’t be that bad, right? Boy was I wrong. As you probably know, even though Discord for Windows was coded by actual humans, Discord for Linux was in fact out-sourced to a bunch of coyotes. Discord does not detect audio from the videos I play. Not only that, when the video player window is too big Discord doesn’t detect it at all. WTF. I can’t think of any explanation other than it was coded by a pack of literal coyotes. I tried several fixes for the former issue from reddit. None of them work. This time it’s probably pulseaudio’s fault, but you know, screw it. Are there any alternatives to Discord? In desperation I even tried Google Meet, and I think
2 More Ops from Pathfinder CTUs 3/5
Cowboy(was going to name hunter but thats already taken by Jäger) Gadget: the Walking Dog Drone (dont have a clever name for it) A robotic dog drone which can block doorways and stuff Has thermal vision like maestro completely bulletproof on MOST of the body except the “eyes” (Kali and Glaz can also open up the armor with a full magazine of their primary) explosives immediately destroy it upon detonation Primaries: LFP586C (you will clearly be confused so allow me to explain) Imagine a normal LFP586 but with a longer barrel (and bull barrel) with quadrails around it and a fixed stock Same stats as LFP damage wise with 3 more cylinders so 6/54 BUT you have to recock the hammer after every shot Has vertical (modeled after the stubby one that the M7 and BOSG have) and angled grip Has normal close range sights (nomad reflex M4 red dot (the one that Jäger Sam and AA12 have) old holo (the good one) and 2.0 which is modeled after the .44 Mag scope also has further breach capability f
Mentally unstable neighbor threatening my family's life - how can I break my lease and move?
xpost from r/AskLosAngeles Location: Los Angeles, CA (sorry for not including location in header) This is a follow up to We have a likely paranoid schizophrenic neighbor next door. He snapped about 6mos ago and began threatening neighbors, accusing them of being FBI. The neighbor's parents own the building he resides in, my building is right next to his. He left a photo of a mutilated child with my friend’s son’s name on it nailed to her door. We has avoided being targeted up until last Friday. He started accusing me of being FBI, threatening violence against my family and was literally at my security door screaming these things as the police arrived. Said he will raise my son once we die, and that when we die we should thank him. I have it all on video. Police said they can’t do anything unless he threatens to harm himself, or enters my actual house. I’ve been emailing my property management company for months about this issue, and now it’s affecting me. They are not going
Question about Amazon prime credit card and prime member status
Hi Reddit! I recently got the Amazon prime credit card when I have the prime member so I got the shiny metal card, but I learned there's another blue plastic card for non-prime members, and your card automatically change to the non-prime version when you drop the prime membership, and I see DP where people automatically got the new card without requesting for it from signing up for prime member. I don't keep the prime member every day, I usually subscribe for prime member for a month when I have a lot of stuff to buy and then cancel it after, so question is, will chase send me a blue card and void my metal card automatically when I cancel my prime membership? Do they send me a metal card again if I sign up for prime membership again in the future? Does my first metal card still good to use after bouncing a few times between prime and non-prime? It can be really annoying if they automatically send me a new card and void my previous card every time my prime status changes, as the card
Interview with Steven Smith on Strauss
This part I've never seen explained so clearly before: >*Strauss believed that, and here I am very much in agreement with him, in a kind of Aristotelian view of politics; he regarded politics as a kind of autonomous sphere with its own internal criteria of rationality, of ethics. This view of politics is different from both the kind of positivist view that values are subjective and the Kantian legislative approach where morality will simply determine for us what kinds of political arrangements are acceptable.* > >*He wanted to look at politics in terms of regimes and regime-types, a familiar term he took from Aristotle and ancient political philosophy. His approach was both different from that of modern social science as well as from the revival of political philosophy beginning with Rawls, which sees political philosophy just as some branch of applied ethics. Strauss rejected both of those alternatives, and to some degree tried to create an alternative kin
Dermarolling & Minoxidil Question (Terrified of fin so any help provided will be great)
I recently splashed out on a derma-pen, needle cartridges, and Minoxidil 6 months supply foam from Minoxidilmax. I am terrified of Fin, and I guess the whole process of Fin and what it does to the body and what I see when I read things about it, terrifies me. I also think even if I took it now (I want to), that maybe I would psych myself out, with a nocebo effect? Anyways, just was wondering: 1. With the dermapen and minoxidil, what works for you, what length and how long at a time, and most of all how many times per week? I see different people say once a week, once every 2 weeks, and some that say once a month. 2. Do you think it's best to apply minoxidil foam at night or start of the day, do you wash it off, leave it in? There isn't too much information about this, what shampoo do you use as well? 3. Weird question, but I also saw a dermapen is good for the face, I bought alcohol wipes and was wondering, if I dermapen my hair, can I then move on to do my face with the same
Question about deferring final exams
Hi! I'm looking for anyone who's ever deferred final exams, So my family and I came down with covid for the past 2 weeks and it's been difficult. I've either been bedridden or taking care of my parents. Therefore, I haven't been able to do any lectures/schoolwork in the past 2 weeks and with finals coming up I'm very behind. Some teachers can grant me extensions but for most of my classes I need to ask for deferrals. I'm just not sure if it would work since I'm starting to get better and the deferrals are only for those too sick to do the exams - not those who were sick during study time. I also wonder if I could defer only some of my exams but do others during their set time? (The website states that if a do an exam at the same time of an exam i deferred, it would render the deferral invalid) I also have summer classes in may and june - not sure how that influences it. All in all, my situation is a shitload rn. Any extra insight on deferrals would be much appreciated :) thank you
Am I asking for too much - 9m on T, still misgendered by parents.
My parents misgender me. Hard. It's not on purpose, it's that tepid 'we accept you but it's hard *never elaborates what's hard about it*' support. My mom has called me 'he' maybe less than ten times, and my father has done it once. I've been out a year. Two weeks ago, I asked my father to call me by my pronouns (he/him). I said "Dad it's been nearly a year, I'm transgender. please call me by he/him." His response was "I know you're transgender." That just felt like 'I recognize your identity but refuse to acknowledge it'. Or 'I understand the problem but I will not offer effort'. I have kept my birthname, so they're not deadnaming me, just misgendering. They do it like they're oblivious or something, and they're unwilling to be mindful about it because it's so 'hard'. Am I asking for too much? Is 9m too soon for them, even if I live with them? I don't have any friends to celebrate my 1y anniversary with, and I was hoping I could with my family, but there's nothing to celebrate whe
Dealing with Nursing Who Doesn't Listen to Current Research
So I work in a critical access hospital, a combined LTC/SNF, and part time outpatient. Where I work the NH admitted a patient with a PEG tube last week, the hospitalist requested bolus feedings for the NH admission. I obliged and also provided continuous because so often the NH will request continuous. The ADON where I work is lazy and doesn't like bolus. So I always oblige. Well today the ADON was working the floor and complained that patient had residuals of 80 ccs this morning and then 60 ccs of residuals around lunch. I was told by ADON that patient is eating very well. Patient has severe dysphagia and pleasure feeding. Patient is not eating well. I recommended reglan, which ADON called and MD agreed but was still concerned about residuals. I've provided resources and information from ASPEN and they still think residuals are too much. So patient didn't get part of their feedings today. I'm just at my wits end, tired, fed up and yes I'm trying to get the fuck out
What is the deal with SatoshiStreetBets? Why the hate?
I really don't understand what happened to that sub. It legitimately doesn't seem real to me anymore. It didn't start out hating Dogecoin, and for some reason, as Dogecoin continues to perform better and better the hate in SSB gets stronger and stronger. I have lurked and commented there and even got in on ADA and XLM because of SSB. Even though tbh those coins haven't moved at all compared to dogecoin. At some point however it became clear that people we're essentially trying to reproduce the GME/DOGE phenomena by introducing a new coin (or picking an old dead one at seemingly random) and spreading the hype. You can spot the new ones because they either are literally copying doge by picking another dog icon and going ham with it. There was even a cat one lol. Now the meme is literally - example: moon coin, blast-off coin, rocket coin. They get pushed for a little while and then die out. Some are rug-pulls, some just don't hype up at all, some already have shady histories or li
Tractability of wild animal suffering as a cause
How exactly would it ever be feasible? On many levels it feels like a waste of time and effort until our technological capabilities have increased massively. You have to know how the removal or introduction of a species will affect the food chain in a particular ecological zone. People who make the argument for eradicating wild animal suffering also don't seem to account for the fact that violent competition occurs within non predatory animal species So let's say you remove all the predators, how do you know the intraspecies competition won't cause even more suffering? In terms of gaining traction as an ethical movement I don't see it happening at all any time soon. Open to hearing actual things we could do currently or plan to do in the near future (say 10-20 years) because most of this discussion revolves around things that are wildly speculative. It also just doesn't feel like good PR for negative utilitarianism becoming more widely adopted because the average person hears this and
Any fellow Christians with ADHD?
My whole life I've struggled with having ADHD and feeling "different" and separated from even my fellow Christian brothers and sisters. I struggle with a lot of things that they don't. And don't struggle with a lot of things that they do. So it's hard to feel like I'm as equipped as the people around me to be doing well in my faith. A lot of the times I'll think maybe I'm just not trying hard enough, or that God just plain doesn't care enough to be helping me, but he's shown me enough for me to know that that's just not true. Over this last year God has done so much for me and shown me so many ways that he can use my ADHD, a worldly weakness, for his glory. God loves to use the lowly to showcase his strength. All you need to do is look at practically any Biblical hero to see that. And not only is he using me, but I'm not alone in this process, I am sure there are many who go through the same things I do daily. So that made me think, it would be awesome if there was a way for fello
My personality went from Debater(ENTP) to Campaigner(ENFP) and I feel like I'm both.
I have both personalities I feel. Sometimes I can be really rational with my decisions and other times I can let my emotions take over. Sometimes I can understand peoples emotions and want to help, and other times I can still understand it, but instead of helping ill get annoyed. Such as an example with my friends, I can be empathetic to them and try understand their emotions, other times I'll just say toughen up and give them rational advice. I love to debate people and shred their beliefs. Other times I'll hold back and understand why people hold certain beliefs and respect that. I Feel like I'm caught in between these two personality types. Specifically between rationality and emotions. The reason I'm posting this is cause I know you can't be both, but maybe an explanation can help. I've been confused with the person I am lately and MBTI is helping me understand myself better. I have a theory that its because I am a philosophy major and I am constantly surrounded by rationality. I h
[M4F] Game of change with Mom/Sister/Daughter or [M4A] if you want to TG me
Maybe it's Cliché but here it is: You and I find a game and we start it either intentionally or not and we are trapped until we complete the game but this game has Jumanji-like reality warping magic. We would play it so we "curse" each other and we devolve into debauchery. I would play the dad and you play the Mother/sister/daughter and you essentially become my sexy little sex doll and I become a stud for you. We maybe are weary and resist the changes at first but by the end we can't/don't even want to change back. Maybe you are my bratty daughter? My bitch sister? My overprotective mother? But by the end you will be my drooling sex crazed impregnated personal slut wife. OR maybe I slowly become your bimbo and if you are a woman to start you become the big dominating man, or if you are my male friend/family member I become your little sex toy wife. In this one you would be dominant and change me as I resist (but fail) In these scenarios we would dictate the changes for each other
Weekly Trip Planning and Conditions Question Thread
Snow Level: Multiple recent reports with fresh snow indicate a snow line as low as 500m in place. With increasingly warm conditions this may rise to 600-700m where the snowpack is much thicker. This means all mountain hikes on Cypress, and Seymour are still snow covered. They will llikely remain snow covered until late May at the earliest. Avalanches: This past weekend numerous avalanches and close calls were reported. The fresh snow and warmth. Avalanches in trees, and open slopes were reported. The avalanche risk is going up to considerable in the alpine. Cornice failures, sun affected slopes and wind slabs all remain key issues. Travel in the alpine should be restricted to experienced and trained parties travelling early in the morning, and finishing early in the day. Weather: Saturday looks like an amazing day with temperatures rising to 15˚C in the alpine. Rain is expect to arrive Sunday night, Monday morning. This new front could create challenging conditions as heavy snow an
I was browsing old photos...
I will be quick with this one, back in 2014 I was having fun with this TF2 guns filter app and I was enjoying myself with it taking photos with it everywhere. But.. after years I've discovered something really interesting when I was browsing those photos I saw this one that I took in my mom's workroom i was laying on a couch while she was browsing the internet on her computer, casual stuff. Then theres this dark figurine right by the door there was nothing there when I took it I remember that first I thought it was a CD stand at first but the CD stand is right next to it... Well at when I saw it I went all white, I was scared for like week of that room but eventually I conquered my fear. To this day I have zero clue what it was.. 2 years ago I posted this picture somwhere on the web and I was laughed at because they thought it was "coat" or something. Tell me what you guys think AND ITS NOT A SHADOW OF MY MOM, since when the f### were shadows in inverted directions. Here is the link t
I’m a finance major making a late pivot from law school and looking to make a career in business. Where would you start looking?
Hi everyone, I’m a 23 year old finance major/math minor, one year out of graduating with a 3.73 from an okay-ish SEC school. I took a gap year since graduating last May with the intention of retaking the LSAT and attending law school in August. However, if you check out r/LawSchoolAdmissions you’ll see that this cycle has been incredibly rough for applicants. Along with my (embarrassingly late) realization that taking on debt for law school would be an awful financial decision if I am strictly money motivated, this has led me to look to make a career in finance/business (or at least test the waters considering an LSAT score is good for 5 years.) I do not have any work experience/internships, largely because I was so focused on studying for the LSAT. I did end up getting a 180 which I am extremely proud of. So, my questions are: 1. Where should I be looking as the best launching point for a career? I wouldn’t say I have a passion for a specific field but am looking for a good paychec
Could you fake a Reality TV "showmance" for the $?
(Made a similar post in the Love Island sub, but I'm curious what users on this sub think....) I have 4 main theories as to why people couple up/stay together (at least temporarily) on Reality TV dating shows (feel free to disagree and/or add any I may have missed): 1. Both parties genuinely like each other (rare imo, but not impossible). 2. Party A genuinely likes Party B, and Party B is just faking it for the influencer fame (or prize $ on Love Island), aka the “Player” just leading Party A on. 3. Both parties mutually agree to couple up for optics and to be a "influencer couple" - aka a "showmance". 4. The show "encourages" (aka pressures) two people to couple up and stay together temporarily in order to market/sell the show, also a “showmance”. 2-4 basically involve some level of "faking it" (provided that you're Party B in #2). **My q is, could you fake a romantic relationship with another contestant for the $ or to please producers?** Personally, the thought of having to be
Note: This is a fair launch token I just got into about 10 minutes ago. I'm a little down from my entry, but the dev has experience in this space, and isn't going to rug us. So based on that, I decided to go in and see what I can get out of this coin. Without further ado, here's the details: 🔮 HARRY POTTER COIN - $POTTER — Play of the day by PRINTF ⚡️🔮 Previous projects did 600x and 300x. No guarantees though, DYOR. ✅ Liquidity is locked on DxSale. (Scroll down!) Contract: 0xac94b22b2118424de36174968bc937e9aa714953 🌌 $POTTER Tokenomics: 🔮 Max Supply: 100,000,000 $POTTER 🔮 Max Buy: 500,000 $POTTER (0.5%) 🔮 4% burned every transaction 🔮 4% Reflect 🔮 1% goes to CHARITY 🔮 10% Slippage 🛎 The magic begins now! ——— ▶️ Join the telegram @HarryPotterCoin ▶️Buy on pancakeswap - #/swap?outputCurrency=0xac94b22b2118424de36174968bc937e9aa714953 ​ 🔮 BSC Scan (Verified Contract) ​ 🔮 Chart (PooCoin) ​ 🔮 Liquidity L
We spent so much time trying to convince the "Big Money" to buy in, we didn't notice them taking over.
With every new BTC high, we get a bunch of posts and youtube videos telling us to prepare for the "inevitable bear run". It ALWAYS happens. There is NO WAY TO AVOID THE FALL. For years we have been saying that eventually the big institutions, the brokers, the corporate ledgers will have to break down and buy in. We kept saying that if they would buy in, it would legitimize it and crypto would take over and we'd all be rich. It will be the biggest transfer of wealth in history. Here's the thing, everyone is so worried about their bailout plan....they are so preoccupied on trying to figure out when to take out the profits before the inevitable drop so they can have money to buy during the "accumulation phase" that it appears they haven't noticed the "Big Money" is here. The big money has been slowly accumulating. They've kept the price reasonably stable, buying the dips and holding. We will eventually hit a point where all the doomsayers will scream loud enough, and people will start ju
I don't know how to handle my relationship with my parents
My mom and dad are separated and are now going through a divorce. I (28M) love my parents very much. MY view of my parents growing was very wholesome. In my eyes they loved each other and always worked hard for everything we had. However, my mom was always distant with my dad, myself and my younger sister (22F). About 5 years ago my mom left my dad which was no surprise to me, she didn't seem happy with him. He was never physical with her and would very rarely rase his voice. She, on the other hand, would rase her voice all the time! She never got physical with him or with my sister or myself. My mom was venting to me about my dad (which I told her I was uncomfortable with). Saying that she was mistreated for the duration of their marriage (25 years) when she mentioned something about my dad's "condition" and that "only he knows his condition" until finally she just blurted out "your dad is gay." This kinda shattered my reality for a little while... I have never thought of my dad
Having issues with my Walther PPS M2
Back in the fall I purchased a new Walther PPS M2 LE to replace my Shield 1.0 for carry purposes. I'd looked online and they appeared to be well-reviewed. When unloading I have had consistent issues with the extractor claw failing to grasp the self-defense ammo I carry. I have reproduced the problem with multiple magazines and two different types of ammo. I do believe I think I once tried standard 9mm and it had no issues extracting. Tonight, when I went to unload with an 8 round mag upon ejecting the mag a freefloating round fell out of the magazine well, and when I racked the slide (as usual) the chambered round was freefloating in the receiver, which quickly got wedged. Here is a picture of the ammo from tonight with no cycling issues. When unloading the top of the mag almost always has a partially stripped round, I'm assuming it finally stripped tonight Two months ago I took it to the range and put 70 rounds of standard 9mm downrange and it functioned flawlessly with no s
I betrayed my best friend and my morals for the Blue-Eyes White Dragon.
This was in elementary school and we were super into Yugioh. For my best friend J's birthday, I got him a pack of yugioh cards. My depravity begins even before the main event. In the first place, I had two packs from my parents (both intended as gifts). I opened one of them before hand. Inside were some good cards so I pocketed that pack (that I assumed was the best one) for myself. At the party, I gave J the other pack. He opened it to reveal the Blue-Eyes White Dragon. It was probably the best and most esteemed card you could possibly get. He was so excited and it was like the greatest discovery/gift ever. I argued that it was my pack and I changed my mind and he couldn't have it. Somehow he eventually accepted my bullshit (probably just because he was my best friend), although he was very visibly hurt by the betrayal (like verge of tears). I then gave him the other pack instead as a cruel consolation. I hid what I did from my parents, keeping the Blue-eyes in a special box in my r
What to do if the HSK reforms have disrupted your study plans
Rightly or wrongly, a lot of people structure their learning around the HSK curriculum. I actually think there is some logic to this since a lot of learning content is also structured this way, but it does mean the current changes might throw a lot of people off their study plans. Obviously there's nothing wrong with simply continuing with your current study plans since there's still a lot of overlap, and even where the content has been removed any general improvement in your Chinese is still likely to be a Good Thing™, but if you really don't feel like slogging through the next book of the HSK standard course knowing it's about to be replaced, I'd suggest using the time until the new content starts to become available to focus on **extensive reading and listening**, from which I think pretty much everyone can benefit from doing more. This allows you to consolidate your knowledge and will likely boost your reading and listening skills and speed, ensuring that you're in a strong positi
[P] otso Annotator - A cloud-based Text Annotator built for Machine Learning Engineers and Data Scientists working in teams.
*otso has just launched our Annotator, and have built with the needs of many in this sub! Check it out!* **A cloud-based Text Annotator built for Machine Learning Engineers and Data Scientists.** We have been working on otso Annotator for over two years. It began as an internal tool, used to manage annotation and data labelling for our own machine learning projects. As the tool and the interface developed, we began providing it to select enterprise customers. We’ve received so much significant positive feedback from our clients, that we decided to launch the Annotator as a standalone product. otso Annotator provides three key benefits; the user experience, which prioritises ease-of-use and understanding. The project management features, which let you allocate and manage annotation tasks. Finally, as a cloud-first tool, you no longer need to have annotators use a CLI to get started, which makes it a much easier tool for teams to use. **Why a focus on the user experience of teams?**
Less visual attraction to men
Is it normal that a guys looks don’t turn me on? I can be attracted to a guy and find him really attractive, but I wouldn’t get turned on physically just from looking at a guy. No matter how hot he was. Sexually, if we were doing something together then I would be very turned on, because of what we’re doing. But the guys looks isn’t the thing turning me on- more so what I’m doing with him. Is this normal sexual attraction ? Do other bi women feel similarly ? Ie that with men it’s not so much visual when it comes to sexual attraction - more kind of dependent on the sexual nature of a situation , and what you’re doing with said guy. With women, I find them visually more sexually attractive. Like I could look at a very sexy woman and get somewhat turned on. Not loads, but a fair bit. Does this mean I’m not sexually into guys? Because being sexual with them arouses me a lot- but it’s just not their looks causing the arousing. For me there isn’t anything inherently sexual in a man
Jack and Rebecca's Parenting Styles
Isn't it crazy how all the kids saw Jack as the more permissive parent and Rebecca as the "disciplinarian" or the unsupportive one that was less fun when Rebecca is arguably the biggest pushover in the show. If I treated my mom the way those kids treated Rebecca growing up and now... I can't even imagine how strained our relationship would be. I understand that they mythologize Jack because of his death but honestly, it makes complete sense to me why the Big 3 are so frequently annoying and self-centered, because they truly had no one telling them when they were wrong EVER. Sidenote: The only one who got disciplined ever was Kevin (does anyone else think Jack was weirdly hard on him compared to Randall and Kate) by both Rebecca and Jack, so OBVIOUSLY that explains the chip on his shoulder. What do you guys think? Obviously, they're all supposed to be flawed, but I'll go to my grave swearing that Rebecca was the better parent and that most of their issues stem from romanticizing the
1099 vs W-8BEN - working abroad
Hello! My opt is ending (still in the U.S) and I will return to my country to wait for my EB3 process to process, which will be a long time. We just applied for the PERM. My company wants me to keep working for them outside of the U.S (legally of course). However, I just realized they might be confused on the taxes side of things. They were initially wondering if they should do a W2 or a 1099. Now, I have realized that a W-8BEN should be the correct one? Since my social will not even be valid due no work authorization. A 1099 would actually be illegal right? It might even cause a issue for my EB3 process? Out of curiosity, from the company point of view. Is there any bad side for them to do a W-8BEN instead of a 1099 for me? I would be glad if anyone here would have some solid info on this. They are a midsize company and I want to bring it up, but I want to be sure first. Thank you! FYI. The lawyer for my case told them I could work out of the U.S, but he did not advise on the tax
Anyone else kinda wish they were still ignorant?
I know the implications, but I'm 18 and actually getting reinstated tonight, putting on a facade so I can get better off financially and hopefully fade rather than get kicked out and shunned all at once. But honestly I kinda wish sometimes I was ignorant again. Like for one I loved the idea of paradise and even now after not believing in the bible for a few years I still wish the paradise was a real thing that was coming, like I love animals and biology and always said how I'd love to just spend a few hundred years exploring the Amazon in the new system. But not even that, I just lovely family and dont wanna lose them. And the majority in my congregation are great and smart people, and I'll really miss my best friend most of all. I'm also just scared about being out on my own and worried my dad will find out and kick me out now before I'm ready, but like, it's just it would be so much easier if i was still ignorant and believed the bullshit. I wouldn't have to lose anybody. I know the
Need help with clingy girl
So I met this girl at a retreat, and we became good friends quickly, as we shared a love of cynical and dark jokes. We slowly stopped talking. Then she randomly texts me out of the blue, and says that she needed someone to talk to. I understood, and she opened up to me about how she was having a rough time, her parents were getting divorced, she was having PTSD attacks frequently, and was just in general having a shitty time. I decided that i should hang out with here and help her out, give her someone to talk to. I genuinely enjoyed talking to her for a while. Although soon she started talking almost exclusively about how terrible her life is. She would also talk about her "sixth sense", and that she suddenly started have synesthetic experiences, and was now a synesthete. I don't really blame her, she had a lot going on. It only became problematic when she began calling me every time she had any sort of issue, and I provided a little advice for one of her friends, so in her eyes i be
Just got my framed diploma in the mail and it feels weird.
I feel like I should be happy about it, and though I am it also feels very weird. It feels kind of empty almost; it feels like it should be a monumental event, something celebrated, but it feels anticlimactic considering how much work I put into it. It also just feels strange being at a crossroads, since I’m done with school and I’m now in the “real world”. I honestly have no idea where to start for a career; I never really “aimed” for one in college. I just chose my major (mathematics) based a personal aptitude and love of the subject. I’ve been in school for so long and feels so bizarre not having classes to attend, homework to do, tests to study for, etc. Life just feels kind of empty right now; all I do is tutor students for 1-2 hours a day and not much more. I guess a question I could ask is: Anyone else right now honestly have no clue what career they want to do or where to start? Anyone else been bored with a lack of things to do recently? Anyone else in a transitional period o
Instant ON APs - max wireless clients
I'm looking at replacing some aging Ubiquiti APs at a church, and looking at the Aruba Instant On APs. (AP22 probably) I'm confused about the limitations for these devices in terms of maximum amount of clients/devices connected. I read some forum post about there being 64 max clients per SSID per radio or something I didn't quite understand. (see: ...though this was for AP11, 12 and 15 I gather. Some youtube content suggested that this was wrong, and that it's you can just multiply the number of possible clients by the number of APs to find your maximum. The web site shows: - 75 max active devices (I would have guessed that's per AP?) The building has 3 main gathering areas which could potentially see: - 100 devices in area 1 - 200 devices in area 2 - 250 devices in area 3 The most realistic scenario for the post covid era would see about : - 100-150 devices in area 2 on a weekly basis - possibly 50 devices in area 1 or 3 on a monthly basis. Basically, I'm asking if I
10 holders now - SafeLambo just got on chain - 90% liquidity and locked - Dont miss the next Moonshot! [x1000 target from now]
So SafeLambo just got on Binance Smart Chain. You don't want to miss the next Safemoon token for sure. **I bought myself small bag of this. I may turn my 1 BNB into Lambo Huracane in future to be honest.** Token address: 0x40a7875ac7f4bbf96b02341bda411799e2ac44db BSCscan link: Tokenomics: 10,000,000,000 - total tokens 9,000,000,000 - liquidity (locked) **1,000,000,000 - for tomorrow airdrop (1:3 ratio, for each 1 SafeLambo you will receive 0.33, it's extra 33% for holders).** Safe contract, audited few times by security companies, based on safemoon Website: Might be worth to get into this now as it just got on the chain and pancakeswap. There is high liquidity by the way. Had a conversation with dev and they are really friendly, told me they have $20,000 marketing campaign on the way as token just got on the chain. I bet it will be at least x100 in this week. Might be worth to put in now, before everyone else will. You can get it on pancakeswap there for now.
Descobri que minha guitarra é falsa... cinco anos depois
Não aconteceu hoje mas ano passado, mas deu vontade de falar sobre pq comprei um escudo novo e ele não coube :( Em 2016 eu comprei uma Squier Tele que era uma guitarra que eu já tava namorando há muito tempo, foi a guitarra mais cara que comprei na época e um upgrade bom demais, já que minha outra guitarra era uma réplica da SG. História linda, guitarra foda, sonzera mesmo, vivemos felizes para sempre... até ano passado. Decidi reformar minha SG e outras guitarras que tinha paradas aqui durante a pandemia, por hobbie mesmo, projeto legal, e nisso decidi dar uma geral na Tele, limpar e tudo (geralmente quando eu compro uma guitarra eu sempre desmonto, mas por algum motivo eu não fiz com essa), e ai vi que a furação dela era diferente de outras Tele que eu via por ai. Dai sabe quando ce começa procurar defeito nas coisas e acha? Então. Comecei procurar e encontrar cada vez mais diferença entre minha guitarra e a guitarra que eu achava que ela era. Basicamente colocaram um braço de S
What is your worst holdings?
4 years investing, my worst holding is Bought it in 2017 and still has it. It’s my worst holding not just because I lost money on it, but because it was recommended by all analysts as “Strong Buy”. And it was deemed a Safe Play from multiple research papers on TD website. And of course back then I was big on dividend, so I looked at the financials, the company did have a great balance sheet. So I bought it at $15. And it became the worst stock I ever held. The stock peaked somewhere in late 2017 at $16.50 I believe. Then it began to drop, I averaged down a bit to $10, since the fundamentals were still good and analysts target price didn’t change. But when it kept dropping I realized something is wrong. It tanked a whooping 85% when the market crashed last year to $2.50. Good thing is it recovered a bit this year. I was down $45k with it last year, and now only down $11k. I actually don’t know why I still hold it, may switch it to another stock soon. 4 years with a -20% re
I don't know what to do anymore about my bf's depression
Recently after a long spell of depression because he doesn't have a job and he's on depression and anxiety meds but they hardly work anymore, my bf decided to go volunteer at the fire dept like he did 10 years ago. He's been doing it about 2 weeks now. He immediately seemed alot happier and was super excited to be going on runs and helping people and he'd go pretty much every chance he got. I'm so proud of him and glad to see him happy again. Well yesterday night it went to hell when he drove into the GRAVEL parking place into the parking lot for a run and skidded into the corner of the building but luckily almost no damage was done to the car and all he did was slightly dent a drain pipe. He admitted to it and said he'd pay for it but everyone there is freaking out about it. So now my boyfriend keeps saying he's a screw up and he fucked this up and now he's even more depressed than before. I don't know what to do or how to help and he's just slumped in his chair looking really sad
Need Adult Advice About Apartment Costs (pretty please)
Howdy! So to preface this post: I am 20 years old, living in my first apartment (a student apartment) with a lease that ends on July 31st. I am moving into a one-bedroom, non-student apartment with my girlfriend, but I am absolutely bamboozled by non-student apartment requirements in the area. I work full-time and make about $1,000 per month, and have been making about the same for the past two years. My girlfriend works part-time, and has made around $1,000 per month for the past six months - HOWEVER, she has a HEFTY savings ($30,000) dedicated to living expenses in her name. We both have average credit scores that pass their minimum. THE PROBLEM: All non-student apartments in our area require applicants to make roughly 3x rent per month. The apartment that is the nicest while being within our price range ($1,028 per month including utilities) requires that the rent-to-income ratio be 35% or lower, but the income can be both applicants' combined. They also check to see if applicant
The Western genre is the best media genre and needs to make a comeback
Film, t.v. shows, books and video matter the media, the American West almost always produces a great story, characters, etc. It's a breath of fresh air when a gripping story is just about a town or a few characters trying to get by in the lawless west and not about a grand scale "save the universe" story. From the John Wayne days of The Searchers, True Grit, Rio Lobo etc to Clint Eastwood in the Dollars trilogy being capped off with the greatest film ever made in The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, to Lonesome Dove (book and series), to newer westerns with The Hateful Eight, Ballad of Buster Scruggs, and The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford. Even video games..Red Dead Redemption 1&2. These are just a few examples of the greatness of the western genre and honestly I could go on and on with great, epic western films. Imo, the story telling, setting, and overall feel of westerns are just better than most other genres out there and I feel like westerns are
Tax help for InstaCart, UberEats & SkipTheDishes
Must Have been asked several times but did not find concrete answer. Did anyone filed their own taxes for UberEats, SkipTheDishes and Instacart. I need some help and confused. I bought my car last year. Can I claim CCA?( If yes, can you point me to a reference?) How can I claim money from the loan/financing interest paid and its registration fee? Can anyone guide me for maximum claim? I did not log my kms and would have to estimate it(alongwith few other expenses if we can claim) I know the form is called T2125. Also Instacart ( registered as maplebear inc.) gave me a T4A which was automatically pulled by TurboTax. But also the income was showed in self employed income without any business name( I would have to edit the details). For each business I would have same personal kilometers and the business kilometers would ve different? And car registration fees would be only claimed on any one? Please help. I will use either TurboTax or Wealthsimple Tax(formerly SimpleTax). Thanks in
A guys honest thoughts about girls and makeup
I'm not gonna say "oh I don't like makeup, natural beauty is the best" because y'all have heard that a thousand times by now and most of the time it's bullshit. Makeup isn't a bad thing. Makeup can cover the "flawed" parts of your face and highlight the good parts, and some girls do look better with it on, but I just wanna say 2 things about it. 1) you look perfectly fine without makeup. Yes, maybe you look prettier with makeup on, but it really doesn't make that big of a difference. We don't care about acne or anything like that as much as you think. Don't let it become an insecurity, because most guys genuinely don't care, and if a dude is going to judge you for not wearing makeup the dude is an asshole and his opinion should have no value. 2) for fucks sake, makeup is supposed to highlight and improve the natural parts of your face, not fucking replace it. Light makeup is perfectly fine, but I see so much girls fucking bombarding their face with all sorts of powders and colors t
Looking for a Laptop between 1000 - 1300 USD.
* **Total budget (in local currency) and country of purchase. Please do not use USD unless purchasing in the US:** 1000 - 1300 USD (Would like to keep it under 1200, though) * **Are you open to refurbs/used?** No * **How would you prioritize form factor (ultrabook, 2-in-1, etc.), build quality, performance, and battery life?** No priorities here. I'll be pursuing my Master's in Data Science and Analytics, so I do require a laptop with good performance. * **How important is weight and thinness to you?** Anything that is not too heavy (<=1.8kg) * **Do you have a preferred screen size? If indifferent, put N/A.** 13-14 inch/ 14-15 inch * **Are you doing any CAD/video editing/photo editing/gaming? List which programs/games you desire to run.** No. Microsoft Office, Power BI, Tableau, Jupyter Notebook. SQL Server * **If you're gaming, do you have certain games you want to play? At what settings and FPS do you want?** N/A * **Any specific requirements such as good keyboard,
Regularly accumulate TBs of footage without backing it up. Help?
**Situation**: I record video game footage every time I play, and I play for a living. I don't keep all of it, but I have accumulated ~30TB of footage within ~5 years. I would have more, but I deleted some precious footage (huge regret) to make room for other footage I wanted at the time. I am looking for a way to backup this 30TB of footage and have room to easily backup future recordings. I almost bought 2 8TB WD Elements drives with a student discount ($15.375 per TB), but I feel like that is just wasting money on a sub par solution. *Assume I will continue to hoard footage at a rate of at least 1TB a month.* _____________________________________________________ **Current drives**: WD Elements 12TB HDD Seagate BarraCuda 2TB x3 Seagate BarraCuda 3TB WD Elements 8TB HDD Random 2TB External Random 1TB External ______________________________________________________ A few other things worth mentioning: - cloud storage is not an option due to privacy. - i have looked
Incapacitated does NOT stop Survivors from leaving
With the new Huntress update, and the hatchet add-on that causes Incapacitated, I've seen a lot of people misunderstanding the status and thinking the Survivors would be unable to leave via the exit gates. Even Dowsey in his recent video about it made this error. But as you can see in the effect's in game description, this is not the case. The confusion seems to stem from Victor. Victor causes Broken, Oblivious, and Incapacitated when he's latched on, but he **also** prevents Survivors from entering lockers or exiting through a gate. These are Victor specific effects, however, and not aspects of Incapacitated, which is why they are both listed separately from the statuses in the Twins' power description while none of the effects of Incapacitated itself - such as not being able to work on a generator - are. Incapacitated is the same effect as Doctor's Madness 3, just without the static and screaming. Elements that are unique to Doctor, like the exit block and locker block are to Victo
You know I've been waiting my whole life for this moment, I just now realized this.
My life hasn't been that great. My parents are both heroin addicts and stole all my fucking shit to pawn so they could get high when I was in Jr high and high school. One summer when I was 14 I got a summer job and my fucking dad stole over 500 from me out of my savings I had stuffed in my closet. I had to adopt my sister. Before my dad lost his job I had to take care of him, put him to bed, wake him up etc because he would take a mix of oxycotton and Xanax and it would make this guy a literal zombie. At 16 My mom asked me to help her out and baby sit her while she was high because she told me she fucked up and smoked fucking meth because she couldn't get any heroin. I am now a semi successful human being that has never taken any hard drugs, I make a good living in the flooring industry. My family knows I am a good dad and will try my fucking hardest to provide, protect, and be there for them. I have always wondered why the universe decided to fuck with my existence so much.
Would it be wrong for me to move without telling me ex?
I (24m) dated a guy (24m) for almost a year. It was the longest relationship I had ever been in. For the first time I experienced what I thought was love. This past January, he broke up with me. I was crushed, and a complete mess for almost 3 months. After breaking up with me, he tried to maintain a friendship but made it very clear from the start (3 days post breakup) that he was already on apps looking for a new partner. I decided in February that I would be moving home to be closer to my family. Planning to be home by end of May. This is approximately a 1000 mile move. I told him that I would like to still be his friend, but would like for us to agree to not be with other people until after I leave. In retrospect, I know that this was asking for a lot. However, a lifelong friendship seemed worth it to me in exchange for maybe 3 months of not hooking up or dating, idk. He obviously said no, and that it is selfish for me to ask and that I wouldn't ask if I wanted what's best for him
Thinking of coming back to rs3... Help?
So I've been playing RS since 2001... Quit around EoC, came back for OSRS. Kind of want to give RS3 a try, I know it's not the game I'm used to but might be fun. Gonna just start from scratch since I liquidated the bank on my main to swap over ages ago and honestly wouldn't have a clue where to start rebuilding, plus been enjoying ironman mode on OSRS so figured I'd do the same on Rs3, especially since it seems to be the logical way to bypass the P2W aspects. Just had a few questions: 1) Is there anything like runelite for rs3? (Third party clients or generally accepted addons for QoL purposes)? 2) How is ironman on RS3? Pretty well balanced? Or is it just cancer to the Nth degree? 3) I remember something about runemetrics or something that showed xp/h and stuff... Obviously all my cash is on OSRS and playing an ironman it'll be hard for me to get bond money for this feature, is there any way to swap bonds from OSRS to RS3 or apply OSRS bonds for this feature? 4) Auras... Obvious
Recommendations for rebuilding memory and cognitive function with bipolar
I have severe Bipolar 1 disorder that was left untreated for quite a while and have had steadily declining memory and cognitive function as a result. Currently I am in a good place and receiving regular treatment, including ketamine infusion therapy which has been a miracle for me. I eat incredibly balanced and healthy, logging all my food, with intense daily exercise (lifting 5 times a week, 2 days of cardio) and a healthy, regular sleep schedule. I am now over 6 months removed from the start of my lifestyle change and and this direction of treatment, so these are now habits that are deeply ingrained into my daily routine. Currently I am taking Magnesium Threonate, which has given me great results, l-theanine, creatine, life extensions two per day, and life extensions omega-3s. I am looking to dive a lot deeper into nootropics and explore a more robust supplement stack with the goal of regaining some of the cognitive ability that I have lost over the years to this dise
Open Letter: The contracts bill and how it is an interesting mechanic - by Diplo 外交官
So, really recently, I made a post on the status of 'economy' on the MK here. I was really critical of all three of the bills. Don't get me wrong, the contracts bill isn't a lifesaver or solves any of the problems presented, but it is interesting because of the way it's written and the foundation it lays. It lays down that every single entity participates in the economy. And while that may be obvious and presumed, the consequences aren't. What that bill proposes is not an economy based on politics or the governing of the empire, but an economy based on the people on the world stage. Do you get how game-changing that could be? It sets out that offices influence the economy, companies and corporations influence the economy, and much, much more. Everything we do in Civ and Dciv influences the economy. That's huge. That's amazing. But only that bill does nothing by itself. \] Then we have the actual 'contracts' part, which also sets out an important precedent. A REALLY IMPORTANT
Both credit cards compromised within 48 hours of each other. Was there a consumer data breach recently? And what to do next?
Hi there, I was wondering if anyone was aware of any data breaches recently affecting any big retailers? Asking because on Sunday I was alerted that my Costco Visa credit card had a suspicious charge of almost $500 which was flagged. When I checked I saw that there had been a ~$0.70 charge the day before (which I am assuming the scammers used to verify the CC info they had was legit before going through with a larger charge). And literally just a few minutes ago my other CC (also Visa) alerted me that there was a suspicious ~$0.70 charge. When I confirmed that I was not the originator of the charge, the CC company immediately cancelled the card. I haven't used my credit card at any weird places, just big chains like my local grocery store. And I can't figure out how they managed to get both of my CC info since I normally don't store both of my CC info on a website for this exact reason. I did immediately check Credit Karma and it doesn't appear like any new lines of credit have b
Lost Huge on My First Stock in Just 1 Week...
Hi everyone, Last week I bought my first stock Facedrive with my last 2k at an average price of 22.94. Every day since I have watched it decline. I have lost over $800 so far and it makes me feel sick to my stomach knowing how I just wasted it. The company seems to check all the boxes, its innovative and ecofriendly and growing like crazy so I don't understand how I picked a stock that can lose so much so fast. My friend has made a killing in stocks lately and I thought I could follow him into it and make some money. I have been having a lot of money issues lately and had to declare bankruptcy. This loss is really cementing my feeling of being a loser, being so behind everyone else. I feel so low I don't know what I can do. I am an actor and have been waiting for my big break but now I am starting to realize that I am not as capable as I thought I was. What is everyone's advice. Can it come back? Should I sell and just focus on other ways to make money? How do you guys do thi
Considering RV rental for remaining items in cross-country move (we don’t have much stuff). What should we know??
Like the post says, we’re considering renting an RV to pickup and move the remainder of our things cross country (we don’t need much space!) and have a place to stay while visiting our families for the first time in years. We’ve been hearing that RVs and RV parks are currently harder to rent due to COVID, so that is something we will look into, but also wanted to hear comments on this. Our bigger question is how often we should expect to need to stay in an RV Park, which I understand is needed to empty the toilet sewage and refill on water. There are no other places that do this (like campsites?), correct? We don’t have a good idea of how much water we will go through or how long a tank is expected to last. Can anyone give me an idea? Assume 5-7 day trip, so ~8-10 water-conservative showers, bathroom usage expected maybe a total of 2-4x/day max (hopefully 0x, if we’re at a truck stop with bathroom). Ideally, because it would be easier and cost nothing, we would like to spend most n
[WTS] EOTECH Exps3-0, Unity tactical riser & FTC, Aimpoint 3xc, Surefire ke2-DF head (NC)
So up for grabs today I have the following items. All items have original boxes and paperwork EXCEPT the surefire head. ~~Unity tactical black fast riser pretty much brand new less than 100 rounds with the eotech mounted on it. $130 shipped~~ ~~Unity FTC FDE + Aimpoint 3xc combo. I’ve had this longer than the eotech and riser and I’m not sure the exact round count it has since it was on/off the gun depending on the day. Overall good condition and the video in the Imgur link shows to the best of my ability how clear the glass is. $350 shipped~~ ~~Surefire KE2-DF head. Great head upgraded to Modlite let’s do $100 shipped~~ Eotech exps3-0 pretty much brand new has about 150-200 rounds under it. I did take off the yellow sticker cause it bothered me. Still has the eotech sticker in box for you too. Let’s do $580 All prices are venmo or F&F I have zero issue doing G&S but please cover the fee. All items will ship USPS with insurance and tracking. If you would like signatur
Weekly Meta Discussion Post
Greetings r/AbortionDebate community! By popular request, here is our recurring weekly meta discussion threads! ​ Here is your place for things like; * Non-debate oriented questions/requests for clarification you have for the other side, your own side and everyone in between. * Non-debate oriented discussions related to the abortion debate * Meta-discussions about the subreddit * Promotion of subreddits featuring relevant content * Links to off-site polls or questionnaires * Anything else relevant to the subreddit that isn't a topic for debate ​ Obviously all normal subreddit rules and redditquette are still in effect here, especially Rule 1 so as always let's please try our very best to keep things civil at all times. r/ADBreakRoom is our officially recognized sister subreddit for all off-topic content and banter you'd like to share with the members of this community. It's a great place to relax and unwind after some intense debating, so go subscribe!
Has *Anyone* gotten around the 2019 transcript requirement ?
Hey guys, has *anyone* been able to get around the 2019 transcript requirement? (Loan). If so who did you contact? Loan officer is requiring transcripts but I can't make the IRS speed up (I filed my taxes a year ago). This is a mere technicality. I've given them everything besides a blood sample (2017, 2018 transcripts, bunch of other stuff they didn't ask for. They 1000% know my business is legit and I'm who I say I am. I gave them 2019 filed returns also, just not the *transcripts*). If anyone has gotten around this, please share how here. Would be *beyond* grateful. Thank you very much ----- UPDATE: I PROMISE YOU I will get this solved and once I do will either post or dm everyone who shared ideas (some ideas have helped already). I advise ANYONE who has this issue and any ideas to post. I WILL FIX IT ! (with some help from the info you submit), and once I receive my loan (I WILL), I will be back to share. Imagine this is an NFL game and I'm on defense. I'm BLITZING 12 play
Really wanting to get out of retail
I'm trying to get out of working retail but haven't had a job in almost half a year. I have one now that I've only been at for just over two weeks. It's retail. I really want to leave it. The pay is abysmal, the customers are rude and completely, and being there always makes me feel shitty. So how do I get out of retail? My roommate used to work at a Starbucks but has since moved onto working in a hospital for almost the same pay. I really want something like that, maybe not a hospital, but something similar *outside of working retail*. What do I need to do to achieve that goal? I already don't have a ton of skills as is, so is there a kind of job that will actually train people for a job? Because lately, all I ever see for nonretail jobs are qualifications to have experience... which I have none. And those same jobs are all entry level "no experience necessary" types of postings. What kinds of jobs are out there that isn't retail? In jobs, I mostly just have experience stocking merc
Curbed BRAND NEW M3 Wheels the second day of using them..
I am beyond pissed. I have a few questions. So i have a bmw e90 328i with 19" m3 wheels . Ive been having serious tire rubbing on the sidewall and i figured I just need to have my fenders rolled. I drove the car about 1000 miles from the place i bought it to my home. And the wheels remained perfect. I just took the car down the street literally less than 2 miles.. no potholes, no big bumps and didnt feel any scraping, but i assume there was because when i got out of the car i noticed on all 4 sides there is now small scrapes along the outside of the wheel exposing the metal. It looks like they were curbed but honestly i wasnt close to a single curb, and its on 3 different wheels . front and back on the right and front wheel on the left. Is it possible for the fender to scrape the wheel like this?? I stilll havent had them rolled and was planning on it in the next couple days. I just want to know if its possible to damage the wheel like that without curbing them. Im driving m
when cyberpunk 2077 will be complete
For those that don't know the witcher game took 5 YEARS TO MAKE. And cyberpunk 2077 been in development for 4 years. meaning cyberpunk 2077 would reach peak performance (not as buggy or glitchy) later at the end of this year or next year in 2022. For the online multiplayer that will maybe come out in either 2023 or 2024 giving that the game is so big. As for the paid DLCs that might be the other acts that will not only continue the story but also gives the player new cyberware and new areas and places to explore along with new characters to befriend, "befriend" ( ;3 ), or fight. Maybe even put some good use into that verticality to good use by putting in some parkour/platforming elements into the game. The game isn't that bad so stop being mean to CDRed and show some love or we'll never get the game we were promised. If we keep being mean to the company they'll just say "fuk it" and not even bother with the game or worse throw future plans away all together do you guys really w
What could cause vague swelling on the gum on the upper right cheek side, if not an abscess?
Adult. Upper right, rear molar area. Wisdom tooth and nearest molar already extracted. The rearmost molar has a crown and possibly root canal treatment. Question. More than once, I’ve told the dentist I feel like there is an abscess or swelling in this area. This comes from prior experience with an abscess or infection causing swelling that was very noticeable but not immediate emergency noticeable. It doesn’t look like textbook abscess. No gum boil. Just by feeling the area with the tongue, I can feel there is swelling. The composition of the gum feels different. But it does not look very different. In the recent weeks, I started flossing once a day and brushing daily. Ibuprofen while it felt like the swelling was building. Pain has barely ever felt significant but very mild, dull, like from inflammation of the gum tissue, not nerve pain. After a while, the swelling dissipated and now feels relatively manageable. I don’t think it drained or perforated or anything, it just subsid
Side extension/garage conversion and internal refurbishment ideas
We're looking to create a side extension on our 90 year old house and convert the current 1.5 wide garage into a double garage with new master bedroom above it. We also want to mix the internal layout up a bit and refurbish throughout, and we have an attic which is just begging to be converted. We've had the extension and attic conversion approved in principal by the planning office and now need to submit final plans. We have a few options and could do with others weighing in/throwing some other ideas our way. Key requirements: \- convert garage into double with master bedroom suite above \- master suite with ensuite and at least 1 \*sound proof\* dressing room (I get up 2-3 hours before my other half and need a space to get ready (dry hair and dress) without disturbing him). \- have at least 1 guest bedroom, but room for 3 couples and 3 children to stay at holidays \- 2 separate offices for us to work from home (which can be used as guest space when needed) \- Additional ens
Needing some classification before I go ahead with buying
I'm interested in getting a sky3ds+ but after reading some things that didn't fully answer my question or gave me new ones, I'm a little bit confused. Mainly, I want to if sky can read patched .cia or .3ds files? I'm trying to merge a patched update with my retail copy of the base game to play on a non-hacked 3ds. While the game is from a cartridge, it's decrypted so I can merge the patched updated files and then I rebuild the cia/3ds file. Will this also be a problem as I've read that sky only read retail games? I also want to know, patched or not, do I never need to merge the update? Can sky read the update off the cart without installing it? To that one I'm guessing, no, but spending almost 60 bucks and waiting about a month isn't something I care to do right now. To answer the question of why I'm even doing all this when I could just hack and install the cias via software; I have but it's just personal preference. I have a modded o3ds xl and n3ds xl. Both of them don't really ha
DM won’t let me use persuasion
So I just started a new campaign with a new DM. We’ve only had a few sessions and it’s been pretty fun; some good puzzles, some interesting fights, cool world. I decided to create a charismatic bard character because I tend to prefer role play to combat, not that I avoid combat at all costs, but I just think it’s more fun to role play. Anyway, I’ve noticed something that’s started to get on my nerves a little. Every time I attempt to either convince someone to leave us alone, or push someone for more information, or trying to get us into a forbidden area, etc, the DM just straight up ignores me or says that it doesn’t work. Like what? I let it slide a couple times but after that I started pushing,asking ‘Can you at least let me roll for it?’ And they did a couple times, but I shouldn’t have to ask every bloody time! What’s the point in having dice if we’re not allowed to use them? What’s the point in playing a role playing game if we’re not allowed to role play? Sorry for the rant lol,
Making a car purchase decision - advice needed!
Quick few details about me - I am a teacher and 25 years old. I started working in September 2020 and have no real savings that I would be willing to put down on a car just yet, which probably rules out paying cash for a car. I have to drive ~40 minutes a day to work and so I really just need a car that can handle the motorway.   My current car is a 2012 Audi A1 on a HP contract, which is about to finish in June/July. Everything I've seen up to this point values it at ~£4,000 once the contract is over.   My 'dilemma' starts here - my initial plan was to buy a *new-ish* Mercedes A-Class (2019 onwards - I would be more than comfortable with a used car) for under £200 a month, and putting the entire value of my current car down as a deposit. However, I've been thinking this may not be the best decision. After looking around a little bit, it seems this monthly price of an A-Class seems to sit nearer £240 a month.   My question to this sub is what would you
[novels] What if Subaru killed Envy/Satella at the sanctuary?
Oh boy, apparently the anime cut some REALLY important parts from Subaru's encounter with Envy after revealing Echidna his RBD. I just found out that apparently in a novel (dont know if light or web) Subaru doesnt just immediately kill himself with the shard thing he got from Echidna to kill himself, but attacked her and because she was handling him with toddler gloves and not fighting back at all, Subaru was actually succeeding in the attack and was about to be able to kill her, until he saw she took Emilia's body and he then chose to kill himself. Suppose that killing her there would indeed had killed the witch for good and that somehow Emilia does not die in the process (maybe Satella with her last strenght heals Emilia so Subaru wont be alone or most of the damage is done to Satella's soul while the damage done to Emilia can be healed) and that it became known Subaru killed the witch. What would be the consequences of this? How would the Witch Cult react? What would be Subaru's s