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It took them long enough. And it goes against Catholic doctrine, for now.
I've always wondered why conservative Christians - both Catholic and Protestant - were always so intent on enforcing two or three Old Testament texts on homosexuality, but were happy to reject slavery even though there are far more extensive Biblical passages that permit it. | False | non-toxic |
Well now Murray can simply go for the bisexual vote too. After all, he likes men AND boys. | True | toxic |
He probably thoughthimself gay when he did not like women, but I doubt most gays would accept him (or any true asexual). | False | non-toxic |
What I have noticed is that people who make comments like this are usually closet case HOMOSEXUALS. | True | toxic |
Transgender soldiers can kill just as efficiently as straight soldiers. | False | non-toxic |
Psssst "Hearts": some of the youth you serve are gay. That's a fact.
Are you apologizing for not taking the money or for your bigotry toward gays?
Your bigotry has cost the children that you claim to want to help. I hope you all sleep well in your smug little beds, know that rejecting the tainted money will show those gay men who's who and that you want no part of their hedonistic lifestyle. | True | toxic |
Can we please have a heterosexual leader.
Would that be possible, or am I breaking all the taboos again.
I don't care if someone is gay or not.
I care that I am lead by someone is living the average life of most people, and views things as the majority would.
George Smitherman is responsible for all the Utility mess, and again, he is another gay person with an ego.
Enough of this already. | True | toxic |
Calling b s on that one wigandfakenose.
What you said is neither common sense, nor is it backed by any sort of evidence. Trans-gendered individuals have been in the military for some time and there is zero evidence to support your claim that they aren't accepted.
Oh, and also another inconvenient fact for you is that Trump's rationale for this decision appears to have had nothing to do with purported acceptance issues. You can read up on what he said if you choose to do so. | False | non-toxic |
Get behind Transgender, homosexuals, blacks, native indians, hispanics, Muslims,
Jews and defeat Trump | True | toxic |
Her or her partner's sexuality has absolutely nothing to do with this issue. Neither does gay marriage. Don't be so ridiculous. | True | toxic |
You...Police officer...
Get back in the closet!!!
Signed, the LGBT community. | False | non-toxic |
What about state right Donny Boy? That is what you said about transgender rights? This man is such a liar!! | True | toxic |
The gay community is the most oppressive organization out there and your comment reflects that! They allow NO DISSENT, yet this country is built on it. | True | toxic |
How about the teacher I once worked with that told a group of 6th graders that gays are all hell-bound pedophiles.
I bet you're OK with that, though. | True | toxic |
The greatest trick the devil ever pulled, was convincing the world he was just gay | True | toxic |
That's fair politics though because he IS in FACT opposed to choice and he is a homophobe. But here's my question for you, why would someone who is progressive (most Canadians) vote for a socon who promises he won't impose his extremist views when they can vote for someone who is pro-choice, supports women having reproductive rights and represents the party that legalized gay marriage. This is the real question. And look at the lineup behind Scheer... a doofus who promised to kill health transfers and force provinces to carry the entire health care burden and Kellie Leitch whose base is white supremacists. | True | toxic |
To all the gay white men railing against BLM, this is who agrees with you. Bigotry makes for strange bedfellows, I guess (and not the good kind.)
:) | False | non-toxic |
It won't stop till the dinosaurs in the Vatican change the Catholic Catechism. There are many stupid and untrue non biblical based things in there that were aimed to hate Gays and Lesbians. It is this that the bullying gets its fuel. | True | toxic |
Bravo! The democrats won't be happy until all of us are dis-armed and helplessly cowering face-down on the floor of a gay bar toilet. | True | toxic |
"But then we would also be publicly beheading drug addicts, along with adulterers, homosexuals and "sorcerers.""
Well, Richard, that's a leap. Is that true of Singapore? Would that be true of BC? Talk about about "your own petard." | True | toxic |
Just rough gay sex getting a little out of hand. | True | toxic |
Yeah....they have to wait....our Gov is busy with another type of refugees. Accepting gay men would offend the media darlings. | False | non-toxic |
Justin represents all the people Gays, transgenders, blacks, brown, chinese, Jews, Muslims, Native Indians, not like Trump who just represents white people and christians. Thats the inner beauty of Justin and the outer ugliness of Trump. | True | toxic |
None whatsoever. If anything, they've brought in a pile-driver and hard hats!
The decline of my party began with the aged unsolvable issues, abortion, gay rights, gun rights, religion, and some more I'm getting too old and tired to want to repeat. The party pursued the extreme viewpoints in effort to win the fringe groups over defined as those who want to impose their viewpoint on the general group.
The party has forgotten the general group has the ability to make up their own minds on those types of decisions.
So, along comes what should have been the most laughable candidate in history, but, instead he has the biggest laugh in history, disassembling the "Grand Old Party", and making fools of the mules who chose to put forward their own parade of what "should" be acceptable to a nation that can freely choose that themselves.
And, the result is now history for the party of history.
Nothing funnier than her saying it's misogyny. She won't accept she was the wrong candidate! | True | toxic |
Is LBB Barry back from his gay sex romp in the south seas yet? When he left Moochelle at home? | True | toxic |
You are raising a coward sissy boy. Give him to the father and let him learn how to fix your car, fix your house, etc. Let him play cops and robbers with his friends. Don't drag him to stupid BS event that will accomplish nothing other than possibly entering your son into the world of transgender. What a joke of a mother you are. Your husband should be ashamed of you, I would be. | True | toxic |
Lucas Frances, You made a mistake. You read past the title on a Wohlforth article about the oil industry or the economy. You wasted 2 minutes of your life reading illogical blather. And you wasted an hour writing this article. Wohlforth can write well about health care or down and out, gay, homeless gypsies. But his hatred towards the real world makes his diatribes on oil and the Alaskan economy not worth reading. Don't read his garbage. | True | toxic |
I'm going to call you as I see you regardless of what you want. You look like a man dressed as a woman it's going to be " hey man" and a woman dressed as a man is " hey ma'am". Not changing my ways for anybody, period. Feel free to call me whatever you like. I have thick skin and don't get butthurt over anything as dumb as pronouns. Don't like it, suck it up or don't converse with me. Saw a tranny the other day I could barely keep my composure without bursting out laughing let alone trying to have a conversation with them. | True | toxic |
You're lumping Milo Yiannopoulos with gay people, are you? Perhaps you're forgetting that he's also a Trump-supporting Republican who used to work at Breitbart and is universally despised by the gay community. He's part of your clan, not mine, or at least he was until he outgrew his useful idiot status on the right after he opened his big mouth one too many times and carried his juvenile shock routine a step too far. Then the right dumped him like a hot potato. | True | toxic |
Another gay-hating, self-righteous, Christian extremist child molester. Yep.. he'll win. He's a perfect representation of the current Republican party. | True | toxic |
Since the Roman Catholic Church does not recognize any same-sex marriages it basically consigns all gay people to a life of celibacy, not mere chastity. Your failure to acknowledge that reeks of smug disingenuousness. | False | non-toxic |
I am gay too so I can say you are quite fascist in your determination to eradicate the rights of others, ie, the right of the School Board to say no. Muslims teach their child far worse about gays and what to do with them. | True | toxic |
After the death of a feminist icon, I’m reminded of those who paved my path
Which ones are those?
The women subjugated like dogs by the Muslim religion?
The millions of mutilated Muslim girls and women who you never mention?
You seem to be locked in a time warp where the women who need help are left without a voice as you white trash lesbians rage against the mythical machine.
Instead of helping those that need it.
They are too small for you apparently
The war against the white male by the white and black feminists movement which infiltrated all walks of power and turned themselves into the bigots and racists we all despise?
All you have ever been is hateful white trash who see evil everywhere.
It is you not Trump who needs to be shamed.
You are hypocrites and sociopaths
Anyway rationalize away if you dare | True | toxic |
Right: If the bishops really believe that homosexuals are not suited to priesthood, then they must begin an immediate and transparent purge.
But of course they don't believe it, not for a nanosecond; and most of them -- especially the most militant among them -- would not survive the purge.
This is hypocrisy of the highest order. | True | toxic |
Sam Butt Bam Adams is goin down and this time it will be CRIMINAL.........NOW how are all those Gay Hotels and Spas and Bars lookin that you had your Executive Secretary reserve for you, and of course with TAXPAYER Money.................Excuse me, I gotta run to the toilet and PUKE.......... | False | non-toxic |
Have you heard Milo speak. He is a gay man whose likes black men. I don't agree with everything he says but I at least listen. | True | toxic |
Muslims hate gays and want them dead. Islam is the biggest threat to the LGBT folks on this planet. This is probably only the beginning of this sort of thing. | True | toxic |
Yes, let's end the insanity! No more trans people! No more boys kissing boys! No more rock n roll music! Let's get back to the good ol' days of the 1950s! | True | toxic |
the hypocracy of the LGBT... advocates at womens shelters and related organizations who refuse to accept trannies born as males. apparantly only the trannies born as females get their (our) financial and emotional support | True | toxic |
Oh yes we're just so nasty. Nasty women. Nasty men. Nasty lesbians and gays and transgendered persons. We're just nasty people. | True | toxic |
people line momen are ignorant to such facts on trump, the president said friday that he didnt care what and who you shared your bedroom with etc.. he is clearly not anti gay etc | False | non-toxic |
The murder of transgenders this year has been one of black men killing black transgenders. Great denial out there in GLBT and BLM community on this problem. | True | toxic |
What does the Church's TEACHING authority have to do with pedophilia? The "sex abuse problem" has nothing to do with "clerical control" other than the lavender mafia admitting far too many homosexuals into seminary. | True | toxic |
I can already name the homophobic commenters who will quickly make the leap from this one [alleged] rapist to all gay men, as though they would similarly indict all straight men because some men rape women. | True | toxic |
I don't need advice from a right wing Republican about whether I should socialize with right wing Republicans. Why doesn't he address himself to whether the Attorney General of the United States should be giving secret speeches to anti-gay hate groups? Presumably some on the right might actually be interested in his opinion about that. Trump isn't just a conservative, he's a criminal and a traitor. Anyone who supports him is either a fool or a scoundrel. If you support Trump, I don't need to find out which of those types you are before I tell you to take a hike. | True | toxic |
I find it hard to take this congresswoman clown serious, she looks like a transgendered cowboy/girl. What a joker! | True | toxic |
Yes Boss Coghill, we certainly don't want one of them there TRANNIES on our Equal Rights Commission. Next they'll want to let the negros, natives and maybe even a cripple on there!! Why before you know it, they're gonna wanna eat in the same restaurant as us and even use the same BATHROOM as us! Our whole society is just gonna go to hell in a hand basket!!
News flash Mr. Coghill ... IT'S 2017!!! Whether we are black or gay or native or female or hispanic or transgender or asian or handicapped or even white-anglo saxon-protestant-70 something-male we aren't looking for special rights ... just basic human rights. What better place to start than the EQUAL Rights Commission? | False | non-toxic |
"Bisexual." That is how homosexualists use labels to divert the discussion away from the issue.
Call it what you want, but engaging in homosexual acts - or any kind of behavior - is the issue and the sin. Again, there weren't more "gay" or "bisexual" men in Ancient Greece's pederast culture: they all learned how to engage in same-sex acts. | True | toxic |
We have the Proud-were not a frat-Boys on one side and on the other side the Blackshirts of the Hillary youth getting ready for a Bro down. Gay orgy to follow | True | toxic |
lesbians, hawaiian mahu's, pedophile and bishop priests; its all about pride! | True | toxic |
Crap? Is it because it's an old allegation, the so-called victim was just a minor, or that the alleged perpetrator is now gay? | True | toxic |
I fail to see what is so progressive about making fun of gays.... | False | non-toxic |
I don't know. Makes me feel a little oogie. A trans sexual marries an old hag princess. I should see butterflies and hear gay music but I don't. | True | toxic |
Got a love these jerks at the AUSCP.
How dare you, Pope Francis, attack Gay Priests and support the idea they are less worthy for priesthood. Don't you know that you should follow the Association of US Catholic Priests and only attack the human dignity of all women called to priesthood and equal ordination. Only women aren't really people. You might actually hurt men when you strip their souls by taking away their experience of equal sacredness by taking away a whole sacrament without any real reason. AUSCP only feels women are not harmed by their forced voicelessness in our church and sacramental slavery and that is what we stated to you Pope Francis in our letter just two years ago - please limit only women to deacons.
"A Statement released, by the 1,200-member Ohio-based organization charged that "the terms 'homosexual tendencies' and 'deep-seated homosexual tendencies' are ambiguous and disrespectful of the personhood of those who identify with a homosexual orientation." | True | toxic |
Abbott are you seriously this stupid? We the people in TX dislike you because you're insane, not because...Soros.
You're handicapped, would you like people to take your rights away? So why are you so intent on taking others away and trying to use scare tactics to bait the rest?
We know you hate the entire LGBTQ community, and you're infringing on their rights. We know you want to throw out all of the illegals in the state, even though they do much of the labor in cities and suburbs. And we know you are intent on making this state a haven for biggots, racists, homophobes and anyone else that loves to hate people as you do.
You just posed with a trans Female and had no idea. You want to force women across the South to give up healthcare, because the place can perform an abortion, but it is far and away not what it 'does.' Just as Pharmacies can give out plan B pills, that's not what they 'do.' Your rhetoric, your's ruining our state. Really Sir, Soros? It must be a bad hand. | True | toxic |
Wiliki, seriously, are you allergic to the truth? The Bible clearly says homosexuality is an abomination. | True | toxic |
My opinion is that you could hold a blacks only event, a gays only event, and a women only event and probably get away with it. But if you held a whites only event, a straights only event, or a men only event, you'd be in trouble. Some types of discrimination are more acceptable than others. Which leaves a lot of us feeling there's very much a double standard when it comes to discrimination, even though we're told that any type of discrimination is evil and against the law.
I'll admit I'm not interested in grabbing my pitchfork and torches and storming the theater.
But excluding men was discrimination and both the columnist and the men who objected to the discrimination had valid complaints. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. | False | non-toxic |
Transgendered bathrooms ? We pay for this madness ? | True | toxic |
You're stark raving mad. My mother is neither gay nor is she misogynistic. She's an 82 year-old life-long feminist who simply believes that people whose hairdos look like a football helmet have personalities that are equally rigid. She would say the same of Trent Lott's "tornado-proof hair" as Maureen Dowd (hardly a misogynist) once put it.
So you can take your homophobia and your misplaced rage and stick it where it belongs - up your wazoo! | True | toxic |
Mill's comment is just as true today as it was was when he first said it in 1866. There are intelligent conservatives. However, the vast majority of stupid people are conservatives.
When I wrote that conservatives are at least as hateful as liberals, you called it "childish" If you think that the hatred is coming from the left, then you have not been paying attention. Muslims are being attacked, gays are being attacked and it sure isn't the left that is doing those attacks. Racism is now rampant in the US, because Trump and his merrie men have told the racists that it's OK to show their racism.
Trump is a narcissist, a liar, a sexist, and a bigot. He knows little about the laws and history of the US, and cares less. This is not hatred, but the statement of demonstrated fact. | True | toxic |
".. Cardinal Burke is a homophobe ...."
Do you actually read what you post before you post it?"
Marty E, are you implying Burke isn't a homophobe? | False | non-toxic |
I am amused that people such as yourself think the proper response to the country progressing is to vote for a completely incompetent and inexperienced loudmouth racist like Trump as an act of defiance and racial resentment.
That somehow POC, liberals, gays, trans, women all somehow "deserve" a moron like Trump because they...well, what did they do, exactly? Fight for equality? Push back on unwarranted privileges of xtian white cis-gender men?
Very sad that the Trump base views this as some kind of zero sum game.
And are the GOP taking the long view here? Demographics are changing. | False | non-toxic |
This was not a Canon Law matter. This was the bishop being a sore loser on gay marriage by being rude to gay spouses and threatening to the priests who would minister to them. We saw the same kind of retaliatory nonsense when the Affordable Care Act passed and certain Bishops took retaliatory actions against sisters in Catholic Health who cleared the bill as not promoting abortion, which was correct, by the way. | True | toxic |
Heterosexuals do not have sex with juvenile males.
Gay pedophiles do. | True | toxic |
It is actually you on the right who are so filled with hate. Your hatred of Hillary crossed the line along with your hatred of the last president who actually balanced the federal budget. Sad that you phony conservatives are filled so much hate. When you are not hating the Clintons, you are hating gays for some reason.
I guess the biggest hypocrisy is that many of you profess to be Christians which is a joke. Jesus was about love not hate. No way any of you could really be Christian, just phony christian like being phony conservative. Shape up and start being real Chrisitans and real Conservatives. | False | non-toxic |
Clearly you don't see the irony in your response, 420. I have no hurt feelings, just rational thought. As for educating me... laughable at best, 420. I ask for proof, you give me some "definition" you simply googled, 420. Where's the proof of the majority, 420? And how does your copy/paste definition relate to your statement, 420? How does it relate to transgender individuals using a restroom, 420? Why are you not outraged by gay, lesbian, queer, bi folks going into the restroom? the locker room? the showers even! Oh my! PANIC, 420!!! You lack proper debate skills.
How about I educate you instead: Ignorance (Noun) The lack of knowledge or information, unenlightenment, lack of education, lack of intelligence, stupidity, foolishness, idiocy, incomprehension of, unawareness of, unconsciousness of, unfamiliarity with, inexperience with, lack of knowledge about, lack of information about; informal cluelessness about. You see where I'm going with this right? | True | toxic |
I maintain that Donald Trump doesn't really mean it when he denies the science behind the assertion that global warming is real and that it is man-made. We already know the man is a serial liar. I think he's lying about this because his real interest is in lining the pockets of his billionaire buddies in the oil and gas industry, and if he were to come right out and admit that it would be seen as too crass, even for him. So he lies and claims he doesn't believe the science, which sounds more legit.
What I don't get is all the "family values" people who are always the first to chime in with "but what about the children?" not caring about climate change now. It's clear to me as a gay person that "family values" only ever meant "no homo," but still, you'd think that conservatives really would care about the world they're leaving their children. The fact that they elected Trump tells me that they don't give a d*mn because we all knew Trump's plans before the election. Hypocrites all. | True | toxic |
I wish it were just plain old "homophobia" - that would be easier to expose, treat, and then move on from.
What we're talking about here is endemic hypocrisy, born of self-loathing and a celibate clerical sub-culture that lives in constant fear of the loss of its political hegemony over the rest of the church.
Most clerics allow their fear and shame to overwhelm themselves, convinced that their status and power in the Catholic community will be rejected out-of-hand by the people. That is why the Church and the great majority of priests and bishops are all balled-up in a twist over human sexuality. Celibacy was the price that far too many priest paid in exchange for entry into the ruling elite of the church.
Homophobia is just a screen or dodge that excuses the hierarchs from acknowledging the central truth of their lives.
Well, we're all taking notice ... | False | non-toxic |
So gays are saying that there are no sexual preditors within their group........ | False | non-toxic |
It's OK for the faggot because he's a liberal but we must fault Trump simply because he;s a conservative! Is that what you see as fair? | True | toxic |
A "Lesbians not welcome here" sign would not be illegal. Then if they patronize, give them lousy service. A baker, for instance could reluctantly bake a wedding cake for lesbians and accidentally spill a cup of cayenne pepper in the mix.
The bigger question is, why would lesbians patronize a business where their deviant lifechoice is reviled? They're just asking for a loogie on their cheeseburgers. | False | non-toxic |
gay probably poor also otherwise he could of moved on her like a bitch and grabbed her by the pussy | True | toxic |
Too many homosexuals in the priesthood. | True | toxic |
Quick question: How long did it take you to make up that bit homophobic nonsense? I'll bet it took a long time, even for an obvious queen like you. | True | toxic |
They ought to have a survey on which political party the transgenders affiliate with the most... Wouldn't that be a hoot???!!!! But I wouldn't be surprised with the result... As dragoninwater said, it is a mental disorder.... | False | non-toxic |
... now that they've accomplished alienation of gays and liberals, only makes sense. Pound sand boy scouts ... make your bed lay in it. | True | toxic |
We need to be vigilant and look out for radical islamic terrorism, the forced marriages, the forced genital mutilation, the misogamy, and if you are gay watch out as you will be thrown off a building. | True | toxic |
Gay marriage will never be approved by the Catholic Church, nor should it be. | True | toxic |
"We celebrate no morality through pushing gay rights" ?????!!!!!
Are you kidding me? What correlation does this have to any of the crime levels in Anchorage. Do we have a bunch of homosexuals running rampant with guns shooting up apartment blocks? What a sad, narrow-minded and bitter viewpoint you must have to add that in to your comment. Someone's personal sexual preference is of no concern of yours or anyone else but them and is THE LEAST of the problems this country has. SMDH! | False | non-toxic |
The military is being the freaks that the "Hoodrat" let in.......transgender freaks of nature. | True | toxic |
Canadian communists want to regulate and kill the only growth industry in the entire country. Canada used to be a world-wide shining example of free market principles and wealth creation. Now it is a quasi-Muslim, socialist hell hole run by ignorant pampered metrosexuals and hostile lesbians that are Kryptonite to investment. | True | toxic |
Being gay, I am fully aware that many Muslims consider my death by them is be a blessing upon me. | True | toxic |
Women are on strike? I'm gay so who cares. | False | non-toxic |
This has to be the most ridiculous thing I've heard...are you kidding me? Being Gay is absolutely a choice...nice try | True | toxic |
wrong! the constitution is the ultimate law period. there is no higher bench mark. and it is the intelligence of the court to decide if any such applies, gay issue or not. i dont care if the founders did not think about gays, the rules apply. you dont like the rules because of changes in society get off your butt and get a constitutional amendment | True | toxic |
You have vehemently condemned sexual acts between members of the same sex.
And that "gay" encompasses "sodomy" is YOUR interpretation. It is not the interpretation of actual gays. | True | toxic |
Using your logic, gays should have nothing to say about contraception. | True | toxic |
Are you one of those who says "Love your neighbor as yourself, unless, of course, your neighbor is gay. That neighbor you should hate and fear as 'intrinsically disordered'". | True | toxic |
Great. A homeless pervert is watching gay porn, so the librarian gives him a laptop - which he can take to a bathroom stall. Then a little kid enters the bathroom ... | True | toxic |
see how smart canadians are! in the 70s on yonge street homosexuals took a shoe shine kid and killed him and put him on a roof top. maybe raped as well? i have no prob with homosexuals but after this there was the crack down. done son | True | toxic |
Gay men tend to work & pay taxes too. But we don't want those sorts here. | True | toxic |
Who is generating the moral standards of what constitutes rape? Lesbians? To them all heterosexual sex is rape. It is part of gender studies every young heterosexual girl takes from high school to university: sex with men is rape because of the alleged power in balance. | True | toxic |
The UCP think that good economic policy means cutting taxes for the rich and the corporations, gutting funding for health care and education and letting roads crumble. Apparently there is supposed to be a trickle down effect from the rich to the poor. This policy was practiced by the PCs for 40 years and it left the province in a shambles. This trickle down policy has never worked in Alberta or anywhere else in the world. All it results in is the rich getting richer and taking the money elsewhere. Jason Kenney should shut his pie hole and go back to where he came from. We don't need any more of this nonsense. Nor do we need any medieval policies regarding gay people burning in a lake of fire. | True | toxic |
Sure, all newborns weight the pros and cons, and then make conscious decisions on their sexuality.
Don't you realize how ridiculous that sounds? What you mean is that you were born heterosexual just as those you judge so harshly are born as homosexuals. | False | non-toxic |
this is all starting to make sense now. amy demboski is a gay terrorist. | True | toxic |
Nope. We have public accommodation laws for a reason. As a conservative small business owner I understand that it is not a matter of "you can go elsewhere" it is a matter of not being discriminated against when nothing you are requesting is illegal or indecent. Mr. Phillips refused service based on his opinion that gay marriage is indecent- think how far that could go in terms of law abiding citizens being discriminated against on the whims and biases of businesses? It is not acceptable. If he wants to open a "cake club" where he only serves members that align with his beliefs, he may do that and incur the costs associated with it. Otherwise, he must provide the same services to all, especially protected classes. And that is not just my legal opinion, it is also my personal opinion. I have supported same sex rights all my life, that is where I differ from many (but not all by a long shot) Republicans. Many peers agree or Cruz would have been the candidate. | False | non-toxic |
What Pride would that be. Being left handed, having blue eyes, being gay? What is their to be proud or ashamed of. | True | toxic |
Most people who are fixated on how you have "sex" with another female your "wife" Suzy are the religious nuts. When I see a couple hetro or gay the last thing I would ever image in my mind is how they do the deed. I find that gay couples now legally can be welcomed into marriage by law but they get stuck with the same things that the hetro couples take for granted such as fighting, infidelity, domestic violence and divorce court. The gays fought a heard battle to have the same rights as hetros, but in reality they get all the crap that comes with the "sacred" institution of marriage that comes with it and some want to take that away from them? LOL | True | toxic |
There is no law that says gays are not protected, so there is no law to override Colorado law.
That is why it is going to the scotus. | False | non-toxic |
Philosophically, Islam and The Third Reich are very much akin: both want to exterminate Jews, homosexuals and all who disagree with them; women are little more than baby factories and they want to take over the world. They are the same to me, but one is considered a force for good for humanity and the other is not. | True | toxic |
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