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Named after its inventor, what is the signal lamp used to transmit Morse Code, devised in the late 1800s and still used today on naval ships? | Electric Telegraph - The Full Wiki The Full Wiki More info on Electric Telegraph Wikis Electric Telegraph: Wikis Advertisements Note: Many of our articles have direct quotes from sources you can cite, within the Wikipedia article! This article doesn't yet, but we're working on it! See more info or our list of citable articles . Related top topics From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia "Telegraph" and "Telegram" redirect here. For other uses, see Telegraph (disambiguation) and Telegram (disambiguation) . This article is about telegraphy in general. For the Electrical telegraph, see Electrical telegraph . Claude Chappe 's optical telegraph on the Litermont near Nalbach , Germany Telegraphy is the long-distance transmission of written messages without physical transport of letters. It is a compound term formed from the Greek words tele (τηλε) = far and graphein (γραφειν) = write. Radiotelegraphy or wireless telegraphy transmits messages using radio . Telegraphy includes recent forms of data transmission such as fax , email , telephone networks , and computer networks in general.[citation needed] Contents 15 External links Terminology A telegraph is a device for transmitting and receiving messages over long distances, i.e., for telegraphy. The word telegraph alone now generally refers to an electrical telegraph . Wireless telegraphy is also known as "CW", for continuous wave (a carrier modulated by on-off keying), as opposed to the earlier radio technique of using a spark gap .[citation needed] A telegraph message sent by an electrical telegraph operator or telegrapher using Morse code (or a printing telegraph operator using plain text) was known as a telegram [1] . A cablegram was a message sent by a submarine telegraph cable [2] [3] , often shortened to a cable or a wire. Later, a Telex message was a telegram sent by a Telex network, a switched network of teleprinters similar to a telephone network. Before long distance telephone services were readily available or affordable, telegram services were very popular and the only way to convey information speedily over very long distances. Telegrams were often used to confirm business dealings and were commonly used to create binding legal documents for business dealings. [4] A wire picture or wire photo was a newspaper picture that was sent from a remote location by a facsimile telegraph . The teleostereograph machine, a forerunner to the modern electronic fax, was developed by AT&T's Bell Labs in the 1920s; however, the first commercial use of image facsimile telegraph devices date back to the 1800s. Optical telegraph Main articles: Semaphore line (visual telegraphy using signal arms or shutters), Flag semaphore (using hand-held flags), Signal lamp (visual naval communications) and Heliograph (visual communications using reflected sunlight) Construction schematic of a Prussian optical telegraph (or semaphore ) tower, C. 1835 The first telegraphs came in the form of optical telegraphs , including the use of smoke signals , beacons or reflected light , which have existed since ancient times. A semaphore network invented by Claude Chappe operated in France from 1792 through 1846. [5] It helped Napoleon enough to be widely imitated in Europe and the U.S. The Prussian system was put into effect in the 1830s. The last commercial semaphore link ceased operation in Sweden in 1880. Semaphores were able to convey information more precisely than smoke signals and beacons, and consumed no fuel. Messages could be sent at much greater speed than post riders and could serve entire regions. However, like beacons, smoke and reflected light signals they were highly dependent on good weather and daylight to work (practical electrical lighting was not available until about 1880). They required operators and towers every 30 km (20 mi), and could only accommodate about two words per minute. This was useful to governments, but too expensive for most commercial uses other than commodity price information. Electric telegraphs were to reduce the cost of sending a message thirtyfold compared to semapho | Lewis to end in way Inspector Morse bowed out - Mirror Online Lewis: James Hathaway quits over a pint Share Get celebs updates directly to your inbox + Subscribe Thank you for subscribing! Could not subscribe, try again laterInvalid Email TV cop Lewis sips a final pint with his sergeant by the Thames in a poignant reflection of predecessor Morse’s farewell. It comes in the last scene of hit ITV detective show Lewis, when DS James Hathaway, played by Laurence Fox, announces he is leaving the force. The episode features a replica of Morse’s last scenes in 2000, when Lewis (Kevin Whately) nursed an orange juice as his boss, played by John Thaw, broke the news he was quitting. And it goes on air almost 11 years to the day since the much-loved Sweeney actor died of cancer, aged 60. Morse set up Lewis as a spin-off and it has been on TV for over six years, pulling in up to 11 million viewers. One source said: “The ending is a beautiful and brilliant nod to the past and to where Lewis came from.” Both actors in the lead roles, Fox and Whately, have hinted this will be the last series. And the decision to walk away from the show was taken by them jointly. Morse code: Final scene is tinged with sadness Whately said earlier this month: “I think we need a break. “We said to ITV last November that we’d like to stop. They said, ‘We’re not killing you’. So this series comes to a kind of stop.” The door is open for a comeback and there are vague plans for some episodes to be filmed in 2014. In the meantime Fox is moving to America with wife Billie Piper and their two sons for a crack at Hollywood. The last episode of Lewis airs on ITV1 on February 11 at 9pm. Like us on Facebook Most Read Most Recent Most Read Most Recent |
What was the name of the character played by Michael J Fox in the Back To The Future series of films | Back to the Future: a timeline of Michael J Fox’s career Back to the Future: a timeline of Michael J Fox’s career Feature Actor and activist: Michael J Fox is an exceptional man as well as an exceptional entertainer Credit: Rex/Everett Collection / Rex Feature 21 October 2015 • 9:54am On Back to the Future Day, we time-travel through Michael J Fox’s inspirational life Thirty years since the beginning of the franchise, we’ve finally made it back to the future . Today is Back To The Future Day – the date that Michael J Fox’s character Marty McFly time-travelled to from 1989 in Back to the Future Part II. The series of films cemented his reputation for comedy acting in American sitcoms, and after he would continue to bring light to the big and the small screens. But in 1991, only two years after the second Back To The Future film and when he was at the top of his game, lightning stuck his own life as he was diagnosed with the degenerative Parkinson’s disease. He hid it for years, but this marked him out for a different future: that of an inspiring man as well as an inspiring entertainer. We travel back through the actor and activist’s history. 1961: Michael Andrew Fox is born On June 9, 1961, six years after Marty McFly’s parents are supposed to meet in Back to the Future, Michael J Fox is born in Canada to a police officer and an actress. His father’s career meant that the family spent time moving around the country, eventually settling in Vancouver in 1971. Michael Andrew Fox was born in 1961, six years after Marty McFly’s parents are supposed to meet in Back to the Future Credit: Rex/Universal/Everett / Rex Features 1976: Fox acts in Canadian sitcom Leo and Me Fox got his first big acting role when he was just 15 in the sitcom Leo and Me, playing the 12-year-old nephew and charge of Brent Carver’s character Leo: a gambler who takes Fox’s character Jamie to live with him on a yacht he won at poker. It was released on CBC five years later. An investigation into the conditions of filming were launched in 2002 when it was noted that four of the sitcom’s cast and crew, including Fox and director Don S Williams, developed Parkinson’s disease in later life. 1979: American debut and becomes known as Michael J Fox After Leo and Me aired Fox moved to Los Angeles and came to the attention of producer Ronald Shedlo, who cast him in a television movie called Letters From Frank, in which he starred alongside Oscar-winning actress Maureen Stapleton. His feature film debut was in 1980’s Midnight Madness. Seeming to foreshadow Back to the Future, he acted in a futuristic film in 1981 called Class of 1984. When wishing to register the name Michael Fox with the Screen Actors Guild, he realised the name was already taken by another actor, so chose the name Michael J Fox. 1982: Family Ties and television popularity Michael J Fox as part of the Keaton family in Family Ties Credit: NBC Fox became a household name when he played Alex Keaton, a young entrepreneur and wannabe Republican politician during the Reagan presidency in the NBC sitcom Family Ties, which ran for seven seasons between 1982 and 1989. Originally intended to focus on the hippy parents of Fox and his Conservative siblings, the show moved to focus on his own character due to Fox’s popularity with audiences. It also won him three consecutive Emmy awards in the category of Lead Actor in a Comedy Series. In a twist of fate that mirrors the casting of now Emmy Award-winning actor Bryan Cranston in AMC’s Breaking Bad, Fox got the part of Alex Keaton because Matthew Broderick didn’t take it. 1985: Back to the Future and fame The film’s director Robert Zemeckis wanted Fox to play the part of Marty McFly – the time-travelling teenager of the Back to the Future trilogy – from the very beginning. Though Eric Stoltz was originally cast to play the role, and the producer of Family Ties was reluctant to let him join the film’s cast, Fox eventually took the part, shooting the film after his contracted hours for Family Ties rehearsals during the day. It earned $381 million in the box office a | Henry Rubin: Paranoia in Science Fiction Films of the 1950’s Paranoia in Science Fiction Films of the 1950’s Paranoia in Science Fiction Films of the 1950’s The appealing nature of Science Fiction Films is their ability to use scientific possibilities and radical social arguments to convey their controversial narratives. Richard Hodgens believes some of the most original and thoughtful contemporary fiction has been represented in the Science Fiction film genre (Hodgens 30). So in a broader sense any style, vision or mood can be conveyed within the limitless boundaries of the Science Fiction narrative, especially during the 1950’s in US cinema. This belief is also echoed by Peter Nicholls who argues science fiction was deemed socially insignificant and could play host to political criticism of a kind which might elsewhere have attracted attention of Joseph McCarthy and his Un-American Activities Committee (Clute). Dr. Miles J. Bennell (Kevin McCarthy) is the panicked stricken physician in Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956). Dr. Bennell in the trailer looks into the camera and screams in desperation “They’re here already! You're next! You're next, you're next!” (Invasion of the Body Snatchers Trailer). This line of dialogue from the trailer of Don Siegel’s classic Science Fiction “B” movie sums up the fear and paranoia represented in Hollywood’s Science Fictions films of the 1950’s. These films allowed Hollywood to explore the pervasive anxiety caused by Cold War politics; these films target the ambivalence towards America’s creation of the very weapons that helped catapult the United Sates into superpower status as well as the generalized fear of nuclear proliferation. The Soviet Union extended its control across the continent of Central Europe in 1945. Winston Churchill sent a top-secret telegram to President Truman on May 12, 1945, and he confided with Truman of his uncertainty of what was going on behind the Soviet Union’s Iron Curtain (Churchill 1). The telegram was the first time the Prime Minister of England used his now famous term “Iron Curtain” and may have been the original seed of paranoia which ended up sweeping through the United States as the threat of communism grew under the leadership of Joseph Stalin. As the director and principal scientist of the Manhattan Project at the Los Alamos research lab in Alamogordo, New Mexico, J. Robert Oppenheimer witnessed the first explosion of the atomic bomb in the New Mexico desert. "We knew the world would not be the same" (A Science Odyssey). A collective paranoia was triggered in 1945 and would expand during the 1950’s starting with the end of World War II and the bombings of Nagasaki and Hiroshima. With the threat of nuclear weaponry and radiation, Hollywood recognized and capitalized on this postwar “atomic age” anxiety. In The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951), Michael Rennie stars as Klaatu, an alien from a distant planet whose spaceship lands on a baseball diamond in Washington D.C. Klaatu wishes to meet the representatives of earth to deliver a vital message, warning the citizens the dangers of atomic technology. “It is no concern of ours how you run your own planet, but if you threaten to extend your violence, this Earth of yours will be reduced to a burned-out cinder your present We shall be waiting for your answer. The decision rests with you” (The Day the Earth Stood Still). The warning is a similar approach the United States took in cautioning the Japanese during the last days of the war. The United States military dropped leaflets on the Japanese people after the atomic bombing of Hiroshima warning the populace the United States was in possession of the most destructive force ever devised by man (American Experience). In addition, the leaflets encouraged the Japanese to evacuate their cities before the second bomb was dropped, even though they had little chance to escape or surrender. In this chilling spectacle of art imitates life, both invaders intended to warn the populations about the looming dangers through fear and paranoia which jolted the peo |
In which year did Richard Nixon resign as US President? | Richard M. Nixon | whitehouse.gov Air Force One Richard M. Nixon Richard Nixon was elected the 37th President of the United States (1969-1974) after previously serving as a U.S. Representative and a U.S. Senator from California. After successfully ending American fighting in Vietnam and improving international relations with the U.S.S.R. and China, he became the only President to ever resign the office, as a result of the Watergate scandal. Reconciliation was the first goal set by President Richard M. Nixon. The Nation was painfully divided, with turbulence in the cities and war overseas. During his Presidency, Nixon succeeded in ending American fighting in Viet Nam and improving relations with the U.S.S.R. and China. But the Watergate scandal brought fresh divisions to the country and ultimately led to his resignation. His election in 1968 had climaxed a career unusual on two counts: his early success and his comeback after being defeated for President in 1960 and for Governor of California in 1962. Born in California in 1913, Nixon had a brilliant record at Whittier College and Duke University Law School before beginning the practice of law. In 1940, he married Patricia Ryan; they had two daughters, Patricia (Tricia) and Julie. During World War II, Nixon served as a Navy lieutenant commander in the Pacific. On leaving the service, he was elected to Congress from his California district. In 1950, he won a Senate seat. Two years later, General Eisenhower selected Nixon, age 39, to be his running mate. As Vice President, Nixon took on major duties in the Eisenhower Administration. Nominated for President by acclamation in 1960, he lost by a narrow margin to John F. Kennedy. In 1968, he again won his party's nomination, and went on to defeat Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey and third-party candidate George C. Wallace. His accomplishments while in office included revenue sharing, the end of the draft, new anticrime laws, and a broad environmental program. As he had promised, he appointed Justices of conservative philosophy to the Supreme Court. One of the most dramatic events of his first term occurred in 1969, when American astronauts made the first moon landing. Some of his most acclaimed achievements came in his quest for world stability. During visits in 1972 to Beijing and Moscow, he reduced tensions with China and the U.S.S.R. His summit meetings with Russian leader Leonid I. Brezhnev produced a treaty to limit strategic nuclear weapons. In January 1973, he announced an accord with North Viet Nam to end American involvement in Indochina. In 1974, his Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger, negotiated disengagement agreements between Israel and its opponents, Egypt and Syria. In his 1972 bid for office, Nixon defeated Democratic candidate George McGovern by one of the widest margins on record. Within a few months, his administration was embattled over the so-called "Watergate" scandal, stemming from a break-in at the offices of the Democratic National Committee during the 1972 campaign. The break-in was traced to officials of the Committee to Re-elect the President. A number of administration officials resigned; some were later convicted of offenses connected with efforts to cover up the affair. Nixon denied any personal involvement, but the courts forced him to yield tape recordings which indicated that he had, in fact, tried to divert the investigation. As a result of unrelated scandals in Maryland, Vice President Spiro T. Agnew resigned in 1973. Nixon nominated, and Congress approved, House Minority Leader Gerald R. Ford as Vice President. Faced with what seemed almost certain impeachment, Nixon announced on August 8, 1974, that he would resign the next day to begin "that process of healing which is so desperately needed in America." In his last years, Nixon gained praise as an elder statesman. By the time of his death on April 22, 1994, he had written numerous books on his experiences in public life and on foreign policy. The Presidential biographies on WhiteHouse.gov are from “The Presidents of the United States of | Promote Your Page Too Hello Neil and Buzz, I am talking to you by telephone from the Oval Room at the White House, and this certainly has to be the most historic telephone call ever made from the White House. I just can't tell you how proud we all are of what you have done. For every American this has to be the proudest day of our lives, and for people all over the world I am sure that they, too, join with Americans in recognizing what an immense feat this is. Because of what you have done the heavens have become a part of man's world, and as you talk to us from the Sea of Tranquility, it inspires us to redouble our efforts to bring peace and tranquility to earth. For one priceless moment in the whole history of man all the people on this earth are truly one--one in their pride in what you have done and one in our prayers that you will return safely to earth. ASTRONAUT ARMSTRONG. Thank you, Mr. President. It is a great honor and privilege for us to be here representing not only the United States, but men of peaceable nations, men with an interest and a curiosity, and men with a vision for the future. It is an honor for us to be able to participate here today. THE PRESIDENT. Thank you very much, and I look forward, all of us look forward, to seeing you on the Hornet on Thursday. ASTRONAUT ARMSTRONG. Thank you. We look forward to that very much, sir. Note: The President spoke at 11:49 p.m. in the Oval Room at the White House with Apollo 11 astronauts Neil A. Armstrong and Col. Edwin E. (Buzz) Aldrin, Jr., at Tranquility Base on the moon. On July 21, 1969, the White House Press Office released the text of the news briefing of Col. Frank Borman, Press Secretary Ronald L. Ziegler, and others concerning the Apollo 11 mission. Citation: Richard Nixon: "Telephone Conversation With the Apollo 11 Astronauts on the Moon," July 20, 1969. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project. http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/?pid=2133. |
The Ao dai is the traditional dress of women in which Asian country? | Ao dai - Vietnamese traditional dress - YouTube Ao dai - Vietnamese traditional dress Want to watch this again later? Sign in to add this video to a playlist. Need to report the video? Sign in to report inappropriate content. Rating is available when the video has been rented. This feature is not available right now. Please try again later. Uploaded on Jul 8, 2009 Simple, yet charming, graceful and elegant, áo dài was designed to praise the slender beauty of Vietnamese women. The dress is a genius combination of ancient and modern. It shows every curve on the girl's body, creating sexiness for the wearer, yet it still preserves the traditional feminine grace of Vietnamese women with its charming flowing flaps. The simplicity of áo dài makes it convenient and practical, something that other Asian traditional clothes lack. The waist-length slits of the flaps allow every movement of the legs: walking, running, riding a bicycle, climbing a tree, doing high kicks. The looseness of the pants allows comfortability. As a girl walks in áo dài, the movements of the flaps make it seem like she's not walking but floating in the air. This breath-taking beautiful image of a Vietnamese girl walking in áo dài has been an inspiration for generations of Vietnamese poets, novelists, artists and has left a deep impression for every foreigner who has visited the country. Category | Fri, 20 Jan 2017 11:26:19 +0100 <![CDATA[Royal Government of Cambodia honors FAO efforts on country natural resource protection ]]> http://www.fao.org/asiapacific/news/detail-events/en/c/461617/ Tue, 20 Dec 2016 00:00:00 GMT <![CDATA[Investing in agricultural science and technology critical to achieving zero hunger by 2030]]> http://www.fao.org/asiapacific/news/detail-events/en/c/459765/ Tue, 13 Dec 2016 00:00:00 GMT http://www.fao.org/asiapacific/news/detail-events/en/c/459218/ http://www.fao.org/asiapacific/news/detail-events/en/c/459218/ Fri, 09 Dec 2016 00:00:00 GMT <![CDATA[UN FAO warns progress to defeat hunger is slowing in Asia-Pacific while obesity is on the rise as diets change]]> http://www.fao.org/asiapacific/news/detail-events/en/c/456840/ Tue, 06 Dec 2016 00:00:00 GMT http://www.fao.org/asiapacific/news/detail-events/en/c/455520/ Tue, 29 Nov 2016 00:00:00 GMT <![CDATA[Mongolia and FAO set sights on South-South Cooperation to boost agricultural development]]> http://www.fao.org/asiapacific/news/detail-events/en/c/455526/ Mon, 28 Nov 2016 00:00:00 GMT <![CDATA[Countries in Asia-Pacific race against the clock to overcome antimicrobial resistance (AMR)]]> http://www.fao.org/asiapacific/news/detail-events/en/c/452191/ http://www.fao.org/asiapacific/news/detail-events/en/c/452191/ Mon, 14 Nov 2016 00:00:00 GMT <![CDATA[ASEAN Member States to present a united voice at COP22 on shared vision to adapt agriculture to climate change]]> http://www.fao.org/asiapacific/news/detail-events/en/c/451030/ Tue, 08 Nov 2016 00:00:00 GMT <![CDATA[Making every drop count: Rethinking irrigation for global food security ]]> http://www.fao.org/asiapacific/news/detail-events/en/c/450377/ Sun, 06 Nov 2016 00:00:00 GMT <![CDATA[Join the antimicrobial resistance pledge]]> http://www.fao.org/asiapacific/news/detail-events/en/c/449850/ http://www.fao.org/asiapacific/news/detail-events/en/c/449850/ Mon, 31 Oct 2016 00:00:00 GMT <![CDATA[FAO and partners help Asia's family farmers access global markets through the Geographical Indications initiative]]> http://www.fao.org/asiapacific/news/detail-events/en/c/449710/ Fri, 28 Oct 2016 00:00:00 GMT <![CDATA[Thai Princess agrees to represent UN FAO as Special Ambassador for Zero Hunger]]> http://www.fao.org/asiapacific/news/detail-events/en/c/447299/ Mon, 17 Oct 2016 00:00:00 GMT http://www.fao.org/asiapacific/news/detail-events/en/c/447376/ Mon, 17 Oct 2016 00:00:00 GMT <![CDATA[World Food Day 2016: Announcement of UN FAO Special Ambassador for Zero Hunger]]> http://www.fao.org/asiapacific/news/detail-events/en/c/446143/ http://www.fao.org/asiapacific/news/detail-events/en/c/446143/ Tue, 11 Oct 2016 00:00:00 GMT <![CDATA[FAO supports ASEAN initiative in the establishment of a Coordinating Centre for Animal Health and Zoonoses ]]> http://www.fao.org/asiapacific/news/detail-events/en/c/445508/ Fri, 07 Oct 2016 00:00:00 GMT <![CDATA[FAO Director-General awarded for outstanding contributions to rural development, food security and agriculture]]> http://www.fao.org/asiapacific/news/detail-events/en/c/445635/ Thu, 06 Oct 2016 00:00:00 GMT <![CDATA[BRICS well placed to lead agricultural reforms to improve nutrition and rural livelihoods ]]> http://www.fao.org/asiapacific/news/detail-events/en/c/435391/ Fri, 23 Sep 2016 00:00:00 GMT <![CDATA[New round of agricultural censuses in Asia is key to achieving SDGs]]> http://www.fao.org/asiapacific/news/detail-events/en/c/434059/ Mon, 19 Sep 2016 00:00:00 GMT <![CDATA[Indonesia to issue first license certifying legal timber entering Europe]]> http://www.fao.org/asiapacific/news/detail-events/en/c/433643/ Thu, 15 Sep 2016 00:00:00 GMT <![CDATA[FAO and India's SEWA join efforts to empower rural women and youth]]> http://www.fao.org/asiapacific/news/detail-events/en/c/433146/ Tue, 13 Sep 2016 00:00:00 GMT <![CDATA[Global Harvest prospects improve for maize, wheat and rice crop output]]> http://www.fao.org/asiapacific/news/detail-events/en/c/432206/ Fri, 09 Sep 2016 00:00:00 GMT <![CDATA[China hosts international symposium on Agroecology to advance work on SDGs ] |
The Estadio de Maracana football stadium is in which country? | Maracanã - Estádio Jornalista Mário Filho: the stadiums for the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil - FIFA.com Listen Built for the 1950 FIFA World Cup Brazil™, the Estadio Jornalista Mario Filho, better known as the Maracana, provided the venue for that year’s truly memorable decider between the host nation and Uruguay, one of the most dramatic chapters in the history of the competition. The Rio de Janeiro stadium will be in the limelight once again at Brazil 2014, hosting seven games in all, more than any other venue. Among those matches will be the Final on 13 July. Once the largest stadium in the world, packing in crowds of up to 200,000 – among the highest attendances ever seen in the history of the game – the Maracana now has a reduced capacity of 74,738 for Brazil 2014. It remains, nevertheless, the country’s biggest football ground. Respecting the original layout of the stadium, the project for its refurbishment included the demolition of the lower ring of seats, the construction of a new ring offering improved visibility, the expansion of the access ramps and the replacement of all seating. The stadium is also be fitted with a new roof complete with a rainwater collection system. The facade, which has been listed by the National Institute of Historical and Artistic Heritage, remains untouched. Rio’s second most popular tourist attraction, the Maracana continued to attract football fans from all over the world, even as it underwent renovation. Visitors to the stadium could watch work unfold from the Torre de Vidro (Glass Tower), built especially for the occasion, and could even take a piece of the old stadium away with them as a souvenir. | Latin America: Honduras and El Salvador Football War 21,000 men Conflict Summary: During the early decades of the 20th century, thousands of Salvadorans migrated from their home country of El Salvador into neighboring Honduras. This was largely due to an oppressive government and the lure of cheap land. By 1969, approximately 350,000 Salvadorans were residing across the border. During the 1960s, their situation began to degrade as the government of General Oswaldo Lopez Arellano attempted to remain in power. In 1966, the large land owners in Honduras formed the National Federation of Farmers and Livestock-Farmers of Honduras with the goal of protecting their interests. Pressuring the Arellano government, this group succeeded in launching a government propaganda campaign aimed at advancing their cause. This campaign had the secondary effect of boosting Honduran nationalism among the populace. Flush with national pride, Hondurans began attacking Salvadoran immigrants and inflicting beatings, torture, and, in some cases, murder. In early 1969, tensions increased further with the passage of a land reform act in Honduras. This legislation confiscated land from Salvadoran immigrants and redistributed it among native-born Hondurans. Stripped of their land, immigrant Salvadorans were forced to return to El Salvador. As tensions grew on both sides of the border, El Salvador began claiming the land taken from Salvadoran immigrants as its own. With the media in both nations inflaming the situation, the two countries met in a series of qualifying matches for the 1970 FIFA World Cup that June. The first game was played on June 6 in Tegucigalpa and resulted in a 1-0 Honduran victory. This was followed on June 15 by a game in San Salvador which El Salvador won 3-0. Both games were surrounded by riot conditions and open displays of extreme national pride. The actions of the fans at the matches ultimately gave name to the conflict that would occur in July. On June 26, the day before the deciding match was played in Mexico (won 3-2 by El Salvador), El Salvador announced that it was severing diplomatic relations with Honduras. The government justified this action by stating that Honduras had taken no action to punish those who had committed crimes against Salvadoran immigrants. As a result, the border between the two countries was locked down and border skirmishes began on a regular basis. Anticipating that a conflict was likely, both governments had been actively increasing their militaries. Blocked by a US arms embargo from directly purchasing weapons, they sought alternative means of acquiring equipment. This included purchasing World War II vintage fighters, such as F4U Corsairs and P-51 Mustangs , from private owners. As a result, the Football War was the last conflict to feature piston-engine fighters dueling one another. Early on the morning of July 14, the Salvadoran air force began striking targets in Honduras. This was in conjunction with a major ground offensive which centered on the main road between the two countries. Salvadoran troops also moved against several Honduran islands in the Golfo de Fonseca. Though meeting opposition from the smaller Honduran army, the Salvadoran troops advanced steadily and captured the departmental capital of Nueva Ocotepeque. In the skies, the Hondurans fair better as their pilots quickly destroyed much of the Salvadoran air force. Striking across the border, Honduran aircraft hit Salvadoran oil facilities and depots disrupting the flow of supplies to the front. With their logistical network badly damaged, the Salvadoran offensive began to bog down and came to a halt. On July 15, the Organization of American States met in an emergency session and demanded that El Salvador withdraw from Honduras. The government in San Salvador refused unless promised that reparations would be made to those Salvadorans who were displaced and that those who remained in Honduras would not be harmed. Working diligently, the OAS was able to arrange a ceasefire on July 18 which took effect two days later. Still unsatis |
With only one chapter, which is the shortest book in the Old Testament? | The 5 Shortest Books of the Bible, in Order The 5 shortest books of the Bible, in order by Jeffrey Kranz | Jan 17, 2016 | Bible facts | 8 comments What’s the shortest book of the Bible? (Spoiler alert: it’s 3 John, and I’ll explain why later.) The Bible is a pretty long book , and that might give the impression that every book of the Bible is long, too. But good news! Not every book of the Bible is so long. It has some tiny documents in it. In fact, the shortest books of the Bible are shorter than this blog post. The shortest books of the Bible Here are the five shortest books of the Bible, beginning with the very shortest. These measurements are by words in the original languages. Each of these books is only one chapter long, and would take you a few minutes to read, tops: Jude (461 words) I got these word counts using Word Lists in Logos Bible Software . Again, these aren’t listed by English word count: this is from the underlying Greek and Hebrew. “That’s a lot of work, dude! Why not just count the verses?” Because verses vary in length, and with such brief books, it’s best not to risk it. And if we were going by verse count, we’d be dealing with a different ordered list. Philemon has more verses than Obadiah (the shortest book in the Old Testament), but fewer words. Second John has fewer verses than Third John, but more words. If we were going by verse count, we’d still know the shortest books of the Bible, but we’d have them out of order. Contrast that with the longest books Here’s an infographic comparing the shortest books of the Bible to the longest books of the Bible . Read these books front-to-back One of the best habits to form when studying the Bible is to read the entire book you’re working with in one sitting. It’s certainly helped me with this project . If you’re setting out to study a book of the Bible, it’s best to try reading the entire book at once. Andy Naselli just wrote a nice bit on this at the Desiring God blog: Have you ever read the Gospel according the Matthew straight through in one sitting? Or Romans ? Or Job ? Or Revelation ? If not, you’re missing out. That’s the way they’re meant to be read. He’s right. The Bible’s made up of letters and stories and oracles, but we tend to treat it more like a reference guide. Maybe that’s because the Bible’s so big—really, where are you going to find the time to read 150 Psalms? Reading entire books of the Bible at once can be a tough habit to get into, but starting with some of the shortest books of the Bible might help you get the hang of it. And by the way, this blog post is weighing in at around 450 words, so if you can read this sort of stuff, Third John , Second John , and Philemon will be no problem at all! In fact, here’s a challenge: set a timer for 15 minutes and read all five of these books. Not only will you have read five books in one sitting, but you’ll be able to say you read Obadiah —how many people do you know who can say that? (Probably not many … it’s the least popular book of the Bible .) Download that chart for yourself Plug in your email address and I’ll send you a copy on the infographic in this piece. You’ll also be first in line to hear about more cool stuff that happens around here. =) Email address What about the other books of the Bible? So you know the shortest five books of the Bible (and the longest five, from that infographic). But what about the other 59 books in the middle? How do they line up? Well, here’s every book of the Bible, lined up from shortest to longest, with word counts. I’ve linked each book to a brief summary that I’ve written. 1 | New Testament Books | CARM Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry The New Testament has 27 books total, which consist of . . . Historical Books--Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts Pauline Epistles--Romans, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 Thessalonians, 2 Thessalonians, 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon Non-Pauline Epistles--Hebrews, James, 1 Peter, 2 Peter, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John, Jude, Revelation A list of books with brief descriptions of contents. Historical Books Matthew--Presents Jesus as the Messiah. Genealogy of Jesus through Joseph. Fulfillment of O.T. prophecy. Mark--Presents Jesus as the Servant. 1/3 of the gospel deals with the last week of His life. Luke--Presents Jesus as the Son of Man to seek and save the lost. Genealogy of Jesus through Mary. Largest of the gospels. John--Presents Jesus as God in flesh, the Christ, so that you might believe. Acts--Historical account from Jesus’ ascension to travels of Paul in his missionary journeys. Pauline Epistles Romans--A systematic examination of justification, sanctification, and glorification. Examines God’s plan for the Jews and the Gentiles. 1 Corinthians--This letter deals with factions and corrections due to immorality, lawsuits, and abuse of the Lord’s Supper. Also mentions idols, marriage, and the resurrection. 2 Corinthians--Paul’s defense of his apostolic position. Galatians--Paul refutes the errors of legalism and examines the proper place of grace in the Christian’s life. Ephesians--The believer’s position in Christ and information on Spiritual warfare. Philippians--Paul speaks of his imprisonment and his love for the Philippians. He exhorts them to godliness and warns them of legalism. Colossians--Paul focuses on the preeminence of Jesus in creation, redemption, and godliness. 1 Thessalonians--Paul’s ministry to the Thessalonians. Teachings on purity and mention of the return of Christ. 2 Thessalonians--Corrections on the Day of the Lord. 1 Timothy--Instructions to Timothy on proper leadership and dealings with false teachers, the role of women, prayer, and requirements of elders and deacons. 2 Timothy--A letter of encouragement to Timothy to be strong. Titus--Paul left Titus in Crete to care for the churches there. Requirements for elders. Philemon--a letter to the owner of a runaway slave. Paul appeals to Philemon to forgive Onesimus. Non Pauline Epistles Hebrews--A letter to the Hebrew Christians in danger of returning to Judaism. It demonstrates the superiority of Jesus over the O.T. system. Mentions the Melchizedek priesthood. (Hebrews may be of Pauline origin. There is much debate on its authorship). James--a practical exhortation of believers to live a Christian life evidencing regeneration. It urges self-examination of the evidence of the changed life. 1 Peter--Peter wrote this letter to encourage its recipients in the light of their suffering and be humble in it. Mentions baptism. 2 Peter--Deals with the person on an inward level, warnings against false teachers, and mentions the Day of the Lord. 1 John--John describes true fellowship of the believers with other believers and with God. God as light and love. Encourages a holy Christian walk before the Lord. Much mention of Christian love. 2 John--Praise for walking in Christ and a reminder to walk in God’s love. 3 John--John thanks Gaius for his kindness to God’s people and rebukes Diotrephes. Jude--Exposing false teachers and uses O.T. allusions to demonstrate the judgment upon them. Contends for the faith. Revelation--A highly symbolic vision of the future rebellion, judgment, and consummation of all things. |
During World War II, by what name was William Joyce better known? | Now Hear This: Radio War Propagandists - Neatorama Neatorama • 0 The following is an article from the book History's Lists from Uncle John's Bathroom Reader. During America's wars, they were considered entertainers more than harbingers of fear to U.S. troops. But sometimes media stars like Tokyo Rose and Hanoi Hannah broadcast strategic information that there's no way the enemy should have known. As radio propagandists transmitting from enemy capitals, their job was to undermine the morale of opposing troops in World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War. Uncle John examines the careers of seven infamous enemy broadcasters of the 20th century. 1. TOKYO ROSE Iva Toguri was born in Los Angeles in 1916 and graduated from UCLA with a zoology degree; she was visiting Japan when war broke out in 1941. She was hardly a household name in World War II -until the name given her by Allied forces in the Pacific made her an international celebrity. Wartime Activities: Tokyo Rose played American music and used American slang during her 20-minute daily newscast on Radio Tokyo's "The Zero Hour" while she predicted attacks, identified American ships and submarines, and even peppered her conversation with the names of prominent individuals. Listeners thought she was uncannily accurate, but she had little impact on the offensive juggernaut that first isolated and then defeated Japan. Postwar: After the war, Toguri was arrested, convicted of treason, and imprisoned; she was released for good behavior in 1956 after serving six years. Upon moving to Chicago, where her family ran a store, she insisted she had always been a loyal American. She claimed that she was forced to make the broadcasts, and Allied POWs who worked with her confirmed her story years later, convincing president Gerald Ford to pardon her in 1977. In January 2006, she received the Edgar J. Herlihy Citizenship Award from the World War II Veterans Committee; she died in September of that year. 2. LORD HAW-HAW The British gave the nickname "Lord Haw-Haw" to a collection of announcers on the English-language propaganda broadcasts from Hamburg, Germany, during World War II. But it was William Joyce, who claimed to be a British citizen, who came to symbolize Lord Haw-Haw as the chief Nazi sympathizer. Born in the United States and raised in England and Ireland, Joyce was a member of the British Union of Fascists and was about to be arrested when he fled to Germany in 1939. Wartime activities: From 1939 to 1945, his radio broadcasts to England on the "Germany Calling" program were designed to undermine the morale of the English, Canadian, Australian, and American troops, as well as the citizens of the British Isles. Joyce reported Allied ship losses and planes shot down, and bragged about Nazi secret weapons with the goal of demoralizing the Allies. "Lord Haw-Haw" was originally the nickname of James Brudenell, the 19th-century British general who led the infamous Charge of the Light Brigade. A British radio critic borrowed the moniker and, whether or not he was specifically referring to Joyce, it stuck to him because he was the most popular announcer on "Germany Calling." The radio critic noted sarcastically, "He speaks English of the 'haw-haw, dammit-get-out-of-my-way' variety." The name stuck and his fame grew to the point that even the Germans introduced him on the air as "William Joyce, otherwise known as Lord Haw-Haw." Postwar: Joyce was captured by British troops, who got the last "haw" when the war ended. He was tried and hanged for treason in early 1946. 3. LORD HEE-HAW A native of Dubuque, Iowa, Frederick Wilhelm Kaltenbach was on a bicycle tour of Germany after his high school graduation in 1914 when he was detained due to the outbreak of World War I. He liked Germany well enough, but after his release a few months later, he returned home and went to college. He joined the U.S. Army in 1918 but stayed stateside for the duration of the war, after which he earned his master's degree in history from the University of Chicago. As a schoolteacher in Dubuque, he founded | ESPN.com: 'Brown Bomber' was a hero to all 'Brown Bomber' was a hero to all By Larry Schwartz Special to ESPN.com The son of an Alabama sharecropper, great grandson of a slave, great great grandson of a white slave owner became the first African-American to achieve lasting fame and popularity in the 20th century. Joe Louis, in the far right corner, floored Max Schmeling three times and won their much-publicized June 22, 1938 rematch at Yankee Stadium in a first-round knockout. In a time when his people were still subject to lynchings, discrimination and oppression, when the military was segregated and African-Americans weren't permitted to play Major League Baseball, Joe Louis was the first African-American to achieve hero worship that was previously reserved for whites only. When he started boxing in the 1930s, there were no African-Americans in positions of public prominence, none who commanded attention from whites. "What my father did was enable white America to think of him as an American, not as a black," said his son, Joe Louis Jr. "By winning, he became white America's first black hero." Louis was heavyweight champion of the world in an era when the heavyweight champion was, in the minds of many, the greatest man in the world. Jack Johnson, the first African-American heavyweight champ, wasn't popular with whites. Louis, on the other hand, converted all into his corner. When "The Brown Bomber" avenged his loss to Germany's Max Schmeling -- viewed as a Nazi symbol -- the entire country celebrated, not just African-Americans. Louis' war-time patriotism in a racially divided country made him a symbol of national unity and purpose. Twice he donated his purse to military relief funds. He endeared himself even more to the American public when he said the U.S. would win World War II "because we're on God's side." While some accused Louis of being an Uncle Tom, others realized it wasn't in his training or character to be militant. His uncommon sense of dignity, exemplified by his refusal to be pictured with a slice of watermelon, increased his popularity. When some called Louis "a credit to his race," sportswriter Jimmy Cannon responded, "Yes, Louis is a credit to his race -- the human race." He also was a credit to boxing, which often contributes to the worst in the human race. His championship reign, from 1937 until he retired in 1949, is the longest of any heavyweight. With his powerful left jab, his destructive two-fisted attack that he released with accuracy at short range, and his capacity for finishing a wounded opponent, the 6-foot-1½ fighter defeated all 25 of his challengers, another record. Louis also was a winner with women. Though married four times, including twice to his first wife, he discreetly enjoyed the company of both African-American and white women, including Lena Horne, Sonja Henie and Lana Turner. ZONE POLL He was born Joseph Louis Barrow on May 13, 1914, in a shack in the cotton-field country near Lafayette, Ala. Besides being African-American, he also was part Indian and part white. His father was committed to a state hospital for the mentally ill before he was 2. After Louis' mother heard her husband had died (he hadn't, though), she remarried. The children slept three to a bed in Alabama before the family moved to Detroit in the 1920s. Joe was learning cabinet-making in a vocational school and taking violin lessons when he turned to boxing at the request of a schoolmate. Fighting under the name Joe Louis, so his mother wouldn't find out, he won 50 of 54 amateur bouts and gained the attention of John Roxborough, king of the numbers rackets in Detroit's African-American neighborhoods. Roxborough and Julian Black, a speakeasy owner who also ran numbers, convinced Louis to turn pro in 1934, and they became his managers. To shape the fighter's image, Roxborough publicized seven commandments, which would be inoffensive to white Americans. They included: Never be photographed with a white woman, never gloat over a fallen (read white) opponent, never engage in fixed fights, and live and fight cl |
What is pognophobia the fear of? | Fear of Beards Phobia – Pogonophobia You are here: Home / Phobias / Fear of Beards Phobia – Pogonophobia Fear of Beards Phobia – Pogonophobia Pogonophobia is the irrational, persistent and often unwarranted fear of beards. The word is derived from Greek pogon (beard) and phobos (fear). Mothers often warn their daughters to “never trust a man with beard or facial hair unless he is Santa Claus”. In the United States, there has not been a president with a beard since the 1800s. The fear of beard or facial hair on other people can cause a great deal of anxiety to a Pogonophobic. This can severely affect his/her health and mental wellbeing. The phobia is known to affect thousands of people worldwide. Causes of fear of beards phobia Pogonophobia may be caused owing to a variety of reasons. At some point, there might have been a negative or traumatic event in the sufferer’s past linked with men with beards. The unconscious mind then creates the phobic response as a protective mechanism. Facial hair is often viewed as a sign of ruggedness. The ‘unclean-unshaved’ look is associated with illness, misfortune, or homeless people etc. Phobics tend to think of bearded men “as coming from unhygienic places or not having access to materials for cleaning and shaving”. Stereotypes about bearded men not being trustworthy, benign TV shows or books depicting trauma caused by bearded individuals can also trigger Pogonophobia. Post 9/11 the fear of beards phobia increased as the perpetrators of the act were a bearded group of religious fanatics. Some cultures and religious doctrines force men to keep facial hair. In Western countries though, beard is considered to be out of fashion. The western portrayal of Jesus is usually without a beard though most paintings of Da Vinci, including “The Last Supper”, show Him with a beard. While the fear of beards phobia can affect all genders and ages, it is usually women who are known to become “uncomfortable” around men with beards. A survey shows that most women do not mind a bit of stubble or “five o’clock shadow”, but a full-fledged beard was a ‘turn-off’ for 9 out of 10 women who participated in the survey. In America, the most famous bearded president was Abraham Lincoln. However, majority of the political candidates, members of Congress or presidents today are known to prefer the clean shaven look as it “helps them earn the trust in the minds their voters”. Symptoms of Pogonophobia People living with Pogonophobia have to pay a real price in terms of their health, careers and social interactions. The problem significantly impacts their quality of life as the sufferers experience different symptoms based on the level of their fear. These include: Shortness of breath or hyperventilating around bearded men Irregular heart beat/palpitations | Genuphobia, the Fear of Knees By Lisa Fritscher - Reviewed by a board-certified physician. Updated June 20, 2016 The fear of knees , or genuphobia, is relatively rare. Like most phobias, genuphobia varies widely in severity. Some people are afraid only of seeing uncovered knees in person, while others are afraid of bare knees even on film. People with this phobia may be afraid of all knees or only their own. Some people are actually scared of kneeling. Causes of Genuphobia Genuphobia is often, but not always, triggered by a negative experience. If you have experienced a traumatic knee injury , you may be more likely to develop this fear. However, the traumatic experience need not have happened to you personally. Seeing a major knee injury happen to a friend or relative may be enough to trigger the fear. In some cases, genuphobia develops after watching a character's kneecaps get broken in a gangster film. Childhood experiences may also influence the development of phobias . Some cases of genuphobia can be traced to a highly religious or culturally conservative upbringing. Many religions and some cultures require extremely conservative dress. Choosing not to reveal your knees or look at someone else's for religious or cultural reasons is not diagnosable as a phobia. However, an issue can arise in those who no longer practice a conservative religion or live in a conservative culture. Many people transition into a mainstream secular life without significant difficulties. But some people find themselves stuck, unable to overcome years of religious or cultural training. If you are unable to overcome your fear of knees, consultation with a mental health professional or a spiritual adviser in your new religion of choice may be in order. Some cases of genuphobia have no apparent cause at all. Fortunately, it is rarely necessary to understand the cause of a phobia in order to successfully treat it. Complications of the Fear of Knees Mainstream society today is exceptionally body-conscious. From formal wear to sports attire, virtually all forms of clothing offer short options that show off the legs. It would be nearly impossible to venture out of the house without seeing someone else's knees. Even if your fear is strictly of your own knees, it may be extremely difficult to keep them covered at all times. Restricting your clothing to only those items that fully cover your knees could make it impossible to swim, participate in some sports, or wear certain items of clothing. It might even be difficult or impossible for you to take certain jobs, as some uniforms consist of shorts or skirts that are above the knee. Intimacy could also pose a problem. Some people with genuphobia are extremely sensitive about having their knees touched or touching someone else's. It is difficult to share a bed with someone else without ever brushing against each other's knees. Fear of Kneeling The fear of kneeling technically falls under the term "genuphobia," although it may be an entirely separate fear. Some people with a fear of kneeling are also uncomfortable with knees in general, but many are not. Instead, the fear of kneeling is often rooted in self-consciousness or fears of submission and vulnerability. This phobia may cause difficulty in religious practice, some sports, and the performance of certain job duties. Some people are unable to kneel due to medical conditions. Although there may be some affiliated fear of pain or of being unable to get back up, this is not actually considered a phobia. However, it is possible to develop a fear of kneeling during a temporary injury that does not subside when the injury heals. Coping With the Fear of Knees Like most phobias, the fear of knees varies widely in severity and the level at which it affects sufferers' lives. Many people have a relatively mild fear that can be kept under control by simply averting their eyes from other people's knees. If your phobia is more severe, however, you may need professional assistance. Your therapist will work with you to develop a treatment plan to overcome your fear. |
The salts of which metal are used in the manufacture of calamine lotion? | DRUG PRODUCT PREPARATION- Liquid, Lotions, Ointments and Creams. There are couples of factors that we need to consider to prepare a liquid pharmaceutical product. These factors directly determine the patient acceptance and compliance to the products. There are over 9000 taste buds in our tongue, which distinguish salty, bitter, sweet and sour tastes. Drugs which dissolve in solution directly contact and stimulate these taste buds. Since most of the drugs taste bitter, palatability becomes a major concern in developing an oral liquid product. Palatability means the property of being acceptable to the mouth. It is affected by a combination of sensory perceptions such as taste, smell, texture, appearance and temperature of the products. We can "make our products" become appearing, if we optimize these factors. Low molecular weight salts usually taste salty, higher molecular weight salts and compounds containing nitrogen usually taste bitter. Organic compounds containing hydroxyl groups tend to be sweet. And, their sweetness increases, as the number of OH group increases. Esters, alcohols and aldehydes have pleasant taste and cool sensation. Altering taste perception by masking unpleasant tastes with a flavoring agent is a common way to produce palatable products. Cinnamon, raspberry, orange, maple, butterscotch, glycyrrhiza syrup are commonly used to mask the salty taste of oral liquid medications. Fruit, berry and vanilla are widely used to mask the sweetness of the medications. Cocoa, chocolate-mint, wild cherry, walnut and raspberry syrup are usually used to mask the bitter taste of the drug. Finally, fruit, citrus and cherry syrup are typically used to mask the sour taste. Other ways to improve the palatability of the product include manupulation of the product odor, temperature and texture. The scent of any oral solution should be pleasant, and correlate with its flavor. Cold drinks generally reduces unpleasant taste. Patients may loss their "medication-appetites", if they find a big chunk of undissolved solid in their oral liquid solution. Appearance of the products is very important. Clear, water-like solutions may be poorly accepted, as patients may think that it is lack of potency. Dark color such as black, dark purple and brown may also be rejected, as patients may think that it contains poisons. Patients generally accept fruity and more pleasant colors. When we formulate an oral liquid solution, we also need to consider the age of the patients. Children generally prefer sweet, fruity and candy-like tastes while elderly may prefer mint or even wine flavored vehicles. Finally, when we formulate a liquid product, we should also consider its texture, i.e. viscosity. Some patients may think that a less-viscous-solution is lack of potency (ie, not enough drug inside the solution) while more-viscous solution is unpleasant. PHARMACEUTICAL LOTIONS Lotions are usually liquid suspensions or dispersions. They consist of finely powdered, insoluble solids held in more or less permanent suspension by the presence of suspending agents and/or surfactants. Calamine Lotion (USP) is the classic example of this type of preparation. It can be prepared by triturating the ingredients into a smooth paste and then adding the remaining liquid phase. This procedure can be done manually by using pestle and mortar. However, high shear mixer or homogenizer can often produce a better dispersion. EXAMPLES OF LOTIONS Calamine Lotion Composition: calamine 8 g, zinc oxide 8 g, glycerin 2 mL, Avicel R Gel 2 g, carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) 2 g and calcium hydroxide solution about 50 mL. Procedure (1) Disperse Avicel R into 55 g of water to form a gel, (2) Mix the calamine, zinc oxide with the glycerin, the gel and the CMC, (3) Add sufficient amount of calcium hydroxide solution to make the final volume of 100 mL. Hydrocortisone Lotion Composition: hydrocortisone 10 g, chlorocresol 0.5 g, self-emulsifying monostearin 40 g, glycerol 63 g and purified water approximately 1000 g. Preparation: (1) Dissolve the chlorocresol in 850 mL of warm water, (2) A | The Parts of the Periodic Table Elements named after countries, states, or other geographical features: Californium: state (and University) of California Francium: France Gallium: Latin word for France, Gallia Germanium: Latin word for Germany, Germania Hassium: German state of Hesse, where the GSI is located Magnesium: named after Magnesia, a district in Thessaly in central Greece Polonium: named for Marie Curie's native country of Poland Rhenium: named after the Latin word for the Rhine River, Rhenus Ruthenium: named after the Latin word for Russia, Ruthenia Scandium: named after the Latin word for Scandinavia, Scandia Thulium: named after the ancient word for Scandinavia, Thule Elements named after cities: Berkelium: Berkeley, California, home of the University of California, where a number of synthetic elements have been produced Darmstadtium: Darmstadt, Germany, home of the Laboratory for Heavy Ion Research (GSI, Gesellschaft f�r Schwerionenforschung) where a number of synthetic elements have been produced Dubnium: Dubna, Russia, home of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR, Объединённый институт ядерных исследований, ОИЯИ), where a number of synthetic elements have been produced Erbium, Terbium, Ytterbium, Yttrium: all named after the Swedish village of Ytterby (near Vaxholm), where these elements were first isolated (as well as Holmium, Scandium, and Tantalum) Hafnium: Copenhagen (Hafnia), Denmark Fermium: Enrico Fermi, the inventor of the first nuclear reactor Lawrencium: Ernest O. Lawrence, inventor of the cyclotron Meitnerium: Lise Meitner, one of the first scientists to recognize that uranium could undergo nuclear fission Mendelevium: Dimitri Mendelev, the deviser of the Periodic Table of the Elements Nobelium: Alfred Nobel, the inventor of dynamite and founder of the Nobel Prize Roentgenium: Wilhelm R�ntgen, the discoverer of X-rays Rutherfordium: Ernest Rutherford, discoverer of the atomic nucleus, and a pioneer in the study of nuclear physics Seaborgium: Glenn T. Seaborg, who discovered/synthesized a number of transuranium elements Most of the rest of the names of the elements are derived from various chemical or physical properties: Actinium: Greek: aktinos, "ray" (because it glows with a blue light in the dark) Antimony: Greek: anti + monos, "not alone" (because it was never found uncombined with another element) Argon: Greek: argos, "idle" (because of its unreactivity) Astatine: Greek: astatos, "unstable" (because it is) Barium: Greek: barys, "heavy" (in reference to the high density of some barium minerals) Bromine: Greek: bromos, "stench" (elemental bromine has a terrible smell) Cobalt: German: kobold, "goblin" (because of the toxic fumes of arsenic that were produced when silver miners heated the arsenic-containing ore smaltite, mistaking it for silver ore) Dysprosium: Greek: dysprositos, "hard to get at" (because the first isolation of the element required a tedious separation sequence) Fluorine: Latin: fluere, "to flow" Hydrogen" Greek: hydro + genes, "water forming" Krypton: Greek: kryptos, "hidden" (since it had been "hidden" in a sample of argon) Lanthanum: Greek: lanthanein, "to be hidden" (because the element was discovered "hidden" as an impurity in ores of cerium) Manganese: Latin: magnes, "magnet" (because it can be made to be ferromagnetic with the right treatment) Neodymium: Greek: neos + didymos, "new twin" Neon" Greek: neos, "new" Nickel: German: kupfernickel, "Old Nick's copper" (i.e., copper of the devil, or false copper, because it was frequently mistaken for copper) Nitrogen: Latin: nitron + genes, "nitre [potassium nitrate] forming" Osmium: Greek: osme, "odor" (because of its nasty smell, which is actually caused by osmium tetroxide) Oxygen: Latin: oxy + genes, "acid forming" Phosphorus: Greek: phos + phoros, "light bringing" (because it glows in the dark, and spontaneou |
Which company produces The Walkman and AIBO electronic dog? | 'The New Aibo': Sony taps its weird, wild past to sell a very normal smartphone - The Verge 'The New Aibo': Sony taps its weird, wild past to sell a very normal smartphone Linkedin Aibo and Boss Aibo — a silver, artificially intelligent robotic dog that cost over a thousand dollars when it launched in 1999 — was perhaps the last visionary, science-fiction, out-of-this-world product to come out of Sony leading up to its eclipse by Samsung as the world's most prolific maker of consumer electronics. I vividly remember walking to the Sony Gallery on Chicago's Magnificent Mile and seeing a handful of Aibos plod around the floor, fenced in, making vaguely electronic noises while chasing pink balls tossed around by the many children who'd wandered in. Aibo was Weird Sony at its finest: it existed simply because Sony could make it, not because there was an enormous market for such a thing. The dog, like the playground-esque Sony Gallery of Chicago, faded away years ago. It was a victim of practicality and, some would say, the innovation-for-innovation's-sake mentality that grew the Japanese company into a global powerhouse over the course of half a century. The real Aibo, which was first released in 1999. If it seems confusing, that's because it is Kaz Hirai's energetic reign at the helm gives hope that Sony is staging a comeback — and with it, we can hope, Weird Sony — but a new marketing campaign devised by the company's smartphone division may be a step in the wrong direction. With "The New Aibo," Sony has turned to Boss , billed as "Instagram's most badass French Bulldog" with over 150,000 followers, to draw a connection between modern social currency and the buzz generated by Aibo when it launched 15 years ago. The campaign is tied into the launch of Xperia Z1 Compact , a smaller version of the lauded Z1 introduced at CES last month. If it seems confusing, that's because it is: despite calling this campaign "The New Aibo," there is no new Aibo here, nor a new Sony robot of any kind. There also isn't any Aibo-level innovation to speak of — the Z1 Compact is little more than a small Android smartphone (a particularly good one, granted, but just a smartphone nonetheless). Of course, Sony is evoking Aibo because there is a certain romanticism tied to it and to the Sony of that era. People remember Weird Sony. Many remember their first Walkman. (A select few remember their Rolly .) Standing on the shoulders of 1990s Sony is, for Kaz Hirai and team, perhaps the first step to recreating its philosophy. But for anyone hoping to see a new hilariously expensive, cute, and vaguely creepy Aibo today — and a new Sony behind it — your dreams are dashed: it's just another Android phone. "The New Aibo" campaign officially kicks off on Thursday. More From The Verge | CityPages April 2015 online by CityPages Kuwait - issuu issuu ISSUE No. 64 APRIL 2015 issuu.com/citypageskuwait Scan this QR code with your smart phone /tablet and enjoy reading CityPages. To read it on your computer, simply visit the web link above. Meghan Trainor Dreams in life are to get Grammys pinterest.com/citypagesmag Scan this QR code with your smart phone /tablet and enjoy reading and sharing slective pages from this issue of CityPages. To read it on your computer, simply visit the web link above. LIFESTYLE / PEOPLE / EVENTS / FASHION The Avenues -Phase 3 - Soku 22200989 100% SPANISH FASHION BRAND مجمع االفنيوز ميزانني- ذا مول هاي سرتيت 22200650 :هاتف The Avenues mall The Mall - Mezanine The Avenues Mall. Nº 140A. Fifth Ring Rd. High Street KUWAIT Phone: 22200650 truccoshop.com contents ISSUE 64, VOLUME 5, APRIL 2015 50 ENTERTAINMENT 79. Top Music Charts 80. April Movie Releases FASHION 102. The Style Code TM 104. CityPages Fashion Report 108. Fashion News FEATURES 18. Top Secrets To Happy Marriages 20. Celebrating St. George 22. How Well Do You Sleep 24. Villa Toni & Guy – Hair. Beauty 26. Petrol Heads 70 66 28. The Iranian Market – A Hidden Gem 34. The Joy Of Yoga 38. I Don’t Know You; You Don’t Know Me; Let’s Strike Up A Conversation 41. رسالة الى أنثى 42. MIL’s Fact Sheet -Survive Your Mother-In-Law 44. Wet Bobs And Laughter 48. Spa & Wellness 78. Horses, Hats And Love Hearts At The Dubai World Cup FOOD 64. Nat’s Kitchen Tales. . . With Love HEALTH 46. Feeling Under The Water – Splash Some Colour 54. Diabetic Details & The Eye 56. What Is Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)? 58. Boushahri Article 60. Sandos And Bader 62. Breast Feeding the only bank in Kuwait to offer exclusive discounts at grandcinemas Burgan Bank is exclusively offering its credit card holders discounts when booking movie tickets from the grandcinemas box office at Al Hamra Luxury Center. • Standard Seat tickets: KD 3 • Grand Class tickets: KD 8 follow us on: Burgan Bank Official page For more information call 1804080, or visit www.burgan.com www.youtube.com/burganbankchannel contents ISSUE 64, VOLUME 5, APRIL 2015 102 60 INTERVIEW 50. Meghan Trainor 66. Dr. Joanne Hands And Saud Al Tawash 70. Abdulla Ashkanani And Reem Behbehani 92. Ali N.Aziz 98. Nahar KIDS 129. Kids Pages LITERATURE 83. Poetry by Taaz Hassooun 84. Short Stories By Nadia AlHassan 86. Writing Is More Than Style Or Grammar By Nada Faris TECHNOLOGY 90. Cool New Gadgets 94. Tech Updates & News REGULARS 74. City Guide 76. Travel With MuzMuz 88. April Book Releases 89. Book Club 96. Adopt A Street Princess 97. Diary Of A Citizen Of The World 113. Events 122. Press 128. Homework For Grown Ups 130. Horoscopes 92 MAGAZINE From the Editor Dear Readers… Welcome to the April edition of CityPages where we welcome our new Group Editor, Gill Sherry to Dhari Al-Muhareb Editor-in-Chief the team. Gill has contributed greatly to this month’s issue and we look forward to reading her regular features and reviews. This month also features two of Kuwait’s ‘Power Couples’ who are sure to inspire you with their Jameel Arif General Manager & Editor Eng. Homoud AlMuhareb Publishing Director success stories. Our thanks go to each couple for sparing time from their busy schedules to talk to us. We also have interviews with cover girl Meghan Trainor and Saudi’s mysterious fashion icon, Nahar. Read on to learn more about these stylish celebrities. Talking of style, wait ‘til you see what we found at the Iranian Market! Gill Sherry And continuing with style, this edition sees the introduction of Kuwait’s very own style coach, Shaikha Group Editor Muhammed Altaf Sr. Sales Manager Claudia Farias Content Supervisor Jumaa. Shaikha will be treating us to regular tips on how to achieve the perfect, individual style – definitely a treat not to be missed! Ali N. Aziz, an extremely talented artist from Saudi Arabia, has shared his story with us this month, as well as his portrait of Meghan Trainor on our front cover – a brilliant and vibrant image. How many of you are struggling with |
Which prolific Australian bastman retired in early 2009? | Justin Langer - Australian Sports Camps Justin Langer In ASC Heroes by Australian Sports Camps February 28, 2012 Until the announcement of his retirement from test cricket in 2007 Justin was one of Australia’s great top-order batsmen. Originally playing at number 3 he moved to opener in 2001 and played 105 test matches scoring 7,696 runs including 23 test centuries. Few have worn the baggy green cap with greater pride. Along with Matthew Hayden, Justin formed a hugely successful opening partnership, which ranks as the best in Australian history and featured six double century stands. Justin and Matthew drew much satisfaction from their combined efforts and often described their on-field partnership as a “team within a team”. It was therefore fitting that when Justin played his last game for Australia in the final match of the 2006/07 Ashes Series both Matthew and Justin were at the crease to score the winning runs which returned the Ashes to Australia. Justin was an integral member of what has been described as one of Australia’s “greatest ever” Test teams, and the side’s 5-0 victory over England in the 2006/07 Ashes series has only ever been achieved once before by an Australian team in the past 80 years. For most of his career Justin has played with some of the legends of Australian cricket – Steve Waugh, Mark Waugh, Shane Warne, Glen McGrath, Ricky Ponting, Adam Gilchrist, Mark Taylor and Allan Border, just to name a few. After Justin retired from Test cricket he continued to play domestic cricket for Western Australia in the 2007/08 season and also played English County Cricket as captain of Somerset during the 2007, 2008 and 2009 English summer seasons. Justin also captained WA from 2003 to early 2007. He retired from playing for Western Australia (Western Warriors) in March 2008. In November 2009 Justin was appointed as Batting/Mentoring Coach for the Australian cricket team and in May 2011 he was appointed to the full time role as Assistant Coach. Justin’s highest ever score in Test cricket was 250 at the MCG in a Boxing Day Test against England, and was one of three double centuries he scored during his Test career. His individual tally of 23 Test hundreds saw him overtake former cricketing icons Ian Chappell, Neil Harvey and Doug Walters. In 2004 Justin was the highest runmaker in world cricket with a total of 1,481 runs. In July 2009 whilst playing county cricket in the UK he surpassed Sir Donald Bradman as the most prolific batsman in Australian cricket with a total of 28,068 first class runs. Justin made his debut for Western Australia in 1990 and made his Australian debut in the 1992/03 season at Adelaide Oval – Australia vs West Indies. He has toured England, West Indies, Pakistan, India, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Sharjah, and New Zealand with the Australian Test team and was a member of the squad named as the 2002 Laureus World Team of the Year in Monte Carlo. Justin is patron of the Make a Difference Foundation, Solaris Care, Jason McLean Foundation, Children’s Leukaemia & Cancer Research in Western Australia, and an ambassador for the Cerebral Palsy Association, Peel Health Campus and the Jack Dunn Foundation. He was named as a Member of the Order of Australia (AM) for his services to Australian cricket and the community as patron of a large group of charities in the 2008 Queens’ Birthday Honours List. Justin has been a regular attendee at our WA Cricket Camp programs. His love for the game and the development of junior talent is clearly evident in his every action and you can find him helping individuals and groups cultivate appreciation for cricket and development of their skills. Share this... | Cheltenham Festival 2010: Gold Cup day four live - Telegraph 19 Mar 2010 16:55 The final race of this year's Festival is fast approaching. And the bug gun trainers are out in force for this one. Nicky Henderson has three, Nigel Twiston-Davies three and Paul Nicholls, who could do with a winner, saddles a brace. Meanwhile some prices for the 2011 Gold Cup from old Bill Hill: 4-1 Imperial Commander, Kauto Star, 8-1 Denman, Weapon's Amnesty, 12-1 Big Buck's, 16-1 Diamond Harry, Long Run, Punchestowns, Somersby, 20-1 bar. 16:50 Pause and Clause unseated his rider last time out, but showed some tenacity here. The ground has slightly changed and perhaps that is why trainer Emma Lavelle is looking so rosy in the winners' enclosure. Next and final race: 5.15pm Johnny Henderson Grand Annual Steeple Chase 2m 1/2f Marlborough says Paul Nicholls may have the answer to a typically tough finale with Tataniano. RESULT 4:40 Martin Pipe Conditional Jockeys' Handicap Hurdle 1. Pause and Clause 14-1 2. Radium 14-1 3. Clova Island 14-1 16:20 Twiston Davies's gallows-humour view on Racing UK just now after his double. "It has been a hell of a 40 minutes. Maybe we will all die now." 16:15 Here's more from Ruby Walsh after Kauto Star's dramatic fall. "The winner made a mistake in the King George and that was him done. I made a mistake and we were down. That's the way it goes in racing. You are always struggling and I was fighting a lost cause. It was a bad fall but he got up and there's not a bother on him. He cantered back down fresh as a daisy, not a bother on him." 16:10 Ted Walsh has seen his son and daughter take three races. Now Nigel Twiston-Davies has witnessed his son score two wins. A cracking run from Baby Run in another slug-fest. But this time the oncoming Kilty Storm couldn't find enough. A double for the Twiston-Davies camp as well. Cider galore tonight in Gloucestershire. Next race: 4:40 Conditional Jockeys' Handicap Hurdle 2m 4 1/2f Marlborough believes it's another good chance for Philip Hobbs and Balthazar King. Why not take up Betfair's offer of a free £25 bet as the last two races loom? It's free! FREE! RESULT 4:00 Christie's Foxhunter Steeple Chase 3m 2 1/2f 1. Baby Run 9-2 3. Reach for the Top 66-1 16:00 The Foxhunter's is off, but I'm still reeling from the 3:20 drama. I can only predict that the winning jockey's silks will include the colour blue. Failing that, Trust Fund. 15:55 Harry Findlay reckons Denman could be in line for the Grand National next year. While we're on that subject, didn't Mon Mome perform admirably to take third? He, of course, won last year's National at a cool 100-1. And Venetia Williams, trainer of Mon Mome, said: "I felt a bit funny using a Gold Cup as a prep run for Aintree but I'm so delighted with that run. I thought he'd have a chance of getting in the first five but the way he finished up that hill reminded me of being at Aintree last April." RESULT 3.20pm Totesport Cheltenham Gold Cup 1. Imperial Commander 7-1 by 7 lengths 2. Denman 4-1 3. Mon Mome 50-1 15:44 Paddy Brennan on Imperial Commander: "It's by far the best day of my life. I'm speechless. It was a dream the whole way. Ruby Walsh on Kauto: "It was a bad mistake and knocked me out of position. I couldn't get him on even keel." Tony McCoy on Denman: "It's still disappointing [to finish second]. He ran his heart out and didn't do anything wrong." 15:40 Despite Kauto's fall, focus immediately turned to Denman from two out. He looked to be having a ball out there, but the 10-year-old just couldn't hang on up the hill - even when AP McCoy switched sides one out. A great, dramatic race, despite the anti-climax. And what's this tosh about racing being in the dumps? 15:37 Well, well, well. Kauto Star's blunder mid-race never gave Ruby Walsh the chance to get back into the race. When he fell it was down to just Denman and Imperial Commander and Paddy Brennan stormed clear on board. "It's the best day of my life," the winning jockey tells 'Trumpton' Plunkett. How local knowledge pays off. Those who never doubted his ability will now be rubb |
Who plays Freddie Krueger in the 1984 film ‘A Nightmare on Elm Street’? | A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) - IMDb IMDb Doctor Strange Confirmed to Appear in ‘Thor: Ragnarok’ 15 hours ago There was an error trying to load your rating for this title. Some parts of this page won't work property. Please reload or try later. X Beta I'm Watching This! Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. Error A Nightmare on Elm Street ( 1984 ) R | | Horror | 16 November 1984 (USA) Several people are hunted by a cruel serial killer who kills his victims in their dreams. While the survivors are trying to find the reason for being chosen, the murderer won't lose any chance to kill them as soon as they fall asleep. Director: From $2.99 (SD) on Amazon Video ON TV "No Small Parts" IMDb Exclusive: "Westworld" Star Thandie Newton Actress Thandie Newton has been nominated for a Golden Globe Award for her performance as Maeve in the HBO's " Westworld ." What other significant parts has she played over the years? Visit IMDb's Golden Globes section for red-carpet photos, videos, and more. a list of 49 titles created 31 May 2014 a list of 25 titles created 24 Aug 2014 a list of 22 titles created 23 Jan 2015 a list of 42 titles created 26 Mar 2015 a list of 34 titles created 11 Sep 2015 Title: A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) 7.5/10 Want to share IMDb's rating on your own site? Use the HTML below. You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. 2 wins & 3 nominations. See more awards » Videos Survivors of undead serial killer Freddy Krueger - who stalks his victims in their dreams - learn to take control of their own dreams in order to fight back. Director: Chuck Russell Fifteen years after murdering his sister on Halloween night 1963, Michael Myers escapes from a mental hospital and returns to the small town of Haddonfield to kill again. Director: John Carpenter A teenage boy is haunted in his dreams by Freddy Krueger who is out to possess him in order to continue his murder spree in the real world. Director: Jack Sholder A group of camp counselors is stalked and murdered by an unknown assailant while trying to reopen a summer camp which, years before, was the site of a child's drowning. Director: Sean S. Cunningham Two siblings visit their grandfather's grave in Texas along with three of their friends and are attacked by a family of cannibalistic psychopaths. Director: Tobe Hooper Freddy Krueger returns once again to terrorize the dreams of the remaining Dream Warriors, as well as those of a young woman who may know the way to defeat him for good. Director: Renny Harlin A year after the murder of her mother, a teenage girl is terrorized by a new killer, who targets the girl and her friends by using horror films as part of a deadly game. Director: Wes Craven A demonic force has chosen Freddy Krueger as its portal to the real world. Can Heather play the part of Nancy one last time and trap the evil trying to enter our world? Director: Wes Craven When a teenage girl is possessed by a mysterious entity, her mother seeks the help of two priests to save her daughter. Director: William Friedkin A family's home is haunted by a host of ghosts. Director: Tobe Hooper The pregnant Alice finds Freddy Krueger striking through the sleeping mind of her unborn child, hoping to be reborn into the real world. Director: Stephen Hopkins Freddy Krueger returns once again to haunt both the dreams of Springwood's last surviving teenager and a woman with a deep connection to him. Director: Rachel Talalay Edit Storyline On Elm Street, Nancy Thompson and a group of her friends including Tina Gray, Rod Lane and Glen Lantz are being tormented by a clawed killer in their dreams named Freddy Krueger. Nancy must think quickly, as Freddy tries to pick off his victims one by one. When he has you in your sleep, who is there to save you? Written by simon_hrdng 16 November 1984 (USA) See more » Also Known As: Les griffes de la nuit See more » Filming Locations: $1,271,000 (USA) (9 November 1984) Gross: The words "Elm Street" are not spoken at all during the movie. See more » Goofs (at around 22 mins) When Nancy is | Decoding Nazi Germany’s Enigma Code: Review of “The Imitation Game” | Literaturesalon's Blog Decoding Nazi Germany’s Enigma Code: Review of “The Imitation Game” Decoding Nazi Germany’s encrypting machine, Enigma, was no easy task. Invented by the German engineer Arthur Scherbius at the end of WWI, Enigma machines were used by the Nazis during WWII to exchange (encode and decipher) secret messages pertaining to national security and strategy of war. Three Polish cryptologists who worked for Polish military intelligence—Marian Rejewski, Jerzy Rozycki and Henryk Zygalski—were the first to begin deciphering Enigma messages, using theoretical mathematics and information given by French military intelligence. During the war, the Allies captured an actual Enigma machine, enabling them to study its hardware and make further progress in figuring out how it worked. Two compatible Enigma machines would have to work together, the first one encoding a secret message, the second decoding it. An operator would type in a message in German. The Enigma machine would automatically convert each letter into a different letter of the alphabet, through a process of random substitution. The encrypted text would be sent to another operator whose deciphering machine was similar and compatible with the first operator’s machine: only in this case the second Enigma machine would convert the random letters into plain German. A new movie, The Imitation Game, directed by Morten Tyldum and starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Keira Knightley, focuses on the life of British mathematician and cryptologist Alan Turing, who is credited for helping decode the Nazi Enigma machines. Loosely based on Andrew Hodges biography, Alan Turing: The Enigma (Princeton University Press, 2014), this movie succeeds as a character study as well as a very interesting historical thriller. Turing faces barriers not only from the Navy Commander Denniston, but also from his colleagues, who initially resent the fact he’s entirely focused on building a machine at the expense of their collective work. Portrayed as slightly autistic, without friends lacking a sense of humor, Turing ends up being a fascinating character nonetheless. In fact, his flaws make him seem all the more unique. He goes against the grain to invent the machine capable of solving the puzzles that hundreds of brilliant minds working in the field cannot. Turing’s more sensitive side evolves in his friendship with his colleague Joan Clark (marvelously played by Keira Knightly), whom he asks to marry him in the spring of 1941. Although she accepts despite the fact Turing confesses to her his homosexuality, soon thereafter he changes his mind and breaks up with her in a dramatic scene. Turing’s homosexuality becomes as central to the plot of the movie as his creation of the machine that breaks the Enigma codes. A few years after the war, in 1952, Turing, by then 39 years old, has a sexual and romantic relationship with a homeless young man named Arnold Murray. When one of Murray’s acquaintances burglarizes his house, Turing calls the police. During the investigation, the detectives called to the scene discover that Turing is homosexual, a criminal offense in Britain at the time. He’s charged with “gross indecency” and given the choice of going to prison or two years of probation (which includes taking hormonal treatment to reduce his libido). On June 8, 1954, the man who helped save millions of lives and shorten the war by at least two years tragically commits suicide by ingesting cyanide. The movie implies that the hormonal treatment, criminal charges and social isolation have a lot to do with Alan Turing’s untimely death, while the Hodges biography indicates this could have been an accidental death. To transform a messy, complex human life into a drama, a film has to change many aspects of that life. In a recent review of The Imitation Game for Slate, L. V. Anderson goes over some of the ways in which the film deviates from Turing’s life as described by Hodges’s biography: http://www.slate.com/blogs/browb |
What was Melanie Chisholm's nickname when she was in the Spice Girls? | Melanie Chisholm | Spice Girls Wiki | Fandom powered by Wikia Mel had always wanted to play the role of Rumpleteazer in the musical Cats. She made the cut down to the last few auditions, but failed to get the role. Spice Girls Main Article: Touch During college, she replied to an advert in The Stage by Bob and Chris Herbert , who were looking to form a new girl group Touch , later to become the Spice Girls . She left college just short of completing her three-year course and gained teaching qualifications in Tap and Modern Theatre Dance with the ISTD. She missed the second set of auditions, however Melanie C's mother called in to see if she could get another chance, but was offered a place if anything comes up. Main Article: Spice Girls In 1994, she joined the Spice Girls (then still called Touch) after the original fifth Touch member, Lianne Morgan had to leave the group. In 1996 Chisholm, along with Victoria Adams , Melanie Brown , Emma Bunton , and Geri Halliwell . shot to fame with the release of Wannabe . The debut album, Spice , shot to number one all over the globe, including the U.S. Because Melanie C usually wore a tracksuit with her hair in a ponytail and sporting the attitude of a tomboy, she was called Sporty Spice. They went on to become one of the best-selling girl groups of all time, selling more than sixty million records worldwide. Relationships Edit Chisholm has been linked with such stars as football player Jason McAteer, and singers Robbie Williams and Red Hot Chili Peppers frontman Anthony Kiedis. Their song Emit Remmus is about Kiedis' relationship with Chisholm. In March 2007, she commented on the relationship she had Robbie Williams as doomed to failure as a reason of William's hard partying and busy lifestyle: "It was nothing serious but we went on a couple of dates and it didn't really work out. It was 10 f--king years ago and I'm still talking about it! It was just a chemistry thing really. Sometimes there's not a major reason." Going Solo Edit Melanie C got her first taste of solo work when she was featured in Bryan Adams single When You're Gone in 1999. She then signed on to Virgin Records and releases her debut album Northern Star and releases five singles from it, which garnered some success in Europe. 2000s She has been in a relationship with property developer Thomas Starr since 2002. They currently share a £1 million country home at Catbrook, Monmouthshire. Thomas and her were kept from the public eye to reserve her privacy. Reason In 2003, Melanie Chisholm releases Reason , however it didn't do as well as expected, which were accompanied with a string of singles that came out as disappointments. She subsequently dropped Virgin Records . Red Girls Records Edit Chisholm spent much of 2004 working on new material and setting up her own record company, Red Girl Records . Without major label backing, her activities are decided on and funded by herself, alongside her business partner and manager, Nancy Phillips. In April 2005, Chisholm released her third album, Beautiful Intentions and released some singles from it, which proved to be a success in Europe. In 2007, she released another album This Time and singles which also had the same success as the previous album, but promotion of the album wasn't as successful as it could be as it was overshadowed by the reunion of the Spice Girls . Return of the Spice Girls In 2007, she reunited with the Spice Girls for a world tour and released a Greatest Hits collection. The singer is noted for her tattoos. Most of them are along eastern lines – among them a lotus flower, a phoenix and a dragon, and Tibetan symbols for love and happiness. She has 11 tattoos on her body with the last done in 2007 at Hanky Panky's in Amsterdam. Love Edit In August 2008 it was announced that Chisholm and Starr were expecting their first child together: "need to take some time off to be a mum but, before you know it, we'll be back" On 22 February 2009, Chisholm gave birth to a baby girl. The baby weighed 8 lbs 3oz and was named Scarlet Starr. Chisholm is the last of the Spi | Mel Tormé - Biography - IMDb Mel Tormé Biography Showing all 30 items Jump to: Overview (4) | Mini Bio (1) | Spouse (4) | Trade Mark (2) | Trivia (17) | Personal Quotes (2) Overview (4) The Kid With the Gauze In His Jaws The Velvet Fog The Blue Fox Mini Bio (1) A professional singer at the age of three, Mel Torme was a genuine musical prodigy. As a teenager, he played the drums in Chico Marx 's band and earned the nickname "The Velvet Fog" because of his smooth, mellow tenor voice. In the 1940s, he formed his own group, the Mel-Tones, one of the first jazz-influenced vocal groups. As a solo musician, he had a number one hit in 1949 called "Careless Hands" and several lesser hits. He also acted in films and wrote several books, including biographies of Judy Garland and Buddy Rich . Torme's career included some songwriting, too. One of his most well-known compositions, "The Christmas Song", was written in midsummer as Torme relaxed by the pool. - IMDb Mini Biography By: Sujit R. Varma Spouse (4) Suffered a stroke on August 8, 1996. Jazz singer Nicknamed The Velvet Fog, a nickname he was not particularly fond of. Composed the music and words to "The Christmas Song" ("Chestnuts roasting on an open fire") with songwriting partner Robert Wells (Bob Wells). Singer of "Lili Marlene" in USA. Inducted into the Big Band and Jazz Hall of Fame in 1990. Known for "scatting" during a song. He was drafted into the army in 1944, but soon after when he went on bivouac, cuts were discovered in the soles of his feet and it was determined that he was so flat-footed he should never have been drafted in the first place. He was sent home from the army in 1945. Interred in a grave close to Heather O'Rourke and Truman Capote . He won Best Jazz Vocalist Grammy Awards in 1982 and 1983. Frustrated by his experiences as the music director of Judy Garland 's short-lived CBS variety series, he wrote a vicious tell-all book about his talented but challenging former boss. "The Other Side of the Rainbow: With Judy Garland on the Dawn Patrol" portrayed Garland as hopelessly drug-addicted, unprofessional and a horror to work with. At age eight he was a snare drummer in the Shakespeare Grammar School drum and bugle corps on Chicago's south side. Is often referred to by Harry Anderson 's character "Judge Harry Stone" in the NBC TV series Night Court (1984). Anderson--both as "Judge Stone' and in real life--is a big fan of Torme. |
Whose greatest work was laying out the plan for the city of New Delhi, India? | The Viceroy's House (Rashtrapati Bhavan), by E. L. Lutyens: Part I The Viceroy's House (Rashtrapati Bhavan), by E. L. Lutyens: Part I Jacqueline Banerjee , Associate Editor, the Victorian Web Victorian Web Home —> Visual Arts —> Architecture —> Architecture in Colonial India —> E. L. Lutyens —> Next ] Photographs by the present author, except where otherwise stated. [You may use these images without prior permission for any scholarly or educational purpose as long as you (1) credit the photographer and (2) link your document to this URL in a web document or cite the Victorian Web in a print one. Click on the thumbnails for larger images.] Exterior Viceroy's House, now Rashtrapati Bhavan (Hindi for "President's House"), Raisina Hill, New Delhi, India; three-quarter view of the main east front. 1921-27 (Ching et al. 709), but its architect Edwin Landseer Lutyens (1869-1944) began designing it in 1912 ("Chronology"), and the Viceroy and Lady Irwin finally moved in on 23 December 1929 ("New Delhi"). This is far outside our website's chronological remit, yet the Viceroy's House was in many ways the high point of Lutyens' brilliant career as an architect, and the fulfilment of the long quest for a synthesis of Western and Eastern architectural styles, both of which had developed during the Victorian period. Controversy arises largely over its expression of imperial resolve, and this too was a culmination of changes in attitude that had evolved during the previous century. Painting in the vestibule of the Rashtrapati Bhavan, showing the whole main (east) front. Certain points are beyond contention. By far the most important residence that Lutyens ever designed, this is also the grandest of all the residences that the British built in India, a fitting successor to the original grand colonial palace of the Raj, Charles Wyatt's Raj Bhavan in Kolkata. Described as "the largest of all modern palaces, 600 feet long from end to end, 180 feet to the top of its central dome," Lutyens' new headquarters for a brand new capital had 340 rooms, covered four and a half acres and included twelve separate internal courtyards, making it "probably the last of the great royal palaces of history" (Morris 77). Rising above the executive and legislative offices of the state, and overlooking the city itself, this made a clear statement of British imperial intentions. The position of the site seems acceptable enough to some. One commentator writes, "whether accidentally or by design, Lutyens created the new capital in the exact shape of the traditional Vastu Purusha [the god of construction, whose supine form determines the best metaphysical plan of a building site], whose head is on Raisina Hill and whose feet rest at the Purana Quila [the oldest fort in Delhi]" (Buch 30). In fact, Lutyens' colleague Herbert Baker (1862-1946; later Sir Herbert Baker) explained later that the site was chosen after considerable deliberation, not precisely with this auspicious plan in mind, but taking into account the "road system based on two great roads" (Baker 776). However, to others the siting is "an act of imperial cartography" (Sharma 30), Raisina Hill being somewhat out on a limb, looking down from a height on, and separated from, the shambolic mass of the inhabitants of the older city. Central Vista (Rajpath). This two-mile long Central Vista links the Viceroy's Palace to the Memorial Arch . Around it were constructed the official buildings as well as the residences of Princely Rulers from the different Indian States. Photograph and caption: Medha Malik Kudaisya. [Note the dome of the Rashtrapati Bhavan in the middle distance.] In point of fact, Lutyens was upset to find that the steep rise towards it, between his colleague Sir Herbert Baker's Secretariat buildings, prevented it from being seen from a distance in almost any of its glory. Only the dome and its drum are visible from lower down the rise, something that Philip Davies considers "a conceptual error" (231). Lutyens' battle to put this right by excavating the hillside proved unavailing, and Davies asc | The Project Gutenberg eBook of Nooks and Corners of Old London, by Charles And Marie Hemstreet. The Project Gutenberg EBook of Nooks and Corners of Old London, by Charles Hemstreet and Marie Hemstreet This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at www.gutenberg.org/license Title: Nooks and Corners of Old London Author: Charles Hemstreet Marie Hemstreet Illustrator: W. J. Roberts Release Date: June 27, 2012 [EBook #40072] Language: English Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1 *** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK NOOKS AND CORNERS OF OLD LONDON *** Produced by Annie R. McGuire. This book was produced from scanned images of public domain material from the Google Print archive. NOOKS AND CORNERS OF OLD LONDON The Mansion House ONE Within Sound of Bow Bells Said the Italian sculptor Canova, "Gladly would I journey to London if only to see Somerset House, St. Paul's and St. Stephen's, Walbrook." Just behind the Mansion House, in the ancient by-way called Walbrook, stands hidden away the church of St. Stephen's, Walbrook, planned by Sir Christopher Wren. Its name recalls one of the little streams of the London of centuries ago, called the Brook by the Wall. Outwardly the only thing to take notice of is the shop which has been built into its side, and it is a surprise to note its lofty dome as seen from within. The Corporation was very proud of St. Stephen's when it was first built, and after many expressions of gratitude as to the skill and economy evidenced by the great architect, presented Lady Wren with a purse of ten guineas. [Pg 10] On the tower of the Royal Exchange rests a great gilded grasshopper, eleven feet in length, put up when the Exchange, founded by Sir Thomas Gresham, was built. It has been there for more than three hundred years. The Great Fire of 1666 destroyed the building, but the metal grasshopper was rescued from the ruins and raised above the dome when a new structure was erected. In 1838 the Exchange was again burned, but the tower on which the emblem rests was saved. The grasshopper was believed to cast a spell of enchantment, insuring riches and good fortune, at least so the old Romans used to think. Close by the Mansion House the street called Poultry ends. This homely name has clung to it for more than three hundred years, ever since the poulterers had their chief market here. Where the house numbered 31 stands, Thomas Hood, who wrote the "Bridge of Sighs," was born in 1799. Elaborate terra cotta panels on the house No. 14, commemorate the royal processions that passed through Poultry in 1546, 1561, 1660 and 1844. [Pg 11] The thoroughfare called Old Jewry was occupied by the Jews whom William I. brought over from Rouen, and came by its name from a synagogue which was located in this street up to the time of the persecution of the Jews in 1291. Bucklersbury enters from the south where Poultry ends and Cheapside begins, taking its name from the Bukerels, quite a famous family of the 13th century, one member of whom was made the Lord Mayor. The thoroughfare was for centuries a market place for fruits and herbs, and here dealers in medicines and drugs had their shops. In "The Merry Wives of Windsor," Shakespeare tells of those who smell like Bucklersbury in simple time. At this end of Bucklersbury there stood, in the middle of the road, set up in 1285, the Great Conduit or cistern, round, and of stone, to which water was brought underground in leaden pipes from Paddington. Beside the Great Conduit, Jack Cade, the Kentish rebel, beheaded Lord Say, the king's favourite. Here Lady Jane Grey was proclaimed queen, here DeFoe was put in the [Pg 12] stocks and the Bishop of Exeter beheaded. After the Great Fire Bucklersbury market was no more. In Pudding Lane by London Bridge, in the year 1666, a fire started which has always been known as the Great Fire, for by it five-sixths of London within and without |
Which helicopter, manufactured by Sikorsky has been commonly used by US forces in combat areas over the last thirty years? | Blog from January, 2012 - CRUSER - NPS Wiki Blog from January, 2012 Trawick, Lisa (CIV) posted on Jan 30, 2012 By ERIC SCHMITT and MICHAEL S. SCHMIDT BAGHDAD — A month after the last American troops left Iraq, the State Department is operating a small fleet of surveillance drones here to help protect the United States Embassy and consulates, as well as American personnel. Some senior Iraqi officials expressed outrage at the program, saying the unarmed aircraft are an affront to Iraqi sovereignty. The program was described by the department’s diplomatic security branch in a little-noticed section of its most recent annual report and outlined in broad terms in a two-page online prospectus for companies that might bid on a contract to manage the program. It foreshadows a possible expansion of unmanned drone operations into the diplomatic arm of the American government; until now they have been mainly the province of the Pentagon and the Central Intelligence Agency. American contractors say they have been told that the State Department is considering to field unarmed surveillance drones in the future in a handful of other potentially “high-threat” countries, including Indonesia and Pakistan, and in Afghanistan after the bulk of American troops leave in the next two years. State Department officials say that no decisions have been made beyond the drone operations in Iraq. The drones are the latest example of the State Department’s efforts to take over functions in Iraq that the military used to perform. Some 5,000 private security contractors now protect the embassy’s 11,000-person staff, for example, and typically drive around in heavily armored military vehicles. When embassy personnel move throughout the country, small helicopters buzz over the convoys to provide support in case of an attack. Often, two contractors armed with machine guns are tethered to the outside of the helicopters. The State Department began operating some drones in Iraq last year on a trial basis, and stepped up their use after the last American troops left Iraq in December, taking the military drones with them. The United States, which will soon begin taking bids to manage drone operations in Iraq over the next five years, needs formal approval from the Iraqi government to use such aircraft here, Iraqi officials said. Such approval may be untenable given the political tensions between the two countries. Now that the troops are gone, Iraqi politicians often denounce the United States in an effort to rally support from their followers. A senior American official said that negotiations were under way to obtain authorization for the current drone operations, but Ali al-Mosawi, a top adviser to Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki; Iraq’s national security adviser, Falih al-Fayadh; and the acting minister of interior, Adnan al-Asadi, all said in interviews that they had not been consulted by the Americans. Mr. Asadi said that he opposed the drone program: “Our sky is our sky, not the U.S.A.’s sky.” The Pentagon and C.I.A. have been stepping up their use of armed Predator and Reaper drones to conduct strikes against militants in places like Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia. More recently, the United States has expanded drone bases in Ethiopia, the Seychelles and a secret location in the Arabian Peninsula. The State Department drones, by contrast, carry no weapons and are meant to provide data and images of possible hazards, like public protests or roadblocks, to security personnel on the ground, American officials said. They are much smaller than armed drones, with wingspans as short as 18 inches, compared with 55 feet for the Predators. The State Department has about two dozen drones in Iraq, but many are used only for spare parts, the officials said. The United States Embassy in Baghdad referred all questions about the drones to the State Department in Washington. The State Department confirmed the existence of the program, calling the devices unmanned aerial vehicles, but it declined to provide details. “The department does have a U.A.V. program,” it said in | YouTube Undo Close "Dr Hook ~ Sy..." The YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated due to multiple third-party notifications of copyright infringement. Sorry about that. |
Which British monarch was incarcerated in Pontefract Castle where he died of starvation in January 1400? | Timeline of the Kings & Queens of England There have been 66 monarchs of England and Britain spread over a period of 1500 years. SAXON KINGS EGBERT 827 - 839 Egbert (Ecgherht) was the first monarch to establish a stable and extensive rule over all of Anglo-Saxon England. After returning from exile at the court of Charlemagne in 802, he regained his kingdom of Wessex. Following his conquest of Mercia in 827, he controlled all of England south of the Humber. After further victories in Northumberland and North Wales, he is recognised by the title Bretwalda ( Anglo-Saxon , "ruler of the British". A year before he died aged almost 70, he defeated a combined force of Danes and Cornish at Hingston Down in Cornwall. He is buried at Winchester in Hampshire. AETHELWULF 839-856 King of Wessex , son of Egbert and father of Alfred the Great. In 851 Aethelwulf defeated a Danish army at the battle of Oakley while his eldest son Althelstan fought and beat the Danes at sea off the coast of Kent , in what is believed to be the first naval battle. A highly religous man, Athelwulf travelled to Rome with his son Alfred to see the Pope in 855. AETHELBALD 856 - 860 The eldest son of Aethelwulf, Æthelbald was born around 834. He was crowned at Kingston-upon-Thames in southwest London, after forcing his father to abdicate upon his return from pilgrimage to Rome. Following his fathers death in 858, he married his widowed stepmother Judith, but under pressure from the church the marriage was annulled after only a year. He is buried at Sherbourne Abbey in Dorset . AETHELBERT 860 - 866 Became king following the death of his brother Æthelbald. Like his brother and his father, Aethelbert (pictured to the right) was crowned at Kingston-Upon-Thames. Shortly after his succession a Danish army landed and sacked Winchester before being defeated by the Saxons. In 865 the Viking Great Heathen Army landed in East Anglia and swept across England. He is buried at Sherborne Abbey. AETHELRED I 866 - 871 Aethelred succeeded his brother Aethelbert. His reign was one long struggle with the Danes who had occupied York in 866, establishing the Viking kingdom of Yorvik . When the Danish Army moved south Wessex itself was threatened, and so together with his brother Alfred, they fought several battles with the Vikings at Reading, Ashdown and Basing. Aethelred suffered serious injuries during the next major battle at Meretun in Hampshire; he died of his wounds shortly after at Witchampton in Dorset, where he was buried. ALFRED THE GREAT 871 - 899 - son of AETHELWULF Born at Wantage in Berkshire around 849, Alfred was well educated and is said to have visited Rome on two occasions. He had proven himself to be a strong leader in many battles, and as a wise ruler managed to secure five uneasy years of peace with the Danes, before they attacked Wessex again in 877. Alfred was forced to retreat to a small island in the Somerset Levels and it was from here that he masterminded his comeback, perhaps ' burning the cakes ' as a consequence. With major victories at Edington, Rochester and London, Alfred established Saxon Christian rule over first Wessex, and then on to most of England. To secure his hard won boundaries Alfred founded a permanent army and an embryonic Royal Navy. To secure his place in history, he began the Anglo-Saxon Chronicles. EDWARD (The Elder) 899 - 924 Succeeded his father Alfred the Great. Edward retook southeast England and the Midlands from the Danes. Following the the death of his sister Aethelflaed of Mercia , Edward unites the kingdoms of Wessex and Mercia. In 923, the Anglo-Saxon Chronicles record that the Scottish King Constantine II recognises Edward as "father and lord". The following year, Edward is killed in a battle against the Welsh near Chester . His body is returned to Winchester for burial. ATHELSTAN 924 - 939 Son of Edward the Elder, Athelstan extended the boundaries of his kingdom at the Battle of Brunanburh in 937. In what is said to be one of the bloodiest battles ever fought on British soil, Athelstan defeated a combined army of Scots | The Strange Executions And Burials Of Sir Walter Raleigh - KnowledgeNuts KnowledgeNuts The Strange Executions And Burials Of Sir Walter Raleigh By Debra Kelly on Sunday, June 22, 2014 “The world is like a ride in an amusement park [. . .] Many people have been on the ride a long time, and they begin to wonder, ‘Hey, is this real, or is this just a ride?’ ” — Bill Hicks, Revelations (1993) In A Nutshell Sir Walter Raleigh was a longtime favorite of Queen Elizabeth, but after she died he found himself facing execution by order of James I. He narrowly dodged his first execution date, sent off to find the mythical city of El Dorado. Failing to find that and being accused of treason did finally get him executed, but that’s not the end of the story. While most of his body was buried, his mourning wife was given his embalmed head in a velvet bag, and kept it with her until she died. The Whole Bushel There’s so much living packed into the story of Sir Walter Raleigh that it doesn’t seem possible that they’re all the deeds of one man. Originally getting the attention of Elizabeth I after helping to put down a rebellion in Ireland, Raleigh eventually ended up marrying one of the queen’s ladies-in-waiting, Elizabeth Throckmorton. When the secret of their marriage came out, they were ultimately imprisoned by the furious queen (Raleigh was apparently very well-liked). After Elizabeth’s death, her successor James I wanted to have absolutely nothing to do with Raleigh. One of his goals as monarch was to achieve peaceful relations with other countries, and someone like Raleigh was doing him no favors. Not long after James I’s ascension to the throne, he had Raleigh arrested for conspiring against the king. The sentence was, of course, death, but this was the first of Raleigh’s scheduled executions. This one was ultimately reduced to a lifetime of imprisonment in the Tower of London. He remained there for 12 years, during which time he tutored the royal children and wrote historical works. Eventually, in 1616, he was released from his imprisonment in the Tower and sent back out on a mission that he’d already been on—and failed at. That was, of course, finding the elusive city of El Dorado. Not surprisingly, Raleigh and his crew didn’t find the mythical city, but what they did find on the way home was the Spanish. Getting into a fight with the Spanish went directly against the king’s orders, and it was that treasonous act for which Raleigh got his second notice of execution. This time, he wouldn’t be able to avoid it. He was executed in October 1618, suffering from a fever, malaria, and dysentery from the unsanitary conditions that prisoners were kept in before being removed from their cells for their execution. It took the executioner two blows to remove his head, and after it had been displayed to the crowd that had assembled for the event, it was placed in a red bag, covered with velvet, and presented to his wife. Lady Raleigh, once Elizabeth Throckmorton, lady-in-waiting to Queen Elizabeth, truly did love her doomed husband. She never remarried, but she did, however, keep her husband with her until the day she died. She had his head embalmed and kept it by her side for the 29 years she outlived him. According to some stories, she kept the head in a glass case in her home, and curiosity seekers and family friends alike would travel to visit and pay their respects to the head. Once she passed away, the head passed on to their son, Carew. That son continued the tradition of keeping the embalmed head, and when he passed away, the head was buried with him in Surrey. The rest of Raleigh’s body was buried more immediately after his execution, buried in St. Margaret’s Church in Westminster. In a private ceremony, he was laid to rest in a place of honor in spite of the accusations of treason that eventually led to his death sentence. For reasons that remain unclear, he was buried in an unmarked grave. Show Me The Proof |
Which chain of ice-cream parlors, the world's largest, is known for their little pink spoons which are used to offer a taste of any of the available flavors? | Open a Ice Cream Smoothie Yogurt Shop Franchise or Independent Business OC Weekly article about an independent successful Ice Cream Shop . Ice Cream Whole sellers and suppliers Long Beach Ice Cream. They deliver 3 gallon containers and have a wide variety of flavors. They also have ice cream treats. DeeLight Distribution in Fullerton. http://www.deelitedistribution.com/home.html They sell all mannor of ice cream bars and popsicles. Basically the stuff you will find on an ice cream truck. But sometimes customers may want a one of these special treats. Brothers International http://www.brothersdesserts.com in Costa Mesa Restaurant Depot in Fountain Valley. restaurantdepot.com They sell a variety of supplies and Ice Cream. The thing is RD is a real wholesaler for businesses. They don't go for the people willing to save money by buying in bulk. You will need a resale permit and proof that you own your business to shop at RD. Ice Cream Franchises As with other food businesses, franchises seem to be the most popular way to go. You pay a lot, but they have name recognition. And they have economics of scale in marketing. Customers prefer to go to a place they have heard of or been to before. They know what they will be getting. Think about how successful Subway Sandwiches are. But the ratio of independent sandwich places to well known chain stores is small. That's because paying for the franchise marketing plan and reputation brings customers in the door. The question you have to ask is it worth it? Basically, the franchises force you to pay for marketing; and they make sure you have enough start up capital. But other people argue that they force you to buy their equipment, charge huge royalties, and limit what you can do. Get Professional Looking Supplies Without a Franchise Okay, one of the reasons that people prefer to shop at franchises is that they serve food in branded containers that look great. It shouldn't matter; but it does. Customers know that they are experiencing a premium product and not some cheap stuff you picked up at Wall Mart. (Okay, their ice cream is actually pretty good.) To help your customers understand that your ice cream is worth a premium price, customers need to be presented with a premium looking product. So how do you get your logo on containers? One company Carry-Out Supplies in the City of Industry can put what ever you want on the cups. One color or multi color. There is a 20.000 minimum and it takes a couple of months; but if you're brand is important that's the way to go. They also have the little spoons and other nick-nacks. Baskin Robins This is probably one of the best known ice cream brands. According to Wikipedia , the chain started in 1953 two stores merged and opened the first Baskin Robins in Glendale CA, and now claim to be the worlds largest ice cream franchise. The big thing they were known for back then was having having 31 flavors which meant you could have a different flavor every day of the month. And they had more than their competitors. The company was purchased by United Brands Company which also owns Togos and Dunkin Donuts. That's why you see these brands in the same location. Don't think that BK stopped innovating in the 50's. They are coming out with new flavors and they have more than 31. They are innovating to keep up with the competition. [ See oc register story ] In terms of new franchises, they state on their website that they are looking for people who can operate multiple locations, are well financed, and have business experience. To open a single location, you need to have at least $125,000 in liquid assets and $250,000 in net total assets. But there are a lot of existing franchise out there. Your best bet might be to buy an existing franchise. You can find information about franchises for sale on their for sale website . BR must approve the sale and approve the buyer as a franchisee, but we assume BR also have to consider the fact that you will need less capital in an existing customer base and they cannot make it t | My Questions - Documents Documents Share My Questions Embed <iframe src="http://docslide.us/embed/my-questions.html" width="750" height="600" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" style="border:1px solid #CCC; border-width:1px; margin-bottom:5px; max-width: 100%;" allowfullscreen> </iframe> <div style="margin-bottom:5px"> <strong> <a href="http://docslide.us/documents/my-questions.html" title="My Questions" target="_blank">My Questions</a></div> size(px) Download My Questions Transcript Chemically pure gold contains how many carats? What is the tallest and thickest type of grass? What was the surname of the family who employed Julie Andrews' character in 'The Sound Of Music'? Which nation has won the Eurovision Song Contest more than any other? What is the most common gas in the air we breathe? Which three different actors played Batman in the movies between 1989 and 1997? What colour is Bart's skateboard in the introduction? The theme tune to which TV show starts with the line "Stick a pony in me pocket"? Which soap opera is set in the fictional county of Borsetshire? Who did Sue Barker replace as host of the BBC quiz show "A Question Of Sport"? Which "Generation Game" presenter was famous for his catchphrase "Shut That Door"? "No Mean City" by Maggie Bell is the theme tune to which long running Scottish TV detective show? Anthony, Barbara, Dave, Denise, Jim and Norma make up which famous family on British TV? Which part did Deforest Kelley play in the TV series Star Trek? True or False In space it is impossible to cry? Famous sitcom actor Kelsey Grammar provides the voice for for a character in which famous cartoon TV Series The largest ever picnic for a childs toy was held in Dublin in 1995 where 33,573 of the toys were there . What was the toy ? Which American state comes first alphabetically? In Greek legend, what is the name given to the creature that is half man and half bull? Which country has the airline KLM? The sinking of which famous German battleship was portrayed in the title of a 1960 film? What organisation is also known as "La Cosa Nostra"? What was the Titanic’s first port of call after it left Southampton? Which mountain overshadows Fort William in scotland ? What was the name of the 1995 film starring Sandra Bullock as a computer expert whose identity is erased? A penguin called Wheezy was a character in which film ? Who played Vince in the 1980s TV series "Just Good Friends"? In which 1994 film did Whoopi Goldberg provide the voice of a hyena called Shenzi? What is the only venomous snake in Britain? How many pieces are there in a standard set of dominoes? James Earl Ray was responsible for who's death in 1968? In which city in England is the National Railway Museum? In the music world, which group sacked Simon Fuller in 1997? Which Roman God is one of the symbols of St Valentine's Day? What was the challanging method of catching a fly asked of Daniel in the film "The Karate Kid"? Actor Richard Kiel is best known for playing which character in two bond films ? Which is the odd one out, Comet, Dixon, Cupid, Vixen? Which planet in the solar system is named after the Roman messenger to the Gods? What product did Coke invented in 1982? Which Japanese word, also used in the English language, means "empty orchestra"? On which date does Halloween fall? Oscar is the first name of which of the famous songwriting duo Rogers and Hammerstein? 24 Bamboo Von Trappe Ireland Nitrogen Michael Keaton, Val Kilmer and George Clooney Green Only Fools And Horses The Archers David Coleman Larry Grayson Taggart The Royle Family Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy True (there is no gravity, so tears cannot flow) The Simpsons Teddy Bear Alabama Minotaur The Netherlands The Bismark The Mafia Cherbourg Ben Nevis The Net Toy Story 2 Paul Nicholas "The Lion King" The Adder 28 Martin Luther King's York Manager of the Spice Girls Cupid Using chopsticks to do it Jaws (in two James Bond films) Dixon - the others are Santa's reindeer Mercury Diet Coke Karaoke October 31st Hammerstein On 11th February 1990, which fam |
In the fairy tale ‘The Princess and the Pea’, how many mattresses did the princess sleep on and still feel the pea through? | The Princess and the Pea - Hans Christian Andersen - Fairy Tales Hans Christian Andersen - Fairy Tales The Princess and the Pea Hans Christian Andersen (1835) Once upon a time there was a prince who wanted to marry a princess; but she would have to be a real princess. He travelled all over the world to find one, but nowhere could he get what he wanted. There were princesses enough, but it was difficult to find out whether they were real ones. There was always something about them that was not as it should be. So he came home again and was sad, for he would have liked very much to have a real princess. One evening a terrible storm came on; there was thunder and lightning, and the rain poured down in torrents. Suddenly a knocking was heard at the city gate, and the old king went to open it. It was a princess standing out there in front of the gate. But, good gracious! what a sight the rain and the wind had made her look. The water ran down from her hair and clothes; it ran down into the toes of her shoes and out again at the heels. And yet she said that she was a real princess. “Well, we’ll soon find that out,” thought the old queen. But she said nothing, went into the bed-room, took all the bedding off the bedstead, and laid a pea on the bottom; then she took twenty mattresses and laid them on the pea, and then twenty eider-down beds on top of the mattresses. On this the princess had to lie all night. In the morning she was asked how she had slept. “Oh, very badly!” said she. “I have scarcely closed my eyes all night. Heaven only knows what was in the bed, but I was lying on something hard, so that I am black and blue all over my body. It’s horrible!” Now they knew that she was a real princess because she had felt the pea right through the twenty mattresses and the twenty eider-down beds. Nobody but a real princess could be as sensitive as that. So the prince took her for his wife, for now he knew that he had a real princess; and the pea was put in the museum, where it may still be seen, if no one has stolen it. There, that is a true story. | Index-a Don't Forget To Hit <ESC> before going to a different page. Let's play a game of 30 questions. No, not that old standard of 20 questions, but one with an extra 10 questions added in and one that uses numeric answers (from 1 to 30). If you get stumped, go on to the next one. Perhaps the answer you need will be one of those left over when you complete all the questions you're sure of. Each answer is a number. The answers are the numbers 1-30. Each number appears only once. (Obviously) the questions are not in the right order.. 1. Aside from an extra 385 yards, how many miles is a marathon race? 2. If 27 solid cubes are formed into one big 3x3x3 cube how many individual cubes, at most, are visible from any single angle? 3. In the movie Spinal Tap what number is: "Well, it is one louder.."? 4. 'Via Dolorosa' is the (how many) Stations of the Cross, the Christian ritual tracing the key stages of the death of Jesus, beginning with his condemnation and ending with his being laid in the tomb? 5. How many dots are on a (standard 1-6) die? 6. The Russian 'Crimea Highway' trunk road from Moscow to the Crimea in Ukraine is the M (what)? 7. What number, between two hyphens, is used by journalists, etc., to mark the end of a newspaper or broadcast story? 8. How many unique dominoes are in a standard 'double six' set? 9. What number turned on its side (rotated 90 degrees) is the symbol for infinity? 10. The Marvel Comics superhero team led by Mr Fantastic was the Fanstastic (what)? 11. What is the larger number of the binary system? 12. Japanese haiku poems loosely comprise how many syllables? 13. The Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn are respectively (what number)-and-half degrees north and south of the Equator? 14. What number is Hurricane on the Beaufort Scale? 15. Greek deka, and Latin decem, are what number? 16. Conventionally how many books are in the Bible's New Testament? 17. How many legs (or arms) are most usually on a starfish? 18. A lunar month is an average (how many) days plus 12 hours, 44 minutes and 3 seconds? 19. 'Roaring' refers to what pluralised number in describing a 1900s decade of western world prosperity? 20. Traditionally what number of years anniversary is symbolized by silver? 21. What is generally stated to be the number of major joints in the human body? 22. What number is the French coded slang 'vingt-deux!', which warns that police are coming? 23. What is the only number that equals twice the sum of its digits (digit means numerical symbol)? 24. The early/mid-1900s American vaudeville comedy act was called the (how many) Stooges? 25. Any line of three numbers in the 'magic square' (a 3 x 3 grid of the numbers 1-9) adds up to what? 26. What is the international SPI resin/polymer identification coding system number (typically shown within a recycling triangle symbol) for polystyrene? 27. Traditionally the diameter of the 45rpm gramophone record is (how many) inches? 28. Pure gold is (how many)-carat? 29. The expression 'On cloud (what)' refers to being blissfully happy? 30. Each player begins with (how many) pieces in a game of chess? Daniel David "Danny" Kirwan (born 13 May 1950) is a British musician whose greatest success came with his role as guitarist, singer and songwriter with the blues-rock band Fleetwood Mac between 1968 and 1972. Kirwan's first recorded work with the band was on the huge instrumental hit single "Albatross". Green later stated that, "I would never have done "Albatross" if it wasn't for Danny. I would never have had a number one hit record." The B-side of the single was Kirwan's first published tune, the instrumental "Jigsaw Puzzle Blues". This was an old clarinet piece, written by Joe Venuti and Adrian Rollini, and recorded by the Joe Venuti / Eddie Lang Blue Five in 1933. Kirwan had adapted the piece for himself and Green to play on |
What colour of a single rainbow is on the inside of the rainbow's arc, given the generally defined seven-colour rainbow? | Raymond L. Lee, Jr.: Chapter 8--THE RAINBOW BRIDGE also see Appendix: A Field Guide to the Rainbow Long before Newton, unusual varieties of rainbows had prompted sporadic scientific interest. After Newton, these varietal bows raised nagging doubts about the completeness of his answers, and ultimately would lead to powerful new rainbow theories in 19th-century optics. With these theories, we can see that all the colors of the rainbow are actually quite different from our preconceptions. Yet for 19th-century artists still debating the validity of Newtons rainbow colors, these new optical theories clearly were peripheral -- the divorce between the rainbows of interest to them and to scientists was nearly complete. Ironically, the 19th century produced some of the strongest claims about the unity of artistic and scientific enterprise, testimony to the rainbow bridges tenuous power. ... I saw in that part of the Skie, where a Rainbow would naturally be; Something, which was like one, but much broader, fainter, and though colourd yet indistinct; there was no appearance of Rain, nor do I believe there was any: And indeed the Bow was too much confused to be formd by spherical drops of water. [1] Thomas Barker, A remarkable cloud rainbow (1739) Although we cannot be certain what kind of bow Thomas Barker saw during the winter of 1739-1740, we can be sure that he did not see a rainbow proper. Our clue (and Barkers) is his bows indistinct colors. As we have seen earlier, two characteristics earn almost any sky feature the name rainbow -- it is an arc and colored. While not all colored arcs in the sky are rainbows, Barker is quite right to be skeptical that his broader, fainter arc is not a rainbow. What Barker calls a Frost Rainbow probably is a cloudbow (Fig. 8-1). [2] At first glance, this broad, anemically colored bow looks so different from the rainbow that we may be forgiven if we side with Barker and believe that it is too much confused to be formd by spherical drops of water. Barker makes the plausible but erroneous assumption that in forming his bow, raindrops have been replaced by very small round & icy hail. [3] However, hail is neither clear enough nor symmetric enough to be an adequate substitute for transparent, spherical water drops. In fact, both the rainbow and cloudbow are merely varieties of water-drop bows. In the case of cloudbows, the water drops are those of the clouds themselves. Fig. 8-1: A cloudbow, also known as a fogbow or pilots bow, seen from an airplane. The bright light immediately surrounding the airplane shadow is not a cloudbow, but a glory. [4] {N.B.: Not all images are reproduced in this WWW version of Chapter 8.} As many an inquisitive (and wet) child has discovered, making a rainbow does not require that you wait for rain -- a sunlit spray of water drops from a hose will do just fine (Fig. 8-2). So apparently, raindrops are not uniquely qualified to form rainbows (or water-drop bows, more generally). But how do water droplets in clouds yield a bow whose appearance differs so radically from a bow produced by rain droplets? Fig. 8-2: A water-drop bow seen in a spray of sunlit drops. (Photograph courtesy of Michael E. Churma) Surprisingly, explaining the essentially colorless cloudbow also tells us how some colorful, but subtle, rainbow features arise (Fig. 8-3). In Fig. 8-3, note the narrow pastel bands inside the primary rainbow -- the supernumerary bows. Although reports of the supernumeraries date from the 13th century, neither Newtons nor Descartes theories of the rainbow can account for them. [5] By mid-18th century, increasingly frequent accounts of the supernumeraries and cloudbow provoked scientific interest (and consternation), ultimately leading to new theories of the rainbow. Fig. 8-3: Supernumerary rainbows inside a primary rainbow at Kootenay Lake, British Columbia, 12 July 1979. Neither the cloudbow nor the supernumeraries have contributed much to the rainbows cultural symbolism. After all, they roil the simple rainbow image considerably, and the fact th | What famous sauce is manufactured by McIlhenny & Co? Tabasco What year was th - Pastebin.com In what country can one find 40 species of lemurs? A: Madagascar. RAW Paste Data What famous sauce is manufactured by McIlhenny & Co? Tabasco What year was the first motor race held that was classed as Formula 1? 1950 In the wild west, how was Henry McCarty better known? Billy The Kid How many stories did each of the World Trade Towers have? 110 What is the name of the cafe in Coronation Street? Roy's Rolls According to the BBC how many rooms are there in Buckingham Palace? 775 What is the busiest single-runway airport in the world? London Gatwick By number of films made, which country has the largest film industry? India Who lit the Olympic flame at the 1996 Atlanta Olympics? Muhammad Ali On what day of the year is St George's day held? 23rd of April The scientific unit lumen is used in the measurement of what? Light Which Apollo moon mission was the first to carry a lunar rover vehicle? Apollo 15 Who wrote the Twilight series of novels? Stephenie Meyer What is the capital of India? New Delhi Who wrote the poem 'The Owl and the Pussycat'? Edward Lear Which country had a secret police force known as the Tonton Macoute? Haiti In which city is the European Parliament based? Strasbourg Gala, Jonagold and Pink Lady are varieties of which fruit? Apple Which organ of the body is affected by Bright's Disease? Kidney What is the boiling point of water in Kelvin? 373 K What was the 1st human invention that broke the sound barrier? The whip What name was given to the Samurai code of honour? Bushido What colour is the bullseye on a standard dartboard? Red What song does the main character wake up to every morning in Groundhog Day? I Got You Babe What is the only Central American country in which baseball, not soccer, is the people's favourite sport? Nicaragua What is the largest fresh water lake in North America? Lake Superior Which South American country was named after the Italian city of Venice? Venezuela How many rounds are there in an olympic boxing match? 4 The highest temperature ever recorded outside in the shade was recorded in Azizah, in Africa. In which country is this city located? Libya Which Hasbro `action figure` got its name from a Robert Mitchum film? G.I. Joe In which country is the highest mountain in South America? Argentina How many emirates make up the United Arab Emirates? 7 If you were putting numbers on new changing room lockers to be numbered from 1 to 100, how many times would you use the number 9? 20 Which famous group performed the first ever song on Top Of The Pops in 1964? The Rolling Stones Who wrote the novel Revolutionary Road, which was made into a successful feature film? Richard Yates Which supermodel is seen pole dancing in the White Stripes video for the song `I Just Don`t Know What To Do With Myself`? Kate Moss Which band has released albums titled `Word Gets Around`, `Just Enough Education To Perform` and `Pull The Pin`? Stereophonics In the Adrian Mole Diaries, what is the surname of his girlfriend? Braiwaithe Charlotte Edwards led England`s women to World Cup glory in which sport in March 2009? Cricket What is sake made from? Rice Affenpinscher, Keeshond and Leonberger are all types of what? Dog Who won the 2009 Rugby World Sevens Cup? Wales Who is the only player to win a Champion`s League medal, the Premiership and the FA Cup, and to be relegated from the Premiership without going on to play in the Championship? Kanu With which club did David Beckham make his football league debut? Preston North End Who is the host of the TV show Q.I.? Stephen Fry Anyone Can Fall In Love was a chart hit set to the theme tune of which TV show? EastEnders Who is the only character to appear in the first ever Coronation Street who is still in the show at 2009? Ken Barlow The film `Black Hawk Down` was loosely based on a true incident that took place in 1993 in which country? Somalia What word does the bird constantly repeat in Edgar Allan Poe`s classic poem `The Raven`? Nevermore In the board game `Risk`, what c |
Which protein forms hair and nails? | Protein is important for beautiful skin, hair and nails - Nutrition Express Articles Protein is important for beautiful skin, hair and nails Learn why protein plays such a major role in your overall health by Judy Lindberg McFarland When you look in the mirror, what do you see? Do you see soft, supple, radiant, glowing, blemish-free skin? Or do you see age spots and new wrinkles? The skin is the first "aging" sign we tend to see in ourselves. We all want to find ways to keep our skin beautiful, soft, and, we hope, wrinkle free. We will each get some wrinkles, but nobody wants them prematurely! My mother, Gladys Lindberg, had the most beautiful skin for her age of any woman I have ever seen. She far surpassed the "beauty experts" and "movie stars" in her beauty and grace. At age 85 she had a clear, peachy complexion and was virtually wrinkle free! She had no patchy "age" spots or blemished skin. She never smoked and avoided the sun whenever possible. This was natural beauty. Mother started her quest for health when she was 43 years old. She said her skin was blotchy and never radiant, but her program drastically changed the quality of her skin. Important advice for skin health A woman recently came into our store looking for a "magic formula" for her deeply wrinkled skin. She was only in her mid-40s, but said her skin had changed drastically over the past months. Being quite disturbed about the situation, she came to me wanting "that miracle cream." I talked to her for a few minutes and discovered that she had been on a severe reducing diet for several months. She had followed a diet low in protein, and over the course of those months had lost her skin tone. It had started to sag and wrinkle way beyond what would be normal for her chronological age. Most women want to be slim, but if you saw her, I'm sure you would agree, "not at that price!" Here are some things I told her that are important for healthy skin regardless of whether you're trying to lose weight or not. Collagen - the skin's "cement" Elastic skin is a sign that a person has ample collagen, the strong cement-like material that binds together the cells of your body. Collagen is a structural tissue and it is replaced very slowly. It is made of fibrous protein. In fact, collagen comprises 30 percent of the total body protein. Its strong white fibers, stronger than steel wire of the same size, and yellow elastic networks, called elastin, form the connective tissue that holds our body together. Collagen strengthens the skin, blood vessels, bones, and teeth. It is the intracellular cement that holds together the cells in various organs and tissues. Collagen is one of the most valuable proteins in the human body. A person who has been sick, or who has been on an extremely low-protein diet, very often sees the muscles in his or her arms and legs begin to sag, which is a sign that they have probably lost collagen. Start with protein The building blocks of protein are amino acids. When protein is eaten, your digestive processes break it down into amino acids, which pass into the blood and are carried throughout the body. Your cells can then select the amino acids they need for the construction of new body tissue, antibodies, hormones, enzymes, and blood cells. There are 22 different amino acids, each of which has its own characteristics, and are like the letters of the alphabet. The eight essential amino acids are like the vowels. Just as you cannot make words without vowels, so you cannot build proteins without these essential amino acids. Protein is not one substance, but literally tens of thousands of different substances. The essential amino acids must be consumed in the diet because the body does not make them. The complete proteins that contain the eight essential amino acids come from meat, poultry, fish, eggs, milk -- all dairy, cheese and soy. They are basically anything that comes from the animal. Nuts and legumes (peas and beans) contain some but not all of the essential amino acids; these are known as incomplete proteins. In various combinations, all of the | BIOGENESIS COMPANY Supercilia – the eyebrows COMPOSITION OF THE HAIR The major part of hair contains Keratin refers to a family of fibrous structural protein Keratin is the key structural material making up the outer layer of human skin. It is also the key structural component of finger and toe nails. The chemical composition of hair varies with its color. Darker hair has more carbon and less oxygen; the reverse is true for lighter hair. Average hair is composed of 50.65% carbon, 6.36% hydrogen, 17.14% nitrogen, 5.0% sulfur, and 20.85% oxygen. PARTS OF THE HAIR Full- grown human hair is divided into two principal parts: the root and the shaft. The hair root is that portion of the hair structure located beneath the skin surface. This is the portion of the hair enclosed within the follicle. The hair shaft is that portion of the hair structure extending above the skin surface. NATURAL COLOR OF THE HAIR The natural color of hair, strength, and texture depend mainly on genetics. The cortex contains coloring matter in the form of minute grains of melanin pigment. Although there is no conclusive scientific proof, it appears that pigment is derived from color- forming substances in the blood, as are all pigments of the human body. The color of a person’s hair depends on the number of grains of melanin in each strand. A person born with hair lacking colour, but appearing white, is called Albino. This is the result of absence of coloring matter in the hair shaft. For successful hair lightening and tinting services, one needs to know about natural hair color and distribution of hair pigment. Graying of Hair Gray hair is caused by an absence of color pigment in the cortical layer. It is actually mottled hair; spots of white or whitish yellow scattered about in the hair shafts. Gray hair grows in that manner from the hair bulbs, and not as another color that turns gray. In most cases, the graying of hair is a result of the natural aging process in humans, although graying also can occur as a result of an illness or psychosomatic disorder. An early diminishing of pigment brought of by emotional tensions may also be a factor causing hair to turn gray. Premature graying of hair in a young person is usually the result of a genetic defect in pigment formation from birth. Often it will be found that several members of a family are affected with premature grayness |
The Indian wind instrument, the pungi (also been or bin), is associated with what street activity? | Windy Skies: Musicians at a Wedding Down South August 02, 2008 Musicians at a Wedding Down South Before the advent of ‘marriage halls’ (known as Kalyana Mantap) most Indian marriages used be conducted at the home of the bride, the others at temples. I attended several such marriages as a child. It helped that I had several aunts from either side of my family, resulting in a succession of marriages over the years. Weeks before the wedding date, relatives from near and far, usually women, traveling long distances, having left their working husbands behind, would gather at the home of the bride. And then would commence a very enjoyable time with the household turning into a bee hive of activity as preparations for the marriage began in earnest. With sweets being central to wedding preparations, a whole variety of them, it was only natural that I would, along with sundry other cousins keep a close watch on the large tins they were stored in, raiding them at the first unguarded opportunity that presented itself. The elders even if they knew of our capers did not let on. In the evenings the house rang to devotional songs with neighbours joining in as the women took turns singing songs, much laughter interspersing playful ribbing as reluctant singers were prodded into giving voice to their vocals. The shamiana (pavilion), chairs, flower arrangements, horse carriages, cooks, and the wedding band used to be arranged for in advance. I took a fascination to the music band (also known as a brass band or procession band), attracted to their tidy uniforms often a bright red, and shiny epaulettes and shoes, marching in formation while playing gleaming musical instruments, often a mix of clarinets, trumpets, and saxophones. Widely employed during weddings, brass bands lead the procession (also known as ‘baarat’) as the groom makes his way to the wedding venue on the female of a horse, known as ghodi. The male of the horse is called ghoda. Also, the night before the wedding the brass band leads the bride’s side of the family in a procession to the groom’s house to escort the groom for the milni ceremony. The repertoire of early brass bands was Indian classical music, largely raga based, rendered with a mix of shehnais, dholaks, and the harmonium among others. With the advent of film songs popularizing wedding sequences in Hindi films, brass bands added films songs to their repertoire. Over time ‘marriage halls’ began to make their presence felt, essentially shifting the preparations out of the house and to a commercial venue. Flower arrangements, brass band, seating arrangements, food, and even accommodation are now available as services for a fee. Each time I attend a wedding I look for the musicians, which I suspect is more for their outfits than their ability with the musical instruments. However this time around last year the five musicians I met in Bangalore during the wedding were clad in simple clothes: shirts and white dhotis. It might have to do with the instruments they were playing. I cannot imagine a clarinet or a saxophone with a dhoti. Of the group two played the dholak, one was on the harmonium, while the other two played the shehnai, an ancient Indian wind instrument. The shehnai (also spelled shenai) is rarely played solo. It is usually accompanied by another shehnai. While one holds a drone the other exults in a succession of subtleties, flowing richly. Ustad Bismillah Khan, the legendary shehnai exponent, came to be synonymous with the shehnai and no Indian marriage is deemed complete without the shehnai making its presence felt with its soulful tunes that reflect the seriousness of the occasion even as it exuberates in the joyousness of the event, alternating between smiles and the tears streaming down the cheeks of the bride as she prepares to leave her parents’ home for that of her husband, a separation that distinguishes between the two phases of life in the Indian scheme of things. Inching closer to the hand operated harmonium I noticed on the bellows a company label showing a map of undivided India, indicating th | PERFORMING ARTS : First-Class Hollywood Composers : Six makers of film music will at last get their own stamps this week. - latimes PERFORMING ARTS : First-Class Hollywood Composers : Six makers of film music will at last get their own stamps this week. September 12, 1999 |JON BURLINGAME | Jon Burlingame is an occasional contributor to Calendar Six of the movies' greatest composers--men whose music was far better known than their names--are about to receive an unprecedented degree of nationwide face time: Their images on postage stamps. Max Steiner, Erich Wolfgang Korngold, Alfred Newman, Franz Waxman, Bernard Herrmann and Dimitri Tiomkin are featured in the Hollywood Composers series of 33-cent stamps to be unveiled in ceremonies at 10 a.m. Thursday at the Hollywood Bowl. Film historian Leonard Maltin will host the event, which will feature American Film Institute director Jean Picker Firstenberg as speaker and John Mauceri conducting the Hollywood Bowl Orchestra in an "open rehearsal" of music by the six Oscar-winning composers, who are best known for their work during Hollywood's golden age. The mini-concert will include music from such classics as "Gone With the Wind," "The Adventures of Robin Hood" and "Vertigo." More than 1,500 youngsters from Los Angeles-area schools are expected to attend, and the event is free and open to the public. For film music champions like Mauceri, who often programs movie scores at the Bowl, the recognition is long overdue. "After many years of neglect, and sometimes worse than neglect, the composers of film music are being treated as American heroes, along with athletes, presidents and political figures of all kinds," he said. "It means that they are being recognized along with other people of achievement in the United States." David Newman, son of Alfred Newman and a Hollywood composer himself, said he felt that "the whole industry is being honored" with this event. According to Azeezaly Jaffer, executive director of stamp services for the U.S. Postal Service, the six Hollywood Composers stamps, along with six Broadway Songwriters stamps to be released next week, are the last in the Legends of American Music series launched in 1993 with the best-selling Elvis Presley stamp. Jaffer said that the selection and design process dates back to 1991 with the initial recommendations of the Citizens Stamp Advisory Committee, which were screened by musicologists at the Smithsonian Institution and other experts. "They've been talking about it for several years," said Olivia Tiomkin Douglas, Tiomkin's widow, by phone from her home near London. "We thought it was something that probably would never come off. It's almost unbelievable." John W. Waxman, Franz Waxman's son, thinks his father would be "really thrilled that his adopted country has embraced him in this way. Here is a man who came from a country where the only people who ever appeared on stamps were dictators or dogs." In fact, four of the six composers were European emigres. Steiner and Korngold were Austrian, Waxman was German, Tiomkin a Russian. Herrmann was a New Yorker and Newman was born in New Haven, Conn. All six arrived in Hollywood within a 10-year period (1929-39) and, while three of them also enjoyed careers in concert music, all owed their lasting fame to the movies. Steiner and Newman came to Hollywood after enormous success as Broadway conductors in the '20s. The prolific Steiner (1888-1971) counted among his works for 300 films such seminal scores as "King Kong" and "Gone With the Wind." He spent nearly 30 years at Warner Bros., where he cleverly interpolated the song "As Time Goes By" throughout "Casablanca," accompanied Bette Davis' romantic adventures in "Now, Voyager" and rode the pop charts to success (at the age of 71) with the theme for "A Summer Place." Newman (1900-1970) was the most honored composer in Hollywood history, winning nine Oscars out of 45 nominations. Musical director of 20th Century Fox throughout the '40s and '50s, he was widely considered the finest conductor in movies and composed such memorable |
On average who's hearts beat faster; men or women? | Inside the Human Heart: 10 Fast (and Fun) Facts - Heart Health Center - Everyday Health Inside the Human Heart: 10 Fast (and Fun) Facts Next The all-important heart is constantly at work, pumping blood (about 2,000 gallons a day) filled with essential oxygen and nutrients to your body’s organs 24/7. Everything about the heart and how it works is interesting, but here are some nuggets of information we found particularly fascinating. The Heart Sits in the Center of the Chest, Not On the Left Side Does this blow your mind because you’ve always been told it’s on the left? When we place our hands over our hearts to pledge allegiance, we actually go a tad too far to the left. The heart is located in the middle of the chest, snuggled between the lungs. A small percentage of people are born with dextrocardia, a condition in which the heart points more toward the right side of the chest than the left. According to the National Organization for Rare Disorders, people who have dextrocardia with situs inversus (when visceral organs like the liver and spleen are reversed too) can live normal lives without any disability. In many cases, though, dextrocardia is associated with other heart defects or other misplaced, and even missing, organs that might require surgery to correct. The Human Heart Beats Around 70 Times per Minute This is a ballpark figure. According to Mayo Clinic, a healthy adult heart should beat anywhere from 60 to 100 times a minute while at rest. Do the math, and it adds up to around 100,000 beats a day and 2.5 billion beats in the average lifetime. That’s a lot of pumping. Newborns have the fastest heartbeats, at 70 to 190 beats per minute, and the hearts of well-trained athletes tend to beat slower, at a rate of 40 to 60 beats per minute. Faster-than-normal resting heart rate (called tachycardia) or a below-normal heart rate (bradycardia) could be signs of heart problems. It’s important to watch your normal heart rate over time, too. A recent study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found people whose resting heart rates increased from under 70 beats per minute to more than 85 beats per minute over 10 years had a 90 percent increased risk of dying from heart disease compared to those whose heart rates stayed around 70 beats per minute. Having a Big Heart Isn't Necessarily a Good Thing In the literal sense, an enlarged heart is a symptom of heart disease. For an adult, a normal heart is about the size of your fist. An enlarged heart, termed cardiomegaly, can occur for a number of reasons, some temporary (stress on the body or pregnancy) and some tied to heart condition (weak heart muscle, coronary artery disease , heart valve problems, or abnormal heart rhythms). Complications of cardiomegaly include cardiac arrest and sudden death (commonly seen in athletes), heart failure, heart murmurs, and blood clots, depending on the part of the heart enlarged. And a Cold Heart Isn't Always a Bad Thing Therapeutic hypothermia is actually a form of treatment for cardiac arrest. According to American Heart Association guidelines for inducing hypothermia, doctors cool a patient’s body to 91 degrees F, 7 degrees below average, in order to slow damage to brain and other organs that begin when the heart stops and restarts. Research published in the Annals of Neurology in late 2010 found that two-thirds of patients who received the therapy after revival from cardiac arrest recovered and went home with good heart function. Monday is the Most Common Day of the Week for Heart Attacks Mondays get a bad rap — Manic Mondays, Monday blues, case of the Mondays — but where heart health is concerned, maybe it’s deserved. Research has shown that more heart attacks occur on Mondays than any other day of the week. One 2005 study published in the European Journal of Epidemiology found that the incidence of heart attack was 20 percent higher in men and 15 percent higher in women on Mondays. Some experts theorize that the spike has to do with the stress of returning to work after a relaxing weekend, while others correlat | 1. What is the name of the hit show based on the songs of Abba? - Liverpool Echo News 1. What is the name of the hit show based on the songs of Abba? 2. Which “G” is the name of the Italian astronomer who improved the telescope so much as to discover that there were craters on the moon? Share Get daily updates directly to your inbox + Subscribe Thank you for subscribing! Could not subscribe, try again laterInvalid Email 2. Which “G” is the name of the Italian astronomer who improved the telescope so much as to discover that there were craters on the moon? 3. For which series of films were the actors Kenneth Williams and Sid James best known? 4. What is the name given to the largest bee in a hive? 5. Which alternative word for the Devil is a Hebrew word with translates as “Lord Of The Flies”? 6. On which TV island might you have found actor Ricardo Montalban? 7. Mozart’s opera, which was a continuation of The Barber Of Seville, was called The Marriage Of . . . who? 8. What is the nearest planet to the Sun? 9. What was the name of the road sweeper played by Roger Lloyd-Pack in Only Fools And Horses? 10. What connects the answers above? 11. What was the nickname of the first Spice Girl to go solo? 12. Which of the following events did Carl Lewis not win a gold medal for at the 1984 Olympics? Long Jump, 400m or 100m relay? 13. Which two actors were nominated for best actor awards at the Oscars in 1991, both for playing wheelchair-bound characters? 14. How is Eldrick Woods better known? 15. Who did Iain Duncan Smith beat in September, 2001, to become the leader of the Conservative Party? 16. Who was the main villain in the cartoon Wacky Races? 17. When the band Hear‘say formed, who was the oldest member at 24? 18. What is the name of the third book of the Bible? 19. What was advertised with Eva Herzagovia using the slogan “hello boys”? 20. Which model gave birth to her daughter, Lola, in September, 2002? 21. “All children, except one, grow up” is the opening line from which famous story? 22. How are Fizz, Milo, Jake and Bella better known collectively? 23. What number on the Beaufort Scale represents a hurricane? 24. In which film did Jodie Foster play a character called Tallulah? 25. What is pathophobia the fear of? 26. What was the title of the TV show Bonanza changed to? 27. What mountain range is the natural habitat of the llama? 28. What nationality was scientist Marie Curie? 29. Who played the title role in the TV series Worzel Gummidge? 30. Which toy was originally called the Pluto Platter when it was first introduced in 1957? 1. Mama Mia; 2. Galileo; 3. Carry On; 4. Queen; 5. Beelzebub; 6. Fantasy; 7. Figaro; 8. Mercury; 9. Trigger; 10. The song Bohemian Rhapsody; 11. Ginger Spice; 12. 400m; 13. Tom Cruise (for Born On The Fourth Of July) and Daniel Day-Lewis (for My Left Foot); 14. Tiger Woods; 15. Ken Clarke; 16. Dick Dastardly; 17. Kym Marsh; 18. Leviticus; 19. The Wonderbra; 20. Kate Moss; 21. Peter Pan; 22. The Tweenies; 23. 12; 24. Bugsy Malone; 25. Illness; 26. Ponderosa; 27. Andes; 28. Polish; 29. Jon Pertwee; 30. Frisbee Like us on Facebook Most Read Most Recent |
A group of producers acting together to fix prices are known as what? | Cartel Definition | Investopedia Loading the player... What is a 'Cartel' A cartel is an organization created from a formal agreement between a group of producers of a good or service to regulate supply in an effort to regulate or manipulate prices. In other words, a cartel is a collection of otherwise independent businesses or countries that act together as if they were a single producer and thus are able to fix prices for the goods they produce and the services they render without competition. BREAKING DOWN 'Cartel' A cartel has less command over an industry than a monopoly — a situation where a single group or company owns all or nearly all of a given product or service's market. Some cartels are formed to influence the price of legally traded goods and services, while others exist in illegal industries, such as drugs. In the United States, virtually all cartels, regardless of their line of business, are illegal by virtue of American anti-trust laws. Cartels have a negative effect for consumers because their existence results in higher prices and restricted supply. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has made the detection and prosecution of cartels one of its priority policy objectives. In so doing, it has identified four major categories that define how cartels conduct themselves: price fixing, output restrictions, market allocation and bid rigging (the submission of collusive tenders). The World's Biggest Cartel The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) is the world's largest cartel. It is a grouping of 14 oil-producing countries whose mission is to coordinate and unify the petroleum policies of its member countries and ensure the stabilization of oil markets. OPEC's activities are legal because it is protected by U.S. foreign trade laws. Amid controversy in the mid-2000s, concerns over retaliation and potential negative effects on U.S. businesses led to the blocking of the U.S. Congress attempt to penalize OPEC as an illegal cartel. Despite the fact that OPEC is considered by most to be a cartel, members of OPEC have maintained it is not a cartel at all but rather an international organization with a legal, permanent and necessary mission. Illegal Activities Drug trafficking organizations, especially in South America, are often referred to as "drug cartels." These organizations do meet the technical definition of being cartels. They are loosely affiliated groups who set rules among themselves to control the price and supply of a good, namely illegal drugs. The best-known example of this is the Medellin Cartel, which was headed by Pablo Escobar in the 1980s until his death in 1993. The cartel famously trafficked large amounts of cocaine into the United States and was known for its violent methods. Trading Center | California produces a sizable majority of many American fruits, vegetables, and nuts, including 99 percent of artichokes Photo by Darrin Zammit Lupi/Reuters Food scientists at Cornell University have produced a strain of broccoli that thrives in hot environments, which may make it possible for states with stiflingly hot summers to grow the vegetable. California, where cool coastal fog is perfect for growing standard broccoli, currently produces more than 90 percent of the broccoli grown in the United States. If California were to disappear, what would the American diet be like? Expensive and grainy. California produces a sizable majority of many American fruits, vegetables, and nuts: 99 percent of artichokes, 99 percent of walnuts, 97 percent of kiwis, 97 percent of plums, 95 percent of celery, 95 percent of garlic, 89 percent of cauliflower, 71 percent of spinach, and 69 percent of carrots (and the list goes on and on). Some of this is due to climate and soil. No other state, or even a combination of states, can match California’s output per acre. Lemon yields in California , for example, are more than 50 percent higher than in Arizona . California spinach yield per acre is 60 percent higher than the national average. Without California, supply of all these products in the United States and abroad would dip, and in the first few years, a few might be nearly impossible to find. Orchard-based products in particular, such as nuts and some fruits, would take many years to spring back. Price surges would eventually become the larger issue. Rising prices would force Americans to consume more grains, which are locked in a complicated price-dependent relationship with fresh fruits, vegetables, and meats. When the price of produce increases, people eat more grain. When the price of grain drops, people eat more fruits and vegetables. (In fact, in some parts of the world, wheat and rice are the only proven “Giffen goods” —a product in which decreasing prices lead to decreasing demand.) Young people and the poor in America, more than others, eat less fresh food when prices rise. The loss of California’s output would create a dire situation for at least a decade. History suggests, however, that we’d eventually find a way to cope. A state’s agricultural makeup can evolve surprisingly quickly—California’s certainly did. In the 1860s, the state’s leading crops were wheat and corn. Beginning in the 1880s, however, the state ceased to be the nation’s breadbasket and became its fruit and vegetable basket. Rail-links made transcontinental food shipments possible. Cities on the Eastern seaboard offered staggeringly high prices for produce. Interest rates dropped from 100 percent during the Gold Rush that began in 1849 to 30 percent in 1860 to 10 percent in the 1890s. This decline afforded California farmers the time to change over to slow-developing crops such as nuts and tree fruits. The land under irrigation grew four-fold from 1889 to 1914. Manufacturers of farm equipment relocated to California and designed equipment specifically for the state’s farming conditions, the same way automobile parts suppliers flooded Detroit in the early 20th century and computer engineers moved to Silicon Valley in the 1990s. If the rest of the nation were to lose California’s agricultural riches tomorrow, we might see a similar process begin in other states. Although few states will ever have California’s glorious year-round-growing climate, they could easily improve transportation and other infrastructure to increase agricultural efficiency. Got a question about today’s news? Ask the Explainer Brian Palmer covers science and medicine for Slate. |
In 1695, John Trevor was forced to stand down as Speaker of the British House of Commons. Who was the next Speaker to be ousted? | 1st Speaker Ousted Since 1695 - tribunedigital-sunsentinel 1st Speaker Ousted Since 1695 May 20, 2009|Henry Chu, Tribune Newspapers LONDON — Battered by a scandal over politicians' expense accounts, the speaker of Britain's House of Commons bowed to the inevitable and announced his resignation Tuesday, becoming the first person to be forced from the post in more than 300 years. In a 30-second statement, Michael Martin said he would step down June 21. Martin, 63, has held the office since 2000. "Since I came to this house 30 years ago, I have always felt that the house is at its best when it is united. In order that unity can be maintained, I have decided that I will relinquish the office of speaker," Martin said. His successor will be chosen June 22. Martin was criticized heavily for what was seen as his tone-deaf response to revelations that members of Parliament had claimed reimbursement for, among other things, the cost of manure for one lawmaker's garden. Martin sparked further outrage when he asked police to find out who had leaked the expense information to the Daily Telegraph. To many Britons, Martin seemed more intent on preserving parliamentary privilege than on trying to regain public trust. It was the first time that a speaker had been forced from office since 1695, when John Trevor accepted a bribe. Martin is the first Roman Catholic speaker since the Reformation. -Henry Chu, Tribune Newspapers | Prime Ministers of Great Britain political party 1721-42 Sir Robert Walpole - Restored confidence in the country following the South Sea Bubble financial crash of 1720. Dominated the political scene during the reigns of George I and George II. George II made Walpole a gift of 10 Downing Street. Walpole resigned as a consequence of his perceived mis-handling in dealing with the War of Jenkins' Ear . Whig 1742-43 Earl of Wilmington - Suffering poor health for most of his time as Prime Minister, he died in office. Whig 1743-54 Henry Pelham - During his time in the post he oversaw the the British involvement in the War of the Austrian Succession in 1744-48, the 1745 Jacobite Rising and the adoption of the Gregorian calender . He died in office. Whig 1754-56 Thomas Pelham-Holles, Duke of Newcastle - Assumed the office of Prime Minister just 10 days after the death of his brother Henry Pelham. During the Seven Years' War, he was blamed for the loss of Minorca and was replaced by the Duke of Devonshire. Whig 1756-57 William Cavendish, Duke of Devonshire - In a government effectively controlled by Pitt the Elder, Devonshire's administration was brought to end following the dismissal of Pitt by the king, it was replaced by the Second Newcastle Ministry. Whig 1757-62 Thomas Pelham-Holles, Duke of Newcastle - Returning to office with Pitt the Elder as Southern Secretary, this government helped steer Britain to ultimate victory over France and Spain during the Seven Years' War. Whig 1762-63 John Stuart, 3rd Earl of Bute - A favourite of George III, he was the first Scot to hold the top office. Unpopular with the 'great unwashed', he introduced a tax on cider in order to help pay for the Seven Years' War. He resigned following fierce criticism of his handling of the peace negotiations. Tory The Duke of Wellington, Sir Robert Peel, Viscount Melbourne 1828-30 Arthur Welleslley, 1st Duke of Wellington - The second Irish-born Prime Minister and second veteran general, perhaps more famous as a soldier of the Napoleonic Wars than a politician. Is said to have commented after his first Cabinet meeting: “An extraordinary affair. I gave them their orders and they wanted to stay and discuss them.” He introduced the Roman Catholic Relief Act 1829, removing many of the restrictions on Catholics in the UK. Resigned after a vote of no confidence. Tory 1830-34 Charles Grey, 2nd Earl Grey - Famous for the blend of tea named after him, his political achievements included the Reform Act of 1832, which started the process of electoral change that we recognise today. His other legacies included the abolition of slavery throughout the British Empire and restrictions concerning the employment of children. He resigned after disagreements over his Irish policies. Whig 1834 William Lamb, 2nd Viscount Melbourne - The last Prime Minister to be dismissed by a Sovereign, King William IV. Whig 1834-35 Sir Robert Peel 2nd Baronet - At the second time of asking, Peel accepted King William IV’s invitation to form a government. Head of a minority government, he resigned following a number of defeats in Parliament. Whig 1835-41 William Lamb, 2nd Viscount Melbourne - Returning to office for the second time, Melbourne found the new Queen Victoria much more agreeable than William IV. Tutoring the young queen in the ways of politics, they formed a close relationship. He resigned after a series of parliamentary defeats. Whig 1841-46 Sir Robert Peel 2nd Baronet - Returning to office for the second time, Peel introduced important employment laws that banned women and children from working underground in mines, in addition The Factory Act of 1844 limited the hours of work for children and women. Unable to feed a starving Ireland, he finally succeeded in repealing the Corn Laws. Conservative 1846-52 Lord John Russell, 1st Earl Russell - Russell was the last Whig Prime Minister. His Public Health Act of 1848 improved the sanitary conditions of towns and cities. He was in office at the time of The Great Exhibition of 1851 . Whig 1852 Edward Smith Stanley, 14th Earl of Derby - Co |
Bloom's Taxonomy of Learning Domains divides learning development into three main aspects? | bloom's taxonomy of learning domains - bloom's learning model, for teaching, lesson plans, training cousres design planning and evaluation bloom's taxonomy of learning domains VAK learning styles test bloom's taxonomy - learning domains Benjamin Bloom's Taxonomy of Learning Domains - Cognitive, Affective, Psychomotor Domains - design and evaluation toolkit for training and learning Bloom's Taxonomy, (in full: 'Bloom's Taxonomy of Learning Domains', or strictly speaking: Bloom's 'Taxonomy Of Educational Objectives') was initially (the first part) published in 1956 under the leadership of American academic and educational expert Dr Benjamin S Bloom. 'Bloom's Taxonomy' was originally created in and for an academic context, (the development commencing in 1948), when Benjamin Bloom chaired a committee of educational psychologists, based in American education, whose aim was to develop a system of categories of learning behaviour to assist in the design and assessment of educational learning. Bloom's Taxonomy has since been expanded over many years by Bloom and other contributors (notably Anderson and Krathwhol as recently as 2001, whose theories extend Bloom's work to far more complex levels than are explained here, and which are more relevant to the field of academic education than to corporate training and development). Where indicated Bloom's Taxonomy tables are adapted and reproduced with permission from Allyn & Bacon, Boston USA, being the publishers and copyright owners of 'Taxonomy Of Educational Objectives' (Bloom et al 1956). Most corporate trainers and HR professionals, coaches and teachers, will benefit significantly by simply understanding the basics of Bloom's Taxonomy, as featured below. (If you want to know more, there is a vast amount of related reading and references , listed at the end of this summary explanation.) Bloom's Taxonomy was primarily created for academic education, however it is relevant to all types of learning. Interestingly, at the outset, Bloom believed that education should focus on 'mastery' of subjects and the promotion of higher forms of thinking, rather than a utilitarian approach to simply transferring facts. Bloom demonstrated decades ago that most teaching tended to be focused on fact-transfer and information recall - the lowest level of training - rather than true meaningful personal development, and this remains a central challenge for educators and trainers in modern times. Much corporate training is also limited to non-participative, unfeeling knowledge-transfer, (all those stultifyingly boring powerpoint presentations...), which is reason alone to consider the breadth and depth approach exemplified in Bloom's model. You might find it helpful now to see the Bloom Taxonomy overview . Did you realise there were all these potential dimensions to training and learning? development of bloom's taxonomy Benjamin S Bloom (1913-99) attained degrees at Pennsylvania State University in 1935. He joined the Department of Education at the University of Chicago in 1940 and attained a PhD in Education in 1942, during which time he specialised in examining. Here | Final Exam History - Psychology 210 with Patterson at Benedictine University - StudyBlue allowed the United States to forgive German war debts from World War I. How did the Hoover administration respond to the Japanese conquest of Manchuria? It refused to grant diplomatic recognition to the new Japanese territories. In 1933, the United States finally recognized the government of communist Russia, in part because the United States hoped for substantial trade with Russia. Official recognition of the Soviet regime in Russia by the American government in 1933 resulted in a significant backlash against communism in America. With regard to Latin America, Herbert Hoover repudiated the Roosevelt Corollary and refused to send in U.S. troops when Caribbean nations had debt problems and political instability. The Good Neighbor Policy of Franklin D. Roosevelt applied specifically to Latin America. The Nye Committee reached the conclusion that an important factor leading the United States into war in 1917 was the need to protect American bank loans to the Allies. The Neutrality Acts of the 1930s were based on the assumption that the United States could stay out of war by banning arms sales to countries at war. Which of the following place names most readily brings to mind appeasement of the Nazis? Munich Which of the following nations did NOT sign the Five-Power Pact of 1922? Russia Which of the following names refers to the German-occupied government of France? Vichy Which of the following place names is associated with the daring British naval evacuation of troops from the continent? Dunkirk During the first few months following American entry into World War II, national opinion was remarkably unified, even though the war was going badly. The battles of the Coral Sea and Midway were significant in stemming the tide of Japanese advances in the Pacific. The first area to be liberated from Axis occupation by the Allies was North Africa. The Soviet Union's position regarding the American and British campaigns in North Africa and Italy was to oppose North Africa but favor Italy, since it was closer to Germany. With reference to World War II, the term "Holocaust" refers to Hitler's campaign to exterminate the Jews. During the war years, the federal budget increased by 1,000 percent. Which region of the United States benefited the most from wartime spending? the West never gained as much power as the War Industries Board of World War I. The two largest groups of migrants to American cities during World War II were African Americans and Mexican Americans. The famous image of "Rosie the Riveter" symbolized the erosion of some of the prejudice against women working in traditionally male jobs. Which of the following is NOT an accurate description of the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II? Outside California, there was widespread public opposition to the internment policy. The objective of the Manhattan Project was to develop the atomic bomb. In the final months of World War II in Europe, American and British forces entered Germany from the west, and Soviet troops entered Germany from the east and occupied Berlin. One of the two locations on which the United States dropped atomic bombs was Nagasaki. When American soldiers returned home from the war, what did they find? a nation that seemed largely the same as it did when they left Which of the following was the most important source of Soviet resentment about the Allied conduct of World War II? the slowness of the Allies in opening a major second front At Yalta (1945), the Soviet Union gained territorial concessions in Asia in return for agreeing to enter the war against Japan. With respect to the countries of Europe liberated from Nazi control, the Yalta Conference provided for interim governments and subsequent free elections. President Truman's initial approach to negotiating with the Soviets was followed by significant American concessions at Potsdam. When it became evident that Chiang Kai-shek's nationalist forces were losing the Chinese civil war to Mao Zedong's communi |
"Who was the first person to win ""The Big Four"" Grammy Awards (Record of the Year, Album of the Year, Song of the Year & Best New Artist) in one year?" | Grammy Greats: 12 Artists Who've Broken Grammy Award Records Grammy Greats: 12 Artists Who've Broken Grammy Award Records 01/22/14 AT 11:16 PM Close First held in 1959 at the Beverly Hilton in Los Angeles, the Grammy Awards have come to represent the pinnacle of success for members of the music industry. Awarded each year by the National Academy of Recording Arts & Sciences, Inc., the peer-presented awards recognize the excellence of both musical artist and recording professionals, without taking into account records sales or chart performance. Some of the industry's greatest legends have been awarded multiple times, with the honor remaining a celebrated mark on the career of any artist. Ahead of the 56th Annual Grammy Awards on Sunday, Jan. 26, let's take a brief look back at some record-breaking Grammy Awards winners and nominees. All the artists and producers below have made music history -- whether it be for their insane amount of wins or high number of fails at snagging that Grammy. Adele took home a haul of six awards at the 53rd Annual Grammy Awards in 2013. Photo: Reuters 1. Milli Vanilli After wining the Grammy Award for Best New Artist in 1990, the pop duo Milli Vanilli became the first Grammy-winning artists to be stripped of the award, confirms the Guinness Book of World Records. The group -- consisting of Fabrice Morvan and Rob Pilatus -- were exposed as lip-syncing frauds during a live performance on MTV, subsequently leading to the removal of their Grammy. 2. Leann Rimes Leeann Rimes captured the industry with her debut studio album "Blue." Photo: Reuters The country singer became the youngest Grammy Award winner when she won the honor in 1997 at 14 years old. She was also the first country artist to win the Best New Artist Category, reports the Examiner . 3. Christopher Cross The only other artist other than Christopher Cross to have won all of the "big four" is Adele. But her honors were not won all in the same year. Photo: Reuters Christopher Cross is the only artist to ever win all the "big four" categories in the same year. In 1981, the singer's self-titled debut album won Album of the Year and the album's track "Sailing" won Record of the Year and Song of the Year. That night he also won the Best New Artist award. 4. U2 The guys of U2 are a Grammy favorite. Photo: Reuters With a total of 22 Grammy Award, U2 has received the most awards of any group in history. 5. Michael Jackson and Santana Santana is in good company with The King of Pop. Photo: Reuters Both the King of Pop and Santana hold the record for the most Grammys awarded in a single night. Jackson won eight in 1984 and the guitarist/songwriter snagged the same number in 2000. 6. Beyoncé And Adele Above, King Bey and Adele are pictured above on the nights of their record-setting wins. Photo: Reuters When it comes to the most Grammys awarded to a female in one night, Beyoncé and Adele hold the record. Beyoncé was awarded six on the same night in 2010. Adele tied that record in 2012, taking home six Grammys of her own. 8. Stevie Wonder Stevie Wonder has also been honored with the Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award. Photo: Reuters It's no surprise music legend Stevie Wonder holds the title of the most Grammys awarded to a solo male artist. His record currently stands at 22 awards. 9. Alison Krauss Alison Krauss holds her award for Best Bluegrass Album -- "Paper Airplane" -- at the 54th annual Grammy Awards in Los Angeles, California in 2012. Photo: Reuters Singer Alison Krauss has won a total of 26 Grammy Awards, making her the most honored female solo artist in the history of the ceremony. 10. U2 's "How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb" And Santana's "Supernatural" "How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb" and "Supernatural" received rave reviews upon their respective releases. Photo: Tumblr Santana's "Supernatural " and U2 's "How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb" hold the current record for the most honored album, with both albums winning nine awards. 11. Santana, Again Santana's "Supernatural" marked a triumphant return to music for Carlos Santana and his ba | 1989 Academy Awards® Winners and History My Left Foot (1989, UK) Actor: DANIEL DAY-LEWIS in "My Left Foot", Kenneth Branagh in "Henry V", Tom Cruise in "Born on the Fourth of July", Morgan Freeman in "Driving Miss Daisy", Robin Williams in "Dead Poets Society" Actress: JESSICA TANDY in "Driving Miss Daisy", Isabelle Adjani in "Camille Claudel", Pauline Collins in "Shirley Valentine", Jessica Lange in "Music Box", Michelle Pfeiffer in "The Fabulous Baker Boys" Supporting Actor: DENZEL WASHINGTON in "Glory", Danny Aiello in "Do the Right Thing", Dan Aykroyd in "Driving Miss Daisy", Marlon Brando in "A Dry White Season", Martin Landau in "Crimes and Misdemeanors" Supporting Actress: BRENDA FRICKER in "My Left Foot", Anjelica Huston in "Enemies: a Love Story", Lena Olin in "Enemies: a Love Story", Julia Roberts in "Steel Magnolias", Dianne Wiest in "Parenthood" Director: OLIVER STONE for "Born on the Fourth of July", Woody Allen for "Crimes and Misdemeanors", Kenneth Branagh for "Henry V", Jim Sheridan for "My Left Foot", Peter Weir for "Dead Poets Society" Driving Miss Daisy was the most nominated film and the Best Picture winner in 1989 (with nine nominations and four wins), although its director Bruce Beresford was un-nominated and snubbed as Best Director. [Driving Miss Daisy became the second film since Grand Hotel (1931/2) to win the 'Best Picture' Oscar without a nomination for its director. Wings (1927/28) was the first 'Best Picture' winner that was also not nominated for Best Director.] The heart-tugging, sentimental, low-budget film was an adaptation of Alfred Uhry's Pulitzer Prize-winning stage play about an aging, feisty Southern white widowed grandmother (Tandy) and her complex twenty-five relationship with her simple black chauffeur (Freeman). The plot was based upon Uhry's memories of his grandmother and a family chauffeur. Its four awards included Best Picture, Best Actress, Best Adapted Screenplay (Alfred Uhry), and Best Makeup. Oscar-winning and Pulitzer Prize-winning Alfred Uhry became the first writer to win both awards for the same material. The film's co-producer, Lili Fini Zanuck, was awarded the Best Picture honor - she became the second woman to receive such an honor. [The first woman in Oscar history to receive an award for co-producing the Best Picture of the year was Julia Phillips for The Sting (1973).] The other four Best Picture nominees were: Best Director-winning Oliver Stone's biography of Vietnam veteran and anti-war activist Ron Kovic, Born on the Fourth of July (with eight nominations and two wins - Best Director and Best Film Editing). This was Stone's second Best Director Oscar - he had won three years earlier for Platoon (1986) Australian director Peter Weir's film about an unorthodox English teacher at a New England prep school, Dead Poets Society (with four nominations and one win - Best Screenplay) director Phil Alden Robinson's own baseball fantasy - a film adaptation of W. P. Kinsella's novel Shoeless Joe about an Iowa farmer who builds a baseball diamond in the middle of his cornfield in Field of Dreams (with three nominations and no wins) writer/director Jim Sheridan's low-budget film biography of handicapped, cerebral palsy-afflicted Irish |
During which century did the Battle of Agincourt take place? | Battle of Agincourt: 10 reasons why the French lost to Henry V's army - Telegraph News Battle of Agincourt: 10 reasons why the French lost to Henry V's army The Battle of Agincourt is often heralded as one of the greatest English military victories. Here are ten reasons why King Henry V's army was able to defeat a French force four times its size By Hannah Ellis-Petersen and Isabelle Fraser 6:13PM BST 23 Oct 2015 Comments The Battle of Agincourt was a major victory for England in the Hundred Years' War, and took place Friday, 25 October 1415. The battle was heralded in Shakespeare's Henry V in which the king urges his "band of brothers" to stand together. Despite significantly outnumbering the English army, the French were easily defeated by King Henry V’s forces at the battle in northern France. How did the English win? Here are ten reasons why... Interactive: Battle of Agibcourt Weight of French soldiers' armour The armour of the French army was so heavy that it may have had a considerable role in hampering their victory. Weighing up to 50kg, it made it particularly difficult to march across the battlefield, and gave the French soldiers a considerable disadvantage in the hand-to hand combat against the less heavily armoured English troops. A recent study in which volunteers had to dress in 15th century armour and run on a treadmill found that wearing a full suit of armour doubled the amount of energy used in battle. Muddiness of the battlefield It had been raining continuously for two weeks and the recently ploughed land, on which the battle took place, was a sea of thick mud. The French knights had to march through it in full plate armour, leaving them already overcome with fatigue before they had even advanced against the English. A re-enactment of the Battle of Agincourt at Portchester Castle. Photo: © Christopher Ison Use of longbow arrows In the longbow, the English had perfected an extraordinary weapon that gave them a considerable advantage over the French crossbow. A trained archer could shoot between 10 and twelve aimed arrows a minute which could wound at 400 yards, kill at 200 and penetrate armour at 100 yards. The continuous volleys of English arrow fire also maddened the French horses, which trampled through the close-packed ranks of French foot soldiers. Crowding of French troops Disorganisation of the French troops meant as soon as battle commenced, the soldiers became so closely packed that their crossbows and cannons could not be fired effectively and men were unable to swing their swords in attack. This was worsened by the continuing forward rush of their comrades behind them. The combination of the mud and the crowding made them almost helpless. The English simply knocked them down, to drown or suffocate under fallen bodies. Lack of authority The disorganisation of the troops is often attributed to the fact that France's King Charles VI was weak and mentally ill at the time. He handed authority over to Charles d'Albert, Constable of France, and Boucicault, both experienced soldiers. But their rank was not considered high enough to deserve respect from the French nobles in the army and their commands were largely ignored. In comparison Henry V was widely regarded as a charismatic commander, and was respected by his troops. English army on the morning of battle at Agincourt, Hundred Years' War, 1415. North Wind Picture Archives / Alamy Narrowness of battlefield The narrowness of the field forced the French troops into a suffocating formation, churning up even more mud in the waterlogged field and making them easier targets for the English longbowmen. Expertise of English army Henry V’s army was not typical of the times and was specially recruited; his men were well paid, well trained and disciplined. The majority of his army was comprised of expert longbowmen. Henry preferred a small, professional army, compared the large untrained force of most European armies, which were made up of local knights and peasants. This gave the English a considerable organisational advantage. To fund his venture | Thirty Years' War | Military Wiki | Fandom powered by Wikia The Peace of Augsburg (1555), signed by Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor , confirmed the result of the 1526 Diet of Speyer , ending the war between German Lutherans and Catholics, and establishing that: [14] Rulers of the 224 German states could choose the religion (Lutheranism or Catholicism) of their realms according to their consciences, and compel their subjects to follow that faith (the principle of cuius regio, eius religio ). Lutherans living in a prince-bishopric (a state ruled by a Catholic bishop) could continue to practice their faith. Lutherans could keep the territory they had captured from the Catholic Church since the Peace of Passau in 1552. Those prince-bishops who had converted to Lutheranism were required to give up their territories (the principle called reservatum ecclesiasticum ). Although the Peace of Augsburg created a temporary end to hostilities, it did not resolve the underlying religious conflict, which was made yet more complex by the spread of Calvinism throughout Germany in the years that followed. [15] This added a third major faith to the region, but its position was not recognized in any way by the Augsburg terms, to which only Catholicism and Lutheranism were parties. [16] [17] Ferdinand I, Holy Roman Emperor and King of Bohemia . He urged the Council of Trent to approve Communion in Both kinds for German and Bohemian Catholics. The rulers of the nations neighboring the Holy Roman Empire also contributed to the outbreak of the Thirty Years' War: Spain was interested in the German states because it held the territories of the Spanish Netherlands in the western part of the Empire and states within Italy which were connected by land through the Spanish Road . The Dutch revolted against the Spanish domination during the 1560s, leading to a protracted war of independence that led to a truce only in 1609. France was nearly surrounded by territory controlled by the two Habsburg states (Spain and the Holy Roman Empire), and was eager to exert its power against the weaker German states; this dynastic concern overtook religious ones and led to Catholic France's participation on the otherwise Protestant side of the war. Sweden and Denmark were interested in gaining control over northern German states bordering the Baltic Sea. The Holy Roman Empire was a fragmented collection of largely independent states. The position of the Holy Roman Emperor was mainly titular, but the emperors, from the House of Habsburg, also directly ruled a large portion of Imperial territory (the Archduchy of Austria and the Kingdom of Bohemia) as well as the Kingdom of Hungary. The Austrian domain was thus a major European power in its own right, ruling over some eight million subjects. The House of Habsburg, under a second King, also ruled Spain, including the Spanish Netherlands, south Italy, the Philippines and most of the Americas. The Empire also contained several regional powers, such as the Duchy of Bavaria , the Electorate of Saxony, the Margraviate of Brandenburg , the Electorate of the Palatinate , Landgraviate of Hesse , the Archbishopric of Trier and the Free Imperial City of Nuremberg . A vast number of minor independent duchies, , abbeys, prince-bishoprics, and petty lordships (whose authority sometimes extended to no more than a single village) rounded out the Empire. Apart from Austria and perhaps Bavaria, none of those entities was capable of national-level politics; alliances between family-related states were common, due partly to the frequent practice of splitting a lord's inheritance among the various sons. Religious tensions remained strong throughout the second half of the 16th century. The Peace of Augsburg began to unravel, as some converted bishops refused to give up their bishoprics , and as certain Habsburg and other Catholic rulers of the Holy Roman Empire and Spain sought to restore the power of Catholicism in the region. This was evident from the Cologne War (1583–88), a conflict initiated when the prince-archbishop of the city, Gebhard |
What have Fawley, Stanlow and Milford Haven in common? | Stanlow Refinery - Wikipedia, Photos and Videos Stanlow Refinery NEXT GO TO RESULTS [51 .. 100] WIKIPEDIA ARTICLE Jump to: navigation , search Stanlow Refinery Looking towards Runcorn , with Stanlow Refinery in the bottom right corner. The refinery sits alongside the Manchester Ship Canal and the River Mersey . 960 [1] Stanlow Refinery is an oil refinery owned by Essar Energy in Ellesmere Port , North West England . [2] Until 2011 it was owned by Royal Dutch Shell . The refinery is situated on the south bank of the Manchester Ship Canal , which is used to transport seaborne oil for refining and chemicals for Essar and Shell. [3] Stanlow has a refining capacity of 12 million tonnes per year with a barrel per day capacity of 296,000. [4] Consequently, it is the second largest in the United Kingdom after Fawley Refinery , [5] and produces a sixth of the UK's petrol needs. [6] Stanlow is also a large producer for commodities such as jet fuel and diesel. [7] Although situated in North West England , the refinery serves much of England as it is linked to the UK oil pipeline network . Oil is delivered to the Tranmere Oil Terminal via ship and pumped to Stanlow, where it is then refined and stored for delivery. Contents History[ edit ] Stanlow Refinery from ground level The refinery occupies nearly 1,900 acres (7.7 km2) near the River Mersey and dates back to 1924, when a small bitumen plant was established. [8] Stanlow and Thornton railway station was opened in 1940 to give workers access to the site and the facility an extra mode of transport. However, this station is now only served by three trains daily towards each of Ellesmere Port (westbound) and Helsby (eastbound), with these services scheduled to depart at times which would be inconvenient for the workers. In the 1970s, an oil pipeline was constructed from Amlwch , Anglesey to Stanlow. Crude oil was pumped ashore from tankers moored at deep-water pontoons. The pipeline closed in the early 1980s. [9] Crude oil is now received lower down river on the Mersey at the Tranmere Oil Terminal , operated by the Mersey Docks and Harbour Company from its Liverpool headquarters, and is transferred via a fifteen-mile (24 km) pipeline to storage at Stanlow. Output is delivered via various means, including by pipeline via the UK oil pipeline network , road and the Manchester Ship Canal . There is also a pipeline for jet fuel to Manchester Airport. In 2010, Royal Dutch Shell declared their desire to sell off some refineries in Europe to concentrate on emerging markets in Asia and the Middle East , which led to the possibility that Stanlow would be shut down indefinitely. [10] However, Shell said that a number of refineries in their portfolio offered over-capacity and consequently Stanlow, their last British refinery, was put up for sale. [11] After a prolonged period of negotiation, Stanlow was sold by Shell to Essar Energy for approximately $1.3 billion (£814 million) in 2011. [1] Essar has stated their desire to expand the site with a 25% increase in output. [12] Following the bankruptcy of Petroplus which ran the Coryton Refinery in January 2012, Essar stated their belief that Stanlow, being a large refinery, would be able to compete with refineries in Asia and the Middle East. [13] Essar plan a £250 million expansion of Stanlow, with production of diesel and aviation fuel to be increased. [14] Protests[ edit ] Stanlow's position as one of the largest and well-known refineries in the country, has led to numerous protests over a number of decades. In the UK fuel crisis of 2000 , protests over government taxation on fuel began at Stanlow. [15] [16] A large fuel price protest was staged in May 2011 with the objective of "shutting down" the refinery. [17] | About Milton Keynes Resources About Milton Keynes Milton Keynes is a town in Buckinghamshire in the South East England which is equally distant from London, Birmingham, Oxford, Cambridge and Leicester. The town was founded only on 23 January 1967 with an aim to relieve the housing pressure in London. It is the administrative centre of the Borough of Milton Keynes and has a unitary authority but is a part of the ceremonial county of Buckinghamshire. Despite the fact Milton Keynes is a new town, the designated area of 89 square kilometres was not unpopulated at the time of its designation. The new town absorbed the existing towns of Bletchley, Wolverton and Stony Stratford which are today constituent towns of Milton Keynes. But the town also absorbed a number of smaller villages and hamlets some of which have a history dating back to the Early Middle Ages. The town itself took the name after the village of Milton Keynes which was first mentioned in the 11th century as Middeltone. The modern name of the village was first recorded in the 15th century. The history of the designated area, however, does not begin in the Middle Ages. Before the construction of modern Milton Keynes, the site was investigated by archaeologists who found evidence of human settlements as early as in 2,000 BC. Some of the most exciting archaeological finds include a Bronze Age jewellery hoard, a Roman villa, Roman gold coins and a wealth of artefacts from the Middle Ages. Before designation of Milton Keynes, the area had a population of less than 50,000. Today, the town is estimated to have nearly 250,00 residents which means that the project has succeeded as the town was planned to provide a home to 250,000 people. One of the main reasons for this success also lays in its design which was created by some of the most respected urban planners and architects including Lord Norman Foster, Sir Richard MacCormac, Ralph Erskine, Henning Larsen, Martin Richardson and John Winter. They created a strongly modernist design and used the grid square system for layout. Other key features of the original town design include intensive planting, parkland and lakes which are so characteristic for today’s Milton Keynes. According to the original plan, no building in the town should be taller than the tallest tree but this was later revised. Nevertheless, the vision of the new town turned out to be a success and in 2004, an extension plan was announced according to which the population should double by 2026. Milton Keynes can be described as an outstanding blend of ancient and modern which gives it a unique character that attracts both new residents and visitors. It may not be as popular urban vacation destination as other England’s towns but due to its outstanding diversity and contrasts, no visitor to the town leaves it disappointed. Copyright © 2011 - 2012 mkinspire.org.uk |
According to a series of novels published by Random House in the 1960s, what is the full name of Barbie, the doll manufactured by Mattel, Inc. launched in March 1959? | BARBIE - Baby Barbie Sports Injury | English Episode Full Game | BARBIE (Game for Children) - YouTube BARBIE - Baby Barbie Sports Injury | English Episode Full Game | BARBIE (Game for Children) Want to watch this again later? Sign in to add this video to a playlist. Need to report the video? Sign in to report inappropriate content. Rating is available when the video has been rented. This feature is not available right now. Please try again later. Published on Sep 22, 2015 ► SUBSCRIBE for more videos! http://bit.ly/13lcCSf ◄ ► SUSCRIBETE para mas videos! http://bit.ly/13lcCSf ◄ BARBIE - Baby Barbie Sports Injury | English Episode Full Game | BARBIE (Game for Children) New Gameplay of Take a Bike Ride with Barbie! HD More Barbie playlist: http://bit.ly/1gfgWc9 Barbie is a fashion doll manufactured by the American toy-company Mattel, Inc. and launched in March 1959. American businesswoman Ruth Handler is credited with the creation of the doll using a German doll called Bild Lilli as her inspiration. Barbie is the figurehead of a brand of Mattel dolls and accessories, including other family members and collectible dolls. Barbie has been an important part of the toy fashion doll market for over fifty years, and has been the subject of numerous controversies and lawsuits, often involving parody of the doll and her lifestyle. Barbie's full name is Barbara Millicent Roberts. In a series of novels published by Random House in the 1960s, her parents' names are given as George and Margaret Roberts from the fictional town of Willows, Wisconsin. In the Random House novels, Barbie attended Willows High School, while in the Generation Girl books, published by Golden Books in 1999, she attended the fictional Manhattan International High School in New York City (based on the real-life Stuyvesant High School). More Videos: | #question=Astronomer William Herschel announced the discovery of which planet in - Pastebin.com raw get clone embed report print text 2.69 KB #question=Astronomer William Herschel announced the discovery of which planet in our solar system in March 1781?#answer=Uranus #question=What is the name of the ship in the novel ‘Treasure Island’ by Robert Louis Stevenson?#answer=Hispaniola #question=Joseph Lyons became Prime Minister of which country in 1932?#answer=Australia #question=The Khyber Pass is approximately how many miles long?#answer=33 Miles #question=The singer Mary O’Brien was better known by what name?#answer=Dusty Springfield #question=In British currency slang, how much is a ‘lady’ worth?#answer=Five pounds #question=On an Ordnance Survey map, what does Ry stand for?#answer=Railway #question=How long is a dog watch at sea?#answer=Two hours #question=Which US city displays a large sign declaring it ‘The Biggest Little City in the World’?#answer=Reno #question=PADI is the training course to qualify as an instructor in what?#answer=Scuba diving #question=Which English town had the Roman name Dubris?#answer=Dover #question=What does the diameter of a golf hole measure in inches?#answer=4.25 #question=What role did actor Sean Bean play in the film ‘Goldeneye’?#answer=Alec Trevelyan #question=‘Pro pace et fraternitate gentium’ is the inscription on which medal?#answer=Nobel Peace Prize Medal #question=The city of Hollywood, Broward County, is in which US state?#answer=Florida #question=Hermit, Spider and Blue are all types of which creature?#answer=Crab #question=Ernest Vincent Wright wrote the 1939 novel ‘Gadsby’, containing over 50,000 words, leaving out which letter of the alphabet?#answer=;The letter ‘E’;e;letter e; #question=How many finger holes does a penny whistle have?#answer=Six #question=What is the collective name for a group of toads?#answer=Knot #question=What is the only English word, and its derivatives, to end in ‘mt’?#answer=Dreamt #question=In the UK, in which year was the voting age lowered from 30 to 21 for women?#answer=1928 #question=What is the most times a piece of paper can be folded in half?#answer=Seven #question=Ablutophilia is the sexual arousal from what?#answer=Water #question=How many goals did footballer Gary Lineker score for England?#answer=48 #question=What was the middle name of actor Laurence Olivier?#answer=Kerr #question=The ship ‘Cutty Sark’ was built in which Scottish dockyard town?#answer=Dumbarton #question=Who composed the romantic opera ‘Lohengrin’?#answer=Richard Wagner #question=What are the Secret Service names for Barack and Michelle Obama?#answer=Renegade and Renaissance #question=Lotus Air airlines is based in which African country?#answer=Egypt #question=Texas Hold ‘Em is a variation of which card game?#answer=Poker RAW Paste Data #question=Astronomer William Herschel announced the discovery of which planet in our solar system in March 1781?#answer=Uranus #question=What is the name of the ship in the novel ‘Treasure Island’ by Robert Louis Stevenson?#answer=Hispaniola #question=Joseph Lyons became Prime Minister of which country in 1932?#answer=Australia #question=The Khyber Pass is approximately how many miles long?#answer=33 Miles #question=The singer Mary O’Brien was better known by what name?#answer=Dusty Springfield #question=In British currency slang, how much is a ‘lady’ worth?#answer=Five pounds #question=On an Ordnance Survey map, what does Ry stand for?#answer=Railway #question=How long is a dog watch at sea?#answer=Two hours #question=Which US city displays a large sign declaring it ‘The Biggest Little City in the World’?#answer=Reno #question=PADI is the training course to qualify as an instructor in what?#answer=Scuba diving #question=Which English town had the Roman name Dubris?#answer=Dover #question=What does the diameter of a golf hole measure in inches?#answer=4.25 #question=What role did actor Sean Bean play in the film ‘Goldeneye’?#answer=Alec Trevelyan #question=‘Pro pace et fraternitate gentium’ is the inscription on which medal?#answer=Nobel |
Frank Langella and Anthony Hopkins have both played which historical character? | Anthony Hopkins - Biography - IMDb Anthony Hopkins Biography Showing all 175 items Jump to: Overview (4) | Mini Bio (1) | Spouse (3) | Trade Mark (7) | Trivia (86) | Personal Quotes (70) | Salary (4) Overview (4) 5' 8½" (1.74 m) Mini Bio (1) Anthony Hopkins was born on December 31, 1937, in Margam, Wales, to Muriel Anne (Yeats) and Richard Arthur Hopkins, a baker. His parents were both of half Welsh and half English descent. Influenced by Richard Burton , he decided to study at College of Music and Drama and graduated in 1957. In 1965, he moved to London and joined the National Theatre, invited by Laurence Olivier , who could see the talent in Hopkins. In 1967, he made his first film for television, A Flea in Her Ear (1967). From this moment on, he enjoyed a successful career in cinema and television. In 1968, he worked on The Lion in Winter (1968) with Timothy Dalton . Many successes came later, and Hopkins' remarkable acting style reached the four corners of the world. In 1977, he appeared in two major films: A Bridge Too Far (1977) with James Caan , Gene Hackman , Sean Connery , Michael Caine , Elliott Gould and Laurence Olivier , and Maximilian Schell . In 1980, he worked on The Elephant Man (1980). Two good television literature adaptations followed: Othello (1981) and The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1982). In 1987 he was awarded with the Commander of the order of the British Empire. This year was also important in his cinematic life, with 84 Charing Cross Road (1987), acclaimed by specialists. In 1993, he was knighted. In the 1990s, Hopkins acted in movies like Desperate Hours (1990) and Howards End (1992), The Remains of the Day (1993) (nominee for the Oscar), Legends of the Fall (1994), Nixon (1995) (nominee for the Oscar), Surviving Picasso (1996), Amistad (1997) (nominee for the Oscar), The Mask of Zorro (1998), Meet Joe Black (1998) and Instinct (1999). His most remarkable film, however, was The Silence of the Lambs (1991), for which he won the Oscar for Best Actor. He also got a B.A.F.T.A. for this role. - IMDb Mini Biography By: Emerenciano Spouse (3) Trade Mark (7) Hair greased back and bold blue eyes Often plays very proper and restrained British characters, as in The Remains of the Day (1993) and Shadowlands (1993). Often plays controversial, real life characters: William Bligh in The Bounty (1984), Adolf Hitler in The Bunker (1981), Richard Bruno Hauptman in The Lindbergh Kidnapping Case (1976), and Richard Nixon in Nixon (1995) Often works with Richard Attenborough . Deep smooth voice Quiet, reserved performances with an occasional and very vocal outburst Trivia (86) Is proud of his improvisational touches as Hannibal Lecter in The Silence of the Lambs (1991) such as: the unnerving effect on Jodie Foster when he mocked her character's West Virginia accent; the distorion of the word "chianti" and the vile slurping sound he makes after he describes eating the "census-taker." Hopkins also notes that Hannibal never blinked his eyes when he spoke. 10/97: Ranked #57 in Empire (UK) magazine's "The Top 100 Movie Stars of All Time" list. Often compared with fellow Welshman Richard Burton . He was awarded the CBE (Commander of the Order of the British Empire) in the 1987 Queen's Birthday Honours List for his services to drama. 7/16/88: Received an honorary degree of Doctor of Letters from the University of Wales. He was awarded the Knight Bachelor of the Order of the British Empire in the 1992 New Year Honours List for his services to drama. 1975: Conquered his alcoholic addiction. Piano virtuoso. Father of Abigail Hopkins Into the 1991 restoration of Spartacus (1960), scenes were reintroduced which had been cut from the picture's 1967 reissue. One such segment has Laurence Olivier , in the role of Marcus Crassus, attempting to seduce the slave Antoninus (played by Tony Curtis ). But the original soundtrack for this segment had become lost. And so, Olivier having died in 1989, Anthony Hopkins imitated the voice of Olivier (whom Hopkins had understudied at the Old Vic) for the scene's re-created soundtrack. (T | Robert Langdon | The Dan Brown Wiki | Fandom powered by Wikia Edit Robert Langdon (born June 22, 1964 in Exeter, New Hampshire, United States) is described as looking like “Harrison Ford in Harris tweed,” [2] with his standard attire being a turtleneck, Harris Tweed jacket, khakis, and collegiate cordovan loafers, which he wears to all events, from lectures to social events. [3] A frequently referred to accessory is his Mickey Mouse watch, a gift from his parents on his ninth birthday. [4] He drives an automatic Saab 900S. [5] [6] Langdon's Mickey Mouse watch Langdon was a diver at Phillips Exeter Academy in prep school and played water polo at Princeton University where he went for college. He suffers from claustrophobia, the fear of enclosed spaces, as he fell into a well when he was 7 years old. His father died when he was 12, and his new mentor father-figure became Peter Solomon, [7] Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution. [8] Known for a brilliant problem-solving mind and his genius, Langdon has an eidetic memory and an understanding of semiotics. As a professor at Harvard University, he teaches Religious Iconology and the fictional field of Symbology. Langdon also mentions he was raised a Catholic but that he will never understand God and also said that faith is a gift he has yet to receive. [9] Angels & Demons Edit Langdon's visions - Source: http://www.deviantart.com/art/Visions-of-Robert-Langdon-from-Dan-Brown-s-Inferno-443077534 In Inferno , Langdon woke up in an Italian hospital with no memory of the events that led him to be in Italy. He kept hallucinating about a silver-haired woman, saying that she was life and telling him to “seek and find,” and a tall, green-eyed figure wearing a beaked mask claiming to be death. Dr. Marconi is the physician tending to him, but he soon calls his colleague, Dr. Sienna Brooks , to help him since he doesn't speak much English. An assassin entered and killed Dr. Marconi in cold blood, so Sienna helped Langdon escape and took him to her apartment. They contacted the American Embassy, but instead of helping him, Embassy sent the same killer after him. Thankfully, he had given the address of Pensione la Fiorentina, a hotel accross the street, and not her apartment's. Source: http://mrinal-rai.deviantart.com/art/Modified-Boticelli-s-map-of-hell-as-in-Dan-Brown-s-449083733 Langdon realized that he was on his own and Sienna showed him an object that he had been carrying which could explain why they were after him. It was a cylinder with the biohazard symbol. Inside the cylinder, there was a pointer with a modified version of Sandro Botticelli's La Mappa dell'Inferno. However, when Langdon accessed his Harvard e-mail account, the authorities were able to locate him and sent a van full of armed men after him. Sienna helped him escape once more, this time they took her Trike and zigzagged through the streets of Florence to lose them. They ditched the Trike and accompanied a group of students to the Art Institute where they reached the Boboli Gardens, went to the Palazzo Pitti and used the Vasari Corridor to cross the Arno river and arrive at the Palazzo Vecchio . There, he learned through Marta Alvarez that he had been there the night before with Ignazio Busoni and that the two of them had stolen Dante Alighieri's death mask, which belonged to Bertrand Zobrist , a man who had jumped down the Badia Tower the week before. They got separated afterwards, but Ignazio left a clue as to where he had hidden the mask: “Paradise 25” which referred to Canto XXV from The Divine Comedy. After escaping the police once again and borrowing an iPhone from a tourist, he learned where Ignazio had hidden the mask. Langdon took Sienna to the Baptistry of San Giovanni ; there they discovered that the mask had a poem in its back and that it led them to Venice. Before they could leave, however, a man named Jonathan Ferris entered and confronted him, saying that he worked for the World Health Organization (WHO) and it had been him to fly Langdon from Boston to Florence in Dr. Elizabeth Sinskey's behal |
What is the longest named river in North America, which runs from Montana to near St Louis, Missouri? | How did the Missouri River get its name? | Reference.com How did the Missouri River get its name? A: Quick Answer The Missouri River got its name from a Sioux Indian tribe called the Missouris. This tribe gave both the state and the river their names. According to the Smithsonian Institution Bureau of American Ethnology, "Missouri" is translated as "town of the large canoes." Full Answer Other authorities have stated the translation is "he of the big canoe" or "wooden canoe people." The Missouri River flows down from the Rocky Mountains in Montana for 2,341 miles and then enters the Mississippi River north of St. Louis. It is the longest river in the United States, and in fact in all of North America. | What is the longest river in Europe? | Reference.com What is the longest river in Europe? A: Quick Answer The Volga River is the longest river in Europe. The river is 2,290 miles long and is located entirely in Russia. It begins in the Valdai Hills near Rzhev and flows south to the Caspian Sea. Full Answer The Volga River is considered the national river of Russia. Eleven of Russia's large cities are located in the Volga Basin, including Moscow. The river drains most of the western region of Russia and is a major source of power and irrigation. Its waterways connects Moscow to seas such as the Baltic Sea and Black Sea. The river's delta has over 500 channels and smaller rivers, and it is considered the largest estuary in Europe. |
According to Longfellow's poem what stood 'underneath a spreading chestnut tree'? | Poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Was Born A classic American poet, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Was Born February 27, 1807 Have you ever stood up in front of your class and recited a poem? When your grandparents and great-grandparents were in school, they may have been required to recite this poem, "The Village Blacksmith," by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Under a spreading chestnut tree, The village smithy stands; The smith, a mighty man is he, With large and sinewy hands; And the muscles of his brawny arms Are strong as iron bands. Longfellow was born on February 27, 1807, in Portland, Maine. His poetry was very popular in the 19th century, and many of his poems are still familiar today. Have you ever read his poem about Paul Revere's midnight ride on August 18, 1775? page 1 of 3 | CARLISLE CITADEL STATION The great glass canopy resounds, echoing to a station's sounds; the slam of doors and sudden jet of steam which for a second hides the engine's gleam. The buzz of last goodbyes and promises to write, a longing kiss or two with hands clasped tight till a whistle shrills response to an unseen wave and "RUTLAND" starts impressively away. A quiet, peaceful calm descends on platforms; kiosks; railwaymen. Pigeons settle from their scattered flight and broken panes of glass bathe chinks of light as a simmering Jubilee "SASKATCHEWAN" relieved her charge, slips by a parcels van, and, increasing speed as green replaces red, smokeless, canters off to Kingmoor shed. "THE TRAIN APPROACHING PLATFORM NUMBER ..." "Was that Four?" - the announcer's voice distorting more and more. Newcastle's mentioned and "SPRINGBOK" noiselessly arrives, whilst from the north and unannounced steal two "BLACK FIVES" Importantly they bustle in their train having conquered Beattock Summit yet again. They're followed by a "V2" tender first, leaking like a sieve and fit to burst. Schoolboys find a sunny spot to underline in red the ones they've got; their "Combined Ian Allans" black with grime; dog-eared pages turned ten thousand time. A lovely book of quickly fading dreams, just years away from Beeching's evil schemes, meanwhile a ticket clerk with head and shoulders bent tries to find a place called Manston, Kent. Families scurry on their way intent on this year's holiday as rows of coloured hoardings set the scene, of Rhyll, Torquay, Skegness and Aberdeen, while unnoticed off the "Waverley" a reminder of the old N.B. A "Scott" - "MEG DODS", hand-painted name, totters in like some old dame. She's ambled down from Riccarton; Penton; Steele Road and Newcastleton with passengers from "The Muckle Toon" to connect expresses due at noon. From somewhere comes a vibrant ring, unseen, a "tapper's hammer" sings; the station pilot shunts some empty stock as platform 3 Inspector eyes the clock. Steaming giants wait their turn while firemen coax the fires to burn, all straining at an unseen lead, pure thorough-breds just built for speed. "CORONATIONS", "JUBILEES", "AULD REEKIE", prouder than the rest, Haymarket at its very best. A sailor absent-minded stares at posters advertising fares, his mind on ships - or girls - who knows? at Portsmouth; Chatham or Plymouth Hoe. Crown Street scammels drone like bees; the announcer blares "Inspector Please" He hurries off to platform 1 wondering where his day has gone. And Harry Keilor clips away, Second-Child-Return-Cheap Day, as Ivatt "43139" whistles for the Silloth line. Her crew are from Canal and Yard with Jackie Simpson as the guard as a messenger with a piece of chalk marks up times then stops to talk. "The Clydes 2 up, the Middays 3, but theres a hot box south of Lockerbie" The inquisitor shrugs and turns away as a bell sounds in the box 4a. Spotters watch a train approach and envy driver Harry Broatch as West Walls shimmers in the haze. Carlisle starts its busiest phase. Stopping trains for Cockermouth; Ravenglass and all points south. Symington; Hexham; Hawick; Ayr, Trains for the Midlands Eden Vale and the N.B.'s constant curving rail. Shap Summit; Whitrope and Ais Gill; the Roman Wall and Lakeland hills. The Eildons; Criffel; Arnton; Dent, Ribblehead and Pen-y-Ghent. In storms a Glasgow bound express, "SIR WILLIAM A.STANIER F.R.S." four minutes down but the minutes lost should be regained by Mossband troughs. The young lad with the piece of chalk leaves the board and takes a walk. One aim in mind, one special aim, to see a very special train. Across the bridge from platform 3 he dodges frantic families but without a care he makes his way to the now vacated Silloth bay. He haunches at the platform's end with his eyes fixed on the West Wall's bend. The Viaduct bridge is jammed with queues as a "ROYAL SCOT" comes into view. Polmadie she |
Where are Bay of Heats and Bay of Dew Sinus Aestuum - Roris? | In what country is the northernmost point of Africa Tunisia - ENGLISH - 1 View Full Document In what country is the northernmost point of Africa-Tunisia In what film - Charlie Chaplain have his first speaking part 1940-The Great Dictator What Prophet in the Bible had a talking donkey-Balaam What common word comes from the Latin for who are you-Quiz Napoleon had a fear of what - Aelurophobia-Cats If you graduate with a degree in music what colour tassel wear-Pink In the Bible who built the ancient city of Babylon-Nimrod What was the first day of the year in the Roman calendar-25th March What does Karaoke literally mean -Empty Orchestra In what country did stamp collecting start -France Where do the White and Blue Niles join-Khartoum - in Sudan What are young bats called-Pups What plant has flowers but no leaves-Cactus Who was the Roman Goddess of peace-Pax What is a baby squirrel called-Kit or Kitten If you are born in March what is your Flower-Violet What is the only word in English that ends in mt-Dreamt This preview has intentionally blurred sections. Sign up to view the full version. View Full Document What country has a Bible on its flag-Dominican Republic What is the only number in English that has letters in alpha order-Forty What is the name for 100th of a second-A Jiffy 10% (by weight) of the worlds land animals are what species- Ants The milk of what creature will not curdle- Camel What do cockroaches do every fifteen minutes-Fart Noah's Ark had two of everything including what feature- Windows The Invisible Empire is better known as what-Klu Klux Klan The word vinegar come from French meaning what-Sour Wine In Saudi Arabia by law women may not become what-A Doctor Most blue eyed cats are what-Deaf The name of which animal means does not drink-Koala Collective Nouns - a Convocation of what-Eagles In proportion which animal has the largest eye-Cat Collective Nouns - a Cast of what -Falcons What European countries flag is square-Switzerland What is an octothrope-The # symbol Tigers have stripped fur - what colour is their skin-Stripped What bird has the most feathers per square inch-Penguin A dog is canine - what animal is ovine-Sheep A cat is feline - what animal is murine-Mouse or Rat The Golden Rain is the common name of what tree-Laburnum What countries nation anthem is Land of Two Rivers-Iraq Queen Alexandria's is the worlds largest what-Butterfly 1 foot wing Collective nouns - A train of what -Camels Who said "The child is the father of the man"-Wordsworth Collective nouns - a streak of what-Tigers There are over 130000 species of what on earth-Butterflies Azote was the original name of what element-Nitrogen What animals cannot swim-Gorillas The UIT govern what sport-International shooting union There are more telephones than people in what city-Washington USA If you landed at Arlanda airport where would you be-Stockholm Sweden What country declared itself first atheist state in 1967-Albania banned religion What is the Roman numerals for 3000-MMM What are Jean Bernard, Pierre St-Martin and Berger in France-Worlds deep caves Dallol Ethiopia has what claim to fame-Worlds hottest average place 94-Where are Bay of Heats and Bay of Dew Sinus Aestuum Roris-Near side of Moon This is the end of the preview. Sign up to access the rest of the document. TERM | Laser | Laser Laser You're Reading a Free Preview Pages 4 to 33 are not shown in this preview. This action might not be possible to undo. Are you sure you want to continue? CANCEL We've moved you to where you read on your other device. Get the full title to continue Get the full title to continue reading from where you left off, or restart the preview. Restart preview |
What is the title of the only published novel by J D Salinger? | J.D. Salinger | Biography, Books and Facts [Cite This] J.D. Salinger Famous not only for his writing but also for his private nature, J.D. Salinger is the author of the famous 1951 novel, The Catcher in the Rye. The autobiographic nature of the novel became the voice of a whole generation of young men wedged in frustration over the conventions of society. An immediate best-seller, the success of The Catcher in the Rye, however, did not persuade Salinger to publish another novel. Jerome David Salinger was born in New York City on January 1, 1919. He was the youngest son of a rabbi, Sol Salinger and Miriam. Not proving to be a good student, Salinger was sent to Valley Forge Military Academy in Wayne, Pennsylvania after failing at the McBurney School in New York. Salinger later studied at Ursinus College and New York University. Salinger published a story for the first time at the age of 21 when he met and befriended Whit Burnett who was the founder and editor of the Story Magazine at Columbia University. Burnett encouraged Salinger’s writing talent and published his stories in his magazine. Soon Salinger’s work started making its way to more publications such as the Saturday Evening Post and Collier’s. Just when Salinger’s writing career had started taking off, he was interrupted by the break of World War II and had to serve in the Army (1942-1944). It was during this time that Salinger started working on his masterpiece, giving birth to the legendry character of Holden Caulfield. The trauma from the war resulted in a nervous breakdown after which Salinger was hospitalized. While under treatment, Salinger met his first wife Sylvia, probably a German Nazi. The two stayed in marriage for a short period of 8 months only. In 1955, Salinger married again, Claire Douglas, daughter, of a noted art critic. Maintaining the marriage for a little more than 10 years, the couple had two children. Six years after his divorce, a new relationship bloomed when he noticed the name of Joyce Maynard, whose story in New York Times Magazine impressed Salinger after which he started a series of intense correspondence with her. Joyce soon moved in with Salinger and was lashed out after 10 months. In 1998 Joyce wrote about her experience with Salinger, describing him to be an obsessive lover. Maynard was not the end of Salinger’s love life. He was romantically involved with actress Ellen Joyce for some time after which he married Colleen O’Neill, a young nurse who remained his wife until his death on January 27, 2010. Salinger was showered with praise when his novel, The Catcher in the Rye was published in 1951. Despite also receiving some very harsh criticism on grounds of promoting immoral views, the book, ironically became the most taught book of the 20th century with its inclusion in the curriculum of high school literature. A best seller for life, the book has sold over 120 million copies all over the world. According to John Lennon’s assassin, Mark David Chapman, the reason for his crime was in the pages of The Catcher in the Rye which was found in Chapman’s possession at the time of his arrest. Although Salinger continued to write till the end of his days, The Catcher in the Rye remains his only published novel. He led a private life of immense secrecy and speculation. Some sources believe there may be at least 10 completed novels hidden in Salinger’s house. Buy Books by J.D. Salinger | Sanditon: Jane Austen's Unfinished Masterpiece Completed: Amazon.co.uk: Jane Austen, Juliette Shapiro: 9781569756218: Books By MARIA GRAZIA on 23 July 2009 Format: Paperback SANDITON: JANE AUSTEN'S UNFINISHED MASTERPIECE COMPLETED Had Jane Austen lived to complete "Sanditon," it would undoubtedly be as famous and treasured as her other novels. But unfinished at her death, the masterpiece has remained mysterious and overlooked. Now, author Juliette Shapiro has completed "Sanditon" in a vivid style recognizable to any Austen fan. This is what this edition of SANDITON by Jane Austen and Juliette Shapiro, (Ulysses Press, 2009) announces in its back cover. I made up my mind to read Jane's fragment of Sanditon (12 chapters) first in the original version I've got in my edition of her MINOR WORKS The Works of Jane Austen : Minor Works (The Oxford Illustrated Jane Austen, Vol.6) (including also LADY SUSAN and THE WATSONS). Then I went on reading what Sanditon has become in J. Shapiro's hands and imagination. You all probably know that Jane was seriously ill when she wrote the opening chapters of Sanditon; she had less than six months to live. It is thus remarkable that the book is so fresh, innovative, and original. In her last completed novel, Persuasion, Austen had depicted how men of merit and small means could rise to affluence and position by means of service in the British navy. Sanditon builds on this theme, depicting the commercial development of a small watering place and the social confusion of its society (one character is a mulatto heiress from the West Indies, Miss Lambe). DEIRDRE LA FAYE ON SANDITON ... Read more › |
What word beginning with 'C' means Bad tempered or grumpy? | grumpy - definition of grumpy in English | Oxford Dictionaries Definition of grumpy in English: grumpy ‘his performance as the grumpy gateman’ ‘he's grumpy because he hasn't heard from you’ More example sentences ‘Some news stories make me feel like a grumpy old man but I think I'm justified here.’ ‘He calls himself a grumpy old man in the book, maybe to discourage reviewers from using the expression against him.’ ‘I'll just be miserable and grumpy here, all by myself, without any help from anyone else, thank you.’ ‘Like all of us, he could be grumpy and cantankerous, but he was never mean-spirited in deed or thought.’ ‘Increasingly grumpy and queasy-looking, you wonder how long he can carry on.’ ‘Why wait upon grumpy old guests who don't appreciate those lovely locks all over their soup?’ ‘Those are not aimed at anyone who reads this, and I'm honestly not as grumpy as I sound.’ ‘I marked my return by getting the bout of sinusitis that made last week's entries so grumpy.’ ‘With it being Easter, you're likely to be feeling stuffed, tired or grumpy.’ ‘If you think there's a hint of the grumpy old man there, you'd be right.’ ‘I didn't even feel like going partying when my equally grumpy friends asked me to.’ ‘She gets very hot and grumpy, sweats lots, dehydrates and needs to be fed more, etc.’ ‘There are plenty of negative reviews written by grumpy people about this film.’ ‘Read a selection of past interviews and you're left with a picture of a truculent, grumpy old curmudgeon.’ ‘The day-time guard at the entrance to our village is the most grumpy and surly man.’ ‘I particularly enjoyed my encounter with the lighthouse's grumpy postmistress.’ ‘Far from from frumpy and grumpy, it seems many older men care about their appearance and have a positive outlook on life.’ ‘In spite of a couple of insanely grumpy reviews, this film is an utter charmer.’ ‘When we got to the end of the drive, he was a bit grumpy again, and then said I'd passed, despite a couple of minor faults.’ ‘For years, gift-givers have agonised over what to buy relations who happen to be grumpy teenage boys.’ Synonyms bad-tempered, ill-tempered, short-tempered, crotchety, crabby, crabbed, tetchy, testy, waspish, prickly, peppery, touchy, irritable, irascible, crusty, cantankerous, curmudgeonly, bearish, surly, churlish, ill-natured, ill-humoured, peevish, cross, as cross as two sticks, fractious, disagreeable, pettish having got out of bed on the wrong side grouchy, snappy, snappish, chippy, on a short fuse, short-fused shirty, stroppy, narky, ratty, eggy, like a bear with a sore head cranky, ornery, soreheaded Fawn is a shade of which colour? brown Incarnadine is a shade of which colour? green Aubergine is a shade of which colour? orange Carnelian is a shade of which colour? blue Luteofulvous is a shade of which colour? orange-tawny Amaranth is a shade of which colour? purple Verditer is a shade of which colour? orange Puce is a shade of which colour? purple Loden is a shade of which colour? orange Jet is a shade of which colour? black You scored /10 practise again? Retry | RAGMAG Ohm Issue | Sept 2011 | Issue#16 by RAGMAG Magazine (page 138) - issuu issuu 1. What is the difference between a spiral and a helix? 1. Where can you find the Church of the Holy Sepulchre? 1. What is the S.I. standard of temperature? 2. What is it called when a liquid is cooled to below its freezing point but it does not freeze? 2. The port of Mocha is in which country? 2. Boats and planes can roll and what other two ways do they move? 3. What do the letters LI-ION mean on a battery? 4. What is the difference between KVA and KW? 5. Melanophobia is the fear of what? 3. what is the capital of Latvia? 4. Which of these is NOT a wine region of France? Rhone, Alsace, Rioja, Bordeaux or Jura? 5. The Island of Madeira is in which ocean? Atlantic, Pacific or Indian? 6. If something is described as being anular in shape, what does it 6. The Alpine Ski Resort of St. resemble? Moritz is in which country? 7. You have three identically shaped balls 1Kg, 2Kg and 3Kg and you drop them from 20 Meters, which one will land first? 8. In climatology, to what does the term “Pluvial” refer? 7. The world’s highest swing, called the Nevis Arc, is located in which country? 8. Ibiza is in which Mediterranean island group? 9. Tirana is the capital of which 9. The Pascal is the SI unit of country? pressure.The Bar is the ilder term. 1 Bar is equivalent to how many 10. What is China’s second KiloPascal? largest river? 10. What element, whose symbol derives from its Greek name hydrargyrum, meaning watering silver, melts at -38.83 °C and yet boils at 356.73 °C? 3. What is the chemical symbol for Ozone? 4. What is the name given to the bending of light as it passes from one substance to another? 1. What cheese is made backwards? 2. If you write all the numbers from 300 to 400, how many times would you write the number 3? 3. What kind of bees make milk? 4. Where on earth do the winds always blow from the south? 5. If you feed me I will live but if you give me water I will die. What am i? 5. What computer operating 6. If five thousand, five hundred fifty system has a penguin as its logo? five dollars is written as $5,555, how should twelve thousand, twelve 6. There are three types of nuclear hundred twelve dollars be written? radiation. Gamma is one. Name the other two. 7. What number is next in this sequence? 1, 3, 4, 7, 11... 7. When a liquid changes from liquid to gas it’s called evaporation. What 8. Can you name three consecutive is it called when a solid changes days without using the words to gas? Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or 8. What is the name of the pigment Sunday? that gives leaves their green colour? 9. Mr. and Mrs. Mustard have six daughters and each daughter has 9. What is the cube root of 8000? one brother. How many people are in the Mustard family? 10. In an electrical circuit diagram, what is denoted by circle 10. A horse is tied to a 5 m. rope; 6 m. containing the capital letter A? away from it, is a bail of hay. Without breaking the rope, the horse is able to get to the bail of hay. How is this possible? dingbats LONDON PARIS Book 2 COST $100.00 EACH 12 COST $50.00 EACH Film COUNTDOWN COUNTDOWN COUNTDOWN COUNTDOWN COUNTDOWN COUNTDOWN COUNTDOWN COUNTDOWN COUNTDOWN Song ROUND#1 1. A spiral is on a flat plane 2. Super Cooled 3. Lithium Ion 4. KW takes into account the power factor 5. Colour Black 6. Ring 7. At the same time 8. Rainfall 9.100 10. Mercury ROUND#2 1. Jerusalem 2. Yemen 3. Riga 4. Rioja 5. Atlantic 6. Switzerland 7. New Zealand 8. Balearic Islands 9. Albania 10. Yellow River ROUND#3 1. Kelvin 2. Pitch and Yaw 3. O3 4. Refraction 5. Linux 6. Alpha and Beta 7. Sublimation 8. Chlorophyl 9. 20 10. Ammetre ROUND#4 1. Edam 2. 120 3. Boobies 4. North Pole 5. Fire 6. 13,212 7. 18 8. Yesterday, today and tomorrow 9. Nine 10. The other end is not tied to anything A TALE (TAIL) OF TO CITIES - THE LION, THE WITCH AND THE WARDROBE - HOT CHOCOLATE THREE BLIND MICE - ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO’S NEST - LITTLE WOMEN DANGEROUS MINDS - CHEAPER BY THE DOZEN - FINAL COUNTDOWN 138 RAGMAG | SEPTEMBER 2011 |
Which journalist was killed in Syria in February 2012? | Two Western Journalists Killed in Syria Shelling - The New York Times The New York Times Middle East |Two Western Journalists Killed in Syria Shelling Search Continue reading the main story Photo Marie Colvin, left, an American reporter working for The Sunday Times of London, and Rémi Ochlik, a French photographer, were killed in Syria on Wednesday. Credit Left, Sunday Times; right, Julien De Rosa CAIRO — Syrian security forces shelled the central city of Homs on Wednesday, the 19th day of a bombardment that activists say has claimed the lives of hundreds of trapped civilians in one of the deadliest campaigns in nearly a year of violent repression by the government of President Bashar al-Assad . Among the scores of people that activist groups reported killed by rockets and bombs through the day, two were Western journalists, the veteran American war correspondent Marie Colvin, who had been working for The Sunday Times of London, and a young French photographer, Rémi Ochlik. The two had been working in a makeshift media center that was destroyed in the assault, raising suspicions that Syrian security forces might have identified its location by tracing satellite signals. Experts say that such tracking is possible with sophisticated equipment. Activists, civilian journalists and foreign correspondents who have snuck into Syria have infuriated the authorities and foiled the government’s efforts to control the coverage of clashes, which have claimed thousands of Syrian lives in the last year and which Mr. Assad portrays as caused by an armed insurgency. Quoting a witness reached from neighboring Jordan, Reuters said the two journalists died after shells hit the house in which they were staying and a rocket hit them when they were trying to escape. Continue reading the main story Rupert Murdoch, the head of News Corporation and the owner of The Sunday Times, saluted Ms. Colvin as “one of the most outstanding foreign correspondents of her generation,” and said in an e-mail to the paper’s staff she “was a victim of a shell attack by the Syrian Army on a building that had been turned into an impromptu press center by the rebels. Advertisement Continue reading the main story “Our photographer, Paul Conroy, was with her and is believed to have been injured,” he said. “We are doing all we can in the face of shelling and sniper fire to get him to safety and to recover Marie’s body.” Prime Minister David Cameron of Britain paid tribute to Ms. Colvin on Wednesday, saying her death was a reminder of the perils facing reporters covering “dreadful events” in Syria. A longtime war correspondent, she lost an eye covering the Sri Lankan civil war and wore a distinctive black eye patch. Video posted online showed what appeared to be the foreign journalists’ bodies lying face down in rubble. Three other Western journalists were injured in the attack, activists said. The French prime minister, François Fillon, identified one as Edith Bouvier, a 31-year-old freelancer for the daily newspaper, Le Figaro. Video on YouTube showed her and Mr. Conroy, an Irish freelance photographer who had been working with Ms. Colvin, lying in what appeared to be a makeshift clinic with bandages on their legs. Photo Marie Colvin appeared in "Bearing Witness," an A&E documentary on women in war zones. Credit A&E IndieFilms Reuters quoted a member of the advocacy group Avaaz as saying that Ms. Bouvier’s condition was precarious. “There is a high risk she will bleed to death without urgent medical attention,” the advocate said. “We are desperately trying to get her out, doing all we can in extremely perilous circumstances.” A day earlier, a well-known video blogger in the Sunni Arab neighborhood of Baba Amr, Rami el-Sayed, was killed. Other citizen journalists in Homs have been killed recently in what activists interpret as part of a deliberate campaign to choke off news of the opposition. The Syrian authorities rarely grant visas for foreign reporters to enter the country and seek to control those who are given permission to do so. Those controls have combined to ma | East News Poland agencja fotograficzna - Za kulisami telewizji Al Jazeera, strona 1 Otwarcie nowej repliki prehistorycznych malowideł z groty Lascaux EN_00956258_0001 PLA February 10, 2011, Doha, Qatar: Al Jazeera, meaning "The Island" is an international news network headquartered in Doha, Qatar. During the Egyptian protests, the Egyptian government ordered the TV channel close it offices. Many Arabs see Al Jazeera as a more trustworthy source of information than government and foreign channels./// Hassan Shweiki, head of output for news at Al Jazeera Arabic, works on Egypt coverage in the studios in Doha. Credit: Andrew Henderson / Polaris EN_00956258_0002 PLA February 10, 2011, Doha, Qatar: Al Jazeera, meaning "The Island" is an international news network headquartered in Doha, Qatar. During the Egyptian protests, the Egyptian government ordered the TV channel close it offices. Many Arabs see Al Jazeera as a more trustworthy source of information than government and foreign channels./// The building of Al Jazeera Arabic. Credit: Andrew Henderson / Polaris EN_00956258_0003 PLA February 10, 2011, Doha, Qatar: Al Jazeera, meaning "The Island" is an international news network headquartered in Doha, Qatar. During the Egyptian protests, the Egyptian government ordered the TV channel close it offices. Many Arabs see Al Jazeera as a more trustworthy source of information than government and foreign channels./// The control room for Al Jazeera English, in the studios in Doha. Credit: Andrew Henderson / Polaris EN_00956258_0004 PLA February 10, 2011, Doha, Qatar: Al Jazeera, meaning "The Island" is an international news network headquartered in Doha, Qatar. During the Egyptian protests, the Egyptian government ordered the TV channel close it offices. Many Arabs see Al Jazeera as a more trustworthy source of information than government and foreign channels./// The control room for Al Jazeera English, in the studios in Doha. Credit: Andrew Henderson / Polaris EN_00956258_0005 PLA February 10, 2011, Doha, Qatar: Al Jazeera, meaning "The Island" is an international news network headquartered in Doha, Qatar. During the Egyptian protests, the Egyptian government ordered the TV channel close it offices. Many Arabs see Al Jazeera as a more trustworthy source of information than government and foreign channels./// Hassan Shweiki, head of output for news at Al Jazeera Arabic, works on Egypt coverage in the studios in Doha. Credit: Andrew Henderson / Polaris EN_00956258_0006 PLA February 10, 2011, Doha, Qatar: Al Jazeera, meaning "The Island" is an international news network headquartered in Doha, Qatar. During the Egyptian protests, the Egyptian government ordered the TV channel close it offices. Many Arabs see Al Jazeera as a more trustworthy source of information than government and foreign channels./// The code of ethics for Al Jazeera Arabic, in Doha. Credit: Andrew Henderson / Polaris EN_00956258_0007 PLA February 10, 2011, Doha, Qatar: Al Jazeera, meaning "The Island" is an international news network headquartered in Doha, Qatar. During the Egyptian protests, the Egyptian government ordered the TV channel close it offices. Many Arabs see Al Jazeera as a more trustworthy source of information than government and foreign channels./// Hassan Shweiki, head of output for news at Al Jazeera Arabic, works on Egypt coverage in the studios in Doha. Credit: Andrew Henderson / Polaris EN_00956258_0008 PLA February 10, 2011, Doha, Qatar: Al Jazeera, meaning "The Island" is an international news network headquartered in Doha, Qatar. During the Egyptian protests, the Egyptian government ordered the TV channel close it offices. Many Arabs see Al Jazeera as a more trustworthy source of information than government and foreign channels./// Hassan Shweiki, head of output for news at Al Jazeera Arabic, works on Egypt coverage in the studios in Doha. Credit: Andrew Henderson / Polaris EN_00956258_0009 PLA February 10, 2011, Doha, Qatar: Al Jazeera, meaning "The Island" is an international news network headquartered in Doha, Qatar. During the E |
In which ballet is Swanhilde jealous of a mechanical doll? | Coppelia Living doll dances to delight Coppelia The Russian State Ballet of Siberia Wolverhampton Grand **** BALLET is always something of a treat and first impressions of the opening of Coppelia did not disappoint. The dancers stand immobile for a few seconds before bursting into life. With bright, colourful costumes and a young and chirpy troupe, the Russian State Ballet of Siberia (Krasnoyarsk State Ballet which was founded in 1978), brings this most popular of all comic ballets to Wolverhampton Grand as part of a UK tour. The romantic attachment between Franz (Kirill Bulychev) and mischievous Swanilde (Elena Pogorelaya) quickly becomes apparent when she playfully showers him with a watering can! However, she is jealous and unsettled when Franz becomes enchanted by a beautiful girl who is sitting reading at a nearby window; little do they know that she is merely a doll (played by Yana Tugeva) who has been animated by her maker Dr. Coppelius'. Nevertheless, while dancing with townspeople - including the Burgomeister (danced by Kirikk Bogdanov) and other local characters and friends, Swanhilde is able to forget her anxieties. When the inventor Dr. Coppelius (ably portrayed by Alexander Kuimov) leaves his home to go drinking at a tavern and drops his door key, Swanhilde picks it up and creeps into his workshop with her friends while Franz climbs in through a window. The young people discover several of his automatons and switch them on. STRENGTH AND VERSATILITY Swanhilde and the girls are astonished to realize that Coppelia is not real but when Dr. Coppelius returns, she hides by taking the doll's place. You have to admire Elena Pogorelaya's stamina as the role of Swanhilde requires strength and versatility - it has to incorporate a lot of dancing through from stiff doll-like movements to graceful pas de deux. Nevertheless, the inventor's deepest desire - to bring Coppelia to life using Franz' life force – comes to nothing when the couple escape together. In the final act, Swanhilde and the energetic Franz's wedding is celebrated by the whole village which gives the company an opportunity to showcase their skills through a series of symbolic dances (divertissements) signifying Prayer, Dance etc. leading up to the final pas de deux. Sergei Bobrov is the artistic director and Alexander Yudasin conducts this ballet which includes lots of mime while Delibes' music introduces folk dances like mazurka and czardas. The bright costumes, sparkling tutus and Dr. Coppelius' shimmering, billowing cloak all add to the entertainment value. Coppelia may not have the wow factor of Swan Lake and the Nutcracker, but it is charming and well-told fantasy in which everyone should find something to enjoy. For the Wolverhampton leg of their tour of the UK, the Russian State Ballet of Siberia is perform three different ballets opening with an afternoon performance of The Nutcracker on Sunday, 17 Feb, Coppelia on 18 Feb and finally Swan Lake on 19 Feb, 2013. Laura Ginesi And a second movement . . . *** THE Russian ballet dancers from Siberia brought a warm glow to the Grand with their performance of this classic story of love and confusion over a beautiful life-size mechanical doll. It featured some outstanding dancing to the choreography of Alexander Gorsky and Gennady Malkhasiants, with Delibes' beautiful score played by the company's orchestra, conducted by Alexander Yudasin. The light-hearted ballet is set in a quaint 19th century village, Galicia, where the eccentric toymaker Dr Coppelius has produced a doll so realistic he treats it as his daughter. Yana Tugaeva played the magical Coppelia, and thrilled the audience with her clever dancing, while Kirill Bulychev impressed as villager Franz who upsets his girlfriend, Swanilda (the delightful Elena Pogorelaya) by making eyes at the doll. And that is where the main fault of the production came to light. In the fai | A Merry Devil - Launcelot Gobbo in the Merchant of Venice A Merry Devil: Launcelot Gobbo in The Merchant of Venice From The Fools of Shakespeare by Frederick Warde. London: McBride, Nast & Company. In that delightful comedy, "The Merchant of Venice," we have a type of the shrewd but ignorant serving man, or boy, drawn on the same lines as Launce and Speed in "The Two Gentlemen of Verona," and the two Dromios, in "The Comedy of Errors," but apparently younger and less matured than either of them. His name is Launcelot Gobbo, a fact of which he is somewhat proud. He has a crude philosophy and a rude kind of wit. He uses big words and misapplies them most ingenuously. He is good-natured, full of fun, and rejoices in a practical jest. Launcelot is the servant to Shylock, a wealthy Jewish merchant and money lender of Venice, with whom he lives and of whom he stands in wholesome awe. His fun-loving nature, however, has served to brighten the dull and dreary home of that stern and revengeful gentleman, a fact that Jessica, the Jew's daughter, frankly acknowledges in her first interview with the boy. Our house is hell, and thou a merry devil Did'st rob it of some taste of tediousness. Launcelot does not appear until the second scene of the second act of the comedy, when we find him stealthily leaving his master's house. We learn that he feels aggrieved at some apparent wrong at the hands of his employer, and is debating whether to remain in his service, or to run away. His soliloquy or self-argument on the point is most entertaining. He would be just, but being both plaintiff and defendant, as well as advocate and judge of the question at issue, he can scarcely be credited with impartiality. However, the motives that he frankly acknowledges, and the reasons he advances are most delightfully human, and most humorously expressed. The entire passage is a quaint, and by no means unnatural, self-contention between duty and inclination; the conclusion, as a matter of course, being in favor of inclination. Certainly, my conscience will serve me to run from this Jew, my master: the fiend is at mine elbow, and tempts me, saying to me, "Gobbo, Launcelot Gobbo, good Launcelot, or good Gobbo, or good Launcelot Gobbo, use your legs, take the start, run away." My conscience says - "No; take heed, honest Launcelot; take heed, honest Gobbo; or," as aforesaid, "honest Launcelot Gobbo; do not run; scorn running with thy heels." - Well, the most courageous fiend bids me pack; via! says the fiend; away, says the fiend; for the heavens rouse up a brave mind, says the fiend, and run. Well, my conscience, hanging about the neck of my heart, says very wisely to me - "my honest friend Launcelot, being an honest man's son" - or rather an honest woman's son; - for, indeed, my father did something smack, something grow to, - he had a kind of taste; - well, my conscience says - Launcelot, budge not;" "budge," says the fiend; budge not," says my conscience. Conscience, say I, you counsel well; fiend, say I, you counsel well; to be ruled by my conscience, I should stay with the Jew, my master, who, Heaven bless the mark! is a kind of devil; and, to run away from the Jew, I should be ruled by the fiend, who, saving your reverence, is the devil himself: certainly, the Jew is the very devil incarnation, and, in my conscience, my conscience is but a kind of hard conscience, to offer to counsel me to stay with the Jew : the fiend gives the more friendly counsel! I will run; fiend, my heels are at your commandment, I will run. However, Launcelot does not run; he is spared that violence to his conscientious scruples by the unexpected advent of his father, an old Italian peasant, whose voice is heard calling in the distance, and halts the would-be runaway. Launcelot's decision of character is not very marked, nor his resentments very strong, for in a moment his wrongs are forgotten, and he is designing a practical jest on his aged parent. "O heavens!" he exclaims, "this is my true-begotten father; who, being more than sand-b |
Which metal is obtained from the ore bauxite | Bauxite | The Aluminum Association Bauxite Quick Read Bauxite ore is the world’s primary source of aluminum. The ore must first be chemically processed to produce alumina (aluminum oxide). Alumina is then smelted using an electrolysis process to produce pure aluminum metal. Bauxite is typically found in topsoil located in various tropical and subtropical regions. The ore is acquired through environmentally responsible strip-mining operations. Bauxite reserves are most plentiful in Africa, Oceania and South America. Reserves are projected to last for centuries. Take-Away Facts Aluminum must be refined from ore Although aluminum is the most common metal found on Earth (totaling 8 percent of the planet’s crust), the metal is too reactive with other elements to occur naturally. Bauxite ore, refined through two processes, is the primary source of aluminum. Land conservation is a key industry focus An average of 80 percent of the land mined for bauxite is returned to its native ecosystem. Topsoil from the mining site is stored so it can be replaced during the rehabilitation process. Reserves will last for centuries Although demand for aluminum is increasing rapidly, bauxite reserves, currently estimated at 40 to 75 billion metric tons, are projected to last for centuries. Guinea and Australia have the two largest proven reserves. A wealth of bauxite reserves Vietnam may hold a wealth of bauxite. In November 2010, the prime minister of Vietnam announced the country’s bauxite reserves may total up to 11 billion tons. Bauxite 101 Bauxite ore is the world’s main source of aluminum Bauxite is a rock formed from a reddish clay material called laterite soil and is most commonly found in tropical or subtropical regions. Bauxite is primarily comprised of aluminum oxide compounds (alumina), silica, iron oxides and titanium dioxide. Approximately 70 percent of the world’s bauxite production is refined through the Bayer chemical process into alumina. Alumina is then refined into pure aluminum metal through the Hall–Héroult electrolytic process. Mining bauxite Bauxite is usually found near the surface of terrain and can be strip-mined economically. The industry has taken a leadership role in environmental conservation efforts. When the land is cleared prior to mining, the topsoil is stored so it can be replaced during rehabilitation. During the strip-mining process, bauxite is broken up and taken out of the mine to an alumina refinery. Once mining is complete, the topsoil is replaced and the area undergoes a restoration process. When the ore is mined in forested areas, an average of 80 percent of the land is returned to its native ecosystem. Production and reserves More than 160 million metric tons of bauxite are mined each year. The leaders in bauxite production include Australia, China, Brazil, India and Guinea. Bauxite reserves are estimated to be 55 to 75 billion metric tons, primarily spread across Africa (32 percent), Oceania (23 percent), South America and the Caribbean (21 percent) and Asia (18 percent). The United States has small amounts of bauxite ore located in Arkansas, Alabama and Georgia. However, very little mining is done in the United States today. Looking forward: Continued improvement in environmental restoration efforts Environmental restoration goals continue to advance. A biodiversity-restoration project under way in Western Australia provides a leading example. The goal: to reestablish the equivalent level of plant species richness in rehabilitated areas equal to the un-mined Jarrah forest. (A Jarrah forest is tall open forest. Eucalyptus marginata is the dominant tree.) Les Baux, the Home of Bauxite Bauxite was named after the village of Les Baux by Pierre Berthe. This French geologist found the ore in nearby deposits. He was the first to discover that bauxite contained aluminum. Nearly 75 percent of all aluminum ever produced is still in use today. Infinitely recyclable and highly durable, nearly 75 percent of all aluminum ever produced is still in use today. Aluminum is 100 percent recyclable and retains its pro | Gold - Chemistry Encyclopedia - elements, metal, name, symbol Gold - Chemistry Encyclopedia MOST COMMON IONS: Au + , Au 3+ , Gold is a soft, malleable yellow metal . If finely divided, it may be black, ruby, or purple. The name of the element is derived from the Anglo-Saxon word geolo, meaning "yellow." The symbol Au is derived from the Latin word aurum, meaning "shining dawn." Gold is the most malleable and ductile metal known. Approximately 28 grams (1 ounce) of gold can be hammered to form a piece that is 28 square meters (300 square feet). It is a good conductor of heat and electricity, and unreactive in air and most reagents . It forms ionic compounds primarily as a +3 ion; the most common compounds are gold (III) chloride (AuCl 3 ), and chlorauric acid (HAuCl 4 ). The relative abundance of gold is 0.004 part per million (ppm) in Earth's crust. Deposits of the metal are found in South Africa, Siberia, North America, and South America. Gold has one naturally occurring isotope ( 197 Au) and forty-five synthetic isotopes. Found in association with quartz or pyrite, gold occurs in veins and is traditionally isolated from rocks by panning or sluicing; these techniques take advantage of gold's high density. A modern method of isolation is the cyanide process, in which gold is leached from crushed rock with an aerated solution of sodium cyanide. The gold then precipitates upon addition of zinc dust and is purified by electrolytic refining. Gold was used as early as the late Stone Age for ornamental purposes (e.g., jewelry and plating) and more recently as a monetary standard. It is a component of electrical connectors in computer equipment due to its high electrical conductivity. Its unreactivity in air leads to its use for corrosion-free contacts in electrical connections. As an excellent conductor of heat, it is used in the main engine nozzle of the space shuttle. Since gold is the most reflective of all metals, it is used as a coating for space satellites, face shields for astronauts, and windows. Chlorauric acid is used in photography; disodium aurothiomalate is given as a treatment for arthritis. SEE ALSO |
Which orchestral instrument can play the highest note? | lowest and highest-pitched instruments in the orchestra lowest and highest-pitched instruments in the orchestra « on: February 09, 2008, 12:59:34 PM » Assuming there is no organ or piano, what are the highest and lowest-pitched instruments in the orchestra? Can the contrabasoon play lower than the double bass? The tuba? Can a violin produce a higher-pitched note than a piccolo? Logged « Reply #1 on: February 09, 2008, 06:44:08 PM » Lowest is tuba while piccolo is highest. Logged Quote from: XB-70 Valkyrie on February 09, 2008, 12:59:34 PM Assuming there is no organ or piano, what are the highest and lowest-pitched instruments in the orchestra? Generally speaking, they are the piccolo (highest note is the highest C on the piano, although it requires a skilled player to comfortably play the notes in the top half or so of the highest octave) and the contrabassoon (which can comfortably reach the lowest Bb on the piano, and some instruments with a low A extension can even reach the lowest note on the piano. This makes the Bb impossible to play though, and while low A's can be found for bassoon in plenty of late-romantic music, the contrabassoon's low A an octave lower is very rarely written). However, do bear in mind the following: Quote Can a violin produce a higher-pitched note than a piccolo? With harmonics, it is possible for a violin to reach the highest C on the piano and even higher but these notes can only be produced somewhat reliably by the most advanced players and would require an incredible amount of effort to produce above C or so. I definitely know that the original cadenza for Ligeti's Violin Concerto (written in collaboration with the work's dedicatee Saschko Gawriloff) reaches a high E above the highest note of the piano and there are probably some contemporary pieces that go even higher. However, these ridiculously high notes are definitely not in the "standard range" and you will not find much music at all that requires a violinist to play this high, except in some contemporary pieces. Also, you would never find anything this high being written for an entire violin section in the orchestra, because it would be too difficult to get a stable sound from that many players. Quote Can the contrabassoon play lower than the double bass? The tuba? Yes, the contrabassoon can reach the lowest Bb on the piano, whereas the double bass can only go down to a low E, or with a C extension a low C. The tuba's lowest "standard range" note is a low E, but some tubas are able to go down even further to as low as the lowest Bb on the piano and maybe even further. I'm fairly sure though that only a contrabass tuba can go down this low, and any lower notes will be ugly unstable pedal tones. « Last Edit: February 09, 2008, 08:54:22 PM by Symphonien » Logged « Reply #7 on: February 12, 2008, 04:27:15 PM » All right, time for a monkey wrench in this discussion. The ranges of instruments are actually pretty flexible. Strings can be retuned; brass players can use the seldom-used 1st (fundamental) harmonic/overtone which is usually not considered part of the normal range; and other factors may be involved. The upper ranges, especially, are theoretically unlimited; in practice they are limited only by the players' strength and/or skill. Strings: I've heard many five-stringed basses on which the lowest string is tuned to a low B or even a low A (the lowest note on the piano). The upper ranges are not hard to produce--any competent violinist can go well above the piano's highest C with no unusual effort--but they are hard to control. Imagine a violin section trying to play in tune at those Himalayan heights! Woodwinds: The low ends of woodwind ranges are pretty well fixed by physical laws; you can't go lower than to play with all holes covered. (I have seen bassoonists put a roll of paper or plastic in the end of their horns to play a low A, but then they lose their low Bb.) But the upper range is limited only by the pressure a player's lungs and lips can put on the reed or hole. On the oboe I can play up to a high G four lines ab | Instruments of the Orchestra: The Strings Family Instrument Families When we talk about musical instruments, we often talk about them as being part of a family. That's because, just like in human families, the instruments in a particular family are related to each other. They are often made of the same types of materials, usually look similar to one another, and produce sound in comparable ways. Some are larger and some are smaller, just as parents are bigger than children. The String Family When you look at a string instrument, the first thing you'll probably notice is that it's made of wood, so why is it called a string instrument? The bodies of the string instruments, which are hollow inside to allow sound to vibrate within them, are made of different kinds of wood, but the part of the instrument that makes the sound is the strings, which are made of nylon, steel or sometimes gut. The strings are played most often by drawing a bow across them. The handle of the bow is made of wood and the strings of the bow are actually horsehair from horses' tails! Sometimes the musicians will use their fingers to pluck the strings, and occasionally they will turn the bow upside down and play the strings with the wooden handle. The strings are the largest family of instruments in the orchestra and they come in four sizes: the violin , which is the smallest, viola , cello , and the biggest, the double bass , sometimes called the contrabass. (Bass is pronounced "base," as in "baseball.") The smaller instruments, the violin and viola, make higher-pitched sounds, while the larger cello and double bass produce low rich sounds. They are all similarly shaped, with curvy wooden bodies and wooden necks. The strings stretch over the body and neck and attach to small decorative heads, where they are tuned with small tuning pegs. |
The husband of Mumtaz designed and built what magnificent monument in India to her when she died in 1631? | June 17th 1631: Mumtaz Mahal Dies During Childbirth. June 17 1631 - Mumtaz Mahal Dies During Childbirth On June 17th 1631 Mumtaz Mahal, the beloved wife of Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan, died while giving birth to their fourteenth child in Burhanpur, Madhya Pradesh. Thereafter, Shah Jahan spent more than twenty years building the Taj Mahal in memory of his beloved wife. The Taj Mahal is probably the world’s most recognized building apart from being called one of the "New Seven Wonders of the World". This magnificent, white marbled mausoleum was built by Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan as the final resting place for his wife Arjuman Banu (also known as Mumtaz Mahal), who died during childbirth on June 17th, 1631. Mumtaz Mahal was born on April 6th, 1593 in Agra to Abdul Hasan Asaf Khan, a Persian Nobleman, which made Mumtaz Mahal the niece of Empress Nur Jehan and later her daughter-in-law. At the age of fourteen, Mumtaz Mahal was engaged to Prince Khurram (also known as Shah Jahan) who fell in love with her at first sight. The year was 1607. The couple had to wait for five years after their engagement to get married - the date of their wedding was to be decided by an astrologer, which would be instrumental in ensuring a happy married life for the couple. Mumtaz Mahal and Shah Jahan finally got married in 1612 and she became the love of his life. After their marriage, Shah Jahan gave his new wife the title of Mumtaz Mahal which means the “chosen one of the palace”. Shah Jahan had two wives previously before he married Mumtaz Mahal. Ever since his marriage to Mumtaz, however, Shah Jahan showed little interest in his earlier wives. Shah Jahan had deep love and great respect for Mumtaz Mahal and gave her his complete, undivided attention. Mumtaz Mahal was renowned for her beauty and grace and was the source of inspiration for many poets and writers who wrote about her ethereal beauty and charm. Some poets even went so far as saying that so great was the beauty of Mumtaz that even the moon hid its face in her presence. Shah Jahan and Mumtaz shared a very loving relationship and Mumtaz was Shah Jahan’s trusted companion who, despite her many pregnancies, travelled with her husband around the country during his military campaigns. Shah Jahan trusted his wife so deeply that he gave her his Imperial Seat - the Muhr Uzah. Historical records portray Mumtaz Mahal to be a woman who nurtured no political ambition, a sharp contrast to her aunt and mother-in-law, Empress Nur Jehan who had controlled the previous reign strongly. A gentle and compassionate person, Mumtaz Mahal took up the cause of the poor and helpless. She requested her husband Shah Jahan to provide aid to his poorer subjects. Mumtaz Mahal was fond of architecture and used to spend a lot of time tending to a riverside garden in Agra, she also enjoyed watching combat fights in court. Mumtaz Mahal bore Shah Jahan fourteen children, including popular (and, at times, controversial) historical figures such as Dara Shikoh, Shah Shuja, Roshnara Begum, Jahanara Begum and Aurangzeb, among others. Mumtaz died in Burhanpur (in present day Madhya Pradesh), on June 17th 1631 while giving birth to their fourteenth child, a daughter, Gauhara Begum. Legend has it that while on her deathbed, Mumtaz asked Shah Jahan to build her the most beautiful tomb the world has ever seen. Mumtaz’s body was initially buried in a walled garden in Burhanpur, known as Zainabad and situated on the banks of the River Tapti. Shah Jahan was visibly devastated at the death of his beloved wife and was inconsolable. It is believed that Shah Jahan went into isolated mourning for a year and when he returned, all his hair had turned white and his face was ravaged with sadness. The emperor’s eldest and most favourite daughter, Jahanara Begum helped her father though this difficult phase of grief and gradually brought him out of this period of mourning. Following this, Jahanara Begum took the place of her mother Mumtaz Mahal in the royal court. Since Shah Jahan had never intended for Mumtaz to be buried at Burhanpur, he had | MCQ-test Questions and Answers | Library and Information center@KV Peringome Library and Information center@KV Peringome Reader’s Club and Library and Information Center National Library Week celebration 2012 Know Your Literature 1. Who invented movable type printing? (C) Johannes Gutenberg 2. What was the pen-name of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson? (D) Lewis Carroll 3. What was Samuel Langhorne Clemens’ pen-name? (B) Mark Twain 4. The ISBN (International Standard Book Number) code was increased to how many digits from 1 January 2007? (A) Thirteen 5. What is the pen-name of novelist Mary Ann Evans (1819-80)? (D) George Eliot 6. French writer Sully Prudhomme was the first winner of what prize in 1901? (C) Nobel Prize for Literature 7. “Make then laugh; make them cry; make them wait…” was a personal maxim of which novelist? (B) Charles Dickens 8. Which Indian author wrote the English novel called ‘Untouchable’ (novel) in 1935? (D) Mulk Raj Anand. 9. R.K.Narayan has his stories centered on which imaginary place? (D) Malgudi 10. Which Indian writer has a National Park named after him? (B)Jim Corbett 12. Rabindranath Tagore won the Nobel prize for writing: (C) Gitanjali 13. What is the pen name of V V Ayyappan – (B) Kovilan 14. What is the pen name of P C Kuttikrishnan- (D) Uroob 15. ______________is a Malayalam poet and lyricist from Kerala, India, who won Jnanpith Award, the highest literary award in India for the year 2007 (C) O.N.V. Kurupu 16. The Nobel Prize in Literature 2012 (C) Mo Yan 17. Hilary Mantel’s book _______________ won Man Booker Prize 2012 (B) Bring up the Bodies 18. _____________________is the autobiography of Adolf Hitler (A) Mein Kampf 19. Who wrote “Glimpses of world history” (A)Jawaharlal Nehru 20. ____________________is the autobiography of Mahatma Gandhi. (D) The Story of My Experiments with Truth 21. The famous book “ The count of Monte Cristo” written by (C) Alexandre Dumas 22. _______________________________is the author of Harry Potter series stories (B) J. K. Rowling 23. Who wrote the English novel called ‘Angry river’ (A) Ruskin Bond 24. ________________________________ is the autobiography of A. P. J Abdul Kalam. (C) Wings of fire 25. The Diary of a Young Girl is a book of the writings from the Dutch language diary kept by ______________while she was in hiding for two years with her family during the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands. (B) Anne Frank 26. The Story of My Life, first published in 1903, is autobiography of ___________ (A) Helen Keller 27. The Evolutionary biology book the origin of species written by________________________________ (A) Charles Darwin 28. Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica, Latin for “Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy”, often referred to as simply the Principia, is a work in three books by___________________________ (D) Sir Isaac Newton 29. Who was the Indian author won Man Booker Prize for his book “The white tiger” in 2008 (B) Aravind Adiga 30. It is considered to be the first Malayalam novel. (C) Kundalatha |
Responsible for such films as 'Saving Private Ryan' and 'Gladiator', which film Production Company was founded by Steven Spielberg, Jeffrey Katzenberg and David Geffen in 1994? | DreamWorks Pictures Steven Spielberg Principal Partner Steven Spielberg, one of the industry’s most successful and influential filmmakers, is a principal partner of DreamWorks Studios. Formed in 2009, Spielberg leads the motion picture company in partnership with The Reliance Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group. Spielberg is also, collectively, the top-grossing director of all time, having helmed such blockbusters as “Jaws,” “E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial,” the “Indiana Jones” franchise, and “Jurassic Park.” Among his myriad honors, he is a three-time Academy Award® winner. Spielberg took home his first two Oscarsâ, for Best Director and Best Picture, for the internationally lauded “Schindler’s List,” which received a total of seven Oscarsâ. The film was also named the Best Picture of 1993 by many of the major critics organizations, in addition to winning seven BAFTA Awards and three Golden Globe Awards, both including Best Picture and Director. Spielberg also won the Directors Guild of America (DGA) Award for his work on the film. Spielberg won his third Academy Award®, for Best Director, for the World War II drama “Saving Private Ryan,” which was the highest-grossing release (domestically) of 1998. It was also one of the year’s most honored films, earning four additional Oscars®, as well as two Golden Globe Awards, for Best Picture - Drama and Best Director, and numerous critics groups awards in the same categories. Spielberg also won another DGA Award, and shared a Producers Guild of America (PGA) Award with the film’s other producers. That same year, the PGA also presented Spielberg with the prestigious Milestone Award for his historic contribution to the motion picture industry. He has also earned Academy Awardâ nominations for Best Director for “Lincoln,” “Munich,” “E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial,” “Raiders of the Lost Ark,” “Close Encounters of the Third Kind.” Additionally, he earned DGA Award nominations for those films, as well as “Jaws,” “The Color Purple,” “Empire of the Sun,” and “Amistad.” With eleven to date, Spielberg has been honored by his peers with more DGA Award nominations than any other director. In 2000, he received the DGA’s Lifetime Achievement Award. He is also the recipient of the Irving G. Thalberg Award from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, the Hollywood Foreign Press’s Cecil B. DeMille Award, the Kennedy Center Honor, and numerous other career tributes. Spielberg’s most recent film, “Bridge of Spies,” is a dramatic thriller starring Tom Hanks that tells the story of James Donovan, an insurance claims lawyer from Brooklyn who finds himself thrust into the center of the Cold War when the CIA enlists his support to negotiate the release of a captured American U-2 pilot. His next film is the adaptation of Roald Dahl’s beloved classic, “The BFG,” which will be in theaters July 1, 2016. In 2012, Spielberg directed Academy Award winner Daniel Day-Lewis in “Lincoln,” based in part on Doris Kearns Goodwin’s “Team of Rivals,” with a screenplay by Tony Kushner. The DreamWorks Pictures/Twentieth Century Fox film, in association with Participant Media, garnered 12 Academy Award nominations and has earned $275 million worldwide. The film won two Oscars, including Daniel Day-Lewis’ third Oscar for Best Actor playing the iconic 16th President, as well as Best Production Design. He was also an executive producer on “Jurassic World,” which has earned over $1.6 billion worldwide. Directed by Colin Trevorrow and starring Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard, it was the fourth film in the Jurassic series. Spielberg’s career began with the 1968 short film “Amblin,” which led to him becoming the youngest director ever signed to a long-term studio deal. He directed episodes of such TV shows as “Night Gallery,” “Marcus Welby, M.D.” and “Columbo,” and gained special attention for his 1971 telefilm “Duel.” Three years later, he made his feature film directorial debut on “The Sugarland Express,” from a screenplay he co-wrote. His next film was “Jaws,” which was the first film to break the $100 million | Tom Hanks - Awards - IMDb Tom Hanks Showing all 80 wins and 136 nominations Academy Awards, USA For part I: "Can We Do This?". BAFTA Awards Steven Spielberg THE PACIFIC is storytelling on a scale worthy of "The Greatest Generation." Epic in size and ... More THE PACIFIC is storytelling on a scale worthy of "The Greatest Generation." Epic in size and intimately personal, this grueling ten-part mini-series from executive producers Tom Hanks, Steven Spielberg and Gary Goetzman recreates the history and the horror of World War II's Pacific theatre through the eyes of three United States Marines. With America fighting two wars in 2010, THE PACIFIC landed on airwaves with a powerful question, "What are you willing to sacrifice for your country?" BTVA Special/DVD Voice Acting Award Best Vocal Ensemble in a TV Special/Direct-to-DVD Title or Theatrical Short For episode "Can We Do This?". Dallas-Fort Worth Film Critics Association Awards OFTA Film Hall of Fame Acting Sully (2016) "Tom Hanks delivers yet another career-defining performance bringing to life the heroism of airline... More "Tom Hanks delivers yet another career-defining performance bringing to life the heroism of airline pilot Captain Chesley 'Sully' Sullenberger," said Festival Chairman Harold Matzner. "This is sure to be remembered in his long list of iconic character roles, including those in Forrest Gump, Captain Phillips, Castaway, Philadelphia, Saving Private Ryan, the Toy Story films and so many others. The Palm Springs International Film Festival is honored to present this year's Icon Award to Tom Hanks." Saving Mr. Banks (2013) In a remarkable feat that vividly illustrates the range of his talent, this year he portrayed two ... More In a remarkable feat that vividly illustrates the range of his talent, this year he portrayed two real life characters, each a powerhouse performance in its own right. In the film Captain Phillips, he plays Richard Phillips, the captain of a ship hijacked by pirates, while in Saving Mr. Banks he plays Walt Disney trying to turn the book Mary Poppins into a film - two roles that couldn't be more divergent. People's Choice Awards, USA |
Over half of all bird species are passerine, what does this mean that they can do | Passerine Definition - What Are Perching Birds (noun) A perching bird in the formal scientific order Passeriformes. Pronunciation: PASS-err-eyen or PASS-err-eeen What Birds Are Passerines - And Why The Passeriformes is the largest order of birds and includes more than half the world's different bird species, with more than 5,000 unique species classified as passerines. Often inaccurately called songbirds - not all of these birds are equally vocally adept - most birds in this classification do share many characteristics, including: Small to medium body size with generally upright relaxed posture Relatively vocal, including different calls and often, though not always, elaborate songs Altricial chicks that need extensive parent care after hatching Relatively bright plumage colors or distinct markings Unwebbed toes and feet equipped with distinct talons The most prominent characteristic shared by all passerine birds is the anisodactyl arrangement of toes . These birds have four toes, three facing forward and one backward, an arrangement which allows the bird to easily cling to both horizontal and nearly vertical perches, including branches and tree trunks. continue reading below our video 5 Home Accents & Accessories You Can DIY These birds also have an adaptation in their legs that gives them extra strength for perching. In fact, the relaxed position of their feet and talons is to be clenched securely, so the birds are able to perch easily even when sleeping and will not lose their grip. With more than half the world's birds classified as passerines, these birds are familiar to all birders, and include species such as warblers, thrushes, tanagers, sparrows, finches, jays, larks, tits and wrens. Non-Passerine Birds Because there are so many birds that can be classified as passerines and they are so diverse, it can be easier to note which birds are not considered passeriforms in order to better understand the differences between types. Birds that do not fit within this order include: Ducks, geese, swans and similar waterfowl Woodpeckers Hawks, eagles, owls and other birds of prey Hummingbirds Flamingos, herons, egrets and other wading birds Plovers, sandpipers and similar shorebirds Swifts, swallows and martins While some of these birds may share a few characteristics with the passeriforms, none of them share every trait in order to be lumped into the same general classification. These are only a few examples of birds that do not belong to the passerines, but demonstrate just how diverse worldwide avifauna can be. Passerine Jizz and Bird Identification Comparing the overall characteristics of each type of bird can help birders better understand which birds are passerines and which are not. This can help birders better identify the jizz of a bird and begin narrowing down the type of bird to a specific species. In many cases, the first step of that identification is to note whether or not the bird is a passerine. Once that is determined, individual traits can quickly pinpoint an exact bird species. Also Known As: | Judith Sheindlin | Antonin Scalia Judith Sheindlin You're Reading a Free Preview Pages 6 to 51 are not shown in this preview. Sign up to vote on this title UsefulNot useful This action might not be possible to undo. Are you sure you want to continue? CANCEL We've moved you to where you read on your other device. Get the full title to continue Get the full title to continue reading from where you left off, or restart the preview. Restart preview |
Which number shirt does footballer Wayne Rooney wear for Manchester United? | Juan Mata to wear No 8 shirt and relishes chance to join Wayne Rooney at Manchester United - Telegraph Manchester United Juan Mata to wear No 8 shirt and relishes chance to join Wayne Rooney at Manchester United Manchester United's record £37.1 million signing Juan Mata talks about Wayne Rooney, turning down the No 7 shirt and arriving at the club in a helicopter Follow Juan Mata says he cannot wait to play alongside Wayne Rooney for Manchester United and push for the Champions League. United’s £37.1 million new signing operates best in a similar position to Rooney, playing off the main striker, but believes they will dovetail well. “I can’t wait to play with him at Old Trafford,’’ said Mata, talking before training at Carrington on Monday. “For me, he is one of the best players in England. He is unbelievable; he can score, he can assist and he can take the ball in midfield. I will enjoy playing alongside him a lot. I will try to connect with him as much as I can. I will try to find the gaps between midfield and defence because that is something I was used to doing last season. That is the best position for me to play; to try to assist the strikers.’’ Mata believes United’s resilience will hope them hunt down a Champions League position. They are currently six points behind fourth-placed Liverpool (who have a vastly superior goal difference). “What I like most about this club is the character,’’ said Mata of United. “If another club was in this (seventh) position in the league it would be very, very difficult for them to come back and to take first position. This club can do it, always can do it. This club can fight to the end, always together to the end, with character, with fighting on the pitch. This is the real image I have of Manchester United: always trying to win titles, always fighting for every title, and always coming back from difficult moments. “This season they had some unlucky moments that they didn’t deserve. It is very important for us and for the club that we finish in a position that enables us to play in the Champions League next season. It is what this club deserves because it has always played in the Champions League. Related Articles United plot moves for Kroos and Reus 25 Jan 2014 “I like pressure. It’s good when people are expecting big things from you. I am looking forward to try and make all these amazing fans happy. Everything is going to be fine, with the squad we have, with the players who will come in the summer. This club will be successful for sure.’’ David Moyes was “thrilled” at landing the World Cup-winner. “I got wind of it a month or two ago that it could be a possibility,’’ said the United manager. “I never really believed we would pull it off. I didn’t think we would get much done in January but when we got the sniff that Juan could be available we went after it straight away. So congratulations to the club and Ed Woodward for getting the deal done. I have always said we will be making changes and Juan’s the first. There will be more players like Juan in the future.’’ Mata was not in Jose Mourinho’s first-team plans at Chelsea, particularly not with the form of Oscar in the No 10 role, so the two-time club player of the season found himself on the bench. “The first two seasons in Chelsea for me were amazing,’’ said Mata. “I settled down so quickly, the fans were unbelievable, the club too. The last six months were difficult because I didn’t play as much as I wanted but I respect that. Jose is a very big, very good manager. The squad is unbelievable, they have top, top players, one of the best squads in the Premier League. I respect my team-mates. I tried my best in training and in every game with the minutes that I had but when Manchester United came it was a great option for me. "It was a good lesson for me not to play at Chelsea, it helped me learn more about football, it helped me to become stronger and deal with life. The move is perfect for me, for Chelsea and for Manchester United and is good for me personally. Sometimes in your career you need to clear your mind and to tak | Sports Sports With which sport would you most associate the commentator Ted Lowe? The 'Green Jacket' is presented to the winner of which sporting event? From what bridge does the Oxford/Cambridge boat race start? In which Olympics did Steve Redgrave win his first Olympic gold medal? In what sport do players take long and short corners? By what name is Edson Arantes do Nascimento better known? For half a mark each, give the nationality and the team (2003) of Fernando Alonso, the youngest-ever grand prix winner? What is the 'perfect score' in a game of Ten Pin Bowling? Which current premier league football team had an obsolete nickname of the Glaziers? What is the name of the new Leicester Football club stadium? What is the highest-achieveable break in snooker? |
Which castle guards the main route through Purbeck Hills? | The Castle – Corfe Castle The Castle Corfe Castle | National Trust The dramatic ruins of Corfe Castle stand on a natural hill guarding the principal route through the Purbeck Hills. As you can see it guards the gap between the south of Purbeck, where Purbeck marble was once quarried, and the rest of England. Nothing could pass in or out without going past the Castle. It may have been a defensive site even in Roman times and Corfe Castle certainly has had a colourful history. The first castle buildings would have been built of wood. In 979 King Edward was reputedly murdered by his step-mother so that her own son Ethelred the Unready could become King of England. In the latter half of the 11th Century the Castle was rebuilt in stone by William the Conqueror and for the next six hundred years was a royal fortress used by the monarchs of England and latterly their constables. By 1572 warfare had changed and Corfe Castle was sold by Queen Elizabeth I to Sir Christopher Hatton, her dancing master and favourite. In 1635 the Castle was bought by Sir John Bankes, who was Lord Chief Justice, as an occasional private residence. As trouble brewed for Charles I, the Bankes family took up permanent residence. By 1643 most of Dorset was occupied by the Parliamentarians, and Lady Bankes and her supporters successfully withstood a six week long siege. Sir John Bankes died in 1644 and the family endured a series of half-hearted blockades by Parliamentary forces. Late in 1645 Colonel Bingham Governor of Poole started a second siege, and treachery by one of the garrison allowed a Parliamentary force into the castle in February 1646. The Roundheads allowed the family to leave the Castle and then it was systematically destroyed by Parliamentary sappers. Sir Ralph Bankes, son of Sir John, built a new home, Kingston Lacy House, to the west of Wimborne and managed to gather together many of the plundered possessions to furnish the new house. The Castle remained in the ownership of the Bankes family until 1982 when it was bequeathed as part of the Kingston Lacy and Corfe Castle Estate to the National Trust by Mr.H J R Bankes. Opening Times January – March: 10am to 4pm April – September: 10am to 6pm October: 10am – 5pm November – December: 10am to 4pm Last entry to the castle is 30 minutes before closing. Castle, shop and tea-rooms closed 3 March and 25 to 26 December. Further information on the Castle can be found on the National Trust website . Share: 28 Jan 2017 | Corfe Castle Follow us on Twitter | List of Famous Castles Arundel Castle Restored Norman Castle in West Sussex, England Arundel Castle is a restored medieval castle. It was founded by Roger de Montgomery on Christmas Day 1067. Roger became the first to hold the earldom of Arundel under William the Conqueror. From the 11th century onward, the castle has been in the family of the Duke of Norfolk, and is still the principal seat of the Howard family. The castle was damaged in the English Civil War and then restored in the 18th and 19th centuries. It is a Grade I listed building. The keep and gatehouse have been open to the public since 1800 and the gardens since 1854. Today you can visit the keep, castle, chapel and gardens. There is a Restaurant and a Gift Shop, and a range of events in the grounds along with educational and private tours. The castle is also available as a film location and for Corporate Events, Conferences, Pivate Functions and Banquets. Dover Castle Well Preserved Norman Stone-Keep Castle in Kent, England Dover Castle is a medieval castle in Dover, Kent, England. It was founded in the 12th century and has been described as the "Key to England" due to its defensive significance throughout history During the reign of Henry II the castle began to take recognisable shape. The inner and outer baileys and the great Keep belong to this time. The keep was one of the last rectangular keeps ever built. In 1216, a group of rebel barons invited Louis VIII of France to come and take the English crown. He had some success breaching the walls but was unable ultimately to take the castle. The castle, secret tunnels and surrounding land are now owned by English Heritage and the site is a major tourist attraction. The Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports is officially head of the castle, in his conjoint position of Constable of Dover Castle, and the Deputy Constable has his residence in Constable's Gate. Castle Howard Stately Home in Yorkshire, England Castle Howard is not a castle but a stately home in North Yorkshire, England, 15 miles (24 km) north of York. Most of it was built between 1699 and 1712 for the 3rd Earl of Carlisle, to a design by Sir John Vanbrugh. It is a Grade I listed House with spectacular Landscaped gardens Castle Howard has been the home of part of the Howard family for more than 300 years.It is one of the largest country houses in England, with a total of 145 rooms. The castle is familiar to television and movie audiences as the fictional "Brideshead", both in Granada Television's 1981 adaptation of Evelyn Waugh's Brideshead Revisited and a two-hour 2008 remake for cinema. Today, it is part of the Treasure Houses of England heritage group. Windsor Castle Evolved Norman Motte and Bailey Castle in Berkshire, England Windsor Castle is the oldest and largest occupied castle in the world and the Official Residence of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Its rich history spans almost 1000 years, dating back before the time of William the Conqueror. The Castle covers an area of about 5 hectares (13 acres) and contains magnificent State Apartments furnished with treasures from the Royal Collection, St George's Chapel (the burial place of 10 monarchs), and Queen Mary's Dolls House, a masterpiece in miniature. It is now a major tourist attraction, parts of it open to the public. During the winter months an additional five rooms, known collectively as the Semi-State Rooms, are included in the visitor route. Château Comtal de Carcassonne Well Preserved Medieval Cathar Castle in Languedoc-Roussillon, France The Château Comtal (Count’s Castle) is a medieval castle within the Cité of Carcassonne, the largest city in Europe with its city walls still intact. The Medieval Cité lies within the modern city of Carcassonne in the Aude department, of which Carcassonne is the prefecture, in the former province of Languedoc. Although the outer curtain wall of the cité is French, and the whole site has been substantially restored, the Château Comptal has a strong claim to be called a " Cathar Castle ". When the Catholic Crusader army arrived in 1209 th |
Which Dutch astronomer and physicist, who discovered the rings of Saturn in the mid 1650's, is creditied with building the first pendulum clock? | Christiaen Huygens (1629 - 1695) - Genealogy Christiaen Huygens Share your family tree and photos with the people you know and love Build your family tree online Share photos and videos in Den Haag, Zuid-Holland, Nederland Immediate Family: Apr 14 1629 - 's-Gravenhage, Lange Houtstraat Death: Constantijn Christiaan Huygens, Susanna Jansdr Huygens (geboren Baerle, Van) Siblings: Apr 14 1629 - 's-Gravenhage, Lange Houtstraat Death: Constantijn Christiaan Huygens, Susanna Jansdr Huygens (geboren Baerle, Van) Siblings: Apr 14 1629 - The Hague, Dutch Republic Death: July 8 1695 - The Hague, Dutch Republic Parents: Apr 14 1629 - The Hague, Dutch Republic Death: July 8 1695 - The Hague, Dutch Republic Parents: Apr 14 1629 - Den Haag, Zuid-Holland, Nederland Death: July 8 1695 - Den Haag, Zuid-Holland, Nederland Parents: Constantijn Christiaan Huygens, Susanna Huygens (geboren Van Baerle) Siblings: 1695 - Kasteel Hofwyck te Voorburg Parents: Constantijn Huygens, Susanna Huygens (geboren Van Baerle) Siblings: Apr 24 1629 - Den Haag, Zuid-Holland, Nederland Death: July 8 1695 - Den Haag, Zuid-Holland, Nederland Parents: Constantijn Christiaan Huygens, Susanna Huygens (born Van Baerle / Von Baerle) Siblings: 1695 - Kasteel Hofwyck te Voorburg Nederland Parents: Constantijn Christiaan Huygens*, Susanna Van Baerle* Siblings: Apr 14 1629 - The Hague Death: July 8 1695 - The Hague Parents: Constantijn Huygens, Suzanna Van Baerle Siblings: Lodewijck Huygens, Philips Huygens, Constantijn Huygens, Suzanna Huygens Residences: Apr 14 1629 - Den Haag Death: July 8 1695 - Den Haag Parents: Constantijn HUYGENS, Suzanna HUYGENS (née VAN BAERLE) Siblings: Constantijn Huygens, Suzanna Jansdr van Baerle Siblings: sister About Christiaen Huygens He was a famous mathematician, physicist and astronomer. He invented the pendulum clock, the principal of the steamengine and a gunpowder engine. Jan Jansz Stampioen was for two years (1643-1645) his teacher for mathematics. Huygens achieved note for his argument that light consists of waves, now known as the Huygens–Fresnel principle, which two centuries later became instrumental in the understanding of wave-particle duality. He generally receives credit for his discovery of the centrifugal force, the laws for collision of bodies, for his role in the development of modern calculus and his original observations on sound perception. See: Wikipedia-Duch ; Wikipedia-English https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christiaan_Huygens Christiaan Huygens, FRS (/ˈhaɪɡənz/ or /ˈhɔɪɡənz/; Dutch: [ˈɦœyɣə(n)s] ( listen)) (Latin: Hugenius) (14 April 1629 – 8 July 1695) was a prominent Dutch mathematician and scientist. He is known particularly as an astronomer, physicist, probabilist and horologist. Huygens was a leading scientist of his time. His work included early telescopic studies of the rings of Saturn and the discovery of its moon Titan, the invention of the pendulum clock and other investigations in timekeeping. He published major studies of mechanics and optics, and a pioneer work on games of chance. Early life Christiaan Huygens was born on 14 April 1629 in The Hague, into a rich and influential Dutch family, the second son of Constantijn Huygens. Christiaan was named after his paternal grandfather. His mother was Suzanna van Baerle. She died in 1637, shortly after the birth of Huygens' sister. The couple had five children: Constantijn (1628), Christiaan (1629), Lodewijk (1631), Philips (1632) and Suzanna (1637). Constantijn Huygens was a diplomat and advisor to the House of Orange, and also a poet and musician. His friends included Galileo Galilei, Marin Mersenne and René Descartes. Huygens was educated at home until turning sixteen years old. He liked to play with miniatures of mills and other machines. His father gave him a liberal education: he studied languages and music, history and geography, mathematics, logic and rhetoric, but also dancing, fencing and horse riding. In 1644 Huygens had as his mathematical tutor Jan Jansz de Jonge Stampioen, who set the 15-year-old a demanding reading list on contemporary scien | Rings of Saturn : Wikis (The Full Wiki) Galileo's work Galileo was the first to observe the rings. Galileo Galilei was the first to observe the rings in 1610 using his telescope , but was unable to identify them as such. He wrote to the Duke of Tuscany that "[t]he planet Saturn is not alone, but is composed of three, which almost touch one another and never move nor change with respect to one another. They are arranged in a line parallel to the zodiac , and the middle one (Saturn itself) is about three times the size of the lateral ones [the edges of the rings]." He also described Saturn as having "ears". In 1612, the plane of the rings was oriented directly at the Earth and the rings appeared to vanish. Mystified, Galileo wondered, "[h]as Saturn swallowed his children?", in reference to the myth of Saturn 's consumption of his children to prevent them from overthrowing him. [3] They reappeared again in 1613, further confusing Galileo. [4] Early astronomers used anagrams as a form of commitment scheme to lay claim to new discoveries before their results were ready for publication. Galileo used smaismrmilmepoetaleumibunenugttauiras for Altissimum planetam tergeminum observavi ("I have observed the most distant planet to have a triple form") for discovering the rings of Saturn. [5] Ring theory and observations Robert Hooke noted the shadows (a and b) cast by both the globe and the rings on each other in this 1666 drawing of Saturn . In 1655, Christiaan Huygens became the first person to suggest that Saturn was surrounded by a ring. With a telescope far superior to those available to Galileo, Huygens observed Saturn and wrote that "It [Saturn] is surrounded by a thin, flat, ring, nowhere touching, inclined to the ecliptic." [4] Robert Hooke was another early observer of the rings of Saturn, and noted the casting of shadows on the rings. [6] In 1675, Giovanni Domenico Cassini determined that Saturn's ring was composed of multiple smaller rings with gaps between them; the largest of these gaps was later named the Cassini Division . This division is a 4,800 km-wide region between the A Ring and B Ring . [7] In 1787, Pierre-Simon Laplace suggested that the rings were composed of a large number of solid ringlets. [2] In 1859, James Clerk Maxwell demonstrated that the rings could not be solid or they would become unstable and break apart. He proposed that the rings must be composed of numerous small particles, all independently orbiting Saturn. [8] Maxwell's theory was proven correct in 1895 through spectroscopic studies of the rings carried out by James Keeler of Lick Observatory . Physical characteristics The dark Cassini Division separates the wide inner B Ring and outer A Ring in this image from the HST 's ACS (March 22, 2004). The less prominent C Ring is just inside the B Ring. The dense main rings extend from 7,000 km to 80,000 km above Saturn's equator, with an estimated local thickness of only 10 meters, [9] and are composed of 99.9 percent pure water ice with a smattering of impurities that may include tholins or silicates . [10] The main rings are primarily composed of particles ranging in size from 1 centimeter to 10 meters. [11] The total mass of the rings is about 3 x 1019 kg. This is a small fraction of the total mass of Saturn (about 50 ppb ) and is just a little less than the moon Mimas . [12] There have been recent claims, as yet unverified, that this is an underestimate due to clumping in the rings and the mass may actually be three times this figure. [13] While the largest gaps in the rings, such as the Cassini Division and Encke Gap , can be seen from Earth, both Voyager spacecraft discovered that the rings have an intricate structure of thousands of thin gaps and ringlets. This structure is thought to arise, in several different ways, from the gravitational pull of Saturn's many moons. Some gaps are cleared out by the passage of tiny moonlets such as Pan , [14] many more of which may yet be discovered, and some ringlets seem to be maintained by the gravitational effects of small shepherd satellites (similar |
The Manzanares river runs through which city? | Manzanares River Madrid Guide The Casa de la Villa Manzanares River, Madrid Guide The Manzanares River (Real de Manzanares) runs through the heart of Madrid and has provided a source of fresh water for the city since its foundation. The Manzanares flows south from the Sierra de Guadarrama before joining the westerly flowing Tagus River. After a 1,000km journey the water flows out into the Atlantic Ocean on the Portuguese coastline. Why was the Manzanares River Important for Madrid? Before the advent of modern water control the Manzanares River shrunk to a mere trickle during the hot Spanish summer but it was this river that encouraged the Moors to found a city here in the 9th century. The depth and flow of the Manzanares River Madrid nowadays is maintained by the constant supply of purified wastewater from the huge city that spans its banks. This source of water is so clean that parks and even a city beach open onto the cooling waters of the river and the entire length of the Manzanares (excluding the area in Madrid) lies within national parks. The Manzanares River was key to the history and development of Madrid and today acts as a great tourist attraction. Manzanares River Madrid Information The Manzanares is 92km (57miles) long and the source of the river lies in the Navacerrada mountain pass, part of the Sierra de Guadarrama mountain range of central Spain. The river drains a water basin of 52,796 hectares and is dammed up stream to form the Santillana reservoir the main source of fresh water for Madrid. The Manzanares ends when it joins the larger Jarama river near the village of Arganda del Rey. The source of the river is at 2,000 meters above sea level and drops a total of 530 meters by the time it joins with the Jarama River. When the Manzanares passes through Madrid it has an average flow rate of 12m³/s. Before the 17th century the Real de Manzanares was known as the Guadarrama which refereed to the four rivers that originated in the Sierra de Guadarrama. Each of the tributaries was given a unique own name by the Ducado del Infantado in the 17th century and the Real de Manzanares was named after the town of Manzanares in Ciudad Real. Madrid Holiday Guide | Port of Spain, capital city of Trinidad and Tobago All... Port of Spain, capital city of Trinidad and Tobago Port of Spain is the cultural and political heart of Trinidad and Tobago, stretching from the foothills of the Northern Range to the shores of the Gulf of Paria. Once a muddy little seaport, the city has grown to become one of the Caribbean's busiest commercial centers and a hub of artistic activity. The best way to explore the city is on foot. In the downtown area, start your visit at Independence Square, which is dissected by the Brian Lara Promenade. Locals playing chess under the shady trees are a common sight, and visitors can often catch a free street performance around the square in the afternoons. The promenade's western half is dominated by the International Waterfront Centre, one of the most ambitious construction projects sponsored by the former government. The complex includes a luxurious hotel, theater space, a waterfront park, shops and a large conference center. At the end of the promenade sits the Roman Catholic Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception. Built in 1832, the church is known for its beautiful stained-glass windows that tell the story of Trinidad's history in glorious colors and details. Beyond the cathedral lies the streets of the old Spanish town. The city is home to a handful of interesting museums. The most popular is the National Museum, situated at the Savannah district's southern end on Frederick Street. The vast permanent collection highlights the colonial history and recent past of the island. The highlight of the museum is the exhibition detailing the lives and work of the La Borde family who from 1969 to 1973 became the first Trinidadians to circle the globe in the Hummingbird, a small yacht. The family completed a second circumnavigation in the Hummingbird II, which is now on display next to the museum. The National Library is also worth a visit. Located at the corner of Abercromby and Hart Streets, the collection highlights West Indian works and provides a good introduction to the heritage of the island's people. The complex also includes a cinema and amphitheater. Another fascinating sight is the Museum of the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service. Located in the old police headquarters, the museum outlines the history of the service and is open on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. The city's largest green space is the Queen's Park Savannah. The park is often filled with kite-flyers, cricketers, picnickers and joggers in addition to vendors selling local treats like coconuts and oysters. The 260-acre park is over 180 years old, giving it the distinction of being the West Indies' oldest recreation grounds. Not far from the park is the recently renovated Emperor Valley Zoo, home to hundreds of animals, walking paths and a chic outdoor cafe. The nearby Botanical Gardens are home to some of the oldest trees and plants in the hemisphere, and more than 200 species of orchids grow on the lush grounds. The best time to visit Port of Spain is during Carnival, an extravagant celebration held in the days before Lent. Calypso competitions, parades, music performances and dances take over the city streets, and locals don elaborate costumes as they dance to soca and steel drum bands until the wee hours. Port of Spain Geographical Location Port of Spain is located to the north of Trinidad and Tobago facing the Caroni Swamp and Gulf of Paria. Although it is only the third largest city in Trinidad and Tobago, it is the most developed. The population of Port of Prince according to its last census in 2000 was 50,000 people. Port of Spain Language Although Spanish is spoken in Port of Spain, the official language is English. A Caribbean dialect of Hindi is also spoken in some areas as well as French and Chinese. Port of Spain Predominant Religion 26% Roman Catholic |
Whose second marriage was to actress Nancy Davis? | Ronald Reagan and Nancy Davis marry - Mar 04, 1952 - HISTORY.com Ronald Reagan and Nancy Davis marry Share this: Ronald Reagan and Nancy Davis marry Author Ronald Reagan and Nancy Davis marry URL Publisher A+E Networks On this day in 1952, actor and future President Ronald Reagan marries his second wife, actress Nancy Davis. The couple wed in Los Angeles at the Little Brown Church in the Valley. Nancy Davis, whose real name is Anne Frances Robbins, met her husband in 1951. (MGM Studios signed her to a contract and billed her as Nancy Davis for her first screen role in the film Shadow on the Wall). The two met in 1951, while Reagan was serving as president of the Screen Actors Guild (SAG) and Nancy was embroiled in an effort to remove her name from the notorious McCarthy-era Hollywood blacklist of possible communist sympathizers. The list actually referred to another actress of the same name, but it was preventing Davis from finding work, so the future first lady contacted Reagan to see if he, as SAG president, could help clear up the confusion. The two fell in love and were married a year later. Their first child, Patricia, was born 7 months after the wedding. In 1957, the couple appeared together in Hellcats of the Navy, but after their son Ron was born the following year, Nancy left acting to become a full-time wife and mother. Meanwhile, her husband’s political career took off and he became governor of California in 1967, a position he held until 1975. In 1980, he became president, serving for two terms. For her part, Nancy embraced the role of governor’s wife and later, first lady. Thought of as America’s first couple, the Reagans appeared to embody traditional American values. Their appeal reflected America’s love affair with movies and the actors in them. Americans ate up images of Ronald and Nancy’s public expressions of sincere devotion and they were often photographed together on their ranch in California or dancing in each other’s arms at state functions. Nancy placed her husband at the center of her life. My life really began when I married my husband,” she once reminisced. Speaking of Reagan, she said, I could be the wife I wanted to be…A woman’s real happiness and real fulfillment come from within the home with her husband and children.” She nursed him while he recovered from a serious gunshot wound inflicted by a would-be assassin in 1981 and he stood by her when she underwent a mastectomy for breast cancer in 1987. Shortly after leaving office, Reagan was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease and the ever-devoted, stalwart Nancy took care of him until his death in 2004 at the age of 93. Related Videos | Governors of California - Ronald Reagan Ronald Reagan Born: February 6, 1911 in Tampico, Illinois Died: June 5, 2004 in Los Angeles, California Married: Nancy Davis on March 4, 1952 Political Party: Republican Wife: Jane Wyman, Nancy Davis Children: Maureen and Michael (with Jane Wyman), Patricia and Ronald (with Nancy Davis) Find out more about the time period and interests of Ronald Reagan Did You Know? Reagan holds the distinction of being the only California governor to become President of the United States On February 6, 1998, Washington National Airport was renamed Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport by a bill signed into law by President Bill Clinton Biography Ronald Wilson Reagan was born February 6, 1911, in Tampico, Illinois. Most of his childhood was spent in Dixon, Illinois, a small town about 100 miles west of Chicago. Reagan won a scholarship to study at Eureka College near Peoria, Illinois and majored in economics. He was also drawn toward acting, but upon graduation in 1932 the only job available related to show business was as a local radio sportscaster. In 1933 he became a sportscaster for station WHO in Des Moines, Iowa. In 1937 Reagan went to Hollywood and began an acting career that spanned more than 25 years. He played in more than 50 films and his first political activities were associated with his responsibilities as a union leader; Reagan was active in the Screen Actors Guild (the union for film actors), and was elected six times as its president. During 1942 to 1945, Reagan served in the United States Army Air Force. Reagan emerged on the national political scene in 1964 when he made an impassioned television speech supporting the Republican presidential candidate, U.S. Senator Barry Goldwater from Arizona. Although Goldwater lost the election, Reagan's speech brought recognition from Republicans around the country. He ran for governor of California in 1966, defeating Edmund G. (Pat) Brown, Sr., the incumbent Democrat, by almost a million votes. Reagan became the 33rd Governor of California. During his first term Reagan temporarily stopped government hiring to slow the growth of the state workforce, but he also approved tax increases to balance the state budget. Reagan was elected to a second term in 1970. Governor Reagan worked with the Democratic majority in the state legislature to enact a major reform of the welfare system in 1971. The reform reduced the number of people receiving state aid while increasing the benefits for those who remained eligible. During his tenure as governor, Reagan chaired the Republican Governors Association from 1968 to 1969. Reagan ran for President in 1980, successfully beating the incumbent, President Jimmy Carter to become the nationâs 40th president. Reelected in 1984, Reagan presided over broad changes in U.S. government economic and social policy. After retiring to California, Reagan remained politically visible and active, becoming a national and international spokesman. He published his autobiography, An American Life, in 1990 and opened the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, California in 1991. In 1993 he was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom. In November 1994 Reagan announced that he had Alzheimer's disease, and he subsequently died of the illness in 2004. Budgets |
Which South African scored the first goal in the 2010 FIFA World Cup Finals? | Siphiwe Tshabalala GOAL VIDEO: First World Cup Goal For South Africa | The Huffington Post Siphiwe Tshabalala GOAL VIDEO: First World Cup Goal For South Africa 06/11/2010 11:53 am ET | Updated May 25, 2011 Siphiwe Tshabalala scored the first goal of the 2010 World Cup, putting South Africa up 1-0 over Mexico. It was an emotional moment for the host nation, and the team celebrated appropriately afterwards. Mexico later tied the game at 1-1. Scroll down to see the goal. WATCH: More: | Kaizer Chiefs Football Club Amakhosi! Kaizer Chiefs Kaizer Chiefs are arguably South Africa’s most popular football club. Founded in 1970, the team – which is also known as 'Amakhosi' – has won scores of titles and entertained millions of fans. Chiefs enjoy a particularly competitive rivalry with fellow Soweto soccer club, Orlando Pirates. Did you know? Popular British rock band Kaiser Chiefs, known for hits such as Ruby, named themselves after the football club. <p> Every Kaizer Chiefs match is a big deal, with fans travelling from far and wide to support their team, regardless of where in South Africa they are playing. Droves of yellow-clad supporters<strong></strong> take to the streets before and after the game to blow <em>vuvuzelas</em> (a plastic horn), sing, dance and celebrate soccer.</p><p> The Soweto Derby with Orlando Pirates is a particularly atmospheric occasion, regardless of where the game is played.</p><p> Football fans visiting Gauteng should take the time to watch a Kaizer Chiefs match in Soweto, and to combine soccer with sightseeing in this buzzing township. Kaizer Chiefs generally play their home games at FNB Stadium, which hosted the final of the 2010 FIFA World Cup<sup> </sup>under the name Soccer City.</p><p> The conventional 'peace' sign (index and middle fingers raised upwards, facing forward) is also used by Kaizer Chiefs’ supporters as a sign of unity and allegiance to their team. This is just one of the many ways in which the Amakhosi faithful connect.</p><p> Siphiwe Tshabalala, who shot to fame with a screamer of a goal for South Africa against Mexico in the opening match of the 2010 World Cup, and Itumeleng Khune, who made some amazing saves during that tournament, are two of Kaizer Chiefs' most internationally recognised players of recent times.</p><p> Some Kaizer Chiefs legends of the past 20 years include Doctor Khumalo (who made 397 appearances for the club), former national captain Neil Tovey, John ‘Shoes’ Moshoeu and Marks Maponyane.</p><p> Kaizer Chiefs was founded by Kaizer Motaung, who played for Orlando Pirates early on in his career before moving to the United States to represent the Atlanta Chiefs.</p> Travel |
Which tennis player won six consecutive majors in 1983-84 but did not achieve a calendar Grand Slam in doing so? | Grand Slam (tennis) - Wikipedia Grand Slam (tennis) Hopman Cup The Grand Slam tournaments, or Majors, are the four most important annual tennis events. They offer the most ranking points, [1] prize money, public and media attention, the greatest strength and size of field, and greater number of "best of" sets for men. The Grand Slam itinerary consists of the Australian Open in mid January, the French Open in May and June, Wimbledon in June and July, and the US Open in August and September. Each tournament is played over a period of two weeks. The Australian and US tournaments are played on hard courts , the French on clay , and Wimbledon on grass . Wimbledon is the oldest, founded in 1877, followed by the US in 1881, the French in 1891, and the Australian in 1905. However, of these four, only Wimbledon was a major before 1924/25, the time when all four became designated Grand Slam tournaments. The term Grand Slam also, and originally, refers to the achievement of winning all four major championships in a single calendar year within one of the five events: men's and women's singles; men's, women's, and mixed doubles. In doubles, one team may accomplish a Grand Slam playing together or one player may achieve it with different partners. The term "Grand Slam" without qualification refers to winning the four majors in a single calendar year. [2] [3] [4] Winning the four majors in consecutive tournaments but not in the same year is known as a Non-Calendar Year Grand Slam, while winning all four majors at any point during the course of a career is known as a Career Grand Slam. Winning the gold medal at the Summer Olympic Games in addition to the four majors in a one calendar year is known as a "Golden Grand Slam" or more commonly the "Golden Slam". Also, winning the Year-End Championship (known as ATP World Tour Finals for men's singles and doubles disciplines, and WTA Tour Championships for both women's disciplines) in the same period is known as a "Super Slam". Together, all four Majors in all three disciplines (singles, doubles, and mixed doubles) are called a "boxed set" of Grand Slam titles. No male or female player has won all twelve events in one calendar year, although a "career boxed set" has been achieved by three female players during their careers. Origin of the term "Grand Slam" The term slam for winning all of the tricks in the whist family card games (see also whist terms ) is attested from early in the 17th century. Grand slam for all of the tricks, in contrast to small slam or little slam for all but one, dates from early in the 19th century. [5] This use was inherited by contract bridge , a modern development of whist defined in 1925 that became very popular in Britain and America by 1930. Grand slam has been used in golf since 1930, when Bobby Jones won the four major championships, two British and two American. Although John F. Kieran is widely credited with first applying the term "grand slam" to tennis, to describe the winning of all four major tennis tournaments in a calendar year, sports columnist Alan Gould had used the term in that connection almost two months before Kieran. [6] History The possibility of being the reigning champion of all the current four Majors did not exist until 1924/25, when the International Lawn Tennis Federation designated the Australasian, French (before 1925 only open to members of French tennis clubs), British and American championship tournaments as the four Majors. Before that time only three events: Wimbledon, the World Hard Court Championships (held in Paris & once in Brussels) and the World Covered Court Championships (held in various locations) were considered the premier international tennis events by the ILTF. [7] [8] Tony Wilding of New Zealand won all three of those earlier majors in one year – 1913. It has been possible to complete a Grand Slam in most years and most disciplines since 1925. It was not possible from 1940 to 1945 because of interruptions at Wimbledon, the Australian and French opens due to the Second World War , the years from 1970 to 1985 when ther | Wimbledon Mens Players | Mens Singles Champions | Andy Murray | Roger Federer Mens Players Wimbledon Mens Singles We take a look at the mens singles competition, providing background and chances of the players for the 2011 tournament at the All England Club. Many Tennis fans would argue that Wimbledon is the toughest of the four majors to win as it is the only one played on a grass surface. The winner must therefore be versatile in handling the different challenges that playing on grass poses. Please check here for details of the 2010 Wimbledon mens seedings . The 2011 Men’s singles at Wimbledon promises yet again to be as exciting as ever with Roger Federer favourite in the Wimbledon mens singles betting to win the crown once again afre beating Andy Roddick last year. Nadal’s victory in 2008 prevented Federer from becoming the first man in Wimbledon history to record six straight wins, he will be back at SW19 for the first time since and desperate to regain his crown. In some media circles Federer was being written off last year, but he came back to the top when he won the US Open Tennis for the fifth straight year, defeating Britain's Andy Murray in the final. He then lost to Nadal in the Australian Open final in another five set epic, before achieving his greatest moment in tennis, when he won the French Open title for the first time. That win gave him a record equalling fourteen Grand Slams a record he shares with, Sampras and he also became the first man since Andre Agassi to win all four Grand Slam titles. We think that Federer should win once more this year but the following players all have chances Robin Soderling Fred Perry - The last British Mens Single Champion Fred Perry was the last British mens single champion at Wimbledon when he won the title for the third and final time in 1936. Perry, had won the previous two mens singles titles at the 1934 and 1935 Championship and despite being some years ago reports suggest that he was one of the greatest ever Wimbledon champions. Can Scot, Andy Murray emulate the great man this year? Murray has been in outstanding form this year and won the the title at Queens Club last week. He has shot up to number three in the world rankings and is third favourite to win in the mens singles betting. He reached the quarter finals last year where he was beaten by Rafa Nadal. Tim Henman remains the only British player to get to the semi finals in recent years, he achieved this four times in total. Modern Era Mens Wimbledon Champions In recent years, some of the biggest names in mens Tennis have lifted the famous Mens Singles trophy. Four times champion Rod Laver was the first male to claim the title in the open era in 1968 and 1969. Fellow Australian John Newcombe won back to back championships in 1970 and 1971 before Bjorn Borg won four consecutive titles between 1976 - 79. During the 80s, the Wimbledon mens singles title was won by great names such as John McEnroe, Boris Becker and Stefan Edberg, all who won the title on more than one occasion during the decade. American great Pete Sampras dominated the title in the 90s winning the mens singles crown a total of seven times between 1993 and 2000, only Richard Krajicek stopped him from winning a Wimbledon record eight straight titles. In recent years, the mens singles game has been all about Roger Federer who has won the last four Wimbledon mens singles championships and the Swiss star shows no signs of slowing down his dominance of the mens game. Past Wimbledon Mens Singles Winners 1980 B. Borg (Sweeden) |
What starts at Cheriton and ends at Sangatte? | CBRD » Articles » EuroRoute EuroRoute You are here: Home » Articles » Euroroute On 6 May 1994, Queen Elizabeth II and French President Francois Mitterand performed the official inauguration ceremony for the Channel Tunnel, a two-bore rail tunnel connecting Britain with France under the English Channel. Since then, passenger trains have run high speed services between London, Paris and Brussels, and motorists have been able to use a motorail service to transfer cars, buses and HGVs through the tunnel in 30 minutes. All very impressive. But what does all this have to do with roads? The answer lies in the Channel Tunnel being a private enterprise, selected to provide a fixed link across the Channel by the French and British governments. Before the Euro Tunnel consortium was selected there were a number of other bids, all promising a different form of crossing. Some offered routes across for road and rail - one of them providing four parallel tunnels. One, EuroRoute, proposed something so unbelievably grand that its architectural drawings could be easily mistaken for posters for a long-forgotten fifties sci-fi movie. This page tells the story of that unsuccessful bid. Sketch of one of EuroRoute's bridge structures Click to enlarge The Proposal EuroRoute was one of about four leading consortia that submitted a proposal to the British and French governments to build the fixed link across the Channel. It was composed of some of the most high-profile institutions of any of the consortia, including big names like Alsthom, Associated British Ports, Barclays Bank, British Steel, BT, GEC and Trafalgar House, among others. Its plan was valued at around £6bn in 1985 prices, and by the deadline of October 30th had secured some £7.2bn in funding - giving a substantial contingency fund and making construction of the link possible. The plan included a fixed link for both road and rail across the channel, with a two-track railway and dual-two-lane motorway connecting to the existing transport networks at either side of the channel. The rail link was very similar in design to the one in existence today, running in a tunnel between depots at Folkestone and Sangatte. Map of the EuroRoute proposals (recoloured) Click to enlarge However, the idea of a road tunnel the length of the Channel was unappealing (despite one bid proposing it) - traffic emissions and the sheer length were thought to make twenty miles an uncomfortable distance. To solve the problem, EuroRoute proposed the crossing be made in three stages, with a central tunnel 21km long and two cable stayed bridges at each side, the three structures connected by two artificial islands. EuroRoute prefebrication sites Click to enlarge EuroRoute proposed that almost all the crossing be built in pre-fabricated sections, to be built at locations around the UK and France, regenerating many of the run-down industrial areas and not coincidentally providing plenty of work for steelworks and shipyards owned by companies like Alsthom, British Steel and ABP. A Cross-Channel Road Link EuroRoute's publicity describes a drive across the Channel in detail. The journey would begin on the M20 (then under construction), with motorists exiting the motorway and passing through toll facilities ("speeded up by computer") at Farthingloe. There would be the opportunity to pre-pay for your journey at service areas on the approach. A dual-two lane motorway (with full hard shoulders from here to Calais) would then descend into a conventional bored tunnel, emerging from the cliffside onto a spectacular cable-stayed bridge about 8.5km (5 miles) in length and fifty metres above sea level. Of course, motorists driving in the opposite direction would literally enter Britain through the White Cliffs of Dover, travelling from the bridge directly into a tunnel through the chalk. Artist's impression of one of the five-mile bridges Click to enlarge The bridge would end at an artificial island, where the motorway would widen to dual-three lanes and descend in a spiral beneath sea level at a gradient of 3.5%. The island, and t | YouTube Undo Close "Carly Simon - Nob..." The YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated due to multiple third-party notifications of copyright infringement. Sorry about that. |
What non-woven cloth that is produced by matting and pressing fibers is the oldest form of fabric known to humankind? | Felt - Technology, Products,� Market, Manufacturing Process, Trade Leads, Company Profiles, Raw Materials, Equipment Felt Technology, Products, Market, Manufacturing Process, Trade Leads, Company Profiles, Raw Materials, Equipment Primary Information Services Home . Ordering Information . Contact Project at a Glance Contents on the CD Rom Felt is a non-woven cloth that is produced by matting, condensing and pressing fibers. The fibers form the structure of the fabric. While some types of felt are very soft, some are tough enough to form construction materials. Felt can be of any color, and made into any shape or size. Felt is the oldest form of fabric known to humankind. It predates weaving and knitting, although there is archaeological evidence from the British Museum that the first known thread was made by winding vegetable fibers on the thigh. Felt is generally composed of wool that is mixed with a synthetic in order to create sturdy, resilient felt for craft or industrial use. However, some felt is made wholly from synthetic fibers. Felt is made by compressing fibers to make a non-woven fabric The non-woven fabric is carbonized to make an activated carbon. Process similar to that used for making charcoals from coconut, wood, etc.. Felt is made by a process called wet felting, where the natural wool fiber is stimulated by friction and lubricated by moisture (usually soapy water), and the fibers move at a 90 degree angle towards the friction source and then away again, in effect making little "tacking" stitches. Only 5% of the fibers are active at any one moment, but the process is continual, and so different 'sets' of fibers become activated and then deactivated in the continual process. Felt is used in a wide variety of applications both within the residential and industrial contexts. Felt is used in air fresheners, children's bulletin boards, craft kits, holiday costumes and decorations, stamp pads, within appliances, gaskets, as a clothing stiffener or liner, and it can be used as a cushion, to provide pads for polishing apparatus, or as a sealant in industrial machinery. Polyethylene and resinated asbestos feltt which have certain advantages over celluloid and moulded leather, should be regarded not as substitutes but as useful additions to a range of synthetic materials which permit the degrees of rigidity and flexibility required for various appliances. Carbon fiber felts are an ideal system for studying chemical vapor infiltration with carbon. Carbon fiber felts applying a combination of different scanning force techniques including lateral force microscopy (LFM), force modulation microscopy (FMM) and adhesion force imaging in the pulsed force mode (PFM). Needle felting, punching, embellishing, all refer to the technique of �punching or felting� one fiber into another. Interweave Felt explores the three major techniques of feltmaking: felted knitting (known as shrinking your knitting), traditional wet felting, and needle felting. Interweave Felt also includes a few tried-and-true projects. Some nonwoven materials such as felt have been in use for thousands of years but the blossoming of nonwovens into more widespread use has occurred mostly within the past few decades. Felts are used to press and dewater the paper web formed by wires. The production of man-made fibre during 2004-05 amounted to 774.65 million kg. as compared to 732.32 million kg. the during 2003-04 constituting an incr | Do I Know This ? Do I Know This ? Updated May 17, 2013, 12:23 AM Have you ever wondered who's got the most number of top singles in U.K ? Have you ever wondered which company is the world's top Global Brand ? Have you ever wondered which country has got the most or the highest number of Netizens ? Use template Amazing Facts 100 amazing & unknown facts! # Our eyes remain the same size from birth onward, but our nose and ears never stop growing. # The Barbie doll’s full name is Barbara Millicent Roberts. # The Mona Lisa has no eyebrows. # Ants never sleep! # When the moon is directly overhead, you will weigh slightly less. # Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone, never called his wife or mother because they were both deaf. # An ostrich’s eye is bigger than its brain. # “I Am” is the shortest complete sentence in the English language. # Babies are born without knee caps – actually, they’re made of cartilage and the bone hardens between the ages of 2 and 6 years. # Happy Birthday (the song) is copyrighted. # Butterflies taste with their feet. # A “jiffy” is an actual unit of time for 1/100th of a second. # It is impossible to sneeze with your eyes open. # Leonardo Da Vinci invented the scissors. # Minus 40 degrees Celsius is exactly the same as minus 40 degrees Fahrenheit. # No word in the English language rhymes with month, orange, silver or purple. # Shakespeare invented the words “assassination” and “bump.” # Stewardesses is the longest word typed with only the left hand. # Elephants are the only animals that cannot jump. # The names of all the continents end with the same letter that they start with. # The sentence, “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog” uses every letter in the English language. # The shortest war in history was between Zanzibar and England in 1896. Zanzibar surrendered after 38 minutes. # The strongest muscle in the body is the tongue. # The word “lethologica” describes the state of not being able to remember the word you want. # Camels have three eyelids to protect themselves from the blowing desert sand. # TYPEWRITER is the longest word that can be made using the letters on only one row of the keyboard. # You can’t kill yourself by holding your breath. # Money isn’t made out of paper. It’s made out of cotton. # Your stomach has to produce a new layer of mucus every two weeks or it will digest itself. # The dot over the letter “i” is called a tittle. # A duck’s quack doesn’t echo. No one knows why! # The “spot” on the 7-Up comes from its inventor who had red eyes – he was an albino. ’7′ was because the original containers were 7 ounces and ‘UP’ indicated the direction of the bubbles. # Chocolate can kill dogs, as it contains theobromine, which affects their heart and nervous system. # Because metal was scarce, the Oscars given out during World War II were made of plaster. # There are only two words in the English language that have all five vowels in order: “abstemious” and “facetious.” # If one places a tiny amount of liquor on a scorpion, it will instantly go mad and sting itself to death. # Bruce Lee was so fast that they actually had to slow film down so you could see his moves. # The original name for butterfly was flutterby. # By raising your legs slowly and laying on your back, you cannot sink into quicksand. # Dogs and cats, like humans, are either right or left handed. # Charlie Chaplin once won the third prize in a Charlie Chaplin look-alike contest. # Sherlock Holmes NEVER said “Elementary, my dear Watson”. # The Guinness Book of Records holds the record for being the book most often stolen from Public Libraries. # Bats always turn left when exiting a cave. # The shortest English word that contains the letters A, B, C, D, E, and F is “feedback.” # All Polar bears are left-handed. # In England, the Speaker of the House is not allowed to speak. # “Dreamt” is the only English word that ends in the letters “mt.” # Almonds are a member of the peach family, and apples belong to the rose family. # Peanuts are one of the ingredients of dynamite. # The only 15 letter word |
'The Aeneid' by Virgil tells the story of which Trojan who travelled to Italy, where he became the ancestor of the Romans? | The Aeneid | Novelguide The Aeneid Total Votes: 180 Introduction This is a study guide for the book The Aeneid written by Virgil. The Aeneid is a Latin epic poem, written by Virgil between 29 and 19 BC, that tells the legendary story of Aeneas, a Trojan who travelled to Italy, where he became the ancestor of the Romans. Please click on the literary analysis category you wish to be displayed. Back and Next buttons can guide you through all the sections or you can choose to jump from section to section using the links below or the links at the left. Author: Virgil | Legends of London's Origins Historic Days Out Legendary Origins and the Origin of London's place name Before the advent of modern archaeology there was little evidence upon which to base any discussion of the origins of London. By reading Roman authors they knew the City was called Londinium and was in existence in the Roman period. The only evidence available for London before the Romans was legend and place name evidence. The most influential writer on the origins of Londinium was the highly controversial 12th Century cleric Geoffrey of Monmouth who wrote the seminal 'The History of the Kings of Britain' in about 1136. In this book he traces the origins of London (and Britain) back to its foundation by Brutus, great grandson of Aeneas - the Trojan. 'Once he had divided up his kingdom, Brutus decided to build a capital. In pursuit of this plan, he visited every part of the land in search of a suitable spot. He came at length to the River Thames, walked up and down its banks and so chose a site suited to his purpose. There then he built a city and called it Troia Nova. It was known by this name for long ages after, but finally by a corruption of the word it came to be called Trinovantum.' This bold story was probably based on a desire to give London a pedigree as old as Rome's and was substantiated by a misunderstanding of part of Julius Caesar's account of his invasions of Britain in 55 and 54 BC. Upon crossing the Thames Caesar encountered 'the Trinovantes, about the strongest 'civitas' in south-eastern Britain'. Geoffrey of Monmouth read this as: 'about the strongest city in south-eastern Britain'. Historians now prefer to read this as: 'about the strongest political unit (tribe, chiefdom, civic administration) in south-eastern Britain' Thus Geoffrey summoned into existence the shadowy city of Trinovatum. But he knew it was called Londinium by the Romans so he had to find a route from Trinovatum to Londinium. He continues: After Lud, the brother of Cassivellaunus, who fought Julius Caesar, had seized command of the government of the kingdom, he surrounded the capital with lofty walls and with towers built with extraordinary skill, and he ordered it to be called Kaerlud, or Lud's City, from his own name. Thereafter, we are told the town was renamed by the legendary King Lud as Kaerlud, then Kaerlundein, and eventually London. The truth of all this is hard to tell. We have no independent evidence of Lud the brother of Cassivellaunus and so, Geoffrey may have been gratuitously making history up as he went along. But we should probably give him more credit as he was attempting to marry now lost Celtic folklore, historical sources, chance archaeological finds and dubious place name evidence into a coherent whole. He may have seen the creation of King Lud as necessary to get from Caesar's Trinovantum to Claudius' Londinium. It is certain that Geoffrey's historical objectivity was seriously marred by his understandable desire to play up the part of the native Britons. He was a British patriot trying to counter balance centuries of historical writing that gave pre-eminence to Roman, Saxon, and Norman versions of history. An early origin for London gave London back to the natives. Unfortunately archaeologists have excavated enough of London to prove it did not exist as a town before AD 47. So, if we discount Geoffrey's derivation of the Londinium what is the accepted meaning? This has become so controversial that virtually all archaeological and historical works give no origin for the na |
Tobomory is the capital of which Scottish island? | Tobermory Isle of Mull Scotland Website Tobermory was built as a fishing port in the late 18th century and is now the main town on Mull. It is a picture-postcard of a place with the brightly painted buildings along the main street to the pier and the high woodland-fringed hills surrounding the bay. The town has a good variety of shops , hotels , and other accommodation as well as being the administrative centre for the island. The harbour is always busy with fishing boats, yachts and the ferry to and from Kilchoan. In recent years, the island has become very popular for weddings in a romantic atmosphere. There is reputed to be the wreck of a Spanish galleon somewhere in the mud at the bottom of the bay. The ship was part of the defeated Armada of 1588 and was fleeing the English fleet when she anchored in Tobermory to take on provisions. Following a dispute over payment the ship caught fire which caused the gunpowder to explode. She was supposed to have been carrying millions of gold coins when she went to the bottom but no-one has ever managed to find any significant treasure. More recently, Tobermory has been the setting for the children's programme Balamory . After the initial success of these programmes in Britain, Balamory is now reaching a new audience in Australia. The Isle of Mull and Iona have become one of the premier destinations for wildlife watching in the United Kingdom in the last few years. Thousands of people are attracted to the islands in the hope of catching a glimpse of the rare and unusual Golden and White-tailed Eagles , Otter, Corncrake and an abundance of other birds and mammals. The seas off the coast of Mull are important feeding areas for whales, dolphins and basking sharks . The colourful and picturesque island capital of Tobermory is an ideal location from which to make the very most of your wildlife watching on the Isle of Mull. The island is home to the most famous pair of White-tailed Eagles in the world, as featured on numerous television and radio broadcasts. The re-introduction of these iconic birds of prey has been so successful that breeding pairs can now be seen throughout the length and breadth of the island, including Tobermory. A great opportunity exists to come and see the White-tailed Eagles who begin to lay their eggs from early March onwards. Incubation takes place after the first egg is laid and lasts for an average of 38 days. Both sexes share responsibility for sitting on the eggs, although the bulk of the incubation duty is carried out by the female. The Sea Eagle Hide is open all year round but booking is essential. Tel: 01680 812556. | Sir Walter Scott, by George Saintsbury. search engine by freefind Sir Walter Scott, by George Saintsbury. The Project Gutenberg EBook of Sir Walter Scott, by George Saintsbury This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at www.gutenberg.org Title: Sir Walter Scott Famous Scots Series Author: George Saintsbury Release Date: August 6, 2009 [EBook #29624] Language: English Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1 *** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK SIR WALTER SCOTT *** Produced by Susan Skinner and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at http://www.pgdp.net SIR The following Volumes are now ready— THOMAS CARLYLE. By Hector C. Macpherson. ALLAN RAMSAY. By Oliphant Smeaton. HUGH MILLER. By W. Keith Leask. JOHN KNOX. By A. Taylor Innes. ROBERT BURNS. By Gabriel Setoun. THE BALLADISTS. By John Geddie. RICHARD CAMERON. By Professor Herkless. SIR JAMES Y. SIMPSON. By Eve Blantyre Simpson. THOMAS CHALMERS. By Professor W. Garden Blaikie. JAMES BOSWELL. By W. Keith Leask. TOBIAS SMOLLETT. By Oliphant Smeaton. FLETCHER OF SALTOUN. By G. W. T. Omond. THE BLACKWOOD GROUP. By Sir George Douglas. NORMAN MACLEOD. By John Wellwood. SIR WALTER SCOTT. By Professor Saintsbury. SIR & FERRIER � EDINBURGH AND LONDON The designs and ornaments of this volume are by Mr. Joseph Brown, and the printing from the press of Morrison & Gibb Limited, Edinburgh. June 1897. {5} PREFACE To the very probable remark that 'Another little book about Scott is not wanted,' I can at least reply that apparently it is, inasmuch as the publishers proposed this volume to me, not I to them. And I believe that, as a matter of fact, no 'little book about Scott' has appeared since the Journal was completed, since the new and important instalment of Letters appeared (in both cases with invaluable editorial apparatus by Mr. David Douglas), and especially since Mr. Lang's Lockhart was published. It is true that no one of these, nor any other book that is likely to appear, has altered, or is likely to alter, much in a sane estimate of Sir Walter. His own matchless character and the genius of his first biographer combined to set before the world early an idea, of which it is safe to say that nothing that should lower it need be feared, and hardly anything to heighten it can be reasonably hoped. But as fresh items of illustrative detail are made public, there can be no harm in endeavouring to incorporate something of what they give us in fresh abstracts and aperçus from time to time. And for the continued and, as far as space permits, detailed criticism of the work, it may be pleaded that criticism of Scott has for many years been chiefly general, while in criticism, even more than in other things, generalities are deceptive. {7} CONTENTS CHAPTER I LIFE TILL MARRIAGE Scott's own 'autobiographic fragment,' printed in Lockhart's first volume, has made other accounts of his youth mostly superfluous, even to a day which persists in knowing better about everything and everybody than it or they knew about themselves. No one ever recorded his genealogy more minutely, with greater pride, or with a more saving sense of humour than Sir Walter. He was connected, though remotely, with gentle families on both sides. That is to say, his great-grandfather was son of the Laird of Raeburn, who was grandson of Walter Scott of Harden and the 'Flower of Yarrow.' The great-grandson, 'Beardie,' acquired that cognomen by letting his beard grow like General Dalziel, though for the exile of James II., instead of the death of Charles I.—'whilk was the waur reason,' as Sir Walter himself might have said. Beardie's second son, being more thoroughly sickened of the sea in his first voyage than Robinson Crusoe, took to farming and Whiggery, and married the daughter of Haliburton of Newmains—there was also Macdougal and Campbell blood on the spindle side of the older generations {10} of the family. Their e |
With which fruit is the liqueur 'Creme de Cassis' made? | Homemade Crème de Cassis - Imbibe Magazine Photo by Stuart Mullenberg Homemade Crème de Cassis Soaked in a strong spirit and then sweetened, currants transform into crème de cassis—an irresistible fruit liqueur essential to cocktails like the Kir Royale and El Diablo. This recipe, inspired by the house formula at Washington D.C.’s Black Jack bar, combines black and red currants, neutral spirit and rich syrup for a sublime liqueur that bottles up fresh-fruit flavors you can sip long after summer has passed. Ingredients 1 heaping cup red currants, picked over and rinsed 2 heaping cups black currants, picked over and rinsed 750 ml. high-proof neutral spirit 2 cups cane sugar In a large bowl muddle or mash the berries until pulpy. Step 2 Add the high-proof spirit and stir to combine. Cover with plastic wrap and let rest for 24 hours at room temperature. Step 3 Uncover and lightly mash the mixture again. Replace the plastic wrap and move to the refrigerator. Let infuse for 7 to 10 days, until the mixture takes on a deep magenta hue and defined berry taste. Step 4 Strain through a cheesecloth-lined chinois into a large glass jar. Step 5 In a medium saucepan, make a rich syrup with the sugar and water. Stir until the sugar dissolves, remove from the heat and let cool. Add the cooled syrup to the jar and stir to combine. Cover and keep refrigerated for up to 3 months. Tip Adapt this recipe to your tastes and the ingredients you have on hand. You can use all black currants, swap in thawed, previously frozen fruit, or adjust the level of sweetness by adding more or less simple syrup. Also, you can adjust the recipe depending on the amount of currants you have—simply infuse for a shorter period of time if you have more, and a longer period if less. | Free Flashcards about GK 9 Which science-fiction writer coined the term "cyberspace"? William Gibson What is a male swan known as? Cob What is a female swan known as? Pen Which giant screen film projection system, which gives an enhanced visual impact, has its origins in Montreal's Expo 67? IMAX Which actress was born Lucille Fay LeSueur in San Antonio, Texas, in 1908? Joan Crawford Which military leader poisoned himself in Bithynia in Asia Minor in around 182BCE? Hannibal What is the branch of astronomy that is concerned solely with the moon called? Selenology The mouflon, native to Corsica and Sardinia, is a small, wild form of which animal? Sheep Which religion, founded in 3rdC CE Persia, at its 3rd-7thC height one of the world's biggest, taught an elaborate dualistic cosmology describing the struggle between a good, spiritual world of light, and an evil, material world of darkness? Manichaeism The Loyalty Islands in the Pacific are part of which territory? New Caledonia Which orchestral march by William Walton was first performed at the coronation of King George VI, and was used as the recessional music at the wedding of Prince William and Catherine Middleton in 2011? Crown Imperial What was the real name of 'Dr Seuss'? Theodore Geisel The sixth labour of Hercules involved defeating what sort of creatures who were destroying the countryside around Lake Stymphalia? Birds The address of which constituent college of the University of London is: Houghton Street, London, WC2A 2AE? London School of Economics Extending from 500 to 10,000 kilometres above the earth’s surface, what is the uppermost layer of the earth’s atmosphere called – beyond which there is only outer space? Exosphere Which species of cat, with scientific name Acinonyx jubatus, is found in much of Africa, can be known as the hunting leopard, and is unusual among cats in having claws which are not fully retractable? Cheetah At the Academy Awards held in February 2015, Ida became the first film from which nation to win the award for Best Foreign Language Film? Poland What shrub gave its name to the revolution which saw Zine El Abidine Ben Ali overthrown as President of Tunisia in 2011? Jasmine Which musical features numbers including "Gee, Officer Krupke" and "I Feel Pretty"? West Side Story What flower gave its name to the revolution which saw Askar Akayev overthrown as President of Kyrgyzstan in 2005? Tulip What name is given to the Persian language in Afghanistan? Dari How was the Amu Darya river known in Ancient times? Oxus Which mountain range divides the Amu Darya and Indus valleys? Hindu Kush Give a year in the rule of the Achaemenid Empire. 550-330BCE Which large snake-like lake monster said to live in Lake Seljord in Seljord, Telemark, Norway? Selma Which parliament is located in Karasjok, Norway? Sami parliament Which Norwegian figure skater and film star was a three-time Olympic Champion (1928, 1932, 1936) in Ladies' Singles, a ten-time World Champion (1927–1936) and a six-time European Champion (1931–1936)? Sonja Henie Johann Koss of Norway won four Winter Olympic golds at what sporting event? Speed skating Who won a total of 29 medals in the Olympics and World Championships in the period between 1991 and 1999, making him the most successful cross-country skier in history? Bjorn Daehlie Which Dutch city is the home of Rabobank? Utrecht The bulk of the Great Pyramids at Giza are constructed in which stone? Limestone Which Theban king reunited Egypt after the First Intermediate Period and started the Middle Kingdom? Mentuhotep II Which group of "foreign princes" ruled a part of Northern Egypt during the latter Middle Kingdom at the Second Intermediate Period, from their capital at Avaris? Hyksos Which Egyptian deity was god of the afterlife, the underworld and the dead? Osiris What two-word term indicated the "life-force" in Ancient Egypt that would be reunited with the soul by the process of mummification? Ka Hatshepshut was the widow of which Egyptian king who preceded her as ruler? Tuthmosis II In which century was Tutankhamun's rule of Egypt? F |
Which flower is known as 'the fair maid of February'? | Fair Maids of February | The Medieval Garden Enclosed | The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York The Medieval Garden Enclosed Fair Maids of February Above, from left to right: a cluster of snowdrops (Galanthus nivalis) budding beneath a quince in Bonnefont Garden; each bulb sends up two leaves and a single flowering stem; the fully open flowers persist for weeks. The snowdrop (Galanthus nivalis) is the first spring bulb to emerge in Bonnefont Garden. Native to much of Europe, although probably naturalized in England, Scotland, Holland, Belgium, and Scandinavia, the snowdrop blooms from January to March in woods and scrub and by streams (Martyn Rix and Roger Phillips, The Bulb Book, 1981). It is widely grown in gardens on both sides of the Atlantic, and has escaped and naturalized in Canada and the northeastern United States. (See the U.S.D.A. Natural Resources Conservation Service for more information about the distribution of Galanthus nivalis in the U.S. and Canada.) The modern botanical name was conferred in the eighteenth century by the great Swedish taxonomist Carl Linnaeus . The word Galanthus comes from the Greek gala (???milk???) and anthos (???flower???); the Latin nivalis means “of the snow.” Many common names for Galanthus, in English as well as other languages, associate the plant with the month of February, such as “fair maids of February,” for example, or “Candlemas bells” (cf. lichtmisbloem in Flemish and violette de chandeleur in French). Another set of common names refers to the habit of blooming in the snow: perce-niege, or “snow piercer,” in French, and schneeglocken, or “snowbells,” in German. The name snowdrop does not seem to have been commonly used in English before the end of the seventeenth century. It is simply called “an Early White Bulbous Violet” in both Elizabethan and Stuart garden writers (Geoffrey Grigson, The Englishman???s Flora, 1987)???a bookish name that would seem to indicate a relatively unfamiliar plant. John Gerard, the great sixteenth-century herbalist, characterizes Galanthus nivalis as common in Elizabethan gardens, but believed it to have been introduced to England from Italy. The question of its native or non-native status still preoccupies British galanthophiles in the thousands. Admiration and affection for the snowdrop in Great Britain is enormous, and snowdrop festivals and tours are offered throughout the U.K. (See “ White gold: Britain’s new love for snowdrops ,” The Independent, Saturday, February 9, 2008.) There is also a huge literature on the collection and cultivation of the multitude of forms and species of Galanthus now available, many of which were already known in the nineteenth century. It is certainly the case that snowdrops are found in very large colonies on monastic sites in England, but there is little record of the snowdrop in medieval sources. Celia Fisher, who finds that the snowdrop makes its first artistic appearance in manuscripts illuminated by Jean Bourdichon in the early sixteenth century, speculates that the snowdrop may have been brought to England by pilgrims from Rome and beyond (The Medieval Flower Book, 2008). Many articles and essays make casual reference to the practice of placing snowdrops on the altar on the feast of Candlemas as a symbol of the purity of the Virgin (see “ February Fill-Dyke ” for more about Candlemas) but the practice has not been documented in a medieval source. Although the snowdrop was to have a spectacular career as a poet???s flower???from William Wordsworth through the Victorians and beyond???there are no earlier literary references known to me beyond an early church calendar of flowers , in which the flowers associated with saints days and holy days are set forth in couplets: The Snow-drop in purest white arraie First rears her head on Candelmas daie. This flower calendar is among the materials collected by V.S. Lean in the nineteenth century for his volume of proverbs and folklore, and is often quoted in snowdrop literature. It may date to the sixteenth century, but is unlikely to be earlier; the poem makes r | History of RHS Chelsea Flower Show / RHS Gardening How Chelsea became the world's most famous flower show Fascinating facts The RHS Chelsea Flower Show has been held in the grounds of the Chelsea Hospital every year since 1913, apart from gaps during the two World Wars. It used to be Britain’s largest flower show (it has now been overtaken by Hampton Court), but is still the most prestigious. From the beginning it has contained both nursery exhibits and model gardens. Every year there have been exhibits from foreign countries as well as from Britain. It is the flower show most associated with the Royal family, who attend the opening day every year. Did you know? The RHS Great Spring Show was first held in the now vanished RHS garden in Kensington in 1862. Between 1888 and 1911 it was held in the Temple Gardens. It moved to its current site at Chelsea Hospital in 1913. The Chelsea rules forbid the use of coloured sculptures. So garden gnomes have been forbidden throughout its history. One frequent exhibitor, Jekka McVicar, used to smuggle a gnome into her exhibits… Of the firms that exhibited at the first Show in 1913, three are still showing: Kelways, McBean’s Orchids, and Blackmore and Langdon. In 1912 the Great Spring Show was cancelled in order to hold the Royal International Horticultural Exhibition, which was held at Chelsea Hospital. It was the success of this event that made the RHS move the Great Spring Show to Chelsea next year. The Great Marquee, which was first put up in 1951, was named in the Guinness Book of Records as the world’s largest tent (3½ acres). It was replaced by the current modular structure in 2000. The remains of the old tent were cut up and used to make 7000 bags, aprons, and jackets. 1979 was the first year in which the turnstiles had to be closed to prevent overcrowding. Since then a ceiling has been put on the number of tickets sold, with a cap on visitors being introduced in 1988. Exhibits of flower arranging have appeared every year since 1948, and by 1956 there were so many as to require a separate tent. |
Which banker drew strong negative publicity relating to his failed leadership of RBS and substantial pension arrangements? | Changing Banking for Good - Parliamentary Commission on Banking Standards 22.1 33.6 Source: The Kay Review of UK Equity Markets and Long-term Decision Making, Final Report, p 31 662. Investors that hold shares for a short period are less likely to be concerned by the long-term prospects of the company they own, other than to the extent that it affects short-term movements in the share price. Because they trade more frequently, short-term investors can exercise an influence on share prices that is disproportionate to their holdings. The rise of shareholder short-termism and disengagement from the responsibilities of ownership has been exacerbated by the growth of intermediaries that have distanced the ultimate beneficial owner of shares from investee companies. 663. The Kay review and Sir David Walker's review of corporate governance in UK banks both considered these developments, and proposed measures to reflect better shareholders' responsibilities as company owners. Among other recommendations, the Walker review proposed a new Stewardship Code setting out best practice in stewardship by institutional investors and fund managers.[ 1121 ] The Kay review recommended the inclusion of a commitment to responsible engagement within the investment management industry code.[ 1122 ] However, Professor Kay and Sir David both acknowledged in evidence to the Commission that the investment environment that they ultimately sought, in which the "anonymous trader" was replaced by the "concerned investor", remained a long way off.[ 1123 ] Professor Kay spoke of "philosophical leaps that are needed to take us to the world we would like",[ 1124 ] while Sir David told us that "it will not happen overnight, and it may never happen".[ 1125 ] WHO OWNS THE BANKS AND WHY? 664. The situation facing UK equity markets generally also applies to banks specifically. In Annex 5 we consider further evidence on bank ownership. The main points emerging from that evidence are that: · Few entities hold large single stakes in UK banks and many have holdings in each of the large banks; · Bank shareholdings are often held for a short time, encouraging short-term risk-taking; · There are reasons for scepticism as to whether shareholders could spot the risks which a bank's own leadership misses; and · Active investment can lead to higher returns, but potential active investors are wary of seeking insider knowledge. Institutional shareholders have not done enough to encourage banks to maintain high levels of banking standards. SHAREHOLDER PRESSURE AND LEVERAGE 665. Where shareholders did engage with banks in recent years, it was sometimes to pressurise them to take on additional risk and increase leverage to boost equity returns. RBS told us that "in some instances investors pressed for what were arguably unsustainable levels of return, creating pressure to increase leverage and take on additional risk".[ 1126 ] Lloyds said that: Shareholder behaviour "pre-crunch" focused on a drive for growth with emphasis placed on delivering potentially unsustainable returns, without recognition of the downside risks. This was a factor in creating a culture that arguably led to failure in the sector.[ 1127 ] In its evidence, HSBC wrote of a "very strong public call for leverage and structuring from many institutional shareholders",[ 1128 ] while its Chairman Douglas Flint told the Treasury Committee that: There was a great deal of pressure coming from shareholders who were looking for enhanced returns and were pointing to business models that have, with hindsight, been shown to be flawed and in particular very leveraged business models and saying, "You guys are inefficient. You have a lazy balance sheet. There are people out there that are doing much better than you are", and there was tremendous pressure during 2006/07.[ 1129 ] A number of witnesses noted that this misalignment of interests between shareholders and society was further exacerbated in banks deemed too big to fail because bondholders perceived to be insured against failure did not rein in the more risky ins | Samuel Pepys | Exploring London Exploring London Famous Londoners – Sir Thomas Bludworth… September 26, 2016 Sir Thomas Bludworth (also spelt Bloodworth) is usually only remembered as the man who had the unfortunate job of being Lord Mayor of London when the Great Fire broke out in 1666. So, given the fire’s 350th anniversary this month, we thought it timely to take a more in-depth look at his life and career. Bludworth was born in London in February, in about 1620, the second surviving son of John Bludworth, master of the Vintner’s Company and a wealthy merchant. Trained to succeed his father – his elder brother having joined the clergy, Bludworth was himself admitted to the Vintner’s Company in the 1640s and joined the Levant Company in 1648. First elected an alderman in 1658, he was discharged when he refused to serve as a sheriff and the following year served as the master of the Vintner’s Company. In 1660, he was briefly arrested along with 10 other members of City of London’s common council after the body refused to pay taxes until a representative parliament was convened. Elected MP for Southwark later that year, Bludworth among city and parliamentary representatives who sailed to The Netherlands to attend the king, Charles II, in exile, and invite him to return to England. It was while attending the king in The Hague that he was knighted. Re-elected in 1661, he was an active parliamentarian who served in numerous different capacities. Sir Thomas was twice married and had a number of children including a formidable daughter Anne who eventually married the historically unpopular George Jeffreys, (later King James II’s Lord Chief Justice and Lord Chancellor). In mid-1662, he was once again made a City of London alderman and appointed one of two sheriffs for the following year. He became Lord Mayor of London in November, 1665, but apparently there was no pageant as was customary due to the plague. During his year in the office – “the severest year any man had” – he faced both the plague and the Great Fire and his reputation has been largely formed out of his response to the latter thanks in large part his alleged response when woken and told of the fire as being: “Pish, a woman might piss it out!”. Bludworth was heavily criticised at the time and over the years since his reaction to the fire – including not pulling down homes to create a firebreak and thus prevent the spread of the fire, but it should be noted that had he done so before he had received the king’s permission, he would have found himself personally liable. Diarist Samuel Pepys’ who, following two encounters in the months before the fire had already described Bludworth as “mean man of understanding and despatch of any public business”, recorded that when he finally brought a message from the king ordering the creation of a firebreak, Sir Thomas seemed like “a man spent”. “To the King’s message (to create a firebreak by pulling down houses), he cried, like a fainting woman, ‘Lord, what can I do? I am spent: people will not obey me. I have been pulling down houses, but the fire overtakes us faster than we can do it’.” Another eyewitness describes him as looking like he was “frighted out of his wits” during the fire. Sir Thomas’ own property at Gracechurch Street was among the casualties of the fire but he later built a new mansion in Maiden Lane. He continued to serve as an MP after the fire and was, perhaps ironically, appointed to a committee working on a bill to provide “utensils” for the “speedy quenching of fire”. In the mid-1670s, he become one of the governing members of the Royal African Company. Sir Thomas died on 12th May, 1682, aged around 60. He was apparently buried in Leatherhead. Share this: Lost London – Exeter/Essex House… June 17, 2016 Located on the south side of the Strand, the then-named Exeter House was built in the 1300s as the London palace of the Bishops of Exeter on land which had previously been occupied by the Knights Templar. It was Bishop Walter Stapledon who had the palace constructed – as well as being Bishop of Exeter, he |
Name the Ent who befriends Merry and Pippin in Fanghorn forest. | Ents | The One Wiki to Rule Them All | Fandom powered by Wikia "We must not be hasty." — Treebeard in The Two Towers Ents, also known as Onodrim (Tree-host) by the Elves , are a very old race that appeared in Middle Earth at the same time that the elves did. They were apparently created at the behest of Yavanna after she learned of Aulë 's children, the dwarves , knowing that they would want to fell trees. Ents were envisioned as Shepherds of the Huorns , to protect the forests from orcs and other perils. The elves had tales of teaching the trees and the Ents to talk: although the Ents were sentient beings at the time, they did not know how to speak until the elves taught them. Treebeard spoke of the elves "curing the Ents of their dumbness", that it was a great gift that could not be forgotten ("always wanted to talk to everything, the old Elves did"). Ents are tree-like creatures, having become more and more like the trees that they herded. They vary in traits, from everything to height and size, colouring, and the number of fingers and toes. An individual Ent more or less resembles the specific species of tree that they typically guard. For example, Quickbeam guarded huorns that resembled rowans, and thus looked very much like those huorns (tall and slender, etc.). Ents are very strong, as recounted by Merry and Pippin : "their punches can crumple iron like tinfoil, and they can tear apart solid rock like breadcrusts." In the Third Age of Middle-earth , the forest of Fangorn was apparently the only place ents still inhabited, although the huorns may still have survived elsewhere, as in the Old Forest. Contents Edit A group of Ents with Treebeard, the eldest Ent, in the center. From Peter Jackson's The Two Towers Almost nothing is known of the early history of the Ents — they apparently lived in and protected the large forests of Middle-earth in previous ages, and they briefly appear near the end of the First Age , attacking a band of Dwarves , apparently summoned by Beren and Lúthien . Treebeard told of a time when apparently all of Eriador was one huge forest and part of his domain, but these immense forests were cut by the Númenóreans of the Second Age, or destroyed in the calamitous War of the Elves and Sauron of the 17th century of the Second Age. Treebeard's statement is also supported by remarks Elrond the half-elf made at the Council of Elrond. Elrond said that "Time was once when a squirrel could carry a nut from tree to tree from Rivendell to the Great Sea...", further indicating that all of Eriador was once a single vast primeval forest, of which Fangorn Forest was just "the eastern end of it" according to Treebeard. Treebeard boasted to Merry and Pippin about the strength of the Ents. He said that they were much more powerful than trolls , which Morgoth (in the Elder Days or First Age) supposedly made as imitations of the Ents, but did not come near to their power. He compares this with how orcs were Morgoth's imitation of elves. There used to be entwives (literally "ent-women"), but they started to move farther away from the Ents because they liked to plant and control things, so they moved away to the region that would later become the Brown Lands across the Great River Anduin . This area was destroyed by Sauron , and the entwives disappeared. The ents looked for them, but have never found them. It is sung by the Ents that one day they will find each other, when they lose all else. In the Fellowship of the Ring, Sam Gamgee says his cousin Hal saw a walking tree in the north of the Shire. When Pippin and Merry tell Treebeard about the Shire, Treebeard says the entwives would like that land, suggesting Hal saw either an Entwife or a Huorn . It is safe to say that with no entwives and their slow decline with time, numbers of the Ents had dwindled to around fifty only by the end of The Third age. According to Treebeard there are no entings upon Middle-earth at the time of the Third Age, and there have not been any for quite some time. And there will never be any more entings afterwards either, "as there are n | Gandalf | The One Wiki to Rule Them All | Fandom powered by Wikia The Fellowship of the Ring , " A Long-expected Party " Gandalf (Norse; IPA : [gand:alf] - "Elf of the Wand" or "Wand-elf") the Grey, later known as Gandalf the White, also named originally Olórin ( Quenya ; IPA : [oˈloːrin] - "Dreamer" or "Of Dreams"), Tharkûn ( Khuzdul - "Gray-Man" or "Staff-Man"), and Mithrandir ( Sindarin IPA: [miˈθrandir] - "White Pilgrim" or "Gray Wanderer"), was a wizard , or Istar , sent by the West in the Third Age to combat the threat of Sauron . He joined Thorin and his company to reclaim the Lonely Mountain from Smaug , convoked the Fellowship of the Ring to destroy the One Ring , and led the Free Peoples in the final campaign of the War of the Ring . Contents Origin Gandalf was a Maia named Olórin before leaving the Undying Lands Accounted the wisest of the Maiar , Gandalf was originally a Maia of Manwë the Wind-King, Varda the Star-Queen, Irmo the Dream-Master and Nienna the Weeper named Olórin. When the Valar decided to send the order of the Istari (also known as Wizards ) to Middle-earth, to counsel and assist all those in Middle-earth who opposed the Dark Lord Sauron , Manwë and Varda decided to include Olórin among the five who were sent. At first, Olórin was nervous and described himself as too weak and too afraid of Sauron. Manwë understood, and told him that that was one main reason why he should go, to overcome that fear. Thus, he insisted that Olórin should go as the third, but Varda convinced him not to include Olórin as the third, but as the second. Olórin agreed, and prepared for his departure from the Undying Lands with the other four wizards. Arrival in Middle-Earth When he arrived to Middle Earth, he received Narya , the ring of fire, from Círdan the Shipwright . Olórin, renamed Gandalf (name "translated" from Westron to Norse by Tolkien), spent many centuries walking among the elves as a stranger, learning from them and teaching them. He later revealed himself as one of the Istari, and eventually became known as the wisest of and most powerful of that order. He joined the White Council , which was formed to investigate a dark power in Dol Guldur , of which Galadriel wanted him to become the leader, yet Saruman came to lead the Council instead of him. [1] Although Saruman was at first more powerful, was more knowledgeable about many matters regarding Sauron and the Rings of Power , and was head of the White Council before the War of the Ring, he later grew jealous and afraid of Gandalf, [2] which was the reason of his betrayal. Quest to Erebor Gandalf invites Bilbo on an adventure Gandalf wandered for many years amongst the Free People of Middle-earth, but spent most of that time amongst the Elves, where he learned much and taught much. He also continued to gather such information about Sauron and his ilk as he could, and to that end, he began to suspect that the Necromancer of Dol Guldur was in fact Sauron taking shape once again. He entered Dol Guldur, but Sauron, still greatly weakened, fled from him and for a short time, the evil of Mirkwood was greatly reduced. However, Sauron quickly returned to Dol Guldur, and by 2850 of the Third Age, had rebuilt his forces there. In that year, Gandalf again entered the fortress and encountered Thráin II , father of Thorin Oakenshield, who was dying after having been horribly tormented. Before his death, the old Dwarf king entrusted Gandalf with a map and key to the Lonely Mountain . In the year 2941, Gandalf became troubled by his knowledge of Sauron's resurgent strength. He knew that Sauron was already plotting war from Dol Guldur, and that as soon as he felt strong enough, he would attack Rivendell. Unfortunately, the only power left besides Rivendell to resist an attempt from Mirkwood to regain the lands of Angmar was the Dwarves of the Iron Hills. Even worse, Gandalf knew that Smaug to Golden resided still in the Lonely Mountain, and that Sauron could and would use the dragon to devastating effect once he became strong enough to influence Smaug. However, Saruman see |
What is the boiling point of water? | What Is the Boiling Point of Water? What Is the Boiling Point of Water? What Is the Boiling Point of Water? Boiling Point of Water The boiling point of water is 100 degrees Celsius or 212 degrees Fahrenheit at 1 atmosphere of pressure (sea level). Jody Dole, Getty Images Updated July 21, 2016. Question: What Temperature Does Water Boil? At what temperature does water boil? What determines the boiling point of water? Here's the answer to this common question. Answer: The boiling point of water is 100°C or 212° F at 1 atmosphere of pressure (sea level). However, the value is not a constant. The boiling point of water depends on the atmospheric pressure, which changes according to elevation. The boiling point of water is 100°C or 212° F at 1 atmosphere of pressure (sea level), but water boils at a lower temperature as you gain altitude (e.g., on a mountain) and boils at a higher temperature if you increase atmospheric pressure (lived below sea level ). The boiling point of water also depends on the purity of the water. Water which contains impurities (such as salted water ) boils at a higher temperature than pure water. This phenomenon is called boiling point elevation , which is one of the colligative properties of matter. Learn More | Jacques Cartier | Exploration | France Jacques Cartier You're Reading a Free Preview Pages 7 to 102 are not shown in this preview. You're Reading a Free Preview Pages 106 to 110 are not shown in this preview. This action might not be possible to undo. Are you sure you want to continue? CANCEL We've moved you to where you read on your other device. Get the full title to continue Get the full title to continue reading from where you left off, or restart the preview. Restart preview |
"Who siad ""I never forget a face, but in your case I'll make an exception""?" | I Never Forget a Face, But I’ll Make an Exception in Your Case | Quote Investigator I Never Forget a Face, But I’ll Make an Exception in Your Case Groucho Marx? Alan Gale? Anonymous? Dear Quote Investigator: When I am at a party I sometimes have trouble recalling the name of a person I have met before. But my recalcitrant memory has no difficulty remembering the line credited to Groucho Marx: I never forget a face, but in your case I’d be glad to make an exception. When I performed a search I found some other versions: I never forget a face, but I’ll make an exception in your case. I never forget a face—but I’m willing to make an exception in your case. Is this a genuine Groucho joke or is it just a quip with a fake nose and glasses? Quote Investigator: The earliest evidence known to QI all points to Groucho Marx as creator of this jape. The February 13, 1937 issue of “The Literary Digest” published a piece about psychology and memory. Conventional advice givers have emphasized the desirability of memorization, but this article accentuated the practice of forgetting. The author mentioned the now classic joke credited to Groucho: 1 It’s the art of forgetting; and all it amounts to, really, is the reverse English of memory. In fact, some psychologists find it as important as the art of memory. Groucho Marx facetiously shows how effective it can be in his gag: “I never forget a face — but I’m going to make an exception in your case!” A few days later, a columnist named E. V. Durling in the Washington Post presented the same joke with a variant wording and an ascription to Groucho. This citation was listed in the key reference “The Yale Book of Quotations”: 2 3 Groucho Marx. My nomination for Public Wisecracker No. 1. When and where was it Groucho said to somebody. “I never forget a face—but I’m going to make an exception in your case.” Here are additional selected citations in chronological order. The May 1941 issue of the mass-circulation Reader’s Digest printed a more elaborate version of the joke supplied by a contributing writer named Hugh Pentecost. The context was specified and two lines of dialog were given: 4 A celebrity hound approached Groucho Marx at a party. “You remember me, Mr. Marx. We met at the Glynthwaites’ some months ago.” “I never forget a face,” Groucho replied, “but I’ll make an exception in your case.” In 1941 and 1942 the Reader’s Digest version of the anecdote was disseminated further in the “Thesaurus of Anecdotes” edited by Edmund Fuller 5 and in newspapers such as the Lime Springs Herald of Iowa. 6 In 1944 the quotation collector Bennett Cerf reminisced in the pages of “The Saturday Review” about past shows by the Marx Brothers: 7 The funniest lines usually fell to Groucho. He revived on the radio the other night his “I never forget a face—but I’m willing to make an exception in your case.” In 1946 the comedian Joey Adams published “From Gags to Riches” which included a version of the quip that remarkably was credited to someone who was not Groucho: 8 Alan Gale lets them have it with, “I never forget a face, but in your case I’ll make an exception.” In 1949 Life magazine described remarks made by Groucho during his popular radio show “You Bet Your Life”. These lines were clearly reprised from his collection of past zingers: 9 The insults are direct and paralyzing. To a tongue-tied contestant he muttered, “Either this man is dead or my watch has stopped.” To another he said thoughtfully, “I never forget a face, but in your case I am going to make an exception.” In conclusion, QI believes that Groucho Marx coined this joke and popularized it. He received the earliest set of attributions and there was no strong rival. He also seems to have used the quip on multiple occasions. There was no fixed phrasing for the quotation, but the core joke was invariant. Notes: 1937 February 13, The Literary Digest, Psychology: Art of Forgetting: Magic Formula, Page 29, Funk & Wagnalls Company, New York. (Unz) ↩ 1937 February 16, Los Angeles Times, On the Side with E. V. Durling, Page A1, Los Angeles, (ProQuest) ↩ | "Masterminds" - Evening Gazette (Middlesbrough, England), December 27, 2014 | Online Research Library: Questia Read preview Article excerpt 1. Which actor starred as detective Magnum PI? 2. Which town in Cornwall has become famous for the number of artists who are based there because of its light? 3. Which Manx rider won five stages in the 2010 tour de France? 4. Which comedian created the characters Stavros, Tory Boy and Loadsamoney? 5. Which famous TV chef played football for Glasgow Rangers FC? 6. In the Thunderbirds TV series, which son piloted Thunderbird Two and dressed in yellow? 7. In the TV series Diagnoses Murder, who plays Dr Mark Sloan? 8. Where is the Royal Regatta held each year on the River Thames? 9. Who was the captain of the 2010 European Ryder cup team? 10. Who won 18 this year's Strictly Come Dancing final? 11. What was the name of her partner? 12. What is the capital city of Spain? 13. What is a Samoyed? 14. How many inches make a yard? 15. Which tree grows the tallest? 16. Where is Angel Falls? 17. What was once known as a love apple? 23 18. What is Cher's real name? 19. What was the name of Lou Reed's band? 20. Who invented the lightning conductor? 21. Where in England according to Bram Stoker did Dracula first set ashore? 22. Which TV detective had a secretary called Miss Lemon? 23. In which film does British rock star David Bowie star as a goblin king? 24. How was entertainer Nicolai Poliakoff better known? 25. True or False: the Kingdom of Bahrain is an island nation? … Subscribe to Questia and enjoy: Full access to this article and over 10 million more from academic journals, magazines, and newspapers Over 83,000 books Access to powerful writing and research tools Article details Newspapers Encyclopedia |
How many James Bond Themes did Dame Shirley Bassey Perform? | Shirley Bassey | James Bond Wiki | Fandom powered by Wikia Occupation: Singer Dame Shirley Bassey (January 8, 1937) is a Welsh singer who found great fame in Great Britain the late 1950s and has been performing ever since. In the United States, Bassey is best known for singing James Bond theme songs . She holds the record for most James Bond themes by a singer with three of them. Contents | Bond, James Bond - Kent Film Office Bond, James Bond Student Filming Application Bond, James Bond Visit the areas that inspired Fleming to create one of the most thrilling spies the world has ever known. Go directly to the Live James Bond Trail Ian Fleming loved Kent. You only have to read one of his books to experience the great adoration he had for his home county. He made his home in a beautiful house on the beach of St Margaret’s and wrote many of his novels looking out over the English Channel. His most famous creation, James Bond, known to all the world as 007, inspired 12 novels and two books of short stories, which, in turn have been adapted into 22 films so far. Casino-Royale © MovieposterDB Directors: Val Guest, Ken Hughes Writers: Ian Fleming (Novel) Wolf Mankowitz and John Law (Screenplay) Starring: David Niven – Sir James Bond Peter Sellers – Evelyn Tremble, James Bond 007 Ursula Andress – Vesper Lynd Synopsis: Based on one of Flemming’s short stories, this early spy spoof, features the aging Sir James Bond who comes out of his retirement to take on SMERSH. Locations Used: This location features as Sir James’s home. Diamonds Are Forever © movieposterDB Rosamund Pike – Miranda Frost Synopsis: James Bond is sent to investigate the connection between a North Korean terrorist and a diamond mogul who is funding the development of an international space weapon. Locations Used: Kent International Airport – Manston The Antonov cargo plane scenes were filmed at the Kent International Airport – Manston. Age of Heroes cast Age of Heroes cast L-R John Dagleish as Rollright, Danny Dyer as Rains, William Houston as Mac, Guy Burnet as Riley, Sean Bean as Jones, Askel Hennie as Steinar © Age of Heroes Ltd. Although not a Bond film this film features a young Ian Fleming during his young days in the war. Director: Adrian Vitoria Writers: Ed Scates and Adrian Vitoria (Screenplay) Starring: Sean Bean, Izabella Miko, Danny Dyer, James D’Arcy Synopsis: The true story of the formation of Ian Fleming’s 30 Commando unit, a precursor for the elite forces in the U.K. Locations Used: Ian Fleming and Kent Ian Fleming © Visit Kent Ian Fleming lived in Kent and used its unique landscape as the backdrop to Bond’s adventures. Many of the novels have scenes devoted to his favourite places within the county. An example: “…they stopped for a moment on the edge of the great chalk cliff and stood gazing over the whole corner of England where Caesar had first landed two thousand years before. To their left the carpet of green turf, bright with small wildflowers, sloped gradually down to the long pebble beaches of Walmer and Deal, which curved off towards Sandwich and the Bay. Beyond, the cliffs of Margate showing white through the distant haze that hid the North Foreland guarded the grey scar of Manston aerodrome above which American Thunderjets wrote their white scribbles in the sky. Then came the Isle of Thanet and, out of sight, the mouth of the Thames.” (Moonraker) In connection with Visit Kent, Kent County Council developed two driving tours based on the novels Goldfinger and Moonraker, so you can step in the footsteps of England’s favourite spy. THE GOLDFINGER ROUTE From St. Margaret’s go via Deal and the A258 to Sandwich. Follow the A256 to Ramsgate harbour, then the A253 and A299 to Reculver. Then take the A2 to Faversham, Chatham and Rochester. James Bond drove from London to Sandwich in the reverse order of course. James Bond Country © Kent County Council Reculver/Ramsgate “He came up with a crossroads. To the left the signpost said RECULVER… Bond slowed, but didn’t stop. No hanging about. He motored slowly on, keeping his eyes open. The shoreline was too exposed for a trawler to do anything but beach or anchor. Probably Goldfinger had used Ramsgate. Quiet little port. Customs and Police who were probably only on the look-out for brandy coming over from France.” Behind Auric Goldfinger’s house at Reculver, The Grange, was the factory from which he ran his gold smuggling business. Here the gold imported from India by his traw |
what was the name of the cow in The Magic Roundabout?. | Toonhound - The Magic Roundabout (1965-1991) Mr Rusty's Magic Roundabout could be found in the heart of the Magic Garden. It didn't really do anything magic at all apart from fade in and fade out of view at the beginning and end of each episode, but what it did have was an associated collection of magical characters including Dougal the dog, a girl called Florence, a rabbit called Dylan, Brian the snail, Ermintrude the cow, the red chuffing Train, and a jack-in-a- box with a moustache called Zebedee who was the self-appointed guardian of the garden. Add to this some fabulous set design, a memorable theme tune and big buckets of irony and droll dry humour and you have here one of the biggest tea-time tv treats of all time. But this magical series very nearly didn't make it to our screens at all... "The Magic Roundabout" was created by a Frenchman, Serge Danot, in 1963 and it was originally called "La Manege Enchante" (The Enchanted Merry-go-round). Danot was assisted by a friend from England, our very own Ivor Wood in fact, together with his wife Josiane, and you can clearly see his design sense imbued in the character and set designs. The show was first broadcast in France in 1964, and was distinctly Gallic in flavour. Dougal the dog was then called Pollux, whilst Florence was called Margote and when Dylan was introduced in later colour episodes, he was presented as a lazy Spaniard called Flappy. When this hit French series was first offered to the BBC they rejected it as awkward, and difficult to dub into English. Subsequently, for whatever reason, the BBC's Head of Children's Programming gave the project a second look. It was passed on to the then producer of "Playschool2 Joy Whitby, who in turn handed the series to one of the show's presenter Eric Thompson, to see if he might try voicing an adaptation. And that folks, is how magic is created. Eric Thompson decided to ignore the original scripts altogether. Working with the volume turned down to avoid distraction, he completely rewrote the French stories and redefined and renamed the characters, injecting much irony, wit and melancholy in to the re-edited shows. In Thompson's hands, Pollux became dry, laconic Dougal, floating around the garden with a Hancock-like turn of phrase and a put-down for all occasions. He was a star in the making, together with the newly-hippified Dylan, ever-cheery Brian, enthusiastic flower-chewing Ermintrude and the entire garden gang. Even the theme song didn't escape reinvention, with the musical calliope being speeded up for British production. The "new" series first aired in the UK on 18 October 1965. The rest is history. After two years atop of the tea-time viewing figures, when the BBC attempted to move the show from its regular broadcast slot of 5.55pm to one an hour earlier, the audience responded en-masse and forced them to rescind. And even come the 1970s, folks had opinions to express about any scheduling changes: "I should like to know how the BBC thinks I am going to regain my equilibrium after teaching all day if there is no Magic Roundabout to come home to?'" - letter to the Radio Times, March 25th 1971 The show concluded its French broadcast in 1971, but here in the UK the surplus of episodes allowed it to continue through to 1977. What's more, in 1972 we were present | Cornucopia Cornucopia The cornucopia ( Latin : Cornu Copiae) is a symbol of food and abundance dating back to the 5th century BC, also referred to as horn of plenty, Horn of Amalthea, and harvest cone. In mythology In Greek mythology , Amalthea was a goat who raised Zeus on her breast milk, in a cave, on mount Idi of Crete. Her horn was accidentally broken off by Zeus while playing together. The god Zeus, in remorse, gave her back her horn with supernatural powers, which would give the person in possession whatever he or she wished for. This gave rise to the legend of the cornucopia. The original depictions were of the goat's horn filled with fruits and flowers: deities, especially Fortuna, were depicted with the horn of plenty. The cornucopia was also a symbol for a woman's fertility. The story is said to be a predecessor of the Unicorn and the Holy Grail stories. Alternately, Amalthea may have been a nymph asked to nurse baby Zeus while he was being hidden from Cronus. Since she hid on Mount Aigaion, which means Mountain of the Goat, suppositions follow that she was either a goat nymph or a nymph who tended goats. Therefore, either her horn was broken or her goat's horn was broken while playing with Zeus. In recompense, the God Zeus created the cornucopia. Further evidence for this is that Amalthea is another name for the constellation Capricornus , the goat. Modern depictions In modern depictions, the cornucopia is typically a hollow, horn-shaped wicker basket typically filled with various kinds of festive fruit and vegetables. In North America, the cornucopia has come to be associated with Thanksgiving and the harvest. Cornucopia is also the name of the annual November Wine and Food celebration in Whistler, British Columbia, Canada. Two cornucopias are seen in the flag and state seal of Idaho. There is also one seen in the state seal of North Carolina, the state seal of New Jersey, the coat of arms of Colombia, Panama, Peru and Venezuela, and the Coat of Arms of the State of Victoria, Australia, symbolising prosperity. The horn of plenty is used on jewelery, as it is a symbol of fertility, fortune and abundance. Some evangelical Christians warn against wearing the symbol, or the similar Italian horn symbol of male fertility, saying it is actually demon infested or unlucky, and equating it to the "little horn", a figure described in the Christian Bible sometimes considered to be the Antichrist . (Wikipedia) |
Which song from Mary Poppins won the Academy Award for Best Song? | Mary Poppins [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack] - Disney | Songs, Reviews, Credits | AllMusic Mary Poppins [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack] AllMusic Rating google+ AllMusic Review by William Ruhlmann Prior to their 14-song score for Mary Poppins, songwriting brothers Richard M. and Robert B. Sherman were best-known for the Top Ten hits "Tall Paul" by Annette Funicello and "You're Sixteen" by Johnny Burnette . Mary Poppins changed all that. It won the brothers Academy Awards for best original musical score and best song -- for "Chim Chim Cher-Ee" -- and the soundtrack album won them a Grammy Award for Best Original Score Written for a Motion Picture or TV Show, as well as winning Best Recording for Children. The album also topped the Billboard LP chart for 14 weeks and reportedly sold 2.3 million copies in its first year of release. Of course, all this success could not be the sole result of the brothers' writing ability, as also expressed in memorable songs like "A Spoonful of Sugar," "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious," and "Feed the Birds (Tuppence a Bag)." A great deal of it could be credited to the many unnamed talents at the Disney studio, and not a little to Julie Andrews , who embodied the character of Mary Poppins so perfectly that she never really escaped it. But Mary Poppins had a lot of songs for a movie musical, no less than 13 separate numbers, and they were all very good, from Mrs. Banks' ( Glynis Johns ) declaration of "Sister Suffragette" to Mr. Banks' (Dave Tomlinson) transfiguration, "Let's Go Fly a Kite." The brothers had clearly paid attention to Andrews ' stage triumph My Fair Lady, and not just to learn how to craft songs for her. They wrote what might have been a new song for that show's Henry Higgins character in Mr. Banks' statement of purpose as a self-satisfied British male in "The Life I Lead." But their primary influence was the popular music of the period in which the story was set, Edwardian England, specifically the British music hall style of the pre-World War I era. That gave them the buoyancy and glee of many of the numbers, but the wonderful melodies of songs like "Chim Chim Cher-Ee" and "Feed the Birds" were their own. And they benefited from an excellent cast that included Johns , Tomlinson, and Ed Wynn in minor parts, and Dick Van Dyke (sporting an awful, but nevertheless entertaining Cockney accent) in a major one. Best of all, of course, was Andrews , simultaneously warm and proper, bringing out the best in the material. Track Listing | The History of the Academy Awards: Best Picture – 1948 | News from the Boston Becks News from the Boston Becks The life and times of Erik, Veronica and Thomas 26 June, 2010 The History of the Academy Awards: Best Picture – 1948 [4] Comments Laurence Olivier and Jean Simmons in the "Get thee to a nunnery" scene in Hamlet (1948) The 21st Academy Awards, for the film year 1948 . The nominations were announced on February 10, 1949 and the awards were held on March 24, 1949. Best Picture: Hamlet The Treasure of the Sierra Madre The Red Shoes Most Surprising Omission: The Search Best Eligible Film Not Nominated: Red River Rank (out of 82) Among Best Picture Years: #39 The Race: Before the end of January, what would end up being the best reviewed film of 1948 (one which later critics would agree) had already been released: The Treasure of the Sierra Madre. But Treasure wasn’t nearly as much of a hit at the box office as either Johnny Belinda or The Snake Pit. Johnny Belinda ended up being Warner Bros. biggest hit of the year and The Snake Pit ended up as the highest grossing film of the year. All three films were in the race along with Red River, the film that, as John Ford put it, showed that John Wayne could act, and The Search, the big hit from newcomer Montgomery Clift (who also starred in Red River). But the real competition turned out to be from Britain, where Michae Powell’s The Red Shoes and Laurence Olivier’s film version of Hamlet were critical hits. The first of the awards didn’t seem to bring much to the race as The National Board of Review gave Best Picture and Director to Paisan, an Italian film that hadn’t yet opened in Los Angeles and thus wasn’t eligible. Their Top 10 did include all of the major contenders except for Red River. The New York Film Critics went with Treasure for Best Picture and Director but their Best Actor award went to Olivier and Hollywood began to get a bit nervous. The Golden Globes added to the haul for Treasure, as it won Best Picture and Director (tying for Picture with Johnny Belinda), though Olivier again won Best Actor. The Writers Guild and Directors Guild decided to get into the awards act and Treasure and Snake Pit would both win WGA awards, but both awards were announced months after the Oscars. The Results: Things suddenly looked good for Johnny Belinda on nomination day when it received 12 nominations, tied for second all-time, becoming only the second film (along with Mrs. Miniver) to get nominated for Picture, Director, Screenplay and all four acting awards. Hamlet was in a distant second with only 7 nominations and had not received a Screenplay nomination, something no film had won Best Picture without since 1933 (though that film was Cavalcade, the only British film to win Best Picture). Johnny Belinda was favored to win and Variety predicted that it would. However, when Ethel Barrymore went up to announce Best Picture, it was more up in the air. Johnny Belinda had only won one award (Actress), Treasure had yet to lose, winning Director, Screenplay and Supporting Actor and Hamlet was tied for the lead with Treasure with 3 Oscars on the night. Barrymore opened the envelope and was clearly disappointed to find Hamlet inside as she had publicly criticized the film as being inferior to her brother John’s stage production. But Hamlet had won. Bearing in mind that the book Oscar Dearest by Peter H. Brown and Jim Pinkston has numerous errors and is incredibly subjective, it notes some interesting back story to this race. After previous nominations for British films like Henry V and Great Expectations, the studios were beginning to panic when Hamlet seemed to be rising to the top of the class. As detailed on pages 30-32, executives from the Big Five (Warner Bros, MGM, Paramount, 20th Century Fox and RKO) met in New York and decided to withdraw their financial support from the Academy (according to Tom O’Neill, it was actually the three minor-major companies, Columbia, Republic and Universal that withdrew; Inside Oscar claims that the Big Five withdrew and |
Which film star (1923 - 2008), was born John Carter in Evanston, Illinois? | Biography - Charlton Heston, 1923-2008: An Actor Famous for Playing Heroic Roles (VOA Special English 2008-04-19) Charlton Heston, 1923-2008: An Actor Famous for Playing Heroic Roles Download MP3 (Right-click or option-click the link.) I'm Shirley Griffith. And I'm Barbara Klein with PEOPLE IN AMERICA in VOA Special English. Today we tell about actor Charlton Heston. He is best known for playing powerful and heroic leaders in movies such as "The Ten Commandments" and "Ben-Hur." Heston had a strong face and body that could express great physical and emotional force. Heston made about one hundred movies during his sixty-year career. He was also known for his social and political activism. Charlton Heston was born John Carter in nineteen twenty-three in Evanston, Illinois. He spent his early childhood in Saint Helen, Michigan. His parents ended their marriage when he was a boy. Later, he decided to change his name. He took the last name of his mother's second husband, Heston. And, for his first name he used his mother's former last name, Charlton. Charlton Heston discovered his interest in acting while performing in plays at his high school. He later spent two years studying theater at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois. But he left college to join the Army Air Forces during World War Two. In nineteen forty-four he married a college classmate, Lydia Clarke. The young couple moved to New York City after the war. They tried to find acting jobs. Heston found small roles in the theater as well as in television shows. His performance in a television version of the book "Jane Eyre" caught the attention of the Hollywood producer Hal B. Wallis. Wallis gave Heston a role in the movie "Dark City," which came out in nineteen fifty. The actor soon found other roles in movies including "The Greatest Show on Earth" directed by Cecil B. DeMille. DeMille later asked Heston to play the role of Moses in his movie "The Ten Commandments" which came out in nineteen fifty-six. Heston played the Egyptian prince who learns his true identity and leads the Hebrew people out of slavery in Egypt to the promised land. This role made Heston famous and defined his career as a hero and leader. "The Ten Commandments" was long, very costly and had many special effects. In nineteen fifty-eight Heston starred in "Touch of Evil." He played a Mexican drug investigator. Orson Welles also had an acting role in this film. Heston persuaded Universal Studios to hire Welles to direct the movie. "Touch of Evil" has since become a great example of the kind of crime movie known as "film noir." The nineteen fifty-nine movie "Ben-Hur" made Charlton Heston an even bigger star. He played a Jewish man named Judah Ben-Hur who is imprisoned unjustly and rebels against the rule of Rome in ancient Judea. The movie is most famous for a long scene in which Ben-Hur competes in an exciting chariot race against a Roman commander he considers his enemy. Recreating such a large event on film required a great amount of money and technical skill. Many actors would have used a professional stunt man to carry out such a dangerous activity as a chariot race. But Charlton Heston did much of the work himself. He trained for weeks to learn how to skillfully lead a team of speeding horses. After Ben-Hur wins the chariot race, he speaks with Esther, the woman he loves. She wants him to forget about his hatred towards the Roman government in power. ESTHER: Oh Judah, rest, sleep. For a few hours of the night, let your mind be at peace. JUDAH: Peace? Love and peace! Do you think I don't long for them as much as you do? Where did you see them? ESTHER: If you had heard this man from Nazareth… Esther tells Judah about having listened to the teachings of the prophet Jesus. JUDAH: Children of God? In that dead valley where we left them? I tell you every man in Judea is unclean and will stay unclean until we've scoured off our bodies the crust and filth of being at the mercy of tyranny. No other life is possible except to wash this land clean. ESTHER: In blood? JUDAH: Yes, in blood! | Charlton Heston - Biography - IMDb Charlton Heston Biography Showing all 240 items Jump to: Overview (5) | Mini Bio (1) | Spouse (1) | Trade Mark (4) | Trivia (140) | Personal Quotes (83) | Salary (6) Overview (5) 6' 2½" (1.89 m) Mini Bio (1) With features chiseled in stone, and renowned for playing a long list of historical figures, particularly in Biblical epics, the tall, well built and ruggedly handsome Charlton Heston was one of Hollywood's greatest leading men and remained active in front of movie cameras for over sixty years. As a Hollywood star, he appeared in 100 films over the course of 60 years. He played Moses in the epic film, The Ten Commandments (1956), for which he received his first Golden Globe Award nomination. He also starred in Touch of Evil (1958) with Orson Welles; Ben-Hur, for which he won the Academy Award for Best Actor (1959); El Cid (1961); and Planet of the Apes (1968). He also starred in the films The Greatest Show on Earth (1952); Secret of the Incas (1954); The Big Country (1958); and The Agony and the Ecstasy (1965). A supporter of Democratic politicians and civil rights in the 1960s, Heston later became a Republican, founding a conservative political action committee and supporting Ronald Reagan. Heston's most famous role in politics came as the five-term president of the National Rifle Association, from 1998 to 2003. Heston was born John Charles Carter on October 4, 1924, in No Man's Land, Illinois, to Lila (Charlton) and Russell Whitford Carter, who operated a sawmill. He had English and Scottish ancestry, with recent Canadian forebears. Heston made his feature film debut as the lead character in a 16mm production of Peer Gynt (1941), based on the Henrik Ibsen play. In 1944, Heston enlisted in the United States Army Air Forces. He served for two years as a radio operator and aerial gunner aboard a B-25 Mitchell stationed in the Alaskan Aleutian Islands with the 77th Bombardment Squadron of the Eleventh Air Force. He reached the rank of Staff Sergeant. Heston married Northwestern University student Lydia Marie Clarke, who was six months his senior. That same year he joined the military. Heston played 'Marc Antony' in Julius Caesar (1950), and firmly stamped himself as genuine leading man material with his performance as circus manager 'Brad Braden' in the Cecil B. DeMille spectacular The Greatest Show on Earth (1952), also starring James Stewart and Cornel Wilde . The now very popular actor remained perpetually busy during the 1950s, both on TV and on the silver screen with audience pleasing performances in the steamy thriller The Naked Jungle (1954), as a treasure hunter in Secret of the Incas (1954) and another barn storming performance for Cecil B. DeMille as "Moses" in the blockbuster The Ten Commandments (1956). Heston delivered further dynamic performances in the oily film noir thriller Touch of Evil (1958), and then alongside Gregory Peck in the western The Big Country (1958) before scoring the role for which he is arguably best known, that of the wronged Jewish prince who seeks his freedom and revenge in the William Wyler directed Ben-Hur (1959). This mammoth Biblical epic running in excess of three and a half hours became the standard by which other large scale productions would be judged, and it's superb cast also including Stephen Boyd as the villainous "Massala", English actor Jack Hawkins as the Roman officer "Quintus Arrius", and Australian actor Frank Thring as "Pontius Pilate", all contributed wonderful performances. Never one to rest on his laurels, steely Heston remained the preferred choice of directors to lead the cast in major historical productions and during the 1960s he starred as Spanish legend "Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar" in El Cid (1961), as a US soldier battling hostile Chinese boxers during 55 Days at Peking (1963), played the ill-fated "John the Baptist" in The Greatest Story Ever Told (1965), the masterful painter "Michelangelo" battling Pope Julius II in The Agony and the Ecstasy (1965), and an English general in Khartoum (1966). In 1968, Heston filmed |
What is the official language of Nigeria | Facts about Nigeria | Nigeria Facts Death Penalty Statistics Nigeria Facts Nigeria is a country located in West Africa. Find here important facts about Nigeria, including capital city, currency, flag, language, tradition, population, symbols, largest cities, government, history , economy and the like. Where is Nigeria? Nigeria, officially called the Federal Republic of Nigeria, is a country located in West Africa. What is the capital of Nigeria? The capital of Nigeria is Abuja. Built in the 1980s, Abuja is one of the most well planned cities in the country. It became the capital of Nigeria on December 12, 1991, replacing Lagos. The city is home to major attractions in the country such as the Nigerian National Mosque and the Nigerian National Christian Center. What is the largest city in Nigeria? Lagos is the largest city in Nigeria covering an area of 385.9 square miles. It is the third-most populous city in Africa with an estimated population of 7,937,932. As of now, it is the second-fastest growing city in Africa. It was once the capital of the country, and is the economic and financial capital of the country at present. What countries border Nigeria? Nigeria is bordered by the Republic of Benin on the west, Chad and Cameroon on the east, and by Niger in the north. On the south it borders the Gulf of Guinea How big is Nigeria? Nigeria is a country covering a total area of 356,667 square miles. As of 2011, the country has an estimated population of 167 million; it is the seventh-most populous country in the world. What are the main ethnic groups in Nigeria? Nigeria is a country of rich ethnic diversity composed of over 250 ethnic groups. The three largest ethnic groups in Nigeria are the Hausa, Igbo and Yoruba. The other major tribes in the country include Edo, Ijaw, Kanuri, Ibibio, Ebira Nupe and Tiv. Also there are minority groups of British, American, East Indian, Chinese, white Zimbabwean,Japanese, Greek, Syrian and Lebanese immigrants in Nigeria. What are the administrative divisions of Nigeria? Nigeria is a country comprising thirty-six states and one Federal Capital Territory. The states are further divided into 774 Local Government Areas (LGAs). Who are the political leaders of Nigeria? The government of Nigeria is a presidential federal republic. President - Muhammadu Buhari Vice President - Yemi Osinbajo What currency is used in Nigeria? The Naira denoted by the ISO 4217 code NGN) is the official currency of Nigeria. It is subdivided into 100 kobo. What is the official language of Nigeria? English is the official language of Nigeria and is extensively used for education, business transactions and for official purposes. Despite being the first language, English is not spoken at all in some rural areas. Because the majority of the population of the country stays in rural areas, indigenous languages such as the Yoruba and Igbo are spoken by the majority. A derived language called the Nigerian Pidgin English, also called the 'Pidgin' or Broken English is also a popular lingua-franca in the country. What is the religion of Nigeria? Nigeria is a multi-religious country. Fifty percent of the population practice Islam while the rest adhere to Christianity. The other minority religions in the country include Hinduism, Judaism, the Baha'i Faith, and Chrislam (a syncretic faith that contains elements of Christianity and Islam). What is the economy of Nigeria like? Nigeria has the second-largest economy in Africa. It is classified as an emerging market owing to its rich reserves of natural resources, and well-developed financial and communications sectors. The transportation sector and stock exchange of the country add to the finances. The Nigerian Stock Exchange is the second-largest in Africa. Petroleum is a major product playing a significant role in the economy of the country; it is the twelfth-largest producer of petroleum in the world. Manufactured products like leather, textiles, t-shirts, plastics and processed food enhance the economy of the country. Agriculture is also important, employing almost sixty percent o | Abuja | Define Abuja at Dictionary.com Abuja the capital of Nigeria, in the central part. Nigeria noun 1. a republic in W Africa: member of the Commonwealth of Nations; formerly a British colony and protectorate. 356,669 sq. mi. (923,773 sq. km). Capital: Abuja. Official name Federal Republic of Nigeria. Related forms Examples from the Web for Abuja Expand British Dictionary definitions for Abuja Expand noun 1. the federal capital of Nigeria, in the centre of the country. Pop: 467 000 (2005 est) Nigeria noun 1. a republic in West Africa, on the Gulf of Guinea: Lagos annexed by the British in 1861; protectorates of Northern and Southern Nigeria formed in 1900 and united as a colony in 1914; gained independence as a member of the Commonwealth in 1960 (membership suspended from 1995 to 1999 following human rights violations); Eastern Region seceded as the Republic of Biafra for the duration of the severe civil war (1967–70); ruled by military governments from 1966. It consists of a belt of tropical rain forest in the south, with semidesert in the extreme north and highlands in the east; the main export is petroleum. Official language: English; Hausa, Ibo, and Yoruba are the chief regional languages. Religion: animist, Muslim, and Christian. Currency: naira. Capital: Abuja. Pop: 174 507 539 (2013 est). Area: 923 773 sq km (356 669 sq miles) Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Word Origin and History for Abuja Expand African nation, named for river Niger , which runs through it, + -ia . Related: Nigerian. Online Etymology Dictionary, © 2010 Douglas Harper Expand Nigeria definition A nation in western Africa on the Gulf of Guinea (an arm of the Atlantic Ocean ), bordered by Niger to the north, Chad and Cameroon to the east, and Benin to the west. Lagos is the capital and largest city. Note: With over 110 million inhabitants, Nigeria is Africa's most populous country. Note: Nigeria has been independent from Britain since 1960, and its independent history has been marked by bloodshed and instability. An ill-fated separatist movement established the secessionist state of Biafra in southeastern Nigeria from 1967 to 1970. Note: The city-state of Benin, in what is now Nigeria, flourished from the fourteenth to the seventeenth centuries as a center of commerce and culture . It was famous for its cast-gold sculptures. The American Heritage® New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition Copyright © 2005 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved. |
Charles II was the sovereign during which period of British history? | BBC - History - British History in depth: Charles II: The Masquerading Monarch Print this page Introduction Biographies of King Charles II show a curious discrepancy. Popular books, plays and films overwhelmingly portray a man of extraordinary charm, wit, courtesy and affability, loyal to old friends, perceptive and intelligent, and marvellously cultured; the monarch who introduced the British to champagne and yachting. This picture is true. Academic historians, by contrast, almost all see Charles as a king of no vision and no fixed ideals, irresponsible, unbusinesslike and with a disastrous taste for taking risks, who turned his three nations into states riven by chronic instability and distrust. This is also an accurate assessment. The difference is largely a matter of preoccupation. The former image is largely that of the king in his leisure pursuits, while the latter is that of him as a ruler. What must be especially significant is that virtually all those contemporaries who have left opinions paid tribute to Charles's social charms, and none ranked him as a great monarch. He certainly had one of the most traumatic, and potentially one of the most valuable, political educations that any sovereign has ever received. ...virtually all those contemporaries who have left opinions, paid tribute to Charles's social charms, yet none ranked him as a great monarch. In 1642, when he was twelve years old, the three kingdoms of his father Charles I, England, Scotland, and Ireland, dissolved into civil war. His father was eventually imprisoned, and then executed in 1649. For eleven years young Charles was left to wander between a succession of refuges in the British Isles and on the Continent. Britain was ruled as a republic, and only the fact that its leaders quarrelled amongst themselves allowed a counter-revolution to occur in 1660, after which he was invited back to his thrones. These experiences have been credited with turning him into the cynical and opportunist politician that he became; but from his first actions as a king his enduring strengths and weaknesses are already apparent. Top A crazy idea A print showing the coronation of Charles II © As is well known, in 1651 he attempted to avenge his father's death by invading England with an army of Scots, which was destroyed at the battle of Worcester. He escaped to safety in France by hiding in an oak tree and various other places between which he was spirited by loyal royalists. This romantic tale has become part of the national epic. What is less often appreciated is that his invasion of England was itself a crazy idea, provoked by the fact that he had just been defeated in Scotland by an English invasion force. In that situation most leaders would have fled to the Continent while it was still safe to do so, or withdrawn into the Highlands to wage guerrilla war. ...his invasion of England was itself a crazy idea Instead Charles attempted the reckless gamble of slipping past his enemies into England in the vain hope that his English sympathisers would rise for him en masse. Instead he was chased, trapped, and overpowered, sealing the fate of his army by leading it in a suicidal charge uphill against superior numbers. Almost all the 13,000 Scots who had followed him were killed or captured, and only amazing luck preserved the king. The bullets missed him and in his flight he stumbled upon a household of loyalists that were both willing and able to conceal him. Top The Restoration At his restoration, Charles faced a daunting set of problems, almost all concentrated in England. Scotland and Ireland were certainly both unhappy and divided realms, but the experience of republican rule had left them too exhausted and afraid of the English to take any initiative in British affairs or oppose the royal will. If Charles could only make a success of England, then his affairs were bound to prosper. One difficulty he faced was that initially he was given a financial settlement that was simply not adequate to his needs, and that Parliament did not take the problem seriously eno | Charles Edward, the Young Pretender | British prince | Britannica.com Charles Edward, the Young Pretender British prince Alternative Titles: Bonnie Prince Charlie, Charles Edward Louis Philip Casimir Stuart, Young Chevalier Charles Edward, the Young Pretender British prince Charles Edward Louis Philip Casimir Stuart Young Chevalier William I Charles Edward, the Young Pretender, in full Charles Edward Louis Philip Casimir Stuart, byname Young Chevalier, or Bonnie Prince Charlie (born Dec. 31, 1720, Rome —died Jan. 31, 1788, Rome), last serious Stuart claimant to the British throne and leader of the unsuccessful Jacobite rebellion of 1745–46. Charles Edward, detail from an oil painting after M.Q. de La Tour, c. 1745; in the Scottish … Courtesy of the Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh Charles’s grandfather was the exiled Roman Catholic king James II (ruled 1685–88), and his father, James Edward, the Old Pretender, affected in exile the title King James III. Charles was reared a Catholic and trained in the arts of war. In 1744, during the War of the Austrian Succession (1740–48), he joined a vast French fleet that was torn apart by a storm before it could invade England. Unable to obtain more French aid, Charles decided to set off on his own to regain the crown. He landed with a tiny force of about a dozen men on the west coast of Scotland in July 1745 and raised the Highlands in revolt. On September 17, with about 2,400 men, he entered Edinburgh . Four days later he routed Sir John Cope’s army at Prestonpans, near Edinburgh; early in November, with 5,500 men, he crossed the English border and headed toward London. Charles advanced as far as Derby before his officers, discouraged by lack of French and English support and frightened by the prospect of facing 30,000 government troops, forced him to retreat into Scotland. His troops melted away, and on April 16, 1746, William Augustus, duke of Cumberland, decisively defeated him at Culloden Moor, Inverness-shire. For the next five months Charles was relentlessly pursued by British soldiers. Finally, helped by loyal supporters (in particular, Flora Macdonald , he escaped by ship to France (September 1746). Charles wandered around Europe trying to revive his cause, but his drunken, debauched behaviour alienated his friends. After he settled in Italy in 1766 the major Roman Catholic powers repudiated his title to the British throne. Romanticized through ballads and legends , “Bonnie Prince Charlie” became a national hero of Scotland. Learn More in these related articles: |
What is the name of the mother of the puppies in the Disney film 'One Hundred And One Dalmatians'? | One Hundred and One Dalmatians | Disney Wiki | Fandom powered by Wikia One Hundred and One Dalmatians 40,842pages on This article is about the 1961 film. For the live-action remake, see 101 Dalmatians (1996 film) . For the television series, see 101 Dalmatians: The Series . One Hundred and One Dalmatians Directed by [Source] One Hundred and One Dalmatians, often abbreviated as 101 Dalmatians, is a 1961 American animated film presented by Walt Disney and based on the novel of the same name by Dodie Smith . Seventeenth in the Disney Animated Canon , it was originally released to theaters on January 25 , 1961 distributed by Buena Vista Distribution . The film stars Rod Taylor as the voice of Pongo , Cate Bauer as the voice of Perdita , and Betty Lou Gerson as the voice of the villainous Cruella De Vil . The plot centers on the fate of the kidnapped puppies of Pongo and Perdita. Title Card for 101 Dalmatians. This is the first Disney animated feature film to take place in the time period it was made (late 1950's to early 1960's), as all previous features were either period pieces or set in some kind of fantasy world with no specifically recognizable time period. Adjusted for inflation it is the 11th highest grossing movie of all time and second highest grossing animated film, just behind Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs , it is also a critical gem, as critics praised it for defying Disney convention and for its character animation. Contents [ show ] Plot Pongo is a dalmatian that lives in a London bachelor flat with his owner, professional songwriter Roger Radcliffe . Bored with bachelor life, unlike Roger who spends his days writing music, Pongo decides to find a wife for Roger and a mate for himself. While watching various female dog-human pairs out the window, he spots the perfect couple, a woman named Anita and her female dalmatian, Perdita (or Perdy for short) heading to Regent's Park. He quickly gets Roger out of the house and drags him through the park to arrange a meeting. After an awkward and unusual meeting that goes awry, Pongo's efforts pay off and had accidentally caused both Roger and Anita to fall into a pond, but it works out well as they fall in love. Both couples marry. Once Roger and Anita (and Pongo and Perdita) get married, Perdita gives birth to a litter of puppies. One appears to be stillborn, but Roger is able to revive it by rubbing it in a towel (because of which, they name it " Lucky "). That same night, they are visited by Cruella De Vil , an eccentric and wealthy social parasite known to Anita from their school years. She offers the Radcliffes to buy the entire litter for a large sum, but Roger says they are not selling any of them. Weeks later, she hires Jasper and Horace to kidnap them all. The humans try every effort to locate them but to no avail. When Scotland Yard is unable to prove she stole them or find them, Pongo and Perdita use the "Twilight Bark", normally a canine gossip line, to alert and ask for help from the other dogs in London to locate them. The first one to answer the call is the Great Dane . Colonel , an old sheepdog, along with his compatriots Captain , a gray horse, and Sergeant Tibbs , a tabby cat, find the puppies in a place called Hell Hall (aka The De Vil Place), along with others that Cruella had purchased from various dog stores. Tibbs learns they are going to be made into dog-skin fur coats and Colonel quickly sends word back to London. Upon receiving the message, Pongo and Perdita immediately leave to retrieve their puppies. Meanwhile, Tibbs overhears Cruella ordering Jasper and Horace to kill and render them that night out of fear the police will soon find them. In response, Tibbs attempts to rescue them himself while Jasper and Horace are watching the television, but they finish their show and come for them before Tibbs can get them out of the house. Pongo and Perdita burst through a window just as Jasper and Horace have cornered them and are about to kill them. Horace is knocked into the fireplace and Jasper gets his pants pulled down while Colonel and Tibbs guide | 1998 Catalog of Releases Addams Family Reunion Direct-to-video sequel in the Addams Family franchise, with Daryl Hannah as Morticia and Tim Curry as Gomez. In clamshell packaging. Director: Dave Payne. Stars: Daryl Hannah, Tim Curry. 1998, CC, MPAA rating: NR, 90 min., Comedy, Warner, $19.96 SRP. Air Bud: Golden Receiver Air Bud, that high-flying athletic pooch who captivated audiences with his ability to sink baskets, is back, this time on the gridiron as he saves the day for his young master's junior high school football team. Along the way he also saves the coach's job and mom's romance. Director: Richard Martin. Stars: Kevin Zegers, Cynthia Stevenson, Gregory Harrison, Nora Dunn. 1998, CC, MPAA rating: G, 90 min., Family, Box office gross: $10.215 million, Disney, $14.98 SRP. Air Force One Excitement on Air Force One as the President is hijacked by terrorists and actually fights back. Available in widescreen and pan-and-scan. Day and date DVD release. Stars Harrison Ford, Glenn Close, Gary Oldman. Columbia TriStar, 1997, MPAA rating: R, $22.95. Alan Smithee Film, An: Burn Hollywood Burn Satire on Hollywood about a director whose freshman effort is so bad that he wants to take his name off the credits. When he can't, he takes the film's negative hostage and threatens to burn it. Written by Joe Eszterhas. Stars Ryan O'Neal, Eric Idle, Richard Jeni, Sandra Bernhard, Jackie Chan. Directed by Alan Smithee. Buena Vista, 1998, MPAA rating: R, priced for rental. Alien Resurrection Fourth outing in the "Alien" franchise has Sigourney Weaver's Ripley cloned back to life to give birth to an alien for further scientific and warfare research. Naturally things get a bit out of hand. In pan-and-scan and widescreen versions. Stars Sigourney Weaver, Winona Ryder, Brad Dourif, Ron Perlman, Dan Hedaya. Fox, 1997, MPAA rating: R, priced for rental. All My Sons Dramatic story of a self-made man who knowingly sells defective aircraft parts to the Army during World War II that leads to a crash killing 21 men, and the effect it has on his family (in particular his sons). Stars Edward G. Robinson, Burt Lancaster, Howard Duff, Henry Morgan. Directed by Irving Reis. Universal, 1948, MPAA rating: NR, $14.98 All Dogs Christmas Carol, An The cuddly characters from the "All Dogs Go to Heaven" series are back in a new animated holiday adventure. Voices of Steven Weber, Don De Luise, Sheena Easton, Ernest Borgnine, Bebe Neuwirth. 1998, CC, MPAA rating: G, 73 min., Animated, MGM, $14.95 SRP. DVD: Day & Date. All That Heaven Allows A wealthy New England widow (Jane Wyman) defies social constraints and the town's gossip when she falls for a younger, sexy gardener. Douglas Sirk's searing look at mid-1950s morality. Stars Rock Hudson, Conrad Nagel, Agnes Moorehead. Universal, 1955, MPAA rating: NR, $14.98 Alligator People, The Abandoned by her husband on their wedding day, a young woman traces the man to the Louisiana bayous where she uncovers horrible experiments using serum derived from alligators. Stars Beverly Garland. Fox Summer Drive-In Collection, 1959, MPAA rating: NR, $14.98. Almost Heroes Silly comedy about a pair of erstwhile explorers who attempt to beat Lewis and Clark to the Pacific Ocean in the early 1800s. Too much talk and not enough action for this last starring role for the late-Chris Farley. Director: Christopher Guest. Stars: Chris Farley, Matthew Perry, Eugene Levy, Kevin Dunn. 1998, CC, MPAA rating: PG-13, 90 min., Comedy, Box office gross: $6.114 million, Warner, No SRP, Priced for rental. DVD: Day & Date. American Pop Animated classic released to video for first time, traces four generations of American men and the music they make, from vaudeville through swing through psychedelia and rock, featuring a heavy lineup of rock stars on the soundtrack. Columbia TriStar, 1981, MPAA rating: R, $13.95 minimum advertised price American Tail, An Re-issue of the by-now classic animated adventures of Fievel the mouse and his family and their journey from the pogroms of Russia to the safety of the New World. Universal is re-releasing t |
In which branch of the arts is Patricia Neary famous? | Edward Villella - Division of Cultural Affairs - Florida Department of State Division of Cultural Affairs Inducted in 1997 Biography Edward Villella is generally regarded as America's most celebrated male dancer. During his career with the New York City Ballet, his supreme artistry–marked by grace, athleticism and virility–helped popularize the role of men in dance. The great choreographer George Balanchine used him to create role after magnificent role, including perhaps his most famous in the cast of Balanchine's 1929 masterpiece, The Prodigal Son. Villella was born in the Bayside neighborhood of Queens, New York, in 1936. At age 10, he enrolled in the School of American Ballet. But at the urging of his father, in college (the New York Maritime Academy), Villella pursued a degree in marine transportation while also lettering in baseball and becoming a championship welterweight boxer. His love of dance, however, never waned, and while in college he also became a member of the New York City Ballet. After graduating in 1959, he rejoined the School of American Ballet, and soon was well on his way toward becoming the leading male star in American dance. As a favorite of Balanchine's, he won fame with lead roles in A Midsummer Night's Dream, Tarantella, Jewels and Prodigal Son. Villella went on to become the first male American dancer to appear with the Royal Danish Ballet and the first American in history–male or female–to be invited to dance an encore at the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow. He danced for four sitting presidents, including a performance at the inauguration of John F. Kennedy. By the late 1960s, Villella had become a familiar figure in television productions, with rave reviews for performances in Brigadoon, The Nutcracker and even the Ed Sullivan Show. In the early 1970s, he appeared as himself in an episode of The Odd Couple, starring Tony Randall and Jack Klugman. In a performance for President Gerald Ford at the White House in 1975, Villella suffered an injury that ended his career as a performer. Throughout his retirement from the stage, Villella has led an energetic and creative career as artistic director to ballet companies in New Jersey, Oklahoma and elsewhere. In 1986 he became founding director for the Miami City Ballet and since then has guided the company to worldwide acclaim. He still serves as the ballet's artistic director and executive officer. In recognition of his lifetime achievements in the arts, in 1997 President Bill Clinton awarded Villella a National Medal of Arts. In 2009, he was inducted into the National Museum of Dance C.V. Whitney Hall of Fame. His autobiography, Prodigal Son: Dancing for Balanchine in a World of Pain and Magic, was reissued by the University of Pittsburgh Press in 1998. Villella's wife, Linda, is director of the Miami City Ballet School. Related Links | Macclesfield Pub Quiz League: 2nd February - The Questions Macclesfield Pub Quiz League SET BY THE ROBIN HOOD 1. Arts and Entertainments 8. Sport (Pics) Apologies for the smaller than traditional pictures…we live in austere times. sorry I'm having some problems with the pictures - I'll come back to it but have posted in the meantime - Nick Arts and Ents – Waxing Lyrical. Identify either the song/novel/poem OR the singer/band/author as appropriate. Q1 With reference to our stay in the A-League…. 2002 Song, taken from album “A rush of blood to the head” – Nobody said it was easy No one ever said it would be this hard Oh take me back to the start Coldplay or “The Scientist” 1993 Song taken from album “Pablo Honey” I’m a _BLANK_, I'm a weirdo, What the hell am I doing here? I don't belong here. I only knew what hunted thought quickened his step, and why He looked upon the garish day with such a wistful eye; The man had killed the thing he loved and so he had to die. Oscar Wilde or “The Ballad of Reading Gaol” Q4 My heart aches, and a drowsy numbness pains My sense, as though of hemlock I had drunk, Or emptied some dull opiate to the drains One minute past, and Lethe-wards had sunkMy heart aches, and a drowsy numbness pains My sense, as though of hemlock I had drunk, Or emptied some dull opiate to the drains One minute past, and Lethe-wards had sunk Ode to a Nightingale – John Keats Q5 1987 Song taken from the album “Actually” At school they taught me how to be so pure in thought and word and deed They didn't quite succeed Pet Shop Boys or “It’s a Sin” Q6 1967 Song from an eponymous album The room was humming harder As the ceiling flew away When we called out for another drink The waiter brought a tray Procol Harum or “A Whiter Shade of Pale” Q7 "All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way." Leo Tolstoy or “Anna Karenina” Q8 1963 Novel "It was a queer, sultry summer, the summer they electrocuted the Rosenbergs, and I didn't know what I was doing in New York." Sylvia Plath, or “The Bell Jar” S1 Supp 1 1989 Novel "To be born again," sang Gibreel Farishta tumbling from the heavens, "first you have to die." Salman Rushdie or “The Satanic Verses” S2 Song – Original Artist from 1975 or title Required She tied you to a kitchen chair She broke your throne, and she cut your hair Hallelujah or “Leonard Cohen” Geography – Picture Round. Identify the country from the image provided. Q1 S1 / VI 1 SUPP/VISUALLY IMPAIRED 1. Kinshasa is one of the 20 biggest cities (by population) in the world. In which country is it found. DR Congo (accept Zaire with reluctance) S2/ VI 2 Dili is the capital of which country which achieved independence in 2002. East Timor/ ( or Timor-Leste) Runners Up – in honour of the position the Robin keeps achieving on a Tuesday night. In each case you will be given the name of a winner of an event. Name the memorable 2nd placer. Q1 1997 General Election. Enfield Southgate constituency. Winner, Stephen Twigg (Labour) Michael Portillo (..were you still up for him?...) Q2 2015. General Election. Twickenham Constituency. Winner, Tania Mathias (Conservative) Vince Cable 2002 Pop Idol. Winner – Will Young Gareth Gates 2009 Britain’s Got Talent. Winner – Diversity Susan Boyle 2015. General Election. Thanet South Constituency. Winner Craig Mackinlay (Conservative) Nigel Farage 2015 General Election. Bradford West constituency. Winner Naseem Shah (Labour) George Galloway 1990-1994. 5 World Snooker Championship Finals. Winners – Stephen Hendry and John Parrott Jimmy White 1993 Wimbledon Ladies Singles (tearfully). Winner: Steffi Graf Jana Novotna 2000 US Presidential Election. Winner: George W. Bush Al Gore Science – Periodic Table. All of these are chemical elements – but there are other routes to the answer if you are not a scientist. Slight errors in the ending of the name should be tolerated. Q1 Atomic Number 84. Radi |
If the score is love-15, what sport are you playing? | theScore: Sports Scores & News - Android Apps on Google Play theScore: Sports Scores & News Top Developer Description theScore is the only sports app you need for real-time scores, stats, news coverage and alerts from NFL Football, MLB Baseball, NBA Basketball, NCAA Football, NHL Hockey, English Premier League Soccer, La Liga Soccer, Champions League Soccer, World Cup and all major sports and competitions! theScore is lightning fast, incredibly stats-rich and totally customizable. Build a personalized feed of your favorite teams, leagues, and players. Enable notifications and never miss a key play, major sports news story or injury update again! Real-time scores, stats, and news across these major sports: - Football (NFL Football, NCAA Football and CFL Football regular season and playoffs) - Baseball (College World Series and MLB Baseball season play and playoffs) - Basketball (NBA Basketball, NCAA Basketball - including March Madness leagues and playoffs) - Hockey (NHL Hockey, IIHF WJHC - World Junior Hockey Championship, NCAA Frozen Four) - Soccer (Premier League Soccer, Champions League, World Cup, Serie A, La Liga, Bundesliga, MLS, FA Cup, Capital One Cup, Europa League, Ligue 1, Coppa Italia, Copa Del Rey and Liga MX) - Golf (PGA, LPGA, Ryder Cup, European Tour, Web.com Tour) - Mixed Martial Arts (MMA: UFC and Bellator) - Auto Racing (NASCAR Sprint Cup, Formula 1) - Tennis (ATP, WTA) - Lacrosse (NLL) Follow us on Twitter for the latest major sports updates and to provide product feedback: http://twitter.com/theScoreHelp For more information and other apps visit: http://mobile.theScore.com If you're experiencing any issues at all or have feedback, drop us a line, we'd be happy to help you out: [email protected] or from within the settings menu. Email: [email protected] We are affiliated with theScore.com Privacy Policy: http://www.thescore.com/pages/privacy 1 5,452 Eric My favourite sports app Very well organized. Easy to find games, scores, standings or news for each league (NHL, NBA, MLB etc). I like being able to add filters and create multiple custom views. ATP features are lacking (tour rankings currently not available, cannot follow individual players like you can in other leagues). Darrel Christensen Issue fixed Latest update has fixed some of the issues I've been experiencing so upping my rating from 3 stars to 4. Now if only they can fix the auto-scrolling on the widget which hasn't worked in quite a while, I would be happy. Very pleased with the quick response from customer service. Gabriel Salgado Great app overall but... I noticed with the recent update, I lost almost all of my saved players/teams data. All of the players (which took me months to save) I was following and teams are gone. Is there anyway to get all this info back? Zypher The Get Down Was my best! (WAS) Got new phone gave the score another chance but same results freezes up slows down takes long to open to read nd get the sorry the score needs to shut down sign but no more you have to go for good. The one app I enjoyed is no more. Don't send me your annoying email us to help bcuz nothing you do helps take a look at your negative reviews and learn from that A Google User Great sports app.. ..until you use it for more than a few minutes, then everything stops loading. Particularly the news section. Seems these guys are putting bandwidth caps on at least some of us users. Tony Richardson When you scroll down the NHL standings it is extremely laggy. This happens on the division, conference, and wild card tabs but not overall User reviews Eric December 27, 2016 My favourite sports app Very well organized. Easy to find games, scores, standings or news for each league (NHL, NBA, MLB etc). I like being able to add filters and create multiple custom views. ATP features are lacking (tour rankings currently not available, cannot follow individual players like you can in other leagues). Full Review theScore, Inc. December 28, 2016 Thanks for the kind review, Eric! I'll pass along your thoughts about the ATP section to our developers. Darr | Davies Secondary INT 2014/15 - Sports Part 1 by Findel Ltd - issuu THE NAME FOR SPORTS. THE NAME OF THE GAME. Contents Athletics ................................................................ 8 - 17 Baseball & Softball ................................................18 Basketball..........................................................19 - 26 Cricket ..................................................................27 - 31 Crazycatch ....................................................................32 Football...............................................................33 - 45 Golf ........................................................................46 - 52 Hockey ..................................................................53 - 60 Netball ..................................................................61 - 66 Rounders ............................................................67 - 68 Rugby ....................................................................69 - 75 Volleyball............................................................76 - 77 Miscellaneous Sports................................78 - 80 Squash ............................................................................81 Tennis....................................................................82 - 87 Badminton.........................................................89 - 92 Table Tennis ..................................................93 - 101 Contact Sports ........................................102 - 107 Cheerleading ............................................108 - 109 Gymnastics ................................................110 - 118 Trampolining.............................................119 - 122 Parkour........................................................................ 123 Climbing & Traversing ..................................... 124 Outdoor Pursuits...................................125 - 135 Games Room .............................................136 - 138 Swimming...................................................139 - 145 Trophies...................................................................... 146 EXTENDED RANGE AVAILABLE ONLINE SPORTS DAVIES SPORTS THE NAME FOR SPORTS BLACK YELLOW MAGENTACYAN 0007INTO00_DAVSSPO.pgs 14:52 SPORTS ATHLETICS 1 IDEAL FOR ] #3#*-.',%01#,%1&H0.##"H#,"2 ,!# ," ̖#5' '*'161&-2%&#,% %',%', 4'"#3 '#16 of activities ] 5.#'+#,1',%4'1&3 '-204 60-$(2+.',% and throwing ] #3#*-.',% ,2,"#01 ,"',%-$1&# 0'! 2*#0-$',"'3'"2 * 1&*#1'!#3#,10 G.-10& **#! 1&*-, & **#,%# '1 The Agility Challenge develops the skill sets of youngsters across many sports and activities. 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What human hormone causes certain body cells to take up glucose from the blood and store it as glycogen? | Insulin Regulation of Blood Sugar and Diabetes - The Important Roles of Insulin and Glucagon: Diabetes and Hypoglycemia Normal Regulation of Blood Glucose The Important Roles of Insulin and Glucagon: Diabetes and Hypoglycemia Written by James Norman MD, FACS, FACE The human body wants blood glucose (blood sugar) maintained in a very narrow range. Insulin and glucagon are the hormones which make this happen. Both insulin and glucagon are secreted from the pancreas, and thus are referred to as pancreatic endocrine hormones. The picture on the left shows the intimate relationship both insulin and glucagon have to each other. Note that the pancreas serves as the central player in this scheme. It is the production of insulin and glucagon by the pancreas which ultimately determines if a patient has diabetes, hypoglycemia, or some other sugar problem. In this Article Insulin's Role in Blood Glucose Control Insulin Basics: How Insulin Helps Control Blood Glucose Levels Insulin and glucagon are hormones secreted by islet cells within the pancreas. They are both secreted in response to blood sugar levels, but in opposite fashion! Insulin is normally secreted by the beta cells (a type of islet cell) of the pancreas. The stimulus for insulin secretion is a HIGH blood glucose...it's as simple as that! Although there is always a low level of insulin secreted by the pancreas, the amount secreted into the blood increases as the blood glucose rises. Similarly, as blood glucose falls, the amount of insulin secreted by the pancreatic islets goes down. As can be seen in the picture, insulin has an effect on a number of cells, including muscle, red blood cells, and fat cells. In response to insulin, these cells absorb glucose out of the blood, having the net effect of lowering the high blood glucose levels into the normal range. Glucagon is secreted by the alpha cells of the pancreatic islets in much the same manner as insulin...except in the opposite direction. If blood glucose is high, then no glucagon is secreted. When blood glucose goes LOW, however, (such as between meals, and during exercise) more and more glucagon is secreted. Like insulin, glucagon has an effect on many cells of the body, but most notably the liver. The Role of Glucagon in Blood Glucose Control The effect of glucagon is to make the liver release the glucose it has stored in its cells into the bloodstream, with the net effect of increasing blood glucose. Glucagon also induces the liver (and some other cells such as muscle) to make glucose out of building blocks obtained from other nutrients found in the body (eg, protein). Our bodies desire blood glucose to be maintained between 70 mg/dl and 110 mg/dl (mg/dl means milligrams of glucose in 100 milliliters of blood). Below 70 is termed "hypoglycemia." Above 110 can be normal if you have eaten within 2 to 3 hours. That is why your doctor wants to measure your blood glucose while you are fasting...it should be between 70 and 110. Even after you have eaten, however, your glucose should be below 180. Above 180 is termed "hyperglycemia" (which translates to mean "too much glucose in the blood"). If your 2 two blood sugar measurements above 200 after drinking a sugar-water drink (glucose tolerance test), then you are diagnosed with diabetes. Updated on: 03/02/16 | Male Hormones: Men's Health.com That fine-tuning increases the system's vulnerability, as it relies on complex feedback to regulate itself. "If that feedback is distorted, it can disrupt the process," says Vivian Fonseca, M.D., chief of endocrinology at Tulane University's health sciences center. Use our guide to ensure your hormones are doing their jobs. Stress hormones: Cortisol and epinephrine Whether you're fending off an angry rottweiler or an angry client, your body's response to stress is the same: Your hypothalamus floods your blood with hormones to frighten you into action. "Cortisol and epinephrine are your body's alarm-system hormones," says Dr. Fonseca. They make your heart beat faster and dilate your bronchial tubes so they can feed oxygen to your brain and keep you alert. They also release fat and glucose into your bloodstream to provide emergency energy. Are your hormones in tune? Too much stress can keep your cortisol levels consistently elevated, which disrupts your metabolic system. This, in turn, signals your cells to store as much fat as possible. Worse, the fat tends to accumulate in your belly as visceral fat, which resides behind your abdominal muscles and has more cortisol receptors than other fat does. To defend yourself against stress-hormone disruption, make a habit of exercising for an hour a day, 3 days a week. Doing so helps regulate your cortisol levels, say researchers at Ohio State University. Also try to eat organic foods as much as possible in order to steer clear of the common pesticide atrazine. This chemical has been shown to affect hormonal balances in amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. A National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory study showed that atrazine produced extreme increases in stress-hormone levels in rats. In fact, the stress reaction was similar to that seen when the animals were restrained against their will, the study noted. (For more on pesticide dangers, see "Your Lethal Lawn" in this issue.) Weight hormones: Leptin, ghrelin, CCK, insulin You have an army of hormones telling you when to eat and when to put the fork down. The hormone ghrelin begins the cycle when your stomach is empty by prompting neurons in your hypothalamus to make you feel hungry. Then when you start eating, your stomach stretches and you secrete cholecystokinin (CCK), an appetite suppressant. Hormones now begin working overtime to help you back away from the table. Your intestines produce peptide YY, which tells your brain you've had enough to eat, and your pancreas sends out insulin. This signals that you're metabolizing a meal and that you shouldn't consume any more. Leptin, a hormone produced by fat cells, also tells your hypothalamus that you're full by prompting the secretion of alpha-MSH, which is another appetite-suppressing hormone. All this helps your body maintain a balance between hunger and satiation. Why so many hormones in the game? "Energy regulation is necessary for survival, so we have many redundant pathways in case any fail," says Robert Lustig, M.D., an endocrinologist at the University of California at San Francisco. "But we were never supposed to have so much food so readily available, and certainly not this much sugar." Are your hormones in tune? Hungry? Full? You may not be able to trust your gut. When you put on extra weight, you start secreting excess leptin. "And if you secrete a lot of leptin on a chronic basis, it should tell your brain, 'Look, you're putting on weight; you need to cut back,'" says Dr. Fonseca. But disruptions in leptin (mostly from too much sugar) instead tell your brain to send out hunger signals, even if you've just eaten. This can lead to fatty liver disease and insulin resistance. "When your insulin goes up, it blocks leptin signaling, which means your brain thinks you're starving," Dr. Lustig says. This, of course, sets up a wicked feedback cycle as you pack on the pounds. Beyond losing weight, your best defense against leptin disruption is to reduce your sugar intake. Americans consume an average of 22 teaspoons of suga |
Who composed ‘A Sea Symphony’ between 1903 and 1909? | Vaughan Williams A SEA SYMPHONY Britten FOUR SEA INTERLUDES - The Royal Melbourne Philharmonic Choir & Orchestra The Royal Melbourne Philharmonic Choir & Orchestra Vaughan Williams A SEA SYMPHONY Britten FOUR SEA INTERLUDES Hamer Hall, Arts Centre Melbourne A Sea Symphony, composed by Ralph Vaughan Williams between 1903 and 1909 was that composer’s first and longest symphony, and helped set the stage for a new era of symphonic and choral music in Britain during the first half of the 20th century. The text of A Sea Symphony comes from the great American poet Walt Whitman. Vaughan Williams was attracted to Whitman’s verses for their ability to transcend both metaphysical and humanist perspectives. Vaughan Williams’ masterly handling of the massive orchestral and choral forces, the boldness, energy and stunning orchestration of A Sea Symphony vividly evokes the immensity and primal force of the sea. The work hailed the triumphant arrival of a new and powerful voice in English music. Benjamin Britten’s orchestral tour de force Four Sea Interludes come from his operatic masterpiece Peter Grimes, about a fisherman on England’s eastern coast, a misanthropic loner who is hounded to self-destruction by the townspeople after the mysterious, but accidental, deaths of two of his apprentices. The opera’s premiere was immediately recognized as a landmark for English opera. In the opera the Four Sea Interludes not only take the listener from one physical location to another, but also go inside the characters’ minds, which throughout the opera are full of turmoil and doubt. This relentless tragedy evoked from Britten music of overwhelming power with a score that is high-tensioned, surging with dramatic force and orchestral violence, but also includes passages of sublime beauty and tenderness Hear these two great masterpieces performed by over 300 passionate choral and orchestral musicians, two outstanding Australian soloists and dynamic RMP Chief Conductor Andrew Wailes, widely acknowledged as one of the country’s leading symphonic choral interpreters. BENJAMIN BRITTEN Four Sea Interludes from Peter Grimes RALPH VAUGHAN WILLIAMS A Sea Symphony | Music History 102 Born: Halle, February 23, 1685 Died: London, April 14, 1759 Born in the same year and country as Johann Sebastian Bach , young Georg Friederich Händel (the original German spelling of his name) was playing the violin, harpsichord, oboe, and organ by the age of eleven. Drawn to the theater from an early age, Handel went to Hamburg in 1703 and began composing Italian operas. From 1706 to 1710, he sojourned in Italy where he met both Domenico Scarlatti and Arcangelo Corelli , and came under the influence of Italian melody. Upon his return to Germany, Handel became Kapellmeister to the Elector Georg of Hanover. Unhappy with his duties there, however, Handel made a trip later in 1710 to London, where Italian opera was fast becoming all the rage. He produced an opera to great acclaim in London and, having tasted success, reluctantly returned to Germany. Obtaining permission to return to England in 1712, Handel once again composed several operas as well as some ceremonial music for Queen Anne. The Queen gave the young composer an annual stipend of £200 in hopes of keeping him in London as court composer. Handel never did return to Hanover. He remained in England for the rest of his life, becoming a naturalized citizen in 1726 and anglecizing his name to George Frideric Handel. A potentially embarrassing situation arose for the composer when Queen Anne died in 1714 and was succeeded by King George I -- the very Georg of Hanover to whose court Handel had never returned! But relations between the two must have remained amicable, for Handel's royal stipend was doubled before too long, on top of which he was granted another stipend from the Princess of Wales. Throughout his career, Handel continually composed much wonderful instrumental music, including many fine organ concertos, a good amount of keyboard music, and celebratory music such as the suite of airs and dances known as the Water Music, written to accompany a royal barge trip down the Thames in 1717. There is also the Musick for the Royal Fireworks, composed in 1749 to celebrate the peace of Aix-la-Chappelle, which had been declared the previous year. Following the model of Corelli, Handel also completed two sets of concerti grossi, some of the finest examples of the genre from the late Baroque, an example of which is the Concerto Grosso, Op. 6 no. 5. Of course, he was obliged to compose much choral music for the court, too. Among these works are the anthems written for the Duke of Chandos, various odes, and the four majestic Coronation anthems from 1727. But these compositions were incidental to Handel's main reason for having settled in England: the composition and production of Italian opera for a fashionable and eager audience. And produce them he did, becoming as much involved with the business end of things as with the creative. Beginning with Rinaldo in 1711, Handel rapidly composed over forty operas between 1712 and 1741. Many of these met with great success and brought Handel a great deal of fame and money. Some of the more famous of these operas are Giulio Cesare (1724), Alcina (1735), and Serse (1738). Many of these scores contain much fine music, and an aria such as "Or la tromba" from Rinaldo illustrates the pomp, grandeur, and vocal virtuosity to be found in the Italian operas of the late Baroque. Yet as dramatic entertainment these works fail to stand up today, mostly because of the ridiculously stilted librettos to which they are set. Indeed, even at that time it was recognized that some changes had to be made, and within the next thirty years, Christoph von Gluck began implementing those changes. Although Handel's operas were immensely popular when they were written, by the 1730s public interest in opera had faded considerably, and Handel ended up losing a great deal of money continually attempting to find further success in the genre. Eager to find a new audience, Handel turned to the composition of oratorio: dramatic, non-staged works for the concert hall, usually with a great deal of choral music, and most often with a Biblical subject, |
After Dublin which is Ireland’s most populous city? | Ireland Facts on Largest Cities, Populations, Symbols - Worldatlas.com GDP total: $191.5 billion (2012 est.) GDP per capita: $41,700 (2012 est.) Language: English (official) is the language generally used, Irish (Gaelic or Gaeilge) (official) spoken mainly in areas along the western coast Largest Cities: (by population) Dublin, Cork, Limerick, Galway, Waterford, Drogheda, Dundalk Name: Ireland's name is derived from the old Irish word Eriu, which is the name of the matron goddess of Ireland. National Day: March 17, St. Patrick's Day Religion: Roman Catholic 87.4%, Church of Ireland 2.9%, other Christian 1.9%, other 2.1%, unspecified 1.5%, none 4.2% (2006 census) | Government Buildings | Ireland Vacation Attractions Merrion Square, Dublin History The Republic of Ireland has two Houses of Parliament: The lower house is called the Dail while the upper house is called the Seanad. The Dail sits for 90 days during the year. There are no tours on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday when the Dáil is in session although access to the visitors' gallery is available most of the time. When the Dáil is not in session, tours are available everyday. Leinster House on Kildare Street is home to the two Houses of Parliament. Designed by Richard Castle and built in 1745, the building is said to have inspired the Georgian design which dominated Dublin for over 100 years. The building faces onto two streets: the side facing Kildare St. has the design of a town house while the side facing Merrion Square has the design of a country house. Tours of the Government Buildings on Merrion Street Upper are available on Saturdays only from 10:30 am to 3:30 pm with each one lasting 40 minutes. The tour includes a visit to the Taoiseach's office - the room where all cabinet meetings take place. For more information on anything relating to Ireland vacations give us a call. We have Group Tours to Ireland and Ireland chauffeur tours Ireland chauffeur tours on offer and we also have Ireland Honeymoon packages where you can choose from romantic to adventure holidays. Admission |
Which river was known to the Romans as 'Rhenus'? | Rhenus (Rhine) - Livius Rhenus (Rhine) Rhine (Latin Rhenus): the largest river in northwestern Europe. As the frontier of the Roman empire and (with the Rhône) main transport corridor between the Mediterranean and the North Sea, it played an important role in shaping the history of the old world. The river god Rhenus With a length of 1326 kilometer, the Rhine is one of the longest rivers in Europe. Its sources are in the Swiss Alps, in an area that is connected by the Splügen Pass with Lake Como and Italy. The two mountain streams unite at Reichenau near Chur (ancient Curia). From this confluence, the river flows to the Bodensee, a big lake, 150 kilometers to the north and almost two kilometers lower. From this lake, once known as Lacus Brigantinus, the river turns to the west and thunders over the splendid Schaffhausen cataract. Every second, more than 600 m³ falls down twenty-three meters. At Windisch (Vindonissa), the Rhine is joined by the river Aare (Arurius), and becomes navigable. After reaching Augst ( Colonia Augusta Rauracorum) and Basel, it takes a generally northern course between the Vogeses and the city of Strasbourg (Argentorate) in the west, and the Black Forest in the east. The waterfall at Schaffhausen In Basel, the river's capacity is more than 1040 m³ per second, and this rapidly increases. Among the first contribuaries is the Neckar (Nicer). Near Mainz (Mogontiacum), the river is joined by the Main (Moenus). There was a bridge . After Mainz, the Rhine breaks through the Taunus mountains, and the next big city, Koblenz (Confluentes), is called after the confluence with the Moselle (Mosella), which is the corridor to the Saône, Rhône, and Mediterranean Sea. Map of the Rhine Until Koblenz, the Rhine was streaming through the Roman province of Germania Superior, which had once been a Celtic-speaking country. (In fact, the word "Rhine" or Rên is Celtic and means "stream".) At the Vinxtbach near Remagen (Rigomagus), the river enters Germania Inferior and reaches the northern plains, where new, eastern rivers contribute to the width of the stream: the Sieg, Wupper, Ruhr, and the lovely Lippe (Lipua). On the west bank, people had once been speaking Germanic languages, and on the east bank, they still did, because the Rhine became in the first century CE the frontier ( limes ) between the Roman empire and "free" Germania. At regular intervals, there were forts for the auxiliary troops, and on some places the legions had their fortresses. Their commander resided in Cologne (Colonia Claudia Ara Agrippinensium). The Rhine near Koblenz After the Lippe and the Roman city of Xanten (Colonia Ulpia Vetera), the mighty Rhine, which at this point has a capacity of 2200 m³, turns to the west, and divides into two branches: the large Waal (1540 m³) passes along Nijmegen (Noviomagus) and goes straight to the west, whereas the comparatively small Lower Rhine (660 m³) continues to the northwest. (The land between these branches was, in Antiquity, called "the island of the Batavians" and is now called Betuwe.) The two branches were well known: the Roman poet Virgil calls the Rhine bicornis, "with two horns".note[Virgil, Aeneid 8.727.] After the bifurcation, the Rhine slows down. If the water is high in Mainz, it takes three days to reach the point where the river divides into Waal and Lower Rhine. From here to the sea is another three days, although it is less than half the distance to Mainz. The Rhine at Katwijk In Antiquity, the Lower Rhine was larger than today. In the second decade BCE, the Roman commander Drusus built a dam (moles Drusiana, near modern Herwen ) that pushed more water to the Waal; and he ordered the digging of a canal, the Fossa Drusiana , to connect the river to Lake Flevo. Other branches of the Lower Rhine are the Lek (to the west) and the Vecht (to the north). When the Rhine ultimately reaches the North Sea near Katwijk (ancient Lugdunum ), it is not a very big river anymore. Model of Caesar's bridge across the Rhine The Greeks and Romans hardly knew about the existence of this river until Julius C | BBC - History - Augustus z A bronze head of Augustus © Augustus was the first emperor of Rome. He replaced the Roman republic with an effective monarchy and during his long reign brought peace and stability. Augustus was born Gaius Octavius on 23 September 63 BC in Rome. In 43 BC his great-uncle, Julius Caesar, was assassinated and in his will, Octavius, known as Octavian, was named as his heir. He fought to avenge Caesar and in 31 BC defeated Antony and Cleopatra at the Battle of Actium. He was now undisputed ruler of Rome. Instead of following Caesar's example and making himself dictator, Octavian in 27 BC founded the principate, a system of monarchy headed by an emperor holding power for life. His powers were hidden behind constitutional forms, and he took the name Augustus meaning 'lofty' or 'serene'. Nevertheless, he retained ultimate control of all aspects of the Roman state, with the army under his direct command. At home, he embarked on a large programme of reconstruction and social reform. Rome was transformed with impressive new buildings and Augustus was a patron to Virgil, Horace and Propertius, the leading poets of the day. Augustus also ensured that his image was promoted throughout his empire by means of statues and coins. Abroad, he created a standing army for the first time, and embarked upon a vigorous campaign of expansion designed to make Rome safe from the 'barbarians' beyond the frontiers, and to secure the Augustan peace. His stepsons Tiberius and Drusus undertook the task (Augustus had married their mother Livia in 38 BC). Between 16 BC and 6 AD the frontier was advanced from the Rhine to the Elbe in Germany, and up to the Danube along its entire length. But Drusus died in the process and in 9 AD the annihilation of three Roman legions in Germany (out of 28 overall), in the Varian disaster, led to the abandonment of Germany east of the Rhine. Augustus was determined to be succeeded by someone of his own blood, but he had no sons, only a daughter, Julia, the child of his first wife. His nephew Marcellus and his beloved grandsons Gaius and Lucius pre-deceased him, so he reluctantly made Tiberius his heir. Military disaster, the loss of his grandsons and a troubled economy clouded his last years. He became more dictatorial, exiling the poet Ovid (8 AD), who had mocked his moral reforms. He died on 19 August 14 AD. |
Which Cluedo character was originally named Colonel Yellow? | Clue (board game) | Clue Wiki | Fandom powered by Wikia Genre Murder-Mystery Clue (Cluedo outside the U.S.) is a popular murder-mystery board game. It was originally published in Leeds, England in 1949. It was devised by Anthony E. Pratt, a so ly move around the game board (a mansion), as of one of the game's six suspects (or, collecting clues from which to deduce which suspect murdered the game's perpetual victim: Mr. Boddy ( Dr. Black , outside of U.S.), and with which weapon and in what room. Several games, books, and a film have been released as part of the Cluedo franchise. The board game forms a chronology. Overall, several spinoffs have been released, some featuring extra characters, and for some, different game play. More recent editions have restored the name Boddy Mansion to the mansion, and say the mansion is located in Boston, Massachusetts in the year 1954 (located in Hampshire, England outside of the U.S.). Contents Edit In 1944, Anthony E. Pratt, an English solicitor's clerk, filed for a patent of his invention of a murder/mystery-themed game, originally named "Murder!" The game was originally invented as a new game to play during sometimes lengthy air raid drills in underground bunkers. Shortly thereafter, Pratt and his wife presented the game to Waddingtons' executive, Norman Watson, who immediately purchased the game and provided its trademark name of "Cluedo" (a play on "clue" and "Ludo", which is Latin for "I play"). Though the patent was granted in 1947, due to post-war shortages, the game was not officially launched until 1949, at which time the game was simultaneously licensed to Parker Brothers in the United States for publication, where it was re-named "Clue" along with other minor changes. However, there were several differences between the original game concept and that initially published in 1949, In particular, Pratt's original design calls for ten characters, one of whom was to be designated the victim by random drawing prior to the start of the game. These ten included the eliminated Mr. Brown, Mr. Gold, Miss Grey, and Mrs. Silver, with Nurse White, and Colonel Yellow. The game allowed for play of up to eight remaining characters, providing for nine suspects in total. Originally there were eleven rooms, including the eliminated "gun room" and cellar. In addition there were nine weapons including the unused axe, bomb, syringe, poison, shillelagh (walking stick/cudgel), and fireplace poker. Some of these unused weapons and characters would appear in later spinoff versions of the game. Some gameplay aspects were different as well. Notably, the remaining playing cards were distributed into the rooms to be retrieved, rather than dealt directly to the players. Players also had to land on another player in order to make suggestions about that player's character through the use of special counter-tokens, and once exhausted, a player could no longer make suggestions. There were other minor differences, all of which would be updated by the game's initial release and remain essentially unchanged in the standard classic editions of the game. Equipment Edit The game's current equipment consists of a board which shows the rooms, corridors and secret passages of an English country house called Boddy Mansion, although previously named variously as Tudor Close or Tudor Hall, and in some editions Tudor Manor or Tudor Mansion). The game box also includes several colored playing pieces to represent characters, miniature murder weapon props, one or two six-sided dice, three sets of cards, each set describing the aforementioned rooms, characters and weapons, Solution Cards envelope to contain one card from each set of cards, and a Detective's Notes pad on which are printed lists of rooms, weapons and characters, so players can keep detailed notes during the game. Suspects Edit Depending on edition, the playing pieces are typically made of colored plastic, shaped like chess pawns, or character figurines. Occasionally they are made from wood or pewter. The standard edition of Cluedo comes with six basic tokens rep | Clue Game - Cluedo - Clue Weapons, Board Game, Characters - Clue Instructions Simpsons Clue Playing the Board Game Clue Clue is a murder mystery board game, also known as the Cluedo board game. The game is based on the crime fiction genre of pop literature. Players take the role of crime investigator searching for clues. To solve the crime, players must guess the correct answer to three questions: who committed the crime, where was the crime committed and with what weapon did they commit the crime? This is the source of famous quotes from the board game Clue, such as "Colonel Mustard did it in the Conservatory with the revolver." There are six to nine possibilities for each answer, which each player can eliminate from suspicion as the game progresses. The game is over when one player guesses all three questions correctly. To guess any one of the three questions wrong is to immediately lose the game, and give the other players extra clues to help them win. The History of Clue the Game Clue (the game) was created in 1948 by Anthony E. Pratt, a bureaucrat from Birmingham, England. He termed the game Cluedo. Game players in England still use the name Cluedo for the game, in fact.. Mr. Pratt sold the distribution rights to Parker Brothers Limited, the famed American game manufacturer. Parker Brothers continues to distribute Clue to this day, though it is now a subsidiary of Hasbro. Clue Game Pieces - Clue Characters and Weapons Here's a summary of the Clue game pieces. Most of the Clue game pieces consist of the Clue characters and weapons. The Suspects - Clue Board Game Characters There are six suspects in Clue. The suspects in the classic version are Colonel Mustard, Miss Peacock, Professor Plum, Mrs. White, Mr. Green and Miss Scarlet. None of these Clue board game characters were fleshed out in the original; they were simply pictures on a card. The characters are also represented by colored game pieces. Each color corresponds to a particular character. Therefore, Colonel Mustard is yellow, Miss Peacock is blue, Professor Plum is purple, Mr. White is white, Mr. Green is green and Miss Scarlet is red. The Murder Weapons in Clue - Weapons List There are also six possible murder weapons in Clue. The Clue weapons list includes the knife, the revolver, the wrench, the rope, the candlestick and the lead pipe. There murder weapons are represented by game pieces, too. When a player suggests a possible combination for the murder, the corresponding game piece is moved to the room being suggested. Otherwise, these pieces have no role in the game. The Rooms There are nine rooms in which the crime might have taken place. These murder took place in a mansion and the nine rooms are ostensibly found in the mansion. It is these rooms that make up the layout of the game board. The Game of Clue - The Game Board The game of Clue has a game board with nine rooms in it. The rooms are found along the perimeter of the board, while two of the rooms are found on the interior. There is a secret passage which connects the Lounge with the Conservatory, and vice versa. There is also a secret passage which connects the Study to the Kitchen, and vice versa. In the center is found what appears to be a secret closet or door, which is simply where the clue packet is found. At the start of the game, the three true elements of the crime are kept hidden in the clue packet. When a player makes a guess, that player opens up the contents of the clue packet and sees whether he or she is right. |
Traditionally used in cooking, which annual herb in the family Apiaceae is alternatively called Chinese parsley? | Cilantro vs Parsley - Difference and Comparison | Diffen Cilantro vs. Parsley Coriander, also known as cilantro in North America, and parsley are herbs from the same botanical family, Apiaceae . They are both used in cooking. Comparison chart Cilantro versus Parsley comparison chart Cilantro Coriandrum sativum is an annual herb in the family Apiaceae. Petroselinum crispum is a biennial herb from the family Apiaceae. Uses All parts: leaves, roots, stems and seeds are used in cooking either as a garnish, a key ingredient or as a powder. Only the leaves are used, chopped and sprinkled as a garnish. Also as part of a bouquet garni (bundle of herbs) to flavor soups and stocks. Regions used/found Native to Southern Europe, North Africa and South western Asia. Common in Middle Eastern, European and American cooking. Use for its leaf in similar way to coriander but has a milder flavor. Flavor Seeds when crushed have a warm, nutty, spicy flavor. The leaves have been described to a have 'soapy' taste. The leaves when chopped have a mild flavor. Contents: Cilantro vs Parsley 4 References Description Coriander is also known as Chinese parsley. It is called cilantro in America. Heat diminishes the flavor of coriander leaves so is used at the end of cooking. There are two types of parsley, Curly Leaf and the Italian Flat Leaf. Curly leaf parsley is usually used as a garnish for its bright green and pleasing appearance. Culinary uses Chopped coriander leaves are used in many Asian and Mexican dishes as key ingredient or garnish. It is a key ingredient in salsa and guacamole, also in Indian chutneys and sauces. The seeds can be dry roasted and powdered, and are used in Indian cooking (it’s a key ingredient of Garam Masala). Parsley is a key ingredient of West Asian salads such as Tabbouleh from Lebanon; Gremolata, which accompanies veal stew; and Persillade, a mix of chopped garlic and parsley used in French cuisine. Parsley is also used as part of a bouquet garni (or bundle of various herbs) to flavor soups and stocks while boiling . Mainly used in European and American cooking as a garnish for food. Effects on health Coriander leaves and seeds are high in antioxidants. The chemicals from the leaves have antibacterial activity against salmonella. It can also delay or prevent from spoiling. It is a traditional treatment for diabetes . Also used in cold medicine for relief of anxiety and insomnia in Iran. Used in traditional Indian medicine as a diuretic by boiling equal amounts of coriander seeds and cumin seeds, then cooling and drinking the liquid. Coriander juice mixed with turmeric and applied on the skin is a treatment used for acne. Parsley tea can be used as an enema and to control high blood pressure. Parsley is high in oxalic acid, a compound involved in the formation of kidney stones. It is not recommended to be consumed by pregnant women as it can lead to uterine stimulation and premature labor, but is recommended for lactating mothers as stimulates milk production. References | The Herbs - Childrens TV | Jedi's Paradise The Herbs The Herbs is a 60’s Children’s TV animated show. It was designed for pre-school children, but I think it appeals to all ages and was one of the new colour 'Watch with Mother' titles. The Herbs was created by Michael Bond and animated by Ivor Wood at Filmfair (who were responsible for Paddington and The Wombles). The first episode was transmitted on 12th February 1968. Only 13 episodes were made of this delightful programme, but that isn't the end of this story. Parsley the Lion had become quite popular with the children that watched, so it was decided to give him his own show - Parsley the Lion and Friends. It was supposed to centre on Parsley more, but I think the original Herbs did that anyway. The new programme also included all the characters that we met in The Herbs. Story Each episode began with the narrator (Gordon Rollings) talking about herbs in the garden, and each time he mentioned a different one, then the herb (plant) would appear. This was a magic herb garden, that you could only get access to by saying the magic word - Herbidacious. The door of the garden would swing open and in we would all be let in. The garden was owned by Sir Basil and Lady Rosemary, where each week a new adventure would take place. It seems that all the animals in the Herb garden (Parsley, Dill, Sage) could see us watching, but none of the people (Sir Basil, Lady Rosemary etc.) could, which would really confuse Bayleaf as he wanted to know what Parsley was waving at. Each of the characters were named after a herb and they all had a song to sing us, see below for more details. The Herbs Characters Parsley the Lion "I'm a very friendly Lion called Parsley" Parsley is a lovable Green Lion, whose mane and tail are made out of the herb parsley (hence the name). He is the one that shows us around the garden and loves waving to the viewers. He's not a brave lion and hides whenever there is trouble/danger around or when strangers appear. He was once called Doctor Parsley when he combined herbs with the jumpers Aunt Mint knitted for the chives, and it cured their colds. Parsley also doesn't like to get his tail wet or climb, as he found out when climbing the Tarragon Plant. He pretended to climb it the first time, but only snuck across to the neighbouring tree and back down it again. Shame he got caught and had to climb it for real. But he did have fun playing in the clouds. He made Sir Basil suffer when he shot his tail off, as he pretended to be dead. Poor Sir Basil didn't know what to do, so as usual shouted for Lady Rosemary, who saw Parsley was faking it. His best friend is Dill the dog and both of them seem to get themselves into trouble. But once in a while Parsley does come up with a good idea, such as the time he persuaded Pashana Bedhi to use his snake charming skills to float Sage and his nest back in the tree. "I'm a very friendly Lion called Parsley with a tail for doing jobs of every kind but I mustn't treat it roughly or too harshly for it's such a useful thing to have behind" His songs are: "I'm a very friendly Lion called Parsley I am always very glad to see you wave but please don't shout or speak to me too harshly because I'm not particularly brave" "I'm a very friendly Lion called Parsley I really don't like climbing things at all so please don't shout or speak to me too harshly I am sure you wouldn't want to see me fall" "I'm a very friendly Lion called Parsley I'm supposed to pull this rope and ring the bell though I try to pull it gently never harshly I'm afraid that I'm not doing very well" "For today I'm known as Doctor Parsley because the Chives have aches and pains and chills if I treat them very gently never harshly they will very soon be cured of all their ills" "If you take advice from Doctor Parsley you take camomile for colds and tooth ache too if you find your skin is itching rather harshly then some marigolds the very thing for you" "I'm a very friendly Lion called <sniff> <sniff> but sometimes I feel very very <sniff> so please don't shout or speak to |
In Hockney’s Mr and Mrs Clark and Percy – who or what is Percy? | 'Mr and Mrs Clark and Percy', David Hockney, 1970–1 | Tate Mr and Mrs Clark and Percy Mr and Mrs Clark and Percy 1970–1 Support: 2134 x 3048 mm frame: 2170 x 3084 x 58 mm Collection Presented by the Friends of the Tate Gallery 1971 Reference Display caption Summary This is one of a series of large double portraits which Hockney began in 1968. He had painted imaginary couples in such earlier paintings as The First Marriage (A Marriage of Styles) 1963 (Tate T00596 ). In the later paintings, the subjects are real couples who were Hockney’s friends. They are portrayed in their home environment in a style which is both realistic and highly simplified. Hockney worked from photographs and life observation, making drawings to resolve composition . Usually one character looks at the other, who looks out of the painting at the viewer, thus creating a cyclical movement of looking. Mr and Mrs Clark and Percy is unusual in that both subjects, Mr and Mrs Clark, look out at the artist and viewer from either side of a large open window which is in the centre of the painting. The viewer, who looks at the painting from a central perspective , will be at the apex of the couple’s gaze out of the painting, a third in the relationship. Percy is the name of one of the Clarks’ cats and refers to the cat sitting statue-like on Mr Clark’s knee, looking out of the window. ‘Mr and Mrs Clark’ are the dress designer Ozzie Clark and the fabric designer Celia Birtwell. Like Hockney, the two came from the north of England and met the artist in 1961 in Manchester, where Ozzie was studying at Manchester College of Art. Both men went on to study at the Royal College of Art in London. When Ozzie and Celia married in 1969, Hockney was their best man. He painted them in their flat in Notting Hill Gate, west London, an area where the artist and a number of his friends then lived. Hockney chose to paint them in their bedroom because he liked the light there. An etching from his earlier series A Rake’s Progress 1961-3 (Tate P07029 -44) is portrayed on the left side of the painting. He began to make drawings and take photographs for the painting in 1969 and began working on the canvas in the spring of 1970, completing the painting in early 1971. In 1976 he described the painting as one of two works of his to come close to naturalism (Kinley 1992), although many areas of the image have been flattened and emptied of detail. Hockney has commented that his aim in this painting was to ‘achieve ... the presence of two people in this room. All the technical problems were caused because my main aim was to paint the relationship of these two people.’ (Quoted in Kinley 1992, [p.6].) One technical problem was to paint the figures contre jour, or against the light, something he had been experimenting with in earlier pictures of single figures in interiors. As in a photograph, it was difficult to achieve a balance between the bright daylight outside the window and the relative shade indoors. Because the canvas was so big, Hockney worked on it in his studio, where he set up light conditions that approximated those in the Clarks’ bedroom. He painted the lilies, sitting in a vase on a small table in the foreground of the painting, from life at the studio. He found the nearly life-size scale of the figures difficult to realise and both Clarks posed for him many times. In the event, Hockney painted Ozzie Clark’s head as many as twelve times before he was satisfied. He is depicted lounging on a chair, his bare feet buried in the long pile of a fur rug. His pose is relaxed but his expression is watchful. Celia stands with one hand on her waist wearing a long, flowing dress and a rather wistful expression. Close to her and therefore, perhaps, associated with her are the lilies, traditionally a symbol of the Annunciation and feminine purity. Likewise, the cat on Ozzie’s lap carries symbolic resonances of the libertine and somebody who disregards rules and does as they please. Viewed in this way, Mr and Mrs Clark and Percy recalls the famous portrait of a married couple, The Arnolfini | SparkNotes: The Picture of Dorian Gray: Plot Overview The Picture of Dorian Gray Oscar Wilde Context Character List In the stately London home of his aunt, Lady Brandon, the well-known artist Basil Hallward meets Dorian Gray. Dorian is a cultured, wealthy, and impossibly beautiful young man who immediately captures Basil’s artistic imagination. Dorian sits for several portraits, and Basil often depicts him as an ancient Greek hero or a mythological figure. When the novel opens, the artist is completing his first portrait of Dorian as he truly is, but, as he admits to his friend Lord Henry Wotton, the painting disappoints him because it reveals too much of his feeling for his subject. Lord Henry, a famous wit who enjoys scandalizing his friends by celebrating youth, beauty, and the selfish pursuit of pleasure, disagrees, claiming that the portrait is Basil’s masterpiece. Dorian arrives at the studio, and Basil reluctantly introduces him to Lord Henry, who he fears will have a damaging influence on the impressionable, young Dorian. Basil’s fears are well founded; before the end of their first conversation, Lord Henry upsets Dorian with a speech about the transient nature of beauty and youth. Worried that these, his most impressive characteristics, are fading day by day, Dorian curses his portrait, which he believes will one day remind him of the beauty he will have lost. In a fit of distress, he pledges his soul if only the painting could bear the burden of age and infamy, allowing him to stay forever young. After Dorian’s outbursts, Lord Henry reaffirms his desire to own the portrait; however, Basil insists the portrait belongs to Dorian. Over the next few weeks, Lord Henry’s influence over Dorian grows stronger. The youth becomes a disciple of the “new Hedonism” and proposes to live a life dedicated to the pursuit of pleasure. He falls in love with Sibyl Vane, a young actress who performs in a theater in London’s slums. He adores her acting; she, in turn, refers to him as “Prince Charming” and refuses to heed the warnings of her brother, James Vane, that Dorian is no good for her. Overcome by her emotions for Dorian, Sibyl decides that she can no longer act, wondering how she can pretend to love on the stage now that she has experienced the real thing. Dorian, who loves Sibyl because of her ability to act, cruelly breaks his engagement with her. After doing so, he returns home to notice that his face in Basil’s portrait of him has changed: it now sneers. Frightened that his wish for his likeness in the painting to bear the ill effects of his behavior has come true and that his sins will be recorded on the canvas, he resolves to make amends with Sibyl the next day. The following afternoon, however, Lord Henry brings news that Sibyl has killed herself. At Lord Henry’s urging, Dorian decides to consider her death a sort of artistic triumph—she personified tragedy—and to put the matter behind him. Meanwhile, Dorian hides his portrait in a remote upper room of his house, where no one other than he can watch its transformation. Lord Henry gives Dorian a book that describes the wicked exploits of a nineteenth-century Frenchman; it becomes Dorian’s bible as he sinks ever deeper into a life of sin and corruption. He lives a life devoted to garnering new experiences and sensations with no regard for conventional standards of morality or the consequences of his actions. Eighteen years pass. Dorian’s reputation suffers in circles of polite London society, where rumors spread regarding his scandalous exploits. His peers nevertheless continue to accept him because he remains young and beautiful. The figure in the painting, however, grows increasingly wizened and hideous. On a dark, foggy night, Basil Hallward arrives at Dorian’s home to confront him about the rumors that plague his reputation. The two argue, and Dorian eventually offers Basil a look at his (Dorian’s) soul. He shows Basil the now-hideous portrait, and Hallward, horrified, begs him to repent. Dorian claims it is too late for penance and kills Basil in a fit of rage. In |
Deposed in 1969, of which country was Idris the first and so far only king? | Qaddafi leads coup in Libya - Sep 01, 1969 - HISTORY.com Qaddafi leads coup in Libya Share this: Qaddafi leads coup in Libya Author Qaddafi leads coup in Libya URL Publisher A+E Networks Muammar al-Qaddafi, a 27-year-old Libyan army captain, leads a successful military coup against King Idris I of Libya. Idris was deposed and Qaddafi was named chairman of Libya’s new governing body, the Revolutionary Command Council. Qaddafi was born in a tent in the Libyan desert in 1942, the son of a Bedouin farmer. A gifted student, he graduated from the University of Libya in 1963 and the Libyan military academy at Banghazi in 1965. An ardent Arab nationalist, he plotted with a group of fellow officers to overthrow King Idris, who was viewed as overly conservative and indifferent to the movement for greater political unity among Arab countries. By the time Qaddafi attained the rank of captain, in 1969, the revolutionaries were ready to strike. They waited until King Idris was out of the country, being treated for a leg ailment at a Turkish spa, and then toppled his government in a bloodless coup. The monarchy was abolished, and Idris traveled from Turkey to Greece before finding asylum in Egypt. He died there in Cairo in 1983. Blending Islamic orthodoxy, revolutionary socialism, and Arab nationalism, Qaddafi established a fervently anti-Western dictatorship in Libya. In 1970, he removed U.S. and British military bases and expelled Italian and Jewish Libyans. In 1973, he took control of foreign-owned oil fields. He reinstated traditional Islamic laws, such as prohibition of alcoholic beverages and gambling, but liberated women and launched social programs that improved the standard of living in Libya. As part of his stated ambition to unite the Arab world, he sought closer relations with his Arab neighbors, especially Egypt. However, when Egypt and then other Arab nations began a peace process with Israel, Libya became increasingly isolated. Qaddafi’s government financed a wide variety of terrorist groups worldwide, from Palestinian guerrillas and Philippine Muslim rebels to the Irish Republican Army. During the 1980s, the West blamed him for numerous terrorist attacks in Europe, and in April 1986 U.S. war planes bombed Tripoli in retaliation for a bombing of a West German dance hall. Qaddafi was reportedly injured and his infant daughter killed in the U.S. attack. In the late 1990s, Qaddafi sought to lead Libya out of its long international isolation by turning over to the West two suspects wanted for the 1988 explosion of an airliner over Lockerbie, Scotland. In response, the United Nations lifted sanctions against Libya. The United States removed its own embargo in September 2004. After years of rejection in the Arab world, Qaddafi also sought to forge stronger relations with non-Islamic African nations such as South Africa, remodeling himself as an elder African statesman. In February 2011, as unrest spread through much of the Arab world, massive political protests against the Qaddafi regime sparked a civil war between revolutionaries and loyalists. In March, an international coalition began conducting airstrikes against Qaddafi strongholds under the auspices of a U.N. Security Council resolution. On October 20, Libya’s interim government announced that Qaddafi had died after being captured near his hometown of Sirte. More on This Topic | aibuenglit / A Short History Of The English Monarchy From Anglo-Saxons to 1660 The Royal Arms of England, as introduced by King Richard the Lionheart in 1198, and before its later quarterings with other shields, additions of supporters and other embellishments. The first person to assume the title King of the English was Offa of Mercia , though his power did not survive him. In the 9th century the kings of Wessex , who conquered Kent and Sussex from Mercia in 825, became increasingly dominant over the other kingdoms of England. The conquest of Northumbria, East Anglia and half of Mercia by the Danes left Alfred the Great of Wessex as the only surviving English king. He successfully resisted a series of Danish invasions and brought the remaining half of Mercia under the sovereignty of Wessex. The continuous list of English monarchs traditionally begins with Egbert of Wessex in 829. The English kingdom was not permanently unified until 927, under Athelstan. The Principality of Wales was incorporated into the Kingdom of England under the Statute of Rhuddlan in 1284 and, in 1301. Edward invested his eldest son, Edward of Caernarfon, as Prince of Wales. Since that time, with the exception of Edward III, the eldest sons of all English monarchs have borne this title. After the death of Elizabeth I of England in 1603, the kingdoms of England and Scotland were united under James I and VI. By royal proclamation James titled himself 'King of Great Britain'. England underwent political union with Scotland, in 1707 to form the Kingdom of Great Britain. Since that date the title King or Queen of England is incorrect, though has remained in usage to the present day. In 1801 Great Britain incorporated the Kingdom of Ireland which had been under English rule since Henry II. Royal houses A royal house or royal dynasty is a familial designation, or family name of sorts, used by royalty. It generally represents the members of a family in various senior and junior or cadet branches, who are loosely related but not necessarily of the same immediate kin. Unlike most westerners, many of the world's royal families do not have family names, and those that have adopted them rarely use them. They are referred to instead by their titles, often related to an area ruled or once ruled by that family. The name of a Royal House is not a surname; it is just a convenient way of dynastic identification of individuals. Because of royal intermarriage and the creation of cadet branches, a royal house generally will not entirely correspond to one immediate family or place; members of the same house in different branches may rule entirely different countries and only be vaguely related; the family may have originated entirely elsewhere. The Capetian dynasty (that includes any direct descendant of Hugh Capet of France) is the oldest continuously ruling monarchial dynasty in Europe – it originates in 987 and is the current ruling house of Spain and Luxembourg. The House of Wettin, as another example, originated in Germany as a comital family. Today, it no longer holds any status in Germany, but different branches sit on various thrones, including those of the United Kingdom, and Belgium. Former monarchs of Portugal and Bulgaria also belonged to this house, although they were not especially closely related to the aforementioned lines, as they descended from different branches, some of them distinct for many generations. Royal house names in Europe were generally taken from the father; in cases where a Queen regnant married a prince of another house, their children (and therefore subsequent monarchs) belonged to the house of the prince. Thus Queen Victoria belonged to the House of Hanover, but her male-line descendants belong to the house of her husband Albert, which is Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, a branch of the House of Wettin. The name was changed to Windsor in 1917. Nevertheless, this rule had several exceptions in other countries: After the marriage of Empress Maria Theresia of the House of Habsburg in the 18th |
Which musical, the winner of 9 Tony awards, is currently running at the Prince of Wales theatre in London ? | The Book of Mormon Tickets | Prince of Wales Theatre | LondonTheatre.co.uk Home » Tickets » The Book of Mormon The Book of Mormon Tickets Venue: 020 7492 0810 (Mon-Fri 8-8, Sat-Sun 9-7) Location: Weekday Matinees Winner of 4 Olivier Awards including Best New Musical and Best Actor In A Musical, The Book of Mormon is one of the West End's most popular musicals. Since opening in New York at the Eugene O'Neill Theatre in 2011, the musical prompted rave reviews and unanimous critical praise, and was hailed as "the best musical of the century" by the New York Times. After being nominated for 14 Tony Awards, the musical took home 9 awards, including the top prizes of Best New Musical, Best Original Score, Best Book of a Musical and Best Direction of a musical. Since opening in the West End at the Prince of Wales Theatre in 2013, the show has gone on to delight audiences from around the world with its witty and challenging satirical humour. The Book of Mormon features book, music and lyrics by Trey Parker, Robert Lopez and Matt Stone who are best known for creating the long-running animated comedy TV series South Park. Robert Lopez is the youngest winner of an EGOT (Emmy, Grammy, Oscar and Tony awards), and is one of only 12 people to hold the prestigious honour. Rising to fame with his co-collaborations on Avenue Q and the animated Disney musical Frozen, The Book of Mormon displays his skill at combining music and comedy into a high energy product. The musical is choreographed by Casey Nicholaw, who also co-directs the production alongside Trey Parker. Nicholaw is currently represented in the West End with his production of Aladdin , and is known for his high energy production numbers and unique skill at staging musical comedy. The London production of The Book of Mormon promises audiences a hilarious musical comedy with fantastic performances from an international cast. Don't miss your chance to see one of the most popular musicals of the last decade at the Prince of Wales Theatre . | Shakespeare/Pop Music: Broadway - shakespeareandpopularmusic shakespeareandpopularmusic INTRODUCTION Although considered part of the classical theatrical canon today, Shakespeare's plays were an important part of the popular culture of Early Modern England. It seems only fitting that Broadway has made these plays part of popular culture again by adapting them into musicals. Very little academic research and/or writing, however, is available on this topic. In order to remedy the situation, this page has compiled a working archive of resources on Broadway musicals based on Shakespeare's plays, in the hopes that this will generate further interest and analysis. Most of the research that went into creating this page is centered on Broadway specifically, but a list of non-Broadway musicals has also been included in order to show that this phenomenon is by no means centered in one locale. To date, this archive includes the names of twenty-two Shakespearean musical productions. These productions have been produced in the United States, England, and Prague and have been performed in numerous other countries. Shakespeare's romantic comedies are the genre of play most often adapted into musical productions. Sixteen of the twenty-two productions included in this archive are based on Shakespearean romantic comedies. The Comedy of Errors, which was the first Shakespeare play to ever be adapted into a musical, is tied with Twelfth Night for the most number of musical theatre adaptations, at four productions each (Comedy of Errors: The Boys from Syracuse, Oh, Brother! , The Bomb-itty of Errors, and Da Boyz/Twelfth Night: Play On!, Music Is, Love and Let Love, Your Own Thing), while A Midsummer Night's Dream and Hamlet follow close behind with three different musical theatre adaptations (A Midsummer Night's Dream: Swingin' The Dream, Babes in the Wood, and The Donkey Show: A Midsummer Night's Dream Disco/Hamlet: Rockabye Hamlet, The Lion King, and Hamlet The Rock Opera). Besides Hamlet, three other Shakespearean tragedies have been adapted into musicals: Romeo and Juliet (West-Side Story and Sensations), King Lear (Pop!) and Macbeth (From a Jack to a King). No evidence has been yet found of a history play having been turned into a musical. Popular music has also been appropriated by many of these productions. Swing (The Brothers of Syracuse, Swingin' the Dream, Play On!) , Rock and Roll (Two Gentlemen of Verona, Rockabye Hamlet, Your Own Thing, From a Jack to a King and Hamlet The Rock Opera), Hip-Hop/Rap (The Bomb-itty of Errors and Da Boyz), and Reggae (The Big Life) are all examples of musical genres that have been appropriated by Broadway musicals - whose songs, incidentally, also sometimes become the stuff of popular music (Kiss Me Kate, West Side Story, Lion King, and so forth). The fluid relationship between Shakespeare and popular music in Broadway productions deserves further consideration, as does the fact that many of these productions are using Shakespeare and popular music not simply to make money, but also to discuss issues of both race (Swingin' the Dream) and gender (Kiss Me Kate) or both (Play On!). Theatre Royal Stratford East's 2005 production of The Big Life, for example, uses Reggae music and the plot-line of Love Labour's Lost to tell the historically true story of Caribbean immigrants who set sail for England in the 1950s on the SS Empire Windrush because they had been promised both jobs and a better life by the English government who very much needed their help to re-build after the war. Some of the questions that productions like The Big Life require academics to ask of themselves include: 1) Can popular music be used in musical adaptations of Shakespeare to talk-back to colonial/patriarchal imperatives and to de-centralize the hegemonic authority of Shakespeare's works? (And if so how are they able to do this? ); 2) Does the capitalist form of Broadway musical productions make it impossible to de-centralize power of any kind in these musical adaptations of Shakespeare? (And, if so, what are Sha |
Geococcyx, a ground cuckoo of southern US and Mexico, is the basis of which popular cartoon, its common name? | Chapparal Cock - Geococcyx californianus - Details - Encyclopedia of Life Learn more about this article The Greater Roadrunner (Geococcyx californianus), one of two roadrunner species, is found in Mexico and the southwestern and southcentral United States. It is a large, ground-dwelling member of the cuckoo family. The Greater Roadrunner walks and runs on the ground, flying only when necessary. It can run 15 mph (24 kph) and probably sprints briefly at much higher speeds in pursuit of prey. Greater Roadrunners are common in scrub desert and mesquite groves, less common in chaparral and open woodland. The diet of the Greater Roadrunner consists of insects and other arthropods, lizards, snakes, rodents, small birds, and sometimes snails. Some fruits (especially cactus fruit) and seeds are also eaten. In addition to making rapid dashes to grab a prey item with its bill, the Greater Roadrunner may leap straight up from the ground to catch insects or small birds flying over (roadrunners have been observed capturing hummingbirds this way). Greater Roadrunners may mate for life, with a pair defending its territory all year. Courtship includes chases on foot, with frequent pauses to rest. One member of the pair approaches the other with a stick or blade of grass and drops it on the ground or gives to the other bird. In other displays, the male runs away from the female with his tail and wings raised over his back and gradually lowers his wings; the male wags his tail from side to side while slowly bowing. The nest is constructed in a dense bush, low tree, or cactus, usually around 1 to 4 m above the ground (rarely on the ground itself). The nest is a platform of sticks lined with grass, leaves, and feathers and sometimes with pieces of snakeskin or cow manure. The 3 to 5 eggs (sometimes 2 or 6) are white to pale yellowish and are incubated by both parents (but especially the male) for around 20 days. Both parents feed the young, which leave the nest after around 18 to 21 days after hatching. Although young birds may begin capturing their own food shortly after leaving the nest, they are still fed by the parents for another 30 to 40 days. Greater Roadrunners are permanent (i.e., year-round) residents across their range, but some individuals may wander considerable distances. Although the range of the Greater Roadrunner periodically expands to the north and east, it is pushed back by severe winters. This species may be in long-term decline in California. The Greater Roadrunner, with its long tail, expressive crest, and speedy gait, provided inspiration for a popular cartoon character who not only entertains, but also provides opportunities for meaningful discussions of the laws of physics and literary analysis . (Kaufman 1996; AOU 1998; Dunn and Alderfer 2011) © Leo Shapiro Learn more about this article The Greater Roadrunner (Geococcyx californianus) is probably the most famous bird in the Sonoran Desert. Characterized by a long tail, streaked appearance, frequently erected shaggy crest, and a blue and orange bare patch of skin behind its human like eyes, the great roadrunner is actually a ground-dwelling member of the cuckoo family. The Greater Roadrunner walks and runs on the ground, flying only when necessary. It can run 15 mph (24 kph) and probably sprints briefly at much higher speeds in pursuit of prey. The diet of the Greater Roadrunner consists of insects and other arthropods, lizards, snakes, rodents, small birds, and sometimes snails. Some fruits (especially cactus fruit) and seeds are also eaten. In addition, they hunts by walking briskly and running toward prey once it is located; the adults uses their long tails as a rudders for maneuvering while running. The Greater Roadrunner has also been known to jump straight up in the air when small birds or flying insects are overhead. Greater Roadrunners may mate for life, with a pair defending its territory all year. The nest is constructed in a dense bush, low tree, or cactus, usually around 1 to 4 m above the ground (rarely on the ground itself). Clutch size is about 3 to | Asterix and Obelix heros of Gaul, France Asterix Asterix (originally Astérix) is the fictional hero of a series of comic books created by René Goscinny and Albert Uderzo in France. The books have been translated into many languages (including Latin and ancient Greek) and are available in most countries. It's probably the most popular French comic in the world. Setting and characters The stories also feature allusions to major artistic works (such as Pieter Bruegel's Peasant Wedding and Victor Hugo's story of the battle of Waterloo from Les Châtiments in Asterix in Belgium), historical personalities (Napoleon, Louis XIV of France), famous places (Le Moulin Rouge).... [1] (http://www.mage.fst.uha.fr/asterix/allusion/allusion.html) However, in many other respects the series reflects life in the 1st century BC as accurately as can be expected from the medium. For example, the multistoried apartments in Rome - the insulae - has Obelix remarking that one man's roof is another man's floor and consequently "These Romans are crazy" - his favourite line. The text makes relatively regular use of original Latin proverbs, and allusions to Julius Caesar's De Bello Gallico, a book about the conquest of Gaul, later used as an introductory text to Latin. Some jokes are made about Caesar's use of the third person to write about himself. Asterix is very "punny" A key feature of the text of the Asterix books are the constant puns used as names of characters; The names of the two protagonists come from the French names for the asterisk and the obelisk. English language examples include the chief (Vitalstatistix), the druid (Getafix), the woeful bard of the village (Cacofonix), the fishmonger (Unhygienix), an old man (Geriatrix) with a young wife. Incidental characters often feature names like "Hiphiphurrax" and "Mykingdomforanos". This punning tradition occurs in other languages; for example, in the French original, the chief is called "Abraracourcix", derived from the phrase "à bras raccourcis" meaning 'with arms raised and ready, ready to punch'. The Egyptian in Astérix Légionnaire is named "Courdeténis" in French, "Ptenisnet" in English. As a kind of visual pun, minor characters often resemble famous people or fictional characters. Notable examples include Britain's most famous bards, in Asterix in Britain, who are four in number and look like the Beatles; and a pair of Belgian warriors in Asterix in Belgium who resemble Thomson and Thompson of the Belgian Tintin comic book. More recently, this has occasionally extended to major characters: in Asterix and the Black Gold, a Roman spy is Sean Connery as James Bond, and in Asterix and Obelix All at Sea, the leader of the escaped slaves is Kirk Douglas as Spartacus. List of volumes |
What nationality (at 2012, and at founding) are the corporations Samsung, Hyundai and LG? | History - Corporate Profile - About Samsung - Samsung Corporate profile About our US divisions From its inception as a small export business in Taegu, Korea, Samsung has grown to become one of the world's leading electronics companies, specializing in digital appliances and media, semiconductors, memory, and system integration. Today Samsung's innovative and top quality products and processes are world recognized. This timeline captures the major milestones in Samsung's history, showing how the company expanded its product lines and reach, grew its revenue and market share, and has followed its mission of making life better for consumers around the world. * Samsung's History Menu Link 1938-1969 Samsung's Beginnings On March 1, 1938, founding chairman Byung-Chull Lee started a business in Taegu, Korea, with 30,000 won. At the start, his business focused primarily on trade export, selling dried Korean fish, vegetables, and fruit to Manchuria and Beijing. In little more than a decade, Samsung-which means "three stars" in Korean-would have its own flour mills and confectionery machines, its own manufacturing and sales operations, and ultimately evolve to become the modern global corporation that still bears the same name today. 1938-1969 Samsung's Beginnings Black-and-white TV (model: P-3202) production started by Samsung-Sanyo 1969 Samsung-Sanyo Electronics established (renamed Samsung Electro-Mechanics in March 1975 and merged with Samsung Electronics in March 1977) 1966 Joong-Ang Development established (known today as Samsung Everland) 1963 DongBang Life Insurance acquired (renamed Samsung Life Insurance in July 1989) 1958 Ankuk Fire & Marine Insurance acquired (renamed Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance in October 1993) 1954 Samsung Moolsan established (now Samsung Corporation) 1938 Copyright © 1995-2016 SAMSUNG All Rights reserved. Welcome to Samsung Sign up & get 10% off Sign up and get 10% off your first order of $100 or more! Shop Samsung.com to find the best tech at the best prices and recieve news on our latest technology and exclusive offers.* SUBMIT *Exclusion apply. Order must be a minimumm of $100 or more. Offer valid only for new Samsung.com customers. Must sign up for emails by 11/12/16. Promo code must be used by 11/19. Thanks for Check your inbox for a discount code for 10% off your first purchase. Welcome back. | CityPages Kuwait November 2013 by CityPages Kuwait (page 166) - issuu issuu HOMEWORK FOR GROWN UPS EVERYTHING YOU LEARNED AT SCHOOL... BUT CAN YOU REMEMBER? General Knowledge Quiz separate means: 2. As at 2013 what country boasted the four most profitable banks in the world? a) disjoined 3. What term refers to the off-putting banter directed by bowlers/fielders to opposing batsmen on a cricket pitch? b) unequal 4. London's aptly renamed 42-floor 'Tower 42' has a footprint equating to the triangulated-chevrons logo of which original owner? c) minor d) previous 5. The rights to which famous character were sold by creators Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster to Detective Comics for $130 in 1937? 6. The Bugatti car logo features which reversed capital letter in a ligature with B, standing for the founder (Bugatti's) first name? connection undone; having become separate. a) disjoined -Separate is an adjective that means have the 7. What work-related term popularly refers to loan companies which offer short-term unsecured personal loans at high interest rates? ANSWER: 1. What is the main ingredient of the modern breakfast food and energy bar called granola: Rice; Potato; Oats; or Coconut? Test Your Vocabulary 8. The term forensic refers to investigative technologies and sciences in relation to: Law and crime; Dead things; Tiny details; or Laboratories? 9. What is the traditional tradename for a person who works high up on church spires and chimneys? 10. The 'morna' is the national music and dance style of which central Atlantic archipelago island nation? 11. A cittern is a: Carpentry tool; Musical instrument; Bird; or Fivewheeled cycle? 12. What number features most prevalently internationally in toll-free or 'freefone' telephony: 600; 700; 800; or 900? 13. Name the CIA employee who famously became a whistleblower in 2013, revealing details of US/UK mass public surveillance? 14. Botija, udu, and ghatam are types of: Musical instruments; Rice; Vehicles; or Prayers? Cool Maths Puzzle What is a set of points that extends without end in opposite directions better known as? a) Ray b) Line c) Intercept d) Fractal 15. E20 and SW19 are codes famously associated with: Food; Sport; Aviation; or Cosmetics? 16. What Indian Hindi-Urdu-derived word, orginally a place of assembly, refers in English to a multi-event equestrian contest, and in India to various sporting facilities? 18. US composer/artist John Cage's most famous and controversial 1952 work, called 4'33", requires the musician(s) to play for its entire threemovement 4mins 33secs duration: The same note; As many notes as possible; At maximum volume; or Nothing? JUMBLED WORDS T U L I Q L I Y L H 19. The straight-legged high-kicking march used by many military forces, especially ceremonially, is popularly called the what? S U M O F A 20. According to legend, the Gordian Knot, cut by Alexander the Great, tethered a what? R E B H A C citypageskuwait.com L O W L A F ANSWERS: 1.QUILT, 2.HILLY, 3.FAMOUS, 4.BREACH, 5.FALLOW ANSWERS 1.Oats, 2. China, 3. Sledging, 4. Natwest (fully National Westminster Bank - completed in 1980 as the National Westminster Tower), 5. Superman, 6. E (for Ettore), 7. Payday (Payday loan companies - because traditionally borrowers aim to make repayments on payday), 8. Law and crime (the word is from Roman times when forensis meant 'in open court', derived in turn from the Roman word forum, equating to a court), 9. Steeplejack, 10. Cape Verde, 11. Musical instrument (a basic form of lute from around the 1500s Europe), 12. 800 (common variations are 0800 and 1800, but in most nations of the world 800 is a recognized as a standard indicator of a toll-free/receiverpays phone number), 13. Edward Snowden, 14. Musical instruments, 15. Sport (E20 is the postcode of the 2012 London Olympic park, and SW19 is the postcode of the Wimbledon Tennis Club), 16. Gymkhana, 17. 14-17th, 18. Nothing, 19. Goosestep, 20. Cart 166 ANSWERS: b) Line 17. The Renaissance (from French, 're-birth') was a European cultural movement spanning which centuries: 4-7th; 7-10th; 14- |
The Balkan Trilogy and The Levant Trilogy, both written by Olivia Manning were made into which 1987 BBC TV series starring Emma Thompson and Kenneth Branagh? | Olivia Manning: Early Years, Early Career, Marriage and Romania, Greece and Egypt, Palestine, Post-war England, the Balkan Trilogy and Other Works, the Levant Trilogy, Final Years, Work, Works, and a List of Books by Author Olivia Manning Early Years more � � less Olivia Manning was born in North End, Portsmouth on 2 March 1908. Her father, Oliver Manning, was a naval officer who rose from naval trainee to lieutenant-commander despite a lack of formal schooling. At the age of 45, while visiting the port of Belfast, he met Olivia Morrow, a publican's daughter fourteen years his junior; they married less than a month later in December 1904, in the Presbyterian church in her home town of Bangor, County Down. Manning adored her lively, handsome, womanising father who entertained others by singing Gilbert and Sullivan and reciting poetry he had memorized during long sea voyages. In contrast, her mother was bossy and domineering, with a "mind as rigid as cast-iron", and there were constant marital disputes. The initially warm relationship between mother and daughter became strained after the birth of Manning's brother Oliver in 1913; delicate and frequently ill, he was the centre of his mother's attention, much to the displeasure of Manning, who made several childish attempts to harm him. This unhappy, insecure childhood left a lasting mark on her work and personality. Manning was educated privately at a small dame school before moving to the north of Ireland in 1916, the first of several extended periods spent there while her father was at sea. In Bangor she attended Bangor Presbyterian School, and while in Portsmouth Lyndon House School, and subsequently Portsmouth Grammar School, developing, as she recalled, "the usual Anglo-Irish sense of belonging nowhere". Schoolmates described her as shy and prone to tantrums; her tendency to tell boastful tall-tales about her family led to ostracism by her peers. Supported by her father, Manning read and wrote extensively, preferring novels, especially those by H. Rider Haggard. Her mother discouraged such pursuits, and confiscated material she thought unsuitable; when she found her daughter reading the Times Literary Supplement she scolded that "young men do not like women who read papers like that", and that Manning should focus on marketable job skills, such as typing. Indeed, when financial circumstances forced Manning to leave school at sixteen, she worked as a typist, and spent some time as a junior in a beauty salon. A talented artist, she took evening classes at the Portsmouth Municipal School of Art, where a fellow student described her as intellectual and aloof. In May 1928, she had a painting selected for an exhibition at Southsea, and was subsequently offered a one woman show of her works. Manning seemed to be poised for a career as an artist, but she had meanwhile continued her interest in literature, and at the age of twenty determined instead to be writer. Her artist's eye is apparent in her later intense descriptions of landscapes. Early Career more � � less Manning's first published works were three serialized detective novels, Rose of Rubies, Here is Murder and The Black Scarab which appeared in the Portsmouth News beginning in 1929 under the pseudonym Jacob Morrow. Manning did not acknowledge these books until the 1960s; their publication dates might have given away her age, a secret she kept even from her husband. Between 1929 and 1935 she authored about 20 short stories, including a ghost story that was the first work to be published under her own name, though using initials to obscure her gender. Manning also wrote two literary novels, neither of which was accepted for publication. However, her second manuscript sufficiently impressed Edward Garnett, literary editor at Jonathan Cape, that he asked his assistant Hamish Miles to write her a note of encouragement. Miles, a respected and well-connected literary advisor and translator in his late thirties, invited Manning to visit if she were ever in London. Manning, feeling stifled in Portsmou | Lotte Lenya - Biography - IMDb Lotte Lenya Jump to: Overview (3) | Mini Bio (1) | Spouse (5) | Trivia (59) Overview (3) Karoline Wilhelmine Charlotte Blamauer Mini Bio (1) Lotte Lenya was a Tony Award-winning and Academy award-nominated actress and singer who is best remembered for her supporting role as Rosa Klebb in the classic Bond film From Russia with Love (1963). She was born Karoline Wilhelmine Charlotte Blaumauer on October 18, 1898, in Vienna, Austria (at that time Austro-Hungarian Empire), into a working class family. Young Lenya was fond of dancing. In 1914 she moved to Zurich, Switzerland. There she began using her stage name, Lotte Lenya. In Swizerland she studied classical dance, singing and acting and made her stage debut at the Schauspielhaus. In 1921 she moved to Berlin and blended in the city's cosmopolitan cultural milieu. In 1924 she met composer Kurt Weill , and they married in 1926. Lotte Lenya was the inspiration behind Weill's most popular hit 'Mack the Knife'. She performed in several productions of 'The Threepenny Opera', which became an important step in her acting career. In 1933, with the rise of Nazism in Germany, Lotte Lenya escaped from the country. At the same time, being stressed by the circumstances of life, she divorced from Kurt Weil, to be reunited with him two years later. In 1935 both emigrated to the United States and remarried in 1937. After Kurt Weill's death, she dedicated her efforts to keeping Weill's music played in numerous productions worldwide. In 1957 she won a Tony award for her role as Jenny, performed in English, in a Broadway production of 'The Threepenny Opera'. Lotte Lenya shot to international fame with her portrayal of Contessa Magda Terbilli-Gozales, Vivien Leigh's friend in The Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone (1961). The role brought Lenya an Academy Award nomination as Best Supporting Actress. She gained additional fame after she appeared as Rosa Klebb, former head of operations for SMERSH/KGB, and now a sadistic Spectre agent with poisonous knife in her shoe, in From Russia with Love (1963). She died of cancer on November 27, 1981, in New York. She is entombed with Kurt Weill in a mausoleum, in Mount Repose Cemetery, in Haverstraw, New York, USA. - IMDb Mini Biography By: Steve Shelokhonov Spouse (5) ( 28 January 1926 - 1933) (divorced) Trivia (59) Lenya, as the wife of famous composer Kurt Weill , would often star in his operas and musicals. At the world premiere of his "Threepenny Opera" in 1928, her name was inadvertently left out of the program guide, despite her playing the female lead. Awarded a Tony in 1956 for Supporting Actress in Marc Blitzstein 's version of "The Threepenny Opera". The Bobby Darin version of the song "Mack the Knife" (written by Lotte Lenya's husband Kurt Weill ) mentions her by name. Moved to Zurich in 1914 to be trained in classical dance and gained experience in opera and ballet at the Schauspielhaus. After Kurt Weill 's death in 1950, Lotte, no longer confident of her talent, reluctantly agreed to appear in a memorial concert at Town Hall. The concert was such a huge success that it prompted annual revivals until 1965. She also spent the rest of her life dedicated to keeping Kurt's music alive through exhaustive searches of lost work, administering copyrights and, of course, her legendary concerts. In addition to her husband's legacy, Lenya was also a specialist in Brechtian theatre. Won Broadway's 1956 Tony Award as Best Supporting or Featured Actress (Musical) for "TheThreepenny Opera.'" She was also nominated in 1967 as Best Actress (Musical) for "Cabaret", where she created the role of "Fräulein Schneider" and acted as a consultant for the musical styles of 1930s Berlin, especially her husband's. After wearing a pair of shoes with knives sticking out on From Russia with Love (1963), some people looked at her shoes, when she first met them. Is entombed, with Kurt Weill , at the Mount Repose Cemetery, Haverstraw, New York. Biography in: "The Scribner Encyclopedia of American Lives." Volume One, 1981-1985, pages 49 |
Which team was the runner-up at the 3rd American Football World Cup in Kawasaki, Japan, in 2007? | Which team was the runner-up at the 3rd American Football World Cup in Kawasaki, Japan, in 2007? Which team was the runner-up at the 3rd American Football World Cup in Kawasaki, Japan, in 2007? 0 votes posted May 20, 2016 by Madhavi Latha Share this question Your comment on this question: Email me at this address if a comment is added after mine:Email me if a comment is added after mine Privacy: Your email address will only be used for sending these notifications. Anti-spam verification: To avoid this verification in future, please log in or register . 1 Answer answer May 20, 2016 by Rupali Dadhe Your comment on this answer: Email me at this address if a comment is added after mine:Email me if a comment is added after mine Privacy: Your email address will only be used for sending these notifications. Anti-spam verification: To avoid this verification in future, please log in or register . Your answer Please be sure to answer the question, provide details and share your research. Avoid asking cross question, use comment button instead. Use ctrl+k to highlight, ctrl+b to make the text as bold. Preview Email me at this address if my answer is selected or commented on:Email me if my answer is selected or commented on Privacy: Your email address will only be used for sending these notifications. Anti-spam verification: | Round 3 Jeopardy Template What is the Ford Mustang? This still-popular muscle car was launched late in 1964, what is it? 100 What is the Syndy Opera House? In 1973, which famous building with a roof resembling sails opened after 16 years of construction? 100 What are young urban professionals? The word “yuppie” was popularized in the 80s; what does it represent? 100 Which figure skater was accused of breaking a competitor’s kneecaps before the 1994 Olympics? 100 What is Denver, Co? What city did Barack Obama formally accept the Democratic nomination for the US presidential election in 2008? 200 What is Mister Ed? Picked up by CBS in 1961, what famous TV show had a vocal equine as its star? 200 Who was Jimi Hendrix? What American singer-songwriter, who is considered by many to be the greatest electric guitarist in music history, died in 1970? 200 What Soviet leader replaced Chernenko in 1985? 200 What food chain uses this slogan: “Think outside the bun”? 200 What is Katrina? In 2005, what hurricane devastated the Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama coastal regions, and flooded approximately 80% of the city of New Orleans? 300 Name the Organization created to fight for important women’s issues? 300 What was the name of NASA's first space shuttle that was unveiled in 1976? 300 Who is Sally Ride? The Space Shuttle Challenger took the first woman into space in 1983, what was her name? 300 What is the Rock N' Roll Hall of Fame? What famous museum opened in 1995 in Cleveland, Ohio? 300 Who is Charles Manson? Wedding plans were announced in 2014 for a 26 year-old Illinois woman and which 80 year-old incarcerated mass murderer? 400 What famous property, purchased in 1965, was once a swamp land in Osceola County, California? 400 What is Three Mile Island? In 1979, a nuclear accident happened at what Pennsylvania power plant? 400 In 1984, which restaurant chain featured this line in their commercial, “Where’s the beef?” 400 Who was the youngest singer to win a Grammy in 1997? 400 What is ALS (Lou Gerhig's Disease)? In 2014, the Ice Water Bucket challenge was established for what charity? 500 Who is Sirhan Sirhan? The 1960s were a decade of high-profile assassinations (President John F. Kennedy, Malcolm X, Robert F. Kennedy and the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.) Name the assassin who is still alive. 500 What is In Vitro Fertilization? In 1978, the first test tube baby was born following what procedure? 500 Who was Jim Thorpe? Which Olympic athlete had his gold medals reinstated in the decathlon and the pentathlon, 30 years after his death? 500 What is Yellow Pages? In the 90s, which company used this phrase for their slogan "Let your fingers do the walking"? 500 Who is Psy? |
In what country would you find a Gurkha soldier? | Who are the Gurkhas? - BBC News BBC News Close share panel Image caption Gurkhas are part of the British Army Gurkhas have been part of the British Army for almost 200 years, but who are these fearsome Nepalese fighters? "Better to die than be a coward" is the motto of the world-famous Nepalese Gurkha soldiers who are an integral part of the British Army. They still carry into battle their traditional weapon - an 18-inch long curved knife known as the kukri. In times past, it was said that once a kukri was drawn in battle, it had to "taste blood" - if not, its owner had to cut himself before returning it to its sheath. Now, the Gurkhas say, it is used mainly for cooking. The potential of these warriors was first realised by the British at the height of their empire-building in the last century. The Victorians identified them as a "martial race", perceiving in them particularly masculine qualities of toughness. Bravest of the brave, most generous of the generous, never had a country more faithful friends than you Sir Ralph Turner MC, 3rd Queen Alexandra's Own Gurkha Rifles, 1931 After suffering heavy casualties in the invasion of Nepal, the British East India Company signed a hasty peace deal in 1815, which also allowed it to recruit from the ranks of the former enemy. Following the partition of India in 1947, an agreement between Nepal, India and Britain meant four Gurkha regiments from the Indian army were transferred to the British Army, eventually becoming the Gurkha Brigade. Since then, the Gurkhas have loyally fought for the British all over the world, receiving 13 Victoria Crosses between them. More than 200,000 fought in the two world wars, and in the past 50 years they have served in Hong Kong, Malaysia, Borneo, Cyprus, the Falklands, Kosovo and now in Iraq and Afghanistan. They serve in a variety of roles, mainly in the infantry but with significant numbers of engineers, logisticians and signals specialists. The name "Gurkha" comes from the hill town of Gorkha from which the Nepalese kingdom had expanded. The ranks have always been dominated by four ethnic groups, the Gurungs and Magars from central Nepal, the Rais and Limbus from the east, who live in villages of impoverished hill farmers. They keep to their Nepalese customs and beliefs, and the brigade follows religious festivals such as Dashain, in which - in Nepal, not the UK - goats and buffaloes are sacrificed. Image caption Actress Joanna Lumley has been the public face of the campaign on behalf of the Gurkhas But their numbers have been sharply reduced from a World War II peak of 112,000 men, and now stand at about 3,500. During the two world wars 43,000 men lost their lives. The Gurkhas are now based at Shorncliffe near Folkestone, Kent - but they do not become British citizens. The soldiers are still selected from young men living in the hills of Nepal - with about 28,000 youths tackling the selection procedure for just over 200 places each year. The selection process has been described as one of the toughest in the world and is fiercely contested. Young hopefuls have to run uphill for 40 minutes carrying a wicker basket on their back filled with rocks weighing 70lbs. They are tough, they are brave, they are durable, they are amenable to discipline. Tony Gould, Historian Prince Harry lived with a Gurkha battalion during his 10 weeks in Afghanistan. There is said to be a cultural affinity between Gurkhas and the Afghan people which is beneficial to the British Army effort there. Historian Tony Gould said Gurkhas have brought an excellent combination of qualities from a military point of view. He said: "They are tough, they are brave, they are durable, they are amenable to discipline. "They have another quality which you could say some British regiments had in the past, but it's doubtful that they have now, that is a strong family tradition. "So that within each battalion there were usually very, very close family links, so when they were fighting, they were not so much fighting for their officers or the cause but for their friends and family." Historica | Robert A. F. Thurman, Ph.D. - Tibet House US Robert A. F. Thurman, Ph.D. Dr. Elizabeth Visceglia Robert A. F. Thurman, Ph.D. Robert A. F. Thurman is who the NY Times Magazine refers to as “The Dalai Lama’s man in America.” A scholar, author, former Tibetan Buddhist monk, co-founder with Richard Gere of Tibet House in New York City, a close personal friend of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, and father of five children including the actress, Uma Thurman, he is the Jey Tsong Khapa Professor of Indo-Tibetan Buddhist Studies at Columbia University. Time magazine named him one of the “25 Most Influential Americans.” He has lectured all over the world; his charisma and enthusiasm draw packed audiences. Robert Thurman’s flair for the dramatic may be attributed to the weekly Shakespeare readings hosted by his parents, in which Robert participated alongside such guests as Laurence Olivier. He managed to get himself kicked out of Exeter just prior to graduation for playing hooky in a failed attempt to join Fidel Castro’s Cuban guerrilla army in 1958. Harvard University admitted him anyway, but a deep dissatisfaction and questioning led him to drop out and he traveled on a “vision quest” as a pilgrim to India. Returning home to attend his father’s funeral, he met a Mongolian monk, Geshe Wangyal, and thus began Thurman’s life-long passion for Tibetan Buddhism. In 1964, Geshe Wangyal introduced Thurman to His Holiness the Dalai Lama and described Robert as, “…a crazy American boy, very intelligent and with a good heart (though a little proud), who spoke Tibetan well and had learned something about Buddhism [and] wanted to become a monk…. Geshe Wangyal was leaving it up to His Holiness to decide.” Thurman became the first Westerner to be ordained as a Tibetan Buddhist monk. He was 24 and the Dalai Lama 29. They eventually met weekly and His Holiness would quickly refer Thurman’s questions concerning Buddhism to another teacher and turn the conversation to Freud, physics, and other “Western” topics of interest to him. Thurman describes this phase of his life: “All I wanted was to stay in the 2,500-year-old Buddhist community of seekers of enlightenment, to be embraced as a monk. My inner world was rich, full of insights and delightful visions, with a sense of luck and privilege at having access to such great teachers and teachings and the time to study and try to realize them.” But when he returned to the United States, Thurman found that his career as a monk was not viable, so “I decided that I wanted to learn more Buddhist languages, read more Buddhist texts.… The only lay institution in America comparable to monasticism is the university, so in the end I turned to academia.” Robert Thurman currently holds the first endowed chair in this field of study in the United States, at Columbia University, where he serves as president of the board of the American Institute Buddhist Studies. Thurman is not only a scholar, but a champion of the preservation of Tibetan culture. In 1987, he and actor Richard Gere founded New York City’s Tibet House, a nonprofit institution devoted to preserving the living culture of Tibet, where he currently serves as president of the board of trustees. Thurman writes, “What I have learned from these people [Tibetans] has forever changed my life, and I believe their culture contains an inner science particularly relevant to the difficult time in which we live. My desire is to share some of the profound hope for our future that they have shared with me.” Personal website: |
Which future American President was imprisoned by the British during the American War of Independence? | Andrew Jackson During the American Revolutionary War Essay - 771 Words Essay about American Civ Andrew Jackson ...Cordaveous brown Dr. Dallin American civilization 150 4/7/15 Andrew Jacksons print on America President Andrew Jackson, considered by some to be the greatest American President during his American presidency term, but some of his actions sparked a lot of controversial thoughts. President Jackson accomplished much for America, most of President Jackson’s... 1718 Words | 7 Pages The Revolutionary War against British for American Freedom Essay ... The Revolutionary War President John F. Kennedy once that said “Life is Unfair”? Well for the Colonist this was very much accurate. A revolution is a forcible overthrow of a government or social order in favor of a new system.Throughout history there has been many revolution with people and the government.They are govern through a powerful system and eventually want change and justice.This is what happened between Great Britain and Colonial America.Considering... 786 Words | 3 Pages An Essay on the Effectiveness of the Americans During the Revolutionary War ...An essay on the effectiveness of the Americans during the Revolutionary war I. INTRODUCTION The United States’ policy was to govern the Philippine Archipelago for the common welfare of the Filipino people and to train the Filipinos for self-governance. The United States was hoping that the Filipino people would be capable of independence someday. President Mckinley assure that the Philippines are theirs, and so it should not be... 1055 Words | 3 Pages Andrew Jackson and the Bank War Essay ...The validity of President Andrew Jackson's response to the Bank War issue has been contradicted by many, but his reasoning was supported by fact and inevitably beneficial to the country. Jackson's primary involvement with the Second Bank of the United States arose during the suggested governmental re-chartering of the institution. It was during this period that the necessity and value of the Bank's services were questioned. The... 2395 Words | 7 Pages Andrew Jackson True American Essay ...Andrew Jackson was the first "peoples president". His humble frontier heritage and heroic title won support throughout the nation. Jackson was in touch with the common man and had respect for him. This for once, allowed the "people" to have a more dominant role in government, which is something that America prides itself upon today. His Presidency was plagued with controversy, but President Jackson used his power as President to unite a... 1613 Words | 5 Pages Andrew Jackson Essay ... Andrew Jackson was born into poverty. However throughout his life, he began to change that as he was quickly making a name for himself. Before he knew it, his leadership in many national conflicts earned him a heroic reputation. “He would become America’s most influential and polarizing political figure during the 1820s and 1830s” CITATION And \n \l 1033 (Andrew Jackson). Andrew Jackson was... 595 Words | 1 Pages Essay on The American Revolutionary War ...The American Revolutionary War The American Revolutionary War was a very important war. This war allowed the English colonies to gain independence from the country Britain. The war established an independent country which is now called the United States of America. Events leading to the war helped our nation form a new... 796 Words | 3 Pages American Revolutionary War and Its Struggles Essay ...set forth by sailing west to get to Asia. Spain, England and France all looked for trade routes to Asia. Columbus suggested crossing the Atlantic believing he would hit Asia, not knowing that there would be a country in his way. Every country was at “war” claiming land and trying to colonize. A numbering amount of men died and neglected their expedition by living with other tribes and taking some for wives. Juan Ponce de Leon in 1513 discovered Florida and was later met by a... 1767 Words | 5 Pages | Bill Clinton: Life Before the Presidency—Miller Center About the Administration William Jefferson Clinton spent the first six years of his life in Hope, Arkansas, where he was born on August 19, 1946. His father, William Jefferson Blythe, had died in an auto accident several months before his mother, Virginia Cassidy Blythe, gave birth to the future President. Raised in the home of his grandmother, Edith Cassidy, Bill's early years were dominated by two strong women, who often competed for his attention. His mother, a vivacious and fun-loving free spirit, was often away from home taking nursing classes in New Orleans. It was during those periods that his grandmother, a temperamental and strong-willed disciplinarian, tried to shape her grandson's character—and taught him to be a very early reader. Bill later remembered loving both women during that time of his life but feeling torn between them as a young mediator of their arguments. In 1950, Bill's mother married Roger Clinton, a car dealer and abusive alcoholic. The family moved to Hot Springs, Arkansas, a bustling resort town an hour away. (She later divorced Roger Clinton when Bill was fifteen, only to remarry him quickly thereafter.) Again, Clinton had to intervene between two adults engaged in violent arguments. As a teenager, Bill excelled in school and showed a passion for politics. He played saxophone in a high school band and especially loved the gospel music of his Baptist faith. The fun of gambling dens and mineral spas competed for Bill's attention with Baptist churches and politics. But while his mother went to the racetracks on Sunday, Bill attended church, principally to hear the music he loved. In this small community, Bill was widely recognized as a young man of rare talent and ambition. An Education for Leadership Hot Springs High School, although a segregated all-white school, stood heads above most public schools in Arkansas. School Principal Johnnie Mae Mackey—another strong woman in Clinton's life—recruited staff committed to producing leaders who thought of personal success in terms of public service. Clinton became her brightest protégé. It was under her mentoring that Clinton was sent to Washington, D.C., as one of two Arkansas delegates to Boy's Nation, an imitation political convention sponsored by the American Legion. While there, the seventeen-year-old Clinton was captured in a historic photograph shaking hands with his political idol, President John F. Kennedy, in the White House Rose Garden. That July 1963 handshake later symbolized the continuity between the Kennedy 1960s and the Clinton 1990s. Ever since he was child, Clinton's mother had told him that he would some day be President of the United States. The Kennedy handshake left Clinton determined to fulfill her prediction. (Virginia Clinton lived to see her son become President, dying in 1994 of cancer.) Upon graduation from high school in 1964, Clinton left Little Rock to attend Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. An international affairs major, he managed to cover his expenses through scholarships and by working part-time jobs. At this Catholic-sponsored, well-heeled institution, the student body clearly looked upon Clinton as an outsider from backwoods Arkansas. Although a clique of students running the newspaper discouraged Clinton's efforts to contribute to the school, his energy, dashing good looks, and personal charm pushed him to the top in student government. He won the presidency of his freshman and sophomore classes. In his junior year, Clinton ran for president of the student council, but lost in a stunning defeat. In attempting to please everybody, Clinton had miscalculated. He looked too political to his peers, and they elected his lesser-known opponent. Rhodes Scholar and Vietnam Draftee Beginning in his junior year, Clinton worked as a clerk for the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee. At that time, the powerful committee was headed by Senator J. William Fulbright of Arkansas, a leading critic of U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War. The experience greatly shap |
Who had world concert tours entitled 'Drowned World', 'Confessions' and 'Blond Ambition? | Madonna''s Blonde Ambition Tour. Madonna''s Blonde Ambition Tour. by This thread was forced on me. reply 75 by This thread was forced on me. reply 1 No one ever wore pointy boob cones quite like Madge did. by This thread was forced on me. reply 2 07/29/2010 LOL OP. Thanks for making it. I'm not here to talk about Madonna's entire career or get into the usual back and forth. Personally, my feelings about her are mixed. With that being said, I do find the Blonde Ambition Tour to be fascinating and iconic. It was a big, theatrical event that was pulled off well and had interesting themes and imagery. Madonna was in her prime. Did anyone here see her during that tour, and if so, could you share all of your impressions? Hope we can get some interesting info. Thanks! by This thread was forced on me. reply 3 07/29/2010 I guess the Blond Ambition tour was great but I really think if I had to be in the same room with the woman...I'd end up being extremely rude to her. And I know she would deserve it. by This thread was forced on me. reply 4 Awesome artwork by Gaultier. How respected of a designer is he in general? by This thread was forced on me. reply 5 R4, would you tell her that her performance was 'neat'? by This thread was forced on me. reply 6 Oops, sorry, meant that as a link: by This thread was forced on me. reply 7 07/29/2010 "Awesome artwork by Gaultier. How respected of a designer is he in general?"%0D %0D Very. by This thread was forced on me. reply 8 07/29/2010 I think that tour is kind of her moment of moments, her Carnegie Hall (blasphemy I know), especially coupled with "Truth or Dare" which was very highly regarded. I think that tour will be looked upon as her finest hour. by This thread was forced on me. reply 9 And that was what it was like THEN. by This thread was forced on me. reply 10 You mean the BLONDE LEADING THE BLONDE tour, don't you? by This thread was forced on me. reply 11 Her Blonde Ambition Tour is my favorite tour that she has done. by This thread was forced on me. reply 12 Is "Blonde Ambition" supposed to be a play on "blind ambition"? by This thread was forced on me. reply 13 07/29/2010 Here's a recent picture of Her Madgesty, gotten up in the very trendy Annie Hall look! by This thread was forced on me. reply 14 by This thread was forced on me. reply 15 07/29/2010 I think it was the pinnacle of her career. The ironic thing was that many people considered her to be on a downslide after that, but she went on to have the biggest hits of her career after that. The thing about that particular concert was that it went on for hours, yet she was never off the stage for five minutes. If you were a Madonna fan, this was her at her best. If you weren't, this is a thread that would probably be of no interest to you. I say this as someone who had tickets for this tour, but I gave them up for a completely frivolous reason--a guy. I'm no longer a Madonna fan, but I feel so stupid for missing this show. by This thread was forced on me. reply 16 Lost any love for Madonna when she joined that anti-gay Cult, Kabalaah. Talk about turning on your biggest fans. by This thread was forced on me. reply 17 07/29/2010 Madge has a cig in r14's link. I thought she quit years ago. And the funny thing - it looks like one of those long, skinny old-lady cigs like Virginia Slims or Capri. by This thread was forced on me. reply 18 07/29/2010 Right after the end of the tour, Madonna and her Blonde Ambition gang made this little appearance on MTV . . . by This thread was forced on me. reply 19 Thats not the song I remember R19 by This thread was forced on me. reply 20 07/29/2010 Sorry, I should have checked the sound before posting the link above because I didn't realize the sound track was replaced. And it looks like all of the real clips have been deleted. by This thread was forced on me. reply 21 07/29/2010 LOVE, LOVE, LOVED the middle eastern tinged "Like a Virgin" version she did on this tour. Awesome. by This thread was forced on me. reply 22 Don't tell me Madonna has gone back to smoking. by This thread was forced on m | Goa used to be a colony of which nation Portugal 87 What does a - IT - 402 View Full Document Goa used to be a colony of which nation Portugal 87 What does a galactophagist drink Milk 88 What did God create on the fifth day (both) Sea creatures and birds 89 Where was Bob Dylan born Duluth Minnesota 90 In the 18th century what would a pencil be Brush 91 Agrippa poisoned her husband/uncle who was he Claudius 92 Who was the mother of Castor and Pollux Helen of Troy 93 What are the snaffle Pelham and Weymouth Horse bits 94 Walter Koenig played which part in the Star Trek series Ensign Chekov 95 Who had a hit with Devil Woman Cliff Richard 96 What were the first false teeth made from Ivory 97 The jealous Athena turned who into a spider Arachne 98 What was the first Carry On film Carry on Sergeant 99 Who was the female lead in The Shootist Lauren Bacall 100 What is a dzo Cow Yak cross Page 9 This preview has intentionally blurred sections. Sign up to view the full version. View Full Document 10000 general knowledge questions and answers www.cartiaz.ro No Questions Quiz 5 Answers 1 Hypermetropic people are what Long Sighted 2 Which leader lives in the Potola Dalai Lama 3 What wood was the cross supposed to be made of Mistletoe 4 Joseph Levitch became famous as who Jerry Lewis 5 If you planted a bandarilla what are you doing Bullfighting 6 What was the first Pink Floyd album Piper at the gates of dawn 7 in which city was the first public opera house opened Venice 8 In what Elvis film did he play a double role Kissing Cousins 9 The Aphrodite of Melos has a more famous name - what Venus de Milo 10 Which country invented the concentration camp Britain - Boer war 11 John Huston scored a hit with his first film - what? Maltese falcon 12 Stan laurel, Mickey Rooney, Lana Turner what in common 8 marriages 13 What real person has been played most often in films Napoleon Bonaparte 14 Scotopic people can do what See in the dark 15 What is the most critical thing keeping bananas fresh transport Temperature not below 13 C 55F 16 What is the name of the Paris stock exchange Bourse 17 Whose music featured in The Clockwork Orange Beethoven 18 What was the Troggs most famous hit Wild Thing 19 In Japan what colour car is reserved for the royal family only Maroon 20 What city has Kogoshima as its airport Tokyo 21 What was gangsters George Nelsons nickname Baby Face 22 Whose first wife was actress Jayne Wyman Ronald Regan 23 In MASH what is Radars favourite drink Grape Knee High 24 What do you give on the third wedding anniversary Leather 25 What is a baby whale called Calf 26 In which film did the Rolls Royce have the number plate AU1 Goldfinger 27 Vladamere Ashkenazy plays what musical instrument Piano 28 With which organ does a snake hear Tongue 29 On what is the Mona Lisa painted Wood 30 What is the second most common international crime Art theft 31 Count de Grisly was the first to perform what trick in 1799 Saw woman in half 32 Who wrote Les Miserable Victor Hugo 33 Which bird turns it head upside down to eat Flamingo 34 The colossus of Rhodes was a statue of who Apollo 35 Who rode a horse called Bucephalus Alexander the Great 36 To which London club did Mycroft Holmes belong Diogones 37 This is the end of the preview. Sign up to access the rest of the document. TERM Kenyatta University IT 402 - Spring 2015 1 2 3 4 5 Sampling In Research What is research? According Webster (1985), to researc HYPO.docx |
Who had a 70s No 1 hit with Billy, Don't Be A Hero? | "Billy, Don't Be a Hero" - Bo Donaldson and the Heywoods "Billy, Don't Be a Hero" Bo Donaldson and the Heywoods ABC 11435 Billboard: #1 illy, Don't Be a Hero" was a tale about the Civil War, composed by two British songwriters. Mitch Murray had already scored a number one single in America with Freddie and the Dreamers ("I'm Telling You Now") as well as hits by Gerry and the Pacemakers ("How Do You Do It," "I Like It"). His partner Peter Callander had written for Cliff Richard, Sandie Shaw and Tom Jones, among others. After collaborating for six years, they formed their own British company in 1974, Bus Stop Records. One of the first acts signed to the label was a group from Nottingham, Paper Lace. Cincinnati, Ohio septet Bo Donaldson and the Heywoods' May 1974 No. 1 single "Billy, Don't Be a Hero" was featured on their eponymous debut LP, Bo Donaldson & The Heywoods. First charting on July 6, 1974, the album peaked at No. 97 on the Billboard Hot 200 album chart, spending a total of 16 weeks on the chart. Their chart-topping hit single, along with their follow-up No. 15 hit "Who Do You Think You Are," can be found on the 1970s Rhino Records' compilation Super Hits of the '70s: Have a Nice Day, Vol. 13. (right). Murray and Callander had half-written a song called "Billy Don't Be a Hero" when Peter's wife Connie saw Paper Lace win a talent contest on the television series The writers/producers were looking for a strong lead singer to record the story-song and contacted the group through the Opportunity Knocks production office. Paper Lace passed the audition, and Murray and Callander finished the song, adapting it for Paper Lace's style. Released in Britain on their own label, the single went to number one on March 16, 1974. While the song was climbing the British chart, Murray and Callendar were trying to make a deal for the song in the United States. They had already been disappointed with the reaction from Australia and New Zealand, where representatives of EMI had sent them a letter: "You've sent us quite a few records. This is the worst one you've sent us." Negotiations dragged on in America while "Billy, Don't Be a Hero" closed in on the top spot in the United Kingdom. By the time Chicago-based Mercury Records bought the master, it was too late. Producer Steve Barri had heard the Paper Lace version when it was offered to the label he worked for, ABC Records. Certain the song could be a hit in America, ABC Records chief Jay Lasker decided to cut a cover version. "We had signed Bo Donaldson and the Heywoods," Barri recalls. "We cut it that very night and had it out two or three days later." The Heywoods had one previous chart single, "Special Someone," released on Artie Ripp's Family label in late 1972. It made an unimpressive showing at number 64. But the Heywoods, all from Cincinnati, Ohio, had built up a tremendous following from their appearances on Dick Clark's Action '73 television show. The group got its start after keyboards and trumpet player Bo Donaldson's mother, Bea Donaldson, went to work in Clark's Cincinnati office in August, 1966. Soon the Heywoods were touring on Clark's Caravan of Stars, as the opening act for groups like the Rascals, the Raiders and Herman's Hermits. Bo Donaldson and the Heywoods' version of "Billy, Don't Be a Hero" debuted on the Billboard Hot 100 on April 20, 1974, just one week ahead of Paper Lace's version. Many radio stations pitted the two records against each other on the air. Once typical competition took place at WFIL in Philadelphia, where the Heywoods won in a landslide. The program director telephoned Bo Donaldson with the results. "He said he knew we had fans there, but he didn't realize they were crawling out of the woodwork." Paper Lace had to settle for a peak position of 96, while Bo Donaldson and the Heywoods spent two weeks at number one. The Heywoods had one more hit record, "Who Do You Think You Are" (number 15 in September, 1974). Paper Lace had the last laugh just two months later, with the 1940s gangster-themed tune "The Night Chicago Died." - Fred Bronso | UK Number One Songs of the 70s UK Number One Songs of the 70s Updated on November 15, 2015 Source The 1970s Number One Songs on Video 1970s popular music in the UK proved that variety is the spice of life, and the Number One hit songs of the decade reflect this phenomenon. From 1970 onwards, the music scene in Britain changed dramatically and a myriad of musical styles reinforced the varying tastes of the average record buyer. Some of the most popular styles that took the British charts by storm were Glam Rock at the beginning of the decade, progressing to Disco and Punk Rock towards the end. In between saw novelty records, the progression of the rock single and the continuing evolution of teen pop, represented by the likes of David Cassidy, Donny Osmond and the Bay City Rollers. Most of these styles and artists were very popular for a time, and their records sold by the shed load. To see the musical changes across the decade is a fascinating exercise, and so this page brings together all the Number One hits from the UK in a video package, together with some short comments regarding each one. The source for this compilation is the Record Retailer/Music Week chart, which was broadcast by the BBC each Sunday evening. Source Matthews' Southern Comfort UK Number One Hits of 1970 31st Jan (5 weeks) Edison Lighthouse - Love Grows (Where My Rosemary Goes): Only ever UK Number One for this studio act. Lead singer Tony Burrows also sang on hits for many other groups. 7th Mar (3 weeks) Lee Marvin - Wandrin' Star: Only UK Number One for this actor with a song from the film Paint Your Wagon. 28th Mar (3 weeks) Simon & Garfunkel - Bridge Over Troubled Water: Surprisingly, the duo's only ever UK Number One. Only Art Garfunkel sings on this classic, but Paul Simon went on to greater solo success, even though he never had a UK Number One again, while Garfunkel did. 18th Apr (2 weeks) Dana - All Kinds Of Everything: First Eurovision Song Contest winner for Ireland. Her chart career was short-lived and this was her only UK Number One. 2nd May (2 weeks) Norman Greenbaum - Spirit In The Sky: Only ever UK Number One for Greenbaum with a self-penned song. Doctor & The Medics took the track to Number One again in 1986. 16th May (3 weeks) England World Cup Squad - Back Home: Mexico World Cup Football sing-along by the 1970 England team. 6th Jun (1 week) Christie - Yellow River: Only ever UK Number One for Jeff Christie with a song he wrote for the Tremeloes. They turned it down, so he recorded it himself. 13th Jun (7 weeks) Mungo Jerry - In The Summertime: First UK Number One for this group led by Ray Dorset. 1st Aug (6 weeks) Elvis Presley - The Wonder Of You: Elvis revived his career in Las Vegas and this was a live recording from his show. At this point, he was only one behind the Beatles as this was his 16th UK Number One. 12th Sep (1 week) Smokey Robinson & The Miracles - Tears Of A Clown: First UK Number One for Motown singer Smokey Robinson who would have to wait another 11 years before hitting the top spot again. 19th Sep (6 weeks) Freda Payne - Band Of Gold: Only ever UK Number One for this American actress. 31st Oct (3 weeks) Matthews' Southern Comfort - Woodstock: Written by Canadian folk legend Joni Mitchell, MSC's only UK Number One was about the famous rock festival of 1969. 21st Nov (1 week) Jimi Hendrix - Voodoo Chile: Posthumous Number One for the American guitar legend who died in London a couple of months earlier. 28th Nov (6 weeks) Dave Edmunds - I Hear You Knockin': Only ever UK Number One for Dave Edmunds who had further hit single success later in the Seventies. Source Slade UK Number One Hits of 1971 January 5 ( 3 weeks) Clive Dunn - Grandad: Only UK Number One for this Dad's Army star who gained sales on the back of seasonal sentimentality. January 26 (5 weeks) George Harrison - My Sweet Lord: First UK Number One for the ex-Beatle. Following the song's release, musical similarities between it and The Chiffons' hit He's So Fine led to a lengthy legal battle over the rights to the composition. March 2 (2 weeks) Mungo Jerr |
"Who won the Best Actor Oscar for his role in Billy Wilder's 1953 film ""Stalag 17""?" | Stalag 17 (1953) - IMDb IMDb 17 January 2017 8:05 PM, UTC NEWS There was an error trying to load your rating for this title. Some parts of this page won't work property. Please reload or try later. X Beta I'm Watching This! Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. Error When two escaping American World War II prisoners are killed, the German POW camp barracks black marketeer, J.J. Sefton, is suspected of being an informer. Director: Billy Wilder (written for the screen by), Edwin Blum (written for the screen by) | 2 more credits » Stars: a list of 33 titles created 09 Feb 2011 a list of 35 titles created 12 Jul 2012 a list of 35 titles created 14 Jan 2015 a list of 25 titles created 7 months ago a list of 26 titles created 6 months ago Search for " Stalag 17 " on Amazon.com Connect with IMDb Want to share IMDb's rating on your own site? Use the HTML below. You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. Won 1 Oscar. Another 1 win & 5 nominations. See more awards » Photos The desperate life of a chronic alcoholic is followed through a four-day drinking bout. Director: Billy Wilder A frustrated former big-city journalist now stuck working for an Albuquerque newspaper exploits a story about a man trapped in a cave to re-jump start his career, but the situation quickly escalates into an out-of-control circus. Director: Billy Wilder In West Berlin during the Cold War, a Coca-Cola executive is given the task of taking care of his boss' socialite daughter. Director: Billy Wilder A playboy becomes interested in the daughter of his family's chauffeur, but it's his more serious brother who would be the better man for her. Director: Billy Wilder An up-and-coming pool player plays a long-time champion in a single high-stakes match. Director: Robert Rossen Due to his insistence that he has an invisible six foot-tall rabbit for a best friend, a whimsical middle-aged man is thought by his family to be insane - but he may be wiser than anyone knows. Director: Henry Koster A crooked lawyer persuades his brother-in-law to feign a serious injury. Director: Billy Wilder Private detective Philip Marlowe is hired by a rich family. Before the complex case is over, he's seen murder, blackmail, and what might be love. Director: Howard Hawks In Paris, a former policeman falls in love with a prostitute, and tries to get her out of that life by paying for all of her time. Director: Billy Wilder A senator, who became famous for killing a notorious outlaw, returns for the funeral of an old friend and tells the truth about his deed. Director: John Ford An insurance representative lets himself be talked into a murder/insurance fraud scheme that arouses an insurance investigator's suspicions. Director: Billy Wilder When his family goes away for the summer, a so far faithful husband is tempted by a beautiful neighbor. Director: Billy Wilder Edit Storyline It's a dreary Christmas 1944 for the American POWs in Stalag 17. For the men in Barracks 4, all sergeants, have to deal with a grave problem - there seems to be a security leak. The Germans always seem to be forewarned about escapes and in the most recent attempt the two men, Manfredi and Johnson, walked straight into a trap and were killed. For some in Barracks 4, especially the loud-mouthed Duke, the leaker is obvious: J.J. Sefton, a wheeler-dealer who doesn't hesitate to trade with the guards and who has acquired goods and privileges that no other prisoner seems to have. Sefton denies giving the Germans any information and makes it quite clear that he has no intention of ever trying to escape. He plans to ride out the war in what little comfort he can arrange, but it doesn't extend to spying for the Germans. As tensions mount and a mob mentality takes root, it becomes obvious that Sefton will have to find the real snitch if he is to have any peace and avoid the beatings Duke and ... Written by garykmcd See All (78) » Taglines: Hilarious, heart-tugging! You'll laugh...you'll cry...you'll cheer William Holden in his great Academy Award role! (from rei | Screen Junkies 10 Holocaust Films something here If you love films about the Holocaust , you'll love reading this list of 10 Holocaust films. Holocaust films are not always easy to find even though many have been made, but this should help you out and you may even see a few movies you have missed in the past. "Schindler's List" This movie was released in 1993 by director Steven Spielberg and starred Ben Kingsley , Liam Neeson and Ralph Fiennes. It was a haunting story about Oskar Schindler and how he saved hundreds of his Jews during WWII. This movie won numerous awards and accolades. "Holocaust" This television movie appeared in 1978 starring Meryl Streep and James Woods and is about a Jewish family during the Holocaust. It won a Golden Globe award and is highly praised. "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas" This 2008 movie stars David Thewlis and Vera Farmiga and is about a young German boy who befriends a Jewish boy in the concentration camp his father oversees. With a heartbreaking ending, this movie is one of the most haunting. "Sophie's Choice" Starring Meryl Streep and Kevin Kline, this 1982 movie told the story of Sophie's choice during the Nazi regime and its effects on her life long after the war is over. It shows how a person can be affected for many years after an experience. "The Devil's Arithmetic" This 1999 television movie featured Kirsten Dunst as a Jewish teen. She experiences a concentration camp when she is sent back in time during a Jewish dinner with her family. "Life is Beautiful" This 1997 film won three Oscars at the Academy Awards . It tells the story of a Jewish man who uses laughter and jokes to get his son through every day life of the death camps. "The Pianist" This movie starred Adrien Brody, who won an Oscar for his performance, as a Polish-Jewish pianist during the destruction of the Warsaw Ghetto during WWII. It was written by Roman Polanski whose own parents were in the Holocaust. "The Reader" Based on a book, this film starred Kate Winslet and Ralph Fiennes and debuted in 2008. It told the relationship of a young boy and his older lover and how he later defends her against war crimes during the Holocaust. Kate Winslet won an Oscar for her portrayal in the movie. "Defiance" "Defiance" was released in 2008 and starred Daniel Craig and Liev Schreiber as Jewish brothers . The brothers join Russian fighters to protect Jewish non-combatant citizens during the Holocaust. "Sunshine" This 1999 movie starred Ralph Fiennes and Rachel Weisz. It's about a Hungarian Jewish family during the Holocaust. It spanned over three generations and Ralph Fiennes played a character in all three. Although the topic is harsh, these Holocaust films are some of the best there are and while you may have seen some of them, hopefully there's a new movie that you haven't come across and can add to your watch list. |
After singing at La Fenice in 1960, which soprano was known as ‘La Stupenda’? | Dame Joan Sutherland: Soprano known as 'La Stupenda' | The Independent Dame Joan Sutherland: Soprano known as 'La Stupenda' Monday 11 October 2010 23:00 BST Click to follow The Independent Online Joan Sutherland's career was so solid and durable – and those are miserable words for a thing of such brilliance – that it might seem perverse to fix on one night of it. But 17 February 1959 was the date, and the occasion, a performance of Lucia di Lammermoor at the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, the stuff that legends are made of. "Yes, yes," people say as if to wave away the subject, quieten the old opera-bore, soothe a child who tells of improbable adventures which you know the real world lacks resources to supply, But no: that night was one of the great events of a lifetime, and the voice of wonder is not so easily silenced. Besides, this scepticism about Sutherland was familiar from the start. Outside the theatre I had arranged to meet a friend who had not been to the show and whom I found talking with some critics and other important people who had. A lustreless, unimpressed little group stood there: mouths were set like those of mothers who observe the delinquency of next door's horrible little Dennis, eyelids droops and unseeing gazes fixed upon some indifferent object in the middle distance. "Didn't she look awful with that red hair!" said someone. And all the while within myself there struggled for coherent expression the sensations of one who has seen (and heard) miracles. Then, eventually, the important ones sighed their "Ah wells" and drifted back to Highgate or St John's Wood, and the lid could begin to bob up and down on the kettle, and something of the wonder steaming away inside managed to find release. It would be much more satisfactory if one could say that what had so impressed had been the newly revealed dramatic impact of the work, that the producer's insight had shown it to be an opera about the subcutaneous disorders of a gain-motivated society. And certainly the opera had proved its power over the emotions and the production had gladdened eye as well as ears. Moreover, it had been well acted. Everybody who was there remembers Lucy's first appearance on the spiral staircase in the Mad Scene, and the way horrified and fascinated onlookers flinched as she turned towards them. Sutherland herself acted with complete conviction and moved with touching beauty and grace. But the great thing, the quality that set this as a night apart, was something else. It was the triumph of voice. Sutherland's voice was then completely steady. It was also (and so remained till very near the time of her retirement) entirely free from surface-scratch, those layers of extraneous sound which the majority of professional voices acquire, often in a very short time: hers remained pure. It was also quite exceptionally ample in volume. There are problems about comparing the "size" of voices, but my strong recollection is that Sutherland's was a more house-filling tone than Callas's even in her prime; it was certainly much fuller than others we heard at that time in the same or comparable roles. The middle range was not its glory, yet there was warmth and substance in it. She also had a chest voice which, though sparingly used, helped to colour and give dramatic force: Lucy's cry of "il fantasma" remained vivid in the memory because of it. But the thrills came from on high. It is ridiculous to talk about high notes as though they don't matter or are some kind of stunt irrelevant to the real art of music. When music is written with high notes, the music itself is spoiled if the high notes are shrill or thin or strained in tone; conversely, when the notes are beautiful the music can begin to glow. It was so with Lucia. There was one breathtakingly beautiful phrase in the cadenza of the Mad Scene at which, if one is to pinpoint a certain moment in the performance, a thrill passed through the whole house. This was the reminiscence of the melody from Act I, "Verranno a te", sung now without words. The phrase is usually broken off before t | La Fenice Opera House in Venice, | Expedia La Fenice Opera House La Fenice Opera House, current page Previous image, 9 total items. Next image, 9 total items. La Fenice Opera House Tour the lavish interior of one of Italy's most prestigious music venues then enjoy an evening of classic or experimental opera. To experience an operatic performance at La Fenice Opera House is to watch some of the world's best singers in a lavishly decorated auditorium. The 18th-century theater is one of Europe's premier locations for the introduction of new operas. Performing at La Fenice Opera House helped launch the careers of Verdi and Rossini. Among the operatic stars to have graced its stage are Luciano Pavarotti and Joan Sutherland. The English translation of the venue's name is “the phoenix” and it has lived up to its mythical namesake by rising from the ashes of three fires. Each time, the building has been restored to its original splendor. The last reconstruction began in 2001; the designers studied photographs and the first few minutes of a 1950s film which had been shot there. Before watching an operatic spectacle, take the time to marvel at your surroundings. Look up at the beautiful ceiling with its large chandelier and the carvings of cherubs. Appreciate the ornate decor of the rows of private boxes. Note the extensive gold leaf work throughout the auditorium. For a supplementary fee, go on a guided tour of the theater. They take place during the day and include backstage areas and the royal box. For details of opera, ballet, classical and chamber music performances, visit the official website of La Fenice Opera House. See if there are any experimental performances scheduled during your visit. The opera house has a program which supports young composers. Tours take place from morning until early evening and there are various options available, including with an English speaking guide or audio guide. La Fenice Opera House is less than 1 mile (1.6 kilometers) from Piazza San Marco. If you are driving to the city, park in one of the parking garages at Piazzale Roma. To reach the theater from the water, take a ferry to Santa Maria del Giglio. Explore More of Venice |
What thickening agent found in gummy confectionery etc., defined as a food and produced from animal by-products, has the E Number 441? | The Food Timeline: history notes-candy While we Americans tend to think of candy in terms of supermarket and convenience stores displays, this sweet culinary family offers a much broader and complicated lineage. Food historians propose the first sweets were consumed as a sort of medical treatment for digestive troubles. Today's cough drops and peppermint sticks descend from this tradition. As time and technology progressed, so did the art of confectionery. The English word "candy" derives from Arabic "qandi," meaning something made with sugar. Indeed, the first candies were sugar coated nuts, seeds and fruits. Jujubes , licorice and marshmallows are a prime examples of ancient medicine becoming modern candy. Conserves and preserves (fruit preserved in sugar) eventually became their own type of food; typically paired toast or spread between cookies and cakes. "All of the peoples of antiquity made sweetmeats of honey before they had sugar: the Chinese, the Indians, the people of the Middle East, the Egyptians and then the Greeks and Romas used it coat fruits, flowers, and the seeds or stems of plants, to preserve them for use as an ingredient in the kind of confectionery still made in those countries today. Confectioner and preserves featured in the most sumptuous of Athenian banquets, and were an ornament to Roman feasts at the time of the Satyricon, but it seems that after that the barbarian invasions Europe forgot them for a while, except at certain wealthy courts were Eastern products were eaten...At the height of the Middle Ages sweetmeats reappeared, on the tables of the wealthy at first...In fact the confectionery of the time began as a marriage of spices and sugar, and was intended to have a therapeutic or at least preventative function, as an aid to digestive troubles due to the excessive intake of food which was neither very fresh nor very well balanced...guests were in the habit of carrying these sweetmeats to their rooms to be taken at night. They were contained in little comfit-boxes or drageoirs...." ---History of Food, Maguelonne Toussaint-Samat [Barnes & Noble Books:New York] 1992 (p. 565-6) [NOTE: This book has an excellent chapter on the history of confectionery and preserves. Ask your librarian to help you find a copy.] "Candy...The ancient Egyptians preserved nuts and fruits with honey, and by the Middle Ages physicians had learned how to mask the bad taste of their medicines with sweetness, a practice still widespread. Boiled "sugar plums were known in the seventeenth-century England and soon were to appear in the American colonies where maple-syrup candy was popular in the North and benne-seed [sesame seed] confections were just as tempting in the South. In New Amersterdam one could enjoy "marchpane," or "marzipan," which is very old decorative candy made from almonds ground into a sweet paste. While the British called such confections, "sweetmeats," Americans came to call "candy," from the Arabic qandi, "made of sugar," although one finds "candy" in English as early as the fifteenth century...Caramels were known in the early eighteenth century and lollipops by the 1780s..."Hard candies" made from lemon or peppermint flavors were popular in the early nineteenth century...A significant moment in candy history occured at the 1851 Great Exhibition in London, where "French-style" candies with rich cream centers were first displayed...But it was the discovery of milk chocolate in Switzerland in 1875 that made the American candy bar such a phenomenon of the late nineteenth century." ---Encyclopedia of American Food and Drink, John F. Mariani [Lebhar-Friedman:New York] 1999 (p. 54-5) [NOTE: This source has much more information than can be paraphrased. Ask your librarian to help you find a copy. It also contains separate entries for specific types of candies.] Recommended reading The general concensus of newspaper articles and Web sites place the origin of "sponge candy" in upstate New York. Buffalo appears to be the epicenter. We find much information about the current product but scant details regarding th | Slang terms at the Front - The British Library Slang terms at the Front Julian Walker explores the growth of slang used by soldiers in the trenches from describing food to alternate names for allies and enemies. Food The limited diet of the British soldier in the front line included Tickler’s Plum and Apple Jam, known as ‘pozzy’ (possibly from a South African word for ‘preserved food’), ‘biscuit’, a hard-baked bread that had seen service for many years in Britain’s armies and navies, and ‘bully beef’, whose name may have come from the French boeuf bouillé (boiled beef) or possibly from the picture of a bull’s head on many tin designs. ‘Gippo’, stew or thick gravy, probably derived from a term used in the 17th and 18th centuries to denote a kitchen servant. Rum was delivered to the front in jars labelled SRD, interpreted as ‘seldom reaches destination’. Available behind the lines in French bars were ‘Bombardier Fritz’ (pommes de terre frites – chips) with ‘oofs’ and ‘pang’, and ‘plonk’ (vin blanc – white wine). Experiences common to European armies at the time – poor food and the logistics of transport – provided similar terms for poor quality butter or margarine: ‘axlegrease’ and the German Wagenschmiere (wagongrease). Soldiers grew adept at getting hold of food by various means; terms included ‘mumping’, ‘winning’, ‘cadging’, ‘humming’, ‘making’, ‘boning’, ‘souveniring’ and ‘hot-stuffing’. Some of these terms were invented at the time while others dated back centuries. Cook book for the trenches Cookbook for soldiers in the trenches published in 1915 giving simple recipes that could be made with few ingredients. Free from known copyright restrictions Materiel Many of the terms for weapons and artillery were remarkably similar on both sides of no man’s land, indicating a similarity of attitude, that the soldier had two enemies, the opposing forces and the war itself. Germans and British used the same terms for the German stick-grenade – a potato-masher – both sides had a ‘Black Maria’, and both sides used a German name for an aeroplane – a ‘Taube’. Some of these terms became indelibly associated with the war: ‘whizz-bangs’ speaks explicitly of the soldier’s experience of knowing how to identify a particular kind of incoming shell, and what action might be worth taking. ‘Jack Johnson’, referencing the black heavyweight champion boxer, was for a shell which created a large amount of black smoke. ‘Moaning Minnie’ referred to the German trench mortar or Minenwerfer, the term carrying overtones of familiarity and humour. Names for troops: ‘Tommy’ and ‘Foot Slogger’ Documentation of ‘Tommy Atkins’, the archetypical name for the British soldier, dates back to 1815. ‘Tommy’ became immortalised in the first of Rudyard Kipling’s Barrack Room Ballads, published in 1892: O it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' “Tommy, go away”; But it's “Thank you, Mister Atkins," when the band begins to play, The band begins to play, my boys, the band begins to play, O it's “Thank you, Mr. Atkins," when the band begins to play. The name ‘Tommy’ was used universally throughout the First World War, by both sides. Some correspondence to The Times in 1914 indicates that not everyone felt well-disposed towards the name. ‘An Ensign of 1848’ wrote on 23 October: ‘May I ... suggest that the time has now come ... to put a period to the use of the nickname ‘Tommies’? ... To hear these British soldiers referred to in depreciatory patronage as ‘Tommies’ by those who stay at home ... is unseemly and exasperating.’ Three days later another reader wrote that if you were to ask ‘a company of Garrison Artillery what they think of the name and of the verses in which it was first enshrined the reply was startling and anything but complimentary to the author of the verses.’ It is possible that this was a matter of opinion which differed between individuals, regiments, platoons, and any groupings of soldiers. Certainly there are clear indications of its being used by soldiers: the trench paper The Salient for Christmas 1915 advertises The Buzzer, the paper of the 49th |
The Bluebell Railway and Arundel Castle are in which English county? | Sussex UK Travel Guide Regions - South East - Sussex Sussex Due to its strategic location on the south coast, Sussex has always played an essential part in both communications and the defence of England. Beachy Head © GSP Spanning nearly 1500 sq miles, East and West Sussex boast over 100 miles of spectacular coastline, flanking the English Channel. Used as a point of invasion since Roman times, the Sussex coastline flourished during the Victorian era with the creation of many popular seaside resorts, such as Brighton , Eastbourne and Hastings. Inland, Sussex has a varying countryside, from the clay valleys of the weald to the stunning chalk escarpments of the South Downs. The South Downs National Park provides some of the UK's most glorious waking terrain. Including the South Downs Way , a public bridleway that runs for over 80 miles from Eastbourne to the Hampshire border. East Sussex is host to some of England's most iconic landscapes, not least of which is the spectacular white cliffs at Beachy Head. This area is also home to many historic towns such as Battle and Hastings, including the ancient Saxon county town of Lewes, famous for one of the best preserved castle barbicans in England. Sussex is also the birthplace of the game of cricket, which started some 1500 years ago as a game played by local children. However, it was not until 1611 that adults were first recorded as playing the game. 'No breeze so fresh and invigorating as that of the Sussex Downs; no turf so springy to the feet as the soft greensward.' Ainsworth | The Furness Peninsula in the County of Cumbria – Visit Cumbria The Furness Peninsula in south west Cumbria area is divided into Low Furness and High Furness. Low Furness is the peninsula and juts out into the Irish Sea. It delineates the western edge of Morecambe Bay. The southern end of the peninsula is dominated by the bay’s tidal mudflats. The long thin island of Walney lies off the peninsula’s south-west coast. High Furness is the northern part of the area, that is not on the peninsula itself. Much of it is within the Lake District National Park, and contains the Furness Fells. It borders England’s largest body of water, Windermere . Additionally, the Cartmel Peninsula is often included in definitions of Furness, though strictly speaking Cartmel is not part of Furness, forming a separate peninsula between the estuaries of the rivers Leven and Kent. The town of Barrow-in-Furness dominates the region with about 60% of the population. Other principal settlements of the region are Ulverston, Dalton-in-Furness, Coniston, Broughton-in-Furness, and Askam and Ireleth. The population of Furness stands at around 100,000. The Low Furness Peninsula has been inhabited by people for at least 3,000 years and the history and archaeology add to the influences left by Druids, Romans, Vikings, and the Victorians. The area has miles of wild and diverse coastline to explore from the endless sands of Bardsea beach to the atmospheric Roa Island and Piel Island. Inland are the limestone pavements, and the heights of Birkrigg Common with its views of Morecambe Bay and of the nearby Lakeland fells. St Mary and St Michael’s Church at Great Urswick is the oldest church in the Furness area. There is little evidence of Roman inhabitation unlike the north of the county, but tradition has suggested that the church of St Mary & St Michael dates to this time, and may even have been a monastery. Support for this belief is based on the discovery of a Viking cross in 1909,and in 1911 the Tunwinni Cross was found and dated by W.G. Collingwood as 9th Century. These cross fragments are on view inside the Church. As the border of William the Conqueror’s kingdom moved northwards, the status of Furness became more settled and the latter Middle Ages saw dominance by the monks of Furness Abbey . Furness Abbey was one of the richest Cistercian monasteries in England, exceeded only by Fountains Abbey in Yorkshire. The soaring ruins of red sandstone soak up the grandeur of this 900 year old site. Located in a peaceful valley, the majestic remains of Furness Abbey once housed the flourishing community of a wealthy order. The Abbey developed a harbour on Walney Island to promote its trade in wool and iron, and built a castle at Piel on a small island off the coast of what is now Barrow for protection. At Dalton in Furness , nearby, is a 14th Century Pele Tower, Dalton Castle , which was used by the Abbey as an administrative centre and court house. Buildings from this age are in the traditional sandstone of the region, which was later used for the gothic style town hall of Barrow-in-Furness in the Victorian era. Barrow-in-Furness Town Hall, by W.H. Lynn (1877) The fortunes of Furness changed dramatically in 1840s and 1850s, when William Schneider found iron ore deposits at Dalton-in-Furness. These deposits were spread throughout the Dalton area in Askam, Lindal & Roose as well as Dalton. The Furness Railway was built to transport this ore with the first line running from Kirkby to Dalton, then extended down to Rampside at Barrow-in-Furness, and later extended to Ulverston, and then Lancaster. The iron ore and steelworks were, at their time, the biggest in the world. The population of Barrow-in-Furness rose from a few families to 47,000 by 1881. Iron and steel soon gave over to shipbuilding in Low Furness, with Barrow’s docks becoming one of the largest in the United Kingdom and submarine development becoming a speciality of the town. The shipyard in Barrow remains England’s only nuclear submarine facility in the country. The Devonshire Dock |
Which English cricket county did W. G. Grace represent? | W.G. Grace | England Cricket | Cricket Players and Officials | ESPN Cricinfo 1865 - 1908 Profile It is more than 150 years since WG Grace was born, but there are other ways of measuring how distant he is in time. For one thing, no one still alive, not even Jim Swanton, can remember seeing him play (although in Sort Of A Cricket Person, EWS notes that "I am supposed to have watched [him] from my perambulator on the Forest Hill ground round 1910"). Eight decades have passed since Grace died, yet he dogs us still, demanding our attention at regular intervals. The statistics of his career are alone enough to explain why - more than 54,000 first-class runs (there are at least two different versions of the precise figure, so let's leave it at that) spread across 44 seasons, including 839 in just eight days of 1876, when he hit a couple of triple-centuries, and only one other batsman managed to top a thousand runs in the entire season; a thousand in May in 1895, when he was nearly 47; and 2800-odd wickets costing less than 18 runs apiece. I suppose we might wonder why his bowling average wasn't even more impressive, given the ropey pitches on which Dr Grace played. No modern cricketer would deign to turn out on them, which makes his batting all the more wondrous, and comparisons with Bradman or anyone since quite pointless. But there was not that much to Grace apart from these skills and his devotion to his family. A hand of whist appears to have marked the limit of his capacity for cerebration, and if one wished to be rude to suburbia one might identify Grace as suburban man incarnate, fluctuating mentally as well as physically between the fringes of Bristol and the London Counties, ultimately coming to rest in Eltham. His one inherited asset was that he came from a clan which was dotty about a great game and dutiful (but in some cases no more) about the general practice of medicine, with no doubt in its collective mind which came first at all times and in all places. His brother EM Grace, who was a coroner, once had a corpse put on ice until he could attend to it at close of play, and WG himself must have had one of the most prolonged medical trainings in history because he so frequently interrupted it in order to exercise his major talent at the crease. He began to study as a bachelor of 19, and was a father of three in his thirties before taking his final qualification at Westminster Hospital. His most conspicuous act as a doctor is thought to have occurred when an unfortunate fieldsman impaled himself on the boundary fence at Old Trafford. It was simply because the cricketing Grace totally dominated his own era that an exasperated CLR James could not understand why standard history books of the period never mentioned him. This man, for heaven's sake, opened for England at the age of 50 - and at the age of 18 he had scored 224 not out for England against Surrey, in a match which he left halfway through in order to win a quarter-mile hurdles championship at the Crystal Palace! No wonder he was the best-known Englishman apart from Mr Gladstone, so much so that Evelyn Waugh's friend, Monsignor Ronnie Knox, waggishly suggested that Gladstone and Grace were really one and the same celebrity. Athletic is not a word that obviously comes to mind when contemplating Grace in his prime, though a slim young man did precede the pot-bellied genius, who in middle age was far too heavy for any horse to bear. I have often wondered how stylishly he played his strokes ever since I saw some film in which he appeared to be brandishing his bat as though he was about to poke the fire with it. Something tells me that he never hit the ball as gracefully as Victor Trumper did in the famous photo of his straight drive; Grace, I suspect, was much more about power than aesthetics. That, at any rate, would fit what we know of his character in general. Apart from tenderness to his relatives and a generous soft spot for children, he was not, I think, a particularly attractive man, though he could sometimes (and it is usually recorded as remarkable) encour | The highest score in Test cricket | Cricket | ESPN Cricinfo The progression of the record April 12, 2004 The highest score in Test cricket The highest individual score in Test cricket - batting's blue-riband record - has only changed hands ten times since the first Test of all, 127 years ago in 1876-77. Here's how the bar has been raised: Charles Bannerman: first holder 165* - Charles Bannerman Australia v England, Melbourne, 1876-77 Neatly, the man who scored the first run in Test cricket extended his innings to 165 before being forced to retire hurt with a hand injury. Charles Bannerman, 25, dominated Australia's innings in this inaugural Test, scoring 67.3% of his side's total - still a Test record for a completed innings. 211 - Billy Murdoch Australia v England, The Oval, 1884 Bannerman's record lasted seven and a half years, until Billy Murdoch hit Test cricket's first double-century, in a huge Australian total of 551. But England hung on for a draw in what was only a three-day match. Murdoch, who later played a Test for England too, was 29, and Australia's captain, at the time. 287 - Tip Foster England v Australia, Sydney, 1903-04 Reginald Erskine "Tip" Foster, the only man to captain England at cricket and football, marked his Test debut with an amazing innings. It remains the highest score by a player in his first Test, and is still England's highest in Australia. Foster, 25, put on 130 for the tenth wicket with Wilfred Rhodes (40*) as England posted a matchwinning total of 577. 325 - Andy Sandham England v West Indies, Kingston, 1929-30 Playing in what turned out to be his last Test, three months short of his 40th birthday, Surrey's Andy Sandham scored 325 as England ran up 849 in a supposedly timeless Test - ironically, though, the match was left drawn when the England team had to catch the boat home. Despite a first-innings lead of 563, the England captain, Freddie Gough-Calthorpe, didn't enforce the follow-on: his eventual declaration left West Indies just 836 to win. They made 408 for 5 ... 334 - Don Bradman Australia v England, Headingley, 1930 Three months later the record changed hands again, and to no-one's great surprise it was Australia's "Boy Wonder" who broke it. Don Bradman was only 21, and in the middle of a record-breaking tour of England in which he made those who had doubted his ability to score runs on English pitches eat their words. He scored 974 runs in the Tests - still a record - 309 of them on the first day at Headingley. 336* - Wally Hammond England v New Zealand, Auckland, 1932-33 Hammond, second only to Bradman as a batsman at the time, eclipsed The Don's record with a murderous innings against a weak New Zealand side in 1932-33. Hammond, 29, smashed ten sixes and 34 fours, and his 300 came up in 288 minutes, still Test cricket's fastest in terms of time. Since Hammond had made 227 in the first of the two Tests that followed the acrimonious Bodyline tour of Australia, he finished with a series average of 563. 364 - Len Hutton England v Australia, The Oval, 1938 Hutton, 22, took advantage of a benign pitch and a toothless Australian attack to beat the record in what had become, with the series undecided, a timeless Test. Hutton hit 35 fours in what was England's 100th century against Australia, and their eventual 903 for 7 remains the highest in Ashes Tests. Hammond, by then England's captain, apparently didn't declare until he was assured that Bradman, who had injured his leg while having a rare bowl, wouldn't be able to bat. 365* - Garry Sobers West Indies v Pakistan, Kingston, 1957-58 Sobers had played some promising cameos before he extended his maiden Test century past 300 to come of age as international cricketer (well, he was 21 at the time). He hit 38 fours, and piled on 446 for the second wicket with Conrad Hunte (260) as West Indies took advantage of a depleted Pakistan attack - one opening bowler pulled a thigh muscle in his first over, and another fractured his thumb - to set a record that lasted for 36 years. 375 - Brian Lara West Indies v England, St John's, 1993-94 Sobe |
Which fruit juice is added to champagne to make a Bellini cocktail? | Classic Bellini Cocktail Recipe - Allrecipes.com made it | 0 reviews Recipe by: ScandoGirl "The Bellini was created in the late 1930s to early 1940s by Guiseppe Cipriani at the legendary Harry's Bar in Venice, a favorite hangout for expats including Ernest Hemingway, Sinclair Lewis, and Orson Welles. The fruity cocktail owes its name and color to Cipriani's fascination with Giovanni Bellini, a 15th-century Venetian artist. Originally prepared with Prosecco and white peach puree, it's perfectly acceptable to use yellow peach puree or prepared peach nectar and/or peach schnapps. Sip and feel sophisticated!" | UK television adverts 1955-1985 • Children’s songs and games Drinks (alcoholic) There were virtually no advertisements for spirits into the 1960s (due to a secret cartel between the manufacturers) Ansells Bitter: 1983 Showing lads’ night out, with laughing and drinking. Ansell's Bitter men, you can’t beat them. Babycham (1) [with a baby chamois deer] Babycham? I’d love a Babycham, The genuine champagne perry. Mine’s a Babycham! Babycham (3) A man in a bar asks for a Babycham, and it goes very quiet and everyone looks on in horror Cool, tough-looking black guy: Hey, I’ll have a Babycham!” Then everybody wants one. Bring out your best — Bud light Budweiser (3) For all you do, this Bud’s for you! Budweiser (4) Budweiser — the King of beers! Budweiser (5) When you say “Budweiser” you’ve said it all! Budweiser (6) This Bud’s for you. True. Bulmers Cider: 1968 Bulmer’s Strongbow Cider (1) [William Tell shooting apple off his son’s head: but what were the words?] Bulmer’s Strongbow Cider (2) Live to loaf! Bulmer’s Strongbow Cider (3) ... It's refreshing and clean If you know what I mean, And sparkles a bit in the glass.... So the next time you're out for the evening and ... A change is as good as a rest Have a Strongbow or two And keep smiling through, ’Cos Strongbow's a pint of the best. Bulmer’s Strongbow Cider (4): c.1970 Strong as your thirst! Based on “Je suis un rock star” by Bill Wyman Girl: Went to a cocktail bar … in Leicester Square Met this bloke …said he was a millionaire, Bought me a drink … called Calviere Sounds a bit French … and it’s made with pears. Man: C’est Française … like what I am, Je suis un rock star … j’ai un residarnce, Un grand château …à la south of France.” Girl: Get away! You work in the chip shop around the corner! [Screenshot of Calviere being poured into a Babycham type glass with a cherry] Campari: 1977 Gentleman: It’s very odd, I don’t even know your name — but after this one Campari and soda, I feel I almost know you. May I freshen your glass? Er, soda of course? Cockney girl: No, lemonade! Cockney girl: Yeah, nice colour innit? Voice-over: Campari with soda, with lemonade, with tonic — but always with pleasure. Gentleman: Were you truly wafted here from paradise? Cockney girl: No, Luton airport! [with Lorraine Chase] I bet he drinks Carling Black Label. Carling Black Label (3) An old fisherman salt battles with a giant squid and torrential weather, then bursts through the pub door saying: I’ve never known a night like it … and I ain’t looking forward to the journey home neither! One customer to another: I bet he drinks Carling Black Label! Then the pub is shown -- built on a small island in the middle of a boating lake, with a sign outside saying “Row boats for hire”…. Carling Black Label (4) Scene: Two men flying in an aeroplane, and a window cleaner starts working on the outside of their window First passenger: Bet he drinks Carling Black Label! Second passenger: Naaah! he’s missed a bit. Carling Black Label (5) Your best bet for a fuller flavour — Carling Black Label lager. Carling Black Label (5): 1981 Carling (Carling Black label) I’ve got it right — my Jack’s favourite one! He says it saves him money! Carling Black Label I’ve got this — he’s got that! I’ve got it right — end of chat! Carling Black Label — get it right! [A variant commercial has: “We’ve got it right: no frills, no fuss, it’s OK by us!” as the spoken lines.] ?Carling: 1970s Scene: a Birmingham curry house. A man is quietly scoffing the main course in mixed company, who begin to notice his apparent discomfort and that he’s beginning to puff, obviously feeling the heat. Woman companion: Eh, ’e’s looking really flushed…. Curry eater: Nah, it’s all right this. The lager they order for him clearly quenches his needs. Woman companion: Bet that’s cooled his biryani. Carlsberg lager: 1973 Mankind sometimes sees things in a rather peculiar way. We often admire works of art almost because of their imperfections. (a few bars of the unfinished symphony played here) The Danes however, believe there are |
Actor Nicholas Cage plays gun-runner Yuri Orlov in which 2005 film? | Lord of War (2005) - IMDb IMDb 31 December 2016 1:22 AM, UTC NEWS There was an error trying to load your rating for this title. Some parts of this page won't work property. Please reload or try later. X Beta I'm Watching This! Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. Error An arms dealer confronts the morality of his work as he is being chased by an Interpol agent. Director: From $2.99 (SD) on Amazon Video ON DISC a list of 33 titles created 05 Aug 2012 a list of 30 titles created 26 Apr 2013 a list of 37 titles created 13 Jan 2014 a list of 21 titles created 26 Sep 2015 a list of 37 titles created 02 Jan 2016 Title: Lord of War (2005) 7.6/10 Want to share IMDb's rating on your own site? Use the HTML below. You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. 2 wins & 2 nominations. See more awards » Videos In order to foil an extortion plot, an FBI agent undergoes a face-transplant surgery and assumes the identity and physical appearance of a ruthless terrorist, but the plan turns from bad to worse when the same criminal impersonates the cop. Director: John Woo A retired master car thief must come back to the industry and steal 50 cars with his crew in one night to save his brother's life. Director: Dominic Sena Newly paroled ex-con and former U.S. Ranger Cameron Poe finds himself trapped in a prisoner transport plane when the passengers seize control. Director: Simon West A Las Vegas magician who can see into the future is pursued by FBI agents seeking to use his abilities to prevent a nuclear terrorist attack. Director: Lee Tamahori A mild-mannered chemist and an ex-con must lead the counterstrike when a rogue group of military men, led by a renegade general, threaten a nerve gas attack from Alcatraz against San Francisco. Director: Michael Bay M.I.T. professor John Koestler links a mysterious list of numbers from a time capsule to past and future disasters and sets out to prevent the ultimate catastrophe. Director: Alex Proyas Two hip detectives protect a murder witness while investigating a case of stolen heroin. Director: Michael Bay A phobic con artist and his protégé are on the verge of pulling off a lucrative swindle when the former's teenage daughter arrives unexpectedly. Director: Ridley Scott A lawyer becomes a target by a corrupt politician and his NSA goons when he accidentally receives key evidence to a serious politically motivated crime. Director: Tony Scott A young police officer must prevent a bomb exploding aboard a city bus by keeping its speed above 50 mph. Director: Jan de Bont A Chicago weather man, separated from his wife and children, debates whether professional and personal success are mutually exclusive. Director: Gore Verbinski On his first day on the job as a Los Angeles narcotics officer, a rookie cop goes on a 24-hour training course with a rogue detective who isn't what he appears. Director: Antoine Fuqua Edit Storyline This film charts the rise and fall of Yuri Orlov, from his early days in the early 1980s in Little Odessa, selling guns to mobsters in his local neighbourhood, through to his ascension through the decade of excess and indulgence into the early 90s, where he forms a business partnership with an African warlord and his psychotic son. The film also charts his relationship through the years with his younger brother, his marriage to a famous model, his relentless pursuit by a determined federal agent and his inner demons that sway between his drive for success and the immorality of what he does. Written by [email protected] Where There's A Will, There's A Weapon. See more » Genres: Rated R for strong violence, drug use, language and sexuality | See all certifications » Parents Guide: 16 September 2005 (USA) See more » Also Known As: El señor de la guerra See more » Filming Locations: $9,390,144 (USA) (16 September 2005) Gross: Did You Know? Trivia The character of Andre Baptiste is loosely based on famous warlord, and ex-leader of Liberia, Charles Taylor . See more » Goofs When narrating the story about early stages of his bu | 2001 KO Final February, which ex-PM was awarded an earldom on his 90th birthday ? Harold Macmillan B1 A member of the House of Lords and an ex-MP, who celebrated his 100th birthday in November 1984 ? Mannie Shinwell Which government department banned trades unions causing a national outcry ? GCHQ (Government Communications Headquarters) Outside which foreign government building was policewoman Yvonne Fletcher shot and fatally wounded ? Libyan People's Bureau or Libyan Embassy A3 In the course of a violent argument in April, which recording artist was shot and killed by his father ? Marvin Gaye In October, who was killed by members of her own bodyguard ? Indira Ghandi A4 In March the British government announced its approval of the sale of which shipyard on the lower Clyde to Trafalgar House ? Scott Lithgow B4 In October which bank, a bullion dealer, was rescued from debts of around �250 million by a Bank of England buy-out ? Johnson Matthey Subject: �One Word Cinema� Answers A1 A 1992 Oscar winning Clint Eastwood film in which a former hired killer turned unsuccessful farmer returns to his old ways in pursuit of a $1,000 reward ? Unforgiven B1 A 1972 John Boorman film in which a leading character, played by Ned Beatty, is raped by a �Hillbilly� ? Deliverance A2 A 1929 film, Hitchcock�s first talkie, in which a Scotland Yard Inspector is placed in a difficult position when he discovers his girlfriend has committed a murder ? Blackmail B2 Set in Rio, a 1946 Hitchcock film with Cary Grant & Ingrid Bergman in which a woman marries a Nazi renegade to help the US Government ? Notorious A3 A 1916 film by D.W. Griffith starring Lillian Gish in one of four intercut stories including Balshazzar�s Feast and the St Bartholomew�s Day Massacre ? Intolerance B3 A 1967 camped-up version of Faust in which a short order cook is saved from suicide by Mr Spiggott - who offers him 7 wishes in exchange for his soul ? Bedazzled A4 A 1924 Erich von Stroheim film in which an ex-miner turned dentist kills his avaricious wife and her lover ? Greed B4 Set in the mid 19th century, a 1999 film starring Guy Pearce & Robert Carlyle in which a cannibalistic officer commands an isolated army outpost ? Ravenous Answers A1 The liqueur Cura�ao (say �Koor-a-sow�) is traditionally flavoured with sugar & which fruit ? Orange B1 Which spirit takes its name from a place near Guadalajara (say �Gwadlahara�) where the conquistadors first developed it from a variety of Aztec drink ? Tequila A2 With a peculiar but agreeable taste, which coarse & potent liquor is made in the East Indies from a variety of sources, including fermented rice & coconut juice ? Arrack B2 Used to season food & fruit as well as alcoholic drinks, which flavouring is prepared with oil distilled from the aromatic bark of two S. American trees blended with herbs, and bears the former name of a port in Venezuela ? Angostura (now called Cuidad Bolivar) A3 Derived from a town in north east Hungary, what name is shared by a grape variety and a golden-yellow coloured, sweet, aromatic wine ? Tokay (from Tokaj) Subject: Wordgame �No� as in �Note� Answers � a spout on a hose etc. from which a jet issues ? Nozzel � a small round piece of meat or a chocolate made with hazelnuts ? Noisette � something or someone absolutely un |
What is the fifteenth letter of the Greek alphabet? | Greek alphabet - definition of Greek alphabet by The Free Dictionary Greek alphabet - definition of Greek alphabet by The Free Dictionary http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Greek+alphabet Also found in: Thesaurus , Medical , Wikipedia . ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: Greek alphabet - the alphabet used by ancient Greeks alphabet - a character set that includes letters and is used to write a language alpha - the 1st letter of the Greek alphabet beta - the 2nd letter of the Greek alphabet gamma - the 3rd letter of the Greek alphabet delta - the 4th letter of the Greek alphabet epsilon - the 5th letter of the Greek alphabet zeta - the 6th letter of the Greek alphabet eta - the 7th letter of the Greek alphabet theta - the 8th letter of the Greek alphabet iota - the 9th letter of the Greek alphabet kappa - the 10th letter of the Greek alphabet lambda - the 11th letter of the Greek alphabet mu - the 12th letter of the Greek alphabet nu - the 13th letter of the Greek alphabet xi - the 14th letter of the Greek alphabet omicron - the 15th letter of the Greek alphabet pi - the 16th letter of the Greek alphabet rho - the 17th letter of the Greek alphabet sigma - the 18th letter of the Greek alphabet tau - the 19th letter of the Greek alphabet upsilon - the 20th letter of the Greek alphabet phi - the 21st letter of the Greek alphabet khi , chi - the 22nd letter of the Greek alphabet psi - the 23rd letter of the Greek alphabet omega - the last (24th) letter of the Greek alphabet Translations | Letter of the alphabet - definition of letter of the alphabet by The Free Dictionary Letter of the alphabet - definition of letter of the alphabet by The Free Dictionary http://www.thefreedictionary.com/letter+of+the+alphabet Also found in: Thesaurus , Wikipedia . ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: Noun 1. letter of the alphabet - the conventional characters of the alphabet used to represent speech; "his grandmother taught him his letters" spelling - forming words with letters according to the principles underlying accepted usage alphabet - a character set that includes letters and is used to write a language grapheme , graphic symbol , character - a written symbol that is used to represent speech; "the Greek alphabet has 24 characters" ascender - a lowercase letter that has a part extending above other lowercase letters descender - a lowercase letter that has a part extending below other lowercase letters digram , digraph - two successive letters (especially two letters used to represent a single sound: `sh' in `shoe') initial - the first letter of a word (especially a person's name); "he refused to put the initials FRS after his name" a - the 1st letter of the Roman alphabet b - the 2nd letter of the Roman alphabet c - the 3rd letter of the Roman alphabet d - the 4th letter of the Roman alphabet e - the 5th letter of the Roman alphabet f - the 6th letter of the Roman alphabet g - the 7th letter of the Roman alphabet h - the 8th letter of the Roman alphabet i - the 9th letter of the Roman alphabet j - the 10th letter of the Roman alphabet k - the 11th letter of the Roman alphabet l - the 12th letter of the Roman alphabet m - the 13th letter of the Roman alphabet n - the 14th letter of the Roman alphabet o - the 15th letter of the Roman alphabet p - the 16th letter of the Roman alphabet q - the 17th letter of the Roman alphabet r - the 18th letter of the Roman alphabet s - the 19th letter of the Roman alphabet t - the 20th letter of the Roman alphabet u - the 21st letter of the Roman alphabet v - the 22nd letter of the Roman alphabet double-u , w - the 23rd letter of the Roman alphabet x , ex - the 24th letter of the Roman alphabet wye , y - the 25th letter of the Roman alphabet ezed , izzard , zed , zee , z - the 26th letter of the Roman alphabet; "the British call Z zed and the Scots call it ezed but Americans call it zee"; "he doesn't know A from izzard" alpha - the 1st letter of the Greek alphabet beta - the 2nd letter of the Greek alphabet gamma - the 3rd letter of the Greek alphabet delta - the 4th letter of the Greek alphabet epsilon - the 5th letter of the Greek alphabet zeta - the 6th letter of the Greek alphabet eta - the 7th letter of the Greek alphabet theta - the 8th letter of the Greek alphabet iota - the 9th letter of the Greek alphabet kappa - the 10th letter of the Greek alphabet lambda - the 11th letter of the Greek alphabet mu - the 12th letter of the Greek alphabet nu - the 13th letter of the Greek alphabet xi - the 14th letter of the Greek alphabet omicron - the 15th letter of the Greek alphabet pi - the 16th letter of the Greek alphabet rho - the 17th letter of the Greek alphabet sigma - the 18th letter of the Greek alphabet tau - the 19th letter of the Greek alphabet upsilon - the 20th letter of the Greek alphabet phi - the 21st letter of the Greek alphabet khi , chi - the 22nd letter of the Greek alphabet psi - the 23rd letter of the Greek alphabet omega - the last (24th) letter of the Greek alphabet aleph - the 1st letter of the Hebrew alphabet beth - the 2nd letter of the Hebrew alphabet gimel - the 3rd letter of the Hebrew alphabet daleth - the 4th letter of the Hebrew alphabet he - the 5th letter of the Hebrew alphabet waw - the 6th letter of the Hebrew alphabet zayin - the 7th letter of the Hebrew alphabet heth - the 8th letter of the Hebrew alphabet teth - the 9th letter of the Hebrew alphabet yodh - the 10th letter of the Hebrew alphabet kaph - the 11th letter of the Hebrew alphabet lamedh - the 12th letter of the Hebrew alphabet mem - the 13th letter of the Hebrew alphabet nun - |
What was the Shadows last number one | Instrumental #1s - ukcharts.20m.com ukcharts.20m.com Instrumentals at Number One Commentary by Theo Morgan-Gan Over the years, 24 instrumentals have topped the charts. Russ Conway, Eddie Calvert and Winifred Atwell have done it twice, and the Shadows have done it a whopping five times. That's right no singing just instruments or in the case of the last two, just computer aided plain dance music. --1-- THE SONG FROM MOULIN ROUGE - Mantovani and his Orchestra 14 August 1953 for 1 week The first instrumental track to claim the top spot did so for just one week, and was taken from the film Moulin Rouge. Annunzio Paolo Mantovani was born in Italy on 15 November 1905. He moved to England at the age of 16 with his parents. In the 1930s he formed his own orchestra, which began to be known for its 'cascading strings', and in the 1940s started formally recording with the legendary Decca label. He soon became as popular on record as he had been on radio. He recorded a US-aimed album in 1951, and a song from that album, 'Charmaine' reached the US Top 10 and sold a million copies. His first hit in Britain was a version of White Christmas, which hit #6 over Christmas of 1952 and spent three weeks on the chart. In 1953, with still enduring popularity, his version of the theme from Moulin Rouge, which starred Jos� Ferrer as French painter Henri de Toulouse Lautrec on his knees, eventually hit #1 in its twelfth week. The song spent a lengthy 21 weeks on chart on its first run. It re-entered at #10 in November for one week, and a month later in December it spent a week at the bottom of the chart (#12). Percy Faith had the biggest hit version in America, but Mantovani once again hit the 10 and both versions sold a million. The orchestra went on to have a few more hits, until 1957, when the machine stopped. Mantovani, who backed David Whitfield on most of his recordings, died on 31 March 1981. --2-- OH MEIN PAPA Eddie Calvert 8 January 1954 for 9 weeks The instrumental with the most weeks on top. 'The Man With The Golden Trumpet', Eddie Calvert was born 13 March 1922, Lancashire, UK and was the first British instrumentalist to score two #1s and to earn a US gold disc. Trumpeter Eddie Calvert's version of schmaltzy song Oh Mein Papa hit #1 in its fourth week on chart and was a soaraway success. Eddie Fisher recorded a fully vocal version, but for some this was far too emotional for them. Calvert's purely instrumental version was the perfect answer. Fisher had to make do with #9 here, while the roles were reversed in the States; Fisher's version hit the top, and Calvert's could only peak at #6. This was also a monumental #1 of sorts the first of what has come to be at least 75 #1s to be recorded at the now legendary Abbey Road studios. Eddie Calvert died on 7 August 1978 in South Africa. --3-- LET'S HAVE ANOTHER PARTY Winifred Atwell 3 December 1954 for 5 weeks This was the sixth hit for 'Queen of the Ivories' Winifred Atwell, whose series of popular hit piano medleys gave her 117 weeks on chart. Born on 27 April 1914 in Tunapuna, Trinidad, Atwell was the first black artist to top the chart. The chart-topping medley hit the summit in its second week, and is comprised of the songs: Another Little Drink Won't Do Us Any Harm, Broken Doll, Bye Bye Blackbird, Honeysuckle and The Bee, I Wonder Where My Baby Is Tonight, Lily of Laguna, Nellie Dean, Sheik of Araby, Somebody Stole My Gal, When The Red Robin (Comes Bob Bob Bobbin' Along). --4-- CHERRY PINK AND APPLE BLOSSOM WHITE Perez Prado 29 April 1955 for 2 weeks Demez Perez Prado was born in Cuba on 11 December 1916 and began to lead a Havana-based orchestra in the pre-Fidel Castro days, the Orquestra Casino de la Playa. He first recorded this song in 1951. In 1955, he was called upon to re-record it. Why? The makers of new film Underwater, starring Jane Russell, wanted it as their theme. He agreed, and the single hit #1 in its fsixth week on the British charts. It was even bigger in the States, where | 1. What is the name of the hit show based on the songs of Abba? - Liverpool Echo News 1. What is the name of the hit show based on the songs of Abba? 2. Which “G” is the name of the Italian astronomer who improved the telescope so much as to discover that there were craters on the moon? Share Get daily updates directly to your inbox + Subscribe Thank you for subscribing! Could not subscribe, try again laterInvalid Email 2. Which “G” is the name of the Italian astronomer who improved the telescope so much as to discover that there were craters on the moon? 3. For which series of films were the actors Kenneth Williams and Sid James best known? 4. What is the name given to the largest bee in a hive? 5. Which alternative word for the Devil is a Hebrew word with translates as “Lord Of The Flies”? 6. On which TV island might you have found actor Ricardo Montalban? 7. Mozart’s opera, which was a continuation of The Barber Of Seville, was called The Marriage Of . . . who? 8. What is the nearest planet to the Sun? 9. What was the name of the road sweeper played by Roger Lloyd-Pack in Only Fools And Horses? 10. What connects the answers above? 11. What was the nickname of the first Spice Girl to go solo? 12. Which of the following events did Carl Lewis not win a gold medal for at the 1984 Olympics? Long Jump, 400m or 100m relay? 13. Which two actors were nominated for best actor awards at the Oscars in 1991, both for playing wheelchair-bound characters? 14. How is Eldrick Woods better known? 15. Who did Iain Duncan Smith beat in September, 2001, to become the leader of the Conservative Party? 16. Who was the main villain in the cartoon Wacky Races? 17. When the band Hear‘say formed, who was the oldest member at 24? 18. What is the name of the third book of the Bible? 19. What was advertised with Eva Herzagovia using the slogan “hello boys”? 20. Which model gave birth to her daughter, Lola, in September, 2002? 21. “All children, except one, grow up” is the opening line from which famous story? 22. How are Fizz, Milo, Jake and Bella better known collectively? 23. What number on the Beaufort Scale represents a hurricane? 24. In which film did Jodie Foster play a character called Tallulah? 25. What is pathophobia the fear of? 26. What was the title of the TV show Bonanza changed to? 27. What mountain range is the natural habitat of the llama? 28. What nationality was scientist Marie Curie? 29. Who played the title role in the TV series Worzel Gummidge? 30. Which toy was originally called the Pluto Platter when it was first introduced in 1957? 1. Mama Mia; 2. Galileo; 3. Carry On; 4. Queen; 5. Beelzebub; 6. Fantasy; 7. Figaro; 8. Mercury; 9. Trigger; 10. The song Bohemian Rhapsody; 11. Ginger Spice; 12. 400m; 13. Tom Cruise (for Born On The Fourth Of July) and Daniel Day-Lewis (for My Left Foot); 14. Tiger Woods; 15. Ken Clarke; 16. Dick Dastardly; 17. Kym Marsh; 18. Leviticus; 19. The Wonderbra; 20. Kate Moss; 21. Peter Pan; 22. The Tweenies; 23. 12; 24. Bugsy Malone; 25. Illness; 26. Ponderosa; 27. Andes; 28. Polish; 29. Jon Pertwee; 30. Frisbee Like us on Facebook Most Read Most Recent |
In the 1991 film 'Basic Instinct', who played Detective Nick Curran? | See the Cast of 'Basic Instinct' Then and Now See the Cast of 'Basic Instinct' Then and Now April 23, 2014 @ 6:00 PM TriStar Back in 1992, director Paul Verhoeven unleashed 'Basic Instinct,' starring Sharon Stone as a writer, psychologist, and the prime suspect in a murder investigation, who strikes up an affair with the detective investigating the case, played by Michael Douglas. Originally given an NC-17 rating by the MPAA, the steamy thriller was a massive success and was praised for its groundbreaking depiction of sex in mainstream cinema. 'Basic Instinct' became so iconic that in 2006, Sharon Stone starred in a sequel without Verhoeven's involvement -- though it was a critical and commercial failure. Twenty-two years later, we're revisiting the cast of this modern neo-noir classic to see what they're up to now. Michael Douglas, Detective Nick Curran TriStar/Getty Images Then: Michael Douglas, who was coming off of starring roles in 'Fatal Attraction' and 'Wall Street,' played Detective Nick Curran, who begins an affair with his prime suspect while investigating the death of a retired rock star. Now: Over the years, Douglas has also starred in 'Falling Down,' 'The Game,' 'Traffic,' and he reprised the role of Gordon Gekko for 'Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps.' In recent years, he's appeared in the Steven Soderbergh films 'Haywire' and 'Behind the Candelabra,' winning a Golden Globe and an Emmy for his portrayal of Liberace in the latter. He's been married to actress Catherine Zeta-Jones since 2000, and most recently appeared in the film 'Last Vegas.' Up next, you can see Douglas in the films 'And So It Goes,' 'The Reach,' and opposite Paul Rudd in Marvel's upcoming superhero movie 'Ant-Man.' Sharon Stone, Catherine Tramell TriStar/Getty Images Then: Sharon Stone, who was best known for appearing previously in Paul Verhoeven's 'Total Recall,' reunited with the director for the role of Catherine Tramell, an author and psychologist accused of committing murder in a fashion eerily similar to the circumstances in one of her novels. Now: Stone went on to appear in films like 'Sliver,' 'The Quick and the Dead,' 'Casino,' 'Catwoman,' and 'Alpha Dog.' In 2006, she reprised the role of Tramell for 'Basic Instinct 2,' which was made without the involvement of Verhoeven and totally flopped, earning her a Razzie Award for Worst Actress. In 2010, Stone appeared on a handful of 'Law and Order: Special Victims Unit' episodes, and more recently, she's had roles in 'Lovelace' and 'Fading Gigolo.' You can see her next in the upcoming film 'Gods Behaving Badly,' and later in 'American Ultra' with Jesse Eisenberg and Kristen Stewart. George Dzundza, Detective Gus Moran TriStar/ABC Then: George Dzundza played Detective Gus Moran, Nick's partner on the case. Dzundza previously had a recurring role on 'Law and Order' and appeared in the film 'The Butcher's Wife.' Now: Since then, Dzundza has lent his voice to both 'Batman: The Animated Series' and 'Superman: The Animated Series,' and he had a recurring role on 'Grey's Anatomy' (pictured above right) from 2005 to 2007. He's also appeared in the films 'Crimson Tide,' 'Dangerous Minds,' 'Species II,' and 'City by the Sea.' In 2009, he lent his voice to the video game Batman: Arkham Asylum, and in 2010, he appeared in the Rob Schneider film 'The Chosen One,' but he hasn't done anything lately. Jeanne Tripplehorn, Dr. Beth Garner TriStar/Getty Images Then: Jeanne Tripplehorn made her big screen debut as Dr. Beth Garner, Nick's psychologist with whom he's also having an affair. Tripplehorn had also appeared on Ben Stiller's short-lived 'The Ben Stiller Show' on Fox. Now: The actress had a small role in Stiller's directorial debut, 'Reality Bites,' and went on to star in 'Waterworld,' 'Sliding Doors,' 'Very Bad Things,' and 'Swept Away.' But she's perhaps best known for playing the role of Barbara Henrickson on the HBO series 'Big Love,' which ran from 2006 to 2011. She also played Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis in the HBO film 'Grey Gardens,' and has recently guest starred on 'New Girl.' Currently, | Account Suspended Account Suspended This Account has been suspended. Contact your hosting provider for more information. |
Which pedestrian bridge in London connects the Tate Modern Art Gallery and St Paul's Cathedral? | Pedestrian Bridge - Review of Millennium Bridge, London, England - TripAdvisor Review of Millennium Bridge Peters Hill, London EC4, England +44 20 7525 4925 River Thames Fast Boat Experience in London See more tours on Viator Fee: No Recommended length of visit: <1 hour Owner description: With a modern design giving a unique tubular effect, London's Millennium Bridge is a 330-meter pedestrian bridge linking the City of London at St Paul's Cathedral with the new Tate Gallery at Bankside. There are newer reviews for this attraction Reviewed April 6, 2014 via mobile The Millennium Bridge is one of the landmarks in London, it was opened by the Queen in a Saturday morning on year 2000 and closed down the next day, due to the wind they had to do adjustments to re-open again. This bridge is only for pedestrians and connects The beautifull St Paul's Cathedral to the Tate Modern on the other side. On the Tate you can see modern art and also Paintings by Picasso or Degas, for free! From the bridge you'll be astonished by the view, the river thames, and also by the street performers that usually perform there. Although the bridge is safe and the landscape is beautiful be careful in windy days if you're not wearing a scarf. Visited April 2014 “Neat little bridge” Reviewed April 3, 2014 Different feel to this bridge than any other I crossed in London. Pedestrian only and has a lot of modern character going to it. I took pictures on both sides and while I was on, from various angles. Views of St Pauls, Tower Bridge, the Globe, the Thames, etc. Wish I'd come back at night but didn't have the time. Highly recommended to the photographer, anyone going to either St Pauls or Tate Modern, and I guess to Harry Potter fans (oh you HP fans, crack me up with your enthusiasm...) Visited March 2014 | Shearer West — Portraiture (Oxford History of Art ) by asthenic!syndrome - issuu issuu Portraiture Oxford History of Art Shearer West is Professor of Art History at the University of Birmingham. Her publications include The Image of the Actor: Verbal and Visual Representation in the Age of Garrick and Kemble, Fin de Siècle: Art and Society in an Age of Uncertainty, The Visual Arts in Germany 1890–1940, and the edited books Visions of the ‘neue Frau’: Women and the Visual Arts in Weimar Germany (with Marsha Meskimmon), The Bloomsbury Guide to Art, The Victorians and Race, and Italian Culture in Northern Europe in the Eighteenth Century. Oxford History of Art Titles in the Oxford History of Art series are up-to-date, fully illustrated introductions to a wide variety of subjects written by leading experts in their field. They will appear regularly, building into an interlocking and comprehensive series. In the list below, published titles appear in bold. WESTERN ART Archaic and Classical Greek Art Robin Osborne Classical Art From Greece to Rome Mary Beard & John Henderson Imperial Rome and Christian Triumph Jas Elsner Early Medieval Art Lawrence Nees Medieval Art Veronica Sekules Art in Renaissance Italy Evelyn Welch Northern European Art Susie Nash Early Modern Art Nigel Llewellyn Art in Europe 1700–1830 Matthew Craske Modern Art 1851–1929 Richard Brettell After Modern Art 1945–2000 David Hopkins Contemporary Art WESTERN ARCHITECTURE Greek Architecture David Small Roman Architecture Janet Delaine Early Medieval Architecture Roger Stalley Medieval Architecture Nicola Coldstream Renaissance Architecture Christy Anderson Baroque and Rococo Architecture Hilary Ballon European Architecture 1750–1890 Barry Bergdoll Modern Architecture Alan Colquhoun Contemporary Architecture Anthony Vidler Architecture in the United States Dell Upton WORLD ART Aegean Art and Architecture Donald Preziosi & Louise Hitchcock Early Art and Architecture of Africa Peter Garlake African Art John Picton Contemporary African Art Olu Oguibe African-American Art Sharon F. Patton Nineteenth-Century American Art Barbara Groseclose Twentieth-Century American Art Erika Doss Australian Art Andrew Sayers Byzantine Art Robin Cormack Art in China Craig Clunas East European Art Jeremy Howard Ancient Egyptian Art Marianne Eaton-Krauss Indian Art Partha Mitter Islamic Art Irene Bierman Japanese Art Karen Brock Melanesian Art Michael O’Hanlon Mesoamerican Art Cecelia Klein Native North American Art Janet Berlo & Ruth Phillips Polynesian and Micronesian Art Adrienne Kaeppler South-East Asian Art John Guy Latin American Art WESTERN DESIGN Twentieth-Century Design Jonathan Woodham American Design Jeffrey Meikle Nineteenth-Century Design Gillian Naylor Fashion Christopher Breward PHOTOGRAPHY The Photograph Graham Clarke American Photography Miles Orvell Contemporary Photography WESTERN SCULPTURE Sculpture 1900–1945 Penelope Curtis Sculpture Since 1945 Andrew Causey THEMES AND GENRES Landscape and Western Art Malcolm Andrews Portraiture Shearer West Eroticism and Art Alyce Mahon Beauty and Art Elizabeth Prettejohn Women in Art REFERENCE BOOKS The Art of Art History: A Critical Anthology Donald Preziosi (ed.) Oxford History of Art 1 1 Great Clarendon Street, Oxford ox2 6dp Oxford New York Auckland Bangkok Buenos Aires Cape Town Chennai Dar es Salaam Delhi Hong Kong Istanbul Karachi Kolkata Kuala Lumpur Madrid Melbourne Mexico City Mumbai Nairobi São Paulo Shanghai Taipei Tokyo Toronto and associated companies in Berlin Ibadan Oxford is a registered trade mark of Oxford University Press in the UK and in certain other countries © Shearer West 2004 First published 2004 by Oxford University Press All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the proper permission in writing of Oxford University Press. Within the UK, exceptions are allowed in respect of any fair dealing for the purpose of research or private study, or criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright, Desi |
Which US singer topped Forbes magazine’s annual Celebrity 100 List in May 2011? | Lady Gaga Tops Celebrity 100 List Lady Gaga Tops Celebrity 100 List comments, called-out The men and women on our annual Celebrity 100 list–the most powerful people in the entertainment business this year–earned $4.5 billion over the last 12 months by starring in films, playing basketball, walking the catwalk and more. But they also rose to the top by garnering influence. These days that means mastering social media. Lady Gaga topples Oprah Winfrey from her No.1 spot on our list, which she’s given up for only the third time in seven years. Gaga is there not just because of the $90 million she earned with a monster tour, but also because of her 32 million Facebook fans and 10 million Twitter followers–aka Little Monsters–who helped move 1 million digital downloads of her recent single “Born This Way” in only five days. They’re also happy to buy the MAC makeup, Monster headphones and Virgin Mobile phones she features in her videos. Slide Show: The Celebrity 100 In Pictures Oprah doesn’t fall far though. The daytime talk maven, who earned $290 million last year, comes in second. Winfrey’s earnings sank $25 million partially due to a reduced payday at SiriusXM. She still earns big from her syndicated show and from the stars she’s spawned, including Dr. Phil (No. 18) Rachael Ray and Dr. Oz. Winfrey’s earning power will take a bigger hit next year, when her syndicated show ends and she concentrates all her efforts on the struggling OWN network. Maybe it would help if Oprah took a lesson from No. 3 Justin Bieber. The Biebs debuts on our list at the tender young age of 17, with $53 million earned over the last 12 months thanks to concerts, music sales and a 3-D documentary movie that grossed $100 million at the global box office. If this were 10 years ago Bieber would still be paying his dues in small clubs and schools, but thanks to the Internet, he’s a sensation. His first hit song, “Baby,” has been viewed 500 million times, a YouTube record. Reality TV it girl Bethenny Frankel is another newbie worth noting. Famous for her newest hit show, Bethenny Ever After, she’s used the small-screen platform to promote her Skinnygirl brand, helping her earn $55 million this year. She joins our list in 42nd place. Her entrepreneurial prowess–she sold her Skinnygirl Cocktails to Fortune Brands and nabbed a $100 million cut of the deal paid out over multiple years–also put her on the cover of our magazine this week. The Celebrity 100, which includes film and television actors, TV personalities, models, athletes, authors, musicians and comedians, is a measure of entertainment-related earnings and media visibility (exposure in print, television, radio and online). We also measure social media power by looking at each celebrity’s presence on Facebook and Twitter. The earnings consist of pretax income between May 1, 2010, and May 1, 2011. Management, agent and attorney fees are not deducted. Forbes has been publishing the list annually since 1999. Despite problems on and off the golf course, Tiger Woods still makes the top 10, ranking sixth with $75 million in annual earnings. Woods hasn’t won a tournament since the revelation of his marital infidelities in 2009, and he recently withdrew from The Players Championship. But he still commands $3 million a pop for overseas appearances, and collects money from his remaining sponsors, Nike Electronic Arts . Having a much better year: Leonardo DiCaprio. The star makes the biggest leap on our list this year, rising from 71st place to 15th, thanks to two huge movies: Shutter Island and Inception. The latter earned $825 million at the global box office, making it the sixth-highest-earning film of 2010. That went a long way toward helping DiCaprio earn $77 million over the last 12 months. Will Smith returns to our list this year thanks to the upcoming Men in Black III, in which he’ll reprise his role as Agent J. Smith had fallen off of our list in 2010 because he took time off to nurture the budding careers of his children, Jaden and Willow. Jaden starred in a remake of The Karate Kid (which Smith produc | The Hottest Singer Of The Ever The Hottest Singer Of The Ever IN USA Britney Jean Spears Britney Jean Spears (born December 2, 1981) is an American singer, songwriter, producer, dancer, actress and entertainer. Born in Mississippi and raised in Louisiana, Spears first appeared on national television in 1992 as a contestant on the Star Search program, and went on to star in Disney Channel's television series The New Mickey Mouse Club from 1993 to 1994. In 1997, Spears signed a recording contract with Jive, releasing her debut album ...Baby One More Time in 1999. The album debuted at number one on the Billboard 200 and has sold over 25 million copies worldwide. Her success continued with the release of her sophomore album, Oops!... I Did It Again in 2000, which established her as a pop icon and credited for influencing the revival of teen pop in the late 1990s. In 2001, she released Britney and played the starring role in the film Crossroads. She assumed creative control of her fourth studio album, In the Zone released in 2003, which made her the only female artist of the Nielsen Soundscan era to have her first four albums debut at number one. Her fifth studio album, Blackout was released in 2007. Her sixth studio album, Circus released in 2008, also debuted at number one in the Billboard 200 albums chart with the hit single "Womanizer" which is Spears second song to peaked at number one on Billboard Hot 100 in over 10 years. In the late 2009, Spears released The Singles Collection which include Spears third number one hit single entitled "3". Spears has sold over 83 million records worldwide. On December 11, 2009 Billboard Magazine named Spears the second-best selling act of the 2000s, solely based on album sales as well as the 8th overall best act of the decade based on album sales, chart success, and cultural relativity. She is ranked as the eighth best-selling female recording artist in the U.S. with 32 million copies of her albums certified by the RIAA, and is currently the fifth best-selling artist act of the decade in the country, as well as the top-selling female artist. Spears is also ranked by Forbes 2009 issue as the 13th most powerful celebrity, and with earnings of over $35 million dollars in 2009, the 2nd-highest earning young musician of the year. According to Billboard, Spears has four of her albums among the top 20 biggest-opening-week albums of the decade. Posted by care for health at The Mickey Mouse Club http://socyberty.com/people/hot-singer-in-us/ Britney Spears was born in McComb, Mississippi and raised in Kentwood, Louisiana as a Southern Baptist. Her parents are Lynne Irene (n?e Bridges), a former elementary school teacher, and Jamie Parnell Spears, a former building contractor and chef. Spears is of English heritage through her maternal grandmother being born in London and distant Maltese descent, with her maternal 2nd great-grandfather Edward Portelli being born in Malta then moving to England where he settled. Spears has two siblings, Bryan and Jamie Lynn. Bryan Spears is married to Jamie-Lynn's manager, Graciella Rivera. Spears was an accomplished gymnast, attending gymnastics classes until age nine and competing in state-level competitions. She performed in local dance revues and sang in her local Baptist church choir. Spears entered New York City's Professional Performing Arts School when she was eight. Spears's parents would often argue, and they eventually divorced in 2002. At age eight, Spears auditioned for the Disney Channel series The New Mickey Mouse Club. Although she was considered too young to join the series at the time, a producer on the show introduced her to a New York City agent. Spears subsequently spent three summers at NYC's Professional Performing Arts School and also appeared in a number of off-Broadway productions. She was an understudy in the 1991 off-Broadway musical Ruthless!. In 1992, she landed a spot on the popular television show Star Search. She won the first round of competition, but ultimately lost. At age eleven, Spears returned to the Disney Channel for a spot |
‘The Entertainer’ by Scott Joplin is the theme tune for which 1973 film? | The Sting Theme (Joplin - The Entertainer) - YouTube The Sting Theme (Joplin - The Entertainer) Want to watch this again later? Sign in to add this video to a playlist. Need to report the video? Sign in to report inappropriate content. Rating is available when the video has been rented. This feature is not available right now. Please try again later. Uploaded on Sep 30, 2010 Great theme to a great film! Category | Index-a The live album Beauty and the Beat featured pianist George Shearring and which singer? Peggy Lee Whose band was the Tijuana Brass? Herb Alpert Who were Cliff Richard's backing group through the 60s? The Shadows Who were the famous backing singers on most of Elvis Presley's early hits? The Jordanaires The Stratocaster is a model of which guitar maker? Fender Which piano-playing singer's first hit was The Fat Man? Fats Domino Which American rock'n'roll star caused controversy when he married a young teenager? Jerry Lee Lewis Who made the highly rated 1959 jazz album Kind of Blue? Miles Davis Which iconic British female singer made the highly regarded album titled '(her first name) in Memphis' ? Dusty Springfield Whose band was the All Stars? Junior Walker (Jr Walker) Larry Adler played what instrument? Harmonica Whose childhood hit was Fingertips? Stevie Wonder Which guitar innovator and player has a range of Gibson Guitars named after him? Les Paul The founding brother members of the Kinks were Ray and Dave what? Davies What was Smokey Robinson's most famous band called? The Miracles Kenny Ball and his Jazzmen's 1962 hit was called March of the ... what? Siamese Children Who sang the hit theme song Rawhide? Frankie Laine John Mayall's band which helped launch Eric Clapton's career was called what? Bluesbreakers Rock Around the Clock was a hit for Bill Haley and his ... what? Comets Which comedy actor had a novelty hit with My Boomerang Won't Come Back? Charlie Drake Who sang with Serge Gainsbourg on the hit Je t'aime? Jane Birkin Colin Blunstone fronted which 1960s group? The Zombies What Eastenders star sang on the novelty hit Come Outside? Wendy Richard Jiles Perry (JP) Richardson Jr, who died in the same plane crash as Ritchie Valens and Buddy Holly was better known by what name?Big Bopper Which later-to-be-famous solo singer and guitarist toured as a member of the Beach Boys in the mid 60s? Glen Campbell Who had sang the hit song Little Old Wine Drinker Me? Dean Martin What famous 'two-fingered' jazz guitarist died in 1953? Django Reinhardt (Jean-Baptiste Reinhardt) What song, released to promote the film The Millionairess, featured its stars Peter Sellers and Sophia Loren? Goodness Gracious Me Who managed the Beatles' prior to his early death in 1967? Brian Epstein Whose nickname was a derived from the term satchel-mouth? Louis Armstrong (Satchmo) What's the name of the motorbiker who dies in the Shangri-Las' hit The Leader of the Pack? Jimmy Which singing-songwriting founder of the Flying Burrito Brothers died age 26, after which his body was 'stolen' by a friend and burnt in the Joshua Tree National Park? Gram Parsons Which American singer and entertainer was nicknamed Schnozzola, because of his large nose? Jimmy Durante Who wrote and had a hit with the instrumental Classical Gas? Mason Williams Who wrote Patsy Cline's hit Crazy? Willie Nelson What city hosted the Beatles as the resident band at the Kaiserkeller and Top Ten Club? Hamburg The Isley Brothers' hit was called Behind a ... what? Painted Smile 1950-60s record turntables commonly offered four speeds: 33, 45, 78, and what other? 16 (technically the speeds were 33⅓ and 16⅔ but record decks tended to show only the whole numbers) American DJ Robert Weston Smith was better known by what stage name? Wolfman Jack What ridiculously titled song was a hit in 1954 for Max Bygraves in the UK and the Four Lads in the USA? Gilly Gilly Ossenfeffer Katzenellen Bogen by the Sea Who had the 1965 instrumental hit Spanish Flea? Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass What was Emile Ford and the Checkmates' 1959 hit, supposedly the longest ever question in a UK No1 song title? What Do You Want to Make Those Eyes at Me For? Who singer-guitarist's backing band was The Bruvvers? Joe Brown Which Rolling Stones guitarist died in a swimming pool in 1969? Bri |
What was David Jason's character called in 'Porridge'? | BBC - Comedy - Porridge Porridge Porridge The character of jailbird Norman Stanley Fletcher was originally conceived for a one-off comedy, Prisoner and Escort, forming one of Ronnie Barker's 1973 season of TV pilots, Seven of One. The BBC picked it up the next year for a full series, but neither they nor writers Dick Clement and Ian Le Frenais can have known quite what a phenomenon they'd created with the show they thought of calling Bird or Stir, before settling on another euphemism for life behind bars, Porridge. When the new show first aired in 1974 it was greeted with outrage in sections of the tabloid press, shocked at the notion of a comedy programme glorifying prison. Little time was needed, though, before any complaints were drowned out underneath a chorus of critical acclaim and public adoration for what remains one of the most classic British sitcoms ever produced. Fletcher himself is an old hand at 'doing time', and we meet him serving a five-year stretch at HMP Prison Slade for breaking and entering - each episode would begin with the booming voice of the judge (recorded by Barker) passing sentence and the stark slamming of prison doors. Fletcher expects to enjoy a single cell but he's forced to share with a first-time offender, a naïve, young Brummie called Lennie Godber (played by Richard Beckinsale). Fletcher reluctantly takes Godber under his wing and helps him to 'keep his nose clean' but together they always end up getting into trouble (often for reasons beyond their control), either with other inmates or the prison officers at Slade. While the richly comic dialogue between the two cell-mates was a joy to watch, Clement and Le Frenais' wonderful writing didn't stop there, and they populated HMP Slade with a host of memorably eccentric characters, from kindly but senile Blanco (played ingeniously by a young David Jason), disgraced dentist Harris and dim-witted Warren to the irascible Scot MacLaren, conman Ives and the prison Mr Big, Harry Grout. While Fletcher's knowledge and experience saw him regarded highly by most fellow inmates, it didn't stop him being used and blackmailed from time to time by Grout, who'd often force Fletch into tasks against his will. It was Fletcher's day-to-day job to juggle life on the landings with not getting caught by the wardens, which meant taking advantage of the kind-hearted and soft-natured Mr Barrowclough, and sidestepping the eagle eye of the harsh, suspicious Mr MacKay (portrayed with delicious menace by Fulton McKay). Episodes would usually involve Fletcher and Godber getting into trouble but somehow scoring a minor victory, usually against MacKay. The glee Barker injected into Fletcher's little triumphs was magical to watch. Porridge is probably the classic realisation of the sitcom method of putting characters in a situation where they're trapped with each other. In Fletcher's case it was with his cell-mate Godber, and the wonderful relationship between the pair in the scripts was elevated to pure gold by the sparkling chemistry between he two leads, Barker and Beckinsale. Writers Clement and Le Frenais were so successful that the show became essential viewing inside Britain's real jails, and prisoners claimed it was the most accurate portrayal of real prison life on TV. Its massive success spawned a superior spin-off movie and a Bafta-winning sitcom sequel Going Straight, set around Fletcher's life on release from Slade, before more episodes were curtailed by the untimely death of Richard Beckinsale in 1979. Porridge was a show never afraid to throw into the mix scenes of true drama, as Godber and sometimes even Fletcher occasionally struggled to cope with the grind of being stuck behind bars. The way in which such moments were woven into episodes, adding depth and realism to the series without ever diminishing the humour, is yet another reason why it remains unarguably one of the all-time classics. | Open All Hours (Series) - TV Tropes Open All Hours You need to login to do this. Get Known if you don't have an account Share YMMV Arkwright, Nurse Gladys and Granville. A late 1970s-mid 1980s sitcom by Roy Clarke ( Last of the Summer Wine , Keeping Up Appearances ). Along with Porridge , it was based on one of the more successful items from a series of sitcom try-out pilots by Ronnie Barker called Seven of One. The miserly, late-middle-aged Arkwright (first name unknown; in one episode Granville calls him 'Albert' but the situation suggests he may have made it up) runs a general store in Balby, a suburb of Doncaster (both the shop and the street are real life places). An Honest John , he prides himself on never letting anyone leave his shop without buying something, and seems to take more pleasure in the thrill of the chase than becoming rich. His work obsession causes friction between him and his love interest/fianceé Nurse Gladys Emmanuel, a buxom midwife whom Arkwright attempts to convince to finally marry him (or at least to let him have his way with her.) Arkwright is aided and abetted by his long-suffering nephew Granville, possibly the son of a displaced Hungarian noble and certainly the son of a woman whose promiscuity is the butt of many of Arkwright's jokes, whose romantic and exotic dreams are invariably crushed by the grim reality of life in 1970s South Yorkshire. Ronnie Barker played Arkwright (a very common remark is that it's hard to believe he was simultaneously playing the very different character of Fletcher in Porridge ) while Granville was one of the first major roles of a young David Jason (who also played the very old Blanco in Porridge!). Production was done on a very small budget, with the result that the vast majority of the show takes place on the same shop set - this arguably forced the programme to devote its full attention to the verbal comedy, which is often praised. Barker also contributed Arkwright's famous stutter (absent in the original scripts). The character himself lampshades it at times: Arkwright: Ger-granville? How do you spell per-per-per-per-peppers? Is it six P's or seven? Ran for 4 series and 26 episodes , although there were actually thirteen years between the pilot and the final episode, and nine years between the first and last series. Came eighth in Britain's Best Sitcom . After a successful one-off Revival episode in 2013 which scored the Christmas week's highest ratings, a full fifth series titled Still Open All Hours and featuring several of the original cast was commissioned, beginning on Boxing Day 2014. In this, Granville has taken over the shop following Arkwright's death . Contains examples of: Abhorrent Admirer : Mrs. Featherstone to Arkwright and Granville. Arkwright tends to squirm when she's around and Granville fears her after a case of miscommunication, she kisses him. Catch Phrase : "Granville! Fetch your cloth!" Chick Magnet : Leroy is a little more successful than his dad in the romance department, but still tends to fail with the ladies. Dodgy Toupee : One of the odd products Mark Williams salesman character attempts to peddle to Granville in Still Open All Hours is range of dodgy toupees for the customer too embarassed to consult a hair loss professional but who might impulse buy one at the counter of his local shop. Does Not Like Men : Mavis's sister Madge, whose failed relationships have embittered her on the entire male sex. Granville keeps attempting to set her up with Gastric in order to give himself a clear run at Mavis. Dog Walks You : A recurring gag involves a local man sticking his head into the shop but being yanked away by his massive dog before Granville can find out what it was he came in for. Eccentric Townsfolk : About half of the customers. Expy : Kathy Staff's character Mrs Blewitt is, as the actress herself noted in a making-of documentary, essentially the same character as the one she plays in Last of the Summer Wine , Nora Batty (also written by Clarke). A reverse example - Last of the Summer Wine got the character of Auntie Wainwrig |
After Auckland and Wellington, what is New Zealand’s third-largest city by population? | Linda Meade: Wellington – New Zealand’s under-rated second city | Stuff.co.nz Linda Meade: Wellington – New Zealand’s under-rated second city LINDA MEADE Last updated 05:00, May 26 2015 RHIANNON MCCONNELL/FAIRFAX NZ Wellington has space to grow. OPINION: Wellington has the potential to support national economic growth in a similar way to water supporting greater productivity in the agricultural sector. Yet in this year's Budget, apart from the announcement of $40m to Te Papa for capital works, you would have been hard-pressed to find much of significance that will make a difference to Wellington. James Weir Wellington has a highly educated population – it has substantial latent intellectual capital that could be leveraged to significant economic gain for New Zealand as a whole. Auckland is undoubtedly New Zealand's biggest city with a population estimated at around 1.5 million and growing extremely fast – around 30,000 per annum. By most people's measures Auckland is not only a large city, but also New Zealand's only truly global city – competing with the likes of Sydney and Hong Kong for global talent and inward investment. But these attributes come with a price. Auckland's growth is putting increasing pressure on its core infrastructure not to mention its social infrastructure – housing, schools, universities and health facilities. Thirty thousand additional bodies is a lot to absorb each year. James Weir The four cities that cluster around Wellington's harbours and hills actually make it New Zealand's second largest urban area with a total population of close to 400,000 At the other end of the country Christchurch, the largest city in the South Island with an urban population of around 375,000, is struggling to provide its residents with the infrastructure they need, but for entirely different reasons. However, notwithstanding the different drivers for investment the net result is similar and the consequence is that the two cities are competing with each other for attention and funding from central government and for private sector investment, resources and capability. Wellington by comparison is infrequently mentioned, or if it is mentioned only by reference to being the capital city, with often disparaging remarks about its reliance on public servants. However what the rhetoric around Auckland and Christchurch actually overlooks is that the four cities that cluster around Wellington's harbours and hills actually make it New Zealand's second largest urban area with a total population of close to 400,000 – and in fact over 430,000 if the townships sitting with Kapiti district are included and around 475,000 spanning the entire Wellington region including the Wairarapa. Furthermore. within this region 235,000 (10 per cent of the total employed labour force making it New Zealand's second largest regional economy) are in paid employment. Of this number, 27,000 work for core government agencies (around 11.5 per cent of the workforce compared against a national average of 5 per cent), leaving over two hundred thousand across a range of other employers. So if Wellington is not just a city filled with staid bureaucrats, what is it and what is New Zealand Inc. missing out on by side-lining it? As it turns out, probably quite a lot. WHY NOT WELLINGTON: * Wellington's basic infrastructure is mostly pretty good – Wellington City has very sound asset management systems and while there are some weaknesses overall the picture is positive. So unlike Auckland and Christchurch it largely already has the platform to sustain economic growth in place. * Wellington has a highly educated population – it has substantial latent intellectual capital that could be leveraged to significant economic gain for New Zealand as a whole. * Wellington does not have a housing shortage and its social infrastructure generally is in a good position. It has a new hospital, good education facilities and is consistently rated one of the best places to raise a family. In other words it has the capacity to absorb additional growth, and has already | September 19, 1893 : New Zealand First to Allow Women to Vote | TakePart September 19, 1893 : New Zealand First to Allow Women to Vote Sep 18, 2010· 0 MIN READ Originally from Baltimore, Oliver lives and writes on a quiet, tree-lined street in Brooklyn. Bio Sheet music cover with the title 'We'll Show You When We Come To Vote! The Great Womens Suffrage.' USA, circa 1869. (Image: Getty Images) New Zealand, 1893. With the passage of the Electoral Bill, New Zealand becomes the first country in the world to grant national voting rights to women. Just two months later, the first women would go to the polls during the country's national elections. There had been pockets of the world where women's suffrage was allowed in the past. In medieval France, voting for city and town assemblies were open to the heads of households regardless of sex. During the Age of Liberty in Sweden (1718-1771), female tax-paying guild members were allowed to vote. And in 1756, Lydia Capin Taft was allowed to vote in a New England town meeting in Uxbridge, Massachusetts, doing so at least three times. In all those cases, however, the right to vote was eventually revoked, and it wasn't until 1893 that an independent nation gave women the permanent right to vote. After New Zealand, Australia quickly followed, with the United States joining in 1920 and Great Britain in 1928. While women's suffrage was included in the Universal Bill of Human Rights in 1948 by the United Nations, the battle for universal suffrage is still ongoing. For example, Bhutan only just allowed women full voting rights in 2008, and in Saudi Arabia, women have little or no representation at all. About Us TakePart is the digital news and lifestyle magazine from Participant Media , the company behind such acclaimed documentaries as CITIZENFOUR, An Inconvenient Truth and Food, Inc. and feature films including Lincoln and Spotlight. |
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