stringlengths 1.14k
Name: Minaduki Kashou (水無月 嘉祥) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Master (ご主人さま)
[引越業者]: 「ありがとうございましたー! では失礼しまーす!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Mover]: 「Thank you very much! I'm heading out now!」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「……ふぅ、これで荷物もあらかた届いたかな」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Kashou]: 「... Phew, this should be most of the boxes then.」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = low)
I wiped the sweat off my forehead with my arm...</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = low)
... as the moving truck disappeared from view.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
Although it was early April and only the beginning of spring...</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
... today's weather was quite nice. It was even a bit hot.</s>
[嘉祥]: 「ま、新しい門出としては気持ちの良い日だけど」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「Well, it's a good day for a new start.」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
I turned my head to look at the empty bakery which didn't even have any signage yet.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
The brand-new exterior wall had a Western look with a predominantly white and brown motif.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
There was also a large window which let lots of sunlight in.</s>
そしてこの店の名前であるla soleilの文字。
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
And finally, there were the words that displayed the name of the bakery: "La Soleil".</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
Instead of the proper French article, "Le", it was "La Soleil", meaning "The Sun".</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
This was a nod towards the name of the shop of someone I admired.</s> |
Name: Minaduki Kashou (水無月 嘉祥) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Master (ご主人さま)
Name: Chocola (ショコラ) | Gender: Female
[ダンボール]: 「ほっ……良かった、ごまかせたみたい……」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Box]: 「Phew... thank goodness. Looks like that fooled him...」</s>
[ダンボール]: 「危ない危ない……気をつけにゃいと……」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Box]: 「That was close... Chocola'd better be careful, meow...」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「って、そんなわけあるか! 何やってんだショコラ!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「Like that would fool me! What are you doing, Chocola?!」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「えへへ……その、お、お久しぶり……ですね……? ご主人さま……」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Chocola]: 「Eheheh... uhm, l-long time no see... right, Master...?」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「昨日、実家で会ったばっかりだろ」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Kashou]: 「We just saw each other at home yesterday, you know.」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「まぁ、その……それはそうなんですけど……あはは……」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
[Chocola]: 「Well, uhm... that is true, Chocola guesses... Ahaha...」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「あ、それよりちょっと聞いて下さい! 引っ越し業者の人たちヒドいんですよ!?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Chocola]: 「Ah, more importantly than that, listen up! Those movers were really mean!」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「ショコラのこと運ぶ時にですね!?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Chocola]: 「So they were picking up Chocola, right?!」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「このダンボール重いから気をつけろよーとか言って!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Chocola]: 「And they said "This box is heavy, so be careful with it!"」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「思わずフシャ―ッて鳴きそうになっちゃいました、フシャーッって!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
[Chocola]: 「Chocola wanted to hiss at them all of a sudden. Chocola really did!」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「いっしょーけんめいに我慢しましたけど、ショコラはぷんぷんですよ、ぷんぷん!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Chocola]: 「Chocola did her best to control her temper, but Chocola was fuming, you know! Absolutely fuming!」</s> |
Name: Vanilla (バニラ) | Gender: Female
Name: Chocola (ショコラ) | Gender: Female
Name: Minaduki Kashou (水無月 嘉祥) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Master (ご主人さま)
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
They were genetically modified humanoid cats that were commonly referred to as "catgirls."</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = low)
These days, catgirls fit into society...</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
... as pets in families or partners to humans.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
My little sister really loves to dote on catgirls...</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
... so our family has six including Chocola and Vanilla.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
In any case, they couldn't have mailed themselves all on their own.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
Mailing living things through the post would be impossible, for one thing.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
There's no way my parents would have helped with this either.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
Thus I could only guess that this was somehow Shigure's doing...</s>
[嘉祥]: 「……そうか、共犯者は時雨か」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「... I see, so Shigure was an accomplice then.」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「にゃー、すごくキレイなおうちですにゃー♪」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Chocola]: 「Meow~! This is a really pretty home~ ♪」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「新しいお布団とか家具の匂いとか好きですにゃー♪」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Chocola]: 「Chocola really likes the smell of mew bedding and furniture~ ♪」</s>
[バニラ]: 「思ってたより広い。ご主人の甲斐性ばっちり」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Vanilla]: 「It's bigger than it looks. Perfect for Master's abilities.」</s> |
Name: Chocola (ショコラ) | Gender: Female
Name: Minaduki Kashou (水無月 嘉祥) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Master (ご主人さま)
Name: Vanilla (バニラ) | Gender: Female
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
... so I shouldn't have to worry about them getting out of control too much.</s>
[嘉祥]: 「……まぁ、そんなことより」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Kashou]: 「... Well, besides that...」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
I looked up an address in my phone's address book.</s>
水無月 実家
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
*Minaduki Residence*</s>
[嘉祥]: 「……まぁ時雨に着信も残したし、後で時雨が掛け直してくるだろ」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「... Well, I already left Shigure a message, so she should call me back later.」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
Without pressing the call button, I put my cell phone back in my pocket.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
I had moved out without saying anything...</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
... so for her to call me back within the day seemed a bit stupid.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
Well, it wasn't really an issue I needed to bring up right this moment.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
I should hear from Shigure soon anyhow.</s>
[ショコラ]: 「ご主人さまのおふとん、もふもふ完了であります!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Chocola]: 「We've finished snuggling on Master's bed!」</s>
[バニラ]: 「新しいお布団、すごくふかふか。合格点」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Vanilla]: 「The new bed is very fluffy. It gets a passing score.」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「そりゃご苦労さん」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Kashou]: 「Good work, you two.」</s> |
Name: Chocola (ショコラ) | Gender: Female
Name: Minaduki Kashou (水無月 嘉祥) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Master (ご主人さま)
Name: Vanilla (バニラ) | Gender: Female
[嘉祥]: 「いいか、あのな?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Kashou]: 「Listen up, okay?」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「だからこれは旅行でもピクニックでもないって何度も言っただろ?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「How many times have I told you two? This isn't a vacation or a picnic.」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「俺はもうあの家には戻らないつもりで家を出て来たから」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「I moved out because I have no intention of going back there.」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「家なら何も困ることはないし、時雨もいるし他のネコたちもいるんだから」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「If you were at home, you wouldn't have anything to worry about. Shigure and the other catgirls are there too.」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「お前らはそっちの方が――」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
[Kashou]: 「It would be better if you two just--」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「ち、違うんです! これは、その、おっ……!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Chocola]: 「Th-That's not it! It's just that, uhmm...!」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「お腹が反抗期なだけなんです!! だから違うんです!! ほんとに!!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Chocola]: 「Chocola's stomach is just being rebellious!! So that's not it, really!!」</s>
[バニラ]: 「朝早かったせいで朝ごはん食べ損なったから仕方ない」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Vanilla]: 「Master moved out really early in the morning, so there was no time to eat breakfast.」</s>
[バニラ]: 「それにショコラはお腹の音もかわいい」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Vanilla]: 「The sound of Chocola's stomach rumbling is cute anyways.」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
While listening to those silly excuses, I glanced at the clock and saw that it was already past 1 o'clock.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
Now that I thought about it, I haven't eaten anything since this morning either.</s> |
Name: Minaduki Kashou (水無月 嘉祥) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Master (ご主人さま)
Name: Chocola (ショコラ) | Gender: Female
Name: Vanilla (バニラ) | Gender: Female
[嘉祥]: 「他の人の迷惑になるから、あんまりはしゃぎ過ぎないようにな」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Kashou]: 「You'll bother those around us, so try not to get too carried away, you two.」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
Since the refrigerator was empty, we headed to the nearby shopping district to buy groceries.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
From brand-name clothing stores to supermarkets, there was an array of stores.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
There was even a drug store with daily necessities amongst them.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = low)
*If you come here, we have just about everything.*</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
That was how the real estate agent had recommended this place to me.</s>
[嘉祥]: 「てかお前らは時雨としょっちゅう買い物行ってるだろ」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「Wait, don't you two go shopping with Shigure often?」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「むー、時雨ちゃんとご主人さまじゃ全然違うんですー!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Chocola]: 「Uuuu~ Shopping with Shigure-chan and shopping with Master are totally different!」</s>
[バニラ]: 「はぁ。ご主人はほんとご主人たる自覚がなくて困る。ショコラが不憫」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Vanilla]: 「Sigh~ It's troubling that Master doesn't have the proper mindset of a master. Chocola pities you.」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「いやそもそもお前らのご主人は時雨だろが」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「Hey, first of all, Shigure is your master.」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「時雨ちゃんもご主人さまだけど、時雨ちゃんは時雨ちゃんなんです!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Chocola]: 「Shigure-chan is our master too, but Shigure-chan is Shigure-chan!」</s> |
Name: Vanilla (バニラ) | Gender: Female
Name: Minaduki Kashou (水無月 嘉祥) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Master (ご主人さま)
Name: Chocola (ショコラ) | Gender: Female
[ショコラ]: 「後生です! お願いしますご主人さまっ!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
[Chocola]: 「We repent! Please, Master!」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「何とぞ! 何とぞショコラたちのシャンプーを買って下さい!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Chocola]: 「We beg of you! We beg of you to buy shampoo for Chocola and Vanilla!」</s>
[バニラ]: 「シャンプーもない家に帰るのは悲しい。ネコ的に油髪は気持ち悪い」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Vanilla]: 「It's sad to return to a home that doesn't have shampoo. Catgirls don't like having oily hair.」</s>
[女性客A]: 「あのネコちゃんたち、シャンプーもろくに買ってもらえないのかしら、可哀想に……」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Female Customer A]: 「He won't even buy shampoo for those catgirls? The poor things...」</s>
[女性客B]: 「ネコ虐待で通報した方がいいんじゃないのかしらアレ……」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Female Customer B]: 「I wonder if we should report him for catgirl abuse...」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「周りのお客さんに誤解を与えるような小芝居しない! マジで!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「Don't put on some act to confuse the customers around us! Seriously!」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
We'd only just moved here...</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
... but suddenly, we already had disapproving glares directed at us.</s>
[ショコラ]: 「ご主人さまとのお出かけは楽しいです♪」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Chocola]: 「Going out with Master is lots of fun! ♪」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「思わずにゃんにゃん言いたくなっちゃいますね! にゃんにゃん♪」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Chocola]: 「It makes me want to start purring! Meow meow~ ♪」</s> |
Name: Minaduki Kashou (水無月 嘉祥) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Master (ご主人さま)
Name: Vanilla (バニラ) | Gender: Female
Name: Chocola (ショコラ) | Gender: Female
[バニラ]: 「私たちのものは何も買ってくれなかったけど。ご主人ケチい」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Vanilla]: 「He didn't buy us anything though. Master is such a cheapskate.」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「ケチとかじゃない」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「I'm not a cheapskate.」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「危うく俺は通報されるところだったし」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「Besides, I nearly got reported.」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
After that, it was the same sort of exchange at the supermarket.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
The whole thing was so awkward that I don't think I can visit that shopping district for a while.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
... Well, I guess you could say that was the cute side of catgirls.</s>
[バニラ]: 「ん? くんくん、くんくん……」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Vanilla]: 「Hmm? Sniff sniff, sniff sniff...」</s>
[バニラ]: 「あっちからすごくいい匂いがする」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Vanilla]: 「Something smells really nice over there.」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「ほんとだ、すごく香ばしくていい匂いがしますご主人さま!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Chocola]: 「You're right! Something smells really good, Master!」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「確かに。この匂いは……」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「It definitely does. What is this smell...」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
I turned towards the source of it.</s>
[屋台のネコ]: 「いらっしゃいませー!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Food Stand Cat]: 「Welcome~!」</s>
[屋台のネコ]: 「おいしいできたてのたこやき、いかがですかー!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Food Stand Cat]: 「Would you like to try some delicious, fresh takoyaki~?」</s> |
Name: Vanilla (バニラ) | Gender: Female
Name: Minaduki Kashou (水無月 嘉祥) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Master (ご主人さま)
Name: Chocola (ショコラ) | Gender: Female
[嘉祥]: 「ウチのも元々野良だったんで正確な歳は分からないんですけど」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Kashou]: 「Mine were originally strays, so I don't actually know how old they are.」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「獣医さんが双子で9ヶ月くらいだろうってことでした」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「The veterinarian said that they were twins and were now about 9 months old.」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「ウチは妹が本当に教育ママでして」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「My little sister is actually quite the education freak.」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「昔からうるさく言ってた甲斐があるなら何よりです」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
[Kashou]: 「Back then they were really noisy, but it was all worth it.」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「時雨ちゃんがちゃんとお勉強教えてくれたんです!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Chocola]: 「Shigure-chan really taught us well!」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「いい子になれるようにって!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Chocola]: 「She said we'd grow up to be good catgirls if we listened to her!」</s>
[バニラ]: 「時雨、厳しい。でもお陰様で色々と覚えた」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Vanilla]: 「Shigure was tough on us. But thanks to her, we learned a lot.」</s>
[店主]: 「そうなんだ? 良いご主人様なのね」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
[Food Stand Owner]: 「Really? What a wonderful owner you have.」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「あ、でもご主人さまはご主人さまなんです!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Chocola]: 「Ah, but Master is Master!」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「時雨ちゃんは時雨ちゃんですから! ね、ご主人さま?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Chocola]: 「And Shigure-chan is Shigure-chan! Right, Master?」</s>
[バニラ]: 「通訳すると、時雨は大事な友達」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Vanilla]: 「In other words, Shigure is an important friend.」</s> |
Name: Chocola (ショコラ) | Gender: Female
Name: Minaduki Kashou (水無月 嘉祥) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Master (ご主人さま)
Name: Vanilla (バニラ) | Gender: Female
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
Chocola and Vanilla's shoulders drooped downheartedly.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
As they hung their heads, I rubbed them from behind.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
I took a look at the little takoyaki seller.</s>
[嘉祥]: 「じゃあ、たこ焼き3つ。もらえるかい?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「Okay, three orders of takoyaki. Can you do that for me?」</s>
[屋台のネコ]: 「たこやき、みっつ?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Food Stand Cat]: 「Three orders?」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
Her large eyes blinked as she tilted her head in confusion.</s>
[嘉祥]: 「ああ。俺と、ショコラと、バニラの分」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「Yeah. For me, Chocola, and Vanilla.」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「お願い出来るか?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「Could you do that for me?」</s>
[屋台のネコ]: 「はい! たこやきみっつですね!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
[Food Stand Cat]: 「Okay! Three orders, right?」</s>
[屋台のネコ]: 「ごしゅじんさま、オーダーです! たこやきみっつー!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Food Stand Cat]: 「Master, we've got an order! Three takoyaki!」</s>
[ショコラ&バニラ]: 「ご主人さま……!ご主人……!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Chocola&Vanilla]: 「Master...!」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「今から帰ってメシ作っても時間かかっちまうしな」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「It's going to take time to get home and make food, after all.」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「それに、俺もここのたこ焼き食べたいなと思ったし」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「Besides, I want to try the takoyaki here, too.」</s> |
Name: Minaduki Kashou (水無月 嘉祥) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Master (ご主人さま)
Name: Vanilla (バニラ) | Gender: Female
Name: Chocola (ショコラ) | Gender: Female
[嘉祥]: 「いや、そもそも俺が自分自身の面倒だって見れるかすら危ういのに――」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Kashou]: 「I mean, it's already going to be difficult enough just looking after mysel--」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「…………です」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Chocola]: 「...... No.」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
It was a quiet voice I could barely hear.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
Chocola said something with her head down.</s>
[嘉祥]: 「ん? なんだって?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「Hm? What did you say?」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
I came closer and asked her to repeat herself.</s>
[ショコラ]: 「嫌ですー! ショコラは絶対に帰りませーーーんっ!!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Chocola]: 「No way~! Chocola won't go back~!!」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「そんなこと言うご主人さまは嫌いですーーーー!!!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Chocola]: 「Chocola hates Master for saying that~!!!」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「うわっ!? あ、ちょっ! おい、ショコラっ……!?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「Uwah?! Ah wait! Hey, Chocola...?!」</s>
[バニラ]: 「私も脱兎のごとく、いや脱ネコのごとく離脱」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Vanilla]: 「I will also make great haste. Or rather, I'll withdraw with the speed of a catgirl.」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「あっ! ちょ、こらっ!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Kashou]: 「Ah! Wait, stop!」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「バニラまで逃げんなってば!!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「Vanilla, why are you running away too?!」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「ほーらほーらご主人さまー、こっちですよー?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
[Chocola]: 「Come on, come on, Master~! Chocola's over here~」</s> |
Name: Vanilla (バニラ) | Gender: Female
Name: Chocola (ショコラ) | Gender: Female
Name: Minaduki Kashou (水無月 嘉祥) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Master (ご主人さま)
[ショコラ]: 「ショコラはこちらにございますーあはははっ♪」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Chocola]: 「Chocola is over here, ahahahah~ ♪」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「危ないから走り回るなって! 転んだら怪我するだろ!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「It's dangerous, so stop running around! If you fall, you'll get hurt!」</s>
[バニラ]: 「ネコにそんな心配はご不要。人型でもネコはネコ。さささっ」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Vanilla]: 「It's unnecessary to worry about catgirls like that. Although we're humanoid, catgirls are cats. Dash dash~」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「ショコラはともかく、お前は運動てんでダメじゃねーか!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Kashou]: 「Maybe so in Chocola's case, but aren't you bad with physical activity?!」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「こらっ! 捕まえたぞショコラ!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「Come on! I've got you now, Chocola!」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「にゃ゛ーっ! ご主人さまのえっち!! どこ触ってるんですかー!!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Chocola]: 「Myaah! Master, you pervert!! Just where do you think you're grabbing?!」</s>
[バニラ]: 「ご主人、ショコラの胸モロ触ってる。もう鷲掴み」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Vanilla]: 「Master is grabbing Chocola's chest with an iron grip.」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「ち、違うって!! お前らが逃げまわるからだろ!?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Kashou]: 「I-I am not!! It's because you two are running around!」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「にゃーん、隙ありですっ!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Chocola]: 「Meow, an opening!」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「って、あ、こらっ! まだ逃げるか!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Kashou]: 「Hey, ah, stop it! You're still going to run?!」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「くそっ、バニラ捕まえたっ!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Kashou]: 「Geh, I've got you, Vanilla!」</s> |
Name: Minaduki Kashou (水無月 嘉祥) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Master (ご主人さま)
Name: Chocola (ショコラ) | Gender: Female
Name: Vanilla (バニラ) | Gender: Female
[嘉祥]: 「4月の夜はまだまだ冷えるから」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「It still gets pretty cold at night in April, after all.」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「そしたらご主人さまはどうするんですか? ショコラの隣?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Chocola]: 「Where is Master going to sleep then? Next to Chocola?」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「俺は居間のソファで寝るからいい」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「I'm going to sleep on the sofa in the living room.」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「ソファなら一人は寝れるし、いざとなればエアコンもあるしな」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Kashou]: 「The sofa can fit one person and there's air conditioning in there if I need it.」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「ダメですよ! それならショコラがソファで寝ますから!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Chocola]: 「No! If that's the case, then Chocola will sleep on the sofa!」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「ご主人さまはバニラと一緒にお布団で寝て下さい!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Chocola]: 「Please sleep in the bed with Vanilla, Master!」</s>
[バニラ]: 「私こそソファのが落ち着く。ショコラとご主人でベッド使えばいい」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Vanilla]: 「I'm more relaxed on the sofa. It's better if Chocola and Master use the bed.」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
They moved quickly towards me like lions catching their prey.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
I placed my hands on their heads and spoke in a clear and stern voice.</s>
[嘉祥]: 「いいか? 俺がソファで寝る、お前らは俺の部屋で寝る」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「Listen up. I will sleep on the sofa and you two will sleep in my bed.」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「これは主人の命令だ。いいな?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「Those are your Master's orders. Understood?」</s> |
Name: Chocola (ショコラ) | Gender: Female
Name: Minaduki Kashou (水無月 嘉祥) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Master (ご主人さま)
Name: Vanilla (バニラ) | Gender: Female
[ショコラ]: 「はい。おやすみなさい、ご主人さま」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Chocola]: 「All right. Good night, Master.」</s>
[バニラ]: 「おやすみ、ご主人」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Vanilla]: 「Good night, Master.」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
I gently rubbed the heads of the two dispirited catgirls once more.</s>
[嘉祥]: 「また明日な」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「See you in the morning.」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
With that said, I turned the lights off in the room.</s>
[ショコラ]: 「……ご主人さま」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Chocola]: 「... Master.」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「……その、ほんとにごめんなさい。迷惑を、かけてしまって……」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Chocola]: 「... Uhm, Chocola is really sorry. Chocola caused you so much trouble...」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
Her vanishing voice echoed slightly in the darkened room.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
The pain in my heart from before became even sharper.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
I swallowed that pain and replied cheerfully.</s>
[嘉祥]: 「一日くらい別に大丈夫だ。気にしなくていい」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Kashou]: 「It's okay if it's just for one night. Don't worry about it.」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「ご主人さま……」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Chocola]: 「Master...」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「今度こそ、おやすみ」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Kashou]: 「Now then, go to sleep.」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「……やっぱり、情だけで動いちゃダメだよな」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「... I really shouldn't act on my emotions, huh?」</s> |
Name: Minaduki Kashou (水無月 嘉祥) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Master (ご主人さま)
Name: Chocola (ショコラ) | Gender: Female
Name: Minaduki Shigure (水無月 時雨) | Gender: Female
[時雨]: 「ところで兄様。この妹めに、今朝の愛のささやきを」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Shigure]: 「By the way, Nii-sama. Would you whisper this morning's sweet nothings to your little sister?」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「毎朝の習慣みたいなこと言ってんな」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Kashou]: 「Don't make it sound like it's a daily ritual or something.」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「そんなことより――」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
[Kashou]: 「In any case--」</s>
[時雨]: 「あ、すみません。お父様から呼ばれましたので失礼いたします」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Shigure]: 「Ah, I'm sorry. Father is calling me, so I need to get going.」</s>
[時雨]: 「愛してますわ兄さま。ではまた」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Shigure]: 「I love you, Nii-sama. I'll talk to you later.」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「あ、ちょ! 時雨……!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「Ah, wait! Shigure...!」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「…………マジでか」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「... Seriously?」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
As the ruthless electronic buzz of the dropped call echoed, I stared at my cell phone.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
... And here I thought that I could sort all this out if I could just talk to Shigure.</s>
[ショコラ]: 「はむ、んぐんぐんぐ、朝ごはんおいしーですね!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Chocola]: 「Munch munch munch, breakfast tastes good!」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「ご主人さまのごはんはいつでもおいしーですにゃー♪」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Chocola]: 「Master's breakfast always tastes good, meow~ ♪」</s> |
Name: Chocola (ショコラ) | Gender: Female
Name: Vanilla (バニラ) | Gender: Female
Name: Minaduki Kashou (水無月 嘉祥) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Master (ご主人さま)
[バニラ]: 「ショコラ、ほっぺにケチャップ付いてる」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Vanilla]: 「Chocola, there's some ketchup on your cheek.」</s>
[バニラ]: 「芸術的にかわいい。舐めてあげちゃう。ぺろぺろ」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Vanilla]: 「It's cutely artistic. I'll lick it off. Shlurp slurp~」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
The catgirls in question were happily stuffing themselves with sandwiches.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
These sandwiches incidentally contained tomato, cheese, and lettuce.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
With an over-easy fried egg tucked inside all of that, it was a simple meal.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
Breakfast was pretty much like this.</s>
[嘉祥]: 「お前ら、今日こそは家に帰るんだからな?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「You two are definitely going home today, okay?」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「ご主人さまは、ショコラたちといるの楽しくないですか?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Chocola]: 「Is it not fun having Chocola and Vanilla around, Master?」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「ショコラは楽しいですよ? もーそれは今世紀最大級に!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Chocola]: 「Chocola is a lot of fun, you know? With Chocola, it's a world-class level of fun!」</s>
[バニラ]: 「昨晩はご主人だって結構お楽しみだったくせに」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Vanilla]: 「Master was really looking forward to it last night too.」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「わざわざ紛らわしい言い方しなくていい」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Kashou]: 「Stop with the deliberately misleading words.」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
I sighed at their happy-go-lucky mindset.</s> |
Name: Chocola (ショコラ) | Gender: Female
Name: Minaduki Kashou (水無月 嘉祥) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Master (ご主人さま)
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
I took the opportunity to fill their empty glasses with milk.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
The eating habits of catgirls were pretty much the same as those of humans, so that part was straightforward.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
Of course, what they liked and disliked depended on each individual catgirl.</s>
[嘉祥]: 「昨日は結局ほとんど荷物の片付けもしてない」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Kashou]: 「In the end, I wasn't able to get everything put away yesterday.」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「それに今日からは本格的に開店準備が始まる」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Kashou]: 「Today, I really do have to start getting ready for the bakery's opening, too.」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「だからのうのうとお前らと遊んでる時間もないの。大人しく帰れ」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Kashou]: 「That's why I don't have time to relax and play with you two. Be good girls and go home.」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
I said that to them with a sandwich in my hand.</s>
[ショコラ]: 「……ここにショコラがいたら、ご主人さまは迷惑ですか?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Chocola]: 「... Will Chocola being around cause problems for Master?」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
She put her sandwich down on her plate...</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
... and just like yesterday, she looked at me with upturned eyes.</s>
[嘉祥]: 「ああ、迷惑だ」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「Yeah, it's a problem.」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
I answered her clearly.</s>
[ショコラ]: 「……そう、ですか……そう、ですよね、やっぱり……」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Chocola]: 「... I see... So that's how it really is...」</s> |
Name: Minaduki Kashou (水無月 嘉祥) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Master (ご主人さま)
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
However, she showed me her strong determination.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
... I don't remember Chocola or Vanilla ever being this disobedient.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
That thought stayed at the back of my mind.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
But if I was going to be swayed by that...</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
... then I wouldn't have said this.</s>
[嘉祥]: 「……いいか、だからな?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Kashou]: 「... that. Understood?」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「ん?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Kashou]: 「Hmm?」</s>
[食器業者]: 「ご注文ありがとうございます、ロイヤルウッドです」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Tableware Seller]: 「I'm with Royal Wood. Thank you very much for your business!」</s>
[食器業者]: 「ご注文頂きましたティーセットの配達にお伺いしました」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Tableware Seller]: 「I'm here to deliver the tea set that you ordered.」</s>
[食器業者]: 「ではこちら、お店の中に運んじゃいますね」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Tableware Seller]: 「I'll bring it on into the bakery.」</s>
[食器業者]: 「こちらのダンボールで全部ですね」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Tableware Seller]: 「This should be all the boxes.」</s>
[食器業者]: 「では間違いなければ、受領書にサインを頂いてもよろしいでしょうか?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Tableware Seller]: 「If everything looks to be in order, could you please sign this invoice?」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
She smiled brightly and brought out the invoice along with a pen.</s>
[嘉祥]: 「そうですね、えっと……」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「Okay, let's see...」</s> |
Name: Minaduki Kashou (水無月 嘉祥) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Master (ご主人さま)
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
I looked over the sales invoice I received once more.</s>
[嘉祥]: 「……どうも、自分が頼んだものと違うみたいなんですけども」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Kashou]: 「... Somehow, this doesn't look like what I ordered.」</s>
[食器業者]: 「……え、本当ですか?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Tableware Seller]: 「... Huh, is that so?」</s>
[食器業者]: 「それは、品物が違う……ということでしょうか?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Tableware Seller]: 「Are you saying that these... aren't the correct items?」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「いえ、頼んだものも確かに入ってるみたいなのですが……」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「No, the stuff I ordered is in here too, but...」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
I looked over at the pile of boxes inside the bakery.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
Inside of my tiny bakery was a mountain of boxes. A MOUNTAIN.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
It was as if the inside of the bakery had become completely made of boxes.</s>
[嘉祥]: 「見ての通り、ウチではこんなにたくさんの食器は必要ないので……」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Kashou]: 「As you can see, we don't need this much tableware inside the bakery...」</s>
[食器業者]: 「す、すみません! すぐに本社に確認しますので!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Tableware Seller]: 「I-I'm sorry! I'll check with the main office right away!」</s>
[食器業者]: 「少々お待ち頂いてもよろしいでしょうか!?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Tableware Seller]: 「Could you give me a few moments?」</s>
[食器業者]: 「大変申し訳ございません……!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Tableware Seller]: 「I'm sorry for the inconvenience...!」</s> |
Name: Minaduki Kashou (水無月 嘉祥) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Master (ご主人さま)
Name: Chocola (ショコラ) | Gender: Female
Name: Vanilla (バニラ) | Gender: Female
[嘉祥]: 「……今からこれを全部って、相当時間かかりますよね?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「... but it's going to take a while to deal with all of this.」</s>
[食器業者]: 「もちろん私もお手伝いさせて頂きますので!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Tableware Seller]: 「Of course, I would be more than happy to help!」</s>
[食器業者]: 「私も次の配達に行かないといけないですし……!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Tableware Seller]: 「I have to make it to my next delivery, after all...!」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「いやそんなプレッシャーかけられましても……」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「Look, you don't need to put all this pressure on me...」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
From looks of it, it would take two hours or more...</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
But to have it redelivered would take double the effort, too...</s>
[嘉祥]: 「…………ん?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Kashou]: 「...... Hmm?」</s>
[ショコラ&バニラ]: 「じー」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Chocola&Vanilla]: 「Stare.」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「ネコの手があったーっ!!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
[Kashou]: 「That's right, I have a lifeline!!」</s>
[ショコラ&バニラ]: 「にゃにゃっ!? にゃんですかぁっ!?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Chocola&Vanilla]: 「Meow meow?! What is it?!」</s>
[食器業者]: 「ネコちゃんたち、本当に助かりました!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Tableware Seller]: 「You've really saved me, catgirls!」</s>
[食器業者]: 「ありがとうございます、ほんとにありがとうございます!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Tableware Seller]: 「Thank you! Thank you oh so very much!」</s> |
Name: Vanilla (バニラ) | Gender: Female
Name: Minaduki Kashou (水無月 嘉祥) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Master (ご主人さま)
[バニラ]: 「ご主人。私たちがいたら、そんなに迷惑? 悪い子?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Vanilla]: 「Is it that much of a bother for us to be here, Master? Are we bad catgirls?」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
She spoke quietly in her usual way.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
Vanilla tilted her head as she asked that question.</s>
[嘉祥]: 「……悪い子じゃないから、ここにはいさせられないんだよ」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Kashou]: 「... You two aren't bad catgirls, and that's why I can't have you stay here.」</s>
[バニラ]: 「悪い子じゃないのに、ダメなの?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Vanilla]: 「We can't stay even though we aren't bad catgirls?」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「良い子だから、ダメなんだ」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Kashou]: 「It's because you two are good catgirls that I can't allow it.」</s>
[バニラ]: 「ふーん……?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Vanilla]: 「Hmmmm...?」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
She blinked as she took in my words.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
It was almost as if she was trying to peer inside my heart.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
She stared directly at me, long and hard.</s>
[バニラ]: 「ヒトって難しい。ネコにはそういうのは分からない」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Vanilla]: 「Humans are hard to understand. Catgirls do not understand such things.」</s>
[バニラ]: 「好きならそばにいたい。少なくとも、私はそう思うけど」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
[Vanilla]: 「If we like a human, we want to be near them. At the very least, that's how I feel.」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「バニラ……」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「Vanilla...」</s> |
Name: Minaduki Kashou (水無月 嘉祥) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Master (ご主人さま)
Name: Vanilla (バニラ) | Gender: Female
[バニラ]: 「ショコラのところ、行ってくる」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Vanilla]: 「I will go check on Chocola.」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
With those words, she went upstairs.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
The sound of her small footsteps slowly disappeared and before long I couldn't hear them anymore.</s>
[嘉祥]: 「……ヒトって難しい、か」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「... "Humans are hard to understand", huh?」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
Inside the bakery, now devoid of anyone but myself...</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
... I repeated those words she had just said to me.</s>
[嘉祥]: 「……言われてみれば、矛盾した考え方だよな」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「... Now that I think about it, that's a pretty inconsistent way of thinking, isn't it?」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
*Cats do not understand that.*</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
Having heard that said aloud, I began to understand what it really meant.</s>
[嘉祥]: 「……ネコくらい単純に生きられれば、色々と楽なんだろうけどな」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Kashou]: 「... It must be pretty nice to live the simple life of a catgirl, huh?」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
I pondered as I looked at the name of the bakery affixed to the window.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
With a bitter smile, I began to clean up the tea sets that had arrived earlier.</s>
[バニラ]: 「あれ、今日はあのたこ焼き屋がいない」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Vanilla]: 「Huh, that takoyaki seller isn't here today.」</s> |
Name: Minaduki Kashou (水無月 嘉祥) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Master (ご主人さま)
Name: Chocola (ショコラ) | Gender: Female
Name: Vanilla (バニラ) | Gender: Female
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
Just like yesterday, we took a walk through the park in the evening.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
However, that food stand was nowhere to be found.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
It just so happened that no one was home on the day I decided to take the two catgirls home.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
I had also happened to leave the house key behind.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
So to make good use of time, I went to do some shopping before Shigure got home.</s>
[ショコラ]: 「……え? あ、ご、ごめんバニラ!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Chocola]: 「... Eh? Ah, s-sorry, Vanilla!」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「何だっけ、マタタビだっけ?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
[Chocola]: 「What was it called... catnip?」</s>
[バニラ]: 「だいたいそんな感じ」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Vanilla]: 「That sounds about right.」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「一文字たりとも合ってないだろが」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Kashou]: 「That isn't the right word at all.」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「ショコラ、疲れたなら少し休んでくか?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「Chocola, if you're tired, why don't we rest a bit?」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「あ、はい、少しだけ……」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Chocola]: 「Ah, okay. Maybe a little bit...」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「でも大丈夫ですから。心配かけてごめんなさい、ご主人さま」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Chocola]: 「... Ah, no, Chocola is fine. Sorry to worry you, Master.」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「……別に謝ることじゃないだろ」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「... There's no need for you to apologize.」</s> |
Name: Vanilla (バニラ) | Gender: Female
Name: Minaduki Kashou (水無月 嘉祥) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Master (ご主人さま)
Name: Chocola (ショコラ) | Gender: Female
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
She had a troubled smile on her face as she nodded.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = low)
It was pretty clear why she wasn't in good spirits.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
That's why there was nothing I could really say to her.</s>
[嘉祥]: 「じゃあちょうどそこにベンチがあるし、少し休んでくか」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「Well, there happens to be a bench over there, so why don't we rest a bit?」</s>
[バニラ]: 「じゃあ私、何か飲み物買ってくる」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Vanilla]: 「In that case, I will go buy something to drink.」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「ああ、頼む。全員分な」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Kashou]: 「Ahh, thanks. Something for everyone, okay?」</s>
[バニラ]: 「了解。任された」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Vanilla]: 「Understood. Leave it to me.」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
I handed Vanilla some change and offered the bench to Chocola.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
The constant sea breeze rustled the trees in the park.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
All that could be heard throughout the empty park were the quiet sounds of nature.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
I silently sat down next to the disheartened Chocola.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
Like the gently setting sun, time passed by slowly.</s>
[ショコラ]: 「……ショコラ、帰ります」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Chocola]: 「... Chocola... will go home.」</s> |
Name: Minaduki Kashou (水無月 嘉祥) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Master (ご主人さま)
Name: Chocola (ショコラ) | Gender: Female
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
Her voice was so quiet that I wasn't quite sure if I had heard her or not.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
Even so, she answered clearly.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
Without saying a word, I responded by gently rubbing Chocola's head.</s>
[ショコラ]: 「……たまには、ご主人さまに電話してもいいですか?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Chocola]: 「... Is it all right if Chocola calls you sometimes, Master?」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「ああ」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「Yeah.」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「……また、ご主人さまのところに遊びに来てもいいですか?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Chocola]: 「... Would it be all right to go visit you as well, Master?」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「ああ」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「Yeah.」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「ご主人さまはっ……ショコラたちのこと、ちゃんと毎日思い出してくれますかっ……?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Chocola]: 「Master... Will you be sure to think about us every day...?」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「ショコラは、離れててもっ……ご主人さまって……呼んでても、いいですかっ……?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Chocola]: 「Is it all right for Chocola to... still call you Master... even if Chocola is far away from you?」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
Her voice trembled as she frantically wiped away her tears.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
She stifled her sobbing and her voice became strained.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
She looked pained as she did her best to hold back her emotions, biting her lips.</s> |
Name: Chocola (ショコラ) | Gender: Female
Name: Minaduki Kashou (水無月 嘉祥) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Master (ご主人さま)
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
I held back my irresponsible words that were on the brink of coming out with all my strength.</s>
[嘉祥]: 「……ああ。当たり前だろ」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「... Yeah. Of course, I will.」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「う……うぅっ……! う、うぅぅ~っ……!! ごしゅじん、さまぁ……!!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Chocola]: 「Uu... uuu...! U-Uwahh...!! Master...!!」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「ごめんなさいっ……! ごしゅじんさまぁっ……!! うぅぅぅ~っ……!!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Chocola]: 「Chocola is sorry...! Masterrr...!! Uuuwahh...!!」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
I was frustrated at myself for saying nothing. I was empty.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
I could only offer condolences that could not be put into words.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
I rubbed Chocola's head as gently as I could.</s>
[ショコラ]: 「くす……やっぱりご主人さまは、優しいですね……?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Chocola]: 「Sniffle... You really are kind, aren't you Master...?」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「……別に、俺は優しくなんかないよ」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Kashou]: 「... I don't really think I'm kind at all.」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「ご主人さま、前もおんなじこと言ってましたから……」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Chocola]: 「You said the same thing before, didn't you Master...」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「前って……」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「Before...?」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
Chocola closed her eyes and smiled.</s> |
Name: Chocola (ショコラ) | Gender: Female
[ショコラ]: 「助けて、誰か助けてって思いながら、ただただ泣いてたんです……」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
[Chocola]: 「All we could do was cry and cry as we kept hoping for someone -- anyone -- to come and save us...」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「そしたら……」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Chocola]: 「And then...」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
*It's all right. I'm with you two, so don't worry.*</s>
[ショコラ]: 「ご主人さまが、大きくてあったかい手で……撫でてくれたんですよね」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Chocola]: 「With your big, warm hands... you gently rubbed our heads, Master.」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「ずっと、そばで大丈夫、大丈夫って言い続けてくれて……」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Chocola]: 「You kept saying "Don't worry, don't worry" as you stayed by our side...」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「ショコラとバニラのこと、撫で続けてくれてました……」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Chocola]: 「... And continued to stroke and comfort both Chocola and Vanilla...」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「朝になって、病院に行くまで。ずっと、ずーっとそばに居てくれて……」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Chocola]: 「When morning came, you took us to the hospital. You were always, always by our side...」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「……不安で心細かったのが、全部嘘だったみたいに」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Chocola]: 「... We felt so anxious and helpless, it felt like it was all just lies to us.」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「……あの時も同じこと言ってました」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Chocola]: 「... Back then, you said the same thing.」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「俺は別に優しくなんかないって」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Chocola]: 「That you didn't think you were being kind.」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「……でもショコラたちは、ご主人さまが助けてくれなかったらここにいなかったです」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Chocola]: 「... But if Master hadn't saved us, Chocola and Vanilla wouldn't be here now.」</s> |
Name: Vanilla (バニラ) | Gender: Female
Name: Minaduki Kashou (水無月 嘉祥) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Master (ご主人さま)
[バニラ]: 「私たちはネコだから、自分に素直なだけ」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Vanilla]: 「We are catgirls, so we're honest with ourselves.」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
My inner conflict was disrupted by Vanilla.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
Vanilla had returned at some point...</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
... and she looked straight at me as she sat at Chocola's side.</s>
[バニラ]: 「私なら、楽しいことならショコラと一緒がいい」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Vanilla]: 「For me, as long as it's fun, I am fine being with Chocola.」</s>
[バニラ]: 「例えつらいことでも、ショコラと一緒にいたいと思う」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Vanilla]: 「Even if there are hardships, I think I am fine being with Chocola.」</s>
[バニラ]: 「だって。一緒にいれないことの方が寂しくて、つらいから」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Vanilla]: 「After all, it's much more lonely and painful when we can't be together.」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「……バニラ」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「... Vanilla.」</s>
[バニラ]: 「本当に好きなら、迷惑かけたって一緒にいたい。それでも一緒にいたいものだと思う」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Vanilla]: 「If we really love you then even if it's troublesome we want to be with you. That is a reason to want to be with you.」</s>
[バニラ]: 「私たちが幸せかどうかなんて……」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Vanilla]: 「Stuff like whether we'd be happy or not...」</s>
[バニラ]: 「いくらご主人でも、決めつけるのは違うと思うよ?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Vanilla]: 「Even though you're our Master, don't you think it's wrong for you to decide that?」</s>
[バニラ]: 「それに。大事なヒトが大変なら、なおさらそばにいたい」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Vanilla]: 「Besides, when a person important to us is in trouble, that's more reason for us to want to be by their side.」</s> |
Name: Vanilla (バニラ) | Gender: Female
Name: Chocola (ショコラ) | Gender: Female
Name: Minaduki Kashou (水無月 嘉祥) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Master (ご主人さま)
[嘉祥]: 「……お前ら、実家にいた時そんなもんばっかり食べてたのか」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「... Is that all you guys have been eating at home?!」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
Even if the road ahead of us is uncertain...</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
I lovingly rubbed their heads, disheveling their hair.</s>
[嘉祥]: 「よし、じゃあ商店街に戻るか」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「All right, why don't we head back to the shopping district then?」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「へ? 何でですか? お買い物はもう終わったんですよね?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Chocola]: 「Eh? Why is that? Aren't you done with shopping already?」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「お前らのお気に入りのシャンプー買わないと、だろ?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「We have to go buy that shampoo you guys liked, don't we?」</s>
[バニラ]: 「おぉーご主人、カッコいい」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Vanilla]: 「Ohhh~ Master is so cool!」</s>
[バニラ]: 「ついでに松坂ウシも買おう」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Vanilla]: 「While we're at it, let's buy some Matsuzaka beef.」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「まぁ今日くらいはお祝いってことで、そうするかー」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「Well, today is a celebration, so why not?」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「やったー! お祝いパーティーですね!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Chocola]: 「Yay~! A celebratory party!」</s>
[バニラ]: 「ご主人太っ腹……! さすがは私たちのご主人……!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Vanilla]: 「Master is so generous...! As expected of our Master...!」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「今日だけだからな、今日だけ」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
[Kashou]: 「Just this once, okay?」</s> |
Name: Chocola (ショコラ) | Gender: Female
Name: Minaduki Kashou (水無月 嘉祥) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Master (ご主人さま)
Name: Vanilla (バニラ) | Gender: Female
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
Swamped with work, I turned away from the two catgirls.</s>
[ショコラ]: 「ご主人さま! ご主人さまのお店の制服、ショコラ似合ってますか?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Chocola]: 「Master! Do you think Chocola looks good in Master's shop uniform?」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「ああ、良く似合ってると思う」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Kashou]: 「Ahh, yeah, it looks really good.」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「急ごしらえだけど、良いのが見つかって良かったな」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Kashou]: 「Although it was last minute, I'm glad that we found something decent.」</s>
[バニラ]: 「うんうん、良かった良かった。選んだのは私だけど」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Vanilla]: 「Yep yep, good good. I was the one who chose these though.」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「ああ、バニラも良く似合ってるぞ。これからよろしく頼むな?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「Ahh, it looks good on you too, Vanilla. I'm counting on you two, you know!」</s>
[バニラ]: 「……まぁ出来る範囲で頑張る」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Vanilla]: 「... Well, we'll do our best to the extent of our ability.」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「うわーい、ご主人さまにも褒めてもらっちゃったねー♪」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Chocola]: 「Yay~ Master praised us! ♪」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「明日から一緒に看板ネコとして頑張ろうね、バニラー!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Chocola]: 「From tomorrow on, let's do our best as shop catgirls, Vanilla!」</s>
[バニラ]: 「せっかくご主人が用意してくれたし。適度に頑張る」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Vanilla]: 「Since Master did prepare these uniforms for us, I guess I might as well. I will try.」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「もー素直じゃないんだからー♪」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Chocola]: 「Come on, you aren't being honest~ ♪」</s> |
Name: Minaduki Kashou (水無月 嘉祥) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Master (ご主人さま)
Name: Chocola (ショコラ) | Gender: Female
Name: Vanilla (バニラ) | Gender: Female
[ショコラ]: 「にゃにゃにゃっ!? ご主人さま、なんですか! それはなんですかー!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Chocola]: 「Meow meow meow?! Master, what are those?! Just what could those be?」</s>
[バニラ]: 「おお。これはもしや、ショップカードというやつでは」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Vanilla]: 「Ohh. Could those be those things called "business cards?"」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「すごい、すごいですご主人さま! お店の住所とか電話番号まで書いてますよー!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Chocola]: 「Amazing! That's amazing, Master! It even has the shop's address and phone number on it!」</s>
[バニラ]: 「お店の情報がもろバレの一枚」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Vanilla]: 「It's a single card that tells you everything about this shop.」</s>
[バニラ]: 「個人情報保護にうるさい時代に危機感のない」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Vanilla]: 「You have no sense of discretion in an era where everyone is protective of their privacy.」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「いやショップカードってそういうもんだから」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Kashou]: 「No, that's exactly what business cards are used for.」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
She knew about protecting personal information, but not about business cards...?</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
Well, it was true that it would be a pain if I was in some sort of strange business or something.</s>
[ショコラ]: 「おめでとうございます、おめでとうございますご主人さま!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Chocola]: 「Congratulations! Congratulations, Master!」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「こんなに素敵なショップカードなら、あっという間になくなって満員御礼ですね♪」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Chocola]: 「With such a pretty business card, soon they'll all be gone and replaced with a shop packed with guests instead! ♪」</s> |
Name: Minaduki Kashou (水無月 嘉祥) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Master (ご主人さま)
Name: Chocola (ショコラ) | Gender: Female
Name: Vanilla (バニラ) | Gender: Female
[嘉祥]: 「ああ、そう上手く行くといいけどな」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
[Kashou]: 「Ahh, it would be nice if everything went like that.」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
I rubbed the high-spirited Chocola on the head as if that dream had already been granted.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
If she was already this genuinely happy about things, I began to feel like it all might go well.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
... It really was reassuring to have someone else here along with me.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
I found myself thinking about that all again.</s>
[バニラ]: 「…………(じー)」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Vanilla]: 「...... Stare~」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「バニラ、どうした?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「What's wrong, Vanilla?」</s>
[バニラ]: 「これ、1枚欲しい。もらってもいい?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Vanilla]: 「I want one. Is it okay to take it?」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「ああ、それは構わないけど……」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「Ahh, I don't mind...」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
It was rare for Vanilla to want something like that.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
But I imagine even catgirls like to have mementos.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = low)
I had several hundred cards, so it really wasn't a big deal.</s>
[ショコラ]: 「はい、はーい! ショコラも! ショコラも欲しいですご主人さま!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Chocola]: 「Oh, oh! Chocola, too! Master, Chocola wants one too!」</s> |
Name: Minaduki Kashou (水無月 嘉祥) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Master (ご主人さま)
Name: Chocola (ショコラ) | Gender: Female
Name: Vanilla (バニラ) | Gender: Female
[嘉祥]: 「ああ、たくさん作ったし好きなだけもってっていいぞ」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Kashou]: 「Okay, I had a lot made so go ahead and take however many you'd like.」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「って、あ! こら、全部はダメだって!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
[Kashou]: 「Hey, wait! You can't take all of them!」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「好きなだけってそういう意味じゃない!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Kashou]: 「That's not what I meant by take however many you want!」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
I watched Chocola take the box and go.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
Maybe Japanese was hard for them to understand.</s>
[ショコラ]: 「…………(じー)」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Chocola]: 「...... Stare~」</s>
[バニラ]: 「…………(じー)」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Vanilla]: 「...... Stare~」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「…………にゃっ(ぱしっ)」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Chocola]: 「...... Meow, fwahp!」</s>
[バニラ]: 「…………にゃっ(ぱしっ)」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Vanilla]: 「...... Meow, fwahp!」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「…………(じー)」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Chocola]: 「...... Stare...」</s>
[バニラ]: 「…………(じー)」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Vanilla]: 「...... Stare...」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「にゃっ(ぱしっ)」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Chocola]: 「...... Meow, fwahp!」</s>
[バニラ]: 「にゃっ(ぱしっ)」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Vanilla]: 「...... Meow, fwahp!」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「にゃっ!(ぱしっ)」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Chocola]: 「...... Meow! Fwahp!」</s> |
Name: Minaduki Kashou (水無月 嘉祥) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Master (ご主人さま)
Name: Chocola (ショコラ) | Gender: Female
Name: Vanilla (バニラ) | Gender: Female
[バニラ]: 「にゃっ!(ぱしっ)」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Vanilla]: 「...... Meow! Fwahp!」</s>
[ショコラ&バニラ]: 「にゃにゃー! にゃにゃにゃにゃにゃーっ!!(ぱしっ、ぱしっ)」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Chocola&Vanilla]: 「Meow meow! Meow, meow meow, meow meow!! (Fwahp fwahp!)」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「……やっぱりネコなんだなぁ」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Kashou]: 「... You two really are cats.」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
That was how I felt, watching those two get so engrossed in a regular cat toy.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
Well, it did say "Go Ahead," so for now, I'll just let them play with it.</s>
[嘉祥]: 「えーと、ネコ関係の本はどこだろうな……」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「Hmm, where can I find books on catgirls...」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
As I looked around the store, an apron-clad shop clerk came up to me.</s>
[店員]: 「何かお探しですか?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Shop Clerk]: 「Is there anything I can help you with?」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「ネコの飼い方の本とかってありますか? 人型ネコの」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「Do you have any books on raising cats? The humanoid kind.」</s>
[店員]: 「はい、もちろんございますよ。こちらになります」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
[Shop Clerk]: 「Yes, certainly! They would be over here.」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「……ずいぶんたくさんあるんですね、ネコの本って」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「... Wow, there sure are a lot of books on catgirls.」</s> |
Name: Minaduki Kashou (水無月 嘉祥) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Master (ご主人さま)
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
I was so taken aback by the tightly packed amount of books on catgirls, my thoughts happened to slip out.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
A Catgirl's Feelings, "Catgirl Education", "Catgirls at Full Speed... or Not!"</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
I didn't understand the last one... but in any case, there were a lot of books.</s>
[店員]: 「この手の本は多いですけど、でも結局ネコそれぞれなんですよね」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Shop Clerk]: 「While there are a lot of these kinds of books, when it comes to catgirls, each individual one is different.」</s>
[店員]: 「人型ネコは言葉でコミュニケーションが取れますし、ちゃんと話をしてれば大丈夫ですけどね」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Shop Clerk]: 「Humanoid cats can communicate with words, so if you just talk with them you should be able to work things out.」</s>
[店員]: 「あちらのネコちゃんたちのご主人さまですか?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Shop Clerk]: 「Are you those catgirls' master?」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「ああ、いえ、飼い主は妹で――」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Kashou]: 「Oh, no, my little sister is their owne--」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「……いや。はい、あの二匹の飼い主です。ちょっとネコについてちゃんと勉強しようと思って」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Kashou]: 「... Wait, no. I am their owner. I thought should do a bit of studying up on them.」</s>
[店員]: 「そうでしたか。ではオススメの本出しますので少々お待ちくださいね」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Shop Clerk]: 「I see. I'll bring you some recommended books then. Please wait for a moment.」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
It did feel awkward to declare that I was their owner.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
But to be able to say that I was their owner was also something that made me a bit happy.</s> |
Name: Minaduki Kashou (水無月 嘉祥) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Master (ご主人さま)
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
... I would say it was a part of my caring personality.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
A wry smile formed on my face as I watched the two of them frantically slap the cat toy from a distance.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
... Wait, they're still doing that?</s>
[店員]: 「お待たせしました。こちらの本なんてどうでしょうか?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Shop Clerk]: 「Thank you for waiting. How about this book?」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
The shop clerk came back and handed me a book.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
Catgirls: Year One to Adulthood.</s>
[店員]: 「もうあれだけ手が掛からないなら、飼い方というよりはネコの特性を学ばれた方がいいと思いまして」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Shop Clerk]: 「If that's what you have on your plate, then maybe it would be better to learn about the special characteristics of catgirls instead of how to raise them.」</s>
[店員]: 「今さら言葉とかトイレ、お風呂の教え方なんて必要ないと思いますし」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Shop Clerk]: 「At this point, I don't think you need to teach them how to speak, use the restroom, or take a bath, after all.」</s>
[店員]: 「これから成ネコになるにつれて、発情期とか身体的な成長も現れたりしますから」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Shop Clerk]: 「But it also covers topics related to adult catgirls, including mating seasons and physical development.」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「そうですね、確かに」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Kashou]: 「Right, that would be important.」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
I rapidly flipped through the pages.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
Eating habits to promote growth, "Mating season", "Stable period during pregnancy".</s> |
Name: Minaduki Kashou (水無月 嘉祥) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Master (ご主人さま)
Name: Vanilla (バニラ) | Gender: Female
Name: Chocola (ショコラ) | Gender: Female
[嘉祥]: 「じゃあこちら、頂けますか?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
[Kashou]: 「In that case, I'd like to buy this.」</s>
[店員]: 「はい、ありがとうございます」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Shop Clerk]: 「All right. Thank you very much.」</s>
[店員]: 「あ、あと。もうひとつなのですが……」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Shop Clerk]: 「Ah, also, there is one more thing...」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「ん? どうかしました?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Kashou]: 「Hmm? What is it?」</s>
[店員]: 「ネコちゃんたちが大変気に入っていたようですが、あちらはどうなさいますか?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Shop Clerk]: 「Just what is going on over there? Your catgirls seem to be really into something, but...」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「あちらって……」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「Over there...?」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「はっ、はっ、はっ、はっ……!!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Chocola]: 「Hah, hah, hah, hah...!!」</s>
[バニラ]: 「ひゅー、ひゅー、ひゅー……!!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Vanilla]: 「Hyuuh, hyuuh, hyuuh...!!」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「しぬ……このままじゃ、ショコラしんでしまいます……! はっ、はっ、はっ……!!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Chocola]: 「Dying... At this rate, Chocola will die...! Hah, hah, hah...!!」</s>
[バニラ]: 「わたしも、もう……三途の川がみえる……ひゅー、ひゅー……」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
[Vanilla]: 「I can see... the light... Hyuu, hyuu, hyuu...!!」</s>
[バニラ]: 「ここからさきは、わたしの、しかばねをのりこえて……げほっ、げほっ、げほっ……!!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
[Vanilla]: 「The only way you'll pass through... is over my dead body... Cough, cough, cough...!!」</s> |
Name: Vanilla (バニラ) | Gender: Female
Name: Minaduki Kashou (水無月 嘉祥) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Master (ご主人さま)
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
The shop clerk did tell me, "That's just how things are," after all.</s>
[バニラ]: 「ねぇご主人。今日はドラッグストア寄らない?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Vanilla]: 「Hey, Master. Could you stop by the drugstore?」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「ん? 寄るつもりはなかったけど、欲しいものがあるのか?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Kashou]: 「Hmm? I wasn't planning on it, but was there something you wanted?」</s>
[バニラ]: 「そうと言えばそうな感じ。ダメ?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
[Vanilla]: 「Well, if you put it that way, then yes, it's something like that. Is that all right?」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「いやまぁ寄るなら寄るでいいけど……」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Kashou]: 「I guess if you want to go, then we can go...」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
Using such unclear words was uncharacteristic of Vanilla.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
Just the other day, I had bought her a full set of hair care products.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
I guess there was some medicine I wanted to stock up on, so I didn't mind.</s>
[嘉祥]: 「じゃあ行くか」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「Okay, let's go, then.」</s>
[バニラ]: 「うん、行く。これで任務達成」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Vanilla]: 「Yeah, let's go. Objective achieved.」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「任務?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Kashou]: 「Objective?」</s>
[バニラ]: 「まぁネコの世界にも色々ある」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Vanilla]: 「Catgirls' have lots of them too, you know.」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「……? まぁいいけど……」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「...? Well, that's fine, I guess...」</s> |
Name: Chocola (ショコラ) | Gender: Female
Name: Minaduki Kashou (水無月 嘉祥) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Master (ご主人さま)
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
Maybe catgirls' lives aren't that easy...</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
I thought about that as we headed towards the drugstore.</s>
[ショコラ]: 「ねぇねぇご主人さま。せーりつーってなんですか?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
[Chocola]: 「Hey hey, Master. What's men-stroo-al pain?」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「あ、せーりってことはもしかして……」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
[Chocola]: 「Ah, could men-stroo-al pain be...」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「お片付けした時に痛くなる筋肉痛のことですか!? ショコラ冴えてますねー!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Chocola]: 「It's the pain in your muscles when you're cleaning, right?! Chocola is very perceptive~!」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「大体そんな感じだから、もうちょっと静かにな? な?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Kashou]: 「It's something like that. Look, can you keep it down? Okay?」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
Stares from others in the store were piercing me once again.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
There's no way I could get angry at their innocence either. Please try to understand my situation...</s>
[嘉祥]: 「とりあえず向こう行こうな? 向こうの方の薬見たいからさ?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「In any case, why don't we go that way? There should be medicine over there.」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「向こう了解です! ショコラはご主人さまに付いて行くのであります♪」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Chocola]: 「Coordinates confirmed! Chocola will follow you, Master~ ♪」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「ところで、ご主人さまは何のお薬を買うんですか?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Chocola]: 「By the way, what kind of medicine are you buying, Master?」</s> |
Name: Vanilla (バニラ) | Gender: Female
Name: Chocola (ショコラ) | Gender: Female
Name: Minaduki Kashou (水無月 嘉祥) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Master (ご主人さま)
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
Wasn't she the one that said she wanted to go to the drugstore, too...?</s>
[ショコラ]: 「くんくん、くんくん……」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Chocola]: 「Sniff sniff, sniff sniff...」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「む、あっちからバニラの匂いがしますよ、ご主人さま!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Chocola]: 「Hah! Chocola can smell Vanilla's scent over there, Master!」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「あっちって……店の外?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「By "over there," do you mean... outside of the store?」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
I turned to where Chocola was pointing and saw that she was pointing outside.</s>
[バニラ]: 「ん? 呼んだ? 愛しのショコラ」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Vanilla]: 「Hmm? My dear Chocola, did you call me?」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
All of a sudden, Vanilla came back inside the store.</s>
[嘉祥]: 「あれ、バニラ。どこに行ってたんだ?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「Huh, Vanilla? Where did you go?」</s>
[バニラ]: 「ちょっとお花を摘みに」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Vanilla]: 「I just went to pick some flowers.」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「いや思いっきり店の外から入って来たろ今」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「No, I mean, you clearly came from outside of the store just now.」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
I pointed towards the sign for the restrooms inside the store.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
There was no reason for Vanilla to lie, though...</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
Wait, she is a cat, so does it mean that she...?</s> |
Name: Vanilla (バニラ) | Gender: Female
Name: Minaduki Kashou (水無月 嘉祥) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Master (ご主人さま)
Name: Chocola (ショコラ) | Gender: Female
[嘉祥]: 「……まさか、トイレが分からずに外で……?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「... Could it be that you didn't know what a restroom was and went outside to...?」</s>
[バニラ]: 「ヘンタイ! ご主人がとても失礼!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Vanilla]: 「Pervert! That's really rude of you, Master!」</s>
[バニラ]: 「超ヘンタイ! サイテーなヒト!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Vanilla]: 「Super pervert! What an awful person!」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「あ、ああ、いやまぁそうだよな!? そんなわけないよな、すまん……!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Kashou]: 「Y-Yeah, that's true, huh? There's no way that would be the case, right. Sorry...!」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
Vanilla's face was red with rage as I earnestly apologized.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
... So that's how Vanilla looks when she gets angry, huh?</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
It's difficult to make sense of a catgirl's pride.</s>
[バニラ]: 「それより早く帰って開店準備。もう明日だし」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Vanilla]: 「In any case, we should hurry back and prepare for the bakery's opening. It's tomorrow, after all.」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「ショコラたちもご主人さまのお手伝いしますから!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Chocola]: 「Chocola and Vanilla will help out too, Master!」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「ネコの手でも借りたいくらいだから、よろしく頼むぞ」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
[Kashou]: 「It's going to be a tall order, so I'm counting on you two.」</s>
[ショコラ&バニラ]: 「はーい!はーい」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Chocola&Vanilla]: 「Okay!」</s> |
Name: Chocola (ショコラ) | Gender: Female
Name: Minaduki Kashou (水無月 嘉祥) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Master (ご主人さま)
Name: Vanilla (バニラ) | Gender: Female
[ショコラ]: 「いらっしゃいませー! ご注文はお決まりでしょーかっ!?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Chocola]: 「Welcome! Have you decided on what you'd like to order?!」</s>
[バニラ]: 「ハート感が足りない。もっと媚びてもっとお色気を」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Vanilla]: 「There's not enough heart in it. Be more flirty and sexy!」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「ふむふむ、お色気かぁ。よし、じゃあもう一回行くね?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Chocola]: 「Hrmm, hrmm. Sexy, huh? Okay, let's try once more from the top.」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「あふん、いらっしゃいませぇ~ん♪」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Chocola]: 「Ahhnn, welcummm~ ♪」</s>
[バニラ]: 「ごめん。素直に私が悪かったと思う。今のなし」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Vanilla]: 「Sorry. Honestly, blame me. Ignore what I just said.」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「一応言っとくけど、ウチはそういう店じゃないからな?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Kashou]: 「Just for the record, this isn't that kind of bakery, okay?」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「いらっしゃいませ♪ 当店のオススメはケーキです!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Chocola]: 「Welcome! ♪ Our bakery's recommendation is cakes!」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「ケーキ屋に入ってきたお客にケーキをオススメしてどうする」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「What good is it if a customer walks into a bakery and you recommend cakes to them?」</s>
[バニラ]: 「でもケーキ以外をオススメされても困るでしょ?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Vanilla]: 「Wouldn't it be a problem to recommend stuff aside from cakes?」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「いやそうだけど」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「Well, that is true, but...」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
While I was making preparations for tomorrow, the poster girls were off to the side practicing greetings.</s> |
Name: Vanilla (バニラ) | Gender: Female
Name: Minaduki Kashou (水無月 嘉祥) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Master (ご主人さま)
Name: Chocola (ショコラ) | Gender: Female
[バニラ]: 「おぉ……! ぺろぺろこの甘すぎない甘さがまた、ぺろぺろ後を引くというかぺろぺろ……!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Vanilla]: 「Oh...! Lick lick, this not overly-sweet sweetness... Lick lick, it makes me want to lick it more...!」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「ご主人さま、味見おかわりしてもいいですか!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Chocola]: 「Master, could we have a second taste test?」</s>
[バニラ]: 「私も替え玉が欲しい」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Vanilla]: 「I would also like a second serving.」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「はいはい、了解しました。これが最後だぞ?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Kashou]: 「Okay, okay. Understood. This is the last one, okay?」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
This time, I gave each of them a small spoon.</s>
[ショコラ]: 「ぺろぺろぺろぺろぺろぺろ」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Chocola]: 「Lick lick lick lick lick lick~!」</s>
[バニラ]: 「ぺろぺろぺろぺろぺろぺろ」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Vanilla]: 「Lick lick lick lick lick lick...!」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = low)
Fast -- just like a cat.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
The two of them were wholeheartedly licking their spoons.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
Well, I suppose their straightforwardness was sort of cute.</s>
[嘉祥]: 「……まぁネコの手でも借りたいっても、やっぱりネコだしな(ボソッ」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Kashou]: 「... Well, even though I did ask for assistance, you two are just catgirls after all--」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「そそそそんなことにゃいです!!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Chocola]: 「Th-Th-Th-That's not true!!」</s> |
Name: Vanilla (バニラ) | Gender: Female
Name: Minaduki Kashou (水無月 嘉祥) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Master (ご主人さま)
Name: Chocola (ショコラ) | Gender: Female
[ショコラ]: 「えーっとまずはお鍋にミルクと、えっと……」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Chocola]: 「Uhm... First, you pour milk in the bowl... then, uhm...」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「あとヒマワリの種入れるんでしたっけ?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Chocola]: 「... Then you put in sunflower seeds... was it?」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「バニラビーンズな! お客はハムスターじゃないからな!?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「It's vanilla bean! The customers aren't hamsters, you know!」</s>
[バニラ]: 「ショコラ、せっかくだからいっぱい作ろう。そしたらカスタード天国」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Vanilla]: 「Chocola, since you have the opportunity, you should make a lot. Then we'll be in custard heaven.」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「了解、任せちゃってー!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
[Chocola]: 「Roger that! Leave it to Chocola~!」</s>
[バニラ]: 「生クリームも入れた方がきっと美味しい。生クリームは任せて」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Vanilla]: 「Putting fresh cream in there should make it even more yummy. Leave it to me.」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「あっ……! よ、はっ……! あ、ちょ、これ重っ……!!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Chocola]: 「Ah...! Hah...! Ah, wait, this is heavy...!!」</s>
[バニラ]: 「あ、ショコラ。もしかしてこれは非常に危険ないわゆる――」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Vanilla]: 「Ah, Chocola. Could it be that this is what one might call extremely dangerou--」</s>
[ショコラ&バニラ]: 「にゃ゛ああぁああぁああぁあぁあぁぁぁぁあぁぁぁっっっっ!!!!!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
[Chocola&Vanilla]: 「Myaaaaaaaaaaaahhh!!!!!」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「にゃー♪ お風呂きもちーにゃー♪」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Chocola]: 「Meow~ ♪ Baths feel good~ ♪」</s> |
Name: Minaduki Kashou (水無月 嘉祥) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Master (ご主人さま)
Name: Vanilla (バニラ) | Gender: Female
Name: Chocola (ショコラ) | Gender: Female
[バニラ]: 「にゃっぷ……! ごしゅじん、水が目に……!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Vanilla]: 「Meowph...! Master, there's water in my eyes...!」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「だから目開けんなって言ってんだろーが。ほらもっかい流すぞ」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「That's why I told you not to open your eyes. I'm going to wash you off again.」</s>
[バニラ]: 「にゃうぅ~……お風呂は好きになれないにゃぁ……」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Vanilla]: 「Myauuu~ I can't get used to baths meow...」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「自業自得だろ? ほら目閉じて」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「You reap what you sow, right? Come on, close your eyes.」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
I washed all the milk and fresh cream off Chocola and Vanilla in the shower.</s>
[嘉祥]: 「被害がお前らだけだったのが不幸中の幸いだったなー」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Kashou]: 「It's a small blessing that the damage was just limited to you two, huh?」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「この上に店の掃除まであったら手間だったしな」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Kashou]: 「Although, cleaning the bakery up did take a lot of effort.」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「ごめんにゃさいのです、でもご主人さまとお風呂は久しぶりで嬉しーのです♪」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Chocola]: 「Chocola is seowwy, but she's happy since it's been a long time since we've had a bath with Master~ ♪」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「あーそういえばそうだったな」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「Ah, now that you mention it, that's true.」</s>
[バニラ]: 「その割にはご主人のお風呂テクがまったく上達してな……にゃぷっ!?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Vanilla]: 「Considering that, Master's bathing techniques haven't improved even a bit... meowph?!」</s> |
Name: Chocola (ショコラ) | Gender: Female
Name: Minaduki Kashou (水無月 嘉祥) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Master (ご主人さま)
Name: Vanilla (バニラ) | Gender: Female
[ショコラ]: 「時雨ちゃんが良い毛艶だから伸ばそうって、ずっと伸ばしてますからね♪」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Chocola]: 「Shigure-chan said our hair had a nice gloss to it, so we should let it grow out. We've done so since then~ ♪」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「長く感じるのはきっと、ご主人さまがずっとお風呂入れてくれなかったからですよー?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Chocola]: 「The fact that Master noticed that it's gotten longer is because you haven't bathed with us in a long time, right~?」</s>
[バニラ]: 「ご主人は面倒くさがりだから仕方ないね」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Vanilla]: 「Master thinks it's a pain, so it can't be helped.」</s>
[バニラ]: 「飼いネコのお願いも聞いてくれないご主人だから」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Vanilla]: 「He's someone who doesn't listen to the requests of his catgirls.」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「ネコとは言え年頃の女の子なんだから」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Kashou]: 「Though you two are catgirls, you're also maturing girls as well.」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「恥じらいを持ちなさい。恥じらいを」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Kashou]: 「Have some shame. At least a bit.」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「恥じらいにゃあ。時雨ちゃんもたまにそう言うんですよねぇ」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Chocola]: 「Shay-mnh? Shigure-chan says that word from time to time...」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「でも恥じらいって言われてもピンとこないにゃー」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
[Chocola]: 「But when someone says that, nothing really comes to mind, meow~」</s>
[バニラ]: 「そういうヒトの感情は、発情期を迎えてもいないネコには難しい」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Vanilla]: 「For catgirls who haven't entered mating season yet, human emotions like those are difficult to understand.」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「ったく、都合のいいとこだけネコなんだからなー」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Kashou]: 「Sheesh, you two act like cats only when it's convenient, huh...」</s> |
Name: Minaduki Kashou (水無月 嘉祥) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Master (ご主人さま)
Name: Vanilla (バニラ) | Gender: Female
Name: Chocola (ショコラ) | Gender: Female
[嘉祥]: 「ほら、頭洗うぞ?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「Come on, I'll wash your heads now.」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
With shampoo in my hands, I went to work it into a lather in their hair.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
Their hair was beautiful and free of split ends thanks to Shigure's constant care.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
Even to the untrained eye, I could see the merit in having them grow out their hair.</s>
[バニラ]: 「ご主人、そんなこと言って喜んでるくせに。えっち」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Vanilla]: 「Master, how can you say that when you're clearly happy about it? Pervert.」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「にゃにゃにゃっ……!? ご主人さま、そんな目でショコラをっ……!?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Chocola]: 「Me-me-meow...?! Master, why are you looking at Chocola that way...?!」</s>
[バニラ]: 「ふふ、ネコの目はごまかせない」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Vanilla]: 「Heheh, you can't fool a catgirl's eyes.」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「バニラはさっきからずっと目閉じてただろ」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「Your eyes have been closed the whole time though, Vanilla.」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「それにお前らみたいなネコに欲情するか」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「Besides, to think I'd lust for catgirls like you two...」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「手のかかる娘みたいなもんだろーが」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Kashou]: 「... when you're just like troublesome daughters to me!」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「にゃーん♪ ご主人さまがパパですかー、それもいいですけどねー♪」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Chocola]: 「Meow~ ♪ So Master is our papa, then? That's not bad, either! ♪」</s> |
Name: Minaduki Kashou (水無月 嘉祥) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Master (ご主人さま)
Name: Vanilla (バニラ) | Gender: Female
Name: Chocola (ショコラ) | Gender: Female
[バニラ]: 「悪くはないってことにしといてあげてもいい」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
[Vanilla]: 「It isn't a bad idea, so I'm willing to allow it.」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「はいはい、光栄にございます」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「Yes, yes, it's my honor.」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
Pleasant thoughts floated through my head as I stroked their hair.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
The idea of taking care of cute daughters didn't sound so bad to me.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
After all, even Shigure used to constantly follow me around long ago.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
I suppose it's okay for me to say I'm rather good at taking care of others.</s>
[嘉祥]: 「ほら、髪洗ってる間に自分たちでちゃんと身体も洗えよー尻尾も忘れずになー」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「Come on, while I'm washing your hair, you'd better make sure to wash the rest of you, too! Don't forget your tails, either!」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「せっかくだしご主人さまが洗って下さいにゃーん♪」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
[Chocola]: 「Since we have the chance, please do it for us, Master~ ♪」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「お前らの髪洗うので手一杯なの」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「I already have my hands full with washing your hair.」</s>
[バニラ]: 「じゃあケチなご主人に代わって、いつもみたいに私が洗ってあげちゃおう」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Vanilla]: 「Instead of our stingy master, why I don't I wash your tail as usual.」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「ああ、そうしてやってくれ」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Kashou]: 「Yeah, why don't you do that?」</s> |
Name: Minaduki Kashou (水無月 嘉祥) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Master (ご主人さま)
Name: Chocola (ショコラ) | Gender: Female
Name: Vanilla (バニラ) | Gender: Female
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
Alone in the living room, I stretched and took a deep breath.</s>
[嘉祥]: 「ショコラとバニラのためにも、明日からはもっと頑張らないと」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「I need to work even harder tomorrow... for Chocola and Vanilla's sake, too.」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
As I murmured the names of my precious family members, I stretched my hands out and continued my preparations.</s>
[ショコラ]: 「ご主人さま! お店に近づく人影アリです!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Chocola]: 「Master! Someone is approaching the bakery!」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「戦闘体勢は良いですかっ!? あーゆーれでぃ!?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Chocola]: 「Everyone in battle stances?! Are... you... ready?!」</s>
[バニラ]: 「先にこっちから捕まえに行った方が早い。上手くやるから私に任せて」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Vanilla]: 「It would be quicker to go forth and capture them. I'll do it well, so leave it to me.」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「待て待て待て。まだ開店して5分なんだから」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「Wait, wait, wait. It's only been 5 minutes since we opened!」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
The two of them hid by the window as if stalking prey.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
Even though we're finally open, there were -- unsurprisingly -- no customers waiting to come in.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
I placed my elbows on the counter while I gazed at the backs of the two catgirls.</s>
[嘉祥]: 「お客が来たら対応すればいいから」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Kashou]: 「It's fine if you wait for the customers to come in before interacting with them.」</s> |
Name: Minaduki Kashou (水無月 嘉祥) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Master (ご主人さま)
Name: Chocola (ショコラ) | Gender: Female
Name: Vanilla (バニラ) | Gender: Female
[女性客]: 「ひゃあぁあぁぁっ!? な、なな、なななな何ですかっ!?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Female Customer]: 「Hyaaaaah?! Wh-Wh-What is going on?!」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「ご、ご注文はにゃんでしょうかっ!?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Chocola]: 「W-What would you like to meowrder?!」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「あっ、お、オススメはアレです、アレ! えっと、アレです!! ケーキ!!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Chocola]: 「Ah, o-our special is that... that thing! Uhm, that!! Cake!!」</s>
[バニラ]: 「紅茶もあるの……! その、あったかいのと、冷たいのと……!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Vanilla]: 「We also have black tea...! Uhm, the warm kind and the cold kind...!」</s>
[バニラ]: 「えっと、熱いのと、えっと、冷たいのと……!!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Vanilla]: 「U-Uhm, the hot kind and uhm, the cold kind...!!」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「お前らはちょっと落ち着け」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「Will you two calm down?」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
I pulled them back after they quickly set themselves upon the customer who'd just walked in.</s>
[嘉祥]: 「大変失礼致しました。店長の水無月と申します」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Kashou]: 「I'm terribly sorry for that. I'm the owner of this bakery, Minaduki.」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「こちらがメニューになっておりますので、ごゆっくりお選び下さ――」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Kashou]: 「Our menu is over here. Please peruse it at your leisur--」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「…………んん?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「...... Hmm?」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「……お客さ……ま……?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
[Kashou]: 「... Miss...?」</s> |
Name: Minaduki Shigure (水無月 時雨) | Gender: Female
Name: Minaduki Kashou (水無月 嘉祥) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Master (ご主人さま)
[女性客]: 「ふむふむ。立地と言い色使いと言い、なかなか素晴らしい店構えじゃのう」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Female Customer]: 「Hrmm, hrmm. Taking into account the location and use of color, this is quite a splendid storefront.」</s>
[女性客]: 「内観のセンスもシンプルを基調に、小物なども落ち着く空間作りで素晴らしい!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Female Customer]: 「The introspective feel makes for a simple basis of design, while the knick knacks and such create a relaxing atmosphere. How wonderful!」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
There was an uncharacteristically large pair of glasses that didn't suit her face or build.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
Then there was her anachronistic Taisho-era mantle and military cap.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
Finally, there was her grandiose way of speaking, which didn't match the familiar voice.</s>
[女性客]: 「ふむ、気に入った! ここにあるケーキは全部ワシが買おうではないか!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Female Customer]: 「Hrmm, I've taken a liking to this place! I shall buy every cake you have available!」</s>
[時雨]: 「さぁさ店主、ありったけケーキを詰めるがいい!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Female Customer]: 「Now then, good sir, you may pack up all the cakes here!」</s>
[女性客]: 「あ、カードって使えますよね?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Female Customer]: 「Ah, you do take credit cards, yes?」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「いや時雨、何やってんだよお前」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「Uh, Shigure, what are you doing?」</s>
[時雨?]: 「はっはっは! 時雨とはなんぞ? お主、誰かと勘違いしてるようじゃの!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Shigure?]: 「Ha ha ha! Who is this Shigure? Sir, you must have mistaken me for someone else!」</s> |
Name: Vanilla (バニラ) | Gender: Female
Name: Chocola (ショコラ) | Gender: Female
Name: Minaduki Shigure (水無月 時雨) | Gender: Female
Name: Minaduki Kashou (水無月 嘉祥) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Master (ご主人さま)
[時雨?]: 「そんな態度では、毎日通って開店と同時に買い占めてくれる上客を逃してしまいますぞ!?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Shigure?]: 「That attitude might chase away, say, a high-class customer who'd come in every day at opening and buy you out!」</s>
[時雨?]: 「商売とは稼げる時には非情にでも稼がねば成り立たぬのです!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Shigure?]: 「When it comes to business, you won't get anywhere if you don't jump at every opportunity to make money!」</s>
[時雨?]: 「それに兄さまにそんな冷たい目で見られたら悲しい! 悲しいのです!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Shigure?]: 「Besides, to see Nii-sama give me such a cold look is making me sad! I'm sad!」</s>
[時雨?]: 「これでも何か力になれればと思って今日まで我慢をしましたのにっ……! うぅぅっ……!!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Shigure?]: 「And after I held back until today to do something to help you too...! Uuuu...!!」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「だから選り好みとかじゃなくてだな……」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「Look, I'm not being picky here...」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
Not only had she now burst into tears, but her façade was in shambles.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
I had no clue what to say.</s>
[ショコラ]: 「あ、時雨ちゃんだー! 久しぶりー♪ 元気にしてたー!?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Chocola]: 「Ah, Shigure-chan~! It's been a while~ ♪ How have you been~?!」</s>
[バニラ]: 「時雨、何その格好? 流行ってるの?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Vanilla]: 「Shigure, what's with that outfit? Is that what people are wearing now?」</s>
[時雨?]: 「あ、こら! ワシは時雨ちゃんではなっ……!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Shigure?]: 「Y-You're mistaken! I am not this Shigure-chan you speak of...!」</s> |
Name: Cinnamon (シナモン) | Gender: Female
Name: Minaduki Shigure (水無月 時雨) | Gender: Female
Name: Azuki (アズキ) | Gender: Female
Name: Chocola (ショコラ) | Gender: Female
Name: Coconut (ココナツ) | Gender: Female
Name: Maple (メイプル) | Gender: Female
Name: Vanilla (バニラ) | Gender: Female
[時雨?]: 「あっ、ちょ、外套を引っ張るでな……あっ、あ……ちょ!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Shigure?]: 「Ah, stop! Don't pull on my cloak... ahh, ah... wait.」</s>
[時雨?]: 「アッーーーーー!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Shigure?]: 「Ahhhh--!」</s>
[アズキ]: 「よー。数日ぶりだな、ショコラ、バニラ」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Azuki]: 「Yo. It's been a few days, Chocola, Vanilla.」</s>
[メイプル]: 「あら、それが制服? 可愛いじゃない、馬子にも衣装って感じで」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Maple]: 「Oh, are those your uniforms? Aren't they cute~ Talk about dressing to suit your body type!」</s>
[シナモン]: 「ショコラちゃんもバニラちゃんも元気そうで良かったぁ」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
[Cinnamon]: 「I'm glad that you two are doing well.」</s>
[シナモン]: 「急にいなくなっちゃうから心配したんだよー?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Cinnamon]: 「I got worried when you two suddenly disappeared, you know~?」</s>
[ココナツ]: 「そうだよ、すごくすごく心配したんだよ?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Coconut]: 「Yeah, we were really, really worried!」</s>
[ココナツ]: 「嘉祥様に付いてくなら一言言ってくれれば良かったのに」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Coconut]: 「You should've just told us you were going with Kashou-sama.」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「あはは、ごめんね? ついつい勢いでのことだったから」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Chocola]: 「Ahaha, sorry! It was kind of a spur-of-the-moment thing.」</s>
[バニラ]: 「また会えたから問題ない。みんな元気そうで何より」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Vanilla]: 「If we can see each other again, then it's not a problem. I'm glad that everyone is doing well.」</s> |
Name: Minaduki Shigure (水無月 時雨) | Gender: Female
Name: Minaduki Kashou (水無月 嘉祥) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Master (ご主人さま)
[時雨]: 「うんうん。ネコたちも感動の再会を喜んでいるようで何よりですね」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Shigure]: 「Mmhmm! Seeing the catgirls having a happy, emotional reunion together is simply the best!」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「何よりってお前な……」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
[Kashou]: 「The best, you say...」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
Suddenly, the bakery was at max capacity.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
Not to mention they were all family... uninvited family, at that.</s>
[時雨]: 「お久しぶりです、兄さま。元気そうで安心いたしました」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Shigure]: 「It's been a while, Nii-sama. I'm relieved to see that you are doing well.」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
As usual, Shigure smiled and greeted me with polite words.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
My little sister is, as a rule, calm and courteous.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
There are times when she acts strange, though.</s>
[嘉祥]: 「まだ数日ぶりだろ」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「It's only been a few days.」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「てか何でここ分かったんだよ? 教えてないのに」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「How did you even find this place? I didn't tell you.」</s>
[時雨]: 「実の妹に愚問です、兄さま」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Shigure]: 「That is a foolish question to ask your own little sister, Nii-sama.」</s>
[時雨]: 「一言で言えば妹の愛にございます」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Shigure]: 「Let's just say it was the power of a little sister's love~」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「いやそういうの今は良いから」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Kashou]: 「Look, I don't have time for that stuff right now.」</s> |
Name: Maple (メイプル) | Gender: Female
Name: Azuki (アズキ) | Gender: Female
Name: Minaduki Shigure (水無月 時雨) | Gender: Female
Name: Minaduki Kashou (水無月 嘉祥) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Master (ご主人さま)
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
In a sense, she worried about me more than even Chocola and Vanilla.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
That's why I didn't really feel like complaining.</s>
[時雨]: 「兄さま……」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Shigure]: 「Nii-sama...」</s>
[時雨]: 「……はい。時雨は兄さまのことをとても心配しておりました。ご健勝で何よりです」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Shigure]: 「... It was. Shigure has been rather worried about you, Nii-sama. I'm glad you are in good health.」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「たった数日でどうかもならないけどな」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Kashou]: 「It's only been a few days, so nothing's really happened.」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
Shigure had a gallant smile on her face as I rubbed her head.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
She let out a small laugh and smiled -- it must have felt as good for her as it does for the catgirls.</s>
[アズキ]: 「おー嘉祥。水くせーだろ? 時雨も他人じゃねーんだからさー」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Azuki]: 「Oh, Kashou. Why so reserved? It's not like Shigure's a stranger or something.」</s>
[アズキ]: 「時雨はここ数日、ほんとに気が気じゃなかったんだぞ?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Azuki]: 「Shigure's really been uneasy these last few days, you know?」</s>
[アズキ]: 「アタシたちのメシ忘れるくらい」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Azuki]: 「Enough to forget about our food.」</s>
[メイプル]: 「ね、ホント困っちゃったわよ」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Maple]: 「Listen, she really was worried.」</s> |
Name: Minaduki Shigure (水無月 時雨) | Gender: Female
Name: Cinnamon (シナモン) | Gender: Female
Name: Minaduki Kashou (水無月 嘉祥) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Master (ご主人さま)
Name: Coconut (ココナツ) | Gender: Female
[シナモン]: 「2匹とも、時雨ちゃんのパソコンとか携帯電話で嘉祥さんの名前を必死に検索したりしてね~♪」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Cinnamon]: 「The two of them went hunting for Kashou-san's name in Shigure-chan's computer and cell phone frantically~ ♪」</s>
[ココナツ]: 「くす。二匹とも素直じゃないからね、年長者の割に」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Coconut]: 「Humph. The two of them aren't very honest, despite being older.」</s>
[ココナツ]: 「私もいざとなったら時雨さまの変わりに、自分の足で探すつもりだったけど」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Coconut]: 「But if it came to it, I was ready to go searching for you instead of Shigure.」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「シナモンもココナツも、余計な心配掛けてすまなかったな」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「Cinnamon, Coconut, I'm sorry to have worried you guys, too.」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「もう今後はこんなことしないから勘弁してくれ」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Kashou]: 「It won't happen again, so please cut me some slack.」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
I lowered my head towards Cinnamon and Coconut.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
And just like that, all the catgirls in my family were assembled.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
I appreciated the warmth of having my family here right now.</s>
[時雨]: 「お父さまの耳には入らないようにしておきますので、ご安心下さい」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Shigure]: 「I won't let Father know about this, so please don't worry.」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「ああ、頼む。お前には色々と気苦労掛けてすまないな」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Kashou]: 「Ahh, I appreciate it. You've been through a lot, too. Sorry.」</s> |
Name: Minaduki Shigure (水無月 時雨) | Gender: Female
Name: Minaduki Kashou (水無月 嘉祥) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Master (ご主人さま)
[時雨]: 「そんなことは何も」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
[Shigure]: 「It was nothing.」</s>
[時雨]: 「私はいつでも兄さまを見て来ましたし、これからも応援していますから」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Shigure]: 「I will always come and visit you, Nii-sama. I'll be cheering you on.」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
She wrapped her small hands around my hand.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
She didn't say anything about me slipping out without telling anyone.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
She simply just forgave me.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
Even my little sister seems to have grown up well. Flawless, at that.</s>
[時雨]: 「でも、お母さまは兄さまのことをとても心配していらっしゃいますよ?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Shigure]: 「However, Mother is rather worried about you, Nii-sama.」</s>
[時雨]: 「落ち着いたら一報だけでも連絡をしてあげたら、安心すると思います」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Shigure]: 「Once things settle down, it would put her at ease if you'd call her at least once.」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「分かった、そうするよ」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「All right. I'll do that.」</s>
[時雨]: 「はい。では約束の指切りです」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Shigure]: 「Okay! Let's pinky-swear on it.」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
We linked our pinky fingers together. When we were little, we always made promises with a pinky-swear.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
Shigure smiled like a mischievous child once we'd done this. It was rather cute.</s> |
Name: Minaduki Shigure (水無月 時雨) | Gender: Female
Name: Minaduki Kashou (水無月 嘉祥) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Master (ご主人さま)
[時雨]: 「……でも、兄さまのソフトな言葉責めも少し期待はしていたのですが。ポッ」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Shigure]: 「... I was sort of looking forward to some gentle scolding from Nii-sama, though.」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「自慢の妹が台無しだな」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Kashou]: 「My wonderful little sister is so spoiled.」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
Well, even so, she's still my little sister.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
Things always seemed to go this way between us, so we didn't mind.</s>
[時雨]: 「でも本当に立派で素敵なお店ですね」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Shigure]: 「But honestly, this is a fine and lovely bakery.」</s>
[時雨]: 「もう兄さまが隠れてケーキ作りをしなくても良いのだと思うと、時雨まで嬉しくなってしまいます」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Shigure]: 「I'm happy my beloved Nii-sama no longer has to hide his love of baking.」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「お前とネコたちには、証拠隠滅のために協力してもらいっぱなしだったしな」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「You and the catgirls have been helping to destroy all the evidence, though.」</s>
[時雨]: 「ふふ。家の和菓子も好きですけども、兄さまのケーキは世界で一番ですから」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Shigure]: 「Huhu~ That's because while I do like the traditional candy our family makes, Nii-sama's cakes are number one in the world.」</s>
[時雨]: 「……これでもう本当に兄さまが家には戻らないと思うと、寂しさで胸が締め付けられてしまいますが」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Shigure]: 「... Even though the thought of Nii-sama never returning home makes me sick with loneliness...」</s>
[時雨]: 「でもきっとこのお店も、たくさんのお客さまに愛して頂けることでしょう」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Shigure]: 「... I'm sure many customers will come to show their love for this bakery.」</s> |
Name: Minaduki Kashou (水無月 嘉祥) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Master (ご主人さま)
Name: Minaduki Shigure (水無月 時雨) | Gender: Female
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
She said that with a slightly troubled smile.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
Shigure, Chocola, and Vanilla said the same thing with the same smile.</s>
[嘉祥]: 「そう上手く行けばいいけどな」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Kashou]: 「It would be nice if everything would go that smoothly.」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
Just like before with Chocola and Vanilla, I rubbed her head and said the same thing I had told them.</s>
[時雨]: 「わぁ、私、洋菓子店の厨房は初めて拝見しました」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Shigure]: 「Wow~ This is the first time I've seen the kitchen of a Western-style confectionery!」</s>
[時雨]: 「やはり水無月家の和菓子の厨房とは置いてあるものが違うのですねー」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Shigure]: 「It's not fitted out quite like the Minadukis' traditional candymaking kitchen, is it...」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
Shigure seemed really intrigued as she looked around at the mixers, rollers, and other tools in the kitchen.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
There was a lot of similar equipment, of course, but there were minute differences.</s>
[時雨]: 「兄さまはこちらでケーキをお作りになるのですね」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Shigure]: 「Nii-sama, this is where you make cakes, isn't it?」</s>
[時雨]: 「和装の兄さまも垂涎モノでしたが、パティシエバージョンも女心にきゅんきゅん来るものがあります」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Shigure]: 「I prefer seeing Nii-sama in traditional Japanese clothing, but I'm sure you in your bakery uniform will make girls' hearts sing, too.」</s> |
Name: Minaduki Kashou (水無月 嘉祥) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Master (ご主人さま)
Name: Minaduki Shigure (水無月 時雨) | Gender: Female
[時雨]: 「ああっ……! 許されることであればライブカメラを設置して、兄さまのお姿を24時間愛でられるようにしたい……!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Shigure]: 「Ahh...! If I could, I would install a live camera so I could watch my beloved Nii-sama 24/7...!」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「もちろん許されないからなそれ」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Kashou]: 「There's no way I'd be okay with that.」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
Not that there was any way I'd be there baking for 24 hours straight.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
As usual, my little sister said some pretty questionable things.</s>
[時雨]: 「でもショコラもバニラも元気そうで安心しました」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Shigure]: 「... But I am glad that both Chocola and Vanilla are doing well.」</s>
[時雨]: 「兄さまならきっと受け入れてくれると、疑っておりませんでしたが。くすくす」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Shigure]: 「I had no doubt that you'd let them stay, Nii-sama. Teehee~」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
Shigure took the book on raising catgirls that had been left in the kitchen and giggled.</s>
[嘉祥]: 「まだまだ勉強中で分からないことだらけだけどな」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「I'm just learning, so there's still lots of stuff I don't understand.」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
Once I'd read the book, I'd realized once again that my family's catgirls were particularly excellent.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
Apparently, the fact that they were fluent in our language and able to live comfortably with humans made them quite exceptional.</s> |
Name: Minaduki Shigure (水無月 時雨) | Gender: Female
Name: Minaduki Kashou (水無月 嘉祥) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Master (ご主人さま)
[嘉祥]: 「勉強すればするほど、時雨の教育ママっぷりの凄さが良く分かったよ」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Kashou]: 「The more I read, the more I realize how much of an education freak you are, and just how well you raised them.」</s>
[時雨]: 「厳しいしつけも愛情あってこそですから。ネコたち自身のためにも、です」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Shigure]: 「It's all because of their strict upbringing mixed with love. It was for their sakes as well.」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
She spoke like a mother, closing her eyes and tapping her chest proudly.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
Although she was young, I could see that she was reliable and confident enough to raise six catgirls.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
Seeing that unexpected side of Shigure made me proud to be her older brother.</s>
[嘉祥]: 「俺もちゃんと飼うって決めた以上は、ちゃんと責任取るよ」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Kashou]: 「I will take responsibility and act as a good owner.」</s>
[時雨]: 「はい。時雨は兄さまのことは何一つ疑っておりませんから」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Shigure]: 「Yes, I don't doubt that one bit, Nii-sama.」</s>
[時雨]: 「でもお店で働かせるのなら、ちゃんと資格を取らせないとですね」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Shigure]: 「But if you're going to get them working in this bakery, certain qualifications are necessary.」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「資格? 調理師免許ってことか?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「Qualifications? Are you talking about a cooking certification?」</s>
[時雨]: 「くすくす。違いますよ、兄さま。そうではなくてですね?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Shigure]: 「Teehee~ Not that, Nii-sama. It isn't that...」</s> |
Name: Minaduki Kashou (水無月 嘉祥) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Master (ご主人さま)
Name: Minaduki Shigure (水無月 時雨) | Gender: Female
[時雨]: 「ネコを単独行動させたり従業員として扱うには……」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Shigure]: 「Regarding, allowing catgirls to work independently as employees...」</s>
[時雨]: 「対象のネコに単独行動許可証という資格が必要なのです」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Shigure]: 「A catgirl needs to have an "Independent Action Permit" in terms of qualifications.」</s>
[時雨]: 「許可証なく外を歩いたりしたらば、ネコは警察に補導されてしまいますから」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Shigure]: 「Without that permit, a catgirl can be arrested by the police if they are out and about.」</s>
[時雨]: 「それに許可証なく従業員としては使えません」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Shigure]: 「Besides, they can't be employed without that permit.」</s>
[時雨]: 「無料のお手伝い程度ならまた別の話なのですが」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Shigure]: 「Working for free is a different story, though.」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「許可証って……家のネコたちだって、外に出る時にそんなの持ってなかっただろ?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「A permit... but our family's catgirls have never had one of those when they leave home, right?」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
I tried to remember the times when our family's catgirls went out while under Shigure's watch.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
I really didn't recall seeing any sort of permits...</s>
[時雨]: 「くす、ちゃんと全員いつでも持っていましたよ?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Shigure]: 「Teehee, everyone always has it on them.」</s>
[時雨]: 「では兄さま、どうぞこちらへ」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Shigure]: 「Now then, Nii-sama, if you'll come this way...」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
At Shigure's urging, we stepped out of the kitchen.</s> |
Name: Azuki (アズキ) | Gender: Female
Name: Maple (メイプル) | Gender: Female
Name: Coconut (ココナツ) | Gender: Female
Name: Minaduki Kashou (水無月 嘉祥) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Master (ご主人さま)
Name: Cinnamon (シナモン) | Gender: Female
[嘉祥]: 「へぇぇ、この鈴が許可証だったのか……」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「Wow, so the Bell is their permit...」</s>
[メイプル]: 「ま、ネコとして鈴くらいは持ってないとね」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Maple]: 「Well, catgirls don't carry anything except their Bell.」</s>
[メイプル]: 「自由に外も歩けないなんて不便でしょうがないし」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Maple]: 「It's inconvenient to not be able to go about freely, so we kind of have to keep it on us.」</s>
[アズキ]: 「アタシらはネコん中でも選ばれしネコってワケよ」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Azuki]: 「That means we were selected out of a bunch of catgirls!」</s>
[アズキ]: 「そんじょそこらのネコとはちげーってわけだ」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Azuki]: 「That is why we're different from other catgirls!」</s>
[シナモン]: 「一応、合格割合は10匹に1匹くらいって言われてますからね~」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Cinnamon]: 「They say that only one in ten catgirls pass, you know~」</s>
[シナモン]: 「もうこりごりってくらい勉強も大変でしたよ~」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Cinnamon]: 「The studying was so hard! I was totally fed up with it~」</s>
[ココナツ]: 「時雨さまのネコなのに鈴持ちでないなんて」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Coconut]: 「Belonging to Shigure-sama and not having a Bell...」</s>
[ココナツ]: 「それはご主人さまに恥をかかせてしまうことだからね」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Coconut]: 「... would be an embarrassment to our master.」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
Everyone proudly shook their Bells.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = low)
I never knew the Bell had that sort of meaning.</s> |
Name: Minaduki Kashou (水無月 嘉祥) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Master (ご主人さま)
Name: Minaduki Shigure (水無月 時雨) | Gender: Female
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
I thought it was just Shigure's preference...</s>
[時雨]: 「ネコの身分証明証代わりになりますし、これがあると何かと便利なのですよ」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Shigure]: 「It can be shown in place of catgirl identification papers, so it is rather convenient.」</s>
[時雨]: 「人の集まるペット禁止の施設やイベントでも問題なく入れますし」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Shigure]: 「It allows them to enter buildings and events where pets aren't allowed.」</s>
[時雨]: 「他にもGPS機能で迷子にもならないですしね」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Shigure]: 「It also has a GPS feature, so they won't get lost.」</s>
[時雨]: 「自分の店内で少し働かせるくらいで文句は言われないですが」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Shigure]: 「There shouldn't be any complaints if they work inside your store a bit...」</s>
[時雨]: 「従業員としてちゃんと使うならば資格は取らせた方がよいかと」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Shigure]: 「... but if you intend to employ them officially, you should make sure they have the proper qualifications.」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「なるほど。ネコにも色々とあるんだな」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Kashou]: 「I see. There's a lot to deal with when it comes to catgirls.」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
As an owner, I'd better take everything Shigure was teaching me to heart.</s>
[時雨]: 「ショコラとバニラもそろそろ鈴を取らせようかとは思ってはいたのですよ」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Shigure]: 「I was just thinking it was about time to have Chocola and Vanilla get their Bells.」</s>
[時雨]: 「ですから、これも丁度良い機会かも知れませんね」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Shigure]: 「So this might be perfect timing.」</s>
[時雨]: 「ね、ショコラ、バニラ?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Shigure]: 「Right, Chocola, Vanilla?」</s> |
Name: Minaduki Shigure (水無月 時雨) | Gender: Female
Name: Chocola (ショコラ) | Gender: Female
Name: Vanilla (バニラ) | Gender: Female
Name: Minaduki Kashou (水無月 嘉祥) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Master (ご主人さま)
[ショコラ]: 「ご主人さまのお役に立てるのでしたら頑張ります! すっごく頑張りますよー!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Chocola]: 「If we can be of help to Master, then we'll do our best! We really will~!」</s>
[バニラ]: 「これでみんなと一緒にお出かけも出来る。仲間外れは寂しい」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Vanilla]: 「This way, we'll be able to go out with everyone. It's lonely without company.」</s>
[時雨]: 「もちろん、飼い主である兄さまの協力も必須ですからね?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Shigure]: 「Of course, Nii-sama, as their owner you will also need to assist them, okay?」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「ああ。甘やかすだけじゃネコのためにならない、だろ?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
[Kashou]: 「Yeah. Just pampering them won't do them any good, right?」</s>
[時雨]: 「くす、その通りです」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Shigure]: 「Exactly, teehee!」</s>
[時雨]: 「人間社会の常識を身につけることによって、もっと豊かな生活を送れるのです」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Shigure]: 「Learning more about human society will lead to a richer life.」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「わーい! ショコラも鈴持ちになってご主人さまと遊園地とか行きたいです!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Chocola]: 「Yay~! When Chocola has a Bell, Chocola wants to go to an amusement park with Master!」</s>
[バニラ]: 「私は遊園地もいいけど水族館に行きたい」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Vanilla]: 「Amusement parks are fine too, but I want to go to an aquarium.」</s>
[バニラ]: 「イルカとかペンギンとかシロナガスクジラとか見たい」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Vanilla]: 「I want to see dolphins, penguins, and blue whales.」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「シロナガスクジラのいる水族館はないけどな」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「There aren't any aquariums that have blue whales, though.」</s> |
Name: Chocola (ショコラ) | Gender: Female
Name: Vanilla (バニラ) | Gender: Female
Name: Minaduki Kashou (水無月 嘉祥) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Master (ご主人さま)
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = low)
I couldn't imagine what had changed so drastically in the little time I had been out...</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
Well, maybe they were really getting into that cat toy.</s>
[ショコラ]: 「いいから来て下さい! ほんとすごいんですって! ほんとにすごいんです!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Chocola]: 「Please, just come and take a look! It's really something! It really is!」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「いやすごいのは分かったから、一体何がすごいんだって」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Kashou]: 「Yeah, I get that it's amazing, but what exactly is it?」</s>
[バニラ]: 「いいからこっち。百聞は一見にしかず。見た方が早い」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Vanilla]: 「Just come here. Seeing is believing. It would be faster for you to just have a look.」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「見た方が早いって、そっちは空き部屋しかないだろ?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「Faster to have a look...? That's just an empty room.」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
Chocola and Vanilla pulled me towards the empty room.</s>
[嘉祥]: 「うぉっ……!? こ、これはっ……!?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「Whoa...?! Wh-What the...?!」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
The moment the door was opened, there was a pink and white spread before my eyes.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
The colors overflowed from the floor, bed, dresser, and cushions with their antique rose design.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
There also seemed to be a sweet, high class scent wafting throughout it.</s> |
Name: Chocola (ショコラ) | Gender: Female
Name: Vanilla (バニラ) | Gender: Female
Name: Minaduki Kashou (水無月 嘉祥) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Master (ご主人さま)
[バニラ]: 「めっちゃばいんばいん。これならショコラと一緒でも余裕」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Vanilla]: 「It's super huge. This will be more than enough for Chocola and me.」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
While Shigure might have been an education freak, I'd forgotten how much she really did spoil them.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
Speaking of which, when did that girl have time to set all this up...?</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
She must have brought this all in while I was out. That really speaks volumes about her abilities.</s>
[嘉祥]: 「……まぁ、ここはお前らの部屋だから好きにすればいいんだけどな」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「... Well, this your room, so use it as you wish.」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「えへへ、羨ましいですかー?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Chocola]: 「Eheheh, are you jealous~?」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「まぁ高級そうなベッドとかはな」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「Well, you do have that expensive-looking bed and all.」</s>
[バニラ]: 「ふふ。時雨がご主人もきっとそう言うだろうからーって」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Vanilla]: 「Heheh. Shigure said that Master would say something like that~」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「…………は?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「...... Huh?」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「にゃーん、ご主人さまのお部屋もお揃いで素敵ですー♪」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Chocola]: 「Meow~ Master's room is a lot like ours and it's really nice too, you know~ ♪」</s>
[バニラ]: 「ご主人ベッドも負けず劣らずばいんばいんのふっかふか」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Vanilla]: 「Master's bed is equally impressive. It's big and fluffy-wuffy.」</s> |
Name: Minaduki Kashou (水無月 嘉祥) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Master (ご主人さま)
Name: Chocola (ショコラ) | Gender: Female
Name: Vanilla (バニラ) | Gender: Female
[ショコラ]: 「どうですどうですー? ご主人さまも嬉しいですかー?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Chocola]: 「What do you think, what do you think~? Are you happy, Master~?」</s>
[バニラ]: 「時雨の兄想いな心にはほんと頭が下がるね」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Vanilla]: 「I really must take my hat off to how much Shigure loves you.」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「時雨えぇえぇええぇぇぇぇぇえぇぇぇえぇーーーーーー!!!!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「Shigureeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
There was no way I could just throw out all the new things in the room.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
And so, I became burdened with a glorious fantasy princess room.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
... But surprisingly, I slept extremely well, so I didn't complain.</s>
[ショコラ]: 「ありがとうございましたー♪ またのご来店をお待ちしておりまーす!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Chocola]: 「Thank you very much~ ♪ We look forward to seeing you again soon!」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「いらっしゃいませ! メニューはこちらになりまして、オススメはこちらの看板でーす♪」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Chocola]: 「Welcome! The menu is right over there and specials are listed on this sign here! ♪」</s>
[バニラ]: 「お待たせしました。季節のミルフィーユとチョコモンブランになります」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Vanilla]: 「Thank you for waiting. Here is your seasonal mille-feuille and chocolate montblanc.」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「あ、店内でのご飲食でしたらばこちらへどうぞー♪ メニューはこちらになりまーす!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Chocola]: 「Ah, if you'll be dining in, please come right this way~ ♪ Here is the menu!」</s> |
Name: Minaduki Kashou (水無月 嘉祥) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Master (ご主人さま)
Name: Chocola (ショコラ) | Gender: Female
Name: Vanilla (バニラ) | Gender: Female
[バニラ]: 「お会計はこちらで。ドライアイスはお使いですか?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Vanilla]: 「Here is your receipt. Will you be needing some dry ice to keep it cool while you carry it home?」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「……よし、今のうちにショート用のスポンジも焼いとくかな」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「... All right. Maybe I'll take this moment to bake some more sponge cake for the shortcakes.」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
I looked through the window onto the bakery floor and saw that the customer traffic had calmed down a bit.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
Glancing at the clock, I saw that it was almost 3 PM.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
... It seemed that selling out and closing early on opening day actually got us noticed.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
Thanks to some tweets and blog posts, word of mouth had spread and we were really busy the next day.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
You could argue that it was just a big coincidence, but this was definitely all because of Shigure.</s>
[ショコラ]: 「ご主人さま! フルーツショートケーキがもう少ないです! あ、あとシュークリームも!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Chocola]: 「Master! We're almost out of fruit shortcakes! Ah, cream puffs too!」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「了解、今から追加分作っとくな」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「Got it. I'll start making more now, then.」</s>
[バニラ]: 「ご主人、誕生日ケーキのオーダーもらった。注文書ここに入れとく」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Vanilla]: 「Master, we've received an order for a birthday cake. I'll leave the form over here.」</s> |
Name: Chocola (ショコラ) | Gender: Female
Name: Vanilla (バニラ) | Gender: Female
Name: Minaduki Kashou (水無月 嘉祥) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Master (ご主人さま)
[ショコラ]: 「ご、ご主人さま……! これは、これはチーズケーキになりますかっ!?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Chocola]: 「M-Master...! I-Is this cheesecake?!」</s>
[バニラ]: 「しかもレア、レアだよショコラ……! 表面がツヤツヤ……!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Vanilla]: 「Not only that, it's the rare kind too! It's rare cheesecake, Chocola...! The surface is all glossy...!」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「お前らが頑張ってくれてるからな。そのご褒美にリクエストを」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「This is because you two have been working so hard. As requested, here is your reward.」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「ご主人さまぁ……! ショコラたちのためだけのレアチーズなんですね!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Chocola]: 「Master...! You made this rare cheesecake for us?」</s>
[バニラ]: 「ご主人、優しい……! これが労働の喜び……!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Vanilla]: 「You are so kind, Master...! This is the kind of joy you get from working hard...!」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
The eyes of the two catgirls were sparkling as they looked at the rare cheesecake with delight.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
It was worth it to see them this happy.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
I sat down into a chair and poured hot water into the teapot.</s>
[ショコラ]: 「バニラ! この感動を時雨ちゃんにも分けてあげたいと思うんだよ!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Chocola]: 「Vanilla! Chocola was thinking we should share some of this happiness with Shigure-chan!」</s>
[バニラ]: 「でも私たちはケータイとか持ってない、無念……」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Vanilla]: 「But neither of us have a cell phone. How regretful...」</s> |
Name: Vanilla (バニラ) | Gender: Female
Name: Minaduki Kashou (水無月 嘉祥) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Master (ご主人さま)
Name: Chocola (ショコラ) | Gender: Female
[ショコラ]: 「そっか、じゃあ写メ出来ないね……」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Chocola]: 「Chocola sees. We can't take a picture of it with a phone then, huh...」</s>
[バニラ]: 「デジカメもないネコには無力……」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Vanilla]: 「Catgirls without cameras are helpless...」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「そうだ! カメラがないならスケッチだよ! この感動を絵に残すの!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Chocola]: 「Chocola knows! If we don't have a camera, then let's draw something! We'll put our emotions into a picture!」</s>
[バニラ]: 「というわけでご主人、私とショコラを描いて欲しい。手早めにお願い。キリッ」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Vanilla]: 「Now, Master, I would like you to draw Chocola and me. Be quick now. Glimmer~」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「いいから早く食べろって。店の休憩終わるぞ」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「Just hurry up and eat it. Break time is almost over.」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
I calmly urged them as I poured three cups of tea.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
As always, these two catgirls had limitless energy, but I seriously wondered if they were trying to act as silly as they were being.</s>
[ショコラ]: 「ではではいっただっきまーす! はむ、んぐんぐんぐんぐ……」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
[Chocola]: 「In that case, let's try some! Bite, munch munch munch...」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「おおぉおぉぉおいしーーーーっ!! やわっこくてトロっとしてておいしーーー!!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Chocola]: 「It's soooooooo tastyyyyyyy~!! I love how soft and rich it is~!!」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「ご主人さまの、ご主人さまの愛を感じます……!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Chocola]: 「I can-- I can feel Master's love in this...!」</s> |
Name: Minaduki Kashou (水無月 嘉祥) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Master (ご主人さま)
Name: Vanilla (バニラ) | Gender: Female
Name: Chocola (ショコラ) | Gender: Female
[ショコラ]: 「ショコラは世界一幸せなネコでありますよおぉぉおぉぉ……っっっ!!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Chocola]: 「Chocola is the happiest catgirl in the world right noooooow...!!」</s>
[バニラ]: 「ふあぁ……♪ この絶妙な甘さ加減、少しだけレモンの効いた爽やかさ、おいしい……♪」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Vanilla]: 「Fuwah~ ♪ This exquisite amount of sweetness and slight burst of lemon... It's delicious~ ♪」</s>
[バニラ]: 「この底のクッキーも、んふっ♪ 少しビターな味付けが、んふふ~っ♪」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Vanilla]: 「The cookie crust at the bottom is also... mmph~ ♪ The slight bitterness makes it so... eheheh~ ♪」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「お気に召したなら何より」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「I'm glad you two like it.」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「あと別でソースも用意してみたんだ」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「I made some sauces for it, too.」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「好きなので食べてみて感想聞かせてくれると助かる」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Kashou]: 「It'd help if you two could give me some feedback on them.」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「ふわぁぁ……! ショコラの大好きなチョコレートソースがあるじゃにゃいですかー!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Chocola]: 「Fuwahh...! Meow! Isn't that Chocola's favorite chocolate sauce~?!」</s>
[バニラ]: 「こっちは私の好きなベリーソース、抹茶のパウダーまで……!?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Vanilla]: 「This is my favorite berry sauce. It even has matcha powder...?!」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「こんな至れりつくせりでいいのですか!?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
[Chocola]: 「Is it all right for everything to be this perfect?!」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「こんな幸せが許されると言うのですにゃー!?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Chocola]: 「Are we allowed to be this happy?!」</s> |
Name: Vanilla (バニラ) | Gender: Female
Name: Minaduki Kashou (水無月 嘉祥) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Master (ご主人さま)
Name: Chocola (ショコラ) | Gender: Female
[嘉祥]: 「そうだな、お前たちがいてくれてすごく助かってるよ。よしよし」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Kashou]: 「You're right. You two really were a big help. There, there.」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
I patted both the genuinely happy Chocola and the proud Vanilla on the head.</s>
[ショコラ]: 「ショコラ、ご主人さまのためにもっと頑張ります!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Chocola]: 「Chocola will work even harder for Master's sake!」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「もっともーっと頑張りますから! ね、バニラ?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Chocola]: 「Chocola's gonna work really really hard! Right, Vanilla?」</s>
[バニラ]: 「自分の食い扶持分くらいは働く。居候と言われない程度に」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Vanilla]: 「I'll work so that my food expenses are covered. Just enough that you can't call me a freeloader.」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「もー、素直じゃないんだからー。バニラもケーキ屋さん気に入ってるんでしょ?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Chocola]: 「Geez, you aren't being honest. You like working here too, right, Vanilla?」</s>
[バニラ]: 「ショコラと一緒に働くの、楽しいからね。それだけだから。ほんとそれだけ」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Vanilla]: 「It's because it's fun to work with Chocola. That is all. That really is all there is to it.」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「あははー。バニラの頬赤いぞー?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Chocola]: 「Ahaha! Vanilla's face is getting red!」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「そんな子はほっぺふにふにしちゃろーふにふにー♪」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
[Chocola]: 「Girls like that get their cheeks poked. Poke poke~ ♪」</s>
[バニラ]: 「別に赤くな、んっ、んっ……!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
[Vanilla]: 「I'm not turning red-- mm, mmph...!」</s> |
Name: Vanilla (バニラ) | Gender: Female
Name: Minaduki Kashou (水無月 嘉祥) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Master (ご主人さま)
Name: Chocola (ショコラ) | Gender: Female
[バニラ]: 「こら、食べてる最中はダメだって、ご主人も言って、ん、んんっ……!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Vanilla]: 「Hey, cut it out. Even Master says not to do stuff like this while eatin-- mm, mmph, mmm...!」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
My poster catgirls were such adorable little things.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
I watched them go at it as I poured another cup of tea.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
I can understand why catgirls make great mascots though.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
It was heartwarming and sweet to see them act like such happy sisters.</s>
[嘉祥]: 「これだけしっかり手伝ってもらってるし、本格的に勉強しなくちゃな?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Kashou]: 「Since you two are helping me this much, you're going to have to really study hard, right?」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「勉強? 何のですか? ケーキ?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Chocola]: 「Study? For what? How to make cakes?」</s>
[バニラ]: 「あ、経営? ご主人はもう会長職に引退を決意?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Vanilla]: 「Ah, management? You've already decided to retire from your executive position, Master?」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「違うって。開業して数日で引退するか」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「No. You think I'm going to retire a few days after opening?」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「資格の勉強。お前らもこないだ時雨に聞いただろ?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「Studying for your qualifications. You two remember what Shigure said, right?」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
Upon hearing my words, their blank expressions changed as their eyes began to shine.</s> |
Name: Vanilla (バニラ) | Gender: Female
Name: Chocola (ショコラ) | Gender: Female
Name: Minaduki Kashou (水無月 嘉祥) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Master (ご主人さま)
[ショコラ&バニラ]: 「資格って、鈴?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Chocola&Vanilla]: 「Qualifications, as in a Bell?」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「あぁ。こんなに立派な看板ネコとして働いてくれてるしな」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「Yep. You two are working really hard as poster catgirls, after all.」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「ご主人さま、それって……!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Chocola]: 「Master, does that mean...!」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
Chocola and Vanilla turned to each other with looks of amazement.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
Suddenly, they both stood up and bent forward across the table.</s>
[ショコラ]: 「それって、ショコラたちがちゃんと役に立ってるってことですか?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Chocola]: 「Does that mean that Chocola and Vanilla have been helpful?」</s>
[バニラ]: 「しっかりお仕事、出来てるってこと?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Vanilla]: 「Does that mean that we've been doing a good job?」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「もちろん。そう言ってるだろ?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「Of course. That's what I said, right?」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「お前たちがいなかったら、店が回せてなかっただろうからな」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Kashou]: 「If you two weren't around, I don't think I'd be able to keep the bakery going.」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
Just like before, I tapped their heads in thanks again.</s>
[ショコラ]: 「ショコラが鈴持ちになったら、ご主人さまは喜んでくれますか?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Chocola]: 「Will Master be happy if Chocola gets a Bell?」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「ああ、もちろん」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「Ahh, of course.」</s> |
Name: Chocola (ショコラ) | Gender: Female
Name: Vanilla (バニラ) | Gender: Female
Name: Minaduki Kashou (水無月 嘉祥) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Master (ご主人さま)
[嘉祥]: 「ああいいぞ。遊園地でも水族館でもどこでも連れてってやる」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「Ahh, sure. Whether it's an amusement park or the aquarium, I'll take you two there.」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「うわーいっ♪ ご主人さまと遊園地うれしー!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Chocola]: 「Yay~ ♪ Going to the amusement park with Master would make Chocola so happy~!」</s>
[ショコラ]: 「ショコラは本場のネズミっ子王国行きたいです!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Chocola]: 「Chocola wants to go to the Little Mouse Kingdom!」</s>
[バニラ]: 「私はオーロラが見たい。月のクレーターでもいい。むしろ両方」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Vanilla]: 「I want to see an aurora. Or a crater on the Moon. Or both. Both is good.」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「いやまぁ常識の範囲でな? 二匹とも聞いてるか?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
[Kashou]: 「Uh, within reason, okay? Are you two listening?」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
The two catgirls were lost in their own fantasy worlds while their eyes gleamed.</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
I never thought that they'd start dreaming of going overseas or even space...</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
A catgirl's dreams obviously weren't something to make light of. They were... incredible.</s>
[ショコラ]: 「むしろどこでもと言ってくれるなら、ご主人さまのお布団の中でいいんですよ! むはー!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Chocola]: 「On the other hand, if it's anywhere we want, then Master's bed is good too! Muhaa~!」</s>
[バニラ]: 「ネコ史上初の宇宙到達……!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Vanilla]: 「The first catgirl in history to go into outer space...!」</s> |
Name: Minaduki Shigure (水無月 時雨) | Gender: Female
Name: Coconut (ココナツ) | Gender: Female
Name: Azuki (アズキ) | Gender: Female
Name: Minaduki Kashou (水無月 嘉祥) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Master (ご主人さま)
[時雨]: 「……その、アズ――」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Shigure]: 「... Uhm, Azu--」</s>
[アズキ]: 「うにゃにゃにゃにゃにゃっっっ!!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
[Azuki]: 「Meow, meow, meow, meow~!!」</s>
[時雨]: 「あ、ちょっ……! アズキっ……!!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Shigure]: 「Ah, wait...! Azuki...!!」</s>
[時雨]: 「……コホン。今のは悪い例です。アズキにはあとでオシオキをするとして」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Shigure]: 「... Ahem. That right there was a bad example. Azuki will be punished after this.」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「あ、やっぱりオシオキはあるんだ」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「Ah, so there are punishments, then.」</s>
[時雨]: 「ココナツ! 耐久ねこじゃらし!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
[Shigure]: 「Coconut! Show us your resistance to feather lures!」</s>
[時雨]: 「ココナツ、準備はいい?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Shigure]: 「Are you ready, Coconut?」</s>
[ココナツ]: 「お任せ下さい、時雨さま」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Coconut]: 「Leave it to me, Shigure-sama.」</s>
[時雨]: 「いきます。兄さま、よーくご覧下さいね? アズキとは違うところをお見せしましょう」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Shigure]: 「Here it comes! Nii-sama, are you watching carefully? I'll show you something different this time.」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「俺よりもショコラバニラにだな」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Kashou]: 「This'll be more useful for Chocola and Vanilla than me.」</s>
[時雨]: 「頼みますよ、ココナツ!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Shigure]: 「I'm counting on you, Coconut!」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
She's not listening at all.</s> |
Name: Coconut (ココナツ) | Gender: Female
Name: Vanilla (バニラ) | Gender: Female
Name: Minaduki Shigure (水無月 時雨) | Gender: Female
Name: Chocola (ショコラ) | Gender: Female
Name: Minaduki Kashou (水無月 嘉祥) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Master (ご主人さま)
[ショコラ]: 「??????」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Chocola]: 「???」</s>
[ショコラ&ココナツ]: 「あいたぁっ!?
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
[Shocola&Coconut]: 「Ouch?!
[ショコラ]: 「ふぇーん! ココちゃんにネコパンチされたー! にゃぁーん、ひどいー!!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Chocola]: 「Uwaaahn! Coco-chan cat-punched Chocola~! Myaaahn, that's mean~!」</s>
[ココナツ]: 「ご、ごめん、ショコラ! つい……!」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Coconut]: 「S-Sorry, Chocola! I just...!」</s>
[バニラ]: 「今のは強烈だったね。ネコだからしょうがないとはいえ。よしよし」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Vanilla]: 「That was pretty intense. I guess you could say that it can't be helped since you're a catgirl. There, there.」</s>
[嘉祥]: 「……大丈夫なのか? 家のネコたちはアレで」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Kashou]: 「... Are you all right? The catgirls at home are like that...?」</s>
[時雨]: 「一応アズキもココナツも試験にはほぼ満点で合格してるはずなのですが……あるぇ~?」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Shigure]: 「For what it's worth, both Azuki and Coconut passed with perfect marks for the most part, but... huh~?」</s>
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = high)
Those two couldn't act independently at all.</s>
[時雨]: 「兄さま。今度こそは何の問題もございません」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = absolute)
[Shigure]: 「Nii-sama, rest assured, this time there will be no problems.」</s>
[時雨]: 「大船に乗った気持ちでお任せ下さい」
<<ENGLISH>> (fidelity = medium)
[Shigure]: 「I can guarantee that.」</s> |