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The Digital Ageing Atlas: integrating the diversity of age-related changes into a unified resource 2015 Thomas Craig Integrative Genomics of Ageing Group Institute of Integrative Biology University of Liverpool LiverpoolUK Chris Smelick University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill NCUSA Robi Tacutu Integrative Genomics of Ageing Group Institute of Integrative Biology University of Liverpool LiverpoolUK Daniel Wuttke Integrative Genomics of Ageing Group Institute of Integrative Biology University of Liverpool LiverpoolUK Shona H Wood Integrative Genomics of Ageing Group Institute of Integrative Biology University of Liverpool LiverpoolUK Henry Stanley Integrative Genomics of Ageing Group Institute of Integrative Biology University of Liverpool LiverpoolUK Georges Janssens Integrative Genomics of Ageing Group Institute of Integrative Biology University of Liverpool LiverpoolUK Ekaterina Savitskaya Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology Moscow regionRussia Alexey Moskalev Institute of Biology of Komi Science Center of RAS SyktyvkarRussia Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology DolgoprudnyRussia Robert Arking Department of Biological Sciences Wayne State University DetroitMIUSA João Pedro De Magalhães Integrative Genomics of Ageing Group Institute of Integrative Biology University of Liverpool LiverpoolUK The Digital Ageing Atlas: integrating the diversity of age-related changes into a unified resource Nucleic Acids Research 43201510.1093/nar/gku843Received June 24, 2014; Revised August 25, 2014; Accepted September 03, 2014 Multiple studies characterizing the human ageing phenotype have been conducted for decades. However, there is no centralized resource in which data on multiple age-related changes are collated. Currently, researchers must consult several sources, including primary publications, in order to obtain age-related data at various levels. To address this and facilitate integrative, system-level studies of ageing we developed the Digital Ageing Atlas (DAA). The DAA is a one-stop collection of human age-related data covering different biological levels (molecular, cellular, physiological, psychological and pathological) that is freely available online ( Each of the >3000 age-related changes is associated with a specific tissue and has its own page displaying a variety of information, including at least one reference. Age-related changes can also be linked to each other in hierarchical trees to represent different types of relationships. In addition, we developed an intuitive and user-friendly interface that allows searching, browsing and retrieving information in an integrated and interactive fashion. Overall, the DAA offers a new approach to systemizing ageing resources, providing a manually-curated and readily accessible source of age-related changes.DIGITAL AGEING ATLAS CONTENT, INTERFACE AND STRUCTUREConceptually, an age-related change represents an observed difference of a molecule, parameter or process between young and old, and various and diverse types of properties can be represented in a quantitative and/or qualitative way. INTRODUCTION Ageing can be defined as a progressive functional decline, or a gradual deterioration of physiological function with age, often including a decrease in fecundity (1). Human ageing is characterized by multiple changes at different levels of bi-ological organization (2,3). It is still not clear which (if any) molecular, cellular or physiological changes are more important drivers of the process of ageing or how they influence each other. One difficulty in understanding how different processes at different scales relate to ageing as a whole is the lack of integrative, holistic views of ageing. This hinders studies of how different molecular, cellular and physiological components interact with each other, in spite of the recognized importance of such approaches (4,5). Particularly now in the post-genome era, efforts to obtain a more comprehensive and detailed characterization of molecular changes with ageing, such as those using -omics approaches (6)(7)(8), have been widespread. Use of this quantitative data, including its meta-and re-analysis, allows the application of systems biology approaches to ageing research. Consequently, there is now a drive to link these molecular level changes to cellular and physiological processes. The ultimate aim is to elucidate how molecular changes with age, for example, may influence or are influenced by changes in the wider organism, e.g. hormonal changes, and ultimately how these interactions contribute to pathology. Nonetheless, collating and converting raw data into information that is usable and can be cross compared is time consuming and difficult. In this context, we developed the Digital Ageing Atlas (DAA; http://ageing-map. org/), the first portal encompassing age-related changes at different biological levels, including a large amount ofomics data, already processed, categorized and filtered for statistical significance. To catalogue and organize age-related changes, in the DAA they fall into four broad categories: molecular, physiological, psychological and pathological changes ( Table 1). The DAA contains: more than 3000 molecular ageing changes, which include gene expression, epigenetic and proteomic changes; over 300 physiological changes, which include cellular, hormonal and changes at various scales (including organs and the whole organism); and psychological or cognitive changes. Also included are pathological changes, listing epidemiological data on the incidence and/or mortality of major age-related diseases. Our focus is on changes occurring during normal ageing across populations, though e.g. gender-specific changes are indicated. As detailed below, data was manually-curated from the literature, such as textbooks and papers, and retrieved from public databases like GEO (9). All changes are fully referenced making it possible to access the raw data. In total, the DAA currently details 3526 biological changes in humans and 713 changes in mice. The DAA focuses on human data, however mouse data has been included, in particular gene expression data, and cross-linked to relevant human entries (e.g., homologous genes), to enhance and expand the information on human ageing. We anticipate the addition of data from other model organisms in the future. Presenting information in an easy-to-understand visual form is a powerful means of fostering the analysis and interpretation of large datasets and of allowing researchers to identify gaps in knowledge and develop new research directions (10,11). Without it the comprehension of large-scale or diverse datasets is impeded. Therefore, not only does the DAA merge different types of data into a single repository, but we developed an intuitive and user-friendly web resource that allows accessing, searching, browsing and retrieving the datasets in an integrated and interactive fashion. Specifically, we developed an anatomical diagram to allow users to browse and select their organ of interest (Figure 1). The use of keyword term searching (e.g. 'heart' will show both tissues and changes associated with the heart while 'p53' will show changes related to any gene with p53 in its name or alias) and more general anatomical selection offers a great deal of flexibility to users, ensuring that users of any level of technical skill can access the resources, including non-researchers, opening up the field of ageing to a wider audience. Each age-related change in the DAA has its own page displaying a variety of information. Typically, entries include a description of the change with age, a quantification (if available) of the change with age (e.g. a percentage gene expression change between two ages), at least one reference and relevant links ( Figure 2). The way in which the changes are stored in the database is best described in an objectorientated way. The key objects in the DAA are change, tis- sue, gene, property and data. The change object stores the basic information on a change including type, age of occurrence, gender (if available) and organism. The gene object contains basic information on a gene, e.g. symbol and name, mapping to other information such as homologues in other organisms, Gene Ontology (GO) terms and links to external resources, for instance cross-linking to the GenAge database of ageing-related genes (12) (Figure 3). Gene information can then be associated with multiple changes to prevent repetition and ensure ease of updating when elements such as the gene symbol change. It also allows for the DAA to display all changes associated with a gene making it easier to find information. The tissue object contains details on a tissue such as a name and description. The tissue objects (currently 284 different tissues are represented) are arranged into a simple hierarchical structure, based upon the ontology created by eVOContology (13), supplemented by descriptive data from both Brenda (14) and Wikipedia Nucleic Acids Research, 2015, Vol. 43, Database issue D875 Figure 2. A labelled diagram of the entry for IGF1 age-related changes in the plasma: (1) Each change is colour coded for easy identification of type. (2) As all changes are assigned to a tissue it is easy to see the different changes occurring on an organ level. (3) Each change is fully referenced allowing for additional details into the methodology and access to the original data. (4) Clear identification of the amount and direction of change with age (if applicable) is provided, along with how it was derived. (5) Changes can be stored persistently between sessions as well as compared on-site using the graphing functionality. (6) Descriptions provide more details, including greater clarification regarding the context in which the change was observed and/or measured. (7) Linking changes to genes allows, much like linking tissues, the ability to see all the changes associated with a particular gene. ( and further expanded in our lab. Each tissue has a parent and zero or more children. The root parent represents the whole organism and the tissue hierarchy can be navigated on our interface. Each change is associated with one or more tissues, allowing for exploration of the number and types of changes occurring in each tissue or organ. The property object allows for non-duplicate properties to be defined and associated with changes (e.g. the location property may take values like synapse, mitochondria, cellular, etc). These properties are defined by the curators and can encompass any value which may be relevant to the change but is not recorded elsewhere. This allows for great flexibility in recording type-specific information (e.g. subcellular location) and can be filtered against in the search interface. The data object allows the association of specific types of data with a change. It is divided into sub-objects that cover a class of data, such as percentage, equation or dataset. These store specific sets of data with some fields such as 'change measured' common between all. Percentage objects store a simple percentage value; equation objects store the components of an equation describing the change in a quantitative fashion; dataset objects store an arbitrary number of data points to plot more fragmentary data such as mortality rates. With this the database can cover most types of data that can be associated with a change during the life course, and more can be easily added, if required, with very little effort. These data are presented on the details page and used for the display of increase/decrease icons on the search page, among others. The relationship object stands alone as it is not directly related to a change. Instead, similar to the tissue object, it stores a hierarchical representation of information. Each relationship object is linked to a single change and optionally another relationship object. These are then chained together to create a tree. Multiple trees can be associated with a change and can describe different types of associations from causal relationships to similar processes that are occurring together. Linking the relationship objects to changes allows the construction of complex hierarchies often encompassing different biological levels while still permitting a given change to appear in multiple hierarchies. A change can appear in multiple trees as the change may be a part of multiple processes, some of which may not be closely related. A good example of this is DAA982 (which refers to changes in CD16 expression in the elderly) in which there are two trees describing how the gene (a molecular change) reacts during two distinct physiological ageing changes. Relationships also link pathologies to physiological and molecular changes associated with them, like for Alzheimer's disease (DAA615) which is associated with neuritic plaques (DAA723) and beta-amyloid deposits (DAA1996). Interpretation and visualization of the data is facilitated by tools built into the DAA. Any numerical change within the DAA can be compared against others by adding them to a list which can then be analysed in a graph form within the D876 Nucleic Acids Research, 2015, Vol. 43, Database issue website. For example, a comparison can be made of molecular changes presented in graph form allowing the comparison of the gene expression levels recorded by those changes (Figure 4). More complex analyses can be performed using external tools as the DAA permits downloading both through its export tool and through the availability of the complete DAA dataset for download. The export tool itself takes advantage of the search and filtering supported and allows for specific subsets of data to be extracted and saved as a tab-delimited text file. The DAA and all its data is made available under a permissive licence. DATA SELECTION AND CURATION Data in the DAA is manually curated and each age-related change has been selected based upon clearly defined criteria. First, only age-related changes for which there is direct, empirical evidence supported by one or more references are included. Second, only ageing changes occurring in vivo are incorporated into the DAA. Since our goal is to define typical age-related changes, we focused on those observed during healthy ageing, with the obvious exception of pathological age-related changes that describe mortality and incidence rates of specific diseases of the aged. Although the goal is to make the DAA as complete as possible, the focus is on what are likely the most important age-related changes, which in many cases are the changes that are also involved in determining age-related pathologies. Negative results can be included if these are deemed relevant to understand ageing, e.g. DAA711 refers to measurements of heart physiology that are unchanged with age. Our general policy regarding conflicting reports is to cite all conflicting reports and let users make their own decisions on how to interpret them. Molecular changes (e.g. gene expression, protein levels and methylation) from high-throughput approaches are usually selected based on criteria for statistical significance that the authors have used in the sourced data, though data and methods (e.g. correction for multiple hypothesis testing) are examined as part of our QC procedures which are described in de Magalhães et al. (6). A P-value cut-off of 0.001 or lower is normally used for genome-wide approaches. This value was reached based on standard practice and observation of effects of the data and ensures that the changes added are above the noise threshold. Ours is an inclusive policy, however, and effect sizes and P-values are included in the DAA to allow users to make their own decisions about which data is relevant. The primary sources of data for the molecular section have been the meta-analysis by de Magalhães et al. (6), public databases like GEO (9) and primary publications. Therefore, quantitative data can be taken directly from publications or recomputed as in (6) with the specific type of equation used indicated in the details page for a given entry. At the time of writing the DAA includes 24 datasets from high throughput screens (mainly microarrays) that cover 22 different tissues. Physiological changes were sourced from books (2,3,15), reviews and primary publications. Major changes in cell populations are likely to contribute to age-related physiological and pathological changes, therefore studies of cellular alterations with age are included, but results from in vitro cellular models of ageing are not included in the DAA. Pathological and some physiological changes were sourced from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (, selected based on their relevance to chronic ageing conditions and the ages which they cover. Psychological changes were sourced from the same locations as the physiological changes with the condition that they must indicate a change in behaviour or cognition as the organism ages. Ageing changes vary between individuals and populations. It is not the goal of the DAA to capture the individual diversity of age-related changes and thus the relative dependence on large datasets. The objective of the DAA is to provide an overview of major age-related changes and so typical values are featured, though outliers are in-dicated in notes-specific to each data type. For example, gender-specific changes are featured and properly annotated. An attempt is made to obtain data from consistent sources. In mice, age-related changes and even lifespan can vary between strains, therefore the C57BL/6 strain is used as the 'gold standard' in the case of conflicting findings, however discrepancies are highlighted when they occur. The C57BL/6 strain was selected because, currently, it is the most commonly used mouse strain for ageing studies. This strategy is consistent with other similar projects like AGEMAP (16) and the Allen Brain Atlas (17) that also focus on the C57BL/6 strain. If age-related changes are suspected of being population-specific, then this is indicated in the DAA through a specific property. The site itself uses the Python-based Django framework and is served by an Nginx web server. It uses PostgreSQL 9.1 as a database backend, implementing a number of constraints to ensure entries are not duplicated or left as orphans when a change instance is deleted. A web-based curation application was also created that allows for easy addition and updating of data without requiring knowledge of the technical operations of the portal. We encourage contributions by the wider research community. By having an intuitive and easily usable curation interface this provides the ability to both quickly correct and add relevant information as well as allowing specialists to directly contribute D878 Nucleic Acids Research, 2015, Vol. 43, Database issue to its improvement, thus ensuring that it stays at the forefront of ageing research. AVAILABILITY The DAA is available at with the data made available under the permissive Creative Commons licence, allowing data to be used in other analyses. There are options to either download the entire database or to download more focused data using the export tool. Feedback via email is welcome, as are submissions of new data, for which a submission form is provided to ensure that the relevant information is included. CONCLUSION The DAA is an integrated web resource for studying and visualizing human age-associated changes at various biological levels. It can aid researchers to perform integrative, system-level analysis of ageing. While target users are primarily fundamental researchers, it is anticipated that the DAA will also be useful to clinicians, students and the public in general. Other existing ageing-related resources such as GenAge (12), AgeFactDB (18) and SAGEWEB (http: // focus on genes and factors that alter lifespan and/or ageing. By providing a manually-curated and readily accessible source of age-related changes during the normal life course, the DAA is thus complementary to existing resources and offers a new approach to systemizing ageing resources. This brings numerous benefits, limiting duplication of efforts and maintaining the accuracy of data which is essential given the rapid pace at which the field of ageing is progressing. In conclusion, the DAA aims to become the most comprehensive source for data related to ageing changes, consistently providing high-quality data, covering a wide variety of different biological levels. Figure 1 . 1The DAA anatomical model. Moving the mouse over a given organ reveals the number of age-related changes in the DAA, along with a breakdown of the number of each specific type of change. Colours indicate the number of changes for each change type (orange: physiological, red: pathological, blue: molecular, green: psychological). Figure 3 . 3The details page for the gene GH1. This shows the two ageing changes associated with it and the links to external resources including GO terms, orthologs and various other databases. Figure 4 . 4Storing changes for later analysis. A combination of two screenshots showing how changes can be added to the saved list and then compared against each other using the graphing capabilities of the Digital Ageing Atlas. Filters allow for a narrowing of results based on the properties of each change; Multiple filters can be applied. The actions column provides the ability to add and remove changes to the stored list. Table 1 . 1The number of human age-related changes for each category in the Digital Ageing AtlasType of change Description ACKNOWLEDGEMENTWe would like to thank Ana Fonseca, Gerald Keil and Krishna Madireddy for useful suggestions, testing and contributions. Messages from mortality: the evolution of death rates in the old. L Partridge, M Mangel, Trends Ecol. Evol. 14Partridge,L. and Mangel,M. (1999) Messages from mortality: the evolution of death rates in the old. Trends Ecol. Evol., 14, 438-442. B Arking, Biology of Aging: Observations and Principles. USAOxford University PressArking,B. (2006) Biology of Aging: Observations and Principles. Oxford University Press, USA. Physiological Basis of Aging and Geriatrics. P S Timiras, CRC PressBoca Raton, FLTimiras,P. S. (1994) Physiological Basis of Aging and Geriatrics. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. Systems biology of ageing and longevity. T B Kirkwood, Philos. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B. Biol. Sci. 366Kirkwood,T. B. 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[ "Multiple studies characterizing the human ageing phenotype have been conducted for decades. However, there is no centralized resource in which data on multiple age-related changes are collated. Currently, researchers must consult several sources, including primary publications, in order to obtain age-related data at various levels. To address this and facilitate integrative, system-level studies of ageing we developed the Digital Ageing Atlas (DAA). The DAA is a one-stop collection of human age-related data covering different biological levels (molecular, cellular, physiological, psychological and pathological) that is freely available online ( Each of the >3000 age-related changes is associated with a specific tissue and has its own page displaying a variety of information, including at least one reference. Age-related changes can also be linked to each other in hierarchical trees to represent different types of relationships. In addition, we developed an intuitive and user-friendly interface that allows searching, browsing and retrieving information in an integrated and interactive fashion. Overall, the DAA offers a new approach to systemizing ageing resources, providing a manually-curated and readily accessible source of age-related changes.DIGITAL AGEING ATLAS CONTENT, INTERFACE AND STRUCTUREConceptually, an age-related change represents an observed difference of a molecule, parameter or process between young and old, and various and diverse types of properties can be represented in a quantitative and/or qualitative way." ]
[ "Thomas Craig \nIntegrative Genomics of Ageing Group\nInstitute of Integrative Biology\nUniversity of Liverpool\nLiverpoolUK\n", "Chris Smelick \nUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill\nNCUSA\n", "Robi Tacutu \nIntegrative Genomics of Ageing Group\nInstitute of Integrative Biology\nUniversity of Liverpool\nLiverpoolUK\n", "Daniel Wuttke \nIntegrative Genomics of Ageing Group\nInstitute of Integrative Biology\nUniversity of Liverpool\nLiverpoolUK\n", "Shona H Wood \nIntegrative Genomics of Ageing Group\nInstitute of Integrative Biology\nUniversity of Liverpool\nLiverpoolUK\n", "Henry Stanley \nIntegrative Genomics of Ageing Group\nInstitute of Integrative Biology\nUniversity of Liverpool\nLiverpoolUK\n", "Georges Janssens \nIntegrative Genomics of Ageing Group\nInstitute of Integrative Biology\nUniversity of Liverpool\nLiverpoolUK\n", "Ekaterina Savitskaya \nSkolkovo Institute of Science and Technology\nMoscow regionRussia\n", "Alexey Moskalev \nInstitute of Biology of Komi Science Center of RAS\nSyktyvkarRussia\n\nMoscow Institute of Physics and Technology\nDolgoprudnyRussia\n", "Robert Arking \nDepartment of Biological Sciences\nWayne State University\nDetroitMIUSA\n", "João Pedro De Magalhães \nIntegrative Genomics of Ageing Group\nInstitute of Integrative Biology\nUniversity of Liverpool\nLiverpoolUK\n" ]
[ "Integrative Genomics of Ageing Group\nInstitute of Integrative Biology\nUniversity of Liverpool\nLiverpoolUK", "University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill\nNCUSA", "Integrative Genomics of Ageing Group\nInstitute of Integrative Biology\nUniversity of Liverpool\nLiverpoolUK", "Integrative Genomics of Ageing Group\nInstitute of Integrative Biology\nUniversity of Liverpool\nLiverpoolUK", "Integrative Genomics of Ageing Group\nInstitute of Integrative Biology\nUniversity of Liverpool\nLiverpoolUK", "Integrative Genomics of Ageing Group\nInstitute of Integrative Biology\nUniversity of Liverpool\nLiverpoolUK", "Integrative Genomics of Ageing Group\nInstitute of Integrative Biology\nUniversity of Liverpool\nLiverpoolUK", "Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology\nMoscow regionRussia", "Institute of Biology of Komi Science Center of RAS\nSyktyvkarRussia", "Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology\nDolgoprudnyRussia", "Department of Biological Sciences\nWayne State University\nDetroitMIUSA", "Integrative Genomics of Ageing Group\nInstitute of Integrative Biology\nUniversity of Liverpool\nLiverpoolUK" ]
[ "Thomas", "Chris", "Robi", "Daniel", "Shona", "H", "Henry", "Georges", "Ekaterina", "Alexey", "Robert", "João" ]
[ "Craig", "Smelick", "Tacutu", "Wuttke", "Wood", "Stanley", "Janssens", "Savitskaya", "Moskalev", "Arking", "Pedro De Magalhães" ]
[ "L Partridge, ", "M Mangel, ", "B Arking, ", "P S Timiras, ", "T B Kirkwood, ", "E Cevenini, ", "E Bellavista, ", "P Tieri, ", "G Castellani, ", "F Lescai, ", "M Francesconi, ", "M Mishto, ", "A Santoro, ", "S Valensin, ", "S Salvioli, ", "J P De Magalhães, ", "J Curado, ", "G M Church, ", "S Welle, ", "A I Brooks, ", "J M Delehanty, ", "N Needler, ", "C A Thornton, ", "T Lu, ", "Y Pan, ", "S Y Kao, ", "C Li, ", "I Kohane, ", "J Chan, ", "B A Yankner, ", "T Barrett, ", "S E Wilhite, ", "P Ledoux, ", "C Evangelista, ", "I F Kim, ", "M Tomashevsky, ", "K A Marshall, ", "K H Phillippy, ", "P M Sherman, ", "M Holko, ", "T Kelder, ", "B R Conklin, ", "C T Evelo, ", "A R Pico, ", "Y Tao, ", "C Friedman, ", "Y A Lussier, ", "R Tacutu, ", "T Craig, ", "A Budovsky, ", "D Wuttke, ", "G Lehmann, ", "D Taranukha, ", "J Costa, ", "V E Fraifeld, ", "De Magalhães, ", "A Kruger, ", "O Hofmann, ", "P Carninci, ", "Y Hayashizaki, ", "W Hide, ", "M Gremse, ", "A Chang, ", "I Schomburg, ", "A Grote, ", "M Scheer, ", "C Ebeling, ", "D Schomburg, ", "S K Whitbourne, ", "J M Zahn, ", "S Poosala, ", "A B Owen, ", "D K Ingram, ", "A Lustig, ", "A Carter, ", "A T Weeraratna, ", "D D Taub, ", "M Gorospe, ", "K Mazan-Mamczarz, ", "S M Sunkin, ", "L Ng, ", "C Lau, ", "T Dolbeare, ", "T L Gilbert, ", "C L Thompson, ", "M Hawrylycz, ", "C Dang, ", "R Hühne, ", "T Thalheim, ", "J Sühnel, " ]
[ "L", "M", "B", "P", "S", "T", "B", "E", "E", "P", "G", "F", "M", "M", "A", "S", "S", "J", "P", "J", "G", "M", "S", "A", "I", "J", "M", "N", "C", "A", "T", "Y", "S", "Y", "C", "I", "J", "B", "A", "T", "S", "E", "P", "C", "I", "F", "M", "K", "A", "K", "H", "P", "M", "M", "T", "B", "R", "C", "T", "A", "R", "Y", "C", "Y", "A", "R", "T", "A", "D", "G", "D", "J", "V", "E", "A", "O", "P", "Y", "W", "M", "A", "I", "A", "M", "C", "D", "S", "K", "J", "M", "S", "A", "B", "D", "K", "A", "A", "A", "T", "D", "D", "M", "K", "S", "M", "L", "C", "T", "T", "L", "C", "L", "M", "C", "R", "T", "J" ]
[ "Partridge", "Mangel", "Arking", "Timiras", "Kirkwood", "Cevenini", "Bellavista", "Tieri", "Castellani", "Lescai", "Francesconi", "Mishto", "Santoro", "Valensin", "Salvioli", "De Magalhães", "Curado", "Church", "Welle", "Brooks", "Delehanty", "Needler", "Thornton", "Lu", "Pan", "Kao", "Li", "Kohane", "Chan", "Yankner", "Barrett", "Wilhite", "Ledoux", "Evangelista", "Kim", "Tomashevsky", "Marshall", "Phillippy", "Sherman", "Holko", "Kelder", "Conklin", "Evelo", "Pico", "Tao", "Friedman", "Lussier", "Tacutu", "Craig", "Budovsky", "Wuttke", "Lehmann", "Taranukha", "Costa", "Fraifeld", "De Magalhães", "Kruger", "Hofmann", "Carninci", "Hayashizaki", "Hide", "Gremse", "Chang", "Schomburg", "Grote", "Scheer", "Ebeling", "Schomburg", "Whitbourne", "Zahn", "Poosala", "Owen", "Ingram", "Lustig", "Carter", "Weeraratna", "Taub", "Gorospe", "Mazan-Mamczarz", "Sunkin", "Ng", "Lau", "Dolbeare", "Gilbert", "Thompson", "Hawrylycz", "Dang", "Hühne", "Thalheim", "Sühnel" ]
[ "Messages from mortality: the evolution of death rates in the old. L Partridge, M Mangel, Trends Ecol. Evol. 14Partridge,L. and Mangel,M. (1999) Messages from mortality: the evolution of death rates in the old. Trends Ecol. Evol., 14, 438-442.", "B Arking, Biology of Aging: Observations and Principles. USAOxford University PressArking,B. (2006) Biology of Aging: Observations and Principles. Oxford University Press, USA.", "Physiological Basis of Aging and Geriatrics. P S Timiras, CRC PressBoca Raton, FLTimiras,P. S. (1994) Physiological Basis of Aging and Geriatrics. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.", "Systems biology of ageing and longevity. T B Kirkwood, Philos. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B. Biol. Sci. 366Kirkwood,T. B. (2011) Systems biology of ageing and longevity. Philos. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B. Biol. Sci. 366, 64-70.", "Systems biology and longevity: an emerging approach to identify innovative anti-aging targets and strategies. E Cevenini, E Bellavista, P Tieri, G Castellani, F Lescai, M Francesconi, M Mishto, A Santoro, S Valensin, S Salvioli, Curr. Pharm. Des. 16Cevenini,E., Bellavista,E., Tieri,P., Castellani,G., Lescai,F., Francesconi,M., Mishto,M., Santoro,A., Valensin,S., Salvioli,S. et al. (2010) Systems biology and longevity: an emerging approach to identify innovative anti-aging targets and strategies. Curr. Pharm. Des. 16, 802-813.", ". J P De Magalhães, J Curado, G M Church, de Magalhães,J. P., Curado,J. and Church,G. M. (2009)", "Meta-analysis of age-related gene expression profiles identifies common signatures of aging. Bioinformatics. 25Meta-analysis of age-related gene expression profiles identifies common signatures of aging. Bioinformatics 25, 875-881.", "Gene expression profile of aging in human muscle. S Welle, A I Brooks, J M Delehanty, N Needler, C A Thornton, Physiol. Genomics. 14Welle,S., Brooks,A. I., Delehanty,J. M., Needler,N. and Thornton,C. A. (2003) Gene expression profile of aging in human muscle. Physiol. Genomics 14, 149-159.", "Gene regulation and DNA damage in the ageing human brain. T Lu, Y Pan, S Y Kao, C Li, I Kohane, J Chan, B A Yankner, Nature. 429Lu,T., Pan,Y., Kao,S. Y., Li,C., Kohane,I., Chan,J. and Yankner,B. A. (2004) Gene regulation and DNA damage in the ageing human brain. Nature 429, 883-891.", "NCBI GEO: archive for functional genomics data sets-update. T Barrett, S E Wilhite, P Ledoux, C Evangelista, I F Kim, M Tomashevsky, K A Marshall, K H Phillippy, P M Sherman, M Holko, Nucleic Acids Res. 41Barrett,T., Wilhite,S. E., Ledoux,P., Evangelista,C., Kim,I. F., Tomashevsky,M., Marshall,K. A., Phillippy,K. H., Sherman,P. M., Holko,M. et al. (2013) NCBI GEO: archive for functional genomics data sets-update. Nucleic Acids Res. 41, D991-D995.", "Finding the right questions: exploratory pathway analysis to enhance biological discovery in large datasets. T Kelder, B R Conklin, C T Evelo, A R Pico, PLoS Biol. 81000472Kelder,T., Conklin,B. R., Evelo,C. T. and Pico,A. R. (2010) Finding the right questions: exploratory pathway analysis to enhance biological discovery in large datasets. PLoS Biol. 8, e1000472.", "Visualizing information across multidimensional post-genomic structured and textual databases. Y Tao, C Friedman, Y A Lussier, Bioinformatics. 21Tao,Y., Friedman,C. and Lussier,Y. A. (2005) Visualizing information across multidimensional post-genomic structured and textual databases. Bioinformatics. 21, 1659-1667.", "Human ageing genomic resources: integrated databases and tools for the biology and genetics of ageing. R Tacutu, T Craig, A Budovsky, D Wuttke, G Lehmann, D Taranukha, J Costa, V E Fraifeld, De Magalhães, Nucleic Acids Res. 41J. P.Tacutu,R., Craig,T., Budovsky,A., Wuttke,D., Lehmann,G., Taranukha,D., Costa,J., Fraifeld,V. E. and de Magalhães,J. P. (2013) Human ageing genomic resources: integrated databases and tools for the biology and genetics of ageing. Nucleic Acids Res. 41, D1027-D1033.", "Simplified ontologies allowing comparison of developmental mammalian gene expression. A Kruger, O Hofmann, P Carninci, Y Hayashizaki, W Hide, Genome Biol. 8229Kruger,A., Hofmann,O., Carninci,P., Hayashizaki,Y. and Hide,W. (2007) Simplified ontologies allowing comparison of developmental mammalian gene expression. Genome Biol. 8, R229.", "The BRENDA Tissue Ontology (BTO): the first all-integrating ontology of all organisms for enzyme sources. M Gremse, A Chang, I Schomburg, A Grote, M Scheer, C Ebeling, D Schomburg, Nucleic Acids Res. 39Gremse,M., Chang,A., Schomburg,I., Grote,A., Scheer,M., Ebeling,C. and Schomburg,D. (2011) The BRENDA Tissue Ontology (BTO): the first all-integrating ontology of all organisms for enzyme sources. Nucleic Acids Res., 39, D507-D513.", "The Aging Body: Physiological Changes and Psychological Consequences. S K Whitbourne, Springer-VerlagNYWhitbourne,S. K. (1985) The Aging Body: Physiological Changes and Psychological Consequences. Springer-Verlag, NY.", "AGEMAP: a gene expression database for aging in mice. J M Zahn, S Poosala, A B Owen, D K Ingram, A Lustig, A Carter, A T Weeraratna, D D Taub, M Gorospe, K Mazan-Mamczarz, PLoS Genet. 3201Zahn,J. M., Poosala,S., Owen,A. B., Ingram,D. K., Lustig,A., Carter,A., Weeraratna,A. T., Taub,D. D., Gorospe,M., Mazan-Mamczarz,K. et al. (2007) AGEMAP: a gene expression database for aging in mice. PLoS Genet. 3, e201.", "Allen Brain Atlas: an integrated spatio-temporal portal for exploring the central nervous system. S M Sunkin, L Ng, C Lau, T Dolbeare, T L Gilbert, C L Thompson, M Hawrylycz, C Dang, Nucleic Acids Res. 41Sunkin,S. M., Ng,L., Lau,C., Dolbeare,T., Gilbert,T. L., Thompson,C. L., Hawrylycz,M. and Dang,C. (2012) Allen Brain Atlas: an integrated spatio-temporal portal for exploring the central nervous system. Nucleic Acids Res. 41, D996-D1008.", "AgeFactDB-the JenAge ageing factor database-towards data integration in ageing research. R Hühne, T Thalheim, J Sühnel, Nucleic Acids Res. 42Hühne,R., Thalheim,T. and Sühnel,J. (2014) AgeFactDB-the JenAge ageing factor database-towards data integration in ageing research. Nucleic Acids Res. 42, D892-D896." ]
[ "(1)", "(2,", "3)", "(4,", "5)", "(6)", "(7)", "(8)", "(9)", "(10,", "11)", "(13)", "(14)", "(6)", "(6)", "(6)", "(16)", "(18)" ]
[ "Messages from mortality: the evolution of death rates in the old", "Systems biology of ageing and longevity", "Systems biology and longevity: an emerging approach to identify innovative anti-aging targets and strategies", "Meta-analysis of age-related gene expression profiles identifies common signatures of aging", "Gene expression profile of aging in human muscle", "Gene regulation and DNA damage in the ageing human brain", "NCBI GEO: archive for functional genomics data sets-update", "Finding the right questions: exploratory pathway analysis to enhance biological discovery in large datasets", "Visualizing information across multidimensional post-genomic structured and textual databases", "Human ageing genomic resources: integrated databases and tools for the biology and genetics of ageing", "Simplified ontologies allowing comparison of developmental mammalian gene expression", "The BRENDA Tissue Ontology (BTO): the first all-integrating ontology of all organisms for enzyme sources", "AGEMAP: a gene expression database for aging in mice", "Allen Brain Atlas: an integrated spatio-temporal portal for exploring the central nervous system", "AgeFactDB-the JenAge ageing factor database-towards data integration in ageing research" ]
[ "USA", "Trends Ecol. Evol", "Biology of Aging: Observations and Principles", "Physiological Basis of Aging and Geriatrics", "Philos. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B. Biol. Sci", "Curr. Pharm. Des", "Bioinformatics", "Physiol. Genomics", "Nature", "Nucleic Acids Res", "PLoS Biol", "Bioinformatics", "Nucleic Acids Res", "Genome Biol", "Nucleic Acids Res", "The Aging Body: Physiological Changes and Psychological Consequences", "PLoS Genet", "Nucleic Acids Res", "Nucleic Acids Res" ]
[ "\nFigure 1 .\n1The DAA anatomical model. Moving the mouse over a given organ reveals the number of age-related changes in the DAA, along with a breakdown of the number of each specific type of change. Colours indicate the number of changes for each change type (orange: physiological, red: pathological, blue: molecular, green: psychological).", "\nFigure 3 .\n3The details page for the gene GH1. This shows the two ageing changes associated with it and the links to external resources including GO terms, orthologs and various other databases.", "\nFigure 4 .\n4Storing changes for later analysis. A combination of two screenshots showing how changes can be added to the saved list and then compared against each other using the graphing capabilities of the Digital Ageing Atlas. Filters allow for a narrowing of results based on the properties of each change; Multiple filters can be applied. The actions column provides the ability to add and remove changes to the stored list.", "\nTable 1 .\n1The number of human age-related changes for each category in the Digital Ageing AtlasType of change \nDescription \n" ]
[ "The DAA anatomical model. Moving the mouse over a given organ reveals the number of age-related changes in the DAA, along with a breakdown of the number of each specific type of change. Colours indicate the number of changes for each change type (orange: physiological, red: pathological, blue: molecular, green: psychological).", "The details page for the gene GH1. This shows the two ageing changes associated with it and the links to external resources including GO terms, orthologs and various other databases.", "Storing changes for later analysis. A combination of two screenshots showing how changes can be added to the saved list and then compared against each other using the graphing capabilities of the Digital Ageing Atlas. Filters allow for a narrowing of results based on the properties of each change; Multiple filters can be applied. The actions column provides the ability to add and remove changes to the stored list.", "The number of human age-related changes for each category in the Digital Ageing Atlas" ]
[ "(Figure 1", "Figure 2", "(Figure 3", "Figure 2", "(Figure 4" ]
[ "Ageing can be defined as a progressive functional decline, or a gradual deterioration of physiological function with age, often including a decrease in fecundity (1). Human ageing is characterized by multiple changes at different levels of bi-ological organization (2,3). It is still not clear which (if any) molecular, cellular or physiological changes are more important drivers of the process of ageing or how they influence each other. One difficulty in understanding how different processes at different scales relate to ageing as a whole is the lack of integrative, holistic views of ageing. This hinders studies of how different molecular, cellular and physiological components interact with each other, in spite of the recognized importance of such approaches (4,5).", "Particularly now in the post-genome era, efforts to obtain a more comprehensive and detailed characterization of molecular changes with ageing, such as those using -omics approaches (6)(7)(8), have been widespread. Use of this quantitative data, including its meta-and re-analysis, allows the application of systems biology approaches to ageing research. Consequently, there is now a drive to link these molecular level changes to cellular and physiological processes. The ultimate aim is to elucidate how molecular changes with age, for example, may influence or are influenced by changes in the wider organism, e.g. hormonal changes, and ultimately how these interactions contribute to pathology. Nonetheless, collating and converting raw data into information that is usable and can be cross compared is time consuming and difficult. In this context, we developed the Digital Ageing Atlas (DAA; http://ageing-map. org/), the first portal encompassing age-related changes at different biological levels, including a large amount ofomics data, already processed, categorized and filtered for statistical significance. To catalogue and organize age-related changes, in the DAA they fall into four broad categories: molecular, physiological, psychological and pathological changes ( Table 1). The DAA contains: more than 3000 molecular ageing changes, which include gene expression, epigenetic and proteomic changes; over 300 physiological changes, which include cellular, hormonal and changes at various scales (including organs and the whole organism); and psychological or cognitive changes. Also included are pathological changes, listing epidemiological data on the incidence and/or mortality of major age-related diseases. Our focus is on changes occurring during normal ageing across populations, though e.g. gender-specific changes are indicated. As detailed below, data was manually-curated from the literature, such as textbooks and papers, and retrieved from public databases like GEO (9). All changes are fully referenced making it possible to access the raw data. In total, the DAA currently details 3526 biological changes in humans and 713 changes in mice. The DAA focuses on human data, however mouse data has been included, in particular gene expression data, and cross-linked to relevant human entries (e.g., homologous genes), to enhance and expand the information on human ageing. We anticipate the addition of data from other model organisms in the future. Presenting information in an easy-to-understand visual form is a powerful means of fostering the analysis and interpretation of large datasets and of allowing researchers to identify gaps in knowledge and develop new research directions (10,11). Without it the comprehension of large-scale or diverse datasets is impeded. Therefore, not only does the DAA merge different types of data into a single repository, but we developed an intuitive and user-friendly web resource that allows accessing, searching, browsing and retrieving the datasets in an integrated and interactive fashion. Specifically, we developed an anatomical diagram to allow users to browse and select their organ of interest (Figure 1). The use of keyword term searching (e.g. 'heart' will show both tissues and changes associated with the heart while 'p53' will show changes related to any gene with p53 in its name or alias) and more general anatomical selection offers a great deal of flexibility to users, ensuring that users of any level of technical skill can access the resources, including non-researchers, opening up the field of ageing to a wider audience.", "Each age-related change in the DAA has its own page displaying a variety of information. Typically, entries include a description of the change with age, a quantification (if available) of the change with age (e.g. a percentage gene expression change between two ages), at least one reference and relevant links ( Figure 2). The way in which the changes are stored in the database is best described in an objectorientated way. The key objects in the DAA are change, tis- sue, gene, property and data. The change object stores the basic information on a change including type, age of occurrence, gender (if available) and organism. The gene object contains basic information on a gene, e.g. symbol and name, mapping to other information such as homologues in other organisms, Gene Ontology (GO) terms and links to external resources, for instance cross-linking to the GenAge database of ageing-related genes (12) (Figure 3). Gene information can then be associated with multiple changes to prevent repetition and ensure ease of updating when elements such as the gene symbol change. It also allows for the DAA to display all changes associated with a gene making it easier to find information. The tissue object contains details on a tissue such as a name and description. The tissue objects (currently 284 different tissues are represented) are arranged into a simple hierarchical structure, based upon the ontology created by eVOContology (13), supplemented by descriptive data from both Brenda (14) and Wikipedia Nucleic Acids Research, 2015, Vol. 43, Database issue D875 Figure 2. A labelled diagram of the entry for IGF1 age-related changes in the plasma: (1) Each change is colour coded for easy identification of type.", "(2) As all changes are assigned to a tissue it is easy to see the different changes occurring on an organ level. (3) Each change is fully referenced allowing for additional details into the methodology and access to the original data. (4) Clear identification of the amount and direction of change with age (if applicable) is provided, along with how it was derived. (5) Changes can be stored persistently between sessions as well as compared on-site using the graphing functionality. (6) Descriptions provide more details, including greater clarification regarding the context in which the change was observed and/or measured. (7) Linking changes to genes allows, much like linking tissues, the ability to see all the changes associated with a particular gene.", "( and further expanded in our lab. Each tissue has a parent and zero or more children. The root parent represents the whole organism and the tissue hierarchy can be navigated on our interface. Each change is associated with one or more tissues, allowing for exploration of the number and types of changes occurring in each tissue or organ.", "The property object allows for non-duplicate properties to be defined and associated with changes (e.g. the location property may take values like synapse, mitochondria, cellular, etc). These properties are defined by the curators and can encompass any value which may be relevant to the change but is not recorded elsewhere. This allows for great flexibility in recording type-specific information (e.g. subcellular location) and can be filtered against in the search interface. The data object allows the association of specific types of data with a change. It is divided into sub-objects that cover a class of data, such as percentage, equation or dataset. These store specific sets of data with some fields such as 'change measured' common between all. Percentage objects store a simple percentage value; equation objects store the components of an equation describing the change in a quantitative fashion; dataset objects store an arbitrary number of data points to plot more fragmentary data such as mortality rates. With this the database can cover most types of data that can be associated with a change during the life course, and more can be easily added, if required, with very little effort. These data are presented on the details page and used for the display of increase/decrease icons on the search page, among others.", "The relationship object stands alone as it is not directly related to a change. Instead, similar to the tissue object, it stores a hierarchical representation of information. Each relationship object is linked to a single change and optionally another relationship object. These are then chained together to create a tree. Multiple trees can be associated with a change and can describe different types of associations from causal relationships to similar processes that are occurring together. Linking the relationship objects to changes allows the construction of complex hierarchies often encompassing different biological levels while still permitting a given change to appear in multiple hierarchies. A change can appear in multiple trees as the change may be a part of multiple processes, some of which may not be closely related. A good example of this is DAA982 (which refers to changes in CD16 expression in the elderly) in which there are two trees describing how the gene (a molecular change) reacts during two distinct physiological ageing changes. Relationships also link pathologies to physiological and molecular changes associated with them, like for Alzheimer's disease (DAA615) which is associated with neuritic plaques (DAA723) and beta-amyloid deposits (DAA1996).", "Interpretation and visualization of the data is facilitated by tools built into the DAA. Any numerical change within the DAA can be compared against others by adding them to a list which can then be analysed in a graph form within the D876 Nucleic Acids Research, 2015, Vol. 43, Database issue website. For example, a comparison can be made of molecular changes presented in graph form allowing the comparison of the gene expression levels recorded by those changes (Figure 4). More complex analyses can be performed using external tools as the DAA permits downloading both through its export tool and through the availability of the complete DAA dataset for download. The export tool itself takes advantage of the search and filtering supported and allows for specific subsets of data to be extracted and saved as a tab-delimited text file. The DAA and all its data is made available under a permissive licence.", "Data in the DAA is manually curated and each age-related change has been selected based upon clearly defined criteria. First, only age-related changes for which there is direct, empirical evidence supported by one or more references are included. Second, only ageing changes occurring in vivo are incorporated into the DAA. Since our goal is to define typical age-related changes, we focused on those observed during healthy ageing, with the obvious exception of pathological age-related changes that describe mortality and incidence rates of specific diseases of the aged. Although the goal is to make the DAA as complete as possible, the focus is on what are likely the most important age-related changes, which in many cases are the changes that are also involved in determining age-related pathologies. Negative results can be included if these are deemed relevant to understand ageing, e.g. DAA711 refers to measurements of heart physiology that are unchanged with age. Our general policy regarding conflicting reports is to cite all conflicting reports and let users make their own decisions on how to interpret them.", "Molecular changes (e.g. gene expression, protein levels and methylation) from high-throughput approaches are usually selected based on criteria for statistical significance that the authors have used in the sourced data, though data and methods (e.g. correction for multiple hypothesis testing) are examined as part of our QC procedures which are described in de Magalhães et al. (6). A P-value cut-off of 0.001 or lower is normally used for genome-wide approaches. This value was reached based on standard practice and observation of effects of the data and ensures that the changes added are above the noise threshold. Ours is an inclusive policy, however, and effect sizes and P-values are included in the DAA to allow users to make their own decisions about which data is relevant. The primary sources of data for the molecular section have been the meta-analysis by de Magalhães et al. (6), public databases like GEO (9) and primary publications. Therefore, quantitative data can be taken directly from publications or recomputed as in (6) with the specific type of equation used indicated in the details page for a given entry. At the time of writing the DAA includes 24 datasets from high throughput screens (mainly microarrays) that cover 22 different tissues.", "Physiological changes were sourced from books (2,3,15), reviews and primary publications. Major changes in cell populations are likely to contribute to age-related physiological and pathological changes, therefore studies of cellular alterations with age are included, but results from in vitro cellular models of ageing are not included in the DAA. Pathological and some physiological changes were sourced from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (, selected based on their relevance to chronic ageing conditions and the ages which they cover. Psychological changes were sourced from the same locations as the physiological changes with the condition that they must indicate a change in behaviour or cognition as the organism ages.", "Ageing changes vary between individuals and populations. It is not the goal of the DAA to capture the individual diversity of age-related changes and thus the relative dependence on large datasets. The objective of the DAA is to provide an overview of major age-related changes and so typical values are featured, though outliers are in-dicated in notes-specific to each data type. For example, gender-specific changes are featured and properly annotated. An attempt is made to obtain data from consistent sources. In mice, age-related changes and even lifespan can vary between strains, therefore the C57BL/6 strain is used as the 'gold standard' in the case of conflicting findings, however discrepancies are highlighted when they occur. The C57BL/6 strain was selected because, currently, it is the most commonly used mouse strain for ageing studies. This strategy is consistent with other similar projects like AGEMAP (16) and the Allen Brain Atlas (17) that also focus on the C57BL/6 strain. If age-related changes are suspected of being population-specific, then this is indicated in the DAA through a specific property.", "The site itself uses the Python-based Django framework and is served by an Nginx web server. It uses PostgreSQL 9.1 as a database backend, implementing a number of constraints to ensure entries are not duplicated or left as orphans when a change instance is deleted. A web-based curation application was also created that allows for easy addition and updating of data without requiring knowledge of the technical operations of the portal. We encourage contributions by the wider research community. By having an intuitive and easily usable curation interface this provides the ability to both quickly correct and add relevant information as well as allowing specialists to directly contribute D878 Nucleic Acids Research, 2015, Vol. 43, Database issue to its improvement, thus ensuring that it stays at the forefront of ageing research.", "The DAA is available at with the data made available under the permissive Creative Commons licence, allowing data to be used in other analyses. There are options to either download the entire database or to download more focused data using the export tool. Feedback via email is welcome, as are submissions of new data, for which a submission form is provided to ensure that the relevant information is included.", "The DAA is an integrated web resource for studying and visualizing human age-associated changes at various biological levels. It can aid researchers to perform integrative, system-level analysis of ageing. While target users are primarily fundamental researchers, it is anticipated that the DAA will also be useful to clinicians, students and the public in general. Other existing ageing-related resources such as GenAge (12), AgeFactDB (18) and SAGEWEB (http: // focus on genes and factors that alter lifespan and/or ageing. By providing a manually-curated and readily accessible source of age-related changes during the normal life course, the DAA is thus complementary to existing resources and offers a new approach to systemizing ageing resources. This brings numerous benefits, limiting duplication of efforts and maintaining the accuracy of data which is essential given the rapid pace at which the field of ageing is progressing. In conclusion, the DAA aims to become the most comprehensive source for data related to ageing changes, consistently providing high-quality data, covering a wide variety of different biological levels." ]
[ "INTRODUCTION", "DATA SELECTION AND CURATION", "AVAILABILITY", "CONCLUSION", "Figure 1 .", "Figure 3 .", "Figure 4 .", "Table 1 ." ]
[ "Type of change \nDescription \n" ]
[ "Table 1" ]
[ "The Digital Ageing Atlas: integrating the diversity of age-related changes into a unified resource", "The Digital Ageing Atlas: integrating the diversity of age-related changes into a unified resource" ]
[ "Nucleic Acids Research" ]
"\nMachine Learning Analysis of Longevity-Associated Gene Expression Landscapes in Mammals\n2021\n\n(...TRUNCATED)
["Citation: Kulaga, A.Y.; Ursu, E.; Toren, D.; Tyshchenko, V.; Guinea, R.; Pushkova, M.; Fraifeld, V(...TRUNCATED)
["Anton Y Kulaga \nSystems Biology of Aging Group\nInstitute of Biochemistry of the Romanian Academy(...TRUNCATED)
["Systems Biology of Aging Group\nInstitute of Biochemistry of the Romanian Academy\n060031Bucharest(...TRUNCATED)
[ "Anton", "Y", "Eugen", "Dmitri", "Vladyslava", "Rodrigo", "Malvina", "Vadim", "E", "Robi" ]
[ "Kulaga", "Ursu", "Toren", "Tyshchenko", "Guinea", "Pushkova", "Fraifeld", "Tacutu" ]
["A Budovsky, ","A Abramovich, ","R Cohen, ","V Chalifa-Caspi, ","V Fraifeld, ","H Yanai, ","A Budov(...TRUNCATED)
["Longevity network: Construction and implications. A Budovsky, A Abramovich, R Cohen, V Chalifa-Cas(...TRUNCATED)
["Longevity network: Construction and implications","Wide-scale comparative analysis of longevity ge(...TRUNCATED)
["Mech. Age. Dev","Aging Cell","Nucl. Acids Res","Growth hormone-releasing hormone disruption extend(...TRUNCATED)
["\nFigure 1 .\n1Schematic representation of the analysis workflow used in this study.","\nFigure 1 (...TRUNCATED)
["Schematic representation of the analysis workflow used in this study.","Schematic representation o(...TRUNCATED)
["Figure 1","(Figure 2a","(Figure 2a","(Figure 2b","(Figure 2b","(Figure 2b","Figure S1","Figure S1a(...TRUNCATED)
["Numerous studies have showed that the average lifespan, and in some cases even maximum lifespan (M(...TRUNCATED)
["Introduction","Results and Discussion","Data Collection and Processing of Gene Expression across M(...TRUNCATED)
["Organ \nNumber of \nSamples \n\nRMSE \n(Years) \nR 2 \nMAE \nSignificant Genes for the Linear Regr(...TRUNCATED)
["Supplementary Table S2","Supplementary Table S2","Supplementary Table S2","Supplementary Table S3(...TRUNCATED)
["Machine Learning Analysis of Longevity-Associated Gene Expression Landscapes in Mammals","Machine (...TRUNCATED)
[ "International Journal of Molecular Sciences Article Int. J. Mol. Sci" ]
"\nMitoAge: a database for comparative analysis of mitochondrial DNA, with a special focus on animal(...TRUNCATED)
["Mitochondria are the only organelles in the animal cells that have their own genome. Due to a key (...TRUNCATED)
["Dmitri Toren \nThe Shraga Segal Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Genetics\nCenter for Mu(...TRUNCATED)
["The Shraga Segal Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Genetics\nCenter for Multidisciplinary(...TRUNCATED)
[ "Dmitri", "Thomer", "Robi", "Gilad", "Khachik", "K", "Vadim", "E" ]
[ "Toren", "Barzilay", "Tacutu", "Lehmann", "Muradian", "Fraifeld" ]
["D C Wallace, ","C Lopez-Otin, ","M A Blasco, ","L Partridge, ","M Serrano, ","G Kroemer, ","N Apos(...TRUNCATED)
["A mitochondrial paradigm of metabolic and degenerative diseases, aging, and cancer: a dawn for evo(...TRUNCATED)
["A mitochondrial paradigm of metabolic and degenerative diseases, aging, and cancer: a dawn for evo(...TRUNCATED)
["Annu. Rev. Genet","Cell","Curr. Pharm. Des","Rejuvenation Res","Exp. Gerontol","Prog. Mol. Biol. T(...TRUNCATED)
["\nCFigure 1 .\n1The Author(s) 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Nucleic Acid(...TRUNCATED)
["The Author(s) 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Nucleic Acids Research. This(...TRUNCATED)
[ "(Figures 1 and 2)" ]
["Mitochondria are the only organelles in the animal cells that have their own genome. The stability(...TRUNCATED)
[ "Taxa (scientific name) \n" ]
[ "Table 1" ]
["MitoAge: a database for comparative analysis of mitochondrial DNA, with a special focus on animal (...TRUNCATED)
[ "Nucleic Acids Research" ]
"\nLRRpredictor-A New LRR Motif Detection Method for Irregular Motifs of Plant NLR Proteins Using an(...TRUNCATED)
["Leucine-rich-repeats (LRRs) belong to an archaic procaryal protein architecture that is widely inv(...TRUNCATED)
["Eliza C Martin [email protected]. \nDepartment of Bioinformatics and Structural Biochem(...TRUNCATED)
["Department of Bioinformatics and Structural Biochemistry\nInstitute of Biochemistry of the Romania(...TRUNCATED)
[ "Eliza", "C", "C", "A", "Laurentiu", "Laurentiu", "G", "Vlad", "Robi", "Aska", "Andrei-Jose" ]
[ "Martin", "Octavina", "Sukarta", "Spiridon", "Grigore", "Constantinescu", "Tacutu", "Goverse", "Petrescu" ]
["P Enkhbayar, ","M Kamiya, ","M Osaki, ","T Matsumoto, ","N Matsushima, ","R F Warren, ","A Henk, "(...TRUNCATED)
["Structural Principles of Leucine-Rich Repeat (LRR) Proteins. P Enkhbayar, M Kamiya, M Osaki, T Mat(...TRUNCATED)
["Structural Principles of Leucine-Rich Repeat (LRR) Proteins","A mutation within the leucine-rich r(...TRUNCATED)
["Proteins Struct. Funct. Bioinform","Plant Cell","EMBO J","J. Allergy Clin. Immunol","Neuron","Neur(...TRUNCATED)
["\nFigure 1 .\n1Available leucine-rich-repeat (LRR) domains in structural data. (a) LRR structural (...TRUNCATED)
["Available leucine-rich-repeat (LRR) domains in structural data. (a) LRR structural dataset constru(...TRUNCATED)
["Figure A1a","Figure 1","Figure 1e","Figure 1c","Figure 2d","Figure 1a","Figure 1b)","Figure A1d","(...TRUNCATED)
[ "d(i, j) = s(i, i) + s( j, j) − 2·s(i, j)(1)", "D a,b = l i=0 d(a i , b i ),(2)" ]
["The leucine-rich-repeat (LRR) domains are present in all of the tree of life branches. As they are(...TRUNCATED)
["Introduction","Materials and Methods","Assembly and Analysis of the LRR Structural Dataset","Train(...TRUNCATED)
["Full NonLRR Proteins \nLRR Proteins \n\n","Dataset \nClassifier \n\nIn-Sample \nOut-Of Sample \n\n(...TRUNCATED)
[ "Table 1", "(Table 1", "Table A1", "(Table A1)", "(Table A1)", "Table A1" ]
["LRRpredictor-A New LRR Motif Detection Method for Irregular Motifs of Plant NLR Proteins Using an (...TRUNCATED)
"\nKnock-down of odr-3 and ife-2 additively extends lifespan and healthspan in C. elegans\nPublished(...TRUNCATED)
["Genetic manipulations can ameliorate the aging process and extend the lifespan of model organisms.(...TRUNCATED)
["Ioan Valentin Matei \nSystems Biology of Aging Group\nInstitute of Biochemistry of the Romanian Ac(...TRUNCATED)
["Systems Biology of Aging Group\nInstitute of Biochemistry of the Romanian Academy\nBucharestRomani(...TRUNCATED)
[ "Ioan", "Valentin", "Vimbai", "Charity", "Gabriela", "Dmitri", "Simona", "Robi" ]
[ "Matei", "Netsai", "Samukange", "Bunu", "Toren", "Ghenea", "Tacutu" ]
["J M Phillip, ","I Aifuwa, ","J Walston, ","D Wirtz, ","M Lemoine, ","R N Butler, ","R A Miller, ",(...TRUNCATED)
["The Mechanobiology of Aging. J M Phillip, I Aifuwa, J Walston, D Wirtz, 10.1146/annurev-bioeng-071(...TRUNCATED)
["The Mechanobiology of Aging","Defining aging","New model of health promotion and disease preventio(...TRUNCATED)
["Annu Rev Biomed Eng","Biol Philos","BMJ","J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci","Transl Res","Nature","Na(...TRUNCATED)
["\nFigure 1 .\n1Kaplan-Meier survival curves depicting the effects of combined genetic intervention(...TRUNCATED)
["Kaplan-Meier survival curves depicting the effects of combined genetic interventions on odr-3, ife(...TRUNCATED)
["Figure 1A","Figure 1B","Figure 1A","Figure 1B","Figure 1A-1C)","Figure 1D","Figure 1C","Figure 1D"(...TRUNCATED)
["The aging process might be defined by the progressive loss of viability and by an increase in frag(...TRUNCATED)
["INTRODUCTION","RESULTS","RNA interference of ife-2 but not cku-70 increases lifespan of the long-l(...TRUNCATED)
["Strain RNAi* Mean lifespan days ± SD \nEffect vs control \np-value Strain RNAi* \nMean lifespan d(...TRUNCATED)
["Table 1)","Supplementary Table 1","(Table 1)","Table 1","Table 1 and Supplementary Table 1","(Tab(...TRUNCATED)
["Knock-down of odr-3 and ife-2 additively extends lifespan and healthspan in C. elegans","Knock-dow(...TRUNCATED)
"\nPrediction of C. elegans Longevity Genes by Human and Worm Longevity Networks\nPublished October (...TRUNCATED)
["Intricate and interconnected pathways modulate longevity, but screens to identify the components o(...TRUNCATED)
["Robi Tacutu \nThe Shraga Segal Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Genetics\nCenter for Mul(...TRUNCATED)
["The Shraga Segal Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Genetics\nCenter for Multidisciplinary(...TRUNCATED)
[ "Robi", "David", "E", "Arie", "Joã", "Pedro", "Gary", "Vadim", "E", "Sean", "P" ]
[ "Tacutu", "Shore", "Budovsky", "De Magalhã Es", "Ruvkun", "Fraifeld", "Curran" ]
["S S Lee, ","M R Klass, ","C Kenyon, ","J Chang, ","E Gensch, ","A Rudner, ","R Tabtiang, ","E L Gr(...TRUNCATED)
["Whole genome RNAi screens for increased longevity: important new insights but not the whole story.(...TRUNCATED)
["Whole genome RNAi screens for increased longevity: important new insights but not the whole story"(...TRUNCATED)
["Exp Gerontol","Mech Ageing Dev","Nature","Aging Cell","PLoS Genet","Genes Dev","PLoS Genet","Journ(...TRUNCATED)
["\nFigure 2 .\n2Disruption of translation extends longevity in C. elegans. The gene inactivations f(...TRUNCATED)
["Disruption of translation extends longevity in C. elegans. The gene inactivations found to extend (...TRUNCATED)
["Figure 1","(Figure 1","Figure 3","(Tables 1 and 2","(Table 1, Figure 2","Figure 2","Figure 3","Fig(...TRUNCATED)
["Numerous pathways contribute to longevity, but the identification of their components has not been(...TRUNCATED)
["Introduction","Materials and Methods","Data Sources","Network Construction","Prediction of New Wor(...TRUNCATED)
["Gene \nCommon name \nLifespan (%D mean) a \nLifespan (%D max) a \nFunction \n\nT23D8.3 \nT23D8.3 \(...TRUNCATED)
["Table 3","(Tables S2 and S3","(Table S1","(Table S2","(Table S3)","(Table S1","(Table S2","(Table(...TRUNCATED)
["Prediction of C. elegans Longevity Genes by Human and Worm Longevity Networks","Prediction of C. e(...TRUNCATED)
"\nWide-scale comparative analysis of longevity genes and interventions\n\n\nHagai Yanai \nThe Shrag(...TRUNCATED)
["Hundreds of genes, when manipulated, affect the lifespan of model organisms (yeast, worm, fruit fl(...TRUNCATED)
["Hagai Yanai \nThe Shraga Segal Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Genetics\nCenter for Mul(...TRUNCATED)
["The Shraga Segal Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Genetics\nCenter for Multidisciplinary(...TRUNCATED)
[ "Hagai", "Arie", "Thomer", "Robi", "Vadim", "E" ]
[ "Yanai", "Budovsky", "Barzilay", "Tacutu", "Fraifeld" ]
["M V Blagosklonny, ","A Budovsky, ","A Abramovich, ","R Cohen, ","V Chalifa-Caspi, ","V Fraifeld, "(...TRUNCATED)
["M(o)TOR of aging: MTOR as a universal molecular hypothalamus. M V Blagosklonny, Aging (Albany NY).(...TRUNCATED)
["(Vijg & Suh, 2005;","Kenyon, 2010)","(Tacutu et al., 2013)","(Budovsky et al., 2007;","Tacutu et a(...TRUNCATED)
["M(o)TOR of aging: MTOR as a universal molecular hypothalamus","Longevity network: construction and(...TRUNCATED)
["Aging (Albany NY)","Mech. Ageing Dev","Mech. Ageing Dev","Nucleic Acids Res","PLoS ONE","PLoS Gene(...TRUNCATED)
["\n\n(a) Saccharomyces cerevisiae, n = 6590 for control, 824 for all LAGs, and 277 for LSE-LAGs. (b(...TRUNCATED)
["(a) Saccharomyces cerevisiae, n = 6590 for control, 824 for all LAGs, and 277 for LSE-LAGs. (b) C.(...TRUNCATED)
["Fig. 1","(Fig. 2)","(Fig. 1)","Fig. 2a)","(Fig. 1b)","(Fig. 1b)","Fig. 1","Fig. S1","(Fig. S2","Fi(...TRUNCATED)
["The role of genetic factors in determination of longevity and aging patterns is an intensively stu(...TRUNCATED)
["Introduction","Results","Orthology of longevity-associated genes","'Public' and 'private' LAG cate(...TRUNCATED)
["Public/Private \nSaccharomyces cerevisiae \nCaenorhabditis elegans \nDrosophila melanogaster \nMus(...TRUNCATED)
["(Table S1)","Table S1","(Table S2","Table S1","Table S3","Table 1","Table S4","(Table 1","Table S4(...TRUNCATED)
["Wide-scale comparative analysis of longevity genes and interventions","Wide-scale comparative anal(...TRUNCATED)
"\nHuman Ageing Genomic Resources: new and updated databases\n2018\n\nRobi Tacutu \nIntegrative Geno(...TRUNCATED)
["In spite of a growing body of research and data, human ageing remains a poorly understood process.(...TRUNCATED)
["Robi Tacutu \nIntegrative Genomics of Ageing Group\nInstitute of Ageing and Chronic Disease\nUnive(...TRUNCATED)
["Integrative Genomics of Ageing Group\nInstitute of Ageing and Chronic Disease\nUniversity of Liver(...TRUNCATED)
["C Lopez-Otin, ","M A Blasco, ","L Partridge, ","M Serrano, ","G Kroemer, ","J P De Magalhaes, ","J(...TRUNCATED)
["Lopez-Otin","Blasco","Partridge","Serrano","Kroemer","De Magalhaes","Costa","Toussaint","Tacutu","(...TRUNCATED)
["The hallmarks of aging. C Lopez-Otin, M A Blasco, L Partridge, M Serrano, G Kroemer, Cell. 153Lope(...TRUNCATED)
["The hallmarks of aging","HAGR: the Human Ageing Genomic Resources","Human Ageing Genomic Resources(...TRUNCATED)
["Cell","Nucleic Acids Res","Nucleic Acids Res","Aging Cell","Mech. Ageing Dev","Nature","Nat. Rev. (...TRUNCATED)
["\nFigure 1 .\n1Patterns of ageing research for different human genes over time. The proportion of (...TRUNCATED)
["Patterns of ageing research for different human genes over time. The proportion of publications th(...TRUNCATED)
[ "(Figure 1", "(Figure 1", "(Figure 2A)", "Figure 2B" ]
["Ageing is a complex biological process that, despite decades of research, is not yet well understo(...TRUNCATED)
["INTRODUCTION","DATABASE CONTENT","GenAge--the ageing gene database","AnAge--the database of animal(...TRUNCATED)
[ "Database \nSpecies \n" ]
[ "(Table 1)", "(Table 1)" ]
["Human Ageing Genomic Resources: new and updated databases","Human Ageing Genomic Resources: new an(...TRUNCATED)
[ "Nucleic Acids Research" ]
"\nSystems biology analysis of lung fibrosis-related genes in the bleomycin mouse model\n0123456789.(...TRUNCATED)
["Tissue fibrosis is a major driver of pathology in aging and is involved in numerous age-related di(...TRUNCATED)
["Dmitri Toren \nSystems Biology of Aging Group\nInstitute of Biochemistry of the Romanian Academy\n(...TRUNCATED)
["Systems Biology of Aging Group\nInstitute of Biochemistry of the Romanian Academy\n060031Bucharest(...TRUNCATED)
[ "Dmitri", "Hagai", "Reem", "Gabriela", "Eugen", "Rolf", "Robi", "E" ]
[ "Toren", "Yanai", "Abu Taha", "Bunu", "Ursu", "Ziesche", "Tacutu", "Vadim", "Fraifeld" ]
["V J Thannickal, ","J L Schneider, ","R Ziesche, ","M Golec, ","E Samaha, ","S Gulati, ","V J Thann(...TRUNCATED)
["Aging, antagonistic pleiotropy and fibrotic disease. V J Thannickal, Int. J. Biochem. Cell Biol. 4(...TRUNCATED)
["Aging, antagonistic pleiotropy and fibrotic disease","The aging lung: Physiology, disease, and imm(...TRUNCATED)
["the 9th Python in Science Conference 92-96","Int. J. Biochem. Cell Biol","Cell","Biogerontology","(...TRUNCATED)
["\nFigure 3 .\n3Functional module network of the pulmonary fibrosis-related genes (PFRGs) in lung t(...TRUNCATED)
["Functional module network of the pulmonary fibrosis-related genes (PFRGs) in lung tissue. The netw(...TRUNCATED)
["Fig. 1","Fig. 2","Fig. 3a","Figure 1","(Fig. 3b)","Figure 2","(Fig. 4","Fig. 4","(Fig. 4","Fig. 4"(...TRUNCATED)
[" two or more manipulations. As seen in Table 2, over 85% of the d(...TRUNCATED)
["Type of manipulation Number of studies","MiR overexpression 1","Additional models of lung fibrosis(...TRUNCATED)
["Consistency between bleomycin model and IPF \nNumber of manipulations Percentage (%) \n\nFull \n93(...TRUNCATED)
["Table 2","(Table 3","(Supplementary Table ST1","(Supplementary Table ST1","Table 1","Supplementary(...TRUNCATED)
["Systems biology analysis of lung fibrosis-related genes in the bleomycin mouse model","Systems bio(...TRUNCATED)
[ "Scientific Reports |" ]
"\nSystematic analysis of the gerontome reveals links between aging and age-related diseases\n\n\nMa(...TRUNCATED)
["In model organisms, over 2,000 genes have been shown to modulate aging, the collection of which we(...TRUNCATED)
["Maria Fernandes \nIntegrative Genomics of Ageing Group\nInstitute of Ageing and Chronic Disease\nU(...TRUNCATED)
["Integrative Genomics of Ageing Group\nInstitute of Ageing and Chronic Disease\nUniversity of Liver(...TRUNCATED)
[ "Maria", "Cen", "Robi", "Diogo", "Ashish", "Jingwei", "Harikrishnan", "Daniel", "Chenhao", "Alex", "João" ]
["Fernandes","Wan","Tacutu","Barardo","Rajput","Wang","Thoppil","Thornton","Yang","Freitas","Pedro D(...TRUNCATED)
["C Franceschi, ","M Bonafe, ","S Valensin, ","F Olivieri, ","M De Luca, ","E Ottaviani, ","G De Ben(...TRUNCATED)
["Franceschi","Bonafe","Valensin","Olivieri","De Luca","Ottaviani","De Benedictis","Lopez-Otin","Bla(...TRUNCATED)
["Inflamm-aging -An evolutionary perspective on immunosenescence. C Franceschi, M Bonafe, S Valensin(...TRUNCATED)
["Inflamm-aging -An evolutionary perspective on immunosenescence","Open-minded scepticism: inferring(...TRUNCATED)
["Cambridge","London, UK","Mol. Cell. Gerontol","The Hallmarks of Aging. Cell","An Introduction to G(...TRUNCATED)
["\nFigure 1 .\n1Protein-protein interactions between worm aging-related genes. Pro-longevity genes (...TRUNCATED)
["Protein-protein interactions between worm aging-related genes. Pro-longevity genes are depicted in(...TRUNCATED)
["(Fig. 1","Fig. S1","Fig. 2A)","Fig. 2A)","(Fig. 3","Fig. 2A)","Fig. S2","(Fig. 2B","Figure 2A","Fi(...TRUNCATED)
["Aging is a major social and medical challenge of the 21 st century. The most accepted mechanisms o(...TRUNCATED)
["Introduction","Results","Processes and pathways overrepresented in pro-and anti-longevity genes","(...TRUNCATED)
["Dataset a \nNum. of \ngenes \n\nAverage \nnum. pubs. \n\nMedian \nnum. pubs. \n\nHuman genome (NCB(...TRUNCATED)
["Table 1)","Table S6","Table 1","(Table 1)","(Supplementary Materials, Tables S6, S7","(Supplementa(...TRUNCATED)
["Systematic analysis of the gerontome reveals links between aging and age-related diseases","System(...TRUNCATED)
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