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412,100 | This is not a technical help subreddit. Are you trying to connect to a 5Ghz WiFi signal? Some cheaper crappy phones like that will only do older 2.4Ghz WiFi. If you just got a new wireless router it might be broadcasting 5Ghz, but should be able to also broadcast 2.4. | Yeah it's a cheap phone, so I just gotta check if I can output 2.4ghz and sorry I'm a bit new to Reddit I wasn't too sure of where to post |
412,101 | I could really do with a digital picture frame device which displayed this [sort of information] in that type of style, along with calendar events etc. Does anyone know if something like that exists? | The screen is only 2.7", but [this] is pretty much what you want. |
412,102 | It's a rule that should be enforced. People come here for music not for music related facebook screenshots and other shit you find in other subreddits. | > People come here for music not for music related facebook screenshots and other shit you find in other subreddits. you would think that, but the votes say otherwise. (i agree with you, btw... but...) also: i said everything you just said, but in a way that people would actually pay attention to: an image. *what... do you think i'd write a song about it?* unfortunately, i think a lot of people are missing the point (or at least the ones commenting). |
412,103 | I've never been able to buy an ebook for $3-$6. Most of the ones here are about $10-$20. Either way, I pay for most of my books... it just means I have less books to read sometimes. | I mean, we might be talking different currencies or region-specific pricing, but [all of these are cheap.] |
412,104 | I've actually seen it about 7 times. The movie just works for me. | I feel that [this] accurately summarizes my gripes with the movie. |
412,105 | Kanye's an asshole, I'd still be sad if he got beaten to death. | I can't say the same. He could give a rats ass about anyone but himself. |
412,106 | I felt the same way about *The Alchemist*. I kept thinking it was supposed to be building up to something, but it just... didn't. I don't understand its popularity at all. | "I love you because the whole universe conspired to help me find you." What a load of tripe |
412,107 | Read the second part of 3. Edit: They didn't realize their entire plan was going to collapse when they planned it. They didn't have a clue. They were naive. That is still technically fraud. If it can then be proven that at some point in time they became very aware of the fact what they represented was false, game over. | I read the whole thing.... The contract was made when they sold ticket, or in your words "the moment of creation." |
412,108 | Holy crap, I know that rhyme, but I've never put two and two together before... | TBH the two songs always seemed familiar when I heard either and I can see the similarities personally. I like the kookaburra song more though |
412,109 | I agree. The premise and setting of the book were far more interesting than the characters or story. The whole book felt linear in my opinion. I do however think that the whole society he built up was excellent. Just take some soma and we don't have to worry about all this thinking anymore. | >The premise and setting of the book were far more interesting than the characters or story. You stated perfectly in one sentence what I struggled to do in a paragraph. I always have the toughest time explaining this to people. |
412,110 | This is truly a great live performance. I personally like Aaron Lewis' live version the best. I don't think that any cover out there can actually be better than the original, but this one comes close. | I was gonna bring this cover up too. I love it much more than the original. |
412,111 | Yes it did, its called Content ID. It's an impressive piece of technology and there are thousands of examples of it in use. Have you never seen a video with the soundtrack removed or changed? | I've seen videos where the sound has been removed because of background sound or where fair use applied. And sound removed from the copyright holder's own channel. This shit simply doesn't work because it's just dumb matching on sound and images. |
412,112 | Wiz kinda lost his own style with black and yellow and its progeny and his music, to me, just sounds genetic now. :( | Generic? Yeah, I can see why people feel that way. It's one of those things where if you think something is cheesy, how much are you willing to let go and put aside in order to get into it. Kush & Orange Juice is a beast of an album. I don't usually like whole albums like I have with these Kid Cudi and Wiz Khalifa. And Ratatat is how I learned to give songs a second listen before moving on. My favorite music is by them and I can admit they sound generic and cheesy until you realize what's going on. I can't explain it like this. I need to listen to it and explain as it goes and flows and changes tempos. |
412,113 | I Love KRAZIECHARLEZ. Good to see him getting attention on reddit | The whole "you're listening to dj KRAZIECHARLEZ" bit is sort of jarring, but the actual mixtape is solid. |
412,114 | Fashion element and NYC. I'm just saying women can rob anyplace | > Fashion element and NYC. I'm just saying women can rob anyplace. Sounds like a _Sex and the City: Let's Rob Stores_ movie. |
412,115 | You also have to put into perspective that the US and UK have a ton of infrastructure from the industrial age that is SUPER expensive to rip out. China is laying its first generation of infrastructure, so it doesn't have those upgrade costs. It's the same reason why Europe had chip credit cards forever while the US just got them. The US had credit cards first and laid down tons of infrastructure that was hard to change. | What about the chip and pin? Europe had credit and debit cards long before chip and pin came out, and exactly what infrastructure was needed? A terminal and an internet connection? The problem was slow user adoption (helped in no small part by your strong fraud protection for card users - if you can get your money back easily - who cares about enhanced security?). |
412,116 | You've mentioned enjoying the Mumonkan. Have you read any other Zen literature? Like maybe the Blue Cliff Record? It's intertextual like *crazy* and really hard to get a hold on... immensely beautiful and irreverent. | Don't forget irrelevant too. I'm in the midst of Hekiganroku (Blue Cliff Record) right now. Part of my morning ritual. As translated by Katsuki Sekida. It's a constant reminder of how I need to shake free of words. Bear in mind (and, no, not in mind) that is coming from someone about to turn fifty. Words are not born out of the poverty of the world but out of the poverty of our world. As the World begins to intrude more and more it reminds us of how words serve when they introduce not mask. One bowl of rice! One pail of water! There's a question on consciousness somewhere that I'm looking for now. Find me there. |
412,117 | Smash bros, Mario party, and Pokémon let’s go? Yep those are all weak franchises that won’t sell anything. | you're face is weak, you won't be saying that when you feel my fist. how about i knock you in the dirt? |
412,118 | Dom catching Letty was one of the best parts. Literally, everybody in the theater started laughing. | Same with my theater. But only Vincent Diesel could get away with such a spectacular feat and have me go, "Okay. It could happen." Also, amnesia as a plot device is always horrible, but whatever. I do love these movies. |
412,119 | This year I joined a website called “ The 50 Book Pledge”. It gives you a little virtual bookcase to show the books you’ve read this year. You can pledge to read 50 or a larger number if you like. And you can give them a star rating, write mini reviews of them, and see what other people on the website are reading. ( it’s similar to Goodreads, which I’ve heard is quite popular.) I like it! And I’ll likely sign up again next year... I raised my goal to 75 when I passed the 50 mark a couple months ago. | goodreads allows you to set a challenge too! [and it also creates a neat little image] |
412,120 | Well maybe he should have said that instead of "she (Beyoncé) is not a singer" | That is what he said. He said she's not a singer, singer while Adele just sings. |
412,121 | Lady GaGa isn't to blame for how awful she is. The people that allow themselves to be convinced that she is somehow creative are. | How is she not creative? Upvoted because I'm curious for your opinion. |
412,122 | Travels with Charley, hands down. My motorcycle always had a copy in the saddle bag. | Discovered this lately and started it - great and even has dog in it |
412,123 | > Until book 3 when she's either in the hospital or crying while doing nothing 80% of the time. I was ok with that. I interpreted it as PTSD. | Perhaps. Didn't make for a very good book, though. She was also way more concerned with the boys in the third book. Perhaps there was something there that I as a 24y/o male didn't gain anything from, but my wife didn't like it either. |
412,124 | End of the Tour got me to read Infinite Jest after it sitting on my shelf for a year. I had read some shorter essays by DFW. From what I had read about the man I thought Segel nailed it. He seemed awkward, reticent, nervous, but highly intelligent. Of course I never met the man but it did not look like Jason Segel in any other role. I thought he did a great job. | Sure, there will always be differing opinions on something so subjective. Segel is typically cast as a likable everyman which is the opposite of DFW, so maybe his previous performances flavored my interpretation. That's one reason I prefer new actors to old; new actors don't carry their previous roles with them the way established actors do. |
412,125 | I really really liked Dark Matter by Blake Crouch. Any other good books with a similar suspenseful/tense feel with really good plot construction? Are his other books good? | The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August is worth a look. |
412,126 | I find it fascinating. It's one of the few actually unique novels that exist. It doesn't follow any kind of pattern or story arc. The author was not influenced by other fiction stories before writing it. Still, with a cast of main characters that are all arguably bad people, the narrative forces the reader to keep turning pages. | That's my take on it. I liked that it was original and daring and unafraid to stand out, but I hated almost every character in the book. Still, I feel like that was the point of it. The reader isn't *supposed* to like them. I tried to explain this, but the teacher and most of the class (none of whom actually read the book, but agreed with her anyhow) are of the opinion that the characters have to be likeable for the book to be good. |
412,127 | Already happened in Captain America: The First Avenger. I thought it worked alright there, though. | lol, they kind of did, didn't they? Still better than Spidey finger-banging all over town. |
412,128 | If you don't understand that a natural monopoly by itself has nothing to do with government legislation, we are not on the same page. In a natural monopoly, introducing new competitors lowers efficiency, which is opposite the goal of a business. This does not happen in a normal market, where barriers of entry are lower. *It is intellectually dishonest to attempt to expand a definition to suit your arguments.* In my discussion of natural monopolies, I did not once mention the government. Any attempt by the government to create a monopoly is by definition not natural, because it distorts the market. | If those barriers to entry are the result of legislation/regulation, then we can't state the sole entity in that market is an example of a natural monopoly. |
412,129 | I think my favorite, if I had to choose, would be the bit from Chapter Four. | When I went to see Avenged Sevenfold's Hail to the King Tour, they played that song and the arena became a madhouse! It's a time in my life I'll never forget. |
412,130 | Those were campy movies, this is supposed to be much more serious. | Exactly. Besides A Simple Plan, that movie was great. The man has more duds than success under his belt. No offense to his fans, but his style is very one note and not a good match for this. The exception is A Simple Plan. That movie was so far away from his usual that it's hard to believe he had a hand in it. |
412,131 | <please let it be the vong war, please let it be the vong war, please let it be the vong war...> | They already confirmed that all extended universe stuff is non-canon and the movies will be entirely new material so if that's what you are talking about, nope. |
412,132 | So why cause the huff with this in the press. apart from the "no publicity is bad publicity" angle which tbh makes them even worse censorship as a marketing tool sits even less well with me than censorship by corporations. | You just said it: To get publicity. My guess is they think all the attention will get them more shoppers, especially including anybody who has complained about this book. Heck, even Dahl's heirs might benefit, as other shoppers purchase this book from different sources! Win-win all around. You might not *like* it, but that doesn't make it censorship. It's tacky. It's not immoral. |
412,133 | Oh man, I would love to see both of them together. I missed Arctic Monkeys and Black Keys together too. I suck. | Oh man, Black Keys recent tour was shit. They are still fantastic musicians and amazing live performers and their audio tech is still top notch... but their lighting tech ruined the show for me. He had dozens of Halogen bulbs on stage with stainless steel surrounds, a vintage lighting look. Fantastic look when the lights are dim and used as decor, but that idiot lighting guy would use the ENTIRE WALL of lights as an audience flasher right before the start of any bridge or chorus. I would have to look away from the stage every time the band would rock out. Worst lighting design I've ever seen and I'm in the industry. |
412,134 | Yeah that's what I assumed reading about the case. Guy was 100% nuts and should be in a mental health facility. Instead he's in a jail after having one of the most biased and unfair trails in history (how do they not push back the trial to not occur 2 months after a movie comes out about the victim? Dude should have been in a mental health facility for the next year or two until a fair trial could be held) | To murder someone you have to be at least a little nuts. The thing is he waited until they had holstered their weapons and then killed them. He knew exactly what he was doing, that is why the insanity plea didn't work. He knew right from wrong (Even admitted it) Technically people like Ted Bundy and Charles Manson should be in Mental Health Hospitals too. |
412,135 | this is significant. They built a drone ship, established proof of concept on it, and now cut out the drone ship from the entire process | That's not really the story of the floating platform. The floating platform is because certain orbits require too much energy so there isn't enough remaining to stop the 1st stage's progress and reverse it back to the pad. |
412,136 | Very nice response. On point for sure. One thing I would point out is that it helps to have read other Stephen King books before this one. Insomnia for one (it's huge and in typical King fashion, slow to get started) because it touches on the ties between his various books and how their universes are tied to one another. . Possible Spoiler...... . . . . . (sorry, can't figure out how people do that black text on black background thing) Numerous King books use Randall Flag or an antagonist with RF initials in some way, some more than others, and those links help to explain this odd world that the Gunslinger lives in. | Just for future reference, the spoiler tags in this sub are formatted like the second example [here.] [Look here's a spoiler!](/spoiler) |
412,137 | There wasn't one word about research in that smarmy commentary. It was all about insulting his grammar and style. | I wasn't referencing the commentary specifically. I was talking about why people tend to dislike Dan Brown. |
412,138 | Interestingly enough, Baseketball isn't even there's. they just acted in it. They didn't write or direct it like most people assume. | Interesting. It's just such a great example of Matt and Trey's sense of humor, I couldn't help but assume. |
412,139 | I was really hoping for one telepathic line of dialogue at the end :( | i say this with no research to back it up. but were they implying that was the first dog launched in space by earth? We did leave it up there to maybe the collector saved it? |
412,140 | i went on the 27th of october in st. paul. it was amazing. enlightening. entertaining. wow. just. wow. i've also never cried at a concert. (i am a girl, btw, it is acceptable) and it was only a little bit. it was during. "vera" when the little girl finally got to see her daddy again. | I almost let some tears out too during that, I'm not gonna lie |
412,141 | That was also awesome. And the one where moe had the basket of hot fries on his head | Here you go, Here I am, Uncle Moe, Thank you ma'am! This'll be a treat, Uncle Moe, Here I am while you eat! (Please take the fries off my head kid, the basket is extremely hot.) |
412,142 | Amazon nearly has a monopoly on online shopping. That's a problem. | What? No they don't. Every major retailer has a huge online presence. Wal-Mart, Target, Costco, shit, even Lowes (and I presume Home Depot) have online stores. Shit, ebay is "online shopping" and they're enormous too. Amazon is just the _big_ one. Amazon has just done a fantastic job marketing and making themselves _seem_ like the only online shopping option. Successful marketing does not a monopoly make. |
412,143 | That guy had a lot to say. Edit: Sorry this is a low effort comment, I was reading this before work this morning and ended up being a little late out the door. But I do think he went on for far too long without any real direction or theme to the article so while I did literally mean he said a lot, I also meant he said a lot without really getting anywhere. | And not much specifically about being a >40 developer. The big thing that changes is how you are seen by other people - in the corporate world it's not guaranteed to be a problem but you can probably forget about working for a startup or games company. EDIT: "it's guaranteed" -> "it's not guaranteed" |
412,144 | I've never had problems with buying Fall Out Boy tickets (even in multiples) through pre-sale or even regular onsale... Sorry you got fucked. | Thanks. I found some tickets for the pit ($169 each), which are pretty cheap compared to all the other resale tickets that are usually over $270. What sucks is that my parents refuse to pay that much for tickets ~~at the moment~~. |
412,145 | Just because it's fun, doesn't mean the script can't be shoddy. | True. But hell, I'll take it as long as it doesn't completely jump genres or something (e.g: Colin Firth was a *cyborg*! From the *future*! They uploaded his brain!). Bullet ricochet? Bulletproof glasses? Packets of tomato sauce hidden in his hair that remotely detonate when they detect gunfire? Or hell, pure dumb ***luck***? There are folks that have survived gunshots to the head before and lives to tell the tale. It isn't probable, but this is an action flick that's prime focus is fun. Whenever the hero is told "there's a 1 in 1000 chance", it's pretty much a 100% chance. |
412,146 | Hillary Clinton was a key proponent of the Iraqi War. People need to actually look at how these politicians vote and shed the D and R labels. | Yeah but she must have enough issues that Petty agree's with. Bachmann is a key proponent of Batshit Insanity which I think Petty takes issue with. |
412,147 | Overall it was a great set, a few set backs and technical errors which happen. A bit over zealous with the crane but it is Kanye after all. | Yeah if he kept it simple with just him and a dj i think it would have been epic but it is kanye! |
412,148 | Hey, I heard of a really obscure artist known as Kendrick Lamar who has some good songs. But i mean seriously, theyres a lot of shitty rap, but the current state of rap is definitely better than the current state of rock and pop. Kendrick Lamar, A$AP Rocky, J. Cole, Schoolboy Q, Joey Bada$$, Tyler the Creator, and Vince Staples are all pretty popular rappers that I at least think are very talented. | A lot is putting it lightly. There are people getting paid millions to make sounds that barely qualify as speech over instumentals. You might know it as Mumble Rap and it's quite popular. I've never heard of Mumble Rock or Mumble Pop. Call me old fashioned, but I'll stick to Snoop and Run Dmc |
412,149 | Not unbelievable, but just read this and damn it made me mad.. (The Rules of Attraction): "A reporter from Aint it Cool News was present as a scene was being shot. He comments on Roger Avary's "creative" means of getting actor reactions. "For the last take Roger wanted a surprised reaction from Shannyn... so naturally he asked Jessica Biel to flash her. Due to its placement, the camera didn't see Biel's surprise... But I did. Good God almighty I love this job!" " | My favorite trivia is that the phone call the Dawson's Creek guy makes to his brother in the film is to American Psycho's Patrick Bateman. |
412,150 | You'd have to hire actually capable engineers. Not dead weight like most that seem to get jobs now. Sadly the tech industry has turned into shit because of diversity quotas. | LMAO the tech industry has not turned to shit because of DIVERSITY QUOTAS what the hell is wrong with you. |
412,151 | But all of that applies to electro-magentic coupling. Untrasound is something entirely different. | I posted this to highlight the inefficiencies being very similar for wired vs inductive wireless. I thought it was interesting and it would add to the conversation. You're entirely right though, I should have mentioned that it has nothing to do with ultrasonic charging. |
412,152 | I'll read damn near anything I can get my hands on, but I prefer fiction. Some non-fiction books that I'm currently enjoying though are [Godel, Escher, Bach] and [A Short History of Nearly Everything] On the fiction list right now are [Foucault's Pendulum] and [The Broom of the System] | The Broom of the System sounds interesting...I may have to check that one out. |
412,153 | If mama thinks this brainless Christian drivel will satisfy her kids, she has another think coming. No doubt one of their friends will turn them on to the real books soon enough. | > she has another think coming. If a first think ever occurred to her, she might just pass out from shock. |
412,154 | I don't understand the advantage of this. Can someone explain? | Imagine a facebook update that only your book friends can see and comment on. Vice versa you can browse what your book friends are reading and you can have a discussion together away from the judging eyes of your other groups of friends. Also, if all of your book friends are also each other's book friends the discussion could potentially get pretty big. |
412,155 | There is something about Macklemore that I like compared to other rappers. I don't know what it is. I really felt this way during the song "White Walls". This rapper "Schoolboy q" came on and I got really uncomfortable. I don't know why but it just did. Good thing I have Macklemore so I can listen to rap without feeling weird. | Schoolboy Q is an extremely aggressive rapper, not only with lyrical content but also his flow and voice. Which is the same for most of rap. Making songs and writing rhymes became a way for rappers to let loose aggression (in a nonviolent way). In that way, I think that the genre of rap is inherently aggressive, so when a rapper comes along like Macklemore who makes less-aggressive, more relatable music for a wider audience, it attracts people who were normally turned away from the genre because of its 'raw' nature. |
412,156 | My aunt passed away from Leukemia 14 years ago leaving my four cousins at very young ages. Recently, one of them asked me if I had any old videos of her talking so he could share it with his fiancé and the rest of the family who didn't get the privilege of meeting her. I found an old tape from 1995 but its a Betamax and I've looked online and everything seems to be either impossible or extremely expensive. Can anyone help me? Thank You!! | Pawn shops often have betamax players, call ahead. Then get a USB video capture device like Dazzle and convert all your betamax tapes however you like. |
412,157 | Yep, music as a concept isn't about sounds, its about how hard your instrument is to play. :/ | no, but understanding instruments and their range allow you to understand how they fit together into a more complete whole. Thus your songs become more dynamic and finely crafted, as the majority of Beck's music proves. And I never would've made a comment about Kanye's lack of musical ability if he hadnt gone on a rant slighting Beck's creativity, or tried to make a comparison to an artist like Beck who was literally building his own albums track by track, instrument by instrument, while Kanye was still learning how to rhyme Yeezus with Jesus |
412,158 | That's surely a joke right? That is ludicrously overselling the power of a degree. In fact, I would go beyond that and say that is entirely mis-selling a degree. | It's not purely a fact of 'you have a Stanford degree therefore you can change the world effortlessly', it's more about the fact that an 18 year old with the opportunity to attend one of the best schools in the world has the chance ahead of them to do whatever they want. |
412,159 | There's a reason I didn't attribute the quote to him. Still the quote is something someone probably believed at that time and hence make my statement that it's just like claiming that there won't be need for consumer hard drives at >1PB. | Never said there won't be a need for pb hard drives. Only that it most likely won't be needed by the general public. |
412,160 | I just got done taking a class about John Lennon and his music. This video was recorded about a month or two before he was shot dead. Great song. | most likely this footage was taken in 1973 when the album was released. In 1980 John had short hair and looked quite different. |
412,161 | I don't think there is an intrinsic difference between men and women; I think there are just different types of characters, and to group them by their gender is neither useful nor accurate. | If you can switch out the pronouns and nothing changes than either the author didn't create a fully realized world or the world they created is quite far removed than the world we live in. Even if you start from the assumption that women and men are fundamentally the same, their experiences are quite different. How the world sees them is different and their daily experiences are different. The dangers they face on a daily basis are different. So if a writer is writing about a world in any way similar to the one we live in and their characters' gender makes no difference, they are probably not a very good writer. |
412,162 | Have you heard of this M. Night Shyamalan? He sounds like a real up and comer. | Funny, because if he did actually beat it one day, that would be the most M. Night Shamalan-y ending ever. |
412,163 | You shouldn't really pay attention to critics all that much when it comes to comedy. If you take your ten favourite comedies, at least one of them probably has a 5 or lower on IMDB, and a good amount of them will probably be rated rotten on RT. | Pretty sure all 10 of mine are probably below 5 on IMDB. |
412,164 | Looks like the Grinch had offspring. The Jim Carrey Grinch that is. | **QUIET!** We swore never to speak of that abomination again. |
412,165 | I hope since then you've gone to explore more authentic punk bands. Rancid is kind of corny, revival pop-punk. | Well, Tim Armstrong and Matt Freeman were both in Operation Ivy which was a very respected punk band. I'd say most people have a lot of respect for Rancid as well because of this (along with Rancid's own merits). |
412,166 | >The Big Sleep by Raymond Chandler (has a lot of sexual contents too) I just finished reading it, and it really isn't that explicit at all. There is no sex happening in the book. The most explicit things are the fact a woman is, at one point, naked, and that there's a single kiss happening later on in the book. Edit: I was wrong, the woman is naked in two separate occasions lol But still, there is no detailed description of it, it's mostly like: "yep, she's got no clothes on," and that's that. Edit 2: Also there's some homophobia in it that I guess is time-appropriate? | Thank youuu!!! I don’t mind the nakedness as long as it’s not explicit. Because of your helpful response, I’m gonna buy The Big Sleep now |
412,167 | okay, so i have a Samsung hdmi smart tv. and my laptop (hdmi capable) so if i get an hdmi cord, hook it up to my tv and laptop, will the tv display the laptop screen? i really need a quick answer | Why so many downvotes? do you guys not like answering help questions? |
412,168 | This is normal for Apple. Would explaining make any difference? Downtime costs Apple a lot of money, they will try to avoid it. | It's likely that Apple uses a number of data centers and CDNs. Usually this is enough to prevent total outages, but If a backend change like an update failed, it could cause the whole thing to fail. This is what everyone does, including reddit. |
412,169 | Had you not refreshed in a while? It's showing as removed. With a direct link you can still get into it but it shouldn't show in the subreddit or on the front page. | Just found this article myself, is still in my feed. |
412,170 | Um, I am in no way shape or form an expert. But isn't delivery en-mass by drone a logistics nightmare? There are so many potential variables such as weather hazards, physical obstructions, range limitations, crazy people shooting down the drones to steal packages and what not. Unless I completely missed the point(which is entirely possible, then please down vote) there is little chance this would be remotely practical. It would be cheaper to just delivery via vans on already well established routes. I dunno maybe Amazon already realized this(if I haven't made an ass of myself) and this is just a false flag to back out. | You can shoot UPS deliverymen now and no one really does that |
412,171 | He isn't ugly or nerdy looking; just has facial expressions that make you want to punch him. I also have never heard him speak, but I can't imagine it's possible for me to hate him more than I do now. He's literally the epitome of what society hates in other people. | As a reporter choosing pictures for an article with different faces to use, which one do you pick to get more coverage? |
412,172 | > "In fact, as Asman explained to Ars in an interview, he believes he owns any Web-based legal service that uses the word "case" in its name." What a douche | Because it's not like legal services have any other reason to reference the word "case," right? *Super*douche. |
412,173 | I know, lol. The struggle is real. What I do is just add the new books I'm interested in to my Book Board on Pinterest. That way, I won't forget about them—but I also don't need to buy them right away either. Then when I've read all my books, I'll go to my Book Board and pick one of the new ones I wanted and go buy it! | > What I do is just add the new books I'm interested in to my Book Board on Pinterest. That way, I won't forget about them—but I also don't need to buy them right away either. For what it's worth, this is a very good method of saving money on anything you feel like impulse buying if you're on a bit of a budget. A lot of times you end up realizing you don't need to buy that thing a week or two down the line. |
412,174 | > Apple's current adapters support both peripherals and charging at the same time. [Nope] | That's only for USB-A. There are two more expensive adapters that can do charging, USB-A and either HDMI\VGA on one adapter. |
412,175 | As I said, Signs is a very debatable film when it comes to that second half. | The "Demon Theory" really made me respect it a lot more. It makes the story much more cohesive. |
412,176 | > C. I'm giving them the there's-still-gas-in-the-tank as a freebie out of love for the original movie. Even if there was gas in the tank, I'm pretty sure it has a shelf life shorter than 22 years. | It was Magical Movieland gas. Fairies put a spell on it at the pump, back in 1993. But seriously, the skinny from the Serious Car People is that gasoline can store for years in an airtight container, such as, possibly, the gas tank of a car, so it's plausible enough that I gave it to them, for love. |
412,177 | Happy birthday to one of the most overrated musicians ever. | It's easy to just say things like that, but can you tell why you think he is overrated? |
412,178 | The ultimate ears brand used to mean something in pro audio. There iems were great, so great that I used the same pair for like 6 years. Logitech bought the company, butchered the universal iems and trashed the high end. Now we by shure and westone, not ultimate ears. | Got to make cheaper more expensive ones, 6 years is too long for customers to have good quality hardware. Time to make it break sooner so you can buy more. |
412,179 | Totally not crying. I think that I got some sand in my eye | It's coarse, and rough, and irritating... and it gets everywhere... |
412,180 | Weirdly enough, more people seemed to be seeing Mad Max than PP2 at my theater last night. | I also have a feeling mad max will be playing in at least a few theaters until like, October. It's too fun of a summer movie |
412,181 | Most high-end tablets/smartphones today use IPS because viewing angle is much more important compared to a laptop. Most. | It's also important from a colour accuracy standpoint. I'd be interested in the Pro 3 as a portable photo-editing machine, but not if they cheaped out and put a TN in it. |
412,182 | What happened to McAfee after being bought by Intel? Still the same? | Former McAfee employee here of 7 years. McAfee is dead as a brand but the rights are still retained due to the crazy founder. New brand is Intel Security Group (IsecG, ya its terrible). Product teams are the same and development of products is still going. Like any company there are crap products and good ones. If you need to evaluate them I'd recommend NSM (IPS), SIEM (Nitro), MVM (Foundstone), and App Control (Solidcore). Rest are pretty crap. |
412,183 | I still love the Wizard's First Rule and I live by it every day. Sadly my interest petered out around book 5... | Yea turns out the Wizard's rules are pretty applicable to life. My interest dwindled a bit in the middle but the last few books 7-8 ramped up a bit imo, maybe because he thought (or at least I thought) he was ending the series, and then I go into the book store the other day and there is more! Also learned a lot about truth and facts and how/what questions to ask. |
412,184 | It probably wasn't an accident, just a couple of managers overstepping their power. | Your guess is as good as mine. "Never attribute to malice what could be explained by stupidity." It could be an over-zealous mailroom employee at the facility saw an inmate they didn't like receiving the book and claimed it was "banned" to screw over the inmate. I've seen guards pull shit like that before. But who knows, maybe someone mis-keyed the ISBN of an actual banned book and didn't catch the error. |
412,185 | mike watt is about the nicest guy you'll ever meet. | Any guy who sells his merch out of a trash bag on stage can't be too much of an asshole. Watt is a great man. |
412,186 | Is 12 Years A Slave not in wide release? Where I'm from it's been selling out a lot. The hype surrounding it is massive. | Yeah boxofficemojo says it's only in 19 theaters, though it managed to make nearly $1 million just from those. |
412,187 | Shh man don't break the circlejerk. Tokyo Drift is an awful movie in every way, I have no idea how people think it's good. | Indeed. I just like the Tabasco bottle floating in the first crash scene and bringing Vin back to the franchise. |
412,188 | I am a shitty guitarist, but I can fake my way through blazing leads any time of the week. It's the rhythm guitarists that make my jaw drop. That's why Niles Rodgers is still astounding. | im a shitty guitarist, but i can fake my way through rocking rhythm any day of the week. it's the lead guitarists who can play with feeling that make my jaw drop. thats why richie sambora is still amazing. |
412,189 | do you prefer Niandra Lades or Smile From the Streets? | Not OP, but to me Smile is just straight up weird. Frusciante himself admitted that he only made it for drug money. However, A Fall Thru the Ground is still a pretty damn good song. |
412,190 | I first read the headline as having found the book Hadley lost. While still exciting, this somewhat pales. | Me too. I wonder what kind of jerk would steal fiction from an unknown writer. |
412,191 | If a company stores your things for a fee every month and they don't bother locking their doors and your shit gets stolen, are you going to say well if they bought locks the crooks would just break the doors down anyway? | I'm sure they had locks. Having locks that are impenetrable is impossible though. |
412,192 | Ever make your way to Atlanta? Would love to go to a book signing or something! | Only when 75's not busy. I live in Woodstock. I guested DragonCon a couple of years ago, and I'll be guesting LibertyCon in Chattanooga in early July. No signings on tap in the metro area right now. But I autographed all the stock in most of the metro area Barnes and Nobles day before yesterday. Suggest a store you like and I'll see if they want to set something up. |
412,193 | My hypothesis is they are doing this to further differentiate the Note series. I believe the next note will retain these features and will probably be a bigger price jump up from the 32GB s6. | This seems like a reasonable enough explanation. This would move the Note series towards power users, I suppose, while the S series would be positioned for the types who would otherwise get an iPhone. |
412,194 | That’s the last thing that needs to happen. Although what happens over there doesn’t sit well with me. What happens here doesn’t sit well with me. We’ve enacted our own social credit via followers, likes, and comments. | This is the dumbest shit I've ever read. How can you compare China's social credit system to your social media presence? |
412,195 | I love reading about this! I am a super fast reader and people (my book club) aways asks how I finish books so quickly. I tried to explain to them that I don't pronounce every single word in my head and how I can skim and retain information, but most of them didn't know what I was talking about. Now I'm armed with some good vocab and explanations! | Is this something that you've been doing all your life or it happened through the years? |
412,196 | I'm pretty sure it goes even further, because listening to music creates a copy of it in your memory, so that must be illegal as well if you have a brain. | Basically you can't listen to the music. You have to imagine the song, and hum it in your head. Not out loud or somebody else might hear you. |
412,197 | At first I wondered why he wouldn't just use visual effects to achieve this, and then I remembered this is the same guy who build an [entire rotating room] to simulate a dream state without gravity in Inception. | This why I think his war movie, which btw looks more like a passion project than studio commission, may look very good and rival some of the genre's icons. |
412,198 | It would but that's not the point. If you contact customer services you get the wall of corporate policy quoting indifference. You don't speak to a person that can do anything about your issue. You get a person who is trained to politely deflect you until you give up rather than solve anything. If the corporation contacts you then it gets you as an individual to target for its carefully designed 'viral' marketing campaign. The budget for one day of that campaign is the cost of customer services for a year. | Ok, but it's still easier than using their shitty web app chat... |
412,199 | No Virginia Woolf. None of the Brontë sisters. And no Jane Austen! What a strange list. | As others have said, this is Reddit, which is mostly young males. It's a pretty predictable list if you look at it that way. I think r/books could make our own list... |
Subsets and Splits