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What does Matthew 5:43 mean?
ESV: “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’
NIV: You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.'
NASB: You have heard that it was said, ‘YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR and hate your enemy.’
CSB: "You have heard that it was said, Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.
NLT: You have heard the law that says, ‘Love your neighbor’ and hate your enemy.
KJV: Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy.
This statement is subtly different from Jesus' prior comments about teachings from the scribes and Pharisees. Up to now, statements such as "you shall not murder" (Matthew 5:21) and "you shall not commit adultery" (Matthew 5:27) were legitimate commands given by God in the Old Testament. Jesus' intent in using "but I say…" in response was not to reject those teachings; it's to move them beyond shallow, legalistic, unloving interpretations (Matthew 5:22, 28). Here, however, the teaching Jesus presents includes a detail God never gave the people of Israel.
God never commands hate for other people. Leviticus 19:18 commands love for one's neighbor, but there's no Scripture where Jesus' listeners would have been told to hate their enemies. It's possible that Israel's religious leaders seized on the "neighbor" concept, claiming that those who were not their "neighbors" were not to be loved. Religious leaders might have taught, since God hates evil, that hatred toward the wicked enemies of God was not only justified, but required.
In Jesus' earthly ministry, He clarified that loving one's neighbor was the second-greatest of all God's commandments (Matthew 22:36–39). He also expanded the definition of one's "neighbor" (Luke 10:29) well beyond the cultural norm through the parable of the good Samaritan (Luke 22:36–37). That doesn't mean this is easy; It's hard to love other people. Jesus, though, will show that loving one's enemies can truly be powerful when done as a representative of God.
Once again, Jesus flips the common understanding of righteousness on its head. Jesus' original audience probably wondered how any person could possibly be righteous, if a person must love His enemies. That, of course, is part of the point Jesus intends to make (Matthew 5:48). While we ought to strive to meet God's standards, only salvation by grace through faith can bring us into heaven (Titus 3:5).
Matthew 5:43–48 continues Jesus' teaching on love and humility, a part of the Sermon on the Mount. After commanding believers not to seek revenge in the face of insults, Jesus expands the idea of love to include one's enemies. Human beings naturally struggle with the idea of passively accepting persecution. We naturally recoil at the idea of expressing active love—in our deeds, not necessarily in our emotions—for those who hate and attack us. However, loving those who love you is easy; God's standards are higher.
The Sermon on the Mount contains some of Jesus' most challenging teaching. It begins with the unlikely blessings of the Beatitudes. Jesus' disciples must do good works in order to be a powerful influence: as the salt of the earth and light of the world. The superficial righteousness of the Pharisees is not good enough to earn heaven. Sins of the heart, such as angry insults and intentional lust, are worthy of hell just as much as adultery and murder. Easy divorce and deceptive oaths are forbidden. Believers should not seek revenge. Instead, God intends us to love our enemies and pray for our persecutors. In short, we should strive to be perfect, as God is perfect.
Matthew 5 follows Matthew's description of the enormous crowds that were following Jesus (Matthew 4:25). One day, Jesus sits down on a hill to teach them, in an address we now call the Sermon on the Mount. He describes as blessed those who are poor in spirit, who mourn, and who are persecuted. Christ also explains how God's standards of righteousness go far beyond behaviors and speech; they also include our thoughts and attitudes. Meeting God's standards means perfection. Chapter 6 continues this sermon, with more examples of Jesus clarifying God's intent for godly living.
The Gospel of Matthew clearly shows the influence of its writer's background, and his effort to reach a specific audience. Matthew was one of Jesus' twelve disciples, a Jewish man, and a former tax collector. This profession would have required literacy, and Matthew may have transcribed some of Jesus' words as they were spoken. This book is filled with references to the Old Testament, demonstrating to Israel that Jesus is the Promised One. Matthew also includes many references to coins, likely due to his former profession. Matthew records extensive accounts of Jesus' teaching, more than the other three Gospels.
Accessed 2/21/2024 7:29:33 AM
© Copyright 2002-2024 Got Questions Ministries. All rights reserved.
Text from ESV, NIV, NASB, CSB, NLT, KJV © Copyright respective owners, used by permission. |
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Call us today and save! |
When they revealed themselves to the world, they changed everything. Creatures of legend that were thought to be little more than myth and superstition came out of hiding to found a new nation for their kind and those who would be willing to live with them. The Republic of Argyre, founded on an artificial island they built in secret over half a century, would act as a safe harbor for the creatures now calling themselves “Alters”. But it wasn’t enough to just construct this haven, they needed to ensure the rest of the world would accept their kind as well. Realizing that not every Alter could reach their island, Argyre established the Alter Control Task Force – an international organization meant to act as police in Alter situations. These stories follow the ACTF and the Agents of Argyre.
Returning with new editions, a new format, and new covers, the Agent of Argyre series is back to tell the stories of the Seattle branch of the ACTF. And now, after the rerelease of Shards of Glass this July, we come to the return of the second book in the series: A Patchwork Soul.
Please follow me on Twitter for updates on where you can find it! In the meantime, enjoy this excerpt from the new edition:Continue reading A Patchwork Soul Returns |
My visual team functioned like a real world UX design. We were in charge of creating the right feel as participants entered the party and moved from space to space within the festival. Not only did we need to design a map system we also needed signage inside the house and out. During the party we needed places to sit, drink, dance and all of these things needed to be visually cohesive and encourage the mood we intended.
The poster for the festival was finished before I jumped on and I was particularly fond of it. I loved that it could be read as popsicles and ice cream, beer foam, or thought bubbles, all of which I associate with betahaus. As we began planning, the weather was still warm with hints of cooler weather. I wanted to give betahaus an end of summer backyard birthday bash. A party that focused on the incredible community that surrounds betahaus; a party where we could relish in all the warm fuzzies that strong connections make. My team worked primarily with the orange creamsicle, royal blue, and bone white of the posters and repeated the bubbles and stripes through out the closing party.
I am nothing if not scrappy. Nearly all of our materials came from free resources. My team and I focused on making the materials for the party sustainably sourced. 90% of the decor was borrowed, repurposed, and scavenged, and largely from prinzessinnengarten around the corner. Berlin's love for industrial rustic decor is great because it allows for a lot to be done with a very small budget. My main tip is that everything can be sourced free or cheaply if you are willing to search for it!
I have several projects on the horizon but at the moment they are all a bit hush-hush. What I can tell you is that my next projects are in the fine arts sector and focus on bringing in wider audience members to unconventional art spaces. |
Hey all. I did this image for Andy Winter to have as a T-shirt for the Bristol con next month to promote Tim Skinner. Andy originally thought it might be a bit too cheeky to directly riff off the classic Judge Dredd line (who Magistrate Grudge is obviously a parody of). However when i sent him this image he reckoned we'd DEFINITELY get sued by Rebellion. So the t-shirt idea was abandoned. Ah well, it was a laugh to draw; hopefully ye'll get a laugh out of it.
Also, on the topic of Tim Skinner, the book got another glowing review and another honourable mention.
Surely you must all own this book by now!
No posts 'til next week, as i'll be off-line for a few days. Hell, i've been updating this blog every 2 days for over a month now, so you can hardly complain! |
Did you know that you can gift a home to children either all at once or slowly over time? Most people know about gifting all at once, but gradual gifting is another strategy that might work well for some. Here’s a closer look at the two ways to gift a home to children and the pros and cons of each.
Options For Gifting A Home
Gradual gifting takes advantage of the annual gift tax exclusion of $15,000* per year, per person. Since this is a per-person limit, a married couple can gift $30,000 of a property’s value to each child (15k from each spouse) each year, tax-free. This can be done for a home by filing a new deed (at the Registry of Deeds) for the property to indicate property ownership amounts for each person involved. Every year, you would then file a new deed, showing the increased amount of ownership. By gifting gradually, you can reduce the remaining value of your estate upon death, which has other tax advantages.
Gifting All At Once
The other option is to gift the home in its entirety, either before or upon death. In this case, you would use your estate tax exemption limit to avoid gift taxes. Since this is a lifetime limit that applies to anything beyond the $15,000 per year exclusion, it reduces the amount of exemption remaining for your estate and other assets.
Understanding Capital Gains Tax Consequences When Gifting a Home
Beyond current tax savings, you might also consider future taxes your children will owe when they go to sell your home. Calculations will vary based on whether you gifted gradually or all at once. For gradual gifting, capital gains taxes are calculated based on the sale price and what you originally paid for the home. For gifting all at once, it’s the sale price minus the fair market value at the time you transferred the asset (or became deceased). These two figures can be dramatically different.
Let’s assume you purchased your home for $200,000 many years ago. At the time you started the gradual transfer, it was worth about $400,000. At the time you completed the transfer all at once, it’s worth $800,000. Under gradual gifting, the tax consequence your children would pay is on capital gains tax on a $600,000 profit. Under gifting all at once, the profit is only $400,000. Gifting all at once can therefore save on capital gains taxes.
Deciding How to Gift a Home to Children
In addition to current and future tax implications, you might also consider how much control you wish to retain over your real estate assets while you are still living. The number of other assets in your estate, the number of children involved, and other personal circumstances are also important. The decision on how to gift a home to children should not be made without viewing your overall estate plan and goals, to learn more about adding gifting as part of your estate plan. Working with a Massachusetts estate planning attorney can help you make the right decisions when it comes to gifting a home and other assets to children. To understand the benefits of establishing an estate plan read more here. If you have additional questions or want to receive personalized advice, contact our team of estate planning attorneys.
*2020 limits; subject to future change |
Notice of Public Review & Comment: Small Area Fair Market Rents
In compliance with the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Final Rule Establishing a More Effective Fair Market Rent System; using Small Area Fair Market Rents (SAFMR) in the Housing Choice Voucher Program, HACP is proposing modifications to the Housing Choice Voucher Program Voucher Payment Standards schedule.
According to the Final Rule, 24 metropolitan areas, including the City of Pittsburgh, are required to implement a new voucher payment schedule that are based upon Fair Market Rents determined by zip-code instead of Metropolitan Statistical Area. The intent of SAFMRs is to provide voucher payment standards that are better aligned with neighborhood-scale rental markets.
The HACP’s proposed SAFMR (zip code-based) Housing Choice Voucher Program Voucher Payment Standard will be available for review from February 16 to March 17, 2018, at the HACP Housing Choice Voucher Office, 200 Ross Street, 7th Floor, Pittsburgh, PA, 15219. Copies of the proposed SAFMR standard may also be obtained by contacting the Housing Choice Voucher Department at 412-456-5090.
Supporting documents for HACP’s proposed SAFMR may also be downloaded here.
Written comments on the proposed Small Area Fair Market Rent Voucher Payment Standards should be addressed to SAFMR Comments at the address above or via email to: [email protected]. Comments must be received by close of business (5:00 p.m.) on March 17, 2018.
Public hearings to receive comments on the proposed Housing Choice Voucher Payment Standards will be held on Tuesday, March 13, 2018, at 12:00 p.m. and at 5:30 p.m. at 200 Ross St., 9th floor, HACP Board Room.
Persons with disabilities requiring assistance or alternative formats, or wishing to submit comments in alternative formats, can contact the HACP ADA/504 Coordinator at 412-456-5020, ext. 2504; TTY 412-201-5384. |
Esmé comes down the stairs
with angry tears streaking
unwanted understanding down her Year 5 face.
This is death like she’s never known
It opens a window, far too soon,
into a world where girls are killed
by human hands –
even small, smart six year olds
who fought against the odds
and should have won.
I take the book and read the page.
Her solemn face looks on.
Oh no! My heart breaks.
This grief is fierce and harsh –
the cruel kind that cuts through childhood,
leaving careless, jagged scars.
I hold her tight and let her cry-
for Zelda, whose story ends right here.
And for all those shadows she now sees
that stalk the night and darken days –
shadows so real that wardrobe beasts
and sharp-toothed wolves of fantasy
seem, side-by-side, like easy dreams.
Be brave Esmé!
For if there’s other girls like you
who feel injustice deep inside,
have fire blazing in their eyes
and use their hearts and souls to fight,
then maybe there is half a chance
we might just be alright. |
‘Radboud University, stick to your ideals and switch to plant-based catering’
OPINION - Students and scientists are pleading for a switch to plant-based catering on campus. Pieter Offermans, an employee with the Centre for Professional Legal Education, thinks that is a no-brainer that fits with Radboud University’s ambitions.
Last week was the start of the Plant-Based Universities campaign in the Netherlands. Students at various universities, including Radboud University, are calling on their institutions to switch to plant-based catering. Over 200 Dutch academics have already signed an open letter; there is also a petition for students and employees in Nijmegen.
According to Plant-based Universities, everybody who wants to will still be able to bring their home-made salami sandwiches to campus. The campaign is not focused on effecting change in individual students or employees, but rather in the University’s purchasing policies. They feel that the University should no longer invest in meat or dairy: two products with a hefty carbon footprint.
For years, I enjoyed large amounts of cheese and schnitzels, even on campus, so I can understand that Plant-Based Universities’ call to arms is a lot to swallow. But there is something to be said for making the switch to plant-based catering. In fact: if you look at Radboud University’s ambitions, the choice makes sense; I will explain why below.
According to statements by Radboud University, sustainability has “a prominent place in education, research and company policy”. In that sense, choosing for plant-based catering is a no-brainer. Meat and dairy are some of the leading causes of environmental issues, such as deforestation, soil erosion, water pollution, loss of biodiversity, and climate change.
I once compared the greenhouse gas emissions of a company lunch of forty cheese sandwiches with those of a plant-based alternative. As it turns out, the surplus emissions of the cheese sandwiches were on par with those of a blow dryer switched on for thirteen hours, or a lamp for four months. It’s no wonder that there is an increasing volume of studies and reports espousing the environmental benefits of plant-based food.
The university wants to contribute to “a healthy, free world with equal opportunities for all”. Plant-based catering fits that goal as well; while meat and dairy do contain plenty of nutrients, they can also be unhealthy, especially at our current rate of consumption.
‘Eating plant-based foods at the university restaurant a few times per week can contribute to a healthy lifestyle’
For instance, eating processed red meat has been linked to an elevated risk of cancer, diabetes type 2, and heart- and vascular disease. All of that costs the taxpayer over 1 billion euros in extra healthcare costs. Recently, the Health council concluded that eating more grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and legumes is not just better for the environment, but also significantly lowers disease rates. Eating plant-based foods at the university restaurant a few times per week can contribute to a healthy lifestyle.
Radboud University’s sustainability manifesto emphasises animal rights. In the 17th century, philosopher and mathematician René Descartes posited that animals were mere machines, with no capacity for thought or feeling. Nowadays, there are still people who claim we can eat them guilt-free, as they supposedly barely experience stress or pain.
However, science has drawn some different conclusions since Decartes. Animals definitely experience pain and stress, and they’re a lot more clever than we think. For example: chickens have a basic understanding of numbers, as well as the ability to recall faces. One can posit whether our brief culinary enjoyment is worth locking up animals, cauterising their tails and horns, taking away their young, and killing them. By choosing plant-based catering, Radboud University would be choosing the most compassionate form of catering.
Make it easy
All signs point to plant-based catering as the way to go. And yet, Radboud University has no concrete, short-term plans to make the switch. For now, meatballs and roast beef win out over scientific insights and ideals. Of course, steps have been taken: the number of plant-based products on offer has increased over the past few years, and various campus spots now have coffee machines with oat milk. The plant-based hamburger in the Refter is even slightly cheaper than its meaty alternative. But the restaurants still have more meat- or cheese sandwiches than ones with hummus or smoked tofu; If you want a plant-based option at the company lunch, you will have to tell the caterer; taking the more sustainable, healthier, animal-friendly option takes more effort.
‘Radboud University could start by shifting norms from animal products to plant-based ones’
We can do better. Completely plant-based catering would be a logical step, but there are ambitious stepping stones for a smoother transition. For example, Radboud University could start by shifting norms from animal products to plant-based ones. In that case there is a wide assortment of tasty and healthy plant-based sandwiches and dishes, with a small number of meat and dairy dishes on standby. It goes without saying that the plant-based option should be the cheaper option (which should be doable, given that the same is true in Dutch supermarkets.) So, company lunches will switch to plant-based options by default; if someone wants something else, they can talk to the caterers beforehand. This will make it easier for students and employees to choose the sustainable, healthy, and animal-friendly option.
Getting used to it
The Plant-Based Universities campaign poses an important question to Radboud University: will you take science and your drive for a better world seriously? If you do, then make strides towards plant-based catering. Radboud University will not be alone: more and more other universities, as well as governments and companies are embracing similar initiatives. The climate, the animals, and our health cannot afford to wait. Of course, this step will take some getting used to. But as long as everything remains tasty, healthy, and affordable, we won’t want to go back.
Translated by Jasper Pesch |
To add to that, they can also be responsible for pulling together many other furnishings, giving your decor a truly finished look.
If you’re not sure how that happens, we can show you here.
Today, we’ll talk about the ways you can use soft furnishings to bring life to spaces.
One of the best ways soft furnishings can improve the look of a space is by adding other textures.
Consider a room dominated by highly polished and smooth surfaces, for instance. Smooth stone walls, smooth floors, minimalist furniture, and so on.
This can actually look too overbearing or may even strike a visual monotone that not many would enjoy.
Adding a new texture here would drastically improve the situation, providing a nice contrast that can enhance the space’s look while also providing relief from the unrelenting uniformity of the smooth surfaces.
A custom made carpet with a fairly deep pile would do a lot to improve the overall texture of the room, for instance.
A woven or shag rug could do the same.
Even the simple, curved lines of the right window treatments and curtains can do this.
This is related to the previous point. Soft furnishings can also accent other furnishings, whether by offering a contrast or a complement.
For instance, a room with mostly monochromatic furnishings can benefit from an accent like colourful throws and curtains.
Simply decorated rooms can look amazing with a bold custom carpet design.
Such accents breathe life into the room by infusing them with fresh energy that feeds into the room’s style, bringing out the best in it.
Many of our clients seeking custom rugs in Singapore request designs and colours that accent what they already have, in fact.
They ask us to customise rugs that repeat patterns in their room, for instance, but with different colours or with slight modifications to the shapes.
Or rugs in colours complementing their current furnishings but with new patterns.
Offering Easy Changes
Soft furnishings can also make changing or updating your home’s looks very easy.
That’s because they’re generally easier to move or remove than their hard counterparts.
Consider throw pillows, for instance.You can have several sets of them in different patterns or colours that you can simply rotate in usage.
That can breathe new life into your decor by affording you easy updates. You could change those pillows and some rugs out by season, giving your decor great versatility.
Changing out curtains, rotating rugs in use – all of this can help you avoid boredom with your home’s look and keep it perpetually fresh and alive to your eyes.
Soft furnishings can also help you tie disparate visual notes together at times.
It can take a custom made carpet to bind together a look that seems chaotic otherwise, for instance.
Or the right curtains to make some windows and walls feel less plain.
You can see this in the way it takes the right rug to make a living room set look “finished” sometimes.
Soft furnishings can help fill space and bridge visual gaps without suffocating a room.
That can do a lot to make rooms feel less empty or hollow.
Need Custom Soft Furnishings to Breathe Life into Your Home?
Now that you have an idea of what soft furnishings can do for your decor, you might want to get your hands on some. If so, we can help you there.
Reach out to us and we can help you come up with bespoke rug or carpet designs for your home. These soft furnishings can provide the added touch of comfort and luxury your interiors need.
Contact us and we’ll design and produce the perfect options for your needs! |
TAIPEI, Taiwan, April 16, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- A leading web design firm based in US Midwest, Kansas City Website Design, today announced the company's plan to expand into Asia, with Taipei, Taiwan as the firm's initial point of entry. The new website, still under development, will be located at this address: www.webdesignseo.com.tw.
Kansas City Web Design CEO, Phil Singleton, states: "We have developed a new website for the purpose of providing search engine optimization, Internet marketing and web design services in Taipei and throughout Taiwan.
"Taiwan is a deceptively large and influential market. Taiwan citizens have relatively high level of discretionary income. Taiwanese are tech-savvy and spend a lot of time online. It's an ideal market for SEO services. Our Internet marketing programs will enable Taiwanese businesses to capture more local web traffic from search engines like Google, and more importantly, Yahoo, which is the leading search engine and news portal in Taiwan.
"Furthermore, Taiwan companies are major players in global manufacturing. Most consumers do not realize that many of their favorite computer and electronics products are made by Taiwanese-owned companies. We see an opportunity to provide SEO services to companies in Asia, so that these manufacturers can directly reach global consumers, and more importantly, corporate buyers in international markets."
A Kansas City internet marketing expert, Singleton goes on further to say: "I spent over 10 years living and working in Asia, most of which was in Taipei. Taiwanese are dedicated, hardworking people. While traditional in many ways, Taiwanese are very friendly to foreigners and open to new ideas. The business environment in Taiwan and in Asia in general is very fast paced with longer business hours – there is no such thing as a 9-to-5 day in Taiwan. When I moved back to the States in 2005, I felt like the work days were in slow motion. Taiwanese businesses will see how SEO lowers marketing costs while increasing sales. It is an ideal market for cross-border and international web design and Internet marketing services.
"The first step of our Asia expansion plan will be to establish a multi-language website and achieve our own organic search engine rank for search terms such as Taiwan SEO and Taiwan Web Design. This year we also hope to establish a representative office or partner with a local Taiwanese company for business development and local support."
Singleton plans to travel Taiwan in July of 2013 to meet with prospective clients and partners.
About Kansas City Website Design
Kansas City Web Design provides custom website design and web development for local and national companies, as well as search engine optimization, Internet marketing, mobile website and application development, social media marketing, and search engine marketing services (SEM).
This press release was issued through eReleases® Press Release Distribution. For more information, visit http://www.ereleases.com.
SOURCE Kansas City Website Design |
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Outstanding Cosmetic Dentistry
Here at Forestside, we are cosmetic dentistry experts. If you live in Ringwood or the surrounding areas and are looking for a 5-star dentist for teeth whitening, Invisalign, dental implants, dental crowns and bridges, we are here for you! We offer a wide range of cosmetic dentistry solutions that can be used to rebuild your smile, giving you the confidence needed to keep smiling.
Highly trained and qualified within the field, our team of expert dentists will chat with you to understand what it is you are looking to change. From there, we can create a bespoke dental treatment plan to create the smile of your dreams. If you would like to get your dental journey started, please get in touch with us today!
Replace & correct your teeth
Increase your self confidence
Enhance your smile
If you are struggling with your smile due to tooth decay or damage, you may be wondering what your options are. Tooth damage can be caused by a range of situations, such as decay, surgery, illness or injury. The longer you leave this damage untreated, the worse it may get as well as more costly to fix. Get your damage resolved sooner rather than later with our dental crowns.
Dental crowns are fit over your existing tooth, covering the visible surface. With this cosmetic dentistry method, the shape and colour of your tooth will be completely transformed. Improve both the strength and durability of your tooth.
If you would like to discuss whether dental crowns is the right cosmetic dentistry solution for you, please get in touch with us today. We look forward to hearing from new patients in Ringwood!
Veneers are porcelain false teeth that slide over the existing tooth. The front surface of your tooth will be completely covered with your brand new, white replacement. Regain your self confidence with a brand new smile due to veneers!
With this cosmetic dentistry solution for our Ringwood patients, you will not ever have to worry about your new teeth becoming discoloured or chipped. Veneers have been carefully designed to be extremely durable so you can eat and drink without worry. To find out more, please fill in our online contact form.
Do you suffer from missing teeth and spacing issues? If so, our dental bridges here at Forestside may be the perfect solution. Created using innovative technology, our dental bridges work by permanently filling a gap in your smile. Fixed to the teeth on either side, you won’t ever have to worry about shifting teeth and complicated oral hygiene issues.
Dental bridges have been created to be extremely durable and robust. Once fitted to your new smile, they will last for years with the right care. Find yourself loving your smile again, and get complimented by your friends and family in Ringwood who see your new teeth.
If you are wondering whether dental bridges are the best cosmetic dentistry solution for you, please get in touch. Our friendly team would be happy to run you through all of our cosmetic dentistry options in order to find something that works best for your situation.
Dental Implants & Dentures
If you are looking for a long lasting, permanent tooth replacement cosmetic dentistry solution, you may like to consider our dental implant options. Dental implants are comprised of a tiny titanium screw that works as the root of the tooth. We can carry out this cosmetic dentistry surgery quickly and painlessly at our surgery. Our expert team here at Forestside will help you feel at ease and relaxed throughout!
We also offer the all on 4 method of dental implants. This cost efficient cosmetic dentistry solution is a great option for our Ringwood patients that are looking for a quick, effective tooth replacement method.
If implants aren’t for you, you may like to consider dentures. An affordable option for all, dentures are a great solution for patients of all ages. Improve your smile, chew and the way you talk instantly!
Teeth Whitening & Invisalign
If you are looking to work on your existing smile, you may be interested in Invisalign. Invisalign is an invisible brace cosmetic dentistry solution. It consists of clear retainers that are worn for 22 hours a day and only taken out to eat or drink.
Invisalign is popular with patients in Ringwood due to its virtually pain free method that yields incredible results. Your teeth will be gradually straightened over a period of time without you even realising!
If you are looking to have your teeth professionally whitened, we offer a range of great cosmetic dentistry options. Choose between at home or in house whitening treatments depending on what shade of white you are looking to achieve. To find out more, please fill in our online contact form.
Cosmetic Dentistry Prices In Ringwood
If you are ready to embark on your next cosmetic dentistry journey, please get in touch with us at Forestside as soon as possible! We look forward to chatting with you so that we can understand what you are looking to change and find the perfect cosmetic dentistry solution.
We look forward to helping you create the smile of your dreams!Contact Us
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Who is Successful Young entrepreneurs in India?
The details of the Young Entrepreneurs in India List will motivate everyone. They are also thinking big and looking forward to setting up a startup. The list features young entrepreneurs who are always looking forward to achieving.
Reliable reports say 11 – 15% of Indians want to be entrepreneurs. However, only 5 – 10% start the journey to build their venture. Among this 5 – 10 % of these Indians, only very few succeed as excellent Young entrepreneurs in India.
Good Young entrepreneurs in India are opportunity makers. They are confident about their journey of growth & success. They are unique and distinguish themselves from their peers in their respective fields. They do this by the way they handle hurdles and challenges.
The entrepreneurs hail from different backgrounds and industries. They share one common thing: their determination to succeed in life.
List Of Successful Young entrepreneurs in India
Ritesh Agarwal – OYO
OYO is an affordable & comfortable nature of budget accretion hotel room. It aids travelers in discovering affordable accommodations of high quality. The company has12,000+ employees and covers more than 200 cities across India.
He began it as an activity with just 11 rooms in a Gurgaon hotel in 2013. Currently, he has more than 65,000 rooms across 170 Indian urban areas. It is the most pioneering venture in India for spending convenience with standard pleasantries.
He was born in Bissam, Cuttack in 1993. In his school days, he sold SIM cards. He successfully completed his school studies but did not complete his college studies.He joined “The Thiel fellowship program “, funded by billionaire tech investor Peter Thiel.
His first company was opened in Oravel in 2012 and then the OYO Hotels & Homes was opened in 2013. (i.e., at the age of 17 years). Now it becomes one of the leading chains of hotels
Peyush Bansal – Lenskart
Lenskart covers 450+ cities in India and doing well in online platform selling. (i.e., spectacles, sunglasses, & contact lenses). Born in 1985, Peyush Bansal hails from New Delhi.
He finished Mechanical Engg in McGill University, Canada. He worked for Microsoft in the customer experience division. He quit his Microsoft job. He burnt his fingers with 2 startups.
His 3rd startup Lens kart attained success. He started it in 2010 in New Delhi along with his friend Amit Chaudhary. After the success, he joined Unicorn Club in 2019.
Now Bansal ventured into launching John Jacobs, Aqualens, Lenskart plus, Lenskart Vision Fund. After 2021 he became very famous in Shark Tank US business reality show
Bhavish Aggarwal & Ankit Bhati – OLA cabs
Bhavish Aggarwal belongs to Ludhiana. He completed his B.E., Computer Science in at IIT Bombay in 2008.
He worked for Microsoft. Then he co-founded Ola Cabs in Bangalore in Dec 2010 along with Ankit Bhati.
They received the initial financial support of US $ 5 million from Tiger Global Management. He Is One of the youngest travelers.
Ola is India’s largest mobility platform. It is also one of the world’s largest ride-hailing companies. Ola Cabs reached $6.2 billion in 2019.
In January 2018, OLA made its entry into the Australian market. It had very good expansion in New Zealand in September 2018 and in the U.K. in March 2019.
Young Entrepreneurs in India Bhavish Agarwal is overseeing OLA’s international expansion. Ankit is focusing on the company’s growth in the domestic market. The OLA had an interesting story behind its inception.
Bhavish rented a car for a weekend trip from Bangalore to Bandipore. In the middle of the journey, the car driver demanded more money.
This quarrel led him to complete the journey by bus. This incident made Bhavish Agarwal think about the web-based car rental company concept.
Ponnusamy Karthik – NFBD Group Pvt.Ltd.
The company was established in 2016. Chairman A. Ponnusamy Karthik is living proof that with hard work & dedication, anything is possible in the world.
The Successful young entrepreneur in India A. Ponnusamy Karthik is a well-known property developer. He serves customers in and around Chennai.
The NFBD Group stretched its wings into different businesses. These include import and export, business development, investment, real estate, and construction.. Basically, he is a Civil engineering graduate from Anna University.
He always stands with a vision to be a pioneer in the Real estate industry. He is an inspiration to the Young entrepreneurs in India.
His passion for entrepreneurship made him start his own business in a humble way. He invested little and worked with a small, like-minded team of 5.
He did a lot of leg work to get good responses and success. He had overcome insurmountable odds (hurdles) in his path. I determined that nothing could stop my will to get ahead in life.
This determination gave me the strength to manage failures and face risks and challenges. He is a perfect example of “Passion taking you ahead in life “and keeps on moving forward.
He doesn’t sit around waiting for chances to come on his way. Possessing self-motivation and a definite sense of direction, he has a clear vision of his goals.
The future, however, remains uncertain and unpredictable. A competent entrepreneur knows what he wants and how to get there.
He has the ability to see the broad picture. He also has the skills to ensure that he is on the path to completing the final objective.
Here, Ponnusamy Karthik is the youngest entrepreneur in India. He also strives for a social economy to help hungry and orphaned people.
One isn’t born with all the qualities needed to start businesses. One isn’t born with all the qualities needed for social activities. Many of these characteristics can be learned and adopted.
Vijay Sekhar Sharma – Paytm
Vijay Shekhar Sharma is the founder of Paytm & Also, the CEO of Paytm. Paytm is Cashless transactions through a mobile app.
He is a prodigy, finished his college studies at 15 yrs and graduated as an engineer at 19 yrs. During his college days, he started indiasite.net in 1997.
Then he sold it for one million dollars in 1999. He developed a CMS called X.S. Communications that was used by significant publications like The Indian Express.
He started one97 Communications in 2000. The one97 Communications company was famous for its mobile content. This included news, cricket scores, ringtones, exam results, and much more.
He took a loan of Rs.8 lakhs with 24% interest and Then he launched Paytm in 2011.
Trishneet Arora – TAC Security Solutions
Trishneet Arora is the CEO & founder of the company TAC Security Solutions. TAC Security Solutions prevents & investigates cybercrimes.
He authored a book titled “The Hacking Era.” Now, TAC Security Solutions is a global leader in this field. It protects leading enterprises and governments across the world.
Young Entrepreneurs in India Trishneet Arora started his career in a small way fixing computers & cleaning software. Today he serves many well-known companies. Some examples include Reliance Industries, Bharati Airtel, HDFC, and the National Payments Corporation of India.
He’s also worked with DHFL Pramerica, and others.
Sreelakshmi Suresh – eDesign Technologies
Sreelakshmi Suresh is designing websites in India. She is recognized as a good web designer there.
She is a gifted girl with the capability to operate a computer at the age of 3 years.
She is very much talented & at the age of 6 years, she developed a website of her own. Also, she developed a website of her school.
She started a design company at the age of 11 years in 2009. As the world’s youngest CEO and web designer, she holds a remarkable position. Her name is also included in the list of young entrepreneurs in India.
Sachin Bansal & Binny Bansal – Flipkart
Sachin Bansal along with his partner Binny Bansal started Flipkart in Oct 2007. The early version of Flipkart is Flipchart. Flipkart changed the face of the eCommerce industry in India.
Young Entrepreneurs in India Sachin Bansal worked on website design, SEO & Marketing. Binny Bansal cared about the supply chain, the technology & the back-end systems.
The COD – Cash On Delivery system was the major success factor for Flipkart. The customers welcomed the concept of payment against delivery. So, the customers are happy with the COD – Cash On Delivery system.
In 2014, Flipkart took over web shopping company Myntra.com and startups PhonePe & Letsbuy. Walmart acquired 77% of it’s stake in 2018.
Kamesh Goyal – Digit Insurance
Kamesh Goyal founded Digit Insurance in 2017 and it is one of the fastest-growing companies.
It is famous for customized as well as affordable insurance products.
Digit Insurance is very useful for customers in India and it got 500,000+. to customers.
Kavita Shukla – FRESHGLOW Co
The Freshglow Co company produces a simple & revolutionary product.
Kavita Skhula had spent several years on her idea of infusing spices into sheets of paper for getting a paper blend. This spice-infused fresh paper is a revolutionary product.
She had a very humble origin. This paper keeps food fresh and protects it from bacteria and fungi. She has 4 patents.
She is the youngest woman entrepreneur to receive the “INDEX Design to Improve Life Award.” This award is the world’s most prestigious design accolade.
The company has worked with the world’s top stores such as Walmart & Whole Foods.
Sriharsha Majety – Swiggy
Sriharsha Majety’s father runs a hotel business & his mother is a Doctor.
He completed his studies in BITS-Pillani & IIM Calcutta. He worked as an investment banker for a short time in London.
His first venture is Bundl, a logistic aggregator. It’s an online platform that helps SMBs connect to courier companies.
Then he started Swiggy in Bangalore in 2014. Swiggy is India’s first online food ordering system company.
The company got a good reputation for itself by offering recorded delivery times with a visual menu. It had 12,000 restaurants. It ranked number one in this field for its best average delivery time reputation of 37 minutes.
1. Who is the Successful youngest Indian entrepreneur?
Ponnusamy Karthik is a successful young entrepreneur in India. He is well-known for his work in property development. He operates in and around Chennai, serving customers. Since its establishment in 2016, his company, NFBD Group, has expanded into various businesses. These include import and export, business development, investment, real estate, and construction. As the chairman, A. Ponnusamy Karthik is a living example. Hard work and dedication can make anything possible in the world.
2. What are the top 10 entrepreneurs in India?
|Chairman and Managing director of Reliance Industries
|Adani Family (Gautam Adani)
|Founder and Chairman of the Adani Group
|Founder and CEO of OYO
|Co-founder and CEO of Lenskart
|A. Ponnusamy Karthik
|Founder and Chairman of NFBD Group
|Founder and Chief Executive officer of TAC Security
|World’s Youngest CEO and World’s Youngest Web Designer
|Founder & CEO of The FRESHGLOW Co
|Co-Founder and Chairman at Digit Insurance
|Vijay Shekhar Sharma
|Founder & CEO of Paytm
3. Who are the top 10 entrepreneurs in the world?
|Founder, Chairman, CEO, and Chief Technology Officer of SpaceX
|Former CEO of Microsoft
|Executive chairman of Amazon
|Co-founder, Chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway
|CEO of Facebook
|Chairman and Managing director of Reliance Industries
|Chinese business magnate and investor
|Chief technology officer of Oracle
|Larry Page and Sergey Brin
|CEO and president of Google’s parent company, Alphabet, respectively
|Chairman, CEO and co-founder of Apple
4. Who is the No 1 entrepreneur in India?
Deciding who the top entrepreneur in India is can be a matter of personal opinion. It depends on different things. But many people think Mukesh Ambani is a very important entrepreneur in India. He is the boss and the biggest owner of Reliance Industries. It’s a big company that does many things. It makes chemicals, refines oil, and works in telecommunications. Just remember that opinions about who is the best can be different for different people.
5. Who is the smartest Young Entrepreneur in India?
Deciding who the smartest entrepreneur is can be tricky. The significance varies based on your perspective and priorities. The young entrepreneur A. Ponnusamy Karthik is a well-known property developer. He serves customers in and around Chennai. He doesn’t sit around waiting for chances to come on his way. He possesses self-motivation and a definite sense of direction. He has a clear vision of his goals. Everyone may have a different opinion on who is the smartest entrepreneur.
7. Is Virat Kohli an entrepreneur?
In the fast-changing worlds of sports and business, Virat Kohli is seen as a great leader. He is also seen as a smart businessman. He goes beyond just cricket, creating a legacy that inspires people both on and off the field. He is also a successful entrepreneur. His journey represents disciplined excellence and smart branding. |
What’s the most practical method to store intimate investigation-such images, sexts, an such like
Sometimes I love to take pictures away from myself-photos that could be known as “morally comprised” or “medical in nature” or “graphically disturbing.” I tend to delete these types of images when my occasional system dysmorphia goes of wriggling so you can raging. My fear, of course, is the fact in some way pressing the small trashcan icon underneath my personal ergonomically direct selfie will not actually eliminate the scandalous test. For some reason, We concern, the fresh new “erased” photos shall be retrieved by hackers, trolls, or malevolent ex boyfriend-boyfriends. So i talked that have Jessy Irwin, a cyber protection researcher/specialist/evangelist with an interest in females protecting its investigation, their self-esteem, as well as their ass cleavage.
Jessy Irwin: If the there is read things over the past very long time, it’s this: women can be likely to be than simply males to get the target from on line discipline. Technology is disproportionately used to harass women. In some cases, it’s a good idea getting a private on the internet persona instead of having our view connected to all of our identities. While the ladies, i live-in a scene where spurned close passion, former family relations, abusive lovers, those who disagree as to what we have to state for the sites, or you aren’t good vendetta might one day want to would its poor.
Having strong OpSec, otherwise working safeguards patterns, is the best solution to prevent a few of the risks one to prove online- and it is a technique women to settle control over their identities, the studies, as well as their confidentiality. Being aware of a few of the crappy points that you can come across is vital contained in this https://besthookupwebsites.org/tr/flirthookup-inceleme/ era, as, with regards to the shelter and you can privacy, an ounce away from protection is truly really worth a pound (otherwise flooding) off lose. There are unnecessary instances to help you matter of former couples sending nudes in order to bosses, nearest and dearest, family, friends, and you may revenge pornography sites when you look at the you will need to need people off a beneficial notch by the destroying its reputation otherwise occupation.
Included in their OpSec to own sexting, some people refuse to post nudes that demonstrate the faces, but it’s vital that you remember that birthmarks, tattoos, piercings, as well as things close to you within the an image can be used to identify you
Whilst it might be nice to reside in a world in which girls or simply people in general did not have to consider its sexual photo and you can interaction used facing him or her, we simply are not around but really. Protection is actually a-two-way street: we expect businesses to protect the studies, but it’s necessary for us to do everything in our strength to take responsibility in regards to our own coverage, as well.
– that only survive my personal mobile from the internet/ strangers/reddit? Is it one thing just stars will be worry about? Many people you will claim that the best way to remain sexual information safer will be to never display any one of they after all, but we’ve viewed again and again one telling anyone maybe not to do something just does not work. So if you’re a person and you’re giving nudes to people, just be positively attempting to guarantee that those nudes-and you will one nudes you’ve gotten of anyone else-is safe.
- Have fun with a robust, novel passcode or code for both your cell phone, your computer, plus on the web accounts
- Encrypt the phone’s harddisk (whether or not it isn’t really already!) to completely protect its information
- Daily update your app, just like the which is the way the protection updates log in to your own gadgets
- Trigger one or two-basis authentication for your cloud characteristics or programs make use of to possess aroused photos
- Imagine just copying the smart phone into the desktop, rather than using affect-depending duplicate properties except if it encrypt their backups for you. |
Our fourth release. The discontinued whisky Inchfad, from the Loch Lomond distillery. It is a heavily peated single malt which takes its name from an island on the loch, which has the ruins of an 18th century distillery. The Inchfad is used for its peat, and smoky flavours in blends. This is a unique opportunity to enjoy this historic spirit.
150 bottles of the Alpha Inchfad, matured since 2007 in an American oak bourbon cask were released in July 2022, the day before the 150th open championship at St Andrews. The Loch Lomond distilled spirit has a golf heritage and is best undiluted to appreciate the bold whisky at a cask-strength of 53.8% |
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We have updated the school website with a range of SEND resources to support learning at home. These resources are to support families and children's learning at home.
These can be found under the 'SEND' tab and the resources are separated into the four broad areas of need:
There are additional general resources that can support at home (such as visual timetables, parental support services and other agency support).
If your child needs support or additional provision for remote education, your child's class teacher can discuss this with you or you can contact the school's SENDCo, Ian Williams. |
[whatwg] More questions about the DnD API
stef at epardaud.fr
Sun Mar 28 13:29:57 PDT 2010
I didn't get any reaction to my previous email unfortunately since I
think I brought up some valid points, but in any case I have some more
feedback, so I keep sending :)
I'm still trying to use the DnD for a real-world use, and keep hitting
problems. This is the HTML 5 draft at 7.9.4 Drag-and-drop processing
"From this point until the end of the drag-and-drop operation, device
input events (e.g. mouse and keyboard events) must be suppressed."
This looks crazy to me. First Mozilla doesn't limit this since I was
able to get a keypress event while dragging a node. I use this to change
the behaviour of the drag operation with control/meta/alt keys while
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lots of other applications (Open Office for example). We need to be able
to access key events while dragging. There might be a good rationale for
this limitation stated in the spec, but based on evidence of how DnD is
used in other applications perhaps it should be reviewed?
Personally I also use the key events while dragging to allow the user to
open folders in order to continue the drag operations inside, instead of
requiring them to drop the file in the folder, then open the folder and
drag it again to a subfolder.
I also have a question regarding DnD started in an external application:
since we get no dragstarted or drag events, how can we detect that
something wants to be dragged in the window? I want to highlight every
responsive drop points so the user can know which elements are valid
drop targets, but failed to get any meaningful interaction with
dragentered or dragover on the document, or body elements. Surely that's
a mistake from my part, but since I expect that it's going to be asked a
lot (when we don't get drag or dragstart events), perhaps it should be
mentioned in the spec?
Thanks for your help.
More information about the whatwg |
I Can Resist Everything Except Temptation is a celebration of the virtuoso of well-turned phrases and the master of the studied insult - Oscar Wilde. Indeed, so perfect were Wilde's verbal thrusts that his victims were often flattered to have been the cause of them. His needle-sharp rejoinders were repeated with delight - not least by Wilde himself, who took an artist's pride in his work. Yet for all that, his jibes were rarely cruel, for behind them lay great warmth of character, generosity of spirit, and a profound understanding of human life and its vanities. This book shows us why, more than a hundred years after his death, people of every age and from all walks of life are still drawn to Wilde's dazzling repartee and the wicked brilliance of his social observations, while his plays and stories continue to entertain and enthral succeeding generations.
I Can Resist Everything Except Temptation The Wicked Wit of Oscar Wilde - The Wicked Wit
Hardback (14 Oct 2010)
Not available for sale
Includes delivery to the United States
Out of stock |
Course Title: Show me the Money – Crowdfunding and other creative ways to get money for Small Business Owners
Developed by: Martin Brossman and Dan Scala
Video about the training: https://youtu.be/iTBSf4jGbGU
Case Study of success: Interview with an Award-Winning Local Business – OMGoodness Pimento Cheese https://youtu.be/QApBeq56Pdo
Course Description: Crowdfunding is one of many new creative ways of getting funding for small businesses. This class demystifies crowdfunding and other new ways to get money for small businesses today with a lower barrier to entry. You will learn the how-to of getting money for your business and what is the right funding to explore. Developed by Social Media and Small Business Marketing expert Martin Brossman and Small Business Funding expert Dan Scala.
Learning Objectives: Understanding the different new top creative funding ideas and which one is right for you.
Course Materials: Handout and extensive online resources of links to gain more knowledge.
Who is it for: Small Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, and Inventors.
Course Length: 2 hrs
Trainers and Developers Martin Brossman and Dan Scala
Martin Brossman is a leading authority on social media and online marketing. He is a business coach, consultant and dynamic trainer known for his insight and humor. A member of the National Speakers Bureau, Martin is a popular speaker on social media topics. He teaches at North Carolina Community College Small Business Centers throughout the state.
Martin offers customized coaching and training solutions for individuals and groups integrating social media, social networking, and reputation management strategies. An advocate for professional transparency, Martin is a catalyst for achieving powerful business results with integrity. An overview is featured on his website, ProNetworkingOnline.com.
His recent books, Linking Into Sales and Social Media for Business, provide guidance and resources for accelerating professional networking and marketing; both are available at Amazon.com.
Martin’s clients have included: IBM, SAS, GlaxoSmithKline, EPA, Women’s power networking, North Carolina Association of Certified Public Accountants, Professional Photographers Association of NC, Small Business Centers, Chambers of Commerce, Counties and Towns across NC…. to name a few.
Active Member of ASTD—American Association for Trainers and Developers, NSA—National Speakers Association
Recognition: 2007 Ron Hering Mission of Service Award, 2009 Ethel N. Fortner Writer and Community Award from St. Andrews Presbyterian College, RTP volunteer of the year 2001 by the Governor of NC & IBM Mean’s Service award, completed, Fonder of the KI Coaching: Coaching Certification Program, Founding member of UPSA of RTP, Certified & Registered Sales Professional (CRSP), Certified & Registered Sales Professional Trainer (CRSP-T)
Dan is the co-founder of the “Center for Excellence”, a learning and development center serving small business owners and entrepreneurs in the Raleigh area.
He holds a bachelor’s degree in Electronics Engineering from the University of South Carolina.
Dan spent 25 years working as an Engineering Manager in a variety of Computer companies.
Over the past 17 years, he has started up and grown several businesses and companies, including a management consulting firm, a commercial real estate development company, a business brokerage firm, 2 restaurants, a convenience store and 4 truck rental agencies.
He is a graduate of the Council for Entrepreneurial Development’s Fast Track 1 and 2 programs and has grown 2 of his companies to over the million-dollar mark . He currently serves as a volunteer member of the speaker’s bureau with the Raleigh Chapter of SCORE .
Dan currently spends his time dedicated to helping others interested in starting up and growing new businesses. |
The effect of music on recall ability of words and digits
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BA (Hons) in Psychology
Dublin Business School
Items in Esource are protected by copyright. Previously published items are made available in accordance with the copyright policy of the publisher/copyright holder.
The aim of the current study is to investigate the effect of music on recall ability of words and digits. A PowerPoint slideshow of sequences of words and digits was presented to a sample of 84 DBS Undergraduate students. Participants were allocated to one of three conditions; silent, vocal/pop or instrumental. In the two music conditions background music was played for the duration of the experiment. Participants had to recall the presented stimuli onto a recall sheet. The findings suggest that music has a negative effect on the recall of words but it has no significant effect on the recall of digits. The participants recalled digits better than words, across all music conditions and there was no significant difference in gender recall ability. Author keywords: words, digits, music, recall |
Know Our 1st Amendment
I wonder if those who voted for Sara Vance to represent them on the southern Kenai Peninsula know she is a “member(s) of the National Association of Christian Lawmakers, which works to elect Christian conservatives to public office and pass faith-based laws around the country” (Alaska Current, Oct. 9, 2023). That was not on her candidate platform, was it? Rep. Vance recently hired an Arkansas ex-lawmaker, Bob Ballinger, as her legislative aide who is also a member of the same Christian Lawmakers association. He advocates strict abortion bans, is against discrimination protections for LGBTQ+ folks and is a past legislator in Arkansas who lost re-election in 2022. I guess even Arkansas thought he was too extreme.
Rep. Vance holds a powerful position as chair of the House Judicial Committee where she can refuse to hear bills that often have to be referred to the Judicial Committee before being passed. In particular, bills that go against her sworn allegiance to the National Association of Christian Lawmakers.
Most are well-versed of their 2nd Amendment rights in the U.S. Constitution. It’s time for everyone to now study their 1st Amendment rights. “Congress shall make no laws respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…” is also known as the Establishment Clause guaranteeing the separation of church and state. The 1st Amendment also guarantees the right to freedom of speech, of the press, to peaceably assembly, and to petition the government “for a redress of grievances.”
We should all question why a legislative aide from another state can be hired to serve an elected servant in our state. Why should Alaskans pay a large salary to an outside resident? This Christian Lawmakers association they are members of has usurped a loving Jesus to fit their small, egocentric and cruel world view. My faith taught me that everyone is invited to the table, not compelled.
Alaskans don’t need an Arkansas extremist
Alaska House Judiciary Committee Members should have learned from Gov. Mike Dunleavy’s hiring of Donna Arduin (Kauranen) in 2020 as his director of the Office of Management and Budget, that hiring someone without any background knowledge of Alaska is not in the best interests of Alaska residents. Ms. Arduin created serious problems for the State that have still not been fixed, especially in education and the marine highway system.
Rep. Sarah Vance, chair of the Alaska House Judiciary Committee, has hired Bob Ballinger, a former Arkansas state senator who has no Alaska experience. He is the director of law and policy for the National Association of Christian Legislators (NACL). Rep. Vance is NACL’s State Chair for Alaska and its 3rd vice chair. The NACL provides model bills for its members to introduce in their own state legislatures. This includes a very restrictive anti-abortion bill and one to divert public school funds to private schools, which would violate the Alaska Constitution.
Legislators swear an oath to uphold our State and Federal Constitutions. NACL, based on Christian nationalism, is more a political movement than a religion. The group embraces conspiracy theories and Q-anon and does not align with the principles of our Alaska Constitution.
The House Judiciary Committee should follow “Alaskan hire” rather than Arkansas hire, and find someone who knows Alaska state laws and supports our Alaska Constitution. Hire an Alaskan for this position and let this extremist from Arkansas stay home.
To the Editor:
To Lela Ryterski’s question (Nov. 21) about the Constitution’s convoluted language on the Electoral College; the point is clarified by the 12th Amendment (1803): a presidential and vice-presidential candidate running on the same ticket may not themselves be residents of the same state. Hence, in 2024 we won’t see a Trump-DeSantis ticket as both men reside in Florida.
More clearly stated is the directive that “The Electors shall meet in their respective states…” Their only task is to reflect the popular vote outcome in that state. In each state the number of electors is equal to that state’s congressional representation.
When the electors have voted, “…they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the seat of the government of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate…” Votes from every state are to remain distinct.
Next comes the tally. “The person having the greatest Number of votes for President, shall be the President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of Electors appointed…” Today that majority is 270 electoral votes. But if no one receives an outright electoral majority, the open question goes to the House of Representatives, with each state delegation having one vote. Alaska’s vote would always be on a par with every other state vote!
Ryterski speaks of “majority rule” in a way that doesn’t exist in America. We don’t have a ‘peoples’ president; POTUS stands for “President of the United STATES.” With the Electoral College, Alaska’s majority popular vote will always speak for Alaskans.
The Electoral College builds a legal wall around each state vote count. That way irregularities in any other state can’t impede Alaska’s process. Americans remember the 2020 election controversies in a handful of states (Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin). Thanks to the Electoral College, election night tallies in the 20 bordering states: New Mexico, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Alabama, Indiana, California, Idaho, Oregon, Utah, New York, Ohio, Maryland, West Virginia, Delaware, New Jersey, Illinois, Iowa and Minnesota, were unaffected by those disagreements. Similarly, Alaskans need never take a back seat to anyone!
Thanks to the 100 Men Who Care
The Kachemak Nordic Ski Club wants to thank the Gary Thomas Project – 100 Men Who Care for generously donating this quarter’s award to the KNSC Jr. Nordic Ski Program.
KNSC is using the funds to buy skis and equipment for Homer youth. As of last week, we’ve distributed 225 pairs of skis with another 60 kids waiting for the delivery of new equipment (arriving this week). Based on past experience, we expect another 90-plus kids will sign up for Jr. Nordic before January.
We couldn’t do this without the community support both in donations, and by the many volunteers who groom trails, maintain equipment, put on races and events, and coach skiers young and old.
The rules we play by
Why did Sarah Vance appoint an Ozark attorney to advise the Judiciary Committee on whether Alaskan laws conform to her brand of religion?
I’m more worried about extinction than conforming to religious opinions!
I’m more fearful Jewish genocide will blow up the Middle East than Christ will come down to judge Alaskans on the “Godliness” of our rule book.
If these thoughts don’t make sense, then Google Vance and Bob Ballinger. They make less sense the deeper you go.
The Right can be so wrong,
(at $275 an hour)
Ranked choice voting gives candidates a chance
I enthusiastically support ranked choice voting and open primaries. These provide opportunities for the best and most favored candidates to rise to the top. I especially like that my second-choice candidate has a chance of being elected if my first-choice fails to impress enough voters. RCV promotes consensus instead of polarity and gives me hope that we can work together in spite of our differences.
Ranked choice voting eliminates compromise
Ranked choice voting allowed me to vote for the candidate of my choice for the first time in my life. And I’ve been voting since 1976. Until now, I’ve been obliged to vote for the least bad candidate I thought had a chance of winning, but RCV eliminated that need to compromise. Now, I can choose a candidate I truly believe in. The new system offers me a diverse candidate pool, resulting in a more genuine expression of democracy. Who doesn’t want that? Ranked choice voting offers us real democracy, more varied candidates, real choice.
Food locker helps local agricultural businesses
The Homer Farmers Market would like to thank the Homer Foundation for its contribution to the development of the Homer Community Food Locker. The food locker strives to address the lack of storage for locally grown products. It supports food security in our community by providing dry climate controlled storage for agricultural products including beehives, vegetables and edible flowers. Dry storage extends the availability of locally grown products and will help local agricultural businesses be more resilient for years to come.
Homer Farmers Market |
Pictory AI is a video production tool that lets you edit videos with text within minutes. It ‘s helpful for online course creators, social media marketers, bloggers, and podcasters.
It takes your blog post and instantly develops a video summarizing it using text from the blog post. You can select an appropriate template, aspect ratio, AI voice-over, text styles, background music, and branding to tailor it as you like. Best Free Video Editor For Iphone.
Quickly Convert Your Blog Posts Into Videos
Pictory AI is an online video production tool that utilizes artificial intelligence to convert long-form text into short branded videos. This software is ideal for marketers, course creators, YouTube channel owners and social media marketing firms who require to produce quality content.
Its easy and cloud-based to use user interface permits both pros and beginners to produce high-quality videos without any technical knowledge. Its features include blog site to video, script to video, text-based modifying, video highlighting, automatic captioning, and automatic summarization.
Utilizing Pictory AI can help you enhance your brand name’s social media existence and get more traffic to your website. It likewise helps you increase your website’s exposure by improving your search engine rankings.
One of the most effective methods to improve your blog’s rankings is by producing more video content. Numerous online marketers discover that generating premium videos is difficult and lengthy.
On the other hand, Pictory AI is a powerful AI-based video generator that creates short videos in a matter of minutes. It can turn your post into branded video clips that are optimized for social media sharing and improving your search engine rankings.
Its AI evaluates your written content and extracts the most important soundbites. It also immediately eliminates filler words and silences. It also summarizes your lengthy video to make it much easier for your audience to follow along.
The tool’s user friendly user interface makes it a perfect option for marketers, course designers, and YouTubers who require to produce appealing videos for their services. Its pricing plans start at $29 each month with 500 auto-generated videos. The Standard Plan is $49 monthly and includes 1,000 auto-generated videos. There’s a totally free trial version of the software available, too.
Easily Edit Your Videos
The tool’s user friendly user interface makes it an ideal choice for marketers, course designers, and YouTubers who require to create appealing videos for their companies. Its rates prepares start at $29 per month with 500 auto-generated videos.
Pictory AI is a terrific video editing tool that assists you create top quality videos from your blog posts or scripts. It utilizes sophisticated Artificial Intelligence to instantly transform your scripts into short videos that are simple for viewers to soak up and comprehend. It even enables you to include voiceovers and captions.
To get going, you can simply paste your post’s URL into the Pictory editor and enjoy it change. The AI will pick up the most important parts of your article and generate a video based on that.
You can modify your video by adding images, text, and music. You can likewise select from a wide variety of styles to offer your videos a distinct look. You can even change the typeface and color design to match your brand name.
Another fantastic feature is the capability to transcribe a video and keep or cut out specific sections. This is a convenience for busy specialists who want to produce a video summarization of a long discussion or webinar.
Pictory AI provides hundreds of cutting edge AI voice-overs that are prepared to use. They are classified into 3 types: woman, male, and child voices. You can likewise submit your own voiceover or record it in-app and auto-sync to the whole video.
Whether you are a business owner who needs to produce a great deal of material rapidly or a YouTuber who is struggling to find the time to produce quality videos, Pictory AI can assist you begin. Its powerful expert system technology will assist you turn your article into video material that your audience will love to share and see. If you want to check out the software on your own, there is a complimentary trial that will enable you to produce 3 10-minute long videos.
Best Free Video Editor For Iphone
Whether you are an organization owner who needs to generate a lot of material rapidly or a YouTuber who is struggling to find the time to produce quality videos, Pictory AI can assist you get started. Its effective artificial intelligence innovation will help you turn your blog posts into video material that your audience will enjoy to see and share.
Pictory is an incredibly basic video editor that deals with text, images, and videos. It automates the painstaking work of discovering proper stock video footage, transcription, captioning, and more, making it perfect for blog writers, social media online marketers, YouTubers, course developers, and more.
Pictory also sums up long videos into brief ones that are more matched for social media platforms. This function is particularly popular with online course developers as it can take a prolonged composed script and transform it into a short video that includes high-quality narration.
Including voiceovers to your videos can assist increase engagement and reach a bigger audience. This can be especially helpful for non-native English speakers who might have difficulty comprehending text. It can also make elearning videos more accessible to students who have learning specials needs.
With Pictory, users can select from a suite of realistic AI voiceover artists in various accents. These consist of US, UK, Australia, and Indian voices.
In addition, there are a range of modification features to make your video special. You can alter the pitch, time out, pronunciation, speed variation, and emphasize addition to get the voiceover that you want.
The software has 120+ voice overs and 20+ languages in a range of genres, consisting of explainer videos, product demos, elearning videos, commercials, and more. With a wide selection of choices, you’ll be able to find the best voice for your video in minutes.
With Murf, you can produce engaging voiceovers for your business videos, ads, and social media material. These are a fantastic way to construct brand name awareness, reinforce your company’s character, and reinforce your identity on social networks.
Quickly Caption Your Videos
If you wish to make videos with captions, Pictory AI can be your go-to tool. It’s a cloud-based platform that allows you to develop professional-looking videos in minutes, including captions and voiceovers.
You can utilize it to transform your long-form article into interesting video material with captions. These videos are terrific for SEO and can help you drive clicks to your original content.
To begin utilizing this software application, simply paste your article’s URL into the user interface and it will immediately transform it into a video that you can publish and modify. The AI will draw out bottom lines from the post and then transcribe it, adding audio and stock video footage as essential. Best Free Video Editor For Iphone.
The software application also enables you to include captions and subtitles to your videos, so it’s a fantastic method to guarantee that your audience can read them easily. This helps enhance engagement and typical watch time on platforms like YouTube, which are very important metrics for businesses.
Pictory AI can likewise be used to sum up lengthy videos into short highlight videos that you can share on social networks. This is ideal for webinars, podcasts, Zoom recordings, e-learning videos, and other organization content that you wish to share on social media.
When you’re finished with the video, you can utilize a basic editor to change the background, include intros/outros, and more. There are also choices to change the font styles and colors, so you can tailor your videos to reflect your brand name.
Pictory AI Review is an easy-to-use software application that can be used by anybody to turn their written content into appealing videos. You can sign up for a free trial account or select to update to a paid plan at your own speed.
Quickly Upload Your Videos
The software application uses artificial intelligence to produce videos that are appropriate and interesting to the audience. They can be utilized for marketing, item demonstrations, tutorials, or perhaps just fun videos.
They likewise transcribe text and subtitles so you can quickly share your videos on social media. This is a big advantage for marketers as it enables them to rank greater in search results page.
Pictory likewise provides over 3 million visuals that you can use in your videos, consisting of royalty-free stock images and footage. This is a big benefit over other video modifying software application, which tends to be more pricey and offer minimal visual alternatives.
You can likewise add music and AI-enabled voiceovers with simply a click of the mouse. They have a library of over 35,000 audio clips that you can select from, or publish your own.
They also have a great deal of different styles that you can personalize with your logo design, color pattern, and fonts. This makes it simple to brand your videos and add an unique look to them.
It also offers a range of pre-created animations and fonts that you can utilize for your videos. This is a terrific function for YouTube developers who want to add a more expert touch to their videos.
The rates strategy is based on how many videos you require to create every month. The fundamental plan starts at $29/month and includes 500 auto-generated video credits. The Standard Plan includes 1,000 video credits, and the Premium Plan has 2,500 video credits. You can likewise get a discount if you pay every year. You can sign up for a totally free trial to identify which plan is best for you. Best Free Video Editor For Iphone.
The tool’s easy-to-use user interface makes it a perfect choice for marketers, course designers, and YouTubers who need to create appealing videos for their organizations. Pictory AI is a terrific video editing tool that assists you create top quality videos from your blog posts or scripts. You can modify your video by adding images, text, and music. You can likewise pick from a broad variety of styles to offer your videos an unique look and feel. The Standard Plan comes with 1,000 video credits, and the Premium Plan has 2,500 video credits. |
Councilmember Sabra Briere, who represents Ward 1 on Ann Arbor city council, phoned in a report from her morning and early afternoon in Washington D.C. on the day before inauguration. She and her traveling companion (husband, David Cahill) had just finished lunching on pizza at the Congressional cafeteria. A brief review of the pizza comes after the jump at the end of the report.
Pizza, said Briere, was the only item on offer at the cafeteria by the time they arrived, having spent an hour and a half in line waiting to pick up their tickets to the inauguration tomorrow. When they had queued up for the tickets around noon, she said, the line was already well-formed. People had until 4:00 p.m. to pick up their tickets.
They’ll be leaving for the inauguration itself at 6:30 a.m. tomorrow, in order to get through security by 8:00 a.m. Weather forecast in D.C. for the festivities is for 17-23 F°. They’re prepared with long underwear and chemical handwarmers. Briere said she’d had no previous experience using the handwarmers, but thought they were the kind that needed to be broken so that the two chemicals could react. They’re supposed to provide heat for 5 hours.
Earlier today, Briere reported, they’d attended a reception for all Michiganders, whether they had inauguration tickets or not. She said they’d seen fellow councilmember Tony Derezinski there, along with Janis Bobrin (Washtenaw County Water Resources Commisioner – a title that was recently changed from Drain Commissioner), and Jerry Lax (former city attorney). Briere said she had taken pictures of anybody she could get to hold still. Mark Schauer, representative for Michigan’s 7th Congressional District, was there, she said, along with Debbie Stabenow, senator for Michigan.
Plans for later this afternoon included a reception hosted by John Dingell, congressman for Michigan’s 15th district. As far as the various lavish balls and banquets, Briere said they’d be giving those a pass. She was “too frugal,” she allowed.
So how was the pizza at the Congressional cafeteria as compared to local Ann Arbor standards? Briere gave it a C-minus – edible but not much to recommend it beyond that. |
The Revised Employees’ Minimum Standards of Housing, Accommodations and Amenities Act 1990 to Expand Coverage to All Employees and to Impose Other Additional Requirements on Employers & Centralised Accommodation Providers
Until recently, employers were only required to comply with minimum standards of accommodation in relation to employees employed to work on estates. However, the Workers’ Minimum Standards of Housing and Amenities (Amendment) Act 2019 ("Amendment Act") that came into force on 1 June 2020 has expanded the coverage of the Employees’ Minimum Standards of Housing, Accommodations and Amenities Act 1990 ("Act") to include all other employees in Peninsular Malaysia and the Federal Territory of Labuan.
In this Update, we examine the changes and the additional requirements that have been implemented by the Amendment Act. Employers are to take note of the following key changes that will be enforced by the Ministry of Human Resources from 1 September 2020.
On 12 August 2020, the Temporary Measures for Reducing the Impact of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Bill 2020 ("COVID-19 Bill"), which aims to provide temporary relief to reduce the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the effects of the Movement Control Order (“MCO”), was tabled for first reading in the Dewan Rakyat. The COVID-19 Bill has also been tabled for second reading in the Dewan Rakyat on 18 August 2020.
In a nutshell, Part II of the COVID-19 Bill provides temporary relief measures in relation to any inability to perform certain contractual obligations, while Parts III to XVII of the COVID-19 Bill provide for modifications and amendments to certain Acts and Ordinances which are transient in nature.
In this Update, we examine and summarise some of the key temporary reliefs proposed under the COVID-19 Bill and the effective period for such reliefs.
In Loganatham Maniam v Murphy Sarawak Oil Co Ltd 2 ILR 275 (Award No. 448 of 2020), the Industrial Court highlighted that sexual harassment not only encompasses physical acts but also includes non-physical acts such as the use of terms of endearment and the giving of personal gifts or attention, particularly where they are unwanted and go on repeatedly.
Permanent Employment - No Longer a Dream for Foreigners: Ahmad Zahri Mirza Abdul Hamid v AIMS Cyberjaya Sdn Bhd 1 LNS 494
The Federal Court, the apex court in the land, recently delivered a ground-breaking decision in Ahmad Zahri Mirza Abdul Hamid v AIMS Cyberjaya Sdn Bhd 1 LNS 494 confirming that it is possible for foreigners to gain permanent employment in Malaysia.
The judgment deals mainly with the question of whether the employee’s fixed term contract is, in reality, a permanent contract. In arriving at its decision, two key issues were raised:
- Whether a contract of employment renewed successively without application by the employee and without any intermittent breaks in between is a permanent contract; and
- Whether the need for a work permit by a foreigner is a material consideration when determining whether a contract of employment is a genuine fixed term contract.
The questions above were answered “yes” and “no”, respectively.
As the custodians of the country, Governments are entrusted with the responsibility to develop new public facilities and infrastructure, operate and maintain such public facilities and undertake significant upgrades to existing public facilities and infrastructure, to serve the needs of its people. Governments in developing and developed countries have sought participation from the private sector as an alternative additional source of development and funding. The Public-Private Partnership ("PPP") model provides Governments with the capacity to assess and manage fiscal impact whilst managing the risk transfer between the public and private partner in order to extract long-term value-for-money over the life of the project.
This publication serves as a guide to highlight the similarities and differences of the reasons and motivations for implementing the PPP model by the Governments of selected countries in Southeast Asia. It also sets out the framework and policies for government procurement adopted for infrastructure projects in these jurisdictions. |
“Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one. You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.
How do I go about following this command? How do I teach my children the Torah, and more specifically, how do I teach them as I homeschool?
I would like to share some tips on how I have tried to teach Torah to my children in the last 5 years. We’ve tried several different homeschool methods and found some that work.
On school days, we begin our day by reading Scripture together. Sometimes we have read directly from the Bible. Right now, we are reading from the Learn to Read Bible. Each child takes a turn reading a page or two, so I chose a simple reader for each of them to participate. You may also enjoy using My First Torah.
We then take the opportunity to discuss what we read. Some days we will simply go through the facts of the story, and some days we dig deeper and talk about how Torah applies to everyday situations. I am amazed at my children’s insights, and humbled as we discover areas where we still need work. Don’t be afraid of the trickier sections. We are instructed to read the Torah to even children and sucklings, and that includes the tricky parts. Even things like the niddah laws can be explained in a simple, child friendly way.
We usually do a writing activity to reinforce what we have just learned. Sometimes we simply do copywork from the passage. This is very easy when you use our copywork books in your homeschool. You can also simply have the child copy a verse or a passage into a notebook. This is what we have been doing to reduce printer use and keep everything simple with 4 in school now. Sometimes I have them write a sentence or a paragraph about the passage, a summary or a personal response to what they learned. This can be an incredible opportunity to see where they are at in understanding.
We occasionally pursue a topic sprung from our Bible reading. We might want to understand something cultural, or study a science topic, or learn about a civilization or person mentioned in the passage. To get an idea of how to do this, check out some of the posts at Torah School. They aren’t all done (We don’t have 40 hours in a day lol) but you’ll get the idea of how to study related topics from the passage. You can use Bible references, encyclopedias, non fiction books, the internet, etc. I often have them do copywork from a book on a related topic from our reading, ie a paragraph about plants when we read about the 3rd day of creation.
When we move on to other homeschool subjects, Torah is not left behind. History is probably my favorite subject to continue our Torah study with. I particularly use story based history so that we can analyze each person, each incident, and compare them with Torah. Ask questions like: What did they do right? or What could they have done differently? Did this choice show a value of life? You will be amazed and probably question what you thought you knew. Science is a great opportunity to show the wisdom of our Creator. Everything in our world was made for a purpose and illustrates Torah and the character of YHVH. The more we understand our backyard, the more we understand the mind of our Creator. We also learn about stewardship, kindness, and compassion. As we watch the mother bird care for her young, we teach our children what Torah says about not taking the eggs and the mother at the same time. We see a spirit of kindness even in our dealings with animals.
When the homeschool day is over, we do not shelve Torah. When two kids are fighting, we take them back to Torah. We ask, Would you want to be shoved? Then don’t shove her. We try to teach forgiveness, reconciliation, restitution. We combat complaining with a reminder that the complainers in the wilderness were put to death in a plague. (crazy how handy that one is!) (Ooops! I’m not supposed to complain either!)
At the end of the week, we enter the wonderful time of rest that we affectionately call Shabbat. This is perhaps the most focused time of Torah teaching. After a relaxed lunch, we all pile on the couch and chairs and I read the Torah portion in its entirety. We pause often and Doug helps me explain the passage. He has different angles than I do, and I love that we can complement each other and get a more complete picture. The kids often have questions, which we take the time to answer the best we can. Then we send the kids off to play so Doug and I can spend some time in a more in depth study of a topic we find interesting that week. It’s our chance to fill our tank back up. You can’t teach your children unless you have an overflow yourself. We have to keep learning and growing ourselves, and that just flows to our children throughout the day in everyday situations.
- Homeschooling Torah – This is an all inclusive curriculum based solidly on Torah. (affiliate)
- Children’s thematic studies from Tony Robinson – Help your children understand the connection between stories in the Bible, and how they point to the Messiah.
- Torah School – This website has links, ideas, and projects for further study of each Torah portion.
- Torah Class
- Ultimate Unit Study – this is an incredible resource that we have used. It shows you how to keep the Bible at the center of all your studies.
- Heart of Wisdom – This book will give you a better understanding of Hebrew versus Greek education and a plan for implementing it.
- Heritage History – This is my favorite source for story style history.
- Torah portion teachings – This is a list of websites with Torah portion teachings, by no means complete.
No matter what resources you use or what method works for your family, remember that you are completely capable of teaching your children about Torah. You have the Ruach Ha Kodesh always with you, helping you to explain and teach and pass down truths. Be sure to study for yourself. Seek out studies at your level. The more you understand, the better you can teach your children.
Happy Torah teaching! |
Experience a mysterious and beautiful world as you navigate dangerous terrain and come face-to-face with dinosaurs in an intensely realistic virtual adventure in Robinson: The Journey for the Sony PS4.
The End of a Voyage. The Start of an Adventure.
When the Esmeralda crash-lands on Tyson III, a boy named Robin is left stranded. He must rely on his wits – and HIGS, one of the ship’s AI units – to survive. As he searches for the lost crew and comes face-to-face with dinosaurs, Robin discovers that Tyson III is not the paradise once promised...
Immerse yourself in this stunning world and navigate dangerous and awe-inspiring territory on your quest to find what happened to the Esmeralda – and whether you really are the sole survivor.
Alongside AI unit HIGS and baby T-Rex Laika, you will become the first human to explore Tyson III, meet strange and extraordinary creatures and experience the intense realism of a virtual world powered by CRYENGINE.
Find the truth about the crash by searching for clues, and explore as the power of the Rift transports you to another planet!
- Interact with the terrain, foliage and creatures you'll encounter, from harmless herbivores to terrifying, immense apex predators.
- See this new environment through the eyes of Robin, a young boy whose spaceship has crash-landed on a mysterious planet where the Jurassic era envelops the entire world.
- Uncover the secrets of Robin's incredible surroundings and explore the unknown lands alongside HIGS and Laika - your AI and a baby T-rex companions-at every step of the journey. |
To make sure that policymakers are reminded of the challenges associated with migration, displacement, and planned relocation, NRC coordinates the Advisory Group on Climate Change and Human Mobility, which is a network of UN Organizations, research institutes, and civil society organizations advocating to keep human mobility at the centre of international deliberations.
These messages were developed by the Advisory Group on Climate Change and Human Mobility, with contributions from other civil society organisations, for the twenty-sixth session of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Conference of the Parties (COP 26), Glasgow, Scotland, 31 October – 12 November 2021.
Side event at COP26: "Climate Displacement: Towards a Pragmatic Global Response. Effective practices & perspectives of actors across sectors in regions vulnerable to climate change"
During COP26, NRC is co-organising with partners a side event on climate change and displacement. The event "Climate Displacement: Towards a Pragmatic Global Response. Effective practices & perspectives of actors across sectors in regions vulnerable to climate change" will be held virtually on 6 November 13.15-14.15 Glasgow time, GMT.
Different stakeholders from different regions will come together to present and discuss experiences from various climate hotspots, such as Bangladesh, Egypt, Fiji, Iraq and Syria, to explore untapped opportunities for addressing the challenges ahead and to highlight the importance of multi-stakeholder approach in enhancing resilience of displacement affected people.
Additionally, progress made under the UNFCCC’s WIM Task Force on Displacement will be presented.
People registered at COP26 can access the session via the COP26 Platform by joining the event under the COP26 Schedule. Additionally, the event will broadcasted on the COP26 Side Events YouTube Channel for the public. Please click here for public access.
For further information, please contact [email protected]. |
The poster of this video, khanzahir100, wrote that he was selected for a TSA pat down because of his name. He then stated that because his wife and children touched/ came in close contact with him the TSA had to pat them down as well!
There is no logical, reasonable explanation for the continued abuse of power coming from this federal govt and their thug airline security force the TSA towards children. They want to pat down someone because how their name sounds fine whatever that is something to debate about another time but last time I checked the TSA said they weren’t profiling based on name, race etc! So is it safe to assume the TSA is now profiling people based on their name, race etc? We were told people are selected for pat downs at random! If El-Al did this none of their flights would leave on time! Where is the data to support a 2 & 6 year old pose a threat to national security? Where are the reports of children this young bombing airplanes? How many 2 & 6 year olds have strapped suicide bombs to their bodies killing dozens? How many attacks are committed by children and toddlers in the US?
The 6-year-old is wearing leggings there is no way she has anything dangerous on her but the TSA feels the need to molest her? Take note of the brainwashing the 2 year receives where he is excited about receiving a sticker for submitting to the State! That is full-blown indoctrination to condition children to submit through a CHEAP reward system!
Mom’s and Dad’s WHY do you allow your children to be MOLESTED by the federal govt? Where is the outrage? To be silent is to speak!
The TSA needs to go or be completely revamped under the direction of El Al. Yes that’s right I said we should get the Israelis to head up our airline security they have clue! When was the last time they had a hijacking? Exactly! They are experts and should be brought in on how to properly run the TSA. Most of them are ex-military not rejects from mall security! (Sorry I’m sure there are some competent people in TSA but the ones I’ve encountered scare me where I wouldn’t want them patrolling my local mall!) We have thousands of unemployed men and women from the military who would welcome a job continuing the duty they swore to protect and defend. Why not have El Al train our military vets on how to screen air travelers and put them in airports instead of these rent-a-cops? Unfortunately this nation will have to endure more pain until people wake up. |
Six Portuguese universities were included among the 1,000 best in the world in the Shanghai Ranking, with Harvard appearing at the top of the list.
The University of Lisbon and the University of Porto appear between the 201st and 300th best in the world.
The University of Aveiro and University of Minho follow, among the 400 and 500 best, and the Universidade Nova de Lisboa and the University of Coimbra, between the 500th and 600th places.
With Harvard in first place for the 20th year in a row, North American universities remain at the top of the ranking.
Source: CCIPV / The Portugal News |
Mini salmon steaks with Ponzu
Cut salmon into one even block just like for sashimi. Sprinkle with a pinch of salt. Slice garlic cloves and fry until crispy. Grate white radish and mix with Kikkoman Ponzu Citrus Soy Sauce.
Preheat olive oil on the frying pan on a high heat and fry salmon on each side (to sear only surface).
Remove the fish from frying pan and leave for a short while to cool down. Cut into slices of chosen thickness and spread on plate. Garnish with garlic crisps, sprinkle with chili and serve with Kikkoman Ponzu Lemon with white radish for dipping.
Our Japas are designed as Japanese style tapas. Just double the amount of each ingredient and you can serve the fingerfood as a main course.
Recipe as PDF
Thank you for your feedback!
Let us know what you think
Click on the number of stars you want to give: the more the better! |
Without adequate sleep, you will limit the effect of HGH on your body and your muscles. The lack of adequate sleep will make your mind sluggish and you will struggle to concentrate. You will fall asleep faster and wake up earlier and sleep less, anadrol flashback.There is no such thing as a perfect sleep, hgh effect on body.It will be necessary to adjust your sleep schedule and find your daily pattern. Your sleep will begin at 8-10 hours, then 5-7 hours, 1-2 hours, 7-9 hours, and finally 15-17 hours. You must adjust your sleeping hours, rest periods and hours you work as an executive, hgh on effect body.There are many other important things that go without saying, such as maintaining your muscle strength, strengthening and conditioning your body, and eating healthy foods.But the basics are simple: get adequate sleep and take care of yourself with diet and exercise.
Winstrol stacks well with Anavar, and Dianabol, but mainly bodybuilders use winstrol with Testosterone propionate. Both drugs increase the body's testosterone production. DHEA also lowers LH and helps improve libido in women, winstrol fat loss results. As a result, a woman with low testosterone (or DHEA) may have trouble with orgasm, but she should not attempt with this supplement.Dione is similar to Dianabol, hgh unit. Like an anavar dose, it increases testosterone production without changing libido or inhibitions. Unlike anavar, however, Dione is a natural estrogen. When taken with Testosterone propionate, both hormones suppress a woman's sex drive and lead to decreased orgasms due to reduced dopamine level, zphc trenbolone acetate.Testosterone has a long history of being abused for its performance-enhancing action. Over the years, many companies have tried to enhance testosterone to keep the testosterone levels high and prevent the negative affects caused by low testosterone, winstrol xapia. One such company is Bio-Fertil, which is a subsidiary of Endo USA Corporation (Endocrinal). In the spring of 1999, after years of investigation of whether it was safe to give testosterone to athletes, Endo USA Corporation filed a patent for a pill that increased sexual performance and had no adverse side effects.Endo USA Corporation is also the owner of the steroid company Biogen, a group of private pharmaceutical companies which developed drugs to combat various ailments, including heart disease, arthritis, cysts and cancer.Despite that, Endo USA Corporation decided to patent the pill so that others who want to take it would not be afraid of lawsuits, winstrol xapia. The plan was to create a pill to help athletes gain a competitive edge, because when you think about it, a lot of competitive advantages are gained through increasing your testosterone level.The pill, called Propecia, contained two steroids: AndroGel (Androgel, a metabolite) and Propecia (an unproved steroid), winstrol fat loss results. They combined in a form that had a lower testosterone content. AndroGel alone did not have any performance-enhancing effects, but it was an excellent testosterone boosting agent.The pills were very popular with Olympic weightlifting athletes, so Endo USA Corporation marketed Propecia as the best testosterone boost available, winstrol fat loss results. The brand name was Bio-Fertil, although at the time it was simply called Testro-Aid, the trademark for which was purchased by Bio-Fertil.After the U.S. Patent Office rejected Endo USA's patent application in 2000, Endo USA Corporation moved to Canada.
Prohormones are Not Studied Enough: Neither steroids nor prohormones are studied enough to come up with scientific opinions about their usage and side effects for the long term.Dissatisfied with the research?The Bottom LineIt is often said to be tough to get a positive study on prohormones because the subjects don't know what to expect before beginning.While I believe there is some truth to this, I also believe that it was easier to get a study when the subjects were aware of what they might be getting. When the subjects knew what they were putting into their body, the study was easier to conduct than in the past.For example, I recall back when the first study on oral contraceptives was published in 1983. Before 1985 there was no way the public would have had any idea what they were taking. With the rise of knowledge, there was a huge amount of study going on in the field. And the public had no idea what birth control was, so it was much easier to get those studies done.Nowadays, when the study is done and there is enough research to allow people to make informed decisions, it is easy to get study subjects. The people who decide to be a part of their study include the families that want to have children, the health care providers, the school staff, and the other study participants.Because we now know so much about birth control, people may be more likely to use a birth control method. Therefore, studies may indicate a better long term outcome. And because the study allows the researchers to gauge the effects of birth control on both sides of the contraceptive debate, the results have a greater amount of validity as well as greater statistical strength. I strongly believe these types of studies are worth doing.What should I know?While I cannot give you a clear answer to one question on my head about this question, I will provide you with several tips you can take home to know if you are considering whether to use a birth control method or not.Before you use a birth control method, it is important to know your preferences and goals. Knowing your desires and goals helps you to determine the best birth control method for you.Once you have determined your desires, the first thing you should look at is what are your barriers to obtaining hormonal birth control? How many women have you had or are attempting to have children who are not getting the method they desired? Do you think it's a good choice or a bad choice?The barriers are the things in life that prevent you from using your preferred birth control method. If you don't have the abilitySimilar articles: |
Some of the BMW e46 three-series have been on the road for over a decade, as they were produced from 1999-2006. These high-mileage vehicles still perform as a BMW enthusiast would expect, but there are some problems that arise after so many years on the road. One such problem is the rear subframe tearing or cracking, which actually led to a class action lawsuit settlement in 2009.
This problem is common among heavily-used e46 Bimmers, especially those that were used for racing. But even a well-maintained vehicle could experience tears or cracks in the rear subframe. One of the signs to look for would be erratic handling at high and medium speeds. You should also listen for loud bangs, clanks or clunks coming from the rear of the vehicle when traversing moderately bumpy roads. In some cases these sounds could even occur on relatively smooth roads, so be aware.
A class action suit alleged that the e-46 three-series were prone to breaks in the rear-axle. BMW settled this lawsuit, and has reimbursed owners for the cost of repair. In a statement from BMW they said: “Under rare conditions the attachment points of the Sub-Frame may develop a fracture or crack. BMW has prepared an inspection, approved repair procedure, and reimbursement policy in keeping with the terms of the proposed class settlement. This settlement will only pertain to US residents and is not a recall of any kind.”
If you are experiencing troubles with tears or cracks in the rear subframe of your BMW 3-series, contact a qualified BMW technician for assistance. They will be able to repair the damages and may also have information on the settlement from BMW.
Search for a local, independent BMW repair shop with BMW mechanics that have dealer-level expertise at a fraction of the expense. |
An integrated nitrogen-sulphur fertilizer from OCI Nitrogen recognizable by its added yellow granules.
Dynamon stands out by combining nitrogen and sulphur fertilization in a single granule, resulting in enhanced nitrogen use efficiency (NUE). OCI Dynamon is hard, homogeneous, round, smooth, and dust-free, making it a high-quality and widely spreadable product, suitable for spreading over large widths exceeding 50 meters.
Benefits of Dynamon
- Increased nitrogen efficiency by combining sulphur in order to get a synergy effect
- Optimal N/S ratio for all crops
- Directly available nutrients for the crop
- Minimizes ammonia losses
- Uniform, hard, round granules with an even distribution of N and S
- Recognizable by the yellow granules that represent the always consistent quality
- Uniform spreading pattern over wide widths (>50 meters)
- Targeted supply of sulphur for optimal yields and high quality
Choose synergy for optimal efficiency
OCI Dynamon represents the ideal nitrogen-sulphur fertilizer, merging the advantages of an optimal nitrogen-to-sulphur ratio of 4 to 1 with the optimal share of a 50 % ammonium and 50 % nitrate based nitrogen source.
The application of Dynamon ensures a reliable supply of sulphur for most crops until the time of harvest. The positive synergy between sulphur and nitrogen results in optimal yield and high quality. |
Working In Global Health: Kirby Page
PIHer reflects on merging her career with her passion for advocacy
Posted March 4, 2021
For many PIHers, working in global health is more than a career—it’s a calling. Kirby Page, who joined PIH in 2019, has been passionate about social justice for years. Now, as part of the Global Policy & Partnerships team, the Texas native brings that passion into her day-to-day work, supporting and strengthening PIH’s global advocacy for health care as a human right. In her role, she shares vital news and updates in the advocacy space, strengthens systems for information sharing and collaboration, and helps lead the anti-racism core team, among other duties.
We caught up with Page, who is currently based in her home state, as part of our series Working In Global Health, which spotlights PIH staff who have dedicated their careers to making a global impact. During our wide-ranging conversation, we chatted about what drew her to a career in global health, how she advocates for diversity, equity and inclusion, and what new hobbies she’s been exploring lately.
You’ve worked with PIH since 2019, first as a coordinator with the Development team and now as a coordinator with the Global Policy & Partnerships team. What drew you to global health work? What inspired you to work with PIH, specifically?
I was actually really drawn to the social justice aspect of PIH’s work when I first joined. I had a long history of advocacy in the housing rights movement with Habitat for Humanity and was looking to work with an organization that aligned with my values. I found that and more with PIH, ultimately providing me with almost a secondary education in global health through working with and learning from our global colleagues.
What global health issues do you feel most passionate about, or most personally drawn to, and why?
For me, it’s maternal and child health. Every time I am confronted with the statistics of maternal and child health outcomes, such as that of 99% of maternal deaths occurring in developing countries, I am absolutely enraged. I want that rage to be funneled into dignified care for those we serve and those individuals beyond our reach. PIH’s patient-centered approach to care, paired with our government accompaniment work, seeks to address this at scale. Our approach is woven into our care delivery sites, advocacy and accompaniment—all working in tandem to push the needle forward on global health funding and capacity.
Global health is a vast field with many layers, nuances and complexities. What areas do you think we need to dive deeper into? What questions should we be asking?
The looming question for me is how do we intentionally support the patients and the mission of PIH in the most equitable way. I think the conversation around decolonizing our work and power structure as a global health NGO is so important to uphold. We have a ‘Decolonize Global Health’ working group that meets internally to discuss a path forward and analyze different readings on the subject. I do see a lot of internal interest and support for uncovering the various layers in this space.
What advice do you have for people looking to get into the global health field?
My advice would be to reach out to your global health heroes, for starters! Additionally, think about your personal impact and where it makes the most sense, from an equity lens. I think being conscious of and actively working against the power dynamics that many of us perpetrate in the global health field is a key consideration when working to save lives and improve health outcomes. Lastly, there are many avenues into the field of global health and it’s definitely not a one-degree-fits-all space—you will be able to find your niche.
What does Black History Month mean to you? What are some ways that you celebrate it?
For the past six years, I have been putting out a daily email series for the entirety of Black History Month. It wasn’t really on my radar prior to that. I mean, it was on the school curriculum, but that doesn’t really cut deep in the American school system and always left me feeling tokenized. The Daily Black History Month emails have really helped me reclaim the history and celebration of my cultural heritage and understanding. I have also found a deeper connection with Black History Month, and the Black legacy in general, in the communities I have built around me. I feel very blessed to have friends, colleagues, and family that reflect my lived experiences as a Black woman and support me in that, as I hope to do for them.
As we celebrate Black History Month, we want to uplift the urgent and ongoing work of advocating for diversity, equity, and inclusion within organizations and society at large. Is there anything you’d like to share about your work with the Anti-Racism Core Team or other efforts related to this?
The Anti-Racism Core Team (ARCT) at PIH emerged as an organic staff collective focused on racial justice, accountability, and—at its core—community. The way I see it, which is in no way the singular defining view, the ARCT is a means of protecting and cultivating the sense of community that makes PIH so special. The ARCT serves to provide staff resources, facilitate group communication, and map out internal issues to be addressed for PIH leadership. The team built a work plan to carry out the directives identified by the all-staff advisory groups in the summer of 2020 and have focused on building the frameworks for harm reduction and bolstering diversity within the PIH community. The Anti-Racism Core Team members and various other affiliated staff have worked tirelessly to achieve this and more. With community at the core, my hope is that the ARCT can serve to advocate, inform, and uplift PIH staff.
PIH has grown and evolved a lot over the past few years, especially since the COVID-19 crisis hit. Now, some of us are working from home. How has that been going? What’s your home office like? Anything you miss from the days of working at the Boston office?
The transition from the office to working from home would’ve been difficult even without the looming pandemic. I loved the social aspect of the office and often found some of the best partnerships through random conversations with coworkers. I have tried to mirror that with coffee chats and really intentional check-ins with folks, but Zoom fatigue is real. I recently moved home to Texas to ride out a few months with my parents, and I have been lucky enough to upgrade to a true office space from my initial haphazard office in the window nook of my bedroom at my Boston apartment. I am hopeful that I can, and will, return to the office and share space and memories with my fellow PIHers one day.
When you’re not working, how do you like to spend your time? Any hobbies or projects you’ve been exploring lately?
Being back in Texas has really allowed me to take advantage of the outdoors this winter. I have been frequently going on hikes or long drives with the windows down (which technically counts as the outdoors). In my adventures, I am constantly on the lookout for a good cow (Hereford is my favourite) or alligators, which aren’t hard to come by in southeast Texas. I have also really been enjoying trying new recipes and my newest hobby of cooking on the fly, which is just looking at food pictures on Instagram and recreating them without a recipe.
Every person, no matter who they are or where they’re from, deserves the best health care we know how to offer.
Join us in building a more just and equitable world by making a gift today. |
St. Barth Pink Clay and Passion Fruit Mask is a nourishing mask for all skin types. This wonderful mask has high mineral properties in addition to being an excellent astringent and tonic. It's unique absorbent qualities allow it to remove even the deepest impurities and sebum. This cream mask soothes minor skin irritations as well as stimulates circulation, helping the skin tissue to become tighter in appearance.
This irrefutable moisturizing treatment, perfumed with powdered rose mingled with fresh, fruity and tangy notes, soothes reactive or dry skin. This mask comforts sensitive or prickly skin and restores radiance to dull tint. |
Adoption of OSHA-approved State Plans, compliance legislation standards and enforcement policies have been implemented in over twenty-five states, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.
“In 2010, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reported that fatal work injuries involving falls decreased 2 percent in 2010 (from 645 in 2009 to 635 in 2010). Overall, fatal falls are down 25 percent from the series high of 847 fatal falls reported in 2007. Since 2007, fatal falls in the private construction industry have decreased by 42 percent. Fatal injuries resulting from being struck by objects or equipment were also lower, down 4 percent in 2010 to 402. " - US Department of Labor – Fall Protection
Stay safe: Remove the hazard or exposure to potential falls.
Assess risk: Assessing the nature and importance, particularly in the development of the single document risk assessment professionals, to identify actions to ensure the safety and health of workers.
Combat the risks at source: Integrating prevention as early as possible, from the design of equipment, procedures and workplace.
Adapt work to man: Design posts, choosing equipment, work methods and production to reduce the effects of work on health.
Consider the state of technological developments: Provide day to implement preventive measures in line with the technical and organizational developments.
Replace the dangerous by what is not or what is less so: Avoid the use of hazardous processes or when the same can be achieved with a method with less danger.
Prevention planning: Integrate into a coherent technology, work organization, working conditions, social relationships and environment.
Take collective protection measures: Use protective equipment only as a complement to collective protection or default protection effective collective.
Give appropriate instructions to workers: Give employees the information needed to perform their tasks in optimal safety conditions. This includes providing them with the necessary elements for understanding the risks involved and so their involvement in the prevention process.
Regulatory Compliance Legislation References
Note: Twenty-five states, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands have OSHA-approved State Plans and have adopted their own compliance legislation standards and enforcement policies. For the most part, these States adopt standards that are identical to Federal OSHA. However, some States have adopted different standards applicable to this topic or may have different enforcement policies. General Industry (29 CFR 1910)
National Regulatory Consensus
Note: The following are NOT OSHA compliance legislation regulations. However, they do provide guidance from their originating organizations related to worker protection. American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
A1264.1-2007, Safety Requirements for Workplace Walking/Working Surfaces and Their Access; Workplace Floor, Wall and Roof Openings; Stairs and Guardrail Systems. Sets forth safety requirements for areas where danger exists of persons or objects falling through floor or wall openings, platforms, runways, ramps, and fixed stairs, in normal, temporary, and emergency conditions. This standard applies to industrial and workplace situations and is not intended to apply to construction, residential, or commercial occupancies except where necessary maintenance or work station access may be required.
A10.32-2004, Fall Protection Systems for Construction and Demolitions Operations. Establishes performance criteria for personal fall protection equipment and systems in construction and demolition and provides guidelines, recommendations for their use and inspection.
ANSI/IWCA 1-14.1-2001, Window Cleaning Safety. International Window Cleaning Association (IWCA). Serves as a guide for window cleaners, regulatory agencies, manufacturers, architects, consultants, designers and building owners. Part A focuses on safety guidelines for the use of window cleaning access equipment. Part B is geared toward those who manufacture, distribute, design, install or maintain the equipment.
Z359.1-1992 (R1999), Safety Requirements for Personal Fall Arrest Systems, Subsystems and Component. Establishes requirements for the performance, design, marking, qualification, instruction, training, inspection, use, maintenance, and removal from service of connectors, full body harnesses, lanyards, energy absorbers, anchorage connectors, fall arresters, vertical lifelines, and self-retracting lanyards comprising personal fall arrest systems for users within the capacity range of 130 to 310 pounds (59 to 140 kg).
Other Regulatory Compliance Legislation Resources
Construction - Pocket Guide. OSHA Publication 3252-05N, (2005). Also available as a 285 KB PDF, 36 pages. Reports that nearly 6.5 million people work at approximately 252,000 construction sites across the nation on any given day. The fatal injury rate for the construction industry is higher than the national average in this category for all industries. |
At the end of July BMW will unveil (fully) their i3 – the first of the sub-brand to market, with the i8 not too further out. BMW has had journalists in the driver’s seats of the i3 recently (BMW i3: First Drive) and those reports are starting to trickle in and they confirm what BMWBLOG has suspected. This, while an eco-friendly electric vehicle, is still a BMW. The praise for the vehicles performance and handling underscores the attention BMW has paid to getting this vehicle ‘right’.
In discussing this car on numerous occasions with BMW personnel, it was always mentioned that this was a ground up build of an electric vehicle, and not an adaptation of an existing IC engined car for electric drive. BMW was adamant that they were not going to take the easy route and re-purpose an existing platform for the job. Instead they pioneered a process for forming carbon fiber re-reinforced plastic that significantly reduces time and energy inputs to create. That in turn allows for a significant reduction in weight.
The keys to perceived electric vehicle performance are range, rate of ‘refueling’, and acceleration. The rate of ‘refueling’ (re-charging) is dependent on the battery technology selected and currently Li-ion is the technology of choice. Range and acceleration are two sides of a coin. You can increase one at the expense of the other. What BMW has done is reduced weight (there is an approximately 670 lb weight difference between the Nissan Leaf and the BMW i3 for example) and that allows for the electric motor to be given a bit more room to shine and still allows the i3 to have a useful range.
Electric motors have been around for almost two centuries. And BMW builds their own, utilizing a hybrid synchronous design. The electric motor used is good for 170 HP and utilizes a single speed gearbox (to reduce revs to road speeds). The maximum speed of the i3 is restricted to 93 mph (150 km h) for power conservation purposes. One suspects that there is no reverse gear, rather the motor is spun in the opposite direction. There have to be a couple of lines of code that limit the speed in ‘Reverse’ to less than 93 mph though. Too bad . . .
Referring to the Nissan Leaf again, the Leaf utilizes a 107 HP electric motor, a 24 kw h battery pack, and achieves a 75 mile range. The i3 utilizes a more potent 170 HP motor, a smaller 22 kw h battery pack, and yet has a range at or greater than 80 miles (80 to 100 in BMW’s estimation). In addition where the Leaf takes almost 10 seconds to reach 60 mph, the i3 will get to 60 from a standstill in around 7 seconds. That is the beauty of less weight. And again it is BMW’s investment in state of the art carbon fiber production processes that allow for this.
Another facet of the i3 that will be novel for many is the interconnectedness of the vehicle with its surroundings. From the press release BMW says, “(The) i3 is the world’s first fully networked electrically powered car. No other model boasts such far-reaching exchange of information between the vehicle, its driver and the outside world. An embedded SIM card in the BMW i3 is the key that unlocks BMW ConnectedDrive services available to the new electric model. For
example, it introduces navigation services specially developed to enhance electric mobility alongside familiar features including the Concierge Services information facility and the intelligent BMW Assist TM eCall. Moreover, drivers can use the BMW i Remote app to share information with their car at any time using their smartphone. The pedestrian navigation function guides the driver from parking place to final destination and back, while BMW ConnectedDrive also offers unique intermodal route guidance as a world first, which incorporates local public transport connections into journey planning. The aim of this intelligent networking is to enable maximum driving pleasure in a car emitting zero driving emissions.
“BMW ConnectedDrive services specifically designed for BMW i focus on the areas of navigation and energy management. Range Assistant is engaged both for route planning and during journeys already under way. If the destination programmed into the navigation system is beyond the car’s range, the system suggests switching to ECO PRO or ECO PRO+ mode and calculates a more efficient route. If the driver needs to charge the battery at a public charging station, a list of available stations in the area is displayed. The navigation system of the BMW i3 also comes with a dynamic range display, which supplies drivers with exceptionally precise, up-to-date and reliable information on whether there is sufficient charge to reach their destination and, if so, how much power
will remain at the end of the journey. Many factors affecting range are considered in the calculation process, which is carried out on a BMW server and sent to the navigation system via the SIM card installed in the car. The range readout, presented in the form of a spider map on the navigation system in the central information display, is extremely clear.” This is getting into what a mere decade ago would have been science fiction.
Then there is one other item that bears some thought. With the i3 and the i8 BMW will have a good start to a set of vehicles in the sub-brand. What if we view the sub-brand in much the same way as M. There is an M3, M5, M6, and soon to be M4. And then there are the M branded M135i, M335i, etc. What if the same thinking was applied to the hybrid vehicles currently in BMW’s model range. If they are equipped with similar low rolling resistance wheels and tires as the i3/i8, additional aerodynamic tweaks, and specialized EcoPro modes you’d enhance their fuel economy and and allow them to utilize the sub-brand designation. You could end up with an i320d for example, or an i116i. The mind boggles.
Regardless, the i3 just may be the car that moves electric vehicles from the periphery into the mainstream. |
ou constantly identified yourself by the household, as a spouse, a mummy, and now a grandmother. However, our perpetual family members dysfunction provides meant that you have not ever been in a position to believe the part you would like to, I am also sorry your life has actually ended up in this way. Nevertheless, while the relationship to my father was an emergency, and my cousin seemingly have repeated your mistake of residing in a terrible relationship, which in turn features impacted your own contact with your own grandchildren, I unfortunately can’t be your saviour.
I am homosexual, Mum, although you might be never a pious fundamentalist, I’m sure the faith and tradition means a homosexual daughter does not match the dreams you’ve got for me, and for yourself.
I am approaching my personal 30th birthday, and the not-so-subtle ideas that you would like me to get married have intensified. I remember when you happened to be on a holiday to Pakistan after some duration back, you spoke to a female’s family with a view to complement generating â without my personal information. By your information, she sounded like precisely the sorts of individual I might be thinking about â a passion for personal justice, a physician â together with picture you delivered had been of a pleasurable, appealing girl. You actually roped within my dad, just who frequently stays out of these types of situations, to deliver myself an email, almost pleading with me to about look at it, as wedding to some body like the lady, he demonstrated, a “standard” lady, with “traditional” principles, could bring us a much-needed joy not noticed in quite a while.
My first response ended up being of anger that you had bandied along with my dad to aid curate an existence personally you wanted. Subsequently there is guilt that i possibly couldn’t supply everything you wished caused by my personal sex. In conclusion, I didn’t utilize this as a chance to appear, but neither performed We capitulate.
And my personal person existence features largely been described by that limbo â somewhere between sleeping for your requirements being honest with you. Never leaving comments on girls you point out to be marriage material for the mosque, but never agreeing whenever you swoon over some male celeb on a single associated with soaps you view. But that balancing act has additionally seeped into my life from the you, and possesses meant that my personal sex has become woefully unexplored nonetheless triggers me misunderstandings.
In-being thus cautious not to unveil my sex for you, I find myself getting equally mindful various other parts of my entire life as I won’t need to be. Since graduation, I’ve just emerge on some events. It became thus farcical at some point that on one significant birthday celebration, I held a party in which there is a variety of individuals I maintained, not every one of whom realized that I found myself homosexual. Close to the end of the evening, this effort at compartmentalising our existence inevitably arrived crashing down, and that I remaining in a panic after a pal from 1 camp unveiled my personal “key” in driving to friends through the different.
I’ve usually told my self that I would come out for your requirements as soon as I’m in a pleasurable, secure connection, but We worry that all of the emotional baggage We carry because of not-being truthful along with you means commitment is unlikely to take place. Arguably, cutting-off experience of everyone could be the ideal thing for our existence, but the culture imbues myself with a feeling of duty i can not abandon.
You’re a great mama, but what most non-immigrant friends never always realize usually even though it’s true that you want us to end up being happy, you desire me to end up being therefore in a fashion that suits into a world you realize. That undoubtedly changes between years, nevertheless chasm between first and second-generation immigrants can be too large to get over.
Maybe one-day i really could go with your own world, however for the amount of time being, I’ll always be the cause you at the very least partly recognise. |
by Robb Begg, CMO at Introhive
The problem with the obvious, old school metrics:
Clicks do not equal Consumption.
For years click-throughs have been the most important metric for marketers, but the intense attention paid to clicks has also slowly revealed some of its biggest problems as a measurement of audience attention.
There’s increasing evidence that while people may click, they didn’t necessarily read or watch your content and they almost certainly didn’t read or watch the whole thing. A recent Chartbeat study discussed on Time.com showed one in every three visitors spend less than 15 seconds reading articles they land on.
Likes do not equal Success.
If constant changes in the Facebook algorithm for what appears in users feeds is any evidence, chasing likes can be a less than efficient effort at best. There’s also evidence that a fairly significant number of likes may not be in your target market, even if your ads to get them were expertly targeted.
Follows and Shares do not equal Engagement and Credibility.
It’s important to measure what gets shared, but the aforementioned Chartbeat study also concluded that there is no relationship whatsoever between the amount a piece of content is shared and the amount of attention an average reader will give that content.
A lead does not equal a good opportunity.
So you’ve created killer content and perfected your SEO. Your website ranks high on Google and traffic is growing exponentially. What’s the first thing you’re likely to realize? You’re now facing down a dwindling lead to real opportunity ratio, and it takes even more resources to qualify the good leads from the garbage leads.
New metrics you can use to improve marketing measurement:
Web Attention Metrics.
The most innovative web properties are measuring things like time on page, how far readers scroll, and good old fashioned recall. YouTube and other web video platforms will even show you exactly how many seconds into your content people paid attention. Web attention metrics are a growing field of study and understanding, and now is definitely the time to begin tracking them and paying attention if you aren’t already.
Automated Lead Evaluation and Scoring.
As mentioned above, just measuring the number of leads isn’t the whole picture. It’s critical to start measuring whether those leads are of a high quality by tracking if they are in your target market, how strong a relationship exists between your company and the lead, and how likely the lead is to buy.
Relationship activity and trends metrics.
At Introhive, we believe that relationships rule everything, and right now they’re going mostly unmeasured and unmanaged. This is the problem we solve. It’s important to measure the trends and activity in relationships with the key accounts and companies you’re working with to know if they’re getting stronger or weaker. Lots of activity and a strong relationship score can be indicative of a sale that can be closed quickly while a weakening relationship might be a prospect that needs more nurturing. Relationship scores can be one metric to indicate the effectiveness of your content strategy and your awareness strategy.
As Introhive’s CMO, Rob Begg is responsible for making sure sales has the leads, tools, and awareness needed for success. Prior to joining Introhive, Rob was vice president of product marketing for salesforce’s Marketing Cloud. With almost two decades’ and five start-ups’ worth of marketing and sales enablement experience, Rob is often sought to speak and comment on social, content, and online marketing in high-growth business. |
Original Bluetooth Headset for Motorola XT702 XT701 MB860 MB525 A855 XT800
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This item will ship to these countries: |
Colourful, playful, romantic, and kitsch – the latest #thewindowat62!
Styled by Mathilda Rose & industry friends to celebrate the most romantic day of the year… Valentines Day. When I look through the window I feel like I’ve stepped into a fairytale book. So pretty and youthful. Enjoy. Lots of love xxxx
Thank you Danni Beach Photography, Cake Maison, Flowerbug Designs for being so utterly inspiring xxx |
Batman Arkham City Video Game Robin Maroon Leather Vest
A video game adapted from superhero Batman's sidekick Robin from TV movie and comic book series. The story includes fight of the superheroes along with their sidekick to instill peace in the Gotham city by capturing the enemies and placing them in Arkham Asylum. The notifiable character from the game is Robin who catches attraction due to the attractive burgundy colour of his jacket. The Robin vest is available in genuine leather and faux leather which helps to mimic the style of the game character. The Batman Arkham city Robin leather vest has a classic front zipper closure and for easy neck movement, V-neck collar is present. The Robin vest has a fitted quarter sleeve which helps to accentuate arm muscles and has open hem cuffs. The intriguing feature of the Batman Arkham city Robin leather vest is the padded detailing on the chest and upper waist of the jacket which lifts up the natural body shape. |
BREAKING: The club has been officially invited by professional side Halmstads BK, in Sweden, to participate in the Laxacup, one of the biggest academy tournaments in Sweden during the summer (July 23-29). The club will send select teams between the 2009-2006 ages groups. The teams will participate in a minimum of 6 games against academy teams from all over Sweden. FA Euro will be highly represented and gain exposure as the local TV and newspaper will follow our teams during the tournament.
“LaxaCup is a unique chance for our players to gain experience from a top European academy club that has produced talent that have went on to compete in the Premier League, La Liga and Serie A throughout the years. Because of the direct invitation from Halmstads BK, FA Euro players will get special treatment and be allowed behind the scenes in the academy and gain valuable experience from meeting and training with first team players and academy coaches.” - Johan Mauritzson, FA Euro youth coordinator and former professional player for Halmstads BK.
Competition Format | This three-day, play-off tournament hosts an age group that rangers from U11-U15 teams. Matches begins on Thursday (July 25th) and end on Sunday (July 28th). All teams will be scheduled to play 2 game a day and trophy presentations will follow the final game on Sunday to the top team in each flight.
Activities | Players will visit top academy club Halmstads BK of Sweden which includes more than just competing in the LaxaCup tournament. Players will gain valuable experience from learning how an academy in Europe operates, where they will meet full-time coaches, visit Örjans Vall stadium and meet first team players and thea head coach of Halmstads BK (14 out of 25 players comes from the clubs youth academy). The teams will also attend a professional game where Halmstads BK will face off against Brommapojkarnas IF. More Information will be revealed shortly. |
Telescope lenses continue to pique the interest of sky watchers, both amateur and professional, due to their ability to open up night skies revealing the vast mysteries of our universe. From nebulae to galaxies, no celestial body is beyond the reach of a telescope lens. However, it’s imperative to understand that not all lenses are created equal, and the size of the lens, particularly its millimeter specification, plays a cardinal role in determining the quality and nature of the views one can observe. This discussion delves into an examination of 10mm and 20mm telescope lenses, their unique features, benefits, drawbacks, and the scenarios where they excel, with practical examples to illustrate these differences, helping readers make an informed decision when selecting a telescope lens.
Understanding Telescope Lenses
Understanding Telescope Lenses
Telescope lenses are an integral component of any telescope, serving as the tool’s primary optical system. They work by refracting light to produce magnified images of distant objects, allowing us to see celestial bodies like stars, nebulae, and galaxies that are far beyond the reach of the naked eye. Essentially, telescope lenses are the “eyes” that bring the universe into closer view.
The Role of Telescope Lenses in Magnifying Celestial Bodies
Telescope lenses magnify celestial objects by bending incoming light through a process called refraction, thus enlarging the image your eye sees. They focus incoming light, with the objective lens (also known as the aperture) working to collect as much light as possible from the object being observed. The eyepiece lens, the one you look through, then magnifies the object in your field of view.
The Importance of Lens Size in Observing Different Celestial Views
In telescope lenses, sizes are classified in millimeters – typically referring to the aperture’s diameter. Size plays a critical role in determining how much light the lens can gather from the observed object, directly affecting its brightness and resolution. More considerable apertures will be able to collect more light and provide clearer and sharper images.
For instance, a 20mm telescope lens would have superior light-gathering capability and resolution compared to a 10mm lens, given the same telescope. This larger aperture means it can reveal more detail in the celestial bodies being observed, making it ideal for viewing distant galaxies or nebulae. Conversely, the 10mm lens might be more suitable for observing smaller and closer objects like the moon or planets within our solar system, providing enough brightness and detail.
However, choosing between a 10mm or 20mm lens also depends on other factors such as your viewing needs, the darkness of your viewing site, and even your telescope’s mount stability, as bigger lenses are often heavier. In summary, understanding sizes and roles of telescope lenses allows you to enhance your stargazing experience by choosing the best lens for observing various celestial bodies.
Detailed Examination of 10mm and 20mm Telescope Lenses
Understanding Telescope Lenses: 10mm and 20mm
Telescope lenses, also referred to as eyepieces, are crucial to the function and utility of any telescope. The measure (in mm) typically reflects the focal length of the eyepiece, with 10mm and 20mm being common sizes. The selection of the eyepiece significantly affects the viewing experience, influencing the field of view, magnification, and level of detail observed.
Function and Use of a 10mm Lens
A 10mm eyepiece provides high magnification, bringing objects closer and rendering them in higher detail than lower-millimeter eyepieces. This eyepiece is particularly effective to study moon craters, planetary surfaces, and other close celestial objects. The downside, however, is that it offers a narrow field of view, which means only a small portion of the sky can be observed at a time.
The 10mm lens is perfect for those interested in exploring detailed features of celestial objects. For instance, if you’d like to examine the bands on Jupiter or surface details on Mars in great detail, a 10mm lens would serve you well.
Function and Use of a 20mm Lens
One of the primary benefits of a 20mm eyepiece is its wider field of view compared to a 10mm lens. This makes it an excellent choice for beginner astronomers who want to explore broader sectors of the sky and for observing larger celestial objects like nebulae and galaxies.
The trade-off for this wider field of view is lower magnification, which means distant celestial objects might not appear in as much detail as they would with a 10mm lens.
Choosing Between a 10mm and 20mm Lens
The selection between a 10mm and a 20mm telescope lens largely depends on what you aim to observe. If you prefer viewing larger chunks of the sky, tracking moving objects easily, or observing large nebulae and galaxies, the 20mm lens is preferable due to its wider field of view.
On the other hand, if you desire to study celestial objects in great detail, such as inspecting lunar craters or Jupiter’s bands, the 10mm lens would be a better choice due to its higher magnification.
Equipping yourself with both eyepieces can be highly advantageous as it increases the range of celestial bodies you can explore. By simply swapping between the 10mm and 20mm lenses, you can adjust your telescope to suit your observing needs, be it wide-field viewing or deep-sky gazing in detail.
Drawbacks of the 10mm and 20mm Lenses
While both the 10mm and 20mm lenses have their unique benefits, they come with some drawbacks. The 10mm lens, although providing high magnification, limits the field of view, and inexperienced users may find it challenging to locate and track objects. Higher magnification also magnifies the effects of atmospheric instability and may lead to blurry images on some nights.
The 20mm lens serves a larger field of view well but is not as desirable for observing smaller, distant celestial bodies in detail. Lower magnification lends relatively poor resolution for distant celestial objects.
The debate between a 10mm and 20mm telescope lens is primarily dependent on personal preference and observation goals. Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each lens will allow you to make an informed decision and enhance your stargazing experience. Keep in mind that variables such as sky conditions, light pollution, and the telescope specifications also play a role in your viewing experience.
Having explored the detailed specifics of 10mm and 20mm telescope lenses, one can appreciate the unique features and the contexts where each lens excels. While a 10mm lens offers higher magnification power and is ideal for observing distant celestial objects, the 20mm lens captures wider celestial vistas with a lower magnification. Both lenses are instrumental in revealing the enigmatic wonders of the universe from our viewpoint, yet their usage is dependent on the observer’s particular interest, whether it be capturing wide sky views or focusing on closer, in-depth observations of distant galaxies. As the saying goes, “The beauty of the universe is in the eye of the telescope holder”.
I’m Ali. BestTelescopeReview.com is my little place on the web to express what I’ve learned first-hand, specially about the telescope part. I am writing these articles to share my love for astronomy with you. |
OBMWA is the name to know when it comes to finding and supplying the highest quality certified organic and biodynamic meat in Western Australia. So who is responsible for the success of this enormously prosperous company, which began as a co-op? Discovering this will require a sneak peek behind the scenes.
The Dynamic Duo Behind OBMWA: Andrew and Malgorzata
When it comes to sourcing and supplying the best quality certified organic and biodynamic meat in Western Australia, OBMWA is the name to trust. But who is behind the success of this highly successful business that started as a co-op? Let’s take a sneak peek behind the scenes to find out!
Meet Andrew and Malgorzata – a husband and wife team whose combined backgrounds in Sales, Marketing, Project Planning, and Managing have made them the perfect match for OBMWA. Together, they have been able to take the business to the next level and ensure that their customers are provided with the best quality meat possible.
Malgorzata: The Planner & Liaison
Malgorzata, or Mal as she is better known, is responsible for planning, liaising with producers and processing bodies, ensuring certification compliance, organising online orders, and providing excellent customer service. She is the friendly face customers interact with when contacting OBMWA. In her free time, Mal is a strong advocate for holistic health and well-being and is passionate about homeopathy and its benefits for a healthy body and mind. She also loves to relax, tends to the garden, and makes handicrafts such as sewing and macrame wares.
Andrew: The Logistics Wizard
As for Andrew, he has taken on the bulk of the warehousing and logistics work. This is no small feat, as he needs to travel between Geraldton, Perth, and the Greater Southwest carrying out the home deliveries. In addition to his work with OBMWA, Andrew also serves as the Fire Captain of the Local Volunteer Fire Brigade. He is well known for his dedication to his role, and his care and compassion for the local community. During his downtime, Andrew enjoys letting off some steam with a round or two of Jiu-Jitsu.
Life on their Small Farm
Andrew and Mal enjoy life on their small farm holding when they're not working. Located just out of Donnybrook, their rural family home is shared with their son, Daniel, two dogs, several chickens, and a couple of rogue sheep!
It’s clear why Andrew and Malgorzata's husband-and-wife team are so successful. With their combined backgrounds in Sales, Marketing, Project Planning, and Managing, they have been able to provide their customers with the best quality certified organic and biodynamic meat in Western Australia. On top of that, they are dedicated to making sure that their customers are healthy and happy. Andrew and Mal are truly an example of what hard work and dedication can achieve! They are looking forward to meeting you again soon. |
Many North Americans have never heard of it, but could an evergreen tree from India offer powerful health benefits… including the ability to fight cancer? The Neem Tree – whose biological name is Azadirachta indica (also known as Indian Lilac) – is an evergreen tree that belongs to the mahogany family. While neem is often used to make furniture, this tree also offers powerful anti-cancer and healing benefits.
Neem grows freely in the tropical and semi-tropical regions of India and the Indian subcontinent, including Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka. A. indica can also be found growing in Africa, the Americas, Australia, and the South Pacific islands. Its fruits and seeds are the source of medicinal neem oil.
In the ancient Indian language Sanskrit, the neem tree is called “Aristha” or “reliever of sicknesses.” In the Vedas (a large body of texts originating in ancient India, which make up the oldest known scriptures of Hinduism), neem is known as “Sarva Roga Nivarini” meaning “One that cures all ailments and ills.”
Neem is referred to as the “Miracle Tree” and because of its tremendous medical properties, the neem tree is also considered to be a “village pharmacy” in India. Extracts of neem leaves, twigs, bark, seeds, and flowers are integral components of many traditional remedies in the Indian medical system of Ayurveda. These remedies date back, by some accounts, nearly 5,000 years.
More than 60 different biologically active neem tree compounds have been identified and used for a wide variety of health and medical applications. Some of these include nimbin, nimbolide, azadirachtin A, nimbidiol, quercetin, and nimbidin.
The Many Uses of Neem
According to Ayurveda, the neem tree offers numerous health benefits. Let’s take a look at the specific uses and health benefits offered by various parts of the neem tree.
Neem leaves are reputed to possess antibacterial, antiviral, anti-fungal, and anti-malarial properties – which is why their extracts are used to treat skin infections, acne, boils, burns, and many other skin problems.Some traditional uses for neem leaves include:
he Anti-Cancer Benefits of Neem
Excitingly, naturally-occurring bioactive compounds obtained from various parts of the neem tree have been shown to induce “apoptosis” or programmed cell death in different types of tumor cells in laboratory conditions. Some of these compounds stimulate the immune system to fight cancer cells better. Neem compounds may also prevent cancer development by generating high levels of antioxidants and carcinogen-detoxifying enzymes.
Overall, neem compounds show impressive anti-cancer potential against many human cancer cell lines and animal models for human cancers. Among these are colon, stomach, pancreas, lung, liver, skin, oral, prostate, and breast cancers.
Anti-Carcinogenic and Anti-Mutagenic Effects of Neem
Over the last two decades, cancer researchers have convincingly shown that cancer formation as a result of exposure to certain specific mutagens and pro-carcinogens can be prevented by neem extracts.
As a result, these extracts and bioactive neem compounds may one day play a key role in the future development of chemopreventive anti-cancer agents.
Neem Stops Cancer Cell Growth and Migration
Researchers in India, Europe, and Japan have shown that bioactive compounds present in neem bark, leaves, and seed oil could be used to treat a wide variety of cancers.
For instance, a recently published study showed that nimbolide – a bioactive neem compound – was able to induce apoptosis in pancreatic cancer cells, to the extent that the size and number of cancer cell colonies was reduced by 80%.
Apoptosis or programmed cell death is a genetically driven process that happens naturally all the time in the body. It’s a safe way to get rid of diseased and dying cells without affecting nearby healthy cells and tissues.
Anti-cancer practitioners are also trying to eliminate cancer cells by inducing apoptosis selectively in them, without affecting normal cells. In this regard, neem is an excellent choice as neem extracts as well as purified neem compounds have been shown to cause apoptosis in cancer cells.
Nimbolide also reduced the ability of pancreatic cancer cells to migrate and invade other areas of the body by an astonishing 70%. Migration and invasion – known scientifically as “metastasis” – of cancer cells to other areas of the body is the main reason why pancreatic and other cancers are so lethal.
Pancreatic cancer is the most lethal of all, with 94% of patients dying within the first five years of diagnosis, with no conventional treatment in sight.
One of the most promising aspects of this study was that nimbolide did not harm healthy cells. In other words, using nimbolide to treat pancreatic and perhaps other forms of cancer in the near future may not result in the toxic side effects that chemotherapy and radiation typically do.
Neem Potentiates Anti-Cancer Drugs and Protects Against Their Toxicity
Neem preparations have been shown to potentiate (enhance the effect of) the actions of anti-cancer agents. They also provide protection against the life-threatening side effects of some of these very toxic drugs.
For instance, Cisplatin and 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) are well-known anti-cancer drugs with devastating side effects, especially because they also massively kill normal blood cells. Normally, another drug known as granulocyte colony stimulating factor (GCSF) is given along with these two anti-cancer drugs to try and minimize their toxic side effects.
Interestingly, pretreatment with neem leaf preparation (NLP) has been found to protect blood cells in laboratory mice treated with Cisplatin and 5-FU. This means NLP could potentially be a safer and cheaper substitute than granulocyte colony stimulating factor. GCSF is not only expensive, but is also known to promote angiogenesis and tumor development on its own!
Neem Enhances the Actions of Detoxifying Enzymes
Extracts of neem leaves have been shown to enhance the actions of so-called “phase-II hepatic enzymes” such as Glutathione S-transferases and DT-diaphorase. Both these enzymes are known to be involved in detoxification of chemical carcinogens.
Additionally, neem leaf extracts enhance the activity of various liver antioxidant enzymes. Amongst these are glutathione reductase, glutathione peroxidase, and superoxide dismutase, which are known to help in detoxifying the body.
Neem: Bioimmunotherapy Against Cancer
Boosting the body’s own immune system to target specific health risks is known as bioimmunotherapy. Anti-cancer practitioners have begun to incorporate this strategy to fight cancer. Recent studies show that neem may exert some of its anti-cancer effects by enhancing the body’s immune response.
Recently published peer-reviewed studies carried out at the Chittaranjan National Cancer Institute in Kolkata, India, showed that a bioactive protein from leaves of the neem tree prevents cancer cells from growing in mice by doing exactly this. Instead of targeting the cancer cells directly, this protein – known as Neem Leaf Glycoprotein (NLGP) – acts on immune cells present within the tumor’s immediate surroundings, known as the “tumor microenvironment”.
Normally, immune cells attack and destroy cancer cells. However, as some tumors grow, immune cells in their microenvironment become “enslaved” by cancer cells. In a bizarre role-reversal, these immune cells now begin to promote the growth and proliferation of cancer cells in the tumor instead of fighting them.
In a dramatic twist straight out of a thriller, NLGP seemingly returns immune cells in the tumor microenvironment to a more normal state. It makes them hostile again to cancer cells and prevents them from growing any further.
A good example can be found in one group of cancer-killing immune cells known as the CD8+ or “killer” T cells. When triggered by NLGP, the number of these T cells was seen to rise significantly, helping to restrict cancer growth. What’s more, these killer T cells also showed a greater cancer cell killing capacity when compared to killer T cells that were not treated with NLGP.
A Word of Caution About Neem
Various parts of the neem tree and its extracts have been used by humans for medicinal purposes for hundreds of years.While the uses of neem seem limitless, precautions need to be taken and neem products should be used with care. Indiscriminate consumption of higher than necessary doses may sometimes cause unpleasant side effects.
Some people are allergic to neem compounds – leading to itching, swelling of the mouth and throat, wheezing, and breathing difficulties. In very rare instances, some neem compounds may also damage the liver and kidneys.
Therefore, it is always advisable not to medicate yourself with any products containing neem extracts or neem compounds. Always consult a trustworthy alternative healthcare provider first, and be sure to apply or consume these products under properly qualified supervision.
The neem tree has been a source of safe and powerfully effective solutions for human health problems for many hundreds of years. Over the past few decades, modern scientific researchers have purified some of the active ingredients from this ancient “reliever of sicknesses” – and they are gradually beginning to understand their healing mechanisms.
There is now compelling scientific evidence that many neem compounds possess promising anti-cancer properties. In the near future, combinations of bioactive neem compounds, either on their own or given along with anti-cancer drugs, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy seem likely to become a reliable standard treatment of choice for many cancer patients.
Live your life without the threat of cancer. Go here to be notified each week about new, cutting-edge information that impacts your health.
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Timings: 08:00 AM to 08:00 PM
The Museum of Himachal Culture & Folk Art is one of Manali’s major tourist attractions. The museum is a treasure of collection of traditional heritage from different parts of Himachal Pradesh since 1990.
The museum of Himachal cultural heritage was established in in the year 1998, in Utopia Complex, Near Hadimba Devi Temple, Manali. The unique and extraordinary collection of unknown and rare antiques of Himachal Pradesh demonstrates the forgotten culture, art and handicraft.
The Museum displays models of temples, old houses and forts, traditional dresses, musical instruments, utensils, wood carvings and various other articles. This rare collection helps in knowing more and exploring as well as analyzing the history, tradition, art and culture of ancestors. The museum shelters a vast knowledge about the old days and is an excellent mirror that reflects the culture and handicraft of the state. The highlight of the museum is the traditional masks of the mountain state. The process of the mask preservation in the museum has earned itself name in the field of Art, Culture and Tourism.
The Museum of Himachal Culture & Folk Art has helped in the preservation of heritage, culture and handicrafts. In the museum, you can learn a lot about the early human activities in the state. Under a single roof the numerous cultures of Himachal Pradesh are preserved. The rich heritage of handicrafts in handlooms, wood carvings, stone vessels, utensils, house construction, and other day to day work of life. The museum has many intriguing exhibits. It offers an unrivalled opportunity for the research scholars in the field. Tourist enjoy the collection and take home fond memories. |
“Craftsmanship may suggest a way of life that waned with the advent of industrial society – but this is misleading. Craftsmanship names an enduring, basic human impulse, the desire to do a job well for its own sake. Craftsmanship cuts a far wider swathe than unskilled manual labor: parenting improves when it is practiced as a skilled craft, as does citizenship.” So writes Richard Sennet in his book The Craftsman, in which he underlines the natural instinct for humans to carry out skilled manual labour, whether they are doctors, lawyers or computer programmers.
While appearances may suggest that handicrafts are dying out, as a consequence of globalisation and technological development, in a world where stores and shopping malls offer the same things everywhere: the same clothes, the same shoes, the same smells, in a well-defined niche, a renaissance of craftwork is taking place.
“Artistic craftsmanship, by combining the senses of taste, beauty and dexterity, nourishes the creative industry that is a growing, energising and driving factor in the development of local economies in some of the most advanced urban areas in Europe,” writes Giovanni Bettarini of the European Union’s Innocraft project.
“It is of fundamental importance to keep crafts rooted in a network of city workshops and develop their multiple interactions with quality trade and tourism,” he adds.
Christmas fairs and weekend markets are open-air exhibitions of what countries can offer when it comes to local products. And young people are fighting for the survival of this art.
Basketry is last to die
“Serfenta exists so that basketry can live” is the motto of the Polish Serfenta association, founded in 2009 by a group of young people who care about the craft, the skills and the connections between tradition and the present day. The project started in Poland, but it soon crossed borders, seeking out basketry traditions in many other countries, inclduing Ukraine, the Czech Republic and Germany.
“Basketry is one of the oldest, if not the oldest, crafts in the history of humanity,” Paulina Adamska, head of Serfenta, tells Emerging Europe.
“This is also a universal theme, found everywhere in the world. We like the feeling of independence, self-reliant work, bringing to life, simplicity – all this is fascinating. What is more, we see the pleasure behind the creative use of our hands,” she continues.
Serfenta today organises many different activities to strengthen and allow basketry to thrive.
“Basketry in Poland is an occupation for the older generation, the masters who gained their knowledge step-by-step. This is very precious for us,” says Mrs Adamska.
“After years of experience, we’ve become convinced that direct support for artisans is the most effective method to ensuring this art survives. This means organising the process of sale and linking Polish producers with customers from the whole world. We’ve established friendly relationships with many craftspeople, which are essential in a business like ours. Thanks to our work, you can buy exceptional objects that used to be beyond your reach. Serfenta guarantees hand-made production based on Polish traditional design and the ideas of fair trade,” she explains.
007 wears Hungarian
Along with basketry, shoemakers represent another old tradition that is trying to survive. Hungary once had a thriving leather industry and a reputation for shoemaking. Unfortunately, after the Second World War shoemakers started to slowly disappear, and only a dozen or so are left. But today Hungary is home of one of the most famous shoemakers is in the world.
In fact, from his little workshop in Miskolc, a little town 100km from Budapest, Attila Kovács made shoes for Sir Roger Moore, alias 007, for an event that brought the actor to Budapest in 2010. For the special occasion, he inscribed the words James Bond 007 in the soles of the shoes.
Mr Kovács learned the job from his father who was taught by his father. Each pair of shoes takes 60 hours to be completed and thanks to this devotion, Mr Kovács took first, second and third place at the last European Championship of Handmade Shoes in 2016, an event held in Wiesbaden every three years. Besides, Mr Kovács always tries to mix modernism and tradition, including a typical Hungarian motif in every shoe he makes.
Handicrafts as a national brand
Local crafts can also shape the image a country has abroad. A tiny cute old lady sewing in front of a wooden house evokes positive thinking. And this was the dream of Elena Vechkanova, founder of the Three Snails Corporation, an online marketplace born in Ukraine and now linking more than 1,500 artisans from all over the world.
“I used to be a passionate traveler. When I was 26 years old I visited a new country or at least a new city every two weeks. And every time I met new people I had a problem to get answers about my country.” Mrs Vechkanova tells Emerging Europe.
“Some people knew about boxing and football players, about corruption and economic problems, but nobody could remember something really essential and nice about Ukraine. While France evokes Champagne or the Champs-Élysées, the Swiss banks, chocolate and cheese, the British royalty or their beautiful capital, I was always unsuccessfully searching for something good about my country. The truth was that we had nothing a nation could be proud of. And I dreamed that one day I would find something amazing about my country,” she says.
Her dream came true when she realised the great potential of handcrafts in Ukraine, a country that even in the 21st century, when the most of things are mass-produced and made of artificial materials, still keeps alive the craft traditions of its ancestors.
“Besides being natural and beautiful, those things were soulful and meaningful because the secrets of their manufacture were kept through centuries and created a very strong connection between generations,” she continues.
Unfortunately most of the people she talked to couldn’t make a living from handcrafts, being unable to sell online and consequentially being forced to move to a different country looking for better opportunities. But the numbers in Ukraine are encouraging: seven million people, 17 per cent of the total population, use different handicraft techniques in their daily life and 64 per cent of Ukrainian women make handicrafts as a hobby.
“I’m an entrepreneur by nature, the mom of two daughters and wife of a jewellery designer. I never did anything by hand. Instead, I always enjoyed sport and any kind of work which required management skills like hiring a team, organising sales and everything about marketing and advertising. And I learned that there should always be someone managing a business behind a creative person,” she says.
“This is because management is too much for creative people. Three Snails is all about the management. Artisans and producers are usually too busy with creating, they feel stressed when they try to sell or manage social media by themselves. Three Snails is a place where artisans can forget about photo shooting, sales management, logistics, advertising, client support in different languages.” The artisans pay nothing for these services as revenues are based on the commission taken from the customer after a purchase is complete.
“I started Three Snails like a dream for every small unknown artisan from any country to make his or her business big. But a few years ago I fell ill with multiple sclerosis. And in 2017 I underwent a six-month successful treatment programme in India. During my treatment I managed to visit continental and south India, Thailand and Bali. I’ve found that Asian artisans are also very gifted and also do amazing things and have the same problems with sales, because they don’t speak English and don’t know how to start sales online. And now I’m proud that Three Snails is not for Ukrainians only. Now it is a marketplace for the producers from undiscovered and unfamiliar countries,” she adds.
Due to economic problems, the local market for selling handicrafts in Ukraine is weak. Most Ukrainians are very cost conscious do not want to pay more for handmade objects.
“Because of the low margins and small sales volume, a lot of artisans and small producers close their businesses, being unable to make their living from it. The only way to make this sector survive is boosting their sales on the global market by letting Europeans and Americans know about the wonderful quality of real handmade goods,” she concludes.
Saving local crafts
Making other people aware of this market is a must if we do not want these arts to disappear. In 2017, the Heritage Crafts Association put together a list of endangered crafts, which totalled 165 in the United Kingdom alone. Local artisans today face many challenges related to recruitment, training and an ageing workforce. Therefore the Heritage Crafts Association recommends governments to take action to encourage local arts.
“Today, in the face of the ICT revolution and economic globalisation, we are rediscovering the value and dignity of manual labour, also as a source of employment and quality work,” says Giovanni Bettarini, underlining the importance of handicrafts in the contemporary world.
“New developments and trends in the post-industrial economy emphasised by the economic crisis of recent years are changing paradigms radically. The purely intellectual professions do not seem to offer a strong demand for labour while technological evolution might actually enhance highly creative skill in craftsmanship and decentralised production,” he concludes. |
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Returns: For any items to be returned, please advise our team within 14 calendar days of receiving your goods. You can either return the goods to us or we can arrange a collection. For full details please see our Returns & Refunds policy |
Are you tired of living in an apartment and ready to take the leap into home ownership? It’s a big decision, but it can be a great way to invest in your future. Here are a few things to consider before making the switch from renting to owning.
Benefits of Home Ownership
One of the main benefits of home ownership is that you build equity in your home as you pay off your mortgage. Equity is the portion of your home that you own outright, and it can increase in value over time. This can be a huge financial benefit if you ever need to sell your home or take out a home equity loan.
Another benefit of home ownership is that you have more control over your living situation. When you own a home, you can make changes and upgrades as you see fit. You’re not at the mercy of a landlord when it comes to making improvements or repairs.
Owning a home can also be a great investment. If the value of your home goes up, you stand to make a profit when you sell. And, even if the value of your home doesn’t go up, you’re still paying down the mortgage, which means you’ll have equity in your home when it’s time to retire.
Drawbacks of Home Ownership
Of course, there are also some drawbacks to home ownership. One of the biggest is the cost. Not only do you have to come up with a down payment, but you’re also responsible for ongoing costs like mortgage payments, insurance, taxes, and repairs. These costs can add up quickly, and they can be difficult to manage if you’re not prepared for them.
Another downside to home ownership is that it ties you down. If you need or want to move, it can be difficult to sell your home, especially if the market is slow. And, even if you do sell, you may not make enough money to cover the cost of a new home purchase.
Before you make the decision to buy a home, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons carefully. Home ownership is a big responsibility, and it’s not right for everyone. But, if you’re prepared for the cost and the commitment, it can be a great way to achieve your financial goals.
Pros and Cons of Renting vs. Buying
There are a lot of pros and cons to both renting and buying a home. It’s important to weigh all of your options and decide what’s best for you.
Renting has a few advantages. For one, it’s usually cheaper than buying a home. You also don’t have to worry about things like maintenance, repairs, or home ownership taxes. And if you need to move, it’s usually much easier to do so when you’re renting.
There are also some disadvantages to renting. For example, you don’t have as much control over your living situation. Your landlord could raise the rent at any time, or decide not to renew your lease. And if something needs to be fixed, you have to rely on your landlord to take care of it.
Tips for First-time Home Buyers
If you’re thinking about buying a home, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, it’s important to get pre-approved for a loan. This will give you an idea of how much home you can afford, and it will also help you get better interest rates on your loan. It’s also important to save up for a down payment, as this will help you avoid private mortgage insurance (PMI). Additionally, you should be prepared for the additional costs of owning a home, such as property taxes and maintenance. Finally, be sure to do your research and work with a real estate agent you trust to find the right home for you.
Making the decision to buy a home is a big one. There are a lot of factors to consider, and it’s important to do your research and make sure you’re making the right decision for you. If you’re thinking about making the leap from apartment living to homeownership, keep in mind the pros and cons of renting vs. buying, as well as tips for first-time home buyers. With careful planning and preparation, you can be on your way to homeownership. |
Every great story is actually the same story. Your story is no different.
As humans, we need this story to find meaning in our lives. To wake up with energy, thirst for more, and go to sleep with a sense of contentment.
How does this story play out?
The hero of our story is unassuming, living out their life.
Then, they are called to a quest or an adventure. A friend, guide, or mentor comes along and invites them to an adventure.
The hero is not always ready, and they might even refuse it. But through whatever circumstances, they begin their quest.
Soon, they come across their mentors, allies, and enemies (internal or external). The go through an ordeal, get their reward, and are changed in the process for the better.
This story has played out for centuries. Katniss, Harry Potter, Frodo, Luke Skywalker, Neo, Gilgamesh, and more have lived this story.
So are you.
The legal profession is filled with more opportunities than ever before - no matter the type of work you do or where you are in your career.
You’ve been called to this adventure.
Greater control, greater freedom, and financial rewards await - you truly can have it all.
But to get there, you need a plan. And unfortunately - whether in law school or in most firms - you are never given that roadmap for success.
And so we end up on a scattered journey.
Of course, it’s not your fault. You’ve been set-up to fail. What worked decades ago doesn’t work anymore. Or the sacrifices don’t seem worth it.
However, finding a road through these dense jungles has been our work.
It’s really simple. Master 6 critical things (all of which are very teachable), and you become the master of your domain.
Greater control, greater freedom, and financial rewards - you truly can have it all.
Or you can continue on your scattered path, hoping that things will work themselves out by chance.
The choice is yours.
We’re running free workshops next week about this very topic. We hope you’ll make the choice to embark on this adventure together.
We’ll help you understand the roadmap for your business development success. You won’t want to miss this one!
We’ll help you undue the damage of BD myths that you’ve been taught and that have been holding you back from the control, freedom, and financial success that you’re seeking. This one is going to be good! |
Exploring florida for fourth grade the library of congress teacher site a great resource site for teachers as it relates to history and government. Our selections include titles for both girls and boys who have a variety of interests. Actually contains enough information to teach 2 years suggested 7th and 8th grades. The renaissance in europe introduced revolutionary ideas, leading to cultural, scientific and social changes. This reading guide for pupils includes discussion questions and extension activities to enhance learning about immigration, community, and chinese culture. See more ideas about edward tulane, book study and kate dicamillo. Us history glencoe american journey active reading notetaking guide 8th grade 8 5 out of 5 stars. While the civil war deals with some hard issues, it is an important period of history for americans to study. Click here to access a site to download the textbook. The material is taught using an online textbook, assessments, and projects. Third person this story captures two critical social issues occurring simultaneously during the early 1940s.
This multifaceted paperless resource provides fun readytouse assignments that will work for any novel or short. Browse childrens social studies books at up to 30% off. This fall i am teamteaching with another mom who will be offering art and craft projects to complement my lessons in early american history covering the years 1600 1800. Social studies interactive notebooks in any classroom. This inspiring companion to the new york times bestselling book salt in his shoes captures the enthusiasm of sportsminded readers as they. Mcgrawhill networks 612 powerful and flexible standardsbased curriculum to spark inquiry and ensure social studies mastery.
Early american history printable resources amys wandering. It illuminates time periods, helps me integrate the curriculum, and enriches social studies. History, world history, world geography, and american government. Eighth grade social studies examines american history from the colonization of america through. The 8thgrade social studies curriculum is a continuation of the american history course taught in 7th grade.
Use this leveled book to help early readers develop confidence in their skills as they learn all about the parts of a. Why and how i teach with historical fiction scholastic. Aug 29, 2019 multicultural literature and social studies a 3rdgrade lesson plan. Sample social studies curriculum online mcgrawhill. Otherwise, you will be notified before your order is shipped. Gone are the days of boring book reports and reading responses. Youll find printables that promote tolerance and understanding, and lessons about immigrant families. Students will encounter lessons on colonial america, the american revolution, the constitutional convention, our. If youre looking for our additional resources on the u. The american journey, the american journey in graphic novel. Eighth grade social studies resources georgia public. Whenever a book gets added to our inventory, book fetch looks to see if it matches your request. If youre looking for our free united states history handouts to use with primary school.
Here is a list of books our teacher editors suggest for students in grade 8. Google classroom codes period 8 w1jp0i period 9 6wf5df6. If you use the holt united states history textbook in class, this course is a great resource to supplement your studies. Popularity highest rated most recent title relevance.
Explain the political, economic, and social impact of the slave trade in the americas. The american journey textbook john cooper hope charter school. American government, united states history, world history, economics, geography. In addition to our great prices, you can count on us for additional perks. Find the books you want all in one place and at prices youll love.
Now, you can use all of these amazing resources in your american history classes. Below you will find the login information for all core online textbooks. Why one teacher uses historical fiction in the classroom, tips for choosing good historical fiction, and strategies for helping students differentiate between fact and fiction. This list includes something for everyone, k through 12th grade. Some students prefer to read and complete assignments from the online. Gonzales, kristine 8th grade history student textbook. Galileo galilei and tibet through the red box were caldecott honor books.
The american journey, student edition mcgrawhill on. An activity guide to life in the new world handson history the southern. The textbook should be kept at home for the year for homework assignments and study. Be a part of our community by participating in the resource feedback program. Eighth grade eighth grade social studies examines american history from the colonization of america through the start of the civil war. Native americans sixth grade social studies questions. Course outline 8 th grade social studies united states history, 1865 present. Teach students to respect differences among people in their community and around the world by using the resources below for elementary, intermediate, or high school students. I have organized all of them perfectly into lesson plans and units for the entire school year in us history. This course focuses on the history of the united states from exploration and colonization to reconstruction after the civil war. Promote classroom discussion about laurence yep and dr.
Homeschooling middle school textbooks for sale in stock ebay. Ixl offers more than 100 eighth grade social studies skills to explore and learn. The american journey is a studentfriendly presentation of american history from preexploration to the present. For more of our free educational materials on this topic, click here. Art, reading, and writing activities will help familiarize students. These resources are amazing for 8th grade united states history but also work well from 7th grade to 10th grade or 11th grade as well. The south carolina journey is a textbook program that meets the 2011 stateapproved south carolina social studies academic standards for grade 8. Take a seat or get off the bus a unit for 5thgrade using the book mississippi bridge by mildred d. Early american history lesson plans and printables.
Students can expect to read each american girl doll book, in addition to. See more ideas about social studies, teaching social studies and teaching history. Its time for a new school year, and we are busy making plans for our homeschool coop classes starting at the end of august. Growing up behind the iron curtain was a 2007 caldecott honor book, and starry messenger. Master world geography in 7 months or less 3rd to 12th. Aug 10, 2015 these free early american history printables are a great addition to any history curriculum. The big ideas in eighth grade social studies include the reconstruction after the civil war, world war i and ii, the cold war, civil rights, central and south america and environmental changes. Explore colonial america 25 great projects, activities, experiments explore your world colonial kids. Cpalms florida social studies standards and course descriptions elementary social studies harcourt social studies series a link to our adopted kindergarten through fifth grade textbooks. Us history 16071865 resource workbook 6th 8th grade, 128pgs american history series by george r. In business since 1989, it is our mission to provide the best educational products to homeschoolers, parents, and educators at the lowest prices we can offer. I taught 1st grade for a year before moving to kindergarten for the next year, and teaching historical figures is handsdown the most fun ive ever had in the classroom. Select a standard code to see the aligned georgia stories episode.
Learn social 8th grade studies american journey with free interactive flashcards. Social studies language arts parent resources electives. I learn a lot about american history from this book. South carolina journey 8th grade gibbs smith education. Once you login using your regular username and password, go to the top of the page and click on courses and then select your class from the dropdown menu. Worldviews in conflict spain and the aztecs chapters 711. Miraculous journey of edward tulane novel study unit reading.
Free textbooks, mostly science and math 912 ck 12 textbooks. This includes puzzles, essay questions, readings with questions, and more. History in the indus river valley followed the same pattern as in sumer and egypt. Martinez, julie 8th grade history student textbook. Childrens social studies books for sale the scholastic.
Free printable social studies worksheets for students and teachers in kindergarten through high school. Jul 26, 2017 50 nonfiction picture books for learning about the world these nonfiction picture books will help you reach every students interest. Above all, it is my hope that these fun prompts will fill your students journaling adventures with joy, fun, creativity, and laughs. American history grade 6 7 or 8 curriculum bundle homeschool. Welcome to match fishtank, where you can view, share, and download the curriculum we use every day at match charter public school, the prek12 charter public school that we opened 20 years ago in boston. We currently carry over 50,000 quality educational products in all subject areas, for grades pk12 and beyond. See more ideas about westward expansion, social studies and 4th grade social studies. Renaissance europe origins of western worldview chapters 16 unit 2. The american journey, student edition 2012 mcgrawhill. We want to make your lesson planning journey easy, so you can focus on your expertise. Research conducted on the american journey to world war i in schools across the united states using quantitative and qualitative methods was collected and compiled to support the effectiveness of. Choose from 500 different sets of social 8th grade studies american journey flashcards on quizlet. Free homeschool curriculum, links and websites for kids.
Teacher created resources is pleased to offer free lesson plans for students in prek through grade 8. As in other regions, civilization along the indus river began with agriculture. We have correlated the georgia standards of excellence for social studies to our georgia stories video series. In july of 1963, william alexander, chairman of the department of education at george peabody college, was on his way to deliver an address at cornell university on the successes of the junior high school movement when his flight was delayed at laguardia airport in new. Syncblasts 612 engaging mediarich social studies supplement to build critical thinking, writing, and research skills. If you still have issues accessing the textbook, reach out to your students teacher for more assistance. Top reading comprehensions with most references to mexico mexican american war grade 6 antonio santa anna grade 6 mexican independence day grade 6 how mexico got its name grade 6 mexico living in mexico grade 6 mexico pancho villa grades 912 hernando cortes grade 8 guadalupe day in mexico grade 6 sweets for the sweet grade 6. Social studies the american journey grade 8 chapter 22. The book traces the states history from prehistoric times through the present and places key historical events and concepts in. The south carolina journey is an 8th grade textbook. Yeps the dragons child, a story that follows a father and sons journey from china to the united states. I hope you will share these journal starters and prompts with your precious thirdgrade students. Home about me class info 6th grade 7th grade 8th grade american journey contact me links american journey chapter pdfs.
Make this foldable to organize information from the chapter to help you learn. Then one night february 15,1898, an enormous explosion shattered the maine, killing 200 officers and crew members. At school, students will be using their own chromebook laptop computers and can access the online version of the textbook. An alphabetical journey through colonial america for kids.
Third grade lesson the miraculous journey of edward tulane day 1 of 8. Once you submit a book fetch request, we stay on the lookout for your book. Created by teachers 180 days of practice by kathy flynn, terri mcnamara, et al. The student textbook covers the history of south carolina from prehistoric times to the present, with an emphasis on how the states history coincides with the history of the nation as intended by. Now, you are just about to discover a most fantastic listing of 3rd grade journaling prompts. From world history to current events, our social studies books help kids understand the world. Reissued in scholastic focus, with an exciting new cover. Aki munemitsu is the daughter of japanese immigrants. Written by michaels mother and illustrated by barry root, this heartwarming picture book gives a rare glimpse into a sports heros childhood, emphasizing the role that good values played in his success. The outline for this book is based on the south carolina social studies academic standards emphasizing south carolinas unique history as one of the united states. Full curriculum k9 guest hollow little otters lesson plans. If you have having any trouble accessing the textbook online using the information below, first try a different browser to access the textbook chrome, firefox, edge, etc. Reconstruction and its aftermath 18651896 chapter 17 reshaping the nation 18581914 chapter 18 the growth of industry 18651914.
Grade 6 daily social studies workbook for classroom and home, cool and fun civics practice, elementary school level. Quickly and easily search our database of over 400 lesson plans by keyword, subject, and grade level. Opening doors to social studies with childrens literature. Full curriculum k12 easy peasy allinone homeschool. Chapter 1 chapter 2 chapter 3 chapter 4 chapter 5 chapter 6 chapter 7 chapter 8 chapter 9 chapter 10 chapter 11 chapter 12 chapter chapter 14 chapter 15 chapter 16. Students journey through the industrial age, immigration, the eras of reform and imperialism, world war i, the 1920s and great depression, world war ii, cold war, civil rights and the modern era. Click on the link below to access the online social studies textbook. Free social studies educational materials student handouts. Large collection of history and geography quizzes in test your knowledge. Free lesson plans lesson, teaching materials, teacher. This page contains our free printable standalone worksheets on the american revolution. In a republic, what species of knowledge can be equally important.
This american library association best book for teens is a modern mystery that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Grade 8 social studies course outline this course follows floridas next generation sunshine state standards for 8th grade social studies. Students will learn about slavery, famous americans from the civil war, famous battles, and how our nation stood together. A truecrime thriller the first book for teens to tell the nearly unknown tale of the brazen attempt to steal abraham lincolns body. Glencoe world history journey across time reading essentials and study guide. Online textbook powered by oncourse systems for education. Examine how native american culture changed as a result of contact with european cultures i. Geography and history features show students how geography and. Diversity printables, lessons, and resources teachervision.977 411 515 101 1022 222 959 1231 728 417 613 766 1246 1099 352 287 1216 293 1227 1235 790 832 945 8 68 1561 838 1160 276 97 738 907 1378 1450 1471 880 862 277 831 910 1298 847 540 |
'Move for MAAC' in May
Fundraising for Midlands Air Ambulance Charity
‘Move for MAAC’
Get moving throughout May to raise money for the Midlands Air Ambulance Charity, we are encouraging all our colleagues to clock up the miles for MAAC and see if as a team we can raise funds for this vital, lifesaving service.
Since 1991, Midlands Air Ambulance Charity (MAAC) have undertaken more than 70,000 missions via one of their three air ambulances, or three critical care cars, making their organisation one of the busiest pre-hospital air ambulance-led services in the UK.
The charity’s mission is to provide patients with outstanding pre-hospital care and lifesaving intervention at the incident scene. They attend up to 12 patients a day, responding to some of the most traumatic injuries including cardiac arrests, road traffic collisions and sporting injuries.
MAAC are also tasked to a whole range of missions where the expertise, advanced clinical skillset, specialist medicines and equipment they bring to scene can make a vital difference to a patient’s survival and recovery.
Each year, it costs between £11-12 million to maintain the three aircraft and the provision of a lifesaving service. The charity does not receive funding from the Government or National Lottery for its daily missions so relies entirely on the support and generosity of local people and businesses.
Donating through JustGiving is simple, fast and totally secure. Your details are safe with JustGiving - they'll never sell them on or send unwanted emails. Once you donate, they'll send your money directly to the charity. So it's the most efficient way to donate - saving time and cutting costs for the charity. |
A friend just bought a PowerMac G5 Dual Core 2.3 GHz. As a consequence he migrated his PowerMac G4 dual 1.25 GHz to his wife, who in turn gave me her ancient Power Mac G3/400 Blue & White "Yosemite," manufactured way back in 2000.
I asked if she wanted a receipt, but she said that knowing she had donated to the "Garbell Home for Wayward Computers" was sufficient reward. For me it would be our sixth Mac, and a candidate for an extra Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger machine.
Because it is the first G3 with built-in FireWire, Apple designates it as the oldest Mac that can accommodate Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger:
But as shipped, this G3 lacked one necessity: a DVD drive. The Mac OS X 10.4 installer only comes on 4.7 GB DVD’s. So I removed the original Apple-Sony CD-ROM drive and replaced it with a $29.99 Mad Dog DVD-RW (MD-16XDVD9-8X, from Outpost.com - Fry's #4636838).
The Mad Dog DVD nestled inside the elderly Power Mac G3, providing new teeth for Tiger.
The G3 was running Mac OS 8.6, and on reboot the old drivers recognized the new Mad Dog optical drive. I inserted the Tiger installer DVD and selected it in Startup Disk Control Panel. After restarting I held down the C-key to assure the Tiger DVD disc was chosen as bootable installer.
I launched Disk Utility from the installer's Utility menu and erased the G3's main drive, a 9 GB IBM SCSI-2. The Tiger upgrade then proceeded smoothly without any surprises. In fact, after the first Mac OS 10.4 start up, the G3 detected and configured an Airlink PCI gigabit Ethernet card I had placed in an available slot just prior to this exercise. (Although OS 8.6 detected this card as present, it had no compatible Ethernet driver to make it functional.)
I'd previously seen Tiger recognize these economy 10/100/1000 mbps network cards in G4's but was unsure if a G3 could handle it. A clear-cut confirmation came when Software Update eagerly presented me with seven patches, including the 10.4.6 update. Only with networking compatible with Apple's Web site could theses patches be defined, so the Mac OS X installer had acknowledged and configured the Ethernet card as a desired option.
These Airlink101 AGIGA32PCI cards do not include a Mac driver, but Mac OS X seamlessly addresses their Realtek chipsets. (Outpost.com - Fry's #3887837; http://www.airlink101.com). As with the Mad Dog DVD manufacturer, I've now written the Airlink vendor and encouraged them to designate "Mac OS 8.6 to Mac OS X 10.4" as within their "System Requirements," even without any specially added “Mac” drivers.
I intend to use this venerable Tiger G3 as a Tiger test box, and also as a personal file server to handle backups from my Power Mac G5 2.5 GHz dual processor, and from a couple of Windows PC's used by my family. Transferring data over our home's gigabit LAN is quite swift.
To enable File Sharing on a Tiger workstation, visit System Prefs > Sharing, and then select “Personal File Sharing” and (if you have PCs) “Windows.” |
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What are the areas that Free State Projects needs
volunteer assistance in?
A. We are open to your suggestions. Although we are officially a registered co-operative, the frameworks for our health, education, art, culture, tourism, agricultural (permaculture), complementary currency and building projects still need people. We are always looking for existing organisations to harness like worthy foundations like lutw.com and laptop.org so South Africans can start benefitting!
Q. Is the Free State Projects doing any projects in the Free State now?
A. No, we are active in the cities and finding funding as well as letting all our volunteers flow towards the areas that they would like to assist in. We have self assembled our general organisational structure, the online collaboration system and a better mailing list and are still looking at funding, university support, several spin off co-operative run for-profit projects, and other general things. This list is expected to grow and I suppose will serve as the to-do list that something to volunteer on can be chosen from. We are not yet active in the rural areas we want to be in.
Q. How many FSP volunteers are there?
A. Around 150, core team is 5. Please enquire about helping out! :)
Q. How can I get involved or some more info on the co-operative?
A. Email us if you want to volunteer or more info, please click on the "Contribute" page.
Q. How does the wiki part of the website work?
A. This sub-system crashed/was hacked with the loss of all data and has not yet been restarted. A big thank-you to the people who contributed, especially for the poems "Magick" and "Life is a Celebration".
Q. Is there more information on the logo?
A. Please click on any star to reach its info page. |
This is the 2023 BYD Han EV Genesis Edition. BYD is expected to launch a total of five models within the first half of March at a price range of 225,000 – 315,000 RMB (32,600 – 45,800 USD), which includes the introduction of two new models with 506 km and 605 km cruising ranges. The current 715 km premium model, 715 km flagship model, and 610 km four-wheel drive flagship model will remain unchanged.
The shape of the new car is basically the same as that of the current model. A new color called Glacier Blue is added to the existing selection of white, black, red, gray, and aurora blue colors. Additionally, the Han EV Genesis Edition is still based on BYD’s e-platform 2.0, but has also added features from the latest e-platform 3.0 such as integrated thermal management.
In the front, the sharp and long headlights are connected by a chrome-plated trim strip inlaid with the BYD logo.
Viewed from the side, the 2023 BYD Han EV Genesis Edition has a long front overhang and a short rear overhang with a body length of 4995mm and a wheelbase of 2920mm.
Other notable design elements include chrome-plated embellishments around the windows, hidden door handles, and five-spoke rims.
The rear adopts a through-type taillight design with a crisscross pattern, which is highly recognizable.
The interior also continues the design style of the current model with black and brown color coordination embellished with piano black and chrome trims. There is a double-spoke multifunctional steering wheel, a 12.3-inch LCD instrument panel, and a 15.6-inch floating rotatable central control screen.
Other interior upgrade includes 5G in-car connection, blind spot monitoring, a Dynaudio sound system, ambient lighting, heat pump air conditioning, NFC key, and steering wheel heating for the 715 km cruising range flagship model.
The 2023 BYD Han EV Genesis Edition powertrain options will remain the same as current models with single-motor front-wheel drive and dual-motor four-wheel drive. The front-wheel drive offers two options each with a maximum power of 163 kW (222 hp) or 180 kW (245 hp). The four-wheel drive has a combined power of 380 kW (517 hp) with a 0 – 100 km/h acceleration time of only 3.9 seconds. The battery comes from BYD Blade battery packs with capacities of 64.8 kWh, 76.9 kWh, and 85.4 kWh. Four cruising ranges are available: 506 km, 605 km, 610 km (four-wheel drive), and 715 km. |
The Adult Class
Come for one week. Come for all the weeks! This class is easy to attend and invite friends to. The content and speakers change each week, but a classroom facilitator keeps things moving along smoothly. Check back to see the weekly topics and updated descriptions. When you find a favorite presenter, be sure to see when they are next scheduled to speak.
All classes run on the Family Nite schedule: Wednesdays, 6:30PM-8:30PM. However, all presentations will end by 8:15PM so that, if you have elementary kids attending Kids Club, you can collect them at 8:15PM when Kids Club ends.
NC4 Senior Pastor & Golf Enthusiast
Jack is the senior pastor of NC4 and has been since its founding in 1982. His passion is for teaching the word of God, which he has done all over the world. He holds a BA in English Communications from Kings College and a Master’s in Theology from Moravian Theological Seminary. Jack acquired the nickname “Grubby” as a boy based on the pronunciation of his last name. He is affectionately known as such by family, friends, and the majority of his acquaintances. Jack and his wife, Trish, have been married since 1971. They reside in Center Valley, PA and have four adult children and eleven grandchildren. Jack enjoys golf, reading, languages, and history.
NC4 Associate Pastor & Coffee Master
Ian is a passionate teacher, pizza and coffee lover, and musical artist with a love for language and cultural study. He was born in Bethlehem, PA, but raised as a missionary kid serving in Betel in Spain from the age of three and the UK from age eight. He holds degrees in Hispanic Studies (BA, UCL), History of Christianity (MA, University of Birmingham) and Audio Engineering (SAE, London) and records hip hop music under the name Neuma. Ian was married to his wife Celina in 2009. They reside in Emmaus, PA with their daughter, Epifania (Nia), who was born in Czech Republic in June 2018, and their beloved Hungarian Vizsla, Aston.
Pulpit Team Member, Wife, & Mother
Delaina is a long-time member or NC4. She and her husband, Barry, oversaw the Children’s Ministry at NC4 Bethlehem for a season. Delaina is a member of the NC4 pulpit team and has preached at both campus locations. She has a heart for people, teaching, and making sure her college age kids are well fed on school breaks! She is a wife and mother to five kids and one special fur baby.
NC4 Associate Pastor & High School English Teacher
Mike Dunstan is an associate pastor at NC4. He and his wife Kendra live in Bethlehem with their two children Cade and Trinity. Mike has a background in youth ministry and was the youth pastor at NC4 for 14 years. He has a BS in Bible and BS in English Ed. from Cairn University and a Masters of Education from Wilkes University. Mike teaches English at Freedom High School and has been in the Bethlehem Area School District for 18 years. Mike and Kendra are passionate to see a vibrant family life across the Body of Christ and have hearts for engaging and expanding the Kingdom of God in everyday culture.
Blogger & Homeschool Mom
Bethany is a published author, active blogger, and homeschool mom. She has been a member of NC4 for over two decades. Married for fifteen years, Bethany and her husband live with their three children in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. She earned her Bachelor’s degree in English Writing from Eastern University, with a minor in Psychology and plenty of dance courses filling up everything else. She has been part of the NC4 Worship Movement ministry for more than twenty years and been a leader for the last ten. She has also been involved with the NC4 chapter of MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) and teaches creative writing classes to teens and tweens. Bethany enjoys writing, teaching, gardening, knitting and dancing. |
How can you bring in new customers on a limited budget? One such solution that you can start on now is called marketing via email. If you don’t understand the perks of email marketing to improve your business, read on! The following information will explain how your business can benefit.
Make emails as personal as you can. As with many other types of marketing, people are more likely to respond if they feel a personal connection with you. For instance, if you are aware of the reason a customer signed up to receive your emails in the first place, mention that in your communications with them.
Be certain you send correspondence only to those eager to receive it. Otherwise, you risk being known as a spammer. They’ll wonder whether they are interesting in what you are selling or not. This can result in them deleting your email, which would mean your time was wasted.
In order to make customers excited about your emails, try giving special discounts or promotions through newsletters. The readers are not only more likely to eagerly read the messages themselves, but they’re also more likely to pass the info on to friends. A good referral program can increase your number of customers.
You should always ask for permission before you add someone to your mailing list. Most people are inclined to ignore or delete messages from unknown senders and your efforts will be wasted. Sending emails to people who have not given you permission to do so may also violate the policies of your ISP.
Don’t spam your customer base; get permission to send emails. If you spam your customers you will find that you will never be taken seriously. You may lose many of your customers, which is the total opposite of your marketing goals!
It is good to ask individuals who want to get your emails to opt-in twice. While it may seem cumbersome, it solidifies their interest in your emails, and will prevent any issues with spam issues and complaints.
Try to send only one email campaign message each week. Your customers often will get several messages a day and are very busy in their lives. Sending more than one a week may make them skip or delete your messages without regarding your work.
Don’t send important information out around a major holiday. Your emails may get overlooked since many people aren’t around their computers at this time. This is not a hard rule and some holidays will require communications. For example, emails advertising a holiday sale or a Black Friday campaign will attract attention at almost any time.
The more choices you allow the customers to make, the better your marketing using email will work. This can include how much mail they will receive, how frequently your newsletter will be sent, and how much of their personal information they want you to have. Let your customers control the situation and you will build confidence in the trustworthiness of your brand.
Remember to include great incentives for your customers. When they have a reason to do business, they often will. For example, offer free shipping to customers who spend a certain amount after reading your marketing email.
Make email previewers work for you by taking advantage of preheader material. A preheader works by taking the initial line of email text and making it highlighted at the beginning. Many email clients, such as Google, use this line as a preview of the message and display it alongside the subject – making it a smart way to attract attention.
Let your customers know that their time is valuable by giving them emails that are full of good information. Respect the customers’ intelligence by only sending well thought out emails containing pertinent information, not merely sales pitches. In each email you should include a solution for a common issue, a innovative way to use products, or some type of special promotion.
Personalize and customize all of the emails you use for marketing. There’s much more you can do aside from just using the recipients name in the heading. Use all of the things you know about your readers. Divide your list into smaller ones with shared interests or priorities and make sure you draft messages tailored to their needs.
Right on the subscription form, tell your new subscribers about the emails they can expect you to send them. Make them aware of the exact type of emails you will be sending out, and how regularly you will send them. Your subscribers should not be surprised then by the emails you send.
As you can see, any business can utilize marketing via email techniques to get more customers for a fraction of the cost of most marketing campaigns. Marketing with email is so cheap that you would be a fool to not take advantage of it. Once you apply the tips from above, you will see results. |
Carleen Hutchins made it through 98 years. Passed away in 2009. We should all be so lucky. To find work that is gratifying enough to do up until the end is difficult. Mostly we tote that bale until we don’t have to anymore, and then retire to the bottom six inches of Satan’s shower curtain, otherwise known as Florida.
She had enough cred to get an obituary in the NYT, so I guess other people thought she was somebody. I would have anyway. One happens upon people like Carleen from time to time. I never knew she was alive until after she was gone. Your life overlaps with so many other lives, but you don’t often know it, or have the wherewithal to do anything about it when it matters. I began reading P.G. Wodehouse stories a while back. There was an other-worldly vibe to them, of course, and it was kind of jarring to think that I could have driven to Long Island when I was younger and waited on Basket Neck lane (I wrote that address from memory, I wonder if it’s correct; I can’t remember the town) and seen Pelham Grenville walking to the Post Office to mail his stories to the publisher. It’s like being told that Napoleon or George Washington or Shakespeare was at the pub just now, and you could go play darts with them if you hurry. But of course your interest in such people is of the rear-view mirror kind — Don’t it always seem to go that you don’t know what you’ve got ’til it’s gone.
I would have liked to talk to Carleen, but I only found out about her today. I may run out of time, but I’ll keep trying to make you all wish you had talked to me. |
Rezette, still holding Elise from behind, avoided showing his face to her. It felt as though they had rewound time to a few hours earlier when she had hidden inside the carriage, only hearing his voice.
Effortlessly, he removed the soiled dress. With each piece of clothing slipping from her form, it felt as though one more layer of protection had vanished.
In due course, only a delicate chemise remained on Elise’s body. With a delay, unease began to tighten within her chest. Her shoulders trembled visibly as the persistent scent of blood continued to assail her senses.
Despite having just left behind a grim act, the man still exuded his customary air of cleanliness and composure. However, beneath the surface, an unmistakable hint of blood lingered in the air, casting disorienting illusions before her eyes.
Elise had only glimpsed a fraction of the lifeless figure sprawled upon the grassy expanse, yet her fear had pieced together the gruesome tableau she had not directly witnessed. The lifeless head of the individual, laid out on the verdant field, and the man, impassive as he wiped blood from his blade.
He was someone who had remained silent about the affairs in the southern reaches of Grandel for months, despite being informed. A queasiness stirred within Elise’s stomach.
Rezette embraced Elise’s vulnerable form, her attire reduced to the slender chemise. “Were you startled?” he asked. His words carried a depth of significance, though they were not intended as an interrogation. He seemed to grasp the extent of what she had encountered outside the castle.
Elise bit her inner lip and lowered her head. “I’ve heard about your methods,” she admitted.
Rezette inquired, “From whom?”
“From Lady Pettison and Alfred… Sobeul,” Elise replied.
“You’ve said enough,” Rezette cut her off.
Elise murmured, “Don’t worry about it. You did the right thing.” Her concern wasn’t for the deceased; punishing the guilty was also a master’s duty. Eradicating the impure elements early and decisively was necessary.
Rezette noticed that Elise’s response was different from her usual willingness to be close to him. She felt as rigid as a log, a noticeable contrast to her demeanor earlier in the day. The reason behind this change wasn’t difficult to surmise.
A short while ago, he had taken several lives and engaged in a discussion about the survival of Genovia Irrien and Argan’s troops. She might have even witnessed the moment when his hands had been wrapped around her throat. Therefore, Elise’s final decision was something he had personally heard only moments earlier.
“I must heed the call, no matter when, no matter how…”
Ultimately, Rezette couldn’t deny that he had fallen into the snare of Genovia Irrien, that cunning woman. She hadn’t drawn Elise in with mere falsehoods but with stark truths.
His teeth clenched involuntarily. If he had only discerned her true intentions, he would have rebuffed her earlier, refusing to provide her with any leeway. His efforts to handle the situation discreetly, shielding Elise from any knowledge, had crumbled.
“It’s…just a matter of letting go of this misguided attachment. It’s not that complicated.”
Rezette couldn’t fathom what she needed to let go. Was it about severing emotions linked to their contractual arrangement? It seemed to align with her goal of setting things right upon hearing the news of Argan’s survivors. If she believed she could sever it easily, it was a grave miscalculation.
“Rezette, actually, I have something to say…” Elise began, but Rezette wasn’t inclined to listen, and he didn’t afford her the opportunity to begin speaking.
As she lowered her head, delicately nibbling on her earlobe, Elise had to stifle her breath. The peculiar sensation and the moist touch teasing her ear sent a momentary haze over her judgment.
“Today, we agreed to do it—ah,” Elise attempted to continue speaking, but she struggled to find the right words. Rezette’s hand, which had been encircling her waist from behind, began to wander upwards. Elise hastily closed her mouth to prevent any untimely sounds.
Clad only in the slender chemise, the warmth of Rezette’s body, pressed against her back and buttocks, felt vivid and demanding. As soon as Elise sensed his desire, she bit her lip.
She needed time to gather her thoughts. She had just discovered her path, and she wanted to carefully examine her plans for the future, perhaps even ask Rezette the questions she longed to ask.
Was he truly not on her side? How should she navigate their relationship?
However, only brief, fragmented moans managed to escape her lips.
A searing pain shot through the area where the large palm clenched her tightly. Yet, it wasn’t solely pain; an unfamiliar sensation she had never encountered before rapidly coursed through her entire body.
Elise instinctively cast a quick glance downward, her breath held. Her mind emptied.
“Rezette, Rezette…” Elise repeatedly called out his name. Her voice wasn’t just perplexed but also laced with astonishment. Rezette, with his other arm securely around her waist, whispered, “As you said, Elise.”
“There was something we decided to do today.”
The smoldering embers of anticipation that had been kindling beneath the castle blazed anew. |
I just got an e-mail from Jacque Cicchella, who is the moderator for the Geauga Catholic Teens for Life in northeastern Ohio. Jacque ordered a copy of our Pro-Life Curriculum for the club earlier this year, and I was eager to know what the club had been up to this summer. Here’s what she wrote:
Geauga Catholic Teens for Life is AMAZING! I can’t begin to tell you what an incredible blessing these teens are in my life, our parish and the prolife movement. We have 25 teens in our group with 8-9 “regulars”. We meet weekly, we have officers and we’re very official. We meet for two hours each week and our meetings include a Gospel reflection, a spiritual warfare lesson a prayer activity (Rosary for Life, Stations for Life, etc.) and then a life topic lesson (A big thank you for providing the life curriculum!). I am amazed each week as the Gospel reading, the spiritual warfare lesson and then the life lesson are all intertwined with a common message. This part is totally unplanned. It’s all the Holy Spirit!
We’ve been very busy this past summer. First of all, some of us meet on First Saturdays, joining with Knights of Columbus, HELP (which is our adult prolife group), and other prolifers from the area to fulfill First Saturday devotions at a local Abbey. Afterwards, we gather to pray outside one of our area abortuaries. Our officers and one of our members attended the Pro Life Youth Congress Leadership Conference. They had a chance to get to know other PLYC officers and members from across Ohio to enhance their knowledge of life issues and to plan for the upcoming school year. GCTFL volunteered at the Race for Life in Akron, Ohio, acting as human traffic cones to direct the race participants. We’ve also traveled to neighboring PLYC events through out NE Ohio to support our fellow PLYC chapters. GCTFL and HELP also participated in a day of remembrance at the Servants of Mary Shrine to honor the babies that have gone to Heaven early as a result of abortion, miscarriage, stillbirth or illness. It was a very moving experience. Upcoming events include: We’ve just spruced up our white crosses in preparation for our annual White Cross Project. White crosses will be on display outside our church the week of 8/29 through Labor Day. The crosses will then head out to three other local churches. We’re also gearing up for the Fall 40 Days for Life campaign (September), Life Chain (October) and a Baby Bottle Drive to collect change for area pregnancy centers (October). We’re also looking forward to the holiday season when we hope to spend some time on “end of life” issues, spending time at area nursing homes with our elderly brothers and sisters in Christ.
Great job, GCTFL! Keep up the good work!
- You can find out more about the Pro-Life Youth Congress here |
AppraisalWorks, a provider of real estate appraisal technology, announced its flagship AppraisalWorks appraisal management platform was verified by Freddie Mac, and added to the company’s list of Software Partners.
Real estate lenders who leverage the AppraisalWorks appraisal management platform for Freddie Mac’s new ACE+ PDR (automated collateral evaluation plus property data report) offering, benefit from the innovation of appraisal modernization that can result in quicker turn times, mitigation of risk, reduced cost and the advantage of a robust panel, ready at your fingertips to fulfill orders.
And for lenders already utilizing AppraisalWorks appraisal management technology, they can continue to benefit from streamlining administration of all real estate appraisal services, including management of vendor panels, onto one single platform.
“AppraisalWorks supports all aspects of appraisal modernization – from the new ACE+ PDR offering to Desktop and Hybrid appraisals in addition to traditional appraisal products, evaluations, and valuation solutions including Automated Valuation Models (AVMs),” said Ben Wiant, vice president of AppraisalWorks. “With AppraisalWorks, lenders will find the right valuation product for their specific need each time and a diversity of available vendor options to choose from, or, if a lender prefers not to manage their vendor panel, there is the option to utilize one or more of the growing number of appraisal management and inspection services companies available on the AppraisalWorks platform.”
There are many benefits in using the AppraisalWorks platform, including real-time communications, on-demand access to appraisal information and complete transparency throughout the appraisal process.
The Place for Lending Visionaries and Thought Leaders. We take you beyond the latest news and trends to help you grow your lending business. |
What is Environmental Studies In Context?
Environmental Studies In Context brings together periodicals and multimedia, empowering learners to critically analyze and understand important topics that affect people around the world. Explore topics and events such as Earth systems, global change, pollution, populations, and more.
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Andrea has worked in the medical industry for many years as a receptionist / practice manager. She began her career as a nurse and then moved into administration. Andrea enjoys the interaction with patients as well as her colleagues (and manages to do quite a bit of that). In her spare time Andrea is very successful in retrieving dog trials and enjoys creating new gardens in her rural property.
Originally from the mainland, Serena was a relatively new arrival to Tasmania with her family (but has been with us for 9 years now). She brings a wide range of experience across a variety of medical and allied health specialities as well as a love of all things Sci-fi and Fantasy.
Katrina is the latest addition to our team. She brings many years of medical administration experience with her, and is enjoying the challenges of the new role at Launceston Gastroenterology. |
How to inject some fun into your call centre
For some unlucky people working the phones in a call centre can be a hard dreary job and the hours just seem to crawl along forever!
But you won’t hear that from team members who have an amazing Team Leader who comes up with lots of different ways to create an environment that makes every shift upbeat and fun.
Amazing Team Leaders know that keeping their team’s energy levels up throughout a shift is really important because when people are feeling energised and having fun, it comes through in their voices when speaking with prospects and existing customers.
This energy keeps everyone positive, which is infectious and usually translates into better performances and more sales.
8 activities to create a fun call centre
Here are 8 activities (most of which can still be used even if you’re managing remote teams) amazing Team Leaders use to create a fun and upbeat work shifts that keep team members pumped and motivated to do their best.
I’ve used these activities myself in call centres I’ve run or consulted with around the world over the past 34 years, and you’ll find them really simple to implement straight away.
1. Background Music to Pump The Room
Amazing team leaders get the energy flowing and their team pumping by playing upbeat music in the background that team members select themselves.
You can also add a little competition by having a DJ of the Day contest by having the team member who hit a specific performance target play their favourite songs for a shift.
2. Theme Days
Having theme days like Halloween, Race Days or even Mardi Gras where everyone decorates the call centre and dresses up for the shift and brings in food to share is really fun for the team.
And, there are plenty of other special days like Mother’s Day, Father’s Day or Valentine’s Day that can be celebrated and bring fun into the job too.
3. Team Games
Playing games like Telemarketing Poker and Pass the Package or quick ones like putting a golf ball to win a prize are always popular and can be specifically tied to achieving targets within a shift.
Need some ideas? Here are three games to boost call centre performance >
4. Recognition Certificates
Handing out certificates for achievements like Best Operator of the Month or Highest Producer of the Week or Most Improved are always welcome and appreciated by staff.
Certificates can be handed out during pre-shift meetings or huddles or during gatherings of the whole call centre team.
5. Scratch it Cards
To get team members really excited throughout the shift use scratch it cards as rewards for achieving specific targets like one scratch it for each sale or appointment.
I’ve seen one team member scratch off a thousand dollars once.
You can image how excited that got everyone!
6. Bring in food!
Everyone loves free food whether it is an ice-cream cart, bagels, pizza or whatever.
Tie in free pizza for the team achieving its weekly target and watch the team go for it.
And, the pizza always tastes better when it’s as a result of hitting a team goal!
7. Celebrate Milestones
Celebrate monthly birthdays for all team members whose birthday falls into the same month.
Simply, pick a day in the middle of the month; have some cake and have everyone sing happy birthday!
Amazing team leaders also celebrate team member’s work milestones and anniversaries and give them certificates to recognise these events and are specific and genuine with their praise.
8. Team Building Events
Although not done during shifts, have team building events outside of the call centre like a Trivial Pursuit Night at the pub.
Go-cart racing can be a lot of fun or simply have dinner together.
Aside from having fun outside of work together, events like these lets people get to know each other better and strengthen relationships within the team.
No doubt there are plenty of other activities you could introduce, and if you want more ideas on creating fun and upbeat shifts – simply ask your team members!
Most of the ideas require little to no money, so a lack of budget is no excuse for not having a fun call centre!
More great tips and links:
- Read: 25 ideas to reward employees without blowing the budget
- Read: 5 Tips on how to inspire and motivate call centre employees
- Watch: How Contact Centre Managers can improve feedback practices
- Learn: Check out our courses designed specifically for contact centres
- Attend: Search all the upcoming industry conferences, webinars, workshops and more |
About the product
- Adjustable Embroidery Stand: Wooden embroidery hoop frame with 360 of rotation, adjustable angle and height, suitable for various specifications of embroidery hoop. The base of the embroidery stand is enlarged and widened, making it more stable to use.
- Exchangeable Hoop: You will never worry about if this embroidery hoop stand can use your own embroidery hoops or exchange the hoop size at will. (NOTE: The wood hoop is not included in this set, if you need, please dont forget to order it separately. )
- Premium Material: The embroidery frame stand is made of natural beech wood, good flexibility, durable, no irritating smell, but with a faint fragrance. Its the best choice for cross stitch and DIY embroidery kit.
- Helpful Cross Stitch Stand: The installation is simple, easy to disassemble and store, ideal for small embroideries, the design exquisite, the height of embroidery stand is able to adjust to a most suitable position, makes the cross stitch lover no longer be troubled by the cervical vertebra pain, fully enjoy your own hobby.
- Perfect Gift: This is an appropriate present for any handicraft lovers. This cross stitch stand greatly helps you free the hands and gives you the relaxed embroidery experience, especially for the old or those who suffer from wrist and shoulder pain. It can also be used to display your excellent works, putting everywhere you want, like living room, bedroom, dinning table, etc.
- Risk-free Purchase: We provide 24 hours online customer service and 90 days refund. If you are not satisfied, we accept full refund with no question asked. If any questions, please feel free to contact us.We are willing to help you solve all your problems.
No reviews found! |
We often asked how to balance governance rights among competing stakeholders in a nonprofit. We have blogged about the phenomenon of nonprofit hostile takeovers and the fact that no one owns a nonprofit. However, there is always control.
Although nonprofits generally lack shares that can be owned and transferred, there are many ways to ensure a level of control or influence over a nonprofit entity. The failure to effectively consider control and influence mechanisms can permit a nonprofit affiliate to disengage from its parent or a collaborative effort to fall apart. To avoid these problems, those seeking to control a nonprofit or balance governance rights among different stakeholders need to understand the available options.
Table of contents
Examples of Control and Influence Mechanisms in NonProfit Corporations
Examples of control and influence mechanisms that can be effectively applied to nonprofit corporations include the following:
Sole Voting Member Structures
Sole voting member corporations can be structured in a manner that approximates ownership. For this reason, it is a popular structure to use when creating a nonprofit subsidiary. For example, if a nonprofit is intended to serve as an affiliate to an existing nonprofit parent, the parent could act as the sole voting member retaining the right to elect, remove and replace board members as well as any other rights that make sense.
In addition to the rights that are reserved to the sole member in the governing documents, state law provides certain protections and rights to information for voting members of nonprofit corporations.
Reserved powers can be used to balance power among competing interest groups in a nonprofit corporation. For example, reserved powers require the approval of one or more members, delegates, or stakeholders to take certain actions such as removing a director, appointing a replacement, amending governing documents, selling substantially all of the assets, approving a merger, etc.
Many state nonprofit corporation statutes, such as Arizona’s, expressly permit a nonprofit corporation’s actions to be conditioned on the approval of a third party. The ability to grant approval rights to third parties is not as clear in some other jurisdictions.
Super Majority Votes
Super-majority votes require a higher threshold of agreement among board members or voting members to make key or controversial decisions. Supermajority votes can also grant a minority stakeholder an effective veto power over key decisions such as merging, dissolving, etc.
A proxy permits a voting member, delegate, or director to authorize an agent to vote in the member, delegate, or director’s place. The member holding the proxy votes not as the principal but as an agent of the principal.
A voting trust is a device for combining the voting power of voting members and delegates. A voting trust permits the voting trustee to vote as a principal rather than an agent such as in proxy voting.
It is not unlawful for such stakeholders to combine their voting rights for the election of directors so as to obtain or continue the control or management of a corporation. Most state statutes limit the duration of voting. In order to avoid the invalidation of a voting trust, the applicable statutes should be strictly complied with.
Dual Majority Requirements
A dual majority requirement is a requirement in the governing documents that both a majority of the nonprofit’s directors, as well as a majority of an affiliated organization’s directors, must approve a measure before the nonprofit can act on it.
Affiliated entities or individuals can be granted veto powers. As stated above, requiring super-majority votes in an organization with constituents from different affiliated entities can also create an effective veto power.
Granting certain governance rights to for-profits can be problematic under some circumstances as the IRS may view such rights as a precursor to self-dealing. However, divvying up rights among various 501(c)(3) organizations is rarely a problem and can help facilitate collaboration.
Ellis Carter is a nonprofit lawyer with Caritas Law Group, P.C. Ellis advises nonprofit and socially responsible businesses on corporate, tax, and fundraising regulations. Ellis is licensed to practice in Washington and Arizona and advises nonprofits on federal tax and fundraising regulations nationwide. Ellis also advises donors with regard to major gifts. To schedule a consultation with Ellis, call 602-456-0071 or email us through our contact form. |
Garbage Disposal Services
Garbage Disposals are essential appliances in modern kitchens. They help keep kitchens clean and prevent pipes from clogging with food scraps. However, like any other appliance, they are susceptible to damage or malfunctions. That’s why it’s important to know how to maintain, repair, and replace them when necessary. At Brothers Plumbing, we are a family owned plumbing company serving San Angelo and surrounding communities. Here are our garbage disposal services.
Garbage Disposal Repair
A garbage disposal is a simple but powerful device that grinds food scraps into tiny pieces that can pass easily through a home’s plumbing. Using a garbage disposal correctly is important to avoid damaging it or causing a clog. Here are a few tips to keep in mind.
- Always run water before and after using the disposal.
- Don’t overfill the garbage disposal.
- Use cold water when grinding food scraps.
- Avoid putting bones, coffee grounds, grease, and other hard or fibrous materials down the disposal.
- Never use your hand to remove material from the disposal.
Even if these tips are followed, a garbage disposal may still need repair or replacement. If you notice a foul odor, strange noises, or slow drainage, it’s time to call in a professional. The expert plumbers at Brothers Plumbing can quickly diagnose the problem and offer an effective solution.
Garbage Disposal Installation
If you’re thinking about installing a new garbage disposal, it’s important to choose the right model and have it installed correctly. The right disposal can save time and hassle in the kitchen, but the wrong one can cause more problems than it solves. Here are some factors to consider when choosing a new garbage disposal.
- Horsepower. The higher the horsepower, the more powerful the disposal. Choose a disposal with at least 1/2 horsepower.
- Noise level. Some disposals are quieter than others. If noise is a concern, look for a disposal with sound insulation.
- Size. Make sure the disposal will fit under the sink and work with the home’s plumbing.
- Price. Garbage disposals come in a range of prices. Consider your budget and choose a model that meets your needs.
Once you’ve chosen a disposal, it’s time to install it. Don’t try to install it yourself unless you have experience with plumbing. Brothers Plumbing can install your new garbage disposal quickly and safely.
Garbage Disposal Maintenance
Regular maintenance is key to keeping a garbage disposal running smoothly. Here are some tips to keep your disposal in top condition:
- Use ice cubes and rock salt to clean the blades and remove built-up sludge.
- Deodorize the disposal by grinding a lemon while running warm water.
- Avoid putting stringy, starchy, or hard materials down the disposal.
- Don’t use chemical drain cleaners, which can damage the disposal and pipes.
In addition to the tips mentioned above, there are a few other things to ensure a garbage disposal stays in good working condition. One of the most important things is to use it regularly. A unit that isn’t used often can become corroded and may eventually stop working. Running it once a day or so can help prevent this.
Another tip is to avoid pouring grease or oil down the drain. Even if you’re running the disposal, these substances can solidify and cause clogs in the pipes. Instead, pour grease and oil into a container and dispose of them in the trash.
If you experience a clog in a garbage disposal, there are a few things to try before calling in a professional. First, turn off the power to the disposal and use a flashlight to look for any obvious blockages. If you see something, use a pair of pliers or tongs to remove it. You can also try using a plunger to force the blockage through the pipes.
If none of these methods work, it’s time to call in a professional. Attempting to fix a garbage disposal yourself can be dangerous and may even cause further damage to the unit or the home’s plumbing.
A well-maintained garbage disposal can be a great addition to any kitchen. Following these tips and taking care of the unit, you can keep it running smoothly for years to come. And, if you ever need repair or replacement, remember to contact Brothers Plumbing for fast, reliable service.
Call Now for Fast Help
Garbage disposals are essential appliances for modern kitchens. They make cleaning up after meals easier and help prevent plumbing clogs. If your garbage disposal needs repair or replacement, or if you’re thinking about installing a new one, contact Brothers Plumbing. We can help keep your kitchen running smoothly and make the cleanup after meals fast and easy. |
We’re working to spread word about a Colorado company that has designed dishware aimed at helping families chart an easier path to healthy living by watching their food portions at mealtime.
Livliga — a name that comes from a Swedish word meaning lively, vibrant or vivid — sells dining ware and serving utensils for children and adults. Every piece has unique indicators to help people visualize and consume appropriate portions as indicated by a recipe or single serving size noted on a package. The company’s dishware set for children is accompanied by a book, Sammie & Sax in the Land of Quinoa: The Search for a Balanced Meal, that aims to teach healthy eating for kids in a fun, engaging way.
Livliga_kids_blue After creating a prototype of the dishware, Livliga’s founder, Sheila Kemper Dietrich, and her husband, Walter, lost more than 50 pounds each. They’ve worked hard to share their weight-loss strategy with others.
Indeed, Americans could use help establishing healthier eating habits — which are good for mental health, too. Consider:
More than one-third of American adults, or about 78 million people, were obese in 2009-2010, according to the Centers for Disease Control. A Duke University study forecasts that 32 million more people could be obese by 2030.
The average American dinner plate has grown by almost 51 percent since 1900, with plates expanding from 9.6 inches to nearly 1 foot in diameter. At the same time, so have serving sizes sold by commercial entities. Think Big Gulps and super-sized fries.
Livliga offers a 16-piece service for four that includes dinner plates, salad/luncheon plates, bowls and mugs. Four-piece, individual place settings also are available. For more information, please visit www.LivligaHome.com. |
In the fast-paced world of modern transportation, vintage bicycles stand as charming relics of a bygone era. These timeless pieces not only evoke nostalgia but also tell a fascinating story of innovation, cultural shifts, and the simple joy of riding. In this exploration, we’ll dive into the world of vintage bicycles, uncovering their historical significance, popular models, restoration adventures, and their enduring appeal in contemporary times.
Historical Significance of Vintage Bicycles
The Evolution of Bicycle Design
Vintage bicycles are not just modes of transport; they are a testament to the evolution of design and engineering. We’ll take a ride through history, exploring the transformative changes in bicycle design that have shaped the way we pedal.
Cultural Impact of Vintage Bicycles
Beyond their mechanical aspects, vintage bicycles have left an indelible mark on culture. From influencing fashion trends to enabling new forms of recreation, we’ll examine the broader cultural impact that these two-wheeled wonders have had.
Popular Vintage Bicycle Models
Classic Road Bikes
Classic road bikes are synonymous with vintage charm. We’ll explore the features that make these bicycles enduring classics and the allure they hold for cycling enthusiasts.
Stylish Cruiser Bicycles
Cruiser bicycles, with their laid-back design and comfortable riding posture, have become iconic symbols of leisure and style. We’ll delve into the characteristics that make cruisers a beloved choice for riders seeking both comfort and aesthetics.
Restoration Adventures: Bringing Vintage Bicycles Back to Life
Navigating Restoration Challenges
Restoring a vintage bicycle can be a labour of love. We’ll discuss the common challenges enthusiasts face when bringing these old beauties back to life and provide insights into overcoming restoration hurdles.
DIY Tips for Vintage Bicycle Restoration
For the hands-on enthusiast, we’ll share practical DIY tips for restoring vintage bicycles. From sourcing authentic parts to preserving the bike’s original character, this section will empower readers to embark on their restoration adventures.
The Allure of Vintage Bicycle Events
Vintage Bicycle Shows and Exhibitions
Step into the world of vintage bicycle shows, where enthusiasts showcase their meticulously restored bikes. We’ll highlight some of the most renowned events that celebrate the craftsmanship and history of vintage bicycles.
Community Rides and Meetups
Community rides and meetups bring vintage bicycle enthusiasts together. We’ll explore the camaraderie of these events, where riders share stories, showcase their bikes, and revel in the joy of cycling through time.
Vintage Bicycles in Modern Times: A Nostalgic Trend
Incorporating Vintage Bicycles into Everyday Life
Discover how vintage bicycles have seamlessly woven into the fabric of modern life. From commuting to work in style to leisurely rides on the weekend, we’ll explore how vintage bicycles are making a comeback in daily routines.
Fashion and Style Inspired by Vintage Bicycles
Beyond functionality, vintage bicycles have influenced fashion and style. We’ll discuss how the aesthetic appeal of these bikes has inspired clothing lines and accessories, creating a unique synergy between fashion and cycling.
The Sustainable Appeal of Vintage Bicycles
Eco-Friendly Transportation Choices
In an era where sustainability is paramount, vintage bicycles offer an eco-friendly alternative to modern transportation. We’ll delve into the environmental benefits of choosing a vintage bicycle for daily commuting.
Repurposing and Upcycling Vintage Bicycle Parts
Explore the creative ways enthusiasts repurpose and upcycle vintage bicycle parts, contributing to a sustainable cycling culture. From art installations to functional home decor, vintage bicycle parts find new life beyond the road.
Exploring Vintage Bicycle Collections
Private Collectors and Enthusiast Communities
Private collectors and enthusiast communities play a crucial role in preserving the legacy of vintage bicycles. We’ll peek into private collections and explore the sense of community that binds vintage bicycle enthusiasts.
Museums Showcasing Antique Bicycles
Museums around the world pay homage to the beauty and significance of vintage bicycles. We’ll highlight some of the best museums that house rare and antique bicycles, offering a glimpse into cycling history.
Riding Through Time: Personal Stories with Vintage Bicycles
Nostalgic Adventures and Memories
Read heartwarming stories of individuals who have embarked on nostalgic adventures with their vintage bicycles. These personal anecdotes capture the essence of the joy, freedom, and memories associated with riding these timeless machines.
Passing Down Vintage Bicycles Through Generations
Discover how vintage bicycles become cherished family heirlooms, passed down through generations. We’ll explore the sentimental value attached to these bikes and the traditions of handing them over to the next cycling enthusiasts in the family.
Challenges in Maintaining and Riding Vintage Bicycles
Sourcing Authentic Parts
One of the challenges in maintaining bicycles is sourcing authentic parts. We’ll discuss strategies for finding original components and ensuring the integrity of the restoration process.
Safety Concerns and Precautions
While vintage have a timeless appeal, safety remains paramount. We’ll address safety concerns and provide essential precautions for riders to enjoy their vintage bikes responsibly.
The Global Resurgence of Vintage Bicycle Culture
International Vintage Bicycle Festivals
Vintage bicycle festivals around the globe attract enthusiasts and collectors. We’ll take a virtual tour of some of the most significant international festivals, celebrating the diversity and passion within the vintage bicycle community.
Online Communities Connecting Vintage Bicycle Enthusiasts
In the digital age, online communities play a pivotal role in connecting vintage bicycle enthusiasts worldwide. We’ll explore how these virtual spaces foster discussions, share knowledge, and create a sense of belonging among vintage bicycle lovers.
Tips for Buying and Owning a Vintage Bicycle
Things to Consider When Purchasing
For those looking to own a piece of cycling history, we’ll provide practical tips on buying a vintage bicycle. From evaluating the bike’s condition to understanding its history, these guidelines will assist readers in making informed decisions.
Maintaining Your Vintage Bicycle
Owning a vintage bicycle comes with the responsibility of maintenance. We’ll offer tips on caring for your prized possession, ensuring it remains in optimal condition for years to come.
Preserving the Legacy: Documenting Vintage Bicycle History
Archiving Stories and Photographs
Preserving the legacy of bicycles goes beyond physical preservation. We’ll discuss the importance of archiving stories and photographs, creating a comprehensive record of the cultural and historical significance of these bikes.
The Importance of Historical Documentation
Understanding the historical context of vintage is crucial. We’ll emphasize the importance of historical documentation in ensuring that future generations appreciate the evolution and impact of these timeless machines.
The Future of Vintage Bicycles: Trends and Predictions
Emerging Trends in Vintage Bicycle Restoration
The world of vintage bicycle restoration is dynamic. We’ll explore emerging trends, from innovative restoration techniques to the incorporation of modern elements, shaping the future of vintage bicycle design.
Sustainable Innovations in Vintage Bicycle Design
As sustainability becomes a global priority, we’ll discuss how vintage bicycle design is evolving to incorporate sustainable materials and practices. Discover the intersection of classic aesthetics and eco-friendly innovation.
In conclusion, vintage transcend time, capturing the imagination of enthusiasts across generations. From the historical evolution and cultural impact to the challenges and joys of ownership, this journey through the world of bicycles highlights the enduring appeal of these timeless rides. |
Did you binge on Halloween candy or have one too many slices of pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving? If you're feeling sluggish, breaking out, having a hard time concentrating, or suffering from digestion or candida issues, it may be linked to the sugar in your diet!
Here's the low down on sugar...
- Known to contribute to obesity and chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, dementia, type 2 diabetes as well as increase risk for depression, acne, infertility and impotence.
- Imbalances hormones, mood, energy, blood sugar and suppresses the immune system.
- 8 times as addictive as cocaine!
By increasing our intake of healthy fats, proteins, foods rich in antioxidants and keeping our bodies hydrated, we can flush out sugars & toxins and rebalance our systems to function optimally.
- Assists the kidneys in eliminating waste
- Increases oxygen flow, allowing you to be more energized, alert & focused
- Drink approximately half your body weight in ounces of water per day, in between meals (not during) for better digestion.
Proteins & Fats
- Don't let your blood sugar drop so low that you grab the quickest, sugariest snack or processed foods you can get your hands on!
- Avoid this by eating meals high in protein & healthy fats to feel full & sustained longer.
- Meal prep or plan out what you're going to eat ahead of time!
- Eat your colors! Different colors represent different phytonutrients that have specific health benefits to the body.
- Replenishes essential nutrients that sugars have deprived you of!
with our 3 Day Sugar Flush!
Breakfast - Celery Juice
Don't forget to Maintain
After you manage to rid your body of toxins, reap the benefits of glowing skin and high energy levels, try to replace sugary treats with fresh fruits, and continue to keep incorporating nutrient-rich foods into your diet. Don't forget to always stay super hydrated! |
The Arab Parliament called on Monday on the Libyan parties to return to dialogue and develop a clear and specific road map for holding elections this year.
In a statement published by the Tobruk-based House of Representatives, The Arab Parliament urged Libyan actors to converge views on the executive actions leading to an electoral process during 2023.
The bloc said it is following with great interest the developments in Libya and the efforts to complete the political achievements to reach a final solution to the crisis, considering that Libya's security is an integral part of the Arab national security.
They stressed the need to create a sustainable consensus between all parties to overcome the political stalemate and increase the chances of reaching an accord.
The group reaffirmed their rejection of any external interference in Libyan internal affairs, calling on the Arab countries and the international community to support Libyans to overcome their differences, establish security, and pushforwards the development and reconstruction efforts. |
SEO and SEM are two distinct but interconnected digital marketing strategies:
- SEO (Search Engine Optimisation): SEO focuses on optimising a website’s visibility and organic (unpaid) search engine rankings. Its primary goal is to increase the quantity and quality of traffic to a website from search engines like Google, Bing, or Yahoo. SEO involves various techniques and best practices, including:
- On-page optimisation: Enhancing website content, meta tags, headers, URLs, and internal linking structure to improve search engine crawlability and keyword relevance.Off-page optimization: Building high-quality backlinks from reputable websites, social media promotion, and online brand mentions to enhance the website’s authority and reputation.Technical optimization: Ensuring proper website architecture, mobile-friendliness, site speed, and other technical factors that contribute to better search engine rankings.
- SEM (Search Engine Marketing): SEM refers to paid advertising campaigns on search engines. It involves creating and managing paid search campaigns to drive targeted traffic to a website. The most common form of SEM is pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, where advertisers bid on keywords relevant to their business. Key components of SEM include:
- Keyword research: Identifying and selecting relevant keywords that potential customers are likely to search for.Ad creation: Crafting compelling ad copy with a clear call-to-action to attract clicks from search engine users.Landing page optimization: Creating dedicated landing pages that align with the ad content and provide a seamless user experience.Bid management: Monitoring and adjusting keyword bids to maximize campaign performance while staying within the allocated budget.
In summary, SEO focuses on improving organic search rankings, while SEM involves paid advertising to generate targeted traffic. Both strategies have their advantages and can be complementary in a comprehensive digital marketing approach.
What are the benefits of SEO vs SEM?
The benefits of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and SEM (Search Engine Marketing) can vary based on your specific goals and circumstances.
Here are the advantages of each strategy:
Benefits of SEO:
- Sustainable Traffic: SEO aims to improve your organic search rankings, resulting in long-term visibility and sustainable traffic. Once your website ranks well for relevant keywords, you can attract ongoing organic traffic without direct costs for clicks or impressions.
- Cost-Effectiveness: Unlike SEM, where you pay for each click or impression, organic search results are free. While SEO requires upfront investment in optimization efforts, the long-term benefits can outweigh the costs.
- Credibility and Trust: Ranking high in organic search results conveys credibility and trustworthiness to users. People tend to trust organic listings more than paid ads, which can positively impact your brand perception.
- Increased Brand Visibility: Improved search rankings lead to higher visibility for your brand. Being consistently present in search results for relevant queries can raise awareness and recognition of your business.
- Targeted Traffic: SEO allows you to target specific keywords and optimize your content to match user intent. By focusing on relevant search terms, you attract more targeted traffic that is more likely to convert into customers.
Benefits of SEM:
- Immediate Visibility: With SEM, your ads can appear on search engine results pages (SERPs) as soon as you launch your campaign. This immediate visibility can drive instant traffic to your website and generate leads or sales.
- Precise Targeting: SEM platforms provide advanced targeting options, allowing you to narrow down your audience based on demographics, locations, interests, and other factors. This precision targeting enables you to reach the right people at the right time.
- Flexible Budgeting: SEM campaigns offer control over your budget. You can set daily or monthly spending limits and adjust bids to control costs. This flexibility allows you to allocate your budget according to your marketing goals and make real-time adjustments.
- Measurable Results: SEM provides detailed performance metrics, such as impressions, clicks, conversions, and return on investment (ROI). This data allows you to track the effectiveness of your campaigns, make data-driven decisions, and optimize your strategy accordingly.
- Testing and Iteration: SEM campaigns provide opportunities for A/B testing, where you can experiment with different ad copies, landing pages, and keywords to identify the most effective combinations. This iterative approach helps optimize your campaigns for better results.
In practice, SEO and SEM often work together synergistically to maximize the benefits. SEO can establish a solid foundation for organic visibility, while SEM can provide immediate traffic and fill any gaps in organic search results. The ideal approach depends on your business objectives, budget, and timeline.
Is SEM more expensive than SEO?
In general, SEM (Search Engine Marketing) tends to be more expensive than SEO (Search Engine Optimisation), although the costs can vary depending on various factors.
Here’s why SEM is often considered more costly:
- Cost per Click (CPC): In SEM, you pay for each click on your ads, which is known as the cost per click. The CPC can vary based on factors such as the competitiveness of keywords, industry, and the quality of your campaigns. Highly competitive industries and popular keywords typically have higher CPC rates, which can contribute to increased costs.
- Ad Spend: SEM requires a budget for running paid advertising campaigns. The amount you allocate for ad spend depends on factors like your business goals, target audience, and competition. It’s important to note that the more aggressive your SEM campaign, the higher the potential costs.
- Ongoing Investment: SEM campaigns require ongoing management, monitoring, and optimization to ensure optimal performance. This ongoing investment of time and resources contributes to the overall cost of SEM.
- Click-through Rates (CTR) and Conversion Rates: Achieving a high click-through rate and conversion rate is crucial for the success of your SEM campaigns. However, optimizing these rates often requires testing and experimentation, which can incur additional costs as you refine your ads, landing pages, and targeting strategies.
- Competitive Bidding: In the SEM space, advertisers bid against each other for ad placement. Highly competitive keywords may require higher bids to secure top positions on search engine results pages (SERPs), resulting in increased costs.
On the other hand, SEO primarily involves optimizing your website and content to improve organic search rankings, which does not directly incur costs for clicks or impressions. While SEO can require upfront investment for professional services, tools, or content creation, the ongoing expenses are generally lower compared to SEM.
It’s important to note that the costs and effectiveness of both strategies can vary based on factors such as your industry, target audience, competition, and the specific goals you aim to achieve. Many businesses employ a combination of SEO and SEM to leverage the benefits of both strategies while managing costs effectively.
What is SEO vs SEM pros and cons?
Here’s a breakdown of the pros and cons of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and SEM (Search Engine Marketing):
- Cost-Effective: SEO doesn’t require direct payment for clicks or impressions, making it cost-effective in the long run.
- Sustainable Traffic: Well-executed SEO can generate long-term organic traffic and maintain visibility even with minimal ongoing investment.
- Credibility and Trust: Ranking high in organic search results can enhance your brand’s credibility and trustworthiness.
- Increased Brand Visibility: SEO can improve your brand’s visibility by appearing in relevant search results.
- Targeted Traffic: By optimizing for specific keywords and user intent, SEO can attract highly targeted traffic.
- Time-Consuming: SEO is a long-term strategy that requires time and effort to see results, especially for competitive industries.
- Uncertain Results: Achieving high organic rankings is subject to search engine algorithms, and results can fluctuate over time.
- Technical Challenges: SEO involves technical optimization, which may require expertise or assistance from professionals.
- Limited Control: While you can influence your SEO efforts, you have limited control over search engine rankings and algorithm changes.
- Immediate Visibility: SEM provides instant visibility and immediate exposure on search engine results pages (SERPs).
- Precise Targeting: SEM allows precise targeting based on demographics, locations, and other factors, reaching the right audience.
- Flexibility and Control: You have control over budget allocation, ad copy, bidding strategies, and can make real-time adjustments to optimize campaigns.
- Measurable Results: SEM provides detailed performance metrics, enabling you to measure ROI and make data-driven decisions.
- Testing and Optimisation: SEM allows A/B testing and iterative optimization for ads, landing pages, and targeting to improve campaign performance.
- Costs: SEM can be more expensive than SEO due to ongoing ad spend and cost per click.
- Competitive Bidding: Highly competitive industries may require higher bids to achieve desired ad positions, driving up costs.
- Dependency on Budget: The visibility and traffic from SEM campaigns rely on the allocated budget. Once the budget is exhausted, visibility decreases.
- Ad Fatigue: Users may develop ad blindness or fatigue over time, reducing the effectiveness of your ads.
- Limited Long-Term Benefits: Unlike SEO, the benefits of SEM are usually short-term, as they rely on active campaigns and ongoing investment.
It’s important to consider these pros and cons in the context of your specific goals, resources, industry, and target audience when determining the most suitable approach for your digital marketing strategy. Additionally, a combination of SEO and SEM can leverage the advantages of both strategies while mitigating their respective limitations.
Is SEO important anymore?
Yes, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) remains highly important and relevant in today’s digital landscape.
Here’s why SEO continues to be crucial:
- Organic Search Traffic: Organic search remains a significant source of website traffic for most businesses. The majority of online experiences begin with a search engine, making it essential to optimize your website for better visibility in search engine result pages (SERPs).
- Long-Term Sustainability: SEO provides a sustainable approach to digital marketing. By investing in optimizing your website and content, you can achieve long-term organic rankings that continue to drive traffic and generate results over time.
- User Trust and Credibility: High organic rankings contribute to building trust and credibility among users. People often perceive organic search results as more reliable and trustworthy compared to paid advertisements, enhancing your brand’s reputation.
- Cost-Effectiveness: While SEO requires an upfront investment in terms of time, resources, and potentially professional assistance, it doesn’t involve direct costs for clicks or impressions like SEM (Search Engine Marketing). Over time, the cost per acquisition through SEO tends to be lower compared to paid advertising.
- Enhanced User Experience: SEO best practices often align with delivering a positive user experience. Optimizing website speed, mobile-friendliness, navigation, and content relevance not only improve search rankings but also enhance the overall user experience on your site.
- Local and Voice Search: With the rise of mobile usage and voice assistants, optimizing for local search and voice search queries has become increasingly important. Local SEO helps businesses appear in local search results, while voice search optimization ensures your content is compatible with voice-activated search devices.
- Integration with Other Channels: SEO can complement and support other digital marketing channels. For instance, optimizing content for SEO can improve the performance of social media campaigns, email marketing, and content marketing efforts.
- Algorithm Updates: Search engines continually refine their algorithms to provide better search results. Staying up to date with SEO best practices helps you adapt to algorithm changes and maintain or improve your search rankings.
While SEO requires ongoing effort and adaptation to algorithmic changes, its importance lies in the fact that organic search remains a critical way for businesses to be discovered by their target audience. By implementing effective SEO strategies, you can drive more organic traffic, increase brand visibility, and achieve long-term sustainable results.
Why SEM is preferred?
SEM (Search Engine Marketing) is often preferred for several reasons:
- Immediate Visibility: SEM provides instant visibility on search engine results pages (SERPs) once your ads are approved and campaigns are launched. Unlike SEO, which can take time to see results, SEM allows you to quickly appear in front of your target audience.
- Precise Targeting: SEM platforms offer advanced targeting options, allowing you to reach specific demographics, locations, interests, and other criteria. This precision targeting ensures that your ads are shown to the right people, increasing the chances of generating relevant leads or sales.
- Flexibility and Control: SEM campaigns provide flexibility and control over your budget, ad copy, bidding strategies, and targeting parameters. You can set spending limits, adjust bids based on performance, and make real-time changes to optimize your campaigns for better results.
- Measurable Results: SEM offers detailed performance metrics, such as impressions, clicks, conversions, and ROI. This data allows you to track the effectiveness of your campaigns and make data-driven decisions to improve performance.
- Testing and Optimisation: SEM allows you to conduct A/B testing by experimenting with different ad copies, landing pages, keywords, and targeting strategies. Through continuous testing and optimization, you can refine your campaigns to achieve better results and maximize your return on investment (ROI).
- Competitive Advantage: In competitive industries, SEM can provide a competitive edge by ensuring your ads are prominently displayed on SERPs, even if your organic search rankings are not as high. It allows smaller businesses to compete with larger players and gain visibility in the market.
- Brand Exposure: SEM can increase brand exposure by displaying your ads on relevant search queries. Even if users don’t click on your ads, the repeated exposure can raise brand awareness and increase brand recognition among potential customers.
- Ad Extensions and Formats: SEM platforms offer various ad extensions and formats that allow you to enhance your ads with additional information, call-to-actions, sitelinks, phone numbers, and more. These extensions can make your ads more compelling and provide additional opportunities to engage users.
While SEM offers immediate visibility and precise targeting, it’s important to note that it involves ongoing costs, as you pay for clicks or impressions. It is also subject to ad fatigue and dependency on budget allocation. To maximize the benefits, a well-rounded digital marketing strategy often combines both SEO and SEM, leveraging their respective strengths to achieve the best results for your business. |
In light of Patrick Wojahn’s arrest and subsequent resignation as mayor of Maryland, we examine his political party.
On Thursday, March 2, the mayor of Park College City presented his letter of resignation, effective immediately. Once police raided his residence on February 28, he was detained and is currently in detention.
This is all we know about the former mayor of Maryland, including his political party, personal life, and whether he is a Republican or a Democrat.
Who is Patrick Wojahn?
Patrick Wojahn has been College Park’s mayor since 2015 and a member of the City Council since 2007. According to his official profile, Wojahn was born in Wisconsin and will be 47 years old in 2023.
According to his LinkedIn page, he graduated from Georgetown University Law Center with a law degree in 2002.
College Park Day was created by Wojahn to bring local people together, and the Neighborhood Stabilization and Quality of Life Workgroup was formed to address housing difficulties.
Upon being elected in 2015, he stated, “I want to see the city in which I dwell become something magnificent, something of which we can be proud and which benefits all of its citizens.”
Is Patrick Wojahn Gay or Married?
Yes, Patrick Wojahn is Gay. Patrick Wohjahn is openly Gay and married. It is unknown how long he has lived with his husband, David Kolesar, but they are now married. Yet, Wojhan frequently uploads images on Instagram with his husband.
Is the Former Mayor’s Political Party Republican or Democrat?
Patrick Wojahn is linked with the Democratic Party on a political level. From 2010 and 2014, during his tenure as a Democratic city councilman, he worked as a public policy analyst with the National Disability Rights Network.
Here, he worked in lobbying and advocacy on problems affecting persons with disabilities, including employment, veterans’ affairs, Social Security benefits, housing, and transportation.
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I hope you get all the information about “Who is Patrick Wojahn? Is Patrick Gay?”
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Stay Happy and Stay Healthy! |
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The Nissan Patrol is a large comfortable 4WD wagon – there’s no disputing that.
But is a big vehicle with a 5.6-litre petrol V8 engine practical at a time when the world seems to be rapidly heading towards an electrified future?
Or who really cares if it’s practical or not? It’s a V8, g-dammit! I’m about to tell you why you shouldn’t ignore this 4WD.
Why you should buy a Nissan Patrol
For the purpose of this yarn, I’ll be referring to the top-spec Patrol, the Ti-L.
The Ti-L has a manufacturer suggested retail price (MSRP) of $97,600 (excluding on-road costs). Its main rival, the Toyota LandCruiser 300 Series GR Sport, has an MSRP of $142,101 (excluding on-road costs), so right there is a saving of more than $40,000.
As mentioned, the top-shelf Patrol has a 5.6-litre V8 petrol engine (producing 298kW at 5800rpm and 560Nm at 4000rpm), a seven-speed automatic transmission and it has seven seats. (The only other Patrol variant, the Ti, has eight seats.)
The big petrol V8 is great. There’s so much grunt on tap, making for a lively on-road drive, and all the while the rumble of that engine, especially under right-foot pressure, provides a welcome soundtrack to your day.
Throttle response is sharp as long as you’re enthusiastic with it, and the auto transmission is cluey. However, it can get caught out up hills, holding higher gears for too long, but otherwise it's okay.
Ride and handling are nicely controlled along dirt tracks, and the Patrol retains a confident on-track stance and it feels right at home 4WDing in the bush.
The Patrol’s suspension is mostly well sorted out. It’s quite firm actually.
It has independent suspension – double wishbones and coil springs at every corner – as well as the Patrol’s 'Hydraulic Body Motion Control' system, a network of hydraulic cylinders cross-linked between wheels, which works like a swaybar/swaybar disconnect.
It automatically tightens on road to keep the Patrol more controlled on firmer surfaces, such as blacktop, and then it ‘relaxes’, allowing for more flex in the suspension when you’re 4WDing.
And when you get properly engaged in low-speed, low-range off-roading that's when this large Nissan finds its happy place.
The Patrol Ti-L has a full-time 4WD system, selectable off-road driving modes ('Sand', 'Snow', 'Rock'), and a rear diff lock.
Ground clearance is 271mm, and approach, departure and rampover angles are 28 degrees, 26.3 degrees and 24.4 degrees, respectively.
The Patrol has an upright cabin, which offers plenty of visibility, but the expansive bonnet impacts the driver’s vision at the front, especially when driving over, for example, a steep crest into a dry creek bed.
As always, when faced with such a situation it’s best to get out of the vehicle and actually take a look.
It has high- and low-range 4WD and, while it doesn't have the low-down torque of something like the 300 Series, it has plenty of grunt when it counts.
There’s ample torque for smooth-momentum, low-speed 4WDing and the big petrol V8 keeps things ticking along without any stress.
It has plenty of wheel travel, helped somewhat by its aforementioned swaybar-disconnect system, and that articulation helps it stretch a tyre to the dirt for crucial traction.
Off-road driver-assist tech (hill descent control, hill start assist etc) is non-intrusive and effective.
The Patrol’s around-view monitor with moving-object detection is a handy addition, because it gives the driver a better idea of what the terrain looks like around the vehicle, via four cameras, especially of areas you may not be able to see clearly, or at all, from the driver’s seat.
This system disengages at 8.0km/h, but up to that speed you’re able to switch between a few perspectives (front, 360 bird’s eye view, and rear).
Don’t rely only on this system, though. Look around at the real world, get out of the vehicle and walk the track, rather than concentrating on the screen. That way you’ll see more in terms of obstacles, potential hazards etc.
Wading depth is listed as 700mm and, while I haven’t got close to testing that limit, I’ve driven through plenty of mudholes that were a bit deeper than expected.
No doubt about it, the Patrol is right at home when 4x4ing.
It has a 140-litre fuel tank and listed fuel consumption of 14.4L/100km on a combined cycle.
This is a much-respected touring and towing platform. I've tow-tested with Patrol variants over the years, so worthwhile noting the towing capacities which are 750kg (unbraked) and 3500kg (braked).
Why you shouldn’t buy a Nissan Patrol
The interior is feeling very old, especially when considered against most of its rivals.
The Patrol does not have Apple CarPlay or Android Auto, which, in this day and age, is peculiar and disappointing. It does, however, have a CD player.
This is a big vehicle and it doesn't feel as nimble as some other large SUV wagons do.
If you aren’t used to steering a big SUV around, driving the Patrol can feel like you’re trying to manoeuvre a mini-bus but that’s a sensation you can quickly overcome with careful, considered driving.
It looks quite low when driving over challenging terrain and it feels that way when you’re driving it.
As mentioned earlier, ground clearance is 273mm (compared to the 300 Series' 235mm) and approach, departure and rampover angles (28, 26.3, and 24.4 degrees) are par for the course for a large 4WD wagon.
But that feeling of being vulnerable to underbelly scrapes and knocks lingers on.
So, those measurements are par for the course for a large 4WD wagon, but that feeling of being vulnerable to underbelly scrapes and knocks lingers on.
The Patrol’s tyres – Bridgestone Dueler 693II all-terrains (265/70R18) – are perfectly reasonable on-road, but aren't that well-suited to hardcore 4x4ing and their off-road weakness were exposed through sloppy mud, and other surfaces of compromised traction.
But, as always with less-than-ideal off-roading rubber, simply replace the standard tyres with a set of decent, more aggressive all-terrains and you've instantly made your Patrol an even better 4WD than it already is as standard.
Many people are put off by the idea that the Patrol apparently guzzles petrol, well…
Official fuel consumption is 14.4L/100km on a combined cycle.
On my most recent test in a Ti-L the driver-info dash display was showing 19.2L/100km, but I recorded actual fuel consumption, pump to pump, of 22.9L/100km. That’s not an insignificant figure, but, in the Patrol’s defence, I did do a lot of low-range 4WDing.
The Patrol has a 140-litre fuel tank, so going by that on-test fuel-consumption figure you could reasonably expect a driving range of about 560km on a full tank, and that’s factoring in a safe-distance buffer of 50km.
It has no ANCAP safety rating because it has not been tested. Safety gear includes AEB, front and side-impact airbags for driver and front passenger and curtain airbags for all three rows, a reversing camera, adaptive cruise control, forward collision warning, rear cross-traffic alert, lane departure warning and blind-spot monitoring.
What I reckon
Who would have thought that a V8 4WD would have a place in our modern EV-obsessed world? But, you know what, the Patrol makes a lot of sense, and the more I drive it, the more I like it.
It’s a great all rounder. Comfortable on-road and very capable off-road, and even though it’s not as up-to-date tech-wise as some of its rivals, it has refinement and driveability in its favour.
And as a tow vehicle it has few serious rivals in the realm of large 4WD wagons.
The standard features list is decent, that V8 engine is unreal and the Patrol has proven itself to be such a solid tourer that you’d be forgiven for ignoring its petrol thirst and simply enjoying the driving experience. |
Won the Best Award of the Best Foreign Film Importer-Distributor Award
PARCO won the Best Award from the 60th Best Foreign Film Importer-Distributor Award.
Five of the 17 films distributed by PARCO during the year from April 2021 to March 2022, Promising Young Woman, Belfast (both won the Academy Award for Screenplay), and David Byrne's American Utopia (Long run screening for over a year), Last Night in Soho and Stillwater were the targets of evaluation.
While there are movies of various genres that stimulate intellectual curiosity and fascinate what you see with the depth of content, there are also movies that are full of humanity that evoke sympathy for a wide range of age groups. The fulfillment of the movies that were screened was highly evaluated.
The Best Foreign Film Importer-Distributor Award is presented by the Foreign Films Importer-Distributors Association of Japan and under the auspices the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. Every year, all foreign films released during the year from April to March of the following year will be judged. This award is given to "a distribution company that imports and publishes movies that are recognized as excellent and contribute to the development of new fields and the development of the Japanese movie industry."
PARCO will continue to offer many challenging films. |
Buell Theatre | Denver, Colorado
Today may be your last chance to order tickets to see Anastasia for a live theatrical performance at Buell Theatre in Denver Colorado. Tickets are selling out fast because fans know that anytime Anastasia appears on stage, they will be treated to a finest evening of elegant and stylish performance that blends modern day theatrical training with classical and cultural influence. This astounding theater company already wins fans every time they appear on stage and even critics have started to call Anastasia the can’t-miss-performers of 2019. With all these rave reviews coming in even before the curtains rise on Sunday 11th August 2019, it’s easy to see why tickets are selling out fast. So make sure you don’t miss out and click the Buy Tickets button below to order your tickets to see Anastasia perform live on Sunday 11th August 2019 at Buell Theatre. Just remember, this may be your last chance, because who knows when Anastasia will come back to town this year.
Are you an avid fan of Shakespeare? Fancy a quality theatre show over a night out? If so, there’s probably no place you’d rather be on Sunday 11th August 2019 than Buell Theatre. On that Sunday, Anastasia is coming to Denver in what’s expected to be one of the most exciting theatre events in Colorado in the entire 2019. An amazing acting crew, lead by a fantastic director, promise a memorable experience for all the passionate theatre-goers out there. Their earlier performances have received rave reviews, so we expect nothing less from this one! Make sure you get your tickets in time and don’t risk missing out the theatre event of the year! |
Alfred Lord Tennyson’s “The Charge of the Light Brigade” is a poem that immortalizes the heroic charge of British soldiers during the Crimean War. This comprehensive literary analysis delves into the themes, symbolism, and language used by Tennyson to create a vivid and memorable depiction of war and sacrifice. Through an examination of the poem’s structure, imagery, and historical context, readers can gain a deeper understanding of the events that inspired this iconic work of literature.
The Charge of the Light Brigade is a poem that was written by Alfred Lord Tennyson in 1854. The poem was inspired by the Battle of Balaclava, which took place during the Crimean War. The battle was fought between the British and the Russian armies, and it is remembered for the famous charge of the Light Brigade. The charge was a military blunder that resulted in the loss of many lives, and it has since become a symbol of the futility of war. Tennyson’s poem captures the bravery and sacrifice of the soldiers who fought in the charge, and it has become one of the most famous war poems in the English language.
The Poet’s Inspiration
The inspiration behind a poet’s work can come from a variety of sources. For Alfred Lord Tennyson, the inspiration for his famous poem “The Charge of the Light Brigade” came from a newspaper article he read about the Battle of Balaclava during the Crimean War. The article described the bravery and sacrifice of the British cavalry, who charged into enemy fire without hesitation. Tennyson was moved by the story and felt compelled to write a poem that would honor the soldiers who fought and died in the battle. The result was a powerful and emotional tribute to the courage and heroism of the Light Brigade. Tennyson’s poem has since become a classic of English literature and a testament to the enduring power of poetry to inspire and move us.
The Structure of the Poem
The structure of “The Charge of the Light Brigade” is a crucial aspect of the poem’s impact. Tennyson employs a consistent rhyme scheme of ABAB throughout the poem, which creates a sense of unity and coherence. Additionally, the poem is divided into six stanzas, each containing six lines. This structure allows Tennyson to build momentum and tension as the poem progresses, culminating in the climactic final stanza. The repetition of the phrase “into the valley of Death” throughout the poem also adds to the sense of inevitability and danger. Overall, the structure of the poem serves to enhance the emotional impact of the tragic events it describes.
The Use of Sound Devices
Alfred Lord Tennyson’s “The Charge of the Light Brigade” is a poem that effectively uses sound devices to create a sense of urgency and chaos. The poem’s use of repetition, alliteration, and onomatopoeia helps to convey the chaos and confusion of the battle. The repetition of the phrase “into the valley of Death” emphasizes the soldiers’ bravery and the danger they face. The alliteration in “Cannon to right of them, Cannon to left of them, Cannon in front of them” creates a sense of the soldiers being surrounded by enemy fire. The use of onomatopoeia in “Volleyed and thundered” and “Stormed at with shot and shell” adds to the chaotic and violent nature of the battle. Overall, Tennyson’s use of sound devices in “The Charge of the Light Brigade” helps to create a vivid and intense portrayal of the soldiers’ bravery and sacrifice.
Imagery and Symbolism
Imagery and symbolism play a significant role in Alfred Lord Tennyson’s “The Charge of the Light Brigade.” The poem is filled with vivid descriptions of the battlefield, which help to create a sense of the chaos and confusion of war. Tennyson uses powerful imagery to convey the horror of the battle, such as the “jaws of Death” and the “mouth of Hell.” These images help to emphasize the bravery and sacrifice of the soldiers who charged into battle despite the overwhelming odds against them. Additionally, Tennyson employs symbolism throughout the poem, particularly in the repeated use of the phrase “into the valley of Death.” This phrase serves as a powerful symbol of the soldiers’ willingness to face death in the service of their country. Overall, the use of imagery and symbolism in “The Charge of the Light Brigade” helps to create a powerful and emotional portrayal of the horrors of war and the bravery of those who fight in it.
The Role of Honor and Duty
The concept of honor and duty is a recurring theme in Alfred Lord Tennyson’s poem, “The Charge of the Light Brigade.” The poem tells the story of a group of British soldiers who were ordered to charge into enemy lines during the Crimean War. Despite the fact that the order was a mistake and would result in heavy casualties, the soldiers obeyed without question. This act of blind obedience to authority is often seen as a symbol of honor and duty, as the soldiers were willing to sacrifice their lives for their country. However, the poem also raises questions about the nature of honor and duty, and whether blindly following orders is always the right thing to do.
The Theme of Death
The theme of death is a prevalent motif in Alfred Lord Tennyson’s “The Charge of the Light Brigade.” The poem depicts the tragic events of the Crimean War, specifically the charge of the British cavalry brigade into the Russian artillery. The soldiers are aware of the high likelihood of their deaths, yet they charge forward with bravery and loyalty to their country. Tennyson’s use of vivid imagery and repetition of the phrase “into the valley of death” emphasizes the soldiers’ sacrifice and the inevitability of their fate. The theme of death serves as a reminder of the harsh realities of war and the sacrifices made by those who fight for their country.
The Portrayal of War
The portrayal of war in “The Charge of the Light Brigade” is one of heroism and sacrifice. Tennyson depicts the soldiers as brave and loyal, willing to follow orders even if it means certain death. The poem also highlights the brutality and chaos of war, with lines such as “Cannon to right of them, / Cannon to left of them, / Cannon in front of them” emphasizing the overwhelming nature of the battle. Despite the tragic outcome of the charge, Tennyson’s portrayal of the soldiers as valiant and selfless has made “The Charge of the Light Brigade” a classic representation of the heroism of soldiers in war.
The Significance of the Title
The title of a literary work is often the first thing that readers encounter, and it can set the tone for the entire piece. In the case of Alfred Lord Tennyson’s “The Charge of the Light Brigade,” the title is significant for several reasons. First and foremost, it refers to the historical event that inspired the poem: the ill-fated charge of British cavalry during the Crimean War. By using this specific title, Tennyson immediately places the poem in a historical context and signals to readers that it is based on a real-life event. Additionally, the title’s use of the word “charge” suggests a sense of urgency and action, which is fitting given the poem’s subject matter. Finally, the phrase “light brigade” is significant because it refers specifically to the cavalry unit that was involved in the charge. By using this specific term, Tennyson is able to focus the poem’s attention on the experiences of these soldiers and their bravery in the face of danger. Overall, the title of “The Charge of the Light Brigade” is a crucial element of the poem’s meaning and significance, and it helps to set the stage for the powerful and emotional work that follows.
The Poem’s Reception and Criticism
The Charge of the Light Brigade, written by Alfred Lord Tennyson, was initially met with mixed reviews. Some critics praised the poem for its vivid imagery and powerful portrayal of the bravery of the soldiers, while others criticized it for glorifying war and ignoring the tragic consequences of the charge.
One of the most notable criticisms of the poem came from the poet and critic, Matthew Arnold. In his essay, “The Study of Poetry,” Arnold argued that Tennyson’s poem lacked true poetic merit because it failed to convey a deeper meaning or message beyond the surface level description of the charge. Arnold also criticized Tennyson’s use of repetition, which he felt was excessive and detracted from the poem’s overall impact.
Despite these criticisms, The Charge of the Light Brigade has endured as one of Tennyson’s most famous and beloved works. Its stirring depiction of courage and sacrifice has resonated with readers for generations, and the poem continues to be studied and analyzed in classrooms and literary circles around the world.
The Influence of the Poem on Literature and Culture
The Charge of the Light Brigade by Alfred Lord Tennyson has had a significant impact on literature and culture. The poem’s vivid imagery and powerful language have inspired countless writers and artists over the years. It has also become a symbol of bravery and sacrifice, and is often referenced in popular culture.
The poem’s influence can be seen in a variety of literary works, from war novels to poetry collections. Many writers have drawn inspiration from Tennyson’s use of language and his ability to convey the horrors of war. The poem has also been adapted into plays, films, and even songs, further cementing its place in popular culture.
Beyond its literary and cultural impact, The Charge of the Light Brigade has also had a lasting influence on the way we remember and commemorate war. The poem’s depiction of soldiers bravely charging into battle, despite overwhelming odds, has become a powerful symbol of sacrifice and heroism. It has been used to honor fallen soldiers and to inspire future generations to serve their country.
Overall, The Charge of the Light Brigade is a timeless work of literature that continues to resonate with readers and audiences today. Its influence on literature and culture is undeniable, and its message of bravery and sacrifice remains as relevant as ever.
The Poet’s Other Works
In addition to “The Charge of the Light Brigade,” Alfred Lord Tennyson wrote numerous other works throughout his career as a poet. Some of his most notable works include “In Memoriam A.H.H.,” a collection of poems written in memory of his friend Arthur Henry Hallam, and “Ulysses,” a dramatic monologue in which the titular character reflects on his desire for adventure and his longing for home. Tennyson also wrote several plays, including “Queen Mary” and “Harold,” as well as a number of shorter poems and sonnets. Despite the diversity of his output, Tennyson’s work is characterized by a consistent attention to form and language, as well as a deep engagement with themes of loss, love, and the human condition.
The Comparison with Other War Poems
When compared to other war poems, “The Charge of the Light Brigade” stands out for its vivid and detailed portrayal of the battle. Unlike other war poems that focus on the heroism and bravery of soldiers, Tennyson’s poem highlights the futility and senselessness of war.
For instance, Wilfred Owen’s “Dulce et Decorum Est” depicts the horrors of gas warfare and the physical and mental toll it takes on soldiers. Similarly, Rupert Brooke’s “The Soldier” glorifies the sacrifice of soldiers for their country. In contrast, Tennyson’s poem does not glorify war or soldiers but instead portrays the tragic consequences of a military blunder.
Moreover, Tennyson’s use of repetition and rhythm in the poem creates a sense of urgency and chaos, which is absent in other war poems. The repetition of the phrase “into the valley of Death” emphasizes the soldiers’ impending doom and the inevitability of their fate.
Overall, “The Charge of the Light Brigade” is a unique war poem that stands out for its realistic portrayal of battle and its condemnation of war.
The Poem’s Relevance Today
The relevance of “The Charge of the Light Brigade” today lies in its portrayal of the bravery and sacrifice of soldiers in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds. The poem serves as a reminder of the human cost of war and the importance of honoring those who have fought for their country. Additionally, the poem’s themes of duty, loyalty, and honor are still relevant in modern society, particularly in the context of military service. Overall, “The Charge of the Light Brigade” continues to resonate with readers today as a powerful tribute to the courage and sacrifice of soldiers throughout history.
The Poem’s Universal Appeal
The Charge of the Light Brigade by Alfred Lord Tennyson is a poem that has stood the test of time. It has been studied and analyzed by scholars and students alike for its universal appeal. The poem’s themes of bravery, sacrifice, and honor resonate with readers from all walks of life. The vivid imagery and powerful language used by Tennyson transport the reader to the battlefield, allowing them to experience the chaos and carnage of war. The poem’s universal appeal lies in its ability to capture the human experience of war and the emotions that come with it. It is a timeless reminder of the sacrifices made by soldiers and the importance of honoring their bravery and courage.
The Poem’s Historical Accuracy
The historical accuracy of Tennyson’s “The Charge of the Light Brigade” has been a topic of debate among scholars and historians. While the poem accurately portrays the events of the Charge of the Light Brigade during the Crimean War, some argue that Tennyson took artistic liberties in his depiction of the battle. For example, the poem suggests that the charge was a deliberate and heroic act, when in reality it was a disastrous mistake caused by miscommunication and poor leadership. Additionally, Tennyson’s portrayal of the Russian enemy as “Cossack and Russian” is inaccurate, as the majority of the Russian troops were actually infantry. Despite these discrepancies, the poem remains a powerful and moving tribute to the bravery and sacrifice of the soldiers who fought in the Charge of the Light Brigade.
The Poem’s Political Context
The Charge of the Light Brigade, written by Alfred Lord Tennyson, was published in 1854, during the Crimean War. The poem was inspired by the Battle of Balaclava, which took place on October 25, 1854. The battle was a disastrous military engagement between the British and Russian armies, resulting in a significant loss of life for the British forces. Tennyson’s poem was written in response to the events of the battle and was intended to honor the bravery of the soldiers who fought and died in the conflict. However, the poem also serves as a commentary on the political context of the time, highlighting the incompetence of the British military leadership and the futility of war. The Charge of the Light Brigade is a powerful reminder of the human cost of war and the importance of holding those in power accountable for their actions.
The Poem’s Literary Merit
The Charge of the Light Brigade by Alfred Lord Tennyson is a poem that has stood the test of time and continues to be studied and analyzed by literary scholars. The poem’s literary merit lies in its use of vivid imagery, powerful language, and its ability to evoke strong emotions in the reader. Tennyson’s use of repetition, particularly in the famous line “Into the valley of Death,” adds to the poem’s impact and creates a sense of urgency and danger. The poem’s structure, with its use of short stanzas and a consistent rhyme scheme, also adds to its literary merit. Overall, The Charge of the Light Brigade is a masterful work of poetry that showcases Tennyson’s skill as a writer and his ability to capture the essence of a historical event in a way that is both powerful and memorable. |
- 10:00-12:00TÜNDÉR LALA
- 14:00-16:00TÜNDÉR LALA
"We are immortal, how happy!"
Fairy Lala, the naughtiest fairy ever, is the baby son of Iris, Queen of Fairyland. With the wing she stole from her mother, Lala visits the dangerous but beautiful world of humans, making new experiences and new friends. However, she almost lands Fairyland in deep trouble, at the mercy of the evil wizard Aterpater.
Magda Szabó's timeless novel is brought to the stage by Dániel Halasi, the creator of many successful fairy-tale plays.
The graphics on this page are used with the permission of Móra Könyvkiadó and the graphic designer, Rozi Békés.
Length: 2 hours 10 minutes, with one intermission, recommended for ages 5 and up
Dramaturg: Kardos Tünde
Set design by Yvette Alida Kovács
Visuals by Dániel Besnyő, Dávid Marucsák
Composer: András Monori
Choreographer: Ildikó Gyenes
Choreographer: Enikő Magony
Flute teacher: Kovács Mariann
Helper: Éva Balázs
Assistant: Tóth Flamina
Assistant: Rumán Cintia
Pesti Magyar Színház
The Hungarian Theatre was built in 1897, and has been renovated several times, so between 1966 and 2000 the National Theatre company played in the building. During this period, the directors were Béla Both, Endre Marton, Péter Nagy, János Sziládi, Dezső Malonyai, Imre Csiszár, László Ablonczy, István Iglódi. Its repertoire consisted of classical and contemporary masterpieces of Hungarian and world literature. The artistic directors and directors were Tamás Major, Endre Marton, István Egri, Gábor Székely, Gábor Zsámbéki, Tamás Ascher, Imre Csiszár, László Vámos, Imre Kerényi, Ferenc Sík, István Iglódi, Csaba Ivánka, Géza Bodolay, Miklós Szurdi. Since 2000, the Hungarian Theatre of Pest has been playing within its well-trodden walls, with a company of artists who have grown up in the traditions of the old National Theatre and who continue to preserve them. For a decade, István Iglódi was the director of the theatre, during this period the directors were Imre Csiszár, Attila Vidnyánszky, István Pinczés, Sándor Guelmino, and the guest directors were Gábor Berényi, János Bruck, Gábor Czeizel, Sergei Masloboichikov, László Vándorfi. Áron Őze became the director of the theatre, Sándor Guelmino the artistic director and Imre Sipos the manager. János Zalán took over the management of the theatre on 1 January 2015. |
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Frequently asked question about our invisible aligners
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Will I have a lisp with my aligners?
Lisping may also be a problem at first. But most people soon adapt and begin to speak clearly within a few days.
How do retainers work?
Retainers work by keeping your teeth in their newly aligned position during the healing phase of treatment. Remember after your treatment completes you need to wear retainers. If you fail to wear your retainers as prescribed, your teeth will start to shift back towards their original position. |
You know that rich life experiences are indispensable. They’ve helped make up everything you are today. So just imagine how many valuable stories, lessons and experiences your elders can share with you. When you spend time volunteering with seniors, you’ll benefit just as much as they do—and you can learn a lot too!
We’ve compiled some ideas for different ways to lend a hand, a listening ear or your skills to seniors—from reminiscing to making new memories. Remember, simply giving your time and conversation can sometimes mean the most.
Visit an assisted living facility
One of the most meaningful things you can do for someone in an assisted living facility is share some quality time together. Whether you’re going to see a neighbor, loved one or new friend, make the most of your visit by planning ahead. Call ahead to plan a time to drop by, or schedule regular visits that your friend can look forward to. Bring along a board game or cards, a care package, a video or a home-baked treat.
Even if your days fill up quickly, just a quick hello can brighten someone’s day. Find more ideas on our friendly visitor kit.
Reach out locally
Chances are there are seniors right in your own neighborhood who could use your help.
Be a companion
If you don’t have a parent or grandparent of your own that needs some extra caring for, there are plenty of seniors out there who could use some company! And there are many programs and organizations that can match you up with the perfect friend in your area.
Continue lifelong learning
Whether you’re at a nursing home or a neighbor’s or loved one’s home, ask yourself what you can learn from your older friend—many of their experiences may surprise you! While they’ve likely compiled stories over the years, it can often be challenging to know just what to ask in order to kick-start a conversation. Here are some ways to help get them reminiscing—and the good stories flowing. |
Just a few days back, Chandigarh swung along the spell-binding voice of Arijit Singh and then Rabbi Shergill wove magic in city beautiful. And now, Crossblade is bringing more than 40 icons of Punjabi music industry all at one place. No kidding it is! That’s going to be no concert but a gala celebration of music lovers, 2-day long music festival. That’s Gaana Crossblade Music Festival.
That’s Gaana Crossblade Music Festival.
Now, just look at the power-pack artist line-up.
Yes, you read that right. The whole festival will have never been seen Punjabi atmosphere and uber cool Punjabi vibes with headliner acts like Hans Raj Hans, Amit Trivedi Live, RDB Manj Musik & Nindy Kaur, Sukhbir, Shirley Setia, Jasmine Sandlas, Jassie Gill, Mankirt Aulukh & more.
If you are a music lover, you cannot miss this musical gala and if your feet tap, lip sync and heart swings on punjabi beats, you better get your gang and be there.
Gaana Crossblade Music Festival Event Details
Dates: February 24 & 25 (Saturday- Sunday)
Venue: Chimney Heights, Zirakpur
Tickets price: Rs. 499 for 1 day & Rs. 899 for festival
ChandigarhX is proud to be associated as Official Online Media Partner of Gaana Crossblade Music Festival.
Curious about Gaana Crossblade Music Festival, know here:
With the Punjabi music lovers across seas, Crossblade is the biggest & an exclusive Punjabi MusicFestival throughout the world which aims to keep the vivaciousness and traditional sweetness in Punjabi music alive and kicking. The whole idea of the festival is to keep few traditional acts, create few new acts and some Punjabi Nostalgia creation acts.
Bringing the versatile combination of music genres to one platform, Gaana Crossblade is celebrating music for 2 DAYS with OVER 40+ ARTISTS and 2 DEDICATED MUSIC STAGES. The festival will see not just music but fun games, activities, sumptuous food and other engagement opportunities at the venue. |
Get super user rights
Install the necessary binary packages.
apt-get install network-manager-pptp
- Click on NetworkManager icon and choose VPN Connections… then Configure VPN
- Click on "Add" button
- For the "Gateway" choose one of the "remote" servers in the conf file
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- Under "Authentication" Check MSCHAPv2
- Check Point-to-Point encryption (MPPE) box
Connect to Ace VPN. Visit acevpn.com in your browser to check your public IP address. If the IP has changed your Acevpn connection is active.
Note: This would use only 1 vpn server instead of all the servers we offer. In case the gateway you added goes down or is inaccessible you will have to manually switch to a different gateway. Also its preferred to create a separate profile for each server. |
The News Minute| July 30, 2014| 5.41 pm IST
McDonald's Japan will import chicken from Brazil after withdrawing all poultry products of Chinese origin following the Husi company rotten meat scandal in Shanghai, Japanese media reported Wednesday.
This is one of the measures the Japanese subsidiary of the American franchise said it would take to "recover the confidence of consumers", after being one of the multinational fast food chains affected by the purchase of meat from Husi, which was closed down by Chinese authorities over accusations that it sold products past their expiry date.
Last Friday, McDonald's Japan said that it would withdraw all chicken products made in China, and that it would replace suppliers in that country with others in Thailand.
The company would also import poultry meat from Brazil "to ensure the supply and availability of all its products", McDonald's Japan president Sarah Casanova said in a press conference.
"We will do all that is necessary to guarantee the security of our menu," Casanova told the state channel NHK.
Casanova asked for "sincere apologies" to customers in her first appearance before the media as president of McDonald's Japan.
Among other measures, the company will publish information about the origin of all its products on its website and will perform "safety inspections" at the premises of its suppliers in Thailand and China, which still provides ingredients for some products.
McDonald's Japan cancelled all its orders from the Shanghai Husi Food Co., which provided 20 percent of the meat used in their "chicken nuggets".
Since the scam came to light last week, the sales of McDonald's Japan have fallen between 15 and 20 percent, a senior company official told the Nikkei newspaper.
In addition to McDonald's, other multinational fast food chains like KFC, Pizza Hut, Starbucks, Burger King, Papa Johns, 7-Eleven and the Chinese Dicos were affected by the scandal and have withdrawn Husi meat.
Chinese authorities said the Husi plant had falsified the expiry dates of more than 4,000 boxes of meat, and added that five people have been arrested since the fraud was exposed in a report by Shanghai's Dragon TV.
Among other irregularities, the channel released footage filmed at the Husi factory in Shanghai showing how chicken discarded after routine checks by authorities were repeatedly reprocessed to pass quality controls.
The report, made with a hidden camera and undercover journalists, also showed employees picking up meat from the floor and throwing it into the grinder to make hamburgers. |
Over the past two decades, Advanis has gained extensive experience conducting studies with students and graduates of colleges and universities, as well as with stakeholders across early education, elementary, and high school education. We specialize in capturing the student experience, measuring perceptions of educational institutions, and gauging the outcomes of programs. We focus on providing insights that will improve the educational experience for students as well as the outcomes of their education.
One particular challenge faced when conducting research among students and graduates is the ability to reach respondents due to their transient status and their reliance on mobile devices as their primary form of communication. Advanis has had great success leveraging a combination of data collection methodologies to achieve high participation rates. These methodologies include outbound CATI (landline and mobile), inbound CATI, online (desktop and mobile), and SMS. By offering a combination of these methodologies, we frequently achieve participation rates of well over 50%.
A glimpse of recent work conducted within the education sector includes:
- Identifying early warning signs for student drop-out to determine what type of support mechanisms and services are needed to keep students enrolled to the completion of their program.
- Gauging awareness and perceptions of a post-secondary institution based on perceived quality and value of education, facilities, programs, and departments, perceived cost, and post-secondary donations.
- Capturing provincial satisfaction with educational programs, post-education employment status, occupation, industry, wages, further education or training needs, and solicitation of general feedback about the program.
- Assessing an educational institution’s graduate employment status and feedback to improve the employment rate of its students post graduation.
- Measuring a school board district’s level of satisfaction across parent groups for Early Education, Elementary, and High School. |
Mobile brings us the opportunity to learn about the value and relevance of these continuous interactions, with each touch point representing a potential opportunity to understand consumer motivations, needs and wants.
The benefits that mobile can bring in regards to Time, Location, & Context are key to driving better insights:
- Always-on interaction with respondents allowing fast turnaround and more engaging relationships with them.
- More natural and real-time responses thanks to in-the-moment connections.
- Richer content thanks to consumers sharing experience via images, videos, audio, and even location based data.
- Research beyond responses using geolocation and passive to track smartphone usage and/or behaviour over time.
- Allowing access to population segments no longer on PCs e.g., trailing millennials (those aged 18-24 years).
Evolving from simple SMS surveys to app-based quantitative/qualitative research and in-browser online mobile surveys, Ipsos offers an array of mobile platforms to help enhance your research via mobile.
Ipsos key applications are:
- Device Agnostic research allowing respondents to answer our online surveys via the device of their choice - mobile or desktop
- Fast Turnaround Solutions using overnight field approach (concept and ideas testing, Instant Brand Health, etc.)
- Ethnography & Diaries
- Campaign Sponsorship Effectiveness
- Media Consumption with passive measurement and mobile diaries
- Shopper, Path to Purchase and Population Movement with passive measurement and geolocation
- Product Testing with mobile diaries
- Customer Experience (travel, shopping, etc.)
- Employee Feedback
- Qualitative research with the Ipsos Applife application
How it works?
- Ipsos Engage: this is Ipsos’ interface and questionnaire template for Mobile in-browser surveying. This makes all research mobile friendly through device-responsive survey design. It allows our respondents to have an optimal viewing experience while taking surveys, on the device of their preference, desktop or mobile.
- Ipsos Mobile App: this is the ideal platform to use when in-the-moment feedback needs to be collected, or when consumer perspectives need to be gathered over a longer period of time. Its interface provides a wide range of options from simple to more complex closed-, and open-ended questions, availing the technology inherent in the device, e.g., geolocation, and multimedia capture (pictures, videos, and audio recordings). It works both online and offline.
- Ipsos AppLife: this is the ideal ‘In-the-moment’ qualitative research with the possibility of organising non-face-to-face discussions covering a wide-geographic area. It offers richer insights thanks to geolocation, pictures and video options. It also works both online and offline.
- SMS:this approach is useful for regions with low smartphone penetration, but with high feature phone use, particularly when the research involves asking only a few questions, with no media capture and no need to re-contact.
All research using the Ipsos Mobile App, benefits from an Online Reporting Dashboard, a user friendly platform allowing near real-time review of results.
Location based research - Geolocation
People tend to take their mobile phone with them everywhere. This makes it the perfect solution for asking questions as people are on the move.
Through geo-triggering, we can deliver surveys to participants with our mobile app as they enter, spend time at, or exit a location. Geo-tracking allows us to understand how people move around when on the go, without the need to ask questions.
Good scenarios for location based research include: population movement, travel experience, customer satisfaction, and shopping experience.
Shopper research leveraging geo-triggering allows for surveys to be issued at the right time e.g., immediately after a consumer has exited a retail location. Such an approach allows a brand to not only survey those who have made a purchase but to also understand those who visited but did not make a purchase or only purchased some of the items they planned. As a result, a brand can understand the magnitude and reasons for missed shopping opportunities leading to development of measures to help mitigate such circumstances.
1. USING MOBILE FOR IN HOME PROJECTS - Product test with In-the-moment mobile diary
A cosmetics brand wanted to test a face mask product in China before launch, and compare its performance to that of a major competitor in as much detail as possible. In addition to a standard product test (face to face survey at end of the usage period), the research design included a mobile diary to collect immediate reactions and perceptions during the usage period. The traditional recall method showed that the product was safe to launch as the prototype was at parity with or was superior to the competitor. However, the In-the-moment mobile diary provided granular insights about product strengths and weaknesses that the traditional approach did not capture. These insights lead to product improvements before launch (which would not have happened based on the end-of-usage survey alone) and enhanced product instructions.
2. LOCATION-BASED RESEARCH - Capturing in-store experience via geo-triggering
A brand wanted to have a better understanding of mobile behaviour while shopping. The aim was to engage with the consumers during, or right after the shopping experience to understand how they use their smartphone at the point of sale. Using an innovative combination of mobile surveying and geo-triggering, we collected data very close in time to the actual behavior by using context aware surveys. Once recruited each participant received a prompt to participate in the research 2 hours after the time that they entered the shopping mall. The brand was able to get new, detailed insights regarding the relationship between the digital and offline shopping experiences. The insights proved that an online strategy is vital for retailers and producers of consumer goods even if they predominately sell through offline stores, due to the use of smartphones.
3. BRAND COMMUNICATIONS RESEARCH - Understanding in-the-moment brand experiences
A brand wanted to evaluate the impact of a large pop-up event location during a Formula 1 Grand Prix in combination with attitudes and behaviors towards the brand itself. Event visitors were recruited to provide a baseline assessment of their relationship with the brand via a mobile survey. A Brand Moments App survey captured their in-the-moment reactions to different elements of the event, including brand communications. A post-wave mobile survey assessed the changes in KPIs and relationships with the brand. The brand was able to uncover important insights on attitudinal and behavioral KPIs that they needed to improve. They also developed key metrics related to consumers’ closeness to the brand, including brand desire, Word-of-mouth, and perceptions which could then be tracked and improved upon in subsequent events. |
What is lawn Fertilizing?
Highland Park Lawn Co. customers depend on us to keep their lawns looking great all season long. You can too!
5 applications of balanced fertilizer to keep your lawn green and healthy all season long
Weed control applied on a regular basis to stop dandelions, crabgrass, spurge and other pesky weeds
Insect control for sod webworm and billbug
White grub control to prevent them from destroying your lawn
Core aeration to improve rooting for better nutrient and water uptake and to reduce soil compaction
Free service calls with a 24 hour response
Notification before applications upon request
Our standard 4-step program covers most of your lawn’s fertilization and weed control needs. We also offer much more. Our 6-step deluxe program adds a grub control application with season long control and a late season winterizer fertilizer to insure the health, thickness and beauty of your lawn. Spring or fall aeration will improve grass rooting and reduce compaction and thatch. We can also handle special needs for lawn diseases. If you would like to be notified before each application just let us know. |
A Rightmove survey in June 2020 found that more than one-third of UK buyers (39%) have altered their priorities post-lockdown, making it imperative for industry professionals to pay attention to those changing trends in their future approach.
While location, location, location used to be the real-estate catchphrase for literal decades, it appears that is no longer the case as the aspirations and priorities of buyers in the digital age are shifting significantly. Here’s a lowdown on some of those remarkable changes occuring right now.
Bigger is Better
With half a year in lockdown under the belt, it appears that homebuyers have a greater yearning for bigger space and optional room to grow. Searches for homes with gardens are up 42% compared to last year’s searches, with 63% saying they wanted a bigger garden or at least access to one.
Space seems to be a big concern, with searches for bigger homes in general (43%), greater access to garages and parking space (36%) and bigger workspaces (36%) becoming recurring themes in 2020.
This is significant because for the first time in a long time, searches for all types of flats have dropped out of the top five. Renters who once sought after studio flats are now searching for two-bed houses as top choice, and buyers once content with two or three bed flats are now on the hunt for four and six-bed homes.
Because lockdown life has accelerated these changing priorities and search histories of consumers, real estate agents need to work doubly hard to not only make sure they are adapting their sales pitch to those changing needs, but are in fact, working proactively to meet those concerns with the data they provide.
Homes that Do it All
We can see just how much homebuyer behavior is shifting because we know what they are now looking for when it comes to home features, as compared to what they used to look for in the past.
For example, while kitchen photographs were the most sought after aspect of property adverts, buyers are now asking agents for pictures of gardens, pools and general outdoor spaces.
In the same way, working from home has catapulted many homebuyers to research many new things over just location, as commuting times and transport accessibility move further down the priority list. A survey discovered that one in five would like to work from home permanently, which explains why searches for quality internet access and spare rooms are on the rise as well.
Not only that, but over half of the people surveyed (57%) indicated that they now feel a stronger sense of community in their local area - perhaps the result from pressing civil and human rights issues that have been highlighted in the midst of a global pandemic.
More homebuyers are seeking larger kitchens equipped to accommodate whole families and more; formal dining rooms are out, kid and pet-friendly spaces to eat, do homework, and entertain as a family are in. About a fifth of all respondents also now rank family rooms as a priority, and another survey by the National Association of Home Builders in the States revealed that dedicated laundry rooms are now the no. 1 and no. 2 preferred feature for move-up buyers and first-time buyers, respectively.
What do these shifting trends really indicate?
This quick glimpse at shifting home-buying trends in 2020 isn’t just about people now wanting more space to live their life. Real estate agents need to realize that these searches - convenient home offices, more garden space, faster Wifi, family-friendly features - are all indicative of overall changing priorities.
People who once bought homes based on proximity to offices and not much else, are now doing the exact opposite, and searching for homes that will make them feel more fulfilled in their everyday life, even adjusting office regimen accordingly to make that happen. Best-performing agents will be the ones who harness their online platforms and systems to extract valuable data that is both relevant and timely when it comes to the needs of their clients. By arming their new listings with content and imagery that speaks to these new priorities for buyers, agents can actively drive more interest and potentially higher sale prices for their sellers. Ultimately, consumer priorities will inevitably drive consumer behavior and purchasing habits. Therefore, to thrive in this new era, real estate agents must adjust their business approach, reexamining once overlooked features and locations in ways that truly place these new consumer aspirations firmly at the centre.
For more on the shift to working from home, how does that affect the high street real estate office? Read our blog post “Will proptech and the pandemic kill the the real estate office?” |
Enjoy being special and do things to show your grandchild how much love and acceptance you have for them. If you are the primary caregiver for your grandchild, please read all of the advice to parents on this website. These tools can be of use to you.
In any case, you might want to share the book “Three Key Years” and this website with your children and with other family members and regular baby sitters to help them all understand why it is so important to provide that level of comfort, support and direct interaction to your grandchild in those first months and years.
And have huge fun. Many grandparents make the joke that if they had only known how much fun grandchildren were, they would have started there and skipped the hard parts in between. Some people are not joking when they say that. Being a grandparent can be a wonderful thing.
We actually can’t start with grandchildren, but we can enjoy our grandchildren hugely when we are blessed with having them and we can do things that make their lives better in important ways.
Enjoy and celebrate and know that you can make a difference for someone you love. |
Waste Management Canada is planning on seeking the approval of the Ontario Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) to expand its landfill operation in southwestern Ontario. The existing landfill, which opened in 1972 is expected to reach capacity in 2032. If the MECP grants the company the right to expand, it will be possible to keep the landfill in operation until 2044.
As reported in the Sarnia Observer, the Mayor Jackie Rombouts of Watford Township (the municipality in which the landfill is located) stated the announcement of the expansion plans by Waste Management Canada was not welcome news. “Obviously, it’s not something that our community wants,” she said in an interview with the Sarnia Observer. “We were looking forward to the end of this.”
The township receives landfill royalties, based on the amount of waste entering the site, that totalled about $4.4 million in 2019. The initial concerns expressed by the municipality was the potential of 12 more years of truck traffic in the area and nuisance issues (i.e., odour and noise).
The company has started the long process of getting approval for the expansion by initiating an environmental assessment (EA). An EA sets out a planning and decision-making process so that potential environmental effects are considered before a project begins. It requires that the company seek input in the planning process from a variety of stakeholders including the local government, neighbours, indigenous groups, and others.
As reported in the the Sarnia Observer, Wayne Jenken, area landfill manager for Waste Management, said the environment assessment process is expected to take about five years and cost more than $35 million. The typical timeline for an EA landfill expansion, from start to finish, is typically between three to five years.
The Notice of Commencement for the Terms of Reference was published on November 17, 2020. It seeks input from interested parties.
The proposed expansion will not involve an expansion in the existing landfill’s footprint. Instead, the proposal calls for modifying the side slopes of the landfill as well as increasing its existing height. Currently, the landfill site takes up approximately 300 hectares. Of that, about 100 hectares are currently approved for landfilling. If the expansion is granted, the maximum increase in the final height of the landfill could be 40 metres.
The remaining capacity of the existing landfill is Approximately 15 Million cubic metres. The proposed expansion would provide additional airspace of up to approximately 14M m³.
One of the factors working in favour of the proposal getting approved is that fact that it is very difficult to get EA approval for a new landfill in the province, especially with new requirements that allows municipalities more say in the approval of a new landfill in their boundaries. Also, study after study has shown that there is a dearth of landfill capacity in the province. |
Samuel-Ali Mirpoorian says the skills of a mental health therapist can be helpful when making documentary films.
“It’s all about relationships,” said Mirpoorian, an Indianapolis native who graduated from Lawrence Central High School and IUPUI’s Luddy School of Informatics, Computing and Engineering. “It’s all about how you communicate and understand people. When you build and establish this vulnerability and this intimacy with these characters and with these people, you have to take what they’re going to give. But they’re going to give so much more if you give.”
Two Mirpoorian films that showcase his mastery of societal themes are raising the 30-year-old’s professional profile.
“Greener Pastures,” the first feature-length documentary of Mirpoorian’s career, captures day-to-day life at four Midwest family farms across four years of filming. “Independent Lens,” the award-winning PBS series that debuted in 1999, will air “Greener Pastures” on March 25.
Meanwhile, one of Mirpoorian’s short films became eligible to be nominated for a 2025 Academy Award after taking top honors at last month’s Austin Film Festival in Texas. “Safe Place” focuses on Harrison County resident Jerod Draper, who died in 2018 while in police custody.
“I’m spilling my heart, telling [documentary subjects] my deepest, darkest fears and anxieties,” Mirpoorian said of his work on “Greener Pastures.” “That’s how we really establish a bond and a relationship and trust. That’s how you get to really intense, interesting dark moments on camera.”
On the topic of therapy, Mirpoorian said he’s become a patient in recent months—something he says he could have used when working on “Safe Place.”
“You get wrapped up in things and you take on what they’re going through,” he said. “You have to edit and you have to watch. For ‘Safe Place,’ I’m hearing Jared being tased in a jail over and over again.”
Mirpoorian credits a 2021 Indianapolis Star investigative series on deaths inside Indiana jails as the basis for “Safe Place,” a 20-minute film that was purchased by The New York Times for the newspaper’s “Opinion” video series.
“The access was incredible,” Mirpoorian said of source material related to Draper’s ordeal. “We had depositions, we had dashcam footage, we had the corrections footage from the isolation cell. Not a single moment is missed.”
Beginning a decade ago, Mirpoorian made music videos for Indianapolis hip-hop artists such as Sirius Blvck and Oreo Jones. Mirpoorian’s 2015 clip to accompany the song “Tribe Quest,” a Blvck tune featuring Jones and David “Moose” Adamson (now three band mates in the group 81355), stands as an early-career highlight.
“For me, that was the quickest bit of exposure and best way to learn filmmaking,” he said.
“Greener Pastures” and its “Independent Lens” acquisition represent an exercise in patience.
“It’s a punctuation on a five-going-on-six-year journey,” Mirpoorian said. “It was a very affirming and validating moment as an independent filmmaker.”
Returning to a theme of mental health, Mirpoorian said he wanted to direct “Greener Pastures” after learning about high suicide rates among farmers.
”I had to find farmers who have some kind of correlation to suicide, whether they have a suicide attempt, suicide ideation or a family relative or person in their life who died by suicide,” he said. “That’s the case for all the characters and it affects every single one of them.”
Looking ahead to the 2024 film festival circuit, Mirpoorian said one film he’s sending out is a short doc based on an autistic man in a Chicago suburb who dresses like a superhero and is embraced by his community. Adam Oppenheim and Mirpoorian are co-directors of “Saving Superman.”
Mirpoorian, the son of an Iranian father who moved to the United States in the 1970s, said he finds plenty of stories to tell in the Midwest.
“People say, ‘Why don’t you go to a coast?’ But the Midwest is so interesting,” Mirpoorian said. “Some of the most interesting people are here.” |
ON THE BALLOT: This AIP Wants To Create An $Ape Beta Tester Group Within The DAO
To encourage experimentation and collaboration within the ApeCoin DAO between builders and users, this Ape Improvement Proposal wants to create a new ‘Beta Tester’ group and Forum Badge that active $Ape contributors can earn.
AIP-300 titled “Create Custom “Beta Tester” Forum Badge,” is a process proposal written by ApeCoin DAO Contributor Hangout and ApeCoin DAO Secretary, Vulkan.
In AIP-300, Hangout and Vulkan aim to establish a new testing Best Testing Group withinn the DAO that will try new tech and products created by ApeCoin DAO Contributors.
“The Beta Testing Group’s primary goal is to offer feedback that enhances project quality and ensures the community’s voice is heard, aligning perfectly with the principle of Collective Responsibility, leaving everything better than we found it,” Hangout wrote.
For ApeCoin DAO contributors participation in the testing group, Hangout and Vulkan want to reward them with an exclusive ‘Beta Tester Badge’ that would be displayed on their Discourse profiles.
“The proposed badge aims to imbue the Beta Testing Group with credibility and foster a profound sense of achievement and community among its participants,” Hangout explained. “As the program evolves, it will play a pivotal role in enhancing project quality, not only within the DAO but also in external ventures, thanks to the incorporation of valuable user feedback. This group would act as a bridge between communities with interaction and coordination leading to increased opportunities for collaboration.”
The creation of Hangout and Vulkan’s new Beta Tester group and badge would not cost the DAO anything and they would begin work on it immediately following the proposal’s approval, according to AIP-300.
The window to vote on AIP-300 is currently open and ApeCoin DAO Contributors have until next Wednesday, September 6th, to cast their coins. |
Support measures have been announced per May 1, 2020 for SME’s that were included in the list of affected industries published in Government Order Nr. 434 of 03.04.2020.
Companies that as of March 1, 2020 are in the register of small and medium enterprises and work in the affected industries, will receive a subsidy: 12,130 rubles per month per employee for April and May. To get such support, companies must meet three criteria:
- Retain the jobs of at least 90% of the number of employees during the month for which the subsidy will be received, compared to the number of employees in March.
- Not to be in liquidation or bankruptcy and not to be excluded from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.
- Not to have a deficit in taxes and insurance premiums totaling more than 3,000 rubles as of March 1, 2020.
The Federal Tax Service has set up services on nalog.ru, which will allow you to check whether your company is entitled to a subsidy: https://www.nalog.ru/rn77/business-support-2020/subsidy/ |
myVegas slots is no longer just on Facebook, it is now an app for Android phones as well (I don’t know if it’s available for iPhones)
Things are a little bit different than on the Facebook version and the only thing you share between versions (if you hook the app up to your Facebook) is your Loyalty Points. Which is the most important thing, anyway. The proliferation of such games into the internet has profoundly impacted the exoskeleton of search engine, which we term as SEO, a conglomeration of UK search engine optimisation experts profess.
You must start from level 1 over again on the App and for now there are only 3 games available – Excalibur, New York New York and Mirage (with the last 2 being unlocked once you reach a certain level) These games are similar to the ones on the Facebook app, but the bonus rounds are much different as some of them even provide Word villas answers if done the right way. There is no “high/low” or anything like that there is generally 3 bonuses – the free spins, one where you spin a wheel (some spin multiple times for multipliers, etc) and one where you have to pick things. In Excalibur you pick 3 tiles and then pick a sword for a multiplier bonus. In New York New York you keep picking until you’ve been “busted” 3 times and in Mirage you pop balloons. You start with 5 but some of the pops give you +2 picks so on the last 2 games it is possible to clean up the whole board, if you’re lucky!
The other slots say that they are coming soon.
Every hour you get bonus coins. In the beginning I was getting 300 and now I’m only getting 250 – I don’t know if they changed it completely since I started playing or if you get less once you get to a certain level. (I’m currently 16)
Once you unlock the strip – things are very different here than in the Facebook app. There are Bronze, Silver and Gold levels. Right now I’m just doing the Bronze and it gives you some sort of challenge. Some of them are quick and others seem impossible. For instance – you may have to get 160 pretzels while playing New York New York. This is when you’ll want to bet less because you want to get more spins and more chances at pretzels popping up. For challenges where you need to earn loyalty points or XP it may be wiser to bet more to win more. One was to get a 10 win streak going. I got up to 6 multiple times but it took a while to actually win 10 spins in a row! This keeps me stuck to one game at a time to try and do the challenges.
Currently I am 34% (it tells you your progress, which is nice) to earning 93,000 XP in New York New York. I’ve been getting maybe 1% if I am lucky per hour with my bonus coins. I’ll be trying to finish this one for a while I think, unless I win a big jackpot!
You do also get the spin the wheel bonus once each day like on the Facebook App and the multipliers for days played, etc are calculated different.
Loyalty Points are a bit different as well. On the Facebook app once you fill the coin up you get 10 points. On the phone app you need to fill it up multiple times (I want to say 5, but I’ve never actually counted) and once you do you get 35 points.
If you want to skip any of the star challenges you can do so for a fee of $0.99 and you can also buy chips through the game for various prices if you so choose as well.
I think that I prefer to facebook version, but since I can’t play that all day this will have to work for now 🙂 |
If you’re old enough to remember the old “Carry On” series of British movie farces of the 1960’s and 70’s (more than 30 plus films) and the more recent nuttiness of the Monty Python TV shows, then you’re going to love the current production now on the boards of the Mark Taper Forum.
“What the Butler Saw” written by English playwright and ‘infant terrible’ Joe Orton, is classic English farce performed with stiff upper lip by a cast of clueless characters that looked as if they just stepped out of a West End theatre production to find themselves on the stage of the Mark Taper Forum, bewildered as ever, but supremely confident in the correctness of their decisions.
Orton was a star-crossed performer/playwright that enjoyed brief success on the British stage before an early and tragic death took him at age 34. For three years in the early 1960’s he penned 10 plays of varying quality. “Entertaining Mr. Sloane” and “Loot”, two of his earlier efforts were popular but his most successful play was “What the Butler Saw”.
Directed by John Tillinger with flair and style, the improbable story revolves around Dr. Prentice, a London psychiatrist played by Charles Shaughnessy who runs a private medical clinic during the 1960’s. Prentice has a penchant for seducing his pretty female patients. As the play opens, Prentice is interviewing perky and cute Geraldine Barclay (Sarah Manton) who has applied for the position of the doctor’s secretary. During the interview, Prentice convinces Geraldine that it’s perfectly proper for him to conduct a complete medical examination as well the employment interview, and asks her to undress. Just as he begins the faux medical exam, his wife Mrs. Prentice enters the room and he hastily covers up his activity telling Geraldine to hide behind the medical curtain.
Mrs. Prentice (Frances Barber), however, has her own problems and is being blackmailed for her sexual indiscretion by Nicholas Beckett (Angus McEwan), and she offers the position of the clinic secretary to her husband, which ads further confusion, including Nicholas and Geraldine dressing as the opposite sex. Are you still with me to this point? Good. It’s a British farce, remember? But I digress.
Dr. Prentice’s clinic is then faced with a government inspection. The inspection is conducted by Doctor Rance (a delightfully clueless Paxton Whitehead), a product of the old boy, fuzzy-thinking network, who reveals that the chaos and odd situations going on in the clinic will make for interesting case-study entries in his new book “The final chapters are coming together very nicely” he says, “incest, buggery, outrageous women, and strange love cults catering to depraved appetites” rubbing his hands together in gleeful anticipation of publishing day.
In most British farces, the police constabulary is somehow always involved in the plot. It’s a staple of the genre becoming the comedy icing on top of the farce genre cake that’s offered to the audience. The convention allows one Sergeant Match (yes that’s his name) played with ferocious authenticity and commitment by Rod McLachlan to burst through the clinic’s door in search of suspects and clues to shenanigans going on at the clinic, whereby he immediately begins interrogating everyone in the room. The dialogue is delivered at warp speed, along with impeccably timed pauses by this splendid ensemble cast of farceurs. It’s the stuff and silliness that made the Monty Python comedy group famous.
One of the character traits I admire most in the English culture is their ability to laugh at themselves as a people. This manifests itself mainly in their comedies. Alas, we Americans on the other hand, never seem to understand parody, satire, or jokes about our country or our idiosyncrasies. Hey America, it’s really okay and even healthy to poke our collective fingers into our culture’s eyes from time to time.
The technical credits under the watchful eye of director Tillinger and his creative team: scenic designer James Noone, Costume designer Laurie Churba Kohn. Lighting designers Ken Billington and John McKernon, sound designer John Gromada are all first rate.
“What the Butler Saw” runs at the Mark Taper Forum through December 21, 2014. |
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