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El món és un mocador, és veritat, però només si viatgem ben lluny. Tothom té un amic que ha viatjat a Londres o Estocolm per dos euros més les taxes aeroportuàries. Podem marxar al matí, dinar en un bistrot parisenc i tornar a casa a sopar. És cert, però mireu de desplaçar-vos vint o trenta quilòmetres a la rodona de Girona. I, sobretot, feu-ho cada dia. Viatjar a més de mil quilòmetres pot ser tant barat com (per posar un exemple) un abonament d’una vintena de trajectes de Llagostera a Girona en un autobús de la Teisa (que, per cert, no us serveix ni per anar al cine, perquè l’últim surt de Girona a un quart de deu del vespre). Mentre construeixen l’AVE que ens portarà de vacances on vulguem, creix (per mantenir l’exemple) l’embús de rigor a la carretera de Sant Feliu de Guíxols a Girona, ara multiplicat perquè per resoldre les retencions del semàfors de Llambilles es construeix una rotonda que és provisional, és clar, perquè a la llarga s’ha de fer una variant, que no sé si serà de dos carrils o de quatre perquè, encara més a la llarga, aquesta carretera s’ha de desdoblar, i així atraurà més cotxes i podrem tenir saturada una carretera més ampla i més moderna. Aleshores potser algun usuari d’autobús atrapat en l’embús de les 08.55 clavarà els ulls en la línia paral•lela de l’antiga via del carrilet, buida i ensopida, esperant que arribi, amb el vespre o el cap de setmana, el trànsit ociós dels ciclistes que es desplacen sense cap altre motiu que el desig de moure’s. Potser l’usuari d’autobús somiejarà un moment i s’imaginarà un tramvia silenciós i pulcre que circula amunt i avall, alliberat del bloqueig dels cotxes, i es veurà ell mateix assegut al tramvia, fent pam i pipa als conductors atrapats en una magnífica carretera desdoblada tantes vegades com vostès vulguin. Serà només un moment, però quina felicitat! (El Punt, 25 de febrer de 2010) Publicat per Lluís Freixas Mascort a 13:43 Cap comentari: Publica un comentari a l'entrada Entrada més recent Entrada més antiga Inici Subscriure's a: Comentaris del missatge (Atom) Dades personals Lluís Freixas Mascort Em vaig dedicar al periodisme durant divuit anys, però no sóc mala persona. Treballo a la Casa de Cultura de Girona des de 2003. Llegeixo i escric alguna cosa (poques). He publicat un parell de llibres de poesia, però fa tants anys que ja ni me'n penedeixo. Fa poc he reincidit i he publicat el recull de contes "Camins particulars" (Accent Editorial). Escric articles a El Punt, Gavarres, i altres diaris, revistes i revistetes.
La Fundació Rafa Nadal ha estat present a l’acte “Esport i Agenda 2030” de la Fundació Vicente Ferrer - Fundación Rafa Nadal Vés al contingut CA ES EN Qui som? Alternar menú Història Equip Patronat Rafael Nadal Aliats Transparència Governança Què fem? Alternar menú Impacte transformador Projectes Alternar menú Centres Fundació Rafa Nadal Nets Més que Tenis Study&Play Partners Esdeveniments Coneix-nos Alternar menú Blog Notícies Memórias Reconeixements Memòria desè aniversari Col·labora! Alternar menú Donacions Contacta’ns Search for: Cerca Cerca Main Menu Qui som? Alternar menú Història Equip Patronat Rafael Nadal Aliats Transparència Governança Què fem? Alternar menú Impacte transformador Projectes Alternar menú Centres Fundació Rafa Nadal Nets Més que Tenis Study&Play Partners Esdeveniments Coneix-nos Alternar menú Blog Notícies Memórias Reconeixements Memòria desè aniversari Col·labora! Alternar menú Donacions Contacta’ns CA ES EN Notícies 21 d’octubre de 2022 LA Fundació Rafa Nadal HA ESTAT PRESENT A L’ACTE “ESPORT I AGENDA 2030: UNA ALIANÇA PER A LA TRANSFORMACIÓ SOCIAL” DE LA FUNDACIÓ VICENTE FERRER La Fundació Vicente Ferrer ha organitzat un acte a Madrid per a reflexionar sobre l’esport com a eina de transformació social i vehicle per a aconseguir els 17 Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible marcats en l’Agenda 2030 per l’Assemblea General de les Nacions Unides. ”Joc i esport: aliats de l’agenda 2030” Les associacions Alacrà i La Torre de Hortaleza han estat les encarregades d’obrir aquest esdeveniment per a presentar el projecte conjunt amb la Fundació Vicente Ferrer, ”Joc i esport: aliats de l’agenda 2030”, on atenen menors en situació de vulnerabilitat del barri a través d’activitats esportives i educatives relacionades amb els ODS. A més, la Fundació Vicente Ferrer ha ofert formacions en comunicació i mesurament d’impacte als professionals de les associacions per a millorar el seu sistema de treball i potenciar el seu abast. Es tracta d’un projecte en el qual existeix un interessant intercanvi cultural entre els menors del barri de Hortaleza i els menors lliguin didos en Anantapur. Es tracta de col·locar als menors en el centre de la intervenció com a agents actius i protagonistes. Que els menors siguin considerats com a titulars de dret, donant-los veu i fomentant la seva participació. I per descomptat, el projecte incideix en la importància del mesurament de l’impacte i en la visibilitat a través de les eines de comunicació que cada entitat té al seu abast. És un projecte que es duu a terme gràcies a l’aliança entre entitats i que facilita el treball de totes les parts. L’esport com una part fonamental del projecte de la Fundació Vicente Ferrer a l’Índia Vamshi Origanti, Academy Development Manager en la Anantapur Sports Academy, va viatjar a Madrid per a participar com a ponent en aquest acte i acostar als assistents a la realitat de Anantapur a través dels projectes esportius que es duen a terme dins de les instal·lacions de la Fundació Vicente Ferrer. L’esport funciona com a motor de canvi per a l’Índia rural. Els programes esportius de l’ANSA ofereixen accés regular a l’esport per a la població infantil, promouen valors positius, generen oportunitats de futur i faciliten als menors l’ús d’infraestructures esportives d’alt rendiment, l’accés del qual és limitat a l’Índia rural. L’esport és desenvolupament sostenible, contribueix a la fi de la pobresa, a una educació de qualitat, a la igualtat de gènere, a la reducció desigualtats i és una eina poderosa i un aliat per a inspirar i motivar a tots els menors i les famílies que formen part del programa. Vamshi va citar dues històries d’èxit relacionades amb l’esport, demostrant la seva enorme capacitat de generar un impacte transformador en els nens, nenes i famílies amb les quals treballen. Estudi “L’esport com a eina per al desenvolupament” Luz María Sanz, la directora de la Fundació Vicente Ferrer, va aprofitar per a presentar l’estudi “L’esport com a eina per al desenvolupament” que han publicat recentment i que ofereix una visió holística sobre aquesta eina de transformació. Taules de diàleg Després d’aquest inici de la jornada, es van organitzar dues taules de diàleg per a tractar diversos temes relacionats amb l’esport. La taula de “Esport i igualtat de gènere” ha comptat amb la participació de Reyes Bellver, advocada de la LWF Platform, Anair Lomba de la Fundació La Lliga, María Pelaez, nedadora professional i Paula López, de la Asociacion Torre de Hortaleza que han xerrat sobre la importància de l’esport femení, la seva professionalització, la importància d’educar en tolerància i el treball dels projectes que busquen la igualtat en aquest sector. En la taula de diàleg “Esport i desenvolupament: una acció multi-actor” va participar Manuel Parga, del COE, Lourdes García, periodista de TVE, Beatriz Lara, docent en la Universitat Camilo José Cela i Eunate Gómez, responsable de projectes de la Fundació Rafa Nadal. Junts van posar en valor el paper de diferents actors del sector públic, sector privat, societat civil organitzada, entitats i institucions del món acadèmic i ciutadania en general en la consecució dels Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible. També van ressaltar l’esport com una poderosa eina socioeducativa i de transformació social, que promou el desenvolupament holístic de les persones, la cohesió social i la igualtat; generant impactes positius rellevants en les comunitats i la societat en general, i en la població infantil en particular. És necessari incorporar la teoria i perspectiva de l’esport per al desenvolupament, en particular referent als objectius de desenvolupament sostenibles (ODS), integrar-ho en l’inconscient col·lectiu, en els programes i projectes, en les estratègies d’esport. Eunate Gómez, va destacar a més, que la Fundació Rafa Nadal té com a filosofia desenvolupar projectes de continuïtat i sostenibles, per la qual cosa continuarà treballant més enllà de 2030 per la consecució d’aquests objectius que són simplement una manera de mesurar la incidència dels seus projectes i del treball que es duu a terme. Gràcies a la Fundació Vicente Ferrer per impulsar aquest tipus de jornades tan importants per a compartir experiències entre entitats. “L’esport té un enorme poder transformador” + - SUBSCRÍU-TE Nom: Cognoms: Email *: Direcció: Telèfon: Data neixement: Leave this field empty if you're human: DONA Creiem en el poder transformador de l'esport. Subscriu-te a la nostra newsletter. SUBSCRIU-TE ¿Quienes somos? Història Equip Patronat Rafael Nadal Aliats Transparència Governança ¿Qué hacemos? Impacte transformador Projectes Partners Esdeveniments CONÓCENOS Blog Notícies Memórias Reconeixements 10è Aniversari ¡Colabora! Donacions Contacta’ns © 2022 Fundació Rafa Nadal. Tots els drets reservats. Fundada per Rafael Nadal. Política de privacitat Nota legal Utilitzem cookies al nostre lloc web per oferir-vos l'experiència més rellevant recordant les vostres preferències i visites repetides. En fer clic a "Acceptar-ho tot", accepteu l'ús de TOTES les cookies. 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El jugador del València Pablo Piatti ha comparegut en roda de premsa després de l’entrenament d’aquest matí per a parlar del proper rival de Lliga, el Màlaga, i d’altres temes d’actualitat com el de la possible arribada del seu compatriota Enzo Pérez. Piatti ha dedicat paraules de respecte al conjunt que visita aquest divendres l’estadi de Mestalla. “És un equip que va complicar l’Athletic la primera jornada i que s’ha reforçat molt bé durant l’estiu”, ha declarat. A més, ha recordat que els malaguenys no comptaran amb dos dels seus pilars fonamentals per sanció, Antunes i Duda. Sobre Enzo Pérez, nom que ha estat present en pràcticament totes les darreres rodes de premsa, Piatti hi ha asegurat que “si el club creu convinent portar un nou migcampista serà benvingut” i ha afegit que a l’etapa en la qual va compartir vestuari amb ell a Estudiantes, l’encara jugador del Benfica “jugava més per la dreta, però ara el seu joc ha crescut i al Benfica juga més avançat i amb més protagonisme arribant a l’àrea”. Per últim, Piatti ha afirmat que l’equip va a treballar “per a estar ahí dalt i complir l’objectiu marcat, què no és altre que les places que donen accés a Lliga de Campions”.
Maybe you’ve always know you’ve wanted to be a research professor in wildlife ecology. Perhaps you’ve just taken a course on fungi and stumbled into a whole new world of career possibilities. Either way, getting past the first step– your undergraduate degree– and onto the academic path isn’t easy. Academic culture isn’t always intuitive. Many undergraduates aren’t getting the mentoring they need to successfully pursue their career goals (and this is true at every career stage, really), once you’ve discovered what those might be. If you’re an undergraduate with some sense that you might need higher education to pursue your dream job– or at least decide what that is– the idea of graduate school can be intimidating. As I work through my second round of graduate applicants, I’ve found that many students are poorly prepared for the process of finding a mentor and and reaching out with that first, inquiry email. It’s unfortunate, because that is the very first step in the process; you could be shutting yourself down without even having a real chance at your dreams. Are you not sure where to start? Are you applying to schools without ever having contacted a mentor? Do you know the difference between a resume and a CV? Are you bombarding list-servs with emails about your passion for the natural world and what a hard worker you are (pro-tip: don’t do this)? This guide is for you. Applying to graduate school should not be a random process! Do your homework first. Image courtesy of PhDComics. THINGS TO DO LONG BEFORE YOU WRITE AN INQUIRY EMAIL Get field and lab experience while you’re still in college. Before you even think about applying to graduate school, you should be looking for opportunities to work in labs. It’s okay if you’re not interested in Drosophila research (as an example); working in a Drosophila lab will teach you a lot about the process of science itself, and give you a huge edge when you apply. You’ll also get a sense of what you like and dislike, and where your strengths and weaknesses are. Check your university for positions, and keep an eye on society listings for job postings for summer research assistants. The ESA Student Section has a nice collection of resources here. Cultivate relationships with potential letter writers. As part of your graduate school application, you’ll need letters of recommendation from around three references. These should ideally be from researchers you have worked with, an advisor, and/or faculty you have taken multiple courses with. Do not ask a professor who taught the 300-student lecture you took three years ago for a letter– you’ll want these to be people who can really comment on your work ethic, ability to work independently and with others, your sense of drive and creative thinking skills, or other attributs. Ideally, letters can help bolster applications with holes, e.g, “Tom had a rough start academically but really came into his own when he discovered ecology, and I’m confident that he’s found his groove and will be a great asset to any lab.” Note: you will not generally ever see the contents of these letters, so make sure they’re from people who know you and are in a position to write good things about you. Read papers. The best advice I got from my undergraduate advisor when it came to preparing for graduate school was to read, read, read, and read some more. I knew I wanted to do paleoecology, but didn’t have a good sense of what was out there, so I dove into the literature and came up with a dream list of researchers who were doing interesting work. THINGS TO DO WHEN YOU’RE READY TO CONTACT POTENTIAL ADVISORS Organize your CV. A Curriculum Vitae, or CV, is like an academic version of the resume, but it is not a resume. I repeat: A CV is not a resume. CV’s may be more than a page long, and should include everything about you that’s relevant– your educational background, work experience, publications, presentations, awards and honors, etc. I strongly recommend reading several CVs before you build your own, especially from researchers from different stages. As an undergraduate, you may not have a lot for most of the sections you see on examples, but you can also add other elements (e.g., relevant coursework) that you’d later take off as you progress. Don’t put anything on your CV that you started before college– no high school grades– and avoid part-time jobs that aren’t directly related to the work you want to do (wilderness first responder is ok, bakery cashier is not). I strongly recommend starting a CV as early as possible in your career, and adding honors, research experiences, and other achievements as they happen (trust me, you’ll forget). If you’re unclear about the difference between a CV and a resume, start here. Write a concise, tailored, informative, and mature inquiry email. You’ve got a dream list of prospective advisors, or perhaps have come across an advertisement for a funding opportunity you’re really interested in. If you don’t, go back to the literature, talk to your undergraduate advisor, and figure out who you’d like to work with. In the sciences, at least, you are very unlikely to be accepted to a graduate program if you don’t have a faculty advisor willing to work with you. When you’re ready to contact people, take some time to craft a brief, informative email that is individually tailored. For example*: Dear Dr. Rosalind Darwin, I recently read your paper, Snails are way cooler than slugs, and am very interested in your work on the importance of shells in determining awesomeness in invertebrates. I am a senior a the University of Science, where I am working with Dr. Advisor on a senior thesis about how beetles are also very cool, using tools our lab has developed linking wing shininess to coolness. I’ll be graduating this fall with a BS in Biology, and I was wondering if you have any graduate opportunities available in your lab? Until recently, my background was in plants, and I was wondering if you’ve considered testing whether the plant the snail is on affects how awesome it is? In graduate school, I’d like to apply my research to conservation, particularly in relation to climate change and other threats. My goal is to be a research professor working at the interface of conservation biology and landscape coolness, with a strong policy relevance. I have attached a copy of my CV for your consideration, and would be very interested in discussing possibilities with your lab. Respectfully, Undergraduate Student Find a comfortable setting, free of distractions, to compose your inquiry email. Don’t blow it! Note how this letter uses the appropriate salutation (not “hey prof,” or “Hi Mrs. Darwin” or “Yo,” or “Hi Chaz.”). Seriously: I have not responded to emails that addressed me as “Mrs.” — or worse, “Mr.” Gill” (It’s Dr. Gill, Professor Gill, or, at the very least, Jacquelyn Gill. Spell the name correctly. By tailoring the inquiry, as I’ve done in my example, you show that you’re not on a fishing expedition by directly connecting your interests with the researcher’s, and shows that you’ve done your homework. The example also gives Dr. Darwin a better sense of what your interests and goals are. Don’t lie, but don’t be your own worst enemy. Tell the truth about your research interests and goals, even if you’re not completely sure what those are. Obviously, doing some hard thinking about what those goals actually might be is an important part of this process. Some advisors won’t be interested in working with you unless your goals are to obtain a PhD and work at a major research university, and so don’t be afraid to aim high and sound confident. Having said that, don’t say you absolutely want to get a PhD to study exactly what your prospective advisor studies, and to work at a top research university if it’s not true. If you want to use graduate school as the opportunity to decide whether academia is for you, that’s okay; just be up front about that, without sounding wishy-washy. Don’t use the inquiry letter as a therapy session; minimize personal details, and emphasize the positive. Don’t trash talk your previous advisors or institutions. Don’t copy text from your prospective advisor’s website and past after the words “I would really like to research_____.” Don’t lie about whether you’re applying to other programs (remember that even if you end up not studying with a particular person, they may end up reviewing your grant applications or papers). Don’t sound too tailored, in other words, and be honest, straightforward, enthusiastic, but not pandering. Keep your language professional, but don’t be afraid to sound enthusiastic– but keep your feet on the ground (no poetry or hyperbole). If this all sounds like a tough balance to strike, that’s because it is– but remember that if you’re disingenuous or trying to hard, it will show. It’s always a good idea to show other people (including your undergraduate advisor!) a draft of your email before you send it! Don’t treat graduate school inquiries as though you’re applying for a position in a marketing firm. Career Services centers are often very poorly equipped to advise students when it comes to applying for academic positions (see the resume versus CV discussion above). For your inquiry letter, avoid what I call “business school language.” Notice how in the example above, I didn’t include anything like “I am a highly motivated student, committed to academic excellence.” That’s what I want to see in your letters of recommendation, not in your inquiry email. In other words, show, don’t tell. Your first sell, to me, is your brain– I’m interested in whether you’d be a good fit for the lab, and demonstrate an ability to think originally and well. Your CV should tell me if you’re a high achiever, whether you’ve done a lot of fieldwork in adverse conditions, and whether you’ve published. Saying “I have experience in conceiving, executing, and bringing to fruition an original research project” is pointless if your undergraduate thesis is listed on your CV, and just serves to make you come across as stiff or grasping. Make sure you provide everything that is asked for, in the appropriate format. It may be that you end up responding to an advertisement instead of cold-emailing a professor. If that’s the case, follow the instructions to the letter: provide a CV (not a resume, and not a resume disguised as a CV), a cover letter only if asked, and any other relevant information. Don’t attach your transcripts, GRE scores, etc. unless explicitly asked for them. This sounds like a no-brainer, but a large proportion of the emails I receive don’t follow directions. Applying to graduate school is a stressful process, but you can save yourself a lot of time, effort, and headache if you do a little background work and make sure you send targeted, well-crafted emails to the professors you’re interested in working with. They may not respond anyway (professors are notoriously busy and are often poor email communicators), but they’ll much more likely to respond than if you take the shot-gun approach. You may get a polite response with an apology that the researcher lacks funding, in which case it’s always a good idea to research graduate funding opportunities, both broadly (like the NSF GRFP) and at your institution of choice. Almost always nowadays, graduate school starts with the first email; it’s the modern-day foot in the door. Your prospective advisor will not only guide you through the application process and advocate for you, they’ll also be the one you spend the next two to eight years with, mentoring you in your development as to an academic adult. You’re going to be a huge investment of their time, resources, and energy, and your letter really needs to show them that you have the independence, intellectual maturity, and professionalism to succeed as a student. Don’t blow it! Good luck! *As John Anderson–my undergraduate advisor!– notes in comments, you should not actually use the terms “awesome” or “coolness” in your letter, as I did in my tongue-in-cheek example. In a real-life example, those should be replaced with appropriate scientific terms. I also have to credit John with a lot of the advice I’m sharing about writing a well-tailored letter. It got me into graduate school, after all. Edited to add: Check out this great post over at Dynamic Ecology on applying to grad school. Share this: Twitter Facebook More Email LinkedIn Reddit Print Like this: Like Loading... Categories: Academia Education Grad School Tips & Tricks Tagged as: applications graduate career undergraduates Jacquelyn Gill Pollen and the science of failed plant sex How fast can trees migrate? 252 replies › Pingback: Tool to connect herpetologically-minded labs with prospective students and postdocs – Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles – Australia's Leading Pets products Online seller Pingback: How To Email Graduate Admissions - US Login Database Pingback: How To Email Graduate Admissions » LoginCast.Com Pingback: How to apply for Honours – Overeager Beaver brillg01 says: December 22, 2020 at 1:13 PM Hi Professor Gill, Still relevant in 2020. I sent an email to a pi and received the following response (see below). I am not sure how to respond. I was going to send the professor a 1 page project summary with aims and references, but I wasn’t sure if that was called for or if I should just thank him and hope to speak to him if I get invited for an interview? Gabriel, Thank you for reaching out. Looks like you have quite a bit of experience. Impressive. Lots of questions, all relevant with no doubt. I have answers for some, not for all, some things you have asked we have done and some are in progress, some other ones haven’t been explored yet. But perhaps we can leave that to a conversation whenever we have the chance. It would be too long and most likely incomplete try to address all your question in this email. But I guess the answer you care the most is whether I have room in the lab, and the answer is yes. Especially for highly motivated people that share the same interests I have. Good luck with your application to the MCP Program, I believe interviews are at the end of January, right? Happy Holidays, Andrea LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: March 29, 2021 at 12:28 PM Hi, I’m sorry I missed this until now. This is a very promising response, and I hope it worked out — I woulds read between the lines here that this is a case where knowing more about the specific process this department goes through would be informative. It sounds like they do a central interview process at that institution? Feel free to report back with how it went! LikeLike Reply S D says: July 16, 2021 at 3:07 PM Hello Dr. Gill, I am wondering if you have advise for folks who have been graduated from undergrad for a while or maybe going into a different field than their undergrad. I finished my bachelors in 2014. When I was younger, I wasn’t totally sure of what I wanted to do. I definitely did not know I would want to go to graduate school years later (in a bit different field than my undergrad). The standard formula of an intro email doesn’t seem to highlight me. In my intro email should I: 1. talk about my undergraduate research experiences that are not very relevant to what I want to study now (I do have more recent relevant field work (non-academic) and research experiences) 2. talk about why I want to shift my career 3. talk about my non-academic experiences Thanks for any advice you may have! LikeLike Reply Heather Brock says: November 24, 2020 at 3:49 PM Hi, I’m not sure if you’re still taking questions or not, but I have one question I’m not sure what to do about. I emailed letters of intent to several potential advisors for graduate school and heard back from a few. After several weeks I sent out a follow up email to the ones I never heard from and several weeks later I still have not received a reply from any of those professors (I did recheck their email addresses). Would it be bad to send a letter of intent a third time to them or just assume they have no intention of accepting any new students for next fall or did not like my letter? Thank you. Heather LikeLike Reply Lindsey says: October 19, 2020 at 9:19 AM Dr. Gill, Your blog post is impressive with how it has stayed relevant for all of these years and that you are caring enough to continue to answer questions! I read through the post and comments, but I still have another question: What is your opinion on emailing the graduate coordinator of a program you are interested in, just to introduce yourself? Are introduction only emails annoying to faculty? This program’s website is very informative so I cannot think of a relevant question that would not seem as if I was wasting their time. I am not interested in the coordinator’s area of study but want to cast as wide of connection net as possible. Thank you! LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: March 29, 2021 at 12:32 PM I’m a graduate coordinator now (I wasn’t when I wrote this) and I can say I’m always happy to answer questions, but it’s always a good idea to do the reading first. It’s frustrating when students aren’t checking to see if the website covers their questions. You definitely don’t need to email grad coordinators, but if you have a question that’s not covered somewhere, it’s perfectly acceptable to do that. We’re often also regular faculty, too, so we’re often also overwhelmed with email, so like anything, I would say it’s a courtesy to be thoughtful in your communication, especially during the pandemic. So, TL;DR, not needed unless they tell you to explicitly or you have a question. LikeLike Reply Kathryn Dawn Clark says: September 24, 2020 at 9:27 PM Thank you so much for sharing! Do you have any advice for students who do not have any lab experience or publications? I was a transfer student with one year left of school and most labs wanted at least three years dedicated. I have my bachelor of science and will be applying straight into a five-year doctorate program. I know I am capable and an asset but have no way of truly proving it. Thank you again for your time and advice! LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: March 29, 2021 at 12:36 PM This is tough, and it’s a competitive pool out there. Anything you can do to get some of that experience, even late in your undergraduate or after school, will help. Your best bet in these cases are often to talk to professors who know you from class, or a graduate student TA. Look for short-term lab and field jobs for the summer or coming year if you don’t get in, and don’t be afraid to look outside your institution. You might need to start with a volunteer experience first, just to get your feet wet. You might also consider being flexible and going for a Masters, which can give you experience with research in a more low-stakes way. Many faculty are hesitant to take a student right out of undergrad into a PhD, especially without a significant research experience. LikeLike Reply Aaron says: September 4, 2020 at 9:25 AM Hi! This post has actually helped me a lot in drafting my mail for professors. However, I don’t think I’m done. My CV is not yet complete (with respect to appeal and spacings) and my SoP is not done. Moreover, I think the mails itself require slight corrections. Do you think it is too late to mail professors by late September? I think everything, including my ToEFL (which is next Saturday) and obtaining LoRs, will be done by then. LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: September 8, 2020 at 8:43 AM You should start the inquiry process long before you start your application. Just the CV is needed when you reach out. Work on that first, and don’t worry about the other application materials until you’ve been encouraged to apply. Your statement should be tailored to each lab/program, for example. Most application deadlines are in December or January, so you have time to get the other pieces together. Test scores are contingent on when exams are given, of course, and it’s good to give letter writers lots of notice, but overall, you don’t need a full application package just to send an inquiry email. LikeLike Reply Aaron says: September 8, 2020 at 2:15 PM Thanks for the advice! I’ve sent one mail and will send another today or tomorrow. My GRE is done, my ToEFL is coming up in a few days, so that end is tieing up well! A brief outline of the SoP is quite done and I have to add more info based on each program. One letter writer has agreed, am God willing I’m going to ask the others before the end of the month or so. I hope things sort out well! I’m actually basing my mails on the fact that I am working on that very field at the moment, which is actually not so strong since this research work didn’t start much long ago and it doesn’t have much content to add to it. But hopefully, all things will turn out for good! LikeLiked by 1 person Reply Jonathan says: August 21, 2020 at 9:47 PM I really enjoyed the advice that you have given. I just wanted to know if it is actually appropriate in contacting prospective faculty that you may want to work with if for most of them you will be breaking contact with them sooner or later. Like what if the ball gets rolling and it rudely stops because you already chose someone? LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: September 8, 2020 at 8:40 AM We all know that you’re applying multiple places, and it’s okay to be up front about that. Rather than rudely stop, you can simply send a polite note thanking them for their time, and letting them know that you’ve decided to pursue an opportunity elsewhere. These may be your future colleagues, reviewers, postdoc advisors, etc., so it’s worth maintaining a professional relationship. LikeLike Reply Omar says: August 17, 2020 at 1:41 PM (I posted this comment before but I think for some reason it did not end up going through. Should there be a duplicate comment please feel free to delete one). Hi Dr. Gill, This has been a really helpful article and has really helped me reach out to a few professors! I did have one question though: I’m looking to apply to programs in viral immunology and I’ve emailed a few professors (two at my top choice and one at a mid-tier). The only response I’ve received so far (and it was sent the same day I sent my initial contact email) was: “Dear Omar, Thank you for you interest and interesting questions. Yes, I will be accepting rotation students. Good luck!” I attached my CV to this email as well and discussed my interest in the professor’s research and asked a question. I am, however, unclear on how to interpret this. Is this the professor’s way of encouraging me to apply or is the generic response an indicator that they really did not look at my CV or fully read my email and just quickly responded? How should I respond to this email? It may also be worth mentioning my undergraduate research is in Biochemistry and so I am looking to get into a field I have little experience in. Thanks in advance for any advice you have 🙂 LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: September 8, 2020 at 8:38 AM Rotations are a different system than the one I described (which is where you apply to work in a specific lab rather than a program). For departments that do rotations, which is more common in chemistry and the biomedical fields, you apply to the graduate program, then do a rotation through various labs until you find a home. That process is a bit different, and doesn’t require a faculty commitment in advance. Your best bet is to follow up with the grad coordinator for that program. LikeLike Reply Grace says: July 27, 2020 at 1:29 PM Can you have extracurriculars on a CV? I am applying to PhD programs for chemistry. The graduate student I work for told me to include my volunteer work and that I was the recruitment chair in my sorority under extracurricular activities LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: July 29, 2020 at 2:32 PM I would include this under Service on your CV. It shows organization and leadership skills, and also that you’re a good team player and a well-rounded person. LikeLike Reply Brooke says: July 17, 2020 at 12:33 AM Hey Dr. Gill, I feel like I am a younger applicant to the PhD programs im applying for (im 18 now, will be 19 at the time of enrollment in fall 2021) Do I address this in my personal statement? I feel like this can work against me since they will think I’m immature. Is it worth addressing somewhere in my application or should I not mention it unless asked about it in say an interview? LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: July 29, 2020 at 2:31 PM I wouldn’t mention your age; it’s not relevant. I would instead demonstrate your intellectual maturity by showing your curiosity, drive, and sense of purpose. If you want to mention you finished your undergraduate degree by a particular age, you can—it’s part of your narrative—but it’s not necessary. They have no way of knowing, though they’ll likely make some assumptions when they talk to you if you sound or look young. So if you can address this as part of your story, frame it around why you pursued higher education when you did, and your general passion and drive. Good luck! LikeLike Reply Bahar says: May 20, 2020 at 3:50 AM This article was really helpful for me. Thank you, Dr. Gill. I’m graduating this year, and I’m looking for positions right now. A lot of people say that when asking about positions in a professor’s lab in one department you shouldn’t try to contact another professor in that department at the same time. However, I have worked on 2 projects, each in a different field, during my bachelor’s, and I like them both. (biomaterials and energy storage) I was wondering if it’s okay to email more than one professor who works on these subjects. Because it will take a long time if I have to wait like a week and see if a professor replies at all, and then email someone else. Would it be somehow inappropriate if a professor accepted me and then found out that I had emailed others in the department as well? LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: May 25, 2020 at 7:49 AM I think it’s ok if you have interests that overlap with multiple folks to email more than one, though there’s no harm in waiting if you’re early enough in the cycle (like now). Faculty recognize that you’re likely reaching out to multiple prospective advisors, and will understand that you’ve got to make the best choice for your goals. What I wouldn’t do is spam the entire department, including people whose research is very different. That comes across as insincere, desperate, or like you’re not a serious candidate. LikeLike Reply Heather says: January 27, 2020 at 10:03 PM I’m so glad you’re still responding to questions because you have helped me a lot! Actually, I did ask a question which you responded to several months ago. I plan to apply for grad school in marine biology for either spring 2021 or fall 2021. I have a BA in biology in 2015, but couldn’t land a research position in the field except volunteering at an aquarium 1/2 day once a week. Also what held me back was dealing with a bout of depression. I will soon be training as a Protective Species Observer in the Gulf of Mexico and am planning on having my inquiry letters and statement of purpose completed before I start any jobs. Just a few questions. Do I have to mention my bout with depression (also have been teaching swimming and supervising at a community center and I got my advanced diving certificate)? When should I send these letters out? Lastly, what kind of questions would you ask current grad students in the labs you were interested in and could I do that now? So far you’ve been a great help! Thank you! LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: March 11, 2020 at 8:41 AM You definitely don’t need to disclose anything about your history. You can simply say that in your time away, you’ve increasingly known that you want to pursue work in marine biology. You don’t feel satisfied, you miss school, there’s a hole in your life, you want to contribute to the problems you read about in the news, etc. Just acknowledge the time since you graduated, talk about how volunteering helped inspire and motivate you, state your motivation and move on to what you’d like to do. As far as questions floor other grad students, I’d ask things like: – What is the advisor’s mentoring style? – What is the lab/departmental culture like? – What is the community like? – How is funding? Can you survive on the stipend? – What are the opportunities for training? Does the advisor/department support non-academic careers? Basically, questions about what it’s like to be a grad student there, how well you’ll be supported, etc. Good luck! LikeLike Reply Charleigh says: November 4, 2019 at 2:37 PM Hello, I’m a sophomore and was wondering if it is a good or bad idea to email a faculty member for the graduate program I’m interested in, to ask for tips to becoming a strong candidate for that specific program. I really believe in everything the university is doing and feeling a little overzealous! I’m just trying to be authentic and in my draft I shared some of the work I’ve done in my field of interest but I’m afraid I’m over-sharing. Do they want to know if I’m an honors student? Thanks in advance!! LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: November 23, 2019 at 9:51 AM It’s great that you’re eager and excited, and it’s never too early to start thinking about this process. What I would recommend is first reaching out to faculty at your university, especially if you have an undergrad advisor, to ask them what to do now to prepare for grad school. Faculty have a lot of demands on our time, so it’s important that you first reach out to your existing networks and take advantage of opportunities to learn before you start emailing outside faculty. Find out what the scientific societies are in your field, and see if you can present at a conference. See if there are on-campus activities (panel discussions, etc.) for preparing for grad school. Talk to grad students at your university, if any, or if you can do a summer research program, talk to your mentors there. Build your network now, and seek out the webinars, blog posts, and other resources on the pathway to success in your field — that’s going to give you the best advice. I would not recommend reaching out to total strangers to ask for advice — you’re not likely to get a response. LikeLike Reply Pingback: How To Get Into a Fully Funded PhD Program: Contacting Potential PhD Advisors > Cameroon - Scholarships Abdul Hamid Nuhu says: October 15, 2019 at 2:18 PM I find this article very informative and really guiding. I, however, will like to know if it is really necessary to always attach a CV and/or undergraduate transcripts in the first contact email and is it okay to send in follow up emails if mentors are unable to reply and how long will it have to take before you can send in the follow up email. LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: November 23, 2019 at 9:54 AM I don’t recommend sending transcripts as a general rule unless asked for them. I think it’s a courtesy to send a CV with an inquiry email because it demonstrates that you’re prepared, and gives me a quick at-a-glance sense of your background, skills, and interests, so you can focus your email more on what you’d like to do for grad school. Not including a CV doesn’t help you, even if it may not necessarily hurt. I can’t really think of a reason why you wouldn’t want to unless you’re concerned about some issues on your CV, or it’s not as informative as you’d like. But if that’s going to be a deal-breaker for someone, you’d want to know that before you start the process, not halfway through! LikeLike Reply Pingback: How to respond to generic emails requesting to work with you | Mathemagical Conservation Rachele says: October 1, 2019 at 12:56 AM Hi Dr. Gill, Thank you so much for posting this and offering insight from a faculty’s perspective. I have a masters degree in Microbiology and I’ve been trying to find a PhD in a country, different from where I went for my MSc so I’ve been sending out cold emails to potential faculty members whose research I find interesting and I’ve been getting responses like: sorry, I’m not taking on new students this year/I don’t have funding/a grant didn’t come through. Is it okay to check with them again later (about a year later) for any opportunities that may have opened up? Unfortunately, my undergraduate grades were subpar and don’t mirror my academic or research capabilities. However, I believe I made up for the lack in undergrad academic achievement with my masters degree, from which I graduated with distinction (total grade and thesis) as well as a summer research position that I undertook at the lab of one of my professors. Despite that, I have found that some faculty members are still hung up on my undergrad grades and at one point I was rejected from a program at a university for that reason. To be specific, last year, a potential PI agreed to chat with me over Skype to discuss his research interests and I thought it went well. Towards the end of the conversation, I mentioned that I’d applied to the department he was involved with but had just received a rejection and I was concerned it may have been due to my undergraduate grades, to which he tried to reassure me that my MSc should make up for that and he’d inquire after my rejection. A few weeks later, he emailed me saying that my undergrad grades were in fact the problem and he wouldn’t be able to argue against it. To be honest, it was very demotivating to hear and I am a little concerned that this will be a recurring issue with all faculty members I might want to reach out to. So I guess my questions are: 1) Should I continue trying to reach out to other PIs from that department at that school or just forget about it? 2) Can I reach out to PIs from another department at the same school? 3) Has the ship for a career in research sailed because of my undergrad grades? LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: November 23, 2019 at 9:58 AM Sometimes “I’m sorry, I don’t have a grant” or “I’m not taking students right now” is a polite rejection, sometimes it’s the truth. It’s hard to know which, and it can’t hurt to follow up a year later, though you may get the same response. I have a student in my lab right now who I originally turned down two years ago, so you never know! As far as reaching out to other PIs in the same school: yes, that’s absolutely fine. Undergraduate grades are not as important to most PIs as research experience. It might be worth asking your mentors what might be holding you back — is it grades? Did you get a publication from your MS thesis (if not, this can be a red flag)? Do you not have the background for the programs you’re interested in? Sometimes, taking a few courses at a community college or local university and showing improvement over previous grades can help demonstrate your readiness, so think about that as an option. LikeLiked by 1 person Reply Heather Brock says: September 24, 2019 at 2:43 PM I realize you started this wonderful post several years ago, but noticed some people recently contacting you so I thought I’d take a chance. I graduated in 2015 with a BA in biology and would like to to grad school next fall I very nervous about writing the perfect inquiry letter to professors so your article has helped a lot. My questions are geared more to how to explain certain things. I took the few marine biology courses my school offered. I also did some group research projects and papers in the field. After researching articles by different professors I decided I was interested in the ecology of marine invertebrates. I have a few hurdles to jump and not sure how to address them. My GPA is only a 2.95 and I didn’t too well on the GRE despite tutoring due to test anxiety. In the past 4 years I’ve been teaching swimming and am currently volunteering at a top aquarium 1 1/2 day a week (that’s all they allow you to do) with jellies. I had a minor in museum studies and did do a lot of volunteer work at the schools natural history museum as well as at a museum in New Zealand during junior year abroad. I am also an advanced scuba diver. I know what I want, I know I can be successful and I love to do research with marine life. Unfortunately, I don’t come across well with numbers or experience. How would you address such deficiencies to a potential adviser? I don’t want to wait any longer since I am anxious to get into the field and do research. Thank you for all you can help me with. Signed, lost! LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: November 23, 2019 at 10:01 AM Firstly, many schools are dropping the GRE as a requirement, so I would look into narrowing your search to those. Secondly, I would recommend seeing if you can take some more courses at a local community college, or a graduate-level class or two at your nearest university (in a non-degree option — many schools will let you do this) to show you can handle graduate-level coursework. I would also start looking for experiences where you can use your skills (e.g., SCUBA certification) to work closer to your fields of interest — are there seasonal jobs or even volunteer experiences where you can find someone who can write a good letter of recommendation for you? Those are going to be more important than grades for most people. Good luck! LikeLike Reply DJ says: September 6, 2019 at 4:02 PM Thank you for such an insightful article! Currently, I am a junior Clinical Laboratory Science major and have been planning to attend graduate school to pursue research in stem cell biology and regenerative medicine. After researching several institutions I’ve filed it down to 4 labs where are conducting research I am very interested in. Since I have not even finished my junior year yet, is it too early to send those PIs emails regarding my interest in their labs? LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: November 23, 2019 at 10:03 AM No, it’s not too early — you can let them know that you’re looking for programs starting in Fall 2021, and wanted to start a conversation now. Some of the programs in your field will be different in terms of the application process — more like a lab rotation, so you don’t need to make that inquiry. So I would actually start first by connecting with faculty at your current university to see what the process and norms are for applying, and what you can do NOW to prepare for 2021. LikeLike Reply Pingback: grad school search- cold emails – Lauren Frankel p1mblog says: August 26, 2019 at 6:15 AM Thanks. It’s really insightful. I also learnt so much from your replies to various questions. It might be nice to convert the questions and replies to a FAQ blog post. So I do have a question. I applied for a PhD program last year, did interviews, but didn’t get the admission. I am really interested in the program and intend to apply again this year, but I don’t how to go about contacting the professors again. Thanks again and I would really appreciate your input on my question. LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: September 4, 2019 at 6:21 PM I would reach out, thank them for their time, and ask if it’s worth applying again this year (or if they have any feedback about why you weren’t admitted). You may need to move on from this institution, though, so have a backup. LikeLike Reply Pingback: Ask us anything: finding ecology PhD positions, and improving the graduate admissions process | Dynamic Ecology Shruti says: July 29, 2019 at 7:20 AM Hello Dr. Gill Very Informative article indeed. So I am an international student aiming for fall 2020 for PhD in Biosciences.program I am planning to start writing to professors from August mid week. I graduated with bachelors degree in 2017 and since then I am working as a research assistant in a lab. I don’t have any publications yet. I might be submitting one by the end of this year. So my mentor doesn’t want me to let the professors(whom I will be writing to) know what I am working on as she is insecure about the work getting stolen. So I don’t know how to proceed further? I would really appreciate your advice/suggestions on this. Thanks in Advance! LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: August 10, 2019 at 4:16 PM You should be able to say what you do in very general terms—a study system and research question shouldn’t be scoop-able. Good luck! LikeLike Reply Shruti says: August 11, 2019 at 2:47 PM Will do. Thank you so much. LikeLike Reply Pingback: Articulo Destacado Cinco consejos para resolver sus solicitudes de postgrado en los EE. UU. – Peru Global Pingback: Five tips for nailing your US-based graduate-school applications – readly.info Pingback: Five tips for nailing your US-based graduate-school applications | Unhinged Group Pingback: Responding (or not) to prospective students | Small Pond Science James Natoli says: December 5, 2018 at 8:33 PM This article was incredible useful to me as I am applying to Physics graduate programs. I sent out two emails following your tips and received two polite responses in less than four hours. I am now wondering how to respond to them. Both emails simple and encouraged me to apply. Is it important to maintain a correspondence, or should i simply thank them for the reply and encouragement, and allow the conversation to end naturally there? Any help is appreciated, thank you again for a very insightful article! LikeLiked by 2 people Reply Tokee says: November 6, 2018 at 8:59 AM Dear Dr. Jacquelyn Gill, thanks a lot for such an insightful blog. It was really helpful. LikeLike Reply Brooklyn says: October 19, 2018 at 3:25 AM Reblogged this on Cosmic Sanctuary . LikeLiked by 1 person Reply myrgo says: October 18, 2018 at 8:50 PM Great information, even though would be uncomfortable using words like “cool”, the idea is great. I read this weeks ago before I decided to comment. I have my Masters and I hope to get into a doctoral program. I have emailed several prospective advisors, and it’s been a frustrating process. Sometimes I ask myself “How many people can I contact before I give up?” Many don’t reply (I guess they’re busy), but those that have, it was either : A) not taking students due to funding B) not taking students because they’re close to retiring or, C) I’m going to be honest here…..weren’t too thrilled with my GRE scores. One professor replied within minutes, with a brusque, one-sentence reply that she’s not taking students (she didn’t give a reason); that was extremely disconcerting given the fact that I took time to construct a well thought out email, and I stopped my program search for weeks after that. I can certainly talk to my MS advisor, but he found a new position at a more prestigious university where I will be very unlikely to be admitted into. LikeLike Reply rachelelizabeth says: August 21, 2019 at 12:45 PM What were your GRE scores? Did you end up getting into graduate school? LikeLike Reply Nyta says: October 15, 2018 at 10:53 PM Hello Dr. Gill, Thank you for this amazing and insightful post. I’m about to send out mails to professors I’d like to work with, but, I don’t have any research experience. The work experience I have is in a totally different field and I graduated from the University 4years ago. Would this affect my application? How do I convince the professors I’m very interested in research? Plus, my CV would be full of unrelated work experience; how can I make this work? Please, I’d appreciate your response. Thank you. LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: October 16, 2018 at 10:28 AM I know a lot of students who successfully ended up in graduate school after many years doing other things. Many faculty actually prefer working with such students, because they’re often more mature and know what they want. If it’s been a few years and/or your undergraduate degree is different than where you’d like to end up, volunteering or taking some classes in the field you’re interested in can help. As far as convincing the professors you’re very interested in research, I would just tell them the truth. What excites you about your field? Why do you want this career? What about the last four years helped you understand your goals better? Yes, your CV will have some unrelated work experience. You can leave this off, since it’s not related to your discipline and won’t be involved in evaluating you. In your personal statements/emails, you can list the things you’ve done in the interim. It’s also worth thinking about how you can spin what you’ve been doing as being helpful for what you’d like to do. Have you worked with people? Have you had to demonstrate writing or quantitative skills? Have you worked in teams, or independently? Have you gotten to travel or worked in adverse conditions? Used interesting equipment? All of these can be useful skills –it’s all about framing the narrative. Good luck! LikeLike Reply Nyta says: October 17, 2018 at 6:39 AM Thank you very much, Dr. Gill. I appreciate your help. LikeLike Reply Saira says: October 8, 2018 at 4:02 PM Hi Dr. Gill, Thank you for such a great article. Using your advice, I was able to get positive feedback from prospective professors I’ve emailed! I’ve also gotten a response from my top choice professor and things went well. After the intro email he stated that he’s looking for one or two grad students and asked about my ambitions and some future goals. Given my responses he said our research interests match up well and he’s looking forward to my application (due in January) and don’t hesitate to email with any questions. My question is should I email him periodically just so he doesn’t forget about our exchange? If so, what are some typical questions people should ask at this stage? I don’t want to come off too pushy but I wasn’t sure if you’re typically supposed to keep in contact up until the application deadline. Thank you! LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: October 11, 2018 at 12:28 PM Congrats on the positive encouragement! I think just quick updates when you’ve applied, etc. are fine at this stage, unless you have specific questions that will help you make a decision about where to go (e.g., “what is the funding like?”). It sounds like your top choice is excited, though, so just a “As a quick update, I’ve submitted my application, so I’ll let you know what I hear!” is fine. He’ll remember you! LikeLike Reply Alanna says: September 30, 2018 at 11:17 PM Hello, Dr. Gill! I know this was posted a long time ago, but thank you so much for your very helpful and insightful article! I used your advice to craft my own inquiry emails, and am indebted to you for your help. I have sent 3 emails so far, and received my first reply – which I am very excited for! I plan on sending more over the next coming weeks. I wish I had started this process a bit earlier, but I hope it is still not too late to find a professor whose lab would be a good fit for me, and has room for me. I had two questions, the first of which is regarding the professor who replied to me. In his reply, he gave me a brief overview of his current research and said we could skype if I wanted to know more. I know I should treat this skype call like an informal interview, but I want to know what sort of questions I should ask. I have started coming up with some questions to ask directly about his research, but is there anything else I should ask? and will this call potentially be the start of him helping me through the application process? I feel a bit lost since I have been out of college for two years, and I am worried about what to write for my letter of purpose. My second question is regarding the professors who have not responded to my email. I have sent these emails 1 or 2 weeks ago. Should I send them another email politely asking if they received my last email? and if so, when should I send it? Thank you again for your helpful advice! LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: October 11, 2018 at 12:34 PM It shouldn’t be too late, especially since opportunities (e.g., grant-funded positions) can come up at any time of year. I would treat the Skype like a formal interview, in that you should be professional, but it’s also a good way for each of you to gauge if you’re a good fit. Think about questions that will help YOU make a decision about whether to work with this professor, and also if this is a good department/university for you. You should ask questions about funding — does it include summer stipends, benefits, TA-ships versus research assistantships? What about the culture of the lab — are there regular lab meetings? What’s the professor’s mentoring style? What opportunities are there for training or professional development (will you get to go to conferences?)? Will you have the opportunity to teach (if you want), or mentor undergrads? You can also ask about specific research being done in the lab that you might work on, so it doesn’t hurt to have some science questions prepared. If the fit is good, the professor will then encourage you to apply at that stage. They may be encouraging more than one student, so there typically aren’t promises made at this stage (though sometimes people will say “I’d like to offer you a funded position, once you apply and are accepted). Usually if a professor is willing to fund you, acceptance at the departmental/grad school level is a formality. Good luck! I would give two weeks minimum before you follow up, especially if it’s the beginning of the semester, or a holiday. After that, just a quick and polite response expressing your enthusiasm if they’re still interested is appropriate. If you don’t hear after that, I would just move on. LikeLike Reply Gage says: September 30, 2018 at 5:08 PM Dr. Gill, Thank you vey much for posting this article – it will definitely help me for the future (and is now bookmarked)! I am currently in my third year, graduating May 2020, and I really want to go to graduate school. For some background, I am studying environmental engineering right now, but I am looking for more of an environmental science/oceanography graduate study program. I was wondering if it is appropriate to reach out to just the graduate school (such as general inquiries/contact page) and say that I have an interest in these programs and was wondering what I can do as an undergraduate to prepare me for graduate school at their institution? Also, as a Junior in my undergrad, is there any one else typically on a campus (other than my advisor) I can reach out to help me through the process of applying to graduate school? And I am currently working in a lab for experience and am involved with several organizations at my school, but is there any other thing you like to see undergrads involved in while looking at graduate applications? Sorry for the long message and questions – I know you’re probably busy! – but I hope to hear back soon! Thanks!! LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: October 11, 2018 at 12:39 PM There’s not much point in reaching out to the graduate school, as requirements are so department/field-specific. You’d get much better advice if you research the pages of departments you’re interested in, and also see if there are blog posts that go into detail about how to prepare yourself (there are a lot of these out there!). You can also ask professors at your current institution — go to their office hours, talk to your academic advisor if you have one, etc. Generally, if you’re interested in environmental science and oceanography, I would advise you to take math (especially calculus), statistics, chemistry, and physics, as well as some earth and marine science classes. If math and chem aren’t your strong suit, don’t give up hope, as that’s not a deal-breaker, but it will make you more competitive. Also look into getting research experiences, which is good. For next summer, I would strongly urge you to try to find an REU in the fields that interest you — these can definitely give you an edge. Also, if you have an option to do a senior thesis, I recommend it. That’s about it — club leadership and other kinds of extracurriculars aren’t as important as the hands-on experiences. Good luck! LikeLike Reply Meg says: September 23, 2018 at 4:23 PM Thank you for such a helpful article, Dr. Gill! I am a current senior who is planning on taking a gap year before applying to grad school. I’d like to prepare as many of my materials during this year as possible so that I don’t have to spend as much time preparing next fall. I’ve already identified programs and potential PIs whose labs and research I’m interested in. Do you think it would be acceptable to reach out to these PIs expressing an interest in and asking questions on their research, even though I’m not applying this cycle? Or would it be better to wait until the summer? Thank you! LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: September 23, 2018 at 8:03 PM It never hurts to start cultivating relationships early, and it can even help because you can discuss writing fellowships. LikeLike Reply Kay says: August 29, 2018 at 10:15 PM Thank you for this thorough post. As someone who feels daunted about the application process, this helps. One question I have — I’ve graduated almost five years ago with an undergrad degree in sociology. I’m looking to expand into the sociology of education by pursuing an MA program at my alma mater. I’ve been working in a seemingly unrelated field — public relations — and am looking to make a leap for many reasons I won’t delve into here. The MA program at my alma mater is competitive, and with my B CGPA, I wonder, from your perspective or experience, how are people with okay GPAs, but with work experience regarded by academics? Should I take a different approach in emailing the prof/ program coordinator I’m interested in? Is emailing plus requesting a face-to-face informational interview a good way to make a connection? LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: September 22, 2018 at 12:18 PM I wouldn’t ask for a face-to-face meeting. People will invite you for one, potentially, if the conversation progresses and the fit is good. Grades are just one part of the package. Prospective advisors or programs will tell you if that’s the sticking point. Maturity, passion, drive, and real-world experience are worth a lot, too. LikeLike Reply Kay says: August 29, 2018 at 10:14 PM Thank you for this thorough post. As someone who feels daunted about the application process, this helps. One question I have — I’ve graduated almost five years ago with an undergrad degree in sociology. I’m looking to expand into the sociology of education by pursuing an MA program at my alma mater. I’ve been working in a seemingly unrelated field — public relations — and am looking to make a leap for many reasons I won’t delve into here. The MA program at my alma mater is competitive, and with my B CGPA, I wonder, from your perspective or experience, how are people with okay GPAs, but with work experience regarded by academics? Should I take a different approach in emailing the prof/ program coordinator I’m interested in? Is emailing plus requesting a face-to-face informational interview a good way to make a connection? LikeLike Reply Ahmed Hisham says: August 23, 2018 at 7:37 PM Hi Dr. Gill, Thank you so much for the informative article. I edited my draft upon reading your article. I wish you could give me some feedback on the current draft: Dear Prof. [Professor Name], I am a fresh graduate of X University, with a major in X. My graduation project is titled “…”. I worked as an undergraduate research assistant in two research groups; at X, where I conducted a research on [simple illustration of my research] (published at X Journal), and at X, where we [illustration of research] (published at X). I very recently joined a research group at X University where we are currently carrying out extensive literature review for X. I have good experience with [tools related to the field]. I read your paper titled “[paper title]” and I find your work on [topics the paper covered] really exciting. I am considering applying to the University of X and I’d like to inquire whether you are currently accepting graduate students. If not, do you recommend any other professors at the University of X with similar interests who will be accepting students? I know you’re very busy, I appreciate any time you can give me. and then I attached the CV. Thank you for your time, Dr. Gill 🙂 LikeLiked by 1 person Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: August 25, 2018 at 5:36 PM I like it! I’d recommend a few things: 1) If you can be a little more specific about what you liked about the paper and how it ties into your research interests, it will come across as more genuine. 2) I would take out the request for info about other professors. Some people will send you names, but it’s really your job to do this work, and phrases like that make me think you’re just taking a scattershot approach. I would also 3) take out “I am considering applying to the University of X,” but that may be field-specific. In my fields, you generally apply because you want to work with a faculty member, not because you want to be at that university, so again, this would come across as a form message to me. Good luck! LikeLiked by 1 person Reply Ahmed Hisham says: August 25, 2018 at 5:54 PM Thank you for your reply, I have a follow-up question though. I am applying for M.Sc. program, do professors expect M.Sc students to be involved in research and understand their papers? I find it really exhausting to read a full paper before emailing the professor. What I normally do is check the papers’ topics and if it goes along with my research interests, I send the professor an email. If I have to fully read a paper of the professors, do you recommend a most-cited one or a most-recent one? Many thanks! LikeLike Reply JK says: August 9, 2018 at 9:46 AM Hi Dr. Gill, thank you so much for the informational post. I am currently sending out emails to potential mentors (in the clinical neuropsychology sect) and am feeling funny about what questions to include. After a brief summary of how my research interests match theirs, I have been able to ask most advisors if they’ll be accepting students, which has given my email a “point” per say, but I ran into a road block: one professor has already listed that they’re unsure and will update their website mid-September. I still want to get my name on their radar…do you have any recommendations about other questions I should include? Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thank you! LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: August 13, 2018 at 2:50 PM I’m a big fan of keeping those inquiry emails brief. “I would love to discuss opportunities in your lab. Would you be interested?” Or “Are you currently accepting students? I would love to discuss opportunities.” is sufficient. You can always mention that you’re happy to look for funding opportunities. If a professor is unsure, they may be waiting to hear back from a grant, so just be respectful of that response and check back later. Then you can reply to the same email (unless I’m reading this wrong, you’ve already emailed them, right?) and continue the conversation. You don’t want to be too pushy here — that can come across as rude or like you don’t respect their time. Good luck! LikeLike Reply John says: August 7, 2018 at 4:06 PM Hello, Your blog helped me to form my email to a prospective supervisor for a graduate program. I am wondering how I can improve my email? Dear Dr. ______, My name is John ____ and I am currently a fourth year student attending the University of ________ in the forensic anthropology program. I will be graduating in June 2019 and I am wondering if you have graduate opportunities available next academic year. I became aware of your research and your contributions to the field of forensic anthropology, especially in human juvenile osteology in various forensic anthropology and osteology classes. Starting in September, I will be studying the effects of _____ movement and _____ on _____ and documenting the ______ for my forensic internship under the supervision of ______ of _____. The study is planned to be published in a scientific journal once it is completed. In graduate school, I would like to continue to study the___________ in different environments but I am open to other research questions. I have attached a copy of my CV for your consideration and would be interested in discussing possibilities with your lab. Yours Sincerely, John ______ LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: August 13, 2018 at 2:48 PM Your draft looks great! One thing I would do is strengthen that connection to the prospective advisor early on. Instead of “I became aware of your research,” something closer to “I read your paper on…” or “I’ve been following your work on X, and I find it really exciting.” Make it a little more personal — it shouldn’t sound like you can just swap the titles out for another professor. Good luck! LikeLike Reply bmnagaha says: July 6, 2018 at 4:48 AM Hi Dr. Gill, I would like to ask a question about CV writing as an undergrad applying for a Master’s program. I’ve read the section in your post on CV writing, visited the website you linked in the section (as well as other websites) to view examples of academic CVs, and came across the reply you gave on Dec. 6, 2017 regarding examples of appropriate sections to include in a CV but am still unsure about the following: 1. I conducted research in undergrad as part of a senior honors thesis (an 8-month undergraduate course). As this form of research fits many of the sections mentioned in your CV comment (i.e. research experience, relevant coursework, presentation), I would like to verify which section would be most appropriate. I think that this experience would belong under “research experience,” but am also planning on including the “relevant courses” section for other courses. Should I list the undergrad research course under “relevant courses” or would this be too repetitive (since the course would have already been mentioned under “research experience”)? 2. In relation to Q1, would the circumstance in which the research experience occurred affect the professor’s perception of the student’s application to their laboratory (e.g. volunteering in lab vs. co-op position vs. lab course)? Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to your reply. Sincerely, Brendan LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: July 6, 2018 at 8:59 AM Undergrad research/senior thesis research would go under the research section, IMO. I wouldn’t call a lab course a research experience (that goes under coursework), but it’s still a place where you learned valuable skills, and it’s okay to speak to that. Whether paid or volunteer, a lab or field tech experience is a bit more in-depth, and your mentor can often speak better to your skills and personality. A thesis is the best, if you can do one, because it’s the closest analog to what grad school is like. But we understand that not everyone has access to those experiences. LikeLike Reply A says: July 4, 2018 at 5:30 AM Some excellent advice here. I emailed several prospective supervisors and they asked for my CV. However, I did not hear back from them after sending my CV? What should I do? Also, is it necessary to send a cover letter with the CV? Thanks. LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: July 5, 2018 at 1:17 PM Your introductory email takes the place of a cover letter in this case. I can’t comment specifically on why these professors did not email you back, because I don’t have the details, but it could be a few reasons: 1) You were not a good fit or match for their lab. 2) It’s summer and folks are busy and often away, especially during the holidays. 3) There may have been some issues with how you formatted your CV, or perhaps you don’t have the experience they are looking for. As a general rule, I tell students to give it a couple of weeks and then follow up with a polite, brief email, and if they don’t respond of that, just drop it and move on. LikeLike Reply Pragya says: June 16, 2018 at 7:02 AM This is so helpful Dr. Gill. I am an engineering graduate in biotechnology wanting to pursue masters and PhD in the same. I am currently writing a review article and a research paper. Would you suggest mentioning this when I reach out to the professors? LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: June 18, 2018 at 11:19 AM Is it a peer-reviewed paper? I’d mention it for sure in that case, along the lines of, “I’ve completed a thesis on X, which I’m submitting soon to Journal Name.” If it’s an internal paper, mention the project and say you’re happy to share the research paper if they’re interested. Sometimes it’s nice to see a writing sample or research or stats skills, even if not published. LikeLike Reply Pragya says: July 8, 2018 at 3:45 AM Thank you for replying Dr. Gill. Yes, I am actually targeting the peer-reviewed ones. But, I have a follow up question regarding this that if I cannot get it published by the deadlines or it remains an internal paper and the professor is not quite impressed with it will it hurt my chances at all? LikeLike Reply Pingback: Considering Graduate School? What do I do? How do I apply? Help! – College of Agricultural & Life Sciences Macall says: January 29, 2018 at 9:22 PM Thanks for such an informative post. Will it hurt me to send a resume with my email to potential research advisors? Or should it definitely be a CV? Thanks. LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: February 21, 2018 at 10:53 AM I covered this in the post, and I encourage you to read the links. CV’s are the standard for academic positions. Resumes are too short, not informative enough, and send a message that you’re not doing your homework. LikeLike Reply OLUWAKEMI says: March 9, 2018 at 12:06 PM Thanks for this information I can see that I have made some mistakes earlier but we correct it in the future LikeLike Reply Karen says: January 19, 2018 at 3:49 AM This is a great post. I wish I would have stumbled upon it months ago. I recently applied to Ph.D. programs, however, I made a grave mistake and did not send inquiry emails. The reason for this is that I had read online from others recommending not to email professors. I now realize my mistake in not sending emails early on. I did, however, research the professors I wanted to work with and made sure I made it clear in my Statement of Purpose of why I wanted to work with them. The earliest applications I did were in mid-December, while the most recent were just a few days ago. Would you recommend still sending them emails now, introducing myself and letting them know I’m a prospective student? Or would I just be hurting myself even more by highlighting the fact that I didn’t email before? LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: February 21, 2018 at 10:56 AM Having not read the advice you’re talking about, it’s tough to say. If the people giving you that advice are in your field (and it’s very different from mine) or if the departmental website says not to do it, then it might not be the standard for whatever departments you’re applying to. In my field, and in my department, we very rarely take students out of the general pool of applicants. It can never hurt to contact a prospective advisor, and when in doubt, ask one of your professors, your undergrad advisor, or the graduate coordinator in the department you’re applying to what the convention is. LikeLike Reply Dipti R Pradhan says: December 28, 2017 at 8:18 AM Nice article Dr. Gill. I have already applied to the graduate programs. Will you suggest me how should I structure the email that I will send to my prospective faculty? Thanks Dipti LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: February 21, 2018 at 10:57 AM I don’t think you’d necessarily do anything differently than the example I gave, but you’ll always want to tailor your email appropriately. So in this case, a quick sentence up front that you’ve applied to the program but are interested in working with them would be sufficient. LikeLike Reply Sierra Adams says: December 26, 2017 at 10:22 PM Hello Dr. Gill, I am graduating in June of 2019 and I’m beginning to look into the grad school application process. I found your blog post to be really enlightening and helpful, thank you so much for taking the time to share advice! I am an English Literature major, so the process may be completely different, but I was wondering if there was a way for me to also contact professors that I’m interested in working with during the PhD process (without asking about a lab). Do you have any advice for an English major in the application process or how to contact professors before my application is considered? Is there is a way for me to reach out and express interest in their work? Do you think they might be able to put in a good word for me or is that mostly something that occurs the STEM fields? Thank you again for sharing your experiences and advice! Sincerely, Sierra A. LikeLiked by 1 person Reply Bhagyashree Mulay says: November 29, 2017 at 3:41 AM This is a fantastic post. Thank you Dr.Gill, I am currently in the process of applying for PhD positions and came across your post. I was wondering if you could tell me how much does the subject line of the email matter? Do some emails go to ‘bin’ just by reading the subject line. Any suggestions? Bhagyashree LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: December 6, 2017 at 3:12 PM I generally don’t delete based on subject. I delete emails that refer to me as “Dear Sir,” or which are for something I don’t do (e.g., engineering). But generally, a subject should read something like “prospective graduate student inquiry” or “inquiring about research opportunities” or something general like that. LikeLiked by 1 person Reply Bhagyashree Mulay says: December 16, 2017 at 10:49 AM Thank you! LikeLike Reply raju says: November 21, 2017 at 6:18 AM Hi, Dr. Gill, I contacted with a professor of my field of interest and she encouraged me to apply and suggested me to put her name in my SOP. I did so and didn’t put any other professor’s name in the SOP. After, submitting my application I emailed her giving my application ID and requested her to have a look at my application. But, I don’t get any response from her. What should I do? LikeLiked by 1 person Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: December 6, 2017 at 3:10 PM I’m not sure what SOP stands for — statement of purpose? You should only mention specific professors that you’ve contacted and have had a positive discussion with. Professors will generally be contacted to review your materials as part of the departmental approval process. There are generally application reviews by the graduate school, and also the department. It’s not typical to request review from a professor — they’ll be looking at them anyway. You can tell them you’ve applied and thank them for their support, which is fine. Otherwise, you just have to wait, because there are still a couple of steps your application has to go through before a potential advisor is even consulted. Good luck! LikeLike Reply Aaron K says: November 2, 2017 at 7:59 PM I’m really stuck on this whole CV portion, I don’t think I have done enough in academia, (Bachelors 2014, Masters in progress) to warrant the creation of a CV. I have done some research in undergrad, but didn’t publish; and in my masters, I’m not able to perform a thesis project. I’ve identified a potential PhD program, but haven’t reached out as of yet.I’ve certainly identified my research ideas and projects I’d like to work on. Any thoughts? LikeLiked by 1 person Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: December 6, 2017 at 3:08 PM A CV can look different at different stages of your career. A Masters student can certainly create a CV — you’d have sections for: 1) Professional Preparation (your education), 2) Research experience (it’s okay if unplublished — list your projects), 3) Funding (if any, even travel grants, etc.), 4) Relevant Coursework (you wouldn’t include this later, but it’s fine now), 5) Skills (including programming, languages, etc.), 6) Publications if any, 7) Presentations if any, 8) Service (have you served on committees? Volunteered?), 9) Professional Affiliations (are you a member of any academic societies? I see many CVs by undergraduates. There’s no expectation that your CV looks like someone with a PhD twenty years out — it’s meant to be a living document that you add to through time. Look up some examples. You can absolutely write a CV at this stage, it’s just going to look differently from mine. LikeLike Reply Roland says: September 13, 2017 at 2:15 AM Dear Dr. Gill, Thank you for the article, I am wondering about the optimal number, if any, PhD programmes one may want to focus on and apply for. I am asking this because every PhD application requires time and resources from the planning stage to the actual final application submission. I did make a list of the top 5 universities which best suits to my knowledge, skills and interests, however it may seem to be too much. All the best, Roland LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: September 13, 2017 at 6:49 AM This is a really good question. The answer is tricky, and is really something like “the optimal number of programs to apply to is the number that get you into grad school.” I know that’s not helpful! But it really comes down to how much time you’re putting into cultivating those relationships with prospective advisors, if that is the norm for your field. As a general rule, I counsel people to focus on a smaller number of applications and putting more time and effort into those, rather than sending out lots and lots of weaker applications. This is because, not only will you do better if you put more time into your applications, but as you point out, they are costly in terms of time and money. I generally see people who are successful who start off with a long list of candidates, say around 8 to 12, and then winnow down based on their research and responses they get to initial emails. In an ideal situation, you will have at least 2 to 3 offers to consider and compare. In my case, I had a firm commitment of funding from my top choice, so I only submitted one application in the end, though I pursued several labs in the beginning. Good luck! LikeLike Reply Roland says: October 8, 2017 at 4:42 AM Dear Dr. Gill, I am wondering what should I do in those situations when I approached a potential PhD supervisor and I received a positive response by email (more than 10 cases so far), but the approached expert does not want to discuss my PhD topic and proposal any further until the final board decision has been made regarding my formal application to a PhD program? In what way can I know that I will be able to work with my supervisor in the next 3+ years and he/she will support me during my journey towards academia (e.g. publishing papers, participating in workshops and conferences) if they do not give the chance to exchange thoughts before I accept the offer for a PhD program? Best regards, Roland LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: December 6, 2017 at 3:20 PM I’m not really sure what’s going on in this case — it may be that you’re in a field that’s really different from mine, culturally. I don’t typically even consider a student without knowing our research interests are a good match. If you’re in microbiology, chemistry, or some other field where you might do a rotation, or would be on a funded project without a lot of flexibility, then it doesn’t make a lot of sense to put the cart before the horse. It may be that people are being polite and encouraging you to apply as a way to “reject” you in a passive aggressive way, but that doesn’t sound like it would be that common. It may be that in your field, or the types of institutions you’re applying to (outside the US?) that advisors don’t want to put the time in before they know you’re competitive. In my case, an advisor wanting to work with you can be one of the biggest deciding factors in your being accepted. If none of the above is true, and people are just blowing you off, that may be a sign that you should be looking to work with different kinds of people. It may be a red flag that these folks aren’t a good fit and won’t be very supportive. Or, there may be something wrong with your approach — are things breaking down during the communication process at some point? Are you being too pushy? Again, >10 instances of this seems really odd to me. LikeLike Reply Pingback: Deadlines for undergraduates in research | Small Pond Science Liz says: September 1, 2017 at 12:06 AM Thank you for the informative post! Would you happen to have any advice on how to address a non-traditional career/school path in a letter to a potential mentor? My undergraduate degree is in biology, but my career took a bit of a detour into academic librarianship for a number of years. I’d like to return to biology, but I’m finding myself at a loss as to how to address my strange career path. LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: December 6, 2017 at 3:23 PM Honestly? Just be open and tell the truth. This is the narrative of your life. Why did you go into academic librarianship? Was it really a detour? Or was it an important step in learning about data literacy and information science? Did you find yourself more interested in the topic than the work itself in the end? What inspired you to go back to biology? Your personal experiences? Lack of feeling challenged? There are lots of ways to spin a career trajectory — the important thing is to convince me as a potential advisor that working with me is the next logical step on your path. Many advisors really like working with people like you — intellectually mature, you know what you want, you won’t take grad school for granted. This can be a strength, not a weakness. Good luck! LikeLike Reply Pingback: Writing Inquiry emails to Potential Supervisor (Undergraduate perspective) – Bronze student Djoulissa Louis-Jean says: August 16, 2017 at 7:18 PM Hello, so I have recently sent out a few inquiry emails. How long do you think I should wait to do a follow up if I don’t get a response? Also, what would that follow up look like? LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: August 25, 2017 at 11:58 AM I usually give at least two weeks before I send a follow up, especially in summer. Many academics aren’t paid in summer, or are at conferences or in the field, so may be away from email. A follow-up would generally be something like, “Dear Dr. X, I wanted to send a quick follow up, in case you’ve been away from your desk or missed my earlier message. I’m still excited to discuss opportunities with your lab. Best wishes, X.” LikeLike Reply Geena says: August 3, 2017 at 8:43 PM Dr. Gill, Thank you for taking your time to share this extremely helpful advice. I am about a year and a half out of undergrad (graduated May 2016), so I am a bit rusty when it comes to writing professors emails. I would like to ask you a few questions. ~Do professors look more at undergrad research than post-grad job experience in the field you’re looking to research? I never worked in a lab while I was an undergrad or wrote a senior thesis, I did however intern with the Forest Service and have been working for the US Fish and Wildlife as a Fisheries Technician ever since graduation, but I am afraid not having any lab experience will hurt my chances of pursuing a masters degree. Do you have any suggestions on how to “market” my experience to make it more relevant to research? ~I am a bit confused at the process of pursuing a masters. Is the order to email an inquiry before applying to a graduate degree? Or should you apply first and then inquire about a graduate advisor? Thank you! Geena LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: August 4, 2017 at 11:54 AM Great questions! I think professors will look at the whole package, and more recent experience is weighted more heavily. So, the fact that you worked for the Forest Service is and USFW is great (if you’re interested in doing something related to field ecology and not, say, physics). Lab experience is not as big an issue in that case. If you’d been working in a retail job and didn’t have any lab experience, that might be tough. If you’ve worked in the field but not in a lab setting, but wanted to go into molecular work, you might say something about how your field internships helped you realized that what you really wanted to understand was how organisms operate at the cellular level. Try to tie in what you’ve done with what you’d like to do — show the progression of your ideas. Always spin things in a positive way when you can! As far as when to email, I suggest (for ecology programs) that you make contacts with prospective labs first. Applying without a contact won’t always work if you don’t have someone you’ve made contact with. Here at my department at UMaine, students who apply to the general pool rarely get accepted. Usually, we’re working with students during the application process, and if nobody is interested in working with a student, we don’t accept them. Plus, applying costs money and time, so you want to minimize the number of applications you submit if they’re not going to be successful. This practice varies by field, though! For example, it’s common in some chemistry or molecular biology departments to apply to a program, then do a rotation among labs and then pick an advisor. So talk to people in your field to find out what’s customary. And when in doubt, talk to the graduate coordinator for the program you’re considering and ask what their culture is. Good luck! LikeLike Reply Geena says: August 8, 2017 at 7:38 PM Dr. Gill, I appreciate your response so much! It is extremely helpful to have some guidance in this process that is quite foreign to me. Thank you again! Geena LikeLike Reply Sanjali Mitra says: July 17, 2017 at 2:47 PM Thank you for sharing this helpful information. I would like to know whether it is inadvisable to mail more than one professor from the same department if I am interested in both their research interests. LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: August 4, 2017 at 11:55 AM It’s fine to email multiple professors from the same department if they’re doing work you like — it’s courteous to mention you’re also talking to other folks as well. LikeLike Reply Megan Nibbelink says: June 29, 2017 at 11:24 PM This was so helpful! Thank you! LikeLike Reply Julia says: June 13, 2017 at 10:52 PM Thank you so much for this post, it has been so helpful in formulating my e-mails to potential advisors! I do have a question related to choosing writing samples. A few professors on their websites ask for samples, and I am having trouble deciding what to send. As an undergrad I worked in a lab studying the evolution of poison dart frogs, and I am now applying to forest ecology/forest hydrology labs. My honors thesis (on the frogs) is probably my most polished piece of work, having gone through many edits and having been seen by many different eyes, but it is not at all related to the research in these labs I am interested in. Should I go with less polished, but more relevant, samples, or the thesis? Thanks again! LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: June 21, 2017 at 1:22 PM Generally, faculty who ask for writing samples are looking to gauge your writing skills more than your expertise. So, send them your best work, and then feel free to mention you’ve got other work you could also send upon request, if they want something more topical. LikeLike Reply Julia says: July 6, 2017 at 4:44 PM Thanks! LikeLike Reply Gursharanjeet Singh says: May 30, 2017 at 12:17 PM Hi Dr. Jacquelyn Gill, Thank for your article it really helped me a lot to make my cover letter I am graduate from india who want to pursue master’s in canada but while sending to to one of the professor I committed a mistake i.e I sent wrong curriculum vitae to send it was not acamedic CV so should I send another email apologiezing with updated or let the error go as it is. Thank you. LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: June 21, 2017 at 1:24 PM I’m a little unclear — did you send a resume instead of a CV? Or a CV formatted for a different type of position? If so, just a quick “apologies, please look at this instead” is totally okay. But if both provide the same relevant information, don’t worry about it. LikeLike Reply Pingback: Grad School 2: I want to go to grad school, so what should I do? – Selkin Lab Mickey Bags says: April 1, 2017 at 8:56 AM Thanks for the informative article. I was wondering if I could have some advice. I am currently looking to attend graduate school for fish and wildlife biology. My undergraduate experience is in political science though. I am currently working on research on a fish population but other than that, my work is biology is limited. How can I present that information to a potential advisor? LikeLiked by 1 person Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: June 21, 2017 at 1:21 PM I think you do it just as you did it here, for me. You outline your background, why you’re interested in shifting to a new field, and the experiences you’re gaining to help you do that. You may end up being asked to take some math or science classes to help you prepare, but for your inquiry email, keep it brief and make the personal connection with fish and wildlife biology. LikeLike Reply larimar16 says: March 28, 2017 at 2:29 AM Hello! Thank you so much for this! It is so hard to find content like this. As someone who has very few biologists waiting around for me to ask them questions, this is so appreciated. I was wondering, how early should one send their inquiry email? I am planning on applying this coming fall to grad school (for the fall of 2018). I have no idea when is the right time. Any thoughts? LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: June 21, 2017 at 1:18 PM Generally, summer and early fall is a good time, but it’s never too early to reach out. LikeLike Reply Balaji says: March 21, 2017 at 8:24 AM Thank you! Your post was a good way for me to start writing emails. I emailed about 40 profs all over canada a couple of months back asking for an internship towards my final year undergrad project. None of them had openings for an international student. Now, I have to apply for masters soon and I have to secure a supervisor for that. I will be emailing the same professors again. Is it fine if I contact more than one prof from the same department with a similar email template? I really need to get through this time. LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: June 21, 2017 at 1:27 PM Be careful coming across as using a spam-like approach. I’d email them and say “you may recall that I inquired about an internship opportunity in your lab. I am still excited about the research in your lab, and am now looking into graduate opportunities…” LikeLike Reply Kelley says: March 9, 2017 at 2:16 PM Thank you for this post! I’m using it as a model to inquire into graduate opportunities at a university in australia i previously studied abroad at. Do you think this is acceptable? [redacted for privacy] (the faculty member im emailing researches dolphin abundance/distribution) —–My name is [name], I am a senior undergraduate student at the [school]. I was looking into several of your recent publications listed on the [school] research portfolio, in particular [publication name]. Personally, I thought it was a brilliant way to utilise local resources while obtaining valuable data, and I am very interested in your work. I am currently working on an Honours Thesis through my university researching the efficiency of chemical cleaning and catalyst-based acidification for stable isotope analysis of oyster shells. Although not directly linked by this project, I do have lab training and experience in capture/recapture and other distribution and abundance surveying techniques. My long term goal is to teach about and research marine mammals and larger vertebrates. As such, I was wondering if you will be looking for a graduate student next year? I complete a B.S. in [degree] this December, and would be ideally starting a Masters in Study Period 1 of 2018. I am attaching my CV for your perusal. Thank you for your time, and I hope to hear from you soon!—– I don’t want to be over the top but I am dying to get in with her. Cheers, Kelley LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: December 6, 2017 at 3:26 PM I’m sorry I missed this when you posted originally! I would just say you were reading the paper (no need to say you found it on the university website). I might avoid “brilliant,” since that sounds like flattery — maybe “exciting”? I’d also avoid saying “Although not directly linked” (that goes without saying) — just focus on the positive: “which has been a great way to learn these techniques, and I discovered I really loved field/lab science” (you get the idea). I hope that helps! LikeLike Reply Younes Semaoui says: January 8, 2017 at 5:56 AM Thanks you so much for this post, it’s what i was looking for . I am extremely interested in pursuing my PhD degree overseas, I would greatly appreciate it if you kindly give me some feedback on the following inquiry email: ” Dear Dr XXX, I am a master graduate in mechanical and process engineering with a strong background in applied mechanics and finite element modeling. I am highly interested to join the PhD programme at XXX university for Fall 2017. In this regard, I wonder if you could supervise me for the PhD degree in the research area of machinability of advanced materials. My experience and skills are certainly within your research interests and activities of your research group. Please find attached, my CV and my conference paper. Thanks in advance for the help. I look forward to hearing from you. Kind regards, younes ” Thanks, Dr. Jacquelyn Gill. LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: February 16, 2017 at 2:52 PM So, if you look at your message, you do a few things that I suggest you to avoid, First, don’t ask if someone can supervise you. The inquiry email should be worded less strongly (“I was wondering if you’d be available to discuss opportunities in your lab?”). Secondly, I didn’t learn anything specific about your research interests — what questions do you want to pursue? Do you have a particular project in mind? This email reads like it could be a form letter sent to dozens of people — that’s what you want to avoid. Try to tailor it to the specific advisor, and get them excited by referring to a specific idea or project that’s in line with their work. LikeLike Reply Ryan S says: March 7, 2017 at 9:26 AM Dr. Gill, Thank you for the article, I took your advice and landed an interview with my program of choice! However, I have been waiting to hear back for about 6 weeks and would like your advice on how/when I should initiate a follow up with the professor. I would like to ask if she has made a decision, but I obviously don’t want to be pushy. Should I continue waiting or engage? She was waiting on a grant proposal for the position I was applying, so I thought I could word it in a way that merely asks if she has heard back about the grant. I am being told by students at the school that the deadline for hiring grad students for the fall semester is mid-April. Any advice would be appreciated! Thank you. Ryan LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: March 8, 2017 at 5:08 PM Congrats on the interview! I would definitely follow up and say something like, “I wanted to thank you again for the opportunity to discuss possibilities with your lab. I was wondering if you had heard back on the grant yet, or if you had a timeline for making a decision? I’m also happy to consider teaching assistantships or to apply for other available funding.” I think the mid-April deadline you’re referring to is the April 15th deadline. That’s a commitment by most schools not to pressure students to make a decision until then– that way people who have multiple offers who might be waiting to hear about funding decisions have a chance to consider all offers. In other words, most places won’t ask you for an acceptance until then. LikeLike Reply emma33 says: December 11, 2016 at 1:24 AM This post is exactly what I was looking for! you absolutely answer all of our questions. I have been facing an issue that most professors whom I emailed have told me their labs are full for the year (almost feels that the department has no open position). How to deal with that? I am also tailoring an email to this amazing professor (who is also a surgeon) , his work is exactly what I want to do as a future scientist. I am really scared that he either rejects me due to space restriction or because of my low GPA ( I have ADHD which affected my capacity to stay focused during studying sessions sadly). But your post gave me some more insights on writing a brief/positive inquiry ! LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: February 16, 2017 at 2:55 PM The best way around this is to try to contact people as early as possible — ideally in the summer before you applications are due (I’ve even had some people contact me a year in advance). Summer can be tough, so don’t be afraid to follow up. Early fall is the latest you really want to be reaching out. GPA is only a small part of what they look for. I overlook a lackluster GPA if the student has good letters of recommendation (so cultivate those!), research experience, and shows enthusiasm and intellectual maturity. Good luck! LikeLike Reply Joy Christopher says: November 18, 2016 at 12:55 PM Thank you so much for writing this article! It is exactly what I was looking for. Unfortunately for me, I read it a few hours too late. I just wrote to a two professors for my dream graduate program. Most of the programs I have applied to are in the biological sciences, which have rotations in the first year and do not require applicants to contact faculty. Now I am applying to an ecology program and it’s really different! I didn’t realize that the inquiry emails were so important! I’m so nervous… I really, really want to get into this program. I feel like it’s perfect for me. I now realize that my emails were way too long (about three paragraphs) and included a little bits of my life story. I thought I was doing a good thing by including additional information about myself! I attended a small undergraduate institution, and I guess I didn’t realize how busy PhD advisors are. I also didn’t know that proposing new research ideas was appropriate. I thought you just had to find a professor who is doing what you want to do and work on a project they have for you. I did read some of their papers, but I neglected to mention that because I thought it was such an obvious thing that anyone would do before applying, so it wasn’t worth mentioning. Wow, I feel like an idiot! At least I have a few more professors to email so I can learn from my mistakes! One of the Profs actually just replied and wants to talk with me so that’s exciting! I’ll take her graciousness as a good sign 🙂 Dr. Gill, would you be able to give me some advice on how to prepare for talking to this professor? I’ll be sure to think of ideas for new research projects and familiarize myself with recent publications. What is a prospective mentor looking for when they Skype an applicant? Will it be her interviewing me? What do they want to know? I have to say, you are doing an amazing thing my sharing your insight and expertise with all of us. I admire your dedication to the readers here. Thanks for replying to our comments, even though you have no obligation to do so. It is clear that many people’s graduate careers were made possible your timely advice! LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: November 22, 2016 at 12:40 PM I’m glad you’re getting responses! I want to clarify — there’s no one single best way to go about this (though there are lots of wrong ways!), but there are ways that will maximize the likelihood of getting a response. It sounds like you’re doing something right if people are responding, so just be yourself and don’t stress too much about this processes. Focus on keeping your interactions courteous and professional — that goes a long way. As far as a Skype meeting, this is both an informal interview, but it’s also an opportunity to get to know the professor and lab a bit more. This will be an important relationship, so conversations can reveal if you’re a good fit for each other (this goes both ways!). Make sure that you have a list of questions — how is the lab run? What is the professor’s mentoring style? What is the funding like? Are there possibilities to develop your own project? These are important questions for you, too. Your professor will be getting a sense of your intellectual maturity, your strengths and weaknesses, and whether you’ll be a good personality fit (I cannot stress this enough — your relationship with your advisor can make or break graduate school, so pay attention to your gut!). This will likely involve questions about your interests, long-term goals, research experience, even strengths and weaknesses. Think of it as half interview, half conversation. To use a terrible metaphor, it’s a bit like a date. Do you have compatible interests? Can you work well together? Good luck! And thank you for the kind words about my blog! LikeLike Reply Michelle says: November 16, 2016 at 5:37 PM Thanks for the great advice. I do have a quick question. I reached out to a potential advisor and she did get back to me explaining how she is planning on taking on a graduate student and requested my transcripts and CV. I sent them about a week ago. Should I send her a follow up email? LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: November 17, 2016 at 9:31 AM Without seeing the full email exchange it’s difficult to say, but if she didn’t give you any response (“Thanks, got it, will be in touch”) at this stage it’s okay to ask if it would be possible to schedule a phone call or Skype to talk about opportunities. LikeLike Reply Omar Morales says: November 16, 2016 at 1:23 PM Wow, I came to this article hoping to find some solution to the problems I’m currently facing and I find that I’ve done literally nearly everything in this article. Maybe I’m going about it the wrong way but here’s my issue. I’m a biology student applying to programs in ecology and evolution. And my biggest issues are I can’t get anyone to call or email me back!! And I’m running out of time for deadlines! I work full-time and have little time on weekends and late afternoons to tackle emails, background research, GRE studying, meeting setups with potential contacts, etc. I have my GRe scores ready but want to take it again. I’m also working on 3 different personal statements tailored to three distinct programs, one in ecology/evolution, one in agricultural biology, and one in microbiology. I’ve formed multiple connections through internships and my undergraduate faculty and they’ve given me names of Admissions directors and faculty to contact. I’ve also done my HW on several professors at 6 different schools and have tailored each email almost eerily similar to how your example was set up. The only people that have e-mailed me back are department advisors who simply give me the names of faculty who I may be interested in working with who don’t email or call back. At this point I’m ready to ask these advisors to simply contact those professors & people for me!! I’m going to end up applying to these programs and not getting in because nobody would try to form a relationship with me. I’m even a little upset at those who do have an intimate relationship with me don’t go out of their way to contact somebody for me. I feel I’m literally doing this on my own and all of my network contacts are just handing me more names and contacts that lead to dead ends. LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: November 17, 2016 at 9:45 AM I’m sorry this has been a frustrating process. Having not seen your contact emails, it’s hard to assess what’s going wrong here, but from your comment there are a couple of possibilities. First, your interests sound like they’re all over the place. Is this coming through in your inquiry email? Do you have the background that would make you a good fit for the people you’re reaching out to? It’s not typical to contact admissions directors in our field until you’ve made connections with faculty and are in the process of applying, so you should really be focusing on finding a potential advisor first. Don’t ask departmental advisors to contact faculty for you — that’s not appropriate. It’s also not anyone’s job to necessarily be making these connections for you at this stage — your mentors should write you letters of recommendation and be a reference, but it’s important that this come from you. I’d have to see your inquiry email to assess what’s going wrong. But if you’re reaching out to a lot of people and not hearing anything back, my guess is you’re reaching out to the wrong people (poor fit; I usually don’t respond to emails that look like they’ve been sent to 100 other faculty), or there’s something wrong with your approach that you may not be aware of. Have any of your mentors looked over your email draft first? LikeLike Reply Omar Morales says: August 28, 2017 at 1:05 PM Hi, I know this is almost a year late. But i wanted to thank you for responding to my comment last November. little tips go a long way. I definitely was tailoring each inquiry to the mutual interests of my potential advisors and myself despite me having several interests. So it must have just been a string of bad luck that NOBODY was getting back to me. I just wanted to share my experience of finally getting in somewhere. I got into Southern Illinois University’s Zoology and Wildlife department where I will be studying physiological ecology of endothermic mammals, I just started my first semester. The ONE advisor that was interested in having me emailed me back asking me to come up with a list of projects i could do in his lab (perhaps as a test?) cause he wasn’t actively looking for a grad student nor did he have any on going projects but would take one in if he or she was creative enough. Talk about on the spot pressure! I miraculously must’ve impressed him enough to get accepted! Currently I have no project set up so I’m working hard to learn his lab and put together a thesis project. My interests are still very broad, well, not that broad, i love ecology, conservation, and dealing with anthropogenic stressors but I think (I hope) grad school can help me to centralize a passion. Do you think this can happen or should I already have figured out what I wanted to do? Anyway, thank you for your advice! LikeLike Reply Aronio Fantanovich says: November 16, 2016 at 12:38 PM Oh man, I’m grateful for seeing this. Grad school applications for my program of interest are due February 1, 2016 and I only decided I wanted to do a Masters 2 weeks! I am just right now looking at potential supervisors and jfelt completely confused and behind, but reading this was a bit of a relief. LikeLike Reply Samantha says: November 8, 2016 at 8:29 PM Hello! This was a great article and I used it to help craft e-mails I sent to potential advisors earlier this fall. I got multiple responses and skyped with three professors. The talks went well and it was understood that I would be applying. I’m now working on the applications and was wondering if that was enough contact or if I should be e-mailing them throughout the process or once I’ve completed the applications? Thank you! LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: November 10, 2016 at 10:53 AM Generally, if you get a supportive response you continue the conversation throughout the process, and it’s also good to give them updates. But once everything is sent in, you’ll generally wait until you hear something — it’s outside the hands of the advisor at that point, but it’s a good idea to let them know where you are in the process. LikeLike Reply tunsmart says: November 7, 2016 at 9:55 AM Hello Dr Gill. Thanks for this instructive post. I stumbled upon it while googling for how to go about sending the inquiry email. I incorporated most of your advice in the email but I didn’t get a response initially. So, I sent a follow-up email two weeks after, to which the Professor replied. He told me to please resend the email to him after November 15. Am curious, does his response give any indication about my chance? LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: November 10, 2016 at 10:54 AM That’s a pretty neutral response, so I can’t really comment either way. He’s likely away or working on a grant, so I’d just follow his instructions and do your best. LikeLike Reply Aronio Fantanovich says: November 16, 2016 at 12:40 PM When are your applications due? I’m only just starting to read up on research interests of profs in my programs of interest. LikeLike Reply Advaita says: October 17, 2016 at 6:23 PM Hi! I recently emailed a professor at a dream graduate school (I followed your tips, thank you!) and got a quick response back. He said that he can talk to me about the graduate program over Skype- does this mean that I can ask him if I can do research under him? I’m assuming this isn’t an interview because we’ll just be talking about the program that I’m interested in, but how can I make myself memorable? Thank you so much for your help! LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: November 10, 2016 at 10:56 AM I would treat this like an interview, but it’s also an opportunity for YOU to ask questions about the program and university, and to get a better sense of what the research options are. Good luck! LikeLike Reply Kiruba Karan says: October 6, 2016 at 7:17 AM Greetings, Thank you for the detailed article on writing an inquiry mail. I’m an aspirant for MS in Canada. Recently, I started networking with potential supervisors. Few reverted back with stating no position available but many yet to reply and it’s been a week. Should I follow-up with them again? I was mailing them with a body content of 634 words wherein mentioning my work experience, projects and training underwent and awards. Do all these data are necessary? or Should I need to make my mail crisp enough? Your discerning comments will help me in getting my admission. Thank you. LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: November 10, 2016 at 10:57 AM Professors are busy, so brevity is ALWAYS good. Attach a CV rather than an extensive narrative. Your email sounds short enough not to be a negative, though. This is a very busy time, so don’t give up. Give it two weeks and then check in with a polite follow-up. Good luck! LikeLike Reply Suzanne says: October 6, 2016 at 6:36 AM Thank you Dr. Gill for writing this, as someone at this stage in the process it’s extremely informative and helpful. I am wondering, my research lab provided is with a guide in which those who have already been accepted into grad school provide some helpful information on applying. At their advice, I sent an inquiry email to a professor, but it did not include my personal research plans, only which aspects of her research I am interested in. She responded warmly and quickly, but now I am a little worried I may have missed my opportunity to include that extra information. I do not want to appear too overbearing, would it be too much to send a follow up email explaining my research goals, or cut my losses and hope my email displayed enough interest. Thank you, any advice is very appreciated! LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: November 10, 2016 at 10:59 AM I think you’re okay at this point — the follow-up discussions can be a good time to express your own aspirations, and there are always opportunities to have those discussions once you’re in the lab. I’d try to organize a visit if you can, or have a follow-up conversation where you talk explicitly about research ideas. LikeLike Reply Vanessa Figueiredo says: September 20, 2016 at 3:51 PM Hi Dr. Gill, Your post was really helpful! In fact, I contacted a potential PhD supervisor and now she wants to have a Skype session. As I have the international student status, I don’t know what to expect from this conversation. Is that a good sign? Or does she want to know only if my research topics are relevant to the programme? Many thanks! LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: September 26, 2016 at 11:26 AM Congrats on the Skype session! That’s a good sign — it’s basically an interview. She’ll likely want to feel out your personality (because fit is important), get a sense of your intellectual maturity, and discuss ideas. It’s also an opportunity for you to ask questions, so make sure you have some (about the program, etc.). Dress professionally, and treat it like an interview. Good luck! LikeLike Reply Rachel Grotte says: October 24, 2016 at 10:19 PM I love your blog so much! I know this page is older, so I hope I reach you. I have recently been going through the process of applying to grad school for my PhD. I have been in contact with a faculty member, and I am VERY interested in working with her. She recently emailed me this statement… “Your interests seem to align well with mine. But know that I am speaking with a number of prospective students now.” It followed a sentence about going ahead with my application. I am unsure of what to say/do. Should I ask around at other labs/with other faculty or just hope that I will have a spot in her lab?? Thank you! LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: November 10, 2016 at 10:56 AM Thanks! I appreciate the kind words. You should always diversity your applications, especially without a strong commitment. It sounds like she’s being open and honest with you. Those other students may make other choices, or you may end up on a wait list, so it’s a good idea to have a backup plan or three. In the meantime, I’d keep the conversation going with her if you can — ask if you can set up a visit! LikeLike Reply raman says: September 12, 2016 at 1:23 PM i got reply from professor that he doesn’t have direct funding available for graduate students. How should I respond to the mail? Please reply asap. LikeLiked by 1 person Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: September 13, 2016 at 5:31 PM This is not uncommon. In this case, first do some research into the availability of teaching assistantships and fellowships you can apply for, then ask if he’d be willing to work with you if you can secure your own funding (and cite specific examples of things you found in your research). I’d also avoid using phrases like “please reply asap” in your email to him. 😉 LikeLiked by 1 person Reply raman says: September 13, 2016 at 6:48 PM Thanks for reply. One other question does without funding professors take you in graduation especially overseas candidates? LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: September 13, 2016 at 7:02 PM You shouldn’t go to grad school without funding, period. Most professors won’t take you if you’re not funded one way or another — otherwise, you’d have to take out costly student loans, and would have no way to pay for your living expenses. Make sure you look for lots of options, including people posting advertisements for students on list-servs for the societies relevant to your field. LikeLike Reply raman says: September 21, 2016 at 12:23 AM Hi!! Actually I got an automatic reply from prof. that “he is away from lab and he will look forward to reply mail. if urgent you can resend it another day”.I sent mail to him.but even after five days i didn’t get any reply.should i take it no from her side? LikeLike Creativeizzy says: September 24, 2016 at 1:14 AM Thank you for this great mentoring. I contacted a potential supervisor and he replied with; “Thank you for your inquiry. We are always looking for well qualified graduate students, and I encourage you to apply. Please keep me informed of your application status, and I will make sure i review your file with your interests in mind. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns as you complete the application process. Best regards,” Is this enough green light that he can take me? How do i reply to this and keep the relationship strong? Thanks for your time. Israel LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: September 26, 2016 at 11:28 AM This is a green light that he’s interested, but not committing yet. There are likely other people that he’s also considering. Definitely do what you can to keep on the radar — if you have an idea for a project, or for funding, you can follow up with something like that. But don’t bombard him with emails. Do your best to make sure your application is strong. Feel free to email him if you come across an interesting paper, for example, and say “I read this and thought of a project,” or “I found this fellowship and would like to apply.” You could also ask if it would be possible to arrange a campus visit or a Skype session. LikeLike Reply Israel says: September 26, 2016 at 4:54 PM Thank you very much for your response and guidance. LikeLike Navin Regmi says: September 9, 2016 at 11:18 AM The article and all the comments were really informative. However, I have a question. While looking forward for PhD, sometimes we don’t have a strong research or publications (just an independent work of dissertation on some topic is the most we have done, and that as a part of graduate coursework). It is more often because of the lack of proper funding or the well equipped laboratories especially in developing countries. There is a desire to study further and explore and delve more of the research areas, but because of lacking of practical exposure one can’t exactly make up his specific area of interest and can’t precisely generate the field where he would want to explore more (because you know there are wide areas that could be explored as biomedical science is itself interdisciplinary & multidisciplinary, and on top of that when you don’t have chance to explore more of the areas each and every areas of researches would be fascinating…be that genomic researches, proteomic analysis, works on cancer related researches, microorganism or animal models for genetic modifications, works on vaccine production or any other molecular level researches). So, in such a case when we look for potential advisors, most of the faculty’s work would fascinate us and they definitely have different topics to work on. Now my query is how would we find out specific potential advisors? And can we approach all the faculty of a department or all faculties of 2-3 different but interrelated departments of the same university? If yes, while approaching the faculties of the same department, should we approach the same way to all building up our interest on one particular topic…or can we approach individual mentors differently making up our interest as per their research areas?? And how would each way of these approaches affect the way professor looks after us and our genuinty?? This is actually a very important concern, at least for me, because most of the time we have a very strong desire to get an opportunity but are helpless due to different factors. P.S. I am sorry if I could not present the query effectively, but I hope you would atleast get what I mean to ask. LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: September 9, 2016 at 11:24 AM I think most students who apply for PhD programs don’t have publications under their belt, and that’s okay! The best ways to find out who you’d like to work with is 1) read, read, read, and 2) talk to your mentors. Sign up for email alters for journal articles, or go to your library and browse recent publications, or do a Google Scholar search on the topics you’re interested in, and see who is doing work you find exciting. If you’re still having trouble, your professors and advisor should have some suggestions, too. I would urge you not to email everyone in a department, unless it’s a field with a culture where you don’t need to know your advisor to apply (e.g., common in chemistry). The last thing you want to do is come across as spamming — I ignore a lot of emails from students who have nothing in common with me and show no specific interest in my work, but are clearly sending hundreds of emails to faculty in the hopes someone will respond. Your absolute best bet is to do your homework, research faculty you’re interested in, and approach them individually and respectfully. If you’re contacting multiple people at the same department, as a courtesy, let each faculty member know that (e.g., “I am also reaching out to Profs. X and Y.”). LikeLike Reply Datepalm says: September 9, 2016 at 10:34 AM Thank you, this is super-helpful, as I am trying to navigate this particular minefield… I was wondering if you have any advice on what the policy/good form/polite thing to do is if – having crafted an inquiry letter to the best of ones abilities, with relevant interests, academic rigour and all – there is no response? I’m looking at UK institutions, which specifically state that contacting potential supervisors in advance is crucial. So, if there’s no response, either after a first inquiry or after a request for a proposal/cv, is it ok to send a follow up email (after a week? A month?) Or contact someone else in the same program? Apply through the formal process anyway (as one would, I think, in the USA)? What I mean, I suppose, is if this semi-informal initial back-and-forth simply fails to take off or fizzles out, is the only thing to do just forget about applying to the entire department/institution? LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: September 9, 2016 at 11:29 AM It’s sadly not uncommon to not give a response, and I’ve been guilty of this too. Sometimes email ends up in spam, sometimes we’re swamped and it falls off our radar, and sometimes it’s a passive aggressive way of ending the correspondence. It’s hard to know which! If you send an initial response and get no answer, feel free to send a follow-up in a couple of weeks (especially if you emailed over the summer or the beginning of the semester). If you’ve had a back-and-forth and there’s been a sudden radio silence on the other end, it’s also okay to follow up in a week or two (I generally give at least a week). But if someone seems very slow to respond in general and a bit flaky, consider that as a possible sign that they may not be a good advisor! If you do decide to follow up with someone else in that department after a conversation fizzles, a courtesy email to the first person is appropriate. You can also send a message saying “Thanks so much for your time. I just wanted to give you a quick update about my graduate applications — I’m also reaching out to X and Y, but I’m still very interested in pursuing opportunities with your lab.” Good luck! LikeLiked by 1 person Reply Mademoiselle Scientist says: September 7, 2016 at 9:41 PM I’m glad I came across this post because I’m going to start contacting potential PIs tomorrow. I already read their papers and have my CV updated. Thank you for sharing this information. LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: September 9, 2016 at 11:29 AM Good luck! LikeLiked by 1 person Reply Mademoiselle Scientist says: September 14, 2016 at 1:54 PM Thanks! LikeLike Reply Cory says: September 2, 2016 at 7:35 PM Thanks for this write up, Dr. Gill. I am applying to graduate school after working in a field I thought I would enjoy, but have discovered it is not for me. I did not do fantastic in undergraduate school, but a large reason was a major illness to a close family member. My CV will not be very strong in my academia or relevant lab experience – I worked in a Chemistry lab, but am applying to Biology graduate school (with similar interest to yours), but I am currently participating in an Ecology internship. My question is how to go about asking for advice without a super strong CV. I think what makes me such a qualified candidate for graduate school is the path I choose after undergraduate (spent 7 months hiking across country living with and observing wildlife, working on fishing vessel absorbing as much as possible about marine ecosystems, etc). Are those things acceptable to put on a CV, and would you send such things to a potential advisor? I was also wondering about timing – the fall semester is just getting started, and I was wanting to ask for advice on taking a few classes in the graduate college as a non-degree seeking student (because it doesn’t appear you can apply for a degree seeking position in the spring). Is that an acceptable questions to ask in the inquiry email – would he/she suggest classes to take in the Spring semester? Thank you for any help you can provide – doing poorly in undergraduate has kept me out of graduate school, but I know with a renewed focus and drive I can certainly prove myself as a strong graduate student. LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: September 9, 2016 at 11:37 AM You can absolutely put any and all relevant work on your CV (even if not academic). I’d also not worry too much about switching fields — I know people who have gone from music to biology! Your cover letter can absolutely (briefly) get into your background and any gaps or issues with your GPA, etc. If you can take some community college classes in the meantime to show that you can do better under better circumstances, that’s also good. And any and all field or lab work you can do will also help, because letters can go a long way to improve your chances with a rough transcript. Some departments do accept people in the spring, so don’t rule that out! But you’ll probably be stronger if you take this year to apply, get some field experience (even volunteering), and taking some classes. Also, chemistry can be REALLy helpful to a graduate career in ecology. Stable isotope analysis, stoichiometry, physiology, and other disciplines all benefit from a chemistry background. If you’d rather leave that behind, that’s okay, too — just emphasize what you learned as a chemistry major (careful lab work, processes fundamental to life, etc.), spinning the transition as a positive (“during y studies, I realized that my real passion was in…” — and try to use a concrete example, like “while I was in my X class, I found myself wondering more about how global warming would affect the rates of X in Y, than the actual chemical reactions themselves.” You get the idea. It’s all about framing — take your personal narrative and spin it in a way that shows that grad school in ecology is the natural next step, and that the trials you’ve overcome will make you a stronger student and scientist. LikeLike Reply Pingback: How To Get Into a Fully Funded PhD Program: Contacting Potential PhD Advisors | ProFellow Animesh says: June 24, 2016 at 7:03 PM Awesome post. I have just started exploring options for my post-grad studies, after two years of working odd engineering jobs. While I definitely want to answer the big questions of how the snails use their shells (or in my case, how water causes erosion), I am not very enthusiastic about the idea of PhD. I have found a couple of courses that seem perfect for my needs, a Masters in applied sciences with significant research component. Does it help to be true to myself and tell my potential mentors what I am actually looking for, since the faculties clearly seem to suggest a PhD after the course? Also, it seems I missed the deadline for this season by a few days, which means I’ll be having so much time to prepare. Should I try and inquire early? LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: June 24, 2016 at 7:48 PM Thanks! You can be honest about wanting a Masters. It’s good to aim high if you’re not sure, but as a PI, I also appreciate students who are open about their goals. And yes, it’s likely (though not necessarily) too late for this fall, but it’s a good time to get a jump on next year! Just be aware that some people don’t work in summer (if it’s a 9-month appointment) or may be in the field, etc. LikeLiked by 1 person Reply Carey Coleman says: August 31, 2016 at 10:48 AM Is it better for general inquiries to use a personal email or the university email for doctoral enquiries? I’m considering applying for a doctoral cycle in Gothenburg. And I’m at the université de Toulouse, and I am sending the email to inquire who I contact for thesis research. LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: September 9, 2016 at 11:38 AM You can absolutely use your university email; it confers legitimacy. Using your personal email is okay, especially if you won’t be at your current institution long, but if your email address is “[email protected]” then you might opt for a more professional email account. LikeLike Reply Xinxin Wang says: June 20, 2016 at 11:10 AM Hello,Jacquelyn I want to ask question about reaching out Email to school’s Admission Office, how should I write that email, thanks. LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: June 23, 2016 at 3:01 PM It depends on what you’re asking, but an admissions office (or graduate school) email can be much less formal. It should be polite and direct. LikeLike Reply Farhood says: May 22, 2016 at 5:00 AM Thanks for sharing this helpful post. Would you please let me know whether the inquiry email I have provided is well-crafted or not. Dear Professor XXX, I have finished a master degree in Electrical Engineering in the field of Semiconductor Device Technology at the XXX, Tehran, Iran. I am considering applying to XXXX University’s PhD program and would be interested joining your research group for Fall 2017. I am personally greatly interested in semiconductor optoelectronic devices. In my master program, I worked on Fabrication and Characterization of GaAs-based Photodiode for Ultraviolet Detection. I read your recent paper, “Design of broadband and high-output power uni-traveling-carrier photodiodes”, on your website (https://users.encs.concordia.ca/~xzhang/index_files/Page359.htm) and was fascinated by your results. In particular, how bandwidth performance of uni-traveling-carrier photodiode can be improved by using graded bandgap structure in its absorption layer. Please let me know if there is any funded open PhD position in your research group for me to join. I have attached my CV to this e-mail, but if there is additional information that I have not included that you would like, I would be happy to provide it for you. Thank you for your consideration. Looking forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Farhood LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: June 23, 2016 at 3:00 PM I’d say this is pretty good, but I’d cut the line “Please let me know if…” and replace it with “Would you be available to discuss PhD opportunities in your lab?” It’s less presumptuous. Good luck! LikeLike Reply Sammani says: April 22, 2016 at 7:19 AM Thank you for the interesting points given out. I actually followed the guide given here and sent several letters to professors and couple of them showed some interest. So how should I proceed next? I want to know about any financial assistance that can be offered, which I didn’t mention in my first mail. Is it okay to bring this out in the second mail? Any ideas on what should the second mail be based on? LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: April 22, 2016 at 9:33 AM I’m glad it was helpful. In terms of following up, that’s going to be very context-dependent, based on the nature of the responses. I think it’s worth doing your homework first when you ask a question, because it shows you’re serious (“I see that there are university fellowships I can apply for, and it looks like teaching assistantships are available. How competitive are those?”. You can also suggest a Skype or phone call and ask questions about funding then — something like, “Is there funding available? What’s typical? I’m also happy to apply for fellowships or other opportunities if that’s a possibility.” Generally, though, I think a second email is a good place to ask if you can set up a call to discuss opportunities further, if you’ve gotten a positive response. LikeLike Reply Penny says: April 16, 2016 at 3:09 PM What if you’re in your mid-40’s and don’t have a TIME MACHINE to go back to your undergrad and grad schools and “make” all those contacts NOW to get all those “recommendations” NOW – and you didn’t back then because things weren’t the way they are now and everything wasn’t requiring all that “back then.” What then? I don’t think I have time to pursue useless certificate programs that don’t require all those references and CV’s covering everything I’ve ever done since HIGH SCHOOL (now almost THIRTY YEARS AGO) and all that. But I’m at a dead-end in any and everything that I’ve ever majored in that I could feasibly call “my fields” as to getting so much as an entry level position in any of them with “just” my Master’s. I”m trying to eke out an existence freelance translating and even all of THAT is demanding a “CV.” Take “early retirement” in a country that has it, where if you haven’t paid into the system because you haven’t been able to scrape together enough work, that translates to “welfare”?? THAT’S what my Master’s degree from Yale is good for now – welfare?Just because it was exactly 20 years ago this year? Even foregoing going through to a PhD program, I’m looking at second Master’s programs and even THOSE are demanding way more accounting for all time since high school than I remember them doing back in 1994-1996!! LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: April 16, 2016 at 3:40 PM A lot of my colleagues prefer working with people who have been outside of school for some time, and a number of folks I went to graduate school with had taken time off (including students who were in their forties or fifties when they started their graduate programs). Taking someone on as a student is a massive investment of our time and resources as faculty, and positions are competitive; letters of recommendation are helpful for us in figuring out whether you’ll be a good fit, or successful. If it’s been a long time since school, and you haven’t been working in your field of choice in the interim, your best bet is to take a few classes so that someone can speak to your skills. A CV isn’t an unreasonable expectation for a job or a graduate position. If you think it is, then perhaps further graduate studies may not be a good fit, as there are many more hoops to jump through! Most programs don’t want a day-by-day accounting of your time, just a thoughtful narrative about why you’ve been out of school and what you’d like to get out of going back. LikeLike Reply N. Kathleen says: January 12, 2016 at 7:22 PM Hi there, I am a graduate in bioengineering as of May 2015. My original goal was to go to veterinary school, and I am going through the interview processes right now. However, I am not sure veterinary school is what I want to do any more for personal/professional/financial reasons. I have tons of veterinary clinical experience as that is what I did instead of doing undergraduate research. However I did dabble in water quality and environmental engineering with Engineers Without Borders, and I did my own water quality project in Kenya for 6 weeks about water quality of springs and community perceptions of water quality in the area I was volunteering in. I did received an undergraduate grant to complete the project. I decided that I needed to do more with vet stuff so I stopped doing anything related to engineering. Now that I am having these doubts about vet school, I am doing more research into graduate school for environmental engineering to investigate my other interests. I have some questions as I am not sure how to approach the graduate school. I have no lab experience other than that independent research project – what should I do about this? My undergraduate professors know who I am, but I never worked for any of them and I feel uncomfortable approaching them and asking for help regarding programs, letters, etc. I know I need to start by doing some research on what the professors are getting up to at the school I want to go to…. I guess I am feeling a little lost as what to do right now. Any advice you may have is welcome. LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: January 14, 2016 at 2:38 PM If you don’t have an academic advisor, it’s reasonable to ask a professor for guidance if they’re in your field. We’re there as resources, too. My advice would be to find some mentors, start reaching out to professors you’re interested in and ask if you need to fill gaps in your background, and start looking for opportunities to get lab skills. You may need to spend a year or two working in a lab to get experience. It does sound like you have a reasonable narrative– changing fields based on a transformative experience, so play that up. You may not need to do anything else. I’d suggest looking into masters programs first. Good luck! LikeLike Reply Nick Sisson says: January 3, 2016 at 2:40 PM What are your thoughts on Masters versus PhD in the biological sciences field? I vaguely remember you had some tweets on the subject last spring? I know there are alot of external factors that go into obtaining a desired job (connections, work ethic…etc) and some jobs absolutely need a PhD (directors, professors) but wanted to get your thoughts overall. LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: January 4, 2016 at 1:41 PM There are opportunity costs to getting a PhD — delaying income, delaying saving for retirement, delaying life in many cases (buying a house, finding a partner, having kids), so it’s never a decision to be taken lightly. I know people who pursued PhDs because they thought they needed one, or they didn’t know what to do next: those are bad reasons. It really comes down to career goals, which you may not even know yet. If that’s the case, start with a MS. I’ve noticed lately that students are really eager to jump right into a PhD out of undergrad, and I think this a bad idea for most people. A masters gives you the chance to field test a PhD-length idea, to get experience in the lab and teaching, and to get a feel for how you handle academic life. For me, the MS defense was harder in many ways than then PhD, because it was so new. You’ll know by the end whether you need a break, whether you’re not interested in an academic position, ideally how you feel about teaching or fieldwork (some people discover they hate fieldwork!), etc. Nothing will stop you from launching off a MS into a PhD– you’re arguably in much better shape to keep up that momentum. As to whether you need one or both, it’s worth looking at people who hold jobs you can see yourself enjoying. And remember that you can always, always go back and get another degree if you need it — and sometimes, your employer will pay for that (e.g., the National Park Service might fund your PhD if you need one to advance). If you’ve looked at the possibilities and you’re still not sure, or you don’t know what you’d want to do yet, the MS is a good place to start. LikeLike Reply Anastasia Ivanusic says: December 2, 2015 at 9:04 PM Hello! What a great article, thank-you. I do have a few questions for you and would love your advice. I’m currently working on my CV (was just going to send in a resume-oops!) and my brief email to my potential supervisor for September of 2016. My first question, am I too late? You mentioned to contact a potential supervisor by the latest in September. The application deadline is in two weeks. The second question is what if you didn’t have any close relationships with professors in your undergraduate degree? I adored some professors but am shy and reserved so I’m not sure if I will be memorable. LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: December 28, 2015 at 1:03 PM It depends on a variety of things — your advisor’s funding, program deadlines, and whether they accept students after admissions deadlines. For example, my department has a soft deadline, but if the advisor has funding, we can accept students up until the week before the semester starts! So it’s never too late to try. They may tell you they don’t have funding and it’s too late this year, or they may have just gotten a grant and are looking — you’ll never know unless you ask! LikeLike Reply Tara Kheiri says: November 16, 2015 at 12:51 AM Great article. I am trying to send email to a professor (who knows me) regarding my admission status. I need some sample to make it more polite and right to the point, and also it shows my interests. I will appreciate if you can help me with it. LikeLiked by 1 person Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: December 28, 2015 at 1:02 PM I’d recommend contacting your advisor, a mentor, or an academic service for this kind of one-on-one tailored advice. LikeLike Reply Kyle Schusler says: October 30, 2015 at 10:52 AM This article helped a lot, I’m glad I read it before sending out inquiry emails! I am a geology major looks for grad schools, I have great credentials and references but this is definitely going to set me over the edge for prospective research assistantships. What is your overall impression on GRE scores? I recently took the test and feel like I could do better, but it is expensive… LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: December 28, 2015 at 12:59 PM First, apologies for taking so long to approve your comment — it went into the spam folder! Handling GRE scores varies a lot by institution. In cases where a student is from a non-US system, or if your undergraduate institution didn’t have grades, they may contain some useful information. I personally don’t find them super helpful, or a good indicator of success per se, and I don’t necessarily think schools should have cut-offs for admission if other aspects of the application are strong. Strong GRE scores can help overcome weaknesses in the application, and weak ones don’t help, but they won’t usually make or break an application. Every department will be different, though, and especially in the sciences your quantitative GRE is looked at as an indicator of whether you’ll be able to handle the math and hard science requirements of your program. I recommend talking to your prospective advisor and getting a sense of the culture at your desired institution. LikeLike Reply Amy says: September 23, 2015 at 3:16 AM Hi Jacquelyn, I’m curious why you recommend a CV over a resume to share with potential advisors. Professors I have talked to in the natural sciences indicate that they prefer the brevity of a resume and, in fact, this is the only resource I’ve found on the Internet that discourages resumes (or even mentions CVs altogether!) for initial advisor contact. With that said, I’ve already fired off emails with my resume attached… Thanks! LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: September 23, 2015 at 9:42 AM A CV is the standard for academics– a resume is typically a document used in business or other non-academic professional settings. Resumes focus on job history, and CV’s focus on academic history. A resume doesn’t include publications, society memberships, research interests, or relevant coursework, for example. And while your summer job at the YMCA pool may go on a resume, it wouldn’t go on a CV. At the undergrad and grad level, CV’s are going to be short anyway, so I don’t see why brevity is an issue– plus, when I’m deciding on whether a student has the right background for my lab, more information is preferable (but that’s my preference). And most grad school and funding applications will explicitly ask for a CV, not a resume. If you’re applying to applied natural resource management-type programs, there may be a different culture, but I’m in ecology and I’ve never encountered a preference for a resume over a CV (to me, it would signal that a student hadn’t done their homework about grad school and may not be ready for prime time). I’m not sure where you searched online, but there are a number of resources on the resume/CV difference and grad school: http://www.powerscore.com/gre/help/gearingup_resume.cfm http://gradschool.cornell.edu/career-services/resumes-and-cvs https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/967/02/ http://writingcenter.unc.edu/handouts/curricula-vitae-cvs-versus-resumes/ LikeLike Reply Nida says: November 3, 2015 at 8:04 AM Hi, I am currently in the process of applying for admission to graduate schools in Electrical Engineering department. Since the deadlines for fall session lie mostly in December and I am a little out of time so could you indicate precisely that what would be the best time to ask a professor. Also, can I email professors after application deadlines, would that help? LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: December 28, 2015 at 1:01 PM Programs will differ — some fields, like chemistry, accept applicants broadly and they do rotations before choosing a lab. For other fields, like ecology or geology, you’ll want that advocate or you may not get accepted if there’s no one who can work with you (that’s how my department is– we often reject strong applicants because there’s not a clear connection to any one faculty member). You’ll want to ask professors as soon as you possibly can. For December and January deadlines, I generally recommend September or October at the latest. LikeLike Reply Lynette says: September 3, 2015 at 9:13 PM Greetings! I’m not sure if you’re still responding to comments/questions, but I need your help. I am applying to clinical psychology PhD programs. I have done tons of research on the professors I would love to work with upon acceptance; however, many of the professors are not accepting students for the upcoming year according to the university website. Is it rude to inquire anyway? I would really LOVE to work with these professors because my area of research is unique. If I eliminate my options based on not having a mentor with similar interests, that would leave me applying to two schools. LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: September 16, 2015 at 4:56 PM I think it’s always okay to check (sometimes the web is out of date), as long as you acknowledge that you saw that they’re not taking students. You can always make a strong case and say “I understand you’re not currently taking students, but I’ve been following your work on X and think I would be a great fit for your lab. Will you be considering taking students in the future, or would you consider someone who brought in their own funding?” You can also ask if they can suggest anyone else out there, as there may be someone new in the field taking students you don’t know yet. Applying for two schools can be okay, as long as they’re the RIGHT two schools — the ones that you’ve developed a rapport with. LikeLike Reply Pingback: Honest signals in academia (or, why academics mostly can’t game the system and shouldn’t try) | Dynamic Ecology Nevil says: December 5, 2014 at 6:09 AM Great article.. gread advice.. The right kind I was looking for. I am just starting to contact professors… Thanks a lot LikeLike Reply Erin says: November 11, 2014 at 10:36 AM Hi! I was curious in regards to asking for letters of reccommendation whether or not the letter should come from someone in the field we’re applying to. For example, I was a dual major in college (ecology and a language). Would it make sense to ask a professor from my language field for a letter of rec for an ecoloy program? Assuming I ask them to comment more on my work ethic and not on my research ability. LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: November 11, 2014 at 10:39 AM It’s always better to get letters from people who can speak to your success in a graduate program in the field you’re interested in, so definitely prioritize Ecology if that’s what you’re applying to. If you can’t think of three solid letter writers from Ecology, someone in Language could be a good third letter. It’s generally better to have letters from people you’ve done research with, rather than just taken classes from. Letters can make or break an application! LikeLike Reply Snigdha says: November 10, 2014 at 9:33 AM Hi! this is a great article. I am currently about to contact potential faculty advisers. I just have a couple of problems though: I feel like my CV is spread too thinly. I have done plenty of reading and reflecting but I don’t have enough practical, concrete experience to put on my resume. I don’t know how to bring the fact that I know I have the necessary skills required for my chosen area, in a positive manner. I’m also in a way shifting my focus from what I was doing during under-graduation to what I want to do now. I have taken a gap year and an 11-month long internship to bridge the shift in my interests but I am so unsure about how to make these things appear favorable. Also, I am applying to a whole different country, which adds to the issues. Any advice you could offer about the best way to proceed would be great, thanks! LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: November 10, 2014 at 9:52 AM This is the case for many undergrads — your CV will feel quite underdeveloped compared with what, say, a PhD will have. For that reason, I recommend adding a couple sections to an undergraduate CV that you may not see on a PhD’s CV, like “Relevant Coursework” (where you might list classes, including short courses, that are related to your field) or “Skills,” which can include programming, field methods, lab analyses, computer programs, languages, or other things that may be important but not listed. You’ll definitely want to list your internship under “Professional Appointments.” For things like gaps, you can address all of that in your cover letter/inquiry letter. Remember that the CV is not the only thing they’ll see! Definitely check the conventions for the country you’re applying to. In Europe, it is common to put things like home and family information (e.g., marital status) on a CV, but in the USA this is NOT done. Good luck! LikeLike Reply Snigdha says: November 10, 2014 at 11:45 AM Thank you for your prompt and very helpful reply. 🙂 LikeLike Reply searunner says: November 4, 2014 at 8:52 AM Really great article, as someone currently applying to graduate school, this helped a lot. Very clear! LikeLike Reply Pingback: Grad student mentorship | Tenure, She Wrote Jawad Ali says: September 20, 2014 at 1:06 PM Thank you for the excellent overview and the fact that you are still replying to queries is very encouraging as well. The question though which i had was what if someone has actual field experience in a professional industry and no research experience at all but now want’s to go into a research based masters. How should he include this experience into his CV?. I graduated in 2013 with major in mechanical engineering and have diversified experience in 2 very different fields (manufacturing & petrochemical ) so how would you advice about including this information in a CV?. LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: September 23, 2014 at 8:51 AM Great question. You can definitely add professional experience to a CV– just like a postdoc position. It’s very common for people to take time between degrees, and if the work you did was related to your field, add it to a “Professional Experience” section. This should go right after the “Education” experience. Your personal statement or cover letter can go into details about what those were about. LikeLike Reply Hillary Morin says: September 30, 2014 at 7:26 PM This is awesome! You are so funny! LikeLike Reply J. says: September 17, 2014 at 2:24 PM Hey Jacquelyn! Thanks for the awesome advice. I’m in the process of applications myself, so I’ll be taking your advice into consideration! Just a question, if you don’t mind giving comments or advice, about the CV. Do you recommend including information on previous research experience that’s completely different from the area that you plan to go into for graduate school? For me, I plan to pursue psychology, but earlier in my undergraduate studies I did quite a bit of research on cellular biology and received a grant award from it. Do you think it’ll look out of place if all my recent experience is much more relevant? LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: September 17, 2014 at 2:27 PM Go for it! Many undergraduates will have research experience that is totally different from what they pursue in grad school. But knowing that you did it is useful, because it tells me about your work ethic, curiosity, and skill set (statistics, handling equipment, etc.). Professors know that students have a trajectory, too. For my undergrad, I did research with ground-burrowing sea birds, but my senior thesis was in paleoecology (which is what I went to grad school for). LikeLike Reply J. says: September 17, 2014 at 3:51 PM Thank you so much! LikeLike Reply Laura says: September 20, 2014 at 5:36 AM Great post, lots of useful advice! I am preparing to apply to grad school, but from the position of a PhD graduate with European degrees. The first time around I did Philology, concentration in Renaissance literature (2013), and now I’d like to continue with Medieval Studies. The institution I’ve had my eyes on for two years advises candidates interested in a PhD to take their MA there too (essentially for solid preparation in medieval Latin). I would be thrilled to do it, their MA is what sparked my interest in the first place. I have recently read online, however, that PhD graduates are not preferred PhD candidates. Can that be true? That would mean they are even less agreeable as MA candidates. I would give worlds to be able to discuss my background and situation with someone from the department, but I live thousands of miles away. I do not know whether I should write or call or go there. Who should I talk to first, truly the very first person to contact? Now I also fear that perhaps my foreign credentials might be a hindrance as well, since my letters of recommendation would be coming from people largely unknown to this other institution. Do you think I should go ahead and apply to the MA without previously contacting the department (no supervisor is needed for the MA, this is a no thesis program)? Or maybe contact the chair or a potential PhD supervisor straight away to discuss my intention to finalise at the PhD level? Oh dear, these are so many questions and such a load to bear: I have no undergraduate supervisor to consult with, I wish I did, and my former PhD supervisor, well, he does not know how things are being run here (no disparaging intended). Many, many thanks for any advice you might have, Laura, Canada LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: September 23, 2014 at 8:48 AM It’s definitely not unheard of, especially for people changing careers. But given the job prospects in the humanities, consider very carefully what your goal will be. In this case, definitely contact the grad coordinator in the department, and talk to some prospective faculty. Even if you don’t need to, you’ll get done good advice, and having an advocate in the department never hurts. Good luck! LikeLike Reply Laura says: September 25, 2014 at 3:42 AM Thanks for your advice, Jill! I am already discussing things with the department! Best wishes, Laura LikeLike Reply stephaniesardelis says: September 5, 2014 at 10:57 AM Great article – I am in the throws of grad school application now. Contacting professors is my next big step, and I am drafting my inquiry emails. My biggest challenge, mentally, is wrapping my head around making my second choice schools sound as if they are all my first choice. At the same time, I don’t want to spread myself too thin and come across as uncommitted because I have too many options. Any advice you may have, I would really appreciate! Your article already has given me a lot of guidance. Thanks, Steph LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: September 17, 2014 at 2:29 PM I’d hold off on the idea of first and second-choice schools for now. When you visit and interact with professors, your list will change a LOT. Treat each interaction separately, and don’t bring up where you’re applying unless asked. Applying costs money, too, so that may be a limiting factor. I’d recommend starting with a long list and winnowing down based on email responses. Ultimately, having two to five solid leads is the goal. LikeLike Reply Dawn says: August 18, 2014 at 5:55 PM Love your post! I’ve written a few potential inquiry emails but they all keep coming out to around 3 large paragraphs. Is this too long or do you have any suggestions on how long this email should be? Yours is super short, only a paragraph is that what I should be striving for? I want to make sure I include my current research and that takes up a lot of space but I think it’s pertinent for each Prof to know. Let me know and thanks! LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: August 27, 2014 at 4:16 PM I’m glad it was helpful! Summer is tough because a lot of folks are in the field, at conferences, or on vacation. It’s always okay to follow up in a few weeks. Aim for about the length of my example, if possible. It’s always good practice to be able to get your research down to a sentence or two! Tough, but a good skill to cultivate. Good luck! LikeLike Reply arguhlin says: August 9, 2014 at 2:00 AM I’m not a ecology student, but I am beginning the grad school application process and this post answered all the questions I was wondering about in terms of the letter of inquiry! Thanks for an awesome post! LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: August 12, 2014 at 12:12 PM Thanks! I’m glad it was helpful. LikeLike Reply jenxbowers says: June 15, 2014 at 7:44 PM Thanks for the great advice! My question is: when should these inquiries be sent? I have my POI list, and am wondering if I should email now, or later this summer, or maybe right before or right after I send the application in? LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: June 28, 2014 at 8:26 AM Great question! Summer is rough for a lot of professors, because folks are in the field or at conferences. So, you can get a jump on the communications now, but you may not get a response (conversely, for some people it can be a good time, because most of us aren’t teaching!). If you’re attending a conference, that’s a great time to introduce yourself to someone, and then follow up later. Definitely DO NOT WAIT until you send in an application! You’ll want to be communicating with a professor WELL before you apply (and generally, you shouldn’t apply unless and until you’ve got someone in mind to work with — success in grad school is so much more about good mentors than it is about individual schools or programs). In many cases, departments won’t even consider an application that isn’t being supported by a faculty member. At the very latest, start contacting people in September. LikeLike Reply Ahmad Alkadri says: April 22, 2014 at 6:16 PM Thank you for the advice! I have a question, though. This passage: Saying “I have experience in conceiving, executing, and bringing to fruition an original research project” is pointless if your undergraduate thesis is listed on your CV, and just serves to make you come across as stiff or grasping. Can you elaborate it further? What do you mean by ‘grasping’ here? Thanks. LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: May 2, 2014 at 8:27 AM Grasping as in desperate, clingy, or trying too hard. Those aren’t signs of confidence. It’s always a good idea to let your record speak for itself — highlight what you’ve done, not who you are. Leave the interpretations up to your prospective mentor. 🙂 LikeLike Reply Muhammad Tayyab Saeed says: February 20, 2014 at 5:39 AM Thank you for such a good post, I read it and its quite helping. I wanted to ask you that would it be good idea to go for a Ph.D after completing M.Sc. while you have a business mind more than an academic? I have completed BS in Electrical Engineering in 2013. Secondly i need to support my family after MSc so would i be able to support them while pursuing a PhD. In such conditions which things i should focus on while selecting a thesis or Project based Master. Waiting for your reply. Best Regards, Muhammad Tayyab Saeed LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: February 23, 2014 at 10:02 AM Thank you! It really depends on your career goals. If a PhD will help, the go for it — and make sure you are in a program and with an advisor that appreciates the needs of someone who wants to go into industry. Most PhD programs are funded, and include health insurance and a stipend. It can be possible to support a family on this, but you’d most likely qualify for food stamps here in the US! Most people with families in grad school that I know have had a two-person income. Good luck! LikeLiked by 1 person Reply John Walters says: December 11, 2013 at 6:25 PM What is your opinion on “follow-ups?” I took your advice and wrote several professors, and the ones that did respond were positive, but concise, basically affirming the desire for me to apply, but not discussing the specific research issues addressed in the body. Is a thank you email warranted? Are these short responses expected, or is that a bad omen of their potential interest? Thanks, John LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: January 3, 2014 at 3:40 PM Depending on the time of year you email someone, it’s definitely okay to follow up even if they didn’t respond the first time. If someone’s in the field, at a conference, at the end of the semester, etc., you may or may not have a response right away, and professors are notorious for not getting back to people. Short responses may be more of a reflection of business than interest. I’d respond with a succinct follow-up in that case asking for a phone call to discuss opportunities, as well as funding availability. If they weren’t interested, they’d either not respond at all or say they weren’t taking students/didn’t have funding. LikeLike Reply Shanti says: August 1, 2013 at 3:28 PM This is a great article. However, many of my fellow researchers (and admissions deans at some schools, such as NYU and Cornell) have pointed out to me that since a grad student usually has to complete rotations before joining a lab, it is not necessary to contact mentors before applying to the general Ph.D. program. What is your take on this? LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: August 2, 2013 at 8:03 PM Great question! This is dependent on field, in my experience. I’ve heard of this being common in chemistry or microbiology, for example, but not, say, ecology. You can certainly get into lot of programs even without an advocate, but it definitely helps to have an in! LikeLike Reply Pingback: Applying to Grad School | CodeKraft AbdulFattah Popoola says: April 16, 2013 at 12:59 PM Great awesome post; thank you! LikeLike Reply Pingback: Friday links: Canada’s greatest know it all (no, not Jeremy…), the research productivity of moms, HS teachers on EO Wilson, and more | Dynamic Ecology yaohongkok says: April 11, 2013 at 11:55 AM This is a great article for those who are looking to apply to grad school. I think the most important part is to be able to establish communication with the professor you would like to work with. If you can do that, you are 50% on your way. Do you mind if I post this article link to my blog. Thank you in advance. LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: April 11, 2013 at 12:06 PM You’re more than welcome to post the text, or link it– whichever you prefer. Everything on this site (unless otherwise stated) has a Creative Commons license for commercial-free use with attribution– so, please just credit me. Thanks! LikeLike Reply Megan McOsker says: April 9, 2013 at 4:01 AM I stumbled upon this post through an initial predawn exploration of twitter – retweeted by Karen James. I think I’ll share your sage advice with some of my under undergraduates (otherwise known as high school students). I was pleasantly surprised to see John A.’s input (surprised by the connection, not the input; I am a COA grad). LikeLike Reply Fiona McQuarrie (@all_about_work) says: April 8, 2013 at 6:43 PM Excellent advice! I agree with Adam’s suggestion above as well. LikeLike Reply susannah says: April 8, 2013 at 6:41 PM I was really nervous about this part of the grad school application process, so I asked friends of mine who’d already gotten in to grad school for advice and examples. It was _really_ helpful. LikeLike Reply John Anderson says: April 8, 2013 at 5:25 PM Jackie, i am probably an old fogie, (no, definitely) but i would probably react negatively to the ‘awesomeness” and “coolness” in the otherwise fine letter. These words tend to be sloppy, hip, and sound insincere as well as suggesting that the applicant has a limited vocab based largely on cable TV. Otherwise some excellent advice. LikeLike Reply Jacquelyn Gill says: April 8, 2013 at 5:41 PM Oh, John, I definitely don’t mean those to be literal! I was trying to come up with a silly example. I’ll edit my post to reflect that this was not meant to be taken literally, lest some student get the wrong idea! LikeLike Reply Jeremy Fox says: April 9, 2013 at 6:32 AM A small point but a good one John. Some undergrads do make the mistake of overemphasizing their enthusiasm, and underemphasizing specifics (why do you want to work with me as opposed to someone else? how will grad school help you achieve your long-term goals? etc.) Being enthusiastic is great. But all prospective grad students are enthusiastic, so conveying enthusiasm doesn’t really make your introductory email stand out from the piles of such emails many supervisors get. Plus, enthusiasm is no substitute for the other elements that go into a good introductory email. LikeLike Reply duffymeg says: April 8, 2013 at 4:23 PM As much as I dislike the “Dear Mrs. Duffy” emails, the “Dear Sir” ones are the ones that get the immediate delete from me. LikeLike Reply Alycia Stigall says: April 8, 2013 at 4:23 PM This is a fantastic post. I will be bookmarking it to share with my undergrads in the future. Thanks, Dr. Jacquelyn Gill. LikeLike Reply Adam Shapiro says: April 8, 2013 at 4:13 PM This is excellent. One additional suggestion: If you have undergraduate mentor/advisors, don’t just see them as letter generators. Talk to them about what programs they might recommend as a fit for you, and even ask them if they’d read a draft of your inquiry letter to places (especially where they might be personally acquainted with a potential advisor.) Not only does this help you improve your inquiry email, it gives the people writing letters on your behalf a better understanding of your interests and priorities in grad school, and might result in an even more insightful letter from them.
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Hungry For Change, Planting Some Knowledge, Plotting for the Future: A Business is Born - Beat the Streets New England Wrestling Skip to content Home About Our Team Our Board Get Involved News Cities Boston, MA Providence, RI Hartford, CT Map Programs M.A.T. TIME: Mentoring, Advocacy & Training Time CIT: Coaches in Training Wrestl(H)er WrestleBack Events Register Contact Donate Search for: Search for: Hungry For Change, Planting Some Knowledge, Plotting for the Future: A Business is Born Previous Next View Larger Image Hungry For Change, Planting Some Knowledge, Plotting for the Future: A Business is Born By Jeanette Smith Americorps VISTA for BYW, September 22, 2020. By summer’s end, the Coaches in Training Program has evolved into a running business of rising high school board members who created the tagline: Hungry For Change, Planting Some Knowledge, Plotting for the Future. If you are wondering, What is the Coaches in Training program? Read this introductory article and then read all about their gardening projects under the News section. Forbes Magazine article “Why Wrestlers Make the Best Employees” highlights the everyday athlete’s mentality in the workforce, “The one constant observation is that wrestlers have a capacity to push themselves harder than most and display an unrivaled mental toughness—” To dive deeper into this correlation between wrestling and work, take a look here. The summer Coaches in Training (CIT) program incorporates entrepreneurship to tap into these career-ready successes for our student-athletes. This summer, 12 CITs banded together under Boston Youth Wrestling to build out the first entrepreneurial venture as part of its fifth running season. The program tackled the issue of food accessibility in their community. By combining the Health and Wellness segment of the coaching program with their business venture, The Hungry Wrestler, the desired outcome has focused on the long term, sustainable solution. Logo part one of a two-piece set featuring all of the founding board members. But that was not all. The CITs felt each other’s hunger for change just as Helen Maroulis hungered for the women’s Olympic gold medal. They knew that by sharing their newly harnessed health and wellness knowledge, that change could happen. But how? Logo part two of a two-piece set featuring all of the founding board members. Two guest speakers, Dr. David Kimball, a business professor at Elms College, and Yarty Kim, an entrepreneur and co-founder of A4E Consulting Services Llp provided a soundboard for the CITs to ask questions about accounting and taxes. One CIT eagerly asked the guest speakers, “How does a small business like ours start out advertising our product? How do we get people attracted to our product?” “Getting a first-hand experience from people who are real entrepreneurs will be invaluable in our business project,” another CIT commented about the prospect of questioning experts in the field. Moreover, the participants were quick to seize yet another opportunity for having a business professor available to offer college readiness advice, “What should we expect when we major in business? How can we fully prepare or educate ourselves before majoring in business? What are some things that we should be aware of when investing in the stock market? How can we efficiently start investing?” The nascent board of rising high school student coaches ultimately wish to plant new roots with like-minded community partners. Fulfilling the duties in their executive board positions, they are meeting throughout the year to design a website with their branding to kick off their venture. The members believe a stronger network will make their locally grown food even more accessible to those most in need. The CITs collaborated virtually to design recipes using their locally grown crops for each dish. This photo captures one of their recipes using kale. Prior to all of this, BYW has laid the groundwork, converting urban green spaces into locally grown food sources. As the process took shape, the participants’ aspirations grew too; CITs designed a presentation that evolved into a recipe book based on ingredients from the two gardens. When asked: What was one thing you learned from working as a team to complete a shared goal? One CIT wrote the following reflection about the garden project presentation: “I learned effective communication. We had three or four different platforms to communicate [virtually], and we had to balance that, which I think we did well. In the end, we did manage to coordinate our presentation.” To plot for the future, the members are creating a system around delivering The Hungry Wrestler’s fresh food to its community that incorporates its ingredient-specific recipes. This first year started small and intimate by sharing the harvest with the CIT participants’ close family and friends. They organized Community Day around the theme unity and community to showcase their hard work and to celebrate the growing season’s end while discussing big ideas for the future. Highlights from the CIT planned event, Community Day, features a celebration of locally grown food and more. To store up the ripe tomatoes for the colder season, we are searching for a local community kitchen or restaurant to provide space for canning and jarring our harvest. For this first season, we wish to thank our generous sponsors with preserved tomatoes and more! And in order to transport our food stores, we need to secure a cargo van. Looking ahead, we are also on the search for more green spaces to scale the production of locally grown food sources. Give us a shout out if any of these items resonate with you or if you would like to share information. Be on the lookout for an upcoming website with more information specific to The Hungry Wrestler initiative! 2022-11-08T05:56:37-05:00September 23, 2020|Uncategorized| Share This... FacebookTwitterRedditLinkedInWhatsAppEmail Related Posts WE ARE HIRING- REGIONAL GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT VISTA Gallery WE ARE HIRING- REGIONAL GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT VISTA February 23, 2021 BTS Family Update from Silas Murray Gallery BTS Family Update from Silas Murray January 12, 2021 BTS Family Update from Silas Murray Gallery BTS Family Update from Silas Murray January 12, 2021 Finishing off the year wrestling style with Jakob Restrepo! Gallery Finishing off the year wrestling style with Jakob Restrepo! December 31, 2020 Support BTSNE The Beat the Streets community believes that our young wrestlers from across the country deserve to be fully equipped as they embrace the sport of wrestling and all it has to teach, while also developing meaningful relationships with a community of teammates and mentor coaches that provides stability and a sense of empowerment.
Psychologists Pratkanis and Aronson present a thorough overview of how individuals and the mass media manipulate us using devious persuasive techniques. In order to understand how and why we are persuaded, the authors analyze the various tactics people use to get us to comply; point out ways we might deal sensibly and effectively with propaganda; and examine persuasion in a context of argument and debate. The authors' quarrel with persuasive communication today is that, rather than using logical argument, it uses emotional symbols to manipulate us. Advertisers, for example, use short, catchy, visually oriented messages to get us to buy things we might not need. Pratkanis and Aronson skillfully summarize research findings from the field of social psychology to illustrate their points. While a large portion of the book is devoted to advertising techniques, the authors also examine media coverage of the Gulf War, cult leaders, and political elections. Highly recommended for public and academic libraries. From an Amazon Reviewer.... http://www.amazon.com/review/R2ZGZ5K6O91X96/ref=cm_cr_rdp_perm This insightful book explores the profound differences in decision-making over the last 2,500 years. Despite a penchant for social science jargon, the authors successfully translate a tremendous amount of current communications research on the creation and maintainance of belief systems into an accessible book. "Age of Propaganda" documents the rise of advertising, the decline of genuine public discourse, and the inherent dangers of ten second soundbites in determining our desires, needs, and goals. Further, they detail the unique difficulties in making a "rational" decision in a fast-paced, message-dense, mass-media culture. This provocative and disturbing book also paints a potentially bleak picture for America's democratic traditions. Fortunately, the authors provide readers with "an arsenal" of intellectual tools to decode messages and protect ourselves. As the authors conclude, "we must depend on our own knowledge of propaganda tactics and our own efforts to treat important issues as if they were truly important." And this detailed Comment, providing key excerpts from the book... Behavioral principles - repetition, intensity, association (link content to the recipient's experiences) and ingenuity (make the ad distinctive) According to information-processing model, a persuasive message must successfully pass through a series of stages. First, the message must attract the recipient's attention; ignored messages will have little persuasive impact. Second, the arguments in the message must be understood and comprehended. Third, the recipient must learn the arguments contained in the message and come to accept them as true; the task of the advertiser and other persuaders is to teach arguments supportive of the cause, so that these arguments will come easily to mind at the appropriate time and place. Finally, the recipient of the message acts on this learned knowledge when there is an incentive to do so; a persuasive message is learned, accepted, and acted upon if it is rewarding to do so. Given that later stages of the persuasion process are dependent on the completion of earlier stages, the chances of any given persuasive communication passing to the final stage are quite low and thus the effects are minimal. The recipient of the message, according to the information-processing model, is quite rational, deciding on how much information to accept from each communication depending on how that information satisfies and rewards. Subtle and indirect - may not tell you what to think, but they do tell you what to think about and how to do it. The successful persuasion tactic is one that directs and channels thoughts so that the target thinks in a manner agreeable to the communicator's point of view; the successful tactic disrupts any negative thoughts and promotes positive thoughts bout the proposed course of action. Here are six facts that professional persuaders have learned about modern propaganda: Ads containing the words, new, quick, easy, improved, now, suddenly, amazing, and introducing sell more products Merchandise placed on shelves at eye level sells best Ads that use animals, babies, or sex appeal are more likely to sell the product than those that use cartoon characters and historical figures Merchandise placed at the ends of a supermarket aisle or near the checkout aisle is more likely to be purchased Bundled pricing often increases the customer's perception of product "value" In solicitations and sales calls, asking the target "How are you feeling?" and then acknowledging the response can double the rate of compliance with the request. Two routes to persuasion - peripheral and central Peripheral - a message recipient devotes little attention and effort to processing a communication. Persuasion is determined by simple cues, such as the attractiveness of the communicator, whether or not the people around you agree with the position presented, the pleasure or pain associated with agreeing with the position, or whether a reason is given for complying with the request. Central - a message recipient engages in a careful and thoughtful consideration of the true merits of the information presented. The person may actively argue against the message, may want to know the answer to additional questions, or may seek out new information. The persuasiveness of the message is determined by how well it can stand up to this scrutiny. What determines which route to persuasion will be adopted? - the recipient's motivation to think about the message - the personal relevance of the issue. * we are cognitive misers, forever trying to conserve our cognitive energy, we adopt the strategies of the peripheral route for simplifying complex problems. Cognitive dissonance - describes and predicts how we humans rationalize behavior - occurs whenever a person simultaneously holds two inconsistent cognitions. This state of inconsistency is so uncomfortable that people strive to reduce this conflict in the easiest way possible. They will change one or both cognitions so that they will "fit together" better. This is especially true in situations in which a person's self esteem is at risk. In these circumstances, individuals will go to great lengths of distortion, denial, and self persuasion in order to justify their past behavior. When our self esteem has been threatened by our own past behavior, we all have a powerful tendency to become rationalizing animals. By reducing dissonance, a person defends the ego and retains a positive self image. Rationalization trap = first intentionally arouse feelings of dissonance by threatening self esteem, for example, making the person feel guilty about something, by arousing feelings of shame or inadequacy, or by making the person look like a hypocrite or someone who does not honor his or her word. Next, offer a solution, one way of reducing this dissonance, by complying with whatever request the propagandist has in mind. The way to reduce that guilt, eliminate that shame, honor that commitment, and restore your feeling of adequacy is to give to that charity, buy that car, hate that enemy, or vote for that leader. Almost every war in modern times has been accompanied by characterizations of the enemy as less than human. Dehumanization succeeds in resolving any dissonance that may be aroused by our cruelty toward our enemies. However, watch out; the more we justify our cruelty, the easier it becomes. The rationalization trap becomes an escalating spiral: "I committed an act of cruelty; I justified this act by believing that the victim deserved it. If the victim deserved that cruelty, well maybe they deserve more and maybe I am just the one to give it to them. In our everyday experience, we have seen people break out of the rationalization trap by courageously admitting to their mistakes and learning from their errors. By understanding of our defensiveness and dissonance-reducing tendencies and, second, through the development of enough ego strength to recognize and face up to errors in past behavior that require correction - not justification. Four stratagems of influence The first is to take control of the situation and establish a favorable climate for your message, a process we call pre-persuasion. Pre-persuasion refers to how the issue is structured and how the decision is framed. If fully successful, pre-persuasion establishes "what everyone knows" and "what everyone takes for granted" By cleverly establishing how an issue is defined and discussed, however, a communicator can influence cognitive responses and obtain consent without even appearing to be attempting to persuade us. Next, the communicator needs to establish a favorable image in the eyes of the audience. We call this stratagem source credibility. In other words, the communicator needs to appear likable or authoritative or trustworthy or possessed of any other attribute that would facilitate persuasion. The third stratagem is to construct and deliver a message that focuses the targets' attention and thoughts on exactly what the communicator wants them to think about - for example, by distracting the targets' attention on a vivid and powerful image, or even by inducing the target to persuade themselves. Finally, effective influence controls emotions of the target and follows a simple rule: Arouse an emotion that just happens to be the desired course of action. In such situations, the target becomes preoccupied with dealing with the emotion, complying with the request in hopes of escaping a negative emotion or maintaining a positive one. Glittering generalities - use of words that have positive connotations but are usually ambiguous in the context in which they are used The purpose of Newspeak was not only to provide a medium of expression for the world view and mental habits proper to the reader, but to make all other modes of thought impossible. It was intended that when Newspeak have been adopted once and for all and Oldspeak forgotten, a heretical thought - should be literally unthinkable, at least so far as thought is dependent on words. Language, words, labels, categories organize our realities and serve to divide up the world into neat little packages and to imply the range of appropriate courses of action to take. Words have the power to pre-persuade. It defines our reality, our thoughts, our feelings, our imagination and thus influence our behavior. Framing a situation episodic - depicting a single concrete, specific event thematic - an abstract report about a general topic Agenda setting is of great importance in maintaining power - by determining what issues will be discussed and when, what criteria will be used to resolve disputes, who will sit on what committees, and, which information will be widely disseminated and which will be selectively ignored. How do analogies and metaphors persuade? By highlighting some comparison while hiding others and by providing a theme or structure for making sense of potentially ambiguous information Defining the issue as "losing something" was more persuasive than stating it in terms of a gain Never ask a question for which you don't know the answer. Never ask a question that doesn't get the answer you want. Card stacking - the order in which questions are asked and the order in which information is received can distort and bias the decision making process. Question asking can be a powerful persuasion device because questions structure our decision making process. They do this by directing our thoughts about the issues at hand and by implicitly specifying the range of possible answers. Context makes a difference, judgment is relative, not absolute. Depending on the context, objects and alternatives can be made to look better or worse. Often we do not pay much attention to the influence of context, must less question the validity of the alternatives presented. One of the important tasks of media research is to keep tabs on the "reputation and credibility" of public figures. Advertisers want to know which figures are most believable, who is most liked by the public. The answers to such questions determine the figures value as a spokesperson for the advertiser's product. Credibility has become a commodity not only to be feigned but also to be bought and sold on the open market. Advertisers know that we believe what we believe and buy what we buy in the service of self image. They imbue their products with a "personality". To claim the desired persona, all we need to do is to purchase and display the right products. Communicators can make themselves seem trustworthy by apparently acting against their own self interest. If we are led to believe that communicators have nothing to gain and perhaps even something to lose by convincing us, we will trust them and they will be more effective. When the message conflicted with their expectations, listeners perceived the communicator as being more sincere and they were more persuaded by his statement Not only do we tend to take more notice to unexpected events, but we also attribute more credibility to speakers who appear to resist the pressures of their colleagues and who take stands in opposition to their backgrounds. Another way of increasing the perception of credibility: The apparent trustworthiness of a person can be increased and the apparent bias of the message deceased if the audience is absolutely certain the person is not trying to influence them. Specific advice for making yourself likable: say what the audience thinks (which you can find out through polling), make others feel comfortable, and control the atmosphere (the situation) for your best advantage. For increasing credibility - set easy initial goals and then declare victory (this will create the perception that you are a strong leader); use setting to support image; choose the negatives that will be written about you; and understand how people see things, then appeal to what they prefer. Float an idea without attribution (that is, circulate a rumor). If everyone likes the idea, then claim it as your own. If it gets shot down, then deny your campaign ever said it. In this manner, you can always be sure to say exactly what everyone wants to hear. Another piece of advice: make sure you appear consistent in the media. And the best way to do this? Just say a few things over and over again (that way, you don't contradict yourself) Credibility is manufactured, not earned. Credibility is created by carefully managing the situation so that the communicator, looks just the way he or she is supposed to look - likeable, credible, strong, expert, or whatever image is needed at the time. Models are effective for two primary reasons. First they teach new behavior. Second we behave like our model because we believe the rewards received by a model for a given behavior will also come to us. It serves as a cue to indicate that a certain behavior is legitimate and appropriate. It can shape and twist our understanding of what is right and wrong. A model is most effective when he or she is high in prestige, power, and status, is rewarded for performing the behavior to be learned, provides useful information on how to perform the behavior, and is personally attractive and competent in facing life's problems - the model is a credible and attractive source. Confidence of the speaker - the more self assured and confident a communicator appears, the more likely that we well accept what is said - low rates of speech error, an authoritative tone of voice, and a steady body posture, are positively related to persuasion. Load a speech with the "correct" symbols and buzzwords as a means of informing the recipient that the message is acceptable and worthwhile. Five conditions that are most likely to lead to heuristic rather than rational decision making (Heuristic - a simple cue or rule for solving a problem.) When we do not have time to think carefully about an issue When we are overloaded with information that it becomes impossible to process fully When we believe that the issues at stake are not very important When we have little other knowledge or information on which to base a decision When a given heuristic comes quickly to mind as we are confronted with a problem Self generated persuasion - getting someone to role play an opponent's position, or by asking a person to imagine adopting a course of action - is one of the most effective persuasion tactics ever identified. It gains its power from providing subtle social cues and directions that ask the target of influence, in effect, to think up as many positive cognitive responses about the issue as you can and, if you do happen to come up with some counter arguments, to be ready to refute them. The resulting message will come from a source that you almost always consider credible, trustworthy, respected, and liked - yourself. The act of generating arguments is an act of commitment to the cause. After all, they're your ideas, aren't they? Vivid messages affect our cognitive responses in at least four possible ways: Attracts attention - it helps the communication stand out in the message dense environment It can make information more concrete and personal Its appeal directs and focuses thought on the issues and arguments that the communicator feels are most important It can make the material more memorable. This is especially important if we do not reach an immediate conclusion but base our later judgments on information that comes readily to mind. Frequent repetition of an advertisement helps to meet multiple marketing objectives in a cost efficient manner. Repeatedly exposing consumers to an ad is a good way to introduce a new product or to remind customers of the value of an older brand. Often, repeat exposure is an unintended consequence of attempting to present an ad to multiple target audiences (the members of which may overlap). With the high cost of creating and producing new advertising ideas and slogans, its makes sense to stick with proven winners. All other things being equal, the more a person is exposed to an item, the more attractive it is. The rank and file are usually much more primitive than we imagine. Propaganda must therefore always be essentially simple and repetitious. In the long run only he will achieve basic results in influencing public opinion who is able to reduce problems to the simplest terms and who has the courage to keep forever repeating them in this simplified form despite the objections of intellectuals. Advertisers know that repeated exposure can leas to what is known as "wear out" - when an ad loses its effectiveness because consumers find repeated exposures to be tedious and annoying. Wear-out effects are most likely to occur with ads that attract much attention, such as humorous ads and informational messages. Advertisers attempt to eliminate wear-out by using a technique known as "repetition with variation". In this technique, the same information or theme is repeated many times, but the presentation format is varied. If you don't have anything to say, sing it. In other words, a mild distraction can disrupt counter arguing and increase the effectiveness of a persuasive message. A lively song can make us happy and thus help use think happy thoughts about a product. At other times the song may get stuck in our head, reminding us of the brand name. At still other times a catchy song or a big production number can attract our attention to the ad so that we don't change the channel or go to the bathroom and we at least hear the advertisers message. The trick for the advertiser is to provide just enough of a distraction to disrupt counter arguing but not so much that it eliminates the reception of the message. Distraction increases the effectiveness of weak arguments (because it disrupted counter arguing) but decreases the impact of strong arguments (because it disrupted the ability to pay close attention to the cogent argument being made). People are less able to develop counter arguments to a time compressed message and that time compressing a message consisting of strong arguments reduced persuasion whereas it increases the persuasive impact of a message containing weak arguments. Most of us have a strong desire to be correct - to have "the right" opinions and to perform reasonable actions. When someone disagrees with us, it makes us feel uncomfortable because it suggests our opinions or actions may be wrong or based on misinformation. The greater the disagreement, the greater the discomfort. But this does not necessarily mean the members of an audience will change their opinion. There are at least four ways in which the members of an audience can reduce their discomfort: Change their opinion Induce the communicator to change his or her opinion Seek support for their original opinion by finding other people who share their views, in spite of what the communicator says Derogate the communicator - convince themselves the communicator is stupid or immoral - and thereby invalidate that person's position. One sided or two sided argument If a communicator mentions the opposition's arguments, it might indicate that he or she is an objective, fair minded person; this could enhance the speaker's trustworthiness and thus increase his or her effectiveness. On the other hand, if a communicator so much as mentions the arguments on the other side of the issue, it might suggest to the audience that the issue is a controversial one; this could confuse members of the audience, make them vacillate, induce them to search for counter arguments, and ultimately reduce the persuasiveness of the communication. It depends to some extend on how well informed the audience is and on the audience's initial opinions on the issue. The more informed the members of the audience are, the less likely they are to be persuaded by an argument that brings out the important opposing arguments and then attempts to refute them. This makes sense: a well informed person is more likely to know some of the counter arguments; when the communicator avoids mentioning these, the knowledgeable members of the audience are likely to conclude that the communicator is either unfair or unable to refute such arguments. On the other hand, an uninformed person is less apt to know of the existence of opposing arguments. If the counter argument is ignored, the less informed members of the audience are persuaded; if the counter argument is presented, they might get confused. Another factor is the partisanship of the audience. If a member of the audience is already predisposed to believe the communicator's argument, a one sided presentation has a greater impact on his or her opinion than a two sided presentation. If, however, a member of the audience is leaning in the opposite direction, then a two sided refutation argument is more persuasive. The more frightened a person is by a communication, the more likely he or she is to take positive preventive action. Fear can be a powerful motivating psychological force, channeling all our thoughts and energies toward removing the threat so that we don't think about much else. The principle of fear then relief People who had a reasonably good opinion of themselves were the ones most likely to be moved by high degrees of fear arousal. People with low opinions of themselves were the least likely to take immediate action when confronted with a communication arousing a great deal of fear - but after a delay, they behaved very much like the subjects with high self esteem. People who have a low opinion of themselves may have difficulty coping with threats to themselves. A high fear communication overwhelms them and makes them feel like crawling into bed and pulling the covers up over their heads. Low or moderate fear is something they can more easily deal with at the moment they experience it. But, given time - that is, if it is not essential they act immediately - they will be more likely to act if the message truly scared the hell out of them. If the recipients of fear appeal perceive that there is no way to cope effectively with the threat, they are not likely to respond to the appeal but will just bury their heads in the stand. In sum, a fear appeal is more effective when: It scares the hell out of people It offers a specific recommendation for overcoming the fear arousing threat The recommended action is perceived as effective for reducing the threat The message recipient believes that he or she can perform the recommended action The recipient's attention is first focused on the painful fear. In such a frightened state it is difficult to think about anything other than getting rid of the fear. Next, the propagandist offers a way to get rid of that fear - a simple, doable response that just happens to be what the propagandist wanted you to do all along. Creating granfalloons - proud and meaningless association of human beings. People acted as if those who shared their meaningless label were their good friends and close kin. They indicated that they liked those who shared their label. They allocated more money and reward to those group members who shared their label and did so in a competitive manner. What makes a granfalloon tick - two psychological processes, one cognitive and one motivational. The knowledge that "I'm in this group" is used to divide up and make sense of the world. Differences between groups are exaggerated, whereas similarities among members of the granfalloon are emphasized in the secure knowledge that "this is what our type does." One serious consequence is that out group members are dehumanized; they are represented in our mind by a simple, often derogatory label, as opposed to unique individuals. It is a lot easier to abuse an abstraction. Second, social groups are a source of self esteem and pride. To obtain the self esteem the group has to offer, members come to defend the group and adopt its symbols, rituals, and beliefs. Herein lies the secret to the persuasiveness of the granfalloon. If the professional persuader can get us to accept his or her granfalloon, then we have a ready made way to make sense of our lives - the propagandist's way - and as our self esteem becomes increasingly linked to these groups, we have a strong motivation to defend the group and to go to great lengths proudly to adopt its customs. What the propagandist is really saying is: "You are on my side (never mind that I created the teams); now act like it and do what we say." Sometimes granfalloons come ready made. Each group is associated with a certain self image and lifestyle. Products are given a "personality" that fits the image of the target market; this advertising then goes on to create further the image of each granfalloon by specifying what needs to be done to maintain a certain image. Shared emotion and feeling can also create a granfalloon. A sense of oneness with others can be produced by sharing a fun time, a sad situation, or a harrowing experience. Co option tactic - subtly to change a person's granfalloon - corporation gives active critic a new position, often highly visible but without real power within the organization. Gradually, the critic becomes increasingly isolated from old "activist" friends and increasingly dependent on the corporation for material resources and a sense of identity. The opposition is defused as ties with the old granfalloon are dissolved. Guilt - the feeling that we are responsible for something wrong whether real or imaginary - leads to compliance Why it works Sympathy, or feeling sorry for the victim Restitution, or feeling the need to compensate for the wrongdoing Generalized guilt, or the desire to repair a self image tarnished by a transgression When we feel guilty we typically pay little attention to the cogency of an argument, to the merits of a suggested course of action. Instead, our thoughts and actions are directed to removing the feeling of guilt - to somehow making thing right or doing the right thing. We fall into the rationalization trap. The norm of reciprocity - if I do something for you, then you are obligated to return the favor and do something for me - establishes a feeling of obligation and indebtedness Commitment can be self perpetuating, resulting in an escalating commitment to an often failing course of action. Once a small commitment is made, it sets the stage for ever increasing commitments. The original behavior needs to be justified, so attitudes are changed; this change in attitudes influences future decisions and behavior. The result is a seemingly irrational commitment to a poor business plan, a purchase that makes no sense, a war that has no realistic objectives, or an arms race gone out of control. When made to feel like a hypocrite, these people found the one sure way to restore their feelings of integrity: to begin to practice what they were preaching. If we are not made starkly aware of our hypocrisy, we all share the tendency to push the hypocritical behavior out of sight and do nothing about it. When we discover that a commodity is scarce or may be unavailable, one of first inferences is that is must also be desirable. Why else would it be so rare? We tend to use a simple rule, or heuristic: If it is rare, if it is unavailable, then it must be valuable. Scarcity and unavailability can do more than just make an object appear more desirable. When a phantom alternative is present, it can also result in a change in the perception, evaluation, and ultimate choice of the available options. The presence of an attractive phantom made the other options look less attractive - a contrast effect similar in nature to, but opposite in direction from, that found with decoys. Second a phantom changed the relative importance given to the criteria for making a decision. Specifically, the attribute on which the phantom was superior was rated as most important for making the decision. Owning an object that is scarce for or unavailable to everyone else is a means of defining one's self: "I am unique and special because I won something that no one else (or at least not many) has been able to obtain." Just hearing about a phantom may induce worry and concern: "If they bring out a better product, I'll be stuck with this thing. Maybe I should wait." Phantom trap - fixation - focus attention on the scarce or unavailable item By concentrating on the scarce or unavailable, we may forget or overlook the possible. The presence of an attractive but currently unavailable object can focus our attention and resources on obtaining the desired prize. Settling for less than the phantom becomes a conflict that can only be resolved by "strength of willpower," a test that many of us often fail. In many cases, phantom fixation can be a waste of time and energy, especially when the phantom is really a "red herring" of sorts - a truly unavailable option. Consumer catch 22 carousel - obtaining a scarce and rare product adds to one's self image as a unique and special person. Manufacturers know this and design and market their products accordingly. If the marketer does a good job of creating a perception of the product as unique, then you desire and acquire it. But the catch is, so does everyone else; suddenly you are no longer an original. Instead of acquiring a product that makes you unique, you have obtained one that makes you just like everyone else. This further heightens the need for uniqueness, and off we go in an endless pursuit of the next faddish phantom. Once we begin using material goods to define ourselves, we are doomed to be on an endless treadmill of dissatisfaction. Selectivity of news - without some form of censorship, propaganda is impossible. In order to conduct propaganda there must be some barrier between the public and the event. Access to the real environment must be limited, before anyone can create a pseudo environment that he thinks wise or desirable. For while people who have direct access can misconceive what they see, no one else can decide how they shall misconceive it, unless he can decide where they shall look, and at what. Everyday news - selection of news News reporters typically work beats - they are assigned a group of institutions to cover. This immediately injects one source of bias into news coverage - something that happens off or between beats has a lower chance of being covered unless it is a major disaster or other spectacular event. Off beat stories rarely are covered and aren't considered news. Most reporters are on a deadline; they must prepare a given number of stories by a certain time regardless of what is happening. In order to meet their deadlines, reporters place a premium on sources that can be easily contacted and trusted. This also creates bias in at least two ways. First, the reporter develops a routine for covering a story - ignoring potentially relevant avenues of investigation. Second, the reporter's routine results in the same type of people appearing on the news repeatedly. Increasingly, reporters work for a corporation. This concentration of ownership results pressure on the reporter; certain stories are encouraged or not encouraged depending on their implications for the parent corporation. More subtly, however, corporate ownership biases programming and coverage. As difficult as these pressures may seen, the journalist faces one more pressure that may mean her or his livelihood - the ability of the news story to hold the audience's attention. All television programming, including the evening news, must strive for profits - and that translates into securing ratings and viewers that will attract advertising dollars. And what induces people to watch the news concludes that most viewers want to be amused and diverted; being informed is only a secondary motive for watching. To guarantee high ratings and revenues, mass media content tends to be agreeable and to require little effort on the part of consumers, while still being arousing, emotionally engaging, and above all entertaining. What makes a great news story? Stories that: Are new and timely Involve conflict or scandal Concern strange and unusual happenings Happen to familiar or famous people Are capable of being made dramatic and personal Are simple to convey in a short space or time Contain visual elements Fit a theme that is currently prominent in the news or society The result of this itch for entertainment is sound bite and photo op news - a montage of brief visual images that play to the crowd. Each event and every idea must be part of a dramatic story amply illustrated with visual displays. Stories that are easily dramatized and visualized are readily covered. More complex issues receive little attention unless they can be made concrete and visual. As one's confidence is weakened, a person becomes less prone to listen to arguments against his or her beliefs. Thus the very people you most want to convince and whose opinion might be the most susceptible to being changed are the ones least likely to continue to expose themselves to a communication designed for that purpose. People tend to acquire information mostly about things that they find of interest and tend to avoid information that does not agree with their beliefs. Should someone find that they have been unavoidably exposed to uninteresting and disagreeable information, a common response is to distort and reinterpret that information, thus ignoring its implications for updating beliefs and attitudes. The use of entertaining programs to disseminate a point of view has been successful in achieving high audience ratings and in changing people's attitudes and behaviors. Not appearing to be explicit attempts at persuasion, they should arouse little resistance, inhibiting the formation of counter arguments by distracting the audience. Most importantly, people will probably watch them without switching channels. Information campaigns can succeed if they follow these simple rules: Make the program entertaining Do not directly attack a viewer's attitude and beliefs The term cult is used to describe a pattern of social relations within a group. At the core of the relations is dependency. In a cult, members are dependent on the group and its leader for most if not all resources, including money, food, and clothing, information, decision making, and, perhaps most importantly, self esteem and social identity. This dependency results in a specific pattern of relations. First, cults tend to be highly leader oriented, since the leader is the source of all sustenance. Second, because the leader is so important, he or she cannot be criticized or second guessed. Cults are marked by little or no checks and balances on the leader's power. The leader is typically exempt form the rules of the cult. Communication is highly centralized, with little information available from outside the group. The agenda, objectives, and work tasks are set by the elites. Finally given the importance of the group to the individual, all influence and persuasion is directed toward maintaining the leader's power. Dissent is immediately quashed. Persuasion is based on simple images and plays on emotions and prejudices. Seven tactics for creating and maintaining a cult Create your own social reality - by eliminating all sources of information other than that provided by the cult. Cult headquarters should be isolated from the rest of the world. If cult members must remain in the larger community, then they should be isolated psychologically by keeping them busy chanting, reading cult literature, or working continuously for the cult. Members' mail should be censored. Family should be prevented from visiting members. Strict boundaries between believer and unredeemed must be maintained. Such censorship can be physical. However, it is much more practical to teach members self censorship by labeling everything that is not "of the cult" as "of the devil." Then provide a cult's eye view of the world. This picture of the world is then used by members to interpret all events and happenings. One useful technique for constructing social reality is to create your own language and jargon. A good vocabulary is useful for putting the "right" spin on things. By teaching a battery of clichés any event is quickly defined as good or evil and critical thinking is abruptly terminated. Repeat your message over and over again. Repetition makes the heart grow fonder, and fiction, if heard frequently enough, can come to sound like fact. Create a granfalloon - the granfalloon technique requires the reaction of an in group of followers and an out group of the unredeemed. The technique allows you to control members by constantly reminding them: "If you want to be a chosen one, then you must act like a chosen one. If you are not chosen, then you are wicked and unredeemed. To be saved, you must act like you are supposed to act." Seasoned group members serve as role models and guides on how to behave for new group members. Intense peer pressure is applied to secure conformity. The result is a uniformity of opinion and behavior in the cult, which then serves to further reinforce cult practices - if everyone is doing it, it must be right. A new recruit is often brought into a granfalloon with a practice called "love bombing" - the newcomer is showered with attention, approval, and support by cult members. Cult recruiters are taught to mirror the interests and attitudes of the potential new member, thus making it feel as if there is rapport and understanding between the recruit and the cult. In order to keep this support and approval, the recruit must conform to the group. The essential ingredient in establishing an in group of believers is the creation of a social identity - an image of who "we" are. Joining a cult represents a break from the "other" world and the acceptance of this new identity. The outward trapping of the believer - the new name, distinct garb, a special diet - all confirm that the member is indeed a chosen one. To retain this valued membership, all one needs to do is continue to grow in this newfound life and, of course, continue to obey. The reverse side of the granfalloon tactic is the creation of an out group hate. The creation of an evil out group serves the dual purpose of making members feel good about belonging to their own group (I'm glad I'm not like them) and increasing their fears about leaving and not supporting their won group (I don't want to be like them; I can't let them take over the world.) If granfalloon techniques are correctly applied, then you should be successful in creating fear of the "outside" world and the belief that the cult is the only solution to a happy life. Life is thus impossible outside the cult - the only solution to life's problems. Create commitment through a rationalization trap. Cults can insure members' obedience by establishing a spiral of escalating commitment; the cult member, at first agrees to simple request that becoming increasing more demanding. After making an initial commitment, one does not feel comfortable reneging on the deal. To justify the sensibility of the initial commitment, the member if often willing to do more and then still more - to meet increasingly demanding commitments. In this way, the resolution of dissonance and maintenance of one's self image as honoring commitments form a powerful rationalization trap. Shower new recruits with attention and gifts; consistent with the norm of reciprocity, it is now time for the newcomer to do something for the group. Note also that the member, after having done all these things, is faced with a dilemma: "How can I explain all that I have done to those outside the group?" This requires the creation of the sensible, coherent justification that is not easily forthcoming. The rationalization trap is sprung. Establish the leader's credibility and attractiveness. Most cults have leader myths - stories and legends passed from member to member concerning the life and time of the cult leader. What is the purpose of such myths? Cults require members to engage in extreme behavior - that extreme behavior arouse dissonance; we are more likely to comply with extreme requests if common means for reducing our dissonance are not available (eg. Derogating the requester) and we can rationalize our extreme actions - we must do it for God and to "the son of God" or, at least, blessed by a divine purpose. Anybody in his or her right mind should seek to identify with and be like such a holy person. Send members out to proselytize the unredeemed and to fund raise for the cult. Witnessing to the unconverted has the obvious advantage of bringing in new members. Perhaps just as important, proselytizing can ensure that members are constantly engaged in self sell, or self generated persuasion. The act of witnessing requires the member to state anew to many different people the positive advantages of being in a cult. In arguing to convince others, members convince themselves. In testimonials given to other cult members, many cults encourage members to embellish how bad they were before joining the cult. The worst you were, the more approval you receive from the group. By constantly recounting these stories, cult members come to believe in the power of the cult to effect change and how hopeless they would be without it. Distract members from thinking "undesirable" thoughts. Most cult doctrines are hard to take seriously, must less accept. The cult member, especially a new recruit, is likely to question and counter argue basic points. Teaching that any "disagreeable thought" is evil and from the devil. Members become their own mind police. Control your own thoughts, or at least the expression of those thoughts. Fixate members' vision on a phantom. The successful cult leader is always dangling a notion of the promised land and a vision of a better world before the faithful. If is also likely that most new recruits will be in a state of despair. Phantoms can establish hope - a powerful motivator of human behavior - by providing a sense of purpose and mission. Effective propaganda relies on heuristics and appeals to the emotions. Its propaganda's effect for the most part must be aimed at the emotions and to a very limited degree at the so called intellect. We must avoid excessive intellectual demands on our public. The receptivity of the great masses is very limited, their intelligence is small, by their power of forgetting is enormous. In consequence of these facts, all effective propaganda must be limited to a very few points and must harp on these slogans until the last member of the public understands what you want him to understand by your slogan. Acceptance of the idea that persuasion was to start at the top of society and be directed downward toward the masses. It was the responsibility of the ruling elite to make the decisions and then inform the masses of the wisdom of those decisions through propaganda; the responsibility of the masses was to follow. And what better role for the masses, since, by and large, they are ignorant and cannot think. COUNTERACTING THE TACTIC OF PROPAGANDA Third person effect - in communication - a tendency to believe that the mass media will have a greater effect on others than on oneself - "I will mot be influenced, but others may very well be persuaded." Simply because we think we are immune to persuasion does not necessarily mean we are immune. We often watch the mass media while we are in a mindless state. The communications are typically just not that involving or interesting. But, ironically, that often makes them all the more persuasive. In such cases, despite knowing that the advertiser is "out to get us," we still do not make much of an attempt to refute the message and, as a consequence, are often persuaded. Forewarning seem to say "Watch out, I'm going to try to persuade you," and people tend to respond by marshaling defenses in two ways - by playing attitudinal politics and by preparing a possible rebuttal to the anticipated communication. By attitudinal politics we mean holding and expressing an opinion not because it is believed but in order to secure some strategic purpose. For example, many people dislike having their perceived freedom threatened by a communication and thus seek to appear independent but consistent. When these motives are invoked, the goal is to appear unpersuaded - regardless of the merits of the communication. On the other hand, there are times when one seeks to appear informed, reasonable, and open to discussion. In such cases, a forewarning may result in more persuasion, or at least becoming more moderate in one's opinion. As a result of attitudinal politics, the effects of forewarning may be short lived. As the audience for our beliefs or the strategic purpose for why we hold an opinion changes, so does the opinion. On the other hand, a forewarning has little effect when an individual is distracted from fully thinking about the message or has little time or opportunity to prepare a defense. Under certain conditions, even a clear forewarning will not always lead to an attempt to refute the message. One of these conditions is when the recipient believes the message or topic is unimportant. Stealing thunder - revealing the negative information about oneself or about the issue at hand before it is revealed by an opponent or others. Supposed if you are faced with a situation in which negative information can be revealed that will hurt your cause. What can be done to limit the impact of the attack? A concession coming from your mouth is not nearly as hurtful as an exposure coming from your opponent's. We cannot be forgiven for a wrongdoing we have committed and tried to cover up. Why it works - first it enhances one's credibility; it shows that you are fair and willing to look at al the evidence regardless of its unfavorability to your cause. Second, it indicates to the audience that the negative information isn't all that bad (you're willing to admit it), and thus it takes the "sting" out of the potentially damaging information. Inoculation technique - increase resistance to persuasion - if people receive prior exposure to a brief communication that they are able to refute, they then tend to become "immunized" against a subsequent full-blown presentation of the same argument, in much the same way that a small amount of an attenuated virus immunizes people against a full blown attack by that virus. Prior exposure, in the form of a watered down attack on our belief, produces resistance to later persuasion tactics because 1 we become motivated to defend our beliefs and 2 we gain some practice in doing so. We are better equipped to resist a more serious attack. Monitor your emotions - get out of the situation and then analyze what is going on or redefine the situation mentally until you can escape Explore the motivation and credibility of the source of the communication Think rationally about any proposal or issue - what is the issue, what labels and terms are used to describe it, what courses of action are being discussed, what are the supporting and opposing arguments and how cogent are these arguments. Don't base your evaluation on what someone says but on what the person actually does When everyone is doing the same thing, use this as a cue to ask why Avoid being dependent on a single source of information. One of the hallmarks of intense propaganda is centralized communications for a single perspective Last edited by IP on Mon 04 Jan 2010, 6:04 pm; edited 3 times in total Like Dislike C1 Admin Posts : 1611 Join date : 2009-10-19 Subject: Re: Age of Propaganda: The Everyday Use and Abuse of Persuasion Mon 04 Jan 2010, 5:26 pm and this from another Amazon reviewer (really good summaries here).... http://www.amazon.com/review/RJEFHW65EE6VV/ref=cm_cr_rdp_perm Peoples' data-processing capabilities are limited. In the information-dense world people are unable to critically review all the information they receive. In order to be adequate to the situation, they resort to so-called heuristics, simple cues or rules for solving the problem. Heuristics are based on peoples' previous experience in similar situations. Although relying on heuristics is sometimes a useful way of dealing with the onslaught of the decision-rich environment, basing our decisions primarily on heuristics can present some problems. First, heuristic cues that we possess may be false. Furthermore, a rule may be appropriate in certain situations but be misapplied in others. Another serious problem is that heuristics can be easily faked and manipulated. Knowledge of heuristics enables propagandists to control peoples' course of action. The authors did a research of propaganda techniques and set four stratagems of persuasion: 1. You create favorable climate for the massage (called pre-persuasion). You subtly outline what picture has to be drawn in the end. Here you decide what way thoughts and perceptions of the audience will be shaped and channeled. Having established right basis for further discourse you secure the results you seek. At this stage you should identify some statements as axioms, i.e. `what everyone takes for granted' and `what everyone knows'. You attribute labels (positive or negative) to objects of further discussion, put black-or-white colors in non-disputable way. You use generalities to depict the situation - they are usually so ambiguous that you may change their meanings in the future. You use rumors and gossips. 2. You create a `source credibility', i.e. establish a favorable image in the eyes of the audience. The message must come from `experts' or `unbiased' and, of course, personally attractive communicators. Try to switch on the self-persuasion mechanism of the audience. 3. You create a message that focuses the target's attention and thoughts on exactly what you want them to think about. Research has identified at least five conditions that are likely lead to heuristics. Heuristics are most likely to be used when people do not have time to think carefully about the issue, when they are so overloaded with information that it becomes impossible to process it fully, or when they believe that the issues at stake are not very important. Heuristics are also used when people have little other knowledge or information on which to base a decision and when a given heuristics comes quickly to mind as they are confronted with a problem. 4. You create an emotion of the target that will help you channel thoughts of audience in right direction. Fear appeals are most effective when they raise high levels of fear and suggest a doable and effective responses (the authors also explain why sometimes fear does not work). Guilt: once we are filled with guilt, our thoughts and behavior are directed towards ridding ourselves of this feeling that's where propagandists take advantage of us. Feeling of obligation and indebtedness: large initial request and immediate concession by the requester invokes the norm of reciprocity -we concede. Feeling of commitment based on our desire to be self-consistent. For example, to `soften up' the target you make him involved in a much smaller aspect of the action. This serves to commit the individual to `the case'. Once people are thus committed, the likelihood of their complying with the larger request increases. Another way is to show uniqueness of the offer (scarcity sells). Use the `minimum group paradigm': You are on my side (never mind that I created the terms); now act like it and do what we say. Etc. The book can be used by target audience to learn persuasion techniques and withstand or organize propaganda tricks. The book is entertaining, rich in vivid examples, and ... has everything to be a success in conveying authors' ideas. Instructive. Great read overall. 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Mission statements are provided by organizations themselves. Each states, in the organization’s own words, what it hopes to achieve. What to look for The organization’s mission should be consistent with your own giving objectives. Moreover, the organization’s actual activities and achievements should advance its stated mission. If not, that may indicate that the organization is on the wrong strategic course, and not paying adequate attention to its basic direction and use of resources. Why we include it We think the mission statement is one of the first places to look in choosing beneficiaries for contributions. It reflects the organization’s highest aspirations for its activities. These should be consistent with your own giving objectives. Caveat The mission merely reflects an organization’s goals. Its actual performance may fall short of these objectives. Activities What to look for The organization’s activities and achievements should be consistent with your own giving objectives. Special attention should be paid to the amount of resources devoted to, and achievements in, those areas you value most highly. Also, activities should be evaluated against the organization’s stated mission. If activities do not match the mission, that may indicate that the organization is on the wrong strategic course, and not paying adequate attention to its underlying goals. Caveat The organization’s programmatic activities are among the most important indications of its success in advancing its goals. However, programmatic success is often hard to measure. Quantitative measures must be taken as no more than one indicator of performance. An organization can serve a large number individuals, and yet provide little benefit to each. In that regard, we suggest donors also review the Program Evaluation section of this report. Moreover, other aspects of operation, such as efficiency, are important as well. Therefore the description of organization’s activities must be viewed in the overall context of all indicators. Background: Summary of IRS Regulations Regarding Grants by US Charities to Foreign Organizations Under US law, nonprofit organizations which can accept tax deductible contributions may make grants to charities which themselves are not permitted to accept contributions that are tax deductible in the US. A common example are donations to US charities that grant funds to Israeli charities. Many of the American charities are called American Friends of XYZ Israeli charity. Here is a brief summary of the relevant regulations the IRS imposes to assure contributions to the US organization are deductible. a. The American and Israeli charities must be independent organizations. The American charity “cannot serve as agent for or conduit for” the Israeli charity. In particular the American charity may not accept tax deductible contributions from US donors and then simply turn the proceeds over to the management of the Israeli charity. b. Under IRS regulations, if an Israeli charity desires a grant from a US charity, it must submit a grant request that specifies the use to which the funds will be put. The US charity board has complete discretion to award the grant or not and must review each request to assure that it meets US charity’s purposes and objectives. c. If the US charity approves a grant to the Israeli charity, it “must ensure the use of funds for permitted purposes by limiting distributions to specific projects that further [the American charity’s] purposes. [The American charity] also needs to retain control and discretion as to the use of the funds.” The American charity may not earmark donations for the Israeli charity in the sense that it guarantees to any donor that funds will be transferred to the Israeli charity. d. The Israeli charity must furnish the American charity’s board “a periodic accounting to show that the funds were expended for the purposes which were approved by the [American charity’s] board of directors.” f. The American charity may withdraw the grant at any time. IRS regulations do not require that the details of grants as described above be disclosed to the public. However, Tzedakah, Inc.’s transparency standards require publication of (a) the particular activities financed by granted funds, (b) amounts granted to finance each activity, (c) review of the impacts of grant-financed activities and (d) relevant accounting of the uses of granted funds. When grant-making is a major activity of the American charity, it is likely to be required to report to the IRS accomplishments achieved through activities sponsored by its grants using “specific measurements such as clients served, days of care provided, number of sessions or events held, or publications issued.” If the output of activity supported by grants is intangible such as research, the American charity is likely to be required to “describe the activity’s objective, for both [the current] period and the longer-term goal.” The information described in this paragraph would be included in the annual information form filed with the IRS which is available for public inspection. Relevant IRS documents. IRS Revenue Ruling 63-252 IRS Revenue Ruling 66-79 IRS Memorandum on Grants to Foreign Organizations Program Evaluation What to look for Charities should regularly review the successes and failures of their activities and they should report to perspective donors the methods and results of those reviews. While the effectiveness and efficiency of any charity’s programs can often be very difficult to measure, charities should nevertheless seek out the best — if still imperfect — ways to learn about the impacts of their activities on targeted beneficiaries and society at large. Donors should review and assess various charities methods for measuring and responding to both successful and unsuccessful programs. Tzedakah, Inc. believes that continuous and thoughtful consideration to determine what “success” means and how it can be assessed can help to better focus nonprofits’ activities. Useful techniques can include (a) performance measures like the number of students in job training programs who get and hold good jobs after training and how many don’t, and (b) techniques to determine who are most (and least) likely to benefit from the charity’s services, for example, which among those requesting scarce food, clothing, and housing are the most needy and what methods are used to select them for benefits? Charities involved in outreach should learn (and report) the effects of their programs on those who use them. For example, what proportion of those who encounter the program increases religious observance or increases their support of Israel? Some charities might retain independent outside experts to analyze programs’ successes and failures. Also, surveys of stakeholders can help shed light on the impacts of charitable activities. Decision makers can have active programs to remain familiar with current research on the best practices for achieving their goals. That might include, for example, attendance at training programs or college courses. Staff views should be routinely and actively solicited regarding program failures, challenges, and weaknesses as well as successes. Attempts to measure successes and failures can be costly, but not measuring them can lead to a complete waste of resources. Caveat Measures of impact are often difficult to understand and to compare between different charities. Moreover, many charities will have a natural inclination to select those measure of impact that show them in the best light. Nevertheless, Tzedakah. Inc. believes every charity can and should be able to describe how it tries to identify and use successful activities while it seeks to avoid unsuccessful approaches. Endorsements, Supporters, and Awards What it is This section provides a list of special recognition the organization has received in the form of written endorsements, major financial grants, and awards. Why we include it External recognition can be a valuable source of information about the quality of a nonprofit organization. External recognition may reflect in-depth knowledge about the organization on the part of the group or individual granting the special recognition. What to look for The more items listed in this section the better. More reliance should be placed on recognition from people and organizations you know and respect than those you do not. More recent approbations should be given more weight than those that are several years old. Look for evidence of a first-hand knowledge of the work, accomplishments, and leadership of the organization in question. In the case of a letter of endorsement, check to see how strongly the writer encourages donations to the particular organization and how well the writer appears to know its operations. The more information that is provided about any particular recognition, the better able you will be to assess its quality. We do not recommend that heavy reliance be placed on a mere assertion that the organization has received this or that endorsement. Be sure to click on relevant links to get more detail about the exact nature of the recognition received. Caveat The extent of familiarity with an organization that is implied by a particular form of recognition can vary a great deal. Endorsements by distinguished individuals, for example, may or may not indicate that the individual is thoroughly familiar with the organization. As with all criteria for evaluating a nonprofit, recognition by other organizations and individuals is only one of many measures, and the organization should be evaluated in its entirety. Chief Executive Officer Why we include it The chief executive officer is responsible for leading the organization on a day-to-day basis, and for providing informed input and advice to the board as it seeks to oversee and guide the organization. Information about the CEO’s background provides an indication of his or her ability to do the job. What to look for The chief executive officer should have the necessary education, skills, and experience to effectively perform his or her leadership role. Check the CEO’s bio for the relevance of her or his formal education and work history to the demands of the current position. Caveat As with all criteria for evaluating a nonprofit, the CEO’s background is only one of many measures, and the organization should be evaluated in its entirety. Board and Officers Why we include it The board is the ultimate governing authority for the organization. The board’s job is to choose, supervise, and evaluate the organization’s CEO, set the organization’s strategy, policies, and procedures, and assure the adequacy of resources. This obligation includes such duties as establishing the CEO’s job description and compensation; oversight, review, and approval of major programs and budgets, and assurance that adequate financial controls and effective policies and practices are in place. It is, therefore, important that the board be active and effective. What to look for Boards that meet infrequently or whose members devote little time to their board service may not be exercising the necessary oversight and guidance for the organization. With regard to size, governing boards should be large enough to do their work but not so large as to be unwieldy. Generally smaller organizations with straightforward missions and finances might get by with fewer meetings and smaller boards. Larger organizations with more complex programming and finances would require more meetings and larger boards. Caveat While an active and involved board increases the likelihood that an organization will be effective, it is possible for an organization to be effective with little or no board input, and for active, involved board to be ineffective. Years on the Board Why we include it In order to balance the benefits of a fresh perspective with the value of experience and continuity, board membership should reflect a balance between relatively new members and those who have been on the board for several years. In addition, a board too heavily weighted toward long-standing members may run into succession problems should a large number retire from the board simultaneously. What to look for Board membership should reflect a roughly even mix among those members who have served fewer than three years, those who have served between three and eight years. Very few board members should serve over eight years. Caveat As with all criteria for evaluating a nonprofit, board tenure balance is only one of many measures, and there can be extenuating circumstances to justify a heavy weighting toward one end of the spectrum or the other. For example, a new organization will necessarily have more board members who have served a short period of time. Hours of Service Why we include it Independent oversight and guidance is very important to effective and efficient operation of any organization. Nonprofit boards should actively partner with management to help achieve the organization’s mission. Moreover, the board should serve as representatives of the public, and oversee management to be sure that the mission is being advanced effectively, efficiently and ethically. Performance of these responsibilities requires time to gain an understanding of the organization’s mission, program, and finances, as well as time to participate in the organization’s governance. What to look for The number of hours board members should devote to their duties depends on the organization. Smaller organizations with straightforward missions and finances might get by with board members spending relatively little time serving the organization. In some cases, attendance at three or four board meetings a year, with a few hours spent in preparation for each meeting might be adequate. Larger organizations with more complex programming and finances should require that board members spend more time. Tzedakah, Inc. suggests that each board member should devote at least 10 hours per year to the organization. Larger organizations may require that typical board members devote an hour or two a week (50 – 100 hours per year) on average. On each board, some members, especially officers, should devote relatively more time than average. We believe that board members who devote less time than these minimums cannot be performing their function adequately. Note: Most US-based organizations profiled are required by the Internal Revenue Service to report on the disclosure form 990 the number of hours per week each board member devotes to board service. Unfortunately, most organizations do not seem to provide plausible answers. Typically charities will list nearly every board member as serving exactly the same number of hours per week. Tzedakah, Inc. is skeptical about that uniformity. Tzedakah, Inc. requires charities to ask each board member to independently estimate the number of hours he or she devotes to board service. Caveat As with all criteria for evaluating a nonprofit, the number of hours per week that board members devote to the organization is only one of many measures. Policies and Practices What it is The governing board of any organization has the ultimate responsibility for the strategic direction and operational oversight of the organization, and evaluation of the chief executive officer. The board’s policies and practices are the mechanisms instituted to fulfill that responsibility. What to look for The board should have in place well-defined policies and procedures that assure that the organization advances its mission effectively in accordance with relevant laws and ethics and consistent with sound financial practices. Larger organizations with larger boards should have in place specific committees to handle special tasks. These may or may not include an audit or finance committee to take the lead on budgeting, and insuring accurate accounting for, and control of, funds; a personnel committee to guide development of personnel policies and the evaluation of the chief executive officer; and an evaluation committee to guide the evaluation of programs and the board itself. Caveat Nonprofit organizations can experience great difficulty in recruiting effective and active volunteer board members. Therefore, not all volunteer boards can set up and implement an ideal structure to effectively guide every aspect of the organization. Tzedakah, Inc. believes that the presence of an effective board is a very important “plus” in evaluating any organization. However, organizations can run effectively even with less than ideal board oversight and guidance. Moreover, organizations with strong board policies may not implement them effectively. Board Meeting Frequency, Attendance, and Content What to look for The board should have regular meetings. Tzedakah, Inc. suggests that boards should have a minimum of three meetings a year, with a majority present at all meetings. We ask charities to provide minutes or a summary of minutes of meetings held over the previous year. Minutes should indicate a board that is actively involved in the operations and finances of the organization. In particular, the board should discuss such items as strategic vision, successes and failures of programs, adequacy of finances, as well as personnel and other resources. Board CEO Evaluation and Salary Determination What to look for The board, or its personnel committee, should develop a job description and performance objectives for the CEO against which performance can be measured. The job description and objectives should be reviewed on a regular basis, at least every three to five years. The CEO should receive performance reviews at least annually. Procedures should be in place to establish appropriate CEO salary, based on performance and overall market conditions. These procedures should include a mechanism to assess the current state of the market for comparable positions. Effective CEO salary review procedures are particularly important when executive salaries appear to be high in absolute terms. Board Financial Oversight and Control What to look for Board members should be familiar with financial operations and assure, to the best of their ability, that resources are being allocated as effectively as possible to advance the organization’s mission. The board should determine the scope and frequency of financial reports. Each board member should receive a complete set of financial statements annually and such internal financial statements and reports on operations and organizational performance as are prepared by management. The organization should develop, in consultation with relevant experts, effective policies regarding financial control, protection of assets, and management of risk. By way of example, these policies should cover such matters as the rank and number of individual signatories on checks by size and nature of disbursement, controls for cash receipts and disbursements, safeguarding of assets from theft, balance of investment risk and return, and the approval process for transactions by size and nature of transaction. Chief Executive Officer Why we include it Planning and Budgeting Board Planning Committee staff inputs. a) Assessment of needs to be met and measures of *** b) Determination of inputs to the planning process by staff and leadership b) Products and services to be provided. b) Staffing and other resource requirements. c) Sources and uses of funds Assurance of Ethical Behavior What to look for Ethical behavior. Boards should establish policies to assure the organization behaves ethically in its dealings with donors, beneficiaries, and the community at large. Ethical issues might include such areas as (a) fundraising practices, (b) protection for whistleblowers, (c) treatment of individuals in the care of the organization, (d) employee policies that include appropriate non-discrimination clauses and treatment of conflicts of interest, and (e) policies regarding the acceptance of contributions from questionable sources. Staffing and Salary Information Why we include it One measure of the effectiveness of any enterprise is its ability to control payroll costs, recognizing that any organization must pay wages high enough to attract qualified people, and that staffs must be large enough to get the job done. Moreover, Tzedakah, Inc. holds that nonprofit professionals are fully entitled to earn a market wage, like everyone else, and that employees of nonprofits should not be overworked because organizations are understaffed. Mistreating employees*** What to look for Top salaries and staff size should be compared with those of organization of similar size, location, and mission. Questions should be raised where top salaries or staff size are considerably above those of comparable organizations. If you suspect that salaries are too high, review the organization’s policy with regard to CEO Evaluation and Salary Determination. Apparently high salaries can be justified if the board or a relevant committee carefully analyzes performance, value to the charity, and market conditions. Salaries that appear to be below market, may be a sign of dedicated senior staff worthy of greater consideration for contributions. Caveat As with all criteria for evaluating a nonprofit, salary and staffing information is only one of many measures, and the organization should be evaluated in its entirety. Volunteers Why we include it Effective use of volunteers helps make financial resources go further. Moreover a cadre of volunteers is a measure of the organization’s ability to facilitate and encourage the mitzvah of chesed (acts of kindness), a supremely important Jewish value. What to look for Check out the number of volunteers, and the amount of time each devotes, on average, to the organization, where the information is made available. The more the better. The ability to attract trained volunteers like healthcare professionals, social workers, etc. is a particularly good way to stretch limited dollars. Caveat As with all criteria for evaluating a nonprofit, the use of volunteers is only one of many measures, and the organization should be evaluated in its entirety. Finances What it is. In most cases, financial information is based on audited financial statements, although the financial statements of some organizations are not audited by an outside accountant. The data provided in this profile represent just a summary of the organization’s financial statements. Tzedakah, Inc. provides financial statements in summary form to make it easier for the non-accountant to see the overall financial situation. Source of financial data Tzedakah, Inc. obtains financial data from publicly-available disclosure forms provided by the charity to the Internal Revenue Service. These form are available online on the guidestar website. Synagogues, churches, and other religious organizations are not required to file disclosure forms with the IRS. Financial data for organizations that claim to be religious are not generally available to the public. Special note: Tzedakah, Inc. does not generally present data reported by charities on the allocation of spending between programs on the one-hand and spending on overhead (management and fundraising) on the other. Increasingly that allocation as reported by charities is seen by experts as being counter-productive as a tool for evaluating charities. Consider this quote which mirrors similar conclusions reached by a number of research studies: “Our research reveals that a vicious cycle fuels the persistent underfunding of overhead. The first step in the cycle is funders’ unrealistic expectations about how much it costs to run a nonprofit. At the second step, nonprofits feel pressure to conform to funders’ unrealistic expectations. At the third step, nonprofits respond to this pressure in two ways: They spend too little on overhead, and they underreport their expenditures on tax forms and in fundraising materials. This underspending and underreporting in turn perpetuates funders’ unrealistic expectations. Over time, funders expect grantees to do more and more with less and less—a cycle that slowly starves nonprofits.” Source: Stanford Social Innovation Review Ann Goggins Gregory and Don Howard “The Nonprofit Starvation Cycle” Fall 2009 Net Assets What it is Net assets are the excess of assets over liabilities at the end of the fiscal year. Negative net assets means liabilities exceed assets. Why we include it The information is provided for donors who want to judge an organization’s need for funds by the amount of resources it already has. What to look for The organization should have on hand an adequate level of liquid assets relative to operating expenses and other obligations to assure its smooth operation, but should avoid the accumulation of excessive assets. As a guideline, organizations should have available assets, unencumbered by donor restrictions, and excluding plant and equipment, equal to between three and 18 months of operating expenses. The accumulation of net assets in excess of amounts necessary for the smooth functioning of the enterprise indicates that the organization may not have adequate beneficial uses for the contributions it receives from donors. Moreover, a large net worth can encourage profligate spending. In evaluating whether asset holdings are excessive, due regard should be given to the need for physical assets used in the provision of services and assets whose use is restricted by donor conditions. According to Jewish custom, funds set aside for the poor should not accumulate unduly, as the poor have urgent needs. Unrestricted funds What it is These are assets on which donors have placed no restrictions with regard to how or when they can be spent. Unrestricted assets are not necessarily immediately available for spending. For example unrestricted assets can include holdings of real estate or other non-liquid assets. Boards may restrict the use of funds to specific purposes like a building or endowment fund (these are sometimes called board restricted funds). But unless restrictions are placed by donors, the assets are considered to be unrestricted. What to look for The organization should have on hand an adequate level of liquid assets relative to operating expenses and other obligations to assure its smooth operation, but should avoid the accumulation of excessive assets. As a guideline, organizations should have available assets, unencumbered by donor restrictions, and excluding plant and equipment, equal to between three and 18 months of operating expenses. The accumulation of net assets in excess of amounts necessary for the smooth functioning of the enterprise indicates that the organization may not have adequate beneficial uses for the contributions it receives from donors. Moreover, a large net worth can encourage profligate spending. In evaluating whether asset holdings are excessive, due regard should be given to the need for physical assets used in the provision of services and assets whose use is restricted by donor conditions. According to Jewish custom, funds set aside for the poor should not accumulate unduly, as the poor have urgent needs. Oversight Why we include it A reasonable assumption is that audited financial statements are more likely to accurately reflect an organization’s financial situation, based on generally accepted accounting principles, than statements that are not audited. Moreover, one might expect that audited financial statements are more comparable from organization to organization. However, there are no guarantees that even audited financial statements are wholly reliable or comparable across organizations (see caveat section below). Audited financial statements The most rigorous form of outside accounting oversight is the audit, which involves an examination of the organization’s financial statements. An audit includes independent verification, on a test basis, of evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures made in the financial statements. For example, letters are written to a sampling of banks, suppliers, creditors, donors, etc. to confirm that amounts reported to the auditors are correct. Each audit results in an opinion as to whether the financial statements fairly reflect the financial position of the organization. Tzedakah Reports indicate any problems auditors have with financial statements. If no auditors’ comments are indicated that means that, in the auditor’s opinion, the financial statements fairly represent the organization’s financial position. Reviewed financial statements Reviewed financial statements provide the middle level of assurance by the CPA. The CPA reviews the information supplied by the organization and makes specific inquiries relating to accounting policies, record keeping and accounting practices, actions of the Board of Directors, and changes in business activities. The CPA applies procedures to identify unusual items or trends in the financial statements that may need explanation. Compiled financial statements Compiled financial statements are prepared by the CPA based solely on infomation provided by the orgqanization. There is no attempt to check information provided. When financial statements are merely compiled, accountants do not express an opinion or provide any assurance regarding whether the financial statements fairly represent the organization’s actual financial position. Caveat Audits do not guarantee that financial statements are accurate or comparable across organizations. First, there are often elements of subjectivity in preparing financial statements, even within generally accepted accounting principles. Thus, two accountants can prepare quite different sets of financial statements for the identical organization. Second, there are limits to an audit’s ability to uncover accounting errors and irregularities, as auditors often emphasize. Finally, recent corporate accounting scandals show that auditors can deliberately or unconsciously tilt financial statements in management’s favor. Therefore, as with all criteria for evaluating a nonprofit, accounting oversight is only one of many measures, and the organization should be evaluated in its entirety. Nihul Takin (Certificate of Proper Management) From the Israeli Registrar of Charities (translation below) ודא/י כי לעמותה אישור ניהול תקין בתוקף אישור ניהול תקין הוא אישור הניתן מדי שנה על-ידי רשם העמותות לעמותה, אשר עמדה בחובות הדיווח המוטלות עליה על-פי דין. ככל שבוצעה בעמותה באותה שנה ביקורת מטעם רשם העמותות, אישור ניהול תקין מהווה אינדיקציה גם לתקינות פעילותה. יובהר, כי ככל שלא בוצעה בעמותה ביקורת, כאמור, אישור ניהול תקין בתוקף אינו מלמד בהכרח על תקינות פעילות העמותה. לשם כך, יש להוסיף ולבצע בדיקה עצמאית Source One should be sure that the charity has a Nihul Takin [Certificate of Proper Management] The Nihul Takin is granted annually by the Registrar of Charities to organizations that meet reporting requirements imposed by law. In any year in which there is an audit by the Registrar of Charities the Nihul Takin certificate is also an indication that the charity followed proper management. Note that in years for which there is no audit as mentioned above, a valid Nihul Takin does not certify proper management. Therefore one must perform an independent examination… Public Support Unless otherwise specified, public support consists of contributions made by individuals, government agencies, federated campaigns (e.g., Jewish federations), corporations and foundations, plus membership dues and proceeds from fundraising events including net income or loss from fundraising events. It does not include revenue from related organizations. Unrestricted funds What it is These are assets on which donors have placed no restrictions with regard to how or when they can be spent. Unrestricted assets are not necessarily immediately available for spending. For example unrestricted assets can include holdings of real estate or other non-liquid assets. Boards may restrict the use of funds to specific purposes like a building or endowment fund (these are sometimes called board restricted funds). But unless restrictions are placed by donors, the assets are considered to be unrestricted. What to look for The organization should have on hand an adequate level of liquid assets relative to operating expenses and other obligations to assure its smooth operation, but should avoid the accumulation of excessive assets. As a guideline, organizations should have available assets, unencumbered by donor restrictions, and excluding plant and equipment, equal to between three and 18 months of operating expenses. The accumulation of net assets in excess of amounts necessary for the smooth functioning of the enterprise indicates that the organization may not have adequate beneficial uses for the contributions it receives from donors. Moreover, a large net worth can encourage profligate spending. In evaluating whether asset holdings are excessive, due regard should be given to the need for physical assets used in the provision of services and assets whose use is restricted by donor conditions. According to Jewish custom, funds set aside for the poor should not accumulate unduly, as the poor have urgent needs. Temporarily Restricted Funds What it is These are amounts for which donors restrict the purpose of the gift or stipulate that it must remain unspent for a specified period of time, or until some event takes place or condition is met. Boards may restrict the use of funds to specific purposes like a building or endowment fund (these are sometimes called board restricted funds). But unless restrictions are placed by donors, the assets are considered to be unrestricted. Why we include it In evaluating whether asset holdings are excessive, due regard should be given to restrictions placed on the use of assets by donor conditions. Generally speaking, Tzedakah, Inc. believes that organizations should not accumulate excessive amounts of discretionary assets. The accumulation of net assets in excess of amounts necessary for the smooth functioning of the enterprise indicates that the organization may not have adequate beneficial uses for the contributions it receives from donors. Moreover, a large net worth can encourage profligate spending. Finally, According to Jewish custom, funds set aside for the poor should not accumulate unduly, as the poor have urgent needs. Program Service Income What it is Program service income is income earned from the sale of goods or services such as school or camp tuition, fees for medical services, and so on. Investment Income What it is Investment income includes interest, dividends, and capital gains or losses. Some organizations do not count unrealized capital gains or losses as part of revenues. Tzedakah Reports includes all capital gains whether realized or not as revenues. Where Tzedakah Reports practices differ from those of the organization, that is pointed out in a note at the bottom of the page. Permanently Restricted Funds What it is Amounts which donors specify may not be spent. Only income from these funds may be spent for either specified or unspecified purposes. Boards may restrict the use of funds to specific purposes like a building or endowment fund (these are sometimes called board restricted funds). But unless restrictions are placed by donors, the assets are considered to be unrestricted. Why we include it In evaluating whether asset holdings are excessive, due regard should be given to restrictions placed on the use of assets by donor conditions. Generally speaking, Tzedakah, Inc. believes that organizations should not accumulate excessive amounts of discretionary assets. The accumulation of net assets in excess of amounts necessary for the smooth functioning of the enterprise indicates that the organization may not have adequate beneficial uses for the contributions it receives from donors. Moreover, a large net worth can encourage profligate spending. Finally, According to Jewish custom, funds set aside for the poor should not accumulate unduly, as the poor have urgent needs. Personnel Training and Development Why we include it Nonprofit organizations should recognize that training and development is important to allow personnel to maintain and develop technical and professional skills and to keep up with innovations in the profession. In addition, staff may be able to benefit from training in areas such as community relations, ethics, safety, computer skills, and changing law. Board members could improve the the quality of their service with appropriate training. Spending on training and development often is counted as overhead expenditures, which some donors view as unproductive. However, the smart donor will recognize that thoughtful spending on training can improve the quality of service and reduce costs in the long run. What to look for Charities should consider spending on such training and development options as college and university courses, training programs, access to relevant professional publications, in-house training, and attendance at professional seminars and conferences. Tzedakah, Inc. strongly encourages thoughtful expenditures on the development of human resources, which are charities’ most valuable assets. For their part, donors should encourage such spending and reward charities that show they have thoughtfully allocated funds to develop their human resources. Board Self-Evaluation What to look for An effective board should evaluate its own performance on a regular basis, perhaps annually. The board should establish explicit standards against which to measure itself. Some illustrative questions the board might usefully discuss are: (1) Does the board effectively guide operational activities of staff? (2) Does the board’s make-up include necessary skills and representatives of major stakeholders? (3) Does the board effectively monitor the organization’s financial and programmatic developments? (4) Is the work-load shared optimally among the various members of the board? (5) Does the board effectively supervise, evaluate, and reward the chief executive? Board Policies to Assure Ethical Behavior What to look for Boards should establish policies to assure the organization behaves ethically in its dealings with donors, beneficiaries, and the community at large. Ethical issues might include such areas as fundraising practices, protection for whistleblowers, treatment of individuals in the care of the organization, employee policies that include appropriate non-discrimination clauses, and policies regarding the acceptance of contributions from questionable sources. ACTIVITY OR MISSION: Response entered on Form 990 is "See attached schedule 2" but "schedule 2" cannot be found attached to the form. Mission, Activities, Program Evaluation Governance and Personnel Finances Contact Comment MISSION, ACTIVITIES, PROGRAM EVALUATION MISSION STATEMENT STRENGTHENING THE CONNECTION BETWEEN JEWISH PEOPLE AROUND THE WORLD AND ISRAEL. THE ORGANIZATION'S SPONSORING OF TRIPS TO ISRAEL AND GRANTS FURTHERED ITS PRIMARY EXEMPT PURPOSE - TO ADVANCE THE TEACHING OF WORLD ZIONISM AND CONDUCT RELATED CULTURAL AND EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES. PROGRAM SERVICE ACCOMPLISHMENTS First program Expenses of first program : 5,769,835 Including grants of: 0 Revenue attributed to first program : 7,171,809 Description of first program accomplishments : COLLECTING AND DISBURSING MONEY FOR, OR IN THE INTEREST OF, THE JERUSALEM ORGANIZATIONS AND, THROUGH EMISSARIES (SHLICHIM) FROM ISRAEL TO DISSEMINATE INFORMATION WITH RESPECT TO THE ECONOMIC, SOCIAL AND CULTURAL SITUATION OF ISRAEL. PROVIDING TEACHERS AND LECTURERS TO FURTHER ITS MISSION. Read More Summary: Total expenses of all programs: 5,769,835 PROCEDURES FOR MONITORING THE USE OF GRANTS MADE TO OTHER ORGANIZATIONS For grants to foreign recipients, does the organization maintain records to substantiate the amount of its grants and other assistance, the grantees’ eligibility for the grants or assistance, and the selection criteria used to award the grants or assistance? No WORLD ZIONIST ORGANIZATION - describes its procedures for monitoring the use of its grants and other assistance made to recipient organizations outside the United States as follows: THE ORGANIZATION ACTS AS PAYMASTER FOR ITS PARENT ORGANIZATION. THE PARENT TRANSFERES FUNDS TO ORGANIZATION WITH WHICH IT PAYS SALARIES AND OTHER RELATED EXPENSES NECESSARY TO ITS STATED EXEMPT PURPOSE. Mission, Activities, Program Evaluation Governance and Personnel Finances Contact Comment PLEASE NOTE: This is a profile only of the US charity, WORLD ZIONIST ORGANIZATION AMERICAN SECTION INC. Information on this profile is from the WORLD ZIONIST ORGANIZATION AMERICAN SECTION INC’s Forms 990 filed with the Internal Revenue Service or the organization’s inernet website. A small amount of contact information may be from other sources. Tzedakah, Inc does not verify data provided by the listed charities. Want to request more information? Send a Complement or Criticism? Ask a Question? Send an email to the Charity Send an email to the charity Charity's website Israel affiliate’s website Charity's Facebook page Israel affiliate’s Facebook page Charity's Twitter page Israel affiliate’s Twitter page Charity's Instagram page Israel affiliate’s Instagram page Charity's LinkedIn page Israel affiliate’s linkedIn page You Tube Video(s)
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A relationship, a business, whatever it is it is full of possibilities. The possibilities are endless. It can turn out to be something great, the start of something huge. The beginning is the best time and with perseverance, soon you will be soaring like an eagle. I have two daughters who are currently attending college. This post is about my oldest daughter, Nicole. She will graduate in December from the University of Central Florida. Her degree will be Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology and Exercise Science. She is also a certified personal trainer and is spreading her wings, getting ready to soar. She is opening her first business, SOAR Fitness, and will be conducting personal training, as well as, group classes. Her website is soar-fit.com. Big DREAMS It is exciting to watch your children venture out on their own knowing they have everything to succeed. Her journey is just beginning. I have taught her to enjoy every step. Enjoy the good, the bad, and the ugly. Nicole has big DREAMS. She knows what she wants and is driven to achieve it. She decided to help people to become physically fit in college. Ever since making her decision, she has been focused. We have been updated on her plans for the last couple of years. I now see how committed she is to her decision. It will happen no matter what. She has written down her goals and formulated plans. soar-fit.com Soon She Will Be Soaring Like An Eagle Nicole works on her plans daily and, I can see how much she believes in herself. She is quickly developing FAITH! When you have FAITH, nothing can stop you. I know when I talk to someone if they believe in their dreams or not. Nicole does and, soon, she will be soaring like an eagle – the start of something huge. She already has begun training clients and, there will be more to come. In the future, she will have her clothing line, a brand of supplements, swimwear, and fitness app. Her big dream is to open up her gym. The Mind-Body Connection She is currently working on her website and shooting exercise videos to upload. Eventually, she will sell exercise programs online. She is developing an eight-week program to build muscle and reduce body fat. Nicole’s philosophy is to strengthen the body and the mind together. A strong mind will lead to a strong body. Developing a person’s mentality along with physically strengthening their body will lead to sustainable results. Soon her clients will be soaring like an eagle. Soar-fit.com She is building her website bit by bit so go check her out at soar-fit.com. Her Instagram is @nicolewaltersss. If you live in the South Florida area, she would love to train you. The first session is always FREE! You were created to soar! Nicole will have you accomplishing feats you never thought possible. 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Aquesta matinada s'han tornat a avistar senglars a Platja d'Aro, aquest cop passejant al passeig marítim. Davant de la presència creixent de famílies de porcs senglars als carrers dels pobles i ciutats de costa, els agents del medi rural demanen prudència. Aconsellen aturar immediatament el vehicle si es topa amb un d'aquests animals ja que són robustos i poden generar destrosses i avisar immediatament la Policia. Recorden que no els hem de tocar perquè són animals salvatges i que és important no alimentar-los perquè tornaran. Notícies relacionades Caçadors i Policia Local alerten del creixement exponencial de senglars als nuclis urbans Comentaris (0) *Per comentar es necessari estar registrat. Registra't o accedeix Comentar Més articles de Societat Salut Baix Empordà Els ensinistradors canins recomanen realitzar exercicis amb els gossos dins de casa Vida Social Sant Feliu de Guíxols Sant Feliu de Guíxols pateix una infecció zombieLa infecció zombie es va propagar per Sant Feliu durant aquest cap de setmana. A primera hora de la tarda del dissabte els més petits van haver de sintetitzar l Successos Begur Un ferit greu en precipitar-se a AiguablavaUn ferit greu en caure dimecres a la nit per les roques del camí de ronda a la platja d'Aiguablava. La víctima va precipitar-se 25 metres i els Bombers van have Solidaritat La Bisbal d'Empordà Alumnes de 3r d'ESO del Cor de Maria recullen més de 200 donacions de sangAlumnes de 3r d'ESO del col·legi Cor de Maria de La Bisbal d'Empordà van organitzar aquest dissabte una marató de donants de sang que va recollir grans resultat Salut Baix Empordà Sis restaurants del Baix Empordà obtenen l'acreditació de cuina saludable Successos Sant Feliu de Guíxols Els Mossos d’Esquadra detenen un home per robar en dos establiments de Sant Feliu Vida Social Pals Multitudinari 32è Pessebre Vivent de PalsEl Nadal no és Nadal al Baix Empordà sense el pessebre vivent de Pals. Poques representacions d'aquest tipus ofereixen una imatge tan de postal com el pessebre Salut Baix Empordà Onze dels tretze geriàtrics del Baix Empordà estan lliures de Covid-19es d'aquesta setmana els centres de baix risc poden rebre visites Successos Sant Feliu de Guíxols L'AN envia a presó un jove ganxó acusat de preparar atemptats pel DAESHA la interlocutòria que l'envia a presó, el jutge Santiago Pedraz subratlla que l'activisme d'aquest jove "en pro de la causa jihadista" no és "merament intel· Salut La Bisbal d'Empordà Nou funcionament del CAP de La Bisbal d'Empordà a l'estiuA partir del 16 de Juliol totes les visites hauran de ser amb cita prèvia, excepte les urgències o emergències mèdiques, que continuen atenent-se les 24h, 365 d Successos Sant Feliu de Guíxols Mor l'exregidor i restaurador Ganxó Quimet Clarà als 69 anysQuimet Clarà, restaurador i exregidor de Sant Feliu de Guíxols, ha mort a Lanzarote als 69 anys. Successos Forallac Accident d'un autobús escolar a Forallac en sortir de la carretera Vida Social Palamós Augmenten les vendes de dècims de la Grossa de Nadal Seguretat Palafrugell Palafrugell renova la senyalització de diversos carrers Solidaritat Calonge i Sant Antoni La Diada Esportiva Solidària de Calonge i Sant Antoni recapta 2.240 €L’Ajuntament de Calonge i Sant Antoni ha fet entrega a la Fundació Stop Fa del taló corresponent a la recaptació de la Diada Esportiva Solidària. En total són 2 Successos Calonge i Sant Antoni Jutgen un home acusat d'abusar sexualment del seu nebot a Palamós i CalongeL'Audiència de Girona ha jutjat un home acusat d'abusar sexualment del seu nebot polític des del 2004 i fins el 2009 al domicili familiar de Palamós i Calonge. Vida Social Palafrugell Més de 1.200 persones passen pel Costa Brava Wedding Dayhir va acabar el Costa Brava Wedding Day, un cap de setmana on La Bòbila de Palafrugell s’ha vestit de gala per oferir les millors propostes per totes aquelles Educació Palamós Crida a voluntaris per participar al projecte de Voluntariat Educatiu de PalamósL’Àrea d’Ensenyament de l’Ajuntament de Palamós fa una crida als ciutadans del municipi per tal de sol·licitar la seva participació en el projecte Voluntariat E Últims continguts CONNEXIÓ - Encesa de llums de Nadal de Palafrugell CONNEXIÓ - Encesa de llums de Nadal de Palamós Els càstings d'Objectiu Paki són aquest dissabte PARLEM AMB L'ALCALDESSA - Santa Cristina d'Aro implementa la recollida porta a porta CONNEXIÓ - Encesa de les llums de Nadal de Sant Feliu de Guíxols L'ENTREVISTA - Campanya de promoció de la Marca Empordà ACCENT PALAMOSÍ Josep Coll, portaveu del PSC a Palamós Sant Joan Espai de Salut: Rosa Casafont En marxa la campanya de Nadal de Platja d'Aro Información Qui som TV Costa Brava participa del programa de contractació de persones de 30 anys i més, impulsat i subvencionat pel Servei Públic d'Ocupació de Catalunya i finançat al 100% pel Fons Social Europeu com a part de la resposta de la Unió Europea a la pàndemia de COVID-19
Empram galetes pròpies i de tercers per a millorar l'experiència de navegació i per a oferir continguts d'interès. Si continua amb la navegació, entendrem que accepta la nostra Política de galetes
智能拼接.差異化填充 cerium sv hoody. cerium sv不僅在易濕部位使用化纖,更依據不同身體部位的保暖需求填充不同量的羽絨,在追求保暖效率最大化的同時,也讓重量減輕。 phase ar zip nt$3,580. phase … Get Free Shipping in Canada on orders over $49. Members get free returns & save 5% The Thorium SV stands on its own to deliver warmth in cold, dry conditions. Lofty 750 fill European grey goose down provides exceptional warmth for its weight, is durably resilient, and packs easily. As it is designed to function as standalone, not a midlayer, the Thorium SV is built using box wall construction to deliver maximum loft. Arc'teryx Thorium AR Hoody Men's 4.7 out of 5 stars 75. $325.00 - $452.04. 28.03.2021 Čo znamená astroturfing Ceh jobs uk Nov 20, 2016 · The Thorium SV is a subtly innovative jacket, hiding most of the ingenuity of its design under the surface of its outer material. Featuring a composite of down and synthetic insulation, the Thorium SV stands up to weather and wear. It's box baffle construction adds bulk but also significant warmth. Cerium SV Hoody Functioning as the ultimate cold weather midlayer or a standalone in frigid, dry conditions, the Cerium SV is the warmest option in the Cerium series. Differential fill leverages varying volumes of 850-fill goose down to increase thermal efficiency, and a pleated baffle structure helps eliminate cold spots while directing loft Jan 23, 2016 · The Cerium SV shares this cut with the rest of the Cerium jacket series, is slightly slimmer than the Brooks Range Mojave, and is similar to the Feathered Friends or Patagonia down jackets I’ve worn in the past—at least as far as torso volume is concerned. Thorium is a moderately soft, paramagnetic, bright silvery radioactive actinide metal. In the periodic table, it lies to the right of actinium, to the left of protactinium, and below cerium. Pure thorium is very ductile and, as normal for metals, can be cold-rolled, swaged, and drawn. The Thorium is a versatile and general multi-purpose down jacket that can be used as a winter mid layer or just as a warm everyday jacket. This season the ja The Cerium SV shares this cut with the rest of the Cerium jacket series, is slightly slimmer than the Brooks Range Mojave, and is similar to the Feathered Friends or Patagonia down jackets I’ve worn in the past—at least as far as torso volume is concerned. And as a taller person, I’m always relieved when the sleeves reach my wrists. The Arc'teryx Men's Cerium SV Hooded Down Jacket is built with extreme functionality in mind, specifically for those challenging backcountry and alpine situations. Cerium looks trimmer fit and Thorium more regular. The second reason would be to use it as a mid-layer under a Beta AR (2019 model) or Outdoor Research White Room Ski Jacket (2016 model) if it's really cold at Whistler with a 200-250 merino long sleeve Smartwool or Icebreaker as a base layer. The Thorium is also a much warmer jacket. Thorium (available in AR and SV). Serie Down (Plumón): Prendas con aislamiento de plumón | AR: All Round The Cerium LT look good but didn't seem warm enough, and the Cerium SV 11 Nov 2020 In today's video I talk about my favourite winter jackets, the Arc'teryx Thorium AR and the Arc'teryx Cerium LT. I showcase the differences, talk Exceptionally versatile, hardwearing and warm, the Thorium AR Hoody The Cerium LT feels flimsy and fragile (urgh, that zipper!) compared to the Thorium. 2 Nov 2018 Hoodies: Arcteryx Cerium LT vs. The Thorium is a versatile and general multi-purpose down jacket that can be used as a winter mid layer or just as a warm everyday jacket. This season the ja The Arc'teryx Cerium SV Hooded Down Jacket is built with extreme functionality in mind, specifically for those challenging backcountry and alpine situations. When your life depends on your gear, the last thing you want to be thinking about is whether or not your jacket is up to the task. The warmest option in the Cerium series (the Arc'teryx line of minimalist, lightweight, technical, down The Cerium SV is more packable and lightweight than the Thorium AR, with a mix of 10 and 7 denier outer fabrics. Cerium LT - As we get lighter, the Cerium LT uses the same formula for insulation. Up to 100 grams of Coreloft, as well as 850 fill white goose down. The Cerium LT uses a ten denier outer shell for increased packability. Free shipping, return, exchange in Canada. Arc'teryx Thorium AR Hoody Men's 4.7 out of 5 stars 75. $325.00 - $452.04. I actually prefer it to the Cerium SV. The Thorium SV has a longer cut (think parka Arc'teryx Cerium SV Hoody Men's. 4.3 out of 5 stars 19. Arc'teryx - Womens Thorium AR Hoody. $325.00 $ 325. try out the jacket finder tool at arcteryx and you'll see this yourself. Cerium LT vs Thorium AR: Key Differences (Dec 2020) Outdoorcrunch.com Arcteryx's Thorium AR [Men's - Women's] and Cerium LT [Men's - Women's] are their second and third warmest down jackets, coming right after the warmest down jacket Cerium SV [Men's - Women's - read my review] (excluding parkas here).Try out the jacket finder tool at arcteryx The Arc'Teryx Men's Thorium SV Hoody is a hooded down jacket for all around use in severe weather situations. Free shipping on orders over $49, and earn up to 10% back in Moosejaw Reward Dollars on every order. Plus d'informations . I only wanted to purchase a new jacket, because my down sweater is a very bright, loud orange. Arc'teryx - Womens Thorium AR Hoody The jacket is certainly warmer than the cerium lt, but obviously less practical in the autumn (although any aerobic activity with down is a lose-lose situation), but is more durable than the cerium sv. If arcteryx could make one new down jacket, it would use the thorium ar's outer fabric, but the fill weight and hood design of the cerium sv. thorium ar man iso cap h Arc’teryx a depuis longtemps fait ses preuves auprès des consommateurs. 0,009 bitcoinu kde se nachází harvard yale a princeton co je to winky lux btc webové stránky botswana propojení paypal s bankovním převodem yrP ASw Xy BwjuF swXpb pDM iKxe Porovnanie digitálnej meny Pouličný veľtrh v new yorku Kúpiť krypto online bez id Cena zafírového prsteňa Zcash obchodovanie Ako zrušiť transakciu btc Čo je kladkostroj_ Čo je dnes naša mena Prezradenie dubai ethereum 10 Mar 2019 Arcteryx Thorium offers bigger hand pockets, whereas Cerium Jackets' hand pockets don't have zippers which makes it more comfortable. I actually prefer it to the Cerium SV. The Thorium SV has a longer cut (think parka Arc'teryx Cerium SV Hoody Men's. 4.3 out of 5 stars 19. Arc'teryx - Womens Thorium AR Hoody.
Envia'ns la teva adreça de correu electrònic si vols rebre periòdicament els titulars de la nostra entitat ! General Plànol del municipi Horaris i Transports Activitats Cercador d'activitats Selecciona l'any i el mes de publicació de la notícia que estàs buscant i a continuació prem "Cercar".
Des de Bellaterra 2009, informació global sense ànim de lucre. Facta Non Verba X Bellaterra (Vallès Occidental)
Els Premis Ciutat de Benicarló constitueixen a dia d’avui la plataforma més potent de captació de talent literari i de difusió de la literatura del Maestrat i ocupen un lloc que es consolida en cada edició en el panorama dels premis literaris en llengua catalana, que, com és sabut, conformen en bona mesura la maquinària de reproducció de la literatura en aquesta llengua. Els Premis es dediquen a gèneres que defugen la convencionalitat del camps més trescats: la novel·la, la poesia i el teatre. Dedicats a l’àlbum infantil il·lustrat, la divulgació científica, la narrativa memorialística i la gastronomia, semblen cercar una diversificació en què l’editorial Onada ha anat obrint nínxols de producció. Alfred Giner Sorolla. La passió i la lucidesa implica en bona mesura la consagració literària de la seua autora, Amàlia Roig, que disposava anteriorment de dos llibres publicats: Un viatge fora forat: entre el Delta de l’Ebre i les Columbretes i Xarxa prima, obres que cal adscriure al memorialisme, la no-ficció i l’autoficció, un territori literari propici per a una biografia del caire que té Alfred Giner Sorolla, que s’inscriu a la perfecció en l’univers literari de l’autora, fixat fermament en l’eix del seu poble natal: Vinaròs. El premi, doncs, és el reconeixement per una obra que suposa una fita sòlida en una dedicació de temps a la conformació literària d’un univers vinarossenc que l’autora, que ha viscut amb un peu a Sant Cugat del Vallès i l’altre al seu poble, reconstrueix per a una sensibilitat literària molt personal i, alhora, molt característica. Comparteix-ho Feu clic per compartir al Facebook (S'obre en una nova finestra) Feu clic per compartir al Twitter (S'obre en una nova finestra) Fes clic per compartir al Linkedin (S'obre en una nova finestra) Feu clic per compartir al Telegram (S'obre en una nova finestra) Feu clic per enviar un enllaç per correu electrònic a un amic (S'obre en una nova finestra) Feu clic per compartir al WhatsApp (S'obre en una nova finestra) T'agrada: M'agrada S'està carregant... 1 2 Mai 10, 2020 Vicent Sanz assaig, crítica, escriptors, llibres, no-ficció, Vinaròs Deixa un comentari Màxima discreció a l’Espai Mariola Nos de Vinaròs Entrevista de Mariola Nos per a Canal 56 Acte de presentació de Màxima discreció Comparteix-ho Feu clic per compartir al Facebook (S'obre en una nova finestra) Feu clic per compartir al Twitter (S'obre en una nova finestra) Fes clic per compartir al Linkedin (S'obre en una nova finestra) Feu clic per compartir al Telegram (S'obre en una nova finestra) Feu clic per enviar un enllaç per correu electrònic a un amic (S'obre en una nova finestra) Feu clic per compartir al WhatsApp (S'obre en una nova finestra) T'agrada: M'agrada S'està carregant... Març 3, 2016 Vicent Sanz editorials, escriptura, literatura, llibreries, llibres, Maestrat, negra, novel·la, Vinaròs Deixa un comentari Un viatge fora forat He llegit amb interès Un viatge fora forat d’Amàlia Roig, escriptora de Vinaròs que, com diríem al Maestrat, viu a la capital. I quan diem la capital donem per descomptat que es tracta de Barcelona, la nostra metròpoli. Això que tenim en comú: la residència a l’urbs i el vincle inestroncable amb l’origen (“El meu destí és el meu origen“, que cantaven Orxata Sound System). El llibre és el número 4 de la col·lecció Narratives d’Onada, que el va publicar al 2009. El subtítol Entre el Delta i les Columbretes ja apunta a la coberta el sentit del viatge. Es tracta d’un viatge al país de la Ilercavònia, aquell territori mental de la continuïtat central dels Països Catalans, contradictori en la seua unitat fragmentària. Malgrat els referents marítims, l’itinerari que descriuen els 21 capítols s’endinsa fins a Tortosa i Morella, indefugibles en qualsevol visió de conjunt que aspire a tindre fonament. Se m’escapa l’expressió del títol “fora forat”. No la trobo en cap diccionari i barrino si deu ser un ús comú del topònim Fora Forat, conegut actualment sobretot per donar nom a una de les platges més concorregudes de Vinaròs, i antigament al barri de Sant Pere, que hi havia des d’antic fora murada, habitat per pescadors. La preposició, lexicalitzada en el topònim, va acabar donant nom també als habitats: forinyo. Aquí, doncs, “fora forat” fa esment amb originalitat a aquest viatge fora del forat, del cau que constitueix la llar més pròpiament local. Continua llegint → Comparteix-ho Feu clic per compartir al Facebook (S'obre en una nova finestra) Feu clic per compartir al Twitter (S'obre en una nova finestra) Fes clic per compartir al Linkedin (S'obre en una nova finestra) Feu clic per compartir al Telegram (S'obre en una nova finestra) Feu clic per enviar un enllaç per correu electrònic a un amic (S'obre en una nova finestra) Feu clic per compartir al WhatsApp (S'obre en una nova finestra) T'agrada: M'agrada S'està carregant... Març 14, 2015 Vicent Sanz crítica, llibres, Maestrat, no-ficció, paisatge, Terres de l'Ebre, Vinaròs 2 comentaris Els dolços i els salats als forns de Vinaròs A la Setmana del Llibre en Català, que aquest 2011 que ara toca a la fi va tenir lloc al parc de la Ciutadella, a la parada dels editors valencians, hi veiem aquest llibre que ens atrau de cop. Certament, l’editorial Onada, de Benicarló, té un gust especial a l’hora de produir els llibres de cuina de la col·lecció La Teca. I això no únicament pel disseny acurat de les edicions, en què es combina una imatge impactant amb el receptari entenedor i a l’abast de qualsevol; sinó sobretot per la tria de continguts que hi apareixen. Lluny de sofisticacions artificioses, els llibres de La Teca són un intent de preservació del receptari tradicional de la cuina del Baix Maestrat, de moment. Com tota cuina tradicional, la del Baix Maestrat és sobretot de subsistència, feta de productes dels que abans es tenien a mà, quan es tenien, decididament estacional, tant en el sentit que aprofitava els productes de la temporada com en el de vinculació al cicle festiu religiós. Una cuina potser en vies de desaparició, de residualització si més no. Tret d’alguns productes amb projecció, com ara el llagostí i la carxofa, tota la resta és una cuina amb una difusió totalment limitada a la societat que l’ha heretada i la manté en els seus usos poc o molt tradicionals. I aquesta societat no és altra que la dels pobles ilercavons a ambdues parts del Sénia. Una societat i una cuina sota pressió de les transformacions de tot tipus que suporten. El llibre no el coneixia i crida l’atenció per la referència explícita als forns de Vinaròs. Continua llegint → Comparteix-ho Feu clic per compartir al Facebook (S'obre en una nova finestra) Feu clic per compartir al Twitter (S'obre en una nova finestra) Fes clic per compartir al Linkedin (S'obre en una nova finestra) Feu clic per compartir al Telegram (S'obre en una nova finestra) Feu clic per enviar un enllaç per correu electrònic a un amic (S'obre en una nova finestra) Feu clic per compartir al WhatsApp (S'obre en una nova finestra) T'agrada: M'agrada S'està carregant... gener 12, 2012 Vicent Sanz cuina, Vinaròs Deixa un comentari Ous fregits amb llagostins L’abril passat, a la fira del llibre de Vinaròs, vaig a presentar-hi Un riu de crims. A més de l’editor, que ha vingut del Vendrell i està content d’haver despatxat uns quants exemplars del llibre en qüestió abans de dinar; hi som Josep Igual, Andreu Palatsí i jo mateix, és a dir, els escriptors en aquesta banda del Sénia que han participat en el volum. A l’hora de la veritat és com si heguéssem de parlar per la ràdio, ja que des d’una taula on les responsables de la fira ens entrevisten, el que diem se sent en tot el recinte. A la taula, s’hi asseuen també dues persones que conec allà mateix: Juanjo Roda i Dani Miralles, autor i fotògraf de La cuina del mercat de Vinaròs, impecablement editat per Onada de Benicarló. El llibre m’arriba a les mans com a obsequi de la meua participació en la presentació d’Un riu de crims, així que com tinc l’autor allà mateix li demano que el dedique a Salomé, que és una gran amant de la gastronomia, segons resa la dedicatòria. Creuem quatre paraules mentrestant. A Juanjo el veig de seguida com un cuiner dels sorgits de l’escola castellonenca de restauració, entre els quals cal esmentar Abel Calvet del restaurant Ram-Sol de Xert i Rafael Gauxachs de la Casa dels Capellans, a la Font de la Salut de Traiguera. Son cuiners jóvens que tenen els conexiements per recrear la cuina del Maestrat de tota la vida. Uns renovadors nats a partir de les receptes més tradicionals. Mentrestant comentem el llibre, Juanjo em parla dels ous fregits amb llagostins, recepta original de Ricardo Serret, que va incorporar al llibre després de tastar-la a casa seua. Continua llegint → Comparteix-ho Feu clic per compartir al Facebook (S'obre en una nova finestra) Feu clic per compartir al Twitter (S'obre en una nova finestra) Fes clic per compartir al Linkedin (S'obre en una nova finestra) Feu clic per compartir al Telegram (S'obre en una nova finestra) Feu clic per enviar un enllaç per correu electrònic a un amic (S'obre en una nova finestra) Feu clic per compartir al WhatsApp (S'obre en una nova finestra) T'agrada: M'agrada S'està carregant... Juliol 10, 2011 Vicent Sanz cuina, llibres, Vinaròs Deixa un comentari Subscriu-t'hi Entra la teua adreça de correu per subscriure't a aquest bloc i rebre notificacions d'entrades noves per correu electrònic. 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Quatre nous concursos per accedir o promocionar a catedràtic o catedràtica i deu, de professorat agregat - UPC Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya UPC. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Menu Menu Eines Ves al contingut Ves al menú Informació per a... Futurs estudiants Empresa Mitjans de comunicació - Sala de Premsa Estudiants UPC - Atenea Personal UPC Personal investigador Alumni COVID-19 Seu Electrònica Contacte Idioma:Català Català Español English Cercar... Cerca a la UPC Navegació principal GRAUS Graus 2022-2023 Programes Acadèmics de Recorregut Successiu (PARS) Activitats per a futurs estudiants Accés i admissió Matrícula Preus i beques Calendari i normatives acadèmiques Acreditació i reconeixement d'idiomes Mobilitat i pràctiques Descobreix els graus UPC Col·lecció de vídeos Aprèn idiomes amb ajuts Des de 350 € MÀSTERS Màsters universitaris 2022-2023 Per què estudiar un màster a la UPC? Accés, admissió i matrícula Preus i beques Calendari i normatives acadèmiques Acreditació i reconeixement d'idiomes Mobilitat i pràctiques Màsters de formació permanent Sessions informatives Curs 2023-2024 Inscriu-t'hi! Preinscripció oberta Primavera 2023 Calendari acadèmic Curs 2022-2023 DOCTORATS Raons per fer un doctorat a la UPC Programes de doctorat Doctorats industrials Escola de Doctorat Presentació R+D+I Coneixement UPC Personal investigador Departaments, instituts i centres de recerca Producció científica Innovació Serveis a les empreses Suport a l'R+D+I Portal de ciència ciutadana de la UPC Participació oberta al públic Accés obert Lliure accés als recursos digitals LA UPC La institució Centres docents La UPC als rànquings La UPC transparent Govern i representació Estructura i organització Serveis i vida universitària Honoris causa UPCArts La comunitat cultural de la UPC. Bibliotècnica La biblioteca digital de la UPC. Sala de Premsa You are here: Sala de Premsa Notícies PDI-PAS Quatre nous concursos per accedir o promocionar a catedràtic o catedràtica i deu, de professorat agregat Quatre nous concursos per accedir o promocionar a catedràtic o catedràtica i deu, de professorat agregat El 24 de maig, el Consell de Govern ha aprovat la convocatòria de 14 nous concursos, quatre dels quals són de selecció al cos de catedràtics i catedràtiques d’universitat i deu, per accedir a la categoria de professorat agregat. https://www.upc.edu/ca/sala-de-premsa/noticies-pdi-pas/quatre-nous-concursos-per-accedir-o-promocionar-a-catedratic-o-catedratica-i-deu-de-professorat-agregat https://www.upc.edu/ca/sala-de-premsa/noticies-pdi-pas/quatre-nous-concursos-per-accedir-o-promocionar-a-catedratic-o-catedratica-i-deu-de-professorat-agregat/@@download/imatge Quatre nous concursos per accedir o promocionar a catedràtic o catedràtica i deu, de professorat agregat + Descarregar El 24 de maig, el Consell de Govern ha aprovat la convocatòria de 14 nous concursos, quatre dels quals són de selecció al cos de catedràtics i catedràtiques d’universitat i deu, per accedir a la categoria de professorat agregat. 11/06/2019 En el marc de les ofertes públiques d’ocupació de Personal Docent i Investigador (PDI) de la UPC del 2018 i del 2019, el Consell de Govern ha aprovat la convocatòria de quatre concursos de selecció del cos de catedràtiques i catedràtics d’Universitat, adreçades al PDI Funcionari, en quatre àrees de coneixement: Ciència dels Materials i Enginyeria Metal·lúrgica; Estadística i Investigació Operativa, Teoria del Senyal i Comunicacions I Enginyeria Hidràulica. De les quatre places a concurs, tres estan reservades al torn lliure i corresponen a l’oferta pública d’ocupació del PDI per al 2018. La quarta plaça es reserva per al torn de promoció interna, d’acord amb l’oferta pública d’ocupació de PDI per al 2019. Aquests concursos es desenvoluparan d’acord amb el Procediment d’accés a cossos i categories de personal docent i investigador permanent (Acord 66/2009 del Consell de Govern). Així mateix, s’ha acordat la convocatòria de deu concursos de selecció de professorat agregat, quatre de les quals estan reservades per al personal investigador doctor del programa Ramón y Cajal que hagi obtingut el certificat I3, en vuit àrees de coneixement: Ciència dels Materials i Enginyeria Metal·lúrgica; Enginyeria Mecànica; Enginyeria Aeroespacial; Física Aplicada; Matemàtica Aplicada; Enginyeria Telemàtica, Enginyeria i Infraestructures dels Transports i Expressió Gràfica Arquitectònica. Els concursos es desenvoluparan d’acord amb el Reglament per a la selecció, provisió i contractació de professorat Agregat (Acord 60/2015 del Consell de Govern i Acord 114/2015, pel qual s’aprova l’esmena d’error al Reglament).
First, apologies for my absence yesterday… another meeting day. It suddenly dawned on me also that school starts in less than two weeks — yikes — when I go on vacation, I really go on vacation… When I posted on Monday about photographer Edward Burtynsky, I had no idea that he was one of the recipients of TED‘s 2004 Prizes. Thanks to Anna for pointing that out, as well as noting the unique nature of the prizes: promotion of three wishes by the recipient. I must admit — TED is one of those programs that has fallen through the cracks of my attention span, but after spending a little time on their website, I realize that was a major oversight on my part. So, in order to make up for my ignorance, I’d like to offer up space on sustainablog for addressing the first of Edward’s wishes: “To encourage a massive and productive worldwide conversation about sustainable living.” The plan of execution involves promoting WorldChanging (something I’m happy to do, obviously) as part of a media campaign incorporating Burtynsky’s work along with Sagemeister‘s design. Take a look at Burtynsky’s wishes, as well as those of the other winners, U2’s Bono and scientist Robert Fischell, and offer your suggestions for other ways I/we can promote the ideas that TED espouses (although I freely admit that I see no role I can play in finding cures for brain disorders…). Finally, I am happy to promote WorldChanging regardless of the situation, and am grateful for their promotion of sustainablog, but, hey, WC folks, who’s a guy got to sleep with to get on your link list/blogroll???
La tècnica municipal de Salut Pública, Ana Belén Ramos, parla de la situació actual pel que fa a la Covid-19 a Montornès i del funcionament dels centres educatius. També descriu les principals característiques del curs d'higiene alimentària que se celebrarà de manera virtual entre el 16 i el 17 de novembre.
Quedar sorda als dos anys ha estat duríssim. “Agafa la creu i marxa” la meva frase diaria per poder tirar endavant, el meu art és el reflex de la meva ànima març 18, 2020 By Mokis L´anèmia, una patología de la que parlarem avui amb la Naturòpata Mònica Mercadal, la col.laboradora del programa ens recomanarà quins són els aliments rics en ferro que ens poden ajudar a combatre-la. On està el límit davant les noves tecnologíes? Com poden ajudar els pares? En parlarem amb el Doctor en psicología i autor del llibre “Nuestros hijos y sus videojuegos” Hèctor Fuster. També reflexionarem de la importància de pendre consciència dels Arquetips que transita la dona en les diferents fases menstruals, avui amb la Ginecòloga Holística la Dra. Emma Esteve. Saber dels nostres talents ens ha de servir per poder escollir la vocació més adecuada. El Terapeuta Humanista Josep Guarch a la seva secció de viure amb consciència ens explicará les diferencies entre una feina i una vocació. Finalitzarem el programa d´avui conversant des de l´essència amb Teresa Jordà Vitó, als dos anys a consequència d´una malaltia es va quedar sorda. Actualment és una de les millors aquarel.listes abstractes tant a nivell nacional com internacional. Gràcies a que va començar a parlar abans dels dos anys a dia d´avui la seva comunicació pot ser més fluida. COVID – 19 Reflexió de Josep Guarch, Terapeuta humanista i Astròleg. març 18, 2020 By Mokis La finalitat d’aquest virus no és de salut sino econòmica…. ens ha de portar al pitjor colapse econòmic de la historia de la humanitat… a veure si així fem canvis! sino….. vindrà la tercera crisis i definitiva, on ja no tindrem opció. Perquè els fa tanta por el virus si no és més greu que una grip?…. 1.- per la seva facilitat de contagi i ràpida expansió. 2.- perquè afecta greument a persones grans i amb patologies prèvies, que pot desencadenar un colapse total als serveis d’atenció sanitaria… 3.- perquè el virus no s’aturarà a l’estiu, com passa amb el grip… només cal veure el mapa de països afectats per veure que els països càlits també tenen Coronavirus… 4.- ells saben que un virus pot mutar en qualsevol moment a una cepa sumament agressiva i repetir el drama de la Grip Espanyola. De manera que, les mesures que prenen de cap manera és alarmisme o mesures injustificades…. de fet, jo crec que aquí anem tard. El virus s’ha escampat ja massa i anem en camí d’Italia…. De tota manera, no hem de tenir por. El virus ve a fer Justicia! De moment ja ha aconseguit fer caure les borses de tot el món… que els països prioritzin l’atenció a les families i a les persones…Italia ha parat el cobrament d’impostos i ha suspès a tot el país el cobrament de les Hipoteques… la pregunta és: Perquè aquestes mesures no es van prendre durant la crisis del 2008?…. calia un virus?…. doncs sembla que sí. Al meu entendre, el virus té un objectiu… fer caure el mon “macro-econòmic”, és qui ha de pagar la crisis que ells mateixos van probocar amb la seva ambició irreflrenable! i que no puguin tornar a passar la factura de la crisis a les persones, que al cap i a la fi, nomes pretenen viure. Josep Guarch Com gestionar i fer un bon ús de la intel·ligència artificial? març 10, 2020 By Mokis Una alimentació sana és vital perquè el nostre cos estigui en equilibri i harmonia; parlem amb la naturòpata Mònica Mercadal de com combatre una patologia que afecta a gran part de la població, el restrenyiment. Quines són les mancances en el món educatiu? Reflexions amb el doctor en psicologia Hèctor Fuster; la seva passió és acompanyar a tota classe de persones en el procés de descobrir el seu propòsit de vida. Conversem del cicle menstrual, la influència de les hormones, els cicles de la lluna i la natura amb la doctora ginecòloga holística Emma Esteve. El terapeuta humanista Josep Guarch ens parla sobre el destí i la llibertat d’elecció. La intel·ligència artificial fa temps que va abandonar l’espectre de la ciència-ficció per colar-se a les nostres vides i, tot i que encara en un punt inicial, està cridada a protagonitzar una revolució equiparable o més a la que va generar internet… com gestionar-la? com fer-ne un bon ús? En parlem amb el Pepe Amoraga, emprenedor, visionari i amb una extensa trajectòria en el món de les noves tecnologies en la indústria. José Corbacho: “No canviaria res de la meva vida, si no, no seria qui sóc” març 3, 2020 By Mokis L’artritis reumatoide va ser la malatia que va trucar a la porta de la nostra col·laboradora, la naturòpata Mònica Mercadal. A la seva secció d’hàbits saludables ens explica com va ser la remissió i quins són els hàbits que va adquirir per poder superar-la. El doctor en Psicología Hector Fuster reflexiona sobre com l’educació formal s’ha quedat estancada a conseqüencia de la digitalització i ens respon a la pregunta de què podem fer davant aquesta realitat que moltes vegades sens escapa de les mans. Conversem amb la doctora Emma Esteve, ginecòloga holística sobre el cicle menstrual, un tema moltes vegades tabú i alhora molt necessari: que les nenes tinguin informació abans de la seva primera regla. A la secció “Viure en Consciència” el terapeuta humanista Josep Guarch, amb més de 40 anys d’experiència en l’astrologia ens endinsarà en el coneixement de la personalitat. Com és crea i d’on parteix? És important saber interpretar la “partitura” de la nostra vida. El gran convidat del programa és l’actor José Corbacho, molt a compartir amb el carismàtic professional de l’escena que sempre ens treu un somriure. Ell ens recorda que tot és molt més simple i que a dia d’avui no canviaria res de la seva vida, per una vital raó, si no, no seria qui és.
This year, we explored the theme of being broken vessels, perfect in original design, broken along the way, yet used by God nonetheless. As we try to love and raise our children, we are trying to be aware of the areas that are broken in us so that God can redeem and repair them. Here are some of the key lessons that were shared at this year's retreat.
The Oyster card was a small revolution in ticket payments when it was launched less than a decade ago, but it seems it may soon become obsolete. Transport for London has confirmed that by the end of 2012, it will accept contactless credit and debit cards at the tube turnstiles, according to The Register. Card payments on the bus will be enabled earlier in 2012, in time for the Olympics, but due to the work involved the tube will follow only later in the year. While changing the ticket system is quite complicated, it is cheaper for TFL to deal directly with the banks, omitting the Oyster middle-man. There are some problems related to the project still – such as the time it would take for the system to call up the bank to check if there’s any money available. Commentators are speculating the solution may be to check this later in order to avoid massive pile-ups at the turnstiles, and then catch the cardholder as they tap out to leave the underground system. I for one will miss the Oyster card, which feels like an integral part of London life. But an all-in-one chip that covers payment as well as travel is appealing too – actually we can probably just go ahead and implant this magic chip directly into our phone handsets? Feb 25, 2011 ShinyJess For latest tech stories go to TechDigest.tv Share this: Email Facebook Pinterest LinkedIn Print Reddit Twitter Tumblr Pocket Like this: Like Loading... Tagged contactless payment credit card NCF oyster card tfl transport for london Post navigation Robot skin becomes reality: For lovable androids, or android police? Cisco launch HD media-friendly Linksys E4200 router 6 comments Sports Business Course says: 6th September 2011 at 4:33 am The future is being able to pay with your Smartphone. These NFC chips are already in some Smartphones like the Google Nexus S and will be in the iPhone 5 and the next iPad and all the cool next generation smartphones. wholesale hair weave says: 25th May 2011 at 9:59 am Recent studies forecast that the most developed countries are going to need more and more highly qualified professionals around twice as many as their educational systems will be able to produce, or so it is thought. As a result there is an urgent need for developing countries which send students implant the chip.... says: 25th February 2011 at 4:09 pm some nail varnish remover, patience and a bit of skill the chip and copper antenna can be removed then put anywhere…a magic wand (which will make people laugh…) or a rubber wrist band (which is better as it won’t then interfere with other cards / kit using the same tech and you can still travel if you loose your moby or wallet…) implant the chip.... says: 25th February 2011 at 4:06 pm some nail varnish remover, patience and a bit of skill the chip and copper antenna can be removed then put anywhere…a magic wand (which will make people laugh…) or a rubber wrist band (which is better as it won’t then interfere with other cards / kit using the same tech and you can still travel if you loose your moby or wallet…) implant the chip.... says: 25th February 2011 at 4:03 pm some nail varnish remover, patience and a bit of skill the chip and copper antenna can be removed then put anywhere…a magic wand (which will make people laugh…) or a rubber wrist band (which is better as it won’t then interfere with other cards / kit using the same tech and you can still travel if you loose your moby or wallet…) implant the chip.... says: 25th February 2011 at 3:55 pm some nail varnish remover, patience and a bit of skill the chip and copper antenna can be removed then put anywhere…a magic wand (which will make people laugh…) or a rubber wrist band (which is better as it won’t then interfere with other cards / kit using the same tech and you can still travel if you loose your moby or wallet…) Comments are closed. 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Pots contactar amb nosaltres a través del telèfon 651.616.442 i del correu electrònic [email protected] La gastronomia de la comarca té protagonisme en el nostre diari >>> Clic ací Coneix la guia comercial més completa de la Ribera. Empreses, comerços, serveis... Recomanem els millors professionals. En Facebook som més de 21.000 seguidors. Coneixes la nostra pàgina? "Mitjans de comunicaci��" | Resultats: 2 Ya son 39 los medios de comunicación que forman parte de AMDComVal tras la incorporación de tres nuevos El Seis Doble es miembro de la Asociación de Medios Digitales de la Comunidad Valenciana (AMDComVal) Hay 0 comentaris llegir noticia completa Lunes, 12 de octubre de 2020 Publicado en: Redacció 'El Botànic vol deixar fora de les ajudes al valencià al 90% dels xicotets mitjans de comunicació de la Comunitat' L'Associació de Mitjans Digitals de la Comunitat Valenciana (AMDComVal) ha anunciat la presentació d'una dotzena d'al·legacions a les bases de les ajudes a la promoció i difusió del valencià Hay 0 comentaris llegir noticia completa Jueves, 18 de junio de 2020 Publicado en: Redacció | · Notícies en valencià 1 Anterior - Següent || Primera - Última Cerca avançada Per paraules clau Categories TotALTRES TEMESBUSCADORGASTRONOMIA, OCI I MÉS...GUIA COMERCIALGUIA GASTRONÒMICAINICIPOBLACIONSSECCIONS Subcategories TotA 'quemarropa'Agenda de la RiberaBolsa de treballCartes al directorChirimiriClub de compresEconomiaEfemèrides musicalsJocsLa PreguntaLa Ribera en fotosMossets a la RiberaNotícies comercialsOpinióRaconet satíric valenciàRedaccióTú pots ser periodistaVinyetes· Actualitat Consistorial en valencià· Cultura en valencià· Economia en valencià· Educació i formació en valencià· El món infantil en valencià· Esports en valencià· Festes en valencià· Gastronomia en valencià· Notícies en valencià· Turisme en valencià
In the tech world, it’s rare these days to spend more than a few years at one company. So we were curious to learn more about Kristin Wisnewski after hearing she’d been at IBM for 18 years. In her words, she “basically grew up at IBM,” and made a rapid transition from an individual contributor role to a leadership position in 2016, where she now leads an award-winning design team. We got to know the story of that career transformation, and what it took to get there. We also spoke with Kristin about clearing roadblocks for better work, and how to bring women into more leadership roles at technology companies. Takeaways: How to remain authentic to yourself as a leader The keys to peak team performance The way DesignOps works at IBM Meet Your Hosts Aarron Walter VP of Design Education As the VP of Design Education at InVision, Aarron Walter draws upon 15 years of experience running product teams and teaching design to help companies enact design best practices. Aarron founded the UX practice at MailChimp and helped grow the product from a few thousand users to more than 10 million. He is the author of the best selling book Designing for Emotion from A Book Apart. You’ll find Aarron on Twitter and Medium sharing thoughts on design. Learn more at http://aarronwalter.com. Eli Woolery Director of Design Education Eli is the Director of Design Education at InVision. His design career spans both physical and digital products, and he has worked with companies ranging from startups (his own and others) to Fortune 500 companies. In addition to his background in product and industrial design, he has been a professional photographer and filmmaker. He teaches the senior capstone class Implementation to undergraduate Product Designers at Stanford University. You can find Eli on Twitter and Medium. Podcast :: P Uncover insights from the world’s top design leaders In Season 3 of the Design Better Podcast, we’re exploring the connected workflow: how designers work more effectively and efficiently with their engineering and product counterparts. We’ll talk about how building key partnerships throughout an organization can help you ship better products, faster, with companies like Google, Airbnb, Atlassian and the Wall Street Journal.
Ahir va tenir lloc al Consell Comarcal la primera trobada del Consell Regulador de la IGP Gall del Penedès, amb la participació dels sis criadors que l’integren i representants de l’administració. La reunió ha comptat amb la presència del director general d’Alimentació, Qualitat i Indústries Alimentàries de la Generalitat Antoni Díaz Vendrell, qui ha explicat que el Gall del Penedès és un dels molts productes catalans diferenciats que ha de promocionar la Generalitat en una comunitat on el 19% del PIB té a veure amb la gastronomia, entesa en un sentit ampli. Díaz ha posat l’accent en què una IGP implica la responsabilitat d’estar a l’alçada i ha dit que la promoció es pot iniciar ja a Catalunya i a la resta de l’estat mentre arriba el segell de certificació, és a dir el reconeixement europeu, previst per principis d’estiu. Díaz ha destacat el bon moment que acompanya l’arrencada de la IGP, amb la celebració Fira Alimentària i el fet que Catalunya és, aquest 2016, regió europea de la gastronomia. Precisament, la fira Alimentària serà la primera parada de la IGP. La Consellera de Promoció Econòmica Susanna Mèrida ha explicat que el 25 d’abril al migdia, el Gall del Penedès tindrà un espai dins la fira amb la participació d’una criadora i dos restaurants que mostraran com cuinar el producte. El Gall també apareixerà al programa Cuines de TV3 properament i serà present a les jornades gastronòmiques de la Fundació Alícia, el cap de setmana del 30 d’abril i l’1 de maig. Per la seva part, el Conseller d’Agricultura Pere Soler ha remarcat que la IGP donarà a conèixer el territori i revertirà beneficis sobre tot el Penedès. Des de l’Associació de Criadors de la Raça de Gallines Penedesenca, M. Antònia Udina, ha emplaçat la DO Penedès a treballar plegats per promocionar el gall negre. Per la seva part, el president del Consell Comarcal de l’Alt Penedès Francesc Olivella ha manifestat el compromís de l’ens per treballar amb el Consell Regulador. El Consell Comarcal també ajudarà el consell regulador a optar a possibles subvencions. Antoni Díaz Vendrell, Associació de Criadors de Raça Penedesenca, Consell Comarcal, Consell Regulador, IGP Gall del Penedès Notícies relacionades 01/12/2022 La dissenyadora Maria Prats presenta l’associació ‘Omplim un món de colors’ amb una desfilada 28/11/2022 El Sindicat de Llogateres guanya els premis Mònica Hill 15/11/2022 Una jornada posa sobre la taula tendències tecnològiques d'empreses del sector agroalimentari Tweets by rtvvilafranca Notícies més llegides 30/11/22El conductor d’un cotxe ha mort en una col·lisió frontal a la C-15 a Mediona 01/12/22El vilafranquí Anass Ahmidouch, campió del món de kickboxing a la Nit dels Campions de Marsella 29/11/22Emotiva presentació al Palau Robert del llibre sobre viticultores de Maria Rosa Ferré Efemèrides 2 de Desembre 1901 – King Camp Gillette patenta la fulla d’afaitar canviable No hi ha efemèrides Facebook Twitter Instagram youtube Subscriu-te al butlletí Subscriu-t'hi: Leave this field empty if you're human: Portada Notícies Ràdio Vilafranca en directe Penedès Televisió en directe Ràdio a la carta Televisió a la carta Programació Ràdio Programació Televisió Programes Ràdio Programes Televisió Enquestes ‘La programació’ (fulletons) RTV Vilafranca Publicitat Borsa de col·laboradors Estatuts Sercom, S.L. Contacte © SERCOM SL Segueix-nos: Perfil contractant Instruccions contractació Avís legal Política privacitat Política cookies Reclamacions Desistiment Utilitzem cookies per assegurar que donem la millor experiència a l'usuari en el nostre lloc web. Si continua utilitzant aquest lloc assumirem que hi està d'acord. Acceptarmés informació
The Naz Helpline provides free and confidential support over phone. We exist to help youth, the LGBTQ+ community in India who may be looking for support with anxiety, depression, gender & sexual identity, relationships, sexual abuse. When you contact us you will talk with one of our trained counselors who are experienced in how to help people in your situation. They will listen to you, unpack your story and feelings, and work with you to help you through your challenges.
The development of compact low-power-consuming nano-optoelectronic devices is one of the great challenges to tackle for the convergence of microelectronics and photonics. During this talk, I will review our recent results on InP-on-SOI photonic crystal devices. I will show how these wavelength scale structures allow the achievement of nanolaser diodes and amplifiers which can be densely integrated in a photonic circuit.
Masquerade during the Eyo festival in Lagos, Nigeria. Photo credits: olasunkanmiariyo (via Wikimedia Commons). This event will take place both online and physically in Leiden. All registrees will receive a link to the online platform one day before the start of the event. In the Nigerian cities of Lagos and Jos, rituals and festivals are increasingly deployed not only in memory of ancestors, or in the promotion of a particular (ethnic) identity, or as a tourist attraction, but also as political instruments to demonstrate and express ownership of urban spaces. Nigeria is often characterised as a deeply divided state in which major political issues are forcefully or violently contested along the lines of complex ethnic, religious and regional divisions. Currently, the performances of festivals and funeral rituals have increasingly become the sites of struggles and contestation over claims to ‘ownership’ of urban spaces. In doing so, through festivals and other rituals ideas are expressed as to who belongs, who does not, and to who ‘owns the city’ and who does not. This study shows how Nigerian urban dwellers invent and perform festivals and funeral rituals to define belonging and express ethnically based claims of ownership of cities. Speaker Dr Onyekachi Nnabuihe Onyekachi E. Nnabuihe holds a PhD in Peace and Conflict Studies. He is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Criminology, Security, Peace and Conflict Studies, Caleb University, Lagos, Nigeria and a visiting research fellow, African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL), Netherlands.
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March 26, 2002- The Local Chapter of the March of Dimes will be handing out free gifts to the first 1000 fans attending Easter Sunday’s game against the Casper Cavalry at MetraPark Arena at 4:00 PM. Fans will have their choice of either an auto sunshade or a pair of sunglasses. The Outlaws are proud and excited of their association with the March of Dimes. © 2001, 2002 National Indoor Football League. NIFL, National Indoor Football League, and the NIFL logo design are registered trademarks of the National Indoor Football League. The team names, logos and uniform designs are registered trademarks of the teams indicated. No portion of this site may be reproduced without the express written permission of the National Indoor Football League The National Indoor Football League take no responsibility for third-party material appearing in any bulletin board or chat sections of this site. All rights reserved.
Ballar és cosa de llibres és un espectacle escènic participatiu i per a tots els públics. Tu tries si balles, o bé mires com ballen. Una iniciativa que combina la dansa i l’observació de la dansa, el fet de ser ballarí i el de ser espectador, la força d’una experiència física i el plaer de sentir-se seduït per un cos que balla amb un llibre. Un espectacle on un llibre es pot convertir en la teva parella de ball, o el teu acompanyant. Ballar és cosa de llibres ens embarca en un viatge estimulant, una experiència a mig camí entre la dansa i la literatura, entre la força del cos i la màgia de la paraula. Ballar amb llibres i observar la dansa que es crea quan es balla amb llibres. Descobrir el plaer de ballar llegint, de llegir mentre ballem, de ballar allò que llegim o llegir allò que ballem. Crítica: Ballar és cosa de llibres Categories Inspirador La meva primera colònia Te calent una tarda plujosa Valoració 7 Valoració per edats De 4 a 6 7 De 7 a 11 8 De 12 a 15 7 De 16 a 25 7 De 26 a 35 8 De 36 a 50 8 De 51 a 66 8 Més de 66 7 Enllaços externs Veure en web externa 25/04/2019 Un joc fresc i lúcid per intercanviar experiències per Jordi Bordes La proposta de Pere Faura, Clàudia Solwat i Javier Vaquero es tracta d’una versió del Balla’m un llibre que fan en sessions escolars. El repte és trobar nexe entre la literatura i la dansa a través de l’objecte: el llibre. Si en el taller familiar (i escolar) el joc pretén trobar la relació entre el ball, jugant a convertir l’objecte en altres elements (un paraigües, un ocell, un cavall...) alhora que es llegeix i es deixa seduir per les il·lustracions dels contes, en aquest nou treball hi ha un nou mirall. Ara, també hi ha la possibilitat de ser espectador. En aquest cas, el repte és aprendre a llegir el ball. Això, en realitat, dóna a l’observador eines per entendre la complexitat d’una creació (des del so i la llum fins a la coreografia). Per conèixer què és el focus (on radica el centre de l’acció on es redirigeixen les mirades del públic). És un enginyós treball en el que el joc sempre hi és present, amb la frescor de notar que disfruten i es diverteixen els propis artistes alhora que il·lustren, pedagògics, els viaranys aventurers de la dansa, com si fos un joc imaginatiu infantil. Potser aquest cop hi ha menys oportunitat per deixar-se seduir amb els mon que descriuen i dibuixen les pàgines dels llibres. Però hi ha un diàleg constant entre el públic que balla el públic que mira, perquè intervé, puntualment, des de les cadires amb el seu llibre per aprendre a llegir un espectacle. En realitat, la peça és un pas intuïtiu en el camí de la prescripció i la crítica... FESTIVALS Sismògraf 2019 Festival el 25/04/2019 a les 00:00 hores. HISTÒRIC DE REPRESENTACIONS Sala El Torín Roser, 19 Olot Funció el 25/04/2019 a les 18:00 hores. © 2012-2022 recomana.cat PORTADA QUÈ ÉS? CONTACTE AVÍS LEGAL POLÍTICA DE COOKIES POLÍTICA DE PRIVACITAT Amb el suport de Inicia la sessió × Carregant Correu electrònic: Contrasenya: Cancel·lar Iniciar sessió Has oblidat la contrasenya? Fes clic aquí Registra't a recomana.cat × Carregant Correu electrònic: Contrasenya: Repeteix la contrasenya: Sobrenom / pseudònim / nickname: Aquest sobrenom t'identificarà al trivial Donc el meu consentiment a que les dades personals que proporciono s'emmagatzemin a recomana.cat d'acord amb la Política de privacitat, així com accepto també les condicions d'ús i avís legal. Donc el meu consentiment a que es pugui enviar-me, a través d'un newsletter, informació sense finalitat comercial, relacionada amb accions en les que Recomana sigui organitzadora.
Ara són dies de selecció: les que presenten, senyalen, il·lustren, amplifiquen millor una questió de conceptes, de valors o de fins, és a dir, una questió filosòfica.
Family Forced to Say “Chow” to Their Beloved Pet After United Airlines Flight | Lawyer.com - Legal News, Lawsuits, Settlements Lawyer.com – Legal News, Lawsuits, Settlements Menu Skip to content Home About Us Contact Us Family Forced to Say “Chow” to Their Beloved Pet After United Airlines Flight Tweet Sumo Tweet Poor puppy dies on flight With another act of negligence under its wings, United Airlines maintains its notorious reign as the most talked about airline. Previous incidents of forcefully removing passengers from seats and leaving a sexual assault victim in harm’s way are just a couple of reasons why this Airline has been generally disliked in the media. The airline’s most recent misfortune concerns that of an innocent animal. A 10-month-old French bulldog, named Kokito, boarded a flight in his doggy carrier, going from Houston to New York. The owner of the dog, who was accompanied by her young teenage daughter, and toddler, stored the TSA-approved pet carrier under the seat in front of her. A flight attendant argued with the passenger, insisting that the carrier was somewhat blocking the aisle. Trusting that the flight attendant would not willingly put the dog in a dangerous environment, the passenger agreed to store the dog and carrier in the overhead bin. During the three-hour flight to New York, passengers heard soft barking, echoing from the compartment. Before the plane landed, the barking stopped. The owner of the dog opened the overhead storage to find her dog’s lifeless body. The dog died from lack of airflow. Certain dogs, such as the French bulldog, have short nasal passages, and are more susceptible to suffering from scarce oxygen. United Airlines representatives have commented on the event and assure the public that the airline’s policies do not support the actions of the flight attendant. Pets are never allowed in the overhead bins and are only allowed in the cabin if they are housed in appropriate kennels that fit securely under the seats. The airline is fully committed to taking full responsibility for the incident and intends to compensate the family in refunded ticket fees and a necropsy for the dog. United promises to implement strategies and policies to prevent this type of episode from happening again. Unfortunately, United Airlines is the leader in animal deaths on its flights, with 18 deaths in 2017. American Airlines and Delta Airlines had two animal deaths each last year. Google+ This entry was posted in Settlements and tagged compensation, dog, flight, passengers, United Airlines on March 26, 2018 by Kati Latina.
El destí natural d'una fotografia és ser mostrada, i encara millor si alhora pot transmetre algun missatge o ajuda a expressar una opinió. Finestra oberta a ... Finestra oberta a Catalunya Finestra oberta a la Catalunya Nord Finestra oberta a Andorra Finestra ob. al Mediterrani Finestra ob. al País Valencià Finestra oberta a Euskadi Finestra oberta a Nafarroa Finestra oberta a Iparralde Finestra oberta a Andalusia Finestra oberta a Portugal Finestra oberta a la Gran Bretanya Finestra oberta a França Finestra oberta a Itàlia Finestra oberta a Suïssa Finestra oberta a Eslovènia Finestra oberta a Hongria Finestra oberta a Polònia Finestra oberta a Finlàndia Finestra oberta al Marroc Finestra oberta al Perú Finestra oberta a l'Argentina Finestra oberta a l'Índia Finestra oberta a la Xina Exposicions fotogràfiques Exposició - Perfils Quotidians - Exposició - Arnús-Solei, o els capricis de la llum - Exposicions fotogràfiques diverses Per què vaig fer aquesta fotografia? Apunts-reportatge Festes de Maig a Badalona Els protagonistes de Nadal Jocs El joc de la Imatge enigmàtica La imatge suggerent ... Retrats i autoretrats Llibres Poesia Microrelats Política ; petits apunts Diversos Estadístiques del bloc Search 7 de juliol de 2018 Finestra ob. al País Valencià 1 comentari Peníscola 7 de juliol, 2018 Perquè els castells atrauen tant la nostra mirada? Per la història que arrosseguen? Per la seva altivesa, pel poder que havien ostentat? Per la representació de fortalesa que potser voldríem per a nosaltres? Potser ens atrau només l’alçada o el paisatge, o la sensació de protecció que s’experimenta des de dins dels seus gruixuts murs? Penso per exemple en els castells càtars, com l’espectacular promontori inexpugnable de Montsegur, o en la filigrana de Balsareny, en l’inacabat cilíndric de Torroella de Montgrí amb les seves esplendoroses vistes cap a l’Empordà, i en tants altres: Peñafiel enmig de les planes castellanes, Miravet que controla els meandres de l’Ebre, la gran fortalesa de Carcassona al Llenguadoc, o Montsoriu al peu del Montseny … He recordat ara mateix el llibre “Terra de castells”, aquella guia que resumia tots els de Catalunya, i que convidava, amb tota mena de dades i detalls, a anar-los visitant un per un. Els castells a peu de costa tenen però un gran al·licient afegit: El mar. Castelsardo mateix, que fa pocs dies esmentàvem, Tossa de mar, Peníscola …, tots ells en primera línia de defensa contra possibles invasors. Vaig descobrir Peníscola per primer cop durant el servei militar (condemna que complia a Castelló). Aleshores en dèiem Peñíscola, i va ser durant les festes de la Magdalena, un febrer de 1978, que ens trobàvem un amic malagueny i jo, després d’un trajecte en tren des de la capital, asseguts al terra de l’ampli terrat del castell, escrivint cartes d’amor a les nostres parelles respectives, mentre admiràvem entre paràgraf i paràgraf les vistes espectaculars de la badia. Havia tingut jo molt d’interès a poder trepitjar aquella massa rocosa que es perfilava llunyana des de l’autopista, durant els trajectes d’alguns caps de setmana, quan amb el cotxe d’algun altre company de batalletes, podíem escapar-nos alguns caps de setmana cap a casa. Així que començar a recórrer el poble durant aquella primera visita, arribar a la porta del castell del “Papa Luna”, veure les antigues masmorres, i enfilar per les escales que conduïen a cadascuna de les torres i de les estances, mentre la salabror del mar s’escolava entre els merlets i que juntament amb el vent d’hivern feia ressecar els llavis, va representar tota una descoberta, a més d’una bona iniciació en tot el que significa el món d’aquestes construccions. És podria dir, per altra banda, que resulta una incongruència per part meva denigrar la vida militar i sentir atracció pels castells, però què hi podem fer, la vida n’està plena de contradiccions … https://ca.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pen%C3%ADscola https://ca.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benet_XIII Comparteix això: Relacionats Hopper a Madrid 05.08.2013 | 12.05 A Exposicions fotogràfiques diverses Maldà 11.02.2018 | 8.16 A Finestra oberta a Catalunya La imatge enigmàtica (7) 01.03.2009 | 6.31 A El joc de la Imatge enigmàtica Us ha agradat aquest article? Compartiu-lo! Tweet rginer ha dit: 20 d'agost de 2018 a les 8:26 am La meva primera estada a Peniscola va ser l’any 1951 o 1952. La meva àvia hi tenia us familiars. No li agradava el poble. Deia que només hi vivíen mosques. He anat diferents vegades. Aquests poblets de costa són ja uns desconeguts per a mí. Respon Deixa un comentari Cancel·la les respostes L'adreça electrònica no es publicarà. Els camps necessaris estan marcats amb * Desa el meu nom, correu electrònic i lloc web en aquest navegador per a la pròxima vegada que comenti. Aquest lloc està protegit per reCAPTCHA i s’apliquen la política de privadesa i les condicions del servei de Google. Subscripció Deixa la teua adreça de correu i cada volta que faça un apunt t'avisaré Darreres Notícies VilaWeb 28.11.2022 | 19:01 “Tots som tu”: el missatge dels treballadors de la Salle de Palma a la professora linxada per l’espanyolisme 28.11.2022 | 18:50 David S G Goodman 28.11.2022 | 18:26 Francesc Vendrell (1940-2022): a Catalan diplomat at the United Nations 28.11.2022 | 17:49 Adeu al mode avió: la Unió Europea permetrà de connectar-se i fer trucades amb el mòbil
Pujar una muntanya ens ensenya que no hi ha satisfacció sense esforç i això ho podem aplicar en qualsevol àmbit de les nostres vides. Vivim des de 25,00€ Reserva ara Excursió Aigüestortes - Estany Llong (1 dia) Una plàcida i agradable excursió d'1 dia al Parc Nacional d'Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici on veuràs el famós Planell d'Aigüestortes des de 40,00€ Reserva ara Ascensions: l'Aüt (2.533 m) L'Aüt és la muntanya més emblemàtica de la Vall de Boí. Malgrat la seva alçada, 2.533 m, el seu característic perfil fa que sigui una des de 50,00€ Reserva ara Via FERRADA. El Tossal de Miravet. Via Ferrada del Tossal de Miravet en El Pont de Suert; Accesible, per a tots els nivells i edats T'iniciem en el món vertical de les des de 50,00€ Reserva ara Via ferrata: Tossal del Miravet La via ferrata del Tossal de Miravet està situada al costat de Pont de suert, i és perfecta per a tots els públics. Es pot fer només la
Les actualitzacions lingüístiques de l'«Espill de ben viure» (1559) realitzades en l'edició de 1827 per Onofre Soler
The tables below provide the suggested measurements of the body for each size. However, garment style often influences the fit, so we also include the exact measurements of each product across sizes in our product descriptions. Centimetres Inches Selecting your size Because our clothes are not fitted we have chosen an Alpha (e.g. S, M) size set with the above suggested numerical size range. With fitted styles like pants take your normal size. For example if you are usually a size AU10, choose S, if you are AU12, choose M, and so on. Size up if you prefer an oversize fit or down if you like your clothing more fitted. We have an in-depth blog article breaking down our size guide that you can read here. We also explain how to measure yourself correctly below. How to Measure The three key measurements to determine your size are your bust, waist and hip measurements. We list which ever measurements are relevant to the fit of the style in each product description. We recommend you use a flat, fabric measuring tape to take your measurements. For best results, measure without clothes on and in front of a mirror so you can make sure you are holding the tape firmly and correctly. Below is a guide to where to take each measurement however each body is different so please adjust placement where necessary and make sure you are measuring the widest part of each section. Bust Measurement The bust measurement is the most important measurement in the majority of our styles. To measure your bust, place the tape measure underneath your armpit and run it all the way around the fullest part of your bust and across your back and shoulder blades. For best results, wear the bra you plan on wearing with the garment. Waist Measurement To measure the waist you firstly need to find your natural waistline which is usually at the top of the hip where the waist naturally dips in, mid way between the belly button and bottom rib cage. If struggling, when you bend from side to side, a crease should form where your natural waist sits. Hold the tape measure at one side and loop the tape measure around the front and back of your torso. Hip Measurement With your feet placed together, stand up straight and run the tape measure over the widest part of your buttocks and hips. Starting from one side of your hip, run the tape measure right around your front and back to where you started measuring from. Make sure you keep the tape measure as firm and straight as possible. Hot Tip Writing your measurements on your phone or sticky note will help you become more familiar with reading size charts and getting a better understanding on how to interpret. With changes to how we shop for clothing changing dramatically over the last few years it can still feel overwhelming. If you spend some time measuring yourself and a few garments you will quickly learn what to look for and feel more confident reading size charts. From my personal experience it definitely takes some of the stress away with sizing. Measuring a Garment Alternatively you can take measurements from a style existing in your wardrobe that has a similar shape and you like the fit of. For bust you measure from armpit to armpit and double the measurement. For hips and waist you can measure from one side of the garment to the other where your waist and hip falls and again times the measurement by two. This is a good alternative if purchasing a style you are familiar with. For example, our Satu Dress is our VH version of your classic Smock shape so you can take measurements from another smock in your wardrobe. You bust is the most 'flexible' measurement because it can be affected easily by what undergarments we wear, how the neckline of the dress sits and how much 'squish' (not a technical term) you can get away with. So we always recommend measuring a few garments to get a better understanding of your range for this specific area. Variety Hour acknowledges the traditional custodians of the land on which we work, the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation. We recognise that this land remains stolen and sovereignty has never been ceded. We pay our respects to their Elders past and present.
FILE – Former President Donald Trump speaks at a rally, Oct. 9, 2022, in Mesa, Ariz. Trump has been teasing another presidential run since before he left… Read More FILE – Former President Donald Trump speaks at a rally, Oct. 9, 2022, in Mesa, Ariz. Trump has been teasing another presidential run since before he left the White House. But aides to the former president are now preparing for a 2024 campaign that could be announced soon after next week’s midterms. (AP Photo/Matt York, File) Read Less Politics Trump 2024 campaign prepares for post-midterms launch by: Jill Colvin, The Associated Press, Scott Bauer, Thomas Beaumont Posted: Nov 2, 2022 / 12:08 AM EDT Updated: Nov 2, 2022 / 02:06 PM EDT FILE – Former President Donald Trump speaks at a rally, Oct. 9, 2022, in Mesa, Ariz. Trump has been teasing another presidential run since before he left… Read More FILE – Former President Donald Trump speaks at a rally, Oct. 9, 2022, in Mesa, Ariz. Trump has been teasing another presidential run since before he left the White House. But aides to the former president are now preparing for a 2024 campaign that could be announced soon after next week’s midterms. (AP Photo/Matt York, File) Read Less by: Jill Colvin, The Associated Press, Scott Bauer, Thomas Beaumont Posted: Nov 2, 2022 / 12:08 AM EDT Updated: Nov 2, 2022 / 02:06 PM EDT SHARE NEW YORK (AP) — As he played to a crowd of supporters in Robstown, Texas, former President Donald Trump drew cheers as he talked up his first two runs for the White House—and teased a third. “In order to make our country successful, safe and glorious again, I will probably have to do it again,” he said last month. Get the latest news, weather, sports and community events delivered right to your inbox! That carefully placed “probably” may soon be gone from Trump’s stump speech. Aides to the former president are making quiet preparations for a 2024 presidential campaign that could be launched soon after next week’s midterm elections as Trump tries to capitalize on expected Republican wins to propel himself toward becoming the front-runner for his party’s nomination. “I’m like 95% he’s going to run,” said Reince Priebus, Trump’s former White House chief of staff. “The real question is, are other big challengers going to run? If President Trump runs, he will be very difficult for any Republican to defeat.” Supreme Court clears way for Graham testimony in Georgia Another campaign would be a remarkable turn for any former president, much less one who made history as the first to be impeached twice and remains embroiled in multiple and intensifying criminal investigations, including probes of classified information held at his Mar-a-Lago club and his effort to pressure election officials to overturn the results of the 2020 election. Trump has a history dating back to the 1980s of publicly toying with White House bids only to back down. But Trump, according to people close to him, is eager to be back in the political game. While he has been talking up a bid since before he left the White House, aides and allies are now eyeing the two-week stretch after the Nov. 8 midterms as a possible window for an announcement, though they caution that he hasn’t made a decision and that—as always when it comes to Trump—things could change, particularly if the election results are delayed due to recounts or a possible runoff election in Georgia. Trump Organization faces criminal tax fraud trial over perks Indeed, even as discussions are underway about potential venues and dates for a formal announcement, Trump continues to tease the possibility of declaring his intentions at one of the rallies he’s planned for the election’s homestretch. The preparations come as Trump has been stepping up his efforts to help midterm candidates in the election’s final weeks, hoping to piggyback off expected Republican gains in Congress to build momentum for his own campaign. Trump has dramatically ramped up his spending after facing criticism for failing to financially help his favored candidates while continuing to vacuum up small-dollar donations. His newly launched MAGA Inc. super PAC has now spent more than $16.4 million on ads in a handful of competitive states, according to the ad tracking firm AdImpact, with additional investments expected through Election Day, according to people familiar with the effort, who, like others, spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss internal operations. GOP gains in deep-blue New York’s governor race rattle Democrats And Trump continues to hold events to bolster his candidates, with 30 rallies so far in 17 states, along with dozens of virtual rallies and more than 50 candidate fundraisers. His final midterm rally blitz will take him to Ohio and Pennsylvania, two crucial presidential voting states where his endorsements helped candidates secure their nominations. He’ll also return to Iowa, which holds the first contest of the presidential nominating calendar. In total, Trump’s Save America PAC says he has raised nearly $350 million this election cycle for Republican candidates and party committees, including online fundraising solicitations. GOP bracing for Trump indictment soon after Election Day While Trump’s team has been identifying potential staff prospects in key states and drawing up paperwork to file should he move forward with an announcement, according to people familiar with the planning, one stressed that hiring has not yet commenced. Trump’s campaign, at least in its early months, is expected to remain headquartered in Florida and look much like his current political operation, overseen by the small clutch of advisers he’s fostered since leaving office—reminiscent of his famously threadbare 2016 campaign. Chris LaCivita, the Republican strategist who was behind the “Swift Boat Veterans for Truth” campaign that badly damaged Democrat John Kerry’s 2004 presidential prospects, is working for Trump’s super PAC and expected to take on a senior leadership role in the campaign operation, according to people familiar with the conversations, as is Susie Wiles, the longtime Florida operative who has been overseeing his political efforts. Pelosi says husband faces ‘long recovery’ after ‘horrific attack’ The 2024 campaign will effectively kick off when the polls close on November 8, and potential challengers have spent months carefully laying the groundwork for their own expected campaigns. That includes Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who is widely seen as Trump’s most formidable challenger and who has been cultivating a deep donor network as he runs for reelection. Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, Florida Sen. Rick Scott, and Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton have been aggressively stumping for midterm candidates, as have former Vice President Mike Pence, former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley. Clinton wants Trump to pay her legal fees after tossed conspiracy lawsuit Trump, meanwhile, faces mounting challenges. He remains a deeply polarizing figure, particularly after spending the last two years spreading lies about the 2020 election. And while Trump remains overwhelmingly popular among Republicans, an October AP-NORC poll found that 43% said they don’t want to see him run for president in 2024. Underscoring that polarization, many in Trump’s orbit had urged him to wait on an announcement until after the midterms to avoid turning the election into a referendum on him. Others close to Trump remain skeptical that he will ultimately go through with another run, contending that his ego can’t take another loss or fearing a possible indictment. Others question whether he will ultimately end up on the ballot in 2024, even if he does launch a campaign. ‘Vicious, biased’: Trump assails judge in NY fraud lawsuit Campaigns also need staff and Trump’s orbit has shrunk considerably over the last two years. Many former aides are expected to steer clear of another effort either because they have broken with Trump, have moved on, or are fearful that involvement could expose them to potential legal scrutiny—and lawyers’ bills. And for someone on the verge of launching a presidential campaign, Trump also remains unusually distracted by legal threats. There is the Justice Department’s intensifying investigation into how hundreds of documents with classified markings ended up at his club in Palm Beach, Florida. State prosecutors in Georgia continue to probe his efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 election, as do the DOJ and the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol attack, which recently served him a subpoena demanding testimony. Trump: Attack on Paul Pelosi a ‘terrible thing’ In New York, Attorney General Letitia James has sued Trump, alleging his namesake company engaged in decades of fraudulent bookkeeping. The Trump Organization is now on trial for criminal tax fraud charges, and Trump recently sat for a deposition in a lawsuit filed by E. Jean Carroll, who alleges Trump raped her in the mid-1990s. Trump denies the allegations. All the while, Republicans across the country, from high-dollar donors to longtime GOP leaders and rank-and-file voters, have been considering whether they want to stick with Trump. At a recent Iowa Republican Party fundraiser headlined by Pence, voters praised Trump’s time in office but were mixed on whether they wanted him to mount another campaign. States where abortion is on the ballot in November “I’d like to see him run again,” said 81-year-old Jane Murphy, a longtime county Republican volunteer who lives in Davenport. “He makes me angry with some of the things he says. But he gets the job done, plain and simple.” But Carol Crain, an eastern Iowa GOP activist, voiced reservations. “I think a lot of Republicans are just tired of the drama and the fighting,” said Crain, 73. “It’s really wearing. Under their breath, people say it would be nice if he could endorse somebody and go away with grace.” Copyright 2022 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
This week’s Weekly has my review of 1:5:25 at Slought Foundation. Below is my copy with some pictures. Video is a huge part of the art world and many galleries now include the medium as part of their regular programming. Shows of all video art are less frequent although they too occur. Slought’s “1:5:25” is an all-video show curated by a team of 5 and presenting works by 25 artists or artist groups. A veritable dim sum video banquet of stuttering, fast-paced, culture-questioning videos, the show is good but it raises the question: How much video is too much? One of the videos at Slought. This appeared on a loop with other videos that used split-screen and pop-culture imagery. I think it’s by David Romberg 1:5:25 decentralized the curating by inviting each of the 5 young co-curators to organize their own “mini” show on a theme. The videos loop on five screens, each dedicated to a different theme: sex, the body, architecture, language or technology. The resulting experience is like going to five shows in one gallery. Same dancing split screen video–it really is a fun piece. The individual pieces are short, and some of those I saw are very good. Mariya Dimov’s upside down whirling dervish is a great take on everything from voyeurism to religious imagery to torture; David Romberg’s split-screen hip hop dance sampler shows the same dance moves around the world and is a great embrace of humanity as well as technology; Jennie Thwing’s video of a sock-puppet-like leg snaking its way through a landscape is Pee Wee Herman meets Brothers Grimm—terrific and terrifically odd. Mariya Dimov’s upside down dervish. A performance/torture/religion piece. Seating was not available for comfortable viewing when I was there at the crowded opening. But I’m assured there is now seating which is great because standing to watch time-based media is an immediate turn-off. Alana Bograd’s swirling paintings look bolder and stronger than ever. In Slought’s back gallery is another show, also, like 1:5:25, part of its emerging artist series. Alana Bograd’s large colorful, loop-de-loop paintings are standouts; digital portraits of mom and dad and digital video by Asher Barkley are worth a look as are installations by Tina Zavitsanos and Aki Torri and deadpan photos by Didier Clain. Constantina Zavitsanos’ mirror and video piece catches you coming and going. Zavitsanos has a similar piece in her Fleisher Challenge show. “New Media in the White Cube and Beyond,” a collection of essays on the phenomena of all things new media (video, internet art, game-hacking art, etc) provides examples of alternative modes of display for mediated art. Implied throughout the many essays is the need to engage the viewer and prevent viewer fatigue or frustration for works that demand much more than a painting does. Sarah Cooke’s essay suggests, among other things, “one night stands,” instead of the 30-day show, for work that would benefit from artist-viewer interaction and explication. Didier Clain’s street photos. Asher Barkley, portrait of mom done with paint samples. It’s a great idea and would work perfectly for “1:5:25.” Maybe five one night stands, one for each theme, would allow viewers to get a grip and digest individually what’s presented here as a big smorgasbord. Total0 Share0 Tweet0 Email0 Tags alana bograd, asher barkley, constantina zavitsanos, david romberg, didier clain, mariya dimov, slought foundation Reviews Artists Galleries Writers  Previous Metals on display - Part 2 of Susan Myers' report on SNAG Next  Virtual brushes on New Yorker cover sponsored Recently on Artblog Sponsored Post Temple Contemporary Presents Rajni Perera’s Beyond the Words of Earth December 6, 2022 by Tyler School of Art and Architecture Features Cindy Stockton Moore’s alchemical art revealed in a studio visit November 29, 2022 by Roberta Features As the world turns, some quirky buildings adapt, here are five November 29, 2022 by Dereck Stafford Mangus News New City money for the Arts! Artblog is N.I.C.E. Plus, Paradigm, Facture, and Chef Kurt Evans’ End Mass Incarceration dinners
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Convocatòria sessió plenària Consell Comarcal Anoia 20 de juliol de 2021 - Consell Comarcal de l'Anoia Consell Comarcal de l'Anoia · Plaça de Sant. Miquel, 5 · 08700 Igualada · Tel. 93 805 15 85 RSS Feed Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Portal de l’empleat Inici Consell Comarcal de l’Anoia Salutació Estructura Àrees Comissió de Govern El Ple Junta de Portaveus Ubicació Municipis Actualitat Notícies El Consell Comarcal rebrà una subvenció de 150.000 euros del Govern d’Espanya per impulsar el projecte ‘Anoia en Transició’ Notícies El Consell Comarcal de l’Anoia realitza una campanya per prendre consciència i fer visible la violència masclista Notícies El Consell Comarcal de l’Anoia impulsa un projecte de prevenció del bullying per entitats, empreses i associacions de l’educació no formal Notícies El Consell Comarcal i Anoia Turisme celebren la 2a Nit del Turisme, promovent la col·laboració entre els diferents agents del sector Notícies El Consell Comarcal proposa una xerrada en línia per ensenyar comerços i establiments a detectar casos de maltractament a persones grans Notícies Agenda Departaments Secretaria Edicte Benestar Social i Atenció a la Ciutadania Unitat de Serveis Socials Unitat d’ Infància, Adolescència i Famílies Unitat de Vellesa, Discapacitat i Salut Mental Envelliment Actiu Atenció a les situacions de maltractament Discapacitat Salut Mental Voluntariat Unitat de Ciutadania i Convivència Pla de Ciutadania i Convivència de l’Anoia Moviments migratoris: servei de primera acollida Servei de Traducció i Interpretació Intercultural Servei de Mediació Ciutadana Convivència Materials de Consulta i Prèstec Observatori de les Migracions Unitat d’Igualtat i Famílies SIAD Anoia Servei d’atenció i acolliment d’urgència Servei d’Informació i Atenció a les Dones nouvingudes Altres recursos d’atenció a les dones Protocol per a l’abordatge de la violència masclista SAI – LGTBI Material i recursos d’interès Acompanyament Famílies Serveis Territorials i Habitatge OLH – Oficina Local Habitatge Borsa d’Habitatge per al Lloguer Social de l’Anoia Serveis territorials Medi ambient Planta de Compostatge de Jorba Prevenció d’Incendis Promoció Econòmica Servei d’Orientació Laboral Servei a l’Empresa Servei de Formació Projectes Estratègics Participació Ciutadana Servei de Participació Ciutadana Programes de suport del Servei de Participació Ciutadana Turisme Tecnologies de la informació i la comunicació Consum Com reclamar? Horaris de l’oficina comarcal d’informació al consumidor Avisos Joventut Servei Comarcal de Català de l’Anoia Servei Comarcal de Català Voluntariat per la llengua Oficina Comarcal d’Administració Electrònica Entitat de Registre TCAT Com obtenir un Certificat Digital? Certificats Personals Certificats d’Entitat Certificats de Dispositiu Ensenyament Sol·licitud transport escolar Beques Menjador (Ajuts Individuals de Menjador) Centres de la Comarca E-administració Seu Electrònica e-TRAC Notificacions Telemàtiques (e-NOTUM) Servei de recepció de factura electrònica (e-FACT) Servei de Certificació digital (IDCAT) Contacte AgendaConvocatòria sessió plenària Consell Comarcal Anoia 20 de juliol de 2021 Agenda Convocatòria sessió plenària Consell Comarcal Anoia 20 de juliol de 2021 19 de juliol de 2021 Us faig tramesa de l’acord de convocatòria que ha dictat el Sr. President del Consell Comarcal de l’Anoia, en virtut d’allò que disposa l’article 53,1 c) del DL 2/2003 de 28 d’abril pel qual s’aprova el text refós d ela Llei municipal i de règim local de Catalunya, l’art. 78 del RD 2568/1986 de 28 de novembre CONVOCATÒRIA Us convoco a la reunió ordinària del Ple d’aquest Consell Comarcal que tindrà lloc el proper dia 20 de juliol de 2021, a les 19.00 hores a la seu del Campus Motor Anoia, d’acord amb allò que disposa l’art. 85 del RD 2568/1986, de 28 de novembre, ROF ORDRE DEL DIA: 1.- Aprovació acta anterior. 2.- Despatx de Presidència. 3.- Decrets de Presidència. 4.- Dació compte Pla anual de Control intern exercici 2021. 5.- Proposta acord modificació de crèdit núm. 6/2021. 6.- Proposta acord de reconeixement extrajudicial de crèdit. 7.- Proposta acord bases reguladores ajuts foment del lloguer i gestió d’habitatge assequible. 8.- Proposta acord ajuts directe entitat Creu Roja Anoia, programa Espai trobada familiar. 9.- Proposta acord convenis col·laboració programa Vellesa Activa 2021. 10.- Proposta acord conveni col·laboració Dept. Educació – Fundació Ernest Guillé – CC Anoia. 11.- Proposta acord conveni desenvolupament protocol general programes de suport a la cobertura de llocs de treball en funcions tècniques, funcions reservades i captació de jove talent amb DIBA. 12.- Proposta acord conveni col·laboració amb la mercantil CESPA GRS per la regulació del preu d’abocament al dipòsit controlat de Can Mata. 13.- Proposta acord pròrroga servei de transport escolar amb la mercantil Gibert i Gibert SL a l’Escola Àuria. 14.- Proposta acord modificació del Reglament de Transport Escolar del CC Anoia. 15.- Precs i Preguntes. Us notifico aquesta resolució, amb el recordatori de l’obligació de comunicar amb antelació suficient a la Secretaria del Consell Comarcal, les causes que impedeixin l’assistència. Share this: Facebook Twitter WhatsApp LinkedIn Print Last modified: 19 de juliol de 2021 Arxius Arxius Selecciona el mes novembre 2022 (16) octubre 2022 (12) setembre 2022 (9) juliol 2022 (9) juny 2022 (10) maig 2022 (12) abril 2022 (7) març 2022 (13) febrer 2022 (8) gener 2022 (12) desembre 2021 (9) novembre 2021 (14) octubre 2021 (12) setembre 2021 (10) agost 2021 (5) juliol 2021 (14) juny 2021 (17) maig 2021 (12) abril 2021 (8) març 2021 (14) febrer 2021 (6) gener 2021 (6) desembre 2020 (10) novembre 2020 (16) octubre 2020 (7) setembre 2020 (9) juliol 2020 (6) juny 2020 (11) maig 2020 (9) abril 2020 (11) març 2020 (11) febrer 2020 (10) gener 2020 (6) desembre 2019 (8) novembre 2019 (13) octubre 2019 (11) setembre 2019 (8) agost 2019 (1) juliol 2019 (6) juny 2019 (8) maig 2019 (4) abril 2019 (8) març 2019 (6) febrer 2019 (7) gener 2019 (2) desembre 2018 (6) novembre 2018 (7) octubre 2018 (9) setembre 2018 (7) agost 2018 (2) juliol 2018 (7) juny 2018 (7) maig 2018 (10) abril 2018 (11) març 2018 (11) febrer 2018 (10) gener 2018 (8) desembre 2017 (5) novembre 2017 (9) octubre 2017 (9) setembre 2017 (7) agost 2017 (1) juliol 2017 (9) juny 2017 (8) maig 2017 (9) abril 2017 (11) març 2017 (20) febrer 2017 (8) gener 2017 (11) desembre 2016 (10) novembre 2016 (12) octubre 2016 (13) setembre 2016 (7) juliol 2016 (5) juny 2016 (15) maig 2016 (9) abril 2016 (12) març 2016 (6) febrer 2016 (14) gener 2016 (8) desembre 2015 (14) novembre 2015 (13) octubre 2015 (13) setembre 2015 (5) agost 2015 (2) juliol 2015 (9) juny 2015 (9) maig 2015 (5) abril 2015 (7) març 2015 (12) febrer 2015 (5) gener 2015 (4) desembre 2014 (9) novembre 2014 (8) octubre 2014 (12) setembre 2014 (7) agost 2014 (1) juliol 2014 (10) juny 2014 (10) maig 2014 (14) abril 2014 (10) març 2014 (9) febrer 2014 (14) gener 2014 (5) desembre 2013 (4) novembre 2013 (17) octubre 2013 (10) setembre 2013 (8) juliol 2013 (7) juny 2013 (11) maig 2013 (16) abril 2013 (10) març 2013 (6) febrer 2013 (7) gener 2013 (10) desembre 2012 (6) novembre 2012 (12) octubre 2012 (18) setembre 2012 (8) agost 2012 (1) juliol 2012 (13) juny 2012 (10) maig 2012 (14) abril 2012 (13) març 2012 (12) febrer 2012 (12) gener 2012 (6) desembre 2011 (5) novembre 2011 (7) octubre 2011 (8) setembre 2011 (5) juliol 2011 (3) juny 2011 (6) maig 2011 (4) abril 2011 (1) març 2011 (7) febrer 2011 (6) gener 2011 (3) novembre 2010 (1) RSS Feed Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Plaça de Sant. 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Francisco Ortiz, entrenador al Club Futbol Montornès, explica com l'equip de veterans ha aconseguit pujar a la divisió d'honor.
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Local real estate rules require that you sign in or register to view certain information on this website, such as sold information and information related to some listings. We abide by the Privacy Code of the Canadian Real Estate Association. Please refer to our privacy policy for information about how we use the information you provide during registration. Check your email and type the verification code sent to your email. Sign Up Home Toronto Wexford-Maryvale 35 Freemon Redmon Circle E5434177 35 Freemon Redmon Circle No longer available Toronto, Wexford-Maryvale, M1R 0G3 $1,599,990 Description Listed by PMA BRETHOUR REAL ESTATE CORPORATION INC., BROKERAGE. Brand New Detached Home In An Outstanding New Community At Warden/Eglinton. The Crosstown Model Boasts Appr 2900 Sq Ft Of Fin Space, 4 Bdrm 5 Baths & Fin Bsmt. Thousands In Upgrades Inc 9' Ceilings & Oak H/W Thruout, Oak Stairs, B/I Fireplace, Pot Lights On Main & Master Retreat, Quartz Kit Counters & Many More! Breathtaking 3rd Fl Master Retreat. Close To Shops, Schools, Golden Mile, Nature And Cycling Trails, Eglinton Lrt. Rare Opportunity! New Const Home W/Tarion Warranty. Incl: 4 High End Energy Star S/S Appliances: Fridge, Stove, Microwave, D/W & White Front Loading W/D, A/C Unit, Hot Water Tank (Rental). Location View Map Address: 35 Freemon Redmon Circle Neighborhood: Wexford-Maryvale City: Toronto State: Ontario Postal Code: M1R 0G3 Property Details Property ID: E5434177 Property Price: $1,599,990 Style: Detached, 3-Storey Sq/Ft: 2500-3000 Rooms: 8+1 Bedrooms: 4 Bath: 5 Garages Spaces: 1 Garage: Attached Parking Spaces: 2 Year Built: New A/C: Central Air Basement: Finished Central Vac.: N Den: N Elevator: N Exterior: Brick Heating: Forced Air Fireplace: N Taxes: $0.00 (2020) Lot: 73.90x35.30 (Feet) - 35.3X74.3X35.3 Room details and dimensions Living Size: 22.86 Width: 3.81 Length: 6.00 Dining Size: 22.86 Width: 3.81 Length: 6.00 Kitchen Size: 9.98 Width: 2.98 Length: 3.35 2nd Br Size: 9.51 Width: 3.29 Length: 2.89 3rd Br Size: 8.60 Width: 2.80 Length: 3.07 4th Br Size: 13.53 Width: 4.45 Length: 3.04 Den Size: 9.06 Width: 3.87 Length: 2.34 Prim Bdrm Size: 33.64 Width: 3.93 Length: 8.56 Statistics for similar Detached homes in Wexford-Maryvale The graph below compares the average list price and average sale price of homes in this neighborhood by month for the last 24 months. When average sale price is greater than average list price, this may suggest a buyer's market. When average sale price is lower than the average list price this may suggest a seller's market. Average days on market for similar Detached homes in Wexford-Maryvale The graph below illustrates the average days on market for homes in this neighborhood. The yellow area may indicate a buyer's market, the green area may indicate a balanced market and the red area may indicate a seller's market. Number of transactions for similar Detached homes in Wexford-Maryvale Recently Sold Sold 303 days ago 44 Tower Drive Toronto, Wexford-Maryvale, M1R3N9 $899,000 $000000 Sold 315 days ago 75 Ellington Drive Toronto, Wexford-Maryvale, M1R 3Y2 $1,079,000 $000000 Sold 320 days ago 38 Compton Drive Toronto, Wexford-Maryvale, M1R4A7 $2,199,900 $000000 Contact Manoj Kukreja Sales Representative, Re/max Premier Inc., Brokerage (647) 370 - 0992 Send Message Re/max Premier Inc., Brokerage 9100 Jane St Building L, Suite 77 Vaughan, ON L4K 0A4 Email Us (647) 370 - 0992 Follow us on ©Re/max Premier 2022. All rights reserved. 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Es rebaixen les penes per als condemnats i exiliats independentistes. Es manté el delicte de rebel·lió per castigar futurs desafiaments al Règim del 78. S'incorpora un nou tipus penal que augmentarà les penes contra la protesta social. Sergio Linares divendres 11 de novembre L’anunciada reforma del delicte de sedició presentada aquest dijous pel PSOE i Unidas Podemos queda lluny, molt lluny, de derogar del Codi Penal tipus delictius d’excepció. És més, amb l’aplicació del nou delicte de “desordres públics agreujats” és molt probable que vegem augmentar el nombre de condemnes a presó contra activistes socials i polítics pels quals fins avui l’acusació de sedició era massa exagerada fins per al lliberticida règim espanyol. Com quedarien els processaments pel referèndum de l’1-O? Segons l’anunciat, la proposta del govern de coalició, que compta amb el suport d’ERC, rebaixaria la pena màxima de 15 a 5 anys per als condemnats i encausats per sedició arran del referèndum de l’1-O a Catalunya. Per als qui van ser indultats, la reforma no afectarà el seu estat de llibertat, encara que sí que podran veure reduïdes les seves penes d’inhabilitació -que passen de 13 a 8 anys de màxim-. Per als exiliats, en cas de tornar, podrien veure rebaixades les peticions de presó. El repartiment de “gràcia” no és igual per a tots. Carles Puigdemont i els exconsellers Toni Comín i Clara Ponsatí, estan acusats per sedició, malversació i desobediència. Mentre que l’exconseller Lluís Puig i la secretària general d’ERC, Marta Rovira, ho estan per malversació i desobediència el primer, i només per sedició la dirigent republicana. La més beneficiada seria Marta Rovira, que quedaria en un ventall de 3 a 5 anys de presó. Els tres primers haurien de sumar això a la pena pels altres delictes, que podria sumar uns altres 8 anys, i Lluís Puig a una possible pena màxima del mateix temps. En quant a inhabilitacions, els ja condemnats van ser indultats parcialment només de la pena de privació de llibertat. Es manté, per tant, la seva inhabilitació i la consegüent prohibició de que es presentin a eleccions. No obstant, la rebaixa a 8 anys d’aquesta pena permetria que Oriol Junqueras pogués ser candidat a les pròximes eleccions autonòmiques catalanes previstes per el 2025. Evitarà aquesta reforma nous judicis sumaris contra altres dissidents polítics? La resposta a aquesta pregunta és clarament no. El delicte de sedició desapareix com a tal del Codi Penal, però queda intacte el tipus penal de “rebel·lió”, que té una pena màxima de 30 anys de presó. L’aplicació d’aquest tipus penal a la protesta social o moviments que desafiïn el Règim del 78, com va ocórrer amb el català, no sols no es pot descartar sinó que és molt probable que succeeixi. Al mateix judici del procés aquesta va ser l’acusació no només de l’extrema dreta de Vox, sinó de la Fiscalia General de l’Estat. Finalment, el Tribunal Suprem va condemnar assumint les tesis de l’Advocacia de l’Estat, controlada ja pel govern del PSOE. Però l’absència d’un tipus com el de sedició pot afavorir que en següents embats repressius s’apliqui el de rebel·lió amb penes tan dures o més que les que vam veure en la sentència de 2019. Com afectarà la reforma al dret a la protesta? çEl més pèrfid de la reforma és que el nou tipus de “desordres públics agreujats” pot acabar sent una nova i més ofensiva eina en mans de la Judicatura i la Fiscalia. L’element que determinarà que una acusació pugui passar del delicte de desordres públics - amb una pena màxima de 3 anys - a un de “agreujats” - amb 5 - serà que l’“alteració de la pau pública” es faci en grup. El que podem arribar a veure en els pròxims mesos i anys és un enduriment de les penes contra la protesta social. Alguna cosa que, unit al manteniment de la Llei Mordassa i la resta de la legislació lliberticida per part de l’anomenat govern “progressista”, dibuixa un futur immediat cada vegada més autoritari. Lluny de celebrar la reforma, com fan els dirigents d’ERC i la progressia mediàtica, i malgrat els naturals atacs que li llança la dreta i l’extrema dreta, estem davant un acord entre els qui governen a Moncloa i Palau per consolidar la restauració de la normalitat autonòmica. L’única solució que podria començar a posar fi a l’escalada repressiva contra la protesta social i la dissidència política iniciada pel govern de Rajoy és l’amnistia per als milers d’encausats i empresonats, al costat de la derogació de la Llei Mordassa i la resta de legislació contra els drets i llibertats democràtiques. Res d’això està a l’agenda ni del PSOE, ni d’Unidas Podemos, ni d’ERC. Sedició Govern de coalició PSOE-UP Catalunya Judici al Procés Règim del ’78 Autodeterminació de Catalunya Catalunya Sergio Linares Catalunya Veus crítiques contra el nou delicte de desordres públics agreujats EsquerraDiari.cat L’ANC convoca a una manifestació davant l’ampliació del delicte de desordres greus EsquerraDiari.cat CGT Catalunya: "Més repressió a la protesta a canvi d’eliminar la sedició" EsquerraDiari.cat Òmnium: "el delicte de desordres públics agreujats és un pas en la criminalització de la dissidència política" EsquerraDiari.cat Política La reforma del delicte de malversació podria afavorir a condemnats pels casos ERE, Noos i Gürtel Roberto Bordón Impressionant marea blanca desborda Madrid en defensa de la sanitat pública EsquerraDiari.cat Els beneficis de l’IBEX 35 des de principi d’any equivalen a 6 vegades el pressupost per a educació a Espanya Irene Olano Massacre de Melilla: “Les víctimes s’han produït en territori sota l’autoritat espanyola” Roberto Bordón Argentina Brasil Mèxic Xile Itàlia Estat Espanyol Estats Units França Alemanya Uruguai Perú Veneçuela Bolívia Costa Rica
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Ja s’han publicat els calendaris d’exàmens pels alumnes oficials presencials, lliures, EOIES i That’s English.
ARLINGTON, Texas — No. 10 Arkansas jumped out to a 14-0 lead against No. 23 Texas A&M in the first quarter and appeared headed for its fourth win, but then some questionable decisions plus a turnover and missed field goal allowed the Aggies to take a 23-21 win. “Well, that was a tough one,” Sam Pittman said. “Give A&M all the credit in the world. You know, they fought back from 14 down. And, you know, had a couple big plays in there, a big run, and then certainly a big fumble and the recovery. “But I was proud of our kids. I thought we fought back in the 4th quarter. We had a chance to win there at the end. Just, unfortunately, we didn’t. But give A&M credit. They came in. They were physical. They were well coached. Max Johnson made enough plays. And their offensive line blocked well in the run.” The Hogs have dominated the fourth quarter the past two weeks and appeared set to be in position to take a win over the Aggies. Texas A&M missed a 53-yard field goal attempt with 6:30 remaining in the game. The Razorbacks took over at their own 36 and many felt another winning drive was set to take place. Arkansas took nine plays to move to the Aggies 23 where they faced a fourth-and-12 play. Little came on to attempt a 43-yard field goal that he pushed to the right. It hit the top of the upright and bounced back to allow A&M to get the ball back with 1:35 remaining and run out the clock. Texas A&M (3-1, 1-0) opened SEC play with the win. “He just pushed it a little bit,” Pittman said. “Didn’t hit it real well, just pushed it a little bit and hit, obviously, the top of the goal posts. After the game, I told him that he’s won a lot of games for us and he’ll win a lot more. “But, I mean, you know, he’s distraught. But he didn’t mean to miss it. It just didn’t go through. And we had a lot more opportunities than just that, you know. But it came down to that — you know, that play. And just we were unfortunate. But he’ll win a lot of ballgames for us before his career is over, and he already has.” Arkansas (3-1, 1-1) got on the scoreboard on its second possession when KJ Jefferson found Ketron Jackson for a 32-yard touchdown with 9:44 remaining in the first quarter. The drive was five plays and covered 69 yards taking on one minute, 43 seconds. On its next possession, Jefferson found a wide open Warren Thompson for a 56-yard touchdown to take a 14-0 lead with 5:25 remaining in the opening period. Little added the PAT on both touchdowns. To start the second quarter Arkansas had the ball facing a third and four at its own 21. Jefferson scrambled for 14 yards and a first down. This series had started at the Arkansas 15 following another three-and-out sequence for the Aggies. This series marked the debut of running back Dominique Johnson. His first carry was for only one yard. But then he had runs of 12, eight and seven yards to give Arkansas the football a first down at the Texas A&M 38. It appeared the Hogs were on the verge of going up 21-0, but with first down at the Aggies 38 Arkansas went away from Johnson. They inserted Malik Hornsby at receiver. On first down, Jefferson threw incomplete to Hornsby. On second down Hornsby lost one yard. He was held to no yards on third down. Max Fletcher had to punt. The Aggies quickly turned the momentum following that series. Running back Devon Achane raced 63 yards on the first play of the drive to take the ball from his own seven to the Arkansas 30. Max Johnson threw a 10-yard pass to Evan Stewart to get the Aggies on the scoreboard. It was a six-play, 93 yard-drive. Randy Bond added the point after touchdown to pull within 14-7 with 8:45 remaining in the first half. Arkansas then went on a drive of its own. The Hogs drove from their own 25 to the Texas A&M three. They had a mixture of running plays by Jefferson and Rocket Sanders to go with 12- and 16-yard passes to Jadon Haselwood. But on first down, Jefferson tried to jump from the three and stuck the ball out. The fumble was caused by Chris Russell Jr, recovered by Tyreek Chappell who returned it to his own 18. At the 18, Chappell handed the ball back to Demani Richardson who scampered 82 yards for a touchdown. The PAT snap wasn’t good and the Aggies had to try to run it in which the Hogs denied. Arkansas led 14-13 with 3:11 remaining in the first half. “You know, I mean, it was a huge play, obviously. It went from 21-7 to 14-13,” Pittman said. “It was first down too. You know, we had a list of things. It was a huge play in the game. Unfortunately, it happened to us. But, you know, we can’t do that on first down, you know. If it was fourth down, that’s a different story. Unfortunately, it just got popped out.” For the game, Jefferson led the Hogs in rushing with 18 carries for 105 yards and a touchdown. He completed 12 of 19 passes for 171yards and two touchdowns while only being sacked once. The Aggies took the lead for the first time on its first series of the second half. They went 70 yards in six plays with Achane covering the final nine yards for a 20-14 advantage. On its next series, Bond added a 31-yard field goal with 3:48 remaining in the third quarter to put the Aggies up 23-14. Arkansas fought back on its first drive of the fourth quarter. Jefferson led the Hogs on a 13-play, 74-yard drive with him running it in from the six. That pulled the Hogs to within 23-21 with 10:05 remaining in the game. At that point, many of the 63,580 fans felt the Hogs were likely to be on verge of another comeback. On the drive for the touchdown, Arkansas got good runs from AJ Green, an 18-yard pass from Jefferson to tight end Trey Knox, 19-yard pass to Haselwood and some nice gains on the ground from Sanders and Jefferson. That set up for the ending where both teams missed field goals. Arkansas will return home to host No. 2 Alabama at 2:30 p.m. on CBS Saturday. Copyright 2022 Nexstar Media Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
LES EMOCIONS OBREN L'ESCOLA DE FAMÍLIES DE GUISSONA Aquest dimarts va engegar l’Escola de famílies a Guissona amb la primera xerrada presencial després de la parada de dos any per la pandèmia, titulada "Què són les emocions, per a què serveixen i com actuar davant les emocions dels nostres fills i filles". https://www.guissona.cat/actualitat/noticies/les-emocions-obren-lescola-de-families-de-guissona https://www.guissona.cat/actualitat/noticies/les-emocions-obren-lescola-de-families-de-guissona/@@download/image/escolafamilies.jpeg LES EMOCIONS OBREN L'ESCOLA DE FAMÍLIES DE GUISSONA Aquest dimarts va engegar l’Escola de famílies a Guissona amb la primera xerrada presencial després de la parada de dos any per la pandèmia, titulada "Què són les emocions, per a què serveixen i com actuar davant les emocions dels nostres fills i filles". DIMECRES 23 NOVEMBRE 2022 La xerrada va anar a càrrec de Mònica Gasa, psicòloga especialitzada en neurociència i educació, fundadora de Psicosalut Lleida, professional de Programa Nereu i docent universitària del Departament de Psicopedagogia de la Universitat de Lleida. Una sessió en la qual una trentena de famílies vam aprendre a treballar l’educació emocional, a com actuar com a models de conducta i com afrontar les situacions que ens toca viure: parlar sobre el que preocupa, ajudar a gestionar les diverses situacions, felicitar pels avenços, potenciar l’autonomia i els recursos personals. Aquesta xerrada s’emmarca a una programació promoguda pels plans educatius d’entorn de Guissona i Cervera, juntament amb l'Oficina Jove de la Segarra, en el marc del cicle "Escola de famílies" del curs 2022-2023. Aquestes xerrades, en el cas de Guissona són escollides i consensuades amb les AFES, a les que agraïm la seva implicació. La propera proposta sobre l’ús responsable de les pantalles tindrà lloc a Cervera, el pròxim 30 de novembre.
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Aplicacions Cerca conjunts de dades BENVINGUTS, BENVINGUDES REUSOPENDATA ÉS EL PORTAL DE DADES OBERTES DE L'AJUNTAMENT DE REUS DESCOBREIX LES DADES QUE T’ENVOLTEN Inici Conjunt de dades Cerca conjunts de dades Submit Ordena per Rellevància Nom ascendent Nom descendent Últim modificat Ves 1 conjunt de dades trobat Organitzacions: Ajuntament de Reus Formats: HTML CSV XML GeoJSON Etiquetes: interès salut Escornalbou paisatge Filtrar resultats Ruta Puigcerver a Baronia Escornalbou Recorregut de 57 km només apta per als més entrenats. Des de la plana de Reus fins la Miranda de Puigcerver, amb espectaculars panoràmiques, per acabar després a raconades de...
Southern charm meets modern luxury at our gorgeous waterfront property with recently renovated restaurant spaces and 13 spacious suites. 44 rooms include private...
El restaurant It… Food&Drink de Lleida acollirà aquest dissabte, dia 4 d’abril, una presentació de vins de Croàcia dirigida per Ante Bacic, un dels enòlegs més prestigiosos del país adriàtic i molt conegut arreu del món per tasca de difusió i promoció dels vins croates que realitza. El principal objectiu de la trobada serà donar a conèixer la gran qualitat i singularitat dels vins d’aquesta regió que, en moltes zones, té gran similitud amb Catalunya.La presentació serà un dinar de maridatge –fusió de les cuines catalana i croata– i es tastaran i comentaran els diferents vins. Comparteix: Deixa un comentari L'adreça electrònica no es publicarà. Els camps necessaris estan marcats amb * Comentari * Nom * Correu electrònic * Lloc web Δ PrevAnteriorCurs de cuina creativa amb el xef Mateu Blanch a Almenar SegüentPinot Gastrothèque, el restaurant de mitges racions i vins de BalàfiaNext Articles Relacionats Raül Bobet presenta els seus vins del Pirineu del Castell d’Encus a L’Espurna Dins el cicle de sopars de maridatge que programa la Ruta del Vi de Lleida L’enòleg i propietari de Castell d’Encus, Raül Bobet, va presentar ahir El Xup Xup Solidari recapta 9.500 euros a benefici d’Arrels El Xup Xup Solidari va congregar ahir al vespre 220 persones amb una recaptació de 9.500 euros a benefici d’Arrels- Sant Ignasi. Les societats gastronòmiques La DO Costers del Segre premiarà els seus millors vins Nou concurs per promocionar els vins de la demarcació lleidatana Amb el suport del Patronat de Promoció Econòmica de la Diputació de Lleida i coordinació 810.000 euros per una bota de Corton Grand Cru a benefici de la infància Nou rècord de subhasta dels Hospices de Beaune amb una recaptació de 28.978.500€ euros La subhasta dels Hospices de Beaune celebrada aquesta tarda de diumenge, dia 20 Avís Legal Política de Cookies Política de Privacitat Menu Avís Legal Política de Cookies Política de Privacitat C/ Vila de Foix 2, 2n 2a. 25002 Lleida. 973 273 977 – [email protected] Estem utilitzant cookies per oferir-te la millor experiència al nostre lloc web. Podeu obtenir més informació sobre quines galetes estem utilitzant o desactivar-les Opcions. Accepta Rebutja Opcions Opcions Tanca els paràmetres de les galetes RGPD Visió general de privadesa Necessaries Analytics Visió general de privadesa Aquest lloc web utilitza cookies perquè puguem oferir-te la millor experiència d'usuari possible. La informació de les galetes s'emmagatzema al vostre navegador i realitza funcions com ara reconèixer-vos quan torneu al nostre lloc web i ajudar el nostre equip a entendre quines seccions del lloc web trobeu més interessants i útils. Necessaries Les galetes estrictament necessàries han d'estar activades en tot moment perquè puguem desar les vostres preferències per a la configuració de les galetes. Activa o desactiva les galetes Si desactiveu aquestes galetes, no podrem desar les vostres preferències. Això vol dir que cada vegada que visiteu aquest lloc web haureu de tornar a habilitar o desactivar les cookies. Analytics Aquest lloc web utilitza Google Analytics per recopilar informació anònima, com ara el nombre de visitants del lloc i les pàgines més populars. Mantenir aquesta galeta activada ens ajuda a millorar el nostre lloc web. Activa o desactiva les galetes Si us plau, activeu primer les galetes estrictament necessàries perquè puguem desar les vostres preferències!
During one of the conversations series organized by the 2020 Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF), thed iconic fest's executive director and co-head Joana Vicente catches up with Hollywood stars Kate Winslet and Saoirse Ronan in Francis Lee directed 'Ammonite'. The romantic drama is inspired by the life of 19th century British palaeontologist Mary Anning (Kate Winslet) who was in an all-consuming same-sex love with geologist Charlotte Murchison (Saoirse Ronan). Asha Bajaj brings you excerpts: To Kate: Your performance is both beautiful and powerful. How did you approach the character of Mary, who was so brilliant, and yet struggled with the constraints of being a woman and a scientist in 19th century England? Kate: Women's purpose at that time was to only get married to a man in order to have a life and a livelihood. Being poor, Mary did not marry a man in order to lift herself out of poverty. She continued to do fossil hunting taught by her father and felt that by doing this work she was honoring her father’s memory who was long dead. Not accepted by society, and left to work alone led people to believe she was rebellious or demonstrative. I approached the situation by learning fossil hunting for about a month by working with paleontologists and also got arts training from artists since Mary was a good artist. To Kate: What was most challenging for you during the filming? My most challenging part was embracing Mary’s stillness. Being an animated person, I had to train myself from not moving all the time. Like Mary, I also had to keep myself aloof. The daily routine I followed was to go home, make soups, write and work scenes for the next day, and go to bed until the routine became anchored in me, which helped me to stay rooted in Mary. It also reduced my anxiety and nervousness about enacting same-sex relationships every day or being panicked thinking about people’s reactions to my accent and to my role. I kept reassuring myself that the things I had planned to do and discuss with Francis would hopefully underpin me throughout. To Kate: What was the chemistry like with Ronan? Finally, when Ronan and I started real rehearsals, it was clear that our collaboration would be fun, and rewarding. Having met before and been familiar with each other’s way of working, building our friendship was quite seamless. To Ronan: You play geologist Martienssen like a real person. What was your approach to this role? Ronan: It progressed through preparation when Francis and I started talking once or twice a week a month about our relationships, enabling us to take a dip into Mary (played by Kate)'s everyday life. It was important to remember that this was just an imagined version of these people's original stories and their lives and we were giving it a life of its own. I started keeping a diary of Kate, writing down various simple facts like her relationships with family and friends so that when we started rehearsals, we already knew Mary well. Kate and Francis laid more emphasis on my role which built her up. To Kate and Ronan: The movie had a long rehearsal. Can you comment on that? Kate: Climbing cliffs and going to cold beaches did not matter. What terrified me most was enacting delicately constructed same-sex relationships with Ronan every day. We used to discuss these delicately written and delicately constructed parts a lot. What most impressed me when I watch this film is the same-sex romantic relationship, intimate relationship in a period setting. They are not hiding, not having to avoid society. They are simply in love and they discover who they truly are through this connection that they form. Same-sex does not really matter. I am proud of that because it makes me feel that Ronan and I along with Francis are part of a big important change here. More of these kinds of stories should be filmed showing that these relationships are absolutely commonplace, not hidden or talked about or salacious. I am very proud of that. Ronan and I did a lot of work in that we were very grounded and connected and never overstated. We enjoyed that side of the story. Neither of us had played such parts before. It was new, interesting and I loved the whole experience. Very honored to be part of the story. Ronan: I actually felt safe in that environment as well and comfortable because I was with someone that I totally trusted. To Kate: What was your realisation playing a character in love with a woman? Kate: Although both Ronan and I enjoyed the whole experience, it made me emotional and I questioned myself [on] how I allowed myself to be steered by writing in the past when I had been a part of something that has been a male and female relationship. So often the part of a romance is a man taking the woman and the woman allowing herself to be taken. It made me feel mad at myself. Have I done that? I am used to speaking for myself. I am strong. But things tend to automatically happen in writing when it is about a heterosexual couple in an intimate setting. There was something so incredibly equal about this that it made me feel quite emotional, grounded, and safe. We are women, and women know what they want. So there was a sort of shorthand that we already had that was fantastic and definitely helped.
El Centre Quim Soler, la literatura i el vi, com a continuïtat del projecte “Terra i vi” que l’any passat va presentar amb el seu creador Josep Barjuan, a la Fira del Vi de Falset, enguany us proposa el projecte intitulat LES CARES DEL VI. Aquest projecte fa un pas més en l’objectiu de plasmar en el treball artístic els elements de la cultura del vi que en la dinàmica dels darrers anys han estat determinants en la vida i evolució del Priorat. Aquest projecte vol posar imatges i paraules a la realitat i l’esforç de tota la gent, la majoria de manera anònima, que han fet possible aquesta transformació que ha comportat que la realitat del Priorat s'associï a qualitat, superació, promoció i il·lusió. Són imatges reals de persones que han col·laborat en aquest procés enriquidor i amb aquest treball volem, en certa manera, homenatjar-les i fer-les visibles en l’àmbit de la cultura. LES CARES DEL VI se centra en una exposició, de caràcter itinerant, el contingut de la qual el formen vint dibuixos i deu textos literaris. La primera exposició va tenir lloc durant la Fira del Vi de Falset els dies 1, 2 i 3 de maig de 2010. Els dibuixos són de persones, homes i dones, que han dedicat i dediquen el seu esforç al món del vi, en tots els seus camps: pagesos, (en actiu o ja retirats) enòlegs, cooperativistes, treballadors, comercials, etc, que conformen l’ampli ventall de les feines relacionades amb el vi. En tots els dibuixos s’ha utilitzat el vi de les DO Montsant i DOQ Priorat com a part important de la composició. Tots els dibuixos són obra de Josep Barjuan. Els textos literaris (prosa, poesia, prosa poètica...) són el contrapunt i complement a les imatges, amb la finalitat d’ampliar i completar el lligam entre les persones i tot el seu món, amb la terra que treballen i els treballa i , en definitiva, els identifica. Són textos breus que permeten una agradable lectura en les exposicions. Els seus autors són una barreja, meitat i meitat, d’escriptors reconeguts de fora de la comarca i d’escriptors residents al Priorat: Pere Audí, Jordi Coca, Fede Cortés, Agustí, Masip i Vidal, Maria-Antònia Oliver , Toni Orensanz, Maria Mercè Roca, Màrius Serra, Emili Teixidor i Roser Vernet Anguera En el marc de la 15a Fira del Vi de Falset els passats dies 1, 2 i 3 de maig es va fer l’exposició dels dibuixos i dels textos en el Castell de Falset. Van assistir a la inauguració, a banda del Director General de l'INCAVI, Oriol Guevara Sendra i l'alcalde de Falset, Jesús Torralba López, l'autor dels dibuixos, Josep Barjuan, la major part dels escriptors que han col·laborat en el projecte: Pere Audí, Jordi Coca, Fede Cortés, Agustí Masip i Vidal, Toni Orensanz. Maria Mercè Roca, Màrius Serra i Roser Vernet Anguera, així com Oriol Izquierdo, director de la Institució de les Lletres Catalanes, que col·labora en el projecte. Han estat patrocinadors d'aquesta iniciativa, l'Ajuntament de Falset, el Consell Regulador de la DO Montsant i la Cooperativa del Masroig. No hi ha entrades. No hi ha entrades. Inici Subscriure's a: Missatges (Atom) TROBADA D'ESCRIPTORS AL MASROIG 12 de desembre de 2009 LES CARES DEL VI El Masroig, 12 de desembre de 2009 El passat dissabte 12 de desembre va tenir lloc al Priorat la trobada dels escriptors que donaran suport escrit al projecte LES CARES DEL VI, que té com objectiu homenatjar les persones anònimes que han aconseguit que els vins de les DOQ i DO Priorat i Montsant tinguin ressò mundial. Els escriptors que no són de la comarca es van trobar a la Cooperativa del Masroig on se’ls va ensenyar la cooperativa i els trulls i es va fer una degustació dels vins del celler. Aquests escriptors són: EMILI TEIXIDOR JORDI COCA MARIA-ANTÒNIA OLIVER MARIA MERCÈ ROCA MÀRIUS SERRA A la tarda es van trobar amb la resta dels escriptors de la comarca que també intervindran en el projecte. AGUSTÍ MASIP I VIDAL FEDE CORTÉS PERE AUDÍ ROSER VERNET ANGUERA TONI ORENSANZ ----------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- TERRA I VI 2009 TERRA I VI , dibuixos de Josep Barjuan i poemes de Jordi Carrió és un projecte que es va exposar per primera vegada al Priorat, al castell de Falset durant els dies 1,2 i 3 de maig en el marc de la fira del vi de 2009. Posteriorment s’ha exposat a Porrera i al Masroig i el Masnou. El projecte té com a elements centrals una publicació numerada i signada i l’exposició de les estampes digitals i els poemes que la composen i gira al voltant dels eixos vi i literatura – vi i art – vi i paisatge. Aquesta exposició il·lustra de manera clara la correspondència entre aquests elements, que confereixen un valor afegit als vins de qualitat reconeguda de les denominacions d’origen de la comarca (DOQ Priorat i DO Montsant). El maridatge entre els nostres vins singulars, que impregnen els dibuixos i inspiren els poemes, és una mostra de diferents expressions de l’art i, alhora, il·lustra l’aposta de futur dels nostres cellers, basada en el perfeccionament i la superació constants. LLISTA DE PREUS 2009 PER ADQUIRIR UN EXEMPLAR COMPLERT O DIBUIXOS PER SEPARAT CAL DIRIGIRSE A : [email protected] La present col·lecció consta de 20 estampes digitals –giclée- ( amb tintes pigmentades ultrachrome) damunt paper (Somerset enhanced Velvet 255g) de dimensions 26 x 26 cm a partir de dibuixos realitzats amb llapis i vi de les DOQ Priorat i DO Montsant de Josep Barjuan i 10 poemes de Jordi Carrió serigrafiats sobre el mateix paper. Completa la col·lecció una portada, la introducció de l’escriptor Jordi Coca i una làmina de crèdits i patrocini serigrafiats sobre el mateix paper. Aquesta publicació la formen 20 exemplars únics, numerats de l’ 1 al 20 i signats pels seus autors a la part posterior de cada làmina. Cada exemplar es presenta en una caixa de fusta de pollancre de mides interiors 263x267x20mm en cru, amb tapa corredissa i nansa de corda de cotó. La tapa està serigrafiada a una tinta de color.
El pols entre Endesa i el govern municipal de Barcelona pels talls de llum aquest gener té un capítol particular al Raval. Diversos carrers del barri han patit interrupcions del subministrament, tant al desembre per una complexa avaria en un clavegueram, com aquest gener durant l’onada de fred. El regidor de Ciutat Vella, Jordi Rabassa (BComú), ha anunciat una reunió amb la companyia la setmana vinent per acordar com “reparar i actualitzar” una xarxa elèctrica que considera “obsoleta”. La companyia no ho veu així: Endesa diu que té un paquet d’obres fetes al barri que esperen llum verda municipal per a la posada en servei. Si no s’han activat encara és perquè comporten una apagada elèctrica important que deixaria les llars sense calefacció, diu la firma. El districte, en canvi, assegura que no ha rebut cap “pla” ni “proposta”. En un fil de piulades, el regidor ha reclamat a Endesa “posar fi” als talls de llum al territori, que atribueix al “mal estat o infradimensionament de la xarxa”. A la reunió preveu proposar una “taula tècnica” Ajuntament-Endesa on s’acordin quins són els treballs prioritaris. També vol establir nous mecanismes per fer “seguiment constant de la càrrega de la xarxa”, davant les queixes de veïns per manca de potència elèctrica. ? (2/4) Per aquesta reunió demanem: 1️⃣ Informe de les incidències dels darrers mesos amb persones afectades 2️⃣ Informe de l'estat de la xarxa de subministrament 3️⃣ Pla d'inversions — jordi rabassa (@jrabassa) January 14, 2021 Obres fetes, segons Endesa Fonts d’Endesa neguen a aquest diari que la xarxa de Ciutat Vella, com la de tota la capital, estigui “obsoleta” o que els talls siguin un mal “endèmic com diuen els veïns”. Recorda, a més, que a l’estiu va presentar un pla d’inversió al districte i ja té “executada tota l’obra civil”, que inclou “obertura de rases, nou cablejat ja estès i un nou transformador nou”. Ara bé, no han entrat en funcionament encara: “Estem pendents de rebre l’ok de l’Ajuntament per posar-ho en servei, perquè comportarà un tall de subministrament una mica llarg”. Per fer la connexió amb el material nou i retirar el cablejat vell caldrà deixar unes hores sense llum al veïnat i el consistori hauria preferit que no coincideixi amb l’onada de fred. “L’Ajuntament ens ha dit que esperem i hi estem d’acord, esperem que a finals d’aquest mes o febrer puguem connectar-ho”, diuen portaveus de la companyia. “Una cosa són avaries urgents de resoldre i una altra són plans de millora, que pots programar perquè l’afectació sigui menor”, raonen. Amb les millores en servei, afegeixen, no hi haurà una garantia del 100% que no hi haurà mai més talls de llum, però confien que es reduiran molt les incidències perquè “la xarxa serà més forta”. “Com abans millor”, diu el districte El regidor no està gens d’acord amb aquest diagnòstic de situació. Afirma que l’Ajuntament no ha rebut cap pla de l’elèctrica: “Tan bon punt presentin una proposta i un projecte per solucionar els problemes de xarxa al Raval i la resta de barris, jo ho firmo tot”. “Confiem que ens ho presentin a la reunió de la setmana vinent o abans, com abans millor”, declara al TOT Barcelona. L’empresa sosté que en tot 2020 només hi va haver una avaria destacada al gener i una altra al desembre, en aquest cas més difícil de resoldre perquè implica intervenir en el clavegueram municipal i ha saturat les línies auxiliars que s’havien fet servir per arribar als veïns directament afectats, per exemple al carrer d’en Robador. La companyia diu que aquesta reparació li “preocupa” i està “estudiant diferents maneres de reconfigurar la xarxa” per reduir l’afectació. Pel que fa a la reunió, assegura que està disposada a “col·laborar, escoltar i recollir totes les aportacions” del districte. Nou comentari Cancel·la les respostes Comentari * Nom Confirmació × Moltes gràcies. S'ha subscrit correctament al butlletí. Tanca Error × S'ha produït un error en processar la seva alta. Si us plau torni-ho a intentar en una estona o contacti amb nosaltres.
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Vaig comprar el llibre tan bon punt va sortir al mercat, tot i que fins ara no he trobat el moment per llegir-ho, el fet d’estar abonada a la biblioteca i reservar els llibres per internet fa que moltes vegades se m’acumuli la lectura amb “data de caducitat” i els meus llibres van quedant per mes tard. Però tornant a l’inici, he llegit aquest llibre d’una volada i l’he trobat senzillament deliciós. Ens explica la història d’una nissaga de dones Maria Roderich (la Vella), Maria Magí (la Senyora) i Maria Costa, que al llarg de quasi un segle han regentat la Principal, el casal més ric del poble de Pous a la comarca vinatera de l’Abadia. Elles són, àvia, mare i filla que han fet prosperar el negoci familiar lluitant amb els convencionalismes i amb l’ombra d’un crim comès el 18 de juliol del 1936. Un cop passada la guerra un inspector de policia decideix resoldre el cas i comença a estirar el fil d’una història plena de sorpreses i personatges inoblidables com l’Úrsula, la vella majordoma de la casa o en Llorenç, el jove capatàs. . Passat i futur es lliguen al llarg d’aquesta novel·la on els secrets de la família surten de mica en mica a la llum. La narració abasta des de finals del segle XIX al 2001. Però no és solament un llibre sobre dones, Lluís Llach ens explica de rerefons els problemes patits pels agricultors amb la plaga de la fil·loxera, l’adaptació a les noves tècniques d’elaboració del vi, la transformació de la dona en el món empresarial, el poder de l’església abans i després de la guerra civil, l’homosexualitat reprimida, castigada i condemnada per l’Església i el franquisme. Lluís Llach (Girona, 1948) va tancar el 2007 la seva carrera musical dalt dels escenaris. La seva música i les lletres de les seves cançons formen part de la meva vida des de sempre. I ara ens continua acompanyant com a escriptor. Les dones de la Principal és el seu tercer llibre després de “Memòria d’uns ulls pintats”, la seva primera novel·la i “Estimat Miquel” dedicat al seu gran amic Miquel Martí i Pol. Compartir l'etiqueta : Print Reddit Facebook Telegram Twitter Like this: Like Loading... Aquesta entrada s'ha publicat en Literatura i s'ha etiquetat amb LES DONES DE LA PRINCIPAL, LLUÏS LLACH el 4 de febrer de 2015 per Imma Barba. Navegació per les entrades ← – Dansa – WHAT THE BODY DOES NOT REMEMBER (🐌🐌) Ultima vez / Win Vandekeybus – Mercat de les Flors – 30/01/2015 – Òpera al cinema – ELS CONTES DE HOFFMANN (🐌🐌🐌 + 🐚) de Offenbach (6/9) – en directe des de el MET – Cinemes Yelmo Icaria – 31/01/2015 → 2 pensaments a “– Literatura – LES DONES DE LA PRINCIPAL (🐌🐌🐌🐌) de Lluis Llach” Imma Diaz Vallvé 11 de maig de 2015 a les 22:00 Sensacional! Em va agradar molt! El vaig llegir d’una revolada el cap de setmana passat! Ja vaig disfrutar moltíssim de la memòria d’uns ulls pintats” ( potser, fins i tot, encara més). El recomano. Es llegeix ràpid i té molta intriga fins el final! Loading... Respon ↓ Imma Barba 12 de maig de 2015 a les 21:23 Encara tinc pendent de llegir “Memòria d’uns ulls pintats” i estic convençuda de que m’agradarà, però el temps es curt …. Gràcies per comentar. Loading... 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Aquesta proposta es va estrenar al festival Temporada Alta en una única funció i s’ha dut a […] – 044 (22/23) – Teatre – YERMA (🐌🐌🐌🐌+🐚) – Teatre Lliure – 24/11/2022 Dijous 24 de novembre, a la Sala Fabià Puigserver vam poder veure YERMA, el poema tràgic de Federico García Lorca que ha dirigit Juan Carlos Martel Bayod i que es tracta de la primera producció Lorquiana 100% del Teatre Lliure. Yerma és la protagonista d’aquesta tragèdia que ens mostra el conflicte intern d’una dona que vol ser mare i […] Estadístiques del Blog 805.706 hits 400 anys d’Opera en veu de Baix – Ivan Garcia (***) (3) Powered by WordPress.com. This is an example of a sitewide notice - you can change or remove this text in the Customizer under "Store Notice" Descarta
SCROLL EXHIBEIX DOS PROJECTES AUDIOVISUALS QUE REFLEXIONEN SOBRE LA TECNOLOGIA – Sinergias · Art Visual i Escènic Saltar al contenido lunes, 5 de diciembre de 2022 Youtube Facebook Linkedin Twitter Instagram BLOG Sinergias · Art Visual i Escènic Revista digital · ISSN: 2605-4418 · Edita: Joan J. Soler Navarro CONTACTE NEWSLETTER ART EDUCACIÓ ARTÍSTICA CERÀMICA FALLES LLETRES ART ESCÈNIC CINEMA TEATRE MÚSICA VIDEOJOCS PATRIMONI ASSOCIACIONS MUSEARI · Museu de l’imaginari COL·LEGI · HISTORIADORS DE L’ART AVCA Associació Valenciana de Crítics d’Art AVALEM Associació Valenciana d’Educadors de Museus AVAAC · Artistes Visuals de València, Alacant i Castelló ANPEC Associació Nacional de Professionals en Ceràmica OPINIÓ Blog Buscar: Estás aquí Inicio ART ESCÈNIC SCROLL EXHIBEIX DOS PROJECTES AUDIOVISUALS QUE REFLEXIONEN SOBRE LA TECNOLOGIA ART ESCÈNIC Cine SCROLL EXHIBEIX DOS PROJECTES AUDIOVISUALS QUE REFLEXIONEN SOBRE LA TECNOLOGIA 04/08/2022 adminvisualart ‘¿Te está llegando algo?’, de Sara Aliana i Sara Marhuenda, i ‘Pan y Circo’, de Jorge Isla, triats per unanimitat pel jurat La convocatòria forma part de NEGRE, projecte de programació per a la sala audiovisual del Centre Cultural Las Cigarreras a Alacant, on s’exhibiran els projectes El Consorci de Museus de la Comunitat Valenciana presenta els dos projectes seleccionats en la segona edició de la convocatòria pública de creació artística audiovisual, Scroll, que la institució impulsa juntament amb NEGRE, el projecte de programació audiovisual del Centre Cultural Las Cigarreras d’Alacant. Després de l’avaluació i valoració de les 36 propostes presentades, el jurat ha seleccionat per unanimitat els projectes ‘¿Te está llegando algo?’, de Sara Aliana i Sara Marhuenda, i ‘Pan y Circo’, de Jorge Isla, que s’exposaran en la sala audiovisual —Sala Negre— de la Caixa Blanca del Centre Cultural Las Cigarreras d’Alacant durant 2022 i 2023. Juntament amb els projectes de Sara Aliaga i Pablo Isla, se n’han seleccionat dos més de reserva: ‘Animals and Grandmas Try VR’, de Mayte Gómez Molina, i ‘LOOP’, de Tamara García Iglesias. El jurat convocat pel Consorci de Museus, presidit per la directora general de Cultura i Patrimoni i presidenta de la Comissió Científico-artística del Consorci de Museus, Carmen Amoraga, ha estat compost pel director del Consorci de Museus, José Luis Pérez Pont; la subdirectora del Museu CA2M i assessora d’Arts Plàstiques de la Comunitat de Madrid, Tania Pardo; la comissària i coordinadora de programes públics del MACBA, Alicia Escobio, i la directora del projecte NEGRE, Leticia Cano. Els projectes s’han valorat d’acord amb criteris de qualitat, coherència, viabilitat, adequació a les línies curatorials marcades per la convocatòria, adaptabilitat a l’espai expositiu, innovació i aportació a la creació artística, per a la qual cosa s’ha posat especial atenció en el desenvolupament de treballs que exploren les possibilitats del vídeo en un context contemporani i s’ha donat preferència als presentats per artistes emergents o susceptibles d’enfortir la seua trajectòria amb aquesta convocatòria. “Destaca la qualitat dels treballs presentats en aquesta segona edició de Scroll, que revelen la capacitat de reflexió que té el mitjà audiovisual sobre temàtiques vinculades a la tecnologia. El nostre compromís amb aquesta convocatòria és impulsar el talent emergent i mostrar noves expressions artístiques que desenvolupen narratives interactives en la seua forma més experimental en un espai de referència com Las Cigarreras”, assenyala el director del Consorci de Museus, José Luis Pérez Pont. L’àmbit digital com a tema La convocatòria Scroll es presenta en aquesta edició com una invitació a explorar l’espai que se situa entre l’aparentment innocent tecnofília i les fosques distopies de la tecnofòbia, una reivindicació de les pràctiques artístiques com a lloc d’experimentació radical per a reimaginar la verticalitat infinita de l’‘scroll’ i explorar estructures que es relacionen de manera rizomàtica, a través de cossos que requereixen altres cossos connectats per xarxes d’atenció mútua. Sobre ‘Pan y Circo’ En ‘Pan y Circo’, l’oscense Jorge Isla proposa una immersió en el ‘mukbang’, un ritu gastronòmic i espectacle de masses on una persona, denominada ASMR-tist, consumeix grans quantitats de menjar en ‘streaming’ mentre interactua amb l’audiència a canvi de guanys econòmics. L’artista ofereix una sèrie d’estímuls ASMR referents a la manipulació dels aliments, propiciant una sèrie de sensacions d’empatia i plaer sobre l’espectador i ‘ficciona’ una utopia de proximitat i interacció. El projecte proposa una escenografia immersiva que contempla vídeo, so i escultures que transmeten una visió fragmentada, al mateix temps que caòtica, del ‘mukbang’, la seua simbologia i codis visuals. Sobre ‘¿Te está llegando algo?’ El projecte ‘¿Te está llegando algo?’, de Sara Aliana i Sara Marhuenda, parteix de la dificultat de convertir la pràctica artística en un treball a temps complet capaç de sustentar econòmicament l’artista, la qual cosa fa que accepte treballs aliens al seu àmbit professional que acabaran aniquilant l’ànim creatiu, fet en el qual ha tingut una gran influència la tecnologització de la vida. Partint del personatge fictici de María, que treballa amb dades en ‘l’app’ d’un banc, i de l’exhibició de l’obra audiovisual projectada sobre un llençol en el festival d’art contemporani documenta de Kassel, el projecte aborda els límits del cos, les seues necessitats i la seua vulnerabilitat, i mostra com podem adaptar-nos a la realitat infinita de la digitalització, a la constància i a la rapidesa que té, a la imposició d’uns ritmes vitals que no podem comprendre des de la nostra finitud. Sobre NEGRE NEGRE és el projecte de programació expositiva de TODO BIEN, ubicat en la sala audiovisual de la Caixa Blanca del Centre Cultural Las Cigarreras. L’objectiu d’aquest projecte és l’impuls d’aquest espai com a lloc d’exposició, experimentació i de difusió de projectes artístics contemporanis que exploren les possibilitats de l’audiovisual en el seu ús i context contemporani. A més, NEGRE pretén generar suport a nous creadors que treballen amb el mitjà audiovisual, impulsant i generant condicions que faciliten l’exhibició i la difusió dels seus projectes dins i fora del Centre Cultural Las Cigarreras. Convocatòries Compartir Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Navegación de entradas 2.321.000 EUROS D’AJUDES A LES SALES D’EXHIBICIÓ CINEMATOGRÀFICA EL CENTRE DEL CARME POSA EN CIRCULACIÓ EL MISSATGE DE L’EMERGÈNCIA CLIMÀTICA AMB UNA INTERVENCIÓ ARTÍSTICA EN UN BUS Entradas relacionadas ES PRESENTEN LA PEL·LÍCULA i LLIBRE «VALÈNCIA I L’ABSTRACCIÓ, CONSTRUCCIONS AMB GEOMETRIA I COLOR» 05/12/2022 OBERTA LA CONVOCATÒRIA PER A LA PARTICIPACIÓ DE L’AUDIOVISUAL VALENCIÀ EN EL MERCAT DEL FESTIVAL DE CINEMA DE BERLÍN
Collaborative robots enable new ways for people to work alongside robots. Collaborative robots typically entail a six- or seven-axis robot arm with power- and force-limited manipulators. Unlike large industrial robots that must be fenced off from humans during operations, a collaborative robot, or cobot, may feature moving parts and sensors that limit torque and resistance. This creates an inherently safer robot that can be customized and automated for human-robot collaboration. The Collaborative Robot Laboratory at Southwest Research Institute opens new opportunities for our customers and industry consortia to develop agile, mobile, automated capabilities for leading collaborative robot platforms. We develop software, perception, and automation technology that solves technical challenges in manufacturing and assembly where there is inherently a benefit to humans and robots being in proximity. The facility features a flex-lab with collaborative robot workstations in addition to meeting rooms where we host training and industry events. Collaborative Robots in Manufacturing SwRI works with industry partners, including ROS-Industrial and Texas Manufacturing Assistance Center, to develop enabling technologies for collaborative robots in manufacturing. Some applications may provide input information or lead to development of new ways to enable humans to train robots on specific tasks. These approaches are equally applicable to traditional industrial robots and are an extension of what has been thought of as a collaborative robotic application. Laboratory project examples and capabilities include the following: Collaborative robot force control capability Cobot cable management Robotic prepreg composite layup Mixed reality for robotic teaching Teach through demonstration Responding to human markings Robot welding and sanding Perception and advanced vision Robot risk and safety assessments Safety note: when equipped for these types of activities, the collaborative robot presents potential safety risks so additional safety measures must be evaluated. Cobot Blog Series To learn more, contact Sarah Rogers, call +1 210 522 4691 or read the Innovations in Automation Blog series on cobots: Post 1 - What is a cobot and does my company need one? Post 2 - Are Cobots Really Safe and Easy to Use? Post 3 - Choosing a Cobot vs Industrial Robot Depends on the Application Post 4 - How to Pick a Cobot Innovations in Automation Blog Read the latest articles about robotics engineering, manufacturing technologies and automation solutions at SwRI’s Innovations in Automation Blog.
Llums d'escena és un llargmetratge de 1952 dirigit, escrit i protagonitzat per Charles Chaplin, basat en una novel·la escrita per ell mateix, inédita fins al 2014.[1][2] La música va ser composta per Chaplin, amb arranjaments de Ray Rasch. Llums d'escena Limelight Fitxa Direcció Charles Chaplin Protagonistes Charles Chaplin Claire Bloom Geraldine Chaplin Buster Keaton Producció Charles Chaplin Guió Charles Chaplin Música Charles Chaplin Fotografia Karl Struss Productora United Artists Distribuïdor United Artists i Netflix Dades i xifres País d'origen Estats Units Estrena 1952 Durada 137 min Idioma original anglès Color en blanc i negre Pressupost 900.000 US$ Recaptació 1.000.000 US$ (Estats Units d'Amèrica) 8.000.000 US$ (mundial) Descripció Gènere Comèdia Qualificació MPAA G Lloc de la narració Londres Premis i nominacions Nominacions Oscar a la millor banda sonora dramàtica (1973) Premis Oscar a la millor banda sonora dramàtica (1971) National Board of Review a les 10 pel·lícules més destacades Lloc web charliechaplin.com… La pel·lícula està protagonitzada per Chaplin com un còmic acabat que salva a una ballarina suïcida, interpretada per Claire Bloom; altres personatges estan interpretats per Nigel Bruce, Sydney Earl Chaplin, Wheeler Dryden i Norman Lloyd, amb una aparició de Buster Keaton. A les escenes de ball, Bloom és doblada per Melissa Hayden. Al llançar la pel·lícula, la recepció de la crítica es va dividir; va ser fortament boicotejada als Estats Units i va fallar comercialment. Tot i això, la pel·lícula es va tornar a estrenar als Estats Units el 1972, que va incloure la seva primera projecció a Los Angeles. Aquesta pel·lícula es mostra present a la 45a edició dels premis Oscar on Chaplin va guanyar el seu únic Oscar en competició. Contingut 1 Argument 2 Anàlisi 3 Càsting 4 Producció 5 Recepció 6 Música 7 Referències ArgumentModifica La història se situa a Londres durant la Primera Guerra Mundial. Un veterà còmic anomenat Calvero (Charles Chaplin), alcohòlic i en plena decadència, salva una noia quan està a punt de suïcidar-se intoxicada amb gas i l'acull a casa seva. Després de l'accident, la noia sofreix un trastorn psicològic que fa que es cregui paralítica de cintura en avall. El còmic intenta que la jove Thereza torni a caminar i recuperi la seva afició per la dansa. L'esforç de tots dos fa que Terry, com l'anomenen els pocs amics que li queden, triomfi en el ballet uns anys després. Però Calvero veu que el seu temps ja ha passat: és rebutjat pel públic en el seu retorn als escenaris. En canvi a Thereza no només se li obre la porta de l'èxit professional, sinó que també té fortuna en l'amor, ja que es retroba amb un jove pianista que va conèixer una vegada i amb el qual no va aconseguir fer-hi amistat per timidesa. Malgrat el retrobament, Terry es dedica amb devoció a qui ho va apostar tot per ella, i deixa de banda el jove pianista. Calvero abandona el seu domicili i talla el contacte amb la seva amiga, per tal que pugui continuar la seva carrera artística. El qui un dia va ser el còmic vagabund damunt d'un escenari avui es veu convertit en un autèntic rodamón que guanya unes monedes amb un trio de músics en la seva mateixa situació. Una tarda troba casualment el seu vell productor i el pianista pretendent de Terry, els quals, moguts per la llàstima, organitzen una gala benèfica en honor del famós actor d'altres temps. El dia de la representació, Calvero és ovacionat per tot el públic, i, en acabar la seva actuació, mor després de sofrir un desafortunat accident causat per un atac de cor. Però mor feliç en sentir-se estimat novament pel públic. Mentrestant, Thereza interpreta el seu número de ballet, aliena al que passa entre bastidors. Una generació deixa el seu espai sobre l'escenari perquè sigui ocupat per la següent. AnàlisiModifica És l'antepenúltima pel·lícula de Charles Chaplin. L'artista britànic espaiava cada vegada més els seus projectes. Però aquest film està fet a consciència. Chaplin sap mesurar perfectament els temps de la comèdia i el drama. I tot embolcallat amb uns diàlegs tendres i molt elaborats. Chaplin dona a la pel·lícula uns certs tocs autobiogràfics: Calvero és la representació d'un còmic veterà, cansat, que actua en un temps que ja no és el seu. Això s'accentua encara més en l'escena final on Charles Chaplin interpreta un gag al costat de Buster Keaton, dos dels millors còmics del cinema mut compartint pantalla. Cal destacar també la banda sonora de la pel·lícula, composta pel mateix Charles Chaplin, que és un dels grans temes de la història del cinema. Per aquesta composició, Chaplin va guanyar, el 1972, l'Oscar a la millor música original 20 anys després de l'estrena de la pel·lícula[3] CàstingModifica Charlie Chaplin és Calvero Claire Bloom és Terry Nigel Bruce és Postant Buster Keaton és la parella de Calvero Sydney Chaplin és Neville Norman Lloyd és Bodalink Geraldine Chaplin és una xiqueta ProduccióModifica Charlie Chaplin i Claire Bloom a Llums d'escena. Encara que la pel·lícula està ambientada a Londres, va ser filmada enterament a Hollywood, sobretot en els Estudis Chaplin. El carrer on viu Calvero és un conjunt reparin en els estudis Paramount; les escenes de music-hall van ser filmades a la RKO, i algunes escenes d'exteriors utilitzen material d'arxiu de seguretat de Londres. Chaplin va dir que esperava que Llums d'escena seria la seva última pel·lícula. Durant el rodatge estava molt content i ple d'energia, fet atribuït a l'alegria de tornar als inicis de la seva carrera en el teatre de varietats. La majoria de les persones que han estudiat la vida de Chaplin suposen que el seu personatge a la pel·lícula es va basar en el seu pare, que també havia perdut el seu públic i s'havia convertit en alcohòlic, cosa que el va conduir a la seva mort el 1901. Tant en la seva autobiografia de 1964, i el seu llibre de 1974, La meva vida en imatges, Chaplin insisteix que Calvero es basa en la vida de l'actor de teatre Frank Tierney. L'actuació de Charles Chaplin i Buster Keaton en el número musical final és històrica per ser l'única vegada que els dos van actuar junts a la pel·lícula. Chaplin en un primer moment no havia escrit la part de Buster Keaton perquè creia que el paper era massa petit. No va ser fins que es va assabentar que Keaton estava passant per temps difícils que Chaplin va insistir que Keaton fos contractat a la pel·lícula.[4] Cal remarcar, en aquesta escena, la generositat de Chaplin, que atorgà gairebé tot el protagonisme a Keaton. RecepcióModifica Mentre estava de gira a Gran Bretanya per promoure la pel·lícula, Chaplin es va assabentar que se li havia negat un visat de retorn als Estats Units a causa de les seves suposades simpaties comunistes, i en molts teatres d'Amèrica es van negar a projectar Llums d'escena. Fora de les sales de cinema en diverses ciutats de la costa oriental, la pel·lícula no va ser vista pel públic al cinema americà. No va ser fins a 1972 que la pel·lícula va ser vista per últim en el llançament americà d'ample i va rebre l'Oscar a la millor partitura original. MúsicaModifica El tema d'aquesta pel·lícula, titulat "Terry's Theme" (escrit per Charles Chaplin), es va convertir en una cançó popular.[5] ReferènciesModifica A Wikimedia Commons hi ha contingut multimèdia relatiu a: Llums d'escena ↑ «Footlights by Charlie Chaplin – extract» (en anglès). The Guardian, 04-02-2014. ↑ «Publican la única novela escrita por Charlie Chaplin, 'Footlights'» (en castellà). Europa Press, 05-02-2014. ↑ «Charles Chaplin, una estrella perseguida». Arxivat de l'original el 2015-02-20. [Consulta: 25 juliol 2012].
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Learn everything about Delas Freres, Hermitage with wine tasting notes, wine and food pairing tips, best vintages, a history of the property and information on the vineyards and winemaking. If you want to read about other important wineries and wine makers from the Rhone valley: Links to all Rhone Valley Wine Producer Profiles Delas Freres Hermtiage History, Overview Delas Freres is one of the top producers of Rhone wine in a myriad of appellations. Delas Freres makes outstanding wine from Cote Rotie and Hermitage in the Northern Rhone. The company also produces one of the top value wines from the region with their Cote du Rhone. Delas Freres has one of the longest histories in the appellation. What we know of as Delas Freres today was formed in 1835 when Philippe Delas and Charles Audibert agreed to purchase Maisons Junique. The new company changed their name to Audibert and Delas. Philippe Delas had two sons, Henri Delas and Florentin Delas. Florentin Delas eventually married the daughter of his fathers partner, Charles Audibert. In 1924, the two brothers took over management of the company and altered the name to what is still in use today, Delas Freres. When the next generation took over management of Delas Freres in 1960, the company had become one of the top producers of Rhone wines with holdings in Cote Rotie, Hermitage, Cornas and Condrieu in the north as well as in the south in Chateauneuf du Pape. In 1977 the company merged with the well-known Champagne firm, Deutz. In 1993, Delas Freres was in turn taken over by another Champagne producer, Louis Roederer in 1993. Delas Freres also produces wine from a myriad of Northern Rhone appellations including Cote Rotie from La Landonne, Crozes Hermitage, St. Joseph, Cornas, St. Peray and Condrieu. In 2016, Delas Freres hired the highly, respected, Architect, Carl Fredrik Svenstedt to design the most modern facility in the Rhone Valley. The winery will be located in Tain Hermitage. Delas Freres Hermitage Vineyards, Grapes, Wines, Winemaking Currently, Delas Freres produces 2 Hermitage Rouge wines and 1, Hermitage Blanc wine. Delas Freres Les Bessards is their flagship, Hermitage wine. As you can surmise from the name, the wine is produced solely from grapes planted in the Bessards vineyard. Les Bessards is perhaps the most famous vineyard in Hermitage. Les Bessards has a terroir of steep, granite hillside soils. The grapes are planted in the Bas de Coteau area of the lieu-dit. While Delas Freres Les Bessards is one of the top wines in the Hermitage appellation. Interestingly, the company thinks a better judge of the quality they produce is in their high volume wines. They also own vines in the L’Hermite and Les Grandes Vignes vineyards. With Les Bessards, they have been striving to produce a higher quality wine since they released their outstanding 1990 vintage. All of the grapes are 100% destemmed. The grapes are cold macerated before fermentation, there are minimal rackings and the wine is aged on its fine lees, giving the wine more richness. At Delas Freres, for the barrel aging, they stopped using large 40 hectoliter barrels and have since moved to small, 225 liter, French oak barrels. Generally speaking, the wine is aged on average for about 18 months in barrel before bottling. In 1999, they renovated their fermentation cellars and added new temperature controlled vats. Made from 100% Syrah, vinification takes place in concrete tanks. The wine is aged in a combination of new and used, French oak barrels, with a large percentage of their wine aged in new French oak. On average, about 500 cases are produced each vintage. Delas Freres Domaine des Tourettes Hermitage. Until 2007, the wine was sold under the name of Marquise de la Touretts. The grapes are 100% destemmed. The wine is produced from 100% Syrah and is aged in an average of 15% to 30% new, French oak barrels for about 18 months before bottling. Domaine des Tourettes is one of the larger productions in Hermitage as close to 3,000 cases of wine are produced each year. Marquis de la Tourette is a lighter style of Hermitage that can be enjoyed in its relative youth, while wait for their Bessards to mature. Delas Freres Hermitage Domaine des Tourettes Blanc comes fruit planted in the southern part of the Bessards lieu-dit and from vines placed in the Grandes Vignes lieu-dit. Produced from 100% Marsanne in some vintages, and blended with Roussane in other years, the wine is aged for 8 months in 50% new, French oak barrels before bottling. Not much wine is made, as the production averages about 300 cases per vintage. The best vintages of Delas Freres are: 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2012, 2010, 2009, 2007, 2005, 2003, 2001, 1999, 1998 and 1990. Delas Freres has annual sales of almost 1.7 million bottles per year. They produce Hermitage Blanc as well as wines from St. Joseph and Crozes Hermitage. Their fruit comes from a combination of vineyards they own as well as from other growers. In Hermitage, they own 6 hectares of prime vineyard land on Les Bessards, along with plots in L’Hermite and Les Grandes Vignes. Aside from Les Bessards, their top red wine, they also produce an affordable Hermitage wine called, Marquis de la Tourette. When to Drink Delas Freres Hermitage, Anticipated Maturity, Decanting Time Young vintages can be decanted for 2-4 hours, depending on the character of the vintage. This allows the wine to soften and open its perfume. Older vintages might need very little decanting, just enough to remove the sediment. Delas Freres Hermitage is best with 10-15 years of aging, and can remain at that peak level for at least 15-25 years. Serving Delas Freres with Wine, Food, Pairing Tips Delas Freres is best served at 15.5 degrees Celsius, 60 degrees Fahrenheit. The cool, almost cellar temperature gives the wine more freshness and lift. Delas Freres is best served with all types of classic meat dishes, veal, pork, beef, lamb, duck, game, roast chicken, roasted, braised and grilled dishes. Delas Freres is also good with Asian dishes, hearty fish courses like tuna, mushrooms and pasta. The white wine of Delas Freres is best served with a myriad of different seafood dishes, shellfish, crab, lobster, sushi, sashimi, chicken, pork and veal, as well as Asian cuisine. Delas Freres Bessards Hermitage wines are big, ripe, rich, deep, bold and powerful wines demanding 15-20 years of bottle age before maturity in the top vintages. www.delas.com Delas Frères Wine Tasting Notes 41 Vintages 174,502 Views Sort by Vintage-Rating 2017 Delas Frères Les Bessards (Hermitage) 94 Rich, dark, deep, and smoky, the olive-infused blackberries and black cherries offer purity, as well as length and persistence. Full-bodied, concentrated, and fresh, the wine leaves you with vibrant, creamy fruit. Drink from 2024-2042. Rich, dark, deep, and smoky, the olive-infused blackberries and black cherries offer purity, as well as length and persistence. Full-bodied, concentrated, and fresh, the wine leaves you with vibrant, creamy fruit. Drink from 2024-2042. 769 Views Tasted Oct 9, 2022 • Buy This Wine For The Lowest Price DOWNLOAD TASTING NOTE | Post to 2017 Delas Frères Clos Boucher (Condrieu) 93 Spicy white peaches, flowers, apricot and spice create the nose. The wine is unctuous, round, fat and juicy, with sweetness to the fruits, length and purity, along with a gentle touch of honey in the finish. Spicy white peaches, flowers, apricot and spice create the nose. The wine is unctuous, round, fat and juicy, with sweetness to the fruits, length and purity, along with a gentle touch of honey in the finish. 2,325 Views Tasted Feb 23, 2019 • Buy This Wine For The Lowest Price DOWNLOAD TASTING NOTE | Post to 2017 Delas Frères La Galopine (Condrieu) 91 Lush, round and vibrant, with a white peach and floral perfume, the wine is ripe, rich, round and fresh. You can enjoy this now and over the next few years. Lush, round and vibrant, with a white peach and floral perfume, the wine is ripe, rich, round and fresh. You can enjoy this now and over the next few years. 2,109 Views Tasted Feb 23, 2019 • Buy This Wine For The Lowest Price DOWNLOAD TASTING NOTE | Post to 2017 Delas Frères Haute Pierre (Châteauneuf-du-Pape) 91 Dark black raspberries, garrigue, thyme and pepper pop easily in the nose. With a hint of dust in the tannins, the wine is fresh, juicy, fruity and reserved. You can drink this young with pleasure. Dark black raspberries, garrigue, thyme and pepper pop easily in the nose. With a hint of dust in the tannins, the wine is fresh, juicy, fruity and reserved. You can drink this young with pleasure. 2,221 Views Tasted Sep 21, 2019 • Buy This Wine For The Lowest Price DOWNLOAD TASTING NOTE | Post to 2016 Delas Frères Les Bessards (Hermitage) 98 Inky, full bodied, deep, long and intense, the wine is meaty, fresh, powerful, tannic, full bodied, long, fresh and rich. The fruit is ripe, and so are the soft, polished, yet persistent tannins. This should age for decades. Inky, full bodied, deep, long and intense, the wine is meaty, fresh, powerful, tannic, full bodied, long, fresh and rich. The fruit is ripe, and so are the soft, polished, yet persistent tannins. This should age for decades. 2,993 Views Tasted Feb 9, 2019 • Buy This Wine For The Lowest Price DOWNLOAD TASTING NOTE | Post to 2016 Delas Frères La Landonne (Côte-Rôtie) 97 Deep in color, the espresso, licorice, smoke and flint, paired with layers of juicy, ripe fresh, red fruits show up with ease. On the palate, the wine offers richness, density, purity of fruit, herbs, crushed stones and a wall of ripe, lushly textured, dark red berries. This will age quite nicely. Deep in color, the espresso, licorice, smoke and flint, paired with layers of juicy, ripe fresh, red fruits show up with ease. On the palate, the wine offers richness, density, purity of fruit, herbs, crushed stones and a wall of ripe, lushly textured, dark red berries. This will age quite nicely. 2,233 Views Tasted Feb 9, 2019 • Buy This Wine For The Lowest Price DOWNLOAD TASTING NOTE | Post to 2016 Delas Frères Seigneur de Maugiron (Côte-Rôtie) 93 Earth and herbs pop right away before reaching all that sweet, silky, fresh, red fruit. The tannins are soft, the wine has lift and energy, leaving with you a trail of olives and fresh cherries in the finish. Earth and herbs pop right away before reaching all that sweet, silky, fresh, red fruit. The tannins are soft, the wine has lift and energy, leaving with you a trail of olives and fresh cherries in the finish. 2,306 Views Tasted Feb 9, 2019 • Buy This Wine For The Lowest Price DOWNLOAD TASTING NOTE | Post to 2016 Delas Frères Haute Pierre (Châteauneuf-du-Pape) 93 Best Chateauneuf ever produced from Delas. This has volume, texture and depth of flavor, with all of its juicy, sweet, ripe, kirsch, underbrush, licorice and herbs. The lush, red fruit filled finish is a treat. Best Chateauneuf ever produced from Delas. This has volume, texture and depth of flavor, with all of its juicy, sweet, ripe, kirsch, underbrush, licorice and herbs. The lush, red fruit filled finish is a treat. 2,503 Views Tasted Feb 23, 2019 • Buy This Wine For The Lowest Price DOWNLOAD TASTING NOTE | Post to 2016 Delas Frères Clos Boucher (Condrieu) 92 Slightly honeyed yellow fruits, minerality, length and persistence are found here. Round in texture, the wine is rich and full, with fresh, pears and white fruits in the finish. Slightly honeyed yellow fruits, minerality, length and persistence are found here. Round in texture, the wine is rich and full, with fresh, pears and white fruits in the finish. 1,618 Views Tasted Feb 9, 2019 • Buy This Wine For The Lowest Price DOWNLOAD TASTING NOTE | Post to 2015 Delas Frères Les Bessards (Hermitage) 99 Almost opaque in color, the first thing you notice is the minerality, with all those crushed rocks and stones. From there you quickly move to salty, red berries, smoke, herbs and spice. Full bodied and rich, the wine fills your mouth, coating your palate layers of ripe, deep, black fruits and freshness that builds in intensity. Almost opaque in color, the first thing you notice is the minerality, with all those crushed rocks and stones. From there you quickly move to salty, red berries, smoke, herbs and spice. Full bodied and rich, the wine fills your mouth, coating your palate layers of ripe, deep, black fruits and freshness that builds in intensity. 5,978 Views Tasted Feb 9, 2019 • Buy This Wine For The Lowest Price DOWNLOAD TASTING NOTE | Post to 2015 Delas Frères La Landonne (Côte-Rôtie) 97 With the backbone to age, this is all about the intensity of flavor, purity of the fruit and the deep gravel that comes through on the nose and peppery, red berry palate. Give it 7-9 years and this will rock! With the backbone to age, this is all about the intensity of flavor, purity of the fruit and the deep gravel that comes through on the nose and peppery, red berry palate. Give it 7-9 years and this will rock! 3,164 Views Tasted Feb 10, 2019 • Buy This Wine For The Lowest Price DOWNLOAD TASTING NOTE | Post to 2015 Delas Frères Le Clos (Crozes-Hermitage) 94 Smoke, earth, truffle, and deep black fruits on the nose get you ready for the blast of ripe, rich fruits and salty tannins. This is a parcel selection from their vineyard that truly competes with many more expensive Hermitage wines. Smoke, earth, truffle, and deep black fruits on the nose get you ready for the blast of ripe, rich fruits and salty tannins. This is a parcel selection from their vineyard that truly competes with many more expensive Hermitage wines. 2,018 Views Tasted Feb 9, 2019 • Buy This Wine For The Lowest Price DOWNLOAD TASTING NOTE | Post to 2015 Delas Frères Domaine des Grands Chemins (Crozes-Hermitage) 93 Deep in color, with a smoky, grilled meat and dark red fruit nose, the wine is lush, rich, round, ripe, full-bodied and generous with its fruits. Deep in color, with a smoky, grilled meat and dark red fruit nose, the wine is lush, rich, round, ripe, full-bodied and generous with its fruits. 3,126 Views Tasted Feb 11, 2019 • Buy This Wine For The Lowest Price DOWNLOAD TASTING NOTE | Post to 2015 Delas Frères Domaine des Tourettes (Hermitage) 93 Silky, polished, round and lush, with ripe, sweet, red fruits, tannins that add strength, structure and the ability to age. Give this 6-8 more years and you're going to be quite happy with this wine. Silky, polished, round and lush, with ripe, sweet, red fruits, tannins that add strength, structure and the ability to age. Give this 6-8 more years and you're going to be quite happy with this wine. 3,026 Views Tasted Feb 9, 2019 • Buy This Wine For The Lowest Price DOWNLOAD TASTING NOTE | Post to 2015 Delas Frères Seigneur de Maugiron (Côte-Rôtie) 93 Cracked black pepper galore is the first thing you find. From there you enjoy a blend of herbs, spices, truffle, crushed rocks and red fruits. In the mouth, the wine is vibrant, focused, fresh and clean, with a crisp, peppery, red berry finish. Give it a few years before pulling cork to develop more secondary notes and softness. Cracked black pepper galore is the first thing you find. From there you enjoy a blend of herbs, spices, truffle, crushed rocks and red fruits. In the mouth, the wine is vibrant, focused, fresh and clean, with a crisp, peppery, red berry finish. Give it a few years before pulling cork to develop more secondary notes and softness. 3,099 Views Tasted Feb 10, 2019 • Buy This Wine For The Lowest Price DOWNLOAD TASTING NOTE | Post to 2015 Delas Frères Haute Pierre (Châteauneuf-du-Pape) 91 Garrigue, pepper and wild cherries here open the nose. On the palate, the wine offers sweet, lushly textured fruit, soft tannins and a bright, crisp, fruity, kirsch and red berry finish. Garrigue, pepper and wild cherries here open the nose. On the palate, the wine offers sweet, lushly textured fruit, soft tannins and a bright, crisp, fruity, kirsch and red berry finish. 2,007 Views Tasted Aug 21, 2017 • Buy This Wine For The Lowest Price DOWNLOAD TASTING NOTE | Post to 2014 Delas Frères Les Bessards (Hermitage) 93 Medium/full-bodied and relatively forward for a young Hermitage, the wine is smoky, floral and almost lush in its palate presence. The deep red fruits come along with spice, flowers, espresso and thyme. Give this another 7 years or so and it should be showing well. Medium/full-bodied and relatively forward for a young Hermitage, the wine is smoky, floral and almost lush in its palate presence. The deep red fruits come along with spice, flowers, espresso and thyme. Give this another 7 years or so and it should be showing well. 3,406 Views Tasted Nov 20, 2019 • Buy This Wine For The Lowest Price DOWNLOAD TASTING NOTE | Post to 2014 Delas Frères Haute Pierre (Châteauneuf-du-Pape) 90 Loads of spicy, red fruits, kirsch, olives, flowers and garrigue. There is decent concentration and freshness in the kirsch finish. Loads of spicy, red fruits, kirsch, olives, flowers and garrigue. There is decent concentration and freshness in the kirsch finish. 1,823 Views Tasted Jun 23, 2016 • Buy This Wine For The Lowest Price DOWNLOAD TASTING NOTE | Post to 2014 Delas Frères Saint-Esprit (Côtes du Rhône) 85 Deep in color, with a garrigue, black raspberry and spicy tone, the wine is medium bodied, forward, early drinking with black cherry, spice and herb finish. I'd drink this over the 1-3 years. Clearly this is uncomplicated, but for $10-$12, it's a solid value wine. Deep in color, with a garrigue, black raspberry and spicy tone, the wine is medium bodied, forward, early drinking with black cherry, spice and herb finish. I'd drink this over the 1-3 years. Clearly this is uncomplicated, but for $10-$12, it's a solid value wine. 2,298 Views Tasted Jan 9, 2017 • Buy This Wine For The Lowest Price DOWNLOAD TASTING NOTE | Post to 2013 Delas Frères La Landonne (Côte-Rôtie) 92 Medium-bodied, round, soft, open and fresh, the wine offers lifted, crisp red berries, plums, pepper, herbs, smoke, vanilla and floral essences on the nose and palate. The wine is already easy to drink. Medium-bodied, round, soft, open and fresh, the wine offers lifted, crisp red berries, plums, pepper, herbs, smoke, vanilla and floral essences on the nose and palate. The wine is already easy to drink. 2,549 Views Tasted Nov 16, 2020 • Buy This Wine For The Lowest Price DOWNLOAD TASTING NOTE | Post to 2012 Delas Frères Blanc Domaine des Tourettes (Hermitage) 92 Concentrated, richly textured and loaded with flowers, vanilla, nectarines, orange and yellow citrus notes, with just a drizzle of honey, the wine is buttery, juicy, fresh and clean. Still young, this is one of those Northern Rhone white wines that will better in a decade. The wine was made from 100% Marsanne. Concentrated, richly textured and loaded with flowers, vanilla, nectarines, orange and yellow citrus notes, with just a drizzle of honey, the wine is buttery, juicy, fresh and clean. Still young, this is one of those Northern Rhone white wines that will better in a decade. The wine was made from 100% Marsanne. 2,794 Views Tasted May 17, 2017 • Buy This Wine For The Lowest Price DOWNLOAD TASTING NOTE | Post to 2011 Delas Frères Haute Pierre (Châteauneuf-du-Pape) 85 Unadorned, simple, but correct, the wine is on the short and sweet side. Unadorned, simple, but correct, the wine is on the short and sweet side. 1,917 Views Tasted Aug 19, 2014 • Buy This Wine For The Lowest Price DOWNLOAD TASTING NOTE | Post to 2010 Delas Frères Les Bessards (Hermitage) 98 This just gets going and never quits. The wine is incredibly intense, perfectly balanced and the purity in the fruit coats your palate with layers of lush, powerful, ripe, mineral-driven, salty, deep, dark red fruits. The seamless finish stays with you for about 50 seconds. Wines this good can be enjoyed young, but the real fireworks should kick in between 2025 and 2030. It is going to be worth the wait. This just gets going and never quits. The wine is incredibly intense, perfectly balanced and the purity in the fruit coats your palate with layers of lush, powerful, ripe, mineral-driven, salty, deep, dark red fruits. The seamless finish stays with you for about 50 seconds. Wines this good can be enjoyed young, but the real fireworks should kick in between 2025 and 2030. It is going to be worth the wait. 5,714 Views Tasted Oct 1, 2018 • Buy This Wine For The Lowest Price DOWNLOAD TASTING NOTE | Post to 2010 Delas Frères La Landonne (Côte-Rôtie) 96 Powerful, long, concentrated and intense, the wine is full bodied, richly textured and packed with perfectly ripe, dark red fruits. There is a purity to the fruits that stands out, and is made even better by the appearance of spice box notes, truffles, wet earth, licorice and pepper. Lay this down for another 6-10 years and this will be a superb wine. Powerful, long, concentrated and intense, the wine is full bodied, richly textured and packed with perfectly ripe, dark red fruits. There is a purity to the fruits that stands out, and is made even better by the appearance of spice box notes, truffles, wet earth, licorice and pepper. Lay this down for another 6-10 years and this will be a superb wine. 2,640 Views Tasted Mar 12, 2018 • Buy This Wine For The Lowest Price DOWNLOAD TASTING NOTE | Post to 2010 Delas Frères Domaine des Tourettes (Hermitage) 94 Forward, expressive, charming and surprisingly voluptuous for an Hermitage this young, there is freshness, and a vibrancy to the sweet, spicy, peppery, dark red fruits, hints of licorice and smoke. Full bodied and already fun to drink, I'm sure this will age for at least a decade or longer with ease, but if you are sitting on more than a few bottles, feel free to pop a cork. Forward, expressive, charming and surprisingly voluptuous for an Hermitage this young, there is freshness, and a vibrancy to the sweet, spicy, peppery, dark red fruits, hints of licorice and smoke. Full bodied and already fun to drink, I'm sure this will age for at least a decade or longer with ease, but if you are sitting on more than a few bottles, feel free to pop a cork. 6,069 Views Tasted Feb 26, 2017 • Buy This Wine For The Lowest Price DOWNLOAD TASTING NOTE | Post to 2009 Delas Frères Les Bessards (Hermitage) 99 Voluptuous, dense, full-bodied and deep, the wine is powerful and loaded with tannin to age for decades, but the tannins are so ripe and soft, the wine feels well defined. The dark red fruits taste, smell and feel great. Voluptuous, dense, full-bodied and deep, the wine is powerful and loaded with tannin to age for decades, but the tannins are so ripe and soft, the wine feels well defined. The dark red fruits taste, smell and feel great. 3,969 Views Tasted Oct 4, 2018 • Buy This Wine For The Lowest Price DOWNLOAD TASTING NOTE | Post to 2009 Delas Frères La Landonne (Côte-Rôtie) 97 What a knockout. with its intense levels of concentrated, powerful, ripe, dark red fruits that come at you in layers, you also find smoke, thyme, wet earth, licorice, black pepper, espresso and hints of flowers. Long and complex, wait another 4-5 years and things will be even better. What a knockout. with its intense levels of concentrated, powerful, ripe, dark red fruits that come at you in layers, you also find smoke, thyme, wet earth, licorice, black pepper, espresso and hints of flowers. Long and complex, wait another 4-5 years and things will be even better. 3,035 Views Tasted Oct 1, 2018 • Buy This Wine For The Lowest Price DOWNLOAD TASTING NOTE | Post to 2009 Delas Frères Domaine des Tourettes (Hermitage) 94 The last few years have brought this around. With 20 minutes of air, the wine pops with grilled meat, olives, sea salt, herbs, and black fruits. Rich, supple, and full on the palate, there is weight, richness, and plushness in the finish. Drink from 2022-2032. The last few years have brought this around. With 20 minutes of air, the wine pops with grilled meat, olives, sea salt, herbs, and black fruits. Rich, supple, and full on the palate, there is weight, richness, and plushness in the finish. Drink from 2022-2032. 1,808 Views Tasted Oct 7, 2022 • Buy This Wine For The Lowest Price DOWNLOAD TASTING NOTE | Post to Not mature, but definitely ready to go the fruit shows a beautiful cherry note, with loads of smoke, thyme, pepper and earth, full bodied, amazingly soft for a young Hermitage, give it an hour or two in the decanter before imbibing. Not mature, but definitely ready to go the fruit shows a beautiful cherry note, with loads of smoke, thyme, pepper and earth, full bodied, amazingly soft for a young Hermitage, give it an hour or two in the decanter before imbibing. 4,005 Views Tasted Feb 3, 2019 2009 Delas Frères Seigneur de Maugiron (Côte-Rôtie) 92 Young, but with an hour or so of air, this seductive, supple, medium/full bodied wine is making it hard to resist its sweet, fresh, kirsch, pepper, black raspberry, spice, floral and earthy pleasure. Lots of freshness and soft textures in the fruit filled finish. Drink this while you are waiting for the La Landonne to come around. Young, but with an hour or so of air, this seductive, supple, medium/full bodied wine is making it hard to resist its sweet, fresh, kirsch, pepper, black raspberry, spice, floral and earthy pleasure. Lots of freshness and soft textures in the fruit filled finish. Drink this while you are waiting for the La Landonne to come around. 3,611 Views Tasted Feb 12, 2017 • Buy This Wine For The Lowest Price DOWNLOAD TASTING NOTE | Post to 2007 Delas Frères Les Bessards (Hermitage) 92 Medium/full bodied and very forward for this wine, the round, soft textured wine is filled with fresh black plums, cherries, licorice, earth and espresso. This is already fun to drink with 1-2 hours in the decanter. Medium/full bodied and very forward for this wine, the round, soft textured wine is filled with fresh black plums, cherries, licorice, earth and espresso. This is already fun to drink with 1-2 hours in the decanter. 3,035 Views Tasted Feb 16, 2014 • Buy This Wine For The Lowest Price DOWNLOAD TASTING NOTE | Post to 2005 Delas Frères Les Bessards (Hermitage) 96 Still opaque in color, this intense wine opens with mineral, smoke, blackberry, boysenberry, earth and spice. This powerful, full bodied wine is packed with layers of ripe fruit and tannins that require at least 10 -15 more years to come around. Not much of this stunning Hermitage wine is made as the production hovers at close to 500 cases per year. Fortunately, for fans of the wine, prices remain reasonable for a Northern Rhone of this quality. Still opaque in color, this intense wine opens with mineral, smoke, blackberry, boysenberry, earth and spice. This powerful, full bodied wine is packed with layers of ripe fruit and tannins that require at least 10 -15 more years to come around. Not much of this stunning Hermitage wine is made as the production hovers at close to 500 cases per year. Fortunately, for fans of the wine, prices remain reasonable for a Northern Rhone of this quality. 4,511 Views Tasted May 2, 2012 • Buy This Wine For The Lowest Price DOWNLOAD TASTING NOTE | Post to 2005 Delas Frères La Landonne (Côte-Rôtie) 93 Still young, tannic and demanding time, the perfume pops with kirsch liqueur, espresso, blackberries, earth, smoke and pepper. Full bodied, fresh, long and rich, when this comes around, I imagine it will be even better and deserving of a higher score. As my 1998's are still young, this is going to need some time. Still young, tannic and demanding time, the perfume pops with kirsch liqueur, espresso, blackberries, earth, smoke and pepper. Full bodied, fresh, long and rich, when this comes around, I imagine it will be even better and deserving of a higher score. As my 1998's are still young, this is going to need some time. 2,943 Views Tasted Jun 1, 2013 • Buy This Wine For The Lowest Price DOWNLOAD TASTING NOTE | Post to 2003 Delas Frères Les Bessards (Hermitage) 96 I really like how this is showing now. Good levels of concentration, lush, sweet, ripe, but not over ripe, dark red fruits, licorice, roasted meat, round tannins and length in the finish. The wine improved in the glass. No hard edges to the tannins in this wine, it's really quite supple. I really like how this is showing now. Good levels of concentration, lush, sweet, ripe, but not over ripe, dark red fruits, licorice, roasted meat, round tannins and length in the finish. The wine improved in the glass. No hard edges to the tannins in this wine, it's really quite supple. 4,036 Views Tasted Oct 16, 2017 • Buy This Wine For The Lowest Price DOWNLOAD TASTING NOTE | Post to Wow! With little encouragement other than splash decanting, the perfume blasts with dark berries, smoke, licorice, oak and black pepper. Full bodied, long, concentrated, big and rich, every mouth coating sip is packed with flavor. This is young, yet it drinks well and will only keep getting better and better. If you're not hung up on modern vs traditional, this is worth checking out. Wow! With little encouragement other than splash decanting, the perfume blasts with dark berries, smoke, licorice, oak and black pepper. Full bodied, long, concentrated, big and rich, every mouth coating sip is packed with flavor. This is young, yet it drinks well and will only keep getting better and better. If you're not hung up on modern vs traditional, this is worth checking out. 2,903 Views Tasted Nov 30, 2013 2003 Delas Frères La Landonne (Côte-Rôtie) 91 I have to say, I was disappointed in this bottle tonight. The attractive perfume delivered blackberries, earth, coffee bean, dark cherry and mocha notes. On the palate, the wine was missing the fresh acidic pop I get from Cote Rotie. It was not nearly as good as it was a few years ago. This is a wine that needs to be consumed over the next year or two, before it declines further. I have to say, I was disappointed in this bottle tonight. The attractive perfume delivered blackberries, earth, coffee bean, dark cherry and mocha notes. On the palate, the wine was missing the fresh acidic pop I get from Cote Rotie. It was not nearly as good as it was a few years ago. This is a wine that needs to be consumed over the next year or two, before it declines further. 2,615 Views Tasted Oct 2, 2015 • Buy This Wine For The Lowest Price DOWNLOAD TASTING NOTE | Post to With a nose filled with sweet, ripe, black and blue fruits, oak, coffee, earth, licorice and spice, the wine is rich, round and supple in style. Yes, it's modern. But I really liked it. It continued to fill out and the oak became less prominent as the wine sat in the glass. This is a nice expression of La Landonne. With a nose filled with sweet, ripe, black and blue fruits, oak, coffee, earth, licorice and spice, the wine is rich, round and supple in style. Yes, it's modern. But I really liked it. It continued to fill out and the oak became less prominent as the wine sat in the glass. This is a nice expression of La Landonne. 3,190 Views Tasted Aug 8, 2012 1999 Delas Frères Les Bessards (Hermitage) 96 A super wine that is just starting to deliver on its youthful promise. The silky texture, full body and concentration of ripe, sweet, pure fruits, coupled with complex, earthy aromatics really hits all the right spots. A super wine that is just starting to deliver on its youthful promise. The silky texture, full body and concentration of ripe, sweet, pure fruits, coupled with complex, earthy aromatics really hits all the right spots. 3,468 Views Tasted Jan 17, 2016 • Buy This Wine For The Lowest Price DOWNLOAD TASTING NOTE | Post to Deep ruby in color, the color has not moved much since the day the wine was delivered. Licorice, garrigue, black raspberry, stone, coffee, blackberry and iron create the potent perfume. On the palate, the big, concentrated wine is intense, rich, fresh and filled with sweet, dark, rich, ripe, juicy, dark berries. After 2 hours in the glass, the texture developed voluptuous, silky sensations along with a sense of minerality. The wine improved in the glass throughout the night. This is just starting to drink well. And the best is yet to come. Deep ruby in color, the color has not moved much since the day the wine was delivered. Licorice, garrigue, black raspberry, stone, coffee, blackberry and iron create the potent perfume. On the palate, the big, concentrated wine is intense, rich, fresh and filled with sweet, dark, rich, ripe, juicy, dark berries. After 2 hours in the glass, the texture developed voluptuous, silky sensations along with a sense of minerality. The wine improved in the glass throughout the night. This is just starting to drink well. And the best is yet to come. 4,228 Views Tasted May 26, 2012 1999 Delas Frères La Landonne (Côte-Rôtie) 94 This is gorgeous to drink today, with all of its earthy, vibrant, peppery, smoky, red fruits, wet heart, and crushed rock nuances. With good concentration, vibrancy, and sweetness to the cherries on the nose and palate, no decanting is needed, just pop, pour and enjoy. Drink from 2022-2032. This is gorgeous to drink today, with all of its earthy, vibrant, peppery, smoky, red fruits, wet heart, and crushed rock nuances. With good concentration, vibrancy, and sweetness to the cherries on the nose and palate, no decanting is needed, just pop, pour and enjoy. Drink from 2022-2032. 1,417 Views Tasted Aug 9, 2022 • Buy This Wine For The Lowest Price DOWNLOAD TASTING NOTE | Post to Fully developed, soft, cherry, kirsch and red plum wine. Medium-bodied, elegant and fresh, this is clearly ready to go. Fully developed, soft, cherry, kirsch and red plum wine. Medium-bodied, elegant and fresh, this is clearly ready to go. 3,014 Views Tasted Dec 15, 2020 I was shocked by how young this wine tasted. With 90 minutes of air, the truffle, licorice, cigar box, black cherry, charcoal, earth and herb character began to come out. The wine filled out, softened and delivered silky, lush, concentrated layers of fresh, sweet black cherries and spice. I'd wait another 4-5 years before popping another cork. I was shocked by how young this wine tasted. With 90 minutes of air, the truffle, licorice, cigar box, black cherry, charcoal, earth and herb character began to come out. The wine filled out, softened and delivered silky, lush, concentrated layers of fresh, sweet black cherries and spice. I'd wait another 4-5 years before popping another cork. 2,920 Views Tasted Jun 5, 2016 Still deeply colored, with an attention grabbing perfume filled with pepper, red and black fruits, coffee, black cherry liqueur, bacon fat, spice and earth. Rich, concentrated and powerful, this Cote Rotie is still youthful and tannic. Give it another 2-4 years. I am not sure why the top wines from Delas do not command more attention. Perhaps with its the small production, (250 cases of Landonne), people do not get to taste the wines enough. Oh well... This is better for fans of the wine, as it keeps prices down. Still deeply colored, with an attention grabbing perfume filled with pepper, red and black fruits, coffee, black cherry liqueur, bacon fat, spice and earth. Rich, concentrated and powerful, this Cote Rotie is still youthful and tannic. Give it another 2-4 years. I am not sure why the top wines from Delas do not command more attention. Perhaps with its the small production, (250 cases of Landonne), people do not get to taste the wines enough. Oh well... This is better for fans of the wine, as it keeps prices down. 3,012 Views Tasted Nov 13, 2011 1998 Delas Frères La Landonne (Côte-Rôtie) 94 Flowers, smoke, ripe, red, fruits and wet earth, with sprinkles of thyme on the nose hit the spot. The wine has filled in, fleshed out and softened over the years, morphing into a really tasty treat, with character and freshness. Flowers, smoke, ripe, red, fruits and wet earth, with sprinkles of thyme on the nose hit the spot. The wine has filled in, fleshed out and softened over the years, morphing into a really tasty treat, with character and freshness. 3,318 Views Tasted Oct 10, 2017 • Buy This Wine For The Lowest Price DOWNLOAD TASTING NOTE | Post to A late night bottle, popped and poured. This is clearly at peak. Medium/full bodied, soft, silky and no hard edges. The fruit with is fresh, clean and filled with fresh cherries. The aromatics are there, the only drawback was the finish just did not last long enough. There is no reason to hold this any longer. I'll finish my last remaining bottles of the next few years. A late night bottle, popped and poured. This is clearly at peak. Medium/full bodied, soft, silky and no hard edges. The fruit with is fresh, clean and filled with fresh cherries. The aromatics are there, the only drawback was the finish just did not last long enough. There is no reason to hold this any longer. I'll finish my last remaining bottles of the next few years. 3,063 Views Tasted Oct 7, 2015 Licorice, smoke, minerality, boysenberry, flowers, lavendar and cherries pop from the bottle before the wine is poured! Voluptuous, concentrated and open, this fresh, ripe Cote Rotie is developing well. This can be enjoyed now, or over the next 12-20 years. Licorice, smoke, minerality, boysenberry, flowers, lavendar and cherries pop from the bottle before the wine is poured! Voluptuous, concentrated and open, this fresh, ripe Cote Rotie is developing well. This can be enjoyed now, or over the next 12-20 years. 2,460 Views Tasted Nov 3, 2012 Spice, pepper, Provencal herbs, strawberry, earth and kirsch aromas led the way to soft, polished textures, freshness and a peppery, black raspberry filled finish. This is showing great today. It's in the prime of its life. I'd drink it over the next 7-10 years. Spice, pepper, Provencal herbs, strawberry, earth and kirsch aromas led the way to soft, polished textures, freshness and a peppery, black raspberry filled finish. This is showing great today. It's in the prime of its life. I'd drink it over the next 7-10 years. 2,384 Views Tasted Feb 4, 2011 1998 Delas Landonne opens up with bacon fat, cassis, dusty chocolate powder, boysenberry, coffee and violets. The full bodied texture, freshness and sweet, black raspberry flavored, rich, mid palate gives way to a silky garrigue, boysenberry and light coffee flavored finish. This is drinking perfect today. 1998 Delas Landonne opens up with bacon fat, cassis, dusty chocolate powder, boysenberry, coffee and violets. The full bodied texture, freshness and sweet, black raspberry flavored, rich, mid palate gives way to a silky garrigue, boysenberry and light coffee flavored finish. This is drinking perfect today. 2,476 Views Tasted Sep 14, 2010 This delivered a splendid perfume of ripe dark cherry and bacon fruit. Great concentration and a long, fruit filled, fresh finish with an array of black and red fruits. This delivered a splendid perfume of ripe dark cherry and bacon fruit. Great concentration and a long, fruit filled, fresh finish with an array of black and red fruits. 2,347 Views Tasted Jul 1, 2008 1998 Delas Frères Les Bessards (Hermitage) 93 With 90 minutes of air, the bottle was really singing with its fresh, mineral driven, cherry, licorice, smoke, stone and caramel nose. Full bodied with a lot of peppery, fresh red cherry filled charm. Still young, this is serving up a nice dose of pleasure. I liked it a lot. Time and air are only going to add more complexity and softness to the wine. With 90 minutes of air, the bottle was really singing with its fresh, mineral driven, cherry, licorice, smoke, stone and caramel nose. Full bodied with a lot of peppery, fresh red cherry filled charm. Still young, this is serving up a nice dose of pleasure. I liked it a lot. Time and air are only going to add more complexity and softness to the wine. 3,397 Views Tasted Jan 4, 2014 • Buy This Wine For The Lowest Price DOWNLOAD TASTING NOTE | Post to Rich, concentrated, fleshy and refined, this voluptuously styled Hermitage wine offers mineral, sweet, ripe black raspberry, cherry liqueur, spice and earth. With a short 20 minute decant, this is already showing well. Rich, concentrated, fleshy and refined, this voluptuously styled Hermitage wine offers mineral, sweet, ripe black raspberry, cherry liqueur, spice and earth. With a short 20 minute decant, this is already showing well. 3,475 Views Tasted Aug 30, 2012 Still deep in color, with 3 hours of decanting and 2 more in the glass, this was still youthful. Licorice, blackberry, earth, iron, smoke, baked cherries, coffee, pepper and cinnamon scents, this big wine is packed with soft, pure, blackberry, blueberry, black raspberries and round textures. Give it another 2-5 years. I'm looking forward to popping my first bottle of 1999 Delas Bessards and a 1990 Bessards before the end of the year. Still deep in color, with 3 hours of decanting and 2 more in the glass, this was still youthful. Licorice, blackberry, earth, iron, smoke, baked cherries, coffee, pepper and cinnamon scents, this big wine is packed with soft, pure, blackberry, blueberry, black raspberries and round textures. Give it another 2-5 years. I'm looking forward to popping my first bottle of 1999 Delas Bessards and a 1990 Bessards before the end of the year. 3,909 Views Tasted Nov 13, 2011 1998 Delas Bessards was decanted about 2 hours before consumption. This dark colored wine has a powerful perfume that's filled with smoke, ripe plums, blackberries and spice. Still young, with fleshy textures, concentration and intensity of flavor, this round wine is approachable for a young Hermitage. The polished, black fruit filled finish lasts for close to 40 seconds! This can be enjoyed now, or over the next 12-20 years. 1998 Delas Bessards was decanted about 2 hours before consumption. This dark colored wine has a powerful perfume that's filled with smoke, ripe plums, blackberries and spice. Still young, with fleshy textures, concentration and intensity of flavor, this round wine is approachable for a young Hermitage. The polished, black fruit filled finish lasts for close to 40 seconds! This can be enjoyed now, or over the next 12-20 years. 3,720 Views Tasted Oct 5, 2010 Dark ruby with a nose resembling cherries, black fruits and spices blended with iron and minerals. Good concentration and depth of flavor. Well balanced. A lot of weight on the palate with a long finish packed with ripe, juicy fruits. Dark ruby with a nose resembling cherries, black fruits and spices blended with iron and minerals. Good concentration and depth of flavor. Well balanced. A lot of weight on the palate with a long finish packed with ripe, juicy fruits. 3,014 Views Tasted Oct 12, 2008 1997 Delas Frères Les Bessards (Hermitage) 89 Initially tight when popped and poured, with coaxing, smoke, blackberry and peppery scents could be found. This full bodied wine ends with a red fruit finish coupled with hints of tart cherry, that detracted from the wine. Initially tight when popped and poured, with coaxing, smoke, blackberry and peppery scents could be found. This full bodied wine ends with a red fruit finish coupled with hints of tart cherry, that detracted from the wine. 2,538 Views Tasted May 26, 2010 • Buy This Wine For The Lowest Price DOWNLOAD TASTING NOTE | Post to 1990 Delas Frères Les Bessards (Hermitage) 93 Really nice wine, with its meaty, olive tapenade,, blackberry and earthy profile. Big, bold and concentrated, the wine has depth of flavor and complexity in the nose, leaving you with a big dose of fruit in the finish. Really nice wine, with its meaty, olive tapenade,, blackberry and earthy profile. Big, bold and concentrated, the wine has depth of flavor and complexity in the nose, leaving you with a big dose of fruit in the finish. 3,605 Views Tasted May 17, 2015 • Buy This Wine For The Lowest Price DOWNLOAD TASTING NOTE | Post to As wines age, every bottle is differernt. Some are better and of course, some are worse. We got lucky with this bottle of 1990 Delas Bessards, as it was much fresher and more interesting than the previous bottle from the same case. The debut vintage of Delas Bessards offers smoke, earth, minerality, black cherry, spice, truffle, tobacco and tar. Soft, elegant in a masculine sense, ripe, spicy cherries and strawberry complete the finish. This is fully mature. There is probably not much to gainied by holding it any longer. As wines age, every bottle is differernt. Some are better and of course, some are worse. We got lucky with this bottle of 1990 Delas Bessards, as it was much fresher and more interesting than the previous bottle from the same case. The debut vintage of Delas Bessards offers smoke, earth, minerality, black cherry, spice, truffle, tobacco and tar. Soft, elegant in a masculine sense, ripe, spicy cherries and strawberry complete the finish. This is fully mature. There is probably not much to gainied by holding it any longer. 4,407 Views Tasted Aug 13, 2012 1990 Delas Frères La Landonne (Côte-Rôtie) 92 A complex nose of licorice, bacon fat, spice, cherry, garrigue, smoke and ripe, black raspberry and barbeque filled the perfume. Medium/full bodied, soft and supple, this fully mature Hermitage wine finished with fresh, spicy dark berries. A complex nose of licorice, bacon fat, spice, cherry, garrigue, smoke and ripe, black raspberry and barbeque filled the perfume. Medium/full bodied, soft and supple, this fully mature Hermitage wine finished with fresh, spicy dark berries. 1,964 Views Tasted Dec 4, 2011 • Buy This Wine For The Lowest Price DOWNLOAD TASTING NOTE | Post to Facebook Twitter PinterestInstagram SITE MAP WINES, WINERIES AND WINEMAKERS Vineyards, Wines and Wineries Everything About California Wine Complete Rhone Valley Wine Guide WINE TASTING NOTES Recent Wine Tasting Notes Search Wine Reviews and Tasting Notes Search Wine Tasting Notes, Reviews, Ratings, Bordeaux and Other Wines WINE TOPICS Top Ten Wines Bordeaux Wine Buying Guides, Various Wine Articles Guest Author Posts Browse All Categories IMAGES, FORUMS, LINKS Photo Gallerys, Images Links We Like and Recommend Advertise in The Wine Cellar Insider Exclusive Sponsorship Avails GENERAL INFO About The Wine Cellar Insider Contact Site Map FAQ, Privacy Policy, GDPR Information Home If you like a page in The Wine Cellar Insider, please link to it! All material on this web site, including but not limited to written articles, tasting notes and photographs are the exclusive property of Jeff Leve and may not be copied, used, or reprinted without written notice and must be properly accredited with links to the appropriate page where the material was first published in The Wine Cellar Insider without exception to Jeff Leve/The Wine Cellar Insider. © Copyright 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022. Site design by Chris Schendel. 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Business Upturn - Latest News on Business, Top headlines on Corporates, Startups, Tech, Economy, Finance, Money, Top Technology News & Updates India Nation Politics Defense Education Health International Affairs World Companies Industry Retail Auto Real Estate Telecom Energy Aviation Agriculture Money Tech Cinema Lifestyle Sports Brand Post WOO Network wins milestone AML approval from Taiwan By PR Newswire On September 8, 2022 17:20 IST Share Advertisement TAIPEI, Sept. 8, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — WOO Network, a top 10 crypto trading platform, has secured approval of its anti-money laundering (AML) registration application with Taiwan’s financial regulator. The crypto trading firm is the only foreign applicant that is included in a list of 24 registered virtual asset providers or VASPs released by the Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC) of the Banking Bureau of Taiwan. “This is an important milestone for us as many foreign-owned firms are seeking to serve the Chinese-speaking market who are looking to diversify their portfolios. Taiwan’s potential on its own is huge given its high per capita income and fin-tech-savviness,” said Jack Tan, founder and CEO of WOO Network. “This decision gives us ample confidence that Taiwan regulators are trying to strike a balance between supporting innovation and protecting users,” Tan noted. “Our key differentiator is that we can provide deep liquidity and zero fees on transactions, thanks to our partner, Kronos Research. Simultaneously, we are able to launch new features and implement upgrades with our system – all of these allowed us to be on the top 10 crypto trading platforms in just one year of operations,” he highlighted. Kronos Research is a cryptocurrency quantitative trading firm that specializes in arbitrage and high-frequency trading. The quant trading firm incubated WOO Network to provide professional traders and exchanges with improved liquidity. To date, the total historical trading volume on WOO X is over 240 billion USD. WOO Network has more than 20 partners including Avalanche, Binance, Crypto.com, Cardano, and NEAR. Taiwan approval details “In general, the approval that we obtained means that we are fully compliant with implementing the AML measures, as stipulated by Taiwan law. It allows us to engage in: crypto to fiat exchange; crypto to crypto exchange; transfer of cryptocurrencies; safekeeping or administration of cryptocurrencies; and offering and issuance of cryptocurrencies,” said Chloe Tsai, Head of Legal and AML at WOO Network. According to the FSC document, businesses that have completed the declaration of compliance with the Money Laundering Prevention Act are responsible for the implementation of the Money Laundering Prevention Act on their behalf. Those who obtained the approval are to take measures to prevent money laundering and combat terrorism on their virtual currency platforms and trading business. “One of the requirements for us is to create an independent Taiwan app to house all Taiwanese users. On our Taiwan app, users cannot access futures/margin, while all FE and BE are separated from our global app,” explained Tsai. “We are also taking big steps to allow our platform to engage in crypto to fiat exchange starting with one of the big local banks in Taiwan, and hopefully soon with other banks,” said Tsai. For many decades, Taiwan’s financial sector is highly-regulated as it is cautious of the inflow of capital related to money laundering. However, the government has recently relaxed its rules in a bid to spur financial innovation and turn Taiwan into a fin-tech hub. With its neighboring countries looking to tighten their rules on crypto, Taiwan has a good chance of achieving its goal with its recent approvals. About WOO Network WOO X is a trading platform for professional traders, featuring fully customizable modules, and lower to zero-fee trading complete with deep liquidity sourced from the WOO Network, which connects traders, exchanges, institutions, and DeFi platforms. The WOO Token is used in the network’s CeFi and DeFi products for staking and fee discounts. WOO Network was incubated by Kronos Research, a multi-strategy trading firm that specializes in market making, arbitrage, CTA, and high-frequency trading (HFT), averaging around $5-10 billion of daily trading volume on global cryptocurrency exchanges. Disclaimer: The above press release comes to you under an arrangement with PR Newswire. Business Upturn takes no editorial responsibility for the same. 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Students in COM 369 – Integrated Marketing Communication – partner with a real-world client each semester to develop an IMC plan that promotes the client’s products, services, or brand. They also use their media skills to produce promotional messages the client can use in their IMC campaigns. Here is a TikTok video that Hanna Hyland produced for Hatfield Quality Meats, the client for the Spring 2021 IMC class. COM 369 provides students with both a theoretical and practical understanding of integrated marketing communication (IMC). Given the modern media marketplace, this course gives special attention to IMC in the digital and social media age, and how they can work in tandem with traditional media. Students engage in a semester-long team project of five milestones where they assume the roles of a Marketing Communications Manager and Marketing Team for a real- world client. In these roles, students perform the research, market analysis, and creative brainstorming necessary to develop a robust IMC Campaign Plan that they present to the client at the end of the semester. Students leave this class with a better understanding of integrated marketing communications, client relationship management, and project management. Beyond that, students’ IMC Campaign Portfolio becomes a top-notch “sales tool” to impress potential employers. Post navigation ← Previous Post Next Post → Leave a Comment Cancel Reply Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked * Type here.. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail Name* Email* Website About Us The Communication Department at Cabrini University is the ideal place for socially minded students who want to learn how to tell stories that matter. We offer a hands-on program in digital communication and social media that builds the critical thinking and technical skills necessary to create an impact in today's world.
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The series premiered on november 4, 2005 on the n in the united states and ended on december 12, 2008. The strain season 1 episode 1 full episode youtube. She is an actress, known for 12 monkeys 2015, suits 2011 and pretty little liars 2010. Telecharger the walking dead saison 8 vostfr hdtv sur. The team is forced to retreat, and quinlan and vasily come up with a plan to use the nuke to destroy the master once and for all. New world containing thirteen 45 minute episodes was. Stargate universe is the title of the third liveaction science fiction television series in the stargate franchise. Dutch and fet didnt happen in the books, but thats a natural observation as. The strain season 1 episode 4, its not for everyone. Watch free on 123movies, gomovies, gostream or 123movieshub new link. Season 1 2008 in july 2007 shaftesbury films announced that filming had begun on a episode series based on both maureen jennings novels and the murdoch mysteries tv movies, which would air on bravo. The strain after show season 1 episode 1 night zero afterbuzz tv. While in season 1, and less so in season 2 it felt like there were a lot of wasted episode that didnt advance the plot nor really fit with the over all demeanor of the show, the writers have seemed to focus in on the better aspects of the show. The explosion at the end of season three triggered a global nuclear apocalypse. Counselwoman feraldo is a product of season 2s scripting, but ill be damned if she shouldnt have been in the book. People stupidly running upstairs when they should be trying to get out of the house. French latest uploaded movies the wrong missy 2020 star wars iiii the phantom edit 2015 the painted bird 2019 english. Stargate universe was filmed and produced in vancouver, canada, as were the. Picture, title, number, season number, production code, original airdate. Under the dome full episodes, cast, pictures and news. Recap and thoughts john squires august 4th, 2014 if theres one thing ive been looking forward to from the strain, its abraham setrakians transformation from badass old dude to badass old dude who kills vampires, which was has been all but promised in the past couple episodes. Alpha attacks the hilltop while negan finally dawns a whisperer mask in. Amanda schull was born on august 26, 1978 in honolulu, hawaii, usa. Sheriff deputy rick grimes wakes up from a coma to learn the world is in ruins and must lead a group of survivors to stay alive. An unexpected guest brings old conflicts to the surface. Murdoch mysteries is a canadian mystery drama television series that began in 2008. Season 1 guide for the strain tv series see the episodes list with schedule and episode summary. Tvguide has every full episode so you can stayuptodate and watch your favorite show the strain. Eph and nora work on a biological weapon to kill the strigoi, and setrakian risks the lives of the entire group to find information about a closely guarded secret text. The strain after show season 1 episode 1 night zero afterbuzz. The master begins the next phase of his own plan, by creating a terrifying new breed of cre. The strain is an american horror drama television series that aired on fx from july, 2014. A full writing staff was hired to script subsequent episodes. Watch the strain online full episodes all seasons yidio. The strain is the story of the cdc canary team investigating an outbreak in nyc. The series is based on the detective murdoch novels by maureen jennings and is set in toronto around the turn of the 20th century. The strain season 2 episode 1 eph and nora work on a biological weapon to kill the strigoi, and setrakian risks the lives of the entire group to find information about a closely guarded secret text. Season 2 guide for the strain tv series see the episodes list with schedule and episode summary. The walking dead saison 7 french bluray 1080p hdtv. World beyond premieres sunday, april 12 at 109c on amc. Feraldo orders a full withdrawal as strigoi overrun central park. Forget watch fans react to carols antics, daryl and aarons adventure, ricks bold moves, and more from the walking dead episode. Produced by mgm, the show entered production in early 2009, and premiered on october 2, 2009 on syfy and space, and on october 6, 2009 on sky1 in the united kingdom and ireland. The missions and trials of a toronto police tactical unit. I dont know if i have the strength to do it all over. A crack team of scientists battle a mysterious outbreak in this slick scifihorror series from executive producer guillermo del toro. With hugh dillon, amy jo johnson, david paetkau, sergio di zio. Space originally announced on 7 march, 2012 that production for primeval. It centres on william murdoch yannick bisson, a detective at station house four, who solves crimes using scientific techniques and inventions which are highly. Jul 12, 2015 watch the strain season 2, episode 1 bk, ny. Del toro perfectly directed the pilot episode and the show manages to keep up with the initial promise throughout. The series tells about the rescue team, who notices that the mysterious plane lands in new york, when they approach it they notice that all passengers are dead, but they do not know what resulted in death. Jul 19, 2015 counselwoman feraldo is a product of season 2 s scripting, but ill be damned if she shouldnt have been in the book. The strain season 1 episode 4 its not for everyone full episode. Watch full episodes, view galleries and explore all about the show on syfy. Aug 23, 2016 eph and nora work on a biological weapon to kill the strigoi, and setrakian risks the lives of the entire group to find information about a closely guarded secret text. I dont know if i have the strength to do it all over again. The strain tv show season 2 episodes list next episode. The strain full episode guide season 4 10 full episodes, 23 clips available. It was officially picked up for the 200910 season on may 19, 2009. Disney family singalong part ii will feature katy perry, john legend and more stars. Lester questioned claudia about her feelings on cutter as their expert and she just said she trusted him. The premiere of the series took place on july 2014. The strain tainted love season 4, episode 6 airs august 20, 10. Publie le 11112016 a 11h15 modifie le 12112016 a 20h21. Selfridge 02x01 series 2, episode 1 the bletchley circle 02x03 uncustomed goods part 1 normal people 01x02 episode 2. The first season originally aired on the n in the united states from november 4, 2005 to february 3, 2006. Jun 24, 20 as the dome in chesters mill comes down, the resistance, led by barbie, julia and big jim, makes a final attempt to protect the outside world from the infected townspeople in the kinship, including sam and junior, and their new queen, dawn. When a plane lands in new york city with everyone on board dead, dr. The master begins the next phase of his own plan, by creating a terrifying new breed of creature and placing them under the control of kelly. Watch the strain season 1 episode 2 full online for free. Now, lets enumerate some of the gross parts of this disgusting series. The walking dead twd shows, comics, and more skybound. Watch the strain episodes online season 1 2014 tv guide. She has been married to george wilson since may 28, 2011. Two time travelers, cole and cassie, must journey throughout time to prevent the army of the 12 monkeys from destroying all reality. Episode 1 full season 1 available for amc premiere subscribers new. The vampire diaries is an american supernatural horror romance television series created by kevin williamson based on the novels of the same name by author l. Seasons 2 and 3 were progressively like a gilligans island episode, where just. She is an actress, known for 12 monkeys 2015, suits. Collins as roman, rupert penryjones as quinlan, kevin. The strain after show season 1 episode 4 its not for everyone the strain after show. The pilot episode of guillermo del toros new series the strain kicks off with a voice over rumination on the power of hunger over an aerial shot of city lights. Sep 28, 2015 the strain season 2, episode 12 watch. The strain season 1 episode 1 full episode tamika yang. It premiered on september 10, 2009, on the cw and received the highest ratings for a series premiere in the networks history scoring 4. While ephraim and nora try to create a biological weapon to destroy the strigoi, abraham asks them and vasiliy for help. During the course of the series, 46 episodes of the strain aired over four seasons. Watch the strain season 1 episode 3 online tv fanatic. The walking dead saison 1 webisodes 3, domestic violence vostfr. The strain tv show season 1 episodes list next episode. Venice the series web series episode 2 season 1 youtube. The fourth season of the walking dead, an american postapocalyptic horror television series on amc, premiered on october, 20, and concluded on march 30, 2014, consisting of 16 episodes. Telecharger the walking dead saison 8 vostfr hdtv sur cpasbien cestpasbien, the walking dead saison 8 vostfr hdtv. The strain season 1 episode 1 when a plane lands in new york city with everyone on board dead, dr. Vampire diaries season 1 aired in urdu language in pakistan on filmax. New world was a canadian television program, and a spinoff to the original british primeval series. Watch rush season 1 episode 2 onlinerush season 1 episode 2 online free watchrush. Title directed by written by original air date prod. What looks at first like a mysterious viral outbreak might be the beginning of something infinitely more sinister. Serie the strain saison 1 en streaming vf et vostfr, hd. Jul 20, 2014 watch the strain season 1, episode 2 the box. The four survivors in quarantine start showing unusual symptoms. They end the episode in a very questionable spot, but they arent even the biggest heartache of the night. Aug 03, 2014 the strain after show season 1 episode 4 its not for everyone. Establishing credits inform us that we are watching the 20th hour of february 8th, night zero. Episode 2 of the venice web series finds gina crystal chappell, an interior designer and her assistant, michele michelle carter are discussing ginas schedule while drinking coffee and. In the season 2 premiere, eph and nora attempt to create a biological weapon that will kill the strigoi, but setrakian puts the entire group at risk by searching for an ancient text. The strain season 1 episode 4 its not for everyone. Watch the strain season 1 episode 1 online tv fanatic. The strain season 1 episode 2 watch full movie online. New world was set in vancouver, canada, and followed a new anomaly research team. Developed for television by frank darabont, the series is based on the eponymous series of comic books by robert kirkman, tony moore, and charlie adlard. Ephraim eph goodweather, head of the cdcs canary project, and his team are called upon to investigate. With andrew lincoln, norman reedus, melissa mcbride, danai gurira. However, everett overrides ephs attempts to quarantine. Ben hyland season 1 and max charles seasons 24 as zach goodweather. Afterbuzz tv the strain edition, is a weekly after show for fans of fxs the. 147 1020 494 1120 388 737 1499 1079 425 174 204 1071 755 39 206 590 441 530 571 811 746 263 730 858 891 1061 589 907 1212 474 712 1111
Vols aprendre una professió de futur? Vols especialitzar-te en l’àmbit del manteniment industrial o actualitzar-ne els coneixements? Tenim el que Buscar Cerca: Etiquetes #jgingenieros acfm actius AEM apafam arquitectes Arquitectura backtowork barcelona certificacioambiental ciutat de la justícia de còrdova climatització consultoria covid COVID19 CursExpert curs intensiu Edificis educació educación elements Facility Management FM formació tècnica gestió Hospitals IFMA instal·lacions IWD IWD2021 JornadaTècnica Manteniment perfijunts Professional recomissioning recommissioning SMART BUILDING Smart Cities software fm Synchrotron UNED upc vall hebron webminar ·manteni Arxiu Arxiu Selecciona el mes març 2021 gener 2021 novembre 2020 octubre 2020 setembre 2020 agost 2020 juny 2020 maig 2020 abril 2020 març 2020 febrer 2020 novembre 2019 abril 2019 març 2019 gener 2019 novembre 2018 octubre 2018 setembre 2018 juliol 2018 juny 2018 maig 2018 març 2018 gener 2018 novembre 2017 octubre 2017 juny 2017 maig 2017 abril 2017 març 2017 novembre 2016 octubre 2016 setembre 2016 juliol 2016 juny 2016 maig 2016 abril 2016 desembre 2015 novembre 2015 octubre 2015 setembre 2015 agost 2015 juliol 2015
OKLAHOMA CITY (KOKH) — Recreational marijuana will be on our ballot soon, but the fate of similar ballot questions failed in three of five states that voted on it last night. This leaves many questioning if State Question 820 here in Oklahoma will pass next year. Campaign Director for Yes on State Question 820, Michelle Tilley, told Fox 25 that they are still very optimistic that Oklahoma will pass SQ 820 on March 7th. State Question 820 is a law that has been brought by the people of Oklahoma through the petition process. “What it will do is legalize recreational marijuana in Oklahoma, and it’s going to provide a 15% tax on that marijuana which is going to provide funds for our schools, health care, or local governments,” Tilley said. Tilley says SQ 820 is different from the laws rejected in Arkansas, North Dakota, and South Dakota last night, their measures not having provisions to expunge criminal records for marijuana convictions like SQ 820 does. “It also allows for a process for those who have been convicted of minor marijuana issues in the past to have that cleaned up the record,” she said. She says the Yes on State Question 820 Campaign is not phased by the other states’ rejections. “Honestly, we’re focused on Oklahoma. We are Oklahomans and this has been a process we’ve been working on for the last three years to get this law right for Oklahoma,” she said, “We know that an overwhelming majority of Oklahomans support the idea of legalizing marijuana and taxing it and regulating it so that our state can see the benefits of that program.” They say they are still confident that the question will pass come the special election in March. “We’re very optimistic,” Tilley said, “People think it’s past time to legalize recreational here in Oklahoma.” State Question 820 will be voted on in a special election on March 7th, and the Yes on 820 Campaign encourages Oklahomans to vote on election day. Latest Stories Benefit Concert “Nightmare B4 Xmas” at Studio 205 This Saturday Music comes to downtown with “The Nightmare B4 Xmas”, a benefit concert for Peachtree Landing and... House Page Program Opens Applications OKLAHOMA CITY – The Oklahoma House of Representatives High School Page Program is now accepting applications... Teen Robbed, Dragged by Driver in Sale Set Up Online OKLAHOMA CITY – A driver in Oklahoma City robbed and dragged a teenager with a truck during a shoe...
Aquest dissabte els nostres patinadors es presentan a la Comarcal 2 de nivell C i B. Molta sort i a gaudir de l’experiència.
Dins el Festival of Fools Barcelona, The Festival of Fools Cabaret Cabron Gala presenta COCO LOCONUTS CLUB. Dues sessions, dissabte 24 de setembre a les 20:00 h i diumenge 25 de setembre a les 19:00 h. Des del capvespre fins a l’alba, al Club Coco, on abunden els còctels, un espectacle de pista de Dives i Donuts. amb FOOLS BROTHERS, PETER ERCOLANO, GRADA PESKENS, MILA VON CHOBIAK, TONY HEIMER I ARTISTES CONVIDATS. Reservar entrades Entrades: General 10 € Socis dels Ateneus 10 € Grups a partir de 10, 10 € Infants (fins a 12 anys) 8 € Si voleu rebre tots els fulls d'activitats i notícies per correu electrònic, encara que no sigueu socis, només cal que anoteu l'adreça electrònica a la nostra llista de correu. Per a qualsevol consulta, podeu trucar a Secretaria (de 18 a 20 hores), tel. 93 427 73 27, enviar un FAX (al mateix número) o enviar un e-mail a: Lluïsos: [email protected] Tennis Taula: [email protected] Esbart: [email protected] × Localització de Lluïsos Carrer Feliu i Codina 7 i 9 - 08031 Barcelona Tel. 93·427·73·27 / 619·10·59·27 Aquesta adreça de correu-e està protegida dels robots de spam.Necessites Javascript habilitat per veure-la. (Formulari de contacte) Horari d'atenció al públic a Secretaria: de dilluns a divendres de 17:30 a 19:30 h. Lluïsos d'Horta és una Associació Sense Ànim de Lucre inscrita en el Registre d'Entitats Religioses del Ministeri de Justícia amb el núm. 5794-SE/C. Política de Privacitat - Avís Legal - Política de Cookies Fem Xarxa Rebem el suport de: Estem adherits a les següents entitats: Col·laboradors: El lloc web de Lluïsos d'Horta està subjecte a una llicència de Reconeixement-NoComercial 3.0 No adaptada de Creative Commons Top | + | - | reset Copyright © Lluïsos d'Horta 2022 All rights reserved. Custom Design by Youjoomla.com Home Home Què ens passa? Activitats Qui som? --Junta Directiva --Missió, Visió i Valors --Socis, Voluntaris, Beneficiaris --Estatuts i Règim Intern --Sala de Teatre --Memòries d'Activitats ---Any 2021 ---Any 2020 ---Any 2019 ---Any 2018 ---Any 2017 ---Any 2016 ---Any 2015 ---Any 2014 ---Any 2013 ---Any 2012 --Contacta amb nosaltres --Història --150èspai --Imatges històriques Què fem? --Seccions ---Cinema ----Cinema de Valors ---Esbart ---Excursionisme ---Grup Coral Horta ----Xor Cove ---Fotografia ---Manualitats ---Teatre ----Escola de Teatre ----Teatre de les Festes ----Decorats ----Escenografia ---Tennis Taula --A més a més ---Vespres de Jazz ---Casals als Lluïsos ---Comissió Lila - Les Lluïses ---Exposicions al Vestíbul --Tallers --Multimèdia --Vídeos --Publicacions --Xarxes Socials --Obres representades Cerca
First-time depositors only (18+ UK exc NI). Min Deposit: £10. Max Offer per deposit: 50 Free Spins on Fluffy Favourites. Free Spins Winnings will be capped at £5 and credited to your real money balance. Promo code: LOVE100. Promo code can be used a maximum of x2 in order to claim a total of 100 free spins. Full T&C’s apply. Valid until 31.12.18. claim now Mighty Black Knight Slot Review CLAIM 100 SPINS NOW T&Cs Apply PLAY Mighty Black Knight Our Top Picks Play Game Play Game Play Game Play Game Quick Links: Slot Details Related Articles About Us Similar Games Home » Online Slots » Mighty Black Knight Slot Review PLAY NOW Mighty Black Knight Slot Review Prepare for an adventure that will take you to the middle ages, at least visually. Mighty Black Knight slot is the latest release from Barcrest and comes with some entertaining and exciting bonus features. Read our entire Mighty Black Knight review, discover all of the details about this online video slot and embark on this one of a kind crusade. Mighty Black Knight Overview Mighty Black Knight slot has five reels, five rows and amazing 50 fixed paylines. The reels are set against a dark and spooky castle. On each side of the reels there are torches that bring some light into this online video slot. As we said Mighty Black Knight slot was developed by the popular software provider, Barcrest and has three super cool bonus features. Like most other online video slots, this one has two types of symbols, the low and high valued ones. The lowest value symbols are represented by the classic card symbols, which are all in different colours, pink, red, blue and purple. On the other hand, there are also the high valued symbols, which will help you land the bigger prizes. Those are the map of France, a signet ring, a crown, a golden orb, the Queen and of course her King. Mighty Black Knight slot also has a wild symbol. As you probably know, the wild symbol has the ability to take the place of all other symbols on the reels and help you land more winning combination. There is an additional symbol, the bonus one, which is represented by a chess piece. The bonus symbol is the only one that can’t be replaced by the wild one. What makes these two symbols more special is the fact that they can help you trigger the Mighty Black Knight bonus features. How To Play Mighty Black Knight Slot Setting the bet is one of the most crucial parts, before you start spinning the reels of Mighty Black Knight. The betting range varies from the minimum of 0.10 to a maximum of 250. Mighty Black Knight Bonus Features Mighty Black Knight slot has three really mighty bonus features. So, when spinning the reels of this interesting online video slot, you will have a fair chance of activating one the following bonus round: the Big Bet, the Mighty Black Knight Free Spins and the Mighty Reels. Let’s get into detail about each of these bonus rounds individually. Mighty Black Knight Free Spins If you manage to land at least three bonus symbols represented by the chess piece, anywhere on the reels, you will trigger the Mighty Black Knight Free Spins bonus round. Depending on the amount of symbols you land, you will receive a different number of free spins. Three bonus symbols will bring you eight free spins. Landing four bonus symbols will bring you 12 free spins. Lastly, if you manage to land the maximum of five bonus symbols, anywhere on the reels, you will be rewarded with 20 free spins. The best thing is that you can even win more free spins or activate the next bonus feature on the reels, the Mighty Reels bonus round. All you need to do is land the required number of matching symbols. Mighty Reels In order for you to trigger the Mighty Reels bonus round, you will need to get the wild symbol, represented by the black knight. When this happens, the gate that is located on the top of the screen will rise. The higher reel positions will be uncovered and the number of paylines will be a total of 100. Furthermore, the black knight will start to expand until it covers all of the positions on the reels. Big Bet The Big Bet bonus feature in more of an optional round, where you will be able to buy five spins. You can buy each of the options for a different price and they also come with different benefits. Let’s start with the cheapest option and move our way up to the highest one. £20.00 Option If you choose this option, the wild symbol will trigger the Mighty Reels bonus feature. This will also happen, even if the symbol is only partly in view. £30.00 Option If you choose the second option, the wild symbol will trigger the Mighty Reels bonus feature. This will also happen, even if the symbol is only partly in view. In addition, all of the symbols, represented by the playing cards will also be removed. £50.00 Option The third and last option is similar to the second one with few extra benefits. If you choose this option, the wild symbol will trigger the Mighty Reels bonus feature. This will also happen, even if the symbol is only partly in view. Also, all of the symbols, represented by the playing cards will also be removed and the wild symbols will keep their place for the rest of the spins you have. Out Mighty Black Knight Review Mighty Black Knight slot is a really entertaining online video game slot. Depending on the Big Bet option, the return to player rate will also differ. So, choosing to play the Big Bet option will means that the RTP will be 96,00%. 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Our services in the UK are operated by 888 UK Limited, a company incorporated in Gibraltar, which is licensed and regulated by the Great Britain Gambling Commission. Our services in European Single Market member states (except for states in which our services are provided under a local license) are operated by Virtual Digital Services Limited, a company incorporated in Gibraltar which is part of the European Union. Virtual Digital Services Limited operates under the auspices of a gaming license provided under the laws of Gibraltar.
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El gener passa ràpid, és un d'aquells mesos productius, que passades les festes de Nadal i fins a Carnaval no fas gaire més que treballar. No ha estat un mes gaire productiu en la lectura, una de les novel·les que no he deixat, tampoc és massa llarga, és 1933 was a bad year, traduida en castellà com a Un año pésimo de John Fante. De fet el 2020 ha començat pel Camp de Tarragona de forma pèssima pels temporals i els accidents químics, però Fante, amb el seu hiperrealisme brut es referia al desvetllament de l'adolescència i de com el somni americà acaba quan un wasp et diu de males maneres que te'n vagis de la festa, que tu no hi ets convidat. Fante és un autor que ha revingut, de manera que segur que trobareu persones que us en parlaran amb menys pressa que jo. Arola ha publicat les obres en català del dramaturg Marc Artigau, a l'atzar he començat per Caixes i m'ha semblat una bona obra, amb una arquitectura equilibrada amb arcbotants i voltes agosarades. Una mena de Temps obert pedrolià sobre possibilitats de la vida que s'obren i passen de llarg, però al segle XXI i amb aquella edat que ho hauries de tenir tot resolt i encarat, i no. Quan he de fer adaptacions de balls parlats m'agrada llegir Shakespeare, que el seu llenguatge em vagi ressonant pel cap mentre miro d'adaptar versos menys acurats que el seu. El Rei Joan no és de les millors obres que té, els personatges fan llargues tirallongues de versos sense que tinguin passatges molt lluïts com els que ens té acostumats. De tot plegat en destaco el personatge del Bastard, una mena de bufó i de veu de la consciència que deixa anar perles com: "Món guillat! Reis guillats! Conveni estúpid!" o "Per l'Interès / aquell que el món desvia! Abans el món/ per ell mateix rodava en equilibri/ sobre una terra plana, i l'Interès que fa com un pendent irresistible..." o Pandeolf: " el que has jurat sense raó, no fora de raó complir-ho lleialment", o com sempre trobem belles comparacions: "refrescar el gel o bé afegir un color a l'arc de Sant Martí..." El foc follet de Louis Malle m'ha impressionat força. és una pel·lícula sobre el final de la joventut i l'apatia de saber-te adult i d'haver de comportar-se com cal i com s'espera. El foc follet és un foc que crema sense control, però també sense sentit i això carrega la pel·lícula sobre la banda de l'existencialisme. el protagonista és un personatge que ho té tot de cara, però que no connecta amb la seva realitat, amb la trista realitat humana, l'infern són els altres, però el patim naltros mateixos. Publicat per Antoni Veciana a 18:00 Etiquetes de comentaris: cinema, Novel·la, teatre Envia per correu electrònicBlogThis!Comparteix a TwitterComparteix a Facebook 0 comentaris: Publica un comentari a l'entrada Subscriure's a: Comentaris del missatge (Atom) Entrada més recent Entrada més antiga Popular Posts Rap ràpid M'estreno a escriure sobre cuina. Tot plegat és una mica arriscat perquè només en sé a nivell pràctic, tot i que me'n surto prou... Montserrat Roig: El cant de la joventut Avui dia, que et caiguin llibres a les mans és bastant fàcil. Amb les pantalles i els pisos petits tothom se'n desfà. A vegades en ... ‘Nicolau’, d’Antoni Veciana: amb la sal als llavis i els peus a la sorra (El Periódico) La vida va néixer del mar i aquesta massa d’aigua salada potser és l’autèntica protagonista de ‘Nicolau’, la novel·la debut d’Antoni Vecia... Ressenya de Pere Antoni Pons Nicolau, la primera novela de Anto­ni Veciana (Reus, 1977), publicada por La Segona Periferia, es una celebración de la fantasía, un cant... La ciutat d’Hermes i Heracles I Una de les entrades que diàriament recull més visites és Tradició pagana i catòlica on recollia de manera molt sintètica diverses mostre... Astronomia popular, la proposta Començo una nova secció dedicada als estels i a la manera popular que teníem d’anomenar-los. Cada cultura, cada civilització ha... Ferrater, Subietes i Tonet El poema In memoriam de Ferrater es pot llegir perfectament com una narració: «Els senyor Subietes va morir assassinat també. Si ara el ... Burrets L a recepta no té res. La majoria de vegades, com menys coses fas al peix, millor queda. En la cuina del peix és més important el gènere ... Ratafia, a sol i serena Deia Gaudí que a la Sagrada Família tot és providencial. Per fer ratafia diria el mateix si no pequés de blasfèmia, però en tot cas, fe... Bacallà amb cigrons de Divendres Sant A Reus tenim un plat tradicional de Divendres Sant que es deixa preparat per quan es torna de les Tres Gràcies o de collir farigola. ... 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Tot plegat és una mica arriscat perquè només en sé a nivell pràctic, tot i que me'n surto prou... Montserrat Roig: El cant de la joventut Avui dia, que et caiguin llibres a les mans és bastant fàcil. Amb les pantalles i els pisos petits tothom se'n desfà. A vegades en ... ‘Nicolau’, d’Antoni Veciana: amb la sal als llavis i els peus a la sorra (El Periódico) La vida va néixer del mar i aquesta massa d’aigua salada potser és l’autèntica protagonista de ‘Nicolau’, la novel·la debut d’Antoni Vecia... Ressenya de Pere Antoni Pons Nicolau, la primera novela de Anto­ni Veciana (Reus, 1977), publicada por La Segona Periferia, es una celebración de la fantasía, un cant... La ciutat d’Hermes i Heracles I Una de les entrades que diàriament recull més visites és Tradició pagana i catòlica on recollia de manera molt sintètica diverses mostre... 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ModeloDrive FRP BC2 Side Skirts > Acura TSX CL9 2004-2008 (modelodrive_110110) - Carbonfiberhoods.com Toggle menu Search Sign in or Register ShopMenu Categories Select Vehicle Select Vehicle Navigation Terms & Conditions Contact Us Brands Duraflex ModeloDrive VSaero Carbon Creations KBD Aero Function Couture Extreme Dimensions Vaero View all Brands Terms & Conditions Contact Us (702) 900 2346 | (775) HI-BOOST Home Select Vehicle ModeloDrive FRP BC2 Side Skirts > Acura TSX CL9 2004-2008 (modelodrive_110110) ModeloDrive FRP BC2 Side Skirts > Acura TSX CL9 2004-2008 (modelodrive_110110) ModeloDrive (No reviews yet) Write a Review Write a Review × ModeloDrive ModeloDrive FRP BC2 Side Skirts > Acura TSX CL9 2004-2008 (modelodrive_110110) Rating * Select Rating 1 star (worst) 2 stars 3 stars (average) 4 stars 5 stars (best) Name Email * Review Subject * Comments * $170.00 $250.00 (You save ) SKU: modelodrive_110110 Stock: 0 Availability: Special order Location: - Material: FRP Category Type: Exterior Category Type: Side Skirts Current Stock: Add to Wish List Create New Wish List × Product Overview ModeloDrive FRP BC2 Side Skirts > Acura TSX CL9 2004-2008 (modelodrive_110110) This is a BC2 Side Skirts manufactured or distributed by ModeloDrive with FRP being the primary exterior surface material. ModeloDrive FRP (fiberglass) parts are made to a higher standard than most mass produced US market fiberglass parts. Holes will not always be pre-drilled so you still will need to dry fit the parts before they can be prepped and finished. Due to the nature of fiberglass there may be cracks or surface imperfections that need filled and/or leveled. This should be fixed in the prep stage of installation at a professional body shop. Bolts, screws, and double sided tape is not included. All ModeloDrive fiberglass parts require modification, shaving, sanding, drilling, filling in order to ensure proper fitment but generally speaking less than the competition. New: A brand-new, unused, unopened, item in its original packaging (where packaging is applicable). Packaging should be the same as what is found in our retail store. To be installed professionally by a bodyshop with a valid automotive repair business license. Fiberglass parts always require prep work before they can be primed and painted. This product is made with fiberglass material, therefore it will exhibit chips, breaks, cracks, waves, scratches and holes which require modification. It is necessary to dry fit and drill mounting holes and preform body work before paint. Cutting and adding of fiberglass may be required for proper fitment. Ships direct from the manufacturer or a distributor. Primer finish. Hand layup is the manufacturing process used for the majority of our fiberglass parts. Hoods require hood pins. We do not offer any guarantee of fitment on vehicles that have been in involved in accidents and/or have body damage or customization.
Community Care Choices is a community based program offered by Community Hospice, your local nonprofit hospice providing compassionate and quality care, education and support to patients and their families, regardless of ability to pay, since 1979. California’s SB 1004 was put into place to establish standards and provide technical assistance for Medi-Cal managed care health plans (MCPs) for the delivery of Palliative Care. Palliative Care, in this context, “consists of patient and family centered care that optimizes quality of life by anticipating, preventing, and treating suffering”. Palliative Care is intended to be added to other services that a patient may need such as home health care and/or curative treatments. Interventions provided with Palliative Care include pain and symptom management, advance care planning and complicated healthcare navigation. A patient in this program may have begun to use the emergency room or hospital for their care needs, have a decline in health status but are not eligible for hospice or not interested in hospice, or wanting to attempt in-home care and to participate in Advance Care Planning discussions. (DHS All Plan Letter 17-015, Oct 2017) Community Care Choices was created in 2017 to further meet the needs of our community offering specialized and compassionate care to patients in our community with a chronic/serious illness (not hospice). Community Hospice is licensed by California and certified by Medicare and Medical to provide comprehensive palliative and end-of-life care. Our program is accredited by Community Health Accreditation Program (CHAP) and affiliated with the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO). Mission. Vision. Values. Our Mission The mission of Community Care Choices is to embrace individuals and families facing life-changing journeys, enhancing quality of life for all. Our Vision The vision of Community Care Choices is to be the Provider of Excellence in quality care, education and support. Our Values Compassion To improve quality of life and meet the goals of the patient. Quality Our healthcare environment is dedicated to quality standards of care to address the physical, emotional and spiritual comfort of our patients. Integrity We maintain, in our thinking and actions, the highest level of integrity for each other, our patients, their families and our communities.
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JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Use coupon code HEALTHY for 5% off workplace distancing solutions. We Lift. You Dump™. Solutions for Handling Waste, Recycling & More. 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These penalties were all the result of failure to comply with OSHA standards, but which standards in particular? By understanding where other electrical contractors have gone wrong, you can help to ensure your firm doesn’t make the same mistakes — and, more importantly, avoid devastating workplace injuries. Here are the 10 most-cited OSHA standards for electrical contractors, according to the latest figures released by the Administration. Note: This content is for informational purposes only, and should not be considered legal advice. For official help complying with these and other OSHA standards, contact your local OSHA office, or contact the Administration at 1-800-321-OSHA. 1. Standard 1926.416: General requirements for protecting employees This standard covers the general requirements for working with electrical systems in the construction industry. It contains nine distinct rules, covering everything from preventing contact with energized power circuits to the necessary condition of electrical cables. According to this standard, OSHA citations may result from failure to: Prevent employees from working near power circuits unless those circuits are deenergized and grounded or sufficiently guarded from contact. Ensure employees wear insulated gloves when using hand tools near the potential location of underground power lines. Locate all energized power circuits prior to allowing employees to work near them. Set up barriers around exposed and energized parts of electrical equipment. Keep all walking/working spaces free of hazardous cords. Prevent load increases in circuit protectors beyond the top wiring load rating. Make sure employees use appropriately insulated tools to handle fuses in energized systems. Avoid the use of “work or frayed” cords and cables. Never support extension cords with staples, nails, or wire. In the October 2020 to September 2021 study period, OSHA issued 39 citations to electrical contractors for violating this standard. These citations led to fines worth a total of $324,353. 2. Standard 1925.501: Duty to have fall protection This standard lists employer responsibilities related to preventing falls and injuries from falling objects. In 2021, dozens of electrical contractors failed to comply with at least one of the following provisions found in the Code of Federal Regulations, subpart 1926, standard number 1926.501: Employees can only be allowed to work on elevated surfaces that support them safely. Elevated working surfaces require guardrails, safety nets, or personal fall arrest equipment if they’re six feet or higher above the ground or lower level. Workers tasked with setting up these elevated platforms must be protected by guardrails, safety nets, or fall arrest systems, too. All holes in working platforms (including skylights) must be set up so workers won’t trip over them or step into them. Holes must be covered when there’s a risk of objects falling through them onto those working below. Elevated walkways above six feet require guardrails. When employees work six feet or more above “dangerous equipment,” some combination of guardrails, personal fall arrest systems, or safety nets must prevent falls into that equipment. Employees must wear hard hats in workplaces where there’s a risk of falling objects. In addition to this PPE requirement, elevated walkways should include toeboards or other guards against objects falling over edges. This list isn’t comprehensive, but it illustrates the kinds of mistakes that led to OSHA fines for contractors (and, presumably, the workplace incidents that sparked an OSHA investigation). During the study period, OSHA issued 37 citations for noncompliance with standard 1926.501 in the electrical industry, leading to fines worth a combined total of $409,839. 3. Standard 1926.453: Aerial lifts Standard 1926.453 provides safety rules for working with (and on) boom platforms, aerial ladders, and other work platforms that take employees high in the air. Key OSHA requirements in this section of the regulations include: Staff must test aerial lift controls every day, before using them, to make sure they’re working like they should. Only trained, authorized staff can operate an aerial lift. Anyone in the basket of a lifting device must stand on the floor; no use of planks or ladders to reach work locations. Employees in these elevated baskets must wear a body belt, and attach it to the boom or basket itself with a tethering lanyard. Before you lift someone, the vehicle that supports an aerial lift must be parked on a solid surface. If there’s any incline, use wheel chocks — and brakes must always be set during use of the lift device. Electrical contractors failed to comply with these and other rules listed in standard 1926.453. For these mistakes, OSHA issued 28 citations to electrical employers during the study period, charging total penalties of $83,078. 4. Standard 1926.1053: Ladders The OSHA standard covering safe use (and construction) of ladders is one of the longer lists of rules in the Code of Federal Regulations. Electrical contractors should familiarize themselves with the whole thing, but key sections that often get missed include: All ladders must be built and tested to support at least four times the maximum intended load (or 3.3 times the max load if they’re considered “extra-heavy-duty.” When ladders reach 24 feet or more, employers must outfit them with “ladder safety devices” or lifelines and rest platforms at least every 150 feet. Ladders must be free from oil, grease, or similar substances that increase the risk of slipping. The team must keep the surrounding area of a ladder, both at the top and the bottom, totally clear of items and materials. These are just a few examples of OSHA’s rules for ladders in the construction industry. When in doubt, consult an OSHA-qualified safety expert. For electrical firms’ failure to comply with standard 1925.1053, OSHA issued 21 citations during the study period. Fines for these citations amounted to $61,933. 5. Standard 1926.405: Wiring methods, components, and equipment for general use This standard provides ground rules for electrical systems in the construction industry, including temporary wiring for lighting and equipment at the job site. Standout requirements include: You can’t hang temporary lights by the cord (unless both the cord and light are designed for this purpose). If you run a flexible cable or extension cord through doorways or potential “pinch points,” those cords must be protected from damage. You must avoid running cables around sharp corners or objects that might cut them. To power electric tools and appliances, you must only use three-wire extension cords rated for “hard or extra-hard” applications. Electrical equipment can’t have exposed live elements. For these and/or other violations of the standard, OSHA issued 18 citations to electrical contractors in the study period, with fines amounting to $54,576. 6. Standard 1926.20: General safety and health provisions This standard clarifies how other standards will be enforced, covering general topics from safety programs to personal protective equipment (PPE) and employee training in the construction industry. It makes several important safety responsibilities clear: Employers are responsible for offering effective safety programs. These programs must include frequent inspection of job sites, equipment, and construction materials, and must be conducted by “competent persons.” Multiple standards within part 1926 of the OSHA regulations require employees to provide safety training as well as appropriate PPE. Standard 1926.20 (f) specifies that each failure to train or provide PPE is a separate violation. So if you fail to train a whole team, you could be cited once for each employee, for instance. Among electrical firms, violations of standard 1926.20 resulted in 15 citations from OSHA during the study period. Total fines amounted to $57,576. 7. Standard 1926.21: Safety training and education Here, OSHA spells out the government’s authority over industrial training programs in the construction industry, and clarifies employer responsibility to train employees for safety and health. Sections that may lead to citations for electrical contractors include: Employers must teach employees how to recognize and avoid unsafe conditions, as well as methods of removing or at least controlling these hazards. Employees who work with “harmful substances” must be trained on how to handle them safely. Employers must also provide training for the safe use of flammable substances or hazardous materials — and potential exposure to dangerous plants or animals. Between October 2020 and November 2021, OSHA issued electrical contractors 15 citations related to this standard, with fines totaling $87,022. That breaks down to an average fine of over $5,800. 8. Standard 1926.403: General requirements for approved electrical conductors and equipment This list of “general requirements” covers the use of electrical equipment in the construction industry, including rules for setting up and working around electrical devices. In part, it states that: Employers must ensure that electrical equipment is safe for use in a variety of conditions. Any equipment that requires certification or official documentation must be installed and used as described by the paperwork. Electrical equipment must be safely secured to mounting surfaces (which means no wooden plugs driven into concrete, which apparently was a common problem when OSHA wrote the rule). Electrical equipment must have a certain amount of empty space surrounding it (usually not less than 30 inches, but sometimes up to four feet). Violations of standard 1926.403 led to 13 OSHA citations among electrical contractors in the study period, with fines totaling $35,576. 9. Standard 1904.39: Reporting fatality, injury, and illness information to the government Notably, standard 1904.39 is the only item on this list that doesn’t cover the construction industry alone. It comes from part 1904 of the regulations, which governs how employers must record and report workplace injuries and illnesses to the government. Specifically, standard 1904.39 states, in part, that: Employers must report workplace deaths to OSHA within eight hours of the incident. If a workplace injury leads to an employee being admitted to a hospital — or if there’s an amputation or loss of an eye — those incidents must be reported within 24 hours. Employers can make these reports either online, using OSHA’s Serious Event Reporting Online Form, by calling your local OSHA Area Office, or by calling the central OSHA phone line at 1-800-321-OSHA. During the study period, OSHA issued 11 citations to electrical contractors for violations of this standard, and charged total fines of $33,158. 10. Standard 1926.503: Training requirements for fall protection According to OSHA standard 1926.503, employers must provide fall-protection training programs for all employees that might face falling hazards. Here are a few details about these training programs listed in the standard: Training programs must teach employees about the risks of falling and reliable ways to reduce that risk. Not just anyone can teach a fall-protection program. The instructor must be a “competent person,” with detailed knowledge of specific fall hazards on the job; the right way to handle the job’s fall protection systems; use of guardrails and other safety equipment; each employee’s role in a fall protection plan; and, of course, OSHA standard 1926.503. Employers must document fall-protection training with official certificates. While the standard doesn’t require annual retraining, it does state that training should be repeated when there are changes in the workplace, you get new fall protection systems, or it seems that an employee isn’t following the rules of the training. This, the tenth most-commonly cited OSHA standard for electrical contractors, led to 9 citations from October 2020 to November 2021. The Administration charged total fines of $92,690 for these violations. The best way to avoid OSHA citations — and the workplace hazards that lead to them — is to work with the experts, either professional safety advisors or OSHA itself. Small and medium-sized businesses can get cost-free services through the OSHA On-Site Consultation Program. For more assistance, contact your regional OSHA Office. Search Popular Which of Your Workers Should Wear Hair Nets...or Beard Nets? 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On-Air Challenge:For each category, name something in the category starting with each of the letters in the word "trail." For example, if the category were "books of the Bible," you might say Timothy, Ruth, Amos, Isaiah and Leviticus. Any answer that works is correct. And you can give the answers in any order. Last week's challenge from listener Steve Baggish of Littleton, Mass.: Think of a well-known actor, three letters in the first name, seven letters in the last. One of the letters is an "S." Change the "S" to a "K" and rearrange the result, and you'll name a well-known fictional character. Who is it? Answer: Tinkerbell, which comes from the name of the actor Ben Stiller. Winner: Lynette Hendricks of Dallas Next week's challenge from listener David Rosen, a member of the National Puzzlers' League:The name of something that you might see your doctor about is a two-word phrase. Three letters in each word. When these six letters are written without a space, a three-letter word can be removed from inside, and the remaining three letters in order also form a word. What's interesting is that the four three-letter words — the two in the original phrase, the one that was removed, and the one that remains — all rhyme. What is the original phrase? Submit Your Answer If you know the answer to next week's challenge, submit it here. Listeners who submit correct answers win a chance to play the on-air puzzle. Important: Include a phone number where we can reach you Thursday at 3 p.m. Eastern. Copyright 2020 NPR. To see more, visit https://www.npr.org. Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email Will Shortz NPR's Puzzlemaster Will Shortz has appeared on Weekend Edition Sunday since the program's start in 1987. He's also the crossword editor of The New York Times, the former editor of Games magazine, and the founder and director of the American Crossword Puzzle Tournament (since 1978). See stories by Will Shortz Latest Stories All NPR News Ex-Border Patrol agent convicted of killing 4 women in Texas All NPR News Jan. 6 panel is planning to release its final report the week of Dec. 19 WFSU Local News As the demands on its resources increases, Tallahassee's Kearney Center reaches out for community support
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Ja coneixes el centre d'interpretació ART ECCLESIA de Santa Maria de Segur? Pots visitar-lo cada tercer diumenge de mes! És obert d' 11:00h a 13:00h. A les 12:00h hi ha visita guiada. CASTELL DE SANT ESTEVE DE CASTELLFOLLIT DE RIUBREGÓS Visites guiades el segon diumenge de cada mes a les 11:00h. Durada: aproximadament 1 hora. Preu: 2€ per persona (menors fins a 10 anys: gratuït) Informació i reserves: 93 869 30 31 (Ajuntament... MUSEU ARQUEOLÒGIC MUNICIPAL JOSEP CASTELLÀ I REAL Visites guiades el 2n i 4t diumenge de mes d'11:00h a 13:30h. El preu es d'1€ per persona. Petit museu que exposa importants peces del "Municipium Sigarrensis" i de "La Batalla dels Prats de Rei... NUCLIS AMB ENCANT A L'ALTA ANOIA Vine a l'Alta Anoia a descobrir els nuclis amb encant de Copons i Castellfollit de Riubregós, gràcies a Anoia Turisme i Anoia Patrimoni!! Visita'ns a l'oficina i descobreix-los!! TOPS TURÍSTICS DE L'ALTA ANOIA Des del Consell Comarcal ens han fet arribar uns llibrets on es pot trobar tota la informació dels indrets que es poden visitar a l'Alta Anoia. També hi trobareu els indrets més destacables de p... Recomana a un amic Municipis Notícies Allotjaments Activitats Gastronomia Senderisme i BTT Punts d'Interès Històries del Territori Escoles Avisa a un amic El teu nom La teva adreça de correu electrònic Adreça de correu electrònic del destinatari Comentari Consorci per la Promoció de l'Alta Anoia · Passeig Josep Mª Llobet, s/n , (cantonada amb ctra C-1412) Els Prats de Rei . T. +34 938680366
While breathing in salty air at the beach is often credited with bringing serenity, there’s more truth in the healing benefits of salt than you might think. In fact, halotherapy, the technical term for salt as an alternative treatment, has been a wellness method for centuries. It dates back to the salt mines and caves in Eastern Europe where salt miners, unlike their prospecting peers, thrived with good health. Today, salt therapies are incorporated into spa treatments and beauty products, and entire buildings are dedicated to salt rooms. Recently, Buckhead gained its own salt room at the newly renovated The Whitley Atlanta Buckhead hotel, whose spa is open to the public. “The large room simulates the environment of a therapeutic salt cave, with Himalayan salt blocks covering the walls to calm and detoxify the mind and body,” says Drinne Rawlins, the assistant spa manager. Dry salt therapy, in which micro particles of salt are dispersed into a room by a halogenerator, is said to improve ailments ranging from asthma to sinus inflammation, and for good reason. By nature, salt draws out moisture, leaving lungs and sinuses clear. According to Rawlins, during a relaxing 30-minute salt room session, the “micro particles of salt are promoting better breathing, healthier skin, sounder sleep, improved physical fitness and endurance and overall wellness.” Rawlins simplifies the experience even more, “We consider dry salt therapy like a toothbrush for your lungs and skin.” Other area spas and businesses have various salt-related products, treatments and remedies that can be just as beneficial as dedicating time in a salt room. Here are a few more ways you can implement the benefits of salt into your wellness routine. Try a spa treatment. Spa Sydell’s CBD Calming Body Treatment includes a sea salt body polish. The newly opened Spa Sydell in Buckhead offers a body treatment combining two buzz-worthy ingredients: salt and CBD. The CBD Calming Body Treatment includes dry brushing, a body polish using sea salt that rids the body of unwanted dry areas while exfoliating and nourishing the skin, a CBD mask and a warm wrap. It ends with a massage sure to send you into relaxation bliss. Use a salt lamp. Himalayan salt lamps are said to be natural ionizers and mood boosters. The lights, made from blocks of Himalayan salt, are sold at big-box retailers such as Bed Bath & Beyond and HomeGoods. The Phoenix & Dragon Bookstore in Sandy Springs also has a modest selection. Incorporate holistic solutions. The bath salts available at Sama are good for everything from eczema to stomach cramps. Shannon Salter Sliger, the founder and CEO of Sama Food For Balance, has her own line of bath salts, which are “created to help you find your balance according to your ayurvedic dosha.” According to Sliger, “The Pitta salts have red kaolin clay, rose, Epsom salts, Himalayan pink salt and Dead Sea salt. This is a very cooling bath. It’s great for the summer months or for those with skin issues such as eczema and psoriasis, or for menopausal women. The Vata Bath is very grounding and warming, while the Kapha Bath is great to use before going out to revitalize you. It has matcha, mint and French green clay along with Epsom salts. The medicinal benefits include readily absorbable magnesium that can calm you or reduce stomach cramps.” DETAILS Phoenix & Dragon Bookstore 5531 Roswell Rd. N.E. Atlanta 30342 404.255.5207 phoenixanddragon.com Sama Food For Balance 56 E. Andrews Dr. N.W. Atlanta 30305 404.500.3550 samafoodforbalance.com Spa Sydell 3005 Peachtree Rd. N.E. Atlanta 30305 404.255.7727 spasydell.com The Whitley Atlanta Buckhead 3434 Peachtree Rd. N.E. Atlanta 30326 404.237.2700 thewhitleyhotel.com Sign Up Now! Subscribe now to get notified about exclusive offers from Simply Buckhead! SIGN UP I would like to receive news and special offers. Nicole Letts Wellness columnist at Simply Buckhead and dog columnist at Atlanta Pet Life. Lifestyle writer specializing in women's interests, travel, people and interiors.
Alcaldia Coordinador d'Alcaldia Toni Alonso Coodinació i direcció d'activitats d'impuls de de l'alcaldia. Àmbit Serveis Generals Coordinadora General d'Ambits Carme Carmona Coordinar l'organització tècnic-administrativa de l'Ajuntament i promoure l'excel·lència en la gestió. Complir els propòsits i objectius de la Corporació a travès del desenvolupament d'un sistema de gestió i una cultura organitzativa adequats. Serveis Jurídics Secretari Pedro Carmona Coordinar i prestar assessorament jurídic i assegurar el compliment de la normativa legal en totes les actuacions de l'àmbit de Serveis Generals. Gestió Patrimonial Director de Gestió Patrimonial Carlos Penela Coordinació i actualització de l'inventari patrimonial. I prestar assessorament jurídic i assegurar el compliment de la normativa legal en totes les actuacions del seu àmbit. Projectes Estratègics i Internacionals Coordinadora de Projectes Estratègics i Internacionals Ana Úbeda Coordinar l'elaboració , comunicació i revisió del Programa d'Actuació Municipal i Plans estratègics i Internacionals de Ciutat Comunicació Director de Comunicació Raúl Montilla Promoure la imatge de la ciutat i assegurar que la ciutadania disposen d'una informació completa i puntual de les actuacions, activitats i serveis municipals. Servei de Tecnologia i Innovació Tecnològica Director de Tecnologies i Innovació Tecnològica Lluís Albert Just Assegurar l'òptim funcionament dels serveis de TIC (Tecnologies de la Informació i el Coneixement) de l'organització i el compliment dels seus estàndards Sistemes d'Informació Director de Sistemes d'Informació i Coneixement Abdon Vidal Assegurar que l'organització disposi en tot moment de la informació i els recursos informàtics necessaris per al desenvolupament dels seus fins. Administració Electrònica Coordinador Tècnic d'Administració Electrònica Carles Planas Impulsar l'administració electrònica. Transparència i Govern Obert Directora de Transparència i Govern Obert Eulàlia Santiago Aconseguir un Ajuntament obert a la ciutadania que fomenti la transparència i l'agilitat en la gestió municipal. Arxiu Municipal Coordinadora Tècnic d'Arxiu Marta De Planell Facilitar l'accés, gestió, conservació i difusió de la documentació. Economia i Treball Directora del Servei d'Economia i Treball Laura Laveda La dinamització de l'activitat econòmica local, és a dir, del mercat de treball i del teixit productiu locals, amb la finalitat d'aconseguir que els nostres territoris comptin amb els elements necessaris per enfortir la seva competitivitat i la seva cohesió social. Unitat Tècnica de Contractació Coordinador de la Unitat Tècnica de Contractació Alejandro Muñoz Prestar assessorament jurídic en matèria de contractació Finances i Gestió de Recursos Director de Serveis Econòmics / Interventor Javier Vicen l'Elaboració de l'avantprojecte de pressupost i dels programes d'inversió, la gestió i el control de l'execució del pressupost; i l'ordenació, la coordinació, el seguiment i l'execució de la gestió econòmica-administrativa. Servei de Tresoreria Tresorer Jordi Martorell Manejar i custodiar els fons, valors i efectes de la corporació de conformitat amb el que estableix les disposicions legals vigents. Servei de Comptabilitat Directora de Comptabilitat Sandra Ripoll Supervisar la comptabilitat municipal i preparar la documentació, les modificacions, la liquidació i el Compte General del Pressupost, d'acord amb les normes d'aplicació. Recursos Humans Coordinadora Tècnic/a de RRHH Mariluz Sanchez Que l'organització disposi en tot moment de les persones, capacitats i motivació necessàries per al compliment dels seus objectius. Unitat Jurídica Administrativa (UJA) de Serveis Generals Directora del Servei Jurídic de Serveis Generals Maria Flors Prestar assessorament jurídic i administratiu per assegurar el compliment de la normativa legal en totes les actuacions de l'Àmbit Atenció a la Ciutadania i Població Coordinadora Operativa dÀtenció Coordinadora Operativa de Població Idoia Garcia Sonia Rubiño Atendre a la ciutadaniade forma presencial i telefònica. Tràmits del Cens Electoral i Padró Municipal i coordinació operativa de Processos Electorals Compres i Serveis Subalterns Coordinador dels Serveis Subalterns i Compres Juan Carlos Jodar Assegurar la custòdia i vigilància de l'òptim funcionament dels equips, instal·lacions i materials de les dependències municipals, així com dels serveis i activitats que es desenvolupen en les mateixes. Efectuar les millors compres per a aprovisionar als departaments de material fungible centralitzat amb rapidesa i eficàcia.. Seguretat i Convivència Director de la Policia Local Daniel Limones Aconseguir i mantenir un nivell òptim de convivència i seguretat ciutadana i vial en el municipi amb col·laboració amb altres cossos i forces de seguretat. Serveis Administratius i Inspecció Coordinador dels Serveis Administratius Francisco Garcia Tramits administratius. Àmbit de Territori i Sostenibilitat Coordinador de L'Ambit de Territori i Sostenibilitat Josep Maria Ferré Desenvolupar les polítiques, estratègies i plans per a aconseguir un desenvolupament urbà equilibrat i sostenible, així com aconseguir i mantenir uns estàndards òptims en els serveis de l'espai públic. Unitat Jurídica Administrativa (UJA) de Territori i Sostenibilitat Directora de la UJA de Territori i Sostenibilitat Begoña Banach Prestar assessorament jurídic i administratiu per assegurar el compliment de la normativa legal en totes les actuacions de l'Àmbit Servei d'Urbanisme Director d'Urbanisme Jaume Escoda El desenvolupament del Planejament d'iniciativa publica i privada, complint la normativa vigent. Servei d'Obres Públiques Director del Servei d'Obres Públiques Miquel Garriga Realitzar projectes i obres tant d'edificació com d'urbanització i coordinar i assegurar durant tot el procés constructiu els requeriments funcionals i de manteniment de les obres i instal·lacions municipals. Servei de Manteniment i Espai Públic Director de Manteniment i Espai Públic José Mª González Mantenir els equips i edificis municipals en un nivell òptim d'ús i seguretat assegurant el compliment dels estàndards de servei. Unitats Operatives Coordinador Tècnic de les Unitats Operatives Juanma Castejón Manteniment de l'espai públic i dels seus serveis bàsics, així com tota la logística per actes i festes. Unitat Operativa d'Instal·lacions Coordinador Tècnic de la Unitat d'Instal·lacions José Luis García Manteniment de l'espai públic i dels seus serveis bàsics, així com tota la logística per actes i festes. Servei Jurídic de Drets Socials, Civils i Ciutadania Directora del Servei Jurídic de Drets Socials, Civils i Ciutadania Pepa Guardiola Prestar assessorament jurídic i administratiu per assegurar el compliment de la normativa legal en totes les actuacions dels Serveis a assignats Igualtat Directora d' Igualtat Assumpta Pastor Planifica, programa i elabora projectes i desenvolupa accions adreçades a eliminar les desigualtats que es donen entre homes i dones Drets Civils i Ciutadania Director de Drets Civils i Ciutadania Francisco Ortiz Coordinar els serveis, activitats i programes de l'àmbit dels drets civils i ciutadania, desenvolupant les capacitats i gestionant amb eficiència els recursos a la seva disposició Drets Socials Directora de Drets Socials Agnes Mateo Coordinar els serveis, activitats i programes de l'àmbit dels serveis socials, salut i col·lectius en risc de vulnerabilitat social, desenvolupant les capacitats i gestionant amb eficiència els recursos a la seva disposició. Prestar suport i assessorament tècnic als equips d'atenció primària. Cultura Directora de Cultura Núria Vidal Programar i coordinar tots els serveis i activitats culturals del municipi per a promoure la cultura com a instrument de participació ciutadana i cohesió social. Educació Directora d'Educació i Ciutadania Kira Blanc Programar i coordinar totes les activitats educatives del municipi i donar suport als centres escolars. Esports i Equipaments Director d'Equipaments i Esports Juan De Dios Ramirez Promoure l'esport i l'activitat física entre la ciutadania i gestionar els usos i manteniment dels equipaments municipals per a la òptima prestació dels serveis Patrimoni Cultural Directora del Servei de Patrimoni Cultural Carme Comas Planificar, coordinar i controlar les accions dirigides a recuperar, conservar, estudiar i difondre el conjunt de béns que constitueixen el patrimoni cultural d'Esplugues en els seus àmbits documental i museístic.
We pride ourselves on building homes of exceptional quality and helping you achieve the home of your dreams. Welcome to Regional Homes, Inc! Why do customers choose us as their new home builder? For over 32 years, our mission has remained the same: to provide you the most satisfying and rewarding home buying experience possible. Our team is committed to constructing quality homes in a timely manner and at reasonable prices for every home buyer. We custom build all homes directly on your lot. We invite you to come in and sit down with our in-house designer to design your new home. Feel free to submit your own plan, choose one of our plans or personalize one of our plans to fit your family’s needs. Take a look at our Photo Gallery, Floor Plans and Standard/Upgrade Features to get started. We offer a wide variety of floor plans and have no doubt you’ll find exactly the one you’ve been dreaming of. Regional Homes,Inc is a custom residential home builder in Alabama and Mississippi. We have many happy clients in Mobile, Alabama and beyond. If you have any questions or would like to make an appointment, please give us a call at 251-829-6566 or email
Amb la boca oberta, ens hem quedat amb el joc que ens ha portat el Bernat, és impressionant. Ha reproduït el món del MineCraft en un taulell de plàstic de colors molt ben treballat. Jugar-hi és una mica complicat perquè hi ha moltes trampes i laberints, però segur que ens en sortirem. [pe2-image src=”https://lh4.ggpht.com/-ihOUdEIEn6Q/Uyc7pnLuVqI/AAAAAAACOAA/8nB8E5Eb7og/s144-c-o/bernat%252520%2525282%252529.JPG” href=”https://picasaweb.google.com/114230303310159381874/5e5eBProtagonista?authkey=Gv1sRgCIeThtPttIXttwE#5991823415318566562″ caption=”bernat (2).JPG” type=”image” alt=”bernat (2).JPG” ] [pe2-image src=”https://lh4.ggpht.com/-SVtogXGOLlc/Uyc7rM1smaI/AAAAAAACOAM/JOugmldlBfc/s144-c-o/bernat%252520%2525283%252529.JPG” href=”https://picasaweb.google.com/114230303310159381874/5e5eBProtagonista?authkey=Gv1sRgCIeThtPttIXttwE#5991823442606594466″ caption=”bernat (3).JPG” type=”image” alt=”bernat (3).JPG” ] [pe2-image src=”https://lh5.ggpht.com/-RO-8Nbs1iqk/Uyc7sgjjWyI/AAAAAAACOAU/j25HPR89iFs/s144-c-o/bernat%252520%2525284%252529.JPG” href=”https://picasaweb.google.com/114230303310159381874/5e5eBProtagonista?authkey=Gv1sRgCIeThtPttIXttwE#5991823465079069474″ caption=”bernat (4).JPG” type=”image” alt=”bernat (4).JPG” ] [pe2-image src=”https://lh4.ggpht.com/-6BxC39xMrQs/Uyc7ts5GUSI/AAAAAAACOAc/SI6gROW7GUI/s144-c-o/bernat%252520%2525285%252529.JPG” href=”https://picasaweb.google.com/114230303310159381874/5e5eBProtagonista?authkey=Gv1sRgCIeThtPttIXttwE#5991823485570535714″ caption=”bernat (5).JPG” type=”image” alt=”bernat (5).JPG” ] Categories Cinquè Cerca: Entrades recents Anem al Museu de la Xocolata Les portes de les classes A P4 anem d’excursió a Hortus Taller de matemàtiques per a pares i mares Categories Escola Educació Infantil P3 P4 P5 Cicle inicial Primer Segon Cicle Mitjà Tercer Quart Cicle Superior Cinquè Sisè Anglès Música Educació Física Biblioteca Per mesos Per mesos Selecciona el mes novembre 2022 octubre 2022 juliol 2022 juny 2022 maig 2022 abril 2022 març 2022 febrer 2022 gener 2022 desembre 2021 novembre 2021 octubre 2021 setembre 2021 juliol 2021 juny 2021 maig 2021 abril 2021 març 2021 febrer 2021 gener 2021 desembre 2020 novembre 2020 octubre 2020 setembre 2020 agost 2020 juliol 2020 juny 2020 maig 2020 abril 2020 març 2020 febrer 2020 gener 2020 desembre 2019 novembre 2019 octubre 2019 setembre 2019 juliol 2019 juny 2019 maig 2019 abril 2019 març 2019 febrer 2019 gener 2019 desembre 2018 novembre 2018 octubre 2018 setembre 2018 juliol 2018 juny 2018 maig 2018 abril 2018 març 2018 febrer 2018 gener 2018 desembre 2017 novembre 2017 octubre 2017 setembre 2017 juliol 2017 juny 2017 maig 2017 abril 2017 març 2017 febrer 2017 gener 2017 desembre 2016 novembre 2016 octubre 2016 setembre 2016 juliol 2016 juny 2016 maig 2016 abril 2016 març 2016 febrer 2016 gener 2016 desembre 2015 novembre 2015 octubre 2015 setembre 2015 juliol 2015 juny 2015 maig 2015 abril 2015 març 2015 febrer 2015 gener 2015 desembre 2014 novembre 2014 octubre 2014 setembre 2014 juliol 2014 juny 2014 maig 2014 abril 2014 març 2014 febrer 2014 gener 2014 desembre 2013 novembre 2013 octubre 2013 setembre 2013 juliol 2013 juny 2013 maig 2013 abril 2013 març 2013 febrer 2013 gener 2013 desembre 2012 novembre 2012 octubre 2012 setembre 2012 juliol 2012 Escola Mogent Pl. 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Forty years of proven experience. Over 2500 installations across 40 countries. Impeccable 24/7 customer service. Over 99% up-time of turbo-generator Island - Triveni Turbines has gained global repute for its engineered-to-order, cost effective products and power solutions. With a dominant market share in the domestic market up to 30 MWe steam turbine segment, the company has an increasing presence in the global markets. Snapshot - First Steam Turbine company in India to be certified for ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 - Manufacturing capacity of 150 turbines per year - Dedicated supplier network - 180 trained engineers to address customer service needs - Capability to refurbish any make of turbine up to 150 MWe GE-Triveni Ltd. is a 50:50 JV between GE Oil & Gas and Triveni Turbines. The joint venture offers a portfolio of high technology, quality and optimum efficiency for 30 to 100 Mwe Steam Turbines in industrial power generation market globally. GE-Triveni Turbines use proven GE Oil & Gas technology and engineering design for steam turbines. These turbines are manufactured at Triveni's world class manufacturing facility in Bangalore. The products are marketed under the brand name of GE Triveni. GE-Triveni is committed to develop and bring to the steam turbine market, superior technology through a multi-generation product plan.
Inici Sobre mi Per què la serp blanca? Web de Josep Iborra Web de literatura universal Literatures Tria de lectures Altres històries ▼ diumenge, 4 de setembre de 2022 Digues el trànsit: «Passatge», de Manel Rodríguez-Castelló Fa poc més d’un any vaig comentar en aquest blog Farem un pensament (metaforismes i saials), de Manel Rodríguez-Castelló, que havia editat Lletra Impresa Edicions (vegeu Entre l’instant i el fragment). L’autor hi feia servir el terme saial per a referir-se a textos de denúncia i de reflexió cíviques, en les seues paraules «draps de neteja d’una realitat social sovint espúria i bruta, escàpola i complexa, punyent i contradictòria, i d’aclariment, com tota escriptura que vol posar una mica de llum enraonada en les coses», mentre que els metaforismes eren una mena d’aforismes o instàntanies que «intenten atrapar el pensament en fuga sota una fórmula verbal precisa», la matèria primera de l’obrador poètic, el germen o l’origen del poema: apunts en brut que només esperaven desenvolupar-se per a convertir-se en un poema. Ara acaba de publicar Passatge en Edicions del Buc, un llibre de poesia que porta a la pràctica la poètica exposada en algunes de les proses de Farem un pensament, i que converteix en poemes alguns dels seus motius més insistits. A més, la definició que l’autor proposava del metaforisme —«la concreció de la naturalesa discontínua del pensament adaptat a les circumstàncies canviants»—, sintetitza un dels fils conductors de Passatge, que ja apareix indicat en el títol. Aquest mateix títol reapareix en un dels poemes clau, «Passatge», on llegim la tensió que incita molts dels versos d’aquest recull: «El món és a penes com el veus passant / entre el fulgor i l’ombra, / [ … ] L’ull cerca el que roman transformant-se, / el que transita entre mudances, / el que se’n va i torna per omplir les formes / de cercles i cicles d’oblit i memòria». Digues si pots el trànsit, escriu Manuel Rodríguez-Castelló en un altre vers de Passatge. Molts dels seus poemes responen a la voluntat de projectar «l’ombra del que batega / per platges d’oblit / i boscos de memòria», de recollir «els escorrims d’una veu / que es mou per les venes / amb el seu batec sempre confús». Són versos que ressonen entre ells. Passatge adquireix un caràcter fortament unitari a partir d’una xarxa de mots i motius que es reprenen i varien d’un poema a un altre. Però la densitat dels símbols, el joc de relacions i de variacions que s’hi estableix, no cauen mai en una escriptura críptica, d’un verbalisme gratuït. D’altra banda, Rodríguez-Castelló construeix els seus versos a partir de la combinació de peus rítmics, i no en prosa penosament retallada. Això és una condició sine qua non de qualsevol vers, però resulta una sorpresa molt agradable, tenint en compte el que solem trobar en la poesia actual. El recull està organitzat en quatre blocs: Universos, Cantar lleu, Sicut i Quatre passatges. El segon, Cantar lleu, contrasta amb els altres perquè recull poemes de caràcter cívic o directament polític, d’expressió més directa, l’equivalent poètic —proporcions guardades— dels saials de Farem un pensament. Els del tercer bloc, Sicut, comparteixen el fet d’estar generats a partir d’un símil, que en la majoria dels casos apareix al final del poema, com una síntesi que l’obri alhora a una altra dimensió de sentit. En l’última part l’autor juga amb la polisèmia del mot passatge, ‘acció de passar’ i ‘lloc per on passa’. Els quatre passatges porten cada un com a títol el nom d’un lloc. Passatge és un dels millors llibres de poesia que he llegit aquests últims anys. Segurament el millor. Demana a canvi, és clar, una lectura atenta i concentrada. La que es mereix. Crec que la manera més efectiva d’incitar-vos a llegir-lo —aquesta ressenya no té un altre propòsit— és reproduir-ne algun poema. Aquest, per exemple: PEIXOS El soroll era estrany, inquietant. Vaig acostar-me al lloc prop del riu d’on provenia aquell clapoteig metàl·lic, com un crit esmorteït que demanava desesperadament auxili. En un toll d’un dit de fondo a penes uns quants peixos lluitaven desesperadament per mantenir el cap dins aquella aigua fangosa i escassa on havien quedat aïllats, encerclats per la sequera. Com aquells peixos moribunds jo enfonse ara el cap en aigües fangoses de memòria i respire a fons, àvidament, les darreres glopades d’oxigen de la vida. Com els peixos atrapats en aquell toll. Enric Iborra a 10:36 Comparteix 1 comentari: Manel Rodríguez-Castelló 4 de setembre de 2022, a les 22:26 M'ha agradat molt el teu comentari, Enric. La tria del poema, la reflexió sobre el ritme dels poemes, el sentit unitari del llibre… Moltes gràcies una vegada més. L'enllace al meu blog. Una abraçada, Senyor Secretari.
Bring the whole family for a rousing good time at Wildlife West Nature Park – Escape to Nature This event is a family music festival featuring Holy Water + Whiskey, Watermelon Mountain Jug Band and many more! Two bands will perform each night on August 13th and August 27th! Enjoy food from local food trucks […] Posted by Andrea Jacquin on August 9, 2022 | Updated August 9, 2022 Filed Under: Albuquerque Family Fun with Kids · Entertainment and Arts · Music · outdoors Tagged With: music· outdoors Bluegrass Music Festival this weekend in Edgewood Make plans now for this weekend’s 47th annual Bluegrass and Traditional Music Festival in Edgewood, NM. The two-day festival, typically celebrated in the fall, was moved to the spring this year by the Southwest Pickers. Organizers are planning concerts, workshops, hosted jam sessions, open mics, open jamming, vendors, day camping, falconry demonstrations and a raffle. […] Posted by Living on the Cheap on June 15, 2022 | Updated July 10, 2022 Filed Under: Expired Primary Sidebar Search Search Recent Posts Veterans Day 2022 events and deals Abuquerque’s Indoor Play Spaces Free Alice In Wonderland and Disney Art Expo Trunk or Treat at Balloon Fiesta Park Community Celebration for Dia De Los Muertos Never miss a deal Subscribe to ABQ on the Cheap's FREE email newsletter and stay up to date on deals, discounts, and free & cheap events in Albuquerque, NM Secondary Sidebar Archives November 2022 October 2022 September 2022 August 2022 July 2022 June 2022 May 2022 April 2022 Categories Albuquerque Attractions and Museums Albuquerque Family Fun with Kids Bargain Shopping Entertainment and Arts Expired Food and Drink Deals Music National New Mexico Vacations and Getaways outdoors Sports and Recreation Uncategorized Albuquerque on the Cheap is a member of Living on the Cheap, a network of websites published by frugalistas, journalists and consumer advocates. Find practical advice on saving money on groceries, travel and shopping, plus tips on how to live well for less at Living on the Cheap. Submit Your Deal Contact About Us Privacy Policy © 2022 Albuquerque on the Cheap. Living On The Cheap® and On the Cheap® are registered trademarks owned by Living On The Cheap Inc. Site design by Five J's Design. All the stories on our site are protected by copyright and any unauthorized copying is strictly prohibited. Plus, it is just not nice.
Arxius Selecciona el mes desembre 2022 novembre 2022 octubre 2022 setembre 2022 agost 2022 juliol 2022 juny 2022 maig 2022 abril 2022 març 2022 febrer 2022 gener 2022 desembre 2021 novembre 2021 octubre 2021 setembre 2021 agost 2021 juliol 2021 juny 2021 maig 2021 abril 2021 març 2021 febrer 2021 gener 2021 desembre 2020 novembre 2020 octubre 2020 setembre 2020 juliol 2020 juny 2020 maig 2020 abril 2020 març 2020 febrer 2020 gener 2020 desembre 2019 novembre 2019 octubre 2019 setembre 2019 agost 2019 juliol 2019 juny 2019 maig 2019 abril 2019 març 2019 febrer 2019 gener 2019 desembre 2018 novembre 2018 octubre 2018 setembre 2018 agost 2018 juliol 2018 juny 2018 maig 2018 abril 2018 març 2018 febrer 2018 gener 2018 desembre 2017 novembre 2017 octubre 2017 setembre 2017 agost 2017 juliol 2017 juny 2017 maig 2017 abril 2017 març 2017 febrer 2017 gener 2017 desembre 2016 novembre 2016 octubre 2016 setembre 2016 agost 2016 juliol 2016 juny 2016 maig 2016 abril 2016 març 2016 febrer 2016 gener 2016 desembre 2015 novembre 2015 octubre 2015 setembre 2015 agost 2015 juliol 2015 juny 2015 maig 2015 abril 2015 març 2015 febrer 2015 gener 2015 desembre 2014 novembre 2014 octubre 2014 setembre 2014 agost 2014 juliol 2014 juny 2014 maig 2014 abril 2014 març 2014 febrer 2014 gener 2014 desembre 2013 novembre 2013 octubre 2013 setembre 2013 agost 2013 juliol 2013 juny 2013 maig 2013 abril 2013 març 2013 febrer 2013 gener 2013 desembre 2012 novembre 2012 octubre 2012 setembre 2012 agost 2012 juliol 2012 juny 2012 maig 2012 abril 2012 març 2012 febrer 2012 gener 2012 desembre 2011 novembre 2011 octubre 2011 setembre 2011 agost 2011 juliol 2011 juny 2011 maig 2011 abril 2011 març 2011 febrer 2011 gener 2011 desembre 2010 novembre 2010 octubre 2010 setembre 2010 juliol 2010 juny 2010 maig 2010 abril 2010 març 2010 febrer 2010 gener 2010 desembre 2009 novembre 2009 octubre 2009 setembre 2009 juliol 2009 juny 2009 maig 2009 abril 2009 març 2009 febrer 2009 gener 2009 desembre 2008 novembre 2008 octubre 2008 setembre 2008 juny 2008 març 2008 gener 2008 desembre 2007 octubre 2007 juny 2007 maig 2007 abril 2007 març 2007 febrer 2007 gener 2007 desembre 2006 novembre 2006 octubre 2006 setembre 2006 juny 2006 maig 2006 abril 2006 març 2006 febrer 2006 gener 2006 desembre 2005 novembre 2005 octubre 2005 setembre 2005 desembre 2004 maig 2003 gener 2003 novembre 2000 gener 2000 juny 1999 © Ripollet Ràdio. Emissora Municipal 91.3 FM | Rambla de Sant Jordi, 6 (Ripollet) | Telèfons: 93 594 20 48 (redacció) 93 594 21 64 (estudis) Contactar.
Alice is a beautiful British model and a well-known character from a the adult publication fraternity. The actress is known for numerous brands and modeling companies, as a British model, and as a TV character. She also appeared in ‘Daily Star ‘and ‘Maxim Magazines. ‘ Alice is famous for her voluptuous body, which she further enhanced by breast augmentation surgery. If you want to know more information, then stay with us. We will discuss her family, education, career, relationship, and net worth. Family and Education On December 13, 1985, Alice Goodwin was born in Stoke-on-Trent, United Kingdom. Unfortunately, Alice hasn’t revealed her parents’ and siblings’ backgrounds. When she was young, she was interested in modeling, and her parents helped her in modeling. Alice finished her education at the Lyme School at Newcastle after graduating from Keele University in English and Education. She belongs to white ethnicity, and her nationality is Christianity. Body Measurements Alice stands at the height of 5 feet 8 inches, and her weight is around 55 kg. This ‘Daily Star’ model is 37 years old. Her zodiac sign is Sagittarius. She has a slim body, and she maintains her body with a healthy diet and proper exercise. Breast: 36 inches waist: 24 inches hips: 38 inches shoes: 9 (US) Dress: Unknown Eye: Dark brown Hair: Dark brown Career Alice started her modeling career in 2008 when she was just 23 years old. She performed in the ‘Daily Star.’ Consequently, she got different opportunities from various brands and modeling agencies. She played in other popular fashion magazines like ‘Men’s Magazines,’ ‘Zoo Weekly,’ ‘Nuts,’ ‘Maxim,’ and was also presented on the Tv show ‘Elite TV’s babe Channel. She was chosen as ‘Zoo Weekly’s hottest topless babe. She achieved a vast amount of success in her career quickly. Relationship Alice is a married woman. Alice already had as a cute baby from her previous relationship, prior to her marriage. She married a football celebrity named Jermaine Pennant. In 2011, they started dating after his breakup with his then-fiancée, Lara Murphy. Jermaine’s second wife is Alice. They got married in 2014. Earlier, it was rumored that Alice dated a football star, Cristiano Ronaldo. But both of them refused it. Net Worth The well-known model Alice Goodwin has an estimated net worth of approximately $2 million. Alice is a very private woman who has not revealed her properties to the public. She is one of the most successful and wealthiest models in the fashion world. 1 Share FacebookTwitterReddItPinterestWhatsAppEmail Ali Shahzad Ali Shahzad is a digital marketer, search engine optimization specialist, and author. He has years of experience in optimizing and ranking multi-niche websites, e-commerce platforms, and blogs.
Select Category #futrchat 21st Century Cities Blog Posts Future of architects Guest Posts Talks & Workshops True Green Monday morning inspiration – Just draw Posted on October 19, 2009 Written by Cindy Frewen 709 Comments via swiss-miss.com (thank you, swiss-miss!!) Milton Glaser says that kids who don’t draw fail to grow whole brains. Imagine life without drawing! I really can’t. We wouldnt have any of the objects in my view, much less the house, neighborhood, city. Yet many people rarely draw. Glaser talks about that as he lightly sketches William Shakespeare, his 60th drawing of the Bard this year. (Repetition creates habits that can become rituals that then shape your life. Each time is new and also familiar.) I rarely drew beyond diagrams while I was completing my doctorate last year. This spring I took a sketching class just to remind myself and it was like going to a spa twice a week. We drew fast – 5-20 min drawings on large pads for 2 hours. I emerged refreshed, renewed. Our assignment was a sketch a day, 100 total. Like practicing piano scales. Steven Holl, architect, starts every day with an hour of sketching or painting to make sure he remains creative. Sometimes he has a project in mind, and other times not. http://www.arcspace.com/studio/s_holl/. If it’s important enough for a world-renowned architect to do in what must be an impossible schedule, why not me/you? It’s like breathing for your right brain. It’s not important to be beautiful or accurate, but to express with your hands and eyes. That’s all. Use those muscles, coordinate them, keep it simple. Very soft pencils, charcoals, felt tips are best on a not too finished paper like newsprint or sketch pads but any tools will do. Just draw your hand, coffee mug, or William Shakespeare’s face. Primitive sketching is as good as Glaser’s – the point is to draw, use your hands and eyes to see whole things. You can almost feel the right hemisphere light up.
Infusió soluble de llimona amb mel, seguint les tradicions més naturals, s’utilitza la mel per acompanyar les infusions amb els ingredients més naturals i saludables. La clàssica combinació de mel i llimona, en dissoldre-la en aigua s’aconsegueix una beguda rodona amb un sabor cítric suau. Ideal per prendre freda les tardes d’estiu o calenta a l’hivern. Preparació per pendre com infusió: dissoldre 2 o més cullerades en aigüa calenta o freda. No és necessari bullir. 20gr per servei. Les infusions amb mel són també una gran solució per endolcir sucs de fruita, a banda d’aportar la dolçor de la mel també estan incorporant el sabor i les propietats de la infusió. També són ideals per acompanyar torrades de pa: Un aport d’energia ideal per esmorzars o berenars. Les infusions solubles amb mel també permeten fer maridatges amb formatges tendres, cremosos, de vaca o de cabra. De la mateixa manera que amb les melmelades, també pots utilitzar aquestes infusions amb mel per endolcir d’una manera diferent els iogurts.
A few weeks ago we discussed the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for social good, and presented ways in which drones could contribute to genocide prevention. But while there is great humanitarian potential for drones, several challenges lie ahead. Chief among these is a lack of safeguards that restrict their use, completely or in part, to humanitarian purposes. Governments are usually very good at dressing their repressive tactics in the language of benevolent paternalism, and all too often the media adopt that frame, or at best juxtapose it as an equally valid frame to the counter-view held by human rights activists. As long as drone technology remains in the exclusive control of governments, drones are prone to abuse, mischaracterization, and window dressing or subterfuge to cover their true purposes, which remain surveillance, control, intimidation, and killing. These government uses of drones have created another challenge for the humanitarian use of drones — what has become known as the “drone stigma.” With such a strong association of drones with negative applications, many civilians do not trust them at all, even for good applications. India offers an example, where civil society activists are not at all convinced that anti-poaching drones aren’t also being developed for other, less benevolent purposes. This stigma is also seen in Yemen, where people are more fearful of drones, due to their ability to strike silently without warning, than of on-the-ground human terrorists and attackers. Safety also poses a very real concern for the use of drones for any purpose. Drones embody a sophisticated technology that even at the high-cost end can malfunction at times. Crashed drones imperil both human life and property. In response to the statement made in the last blog that if drones are used to protect endangered animals, why not use them to protect endangered people, the question could be asked, “Aren’t those vulnerable people typically made vulnerable by the very same people who would deploy the drones?” The Sentinel Project does not advocate the expanded use of UAVs in humanitarian situations by governments (though we’re not opposed to that in principle either, assuming that proper safeguards are in place against abuses). In terms of the endangered animals versus endangered humans analogy, we assume that the UAVs would be deployed by some preferably non-governmental third party in an attempt to counter a likely governmental threat, not by the same people causing the harm in the first place. So the big question is, who exactly is deploying drones? After all, if people assume that the violation of a state’s sovereignty by another state is a bad thing, is it not just as bad when NGOs do it? Who decides when violating laws and norms is morally justified and when it isn’t? The drone debate centres around the control of state-of-the-art drones – those with major reach and the ability to send pictures instantaneously even if they’re out of visual range. Currently, these drones can be fielded only by governments with access to sophisticated technology, like encrypted GPS. This being the case, if a foreign power deploys drones in someone else’s sovereign territory, we’re looking at an erosion of long-standing norms of international law. Another challenge in using drones for humanitarian purposes, particularly to acquire images of repressive activities that are then shown to the public in the hope of raising an outcry, is the potential for disaster fatigue – the phenomenon by which the empathy of people for the victims of tragedy begins to wane when observers become overloaded by relentless news coverage and horrific images. And even without the creep of disaster fatigue, will the international community’s response be any different when it is unequivocally known that genocide is taking place somewhere? Did “we” do something about Rwanda, where we saw what was unfolding in real time? Are “we” doing anything about the many other genocidal and mass atrocities situations around the globe? Unfortunately, greater knowledge about a crisis situation doesn’t necessarily correlate with increased global concern. And, sad to say, interventions often have more to do with geopolitics than they do with a genuine concern for the dignity and well-being of the people under attack. Another unintended effect of the humanitarian use of surveillance drones to document genocidal campaigns may be to raise expectations in the victimized community that help may be on its way, when in fact it may not be. As with any other tool, we should be focusing on uses of UAVs that actually influence outcomes. Watching a massacre happen doesn’t stop it, as history has repeatedly shown. However, adding another method of data collection that can strengthen early warning efforts before a massacre begins can significantly improve local attempts to get people out of harm’s way. Photo: http://opencanada.org/features/the-think-tank/comments/drones-for-human-rights/ Recent Posts New Public Report: Globally Scaling Digital Solutions for Managing Misinformation Findings and Lessons Learned from Our Pilot Misinformation Management Project in Sri Lanka Women at the core of the Sentinel Project’s peacebuilding activities Update on the risk of election violence in Kenya The Challenge of Online Harms: Key outcomes at the UN Internet Governance Forum 2021 Categories Advisory Roles Burma Conferences Democratic Republic of the Congo Donations Early Warning General News Hagiga Wahid Indonesia Iran Kenya Kijiji Cha Amani Kyrgyzstan Misinformation Myanmar Open Positions Operations Roles Situations of Concern Somalia South Sudan Sri Lanka Team Announcements Technology Technology Roles Uganda Una Hakika Women Yemen The Sentinel Project assists communities threatened by mass atrocities worldwide through direct cooperation with the people in harm’s way and the innovative use of technology.
🍪 Utilitzem 'cookies' pròpies i de tercers per millorar l'experiència de navegació i mostrar-li publicitat i continguts del seu interès. Més informació Acceptar Ruben Sans President d'Aijec Ruben Sans (1981) va estudiar Enginyeria en Telecomunicacions a La Salle-URL, on també va treballar durant tres anys al Departament de Telemàtica i va exercir com a professor extern. Ha continuat la seva formació amb certificacions en enginyeria de xarxes i programes de formació directiva al IESE. La seva aventura empresarial arrenca seva aventura empresarial arrenca amb 22 anys, quan treballant per a una altra empresa va començar a projectar la seva pròpia companyia. Elstir, de la que n’és CEO i fundador, és una empresa de solucions en IT, cloud i ciberseguretat que neix finalment l’any 2008. Alhora, Sans és soci d’Ecomotive-Solutions (HOLDIM), dedicada a la innovació en la gestió electrònica de motors per reduir les emissions contaminants e impulsar una mobilitat sostenible. Va entrar a formar part de l’AIJEC el 2009 i els darrers quatre anys ha format part de la junta directiva de l’associació, els darrers dos com a vicepresident. Actualment, és el president d'Aijec i de la comissió d'Emprenedoria de Foment del Treball així com vocal a la comissió executiva i és vicepresident de CEAJE, està a la junta de Foment i a la Societat d'Estudis Econòmics.
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Si us plau, corregeiu aquests errors i torneu a enviar el formulari: Inici > Documents de suport Documents de suport En aquesta secció trobareu informació de suport en l'àmbit de les conciliacions (normativa, jurisprudència, models d'acta de conciliació, convenis de col·laboració (administració i entitats), preguntes més freqüents, manuals del portal, requeriments tècnics per a l'ús del portal,...) Preguntes més freqüents Preguntes sobre el procediment Preguntes més freqüents sobre el procediment de conciliació administrativa. 1005 kb Protocol en cas d'inactivitat Protocol d'actuació en cas d'inactivitat del portal 130 kb CCAE Llista d'activitats econòmiques 236 kb Configuració navegador Firefox Configuració del navegador MOZILLA-FIREFOX 970 kb Actualització de JAVA Manual per a l'actualització de JAVA 1210 kb Preguntes tècniques. 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Opció voluntària en el cas que totes les parts signants disposin de certificat digital de nivell 3. 1593 kb VERSIONS ACTUALS FORMULARIS Referència de versió vàlida disponible al Portal de Conciliacions de cada formulari 244 kb PERÍODES D'INACTIVITAT ESTIU 2022 Calendari de tancament unitats de conciliació estiu de 2022 578 kb Convenis de col·laboració Conveni amb graduats socials BCN Conveni amb el col·legi de graduats socials de Barcelona 1799 kb Conveni amb gestors administratius Conveni amb el Col·legi oficial de gestors administratius de Catalunya 1803 kb Conveni amb ICA de Figueres Conveni de col.laboració amb ICA de Figueres. 938 kb Conveni amb ICA de Barcelona Conveni de col·laboració amb ICA de Barcelona 971 kb Conveni amb ICA de Granollers Conveni de col·laboració amb ICA de Granollers 1010 kb Conveni amb ICA de Mataró Conveni de col·laboració amb ICA de Mataró 996 kb Conveni amb ICA de Reus Conveni de col·laboració amb ICA de Reus 1002 kb Conveni amb ICA de Sabadell Conveni de col·laboració amb ICA de Sabadell 1029 kb Conveni amb ICA de St. Feliu de LL Conveni de col·laboració amb ICA de St. Feliu Llobregat 987 kb Conveni amb ICA de Tarragona Conveni de col·laboració amb ICA de Tarragona 1067 kb Conveni amb ICA deTerrassa Conveni de col·laboració amb ICA de Terrassa 1017 kb Conveni amb ICA de Vic Conveni de col·laboració amb ICA de Vic 991 kb Conveni amb ICA de Lleida Conveni de col·laboració amb ICA de Lleida 942 kb Conveni amb ICA de Tortosa Conveni de col·laboració amb ICA de Tortosa 1154 kb Conveni amb ICA de Manresa Conveni de col·laboració amb ICA de Manresa 995 kb Conveni amb graduats de Tarragona Conveni de col·laboració amb el col·legi de graduats socials de Tarragona 277 kb Conveni amb economistes Conveni de col·laboració amb economistes 4736 kb Conveni amb ICA Girona Conveni de col·laboració amb ICA Girona 246 kb Conveni amb CCOO de Catalunya Conveni de col·laboració amb CCOO de Catalunya 2707 kb Conveni amb UGT de Catalunya Conveni de col·laboració amb UGT de Catalunya 2408 kb Conveni amb experts comptables Conveni de col·laboració amb l'associació professional d'experts comptables d'Espanya 447 kb Conveni amb titulats mercantils Conveni de col·laboració amb el Col·legi de titulats mercantils 1603 kb Conveni amb Intersindical CSC Conveni de col·laboració amb Intersindical CSC 960 kb Conveni amb gremi assessors fiscals Conveni de col·laboració amb el gremi d'assessors fiscals, comptables i de gestió empresarial de Catalunya 1826 kb Conveni amb gestors de Tarragona Conveni de col·laboració amb el Col·legi de Gestors Administratius de Tarragona 423 kb Conveni amb USOC Conveni de col·laboració amb USOC 902 kb Conveni amb sindicat de seguretat Conveni de col·laboració amb el sindicat de treballadors de seguretat de Catalunya (STS-C) 1136 kb Conveni amb tècnics tributaris Conveni de col·laboració amb l'Associació Professional de Tècnics Tributaris de Catalunya i Balears 8711 kb Conveni amb ACAT Conveni de col·laboració amb l'Associació Catalana d'Assessors Fiscals, Comptables i Laborals 422 kb Converni amb SINDI.CAT Conveni de col·laboració amb el Sindicat Independent i Demòcrata de Treballadors de Catalunya -SINDI.CAT- 2976 kb Conveni amb SIPCTE Conveni de col·laboració amb el Sindicato Independiente Profesional de Correos y Telégrafos - SIPCTE 3085 kb Conveni amb INTERSINDICAL STSPCAT Conveni de col·laboració amb el Sindicat INTERSINDICAL STSPCAT 379 kb Normativa Ordre de treball Ordre de Treball TRE/87/2009, de 27 de febrer, per la qual s'aprova l'aplicació Conciliacions per a l'automatització de la tramitació dels expedients de conciliació administrativa prèvia a la via judicial laboral. 268 kb Reial decret 2756/79 Reial decret 2756/79, de 23 de novembre (BOE de 5 de desembre de 1979). 82 kb Llei de la Jurisdicció Social Llei 36/2011, de 10 d'octubre, reguladora de la Jurisdicció Social 3586 kb Instrucció 12/2020, de 6 de juny Instrucció 12/2020, de 6 de juny, de la Secretaria General del Departament de Treball, Afers Socials i Famílies, sobre la modalitat d'actes de conciliació amb acord formalitzats per via telemàtica i sobre l'aixecament de la suspensió dels actes de conciliació presencials 774 kb Instrucció 4/2021, de 15 de febrer Instrucció 4/2021, de 15 de febrer, de la Direcció General de Relacions Laborals, Treball Autònom, Seguretat i Salut Laboral, sobre la modalitat d'actes de conciliació amb acord formalitzats per via telemàtica, complementària de la Instrucció 12/2020, de 6 de juny. 452 kb Documentació tècnica Presentació telemàtica en XML Document on es troba una explicació de la XSD, així com dels valors de les taules que es necessiten per al seu correcte enviament al Portal de Conciliacions. 120 kb Exportació telemàtica en XML Document on es troba una explicació de la XSD, per al correcte processament de les dades a partir de l'exportació d'expedients des del Portal de Conciliacions. 31 kb
Tipus de vista: Descàrrega Taula City Anatomy Sistema: Estructura Àmbit de transparència: Catàleg de serveis i tràmits Participació Formats: CSV Etiquetes: serveis Filtrar resultats Equipaments Conjunt d’equipaments de Sant Andreu de la Barca amb les dades de contacte i la seva ubicació geogràfica.