1 value
american tower corporation and subsidiaries notes to consolidated financial statements 2014 ( continued ) maturities 2014as of december 31 , 2007 , aggregate carrying value of long-term debt , including capital leases , for the next five years and thereafter are estimated to be ( in thousands ) : year ending december 31 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>2008</td><td>$ 1817</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>2009</td><td>1241</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>2010</td><td>78828</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>2011</td><td>13714</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>2012</td><td>1894998</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>thereafter</td><td>2292895</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>total cash obligations</td><td>$ 4283493</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>accreted value of the discount and premium of 3.00% ( 3.00 % ) notes and 7.125% ( 7.125 % ) notes</td><td>1791</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>balance as of december 31 2007</td><td>$ 4285284</td></tr></table> 4 . acquisitions during the years ended december 31 , 2007 , 2006 and 2005 , the company used cash to acquire a total of ( i ) 293 towers and the assets of a structural analysis firm for approximately $ 44.0 million in cash ( ii ) 84 towers and 6 in-building distributed antenna systems for approximately $ 14.3 million and ( iii ) 30 towers for approximately $ 6.0 million in cash , respectively . the tower asset acquisitions were primarily in mexico and brazil under ongoing agreements . during the year ended december 31 , 2005 , the company also completed its merger with spectrasite , inc . pursuant to which the company acquired approximately 7800 towers and 100 in-building distributed antenna systems . under the terms of the merger agreement , in august 2005 , spectrasite , inc . merged with a wholly- owned subsidiary of the company , and each share of spectrasite , inc . common stock converted into the right to receive 3.575 shares of the company 2019s class a common stock . the company issued approximately 169.5 million shares of its class a common stock and reserved for issuance approximately 9.9 million and 6.8 million of class a common stock pursuant to spectrasite , inc . options and warrants , respectively , assumed in the merger . the final allocation of the $ 3.1 billion purchase price is summarized in the company 2019s annual report on form 10-k for the year ended december 31 , 2006 . the acquisitions consummated by the company during 2007 , 2006 and 2005 , have been accounted for under the purchase method of accounting in accordance with sfas no . 141 201cbusiness combinations 201d ( sfas no . 141 ) . the purchase prices have been allocated to the net assets acquired and the liabilities assumed based on their estimated fair values at the date of acquisition . the company primarily acquired its tower assets from third parties in one of two types of transactions : the purchase of a business or the purchase of assets . the structure of each transaction affects the way the company allocates purchase price within the consolidated financial statements . in the case of tower assets acquired through the purchase of a business , such as the company 2019s merger with spectrasite , inc. , the company allocates the purchase price to the assets acquired and liabilities assumed at their estimated fair values as of the date of acquisition . the excess of the purchase price paid by the company over the estimated fair value of net assets acquired has been recorded as goodwill . in the case of an asset purchase , the company first allocates the purchase price to property and equipment for the appraised value of the towers and to identifiable intangible assets ( primarily acquired customer base ) . the company then records any remaining purchase price within intangible assets as a 201cnetwork location intangible . 201d . Question: what was the total cost of the towers acquired in the year of 2005? Answer: 6000000.0 Question: and what was the number of towers bought? Answer: 30.0 Question: what was, then, the average cost per tower? Answer: 200000.0 Question: and what was that number of towers bought counting this year and the next? Answer: 377.0 Question: including 2007, what becomes this number for the three years?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
as of december 31 , 2006 , we also leased an office and laboratory facility in connecticut , additional office , distribution and storage facilities in san diego , and four foreign facilities located in japan , singapore , china and the netherlands under non-cancelable operating leases that expire at various times through july 2011 . these leases contain renewal options ranging from one to five years . as of december 31 , 2006 , our contractual obligations were ( in thousands ) : contractual obligation total less than 1 year 1 2013 3 years 1 2013 5 years more than 5 years . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>contractual obligation</td><td>payments due by period total</td><td>payments due by period less than 1 year</td><td>payments due by period 1 2013 3 years</td><td>payments due by period 1 2013 5 years</td><td>payments due by period more than 5 years</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>operating leases</td><td>$ 37899</td><td>$ 5320</td><td>$ 10410</td><td>$ 9371</td><td>$ 12798</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>total</td><td>$ 37899</td><td>$ 5320</td><td>$ 10410</td><td>$ 9371</td><td>$ 12798</td></tr></table> the above table does not include orders for goods and services entered into in the normal course of business that are not enforceable or legally binding . item 7a . quantitative and qualitative disclosures about market risk . interest rate sensitivity our exposure to market risk for changes in interest rates relates primarily to our investment portfolio . the fair market value of fixed rate securities may be adversely impacted by fluctuations in interest rates while income earned on floating rate securities may decline as a result of decreases in interest rates . under our current policies , we do not use interest rate derivative instruments to manage exposure to interest rate changes . we attempt to ensure the safety and preservation of our invested principal funds by limiting default risk , market risk and reinvestment risk . we mitigate default risk by investing in investment grade securities . we have historically maintained a relatively short average maturity for our investment portfolio , and we believe a hypothetical 100 basis point adverse move in interest rates along the entire interest rate yield curve would not materially affect the fair value of our interest sensitive financial instruments . foreign currency exchange risk although most of our revenue is realized in u.s . dollars , some portions of our revenue are realized in foreign currencies . as a result , our financial results could be affected by factors such as changes in foreign currency exchange rates or weak economic conditions in foreign markets . the functional currencies of our subsidiaries are their respective local currencies . accordingly , the accounts of these operations are translated from the local currency to the u.s . dollar using the current exchange rate in effect at the balance sheet date for the balance sheet accounts , and using the average exchange rate during the period for revenue and expense accounts . the effects of translation are recorded in accumulated other comprehensive income as a separate component of stockholders 2019 equity. . Question: what is the total of operating leases due in less than one year?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
notes to consolidated financial statements ( continued ) note 2 2014financial instruments ( continued ) covered by collateral , third-party flooring arrangements , or credit insurance are outstanding with the company 2019s distribution and retail channel partners . one customer accounted for approximately 11% ( 11 % ) of trade receivables as of september 29 , 2007 , while no customers accounted for more than 10% ( 10 % ) of trade receivables as of september 30 , 2006 . the following table summarizes the activity in the allowance for doubtful accounts ( in millions ) : september 29 , september 30 , september 24 , 2007 2006 2005 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>september 29 2007</td><td>september 30 2006</td><td>september 24 2005</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>beginning allowance balance</td><td>$ 52</td><td>$ 46</td><td>$ 47</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>charged to costs and expenses</td><td>12</td><td>17</td><td>8</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>deductions</td><td>-17 ( 17 )</td><td>-11 ( 11 )</td><td>-9 ( 9 )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>ending allowance balance</td><td>$ 47</td><td>$ 52</td><td>$ 46</td></tr></table> vendor non-trade receivables the company has non-trade receivables from certain of its manufacturing vendors resulting from the sale of raw material components to these manufacturing vendors who manufacture sub-assemblies or assemble final products for the company . the company purchases these raw material components directly from suppliers . these non-trade receivables , which are included in the consolidated balance sheets in other current assets , totaled $ 2.4 billion and $ 1.6 billion as of september 29 , 2007 and september 30 , 2006 , respectively . the company does not reflect the sale of these components in net sales and does not recognize any profits on these sales until the products are sold through to the end customer at which time the profit is recognized as a reduction of cost of sales . derivative financial instruments the company uses derivatives to partially offset its business exposure to foreign exchange risk . foreign currency forward and option contracts are used to offset the foreign exchange risk on certain existing assets and liabilities and to hedge the foreign exchange risk on expected future cash flows on certain forecasted revenue and cost of sales . the company 2019s accounting policies for these instruments are based on whether the instruments are designated as hedge or non-hedge instruments . the company records all derivatives on the balance sheet at fair value. . Question: what is the ending allowance balance in 2006? Answer: 52.0 Question: what about in 2005? Answer: 46.0 Question: what is the net change? Answer: 6.0 Question: what percentage change does this represent? Answer: 0.13043 Question: what is the value of non-trade receivables in 2007?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
shareowner return performance graph the following performance graph and related information shall not be deemed 201csoliciting material 201d or to be 201cfiled 201d with the sec , nor shall such information be incorporated by reference into any future filing under the securities act of 1933 or securities exchange act of 1934 , each as amended , except to the extent that the company specifically incorporates such information by reference into such filing . the following graph shows a five year comparison of cumulative total shareowners 2019 returns for our class b common stock , the standard & poor 2019s 500 index , and the dow jones transportation average . the comparison of the total cumulative return on investment , which is the change in the quarterly stock price plus reinvested dividends for each of the quarterly periods , assumes that $ 100 was invested on december 31 , 2009 in the standard & poor 2019s 500 index , the dow jones transportation average , and our class b common stock. . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>12/31/2009</td><td>12/31/2010</td><td>12/31/2011</td><td>12/31/2012</td><td>12/31/2013</td><td>12/31/2014</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>united parcel service inc .</td><td>$ 100.00</td><td>$ 130.29</td><td>$ 135.35</td><td>$ 140.54</td><td>$ 205.95</td><td>$ 223.79</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>standard & poor 2019s 500 index</td><td>$ 100.00</td><td>$ 115.06</td><td>$ 117.48</td><td>$ 136.26</td><td>$ 180.38</td><td>$ 205.05</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>dow jones transportation average</td><td>$ 100.00</td><td>$ 126.74</td><td>$ 126.75</td><td>$ 136.24</td><td>$ 192.61</td><td>$ 240.91</td></tr></table> . Question: what was the value of the s&p500 in 2012? Answer: 136.26 Question: and what was it in 2010?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
continued investments in ecommerce and technology . the increase in operating expenses as a percentage of net sales for fiscal 2017 was partially offset by the impact of store closures in the fourth quarter of fiscal 2016 . membership and other income was relatively flat for fiscal 2018 and increased $ 1.0 billion a0for fiscal 2017 , when compared to the same period in the previous fiscal year . while fiscal 2018 included a $ 387 million gain from the sale of suburbia , a $ 47 million gain from a land sale , higher recycling income from our sustainability efforts and higher membership income from increased plus member penetration at sam's club , these gains were less than gains recognized in fiscal 2017 . fiscal 2017 included a $ 535 million gain from the sale of our yihaodian business and a $ 194 million gain from the sale of shopping malls in chile . for fiscal 2018 , loss on extinguishment of debt was a0$ 3.1 billion , due to the early extinguishment of long-term debt which allowed us to retire higher rate debt to reduce interest expense in future periods . our effective income tax rate was 30.4% ( 30.4 % ) for fiscal 2018 and 30.3% ( 30.3 % ) for both fiscal 2017 and 2016 . although relatively consistent year-over-year , our effective income tax rate may fluctuate from period to period as a result of factors including changes in our assessment of certain tax contingencies , valuation allowances , changes in tax laws , outcomes of administrative audits , the impact of discrete items and the mix of earnings among our u.s . operations and international operations . the reconciliation from the u.s . statutory rate to the effective income tax rates for fiscal 2018 , 2017 and 2016 is presented in note 9 in the "notes to consolidated financial statements" and describes the impact of the enactment of the tax cuts and jobs act of 2017 ( the "tax act" ) to the fiscal 2018 effective income tax rate . as a result of the factors discussed above , we reported $ 10.5 billion and $ 14.3 billion of consolidated net income for fiscal 2018 and 2017 , respectively , which represents a decrease of $ 3.8 billion and $ 0.8 billion for fiscal 2018 and 2017 , respectively , when compared to the previous fiscal year . diluted net income per common share attributable to walmart ( "eps" ) was $ 3.28 and $ 4.38 for fiscal 2018 and 2017 , respectively . walmart u.s . segment . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>( amounts in millions except unit counts )</td><td>fiscal years ended january 31 , 2018</td><td>fiscal years ended january 31 , 2017</td><td>fiscal years ended january 31 , 2016</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>net sales</td><td>$ 318477</td><td>$ 307833</td><td>$ 298378</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>percentage change from comparable period</td><td>3.5% ( 3.5 % )</td><td>3.2% ( 3.2 % )</td><td>3.6% ( 3.6 % )</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>calendar comparable sales increase</td><td>2.1% ( 2.1 % )</td><td>1.6% ( 1.6 % )</td><td>1.0% ( 1.0 % )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>operating income</td><td>$ 17869</td><td>$ 17745</td><td>$ 19087</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>operating income as a percentage of net sales</td><td>5.6% ( 5.6 % )</td><td>5.8% ( 5.8 % )</td><td>6.4% ( 6.4 % )</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>unit counts at period end</td><td>4761</td><td>4672</td><td>4574</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>retail square feet at period end</td><td>705</td><td>699</td><td>690</td></tr></table> net sales for the walmart u.s . segment increased $ 10.6 billion or 3.5% ( 3.5 % ) and $ 9.5 billion or 3.2% ( 3.2 % ) for fiscal 2018 and 2017 , respectively , when compared to the previous fiscal year . the increases in net sales were primarily due to increases in comparable store sales of 2.1% ( 2.1 % ) and 1.6% ( 1.6 % ) for fiscal 2018 and 2017 , respectively , and year-over-year growth in retail square feet of 0.7% ( 0.7 % ) and 1.4% ( 1.4 % ) for fiscal 2018 and 2017 , respectively . additionally , for fiscal 2018 , sales generated from ecommerce acquisitions further contributed to the year-over-year increase . gross profit rate decreased 24 basis points for fiscal 2018 and increased 24 basis points for fiscal 2017 , when compared to the previous fiscal year . for fiscal 2018 , the decrease was primarily due to strategic price investments and the mix impact from ecommerce . partially offsetting the negative factors for fiscal 2018 was the positive impact of savings from procuring merchandise . for fiscal 2017 , the increase in gross profit rate was primarily due to improved margin in food and consumables , including the impact of savings in procuring merchandise and lower transportation expense from lower fuel costs . operating expenses as a percentage of segment net sales was relatively flat for fiscal 2018 and increased 101 basis points for fiscal 2017 , when compared to the previous fiscal year . fiscal 2018 and fiscal 2017 included charges related to discontinued real estate projects of $ 244 million and $ 249 million , respectively . for fiscal 2017 , the increase was primarily driven by an increase in wage expense due to the investment in the associate wage structure ; the charge related to discontinued real estate projects ; and investments in digital retail and technology . the increase in operating expenses as a percentage of segment net sales for fiscal 2017 was partially offset by the impact of store closures in fiscal 2016 . as a result of the factors discussed above , segment operating income increased $ 124 million for fiscal 2018 and decreased $ 1.3 billion for fiscal 2017 , respectively. . Question: what was the net income in 2018, in millions? Answer: 10500.0 Question: and what was the total of net sales in that same year?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
our refining and wholesale marketing gross margin is the difference between the prices of refined products sold and the costs of crude oil and other charge and blendstocks refined , including the costs to transport these inputs to our refineries , the costs of purchased products and manufacturing expenses , including depreciation . the crack spread is a measure of the difference between market prices for refined products and crude oil , commonly used by the industry as a proxy for the refining margin . crack spreads can fluctuate significantly , particularly when prices of refined products do not move in the same relationship as the cost of crude oil . as a performance benchmark and a comparison with other industry participants , we calculate midwest ( chicago ) and u.s . gulf coast crack spreads that we feel most closely track our operations and slate of products . posted light louisiana sweet ( 201clls 201d ) prices and a 6-3-2-1 ratio of products ( 6 barrels of crude oil producing 3 barrels of gasoline , 2 barrels of distillate and 1 barrel of residual fuel ) are used for the crack spread calculation . our refineries can process significant amounts of sour crude oil which typically can be purchased at a discount to sweet crude oil . the amount of this discount , the sweet/sour differential , can vary significantly causing our refining and wholesale marketing gross margin to differ from the crack spreads which are based upon sweet crude . in general , a larger sweet/sour differential will enhance our refining and wholesale marketing gross margin . in 2009 , the sweet/sour differential narrowed , due to a variety of worldwide economic and petroleum industry related factors , primarily related to lower hydrocarbon demand . sour crude accounted for 50 percent , 52 percent and 54 percent of our crude oil processed in 2009 , 2008 and 2007 . the following table lists calculated average crack spreads for the midwest ( chicago ) and gulf coast markets and the sweet/sour differential for the past three years . ( dollars per barrel ) 2009 2008 2007 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>( dollars per barrel )</td><td>2009</td><td>2008</td><td>2007</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>chicago lls 6-3-2-1</td><td>$ 3.52</td><td>$ 3.27</td><td>$ 8.87</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>u.s . gulf coast lls 6-3-2-1</td><td>$ 2.54</td><td>$ 2.45</td><td>$ 6.42</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>sweet/sour differential ( a )</td><td>$ 5.82</td><td>$ 11.99</td><td>$ 11.59</td></tr></table> sweet/sour differential ( a ) $ 5.82 $ 11.99 $ 11.59 ( a ) calculated using the following mix of crude types as compared to lls. : 15% ( 15 % ) arab light , 20% ( 20 % ) kuwait , 10% ( 10 % ) maya , 15% ( 15 % ) western canadian select , 40% ( 40 % ) mars . in addition to the market changes indicated by the crack spreads and sweet/sour differential , our refining and wholesale marketing gross margin is impacted by factors such as : 2022 the types of crude oil and other charge and blendstocks processed , 2022 the selling prices realized for refined products , 2022 the impact of commodity derivative instruments used to manage price risk , 2022 the cost of products purchased for resale , and 2022 changes in manufacturing costs , which include depreciation . manufacturing costs are primarily driven by the cost of energy used by our refineries and the level of maintenance costs . planned turnaround and major maintenance activities were completed at our catlettsburg , garyville , and robinson refineries in 2009 . we performed turnaround and major maintenance activities at our robinson , catlettsburg , garyville and canton refineries in 2008 and at our catlettsburg , robinson and st . paul park refineries in 2007 . our retail marketing gross margin for gasoline and distillates , which is the difference between the ultimate price paid by consumers and the cost of refined products , including secondary transportation and consumer excise taxes , also impacts rm&t segment profitability . there are numerous factors including local competition , seasonal demand fluctuations , the available wholesale supply , the level of economic activity in our marketing areas and weather conditions that impact gasoline and distillate demand throughout the year . refined product demand increased for several years until 2008 when it decreased due to the combination of significant increases in retail petroleum prices , a broad slowdown in general economic activity , and the impact of increased ethanol blending into gasoline . in 2009 refined product demand continued to decline . for our marketing area , we estimate a gasoline demand decline of about one percent and a distillate demand decline of about 12 percent from 2008 levels . market demand declines for gasoline and distillates generally reduce the product margin we can realize . we also estimate gasoline and distillate demand in our marketing area decreased about three percent in 2008 compared to 2007 levels . the gross margin on merchandise sold at retail outlets has been historically less volatile. . Question: what was the average crack spread for sweet/sour differential in 2009? Answer: 5.82 Question: and what was it in 2007? Answer: 11.59 Question: what was, then, the change over the years?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
augusta , georgia mill and $ 2 million of costs associated with the sale of the shorewood business . consumer packaging . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>in millions</td><td>2015</td><td>2014</td><td>2013</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>sales</td><td>$ 2940</td><td>$ 3403</td><td>$ 3435</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>operating profit ( loss )</td><td>-25 ( 25 )</td><td>178</td><td>161</td></tr></table> north american consumer packaging net sales were $ 1.9 billion in 2015 compared with $ 2.0 billion in 2014 and $ 2.0 billion in 2013 . operating profits were $ 81 million ( $ 91 million excluding the cost associated with the planned conversion of our riegelwood mill to 100% ( 100 % ) pulp production , net of proceeds from the sale of the carolina coated bristols brand , and sheet plant closure costs ) in 2015 compared with $ 92 million ( $ 100 million excluding sheet plant closure costs ) in 2014 and $ 63 million ( $ 110 million excluding paper machine shutdown costs and costs related to the sale of the shorewood business ) in 2013 . coated paperboard sales volumes in 2015 were lower than in 2014 reflecting weaker market demand . the business took about 77000 tons of market-related downtime in 2015 compared with about 41000 tons in 2014 . average sales price realizations increased modestly year over year as competitive pressures in the current year only partially offset the impact of sales price increases implemented in 2014 . input costs decreased for energy and chemicals , but wood costs increased . planned maintenance downtime costs were $ 10 million lower in 2015 . operating costs were higher , mainly due to inflation and overhead costs . foodservice sales volumes increased in 2015 compared with 2014 reflecting strong market demand . average sales margins increased due to lower resin costs and a more favorable mix . operating costs and distribution costs were both higher . looking ahead to the first quarter of 2016 , coated paperboard sales volumes are expected to be slightly lower than in the fourth quarter of 2015 due to our exit from the coated bristols market . average sales price realizations are expected to be flat , but margins should benefit from a more favorable product mix . input costs are expected to be higher for wood , chemicals and energy . planned maintenance downtime costs should be $ 4 million higher with a planned maintenance outage scheduled at our augusta mill in the first quarter . foodservice sales volumes are expected to be seasonally lower . average sales margins are expected to improve due to a more favorable mix . operating costs are expected to decrease . european consumer packaging net sales in 2015 were $ 319 million compared with $ 365 million in 2014 and $ 380 million in 2013 . operating profits in 2015 were $ 87 million compared with $ 91 million in 2014 and $ 100 million in 2013 . sales volumes in 2015 compared with 2014 increased in europe , but decreased in russia . average sales margins improved in russia due to slightly higher average sales price realizations and a more favorable mix . in europe average sales margins decreased reflecting lower average sales price realizations and an unfavorable mix . input costs were lower in europe , primarily for wood and energy , but were higher in russia , primarily for wood . looking forward to the first quarter of 2016 , compared with the fourth quarter of 2015 , sales volumes are expected to be stable . average sales price realizations are expected to be slightly higher in both russia and europe . input costs are expected to be flat , while operating costs are expected to increase . asian consumer packaging the company sold its 55% ( 55 % ) equity share in the ip-sun jv in october 2015 . net sales and operating profits presented below include results through september 30 , 2015 . net sales were $ 682 million in 2015 compared with $ 1.0 billion in 2014 and $ 1.1 billion in 2013 . operating profits in 2015 were a loss of $ 193 million ( a loss of $ 19 million excluding goodwill and other asset impairment costs ) compared with losses of $ 5 million in 2014 and $ 2 million in 2013 . sales volumes and average sales price realizations were lower in 2015 due to over-supplied market conditions and competitive pressures . average sales margins were also negatively impacted by a less favorable mix . input costs and freight costs were lower and operating costs also decreased . on october 13 , 2015 , the company finalized the sale of its 55% ( 55 % ) interest in ip asia coated paperboard ( ip- sun jv ) business , within the company's consumer packaging segment , to its chinese coated board joint venture partner , shandong sun holding group co. , ltd . for rmb 149 million ( approximately usd $ 23 million ) . during the third quarter of 2015 , a determination was made that the current book value of the asset group exceeded its estimated fair value of $ 23 million , which was the agreed upon selling price . the 2015 loss includes the net pre-tax impairment charge of $ 174 million ( $ 113 million after taxes ) . a pre-tax charge of $ 186 million was recorded during the third quarter in the company's consumer packaging segment to write down the long-lived assets of this business to their estimated fair value . in the fourth quarter of 2015 , upon the sale and corresponding deconsolidation of ip-sun jv from the company's consolidated balance sheet , final adjustments were made resulting in a reduction of the impairment of $ 12 million . the amount of pre-tax losses related to noncontrolling interest of the ip-sun jv included in the company's consolidated statement of operations for the years ended december 31 , 2015 , 2014 and 2013 were $ 19 million , $ 12 million and $ 8 million , respectively . the amount of pre-tax losses related to the ip-sun jv included in the company's . Question: what is the value of consumer packaging sales from north american consumer packaging in 2015 times 1000?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
adobe systems incorporated notes to consolidated financial statements ( continued ) we review our goodwill for impairment annually , or more frequently , if facts and circumstances warrant a review . we completed our annual impairment test in the second quarter of fiscal 2013 . we elected to use the step 1 quantitative assessment for our three reporting units 2014digital media , digital marketing and print and publishing 2014and determined that there was no impairment of goodwill . there is no significant risk of material goodwill impairment in any of our reporting units , based upon the results of our annual goodwill impairment test . we amortize intangible assets with finite lives over their estimated useful lives and review them for impairment whenever an impairment indicator exists . we continually monitor events and changes in circumstances that could indicate carrying amounts of our long-lived assets , including our intangible assets may not be recoverable . when such events or changes in circumstances occur , we assess recoverability by determining whether the carrying value of such assets will be recovered through the undiscounted expected future cash flows . if the future undiscounted cash flows are less than the carrying amount of these assets , we recognize an impairment loss based on any excess of the carrying amount over the fair value of the assets . we did not recognize any intangible asset impairment charges in fiscal 2013 , 2012 or 2011 . our intangible assets are amortized over their estimated useful lives of 1 to 14 years . amortization is based on the pattern in which the economic benefits of the intangible asset will be consumed or on a straight-line basis when the consumption pattern is not apparent . the weighted average useful lives of our intangible assets were as follows : weighted average useful life ( years ) . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>weighted averageuseful life ( years )</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>purchased technology</td><td>6</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>customer contracts and relationships</td><td>10</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>trademarks</td><td>8</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>acquired rights to use technology</td><td>8</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>localization</td><td>1</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>other intangibles</td><td>3</td></tr></table> software development costs capitalization of software development costs for software to be sold , leased , or otherwise marketed begins upon the establishment of technological feasibility , which is generally the completion of a working prototype that has been certified as having no critical bugs and is a release candidate . amortization begins once the software is ready for its intended use , generally based on the pattern in which the economic benefits will be consumed . to date , software development costs incurred between completion of a working prototype and general availability of the related product have not been material . internal use software we capitalize costs associated with customized internal-use software systems that have reached the application development stage . such capitalized costs include external direct costs utilized in developing or obtaining the applications and payroll and payroll-related expenses for employees , who are directly associated with the development of the applications . capitalization of such costs begins when the preliminary project stage is complete and ceases at the point in which the project is substantially complete and is ready for its intended purpose . income taxes we use the asset and liability method of accounting for income taxes . under this method , income tax expense is recognized for the amount of taxes payable or refundable for the current year . in addition , deferred tax assets and liabilities are recognized for expected future tax consequences of temporary differences between the financial reporting and tax bases of assets and liabilities , and for operating losses and tax credit carryforwards . we record a valuation allowance to reduce deferred tax assets to an amount for which realization is more likely than not. . Question: what is the average weighted average useful life, in years, between the purchased technology and the customer contracts and relationships segments? Answer: 8.0 Question: and what is that useful life for trademarks?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
entergy new orleans , inc . and subsidiaries management 2019s financial discussion and analysis entergy new orleans 2019s receivables from the money pool were as follows as of december 31 for each of the following years. . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>2016</td><td>2015</td><td>2014</td><td>2013</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>( in thousands )</td><td>( in thousands )</td><td>( in thousands )</td><td>( in thousands )</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>$ 14215</td><td>$ 15794</td><td>$ 442</td><td>$ 4737</td></tr></table> see note 4 to the financial statements for a description of the money pool . entergy new orleans has a credit facility in the amount of $ 25 million scheduled to expire in november 2018 . the credit facility allows entergy new orleans to issue letters of credit against $ 10 million of the borrowing capacity of the facility . as of december 31 , 2016 , there were no cash borrowings and a $ 0.8 million letter of credit was outstanding under the facility . in addition , entergy new orleans is a party to an uncommitted letter of credit facility as a means to post collateral to support its obligations under miso . as of december 31 , 2016 , a $ 6.2 million letter of credit was outstanding under entergy new orleans 2019s letter of credit facility . see note 4 to the financial statements for additional discussion of the credit facilities . entergy new orleans obtained authorization from the ferc through october 2017 for short-term borrowings not to exceed an aggregate amount of $ 100 million at any time outstanding . see note 4 to the financial statements for further discussion of entergy new orleans 2019s short-term borrowing limits . the long-term securities issuances of entergy new orleans are limited to amounts authorized by the city council , and the current authorization extends through june 2018 . state and local rate regulation the rates that entergy new orleans charges for electricity and natural gas significantly influence its financial position , results of operations , and liquidity . entergy new orleans is regulated and the rates charged to its customers are determined in regulatory proceedings . a governmental agency , the city council , is primarily responsible for approval of the rates charged to customers . retail rates see 201calgiers asset transfer 201d below for discussion of the transfer from entergy louisiana to entergy new orleans of certain assets that serve algiers customers . in march 2013 , entergy louisiana filed a rate case for the algiers area , which is in new orleans and is regulated by the city council . entergy louisiana requested a rate increase of $ 13 million over three years , including a 10.4% ( 10.4 % ) return on common equity and a formula rate plan mechanism identical to its lpsc request . in january 2014 the city council advisors filed direct testimony recommending a rate increase of $ 5.56 million over three years , including an 8.13% ( 8.13 % ) return on common equity . in june 2014 the city council unanimously approved a settlement that includes the following : 2022 a $ 9.3 million base rate revenue increase to be phased in on a levelized basis over four years ; 2022 recovery of an additional $ 853 thousand annually through a miso recovery rider ; and 2022 the adoption of a four-year formula rate plan requiring the filing of annual evaluation reports in may of each year , commencing may 2015 , with resulting rates being implemented in october of each year . the formula rate plan includes a midpoint target authorized return on common equity of 9.95% ( 9.95 % ) with a +/- 40 basis point bandwidth . the rate increase was effective with bills rendered on and after the first billing cycle of july 2014 . additional compliance filings were made with the city council in october 2014 for approval of the form of certain rate riders , including among others , a ninemile 6 non-fuel cost recovery interim rider , allowing for contemporaneous recovery of capacity . Question: what was the total amount of the receivables from 2015 and 2016, in thousands? Answer: 30009.0 Question: and what was the amount of the receivables in 2014, also in thousands? Answer: 442.0 Question: including, then, 2014, what would be, in thousands, the total amount of the receivables for the three years?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
mastercard incorporated notes to consolidated financial statements 2014 ( continued ) ( in thousands , except percent and per share data ) upon termination of employment , excluding retirement , all of a participant 2019s unvested awards are forfeited . however , when a participant terminates employment due to retirement , the participant generally retains all of their awards without providing additional service to the company . eligible retirement is dependent upon age and years of service , as follows : age 55 with ten years of service , age 60 with five years of service and age 65 with two years of service . compensation expense is recognized over the shorter of the vesting periods stated in the ltip , or the date the individual becomes eligible to retire . there are 11550 shares of class a common stock reserved for equity awards under the ltip . although the ltip permits the issuance of shares of class b common stock , no such shares have been reserved for issuance . shares issued as a result of option exercises and the conversions of rsus are expected to be funded with the issuance of new shares of class a common stock . stock options the fair value of each option is estimated on the date of grant using a black-scholes option pricing model . the following table presents the weighted-average assumptions used in the valuation and the resulting weighted- average fair value per option granted for the years ended december 31: . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>2009</td><td>2008</td><td>2007</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>risk-free rate of return</td><td>2.5% ( 2.5 % )</td><td>3.2% ( 3.2 % )</td><td>4.4% ( 4.4 % )</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>expected term ( in years )</td><td>6.17</td><td>6.25</td><td>6.25</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>expected volatility</td><td>41.7% ( 41.7 % )</td><td>37.9% ( 37.9 % )</td><td>30.9% ( 30.9 % )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>expected dividend yield</td><td>0.4% ( 0.4 % )</td><td>0.3% ( 0.3 % )</td><td>0.6% ( 0.6 % )</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>weighted-average fair value per option granted</td><td>$ 71.03</td><td>$ 78.54</td><td>$ 41.03</td></tr></table> the risk-free rate of return was based on the u.s . treasury yield curve in effect on the date of grant . the company utilizes the simplified method for calculating the expected term of the option based on the vesting terms and the contractual life of the option . the expected volatility for options granted during 2009 was based on the average of the implied volatility of mastercard and a blend of the historical volatility of mastercard and the historical volatility of a group of companies that management believes is generally comparable to mastercard . the expected volatility for options granted during 2008 was based on the average of the implied volatility of mastercard and the historical volatility of a group of companies that management believes is generally comparable to mastercard . as the company did not have sufficient publicly traded stock data historically , the expected volatility for options granted during 2007 was primarily based on the average of the historical and implied volatility of a group of companies that management believed was generally comparable to mastercard . the expected dividend yields were based on the company 2019s expected annual dividend rate on the date of grant. . Question: what is the change in value of weighted-average fair value per option granted from 2007 to 2008? Answer: 37.51 Question: what is the value of weighted-average fair value per option granted in 2007?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
income tax liabilities tax liabilities related to unrecognized tax benefits as of 30 september 2018 were $ 233.6 . these tax liabilities were excluded from the contractual obligations table as it is impractical to determine a cash impact by year given that payments will vary according to changes in tax laws , tax rates , and our operating results . in addition , there are uncertainties in timing of the effective settlement of our uncertain tax positions with respective taxing authorities . however , the contractual obligations table above includes our accrued liability of approximately $ 184 for deemed repatriation tax that is payable over eight years related to the tax act . refer to note 22 , income taxes , to the consolidated financial statements for additional information . obligation for future contribution to an equity affiliate on 19 april 2015 , a joint venture between air products and acwa holding entered into a 20-year oxygen and nitrogen supply agreement to supply saudi aramco 2019s oil refinery and power plant being built in jazan , saudi arabia . air products owns 25% ( 25 % ) of the joint venture and guarantees the repayment of its share of an equity bridge loan . in total , we expect to invest approximately $ 100 in this joint venture . as of 30 september 2018 , we recorded a noncurrent liability of $ 94.4 for our obligation to make future equity contributions in 2020 based on our proportionate share of the advances received by the joint venture under the loan . expected investment in joint venture on 12 august 2018 , air products entered an agreement to form a gasification/power joint venture ( "jv" ) with saudi aramco and acwa in jazan , saudi arabia . air products will own at least 55% ( 55 % ) of the jv , with saudi aramco and acwa power owning the balance . the jv will purchase the gasification assets , power block , and the associated utilities from saudi aramco for approximately $ 8 billion . our expected investment has been excluded from the contractual obligations table above pending closing , which is currently expected in fiscal year 2020 . the jv will own and operate the facility under a 25-year contract for a fixed monthly fee . saudi aramco will supply feedstock to the jv , and the jv will produce power , hydrogen and other utilities for saudi aramco . pension benefits the company and certain of its subsidiaries sponsor defined benefit pension plans and defined contribution plans that cover a substantial portion of its worldwide employees . the principal defined benefit pension plans are the u.s . salaried pension plan and the u.k . pension plan . these plans were closed to new participants in 2005 , after which defined contribution plans were offered to new employees . the shift to defined contribution plans is expected to continue to reduce volatility of both plan expense and contributions . the fair market value of plan assets for our defined benefit pension plans as of the 30 september 2018 measurement date decreased to $ 4273.1 from $ 4409.2 at the end of fiscal year 2017 . the projected benefit obligation for these plans was $ 4583.3 and $ 5107.2 at the end of fiscal years 2018 and 2017 , respectively . the net unfunded liability decreased $ 387.8 from $ 698.0 to $ 310.2 , primarily due to higher discount rates and favorable asset experience . refer to note 16 , retirement benefits , to the consolidated financial statements for comprehensive and detailed disclosures on our postretirement benefits . pension expense . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>2018</td><td>2017</td><td>2016</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>pension expense 2013 continuing operations</td><td>$ 91.8</td><td>$ 72.0</td><td>$ 55.8</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>settlements termination benefits and curtailments ( included above )</td><td>48.9</td><td>15.0</td><td>6.0</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>weighted average discount rate 2013 service cost</td><td>3.2% ( 3.2 % )</td><td>2.9% ( 2.9 % )</td><td>4.1% ( 4.1 % )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>weighted average discount rate 2013 interest cost</td><td>2.9% ( 2.9 % )</td><td>2.5% ( 2.5 % )</td><td>3.4% ( 3.4 % )</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>weighted average expected rate of return on plan assets</td><td>6.9% ( 6.9 % )</td><td>7.4% ( 7.4 % )</td><td>7.5% ( 7.5 % )</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>weighted average expected rate of compensation increase</td><td>3.5% ( 3.5 % )</td><td>3.5% ( 3.5 % )</td><td>3.5% ( 3.5 % )</td></tr></table> . Question: what was the total of operating expenses in 2018? Answer: 91.8 Question: and what was it in 2017?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
13 . pension and other postretirement benefit plans the company has defined benefit pension plans covering eligible employees in the united states and in certain of its international subsidiaries . as a result of plan design changes approved in 2011 , beginning on january 1 , 2013 , active participants in merck 2019s primary u.s . defined benefit pension plans are accruing pension benefits using new cash balance formulas based on age , service , pay and interest . however , during a transition period from january 1 , 2013 through december 31 , 2019 , participants will earn the greater of the benefit as calculated under the employee 2019s legacy final average pay formula or their new cash balance formula . for all years of service after december 31 , 2019 , participants will earn future benefits under only the cash balance formula . in addition , the company provides medical benefits , principally to its eligible u.s . retirees and their dependents , through its other postretirement benefit plans . the company uses december 31 as the year-end measurement date for all of its pension plans and other postretirement benefit plans . net periodic benefit cost the net periodic benefit cost for pension and other postretirement benefit plans consisted of the following components: . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>years ended december 31</td><td>pension benefits 2013</td><td>pension benefits 2012</td><td>pension benefits 2011</td><td>pension benefits 2013</td><td>pension benefits 2012</td><td>2011</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>service cost</td><td>$ 682</td><td>$ 555</td><td>$ 619</td><td>$ 102</td><td>$ 82</td><td>$ 110</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>interest cost</td><td>665</td><td>661</td><td>718</td><td>107</td><td>121</td><td>141</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>expected return on plan assets</td><td>-1097 ( 1097 )</td><td>-970 ( 970 )</td><td>-972 ( 972 )</td><td>-126 ( 126 )</td><td>-136 ( 136 )</td><td>-142 ( 142 )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>net amortization</td><td>336</td><td>185</td><td>201</td><td>-50 ( 50 )</td><td>-35 ( 35 )</td><td>-17 ( 17 )</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>termination benefits</td><td>58</td><td>27</td><td>59</td><td>50</td><td>18</td><td>29</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>curtailments</td><td>-23 ( 23 )</td><td>-10 ( 10 )</td><td>-86 ( 86 )</td><td>-11 ( 11 )</td><td>-7 ( 7 )</td><td>1</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>settlements</td><td>23</td><td>18</td><td>4</td><td>2014</td><td>2014</td><td>2014</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>net periodic benefit cost</td><td>$ 644</td><td>$ 466</td><td>$ 543</td><td>$ 72</td><td>$ 43</td><td>$ 122</td></tr></table> the increase in net periodic benefit cost for pension and other postretirement benefit plans in 2013 as compared with 2012 is largely attributable to a change in the discount rate . the net periodic benefit cost attributable to u.s . pension plans included in the above table was $ 348 million in 2013 , $ 268 million in 2012 and $ 406 million in in connection with restructuring actions ( see note 3 ) , termination charges were recorded in 2013 , 2012 and 2011 on pension and other postretirement benefit plans related to expanded eligibility for certain employees exiting merck . also , in connection with these restructuring activities , curtailments were recorded in 2013 , 2012 and 2011 on pension and other postretirement benefit plans . in addition , settlements were recorded in 2013 , 2012 and 2011 on certain domestic and international pension plans . table of contents . Question: what was the change in the net amortization from 2012 to 2013? Answer: 151.0 Question: and what was that net amortization in 2012?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
performance graph the graph below compares the cumulative total shareholder return on pmi's common stock with the cumulative total return for the same period of pmi's peer group and the s&p 500 index . the graph assumes the investment of $ 100 as of december 31 , 2013 , in pmi common stock ( at prices quoted on the new york stock exchange ) and each of the indices as of the market close and reinvestment of dividends on a quarterly basis . date pmi pmi peer group ( 1 ) s&p 500 index . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>date</td><td>pmi</td><td>pmi peer group ( 1 )</td><td>s&p 500 index</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>december 31 2013</td><td>$ 100.00</td><td>$ 100.00</td><td>$ 100.00</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>december 31 2014</td><td>$ 97.90</td><td>$ 107.80</td><td>$ 113.70</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>december 31 2015</td><td>$ 111.00</td><td>$ 116.80</td><td>$ 115.30</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>december 31 2016</td><td>$ 120.50</td><td>$ 118.40</td><td>$ 129.00</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>december 31 2017</td><td>$ 144.50</td><td>$ 140.50</td><td>$ 157.20</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>december 31 2018</td><td>$ 96.50</td><td>$ 127.70</td><td>$ 150.30</td></tr></table> ( 1 ) the pmi peer group presented in this graph is the same as that used in the prior year . the pmi peer group was established based on a review of four characteristics : global presence ; a focus on consumer products ; and net revenues and a market capitalization of a similar size to those of pmi . the review also considered the primary international tobacco companies . as a result of this review , the following companies constitute the pmi peer group : altria group , inc. , anheuser-busch inbev sa/nv , british american tobacco p.l.c. , the coca-cola company , colgate-palmolive co. , diageo plc , heineken n.v. , imperial brands plc , japan tobacco inc. , johnson & johnson , kimberly-clark corporation , the kraft-heinz company , mcdonald's corp. , mondel z international , inc. , nestl e9 s.a. , pepsico , inc. , the procter & gamble company , roche holding ag , and unilever nv and plc . note : figures are rounded to the nearest $ 0.10. . Question: what is the net change in the price for pmi common stock from 2013 to 2018?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
mastercard incorporated notes to consolidated financial statements 2014 ( continued ) ( in thousands , except percent and per share data ) the following table summarizes expected benefit payments through 2019 for the pension plans , including those payments expected to be paid from the company 2019s general assets . since the majority of the benefit payments are made in the form of lump-sum distributions , actual benefit payments may differ from expected benefit payments. . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>2010</td><td>$ 18181</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>2011</td><td>27090</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>2012</td><td>21548</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>2013</td><td>25513</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>2014</td><td>24002</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>2015-2019</td><td>128494</td></tr></table> substantially all of the company 2019s u.s . employees are eligible to participate in a defined contribution savings plan ( the 201csavings plan 201d ) sponsored by the company . the savings plan allows employees to contribute a portion of their base compensation on a pre-tax and after-tax basis in accordance with specified guidelines . the company matches a percentage of employees 2019 contributions up to certain limits . in 2007 and prior years , the company could also contribute to the savings plan a discretionary profit sharing component linked to company performance during the prior year . beginning in 2008 , the discretionary profit sharing amount related to prior year company performance was paid directly to employees as a short-term cash incentive bonus rather than as a contribution to the savings plan . in addition , the company has several defined contribution plans outside of the united states . the company 2019s contribution expense related to all of its defined contribution plans was $ 40627 , $ 35341 and $ 26996 for 2009 , 2008 and 2007 , respectively . note 13 . postemployment and postretirement benefits the company maintains a postretirement plan ( the 201cpostretirement plan 201d ) providing health coverage and life insurance benefits for substantially all of its u.s . employees hired before july 1 , 2007 . the company amended the life insurance benefits under the postretirement plan effective january 1 , 2007 . the impact , net of taxes , of this amendment was an increase of $ 1715 to accumulated other comprehensive income in 2007 . in 2009 , the company recorded a $ 3944 benefit expense as a result of enhanced postretirement medical benefits under the postretirement plan provided to employees that chose to participate in a voluntary transition program. . Question: what is the total contribution expense related to all of its defined contribution plans in 2009 and 2008? Answer: 75968.0 Question: what about the total including 2007?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
performance based restricted stock awards is generally recognized using the accelerated amortization method with each vesting tranche valued as a separate award , with a separate vesting date , consistent with the estimated value of the award at each period end . additionally , compensation expense is adjusted for actual forfeitures for all awards in the period that the award was forfeited . compensation expense for stock options is generally recognized on a straight-line basis over the requisite service period . maa presents stock compensation expense in the consolidated statements of operations in "general and administrative expenses" . effective january 1 , 2017 , the company adopted asu 2016-09 , improvements to employee share- based payment accounting , which allows employers to make a policy election to account for forfeitures as they occur . the company elected this option using the modified retrospective transition method , with a cumulative effect adjustment to retained earnings , and there was no material effect on the consolidated financial position or results of operations taken as a whole resulting from the reversal of previously estimated forfeitures . total compensation expense under the stock plan was approximately $ 10.8 million , $ 12.2 million and $ 6.9 million for the years ended december 31 , 2017 , 2016 and 2015 , respectively . of these amounts , total compensation expense capitalized was approximately $ 0.2 million , $ 0.7 million and $ 0.7 million for the years ended december 31 , 2017 , 2016 and 2015 , respectively . as of december 31 , 2017 , the total unrecognized compensation expense was approximately $ 14.1 million . this cost is expected to be recognized over the remaining weighted average period of 1.2 years . total cash paid for the settlement of plan shares totaled $ 4.8 million , $ 2.0 million and $ 1.0 million for the years ended december 31 , 2017 , 2016 and 2015 , respectively . information concerning grants under the stock plan is listed below . restricted stock in general , restricted stock is earned based on either a service condition , performance condition , or market condition , or a combination thereof , and generally vests ratably over a period from 1 year to 5 years . service based awards are earned when the employee remains employed over the requisite service period and are valued on the grant date based upon the market price of maa common stock on the date of grant . market based awards are earned when maa reaches a specified stock price or specified return on the stock price ( price appreciation plus dividends ) and are valued on the grant date using a monte carlo simulation . performance based awards are earned when maa reaches certain operational goals such as funds from operations , or ffo , targets and are valued based upon the market price of maa common stock on the date of grant as well as the probability of reaching the stated targets . maa remeasures the fair value of the performance based awards each balance sheet date with adjustments made on a cumulative basis until the award is settled and the final compensation is known . the weighted average grant date fair value per share of restricted stock awards granted during the years ended december 31 , 2017 , 2016 and 2015 , was $ 84.53 , $ 73.20 and $ 68.35 , respectively . the following is a summary of the key assumptions used in the valuation calculations for market based awards granted during the years ended december 31 , 2017 , 2016 and 2015: . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>2017</td><td>2016</td><td>2015</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>risk free rate</td><td>0.65% ( 0.65 % ) - 1.57% ( 1.57 % )</td><td>0.49% ( 0.49 % ) - 1.27% ( 1.27 % )</td><td>0.10% ( 0.10 % ) - 1.05% ( 1.05 % )</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>dividend yield</td><td>3.573% ( 3.573 % )</td><td>3.634% ( 3.634 % )</td><td>3.932% ( 3.932 % )</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>volatility</td><td>20.43% ( 20.43 % ) - 21.85% ( 21.85 % )</td><td>18.41% ( 18.41 % ) - 19.45% ( 19.45 % )</td><td>15.41% ( 15.41 % ) - 16.04% ( 16.04 % )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>requisite service period</td><td>3 years</td><td>3 years</td><td>3 years</td></tr></table> the risk free rate was based on a zero coupon risk-free rate . the minimum risk free rate was based on a period of 0.25 years for the years ended december 31 , 2017 , 2016 and 2015 . the maximum risk free rate was based on a period of 3 years for the years ended december 31 , 2017 , 2016 and 2015 . the dividend yield was based on the closing stock price of maa stock on the date of grant . volatility for maa was obtained by using a blend of both historical and implied volatility calculations . historical volatility was based on the standard deviation of daily total continuous returns , and implied volatility was based on the trailing month average of daily implied volatilities interpolating between the volatilities implied by stock call option contracts that were closest to the terms shown and closest to the money . the minimum volatility was based on a period of 3 years , 2 years and 1 year for the years ended december 31 , 2017 , 2016 and 2015 , respectively . the maximum volatility was based on a period of 1 year , 1 year and 2 years for the years ended december 31 , 2017 , 2016 and 2015 , respectively . the requisite service period is based on the criteria for the separate programs according to the vesting schedule. . Question: what was the change in weighted average grant date fair value per share of restricted stock from 2016 to 2017? Answer: 11.33 Question: how much does that change represent in relation to the weighted average grant date fair value per share of restricted stock in 2016, in percentage?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
stock price performance the following graph shows a comparison of the cumulative total return on our common stock , the standard & poor 2019s 500 index and the standard & poor 2019s retail index . the graph assumes that the value of an investment in our common stock and in each such index was $ 100 on january 3 , 2009 , and that any dividends have been reinvested . the comparison in the graph below is based solely on historical data and is not intended to forecast the possible future performance of our common stock . comparison of cumulative total return among advance auto parts , inc. , s&p 500 index and s&p retail index company/index january 3 , january 2 , january 1 , december 31 , december 29 , december 28 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>company/index</td><td>january 3 2009</td><td>january 2 2010</td><td>january 1 2011</td><td>december 31 2011</td><td>december 29 2012</td><td>december 28 2013</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>advance auto parts</td><td>$ 100.00</td><td>$ 119.28</td><td>$ 195.80</td><td>$ 206.86</td><td>$ 213.14</td><td>$ 327.63</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>s&p 500 index</td><td>100.00</td><td>119.67</td><td>134.97</td><td>134.96</td><td>150.51</td><td>197.62</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>s&p retail index</td><td>100.00</td><td>141.28</td><td>174.70</td><td>179.79</td><td>219.77</td><td>321.02</td></tr></table> . Question: what was the price of advance auto in 2012? Answer: 213.14 Question: what is that less 100? Answer: 113.14 Question: what was the price of the s&p index in 2012? Answer: 150.51 Question: what is that less 100?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
22 2016 annual report performance graph the following chart presents a comparison for the five-year period ended june 30 , 2016 , of the market performance of the company 2019s common stock with the s&p 500 index and an index of peer companies selected by the company : comparison of 5 year cumulative total return among jack henry & associates , inc. , the s&p 500 index , and a peer group the following information depicts a line graph with the following values: . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>2011</td><td>2012</td><td>2013</td><td>2014</td><td>2015</td><td>2016</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>jkhy</td><td>100.00</td><td>116.62</td><td>161.33</td><td>206.53</td><td>228.24</td><td>312.11</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>peer group</td><td>100.00</td><td>107.65</td><td>126.89</td><td>174.28</td><td>219.46</td><td>251.24</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>s&p 500</td><td>100.00</td><td>105.45</td><td>127.17</td><td>158.46</td><td>170.22</td><td>177.02</td></tr></table> this comparison assumes $ 100 was invested on june 30 , 2011 , and assumes reinvestments of dividends . total returns are calculated according to market capitalization of peer group members at the beginning of each period . peer companies selected are in the business of providing specialized computer software , hardware and related services to financial institutions and other businesses . companies in the peer group are aci worldwide , inc. , bottomline technology , inc. , broadridge financial solutions , cardtronics , inc. , convergys corp. , corelogic , inc. , dst systems , inc. , euronet worldwide , inc. , fair isaac corp. , fidelity national information services , inc. , fiserv , inc. , global payments , inc. , moneygram international , inc. , ss&c technologies holdings , inc. , total systems services , inc. , tyler technologies , inc. , verifone systems , inc. , and wex , inc. . heartland payment systems , inc . was removed from the peer group as it merged with global payments , inc . in april 2016. . Question: what was the change in the performance value of the peer group stock from 2014 to 2016? Answer: 45.18 Question: and what is this change as a percent of that value in 2014?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
d u k e r e a l t y c o r p o r a t i o n 2 8 2 0 0 2 a n n u a l r e p o r t notes to consolidated financial statements the company recognizes income on long-term construction contracts where the company serves as a general contractor on the percentage of completion method . using this method , profits are recorded on the basis of the company 2019s estimates of the percentage of completion of individual contracts , commencing when progress reaches a point where experience is sufficient to estimate final results with reasonable accuracy . that portion of the estimated earnings is accrued on the basis of the company 2019s estimates of the percentage of completion based on contract expenditures incurred and work performed . property sales gains from sales of depreciated property are recognized in accordance with statement of financial accounting standards ( 201csfas 201d ) no . 66 , and are included in earnings from sales of land and depreciable property dispositions , net of impairment adjustment , in the statement of operations if identified as held for sale prior to adoption of sfas 144 and in discontinued operations if identified as held for sale after adoption of sfas 144 . gains or losses from the sale of property which is considered held for sale in dclp are recognized in accordance with sfas 66 and are included in construction management and development activity income in the statement of operations . net income per common share basic net income per common share is computed by dividing net income available for common shares by the weighted average number of common shares outstanding for the period . diluted net income per share is computed by dividing the sum of net income available for common shares and minority interest in earnings of unitholders , by the sum of the weighted average number of common shares and units outstanding and dilutive potential common shares for the period . the following table reconciles the components of basic and diluted net income per share ( in thousands ) : the series d convertible preferred stock and the series g convertible preferred limited partner units were anti-dilutive for the years ended december 31 , 2002 , 2001 and 2000 ; therefore , no conversion to common shares is included in weighted dilutive potential common shares . in september 2002 , the company redeemed the series g convertible preferred units at their par value of $ 35.0 million . a joint venture partner in one of the company 2019s unconsolidated companies has the option to convert a portion of its ownership to company common shares ( see discussion in investments in unconsolidated companies section ) . the effect of the option on earnings per share was dilutive for the year ended december 31 , 2001 ; therefore , conversion to common shares is included in weighted dilutive potential common shares . federal income taxes the company has elected to be taxed as a real estate investment trust ( 201creit 201d ) under the internal revenue code . to qualify as a reit , the company must meet a number of organizational and operational requirements , including a requirement that it currently distribute at least 90% ( 90 % ) of its taxable income to its stockholders . management intends to continue to adhere to these requirements and to maintain the company 2019s reit status . as a reit , the company is entitled to a tax deduction for some or all of the dividends it pays to its shareholders . accordingly , the company generally will not be subject to federal income taxes as long as it distributes an amount equal to or in excess of its taxable income currently to its stockholders . a reit generally is subject to federal income taxes on any taxable income that is not currently distributed to its shareholders . if the company fails to qualify as a reit in any taxable year , it will be subject to federal income taxes and may not be able to qualify as a reit for four subsequent taxable years . reit qualification reduces , but does not eliminate , the amount of state and local taxes paid by the company . in addition , the company 2019s financial statements include the operations of taxable corporate subsidiaries that are not entitled to a dividends paid deduction and are subject to corporate federal , state and local income taxes . as a reit , the company may also be subject to certain federal excise taxes if it engages in certain types of transactions. . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>2002</td><td>2001</td><td>2000</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>basic net income available for common shares</td><td>$ 161272</td><td>$ 229967</td><td>$ 212958</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>joint venture partner convertible ownership net income</td><td>2014</td><td>3423</td><td>2014</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>minority interest in earnings of common unitholders</td><td>18568</td><td>32463</td><td>32071</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>diluted net income available for common shares and dilutive potential common shares</td><td>$ 179840</td><td>$ 265853</td><td>$ 245029</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>weighted average number of common shares outstanding</td><td>133981</td><td>129660</td><td>126836</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>weighted average partnership units outstanding</td><td>15442</td><td>18301</td><td>19070</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>joint venture partner convertible ownership common share equivalents</td><td>2014</td><td>2092</td><td>2014</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>dilutive shares for stock-based compensation plans</td><td>1416</td><td>1657</td><td>1535</td></tr><tr><td>10</td><td>weighted average number of common shares and dilutive potential common shares</td><td>150839</td><td>151710</td><td>147441</td></tr></table> . Question: what was the total basic net income for 2001 and 2002? Answer: 391239.0 Question: and including 2000?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
performance graph comparison of five-year cumulative total return the following graph and table compare the cumulative total return on citi 2019s common stock , which is listed on the nyse under the ticker symbol 201cc 201d and held by 65691 common stockholders of record as of january 31 , 2018 , with the cumulative total return of the s&p 500 index and the s&p financial index over the five-year period through december 31 , 2017 . the graph and table assume that $ 100 was invested on december 31 , 2012 in citi 2019s common stock , the s&p 500 index and the s&p financial index , and that all dividends were reinvested . comparison of five-year cumulative total return for the years ended date citi s&p 500 financials . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>date</td><td>citi</td><td>s&p 500</td><td>s&p financials</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>31-dec-2012</td><td>100.0</td><td>100.0</td><td>100.0</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>31-dec-2013</td><td>131.8</td><td>132.4</td><td>135.6</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>31-dec-2014</td><td>137.0</td><td>150.5</td><td>156.2</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>31-dec-2015</td><td>131.4</td><td>152.6</td><td>153.9</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>31-dec-2016</td><td>152.3</td><td>170.8</td><td>188.9</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>31-dec-2017</td><td>193.5</td><td>208.1</td><td>230.9</td></tr></table> . Question: what is the value of s&p financials in 2016? Answer: 188.9 Question: what is the value in 2015? Answer: 153.9 Question: what is the net change? Answer: 35.0 Question: what was the 2015 number?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
proportional free cash flow ( a non-gaap measure ) we define proportional free cash flow as cash flows from operating activities less maintenance capital expenditures ( including non-recoverable environmental capital expenditures ) , adjusted for the estimated impact of noncontrolling interests . the proportionate share of cash flows and related adjustments attributable to noncontrolling interests in our subsidiaries comprise the proportional adjustment factor presented in the reconciliation below . upon the company's adoption of the accounting guidance for service concession arrangements effective january 1 , 2015 , capital expenditures related to service concession assets that would have been classified as investing activities on the consolidated statement of cash flows are now classified as operating activities . see note 1 2014general and summary of significant accounting policies of this form 10-k for further information on the adoption of this guidance . beginning in the quarter ended march 31 , 2015 , the company changed the definition of proportional free cash flow to exclude the cash flows for capital expenditures related to service concession assets that are now classified within net cash provided by operating activities on the consolidated statement of cash flows . the proportional adjustment factor for these capital expenditures is presented in the reconciliation below . we also exclude environmental capital expenditures that are expected to be recovered through regulatory , contractual or other mechanisms . an example of recoverable environmental capital expenditures is ipl's investment in mats-related environmental upgrades that are recovered through a tracker . see item 1 . 2014us sbu 2014ipl 2014environmental matters for details of these investments . the gaap measure most comparable to proportional free cash flow is cash flows from operating activities . we believe that proportional free cash flow better reflects the underlying business performance of the company , as it measures the cash generated by the business , after the funding of maintenance capital expenditures , that may be available for investing or repaying debt or other purposes . factors in this determination include the impact of noncontrolling interests , where aes consolidates the results of a subsidiary that is not wholly-owned by the company . the presentation of free cash flow has material limitations . proportional free cash flow should not be construed as an alternative to cash from operating activities , which is determined in accordance with gaap . proportional free cash flow does not represent our cash flow available for discretionary payments because it excludes certain payments that are required or to which we have committed , such as debt service requirements and dividend payments . our definition of proportional free cash flow may not be comparable to similarly titled measures presented by other companies . calculation of proportional free cash flow ( in millions ) 2015 2014 2013 2015/2014change 2014/2013 change . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>calculation of proportional free cash flow ( in millions )</td><td>2015</td><td>2014</td><td>2013</td><td>2015/2014 change</td><td>2014/2013 change</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>net cash provided by operating activities</td><td>$ 2134</td><td>$ 1791</td><td>$ 2715</td><td>$ 343</td><td>$ -924 ( 924 )</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>add : capital expenditures related to service concession assets ( 1 )</td><td>165</td><td>2014</td><td>2014</td><td>165</td><td>2014</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>adjusted operating cash flow</td><td>2299</td><td>1791</td><td>2715</td><td>508</td><td>-924 ( 924 )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>less : proportional adjustment factor on operating cash activities ( 2 ) ( 3 )</td><td>-558 ( 558 )</td><td>-359 ( 359 )</td><td>-834 ( 834 )</td><td>-199 ( 199 )</td><td>475</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>proportional adjusted operating cash flow</td><td>1741</td><td>1432</td><td>1881</td><td>309</td><td>-449 ( 449 )</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>less : proportional maintenance capital expenditures net of reinsurance proceeds ( 2 )</td><td>-449 ( 449 )</td><td>-485 ( 485 )</td><td>-535 ( 535 )</td><td>36</td><td>50</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>less : proportional non-recoverable environmental capital expenditures ( 2 ) ( 4 )</td><td>-51 ( 51 )</td><td>-56 ( 56 )</td><td>-75 ( 75 )</td><td>5</td><td>19</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>proportional free cash flow</td><td>$ 1241</td><td>$ 891</td><td>$ 1271</td><td>$ 350</td><td>$ -380 ( 380 )</td></tr></table> ( 1 ) service concession asset expenditures excluded from proportional free cash flow non-gaap metric . ( 2 ) the proportional adjustment factor , proportional maintenance capital expenditures ( net of reinsurance proceeds ) and proportional non-recoverable environmental capital expenditures are calculated by multiplying the percentage owned by noncontrolling interests for each entity by its corresponding consolidated cash flow metric and are totaled to the resulting figures . for example , parent company a owns 20% ( 20 % ) of subsidiary company b , a consolidated subsidiary . thus , subsidiary company b has an 80% ( 80 % ) noncontrolling interest . assuming a consolidated net cash flow from operating activities of $ 100 from subsidiary b , the proportional adjustment factor for subsidiary b would equal $ 80 ( or $ 100 x 80% ( 80 % ) ) . the company calculates the proportional adjustment factor for each consolidated business in this manner and then sums these amounts to determine the total proportional adjustment factor used in the reconciliation . the proportional adjustment factor may differ from the proportion of income attributable to noncontrolling interests as a result of ( a ) non-cash items which impact income but not cash and ( b ) aes' ownership interest in the subsidiary where such items occur . ( 3 ) includes proportional adjustment amount for service concession asset expenditures of $ 84 million for the year ended december 31 , 2015 . the company adopted service concession accounting effective january 1 , 2015 . ( 4 ) excludes ipl's proportional recoverable environmental capital expenditures of $ 205 million , $ 163 million and $ 110 million for the years december 31 , 2015 , 2014 and 2013 , respectively. . Question: what is the proportional recoverable environmental capital expenditures in 2015? Answer: 205.0 Question: what is the value in 2014? Answer: 163.0 Question: what is the sum of those 2 years? Answer: 368.0 Question: what is the value in 2013?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
a valuation allowance totaling $ 43.9 million , $ 40.4 million and $ 40.1 million as of 2012 , 2011 and 2010 year end , respectively , has been established for deferred income tax assets primarily related to certain subsidiary loss carryforwards that may not be realized . realization of the net deferred income tax assets is dependent on generating sufficient taxable income prior to their expiration . although realization is not assured , management believes it is more- likely-than-not that the net deferred income tax assets will be realized . the amount of the net deferred income tax assets considered realizable , however , could change in the near term if estimates of future taxable income during the carryforward period fluctuate . the following is a reconciliation of the beginning and ending amounts of unrecognized tax benefits for 2012 , 2011 and ( amounts in millions ) 2012 2011 2010 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>( amounts in millions )</td><td>2012</td><td>2011</td><td>2010</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>unrecognized tax benefits at beginning of year</td><td>$ 11.0</td><td>$ 11.1</td><td>$ 17.5</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>gross increases 2013 tax positions in prior periods</td><td>0.7</td><td>0.5</td><td>0.6</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>gross decreases 2013 tax positions in prior periods</td><td>-4.9 ( 4.9 )</td><td>-0.4 ( 0.4 )</td><td>-0.4 ( 0.4 )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>gross increases 2013 tax positions in the current period</td><td>1.2</td><td>2.8</td><td>3.1</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>settlements with taxing authorities</td><td>2013</td><td>-1.2 ( 1.2 )</td><td>-9.5 ( 9.5 )</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>increase related to acquired business</td><td>2013</td><td>2013</td><td>0.4</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>lapsing of statutes of limitations</td><td>-1.2 ( 1.2 )</td><td>-1.8 ( 1.8 )</td><td>-0.6 ( 0.6 )</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>unrecognized tax benefits at end of year</td><td>$ 6.8</td><td>$ 11.0</td><td>$ 11.1</td></tr></table> of the $ 6.8 million , $ 11.0 million and $ 11.1 million of unrecognized tax benefits as of 2012 , 2011 and 2010 year end , respectively , approximately $ 4.1 million , $ 9.1 million and $ 11.1 million , respectively , would impact the effective income tax rate if recognized . interest and penalties related to unrecognized tax benefits are recorded in income tax expense . during 2012 and 2011 , the company reversed a net $ 0.5 million and $ 1.4 million , respectively , of interest and penalties to income associated with unrecognized tax benefits . as of 2012 , 2011 and 2010 year end , the company has provided for $ 1.6 million , $ 1.6 million and $ 2.8 million , respectively , of accrued interest and penalties related to unrecognized tax benefits . the unrecognized tax benefits and related accrued interest and penalties are included in 201cother long-term liabilities 201d on the accompanying consolidated balance sheets . snap-on and its subsidiaries file income tax returns in the united states and in various state , local and foreign jurisdictions . it is reasonably possible that certain unrecognized tax benefits may either be settled with taxing authorities or the statutes of limitations for such items may lapse within the next 12 months , causing snap-on 2019s gross unrecognized tax benefits to decrease by a range of zero to $ 2.4 million . over the next 12 months , snap-on anticipates taking uncertain tax positions on various tax returns for which the related tax benefit does not meet the recognition threshold . accordingly , snap-on 2019s gross unrecognized tax benefits may increase by a range of zero to $ 1.6 million over the next 12 months for uncertain tax positions expected to be taken in future tax filings . with few exceptions , snap-on is no longer subject to u.s . federal and state/local income tax examinations by tax authorities for years prior to 2008 , and snap-on is no longer subject to non-u.s . income tax examinations by tax authorities for years prior to 2006 . the undistributed earnings of all non-u.s . subsidiaries totaled $ 492.2 million , $ 416.4 million and $ 386.5 million as of 2012 , 2011 and 2010 year end , respectively . snap-on has not provided any deferred taxes on these undistributed earnings as it considers the undistributed earnings to be permanently invested . determination of the amount of unrecognized deferred income tax liability related to these earnings is not practicable . 2012 annual report 83 . Question: what is the balance of unrecognized tax benefits at end of year 2012? Answer: 6.8 Question: what about 2011? Answer: 11.0 Question: what is the sum for these two years? Answer: 17.8 Question: what about the sum including 2010? Answer: 28.9 Question: what is the average for these three years?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
we realize synergies from consolidating businesses into our existing operations , whether through acquisitions or public-private partnerships , which allow us to reduce capital and expense requirements associated with truck routing , personnel , fleet maintenance , inventories and back-office administration . operating model the goal of our operating model pillar is to deliver a consistent , high quality service to all of our customers through the republic way : one way . everywhere . every day . this approach of developing standardized processes with rigorous controls and tracking allows us to leverage our scale and deliver durable operational excellence . the republic way is the key to harnessing the best of what we do as operators and translating that across all facets of our business . a key enabler of the republic way is our organizational structure that fosters a high performance culture by maintaining 360 degree accountability and full profit and loss responsibility with general management , supported by a functional structure to provide subject matter expertise . this structure allows us to take advantage of our scale by coordinating functionally across all of our markets , while empowering local management to respond to unique market dynamics . we have rolled out several productivity and cost control initiatives designed to deliver the best service possible to our customers in the most efficient and environmentally sound way . fleet automation approximately 72% ( 72 % ) of our residential routes have been converted to automated single driver trucks . by converting our residential routes to automated service , we reduce labor costs , improve driver productivity , decrease emissions and create a safer work environment for our employees . additionally , communities using automated vehicles have higher participation rates in recycling programs , thereby complementing our initiative to expand our recycling capabilities . fleet conversion to compressed natural gas ( cng ) approximately 16% ( 16 % ) of our fleet operates on cng . we expect to continue our gradual fleet conversion to cng , our preferred alternative fuel technology , as part of our ordinary annual fleet replacement process . we believe a gradual fleet conversion is most prudent to realize the full value of our previous fleet investments . approximately 33% ( 33 % ) of our replacement vehicle purchases during 2015 were cng vehicles . we believe using cng vehicles provides us a competitive advantage in communities with strict clean emission initiatives that focus on protecting the environment . although upfront costs are higher , using cng reduces our overall fleet operating costs through lower fuel expenses . as of december 31 , 2015 , we operated 38 cng fueling stations . standardized maintenance based on an industry trade publication , we operate the ninth largest vocational fleet in the united states . as of december 31 , 2015 , our average fleet age in years , by line of business , was as follows : approximate number of vehicles approximate average age . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>approximate number of vehicles</td><td>approximate average age</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>residential</td><td>7200</td><td>7</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>small-container commercial</td><td>4400</td><td>7</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>large-container industrial</td><td>4000</td><td>9</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>total</td><td>15600</td><td>7.5</td></tr></table> onefleet , our standardized vehicle maintenance program , enables us to use best practices for fleet management , truck care and maintenance . through standardization of core functions , we believe we can minimize variability . Question: what is the percentage of vehicles that have already been converted to natural gas? Answer: 0.16 Question: and what is the amount equivalent to this percentage? Answer: 2496.0 Question: and as of 2015, what was the total of vehicles for residential? Answer: 7200.0 Question: how much did this total represent in relation to the total of ones related to large-container industrial?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
performance graph the graph below compares the cumulative total shareholder return on pmi's common stock with the cumulative total return for the same period of pmi's peer group and the s&p 500 index . the graph assumes the investment of $ 100 as of december 31 , 2013 , in pmi common stock ( at prices quoted on the new york stock exchange ) and each of the indices as of the market close and reinvestment of dividends on a quarterly basis . date pmi pmi peer group ( 1 ) s&p 500 index . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>date</td><td>pmi</td><td>pmi peer group ( 1 )</td><td>s&p 500 index</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>december 31 2013</td><td>$ 100.00</td><td>$ 100.00</td><td>$ 100.00</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>december 31 2014</td><td>$ 97.90</td><td>$ 107.80</td><td>$ 113.70</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>december 31 2015</td><td>$ 111.00</td><td>$ 116.80</td><td>$ 115.30</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>december 31 2016</td><td>$ 120.50</td><td>$ 118.40</td><td>$ 129.00</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>december 31 2017</td><td>$ 144.50</td><td>$ 140.50</td><td>$ 157.20</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>december 31 2018</td><td>$ 96.50</td><td>$ 127.70</td><td>$ 150.30</td></tr></table> ( 1 ) the pmi peer group presented in this graph is the same as that used in the prior year . the pmi peer group was established based on a review of four characteristics : global presence ; a focus on consumer products ; and net revenues and a market capitalization of a similar size to those of pmi . the review also considered the primary international tobacco companies . as a result of this review , the following companies constitute the pmi peer group : altria group , inc. , anheuser-busch inbev sa/nv , british american tobacco p.l.c. , the coca-cola company , colgate-palmolive co. , diageo plc , heineken n.v. , imperial brands plc , japan tobacco inc. , johnson & johnson , kimberly-clark corporation , the kraft-heinz company , mcdonald's corp. , mondel z international , inc. , nestl e9 s.a. , pepsico , inc. , the procter & gamble company , roche holding ag , and unilever nv and plc . note : figures are rounded to the nearest $ 0.10. . Question: what is the price of pmi in 2014?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
american tower corporation and subsidiaries notes to consolidated financial statements 2014 ( continued ) sfas no . 148 . in accordance with apb no . 25 , the company recognizes compensation expense based on the excess , if any , of the quoted stock price at the grant date of the award or other measurement date over the amount an employee must pay to acquire the stock . the company 2019s stock option plans are more fully described in note 14 . in december 2004 , the fasb issued sfas no . 123 ( revised 2004 ) , 201cshare-based payment 201d ( sfas 123r ) , as further described below . during the year ended december 31 , 2005 , the company reevaluated the assumptions used to estimate the fair value of stock options issued to employees . as a result , the company lowered its expected volatility assumption for options granted after july 1 , 2005 to approximately 30% ( 30 % ) and increased the expected life of option grants to 6.25 years using the simplified method permitted by sec sab no . 107 , 201dshare-based payment 201d ( sab no . 107 ) . the company made this change based on a number of factors , including the company 2019s execution of its strategic plans to sell non-core businesses , reduce leverage and refinance its debt , and its recent merger with spectrasite , inc . ( see note 2. ) management had previously based its volatility assumptions on historical volatility since inception , which included periods when the company 2019s capital structure was more highly leveraged than current levels and expected levels for the foreseeable future . management 2019s estimate of future volatility is based on its consideration of all available information , including historical volatility , implied volatility of publicly traded options , the company 2019s current capital structure and its publicly announced future business plans . for comparative purposes , a 10% ( 10 % ) change in the volatility assumption would change pro forma stock option expense and pro forma net loss by approximately $ 0.1 million for the year ended december 31 , 2005 . ( see note 14. ) the following table illustrates the effect on net loss and net loss per common share if the company had applied the fair value recognition provisions of sfas no . 123 ( as amended ) to stock-based compensation . the estimated fair value of each option is calculated using the black-scholes option-pricing model ( in thousands , except per share amounts ) : . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>2005</td><td>2004</td><td>2003</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>net loss as reported</td><td>$ -171590 ( 171590 )</td><td>$ -247587 ( 247587 )</td><td>$ -325321 ( 325321 )</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>add : stock-based employee compensation expense net of related tax effect included in net loss as reported</td><td>7104</td><td>2297</td><td>2077</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>less : total stock-based employee compensation expense determined under fair value based method for all awards net of related taxeffect</td><td>-22238 ( 22238 )</td><td>-23906 ( 23906 )</td><td>-31156 ( 31156 )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>pro-forma net loss</td><td>$ -186724 ( 186724 )</td><td>$ -269196 ( 269196 )</td><td>$ -354400 ( 354400 )</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>basic and diluted net loss per share as reported</td><td>$ -0.57 ( 0.57 )</td><td>$ -1.10 ( 1.10 )</td><td>$ -1.56 ( 1.56 )</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>basic and diluted net loss per share pro-forma</td><td>$ -0.62 ( 0.62 )</td><td>$ -1.20 ( 1.20 )</td><td>$ -1.70 ( 1.70 )</td></tr></table> the company has modified certain option awards to revise vesting and exercise terms for certain terminated employees and recognized charges of $ 7.0 million , $ 3.0 million and $ 2.3 million for the years ended december 31 , 2005 , 2004 and 2003 , respectively . in addition , the stock-based employee compensation amounts above for the year ended december 31 , 2005 , include approximately $ 2.4 million of unearned compensation amortization related to unvested stock options assumed in the merger with spectrasite , inc . such charges are reflected in impairments , net loss on sale of long-lived assets , restructuring and merger related expense with corresponding adjustments to additional paid-in capital and unearned compensation in the accompanying consolidated financial statements . recent accounting pronouncements 2014in december 2004 , the fasb issued sfas 123r , which supersedes apb no . 25 , and amends sfas no . 95 , 201cstatement of cash flows . 201d this statement addressed the accounting for share-based payments to employees , including grants of employee stock options . under the new standard . Question: what was the pro-forma net loss in 2005?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
acquired is represented by allied 2019s infrastructure of market-based collection routes and its related integrated waste transfer and disposal channels , whose value has been included in goodwill . all of the goodwill and other intangible assets resulting from the allied acquisition are not deductible for income tax purposes . pro forma information the consolidated financial statements presented for republic include the operating results of allied from december 5 , 2008 , the date of the acquisition . the following pro forma information is presented assuming the acquisition had been completed as of january 1 , 2008 . the unaudited pro forma information presented has been prepared for illustrative purposes and is not intended to be indicative of the results of operations that would have actually occurred had the acquisition been consummated at the beginning of the periods presented or of future results of the combined operations . furthermore , the pro forma results do not give effect to all cost savings or incremental costs that occur as a result of the integration and consolidation of the acquisition ( in millions , except share and per share amounts ) . year ended december 31 , ( unaudited ) . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>year ended december 31 2008 ( unaudited )</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>revenue</td><td>$ 9362.2</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>net income</td><td>285.7</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>basic earnings per share</td><td>0.76</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>diluted earnings per share</td><td>0.75</td></tr></table> the unaudited pro forma financial information includes adjustments for amortization of identifiable intangible assets , accretion of discounts to fair value associated with debt , environmental , self-insurance and other liabilities , accretion of capping , closure and post-closure obligations and amortization of the related assets , and provision for income taxes . restructuring charges as a result of the 2008 allied acquisition , we committed to a restructuring plan related to our corporate overhead and other administrative and operating functions . the plan included closing our corporate office in florida , consolidating administrative functions to arizona , the former headquarters of allied , and reducing staffing levels . the plan also included closing and consolidating certain operating locations and terminating certain leases . during the years ended december 31 , 2010 and 2009 , we incurred $ 11.4 million , net of adjustments , and $ 63.2 million , respectively , of restructuring and integration charges related to our integration of allied . these charges and adjustments primarily related to severance and other employee termination and relocation benefits and consulting and professional fees . substantially all the charges are recorded in our corporate segment . we do not expect to incur additional charges to complete our plan . we expect that the remaining charges will be paid during 2011 . republic services , inc . notes to consolidated financial statements , continued . Question: in the year of 2008, how much did the net income represent in relation to the revenue?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
part ii item 5 . market for registrant 2019s common equity , related stockholder matters and issuer purchases of equity securities the following table presents reported quarterly high and low per share sale prices of our class a common stock on the new york stock exchange ( nyse ) for the years 2004 and 2003. . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>2004</td><td>high</td><td>low</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>quarter ended march 31</td><td>$ 13.12</td><td>$ 9.89</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>quarter ended june 30</td><td>16.00</td><td>11.13</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>quarter ended september 30</td><td>15.85</td><td>13.10</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>quarter ended december 31</td><td>18.75</td><td>15.19</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>2003</td><td>high</td><td>low</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>quarter ended march 31</td><td>$ 5.94</td><td>$ 3.55</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>quarter ended june 30</td><td>9.90</td><td>5.41</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>quarter ended september 30</td><td>11.74</td><td>8.73</td></tr><tr><td>10</td><td>quarter ended december 31</td><td>12.00</td><td>9.59</td></tr></table> on march 18 , 2005 , the closing price of our class a common stock was $ 18.79 per share as reported on the as of march 18 , 2005 , we had 230604932 outstanding shares of class a common stock and 743 registered holders . in february 2004 , all outstanding shares of our class b common stock were converted into shares of our class a common stock on a one-for-one basis pursuant to the occurrence of the 201cdodge conversion event 201d as defined in our charter . our charter prohibits the future issuance of shares of class b common stock . also in february 2004 , all outstanding shares of class c common stock were converted into shares of class a common stock on a one-for-one basis . our charter permits the issuance of shares of class c common stock in the future . the information under 201csecurities authorized for issuance under equity compensation plans 201d from the definitive proxy statement is hereby incorporated by reference into item 12 of this annual report . dividends we have never paid a dividend on any class of common stock . we anticipate that we may retain future earnings , if any , to fund the development and growth of our business . the indentures governing our 93 20448% ( 20448 % ) senior notes due 2009 , our 7.50% ( 7.50 % ) senior notes due 2012 , and our 7.125% ( 7.125 % ) senior notes due 2012 prohibit us from paying dividends to our stockholders unless we satisfy certain financial covenants . our borrower subsidiaries are generally prohibited under the terms of the credit facility , subject to certain exceptions , from making to us any direct or indirect distribution , dividend or other payment on account of their limited liability company interests , partnership interests , capital stock or other equity interests , except that , if no default exists or would be created thereby under the credit facility , our borrower subsidiaries may pay cash dividends or make other distributions to us in accordance with the credit facility within certain specified amounts and , in addition , may pay cash dividends or make other distributions to us in respect of our outstanding indebtedness and permitted future indebtedness . the indentures governing the 12.25% ( 12.25 % ) senior subordinated discount notes due 2008 and the 7.25% ( 7.25 % ) senior subordinated notes due 2011 of american towers , inc . ( ati ) , our principal operating subsidiary , prohibit ati and certain of our other subsidiaries that have guaranteed those notes ( sister guarantors ) from paying dividends and making other payments or distributions to us unless certain . Question: what was the share high price for the quarter ended june 30?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
asian industrial packaging net sales for 2007 were $ 265 million compared with $ 180 million in 2006 . in 2005 , net sales were $ 105 million sub- sequent to international paper 2019s acquisition of a majority interest in this business in august 2005 . operating profits totaled $ 6 million in 2007 and $ 3 million in 2006 , compared with a loss of $ 4 million in consumer packaging demand and pricing for consumer packaging prod- ucts correlate closely with consumer spending and general economic activity . in addition to prices and volumes , major factors affecting the profitability of consumer packaging are raw material and energy costs , freight costs , manufacturing efficiency and product mix . consumer packaging net sales increased 12% ( 12 % ) compared with 2006 and 24% ( 24 % ) compared with 2005 . operating profits rose 15% ( 15 % ) from 2006 and 24% ( 24 % ) from 2005 levels . benefits from improved average sales price realizations ( $ 52 million ) , higher sales volumes for u.s . and european coated paperboard ( $ 9 million ) , favorable mill operations ( $ 14 million ) and contributions from international paper & sun cartonboard co. , ltd . acquired in 2006 ( $ 16 million ) , were partially offset by higher raw material and energy costs ( $ 53 million ) , an unfavorable mix of products sold ( $ 4 million ) , increased freight costs ( $ 5 million ) and other costs ( $ 3 million ) . consumer packaging in millions 2007 2006 2005 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>in millions</td><td>2007</td><td>2006</td><td>2005</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>sales</td><td>$ 3015</td><td>$ 2685</td><td>$ 2435</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>operating profit</td><td>$ 198</td><td>$ 172</td><td>$ 160</td></tr></table> north american consumer packaging net sales were $ 2.4 billion in both 2007 and 2006 com- pared with $ 2.2 billion in 2005 . operating earnings of $ 143 million in 2007 improved from $ 129 million in 2006 and $ 121 million in 2005 . coated paperboard sales volumes increased in 2007 compared with 2006 , particularly for folding carton board , reflecting improved demand . average sales price realizations substantially improved in 2007 for both folding carton board and cup stock . the impact of the higher sales prices combined with improved manufacturing performance at our mills more than offset the negative effects of higher wood and energy costs . foodservice sales volumes were slightly higher in 2007 than in 2006 . average sales prices were also higher reflecting the realization of price increases implemented to recover raw material cost increases . in addition , a more favorable mix of hot cups and food containers led to higher average margins . raw material costs for bleached board and polystyrene were higher than in 2006 , but these increases were partially offset by improved manufacturing costs reflecting increased productivity and reduced waste . shorewood sales volumes in 2007 declined from 2006 levels due to weak demand in the home enter- tainment , tobacco and display markets , although demand was stronger in the consumer products segment . sales margins declined from 2006 reflect- ing a less favorable mix of products sold . raw material costs were higher for bleached board , but this impact was more than offset by improved manufacturing operations and lower operating costs . charges to restructure operations also impacted 2007 results . entering 2008 , coated paperboard sales volumes are expected to be about even with the fourth quarter of 2007 , while average sales price realizations are expected to slightly improve . earnings should bene- fit from fewer planned mill maintenance outages compared with the 2007 fourth quarter . however , costs for wood , polyethylene and energy are expected to be higher . foodservice results are expected to benefit from increased sales volumes and higher sales price realizations . shorewood sales volumes for the first quarter 2008 are expected to seasonally decline , but this negative impact should be partially offset by benefits from cost improve- ments associated with prior-year restructuring actions . european consumer packaging net sales in 2007 were $ 280 million compared with $ 230 million in 2006 and $ 190 million in 2005 . sales volumes in 2007 were higher than in 2006 reflecting stronger market demand and improved productivity at our kwidzyn mill . average sales price realizations also improved in 2007 . operating earnings in 2007 of $ 37 million declined from $ 41 million in 2006 and $ 39 million in 2005 . the additional contribution from higher net sales was more than offset by higher input costs for wood , energy and freight . entering 2008 , sales volumes and prices are expected to be comparable to the fourth quarter . machine performance and sales mix are expected to improve ; however , wood costs are expected to be higher , especially in russia due to strong demand ahead of tariff increases , and energy costs are anticipated to be seasonally higher. . Question: what is the difference in operating earnings from 2006 to 2007?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
item 1b . unresolved staff comments not applicable . item 2 . properties as of december 28 , 2013 , our major facilities consisted of : ( square feet in millions ) united states countries total owned facilities1 29.9 16.7 46.6 leased facilities2 2.3 6.0 8.3 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>( square feet in millions )</td><td>unitedstates</td><td>othercountries</td><td>total</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>owned facilities1</td><td>29.9</td><td>16.7</td><td>46.6</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>leased facilities2</td><td>2.3</td><td>6.0</td><td>8.3</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>total facilities</td><td>32.2</td><td>22.7</td><td>54.9</td></tr></table> 1 leases on portions of the land used for these facilities expire on varying dates through 2062 . 2 leases expire on varying dates through 2028 and generally include renewals at our option . our principal executive offices are located in the u.s . and a significant amount of our wafer fabrication activities are also located in the u.s . in addition to our current facilities , we are building a development fabrication facility in oregon which began r&d start-up in 2013 . we expect that this new facility will allow us to widen our process technology lead . we also completed construction of a large-scale fabrication building in arizona in 2013 , which is currently not in use and is not being depreciated . we recently announced that we plan to delay equipment installation in this building and leverage existing fabrication facilities , reserving this new facility for additional capacity and future technologies . outside the u.s. , we have wafer fabrication facilities in israel , china , and ireland . our fabrication facility in ireland is currently transitioning to a newer process technology node , with manufacturing expected to recommence in 2015 . our assembly and test facilities are located in malaysia , china , costa rica , and vietnam . in addition , we have sales and marketing offices worldwide that are generally located near major concentrations of customers . we believe that the facilities described above are suitable and adequate for our present purposes and that the productive capacity in our facilities is substantially being utilized or we have plans to utilize it . we do not identify or allocate assets by operating segment . for information on net property , plant and equipment by country , see 201cnote 27 : operating segments and geographic information 201d in part ii , item 8 of this form 10-k . item 3 . legal proceedings for a discussion of legal proceedings , see 201cnote 26 : contingencies 201d in part ii , item 8 of this form 10-k . item 4 . mine safety disclosures not applicable . table of contents . Question: as of december 28, 2013, what percentage of the square footage of major facilities was owned?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
9 . lease commitments the company leases certain land , facilities , equipment and software under various operating leases that expire at various dates through 2057 . the lease agreements frequently include renewal and escalation clauses and require the company to pay taxes , insurance and maintenance costs . total rental expense under operating leases was approximatelya $ 92.3 million in fiscal 2019 , $ 84.9 million in fiscal 2018 and $ 58.8 million in fiscal 2017 . the following is a schedule of futureff minimum rental payments required under long-term operating leases at november 2 , 2019 : operating fiscal years leases . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>fiscal years</td><td>operating leases</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>2020</td><td>$ 79789</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>2021</td><td>67993</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>2022</td><td>40338</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>2023</td><td>37673</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>2024</td><td>32757</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>later years</td><td>190171</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>total</td><td>$ 448721</td></tr></table> 10 . commitments and contingencies from time to time , in the ordinary course of the company 2019s business , various claims , charges and litigation are asserted or commenced against the company arising from , or related to , among other things , contractual matters , patents , trademarks , personal injury , environmental matters , product liability , insurance coverage , employment or employment benefits . as to such claims and litigation , the company can give no assurance that it will prevail . the company does not believe that any current legal matters will have a material adverse effect on the company 2019s financial position , results of operations or cash flows . 11 . retirement plans the company and its subsidiaries have various savings and retirement plans covering substantially all employees . defined contribution plans the company maintains a defined contribution plan for the benefit of its eligible u.s . employees . this plan provides for company contributions of up to 5% ( 5 % ) of each participant 2019s total eligible compensation . in addition , the company contributes an amount equal to each participant 2019s pre-tax contribution , if any , up to a maximum of 3% ( 3 % ) of each participant 2019s total eligible compensation . the total expense related to the defined contribution plans for u.s . employees was $ 47.7 million in fiscal 2019 , $ 41.4 million in fiscal 2018 and $ 35.8 million in fiscal 2017 . non-qualified deferred compensation plan the deferred compensation plan ( dcp ) allows certain members of management and other highly-compensated employees and non-employee directors to defer receipt of all or any portion of their compensation . the dcp was established to provide participants with the opportunity to defer receiving all or a portion of their compensation , which includes salary , bonus , commissions and director fees . under the dcp , the company provides all participants ( other than non-employee directors ) with company contributions equal to 8% ( 8 % ) of eligible deferred contributions . the dcp is a non-qualified plan that is maintained in a rabbi trust . the fair value of the investments held in the rabbi trust are presented separately as deferred compensation plan investments , with the current portion of the investment included in prepaid expenses and other current assets in the consolidated balance sheets . see note 2j , fair value , for further information on these investments . the deferred compensation obligation represents dcp participant accumulated deferrals and earnings thereon since the inception of the dcp net of withdrawals . the deferred compensation obligation is presented separately as deferred compensation plan liability , with the current portion of the obligation in accrued liabilities in the consolidated balance sheets . the company 2019s liability under the dcp is an unsecured general obligation of the company . analog devices , inc . notes to consolidated financial statements 2014 ( continued ) . Question: what is the value of operating leases in 2020 divided by 1000? Answer: 79.789 Question: what was the value of the rent expense? Answer: 92.3 Question: what is the difference in values? Answer: -12.511 Question: what is the percent change?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
american tower corporation and subsidiaries notes to consolidated financial statements recognizing customer revenue , the company must assess the collectability of both the amounts billed and the portion recognized on a straight-line basis . this assessment takes customer credit risk and business and industry conditions into consideration to ultimately determine the collectability of the amounts billed . to the extent the amounts , based on management 2019s estimates , may not be collectible , recognition is deferred until such point as the uncertainty is resolved . any amounts which were previously recognized as revenue and subsequently determined to be uncollectible are charged to bad debt expense . accounts receivable are reported net of allowances for doubtful accounts related to estimated losses resulting from a customer 2019s inability to make required payments and reserves for amounts invoiced whose collectability is not reasonably assured . these allowances are generally estimated based on payment patterns , days past due and collection history , and incorporate changes in economic conditions that may not be reflected in historical trends , such as customers in bankruptcy , liquidation or reorganization . receivables are written-off against the allowances when they are determined uncollectible . such determination includes analysis and consideration of the particular conditions of the account . changes in the allowances were as follows for the years ended december 31 , ( in thousands ) : . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>2010</td><td>2009</td><td>2008</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>balance as of january 1,</td><td>$ 28520</td><td>$ 11482</td><td>$ 8850</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>current year increases</td><td>16219</td><td>26771</td><td>12059</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>recoveries and other</td><td>-22234 ( 22234 )</td><td>-9733 ( 9733 )</td><td>-9427 ( 9427 )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>balance as of december 31,</td><td>$ 22505</td><td>$ 28520</td><td>$ 11482</td></tr></table> the company 2019s largest international customer is iusacell , which is the brand name under which a group of companies controlled by grupo iusacell , s.a . de c.v . ( 201cgrupo iusacell 201d ) operates . iusacell represented approximately 4% ( 4 % ) of the company 2019s total revenue for the year ended december 31 , 2010 . grupo iusacell has been engaged in a refinancing of a majority of its u.s . dollar denominated debt , and in connection with this process , two of the legal entities of the group , including grupo iusacell , voluntarily filed for a pre-packaged concurso mercantil ( a process substantially equivalent to chapter 11 of u.s . bankruptcy law ) with the backing of a majority of their financial creditors in december 2010 . as of december 31 , 2010 , iusacell notes receivable , net , and related assets ( which include financing lease commitments and a deferred rent asset that are primarily long-term in nature ) were $ 19.7 million and $ 51.2 million , respectively . functional currency 2014as a result of changes to the organizational structure of the company 2019s subsidiaries in latin america in 2010 , the company determined that effective january 1 , 2010 , the functional currency of its foreign subsidiary in brazil is the brazilian real . from that point forward , all assets and liabilities held by the subsidiary in brazil are translated into u.s . dollars at the exchange rate in effect at the end of the applicable reporting period . revenues and expenses are translated at the average monthly exchange rates and the cumulative translation effect is included in stockholders 2019 equity . the change in functional currency from u.s . dollars to brazilian real gave rise to an increase in the net value of certain non-monetary assets and liabilities . the aggregate impact on such assets and liabilities was $ 39.8 million with an offsetting increase in accumulated other comprehensive income ( loss ) . as a result of the renegotiation of the company 2019s agreements with its largest international customer , iusacell , which included , among other changes , converting all of iusacell 2019s contractual obligations to the company from u.s . dollars to mexican pesos , the company has determined that effective april 1 , 2010 , the functional currency of certain of its foreign subsidiaries in mexico is the mexican peso . from that point forward , all assets and liabilities held by those subsidiaries in mexico are translated into u.s . dollars at the exchange rate in effect at the end of the applicable reporting period . revenues and expenses are translated at the average monthly exchange rates and the cumulative translation effect is included in stockholders 2019 equity . the change in functional . Question: what was the value of the allowance balance for the uncollectable accounts at the end of the year? Answer: 28520.0 Question: what was the value at the start of the year? Answer: 11482.0 Question: what was the net change?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
levels during 2008 , an indication that efforts to improve network operations translated into better customer service . 2022 fuel prices 2013 crude oil prices increased at a steady rate through the first seven months of 2008 , closing at a record high of $ 145.29 a barrel in early july . as the economy worsened during the third and fourth quarters , fuel prices dropped dramatically , hitting $ 33.87 per barrel in december , a near five-year low . despite these price declines toward the end of the year , our 2008 average fuel price increased by 39% ( 39 % ) and added $ 1.1 billion of operating expenses compared to 2007 . our fuel surcharge programs helped offset the impact of higher fuel prices . in addition , we reduced our consumption rate by 4% ( 4 % ) , saving approximately 58 million gallons of fuel during the year . the use of newer , more fuel efficient locomotives ; our fuel conservation programs ; improved network operations ; and a shift in commodity mix , primarily due to growth in bulk shipments , contributed to the improvement . 2022 free cash flow 2013 cash generated by operating activities totaled a record $ 4.1 billion , yielding free cash flow of $ 825 million in 2008 . free cash flow is defined as cash provided by operating activities , less cash used in investing activities and dividends paid . free cash flow is not considered a financial measure under accounting principles generally accepted in the united states ( gaap ) by sec regulation g and item 10 of sec regulation s-k . we believe free cash flow is important in evaluating our financial performance and measures our ability to generate cash without additional external financings . free cash flow should be considered in addition to , rather than as a substitute for , cash provided by operating activities . the following table reconciles cash provided by operating activities ( gaap measure ) to free cash flow ( non-gaap measure ) : millions of dollars 2008 2007 2006 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>millions of dollars</td><td>2008</td><td>2007</td><td>2006</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>cash provided by operating activities</td><td>$ 4070</td><td>$ 3277</td><td>$ 2880</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>cash used in investing activities</td><td>-2764 ( 2764 )</td><td>-2426 ( 2426 )</td><td>-2042 ( 2042 )</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>dividends paid</td><td>-481 ( 481 )</td><td>-364 ( 364 )</td><td>-322 ( 322 )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>free cash flow</td><td>$ 825</td><td>$ 487</td><td>$ 516</td></tr></table> 2009 outlook 2022 safety 2013 operating a safe railroad benefits our employees , our customers , our shareholders , and the public . we will continue using a multi-faceted approach to safety , utilizing technology , risk assessment , quality control , and training and engaging our employees . we plan to continue implementation of total safety culture ( tsc ) throughout our operations . tsc , an employee-focused initiative that has helped improve safety , is a process designed to establish , maintain , and promote safety among co-workers . with respect to public safety , we will continue our efforts to maintain , upgrade , and close crossings , install video cameras on locomotives , and educate the public about crossing safety through various railroad and industry programs , along with other activities . 2022 transportation plan 2013 in 2009 , we will continue to evaluate traffic flows and network logistic patterns to identify additional opportunities to simplify operations and improve network efficiency and asset utilization . we plan to maintain adequate manpower and locomotives , and improve productivity using industrial engineering techniques . 2022 fuel prices 2013 on average , we expect fuel prices to decrease substantially from the average price we paid in 2008 . however , due to economic uncertainty , other global pressures , and weather incidents , fuel prices again could be volatile during the year . to reduce the impact of fuel price on earnings , we . Question: what was free cash flow in 2007? Answer: 487.0 Question: what was it in 2006? Answer: 516.0 Question: what is the net change in value? Answer: -29.0 Question: what is the percent change?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
average age ( yrs. ) highway revenue equipment owned leased total . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>highway revenue equipment</td><td>owned</td><td>leased</td><td>total</td><td>averageage ( yrs. )</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>containers</td><td>26629</td><td>28306</td><td>54935</td><td>7.1</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>chassis</td><td>15182</td><td>25951</td><td>41133</td><td>8.9</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>total highway revenue equipment</td><td>41811</td><td>54257</td><td>96068</td><td>n/a</td></tr></table> capital expenditures our rail network requires significant annual capital investments for replacement , improvement , and expansion . these investments enhance safety , support the transportation needs of our customers , and improve our operational efficiency . additionally , we add new locomotives and freight cars to our fleet to replace older , less efficient equipment , to support growth and customer demand , and to reduce our impact on the environment through the acquisition of more fuel-efficient and low-emission locomotives . 2014 capital program 2013 during 2014 , our capital program totaled $ 4.1 billion . ( see the cash capital expenditures table in management 2019s discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations 2013 liquidity and capital resources 2013 financial condition , item 7. ) 2015 capital plan 2013 in 2015 , we expect our capital plan to be approximately $ 4.3 billion , which will include expenditures for ptc of approximately $ 450 million and may include non-cash investments . we may revise our 2015 capital plan if business conditions warrant or if new laws or regulations affect our ability to generate sufficient returns on these investments . ( see discussion of our 2015 capital plan in management 2019s discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations 2013 2015 outlook , item 7. ) equipment encumbrances 2013 equipment with a carrying value of approximately $ 2.8 billion and $ 2.9 billion at december 31 , 2014 , and 2013 , respectively served as collateral for capital leases and other types of equipment obligations in accordance with the secured financing arrangements utilized to acquire or refinance such railroad equipment . as a result of the merger of missouri pacific railroad company ( mprr ) with and into uprr on january 1 , 1997 , and pursuant to the underlying indentures for the mprr mortgage bonds , uprr must maintain the same value of assets after the merger in order to comply with the security requirements of the mortgage bonds . as of the merger date , the value of the mprr assets that secured the mortgage bonds was approximately $ 6.0 billion . in accordance with the terms of the indentures , this collateral value must be maintained during the entire term of the mortgage bonds irrespective of the outstanding balance of such bonds . environmental matters 2013 certain of our properties are subject to federal , state , and local laws and regulations governing the protection of the environment . ( see discussion of environmental issues in business 2013 governmental and environmental regulation , item 1 , and management 2019s discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations 2013 critical accounting policies 2013 environmental , item 7. ) item 3 . legal proceedings from time to time , we are involved in legal proceedings , claims , and litigation that occur in connection with our business . we routinely assess our liabilities and contingencies in connection with these matters based upon the latest available information and , when necessary , we seek input from our third-party advisors when making these assessments . consistent with sec rules and requirements , we describe below material pending legal proceedings ( other than ordinary routine litigation incidental to our business ) , material proceedings known to be contemplated by governmental authorities , other proceedings arising under federal , state , or local environmental laws and regulations ( including governmental proceedings involving potential fines , penalties , or other monetary sanctions in excess of $ 100000 ) , and such other pending matters that we may determine to be appropriate. . Question: what was the expected capital plan for 2015 converted to thousands? Answer: 4300.0 Question: what was the portion of ptc expenditures compared to this value?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
jpmorgan chase & co./2012 annual report 167 the chart shows that for year ended december 31 , 2012 , the firm posted market risk related gains on 220 of the 261 days in this period , with gains on eight days exceeding $ 200 million . the chart includes year to date losses incurred in the synthetic credit portfolio . cib and credit portfolio posted market risk-related gains on 254 days in the period . the inset graph looks at those days on which the firm experienced losses and depicts the amount by which var exceeded the actual loss on each of those days . of the losses that were sustained on the 41 days of the 261 days in the trading period , the firm sustained losses that exceeded the var measure on three of those days . these losses in excess of the var all occurred in the second quarter of 2012 and were due to the adverse effect of market movements on risk positions in the synthetic credit portfolio held by cio . during the year ended december 31 , 2012 , cib and credit portfolio experienced seven loss days ; none of the losses on those days exceeded their respective var measures . other risk measures debit valuation adjustment sensitivity the following table provides information about the gross sensitivity of dva to a one-basis-point increase in jpmorgan chase 2019s credit spreads . this sensitivity represents the impact from a one-basis-point parallel shift in jpmorgan chase 2019s entire credit curve . however , the sensitivity at a single point in time multiplied by the change in credit spread at a single maturity point may not be representative of the actual dva gain or loss realized within a period . the actual results reflect the movement in credit spreads across various maturities , which typically do not move in a parallel fashion , and is the product of a constantly changing exposure profile , among other factors . debit valuation adjustment sensitivity ( in millions ) one basis-point increase in jpmorgan chase 2019s credit spread . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>( in millions )</td><td>one basis-point increase injpmorgan chase 2019s credit spread</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>december 31 2012</td><td>$ 34</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>december 31 2011</td><td>35</td></tr></table> economic-value stress testing along with var , stress testing is important in measuring and controlling risk . while var reflects the risk of loss due to adverse changes in markets using recent historical market behavior as an indicator of losses , stress testing captures the firm 2019s exposure to unlikely but plausible events in abnormal markets . the firm runs weekly stress tests on market-related risks across the lines of business using multiple scenarios that assume significant changes in risk factors such as credit spreads , equity prices , interest rates , currency rates or commodity prices . the framework uses a grid-based approach , which calculates multiple magnitudes of stress for both market rallies and market sell-offs for . Question: what was the one basis-point increase in jpmorgan chase 2019s credit spread in 2011?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
part ii item 5 . market for registrant 2019s common equity , related stockholder matters and issuer purchases of equity securities . our series a common stock , series b common stock and series c common stock are listed and traded on the nasdaq global select market ( 201cnasdaq 201d ) under the symbols 201cdisca , 201d 201cdiscb 201d and 201cdisck , 201d respectively . the following table sets forth , for the periods indicated , the range of high and low sales prices per share of our series a common stock , series b common stock and series c common stock as reported on yahoo! finance ( ) . series a common stock series b common stock series c common stock high low high low high low fourth quarter $ 23.73 $ 16.28 $ 26.80 $ 20.00 $ 22.47 $ 15.27 third quarter $ 27.18 $ 20.80 $ 27.90 $ 22.00 $ 26.21 $ 19.62 second quarter $ 29.40 $ 25.11 $ 29.55 $ 25.45 $ 28.90 $ 24.39 first quarter $ 29.62 $ 26.34 $ 29.65 $ 27.55 $ 28.87 $ 25.76 fourth quarter $ 29.55 $ 25.01 $ 30.50 $ 26.00 $ 28.66 $ 24.20 third quarter $ 26.97 $ 24.27 $ 28.00 $ 25.21 $ 26.31 $ 23.44 second quarter $ 29.31 $ 23.73 $ 29.34 $ 24.15 $ 28.48 $ 22.54 first quarter $ 29.42 $ 24.33 $ 29.34 $ 24.30 $ 28.00 $ 23.81 as of february 21 , 2018 , there were approximately 1308 , 75 and 1414 record holders of our series a common stock , series b common stock and series c common stock , respectively . these amounts do not include the number of shareholders whose shares are held of record by banks , brokerage houses or other institutions , but include each such institution as one shareholder . we have not paid any cash dividends on our series a common stock , series b common stock or series c common stock , and we have no present intention to do so . payment of cash dividends , if any , will be determined by our board of directors after consideration of our earnings , financial condition and other relevant factors such as our credit facility's restrictions on our ability to declare dividends in certain situations . purchases of equity securities the following table presents information about our repurchases of common stock that were made through open market transactions during the three months ended december 31 , 2017 ( in millions , except per share amounts ) . period total number of series c shares purchased average paid per share : series c ( a ) total number of shares purchased as part of publicly announced plans or programs ( b ) ( c ) approximate dollar value of shares that may yet be purchased under the plans or programs ( a ) ( b ) october 1 , 2017 - october 31 , 2017 2014 $ 2014 2014 $ 2014 november 1 , 2017 - november 30 , 2017 2014 $ 2014 2014 $ 2014 december 1 , 2017 - december 31 , 2017 2014 $ 2014 2014 $ 2014 total 2014 2014 $ 2014 ( a ) the amounts do not give effect to any fees , commissions or other costs associated with repurchases of shares . ( b ) under the stock repurchase program , management was authorized to purchase shares of the company's common stock from time to time through open market purchases or privately negotiated transactions at prevailing prices or pursuant to one or more accelerated stock repurchase agreements or other derivative arrangements as permitted by securities laws and other legal requirements , and subject to stock price , business and market conditions and other factors . the company's authorization under the program expired on october 8 , 2017 and we have not repurchased any shares of common stock since then . we historically have funded and in the future may fund stock repurchases through a combination of cash on hand and cash generated by operations and the issuance of debt . in the future , if further authorization is provided , we may also choose to fund stock repurchases through borrowings under our revolving credit facility or future financing transactions . there were no repurchases of our series a and b common stock during 2017 and no repurchases of series c common stock during the three months ended december 31 , 2017 . the company first announced its stock repurchase program on august 3 , 2010 . ( c ) we entered into an agreement with advance/newhouse to repurchase , on a quarterly basis , a number of shares of series c-1 convertible preferred stock convertible into a number of shares of series c common stock . we did not convert any any shares of series c-1 convertible preferred stock during the three months ended december 31 , 2017 . there are no planned repurchases of series c-1 convertible preferred stock for the first quarter of 2018 as there were no repurchases of series a or series c common stock during the three months ended december 31 , 2017 . stock performance graph the following graph sets forth the cumulative total shareholder return on our series a common stock , series b common stock and series c common stock as compared with the cumulative total return of the companies listed in the standard and poor 2019s 500 stock index ( 201cs&p 500 index 201d ) and a peer group of companies comprised of cbs corporation class b common stock , scripps network interactive , inc. , time warner , inc. , twenty-first century fox , inc . class a common stock ( news corporation class a common stock prior to june 2013 ) , viacom , inc . class b common stock and the walt disney company . the graph assumes $ 100 originally invested on december 31 , 2012 in each of our series a common stock , series b common stock and series c common stock , the s&p 500 index , and the stock of our peer group companies , including reinvestment of dividends , for the years ended december 31 , 2013 , 2014 , 2015 , 2016 and 2017 . december 31 , december 31 , december 31 , december 31 , december 31 , december 31 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>december 312012</td><td>december 312013</td><td>december 312014</td><td>december 312015</td><td>december 312016</td><td>december 312017</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>disca</td><td>$ 100.00</td><td>$ 139.42</td><td>$ 106.23</td><td>$ 82.27</td><td>$ 84.53</td><td>$ 69.01</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>discb</td><td>$ 100.00</td><td>$ 144.61</td><td>$ 116.45</td><td>$ 85.03</td><td>$ 91.70</td><td>$ 78.01</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>disck</td><td>$ 100.00</td><td>$ 143.35</td><td>$ 115.28</td><td>$ 86.22</td><td>$ 91.56</td><td>$ 72.38</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>s&p 500</td><td>$ 100.00</td><td>$ 129.60</td><td>$ 144.36</td><td>$ 143.31</td><td>$ 156.98</td><td>$ 187.47</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>peer group</td><td>$ 100.00</td><td>$ 163.16</td><td>$ 186.87</td><td>$ 180.10</td><td>$ 200.65</td><td>$ 208.79</td></tr></table> . Question: as of february 21, 2018, what was the total number of shareholders of series a and b common stock? Answer: 1383.0 Question: including the series c common stock, what becomes this total? Answer: 2797.0 Question: and in the year before, what was the value of the disck? Answer: 72.38 Question: and what was that for the s&p 500?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
entergy new orleans , inc . management 2019s financial discussion and analysis plan to spin off the utility 2019s transmission business see the 201cplan to spin off the utility 2019s transmission business 201d section of entergy corporation and subsidiaries management 2019s financial discussion and analysis for a discussion of this matter , including the planned retirement of debt and preferred securities . results of operations net income 2011 compared to 2010 net income increased $ 4.9 million primarily due to lower other operation and maintenance expenses , lower taxes other than income taxes , a lower effective income tax rate , and lower interest expense , partially offset by lower net revenue . 2010 compared to 2009 net income remained relatively unchanged , increasing $ 0.6 million , primarily due to higher net revenue and lower interest expense , almost entirely offset by higher other operation and maintenance expenses , higher taxes other than income taxes , lower other income , and higher depreciation and amortization expenses . net revenue 2011 compared to 2010 net revenue consists of operating revenues net of : 1 ) fuel , fuel-related expenses , and gas purchased for resale , 2 ) purchased power expenses , and 3 ) other regulatory charges ( credits ) . following is an analysis of the change in net revenue comparing 2011 to 2010 . amount ( in millions ) . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>amount ( in millions )</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>2010 net revenue</td><td>$ 272.9</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>retail electric price</td><td>-16.9 ( 16.9 )</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>net gas revenue</td><td>-9.1 ( 9.1 )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>gas cost recovery asset</td><td>-3.0 ( 3.0 )</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>volume/weather</td><td>5.4</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>other</td><td>-2.3 ( 2.3 )</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>2011 net revenue</td><td>$ 247.0</td></tr></table> the retail electric price variance is primarily due to formula rate plan decreases effective october 2010 and october 2011 . see note 2 to the financial statements for a discussion of the formula rate plan filing . the net gas revenue variance is primarily due to milder weather in 2011 compared to 2010 . the gas cost recovery asset variance is primarily due to the recognition in 2010 of a $ 3 million gas operations regulatory asset associated with the settlement of entergy new orleans 2019s electric and gas formula rate plan case and the amortization of that asset . see note 2 to the financial statements for additional discussion of the formula rate plan settlement. . Question: what is the net revenue in 2011?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
abiomed , inc . and subsidiaries notes to consolidated financial statements 2014 ( continued ) evidence of an arrangement exists , ( 2 ) delivery has occurred or services have been rendered , ( 3 ) the seller 2019s price to the buyer is fixed or determinable , and ( 4 ) collectibility is reasonably assured . further , sab 104 requires that both title and the risks and rewards of ownership be transferred to the buyer before revenue can be recognized . in addition to sab 104 , we follow the guidance of eitf 00-21 , revenue arrangements with multiple deliverables . we derive our revenues primarily from product sales , including maintenance service agreements . the great majority of our product revenues are derived from shipments of our ab5000 and bvs 5000 product lines to fulfill customer orders for a specified number of consoles and/or blood pumps for a specified price . we recognize revenues and record costs related to such sales upon product shipment . maintenance and service support contract revenues are recognized ratably over the term of the service contracts based upon the elapsed term of the service contract . government-sponsored research and development contracts and grants generally provide for payment on a cost-plus-fixed-fee basis . revenues from these contracts and grants are recognized as work is performed , provided the government has appropriated sufficient funds for the work . under contracts in which the company elects to spend significantly more on the development project during the term of the contract than the total contract amount , the company prospectively recognizes revenue on such contracts ratably over the term of the contract as it incurs related research and development costs , provided the government has appropriated sufficient funds for the work . ( d ) translation of foreign currencies all assets and liabilities of the company 2019s non-u.s . subsidiaries are translated at year-end exchange rates , and revenues and expenses are translated at average exchange rates for the year in accordance with sfas no . 52 , foreign currency translation . resulting translation adjustments are reflected in the accumulated other comprehensive loss component of shareholders 2019 equity . currency transaction gains and losses are included in the accompanying statement of income and are not material for the three years presented . ( e ) warranties the company routinely accrues for estimated future warranty costs on its product sales at the time of sale . our products are subject to rigorous regulation and quality standards . warranty costs are included in cost of product revenues within the consolidated statements of operations . the following table summarizes the activities in the warranty reserve for the two fiscal years ended march 31 , 2006 ( in thousands ) . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>2005</td><td>2006</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>balance at the beginning of the year</td><td>$ 245</td><td>$ 231</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>accrual for warranties</td><td>198</td><td>193</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>warranty expense incurred for the year</td><td>-212 ( 212 )</td><td>-257 ( 257 )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>balance at the end of the year</td><td>$ 231</td><td>$ 167</td></tr></table> . Question: what was the balance at the beginning of the year in 2005? Answer: 245.0 Question: what was the value at the end of the year in 2006? Answer: 167.0 Question: what was the difference?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
masco corporation notes to consolidated financial statements ( continued ) h . goodwill and other intangible assets ( continued ) goodwill at december 31 , accumulated impairment losses goodwill at december 31 , 2010 additions ( a ) discontinued operations ( b ) pre-tax impairment charge other ( c ) goodwill at december 31 , cabinets and related products . . . . . . . . . . . $ 587 $ ( 364 ) $ 223 $ 2014 $ 2014 $ ( 44 ) $ 2 $ 181 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>gross goodwill at december 31 2010</td><td>accumulated impairment losses</td><td>net goodwill at december 31 2010</td><td>additions ( a )</td><td>discontinued operations ( b )</td><td>pre-tax impairment charge</td><td>other ( c )</td><td>net goodwill at december 31 2011</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>cabinets and related products</td><td>$ 587</td><td>$ -364 ( 364 )</td><td>$ 223</td><td>$ 2014</td><td>$ 2014</td><td>$ -44 ( 44 )</td><td>$ 2</td><td>$ 181</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>plumbing products</td><td>536</td><td>-340 ( 340 )</td><td>196</td><td>9</td><td>2014</td><td>2014</td><td>-4 ( 4 )</td><td>201</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>installation and other services</td><td>1819</td><td>-762 ( 762 )</td><td>1057</td><td>2014</td><td>-13 ( 13 )</td><td>2014</td><td>2014</td><td>1044</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>decorative architectural products</td><td>294</td><td>2014</td><td>294</td><td>2014</td><td>2014</td><td>-75 ( 75 )</td><td>2014</td><td>219</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>other specialty products</td><td>980</td><td>-367 ( 367 )</td><td>613</td><td>2014</td><td>2014</td><td>-367 ( 367 )</td><td>2014</td><td>246</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>total</td><td>$ 4216</td><td>$ -1833 ( 1833 )</td><td>$ 2383</td><td>$ 9</td><td>$ -13 ( 13 )</td><td>$ -486 ( 486 )</td><td>$ -2 ( 2 )</td><td>$ 1891</td></tr></table> ( a ) additions include acquisitions . ( b ) during 2011 , the company reclassified the goodwill related to the business units held for sale . subsequent to the reclassification , the company recognized a charge for those business units expected to be divested at a loss ; the charge included a write-down of goodwill of $ 13 million . ( c ) other principally includes the effect of foreign currency translation and purchase price adjustments related to prior-year acquisitions . in the fourth quarters of 2012 and 2011 , the company completed its annual impairment testing of goodwill and other indefinite-lived intangible assets . the impairment test in 2012 indicated there was no impairment of goodwill for any of the company 2019s reporting units . the impairment test in 2011 indicated that goodwill recorded for certain of the company 2019s reporting units was impaired . the company recognized the non-cash , pre-tax impairment charges , in continuing operations , for goodwill of $ 486 million ( $ 330 million , after tax ) for 2011 . in 2011 , the pre-tax impairment charge in the cabinets and related products segment relates to the european ready-to- assemble cabinet manufacturer and reflects the declining demand for certain products , as well as decreased operating margins . the pre-tax impairment charge in the decorative architectural products segment relates to the builders 2019 hardware business and reflects increasing competitive conditions for that business . the pre-tax impairment charge in the other specialty products segment relates to the north american window and door business and reflects the continuing weak level of new home construction activity in the western u.s. , the reduced levels of repair and remodel activity and the expectation that recovery in these segments will be modestly slower than anticipated . the company then assessed the long-lived assets associated with these business units and determined no impairment was necessary at december 31 , 2011 . other indefinite-lived intangible assets were $ 132 million and $ 174 million at december 31 , 2012 and 2011 , respectively , and principally included registered trademarks . in 2012 and 2011 , the impairment test indicated that the registered trademark for a north american business unit in the other specialty products segment and the registered trademark for a north american business unit in the plumbing products segment ( 2011 only ) were impaired due to changes in the long-term outlook for the business units . the company recognized non-cash , pre-tax impairment charges for other indefinite- lived intangible assets of $ 42 million ( $ 27 million , after tax ) and $ 8 million ( $ 5 million , after tax ) in 2012 and 2011 , respectively . in 2010 , the company recognized non-cash , pre-tax impairment charges for other indefinite-lived intangible assets of $ 10 million ( $ 6 million after tax ) related to the installation and other services segment ( $ 9 million pre-tax ) and the plumbing products segment ( $ 1 million pre-tax ) . . Question: what was the net change in value of total net goodwill from 2010 to 2011? Answer: -492.0 Question: what was the 2010 value?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
table of contents other equity method investments infraservs . we hold indirect ownership interests in several german infraserv groups that own and develop industrial parks and provide on-site general and administrative support to tenants . our ownership interest in the equity investments in infraserv affiliates are as follows : as of december 31 , 2017 ( in percentages ) infraserv gmbh & co . gendorf kg ( 1 ) ................................................................................................... . 39 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>as of december 31 2017 ( in percentages )</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>infraserv gmbh & co . gendorf kg ( 1 )</td><td>39</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>infraserv gmbh & co . hoechst kg</td><td>32</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>infraserv gmbh & co . knapsack kg ( 1 )</td><td>27</td></tr></table> infraserv gmbh & co . knapsack kg ( 1 ) ................................................................................................ . 27 ______________________________ ( 1 ) see note 29 - subsequent events in the accompanying consolidated financial statements for further information . research and development our business models leverage innovation and conduct research and development activities to develop new , and optimize existing , production technologies , as well as to develop commercially viable new products and applications . research and development expense was $ 72 million , $ 78 million and $ 119 million for the years ended december 31 , 2017 , 2016 and 2015 , respectively . we consider the amounts spent during each of the last three fiscal years on research and development activities to be sufficient to execute our current strategic initiatives . intellectual property we attach importance to protecting our intellectual property , including safeguarding our confidential information and through our patents , trademarks and copyrights , in order to preserve our investment in research and development , manufacturing and marketing . patents may cover processes , equipment , products , intermediate products and product uses . we also seek to register trademarks as a means of protecting the brand names of our company and products . patents . in most industrial countries , patent protection exists for new substances and formulations , as well as for certain unique applications and production processes . however , we do business in regions of the world where intellectual property protection may be limited and difficult to enforce . confidential information . we maintain stringent information security policies and procedures wherever we do business . such information security policies and procedures include data encryption , controls over the disclosure and safekeeping of confidential information and trade secrets , as well as employee awareness training . trademarks . amcel ae , aoplus ae , ateva ae , avicor ae , celanese ae , celanex ae , celcon ae , celfx ae , celstran ae , celvolit ae , clarifoil ae , dur- o-set ae , ecomid ae , ecovae ae , forflex ae , forprene ae , frianyl ae , fortron ae , ghr ae , gumfit ae , gur ae , hostaform ae , laprene ae , metalx ae , mowilith ae , mt ae , nilamid ae , nivionplast ae , nutrinova ae , nylfor ae , pibiflex ae , pibifor ae , pibiter ae , polifor ae , resyn ae , riteflex ae , slidex ae , sofprene ae , sofpur ae , sunett ae , talcoprene ae , tecnoprene ae , thermx ae , tufcor ae , vantage ae , vectra ae , vinac ae , vinamul ae , vitaldose ae , zenite ae and certain other branded products and services named in this document are registered or reserved trademarks or service marks owned or licensed by celanese . the foregoing is not intended to be an exhaustive or comprehensive list of all registered or reserved trademarks and service marks owned or licensed by celanese . fortron ae is a registered trademark of fortron industries llc . hostaform ae is a registered trademark of hoechst gmbh . mowilith ae and nilamid ae are registered trademarks of celanese in most european countries . we monitor competitive developments and defend against infringements on our intellectual property rights . neither celanese nor any particular business segment is materially dependent upon any one patent , trademark , copyright or trade secret . environmental and other regulation matters pertaining to environmental and other regulations are discussed in item 1a . risk factors , as well as note 2 - summary of accounting policies , note 16 - environmental and note 24 - commitments and contingencies in the accompanying consolidated financial statements. . Question: what is the r&d expense from 2016 to 2017?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
item 7a . quantitative and qualitative disclosures about market risk ( amounts in millions ) in the normal course of business , we are exposed to market risks related to interest rates , foreign currency rates and certain balance sheet items . from time to time , we use derivative instruments , pursuant to established guidelines and policies , to manage some portion of these risks . derivative instruments utilized in our hedging activities are viewed as risk management tools and are not used for trading or speculative purposes . interest rates our exposure to market risk for changes in interest rates relates primarily to the fair market value and cash flows of our debt obligations . the majority of our debt ( approximately 93% ( 93 % ) and 89% ( 89 % ) as of december 31 , 2016 and 2015 , respectively ) bears interest at fixed rates . we do have debt with variable interest rates , but a 10% ( 10 % ) increase or decrease in interest rates would not be material to our interest expense or cash flows . the fair market value of our debt is sensitive to changes in interest rates , and the impact of a 10% ( 10 % ) change in interest rates is summarized below . increase/ ( decrease ) in fair market value as of december 31 , 10% ( 10 % ) increase in interest rates 10% ( 10 % ) decrease in interest rates . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>as of december 31,</td><td>increase/ ( decrease ) in fair market value 10% ( 10 % ) increasein interest rates</td><td>increase/ ( decrease ) in fair market value 10% ( 10 % ) decreasein interest rates</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>2016</td><td>$ -26.3 ( 26.3 )</td><td>$ 26.9</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>2015</td><td>-33.7 ( 33.7 )</td><td>34.7</td></tr></table> we have used interest rate swaps for risk management purposes to manage our exposure to changes in interest rates . we do not have any interest rate swaps outstanding as of december 31 , 2016 . we had $ 1100.6 of cash , cash equivalents and marketable securities as of december 31 , 2016 that we generally invest in conservative , short-term bank deposits or securities . the interest income generated from these investments is subject to both domestic and foreign interest rate movements . during 2016 and 2015 , we had interest income of $ 20.1 and $ 22.8 , respectively . based on our 2016 results , a 100 basis-point increase or decrease in interest rates would affect our interest income by approximately $ 11.0 , assuming that all cash , cash equivalents and marketable securities are impacted in the same manner and balances remain constant from year-end 2016 levels . foreign currency rates we are subject to translation and transaction risks related to changes in foreign currency exchange rates . since we report revenues and expenses in u.s . dollars , changes in exchange rates may either positively or negatively affect our consolidated revenues and expenses ( as expressed in u.s . dollars ) from foreign operations . the foreign currencies that most impacted our results during 2016 included the british pound sterling and , to a lesser extent , the argentine peso , brazilian real and japanese yen . based on 2016 exchange rates and operating results , if the u.s . dollar were to strengthen or weaken by 10% ( 10 % ) , we currently estimate operating income would decrease or increase approximately 4% ( 4 % ) , assuming that all currencies are impacted in the same manner and our international revenue and expenses remain constant at 2016 levels . the functional currency of our foreign operations is generally their respective local currency . assets and liabilities are translated at the exchange rates in effect at the balance sheet date , and revenues and expenses are translated at the average exchange rates during the period presented . the resulting translation adjustments are recorded as a component of accumulated other comprehensive loss , net of tax , in the stockholders 2019 equity section of our consolidated balance sheets . our foreign subsidiaries generally collect revenues and pay expenses in their functional currency , mitigating transaction risk . however , certain subsidiaries may enter into transactions in currencies other than their functional currency . assets and liabilities denominated in currencies other than the functional currency are susceptible to movements in foreign currency until final settlement . currency transaction gains or losses primarily arising from transactions in currencies other than the functional currency are included in office and general expenses . we regularly review our foreign exchange exposures that may have a material impact on our business and from time to time use foreign currency forward exchange contracts or other derivative financial instruments to hedge the effects of potential adverse fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates arising from these exposures . we do not enter into foreign exchange contracts or other derivatives for speculative purposes. . Question: what was the change in the interest income from 2015 to 2016? Answer: -2.7 Question: and what percentage did this change represent in relation to that income in 2015?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
long-term borrowings the carrying value and fair value of long-term borrowings estimated using market prices at december 31 , 2013 included the following : ( in millions ) maturity amount unamortized discount carrying value fair value . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>( in millions )</td><td>maturity amount</td><td>unamortized discount</td><td>carrying value</td><td>fair value</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>3.50% ( 3.50 % ) notes due 2014</td><td>$ 1000</td><td>$ 2014</td><td>$ 1000</td><td>$ 1029</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>1.375% ( 1.375 % ) notes due 2015</td><td>750</td><td>2014</td><td>750</td><td>759</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>6.25% ( 6.25 % ) notes due 2017</td><td>700</td><td>-2 ( 2 )</td><td>698</td><td>812</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>5.00% ( 5.00 % ) notes due 2019</td><td>1000</td><td>-2 ( 2 )</td><td>998</td><td>1140</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>4.25% ( 4.25 % ) notes due 2021</td><td>750</td><td>-3 ( 3 )</td><td>747</td><td>799</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>3.375% ( 3.375 % ) notes due 2022</td><td>750</td><td>-4 ( 4 )</td><td>746</td><td>745</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>total long-term borrowings</td><td>$ 4950</td><td>$ -11 ( 11 )</td><td>$ 4939</td><td>$ 5284</td></tr></table> long-term borrowings at december 31 , 2012 had a carrying value of $ 5.687 billion and a fair value of $ 6.275 billion determined using market prices at the end of december 2012 . 2015 and 2022 notes . in may 2012 , the company issued $ 1.5 billion in aggregate principal amount of unsecured unsubordinated obligations . these notes were issued as two separate series of senior debt securities including $ 750 million of 1.375% ( 1.375 % ) notes maturing in june 2015 ( the 201c2015 notes 201d ) and $ 750 million of 3.375% ( 3.375 % ) notes maturing in june 2022 ( the 201c2022 notes 201d ) . net proceeds were used to fund the repurchase of blackrock 2019s common stock and series b preferred from barclays and affiliates and for general corporate purposes . interest on the 2015 notes and the 2022 notes of approximately $ 10 million and $ 25 million per year , respectively , is payable semi-annually on june 1 and december 1 of each year , which commenced december 1 , 2012 . the 2015 notes and 2022 notes may be redeemed prior to maturity at any time in whole or in part at the option of the company at a 201cmake-whole 201d redemption price . the 201cmake-whole 201d redemption price represents a price , subject to the specific terms of the 2015 and 2022 notes and related indenture , that is the greater of ( a ) par value and ( b ) the present value of future payments that will not be paid because of an early redemption , which is discounted at a fixed spread over a comparable treasury security . the 2015 notes and 2022 notes were issued at a discount of $ 5 million that is being amortized over the term of the notes . the company incurred approximately $ 7 million of debt issuance costs , which are being amortized over the respective terms of the 2015 notes and 2022 notes . at december 31 , 2013 , $ 5 million of unamortized debt issuance costs was included in other assets on the consolidated statement of financial condition . 2013 and 2021 notes . in may 2011 , the company issued $ 1.5 billion in aggregate principal amount of unsecured unsubordinated obligations . these notes were issued as two separate series of senior debt securities including $ 750 million of 4.25% ( 4.25 % ) notes maturing in may 2021 and $ 750 million of floating rate notes ( 201c2013 floating rate notes 201d ) , which were repaid in may 2013 at maturity . net proceeds of this offering were used to fund the repurchase of blackrock 2019s series b preferred from affiliates of merrill lynch & co. , inc . ( 201cmerrill lynch 201d ) . interest on the 4.25% ( 4.25 % ) notes due in 2021 ( 201c2021 notes 201d ) is payable semi-annually on may 24 and november 24 of each year , which commenced november 24 , 2011 , and is approximately $ 32 million per year . the 2021 notes may be redeemed prior to maturity at any time in whole or in part at the option of the company at a 201cmake-whole 201d redemption price . the 2021 notes were issued at a discount of $ 4 million that is being amortized over the term of the notes . the company incurred approximately $ 7 million of debt issuance costs for the $ 1.5 billion note issuances , which are being amortized over the respective terms of the notes . at december 31 , 2013 , $ 3 million of unamortized debt issuance costs was included in other assets on the consolidated statement of financial condition . in may 2011 , in conjunction with the issuance of the 2013 floating rate notes , the company entered into a $ 750 million notional interest rate swap maturing in 2013 to hedge the future cash flows of its obligation at a fixed rate of 1.03% ( 1.03 % ) . during the second quarter of 2013 , the interest rate swap matured and the 2013 floating rate notes were fully repaid . 2012 , 2014 and 2019 notes . in december 2009 , the company issued $ 2.5 billion in aggregate principal amount of unsecured and unsubordinated obligations . these notes were issued as three separate series of senior debt securities including $ 0.5 billion of 2.25% ( 2.25 % ) notes , which were repaid in december 2012 , $ 1.0 billion of 3.50% ( 3.50 % ) notes and $ 1.0 billion of 5.0% ( 5.0 % ) notes maturing in december 2014 and 2019 , respectively . net proceeds of this offering were used to repay borrowings under the cp program , which was used to finance a portion of the acquisition of barclays global investors ( 201cbgi 201d ) from barclays on december 1 , 2009 ( the 201cbgi transaction 201d ) , and for general corporate purposes . interest on the 2014 notes and 2019 notes of approximately $ 35 million and $ 50 million per year , respectively , is payable semi-annually in arrears on june 10 and december 10 of each year . these notes may be redeemed prior to maturity at any time in whole or in part at the option of the company at a 201cmake-whole 201d redemption price . these notes were issued collectively at a discount of $ 5 million , which is being amortized over the respective terms of the notes . the company incurred approximately $ 13 million of debt issuance costs , which are being amortized over the respective terms of these notes . at december 31 , 2013 , $ 4 million of unamortized debt issuance costs was included in other assets on the consolidated statement of financial condition . 2017 notes . in september 2007 , the company issued $ 700 million in aggregate principal amount of 6.25% ( 6.25 % ) senior unsecured and unsubordinated notes maturing on september 15 , 2017 ( the 201c2017 notes 201d ) . a portion of the net proceeds of the 2017 notes was used to fund the initial cash payment for the acquisition of the fund of funds business of quellos and the remainder was used for general corporate purposes . interest is payable semi-annually in arrears on march 15 and september 15 of each year , or approximately $ 44 million per year . the 2017 notes may be redeemed prior . Question: what is the sum of carrying value of notes due 2014 and 2015?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
regions . principal cost drivers include manufacturing efficiency , raw material and energy costs and freight costs . printing papers net sales for 2014 decreased 8% ( 8 % ) to $ 5.7 billion compared with $ 6.2 billion in 2013 and 8% ( 8 % ) compared with $ 6.2 billion in 2012 . operating profits in 2014 were 106% ( 106 % ) lower than in 2013 and 103% ( 103 % ) lower than in 2012 . excluding facility closure costs , impairment costs and other special items , operating profits in 2014 were 7% ( 7 % ) higher than in 2013 and 8% ( 8 % ) lower than in 2012 . benefits from higher average sales price realizations and a favorable mix ( $ 178 million ) , lower planned maintenance downtime costs ( $ 26 million ) , the absence of a provision for bad debt related to a large envelope customer that was booked in 2013 ( $ 28 million ) , and lower foreign exchange and other costs ( $ 25 million ) were offset by lower sales volumes ( $ 82 million ) , higher operating costs ( $ 49 million ) , higher input costs ( $ 47 million ) , and costs associated with the closure of our courtland , alabama mill ( $ 41 million ) . in addition , operating profits in 2014 include special items costs of $ 554 million associated with the closure of our courtland , alabama mill . during 2013 , the company accelerated depreciation for certain courtland assets , and evaluated certain other assets for possible alternative uses by one of our other businesses . the net book value of these assets at december 31 , 2013 was approximately $ 470 million . in the first quarter of 2014 , we completed our evaluation and concluded that there were no alternative uses for these assets . we recognized approximately $ 464 million of accelerated depreciation related to these assets in 2014 . operating profits in 2014 also include a charge of $ 32 million associated with a foreign tax amnesty program , and a gain of $ 20 million for the resolution of a legal contingency in india , while operating profits in 2013 included costs of $ 118 million associated with the announced closure of our courtland , alabama mill and a $ 123 million impairment charge associated with goodwill and a trade name intangible asset in our india papers business . printing papers . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>in millions</td><td>2014</td><td>2013</td><td>2012</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>sales</td><td>$ 5720</td><td>$ 6205</td><td>$ 6230</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>operating profit ( loss )</td><td>-16 ( 16 )</td><td>271</td><td>599</td></tr></table> north american printing papers net sales were $ 2.1 billion in 2014 , $ 2.6 billion in 2013 and $ 2.7 billion in 2012 . operating profits in 2014 were a loss of $ 398 million ( a gain of $ 156 million excluding costs associated with the shutdown of our courtland , alabama mill ) compared with gains of $ 36 million ( $ 154 million excluding costs associated with the courtland mill shutdown ) in 2013 and $ 331 million in 2012 . sales volumes in 2014 decreased compared with 2013 due to lower market demand for uncoated freesheet paper and the closure our courtland mill . average sales price realizations were higher , reflecting sales price increases in both domestic and export markets . higher input costs for wood were offset by lower costs for chemicals , however freight costs were higher . planned maintenance downtime costs were $ 14 million lower in 2014 . operating profits in 2014 were negatively impacted by costs associated with the shutdown of our courtland , alabama mill but benefited from the absence of a provision for bad debt related to a large envelope customer that was recorded in 2013 . entering the first quarter of 2015 , sales volumes are expected to be stable compared with the fourth quarter of 2014 . average sales margins should improve reflecting a more favorable mix although average sales price realizations are expected to be flat . input costs are expected to be stable . planned maintenance downtime costs are expected to be about $ 16 million lower with an outage scheduled in the 2015 first quarter at our georgetown mill compared with outages at our eastover and riverdale mills in the 2014 fourth quarter . brazilian papers net sales for 2014 were $ 1.1 billion compared with $ 1.1 billion in 2013 and $ 1.1 billion in 2012 . operating profits for 2014 were $ 177 million ( $ 209 million excluding costs associated with a tax amnesty program ) compared with $ 210 million in 2013 and $ 163 million in 2012 . sales volumes in 2014 were about flat compared with 2013 . average sales price realizations improved for domestic uncoated freesheet paper due to the realization of price increases implemented in the second half of 2013 and in 2014 . margins were favorably affected by an increased proportion of sales to the higher-margin domestic market . raw material costs increased for wood and chemicals . operating costs were higher than in 2013 and planned maintenance downtime costs were flat . looking ahead to 2015 , sales volumes in the first quarter are expected to decrease due to seasonally weaker customer demand for uncoated freesheet paper . average sales price improvements are expected to reflect the partial realization of announced sales price increases in the brazilian domestic market for uncoated freesheet paper . input costs are expected to be flat . planned maintenance outage costs should be $ 5 million lower with an outage scheduled at the luiz antonio mill in the first quarter . european papers net sales in 2014 were $ 1.5 billion compared with $ 1.5 billion in 2013 and $ 1.4 billion in 2012 . operating profits in 2014 were $ 140 million compared with $ 167 million in 2013 and $ 179 million in compared with 2013 , sales volumes for uncoated freesheet paper in 2014 were slightly higher in both . Question: what is the 2013 value of brazilian papers net sales times 1000? Answer: 1100.0 Question: what is that divided by total printing papers sales in 2013?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
american tower corporation and subsidiaries notes to consolidated financial statements 2014 ( continued ) 2003 were $ 10.08 , $ 7.05 , and $ 6.32 per share , respectively . key assumptions used to apply this pricing model are as follows : july 1 , 2005 2013 december 31 , 2005 january 1 , 2005 2013 june 30 , 2005 2004 2003 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>july 1 2005 2013 december 31 2005</td><td>january 1 2005 2013 june 30 2005</td><td>2004</td><td>2003</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>approximate risk-free interest rate</td><td>3.22% ( 3.22 % ) - 4.40% ( 4.40 % )</td><td>4.17% ( 4.17 % ) - 4.40% ( 4.40 % )</td><td>4.23% ( 4.23 % )</td><td>4.00% ( 4.00 % )</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>expected life of option grants</td><td>6.25 years</td><td>4 years</td><td>4 years</td><td>4 years</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>expected volatility of underlying stock</td><td>29.6% ( 29.6 % )</td><td>75.3% ( 75.3 % ) - 79.2% ( 79.2 % )</td><td>80.6% ( 80.6 % )</td><td>86.6% ( 86.6 % )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>expected volatility of underlying stock ( atc mexico and atc south america plans )</td><td>n/a</td><td>n/a</td><td>n/a</td><td>n/a</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>expected dividends</td><td>n/a</td><td>n/a</td><td>n/a</td><td>n/a</td></tr></table> voluntary option exchanges 2014in february 2004 , the company issued to eligible employees 1032717 options with an exercise price of $ 11.19 per share , the fair market value of the class a common stock on the date of grant . these options were issued in connection with a voluntary option exchange program entered into by the company in august 2003 , pursuant to which the company accepted for surrender and cancelled options to purchase a total of 1831981 shares of its class a common stock having an exercise price of $ 10.25 or greater . the program , which was offered to both full and part-time employees , excluding the company 2019s executive officers and its directors , provided for the grant ( at least six months and one day from the surrender date to employees still employed on that date ) of new options exercisable for two shares of class a common stock for every three shares of class a common stock issuable upon exercise of a surrendered option . no options were granted to any employees who participated in the exchange offer between the cancellation date and the new grant atc mexico stock option plan 2014the company maintains a stock option plan in its atc mexico subsidiary ( atc mexico plan ) . the atc mexico plan provides for the issuance of options to officers , employees , directors and consultants of atc mexico . the atc mexico plan limits the number of shares of common stock which may be granted to an aggregate of 360 shares , subject to adjustment based on changes in atc mexico 2019s capital structure . during 2002 , atc mexico granted options to purchase 318 shares of atc mexico common stock to officers and employees . such options were issued at one time with an exercise price of $ 10000 per share . the exercise price per share was at fair market value as determined by the board of directors with the assistance of an independent appraisal performed at the company 2019s request . the fair value of atc mexico plan options granted during 2002 were $ 3611 per share as determined by using the black-scholes option pricing model . as described in note 11 , all outstanding options were exercised in march 2004 . no options under the atc mexico plan were outstanding as of december 31 , 2005 . ( see note 11. ) atc south america stock option plan 2014the company maintains a stock option plan in its atc south america subsidiary ( atc south america plan ) . the atc south america plan provides for the issuance of options to officers , employees , directors and consultants of atc south america . the atc south america plan limits the number of shares of common stock which may be granted to an aggregate of 6144 shares , ( an approximate 10.3% ( 10.3 % ) interest on a fully-diluted basis ) , subject to adjustment based on changes in atc south america 2019s capital structure . during 2004 , atc south america granted options to purchase 6024 shares of atc south america common stock to officers and employees , including messrs . gearon and hess , who received options to purchase an approximate 6.7% ( 6.7 % ) and 1.6% ( 1.6 % ) interest , respectively . such options were issued at one time with an exercise price of $ 1349 per share . the exercise price per share was at fair market value on the date of issuance as determined by the board of directors with the assistance of an independent appraisal performed at the company 2019s request . the fair value of atc south america plan options granted during 2004 were $ 79 per share as determined by using the black-scholes option pricing model . options granted vest upon the earlier to occur of ( a ) the exercise by or on behalf of mr . gearon of his right to sell his interest in atc south america to the company , ( b ) the . Question: what is the total value of proceeds from the issuance of employee options during february 2004? Answer: 11556103.23 Question: what is this value in millions?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
mastercard incorporated notes to consolidated financial statements 2014continued the municipal bond portfolio is comprised of tax exempt bonds and is diversified across states and sectors . the portfolio has an average credit quality of double-a . the short-term bond funds invest in fixed income securities , including corporate bonds , mortgage-backed securities and asset-backed securities . the company holds investments in ars . interest on these securities is exempt from u.s . federal income tax and the interest rate on the securities typically resets every 35 days . the securities are fully collateralized by student loans with guarantees , ranging from approximately 95% ( 95 % ) to 98% ( 98 % ) of principal and interest , by the u.s . government via the department of education . beginning on february 11 , 2008 , the auction mechanism that normally provided liquidity to the ars investments began to fail . since mid-february 2008 , all investment positions in the company 2019s ars investment portfolio have experienced failed auctions . the securities for which auctions have failed have continued to pay interest in accordance with the contractual terms of such instruments and will continue to accrue interest and be auctioned at each respective reset date until the auction succeeds , the issuer redeems the securities or they mature . during 2008 , ars were reclassified as level 3 from level 2 . as of december 31 , 2010 , the ars market remained illiquid , but issuer call and redemption activity in the ars student loan sector has occurred periodically since the auctions began to fail . during 2010 and 2009 , the company did not sell any ars in the auction market , but there were calls at par . the table below includes a roll-forward of the company 2019s ars investments from january 1 , 2009 to december 31 , 2010 . significant unobservable inputs ( level 3 ) ( in millions ) . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>significant unobservable inputs ( level 3 ) ( in millions )</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>fair value december 31 2008</td><td>$ 192</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>calls at par</td><td>-28 ( 28 )</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>recovery of unrealized losses due to issuer calls</td><td>5</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>increase in fair value</td><td>11</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>fair value december 31 2009</td><td>180</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>calls at par</td><td>-94 ( 94 )</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>recovery of unrealized losses due to issuer calls</td><td>13</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>increase in fair value</td><td>7</td></tr><tr><td>10</td><td>fair value december 31 2010</td><td>$ 106</td></tr></table> the company evaluated the estimated impairment of its ars portfolio to determine if it was other-than- temporary . the company considered several factors including , but not limited to , the following : ( 1 ) the reasons for the decline in value ( changes in interest rates , credit event , or market fluctuations ) ; ( 2 ) assessments as to whether it is more likely than not that it will hold and not be required to sell the investments for a sufficient period of time to allow for recovery of the cost basis ; ( 3 ) whether the decline is substantial ; and ( 4 ) the historical and anticipated duration of the events causing the decline in value . the evaluation for other-than-temporary impairments is a quantitative and qualitative process , which is subject to various risks and uncertainties . the risks and uncertainties include changes in credit quality , market liquidity , timing and amounts of issuer calls and interest rates . as of december 31 , 2010 , the company believed that the unrealized losses on the ars were not related to credit quality but rather due to the lack of liquidity in the market . the company believes that it is more . Question: what was the net change in value of ars investments from 2008 to 2009?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
state street corporation | 52 shareholder return performance presentation the graph presented below compares the cumulative total shareholder return on state street's common stock to the cumulative total return of the s&p 500 index , the s&p financial index and the kbw bank index over a five-year period . the cumulative total shareholder return assumes the investment of $ 100 in state street common stock and in each index on december 31 , 2012 . it also assumes reinvestment of common stock dividends . the s&p financial index is a publicly available , capitalization-weighted index , comprised of 67 of the standard & poor 2019s 500 companies , representing 27 diversified financial services companies , 23 insurance companies , and 17 banking companies . the kbw bank index is a modified cap-weighted index consisting of 24 exchange-listed stocks , representing national money center banks and leading regional institutions. . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>2012</td><td>2013</td><td>2014</td><td>2015</td><td>2016</td><td>2017</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>state street corporation</td><td>$ 100</td><td>$ 159</td><td>$ 172</td><td>$ 148</td><td>$ 178</td><td>$ 227</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>s&p 500 index</td><td>100</td><td>132</td><td>151</td><td>153</td><td>171</td><td>208</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>s&p financial index</td><td>100</td><td>136</td><td>156</td><td>154</td><td>189</td><td>230</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>kbw bank index</td><td>100</td><td>138</td><td>151</td><td>151</td><td>195</td><td>231</td></tr></table> . Question: what was the price of state street corporation in 2017?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
and $ 19 million of these expenses in 2011 and 2010 , respectively , with the remaining expense unallocated . the company financed the acquisition with the proceeds from a $ 1.0 billion three-year term loan credit facility , $ 1.5 billion in unsecured notes , and the issuance of 61 million shares of aon common stock . in addition , as part of the consideration , certain outstanding hewitt stock options were converted into options to purchase 4.5 million shares of aon common stock . these items are detailed further in note 8 2018 2018debt 2019 2019 and note 11 2018 2018stockholders 2019 equity 2019 2019 . the transaction has been accounted for using the acquisition method of accounting which requires , among other things , that most assets acquired and liabilities assumed be recognized at their fair values as of the acquisition date . the following table summarizes the amounts recognized for assets acquired and liabilities assumed as of the acquisition date ( in millions ) : amounts recorded as of the acquisition . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>amountsrecorded as ofthe acquisitiondate</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>working capital ( 1 )</td><td>$ 348</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>property equipment and capitalized software</td><td>297</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>identifiable intangible assets:</td><td>-</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>customer relationships</td><td>1800</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>trademarks</td><td>890</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>technology</td><td>215</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>other noncurrent assets ( 2 )</td><td>344</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>long-term debt</td><td>346</td></tr><tr><td>10</td><td>other noncurrent liabilities ( 3 )</td><td>360</td></tr><tr><td>11</td><td>net deferred tax liability ( 4 )</td><td>1021</td></tr><tr><td>12</td><td>net assets acquired</td><td>2167</td></tr><tr><td>13</td><td>goodwill</td><td>2765</td></tr><tr><td>14</td><td>total consideration transferred</td><td>$ 4932</td></tr></table> ( 1 ) includes cash and cash equivalents , short-term investments , client receivables , other current assets , accounts payable and other current liabilities . ( 2 ) includes primarily deferred contract costs and long-term investments . ( 3 ) includes primarily unfavorable lease obligations and deferred contract revenues . ( 4 ) included in other current assets ( $ 31 million ) , deferred tax assets ( $ 30 million ) , other current liabilities ( $ 7 million ) and deferred tax liabilities ( $ 1.1 billion ) in the company 2019s consolidated statements of financial position . the acquired customer relationships are being amortized over a weighted average life of 12 years . the technology asset is being amortized over 7 years and trademarks have been determined to have indefinite useful lives . goodwill is calculated as the excess of the acquisition cost over the fair value of the net assets acquired and represents the synergies and other benefits that are expected to arise from combining the operations of hewitt with the operations of aon , and the future economic benefits arising from other assets acquired that could not be individually identified and separately recognized . goodwill is not amortized and is not deductible for tax purposes . a single estimate of fair value results from a complex series of the company 2019s judgments about future events and uncertainties and relies heavily on estimates and assumptions . the company 2019s . Question: what was the value of customer relationships? Answer: 1800.0 Question: what was the value of trademarks?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
18 . allowance for credit losses . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>in millions of dollars</td><td>2009</td><td>2008 ( 1 )</td><td>2007 ( 1 )</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>allowance for loan losses at beginning of year</td><td>$ 29616</td><td>$ 16117</td><td>$ 8940</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>gross credit losses</td><td>-32784 ( 32784 )</td><td>-20760 ( 20760 )</td><td>-11864 ( 11864 )</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>gross recoveries</td><td>2043</td><td>1749</td><td>1938</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>net credit ( losses ) recoveries ( ncls )</td><td>$ -30741 ( 30741 )</td><td>$ -19011 ( 19011 )</td><td>$ -9926 ( 9926 )</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>ncls</td><td>$ 30741</td><td>$ 19011</td><td>$ 9926</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>net reserve builds ( releases )</td><td>5741</td><td>11297</td><td>6550</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>net specific reserve builds ( releases )</td><td>2278</td><td>3366</td><td>356</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>total provision for credit losses</td><td>$ 38760</td><td>$ 33674</td><td>$ 16832</td></tr><tr><td>10</td><td>other net ( 2 )</td><td>-1602 ( 1602 )</td><td>-1164 ( 1164 )</td><td>271</td></tr><tr><td>11</td><td>allowance for loan losses at end of year</td><td>$ 36033</td><td>$ 29616</td><td>$ 16117</td></tr><tr><td>12</td><td>allowance for credit losses on unfunded lending commitments at beginning of year ( 3 )</td><td>$ 887</td><td>$ 1250</td><td>$ 1100</td></tr><tr><td>13</td><td>provision for unfunded lending commitments</td><td>244</td><td>-363 ( 363 )</td><td>150</td></tr><tr><td>14</td><td>allowance for credit losses on unfunded lending commitments at end of year ( 3 )</td><td>$ 1157</td><td>$ 887</td><td>$ 1250</td></tr><tr><td>15</td><td>total allowance for loans leases and unfunded lending commitments</td><td>$ 37190</td><td>$ 30503</td><td>$ 17367</td></tr></table> ( 1 ) reclassified to conform to the current period 2019s presentation . ( 2 ) 2009 primarily includes reductions to the loan loss reserve of approximately $ 543 million related to securitizations , approximately $ 402 million related to the sale or transfers to held-for-sale of u.s . real estate lending loans , and $ 562 million related to the transfer of the u.k . cards portfolio to held-for-sale . 2008 primarily includes reductions to the loan loss reserve of approximately $ 800 million related to fx translation , $ 102 million related to securitizations , $ 244 million for the sale of the german retail banking operation , $ 156 million for the sale of citicapital , partially offset by additions of $ 106 million related to the cuscatl e1n and bank of overseas chinese acquisitions . 2007 primarily includes reductions to the loan loss reserve of $ 475 million related to securitizations and transfers to loans held-for-sale , and reductions of $ 83 million related to the transfer of the u.k . citifinancial portfolio to held-for-sale , offset by additions of $ 610 million related to the acquisitions of egg , nikko cordial , grupo cuscatl e1n and grupo financiero uno . ( 3 ) represents additional credit loss reserves for unfunded corporate lending commitments and letters of credit recorded in other liabilities on the consolidated balance sheet. . Question: what was the difference in the allowance for loan losses between 2008-09? Answer: 13499.0 Question: and as a percentage of the starting value?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
interest expense , net was $ 26.4 million , $ 14.6 million , and $ 5.3 million for the years ended december 31 , 2016 , 2015 and 2014 , respectively . interest expense includes the amortization of deferred financing costs , bank fees , capital and built-to-suit lease interest and interest expense under the credit and other long term debt facilities . amortization of deferred financing costs was $ 1.2 million , $ 0.8 million , and $ 0.6 million for the years ended december 31 , 2016 , 2015 and 2014 , respectively . the company monitors the financial health and stability of its lenders under the credit and other long term debt facilities , however during any period of significant instability in the credit markets lenders could be negatively impacted in their ability to perform under these facilities . 6 . commitments and contingencies obligations under operating leases the company leases warehouse space , office facilities , space for its brand and factory house stores and certain equipment under non-cancelable operating leases . the leases expire at various dates through 2033 , excluding extensions at the company 2019s option , and include provisions for rental adjustments . the table below includes executed lease agreements for brand and factory house stores that the company did not yet occupy as of december 31 , 2016 and does not include contingent rent the company may incur at its stores based on future sales above a specified minimum or payments made for maintenance , insurance and real estate taxes . the following is a schedule of future minimum lease payments for non-cancelable real property operating leases as of december 31 , 2016 as well as significant operating lease agreements entered into during the period after december 31 , 2016 through the date of this report : ( in thousands ) . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>2017</td><td>$ 114857</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>2018</td><td>127504</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>2019</td><td>136040</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>2020</td><td>133092</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>2021</td><td>122753</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>2022 and thereafter</td><td>788180</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>total future minimum lease payments</td><td>$ 1422426</td></tr></table> included in selling , general and administrative expense was rent expense of $ 109.0 million , $ 83.0 million and $ 59.0 million for the years ended december 31 , 2016 , 2015 and 2014 , respectively , under non-cancelable operating lease agreements . included in these amounts was contingent rent expense of $ 13.0 million , $ 11.0 million and $ 11.0 million for the years ended december 31 , 2016 , 2015 and 2014 , respectively . sports marketing and other commitments within the normal course of business , the company enters into contractual commitments in order to promote the company 2019s brand and products . these commitments include sponsorship agreements with teams and athletes on the collegiate and professional levels , official supplier agreements , athletic event sponsorships and other marketing commitments . the following is a schedule of the company 2019s future minimum payments under its sponsorship and other marketing agreements as of december 31 . Question: what is the interest expense in 2016? Answer: 26.4 Question: what about in 2015? Answer: 14.6 Question: what is the net change? Answer: 11.8 Question: what percentage change does this represent? Answer: 0.80822 Question: what is the amount of sg&a and interest expense in 2015? Answer: 83.0 Question: what about in 2014?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
system energy may refinance , redeem , or otherwise retire debt prior to maturity , to the extent market conditions and interest and dividend rates are favorable . all debt and common stock issuances by system energy require prior regulatory approval . a0 a0debt issuances are also subject to issuance tests set forth in its bond indentures and other agreements . a0 a0system energy has sufficient capacity under these tests to meet its foreseeable capital needs . system energy 2019s receivables from the money pool were as follows as of december 31 for each of the following years. . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>2017</td><td>2016</td><td>2015</td><td>2014</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>( in thousands )</td><td>( in thousands )</td><td>( in thousands )</td><td>( in thousands )</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>$ 111667</td><td>$ 33809</td><td>$ 39926</td><td>$ 2373</td></tr></table> see note 4 to the financial statements for a description of the money pool . the system energy nuclear fuel company variable interest entity has a credit facility in the amount of $ 120 million scheduled to expire in may 2019 . as of december 31 , 2017 , $ 17.8 million in letters of credit to support a like amount of commercial paper issued and $ 50 million in loans were outstanding under the system energy nuclear fuel company variable interest entity credit facility . see note 4 to the financial statements for additional discussion of the variable interest entity credit facility . system energy obtained authorizations from the ferc through october 2019 for the following : 2022 short-term borrowings not to exceed an aggregate amount of $ 200 million at any time outstanding ; 2022 long-term borrowings and security issuances ; and 2022 long-term borrowings by its nuclear fuel company variable interest entity . see note 4 to the financial statements for further discussion of system energy 2019s short-term borrowing limits . system energy resources , inc . management 2019s financial discussion and analysis federal regulation see the 201crate , cost-recovery , and other regulation 2013 federal regulation 201d section of entergy corporation and subsidiaries management 2019s financial discussion and analysis and note 2 to the financial statements for a discussion of federal regulation . complaint against system energy in january 2017 the apsc and mpsc filed a complaint with the ferc against system energy . the complaint seeks a reduction in the return on equity component of the unit power sales agreement pursuant to which system energy sells its grand gulf capacity and energy to entergy arkansas , entergy louisiana , entergy mississippi , and entergy new orleans . entergy arkansas also sells some of its grand gulf capacity and energy to entergy louisiana , entergy mississippi , and entergy new orleans under separate agreements . the current return on equity under the unit power sales agreement is 10.94% ( 10.94 % ) . the complaint alleges that the return on equity is unjust and unreasonable because current capital market and other considerations indicate that it is excessive . the complaint requests the ferc to institute proceedings to investigate the return on equity and establish a lower return on equity , and also requests that the ferc establish january 23 , 2017 as a refund effective date . the complaint includes return on equity analysis that purports to establish that the range of reasonable return on equity for system energy is between 8.37% ( 8.37 % ) and 8.67% ( 8.67 % ) . system energy answered the complaint in february 2017 and disputes that a return on equity of 8.37% ( 8.37 % ) to 8.67% ( 8.67 % ) is just and reasonable . the lpsc and the city council intervened in the proceeding expressing support for the complaint . system energy is recording a provision against revenue for the potential outcome of this proceeding . in september 2017 the ferc established a refund effective date of january 23 , 2017 , consolidated the return on equity complaint with the proceeding described in unit power sales agreement below , and directed the parties to engage in settlement . Question: what was the value of receivables in 2017?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
with apb no . 25 . instead , companies will be required to account for such transactions using a fair-value method and recognize the related expense associated with share-based payments in the statement of operations . sfas 123r is effective for us as of january 1 , 2006 . we have historically accounted for share-based payments to employees under apb no . 25 2019s intrinsic value method . as such , we generally have not recognized compensation expense for options granted to employees . we will adopt the provisions of sfas 123r under the modified prospective method , in which compensation cost for all share-based payments granted or modified after the effective date is recognized based upon the requirements of sfas 123r , and compensation cost for all awards granted to employees prior to the effective date that are unvested as of the effective date of sfas 123r is recognized based on sfas 123 . tax benefits will be recognized related to the cost for share-based payments to the extent the equity instrument would ordinarily result in a future tax deduction under existing law . tax expense will be recognized to write off excess deferred tax assets when the tax deduction upon settlement of a vested option is less than the expense recorded in the statement of operations ( to the extent not offset by prior tax credits for settlements where the tax deduction was greater than the fair value cost ) . we estimate that we will recognize equity-based compensation expense of approximately $ 35 million to $ 38 million for the year ending december 31 , 2006 . this amount is subject to revisions as we finalize certain assumptions related to 2006 , including the size and nature of awards and forfeiture rates . sfas 123r also requires the benefits of tax deductions in excess of recognized compensation cost be reported as a financing cash flow rather than as operating cash flow as was previously required . we cannot estimate what the future tax benefits will be as the amounts depend on , among other factors , future employee stock option exercises . due to the our tax loss position , there was no operating cash inflow realized for december 31 , 2005 and 2004 for such excess tax deductions . in march 2005 , the sec issued staff accounting bulletin ( sab ) no . 107 regarding the staff 2019s interpretation of sfas 123r . this interpretation provides the staff 2019s views regarding interactions between sfas 123r and certain sec rules and regulations and provides interpretations of the valuation of share-based payments for public companies . the interpretive guidance is intended to assist companies in applying the provisions of sfas 123r and investors and users of the financial statements in analyzing the information provided . we will follow the guidance prescribed in sab no . 107 in connection with our adoption of sfas 123r . information presented pursuant to the indentures of our 7.50% ( 7.50 % ) notes , 7.125% ( 7.125 % ) notes and ati 7.25% ( 7.25 % ) the following table sets forth information that is presented solely to address certain tower cash flow reporting requirements contained in the indentures for our 7.50% ( 7.50 % ) notes , 7.125% ( 7.125 % ) notes and ati 7.25% ( 7.25 % ) notes . the information contained in note 19 to our consolidated financial statements is also presented to address certain reporting requirements contained in the indenture for our ati 7.25% ( 7.25 % ) notes . the following table presents tower cash flow , adjusted consolidated cash flow and non-tower cash flow for the company and its restricted subsidiaries , as defined in the indentures for the applicable notes ( in thousands ) : . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>tower cash flow for the three months ended december 31 2005</td><td>$ 139590</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>consolidated cash flow for the twelve months ended december 31 2005</td><td>$ 498266</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>less : tower cash flow for the twelve months ended december 31 2005</td><td>-524804 ( 524804 )</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>plus : four times tower cash flow for the three months ended december 31 2005</td><td>558360</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>adjusted consolidated cash flow for the twelve months ended december 31 2005</td><td>$ 531822</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>non-tower cash flow for the twelve months ended december 31 2005</td><td>$ -30584 ( 30584 )</td></tr></table> . Question: in the year of 2005, what was the total amount of the non-tower cash flow? Answer: -30584.0 Question: and what was the adjusted consolidated cash flow? Answer: 531822.0 Question: what, then, was that amount as a portion of this adjusted cash flow?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
republic services , inc . notes to consolidated financial statements 2014 ( continued ) employee stock purchase plan republic employees are eligible to participate in an employee stock purchase plan . the plan allows participants to purchase our common stock for 95% ( 95 % ) of its quoted market price on the last day of each calendar quarter . for the years ended december 31 , 2017 , 2016 and 2015 , issuances under this plan totaled 113941 shares , 130085 shares and 141055 shares , respectively . as of december 31 , 2017 , shares reserved for issuance to employees under this plan totaled 0.4 million and republic held employee contributions of approximately $ 1.8 million for the purchase of common stock . 12 . stock repurchases and dividends stock repurchases stock repurchase activity during the years ended december 31 , 2017 and 2016 follows ( in millions except per share amounts ) : . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>2017</td><td>2016</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>number of shares repurchased</td><td>9.6</td><td>8.4</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>amount paid</td><td>$ 610.7</td><td>$ 403.8</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>weighted average cost per share</td><td>$ 63.84</td><td>$ 48.56</td></tr></table> as of december 31 , 2017 , there were 0.5 million repurchased shares pending settlement and $ 33.8 million was unpaid and included within other accrued liabilities . in october 2017 , our board of directors added $ 2.0 billion to the existing share repurchase authorization that now extends through december 31 , 2020 . before this , $ 98.4 million remained under a prior authorization . share repurchases under the program may be made through open market purchases or privately negotiated transactions in accordance with applicable federal securities laws . while the board of directors has approved the program , the timing of any purchases , the prices and the number of shares of common stock to be purchased will be determined by our management , at its discretion , and will depend upon market conditions and other factors . the share repurchase program may be extended , suspended or discontinued at any time . as of december 31 , 2017 , the remaining authorized purchase capacity under our october 2017 repurchase program was $ 1.8 billion . in december 2015 , our board of directors changed the status of 71272964 treasury shares to authorized and unissued . in doing so , the number of our issued shares was reduced by the stated amount . our accounting policy is to deduct the par value from common stock and to reflect the excess of cost over par value as a deduction from additional paid-in capital . the change in unissued shares resulted in a reduction of $ 2295.3 million in treasury stock , $ 0.6 million in common stock , and $ 2294.7 million in additional paid-in capital . there was no effect on our total stockholders 2019 equity position as a result of the change . dividends in october 2017 , our board of directors approved a quarterly dividend of $ 0.345 per share . cash dividends declared were $ 446.3 million , $ 423.8 million and $ 404.3 million for the years ended december 31 , 2017 , 2016 and 2015 , respectively . as of december 31 , 2017 , we recorded a quarterly dividend payable of $ 114.4 million to shareholders of record at the close of business on january 2 , 2018 . 13 . earnings per share basic earnings per share is computed by dividing net income attributable to republic services , inc . by the weighted average number of common shares ( including vested but unissued rsus ) outstanding during the . Question: what is the weighted average cost per share in 2017? Answer: 63.84 Question: what about in 2016? Answer: 48.56 Question: what is the net change? Answer: 15.28 Question: what is the weighted average cost per share in 2016? Answer: 48.56 Question: what percentage change does this represent?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
the pnc financial services group , inc . 2013 form 10-k 29 part ii item 5 2013 market for registrant 2019s common equity , related stockholder matters and issuer purchases of equity securities ( a ) ( 1 ) our common stock is listed on the new york stock exchange and is traded under the symbol 201cpnc . 201d at the close of business on february 15 , 2019 , there were 53986 common shareholders of record . holders of pnc common stock are entitled to receive dividends when declared by our board of directors out of funds legally available for this purpose . our board of directors may not pay or set apart dividends on the common stock until dividends for all past dividend periods on any series of outstanding preferred stock and certain outstanding capital securities issued by the parent company have been paid or declared and set apart for payment . the board of directors presently intends to continue the policy of paying quarterly cash dividends . the amount of any future dividends will depend on economic and market conditions , our financial condition and operating results , and other factors , including contractual restrictions and applicable government regulations and policies ( such as those relating to the ability of bank and non-bank subsidiaries to pay dividends to the parent company and regulatory capital limitations ) . the amount of our dividend is also currently subject to the results of the supervisory assessment of capital adequacy and capital planning processes undertaken by the federal reserve and our primary bank regulators as part of the comprehensive capital analysis and review ( ccar ) process as described in the supervision and regulation section in item 1 of this report . the federal reserve has the power to prohibit us from paying dividends without its approval . for further information concerning dividend restrictions and other factors that could limit our ability to pay dividends , as well as restrictions on loans , dividends or advances from bank subsidiaries to the parent company , see the supervision and regulation section in item 1 , item 1a risk factors , the liquidity and capital management portion of the risk management section in item 7 , and note 10 borrowed funds , note 15 equity and note 18 regulatory matters in the notes to consolidated financial statements in item 8 of this report , which we include here by reference . we include here by reference the information regarding our compensation plans under which pnc equity securities are authorized for issuance as of december 31 , 2018 in the table ( with introductory paragraph and notes ) in item 12 of this report . our stock transfer agent and registrar is : computershare trust company , n.a . 250 royall street canton , ma 02021 800-982-7652 registered shareholders may contact computershare regarding dividends and other shareholder services . we include here by reference the information that appears under the common stock performance graph caption at the end of this item 5 . ( a ) ( 2 ) none . ( b ) not applicable . ( c ) details of our repurchases of pnc common stock during the fourth quarter of 2018 are included in the following table : in thousands , except per share data 2018 period total shares purchased ( a ) average price paid per share total shares purchased as part of publicly announced programs ( b ) maximum number of shares that may yet be purchased under the programs ( b ) . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>2018 period</td><td>total shares purchased ( a )</td><td>average price paid per share</td><td>total shares purchased as part of publicly announced programs ( b )</td><td>maximum number of shares that may yet be purchased under the programs ( b )</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>october 1 2013 31</td><td>1204</td><td>$ 128.43</td><td>1189</td><td>25663</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>november 1 2013 30</td><td>1491</td><td>$ 133.79</td><td>1491</td><td>24172</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>december 1 2013 31</td><td>3458</td><td>$ 119.43</td><td>3458</td><td>20714</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>total</td><td>6153</td><td>$ 124.67</td><td>-</td><td>-</td></tr></table> ( a ) includes pnc common stock purchased in connection with our various employee benefit plans generally related to forfeitures of unvested restricted stock awards and shares used to cover employee payroll tax withholding requirements . note 11 employee benefit plans and note 12 stock based compensation plans in the notes to consolidated financial statements in item 8 of this report include additional information regarding our employee benefit and equity compensation plans that use pnc common stock . ( b ) on march 11 , 2015 , we announced that our board of directors approved a stock repurchase program authorization in the amount of 100 million shares of pnc common stock , effective april 1 , 2015 . repurchases are made in open market or privately negotiated transactions and the timing and exact amount of common stock repurchases will depend on a number of factors including , among others , market and general economic conditions , regulatory capital considerations , alternative uses of capital , the potential impact on our credit ratings , and contractual and regulatory limitations , including the results of the supervisory assessment of capital adequacy and capital planning processes undertaken by the federal reserve as part of the ccar process . in june 2018 , we announced share repurchase programs of up to $ 2.0 billion for the four quarter period beginning with the third quarter of 2018 , including repurchases of up to $ 300 million related to stock issuances under employee benefit plans , in accordance with pnc's 2018 capital plan . in november 2018 , we announced an increase to these previously announced programs in the amount of up to $ 900 million in additional common share repurchases . the aggregate repurchase price of shares repurchased during the fourth quarter of 2018 was $ .8 billion . see the liquidity and capital management portion of the risk management section in item 7 of this report for more information on the authorized share repurchase programs for the period july 1 , 2018 through june 30 , 2019 . . Question: what is the number of shares purchased during october 2018? Answer: 1204.0 Question: at what average price?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
table of contents notes to consolidated financial statements of american airlines group inc . information generated by market transactions involving comparable assets , as well as pricing guides and other sources . the current market for the aircraft , the maintenance condition of the aircraft and the expected proceeds from the sale of the assets , among other factors , were considered . the market approach was utilized to value certain intangible assets such as airport take off and landing slots when sufficient market information was available . the income approach was primarily used to value intangible assets , including customer relationships , marketing agreements , certain international route authorities , and the us airways tradename . the income approach indicates value for a subject asset based on the present value of cash flows projected to be generated by the asset . projected cash flows are discounted at a required market rate of return that reflects the relative risk of achieving the cash flows and the time value of money . the cost approach , which estimates value by determining the current cost of replacing an asset with another of equivalent economic utility , was used , as appropriate , for certain assets for which the market and income approaches could not be applied due to the nature of the asset . the cost to replace a given asset reflects the estimated reproduction or replacement cost for the asset , less an allowance for loss in value due to depreciation . the fair value of us airways 2019 dividend miles loyalty program liability was determined based on the weighted average equivalent ticket value of outstanding miles which were expected to be redeemed for future travel at december 9 , 2013 . the weighted average equivalent ticket value contemplates differing classes of service , domestic and international itineraries and the carrier providing the award travel . pro-forma impact of the merger the company 2019s unaudited pro-forma results presented below include the effects of the merger as if it had been consummated as of january 1 , 2012 . the pro-forma results include the depreciation and amortization associated with the acquired tangible and intangible assets , lease and debt fair value adjustments , the elimination of any deferred gains or losses , adjustments relating to reflecting the fair value of the loyalty program liability and the impact of income changes on profit sharing expense , among others . in addition , the pro-forma results below reflect the impact of higher wage rates related to memorandums of understanding with us airways 2019 pilots that became effective upon closing of the merger , as well as the elimination of the company 2019s reorganization items , net and merger transition costs . however , the pro-forma results do not include any anticipated synergies or other expected benefits of the merger . accordingly , the unaudited pro-forma financial information below is not necessarily indicative of either future results of operations or results that might have been achieved had the acquisition been consummated as of january 1 , 2012 . december 31 , ( in millions ) . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>december 31 2013 ( in millions )</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>revenue</td><td>$ 40678</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>net income</td><td>2526</td></tr></table> 5 . basis of presentation and summary of significant accounting policies ( a ) basis of presentation the consolidated financial statements for the full years of 2015 and 2014 and the period from december 9 , 2013 to december 31 , 2013 include the accounts of the company and its wholly-owned subsidiaries . for the periods prior to december 9 , 2013 , the consolidated financial statements do not include the accounts of us airways group . all significant intercompany transactions have been eliminated . the preparation of financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the united states ( gaap ) requires management to make certain estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities , revenues and expenses , and the disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements . actual results could differ from those estimates . the most significant areas . Question: what was revenue in 2013? Answer: 40678.0 Question: what was net income? Answer: 2526.0 Question: what is revenue less net income? Answer: 38152.0 Question: what was 2013 revenue?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
cash provided by operating activities cash provided by operations is dependent primarily upon the payment terms of our license agreements . to be classified as upfront revenue , we require that 75% ( 75 % ) of a term or perpetual license fee be paid within the first year . conversely , payment terms for tsls are generally extended and the license fee is typically paid either quarterly or annually in even increments over the term of the license . accordingly , we generally receive cash from upfront license revenue much sooner than from time-based licenses revenue . fiscal 2008 to fiscal 2009 . cash from operating activities decreased primarily as a result of a decrease in deferred revenue due to the timing of billings and cash payments from certain customers , increased payments to vendors compared to fiscal 2008 and a tax prepayment for an irs settlement . see note 9 of notes to consolidated financial statements . fiscal 2007 to fiscal 2008 . cash from operating activities decreased primarily due to the timing of billings and cash payments from customers compared to fiscal 2007 , delivering lower cash inflows during fiscal 2008 and also as a result of a litigation settlement of $ 12.5 million received from magma during fiscal 2007 . cash used in investing activities fiscal 2008 to fiscal 2009 . the decrease in cash used primarily relates to a decrease in our purchases of marketable securities and cash paid for acquisitions as compared to fiscal 2008 , offset by the timing of maturities of marketable securities . fiscal 2007 to fiscal 2008 . the decrease in cash used primarily relates to the sale of marketable securities for our acquisition of synplicity , and as a result of lower capital expenditures during fiscal 2008 as compared to fiscal 2007 . cash provided by ( used in ) financing activities fiscal 2008 to fiscal 2009 . the increase in cash provided primarily relates to the absence of common stock repurchases in fiscal 2009 offset by a decrease in the number of options exercised by employees compared to fiscal 2008 . fiscal 2007 to fiscal 2008 . the increase in cash used primarily relates to more common stock repurchases under our stock repurchase program and options exercised by employees compared to fiscal 2007 . see note 7 of notes to consolidated financial statements for details of our stock repurchase program . we hold our cash , cash equivalents and short-term investments in the united states and in foreign accounts , primarily in ireland , bermuda , and japan . as of october 31 , 2009 , we held an aggregate of $ 612.4 million in cash , cash equivalents and short-term investments in the united states and an aggregate of $ 555.9 million in foreign accounts . funds in foreign accounts are generated from revenue outside north america . at present , such foreign funds are considered to be indefinitely reinvested in foreign countries to the extent of indefinitely reinvested foreign earnings as described in note 9 of notes to consolidated financial statements . we expect cash provided by operating activities to fluctuate in future periods as a result of a number of factors , including the timing of our billings and collections , our operating results , the timing and amount of tax and other liability payments and cash used in any future acquisitions . accounts receivable , net october 31 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>2009</td><td>2008</td><td>$ change</td><td>% ( % ) change</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>( dollars in millions )</td><td>( dollars in millions )</td><td>-</td><td>-</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>$ 127.0</td><td>$ 147.4</td><td>$ -20.4 ( 20.4 )</td><td>( 14 ) % ( % )</td></tr></table> . Question: what was the sum of cash held in the us and foreign accounts? Answer: 1168.3 Question: what was the sum held in foreign accounts? Answer: 555.9 Question: what is that divided by the total?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
part ii , item 7 until maturity , effectively making this a us dollar denominated debt on which schlumberger will pay interest in us dollars at a rate of 4.74% ( 4.74 % ) . the proceeds from these notes were used to repay commercial paper borrowings . 0160 on april 20 , 2006 , the schlumberger board of directors approved a share repurchase program of up to 40 million shares of common stock to be acquired in the open market before april 2010 , subject to market conditions . this program was completed during the second quarter of 2008 . on april 17 , 2008 , the schlumberger board of directors approved an $ 8 billion share repurchase program for shares of schlumberger common stock , to be acquired in the open market before december 31 , 2011 , of which $ 1.43 billion had been repurchased as of december 31 , 2009 . the following table summarizes the activity under these share repurchase programs during 2009 , 2008 and ( stated in thousands except per share amounts and prices ) total cost of shares purchased total number of shares purchased average price paid per share . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>total cost of shares purchased</td><td>total number of shares purchased</td><td>average price paid per share</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>2009</td><td>$ 500097</td><td>7825.0</td><td>$ 63.91</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>2008</td><td>$ 1818841</td><td>21064.7</td><td>$ 86.35</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>2007</td><td>$ 1355000</td><td>16336.1</td><td>$ 82.95</td></tr></table> 0160 cash flow provided by operations was $ 5.3 billion in 2009 , $ 6.9 billion in 2008 and $ 6.3 billion in 2007 . the decline in cash flow from operations in 2009 as compared to 2008 was primarily driven by the decrease in net income experienced in 2009 and the significant pension plan contributions made during 2009 , offset by an improvement in working capital requirements . the improvement in 2008 as compared to 2007 was driven by the net income increase experienced in 2008 offset by required investments in working capital . the reduction in cash flows experienced by some of schlumberger 2019s customers as a result of global economic conditions could have significant adverse effects on their financial condition . this could result in , among other things , delay in , or nonpayment of , amounts that are owed to schlumberger , which could have a material adverse effect on schlumberger 2019s results of operations and cash flows . at times in recent quarters , schlumberger has experienced delays in payments from certain of its customers . schlumberger operates in approximately 80 countries . at december 31 , 2009 , only three of those countries individually accounted for greater than 5% ( 5 % ) of schlumberger 2019s accounts receivable balance of which only one represented greater than 0160 during 2008 and 2007 , schlumberger announced that its board of directors had approved increases in the quarterly dividend of 20% ( 20 % ) and 40% ( 40 % ) , respectively . total dividends paid during 2009 , 2008 and 2007 were $ 1.0 billion , $ 964 million and $ 771 million , respectively . 0160 capital expenditures were $ 2.4 billion in 2009 , $ 3.7 billion in 2008 and $ 2.9 billion in 2007 . capital expenditures in 2008 and 2007 reflected the record activity levels experienced in those years . the decrease in capital expenditures in 2009 as compared to 2008 is primarily due to the significant activity decline during 2009 . oilfield services capital expenditures are expected to approach $ 2.4 billion for the full year 2010 as compared to $ 1.9 billion in 2009 and $ 3.0 billion in 2008 . westerngeco capital expenditures are expected to approach $ 0.3 billion for the full year 2010 as compared to $ 0.5 billion in 2009 and $ 0.7 billion in 2008. . Question: what was the average price paid per share in the year of 2009? Answer: 63.91 Question: and what was that in 2007? Answer: 82.95 Question: what was, then, the change in average price paid per share from 2007 to 2009?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
federal realty investment trust schedule iii summary of real estate and accumulated depreciation 2014continued three years ended december 31 , 2009 reconciliation of accumulated depreciation and amortization ( in thousands ) . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>balance december 31 2006</td><td>$ 740507</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>additions during period 2014depreciation and amortization expense</td><td>96454</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>deductions during period 2014disposition and retirements of property</td><td>-80258 ( 80258 )</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>balance december 31 2007</td><td>756703</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>additions during period 2014depreciation and amortization expense</td><td>101321</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>deductions during period 2014disposition and retirements of property</td><td>-11766 ( 11766 )</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>balance december 31 2008</td><td>846258</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>additions during period 2014depreciation and amortization expense</td><td>103.698</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>deductions during period 2014disposition and retirements of property</td><td>-11869 ( 11869 )</td></tr><tr><td>10</td><td>balance december 31 2009</td><td>$ 938087</td></tr></table> . Question: for the years of 2006 and 2007, what was the combined total of additions, in thousands? Answer: 197775.0 Question: and what were those additions in 2008? Answer: 103.698 Question: including, then, 2008, what becomes that total of additions? Answer: 301473.0 Question: and what was the average between the three years?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
goodwill goodwill represents the excess of the solexa purchase price over the sum of the amounts assigned to assets acquired less liabilities assumed . the company believes that the acquisition of solexa will produce the following significant benefits : 2022 increased market presence and opportunities . the combination of the company and solexa should increase the combined company 2019s market presence and opportunities for growth in revenue , earnings and stockholder return . the company believes that the solexa technology is highly complementary to the company 2019s own portfolio of products and services and will enhance the company 2019s capabilities to service its existing customers , as well as accelerate the develop- ment of additional technologies , products and services . the company believes that integrating solexa 2019s capabilities with the company 2019s technologies will better position the company to address the emerging biomarker research and development and in-vitro and molecular diag- nostic markets . the company began to recognize revenue from products shipped as a result of this acquisition during the first quarter of 2007 . 2022 operating efficiencies . the combination of the company and solexa provides the opportunity for potential economies of scale and cost savings . the company believes that these primary factors support the amount of goodwill recognized as a result of the purchase price paid for solexa , in relation to other acquired tangible and intangible assets , including in-process research and development . the following unaudited pro forma information shows the results of the company 2019s operations for the specified reporting periods as though the acquisition had occurred as of the beginning of that period ( in thousands , except per share data ) : year ended december 30 , year ended december 31 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>year ended december 30 2007</td><td>year ended december 31 2006</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>revenue</td><td>$ 366854</td><td>$ 187103</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>net income ( loss )</td><td>$ 17388</td><td>$ -38957 ( 38957 )</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>net income ( loss ) per share basic</td><td>$ 0.32</td><td>$ -0.68 ( 0.68 )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>net income ( loss ) per share diluted</td><td>$ 0.29</td><td>$ -0.68 ( 0.68 )</td></tr></table> the pro forma results have been prepared for comparative purposes only and are not necessarily indicative of the actual results of operations had the acquisition taken place as of the beginning of the periods presented , or the results that may occur in the future . the pro forma results exclude the $ 303.4 million non-cash acquired ipr&d charge recorded upon the closing of the acquisition during the first quarter of 2007 . investment in solexa on november 12 , 2006 , the company entered into a definitive securities purchase agreement with solexa in which the company invested approximately $ 50 million in solexa in exchange for 5154639 newly issued shares of solexa common stock in conjunction with the merger of the two companies . this investment was valued at $ 67.8 million as of december 31 , 2006 , which represented a market value of $ 13.15 per share of solexa common stock . this investment was eliminated as part of the company 2019s purchase accounting upon the closing of the merger on january 26 , 2007 . illumina , inc . notes to consolidated financial statements 2014 ( continued ) . Question: what were revenues in 2007? Answer: 366854.0 Question: what were they in 2006? Answer: 187103.0 Question: what is the net difference? Answer: 179751.0 Question: what is the difference divided by the 2006 revenues?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
38 2015 ppg annual report and form 10-k notes to the consolidated financial statements 1 . summary of significant accounting policies principles of consolidation the accompanying consolidated financial statements include the accounts of ppg industries , inc . ( 201cppg 201d or the 201ccompany 201d ) and all subsidiaries , both u.s . and non-u.s. , that it controls . ppg owns more than 50% ( 50 % ) of the voting stock of most of the subsidiaries that it controls . for those consolidated subsidiaries in which the company 2019s ownership is less than 100% ( 100 % ) , the outside shareholders 2019 interests are shown as noncontrolling interests . investments in companies in which ppg owns 20% ( 20 % ) to 50% ( 50 % ) of the voting stock and has the ability to exercise significant influence over operating and financial policies of the investee are accounted for using the equity method of accounting . as a result , ppg 2019s share of the earnings or losses of such equity affiliates is included in the accompanying consolidated statement of income and ppg 2019s share of these companies 2019 shareholders 2019 equity is included in 201cinvestments 201d in the accompanying consolidated balance sheet . transactions between ppg and its subsidiaries are eliminated in consolidation . use of estimates in the preparation of financial statements the preparation of financial statements in conformity with u.s . generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and the disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements , as well as the reported amounts of income and expenses during the reporting period . such estimates also include the fair value of assets acquired and liabilities assumed resulting from the allocation of the purchase price related to business combinations consummated . actual outcomes could differ from those estimates . revenue recognition the company recognizes revenue when the earnings process is complete . revenue from sales is recognized by all operating segments when goods are shipped and title to inventory and risk of loss passes to the customer or when services have been rendered . shipping and handling costs amounts billed to customers for shipping and handling are reported in 201cnet sales 201d in the accompanying consolidated statement of income . shipping and handling costs incurred by the company for the delivery of goods to customers are included in 201ccost of sales , exclusive of depreciation and amortization 201d in the accompanying consolidated statement of income . selling , general and administrative costs amounts presented as 201cselling , general and administrative 201d in the accompanying consolidated statement of income are comprised of selling , customer service , distribution and advertising costs , as well as the costs of providing corporate- wide functional support in such areas as finance , law , human resources and planning . distribution costs pertain to the movement and storage of finished goods inventory at company- owned and leased warehouses , terminals and other distribution facilities . advertising costs advertising costs are expensed as incurred and totaled $ 324 million , $ 297 million and $ 235 million in 2015 , 2014 and 2013 , respectively . research and development research and development costs , which consist primarily of employee related costs , are charged to expense as incurred. . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>( $ in millions )</td><td>2015</td><td>2014</td><td>2013</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>research and development 2013 total</td><td>$ 505</td><td>$ 509</td><td>$ 479</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>less depreciation on research facilities</td><td>19</td><td>17</td><td>16</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>research and development net</td><td>$ 486</td><td>$ 492</td><td>$ 463</td></tr></table> legal costs legal costs , primarily include costs associated with acquisition and divestiture transactions , general litigation , environmental regulation compliance , patent and trademark protection and other general corporate purposes , are charged to expense as incurred . foreign currency translation the functional currency of most significant non-u.s . operations is their local currency . assets and liabilities of those operations are translated into u.s . dollars using year-end exchange rates ; income and expenses are translated using the average exchange rates for the reporting period . unrealized foreign currency translation adjustments are deferred in accumulated other comprehensive loss , a separate component of shareholders 2019 equity . cash equivalents cash equivalents are highly liquid investments ( valued at cost , which approximates fair value ) acquired with an original maturity of three months or less . short-term investments short-term investments are highly liquid , high credit quality investments ( valued at cost plus accrued interest ) that have stated maturities of greater than three months to one year . the purchases and sales of these investments are classified as investing activities in the consolidated statement of cash flows . marketable equity securities the company 2019s investment in marketable equity securities is recorded at fair market value and reported in 201cother current assets 201d and 201cinvestments 201d in the accompanying consolidated balance sheet with changes in fair market value recorded in income for those securities designated as trading securities and in other comprehensive income , net of tax , for those designated as available for sale securities. . Question: what was the value for research and development in 2014? Answer: 509.0 Question: what was the value in 2013? Answer: 479.0 Question: what is the net change in value? Answer: 30.0 Question: what was the 2013 value?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
issuer purchases of equity securities during the three months ended december 31 , 2007 , we repurchased 8895570 shares of our class a common stock for an aggregate of $ 385.1 million pursuant to the $ 1.5 billion stock repurchase program publicly announced in february 2007 , as follows : period total number of shares purchased ( 1 ) average price paid per share total number of shares purchased as part of publicly announced plans or programs approximate dollar value of shares that may yet be purchased under the plans or programs ( in millions ) . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>period</td><td>total number of shares purchased ( 1 )</td><td>average price paid per share</td><td>total number of shares purchased as part of publicly announced plans or programs</td><td>approximate dollar value of shares that may yet be purchased under the plans or programs ( in millions )</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>october 2007</td><td>3493426</td><td>$ 43.30</td><td>3493426</td><td>$ 449.9</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>november 2007</td><td>2891719</td><td>$ 44.16</td><td>2891719</td><td>$ 322.2</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>december 2007</td><td>2510425</td><td>$ 44.20</td><td>2510425</td><td>$ 216.2</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>total fourth quarter</td><td>8895570</td><td>$ 43.27</td><td>8895570</td><td>$ 216.2</td></tr></table> ( 1 ) issuer repurchases pursuant to the $ 1.5 billion stock repurchase program publicly announced in february 2007 . under this program , our management was authorized through february 2008 to purchase shares from time to time through open market purchases or privately negotiated transactions at prevailing prices as permitted by securities laws and other legal requirements , and subject to market conditions and other factors . to facilitate repurchases , we typically made purchases pursuant to trading plans under rule 10b5-1 of the exchange act , which allow us to repurchase shares during periods when we otherwise might be prevented from doing so under insider trading laws or because of self-imposed trading blackout periods . subsequent to december 31 , 2007 , we repurchased 4.3 million shares of our class a common stock for an aggregate of $ 163.7 million pursuant to this program . in february 2008 , our board of directors approved a new stock repurchase program , pursuant to which we are authorized to purchase up to an additional $ 1.5 billion of our class a common stock . purchases under this stock repurchase program are subject to us having available cash to fund repurchases , as further described in item 1a of this annual report under the caption 201crisk factors 2014we anticipate that we may need additional financing to fund our stock repurchase programs , to refinance our existing indebtedness and to fund future growth and expansion initiatives 201d and item 7 of this annual report under the caption 201cmanagement 2019s discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations 2014liquidity and capital resources . 201d . Question: what was the number of shares repurchased in october 2007? Answer: 3493426.0 Question: and what was the average price paid for each of those shares? Answer: 43.3 Question: what was, then, the total amount spent in the repurchase of those shares?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
american tower corporation and subsidiaries notes to consolidated financial statements when they are determined uncollectible . such determination includes analysis and consideration of the particular conditions of the account . changes in the allowances were as follows for the years ended december 31 , ( in thousands ) : . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>2012</td><td>2011</td><td>2010</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>balance as of january 1</td><td>$ 24412</td><td>$ 22505</td><td>$ 28520</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>current year increases</td><td>8028</td><td>17008</td><td>16219</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>write-offs net of recoveries and other</td><td>-12034 ( 12034 )</td><td>-15101 ( 15101 )</td><td>-22234 ( 22234 )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>balance as of december 31</td><td>$ 20406</td><td>$ 24412</td><td>$ 22505</td></tr></table> functional currency 2014as a result of changes to the organizational structure of the company 2019s subsidiaries in latin america in 2010 , the company determined that effective january 1 , 2010 , the functional currency of its foreign subsidiary in brazil is the brazilian real . from that point forward , all assets and liabilities held by the subsidiary in brazil are translated into u.s . dollars at the exchange rate in effect at the end of the applicable reporting period . revenues and expenses are translated at the average monthly exchange rates and the cumulative translation effect is included in equity . the change in functional currency from u.s . dollars to brazilian real gave rise to an increase in the net value of certain non-monetary assets and liabilities . the aggregate impact on such assets and liabilities was $ 39.8 million with an offsetting increase in accumulated other comprehensive income during the year ended december 31 , 2010 . as a result of the renegotiation of the company 2019s agreements with grupo iusacell , s.a . de c.v . ( 201ciusacell 201d ) , which included , among other changes , converting iusacell 2019s contractual obligations to the company from u.s . dollars to mexican pesos , the company determined that effective april 1 , 2010 , the functional currency of certain of its foreign subsidiaries in mexico is the mexican peso . from that point forward , all assets and liabilities held by those subsidiaries in mexico are translated into u.s . dollars at the exchange rate in effect at the end of the applicable reporting period . revenues and expenses are translated at the average monthly exchange rates and the cumulative translation effect is included in equity . the change in functional currency from u.s . dollars to mexican pesos gave rise to a decrease in the net value of certain non-monetary assets and liabilities . the aggregate impact on such assets and liabilities was $ 33.6 million with an offsetting decrease in accumulated other comprehensive income . the functional currency of the company 2019s other foreign operating subsidiaries is also the respective local currency . all assets and liabilities held by the subsidiaries are translated into u.s . dollars at the exchange rate in effect at the end of the applicable fiscal reporting period . revenues and expenses are translated at the average monthly exchange rates . the cumulative translation effect is included in equity as a component of accumulated other comprehensive income . foreign currency transaction gains and losses are recognized in the consolidated statements of operations and are the result of transactions of a subsidiary being denominated in a currency other than its functional currency . cash and cash equivalents 2014cash and cash equivalents include cash on hand , demand deposits and short-term investments , including money market funds , with remaining maturities of three months or less when acquired , whose cost approximates fair value . restricted cash 2014the company classifies as restricted cash all cash pledged as collateral to secure obligations and all cash whose use is otherwise limited by contractual provisions , including cash on deposit in reserve accounts relating to the commercial mortgage pass-through certificates , series 2007-1 issued in the company 2019s securitization transaction and the secured cellular site revenue notes , series 2010-1 class c , series 2010-2 class c and series 2010-2 class f , assumed by the company as a result of the acquisition of certain legal entities from unison holdings , llc and unison site management ii , l.l.c . ( collectively , 201cunison 201d ) . . Question: what was the balance as of 12/31/12? Answer: 20406.0 Question: and as of 12/31/11? Answer: 24412.0 Question: and what was the difference between these two values?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
comparison of cumulative return among lkq corporation , the nasdaq stock market ( u.s. ) index and the peer group . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>12/31/2011</td><td>12/31/2012</td><td>12/31/2013</td><td>12/31/2014</td><td>12/31/2015</td><td>12/31/2016</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>lkq corporation</td><td>$ 100</td><td>$ 140</td><td>$ 219</td><td>$ 187</td><td>$ 197</td><td>$ 204</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>s&p 500 index</td><td>$ 100</td><td>$ 113</td><td>$ 147</td><td>$ 164</td><td>$ 163</td><td>$ 178</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>peer group</td><td>$ 100</td><td>$ 111</td><td>$ 140</td><td>$ 177</td><td>$ 188</td><td>$ 217</td></tr></table> this stock performance information is "furnished" and shall not be deemed to be "soliciting material" or subject to rule 14a , shall not be deemed "filed" for purposes of section 18 of the securities exchange act of 1934 or otherwise subject to the liabilities of that section , and shall not be deemed incorporated by reference in any filing under the securities act of 1933 or the securities exchange act of 1934 , whether made before or after the date of this report and irrespective of any general incorporation by reference language in any such filing , except to the extent that it specifically incorporates the information by reference . information about our common stock that may be issued under our equity compensation plans as of december 31 , 2016 included in part iii , item 12 of this annual report on form 10-k is incorporated herein by reference. . Question: what was the change in the return of the lkq corporation from 2011 to 2016? Answer: 104.0 Question: and how much does this change represent in relation to the return of that stock in 2011, in percentage? Answer: 1.04 Question: what was the change in the return of the s&p 500 index from 2011 to 2016? Answer: 78.0 Question: and what was that return in 2011? Answer: 100.0 Question: how much, then, does that change represent in relation to this 2011 return, in percentage?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
air mobility sales declined by $ 535 million primarily due to c-130j deliveries ( 12 in 2006 compared to 15 in 2005 ) and lower volume on the c-5 program . combat aircraft sales increased by $ 292 million mainly due to higher f-35 and f-22 volume , partially offset by reduced volume on f-16 programs . other aeronautics programs sales increased by $ 83 million primarily due to higher volume in sustainment services activities . operating profit for the segment increased 21% ( 21 % ) in 2007 compared to 2006 . operating profit increases in combat aircraft more than offset decreases in other aeronautics programs and air mobility . combat aircraft operating profit increased $ 326 million mainly due to improved performance on f-22 and f-16 programs . air mobility and other aeronautics programs declined $ 77 million due to lower operating profit in support and sustainment activities . operating profit for the segment increased 20% ( 20 % ) in 2006 compared to 2005 . operating profit increased in both combat aircraft and air mobility . combat aircraft increased $ 114 million , mainly due to higher volume on the f-35 and f-22 programs , and improved performance on f-16 programs . the improvement for the year was also attributable in part to the fact that in 2005 , operating profit included a reduction in earnings on the f-35 program . air mobility operating profit increased $ 84 million , mainly due to improved performance on c-130j sustainment activities in 2006 . backlog decreased in 2007 as compared to 2006 primarily as a result of sales volume on the f-35 program . this decrease was offset partially by increased orders on the f-22 and c-130j programs . electronic systems electronic systems 2019 operating results included the following : ( in millions ) 2007 2006 2005 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>( in millions )</td><td>2007</td><td>2006</td><td>2005</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>net sales</td><td>$ 11143</td><td>$ 10519</td><td>$ 9811</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>operating profit</td><td>1410</td><td>1264</td><td>1078</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>backlog at year-end</td><td>21200</td><td>19700</td><td>18600</td></tr></table> net sales for electronic systems increased by 6% ( 6 % ) in 2007 compared to 2006 . sales increased in missiles & fire control ( m&fc ) , maritime systems & sensors ( ms2 ) , and platform , training & energy ( pt&e ) . m&fc sales increased $ 258 million mainly due to higher volume in fire control systems and air defense programs , which more than offset declines in tactical missile programs . ms2 sales grew $ 254 million due to volume increases in undersea and radar systems activities that were offset partially by decreases in surface systems activities . pt&e sales increased $ 113 million , primarily due to higher volume in platform integration activities , which more than offset declines in distribution technology activities . net sales for electronic systems increased by 7% ( 7 % ) in 2006 compared to 2005 . higher volume in platform integration activities led to increased sales of $ 329 million at pt&e . ms2 sales increased $ 267 million primarily due to surface systems activities . air defense programs contributed to increased sales of $ 118 million at m&fc . operating profit for the segment increased by 12% ( 12 % ) in 2007 compared to 2006 , representing an increase in all three lines of business during the year . operating profit increased $ 70 million at pt&e primarily due to higher volume and improved performance on platform integration activities . ms2 operating profit increased $ 32 million due to higher volume on undersea and tactical systems activities that more than offset lower volume on surface systems activities . at m&fc , operating profit increased $ 32 million due to higher volume in fire control systems and improved performance in tactical missile programs , which partially were offset by performance on certain international air defense programs in 2006 . operating profit for the segment increased by 17% ( 17 % ) in 2006 compared to 2005 . operating profit increased by $ 74 million at ms2 mainly due to higher volume on surface systems and undersea programs . pt&e operating profit increased $ 61 million mainly due to improved performance on distribution technology activities . higher volume on air defense programs contributed to a $ 52 million increase in operating profit at m&fc . the increase in backlog during 2007 over 2006 resulted primarily from increased orders for certain tactical missile programs and fire control systems at m&fc and platform integration programs at pt&e. . Question: what is the operating profit of 2007? Answer: 1410.0 Question: and that of 2006?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
management 2019s discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations state street corporation | 89 $ 65.35 billion and $ 87.20 billion as of december 31 , 2017 and december 31 , 2016 , respectively . table 29 : components of average hqla by type of ( in millions ) december 31 , december 31 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>( in millions )</td><td>december 31 2017</td><td>december 31 2016</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>excess central bank balances</td><td>$ 33584</td><td>$ 48407</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>u.s . treasuries</td><td>10278</td><td>17770</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>other investment securities</td><td>13422</td><td>15442</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>foreign government</td><td>8064</td><td>5585</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>total</td><td>$ 65348</td><td>$ 87204</td></tr></table> with respect to highly liquid short-term investments presented in the preceding table , due to the continued elevated level of client deposits as of december 31 , 2017 , we maintained cash balances in excess of regulatory requirements governing deposits with the federal reserve of approximately $ 33.58 billion at the federal reserve , the ecb and other non-u.s . central banks , compared to $ 48.40 billion as of december 31 , 2016 . the lower levels of deposits with central banks as of december 31 , 2017 compared to december 31 , 2016 was due to normal deposit volatility . liquid securities carried in our asset liquidity include securities pledged without corresponding advances from the frbb , the fhlb , and other non- u.s . central banks . state street bank is a member of the fhlb . this membership allows for advances of liquidity in varying terms against high-quality collateral , which helps facilitate asset-and-liability management . access to primary , intra-day and contingent liquidity provided by these utilities is an important source of contingent liquidity with utilization subject to underlying conditions . as of december 31 , 2017 and december 31 , 2016 , we had no outstanding primary credit borrowings from the frbb discount window or any other central bank facility , and as of the same dates , no fhlb advances were outstanding . in addition to the securities included in our asset liquidity , we have significant amounts of other unencumbered investment securities . the aggregate fair value of those securities was $ 66.10 billion as of december 31 , 2017 , compared to $ 54.40 billion as of december 31 , 2016 . these securities are available sources of liquidity , although not as rapidly deployed as those included in our asset liquidity . measures of liquidity include lcr , nsfr and tlac which are described in "supervision and regulation" included under item 1 , business , of this form 10-k . uses of liquidity significant uses of our liquidity could result from the following : withdrawals of client deposits ; draw- downs of unfunded commitments to extend credit or to purchase securities , generally provided through lines of credit ; and short-duration advance facilities . such circumstances would generally arise under stress conditions including deterioration in credit ratings . a recurring significant use of our liquidity involves our deployment of hqla from our investment portfolio to post collateral to financial institutions and participants in our agency lending program serving as sources of securities under our enhanced custody program . we had unfunded commitments to extend credit with gross contractual amounts totaling $ 26.49 billion and $ 26.99 billion as of december 31 , 2017 and december 31 , 2016 , respectively . these amounts do not reflect the value of any collateral . as of december 31 , 2017 , approximately 72% ( 72 % ) of our unfunded commitments to extend credit expire within one year . since many of our commitments are expected to expire or renew without being drawn upon , the gross contractual amounts do not necessarily represent our future cash requirements . information about our resolution planning and the impact actions under our resolution plans could have on our liquidity is provided in "supervision and regulation" included under item 1 . business , of this form 10-k . funding deposits we provide products and services including custody , accounting , administration , daily pricing , foreign exchange services , cash management , financial asset management , securities finance and investment advisory services . as a provider of these products and services , we generate client deposits , which have generally provided a stable , low-cost source of funds . as a global custodian , clients place deposits with state street entities in various currencies . as of december 31 , 2017 and december 31 , 2016 , approximately 60% ( 60 % ) of our average client deposit balances were denominated in u.s . dollars , approximately 20% ( 20 % ) in eur , 10% ( 10 % ) in gbp and 10% ( 10 % ) in all other currencies . for the past several years , we have frequently experienced higher client deposit inflows toward the end of each fiscal quarter or the end of the fiscal year . as a result , we believe average client deposit balances are more reflective of ongoing funding than period-end balances. . Question: what is the ratio of 2017 excess central bank balances to 2016 balances? Answer: 0.69378 Question: what is 1 less that value?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
note 9 2014 benefit plans the company has defined benefit pension plans covering certain employees in the united states and certain international locations . postretirement healthcare and life insurance benefits provided to qualifying domestic retirees as well as other postretirement benefit plans in international countries are not material . the measurement date used for the company 2019s employee benefit plans is september 30 . effective january 1 , 2018 , the legacy u.s . pension plan was frozen to limit the participation of employees who are hired or re-hired by the company , or who transfer employment to the company , on or after january 1 , net pension cost for the years ended september 30 included the following components: . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>( millions of dollars )</td><td>pension plans 2019</td><td>pension plans 2018</td><td>pension plans 2017</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>service cost</td><td>$ 134</td><td>$ 136</td><td>$ 110</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>interest cost</td><td>107</td><td>90</td><td>61</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>expected return on plan assets</td><td>( 180 )</td><td>( 154 )</td><td>( 112 )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>amortization of prior service credit</td><td>( 13 )</td><td>( 13 )</td><td>( 14 )</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>amortization of loss</td><td>78</td><td>78</td><td>92</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>settlements</td><td>10</td><td>2</td><td>2014</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>net pension cost</td><td>$ 135</td><td>$ 137</td><td>$ 138</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>net pension cost included in the preceding table that is attributable to international plans</td><td>$ 32</td><td>$ 34</td><td>$ 43</td></tr></table> net pension cost included in the preceding table that is attributable to international plans $ 32 $ 34 $ 43 the amounts provided above for amortization of prior service credit and amortization of loss represent the reclassifications of prior service credits and net actuarial losses that were recognized in accumulated other comprehensive income ( loss ) in prior periods . the settlement losses recorded in 2019 and 2018 primarily included lump sum benefit payments associated with the company 2019s u.s . supplemental pension plan . the company recognizes pension settlements when payments from the supplemental plan exceed the sum of service and interest cost components of net periodic pension cost associated with this plan for the fiscal year . as further discussed in note 2 , upon adopting an accounting standard update on october 1 , 2018 , all components of the company 2019s net periodic pension and postretirement benefit costs , aside from service cost , are recorded to other income ( expense ) , net on its consolidated statements of income , for all periods presented . notes to consolidated financial statements 2014 ( continued ) becton , dickinson and company . Question: what is the pension cost for 2019?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
issuer purchases of equity securities the following table provides information about our repurchases of common stock during the three-month period ended december 31 , 2007 . period total number of shares purchased average price paid per total number of shares purchased as part of publicly announced program ( a ) maximum number of shares that may yet be purchased under the program ( b ) . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>period</td><td>total number ofshares purchased</td><td>average pricepaid pershare</td><td>total number of sharespurchased as part ofpubliclyannouncedprogram ( a )</td><td>maximum number ofshares that may yet bepurchased under theprogram ( b )</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>october</td><td>127100</td><td>$ 108.58</td><td>127100</td><td>35573131</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>november</td><td>1504300</td><td>109.07</td><td>1504300</td><td>34068831</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>december</td><td>1325900</td><td>108.78</td><td>1325900</td><td>32742931</td></tr></table> ( a ) we repurchased a total of 2957300 shares of our common stock during the quarter ended december 31 , 2007 under a share repurchase program that we announced in october 2002 . ( b ) our board of directors has approved a share repurchase program for the repurchase of up to 128 million shares of our common stock from time-to-time , including 20 million shares approved for repurchase by our board of directors in september 2007 . under the program , management has discretion to determine the number and price of the shares to be repurchased , and the timing of any repurchases , in compliance with applicable law and regulation . as of december 31 , 2007 , we had repurchased a total of 95.3 million shares under the program . in 2007 , we did not make any unregistered sales of equity securities. . Question: what was the amount of approved share purchases in 2007? Answer: 128.0 Question: and the number repurchased from the program? Answer: 95.3 Question: so what was the amount not purchased? Answer: 32.7 Question: and the number of shares approved again?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
management 2019s discussion and analysis net interest income 2012 versus 2011 . net interest income on the consolidated statements of earnings was $ 3.88 billion for 2012 , 25% ( 25 % ) lower than 2011 . the decrease compared with 2011 was primarily due to lower average yields on financial instruments owned , at fair value , and collateralized agreements . 2011 versus 2010 . net interest income on the consolidated statements of earnings was $ 5.19 billion for 2011 , 6% ( 6 % ) lower than 2010 . the decrease compared with 2010 was primarily due to higher interest expense related to our long-term borrowings and higher dividend expense related to financial instruments sold , but not yet purchased , partially offset by an increase in interest income from higher yielding collateralized agreements . operating expenses our operating expenses are primarily influenced by compensation , headcount and levels of business activity . compensation and benefits includes salaries , discretionary compensation , amortization of equity awards and other items such as benefits . discretionary compensation is significantly impacted by , among other factors , the level of net revenues , overall financial performance , prevailing labor markets , business mix , the structure of our share-based compensation programs and the external environment . in the context of more difficult economic and financial conditions , the firm launched an initiative during the second quarter of 2011 to identify areas where we can operate more efficiently and reduce our operating expenses . during 2012 and 2011 , we announced targeted annual run rate compensation and non-compensation reductions of approximately $ 1.9 billion in aggregate . the table below presents our operating expenses and total staff. . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>$ in millions</td><td>year ended december 2012</td><td>year ended december 2011</td><td>year ended december 2010</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>compensation and benefits</td><td>$ 12944</td><td>$ 12223</td><td>$ 15376</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>u.k . bank payrolltax</td><td>2014</td><td>2014</td><td>465</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>brokerage clearing exchange anddistribution fees</td><td>2208</td><td>2463</td><td>2281</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>market development</td><td>509</td><td>640</td><td>530</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>communications and technology</td><td>782</td><td>828</td><td>758</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>depreciation and amortization</td><td>1738</td><td>1865</td><td>1889</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>occupancy</td><td>875</td><td>1030</td><td>1086</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>professional fees</td><td>867</td><td>992</td><td>927</td></tr><tr><td>10</td><td>insurance reserves1</td><td>598</td><td>529</td><td>398</td></tr><tr><td>11</td><td>other expenses</td><td>2435</td><td>2072</td><td>2559</td></tr><tr><td>12</td><td>total non-compensation expenses</td><td>10012</td><td>10419</td><td>10428</td></tr><tr><td>13</td><td>total operating expenses</td><td>$ 22956</td><td>$ 22642</td><td>$ 26269</td></tr><tr><td>14</td><td>total staff atperiod-end2</td><td>32400</td><td>33300</td><td>35700</td></tr></table> total staff at period-end 2 32400 33300 35700 1 . related revenues are included in 201cmarket making 201d on the consolidated statements of earnings . 2 . includes employees , consultants and temporary staff . 48 goldman sachs 2012 annual report . Question: what is the net change in total operating expenses in 2012? Answer: 314.0 Question: what percentage change does this represent? Answer: 0.01387 Question: what is the number of staff in 2012?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
shareholder value award program svas are granted to officers and management and are payable in shares of our common stock . the number of shares actually issued , if any , varies depending on our stock price at the end of the three-year vesting period compared to pre-established target stock prices . we measure the fair value of the sva unit on the grant date using a monte carlo simulation model . the model utilizes multiple input variables that determine the probability of satisfying the market condition stipulated in the award grant and calculates the fair value of the award . expected volatilities utilized in the model are based on implied volatilities from traded options on our stock , historical volatility of our stock price , and other factors . similarly , the dividend yield is based on historical experience and our estimate of future dividend yields . the risk-free interest rate is derived from the u.s . treasury yield curve in effect at the time of grant . the weighted-average fair values of the sva units granted during the years ended december 31 , 2018 , 2017 , and 2016 were $ 48.51 , $ 66.25 , and $ 48.68 , respectively , determined using the following assumptions: . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>( percents )</td><td>2018</td><td>2017</td><td>2016</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>expected dividend yield</td><td>2.50% ( 2.50 % )</td><td>2.50% ( 2.50 % )</td><td>2.00% ( 2.00 % )</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>risk-free interest rate</td><td>2.31</td><td>1.38</td><td>0.92</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>volatility</td><td>22.26</td><td>22.91</td><td>21.68</td></tr></table> pursuant to this program , approximately 0.7 million shares , 1.1 million shares , and 1.0 million shares were issued during the years ended december 31 , 2018 , 2017 , and 2016 , respectively . approximately 1.0 million shares are expected to be issued in 2019 . as of december 31 , 2018 , the total remaining unrecognized compensation cost related to nonvested svas was $ 55.7 million , which will be amortized over the weighted-average remaining requisite service period of 20 months . restricted stock units rsus are granted to certain employees and are payable in shares of our common stock . rsu shares are accounted for at fair value based upon the closing stock price on the date of grant . the corresponding expense is amortized over the vesting period , typically three years . the fair values of rsu awards granted during the years ended december 31 , 2018 , 2017 , and 2016 were $ 70.95 , $ 72.47 , and $ 71.46 , respectively . the number of shares ultimately issued for the rsu program remains constant with the exception of forfeitures . pursuant to this program , 1.3 million , 1.4 million , and 1.3 million shares were granted and approximately 1.0 million , 0.9 million , and 0.6 million shares were issued during the years ended december 31 , 2018 , 2017 , and 2016 , respectively . approximately 0.8 million shares are expected to be issued in 2019 . as of december 31 , 2018 , the total remaining unrecognized compensation cost related to nonvested rsus was $ 112.2 million , which will be amortized over the weighted- average remaining requisite service period of 21 months . note 12 : shareholders' equity during 2018 , 2017 , and 2016 , we repurchased $ 4.15 billion , $ 359.8 million and $ 540.1 million , respectively , of shares associated with our share repurchase programs . a payment of $ 60.0 million was made in 2016 for shares repurchased in 2017 . during 2018 , we repurchased $ 2.05 billion of shares , which completed the $ 5.00 billion share repurchase program announced in october 2013 and our board authorized an $ 8.00 billion share repurchase program . there were $ 2.10 billion repurchased under the $ 8.00 billion program in 2018 . as of december 31 , 2018 , there were $ 5.90 billion of shares remaining under the 2018 program . we have 5.0 million authorized shares of preferred stock . as of december 31 , 2018 and 2017 , no preferred stock was issued . we have an employee benefit trust that held 50.0 million shares of our common stock at both december 31 , 2018 and 2017 , to provide a source of funds to assist us in meeting our obligations under various employee benefit plans . the cost basis of the shares held in the trust was $ 3.01 billion at both december 31 , 2018 and 2017 , and is shown as a reduction of shareholders 2019 equity . any dividend transactions between us and the trust are eliminated . stock held by the trust is not considered outstanding in the computation of eps . the assets of the trust were not used to fund any of our obligations under these employee benefit plans during the years ended december 31 , 2018 , 2017 , and . Question: from 2016 to 2017, what was the variation in the total amount spent on share repurchase?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
december 18 , 2007 , we issued an additional 23182197 shares of common stock to citadel . the issuances were exempt from registration pursuant to section 4 ( 2 ) of the securities act of 1933 , and each purchaser has represented to us that it is an 201caccredited investor 201d as defined in regulation d promulgated under the securities act of 1933 , and that the common stock was being acquired for investment . we did not engage in a general solicitation or advertising with regard to the issuances of the common stock and have not offered securities to the public in connection with the issuances . see item 1 . business 2014citadel investment . performance graph the following performance graph shows the cumulative total return to a holder of the company 2019s common stock , assuming dividend reinvestment , compared with the cumulative total return , assuming dividend reinvestment , of the standard & poor 2019s ( 201cs&p 201d ) 500 and the s&p super cap diversified financials during the period from december 31 , 2002 through december 31 , 2007. . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>12/02</td><td>12/03</td><td>12/04</td><td>12/05</td><td>12/06</td><td>12/07</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>e*trade financial corporation</td><td>100.00</td><td>260.29</td><td>307.61</td><td>429.22</td><td>461.32</td><td>73.05</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>s&p 500</td><td>100.00</td><td>128.68</td><td>142.69</td><td>149.70</td><td>173.34</td><td>182.87</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>s&p super cap diversified financials</td><td>100.00</td><td>139.29</td><td>156.28</td><td>170.89</td><td>211.13</td><td>176.62</td></tr></table> 2022 $ 100 invested on 12/31/02 in stock or index-including reinvestment of dividends . fiscal year ending december 31 . 2022 copyright a9 2008 , standard & poor 2019s , a division of the mcgraw-hill companies , inc . all rights reserved . . Question: what was the value of e*trade financial corp for year ended 12/07?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
used to refinance certain indebtedness which matured in the fourth quarter of 2014 . interest is payable semi-annually in arrears on march 18 and september 18 of each year , or approximately $ 35 million per year . the 2024 notes may be redeemed prior to maturity at any time in whole or in part at the option of the company at a 201cmake-whole 201d redemption price . the unamortized discount and debt issuance costs are being amortized over the remaining term of the 2024 notes . 2022 notes . in may 2012 , the company issued $ 1.5 billion in aggregate principal amount of unsecured unsubordinated obligations . these notes were issued as two separate series of senior debt securities , including $ 750 million of 1.375% ( 1.375 % ) notes , which were repaid in june 2015 at maturity , and $ 750 million of 3.375% ( 3.375 % ) notes maturing in june 2022 ( the 201c2022 notes 201d ) . net proceeds were used to fund the repurchase of blackrock 2019s common stock and series b preferred from barclays and affiliates and for general corporate purposes . interest on the 2022 notes of approximately $ 25 million per year is payable semi-annually on june 1 and december 1 of each year . the 2022 notes may be redeemed prior to maturity at any time in whole or in part at the option of the company at a 201cmake-whole 201d redemption price . the 201cmake-whole 201d redemption price represents a price , subject to the specific terms of the 2022 notes and related indenture , that is the greater of ( a ) par value and ( b ) the present value of future payments that will not be paid because of an early redemption , which is discounted at a fixed spread over a comparable treasury security . the unamortized discount and debt issuance costs are being amortized over the remaining term of the 2022 notes . 2021 notes . in may 2011 , the company issued $ 1.5 billion in aggregate principal amount of unsecured unsubordinated obligations . these notes were issued as two separate series of senior debt securities , including $ 750 million of 4.25% ( 4.25 % ) notes maturing in may 2021 and $ 750 million of floating rate notes , which were repaid in may 2013 at maturity . net proceeds of this offering were used to fund the repurchase of blackrock 2019s series b preferred from affiliates of merrill lynch & co. , inc . interest on the 4.25% ( 4.25 % ) notes due in 2021 ( 201c2021 notes 201d ) is payable semi-annually on may 24 and november 24 of each year , and is approximately $ 32 million per year . the 2021 notes may be redeemed prior to maturity at any time in whole or in part at the option of the company at a 201cmake-whole 201d redemption price . the unamortized discount and debt issuance costs are being amortized over the remaining term of the 2021 notes . 2019 notes . in december 2009 , the company issued $ 2.5 billion in aggregate principal amount of unsecured and unsubordinated obligations . these notes were issued as three separate series of senior debt securities including $ 0.5 billion of 2.25% ( 2.25 % ) notes , which were repaid in december 2012 , $ 1.0 billion of 3.50% ( 3.50 % ) notes , which were repaid in december 2014 at maturity , and $ 1.0 billion of 5.0% ( 5.0 % ) notes maturing in december 2019 ( the 201c2019 notes 201d ) . net proceeds of this offering were used to repay borrowings under the cp program , which was used to finance a portion of the acquisition of barclays global investors from barclays on december 1 , 2009 , and for general corporate purposes . interest on the 2019 notes of approximately $ 50 million per year is payable semi-annually in arrears on june 10 and december 10 of each year . these notes may be redeemed prior to maturity at any time in whole or in part at the option of the company at a 201cmake-whole 201d redemption price . the unamortized discount and debt issuance costs are being amortized over the remaining term of the 2019 notes . 13 . commitments and contingencies operating lease commitments the company leases its primary office spaces under agreements that expire through 2043 . future minimum commitments under these operating leases are as follows : ( in millions ) . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>year</td><td>amount</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>2018</td><td>141</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>2019</td><td>132</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>2020</td><td>126</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>2021</td><td>118</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>2022</td><td>109</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>thereafter</td><td>1580</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>total</td><td>$ 2206</td></tr></table> in may 2017 , the company entered into an agreement with 50 hymc owner llc , for the lease of approximately 847000 square feet of office space located at 50 hudson yards , new york , new york . the term of the lease is twenty years from the date that rental payments begin , expected to occur in may 2023 , with the option to renew for a specified term . the lease requires annual base rental payments of approximately $ 51 million per year during the first five years of the lease term , increasing every five years to $ 58 million , $ 66 million and $ 74 million per year ( or approximately $ 1.2 billion in base rent over its twenty-year term ) . this lease is classified as an operating lease and , as such , is not recorded as a liability on the consolidated statements of financial condition . rent expense and certain office equipment expense under lease agreements amounted to $ 132 million , $ 134 million and $ 136 million in 2017 , 2016 and 2015 , respectively . investment commitments . at december 31 , 2017 , the company had $ 298 million of various capital commitments to fund sponsored investment funds , including consolidated vies . these funds include private equity funds , real assets funds , and opportunistic funds . this amount excludes additional commitments made by consolidated funds of funds to underlying third-party funds as third-party noncontrolling interest holders have the legal obligation to fund the respective commitments of such funds of funds . generally , the timing of the funding of these commitments is unknown and the commitments are callable on demand at any time prior to the expiration of the commitment . these unfunded commitments are not recorded on the consolidated statements of financial condition . these commitments do not include potential future commitments approved by the company that are not yet legally binding . the company intends to make additional capital commitments from time to time to fund additional investment products for , and with , its clients . contingencies contingent payments related to business acquisitions . in connection with certain acquisitions , blackrock is required to make contingent payments , subject to achieving specified performance targets , which may include revenue related to acquired contracts or new capital commitments for certain products . the fair value of the remaining aggregate contingent payments at december 31 , 2017 totaled $ 236 million , including $ 128 million related to the first reserve transaction , and is included in other liabilities on the consolidated statements of financial condition. . Question: what is the increased rent after five years?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
52 2013 ppg annual report and form 10-k repatriation of undistributed earnings of non-u.s . subsidiaries as of december 31 , 2013 and december 31 , 2012 would have resulted in a u.s . tax cost of approximately $ 250 million and $ 110 million , respectively . the company files federal , state and local income tax returns in numerous domestic and foreign jurisdictions . in most tax jurisdictions , returns are subject to examination by the relevant tax authorities for a number of years after the returns have been filed . the company is no longer subject to examinations by tax authorities in any major tax jurisdiction for years before 2006 . additionally , the internal revenue service has completed its examination of the company 2019s u.s . federal income tax returns filed for years through 2010 . the examination of the company 2019s u.s . federal income tax return for 2011 is currently underway and is expected to be finalized during 2014 . a reconciliation of the total amounts of unrecognized tax benefits ( excluding interest and penalties ) as of december 31 follows: . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>( millions )</td><td>2013</td><td>2012</td><td>2011</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>balance at january 1</td><td>$ 82</td><td>$ 107</td><td>$ 111</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>additions based on tax positions related to the current year</td><td>12</td><td>12</td><td>15</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>additions for tax positions of prior years</td><td>9</td><td>2</td><td>17</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>reductions for tax positions of prior years</td><td>-10 ( 10 )</td><td>-12 ( 12 )</td><td>-19 ( 19 )</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>pre-acquisition unrecognized tax benefits</td><td>2014</td><td>2</td><td>2014</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>reductions for expiration of the applicable statute of limitations</td><td>-10 ( 10 )</td><td>-6 ( 6 )</td><td>-7 ( 7 )</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>settlements</td><td>2014</td><td>-23 ( 23 )</td><td>-8 ( 8 )</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>foreign currency translation</td><td>2</td><td>2014</td><td>-2 ( 2 )</td></tr><tr><td>10</td><td>balance at december 31</td><td>$ 85</td><td>$ 82</td><td>$ 107</td></tr></table> the company expects that any reasonably possible change in the amount of unrecognized tax benefits in the next 12 months would not be significant . the total amount of unrecognized tax benefits that , if recognized , would affect the effective tax rate was $ 81 million as of december 31 , 2013 . the company recognizes accrued interest and penalties related to unrecognized tax benefits in income tax expense . as of december 31 , 2013 , 2012 and 2011 , the company had liabilities for estimated interest and penalties on unrecognized tax benefits of $ 9 million , $ 10 million and $ 15 million , respectively . the company recognized $ 2 million and $ 5 million of income in 2013 and 2012 , respectively , related to the reduction of estimated interest and penalties . the company recognized no income or expense for estimated interest and penalties during the year ended december 31 , 2011 . 13 . pensions and other postretirement benefits defined benefit plans ppg has defined benefit pension plans that cover certain employees worldwide . the principal defined benefit pension plans are those in the u.s. , canada , the netherlands and the u.k . which , in the aggregate represent approximately 91% ( 91 % ) of the projected benefit obligation at december 31 , 2013 , of which the u.s . defined benefit pension plans represent the majority . ppg also sponsors welfare benefit plans that provide postretirement medical and life insurance benefits for certain u.s . and canadian employees and their dependents . these programs require retiree contributions based on retiree-selected coverage levels for certain retirees and their dependents and provide for sharing of future benefit cost increases between ppg and participants based on management discretion . the company has the right to modify or terminate certain of these benefit plans in the future . salaried and certain hourly employees in the u.s . hired on or after october 1 , 2004 , or rehired on or after october 1 , 2012 are not eligible for postretirement medical benefits . salaried employees in the u.s . hired , rehired or transferred to salaried status on or after january 1 , 2006 , and certain u.s . hourly employees hired in 2006 or thereafter are eligible to participate in a defined contribution retirement plan . these employees are not eligible for defined benefit pension plan benefits . plan design changes in january 2011 , the company approved an amendment to one of its u.s . defined benefit pension plans that represented about 77% ( 77 % ) of the total u.s . projected benefit obligation at december 31 , 2011 . depending upon the affected employee's combined age and years of service to ppg , this change resulted in certain employees no longer accruing benefits under this plan as of december 31 , 2011 , while the remaining employees will no longer accrue benefits under this plan as of december 31 , 2020 . the affected employees will participate in the company 2019s defined contribution retirement plan from the date their benefit under the defined benefit plan is frozen . the company remeasured the projected benefit obligation of this amended plan , which lowered 2011 pension expense by approximately $ 12 million . the company made similar changes to certain other u.s . defined benefit pension plans in 2011 . the company recognized a curtailment loss and special termination benefits associated with these plan amendments of $ 5 million in 2011 . the company plans to continue reviewing and potentially changing other ppg defined benefit plans in the future . separation and merger of commodity chemicals business on january 28 , 2013 , ppg completed the separation of its commodity chemicals business and the merger of the subsidiary holding the ppg commodity chemicals business with a subsidiary of georgia gulf , as discussed in note 22 , 201cseparation and merger transaction . 201d ppg transferred the defined benefit pension plan and other postretirement benefit liabilities for the affected employees in the u.s. , canada , and taiwan in the separation resulting in a net partial settlement loss of $ 33 million notes to the consolidated financial statements . Question: what was the value of unrecognized tax benefits in 2013? Answer: 85.0 Question: what was the value in 2012?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
on may 12 , 2017 , the company 2019s stockholders approved the american water works company , inc . 2017 omnibus equity compensation plan ( the 201c2017 omnibus plan 201d ) . a total of 7.2 million shares of common stock may be issued under the 2017 omnibus plan . as of december 31 , 2017 , 7.2 million shares were available for grant under the 2017 omnibus plan . the 2017 omnibus plan provides that grants of awards may be in any of the following forms : incentive stock options , nonqualified stock options , stock appreciation rights , stock units , stock awards , other stock-based awards and dividend equivalents , which may be granted only on stock units or other stock-based awards . following the approval of the 2017 omnibus plan , no additional awards are to be granted under the 2007 plan . however , shares will still be issued under the 2007 plan pursuant to the terms of awards previously issued under that plan prior to may 12 , 2017 . the cost of services received from employees in exchange for the issuance of stock options and restricted stock awards is measured based on the grant date fair value of the awards issued . the value of stock options and rsus awards at the date of the grant is amortized through expense over the three-year service period . all awards granted in 2017 , 2016 and 2015 are classified as equity . the company recognizes compensation expense for stock awards over the vesting period of the award . the company stratified its grant populations and used historic employee turnover rates to estimate employee forfeitures . the estimated rate is compared to the actual forfeitures at the end of the reporting period and adjusted as necessary . the following table presents stock-based compensation expense recorded in operation and maintenance expense in the accompanying consolidated statements of operations for the years ended december 31: . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>2017</td><td>2016</td><td>2015</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>stock options</td><td>$ 1</td><td>$ 2</td><td>$ 2</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>rsus</td><td>9</td><td>8</td><td>8</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>nonqualified employee stock purchase plan</td><td>1</td><td>1</td><td>1</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>stock-based compensation</td><td>11</td><td>11</td><td>11</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>income tax benefit</td><td>-4 ( 4 )</td><td>-4 ( 4 )</td><td>-4 ( 4 )</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>stock-based compensation expense net of tax</td><td>$ 7</td><td>$ 7</td><td>$ 7</td></tr></table> there were no significant stock-based compensation costs capitalized during the years ended december 31 , 2017 , 2016 and 2015 . the company receives a tax deduction based on the intrinsic value of the award at the exercise date for stock options and the distribution date for rsus . for each award , throughout the requisite service period , the company recognizes the tax benefits , which have been included in deferred income tax assets , related to compensation costs . the tax deductions in excess of the benefits recorded throughout the requisite service period are recorded to the consolidated statements of operations and are presented in the financing section of the consolidated statements of cash flows . stock options there were no grants of stock options to employees in 2017 . in 2016 and 2015 , the company granted non-qualified stock options to certain employees under the 2007 plan . the stock options vest ratably over the three-year service period beginning on january 1 of the year of the grant and have no performance vesting conditions . expense is recognized using the straight-line method and is amortized over the requisite service period. . Question: what was the income tax benefit in the years of 2015 to 2017? Answer: -4.0 Question: and what was the stock-based compensation in that period?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
2011 compared to 2010 mst 2019s net sales for 2011 decreased $ 311 million , or 4% ( 4 % ) , compared to 2010 . the decrease was attributable to decreased volume of approximately $ 390 million for certain ship and aviation system programs ( primarily maritime patrol aircraft and ptds ) and approximately $ 75 million for training and logistics solutions programs . partially offsetting these decreases was higher sales of about $ 165 million from production on the lcs program . mst 2019s operating profit for 2011 decreased $ 68 million , or 10% ( 10 % ) , compared to 2010 . the decrease was attributable to decreased operating profit of approximately $ 55 million as a result of increased reserves for contract cost matters on various ship and aviation system programs ( including the terminated presidential helicopter program ) and approximately $ 40 million due to lower volume and increased reserves on training and logistics solutions . partially offsetting these decreases was higher operating profit of approximately $ 30 million in 2011 primarily due to the recognition of reserves on certain undersea systems programs in 2010 . adjustments not related to volume , including net profit rate adjustments described above , were approximately $ 55 million lower in 2011 compared to 2010 . backlog backlog increased in 2012 compared to 2011 mainly due to increased orders on ship and aviation system programs ( primarily mh-60 and lcs ) , partially offset decreased orders and higher sales volume on integrated warfare systems and sensors programs ( primarily aegis ) . backlog decreased slightly in 2011 compared to 2010 primarily due to higher sales volume on various integrated warfare systems and sensors programs . trends we expect mst 2019s net sales to decline in 2013 in the low single digit percentage range as compared to 2012 due to the completion of ptds deliveries in 2012 and expected lower volume on training services programs . operating profit and margin are expected to increase slightly from 2012 levels primarily due to anticipated improved contract performance . space systems our space systems business segment is engaged in the research and development , design , engineering , and production of satellites , strategic and defensive missile systems , and space transportation systems . space systems is also responsible for various classified systems and services in support of vital national security systems . space systems 2019 major programs include the space-based infrared system ( sbirs ) , advanced extremely high frequency ( aehf ) system , mobile user objective system ( muos ) , global positioning satellite ( gps ) iii system , geostationary operational environmental satellite r-series ( goes-r ) , trident ii d5 fleet ballistic missile , and orion . operating results for our space systems business segment include our equity interests in united launch alliance ( ula ) , which provides expendable launch services for the u.s . government , united space alliance ( usa ) , which provided processing activities for the space shuttle program and is winding down following the completion of the last space shuttle mission in 2011 , and a joint venture that manages the u.k . 2019s atomic weapons establishment program . space systems 2019 operating results included the following ( in millions ) : . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>2012</td><td>2011</td><td>2010</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>net sales</td><td>$ 8347</td><td>$ 8161</td><td>$ 8268</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>operating profit</td><td>1083</td><td>1063</td><td>1030</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>operating margins</td><td>13.0% ( 13.0 % )</td><td>13.0% ( 13.0 % )</td><td>12.5% ( 12.5 % )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>backlog at year-end</td><td>18100</td><td>16000</td><td>17800</td></tr></table> 2012 compared to 2011 space systems 2019 net sales for 2012 increased $ 186 million , or 2% ( 2 % ) , compared to 2011 . the increase was attributable to higher net sales of approximately $ 150 million due to increased commercial satellite deliveries ( two commercial satellites delivered in 2012 compared to one during 2011 ) ; about $ 125 million from the orion program due to higher volume and an increase in risk retirements ; and approximately $ 70 million from increased volume on various strategic and defensive missile programs . partially offsetting the increases were lower net sales of approximately $ 105 million from certain government satellite programs ( primarily sbirs and muos ) as a result of decreased volume and a decline in risk retirements ; and about $ 55 million from the nasa external tank program , which ended in connection with the completion of the space shuttle program in 2011. . Question: what were operating profits in 2012? Answer: 1083.0 Question: what were they in 2011? Answer: 1063.0 Question: what is the net change?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
other long term debt in december 2012 , the company entered into a $ 50.0 million recourse loan collateralized by the land , buildings and tenant improvements comprising the company 2019s corporate headquarters . the loan has a seven year term and maturity date of december 2019 . the loan bears interest at one month libor plus a margin of 1.50% ( 1.50 % ) , and allows for prepayment without penalty . the loan includes covenants and events of default substantially consistent with the company 2019s credit agreement discussed above . the loan also requires prior approval of the lender for certain matters related to the property , including transfers of any interest in the property . as of december 31 , 2017 and 2016 , the outstanding balance on the loan was $ 40.0 million and $ 42.0 million , respectively . the weighted average interest rate on the loan was 2.5% ( 2.5 % ) and 2.0% ( 2.0 % ) for the years ended december 31 , 2017 and 2016 , respectively . the following are the scheduled maturities of long term debt as of december 31 , 2017 : ( in thousands ) . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>2018</td><td>$ 27000</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>2019</td><td>63000</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>2020</td><td>25000</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>2021</td><td>86250</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>2022</td><td>2014</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>2023 and thereafter</td><td>600000</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>total scheduled maturities of long term debt</td><td>$ 801250</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>current maturities of long term debt</td><td>$ 27000</td></tr></table> interest expense , net was $ 34.5 million , $ 26.4 million , and $ 14.6 million for the years ended december 31 , 2017 , 2016 and 2015 , respectively . interest expense includes the amortization of deferred financing costs , bank fees , capital and built-to-suit lease interest and interest expense under the credit and other long term debt facilities . amortization of deferred financing costs was $ 1.3 million , $ 1.2 million , and $ 0.8 million for the years ended december 31 , 2017 , 2016 and 2015 , respectively . the company monitors the financial health and stability of its lenders under the credit and other long term debt facilities , however during any period of significant instability in the credit markets lenders could be negatively impacted in their ability to perform under these facilities . 7 . commitments and contingencies obligations under operating leases the company leases warehouse space , office facilities , space for its brand and factory house stores and certain equipment under non-cancelable operating leases . the leases expire at various dates through 2033 , excluding extensions at the company 2019s option , and include provisions for rental adjustments . the table below includes executed lease agreements for brand and factory house stores that the company did not yet occupy as of december 31 , 2017 and does not include contingent rent the company may incur at its stores based on future sales above a specified minimum or payments made for maintenance , insurance and real estate taxes . the following is a schedule of future minimum lease payments for non-cancelable real property operating leases as of december 31 , 2017 as well as . Question: what was the interest expense in 2017? Answer: 34.5 Question: and what was it in 2016? Answer: 26.4 Question: what was, then, the change over the year? Answer: 8.1 Question: and how much does this change represent in relation to the 2016 interest expense, in percentage?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
third-party sales for this segment increased 4% ( 4 % ) in 2014 compared with 2013 , primarily due to higher volumes and the acquisition of firth rixson ( $ 81 2014see above ) . the higher volumes were mostly related to the aerospace ( commercial ) and commercial transportation end markets , somewhat offset by lower volumes in the industrial gas turbine end market . atoi for the engineered products and solutions segment increased $ 16 in 2015 compared with 2014 , principally the result of net productivity improvements across most businesses , a positive contribution from inorganic growth , and overall higher volumes in this segment 2019s organic businesses . these positive impacts were partially offset by unfavorable price/product mix , higher costs related to growth projects , and net unfavorable foreign currency movements , primarily related to a weaker euro . atoi for this segment climbed $ 10 in 2014 compared with 2013 , mainly due to net productivity improvements across all businesses and overall higher volumes , partially offset by higher costs , primarily labor , and unfavorable product in 2016 , demand in the commercial aerospace end market is expected to remain strong , driven by significant order backlog . also , third-party sales will include a positive impact due to a full year of sales related to the acquisitions of rti and tital . additionally , net productivity improvements are anticipated while pricing pressure across all markets is expected . transportation and construction solutions . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>2015</td><td>2014</td><td>2013</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>third-party sales</td><td>$ 1882</td><td>$ 2021</td><td>$ 1951</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>atoi</td><td>$ 166</td><td>$ 180</td><td>$ 167</td></tr></table> this segment represents a portion of alcoa 2019s downstream operations and produces products that are used mostly in the nonresidential building and construction and commercial transportation end markets . such products include integrated aluminum structural systems , architectural extrusions , and forged aluminum commercial vehicle wheels , which are sold directly to customers and through distributors . a small part of this segment also produces aluminum products for the industrial products end market . generally , the sales and costs and expenses of this segment are transacted in the local currency of the respective operations , which are mostly the u.s . dollar , the euro , and the brazilian real . third-party sales for the transportation and construction solutions segment decreased 7% ( 7 % ) in 2015 compared with 2014 , primarily driven by unfavorable foreign currency movements , principally caused by a weaker euro and brazilian real , and lower volume related to the building and construction end market , somewhat offset by higher volume related to the commercial transportation end market . third-party sales for this segment increased 4% ( 4 % ) in 2014 compared with 2013 , mostly the result of higher volume related to the commercial transportation and building and construction end markets , somewhat offset by lower volume in the industrial products and market . atoi for the transportation and construction solutions segment declined $ 14 in 2015 compared with 2014 , mainly due to higher costs , net unfavorable foreign currency movements , primarily related to a weaker euro and brazilian real , and unfavorable price/product mix . these negative impacts were mostly offset by net productivity improvements across all businesses . atoi for this segment improved $ 13 in 2014 compared with 2013 , principally attributable to net productivity improvements across all businesses and overall higher volumes , partially offset by unfavorable product mix and higher costs , primarily labor . in 2016 , the non-residential building and construction end market is expected to improve through growth in north america but will be slightly offset by overall weakness in europe . also , north america build rates in the commercial . Question: what was the contribution of the acquisition of firth rixson in the third-party sales in 2014?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
stock price performance the following graph shows a comparison of the cumulative total return on our common stock , the standard & poor 2019s 500 index and the standard & poor 2019s retail index . the graph assumes that the value of an investment in our common stock and in each such index was $ 100 on january 3 , 2009 , and that any dividends have been reinvested . the comparison in the graph below is based solely on historical data and is not intended to forecast the possible future performance of our common stock . comparison of cumulative total return among advance auto parts , inc. , s&p 500 index and s&p retail index company/index january 3 , january 2 , january 1 , december 31 , december 29 , december 28 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>company/index</td><td>january 3 2009</td><td>january 2 2010</td><td>january 1 2011</td><td>december 31 2011</td><td>december 29 2012</td><td>december 28 2013</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>advance auto parts</td><td>$ 100.00</td><td>$ 119.28</td><td>$ 195.80</td><td>$ 206.86</td><td>$ 213.14</td><td>$ 327.63</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>s&p 500 index</td><td>100.00</td><td>119.67</td><td>134.97</td><td>134.96</td><td>150.51</td><td>197.62</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>s&p retail index</td><td>100.00</td><td>141.28</td><td>174.70</td><td>179.79</td><td>219.77</td><td>321.02</td></tr></table> . Question: what was the price of advance auto in 2012? Answer: 213.14 Question: what is that less 100?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
notes to consolidated financial statements 2014 ( continued ) fiscal years ended may 27 , 2007 , may 28 , 2006 , and may 29 , 2005 columnar amounts in millions except per share amounts 6 . impairment of debt and equity securities during fiscal 2005 , the company determined that the carrying values of its investments in two unrelated equity method investments , a bio-fuels venture and a malt venture , were other-than-temporarily impaired and therefore recognized pre-tax impairment charges totaling $ 71.0 million ( $ 65.6 million after tax ) . during fiscal 2006 , the company recognized additional impairment charges totaling $ 75.8 million ( $ 73.1 million after tax ) of its investments in the malt venture and an unrelated investment in a foreign prepared foods business , due to further declines in the estimated proceeds from the disposition of these investments . the investment in a foreign prepared foods business was disposed of in fiscal 2006 . the extent of the impairments was determined based upon the company 2019s assessment of the recoverability of its investments based primarily upon the expected proceeds of planned dispositions of the investments . during fiscal 2007 , the company completed the disposition of the equity method investment in the malt venture for proceeds of approximately $ 24 million , including notes and other receivables totaling approximately $ 7 million . this transaction resulted in a pre-tax gain of approximately $ 4 million , with a related tax benefit of approximately $ 4 million . these charges and the subsequent gain on disposition are reflected in equity method investment earnings ( loss ) in the consolidated statements of earnings . the company held , at may 28 , 2006 , subordinated notes in the original principal amount of $ 150 million plus accrued interest of $ 50.4 million from swift foods . during the company 2019s fourth quarter of fiscal 2005 , swift foods effected changes in its capital structure . as a result of those changes , the company determined that the fair value of the subordinated notes was impaired . from the date on which the company initially determined that the value of the notes was impaired through the second quarter of fiscal 2006 , the company believed the impairment of this available-for-sale security to be temporary . as such , the company had reduced the carrying value of the note by $ 35.4 million and recorded cumulative after-tax charges of $ 21.9 million in accumulated other comprehensive income as of the end of the second quarter of fiscal 2006 . during the second half of fiscal 2006 , due to the company 2019s consideration of current conditions related to the debtor 2019s business and changes in the company 2019s intended holding period for this investment , the company determined that the impairment was other-than-temporary . accordingly , the company reduced the carrying value of the notes to approximately $ 117 million and recognized impairment charges totaling $ 82.9 million in selling , general and administrative expenses , including the reclassification of the cumulative after-tax charges of $ 21.9 million from accumulated other comprehensive income , in fiscal 2006 . during the second quarter of fiscal 2007 , the company closed on the sale of these notes for approximately $ 117 million , net of transaction expenses , resulting in no additional gain or loss . 7 . inventories the major classes of inventories are as follows: . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>2007</td><td>2006</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>raw materials and packaging</td><td>$ 1154.2</td><td>$ 985.0</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>work in progress</td><td>95.2</td><td>97.4</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>finished goods</td><td>1008.1</td><td>923.6</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>supplies and other</td><td>91.0</td><td>124.6</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>total</td><td>$ 2348.5</td><td>$ 2130.6</td></tr></table> raw materials and packaging includes grain , fertilizer , crude oil , and other trading and merchandising inventory of $ 691.0 million and $ 542.1 million as of the end of fiscal year 2007 and 2006 , respectively. . Question: in 2006, what percentage of total inventories was made of raw materials and packaging? Answer: 0.46231 Question: and in 2007?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
( 1 ) the cumulative total return assumes reinvestment of dividends . ( 2 ) the total return is weighted according to market capitalization of each company at the beginning of each year . ( f ) purchases of equity securities by the issuer and affiliated purchasers we have not repurchased any of our common stock since the company filed its initial registration statement on march 16 , ( g ) securities authorized for issuance under equity compensation plans a description of securities authorized for issuance under our equity compensation plans will be incorporated herein by reference to the proxy statement for the 2012 annual meeting of stockholders to be filed within 120 days after the end of the company 2019s fiscal year . item 6 . selected financial data . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>( $ in millions except per share amounts )</td><td>year ended december 31 2011</td><td>year ended december 31 2010</td><td>year ended december 31 2009</td><td>year ended december 31 2008</td><td>year ended december 31 2007</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>sales and service revenues</td><td>$ 6575</td><td>$ 6723</td><td>$ 6292</td><td>$ 6189</td><td>$ 5692</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>goodwill impairment</td><td>290</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>2490</td><td>0</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>operating income ( loss )</td><td>110</td><td>248</td><td>211</td><td>-2354 ( 2354 )</td><td>447</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>net earnings ( loss )</td><td>-94 ( 94 )</td><td>135</td><td>124</td><td>-2420 ( 2420 )</td><td>276</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>total assets</td><td>6001</td><td>5203</td><td>5036</td><td>4760</td><td>7658</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>long-term debt ( 1 )</td><td>1830</td><td>105</td><td>283</td><td>283</td><td>283</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>total long-term obligations</td><td>3757</td><td>1559</td><td>1645</td><td>1761</td><td>1790</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>free cash flow ( 2 )</td><td>331</td><td>168</td><td>-269 ( 269 )</td><td>121</td><td>364</td></tr><tr><td>10</td><td>basic earnings ( loss ) per share</td><td>$ -1.93 ( 1.93 )</td><td>$ 2.77</td><td>$ 2.54</td><td>$ -49.61 ( 49.61 )</td><td>$ 5.65</td></tr><tr><td>11</td><td>diluted earnings ( loss ) per share</td><td>$ -1.93 ( 1.93 )</td><td>$ 2.77</td><td>$ 2.54</td><td>$ -49.61 ( 49.61 )</td><td>$ 5.65</td></tr></table> ( 1 ) long-term debt does not include amounts payable to our former parent as of and before december 31 , 2010 , as these amounts were due upon demand and included in current liabilities . ( 2 ) free cash flow is a non-gaap financial measure and represents cash from operating activities less capital expenditures . see liquidity and capital resources in item 7 for more information on this measure. . Question: what was the operating income in 2011?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
stock-based compensation 2013 we have several stock-based compensation plans under which employees and non-employee directors receive stock options , nonvested retention shares , and nonvested stock units . we refer to the nonvested shares and stock units collectively as 201cretention awards 201d . we issue treasury shares to cover option exercises and stock unit vestings , while new shares are issued when retention shares vest . we adopted fasb statement no . 123 ( r ) , share-based payment ( fas 123 ( r ) ) , on january 1 , 2006 . fas 123 ( r ) requires us to measure and recognize compensation expense for all stock-based awards made to employees and directors , including stock options . compensation expense is based on the calculated fair value of the awards as measured at the grant date and is expensed ratably over the service period of the awards ( generally the vesting period ) . the fair value of retention awards is the stock price on the date of grant , while the fair value of stock options is determined by using the black-scholes option pricing model . we elected to use the modified prospective transition method as permitted by fas 123 ( r ) and did not restate financial results for prior periods . we did not make an adjustment for the cumulative effect of these estimated forfeitures , as the impact was not material . as a result of the adoption of fas 123 ( r ) , we recognized expense for stock options in 2006 , in addition to retention awards , which were expensed prior to 2006 . stock-based compensation expense for the year ended december 31 , 2006 was $ 22 million , after tax , or $ 0.08 per basic and diluted share . this includes $ 9 million for stock options and $ 13 million for retention awards for 2006 . before taxes , stock-based compensation expense included $ 14 million for stock options and $ 21 million for retention awards for 2006 . we recorded $ 29 million of excess tax benefits as an inflow of financing activities in the consolidated statement of cash flows for the year ended december 31 , 2006 . prior to the adoption of fas 123 ( r ) , we applied the recognition and measurement principles of accounting principles board opinion no . 25 , accounting for stock issued to employees , and related interpretations . no stock- based employee compensation expense related to stock option grants was reflected in net income , as all options granted under those plans had a grant price equal to the market value of our common stock on the date of grant . stock-based compensation expense related to retention shares , stock units , and other incentive plans was reflected in net income . the following table details the effect on net income and earnings per share had compensation expense for all of our stock-based awards , including stock options , been recorded in the years ended december 31 , 2005 and 2004 based on the fair value method under fasb statement no . 123 , accounting for stock-based compensation . pro forma stock-based compensation expense year ended december 31 , millions of dollars , except per share amounts 2005 2004 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>pro forma stock-based compensation expense</td><td>pro forma stock-based compensation expense</td><td>-</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>millions of dollars except per share amounts</td><td>2005</td><td>2004</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>net income as reported</td><td>$ 1026</td><td>$ 604</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>stock-based employee compensation expense reported in net income net of tax</td><td>13</td><td>13</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>total stock-based employee compensation expense determined under fair value 2013based method for allawards net of tax [a]</td><td>-50 ( 50 )</td><td>-35 ( 35 )</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>pro forma net income</td><td>$ 989</td><td>$ 582</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>earnings per share 2013 basic as reported</td><td>$ 3.89</td><td>$ 2.33</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>earnings per share 2013 basic pro forma</td><td>$ 3.75</td><td>$ 2.25</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>earnings per share 2013 diluted as reported</td><td>$ 3.85</td><td>$ 2.30</td></tr><tr><td>10</td><td>earnings per share 2013 diluted pro forma</td><td>$ 3.71</td><td>$ 2.22</td></tr></table> [a] stock options for executives granted in 2003 and 2002 included a reload feature . this reload feature allowed executives to exercise their options using shares of union pacific corporation common stock that they already owned and obtain a new grant of options in the amount of the shares used for exercise plus any shares withheld for tax purposes . the reload feature of these option grants could only be exercised if the . Question: what was earnings per share 2013 basic pro forma in 2004? Answer: 2.25 Question: what were earnings per share 2013 diluted pro forma in 2004? Answer: 2.22 Question: what is the difference?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
intangibles 2014 goodwill and other : testing goodwill for impairment in september 2011 , an accounting standard update was issued that allows entities an option to first assess qualitative factors to determine whether it is necessary to perform the two-step quantitative goodwill impairment test . this standard is effective for annual and interim goodwill impairment testing beginning january 1 , 2012 . this standard will not have an impact on our financial condition , results of operations and cash flows . note 2 : merger and acquisitions holly - frontier merger on february 21 , 2011 , we entered into a merger agreement providing for a 201cmerger of equals 201d business combination between us and frontier for purposes of creating a more diversified company having a broader geographic sales footprint , stronger financial position and to create a more efficient corporate overhead structure , while also realizing synergies and promoting accretion to earnings per share . the legacy frontier business operations consist of crude oil refining and the wholesale marketing of refined petroleum products produced at the el dorado and cheyenne refineries and serve markets in the rocky mountain and plains states regions of the united states . on july 1 , 2011 , north acquisition , inc. , a direct wholly-owned subsidiary of holly , merged with and into frontier , with frontier surviving as a wholly-owned subsidiary of holly . concurrent with the merger , we changed our name to hollyfrontier corporation and changed the ticker symbol for our common stock traded on the new york stock exchange to 201chfc . 201d subsequent to the merger and following approval by the post-closing board of directors of hollyfrontier , frontier merged with and into hollyfrontier , with hollyfrontier continuing as the surviving corporation . in accordance with the merger agreement , we issued 102.8 million shares of hollyfrontier common stock in exchange for outstanding shares of frontier common stock to former frontier stockholders . each outstanding share of frontier common stock was converted into 0.4811 shares of hollyfrontier common stock with any fractional shares paid in cash . the aggregate consideration paid in stock in connection with the merger was $ 3.7 billion . this is based on our july 1 , 2011 market closing price of $ 35.93 and includes a portion of the fair value of the outstanding equity-based awards assumed from frontier that relates to pre-merger services . the number of shares issued in connection with our merger with frontier and the closing market price of our common stock at july 1 , 2011 have been adjusted to reflect the two-for-one stock split on august 31 , 2011 . the merger has been accounted for using the acquisition method of accounting with holly being considered the acquirer of frontier for accounting purposes . therefore , the purchase price was allocated to the fair value of the acquired assets and assumed liabilities at the acquisition date , with the excess purchase price being recorded as goodwill . the goodwill resulting from the merger is primarily due to the favorable location of the acquired refining facilities and the expected synergies to be gained from our combined business operations . goodwill related to this merger is not deductible for income tax purposes . the following table summarizes our fair value estimates of the frontier assets and liabilities recognized upon our merger on july 1 , 2011: . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>( in millions )</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>cash and cash equivalents</td><td>$ 872.7</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>accounts receivable</td><td>737.9</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>inventories</td><td>657.4</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>properties plants and equipment</td><td>1054.3</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>goodwill</td><td>2254.0</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>income taxes receivable</td><td>37.8</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>other assets</td><td>32.8</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>accounts payable</td><td>-1076.7 ( 1076.7 )</td></tr><tr><td>10</td><td>accrued liabilities</td><td>-40.7 ( 40.7 )</td></tr><tr><td>11</td><td>long-term debt</td><td>-370.6 ( 370.6 )</td></tr><tr><td>12</td><td>other long-term liabilities</td><td>-96.1 ( 96.1 )</td></tr><tr><td>13</td><td>deferred income taxes</td><td>-357.6 ( 357.6 )</td></tr><tr><td>14</td><td>net tangible and intangible assets acquired and liabilities assumed</td><td>$ 3705.2</td></tr></table> . Question: what was the total amount of cash and cash equivalents and accounts receivable, combined? Answer: 1610.6 Question: and what was the total amount of accrued liabilities and long-term debt, also combined? Answer: 1117.4 Question: how much, then, does the cash and cash equivalents and accounts receivable total represent in relation to this one?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
holders of grupo gondi manage the joint venture and we provide technical and commercial resources . we believe the joint venture is helping us to grow our presence in the attractive mexican market . we have included the financial results of the joint venture in our corrugated packaging segment since the date of formation . we are accounting for the investment on the equity method . on january 19 , 2016 , we completed the packaging acquisition . the entities acquired provide value-added folding carton and litho-laminated display packaging solutions . we believe the transaction has provided us with attractive and complementary customers , markets and facilities . we have included the financial results of the acquired entities in our consumer packaging segment since the date of the acquisition . on october 1 , 2015 , we completed the sp fiber acquisition . the transaction included the acquisition of mills located in dublin , ga and newberg , or , which produce lightweight recycled containerboard and kraft and bag paper . the newberg mill also produced newsprint . as part of the transaction , we also acquired sp fiber's 48% ( 48 % ) interest in green power solutions of georgia , llc ( fffdgps fffd ) , which we consolidate . gps is a joint venture providing steam to the dublin mill and electricity to georgia power . subsequent to the transaction , we announced the permanent closure of the newberg mill due to the decline in market conditions of the newsprint business and our need to balance supply and demand in our containerboard system . we have included the financial results of the acquired entities in our corrugated packaging segment since the date of the acquisition . see fffdnote 2 . mergers , acquisitions and investment fffdtt of the notes to consolidated financial statements for additional information . see also item 1a . fffdrisk factors fffd fffdwe may be unsuccessful in making and integrating mergers , acquisitions and investments and completing divestitures fffd . business . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>( in millions )</td><td>year ended september 30 , 2018</td><td>year ended september 30 , 2017</td><td>year ended september 30 , 2016</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>net sales</td><td>$ 16285.1</td><td>$ 14859.7</td><td>$ 14171.8</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>segment income</td><td>$ 1685.0</td><td>$ 1193.5</td><td>$ 1226.2</td></tr></table> in fiscal 2018 , we continued to pursue our strategy of offering differentiated paper and packaging solutions that help our customers win . we successfully executed this strategy in fiscal 2018 in a rapidly changing cost and price environment . net sales of $ 16285.1 million for fiscal 2018 increased $ 1425.4 million , or 9.6% ( 9.6 % ) , compared to fiscal 2017 . the increase was primarily a result of an increase in corrugated packaging segment sales , driven by higher selling price/mix and the contributions from acquisitions , and increased consumer packaging segment sales , primarily due to the contribution from acquisitions ( primarily the mps acquisition ) . these increases were partially offset by the absence of net sales from hh&b in fiscal 2018 due to the sale of hh&b in april 2017 and lower land and development segment sales compared to the prior year period due to the timing of real estate sales as we monetize the portfolio and lower merchandising display sales in the consumer packaging segment . segment income increased $ 491.5 million in fiscal 2018 compared to fiscal 2017 , primarily due to increased corrugated packaging segment income . with respect to segment income , we experienced higher levels of cost inflation during fiscal 2018 as compared to fiscal 2017 , which was partially offset by recycled fiber deflation . the primary inflationary items were freight costs , chemical costs , virgin fiber costs and wage and other costs . productivity improvements in fiscal 2018 more than offset the net impact of cost inflation . while it is difficult to predict specific inflationary items , we expect higher cost inflation to continue through fiscal 2019 . our corrugated packaging segment increased its net sales by $ 695.1 million in fiscal 2018 to $ 9103.4 million from $ 8408.3 million in fiscal 2017 . the increase in net sales was primarily due to higher corrugated selling price/mix and higher corrugated volumes ( including acquisitions ) , which were partially offset by lower net sales from recycling operations due to lower recycled fiber costs , lower sales related to the deconsolidation of a foreign joint venture in fiscal 2017 and the impact of foreign currency . north american box shipments increased 4.1% ( 4.1 % ) on a per day basis in fiscal 2018 compared to fiscal 2017 . segment income attributable to the corrugated packaging segment in fiscal 2018 increased $ 454.0 million to $ 1207.9 million compared to $ 753.9 million in fiscal 2017 . the increase was primarily due to higher selling price/mix , lower recycled fiber costs and productivity improvements which were partially offset by higher levels of cost inflation and other items , including increased depreciation and amortization . our consumer packaging segment increased its net sales by $ 838.9 million in fiscal 2018 to $ 7291.4 million from $ 6452.5 million in fiscal 2017 . the increase in net sales was primarily due to an increase in net sales from acquisitions ( primarily the mps acquisition ) and higher selling price/mix partially offset by the absence of net sales from hh&b in fiscal 2018 due to the hh&b sale in april 2017 and lower volumes . segment income attributable to . Question: what is the segment income in 2018? Answer: 1685.0 Question: what about in 2017? Answer: 1193.5 Question: what is the ratio of 2018 segment income to 2017?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
operating expenses millions 2010 2009 2008 % ( % ) change 2010 v 2009 % ( % ) change 2009 v 2008 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>millions</td><td>2010</td><td>2009</td><td>2008</td><td>% ( % ) change 2010 v 2009</td><td>% ( % ) change2009 v 2008</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>compensation and benefits</td><td>$ 4314</td><td>$ 4063</td><td>$ 4457</td><td>6% ( 6 % )</td><td>( 9 ) % ( % )</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>fuel</td><td>2486</td><td>1763</td><td>3983</td><td>41</td><td>-56 ( 56 )</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>purchased services and materials</td><td>1836</td><td>1644</td><td>1928</td><td>12</td><td>-15 ( 15 )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>depreciation</td><td>1487</td><td>1427</td><td>1366</td><td>4</td><td>4</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>equipment and other rents</td><td>1142</td><td>1180</td><td>1326</td><td>-3 ( 3 )</td><td>-11 ( 11 )</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>other</td><td>719</td><td>687</td><td>840</td><td>5</td><td>-18 ( 18 )</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>total</td><td>$ 11984</td><td>$ 10764</td><td>$ 13900</td><td>11% ( 11 % )</td><td>( 23 ) % ( % )</td></tr></table> operating expenses increased $ 1.2 billion in 2010 versus 2009 . our fuel price per gallon increased 31% ( 31 % ) during the year , accounting for $ 566 million of the increase . wage and benefit inflation , depreciation , volume-related costs , and property taxes also contributed to higher expenses during 2010 compared to 2009 . cost savings from productivity improvements and better resource utilization partially offset these increases . operating expenses decreased $ 3.1 billion in 2009 versus 2008 . our fuel price per gallon declined 44% ( 44 % ) during 2009 , decreasing operating expenses by $ 1.3 billion compared to 2008 . cost savings from lower volume , productivity improvements , and better resource utilization also decreased operating expenses in 2009 . in addition , lower casualty expense resulting primarily from improving trends in safety performance decreased operating expenses in 2009 . conversely , wage and benefit inflation partially offset these reductions . compensation and benefits 2013 compensation and benefits include wages , payroll taxes , health and welfare costs , pension costs , other postretirement benefits , and incentive costs . general wage and benefit inflation increased costs by approximately $ 190 million in 2010 compared to 2009 . volume- related expenses and higher equity and incentive compensation also drove costs up during the year . workforce levels declined 1% ( 1 % ) in 2010 compared to 2009 as network efficiencies and ongoing productivity initiatives enabled us to effectively handle the 13% ( 13 % ) increase in volume levels with fewer employees . lower volume and productivity initiatives led to a 10% ( 10 % ) decline in our workforce in 2009 compared to 2008 , saving $ 516 million during the year . conversely , general wage and benefit inflation increased expenses , partially offsetting these savings . fuel 2013 fuel includes locomotive fuel and gasoline for highway and non-highway vehicles and heavy equipment . higher diesel fuel prices , which averaged $ 2.29 per gallon ( including taxes and transportation costs ) in 2010 compared to $ 1.75 per gallon in 2009 , increased expenses by $ 566 million . volume , as measured by gross ton-miles , increased 10% ( 10 % ) in 2010 versus 2009 , driving fuel expense up by $ 166 million . conversely , the use of newer , more fuel efficient locomotives , our fuel conservation programs and efficient network operations drove a 3% ( 3 % ) improvement in our fuel consumption rate in 2010 , resulting in $ 40 million of cost savings versus 2009 at the 2009 average fuel price . lower diesel fuel prices , which averaged $ 1.75 per gallon ( including taxes and transportation costs ) in 2009 compared to $ 3.15 per gallon in 2008 , reduced expenses by $ 1.3 billion in 2009 . volume , as measured by gross ton-miles , decreased 17% ( 17 % ) in 2009 , lowering expenses by $ 664 million compared to 2008 . our fuel consumption rate improved 4% ( 4 % ) in 2009 , resulting in $ 147 million of cost savings versus 2008 at the 2008 average fuel price . the consumption rate savings versus 2008 using the lower 2009 fuel price was $ 68 million . newer , more fuel efficient locomotives , reflecting locomotive acquisitions in recent years and the impact of a smaller fleet due to storage of some of our older locomotives ; increased use of 2010 operating expenses . Question: what is the net change of diesel fuel prices from 2009 to 2010? Answer: 0.54 Question: what was that change divided by the 2009 value?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
notes to the consolidated financial statements competitive environment and general economic and business conditions , among other factors . pullmantur is a brand targeted primarily at the spanish , portu- guese and latin american markets and although pullmantur has diversified its passenger sourcing over the past few years , spain still represents pullmantur 2019s largest market . as previously disclosed , during 2012 european economies continued to demonstrate insta- bility in light of heightened concerns over sovereign debt issues as well as the impact of proposed auster- ity measures on certain markets . the spanish econ- omy was more severely impacted than many other economies and there is significant uncertainty as to when it will recover . in addition , the impact of the costa concordia incident has had a more lingering effect than expected and the impact in future years is uncertain . these factors were identified in the past as significant risks which could lead to the impairment of pullmantur 2019s goodwill . more recently , the spanish economy has progressively worsened and forecasts suggest the challenging operating environment will continue for an extended period of time . the unemployment rate in spain reached 26% ( 26 % ) during the fourth quarter of 2012 and is expected to rise further in 2013 . the international monetary fund , which had projected gdp growth of 1.8% ( 1.8 % ) a year ago , revised its 2013 gdp projections downward for spain to a contraction of 1.3% ( 1.3 % ) during the fourth quarter of 2012 and further reduced it to a contraction of 1.5% ( 1.5 % ) in january of 2013 . during the latter half of 2012 new austerity measures , such as increases to the value added tax , cuts to benefits , the phasing out of exemptions and the suspension of government bonuses , were implemented by the spanish government . we believe these austerity measures are having a larger impact on consumer confidence and discretionary spending than previously anticipated . as a result , there has been a significant deterioration in bookings from guests sourced from spain during the 2013 wave season . the combination of all of these factors has caused us to negatively adjust our cash flow projections , especially our closer-in net yield assumptions and the expectations regarding future capacity growth for the brand . based on our updated cash flow projections , we determined the implied fair value of goodwill for the pullmantur reporting unit was $ 145.5 million and rec- ognized an impairment charge of $ 319.2 million . this impairment charge was recognized in earnings during the fourth quarter of 2012 and is reported within impairment of pullmantur related assets within our consolidated statements of comprehensive income ( loss ) . there have been no goodwill impairment charges related to the pullmantur reporting unit in prior periods . see note 13 . fair value measurements and derivative instruments for further discussion . if the spanish economy weakens further or recovers more slowly than contemplated or if the economies of other markets ( e.g . france , brazil , latin america ) perform worse than contemplated in our discounted cash flow model , or if there are material changes to the projected future cash flows used in the impair- ment analyses , especially in net yields , an additional impairment charge of the pullmantur reporting unit 2019s goodwill may be required . note 4 . intangible assets intangible assets are reported in other assets in our consolidated balance sheets and consist of the follow- ing ( in thousands ) : . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>2012</td><td>2011</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>indefinite-life intangible asset 2014pullmantur trademarks and trade names</td><td>$ 218883</td><td>$ 225679</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>impairment charge</td><td>-17356 ( 17356 )</td><td>2014</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>foreign currency translation adjustment</td><td>3339</td><td>-6796 ( 6796 )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>total</td><td>$ 204866</td><td>$ 218883</td></tr></table> during the fourth quarter of 2012 , we performed the annual impairment review of our trademarks and trade names using a discounted cash flow model and the relief-from-royalty method . the royalty rate used is based on comparable royalty agreements in the tourism and hospitality industry . these trademarks and trade names relate to pullmantur and we have used a discount rate comparable to the rate used in valuing the pullmantur reporting unit in our goodwill impairment test . as described in note 3 . goodwill , the continued deterioration of the spanish economy caused us to negatively adjust our cash flow projections for the pullmantur reporting unit , especially our closer-in net yield assumptions and the timing of future capacity growth for the brand . based on our updated cash flow projections , we determined that the fair value of pullmantur 2019s trademarks and trade names no longer exceeded their carrying value . accordingly , we recog- nized an impairment charge of approximately $ 17.4 million to write down trademarks and trade names to their fair value of $ 204.9 million . this impairment charge was recognized in earnings during the fourth quarter of 2012 and is reported within impairment of pullmantur related assets within our consolidated statements of comprehensive income ( loss ) . see note 13 . fair value measurements and derivative instruments for further discussion . if the spanish economy weakens further or recovers more slowly than contemplated or if the economies of other markets ( e.g . france , brazil , latin america ) 0494.indd 76 3/27/13 12:53 pm . Question: what was the total value of intangible assets in 2012? Answer: 204866.0 Question: what was the total value of intangible assets in 2011?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
mastercard incorporated notes to consolidated financial statements 2014continued in september 2010 , the company 2019s board of directors authorized a plan for the company to repurchase up to $ 1 billion of its class a common stock in open market transactions . the company did not repurchase any shares under this plan during 2010 . as of february 16 , 2011 , the company had completed the repurchase of approximately 0.3 million shares of its class a common stock at a cost of approximately $ 75 million . note 18 . share based payment and other benefits in may 2006 , the company implemented the mastercard incorporated 2006 long-term incentive plan , which was amended and restated as of october 13 , 2008 ( the 201cltip 201d ) . the ltip is a shareholder-approved omnibus plan that permits the grant of various types of equity awards to employees . the company has granted restricted stock units ( 201crsus 201d ) , non-qualified stock options ( 201coptions 201d ) and performance stock units ( 201cpsus 201d ) under the ltip . the rsus generally vest after three to four years . the options , which expire ten years from the date of grant , generally vest ratably over four years from the date of grant . the psus generally vest after three years . additionally , the company made a one-time grant to all non-executive management employees upon the ipo for a total of approximately 440 thousand rsus ( the 201cfounders 2019 grant 201d ) . the founders 2019 grant rsus vested three years from the date of grant . the company uses the straight-line method of attribution for expensing equity awards . compensation expense is recorded net of estimated forfeitures . estimates are adjusted as appropriate . upon termination of employment , excluding retirement , all of a participant 2019s unvested awards are forfeited . however , when a participant terminates employment due to retirement , the participant generally retains all of their awards without providing additional service to the company . eligible retirement is dependent upon age and years of service , as follows : age 55 with ten years of service , age 60 with five years of service and age 65 with two years of service . compensation expense is recognized over the shorter of the vesting periods stated in the ltip , or the date the individual becomes eligible to retire . there are 11550000 shares of class a common stock reserved for equity awards under the ltip . although the ltip permits the issuance of shares of class b common stock , no such shares have been reserved for issuance . shares issued as a result of option exercises and the conversions of rsus and psus are expected to be funded primarily with the issuance of new shares of class a common stock . stock options the fair value of each option is estimated on the date of grant using a black-scholes option pricing model . the following table presents the weighted-average assumptions used in the valuation and the resulting weighted- average fair value per option granted for the years ended december 31: . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>2010</td><td>2009</td><td>2008</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>risk-free rate of return</td><td>2.7% ( 2.7 % )</td><td>2.5% ( 2.5 % )</td><td>3.2% ( 3.2 % )</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>expected term ( in years )</td><td>6.25</td><td>6.17</td><td>6.25</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>expected volatility</td><td>32.7% ( 32.7 % )</td><td>41.7% ( 41.7 % )</td><td>37.9% ( 37.9 % )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>expected dividend yield</td><td>0.3% ( 0.3 % )</td><td>0.4% ( 0.4 % )</td><td>0.3% ( 0.3 % )</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>weighted-average fair value per option granted</td><td>$ 84.62</td><td>$ 71.03</td><td>$ 78.54</td></tr></table> the risk-free rate of return was based on the u.s . treasury yield curve in effect on the date of grant . the company utilizes the simplified method for calculating the expected term of the option based on the vesting terms and the contractual life of the option . the expected volatility for options granted during 2010 and 2009 was based on the average of the implied volatility of mastercard and a blend of the historical volatility of mastercard and the historical volatility of a group of companies that management believes is generally comparable to . Question: what was the difference in the risk-free rate from 2009 to 2010? Answer: 0.2 Question: what was the risk free rate in 2009?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
stockholder return performance graphs the following graph compares the cumulative 5-year total stockholder return on our common stock relative to the cumulative total return of the nasdaq composite index and the s&p 400 information technology index . the graph assumes that the value of the investment in our common stock and in each index ( including reinvestment of dividends ) was $ 100 on december 29 , 2007 and tracks it through december 29 , 2012 . comparison of 5 year cumulative total return* among cadence design systems , inc. , the nasdaq composite index , and s&p 400 information technology cadence design systems , inc . nasdaq composite s&p 400 information technology 12/29/1212/31/111/1/111/2/101/3/0912/29/07 *$ 100 invested on 12/29/07 in stock or 12/31/07 in index , including reinvestment of dividends . indexes calculated on month-end basis . copyright a9 2013 s&p , a division of the mcgraw-hill companies inc . all rights reserved. . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>12/29/2007</td><td>1/3/2009</td><td>1/2/2010</td><td>1/1/2011</td><td>12/31/2011</td><td>12/29/2012</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>cadence design systems inc .</td><td>100.00</td><td>22.55</td><td>35.17</td><td>48.50</td><td>61.07</td><td>78.92</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>nasdaq composite</td><td>100.00</td><td>59.03</td><td>82.25</td><td>97.32</td><td>98.63</td><td>110.78</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>s&p 400 information technology</td><td>100.00</td><td>54.60</td><td>82.76</td><td>108.11</td><td>95.48</td><td>109.88</td></tr></table> the stock price performance included in this graph is not necessarily indicative of future stock price performance . Question: for the five year period ended in 2012, what was the fluctuation of the stockholder return for cadence design systems inc .? Answer: -21.08 Question: and what is this fluctuation as a percent of that return in 2007? Answer: -0.2108 Question: in that same period, what was that fluctuation for the nasdaq composite? Answer: 10.78 Question: and what was this nasdaq composite fluctuation as a percentage of the return of that stock in 2007?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
other off-balance sheet commitments lease commitments the company leases various equipment and facilities , including retail space , under noncancelable operating lease arrangements . the company does not currently utilize any other off-balance sheet financing arrangements . the major facility leases are typically for terms not exceeding 10 years and generally provide renewal options for terms not exceeding five additional years . leases for retail space are for terms ranging from five to 20 years , the majority of which are for 10 years , and often contain multi-year renewal options . as of september 29 , 2012 , the company 2019s total future minimum lease payments under noncancelable operating leases were $ 4.4 billion , of which $ 3.1 billion related to leases for retail space . rent expense under all operating leases , including both cancelable and noncancelable leases , was $ 488 million , $ 338 million and $ 271 million in 2012 , 2011 and 2010 , respectively . future minimum lease payments under noncancelable operating leases having remaining terms in excess of one year as of september 29 , 2012 , are as follows ( in millions ) : . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>2013</td><td>$ 516</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>2014</td><td>556</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>2015</td><td>542</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>2016</td><td>513</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>2017</td><td>486</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>thereafter</td><td>1801</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>total minimum lease payments</td><td>$ 4414</td></tr></table> other commitments as of september 29 , 2012 , the company had outstanding off-balance sheet third-party manufacturing commitments and component purchase commitments of $ 21.1 billion . in addition to the off-balance sheet commitments mentioned above , the company had outstanding obligations of $ 988 million as of september 29 , 2012 , which were comprised mainly of commitments to acquire capital assets , including product tooling and manufacturing process equipment , and commitments related to advertising , research and development , internet and telecommunications services and other obligations . contingencies the company is subject to various legal proceedings and claims that have arisen in the ordinary course of business and have not been fully adjudicated , certain of which are discussed in part i , item 3 of this form 10-k under the heading 201clegal proceedings 201d and in part i , item 1a of this form 10-k under the heading 201crisk factors . 201d in the opinion of management , there was not at least a reasonable possibility the company may have incurred a material loss , or a material loss in excess of a recorded accrual , with respect to loss contingencies . however , the outcome of litigation is inherently uncertain . therefore , although management considers the likelihood of such an outcome to be remote , if one or more of these legal matters were resolved against the company in a reporting period for amounts in excess of management 2019s expectations , the company 2019s consolidated financial statements for that reporting period could be materially adversely affected . apple inc . vs samsung electronics co. , ltd , et al . on august 24 , 2012 , a jury returned a verdict awarding the company $ 1.05 billion in its lawsuit against samsung electronics and affiliated parties in the united states district court , northern district of california , san jose division . because the award is subject to entry of final judgment and may be subject to appeal , the company has not recognized the award in its consolidated financial statements for the year ended september 29 , 2012. . Question: what portion of total minimum lease payments are due in 2016? Answer: 0.11622 Question: what is the rent expense in 2011? Answer: 338.0 Question: what about in 2010? Answer: 271.0 Question: what is the net change?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
no . 159 requires that unrealized gains and losses on items for which the fair value option has been elected be reported in earnings at each reporting date . sfas no . 159 is effective for fiscal years beginning after november 15 , 2007 and is required to be adopted by the company beginning in the first quarter of fiscal 2009 . although the company will continue to evaluate the application of sfas no . 159 , management does not currently believe adoption will have a material impact on the company 2019s financial condition or operating results . in september 2006 , the fasb issued sfas no . 157 , fair value measurements , which defines fair value , provides a framework for measuring fair value , and expands the disclosures required for fair value measurements . sfas no . 157 applies to other accounting pronouncements that require fair value measurements ; it does not require any new fair value measurements . sfas no . 157 is effective for fiscal years beginning after november 15 , 2007 and is required to be adopted by the company beginning in the first quarter of fiscal 2009 . although the company will continue to evaluate the application of sfas no . 157 , management does not currently believe adoption will have a material impact on the company 2019s financial condition or operating results . in june 2006 , the fasb issued fasb interpretation no . ( 2018 2018fin 2019 2019 ) 48 , accounting for uncertainty in income taxes-an interpretation of fasb statement no . 109 . fin 48 clarifies the accounting for uncertainty in income taxes by creating a framework for how companies should recognize , measure , present , and disclose in their financial statements uncertain tax positions that they have taken or expect to take in a tax return . fin 48 is effective for fiscal years beginning after december 15 , 2006 and is required to be adopted by the company beginning in the first quarter of fiscal 2008 . although the company will continue to evaluate the application of fin 48 , management does not currently believe adoption will have a material impact on the company 2019s financial condition or operating results . liquidity and capital resources the following table presents selected financial information and statistics for each of the last three fiscal years ( dollars in millions ) : september 29 , september 30 , september 24 , 2007 2006 2005 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>september 29 2007</td><td>september 30 2006</td><td>september 24 2005</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>cash cash equivalents and short-term investments</td><td>$ 15386</td><td>$ 10110</td><td>$ 8261</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>accounts receivable net</td><td>$ 1637</td><td>$ 1252</td><td>$ 895</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>inventory</td><td>$ 346</td><td>$ 270</td><td>$ 165</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>working capital</td><td>$ 12657</td><td>$ 8066</td><td>$ 6813</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>annual operating cash flow</td><td>$ 5470</td><td>$ 2220</td><td>$ 2535</td></tr></table> as of september 29 , 2007 , the company had $ 15.4 billion in cash , cash equivalents , and short-term investments , an increase of $ 5.3 billion over the same balance at the end of september 30 , 2006 . the principal components of this net increase were cash generated by operating activities of $ 5.5 billion , proceeds from the issuance of common stock under stock plans of $ 365 million and excess tax benefits from stock-based compensation of $ 377 million . these increases were partially offset by payments for acquisitions of property , plant , and equipment of $ 735 million and payments for acquisitions of intangible assets of $ 251 million . the company 2019s short-term investment portfolio is primarily invested in highly rated , liquid investments . as of september 29 , 2007 and september 30 , 2006 , $ 6.5 billion and $ 4.1 billion , respectively , of the company 2019s cash , cash equivalents , and short-term investments were held by foreign subsidiaries and are generally based in u.s . dollar-denominated holdings . the company believes its existing balances of cash , cash equivalents , and short-term investments will be sufficient to satisfy its working capital needs , capital expenditures , outstanding commitments , and other liquidity requirements associated with its existing operations over the next 12 months. . Question: what was the inventory value as of 9/29/07? Answer: 346.0 Question: and for 9/30/06? Answer: 270.0 Question: so what was the difference in value during these years? Answer: 76.0 Question: and the value for 2006 again?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
concentration of credit risk credit risk represents the accounting loss that would be recognized at the reporting date if counterparties failed to perform as contracted . the company believes the likelihood of incurring material losses due to concentration of credit risk is remote . the principal financial instruments subject to credit risk are as follows : cash and cash equivalents - the company maintains cash deposits with major banks , which from time to time may exceed insured limits . the possibility of loss related to financial condition of major banks has been deemed minimal . additionally , the company 2019s investment policy limits exposure to concentrations of credit risk and changes in market conditions . accounts receivable - a large number of customers in diverse industries and geographies , as well as the practice of establishing reasonable credit lines , limits credit risk . based on historical trends and experiences , the allowance for doubtful accounts is adequate to cover potential credit risk losses . foreign currency and interest rate contracts and derivatives - exposure to credit risk is limited by internal policies and active monitoring of counterparty risks . in addition , the company uses a diversified group of major international banks and financial institutions as counterparties . the company does not anticipate nonperformance by any of these counterparties . cash and cash equivalents cash equivalents include highly-liquid investments with a maturity of three months or less when purchased . accounts receivable and allowance for doubtful accounts accounts receivable are carried at their face amounts less an allowance for doubtful accounts . accounts receivable are recorded at the invoiced amount and generally do not bear interest . the company estimates the balance of allowance for doubtful accounts by analyzing accounts receivable balances by age and applying historical write-off and collection trend rates . the company 2019s estimates include separately providing for customer balances based on specific circumstances and credit conditions , and when it is deemed probable that the balance is uncollectible . account balances are charged off against the allowance when it is determined the receivable will not be recovered . the company 2019s allowance for doubtful accounts balance also includes an allowance for the expected return of products shipped and credits related to pricing or quantities shipped of $ 15 million as of december 31 , 2015 and 2014 and $ 14 million as of december 31 , 2013 . returns and credit activity is recorded directly to sales . the following table summarizes the activity in the allowance for doubtful accounts: . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>( millions )</td><td>2015</td><td>2014</td><td>2013</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>beginning balance</td><td>$ 77</td><td>$ 81</td><td>$ 73</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>bad debt expense</td><td>26</td><td>23</td><td>28</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>write-offs</td><td>-22 ( 22 )</td><td>-20 ( 20 )</td><td>-21 ( 21 )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>other ( a )</td><td>-6 ( 6 )</td><td>-7 ( 7 )</td><td>1</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>ending balance</td><td>$ 75</td><td>$ 77</td><td>$ 81</td></tr></table> ( a ) other amounts are primarily the effects of changes in currency translations and the impact of allowance for returns and credits . inventory valuations inventories are valued at the lower of cost or market . certain u.s . inventory costs are determined on a last-in , first-out ( lifo ) basis . lifo inventories represented 39% ( 39 % ) and 37% ( 37 % ) of consolidated inventories as of december 31 , 2015 and 2014 , respectively . lifo inventories include certain legacy nalco u.s . inventory acquired at fair value as part of the nalco merger . all other inventory costs are determined using either the average cost or first-in , first-out ( fifo ) methods . inventory values at fifo , as shown in note 5 , approximate replacement during the fourth quarter of 2015 , the company improved estimates related to its inventory reserves and product costing , resulting in a net pre-tax charge of approximately $ 6 million . separately , the actions resulted in charge of $ 20.6 million related to inventory reserve calculations , partially offset by a gain of $ 14.5 million related to the capitalization of certain cost components into inventory . both of these items are reflected in note 3. . Question: what is the effect of bad debd expense and write-offs in the balance of allowance for doubtful accounts during 2015?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
for additional information on segment results see page 43 . income from equity method investments increased by $ 126 million in 2006 from 2005 and increased by $ 98 million in 2005 from 2004 . income from our lpg operations in equatorial guinea increased in both periods due to higher sales volumes as a result of the plant expansions completed in 2005 . the increase in 2005 also included higher ptc income as a result of higher distillate gross margins . cost of revenues increased $ 4.609 billion in 2006 from 2005 and $ 7.106 billion in 2005 from 2004 . in both periods the increases were primarily in the rm&t segment and resulted from increases in acquisition costs of crude oil , refinery charge and blend stocks and purchased refined products . the increase in both periods was also impacted by higher manufacturing expenses , primarily the result of higher contract services and labor costs in 2006 and higher purchased energy costs in 2005 . purchases related to matching buy/sell transactions decreased $ 6.968 billion in 2006 from 2005 and increased $ 3.314 billion in 2005 from 2004 , mostly in the rm&t segment . the decrease in 2006 was primarily related to the change in accounting for matching buy/sell transactions discussed above . the increase in 2005 was primarily due to increased crude oil prices . depreciation , depletion and amortization increased $ 215 million in 2006 from 2005 and $ 125 million in 2005 from 2004 . rm&t segment depreciation expense increased in both years as a result of the increase in asset value recorded for our acquisition of the 38 percent interest in mpc on june 30 , 2005 . in addition , the detroit refinery expansion completed in the fourth quarter of 2005 contributed to the rm&t depreciation expense increase in 2006 . e&p segment depreciation expense for 2006 included a $ 20 million impairment of capitalized costs related to the camden hills field in the gulf of mexico and the associated canyon express pipeline . natural gas production from the camden hills field ended in 2006 as a result of increased water production from the well . selling , general and administrative expenses increased $ 73 million in 2006 from 2005 and $ 134 million in 2005 from 2004 . the 2006 increase was primarily because personnel and staffing costs increased throughout the year primarily as a result of variable compensation arrangements and increased business activity . partially offsetting these increases were reductions in stock-based compensation expense . the increase in 2005 was primarily a result of increased stock-based compensation expense , due to the increase in our stock price during that year as well as an increase in equity-based awards , which was partially offset by a decrease in expense as a result of severance and pension plan curtailment charges and start-up costs related to egholdings in 2004 . exploration expenses increased $ 148 million in 2006 from 2005 and $ 59 million in 2005 from 2004 . exploration expense related to dry wells and other write-offs totaled $ 166 million , $ 111 million and $ 47 million in 2006 , 2005 and 2004 . exploration expense in 2006 also included $ 47 million for exiting the cortland and empire leases in nova scotia . net interest and other financing costs ( income ) reflected a net $ 37 million of income for 2006 , a favorable change of $ 183 million from the net $ 146 million expense in 2005 . net interest and other financing costs decreased $ 16 million in 2005 from 2004 . the favorable changes in 2006 included increased interest income due to higher interest rates and average cash balances , foreign currency exchange gains , adjustments to interest on tax issues and greater capitalized interest . the decrease in expense for 2005 was primarily a result of increased interest income on higher average cash balances and greater capitalized interest , partially offset by increased interest on potential tax deficiencies and higher foreign exchange losses . included in net interest and other financing costs ( income ) are foreign currency gains of $ 16 million , losses of $ 17 million and gains of $ 9 million for 2006 , 2005 and 2004 . minority interest in income of mpc decreased $ 148 million in 2005 from 2004 due to our acquisition of the 38 percent interest in mpc on june 30 , 2005 . provision for income taxes increased $ 2.308 billion in 2006 from 2005 and $ 979 million in 2005 from 2004 , primarily due to the $ 4.259 billion and $ 2.691 billion increases in income from continuing operations before income taxes . the increase in our effective income tax rate in 2006 was primarily a result of the income taxes related to our libyan operations , where the statutory income tax rate is in excess of 90 percent . the following is an analysis of the effective income tax rates for continuing operations for 2006 , 2005 and 2004 . see note 11 to the consolidated financial statements for further discussion. . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>2006</td><td>2005</td><td>2004</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>statutory u.s . income tax rate</td><td>35.0% ( 35.0 % )</td><td>35.0% ( 35.0 % )</td><td>35.0% ( 35.0 % )</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>effects of foreign operations including foreign tax credits</td><td>9.9</td><td>-0.8 ( 0.8 )</td><td>0.5</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>state and local income taxes net of federal income tax effects</td><td>1.9</td><td>2.5</td><td>1.6</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>other tax effects</td><td>-2.0 ( 2.0 )</td><td>-0.4 ( 0.4 )</td><td>-0.9 ( 0.9 )</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>effective income tax rate for continuing operations</td><td>44.8% ( 44.8 % )</td><td>36.3% ( 36.3 % )</td><td>36.2% ( 36.2 % )</td></tr></table> . Question: what was the net change in foreign operations including foreign tax credits from 2004 to 2006?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
purchased scrap metal from third-parties ) that were either divested or permanently closed in december 2014 ( see global rolled products below ) . intersegment sales for this segment improved 12% ( 12 % ) in 2014 compared with 2013 , principally due to an increase in average realized price , driven by higher regional premiums , and higher demand from the midstream and downstream businesses . atoi for the primary metals segment decreased $ 439 in 2015 compared with 2014 , primarily caused by both the previously mentioned lower average realized aluminum price and lower energy sales , higher energy costs ( mostly in spain as the 2014 interruptibility rights were more favorable than the 2015 structure ) , and an unfavorable impact related to the curtailment of the s e3o lu eds smelter . these negative impacts were somewhat offset by net favorable foreign currency movements due to a stronger u.s . dollar against most major currencies , net productivity improvements , the absence of a write-off of inventory related to the permanent closure of the portovesme , point henry , and massena east smelters ( $ 44 ) , and a lower equity loss related to the joint venture in saudi arabia , including the absence of restart costs for one of the potlines that was previously shut down due to a period of instability . atoi for this segment climbed $ 614 in 2014 compared with 2013 , principally related to a higher average realized aluminum price ; the previously mentioned energy sales in brazil ; net productivity improvements ; net favorable foreign currency movements due to a stronger u.s . dollar against all major currencies ; lower costs for carbon and alumina ; and the absence of costs related to a planned maintenance outage in 2013 at a power plant in australia . these positive impacts were slightly offset by an unfavorable impact associated with the 2013 and 2014 capacity reductions described above , including a write-off of inventory related to the permanent closure of the portovesme , point henry , and massena east smelters ( $ 44 ) , and higher energy costs ( particularly in spain ) , labor , and maintenance . in 2016 , aluminum production will be approximately 450 kmt lower and third-party sales will reflect the absence of approximately $ 400 both as a result of the 2015 curtailment and closure actions . also , energy sales in brazil will be negatively impacted by a decline in energy prices , while net productivity improvements are anticipated . global rolled products . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>2015</td><td>2014</td><td>2013</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>third-party aluminum shipments ( kmt )</td><td>1775</td><td>1964</td><td>1905</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>alcoa 2019s average realized price per metric ton of aluminum*</td><td>$ 3514</td><td>$ 3743</td><td>$ 3730</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>third-party sales</td><td>$ 6238</td><td>$ 7351</td><td>$ 7106</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>intersegment sales</td><td>125</td><td>185</td><td>178</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>total sales</td><td>$ 6363</td><td>$ 7536</td><td>$ 7284</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>atoi</td><td>$ 244</td><td>$ 245</td><td>$ 292</td></tr></table> * generally , average realized price per metric ton of aluminum includes two elements : a ) the price of metal ( the underlying base metal component plus a regional premium 2013 see the footnote to the table in primary metals above for a description of these two components ) , and b ) the conversion price , which represents the incremental price over the metal price component that is associated with converting primary aluminum into sheet and plate . in this circumstance , the metal price component is a pass- through to this segment 2019s customers with limited exception ( e.g. , fixed-priced contracts , certain regional premiums ) . this segment represents alcoa 2019s midstream operations and produces aluminum sheet and plate for a variety of end markets . approximately one-half of the third-party shipments in this segment consist of sheet sold directly to customers in the packaging end market for the production of aluminum cans ( beverage , food , and pet food ) . seasonal increases in can sheet sales are generally experienced in the second and third quarters of the year . this segment also includes sheet and plate sold directly to customers and through distributors related to the aerospace , automotive , commercial transportation , building and construction , and industrial products ( mainly used in the production of machinery and equipment and consumer durables ) end markets . a small portion of this segment also produces aseptic foil for the packaging end market . while the customer base for flat-rolled products is large , a significant amount of sales of sheet and plate is to a relatively small number of customers . in this circumstance , the sales and costs and expenses of this segment are transacted in the local currency of the respective operations , which are mostly the u.s . dollar , the euro , the russian ruble , the brazilian real , and the british pound. . Question: in the year of 2014, what percentage of the total sales was due to intersegment ones? Answer: 0.02455 Question: and how much did the alcoa 2019s average realized price per metric ton of aluminum in that year represent in relation to the one in 2015? Answer: 1.06517 Question: what is this value without the portion equivalent to the 2015 average realized price? Answer: 0.06517 Question: and how much is that in percentage?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
note 9 . commitments and contingencies operating leases we are obligated under noncancelable operating leases for corporate office space , warehouse and distribution facilities , trucks and certain equipment . the future minimum lease commitments under these leases at december 31 , 2009 are as follows ( in thousands ) : years ending december 31: . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>2010</td><td>$ 55178</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>2011</td><td>45275</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>2012</td><td>36841</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>2013</td><td>30789</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>2014</td><td>22094</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>thereafter</td><td>59263</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>future minimum lease payments</td><td>$ 249440</td></tr></table> rental expense for operating leases was approximately $ 57.2 million , $ 49.0 million and $ 26.6 million during the years ended december 31 , 2009 , 2008 and 2007 , respectively . we guarantee the residual values of the majority of our truck and equipment operating leases . the residual values decline over the lease terms to a defined percentage of original cost . in the event the lessor does not realize the residual value when a piece of equipment is sold , we would be responsible for a portion of the shortfall . similarly , if the lessor realizes more than the residual value when a piece of equipment is sold , we would be paid the amount realized over the residual value . had we terminated all of our operating leases subject to these guarantees at december 31 , 2009 , the guaranteed residual value would have totaled approximately $ 27.8 million . litigation and related contingencies in december 2005 and may 2008 , ford global technologies , llc filed complaints with the international trade commission against us and others alleging that certain aftermarket parts imported into the u.s . infringed on ford design patents . the parties settled these matters in april 2009 pursuant to a settlement arrangement that expires in september 2011 . pursuant to the settlement , we ( and our designees ) became the sole distributor in the united states of aftermarket automotive parts that correspond to ford collision parts that are covered by a united states design patent . we have paid ford an upfront fee for these rights and will pay a royalty for each such part we sell . the amortization of the upfront fee and the royalty expenses are reflected in cost of goods sold on the accompanying consolidated statements of income . we also have certain other contingencies resulting from litigation , claims and other commitments and are subject to a variety of environmental and pollution control laws and regulations incident to the ordinary course of business . we currently expect that the resolution of such contingencies will not materially affect our financial position , results of operations or cash flows . note 10 . business combinations on october 1 , 2009 , we acquired greenleaf auto recyclers , llc ( 201cgreenleaf 201d ) from ssi for $ 38.8 million , net of cash acquired . greenleaf is the entity through which ssi operated its late model automotive parts recycling business . we recorded a gain on bargain purchase for the greenleaf acquisition totaling $ 4.3 million , which is . Question: what was the net change in value in the rental expense for operating leases from 2008 to 2009?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
item 7 . management 2019s discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations we are an international energy company with operations in the u.s. , canada , africa , the middle east and europe . our operations are organized into three reportable segments : 2022 e&p which explores for , produces and markets liquid hydrocarbons and natural gas on a worldwide basis . 2022 osm which mines , extracts and transports bitumen from oil sands deposits in alberta , canada , and upgrades the bitumen to produce and market synthetic crude oil and vacuum gas oil . 2022 ig which produces and markets products manufactured from natural gas , such as lng and methanol , in eg . certain sections of management 2019s discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations include forward-looking statements concerning trends or events potentially affecting our business . these statements typically contain words such as 201canticipates , 201d 201cbelieves , 201d 201cestimates , 201d 201cexpects , 201d 201ctargets , 201d 201cplans , 201d 201cprojects , 201d 201ccould , 201d 201cmay , 201d 201cshould , 201d 201cwould 201d or similar words indicating that future outcomes are uncertain . in accordance with 201csafe harbor 201d provisions of the private securities litigation reform act of 1995 , these statements are accompanied by cautionary language identifying important factors , though not necessarily all such factors , which could cause future outcomes to differ materially from those set forth in forward-looking statements . for additional risk factors affecting our business , see item 1a . risk factors in this annual report on form 10-k . management 2019s discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations should be read in conjunction with the information under item 1 . business , item 1a . risk factors and item 8 . financial statements and supplementary data found in this annual report on form 10-k . spin-off downstream business on june 30 , 2011 , the spin-off of marathon 2019s downstream business was completed , creating two independent energy companies : marathon oil and mpc . marathon shareholders at the close of business on the record date of june 27 , 2011 received one share of mpc common stock for every two shares of marathon common stock held . fractional shares of mpc common stock were not distributed and any fractional share of mpc common stock otherwise issuable to a marathon shareholder was sold in the open market on such shareholder 2019s behalf , and such shareholder received a cash payment with respect to that fractional share . a private letter tax ruling received in june 2011 from the irs affirmed the tax-free nature of the spin-off . activities related to the downstream business have been treated as discontinued operations in all periods presented in this annual report on form 10-k ( see item 8 . financial statements and supplementary data 2014note 3 to the consolidated financial statements for additional information ) . overview 2013 market conditions exploration and production prevailing prices for the various grades of crude oil and natural gas that we produce significantly impact our revenues and cash flows . prices of crude oil have been volatile in recent years . in 2011 , crude prices increased over 2010 levels , with increases in brent averages outstripping those in wti . during much of 2010 , both wti and brent crude oil monthly average prices remained in the $ 75 to $ 85 per barrel range . crude oil prices reached a low of $ 33.98 in february 2009 , following global demand declines in an economic recession , but recovered quickly ending 2009 at $ 79.36 . the following table lists benchmark crude oil and natural gas price annual averages for the past three years. . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>benchmark</td><td>2011</td><td>2010</td><td>2009</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>wti crude oil ( dollars per bbl )</td><td>$ 95.11</td><td>$ 79.61</td><td>$ 62.09</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>brent ( europe ) crude oil ( dollars per bbl )</td><td>111.26</td><td>79.51</td><td>61.49</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>henry hub natural gas ( dollars per mmbtu ) ( a )</td><td>$ 4.04</td><td>$ 4.39</td><td>$ 3.99</td></tr></table> wti crude oil ( dollars per bbl ) $ 95.11 $ 79.61 $ 62.09 brent ( europe ) crude oil ( dollars per bbl ) 111.26 79.51 61.49 henry hub natural gas ( dollars per mmbtu ) ( a ) $ 4.04 $ 4.39 $ 3.99 ( a ) settlement date average . our u.s . crude oil production was approximately 58 percent sour in 2011 and 68 percent in 2010 . sour crude contains more sulfur than light sweet wti does . sour crude oil also tends to be heavier than light sweet crude oil and sells at a discount to light sweet crude oil because of higher refining costs and lower refined product values . our international crude oil production is relatively sweet and is generally sold in relation to the brent crude benchmark . the differential between wti and brent average prices widened significantly in 2011 to $ 16.15 in comparison to differentials of less than $ 1.00 in 2010 and 2009. . Question: what is the net change in the wti crude oil benchmark from 2009 to 2011?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
2018 emerson annual report | 51 as of september 30 , 2018 , 1874750 shares awarded primarily in 2016 were outstanding , contingent on the company achieving its performance objectives through 2018 . the objectives for these shares were met at the 97 percent level at the end of 2018 and 1818508 shares will be distributed in early 2019 . additionally , the rights to receive a maximum of 2261700 and 2375313 common shares were awarded in 2018 and 2017 , respectively , under the new performance shares program , and are outstanding and contingent upon the company achieving its performance objectives through 2020 and 2019 , respectively . incentive shares plans also include restricted stock awards which involve distribution of common stock to key management employees subject to cliff vesting at the end of service periods ranging from three to ten years . the fair value of restricted stock awards is determined based on the average of the high and low market prices of the company 2019s common stock on the date of grant , with compensation expense recognized ratably over the applicable service period . in 2018 , 310000 shares of restricted stock vested as a result of participants fulfilling the applicable service requirements . consequently , 167837 shares were issued while 142163 shares were withheld for income taxes in accordance with minimum withholding requirements . as of september 30 , 2018 , there were 1276200 shares of unvested restricted stock outstanding . the total fair value of shares distributed under incentive shares plans was $ 20 , $ 245 and $ 11 , respectively , in 2018 , 2017 and 2016 , of which $ 9 , $ 101 and $ 4 was paid in cash , primarily for tax withholding . as of september 30 , 2018 , 10.3 million shares remained available for award under incentive shares plans . changes in shares outstanding but not yet earned under incentive shares plans during the year ended september 30 , 2018 follow ( shares in thousands ; assumes 100 percent payout of unvested awards ) : average grant date shares fair value per share . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>shares</td><td>average grant datefair value per share</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>beginning of year</td><td>4999</td><td>$ 50.33</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>granted</td><td>2295</td><td>$ 63.79</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>earned/vested</td><td>-310 ( 310 )</td><td>$ 51.27</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>canceled</td><td>-86 ( 86 )</td><td>$ 56.53</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>end of year</td><td>6898</td><td>$ 54.69</td></tr></table> total compensation expense for stock options and incentive shares was $ 216 , $ 115 and $ 159 for 2018 , 2017 and 2016 , respectively , of which $ 5 and $ 14 was included in discontinued operations for 2017 and 2016 , respectively . the increase in expense for 2018 reflects an increase in the company 2019s stock price and progress toward achieving its performance objectives . the decrease in expense for 2017 reflects the impact of changes in the stock price . income tax benefits recognized in the income statement for these compensation arrangements during 2018 , 2017 and 2016 were $ 42 , $ 33 and $ 45 , respectively . as of september 30 , 2018 , total unrecognized compensation expense related to unvested shares awarded under these plans was $ 182 , which is expected to be recognized over a weighted-average period of 1.1 years . in addition to the employee stock option and incentive shares plans , in 2018 the company awarded 12228 shares of restricted stock and 2038 restricted stock units under the restricted stock plan for non-management directors . as of september 30 , 2018 , 159965 shares were available for issuance under this plan . ( 16 ) common and preferred stock at september 30 , 2018 , 37.0 million shares of common stock were reserved for issuance under the company 2019s stock-based compensation plans . during 2018 , 15.1 million common shares were purchased and 2.6 million treasury shares were reissued . in 2017 , 6.6 million common shares were purchased and 5.5 million treasury shares were reissued . at september 30 , 2018 and 2017 , the company had 5.4 million shares of $ 2.50 par value preferred stock authorized , with none issued. . Question: what is the net change in the average grant datefair value per share during the year as of september 30, 2018?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
the weighted average fair value of options granted during 2010 , 2009 and 2008 was estimated to be $ 7.84 , $ 7.18 and $ 3.84 , respectively , using the black-scholes option pricing model with the assumptions below: . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>2010</td><td>2009</td><td>2008</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>risk free interest rate</td><td>1.1% ( 1.1 % )</td><td>2.3% ( 2.3 % )</td><td>2.8% ( 2.8 % )</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>volatility</td><td>35.6% ( 35.6 % )</td><td>35.0% ( 35.0 % )</td><td>26.0% ( 26.0 % )</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>dividend yield</td><td>0.7% ( 0.7 % )</td><td>1.0% ( 1.0 % )</td><td>1.0% ( 1.0 % )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>weighted average expected life ( years )</td><td>4.4</td><td>5.0</td><td>5.3</td></tr></table> at december 31 , 2010 and 2009 , the total unrecognized compensation cost related to non-vested stock awards is $ 129.3 million and $ 93.5 million , respectively , which is expected to be recognized in pre-tax income over a weighted average period of 1.7 years as of both year ends . the company granted a total of 1.5 million restricted stock awards at prices ranging from $ 25.76 to $ 28.15 on various dates in 2010 . these awards vest annually over three years . the company also granted 0.9 million performance restricted stock units during 2010 . these performance restricted stock units have been granted at the maximum achievable level and the number of shares that can vest is based on specific revenue and ebitda goals for periods from 2010 through 2012 . during 2009 , we granted 0.5 million shares of restricted stock at a price of $ 22.55 that vest annually over 3 years . on october 1 , 2009 , the company granted 0.4 million restricted stock units at a price of $ 24.85 per share that vested over six months . on march 20 , 2008 , we granted 0.4 million shares of restricted stock at a price of $ 38.75 that were to vest quarterly over 2 years . on july 2 , 2008 , 0.2 million of these shares were canceled and assumed by lps . the remaining unvested restricted shares were converted by the conversion factor of 1.7952 . these awards vested as of october 1 , 2009 , under the change in control provisions due to the metavante acquisition . on october 27 , 2008 , we granted 0.8 million shares of restricted stock at a price of $ 14.35 that vest annually over 3 years . as of december 31 , 2010 and 2009 , we have approximately 2.2 million and 1.4 million unvested restricted shares remaining . as of december 31 , 2010 we also have 0.6 million of restricted stock units that have not vested . share repurchase plans on october 25 , 2006 , our board of directors approved a plan authorizing repurchases of up to $ 200.0 million worth of our common stock ( the 201cold plan 201d ) . on april 17 , 2008 , our board of directors approved a plan authorizing repurchases of up to an additional $ 250.0 million worth of our common stock ( the 201cnew plan 201d ) . under the new plan we repurchased 5.8 million shares of our stock for $ 226.2 million , at an average price of $ 38.97 for the year ended december 31 , 2008 . during the year ended december 31 , 2008 , we also repurchased an additional 0.2 million shares of our stock for $ 10.0 million at an average price of $ 40.56 under the old plan . during 2007 , the company repurchased 1.6 million shares at an average price of $ 49.15 under the old plan . on february 4 , 2010 our board of directors approved a plan authorizing repurchases of up to 15.0 million shares of our common stock in the open market , at prevailing market prices or in privately negotiated transactions , through january 31 , 2013 . we repurchased 1.4 million shares of our common stock for $ 32.2 million , at an average price of $ 22.97 through march 31 , 2010 . no additional shares were repurchased under this plan during the year ended december 31 , 2010 . approximately 13.6 million shares of our common stock remain available to repurchase under this plan as of december 31 , 2010 . on may 25 , 2010 , our board of directors authorized a leveraged recapitalization plan to repurchase up to $ 2.5 billion of our common stock at a price range of $ 29.00 2014 $ 31.00 per share of common stock through a modified 201cdutch auction 201d tender offer ( the 201ctender offer 201d ) . the tender offer commenced on july 6 , 2010 and expired on august 3 , 2010 . the tender offer was oversubscribed at $ 29.00 , resulting in the purchase of 86.2 million shares , including 6.4 million shares underlying previously unexercised stock options . the repurchased shares were added to treasury stock . fidelity national information services , inc . and subsidiaries notes to consolidated financial statements 2014 ( continued ) %%transmsg*** transmitting job : g26369 pcn : 087000000 ***%%pcmsg|87 |00008|yes|no|03/28/2011 17:32|0|0|page is valid , no graphics -- color : n| . Question: what was the change in the fair value of the options from 2009 to 2010?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
note 4 - goodwill and other intangible assets : goodwill the company had approximately $ 93.2 million and $ 94.4 million of goodwill at december 30 , 2017 and december 31 , 2016 , respectively . the changes in the carrying amount of goodwill for the years ended december 30 , 2017 and december 31 , 2016 are as follows ( in thousands ) : . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>2017</td><td>2016</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>balance beginning of year</td><td>$ 94417</td><td>$ 10258</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>goodwill acquired as part of acquisition</td><td>2014</td><td>84159</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>working capital settlement</td><td>-1225 ( 1225 )</td><td>2014</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>impairment loss</td><td>2014</td><td>2014</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>balance end of year</td><td>$ 93192</td><td>$ 94417</td></tr></table> goodwill is allocated to each identified reporting unit , which is defined as an operating segment or one level below the operating segment . goodwill is not amortized , but is evaluated for impairment annually and whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate the carrying value of goodwill may not be recoverable . the company completes its impairment evaluation by performing valuation analyses and considering other publicly available market information , as appropriate . the test used to identify the potential for goodwill impairment compares the fair value of a reporting unit with its carrying value . an impairment charge would be recorded to the company 2019s operations for the amount , if any , in which the carrying value exceeds the fair value . in the fourth quarter of fiscal 2017 , the company completed its annual impairment testing of goodwill and no impairment was identified . the company determined that the fair value of each reporting unit ( including goodwill ) was in excess of the carrying value of the respective reporting unit . in reaching this conclusion , the fair value of each reporting unit was determined based on either a market or an income approach . under the market approach , the fair value is based on observed market data . other intangible assets the company had approximately $ 31.3 million of intangible assets other than goodwill at december 30 , 2017 and december 31 , 2016 . the intangible asset balance represents the estimated fair value of the petsense tradename , which is not subject to amortization as it has an indefinite useful life on the basis that it is expected to contribute cash flows beyond the foreseeable horizon . with respect to intangible assets , we evaluate for impairment annually and whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying value may not be recoverable . we recognize an impairment loss only if the carrying amount is not recoverable through its discounted cash flows and measure the impairment loss based on the difference between the carrying value and fair value . in the fourth quarter of fiscal 2017 , the company completed its annual impairment testing of intangible assets and no impairment was identified. . Question: what is the goodwill acquired as part of acquisition in 2016? Answer: 84159.0 Question: what about the balance of goodwill in 2016? Answer: 94417.0 Question: what portion of the goodwill balance in 2016 is related to acquisition?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
royal caribbean cruises ltd . 15 from two to 17 nights throughout south america , the caribbean and europe . additionally , we announced that majesty of the seas will be redeployed from royal caribbean international to pullmantur in 2016 . pullmantur serves the contemporary segment of the spanish , portuguese and latin american cruise mar- kets . pullmantur 2019s strategy is to attract cruise guests from these target markets by providing a variety of cruising options and onboard activities directed at couples and families traveling with children . over the last few years , pullmantur has systematically increased its focus on latin america and has expanded its pres- ence in that market . in order to facilitate pullmantur 2019s ability to focus on its core cruise business , on march 31 , 2014 , pullmantur sold the majority of its interest in its non-core busi- nesses . these non-core businesses included pullmantur 2019s land-based tour operations , travel agency and 49% ( 49 % ) interest in its air business . in connection with the sale agreement , we retained a 19% ( 19 % ) interest in each of the non-core businesses as well as 100% ( 100 % ) ownership of the aircraft which are being dry leased to pullmantur air . see note 1 . general and note 6 . other assets to our consolidated financial statements under item 8 . financial statements and supplementary data for further details . cdf croisi e8res de france we currently operate two ships with an aggregate capacity of approximately 2800 berths under our cdf croisi e8res de france brand . cdf croisi e8res de france offers seasonal itineraries to the mediterranean , europe and caribbean . during the winter season , zenith is deployed to the pullmantur brand for sailings in south america . cdf croisi e8res de france is designed to serve the contemporary segment of the french cruise market by providing a brand tailored for french cruise guests . tui cruises tui cruises is a joint venture owned 50% ( 50 % ) by us and 50% ( 50 % ) by tui ag , a german tourism and shipping com- pany , and is designed to serve the contemporary and premium segments of the german cruise market by offering a product tailored for german guests . all onboard activities , services , shore excursions and menu offerings are designed to suit the preferences of this target market . tui cruises operates three ships , mein schiff 1 , mein schiff 2 and mein schiff 3 , with an aggregate capacity of approximately 6300 berths . in addition , tui cruises currently has three newbuild ships on order at the finnish meyer turku yard with an aggregate capacity of approximately 7500 berths : mein schiff 4 , scheduled for delivery in the second quarter of 2015 , mein schiff 5 , scheduled for delivery in the third quarter of 2016 and mein schiff 6 , scheduled for delivery in the second quarter of 2017 . in november 2014 , we formed a strategic partnership with international ltd . ( 201cctrip 201d ) , a chinese travel service provider , to operate a new cruise brand known as skysea cruises . skysea cruises will offer a custom-tailored product for chinese cruise guests operating the ship purchased from celebrity cruises . the new cruise line will begin service in the second quarter of 2015 . we and ctrip each own 35% ( 35 % ) of the new company , skysea holding , with the balance being owned by skysea holding management and a private equity fund . industry cruising is considered a well-established vacation sector in the north american market , a growing sec- tor over the long term in the european market and a developing but promising sector in several other emerging markets . industry data indicates that market penetration rates are still low and that a significant portion of cruise guests carried are first-time cruisers . we believe this presents an opportunity for long-term growth and a potential for increased profitability . the following table details market penetration rates for north america and europe computed based on the number of annual cruise guests as a percentage of the total population : america ( 1 ) europe ( 2 ) . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>year</td><td>north america ( 1 )</td><td>europe ( 2 )</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>2010</td><td>3.1% ( 3.1 % )</td><td>1.1% ( 1.1 % )</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>2011</td><td>3.4% ( 3.4 % )</td><td>1.1% ( 1.1 % )</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>2012</td><td>3.3% ( 3.3 % )</td><td>1.2% ( 1.2 % )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>2013</td><td>3.4% ( 3.4 % )</td><td>1.2% ( 1.2 % )</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>2014</td><td>3.5% ( 3.5 % )</td><td>1.3% ( 1.3 % )</td></tr></table> ( 1 ) source : our estimates are based on a combination of data obtained from publicly available sources including the interna- tional monetary fund and cruise lines international association ( 201cclia 201d ) . rates are based on cruise guests carried for at least two consecutive nights . includes the united states of america and canada . ( 2 ) source : our estimates are based on a combination of data obtained from publicly available sources including the interna- tional monetary fund and clia europe , formerly european cruise council . we estimate that the global cruise fleet was served by approximately 457000 berths on approximately 283 ships at the end of 2014 . there are approximately 33 ships with an estimated 98650 berths that are expected to be placed in service in the global cruise market between 2015 and 2019 , although it is also possible that ships could be ordered or taken out of service during these periods . we estimate that the global cruise industry carried 22.0 million cruise guests in 2014 compared to 21.3 million cruise guests carried in 2013 and 20.9 million cruise guests carried in 2012 . part i . Question: what is the net change in the number of cruise guests from 2013 to 2014? Answer: 0.7 Question: what is the number of cruise guests in 2013? Answer: 21.3 Question: what percentage change does this represent? Answer: 0.03286 Question: what is the expected number of berths that are expected to be places in service from 2015 to 2019?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
operating profit for the segment decreased by 1% ( 1 % ) in 2010 compared to 2009 . for the year , operating profit declines in defense more than offset an increase in civil , while operating profit at intelligence essentially was unchanged . the $ 27 million decrease in operating profit at defense primarily was attributable to a decrease in the level of favorable performance adjustments on mission and combat systems activities in 2010 . the $ 19 million increase in civil principally was due to higher volume on enterprise civilian services . operating profit for the segment decreased by 3% ( 3 % ) in 2009 compared to 2008 . operating profit declines in civil and intelligence partially were offset by growth in defense . the decrease of $ 29 million in civil 2019s operating profit primarily was attributable to a reduction in the level of favorable performance adjustments on enterprise civilian services programs in 2009 compared to 2008 . the decrease in operating profit of $ 27 million at intelligence mainly was due to a reduction in the level of favorable performance adjustments on security solution activities in 2009 compared to 2008 . the increase in defense 2019s operating profit of $ 29 million mainly was due to volume and improved performance in mission and combat systems . the decrease in backlog during 2010 compared to 2009 mainly was due to higher sales volume on enterprise civilian service programs at civil , including volume associated with the dris 2010 program , and mission and combat system programs at defense . backlog decreased in 2009 compared to 2008 due to u.s . government 2019s exercise of the termination for convenience clause on the tsat mission operations system ( tmos ) contract at defense , which resulted in a $ 1.6 billion reduction in orders . this decline more than offset increased orders on enterprise civilian services programs at civil . we expect is&gs will experience a low single digit percentage decrease in sales for 2011 as compared to 2010 . this decline primarily is due to completion of most of the work associated with the dris 2010 program . operating profit in 2011 is expected to decline in relationship to the decline in sales volume , while operating margins are expected to be comparable between the years . space systems our space systems business segment is engaged in the design , research and development , engineering , and production of satellites , strategic and defensive missile systems , and space transportation systems , including activities related to the planned replacement of the space shuttle . government satellite programs include the advanced extremely high frequency ( aehf ) system , the mobile user objective system ( muos ) , the global positioning satellite iii ( gps iii ) system , the space-based infrared system ( sbirs ) , and the geostationary operational environmental satellite r-series ( goes-r ) . strategic and missile defense programs include the targets and countermeasures program and the fleet ballistic missile program . space transportation includes the nasa orion program and , through ownership interests in two joint ventures , expendable launch services ( united launch alliance , or ula ) and space shuttle processing activities for the u.s . government ( united space alliance , or usa ) . the space shuttle is expected to complete its final flight mission in 2011 and our involvement with its launch and processing activities will end at that time . space systems 2019 operating results included the following : ( in millions ) 2010 2009 2008 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>( in millions )</td><td>2010</td><td>2009</td><td>2008</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>net sales</td><td>$ 8246</td><td>$ 8654</td><td>$ 8027</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>operating profit</td><td>972</td><td>972</td><td>953</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>operating margin</td><td>11.8% ( 11.8 % )</td><td>11.2% ( 11.2 % )</td><td>11.9% ( 11.9 % )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>backlog at year-end</td><td>17800</td><td>16800</td><td>17900</td></tr></table> net sales for space systems decreased by 5% ( 5 % ) in 2010 compared to 2009 . sales declined in all three lines of business during the year . the $ 253 million decrease in space transportation principally was due to lower volume on the space shuttle external tank , commercial launch vehicle activity and other human space flight programs , which partially were offset by higher volume on the orion program . there were no commercial launches in 2010 compared to one commercial launch in 2009 . strategic & defensive missile systems ( s&dms ) sales declined $ 147 million principally due to lower volume on defensive missile programs . the $ 8 million sales decline in satellites primarily was attributable to lower volume on commercial satellites , which partially were offset by higher volume on government satellite activities . there was one commercial satellite delivery in 2010 and one commercial satellite delivery in 2009 . net sales for space systems increased 8% ( 8 % ) in 2009 compared to 2008 . during the year , sales growth at satellites and space transportation offset a decline in s&dms . the sales growth of $ 707 million in satellites was due to higher volume in government satellite activities , which partially was offset by lower volume in commercial satellite activities . there was one commercial satellite delivery in 2009 and two deliveries in 2008 . the increase in sales of $ 21 million in space transportation primarily was due to higher volume on the orion program , which more than offset a decline in the space shuttle 2019s external tank program . there was one commercial launch in both 2009 and 2008 . s&dms 2019 sales decreased by $ 102 million mainly due to lower volume on defensive missile programs , which more than offset growth in strategic missile programs. . Question: what is the difference between the net sales and the operating profit in 2010? Answer: 7274.0 Question: and what were the net sales in 2009? Answer: 8654.0 Question: and what was the operating profit in that year? Answer: 972.0 Question: what is, then, the difference between the net sales and the operating profit in that year? Answer: 7682.0 Question: and what is the change in that difference from 2009 to 2010?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
likely than not that some portion or all of the deferred tax assets will not be realized . the accruals for deferred tax assets and liabilities are subject to a significant amount of judgment by management and are reviewed and adjusted routinely based on changes in facts and circumstances . material changes in these accruals may occur in the future , based on the progress of ongoing tax audits , changes in legislation and resolution of pending tax matters . forward-looking estimates we are providing our 2011 forward-looking estimates in this section . these estimates were based on our examination of historical operating trends , the information used to prepare our december 31 , 2010 , reserve reports and other data in our possession or available from third parties . the forward-looking estimates in this report were prepared assuming demand , curtailment , producibility and general market conditions for our oil , gas and ngls during 2011 will be similar to 2010 , unless otherwise noted . we make reference to the 201cdisclosure regarding forward-looking statements 201d at the beginning of this report . amounts related to our canadian operations have been converted to u.s . dollars using an estimated average 2011 exchange rate of $ 0.95 dollar to $ 1.00 canadian dollar . during 2011 , our operations are substantially comprised of our ongoing north america onshore operations . we also have international operations in brazil and angola that we are divesting . we have entered into agreements to sell our assets in brazil for $ 3.2 billion and our assets in angola for $ 70 million , plus contingent consideration . as a result of these divestitures , all revenues , expenses and capital related to our international operations are reported as discontinued operations in our financial statements . additionally , all forward-looking estimates in this document exclude amounts related to our international operations , unless otherwise noted . north america onshore operating items the following 2011 estimates relate only to our north america onshore assets . oil , gas and ngl production set forth below are our estimates of oil , gas and ngl production for 2011 . we estimate that our combined oil , gas and ngl production will total approximately 236 to 240 mmboe . ( mmbbls ) ( mmbbls ) ( mmboe ) . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>oil ( mmbbls )</td><td>gas ( bcf )</td><td>ngls ( mmbbls )</td><td>total ( mmboe )</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>u.s . onshore</td><td>17</td><td>736</td><td>34</td><td>174</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>canada</td><td>28</td><td>199</td><td>3</td><td>64</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>north america onshore</td><td>45</td><td>935</td><td>37</td><td>238</td></tr></table> oil and gas prices we expect our 2011 average prices for the oil and gas production from each of our operating areas to differ from the nymex price as set forth in the following table . the expected ranges for prices are exclusive of the anticipated effects of the financial contracts presented in the 201ccommodity price risk management 201d section below . the nymex price for oil is determined using the monthly average of settled prices on each trading day for benchmark west texas intermediate crude oil delivered at cushing , oklahoma . the nymex price for gas is determined using the first-of-month south louisiana henry hub price index as published monthly in inside . Question: what is the amount of gas supplied from us onshore? Answer: 736.0 Question: what is the total amount of gas that comes from north america onshore? Answer: 935.0 Question: what is the ratio of gas from us onshore? Answer: 0.78717 Question: what is that displayed as a percentage?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
system energy resources , inc . management's financial discussion and analysis with syndicated bank letters of credit . in december 2004 , system energy amended these letters of credit and they now expire in may 2009 . system energy may refinance or redeem debt prior to maturity , to the extent market conditions and interest and dividend rates are favorable . all debt and common stock issuances by system energy require prior regulatory approval . debt issuances are also subject to issuance tests set forth in its bond indentures and other agreements . system energy has sufficient capacity under these tests to meet its foreseeable capital needs . system energy has obtained a short-term borrowing authorization from the ferc under which it may borrow , through march 31 , 2010 , up to the aggregate amount , at any one time outstanding , of $ 200 million . see note 4 to the financial statements for further discussion of system energy's short-term borrowing limits . system energy has also obtained an order from the ferc authorizing long-term securities issuances . the current long- term authorization extends through june 2009 . system energy's receivables from the money pool were as follows as of december 31 for each of the following years: . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>2008</td><td>2007</td><td>2006</td><td>2005</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>( in thousands )</td><td>( in thousands )</td><td>( in thousands )</td><td>( in thousands )</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>$ 42915</td><td>$ 53620</td><td>$ 88231</td><td>$ 277287</td></tr></table> in may 2007 , $ 22.5 million of system energy's receivable from the money pool was replaced by a note receivable from entergy new orleans . see note 4 to the financial statements for a description of the money pool . nuclear matters system energy owns and operates grand gulf . system energy is , therefore , subject to the risks related to owning and operating a nuclear plant . these include risks from the use , storage , handling and disposal of high-level and low-level radioactive materials , regulatory requirement changes , including changes resulting from events at other plants , limitations on the amounts and types of insurance commercially available for losses in connection with nuclear operations , and technological and financial uncertainties related to decommissioning nuclear plants at the end of their licensed lives , including the sufficiency of funds in decommissioning trusts . in the event of an unanticipated early shutdown of grand gulf , system energy may be required to provide additional funds or credit support to satisfy regulatory requirements for decommissioning . environmental risks system energy's facilities and operations are subject to regulation by various governmental authorities having jurisdiction over air quality , water quality , control of toxic substances and hazardous and solid wastes , and other environmental matters . management believes that system energy is in substantial compliance with environmental regulations currently applicable to its facilities and operations . because environmental regulations are subject to change , future compliance costs cannot be precisely estimated . critical accounting estimates the preparation of system energy's financial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles requires management to apply appropriate accounting policies and to make estimates and judgments that . Question: what was the net change in value of receivables from the money pool from 2007 to 2008? Answer: 10705.0 Question: what was the 2007 value?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
backlog backlog increased in 2015 compared to 2014 primarily due to higher orders on f-35 and c-130 programs . backlog decreased slightly in 2014 compared to 2013 primarily due to lower orders on f-16 and f-22 programs . trends we expect aeronautics 2019 2016 net sales to increase in the mid-single digit percentage range as compared to 2015 due to increased volume on the f-35 and c-130 programs , partially offset by decreased volume on the f-16 program . operating profit is also expected to increase in the low single-digit percentage range , driven by increased volume on the f-35 program offset by contract mix that results in a slight decrease in operating margins between years . information systems & global solutions our is&gs business segment provides advanced technology systems and expertise , integrated information technology solutions and management services across a broad spectrum of applications for civil , defense , intelligence and other government customers . is&gs 2019 technical services business provides a comprehensive portfolio of technical and sustainment services . is&gs has a portfolio of many smaller contracts as compared to our other business segments . is&gs has been impacted by the continued downturn in certain federal agencies 2019 information technology budgets and increased re-competition on existing contracts coupled with the fragmentation of large contracts into multiple smaller contracts that are awarded primarily on the basis of price . is&gs 2019 operating results included the following ( in millions ) : . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>2015</td><td>2014</td><td>2013</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>net sales</td><td>$ 5596</td><td>$ 5654</td><td>$ 6115</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>operating profit</td><td>508</td><td>472</td><td>498</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>operating margins</td><td>9.1% ( 9.1 % )</td><td>8.3% ( 8.3 % )</td><td>8.1% ( 8.1 % )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>backlog at year-end</td><td>$ 4800</td><td>$ 6000</td><td>$ 6300</td></tr></table> 2015 compared to 2014 is&gs 2019 net sales decreased $ 58 million , or 1% ( 1 % ) , in 2015 as compared to 2014 . the decrease was attributable to lower net sales of approximately $ 395 million as a result of key program completions , lower customer funding levels and increased competition , coupled with the fragmentation of existing large contracts into multiple smaller contracts that are awarded primarily on the basis of price when re-competed ( including cms-citic ) . these decreases were partially offset by higher net sales of approximately $ 230 million for businesses acquired in 2014 ; and approximately $ 110 million due to the start-up of new programs and growth in recently awarded programs . is&gs 2019 operating profit increased $ 36 million , or 8% ( 8 % ) , in 2015 as compared to 2014 . the increase was attributable to improved program performance and risk retirements , offset by decreased operating profit resulting from the activities mentioned above for net sales . adjustments not related to volume , including net profit booking rate adjustments and other matters , were approximately $ 70 million higher in 2015 compared to 2014 . 2014 compared to 2013 is&gs 2019 net sales decreased $ 461 million , or 8% ( 8 % ) , in 2014 as compared to 2013 . the decrease was primarily attributable to lower net sales of about $ 475 million due to the wind-down or completion of certain programs , driven by reductions in direct warfighter support ( including jieddo ) ; and approximately $ 320 million due to decreased volume in technical services programs reflecting market pressures . the decreases were offset by higher net sales of about $ 330 million due to the start-up of new programs , growth in recently awarded programs and integration of recently acquired companies . is&gs 2019 operating profit decreased $ 26 million , or 5% ( 5 % ) , in 2014 as compared to 2013 . the decrease was primarily attributable to the activities mentioned above for sales , partially offset by severance recoveries related to the restructuring announced in november 2013 of approximately $ 20 million in 2014 . adjustments not related to volume , including net profit booking rate adjustments , were comparable in 2014 and 2013. . Question: what is the backlog at year-end of 2014? Answer: 6000.0 Question: and that of 2013? Answer: 6300.0 Question: what is the difference between the backlog at year-end of 2014 and 2013? Answer: -300.0 Question: how much does that difference represents in relation to the backlog at year-end of 2013?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
during 2014 , 2013 and 2012 , netherland , sewell & associates , inc . ( "nsai" ) prepared a certification of the prior year's reserves for the alba field in e.g . the nsai summary reports are filed as an exhibit to this annual report on form 10-k . members of the nsai team have multiple years of industry experience , having worked for large , international oil and gas companies before joining nsai . the senior technical advisor has over 35 years of practical experience in petroleum geosciences , with over 15 years experience in the estimation and evaluation of reserves . the second team member has over 10 years of practical experience in petroleum engineering , with 5 years experience in the estimation and evaluation of reserves . both are registered professional engineers in the state of texas . ryder scott company ( "ryder scott" ) also performed audits of the prior years' reserves of several of our fields in 2014 , 2013 and 2012 . their summary reports are filed as exhibits to this annual report on form 10-k . the team lead for ryder scott has over 20 years of industry experience , having worked for a major international oil and gas company before joining ryder scott . he is a member of spe , where he served on the oil and gas reserves committee , and is a registered professional engineer in the state of texas . changes in proved undeveloped reserves as of december 31 , 2014 , 728 mmboe of proved undeveloped reserves were reported , an increase of 101 mmboe from december 31 , 2013 . the following table shows changes in total proved undeveloped reserves for 2014 : ( mmboe ) . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>beginning of year</td><td>627</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>revisions of previous estimates</td><td>1</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>improved recovery</td><td>1</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>purchases of reserves in place</td><td>4</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>extensions discoveries and other additions</td><td>227</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>dispositions</td><td>-29 ( 29 )</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>transfers to proved developed</td><td>-103 ( 103 )</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>end of year</td><td>728</td></tr></table> significant additions to proved undeveloped reserves during 2014 included 121 mmboe in the eagle ford and 61 mmboe in the bakken shale plays due to development drilling . transfers from proved undeveloped to proved developed reserves included 67 mmboe in the eagle ford , 26 mmboe in the bakken and 1 mmboe in the oklahoma resource basins due to development drilling and completions . costs incurred in 2014 , 2013 and 2012 relating to the development of proved undeveloped reserves , were $ 3149 million , $ 2536 million and $ 1995 million . a total of 102 mmboe was booked as extensions , discoveries or other additions due to the application of reliable technology . technologies included statistical analysis of production performance , decline curve analysis , pressure and rate transient analysis , reservoir simulation and volumetric analysis . the statistical nature of production performance coupled with highly certain reservoir continuity or quality within the reliable technology areas and sufficient proved undeveloped locations establish the reasonable certainty criteria required for booking proved reserves . projects can remain in proved undeveloped reserves for extended periods in certain situations such as large development projects which take more than five years to complete , or the timing of when additional gas compression is needed . of the 728 mmboe of proved undeveloped reserves at december 31 , 2014 , 19 percent of the volume is associated with projects that have been included in proved reserves for more than five years . the majority of this volume is related to a compression project in e.g . that was sanctioned by our board of directors in 2004 . the timing of the installation of compression is being driven by the reservoir performance with this project intended to maintain maximum production levels . performance of this field since the board sanctioned the project has far exceeded expectations . estimates of initial dry gas in place increased by roughly 10 percent between 2004 and 2010 . during 2012 , the compression project received the approval of the e.g . government , allowing design and planning work to progress towards implementation , with completion expected by mid-2016 . the other component of alba proved undeveloped reserves is an infill well approved in 2013 and to be drilled in the second quarter of 2015 . proved undeveloped reserves for the north gialo development , located in the libyan sahara desert , were booked for the first time in 2010 . this development , which is anticipated to take more than five years to develop , is executed by the operator and encompasses a multi-year drilling program including the design , fabrication and installation of extensive liquid handling and gas recycling facilities . anecdotal evidence from similar development projects in the region lead to an expected project execution time frame of more than five years from the time the reserves were initially booked . interruptions associated with the civil unrest in 2011 and third-party labor strikes and civil unrest in 2013-2014 have also extended the project duration . as of december 31 , 2014 , future development costs estimated to be required for the development of proved undeveloped crude oil and condensate , ngls , natural gas and synthetic crude oil reserves related to continuing operations for the years 2015 through 2019 are projected to be $ 2915 million , $ 2598 million , $ 2493 million , $ 2669 million and $ 2745 million. . Question: what were costs incurred for the development of proved undeveloped reserves in 2014? Answer: 3149.0 Question: what were the costs in 2013? Answer: 2536.0 Question: what is the sum?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
customer demand . this compared with 555000 tons of total downtime in 2006 of which 150000 tons related to lack-of-orders . printing papers in millions 2007 2006 2005 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>in millions</td><td>2007</td><td>2006</td><td>2005</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>sales</td><td>$ 6530</td><td>$ 6700</td><td>$ 6980</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>operating profit</td><td>$ 1101</td><td>$ 636</td><td>$ 434</td></tr></table> north american printing papers net sales in 2007 were $ 3.5 billion compared with $ 4.4 billion in 2006 ( $ 3.5 billion excluding the coated and super- calendered papers business ) and $ 4.8 billion in 2005 ( $ 3.2 billion excluding the coated and super- calendered papers business ) . sales volumes decreased in 2007 versus 2006 partially due to reduced production capacity resulting from the conversion of the paper machine at the pensacola mill to the production of lightweight linerboard for our industrial packaging segment . average sales price realizations increased significantly , reflecting benefits from price increases announced throughout 2007 . lack-of-order downtime declined to 27000 tons in 2007 from 40000 tons in 2006 . operating earnings of $ 537 million in 2007 increased from $ 482 million in 2006 ( $ 407 million excluding the coated and supercalendered papers business ) and $ 175 million in 2005 ( $ 74 million excluding the coated and supercalendered papers business ) . the benefits from improved average sales price realizations more than offset the effects of higher input costs for wood , energy , and freight . mill operations were favorable compared with the prior year due to current-year improvements in machine performance and energy conservation efforts . sales volumes for the first quarter of 2008 are expected to increase slightly , and the mix of prod- ucts sold to improve . demand for printing papers in north america was steady as the quarter began . price increases for cut-size paper and roll stock have been announced that are expected to be effective principally late in the first quarter . planned mill maintenance outage costs should be about the same as in the fourth quarter ; however , raw material costs are expected to continue to increase , primarily for wood and energy . brazil ian papers net sales for 2007 of $ 850 mil- lion were higher than the $ 495 million in 2006 and the $ 465 million in 2005 . compared with 2006 , aver- age sales price realizations improved reflecting price increases for uncoated freesheet paper realized dur- ing the second half of 2006 and the first half of 2007 . excluding the impact of the luiz antonio acquisition , sales volumes increased primarily for cut size and offset paper . operating profits for 2007 of $ 246 mil- lion were up from $ 122 million in 2006 and $ 134 mil- lion in 2005 as the benefits from higher sales prices and favorable manufacturing costs were only parti- ally offset by higher input costs . contributions from the luiz antonio acquisition increased net sales by approximately $ 350 million and earnings by approx- imately $ 80 million in 2007 . entering 2008 , sales volumes for uncoated freesheet paper and pulp should be seasonally lower . average price realizations should be essentially flat , but mar- gins are expected to reflect a less favorable product mix . energy costs , primarily for hydroelectric power , are expected to increase significantly reflecting a lack of rainfall in brazil in the latter part of 2007 . european papers net sales in 2007 were $ 1.5 bil- lion compared with $ 1.3 billion in 2006 and $ 1.2 bil- lion in 2005 . sales volumes in 2007 were higher than in 2006 at our eastern european mills reflecting stronger market demand and improved efficiencies , but lower in western europe reflecting the closure of the marasquel mill in 2006 . average sales price real- izations increased significantly in 2007 in both east- ern and western european markets . operating profits of $ 214 million in 2007 increased from a loss of $ 16 million in 2006 and earnings of $ 88 million in 2005 . the loss in 2006 reflects the impact of a $ 128 million impairment charge to reduce the carrying value of the fixed assets at the saillat , france mill . excluding this charge , the improvement in 2007 compared with 2006 reflects the contribution from higher net sales , partially offset by higher input costs for wood , energy and freight . looking ahead to the first quarter of 2008 , sales volumes are expected to be stable in western europe , but seasonally weaker in eastern europe and russia . average price realizations are expected to remain about flat . wood costs are expected to increase , especially in russia due to strong demand ahead of tariff increases , and energy costs are anticipated to be seasonally higher . asian printing papers net sales were approx- imately $ 20 million in 2007 , compared with $ 15 mil- lion in 2006 and $ 10 million in 2005 . operating earnings increased slightly in 2007 , but were close to breakeven in all periods . u.s . market pulp sales in 2007 totaled $ 655 mil- lion compared with $ 510 million and $ 525 million in 2006 and 2005 , respectively . sales volumes in 2007 were up from 2006 levels , primarily for paper and . Question: what were asian paper net sales in 2007? Answer: 20.0 Question: what were they in 2006? Answer: 15.0 Question: what is the net change?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.