1 value
management 2019s discussion and analysis net revenues in equities were $ 8.21 billion for 2012 , essentially unchanged compared with 2011 . net revenues in securities services were significantly higher compared with 2011 , reflecting a gain of $ 494 million on the sale of our hedge fund administration business . in addition , equities client execution net revenues were higher than 2011 , primarily reflecting significantly higher results in cash products , principally due to increased levels of client activity . these increases were offset by lower commissions and fees , reflecting declines in the united states , europe and asia . our average daily volumes during 2012 were lower in each of these regions compared with 2011 , consistent with listed cash equity market volumes . during 2012 , equities operated in an environment generally characterized by an increase in global equity prices and lower volatility levels . the net loss attributable to the impact of changes in our own credit spreads on borrowings for which the fair value option was elected was $ 714 million ( $ 433 million and $ 281 million related to fixed income , currency and commodities client execution and equities client execution , respectively ) for 2012 , compared with a net gain of $ 596 million ( $ 399 million and $ 197 million related to fixed income , currency and commodities client execution and equities client execution , respectively ) for 2011 . during 2012 , institutional client services operated in an environment generally characterized by continued broad market concerns and uncertainties , although positive developments helped to improve market conditions . these developments included certain central bank actions to ease monetary policy and address funding risks for european financial institutions . in addition , the u.s . economy posted stable to improving economic data , including favorable developments in unemployment and housing . these improvements resulted in tighter credit spreads , higher global equity prices and lower levels of volatility . however , concerns about the outlook for the global economy and continued political uncertainty , particularly the political debate in the united states surrounding the fiscal cliff , generally resulted in client risk aversion and lower activity levels . also , uncertainty over financial regulatory reform persisted . operating expenses were $ 12.48 billion for 2012 , 3% ( 3 % ) lower than 2011 , primarily due to lower brokerage , clearing , exchange and distribution fees , and lower impairment charges , partially offset by higher net provisions for litigation and regulatory proceedings . pre- tax earnings were $ 5.64 billion in 2012 , 27% ( 27 % ) higher than 2011 . investing & lending investing & lending includes our investing activities and the origination of loans to provide financing to clients . these investments , some of which are consolidated , and loans are typically longer-term in nature . we make investments , directly and indirectly through funds that we manage , in debt securities and loans , public and private equity securities , and real estate entities . the table below presents the operating results of our investing & lending segment. . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>in millions</td><td>year ended december 2013</td><td>year ended december 2012</td><td>year ended december 2011</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>equity securities</td><td>$ 3930</td><td>$ 2800</td><td>$ 603</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>debt securities and loans</td><td>1947</td><td>1850</td><td>96</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>other</td><td>1141</td><td>1241</td><td>1443</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>total net revenues</td><td>7018</td><td>5891</td><td>2142</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>operating expenses</td><td>2684</td><td>2666</td><td>2673</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>pre-tax earnings/ ( loss )</td><td>$ 4334</td><td>$ 3225</td><td>$ -531 ( 531 )</td></tr></table> 2013 versus 2012 . net revenues in investing & lending were $ 7.02 billion for 2013 , 19% ( 19 % ) higher than 2012 , reflecting a significant increase in net gains from investments in equity securities , driven by company-specific events and stronger corporate performance , as well as significantly higher global equity prices . in addition , net gains and net interest income from debt securities and loans were slightly higher , while other net revenues , related to our consolidated investments , were lower compared with 2012 . if equity markets decline or credit spreads widen , net revenues in investing & lending would likely be negatively impacted . operating expenses were $ 2.68 billion for 2013 , essentially unchanged compared with 2012 . operating expenses during 2013 included lower impairment charges and lower operating expenses related to consolidated investments , partially offset by increased compensation and benefits expenses due to higher net revenues compared with 2012 . pre-tax earnings were $ 4.33 billion in 2013 , 34% ( 34 % ) higher than 2012 . 52 goldman sachs 2013 annual report . Question: what portion of total revenues is generated through equity securities in 2013? Answer: 0.55999 Question: what percentage were pre-tax earnings higher in 2013?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
jpmorgan chase & co . / 2007 annual report 31 the following section provides a comparative discussion of jpmorgan chase 2019s consolidated results of operations on a reported basis for the three-year period ended december 31 , 2007 . factors that relate primarily to a single business segment are discussed in more detail within that business segment than they are in this consolidated sec- tion . for a discussion of the critical accounting estimates used by the firm that affect the consolidated results of operations , see pages 96 201398 of this annual report . revenue . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>year ended december 31 ( in millions )</td><td>2007</td><td>2006</td><td>2005</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>investment banking fees</td><td>$ 6635</td><td>$ 5520</td><td>$ 4088</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>principal transactions</td><td>9015</td><td>10778</td><td>8072</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>lending & deposit-related fees</td><td>3938</td><td>3468</td><td>3389</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>asset management administration and commissions</td><td>14356</td><td>11855</td><td>9988</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>securities gains ( losses )</td><td>164</td><td>-543 ( 543 )</td><td>-1336 ( 1336 )</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>mortgage fees and related income</td><td>2118</td><td>591</td><td>1054</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>credit card income</td><td>6911</td><td>6913</td><td>6754</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>other income</td><td>1829</td><td>2175</td><td>2684</td></tr><tr><td>10</td><td>noninterest revenue</td><td>44966</td><td>40757</td><td>34693</td></tr><tr><td>11</td><td>net interest income</td><td>26406</td><td>21242</td><td>19555</td></tr><tr><td>12</td><td>total net revenue</td><td>$ 71372</td><td>$ 61999</td><td>$ 54248</td></tr></table> 2007 compared with 2006 total net revenue of $ 71.4 billion was up $ 9.4 billion , or 15% ( 15 % ) , from the prior year . higher net interest income , very strong private equity gains , record asset management , administration and commissions revenue , higher mortgage fees and related income and record investment banking fees contributed to the revenue growth . these increases were offset partially by lower trading revenue . investment banking fees grew in 2007 to a level higher than the pre- vious record set in 2006 . record advisory and equity underwriting fees drove the results , partially offset by lower debt underwriting fees . for a further discussion of investment banking fees , which are primarily recorded in ib , see the ib segment results on pages 40 201342 of this annual report . principal transactions revenue consists of trading revenue and private equity gains . trading revenue declined significantly from the 2006 level , primarily due to markdowns in ib of $ 1.4 billion ( net of hedges ) on subprime positions , including subprime cdos , and $ 1.3 billion ( net of fees ) on leveraged lending funded loans and unfunded commitments . also in ib , markdowns in securitized products on nonsubprime mortgages and weak credit trading performance more than offset record revenue in currencies and strong revenue in both rates and equities . equities benefited from strong client activity and record trading results across all products . ib 2019s credit portfolio results increased compared with the prior year , primarily driven by higher revenue from risk management activities . the increase in private equity gains from 2006 reflected a significantly higher level of gains , the classification of certain private equity carried interest as compensation expense and a fair value adjustment in the first quarter of 2007 on nonpublic private equity investments resulting from the adoption of sfas 157 ( 201cfair value measurements 201d ) . for a further discussion of principal transactions revenue , see the ib and corporate segment results on pages 40 201342 and 59 201360 , respectively , and note 6 on page 122 of this annual report . lending & deposit-related fees rose from the 2006 level , driven pri- marily by higher deposit-related fees and the bank of new york transaction . for a further discussion of lending & deposit-related fees , which are mostly recorded in rfs , tss and cb , see the rfs segment results on pages 43 201348 , the tss segment results on pages 54 201355 , and the cb segment results on pages 52 201353 of this annual report . asset management , administration and commissions revenue reached a level higher than the previous record set in 2006 . increased assets under management and higher performance and placement fees in am drove the record results . the 18% ( 18 % ) growth in assets under management from year-end 2006 came from net asset inflows and market appreciation across all segments : institutional , retail , private bank and private client services . tss also contributed to the rise in asset management , administration and commissions revenue , driven by increased product usage by new and existing clients and market appreciation on assets under custody . finally , commissions revenue increased , due mainly to higher brokerage transaction volume ( primarily included within fixed income and equity markets revenue of ib ) , which more than offset the sale of the insurance business by rfs in the third quarter of 2006 and a charge in the first quarter of 2007 resulting from accelerated surrenders of customer annuities . for additional information on these fees and commissions , see the segment discussions for ib on pages 40 201342 , rfs on pages 43 201348 , tss on pages 54 201355 , and am on pages 56 201358 , of this annual report . the favorable variance resulting from securities gains in 2007 compared with securities losses in 2006 was primarily driven by improvements in the results of repositioning of the treasury invest- ment securities portfolio . also contributing to the positive variance was a $ 234 million gain from the sale of mastercard shares . for a fur- ther discussion of securities gains ( losses ) , which are mostly recorded in the firm 2019s treasury business , see the corporate segment discussion on pages 59 201360 of this annual report . consol idated results of operat ions . Question: what was the change in investment banking fees from 2005 to 2006?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
note 4 - goodwill and other intangible assets : goodwill the company had approximately $ 93.2 million and $ 94.4 million of goodwill at december 30 , 2017 and december 31 , 2016 , respectively . the changes in the carrying amount of goodwill for the years ended december 30 , 2017 and december 31 , 2016 are as follows ( in thousands ) : . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>2017</td><td>2016</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>balance beginning of year</td><td>$ 94417</td><td>$ 10258</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>goodwill acquired as part of acquisition</td><td>2014</td><td>84159</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>working capital settlement</td><td>-1225 ( 1225 )</td><td>2014</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>impairment loss</td><td>2014</td><td>2014</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>balance end of year</td><td>$ 93192</td><td>$ 94417</td></tr></table> goodwill is allocated to each identified reporting unit , which is defined as an operating segment or one level below the operating segment . goodwill is not amortized , but is evaluated for impairment annually and whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate the carrying value of goodwill may not be recoverable . the company completes its impairment evaluation by performing valuation analyses and considering other publicly available market information , as appropriate . the test used to identify the potential for goodwill impairment compares the fair value of a reporting unit with its carrying value . an impairment charge would be recorded to the company 2019s operations for the amount , if any , in which the carrying value exceeds the fair value . in the fourth quarter of fiscal 2017 , the company completed its annual impairment testing of goodwill and no impairment was identified . the company determined that the fair value of each reporting unit ( including goodwill ) was in excess of the carrying value of the respective reporting unit . in reaching this conclusion , the fair value of each reporting unit was determined based on either a market or an income approach . under the market approach , the fair value is based on observed market data . other intangible assets the company had approximately $ 31.3 million of intangible assets other than goodwill at december 30 , 2017 and december 31 , 2016 . the intangible asset balance represents the estimated fair value of the petsense tradename , which is not subject to amortization as it has an indefinite useful life on the basis that it is expected to contribute cash flows beyond the foreseeable horizon . with respect to intangible assets , we evaluate for impairment annually and whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying value may not be recoverable . we recognize an impairment loss only if the carrying amount is not recoverable through its discounted cash flows and measure the impairment loss based on the difference between the carrying value and fair value . in the fourth quarter of fiscal 2017 , the company completed its annual impairment testing of intangible assets and no impairment was identified. . Question: what was the change in the company's goodwill balance between the beginning of 2016 and the end of 2017? Answer: 82934.0 Question: and what was the total value of the company's goodwill balance in the beginning of 2016?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
five-year performance comparison 2013 the following graph provides an indicator of cumulative total shareholder returns for the corporation as compared to the peer group index ( described above ) , the dj trans , and the s&p 500 . the graph assumes that $ 100 was invested in the common stock of union pacific corporation and each index on december 31 , 2010 and that all dividends were reinvested . the information below is historical in nature and is not necessarily indicative of future performance . purchases of equity securities 2013 during 2015 , we repurchased 36921641 shares of our common stock at an average price of $ 99.16 . the following table presents common stock repurchases during each month for the fourth quarter of 2015 : period total number of shares purchased [a] average price paid per share total number of shares purchased as part of a publicly announced plan or program [b] maximum number of shares remaining under the plan or program [b] . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>period</td><td>total number of shares purchased [a]</td><td>average price paid per share</td><td>total number of shares purchased as part of a publicly announcedplan or program [b]</td><td>maximum number of shares remaining under the plan or program [b]</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>oct . 1 through oct . 31</td><td>3247731</td><td>$ 92.98</td><td>3221153</td><td>56078192</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>nov . 1 through nov . 30</td><td>2325865</td><td>86.61</td><td>2322992</td><td>53755200</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>dec . 1 through dec . 31</td><td>1105389</td><td>77.63</td><td>1102754</td><td>52652446</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>total</td><td>6678985</td><td>$ 88.22</td><td>6646899</td><td>n/a</td></tr></table> [a] total number of shares purchased during the quarter includes approximately 32086 shares delivered or attested to upc by employees to pay stock option exercise prices , satisfy excess tax withholding obligations for stock option exercises or vesting of retention units , and pay withholding obligations for vesting of retention shares . [b] effective january 1 , 2014 , our board of directors authorized the repurchase of up to 120 million shares of our common stock by december 31 , 2017 . these repurchases may be made on the open market or through other transactions . our management has sole discretion with respect to determining the timing and amount of these transactions. . Question: what percentage of the total number of shares purchased in november for the 4th quarter ended 12/31/15?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
part ii item 5 . market for registrant 2019s common equity , related stockholder matters and issuer purchases of equity securities our class a common stock trades on the new york stock exchange under the symbol 201cma 201d . at february 8 , 2019 , we had 73 stockholders of record for our class a common stock . we believe that the number of beneficial owners is substantially greater than the number of record holders because a large portion of our class a common stock is held in 201cstreet name 201d by brokers . there is currently no established public trading market for our class b common stock . there were approximately 287 holders of record of our non-voting class b common stock as of february 8 , 2019 , constituting approximately 1.1% ( 1.1 % ) of our total outstanding equity . stock performance graph the graph and table below compare the cumulative total stockholder return of mastercard 2019s class a common stock , the s&p 500 financials and the s&p 500 index for the five-year period ended december 31 , 2018 . the graph assumes a $ 100 investment in our class a common stock and both of the indices and the reinvestment of dividends . mastercard 2019s class b common stock is not publicly traded or listed on any exchange or dealer quotation system . total returns to stockholders for each of the years presented were as follows : indexed returns base period for the years ended december 31 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>company/index</td><td>base period 2013</td><td>base period 2014</td><td>base period 2015</td><td>base period 2016</td><td>base period 2017</td><td>2018</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>mastercard</td><td>$ 100.00</td><td>$ 103.73</td><td>$ 118.05</td><td>$ 126.20</td><td>$ 186.37</td><td>$ 233.56</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>s&p 500 financials</td><td>100.00</td><td>115.20</td><td>113.44</td><td>139.31</td><td>170.21</td><td>148.03</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>s&p 500 index</td><td>100.00</td><td>113.69</td><td>115.26</td><td>129.05</td><td>157.22</td><td>150.33</td></tr></table> . Question: what was the value of mastercard in 2014? Answer: 103.73 Question: what was that less 100?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
the company recognizes the effect of income tax positions only if sustaining those positions is more likely than not . changes in recognition or measurement are reflected in the period in which a change in judgment occurs . the company records penalties and interest related to unrecognized tax benefits in income taxes in the company 2019s consolidated statements of income . changes in accounting principles business combinations and noncontrolling interests on january 1 , 2009 , the company adopted revised principles related to business combinations and noncontrolling interests . the revised principle on business combinations applies to all transactions or other events in which an entity obtains control over one or more businesses . it requires an acquirer to recognize the assets acquired , the liabilities assumed , and any noncontrolling interest in the acquiree at the acquisition date , measured at their fair values as of that date . business combinations achieved in stages require recognition of the identifiable assets and liabilities , as well as the noncontrolling interest in the acquiree , at the full amounts of their fair values when control is obtained . this revision also changes the requirements for recognizing assets acquired and liabilities assumed arising from contingencies , and requires direct acquisition costs to be expensed . in addition , it provides certain changes to income tax accounting for business combinations which apply to both new and previously existing business combinations . in april 2009 , additional guidance was issued which revised certain business combination guidance related to accounting for contingent liabilities assumed in a business combination . the company has adopted this guidance in conjunction with the adoption of the revised principles related to business combinations . the adoption of the revised principles related to business combinations has not had a material impact on the consolidated financial statements . the revised principle related to noncontrolling interests establishes accounting and reporting standards for the noncontrolling interests in a subsidiary and for the deconsolidation of a subsidiary . the revised principle clarifies that a noncontrolling interest in a subsidiary is an ownership interest in the consolidated entity that should be reported as a separate component of equity in the consolidated statements of financial position . the revised principle requires retrospective adjustments , for all periods presented , of stockholders 2019 equity and net income for noncontrolling interests . in addition to these financial reporting changes , the revised principle provides for significant changes in accounting related to changes in ownership of noncontrolling interests . changes in aon 2019s controlling financial interests in consolidated subsidiaries that do not result in a loss of control are accounted for as equity transactions similar to treasury stock transactions . if a change in ownership of a consolidated subsidiary results in a loss of control and deconsolidation , any retained ownership interests are remeasured at fair value with the gain or loss reported in net income . in previous periods , noncontrolling interests for operating subsidiaries were reported in other general expenses in the consolidated statements of income . prior period amounts have been restated to conform to the current year 2019s presentation . the principal effect on the prior years 2019 balance sheets related to the adoption of the new guidance related to noncontrolling interests is summarized as follows ( in millions ) : . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>as of december 31</td><td>2008</td><td>2007</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>equity as previously reported</td><td>$ 5310</td><td>$ 6221</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>increase for reclassification of non-controlling interests</td><td>105</td><td>40</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>equity as adjusted</td><td>$ 5415</td><td>$ 6261</td></tr></table> the revised principle also requires that net income be adjusted to include the net income attributable to the noncontrolling interests and a new separate caption for net income attributable to aon stockholders be presented in the consolidated statements of income . the adoption of this new guidance increased net income by $ 16 million and $ 13 million for 2008 and 2007 , respectively . net . Question: what is the net change he reclassification of non-controlling interests from 2007 to 2008? Answer: 65.0 Question: what is the reclassification of non-controlling interests in 2007? Answer: 40.0 Question: what percentage change does this represent?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
table of contents the estimated amortization expense at september 26 , 2015 for each of the five succeeding fiscal years was as follows: . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>fiscal 2016</td><td>$ 377.0</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>fiscal 2017</td><td>$ 365.6</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>fiscal 2018</td><td>$ 355.1</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>fiscal 2019</td><td>$ 343.5</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>fiscal 2020</td><td>$ 332.3</td></tr></table> goodwill in accordance with asc 350 , intangibles 2014goodwill and other ( asc 350 ) , the company tests goodwill for impairment at the reporting unit level on an annual basis and between annual tests if events and circumstances indicate it is more likely than not that the fair value of a reporting unit is less than its carrying value . events that could indicate impairment and trigger an interim impairment assessment include , but are not limited to , current economic and market conditions , including a decline in market capitalization , a significant adverse change in legal factors , business climate , operational performance of the business or key personnel , and an adverse action or assessment by a regulator . in performing the impairment test , the company utilizes the two-step approach prescribed under asc 350 . the first step requires a comparison of the carrying value of each reporting unit to its estimated fair value . to estimate the fair value of its reporting units for step 1 , the company primarily utilizes the income approach . the income approach is based on a dcf analysis and calculates the fair value by estimating the after-tax cash flows attributable to a reporting unit and then discounting the after-tax cash flows to a present value using a risk-adjusted discount rate . assumptions used in the dcf require significant judgment , including judgment about appropriate discount rates and terminal values , growth rates , and the amount and timing of expected future cash flows . the forecasted cash flows are based on the company 2019s most recent budget and strategic plan and for years beyond this period , the company 2019s estimates are based on assumed growth rates expected as of the measurement date . the company believes its assumptions are consistent with the plans and estimates used to manage the underlying businesses . the discount rates used are intended to reflect the risks inherent in future cash flow projections and are based on estimates of the weighted-average cost of capital ( 201cwacc 201d ) of market participants relative to each respective reporting unit . the market approach considers comparable market data based on multiples of revenue or earnings before interest , taxes , depreciation and amortization ( 201cebitda 201d ) and is primarily used as a corroborative analysis to the results of the dcf analysis . the company believes its assumptions used to determine the fair value of its reporting units are reasonable . if different assumptions were used , particularly with respect to forecasted cash flows , terminal values , waccs , or market multiples , different estimates of fair value may result and there could be the potential that an impairment charge could result . actual operating results and the related cash flows of the reporting units could differ from the estimated operating results and related cash flows . if the carrying value of a reporting unit exceeds its estimated fair value , the company is required to perform the second step of the goodwill impairment test to measure the amount of impairment loss , if any . the second step of the goodwill impairment test compares the implied fair value of a reporting unit 2019s goodwill to its carrying value . the implied fair value of goodwill is derived by performing a hypothetical purchase price allocation for each reporting unit as of the measurement date and allocating the reporting unit 2019s estimated fair value to its assets and liabilities . the residual amount from performing this allocation represents the implied fair value of goodwill . to the extent this amount is below the carrying value of goodwill , an impairment charge is recorded . the company conducted its fiscal 2015 impairment test on the first day of the fourth quarter , and as noted above used dcf and market approaches to estimate the fair value of its reporting units as of june 28 , 2015 , and ultimately used the fair value determined by the dcf approach in making its impairment test conclusions . the company believes it used reasonable estimates and assumptions about future revenue , cost projections , cash flows , market multiples and discount rates as of the measurement date . as a result of completing step 1 , all of the company's reporting units had fair values exceeding their carrying values , and as such , step 2 of the impairment test was not required . for illustrative purposes , had the fair value of each of the reporting units that passed step 1 been lower than 10% ( 10 % ) , all of the reporting units would still have passed step 1 of the goodwill impairment test . at september 26 , 2015 , the company believes that each reporting unit , with goodwill aggregating 2.81 billion , was not at risk of failing step 1 of the goodwill impairment test based on the current forecasts . the company conducted its fiscal 2014 annual impairment test on the first day of the fourth quarter , and as noted above used dcf and market approaches to estimate the fair value of its reporting units as of june 29 , 2014 , and ultimately used the fair value determined by the dcf approach in making its impairment test conclusions . the company believes it used reasonable estimates and assumptions about future revenue , cost projections , cash flows , market multiples and discount rates as source : hologic inc , 10-k , november 19 , 2015 powered by morningstar ae document research 2120 the information contained herein may not be copied , adapted or distributed and is not warranted to be accurate , complete or timely . the user assumes all risks for any damages or losses arising from any use of this information , except to the extent such damages or losses cannot be limited or excluded by applicable law . past financial performance is no guarantee of future results. . Question: what was the net change in value of the amortization expense from 2016 to 2017?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
to determine stock-based compensation expense , the grant- date fair value is applied to the options granted with a reduction for estimated forfeitures . we recognize compensation expense for stock options on a straight-line basis over the pro rata vesting period . at december 31 , 2011 and 2010 , options for 12337000 and 13397000 shares of common stock were exercisable at a weighted-average price of $ 106.08 and $ 118.21 , respectively . the total intrinsic value of options exercised during 2012 , 2011 and 2010 was $ 37 million , $ 4 million and $ 5 million . cash received from option exercises under all incentive plans for 2012 , 2011 and 2010 was approximately $ 118 million , $ 41 million and $ 15 million , respectively . the actual tax benefit realized for tax deduction purposes from option exercises under all incentive plans for 2012 , 2011 and 2010 was approximately $ 41 million , $ 14 million and $ 5 million , respectively . there were no options granted in excess of market value in 2012 , 2011 or 2010 . shares of common stock available during the next year for the granting of options and other awards under the incentive plans were 29192854 at december 31 , 2012 . total shares of pnc common stock authorized for future issuance under equity compensation plans totaled 30537674 shares at december 31 , 2012 , which includes shares available for issuance under the incentive plans and the employee stock purchase plan ( espp ) as described below . during 2012 , we issued approximately 1.7 million shares from treasury stock in connection with stock option exercise activity . as with past exercise activity , we currently intend to utilize primarily treasury stock for any future stock option exercises . awards granted to non-employee directors in 2012 , 2011 and 2010 include 25620 , 27090 and 29040 deferred stock units , respectively , awarded under the outside directors deferred stock unit plan . a deferred stock unit is a phantom share of our common stock , which requires liability accounting treatment until such awards are paid to the participants as cash . as there are no vesting or service requirements on these awards , total compensation expense is recognized in full on awarded deferred stock units on the date of grant . incentive/performance unit share awards and restricted stock/unit awards the fair value of nonvested incentive/performance unit share awards and restricted stock/unit awards is initially determined based on prices not less than the market value of our common stock price on the date of grant . the value of certain incentive/ performance unit share awards is subsequently remeasured based on the achievement of one or more financial and other performance goals generally over a three-year period . the personnel and compensation committee of the board of directors approves the final award payout with respect to incentive/performance unit share awards . restricted stock/unit awards have various vesting periods generally ranging from 36 months to 60 months . beginning in 2012 , we incorporated several risk-related performance changes to certain incentive compensation programs . in addition to achieving certain financial performance metrics relative to our peers , the final payout amount will be subject to a negative adjustment if pnc fails to meet certain risk-related performance metrics as specified in the award agreement . however , the p&cc has the discretion to reduce any or all of this negative adjustment under certain circumstances . these awards have a three-year performance period and are payable in either stock or a combination of stock and cash . additionally , performance-based restricted share units were granted in 2012 to certain of our executives in lieu of stock options , with generally the same terms and conditions as the 2011 awards of the same . the weighted-average grant-date fair value of incentive/ performance unit share awards and restricted stock/unit awards granted in 2012 , 2011 and 2010 was $ 60.68 , $ 63.25 and $ 54.59 per share , respectively . we recognize compensation expense for such awards ratably over the corresponding vesting and/or performance periods for each type of program . table 130 : nonvested incentive/performance unit share awards and restricted stock/unit awards 2013 rollforward shares in thousands nonvested incentive/ performance unit shares weighted- average date fair nonvested restricted stock/ shares weighted- average date fair . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>shares in thousands december 31 2011</td><td>nonvested incentive/ performance unit shares 830</td><td>weighted-averagegrantdate fairvalue $ 61.68</td><td>nonvested restricted stock/ unit shares 2512</td><td>weighted-averagegrantdate fairvalue $ 54.87</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>granted</td><td>465</td><td>60.70</td><td>1534</td><td>60.67</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>vested</td><td>-100 ( 100 )</td><td>64.21</td><td>-831 ( 831 )</td><td>45.47</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>forfeited</td><td>-76 ( 76 )</td><td>60.27</td><td>-154 ( 154 )</td><td>60.51</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>december 31 2012</td><td>1119</td><td>$ 61.14</td><td>3061</td><td>$ 60.04</td></tr></table> in the chart above , the unit shares and related weighted- average grant-date fair value of the incentive/performance awards exclude the effect of dividends on the underlying shares , as those dividends will be paid in cash . at december 31 , 2012 , there was $ 86 million of unrecognized deferred compensation expense related to nonvested share- based compensation arrangements granted under the incentive plans . this cost is expected to be recognized as expense over a period of no longer than five years . the total fair value of incentive/performance unit share and restricted stock/unit awards vested during 2012 , 2011 and 2010 was approximately $ 55 million , $ 52 million and $ 39 million , respectively . the pnc financial services group , inc . 2013 form 10-k 203 . Question: what was the weighted-average grant-date fair value of incentive/ performance unit share awards and restricted stock/unit awards granted in 2012? Answer: 60.68 Question: and what was it for 2011? Answer: 63.25 Question: what was, then, the total of that fair value for both years combined? Answer: 123.93 Question: what was the the weighted-average grant-date fair value of incentive/ performance unit share awards and restricted stock/unit awards granted in 2010? Answer: 54.59 Question: including, then, 2010, what then becomes that total of that fair value for the three years?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
edwards lifesciences corporation notes to consolidated financial statements ( continued ) 7 . acquisitions ( continued ) was recorded to goodwill . the following table summarizes the fair values of the assets acquired and liabilities assumed ( in millions ) : . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>current assets</td><td>$ 28.1</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>property and equipment net</td><td>0.2</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>goodwill</td><td>258.9</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>ipr&d</td><td>190.0</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>current liabilities assumed</td><td>-32.9 ( 32.9 )</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>deferred income taxes</td><td>-66.0 ( 66.0 )</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>contingent consideration</td><td>-30.3 ( 30.3 )</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>total cash purchase price</td><td>348.0</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>less : cash acquired</td><td>-27.9 ( 27.9 )</td></tr><tr><td>10</td><td>total cash purchase price net of cash acquired</td><td>$ 320.1</td></tr></table> goodwill includes expected synergies and other benefits the company believes will result from the acquisition . goodwill was assigned to the company 2019s united states segment and is not deductible for tax purposes . ipr&d has been capitalized at fair value as an intangible asset with an indefinite life and will be assessed for impairment in subsequent periods . the fair value of the ipr&d was determined using the income approach . this approach determines fair value based on cash flow projections which are discounted to present value using a risk-adjusted rate of return . the discount rate used to determine the fair value of the ipr&d was 16.5% ( 16.5 % ) . completion of successful design developments , bench testing , pre-clinical studies and human clinical studies are required prior to selling any product . the risks and uncertainties associated with completing development within a reasonable period of time include those related to the design , development , and manufacturability of the product , the success of pre-clinical and clinical studies , and the timing of regulatory approvals . the valuation assumed $ 97.7 million of additional research and development expenditures would be incurred prior to the date of product introduction , and the company does not currently anticipate significant changes to forecasted research and development expenditures associated with the cardiaq program . the company 2019s valuation model also assumed net cash inflows would commence in late 2018 , if successful clinical trial experiences lead to a ce mark approval . upon completion of development , the underlying research and development intangible asset will be amortized over its estimated useful life . the company disclosed in early february 2017 that it had voluntarily paused enrollment in its clinical trials for the edwards-cardiaq valve to perform further design validation testing on a feature of the valve . this testing has been completed and , in collaboration with clinical investigators , the company has decided to resume screening patients for enrollment in its clinical trials . the results of operations for cardiaq have been included in the accompanying consolidated financial statements from the date of acquisition . pro forma results have not been presented as the results of cardiaq are not material in relation to the consolidated financial statements of the company . 8 . goodwill and other intangible assets on july 3 , 2015 , the company acquired cardiaq ( see note 7 ) . this transaction resulted in an increase to goodwill of $ 258.9 million and ipr&d of $ 190.0 million. . Question: what is the amount of the goodwill? Answer: 258.9 Question: and what is the total cash purchase price net of cash acquired?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
transfer agent and registrar for common stock the transfer agent and registrar for our common stock is : computershare shareowner services llc 480 washington boulevard 29th floor jersey city , new jersey 07310 telephone : ( 877 ) 363-6398 sales of unregistered securities not applicable . repurchase of equity securities the following table provides information regarding our purchases of our equity securities during the period from october 1 , 2015 to december 31 , 2015 . total number of shares ( or units ) purchased 1 average price paid per share ( or unit ) 2 total number of shares ( or units ) purchased as part of publicly announced plans or programs 3 maximum number ( or approximate dollar value ) of shares ( or units ) that may yet be purchased under the plans or programs 3 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>total number ofshares ( or units ) purchased1</td><td>average price paidper share ( or unit ) 2</td><td>total number ofshares ( or units ) purchased as part ofpublicly announcedplans or programs3</td><td>maximum number ( or approximate dollar value ) of shares ( or units ) that may yet be purchased under the plans or programs3</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>october 1 - 31</td><td>2140511</td><td>$ 20.54</td><td>2139507</td><td>$ 227368014</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>november 1 - 30</td><td>1126378</td><td>$ 22.95</td><td>1124601</td><td>$ 201557625</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>december 1 - 31</td><td>1881992</td><td>$ 22.97</td><td>1872650</td><td>$ 158553178</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>total</td><td>5148881</td><td>$ 21.96</td><td>5136758</td><td>-</td></tr></table> 1 included shares of our common stock , par value $ 0.10 per share , withheld under the terms of grants under employee stock-based compensation plans to offset tax withholding obligations that occurred upon vesting and release of restricted shares ( the 201cwithheld shares 201d ) . we repurchased 1004 withheld shares in october 2015 , 1777 withheld shares in november 2015 and 9342 withheld shares in december 2015 . 2 the average price per share for each of the months in the fiscal quarter and for the three-month period was calculated by dividing the sum of the applicable period of the aggregate value of the tax withholding obligations and the aggregate amount we paid for shares acquired under our stock repurchase program , described in note 5 to the consolidated financial statements , by the sum of the number of withheld shares and the number of shares acquired in our stock repurchase program . 3 in february 2015 , the board authorized a share repurchase program to repurchase from time to time up to $ 300.0 million , excluding fees , of our common stock ( the 201c2015 share repurchase program 201d ) . on february 12 , 2016 , we announced that our board had approved a new share repurchase program to repurchase from time to time up to $ 300.0 million , excluding fees , of our common stock . the new authorization is in addition to any amounts remaining for repurchase under the 2015 share repurchase program . there is no expiration date associated with the share repurchase programs. . Question: what were the total number of shares purchased in october? Answer: 2140511.0 Question: what was the total number of shares purchased in november?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
management 2019s discussion and analysis the table below presents the operating results of our institutional client services segment. . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>in millions</td><td>year ended december 2012</td><td>year ended december 2011</td><td>year ended december 2010</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>fixed income currency and commodities client execution</td><td>$ 9914</td><td>$ 9018</td><td>$ 13707</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>equities client execution1</td><td>3171</td><td>3031</td><td>3231</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>commissions and fees</td><td>3053</td><td>3633</td><td>3426</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>securities services</td><td>1986</td><td>1598</td><td>1432</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>total equities</td><td>8210</td><td>8262</td><td>8089</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>total net revenues</td><td>18124</td><td>17280</td><td>21796</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>operating expenses</td><td>12480</td><td>12837</td><td>14994</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>pre-tax earnings</td><td>$ 5644</td><td>$ 4443</td><td>$ 6802</td></tr></table> 1 . includes net revenues related to reinsurance of $ 1.08 billion , $ 880 million and $ 827 million for the years ended december 2012 , december 2011 and december 2010 , respectively . 2012 versus 2011 . net revenues in institutional client services were $ 18.12 billion for 2012 , 5% ( 5 % ) higher than 2011 . net revenues in fixed income , currency and commodities client execution were $ 9.91 billion for 2012 , 10% ( 10 % ) higher than 2011 . these results reflected strong net revenues in mortgages , which were significantly higher compared with 2011 . in addition , net revenues in credit products and interest rate products were solid and higher compared with 2011 . these increases were partially offset by significantly lower net revenues in commodities and slightly lower net revenues in currencies . although broad market concerns persisted during 2012 , fixed income , currency and commodities client execution operated in a generally improved environment characterized by tighter credit spreads and less challenging market-making conditions compared with 2011 . net revenues in equities were $ 8.21 billion for 2012 , essentially unchanged compared with 2011 . net revenues in securities services were significantly higher compared with 2011 , reflecting a gain of approximately $ 500 million on the sale of our hedge fund administration business . in addition , equities client execution net revenues were higher than 2011 , primarily reflecting significantly higher results in cash products , principally due to increased levels of client activity . these increases were offset by lower commissions and fees , reflecting lower market volumes . during 2012 , equities operated in an environment generally characterized by an increase in global equity prices and lower volatility levels . the net loss attributable to the impact of changes in our own credit spreads on borrowings for which the fair value option was elected was $ 714 million ( $ 433 million and $ 281 million related to fixed income , currency and commodities client execution and equities client execution , respectively ) for 2012 , compared with a net gain of $ 596 million ( $ 399 million and $ 197 million related to fixed income , currency and commodities client execution and equities client execution , respectively ) for 2011 . during 2012 , institutional client services operated in an environment generally characterized by continued broad market concerns and uncertainties , although positive developments helped to improve market conditions . these developments included certain central bank actions to ease monetary policy and address funding risks for european financial institutions . in addition , the u.s . economy posted stable to improving economic data , including favorable developments in unemployment and housing . these improvements resulted in tighter credit spreads , higher global equity prices and lower levels of volatility . however , concerns about the outlook for the global economy and continued political uncertainty , particularly the political debate in the united states surrounding the fiscal cliff , generally resulted in client risk aversion and lower activity levels . also , uncertainty over financial regulatory reform persisted . if these concerns and uncertainties continue over the long term , net revenues in fixed income , currency and commodities client execution and equities would likely be negatively impacted . operating expenses were $ 12.48 billion for 2012 , 3% ( 3 % ) lower than 2011 , primarily due to lower brokerage , clearing , exchange and distribution fees , and lower impairment charges , partially offset by higher net provisions for litigation and regulatory proceedings . pre-tax earnings were $ 5.64 billion in 2012 , 27% ( 27 % ) higher than 2011 . 2011 versus 2010 . net revenues in institutional client services were $ 17.28 billion for 2011 , 21% ( 21 % ) lower than 2010 . net revenues in fixed income , currency and commodities client execution were $ 9.02 billion for 2011 , 34% ( 34 % ) lower than 2010 . although activity levels during 2011 were generally consistent with 2010 levels , and results were solid during the first quarter of 2011 , the environment during the remainder of 2011 was characterized by broad market concerns and uncertainty , resulting in volatile markets and significantly wider credit spreads , which contributed to difficult market-making conditions and led to reductions in risk by us and our clients . as a result of these conditions , net revenues across the franchise were lower , including significant declines in mortgages and credit products , compared with 2010 . 54 goldman sachs 2012 annual report . Question: what was the value of pre-tax earnings in 2011? Answer: 4443.0 Question: what was the value of pre-tax earnings in 2010? Answer: 6802.0 Question: what was the net change in value? Answer: -2359.0 Question: what is the percent change?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
sales of unregistered securities not applicable . repurchases of equity securities the following table provides information regarding our purchases of our equity securities during the period from october 1 , 2017 to december 31 , 2017 . total number of shares ( or units ) purchased 1 average price paid per share ( or unit ) 2 total number of shares ( or units ) purchased as part of publicly announced plans or programs 3 maximum number ( or approximate dollar value ) of shares ( or units ) that may yet be purchased under the plans or programs 3 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>total number ofshares ( or units ) purchased1</td><td>average price paidper share ( or unit ) 2</td><td>total number ofshares ( or units ) purchased as part ofpublicly announcedplans or programs3</td><td>maximum number ( orapproximate dollar value ) of shares ( or units ) that may yet be purchasedunder the plans orprograms3</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>october 1 - 31</td><td>1231868</td><td>$ 20.74</td><td>1230394</td><td>$ 214001430</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>november 1 - 30</td><td>1723139</td><td>$ 18.89</td><td>1722246</td><td>$ 181474975</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>december 1 - 31</td><td>1295639</td><td>$ 20.25</td><td>1285000</td><td>$ 155459545</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>total</td><td>4250646</td><td>$ 19.84</td><td>4237640</td><td>-</td></tr></table> 1 included shares of our common stock , par value $ 0.10 per share , withheld under the terms of grants under employee stock-based compensation plans to offset tax withholding obligations that occurred upon vesting and release of restricted shares ( the 201cwithheld shares 201d ) . we repurchased 1474 withheld shares in october 2017 , 893 withheld shares in november 2017 and 10639 withheld shares in december 2017 , for a total of 13006 withheld shares during the three-month period . 2 the average price per share for each of the months in the fiscal quarter and for the three-month period was calculated by dividing the sum of the applicable period of the aggregate value of the tax withholding obligations and the aggregate amount we paid for shares acquired under our share repurchase program , described in note 5 to the consolidated financial statements , by the sum of the number of withheld shares and the number of shares acquired in our share repurchase program . 3 in february 2017 , the board authorized a share repurchase program to repurchase from time to time up to $ 300.0 million , excluding fees , of our common stock ( the 201c2017 share repurchase program 201d ) . on february 14 , 2018 , we announced that our board had approved a new share repurchase program to repurchase from time to time up to $ 300.0 million , excluding fees , of our common stock . the new authorization is in addition to any amounts remaining for repurchase under the 2017 share repurchase program . there is no expiration date associated with the share repurchase programs. . Question: what is the total of withheld shares in the months of october and november, combined?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
part ii . item 5 . market for registrant 2019s common equity , related stockholder matters and issuer purchases of equity securities our common stock is traded on the nasdaq global select market under the symbol cdns . as of february 2 , 2019 , we had 523 registered stockholders and approximately 56000 beneficial owners of our common stock . stockholder return performance graph the following graph compares the cumulative 5-year total stockholder return on our common stock relative to the cumulative total return of the nasdaq composite index , the s&p 500 index and the s&p 500 information technology index . the graph assumes that the value of the investment in our common stock and in each index on december 28 , 2013 ( including reinvestment of dividends ) was $ 100 and tracks it each year thereafter on the last day of our fiscal year through december 29 , 2018 and , for each index , on the last day of the calendar year . comparison of 5 year cumulative total return* among cadence design systems , inc. , the nasdaq composite index , the s&p 500 index and the s&p 500 information technology index 12/29/181/2/16 12/30/1712/28/13 12/31/161/3/15 *$ 100 invested on 12/28/13 in stock or index , including reinvestment of dividends . fiscal year ending december 29 . copyright a9 2019 standard & poor 2019s , a division of s&p global . all rights reserved . nasdaq compositecadence design systems , inc . s&p 500 s&p 500 information technology . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>12/28/2013</td><td>1/3/2015</td><td>1/2/2016</td><td>12/31/2016</td><td>12/30/2017</td><td>12/29/2018</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>cadence design systems inc .</td><td>$ 100.00</td><td>$ 135.18</td><td>$ 149.39</td><td>$ 181.05</td><td>$ 300.22</td><td>$ 311.13</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>nasdaq composite</td><td>100.00</td><td>112.60</td><td>113.64</td><td>133.19</td><td>172.11</td><td>165.84</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>s&p 500</td><td>100.00</td><td>110.28</td><td>109.54</td><td>129.05</td><td>157.22</td><td>150.33</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>s&p 500 information technology</td><td>100.00</td><td>115.49</td><td>121.08</td><td>144.85</td><td>201.10</td><td>200.52</td></tr></table> the stock price performance included in this graph is not necessarily indicative of future stock price performance. . Question: what is the value of cadence design system in 2018 less an initial investment of $100? Answer: 211.13 Question: what is that divided by 100?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
19 . income taxes ( continued ) capital loss carryforwards of $ 69 million and $ 90 million , which were acquired in the bgi transaction and will expire on or before 2013 . at december 31 , 2012 and 2011 , the company had $ 95 million and $ 95 million of valuation allowances for deferred income tax assets , respectively , recorded on the consolidated statements of financial condition . the year- over-year increase in the valuation allowance primarily related to certain foreign deferred income tax assets . goodwill recorded in connection with the quellos transaction has been reduced during the period by the amount of tax benefit realized from tax-deductible goodwill . see note 9 , goodwill , for further discussion . current income taxes are recorded net in the consolidated statements of financial condition when related to the same tax jurisdiction . as of december 31 , 2012 , the company had current income taxes receivable and payable of $ 102 million and $ 121 million , respectively , recorded in other assets and accounts payable and accrued liabilities , respectively . as of december 31 , 2011 , the company had current income taxes receivable and payable of $ 108 million and $ 102 million , respectively , recorded in other assets and accounts payable and accrued liabilities , respectively . the company does not provide deferred taxes on the excess of the financial reporting over tax basis on its investments in foreign subsidiaries that are essentially permanent in duration . the excess totaled $ 2125 million and $ 1516 million as of december 31 , 2012 and 2011 , respectively . the determination of the additional deferred income taxes on the excess has not been provided because it is not practicable due to the complexities associated with its hypothetical calculation . the following tabular reconciliation presents the total amounts of gross unrecognized tax benefits : year ended december 31 , ( dollar amounts in millions ) 2012 2011 2010 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>( dollar amounts in millions )</td><td>year ended december 31 , 2012</td><td>year ended december 31 , 2011</td><td>year ended december 31 , 2010</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>balance at january 1</td><td>$ 349</td><td>$ 307</td><td>$ 285</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>additions for tax positions of prior years</td><td>4</td><td>22</td><td>10</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>reductions for tax positions of prior years</td><td>-1 ( 1 )</td><td>-1 ( 1 )</td><td>-17 ( 17 )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>additions based on tax positions related to current year</td><td>69</td><td>46</td><td>35</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>lapse of statute of limitations</td><td>2014</td><td>2014</td><td>-8 ( 8 )</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>settlements</td><td>-29 ( 29 )</td><td>-25 ( 25 )</td><td>-2 ( 2 )</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>positions assumed in acquisitions</td><td>12</td><td>2014</td><td>4</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>balance at december 31</td><td>$ 404</td><td>$ 349</td><td>$ 307</td></tr></table> included in the balance of unrecognized tax benefits at december 31 , 2012 , 2011 and 2010 , respectively , are $ 250 million , $ 226 million and $ 194 million of tax benefits that , if recognized , would affect the effective tax rate . the company recognizes interest and penalties related to income tax matters as a component of income tax expense . related to the unrecognized tax benefits noted above , the company accrued interest and penalties of $ 3 million during 2012 and in total , as of december 31 , 2012 , had recognized a liability for interest and penalties of $ 69 million . the company accrued interest and penalties of $ 10 million during 2011 and in total , as of december 31 , 2011 , had recognized a liability for interest and penalties of $ 66 million . the company accrued interest and penalties of $ 8 million during 2010 and in total , as of december 31 , 2010 , had recognized a liability for interest and penalties of $ 56 million . pursuant to the amended and restated stock purchase agreement , the company has been indemnified by barclays for $ 73 million and guggenheim for $ 6 million of unrecognized tax benefits . blackrock is subject to u.s . federal income tax , state and local income tax , and foreign income tax in multiple jurisdictions . tax years after 2007 remain open to u.s . federal income tax examination , tax years after 2005 remain open to state and local income tax examination , and tax years after 2006 remain open to income tax examination in the united kingdom . with few exceptions , as of december 31 , 2012 , the company is no longer subject to u.s . federal , state , local or foreign examinations by tax authorities for years before 2006 . the internal revenue service ( 201cirs 201d ) completed its examination of blackrock 2019s 2006 and 2007 tax years in march 2011 . in november 2011 , the irs commenced its examination of blackrock 2019s 2008 and 2009 tax years , and while the impact on the consolidated financial statements is undetermined , it is not expected to be material . in july 2011 , the irs commenced its federal income tax audit of the bgi group , which blackrock acquired in december 2009 . the tax years under examination are 2007 through december 1 , 2009 , and while the impact on the consolidated financial statements is undetermined , it is not expected to be material . the company is currently under audit in several state and local jurisdictions . the significant state and local income tax examinations are in california for tax years 2004 through 2006 , new york city for tax years 2007 through 2008 , and new jersey for tax years 2003 through 2009 . no state and local income tax audits cover years earlier than 2007 except for california , new jersey and new york city . no state and local income tax audits are expected to result in an assessment material to the consolidated financial statements. . Question: what was the change in the balance from the start of 2010 to the end of 2012? Answer: 119.0 Question: and what was the increase in 2010 on the positions assumed in acquisitions?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
( in millions ) 2010 2009 2008 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>( in millions )</td><td>2010</td><td>2009</td><td>2008</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>net cash provided by operating activities</td><td>$ 3547</td><td>$ 3173</td><td>$ 4421</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>net cash used for investing activities</td><td>-319 ( 319 )</td><td>-1518 ( 1518 )</td><td>-907 ( 907 )</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>net cash used for financing activities</td><td>-3363 ( 3363 )</td><td>-1476 ( 1476 )</td><td>-3938 ( 3938 )</td></tr></table> operating activities net cash provided by operating activities increased by $ 374 million to $ 3547 million in 2010 as compared to 2009 . the increase primarily was attributable to an improvement in our operating working capital balances of $ 570 million as discussed below , and $ 187 million related to lower net income tax payments , as compared to 2009 . partially offsetting these improvements was a net reduction in cash from operations of $ 350 million related to our defined benefit pension plan . this reduction was the result of increased contributions to the pension trust of $ 758 million as compared to 2009 , partially offset by an increase in the cas costs recovered on our contracts . operating working capital accounts consists of receivables , inventories , accounts payable , and customer advances and amounts in excess of costs incurred . the improvement in cash provided by operating working capital was due to a decline in 2010 accounts receivable balances compared to 2009 , and an increase in 2010 customer advances and amounts in excess of costs incurred balances compared to 2009 . these improvements partially were offset by a decline in accounts payable balances in 2010 compared to 2009 . the decline in accounts receivable primarily was due to higher collections on various programs at electronic systems , is&gs , and space systems business areas . the increase in customer advances and amounts in excess of costs incurred primarily was attributable to an increase on government and commercial satellite programs at space systems and air mobility programs at aeronautics , partially offset by a decrease on various programs at electronic systems . the decrease in accounts payable was attributable to the timing of accounts payable activities across all segments . net cash provided by operating activities decreased by $ 1248 million to $ 3173 million in 2009 as compared to 2008 . the decline primarily was attributable to an increase in our contributions to the defined benefit pension plan of $ 1373 million as compared to 2008 and an increase in our operating working capital accounts of $ 147 million . partially offsetting these items was the impact of lower net income tax payments in 2009 as compared to 2008 in the amount of $ 319 million . the decline in cash provided by operating working capital primarily was due to growth of receivables on various programs in the ms2 and gt&l lines of business at electronic systems and an increase in inventories on combat aircraft programs at aeronautics , which partially were offset by increases in customer advances and amounts in excess of costs incurred on government satellite programs at space systems and the timing of accounts payable activities . investing activities capital expenditures 2013 the majority of our capital expenditures relate to facilities infrastructure and equipment that are incurred to support new and existing programs across all of our business segments . we also incur capital expenditures for it to support programs and general enterprise it infrastructure . capital expenditures for property , plant and equipment amounted to $ 820 million in 2010 , $ 852 million in 2009 , and $ 926 million in 2008 . we expect that our operating cash flows will continue to be sufficient to fund our annual capital expenditures over the next few years . acquisitions , divestitures and other activities 2013 acquisition activities include both the acquisition of businesses and investments in affiliates . amounts paid in 2010 of $ 148 million primarily related to investments in affiliates . we paid $ 435 million in 2009 for acquisition activities , compared with $ 233 million in 2008 . in 2010 , we received proceeds of $ 798 million from the sale of eig , net of $ 17 million in transaction costs ( see note 2 ) . there were no material divestiture activities in 2009 and 2008 . during 2010 , we increased our short-term investments by $ 171 million compared to an increase of $ 279 million in 2009 . financing activities share activity and dividends 2013 during 2010 , 2009 , and 2008 , we repurchased 33.0 million , 24.9 million , and 29.0 million shares of our common stock for $ 2483 million , $ 1851 million , and $ 2931 million . of the shares we repurchased in 2010 , 0.9 million shares for $ 63 million were repurchased in december but settled and were paid for in january 2011 . in october 2010 , our board of directors approved a new share repurchase program for the repurchase of our common stock from time-to-time , up to an authorized amount of $ 3.0 billion ( see note 12 ) . under the program , we have discretion to determine the dollar amount of shares to be repurchased and the timing of any repurchases in compliance with applicable law and regulation . we repurchased a total of 11.2 million shares under the program for $ 776 million , and as of december 31 , 2010 , there remained $ 2224 million available for additional share repurchases . in connection with their approval of the new share repurchase program , our board terminated our previous share repurchase program . cash received from the issuance of our common stock in connection with stock option exercises during 2010 , 2009 , and 2008 totaled $ 59 million , $ 40 million , and $ 250 million . those activities resulted in the issuance of 1.4 million shares , 1.0 million shares , and 4.7 million shares during the respective periods. . Question: what is the value of cap ex for pp&e in 2010? Answer: 820.0 Question: what is it 2009? Answer: 852.0 Question: what is the net change?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
notes to consolidated financial statements fifth third bancorp 81 vii held by the trust vii bear a fixed rate of interest of 8.875% ( 8.875 % ) until may 15 , 2058 . thereafter , the notes pay a floating rate at three-month libor plus 500 bp . the bancorp entered into an interest rate swap to convert $ 275 million of the fixed-rate debt into floating . at december 31 , 2008 , the rate paid on the swap was 6.05% ( 6.05 % ) . the jsn vii may be redeemed at the option of the bancorp on or after may 15 , 2013 , or in certain other limited circumstances , at a redemption price of 100% ( 100 % ) of the principal amount plus accrued but unpaid interest . all redemptions are subject to certain conditions and generally require approval by the federal reserve board . subsidiary long-term borrowings the senior fixed-rate bank notes due from 2009 to 2019 are the obligations of a subsidiary bank . the maturities of the face value of the senior fixed-rate bank notes are as follows : $ 36 million in 2009 , $ 800 million in 2010 and $ 275 million in 2019 . the bancorp entered into interest rate swaps to convert $ 1.1 billion of the fixed-rate debt into floating rates . at december 31 , 2008 , the rates paid on these swaps were 2.19% ( 2.19 % ) on $ 800 million and 2.20% ( 2.20 % ) on $ 275 million . in august 2008 , $ 500 million of senior fixed-rate bank notes issued in july of 2003 matured and were paid . these long-term bank notes were issued to third-party investors at a fixed rate of 3.375% ( 3.375 % ) . the senior floating-rate bank notes due in 2013 are the obligations of a subsidiary bank . the notes pay a floating rate at three-month libor plus 11 bp . the senior extendable notes consist of $ 797 million that currently pay interest at three-month libor plus 4 bp and $ 400 million that pay at the federal funds open rate plus 12 bp . the subordinated fixed-rate bank notes due in 2015 are the obligations of a subsidiary bank . the bancorp entered into interest rate swaps to convert the fixed-rate debt into floating rate . at december 31 , 2008 , the weighted-average rate paid on the swaps was 3.29% ( 3.29 % ) . the junior subordinated floating-rate bank notes due in 2032 and 2033 were assumed by a bancorp subsidiary as part of the acquisition of crown in november 2007 . two of the notes pay floating at three-month libor plus 310 and 325 bp . the third note pays floating at six-month libor plus 370 bp . the three-month libor plus 290 bp and the three-month libor plus 279 bp junior subordinated debentures due in 2033 and 2034 , respectively , were assumed by a subsidiary of the bancorp in connection with the acquisition of first national bank . the obligations were issued to fnb statutory trusts i and ii , respectively . the junior subordinated floating-rate bank notes due in 2035 were assumed by a bancorp subsidiary as part of the acquisition of first charter in may 2008 . the obligations were issued to first charter capital trust i and ii , respectively . the notes of first charter capital trust i and ii pay floating at three-month libor plus 169 bp and 142 bp , respectively . the bancorp has fully and unconditionally guaranteed all obligations under the acquired trust preferred securities . at december 31 , 2008 , fhlb advances have rates ranging from 0% ( 0 % ) to 8.34% ( 8.34 % ) , with interest payable monthly . the advances are secured by certain residential mortgage loans and securities totaling $ 8.6 billion . at december 31 , 2008 , $ 2.5 billion of fhlb advances are floating rate . the bancorp has interest rate caps , with a notional of $ 1.5 billion , held against its fhlb advance borrowings . the $ 3.6 billion in advances mature as follows : $ 1.5 billion in 2009 , $ 1 million in 2010 , $ 2 million in 2011 , $ 1 billion in 2012 and $ 1.1 billion in 2013 and thereafter . medium-term senior notes and subordinated bank notes with maturities ranging from one year to 30 years can be issued by two subsidiary banks , of which $ 3.8 billion was outstanding at december 31 , 2008 with $ 16.2 billion available for future issuance . there were no other medium-term senior notes outstanding on either of the two subsidiary banks as of december 31 , 2008 . 15 . commitments , contingent liabilities and guarantees the bancorp , in the normal course of business , enters into financial instruments and various agreements to meet the financing needs of its customers . the bancorp also enters into certain transactions and agreements to manage its interest rate and prepayment risks , provide funding , equipment and locations for its operations and invest in its communities . these instruments and agreements involve , to varying degrees , elements of credit risk , counterparty risk and market risk in excess of the amounts recognized in the bancorp 2019s consolidated balance sheets . creditworthiness for all instruments and agreements is evaluated on a case-by-case basis in accordance with the bancorp 2019s credit policies . the bancorp 2019s significant commitments , contingent liabilities and guarantees in excess of the amounts recognized in the consolidated balance sheets are summarized as follows : commitments the bancorp has certain commitments to make future payments under contracts . a summary of significant commitments at december 31: . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>( $ in millions )</td><td>2008</td><td>2007</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>commitments to extend credit</td><td>$ 49470</td><td>49788</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>letters of credit ( including standby letters of credit )</td><td>8951</td><td>8522</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>forward contracts to sell mortgage loans</td><td>3235</td><td>1511</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>noncancelable lease obligations</td><td>937</td><td>734</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>purchase obligations</td><td>81</td><td>52</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>capital expenditures</td><td>68</td><td>94</td></tr></table> commitments to extend credit are agreements to lend , typically having fixed expiration dates or other termination clauses that may require payment of a fee . since many of the commitments to extend credit may expire without being drawn upon , the total commitment amounts do not necessarily represent future cash flow requirements . the bancorp is exposed to credit risk in the event of nonperformance for the amount of the contract . fixed-rate commitments are also subject to market risk resulting from fluctuations in interest rates and the bancorp 2019s exposure is limited to the replacement value of those commitments . as of december 31 , 2008 and 2007 , the bancorp had a reserve for unfunded commitments totaling $ 195 million and $ 95 million , respectively , included in other liabilities in the consolidated balance sheets . standby and commercial letters of credit are conditional commitments issued to guarantee the performance of a customer to a third party . at december 31 , 2008 , approximately $ 3.3 billion of letters of credit expire within one year ( including $ 57 million issued on behalf of commercial customers to facilitate trade payments in dollars and foreign currencies ) , $ 5.3 billion expire between one to five years and $ 0.4 billion expire thereafter . standby letters of credit are considered guarantees in accordance with fasb interpretation no . 45 , 201cguarantor 2019s accounting and disclosure requirements for guarantees , including indirect guarantees of indebtedness of others 201d ( fin 45 ) . at december 31 , 2008 , the reserve related to these standby letters of credit was $ 3 million . approximately 66% ( 66 % ) and 70% ( 70 % ) of the total standby letters of credit were secured as of december 31 , 2008 and 2007 , respectively . in the event of nonperformance by the customers , the bancorp has rights to the underlying collateral , which can include commercial real estate , physical plant and property , inventory , receivables , cash and marketable securities . the bancorp monitors the credit risk associated with the standby letters of credit using the same dual risk rating system utilized for . Question: what was the sum of the securitization rates of standby letters of credit from 2007 and 2008?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
table of contents company stock performance the following graph shows a comparison of cumulative total shareholder return , calculated on a dividend reinvested basis , for the company , the s&p 500 index , the s&p information technology index and the dow jones u.s . technology supersector index for the five years ended september 26 , 2015 . the graph assumes $ 100 was invested in each of the company 2019s common stock , the s&p 500 index , the s&p information technology index and the dow jones u.s . technology supersector index as of the market close on september 24 , 2010 . note that historic stock price performance is not necessarily indicative of future stock price performance . * $ 100 invested on 9/25/10 in stock or index , including reinvestment of dividends . data points are the last day of each fiscal year for the company 2019scommon stock and september 30th for indexes . copyright a9 2015 s&p , a division of mcgraw hill financial . all rights reserved . copyright a9 2015 dow jones & co . all rights reserved . september september september september september september . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>september 2010</td><td>september 2011</td><td>september 2012</td><td>september 2013</td><td>september 2014</td><td>september 2015</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>apple inc .</td><td>$ 100</td><td>$ 138</td><td>$ 229</td><td>$ 170</td><td>$ 254</td><td>$ 294</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>s&p 500 index</td><td>$ 100</td><td>$ 101</td><td>$ 132</td><td>$ 157</td><td>$ 188</td><td>$ 187</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>s&p information technology index</td><td>$ 100</td><td>$ 104</td><td>$ 137</td><td>$ 147</td><td>$ 190</td><td>$ 194</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>dow jones u.s . technology supersector index</td><td>$ 100</td><td>$ 103</td><td>$ 134</td><td>$ 141</td><td>$ 183</td><td>$ 183</td></tr></table> apple inc . | 2015 form 10-k | 21 . Question: what was the value of apple inc in 2014? Answer: 254.0 Question: what was the initial investment amount? Answer: 100.0 Question: what is the net change? Answer: 154.0 Question: what was the initial investment?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
mastercard incorporated notes to consolidated financial statements 2014 ( continued ) ( in thousands , except percent and per share data ) note 17 . commitments at december 31 , 2008 , the company had the following future minimum payments due under non-cancelable agreements : capital leases operating leases sponsorship , licensing & . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>total</td><td>capital leases</td><td>operating leases</td><td>sponsorship licensing & other</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>2009</td><td>$ 372320</td><td>$ 8435</td><td>$ 40327</td><td>$ 323558</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>2010</td><td>140659</td><td>2758</td><td>18403</td><td>119498</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>2011</td><td>80823</td><td>1978</td><td>11555</td><td>67290</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>2012</td><td>50099</td><td>1819</td><td>9271</td><td>39009</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>2013</td><td>50012</td><td>36837</td><td>7062</td><td>6113</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>thereafter</td><td>21292</td><td>2014</td><td>19380</td><td>1912</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>total</td><td>$ 715205</td><td>$ 51827</td><td>$ 105998</td><td>$ 557380</td></tr></table> included in the table above are capital leases with imputed interest expense of $ 9483 and a net present value of minimum lease payments of $ 42343 . in addition , at december 31 , 2008 , $ 92300 of the future minimum payments in the table above for leases , sponsorship , licensing and other agreements was accrued . consolidated rental expense for the company 2019s office space , which is recognized on a straight line basis over the life of the lease , was approximately $ 42905 , $ 35614 and $ 31467 for the years ended december 31 , 2008 , 2007 and 2006 , respectively . consolidated lease expense for automobiles , computer equipment and office equipment was $ 7694 , $ 7679 and $ 8419 for the years ended december 31 , 2008 , 2007 and 2006 , respectively . in january 2003 , mastercard purchased a building in kansas city , missouri for approximately $ 23572 . the building is a co-processing data center which replaced a back-up data center in lake success , new york . during 2003 , mastercard entered into agreements with the city of kansas city for ( i ) the sale-leaseback of the building and related equipment which totaled $ 36382 and ( ii ) the purchase of municipal bonds for the same amount which have been classified as municipal bonds held-to-maturity . the agreements enabled mastercard to secure state and local financial benefits . no gain or loss was recorded in connection with the agreements . the leaseback has been accounted for as a capital lease as the agreement contains a bargain purchase option at the end of the ten-year lease term on april 1 , 2013 . the building and related equipment are being depreciated over their estimated economic life in accordance with the company 2019s policy . rent of $ 1819 is due annually and is equal to the interest due on the municipal bonds . the future minimum lease payments are $ 45781 and are included in the table above . a portion of the building was subleased to the original building owner for a five-year term with a renewal option . as of december 31 , 2008 , the future minimum sublease rental income is $ 4416 . note 18 . obligations under litigation settlements on october 27 , 2008 , mastercard and visa inc . ( 201cvisa 201d ) entered into a settlement agreement ( the 201cdiscover settlement 201d ) with discover financial services , inc . ( 201cdiscover 201d ) relating to the u.s . federal antitrust litigation amongst the parties . the discover settlement ended all litigation between the parties for a total of $ 2750000 . in july 2008 , mastercard and visa had entered into a judgment sharing agreement that allocated responsibility for any judgment or settlement of the discover action between the parties . accordingly , the mastercard share of the discover settlement was $ 862500 , which was paid to discover in november 2008 . in addition , in connection with the discover settlement , morgan stanley , discover 2019s former parent company , paid mastercard $ 35000 in november 2008 , pursuant to a separate agreement . the net impact of $ 827500 is included in litigation settlements for the year ended december 31 , 2008. . Question: what portion of total future minimum payments for capital leases is due in 2011? Answer: 0.02447 Question: what is the total rent expense for 2007 and 2008?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
location approximate size ( sq . ft. ) segment majority owned or leased . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>location</td><td>approximatesize ( sq . ft. )</td><td>segment</td><td>majorityowned orleased</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>hamilton new zealand</td><td>96000</td><td>global institutional global industrial</td><td>owned</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>calgary alberta canada</td><td>94000</td><td>global energy</td><td>owned</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>kwinana australia</td><td>87000</td><td>global institutional global industrial</td><td>owned</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>revesby australia</td><td>87000</td><td>global institutional global industrial</td><td>owned</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>yangsan korea</td><td>85000</td><td>global energy global industrial</td><td>owned</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>cisterna italy</td><td>80000</td><td>global industrial</td><td>owned</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>rovigo italy</td><td>77000</td><td>global institutional</td><td>owned</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>cuautitlan mexico</td><td>76000</td><td>global institutional global industrial</td><td>owned</td></tr><tr><td>10</td><td>barueri brazil</td><td>75000</td><td>global institutional global industrial</td><td>leased</td></tr><tr><td>11</td><td>mullingar ireland</td><td>74000</td><td>global institutional global industrial</td><td>leased</td></tr><tr><td>12</td><td>mosta malta</td><td>73000</td><td>global institutional</td><td>leased</td></tr></table> generally , our manufacturing facilities are adequate to meet our existing in-house production needs . we continue to invest in our plant sites to maintain viable operations and to add capacity as necessary to meet business imperatives . most of our manufacturing plants also serve as distribution centers . in addition , we operate distribution centers around the world , most of which are leased , and utilize third party logistics service providers to facilitate the distribution of our products and services . at year end 2016 ecolab 2019s corporate headquarters was comprised of three adjacent multi-storied buildings located in downtown st . paul , minnesota . the main 19-story building was constructed to our specifications and is leased through june 30 , 2018 . the second building is leased through 2019 . the company intends to vacate the current leased buildings in 2018 . the third building is owned . ecolab acquired the 17-story north tower from the travelers indemnity company in downtown st . paul , minnesota on august 4 , 2015 . this building became the corporate headquarters in 2017 . a 90 acre campus in eagan , minnesota is owned and provides for future growth . the eagan facility houses a significant research and development center , a data center and training facilities as well as several of our administrative functions . we also have a significant business presence in naperville , illinois , where our water and paper operating segment maintain their principal administrative offices and research center . as discussed in part ii , item 8 , note 6 , 201cdebt and interest 201d of this form 10-k , the company acquired the beneficial interest in the trust owning these facilities during 2015 . our energy operating segment maintains administrative and research facilities in sugar land , texas and additional research facilities in fresno , texas . in december 2013 , we announced the construction of a new 133000 square-foot headquarters building adjacent to the existing sugar land operations which was completed in early 2016 and renovation of the existing 45000 square-foot research facilities in sugar land . significant regional administrative and/or research facilities are located in leiden , netherlands , campinas , brazil , and pune , india , which we own , and in monheim , germany , singapore , shanghai , china , and zurich , switzerland , which we lease . we also have a network of small leased sales offices in the united states and , to a lesser extent , in other parts of the world . item 3 . legal proceedings . discussion of legal proceedings is incorporated by reference from part ii , item 8 , note 15 , 201ccommitments and contingencies , 201d of this form 10-k and should be considered an integral part of part i , item 3 , 201clegal proceedings . 201d other environmental-related legal proceedings are discussed at part i , item 1 ( c ) above , under the heading 201cenvironmental and regulatory considerations 201d and is incorporated herein by reference . item 4 . mine safety disclosures . not applicable. . Question: how many square feet are leased by the company in barueri brazil? Answer: 75000.0 Question: and what is that number for mullingar ireland? Answer: 74000.0 Question: what is, then, the total square feet leased by the company in both locations? Answer: 149000.0 Question: and what is that number for mosta malta?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
intangible assets are amortized on a straight-line basis over their estimated useful lives or on an accelerated method of amortization that is expected to reflect the estimated pattern of economic use . the remaining amortization expense will be recognized over a weighted-average period of approximately 0.9 years . amortization expense from continuing operations , related to intangibles was $ 7.4 million , $ 9.3 million and $ 9.2 million in fiscal 2009 , 2008 and 2007 , respectively . the company expects annual amortization expense for these intangible assets to be: . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>fiscal years</td><td>amortization expense</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>2010</td><td>$ 5425</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>2011</td><td>$ 1430</td></tr></table> g . grant accounting certain of the company 2019s foreign subsidiaries have received various grants from governmental agencies . these grants include capital , employment and research and development grants . capital grants for the acquisition of property and equipment are netted against the related capital expenditures and amortized as a credit to depreciation expense over the useful life of the related asset . employment grants , which relate to employee hiring and training , and research and development grants are recognized in earnings in the period in which the related expenditures are incurred by the company . h . translation of foreign currencies the functional currency for the company 2019s foreign sales and research and development operations is the applicable local currency . gains and losses resulting from translation of these foreign currencies into u.s . dollars are recorded in accumulated other comprehensive ( loss ) income . transaction gains and losses and remeasurement of foreign currency denominated assets and liabilities are included in income currently , including those at the company 2019s principal foreign manufacturing operations where the functional currency is the u.s . dollar . foreign currency transaction gains or losses included in other expenses , net , were not material in fiscal 2009 , 2008 or 2007 . i . derivative instruments and hedging agreements foreign exchange exposure management 2014 the company enters into forward foreign currency exchange contracts to offset certain operational and balance sheet exposures from the impact of changes in foreign currency exchange rates . such exposures result from the portion of the company 2019s operations , assets and liabilities that are denominated in currencies other than the u.s . dollar , primarily the euro ; other exposures include the philippine peso and the british pound . these foreign currency exchange contracts are entered into to support transactions made in the normal course of business , and accordingly , are not speculative in nature . the contracts are for periods consistent with the terms of the underlying transactions , generally one year or less . hedges related to anticipated transactions are designated and documented at the inception of the respective hedges as cash flow hedges and are evaluated for effectiveness monthly . derivative instruments are employed to eliminate or minimize certain foreign currency exposures that can be confidently identified and quantified . as the terms of the contract and the underlying transaction are matched at inception , forward contract effectiveness is calculated by comparing the change in fair value of the contract to the change in the forward value of the anticipated transaction , with the effective portion of the gain or loss on the derivative instrument reported as a component of accumulated other comprehensive ( loss ) income ( oci ) in shareholders 2019 equity and reclassified into earnings in the same period during which the hedged transaction affects earnings . any residual change in fair value of the instruments , or ineffectiveness , is recognized immediately in other income/expense . additionally , the company enters into forward foreign currency contracts that economically hedge the gains and losses generated by the remeasurement of certain recorded assets and liabilities in a non-functional currency . changes in the fair value of these undesignated hedges are recognized in other income/expense immediately as an offset to the changes in the fair value of the asset or liability being hedged . analog devices , inc . notes to consolidated financial statements 2014 ( continued ) . Question: what was the amortization expense in 2009? Answer: 7.4 Question: and what was it in 2008? Answer: 9.3 Question: what was, then, the change over the year? Answer: -1.9 Question: and how much does this change represent in relation to the 2008 amortization expense? Answer: -0.2043 Question: and in 2010, what was this amortization expense, in millions? Answer: 5.425 Question: what was, then, the change since 2009?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
increased over 4% ( 4 % ) in 2005 , costs for trucking services provided by intermodal carriers remained flat as we substantially reduced expenses associated with network inefficiencies . higher diesel fuel prices increased sales and use taxes in 2005 , which resulted in higher state and local taxes . other contract expenses for equipment maintenance and other services increased in 2005 . the 2005 january west coast storm and hurricanes katrina and rita also contributed to higher expenses in 2005 ( net of insurance settlements received ) . partially offsetting these increases was a reduction in relocation expenses as we incurred higher relocation costs associated with moving support personnel to omaha , nebraska during 2004 . non-operating items millions of dollars 2006 2005 2004 % ( % ) change 2006 v 2005 % ( % ) change 2005 v 2004 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>millions of dollars</td><td>2006</td><td>2005</td><td>2004</td><td>% ( % ) change 2006 v 2005</td><td>% ( % ) change 2005 v 2004</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>other income</td><td>$ 118</td><td>$ 145</td><td>$ 88</td><td>( 19 ) % ( % )</td><td>65% ( 65 % )</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>interest expense</td><td>-477 ( 477 )</td><td>-504 ( 504 )</td><td>-527 ( 527 )</td><td>-5 ( 5 )</td><td>-4 ( 4 )</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>income taxes</td><td>-919 ( 919 )</td><td>-410 ( 410 )</td><td>-252 ( 252 )</td><td>124</td><td>63</td></tr></table> other income 2013 lower net gains from non-operating asset sales and higher expenses due to rising interest rates associated with our sale of receivables program resulted in a reduction in other income in 2006 , which was partially offset by higher rental income for the use of our right-of-way ( including 2006 settlements of rate disputes from prior years ) and cash investment returns due to higher interest rates . in 2005 , other income increased largely as a result of higher gains from real estate sales partially offset by higher expenses due to rising interest rates associated with our sale of receivables program . interest expense 2013 lower interest expense in 2006 and 2005 was primarily due to declining weighted-average debt levels of $ 7.1 billion , $ 7.8 billion , and $ 8.1 billion in 2006 , 2005 , and 2004 , respectively . a higher effective interest rate of 6.7% ( 6.7 % ) in 2006 , compared to 6.5% ( 6.5 % ) in both 2005 and 2004 , partially offset the effects of the declining debt level . income taxes 2013 income tax expense was $ 509 million higher in 2006 than 2005 . higher pre-tax income resulted in additional taxes of $ 414 million and $ 118 million of the increase resulted from the one-time reduction in 2005 described below . our effective tax rate was 36.4% ( 36.4 % ) and 28.6% ( 28.6 % ) in 2006 and 2005 , respectively . income taxes were greater in 2005 than 2004 due to higher pre-tax income partially offset by a previously reported reduction in income tax expense . in our quarterly report on form 10-q for the quarter ended june 30 , 2005 , we reported that the corporation analyzed the impact that final settlements of pre-1995 tax years had on previously recorded estimates of deferred tax assets and liabilities . the completed analysis of the final settlements for pre-1995 tax years , along with internal revenue service examination reports for tax years 1995 through 2002 were considered , among other things , in a review and re-evaluation of the corporation 2019s estimated deferred tax assets and liabilities as of september 30 , 2005 , resulting in an income tax expense reduction of $ 118 million in . Question: what is the other income in 2006? Answer: 118.0 Question: what about in 2005? Answer: 145.0 Question: what is the sum for these two years? Answer: 263.0 Question: what about in 2004? Answer: 88.0 Question: what is the total for three years? Answer: 351.0 Question: what is the average for these three years? Answer: 117.0 Question: what is the net change in other income from 2004 to 2005?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
our refineries processed 944 mbpd of crude oil and 207 mbpd of other charge and blend stocks . the table below sets forth the location and daily crude oil refining capacity of each of our refineries as of december 31 , 2008 . crude oil refining capacity ( thousands of barrels per day ) 2008 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>( thousands of barrels per day )</td><td>2008</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>garyville louisiana</td><td>256</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>catlettsburg kentucky</td><td>226</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>robinson illinois</td><td>204</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>detroit michigan</td><td>102</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>canton ohio</td><td>78</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>texas city texas</td><td>76</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>st . paul park minnesota</td><td>74</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>total</td><td>1016</td></tr></table> our refineries include crude oil atmospheric and vacuum distillation , fluid catalytic cracking , catalytic reforming , desulfurization and sulfur recovery units . the refineries process a wide variety of crude oils and produce numerous refined products , ranging from transportation fuels , such as reformulated gasolines , blend- grade gasolines intended for blending with fuel ethanol and ultra-low sulfur diesel fuel , to heavy fuel oil and asphalt . additionally , we manufacture aromatics , cumene , propane , propylene , sulfur and maleic anhydride . our refineries are integrated with each other via pipelines , terminals and barges to maximize operating efficiency . the transportation links that connect our refineries allow the movement of intermediate products between refineries to optimize operations , produce higher margin products and utilize our processing capacity efficiently . our garyville , louisiana , refinery is located along the mississippi river in southeastern louisiana . the garyville refinery processes heavy sour crude oil into products such as gasoline , distillates , sulfur , asphalt , propane , polymer grade propylene , isobutane and coke . in 2006 , we approved an expansion of our garyville refinery by 180 mbpd to 436 mbpd , with a currently projected cost of $ 3.35 billion ( excluding capitalized interest ) . construction commenced in early 2007 and is continuing on schedule . we estimate that , as of december 31 , 2008 , this project is approximately 75 percent complete . we expect to complete the expansion in late 2009 . our catlettsburg , kentucky , refinery is located in northeastern kentucky on the western bank of the big sandy river , near the confluence with the ohio river . the catlettsburg refinery processes sweet and sour crude oils into products such as gasoline , asphalt , diesel , jet fuel , petrochemicals , propane , propylene and sulfur . our robinson , illinois , refinery is located in the southeastern illinois town of robinson . the robinson refinery processes sweet and sour crude oils into products such as multiple grades of gasoline , jet fuel , kerosene , diesel fuel , propane , propylene , sulfur and anode-grade coke . our detroit , michigan , refinery is located near interstate 75 in southwest detroit . the detroit refinery processes light sweet and heavy sour crude oils , including canadian crude oils , into products such as gasoline , diesel , asphalt , slurry , propane , chemical grade propylene and sulfur . in 2007 , we approved a heavy oil upgrading and expansion project at our detroit , michigan , refinery , with a current projected cost of $ 2.2 billion ( excluding capitalized interest ) . this project will enable the refinery to process additional heavy sour crude oils , including canadian bitumen blends , and will increase its crude oil refining capacity by about 15 percent . construction began in the first half of 2008 and is presently expected to be complete in mid-2012 . our canton , ohio , refinery is located approximately 60 miles southeast of cleveland , ohio . the canton refinery processes sweet and sour crude oils into products such as gasoline , diesel fuels , kerosene , propane , sulfur , asphalt , roofing flux , home heating oil and no . 6 industrial fuel oil . our texas city , texas , refinery is located on the texas gulf coast approximately 30 miles south of houston , texas . the refinery processes sweet crude oil into products such as gasoline , propane , chemical grade propylene , slurry , sulfur and aromatics . our st . paul park , minnesota , refinery is located in st . paul park , a suburb of minneapolis-st . paul . the st . paul park refinery processes predominantly canadian crude oils into products such as gasoline , diesel , jet fuel , kerosene , asphalt , propane , propylene and sulfur. . Question: as of december 31, 2008, what was the amount of the crude oil refining capacity that was located in detroit michigan? Answer: 102.0 Question: and what was that crude oil refining capacity?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
performance graph the following graph compares the total return , assuming reinvestment of dividends , on an investment in the company , based on performance of the company's common stock , with the total return of the standard & poor's 500 composite stock index and the dow jones united states travel and leisure index for a five year period by measuring the changes in common stock prices from december 31 , 2012 to december 31 , 2017. . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>12/12</td><td>12/13</td><td>12/14</td><td>12/15</td><td>12/16</td><td>12/17</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>royal caribbean cruises ltd .</td><td>100.00</td><td>142.11</td><td>251.44</td><td>313.65</td><td>260.04</td><td>385.47</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>s&p 500</td><td>100.00</td><td>132.39</td><td>150.51</td><td>152.59</td><td>170.84</td><td>208.14</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>dow jones us travel & leisure</td><td>100.00</td><td>145.48</td><td>169.28</td><td>179.27</td><td>192.85</td><td>238.77</td></tr></table> the stock performance graph assumes for comparison that the value of the company's common stock and of each index was $ 100 on december 31 , 2012 and that all dividends were reinvested . past performance is not necessarily an indicator of future results. . Question: what is the sum of the prices of royal caribbean cruises and the s&p 500 in 2017? Answer: 593.61 Question: what was the value of the dow jones us travel & leisure index in 2017?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
notes to consolidated financial statements 2014 ( continued ) ( amounts in millions , except per share amounts ) sales of businesses and investments 2013 primarily includes realized gains and losses relating to the sales of businesses , cumulative translation adjustment balances from the liquidation of entities and sales of marketable securities and investments in publicly traded and privately held companies in our rabbi trusts . during 2009 , we realized a gain of $ 15.2 related to the sale of an investment in our rabbi trusts , which was partially offset by losses realized from the sale of various businesses . losses in 2007 primarily related to the sale of several businesses within draftfcb for a loss of $ 9.3 and charges at lowe of $ 7.8 as a result of the realization of cumulative translation adjustment balances from the liquidation of several businesses . vendor discounts and credit adjustments 2013 we are in the process of settling our liabilities related to vendor discounts and credits established during the restatement we presented in our 2004 annual report on form 10-k . these adjustments reflect the reversal of certain of these liabilities as a result of settlements with clients or vendors or where the statute of limitations has lapsed . litigation settlement 2013 during may 2008 , the sec concluded its investigation that began in 2002 into our financial reporting practices , resulting in a settlement charge of $ 12.0 . investment impairments 2013 in 2007 we realized an other-than-temporary charge of $ 5.8 relating to a $ 12.5 investment in auction rate securities , representing our total investment in auction rate securities . see note 12 for further information . note 5 : intangible assets goodwill goodwill is the excess purchase price remaining from an acquisition after an allocation of purchase price has been made to identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed based on estimated fair values . the changes in the carrying value of goodwill for our segments , integrated agency networks ( 201cian 201d ) and constituency management group ( 201ccmg 201d ) , for the years ended december 31 , 2009 and 2008 are listed below. . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>ian</td><td>cmg</td><td>total 1</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>balance as of december 31 2007</td><td>$ 2789.7</td><td>$ 441.9</td><td>$ 3231.6</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>current year acquisitions</td><td>99.5</td><td>1.8</td><td>101.3</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>contingent and deferred payments for prior acquisitions</td><td>28.9</td><td>1.1</td><td>30.0</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>other ( primarily foreign currency translation )</td><td>-128.1 ( 128.1 )</td><td>-13.9 ( 13.9 )</td><td>-142.0 ( 142.0 )</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>balance as of december 31 2008</td><td>$ 2790.0</td><td>$ 430.9</td><td>$ 3220.9</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>current year acquisitions2</td><td>5.2</td><td>2014</td><td>5.2</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>contingent and deferred payments for prior acquisitions</td><td>14.2</td><td>2014</td><td>14.2</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>other ( primarily foreign currency translation )</td><td>76.2</td><td>4.5</td><td>80.7</td></tr><tr><td>10</td><td>balance as of december 31 2009</td><td>$ 2885.6</td><td>$ 435.4</td><td>$ 3321.0</td></tr></table> 1 for all periods presented we have not recorded a goodwill impairment charge . 2 for acquisitions completed after january 1 , 2009 , amount includes contingent and deferred payments , which are recorded at fair value on the acquisition date . see note 6 for further information . see note 1 for further information regarding our annual impairment methodology . other intangible assets included in other intangible assets are assets with indefinite lives not subject to amortization and assets with definite lives subject to amortization . other intangible assets primarily include customer lists and trade names . intangible assets with definitive lives subject to amortization are amortized on a straight-line basis with estimated useful lives generally between 7 and 15 years . amortization expense for other intangible assets for the years ended december 31 , 2009 , 2008 and 2007 was $ 19.3 , $ 14.4 and $ 8.5 , respectively . the following table provides a summary of other intangible assets , which are included in other assets on our consolidated balance sheets. . Question: what was the total amortization expense for other intangible assets in 2008 and 2009? Answer: 33.7 Question: and including the value for 2007?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
during 2015 , 2014 and 2013 , netherland , sewell & associates , inc . ( "nsai" ) prepared a certification of the prior year's reserves for the alba field in e.g . the nsai summary reports are filed as an exhibit to this annual report on form 10-k . members of the nsai team have multiple years of industry experience , having worked for large , international oil and gas companies before joining nsai . the senior technical advisor has over 35 years of practical experience in petroleum geosciences , with over 15 years experience in the estimation and evaluation of reserves . the second team member has over 10 years of practical experience in petroleum engineering , with over five years experience in the estimation and evaluation of reserves . both are registered professional engineers in the state of texas . ryder scott company ( "ryder scott" ) also performed audits of the prior years' reserves of several of our fields in 2015 , 2014 and 2013 . their summary reports are filed as exhibits to this annual report on form 10-k . the team lead for ryder scott has over 20 years of industry experience , having worked for a major international oil and gas company before joining ryder scott . he is a member of spe , where he served on the oil and gas reserves committee , and is a registered professional engineer in the state of texas . changes in proved undeveloped reserves as of december 31 , 2015 , 603 mmboe of proved undeveloped reserves were reported , a decrease of 125 mmboe from december 31 , 2014 . the following table shows changes in total proved undeveloped reserves for 2015 : ( mmboe ) . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>beginning of year</td><td>728</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>revisions of previous estimates</td><td>-223 ( 223 )</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>improved recovery</td><td>1</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>purchases of reserves in place</td><td>1</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>extensions discoveries and other additions</td><td>175</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>dispositions</td><td>2014</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>transfers to proved developed</td><td>-79 ( 79 )</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>end of year</td><td>603</td></tr></table> the revisions to previous estimates were largely due to a result of reductions to our capital development program which deferred proved undeveloped reserves beyond the 5-year plan . a total of 139 mmboe was booked as extensions , discoveries or other additions and revisions due to the application of reliable technology . technologies included statistical analysis of production performance , decline curve analysis , pressure and rate transient analysis , reservoir simulation and volumetric analysis . the observed statistical nature of production performance coupled with highly certain reservoir continuity or quality within the reliable technology areas and sufficient proved developed locations establish the reasonable certainty criteria required for booking proved reserves . transfers from proved undeveloped to proved developed reserves included 47 mmboe in the eagle ford , 14 mmboe in the bakken and 5 mmboe in the oklahoma resource basins due to development drilling and completions . costs incurred in 2015 , 2014 and 2013 relating to the development of proved undeveloped reserves were $ 1415 million , $ 3149 million and $ 2536 million . projects can remain in proved undeveloped reserves for extended periods in certain situations such as large development projects which take more than five years to complete , or the timing of when additional gas compression is needed . of the 603 mmboe of proved undeveloped reserves at december 31 , 2015 , 26% ( 26 % ) of the volume is associated with projects that have been included in proved reserves for more than five years . the majority of this volume is related to a compression project in e.g . that was sanctioned by our board of directors in 2004 . during 2012 , the compression project received the approval of the e.g . government , fabrication of the new platform began in 2013 and installation of the platform at the alba field occurred in january 2016 . commissioning is currently underway , with first production expected by mid-2016 . proved undeveloped reserves for the north gialo development , located in the libyan sahara desert , were booked for the first time in 2010 . this development is being executed by the operator and encompasses a multi-year drilling program including the design , fabrication and installation of extensive liquid handling and gas recycling facilities . anecdotal evidence from similar development projects in the region leads to an expected project execution time frame of more than five years from the time the reserves were initially booked . interruptions associated with the civil and political unrest have also extended the project duration . operations were interrupted in mid-2013 as a result of the shutdown of the es sider crude oil terminal , and although temporarily re-opened during the second half of 2014 , production remains shut-in through early 2016 . the operator is committed to the project 2019s completion and continues to assign resources in order to execute the project . our conversion rate for proved undeveloped reserves to proved developed reserves for 2015 was 11% ( 11 % ) . however , excluding the aforementioned long-term projects in e.g . and libya , our 2015 conversion rate would be 15% ( 15 % ) . furthermore , our . Question: what is the sum of costs incurred relating to the development of proved undeveloped reserves in 2015 and 2014? Answer: 4564.0 Question: what is the sum including the costs from 2013?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
zimmer holdings , inc . 2013 form 10-k annual report notes to consolidated financial statements ( continued ) unrealized gains and losses on cash flow hedges , unrealized gains and losses on available-for-sale securities and amortization of prior service costs and unrecognized gains and losses in actuarial assumptions . treasury stock 2013 we account for repurchases of common stock under the cost method and present treasury stock as a reduction of stockholders 2019 equity . we reissue common stock held in treasury only for limited purposes . noncontrolling interest 2013 in 2011 , we made an investment in a company in which we acquired a controlling financial interest , but not 100 percent of the equity . in 2013 , we purchased additional shares of the company from the minority shareholders . further information related to the noncontrolling interests of that investment has not been provided as it is not significant to our consolidated financial statements . accounting pronouncements 2013 effective january 1 , 2013 , we adopted the fasb 2019s accounting standard updates ( asus ) requiring reporting of amounts reclassified out of accumulated other comprehensive income ( oci ) and balance sheet offsetting between derivative assets and liabilities . these asus only change financial statement disclosure requirements and therefore do not impact our financial position , results of operations or cash flows . see note 12 for disclosures relating to oci . see note 13 for disclosures relating to balance sheet offsetting . there are no other recently issued accounting pronouncements that we have not yet adopted that are expected to have a material effect on our financial position , results of operations or cash flows . 3 . share-based compensation our share-based payments primarily consist of stock options , restricted stock , restricted stock units ( rsus ) , and an employee stock purchase plan . share-based compensation expense is as follows ( in millions ) : . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>for the years ended december 31,</td><td>2013</td><td>2012</td><td>2011</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>stock options</td><td>$ 24.7</td><td>$ 32.4</td><td>$ 41.7</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>rsus and other</td><td>23.8</td><td>22.6</td><td>18.8</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>total expense pre-tax</td><td>48.5</td><td>55.0</td><td>60.5</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>tax benefit related to awards</td><td>-15.6 ( 15.6 )</td><td>-16.6 ( 16.6 )</td><td>-17.8 ( 17.8 )</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>total expense net of tax</td><td>$ 32.9</td><td>$ 38.4</td><td>$ 42.7</td></tr></table> share-based compensation cost capitalized as part of inventory for the years ended december 31 , 2013 , 2012 and 2011 was $ 4.1 million , $ 6.1 million , and $ 8.8 million , respectively . as of december 31 , 2013 and 2012 , approximately $ 2.4 million and $ 3.3 million of capitalized costs remained in finished goods inventory . stock options we had two equity compensation plans in effect at december 31 , 2013 : the 2009 stock incentive plan ( 2009 plan ) and the stock plan for non-employee directors . the 2009 plan succeeded the 2006 stock incentive plan ( 2006 plan ) and the teamshare stock option plan ( teamshare plan ) . no further awards have been granted under the 2006 plan or under the teamshare plan since may 2009 , and shares remaining available for grant under those plans have been merged into the 2009 plan . vested and unvested stock options and unvested restricted stock and rsus previously granted under the 2006 plan , the teamshare plan and another prior plan , the 2001 stock incentive plan , remained outstanding as of december 31 , 2013 . we have reserved the maximum number of shares of common stock available for award under the terms of each of these plans . we have registered 57.9 million shares of common stock under these plans . the 2009 plan provides for the grant of nonqualified stock options and incentive stock options , long-term performance awards in the form of performance shares or units , restricted stock , rsus and stock appreciation rights . the compensation and management development committee of the board of directors determines the grant date for annual grants under our equity compensation plans . the date for annual grants under the 2009 plan to our executive officers is expected to occur in the first quarter of each year following the earnings announcements for the previous quarter and full year . the stock plan for non-employee directors provides for awards of stock options , restricted stock and rsus to non-employee directors . it has been our practice to issue shares of common stock upon exercise of stock options from previously unissued shares , except in limited circumstances where they are issued from treasury stock . the total number of awards which may be granted in a given year and/or over the life of the plan under each of our equity compensation plans is limited . at december 31 , 2013 , an aggregate of 10.4 million shares were available for future grants and awards under these plans . stock options granted to date under our plans generally vest over four years and generally have a maximum contractual life of 10 years . as established under our equity compensation plans , vesting may accelerate upon retirement after the first anniversary date of the award if certain criteria are met . we recognize expense related to stock options on a straight-line basis over the requisite service period , less awards expected to be forfeited using estimated forfeiture rates . due to the accelerated retirement provisions , the requisite service period of our stock options range from one to four years . stock options are granted with an exercise price equal to the market price of our common stock on the date of grant , except in limited circumstances where local law may dictate otherwise. . Question: what was the difference in the total expense net of tax between the years of 2013 and 2012? Answer: -5.5 Question: and what was the total expense net of tax in 2012?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
american tower corporation and subsidiaries notes to consolidated financial statements as of december 31 , 2010 , total unrecognized compensation expense related to unvested restricted stock units granted under the 2007 plan was $ 57.5 million and is expected to be recognized over a weighted average period of approximately two years . employee stock purchase plan 2014the company maintains an employee stock purchase plan ( 201cespp 201d ) for all eligible employees . under the espp , shares of the company 2019s common stock may be purchased during bi-annual offering periods at 85% ( 85 % ) of the lower of the fair market value on the first or the last day of each offering period . employees may purchase shares having a value not exceeding 15% ( 15 % ) of their gross compensation during an offering period and may not purchase more than $ 25000 worth of stock in a calendar year ( based on market values at the beginning of each offering period ) . the offering periods run from june 1 through november 30 and from december 1 through may 31 of each year . during the 2010 , 2009 and 2008 offering periods employees purchased 75354 , 77509 and 55764 shares , respectively , at weighted average prices per share of $ 34.16 , $ 23.91 and $ 30.08 , respectively . the fair value of the espp offerings is estimated on the offering period commencement date using a black-scholes pricing model with the expense recognized over the expected life , which is the six month offering period over which employees accumulate payroll deductions to purchase the company 2019s common stock . the weighted average fair value for the espp shares purchased during 2010 , 2009 and 2008 was $ 9.43 , $ 6.65 and $ 7.89 , respectively . at december 31 , 2010 , 8.7 million shares remain reserved for future issuance under the plan . key assumptions used to apply this pricing model for the years ended december 31 , are as follows: . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>2010</td><td>2009</td><td>2008</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>range of risk-free interest rate</td><td>0.22% ( 0.22 % ) - 0.23% ( 0.23 % )</td><td>0.29% ( 0.29 % ) - 0.44% ( 0.44 % )</td><td>1.99% ( 1.99 % ) - 3.28% ( 3.28 % )</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>weighted average risk-free interest rate</td><td>0.22% ( 0.22 % )</td><td>0.38% ( 0.38 % )</td><td>2.58% ( 2.58 % )</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>expected life of shares</td><td>6 months</td><td>6 months</td><td>6 months</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>range of expected volatility of underlying stock price</td><td>35.26% ( 35.26 % ) - 35.27% ( 35.27 % )</td><td>35.31% ( 35.31 % ) - 36.63% ( 36.63 % )</td><td>27.85% ( 27.85 % ) - 28.51% ( 28.51 % )</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>weighted average expected volatility of underlying stock price</td><td>35.26% ( 35.26 % )</td><td>35.83% ( 35.83 % )</td><td>28.51% ( 28.51 % )</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>expected annual dividends</td><td>n/a</td><td>n/a</td><td>n/a</td></tr></table> 13 . stockholders 2019 equity warrants 2014in august 2005 , the company completed its merger with spectrasite , inc . and assumed outstanding warrants to purchase shares of spectrasite , inc . common stock . as of the merger completion date , each warrant was exercisable for two shares of spectrasite , inc . common stock at an exercise price of $ 32 per warrant . upon completion of the merger , each warrant to purchase shares of spectrasite , inc . common stock automatically converted into a warrant to purchase shares of the company 2019s common stock , such that upon exercise of each warrant , the holder has a right to receive 3.575 shares of the company 2019s common stock in lieu of each share of spectrasite , inc . common stock that would have been receivable under each assumed warrant prior to the merger . upon completion of the company 2019s merger with spectrasite , inc. , these warrants were exercisable for approximately 6.8 million shares of common stock . of these warrants , warrants to purchase approximately none and 1.7 million shares of common stock remained outstanding as of december 31 , 2010 and 2009 , respectively . these warrants expired on february 10 , 2010 . stock repurchase program 2014during the year ended december 31 , 2010 , the company repurchased an aggregate of approximately 9.3 million shares of its common stock for an aggregate of $ 420.8 million , including commissions and fees , of which $ 418.6 million was paid in cash prior to december 31 , 2010 and $ 2.2 million was included in accounts payable and accrued expenses in the accompanying consolidated balance sheet as of december 31 , 2010 , pursuant to its publicly announced stock repurchase program , as described below. . Question: what was the weighted average fair value for the espp shares in 2010? Answer: 9.43 Question: and what was it in 2009?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
entergy texas , inc . management's financial discussion and analysis fuel and purchased power expenses increased primarily due to an increase in power purchases as a result of the purchased power agreements between entergy gulf states louisiana and entergy texas and an increase in the average market prices of purchased power and natural gas , substantially offset by a decrease in deferred fuel expense as a result of decreased recovery from customers of fuel costs . other regulatory charges increased primarily due to an increase of $ 6.9 million in the recovery of bond expenses related to the securitization bonds . the recovery became effective july 2007 . see note 5 to the financial statements for additional information regarding the securitization bonds . 2007 compared to 2006 net revenue consists of operating revenues net of : 1 ) fuel , fuel-related expenses , and gas purchased for resale , 2 ) purchased power expenses , and 3 ) other regulatory charges . following is an analysis of the change in net revenue comparing 2007 to 2006 . amount ( in millions ) . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>amount ( in millions )</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>2006 net revenue</td><td>$ 403.3</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>purchased power capacity</td><td>13.1</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>securitization transition charge</td><td>9.9</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>volume/weather</td><td>9.7</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>transmission revenue</td><td>6.1</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>base revenue</td><td>2.6</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>other</td><td>-2.4 ( 2.4 )</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>2007 net revenue</td><td>$ 442.3</td></tr></table> the purchased power capacity variance is due to changes in the purchased power capacity costs included in the calculation in 2007 compared to 2006 used to bill generation costs between entergy texas and entergy gulf states louisiana . the securitization transition charge variance is due to the issuance of securitization bonds . as discussed above , in june 2007 , egsrf i , a company wholly-owned and consolidated by entergy texas , issued securitization bonds and with the proceeds purchased from entergy texas the transition property , which is the right to recover from customers through a transition charge amounts sufficient to service the securitization bonds . see note 5 to the financial statements herein for details of the securitization bond issuance . the volume/weather variance is due to increased electricity usage on billed retail sales , including the effects of more favorable weather in 2007 compared to the same period in 2006 . the increase is also due to an increase in usage during the unbilled sales period . retail electricity usage increased a total of 139 gwh in all sectors . see "critical accounting estimates" below and note 1 to the financial statements for further discussion of the accounting for unbilled revenues . the transmission revenue variance is due to an increase in rates effective june 2007 and new transmission customers in late 2006 . the base revenue variance is due to the transition to competition rider that began in march 2006 . refer to note 2 to the financial statements for further discussion of the rate increase . gross operating revenues , fuel and purchased power expenses , and other regulatory charges gross operating revenues decreased primarily due to a decrease of $ 179 million in fuel cost recovery revenues due to lower fuel rates and fuel refunds . the decrease was partially offset by the $ 39 million increase in net revenue described above and an increase of $ 44 million in wholesale revenues , including $ 30 million from the system agreement cost equalization payments from entergy arkansas . the receipt of such payments is being . Question: what is the net revenue in 2007? Answer: 442.3 Question: what about in 2006? Answer: 403.3 Question: what os the net change?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
performance graph the following graph shows a five-year comparison of the cumulative total return on our common stock , the nasdaq composite index , the s&p 500 index and the s&p 500 information technology index from april 24 , 2009 through april 25 , 2014 . the past performance of our common stock is not indicative of the future performance of our common stock . comparison of 5 year cumulative total return* among netapp , inc. , the nasdaq composite index , the s&p 500 index and the s&p 500 information technology index . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>4/09</td><td>4/10</td><td>4/11</td><td>4/12</td><td>4/13</td><td>4/14</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>netapp inc .</td><td>$ 100.00</td><td>$ 189.45</td><td>$ 284.75</td><td>$ 212.19</td><td>$ 190.66</td><td>$ 197.58</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>nasdaq composite</td><td>100.00</td><td>144.63</td><td>170.44</td><td>182.57</td><td>202.25</td><td>253.22</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>s&p 500</td><td>100.00</td><td>138.84</td><td>162.75</td><td>170.49</td><td>199.29</td><td>240.02</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>s&p 500 information technology</td><td>100.00</td><td>143.49</td><td>162.37</td><td>186.06</td><td>189.18</td><td>236.12</td></tr></table> we believe that a number of factors may cause the market price of our common stock to fluctuate significantly . see 201citem 1a . risk factors . 201d sale of unregistered securities . Question: what is the value of netapp inc on 4/14 less 100? Answer: 97.58 Question: what is that value divided by 100? Answer: 0.9758 Question: what was the price of the s&p information technology on 4/14? Answer: 236.12 Question: what is that number less 100? Answer: 136.12 Question: what is that divided by 100? Answer: 1.3612 Question: what is the difference between the netapp and s&p ratios?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
common stock from time to time through open market purchases or privately negotiated transactions at prevailing prices as permitted by securities laws and other legal requirements , and subject to stock price , business and market conditions and other factors . we have been funding and expect to continue to fund stock repurchases through a combination of cash on hand and cash generated by operations . in the future , we may also choose to fund our stock repurchase program under our revolving credit facility or future financing transactions . there were no repurchases of our series a and b common stock during the three months ended december 31 , 2013 . the company first announced its stock repurchase program on august 3 , 2010 . stock performance graph the following graph sets forth the cumulative total shareholder return on our series a common stock , series b common stock and series c common stock as compared with the cumulative total return of the companies listed in the standard and poor 2019s 500 stock index ( 201cs&p 500 index 201d ) and a peer group of companies comprised of cbs corporation class b common stock , scripps network interactive , inc. , time warner , inc. , twenty-first century fox , inc . class a common stock ( news corporation class a common stock prior to june 2013 ) , viacom , inc . class b common stock and the walt disney company . the graph assumes $ 100 originally invested on december 31 , 2008 in each of our series a common stock , series b common stock and series c common stock , the s&p 500 index , and the stock of our peer group companies , including reinvestment of dividends , for the years ended december 31 , 2009 , 2010 , 2011 , 2012 and 2013 . december 31 , december 31 , december 31 , december 31 , december 31 , december 31 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>december 312008</td><td>december 312009</td><td>december 312010</td><td>december 312011</td><td>december 312012</td><td>december 312013</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>disca</td><td>$ 100.00</td><td>$ 216.60</td><td>$ 294.49</td><td>$ 289.34</td><td>$ 448.31</td><td>$ 638.56</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>discb</td><td>$ 100.00</td><td>$ 207.32</td><td>$ 287.71</td><td>$ 277.03</td><td>$ 416.52</td><td>$ 602.08</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>disck</td><td>$ 100.00</td><td>$ 198.06</td><td>$ 274.01</td><td>$ 281.55</td><td>$ 436.89</td><td>$ 626.29</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>s&p 500</td><td>$ 100.00</td><td>$ 123.45</td><td>$ 139.23</td><td>$ 139.23</td><td>$ 157.90</td><td>$ 204.63</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>peer group</td><td>$ 100.00</td><td>$ 151.63</td><td>$ 181.00</td><td>$ 208.91</td><td>$ 286.74</td><td>$ 454.87</td></tr></table> equity compensation plan information information regarding securities authorized for issuance under equity compensation plans will be set forth in our definitive proxy statement for our 2014 annual meeting of stockholders under the caption 201csecurities authorized for issuance under equity compensation plans , 201d which is incorporated herein by reference. . Question: what is the difference between discb share price of december 31 2013 and of december 31 2008? Answer: 502.08 Question: how much does that difference represents in relation to the number 100?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
issuer purchases of equity securities the following table provides information about our repurchases of common stock during the three-month period ended december 31 , 2012 . period total number of shares purchased average price paid per total number of shares purchased as part of publicly announced program ( a ) amount available for future share repurchases the program ( b ) ( in millions ) . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>period</td><td>total number of shares purchased</td><td>average price paid per share</td><td>total number of shares purchased as part of publicly announced program ( a )</td><td>amount available for future share repurchases under the program ( b ) ( in millions )</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>october 1 2012 2013 october 28 2012</td><td>842445</td><td>$ 93.38</td><td>842445</td><td>$ 2522</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>october 29 2012 2013 november 25 2012</td><td>872973</td><td>90.86</td><td>872973</td><td>2443</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>november 26 2012 2013 december 31 2012</td><td>1395288</td><td>92.02</td><td>1395288</td><td>2315</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>total</td><td>3110706</td><td>$ 92.07</td><td>3110706</td><td>$ 2315</td></tr></table> ( a ) we repurchased a total of 3.1 million shares of our common stock for $ 286 million during the quarter ended december 31 , 2012 under a share repurchase program that we announced in october 2010 . ( b ) our board of directors has approved a share repurchase program for the repurchase of our common stock from time-to-time , authorizing an amount available for share repurchases of $ 6.5 billion . under the program , management has discretion to determine the dollar amount of shares to be repurchased and the timing of any repurchases in compliance with applicable law and regulation . the program does not have an expiration date . as of december 31 , 2012 , we had repurchased a total of 54.3 million shares under the program for $ 4.2 billion. . Question: what were the number of shares repurchased during december 2012? Answer: 1395288.0 Question: what was the average price per share? Answer: 92.02 Question: what is the product of shares and price per share? Answer: 128394401.76 Question: what is that value simplified?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
operating expenses millions 2012 2011 2010 % ( % ) change 2012 v 2011 % ( % ) change 2011 v 2010 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>millions</td><td>2012</td><td>2011</td><td>2010</td><td>% ( % ) change 2012 v 2011</td><td>% ( % ) change 2011 v 2010</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>compensation and benefits</td><td>$ 4685</td><td>$ 4681</td><td>$ 4314</td><td>-% ( - % )</td><td>9% ( 9 % )</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>fuel</td><td>3608</td><td>3581</td><td>2486</td><td>1</td><td>44</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>purchased services and materials</td><td>2143</td><td>2005</td><td>1836</td><td>7</td><td>9</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>depreciation</td><td>1760</td><td>1617</td><td>1487</td><td>9</td><td>9</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>equipment and other rents</td><td>1197</td><td>1167</td><td>1142</td><td>3</td><td>2</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>other</td><td>788</td><td>782</td><td>719</td><td>1</td><td>9</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>total</td><td>$ 14181</td><td>$ 13833</td><td>$ 11984</td><td>3% ( 3 % )</td><td>15% ( 15 % )</td></tr></table> operating expenses increased $ 348 million in 2012 versus 2011 . depreciation , wage and benefit inflation , higher fuel prices and volume- related trucking services purchased by our logistics subsidiaries , contributed to higher expenses during the year . efficiency gains , volume related fuel savings ( 2% ( 2 % ) fewer gallons of fuel consumed ) and $ 38 million of weather related expenses in 2011 , which favorably affects the comparison , partially offset the cost increase . operating expenses increased $ 1.8 billion in 2011 versus 2010 . our fuel price per gallon rose 36% ( 36 % ) during 2011 , accounting for $ 922 million of the increase . wage and benefit inflation , volume-related costs , depreciation , and property taxes also contributed to higher expenses . expenses increased $ 20 million for costs related to the flooding in the midwest and $ 18 million due to the impact of severe heat and drought in the south , primarily texas . cost savings from productivity improvements and better resource utilization partially offset these increases . a $ 45 million one-time payment relating to a transaction with csx intermodal , inc ( csxi ) increased operating expenses during the first quarter of 2010 , which favorably affects the comparison of operating expenses in 2011 to those in 2010 . compensation and benefits 2013 compensation and benefits include wages , payroll taxes , health and welfare costs , pension costs , other postretirement benefits , and incentive costs . expenses in 2012 were essentially flat versus 2011 as operational improvements and cost reductions offset general wage and benefit inflation and higher pension and other postretirement benefits . in addition , weather related costs increased these expenses in 2011 . a combination of general wage and benefit inflation , volume-related expenses , higher training costs associated with new hires , additional crew costs due to speed restrictions caused by the midwest flooding and heat and drought in the south , and higher pension expense drove the increase during 2011 compared to 2010 . fuel 2013 fuel includes locomotive fuel and gasoline for highway and non-highway vehicles and heavy equipment . higher locomotive diesel fuel prices , which averaged $ 3.22 per gallon ( including taxes and transportation costs ) in 2012 , compared to $ 3.12 in 2011 , increased expenses by $ 105 million . volume , as measured by gross ton-miles , decreased 2% ( 2 % ) in 2012 versus 2011 , driving expense down . the fuel consumption rate was flat year-over-year . higher locomotive diesel fuel prices , which averaged $ 3.12 ( including taxes and transportation costs ) in 2011 , compared to $ 2.29 per gallon in 2010 , increased expenses by $ 922 million . in addition , higher gasoline prices for highway and non-highway vehicles also increased year-over-year . volume , as measured by gross ton-miles , increased 5% ( 5 % ) in 2011 versus 2010 , driving expense up by $ 122 million . purchased services and materials 2013 expense for purchased services and materials includes the costs of services purchased from outside contractors and other service providers ( including equipment 2012 operating expenses . Question: what was the change in the equipment and other rents segment from 2011 to 2012? Answer: 30.0 Question: and what was the change in the total expense in that same period? Answer: 348.0 Question: what percentage, then, of this total expense change was due to the change in that segment? Answer: 0.08621 Question: and in that same two year period, what was the change in the higher locomotive diesel fuel prices?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
the following table sets forth the components of foreign currency translation adjustments for fiscal 2012 , 2011 and 2010 ( in thousands ) : . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>2012</td><td>2011</td><td>2010</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>beginning balance</td><td>$ 10580</td><td>$ 7632</td><td>$ 10640</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>foreign currency translation adjustments</td><td>-2225 ( 2225 )</td><td>5156</td><td>-4144 ( 4144 )</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>income tax effect relating to translation adjustments forundistributed foreign earnings</td><td>1314</td><td>-2208 ( 2208 )</td><td>1136</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>ending balance</td><td>$ 9669</td><td>$ 10580</td><td>$ 7632</td></tr></table> stock repurchase program to facilitate our stock repurchase program , designed to return value to our stockholders and minimize dilution from stock issuances , we repurchase shares in the open market and also enter into structured repurchase agreements with third-parties . authorization to repurchase shares to cover on-going dilution was not subject to expiration . however , this repurchase program was limited to covering net dilution from stock issuances and was subject to business conditions and cash flow requirements as determined by our board of directors from time to time . during the third quarter of fiscal 2010 , our board of directors approved an amendment to our stock repurchase program authorized in april 2007 from a non-expiring share-based authority to a time-constrained dollar-based authority . as part of this amendment , the board of directors granted authority to repurchase up to $ 1.6 billion in common stock through the end of fiscal 2012 . during the second quarter of fiscal 2012 , we exhausted our $ 1.6 billion authority granted by our board of directors in fiscal in april 2012 , the board of directors approved a new stock repurchase program granting authority to repurchase up to $ 2.0 billion in common stock through the end of fiscal 2015 . the new stock repurchase program approved by our board of directors is similar to our previous $ 1.6 billion stock repurchase program . during fiscal 2012 , 2011 and 2010 , we entered into several structured repurchase agreements with large financial institutions , whereupon we provided the financial institutions with prepayments totaling $ 405.0 million , $ 695.0 million and $ 850 million , respectively . of the $ 405.0 million of prepayments during fiscal 2012 , $ 100.0 million was under the new $ 2.0 billion stock repurchase program and the remaining $ 305.0 million was under our previous $ 1.6 billion authority . of the $ 850.0 million of prepayments during fiscal 2010 , $ 250.0 million was under the stock repurchase program prior to the program amendment in the third quarter of fiscal 2010 and the remaining $ 600.0 million was under the amended $ 1.6 billion time-constrained dollar-based authority . we enter into these agreements in order to take advantage of repurchasing shares at a guaranteed discount to the volume weighted average price ( 201cvwap 201d ) of our common stock over a specified period of time . we only enter into such transactions when the discount that we receive is higher than the foregone return on our cash prepayments to the financial institutions . there were no explicit commissions or fees on these structured repurchases . under the terms of the agreements , there is no requirement for the financial institutions to return any portion of the prepayment to us . the financial institutions agree to deliver shares to us at monthly intervals during the contract term . the parameters used to calculate the number of shares deliverable are : the total notional amount of the contract , the number of trading days in the contract , the number of trading days in the interval and the average vwap of our stock during the interval less the agreed upon discount . during fiscal 2012 , we repurchased approximately 11.5 million shares at an average price of $ 32.29 through structured repurchase agreements entered into during fiscal 2012 . during fiscal 2011 , we repurchased approximately 21.8 million shares at an average price of $ 31.81 through structured repurchase agreements entered into during fiscal 2011 . during fiscal 2010 , we repurchased approximately 31.2 million shares at an average price per share of $ 29.19 through structured repurchase agreements entered into during fiscal 2009 and fiscal 2010 . for fiscal 2012 , 2011 and 2010 , the prepayments were classified as treasury stock on our consolidated balance sheets at the payment date , though only shares physically delivered to us by november 30 , 2012 , december 2 , 2011 and december 3 , 2010 were excluded from the computation of earnings per share . as of november 30 , 2012 , $ 33.0 million of prepayments remained under these agreements . as of december 2 , 2011 and december 3 , 2010 , no prepayments remained under these agreements . table of contents adobe systems incorporated notes to consolidated financial statements ( continued ) . Question: what was the change in the average price of repurchased shares from 2011 to 2012?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
state street corporation | 52 shareholder return performance presentation the graph presented below compares the cumulative total shareholder return on state street's common stock to the cumulative total return of the s&p 500 index , the s&p financial index and the kbw bank index over a five-year period . the cumulative total shareholder return assumes the investment of $ 100 in state street common stock and in each index on december 31 , 2012 . it also assumes reinvestment of common stock dividends . the s&p financial index is a publicly available , capitalization-weighted index , comprised of 67 of the standard & poor 2019s 500 companies , representing 27 diversified financial services companies , 23 insurance companies , and 17 banking companies . the kbw bank index is a modified cap-weighted index consisting of 24 exchange-listed stocks , representing national money center banks and leading regional institutions. . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>2012</td><td>2013</td><td>2014</td><td>2015</td><td>2016</td><td>2017</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>state street corporation</td><td>$ 100</td><td>$ 159</td><td>$ 172</td><td>$ 148</td><td>$ 178</td><td>$ 227</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>s&p 500 index</td><td>100</td><td>132</td><td>151</td><td>153</td><td>171</td><td>208</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>s&p financial index</td><td>100</td><td>136</td><td>156</td><td>154</td><td>189</td><td>230</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>kbw bank index</td><td>100</td><td>138</td><td>151</td><td>151</td><td>195</td><td>231</td></tr></table> . Question: what was the value of the s&p500 index in 2015? Answer: 153.0 Question: and what was the original amount invested in it in 2012? Answer: 100.0 Question: what was, then, the change in the value of the stock from 2012 to 2015? Answer: 53.0 Question: what was the original amount invested in the stock in 2012?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
to determine stock-based compensation expense , the grant date fair value is applied to the options granted with a reduction for estimated forfeitures . we recognize compensation expense for stock options on a straight-line basis over the specified vesting period . at december 31 , 2013 and 2012 , options for 10204000 and 12759000 shares of common stock were exercisable at a weighted-average price of $ 89.46 and $ 90.86 , respectively . the total intrinsic value of options exercised during 2014 , 2013 and 2012 was $ 90 million , $ 86 million and $ 37 million , respectively . cash received from option exercises under all incentive plans for 2014 , 2013 and 2012 was approximately $ 215 million , $ 208 million and $ 118 million , respectively . the tax benefit realized from option exercises under all incentive plans for 2014 , 2013 and 2012 was approximately $ 33 million , $ 31 million and $ 14 million , respectively . shares of common stock available during the next year for the granting of options and other awards under the incentive plans were 17997353 at december 31 , 2014 . total shares of pnc common stock authorized for future issuance under equity compensation plans totaled 19017057 shares at december 31 , 2014 , which includes shares available for issuance under the incentive plans and the employee stock purchase plan ( espp ) as described below . during 2014 , we issued approximately 2.4 million shares from treasury stock in connection with stock option exercise activity . as with past exercise activity , we currently intend to utilize primarily treasury stock for any future stock option exercises . awards granted to non-employee directors in 2014 , 2013 and 2012 include 21490 , 27076 and 25620 deferred stock units , respectively , awarded under the outside directors deferred stock unit plan . a deferred stock unit is a phantom share of our common stock , which is accounted for as a liability until such awards are paid to the participants in cash . as there are no vesting or service requirements on these awards , total compensation expense is recognized in full for these awards on the date of grant . incentive/performance unit share awards and restricted stock/share unit awards the fair value of nonvested incentive/performance unit share awards and restricted stock/share unit awards is initially determined based on prices not less than the market value of our common stock on the date of grant . the value of certain incentive/performance unit share awards is subsequently remeasured based on the achievement of one or more financial and other performance goals . the personnel and compensation committee ( 201cp&cc 201d ) of the board of directors approves the final award payout with respect to certain incentive/performance unit share awards . these awards have either a three-year or a four-year performance period and are payable in either stock or a combination of stock and cash . restricted stock/share unit awards have various vesting periods generally ranging from 3 years to 5 years . beginning in 2013 , we incorporated several enhanced risk- related performance changes to certain long-term incentive compensation programs . in addition to achieving certain financial performance metrics on both an absolute basis and relative to our peers , final payout amounts will be subject to reduction if pnc fails to meet certain risk-related performance metrics as specified in the award agreements . however , the p&cc has the discretion to waive any or all of this reduction under certain circumstances . the weighted-average grant date fair value of incentive/ performance unit share awards and restricted stock/unit awards granted in 2014 , 2013 and 2012 was $ 80.79 , $ 64.77 and $ 60.68 per share , respectively . the total fair value of incentive/performance unit share and restricted stock/unit awards vested during 2014 , 2013 and 2012 was approximately $ 119 million , $ 63 million and $ 55 million , respectively . we recognize compensation expense for such awards ratably over the corresponding vesting and/or performance periods for each type of program . table 121 : nonvested incentive/performance unit share awards and restricted stock/share unit awards 2013 rollforward shares in thousands nonvested incentive/ performance unit shares weighted- average grant date fair value nonvested restricted stock/ weighted- average grant date fair value . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>shares in thousands december 31 2013</td><td>nonvested incentive/ performance unit shares 1647</td><td>weighted-averagegrant datefair value $ 63.49</td><td>nonvested restricted stock/ share units 3483</td><td>weighted-averagegrant datefair value $ 62.70</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>granted</td><td>723</td><td>79.90</td><td>1276</td><td>81.29</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>vested/released</td><td>-513 ( 513 )</td><td>63.64</td><td>-962 ( 962 )</td><td>62.32</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>forfeited</td><td>-20 ( 20 )</td><td>69.18</td><td>-145 ( 145 )</td><td>69.44</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>december 31 2014</td><td>1837</td><td>$ 69.84</td><td>3652</td><td>$ 69.03</td></tr></table> the pnc financial services group , inc . 2013 form 10-k 185 . Question: what was the tax benefit realized from option exercises under all incentive plans in 2014, in millions? Answer: 33.0 Question: and what was it in 2013, also in millions? Answer: 31.0 Question: what was, then, in millions, the total tax of benefit realized from option exercises under all incentive plans for both years combined? Answer: 64.0 Question: what was that tax benefit in 2012, in millions? Answer: 14.0 Question: including, then, 2012, what then becomes that total of tax benefit realized from option exercises under all incentive plans, in millions? Answer: 78.0 Question: and what is, in millions, the average tax benefit between those three years?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
notes to consolidated financial statements ( continued ) | 72 snap-on incorporated following is a reconciliation of the beginning and ending amount of unrecognized tax benefits : ( amounts in millions ) amount . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>( amounts in millions )</td><td>amount</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>unrecognized tax benefits as of december 31 2006</td><td>$ 21.3</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>gross increases 2013 tax positions in prior periods</td><td>0.5</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>gross decreases 2013 tax positions in prior periods</td><td>-0.4 ( 0.4 )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>gross increases 2013 tax positions in the current period</td><td>0.5</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>settlements with taxing authorities</td><td>-3.0 ( 3.0 )</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>lapsing of statutes of limitations</td><td>-0.2 ( 0.2 )</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>unrecognized tax benefits as of december 29 2007</td><td>$ 18.7</td></tr></table> of the $ 18.7 million of unrecognized tax benefits at the end of 2007 , approximately $ 16.2 million would impact the effective income tax rate if recognized . interest and penalties related to unrecognized tax benefits are recorded in income tax expense . during the years ended december 29 , 2007 , december 30 , 2006 , and december 31 , 2005 , the company recognized approximately $ 1.2 million , $ 0.5 million and ( $ 0.5 ) million in net interest expense ( benefit ) , respectively . the company has provided for approximately $ 3.4 million , $ 2.2 million , and $ 1.7 million of accrued interest related to unrecognized tax benefits at the end of fiscal year 2007 , 2006 and 2005 , respectively . during the next 12 months , the company does not anticipate any significant changes to the total amount of unrecognized tax benefits , other than the accrual of additional interest expense in an amount similar to the prior year 2019s expense . with few exceptions , snap-on is no longer subject to u.s . federal and state/local income tax examinations by tax authorities for years prior to 2003 , and snap-on is no longer subject to non-u.s . income tax examinations by tax authorities for years prior to 2001 . the undistributed earnings of all non-u.s . subsidiaries totaled $ 338.5 million , $ 247.4 million and $ 173.6 million at the end of fiscal 2007 , 2006 and 2005 , respectively . snap-on has not provided any deferred taxes on these undistributed earnings as it considers the undistributed earnings to be permanently invested . determination of the amount of unrecognized deferred income tax liability related to these earnings is not practicable . the american jobs creation act of 2004 ( the 201cajca 201d ) created a one-time tax incentive for u.s . corporations to repatriate accumulated foreign earnings by providing a tax deduction of 85% ( 85 % ) of qualifying dividends received from foreign affiliates . under the provisions of the ajca , snap-on repatriated approximately $ 93 million of qualifying dividends in 2005 that resulted in additional income tax expense of $ 3.3 million for the year . note 9 : short-term and long-term debt notes payable and long-term debt as of december 29 , 2007 , was $ 517.9 million ; no commercial paper was outstanding at december 29 , 2007 . as of december 30 , 2006 , notes payable and long-term debt was $ 549.2 million , including $ 314.9 million of commercial paper . snap-on presented $ 300 million of the december 30 , 2006 , outstanding commercial paper as 201clong-term debt 201d on the accompanying december 30 , 2006 , consolidated balance sheet . on january 12 , 2007 , snap-on sold $ 300 million of unsecured notes consisting of $ 150 million of floating rate notes that mature on january 12 , 2010 , and $ 150 million of fixed rate notes that mature on january 15 , 2017 . interest on the floating rate notes accrues at a rate equal to the three-month london interbank offer rate plus 0.13% ( 0.13 % ) per year and is payable quarterly . interest on the fixed rate notes accrues at a rate of 5.50% ( 5.50 % ) per year and is payable semi-annually . snap-on used the proceeds from the sale of the notes , net of $ 1.5 million of transaction costs , to repay commercial paper obligations issued to finance the acquisition of business solutions . on january 12 , 2007 , the company also terminated a $ 250 million bridge credit agreement that snap-on established prior to its acquisition of business solutions. . Question: what is the change in balance of the unrecognized tax benefits from 2006 to 2007?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
notes to consolidated financial statements 2013 ( continued ) ( amounts in millions , except per share amounts ) guarantees we have guarantees of certain obligations of our subsidiaries relating principally to credit facilities , certain media payables and operating leases of certain subsidiaries . the amount of such parent company guarantees was $ 769.3 and $ 706.7 as of december 31 , 2009 and 2008 , respectively . in the event of non-payment by the applicable subsidiary of the obligations covered by a guarantee , we would be obligated to pay the amounts covered by that guarantee . as of december 31 , 2009 , there are no material assets pledged as security for such parent company guarantees . contingent acquisition obligations the following table details the estimated future contingent acquisition obligations payable in cash as of december 31 , 2009 . the estimated amounts listed would be paid in the event of exercise at the earliest exercise date . see note 6 for further information relating to the payment structure of our acquisitions . all payments are contingent upon achieving projected operating performance targets and satisfying other conditions specified in the related agreements and are subject to revisions as the earn-out periods progress. . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>2010</td><td>2011</td><td>2012</td><td>2013</td><td>2014</td><td>thereafter</td><td>total</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>deferred acquisition payments</td><td>$ 20.5</td><td>$ 34.8</td><td>$ 1.2</td><td>$ 1.1</td><td>$ 2.1</td><td>$ 0.3</td><td>$ 60.0</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>redeemable noncontrolling interests and call options with affiliates1</td><td>44.4</td><td>47.9</td><td>40.5</td><td>36.3</td><td>3.3</td><td>2014</td><td>172.4</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>total contingent acquisition payments</td><td>64.9</td><td>82.7</td><td>41.7</td><td>37.4</td><td>5.4</td><td>0.3</td><td>232.4</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>less : cash compensation expense included above</td><td>1.0</td><td>1.0</td><td>1.0</td><td>0.5</td><td>2014</td><td>2014</td><td>3.5</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>total</td><td>$ 63.9</td><td>$ 81.7</td><td>$ 40.7</td><td>$ 36.9</td><td>$ 5.4</td><td>$ 0.3</td><td>$ 228.9</td></tr></table> 1 we have entered into certain acquisitions that contain both redeemable noncontrolling interests and call options with similar terms and conditions . in such instances , we have included the related estimated contingent acquisition obligation in the period when the earliest related option is exercisable . we have certain redeemable noncontrolling interests that are exercisable at the discretion of the noncontrolling equity owners as of december 31 , 2009 . as such , these estimated acquisition payments of $ 20.5 have been included within the total payments expected to be made in 2010 in the table and , if not made in 2010 , will continue to carry forward into 2011 or beyond until they are exercised or expire . redeemable noncontrolling interests are included in the table at current exercise price payable in cash , not at applicable redemption value in accordance with the authoritative guidance for classification and measurement of redeemable securities . legal matters we are involved in legal and administrative proceedings of various types . while any litigation contains an element of uncertainty , we do not believe that the outcome of such proceedings will have a material adverse effect on our financial condition , results of operations or cash flows . note 16 : recent accounting standards in december 2009 , the financial accounting standards board ( 201cfasb 201d ) amended authoritative guidance related to accounting for transfers and servicing of financial assets and extinguishments of liabilities . the guidance will be effective for the company beginning january 1 , 2010 . the guidance eliminates the concept of a qualifying special-purpose entity and changes the criteria for derecognizing financial assets . in addition , the guidance will require additional disclosures related to a company 2019s continued involvement with financial assets that have been transferred . we do not expect the adoption of this amended guidance to have a significant impact on our consolidated financial statements . in december 2009 , the fasb amended authoritative guidance for consolidating variable interest entities . the guidance will be effective for the company beginning january 1 , 2010 . specifically , the guidance revises factors that should be considered by a reporting entity when determining whether an entity that is insufficiently capitalized or is not controlled through voting ( or similar rights ) should be consolidated . this guidance also includes revised financial statement disclosures regarding the reporting entity 2019s involvement , including significant risk exposures as a result of that involvement , and the impact the relationship has on the reporting entity 2019s financial statements . we are currently evaluating the potential impact of the amended guidance on our consolidated financial statements. . Question: what was the change in deferred acquisition payments between 2011 and 2012? Answer: 33.6 Question: and the specific amount for 2011? Answer: 34.8 Question: what was the percentage change in deferred acquisition payments for these years? Answer: 0.96552 Question: and turn that decimal into a percentage?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
table of contents notes to consolidated financial statements of american airlines group inc . information generated by market transactions involving comparable assets , as well as pricing guides and other sources . the current market for the aircraft , the maintenance condition of the aircraft and the expected proceeds from the sale of the assets , among other factors , were considered . the market approach was utilized to value certain intangible assets such as airport take off and landing slots when sufficient market information was available . the income approach was primarily used to value intangible assets , including customer relationships , marketing agreements , certain international route authorities , and the us airways tradename . the income approach indicates value for a subject asset based on the present value of cash flows projected to be generated by the asset . projected cash flows are discounted at a required market rate of return that reflects the relative risk of achieving the cash flows and the time value of money . the cost approach , which estimates value by determining the current cost of replacing an asset with another of equivalent economic utility , was used , as appropriate , for certain assets for which the market and income approaches could not be applied due to the nature of the asset . the cost to replace a given asset reflects the estimated reproduction or replacement cost for the asset , less an allowance for loss in value due to depreciation . the fair value of us airways 2019 dividend miles loyalty program liability was determined based on the weighted average equivalent ticket value of outstanding miles which were expected to be redeemed for future travel at december 9 , 2013 . the weighted average equivalent ticket value contemplates differing classes of service , domestic and international itineraries and the carrier providing the award travel . pro-forma impact of the merger the company 2019s unaudited pro-forma results presented below include the effects of the merger as if it had been consummated as of january 1 , 2012 . the pro-forma results include the depreciation and amortization associated with the acquired tangible and intangible assets , lease and debt fair value adjustments , the elimination of any deferred gains or losses , adjustments relating to reflecting the fair value of the loyalty program liability and the impact of income changes on profit sharing expense , among others . in addition , the pro-forma results below reflect the impact of higher wage rates related to memorandums of understanding with us airways 2019 pilots that became effective upon closing of the merger , as well as the elimination of the company 2019s reorganization items , net and merger transition costs . however , the pro-forma results do not include any anticipated synergies or other expected benefits of the merger . accordingly , the unaudited pro-forma financial information below is not necessarily indicative of either future results of operations or results that might have been achieved had the acquisition been consummated as of january 1 , 2012 . december 31 , ( in millions ) . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>december 31 2013 ( in millions )</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>revenue</td><td>$ 40678</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>net income</td><td>2526</td></tr></table> 5 . basis of presentation and summary of significant accounting policies ( a ) basis of presentation the consolidated financial statements for the full years of 2015 and 2014 and the period from december 9 , 2013 to december 31 , 2013 include the accounts of the company and its wholly-owned subsidiaries . for the periods prior to december 9 , 2013 , the consolidated financial statements do not include the accounts of us airways group . all significant intercompany transactions have been eliminated . the preparation of financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the united states ( gaap ) requires management to make certain estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities , revenues and expenses , and the disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements . actual results could differ from those estimates . the most significant areas . Question: what was revenue in 2013? Answer: 40678.0 Question: what was net income? Answer: 2526.0 Question: what is revenue less net income?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
ventas , inc . notes to consolidated financial statements 2014 ( continued ) if we experience certain kinds of changes of control , the issuers must make an offer to repurchase the senior notes , in whole or in part , at a purchase price in cash equal to 101% ( 101 % ) of the principal amount of the senior notes , plus any accrued and unpaid interest to the date of purchase ; provided , however , that in the event moody 2019s and s&p have confirmed their ratings at ba3 or higher and bb- or higher on the senior notes and certain other conditions are met , this repurchase obligation will not apply . mortgages at december 31 , 2006 , we had outstanding 53 mortgage loans that we assumed in connection with various acquisitions . outstanding principal balances on these loans ranged from $ 0.4 million to $ 114.4 million as of december 31 , 2006 . the loans bear interest at fixed rates ranging from 5.6% ( 5.6 % ) to 8.5% ( 8.5 % ) per annum , except with respect to eight loans with outstanding principal balances ranging from $ 0.4 million to $ 114.4 million , which bear interest at the lender 2019s variable rates , ranging from 3.6% ( 3.6 % ) to 8.5% ( 8.5 % ) per annum at of december 31 , 2006 . the fixed rate debt bears interest at a weighted average annual rate of 7.06% ( 7.06 % ) and the variable rate debt bears interest at a weighted average annual rate of 5.61% ( 5.61 % ) as of december 31 , 2006 . the loans had a weighted average maturity of eight years as of december 31 , 2006 . the $ 114.4 variable mortgage debt was repaid in january 2007 . scheduled maturities of borrowing arrangements and other provisions as of december 31 , 2006 , our indebtedness has the following maturities ( in thousands ) : . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>2007</td><td>$ 130206</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>2008</td><td>33117</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>2009</td><td>372725</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>2010</td><td>265915</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>2011</td><td>273761</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>thereafter</td><td>1261265</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>total maturities</td><td>2336989</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>less unamortized commission fees and discounts</td><td>-7936 ( 7936 )</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>senior notes payable and other debt</td><td>$ 2329053</td></tr></table> certain provisions of our long-term debt contain covenants that limit our ability and the ability of certain of our subsidiaries to , among other things : ( i ) incur debt ; ( ii ) make certain dividends , distributions and investments ; ( iii ) enter into certain transactions ; ( iv ) merge , consolidate or transfer certain assets ; and ( v ) sell assets . we and certain of our subsidiaries are also required to maintain total unencumbered assets of at least 150% ( 150 % ) of this group 2019s unsecured debt . derivatives and hedging in the normal course of business , we are exposed to the effect of interest rate changes . we limit these risks by following established risk management policies and procedures including the use of derivatives . for interest rate exposures , derivatives are used primarily to fix the rate on debt based on floating-rate indices and to manage the cost of borrowing obligations . we currently have an interest rate swap to manage interest rate risk ( the 201cswap 201d ) . we prohibit the use of derivative instruments for trading or speculative purposes . further , we have a policy of only entering into contracts with major financial institutions based upon their credit ratings and other factors . when viewed in conjunction with the underlying and offsetting exposure that the derivative is designed to hedge , we do not anticipate any material adverse effect on our net income or financial position in the future from the use of derivatives. . Question: what percentage of total maturities were payable in 2011?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
volatility of capital markets or macroeconomic factors could adversely affect our business . changes in financial and capital markets , including market disruptions , limited liquidity , uncertainty regarding brexit , and interest rate volatility , including as a result of the use or discontinued use of certain benchmark rates such as libor , may increase the cost of financing as well as the risks of refinancing maturing debt . in addition , our borrowing costs can be affected by short and long-term ratings assigned by rating organizations . a decrease in these ratings could limit our access to capital markets and increase our borrowing costs , which could materially and adversely affect our financial condition and operating results . some of our customers and counterparties are highly leveraged . consolidations in some of the industries in which our customers operate have created larger customers , some of which are highly leveraged and facing increased competition and continued credit market volatility . these factors have caused some customers to be less profitable , increasing our exposure to credit risk . a significant adverse change in the financial and/or credit position of a customer or counterparty could require us to assume greater credit risk relating to that customer or counterparty and could limit our ability to collect receivables . this could have an adverse impact on our financial condition and liquidity . item 1b . unresolved staff comments . item 2 . properties . our corporate co-headquarters are located in pittsburgh , pennsylvania and chicago , illinois . our co-headquarters are leased and house certain executive offices , our u.s . business units , and our administrative , finance , legal , and human resource functions . we maintain additional owned and leased offices throughout the regions in which we operate . we manufacture our products in our network of manufacturing and processing facilities located throughout the world . as of december 29 , 2018 , we operated 84 manufacturing and processing facilities . we own 81 and lease three of these facilities . our manufacturing and processing facilities count by segment as of december 29 , 2018 was: . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>owned</td><td>leased</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>united states</td><td>40</td><td>1</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>canada</td><td>2</td><td>2014</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>emea</td><td>12</td><td>2014</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>rest of world</td><td>27</td><td>2</td></tr></table> we maintain all of our manufacturing and processing facilities in good condition and believe they are suitable and are adequate for our present needs . we also enter into co-manufacturing arrangements with third parties if we determine it is advantageous to outsource the production of any of our products . in the fourth quarter of 2018 , we announced our plans to divest certain assets and operations , predominantly in canada and india , including one owned manufacturing facility in canada and one owned and one leased facility in india . see note 5 , acquisitions and divestitures , in item 8 , financial statements and supplementary data , for additional information on these transactions . item 3 . legal proceedings . see note 18 , commitments and contingencies , in item 8 , financial statements and supplementary data . item 4 . mine safety disclosures . not applicable . part ii item 5 . market for registrant's common equity , related stockholder matters and issuer purchases of equity securities . our common stock is listed on nasdaq under the ticker symbol 201ckhc 201d . at june 5 , 2019 , there were approximately 49000 holders of record of our common stock . see equity and dividends in item 7 , management 2019s discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations , for a discussion of cash dividends declared on our common stock. . Question: what is the number of facilities located in the rest of the world? Answer: 29.0 Question: what portion of total facilities is located in the rest of the world? Answer: 0.34524 Question: what is the total number of facilities? Answer: 84.0 Question: what portion is leased?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
the table below details cash capital investments for the years ended december 31 , 2006 , 2005 , and 2004 . millions of dollars 2006 2005 2004 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>millions of dollars</td><td>2006</td><td>2005</td><td>2004</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>track</td><td>$ 1487</td><td>$ 1472</td><td>$ 1328</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>capacity and commercial facilities</td><td>510</td><td>509</td><td>347</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>locomotives and freight cars</td><td>135</td><td>98</td><td>125</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>other</td><td>110</td><td>90</td><td>76</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>total</td><td>$ 2242</td><td>$ 2169</td><td>$ 1876</td></tr></table> in 2007 , we expect our total capital investments to be approximately $ 3.2 billion , which may include long- term leases . these investments will be used to maintain track and structures , continue capacity expansions on our main lines in constrained corridors , remove bottlenecks , upgrade and augment equipment to better meet customer needs , build and improve facilities and terminals , and develop and implement new technologies . we designed these investments to maintain infrastructure for safety , enhance customer service , promote growth , and improve operational fluidity . we expect to fund our 2007 cash capital investments through cash generated from operations , the sale or lease of various operating and non-operating properties , and cash on hand at december 31 , 2006 . we expect that these sources will continue to provide sufficient funds to meet our expected capital requirements for 2007 . for the years ended december 31 , 2006 , 2005 , and 2004 , our ratio of earnings to fixed charges was 4.4 , 2.9 , and 2.1 , respectively . the increases in 2006 and 2005 were driven by higher net income . the ratio of earnings to fixed charges was computed on a consolidated basis . earnings represent income from continuing operations , less equity earnings net of distributions , plus fixed charges and income taxes . fixed charges represent interest charges , amortization of debt discount , and the estimated amount representing the interest portion of rental charges . see exhibit 12 for the calculation of the ratio of earnings to fixed charges . financing activities credit facilities 2013 on december 31 , 2006 , we had $ 2 billion in revolving credit facilities available , including $ 1 billion under a five-year facility expiring in march 2009 and $ 1 billion under a five-year facility expiring in march 2010 ( collectively , the "facilities" ) . the facilities are designated for general corporate purposes and support the issuance of commercial paper . neither of the facilities were drawn on in 2006 . commitment fees and interest rates payable under the facilities are similar to fees and rates available to comparably rated investment-grade borrowers . these facilities allow for borrowings at floating rates based on london interbank offered rates , plus a spread , depending upon our senior unsecured debt ratings . the facilities require the maintenance of a minimum net worth and a debt to net worth coverage ratio . at december 31 , 2006 , we were in compliance with these covenants . the facilities do not include any other financial restrictions , credit rating triggers ( other than rating-dependent pricing ) , or any other provision that could require the posting of collateral . in addition to our revolving credit facilities , we had $ 150 million in uncommitted lines of credit available , including $ 75 million that expires in march 2007 and $ 75 million expiring in may 2007 . neither of these lines of credit were used as of december 31 , 2006 . we must have equivalent credit available under our five-year facilities to draw on these $ 75 million lines . dividends 2013 on january 30 , 2007 , we increased the quarterly dividend to $ 0.35 per share , payable beginning on april 2 , 2007 , to shareholders of record on february 28 , 2007 . we expect to fund the increase in the quarterly dividend through cash generated from operations , the sale or lease of various operating and non-operating properties , and cash on hand at december 31 , 2006 . dividend restrictions 2013 we are subject to certain restrictions related to the payment of cash dividends to our shareholders due to minimum net worth requirements under our credit facilities . retained earnings available . Question: what was the cash capital investments in track in 2006? Answer: 1487.0 Question: and for 2005? Answer: 1472.0 Question: so what was the difference between these two years? Answer: 15.0 Question: and the specific value for 2005 again?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
development of prior year incurred losses was $ 135.6 million unfavorable in 2006 , $ 26.4 million favorable in 2005 and $ 249.4 million unfavorable in 2004 . such losses were the result of the reserve development noted above , as well as inher- ent uncertainty in establishing loss and lae reserves . reserves for asbestos and environmental losses and loss adjustment expenses as of year end 2006 , 7.4% ( 7.4 % ) of reserves reflect an estimate for the company 2019s ultimate liability for a&e claims for which ulti- mate value cannot be estimated using traditional reserving techniques . the company 2019s a&e liabilities stem from mt . mckinley 2019s direct insurance business and everest re 2019s assumed reinsurance business . there are significant uncertainties in estimating the amount of the company 2019s potential losses from a&e claims . see item 7 , 201cmanagement 2019s discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations 2014asbestos and environmental exposures 201d and note 3 of notes to consolidated financial statements . mt . mckinley 2019s book of direct a&e exposed insurance is relatively small and homogenous . it also arises from a limited period , effective 1978 to 1984 . the book is based principally on excess liability policies , thereby limiting exposure analysis to a lim- ited number of policies and forms . as a result of this focused structure , the company believes that it is able to comprehen- sively analyze its exposures , allowing it to identify , analyze and actively monitor those claims which have unusual exposure , including policies in which it may be exposed to pay expenses in addition to policy limits or non-products asbestos claims . the company endeavors to be actively engaged with every insured account posing significant potential asbestos exposure to mt . mckinley . such engagement can take the form of pursuing a final settlement , negotiation , litigation , or the monitoring of claim activity under settlement in place ( 201csip 201d ) agreements . sip agreements generally condition an insurer 2019s payment upon the actual claim experience of the insured and may have annual payment caps or other measures to control the insurer 2019s payments . the company 2019s mt . mckinley operation is currently managing eight sip agreements , three of which were executed prior to the acquisition of mt . mckinley in 2000 . the company 2019s preference with respect to coverage settlements is to exe- cute settlements that call for a fixed schedule of payments , because such settlements eliminate future uncertainty . the company has significantly enhanced its classification of insureds by exposure characteristics over time , as well as its analysis by insured for those it considers to be more exposed or active . those insureds identified as relatively less exposed or active are subject to less rigorous , but still active management , with an emphasis on monitoring those characteristics , which may indicate an increasing exposure or levels of activity . the company continually focuses on further enhancement of the detailed estimation processes used to evaluate potential exposure of policyholders , including those that may not have reported significant a&e losses . everest re 2019s book of assumed reinsurance is relatively concentrated within a modest number of a&e exposed relationships . it also arises from a limited period , effectively 1977 to 1984 . because the book of business is relatively concentrated and the company has been managing the a&e exposures for many years , its claim staff is familiar with the ceding companies that have generated most of these liabilities in the past and which are therefore most likely to generate future liabilities . the company 2019s claim staff has developed familiarity both with the nature of the business written by its ceding companies and the claims handling and reserving practices of those companies . this level of familiarity enhances the quality of the company 2019s analysis of its exposure through those companies . as a result , the company believes that it can identify those claims on which it has unusual exposure , such as non-products asbestos claims , for concentrated attention . however , in setting reserves for its reinsurance liabilities , the company relies on claims data supplied , both formally and informally by its ceding companies and brokers . this furnished information is not always timely or accurate and can impact the accuracy and timeli- ness of the company 2019s ultimate loss projections . the following table summarizes the composition of the company 2019s total reserves for a&e losses , gross and net of reinsurance , for the years ended december 31: . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>( dollars in millions )</td><td>2006</td><td>2005</td><td>2004</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>case reserves reported by ceding companies</td><td>$ 135.6</td><td>$ 125.2</td><td>$ 148.5</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>additional case reserves established by the company ( assumed reinsurance ) ( 1 )</td><td>152.1</td><td>157.6</td><td>151.3</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>case reserves established by the company ( direct insurance )</td><td>213.7</td><td>243.5</td><td>272.1</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>incurred but not reported reserves</td><td>148.7</td><td>123.3</td><td>156.4</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>gross reserves</td><td>650.1</td><td>649.6</td><td>728.3</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>reinsurance receivable</td><td>-138.7 ( 138.7 )</td><td>-199.1 ( 199.1 )</td><td>-221.6 ( 221.6 )</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>net reserves</td><td>$ 511.4</td><td>$ 450.5</td><td>$ 506.7</td></tr></table> ( 1 ) additional reserves are case specific reserves determined by the company to be needed over and above those reported by the ceding company . 81790fin_a 4/13/07 11:08 am page 15 . Question: what were net reserves in 2006?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
the following table sets forth the components of foreign currency translation adjustments for fiscal 2011 , 2010 and 2009 ( in thousands ) : beginning balance foreign currency translation adjustments income tax effect relating to translation adjustments for undistributed foreign earnings ending balance $ 7632 ( 2208 ) $ 10580 $ 10640 ( 4144 ) $ 7632 $ ( 431 ) 17343 ( 6272 ) $ 10640 stock repurchase program to facilitate our stock repurchase program , designed to return value to our stockholders and minimize dilution from stock issuances , we repurchase shares in the open market and also enter into structured repurchase agreements with third-parties . authorization to repurchase shares to cover on-going dilution was not subject to expiration . however , this repurchase program was limited to covering net dilution from stock issuances and was subject to business conditions and cash flow requirements as determined by our board of directors from time to time . during the third quarter of fiscal 2010 , our board of directors approved an amendment to our stock repurchase program authorized in april 2007 from a non-expiring share-based authority to a time-constrained dollar-based authority . as part of this amendment , the board of directors granted authority to repurchase up to $ 1.6 billion in common stock through the end of fiscal 2012 . this amended program did not affect the $ 250.0 million structured stock repurchase agreement entered into during march 2010 . as of december 3 , 2010 , no prepayments remain under that agreement . during fiscal 2011 , 2010 and 2009 , we entered into several structured repurchase agreements with large financial institutions , whereupon we provided the financial institutions with prepayments totaling $ 695.0 million , $ 850.0 million and $ 350.0 million , respectively . of the $ 850.0 million of prepayments during fiscal 2010 , $ 250.0 million was under the stock repurchase program prior to the program amendment and the remaining $ 600.0 million was under the amended $ 1.6 billion time-constrained dollar- based authority . we enter into these agreements in order to take advantage of repurchasing shares at a guaranteed discount to the volume weighted average price ( 201cvwap 201d ) of our common stock over a specified period of time . we only enter into such transactions when the discount that we receive is higher than the foregone return on our cash prepayments to the financial institutions . there were no explicit commissions or fees on these structured repurchases . under the terms of the agreements , there is no requirement for the financial institutions to return any portion of the prepayment to us . the financial institutions agree to deliver shares to us at monthly intervals during the contract term . the parameters used to calculate the number of shares deliverable are : the total notional amount of the contract , the number of trading days in the contract , the number of trading days in the interval and the average vwap of our stock during the interval less the agreed upon discount . during fiscal 2011 , we repurchased approximately 21.8 million shares at an average price of $ 31.81 through structured repurchase agreements entered into during fiscal 2011 . during fiscal 2010 , we repurchased approximately 31.2 million shares at an average price of $ 29.19 through structured repurchase agreements entered into during fiscal 2009 and fiscal 2010 . during fiscal 2009 , we repurchased approximately 15.2 million shares at an average price per share of $ 27.89 through structured repurchase agreements entered into during fiscal 2008 and fiscal 2009 . for fiscal 2011 , 2010 and 2009 , the prepayments were classified as treasury stock on our consolidated balance sheets at the payment date , though only shares physically delivered to us by december 2 , 2011 , december 3 , 2010 and november 27 , 2009 were excluded from the computation of earnings per share . as of december 2 , 2011 and december 3 , 2010 , no prepayments remained under these agreements . as of november 27 , 2009 , approximately $ 59.9 million of prepayments remained under these agreements . subsequent to december 2 , 2011 , as part of our $ 1.6 billion stock repurchase program , we entered into a structured stock repurchase agreement with a large financial institution whereupon we provided them with a prepayment of $ 80.0 million . this amount will be classified as treasury stock on our consolidated balance sheets . upon completion of the $ 80.0 million stock table of contents adobe systems incorporated notes to consolidated financial statements ( continued ) jarcamo typewritten text . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>2011</td><td>2010</td><td>2009</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>beginning balance</td><td>$ 7632</td><td>$ 10640</td><td>$ -431 ( 431 )</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>foreign currency translation adjustments</td><td>5156</td><td>-4144 ( 4144 )</td><td>17343</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>income tax effect relating to translation adjustments forundistributed foreign earnings</td><td>-2208 ( 2208 )</td><td>1136</td><td>-6272 ( 6272 )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>ending balance</td><td>$ 10580</td><td>$ 7632</td><td>$ 10640</td></tr></table> the following table sets forth the components of foreign currency translation adjustments for fiscal 2011 , 2010 and 2009 ( in thousands ) : beginning balance foreign currency translation adjustments income tax effect relating to translation adjustments for undistributed foreign earnings ending balance $ 7632 ( 2208 ) $ 10580 $ 10640 ( 4144 ) $ 7632 $ ( 431 ) 17343 ( 6272 ) $ 10640 stock repurchase program to facilitate our stock repurchase program , designed to return value to our stockholders and minimize dilution from stock issuances , we repurchase shares in the open market and also enter into structured repurchase agreements with third-parties . authorization to repurchase shares to cover on-going dilution was not subject to expiration . however , this repurchase program was limited to covering net dilution from stock issuances and was subject to business conditions and cash flow requirements as determined by our board of directors from time to time . during the third quarter of fiscal 2010 , our board of directors approved an amendment to our stock repurchase program authorized in april 2007 from a non-expiring share-based authority to a time-constrained dollar-based authority . as part of this amendment , the board of directors granted authority to repurchase up to $ 1.6 billion in common stock through the end of fiscal 2012 . this amended program did not affect the $ 250.0 million structured stock repurchase agreement entered into during march 2010 . as of december 3 , 2010 , no prepayments remain under that agreement . during fiscal 2011 , 2010 and 2009 , we entered into several structured repurchase agreements with large financial institutions , whereupon we provided the financial institutions with prepayments totaling $ 695.0 million , $ 850.0 million and $ 350.0 million , respectively . of the $ 850.0 million of prepayments during fiscal 2010 , $ 250.0 million was under the stock repurchase program prior to the program amendment and the remaining $ 600.0 million was under the amended $ 1.6 billion time-constrained dollar- based authority . we enter into these agreements in order to take advantage of repurchasing shares at a guaranteed discount to the volume weighted average price ( 201cvwap 201d ) of our common stock over a specified period of time . we only enter into such transactions when the discount that we receive is higher than the foregone return on our cash prepayments to the financial institutions . there were no explicit commissions or fees on these structured repurchases . under the terms of the agreements , there is no requirement for the financial institutions to return any portion of the prepayment to us . the financial institutions agree to deliver shares to us at monthly intervals during the contract term . the parameters used to calculate the number of shares deliverable are : the total notional amount of the contract , the number of trading days in the contract , the number of trading days in the interval and the average vwap of our stock during the interval less the agreed upon discount . during fiscal 2011 , we repurchased approximately 21.8 million shares at an average price of $ 31.81 through structured repurchase agreements entered into during fiscal 2011 . during fiscal 2010 , we repurchased approximately 31.2 million shares at an average price of $ 29.19 through structured repurchase agreements entered into during fiscal 2009 and fiscal 2010 . during fiscal 2009 , we repurchased approximately 15.2 million shares at an average price per share of $ 27.89 through structured repurchase agreements entered into during fiscal 2008 and fiscal 2009 . for fiscal 2011 , 2010 and 2009 , the prepayments were classified as treasury stock on our consolidated balance sheets at the payment date , though only shares physically delivered to us by december 2 , 2011 , december 3 , 2010 and november 27 , 2009 were excluded from the computation of earnings per share . as of december 2 , 2011 and december 3 , 2010 , no prepayments remained under these agreements . as of november 27 , 2009 , approximately $ 59.9 million of prepayments remained under these agreements . subsequent to december 2 , 2011 , as part of our $ 1.6 billion stock repurchase program , we entered into a structured stock repurchase agreement with a large financial institution whereupon we provided them with a prepayment of $ 80.0 million . this amount will be classified as treasury stock on our consolidated balance sheets . upon completion of the $ 80.0 million stock table of contents adobe systems incorporated notes to consolidated financial statements ( continued ) jarcamo typewritten text . Question: what was the change in the average price of repurchased shares from 2010 to 2011? Answer: 2.62 Question: and how much did this change represent in relation to that average price in 2010? Answer: 0.08976 Question: in the last year of that period, what was impact of foreign currency translation adjustments? Answer: 5156.0 Question: and what was the income tax effect relating to translation adjustments for undistributed foreign earnings?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
entergy new orleans , inc . management's financial discussion and analysis 2007 compared to 2006 net revenue consists of operating revenues net of : 1 ) fuel , fuel-related expenses , and gas purchased for resale , 2 ) purchased power expenses , and 3 ) other regulatory charges . following is an analysis of the change in net revenue comparing 2007 to 2006 . amount ( in millions ) . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>amount ( in millions )</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>2006 net revenue</td><td>$ 192.2</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>fuel recovery</td><td>42.6</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>volume/weather</td><td>25.6</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>rider revenue</td><td>8.5</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>net wholesale revenue</td><td>-41.2 ( 41.2 )</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>other</td><td>3.3</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>2007 net revenue</td><td>$ 231.0</td></tr></table> the fuel recovery variance is due to the inclusion of grand gulf costs in fuel recoveries effective july 1 , 2006 . in june 2006 , the city council approved the recovery of grand gulf costs through the fuel adjustment clause , without a corresponding change in base rates ( a significant portion of grand gulf costs was previously recovered through base rates ) . the volume/weather variance is due to an increase in electricity usage in the service territory in 2007 compared to the same period in 2006 . the first quarter 2006 was affected by customer losses following hurricane katrina . entergy new orleans estimates that approximately 132000 electric customers and 86000 gas customers have returned and are taking service as of december 31 , 2007 , compared to approximately 95000 electric customers and 65000 gas customers as of december 31 , 2006 . billed retail electricity usage increased a total of 540 gwh compared to the same period in 2006 , an increase of 14% ( 14 % ) . the rider revenue variance is due primarily to a storm reserve rider effective march 2007 as a result of the city council's approval of a settlement agreement in october 2006 . the approved storm reserve has been set to collect $ 75 million over a ten-year period through the rider and the funds will be held in a restricted escrow account . the settlement agreement is discussed in note 2 to the financial statements . the net wholesale revenue variance is due to more energy available for resale in 2006 due to the decrease in retail usage caused by customer losses following hurricane katrina . in addition , 2006 revenue includes the sales into the wholesale market of entergy new orleans' share of the output of grand gulf , pursuant to city council approval of measures proposed by entergy new orleans to address the reduction in entergy new orleans' retail customer usage caused by hurricane katrina and to provide revenue support for the costs of entergy new orleans' share of grand other income statement variances 2008 compared to 2007 other operation and maintenance expenses decreased primarily due to : a provision for storm-related bad debts of $ 11 million recorded in 2007 ; a decrease of $ 6.2 million in legal and professional fees ; a decrease of $ 3.4 million in employee benefit expenses ; and a decrease of $ 1.9 million in gas operations spending due to higher labor and material costs for reliability work in 2007. . Question: what was the net change in net revenue for entergy new orleans from 2006 to 2007? Answer: 38.8 Question: what were net revenues in 2006?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
containerboard , kraft papers and saturating kraft . kapstone also owns victory packaging , a packaging solutions distribution company with facilities in the u.s. , canada and mexico . we have included the financial results of kapstone in our corrugated packaging segment since the date of the acquisition . on september 4 , 2018 , we completed the acquisition ( the 201cschl fcter acquisition 201d ) of schl fcter print pharma packaging ( 201cschl fcter 201d ) . schl fcter is a leading provider of differentiated paper and packaging solutions and a german-based supplier of a full range of leaflets and booklets . the schl fcter acquisition allowed us to further enhance our pharmaceutical and automotive platform and expand our geographical footprint in europe to better serve our customers . we have included the financial results of the acquired operations in our consumer packaging segment since the date of the acquisition . on january 5 , 2018 , we completed the acquisition ( the 201cplymouth packaging acquisition 201d ) of substantially all of the assets of plymouth packaging , inc . ( 201cplymouth 201d ) . the assets we acquired included plymouth 2019s 201cbox on demand 201d systems , which are manufactured by panotec , an italian manufacturer of packaging machines . the addition of the box on demand systems enhanced our platform , differentiation and innovation . these systems , which are located on customers 2019 sites under multi-year exclusive agreements , use fanfold corrugated to produce custom , on-demand corrugated packaging that is accurately sized for any product type according to the customer 2019s specifications . fanfold corrugated is continuous corrugated board , folded periodically to form an accordion-like stack of corrugated material . as part of the transaction , westrock acquired plymouth 2019s equity interest in panotec and plymouth 2019s exclusive right from panotec to distribute panotec 2019s equipment in the u.s . and canada . we have fully integrated the approximately 60000 tons of containerboard used by plymouth annually . we have included the financial results of plymouth in our corrugated packaging segment since the date of the acquisition . see 201cnote 3 . acquisitions and investment 201d of the notes to consolidated financial statements for additional information . see also item 1a . 201crisk factors 2014 we may be unsuccessful in making and integrating mergers , acquisitions and investments , and completing divestitures 201d . business . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>( in millions )</td><td>year ended september 30 , 2019</td><td>year ended september 30 , 2018</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>net sales</td><td>$ 18289.0</td><td>$ 16285.1</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>segment income</td><td>$ 1790.2</td><td>$ 1707.6</td></tr></table> in fiscal 2019 , we continued to pursue our strategy of offering differentiated paper and packaging solutions that help our customers win . we successfully executed this strategy in fiscal 2019 in a rapidly changing cost and price environment . net sales of $ 18289.0 million for fiscal 2019 increased $ 2003.9 million , or 12.3% ( 12.3 % ) , compared to fiscal 2018 . the increase was primarily due to the kapstone acquisition and higher selling price/mix in our corrugated packaging and consumer packaging segments . these increases were partially offset by the absence of recycling net sales in fiscal 2019 as a result of conducting the operations primarily as a procurement function beginning in the first quarter of fiscal 2019 , lower volumes , unfavorable foreign currency impacts across our segments compared to the prior year and decreased land and development net sales . segment income increased $ 82.6 million in fiscal 2019 compared to fiscal 2018 , primarily due to increased corrugated packaging segment income that was partially offset by lower consumer packaging and land and development segment income . the impact of the contribution from the acquired kapstone operations , higher selling price/mix across our segments and productivity improvements was largely offset by lower volumes across our segments , economic downtime , cost inflation , increased maintenance and scheduled strategic outage expense ( including projects at our mahrt , al and covington , va mills ) and lower land and development segment income due to the wind-down of sales . with respect to segment income , we experienced higher levels of cost inflation in both our corrugated packaging and consumer packaging segments during fiscal 2019 as compared to fiscal 2018 that were partially offset by recovered fiber deflation . the primary inflationary items were virgin fiber , freight , energy and wage and other costs . we generated $ 2310.2 million of net cash provided by operating activities in fiscal 2019 , compared to $ 1931.2 million in fiscal 2018 . we remained committed to our disciplined capital allocation strategy during fiscal . Question: what was the value change in segment income? Answer: 82.6 Question: what was the percent change?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
supplemental pro forma financial information ( unaudited ) the following table presents summarized unaudited pro forma financial information as if sikorsky had been included in our financial results for the entire year in 2015 ( in millions ) : . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>net sales</td><td>$ 45366</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>net earnings</td><td>3534</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>basic earnings per common share</td><td>11.39</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>diluted earnings per common share</td><td>11.23</td></tr></table> the unaudited supplemental pro forma financial data above has been calculated after applying our accounting policies and adjusting the historical results of sikorskywith pro forma adjustments , net of tax , that assume the acquisition occurred on january 1 , 2015 . significant pro forma adjustments include the recognition of additional amortization expense related to acquired intangible assets and additional interest expense related to the short-term debt used to finance the acquisition . these adjustments assume the application of fair value adjustments to intangibles and the debt issuance occurred on january 1 , 2015 and are approximated as follows : amortization expense of $ 125million and interest expense of $ 40million . in addition , significant nonrecurring adjustments include the elimination of a $ 72million pension curtailment loss , net of tax , recognized in 2015 and the elimination of a $ 58 million income tax charge related to historic earnings of foreign subsidiaries recognized by sikorsky in 2015 . the unaudited supplemental pro forma financial information also reflects an increase in interest expense , net of tax , of approximately $ 110 million in 2015 . the increase in interest expense is the result of assuming the november 2015 notes were issued on january 1 , 2015 . proceeds of the november 2015 notes were used to repay all outstanding borrowings under the 364- day facility used to finance a portion of the purchase price of sikorsky , as contemplated at the date of acquisition . the unaudited supplemental pro forma financial information does not reflect the realization of any expected ongoing cost or revenue synergies relating to the integration of the two companies . further , the pro forma data should not be considered indicative of the results that would have occurred if the acquisition , related financing and associated notes issuance and repayment of the 364-day facility had been consummated on january 1 , 2015 , nor are they indicative of future results . consolidation of awemanagement limited on august 24 , 2016 , we increased our ownership interest in the awe joint venture , which operates the united kingdom 2019s nuclear deterrent program , from 33% ( 33 % ) to 51% ( 51 % ) . at which time , we began consolidating awe . consequently , our operating results include 100% ( 100 % ) of awe 2019s sales and 51% ( 51 % ) of its operating profit . prior to increasing our ownership interest , we accounted for our investment inawe using the equity method of accounting . under the equity method , we recognized only 33% ( 33 % ) ofawe 2019s earnings or losses and no sales.accordingly , prior toaugust 24 , 2016 , the date we obtained control , we recorded 33%ofawe 2019s net earnings in our operating results and subsequent to august 24 , 2016 , we recognized 100% ( 100 % ) of awe 2019s sales and 51% ( 51 % ) of its operating profit . we accounted for this transaction as a 201cstep acquisition 201d ( as defined by u.s . gaap ) , which requires us to consolidate and record the assets and liabilities ofawe at fair value.accordingly , we recorded intangible assets of $ 243million related to customer relationships , $ 32 million of net liabilities , and noncontrolling interests of $ 107 million . the intangible assets are being amortized over a period of eight years in accordance with the underlying pattern of economic benefit reflected by the future net cash flows . in 2016we recognized a non-cash net gain of $ 104million associatedwith obtaining a controlling interest inawewhich consisted of a $ 127 million pretax gain recognized in the operating results of our space business segment and $ 23 million of tax-related items at our corporate office . the gain represents the fair value of our 51% ( 51 % ) interest inawe , less the carrying value of our previously held investment inawe and deferred taxes . the gainwas recorded in other income , net on our consolidated statements of earnings . the fair value ofawe ( including the intangible assets ) , our controlling interest , and the noncontrolling interests were determined using the income approach . divestiture of the information systems & global solutions business onaugust 16 , 2016wedivested our former is&gsbusinesswhichmergedwithleidos , in areversemorristrust transactionrr ( the 201ctransaction 201d ) . the transaction was completed in a multi-step process pursuant to which we initially contributed the is&gs business to abacus innovations corporation ( abacus ) , a wholly owned subsidiary of lockheed martin created to facilitate the transaction , and the common stock ofabacus was distributed to participating lockheedmartin stockholders through an exchange offer . under the terms of the exchange offer , lockheedmartin stockholders had the option to exchange shares of lockheedmartin common stock for shares of abacus common stock . at the conclusion of the exchange offer , all shares of abacus common stock were exchanged for 9369694 shares of lockheed martin common stock held by lockheed martin stockholders that elected to participate in the exchange.the shares of lockheedmartin common stock thatwere exchanged and acceptedwere retired , reducing the number of shares of our common stock outstanding by approximately 3% ( 3 % ) . following the exchange offer , abacus merged with . Question: what is the net earnings in 2015?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
notes to the consolidated financial statements non-financial assets and liabilities measured at fair value on a non-recurring basis during 2009 , we classified the atlantic star as held for sale and recognized a charge of $ 7.1 million to reduce the carrying value of the ship to its fair value less cost to sell based on a firm offer received during 2009 . this amount was recorded within other operating expenses in our consolidated statement of operations . we determined the fair market value of the atlantic star as of december 31 , 2010 based on comparable ship sales adjusted for the condition , age and size of the ship . we have categorized these inputs as level 3 because they are largely based on our own assump- tions . as of december 31 , 2010 , the carrying amount of the atlantic star which we still believe represents its fair value was $ 46.4 million . the following table presents a reconciliation of the company 2019s fuel call options 2019 beginning and ending balances as follows ( in thousands ) : fair value fair value measurements measurements using significant using significant unobservable unobservable year ended december 31 , 2010 inputs ( level 3 ) year ended december 31 , 2009 inputs ( level 3 ) fuel call options fuel call options balance at january 1 , 2010 $ 9998 balance at january 1 , 2009 $ 2007 2007 2007 2007 2014 total gains or losses ( realized/ unrealized ) total gains or losses ( realized/ unrealized ) . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>year ended december 31 2010 balance at january 1 2010</td><td>fairvalue measurements using significant unobservable inputs ( level 3 ) fuel call options $ 9998</td><td>year ended december 31 2009 balance at january 1 2009</td><td>fairvalue measurements using significant unobservable inputs ( level 3 ) fuel call options $ 2014</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>total gains or losses ( realized /unrealized )</td><td>-</td><td>total gains or losses ( realized /unrealized )</td><td>-</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>included in other income ( expense )</td><td>-2824 ( 2824 )</td><td>included in other income ( expense )</td><td>-2538 ( 2538 )</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>purchases issuances and settlements</td><td>24539</td><td>purchases issuances and settlements</td><td>12536</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>transfers in and/or ( out ) of level 3</td><td>-31713 ( 31713 )</td><td>transfers in and/or ( out ) of level 3</td><td>2014</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>balance at december 31 2010</td><td>$ 2014</td><td>balance at december 31 2009</td><td>$ 9998</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>the amount of total gains or losses for the period included in other income ( expense ) attributable to the change in unrealized gains or losses relating to assets still held at thereporting date</td><td>$ -2824 ( 2824 )</td><td>the amount of total gains or losses for the period included in other income ( expense ) attributable to the change in unrealized gains or losses relating to assets still held atthe reporting date</td><td>$ -2538 ( 2538 )</td></tr></table> the amount of total gains or losses for the period included in other income ( expense ) attributable to the change in unrealized gains or losses relating to assets still held at the reporting date $ ( 2824 ) the amount of total gains or losses for the period included in other income ( expense ) attributable to the change in unrealized gains or losses relating to assets still held at the reporting date $ ( 2538 ) during the fourth quarter of 2010 , we changed our valuation technique for fuel call options to a market approach method which employs inputs that are observable . the fair value for fuel call options is determined by using the prevailing market price for the instruments consisting of published price quotes for similar assets based on recent transactions in an active market . we believe that level 2 categorization is appropriate due to an increase in the observability and transparency of significant inputs . previously , we derived the fair value of our fuel call options using standard option pricing models with inputs based on the options 2019 contract terms and data either readily available or formulated from public market informa- tion . the fuel call options were categorized as level 3 because certain inputs , principally volatility , were unobservable . net transfers in and/or out of level 3 are reported as having occurred at the end of the quarter in which the transfer occurred ; therefore , gains or losses reflected in the table above for 2010 include fourth quarter fuel call option gains or losses . the reported fair values are based on a variety of factors and assumptions . accordingly , the fair values may not represent actual values of the financial instru- ments and long-lived assets that could have been realized as of december 31 , 2010 or december 31 , 2009 , or that will be realized in the future and do not include expenses that could be incurred in an actual sale or settlement . derivative instruments we are exposed to market risk attributable to changes in interest rates , foreign currency exchange rates and fuel prices . we manage these risks through a combi- nation of our normal operating and financing activities and through the use of derivative financial instruments pursuant to our hedging practices and policies . the financial impact of these hedging instruments is pri- marily offset by corresponding changes in the under- lying exposures being hedged . we achieve this by closely matching the amount , term and conditions of the derivative instrument with the underlying risk being hedged . we do not hold or issue derivative financial instruments for trading or other speculative purposes . we monitor our derivative positions using techniques including market valuations and sensitivity analyses. . Question: what was the value of purchase issuances and settlements at the end of 2010? Answer: 24539.0 Question: what was the value at the end of 2009? Answer: 12536.0 Question: what was the net change?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
2022 asset utilization 2013 in response to economic conditions and lower revenue in 2009 , we implemented productivity initiatives to improve efficiency and reduce costs , in addition to adjusting our resources to reflect lower demand . although varying throughout the year , our resource reductions included removing from service approximately 26% ( 26 % ) of our road locomotives and 18% ( 18 % ) of our freight car inventory by year end . we also reduced shift levels at most rail facilities and closed or significantly reduced operations in 30 of our 114 principal rail yards . these demand-driven resource adjustments and our productivity initiatives combined to reduce our workforce by 10% ( 10 % ) . 2022 fuel prices 2013 as the economy worsened during the third and fourth quarters of 2008 , fuel prices dropped dramatically , reaching $ 33.87 per barrel in december 2008 , a near five-year low . throughout 2009 , crude oil prices generally increased , ending the year around $ 80 per barrel . overall , our average fuel price decreased by 44% ( 44 % ) in 2009 , reducing operating expenses by $ 1.3 billion compared to 2008 . we also reduced our consumption rate by 4% ( 4 % ) during the year , saving approximately 40 million gallons of fuel . the use of newer , more fuel efficient locomotives ; increased use of distributed locomotive power ; fuel conservation programs ; and improved network operations and asset utilization all contributed to this improvement . 2022 free cash flow 2013 cash generated by operating activities totaled $ 3.2 billion , yielding free cash flow of $ 515 million in 2009 . free cash flow is defined as cash provided by operating activities , less cash used in investing activities and dividends paid . free cash flow is not considered a financial measure under accounting principles generally accepted in the united states ( gaap ) by sec regulation g and item 10 of sec regulation s-k . we believe free cash flow is important in evaluating our financial performance and measures our ability to generate cash without additional external financings . free cash flow should be considered in addition to , rather than as a substitute for , cash provided by operating activities . the following table reconciles cash provided by operating activities ( gaap measure ) to free cash flow ( non-gaap measure ) : millions of dollars 2009 2008 2007 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>millions of dollars</td><td>2009</td><td>2008</td><td>2007</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>cash provided by operating activities</td><td>$ 3234</td><td>$ 4070</td><td>$ 3277</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>cash used in investing activities</td><td>-2175 ( 2175 )</td><td>-2764 ( 2764 )</td><td>-2426 ( 2426 )</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>dividends paid</td><td>-544 ( 544 )</td><td>-481 ( 481 )</td><td>-364 ( 364 )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>free cash flow</td><td>$ 515</td><td>$ 825</td><td>$ 487</td></tr></table> 2010 outlook 2022 safety 2013 operating a safe railroad benefits our employees , our customers , our shareholders , and the public . we will continue using a multi-faceted approach to safety , utilizing technology , risk assessment , quality control , and training , and by engaging our employees . we will continue implementing total safety culture ( tsc ) throughout our operations . tsc is designed to establish , maintain , reinforce , and promote safe practices among co-workers . this process allows us to identify and implement best practices for employee and operational safety . reducing grade-crossing incidents is a critical aspect of our safety programs , and we will continue our efforts to maintain , upgrade , and close crossings ; install video cameras on locomotives ; and educate the public about crossing safety through our own programs , various industry programs , and other activities . 2022 transportation plan 2013 to build upon our success in recent years , we will continue evaluating traffic flows and network logistic patterns , which can be quite dynamic from year-to-year , to identify additional opportunities to simplify operations , remove network variability and improve network efficiency and asset utilization . we plan to adjust manpower and our locomotive and rail car fleets to . Question: what was the value of free cash flow in 2009? Answer: 515.0 Question: what is the value for 2008? Answer: 825.0 Question: what is the net change? Answer: -310.0 Question: what is the 2008 value?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
notes to the consolidated financial statements competitive environment and general economic and business conditions , among other factors . pullmantur is a brand targeted primarily at the spanish , portu- guese and latin american markets and although pullmantur has diversified its passenger sourcing over the past few years , spain still represents pullmantur 2019s largest market . as previously disclosed , during 2012 european economies continued to demonstrate insta- bility in light of heightened concerns over sovereign debt issues as well as the impact of proposed auster- ity measures on certain markets . the spanish econ- omy was more severely impacted than many other economies and there is significant uncertainty as to when it will recover . in addition , the impact of the costa concordia incident has had a more lingering effect than expected and the impact in future years is uncertain . these factors were identified in the past as significant risks which could lead to the impairment of pullmantur 2019s goodwill . more recently , the spanish economy has progressively worsened and forecasts suggest the challenging operating environment will continue for an extended period of time . the unemployment rate in spain reached 26% ( 26 % ) during the fourth quarter of 2012 and is expected to rise further in 2013 . the international monetary fund , which had projected gdp growth of 1.8% ( 1.8 % ) a year ago , revised its 2013 gdp projections downward for spain to a contraction of 1.3% ( 1.3 % ) during the fourth quarter of 2012 and further reduced it to a contraction of 1.5% ( 1.5 % ) in january of 2013 . during the latter half of 2012 new austerity measures , such as increases to the value added tax , cuts to benefits , the phasing out of exemptions and the suspension of government bonuses , were implemented by the spanish government . we believe these austerity measures are having a larger impact on consumer confidence and discretionary spending than previously anticipated . as a result , there has been a significant deterioration in bookings from guests sourced from spain during the 2013 wave season . the combination of all of these factors has caused us to negatively adjust our cash flow projections , especially our closer-in net yield assumptions and the expectations regarding future capacity growth for the brand . based on our updated cash flow projections , we determined the implied fair value of goodwill for the pullmantur reporting unit was $ 145.5 million and rec- ognized an impairment charge of $ 319.2 million . this impairment charge was recognized in earnings during the fourth quarter of 2012 and is reported within impairment of pullmantur related assets within our consolidated statements of comprehensive income ( loss ) . there have been no goodwill impairment charges related to the pullmantur reporting unit in prior periods . see note 13 . fair value measurements and derivative instruments for further discussion . if the spanish economy weakens further or recovers more slowly than contemplated or if the economies of other markets ( e.g . france , brazil , latin america ) perform worse than contemplated in our discounted cash flow model , or if there are material changes to the projected future cash flows used in the impair- ment analyses , especially in net yields , an additional impairment charge of the pullmantur reporting unit 2019s goodwill may be required . note 4 . intangible assets intangible assets are reported in other assets in our consolidated balance sheets and consist of the follow- ing ( in thousands ) : . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>2012</td><td>2011</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>indefinite-life intangible asset 2014pullmantur trademarks and trade names</td><td>$ 218883</td><td>$ 225679</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>impairment charge</td><td>-17356 ( 17356 )</td><td>2014</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>foreign currency translation adjustment</td><td>3339</td><td>-6796 ( 6796 )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>total</td><td>$ 204866</td><td>$ 218883</td></tr></table> during the fourth quarter of 2012 , we performed the annual impairment review of our trademarks and trade names using a discounted cash flow model and the relief-from-royalty method . the royalty rate used is based on comparable royalty agreements in the tourism and hospitality industry . these trademarks and trade names relate to pullmantur and we have used a discount rate comparable to the rate used in valuing the pullmantur reporting unit in our goodwill impairment test . as described in note 3 . goodwill , the continued deterioration of the spanish economy caused us to negatively adjust our cash flow projections for the pullmantur reporting unit , especially our closer-in net yield assumptions and the timing of future capacity growth for the brand . based on our updated cash flow projections , we determined that the fair value of pullmantur 2019s trademarks and trade names no longer exceeded their carrying value . accordingly , we recog- nized an impairment charge of approximately $ 17.4 million to write down trademarks and trade names to their fair value of $ 204.9 million . this impairment charge was recognized in earnings during the fourth quarter of 2012 and is reported within impairment of pullmantur related assets within our consolidated statements of comprehensive income ( loss ) . see note 13 . fair value measurements and derivative instruments for further discussion . if the spanish economy weakens further or recovers more slowly than contemplated or if the economies of other markets ( e.g . france , brazil , latin america ) 0494.indd 76 3/27/13 12:53 pm . Question: what was the change in the value of intangible assets from 2011 to 2012? Answer: -14017.0 Question: and the percentage change during this time? Answer: -0.06404 Question: what was the total value of intangible assets in 2011 and 2012? Answer: 423749.0 Question: and the average during this time?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
united parcel service , inc . and subsidiaries management's discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations liquidity and capital resources operating activities the following is a summary of the significant sources ( uses ) of cash from operating activities ( amounts in millions ) : . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>2012</td><td>2011</td><td>2010</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>net income</td><td>$ 807</td><td>$ 3804</td><td>$ 3338</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>non-cash operating activities ( a )</td><td>7301</td><td>4505</td><td>4398</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>pension and postretirement plan contributions ( ups-sponsored plans )</td><td>-917 ( 917 )</td><td>-1436 ( 1436 )</td><td>-3240 ( 3240 )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>income tax receivables and payables</td><td>280</td><td>236</td><td>-319 ( 319 )</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>changes in working capital and other noncurrent assets and liabilities</td><td>-148 ( 148 )</td><td>-12 ( 12 )</td><td>-340 ( 340 )</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>other operating activities</td><td>-107 ( 107 )</td><td>-24 ( 24 )</td><td>-2 ( 2 )</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>net cash from operating activities</td><td>$ 7216</td><td>$ 7073</td><td>$ 3835</td></tr></table> ( a ) represents depreciation and amortization , gains and losses on derivative and foreign exchange transactions , deferred income taxes , provisions for uncollectible accounts , pension and postretirement benefit expense , stock compensation expense , impairment charges and other non-cash items . cash from operating activities remained strong throughout the 2010 to 2012 time period . operating cash flow was favorably impacted in 2012 , compared with 2011 , by lower contributions into our defined benefit pension and postretirement benefit plans ; however , this was partially offset by changes in our working capital position , which was impacted by overall growth in the business . the change in the cash flows for income tax receivables and payables in 2011 and 2010 was primarily related to the timing of discretionary pension contributions during 2010 , as discussed further in the following paragraph . except for discretionary or accelerated fundings of our plans , contributions to our company-sponsored pension plans have largely varied based on whether any minimum funding requirements are present for individual pension plans . 2022 in 2012 , we made a $ 355 million required contribution to the ups ibt pension plan . 2022 in 2011 , we made a $ 1.2 billion contribution to the ups ibt pension plan , which satisfied our 2011 contribution requirements and also approximately $ 440 million in contributions that would not have been required until after 2011 . 2022 in 2010 , we made $ 2.0 billion in discretionary contributions to our ups retirement and ups pension plans , and $ 980 million in required contributions to our ups ibt pension plan . 2022 the remaining contributions in the 2010 through 2012 period were largely due to contributions to our international pension plans and u.s . postretirement medical benefit plans . as discussed further in the 201ccontractual commitments 201d section , we have minimum funding requirements in the next several years , primarily related to the ups ibt pension , ups retirement and ups pension plans . as of december 31 , 2012 , the total of our worldwide holdings of cash and cash equivalents was $ 7.327 billion . approximately $ 4.211 billion of this amount was held in european subsidiaries with the intended purpose of completing the acquisition of tnt express n.v . ( see note 16 to the consolidated financial statements ) . excluding this portion of cash held outside the u.s . for acquisition-related purposes , approximately 50%-60% ( 50%-60 % ) of the remaining cash and cash equivalents are held by foreign subsidiaries throughout the year . the amount of cash held by our u.s . and foreign subsidiaries fluctuates throughout the year due to a variety of factors , including the timing of cash receipts and disbursements in the normal course of business . cash provided by operating activities in the united states continues to be our primary source of funds to finance domestic operating needs , capital expenditures , share repurchases and dividend payments to shareowners . to the extent that such amounts represent previously untaxed earnings , the cash held by foreign subsidiaries would be subject to tax if such amounts were repatriated in the form of dividends ; however , not all international cash balances would have to be repatriated in the form of a dividend if returned to the u.s . when amounts earned by foreign subsidiaries are expected to be indefinitely reinvested , no accrual for taxes is provided. . Question: what was the net income in 2012? Answer: 807.0 Question: and what was it in the previous year? Answer: 3804.0 Question: by how much, then, did it change throughout the period? Answer: -2997.0 Question: and what is this change as a percentage of the 2011 net income? Answer: -0.78785 Question: in that same period, what was the change in the net cash from operating activities? Answer: -143.0 Question: and what was this change as a percent of that net cash in 2011?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
equity compensation plan information the following table presents the equity securities available for issuance under our equity compensation plans as of december 31 , 2015 . equity compensation plan information plan category number of securities to be issued upon exercise of outstanding options , warrants and rights ( 1 ) weighted-average exercise price of outstanding options , warrants and rights ( 2 ) number of securities remaining available for future issuance under equity compensation plans ( excluding securities reflected in column ( a ) ) ( a ) ( b ) ( c ) equity compensation plans approved by security holders 1424356 $ 33.90 4281952 equity compensation plans not approved by security holders ( 3 ) 2014 2014 2014 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>plan category</td><td>number of securities to be issued upon exercise of outstanding options warrants and rights ( 1 ) ( a ) ( b )</td><td>weighted-average exercise price of outstanding optionswarrants and rights ( 2 )</td><td>number of securities remaining available for future issuance under equity compensation plans ( excluding securitiesreflected in column ( a ) ) ( c )</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>equity compensation plans approved by security holders</td><td>1424356</td><td>$ 33.90</td><td>4281952</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>equity compensation plans not approved by security holders ( 3 )</td><td>2014</td><td>2014</td><td>2014</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>total</td><td>1424356</td><td>$ 33.90</td><td>4281952</td></tr></table> ( 1 ) includes grants made under the huntington ingalls industries , inc . 2012 long-term incentive stock plan ( the "2012 plan" ) , which was approved by our stockholders on may 2 , 2012 , and the huntington ingalls industries , inc . 2011 long-term incentive stock plan ( the "2011 plan" ) , which was approved by the sole stockholder of hii prior to its spin-off from northrop grumman corporation . of these shares , 533397 were subject to stock options and 54191 were stock rights granted under the 2011 plan . in addition , this number includes 35553 stock rights , 10279 restricted stock rights , and 790936 restricted performance stock rights granted under the 2012 plan , assuming target performance achievement . ( 2 ) this is the weighted average exercise price of the 533397 outstanding stock options only . ( 3 ) there are no awards made under plans not approved by security holders . item 13 . certain relationships and related transactions , and director independence information as to certain relationships and related transactions and director independence will be incorporated herein by reference to the proxy statement for our 2016 annual meeting of stockholders , to be filed within 120 days after the end of the company 2019s fiscal year . item 14 . principal accountant fees and services information as to principal accountant fees and services will be incorporated herein by reference to the proxy statement for our 2016 annual meeting of stockholders , to be filed within 120 days after the end of the company 2019s fiscal year. . Question: what is the total number of securities approved by security holders? Answer: 5706308.0 Question: what portion of number of securities is to be issued upon exercise of outstanding options warrants and rights?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
note 17 . accumulated other comprehensive losses : pmi's accumulated other comprehensive losses , net of taxes , consisted of the following: . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>( losses ) earnings ( in millions )</td><td>( losses ) earnings 2015</td><td>( losses ) earnings 2014</td><td>2013</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>currency translation adjustments</td><td>$ -6129 ( 6129 )</td><td>$ -3929 ( 3929 )</td><td>$ -2207 ( 2207 )</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>pension and other benefits</td><td>-3332 ( 3332 )</td><td>-3020 ( 3020 )</td><td>-2046 ( 2046 )</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>derivatives accounted for as hedges</td><td>59</td><td>123</td><td>63</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>total accumulated other comprehensive losses</td><td>$ -9402 ( 9402 )</td><td>$ -6826 ( 6826 )</td><td>$ -4190 ( 4190 )</td></tr></table> reclassifications from other comprehensive earnings the movements in accumulated other comprehensive losses and the related tax impact , for each of the components above , that are due to current period activity and reclassifications to the income statement are shown on the consolidated statements of comprehensive earnings for the years ended december 31 , 2015 , 2014 , and 2013 . the movement in currency translation adjustments for the year ended december 31 , 2013 , was also impacted by the purchase of the remaining shares of the mexican tobacco business . in addition , $ 1 million , $ 5 million and $ 12 million of net currency translation adjustment gains were transferred from other comprehensive earnings to marketing , administration and research costs in the consolidated statements of earnings for the years ended december 31 , 2015 , 2014 and 2013 , respectively , upon liquidation of subsidiaries . for additional information , see note 13 . benefit plans and note 15 . financial instruments for disclosures related to pmi's pension and other benefits and derivative financial instruments . note 18 . colombian investment and cooperation agreement : on june 19 , 2009 , pmi announced that it had signed an agreement with the republic of colombia , together with the departments of colombia and the capital district of bogota , to promote investment and cooperation with respect to the colombian tobacco market and to fight counterfeit and contraband tobacco products . the investment and cooperation agreement provides $ 200 million in funding to the colombian governments over a 20-year period to address issues of mutual interest , such as combating the illegal cigarette trade , including the threat of counterfeit tobacco products , and increasing the quality and quantity of locally grown tobacco . as a result of the investment and cooperation agreement , pmi recorded a pre-tax charge of $ 135 million in the operating results of the latin america & canada segment during the second quarter of 2009 . at december 31 , 2015 and 2014 , pmi had $ 73 million and $ 71 million , respectively , of discounted liabilities associated with the colombian investment and cooperation agreement . these discounted liabilities are primarily reflected in other long-term liabilities on the consolidated balance sheets and are expected to be paid through 2028 . note 19 . rbh legal settlement : on july 31 , 2008 , rothmans inc . ( "rothmans" ) announced the finalization of a cad 550 million settlement ( or approximately $ 540 million , based on the prevailing exchange rate at that time ) between itself and rothmans , benson & hedges inc . ( "rbh" ) , on the one hand , and the government of canada and all 10 provinces , on the other hand . the settlement resolved the royal canadian mounted police's investigation relating to products exported from canada by rbh during the 1989-1996 period . rothmans' sole holding was a 60% ( 60 % ) interest in rbh . the remaining 40% ( 40 % ) interest in rbh was owned by pmi. . Question: what is the value of total accumulated other comprehensive losses in 2014? Answer: 9402.0 Question: what is the value in 2015? Answer: 6826.0 Question: what is the net difference?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
from time to time , we may elect to use foreign currency forward contracts to reduce the risk from exchange rate fluctuations on intercompany transactions and projected inventory purchases for our european and canadian subsidiaries . in addition , we may elect to enter into foreign currency forward contracts to reduce the risk associated with foreign currency exchange rate fluctuations on pound sterling denominated balance sheet items . we do not enter into derivative financial instruments for speculative or trading purposes . based on the foreign currency forward contracts outstanding as of december 31 , 2011 , we receive u.s . dollars in exchange for canadian dollars at a weighted average contractual forward foreign currency exchange rate of 1.03 cad per $ 1.00 , u.s . dollars in exchange for euros at a weighted average contractual foreign currency exchange rate of 20ac0.77 per $ 1.00 and euros in exchange for pounds sterling at a weighted average contractual foreign currency exchange rate of a30.84 per 20ac1.00 . as of december 31 , 2011 , the notional value of our outstanding foreign currency forward contracts for our canadian subsidiary was $ 51.1 million with contract maturities of 1 month or less , and the notional value of our outstanding foreign currency forward contracts for our european subsidiary was $ 50.0 million with contract maturities of 1 month . as of december 31 , 2011 , the notional value of our outstanding foreign currency forward contract used to mitigate the foreign currency exchange rate fluctuations on pound sterling denominated balance sheet items was 20ac10.5 million , or $ 13.6 million , with a contract maturity of 1 month . the foreign currency forward contracts are not designated as cash flow hedges , and accordingly , changes in their fair value are recorded in other expense , net on the consolidated statements of income . the fair values of our foreign currency forward contracts were liabilities of $ 0.7 million and $ 0.6 million as of december 31 , 2011 and 2010 , respectively , and were included in accrued expenses on the consolidated balance sheet . refer to note 10 to the consolidated financial statements for a discussion of the fair value measurements . included in other expense , net were the following amounts related to changes in foreign currency exchange rates and derivative foreign currency forward contracts: . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>year ended december 31 , ( in thousands )</td><td>year ended december 31 , 2011</td><td>year ended december 31 , 2010</td><td>2009</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>unrealized foreign currency exchange rate gains ( losses )</td><td>$ -4027 ( 4027 )</td><td>$ -1280 ( 1280 )</td><td>$ 5222</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>realized foreign currency exchange rate gains ( losses )</td><td>298</td><td>-2638 ( 2638 )</td><td>-261 ( 261 )</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>unrealized derivative losses</td><td>-31 ( 31 )</td><td>-809 ( 809 )</td><td>-1060 ( 1060 )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>realized derivative gains ( losses )</td><td>1696</td><td>3549</td><td>-4412 ( 4412 )</td></tr></table> we enter into foreign currency forward contracts with major financial institutions with investment grade credit ratings and are exposed to credit losses in the event of non-performance by these financial institutions . this credit risk is generally limited to the unrealized gains in the foreign currency forward contracts . however , we monitor the credit quality of these financial institutions and consider the risk of counterparty default to be minimal . although we have entered into foreign currency forward contracts to minimize some of the impact of foreign currency exchange rate fluctuations on future cash flows , we cannot be assured that foreign currency exchange rate fluctuations will not have a material adverse impact on our financial condition and results of operations . inflation inflationary factors such as increases in the cost of our product and overhead costs may adversely affect our operating results . although we do not believe that inflation has had a material impact on our financial position or results of operations to date , a high rate of inflation in the future may have an adverse effect on our ability to maintain current levels of gross margin and selling , general and administrative expenses as a percentage of net revenues if the selling prices of our products do not increase with these increased costs. . Question: what was the total of unrealized foreign currency exchange rate gains ( losses ) in the year of 2011, in thousands? Answer: -4027.0 Question: and what was that in 2010, also in thousands? Answer: -1280.0 Question: what was, then, in thousands, the change in unrealized foreign currency exchange rate gains ( losses ) from 2010 to 2011? Answer: -2747.0 Question: what was the total of unrealized foreign currency exchange rate gains ( losses ) in the year of 2010, in thousands? Answer: -1280.0 Question: how much, then, does that change represent in relation to this 2010 total, in percentage?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
29 annual report 2012 duke realty corporation | | those indirect costs not allocated to or absorbed by these operations are charged to general and administrative expenses . we regularly review our total overhead cost structure relative to our leasing , development and construction volume and adjust the level of total overhead , generally through changes in our level of staffing in various functional departments , as necessary in order to control overall general and administrative expense . general and administrative expenses increased from $ 43.1 million in 2011 to $ 46.4 million in 2012 . the following table sets forth the factors that led to the increase in general and administrative expenses from 2011 to 2012 ( in millions ) : . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>general and administrative expenses - 2011</td><td>$ 43.1</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>reduction to overall pool of overhead costs ( 1 )</td><td>-11.0 ( 11.0 )</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>increased absorption of costs by wholly-owned development and leasing activities ( 2 )</td><td>-14.7 ( 14.7 )</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>reduced allocation of costs to service operations and rental operations ( 3 )</td><td>29.0</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>general and administrative expenses - 2012</td><td>$ 46.4</td></tr></table> ( 1 ) we reduced our total pool of overhead costs , through staff reductions and other measures , as the result of changes in our product mix and anticipated future levels of third-party construction , leasing , management and other operational activities . ( 2 ) we increased our focus on development of wholly-owned properties , and also significantly increased our leasing activity during 2012 , which resulted in an increased absorption of overhead costs . we capitalized $ 30.4 million and $ 20.0 million of our total overhead costs to leasing and development , respectively , for consolidated properties during 2012 , compared to capitalizing $ 25.3 million and $ 10.4 million of such costs , respectively , for 2011 . combined overhead costs capitalized to leasing and development totaled 31.1% ( 31.1 % ) and 20.6% ( 20.6 % ) of our overall pool of overhead costs for 2012 and 2011 , respectively . ( 3 ) the reduction in the allocation of overhead costs to service operations and rental operations resulted from reduced volumes of third-party construction projects as well as due to reducing our overall investment in office properties , which are more management intensive . interest expense interest expense allocable to continuing operations increased from $ 220.5 million in 2011 to $ 245.2 million in 2012 . we had $ 47.4 million of interest expense allocated to discontinued operations in 2011 , associated with the properties that were disposed of during 2011 , compared to the allocation of only $ 3.1 million of interest expense to discontinued operations for 2012 . total interest expense , combined for continuing and discontinued operations , decreased from $ 267.8 million in 2011 to $ 248.3 million in 2012 . the reduction in total interest expense was primarily the result of a lower weighted average borrowing rate in 2012 , due to refinancing some higher rate bonds in 2011 and 2012 , as well as a slight decrease in our average level of borrowings compared to 2011 . also , due to an increase in properties under development from 2011 , which met the criteria for capitalization of interest and were financed in part by common equity issuances during 2012 , a $ 5.0 million increase in capitalized interest also contributed to the decrease in total interest expense in 2012 . acquisition-related activity during 2012 , we recognized approximately $ 4.2 million in acquisition costs , compared to $ 2.3 million of such costs in 2011 . the increase from 2011 to 2012 is the result of acquiring a higher volume of medical office properties , where a higher level of acquisition costs are incurred than other property types , in 2012 . during 2011 , we also recognized a $ 1.1 million gain related to the acquisition of a building from one of our 50%-owned unconsolidated joint ventures . discontinued operations subject to certain criteria , the results of operations for properties sold during the year to unrelated parties , or classified as held-for-sale at the end of the period , are required to be classified as discontinued operations . the property specific components of earnings that are classified as discontinued operations include rental revenues , rental expenses , real estate taxes , allocated interest expense and depreciation expense , as well as the net gain or loss on the disposition of properties . the operations of 150 buildings are currently classified as discontinued operations . these 150 buildings consist of 114 office , 30 industrial , four retail , and two medical office properties . as a result , we classified operating losses , before gain on sales , of $ 1.5 million , $ 1.8 million and $ 7.1 million in discontinued operations for the years ended december 31 , 2012 , 2011 and 2010 , respectively . of these properties , 28 were sold during 2012 , 101 properties were sold during 2011 and 19 properties were sold during 2010 . the gains on disposal of these properties of $ 13.5 million , $ 100.9 million and $ 33.1 million for the years ended december 31 , 2012 , 2011 and . Question: what was the income expense allocable to continuing operations in 2012? Answer: 245.2 Question: what was the income expense allocable to continuing operations in 2011? Answer: 220.5 Question: what was the net change during the year?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
the company has elected the fair-value option where the interest-rate risk of such liabilities is economically hedged with derivative contracts or the proceeds are used to purchase financial assets that will also be accounted for at fair value through earnings . the election has been made to mitigate accounting mismatches and to achieve operational simplifications . these positions are reported in short-term borrowings and long-term debt on the company 2019s consolidated balance sheet . the majority of these non-structured liabilities are a result of the company 2019s election of the fair-value option for liabilities associated with the citi-advised structured investment vehicles ( sivs ) , which were consolidated during the fourth quarter of 2007 . the change in fair values of the sivs 2019 liabilities reported in earnings was $ 2.6 billion for the year ended december 31 , 2008 . for these non-structured liabilities the aggregate fair value is $ 263 million lower than the aggregate unpaid principal balance as of december 31 , 2008 . for all other non-structured liabilities classified as long-term debt for which the fair-value option has been elected , the aggregate unpaid principal balance exceeds the aggregate fair value of such instruments by $ 97 million as of december 31 , 2008 while the aggregate fair value exceeded the aggregate unpaid principal by $ 112 million as of december 31 , 2007 . the change in fair value of these non-structured liabilities reported a gain of $ 1.2 billion for the year ended december 31 , 2008 . the change in fair value for these non-structured liabilities is reported in principal transactions in the company 2019s consolidated statement of income . related interest expense continues to be measured based on the contractual interest rates and reported as such in the consolidated income statement . certain mortgage loans citigroup has elected the fair-value option for certain purchased and originated prime fixed-rate and conforming adjustable-rate first mortgage loans held-for- sale . these loans are intended for sale or securitization and are hedged with derivative instruments . the company has elected the fair-value option to mitigate accounting mismatches in cases where hedge accounting is complex and to achieve operational simplifications . the fair-value option was not elected for loans held-for-investment , as those loans are not hedged with derivative instruments . this election was effective for applicable instruments originated or purchased on or after september 1 , 2007 . the following table provides information about certain mortgage loans carried at fair value : in millions of dollars december 31 , december 31 , carrying amount reported on the consolidated balance sheet $ 4273 $ 6392 aggregate fair value in excess of unpaid principal balance $ 138 $ 136 balance on non-accrual loans or loans more than 90 days past due $ 9 $ 17 aggregate unpaid principal balance in excess of fair value for non-accrual loans or loans more than 90 days past due $ 2 $ 2014 the changes in fair values of these mortgage loans is reported in other revenue in the company 2019s consolidated statement of income . the changes in fair value during the year ended december 31 , 2008 due to instrument- specific credit risk resulted in a $ 32 million loss . the change in fair value during 2007 due to instrument-specific credit risk was immaterial . related interest income continues to be measured based on the contractual interest rates and reported as such in the consolidated income statement . items selected for fair-value accounting in accordance with sfas 155 and sfas 156 certain hybrid financial instruments the company has elected to apply fair-value accounting under sfas 155 for certain hybrid financial assets and liabilities whose performance is linked to risks other than interest rate , foreign exchange or inflation ( e.g. , equity , credit or commodity risks ) . in addition , the company has elected fair-value accounting under sfas 155 for residual interests retained from securitizing certain financial assets . the company has elected fair-value accounting for these instruments because these exposures are considered to be trading-related positions and , therefore , are managed on a fair-value basis . in addition , the accounting for these instruments is simplified under a fair-value approach as it eliminates the complicated operational requirements of bifurcating the embedded derivatives from the host contracts and accounting for each separately . the hybrid financial instruments are classified as trading account assets , loans , deposits , trading account liabilities ( for prepaid derivatives ) , short-term borrowings or long-term debt on the company 2019s consolidated balance sheet according to their legal form , while residual interests in certain securitizations are classified as trading account assets . for hybrid financial instruments for which fair-value accounting has been elected under sfas 155 and that are classified as long-term debt , the aggregate unpaid principal exceeds the aggregate fair value by $ 1.9 billion as of december 31 , 2008 , while the aggregate fair value exceeds the aggregate unpaid principal balance by $ 460 million as of december 31 , 2007 . the difference for those instruments classified as loans is immaterial . changes in fair value for hybrid financial instruments , which in most cases includes a component for accrued interest , are recorded in principal transactions in the company 2019s consolidated statement of income . interest accruals for certain hybrid instruments classified as trading assets are recorded separately from the change in fair value as interest revenue in the company 2019s consolidated statement of income . mortgage servicing rights the company accounts for mortgage servicing rights ( msrs ) at fair value in accordance with sfas 156 . fair value for msrs is determined using an option-adjusted spread valuation approach . this approach consists of projecting servicing cash flows under multiple interest-rate scenarios and discounting these cash flows using risk-adjusted rates . the model assumptions used in the valuation of msrs include mortgage prepayment speeds and discount rates . the fair value of msrs is primarily affected by changes in prepayments that result from shifts in mortgage interest rates . in managing this risk , the company hedges a significant portion of the values of its msrs through the use of interest-rate derivative contracts , forward- purchase commitments of mortgage-backed securities , and purchased securities classified as trading . see note 23 on page 175 for further discussions regarding the accounting and reporting of msrs . these msrs , which totaled $ 5.7 billion and $ 8.4 billion as of december 31 , 2008 and december 31 , 2007 , respectively , are classified as mortgage servicing rights on citigroup 2019s consolidated balance sheet . changes in fair value of msrs are recorded in commissions and fees in the company 2019s consolidated statement of income. . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>in millions of dollars</td><td>december 31 2008</td><td>december 31 2007</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>carrying amount reported on the consolidated balance sheet</td><td>$ 4273</td><td>$ 6392</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>aggregate fair value in excess of unpaid principal balance</td><td>$ 138</td><td>$ 136</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>balance on non-accrual loans or loans more than 90 days past due</td><td>$ 9</td><td>$ 17</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>aggregate unpaid principal balance in excess of fair value for non-accrual loans or loans more than 90 days pastdue</td><td>$ 2</td><td>$ 2014</td></tr></table> the company has elected the fair-value option where the interest-rate risk of such liabilities is economically hedged with derivative contracts or the proceeds are used to purchase financial assets that will also be accounted for at fair value through earnings . the election has been made to mitigate accounting mismatches and to achieve operational simplifications . these positions are reported in short-term borrowings and long-term debt on the company 2019s consolidated balance sheet . the majority of these non-structured liabilities are a result of the company 2019s election of the fair-value option for liabilities associated with the citi-advised structured investment vehicles ( sivs ) , which were consolidated during the fourth quarter of 2007 . the change in fair values of the sivs 2019 liabilities reported in earnings was $ 2.6 billion for the year ended december 31 , 2008 . for these non-structured liabilities the aggregate fair value is $ 263 million lower than the aggregate unpaid principal balance as of december 31 , 2008 . for all other non-structured liabilities classified as long-term debt for which the fair-value option has been elected , the aggregate unpaid principal balance exceeds the aggregate fair value of such instruments by $ 97 million as of december 31 , 2008 while the aggregate fair value exceeded the aggregate unpaid principal by $ 112 million as of december 31 , 2007 . the change in fair value of these non-structured liabilities reported a gain of $ 1.2 billion for the year ended december 31 , 2008 . the change in fair value for these non-structured liabilities is reported in principal transactions in the company 2019s consolidated statement of income . related interest expense continues to be measured based on the contractual interest rates and reported as such in the consolidated income statement . certain mortgage loans citigroup has elected the fair-value option for certain purchased and originated prime fixed-rate and conforming adjustable-rate first mortgage loans held-for- sale . these loans are intended for sale or securitization and are hedged with derivative instruments . the company has elected the fair-value option to mitigate accounting mismatches in cases where hedge accounting is complex and to achieve operational simplifications . the fair-value option was not elected for loans held-for-investment , as those loans are not hedged with derivative instruments . this election was effective for applicable instruments originated or purchased on or after september 1 , 2007 . the following table provides information about certain mortgage loans carried at fair value : in millions of dollars december 31 , december 31 , carrying amount reported on the consolidated balance sheet $ 4273 $ 6392 aggregate fair value in excess of unpaid principal balance $ 138 $ 136 balance on non-accrual loans or loans more than 90 days past due $ 9 $ 17 aggregate unpaid principal balance in excess of fair value for non-accrual loans or loans more than 90 days past due $ 2 $ 2014 the changes in fair values of these mortgage loans is reported in other revenue in the company 2019s consolidated statement of income . the changes in fair value during the year ended december 31 , 2008 due to instrument- specific credit risk resulted in a $ 32 million loss . the change in fair value during 2007 due to instrument-specific credit risk was immaterial . related interest income continues to be measured based on the contractual interest rates and reported as such in the consolidated income statement . items selected for fair-value accounting in accordance with sfas 155 and sfas 156 certain hybrid financial instruments the company has elected to apply fair-value accounting under sfas 155 for certain hybrid financial assets and liabilities whose performance is linked to risks other than interest rate , foreign exchange or inflation ( e.g. , equity , credit or commodity risks ) . in addition , the company has elected fair-value accounting under sfas 155 for residual interests retained from securitizing certain financial assets . the company has elected fair-value accounting for these instruments because these exposures are considered to be trading-related positions and , therefore , are managed on a fair-value basis . in addition , the accounting for these instruments is simplified under a fair-value approach as it eliminates the complicated operational requirements of bifurcating the embedded derivatives from the host contracts and accounting for each separately . the hybrid financial instruments are classified as trading account assets , loans , deposits , trading account liabilities ( for prepaid derivatives ) , short-term borrowings or long-term debt on the company 2019s consolidated balance sheet according to their legal form , while residual interests in certain securitizations are classified as trading account assets . for hybrid financial instruments for which fair-value accounting has been elected under sfas 155 and that are classified as long-term debt , the aggregate unpaid principal exceeds the aggregate fair value by $ 1.9 billion as of december 31 , 2008 , while the aggregate fair value exceeds the aggregate unpaid principal balance by $ 460 million as of december 31 , 2007 . the difference for those instruments classified as loans is immaterial . changes in fair value for hybrid financial instruments , which in most cases includes a component for accrued interest , are recorded in principal transactions in the company 2019s consolidated statement of income . interest accruals for certain hybrid instruments classified as trading assets are recorded separately from the change in fair value as interest revenue in the company 2019s consolidated statement of income . mortgage servicing rights the company accounts for mortgage servicing rights ( msrs ) at fair value in accordance with sfas 156 . fair value for msrs is determined using an option-adjusted spread valuation approach . this approach consists of projecting servicing cash flows under multiple interest-rate scenarios and discounting these cash flows using risk-adjusted rates . the model assumptions used in the valuation of msrs include mortgage prepayment speeds and discount rates . the fair value of msrs is primarily affected by changes in prepayments that result from shifts in mortgage interest rates . in managing this risk , the company hedges a significant portion of the values of its msrs through the use of interest-rate derivative contracts , forward- purchase commitments of mortgage-backed securities , and purchased securities classified as trading . see note 23 on page 175 for further discussions regarding the accounting and reporting of msrs . these msrs , which totaled $ 5.7 billion and $ 8.4 billion as of december 31 , 2008 and december 31 , 2007 , respectively , are classified as mortgage servicing rights on citigroup 2019s consolidated balance sheet . changes in fair value of msrs are recorded in commissions and fees in the company 2019s consolidated statement of income. . Question: what the balance of carrying amount reported on the consolidated balance sheet in 2008?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
the net decrease in the 2016 effective tax rate was due , in part , to the 2016 asset impairments in the u.s . and to the current year benefit related to a restructuring of one of our brazilian businesses that increases tax basis in long-term assets . further , the 2015 rate was impacted by the items described below . see note 20 2014asset impairment expense for additional information regarding the 2016 u.s . asset impairments . income tax expense increased $ 101 million , or 27% ( 27 % ) , to $ 472 million in 2015 . the company's effective tax rates were 41% ( 41 % ) and 26% ( 26 % ) for the years ended december 31 , 2015 and 2014 , respectively . the net increase in the 2015 effective tax rate was due , in part , to the nondeductible 2015 impairment of goodwill at our u.s . utility , dp&l and chilean withholding taxes offset by the release of valuation allowance at certain of our businesses in brazil , vietnam and the u.s . further , the 2014 rate was impacted by the sale of approximately 45% ( 45 % ) of the company 2019s interest in masin aes pte ltd. , which owns the company 2019s business interests in the philippines and the 2014 sale of the company 2019s interests in four u.k . wind operating projects . neither of these transactions gave rise to income tax expense . see note 15 2014equity for additional information regarding the sale of approximately 45% ( 45 % ) of the company 2019s interest in masin-aes pte ltd . see note 23 2014dispositions for additional information regarding the sale of the company 2019s interests in four u.k . wind operating projects . our effective tax rate reflects the tax effect of significant operations outside the u.s. , which are generally taxed at rates lower than the u.s . statutory rate of 35% ( 35 % ) . a future proportionate change in the composition of income before income taxes from foreign and domestic tax jurisdictions could impact our periodic effective tax rate . the company also benefits from reduced tax rates in certain countries as a result of satisfying specific commitments regarding employment and capital investment . see note 21 2014income taxes for additional information regarding these reduced rates . foreign currency transaction gains ( losses ) foreign currency transaction gains ( losses ) in millions were as follows: . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>years ended december 31,</td><td>2016</td><td>2015</td><td>2014</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>aes corporation</td><td>$ -50 ( 50 )</td><td>$ -31 ( 31 )</td><td>$ -34 ( 34 )</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>chile</td><td>-9 ( 9 )</td><td>-18 ( 18 )</td><td>-30 ( 30 )</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>colombia</td><td>-8 ( 8 )</td><td>29</td><td>17</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>mexico</td><td>-8 ( 8 )</td><td>-6 ( 6 )</td><td>-14 ( 14 )</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>philippines</td><td>12</td><td>8</td><td>11</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>united kingdom</td><td>13</td><td>11</td><td>12</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>argentina</td><td>37</td><td>124</td><td>66</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>other</td><td>-2 ( 2 )</td><td>-10 ( 10 )</td><td>-17 ( 17 )</td></tr><tr><td>10</td><td>total ( 1 )</td><td>$ -15 ( 15 )</td><td>$ 107</td><td>$ 11</td></tr></table> total ( 1 ) $ ( 15 ) $ 107 $ 11 _____________________________ ( 1 ) includes gains of $ 17 million , $ 247 million and $ 172 million on foreign currency derivative contracts for the years ended december 31 , 2016 , 2015 and 2014 , respectively . the company recognized a net foreign currency transaction loss of $ 15 million for the year ended december 31 , 2016 primarily due to losses of $ 50 million at the aes corporation mainly due to remeasurement losses on intercompany notes , and losses on swaps and options . this loss was partially offset by gains of $ 37 million in argentina , mainly due to the favorable impact of foreign currency derivatives related to government receivables . the company recognized a net foreign currency transaction gain of $ 107 million for the year ended december 31 , 2015 primarily due to gains of : 2022 $ 124 million in argentina , due to the favorable impact from foreign currency derivatives related to government receivables , partially offset by losses from the devaluation of the argentine peso associated with u.s . dollar denominated debt , and losses at termoandes ( a u.s . dollar functional currency subsidiary ) primarily associated with cash and accounts receivable balances in local currency , 2022 $ 29 million in colombia , mainly due to the depreciation of the colombian peso , positively impacting chivor ( a u.s . dollar functional currency subsidiary ) due to liabilities denominated in colombian pesos , 2022 $ 11 million in the united kingdom , mainly due to the depreciation of the pound sterling , resulting in gains at ballylumford holdings ( a u.s . dollar functional currency subsidiary ) associated with intercompany notes payable denominated in pound sterling , and . Question: what was the total of foreign currency transaction gains ( losses ) for aes corporation in 2015, in millions? Answer: -31.0 Question: and what was it in 2014, also in millions?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
performance graph the performance graph below shows the five-year cumulative total stockholder return on applied common stock during the period from october 28 , 2007 through october 28 , 2012 . this is compared with the cumulative total return of the standard & poor 2019s 500 stock index and the rdg semiconductor composite index over the same period . the comparison assumes $ 100 was invested on october 28 , 2007 in applied common stock and in each of the foregoing indices and assumes reinvestment of dividends , if any . dollar amounts in the graph are rounded to the nearest whole dollar . the performance shown in the graph represents past performance and should not be considered an indication of future performance . comparison of 5 year cumulative total return* among applied materials , inc. , the s&p 500 index and the rdg semiconductor composite index * $ 100 invested on 10/28/07 in stock or 10/31/07 in index , including reinvestment of dividends . indexes calculated on month-end basis . copyright a9 2012 s&p , a division of the mcgraw-hill companies inc . all rights reserved. . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>10/28/2007</td><td>10/26/2008</td><td>10/25/2009</td><td>10/31/2010</td><td>10/30/2011</td><td>10/28/2012</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>applied materials</td><td>100.00</td><td>61.22</td><td>71.06</td><td>69.23</td><td>72.37</td><td>62.92</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>s&p 500 index</td><td>100.00</td><td>63.90</td><td>70.17</td><td>81.76</td><td>88.37</td><td>101.81</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>rdg semiconductor composite index</td><td>100.00</td><td>54.74</td><td>68.59</td><td>84.46</td><td>91.33</td><td>82.37</td></tr></table> dividends during fiscal 2012 , applied 2019s board of directors declared three quarterly cash dividends in the amount of $ 0.09 per share each and one quarterly cash dividend in the amount of $ 0.08 per share . during fiscal 2011 , applied 2019s board of directors declared three quarterly cash dividends in the amount of $ 0.08 per share each and one quarterly cash dividend in the amount of $ 0.07 per share . during fiscal 2010 , applied 2019s board of directors declared three quarterly cash dividends in the amount of $ 0.07 per share each and one quarterly cash dividend in the amount of $ 0.06 . dividends declared during fiscal 2012 , 2011 and 2010 amounted to $ 438 million , $ 408 million and $ 361 million , respectively . applied currently anticipates that it will continue to pay cash dividends on a quarterly basis in the future , although the declaration and amount of any future cash dividends are at the discretion of the board of directors and will depend on applied 2019s financial condition , results of operations , capital requirements , business conditions and other factors , as well as a determination that cash dividends are in the best interests of applied 2019s stockholders . 10/28/07 10/26/08 10/25/09 10/31/10 10/30/11 10/28/12 applied materials , inc . s&p 500 rdg semiconductor composite . Question: what is the net change of a $100 investment in s&p500 index from 2007 to 2010? Answer: -18.24 Question: what roi does this represent? Answer: -0.1824 Question: what is the total cash dividend per share for the first three quarters of 2012? Answer: 0.27 Question: what about the cash dividend per share in the fourth quarter? Answer: 0.08 Question: what about the yearly dividend per share? Answer: 0.35 Question: what is the total amount used for cash dividends in 2012? Answer: 438.0 Question: on average, how many shares received the yearly dividend in 2012?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
notes to consolidated financial statements 2014 ( continued ) ( amounts in millions , except per share amounts ) litigation settlement 2014 during may 2008 , the sec concluded its investigation that began in 2002 into our financial reporting practices , resulting in a settlement charge of $ 12.0 . investment impairments 2014 in 2007 we realized an other-than-temporary charge of $ 5.8 relating to a $ 12.5 investment in auction rate securities , representing our total investment in auction rate securities . for additional information see note 15 . note 6 : intangible assets goodwill goodwill is the excess purchase price remaining from an acquisition after an allocation of purchase price has been made to identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed based on estimated fair values . the changes in the carrying value of goodwill by segment for the years ended december 31 , 2008 and 2007 are as follows: . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>ian</td><td>cmg</td><td>total</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>balance as of december 31 2006</td><td>$ 2632.5</td><td>$ 435.3</td><td>$ 3067.8</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>current year acquisitions</td><td>86.0</td><td>2014</td><td>86.0</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>contingent and deferred payments for prior acquisitions</td><td>4.7</td><td>3.7</td><td>8.4</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>amounts allocated to business dispositions</td><td>-5.7 ( 5.7 )</td><td>2014</td><td>-5.7 ( 5.7 )</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>other ( primarily foreign currency translation )</td><td>72.2</td><td>2.9</td><td>75.1</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>balance as of december 31 2007</td><td>2789.7</td><td>441.9</td><td>3231.6</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>current year acquisitions</td><td>99.5</td><td>1.8</td><td>101.3</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>contingent and deferred payments for prior acquisitions</td><td>28.9</td><td>1.1</td><td>30.0</td></tr><tr><td>10</td><td>amounts allocated to business dispositions</td><td>-0.4 ( 0.4 )</td><td>2014</td><td>-0.4 ( 0.4 )</td></tr><tr><td>11</td><td>other ( primarily foreign currency translation )</td><td>-127.7 ( 127.7 )</td><td>-13.9 ( 13.9 )</td><td>-141.6 ( 141.6 )</td></tr><tr><td>12</td><td>balance as of december 31 2008</td><td>$ 2790.0</td><td>$ 430.9</td><td>$ 3220.9</td></tr></table> during the latter part of the fourth quarter of 2008 our stock price declined significantly after our annual impairment review as of october 1 , 2008 , and our market capitalization was less than our book value as of december 31 , 2008 . we considered whether there were any events or circumstances indicative of a triggering event and determined that the decline in stock price during the fourth quarter was an event that would 201cmore likely than not 201d reduce the fair value of our individual reporting units below their book value , requiring us to perform an interim impairment test for goodwill at the reporting unit level . based on the interim impairment test conducted , we concluded that there was no impairment of our goodwill as of december 31 , 2008 . we will continue to monitor our stock price as it relates to the reconciliation of our market capitalization and the fair values of our individual reporting units throughout 2009 . during our annual impairment reviews as of october 1 , 2006 our discounted future operating cash flow projections at one of our domestic advertising reporting units indicated that the implied fair value of the goodwill at this reporting unit was less than its book value , primarily due to client losses , resulting in a goodwill impairment charge of $ 27.2 in 2006 in our ian segment . other intangible assets included in other intangible assets are assets with indefinite lives not subject to amortization and assets with definite lives subject to amortization . other intangible assets include non-compete agreements , license costs , trade names and customer lists . intangible assets with definitive lives subject to amortization are amortized on a . Question: what was the value of goodwill in 2007? Answer: 3231.6 Question: what was the value in 2006?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
notes to consolidated financial statements ( continued ) march 31 , 2004 5 . income taxes ( continued ) the effective tax rate of zero differs from the statutory rate of 34% ( 34 % ) primarily due to the inability of the company to recognize deferred tax assets for its operating losses and tax credits . of the total valuation allowance , approximately $ 2400000 relates to stock option compensation deductions . the tax benefit associated with the stock option compensation deductions will be credited to equity when realized . 6 . commitments and contingencies the company applies the disclosure provisions of fin no . 45 , guarantor 2019s accounting and disclosure requirements for guarantees , including guarantees of indebtedness of others , and interpretation of fasb statements no . 5 , 57 and 107 and rescission of fasb interpretation no . 34 ( fin no . 45 ) to its agreements that contain guarantee or indemnification clauses . these disclosure provisions expand those required by sfas no . 5 , accounting for contingencies , by requiring that guarantors disclose certain types of guarantees , even if the likelihood of requiring the guarantor 2019s performance is remote . the following is a description of arrangements in which the company is a guarantor . product warranties 2013 the company routinely accrues for estimated future warranty costs on its product sales at the time of sale . the ab5000 and bvs products are subject to rigorous regulation and quality standards . while the company engages in extensive product quality programs and processes , including monitoring and evaluating the quality of component suppliers , its warranty obligation is affected by product failure rates . operating results could be adversely effected if the actual cost of product failures exceeds the estimated warranty provision . patent indemnifications 2013 in many sales transactions , the company indemnifies customers against possible claims of patent infringement caused by the company 2019s products . the indemnifications contained within sales contracts usually do not include limits on the claims . the company has never incurred any material costs to defend lawsuits or settle patent infringement claims related to sales transactions . under the provisions of fin no . 45 , intellectual property indemnifications require disclosure only . as of march 31 , 2004 , the company had entered into leases for its facilities , including its primary operating facility in danvers , massachusetts , with terms through fiscal 2010 . the company has elected not to exercise a buyout option available under its primary lease that would have allowed for early termination in 2005 . total rent expense under these leases , included in the accompanying consolidated statements of operations , was approximately $ 856000 , $ 823000 and $ 821000 for the fiscal years ended march 31 , 2002 , 2003 and 2004 , respectively . during the fiscal year ended march 31 , 2000 , the company entered into 36-month operating leases totaling approximately $ 644000 for the lease of office furniture . these leases ended in fiscal year 2003 and at the company 2019s option the furniture was purchased . rental expense recorded for these leases during the fiscal years ended march 31 , 2002 and 2003 was approximately $ 215000 and $ 127000 respectively . during fiscal 2000 , the company entered into a 36-month capital lease for computer equipment and software for approximately $ 221000 . this lease ended in fiscal year 2003 and at the company 2019s option these assets were purchased . future minimum lease payments under all non-cancelable operating leases as of march 31 , 2004 are approximately as follows ( in thousands ) : . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>year ending march 31,</td><td>operating leases</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>2005</td><td>$ 781</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>2006</td><td>776</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>2007</td><td>769</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>2008</td><td>772</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>2009</td><td>772</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>thereafter</td><td>708</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>total future minimum lease payments</td><td>$ 4578</td></tr></table> from time-to-time , the company is involved in legal and administrative proceedings and claims of various types . while any litigation contains an element of uncertainty , management , in consultation with the company 2019s general counsel , presently believes that the outcome of each such other proceedings or claims which are pending or known to be threatened , or all of them combined , will not have a material adverse effect on the company. . Question: what is the last year included in the remaining terms of the facility leases? Answer: 2010.0 Question: and what is the first year?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
note 10 . commitments and contingencies credit-related commitments and contingencies : credit-related financial instruments , which are off-balance sheet , include indemnified securities financing , unfunded commitments to extend credit or purchase assets , and standby letters of credit . the potential loss associated with indemnified securities financing , unfunded commitments and standby letters of credit is equal to the total gross contractual amount , which does not consider the value of any collateral . the following table summarizes the total gross contractual amounts of credit-related off-balance sheet financial instruments at december 31 . amounts reported do not reflect participations to independent third parties. . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>( in millions )</td><td>2009</td><td>2008</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>indemnified securities financing</td><td>$ 365251</td><td>$ 324590</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>asset purchase agreements ( 1 )</td><td>8211</td><td>31780</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>unfunded commitments to extend credit</td><td>18078</td><td>20981</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>standby letters of credit</td><td>4784</td><td>6061</td></tr></table> ( 1 ) amount for 2009 excludes agreements related to the commercial paper conduits , which were consolidated in may 2009 ; see note 11 . approximately 81% ( 81 % ) of the unfunded commitments to extend credit expire within one year from the date of issue . since many of these commitments are expected to expire or renew without being drawn upon , the total commitment amount does not necessarily represent future cash requirements . securities finance : on behalf of our customers , we lend their securities to creditworthy brokers and other institutions . we generally indemnify our customers for the fair market value of those securities against a failure of the borrower to return such securities . collateral funds received in connection with our securities finance services are held by us as agent and are not recorded in our consolidated statement of condition . we require the borrowers to provide collateral in an amount equal to or in excess of 100% ( 100 % ) of the fair market value of the securities borrowed . the borrowed securities are revalued daily to determine if additional collateral is necessary . in this regard , we held , as agent , cash and u.s . government securities with an aggregate fair value of $ 375.92 billion and $ 333.07 billion as collateral for indemnified securities on loan at december 31 , 2009 and 2008 , respectively , presented in the table above . the collateral held by us is invested on behalf of our customers in accordance with their guidelines . in certain cases , the collateral is invested in third-party repurchase agreements , for which we indemnify the customer against loss of the principal invested . we require the repurchase agreement counterparty to provide collateral in an amount equal to or in excess of 100% ( 100 % ) of the amount of the repurchase agreement . the indemnified repurchase agreements and the related collateral are not recorded in our consolidated statement of condition . of the collateral of $ 375.92 billion at december 31 , 2009 and $ 333.07 billion at december 31 , 2008 referenced above , $ 77.73 billion at december 31 , 2009 and $ 68.37 billion at december 31 , 2008 was invested in indemnified repurchase agreements . we held , as agent , cash and securities with an aggregate fair value of $ 82.62 billion and $ 71.87 billion as collateral for indemnified investments in repurchase agreements at december 31 , 2009 and december 31 , 2008 , respectively . legal proceedings : in the ordinary course of business , we and our subsidiaries are involved in disputes , litigation and regulatory inquiries and investigations , both pending and threatened . these matters , if resolved adversely against us , may result in monetary damages , fines and penalties or require changes in our business practices . the resolution of these proceedings is inherently difficult to predict . however , we do not believe that the amount of any judgment , settlement or other action arising from any pending proceeding will have a material adverse effect on our consolidated financial condition , although the outcome of certain of the matters described below may have a material adverse effect on our consolidated results of operations for the period in which such matter is resolved . Question: how much was kept as collateral in 2009?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
interest-earning assets including unearned income in the accretion of fair value adjustments on discounts recognized on acquired or purchased loans is recognized based on the constant effective yield of the financial instrument . the timing and amount of revenue that we recognize in any period is dependent on estimates , judgments , assumptions , and interpretation of contractual terms . changes in these factors can have a significant impact on revenue recognized in any period due to changes in products , market conditions or industry norms . residential and commercial mortgage servicing rights we elect to measure our residential mortgage servicing rights ( msrs ) at fair value . this election was made to be consistent with our risk management strategy to hedge changes in the fair value of these assets as described below . the fair value of residential msrs is estimated by using a cash flow valuation model which calculates the present value of estimated future net servicing cash flows , taking into consideration actual and expected mortgage loan prepayment rates , discount rates , servicing costs , and other economic factors which are determined based on current market conditions . assumptions incorporated into the residential msrs valuation model reflect management 2019s best estimate of factors that a market participant would use in valuing the residential msrs . although sales of residential msrs do occur , residential msrs do not trade in an active market with readily observable prices so the precise terms and conditions of sales are not available . as a benchmark for the reasonableness of its residential msrs fair value , pnc obtains opinions of value from independent parties ( 201cbrokers 201d ) . these brokers provided a range ( +/- 10 bps ) based upon their own discounted cash flow calculations of our portfolio that reflected conditions in the secondary market , and any recently executed servicing transactions . pnc compares its internally-developed residential msrs value to the ranges of values received from the brokers . if our residential msrs fair value falls outside of the brokers 2019 ranges , management will assess whether a valuation adjustment is warranted . for 2011 and 2010 , pnc 2019s residential msrs value has not fallen outside of the brokers 2019 ranges . we consider our residential msrs value to represent a reasonable estimate of fair value . commercial msrs are purchased or originated when loans are sold with servicing retained . commercial msrs do not trade in an active market with readily observable prices so the precise terms and conditions of sales are not available . commercial msrs are initially recorded at fair value and are subsequently accounted for at the lower of amortized cost or fair value . commercial msrs are periodically evaluated for impairment . for purposes of impairment , the commercial mortgage servicing rights are stratified based on asset type , which characterizes the predominant risk of the underlying financial asset . the fair value of commercial msrs is estimated by using an internal valuation model . the model calculates the present value of estimated future net servicing cash flows considering estimates of servicing revenue and costs , discount rates and prepayment speeds . pnc employs risk management strategies designed to protect the value of msrs from changes in interest rates and related market factors . residential msrs values are economically hedged with securities and derivatives , including interest-rate swaps , options , and forward mortgage-backed and futures contracts . as interest rates change , these financial instruments are expected to have changes in fair value negatively correlated to the change in fair value of the hedged residential msrs portfolio . the hedge relationships are actively managed in response to changing market conditions over the life of the residential msrs assets . commercial msrs are economically hedged at a macro level or with specific derivatives to protect against a significant decline in interest rates . selecting appropriate financial instruments to economically hedge residential or commercial msrs requires significant management judgment to assess how mortgage rates and prepayment speeds could affect the future values of msrs . hedging results can frequently be less predictable in the short term , but over longer periods of time are expected to protect the economic value of the msrs . the fair value of residential and commercial msrs and significant inputs to the valuation model as of december 31 , 2011 are shown in the tables below . the expected and actual rates of mortgage loan prepayments are significant factors driving the fair value . management uses a third-party model to estimate future residential loan prepayments and internal proprietary models to estimate future commercial loan prepayments . these models have been refined based on current market conditions . future interest rates are another important factor in the valuation of msrs . management utilizes market implied forward interest rates to estimate the future direction of mortgage and discount rates . the forward rates utilized are derived from the current yield curve for u.s . dollar interest rate swaps and are consistent with pricing of capital markets instruments . changes in the shape and slope of the forward curve in future periods may result in volatility in the fair value estimate . residential mortgage servicing rights dollars in millions december 31 december 31 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>dollars in millions</td><td>december 31 2011</td><td>december 312010</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>fair value</td><td>$ 647</td><td>$ 1033</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>weighted-average life ( in years ) ( a )</td><td>3.6</td><td>5.8</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>weighted-average constant prepayment rate ( a )</td><td>22.10% ( 22.10 % )</td><td>12.61% ( 12.61 % )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>weighted-average option adjusted spread</td><td>11.77% ( 11.77 % )</td><td>12.18% ( 12.18 % )</td></tr></table> weighted-average constant prepayment rate ( a ) 22.10% ( 22.10 % ) 12.61% ( 12.61 % ) weighted-average option adjusted spread 11.77% ( 11.77 % ) 12.18% ( 12.18 % ) ( a ) changes in weighted-average life and weighted-average constant prepayment rate reflect the cumulative impact of changes in rates , prepayment expectations and model changes . the pnc financial services group , inc . 2013 form 10-k 65 . Question: what was the fair value of residual mortgage rates in 2010? Answer: 1033.0 Question: what was the value in 2011? Answer: 647.0 Question: what is the sum?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
26 | 2009 annual report in fiscal 2008 , revenues in the credit union systems and services business segment increased 14% ( 14 % ) from fiscal 2007 . all revenue components within the segment experienced growth during fiscal 2008 . license revenue generated the largest dollar growth in revenue as episys ae , our flagship core processing system aimed at larger credit unions , experienced strong sales throughout the year . support and service revenue , which is the largest component of total revenues for the credit union segment , experienced 34 percent growth in eft support and 10 percent growth in in-house support . gross profit in this business segment increased $ 9344 in fiscal 2008 compared to fiscal 2007 , due primarily to the increase in license revenue , which carries the highest margins . liquidity and capital resources we have historically generated positive cash flow from operations and have generally used funds generated from operations and short-term borrowings on our revolving credit facility to meet capital requirements . we expect this trend to continue in the future . the company 2019s cash and cash equivalents increased to $ 118251 at june 30 , 2009 from $ 65565 at june 30 , 2008 . the following table summarizes net cash from operating activities in the statement of cash flows : 2009 2008 2007 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>2008</td><td>year ended june 30 2009 2008</td><td>year ended june 30 2009 2008</td><td>year ended june 30 2009</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>net income</td><td>$ 103102</td><td>$ 104222</td><td>$ 104681</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>non-cash expenses</td><td>74397</td><td>70420</td><td>56348</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>change in receivables</td><td>21214</td><td>-2913 ( 2913 )</td><td>-28853 ( 28853 )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>change in deferred revenue</td><td>21943</td><td>5100</td><td>24576</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>change in other assets and liabilities</td><td>-14068 ( 14068 )</td><td>4172</td><td>17495</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>net cash from operating activities</td><td>$ 206588</td><td>$ 181001</td><td>$ 174247</td></tr></table> year ended june 30 , cash provided by operations increased $ 25587 to $ 206588 for the fiscal year ended june 30 , 2009 as compared to $ 181001 for the fiscal year ended june 30 , 2008 . this increase is primarily attributable to a decrease in receivables compared to the same period a year ago of $ 21214 . this decrease is largely the result of fiscal 2010 annual software maintenance billings being provided to customers earlier than in the prior year , which allowed more cash to be collected before the end of the fiscal year than in previous years . further , we collected more cash overall related to revenues that will be recognized in subsequent periods in the current year than in fiscal 2008 . cash used in investing activities for the fiscal year ended june 2009 was $ 59227 and includes $ 3027 in contingent consideration paid on prior years 2019 acquisitions . cash used in investing activities for the fiscal year ended june 2008 was $ 102148 and includes payments for acquisitions of $ 48109 , plus $ 1215 in contingent consideration paid on prior years 2019 acquisitions . capital expenditures for fiscal 2009 were $ 31562 compared to $ 31105 for fiscal 2008 . cash used for software development in fiscal 2009 was $ 24684 compared to $ 23736 during the prior year . net cash used in financing activities for the current fiscal year was $ 94675 and includes the repurchase of 3106 shares of our common stock for $ 58405 , the payment of dividends of $ 26903 and $ 13489 net repayment on our revolving credit facilities . cash used in financing activities was partially offset by proceeds of $ 3773 from the exercise of stock options and the sale of common stock ( through the employee stock purchase plan ) and $ 348 excess tax benefits from stock option exercises . during fiscal 2008 , net cash used in financing activities for the fiscal year was $ 101905 and includes the repurchase of 4200 shares of our common stock for $ 100996 , the payment of dividends of $ 24683 and $ 429 net repayment on our revolving credit facilities . cash used in financing activities was partially offset by proceeds of $ 20394 from the exercise of stock options and the sale of common stock and $ 3809 excess tax benefits from stock option exercises . beginning during fiscal 2008 , us financial markets and many of the largest us financial institutions have been shaken by negative developments in the home mortgage industry and the mortgage markets , and particularly the markets for subprime mortgage-backed securities . since that time , these and other such developments have resulted in a broad , global economic downturn . while we , as is the case with most companies , have experienced the effects of this downturn , we have not experienced any significant issues with our current collection efforts , and we believe that any future impact to our liquidity will be minimized by cash generated by recurring sources of revenue and due to our access to available lines of credit. . Question: what is the change in the balance of cash and cash equivalents from 2008 to 2009? Answer: 52686.0 Question: what percentage change does this represent?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
related expenses incurred by our logistics subsidiaries for external transportation and increased crew transportation and lodging due to volumes and a slower network . in addition , higher consulting fees and higher contract expenses ( including equipment maintenance ) increased costs compared to 2013 . locomotive and freight car material expenses increased in 2014 compared to 2013 due to additional volumes , including the impact of activating stored equipment to address operational issues caused by demand and a slower network . expenses for purchased services increased 10% ( 10 % ) in 2013 compared to 2012 due to logistics management fees , an increase in locomotive overhauls and repairs on jointly owned property . depreciation 2013 the majority of depreciation relates to road property , including rail , ties , ballast , and other track material . depreciation was up 7% ( 7 % ) compared to 2013 . a higher depreciable asset base , reflecting higher ongoing capital spending drove the increase . depreciation was up 1% ( 1 % ) in 2013 compared to 2012 . recent depreciation studies allowed us to use longer estimated service lives for certain equipment , which partially offset the impact of a higher depreciable asset base resulting from larger capital spending in recent years . equipment and other rents 2013 equipment and other rents expense primarily includes rental expense that the railroad pays for freight cars owned by other railroads or private companies ; freight car , intermodal , and locomotive leases ; and office and other rent expenses . higher intermodal volumes and longer cycle times increased short-term freight car rental expense in 2014 compared to 2013 . lower equipment leases essentially offset the higher freight car rental expense , as we exercised purchase options on some of our leased equipment . additional container costs resulting from the logistics management arrangement , and increased automotive shipments , partially offset by lower cycle times drove a $ 51 million increase in our short-term freight car rental expense in 2013 versus 2012 . conversely , lower locomotive and freight car lease expenses partially offset the higher freight car rental expense . other 2013 other expenses include state and local taxes , freight , equipment and property damage , utilities , insurance , personal injury , environmental , employee travel , telephone and cellular , computer software , bad debt , and other general expenses . higher property taxes , personal injury expense and utilities costs partially offset by lower environmental expense and costs associated with damaged freight drove the increase in other costs in 2014 compared to 2013 . higher property taxes and costs associated with damaged freight and property increased other costs in 2013 compared to 2012 . continued improvement in our safety performance and lower estimated liability for personal injury , which reduced our personal injury expense year-over-year , partially offset increases in other costs . non-operating items millions 2014 2013 2012 % ( % ) change 2014 v 2013 % ( % ) change 2013 v 2012 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>millions</td><td>2014</td><td>2013</td><td>2012</td><td>% ( % ) change 2014 v 2013</td><td>% ( % ) change2013 v 2012</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>other income</td><td>$ 151</td><td>$ 128</td><td>$ 108</td><td>18% ( 18 % )</td><td>19% ( 19 % )</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>interest expense</td><td>-561 ( 561 )</td><td>-526 ( 526 )</td><td>-535 ( 535 )</td><td>7</td><td>-2 ( 2 )</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>income taxes</td><td>-3163 ( 3163 )</td><td>-2660 ( 2660 )</td><td>-2375 ( 2375 )</td><td>19% ( 19 % )</td><td>12% ( 12 % )</td></tr></table> other income 2013 other income increased in 2014 versus 2013 due to higher gains from real estate sales and a sale of a permanent easement . these gains were partially offset by higher environmental costs on non-operating property in 2014 and lower lease income due to the $ 17 million settlement of a land lease contract in 2013 . other income increased in 2013 versus 2012 due to higher gains from real estate sales and increased lease income , including the favorable impact from the $ 17 million settlement of a land lease contract . these increases were partially offset by interest received from a tax refund in 2012. . Question: how much was depreciation up in 2012 and 2013 combined?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
unit shipments increased 49% ( 49 % ) to 217.4 million units in 2006 , compared to 146.0 million units in 2005 . the overall increase was driven by increased unit shipments of products for gsm , cdma and 3g technologies , partially offset by decreased unit shipments of products for iden technology . for the full year 2006 , unit shipments by the segment increased in all regions . due to the segment 2019s increase in unit shipments outpacing overall growth in the worldwide handset market , which grew approximately 20% ( 20 % ) in 2006 , the segment believes that it expanded its global handset market share to an estimated 22% ( 22 % ) for the full year 2006 . in 2006 , asp decreased approximately 11% ( 11 % ) compared to 2005 . the overall decrease in asp was driven primarily by changes in the geographic and product-tier mix of sales . by comparison , asp decreased approximately 10% ( 10 % ) in 2005 and increased approximately 15% ( 15 % ) in 2004 . asp is impacted by numerous factors , including product mix , market conditions and competitive product offerings , and asp trends often vary over time . in 2006 , the largest of the segment 2019s end customers ( including sales through distributors ) were china mobile , verizon , sprint nextel , cingular , and t-mobile . these five largest customers accounted for approximately 39% ( 39 % ) of the segment 2019s net sales in 2006 . besides selling directly to carriers and operators , the segment also sold products through a variety of third-party distributors and retailers , which accounted for approximately 38% ( 38 % ) of the segment 2019s net sales . the largest of these distributors was brightstar corporation . although the u.s . market continued to be the segment 2019s largest individual market , many of our customers , and more than 65% ( 65 % ) of the segment 2019s 2006 net sales , were outside the u.s . the largest of these international markets were china , brazil , the united kingdom and mexico . home and networks mobility segment the home and networks mobility segment designs , manufactures , sells , installs and services : ( i ) digital video , internet protocol ( 201cip 201d ) video and broadcast network interactive set-tops ( 201cdigital entertainment devices 201d ) , end-to- end video delivery solutions , broadband access infrastructure systems , and associated data and voice customer premise equipment ( 201cbroadband gateways 201d ) to cable television and telecom service providers ( collectively , referred to as the 201chome business 201d ) , and ( ii ) wireless access systems ( 201cwireless networks 201d ) , including cellular infrastructure systems and wireless broadband systems , to wireless service providers . in 2007 , the segment 2019s net sales represented 27% ( 27 % ) of the company 2019s consolidated net sales , compared to 21% ( 21 % ) in 2006 and 26% ( 26 % ) in 2005 . ( dollars in millions ) 2007 2006 2005 2007 20142006 2006 20142005 years ended december 31 percent change . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>( dollars in millions )</td><td>years ended december 31 2007</td><td>years ended december 31 2006</td><td>years ended december 31 2005</td><td>years ended december 31 2007 20142006</td><td>2006 20142005</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>segment net sales</td><td>$ 10014</td><td>$ 9164</td><td>$ 9037</td><td>9% ( 9 % )</td><td>1% ( 1 % )</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>operating earnings</td><td>709</td><td>787</td><td>1232</td><td>( 10 ) % ( % )</td><td>( 36 ) % ( % )</td></tr></table> segment results 20142007 compared to 2006 in 2007 , the segment 2019s net sales increased 9% ( 9 % ) to $ 10.0 billion , compared to $ 9.2 billion in 2006 . the 9% ( 9 % ) increase in net sales reflects a 27% ( 27 % ) increase in net sales in the home business , partially offset by a 1% ( 1 % ) decrease in net sales of wireless networks . net sales of digital entertainment devices increased approximately 43% ( 43 % ) , reflecting increased demand for digital set-tops , including hd/dvr set-tops and ip set-tops , partially offset by a decline in asp due to a product mix shift towards all-digital set-tops . unit shipments of digital entertainment devices increased 51% ( 51 % ) to 15.2 million units . net sales of broadband gateways increased approximately 6% ( 6 % ) , primarily due to higher net sales of data modems , driven by net sales from the netopia business acquired in february 2007 . net sales of wireless networks decreased 1% ( 1 % ) , primarily driven by lower net sales of iden and cdma infrastructure equipment , partially offset by higher net sales of gsm infrastructure equipment , despite competitive pricing pressure . on a geographic basis , the 9% ( 9 % ) increase in net sales reflects higher net sales in all geographic regions . the increase in net sales in north america was driven primarily by higher sales of digital entertainment devices , partially offset by lower net sales of iden and cdma infrastructure equipment . the increase in net sales in asia was primarily due to higher net sales of gsm infrastructure equipment , partially offset by lower net sales of cdma infrastructure equipment . the increase in net sales in emea was , primarily due to higher net sales of gsm infrastructure equipment , partially offset by lower demand for iden and cdma infrastructure equipment . net sales in north america continue to comprise a significant portion of the segment 2019s business , accounting for 52% ( 52 % ) of the segment 2019s total net sales in 2007 , compared to 56% ( 56 % ) of the segment 2019s total net sales in 2006 . 60 management 2019s discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations . Question: what was the change in the operating earnings from 2005 to 2007?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
eog utilized average prices per acre from comparable market transactions and estimated discounted cash flows as the basis for determining the fair value of unproved and proved properties , respectively , received in non-cash property exchanges . see note 10 . fair value of debt . at december 31 , 2018 and 2017 , respectively , eog had outstanding $ 6040 million and $ 6390 million aggregate principal amount of senior notes , which had estimated fair values of approximately $ 6027 million and $ 6602 million , respectively . the estimated fair value of debt was based upon quoted market prices and , where such prices were not available , other observable ( level 2 ) inputs regarding interest rates available to eog at year-end . 14 . accounting for certain long-lived assets eog reviews its proved oil and gas properties for impairment purposes by comparing the expected undiscounted future cash flows at a depreciation , depletion and amortization group level to the unamortized capitalized cost of the asset . the carrying values for assets determined to be impaired were adjusted to estimated fair value using the income approach described in the fair value measurement topic of the asc . in certain instances , eog utilizes accepted offers from third-party purchasers as the basis for determining fair value . during 2018 , proved oil and gas properties with a carrying amount of $ 139 million were written down to their fair value of $ 18 million , resulting in pretax impairment charges of $ 121 million . during 2017 , proved oil and gas properties with a carrying amount of $ 370 million were written down to their fair value of $ 146 million , resulting in pretax impairment charges of $ 224 million . impairments in 2018 , 2017 and 2016 included domestic legacy natural gas assets . amortization and impairments of unproved oil and gas property costs , including amortization of capitalized interest , were $ 173 million , $ 211 million and $ 291 million during 2018 , 2017 and 2016 , respectively . 15 . asset retirement obligations the following table presents the reconciliation of the beginning and ending aggregate carrying amounts of short-term and long-term legal obligations associated with the retirement of property , plant and equipment for the years ended december 31 , 2018 and 2017 ( in thousands ) : . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>2018</td><td>2017</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>carrying amount at beginning of period</td><td>$ 946848</td><td>$ 912926</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>liabilities incurred</td><td>79057</td><td>54764</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>liabilities settled ( 1 )</td><td>-70829 ( 70829 )</td><td>-61871 ( 61871 )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>accretion</td><td>36622</td><td>34708</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>revisions</td><td>-38932 ( 38932 )</td><td>-9818 ( 9818 )</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>foreign currency translations</td><td>1611</td><td>16139</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>carrying amount at end of period</td><td>$ 954377</td><td>$ 946848</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>current portion</td><td>$ 26214</td><td>$ 19259</td></tr><tr><td>10</td><td>noncurrent portion</td><td>$ 928163</td><td>$ 927589</td></tr></table> ( 1 ) includes settlements related to asset sales . the current and noncurrent portions of eog's asset retirement obligations are included in current liabilities - other and other liabilities , respectively , on the consolidated balance sheets. . Question: how much did the liabilities incurred in 2018 represent in relation to the ones incurred in 2017?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
58| | duke realty corporation annual report 2009 we recognized a loss of $ 1.1 million upon acquisition , which represents the difference between the fair value of the recognized assets and the carrying value of our pre-existing equity interest . the acquisition date fair value of the net recognized assets as compared to the acquisition date carrying value of our outstanding advances and accrued interest , as well as the acquisition date carrying value of our pre-existing equity interests , is shown as follows ( in thousands ) : . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>net fair value of acquired assets and liabilities</td><td>$ 206852</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>less advances to acquired entities eliminated upon consolidation</td><td>-173006 ( 173006 )</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>less acquisition date carrying value of equity in acquired entities</td><td>-34908 ( 34908 )</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>loss on business combination</td><td>$ -1062 ( 1062 )</td></tr></table> since april 1 , 2009 , the results of operations for both acquired entities have been included in continuing operations in our consolidated financial statements . due to our significant pre-existing ownership and financing positions in the two acquired entities , the inclusion of their results of operations did not have a material effect on our operating income . acquisitions we acquired income producing real estate related assets of $ 32.1 million , $ 60.5 million and $ 219.9 million in 2009 , 2008 and 2007 , respectively . in december 2007 , in order to further establish our property positions around strategic port locations , we purchased a portfolio of five industrial buildings in seattle , virginia and houston , as well as approximately 161 acres of undeveloped land and a 12-acre container storage facility in houston . the total price was $ 89.7 million and was financed in part through assumption of secured debt that had a fair value of $ 34.3 million . of the total purchase price , $ 64.1 million was allocated to in-service real estate assets , $ 20.0 million was allocated to undeveloped land and the container storage facility , $ 5.4 million was allocated to lease related intangible assets , and the remaining amount was allocated to acquired working capital related assets and liabilities . the results of operations for the acquired properties since the date of acquisition have been included in continuing rental operations in our consolidated financial statements . all other acquisitions were not individually material . dispositions we disposed of income producing real estate related assets with gross proceeds of $ 267.0 million , $ 426.2 million and $ 590.4 million in 2009 , 2008 and 2007 , respectively . we sold five properties in 2009 and seven properties in 2008 to an unconsolidated joint venture . the gross proceeds totaled $ 84.3 million and $ 226.2 million for the years ended december 31 , 2009 and 2008 , respectively . in march 2007 , as part of our capital recycling program , we sold a portfolio of eight suburban office properties totaling 894000 square feet in the cleveland market . the sales price totaled $ 140.4 million , of which we received net proceeds of $ 139.3 million . we also sold a portfolio of twelve flex and light industrial properties in july 2007 , totaling 865000 square feet in the st . louis market , for a sales price of $ 65.0 million , of which we received net proceeds of $ 64.2 million . all other dispositions were not individually material . ( 4 ) related party transactions we provide property management , leasing , construction and other tenant related services to unconsolidated companies in which we have equity interests . for the years ended december 31 , 2009 , 2008 and 2007 , respectively , we earned management fees of $ 8.4 million , $ 7.8 million and $ 7.1 million , leasing fees of $ 4.2 million , $ 2.8 million and $ 4.2 million and construction and development fees of $ 10.2 million , $ 12.7 million and $ 13.1 million from these companies . we recorded these fees based on contractual terms that approximate market rates for these types of . Question: for the 12/07 property purchase, what was the percentage of assets allocated to in-service real estate assets? Answer: 0.7146 Question: what was the net fair value of acquired assets and liabilities?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
masco corporation notes to consolidated financial statements ( continued ) t . other commitments and contingencies litigation . we are subject to claims , charges , litigation and other proceedings in the ordinary course of our business , including those arising from or related to contractual matters , intellectual property , personal injury , environmental matters , product liability , construction defect , insurance coverage , personnel and employment disputes and other matters , including class actions . we believe we have adequate defenses in these matters and that the outcome of these matters is not likely to have a material adverse effect on us . however , there is no assurance that we will prevail in these matters , and we could in the future incur judgments , enter into settlements of claims or revise our expectations regarding the outcome of these matters , which could materially impact our results of operations . in july 2012 , the company reached a settlement agreement related to the columbus drywall litigation . the company and its insulation installation companies named in the suit agreed to pay $ 75 million in return for dismissal with prejudice and full release of all claims . the company and its insulation installation companies continue to deny that the challenged conduct was unlawful and admit no wrongdoing as part of the settlement . a settlement was reached to eliminate the considerable expense and uncertainty of this lawsuit . the company recorded the settlement expense in the second quarter of 2012 and the amount was paid in the fourth quarter of 2012 . warranty . at the time of sale , the company accrues a warranty liability for the estimated cost to provide products , parts or services to repair or replace products in satisfaction of warranty obligations . during the third quarter of 2012 , a business in the other specialty products segment recorded a $ 12 million increase in expected future warranty claims resulting from the completion of an analysis prepared by the company based upon its periodic assessment of recent business unit specific operating trends including , among others , home ownership demographics , sales volumes , manufacturing quality , an analysis of recent warranty claim activity and an estimate of current costs to service anticipated claims . changes in the company 2019s warranty liability were as follows , in millions: . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>2012</td><td>2011</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>balance at january 1</td><td>$ 102</td><td>$ 107</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>accruals for warranties issued during the year</td><td>42</td><td>28</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>accruals related to pre-existing warranties</td><td>16</td><td>8</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>settlements made ( in cash or kind ) during the year</td><td>-38 ( 38 )</td><td>-38 ( 38 )</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>other net ( including currency translation )</td><td>-4 ( 4 )</td><td>-3 ( 3 )</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>balance at december 31</td><td>$ 118</td><td>$ 102</td></tr></table> investments . with respect to the company 2019s investments in private equity funds , the company had , at december 31 , 2012 , commitments to contribute up to $ 19 million of additional capital to such funds representing the company 2019s aggregate capital commitment to such funds less capital contributions made to date . the company is contractually obligated to make additional capital contributions to certain of its private equity funds upon receipt of a capital call from the private equity fund . the company has no control over when or if the capital calls will occur . capital calls are funded in cash and generally result in an increase in the carrying value of the company 2019s investment in the private equity fund when paid. . Question: what is the balance of company's warranty liability at the end of 2012? Answer: 118.0 Question: what about 2011?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
entergy arkansas , inc . and subsidiaries management 2019s financial discussion and analysis results of operations net income 2016 compared to 2015 net income increased $ 92.9 million primarily due to higher net revenue and lower other operation and maintenance expenses , partially offset by a higher effective income tax rate and higher depreciation and amortization expenses . 2015 compared to 2014 net income decreased $ 47.1 million primarily due to higher other operation and maintenance expenses , partially offset by higher net revenue . net revenue 2016 compared to 2015 net revenue consists of operating revenues net of : 1 ) fuel , fuel-related expenses , and gas purchased for resale , 2 ) purchased power expenses , and 3 ) other regulatory charges ( credits ) . following is an analysis of the change in net revenue comparing 2016 to 2015 . amount ( in millions ) . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>amount ( in millions )</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>2015 net revenue</td><td>$ 1362.2</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>retail electric price</td><td>161.5</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>other</td><td>-3.2 ( 3.2 )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>2016 net revenue</td><td>$ 1520.5</td></tr></table> the retail electric price variance is primarily due to an increase in base rates , as approved by the apsc . the new base rates were effective february 24 , 2016 and began billing with the first billing cycle of april 2016 . the increase includes an interim base rate adjustment surcharge , effective with the first billing cycle of april 2016 , to recover the incremental revenue requirement for the period february 24 , 2016 through march 31 , 2016 . a significant portion of the increase is related to the purchase of power block 2 of the union power station . see note 2 to the financial statements for further discussion of the rate case . see note 14 to the financial statements for further discussion of the union power station purchase. . Question: what was net revenue in 2016? Answer: 1520.5 Question: what was it in 2015? Answer: 1362.2 Question: what is the net change?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
item 7a . quantitative and qualitative disclosures about market risk ( amounts in millions ) in the normal course of business , we are exposed to market risks related to interest rates , foreign currency rates and certain balance sheet items . from time to time , we use derivative instruments , pursuant to established guidelines and policies , to manage some portion of these risks . derivative instruments utilized in our hedging activities are viewed as risk management tools and are not used for trading or speculative purposes . interest rates our exposure to market risk for changes in interest rates relates primarily to the fair market value and cash flows of our debt obligations . the majority of our debt ( approximately 93% ( 93 % ) and 89% ( 89 % ) as of december 31 , 2016 and 2015 , respectively ) bears interest at fixed rates . we do have debt with variable interest rates , but a 10% ( 10 % ) increase or decrease in interest rates would not be material to our interest expense or cash flows . the fair market value of our debt is sensitive to changes in interest rates , and the impact of a 10% ( 10 % ) change in interest rates is summarized below . increase/ ( decrease ) in fair market value as of december 31 , 10% ( 10 % ) increase in interest rates 10% ( 10 % ) decrease in interest rates . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>as of december 31,</td><td>increase/ ( decrease ) in fair market value 10% ( 10 % ) increasein interest rates</td><td>increase/ ( decrease ) in fair market value 10% ( 10 % ) decreasein interest rates</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>2016</td><td>$ -26.3 ( 26.3 )</td><td>$ 26.9</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>2015</td><td>-33.7 ( 33.7 )</td><td>34.7</td></tr></table> we have used interest rate swaps for risk management purposes to manage our exposure to changes in interest rates . we do not have any interest rate swaps outstanding as of december 31 , 2016 . we had $ 1100.6 of cash , cash equivalents and marketable securities as of december 31 , 2016 that we generally invest in conservative , short-term bank deposits or securities . the interest income generated from these investments is subject to both domestic and foreign interest rate movements . during 2016 and 2015 , we had interest income of $ 20.1 and $ 22.8 , respectively . based on our 2016 results , a 100 basis-point increase or decrease in interest rates would affect our interest income by approximately $ 11.0 , assuming that all cash , cash equivalents and marketable securities are impacted in the same manner and balances remain constant from year-end 2016 levels . foreign currency rates we are subject to translation and transaction risks related to changes in foreign currency exchange rates . since we report revenues and expenses in u.s . dollars , changes in exchange rates may either positively or negatively affect our consolidated revenues and expenses ( as expressed in u.s . dollars ) from foreign operations . the foreign currencies that most impacted our results during 2016 included the british pound sterling and , to a lesser extent , the argentine peso , brazilian real and japanese yen . based on 2016 exchange rates and operating results , if the u.s . dollar were to strengthen or weaken by 10% ( 10 % ) , we currently estimate operating income would decrease or increase approximately 4% ( 4 % ) , assuming that all currencies are impacted in the same manner and our international revenue and expenses remain constant at 2016 levels . the functional currency of our foreign operations is generally their respective local currency . assets and liabilities are translated at the exchange rates in effect at the balance sheet date , and revenues and expenses are translated at the average exchange rates during the period presented . the resulting translation adjustments are recorded as a component of accumulated other comprehensive loss , net of tax , in the stockholders 2019 equity section of our consolidated balance sheets . our foreign subsidiaries generally collect revenues and pay expenses in their functional currency , mitigating transaction risk . however , certain subsidiaries may enter into transactions in currencies other than their functional currency . assets and liabilities denominated in currencies other than the functional currency are susceptible to movements in foreign currency until final settlement . currency transaction gains or losses primarily arising from transactions in currencies other than the functional currency are included in office and general expenses . we regularly review our foreign exchange exposures that may have a material impact on our business and from time to time use foreign currency forward exchange contracts or other derivative financial instruments to hedge the effects of potential adverse fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates arising from these exposures . we do not enter into foreign exchange contracts or other derivatives for speculative purposes. . Question: what was the interest income in 2016? Answer: 20.1 Question: and what was it in 2015? Answer: 22.8 Question: what was, then, the change over the year?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
management 2019s discussion and analysis 110 jpmorgan chase & co . / 2008 annual report the allowance for credit losses increased $ 13.7 billion from the prior year to $ 23.8 billion . the increase included $ 4.1 billion of allowance related to noncredit-impaired loans acquired in the washington mutual transaction and the related accounting conformity provision . excluding held-for-sale loans , loans carried at fair value , and pur- chased credit-impaired consumer loans , the allowance for loan losses represented 3.62% ( 3.62 % ) of loans at december 31 , 2008 , compared with 1.88% ( 1.88 % ) at december 31 , 2007 . the consumer allowance for loan losses increased $ 10.5 billion from the prior year as a result of the washington mutual transaction and increased allowance for loan loss in residential real estate and credit card . the increase included additions to the allowance for loan losses of $ 4.7 billion driven by higher estimated losses for residential mort- gage and home equity loans as the weak labor market and weak overall economic conditions have resulted in increased delinquencies , while continued weak housing prices have driven a significant increase in loss severity . the allowance for loan losses related to credit card increased $ 4.3 billion from the prior year primarily due to the acquired allowance and subsequent conforming provision for loan loss related to the washington mutual bank acquisition and an increase in provision for loan losses of $ 2.3 billion in 2008 over 2007 , as higher estimated net charge-offs are expected in the port- folio resulting from the current economic conditions . the wholesale allowance for loan losses increase of $ 3.4 billion from december 31 , 2007 , reflected the effect of a weakening credit envi- ronment and the transfer of $ 4.9 billion of funded and unfunded leveraged lending commitments to retained loans from held-for-sale . to provide for the risk of loss inherent in the firm 2019s process of extending credit , an allowance for lending-related commitments is held for both wholesale and consumer , which is reported in other lia- bilities . the wholesale component is computed using a methodology similar to that used for the wholesale loan portfolio , modified for expected maturities and probabilities of drawdown and has an asset- specific component and a formula-based component . for a further discussion on the allowance for lending-related commitment see note 15 on pages 178 2013180 of this annual report . the allowance for lending-related commitments for both wholesale and consumer was $ 659 million and $ 850 million at december 31 , 2008 and 2007 , respectively . the decrease reflects the reduction in lending-related commitments at december 31 , 2008 . for more information , see page 102 of this annual report . the following table presents the allowance for loan losses and net charge-offs ( recoveries ) by business segment at december 31 , 2008 and 2007 . net charge-offs ( recoveries ) december 31 , allowance for loan losses year ended . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>december 31 , ( in millions )</td><td>december 31 , 2008</td><td>december 31 , 2007</td><td>2008</td><td>2007</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>investment bank</td><td>$ 3444</td><td>$ 1329</td><td>$ 105</td><td>$ 36</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>commercial banking</td><td>2826</td><td>1695</td><td>288</td><td>44</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>treasury & securities services</td><td>74</td><td>18</td><td>-2 ( 2 )</td><td>2014</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>asset management</td><td>191</td><td>112</td><td>11</td><td>-8 ( 8 )</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>corporate/private equity</td><td>10</td><td>2014</td><td>2014</td><td>2014</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>total wholesale</td><td>6545</td><td>3154</td><td>402</td><td>72</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>retail financial services</td><td>8918</td><td>2668</td><td>4877</td><td>1350</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>card services</td><td>7692</td><td>3407</td><td>4556</td><td>3116</td></tr><tr><td>10</td><td>corporate/private equity</td><td>9</td><td>5</td><td>2014</td><td>2014</td></tr><tr><td>11</td><td>total consumer 2013 reported</td><td>16619</td><td>6080</td><td>9433</td><td>4466</td></tr><tr><td>12</td><td>credit card 2013 securitized</td><td>2014</td><td>2014</td><td>3612</td><td>2380</td></tr><tr><td>13</td><td>total consumer 2013 managed</td><td>16619</td><td>6080</td><td>13045</td><td>6846</td></tr><tr><td>14</td><td>total</td><td>$ 23164</td><td>$ 9234</td><td>$ 13477</td><td>$ 6918</td></tr></table> . Question: what were the net charge-offs for retail financial services in 2008?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
part ii item 5 . market for registrant 2019s common equity , related stockholder matters and issuer purchases of equity securities . equity compensation plans 2019 information is incorporated by reference from part iii , item 12 , 201csecurity ownership of certain beneficial owners and management and related stockholder matters , 201d of this document , and should be considered an integral part of item 5 . at january 31 , 2016 , there were 84607 shareholders of record . 3m 2019s stock is listed on the new york stock exchange , inc . ( nyse ) , the chicago stock exchange , inc. , and the swx swiss exchange . cash dividends declared and paid totaled $ 1.025 per share for each of the second , third , and fourth quarters of 2015 . cash dividends declared in the fourth quarter of 2014 included a dividend paid in november 2014 of $ 0.855 per share and a dividend paid in march 2015 of $ 1.025 per share . cash dividends declared and paid totaled $ 0.855 per share for each of the second and third quarters of 2014 . cash dividends declared in the fourth quarter of 2013 include a dividend paid in march 2014 of $ 0.855 per share . stock price comparisons follow : stock price comparisons ( nyse composite transactions ) . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>( per share amounts )</td><td>first quarter</td><td>second quarter</td><td>third quarter</td><td>fourth quarter</td><td>total</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>2015 high</td><td>$ 170.50</td><td>$ 167.70</td><td>$ 157.94</td><td>$ 160.09</td><td>$ 170.50</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>2015 low</td><td>157.74</td><td>153.92</td><td>134.00</td><td>138.57</td><td>134.00</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>2014 high</td><td>$ 139.29</td><td>$ 145.53</td><td>$ 147.87</td><td>$ 168.16</td><td>$ 168.16</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>2014 low</td><td>123.61</td><td>132.02</td><td>138.43</td><td>130.60</td><td>123.61</td></tr></table> issuer purchases of equity securities repurchases of 3m common stock are made to support the company 2019s stock-based employee compensation plans and for other corporate purposes . in february 2014 , 3m 2019s board of directors authorized the repurchase of up to $ 12 billion of 3m 2019s outstanding common stock , with no pre-established end date . in february 2016 , 3m 2019s board of directors replaced the company 2019s february 2014 repurchase program with a new repurchase program . this new program authorizes the repurchase of up to $ 10 billion of 3m 2019s outstanding common stock , with no pre-established end date. . Question: what was the change in the amount of shares authorized for repurchase between 2014 and 2016? Answer: -2.0 Question: and the specific amount authorized in 2014? Answer: 12.0 Question: so what was the percentage change?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
the following table sets forth our refined products sales by product group and our average sales price for each of the last three years . refined product sales ( thousands of barrels per day ) 2009 2008 2007 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>( thousands of barrels per day )</td><td>2009</td><td>2008</td><td>2007</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>gasoline</td><td>830</td><td>756</td><td>791</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>distillates</td><td>357</td><td>375</td><td>377</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>propane</td><td>23</td><td>22</td><td>23</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>feedstocks and special products</td><td>75</td><td>100</td><td>103</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>heavy fuel oil</td><td>24</td><td>23</td><td>29</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>asphalt</td><td>69</td><td>76</td><td>87</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>total</td><td>1378</td><td>1352</td><td>1410</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>average sales price ( dollars per barrel )</td><td>$ 70.86</td><td>$ 109.49</td><td>$ 86.53</td></tr></table> we sell gasoline , gasoline blendstocks and no . 1 and no . 2 fuel oils ( including kerosene , jet fuel and diesel fuel ) to wholesale marketing customers in the midwest , upper great plains , gulf coast and southeastern regions of the united states . we sold 51 percent of our gasoline volumes and 87 percent of our distillates volumes on a wholesale or spot market basis in 2009 . the demand for gasoline is seasonal in many of our markets , with demand typically being at its highest levels during the summer months . we have blended ethanol into gasoline for over 20 years and began expanding our blending program in 2007 , in part due to federal regulations that require us to use specified volumes of renewable fuels . ethanol volumes sold in blended gasoline were 60 mbpd in 2009 , 54 mbpd in 2008 and 40 mbpd in 2007 . the future expansion or contraction of our ethanol blending program will be driven by the economics of the ethanol supply and by government regulations . we sell reformulated gasoline , which is also blended with ethanol , in parts of our marketing territory , including : chicago , illinois ; louisville , kentucky ; northern kentucky ; milwaukee , wisconsin , and hartford , illinois . we also sell biodiesel-blended diesel in minnesota , illinois and kentucky . we produce propane at all seven of our refineries . propane is primarily used for home heating and cooking , as a feedstock within the petrochemical industry , for grain drying and as a fuel for trucks and other vehicles . our propane sales are typically split evenly between the home heating market and industrial consumers . we are a producer and marketer of petrochemicals and specialty products . product availability varies by refinery and includes benzene , cumene , dilute naphthalene oil , molten maleic anhydride , molten sulfur , propylene , toluene and xylene . we market propylene , cumene and sulfur domestically to customers in the chemical industry . we sell maleic anhydride throughout the united states and canada . we also have the capacity to produce 1400 tons per day of anode grade coke at our robinson refinery , which is used to make carbon anodes for the aluminum smelting industry , and 5500 tons per day of fuel grade coke at the garyville refinery , which is used for power generation and in miscellaneous industrial applications . in early 2009 , we discontinued production and sales of petroleum pitch and aliphatic solvents at our catlettsburg refinery . we produce and market heavy residual fuel oil or related components at all seven of our refineries . another product of crude oil , heavy residual fuel oil , is primarily used in the utility and ship bunkering ( fuel ) industries , though there are other more specialized uses of the product . we have refinery based asphalt production capacity of up to 108 mbpd . we market asphalt through 33 owned or leased terminals throughout the midwest and southeast . we have a broad customer base , including approximately 675 asphalt-paving contractors , government entities ( states , counties , cities and townships ) and asphalt roofing shingle manufacturers . we sell asphalt in the wholesale and cargo markets via rail and barge . we also produce asphalt cements , polymer modified asphalt , emulsified asphalt and industrial asphalts . in 2007 , we acquired a 35 percent interest in an entity which owns and operates a 110-million-gallon-per-year ethanol production facility in clymers , indiana . we also own a 50 percent interest in an entity which owns a 110-million-gallon-per-year ethanol production facility in greenville , ohio . the greenville plant began production in february 2008 . both of these facilities are managed by a co-owner. . Question: what is the total ethanol volume sold in blended gasoline in 2009 and 2008?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
item 7 . management 2019s discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations executive summary international paper 2019s operating results in 2006 bene- fited from strong gains in pricing and sales volumes and lower operating costs . our average paper and packaging prices in 2006 increased faster than our costs for the first time in four years . the improve- ment in sales volumes reflects increased uncoated papers , corrugated box , coated paperboard and european papers shipments , as well as improved revenues from our xpedx distribution business . our manufacturing operations also made solid cost reduction improvements . lower interest expense , reflecting debt repayments in 2005 and 2006 , was also a positive factor . together , these improvements more than offset the effects of continued high raw material and distribution costs , lower real estate sales , higher net corporate expenses and lower con- tributions from businesses and forestlands divested during 2006 . looking forward to 2007 , we expect seasonally higher sales volumes in the first quarter . average paper price realizations should continue to improve as we implement previously announced price increases in europe and brazil . input costs for energy , fiber and chemicals are expected to be mixed , although slightly higher in the first quarter . operating results will benefit from the recently completed international paper/sun paperboard joint ventures in china and the addition of the luiz anto- nio paper mill to our operations in brazil . however , primarily as a result of lower real estate sales in the first quarter , we anticipate earnings from continuing operations will be somewhat lower than in the 2006 fourth quarter . significant steps were also taken in 2006 in the execution of the company 2019s transformation plan . we completed the sales of our u.s . and brazilian coated papers businesses and 5.6 million acres of u.s . forestlands , and announced definitive sale agreements for our kraft papers , beverage pack- aging and arizona chemical businesses and a majority of our wood products business , all expected to close during 2007 . through december 31 , 2006 , we have received approximately $ 9.7 billion of the estimated proceeds from divest- itures announced under this plan of approximately $ 11.3 billion , with the balance to be received as the remaining divestitures are completed in the first half of 2007 . we have strengthened our balance sheet by reducing debt by $ 6.2 billion , and returned value to our shareholders by repurchasing 39.7 million shares of our common stock for approximately $ 1.4 billion . we made a $ 1.0 billion voluntary contribution to our u.s . qualified pension fund . we have identified selective reinvestment opportunities totaling approx- imately $ 2.0 billion , including opportunities in china , brazil and russia . finally , we remain focused on our three-year $ 1.2 billion target for non-price profit- ability improvements , with $ 330 million realized during 2006 . while more remains to be done in 2007 , we have made substantial progress toward achiev- ing the objectives announced at the outset of the plan in july 2005 . results of operations industry segment operating profits are used by inter- national paper 2019s management to measure the earn- ings performance of its businesses . management believes that this measure allows a better under- standing of trends in costs , operating efficiencies , prices and volumes . industry segment operating profits are defined as earnings before taxes and minority interest , interest expense , corporate items and corporate special items . industry segment oper- ating profits are defined by the securities and exchange commission as a non-gaap financial measure , and are not gaap alternatives to net income or any other operating measure prescribed by accounting principles generally accepted in the united states . international paper operates in six segments : print- ing papers , industrial packaging , consumer pack- aging , distribution , forest products and specialty businesses and other . the following table shows the components of net earnings ( loss ) for each of the last three years : in millions 2006 2005 2004 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>in millions</td><td>2006</td><td>2005</td><td>2004</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>industry segment operating profits</td><td>$ 2074</td><td>$ 1622</td><td>$ 1703</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>corporate items net</td><td>-746 ( 746 )</td><td>-607 ( 607 )</td><td>-477 ( 477 )</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>corporate special items*</td><td>2373</td><td>-134 ( 134 )</td><td>-141 ( 141 )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>interest expense net</td><td>-521 ( 521 )</td><td>-595 ( 595 )</td><td>-712 ( 712 )</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>minority interest</td><td>-9 ( 9 )</td><td>-9 ( 9 )</td><td>-21 ( 21 )</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>income tax ( provision ) benefit</td><td>-1889 ( 1889 )</td><td>407</td><td>-114 ( 114 )</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>discontinued operations</td><td>-232 ( 232 )</td><td>416</td><td>-273 ( 273 )</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>net earnings ( loss )</td><td>$ 1050</td><td>$ 1100</td><td>$ -35 ( 35 )</td></tr></table> * corporate special items include gains on transformation plan forestland sales , goodwill impairment charges , restructuring and other charges , net losses on sales and impairments of businesses , insurance recoveries and reversals of reserves no longer required. . Question: what was the change in industry segment operating profits from 2004 to 2005? Answer: -81.0 Question: and how much did this change represent in relation to those profits in 2004, in percentage? Answer: -0.04756 Question: and over the subsequent year, what was that change in the operating profits? Answer: 452.0 Question: and what is this change as a percentage of the 2005 operating profits?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
entergy louisiana , inc . management's financial discussion and analysis setting any of entergy louisiana's rates . therefore , to the extent entergy louisiana's use of the proceeds would ordinarily have reduced its rate base , no change in rate base shall be reflected for ratemaking purposes . the sec approval for additional return of equity capital is now expired . entergy louisiana's receivables from or ( payables to ) the money pool were as follows as of december 31 for each of the following years: . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>2004</td><td>2003</td><td>2002</td><td>2001</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>( in thousands )</td><td>( in thousands )</td><td>( in thousands )</td><td>( in thousands )</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>$ 40549</td><td>( $ 41317 )</td><td>$ 18854</td><td>$ 3812</td></tr></table> money pool activity used $ 81.9 million of entergy louisiana's operating cash flow in 2004 , provided $ 60.2 million in 2003 , and used $ 15.0 million in 2002 . see note 4 to the domestic utility companies and system energy financial statements for a description of the money pool . investing activities the decrease of $ 25.1 million in net cash used by investing activities in 2004 was primarily due to decreased spending on customer service projects , partially offset by increases in spending on transmission projects and fossil plant projects . the increase of $ 56.0 million in net cash used by investing activities in 2003 was primarily due to increased spending on customer service , transmission , and nuclear projects . financing activities the decrease of $ 404.4 million in net cash used by financing activities in 2004 was primarily due to : 2022 the net issuance of $ 98.0 million of long-term debt in 2004 compared to the retirement of $ 261.0 million in 2022 a principal payment of $ 14.8 million in 2004 for the waterford lease obligation compared to a principal payment of $ 35.4 million in 2003 ; and 2022 a decrease of $ 29.0 million in common stock dividends paid . the decrease of $ 105.5 million in net cash used by financing activities in 2003 was primarily due to : 2022 a decrease of $ 125.9 million in common stock dividends paid ; and 2022 the repurchase of $ 120 million of common stock from entergy corporation in 2002 . the decrease in net cash used in 2003 was partially offset by the following : 2022 the retirement in 2003 of $ 150 million of 8.5% ( 8.5 % ) series first mortgage bonds compared to the net retirement of $ 134.6 million of first mortgage bonds in 2002 ; and 2022 principal payments of $ 35.4 million in 2003 for the waterford 3 lease obligation compared to principal payments of $ 15.9 million in 2002 . see note 5 to the domestic utility companies and system energy financial statements for details of long-term debt . uses of capital entergy louisiana requires capital resources for : 2022 construction and other capital investments ; 2022 debt and preferred stock maturities ; 2022 working capital purposes , including the financing of fuel and purchased power costs ; and 2022 dividend and interest payments. . Question: what was the difference in receivables from between 2001 and 2002?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
shareholder return performance presentation the graph presented below compares the cumulative total shareholder return on state street's common stock to the cumulative total return of the s&p 500 index , the s&p financial index and the kbw bank index over a five- year period . the cumulative total shareholder return assumes the investment of $ 100 in state street common stock and in each index on december 31 , 2008 at the closing price on the last trading day of 2008 , and also assumes reinvestment of common stock dividends . the s&p financial index is a publicly available measure of 81 of the standard & poor's 500 companies , representing 17 diversified financial services companies , 22 insurance companies , 19 real estate companies and 23 banking companies . the kbw bank index seeks to reflect the performance of banks and thrifts that are publicly traded in the u.s. , and is composed of 24 leading national money center and regional banks and thrifts. . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>2008</td><td>2009</td><td>2010</td><td>2011</td><td>2012</td><td>2013</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>state street corporation</td><td>$ 100</td><td>$ 111</td><td>$ 118</td><td>$ 105</td><td>$ 125</td><td>$ 198</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>s&p 500 index</td><td>100</td><td>126</td><td>146</td><td>149</td><td>172</td><td>228</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>s&p financial index</td><td>100</td><td>117</td><td>132</td><td>109</td><td>141</td><td>191</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>kbw bank index</td><td>100</td><td>98</td><td>121</td><td>93</td><td>122</td><td>168</td></tr></table> . Question: what was the kbw bank index in 2011? Answer: 93.0 Question: and the starting value in 2008? Answer: 100.0 Question: so what was the change in price during this time?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
item 7 . management 2019s discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations results of operations 2013 highmount 2013 ( continued ) highmount 2019s revenues , profitability and future growth depend substantially on natural gas and ngl prices and highmount 2019s ability to increase its natural gas and ngl production . in recent years , there has been significant price volatility in natural gas and ngl prices due to a variety of factors highmount cannot control or predict . these factors , which include weather conditions , political and economic events , and competition from other energy sources , impact supply and demand for natural gas , which determines the pricing . in recent months , natural gas prices decreased significantly due largely to increased onshore natural gas production , plentiful levels of working gas in storage and reduced commercial demand . the increase in the onshore natural gas production was due largely to increased production from 201cunconventional 201d sources of natural gas such as shale gas , coalbed methane , tight sandstones and methane hydrates , made possible in recent years by modern technology in creating extensive artificial fractures around well bores and advances in horizontal drilling technology . other key factors contributing to the softness of natural gas prices likely included a lower level of industrial demand for natural gas , as a result of the ongoing economic downturn , and relatively low crude oil prices . due to industry conditions , in february of 2009 highmount elected to terminate contracts for five drilling rigs at its permian basin property in the sonora , texas area . the estimated fee payable to the rig contractor for exercising this early termination right will be approximately $ 23 million . in light of these developments , highmount will reduce 2009 production volumes through decreased drilling activity . in addition , the price highmount realizes for its gas production is affected by highmount 2019s hedging activities as well as locational differences in market prices . highmount 2019s decision to increase its natural gas production is dependent upon highmount 2019s ability to realize attractive returns on its capital investment program . returns are affected by commodity prices , capital and operating costs . highmount 2019s operating income , which represents revenues less operating expenses , is primarily affected by revenue factors , but is also a function of varying levels of production expenses , production and ad valorem taxes , as well as depreciation , depletion and amortization ( 201cdd&a 201d ) expenses . highmount 2019s production expenses represent all costs incurred to operate and maintain wells and related equipment and facilities . the principal components of highmount 2019s production expenses are , among other things , direct and indirect costs of labor and benefits , repairs and maintenance , materials , supplies and fuel . in general , during 2008 highmount 2019s labor costs increased primarily due to higher salary levels and continued upward pressure on salaries and wages as a result of the increased competition for skilled workers . in response to these market conditions , in 2008 highmount implemented retention programs , including increases in compensation . production expenses during 2008 were also affected by increases in the cost of fuel , materials and supplies . the higher cost environment discussed above continued during all of 2008 . during the fourth quarter of 2008 the price of natural gas declined significantly while operating expenses remained high . this environment of low commodity prices and high operating expenses continued until december of 2008 when highmount began to see evidence of decreasing operating expenses and drilling costs . highmount 2019s production and ad valorem taxes increase primarily when prices of natural gas and ngls increase , but they are also affected by changes in production , as well as appreciated property values . highmount calculates depletion using the units-of-production method , which depletes the capitalized costs and future development costs associated with evaluated properties based on the ratio of production volumes for the current period to total remaining reserve volumes for the evaluated properties . highmount 2019s depletion expense is affected by its capital spending program and projected future development costs , as well as reserve changes resulting from drilling programs , well performance , and revisions due to changing commodity prices . presented below are production and sales statistics related to highmount 2019s operations: . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>year ended december 31</td><td>2008</td><td>2007 ( a )</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>gas production ( bcf )</td><td>78.9</td><td>34.0</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>gas sales ( bcf )</td><td>72.5</td><td>31.4</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>oil production/sales ( mbbls )</td><td>351.3</td><td>114.0</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>ngl production/sales ( mbbls )</td><td>3507.4</td><td>1512.9</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>equivalent production ( bcfe )</td><td>102.0</td><td>43.8</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>equivalent sales ( bcfe )</td><td>95.7</td><td>41.2</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>average realized prices without hedging results:</td><td>-</td><td>-</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>gas ( per mcf )</td><td>$ 8.25</td><td>$ 5.95</td></tr><tr><td>10</td><td>ngl ( per bbl )</td><td>51.26</td><td>51.02</td></tr><tr><td>11</td><td>oil ( per bbl )</td><td>95.26</td><td>83.37</td></tr><tr><td>12</td><td>equivalent ( per mcfe )</td><td>8.48</td><td>6.65</td></tr></table> . Question: what was the growth rate in gas production between the years of 2007 and 2008? Answer: 2.32059 Question: and what was the gas production in 2008?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
kimco realty corporation and subsidiaries notes to consolidated financial statements , continued the units consisted of ( i ) approximately 81.8 million preferred a units par value $ 1.00 per unit , which pay the holder a return of 7.0% ( 7.0 % ) per annum on the preferred a par value and are redeemable for cash by the holder at any time after one year or callable by the company any time after six months and contain a promote feature based upon an increase in net operating income of the properties capped at a 10.0% ( 10.0 % ) increase , ( ii ) 2000 class a preferred units , par value $ 10000 per unit , which pay the holder a return equal to libor plus 2.0% ( 2.0 % ) per annum on the class a preferred par value and are redeemable for cash by the holder at any time after november 30 , 2010 , ( iii ) 2627 class b-1 preferred units , par value $ 10000 per unit , which pay the holder a return equal to 7.0% ( 7.0 % ) per annum on the class b-1 preferred par value and are redeemable by the holder at any time after november 30 , 2010 , for cash or at the company 2019s option , shares of the company 2019s common stock , equal to the cash redemption amount , as defined , ( iv ) 5673 class b-2 preferred units , par value $ 10000 per unit , which pay the holder a return equal to 7.0% ( 7.0 % ) per annum on the class b-2 preferred par value and are redeemable for cash by the holder at any time after november 30 , 2010 , and ( v ) 640001 class c downreit units , valued at an issuance price of $ 30.52 per unit which pay the holder a return at a rate equal to the company 2019s common stock dividend and are redeemable by the holder at any time after november 30 , 2010 , for cash or at the company 2019s option , shares of the company 2019s common stock equal to the class c cash amount , as defined . the following units have been redeemed as of december 31 , 2010 : redeemed par value redeemed ( in millions ) redemption type . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>type</td><td>units redeemed</td><td>par value redeemed ( in millions )</td><td>redemption type</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>preferred a units</td><td>2200000</td><td>$ 2.2</td><td>cash</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>class a preferred units</td><td>2000</td><td>$ 20.0</td><td>cash</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>class b-1 preferred units</td><td>2438</td><td>$ 24.4</td><td>cash</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>class b-2 preferred units</td><td>5576</td><td>$ 55.8</td><td>cash/charitable contribution</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>class c downreit units</td><td>61804</td><td>$ 1.9</td><td>cash</td></tr></table> noncontrolling interest relating to the remaining units was $ 110.4 million and $ 113.1 million as of december 31 , 2010 and 2009 , respectively . during 2006 , the company acquired two shopping center properties located in bay shore and centereach , ny . included in noncontrolling interests was approximately $ 41.6 million , including a discount of $ 0.3 million and a fair market value adjustment of $ 3.8 million , in redeemable units ( the 201credeemable units 201d ) , issued by the company in connection with these transactions . the prop- erties were acquired through the issuance of $ 24.2 million of redeemable units , which are redeemable at the option of the holder ; approximately $ 14.0 million of fixed rate redeemable units and the assumption of approximately $ 23.4 million of non-recourse debt . the redeemable units consist of ( i ) 13963 class a units , par value $ 1000 per unit , which pay the holder a return of 5% ( 5 % ) per annum of the class a par value and are redeemable for cash by the holder at any time after april 3 , 2011 , or callable by the company any time after april 3 , 2016 , and ( ii ) 647758 class b units , valued at an issuance price of $ 37.24 per unit , which pay the holder a return at a rate equal to the company 2019s common stock dividend and are redeemable by the holder at any time after april 3 , 2007 , for cash or at the option of the company for common stock at a ratio of 1:1 , or callable by the company any time after april 3 , 2026 . the company is restricted from disposing of these assets , other than through a tax free transaction , until april 2016 and april 2026 for the centereach , ny , and bay shore , ny , assets , respectively . during 2007 , 30000 units , or $ 1.1 million par value , of theclass bunits were redeemed by the holder in cash at the option of the company . noncontrolling interest relating to the units was $ 40.4 million and $ 40.3 million as of december 31 , 2010 and 2009 , respectively . noncontrolling interests also includes 138015 convertible units issued during 2006 , by the company , which were valued at approxi- mately $ 5.3 million , including a fair market value adjustment of $ 0.3 million , related to an interest acquired in an office building located in albany , ny . these units are redeemable at the option of the holder after one year for cash or at the option of the company for the company 2019s common stock at a ratio of 1:1 . the holder is entitled to a distribution equal to the dividend rate of the company 2019s common stock . the company is restricted from disposing of these assets , other than through a tax free transaction , until january 2017. . Question: what was the value of noncontrolling interests relating to the remaining units in 2010? Answer: 110.4 Question: what was the value in 2009? Answer: 113.1 Question: what is the net change?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
entergy louisiana , llc and subsidiaries management 2019s financial discussion and analysis plan to spin off the utility 2019s transmission business see the 201cplan to spin off the utility 2019s transmission business 201d section of entergy corporation and subsidiaries management 2019s financial discussion and analysis for a discussion of this matter , including the planned retirement of debt and preferred securities . results of operations net income 2011 compared to 2010 net income increased $ 242.5 million primarily due to a settlement with the irs related to the mark-to-market income tax treatment of power purchase contracts , which resulted in a $ 422 million income tax benefit . the net income effect was partially offset by a $ 199 million regulatory charge , which reduced net revenue , because a portion of the benefit will be shared with customers . see note 3 to the financial statements for additional discussion of the settlement and benefit sharing . 2010 compared to 2009 net income decreased slightly by $ 1.4 million primarily due to higher other operation and maintenance expenses , a higher effective income tax rate , and higher interest expense , almost entirely offset by higher net revenue . net revenue 2011 compared to 2010 net revenue consists of operating revenues net of : 1 ) fuel , fuel-related expenses , and gas purchased for resale , 2 ) purchased power expenses , and 3 ) other regulatory charges ( credits ) . following is an analysis of the change in net revenue comparing 2011 to 2010 . amount ( in millions ) . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>amount ( in millions )</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>2010 net revenue</td><td>$ 1043.7</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>mark-to-market tax settlement sharing</td><td>-195.9 ( 195.9 )</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>retail electric price</td><td>32.5</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>volume/weather</td><td>11.6</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>other</td><td>-5.7 ( 5.7 )</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>2011 net revenue</td><td>$ 886.2</td></tr></table> the mark-to-market tax settlement sharing variance results from a regulatory charge because a portion of the benefits of a settlement with the irs related to the mark-to-market income tax treatment of power purchase contracts will be shared with customers , slightly offset by the amortization of a portion of that charge beginning in october 2011 . see notes 3 and 8 to the financial statements for additional discussion of the settlement and benefit sharing . the retail electric price variance is primarily due to a formula rate plan increase effective may 2011 . see note 2 to the financial statements for discussion of the formula rate plan increase. . Question: what was the change in the net revenue from 2010 to 2011? Answer: -157.5 Question: and how much does this change represent in relation to the net revenue in 2010?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
in 2006 , our board of directors approved a projected $ 3.2 billion expansion of our garyville , louisiana refinery by 180 mbpd to 425 mbpd , which will increase our total refining capacity to 1.154 million barrels per day ( 2018 2018mmbpd 2019 2019 ) . we recently received air permit approval from the louisiana department of environmental quality for this project and construction is expected to begin in mid-2007 , with startup planned for the fourth quarter of 2009 . we have also commenced front-end engineering and design ( 2018 2018feed 2019 2019 ) for a potential heavy oil upgrading project at our detroit refinery , which would allow us to process increased volumes of canadian oil sands production , and are undertaking a feasibility study for a similar upgrading project at our catlettsburg refinery . marketing we are a supplier of gasoline and distillates to resellers and consumers within our market area in the midwest , the upper great plains and southeastern united states . in 2006 , our refined product sales volumes ( excluding matching buy/sell transactions ) totaled 21.5 billion gallons , or 1.401 mmbpd . the average sales price of our refined products in aggregate was $ 77.76 per barrel for 2006 . the following table sets forth our refined product sales by product group and our average sales price for each of the last three years . refined product sales ( thousands of barrels per day ) 2006 2005 2004 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>( thousands of barrels per day )</td><td>2006</td><td>2005</td><td>2004</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>gasoline</td><td>804</td><td>836</td><td>807</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>distillates</td><td>375</td><td>385</td><td>373</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>propane</td><td>23</td><td>22</td><td>22</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>feedstocks and special products</td><td>106</td><td>96</td><td>92</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>heavy fuel oil</td><td>26</td><td>29</td><td>27</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>asphalt</td><td>91</td><td>87</td><td>79</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>total ( a )</td><td>1425</td><td>1455</td><td>1400</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>average sales price ( $ per barrel )</td><td>$ 77.76</td><td>$ 66.42</td><td>$ 49.53</td></tr></table> ( a ) includes matching buy/sell volumes of 24 mbpd , 77 mbpd and 71 mbpd in 2006 , 2005 and 2004 . on april 1 , 2006 , we changed our accounting for matching buy/sell arrangements as a result of a new accounting standard . this change resulted in lower refined product sales volumes for the remainder of 2006 than would have been reported under the previous accounting practices . see note 2 to the consolidated financial statements . the wholesale distribution of petroleum products to private brand marketers and to large commercial and industrial consumers and sales in the spot market accounted for 71 percent of our refined product sales volumes in 2006 . we sold 52 percent of our gasoline volumes and 89 percent of our distillates volumes on a wholesale or spot market basis . half of our propane is sold into the home heating market , with the balance being purchased by industrial consumers . propylene , cumene , aromatics , aliphatics , and sulfur are domestically marketed to customers in the chemical industry . base lube oils , maleic anhydride , slack wax , extract and pitch are sold throughout the united states and canada , with pitch products also being exported worldwide . we market asphalt through owned and leased terminals throughout the midwest , the upper great plains and southeastern united states . our customer base includes approximately 800 asphalt-paving contractors , government entities ( states , counties , cities and townships ) and asphalt roofing shingle manufacturers . we blended 35 mbpd of ethanol into gasoline in 2006 . in 2005 and 2004 , we blended 35 mbpd and 30 mbpd of ethanol . the expansion or contraction of our ethanol blending program will be driven by the economics of the ethanol supply and changes in government regulations . we sell reformulated gasoline in parts of our marketing territory , primarily chicago , illinois ; louisville , kentucky ; northern kentucky ; and milwaukee , wisconsin , and we sell low-vapor-pressure gasoline in nine states . as of december 31 , 2006 , we supplied petroleum products to about 4200 marathon branded retail outlets located primarily in ohio , michigan , indiana , kentucky and illinois . branded retail outlets are also located in florida , georgia , minnesota , wisconsin , west virginia , tennessee , virginia , north carolina , pennsylvania , alabama and south carolina . sales to marathon brand jobbers and dealers accounted for 14 percent of our refined product sales volumes in 2006 . ssa sells gasoline and diesel fuel through company-operated retail outlets . sales of refined products through these ssa retail outlets accounted for 15 percent of our refined product sales volumes in 2006 . as of december 31 , 2006 , ssa had 1636 retail outlets in nine states that sold petroleum products and convenience store merchandise and services , primarily under the brand names 2018 2018speedway 2019 2019 and 2018 2018superamerica . 2019 2019 ssa 2019s revenues from the sale of non-petroleum merchandise totaled $ 2.7 billion in 2006 , compared with $ 2.5 billion in 2005 . profit levels from the sale . Question: what is the buy/sell volume in 2006? Answer: 24.0 Question: what is the value in 2005? Answer: 77.0 Question: what is the sum of those two years?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
projected payments relating to these liabilities for the next five years ending december 31 , 2012 and the period from 2013 to 2017 are as follows ( in thousands ) : . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>2008</td><td>$ 980</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>2009</td><td>1185</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>2010</td><td>978</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>2011</td><td>1022</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>2012</td><td>1425</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>2013 - 2017</td><td>$ 8147</td></tr></table> ( 18 ) concentration of risk the company generates a significant amount of revenue from large customers , however , no customers accounted for more than 10% ( 10 % ) of total revenue or total segment revenue in the years ended december 31 , 2007 , 2006 and 2005 . financial instruments that potentially subject the company to concentrations of credit risk consist primarily of cash equivalents and trade receivables . the company places its cash equivalents with high credit quality financial institutions and , by policy , limits the amount of credit exposure with any one financial institution . concentrations of credit risk with respect to trade receivables are limited because a large number of geographically diverse customers make up the company 2019s customer base , thus spreading the trade receivables credit risk . the company controls credit risk through monitoring procedures . ( 19 ) segment information upon completion of the certegy merger , the company implemented a new organizational structure , which resulted in a new operating segment structure beginning with the reporting of first quarter 2006 results . effective as of february 1 , 2006 , the company 2019s operating segments are tps and lps . this structure reflects how the businesses are operated and managed . the primary components of the tps segment , which includes certegy 2019s card and check services , the financial institution processing component of the former financial institution software and services segment of fis and the operations acquired from efunds , are enterprise solutions , integrated financial solutions and international businesses . the primary components of the lps segment are mortgage information services businesses , which includes the mortgage lender processing component of the former financial institution software and services segment of fis , and the former lender services , default management , and information services segments of fis . fidelity national information services , inc . and subsidiaries and affiliates notes to consolidated and combined financial statements 2014 ( continued ) . Question: what was the value of projected payments in 2010? Answer: 978.0 Question: what was the value in 2009? Answer: 1185.0 Question: what is the net difference? Answer: -207.0 Question: what was the 2009 value?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
utilized . in accordance with sfas no . 144 , accounting for the impairment or disposal of long-lived assets , a non-cash impairment charge of $ 4.1 million was recorded in the second quarter of fiscal 2008 for the excess machinery . this charge is included as a separate line item in the company 2019s consolidated statement of operations . there was no change to useful lives and related depreciation expense of the remaining assets as the company believes these estimates are currently reflective of the period the assets will be used in operations . 7 . warranties the company generally provides a one-year warranty on sequencing , genotyping and gene expression systems . at the time revenue is recognized , the company establishes an accrual for estimated warranty expenses associated with system sales . this expense is recorded as a component of cost of product revenue . estimated warranty expenses associated with extended maintenance contracts are recorded as cost of revenue ratably over the term of the maintenance contract . changes in the company 2019s reserve for product warranties from january 1 , 2006 through december 28 , 2008 are as follows ( in thousands ) : . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>balance as of january 1 2006</td><td>$ 751</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>additions charged to cost of revenue</td><td>1379</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>repairs and replacements</td><td>-1134 ( 1134 )</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>balance as of december 31 2006</td><td>996</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>additions charged to cost of revenue</td><td>4939</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>repairs and replacements</td><td>-2219 ( 2219 )</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>balance as of december 30 2007</td><td>3716</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>additions charged to cost of revenue</td><td>13044</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>repairs and replacements</td><td>-8557 ( 8557 )</td></tr><tr><td>10</td><td>balance as of december 28 2008</td><td>$ 8203</td></tr></table> 8 . convertible senior notes on february 16 , 2007 , the company issued $ 400.0 million principal amount of 0.625% ( 0.625 % ) convertible senior notes due 2014 ( the notes ) , which included the exercise of the initial purchasers 2019 option to purchase up to an additional $ 50.0 million aggregate principal amount of notes . the net proceeds from the offering , after deducting the initial purchasers 2019 discount and offering expenses , were $ 390.3 million . the company will pay 0.625% ( 0.625 % ) interest per annum on the principal amount of the notes , payable semi-annually in arrears in cash on february 15 and august 15 of each year . the company made interest payments of $ 1.3 million and $ 1.2 million on february 15 , 2008 and august 15 , 2008 , respectively . the notes mature on february 15 , the notes will be convertible into cash and , if applicable , shares of the company 2019s common stock , $ 0.01 par value per share , based on a conversion rate , subject to adjustment , of 45.8058 shares per $ 1000 principal amount of notes ( which represents a conversion price of $ 21.83 per share ) , only in the following circumstances and to the following extent : ( 1 ) during the five business-day period after any five consecutive trading period ( the measurement period ) in which the trading price per note for each day of such measurement period was less than 97% ( 97 % ) of the product of the last reported sale price of the company 2019s common stock and the conversion rate on each such day ; ( 2 ) during any calendar quarter after the calendar quarter ending march 30 , 2007 , if the last reported sale price of the company 2019s common stock for 20 or more trading days in a period of 30 consecutive trading days ending on the last trading day of the immediately illumina , inc . notes to consolidated financial statements 2014 ( continued ) . Question: what is the balance of reserve for product warranties in 2007? Answer: 3716.0 Question: what about in 2006? Answer: 996.0 Question: what is the net change? Answer: 2720.0 Question: what percentage change does this represent? Answer: 2.73092 Question: what about the balance of reserve for product warranties in 2008? Answer: 8203.0 Question: and in 2007? Answer: 3716.0 Question: what is the net change from 2007 to 2008? Answer: 4487.0 Question: what percentage change is this?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
notes to the consolidated financial statements union pacific corporation and subsidiary companies for purposes of this report , unless the context otherwise requires , all references herein to the 201ccorporation 201d , 201cupc 201d , 201cwe 201d , 201cus 201d , and 201cour 201d mean union pacific corporation and its subsidiaries , including union pacific railroad company , which will be separately referred to herein as 201cuprr 201d or the 201crailroad 201d . 1 . nature of operations operations and segmentation 2013 we are a class i railroad that operates in the united states . we have 32094 route miles , linking pacific coast and gulf coast ports with the midwest and eastern united states gateways and providing several corridors to key mexican gateways . we serve the western two- thirds of the country and maintain coordinated schedules with other rail carriers for the handling of freight to and from the atlantic coast , the pacific coast , the southeast , the southwest , canada , and mexico . export and import traffic is moved through gulf coast and pacific coast ports and across the mexican and canadian borders . the railroad , along with its subsidiaries and rail affiliates , is our one reportable operating segment . although revenues are analyzed by commodity group , we analyze the net financial results of the railroad as one segment due to the integrated nature of our rail network . the following table provides revenue by commodity group : millions of dollars 2009 2008 2007 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>millions of dollars</td><td>2009</td><td>2008</td><td>2007</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>agricultural</td><td>$ 2666</td><td>$ 3174</td><td>$ 2605</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>automotive</td><td>854</td><td>1344</td><td>1458</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>chemicals</td><td>2102</td><td>2494</td><td>2287</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>energy</td><td>3118</td><td>3810</td><td>3134</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>industrial products</td><td>2147</td><td>3273</td><td>3077</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>intermodal</td><td>2486</td><td>3023</td><td>2925</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>total freight revenues</td><td>$ 13373</td><td>$ 17118</td><td>$ 15486</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>other revenues</td><td>770</td><td>852</td><td>797</td></tr><tr><td>10</td><td>total operating revenues</td><td>$ 14143</td><td>$ 17970</td><td>$ 16283</td></tr></table> although our revenues are principally derived from customers domiciled in the united states , the ultimate points of origination or destination for some products transported are outside the united states . basis of presentation 2013 the consolidated financial statements are presented in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the united states of america ( gaap ) as codified in the financial accounting standards board ( fasb ) accounting standards codification ( asc ) . subsequent events evaluation 2013 we evaluated the effects of all subsequent events through february 5 , 2010 , the date of this report , which is concurrent with the date we file this report with the u.s . securities and exchange commission ( sec ) . 2 . significant accounting policies change in accounting principle 2013 we have historically accounted for rail grinding costs as a capital asset . beginning in the first quarter of 2010 , we will change our accounting policy for rail grinding costs . Question: what was the freight revenue in 2009? Answer: 13373.0 Question: what is that value times 1000000? Answer: 13373000000.0 Question: what is that value divided by the route miles?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
united parcel service , inc . and subsidiaries management's discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations liquidity and capital resources operating activities the following is a summary of the significant sources ( uses ) of cash from operating activities ( amounts in millions ) : . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>2012</td><td>2011</td><td>2010</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>net income</td><td>$ 807</td><td>$ 3804</td><td>$ 3338</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>non-cash operating activities ( a )</td><td>7301</td><td>4505</td><td>4398</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>pension and postretirement plan contributions ( ups-sponsored plans )</td><td>-917 ( 917 )</td><td>-1436 ( 1436 )</td><td>-3240 ( 3240 )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>income tax receivables and payables</td><td>280</td><td>236</td><td>-319 ( 319 )</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>changes in working capital and other noncurrent assets and liabilities</td><td>-148 ( 148 )</td><td>-12 ( 12 )</td><td>-340 ( 340 )</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>other operating activities</td><td>-107 ( 107 )</td><td>-24 ( 24 )</td><td>-2 ( 2 )</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>net cash from operating activities</td><td>$ 7216</td><td>$ 7073</td><td>$ 3835</td></tr></table> ( a ) represents depreciation and amortization , gains and losses on derivative and foreign exchange transactions , deferred income taxes , provisions for uncollectible accounts , pension and postretirement benefit expense , stock compensation expense , impairment charges and other non-cash items . cash from operating activities remained strong throughout the 2010 to 2012 time period . operating cash flow was favorably impacted in 2012 , compared with 2011 , by lower contributions into our defined benefit pension and postretirement benefit plans ; however , this was partially offset by changes in our working capital position , which was impacted by overall growth in the business . the change in the cash flows for income tax receivables and payables in 2011 and 2010 was primarily related to the timing of discretionary pension contributions during 2010 , as discussed further in the following paragraph . except for discretionary or accelerated fundings of our plans , contributions to our company-sponsored pension plans have largely varied based on whether any minimum funding requirements are present for individual pension plans . 2022 in 2012 , we made a $ 355 million required contribution to the ups ibt pension plan . 2022 in 2011 , we made a $ 1.2 billion contribution to the ups ibt pension plan , which satisfied our 2011 contribution requirements and also approximately $ 440 million in contributions that would not have been required until after 2011 . 2022 in 2010 , we made $ 2.0 billion in discretionary contributions to our ups retirement and ups pension plans , and $ 980 million in required contributions to our ups ibt pension plan . 2022 the remaining contributions in the 2010 through 2012 period were largely due to contributions to our international pension plans and u.s . postretirement medical benefit plans . as discussed further in the 201ccontractual commitments 201d section , we have minimum funding requirements in the next several years , primarily related to the ups ibt pension , ups retirement and ups pension plans . as of december 31 , 2012 , the total of our worldwide holdings of cash and cash equivalents was $ 7.327 billion . approximately $ 4.211 billion of this amount was held in european subsidiaries with the intended purpose of completing the acquisition of tnt express n.v . ( see note 16 to the consolidated financial statements ) . excluding this portion of cash held outside the u.s . for acquisition-related purposes , approximately 50%-60% ( 50%-60 % ) of the remaining cash and cash equivalents are held by foreign subsidiaries throughout the year . the amount of cash held by our u.s . and foreign subsidiaries fluctuates throughout the year due to a variety of factors , including the timing of cash receipts and disbursements in the normal course of business . cash provided by operating activities in the united states continues to be our primary source of funds to finance domestic operating needs , capital expenditures , share repurchases and dividend payments to shareowners . to the extent that such amounts represent previously untaxed earnings , the cash held by foreign subsidiaries would be subject to tax if such amounts were repatriated in the form of dividends ; however , not all international cash balances would have to be repatriated in the form of a dividend if returned to the u.s . when amounts earned by foreign subsidiaries are expected to be indefinitely reinvested , no accrual for taxes is provided. . Question: what was the net income in 2012? Answer: 807.0 Question: and what was it in the previous year? Answer: 3804.0 Question: by how much, then, did it change throughout the period?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
majority of the increased tax position is attributable to temporary differences . the increase in 2014 current period tax positions related primarily to the company 2019s change in tax accounting method filed in 2008 for repair and maintenance costs on its utility plant . the company does not anticipate material changes to its unrecognized tax benefits within the next year . if the company sustains all of its positions at december 31 , 2014 and 2013 , an unrecognized tax benefit of $ 9444 and $ 7439 , respectively , excluding interest and penalties , would impact the company 2019s effective tax rate . the following table summarizes the changes in the company 2019s valuation allowance: . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>balance at january 1 2012</td><td>$ 21579</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>increases in current period tax positions</td><td>2014</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>decreases in current period tax positions</td><td>-2059 ( 2059 )</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>balance at december 31 2012</td><td>$ 19520</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>increases in current period tax positions</td><td>2014</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>decreases in current period tax positions</td><td>-5965 ( 5965 )</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>balance at december 31 2013</td><td>$ 13555</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>increases in current period tax positions</td><td>2014</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>decreases in current period tax positions</td><td>-3176 ( 3176 )</td></tr><tr><td>10</td><td>balance at december 31 2014</td><td>$ 10379</td></tr></table> included in 2013 is a discrete tax benefit totaling $ 2979 associated with an entity re-organization within the company 2019s market-based operations segment that allowed for the utilization of state net operating loss carryforwards and the release of an associated valuation allowance . note 13 : employee benefits pension and other postretirement benefits the company maintains noncontributory defined benefit pension plans covering eligible employees of its regulated utility and shared services operations . benefits under the plans are based on the employee 2019s years of service and compensation . the pension plans have been closed for all employees . the pension plans were closed for most employees hired on or after january 1 , 2006 . union employees hired on or after january 1 , 2001 had their accrued benefit frozen and will be able to receive this benefit as a lump sum upon termination or retirement . union employees hired on or after january 1 , 2001 and non-union employees hired on or after january 1 , 2006 are provided with a 5.25% ( 5.25 % ) of base pay defined contribution plan . the company does not participate in a multiemployer plan . the company 2019s pension funding practice is to contribute at least the greater of the minimum amount required by the employee retirement income security act of 1974 or the normal cost . further , the company will consider additional contributions if needed to avoid 201cat risk 201d status and benefit restrictions under the pension protection act of 2006 . the company may also consider increased contributions , based on other financial requirements and the plans 2019 funded position . pension plan assets are invested in a number of actively managed and commingled funds including equity and bond funds , fixed income securities , guaranteed interest contracts with insurance companies , real estate funds and real estate investment trusts ( 201creits 201d ) . pension expense in excess of the amount contributed to the pension plans is deferred by certain regulated subsidiaries pending future recovery in rates charged for utility services as contributions are made to the plans . ( see note 6 ) the company also has unfunded noncontributory supplemental non-qualified pension plans that provide additional retirement benefits to certain employees. . Question: what was the decrease in tax positions in 2012?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
9 . junior subordinated debt securities payable in accordance with the provisions of the junior subordinated debt securities which were issued on march 29 , 2004 , holdings elected to redeem the $ 329897 thousand of 6.2% ( 6.2 % ) junior subordinated debt securities outstanding on may 24 , 2013 . as a result of the early redemption , the company incurred pre-tax expense of $ 7282 thousand related to the immediate amortization of the remaining capitalized issuance costs on the trust preferred securities . interest expense incurred in connection with these junior subordinated debt securities is as follows for the periods indicated: . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>( dollars in thousands )</td><td>years ended december 31 , 2015</td><td>years ended december 31 , 2014</td><td>years ended december 31 , 2013</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>interest expense incurred</td><td>$ -</td><td>$ -</td><td>$ 8181</td></tr></table> holdings considered the mechanisms and obligations relating to the trust preferred securities , taken together , constituted a full and unconditional guarantee by holdings of capital trust ii 2019s payment obligations with respect to their trust preferred securities . 10 . reinsurance and trust agreements certain subsidiaries of group have established trust agreements , which effectively use the company 2019s investments as collateral , as security for assumed losses payable to certain non-affiliated ceding companies . at december 31 , 2015 , the total amount on deposit in trust accounts was $ 454384 thousand . on april 24 , 2014 , the company entered into two collateralized reinsurance agreements with kilimanjaro re limited ( 201ckilimanjaro 201d ) , a bermuda based special purpose reinsurer , to provide the company with catastrophe reinsurance coverage . these agreements are multi-year reinsurance contracts which cover specified named storm and earthquake events . the first agreement provides up to $ 250000 thousand of reinsurance coverage from named storms in specified states of the southeastern united states . the second agreement provides up to $ 200000 thousand of reinsurance coverage from named storms in specified states of the southeast , mid-atlantic and northeast regions of the united states and puerto rico as well as reinsurance coverage from earthquakes in specified states of the southeast , mid-atlantic , northeast and west regions of the united states , puerto rico and british columbia . on november 18 , 2014 , the company entered into a collateralized reinsurance agreement with kilimanjaro re to provide the company with catastrophe reinsurance coverage . this agreement is a multi-year reinsurance contract which covers specified earthquake events . the agreement provides up to $ 500000 thousand of reinsurance coverage from earthquakes in the united states , puerto rico and canada . on december 1 , 2015 the company entered into two collateralized reinsurance agreements with kilimanjaro re to provide the company with catastrophe reinsurance coverage . these agreements are multi-year reinsurance contracts which cover named storm and earthquake events . the first agreement provides up to $ 300000 thousand of reinsurance coverage from named storms and earthquakes in the united states , puerto rico and canada . the second agreement provides up to $ 325000 thousand of reinsurance coverage from named storms and earthquakes in the united states , puerto rico and canada . kilimanjaro has financed the various property catastrophe reinsurance coverage by issuing catastrophe bonds to unrelated , external investors . on april 24 , 2014 , kilimanjaro issued $ 450000 thousand of notes ( 201cseries 2014-1 notes 201d ) . on november 18 , 2014 , kilimanjaro issued $ 500000 thousand of notes ( 201cseries 2014-2 notes 201d ) . on december 1 , 2015 , kilimanjaro issued $ 625000 thousand of notes ( 201cseries 2015-1 notes ) . the proceeds from the issuance of the series 2014-1 notes , the series 2014-2 notes and the series 2015-1 notes are held in reinsurance trust throughout the duration of the applicable reinsurance agreements and invested solely in us government money market funds with a rating of at least 201caaam 201d by standard & poor 2019s. . Question: what was the sum value of notes issued in 2014? Answer: 950000.0 Question: what was the value of notes issued in 2015? Answer: 625000.0 Question: what is the total sum of the value of notes issued?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
westrock company notes to consolidated financial statements fffd ( continued ) the following table summarizes the weighted average life and the allocation to intangible assets recognized in the mps acquisition , excluding goodwill ( in millions ) : weighted avg . amounts recognized as the acquisition . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>weighted</td><td>amountsrecognized as ofthe acquisitiondate</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>customer relationships</td><td>14.6</td><td>$ 1008.7</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>trademarks and tradenames</td><td>3.0</td><td>15.2</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>photo library</td><td>10.0</td><td>2.5</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>total</td><td>14.4</td><td>$ 1026.4</td></tr></table> none of the intangibles has significant residual value . we are amortizing the customer relationship intangibles over estimated useful lives ranging from 13 to 16 years based on a straight-line basis because the amortization pattern was not reliably determinable . star pizza acquisition on march 13 , 2017 , we completed the star pizza acquisition . the transaction provided us with a leadership position in the fast growing small-run pizza box market and increases our vertical integration . the purchase price was $ 34.6 million , net of a $ 0.7 million working capital settlement . we have fully integrated the approximately 22000 tons of containerboard used by star pizza annually . we have included the financial results of the acquired assets since the date of the acquisition in our corrugated packaging segment . the purchase price allocation for the acquisition primarily included $ 24.8 million of customer relationship intangible assets and $ 2.2 million of goodwill . we are amortizing the customer relationship intangibles over 10 years based on a straight-line basis because the amortization pattern was not reliably determinable . the fair value assigned to goodwill is primarily attributable to buyer-specific synergies expected to arise after the acquisition ( e.g. , enhanced reach of the combined organization and other synergies ) , and the assembled work force . the goodwill and intangibles are amortizable for income tax purposes . packaging acquisition on january 19 , 2016 , we completed the packaging acquisition . the entities acquired provide value-added folding carton and litho-laminated display packaging solutions . the purchase price was $ 94.1 million , net of cash received of $ 1.7 million , a working capital settlement and a $ 3.5 million escrow receipt in the first quarter of fiscal 2017 . the transaction is subject to an election under section 338 ( h ) ( 10 ) of the code that increases the u.s . tax basis in the acquired u.s . entities . we believe the transaction has provided us with attractive and complementary customers , markets and facilities . we have included the financial results of the acquired entities since the date of the acquisition in our consumer packaging segment . the purchase price allocation for the acquisition primarily included $ 55.0 million of property , plant and equipment , $ 10.5 million of customer relationship intangible assets , $ 9.3 million of goodwill and $ 25.8 million of liabilities , including $ 1.3 million of debt . we are amortizing the customer relationship intangibles over estimated useful lives ranging from 9 to 15 years based on a straight-line basis because the amortization pattern was not reliably determinable . the fair value assigned to goodwill is primarily attributable to buyer-specific synergies expected to arise after the acquisition ( e.g. , enhanced reach of the combined organization and other synergies ) , and the assembled work force . the goodwill and intangibles of the u.s . entities are amortizable for income tax purposes . sp fiber on october 1 , 2015 , we completed the sp fiber acquisition in a stock purchase . the transaction included the acquisition of mills located in dublin , ga and newberg , or , which produce lightweight recycled containerboard and kraft and bag paper . the newberg mill also produced newsprint . as part of the transaction , we also acquired sp fiber's 48% ( 48 % ) interest in gps . gps is a joint venture providing steam to the dublin mill and electricity to georgia power . the purchase price was $ 278.8 million , net of cash received of $ 9.2 million and a working capital . Question: what was the amount of goodwill from the overall purchase value of star pizza? Answer: 2.2 Question: and was the amount of customer relationship intangible assets from that same value?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
74 2012 ppg annual report and form 10-k 25 . separation and merger transaction on january , 28 , 2013 , the company completed the previously announced separation of its commodity chemicals business and merger of its wholly-owned subsidiary , eagle spinco inc. , with a subsidiary of georgia gulf corporation in a tax efficient reverse morris trust transaction ( the 201ctransaction 201d ) . pursuant to the merger , eagle spinco , the entity holding ppg's former commodity chemicals business , is now a wholly-owned subsidiary of georgia gulf . the closing of the merger followed the expiration of the related exchange offer and the satisfaction of certain other conditions . the combined company formed by uniting georgia gulf with ppg's former commodity chemicals business is named axiall corporation ( 201caxiall 201d ) . ppg holds no ownership interest in axiall . ppg received the necessary ruling from the internal revenue service and as a result this transaction was generally tax free to ppg and its shareholders . under the terms of the exchange offer , 35249104 shares of eagle spinco common stock were available for distribution in exchange for shares of ppg common stock accepted in the offer . following the merger , each share of eagle spinco common stock automatically converted into the right to receive one share of axiall corporation common stock . accordingly , ppg shareholders who tendered their shares of ppg common stock as part of this offer received 3.2562 shares of axiall common stock for each share of ppg common stock accepted for exchange . ppg was able to accept the maximum of 10825227 shares of ppg common stock for exchange in the offer , and thereby , reduced its outstanding shares by approximately 7% ( 7 % ) . under the terms of the transaction , ppg received $ 900 million of cash and 35.2 million shares of axiall common stock ( market value of $ 1.8 billion on january 25 , 2013 ) which was distributed to ppg shareholders by the exchange offer as described above . the cash consideration is subject to customary post-closing adjustment , including a working capital adjustment . in the transaction , ppg transferred environmental remediation liabilities , defined benefit pension plan assets and liabilities and other post-employment benefit liabilities related to the commodity chemicals business to axiall . ppg will report a gain on the transaction reflecting the excess of the sum of the cash proceeds received and the cost ( closing stock price on january 25 , 2013 ) of the ppg shares tendered and accepted in the exchange for the 35.2 million shares of axiall common stock over the net book value of the net assets of ppg's former commodity chemicals business . the transaction will also result in a net partial settlement loss associated with the spin out and termination of defined benefit pension liabilities and the transfer of other post-retirement benefit liabilities under the terms of the transaction . during 2012 , the company incurred $ 21 million of pretax expense , primarily for professional services , related to the transaction . additional transaction-related expenses will be incurred in 2013 . ppg will report the results of its commodity chemicals business for january 2013 and a net gain on the transaction as results from discontinued operations when it reports its results for the quarter ending march 31 , 2013 . in the ppg results for prior periods , presented for comparative purposes beginning with the first quarter 2013 , the results of its former commodity chemicals business will be reclassified from continuing operations and presented as the results from discontinued operations . the net sales and income before income taxes of the commodity chemicals business that will be reclassified and reported as discontinued operations are presented in the table below for the years ended december 31 , 2012 , 2011 and 2010: . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>millions</td><td>year-ended 2012</td><td>year-ended 2011</td><td>year-ended 2010</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>net sales</td><td>$ 1700</td><td>$ 1741</td><td>$ 1441</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>income before income taxes</td><td>$ 368</td><td>$ 376</td><td>$ 187</td></tr></table> income before income taxes for the year ended december 31 , 2012 , 2011 and 2010 is $ 4 million lower , $ 6 million higher and $ 2 million lower , respectively , than segment earnings for the ppg commodity chemicals segment reported for these periods . these differences are due to the inclusion of certain gains , losses and expenses associated with the chlor-alkali and derivatives business that were not reported in the ppg commodity chemicals segment earnings in accordance with the accounting guidance on segment reporting . table of contents notes to the consolidated financial statements . Question: what is the net change in value of sales of the commodity chemicals business that will be reclassified and reported as discontinued operations from 2011 to 2012?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
performance graph the following graph shows a five-year comparison of the cumulative total return on our common stock , the nasdaq composite index , the s&p 500 index and the s&p 500 information technology index from april 24 , 2009 through april 25 , 2014 . the past performance of our common stock is not indicative of the future performance of our common stock . comparison of 5 year cumulative total return* among netapp , inc. , the nasdaq composite index , the s&p 500 index and the s&p 500 information technology index . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>4/09</td><td>4/10</td><td>4/11</td><td>4/12</td><td>4/13</td><td>4/14</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>netapp inc .</td><td>$ 100.00</td><td>$ 189.45</td><td>$ 284.75</td><td>$ 212.19</td><td>$ 190.66</td><td>$ 197.58</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>nasdaq composite</td><td>100.00</td><td>144.63</td><td>170.44</td><td>182.57</td><td>202.25</td><td>253.22</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>s&p 500</td><td>100.00</td><td>138.84</td><td>162.75</td><td>170.49</td><td>199.29</td><td>240.02</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>s&p 500 information technology</td><td>100.00</td><td>143.49</td><td>162.37</td><td>186.06</td><td>189.18</td><td>236.12</td></tr></table> we believe that a number of factors may cause the market price of our common stock to fluctuate significantly . see 201citem 1a . risk factors . 201d sale of unregistered securities . Question: what was the performance value of the netapp inc . in 2014? Answer: 197.58 Question: and what was the change in its performance from 2009 to that year? Answer: 97.58 Question: how much, then, does this change represent in relation to that performance in 2009, in percentage? Answer: 0.9758 Question: and what was the change in the performance of the nasdaq composite from 2009 to 2014? Answer: 153.22 Question: how much does this change represent in relation to the performance of that stock in 2009, in percentage?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
unit shipments increased 49% ( 49 % ) to 217.4 million units in 2006 , compared to 146.0 million units in 2005 . the overall increase was driven by increased unit shipments of products for gsm , cdma and 3g technologies , partially offset by decreased unit shipments of products for iden technology . for the full year 2006 , unit shipments by the segment increased in all regions . due to the segment 2019s increase in unit shipments outpacing overall growth in the worldwide handset market , which grew approximately 20% ( 20 % ) in 2006 , the segment believes that it expanded its global handset market share to an estimated 22% ( 22 % ) for the full year 2006 . in 2006 , asp decreased approximately 11% ( 11 % ) compared to 2005 . the overall decrease in asp was driven primarily by changes in the geographic and product-tier mix of sales . by comparison , asp decreased approximately 10% ( 10 % ) in 2005 and increased approximately 15% ( 15 % ) in 2004 . asp is impacted by numerous factors , including product mix , market conditions and competitive product offerings , and asp trends often vary over time . in 2006 , the largest of the segment 2019s end customers ( including sales through distributors ) were china mobile , verizon , sprint nextel , cingular , and t-mobile . these five largest customers accounted for approximately 39% ( 39 % ) of the segment 2019s net sales in 2006 . besides selling directly to carriers and operators , the segment also sold products through a variety of third-party distributors and retailers , which accounted for approximately 38% ( 38 % ) of the segment 2019s net sales . the largest of these distributors was brightstar corporation . although the u.s . market continued to be the segment 2019s largest individual market , many of our customers , and more than 65% ( 65 % ) of the segment 2019s 2006 net sales , were outside the u.s . the largest of these international markets were china , brazil , the united kingdom and mexico . home and networks mobility segment the home and networks mobility segment designs , manufactures , sells , installs and services : ( i ) digital video , internet protocol ( 201cip 201d ) video and broadcast network interactive set-tops ( 201cdigital entertainment devices 201d ) , end-to- end video delivery solutions , broadband access infrastructure systems , and associated data and voice customer premise equipment ( 201cbroadband gateways 201d ) to cable television and telecom service providers ( collectively , referred to as the 201chome business 201d ) , and ( ii ) wireless access systems ( 201cwireless networks 201d ) , including cellular infrastructure systems and wireless broadband systems , to wireless service providers . in 2007 , the segment 2019s net sales represented 27% ( 27 % ) of the company 2019s consolidated net sales , compared to 21% ( 21 % ) in 2006 and 26% ( 26 % ) in 2005 . ( dollars in millions ) 2007 2006 2005 2007 20142006 2006 20142005 years ended december 31 percent change . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>( dollars in millions )</td><td>years ended december 31 2007</td><td>years ended december 31 2006</td><td>years ended december 31 2005</td><td>years ended december 31 2007 20142006</td><td>2006 20142005</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>segment net sales</td><td>$ 10014</td><td>$ 9164</td><td>$ 9037</td><td>9% ( 9 % )</td><td>1% ( 1 % )</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>operating earnings</td><td>709</td><td>787</td><td>1232</td><td>( 10 ) % ( % )</td><td>( 36 ) % ( % )</td></tr></table> segment results 20142007 compared to 2006 in 2007 , the segment 2019s net sales increased 9% ( 9 % ) to $ 10.0 billion , compared to $ 9.2 billion in 2006 . the 9% ( 9 % ) increase in net sales reflects a 27% ( 27 % ) increase in net sales in the home business , partially offset by a 1% ( 1 % ) decrease in net sales of wireless networks . net sales of digital entertainment devices increased approximately 43% ( 43 % ) , reflecting increased demand for digital set-tops , including hd/dvr set-tops and ip set-tops , partially offset by a decline in asp due to a product mix shift towards all-digital set-tops . unit shipments of digital entertainment devices increased 51% ( 51 % ) to 15.2 million units . net sales of broadband gateways increased approximately 6% ( 6 % ) , primarily due to higher net sales of data modems , driven by net sales from the netopia business acquired in february 2007 . net sales of wireless networks decreased 1% ( 1 % ) , primarily driven by lower net sales of iden and cdma infrastructure equipment , partially offset by higher net sales of gsm infrastructure equipment , despite competitive pricing pressure . on a geographic basis , the 9% ( 9 % ) increase in net sales reflects higher net sales in all geographic regions . the increase in net sales in north america was driven primarily by higher sales of digital entertainment devices , partially offset by lower net sales of iden and cdma infrastructure equipment . the increase in net sales in asia was primarily due to higher net sales of gsm infrastructure equipment , partially offset by lower net sales of cdma infrastructure equipment . the increase in net sales in emea was , primarily due to higher net sales of gsm infrastructure equipment , partially offset by lower demand for iden and cdma infrastructure equipment . net sales in north america continue to comprise a significant portion of the segment 2019s business , accounting for 52% ( 52 % ) of the segment 2019s total net sales in 2007 , compared to 56% ( 56 % ) of the segment 2019s total net sales in 2006 . 60 management 2019s discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations . Question: what was the change in the operating earnings from 2005 to 2007? Answer: -523.0 Question: and how much does this change represent in relation to those operating earnings in 2005, in percentage?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
our consolidated net cash flows used for investing activities were $ 4.2 billion in 2010 , compared with $ 3.2 billion in 2009 . net investing activities for the indicated periods were related primarily to net purchases of fixed maturities and for 2010 included the acquisitions of rain and hail and jerneh insurance berhad . our consolidated net cash flows from financing activities were $ 732 million in 2010 , compared with net cash flows used for financing activities of $ 321 million in 2009 . net cash flows from/used for financing activities in 2010 and 2009 , included dividends paid on our common shares of $ 435 million and $ 388 million , respectively . net cash flows from financing activ- ities in 2010 , included net proceeds of $ 699 million from the issuance of long-term debt , $ 1 billion in reverse repurchase agreements , and $ 300 million in credit facility borrowings . this was partially offset by repayment of $ 659 million in debt and share repurchases settled in 2010 of $ 235 million . for 2009 , net cash flows used for financing activities included net pro- ceeds from the issuance of $ 500 million in long-term debt and the net repayment of debt and reverse repurchase agreements of $ 466 million . both internal and external forces influence our financial condition , results of operations , and cash flows . claim settle- ments , premium levels , and investment returns may be impacted by changing rates of inflation and other economic conditions . in many cases , significant periods of time , ranging up to several years or more , may lapse between the occurrence of an insured loss , the reporting of the loss to us , and the settlement of the liability for that loss . from time to time , we utilize reverse repurchase agreements as a low-cost alternative for short-term funding needs . we use these instruments on a limited basis to address short-term cash timing differences without disrupting our investment portfolio holdings and settle the transactions with future operating cash flows . at december 31 , 2010 , there were $ 1 billion in reverse repurchase agreements outstanding ( refer to short-term debt ) . in addition to cash from operations , routine sales of investments , and financing arrangements , we have agreements with a bank provider which implemented two international multi-currency notional cash pooling programs to enhance cash management efficiency during periods of short-term timing mismatches between expected inflows and outflows of cash by currency . in each program , participating ace entities establish deposit accounts in different currencies with the bank provider and each day the credit or debit balances in every account are notionally translated into a single currency ( u.s . dollars ) and then notionally pooled . the bank extends overdraft credit to any participating ace entity as needed , provided that the overall notionally-pooled balance of all accounts in each pool at the end of each day is at least zero . actual cash balances are not physically converted and are not co-mingled between legal entities . ace entities may incur overdraft balances as a means to address short-term timing mismatches , and any overdraft balances incurred under this program by an ace entity would be guaranteed by ace limited ( up to $ 150 million in the aggregate ) . our revolving credit facility allows for same day drawings to fund a net pool overdraft should participating ace entities withdraw contributed funds from the pool . capital resources capital resources consist of funds deployed or available to be deployed to support our business operations . the following table summarizes the components of our capital resources at december 31 , 2010 , and 2009. . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>( in millions of u.s . dollars except for percentages )</td><td>2010</td><td>2009</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>short-term debt</td><td>$ 1300</td><td>$ 161</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>long-term debt</td><td>3358</td><td>3158</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>total debt</td><td>4658</td><td>3319</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>trust preferred securities</td><td>309</td><td>309</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>total shareholders 2019 equity</td><td>22974</td><td>19667</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>total capitalization</td><td>$ 27941</td><td>$ 23295</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>ratio of debt to total capitalization</td><td>16.7% ( 16.7 % )</td><td>14.2% ( 14.2 % )</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>ratio of debt plus trust preferred securities to total capitalization</td><td>17.8% ( 17.8 % )</td><td>15.6% ( 15.6 % )</td></tr></table> our ratios of debt to total capitalization and debt plus trust preferred securities to total capitalization have increased temporarily due to the increase in short-term debt , as discussed below . we expect that these ratios will decline over the next six to nine months as we repay the short-term debt . we believe our financial strength provides us with the flexibility and capacity to obtain available funds externally through debt or equity financing on both a short-term and long-term basis . our ability to access the capital markets is dependent on , among other things , market conditions and our perceived financial strength . we have accessed both the debt and equity markets from time to time. . Question: what is the cash used from investing activities in 2010?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
management 2019s discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations 2013 ( continued ) ( amounts in millions , except per share amounts ) corporate and other expenses increased slightly during 2013 by $ 3.5 to $ 140.8 compared to 2012 , primarily due to an increase in salaries and related expenses , mainly attributable to higher base salaries , benefits and temporary help , partially offset by lower severance expenses and a decrease in office and general expenses . liquidity and capital resources cash flow overview the following tables summarize key financial data relating to our liquidity , capital resources and uses of capital. . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>cash flow data</td><td>years ended december 31 , 2014</td><td>years ended december 31 , 2013</td><td>years ended december 31 , 2012</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>net income adjusted to reconcile net income to net cashprovided by operating activities1</td><td>$ 831.2</td><td>$ 598.4</td><td>$ 697.2</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>net cash used in working capital b2</td><td>-131.1 ( 131.1 )</td><td>-9.6 ( 9.6 )</td><td>-293.2 ( 293.2 )</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>changes in other non-current assets and liabilities using cash</td><td>-30.6 ( 30.6 )</td><td>4.1</td><td>-46.8 ( 46.8 )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>net cash provided by operating activities</td><td>$ 669.5</td><td>$ 592.9</td><td>$ 357.2</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>net cash used in investing activities</td><td>-200.8 ( 200.8 )</td><td>-224.5 ( 224.5 )</td><td>-210.2 ( 210.2 )</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>net cash ( used in ) provided by financing activities</td><td>-343.9 ( 343.9 )</td><td>-1212.3 ( 1212.3 )</td><td>131.3</td></tr></table> 1 reflects net income adjusted primarily for depreciation and amortization of fixed assets and intangible assets , amortization of restricted stock and other non-cash compensation , non-cash ( gain ) loss related to early extinguishment of debt , and deferred income taxes . 2 reflects changes in accounts receivable , expenditures billable to clients , other current assets , accounts payable and accrued liabilities . operating activities net cash provided by operating activities during 2014 was $ 669.5 , which was an improvement of $ 76.6 as compared to 2013 , primarily as a result of an increase in net income , offset by an increase in working capital usage of $ 121.5 . due to the seasonality of our business , we typically generate cash from working capital in the second half of a year and use cash from working capital in the first half of a year , with the largest impacts in the first and fourth quarters . our net working capital usage in 2014 was impacted by our media businesses . net cash provided by operating activities during 2013 was $ 592.9 , which was an increase of $ 235.7 as compared to 2012 , primarily as a result of an improvement in working capital usage of $ 283.6 , offset by a decrease in net income . the improvement in working capital in 2013 was impacted by our media businesses and an ongoing focus on working capital management at our agencies . the timing of media buying on behalf of our clients affects our working capital and operating cash flow . in most of our businesses , our agencies enter into commitments to pay production and media costs on behalf of clients . to the extent possible we pay production and media charges after we have received funds from our clients . the amounts involved substantially exceed our revenues and primarily affect the level of accounts receivable , expenditures billable to clients , accounts payable and accrued liabilities . our assets include both cash received and accounts receivable from clients for these pass-through arrangements , while our liabilities include amounts owed on behalf of clients to media and production suppliers . our accrued liabilities are also affected by the timing of certain other payments . for example , while annual cash incentive awards are accrued throughout the year , they are generally paid during the first quarter of the subsequent year . investing activities net cash used in investing activities during 2014 primarily related to payments for capital expenditures and acquisitions . capital expenditures of $ 148.7 related primarily to computer hardware and software and leasehold improvements . we made payments of $ 67.8 related to acquisitions completed during 2014 , net of cash acquired. . Question: what is the net cash provided by operating activities in 2014? Answer: 669.5 Question: what about net cash used by investing activities? Answer: -200.8 Question: what is the net affect in cash flow from operating and investing activities? Answer: 468.7 Question: what the effect of financing activities? Answer: -343.9 Question: what is the total net cash flow? Answer: 124.8 Question: what is the net income in 2014? Answer: 831.2 Question: what about in 2013?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
which , $ 44.9 million , or $ 38.2 million , net of taxes , is expected to be reclassified to earnings over the next twelve months . we also enter into foreign currency forward exchange contracts with terms of one month to manage currency exposures for assets and liabilities denominated in a currency other than an entity 2019s functional currency . as a result , any foreign currency translation gains/losses recognized in earnings under sfas no . 52 , 201cforeign currency translation 201d are generally offset with gains/losses on the foreign currency forward exchange contracts in the same reporting period . other comprehensive income 2013 other comprehensive income refers to revenues , expenses , gains and losses that under generally accepted accounting principles are included in comprehensive income but are excluded from net earnings as these amounts are recorded directly as an adjustment to stockholders 2019 equity . other comprehensive income is comprised of foreign currency translation adjustments , unrealized foreign currency hedge gains and losses , unrealized gains and losses on available-for-sale securities and amortization of prior service costs and unrecognized gains and losses in actuarial assumptions . the components of accumulated other comprehensive income are as follows ( in millions ) : balance at december 31 , comprehensive income ( loss ) balance at december 31 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>balance at december 31 2006</td><td>other comprehensive income ( loss )</td><td>balance at december 31 2007</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>foreign currency translation</td><td>$ 267.7</td><td>$ 101.1</td><td>$ 368.8</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>foreign currency hedges</td><td>-22.6 ( 22.6 )</td><td>-22.8 ( 22.8 )</td><td>-45.4 ( 45.4 )</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>unrealized gains ( losses ) on securities</td><td>-0.5 ( 0.5 )</td><td>-1.4 ( 1.4 )</td><td>-1.9 ( 1.9 )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>unrecognized prior service cost and unrecognized ( gain ) / loss in actuarial assumptions</td><td>-35.4 ( 35.4 )</td><td>4.2</td><td>-31.2 ( 31.2 )</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>accumulated other comprehensive income</td><td>$ 209.2</td><td>$ 81.1</td><td>$ 290.3</td></tr></table> treasury stock 2013 we account for repurchases of common stock under the cost method and present treasury stock as a reduction of shareholders equity . we may reissue common stock held in treasury only for limited purposes . accounting pronouncements 2013 in june 2006 , the fasb issued interpretation no . 48 , 201caccounting for uncertainty in income taxes , an interpretation of fas 109 , accounting for income taxes 201d ( fin 48 ) , to create a single model to address accounting for uncertainty in tax positions . see our income tax disclosures in note 11 for more information regarding the adoption of fin 48 . in september 2006 , the fasb issued sfas no . 158 , 201cemployers 2019 accounting for defined benefit pension and other postretirement plans 2013 an amendment of fasb statements no . 87 , 88 , 106 and 132 ( r ) . 201d this statement requires recognition of the funded status of a benefit plan in the statement of financial position . sfas no . 158 also requires recognition in other comprehensive income of certain gains and losses that arise during the period but are deferred under pension accounting rules , as well as modifies the timing of reporting and adds certain disclosures . the statement provides recognition and disclosure elements to be effective as of the end of the fiscal year after december 15 , 2006 and measurement elements to be effective for fiscal years ending after december 15 , 2008 . we adopted sfas no . 158 on december 31 , 2006 . see our pension and other postretirement disclosures in note 10 . in december 2004 , the fasb issued sfas no . 123 ( r ) , 201cshare-based payment 201d , which is a revision to sfas no . 123 . sfas 123 ( r ) requires all share-based payments to employees , including stock options , to be expensed based on their fair values . we adopted sfas 123 ( r ) on january 1 , 2006 using the modified prospective method and did not restate prior periods . in september 2006 , the fasb issued sfas no . 157 , 201cfair value measurements 201d , which defines fair value , establishes a framework for measuring fair value in generally accepted accounting principles and expands disclosures about fair value measurements . this statement does not require any new fair value measurements , but provides guidance on how to measure fair value by providing a fair value hierarchy used to classify the source of the information . sfas no . 157 is effective for financial statements issued for fiscal years beginning after november 15 , 2007 and interim periods within those fiscal years . in february 2008 , the fasb issued fasb staff position ( fsp ) no . sfas 157-2 , which delays the effective date of certain provisions of sfas no . 157 relating to non-financial assets and liabilities measured at fair value on a non-recurring basis until fiscal years beginning after november 15 , 2008 . the adoption of sfas no . 157 is not expected to have a material impact on our consolidated financial statements or results of operations . in february 2007 , the fasb issued sfas no . 159 , 201cthe fair value option for financial assets and financial liabilities 2013 including an amendment of fasb statement no . 115 201d ( sfas no . 159 ) . sfas no . 159 creates a 201cfair value option 201d under which an entity may elect to record certain financial assets or liabilities at fair value upon their initial recognition . subsequent changes in fair value would be recognized in earnings as those changes occur . the election of the fair value option would be made on a contract-by-contract basis and would need to be supported by concurrent documentation or a preexisting documented policy . sfas no . 159 requires an entity to separately disclose the fair z i m m e r h o l d i n g s , i n c . 2 0 0 7 f o r m 1 0 - k a n n u a l r e p o r t notes to consolidated financial statements ( continued ) . Question: what percentage did the variation of the accumulated other comprehensive income from 2006 to 2007 represent in relation to the total balance in 2006?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
table of contents other equity method investments infraservs . we hold indirect ownership interests in several german infraserv groups that own and develop industrial parks and provide on-site general and administrative support to tenants . our ownership interest in the equity investments in infraserv affiliates are as follows : as of december 31 , 2017 ( in percentages ) infraserv gmbh & co . gendorf kg ( 1 ) ................................................................................................... . 39 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>as of december 31 2017 ( in percentages )</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>infraserv gmbh & co . gendorf kg ( 1 )</td><td>39</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>infraserv gmbh & co . hoechst kg</td><td>32</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>infraserv gmbh & co . knapsack kg ( 1 )</td><td>27</td></tr></table> infraserv gmbh & co . knapsack kg ( 1 ) ................................................................................................ . 27 ______________________________ ( 1 ) see note 29 - subsequent events in the accompanying consolidated financial statements for further information . research and development our business models leverage innovation and conduct research and development activities to develop new , and optimize existing , production technologies , as well as to develop commercially viable new products and applications . research and development expense was $ 72 million , $ 78 million and $ 119 million for the years ended december 31 , 2017 , 2016 and 2015 , respectively . we consider the amounts spent during each of the last three fiscal years on research and development activities to be sufficient to execute our current strategic initiatives . intellectual property we attach importance to protecting our intellectual property , including safeguarding our confidential information and through our patents , trademarks and copyrights , in order to preserve our investment in research and development , manufacturing and marketing . patents may cover processes , equipment , products , intermediate products and product uses . we also seek to register trademarks as a means of protecting the brand names of our company and products . patents . in most industrial countries , patent protection exists for new substances and formulations , as well as for certain unique applications and production processes . however , we do business in regions of the world where intellectual property protection may be limited and difficult to enforce . confidential information . we maintain stringent information security policies and procedures wherever we do business . such information security policies and procedures include data encryption , controls over the disclosure and safekeeping of confidential information and trade secrets , as well as employee awareness training . trademarks . amcel ae , aoplus ae , ateva ae , avicor ae , celanese ae , celanex ae , celcon ae , celfx ae , celstran ae , celvolit ae , clarifoil ae , dur- o-set ae , ecomid ae , ecovae ae , forflex ae , forprene ae , frianyl ae , fortron ae , ghr ae , gumfit ae , gur ae , hostaform ae , laprene ae , metalx ae , mowilith ae , mt ae , nilamid ae , nivionplast ae , nutrinova ae , nylfor ae , pibiflex ae , pibifor ae , pibiter ae , polifor ae , resyn ae , riteflex ae , slidex ae , sofprene ae , sofpur ae , sunett ae , talcoprene ae , tecnoprene ae , thermx ae , tufcor ae , vantage ae , vectra ae , vinac ae , vinamul ae , vitaldose ae , zenite ae and certain other branded products and services named in this document are registered or reserved trademarks or service marks owned or licensed by celanese . the foregoing is not intended to be an exhaustive or comprehensive list of all registered or reserved trademarks and service marks owned or licensed by celanese . fortron ae is a registered trademark of fortron industries llc . hostaform ae is a registered trademark of hoechst gmbh . mowilith ae and nilamid ae are registered trademarks of celanese in most european countries . we monitor competitive developments and defend against infringements on our intellectual property rights . neither celanese nor any particular business segment is materially dependent upon any one patent , trademark , copyright or trade secret . environmental and other regulation matters pertaining to environmental and other regulations are discussed in item 1a . risk factors , as well as note 2 - summary of accounting policies , note 16 - environmental and note 24 - commitments and contingencies in the accompanying consolidated financial statements. . Question: what was the research and development expense in 2017? Answer: 72.0 Question: and what was it in 2016? Answer: 78.0 Question: what was, then, the variation over the year?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
celanese purchases of its equity securities information regarding repurchases of our common stock during the three months ended december 31 , 2014 is as follows : period number of shares purchased ( 1 ) average price paid per share total number of shares purchased as part of publicly announced program approximate dollar value of shares remaining that may be purchased under the program ( 2 ) . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>period</td><td>totalnumberof sharespurchased ( 1 )</td><td>averageprice paidper share</td><td>total numberof sharespurchased aspart of publiclyannounced program</td><td>approximatedollarvalue of sharesremaining thatmay bepurchased underthe program ( 2 )</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>october 1 - 31 2014</td><td>192580</td><td>$ 58.02</td><td>164800</td><td>$ 490000000</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>november 1 - 30 2014</td><td>468128</td><td>$ 59.25</td><td>468128</td><td>$ 463000000</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>december 1 - 31 2014</td><td>199796</td><td>$ 60.78</td><td>190259</td><td>$ 451000000</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>total</td><td>860504</td><td>-</td><td>823187</td><td>-</td></tr></table> ___________________________ ( 1 ) includes 27780 and 9537 for october and december 2014 , respectively , related to shares withheld from employees to cover their statutory minimum withholding requirements for personal income taxes related to the vesting of restricted stock units . ( 2 ) our board of directors has authorized the aggregate repurchase of $ 1.4 billion of our common stock since february 2008 . see note 17 - stockholders' equity in the accompanying consolidated financial statements for further information . performance graph the following performance graph and related information shall not be deemed "soliciting material" or to be "filed" with the securities and exchange commission , nor shall such information be incorporated by reference into any future filing under the securities act of 1933 or securities exchange act of 1934 , each as amended , except to the extent that we specifically incorporate it by reference into such filing . comparison of cumulative total return . Question: what was the number of shares purchased in november 2014? Answer: 468128.0 Question: what was the average price paid per share? Answer: 59.25 Question: what is the product? Answer: 27736584.0 Question: what is that number, in millions?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
during the year ended december 31 , 2011 , we granted 354660 performance share units having a fair value based on our grant date closing stock price of $ 28.79 . these units are payable in stock and are subject to certain financial performance criteria . the fair value of these performance share unit awards is based on the grant date closing stock price of each respective award grant and will apply to the number of units ultimately awarded . the number of shares ultimately issued for each award will be based on our financial performance as compared to peer group companies over the performance period and can range from zero to 200% ( 200 % ) . as of december 31 , 2011 , estimated share payouts for outstanding non-vested performance share unit awards ranged from 150% ( 150 % ) to 195% ( 195 % ) . for the legacy frontier performance share units assumed at july 1 , 2011 , performance is based on market performance criteria , which is calculated as the total shareholder return achieved by hollyfrontier stockholders compared with the average shareholder return achieved by an equally-weighted peer group of independent refining companies over a three-year period . these share unit awards are payable in stock based on share price performance relative to the defined peer group and can range from zero to 125% ( 125 % ) of the initial target award . these performance share units were valued at july 1 , 2011 using a monte carlo valuation model , which simulates future stock price movements using key inputs including grant date and measurement date stock prices , expected stock price performance , expected rate of return and volatility of our stock price relative to the peer group over the three-year performance period . the fair value of these performance share units at july 1 , 2011 was $ 8.6 million . of this amount , $ 7.3 million relates to post-merger services and will be recognized ratably over the remaining service period through 2013 . a summary of performance share unit activity and changes during the year ended december 31 , 2011 is presented below: . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>performance share units</td><td>grants</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>outstanding at january 1 2011 ( non-vested )</td><td>556186</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>granted ( 1 )</td><td>354660</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>vesting and transfer of ownership to recipients</td><td>-136058 ( 136058 )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>outstanding at december 31 2011 ( non-vested )</td><td>774788</td></tr></table> ( 1 ) includes 225116 non-vested performance share grants under the legacy frontier plan that were outstanding and retained by hollyfrontier at july 1 , 2011 . for the year ended december 31 , 2011 we issued 178148 shares of our common stock having a fair value of $ 2.6 million related to vested performance share units . based on the weighted average grant date fair value of $ 20.71 there was $ 11.7 million of total unrecognized compensation cost related to non-vested performance share units . that cost is expected to be recognized over a weighted-average period of 1.1 years . note 7 : cash and cash equivalents and investments in marketable securities our investment portfolio at december 31 , 2011 consisted of cash , cash equivalents and investments in debt securities primarily issued by government and municipal entities . we also hold 1000000 shares of connacher oil and gas limited common stock that was received as partial consideration upon the sale of our montana refinery in we invest in highly-rated marketable debt securities , primarily issued by government and municipal entities that have maturities at the date of purchase of greater than three months . we also invest in other marketable debt securities with the maximum maturity or put date of any individual issue generally not greater than two years from the date of purchase . all of these instruments , including investments in equity securities , are classified as available- for-sale . as a result , they are reported at fair value using quoted market prices . interest income is recorded as earned . unrealized gains and losses , net of related income taxes , are reported as a component of accumulated other comprehensive income . upon sale , realized gains and losses on the sale of marketable securities are computed based on the specific identification of the underlying cost of the securities sold and the unrealized gains and losses previously reported in other comprehensive income are reclassified to current earnings. . Question: what is the net change in the performance shares outstanding during 2011? Answer: 218602.0 Question: what is the balance of the performance shares outstanding in the beginning of 2011? Answer: 556186.0 Question: what percentage change does this represent? Answer: 0.39304 Question: what is the fair value of the performance share units at july 1 , 2011? Answer: 8.6 Question: what amount relate to post-merger services? Answer: 7.3 Question: what about the amount that does not relate to post-merger services?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
entergy new orleans , inc . management's financial discussion and analysis 2007 compared to 2006 net revenue consists of operating revenues net of : 1 ) fuel , fuel-related expenses , and gas purchased for resale , 2 ) purchased power expenses , and 3 ) other regulatory charges . following is an analysis of the change in net revenue comparing 2007 to 2006 . amount ( in millions ) . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>amount ( in millions )</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>2006 net revenue</td><td>$ 192.2</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>fuel recovery</td><td>42.6</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>volume/weather</td><td>25.6</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>rider revenue</td><td>8.5</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>net wholesale revenue</td><td>-41.2 ( 41.2 )</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>other</td><td>3.3</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>2007 net revenue</td><td>$ 231.0</td></tr></table> the fuel recovery variance is due to the inclusion of grand gulf costs in fuel recoveries effective july 1 , 2006 . in june 2006 , the city council approved the recovery of grand gulf costs through the fuel adjustment clause , without a corresponding change in base rates ( a significant portion of grand gulf costs was previously recovered through base rates ) . the volume/weather variance is due to an increase in electricity usage in the service territory in 2007 compared to the same period in 2006 . the first quarter 2006 was affected by customer losses following hurricane katrina . entergy new orleans estimates that approximately 132000 electric customers and 86000 gas customers have returned and are taking service as of december 31 , 2007 , compared to approximately 95000 electric customers and 65000 gas customers as of december 31 , 2006 . billed retail electricity usage increased a total of 540 gwh compared to the same period in 2006 , an increase of 14% ( 14 % ) . the rider revenue variance is due primarily to a storm reserve rider effective march 2007 as a result of the city council's approval of a settlement agreement in october 2006 . the approved storm reserve has been set to collect $ 75 million over a ten-year period through the rider and the funds will be held in a restricted escrow account . the settlement agreement is discussed in note 2 to the financial statements . the net wholesale revenue variance is due to more energy available for resale in 2006 due to the decrease in retail usage caused by customer losses following hurricane katrina . in addition , 2006 revenue includes the sales into the wholesale market of entergy new orleans' share of the output of grand gulf , pursuant to city council approval of measures proposed by entergy new orleans to address the reduction in entergy new orleans' retail customer usage caused by hurricane katrina and to provide revenue support for the costs of entergy new orleans' share of grand other income statement variances 2008 compared to 2007 other operation and maintenance expenses decreased primarily due to : a provision for storm-related bad debts of $ 11 million recorded in 2007 ; a decrease of $ 6.2 million in legal and professional fees ; a decrease of $ 3.4 million in employee benefit expenses ; and a decrease of $ 1.9 million in gas operations spending due to higher labor and material costs for reliability work in 2007. . Question: what was the number of electric customers in 2007? Answer: 132000.0 Question: and what was it in 2006? Answer: 95000.0 Question: what was, then, the change over the year?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
notes to five year summary ( a ) includes the effects of items not considered in the assessment of the operating performance of our business segments ( see the section , 201cresults of operations 2013 unallocated corporate ( expense ) income , net 201d in management 2019s discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations ( md&a ) ) which , on a combined basis , increased earnings from continuing operations before income taxes by $ 214 million , $ 139 million after tax ( $ 0.31 per share ) . also includes a reduction in income tax expense of $ 62 million ( $ 0.14 per share ) resulting from a tax benefit related to claims we filed for additional extraterritorial income exclusion ( eti ) tax benefits . these items increased earnings by $ 201 million after tax ( $ 0.45 per share ) . ( b ) includes the effects of items not considered in the assessment of the operating performance of our business segments ( see the section , 201cresults of operations 2013 unallocated corporate ( expense ) income , net 201d in md&a ) which , on a combined basis , increased earnings from continuing operations before income taxes by $ 173 million , $ 113 million after tax ( $ 0.25 per share ) . ( c ) includes the effects of items not considered in the assessment of the operating performance of our business segments ( see the section , 201cresults of operations 2013 unallocated corporate ( expense ) income , net 201d in md&a ) which , on a combined basis , decreased earnings from continuing operations before income taxes by $ 215 million , $ 154 million after tax ( $ 0.34 per share ) . also includes a reduction in income tax expense resulting from the closure of an internal revenue service examination of $ 144 million ( $ 0.32 per share ) . these items reduced earnings by $ 10 million after tax ( $ 0.02 per share ) . ( d ) includes the effects of items not considered in the assessment of the operating performance of our business segments which , on a combined basis , decreased earnings from continuing operations before income taxes by $ 153 million , $ 102 million after tax ( $ 0.22 per share ) . ( e ) includes the effects of items not considered in the assessment of the operating performance of our business segments which , on a combined basis , decreased earnings from continuing operations before income taxes by $ 1112 million , $ 632 million after tax ( $ 1.40 per share ) . ( f ) we define return on invested capital ( roic ) as net earnings plus after-tax interest expense divided by average invested capital ( stockholders 2019 equity plus debt ) , after adjusting stockholders 2019 equity by adding back adjustments related to postretirement benefit plans . we believe that reporting roic provides investors with greater visibility into how effectively we use the capital invested in our operations . we use roic to evaluate multi-year investment decisions and as a long-term performance measure , and also use it as a factor in evaluating management performance under certain of our incentive compensation plans . roic is not a measure of financial performance under gaap , and may not be defined and calculated by other companies in the same manner . roic should not be considered in isolation or as an alternative to net earnings as an indicator of performance . we calculate roic as follows : ( in millions ) 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>( in millions )</td><td>2006</td><td>2005</td><td>2004</td><td>2003</td><td>2002</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>net earnings</td><td>$ 2529</td><td>$ 1825</td><td>$ 1266</td><td>$ 1053</td><td>$ 500</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>interest expense ( multiplied by 65% ( 65 % ) ) 1</td><td>235</td><td>241</td><td>276</td><td>317</td><td>378</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>return</td><td>$ 2764</td><td>$ 2066</td><td>$ 1542</td><td>$ 1370</td><td>$ 878</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>average debt2 5</td><td>$ 4727</td><td>$ 5077</td><td>$ 5932</td><td>$ 6612</td><td>$ 7491</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>average equity3 5</td><td>7686</td><td>7590</td><td>7015</td><td>6170</td><td>6853</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>average benefit plan adjustments3 45</td><td>2006</td><td>1545</td><td>1296</td><td>1504</td><td>341</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>average invested capital</td><td>$ 14419</td><td>$ 14212</td><td>$ 14243</td><td>$ 14286</td><td>$ 14685</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>return on invested capital</td><td>19.2% ( 19.2 % )</td><td>14.5% ( 14.5 % )</td><td>10.8% ( 10.8 % )</td><td>9.6% ( 9.6 % )</td><td>6.0% ( 6.0 % )</td></tr></table> 1 represents after-tax interest expense utilizing the federal statutory rate of 35% ( 35 % ) . 2 debt consists of long-term debt , including current maturities , and short-term borrowings ( if any ) . 3 equity includes non-cash adjustments , primarily for the additional minimum pension liability in all years and the adoption of fas 158 in 2006 . 4 average benefit plan adjustments reflect the cumulative value of entries identified in our statement of stockholders equity under the captions 201cadjustment for adoption of fas 158 201d and 201cminimum pension liability . 201d the annual benefit plan adjustments to equity were : 2006 = ( $ 1883 ) million ; 2005 = ( $ 105 ) million ; 2004 = ( $ 285 ) million ; 2003 = $ 331 million ; and 2002 = ( $ 1537 ) million . as these entries are recorded in the fourth quarter , the value added back to our average equity in a given year is the cumulative impact of all prior year entries plus 20% ( 20 % ) of the current year entry value . 5 yearly averages are calculated using balances at the start of the year and at the end of each quarter. . Question: what was the total of net earnings in 2006? Answer: 2529.0 Question: and what was it in 2005?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
contractual obligations in 2011 , we issued $ 1200 million of senior notes and entered into the credit facility with third-party lenders in the amount of $ 1225 million . as of december 31 , 2011 , total outstanding long-term debt was $ 1859 million , consisting of these senior notes and the credit facility , in addition to $ 105 million of third party debt that remained outstanding subsequent to the spin-off . in connection with the spin-off , we entered into a transition services agreement with northrop grumman , under which northrop grumman or certain of its subsidiaries provides us with certain services to help ensure an orderly transition following the distribution . under the transition services agreement , northrop grumman provides , for up to 12 months following the spin-off , certain enterprise shared services ( including information technology , resource planning , financial , procurement and human resource services ) , benefits support services and other specified services . the original term of the transition services agreement ends on march 31 , 2012 , although we have the right to and have cancelled certain services as we transition to new third-party providers . the services provided by northrop grumman are charged to us at cost , and a limited number of these services may be extended for a period of approximately six months to allow full information systems transition . see note 20 : related party transactions and former parent company equity in item 8 . in connection with the spin-off , we entered into a tax matters agreement with northrop grumman ( the 201ctax matters agreement 201d ) that governs the respective rights , responsibilities and obligations of northrop grumman and us after the spin-off with respect to tax liabilities and benefits , tax attributes , tax contests and other tax sharing regarding u.s . federal , state , local and foreign income taxes , other taxes and related tax returns . we have several liabilities with northrop grumman to the irs for the consolidated u.s . federal income taxes of the northrop grumman consolidated group relating to the taxable periods in which we were part of that group . however , the tax matters agreement specifies the portion of this tax liability for which we will bear responsibility , and northrop grumman has agreed to indemnify us against any amounts for which we are not responsible . the tax matters agreement also provides special rules for allocating tax liabilities in the event that the spin-off , together with certain related transactions , is not tax-free . see note 20 : related party transactions and former parent company equity in item 8 . we do not expect either the transition services agreement or the tax matters agreement to have a significant impact on our financial condition and results of operations . the following table presents our contractual obligations as of december 31 , 2011 , and the related estimated timing of future cash payments : ( $ in millions ) total 2012 2013 - 2014 2015 - 2016 2017 and beyond . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>( $ in millions )</td><td>total</td><td>2012</td><td>2013 - 2014</td><td>2015 - 2016</td><td>2017 and beyond</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>long-term debt</td><td>$ 1859</td><td>$ 29</td><td>$ 129</td><td>$ 396</td><td>$ 1305</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>interest payments on long-term debt ( 1 )</td><td>854</td><td>112</td><td>219</td><td>202</td><td>321</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>operating leases</td><td>124</td><td>21</td><td>32</td><td>23</td><td>48</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>purchase obligations ( 2 )</td><td>2425</td><td>1409</td><td>763</td><td>209</td><td>44</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>other long-term liabilities ( 3 )</td><td>587</td><td>66</td><td>96</td><td>67</td><td>358</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>total contractual obligations</td><td>$ 5849</td><td>$ 1637</td><td>$ 1239</td><td>$ 897</td><td>$ 2076</td></tr></table> ( 1 ) interest payments include interest on $ 554 million of variable interest rate debt calculated based on interest rates at december 31 , 2011 . ( 2 ) a 201cpurchase obligation 201d is defined as an agreement to purchase goods or services that is enforceable and legally binding on us and that specifies all significant terms , including : fixed or minimum quantities to be purchased ; fixed , minimum , or variable price provisions ; and the approximate timing of the transaction . these amounts are primarily comprised of open purchase order commitments to vendors and subcontractors pertaining to funded contracts . ( 3 ) other long-term liabilities primarily consist of total accrued workers 2019 compensation reserves , deferred compensation , and other miscellaneous liabilities , of which $ 201 million is the current portion of workers 2019 compensation liabilities . it excludes obligations for uncertain tax positions of $ 9 million , as the timing of the payments , if any , cannot be reasonably estimated . the above table excludes retirement related contributions . in 2012 , we expect to make minimum and discretionary contributions to our qualified pension plans of approximately $ 153 million and $ 65 million , respectively , exclusive of any u.s . government recoveries . we will continue to periodically evaluate whether to make additional discretionary contributions . in 2012 , we expect to make $ 35 million in contributions for our other postretirement plans , exclusive of any . Question: what is the total of long term debt? Answer: 1859.0 Question: what is long term debt in 2012? Answer: 29.0 Question: what is the net change in value?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
equity compensation plan information the following table presents the equity securities available for issuance under our equity compensation plans as of december 31 , 2014 . equity compensation plan information plan category number of securities to be issued upon exercise of outstanding options , warrants and rights ( 1 ) weighted-average exercise price of outstanding options , warrants and rights ( 2 ) number of securities remaining available for future issuance under equity compensation plans ( excluding securities reflected in column ( a ) ) ( a ) ( b ) ( c ) equity compensation plans approved by security holders 1955024 $ 36.06 4078093 equity compensation plans not approved by security holders ( 3 ) 2014 2014 2014 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>plan category</td><td>number of securities to be issued upon exercise of outstanding options warrants and rights ( 1 ) ( a ) ( b )</td><td>weighted-average exercise price of outstanding optionswarrants and rights ( 2 )</td><td>number of securities remaining available for future issuance under equity compensation plans ( excluding securitiesreflected in column ( a ) ) ( c )</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>equity compensation plans approved by security holders</td><td>1955024</td><td>$ 36.06</td><td>4078093</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>equity compensation plans not approved by security holders ( 3 )</td><td>2014</td><td>2014</td><td>2014</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>total</td><td>1955024</td><td>$ 36.06</td><td>4078093</td></tr></table> ( 1 ) includes grants made under the huntington ingalls industries , inc . 2012 long-term incentive stock plan ( the "2012 plan" ) , which was approved by our stockholders on may 2 , 2012 , and the huntington ingalls industries , inc . 2011 long-term incentive stock plan ( the "2011 plan" ) , which was approved by the sole stockholder of hii prior to its spin-off from northrop grumman corporation . of these shares , 644321 were subject to stock options , 539742 were subject to outstanding restricted performance stock rights , and 63022 were stock rights granted under the 2011 plan . in addition , this number includes 33571 stock rights , 11046 restricted stock rights and 663322 restricted performance stock rights granted under the 2012 plan , assuming target performance achievement . ( 2 ) this is the weighted average exercise price of the 644321 outstanding stock options only . ( 3 ) there are no awards made under plans not approved by security holders . item 13 . certain relationships and related transactions , and director independence information as to certain relationships and related transactions and director independence will be incorporated herein by reference to the proxy statement for our 2015 annual meeting of stockholders to be filed within 120 days after the end of the company 2019s fiscal year . item 14 . principal accountant fees and services information as to principal accountant fees and services will be incorporated herein by reference to the proxy statement for our 2015 annual meeting of stockholders to be filed within 120 days after the end of the company 2019s fiscal year . this proof is printed at 96% ( 96 % ) of original size this line represents final trim and will not print . Question: what is the total equity approved by security holders? Answer: 6033117.0 Question: wha is the equity compensation plan approved by security holder to be issued upon exercise of outstanding options warrants and rights? Answer: 1955024.0 Question: what proportion does this represent?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.
cash flows from operations . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>in millions</td><td>fiscal year 2018</td><td>fiscal year 2017</td><td>fiscal year 2016</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>net earnings including earnings attributable to redeemable and noncontrollinginterests</td><td>$ 2163.0</td><td>$ 1701.1</td><td>$ 1736.8</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>depreciation and amortization</td><td>618.8</td><td>603.6</td><td>608.1</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>after-taxearnings from joint ventures</td><td>-84.7 ( 84.7 )</td><td>-85.0 ( 85.0 )</td><td>-88.4 ( 88.4 )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>distributions of earnings from joint ventures</td><td>113.2</td><td>75.6</td><td>75.1</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>stock-based compensation</td><td>77.0</td><td>95.7</td><td>89.8</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>deferred income taxes</td><td>-504.3 ( 504.3 )</td><td>183.9</td><td>120.6</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>pension and other postretirement benefit plan contributions</td><td>-31.8 ( 31.8 )</td><td>-45.4 ( 45.4 )</td><td>-47.8 ( 47.8 )</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>pension and other postretirement benefit plan costs</td><td>4.6</td><td>35.7</td><td>118.1</td></tr><tr><td>10</td><td>divestitures loss ( gain )</td><td>-</td><td>13.5</td><td>-148.2 ( 148.2 )</td></tr><tr><td>11</td><td>restructuring impairment and other exit costs</td><td>126.0</td><td>117.0</td><td>107.2</td></tr><tr><td>12</td><td>changes in current assets and liabilities excluding the effects of acquisitions anddivestitures</td><td>542.1</td><td>-194.2 ( 194.2 )</td><td>298.5</td></tr><tr><td>13</td><td>other net</td><td>-182.9 ( 182.9 )</td><td>-86.3 ( 86.3 )</td><td>-105.6 ( 105.6 )</td></tr><tr><td>14</td><td>net cash provided by operating activities</td><td>$ 2841.0</td><td>$ 2415.2</td><td>$ 2764.2</td></tr></table> in fiscal 2018 , cash provided by operations was $ 2.8 billion compared to $ 2.4 billion in fiscal 2017 . the $ 426 million increase was primarily driven by the $ 462 million increase in net earnings and the $ 736 million change in current assets and liabilities , partially offset by a $ 688 million change in deferred income taxes . the change in deferred income taxes was primarily related to the $ 638 million provisional benefit from revaluing our net u.s . deferred tax liabilities to reflect the new u.s . corporate tax rate as a result of the tcja . the $ 736 million change in current assets and liabilities was primarily due to changes in accounts payable of $ 476 million related to the extension of payment terms and timing of payments , and $ 264 million of changes in other current liabilities primarily driven by changes in income taxes payable , trade and advertising accruals , and incentive accruals . we strive to grow core working capital at or below the rate of growth in our net sales . for fiscal 2018 , core working capital decreased 27 percent , compared to a net sales increase of 1 percent . in fiscal 2017 , core working capital increased 9 percent , compared to a net sales decline of 6 percent , and in fiscal 2016 , core working capital decreased 41 percent , compared to net sales decline of 6 percent . in fiscal 2017 , our operations generated $ 2.4 billion of cash , compared to $ 2.8 billion in fiscal 2016 . the $ 349 million decrease was primarily driven by a $ 493 million change in current assets and liabilities . the $ 493 million change in current assets and liabilities was primarily due to changes in other current liabilities driven by changes in income taxes payable , a decrease in incentive accruals , and changes in trade and advertising accruals due to reduced spending . the change in current assets and liabilities was also impacted by the timing of accounts payable . additionally , we recorded a $ 14 million loss on a divestiture during fiscal 2017 , compared to a $ 148 million net gain on divestitures during fiscal 2016 , and classified the related cash flows as investing activities. . Question: what was the total cash provided by operations in 2018, in billions? Answer: 2.8 Question: and what was it in 2017, also in billions? Answer: 2.4 Question: what was, then, in billions, the change in cash provided by operations over the year? Answer: 0.4 Question: what was the total cash provided by operations in 2017, in billions? Answer: 2.4 Question: and how much does that change represent, in percentage, in relation to this 2017 total?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.