stringlengths 1
| readmes
stringlengths 8
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stringlengths 0
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stringclasses 6
values |
3DPCDL | 3d point clouds correspondences using deep learning img src images img jpeg width 120 logo images upc etsetb jpg javier de la rica https github com jdelarica delaricajavier gmail com using a fully connected artificial neural network in order to binarly classify correspondences between two different three dimensional point clouds motivation abstract p the current project arises from the motivation of studying the tools of neural networks along with the application of the knowledge acquired during the courses in the degree in a work that brings together the training of neural networks using three dimensional point clouds in the work a system has been created which from a previous database computes a larger dataset making use of the information obtained from each of the point clouds key points the objective of the project is to find correspondences between points from two three dimensional point clouds using neural networks training on the one hand as mentioned the database of three dimensional point clouds of the same scene has been generated from different points of view with ground truth which later is used to compare patches of all the point clouds in order to find correspondences between them on the other hand a neural network is generated to be trained with the previously computed database as input and observe the behavior of the comparison of point clouds given the key points mentioned above all in all the main objective of the project is the study of the behavior of neural networks in a specific case for a possible application of augmented reality ar therefore the present work is a good basis for a possible alternative work capable of generating an augmented reality application in which three dimensional objects are inserted into two dimensional images 3dpcdl architecture data database py database prepare py ply2shelf py network datasets py networks py test py train py research find neighbors m plot sphere m results tests 512 100 50 1 tests 512 120 84 1 v1 tests 512 120 84 1 v2 sgd lr0 0001 mom0 0 wd0 0 color best txt best accuracy obtained for this network architecture net pkl train py train tct train accu png train loss png built with python https www python org br pycharm https www jetbrains com pycharm br pytorch https pytorch org br tensorflow https www tensorflow org br image processing group upc https imatge upc edu web | cloud |
real-time-monitoring-of-active-landslides | real time monitoring of active landslides this is a web app and database developed as part of a masters engineering project at the university of strathclyde this should be active at em501 landslide monitoring azurewebsites net as of 22 4 22 the app is written in python flask and it manages a data stream from a landslide monitoring device at the rest and be thankful landslide this data is formatted and stored in a mongo database the app also allows a user to view and download the data and creates live plots of the newest data also included is the code running on the raspberry pi of the remote monitoring device this includes startup py which checks if the pi is connected to the internet a sensing script sense py which reads from an adc and an upload script upload tryexcept py which sends this to the webapp these scripts should be run from boot with startup py first and then sense py and upload tryexcept py run when startup py has finished sense py and upload tryexcept py are designed to run simultaneously with one recording and one sending respectively requirements are included for both the webapp and the raspberry pi for the pi some requirements are not available via pip install and will need to be downloaded manually see raspberry pi code requirements txt for details licensing feel free to use any of the code for any purpose as described by the gnu general public license v3 0 | javascript python azure azure-cosmos-db azure-webapp bulma bulma-css bulma-css-framework flask flask-application html mongodb | server |
TDAmeritradeAPI | tdameritradeapi a front end shared library with c c python and java interfaces for the recently expanded tdameritrade api it provides object oriented access to the simple https json interface using libcurl https curl haxx se libcurl and to the streaming interface using uwebsockets https github com unetworking uwebsockets after setting up a tdameritrade developer account https developer tdameritrade com you should be able to gain access to the api by following the instructions in the authentication section below the library is designed to abstract away many of the lower level details of accessing the api while still providing almost complete control over authentication access data handling and order execution provides a collection of api calls and stand alone tools for custom authentication management does not completely parse returned data allowing users to handle it as they see fit c interface returns json https github com nlohmann json objects c interface populates char buffers w un parsed json strings python interface returns builtin objects list dict etc via json loads java interface returns org json https stleary github io json java objects exposes a stable c abi to support a portable c interface and bindings for other languages if you re interested in contributing or would like to write bindings for a currently unsupported language please communicate your intentions first communicating w 3rd party servers accessing financial accounts and automating trade execution are all operations that present risk and require responsibility by using this software you agree that you understand and accept these risks and responsibilities you accept sole responsibility for the results of said use you completely absolve the author of any damages financial or otherwise incurred personally or by 3rd parties directly or indirectly by using this software even those resulting from the gross negligence of the author all communication with tdameritrade servers access of accounts and execution of orders must adhere to their policies and terms of service and is your repsonsibility and yours alone index dependencies dependencies updates updates status status structure structure getting started getting started build dependencies build dependencies build library build library precompiled precompiled install install use use c c cc python3 python3 java java scala sbt scalasbt conventions conventions errors exceptions errors exceptions authentication authentication streamlined approach streamlined approach manual approach manual approache credentials credentials access access get get streaming streaming execute execute utilities utilities dynamicdatastore dynamicdatastore optionsymbols optionsymbols licensing warranty licensing warranty br dependencies this project would not be possible without some of the great open source projects listed below libcurl https curl haxx se libcurl client side c library supporting a ton of transfer protocols openssl https www openssl org c library for tls ssl and crypto zlib https zlib net compression library libuv https libuv org cross platform asynchronous i o uwebsockets https github com unetworking uwebsockets a simple and efficient c websocket library the source is included compiled and archived with our library to limit dependency issues nlohmann json https github com nlohmann json an extensive c json library that only requires adding a single header file jna https github com java native access jna java native access org json https github com stleary json java reference implementation of a java json package cefpython3 https github com cztomczak cefpython python bindings for the chromium embedded framework updates remove symbology conversions from streaming session to fix bug with decimal strike option symbols new single makefile build for unix linux mac in release2 fix account id bug in streamer allow for optional account transfer timeouts for getters account activity subscription to streaming session update ordersgetter to return all status types by default httpsharedconnection allows multiple getter instances to share a single connection by default streaming session calls back with a heartbeat every 10 seconds java bindings get and streaming interfaces credential builder py streamlined approach to authentication and credential building dynamicdatastore dynamicdatastore module that abstracts away data retrieval providing a simple bar based interface mac build see below raw subscriptions for complete control over accessing the streaming interface add view unsubs commands for streaming interface status get interface streaming interface execute interface c working working orderticket builders send cancel c working working orderticket builders send cancel python working working orderticket builders send cancel java working working comming soon note working does not necessarily mean stable note execute interface has undergone very little testing structure client python java etc client c client c extension layer c lib interface e g ctypes py jna c proxy layer binary compatible c interface non binary compatible c interface to tdameritradeapi there are certain binary compatibility issues when exporting c code accross compilations from name mangling differing runtimes changes to stl implementations etc although we attempt to limit these issues with an abi layer and proxy objects it s recommended to compile client code and the library using the same compiler settings and link to the same libraries getting started it s recommended you build from source if not comfortable with this or you just want to use the python or java interface it may be easier to use a precompiled linux windows library precompiled to more easily support different platforms bindings and use cases while the library is in development we don t use a unified build system the current approach 1 build dependencies 2 build library 3 install dependencies and library 4 link to or load the library we are currently in the process of converting to a manually generated makefile project if you would like to contribute or simply test on non linux systems please send an email or file an issue build dependencies unix linux if using a package manager like apt install the libcurl libssl and zlib dev packages sudo apt get install libcurl4 openssl dev libssl dev zlib1g dev alternatively you can download them manually via github git clone https github com openssl openssl git git clone https github com curl curl git git clone https github com madler zlib git or the individual project sites openssl https www openssl org source libcurl https curl haxx se download html zlib https zlib net mac you ll need the same libraries as the unix linux build and libuv https github com libuv libuv brew install libuv windows compiled dependencies 32 and 64 bit release builds of openssl curl zlib and uv are included in the vsbuild deps libs directory if you d still like to download and build them yourselves visit the links from the sections above pay attention to the install section below build library the library is implemented in c and needs to be built accordingly it exports a c abi layer which is wrapped by header defined c calls and c calls objects allowing for access from pure c c python via ctypes py and java via jna functionimpl string c implementation code defined in lib funtion abi const char c abi code defined in lib and exported lib boundary headers ifdef cplusplus function string c wrapper defined in header else function const char c wrapper defined in header endif function foo client c c ctypes cdll function abi foo ctypes py access to library jna library function abi foo jna access to library compilers need to support c 11 by default exceptions are caught inside the library exported as error codes and for c reconstituted rethrown on the client side of the abi define allow exceptions across abi to allow exceptions to be thrown directly from the library be sure there s binary compatibility between your code and the library on windows you ll need to compile your code with the ehs switch to allow exceptions from extern c functions define debug verbose 1 to send verbose logging debug info to stdout debug builds do this automatically unix linux mac new currently transitioning to a single makefile build that can be run from the release2 subdirectory if you have a problem w this please file an issue there are a few references to the the release directory that may need to be manually changed to release2 until the two build approaches are fully merged e g test python test py looks for release user host dev tdameritradeapi release2 make all unix linux mac old the eclipse cdt generated makefiles are in the debug and release subdirectories for mac you need to manually add luv to objects mk libs lssl lcrypto lz lcurl lpthread lutil ldl luv user host dev tdameritradeapi release make all windows the build solution provided was created in visualstudio2019 using toolset v142 1 open vsbuild vsbuild sln in visualstudio 2 important select an x64 or win32 release build configuration build configuration manager active solution configuration release if you want a debug configuration you ll have to edit the additional library directories in properties linker general for the tdameritradeapi project so it looks for release builds of the dependencies in the path strings change configuration to release 3 build build solution if sucessful the library and dependencies will be in vsbuild x64 or vsbuild win32 files you should have tdameritradeapi dll libcurl dll libssl version arch dll libcrypto version arch dll libuv dll zlibwapi dll precompiled some precompiled versions of the library are provided for convenience you ll still need to build build dependencies and or install install the dependencies for practical reasons these binaries will not be re compiled with each commit so you may be using a stale library see bin build notes txt for which commit they are built from bin os architecture toolchain bin debian 4 19 i686 gcc bin debian 4 19 x86 64 gcc bin win x64 mscv bin win x86 msvc the linux elf binaries may or may not work on your particular system distro but building the library from source unix like 1 is pretty straight forward the windows pe binaries are built using visualstudio2017 and statically linked against the runtime libraries to limit dependency issues install once built you need to make sure the tdameritradeapi library and dependencies are in a location the linker can find unix linux if dependencies were built installed using a package manager they should be in the correct location already to make libtdameritradeapi so available to your program move it to a directory already in the search path e g usr local lib or add the directory http howtolamp com articles adding shared libraries to system library path to the system library path or link your code with the appropriate flags l path to lib wl rpath path to lib or add its path to the ld library path environment variable or move the file to the location of the binary that will link to it windows since all the dependencies are included or built manually you ll need to manage them and tdameritradeapi dll move them to the systems folder c windows system32 or link your code with the appropriate flags use link settings in visualstudio or add their folder s to your path variable or move the files to the location of the binary that will link to it the simplest approach for supporting all language bindings generally is to put tdameritrade dll and its dependencies libcurl dll etc in a single folder then add that folder location to your path controlpanel system advanced system settings advanced tab environmental variables select path edit append c my library path to string in variable ok log out and in again use the sections below outline basic steps for loading and using the library c c 1 include headers tdma api get h for the https get interface tdma api streaming h for the streaming interface tdma api execute h for the execute interface headers source use relative include links don t change the directory structure 2 add library api calls to your code c uses namespace tdma 3 compile 4 link your code with the tdameritradeapi library 5 run python3 1 be sure to have built installed the dependencies and shared library above 2 be sure the library build 32 vs 64 bit matches the python build 3 user host dev tdameritradeapi python python setup py install if your python links to python2 run python3 setup py install instead depending on how where you ve installed python you may need elevated privileges e g sudo admin to write to the python directory some packages may not include distutils if you get a modulenotfounderror you ll need to install e g apt get install python3 distutils 4 optional setup the package to load the c c shared lib automatically by using one of the options in the install section https github com jeog tdameritradeapi install moving the library and un installed dependencies to the location of python executable 5 import the package or module s import tdma api or from tdma api import auth authorization methods and objects from tdma api import get getter objects and utilities from tdma api import stream streaming class and subscriptions from tdma api import execute order objects builders and execution calls the python package will try to load the library automatically see 4 above if it can t it will output an error message on package import the most common issue is the library not being installed in the default library search path move the lib see install install or load it manually tdma api clib init path to lib so if you get an error message concerning the dependencies you ll need to move them to a location the dynamic linker can find see install install java 1 be sure to have built installed the dependencies and shared library above 2 be sure you re working with java 8 or higher major version 52 or higher 3 be sure the library build 32 vs 64 bit matches the jre java version will mention 64 bit 4 optional setup tdameritradeapi jar to load the c c shared lib automatically by using one of the options in the install section https github com jeog tdameritradeapi install bundling the shared lib with tdameritradeapi jar in the appropriately named folder e g linux x86 64 tdameritradeapi so 5 add library api calls to your code if not done automatically in step 4 pass the path of the c c shared lib to tdameritradeapi tdameritradeapi init string path attempts to access the library before init path is successful will throw tdameritradeapi librarynotloaded io github jeog tdameritradeapi high level package io github jeog tdameritrade get getter objects and utilities package still in development io github jeog tdameritrade stream streaming class and subscriptions package io github jeog tdameritrade execute execution interface package coming soon 6 add java json jar java jna jar and java tdameritradeapi jar to your classpath and compile windows javac cp java tdameritradeapi jar java json jar java jna jar yourcode java unix javac cp java tdameritradeapi jar java json jar java jna jar yourcode java 7 run windows java cp java tdameritradeapi jar java json jar java jna jar yourcode unix java cp java tdameritradeapi jar java json jar java jna jar yourcode an example using test java test java on linux uses wildcards and assumes a shared lib in release user host dev tdameritradeapi test java javac cp java test java user host dev tdameritradeapi test java java cp java test release libtdameritradeapi so scala sbt 1 see steps 1 5 in the use java section use java 2 add java json jar java jna jar and java tdameritradeapi jar to the lib folder in the root directory 3 sbt run conventions all front end c library code is in namespace tdma only symbol strings are converted to upper case by the library e g spy spy this library generally ignores character encoding issues uses 1 byte wide characters char std string etc assumes utf 8 encoded string data is returned from server c python is handled by ctypes py currently decimal values are represented with double type and passed to the api as a string with four decimal places of fixed precision this shouldn t be an issue for the current nature of access but keep in mind numbers requiring more precision than 4 decimal points will be passed to the api incorrectly very large floating point numbers can lose accuracy rounding behavior is the default used by stringstream with std fixed and std setprecision 4 enums are defined for both c and c code using macros python mimics these enums by defining constant values for example decl c cpp tdma enum admincommandtype 0 2 build c cpp tdma enum name admincommandtype login build c cpp tdma enum name admincommandtype logout build c cpp tdma enum name admincommandtype qos indicates values from index 0 login to 2 qos are valid to pass to the api the macros expand to c enum class admincommandtype int login logout qos c enum admincommandtype admincommandtype login admincommandtype logout admincommandtype qos in python they would look like admin command type login 0 admin command type logout 1 admin command type qos 2 java defines them inside the relevant classes e g public class streamingsession public enum commandtype implements clib convertibleenum subs 0 unsubs 1 add 2 view 3 c methods return values objects and throw exceptions c functions populate pointers buffers and return error codes most buffers require the client to free the underlying memory using the appropriate library calls freebuffer char buf freebuffers char bufers size t n freefieldsbuffer int fields freeorderlegbuffer orderleg c legs freeorderticketbuffer orderticket c orders all buffers are accompanied w a size t arg to be filled w the size of the populated buffer buffers of type char return the size of the string 1 for the null term arrays passed by caller have to pass a size t value of the number of elements only abi functions those ending in abi are directly exported from the library the c interface calls and c calls classes wrap these as header defined statics inlines errors exceptions all exceptional error states from the c interface will cause exceptions to be thrown if allow exceptions across abi is not defined default behavior exceptions will be caught at the library boundary converted to error codes and reconstituted rethrown from the client side exceptions defined by the libaray will contain the line number source file name and corresponding error codes upon being reconstituted rethrown this information will be appended to the string returned by the exception s what method exceptions inheriting from std exception and not defined by the library will be reconstituted rethrown as tdma stdexception objects without additional line number and filename info anything else thrown be will be reconstituted rethrown as a tdma unknownexception object library exceptions apiexcetion base class and generic exceptions localcredentialexception an issue creating loading storing using credentials valueexception bad invalid argument to a function or constructor checked locally typeexception type inconsistency of a proxy object memoryerror error allocating memory within the abi layer connectexception general error connecting communicating with the server authenticationexception error authenticating with the server invalidrequest user made an invalid malformed request to the server servererror server has returned some type of error status streamingexception general error connecting communicating via streamingsession exectuteexception general error building managing executing orders stdexception non library exception derived from std exception thrown from the library unknownexception indicates something unexpected was thrown from the library 3rd party exceptions json exception base class for exceptions from the json library review the documentation for the derived classes if allow exceptions across abi is not defined default behavior this will be rethrown as stdexception org json jsonexcepetion exceptions from the org json java library the c interface has corresponding error codes define tdma api error 1 define tdma api cred error 2 define tdma api value error 3 define tdma api type error 4 define tdma api memory error 5 define tdma api connect error 101 define tdma api auth error 102 define tdma api request error 103 define tdma api server error 104 define tdma api stream error 201 define tdma api execute error 301 define tdma api std exception 501 define tdma api unknown exception 1001 the python interface throws tdma api clib librarynotloaded and tdma api clib clibexception w the error code name and message returned from the library the java interface throws unchecked exception tdameritradeapi librarynotloaded and checked exception tdameritradeapi clibexception w the error code name and message returned from the library lasterrormsg lasterrorcode lasterrorlinenumber and lasterrorfilename can be used to get the last error message code line number and filename respectively this error state is only set by errors exceptions from within the library not errors exceptions from code defined in the headers authentication authentication is done through oauth2 the user logs in to grant access to the app they created when setting up the developer account receives an access code and uses that code to request access and refresh tokens the library uses a credentials object to store and manage tokens when access tokens expire every 30 minutes the library automatically uses the refresh token and updates the credentials object when refresh tokens expire every 90 days the user has to build new credentials the library is built to throw when a credentials object is used within 24 hours of expiration but this behavior should not be relied upon credentials can be built in different ways 1 by using one of the python html tools in tools easiest see below 2 by getting an access code and passing it into the poorly named requestaccesstoken api call see below 3 by getting tokens and manually constructing the object not recommended a typical user will set up a developer account https developer tdameritrade com user register with certain fields redirect uri of the localhost https 127 0 0 1 important redirect uri fields passed to the api and related tools need to match exactly what you set here e g http and https will conflict client id appears to have changed to consumer key and is now auto generated important you still need to append amer oauthap to your consumer key when the library asks for the client id e g if you id key is abcdef12345 you will pass abcdef12345 amer oauthap if looking for more robust means of authentication set up your own server https developer tdameritrade com content web server authentication python 3 use a 3rd party solution e g auth0 https auth0 com the typical authentication credentialization flow looks like login grant access receive access code request tokens build credentials store credentials streamlined approach after you ve setup a developer account simply use tools credential builder py client id conumer key credentials path credentials password it will open up an embedded web browser to login and grant access it will then handle all the background steps and store a password protected credentials file to disk going forward until the refresh token expires in 90 days you ll simply use the api to load the credentials file on demand in order to use you ll need python and the python bindings for the chromium embedded framework pip install cefpython3 and a working tdma api python package python python setup py install that can load the underlying c library see above there are a number of custom switches use python credential builder py help to view manual approach use tools get access code html in your web browser to grant access and receive an access code if you re able to retreive an access code securely record it if not e g your browser doesn t show the popup for parsing the redirect url and returns access code undefined record the entire url returned from the grant access login redirect error page the long string in the browser address bar if you have the access code you can do one of the following use tools creds from access code py to build an encrypted credentials file directly use requestaccesstoken library call to get a credentials object when done with it use storecredentials library call to save encrypt the object see below if you don t have the access code but have the redirect url you can do one of the following use toos creds from access code py extract code from url redirect url to build an ecrypted credentials file directly use a url decoder on all the text after code and pass that string to the requestaccesstoken library call to get a credentials object when done with it use storecredentials library call to save encrypt the object see below credentials references pointers to a credentials object are passed to various objects and functions throughout the api if not using one of the python tools mentioned above you can build a credentials object by passing an access code directly to the library c credentials requestaccesstoken string code string client id string redirect uri 127 0 0 1 code the access code retrieved client id the client id used to set up the account redirect uri the redirect uri used to set up the account c inline int requestaccesstoken const char code const char client id const char redirect uri struct credentials pcreds pcreds a pointer to a credentials struct to be populated returns 0 on success error code on failure c c struct credentials char access token char refresh token long long epoch sec token expiration char client id python def auth request access token code client redirect uri https 127 0 0 1 returns credentials class throws clibexception on error python class auth credentials structure fields access token c char p refresh token c char p epoch sec token expiration c longlong client id c char p java public class auth public static credentials requestaccesstoken string code string clientid string redirecturi throws clibexception public static credentials requestaccesstoken string code string clientid throws clibexception public static class credentials public string getaccesstoken public void setaccesstoken string accesstoken throws clibexception public string getrefreshtoken public void setrefreshtoken string refreshtoken throws clibexception public long getepochsectokenexpiration public void setepochsectokenexpiration long epochsectokenexpiration throws clibexception public string getclientid public void setclientid string clientid throws clibexception when done accessing the api the credential object should be stored to disk the file will be encrypted with the password provided c void storecredentials string path string password const credentials creds path the full path of the file to store in password the password used for aes256 cbc encryption creds the credentials struct returned from requestaccesstoken c inline int storecredentials const char path const char password const struct credentials pcreds pcreds a pointer to the credentials struct to store returns 0 on success error code on failure python def auth store credentials path password creds creds the credentials instance returned from request access token throws clibexception on error java public class auth public static void storecredentials string path string password credentials creds throws clibexception in the future a new credential object can be loaded from the saved credentials file c credentials loadcredentials string path string password path the full path of the file previously stored in password the password used above c inline int loadcredentials const char path const char password struct credentials pcreds pcreds a pointer to the credentials struct to load into returns 0 on success error code on failure python def auth load credentials path password returns credentials instance throws clibexception on error java public class auth public static credentials loadcredentials string path string password throws clibexception to avoid having to manually load and save each time your code runs and risking program termination without storing the likely updated credentials use a credentialsmanager to automatically load and store on construction and destruction or the exiting of a try with resource block in java c struct credentialsmanager credentials credentials string path string password credentialsmanager string path string password credentials loadcredentials path password path path password password virtual credentialsmanager storecredentials path password credentials python context manager class auth credentialsmanager def init self path password verbose false def enter self def exit self 1 2 3 java public static class credentialsmanager implements autocloseable public credentialsmanager string path string password throws clibexception override public void close throws clibexception public credentials getcredentials return credentials public string getpath return path public void setpath string path this path path public string getpassword return password public void setpassword string password this password password just use the credentials member or the getcredentials method in java as an argument for the api calls where required keep in mind with this approach the password will be stored in memory in plain text for the life of the credentialsmanager object since the library allocates memory for the credential fields do not assign to these fields directly if for some reason you need to change them you should create a new instance and destroy the old if necessary c static inline int createcredentials const char access token const char refresh token long long epoch sec token expiration const char client id struct credentials pcreds c credentials credentials const char access token const char refresh token long long epoch sec token expiration const char client id python classmethod def auth credentials create access token refresh token epoch sec token expiration client id returns credentials instance throws clibexception on error java public class auth public static class credentials public credentials string accesstoken string refreshtoken long epochsectokenexpiration string clientid throws clibexception c code should explicitly close the credentials object to deallocate the underlying resources c python and java do this for you inline int closecredentials struct credentials pcreds access get for queries non streaming real time data and account information you ll make https get requests through getter objects that internally use libcurl and return json objects or strings please review the full documentation readme get md streaming for real time low er latency streaming data you ll establish a long lived websocket connection through the streamingsession class that will callback with json objects or strings please review the full documentation readme streaming md execute for executing trades you ll make https put post delete requests using the json from orderticket leg objects building ordertickets legs can be done manually or through static builders that help with popular order types this has undergone very limited live testing we are waiting on a mechanism from ameritrade to test execution outside of live trading please review the preliminary documentation readme execute md utilities dynamicdatastore a c module for tdameritradeapi dynamicdatastore that attempts to abstract away the details of retrieving historical and streaming data providing an indexable interface while caching historical data to disk option symbols to construct a standard option symbol that can be used with the certain getter and execution objects c inline std string buildoptionsymbol const std string underlying unsigned int month unsigned int day unsigned int year bool is call double strike c static inline int buildoptionsymbol const char underlying unsigned int month unsigned int day unsigned int year int is call double strike char buf size t n python def common build option symbol underlying month day year is call strike returns str java public class tdameritradeapi public static string buildoptionsymbol string underlying int month int day int year boolean is call double strike throws clibexception this is not guaranteed to work on all underlying types but generally buildoptionsymbol spy 1 17 2020 true 300 00 spy 011720c300 for example string spy c300 buildoptionsymbol spy 1 17 2020 true 300 00 string spy p250 buildoptionsymbol spy 1 17 2020 false 250 00 quotesgetter qg creds spy c300 spy p250 qg get if using c don t forget to call freebuffer on the populated buf when done to check if a standard option symbol string is formatted properly c inline void checkoptionsymbol const std string symbol c static inline int checkoptionsymbol const char symbol python def common check option symbol symbol java public class tdameritradeapi public static void checkoptionsymbol string symbol throws clibexception invalid symbols will throw c python java with a description of issue or return tdma api value error c c code can use lasterrormsg to get a description of the issue licensing warranty tdameritradeapi is released under the gnu general public license gpl a copy license txt should be included if not see http www gnu org licenses the author reserves the right to issue current and or future versions of tdameritradeapi under other licensing agreements any party that wishes to use tdameritradeapi in whole or in part in any way not explicitly stipulated by the gpl including but not limited to commercial use is thereby required to obtain a separate license from the author the author reserves all other rights tdameritradeapi includes 3rd party material operating under different licensing agreements which although requiring adherence do not to subsume or subordinate this agreement this software program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful but without any warranty without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose see the gnu general public license for more details by choosing to use this software program under the broadest interpretation of the term use you absolve the author of any and all responsibility for any and all damages incurred even damages resulting from the author s gross negligence damages including but not limited to those arising from the accuracy timeliness responsiveness and general operation of the aformentioned software program | cplusplus c python api-client tdameritrade-api tdameritrade ctypes websocket | front_end |
Interview-Preparation-WAY | way to improvement knowledges and experiences 200 books and materials what we expected and recommended happy to learn again and again no computer science subjects resources status 1 algorithm algorithm https github com urunov interview preparation way tree master books algorithm book 2 database database https github com urunov interview preparation way tree master books database book 3 design pattern design pattern https github com urunov interview preparation way tree master books designpattern book 4 java java https github com urunov interview preparation way tree master books java book 5 ocp ocp https github com urunov interview preparation way tree master books ocp book 6 operation system operation system https github com urunov interview preparation way tree master books operationsystem book 7 spring spring https github com urunov interview preparation way tree master books spring book 8 system design system design https github com urunov interview preparation way tree master books systemdesign book 9 dev ops dev https github com urunov interview preparation way tree master books dev ops book 10 interview guides interview https github com urunov interview preparation way tree master interview book | design-patterns java ocp | os |
Udagram-Image-Filtering | udagram image filtering udagram is a simple cloud application developed alongside the udacity cloud engineering nanodegree it allows users to register and log into a web client post photos to the feed and process photos using an image filtering microservice aws eb endpoint udagram image filtering dev eu west 2 elasticbeanstalk com http udagram image filtering dev eu west 2 elasticbeanstalk com test image http udagram image filtering dev eu west 2 elasticbeanstalk com filteredimage image url https timedotcom files wordpress com 2019 03 kitten report jpg screenshots gameplay screenshot deployment screenshots myscreenshot png | cloud |
db-capstone-project | db capstone project meta database engineering capstone repo from coursera | server |
pattern_classification | logo images logo png hr tutorials examples collections and everything else that falls into the categories pattern classification machine learning and data mining br br br br sections introduction to machine learning and pattern classification introduction to machine learning and pattern classification pre processing pre processing model evaluation model evaluation parameter estimation parameter estimation machine learning algorithms machine learning algorithms bayes classification bayes classification logistic regression logistic regression neural networks neural networks ensemble methods ensemble methods clustering clustering collecting data collecting data data visualization data visualization statistical pattern classification examples statistical pattern classification examples books books talks talks applications applications resources resources br br img src images supervised learning flowchart png style width 700px height 600px download a pdf version https github com rasbt pattern classification raw master pdfs supervised learning flowchart pdf of this flowchart br br br hr br introduction to machine learning and pattern classification back to top sections predictive modeling supervised machine learning and pattern classification the big picture markdown machine learning supervised intro introduction to supervised machine learning md entry point data using python s sci packages to prepare data for machine learning tasks and other data analyses ipython nb http nbviewer ipython org github rasbt pattern classification blob master machine learning scikit learn python data entry point ipynb an introduction to simple linear supervised classification using scikit learn ipython nb http nbviewer ipython org github rasbt pattern classification blob master machine learning scikit learn scikit linear classification ipynb br br br hr br pre processing back to top sections feature extraction tips and tricks for encoding categorical features in classification tasks ipython nb http nbviewer ipython org github rasbt pattern classification blob master preprocessing feature encoding ipynb scaling and normalization about feature scaling standardization and min max scaling normalization ipython nb http nbviewer ipython org github rasbt pattern classification blob master preprocessing about standardization normalization ipynb feature selection sequential feature selection algorithms ipython nb http nbviewer ipython org github rasbt pattern classification blob master dimensionality reduction feature selection sequential selection algorithms ipynb dimensionality reduction principal component analysis pca ipython nb http nbviewer ipython org github rasbt pattern classification blob master dimensionality reduction projection principal component analysis ipynb the effect of scaling and mean centering of variables prior to a pca pdf https github com rasbt pattern classification raw master dimensionality reduction projection scale center pca scale center pca pdf html http htmlpreview github io https raw githubusercontent com rasbt pattern classification master dimensionality reduction projection scale center pca scale center pca html pca based on the covariance vs correlation matrix ipython nb http nbviewer ipython org github rasbt pattern classification blob master dimensionality reduction projection pca cov cor ipynb linear discriminant analysis lda ipython nb http nbviewer ipython org github rasbt pattern classification blob master dimensionality reduction projection linear discriminant analysis ipynb kernel tricks and nonlinear dimensionality reduction via pca ipython nb http nbviewer ipython org github rasbt pattern classification blob master dimensionality reduction projection kernel pca ipynb representing text tf idf walkthrough for scikit learn ipython nb http nbviewer ipython org github rasbt pattern classification blob master machine learning scikit learn tfidf scikit learn ipynb br hr br model evaluation back to top sections an overview of general performance metrics of binary classifier systems pdf http arxiv org pdf 1410 5330 pdf cross validation streamline your cross validation workflow scikit learn s pipeline in action ipython nb http nbviewer ipython org github rasbt pattern classification blob master machine learning scikit learn scikit pipeline ipynb model evaluation model selection and algorithm selection in machine learning part i markdown evaluation model evaluation model evaluation selection part1 md model evaluation model selection and algorithm selection in machine learning part ii markdown evaluation model evaluation model evaluation selection part2 md br hr br parameter estimation back to top sections parametric techniques introduction to the maximum likelihood estimate mle ipython nb http nbviewer ipython org github rasbt pattern classification blob master parameter estimation techniques maximum likelihood estimate ipynb how to calculate maximum likelihood estimates mle for different distributions ipython nb http nbviewer ipython org github rasbt pattern classification blob master parameter estimation techniques max likelihood est distributions ipynb non parametric techniques kernel density estimation via the parzen window technique ipython nb http nbviewer ipython org github rasbt pattern classification blob master parameter estimation techniques parzen window technique ipynb the k nearest neighbor knn technique regression analysis linear regression least squares fit ipython nb http nbviewer ipython org github rasbt pattern classification blob master data fitting regression linregr least squares fit ipynb non linear regression br hr br machine learning algorithms back to top sections bayes classification naive bayes and text classification i introduction and theory pdf http arxiv org pdf 1410 5329 pdf logistic regression out of core learning and model persistence using scikit learn ipython nb http nbviewer ipython org github rasbt pattern classification blob master machine learning scikit learn outofcore modelpersistence ipynb neural networks artificial neurons and single layer neural networks how machine learning algorithms work part 1 ipython nb http nbviewer ipython org github rasbt pattern classification blob master machine learning singlelayer neural networks singlelayer neural networks ipynb activation function cheatsheet ipython nb http nbviewer ipython org github rasbt pattern classification blob master machine learning neural networks ipynb activation functions ipynb ensemble methods implementing a weighted majority rule ensemble classifier in scikit learn ipython nb http nbviewer ipython org github rasbt pattern classification blob master machine learning scikit learn ensemble classifier ipynb decision trees cheatsheet for decision tree classification ipython nb http nbviewer ipython org github rasbt pattern classification blob master machine learning decision trees decision tree cheatsheet ipynb br hr br clustering back to top sections protoype based clustering hierarchical clustering complete linkage clustering and heatmaps in python ipython nb http nbviewer ipython org github rasbt pattern classification blob master clustering hierarchical clust complete linkage ipynb density based clustering graph based clustering probabilistic based clustering br hr br collecting data back to top sections collecting fantasy soccer data with python and beautiful soup ipython nb http nbviewer ipython org github rasbt pattern classification blob master data collecting parse dreamteamfc data ipynb download your twitter timeline and turn into a word cloud using python ipython nb http nbviewer ipython org github rasbt pattern classification blob master data collecting twitter wordcloud ipynb reading mnist into numpy arrays ipython nb http nbviewer ipython org github rasbt pattern classification blob master data collecting reading mnist ipynb br hr br data visualization back to top sections exploratory analysis of the star wars api ipython nb http nbviewer ipython org github rasbt pattern classification blob master data viz swapi viz ipynb images data viz data viz swapi 1 png matplotlib examples exploratory data analysis of the iris dataset ipython nb http nbviewer ipython org github rasbt pattern classification blob master data viz matplotlib viz gallery ipynb images data viz data viz iris 1 png artificial intelligence publications per country ipython nb http nbviewer ipython org github rasbt pattern classification blob master data viz ai publication chloropleth ai publication chloropleth ipynb pdf data viz ai publication chloropleth images ai publication chloropleth small pdf data viz ai publication chloropleth images ai publication chloropleth small png br hr br statistical pattern classification examples back to top sections supervised learning parametric techniques univariate normal density ex1 2 classes equal variances equal priors ipython nb http nbviewer ipython org github rasbt pattern classification blob master stat pattern class supervised parametric 1 stat superv parametric ipynb ex2 2 classes different variances equal priors ipython nb http nbviewer ipython org github rasbt pattern classification blob master stat pattern class supervised parametric 2 stat superv parametric ipynb ex3 2 classes equal variances different priors ipython nb http nbviewer ipython org github rasbt pattern classification blob master stat pattern class supervised parametric 3 stat superv parametric ipynb ex4 2 classes different variances different priors loss function ipython nb http nbviewer ipython org github rasbt pattern classification blob master stat pattern class supervised parametric 4 stat superv parametric ipynb ex5 2 classes different variances equal priors loss function cauchy distr ipython nb http nbviewer ipython org github rasbt pattern classification blob master stat pattern class supervised parametric 5 stat superv parametric ipynb multivariate normal density ex5 2 classes different variances equal priors loss function ipython nb http nbviewer ipython org github rasbt pattern classification blob master stat pattern class supervised parametric 5 stat superv parametric ipynb ex7 2 classes equal variances equal priors ipython nb http nbviewer ipython org github rasbt pattern classification blob master stat pattern class supervised parametric 7 stat superv parametric ipynb non parametric techniques br hr br books back to top sections python machine learning a href http sebastianraschka com publications html images books pymle cover png a amazon link http www amazon com python machine learning sebastian raschka dp 1783555130 ref sr 1 2 ie utf8 qid 1437754343 sr 8 2 keywords python machine learning essentials publisher link https www packtpub com big data and business intelligence python machine learning github code repository https github com rasbt python machine learning book br hr br talks back to top sections an introduction to supervised machine learning and pattern classification the big picture a href http www slideshare net sebastianraschka nextgen talk 022015 images talks nextgentalk022015 png a view on slideshare http www slideshare net sebastianraschka nextgen talk 022015 download pdf https github com rasbt pattern classification raw master pdfs nextgentalk022015 pdf br br musicmood machine learning in automatic music mood prediction based on song lyrics a href http www slideshare net sebastianraschka musicmood 20140912 images talks musicmood20140912 png a view on slideshare http www slideshare net sebastianraschka musicmood 20140912 download pdf https github com rasbt pattern classification raw master pdfs musicmood20140912 pdf br hr br applications back to top sections musicmood machine learning in automatic music mood prediction based on song lyrics this project is about building a music recommendation system for users who want to listen to happy songs such a system can not only be used to brighten up one s mood on a rainy weekend especially in hospitals other medical clinics or public locations such as restaurants the musicmood classifier could be used to spread positive mood among people images applications musicmood 1 png musicmood github repository https github com rasbt musicmood br mlxtend a library of extension and helper modules for python s data analysis and machine learning libraries images applications mlxtend 1 png mlxtend github repository https github com rasbt mlxtend br hr br resources back to top sections copy and paste ready latex equations markdown resources latex equations md open source datasets markdown resources dataset collections md free machine learning ebooks markdown resources machine learning ebooks md terms in data science defined in less than 50 words markdown resources data glossary md useful libraries for data science in python markdown resources python data libraries md general tips and advices markdown resources general tips and advices md a matrix cheatsheat for python r julia and matlab html http sebastianraschka com articles 2014 matrix cheatsheet table html | machine-learning pattern-classification machine-learning-algorithms | ai |
NLP_ChatBot | nlp chatbot chatbot that is developed using natural language processing designed and developed an automated chatbot that is used to answer question asked by the customer used cosine similarity to compare the questions with the answer and calculates the score to provide the accurate answer technology and library used sklearn nltk numpy tkinter i1 https user images githubusercontent com 52229205 181399229 5c5e56a3 cbd4 4309 aa8b e0471ded0b74 png i2 https user images githubusercontent com 52229205 181399295 7e456da4 bbbc 40ba 979d 48e968ae90ca png i3 https user images githubusercontent com 52229205 181399313 aa5d8126 ea1e 4a22 a586 26604789d29c png i4 https user images githubusercontent com 52229205 181399322 30a377bb 8aca 4146 9f7f 60517d194645 png | ai |
mongodb-assignment | mongodb assignment to initialize assignment database run shell mongorestore d assignment assignment to export assignment database run shell mongodump d assignment o data | mongodb pymongo mongoengine database assignment | server |
Project-2-UdagramImageFilter | udagram image filtering microservice udagram is a simple cloud application developed alongside the udacity cloud engineering nanodegree it allows users to register and log into a web client post photos to the feed and process photos using an image filtering microservice the project is split into three parts 1 the simple frontend https github com udacity cloud developer tree master course 02 exercises udacity c2 frontend a basic ionic client web application which consumes the restapi backend covered in the course 2 the restapi backend https github com udacity cloud developer tree master course 02 exercises udacity c2 restapi a node express server which can be deployed to a cloud service covered in the course 3 the image filtering microservice https github com udacity cloud developer tree master course 02 project image filter starter code the final project for the course it is a node express application which runs a simple script to process images your assignment tasks setup node environment you ll need to create a new node server open a new terminal within the project directory and run 1 initialize a new project npm i 2 run the development server with npm run dev create a new endpoint in the server ts file the starter code has a task for you to complete an endpoint in src server ts which uses query parameter to download an image from a public url filter the image and return the result we ve included a few helper functions to handle some of these concepts and we re importing it for you at the top of the src server ts file typescript import filterimagefromurl deletelocalfiles from util util deploying your system follow the process described in the course to eb init a new application and eb create a new environment to deploy your image filter service don t forget you can use eb deploy to push changes elastic beanstalk deployment screenshot elasticbeanstalkdeploymentscreenshot png endpoint for running this service http project 2 udagram image filter dev ap south 1 elasticbeanstalk com endpoint to run todo api http project 2 udagram image filter dev ap south 1 elasticbeanstalk com filteredimage image url https upload wikimedia org wikipedia commons b bd golden tabby and white kitten n01 jpg http project 2 udagram image filter dev ap south 1 elasticbeanstalk com filteredimage image url http hd wallpaperswide com thumbs green nature t2 jpg stand out optional refactor the course restapi if you re feeling up to it refactor the course restapi to make a request to your newly provisioned image server authentication prevent requests without valid authentication headers note if you choose to submit this make sure to add the token to the postman collection and export the postman collection file to your submission so we can review custom domain name add your own domain name and have it point to the running services try adding a subdomain name to point to the processing server note domain names are not included in aws free tier and will incur a cost | cloud |
system-test | system test sureify front end system test general instructions 1 the following section contains a detailed text on what you need to do as part of this system test 2 read each section carefully do not skip any section as part of details we have given the acceptance criteria as well 3 if at any point you feel like the requirement is not clear call one of us and let us know your concern try not to speculate each of us think differently 4 ideally we will receive notifications when you raise a pr and assign us as code reviewers but if you feel we haven t acknowledged it call one of us us and let us know 5 please note we scan all the prs carefully if we find your code to be same as any other pr we will reject your application and you will be prohibited from participating in any future opprotunities we take plagiarism very seriously code submission 1 fork this repository see the fork icon on the top right corner of this page 2 add regular commits and regular pushes to your forked repository 3 all the requirements i e among all the must haves and any extra features added must be mentioned in your readme md file other wise your pull request will not be reviewed accepted 3 once you are done raise a pull request against codes branch and assign following people as code reviewers jayendrasharan wasib sureify guttinasaibabu vijjuworld a todo app the goal of this test to see how you tackle the following 1 coding standard 2 your approach on modularity of the application 3 problem solving approach 4 use and justification of use of standard libraries 5 decision making what we expect you to do you have to build a simple todo application with certain features listed in the following sections while we do not require you to build a fancy user interface we expect you should come up with a decent and standard design as a modern front end developer we never liked the default html button or the input fields isn t it a todo application helps you to keep track of your tasks that you want to complete on any given day time please let us know if you need any further explanation on this structure of a task here is a sample and minimal structure of a task that we would like you to keep field name description ui element validations if any allow sort allow search allow group by currentstate state of the task open or done none by default all tasks will be set to open hint use boolean yes no no title one line summary of a task text input max length 140 chars min length 10 chars accept all yes yes no description detail of the task textarea max length 500 chars min length 10 chars accept all no yes no createdat timestamp when the task is created none should be auto filled based on current timestamp yes no yes duedate target completion date and time datepicker time is optional yes no yes priority priority of the tasks dropdown none low medium high yes no yes the design of the page consider this to be a starting point feel free to make any enhancement in the given design however if we feel the choice you made is a downgrade in the existing design you should justify it we are suggesting this design and we consider it suits the time period you have been given components on the page 1 add a task button a composer button which we usually see at the bottom right corner of any application the text of the button should be a plus symbol for reference see the gmail app 2 adding a task add task form clicking on the button should open a modal a modal will have above mentioned fields use the following rough design for displaying the form inside the modal summary description priority none default low medium high due date datepicker cancel save 3 action buttons of the form like all modals this will have two buttons i save task ii cancel 4 actions 1 save task when a user clicks on save button the ui should indicate that the api call is in progress 2 cancel all the changes done by the user in the form should be discarded 5 tabs the page should contain 3 tabs 1 all tasks this tab will contain all the tasks 2 completed this tab will contain only completed tasks 3 pending this tab will contain only pending tasks 6 list view of the tasks the content of each tab will be a list of tasks with following columns summary priority created on due date actions note the description is not displayed in this list view 7 actions icons for edit delete and close open the task see later sections for the description of these actions 8 global search preferably on the top left corner of the page a text box to allow users to search within the page 9 group by dropdown a dropdown to allow the current tab s list to be grouped by selected item must haves i 1 how to add a task to add a task click on the button present at the bottom right corner of the application a modal will open with add task form 2 what happens when a user adds a task by default the task should be treated as an open task this task should be added at the top of the list in both all tasks and pending tasks tabs 3 how to view the detail of a task click on the task row the modal should open read only view of add task form with all fields filled in it note the add form will not contain all fields for example created on currentstate i e pending or open but the view mode will contain such details make sure to add those detail in view mode 4 how to edit a task to edit a task click on the edit icon available in the actions column of a row when a user clicks on the edit icon a modal will open with add task form the values of the current task will be prefilled in the form note unlike add on editing the position of the task in the list should not change 5 how to delete a task to delete a task click on the delete icon available in the actions column of a row when a user clicks on the delete icon a modal will open with the task summary the modal will also contain a question for the user do you want to delete this task with yes and no action buttons the action buttons are self explanatory check with us if you need any help on this 6 how to mark a task as completed click the done button available in the actions column 7 what happens when a user marks a task as done 1 in the all tasks lists the style of the task should change e g make the background green or put a strikethrough in the row 2 the done button should change to re open in the actions column 3 a copy of task should be moved to completed tab 8 how to mark a task as pending click the re open button available in the actions column 9 what happens when a user reopen a task this is the exact opposite of marking a task as done 1 in all tasks list the style of tasks should become normal 2 the re open button should change to done button 3 the task from completed tab should be moved to pending must haves ii sorting if a column is sortable see the structure configuration clicking on the column header should sort the list based on that column if you are considering asc as default the first click should sort the list in ascending order if the user clicks on the column header again the order should become descending subsequent clicks on column header should alternate the sorting order searching if a user starts to type in the global search text input perform a search on the page with the given keyword while performing search consider the allow search key specified in the configuration the search should be case insensitive highlighting when there is a match display the matched section of the text mark highlighted mark group by the dropdown will contain list of attributes for which allow group by has the value yes as per above mentioned structure the group by drop down should contain none created on pending on priority sample if the user selects priority from the dropdown the list should become like the following summary priority created on due date actions high task summary 1 high 12 07 2019 12 09 2019 edit delete done task summary 2 high 12 07 2019 12 09 2019 edit delete done medium task summary 3 medium 12 07 2019 12 09 2019 edit delete done task summary 4 medium 12 07 2019 12 09 2019 edit delete done none task summary 5 none 12 07 2019 12 09 2019 edit delete done task summary 6 none 12 07 2019 12 09 2019 edit delete done give us a shout if you need any further clarification on this note sorting searching highlight and group by all these filters should persist when user changes the tab for example if the user has sorted the list on priority in asc order in completed tab changing to all tasks tab should maintain the order must haves iii 1 if you are implementing your own modals make sure we can close it by pressing escape key 2 add a short cut for focusing user on global search for example if user presses shift ctrl f focus on global search input text field 3 bulk action add checkbox in front of each row select multiple rows and perform bulk actions like delete and mark as done mark as pending or any other applicable action who are we looking for we are looking for someone who can join our front end team and get started in no time the more you showcase your knowledge on react js and its ecosystem the happier we will feel about you have you used react hooks in your applications yet if no don t worry about it if yes give it a try today we will be glad to see it but again if you are not aware of it we like the class based components the same while we wouldn t mind if you include bootstrap or any other library for creating ui elements like button input textarea etc we would really want you to build your own components like tabs list modal etc first impression is the last impression it might not be true but the first page we see when we run your application will tell a lot of things about the application so please give some time to it and add all the required components on the page see the list mentioned in previous sections first try to create the bare minimum concentrate on must haves i then go on to pick and complete items listed in the next section must haves ii think dynamic low or no hardcode we can and will go and update the values of the attributes listed in the structure in the page 1 you should save these configuration somewhere in your source code so if we mark priority group by false the dropdown for the group by should not list priority as an option similar behaviour will be expected for other configuration items like allow search allow sort etc hint create a config file to store the configuration provided in the first section and refer to it while making a decision on searching sorting etc we would want you to use redux and possibly showcase the knowledge of middlewares you have even though we are not asking you to integrate any api calls consider the crud operations to be asynchronous actions use a redux middleware of your choice redux thunk redux saga redux observables and so on hint use settimeout in your action creators to simulate the side effect and asynchronous behaviour see an example here simulate async actions using settimeout https gist github com jayendrasharan 981f2931dd52836fd92b960e736c05bf file simulate async js l16 earn extra points 1 use of a rich text editor library of your preference for adding description of the tasks 2 use the confirm before save functionality we understand that showing a modal after modal will become clumsy and this could lead to a lot of complications but if at all you are considering this feature use native javascript confirm pop up 3 consider the case when a user is not sure about her changes so she made changes then reverted it changed priority then again moved it to the old one then if she clicks the save button do we need to update this data add a logic to identify this if the data of a task has not changed on clicking the save button do not make the api call in short make the api call only if the data of a task has changed | front_end |
hybrid-base-cordova-vue-webpack | hybrid base cordova vue webpack hybrid mobile app development platform cordova vue js webpack jest nightwatch see medium post https medium com f1lt3r make hybrid platform cordova vue webpack 2fb7031c4f9b for more details | front_end |
ef.js | ef js github license https img shields io badge license mit blue svg style flat square https raw githubusercontent com classicoldsong ef js master license npm https img shields io npm dt ef js svg style flat square https www npmjs com package ef js release packages https github com theneuronproject ef js actions workflows release yml badge svg https github com theneuronproject ef js actions workflows release yml fossa status https app fossa io api projects git 2bhttps 3a 2f 2fgithub com 2ftheneuronproject 2fef js svg type shield https app fossa io projects git 2bhttps 3a 2f 2fgithub com 2ftheneuronproject 2fef js ref badge shield img align right width 95 height 95 title logo of ef src https user images githubusercontent com 10512422 39509793 19724b72 4e1a 11e8 8abc 231e48641242 png maybe an elegant html template engine basic framework ef js is a static template framework for browsers with which you can write your ui without concerning about the logic or writing logic without concerning about the ui ef js also provides a simple template engine which helps you create component modules with data binding at ease but you can also use your favourite template engine which is compatible with ef js s ast ef js is well compatible with webcomponents https www webcomponents org and is probably the only existing front end framework that handles xml namespaces properly official website wip https ef js org sponsors and backers see here https github com theneuronproject backers blob main readme md demo todomvc https classicoldsong github io todomvc efjs repo https github com classicoldsong todomvc efjs dbmon https classicoldsong github io js repaint perfs ef opt html repo https github com classicoldsong js repaint perfs the official website https github com classicoldsong ef js org is also written with ef js playground stackblitz https stackblitz com edit ef playground file src 2fmain js related projects ef core https github com theneuronproject ef core core of ef js without parser neonclear https neon atm re an ef js based progressive ui framework wip bplayer ef https bplayer ef ccoooss com the ef js based web audio player eft parser https github com theneuronproject eft parser parser for eft templates rollup plugin eft https github com classicoldsong rollup plugin eft import ef and eft templates directly from your code taking the advantage of ef js into your project with zero configuration sublimeefmlhighlighter https github com classicoldsong sublimeefmlhighlighter efml syntax highlighter for sublimetext3 vscodeefmlhighlighter https marketplace visualstudio com items itemname classicoldsong efml efml syntax highlighter for vscode atomefmlhighlighter https atom io packages efml efml syntax highlighter for atom prismefmlsyntax https github com classicoldsong prismefmlsyntax efml syntax for prism http prismjs com community projects efml vim https github com deluxghost efml vim by deluxghost https github com deluxghost efml ef eft syntax highlighting for vim kefjs https github com cubesky kefjs by cubesky https github com cubesky a kotlin js wrapper for ef js parcel plugin eft https github com oott123 parcel plugin eft by oott123 https github com oott123 add ef js template support for parcel bundler xml2efml https github com tcdw xml2efml by tcdw https github com tcdw convert xml html snippets to efml ef language service https github com jack works ef language service by jack works https github com jack works efml language service currently for vscode implementation in other languages ef qt https github com theneuronproject ef qt writing qt applications using the concept of ef cdn cdnjs https cdnjs com libraries ef js jsdelivr https cdn jsdelivr net npm ef js dist ef min js unpkg https unpkg com ef js for dev versions cdnjs https cdnjs com libraries ef js jsdelivr https cdn jsdelivr net npm ef js dist ef dev js unpkg https unpkg com ef js dist ef dev js usage javascript import create onnextrender inform exec bundle setparser parseeft t version from ef js or you can use import as ef from ef js version version string of ef js setparser someparser change the default parser for ef js so you can use a different type of template parseeft your awesome template get ef js ast using default parser const templatestring your awesome template const ast ast which supported by ef const data data binding data methods binding methods const template1 create template const template2 create ast const template3 t component1 component2 your awesome template const component1 new template1 create a component without data const component2 new template2 data create a component and then updates it s data const component3 new template3 data component1 component2 use component1 and component2 as custom components in template3 onnextrender callback cache operations to execute on next render inform tell ef to cache operations use with care exec tell ef to execute all cached operations use with care exec true force execute cached operations use with care bundle callback wrapper for inform and exec component1 data something something new update the binding data something component2 methods somemethod e value state state data something something new console log event target e target console log value passed value update binding method const logdata val console log subscribed data updated val component1 subscribe info data logdata observe a value component1 unsubscribe info data logdata stop observing a value component1 update data update the whole component state component1 refs get all referenced nodes component1 mountingpoint component2 mount component2 to mountingpoint on component1 component1 mountingpoint null detach the mounted component component1 listmp push componet2 mount component2 to list listmp mounting point on component1 component1 mount mount method called by ef when trying to mount component1 umount unmount from parent component1 destroy destroy the component when not needed for more memory ef js template language efml format efml is a completely logic free template language just like html there you can do nothing about logic but efml provides a easy starting point for data binding and events handling also efml is the first language that can be parsed into the ast which ef supports note efml is very strict to indents wrong indents could lead to a parsing error here is an example efml lines not start with are comments for example this line is a comment the escape character of efml is for prevention of conflicts with js escapes lines starting with stand for a new tag for example a div tag can be written as div following a tag definition is the short hand for writing class names for example div my class name would be rendered as div class my class name class names can have mustaches mixed together div my dynamic class name would be rendered as div class my class name when instance data dynamic is empty div class my dynamic class name when instance data dynamic is dynamic at the end of a tag definition means the reference name for this element for example div mydiv this div tag is now accessable form instance refs mydiv new lines with exactly one indent after a tag definition are all things that belong to the defined tag for example div attribute myattr property myprop event myeventhandler childelement lines starting with stand for attributes this means an attribute without any parameters flagattr contents without mustaches stand for static data id myid some attr some text mustaches are used for binding data class myclass the element s class name can then be set via instance data myclass some class names contents inside mustaches after stand for the default value for this binding class myclass some class name style attr style background ececec static content and mustaches can be mixed class static and mixed classes lines starting with stand for properties that can be accessed from the dom object title welcome name anotherproperty text lines starting with stand for events that triggers an event handler method click clickhandler contents after are values to be passed to the handler click updateinfo binding value and static value modifier keys now can bind with predefined aliases mousedown shift alt ctrl meta select bind to specific key code by writing the code directely keypress 13 submit use prevent for preventdefault stop for stoppropagation stopimmediate for stopimmediatepropagation use passive to make the event listener passive passive to explicitly claim a non passive listener use once to create a trigger once listener keydown 8 prevent stop stopbackspace use capture to capture an event submit capture stopimmediate submit lines starting with stand for text nodes name name njob job pre lines starting with stand for multiline text line 1 line 2 line 3 lines starting with stand for single node mounting point node1 use instance node1 anotherinstance to put another ef component right at the point lines starting with stand for multi node mounting point list1 use instance list1 push newinstances to put other ef components here for standalone eft parser see eft parser https github com classicoldsong eft parser fragments after version 0 9 0 ef js now supports fragments which requires eft parser to be v0 9 0 and above a normal template could only have one entry tag while fragment templates can have multiple even mounting points can be put at root level div a root level tag rootlevelmountingpoint p another root level tag rootlevellistmountingpoint root level text node you can use them just like normal templates behaviors are always the same also a single text node will be treated as fragments as well helpers ef js also provides some helpers for creating fragments and eftextfragments or transform almost anything into an ef component typescript creats a fragment containing given ef components non ef components will be automatically transtormed into ef components new ef fragment array any typescript creats a single textfragment which contains only the given text text on eftextfragment components can be modified with text property new ef eftextfragment string typescript converts almost anything into an ef component ef toefcomponent any attribute mapping data on ef js components are not always that easy to access so since v0 10 4 a stable version of attribute mapping helper is bundled with ef js for documents please refer to the comments https github com theneuronproject ef core blob master src lib map attrs js l50 l67 for now it would be extremely useful when using with custom components custom components ef js can handle custom components in templates since v0 10 4 demo on writing logic within ef template using custom component https codepen io classicoldsong pen zygxlyy scope scoping is not done in templates you can write your template as normal using whatever tag name you desire for your custom component like efml app eft div root mycomponent mycomponent myothercomponent then you may pass the scope in your script js import app from app eft import mycomponent from mycomponent eft import myothercomponent from myothercomponent eft const scope mycomponent myothercomponent const app new app null scope if scope is not given when initializing the component ef will treat these custom tags as normal html tags note that if you reference a custom component you ll get the component instance instead of the component s dom object js app refs root dom object app refs mycomponent ef component scoping can also be used to replace some tags like js const scope mycomponent div myothercomponent tag div is my web component mycomponent will be rendered as a normal div element while myothercomponent will be rendered as a my web component attributes attributes on custom components are mapped to component key single way efml app eft mycomponent mycomponent myattribute customattr js app data customattr lorem ipsum this will actually set app refs mycomponent myattribute properties properties on custom components are mapped to component data key single way efml app eft mycomponent mycomponent my property customproperty js app data customproperty lorem ipsum this will actually set app refs mycomponent data my property events event handling only works on custom emitted events on custom component efml app eft mycomponent mycomponent myevent handlemyevent js app refs mycomponent emit myevent this will trigger handlemyevent note that modifier keys are no longer able to present on custom emitted events so dont attach modifier key on them automatic two way binding just like what ef requires html elements to do to get custom two way binding a value or checked property should present on a custom component together with an input or keyup or change event been emitted when value has been changed when binding checked only change event should be emitted efml app eft mycomponent value value efml mycomponent eft input type text input handleinput js import mapattrs from ef js import app from app eft import mycomponent from mycomponent eft const mycomponent class extends mycomponent constructor args super args this methods handleinput state state emit input const app new app null mycomponent data value will automatically updats with what was changed in mycomponent custom two way binding custom two way binding was implemented since v0 13 0 what you need to do is simply adding an custom trigger event after your propertp definition for example efml app eft mycomponent mycomponent customprop valuechange value js app js import app from app eft const app new app app refs mycomponent emit valuechange this will trigger an automatic child to parent value sync update only binding adding a after prop path will mark this prop will not receive any value changes from javascript part which is useful when needed to get some non writable values on dom objects efml input value value this will make the input only accepts value changes that are made by user inputs sync only binding adding a after the value will not automatically create two way binding for this property efml input value value this will make the input not automatically send changes to data value while modifications made on data value will still be reflected on the input element children you can write custom components with children just like what you do with normal html elements efml mycomponent div myothercomponent mountingpoint listmountingpoint but with one requirement the custom component that handles children should have a list mounting point or an attribute named children efml mycomponent eft div my field set span legend children xml namespaces ef js now handles custom xml namespaces since v0 12 0 which allows ef js to be able to handle svg fragments easily namespace usage just like what you do in xml efml render this div tag under a given namespaceuri div xmlns http some namespace example com myns efml render these tags with given namespaceuri by local prefix myns div xmlns myns http some namespace example com myns myns h1 myns table efml render only parts of an svg element svg path efml render only parts of an mathml element math matcion you must declare your namespace prefix before using your prefix either globally global namespaces or locally local namespaces global namespaces ef js has 5 built in global namespaces https github com theneuronproject ef core blob master src lib utils namespaces js l2 l6 which are xml for xml namespace itself html for html elements svg for svg elements math for mathml elements and xlink for xlink attributes you can register custom global namespaces using declarenamespace js import declarenamespace from ef js declarenamespace myns http some namespace example com myns then you can use it everywhere across the whole project note 1 using global namespaces with prefix will make it s children also inherit it s namespace 1 re declareation of the same prefix will throw out an error local namespaces ef js supports a xml like local namespace declaration efml myns div xmlns myns http some namespace example com myns then you can use the namespace across the whole template note 1 what efml namespaces differs from actual xml local namespaces is that in xml it works only for itself or it s children while in efml this declaration works across the whole template no matter where you define it 1 local defined namespaces only works when a tag is prefixed with the defined prefix children of it will not inherit the namespace 1 re declaration will not give en error namespacing in scopes when an tag is scoped it will use the scoped tag s namespace if the tag has no prefix it will use the original xmlns instead if only namespaceuri is not set on scope option scoped prefix has higher priority than namespaceuri for example efml template eft div this tag will be scoped js import tpl from template eft const scope1 div myns div const component1 new tpl null scope1 in this case it will render a div under myns const scope2 div tag myns div namespaceuri http some other ns myns const component2 new tpl null scope2 in this case the namespaceuri is completely ignored element is rendered under myns const scope3 div namespaceuri http some other ns myns const component3 new tpl null scope3 in this case the namespaceuri is not ignored element is rendered under http some other ns myns initialization api initialization apis are added since v0 17 0 note state and data are not fully initialized yet upon initlization they re passed here only for reference you should retrive any mount point or reactive value within your handler methods js import tpl from template eft import component from my component eft const app class extends tpl prepare initial methods the return value will be used as is static initmethods state data watch let count 0 return clickbtn count 1 data count count alert you have clicked count times prepare initial data the return value is non reactive static initdata state data watch watch is equivalent for subscribe but you have to use watch instead during initlization watch count value console log count has changed to value return count you have not clicked btntext click me prepare scope the return value will be merged and supress previous assigned values static initscope state data watch return in this case all div will be rendered as h1 all mycomponent will be rendered as component div h1 mycomponent component notice overriding init will supress all above methods static init state data watch return methods data scope beforemount aftermount beforeumount afterumount beforedestroy afterdestroy oncreated jsx jsx support was removed since v0 17 0 server side rendering javascript implemented dom use domino https github com fgnass domino or jsdom https github com jsdom jsdom for dom implementation only node and document is required for customization for example using domino js const ef require ef js const domino require domino ef setdomimpl node domino impl node document domino createdocument then you can use it as it is in browser undom https github com developit undom is currently not supported because it s lack of documentfragment support but an undom ef https github com classicoldsong undom ef fork has made it possible check here https stackblitz com edit server side ef for an exapmle implementation without dom currently there s no full featured implementation for ef js to run without a dom but some experiments https stackblitz com edit ef ssr benchmark file static ef raw js have been done if you want speed or do not need full featured ef you can try the static ef raw method since ef sacrifices initialization time for faster updating if you are not re generating your page every second the undom ef super cached method is the most recommended since it gives you an almost fully featured ef js in server environment while keeping the footprint small yet still fast enough compared to other frameworks typing support help wanted ef js now has partial experimental typing support using typescript flavored jsdoc https jsdoc app which should be compatible with typescript see ef core https github com theneuronproject ef core blob master src ef core js and ef js https github com theneuronproject ef js blob master src ef js run a test bash git clone https github com classicoldsong ef js git cd ef js npm install npm start then you can test it out in the opening browser window build from source bash git clone https github com classicoldsong ef js git cd ef js npm install npm run build npm run prod then you can get the fresh built ef min js in the dist folder note all debugging messages are disabled in the production version license mit http cos mit license org fossa status https app fossa io api projects git 2bhttps 3a 2f 2fgithub com 2ftheneuronproject 2fef js svg type large https app fossa io projects git 2bhttps 3a 2f 2fgithub com 2ftheneuronproject 2fef js ref badge large | js framework template-engine ef efml javascript | front_end |
Driver-Sleep-Detector | driver sleep detector driver drowsiness detection system using computer vision a large chunk of road accidents these days can be related to vehicle driver falling alseep due to many reasons like excessive fatigue to alcohol intoxication however the above cases might not be possible to stop leading to their broad and complex circumstances however detecting if the driver is getting asleep and warn him her beforehand is quite possible in this program python image processing is used to detect and constantly monitor vehicle driver s face and eyes if the program detect any signs of drowsiness like closing of eyes for more than 2 seconds it will automatically sound an alarm here it is only printing text however it can be easily modified into some warning system requirement s to run opencv installed for python numpy for python if both criteria s are met then just python detect py also make sure a camera is connected to pc | ai |
InformationModel | the international data spaces ids information model the information model is an rdfs owl ontology covering the fundamental concepts of the international data spaces https www internationaldataspaces org ids i e the types of digital contents that are exchanged by participants by means of the ids infrastructure components the ontology and its documentation are published at https w3id org idsa core https w3id org idsa core the model development is led by the fraunhofer institutes for applied information technology fit https www fit fraunhofer de en and intelligent analysis and information systems iais https www iais fraunhofer de en with support by members of the international data spaces association https www internationaldataspaces org in the context of the information model sub working group swg4 the group is chaired by christoph lange https github com clange fraunhofer fit https www fit fraunhofer de and sebastian tramp https sebastian tramp name eccenca gmbh https www eccenca com the model development is based on github https github com international data spaces association informationmodel following a defined branching model contributing md contributions and community feedback are maintained via the github ticketing system images issue lifecycle jpg the release process images release process jpg is aligned with the international data spaces association architecture working group meetings i e there are roughly 2 releases scheduled per year with intermediary updates to the development branch the current release version is 4 1 0 with the latest revision 4 1 0 the information model and associated resources published on github are available under the apache license 2 0 https github com international data spaces association informationmodel blob master license authors and contributors the information model was originally created by jaroslav pullmann fraunhofer fit https www fit fraunhofer de en now with stardog union http www stardog com succeeded by dr christoph lange current co chair of the information model sub working group dr christian mader fraunhofer iais https www iais fraunhofer de en and dr sebastian tramp eccenca gmbh https www eccenca com current co chair of the information model sub working group with significant contributions comments and support by in alphabetical order haydar aky rek fraunhofer fit https www fit fraunhofer de en sebastian bader fraunhofer iais https www iais fraunhofer de en matthias b ckmann fraunhofer iais https www iais fraunhofer de en dr sandra geisler fraunhofer fit https www fit fraunhofer de en dr anna kasprzik tib https www tib eu en dr christoph lange fraunhofer fit https www fit fraunhofer de en see above j rg langkau nicos ag http www nicos ag com johannes lipp fraunhofer fit https www fit fraunhofer de en lina molinas comet fraunhofer fit https www fit fraunhofer de en andreas w m ller schaeffler https www schaeffler de content schaeffler de en dr michael the signal cruncher gmbh https signal cruncher com likewise the authors would like to thank numerous colleagues at fraunhofer active participants of the international data spaces association https www internationaldataspaces org en the members of the w3c dataset exchange group https www w3 org 2017 dxwg wiki main page and data market austria https datamarket at en for illuminating conversations and support in shaping the information model directory layout there are following top level files and directories codes code lists of enumerated literal values and unique singleton concept instances code lists are the preferred way to encode and reference re usable instances of a homogeneous value range docs documentation of the latest release of the information model and its classes examples example instances providing a guidance on recommended model usage and best practices images figures supporting the understanding and documentation of the information model metamodel utility models related to annotation and processing of model concepts model core model split into sub model directories each serving a particular modeling aspect references versioned sources of relevant 3rd party models used as a reference informative or effective i e via concept import taxonomies hierarchical arrangement of concepts classes extending a base concept defined by the core model testing test resources e g rdfunit used by tools and the build process to ensure the syntactic validity and semantic consistence of the information model utils utility scripts used for information model development and testing views individual tailored views defined upon the overall model for a particular purpose e g the selection of glossary terms ontology ttl top level metadata of the information model related resources additional resources are provided latest information about ids and all related resources the ids g https github com international data spaces association ids g releases are provided in this github repository https github com international data spaces association informationmodel releases overview on ids messages descriptions and attribute explanations message overview https w3id org idsa ids messages java representation of the information model a mapping to a pojo domain model with no reference to graph or ontology constructs instances of the information model might such conveniently by created validated and de serialized in a strongly typed way using any common development environment without requiring in depth knowledge of rdf and related semantic web standards the java information model is provided as a single jar library via the maven repository https maven iais fraunhofer de artifactory eis ids public operated by fraunhofer iais https www iais fraunhofer de cf the documentation https jira iais fraunhofer de stash projects ictsl repos ids infomodel demo xml repositories repository id snapshots id name maven snapshots name url https maven iais fraunhofer de artifactory eis ids public url repository repositories the dependency to the java representation is as follows replace code infomodel version code with the latest version xml dependency groupid de fraunhofer iais eis ids infomodel groupid artifactid java artifactid version infomodel version version dependency for automated validation of the information model pojos via the builder classes you can include xml dependency groupid de fraunhofer iais eis ids infomodel groupid artifactid validation serialization provider artifactid version infomodel version version dependency uml based visualization of the information model its classes properties and relations including their cardinalities it is available as part of the nightly and release packages on github https github com international data spaces association informationmodel releases a high level conceptual specification is given as a part of the ids reference architecture model current version 3 0 https www internationaldataspaces org publications reference architecture model 3 0 of 2019 see section 3 4 webinars idsa tech talk of september 2020 giving a high level intro to version 4 0 slides https www internationaldataspaces org wp content uploads 2020 09 2020 09 03 tech talk infomodel pdf video https www youtube com watch v v1wvjkahqj0 feature emb title webinar of november 2018 giving a technical overview of the information model https www internationaldataspaces org wp content uploads 2019 07 ids information model pdf for members of the international data spaces association only working document https industrialdataspace jiveon com docs doc 1817 explaining the usage of the information model for data exchanges in the ids citation if you use the information model in scientific work please consider citing inproceedings baderetal ids infomodel20 author sebastian bader and jaroslav pullmann and christian mader and sebastian tramp and christoph quix and andreas w m u ller and haydar aky u rek and matthias b o ckmann and benedikt t imbusch and johannes lipp and sandra geisler and christoph lange title the international data spaces information model an ontology for sovereign exchange of digital content doi 10 1007 978 3 030 62466 8 12 crossref iswc2020 pages 176 192 year 2020 proceedings iswc2020 editor jeff z pan and valentina tamma and claudia d amato and krzysztof janowicz and bo fu and axel polleres and oshani seneviratne and lalana kagal eventdate 2020 11 02 2020 11 06 eventtitle 19 textsuperscript th international semantic web conference eventtitleaddon iswc isbn 978 3 030 62465 1 number 12507 publisher springer verlag address cham switzerland series lecture notes in computer science booktitle the semantic web title the semantic web venue athens greece year 2020 | ontology rdf owl semantic-web industrial-data-space linked-data | server |
web-development-textbook | das buch web development a german language textbook on web development developed on github published at http web development github io the source repository has moved find it here https github com web development web development textbook | front_end |
PhoneGap-HotShot-3-x-Code-Bundle | phonegap hotshot 3 x mobile application development code bundle this repository stores the code for the book entitled phonegap hotshot 3 x mobile application development published by packt publishing you can purchase the book at packt s site http www packtpub com phonegap 3 x mobile application development hotshot book if you obtained the code package from packt you may wish to download the package from github in order to receive the most recent changes the package is available at https github com kerrishotts phonegap hotshot 3 x code bundle https github com kerrishotts phonegap hotshot 3 x code bundle the code herein is not listed in chapter order but by project name a lookup from chapter number to project name is provided below furthermore the code herein is not a complete cordova project the build artifacts namely the platforms plugins etc directories are ignored only the www directory and config xml file for each project is provided in order to execute any of these projects you ll need to create a new cordova project and copy the relevant files from this repository into your project you should also check out notes md notes md within this repository there are important issues and discussions of which you should be aware note the book and scripts within use the copy from feature of the cordova cli this was introduced in v3 3 1 so if you are not at that version it would probably be a good idea to update your version of cordova or perform the copies from the templates to your project manually table of contents chapter project lookup chapterproject lookup application demos application demos useful directories useful directories useful scripts useful scripts using phonegap build using phonegap build additional project information additional project information license license chapter project lookup id chapterproject lookup chapter title project app io demo 1 your first project not applicable n a 2 localization and globalization localizationdemo localizationdemo n a 3 app design filerv1 filerv1 see v7 4 the file api filerv2 filerv2 see v7 5 working with audio filerv3 filerv3 see v7 6 working with still images filerv4 filerv4 see v7 7 working with video filerv5 filerv5 see v7 8 sharing content filerv6 filerv6 see v7 9 devices of different sizes filerv7 filerv7 demo https app io v6fbyf offsite 10 maps and gps pathrec pathrec demo https app io v6fbyf offsite 11 canvas games and the accelerometer caverunner caverunner see v2 12 adding a back end parse caverunner2 caverunner2 demo https app io kaxef4 offsite 13 native controls online pathrecnative pathrecnative n a appendix a user interface resources not applicable n a appendix b tips tricks and quirks not applicable n a application demos id application demos i ve taken the time to upload the final versions of filer pathrec and caverunner to app io http www app io at the following links note it is not possible to simulate all aspects of each app pay attention to what features are not available caverunner v2 https app io kaxef4 offsite using the accelerometer will not work but you can simulate a swipe by clicking and dragging with your mouse filer v7 https app io v6fbyf offsite you can not record audio video or capture an image from the camera app io does not pass your device s microphone or webcam to the app you can create the note types but you won t be able to supply any content pathrec https app io kaxef4 offsite app io does not pass your device location to the app as such you will be unable to center on a location or record a path consider this a user interface demo since there s little else you can do useful directories id useful directories other than the actual code for each project the following directories may be of interest to you design contains icons and splash screen for each project except the localization demo also contains design documents for each project in pdf and omnigraffle format template contains the template we used to create each project cordova create copy from template this is built in chapter 2 but you are free to use this copy instead of working through those steps framework contains the version of the yasmf next framework that was used to build the projects you are welcome to update the framework version at any time but it is always possible that new framework versions might break the apps useful scripts id useful scripts contained within the top level of this project are several useful scripts note your use of these scripts is at your own risk neither the author of the book and code nor packt publishing can be held liable for the use abuse or misuse of these scripts copyicons shl copies the icons from the design folders into a specific project take a peek inside to see how we overwrite cordova s stock icons useful when you first create a new project after you add the platforms to the project also useful if you need to remove the platform for any reason and then add it back example sh copyicons shl design filer icon v7 filerv7 filerv7 the third parameter is the xcode project name located in platforms ios copysplash shl copies the splash screens from the design folders into a specific project take a peek inside to see how we overwrite cordova s stock splash screens for ios useful when you first create a new project after you add the platforms to the project also useful if you need to remove the platform for any reason and then add it back example sh copysplash shl design filer splash filerv7 filerv7 copyiconsandsplashes shl this script automates the process of copying all the icons and splash screens for each project into their corresponding platform directories example sh copyiconsandsplashes shl updateprojectplugins shl updates the cordova platform on each project to the most recent version careful things may break updates all the plugins for each project to the most recent version by removing them and adding them back careful things will probably break createproject shl creates a project based on one of our projects example sh createproject shl filerv1 filerv1 createprojects shl run this command to create all the cordova projects automatically once created each project will be automatically updated and all plugins will be added icons and splash screens will also be created example sh createprojects shl note that these scripts are shell scripts that should work on mac os x or linux if you want to use them on windows you ll need to adapt them to the correct syntax using phonegap build id using phonegap build the projects as delivered are cordova projects in order to utilize them with phonegap build you will need to follow these steps copy config xml from the application root to the www directory add the required plugins to config xml using the form gap plugin name reverse domain id if you want to add the icon and splash screen assets to the project you ll need to copy the appropriate icons from the design directory into the project s www directory and then update config xml using these directions http docs build phonegap com en us configuring icons and splash md html icons 20and 20splash 20screens upload the project to phonegap build by using phonegap remote build android or ios additional project information id additional project information localizationdemo id localizationdemo introduces you to the various localization functions provided by jquery globalize and yasmf nothing fancy just a list of translated strings but important to get right from the start plugins required cordova plugin add org apache cordova globalization filerv1 id filerv1 the very first version of our note taking app filer sets up the typical project structure data models and also gets into localstorage plugins required cordova plugin add org apache cordova globalization cordova plugin add https github com apache cordova plugins 17bdd5fe62 keyboard filerv2 id filerv2 the second version of filer the key point is using the file api to write to persistent storage plugins required cordova plugin add org apache cordova globalization cordova plugin add https github com apache cordova plugins 17bdd5fe62 keyboard cordova plugin add org apache cordova file filerv3 id filerv3 in the third version of filer we extend the app to permit audio memos plugins required cordova plugin add org apache cordova globalization cordova plugin add https github com apache cordova plugins 17bdd5fe62 keyboard cordova plugin add org apache cordova file cordova plugin add org apache cordova media filerv4 id filerv4 in the fourth version of filer we extend the app to permit image notes obtained from the camera plugins required cordova plugin add org apache cordova globalization cordova plugin add https github com apache cordova plugins 17bdd5fe62 keyboard cordova plugin add org apache cordova file cordova plugin add org apache cordova media cordova plugin add org apache cordova camera filerv5 id filerv5 in the fifth version of filer we extend the app to permit video notes obtained from the camera plugins required cordova plugin add org apache cordova globalization cordova plugin add https github com apache cordova plugins 17bdd5fe62 keyboard cordova plugin add org apache cordova file cordova plugin add org apache cordova media cordova plugin add org apache cordova camera cordova plugin add org apache cordova media capture filerv6 id filerv6 in the sixth version of filer we extend the app to share notes to various social networks plugins required cordova plugin add org apache cordova globalization cordova plugin add https github com apache cordova plugins 17bdd5fe62 keyboard cordova plugin add org apache cordova file cordova plugin add org apache cordova media cordova plugin add org apache cordova camera cordova plugin add org apache cordova media capture cordova plugin add https github com leecrossley cordova plugin social message git cordova plugin add org apache cordova battery status cordova plugin add org apache cordova network information filerv7 id filerv7 in the seventh version of filer we learn to deal with tablet form factors plugins required cordova plugin add org apache cordova globalization cordova plugin add https github com apache cordova plugins 17bdd5fe62 keyboard cordova plugin add org apache cordova file cordova plugin add org apache cordova media cordova plugin add org apache cordova camera cordova plugin add org apache cordova media capture cordova plugin add https github com leecrossley cordova plugin social message git cordova plugin add org apache cordova battery status cordova plugin add org apache cordova network information cordova plugin add com photokandy localstorage pathrec id pathrec pathrec is a simple app that uses the geolocation api to record paths and show them to the user uses localstorage for simplicity plugins required cordova plugin add org apache cordova globalization cordova plugin add org apache cordova geolocation cordova plugin add https github com apache cordova plugins 17bdd5fe62 keyboard cordova plugin add org apache cordova statusbar cordova plugin add com photokandy localstorage pathrecnative id pathrecnative pathrecnative is an extension of the pathrec app using some native controls works only on ios 7 plugins required cordova plugin add org apache cordova globalization cordova plugin add org apache cordova geolocation cordova plugin add https github com apache cordova plugins 17bdd5fe62 keyboard cordova plugin add org apache cordova statusbar cordova plugin add com photokandy nativecontrols cordova plugin add com photokandy localstorage caverunner id caverunner cave runner is a simple html5 canvas game that uses the accelerometer as one of its input methods plugins required cordova plugin add org apache cordova globalization cordova plugin add org apache cordova device motion cordova plugin add https github com apache cordova plugins 17bdd5fe62 keyboard cordova plugin add org apache cordova statusbar caverunner2 id caverunner2 cave runner 2 extends cave runner with a parse back end that provides high score functionality note the www js app js file is not provided as you need to provide your own api keys you can copy the version from caverunner and add the following code to initialize parse prior to app start parse initialize your app id here your javascript key here plugins required cordova plugin add org apache cordova globalization cordova plugin add org apache cordova device motion cordova plugin add https github com apache cordova plugins 17bdd5fe62 keyboard cordova plugin add org apache cordova statusbar license id license the code herein is licensed under the mit license you are free to with it as you will provided the requirements of said license are met copyright c 2013 2014 packt publishing permission is hereby granted free of charge to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files the software to deal in the software without restriction including without limitation the rights to use copy modify merge publish distribute sublicense and or sell copies of the software and to permit persons to whom the software is furnished to do so subject to the following conditions the above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the software the software is provided as is without warranty of any kind express or implied including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement in no event shall the authors or copyright holders be liable for any claim damages or other liability whether in an action of contract tort or otherwise arising from out of or in connection with the software or the use or other dealings in the software | front_end |
EmbeddedSystem2020 | 109 5267 embedded system design 2020 members 0880121 0933 061461 l091142 0912 881669 0880002 0981 108172 group board id group 19 board 19 25 schedule of the lab lab 0 build system set up x 09 17 lab 0 https github com tommylin embeddedsystem2020 blob main lab0 109 lab 0 pdf overview lab 1 platform set up hello world in an embedded system x 09 24 lab 1 https github com tommylin embeddedsystem2020 blob main lab1 doc 109 lab 1 pdf platform set up x 10 08 lab 1 system development platforms and tools x 10 15 lab 1 embedded operating systems lab 2 display lcd hdmi and video usb camera x 10 22 lab 2 1 https github com tommylin embeddedsystem2020 blob main lab2 1 doc 109 lab 2 1 pdf boot loader x 10 29 lab 2 1 linux i o x 11 05 lab 2 1 midterm no class go to lab x 11 12 lab 2 2 https github com tommylin embeddedsystem2020 blob main lab2 2 doc 109 lab 2 2 pdf lab ii i o x 11 19 lab 2 2 soc concepts and embedded processors x 11 26 lab 2 3 https github com tommylin embeddedsystem2020 blob main lab2 3 doc 109 lab 2 3 pdf device drivers lab 3 x 12 03 lab 3 1 embedded system design modeling and requirement development x 12 10 lab 3 1 lab iii application development x 12 17 lab 3 2 embedded programming 12 24 lab 3 2 case studies 12 31 xxxxxxx vacation no class 01 07 lab 3 2 project demo references 109 https timetable nctu edu tw r main crsoutline acy 109 sem 1 crsno 5267 lang zh tw | os |
phoenix-rtos-corelibs | phoenix rtos corelibs this repository contains the source for libraries enabling development of phoenix rtos applications to get information about each of library please read readme md file located in library directory building libraries to compile the libraries and build the operating system image phoenix rtos project https github com phoenix rtos phoenix rtos project repository should be used please read the instruction in this repository license this work is licensed under a bsd license see the license file for details | os |
machine_learning_basics | machine learning basics this repository contains implementations of basic machine learning algorithms in plain python python version 3 6 all algorithms are implemented from scratch without using additional machine learning libraries the intention of these notebooks is to provide a basic understanding of the algorithms and their underlying structure not to provide the most efficient implementations bayesian linear regression bayesian linear regression ipynb decision tree for classification decision tree classification ipynb decision tree for regression decision tree regression ipynb k nearest neighbor k nearest neighbour ipynb k means clustering kmeans ipynb linear regression linear regression ipynb logistic regression logistic regression ipynb multinomial logistic regression softmax regression ipynb perceptron perceptron ipynb principal component analysis principal component analysis ipynb simple neural network with one hidden layer simple neural net ipynb softmax regression softmax regression ipynb support vector machines support vector machines ipynb alt text figures decision tree predictions png data preprocessing after several requests i started preparing notebooks on how to preprocess datasets for machine learning within the next months i will add one notebook for each kind of dataset text images as before the intention of these notebooks is to provide a basic understanding of the preprocessing steps not to provide the most efficient implementations image preprocessing image preprocessing ipynb preprocessing a numerical categorical dataset data preprocessing ipynb alt text figures image preprocessing png live demo run the notebooks online without having to clone the repository or install jupyter binder https mybinder org badge logo svg https mybinder org v2 gh zotroneneis machine learning basics head note this does not work for the data preprocessing ipynb and image preprocessing ipynb notebooks because they require downloading a dataset first feedback if you have a favorite algorithm that should be included or spot a mistake in one of the notebooks please let me know by creating a new issue license see the license file for license rights and limitations mit | machine-learning logistic-regression ipynb machine-learning-algorithms linear-regression perceptron python-implementations kmeans algorithm python3 python neural-network k-nearest-neighbours k-nearest-neighbor k-nn neural-networks | ai |
Machine-Learning | this repo contains tutorials to implement various ml algorithms from scratch or using pre built libraries this is a living repo and i will be adding more tutorials as i learn more hope it will be helpful for someone who wants to understand these algorithms conceptually as well as learn how to implement them using python 01 gradient boosting scratch ipynb notebooks 01 gradient boosting scratch ipynb this jupyter notebook has implementation of basic gradient boosting algorithm with an intuitive example learn about decision tree and intuition behind gradient boositng trees 02 collaborative filtering ipynb notebooks 02 collaborative filtering ipynb builting movielens recommendation system with collaborating filtering using pytorch and fast ai 03 random forest interpretetion ipynb notebooks 03 random forest interpretetion ipynb how to interpret a seemimngly blackbox algorithm feature importance tree interpretor and confidence intervals for predictions 04 neural net scratch ipynb notebooks 04 neural net scratch ipynb using mnsit data this notebook has implementation of neural net from scratch using pytorch 05 loss functions ipynb notebooks 05 loss functions ipynb exploring regression and classification loss functions 06 nlp fastai ipynb notebooks 06 nlp fastai ipynb naive bayes logistic regression bag of words on imdb data 07 eigenfaces ipynb notebooks 07 eigenfaces ipynb preprocessing of faces and pca analysis on the data to recontruct faces and see similarities among differnt faces 08 kmeans scratch ipynb notebooks 08 kmeans scratch ipynb implementation and visualization of kmeans algorithm from scratch 09 quantile regression ipynb notebooks 09 quantile regression ipynb implementation of quantile regression using sklearn 10 transfer learn mxnet ipynb notebooks 10 transfer learn mxnet ipynb tutorial on how to perform transfer learning using mxnet notebook used in this blogpost https groverpr github io 2020 02 18 transfer learning using mxnet html step 4 training base model 11 applications of different parts of an roc curve ipynb notebooks 11 applications of different parts of an roc curve ipynb understanding the importance of different parts of an roc curve and exploring variants of auc for ml applications | ai |
awesome-neo | p align center img src https raw githubusercontent com cityofzion visual identity develop coz 20branding logo logo 20icon png 20200x178px coz icon darkblue 200x178px png width 125px p h1 align center awesome neo h1 p align center a curated list of awesome b a href https neo org neo a b libraries applications and resources p contents white papers white papers blockchain bootstrap files blockchain bootstrap files blockchain explorers blockchain explorers city of zion city of zion current dapps current dapps economy economy frequently asked questions frequently asked questions gas calculators gas calculators general developer documentation general developer documentation icos on neo icos on neo information blogs information blogs neo competitions neo competitions network monitoring network monitoring published articles published articles privatenet setup privatenet setup sdks sdks smart contract development smart contract development wallets wallets white papers original https docs neo org docs en us index html english translation of main white paper smart contracts https docs neo org docs en us basic technology neocontract html english translation of smart contracts white paper blockchain bootstrap files please refer to this tutorial https medium com gubanotorious test networks and fund requests for smart contract and dapp testing on the neo blockchain 583a1795412 on how to use bootstrap files mainnet and testnet 2 7 6 ngd bootstrap files azure https sync ngd network blockchain explorers scan nel group https scan nel group mainnet nel neo mainnet explorer neoscan io https neoscan io neo mainnet explorer created by coz neotracker io https neotracker io mainnet and testnet explorer created by the neo tracker team neo testnet neoscan io https neoscan testnet io neoscan for neo testnet city of zion community governance https github com cityofzion governance the home of the coz community rules and reports facebook https www facebook com cityofzionofficial facebook account of coz github https github com cityofzion code repositories owned by coz medium https medium com proof of working weekly reports from coz twitter https twitter com coz official twitter account of coz website https cityofzion io homepage for coz current dapps neo dapp list neo org https ndapp org official list of dapps maintained by the neo council general developer documentation awesome neo docs https github com cityofzion awesome neo docs a curated and categorised list of awesome developer documentation consensus node setup guide https github com cityofzion standards blob master nodes md recommended step by step guide for consensus node setup delegated byzantine fault tolerance 2 0 https raw githubusercontent com neoresearch yellowpaper master releases 08 dbft pdf explanation of the consensus algorithm used by the blockchain documentation https docs neo org docs en us sc gettingstarted introduction html official getting started documentation from the neo team getting started videos https www youtube com playlist list plh5fkiuknru5shwk9l6qpwrhmehsikl2t chinese tutorial video series with english subtitles neo enhancement proposals nep https github com neo project proposals neps describe standards for the neo platform network protocol https docs neo org docs en us tooldev advanced network protocol html explanation of how neo nodes communicate video overviews https www youtube com channel uczlqunlrra8qjkz40g91ijg videos summary of coz project features economy neo economy https neoeconomy io curated list of neo and nep 5 token economy statistics such as average block rate market cap pricing volume ended ico prices aswell as details on upcoming ico frequently asked questions faq page https docs neo org faq en us basic html a page with frequently asked questions gas calculators neodepot org https neodepot org calculator with an array of neo statistical charts neotogas com https neotogas com created by n1njawtf https twitter com n1njawtf icos on neo neo upcoming ico https neoeconomy io ico a list of upcoming ico s on the neo network information blogs da hongfei twitter account https twitter com dahongfei official twitter account of neo founder da hongfei erik zhang twitter account https twitter com neoerikzhang official twitter account of neo co founder erik zhang neo bitcoin talk https bitcointalk org index php topic 2057932 0 a forum where fans of neo can discuss events and post information neo blog https neo org discover type 1 official neo blog from core team neo discord channel https discordapp com invite r8v48ya a place to discuss everything neo related neo facebook https www facebook com neosmartecon the facebook account for the neo smart economy neo news today https neonewstoday com community made website with news and information including q a s neo subreddit https www reddit com r neo a forum where fans of neo can discuss events and post information neo twitter account https twitter com neo blockchain official twitter account of the neo team neo youtube https www youtube com channel ucl1awedn0w5ltmfjemsy5vw videos the official youtube account of the neo team neo competitions neo competitions resources neo competitions md list of neo dapps competitions with github links network monitoring neo mon https github com cityofzion neo mon neo network status monitor coz coz monitor http monitor cityofzion io published articles building a neo python api server on windows wsl ubuntu https medium com coinmonks building a neo python api server on windows wsl ubuntu dfd62185ae9e coopetition a new approach to decentralization https medium com proof of working decentralization from coopetition b10d7ce3b9d coz first dapps competition dapp review https medium com proof of working coz first dapps competition dapp review 3a6b284afaef creating and running a neo node on microsoft azure in under 30 minutes https medium com gubanotorious creating and running a neo node on microsoft azure in under 30 minutes ad8d79b9edf creating a neo blockchain hosted private network on microsoft azure in under 30 minutes https medium com gubanotorious creating a neo blockchain hosted private network on microsoft azure in under 30 minutes 4d38c6bf6f3c encrypted messaging on the neo blockchain https medium com proof of working encrypted messaging on the neo blockchain 631bbfcf99f6 how to build an ico on neo with the nex ico smart contract template https medium com proof of working how to build an ico on neo with the nex ico smart contract template 1beac1ff0afd how to run a private network of the neo blockchain https medium com proof of working how to run a private network of the neo blockchain d83004557359 installing and running a neo blockchain node using neo python on windows 10 https medium com gubanotorious installing and running neo python on windows 10 284fb518b213 privatenet setup neo local https github com cityofzion neo local start a local neo blockchain with a single command private net docker https github com cityofzion neo privatenet docker setup for a private neo blockchain with an ubuntu 16 04 docker image sdks neo go https github com nspcc dev neo go golang node and sdk for the neo blockchain neo utils https github com o3labs neo utils golang sdk for the neo blockchain developed by o3 neon js https github com cityofzion neon js javascript libraries that allow the neon wallet to interact with neo blockchain neo php https github com cityofzion neo php php wrapper for neo blockchain api neo python https github com cityofzion neo python python node and sdk for the neo blockchain neo swift https github com cityofzion neo swift swift wrapper for neo blockchain api neovm utils https github com ryugames neovm utils swift sdk for neovm blockchains built off of o3 s neo utils developed by ryu games neo lux https github com cityofzion neo lux net sdk to interact with the neo blockchain and invoke smart contracts neomodules https github com cityofzion neomodules c sdk and set of light clients rest and rpc of the most poupular apis in neo ecosystem smart contract development dapptemplate mean https github com cityofzion dapptemplate mean interface for communicating with neo nodes to help with development of a dapp documentation https docs neo org docs en us sc gettingstarted introduction html official getting started documentation from the neo team for smart contracts fees https docs neo org docs en us sc fees html blog post about how smart contracts are priced using random numbers in neo sc https medium com verisfoundation using random numbers in neo smart contracts af7fecd2a23d tutorial by jason perry on random number generation using neo smart contracts video tutorial https www youtube com watch v 2rwegc0dwmq list pl vihjxh1utodksr3umkfjimraznljesx youtube series on smart contract programming c 35 c smart contracts https github com neo project examples tree master csharp examples of smart contracts written in c from neo core team complementary c guide https steemit com neo cybourgeoisie neo contract development common pitfalls using windows 7 solutions to common problems when setting up dev environment development environment setup on ubuntu https docs neo org docs en us sc devenv getting started csharp ubuntu html tutorial on setting up a c development environment on ubuntu development environment setup on mac https docs neo org docs en us sc devenv getting started csharp mac html tutorial on setting up a c development environment on mac neo blockchain quick start guide for net developers https github com mwherman2000 neo dotnetquickstart blob master en us readme md complete very detailed step by step guidance with screen shots neo blockchain architecture reference model for net developers neo charm https github com mwherman2000 neo charm blob master readme md architecture reference model for net developers java java smart contracts https github com neo project examples tree master java examples of smart contracts written in java from neo core team java guide https www youtube com watch v k1a4rtl01mq step by step guide for writing and deploying a smart contract in java java tutorial https docs neo org docs en us sc devenv getting started java html tutorial on writing smart contracts in java java tutorial osx https www youtube com watch v 2eyk1ogr5i4 setup neoj compiler on osx python python smart contracts resources python examples md code examples examples of smart contracts written in python from the neo python core team and dapp competition entrants python tutorial https www youtube com watch v op8z8olkwc0 use python to deploy neo smart contracts video tutorials https www youtube com playlist list plrztnbwje5bzra2nytxzyfbi8x93gfd3p dev environment setup workflows and smart contracts written in python neo boa https github com cityofzion neo boa python compiler for the neo virtual machine go ico contract in go https medium com coinmonks neo token contract nep 5 in go f6b0102c59ee step by step guide on issuing your nep 5 token on neo s private net using go neo storm https github com cityofzion neo storm smart contract framework for the neo smart economy written in the go programming language wallets neon wallet https github com cityofzion neon wallet a light wallet for the blockchain o sub 3 sub https o3 network macos windows linux ios and android wallet ansy https snowypowers github io ansy a minimal paper wallet generator p align center if you want to contribute to this list please follow the a href contributing md contribution guidelines a p | neo blockchain | blockchain |
Blockchain-Based-Property-Registration | blockchain based property registration a href license img src https img shields io static v1 label license message mit color green a img src https img shields io badge ethereum 20232a style for the badge logo ethereum logocolor white img src https img shields io badge flutter 2302569b svg style for the badge logo flutter logocolor white land registration using blockchain problem it solves 1 the elimination of middlemen the elimination of middlemen or brokers makes the process of land registration less expensive brokers who try to defraud uninformed people will be unable to do so any longer brokers frequently take a long time to finish procedures thus our project will help people save time 3 a distributed tamper proof ledger that prohibits ownership fraud 4 ipfs is used to store important property registration papers in a secure manner technology stack 1 ethereum blockchain 2 polygon matic 3 web3dart 4 ipfs 5 flutter 6 metamask demo our dapp is demonstrated in this video here https youtu be 0coz ivoahs run application on deployed website check out the deployed website here https landregistry live https landregistry live this is for demonstration purposes only with this key you can log in as land inspector pre b 6b86cddfedbec68ed2a1c7e14b993840a0848595ba5787aec9e8a38b18f0d96a b pre for user pre b 3ed4aff1a8ff8e28df3cd307112f9166886edcc85a27136908e3b1687b111f89 b pre you can also use your own ethereum wallet key as a user check new smart contract at polygon testnet here https mumbai polygonscan com address 0xbc6d9e15255533c19f1589a7e9fbb60440a539e0 check smart contract at discontinued ropsten ethereum testnet here https ropsten etherscan io address 0x702058ba021cd4e4f847b40f32b58aa5be3a4661 to run application locally 1 clone the github repository and cd to the folder 2 install the flutter 3 0 2 nodejs 3 install ganache and truffle as shown below npm install g truffle 4 open ganache and keep it running in the background 5 install the metamask chrome extension choose the local network and import the accounts 6 compile and run our migrations from the command line as shown below truffle compile truffle migrate 6 copy contract address as seen in the image below and paste in variable contractaddress located in the file lib constant constant dart pre 2 deploy migration js replacing land transaction hash 0x427b2b402f767ac6a90334ab3c687b086b274de747fe10d6e194743b15057d78 blocks 0 seconds 0 b contract address 0xed690c24c60a48f8a9819c9a15ad75b70cfbea5a b block number 3 block timestamp 1650602828 account 0x33e94e4619f0aecdf81e9676eb82c109fba53356 balance 99 9154895 gas used 3996227 gas price 20 gwei value sent 0 eth total cost 0 07992454 eth pre 7 in constant dart file change the value of the variable chainid to 1337 and change the value of the variable rpcurl to http 127 0 0 1 7545 8 run the flutter web app flutter pub get flutter run d web server web port 5555 9 open the browser and the dapp will be running in http localhost 5555 10 create mapbox api key from https www mapbox com and replace it with mapboxapikey in constant dart file project flowchart img src screenshots flowchart png height 450 screenshots home page wallet connect login img src screenshots screenshot1 png height 225 img src screenshots screenshot7 png height 225 contract owner dashboard user registration img src screenshots screenshot10 png height 225 img src screenshots screenshot12 png height 225 land inspector dashboard user verification img src screenshots screenshot11 png height 225 img src screenshots screenshot5 png height 225 user dashboard adding land on map img src screenshots screenshot2 png height 225 img src screenshots screenshot8 png height 225 land gallery land details img src screenshots screenshot3 png height 225 img src screenshots screenshot9 png height 225 received request make payment img src screenshots screenshot6 png height 225 img src screenshots screenshot4 png height 225 transfer ownership seller buyer photo capture witness info photo capture transfer ownership img src screenshots screenshot14 png height 225 img src screenshots screenshot13 png height 225 | flutter blockchain truffle ethereum smart-contracts solidity ipfs hacktoberfest hacktoberfest-accepted | blockchain |
reverse-engineering-of-data | modelagem e engenharia reversa de dados este reposit rio foi criado para acumulo de conhecimento sobre projetos de modelagem e engenharia reversa de um banco de dados onde conseguimos gerar informa es como por exemplo quantidade de tabelas de views de colunas de chaves de anomalias rotinas de relacionamentos entre tabelas de tabelas que n o possuem relacionamentos de forma mais pr tica e intuitiva onde toda essa informa o pode ser utilizada em estudos linhas de neg cios acompanhamentos apresenta es entre outras utilidades acesse meu github cat https github com phelipe sempreboni acesse meu linkedin computer https www linkedin com in luiz phelipe utiama sempreboni 319902169 espero ajudar smiley | schemaspy oracle-database oracle-db graphviz oracle | server |
WAD | wad web application development | front_end |
vscode-azure-iot-edge | azure iot edge for visual studio code gitter https img shields io badge chat on 20gitter blue svg https gitter im microsoft vscode azure iot edge announcement the azure iot visual studio code extension is in a maintenance mode please see this announcement https github com microsoft vscode azure iot edge issues 639 for more details we recommend using the command line steps https learn microsoft com en us azure iot edge how to vs code develop module view iotedge 1 4 branch pr en us 203829 tabs csharp pivots iotedge dev cli to develop edge modules over vscode extensions overview azure iot edge extension https marketplace visualstudio com items itemname vsciot vscode azure iot edge makes it easy to code build deploy and debug your iot edge https docs microsoft com azure iot edge how iot edge works solutions in visual studio code by providing a rich set of functionalities create new iot edge solution add new iot edge module to edge solution build and publish iot edge modules debug iot edge modules locally and remotely intellisense and code snippets for the deployment manifest manage iot edge devices and modules in iot hub with azure iot toolkit https marketplace visualstudio com items itemname vsciot vscode azure iot toolkit deploy iot solutions to iot edge devices added images multipleplatform gif what s new v1 25 11 update default edge runtime version to 1 4 lts what s new v1 25 10 snap to the latest simulator version 0 14 18 what s new v1 25 9 snap to the latest simulator version 0 14 14 what s new v1 25 8 snap to the latest simulator version 0 14 12 what s new v1 25 0 generate dev container definition files with new edge solutions ability to add dev container definition files to existing edge solutions what s new v1 22 0 changed allow user to select deployment template when add module adopt vs code s aswebviewuri api known issues c module remote debug error https github com microsoft vscode azure iot edge issues 283 cannot run c and python module in iot edge simulator iot edge simulator does not work on windows container asa module may fail sending message https github com microsoft vscode azure iot edge issues 213 entry not found in cache error when importing acr and asa modules https github com microsoft vscode azure iot edge issues 161 node js module template version is not applied when another version is installed globally https github com microsoft vscode azure iot edge issues 340 access is denied when debugging c module on macos https github com azure iotedgehubdev issues 30 issuecomment 514964933 prerequisites for azure iot edge extension you need to install prerequisites below to make azure iot edge extension work docker https www docker com python https www python org downloads and pip https pip pypa io en stable installing installation iotedgehubdev https pypi org project iotedgehubdev pip install upgrade iotedgehubdev it s also recommended to install docker support for visual studio code https marketplace visualstudio com items itemname peterjausovec vscode docker to manage your iot edge docker images containers and registries the current user must have permissions to manage docker by default this is not the case on linux check the faq section faq to avoid permission denied errors prerequisites for specific language to develop iot edge modules you also need to install following prerequisites for specific language c module prerequisites net core 2 1 sdk or higher https www microsoft com net download net core 3 0 sdk or higher https dotnet microsoft com download dotnet core 3 0 is required for arm64 preview support please read the instruction here https devblogs microsoft com iotdev develop and debug arm64 iot edge modules in visual studio code preview for more details c for visual studio code powered by omnisharp extension https marketplace visualstudio com items itemname ms vscode csharp prerequisites for azure iot edge extension prerequisites for azure iot edge extension c functions on iot edge prerequisites net core 2 1 sdk or higher https www microsoft com net download c for visual studio code powered by omnisharp extension https marketplace visualstudio com items itemname ms vscode csharp prerequisites for azure iot edge extension prerequisites for azure iot edge extension python module prerequisites python https www python org downloads and pip https pip pypa io en stable installing installation git https git scm com downloads for cloning module template from github python extension https marketplace visualstudio com items itemname ms python python for visual studio code prerequisites for azure iot edge extension prerequisites for azure iot edge extension node js module prerequisites node js and npm https nodejs org yeoman https yeoman io prerequisites for azure iot edge extension prerequisites for azure iot edge extension java module prerequisites java se development kit https aka ms azure jdks and set the java home environment variable https docs oracle com cd e19182 01 820 7851 inst cli jdk javahome t to point to your jdk installation maven https maven apache org java extension pack https marketplace visualstudio com items itemname vscjava vscode java pack for visual studio code prerequisites for azure iot edge extension prerequisites for azure iot edge extension c module prerequisites git https git scm com downloads for cloning module template from github c c extension https marketplace visualstudio com items itemname ms vscode cpptools for visual studio code prerequisites for azure iot edge extension prerequisites for azure iot edge extension quickstart click the links below to learn how to develop debug and deploy iot edge modules c module https docs microsoft com azure iot edge tutorial csharp module c functions on iot edge https docs microsoft com azure iot edge tutorial deploy function python module https docs microsoft com azure iot edge tutorial python module node js module https docs microsoft com azure iot edge tutorial node module java module https docs microsoft com azure iot edge tutorial java module c module https docs microsoft com azure iot edge tutorial c module faq q all too often i forget to save a config file and when i build the docker image can we auto save files before build a by default vs code requires an explicit action to save your changes to disk ctrl s however it s easy to turn on auto save https code visualstudio com docs editor codebasics save auto save q how to work with python virtual environment a the python extension manages your virtual environments in the workspace folder please refer to environments https code visualstudio com docs languages python environments and automatic activation of environments in the terminal https blogs msdn microsoft com pythonengineering 2018 10 09 python in visual studio code september 2018 release for details q help me understand iot edge deployment manifest a learn how to use deployment manifests to deploy modules and establish routes https docs microsoft com azure iot edge module composition q if i run this extension on linux e g ubuntu when executing docker commands e g the build iot edge module image command the terminal shows permission denied errors how can i fix this and avoid having to prefix every command manually with sudo a this extension assumes the current user has sufficient privileges to run docker commands on linux you can add the current user to the docker group by executing the following commands to create the group sudo groupadd docker to add the current user to it sudo usermod ag docker user after executing these commands exit your terminal session and restart docker sudo systemctl restart docker or you can reboot the machine completely check the post installation steps for linux https docs docker com install linux linux postinstall manage docker as a non root user in the docker documentation for more information on how to manage docker as a non root user commands press f1 or ctrl shift p to open command palette type azure iot edge to see all the commands azure iot edge new iot edge solution create an iot edge solution azure iot edge add iot edge module add a new iot edge module to the iot edge solution azure iot edge build iot edge module image containerize iot edge module from source code azure iot edge build and push iot edge module image containerize and push iot edge module image to a docker registry azure iot edge build iot edge solution build all the iot edge module image in the solution and expand deployment manifest azure iot edge build and push iot edge solution build and push all the iot edge module image in the solution and expand deployment manifest azure iot edge setup iot edge simulator setup iot edge simulator with an edge device connection string azure iot edge build and run iot edge solution in simulator build all the iot edge module image in the solution and expand deployment manifest then run the solution in iot edge simulator azure iot edge run iot edge solution in simulator run the solution of the given deployment manifest in iot edge simulator azure iot edge start iot edge hub simulator for single module start the iot edge simulator for testing single module it will ask for the input names of the module azure iot edge stop iot edge simulator stop iot edge simulator azure iot edge set module credentials to user settings set the module credential into azure iot edge edgehubconnectionstring and azure iot edge edgemodulecacertificatefile in user settings the credentials could be used to connect iot edge simulator azure iot edge create deployment for edge device create and submit the deployment to your iot edge device with specified deployment manifest you can also trigger following frequently used commands in context menu azure iot edge add iot edge module the context menu of deployment template json file or modules folder in vs code file explorer a new module will be added to the modules folder azure iot edge build iot edge solution the context menu of deployment template json file in vs code file explorer azure iot edge build and push iot edge solution the context menu of deployment template json file in vs code file explorer azure iot edge build and run iot edge solution in simulator the context menu of deployment template json file in vs code file explorer azure iot edge generate iot edge deployment manifest the context menu of deployment template json file in vs code file explorer the deployment manifest deployment json will be expanded from deployment template json azure iot edge build iot edge module image the context menu of the module json file in vs code file explorer with the input platform from user it will build the image with the target dockerfile azure iot edge build and push iot edge module image the context menu of the module json file in vs code file explorer with the input platform from user it will build and push image with the target dockerfile azure iot edge create deployment for edge device the context menu of an iot edge device in device list create a deployment for target iot edge device with deployment manifest file you select azure iot edge edit module twin the context menu of a deployed module in device list fetch target module twin and then update it in edit view code snippets trigger content edgemodule add iot edge module in iot edge deployment manifest edgeroute add iot edge route in iot edge deployment manifest resources video tutorial azure iot edge extension for visual studio code https channel9 msdn com shows internet of things show azure iot edge extension for visual studio code develop and deploy a c module https docs microsoft com azure iot edge tutorial csharp module develop and deploy a python module https docs microsoft com azure iot edge tutorial python module develop and deploy a node js module https docs microsoft com azure iot edge tutorial node module develop and deploy a c module https docs microsoft com azure iot edge tutorial c module register a new azure iot edge device https docs microsoft com en us azure iot edge how to register device deploy azure iot edge modules https docs microsoft com azure iot edge how to deploy modules vscode debug c module https docs microsoft com azure iot edge how to develop csharp module debug node js module https docs microsoft com azure iot edge how to develop node module debug java module https docs microsoft com azure iot edge how to develop java module debug python module https docs microsoft com azure iot edge how to develop python module debug c functions module https docs microsoft com azure iot edge how to develop csharp function ci cd in vsts https docs microsoft com azure iot edge how to ci cd supported operating systems currently this extension supports the following operating systems windows 7 and later 32 bit and 64 bit macos 10 10 and later ubuntu 16 04 the extension might work on other linux distros as some users have reported but be aware that microsoft provides no guarantee or support for such installations you can find azure iot edge support here https docs microsoft com azure iot edge support typeedge experimental the azure iot typeedge introduces a strongly typed flavor of the inherently loosely coupled vanilla azure iot edge we would like to invite you to try typeedge out and give us any feedback or recommendations you might have here typeedge is still an experimental project that we don t recommend to use it in production iot edge project to get started please visit the project repo https aka ms typeedge and give us feedback via github issues https github com azure typeedge issues data telemetry this project collects usage data and sends it to microsoft to help improve our products and services read our privacy statement http go microsoft com fwlink linkid 521839 to learn more if you don t wish to send usage data to microsoft you can set the telemetry enabletelemetry setting to false learn more in our faq https code visualstudio com docs supporting faq how to disable telemetry reporting support and contact us you can join in our gitter https gitter im microsoft vscode azure iot edge to ask for help report issues and talk to the product team directly | azure-iothub vscode-extension azure-iot-edge azure-iot iot | server |
Interactive_Tools | interactive tools for machine learning deep learning and math content deep learning exbert exbert bertviz bertviz cnn explainer cnn explainer play with gans in the browser play with gans in the browser convnet playground convnet playground distill exploring neural networks with activation atlases distill exploring neural networks with activation atlases a visual introduction to machine learning a visual introduction to machine learning interactive deep learning playground interactive deep learning playground initializing neural networks initializing neural networks embedding projector embedding projector openai microscope openai microscope interpretability the language interpretability tool the language interpretability tool what if what if measuring diversity measuring diversity math sage interactions sage interactions probability distributions probability distributions bayesian inference bayesian inference seeing theory probability and stats seeing theory probability and stats interactive gaussian process visualization interactive gaussian process visualization deep learning exbert exbert is a tool to help humans conduct flexible interactive investigations and formulate hypotheses for the model internal reasoning process supporting analysis for a wide variety of hugging face transformer models exbert provides insights into the meaning of the contextual representations and attention by matching a human specified input to similar contexts in large annotated datasets source exbert https huggingface co exbert img width 1438 alt exbert src https user images githubusercontent com 27798583 157429282 352f48f2 0d7b 43ef 8aff 79feaa8ae47a png bertviz bertviz is a tool for visualizing attention in the transformer model supporting most models from the transformers library bert gpt 2 xlnet roberta xlm ctrl marianmt etc it extends the tensor2tensor visualization tool https github com tensorflow tensor2tensor tree master tensor2tensor visualization by llion jones and the transformers library https github com huggingface transformers from huggingface https github com huggingface source bertviz https github com jessevig bertviz p align center img src https github com machine learning tokyo dl study group blob master images bert vis gif width 600 p https github com jessevig bertviz cnn explainer an interactive visualization system designed to help non experts learn about convolutional neural networks cnns it runs a pre tained cnn in the browser and lets you explore the layers and operations live demo https poloclub github io cnn explainer video https youtube com watch v udvn7fpvge0 code https github com poloclub cnn explainer paper https arxiv org abs 2004 15004 p align center img src https github com machine learning tokyo dl study group blob master images cnn explainer gif width 400 p https poloclub github io cnn explainer play with gans in the browser explore generative adversarial networks directly in the browser with gan lab there are many cool features that support interactive experimentation interactive hyperparameter adjustment user defined data distribution slow motion mode manual step by step execution p align center img src https github com machine learning tokyo dl study group blob master images gans png width 1000 p https poloclub github io ganlab convnet playground convnet playground is an interactive visualization tool for exploring convolutional neural networks applied to the task of semantic image search p align center img src https github com machine learning tokyo dl study group blob master images convnetplaygroud png width 1000 p https convnetplayground fastforwardlabs com distill exploring neural networks with activation atlases feature inversion to visualize millions of activations from an image classification network leads to an explorable activation atlas of features the network has learned this can reveal how the network typically represents some concepts p align center img src https github com machine learning tokyo dl study group blob master images activation atlas png width 1000 p https distill pub 2019 activation atlas a visual introduction to machine learning available in many different languages p align center img src https github com machine learning tokyo dl study group blob master images intro ml png width 1000 p http www r2d3 us visual intro to machine learning part 1 interactive deep learning playground new to deep learning tinker with a neural network in your browser p align center img src https github com machine learning tokyo dl study group blob master images dl playground png width 1000 p https playground tensorflow org initializing neural networks initialization can have a significant impact on convergence in training deep neural networks simple initialization schemes can accelerate training but they require care to avoid common pitfalls in this post deeplearning ai folks explain how to initialize neural network parameters effectively p align center img src https github com machine learning tokyo dl study group blob master images weight init png width 1000 p https www deeplearning ai ai notes initialization embedding projector it s increaingly important to understand how data is being interpreted by machine learning models to translate the things we understand naturally e g words sounds or videos to a form that the algorithms can process we often use embeddings a mathematical vector representation that captures different facets dimensions of the data in this interactive you can explore multiple different algorithms pca t sne umap for exploring these embeddings in your browser p align center img src https github com machine learning tokyo dl study group blob master images embedding mnist gif width 1000 p https projector tensorflow org openai microscope the openai microscope is a collection of visualizations of every significant layer and neuron of eight important vision models p align center img src https github com machine learning tokyo dl study group blob master images openai microscope png width 1000 p https microscope openai com interpretability fairness the language interpretability tool the language interpretability tool lit is an open source platform for visualization and understanding of nlp models you can use lit to ask and answer questions like what kind of examples does my model perform poorly on why did my model make this prediction can it attribute it to adversarial behavior or undesirable priors from the training set does my model behave consistently if i change things like textual style verb tense or pronoun gender p align center img src https github com machine learning tokyo interactive tools blob master images lit gif width 1000 p https pair code github io lit what if the what if tool lets you visually probe the behavior of trained machine learning models with minimal coding source pair https pair code github io what if tool what if https user images githubusercontent com 27798583 118443855 b3cc9b80 b6ec 11eb 9c28 849d7e755cd4 gif measuring diversity pair explorables around measuring diversity search ranking and recommendation systems can help find useful documents in large datasets however these datasets reflect the biases of the society in which they were created and the systems risk re entrenching those biases for example if someone who is not a white man searches for ceo pictures and sees a page of white men they may feel that only white men can be ceos further perpetuating lack of representation at companies executive levels mitchell et al 2020 diversity and inclusion metrics in subset selection https arxiv org abs 2002 03256 interactive explorables https pair withgoogle com explorables measuring diversity source pair https pair code github io lit p align center img src https github com machine learning tokyo dl study group blob master images mdiv png width 1000 p https pair withgoogle com explorables measuring diversity math sage interactions this is a collection of pages demonstrating the use of the interact command in sage it should be easy to just scroll through and copy paste examples into sage notebooks examples include algebra bioinformatics calculus cryptography differential equations drawing graphics dynamical systems fractals games and diversions geometry graph theory linear algebra loop quantum gravity number theory statistics probability topology web applications p align center img src https github com machine learning tokyo dl study group blob master images sage png width 1000 p https wiki sagemath org interact probability distributions by simon ward jones a visual tour of probability distributions bernoulli distribution binomial distribution normal distribution beta distribution lognormal distribution p align center img src https github com machine learning tokyo dl study group blob master images prob png width 1000 p https www simonwardjones co uk posts probability distributions bayesian inference by simon ward jones explaining the basics of bayesian inference with the example of flipping a coin p align center img src https github com machine learning tokyo dl study group blob master images bayes png width 1000 p https www simonwardjones co uk posts probability distributions seeing theory probability and stats a visual introduction to probability and statistics p align center img src https github com machine learning tokyo dl study group blob master images seeing theory png width 1000 p https seeing theory brown edu interactive gaussian process visualization a gaussian process can be thought of as an extension of the multivariate normal distribution to an infinite number of random variables covering each point on the input domain the covariance between function values at any two points is given by the evaluation of the kernel of the gaussian process for an in depth explanation read this excellent distill pub article https distill pub 2019 visual exploration gaussian processes and then come back to this interactive visualisation source infinite curiosity http www infinitecuriosity org vizgp p align center img src https github com machine learning tokyo dl study group blob master images gaussian vis png width 1000 p http www infinitecuriosity org vizgp | deep-learning interactive-tools machine-learning | ai |
solid-design-system | solid design system https docs vantage design com solid demo product thumbnail https raw githubusercontent com vantagedesign assets master solid design system solid thumbnail shadow png solid design system is a feature complete design system inspired by google s material design and powered by bootstrap 4 it features a ton of custom styled components handcrafted sections and beautiful ready to go example pages solid builds upon and extends bootstrap with plugins such as a date time picker parallax lightbox carousels tags icons from font awesome and more bootstrap and these plugins have all been styled according to the design language of solid and this combination of components and design forms the solid design system besides a beautiful design and a ton of components solid feautures a powerful build workflow powered by gulpjs this enables you to write stylesheets with sass css scss and provides concatenated and minified css javascript and even images to make your project as fast as possible for the end user all features of solid are extensively documented components solid features all of the standard bootstrap 4 components and syntax and more therefore you can use your existing knowledge of bootstrap use components such as butons alerts cards dropdowns navbars navs progress and much more useful extensions have been included such as flippable cards a navbar that changes style on scrolling and more plugins solid extends the basic bootstrap components and features with a variety of plugins these include tags selects carousels lightboxes parallax and more which are part of the pro version of solid but also features such as smooth scrolling and font awesome which are included in the standard version of solid handcrafted sections solid design system pro includes more than 34 prebuilt handcrafted sections which can be used to build your project sections include showcases for features your team projects pricing contact information and much more beautiful example pages a handful of example pages is provided in solid design system pro to kickstart your project pages include a landing page login page error pages blog list blog article a pricing page and more standard pro version solid design system comes in two variants a standard version and a pro version the standard version includes a lot of components and functionality with a beautiful design the pro version extends upon this and offers much more components plugins sections example pages and other functionality along with premium support demo documentation documentation https docs vantage design com solid demo https docs vantage design com solid demo installation download from github https github com vantagedesign solid design system releases purchase and download pro version https vantage design com products design systems 2 solid design system pro clone the repo git clone https github com vantagedesign solid design system git follow the getting started https docs vantage design com solid getting started usage steps in the documentation resources store page https vantage design com products design systems 3 solid design system store page pro version https vantage design com products design systems 2 solid design system pro demo https docs vantage design com solid demo documentation https docs vantage design com solid issues https github com vantagedesign solid design system issues license https github com vantagedesign solid design system blob master license md reporting issues we use github issues as the official bug tracker for the solid design system when reporting an issue please follow the following guidelines 1 make sure that you are using the latest version of solid 2 provide us with reproducible steps for recreating the issue in order for us to find the issue and fix is as soon as possible 3 specify your browser and version of solid licensing copyright 2020 vantage design https vantage design com license https github com vantagedesign solid design system blob master license md useful links more products https vantage design com free products https vantage design com products free products premium products https vantage design com products premium products design sytems https vantage design com products design systems page templates https vantage design com products page templates documentation themes https vantage design com products documentation themes social media facebook https www facebook com vantagedesignofficial instagram https www instagram com vantagedesignofficial | bootstrap4 design-system ui-kit html5 scss gulpjs javascript free design-systems | os |
transynthetical-engine | transynthetical engine applied methods of analytical augmentation https github com williamcotton empirical philosophy blob main articles from prompt alchemy to prompt engineering an introduction to analytic agumentation md to build tools using large language models install npm install make env edit openai api key and wolfram alpha api key question and answer to run the question and answer augmentation with a sample question make the default question is the rather nonsensical what is the population of geneseo ny combined with the population of rochester ny divided by string length of the answer to the question what is the capital of france the question and answer augmentation includes a number of exemplars expecting a user message question context existingarchivedfunctions what is the population of geneseo ny combined with the population of rochester ny divided by string length of the answer to the question what is the capital of france which the assistant would respond with js async function solution query archiver const populationofgeneseo populationofrochester lengthofcapital await promise all query prompt what is the population of geneseo ny topic geneseo ny target population type number query prompt what is the population of rochester ny topic rochester ny target population type number query prompt what is the capital of france topic france target capital type string const populationofgeneseopluspopulationofrochester populationofgeneseo answer populationofrochester answer const answer populationofgeneseopluspopulationofrochester lengthofcapital answer length return answer answer solutions computed true query true the query function will use a number of external sources including wikipedia wolfram alpha and duck duck go combined with a nested call to the llm to properly parse the query for further computation question what is the population of geneseo ny combined with the population of rochester ny divided by string length of the answer to the question what is the capital of france expectedanswer 43780 4 answer 43780 4 en answer the combined population of geneseo ny and rochester ny divided by the string length of the answer to the question what is the capital of france is 43892 6 correct true this means that this particular question made four total calls to the llm the first was to build the nested queries and the other three to parse the response from the search engines in essence the question and answer exemplars used in the few shot instructions have taught the engine to use a javascript interpreter that has access to a specialized query function let s ask another question what is the statistical variance for the list of numbers 2 4 2 5 2 6 6 this time the response is js async function solution query archiver const numbers 2 4 2 5 2 6 6 function compute variance numbers const mean numbers reduce acc curr acc curr 0 numbers length const variance numbers reduce acc curr acc math pow curr mean 2 0 numbers length return variance await archiver add name compute variance func compute variance argtypes numbers number returntype number description the function compute variance takes an array of numbers as an input and computes the variance of those numbers the function accomplishes this by first computing the mean of the input numbers and then computing the variance of the input numbers by taking the sum of the squared differences between each number and the mean and dividing by the number of input numbers isapplication false const varianceofnumbers compute variance numbers return answer varianceofnumbers solutions computed true query false here the llm has created a function and added it to the archiver this function can be then be verfied and then used for further questions if of course used this function on a given list of numbers to compute the variance 2 979591836734694 the statistical variance for the list 2 4 2 5 2 6 6 is 2 979591836734694 browser builder another included augmentation assists with constructing web applications given the following request make a new application called draw50randomcircleswebapplication v0 0 0 it should have a canvas element that is 320x480 the canvas element should have a black border and a drop shadow the buttons should be the same size and have meaningful tasteful pale colors succinct and friendly text and emoji icons it should have a button that draws 50 random circles when clicked it should have a button that clears the canvas when clicked use an instance of the draw50randomcircleswebapplication to demonstrate to the user that it works becomes the augmented user prompt context div id context div existingarchivedfunctions instructions make a new application called draw50randomcircleswebapplication v0 0 0 it should have a canvas element that is 320x480 the canvas element should have a black border and a drop shadow the buttons should be the same size and have meaningful tasteful pale colors succinct and friendly text and emoji icons it should have a button that draws 50 random circles when clicked it should have a button that clears the canvas when clicked use an instance of the draw50randomcircleswebapplication to demonstrate to the user that it works you ll notice that there is html context provided the browser builder augmentation assumes that there is a browser document in scope during evaluation of the code returned by the llm js async function solution query archiver document const draw50randomcircleswebapplication v0 0 0 await archiver build name draw50randomcircleswebapplication v0 0 0 prompt make a new application called draw50randomcircleswebapplication v0 0 0 n nit should have a canvas element that is 320x480 nthe canvas element should have a black border and a drop shadow nthe buttons should be the same size and have meaningful tasteful pale colors succinct and friendly text and emoji icons nit should have a button that draws 50 random circles when clicked nit should have a button that clears the canvas when clicked n nuse an instance of the draw50randomcircleswebapplication to demonstrate to the user that it works argtypes query any archiver archiver document document returntype undefined description a web application that draws 50 random circles on a canvas when the user clicks a button and clears the canvas when another button is clicked isapplication true await draw50randomcircleswebapplication v0 0 0 query archiver document return answer draw50randomcircleswebapplication v0 0 0 solutions computed true query false however instead of writing the javascript for our draw50randomcircles application directly this augmentation instead calls the archiver build function similar to the query function this will also make an additional call to an llm this build function stores the result in a database the prompt used by the build function context application async function draw50randomcircleswebapplication v0 0 0 query any archiver archiver document document undefined a web application that draws 50 random circles on a canvas when the user clicks a button and clears the canvas when another button is clicked existingarchivedfunctions instructions make a new application called draw50randomcircleswebapplication v0 0 0 it should have a canvas element that is 320x480 the canvas element should have a black border and a drop shadow the buttons should be the same size and have meaningful tasteful pale colors succinct and friendly text and emoji icons it should have a button that draws 50 random circles when clicked it should have a button that clears the canvas when clicked use an instance of the draw50randomcircleswebapplication to demonstrate to the user that it works results in js async function solution async function draw50randomcircleswebapplication v0 0 0 query archiver document const body document body const canvas document createelement canvas canvas width 320 canvas height 480 canvas style border 1px solid black canvas style boxshadow 2px 2px 4px rgba 0 0 0 0 4 const context canvas getcontext 2d const buttoncontainer document createelement div const drawbutton document createelement button drawbutton innertext draw 50 random circles drawbutton style backgroundcolor f7d488 drawbutton style margin 10px const clearbutton document createelement button clearbutton innertext clear canvas clearbutton style backgroundcolor e37373 clearbutton style margin 10px buttoncontainer appendchild drawbutton buttoncontainer appendchild clearbutton body appendchild canvas body appendchild buttoncontainer drawbutton onclick context clearrect 0 0 canvas width canvas height for let i 0 i 50 i const radius math floor math random 20 10 const x math floor math random canvas width 2 radius radius const y math floor math random canvas height 2 radius radius const color rgb math floor math random 256 math floor math random 256 math floor math random 256 context beginpath context arc x y radius 0 2 math pi context fillstyle color context fill context closepath clearbutton onclick context clearrect 0 0 canvas width canvas height return answer draw50randomcircleswebapplication v0 0 0 en answer draw50randomcircleswebapplication v0 0 0 solutions computed true screenshot 2023 04 20 at 10 10 58 am https user images githubusercontent com 13163 233414396 81ab36da dcb2 4b2f 91eb 715fe01a4f9f png screenshot 2023 04 20 at 10 11 06 am https user images githubusercontent com 13163 233414392 2ce1710f 6262 446f a0f2 52ce57469c97 png which is the function returned by archiver build in the primary query the reason for the additional query is so that the dialog of messages isn t cluttered with javascript it turns out that we don t like the icons used so we make an additional request build a new version but choose different icons that are more visual and less abstract but we explictily reference the existing application context div id context div existingarchivedfunctions instructions reference draw50randomcircleswebapplication v0 0 0 build a new version but choose different icons that are more visual and less abstract which results in js async function solution query archiver document const draw50randomcircleswebapplication await archiver rebuild prompt reference draw50randomcircleswebapplication v0 0 0 build a new version but choose different icons that are more visual and less abstract name draw50randomcircleswebapplication v0 0 0 return answer draw50randomcircleswebapplication v0 0 0 solutions computed true query false here the archiver rebuild function is used this will make a nested call to the llm but with the first version of the code context rebuild async function draw50randomcircleswebapplication v0 0 0 query archiver document const body document body const canvas document createelement canvas canvas width 320 canvas height 480 canvas style border 1px solid black canvas style boxshadow 2px 2px 4px rgba 0 0 0 0 4 const context canvas getcontext 2d const buttoncontainer document createelement div const drawbutton document createelement button drawbutton innertext draw 50 random circles drawbutton style backgroundcolor f7d488 drawbutton style margin 10px const clearbutton document createelement button clearbutton innertext clear canvas clearbutton style backgroundcolor e37373 clearbutton style margin 10px buttoncontainer appendchild drawbutton buttoncontainer appendchild clearbutton body appendchild canvas body appendchild buttoncontainer drawbutton onclick context clearrect 0 0 canvas width canvas height for let i 0 i 50 i const radius math floor math random 20 10 const x math floor math random canvas width 2 radius radius const y math floor math random canvas height 2 radius radius const color rgb math floor math random 256 math floor math random 256 math floor math random 256 context beginpath context arc x y radius 0 2 math pi context fillstyle color context fill context closepath clearbutton onclick context clearrect 0 0 canvas width canvas height existingarchivedfunctions instructions reference draw50randomcircleswebapplication v0 0 0 build a new version but choose different icons that are more visual and less abstract which results in js async function solution async function draw50randomcircleswebapplication v0 0 1 query archiver document const body document body const canvas document createelement canvas canvas width 320 canvas height 480 canvas style border 1px solid black canvas style boxshadow 2px 2px 4px rgba 0 0 0 0 4 const context canvas getcontext 2d const buttoncontainer document createelement div const drawbutton document createelement button drawbutton innertext draw 50 random circles drawbutton style backgroundcolor f7d488 drawbutton style margin 10px const clearbutton document createelement button clearbutton innertext clear canvas clearbutton style backgroundcolor e37373 clearbutton style margin 10px buttoncontainer appendchild drawbutton buttoncontainer appendchild clearbutton body appendchild canvas body appendchild buttoncontainer drawbutton onclick context clearrect 0 0 canvas width canvas height for let i 0 i 50 i const radius math floor math random 20 10 const x math floor math random canvas width 2 radius radius const y math floor math random canvas height 2 radius radius const color rgb math floor math random 256 math floor math random 256 math floor math random 256 context beginpath context arc x y radius 0 2 math pi context fillstyle color context fill context closepath clearbutton onclick context clearrect 0 0 canvas width canvas height return answer draw50randomcircleswebapplication v0 0 1 en answer draw50randomcircleswebapplication v0 0 1 solutions computed true screenshot 2023 04 20 at 10 19 48 am https user images githubusercontent com 13163 233414521 2e983084 d477 4490 ad12 fe6b8da42254 png screenshot 2023 04 20 at 10 19 59 am https user images githubusercontent com 13163 233414517 4e1a88f1 0749 4483 9201 3d93ef776ab4 png the dialog of messages including the initial exemplars used for system user and assistant messages consists of higher level javascript that orchestrates additional llm tools to write or rewrite the actual code llm tokens are a limited resource when it comes to interactivity and interactions can quickly reach the token limit another benefit of separating the build and rebuild functionality from a specific dialog is that an entirely new dialog can be started with the same code | ai |
polaris-tokens | h1 align center legacy polaris design tokens h1 img src https user images githubusercontent com 85783 39013335 ebf76f5e 43cb 11e8 81f2 706259125897 png alt align center h3 align center colors spacing animation and typography for all platforms h3 p align center em javascript json css scss android sketch macos ios adobe swatch em p div align center markdown 1 npm version https img shields io npm v shopify polaris tokens svg https www npmjs com package shopify polaris tokens ci https github com shopify polaris tokens workflows ci badge svg https github com shopify polaris tokens actions query workflow 3aci div design tokens https medium com eightshapes llc tokens in design systems 25dd82d58421 for polaris https polaris shopify com shopify s design system design tokens originated at salesforce and the best way to describe them is to simply quote their documentation design tokens are the visual design atoms of the design system specifically they are named entities that store visual design attributes we use them in place of hard coded values such as hex values for color or pixel values for spacing in order to maintain a scalable and consistent visual system for ui development salesforce ux https www lightningdesignsystem com design tokens installation polaris design tokens are available as both a npm package shopify polaris tokens on npm https www npmjs com and as a ruby gem polaris tokens on rubygems https rubygems org the recommended way to use and install design tokens may vary depending on your project the most common are documented below using npm https www npmjs com console npm install shopify polaris tokens save using yarn https yarnpkg com en console yarn add shopify polaris tokens using bundler https bundler io console bundle add polaris tokens javascript in javascript design token names are formatted in lower camelcase http wiki c2 com camelcase js const tokens require shopify polaris tokens console log tokens colorbluelighter rgb 235 245 250 in json design token names are formatted in kebab case http wiki c2 com kebabcase js const tokens require shopify polaris tokens dist index json console log tokens color blue lighter rgb 235 245 250 note that if your project supports ecmascript modules you can also use the import syntax js import as tokens from shopify polaris tokens or import colorbluelighter from shopify polaris tokens sass sass variables and map keys are formatted in kebab case http wiki c2 com kebabcase scss using variables import shopify polaris tokens dist index a color color blue text using the map of all tokens import shopify polaris tokens dist index map a color map get polaris index map color blue text using the map for a specific type of tokens here spacing import shopify polaris tokens dist spacing spacing map a color map get polaris spacing map loose sass with css custom properties custom properties are formatted in kebab case http wiki c2 com kebabcase scss omit css at the end of the file import shopify polaris tokens dist colors custom properties a color var color blue text rails token files are added to the assets pipeline in json design token names are formatted in kebab case http wiki c2 com kebabcase ruby require json polaris token file rails application assets manifest find sources colors json first polaris colors json parse polaris token file polaris colors color blue lighter rgb 235 245 250 css filters color tokens include a css filter https developer mozilla org en us docs web css filter filter value as part of their metadata when this filter is applied to an element it will change that element s color to approximate the target token color div no background no filter div div style background color fff white background no filter div div style filter brightness 0 saturate 100 invert 28 sepia 67 saturate 3622 hue rotate 353deg brightness 89 contrast 95 no background red filter div div style background color fff filter brightness 0 saturate 100 invert 28 sepia 67 saturate 3622 hue rotate 353deg brightness 89 contrast 95 white background red filter div text and non transparent backgrounds become red when filter is applied github filter example 1 png in general these filters shouldn t be used unless absolutely necessary the main use case for the filters is to apply a color to an unsafe as in user provided svg since svgs can contain arbitrary code we should be careful about how they are displayed the safest option is to render svgs as an img for example img src circle svg alt when svgs are rendered like this browsers will block code execution unfortunately it also means that the svgs cannot be styled with external css applying fill red to the img won t do anything css filters allow us the safety of rendering svgs inside img elements but still give us control over their appearance div img src data image svg xml utf8 svg xmlns http www w3 org 2000 svg width 50 height 50 circle cx 20 cy 20 r 16 svg alt black circle no filter div div img src data image svg xml utf8 svg xmlns http www w3 org 2000 svg width 50 height 50 circle cx 20 cy 20 r 16 svg style filter brightness 0 saturate 100 invert 28 sepia 67 saturate 3622 hue rotate 353deg brightness 89 contrast 95 alt black circle red filter div the filter turns the black circle red github filter example 2 png note that all filled areas of an svg will change color with this approach including borders strokes for that reason it should only be used with monochromatic svgs div img src data image svg xml utf8 svg xmlns http www w3 org 2000 svg width 50 height 50 circle cx 20 cy 20 r 16 stroke green stroke width 4 svg alt black circle with green border no filter div div img src data image svg xml utf8 svg xmlns http www w3 org 2000 svg width 50 height 50 circle cx 20 cy 20 r 16 stroke green stroke width 4 svg style filter brightness 0 saturate 100 invert 28 sepia 67 saturate 3622 hue rotate 353deg brightness 89 contrast 95 alt black circle with green border red filter div the filter turns the entire circle red including the border github filter example 3 png if you need to generate new filter values you can do so with this codepen https codepen io kaelig full jeobgp contributing the purpose of this repository is to see the core design elements of the polaris design system evolve and improve over time with the needs of developers designers and partners in mind this project is now deprecated and no longer accepting contributions code of conduct https github com shopify polaris tokens blob main github code of conduct md we have a code of conduct https github com shopify polaris tokens blob main github code of conduct md please follow it in all your interactions with the project license https github com shopify polaris tokens blob main license md the polaris tokens project is available under the mit license https github com shopify polaris tokens blob main license md parts of the code in this repository are directly inspired or borrowed from the theo project https github com salesforce ux theo property of salesforce com inc licensed under bsd 3 clause https git io sfdc license | design-systems design-tokens shopify-polaris shopify polaris | os |
jekyll-algolia-example | jekyll algolia example this is an example of how you can integrate the jekyll algolia 1 plugin into the default jekyll theme you can see it live 2 or follow the tutorial 3 1 https community algolia com jekyll algolia 2 https community algolia com jekyll algolia example 3 https community algolia com jekyll algolia blog html | front_end |
CodingTest | coding assessment guidelines to validate a candidates skills in developing for mobile applications we would like you to create a small application we anticipate this challenge should take no more that 1 2 hours the task we would like you to complete is to create a basic app that makes a call to a weather restful web service and display the data that is returned in the response on the screen of the mobile app changing the interface ui according to the forecast being returned clear sunny raining etc the app only needs to make a single call at launch and design skills are not being assessed some key elements we will be looking for in the application are use of suitable design patterns and a strict separation of concerns when developing a mobile application ui interaction and data binding principals management of user interface correct use of the application life cycle management of the ui thread and async development principals when displaying data and making network calls unit tests mocks to demonstrate the code is testable getting started register for a free api key at https developer forecast io the api to query is https api forecast io forecast your api key here latitude longitude we would like you to obtain the geolocation using the api s available from the mobile operating system the use of frameworks libraries and open source code is allowed but please reference their use in comments in the code please use package management for open source dependencies where suitable when complete please fork this repository commit your code via the git tools and send us a pull request | front_end |
Computer-Vision-Tutorial | computer vision tutorial the publisher subscriber and opencv portion is based on this ros tutorial http wiki ros org cv bridge tutorials convertingbetweenrosimagesandopencvimagespython prerequisites install ubuntu in virtual machine or dual boot ubuntu 20 preferred install ros ros noetic preferred cloning the repo go to home directory if you re not already there cd run following commands mkdir p catkin ws src cd catkin ws src git clone https github com utra robosoccer computer vision tutorial git updating dependencies the following commands will look inside package xml and install opencv for you cd catkin ws rosdep update rosdep install from paths src ignore src r y rosdistro noetic building tutorial package sourcing setup file lets your computer know where your project files are cd catkin ws catkin build computer vision pkg source devel setup bash launch the robot roslaunch computer vision pkg gazebo launch commands used during tutorial useful tip press tab to auto complete words as you type commands to run motor controller node open new terminal cd catkin ws source devel setup bash rosrun computer vision pkg motor controller to run planner node go to src folder python3 planner py to send a command to the left wheel rostopic pub left wheel controller command std msgs float64 data 1 0 to send a command to the motor controller rostopic pub motor commands std msgs string data left to see the ros node tree run this command rqt graph | ai |
gmic-qt | g mic qt a versatile g mic plugin purpose g mic qt is a versatile front end to the image processing framework g mic https gmic eu it is in fact a plugin for gimp http gimp org krita https krita org paint net https www getpaint net digikam https www digikam org and an 8bf filter plugin for photoshop compatible software as well as a standalone application standalone md authors s bastien fourey david tschumperl g mic lib original gtk based plugin contributors boudewijn rempt boud valdyas org krita compatibility layer later replaced by a native version of the plugin amyspark https github com amyspark krita native version of the plugin work in progress nicholas hayes https github com 0xc0000054 paint net and 8bf filter compatibility layers work in progress gilles caulier https github com cgilles digikam compatibility layer translators jan helebrant czech translation frank tegtmeyer german translation chroma ghost bazza pixls us spanish translation s bastien fourey french translation duddy hadiwido indonesian translation francesco riosa italian translation iarga pixls us dutch translation alex mozheiko polish translation maxr portuguese translation alex mozheiko russian translation andrex starodubtsev ukrainian translation linuxtoy https twitter com linuxtoy chinese translation omiya tou tokyogeometry github japanese translation official pre release binary packages available at gmic eu https gmic eu travis ci last build status master branch linux build status https api travis ci org c koi gmic qt svg branch master https travis ci org c koi gmic qt devel branch linux build status https api travis ci org c koi gmic qt svg branch devel https travis ci org c koi gmic qt build instructions by default the gimp integration plugin is built qmake qmake is simple to use but only really works in an environment where bash is available sh git clone https github com dtschump gmic git git clone https github com c koi gmic qt git make c gmic src cimg h gmic stdlib community h cd gmic qt qmake host none gimp paintdotnet 8bf make cmake cmake works on all platforms the first part is the same and requires make and wget to be available if you don t have all dependencies cmake will warn you which ones are missing note that the minimum cmake version is 3 1 sh git clone https github com dtschump gmic git git clone https github com c koi gmic qt git make c gmic src cimg h gmic stdlib community h cd gmic qt then make a build directory sh mkdir build cd build sh cmake dgmic qt host none gimp paintdotnet 8bf dgmic path path to gmic dcmake build type debug release relwithdebinfo make adapt g mic qt to new applications developers will find guidelines and instructions for the adaptation of the plugin to a new host application in the new host howto https github com c koi gmic qt blob master new host howto md | front_end |
nlp-node-natural-article | introduction ranging from social media trends to medical records the internet facilitates a never ending creation of large volumes of unstructured textual data the repercussion of this is the humanly fatigue that comes with processing and interpreting each snippet for meaning modern computer systems can make sense of natural languages using an underlying technology called nlp natural language processing this technology can process human language as input and perform one or more of the following operations sentiment analysis is it a positive or negative statement topic classification what is it about artificial intelligence or melodic death metal m decide on what actions to take what actions should be taken based on this statement intent extraction what is the intention behind this statement this repository contains several folders each one with code to perform specific nlp actions tokenization stemming measuring similarity between two strings classifying input sentiment analysis phonetic matching spell checking installation 1 clone the repository 2 install dependencies npm install 3 navigate into the src directory and run the folders for example you can run the tokenization folder with this command node tokenization | ai |
sql_employee_DB | sql challenge 1 data modeling to begin the data modeling portion of this assignment after getting all my materials resources into github i opened all the csv files in excel and briefly purused them getting a good idea of what the data looked like inside those files then i took note of the titles of all the spreadsheets and the column headers within each spreadsheet those would be key ingredients when setting up my erd in quickdatabasediagrams com the next step was the acutal modeling of the data in quickdatabasediagrams com in way that would allow me to get my csv sheets into a postgresql database it was the first time using the program as i was doing it before we went over it in class but it proved to be a fairly intuitive product below i ve provided a couple screen grabs of the erd i created screen grab of erd from quickdatabasediagrams com showing initial table layout code alt text https github com loucksjohn sql challenge blob main screen shots screencap postgressql png raw true another screen grab of erd from quickdatabasediagrams com isolating just the diagram alt text https github com loucksjohn sql challenge blob main screen shots postgresql graph png raw true when those were complete i exported the schema into a sql file that i could then import into pgadmin i have placed all six of the csv files and the sql file that was exported from quickdatabasediagrams com into the employeesql folder of this repository the export file is entitled og quickdbd export sql 2 data engineering after the erd was complete and i went about creating my tables in pgadmin i realized that i had made a mistake in my set up and had neglected to make title id a primary key of the titles table so as i was going about the cleaning up of the machine code that came out of the quickdbd export i went ahead and fixed my initial mistake and made the title id the primary key for the titles table the cleaned up corrected code can be seen in the file entitled quickdbd export sql in the employeesql folder in this repository after all the clean up was done i imported all six of the csv files was a bit of a surprise that i got all six of them to import on the first try i was trying to make sure that i created tables in the correct order so that the foreign keys would be handled appropriately and also importing them in the same order as they were created thankfully my attention to detail was on point this time so next up data analysis 3 data analysis i felt like the data analysis part of this assignment was the easiest part i didn t start to experience the creeping suspicion that it was a fake dataset until i got to the point where i was finding all employees w the name hercules seemed very odd that there were female employees with the name hercules all my code ran as expected in pgadmin and you can access all of the data analysis code by going into the employeesql folder and opening the queries sql file 4 bonus importing the sql database was a bit of a problem for me i was trying to do it right after the class in which we learned how to do it the mistake that i was making is that i was trying to import the entire database into pandas instead of just individual tables so once i figured out what i was doing wrong it went pretty smoothly you can view my jupyter notebook file in the employeesql folder and opening the bonus salary ipynb file please note that i have removed my pgadmin password from jupyter notebook and replaced it with yourpasswordhere i watched the youtube video that was linked in the instructions miguel grinberg oops i committed my password to github pycon 2018 but he kind of lost me a bit i wanted to make sure my password wasn t on github so i just removed it so if you try to run that jupyter notebook file and it doesn t work that s the reason why here is the histogram illustrating most common salary ranges for employees alt text https github com loucksjohn sql challenge blob main screen shots bonus histogram png raw true this defitely led me to believe that the dataset was fake seems highly improbable that approx 1 3 of the employees were making 40 000 and then there was such a drastic drop as the salaries went up i would definitely expect a majority of employees making much less than the executives but that curve should be much smoother and then on to the bar chart comparing average salary by title alt text https github com loucksjohn sql challenge blob main screen shots bonus bar png raw true this in combination with the histogram seems to prove it to be a fake dataset the average salary for seven titles seems to be evenly spread out so that means that in each one of those seven groups based on title that there is a high number of employees making 40 000 in the united states it is an impossibility that senior staff and senior engineer average salary would be the same as assistant engineer and staff so i can say with a high degree of certainty that it was indeed a fake dataset oh and i also searched my id 499942 which you will find at the bottom of my queries sql file and it looks like i too am part of an employee database that is supposedly from the 1980 s and 90 s so there s the nail in the coffin the dataset is fake and i m only making 40 000 which maybe is a pretty decent wage for a new data engineer circa 1980 1999 40 000 in 1990 would be roughly equivalent to 80 000 in today s money that s not too bad thanks for reading please reach out if you have any questions or concerns about any of the code files etc | python pandas pgadmin postgresql quickdb erd excel | server |
ml_pocket_reference | welcome here you will find the source code for the book machine learning pocket reference https learning oreilly com library view machine learning pocket 9781492047537 code examples every chapter has a notebook with the code from that notebook thanks thanks to readers for their support if you enjoyed the book please consider leaving a review on amazon or sharing it on social media comments if you have comments or issues with the book please consider filing an issue the digital version may recieve updates big updates could be addressed in future versions of the book thanks again matt harrison https twitter com mharrison | ai |
Mobile | license lgpl v3 https img shields io badge license lgpl 20v3 blue svg https www gnu org licenses lgpl 3 0 korean https img shields io badge language korean blue svg korean opengds mobile version 1 0 february 11th 2019 logo https user images githubusercontent com 13480171 52541836 c0127180 2ddc 11e9 88ad 27cf0af977c9 png geodt moible link http www geodt co kr pages mobile html arbiter api docx https github com odtbuilder mobile blob master arbiter 20 20 20api docx opengds https github com odtbuilder mobile tree master opengds android api sw arbiter link https github com rogue jctd arbiter android arbiter arbiter 3g 4g wi fi link http www git co kr opengeodt link http www pusan ac kr link http www krihs re kr center center center center img width 700 alt src https user images githubusercontent com 13480171 52546402 28277e80 2e02 11e9 8edd d1da955b4826 png img width 700 alt src https user images githubusercontent com 13480171 52546400 278ee800 2e02 11e9 80d7 6060192a04ea png center center center center img width 700 alt src https user images githubusercontent com 13480171 52546399 278ee800 2e02 11e9 80cf 718b35485bcb png img width 700 alt src https user images githubusercontent com 13480171 52546398 278ee800 2e02 11e9 8a24 4336ddbd3db0 png img width 700 alt src https user images githubusercontent com 13480171 52548570 d71f8680 2e11 11e9 8b1d c544333e7702 png img width 700 alt src https user images githubusercontent com 13480171 52542114 d66dfc80 2ddf 11e9 83e2 42b74ca9ce8d png div id 3 4 img width 700 alt src https user images githubusercontent com 13480171 52542225 fb16a400 2de0 11e9 8f31 98adcacc6ffa png img width 700 alt src https user images githubusercontent com 13480171 52542231 0d90dd80 2de1 11e9 9d85 fe1efd783cae png center open street map center center bing road center img width 700 alt openstreetmap src https user images githubusercontent com 13480171 52542534 0fa86b80 2de4 11e9 9227 fe4a84b1c3c9 png img width 700 alt bingroad src https user images githubusercontent com 13480171 52542536 10410200 2de4 11e9 8ef5 d68c3932b7d2 png center bing aerial center center bing aerial with labels center img width 700 alt bingaerial src https user images githubusercontent com 13480171 52542538 12a35c00 2de4 11e9 8106 53c02522db0c png img width 700 alt bingaerialwithlabels src https user images githubusercontent com 13480171 52542539 1b942d80 2de4 11e9 8e01 63e19f052a5f png center center center center img width 700 alt src https user images githubusercontent com 13480171 52542596 bee54280 2de4 11e9 99ab 430fff20a971 png img width 700 alt src https user images githubusercontent com 13480171 52542595 be4cac00 2de4 11e9 9a64 db28f73df122 png https github com odtbuilder mobile blob master geodt mobile 20v1 0 20 20 pdf 3 9 center center center center img width 700 alt src https user images githubusercontent com 13480171 52547050 acc8cb80 2e07 11e9 8754 6fa8c9fa91bd png img width 700 alt src https user images githubusercontent com 13480171 52547049 acc8cb80 2e07 11e9 9c44 52c5b8c5dd22 png arbiter api docx https github com odtbuilder mobile blob master arbiter 20 20 20api docx 1 android version 4 1 jelly bean android sdk minimum version 11 android sdk target version 19 2 apk opengdsbuilder2018prod https github com odtbuilder opengdsbuilder2018prod opengdsbuilder2018cons https github com odtbuilder opengdsbuilder2018cons arbiter android manual arbiter 1 arbiter android mit license link https github com rogue jctd arbiter android 2 android sdk link https www android com 3 cordova link https cordova apache org 4 gson link https github com google gson 5 jquery link https jquery com 6 openlayers link https openlayers org 7 proj4js link http proj4js org opengds mobile geospatial information editor the project of land geospatial information research and development korea has been designated to carry out the development of open source geospatial software challenges this project used arbiter android open source the full version will be available in the future an integrated environment these programs have not been completed the final version can cause problems to the full the problem is to end users if completed will be applied to the proposed license and conventions opensource team r d dept geospatial information technology co ltd research group group leader pusan national university link http www pusan ac kr research leader korea research institute for human settlements link http www krihs re kr extended functions 1 image overlay 2 address search 3 coordinate search 4 multilingual english korean portuguese spanish 5 additional base map 6 layer validation libraries 1 arbiter android mit license link https github com rogue jctd arbiter android mail developer seulgi lee ghre55 git co kr | server |
ELEN90066_Embedded | elen90066 embedded repo for elen90066 embedded system design src | os |
coffee-database | coffee database database design project for a final as part of ibm s data warehouse engineering profesisonal certificate on edx concepts utilized in this design normalization 1nf 2nf constraints primary keys foreign keys | server |
Azure_RTOS_Gigadevice | azure rtos gd32f450z azure rtos for gigadevice | os |
iotedge-vm-deploy | iotedge vm deploy detailed documentation is available on microsoft docs https docs microsoft com en us azure iot edge how to install iot edge ubuntuvm arm template to deploy iot edge enabled vm the following azure resource templates are for iot edge release 1 4 arm template to deploy a vm with iot edge pre installed via cloud init a href https portal azure com create microsoft template uri https 3a 2f 2fraw githubusercontent com 2fazure 2fiotedge vm deploy 2fmaster 2fedgedeploy json target blank img src https raw githubusercontent com azure azure quickstart templates master 1 contribution guide images deploytoazure png a the arm template visualized for exploration a href http armviz io load https 3a 2f 2fraw githubusercontent com 2fazure 2fiotedge vm deploy 2fmaster 2fedgedeploy json target blank img src https raw githubusercontent com azure azure quickstart templates master 1 contribution guide images visualizebutton png a azure cli command to deploy iot edge enabled vm the commands below deploy a vm with iot edge pre installed and provisioned with the provided connection string to deploy a vm with iot edge pre installed but not provisioned do not include the parameters deviceconnectionstring portion of the command using an arm template bash az deployment group create name edgevm resource group replace with rg name template uri https raw githubusercontent com azure iotedge vm deploy master edgedeploy json parameters dnslabelprefix my edge vm1 parameters adminusername azureuser parameters authenticationtype sshpublickey parameters adminpasswordorkey ssh id rsa pub parameters deviceconnectionstring az iot hub device identity show connection string device id replace with device name hub name replace with hub name o tsv using a local azure bicep file bash az deployment group create name edgevm resource group replace with rg name template file edgedeploy bicep parameters dnslabelprefix my edge vm1 parameters adminusername azureuser parameters authenticationtype sshpublickey parameters adminpasswordorkey ssh id rsa pub parameters deviceconnectionstring az iot hub device identity show connection string device id replace with device name hub name replace with hub name o tsv contributing this project welcomes contributions and suggestions most contributions require you to agree to a contributor license agreement cla declaring that you have the right to and actually do grant us the rights to use your contribution for details visit https cla opensource microsoft com when you submit a pull request a cla bot will automatically determine whether you need to provide a cla and decorate the pr appropriately e g status check comment simply follow the instructions provided by the bot you will only need to do this once across all repos using our cla this project has adopted the microsoft open source code of conduct https opensource microsoft com codeofconduct for more information see the code of conduct faq https opensource microsoft com codeofconduct faq or contact opencode microsoft com mailto opencode microsoft com with any additional questions or comments | server |
CS188-Projects-2023Winter | ucla dlcv course project project page https ucladeepvision github io cs188 projects 2023winter instruction for running this site locally 1 follow the first 2 steps in pull request instruction pull request instruction md 2 installing ruby with version 3 0 0 if you are using a mac and ruby 2 7 should work for linux check https www ruby lang org en documentation installation for instruction 3 installing bundler and jekyll with gem install user install bundler jekyll bundler install bundle add webrick 4 run your site with bundle exec jekyll serve you should see an address pop on the terminal http 127 0 0 1 4000 cs188 projects 2023winter by default go to this address with your browser working on the project 1 create a folder with your team id under assets images your teamid you will use this folder to store all the images in your project 2 copy the template at posts 2021 01 18 team00 instruction to post md and rename it with format year month date yourteamid projectshortname md under posts for example 2021 01 27 team01 object detection md 3 check out the sample post we provide at https ucladeepvision github io cs188 projects 2023winter and the source code at https raw githubusercontent com ucladeepvision cs188 projects 2023winter main posts 2021 01 18 team00 instruction to post md as well as basic markdown syntax at https www markdownguide org basic syntax 4 start your work in your md file you may only edit the md file you just copied and renamed and add images to assets images your teamid please do not change any other files in this repo once you save the md file jekyll will synchronize the site and you can check the changes on browser submission we will use git pull request to manage submissions once you ve done follow steps 3 and 4 in pull request instruction pull request instruction md to make a pull request before the deadline please make sure not to modify any file except your md file and your images folder we will merge the request after all submissions are received and you should able to check your work in the project page on next week of each deadline deadlines you should make three pull requests before the following deadlines january 29 sunday each group should determine the topic and list the 3 most relevant papers and their code repo february 26 sunday each group should include technical details and algorithms code march 19 tentative sunday finalize blog article colab demo and recorded video kudos to tianpei https gutianpei github io who originally developed this site for cs 188 in winter 2022 | ai |
FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP | introduction this branch contains unified ipv4 and ipv6 functionalities refer to the getting started guide found here https github com freertos freertos plus tcp blob main gettingstarted md for more details freertos plus tcp library freertos plus tcp is a lightweight tcp ip stack for freertos it provides a familiar berkeley sockets interface making it as simple to use and learn as possible freertos plus tcp s features and ram footprint are fully scalable making freertos plus tcp equally applicable to smaller lower throughput microcontrollers as well as larger higher throughput microprocessors this library has undergone static code analysis and checks for compliance with the misra coding standard https www misra org uk any deviations from the misra c 2012 guidelines are documented under misra deviations https github com freertos freertos plus tcp blob main misra md the library is validated for memory safety and data structure invariance through the cbmc automated reasoning tool https www cprover org cbmc for the functions that parse data originating from the network the library is also protocol tested using maxwell protocol tester for both ipv4 and ipv6 getting started the easiest way to use the 4 0 0 version of freertos plus tcp is to refer the getting started guide found here https github com freertos freertos plus tcp blob main gettingstarted md another way is to start with the pre configured demo application project found in this directory https github com freertos freertos tree main freertos plus demo freertos plus tcp minimal windows simulator that way you will have the correct freertos source files included and the correct include paths configured once a demo application is building and executing you can remove the demo application files and start to add in your own application source files see the freertos kernel quick start guide https www freertos org freertos quick start guide html for detailed instructions and other useful links additionally for freertos plus tcp source code organization refer to the documentation http www freertos org freertos plus freertos plus tcp tcp networking tutorial html and api reference https freertos org freertos plus freertos plus tcp freertos tcp api functions html getting help if you have any questions or need assistance troubleshooting your freertos project we have an active community that can help on the freertos community support forum https forums freertos org please also refer to faq http www freertos org faqhelp html for frequently asked questions also see the submitting a bugs feature request https github com freertos freertos plus tcp blob main github contributing md submitting a bugsfeature request section of contributing md for more details note all the remaining sections are generic and applies to all the versions from v3 0 0 onwards upgrading to v3 0 0 and v3 1 0 in version 3 0 0 or 3 1 0 the folder structure of freertos plus tcp has changed and the files have been broken down into smaller logically separated modules this change makes the code more modular and conducive to unit tests freertos plus tcp v3 0 0 improves the robustness security and modularity of the library version 3 0 0 adds comprehensive unit test coverage for all lines and branches of code and has undergone protocol testing and penetration testing by aws security to reduce the exposure to security vulnerabilities additionally the source files have been moved to a source directory this change requires modification of any existing project s to include the modified source files and directories there are examples on how to use the new files and directory structure for an example based on the xilinx zynq 7000 use the code in this branch https github com aws amazon freertos tree tcprefactordemo and follow these instructions https docs aws amazon com freertos latest userguide getting started xilinx html to build and run the demo freertos plus tcp v3 1 0 source code https github com freertos freertos plus tcp tree v3 1 0 c h is part of the freertos 202210 00 lts https github com freertos freertos lts tree 202210 00 lts release generating pre v3 0 0 folder structure for backward compatibility if you wish to continue using a version earlier than v3 0 0 i e continue to use your existing source code organization a script is provided to generate the folder structure similar to this https github com freertos freertos plus tcp tree f118c8415b4373e3d6e6dbd2d5a116f7eaf27b63 note after running the script while the c files will have same names as the pre v3 0 0 source the files in the include directory will have different names and the number of files will differ as well this should however not pose any problems to most projects as projects generally include all files in a given directory running the script to generate pre v3 0 0 folder structure for running the script you will need python version 3 7 you can download install it from here https www python org downloads once python is downloaded and installed you can verify the version from your terminal command window by typing python version to run the script you should switch to the freertos plus tcp directory then run python path to the script generateoriginalfiles py to consume freertos tcp consume with cmake if using cmake it is recommended to use this repository using fetchcontent add the following into your project s main or a subdirectory s cmakelists txt define the source and version tag you want to use cmake fetchcontent declare freertos plus tcp git repository https github com freertos freertos plus tcp git git tag master note best practice to use specific git hash or tagged version git submodules don t grab any submodules since not latest configure the freertos kernel and make it available this particular example supports a native and cross compiled build option cmake set freertos plus fat dev support off cache bool force select the native compile port set freertos plus fat port posix cache string force select the cross compile port if cmake crosscompiling eg zynq 2019 3 version of port set freertos plus fat port zynq 2019 3 cache string force endif fetchcontent makeavailable freertos plus tcp consuming stand alone this repository uses git submodules https git scm com book en v2 git tools submodules to bring in dependent components note if you download the zip file provided by github ui you will not get the contents of the submodules the zip file is also not a valid git repository to clone using https git clone https github com freertos freertos plus tcp git freertos plus tcp cd freertos plus tcp git submodule update checkout init recursive tools cmock test freertos kernel using ssh git clone git github com freertos freertos plus tcp git freertos plus tcp cd freertos plus tcp git submodule update checkout init recursive tools cmock test freertos kernel porting the porting guide is available on this page http www freertos org freertos plus freertos plus tcp freertos tcp porting html repository structure this repository contains the freertos plus tcp repository and a number of supplementary libraries for testing pr checks below is the breakdown of what each directory contains tools this directory contains the tools and related files cmock uncrustify required to run tests checks on the tcp source code tests this directory contains all the tests unit tests and cbmc and the dependencies freertos kernel https github com freertos freertos kernel litani port https github com awslabs aws build accumulator the tests require source portable this directory contains the portable files required to compile the freertos plus tcp source code for different hardware compilers source include the include directory has all the core header files of freertos plus tcp source source this directory contains all the c source files note at this time it is recommended to use bufferallocation 2 c in which case it is essential to use the heap 4 c memory allocation scheme see memory management http www freertos org a00111 html kernel sources the freertos kernel source is in freertos freertos kernel repository https github com freertos freertos kernel and it is consumed by testing pr checks as a submodule in this repository the version of the freertos kernel source in use could be accessed at test freertos kernel directory cbmc the test cbmc proofs directory contains cbmc proofs to learn more about cbmc and proofs specifically review the training material here https model checking github io cbmc training in order to run these proofs you will need to install cbmc and other tools by following the instructions here https model checking github io cbmc training installation html | os |
spa | spa build status https travis ci org robert006 spa svg branch master https travis ci org robert006 spa coverage status https coveralls io repos github robert006 spa badge svg branch feature 2fci https coveralls io github robert006 spa branch feature 2fci front end engineering project | cloud |
pitch_shifting | pitch shifting algorithms overview this repository includes a matlab version of the algorithms used in our embedded system design final project no caller id for spring 2023 at columbia university the pitch shifting algorithms used in our project are inspired by pitchshifter by jmt329 https people ece cornell edu land courses ece5760 finalprojects s2017 jmt329 swc63 gzm3 jmt329 swc63 gzm3 pitchshifter index html pitch shifter m includes the pitch shifting algorithm meanwhile pitch shifter test m mimicks the procedure of reading 24 bit samples from the bus running the algorithm on each sample and visualizing the shifted waveform | os |
pcv_note | jan erik solem pcv ipython notebook jan erik solem o reilly japan 2012 http www oreilly co jp books 9784873116075 http www oreilly co jp books 9784873116075 br br http www oreilly co jp pub 9784873116075 http www oreilly co jp pub 9784873116075 github jan erik solem github pcv br https github com jesolem pcv https github com jesolem pcv import pcv numpy pylab import import python pcv import from pylab import from numpy import import import numpy as numpy import matplotlib pyplot as plt python pcv python2 x python 3 x python 3 x print notebook pcv pcv python 3 x jan erik solem br o reilly japan pcv | ai |
F746G_FreeRTOS_STemWin_FFT_Scope | stm32f746g disco oscilloscope and fft example the project is from krzysztof chojnowski https github com kchojnowski https stm32 eu 2016 10 04 1 oscyloskop z fft na stm32f746g disco konfiguracja srodowiska i made some modification on the original project the project was converted to attolic truestudio ide this project based on hal library and usig bsp functions hardware is a stock stm32f746g discovery development board from st microelectronics this example using freertos real time operating system the gui library is stemwin embedded graphical library from segger img 0110 https user images githubusercontent com 41072101 56082511 d6a76a00 5e19 11e9 8e7d cb8bb6317e00 jpg img 0112 https user images githubusercontent com 41072101 56082512 d6a76a00 5e19 11e9 9dc8 e7e0c25d299e jpg | os |
ANO_RTOS | change log by anglao 2023 5 18 uwb 2023 5 19 freertos 2023 5 19 v7 2 5 26 2023 5 25 0 freertos 2023 5 26 2023 6 03 sbus 2023 6 18 2023 6 19 2023 7 3 config h 2023 7 4 2023 7 9 z 2023 7 12 1 usb 2023 7 13 uwb 2023 7 16 uwb 2023 7 17 openmv change log by czm 2023 7 4 2023 7 6 | os |
react-fed | this project was bootstrapped with create react app https github com facebook create react app available scripts in the project directory you can run npm start runs the app in the development mode br open http localhost 3000 http localhost 3000 to view it in the browser the page will reload if you make edits br you will also see any lint errors in the console npm test launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode br see the section about running tests https facebook github io create react app docs running tests for more information npm run build builds the app for production to the build folder br it correctly bundles react in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance the build is minified and the filenames include the hashes br your app is ready to be deployed see the section about deployment https facebook github io create react app docs deployment for more information npm run eject note this is a one way operation once you eject you can t go back if you aren t satisfied with the build tool and configuration choices you can eject at any time this command will remove the single build dependency from your project instead it will copy all the configuration files and the transitive dependencies webpack babel eslint etc right into your project so you have full control over them all of the commands except eject will still work but they will point to the copied scripts so you can tweak them at this point you re on your own you don t have to ever use eject the curated feature set is suitable for small and middle deployments and you shouldn t feel obligated to use this feature however we understand that this tool wouldn t be useful if you couldn t customize it when you are ready for it learn more you can learn more in the create react app documentation https facebook github io create react app docs getting started to learn react check out the react documentation https reactjs org | front_end |
disco | title img disco main 50 png p align center img src img disco main 50 png br the distillation process with a robot scifi future detail high resolution 8k by midjourney p disco distilling phrasal counterfactuals with large language models this is the public codebase for arxiv paper disco distilling counterfactuals with large language models https arxiv org abs 2212 10534 about disco disco is a framework for automatically generating high quality counterfactual data at scale the system elicite counterfactual perturbations by prompting a large general language model like gpt 3 then a task specific teacher model filters the generation to distill high quality counterfactual data we find that learning with this counterfactual data yields a comparatively small student model that is 6 absolute more robust and generalizes 5 better across distributions than baselines on various challenging evaluations this model is also 15 more sensitive in differentiating original and counterfactual examples on three evaluation sets written by human workers and via human ai collaboration features todo enable knn and sentence embedding based demonstration search enable reinforcement learning for demonstration search add option to turn on off database features add prompt supports for single sentence classification ex sentiment analysis return top 5 log likelihood from openai api calls install mongodb following the instruction here https www prisma io dataguide mongodb setting up a local mongodb database setting up mongodb on macos to install mongodb local server on your machine also install mongodb compass for user friendly database management download https www mongodb com try download compass the version propoer to your operating system requirements python 3 10 9 numpy 1 24 2 openai 0 27 0 torch 2 0 1 transformers 4 26 1 hydra core 1 3 2 pymongo 4 3 3 sentence transformers 2 2 2 install all required python dependencies pip install r requirements txt for any other packages that may be required please see the error messages and install accordingly run llm counterfactual distillation we use hydra https hydra cc docs intro to dynamically manage the configurations for the distillation pipeline first take a look at the config yaml file loacted under the config folder set the argumentes required for your running and experiment yaml paths data dir data path to the data directory default to data data params dataset snli base dataset for conterfactual generation task name snli the type of task defined in prompt retrieval start 0 start position of the dataset for the current batch end 11 end position of the dataset for the current batch template name masked cad premise template name for counterfactual generation source label entailment source label for counterfactual generation target label neutral target label for counterfactual generation generator params gen type completion gpt 3 generation mode completion insertion chat model name gpt 3 003 engine name gpt 3 003 gpt 3 002 chatgpt gpt 4 overgenerate true more than 1 generations for an input data no demo false zero shop generation without in context examples search params num neighbors 8 number of nearest neighbors embed type cls type of embedding method metric euclidean distance metric for nearest neighbor encoder name roberta large nli mean tokens encoder name for sentence embedding prompt search false enable dynamic demonstration selection filter params filter all flase filter all previous generation outputs next to run the distillation pipeline execute bash python run py to run filtering on all previous generated outputs set filter all to false in the config file and re execute bash python run py generated disco data you can find the disco augmentation data used for our experiments here data disco jsonl for a more extensive set of counterfactual data you can take a look at the data augment folder feel free to generate and filter more counterfactual data using the pipeline license mit license https img shields io badge license mit blue svg https lbesson mit license org this work is licensed under a mit license http creativecommons org licenses by nc sa 4 0 license cc by sa 4 0 https camo githubusercontent com bdc6a3b8963aa99ff57dfd6e1e4b937bd2e752bcb1f1936f90368e5c3a38f670 68747470733a2f2f696d672e736869656c64732e696f2f62616467652f4c6963656e73652d434325323042592d2d5341253230342e302d6c69676874677265792e737667 https creativecommons org licenses by sa 4 0 the disco augmentation dataset is licensed under a creative commons attribution noncommercial sharealike 4 0 international license http creativecommons org licenses by nc sa 4 0 cite if you find that our paper code or the dataset inspire you please cite us bibtex misc chen2022disco title disco distilling phrasal counterfactuals with large language models author zeming chen and qiyue gao and kyle richardson and antoine bosselut and ashish sabharwal year 2022 eprint 2212 10534 archiveprefix arxiv primaryclass cs cl | ai |
ethical-web-dev | ethical web development as web developers we are responsible for shaping the experiences of user s online lives by making choices that are ethical and user centered we create a better web for everyone in tim berners lee s the world wide web a very short personal history https www w3 org people berners lee shorthistory html he states the dream behind the web is of a common information space in which we communicate by sharing information its universality is essential the fact that a hypertext link can point to anything be it personal local or global be it draft or highly polished there was a second part of the dream too dependent on the web being so generally used that it became a realistic mirror or in fact the primary embodiment of the ways in which we work and play and socialize that was that once the state of our interactions was on line we could then use computers to help us analyse it make sense of what we are doing where we individually fit in and how we can better work together we have the opportunity to drive that vision of a universal web for everyone forward ethical web development will be a series of short digital books that explore the ethics of practical development topics the books will be released throughout 2016 and early 2017 as free downloads from o reilly http www oreilly com building web apps that work for everyone web apps for everyone readme md progressive enhancement web accessibility building inclusive forms building web apps that work everywhere web apps that work everywhere readme md responsive design web performance deep links offline building offline first apps building web apps that respect a user s privacy and security web apps privacy security readme md user privacy and do not track https web application security user data building web apps together coding standards linting testing continuous integration open source contributing to open source using an open source license consuming open source code treating other developers with respect offering following and enforcing a code of conduct for open source projects charities for each title i will be donating 20 of the proceeds to a charity that promotes and encourages the open web building web apps that work for everyone w3c https www w3 org support building web apps that work everywhere world wide web foundation http webfoundation org building web apps that respect a user s privacy and security electronic frontier foundation https www eff org building web apps together mozilla https www mozilla org en us and girl develop it https www girldevelopit com contributing i really appreciate feedback and contributions to this project for feedback please create an issue https github com ascott1 ethical web dev issues or you can email me directly at adamdscott protonmail com mailto adamdscott protonmail com if you are interested in contributing please read the contributing md https github com ascott1 ethical web dev blob master contributing md file for more details code of conduct this project adheres to the contributor covenant 1 4 code of conduct by participating you are expected to honor this code please report unacceptable behavior to adamdscott protonmail com code of conduct http contributor covenant org version 1 4 | front_end |
bullshit-framework | bullshit bullshit png bullshit bullshit framework bullshit is the industry leading framework for web development everyone is using it bullshit architecture bullshit architecture diagram png title questions and answers q why use bullshit a thanks to bullshit s amazing almost completely fabricated capabilities you ll be able to build applications faster swiftly quicker and with alacrity our bsdd bullshit driven design methodology is the leading way to get things done in the industry who s using it everybody q who s using bullshit a who isn t i mean come on look at all the pull requests we ve already had q how long has bullshit been around a bullshit is very mature some say it s as old as time q how does bullshit work a no one really knows some say that it s magic personally i think it s a gift from an alien civilization q where does bullshit work a where doesn t bullshit work amiright bullshit can run on your own hardware or devices the cloud is the perfect place for bullshit you ll find bullshit in pretty much whatever provider you choose including aws heroku azure and just about other one you can name deploying bullshit btw you can now deploy bullshit with shovel the new cloud friendly deployment tool it s part of our new bullshit as a service offering contributing to bullshit contributing to bullshit is easy in fact it is likely you re already doing it if you have a good idea or not we are willing to listen to you explain why it s better than the bullshit framework we have today and remember bullshit is constantly growing so we are always looking for help with getting things moving | front_end |
pyocd-rtos-trykernel | trykernel rtos plugin for pyocd 2023 7 os itron rtos try kernel pyocd rtos pyocd gdb try kernel gdb clone git clone https github com ciniml pyocd rtos trykernel cd pyocd rtos trykernel python3 m pip install raspberry pi pico 2 picoprobe rustdap cmsis dap 1 raspberry pi pico swd pyocd pyocd gdbserver target rp2040 o rtos name trykernel try kernel gdb git clone https github com ytoyoyama trykernel b build cmake mkdir p trykernel build cd cmake make j nproc gdb multiarch try kernel ex target extended remote localhost 3333 ex monitor reset halt gdb info threads thread bt frame list gdb multiarch build try kernel ex target extended remote localhost 3333 ex monitor reset halt gnu gdb ubuntu 12 1 0ubuntu1 22 04 12 1 copyright c 2022 free software foundation inc license gplv3 gnu gpl version 3 or later http gnu org licenses gpl html this is free software you are free to change and redistribute it there is no warranty to the extent permitted by law type show copying and show warranty for details this gdb was configured as x86 64 linux gnu type show configuration for configuration details for bug reporting instructions please see https www gnu org software gdb bugs find the gdb manual and other documentation resources online at http www gnu org software gdb documentation for help type help type apropos word to search for commands related to word reading symbols from build try kernel remote debugging using localhost 3333 disp 020 at home kenta try kernel trykernel kernel dispatch s 45 45 mov r3 1 resetting target with halt successfully halted device on reset gdb cont continuing c new thread 2 new thread 536875212 new thread 536875276 new thread 536875340 new thread 536875404 thread 2 handler mode received signal sigint interrupt switching to thread 2 disp 020 at home kenta try kernel trykernel kernel dispatch s 45 45 mov r3 1 gdb info threads id target id frame 2 thread 2 handler mode pendsv disp 020 at home kenta try kernel trykernel kernel dispatch s 45 3 thread 536875212 task0 wait priority 1 tk slp tsk tmout tmout entry 1 at home kenta try kernel trykernel kernel task sync c 54 4 thread 536875276 task1 wait priority 10 tk dly tsk dlytim dlytim entry 200 at home kenta try kernel trykernel kernel task sync c 29 5 thread 536875340 task2 wait priority 10 tk dly tsk dlytim dlytim entry 500 at home kenta try kernel trykernel kernel task sync c 29 6 thread 536875404 task3 wait priority 10 tk dly tsk dlytim optimized out at home kenta try kernel trykernel kernel task sync c 29 gdb thread 3 switching to thread 3 thread 536875212 0 tk slp tsk tmout tmout entry 1 at home kenta try kernel trykernel kernel task sync c 54 54 return err gdb bt 0 tk slp tsk tmout tmout entry 1 at home kenta try kernel trykernel kernel task sync c 54 1 0x10000570 in usermain at home kenta try kernel trykernel application usermain c 47 2 0x10000f60 in initsk stacd optimized out exinf optimized out at home kenta try kernel trykernel kernel inittsk c 25 3 0x00000000 in gdb frame 1 1 0x10000570 in usermain at home kenta try kernel trykernel application usermain c 47 47 tk slp tsk tmo fevr gdb list 42 43 lcd 44 tskid lcd tk cre tsk ctsk lcd 45 tk sta tsk tskid lcd 0 46 47 tk slp tsk tmo fevr 48 return 0 49 gdb pyocd freertos freertos py pyocd apache license apache license | os |
Hospital-Management-System-WebApp | hospital management system webapp this management system was a part of our engineering subject requirements which included database and web development this web application is written in html css and php with sql database it can perform opd appointment allocation and discern patient detail you can find live web app here http columbiasaintmaryshealthcare 000webhostapp com index html | server |
realworldnlp | real world natural language processing this repository contains example code for the book real world natural language processing https www manning com books real world natural language processing allennlp 2 5 0 or above is required to run the example code in this repository examples included in this repository sentiment analysis lstm blog article http www realworldnlpbook com blog training sentiment analyzer using allennlp html colab notebook https colab research google com github mhagiwara realworldnlp blob master examples sentiment sst classifier ipynb sentiment analysis cnn colab notebook https colab research google com github mhagiwara realworldnlp blob master examples sentiment sst cnn classifier ipynb sentiment analysis with bert allennlp config https github com mhagiwara realworldnlp blob master examples sentiment sst classifier bert jsonnet language detector colab notebook https colab research google com github mhagiwara realworldnlp blob master examples sentiment language detector ipynb part of speech tagging blog article http www realworldnlpbook com blog how to convert an allennlp model and deploy on caffe2 and tensorflow html colab notebook https colab research google com github mhagiwara realworldnlp blob master examples pos pos tagger ipynb named entity recognition ner colab notebook https colab research google com github mhagiwara realworldnlp blob master examples ner ner ipynb language generation colab notebook lstm https colab research google com github mhagiwara realworldnlp blob master examples generation lm ipynb colab notebook transformers https colab research google com github mhagiwara realworldnlp blob master examples generation transformers ipynb | ai |
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contains 580 awesome open source projects with a total of 2 7m stars grouped into 26 categories all projects are ranked by a project quality score which is calculated based on various metrics automatically collected from github and different package managers if you like to add or update projects feel free to open an issue https github com ml tooling best of web python issues new choose submit a pull request https github com ml tooling best of web python pulls or directly edit the projects yaml https github com ml tooling best of web python edit main projects yaml contributions are very welcome p align center nbsp discover other a href https best of org best of lists a or create a href https github com best of lists best of blob main create best of list md your own a br nbsp subscribe to our a href https mltooling substack com subscribe newsletter a for updates and trending projects p contents web frameworks web frameworks 33 projects http clients http clients 19 projects servers 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a href https github com vimalloc flask jwt extended flask jwt extended a b 35 1 5k an open source flask extension that provides jwt code a href http bit ly 34mbwt8 mit a code code img src https flask palletsprojects com en 1 1 x static flask icon png style display inline width 13 height 13 code summary github https github com vimalloc flask jwt extended 93 230 32k 370 2 open 03 10 2023 git clone https github com vimalloc flask jwt extended pypi https pypi org project flask jwt extended 4 2m month 680 03 10 2023 pip install flask jwt extended conda https anaconda org conda forge flask jwt extended 190k 03 10 2023 conda install c conda forge flask jwt extended details details summary b a href https github com pyauth pyotp pyotp a b 33 2 6k python one time password library code a href http bit ly 34mbwt8 mit a code summary github https github com pyauth pyotp 42 300 260 11k 88 4 open 19 10 2023 git clone https github com pyauth pyotp pypi https pypi org project pyotp 4 8m month 620 27 07 2023 pip install pyotp conda https anaconda org conda forge pyotp 46k 28 07 2023 conda install c conda forge pyotp details details summary b a href https github com fastapi users fastapi users fastapi users a b 32 3 5k ready to use and customizable users management for fastapi code a href http bit ly 34mbwt8 mit a code code img src https fastapi tiangolo com img favicon png style display inline width 13 height 13 code summary github https github com fastapi users fastapi users 62 310 86 2 1k 250 2 open 26 08 2023 git clone https github com fastapi users fastapi users pypi https pypi org project fastapi users 62k month 15 26 08 2023 pip install fastapi users conda https anaconda org conda forge fastapi users 42k 26 08 2023 conda install c conda forge fastapi users details details summary b a href https github com sunscrapers djoser djoser a b 32 2 4k rest implementation of django authentication system code a href http bit ly 34mbwt8 mit a code code img src https static djangoproject com 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com en 1 1 x static flask icon png style display inline width 13 height 13 code summary github https github com singingwolfboy flask dance 56 150 3 8k 200 18 open 10 05 2023 git clone https github com singingwolfboy flask dance pypi https pypi org project flask dance 68k month 160 10 05 2023 pip install flask dance conda https anaconda org conda forge flask dance 9 9k 13 09 2023 conda install c conda forge flask dance details details summary b a href https github com jazzband django rest knox django rest knox a b 29 990 authentication module for django rest auth code a href http bit ly 34mbwt8 mit a code code img src https static djangoproject com img icon touch e4872c4da341 png style display inline width 13 height 13 code summary github https github com jazzband django rest knox 51 190 10k 140 34 open 17 10 2023 git clone https github com james1345 django rest knox pypi https pypi org project django rest knox 120k month 180 31 01 2022 pip install django rest knox details details 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8k social auth made simple code a href http bit ly 3akzptv bsd 3 a code b a href https github com joestump python oauth2 python oauth2 a b 30 3k a fully tested abstract interface to creating oauth clients code a href http bit ly 34mbwt8 mit a code b a href https github com litl rauth rauth a b 28 1 6k a python library for oauth 1 0 a 2 0 and ofly code a href http bit ly 34mbwt8 mit a code b a href https github com lingthio flask user flask user a b 26 1k customizable user authorization user management register code a href http bit ly 34mbwt8 mit a code code img src https flask palletsprojects com en 1 1 x static flask icon png style display inline width 13 height 13 code b a href https github com pallets eco flask openid flask openid a b 25 230 flask openid adds openid support to flask applications code a href http bit ly 3akzptv bsd 3 a code code img src https flask palletsprojects com en 1 1 x static flask icon png style display inline width 13 height 13 code b a href https github 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height 13 code b a href https github com cd34 apex apex a b 17 95 toolkit for pyramid a pylons project to add authentication and code a href http bit ly 34mbwt8 mit a code code img src https trypyramid com img pyramid 16x16 png style display inline width 13 height 13 code b a href https github com wichert pyramid jwt pyramid jwt a b 15 74 jwt authentication for pyramid code a href http bit ly 3rqewvr bsd 2 a code code img src https trypyramid com img pyramid 16x16 png style display inline width 13 height 13 code b a href https github com holgi fastapi permissions fastapi permissions a b 14 390 row level security for fastapi framework code a href https tldrlegal com search q the 20beer ware 20license the beer ware license a code code img src https fastapi tiangolo com img favicon png style display inline width 13 height 13 code details br html processing a href contents img align right width 15 height 15 src https git io jtehr alt back to top a details summary b a href https github com lxml lxml lxml a b 39 2 5k the lxml xml toolkit for python code a href http bit ly 3akzptv bsd 3 a code summary github https github com lxml lxml 150 570 23k 390k 15 10 2023 git clone https github com lxml lxml pypi https pypi org project lxml 100m month 40k 05 07 2023 pip install lxml conda https anaconda org conda forge lxml 11m 24 09 2023 conda install c conda forge lxml details details summary b a href https github com mozilla bleach bleach a b 37 2 6k bleach is an allowed list based html sanitizing library that escapes code a href http bit ly 3nymfla apache 2 a code summary github https github com mozilla bleach 79 250 280k 370 1 open 06 10 2023 git clone https github com mozilla bleach pypi https pypi org project bleach 16m month 13k 06 10 2023 pip install bleach conda https anaconda org conda forge bleach 15m 06 10 2023 conda install c conda forge bleach details details summary b a href https github com pallets markupsafe markupsafe a b 36 550 safely add untrusted strings to html xml markup code a href http bit ly 3akzptv bsd 3 a code summary github https github com pallets markupsafe 41 150 2 1k 1 4m 110 0 open 15 09 2023 git clone https github com pallets markupsafe pypi https pypi org project markupsafe 140m month 75k 02 06 2023 pip install markupsafe conda https anaconda org conda forge markupsafe 35m 22 09 2023 conda install c conda forge markupsafe details details summary b a href https github com xhtml2pdf xhtml2pdf xhtml2pdf a b 35 2 1k a library for converting html into pdfs using reportlab code a href http bit ly 3nymfla apache 2 a code summary github https github com xhtml2pdf xhtml2pdf 160 620 6 12k 420 29 open 09 10 2023 git clone https github com xhtml2pdf xhtml2pdf pypi https pypi org project xhtml2pdf 550k month 840 07 05 2023 pip install xhtml2pdf conda https anaconda org conda forge xhtml2pdf 91k 19 07 2023 conda install c conda forge xhtml2pdf details details summary b a href https github com kozea weasyprint weasyprint a b 33 6 1k the awesome document factory code a href http bit ly 3akzptv bsd 3 a code summary github https github com kozea weasyprint 130 620 19 1 6k 11 open 17 10 2023 git clone https github com kozea weasyprint pypi https pypi org project weasyprint 1 1m month 100 29 09 2023 pip install weasyprint conda https anaconda org conda forge weasyprint 140k 29 09 2023 conda install c conda forge weasyprint details details summary b a href https github com html5lib html5lib python html5lib python a b 33 1 1k standards compliant library for parsing and serializing code a href http bit ly 34mbwt8 mit a code summary github https github com html5lib html5lib python 65 280 260 31 open 03 03 2023 git clone https github com html5lib html5lib python pypi https pypi org project html5lib 12m month 15k 22 06 2020 pip install html5lib conda https anaconda org conda forge html5lib 3 8m 16 06 2023 conda install c conda forge html5lib details details summary b a href https github com psf requests html requests html a b 32 13k pythonic html parsing for humans code a href http bit ly 34mbwt8 mit a code summary github https github com psf requests html 66 990 420 48 open 03 04 2023 git clone https github com psf requests html pypi https pypi org project requests html 690k month 380 17 02 2019 pip install requests html details details summary b a href https github com gawel pyquery pyquery a b 31 2 2k a jquery like library for python code a href http bit ly 3akzptv bsd 3 a code summary github https github com gawel pyquery 53 180 21k 180 28 open 31 07 2023 git clone https github com gawel pyquery pypi https pypi org project pyquery 1 5m month 3 4k 28 12 2022 pip install pyquery conda https anaconda org conda forge pyquery 53k 16 06 2023 conda install c conda forge pyquery details details summary b a href https github com rushter selectolax selectolax a b 26 880 python binding to modest and lexbor engines fast html5 parser with code a href http bit ly 34mbwt8 mit a code summary github https github com rushter selectolax 12 61 1 1k 86 19 open 17 10 2023 git clone https github com rushter selectolax pypi https pypi org project selectolax 47k month 45 17 10 2023 pip install selectolax details details summary b a href https github com kovidgoyal html5 parser html5 parser a b 20 660 fast c based html 5 parsing for python code a href http bit ly 3nymfla apache 2 a code summary github https github com kovidgoyal html5 parser 6 35 22 4 open 12 04 2023 git clone https github com kovidgoyal html5 parser pypi https pypi org project html5 parser 54k month 17 12 04 2023 pip install html5 parser details br url utilities a href contents img align right width 15 height 15 src https git io jtehr alt back to top a details summary b a href https github com john kurkowski tldextract tldextract a b 36 1 7k accurately separates a urls subdomain domain and public suffix code a href http bit ly 3akzptv bsd 3 a code summary github https github com john kurkowski tldextract 48 210 22k 190 7 open 17 10 2023 git clone https github com john kurkowski tldextract pypi https pypi org project tldextract 7 2m month 1 2k 17 10 2023 pip install tldextract conda https anaconda org conda forge tldextract 430k 18 10 2023 conda install c conda forge tldextract details details summary b a href https github com aio libs yarl yarl a b 32 1k yet another url library code a href http bit ly 3nymfla apache 2 a code summary github https github com aio libs yarl 81 140 12k 220 16 open 18 10 2023 git clone https github com aio libs yarl pypi https pypi org project yarl 69m month 3 2k 25 04 2023 pip install yarl conda https anaconda org conda forge yarl 11m 08 10 2023 conda install c conda forge yarl details details summary b a href https github com skorokithakis shortuuid shortuuid a b 30 1 9k a generator library for concise unambiguous and url safe uuids code a href http bit ly 3akzptv bsd 3 a code summary github https github com skorokithakis shortuuid 33 110 20k 25 02 2023 git clone https github com 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repository code img src https www openapis org wp content uploads sites 3 2016 11 favicon png style display inline width 13 height 13 code details summary b a href https github com openapitools openapi generator openapi generator a b 42 18k openapi generator allows generation of api client code a href http bit ly 3nymfla apache 2 a code code img src https www openapis org wp content uploads sites 3 2016 11 favicon png style display inline width 13 height 13 code summary github https github com openapitools openapi generator 2 9k 5 6k 5 7 5k 55 open 18 10 2023 git clone https github com openapitools openapi generator pypi https pypi org project openapi generator cli 5 6k month 15 05 2020 pip install openapi generator cli npm https www npmjs com package openapitools openapi generator cli 1 8m month 590 18 07 2023 npm install openapitools openapi generator cli details details summary b a href https github com swagger api swagger ui swagger ui a b 37 25k swagger ui is a collection of html javascript and css code a href http bit ly 3nymfla apache 2 a code code img src https www openapis org wp content uploads sites 3 2016 11 favicon png style display inline width 13 height 13 code summary github https github com swagger api swagger ui 560 8 7k 36k 5 2k 18 open 19 10 2023 git clone https github com swagger api swagger ui details details summary b a href https github com spec first connexion connexion a b 35 4 3k swagger openapi first framework for python on top of flask code a href http bit ly 3nymfla apache 2 a code code img src https www openapis org wp content uploads sites 3 2016 11 favicon png style display inline width 13 height 13 code summary github https github com spec first connexion 210 730 10k 940 10 open 17 10 2023 git clone https github com zalando connexion pypi https pypi org project connexion 3 6m month 720 29 08 2023 pip install connexion conda https anaconda org conda forge connexion 250k 16 06 2023 conda install c conda forge connexion details details summary b a href https github com axnsan12 drf yasg drf yasg a b 35 3 2k automated generation of real swagger openapi 2 0 schemas code a href http bit ly 3akzptv bsd 3 a code code img src https www openapis org wp content uploads sites 3 2016 11 favicon png style display inline width 13 height 13 code code img src https static djangoproject com img icon touch e4872c4da341 png style display inline width 13 height 13 code summary github https github com axnsan12 drf yasg 66 430 95k 640 36 open 20 07 2023 git clone https github com axnsan12 drf yasg pypi https pypi org project drf yasg 1 7m month 380 20 07 2023 pip install drf yasg conda https anaconda org conda forge drf yasg 7 1k 16 06 2023 conda install c conda forge drf yasg details details summary b a href https github com tfranzel drf spectacular drf spectacular a b 35 1 9k sane and flexible openapi 3 schema generation for django code a href http bit ly 3akzptv bsd 3 a code code img src https www openapis org wp content uploads sites 3 2016 11 favicon png style display inline width 13 height 13 code summary github https github com tfranzel drf spectacular 100 220 73k 810 8 open 18 10 2023 git clone https github com tfranzel drf spectacular pypi https pypi org project drf spectacular 1 4m month 63 23 09 2023 pip install drf spectacular conda https anaconda org conda forge drf spectacular 25k 23 09 2023 conda install c conda forge drf spectacular details details summary b a href https github com marshmallow code apispec apispec a b 35 1 1k a pluggable api specification generator currently supports the code a href http bit ly 34mbwt8 mit a code code img src https www openapis org wp content uploads sites 3 2016 11 favicon png style display inline width 13 height 13 code summary github https github com marshmallow code apispec 84 170 10k 270 11 open 16 10 2023 git clone https github com marshmallow code apispec pypi https pypi org project apispec 4 6m month 7 1k 10 03 2023 pip install apispec conda https anaconda org conda forge apispec 630k 25 06 2023 conda install c conda forge apispec details details summary b a href https github com redocly redoc redoc a b 33 21k openapi swagger generated api reference documentation code a href http bit ly 34mbwt8 mit a code code img src https www openapis org wp content uploads sites 3 2016 11 favicon png style display inline width 13 height 13 code summary github https github com redocly redoc 220 2 2k 91 5 5k 1 7k 18 open 18 10 2023 git clone https github com redocly redoc details details summary b a href https github com koxudaxi datamodel code generator datamodel code generator a b 33 1 9k pydantic model and dataclasses dataclass generator code a href http bit ly 34mbwt8 mit a code code img src https www openapis org wp content uploads sites 3 2016 11 favicon png style display inline width 13 height 13 code summary github https github com koxudaxi datamodel code generator 93 220 920 390 28 open 08 10 2023 git clone https github com koxudaxi datamodel code generator pypi https pypi org project datamodel code generator 570k month 58 08 10 2023 pip install datamodel code generator details details summary b a href https github com swagger api swagger codegen swagger codegen a b 32 16k swagger codegen contains a template driven engine to code a href http bit ly 3nymfla apache 2 a code code img src https www openapis org wp content uploads sites 3 2016 11 favicon png style display inline width 13 height 13 code summary github https github com swagger api swagger codegen 1 2k 6k 21 6 8k 49 open 19 10 2023 git clone https github com swagger api swagger codegen details details summary b a href https github com python openapi openapi spec validator openapi spec validator a b 32 280 openapi spec validator is a cli pre commit hook and code a href http bit ly 3nymfla apache 2 a code summary github https github com python openapi openapi spec validator 38 61 5 7k 110 29 open 18 10 2023 git clone https github com p1c2u openapi spec validator pypi https pypi org project openapi spec validator 4 2m month 250 13 10 2023 pip install openapi spec validator conda https anaconda org conda forge openapi spec validator 440k 14 10 2023 conda install c conda forge openapi spec validator details details summary b a href https github com flasgger flasgger flasgger a b 31 3 4k easy openapi specs and swagger ui for your flask api code a href http bit ly 34mbwt8 mit a code code img src https flask palletsprojects com en 1 1 x static flask icon png style display inline width 13 height 13 code summary github https github com flasgger flasgger 110 480 510 12k 410 60 open 18 05 2023 git clone https github com flasgger flasgger pypi https pypi org project flasgger 410k month 370 10 06 2023 pip install flasgger conda https anaconda org conda forge flasgger 130k 16 06 2023 conda install c conda forge flasgger details details summary b a href https github com azure autorest autorest a b 30 4 3k openapi f k a swagger specification code generator supports c code a href http bit ly 34mbwt8 mit a code code img src https www openapis org wp content uploads sites 3 2016 11 favicon png style display inline width 13 height 13 code summary github https github com azure autorest 170 740 87k 520 2k 3 open 25 09 2023 git clone https github com azure autorest details details summary b a href https github com openapi generators openapi python client openapi python client a b 29 860 generate modern python clients from openapi code a href http bit ly 34mbwt8 mit a code code img src https www openapis org wp content uploads sites 3 2016 11 favicon png style display inline width 13 height 13 code summary github https github com openapi generators openapi python client 55 160 660 320 13 open 18 10 2023 git clone https github com openapi generators openapi python client pypi https pypi org project openapi python client 170k month 5 16 09 2023 pip install openapi python client conda https anaconda org conda forge openapi python client 22k 23 07 2023 conda install c conda forge openapi python client details details summary b a href https github com python openapi openapi core openapi core a b 28 240 openapi core is a python library that adds client side and code a href http bit ly 3akzptv bsd 3 a code summary github https github com python openapi openapi core 61 120 430 210 30 open 18 10 2023 git clone https github com p1c2u openapi core pypi https pypi org project openapi core 270k month 39 14 09 2023 pip install openapi core conda https anaconda org conda forge openapi core 15k 14 09 2023 conda install c conda forge openapi core details details summary b a href https github com ibm openapi to graphql openapi to graphql a b 26 1 6k translate apis described by openapi specifications code a href http bit ly 34mbwt8 mit a code code img src https www openapis org wp content uploads sites 3 2016 11 favicon png style display inline width 13 height 13 code code img src https graphql org img logo svg style display inline width 13 height 13 code summary github https github com ibm openapi to graphql 42 200 740 280 48 open 09 03 2023 git clone https github com ibm openapi to graphql npm https www npmjs com package openapi to graphql cli 3 3k month 3 09 03 2023 npm install openapi to graphql cli details details summary b a href https github com 0b01001001 spectree spectree a b 25 290 api spec validator and openapi document generator for python code a href http bit ly 3nymfla apache 2 a code code img src https www openapis org wp content uploads sites 3 2016 11 favicon png style display inline width 13 height 13 code summary github https github com 0b01001001 spectree 41 68 75 110 16 open 07 10 2023 git clone https github com 0b01001001 spectree pypi https pypi org project spectree 41k month 5 07 10 2023 pip install spectree details details summary b a href https github com pylons pyramid openapi3 pyramid openapi3 a b 20 79 pyramid addon for openapi3 validation of requests and code a href http bit ly 34mbwt8 mit a code code img src https trypyramid com img pyramid 16x16 png style display inline width 13 height 13 code code img src https www openapis org wp content uploads sites 3 2016 11 favicon png style display inline width 13 height 13 code summary github https github com pylons pyramid openapi3 24 40 83 39 open 17 05 2023 git clone https github com pylons pyramid openapi3 pypi https pypi org project pyramid openapi3 35k month 5 11 12 2022 pip install pyramid openapi3 details details summary show 5 hidden projects summary b a href https github com marcgibbons django rest swagger django rest swagger a b 31 2 6k swagger documentation generator for django rest code a href http bit ly 3rqewvr bsd 2 a code code img src https static djangoproject com img icon touch e4872c4da341 png style display inline width 13 height 13 code b a href https github com encode apistar apistar a b 29 5 6k the web api toolkit code a href http bit ly 3akzptv bsd 3 a code code img src https www openapis org wp content uploads sites 3 2016 11 favicon png style display inline width 13 height 13 code b a href https github com getsling flask swagger flask swagger a b 26 460 a swagger 2 0 spec extractor for flask code a href http bit ly 34mbwt8 mit a code code img src https flask palletsprojects com en 1 1 x static flask icon png style display inline width 13 height 13 code b a href https github com sourcey spectacle spectacle a b 23 1 3k beautiful static documentation generator for openapi swagger code a href http bit ly 34mbwt8 mit a code code img src https www openapis org wp content uploads sites 3 2016 11 favicon png style display inline width 13 height 13 code b a href https github com danielpops pyramid swagger pyramid swagger a b 18 65 convenient tools for using swagger to define and code a href http bit ly 3akzptv bsd 3 a code code img src https trypyramid com img pyramid 16x16 png style display inline width 13 height 13 code details br graphql utilities a href contents img align right width 15 height 15 src https git io jtehr alt back to top a nbsp b a href https github com graphql graphql spec graphql specification a b 14k graphql is a query language and execution engine tied to any details summary b a href https github com graphql python graphene graphene a b 36 7 8k graphql framework for python code a href http bit ly 34mbwt8 mit a code code img src https graphql org img logo svg style display inline width 13 height 13 code summary github https github com graphql python graphene 210 800 19k 980 10 open 06 10 2023 git clone https github com graphql python graphene pypi https pypi org project graphene 1 7m month pip install graphene conda https anaconda org conda forge graphene 250k 26 07 2023 conda install c conda forge graphene details details summary b a href https github com strawberry graphql strawberry strawberry graphql a b 36 3 5k a graphql library for python that leverages type code a href http bit ly 34mbwt8 mit a code code img src https graphql org img logo svg style display inline width 13 height 13 code summary github https github com strawberry graphql strawberry 220 450 440 2 3k 890 43 open 15 10 2023 git clone https github com strawberry graphql strawberry pypi https pypi org project strawberry graphql 690k month 48 15 10 2023 pip install strawberry graphql details details summary b a href https github com graphql python graphene django graphene django a b 34 4 2k build powerful efficient and flexible graphql apis code a href http bit ly 34mbwt8 mit a code code img src https static djangoproject com img icon touch e4872c4da341 png style display inline width 13 height 13 code code img src https graphql org img logo svg style display inline width 13 height 13 code summary github https github com graphql python graphene django 220 720 14k 790 15 open 18 09 2023 git clone https github com graphql python graphene django pypi https pypi org project graphene django 440k month pip install graphene django conda https anaconda org conda forge graphene django 31k 10 08 2023 conda install c conda forge graphene django details details summary b a href https github com mirumee ariadne ariadne a b 32 2 1k python library for implementing graphql servers using schema first code a href http bit ly 3akzptv bsd 3 a code code img src https graphql org img logo svg style display inline width 13 height 13 code summary github https github com mirumee ariadne 70 170 1 4k 300 14 open 11 10 2023 git clone https github com mirumee ariadne pypi https pypi org project ariadne 190k month pip install ariadne details details summary b a href https github com graphql python graphql core graphql core a b 31 490 a python 3 6 port of the graphql js reference implementation of code a href http bit ly 34mbwt8 mit a code summary github https github com graphql python graphql core 31 120 24k 140 15 open 09 06 2023 git clone https github com graphql python graphql core pypi https pypi org project graphql core 4 6m month 770 04 06 2023 pip install graphql core conda https anaconda org conda forge graphql core 820k 19 10 2023 conda install c conda forge graphql core details details summary b a href https github com graphql python graphene mongo graphene mongo a b 24 280 graphene mongoengine integration code a href http bit ly 34mbwt8 mit a code code img src https graphql org img logo svg style display inline width 13 height 13 code summary github https github com graphql python graphene mongo 37 110 320 100 28 open 01 06 2023 git clone https github com graphql python graphene mongo pypi https pypi org project graphene mongo 14k month 13 14 10 2022 pip install graphene mongo conda https anaconda org conda forge graphene mongo 6 9k 16 06 2023 conda install c conda forge graphene mongo details details summary b a href https github com graphql python graphene pydantic graphene pydantic a b 20 200 integrate graphql with your pydantic models code a href http bit ly 3nymfla apache 2 a code code img src https graphql org img logo svg style display inline width 13 height 13 code summary github https github com graphql python graphene pydantic 19 41 40 22 open 24 09 2023 git clone https github com graphql python graphene pydantic pypi https pypi org project graphene pydantic 12k month 2 25 01 2022 pip install graphene pydantic details details summary show 8 hidden projects summary b a href https github com graphql python flask graphql flask graphql a b 25 1 3k adds graphql support to your flask application code a href http bit ly 34mbwt8 mit a code code img src https flask palletsprojects com en 1 1 x static flask icon png style display inline width 13 height 13 code code img src https graphql org img logo svg style display inline width 13 height 13 code b a href https github com graphql python graphql relay py graphql relay py a b 25 140 a library to help construct a graphql py server supporting code a href http bit ly 34mbwt8 mit a code b a href https github com pedrobern django graphql auth django graphql auth a b 23 320 django registration and authentication with graphql code a href http bit ly 34mbwt8 mit a code code img src https static djangoproject com img icon touch e4872c4da341 png style display inline width 13 height 13 code b a href https github com tartiflette tartiflette tartiflette a b 21 850 graphql engine built with python 3 6 asyncio code a href http bit ly 34mbwt8 mit a code b a href https github com prisma labs python graphql client python graphql client a b 20 160 simple graphql client for python 2 7 code a href http bit ly 34mbwt8 mit a code b a href https github com tartiflette tartiflette asgi tartiflette asgi a b 17 100 asgi support for the tartiflette graphql engine code a href http bit ly 34mbwt8 mit a code code img src https graphql org img logo svg style display inline width 13 height 13 code b a href https github com rscarrera27 flask graphql auth flask graphql auth a b 17 63 unmaintained feel free to fork a pythonic way to code a href http bit ly 34mbwt8 mit a code code img src https flask palletsprojects com en 1 1 x static flask icon png style display inline width 13 height 13 code b a href https github com tartiflette tartiflette aiohttp tartiflette aiohttp a b 17 60 tartiflette aiohttp is a wrapper of aiohttp which code a href http bit ly 34mbwt8 mit a code details br websocket utilities a href contents img align right width 15 height 15 src https git io jtehr alt back to top a details summary b a href https github com websocket client websocket client websocket client a b 40 3 3k websocket client for python code a href http bit ly 3nymfla apache 2 a code summary github https github com websocket client websocket client 220 780 140k 630 1 open 08 10 2023 git clone https github com websocket client websocket client pypi https pypi org project websocket client 66m month 7 1k 08 10 2023 pip install websocket client conda https anaconda org conda forge websocket client 11m 08 10 2023 conda install c conda forge websocket client details details summary b a href https github com python websockets websockets websockets a b 37 4 7k library for building websocket servers and clients in python code a href http bit ly 3akzptv bsd 3 a code summary github https github com python websockets websockets 70 500 140k 1k 2 open 09 10 2023 git clone https github com aaugustin websockets pypi https pypi org project websockets 19m month 4 3k 07 05 2023 pip install websockets conda https anaconda org conda forge websockets 2 3m 22 09 2023 conda install c conda forge websockets details details summary b a href https github com miguelgrinberg flask socketio flask socketio a b 36 5 1k socket io integration for flask applications code a href http bit ly 34mbwt8 mit a code code img src https flask palletsprojects com en 1 1 x static flask icon png style display inline width 13 height 13 code summary github https github com miguelgrinberg flask socketio 69 900 33k 1 6k 0 open 15 10 2023 git clone https github com miguelgrinberg flask socketio pypi https pypi org project flask socketio 890k month 2 4k 05 09 2023 pip install flask socketio conda https anaconda org conda forge flask socketio 360k 05 09 2023 conda install c conda forge flask socketio details details summary b a href https github com miguelgrinberg python socketio python socketio a b 35 3 5k python socket io server and client code a href http bit ly 34mbwt8 mit a code summary github https github com miguelgrinberg python socketio 68 580 38k 780 4 open 15 10 2023 git clone https github com miguelgrinberg python socketio pypi https pypi org project python socketio 1 9m month 2k 15 10 2023 pip install python socketio conda https anaconda org conda forge python socketio 430k 15 10 2023 conda install c conda forge python socketio details details summary b a href https github com crossbario autobahn python autobahn python a b 34 2 4k websocket and wamp in python for twisted and asyncio code a href http bit ly 34mbwt8 mit a code summary github https github com crossbario autobahn 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gevent socketio a b 26 1 2k official repository for gevent socketio code a href http bit ly 3akzptv bsd 3 a code b a href https github com heroku python flask sockets flask sockets a b 24 1 7k deprecated alternative code a href http bit ly 34mbwt8 mit a code code img src https flask palletsprojects com en 1 1 x static flask icon png style display inline width 13 height 13 code b a href https github com mrjoes tornadio2 tornadio2 a b 20 530 python socket io server implementation on top of tornado code a href http bit ly 3nymfla apache 2 a code details br rpc utilities a href contents img align right width 15 height 15 src https git io jtehr alt back to top a details summary b a href https github com grpc grpc grpc a b 48 39k the c based grpc c python ruby objective c php c code a href http bit ly 3nymfla apache 2 a code summary github https github com grpc grpc 980 10k 25k 4 6k 11k 7 open 19 10 2023 git clone https github com grpc grpc pypi https pypi org project grpcio 81m month 5 3k 29 09 2023 pip install grpcio conda https anaconda org conda forge grpcio 10m 13 10 2023 conda install c conda forge grpcio details details summary b a href https github com tomerfiliba org rpyc rpyc a b 30 1 4k rpyc remote python call a transparent and symmetric rpc library for python code a href http bit ly 34mbwt8 mit a code summary github https github com tomerfiliba org rpyc 84 240 350 2k 410 16 open 13 10 2023 git clone https github com tomerfiliba org rpyc pypi https pypi org project rpyc 330k month 350 22 02 2023 pip install rpyc conda https anaconda org conda forge rpyc 760k 16 06 2023 conda install c conda forge rpyc details details summary b a href https github com smagafurov fastapi jsonrpc fastapi jsonrpc a b 22 240 json rpc server based on fastapi code a href http bit ly 34mbwt8 mit a code code img src https fastapi tiangolo com img favicon png style display inline width 13 height 13 code summary github https github com smagafurov fastapi jsonrpc 11 25 37 30 20 open 19 10 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com kotti kotti kotti a b 20 400 kotti is a high level pythonic web application framework based on code a href https tldrlegal com search q bsd bsd a code details br web testing a href contents img align right width 15 height 15 src https git io jtehr alt back to top a details summary b a href https github com seleniumhq selenium selenium a b 47 28k a browser automation framework and ecosystem code a href http bit ly 3nymfla apache 2 a code summary github https github com seleniumhq selenium 840 7 7k 13m 230k 9 5k 2 open 19 10 2023 git clone https github com seleniumhq selenium pypi https pypi org project selenium 12m month 17k 10 10 2023 pip install selenium conda https anaconda org conda forge selenium 1 2m 16 10 2023 conda install c conda forge selenium details details summary b a href https github com nedbat coveragepy coverage a b 43 2 7k the code coverage tool for python code a href http bit ly 3nymfla apache 2 a code summary github https github com nedbat coveragepy 180 380 340k 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debugtoolbar conda https anaconda org conda forge pyramid debugtoolbar 4 3k 16 06 2023 conda install c conda forge pyramid debugtoolbar details details summary b a href https github com tryolabs requestium requestium a b 22 1 8k integration layer between requests and selenium for automation of code a href http bit ly 3akzptv bsd 3 a code summary github https github com tryolabs requestium 14 140 85 32 12 open 30 04 2023 git clone https github com tryolabs requestium pypi https pypi org project requestium 11k month 7 04 12 2022 pip install requestium details details summary b a href https github com fsociety team fsociety fsociety a b 22 1 1k a modular penetration testing framework code a href http bit ly 34mbwt8 mit a code summary github https github com fsociety team fsociety 11 130 8 28 3 open 18 10 2023 git clone https github com fsociety team fsociety pypi https pypi org project fsociety 2 2k month 01 05 2022 pip install fsociety details details summary b a href https github com 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github com loads molotov pypi https pypi org project molotov 28k month 13 21 10 2022 pip install molotov details details summary b a href https github com flipkart incubator astra astra a b 15 2 3k automated security testing for rest apis code a href http bit ly 3nymfla apache 2 a code summary github https github com flipkart incubator astra 12 370 85 67 open 16 02 2023 git clone https github com flipkart incubator astra details details summary show 16 hidden projects summary b a href https github com jazzband django nose django nose a b 29 880 django test runner using nose code a href http bit ly 3akzptv bsd 3 a code code img src https static djangoproject com img icon touch e4872c4da341 png style display inline width 13 height 13 code b a href https github com mockoon mockoon mockoon a b 28 5 4k mockoon is the easiest and quickest way to run mock apis code unlicensed code code img src https www openapis org wp content uploads sites 3 2016 11 favicon png style display inline width 13 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http bit ly 34mbwt8 mit a code details br web scraping crawling a href contents img align right width 15 height 15 src https git io jtehr alt back to top a libraries for web scraping crawling downloading and mining as well as libraries details summary b a href https github com scrapy scrapy scrapy a b 46 49k scrapy a fast high level web crawling scraping framework for python code a href http bit ly 3akzptv bsd 3 a code summary github https github com scrapy scrapy 620 10k 41k 3 1k 22 open 18 10 2023 git clone https github com scrapy scrapy pypi https pypi org project scrapy 1 4m month 4 6k 18 09 2023 pip install scrapy conda https anaconda org conda forge scrapy 720k 19 09 2023 conda install c conda forge scrapy details details summary b a href https github com kurtmckee feedparser feedparser a b 36 1 7k parse feeds in python code a href http bit ly 3rqewvr bsd 2 a code summary github https github com kurtmckee feedparser 56 320 73k 240 30 open 19 10 2023 git clone https github com 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2m month 2 4k 20 02 2023 pip install flask admin conda https anaconda org conda forge flask admin 150k 16 06 2023 conda install c conda forge flask admin details details summary b a href https github com jazzband django debug toolbar django debug toolbar a b 38 7 6k a configurable set of panels that display various code a href http bit ly 3akzptv bsd 3 a code summary github https github com jazzband django debug toolbar 280 1k 210 78k 870 8 open 19 10 2023 git clone https github com jazzband django debug toolbar pypi https pypi org project django debug toolbar 2 2m month 12k 11 08 2023 pip install django debug toolbar conda https anaconda org conda forge django debug toolbar 170k 11 08 2023 conda install c conda forge django debug toolbar details details summary b a href https github com sehmaschine django grappelli django grappelli a b 34 3 5k a jazzy skin for the django admin interface official code a href http bit ly 3akzptv bsd 3 a code code img src https static djangoproject com img icon touch e4872c4da341 png style display inline width 13 height 13 code summary github https github com sehmaschine django grappelli 86 650 5 9k 710 1 open 09 10 2023 git clone https github com sehmaschine django grappelli pypi https pypi org project django grappelli 170k month 1 7k 21 09 2023 pip install django grappelli conda https anaconda org conda forge django grappelli 130k 21 09 2023 conda install c conda forge django grappelli details details summary b a href https github com fabiocaccamo django admin interface django admin interface a b 32 1 5k djangos default admin interface with superpowers code a href http bit ly 34mbwt8 mit a code code img src https static djangoproject com img icon touch e4872c4da341 png style display inline width 13 height 13 code summary github https github com fabiocaccamo django admin interface 34 160 3 3k 180 7 open 17 10 2023 git clone https github com fabiocaccamo django admin interface pypi https pypi org project django admin interface 87k month 44 05 09 2023 pip install django admin interface details details summary b a href https github com fastapi admin fastapi admin fastapi admin a b 24 2 2k a fast admin dashboard based on fastapi and tortoiseorm code a href http bit ly 3nymfla apache 2 a code code img src https fastapi tiangolo com img favicon png style display inline width 13 height 13 code summary github https github com fastapi admin fastapi admin 13 280 200 120 39 open 27 07 2023 git clone https github com fastapi admin fastapi admin pypi https pypi org project fastapi admin 3k month 31 08 2021 pip install fastapi admin details details summary b a href https github com schenkd nginx ui nginx ui a b 16 4 4k nginx ui allows you to access and modify the nginx configurations files code a href http bit ly 34mbwt8 mit a code summary github https github com schenkd nginx ui 4 260 38 63 open 24 04 2023 git clone https github com schenkd nginx ui docker hub https hub docker com r schenkd nginx ui 540k 16 25 06 2020 docker pull schenkd nginx ui details details summary show 6 hidden projects summary b a href https github com sshwsfc xadmin xadmin a b 28 4 7k drop in replacement of django admin comes with lots of goodies code a href http bit ly 3akzptv bsd 3 a code b a href https github com darklow django suit django suit a b 28 2 3k modern theme for django admin interface code a href https tldrlegal com search q afl 3 0 afl 3 0 a code code img src https static djangoproject com img icon touch e4872c4da341 png style display inline width 13 height 13 code b a href https github com geex arts django jet django jet a b 26 3 5k modern responsive template for the django admin code a href http bit ly 3pwmjo5 agpl 3 0 a code code img src https static djangoproject com img icon touch e4872c4da341 png style display inline width 13 height 13 code b a href https github com django admin bootstrapped django admin bootstrapped django admin bootstrapped a b 26 1 6k a django admin theme using twitter bootstrap it code a href http bit ly 3nymfla apache 2 a code code img src https static djangoproject com img icon touch e4872c4da341 png style display inline width 13 height 13 code b a href https github com jazzband django admin2 django admin2 a b 23 1 2k extendable adaptable rewrite of django contrib admin code a href http bit ly 3akzptv bsd 3 a code code img src https static djangoproject com img icon touch e4872c4da341 png style display inline width 13 height 13 code b a href https github com semente django smuggler django smuggler a b 22 370 django smuggler is a pluggable application for django code a href http bit ly 37rvqca lgpl 3 0 a code code img src https static djangoproject com img icon touch e4872c4da341 png style display inline width 13 height 13 code details br api proxies gateways a href contents img align right width 15 height 15 src https git io jtehr alt back to top a details summary b a href https github com kong kong kong a b 39 37k the cloud native api gateway code a href http 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forge flask migrate details details summary b a href https github com pallets eco flask caching flask caching a b 34 830 a caching extension for flask code a href http bit ly 3akzptv bsd 3 a code code img src https flask palletsprojects com en 1 1 x static flask icon png style display inline width 13 height 13 code summary github https github com pallets eco flask caching 110 190 17k 240 24 open 08 10 2023 git clone https github com pallets eco flask caching pypi https pypi org project flask caching 3 9m month 770 08 10 2023 pip install flask caching conda https anaconda org conda forge flask caching 160k 08 10 2023 conda install c conda forge flask caching details details summary b a href https github com alisaifee flask limiter flask limiter a b 31 1k rate limiting extension for flask code a href http bit ly 34mbwt8 mit a code code img src https flask palletsprojects com en 1 1 x static flask icon png style display inline width 13 height 13 code summary github https github com 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820 flask marshmallow for beautiful apis code a href http bit ly 34mbwt8 mit a code code img src https flask palletsprojects com en 1 1 x static flask icon png style display inline width 13 height 13 code summary github https github com marshmallow code flask marshmallow 21 56 26k 110 24 open 02 08 2023 git clone https github com marshmallow code flask marshmallow pypi https pypi org project flask marshmallow 530k month 820 05 04 2023 pip install flask marshmallow conda https anaconda org conda forge flask marshmallow 88k 16 06 2023 conda install c conda forge flask marshmallow details details summary b a href https github com miracle2k flask assets flask assets a b 27 440 flask webassets integration code a href http bit ly 3rqewvr bsd 2 a code code img src https flask palletsprojects com en 1 1 x static flask icon png style display inline width 13 height 13 code summary github https github com miracle2k flask assets 41 89 7 3k 100 21 open 17 10 2023 git clone https github com 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mfreeborn fastapi sqlalchemy fastapi sqlalchemy a b 23 530 adds simple sqlalchemy support to fastapi code a href http bit ly 34mbwt8 mit a code code img src https fastapi tiangolo com img favicon png style display inline width 13 height 13 code b a href https github com buuntu fastapi react fastapi react a b 18 1 8k cookiecutter template for fastapi react projects code a href http bit ly 34mbwt8 mit a code code img src https fastapi tiangolo com img favicon png style display inline width 13 height 13 code b a href https github com deanway fastapi versioning fastapi versioning a b 18 550 api versioning for fastapi web applications code a href http bit ly 34mbwt8 mit a code code img src https fastapi tiangolo com img favicon png style display inline width 13 height 13 code b a href https github com comeuplater fastapi cache fastapi cache a b 18 200 fastapi simple cache code a href http bit ly 34mbwt8 mit a code code img src https fastapi tiangolo com img favicon png style display inline width 13 height 13 code b a href https github com identixone fastapi contrib fastapi contrib a b 16 570 opinionated set of utilities on top of fastapi code a href http bit ly 34mbwt8 mit a code code img src https fastapi tiangolo com img favicon png style display inline width 13 height 13 code b a href https github com dmontagu fastapi client fastapi client a b 14 320 fastapi client generator code a href http bit ly 3nymfla apache 2 a code code img src https fastapi tiangolo com img favicon png style display inline width 13 height 13 code b a href https github com yezz123 fastapi lazy fastapi lazy a b 10 100 lazy package to start your project using fastapi code a href http bit ly 34mbwt8 mit a code code img src https fastapi tiangolo com img favicon png style display inline width 13 height 13 code details br pyramid utilities a href contents img align right width 15 height 15 src https git io jtehr alt back to top a details summary b a href https github com mmerickel pyramid services 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clone https github com jschneier django storages pypi https pypi org project django storages 2 7m month 4 9k 09 10 2023 pip install django storages conda https anaconda org conda forge django storages 54k 29 09 2023 conda install c conda forge django storages details details summary b a href https github com django oscar django oscar django oscar a b 37 5 9k domain driven e commerce for django code a href http bit ly 3akzptv bsd 3 a code code img src https static djangoproject com img icon touch e4872c4da341 png style display inline width 13 height 13 code summary github https github com django oscar django oscar 350 2 1k 1k 1 5k 6 open 09 10 2023 git clone https github com django oscar django oscar pypi https pypi org project django oscar 16k month 270 06 10 2023 pip install django oscar details details summary b a href https github com adamchainz django cors headers django cors headers a b 37 5 1k django app for handling the server headers required code a href http bit ly 34mbwt8 mit 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https static djangoproject com img icon touch e4872c4da341 png style display inline width 13 height 13 code summary github https github com yourlabs django autocomplete light 200 460 3 8k 840 24 open 19 09 2023 git clone https github com yourlabs django autocomplete light pypi https pypi org project django autocomplete light 270k month 750 19 09 2023 pip install django autocomplete light details details summary b a href https github com jazzband sorl thumbnail sorl thumbnail a b 34 1 7k thumbnails for django code a href http bit ly 3akzptv bsd 3 a code code img src https static djangoproject com img icon touch e4872c4da341 png style display inline width 13 height 13 code summary github https github com jazzband sorl thumbnail 160 510 14k 420 28 open 04 10 2023 git clone https github com jazzband sorl thumbnail pypi https pypi org project sorl thumbnail 200k month 2 5k 05 10 2023 pip install sorl thumbnail conda https anaconda org conda forge sorl thumbnail 6 1k 05 10 2023 conda install 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github com jieter django tables2 django tables2 a b 33 1 7k django tables2 an app for creating html tables code a href http bit ly 3rqewvr bsd 2 a code code img src https static djangoproject com img icon touch e4872c4da341 png style display inline width 13 height 13 code summary github https github com jieter django tables2 150 420 6 6k 570 13 open 18 10 2023 git clone https github com jieter django tables2 pypi https pypi org project django tables2 260k month 900 27 06 2023 pip install django tables2 conda https anaconda org conda forge django tables2 6 4k 04 09 2023 conda install c conda forge django tables2 details details summary b a href https github com cookiecutter cookiecutter django cookiecutter django a b 32 11k cookiecutter django is a framework for jumpstarting code a href http bit ly 3akzptv bsd 3 a code code img src https static djangoproject com img icon touch e4872c4da341 png style display inline width 13 height 13 code summary github https github com cookiecutter 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zeus-llm-trainer | zeus llm trainer table of contents local setup local setup lora training lora training finetuning finetuning roadmap roadmap development log development log currently supported features full lora lora training and finetune finetuning support see run examples below on run configurations for each all huggingface models supported out of the box though some might have special configuration requirements and may not support all listed features saving of full lora model and adapters context there was a change in the peft library which stopped saving the adapter every checkpoint simple prompt templating engine for llms and your own can be made easily examples can be found in the templates directory here https github com official elinas zeus llm trainer tree main templates call your unique template with prompt template name template name str or it will default to alpaca format one time tokenization the trainer will automatically tokenize your dataset once and reload in subsequent from the tokenized directory numerous arguments including but not limited to use python finetune py h for a full list of arguments or take a look at finetune py bf16 and fp16 support use bf16 or use fp16 optimizer parameter such as adamw torch adamw bnb 8bit and more with the default adamw torch fused use optim optimizer name to change this see the full list of optimizers here list of optimizers to use with optim flag validation dataset split val set size num samples will split your dataset into train and val datasets with the number of samples defined by val set size num samples or set it to 0 not perform validation warmup ratio warmup ratio 0 06 is the default logging steps logging steps 5 is the default seed for training consistency between runs seed 42 is the default llama only optional attention replacement techniques for memory reduction and speed must be installed flash attention use flash attn xformers use xformers optimization techniques 8bit int8 training lora and finetune default unless alternate precision is specified ie bf16 fp16 4bit 4bit int4 training qlora train 4bit deepspeed disabled by default pass in a config like deepspeed path to deepspeed config json fully sharded data parallel fsdp disabled by default example fsdp params full shard auto wrap gradient checkpointing use gradient checkpointing saves significant memory at the cost of quite a bit of speed wandb logging project name wandb project project name run name wandb run name run name default random wandb watch wandb watch all options false gradients all default false other features alternate batch size calculation using global batch size global bsz instead of gradient accumulation steps num steps gradient normalization option max grad norm 1 0 default hf value local setup 1 install dependencies in a virtualenv preferably create the venv python m venv venv activate the venv source venv bin actiate install the requirements pip install r requirements txt 2 if you re using flash attn or xformers install the ninja package first and manually install either one in optional requirements txt 3 for bitsandbytes windows users can follow these instructions https github com tloen alpaca lora issues 17 note that bitsandbytes is not officially supported on windows nor is serious training recommended on windows run examples lora training example usage bash python finetune py base model elinas llama 7b hf transformers 4 29 data path hf dataset path output dir lora alpaca data path can be a huggingface dataset or a local json jsonl file but must have the instruction input output schema we can also tweak our hyperparameters bash python finetune py base model elinas llama 7b hf transformers 4 29 data path dataset json output dir lora alpaca gradient accumulation steps 1 per device train batch size 4 num train epochs 3 learning rate 1e 4 cutoff len 1024 val set size 2000 lora r 64 lora alpha 128 lora dropout 0 05 lora target modules q proj v proj train on inputs group by length example lora with ddp usage 2 gpus adjust top line based on gpu count bash omp num threads 12 world size 2 torchrun nproc per node 2 master port 1234 finetune py base model elinas llama 7b hf transformers 4 29 data path dataset json num train epochs 3 cutoff len 2048 group by length val set size 2000 output dir 7b lora lora target modules q proj v proj k proj o proj lora r 128 lora alpha 256 gradient accumulation steps 4 per device train batch size 16 train on inputs true seed 42 merge lora adapter into hf pytorch model format use scripts merge lora hf checkpoint py and the arguments provided in the file to convert your adapter model bin to a full model you may also use the adapter directly without converting using applications like text generation webui https github com oobabooga text generation webui finetuning example finetune with fsdp deepspeed both optional bash omp num threads 12 world size 2 torchrun nproc per node 2 master port 1234 finetune py base model elinas llama 7b hf transformers 4 29 data path dataset json is finetune use bf16 num train epochs 3 cutoff len 2048 group by length val set size 2000 output dir 7b finetune gradient accumulation steps 4 per device train batch size 16 train on inputs true seed 42 fsdp params full shard auto wrap deepspeed path to deepspeed config json note we used bf16 you must use it or fp16 list of optimizers to use with optim flag details summary click here for a list of optimizers summary br b adamw hf adamw hf b br b adamw torch adamw torch b br b adamw torch fused adamw torch fused b br adamw torch xla adamw torch xla br b adamw apex fused adamw apex fused b br adafactor adafactor br adamw anyprecision adamw anyprecision br sgd sgd br adagrad adagrad br b adamw bnb adamw bnb 8bit b br b adamw 8bit adamw 8bit b just an alias for adamw bnb 8bit br lion 8bit lion 8bit br lion lion 32bit br paged adamw paged adamw 32bit br paged adamw 8bit paged adamw 8bit br paged lion paged lion 32bit br paged lion 8bit paged lion 8bit br please be aware that changing optimizers can have a significant impact on your model for better or for worse common ones to use are in bold details roadmap x use batch per device and gradient accumulation steps to calculate global steps x save lora adapter correctly every checkpoint instead of the full model x implement 4bit qlora x tokenize each unique dataset once and reload that using the same name when the original json file is passed x implement full finetuning as an option not lora x implement flash attention for llama https github com hazyresearch flash attention x working deepspeed support fp8 training using accelerate hopper gpus 4000 series add more sample templates ie vicuna improve dataset loading multiple files different formats implement loading arguments from json development log 2023 06 10 zeus llm trainer release except for possibly needing to downgrade bitsandbytes to 0 37 2 to prevent oom on 8bit training this release is ready and will come with a name change as stated in the past the trainer has supported the use of deepspeed and more info can be found at the deepspeed repo https github com microsoft deepspeed deepspeed hf docs https huggingface co docs transformers main classes deepspeed and can be used in the trainer by passing the argument deepspeed path to ds config json fsdp params can be used to pass in an fsdp fully shareded data parallel definition like fsdp params full shard auto wrap definition directly into the trainer as outlined in the documentation here https huggingface co docs transformers main classes trainer transformers trainingarguments fsdp this is useful when your model can t fit into a single gpu or you want to save vram all at the cost of speed the documentation has been updated below and a full changelog will be posted on the releases page older development notes have been moved to the bottom of the readme 2023 06 02 4bit qlora test release and some notes 4bit qlora was tested and it performed very well in both end result and performance overall using a rough estimate based on compute i used it is about 22 faster or more than 8bit lora with the added benefit of fitting on smaller cards inference was not impacted much if at all compared to 8bit and generates similar outputs in 4bit props to tim dettmers for releasing this method and getting it integrated into transformers pre tokenization is almost ready but not quite there though i am comfortable with everything functioning here except for the untested finetune feature which should work i just don t have the time or resources to test a finetune right now new name will be zeus llm trainer and the repo name will be changed which will break remotes so make sure to update your remote repository or re clone it that s really it for now and automatic handling of pre tokenization using arrow format will be finished soon 2023 05 30 pretokenization wip repo name change important lora finetune py has been renamed to finetune py adding a way to pretokenize to save time when re running training especially for larger datasets i m preparing to change the repo name soon though i have not decided on a final name 2023 05 28 working on getting flash attention functional the current flash attn library fails to install due to a torch import error and trying to install an older version just results in other errors currently there is an open issue about this and will be looking into it more pytorch sdp attention was re implemented but doesn t work right so don t use it unless you want no training to happen due to abnormal loss don t know how much time if any i will commit further to this since flash attn seems like the better overall option and you can already use xformers for memory savings another issue the latest bitsandbytes still has a memory issue and will often oom when saving a checkpoint when training in 8 bit i m not sure if this is an issue in 4bit but i m training a 13b qlora with a decent chunk of memory free on a single 3090 if you do an 8 bit lora i recommend switching to bitsandbytes 0 37 2 or roll the dice with the latest version 2023 05 27 4bit qlora fp16 training and more 4bit qlora training has been implemented and is usable by calling the train 4bit flag no other configuration is needed on top of the current lora config loras can be trained in fp16 now for improved training speed at the cost of vram use train fp16 full finetuning is implemented using is finetune the code is a bit messy and might not work 100 right consider this completely untested br note that you need to pass train fp16 or it will default to 8bit if you use this argument all lora arguments and operations will be bypassed in the trainer optional optimizer selection optim optm name has been added if you don t want to use the default adamw torch paged adamw 8bit was used in the qlora example read about the different optimizers here https huggingface co docs transformers v4 29 1 en perf train gpu one optimizer br if you are unsure just keep it default or feel free to experiment as some can add memory savings though generally at the expense of speed optional gradient checkpointing use gradient checkpointing which can potentially save significant memory once again at the cost of speed this should really only be used if you can t train the model at a batch size of 1 read more on gradient checkpointing here https huggingface co docs transformers v4 18 0 en performance gradient checkpointing 2023 05 25 larger models and possible issues i ve been testing larger models specifically 30 33b and i assume this would apply to 65b as well but the gradient explosions are not directly due to xformers the attention method might make it worse but i have experienced the issue without it using grouping and without and currently trying to find out why it might be my dataset so that is what i will be trying to change next the next release will include pre tokenization and full finetuning hence the project will be renamed to zeus 2023 05 21 working on multiple things at once i ve updated the todo list below in order of priority some changes in dev have been made like adding max grad norm which can help normalize gradients when using xformers with no penalty speed and an improved loss this defaults at 1 0 hf default and will change to 0 5 if using xformers unless a specific value is passed via max grad norm ie max grad norm 0 7 warmup steps as a parameter is removed and replaced with warmup ratio as it s better to calculate your warmup as a ratio by default it is set to 0 06 which is taken from the microsoft lora example if you do not want warmup set warmup ratio 0 though this is not recommended 2023 05 18 metrics group by length and xformers i will be posting all benchmarks tests i perform in the project s wiki https github com official elinas alpaca lora optimized wiki 2023 05 18 testing features currently i have been testing features specifically group by length and determined that you should essentially always use it even if your dataset is not varied in length an experiment was done with a highly varied dataset and with group by length it took 2 30h and without it took 4hrs exactly while producing lower loss and vram xformers still doing testing on this with a 30b model the strange loss jump could be due to exploding gradients and i am looking into a possible solution such as tweaking the max grad norm parameter in the hf trainer from the default of 1 0 to a lower number or letting the user decide likely the latter in addition i am doing testing with and without xformers to get a baseline of what performance improvement can be gained as well as potential memory savings and will provide an update once that testing is finished torch compile was re implemented as the speedup can be considerable for training although i did not see benchmarks for 8 bit training or if it s supported at all for now it is only compatible on linux and if you are on windows it will be ignored 2023 05 16 xformers info i have tested twice with xformers producing strange loss that drops back down after a certain amount of steps though it might be nothing serious for a full training session if you use it please test with and without 2023 05 14 continuing rewrite fixed lora adapter saving currently it saves full model and adapter allow for usage of passing arg gradient accumulation steps steps or global batch size batch size one must be picked over the other depending on calculation you prefer implemented xformers as an option to replace the default attention method with use xformers argument name changes will be documented everything below this is todo and not officially supported inference generate py this file reads the foundation model from the hugging face model hub and the lora weights from tloen alpaca lora 7b and runs a gradio interface for inference on a specified input users should treat this as example code for the use of the model and modify it as needed example usage bash python generate py load 8bit base model decapoda research llama 7b hf lora weights tloen alpaca lora 7b docker setup inference 1 build the container image bash docker build t alpaca lora 2 run the container you can also use finetune py and all of its parameters as shown above for training bash docker run gpus all shm size 64g p 7860 7860 v home cache root cache rm alpaca lora generate py load 8bit base model decapoda research llama 7b hf lora weights tloen alpaca lora 7b 3 open https localhost 7860 in the browser docker compose setup inference 1 optional change desired model and weights under environment in the docker compose yml 2 build and run the container bash docker compose up d build 3 open https localhost 7860 in the browser 4 see logs bash docker compose logs f 5 clean everything up bash docker compose down volumes rmi all | ai |
ml-pen-and-paper-exercises | pen and paper exercises in machine learning cc by 4 0 cc by shield cc by this is a collection of mostly pen and paper exercises in machine learning each exercise comes with a detailed solution the following topics are covered linear algebra optimisation directed graphical models undirected graphical models expressive power of graphical models factor graphs and message passing inference for hidden markov models model based learning including ica and unnormalised models sampling and monte carlo integration variational inference a compiled pdf is available on arxiv https arxiv org abs 2206 13446 please use the following reference for citations techreport gutmann2022a author michael u gutmann title pen and paper exercises in machine learning institution university of edinburgh year 2022 arxiv https arxiv org abs 2206 13446 url https github com michaelgutmann ml pen and paper exercises the work is licensed under a creative commons attribution 4 0 international license cc by cc by http creativecommons org licenses by 4 0 cc by shield https img shields io badge license cc 20by 204 0 lightgrey svg usage under linux you can compile the collection with make to remove temporary files use make clean by default the compiled document includes the solutions for the exercises to compile a document without the solutions comment soltrue and uncomment solfalse in main tex contributing please use github s issues to report mistakes or typos i would welcome community contributions the main idea is to provide exercises together with detailed solutions please get in touch to discuss options my contact information is available here https michaelgutmann github io acknowledgements the tikz settings are based on macros kindly shared by david barber http web4 cs ucl ac uk staff d barber pmwiki pmwiki php n main homepage the macros were partly used for his book bayesian reasoning and machine learning http web4 cs ucl ac uk staff d barber pmwiki pmwiki php n brml homepage i make use of the ethuebung package https github com phfaist ethuebung developed by philippe faist i hacked the style file to support multiple chapters and inclusion of the exercises in a table of contents i developed parts of the linear algebra and optimisation exercises for the course unsupervised machine learning https www cs helsinki fi u ahyvarin teaching uml2009 at the university of helsinki and the remaining exercises for the course probabilistic modelling and reasoning http www inf ed ac uk teaching courses pmr 21 22 at the university of edinburgh | exercises-solutions machine-learning mathematics | ai | | toptechnews info top technology news information | server |
Qianqiuxi | v1 0 82 52 30 v1 1 46 28 14 2 2 128 img src src png style width 100 align center img src src png style width 100 align center img src src png style width 100 align center 2 4 6 1 2 4 br 15 4 br 4 br 15 4 br 4 br 4 br br 4 br br 4 br 20 br 4 br br 10 4 br 10 br 4 br br 4 br br 4 br 4 br br 20 4 br br 30 4 br 20 4 br 15 br 4 br br 4 br br 4 br br 6 br br 20 6 br 20 br 6 br br 6 br br 6 br 30 br 6 br 30 br 6 br 20 br 6 br 30 br 6 br br 6 br br 30 4 br 10 4 br 4 br 15 4 br 6 br 30 6 br br 15 6 br br 6 br br 30 4 br 30 br 4 br 30 br 4 br br 4 br br 4 br br 4 br 30 br v1 1 126 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 40 60 60 80 | server |
IS4904 | is4904 for the is4904 course in prince sattam bin abdulaziz university that covers mobile development using flutter framework | front_end |
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intro-to-intelligent-apps | introduction to building intelligent apps this repository introduces and helps organizations get started with building intelligent apps and incorporating large language models llms into them workshop agenda morning 9 00 12 15 focus introduction first steps prompt engineering intro 30min introductions setting expectations use case ideation brainstorming intro to azure openai prompt engineering demos 105min presentations readme md azure openai service demo s break lab 1 hands on with prompt engineering exercises labs 01 prompts prompts md intro to ai orchestration 60min presentations readme md ai orchestration demo s afternoon 1 15 4 30 focus building intelligent apps incorporating llms intro to ai orchestration continued 135min presentations readme md lab 2 hands on with ai orchestration exercises labs 02 orchestrators readme md lab 3 hands on with tokens embeddings vectors exercises labs 03 tbd readme md break wrapping up 60min use case validation qna closing remarks preparation this is only required for the hands on lab if you are only attending the presentation you can skip this section azure openai service subscription and deployments grant the participant access to the azure openai service subscription and create the required deployments ideally grant the participants access to azure openai service service be assigning the cognitive service openai user if the participant is a cognitive service openai contributor they can create the following deployments themselves otherwise create text davinci 003 and text embedding ada 002 deployments and assign the participant to the deployments there are two ways to authenticate see jupyter notebooks 1 recommended use the azure cli to authenticate to azure and azure openai service 2 using a token not needed if using the azure cli get the azure openai service endpoint and key from the azure portal workspace environment choose one of the following options to set up your environment codespaces devcontainer or bring your own environment anaconda building the environment can take a few minutes so please start early 1 codespaces highly recommended best option if you already have a github account you can develop on local vscode or in a browser window go to github repository and click on code button create and edit the env file in the base folder including azure openai service endpoint and key before starting any notebooks 2 devcontainer usually a good option if vscode and docker desktop are already installed install docker https www docker com products docker desktop install visual studio code https code visualstudio com install remote containers https marketplace visualstudio com items itemname ms vscode remote remote containers extension clone this repository open the repository in visual studio code click on the green button in the bottom left corner of the window select reopen in container wait for the container to be built and started create and edit env file in the base folder including azure openai service endpoint and key before starting any notebooks | ai |
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Singularity-Computer-Vision | singularity computer vision cv https i ibb co 9tfjvy3 cv jpg this repository for singularity computer vision course materials how to use 1 download data zip file from here https drive google com file d 1r0oxtkpgtotj8q60txubod3sjgmvt9sk view usp sharing 2 decompress it 3 move data folder in the repository directory 4 download this version for anaconda from here https repo continuum io archive anaconda3 5 2 0 windows x86 64 exe 5 downoad this version for tesseract from here https digi bib uni mannheim de tesseract tesseract ocr w64 setup v5 0 0 alpha 20190708 exe 6 open terminal 7 type conda install c conda forge opencv to install opencv library 8 type pip install https files pythonhosted org packages 0e ce f8a3cff33ac03a8219768f0694c5d703c8e037e6aba2e865f9bae22ed63c dlib 19 8 1 cp36 cp36m win amd64 whl sha256 794994fa2c54e7776659fddb148363a5556468a6d5d46be8dad311722d54bfcf to install dlib library 9 type pip install pytesseract to install tesseract library 10 type pip install ignore installed tensorflow 11 type cd singularity computer vision 12 type jupyter notebook 13 here you go start shaping the future | ai |
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arxiv org abs 2303 12712 gpt 4 architecture infrastructure training dataset costs vision moe semianalysis 2023 https www semianalysis com p gpt 4 architecture infrastructure claude https www anthropic com product claude is a next generation ai assistant based on anthropic s research into training helpful honest and harmless ai systems llama 2 https github com facebookresearch llama img src https img shields io github stars facebookresearch llama style social inference code for llama models llama open and efficient foundation language models arxiv 2023 https arxiv org abs 2302 13971 llama 2 open foundation and fine tuned chat models ai meta com 2023 07 18 https ai meta com research publications llama 2 open foundation and fine tuned chat models 2023 07 18 llama 2 is here get it on hugging face https huggingface co blog llama2 langchain https github com langchain ai langchain img src https img shields io github stars hwchase17 langchain style social langchain building applications with llms through composability python langchain com https python langchain com docs get started introduction html embedchain https github com embedchain embedchain img src https img shields io github stars embedchain embedchain svg style social framework to create chatgpt like bots over your dataset embedchain ai https embedchain ai autochain https github com forethought technologies autochain img src https img shields io github stars forethought technologies autochain style social autochain build lightweight extensible and testable llm agents autochain forethought ai https autochain forethought ai auto gpt https github com significant gravitas auto gpt img src https img shields io github stars significant gravitas auto gpt style social auto gpt an autonomous gpt 4 experiment auto gpt is an experimental open source application showcasing the capabilities of the gpt 4 language model this program driven by gpt 4 chains together llm thoughts to autonomously achieve whatever goal you set as one of the first examples of gpt 4 running fully autonomously auto gpt pushes the boundaries of what is possible with ai agpt co https news agpt co litechain https github com rogeriochaves litechain img src https img shields io github stars rogeriochaves litechain style social build robust llm applications with true composability rogeriochaves github io litechain https rogeriochaves github io litechain whisper https github com openai whisper img src https img shields io github stars openai whisper style social whisper is a general purpose speech recognition model it is trained on a large dataset of diverse audio and is also a multitasking model that can perform multilingual speech recognition speech translation and language identification robust speech recognition via large scale weak supervision arxiv 2022 https arxiv org abs 2212 04356 openchat https github com imoneoi openchat img src https img shields io github stars imoneoi openchat style social openchat advancing open source language models with imperfect data huggingface co openchat openchat https huggingface co openchat openchat gpt engineer https github com antonosika gpt engineer img src https img shields io github stars antonosika gpt engineer style social specify what you want it to build the ai asks for clarification and then builds it gpt engineer is made to be easy to adapt extend and make your agent learn how you want your code to look it generates an entire codebase based on a prompt stablelm https github com stability ai stablelm img src https img shields io github stars stability ai stablelm style social stablelm stability ai language models jarvis https github com microsoft jarvis img src https img shields io github stars microsoft jarvis style social jarvis a system to connect llms with ml community hugginggpt solving ai tasks with chatgpt and its friends in huggingface arxiv 2023 https arxiv org abs 2303 17580 minigpt 4 https github com vision cair minigpt 4 img src https img shields io 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trained on the databricks machine learning platform hello dolly democratizing the magic of chatgpt with open models https www databricks com blog 2023 03 24 hello dolly democratizing magic chatgpt open models html lmflow https github com optimalscale lmflow img src https img shields io github stars optimalscale lmflow style social an extensible convenient and efficient toolbox for finetuning large machine learning models designed to be user friendly speedy and reliable and accessible to the entire community large language model for all optimalscale github io lmflow https optimalscale github io lmflow open assistant https github com laion ai open assistant img src https img shields io github stars laion ai open assistant style social openassistant is a chat based assistant that understands tasks can interact with third party systems and retrieve information dynamically to do so open assistant io https open assistant io colossal ai https github com hpcaitech colossalai img src https img shields io github stars hpcaitech colossalai style social making big ai models cheaper easier and scalable www colossalai org www colossalai org colossal ai a unified deep learning system for large scale parallel training arxiv 2021 https arxiv org abs 2110 14883 lit llama https github com lightning ai lit llama img src https img shields io github stars lightning ai lit llama style social lit llama implementation of the llama language model based on nanogpt supports flash attention int8 and gptq 4bit quantization lora and llama adapter fine tuning pre training apache 2 0 licensed gpt 4 llm https github com instruction tuning with gpt 4 gpt 4 llm img src https img shields io github stars instruction tuning with gpt 4 gpt 4 llm style social instruction tuning with gpt 4 arxiv 2023 https arxiv org abs 2304 03277 instruction tuning with gpt 4 github io https instruction tuning with gpt 4 github io stanford alpaca https github com tatsu lab stanford alpaca img src https img shields io github stars tatsu lab stanford alpaca style social stanford alpaca an instruction following llama model feizc visual llama https github com feizc visual llama img src https img shields io github stars feizc visual llama style social open llama eyes to see the world this project aims to optimize llama model for visual information understanding like gpt 4 and further explore the potentional of large language model lightning ai lightning colossalai https github com lightning ai lightning colossalai img src https img shields io github stars lightning ai lightning colossalai style social efficient large scale distributed training with colossal ai https colossalai org and lightning ai https lightning ai gpt4all https github com nomic ai gpt4all img src https img shields io github stars nomic ai gpt4all style social gpt4all an ecosystem of open source on edge large language models gtp4all is an ecosystem to train and deploy powerful and customized large language models that run locally on 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cult and other aigc models x plug mplug owl https github com x plug mplug owl img src https img shields io github stars x plug mplug owl style social mplug owl modularization empowers large language models with multimodality i code https github com microsoft i code img src https img shields io github stars microsoft i code style social the ambition of the i code project is to build integrative and composable multimodal artificial intelligence the i stands for integrative multimodal learning codi any to any generation via composable diffusion arxiv 2023 https arxiv org abs 2305 11846 workgpt https github com h2oai h2ogpt img src https img shields io github stars h2oai h2ogpt style social workgpt is an agent framework in a similar fashion to autogpt or langchain h2ogpt https github com team openpm workgpt img src https img shields io github stars team openpm workgpt style social h2ogpt is a large language model llm fine tuning framework and chatbot ui with document s question answer capabilities h2ogpt democratizing large language models arxiv 2023 https arxiv org abs 2306 08161 longllama https github com cstankonrad long llama img src https img shields io github stars cstankonrad long llama style social longllama is a large language model capable of handling long contexts it is based on openllama and fine tuned with the focused transformer fot method llama adapter https github com opengvlab llama adapter img src https img shields io github stars opengvlab llama adapter style social fine tuning llama to follow instructions within 1 hour and 1 2m parameters llama adapter efficient fine tuning of llama demogpt https github com melih unsal demogpt img src https img shields io github stars melih unsal demogpt style social create langchain apps by just using prompts with the power of llama 2 star to support our work langchain star demogpt auto gen ai app generator with the power of llama 2 with just a prompt you can create interactive streamlit apps via langchain s transformative capabilities llama 2 demogpt io https www demogpt io lamini https github com lamini ai lamini img src https img shields io github stars lamini ai lamini style social lamini the llm engine for rapidly customizing models xorbitsai inference https github com xorbitsai inference img src https img shields io github stars xorbitsai inference style social xorbits inference xinference is a powerful and versatile library designed to serve llms speech recognition models and multimodal models even on your laptop it supports a variety of models compatible with ggml such as llama chatglm baichuan whisper vicuna orac and many others epfllm megatron llm https github com epfllm megatron llm img src https img shields io github stars epfllm megatron llm style social distributed trainer for llms aminediro cria https github com aminediro cria img src https img shields io github stars aminediro cria style social openai compatible api for serving llama 2 model llama 2 onnx https github com microsoft llama 2 onnx img src https img shields io github stars microsoft llama 2 onnx style social llama 2 powered by onnx gpt llm trainer https github com mshumer gpt llm trainer img src https img shields io github stars mshumer gpt llm trainer style social the goal of this project is to explore an experimental new pipeline to train a high performing task specific model we try to abstract away all the complexity so it s as easy as possible to go from idea performant fully trained model baichuan2 https github com baichuan inc baichuan2 img src https img shields io github stars baichuan inc baichuan2 style social a series of large language models developed by baichuan intelligent technology baichuan 2 2 6 tokens baichuan 2 benchmark 7b 13b base chat chat 4bits huggingface co baichuan inc https huggingface co baichuan inc baichuan 2 open large scale language models arxiv 2023 https arxiv org abs 2309 10305 baichuan 7b 7b https github com baichuan inc baichuan 7b img src https img shields io github stars baichuan inc baichuan 7b style social a large scale 7b pretraining language model developed by baichuan inc baichuan 7b transformer 1 2 tokens 70 4096 benchmark c eval mmlu huggingface co baichuan inc baichuan 7b https huggingface co baichuan inc baichuan 7b baichuan 13b 13b https github com baichuan inc baichuan 13b img src https img shields io github stars baichuan inc baichuan 13b style social a 13b large language model developed by baichuan intelligent technology baichuan 13b baichuan 7b 130 benchmark baichuan 13b base baichuan 13b chat huggingface co baichuan inc baichuan 13b chat https huggingface co baichuan inc baichuan 13b chat chatglm 6b https github com thudm chatglm 6b img src https img shields io github stars thudm chatglm 6b style social chatglm 6b an open bilingual dialogue language model chatglm 6b general language model glm https github com thudm glm 62 glm general language model pretraining with autoregressive blank infilling acl 2022 https aclanthology org 2022 acl long 26 glm 130b an open bilingual pre trained model iclr 2023 https openreview net forum id aw0rrrpuf chatglm2 6b https github com thudm chatglm2 6b img src https img shields io github stars thudm chatglm2 6b style social chatglm2 6b an open bilingual chat llm chatglm2 6b chatglm 6b chatglm2 6b moss https github com openlmlab moss img src https img shields io github stars openlmlab moss style social an open source tool augmented conversational language model from fudan university moss moss moon 160 fp16 a100 a800 3090 int4 8 3090 moss txsun1997 github io blogs moss html https txsun1997 github io blogs moss html bayling https github com ictnlp bayling img src https img shields io github stars openlmlab moss style social chatgpt 90 bayling is an english chinese llm equipped with advanced language alignment showing superior capability in english chinese generation instruction following and multi turn interaction nlp ict ac cn bayling http nlp ict ac cn bayling bayling bridging cross lingual alignment and instruction following through interactive translation for large language models arxiv 2023 https arxiv org abs 2306 10968 flagai aquila https github com flagai open flagai img src https img shields io github stars flagai open flagai style social flagai fast large scale general ai models is a fast easy to use and extensible toolkit for large scale model our goal is to support training fine tuning and deployment of large scale models on various downstream tasks with multi modality internlm https github com internlm internlm img src https img shields io github stars internlm internlm style social internlm has open sourced a 7 billion parameter base model a chat model tailored for practical scenarios and the training system internlm 70 internlm 7b yulan chat https github com ruc gsai yulan chat img src https img shields io github stars ruc gsai yulan chat style social yulan chat models are chat based large language models which are developed by 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github stars zhihaillm wisdominterrogatory style social wisdominterrogatory https github com hit scir huozi img src https img shields io github stars hit scir huozi style social bloom 70 2048 milm 6b https github com xiaomi milm 6b img src https img shields io github stars xiaomi milm 6b style social milm 6b 64 c eval cmmlu chinese llama and alpaca https github com ymcui chinese llama alpaca img src https img shields io github stars ymcui chinese llama alpaca style social llama alpaca cpu gpu chinese llama alpaca llms efficient and effective text encoding for chinese llama and alpaca arxiv 2023 https arxiv org abs 2304 08177 chinese llama alpaca 2 https github com ymcui chinese llama alpaca 2 img src https img shields io github stars ymcui chinese llama alpaca 2 style social llama 2 alpaca 2 chinese llama 2 alpaca 2 llms flagalpha llama2 chinese https github com flagalpha llama2 chinese img src https img shields io github stars flagalpha llama2 chinese style social llama llama michael 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chatgpt and a series of visual foundation models to enable sending and receiving images during chatting visual chatgpt talking drawing and editing with visual foundation models arxiv 2023 https arxiv org abs 2303 04671 internimage https github com opengvlab internimage img src https img shields io github stars opengvlab internimage style social internimage exploring large scale vision foundation models with deformable convolutions cvpr 2023 https arxiv org abs 2211 05778 glip https github com microsoft glip img src https img shields io github stars microsoft glip style social grounded language image pre training cvpr 2022 https arxiv org abs 2112 03857 glipv2 https github com microsoft glip img src https img shields io github stars microsoft glip style social glipv2 unifying localization and vision language understanding arxiv 2022 https arxiv org abs 2206 05836 dino https github com idea research dino img src https img shields io github stars idea research dino style social dino detr with improved denoising anchor boxes for end to end object detection iclr 2023 https arxiv org abs 2203 03605 dinov2 https github com facebookresearch dinov2 img src https img shields io github stars facebookresearch dinov2 style social dinov2 learning robust visual features without supervision arxiv 2023 https arxiv org abs 2304 07193 grounding dino https github com idea research groundingdino img src https img shields io github stars idea research groundingdino style social grounding dino marrying dino with grounded pre training for open set object detection arxiv 2023 https arxiv org abs 2303 05499 grounding dino https zhuanlan zhihu com p 627646794 sam https github com facebookresearch segment anything img src https img shields io github stars facebookresearch segment anything style social the repository provides code for running inference with the segment anything model sam links for downloading the trained model checkpoints and example notebooks that show how to use the model segment anything arxiv 2023 https arxiv org abs 2304 02643 grounded sam https github com idea research grounded segment anything img src https img shields io github stars idea research grounded segment anything style social marrying grounding dino with segment anything stable diffusion tag2text blip whisper chatbot automatically detect segment and generate anything with image text and audio inputs we plan to create a very interesting demo by combining grounding dino https github com idea research groundingdino and segment anything https github com facebookresearch segment anything which aims to detect and segment anything with text inputs seem https github com ux decoder segment everything everywhere all at once img src https img shields io github stars ux decoder segment everything everywhere all at once style social we introduce seem that can segment everything everywhere with multi modal prompts all at once seem allows users to easily segment an image using prompts of different types including visual prompts points marks boxes scribbles and image segments and language prompts text and audio etc it can also work with any combinations of prompts or generalize to custom prompts segment everything everywhere all at once arxiv 2023 https arxiv org abs 2304 06718 sam3d https github com dyzhang09 sam3d img src https img shields io github stars dyzhang09 sam3d style social sam3d zero shot 3d object detection via segment anything https github com facebookresearch segment anything model arxiv 2023 https arxiv org abs 2306 02245 imagebind https github com facebookresearch imagebind img src https img shields io github stars facebookresearch imagebind style social imagebind one embedding space to bind them all cvpr 2023 https arxiv org abs 2305 05665 track anything https github com gaomingqi track anything img src https img shields io github stars gaomingqi track anything style social track anything is a flexible and interactive tool for video object tracking and 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jsastrawi | jsastrawi build status https travis ci org jsastrawi jsastrawi svg branch master https travis ci org jsastrawi jsastrawi maven central https img shields io maven central v com andylibrian jsastrawi jsastrawi svg http search maven org search 7cga 7c1 7cg 3a 22com andylibrian jsastrawi 22 20and 20a 3a 22jsastrawi 22 dependency status https www versioneye com user projects 55b2c8d6643533001b0006b4 badge svg style flat https www versioneye com user projects 55b2c8d6643533001b0006b4 jsastrawi is a collection of natural language processing nlp tools for bahasa indonesia it is originally a java port of sastrawi stemmer https github com sastrawi sastrawi components jsastrawi terdiri dari beberapa komponen yaitu lemmatizer lemmatization https en wikipedia org wiki lemmatisation ialah proses mengubah kata berimbuhan menjadi kata dasar seperti menahan tahan berbalas balasan balas tersedia demo pada http sastrawi github io http sastrawi github io cara install maven xml dependency groupid com andylibrian jsastrawi groupid artifactid jsastrawi artifactid version 0 1 version dependency gradle compile com andylibrian jsastrawi jsastrawi 0 1 jar https github com jsastrawi jsastrawi releases cara menggunakan lemmatizer java mulai setup jsastrawi cukup dijalankan 1 kali jsastrawi lemmatizer membutuhkan kamus kata dasar dalam bentuk set string set string dictionary new hashset string memuat file kata dasar dari distribusi jsastrawi jika perlu anda dapat mengganti file ini dengan kamus anda sendiri inputstream in lemmatizer class getresourceasstream root words txt bufferedreader br new bufferedreader new inputstreamreader in string line while line br readline null dictionary add line lemmatizer lemmatizer new defaultlemmatizer dictionary selesai setup jsastrawi lemmatizer bisa digunakan berkali kali system out println lemmatizer lemmatize memakan system out println lemmatizer lemmatize meminum system out println lemmatizer lemmatize bernyanyi lisensi lisensi jsastrawi https github com jsastrawi jsastrawi blob master license adalah mit license mit produk ini mengandung software yang dibangun oleh apache software foundation http www apache org http www apache org produk ini menggunakan pustaka cli dari apache commons project http commons apache org http commons apache org produk ini mengandung kamus kata dasar yang berasal dari kateglo dengan lisensi cc by nc sa 3 0 http creativecommons org licenses by nc sa 3 0 kemudian dilakukan beberapa perubahan | ai |
indonesian-nlp-datasets | indonesian nlp datasets indonesian natural language processing datasets license http i creativecommons org l by 4 0 88x31 png this work is licensed under a creative commons attribution 4 0 international license http creativecommons org licenses by 4 0 | ai |
mipos | mipos logo mipos pictures mipos png linux linux build https travis ci org eantcal mipos svg branch master https travis ci org eantcal mipos multum in parvo operating system is a cooperative multitasking rtos designed for single chip micro controllers with severely limited ram e g less than 256 bytes and rom it provides the flexibility of an rtos in low cost embedded designs system on chip soc programmers can choose mipos for its small fast and royalty free benefits mipos manages tasks providing mutual exclusion signals message queues memory management malloc memory pools timers optional modules include command line support file system and stdio support mipos architecture mipos pictures miposarc png mipos is designed to be as compact as possible for the target architecture its small footprint enables use in devices with limited memory capacity including on chip in soc implementations and that reduces power demands extending battery life small size also makes mipos easy to understand and use computer science students can enhance their understanding of a simple os and gain valuable practical experience modifying it for example introducing new features mipos is highly portable it is written mainly in c programming language mipos is free for any use it is also royalty free ideal for applications with high volume production needs the original design and the source code was published in an article for the magazine computer programming where the internals of a portable and scalable kernel for microcontrollers with severely limited resource are described mipos has been tested on intel x86 chip stmicroelectronics st7 microcontrollers stm8 microcontroller and stm32 32bit arm cortex m3 microcontroller families mipos running in a evaluation board mipos pictures mipos2 jpg see also https www eantcal eu home mipos https www eantcal eu home mipos mipos running in a evaluation board mipos pictures miposide jpg mipos can be executed on windows or linux user space process for simulation purposes both microsoft visual studio and gcc compilers are supported mipos is delivered in fully documented source code form to build the examples on linux target simu you might do the following steps make sure you have installed gcc multilib on ubuntu you can install it by using sudo apt get install gcc multilib go to mipos examples directory create a new directory e g md build enter new directory e g cd build run cmake make in build several binaries will be created with prefix example for example if you run example filesystem will be loaded mipos within a linux process it will mount a disk image containing two files as shown in the following demo repos mipos examples build example filesystem mipos v 1 99 c 2005 2017 antonino calderone gmail com console compile date time dec 27 2020 00 33 50 opt mods mipos console mipos fs mipos stdio mipos mm mipos malloc mipos mpool mipos help help shows this list ver shows mipos version dump a c b dump a memory area patch a b set a byte b at address a ps shows the list of tasks freeze tid freezes a task unfreeze tid unfreezes a task delete tid delete a task signal tid signum set a signal ls shows list of files cat shows list and content of files mipos ls volume label ramdisk test1 60 bytes test2 60 bytes mipos cat test1 volume label ramdisk test1 60 bytes 0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123abcdefghijklmnopqrst test2 60 bytes 9876543210abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123abcdefghijklmnopqrst mipos | rtos c-language low-level-programming firmware microcontroller educational-project | os |
stash | stash since https img shields io badge since 29 20nov 202013 brightgreen github last commit https img shields io github last commit cn007b my prs welcome https img shields io badge prs welcome brightgreen svg style flat http makeapullrequest com here in ed https github com cn007b my tree master ed directory you cna find many stubs snippets templates code samples etc sponsors jetbrains ed e jetbrains logo svg https jb gg opensource | programming programming-languages webdevelopment databases architectures backend frontend fullstack devops sre | server |
Embedded-System-Design-and-IOT | smiley embedded system design and iot smiley the embedded system design process theory 1 introduction to embedded system design and iot 2 choosing the right processors and embedded product lifecycle 3 challenges and design issues in embedded systems assemblers compilers linkers loaders debuggers embedded circuit emulators jtag profilers and tests 4 intro to real time concepts 5 intro to iot trends iot architectures applications iot standards and protocols fundamentals 6 8051 architecture keil 7 interfacing switch relay with 8051 8 uart and spi 9 lcd and iic 10 8051 mini project bluetooth based home automation arm architecture 11 arm architecture keil 12 interfacing switch relay with arm 13 uart and spi 14 lcd and iic 15 arm mini project iot based weather monitoring system learn m4 cortex m4 16 cortexm4 lpc4088 architecture keil led blinking 17 interfacing switch relay with arm 18 uart and spi 19 lcd and iic 20 cortexm4 mini project temperature monitoring system using zigbee and lr pic architecture 21 intro to pic architecture 22 mplab ide and led blinking switch and relay 23 uart and spi 24 lcd and iic 25 pic mini project pwm based motor controller node mcu and esp32 26 intro to node mcu 27 led switch relay uart 28 iot temperature data logging 29 build your home automation with esp8266 and control devices from anywhere in the world 30 great achievements concept application | embedded embedded-systems esp8266 iot stm32 | os |
CHP012-Unity-step-by-step- | chp012 unity step by step unity in embedded system design and robotics a step by step guide | os |
mayflower-patternlab | mayflower github version https badge fury io gh massgov 2fmayflower svg https badge fury io gh massgov 2fmayflower mayflower is the enterprise design system for the commonwealth of massachusetts getting started setting up your environment in order to run mayflower locally you need to have some things installed and set up on your machine follow the steps in setting up your machine docs machine setup md demo install follow the steps in demo install docs demo install md to get a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for demo and testing purposes contribute please follow the steps in contributing docs github contributing md to set up your fork and repo for development and contribution purposes deployment developer deployment every time a branch passes circleci it will deploy the code to a the following url http mayflower digital mass gov b branch name index html which will allow the developer to share the url with reviewers to test their code production deployment mayflower release managers with the necessary repo permissions can see release docs docs release md for steps on deploying code to production i e do a release generating assets this project comes with gulp tasks to build mayflower s static assets html css js images without serving them locally see the gulp readme styleguide tools gulp gulp readme md for more information mayflower artifacts some mass digital services projects i e massgov mass https github com massgov mass use twig templates in addition to the static assets html css js image from mayflower to establish that dependency those projects point their dependency manager i e composer https getcomposer org doc 00 intro md to the mayflower artifacts https github com massgov mayflower artifacts repository which is a collection of mayflower build artifacts with both twig and static assets learn more about mayflower artifacts in the massgov openmass docs https github com massgov openmass blob master docs mayflower md mayflower artifacts built with pattern lab 2 php http patternlab io docs index html the pattern framework static site generator twig https twig sensiolabs org the templating language twigjs https github com twigjs twig js wiki for clientside rendering of twig templates see ajaxpattern styleguide source patterns 03 organisms by template ajax pattern md versioning we use semver http semver org for versioning for the versions available see the tags on this repository https github com massgov mayflower tags learn about how mayflower versions work in our semantic versioning docs versioning md docs license this project is licensed under the is licensed under the gnu general public license v2 0 see the license txt license txt file for details acknowledgments atomic design http atomicdesign bradfrost com chapter 2 methodology by brad frost this awesome readme template https gist github com purplebooth 109311bb0361f32d87a2 by purplebooth https gist github com purplebooth | pattern-lab pattern-library atomic-design design-system government civic-tech frontend-components | os |
MyML | my machine learning way repository star a decision tree b gradient descent https www yingjoy cn 480 html c spamclassifier https www yingjoy cn 485 html 0 distance similarity ml https www yingjoy cn 446 html 1 logistic regession logistic python https www yingjoy cn 451 html 2 decision tree algorithms id3 cart c4 5 python https www yingjoy cn 457 html 3 bayes python https www yingjoy cn 471 html kaggle kaggle br br br https www yingjoy cn https www yingjoy cn e mail yzk 1314 outlook com mailto yzk 1314 outlook com | ai |
spectrum-tokens | spectrum tokens monorepo this repo uses pnpm https pnpm io for package management moon https moonrepo dev moon to manage task running changesets https github com changesets changesets for automated versioning and releasing prettier https prettier io for code formatting linting commitlint https commitlint js org and convetional commits https www conventionalcommits org en v1 0 0 to standardize commit messages husky https typicode github io husky to automate formatting of committed files and linting of commit messages packages in this monorepo spectrum tokens packages tokens design tokens for spectrum adobe s design system spectrum token visualizer tool docs visualizer a visualizer for inspecting tokens published as a static site https opensource adobe com spectrum tokens visualizer not an npm package spectrum tokens docs docs site a static site to show the component options api and other token data setup monorepo locally 1 install pnpm using this guide https pnpm io installation 1 install dependencies bash pnpm i build all packages locally run build script bash pnpm moon run build run all tests locally bash pnpm moon run test | design-system design-tokens | os |
blockchain-network-on-kubernetes | deploy hyperledger fabric network on ibm cloud set up your business network using kubernetes apis on ibm cloud container service read this in other languages readme ko md blockchain is a shared immutable ledger for recording the history of transactions the linux foundation s hyperledger fabric the software implementation of blockchain ibm is committed to is a permissioned network for developing any blockchain use case the very first thing is to have a development environment for hyperledger fabric to create and deploy the application hyperledger fabric network can be setup in multiple ways hyperledger fabric network on premise https hyperledger fabric readthedocs io en release 1 0 build network html using ibm blockchain platform https cloud ibm com catalog services blockchain hosted on ibm cloud https cloud ibm com ibm cloud provides you blockchain as a service hyperledger fabric network using kubernetes apis https cloud ibm com containers kubernetes catalog cluster on ibm cloud kubernetes service https cloud ibm com containers kubernetes catalog cluster this code pattern demonstrates the steps involved in setting up your business network on hyperledger fabric using kubernetes apis on ibm cloud kubernetes service hosting the hyperledger fabric network on ibm cloud provides you many benefits like multiple users can work on the same setup the setup can be used for different blockchain applications the setup can be reused and so on please note that the blockchain network setup on kubernetes is good to use for demo scenarios but for production it is recommended to use ibm blockchain platform hosted on ibm cloud kubernetes cluster ibm cloud kubernetes service https cloud ibm com containers kubernetes catalog cluster allows you to create a free cluster that comes with 2 cpus 4 gb memory and 1 worker node it allows you to get familiar with and test kubernetes capabilities however they lack capabilities like persistent nfs file based storage with volumes to setup your cluster for maximum availability and capacity ibm cloud allows you to create a fully customizable production ready cluster called standard cluster standard clusters allow highly available cluster configurations such as a setup with two clusters that run in different regions each with multiple worker nodes please see https cloud ibm com docs containers topic containers cs ov cluster types to review other options for highly available cluster configurations this pattern uses a free cluster provided by ibm cloud and it can be used for proof of concept purpose this pattern provides you the scripts to automate the process for setting up hyperledger fabric network using kubernetes apis on ibm cloud when the reader has completed this pattern they will understand how to modify configuration files according to their network topology deploy the hyperledger fabric network on kubernetes cluster flow images architecture png 1 log in to ibm cloud cli and initialize ibm cloud kubernetes service plugin 2 set context for kubernetes cluster using cli and download kubernetes configuration files after downloading configuration files set kubeconfig environment variable 3 run script to deploy your hyperledger fabric network on kubernetes cluster 4 access kubernetes dashboard included components hyperledger fabric https hyperledger fabric readthedocs io hyperledger fabric is a platform for distributed ledger solutions underpinned by a modular architecture delivering high degrees of confidentiality resiliency flexibility and scalability ibm cloud kubernetes service https cloud ibm com containers kubernetes catalog cluster ibm kubernetes service enables the orchestration of intelligent scheduling self healing and horizontal scaling featured technologies blockchain https en wikipedia org wiki blockchain a blockchain is a digitized decentralized public ledger of all transactions in a network kubernetes cluster https kubernetes io docs home in kubernetes engine a container cluster consists of at least one cluster master and multiple worker machines called nodes a container cluster is the foundation of kubernetes engine watch the video https img youtube com vi dfyk6xamhc0 0 jpg https youtu be dfyk6xamhc0 kubernetes concepts used kubernetes pods https kubernetes io docs concepts workloads pods pod pods represent the smallest deployable units in a kubernetes cluster and are used to group containers that must be treated as a single unit kubernetes jobs https kubernetes io docs concepts workloads controllers jobs run to completion a job creates one or more pods and ensures that a specified number of them successfully terminate as pods successfully complete the job tracks the successful completions kubernetes deployment https kubernetes io docs concepts workloads controllers deployment a deployment is a kubernetes resource where you specify your containers and other kubernetes resources that are required to run your app such as persistent storage services or annotations kubernetes services https kubernetes io docs concepts services networking service a kubernetes service groups a set of pods and provides network connection to these pods for other services in the cluster without exposing the actual private ip address of each pod kubernetes persistent volumes pv https kubernetes io docs concepts storage persistent volumes persistentvolumes are a way for users to claim durable storage such as nfs file storage prerequisites ibm cloud account https cloud ibm com registration target 2fdashboard 2fapps node v8 x or greater and npm v5 x or greater https nodejs org en download steps follow these steps to setup and run this code pattern 1 create a kubernetes cluster on ibm cloud 1 create a kubernetes cluster on ibm cloud 2 setting up clis 2 setting up clis 3 gain access to your kubernetes cluster 3 gain access to your kubernetes cluster 4 deploy hyperledger fabric network into kubernetes cluster 4 deploy hyperledger fabric network into kubernetes cluster 5 test the deployed network 5 test the deployed network 6 view the kubernetes dashboard 6 view the kubernetes dashboard 7 connect the network using client sdk 7 connect the network using client sdk 1 create a kubernetes cluster on ibm cloud create a kubernetes cluster with ibm cloud kubernetes service https cloud ibm com containers kubernetes catalog cluster using gui this pattern uses the free cluster images create service png note it can take up to 15 minutes for the cluster to be set up and provisioned 2 setting up clis install ibm cloud cli https cloud ibm com docs cli topic cloud cli install ibmcloud cli the prefix for running commands by using the bluemix cli is ibmcloud install kubernetes cli https kubernetes io docs tasks tools install kubectl the prefix for running commands by using the kubernetes cli is kubectl install the kubernetes service plugin using the following command ibmcloud plugin install container service r bluemix 3 gain access to your kubernetes cluster access the ibm cloud dashboard https cloud ibm com dashboard apps choose the same cloud foundry org and cloud foundry space where cluster is created check the status of your cluster ibm cloud dashboard your cluster worker nodes if status is not normal then you need to wait for some more time to proceed further images cluster status png once your cluster is ready open the access tab ibm cloud dashboard your cluster access as shown in snapshot images gain access to cluster png perform the steps provided under the section gain access to your cluster verify that the kubectl commands run properly with your cluster by checking the kubernetes cli server version kubectl version short client version v1 14 6 server version v1 16 8 iks 4 deploy hyperledger fabric network into kubernetes cluster understand the network topology this pattern provides a script which automatically provisions a sample hyperledger fabric network consisting of four organizations each maintaining one peer node and a solo ordering service also the script creates a channel named as channel1 joins all peers to the channel channel1 install chaincode on all peers and instantiate chaincode on channel the pattern also helps to drive execution of transactions against the deployed chaincode copy kubernetes configuration scripts clone or download the kubernetes configuration scripts to your user home directory git clone https github com ibm blockchain network on kubernetes navigate to the source directory cd blockchain network on kubernetes ls in the source directory configfiles contains kubernetes configuration files artifacts contains the network configuration files sh scripts to deploy and delete the network modify the kubernetes configuration scripts if there is any change in network topology need to modify the configuration files yaml files appropriately the configuration files are located in artifacts and configfiles directory for example if you decide to increase decrease the capacity of persistent volume then you need to modify createvolume yaml the kubernetes server version v1 11 x or above uses containerd as its container runtime therefore using docker sock of the worker node is not possible you need to deploy and use a docker daemon in a container in case your kubernetes server version is smaller than 1 11 x then you need to modify the configfiles peersdeployment yaml file to point to a docker service change instances of tcp docker 2375 to unix host var run docker sock with a text editor run the script to deploy your hyperledger fabric network once you have completed the changes if any in configuration files you are ready to deploy your network check your kubectl cli version as kubectl version short this command will give you client version and server version if the client version v1 11 x i e 1 12 x or more then use setup blockchainnetwork v2 sh to set up the network run the following command cp setup blockchainnetwork v2 sh setup blockchainnetwork sh if the client version v1 11 x then use setup blockchainnetwork v1 sh to setup the network copy the script as shown cp setup blockchainnetwork v1 sh setup blockchainnetwork sh now execute the script to deploy your hyperledger fabric network chmod x setup blockchainnetwork sh setup blockchainnetwork sh if you are using a standard iks cluster with multiple workers nodes do setup blockchainnetwork sh paid so that the shared volume of the blockchain containers would work properly note before running the script please check your environment you should able to run kubectl commands properly with your cluster as explained in step 3 delete the network if required you can bring your hyperledger fabric network down using the script deletenetwork sh this script will delete all your pods jobs deployments etc from your kubernetes cluster chmod x deletenetwork sh deletenetwork sh 5 test the deployed network after successful execution of the script setup blockchainnetwork sh check the status of pods kubectl get pods name ready status restarts age blockchain ca 7848c48d64 2cxr5 1 1 running 0 4m blockchain orderer 596ccc458f thdgn 1 1 running 0 4m blockchain org1peer1 747d6bdff4 4kzts 1 1 running 0 4m blockchain org2peer1 7794d9b8c5 sn2qf 1 1 running 0 4m blockchain org3peer1 59b6d99c45 dhtbp 1 1 running 0 4m blockchain org4peer1 6b6c99c45 wz9wm 1 1 running 0 4m as mentioned above the script joins all peers on one channel channel1 install chaincode on all peers and instantiate chaincode on channel it means we can execute an invoke query command on any peer and the response should be same on all peers please note that in this pattern tls certs are disabled to avoid complexity in this pattern the cli commands are used to test the network for running a query against any peer need to get into a bash shell of a peer run the query and exit from the peer container use the following command to get into a bash shell of a peer kubectl exec it blockchain org1peer1 pod name bash and the command to be used to exit from the peer container is exit note stay logged into your peer to complete these commands query chaincode was instantiated with the values as a 100 b 200 let s query to org1peer1 for the value of a to make sure the chaincode was properly instantiated peer chaincode query c channel1 n cc c args query a images first query png invoke now let s submit a request to org2peer1 to move 20 from a to b a new transaction will be generated and upon successful completion of transaction state will get updated peer chaincode invoke o blockchain orderer 31010 c channel1 n cc c args invoke a b 20 images invoke png query let s confirm that our previous invocation executed properly we initialized the key a with a value of 100 and just removed 20 with our previous invocation therefore a query against a should show 80 and a query against b should show 220 now issue the query request to org3peer1 and org4peer1 as shown peer chaincode query c channel1 n cc c args query a peer chaincode query c channel1 n cc c args query b images second query png images third query png 6 view the kubernetes dashboard go to the ibm cloud dashboard clusters your kubernetes cluster click on the button entitled kubernetes dashboard images kdashboardonibmcloud png you will see the dashboard as shown images kubernetes dashboard png the hyperledger fabric network is ready to use you can start developing your blockchain applications using node sdk for this deployed network 7 connect the network using client sdk to develop your blockchain application on this deployed network you need to connect to this network using client sdk to connect to the network get the public ip of your kubernetes cluster from ibm cloud dashboard connect using this public ip and the ports exposed using services https github com ibm blockchain network on kubernetes blob master configfiles blockchain services yaml for example the node port for ca is 30054 hence ca client url will be http public ip of your cluster 30054 in this way the ca client using node sdk can be created as fabric ca client new fabric ca client http public ip of your cluster 30054 tlsoptions ca1 crypto suite similarly the following code can be used to setup the fabric network setup the fabric network var fabric client new fabric client var channel fabric client newchannel channel1 var peer fabric client newpeer grpc public ip of your cluster 30110 channel addpeer peer var order fabric client neworderer grpc public ip of your cluster 31010 channel addorderer order troubleshooting see debugging md debugging md reference links hyperledger fabric https hyperledger fabric readthedocs io en release 1 1 kubernetes concepts https kubernetes io docs concepts license this code pattern is licensed under the apache software license version 2 separate third party code objects invoked within this code pattern are licensed by their respective providers pursuant to their own separate licenses contributions are subject to the developer certificate of origin version 1 1 dco https developercertificate org and the apache software license version 2 https www apache org licenses license 2 0 txt apache software license asl faq https www apache org foundation license faq html whatdoesitmean | blockchain blockchain-network blockchain-platform kubernetes-cluster kubernetes containers cloud hyperledger-fabric hyperledger-fabric-network | blockchain |
Engineering-Settlement-Database | engineering settlement database a database of engineering settlement data for gdcatv use python sqlite with this database we can manage the imformation of the engineering settlement imformation from web or xls files the other functions i have no plan now framework assumption 1 2 3 functional implementation 1 2 3 | server |
mirinae | h1 align center mirinae cloudforet design system h1 br div align center style display flex flex direction column div img width 245 src https user images githubusercontent com 35549653 76694897 de236300 66bb 11ea 9ace b9edde9c12da png div br div a href https www apache org licenses license 2 0 target blank img alt license apache 2 0 src https img shields io badge license apache 2 0 yellow svg a a href https storybook developer spaceone dev target blank img alt mirinae storybook src https img shields io badge design system spaceone blueviolet svg logo storybook a div div br https sourcerer io fame wanzargen spaceone dev spaceone design system images 0 https sourcerer io fame wanzargen spaceone dev spaceone design system links 0 https sourcerer io fame wanzargen spaceone dev spaceone design system images 1 https sourcerer io fame wanzargen spaceone dev spaceone design system links 1 https sourcerer io fame wanzargen spaceone dev spaceone design system images 2 https sourcerer io fame wanzargen spaceone dev spaceone design system links 2 https sourcerer io fame wanzargen spaceone dev spaceone design system images 3 https sourcerer io fame wanzargen spaceone dev spaceone design system links 3 https sourcerer io fame wanzargen spaceone dev spaceone design system images 4 https sourcerer io fame wanzargen spaceone dev spaceone design system links 4 https sourcerer io fame wanzargen spaceone dev spaceone design system images 5 https sourcerer io fame wanzargen spaceone dev spaceone design system links 5 https sourcerer io fame wanzargen spaceone dev spaceone design system images 6 https sourcerer io fame wanzargen spaceone dev spaceone design system links 6 https sourcerer io fame wanzargen spaceone dev spaceone design system images 7 https sourcerer io fame wanzargen spaceone dev spaceone design system links 7 br mirinae design system mirinae storybook http storybook developer spaceone dev br br author see our owners https github com cloudforet io mirinae blob master authors file br br license this project is apache 2 0 https www apache org licenses license 2 0 licensed br br chart license mirinae design system internally uses amcharts for dynamic chart br before using the design system look carefully at amcharts license br if you want to purchase the amcharts license that suits you and use it on your application see the license faq https www amcharts com online store licenses explained how to use 1 install shell npm install spaceone design system vue vue router vue i18n vue fragment amcharts 2 set plugin add following lines to main js file br javascript import mirinaedesignsystem from spaceone design system vue use mirinaedesignsystem pluginoptions plugin options option description installvuerouter whether to install vue router some components use vue router so don t give this option if you have already installed it in your application installvuei18n whether to install vue i18n some components use vue i18n so don t give this option if you have already installed it in your application installfragment whether to install vue fragment some components use vue fragment so don t give this option if you have already installed it in your application amchartslicenses if you use the amcharts library such as dynamic chart license the amcharts as a string array typescript interface mirinaedsoptions installvuerouter boolean installvuei18n boolean installfragment boolean amchartslicenses string 3 set components locally example javascript import pbuttontab pdynamiclayout from spaceone design system export default components pbuttontab pdynamiclayout br how to apply styles mirinae design system is based on tailwindcss br global styles case 1 all styles if your project doesn t use tailwindcss add the code below to main ts javascript import spaceone design system dist css style css import spaceone design system dist style css case 2 without tailwindcss styles if your project use tailwindcss you don t need to import all styles br in that case add codes below to your tailwind config js javascript const mirinaetailwind require spaceone design system tailwind config js module exports theme mirinaetailwind theme your customized theme variants mirinaetailwind variants your customized variants plugins mirinaetailwind plugins your customized plugins also you need to add codes below to your main js javascript import spaceone design system dist css light style css import spaceone design system dist style css | design-system vue frontend | os |
fairness-comparison | this repository is meant to facilitate the benchmarking of fairness aware machine learning algorithms the associated paper is a comparative study of fairness enhancing interventions in machine learning by sorelle a friedler carlos scheidegger suresh venkatasubramanian sonam choudhary evan p hamilton and derek roth https arxiv org abs 1802 04422 to install this software run pip3 install fairness the below instructions are still in the process of being updated to work with the new pip install able version to run the benchmarks from fairness benchmark import run run this will write out metrics for each dataset to the results directory to generate graphs and other analysis run python3 analysis py if you do not yet have all the packages installed you may need to run pip install r requirements txt optional the benchmarks rely on preprocessed versions of the datasets that have been included in the repository if you would like to regenerate this preprocessing run the below command before running the benchmark script python3 preprocess py to add new datasets or algorithms see the instructions in the readme files in those directories os specific things on ubuntu we tested on ubuntu 16 04 your mileage may vary you ll need python3 dev sudo apt get install python3 dev additional analysis specific requirements to regenerate figures this is messy right now we re working on it python requirements use pip ggplot system requirements pandoc brew install pandoc on a mac or apt get install pandoc on linux r mac download link https cran rstudio com bin macosx r 3 4 3 pkg r package requirements use install packages rmarkdown stringr ggplot2 dplyr magrittr corrplot robust | ai |
nlp22 | nlp22 data and code to support info 159 259 natural language processing spring 2022 | ai |
Embedded-Portal-Wifi-Gateway | embedded portal wifi gateway this project is a complete and embeddable captive portal solution for wireless community groups or individuals who wish to open a free hotspot while still preventing abuse of their internet connection components embedded portal wifi gateway consists of two parts auth server client daemon the gateway this repository contains the client daemon the client typically runs on embedded hardware e g the hotspot itself the client is responsible for redirecting the user to the auth server where they may authenticate themselves depending on the response of the auth server the client lifts the access restrictions for the user client and server speak the wifidog protocol version 1 with version 2 being a draft which has not been implemented so far a detailed description of the login process involving user client and server is available as a flow diagram install see the faq https github com hectorta1989 embedded portal wifi gateway blob master faq license the project s software is released under the gpl license and is copyrighted by its respective owners see copying for details | os |
smartcar-vision | https kns cnki net kcms detail detail aspx dbcode cmfd dbname cmfd201802 filename 1018872311 nh v mtg3mtr6z1vyek9wrji2rnj1l0hote5yceviuelsogvymux1efltn0romvqzcvryv00xrnjdvvi3cwzadwr0rnk issues agv agv agv agv agv 1 agv agv 2 agv agv agv agv agv agv a open 3 agv agv java c opencv express smartcar vision simulator express github https github com xxxtai express github agv java swing spring boot neety a dijkstra simulator https xxxtai arthas hot swap oss cn beijing aliyuncs com moda 7560e2d688531d315c58816c94053f59 mp4 smartcar vision github https github com xxxtai smartcar vision github demo https xxxtai arthas hot swap oss cn beijing aliyuncs com moda d4427af0b2261e1b2fe12b7d5fced3b6 mp4 demo c opencv pid jeson tk1 ubuntu arduino simulator github https github com xxxtai simulator github https xxxtai arthas hot swap oss cn beijing aliyuncs com moda 7560e2d688531d315c58816c94053f59 mp4 smartcar vision express simulator spring swing netty main express simulaotr excel graph xls comgraph https user gold cdn xitu io 2020 1 12 16f9916c9960ef7e w 1282 h 716 f jpeg s 64952 design and key technologies of multi agv logistics sorting system paper link https kns cnki net kcms detail detail aspx dbcode cmfd dbname cmfd201802 filename 1018872311 nh v mtg3mtr6z1vyek9wrji2rnj1l0hote5yceviuelsogvymux1efltn0romvqzcvryv00xrnjdvvi3cwzadwr0rnk if it s not convenient to download leave an email in issues and i ll send it to you when i have time design and key technologies of multi agv logistics sorting system abstract the sorting process of china s logistics industry is still at the stage of manual sorting which has the problems of low sorting efficiency high labor cost and high error rate automated logistics sorting is developing in the direction of intellectualization agv automatic guide car has the characteristics of high intelligence and high flexibility using a large number of agv to pick up the express package can greatly improve the sorting efficiency reduce the labor cost and reduce the error rate the object of this paper is a multi agv logistics sorting system on the basis of the design of the multi agv logistics sorting system two key technologies of visual navigation positioning and multi agv path planning are studied the main research work of this paper consists of three parts 1 research and implementation of agv vision navigation and positioning technology this paper analyzes the shortcomings of the existing visual navigation and positioning techniques such as the expensive and inaccurate location of the camera and proposes a visual navigation and positioning method based on the coded logo for these shortcomings by this method agv can be used to navigate accurately even when the ordinary camera is running at a high speed and precise positioning 2 the research of multi agv path planning method the multi agv logistics sorting system has the characteristics of complex path network and large number of agv the traditional multi agv path planning method based on static determination of network is not suitable for multi agv logistics sorting system in this paper based on the characteristics of multi agv logistics sorting system a path planning model based on dynamic random network is established and the a algorithm is improved such as introducing time variables considering the cost of turning and optimizing the open table finally the two path planning methods are analyzed and compared through experiments 3 design and implementation of multi agv logistics sorting system this paper focuses on the overall design of the multi agv logistics sorting system according to the design requirements the express sorting robot is made and the upper computer system software is developed based on the java the visual navigation and positioning method based on the coded symbol and the path planning method based on the dynamic random network are realized by using the c and opencv programming module introduction the research of this paper is divided into three parts express smartcar vision simulator express github https github com xxxtai express github the scheduling system is the brain of the whole multi agv logistics sorting system which is responsible for information co ordination scheduling and control of the express sorting robot based on java swing spring boot neety and other technologies this project implements three path planning algorithms improved a algorithm dijkstra algorithm greedy algorithm and conflict prevention algorithm among multiple robots combined with the simulator project it can simulate the scheduling of large scale robots large scale robot scheduling simulation https v qq com x page c3050fw4ria html smartcar vision github https github com xxxtai smartcar vision github demo robot video https xxxtai arthas hot swap oss cn beijing aliyuncs com moda d4427af0b2261e1b2fe12b7d5fced3b6 mp4 demo the project is the brain of sorting robot which realizes visual navigation machine control and scheduling based on c opencv pid control and other technologies the project runs on the embedded board of jason tk1 in fact it is a ubuntu system arduino is used for the bottom motor control the project depends on hardware with this code only helps to study the implementation of visual navigation it is difficult to actually run simulator github https github com xxxtai simulator github large scale robot scheduling simulation https xxxtai arthas hot swap oss cn beijing aliyuncs com moda 7560e2d688531d315c58816c94053f59 mp4 a sorting robot is not cheap so there is no large scale robot sorting experiment in order to verify the effectiveness of the algorithm proposed in this paper the simulation software is developed this project simulates the physical characteristics of the robot operation and fully adapts to the scheduling system which has no special customization how to run smartcar vision engineering relies on physical hardware so it s hard to run the code inside can be used to learn machine vision here we mainly talk about how large scale robot scheduling simulation works express and simulator are based on spring development of the swing project netty communication is used between them find the main function and run it first run express then run simulator both projects need to provide a map metadata excel file and the warehouse has also prepared a graph xls for you when you run you need to modify the file path in the comgraph file | path-planning java spring-boot dispatching-system machine-vision graduation-project | os |
ioter | ioter banner res doc ioter banner png get started with ioter ioter acts as a device emulator for developers testers and manufacturers of connected devices that are compliant with matter and thread benefits include flexibility multiple types of iot devices can be implemented using a single rcp dongle multi device support each rcp dongle supports a single device ioter supports up to 10 rcp dongles at a time low cost limited expenses for testing various iot device types time savings virtual devices on demand no need to search for and procure multiple iot device types easy to use quickly control the status of devices from within ioter automated testing repeated testing through scripts can validate device stability and connection ioter emulates all matter supported devices with a linux pc and thread rcp dongle ioter runs the all clusters app https github com project chip connectedhomeip blob master docs examples index md of matter on a linux pc to emulate multiple instances of various matter supported iot nodes each of these iot nodes uses the underlying thread rcp based usb dongle radio for data transmission by using the smartthings station https www smartthings com smartthings station as a border router and the smartthings application along with emulated iot nodes we can configure a smart home this concept is demonstrated in the diagram below ioter overview res doc ioter overview png supported iot devices 2023 04 27 ioter supports a wide range of iot devices including light bulb door lock contact sensor temperature sensor humidity sensor light sensor window covering occupancy sensor onoff plugin required tools bluetooth enabled desktop or laptop ubuntu 22 04 prior versions have bluetooth conflicts all installation instructions have been validated on ubuntu 22 04 lts usb hub with power input usb 3 0 recommended an onboarded smartthings hub or smartthings station an apple homepod second gen or homepod mini may also be used a thread rcp usb dongle below you can find a list of compatible dongles and setup guides for each dongle 1 nordic nrf52840 ot rcp dongle guide docs guides readme md nordic nrf52840 dongle https github com samsung ioter blob main res doc nordic nrf52840 dongle png 2 nordic nrf52840 dk board ot rcp board guide https openthread io codelabs openthread hardware 3 nrf52840dk https github com samsung ioter blob main res doc nrf52840dk png 3 silabs thunderboardsense2 ot rcp silabs build flash guide https docs silabs com matter 2 0 0 matter thread matter rcp silabs thunderboardsense2 https github com samsung ioter blob main res doc silabs thunderboardsense2 png 4 silabs efr32 mighty gecko zigbee and thread kit ot rcp silabs build flash guide https docs silabs com matter 2 0 0 matter thread matter rcp silabs efr32 mighty gecko zigbee and thread kit https github com samsung ioter blob main res doc efr32 mighty gecko starter kit png 5 esp32 h2 devkitm 1 ot rcp esp build run guide https docs espressif com projects esp thread br en latest esp32 dev guide build and run html esp esp32 h2 devkitm 1 https github com samsung ioter blob main res doc esp32 h2 devkitm 1 png install and run ioter 1 install cd ioter script setup 2 run cd ioter script run alternatively you can use a docker image docs guides docker md onboard matter supported devices before using ioter ensure your smartthings station has been onboarded in the smartthings app after initiating ioter with the run script the main window will appear and allow you to select a device type 1 after selecting a device type in the ioter window press the start button the device control window will appear 2 in the device control window that appears click the power on button this is the same as the power operation of an actual device a qr code will be generated that can be used to onboard the device 3 in the smartthings app click the add device button 4 using the scan qr code option in the smartthings app scan the qr code shown in ioter you may also pair using other options including using a pairing code or scanning for nearby devices after onboarding your virtual device your device is now controllable from within the smartthings app automated testing use automations to validate the connectivity and stability of various iot device types some examples of how you can do this include test multiple devices in a loop use the or button to add remove onboarded device or sleep commands automation scripts are saved in xml format and can be loaded on demand once executed the progress bar shows the current completion percentage reference res doc reference png 1 starts ends the loop 2 add a command for the onboarded device 3 add sleep for a given interval as specified below 4 device type light bulb contact sensor etc 5 supported commands for the onboarded device 6 device command s value for example light bulb is on or off 7 sleep interval in seconds 8 loop count and loop interval in seconds 9 clear all loops and commands 10 run the automation script 11 clear the log window 12 script completion progress bar 13 the log window showing activities including script loads executions saves and number of successful unsuccessful commands device sleep commands can be reordered by using the and buttons known issues 1 problem with specific linux kernel versions higher than 5 16 and lower than 6 1 2 the message below appears in the syslog kernel wpan0 unregistered mctp unregister bug mctp ptr set for unknown type 65535 https github com openthread openthread issues 8523 please use a stable kernel version of 5 15 0 60 generic sudo apt get install aptitude sudo aptitude search linux image sudo aptitude install linux image 5 15 0 60 generic sudo grub mkconfig grep ie menuentry ubuntu with linux awk print i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ex 0 menuentry ubuntu with linux 5 19 0 32 generic class ubuntu 1 menuentry ubuntu with linux 5 19 0 32 generic recovery mode 2 menuentry ubuntu with linux 5 15 0 60 generic class ubuntu 3 menuentry ubuntu with linux 5 15 0 60 generic recovery mode sudo nano etc default grub find line grub default by default grub default 0 and sets in quotes menu path to concrete kernel in my system first index was 1 and second was 2 i set in to grub default grub default 1 2 sudo update grub 2 with ubuntu 20 04 2 lts focal fossa there is a ble connection issue while onboarding end node to use ioter please upgrade to ubuntu 22 04 lts or later https github com project chip connectedhomeip issues 6347 contributing interested in contributing to ioter we welcome your contribution at any time visit our contribution guidelines https github com samsung ioter blob main contributing md for more information | chip emulator iot matter openthread samsung internet-of-things connectedhomeip | server |
recordstore | https i imgur com fjlysdh jpg https i imgur com fjlysdh jpg ruby on rails api with vue js an 8 part tutorial on how to build a ruby on rails api based app using vue js as the frontend did you know ruby on rails can be used as a strict api based backend application what s the benefit to this think of it as a single source of truth for multiple future applications to absorb and use this data directly anything from a native mobile application to a front end framework can talk with this data many apps can essentially communicate with a source of truth in return which means more consistent applications for all in this build i ll be crafting a simple but thorough application where ruby on rails is our backend and vue js axios is our front end i ll create two apps that communicate in order to achieve the same result of a normal rails based app but with all the perks of an api used in this build rails 5 2 2 ruby 2 5 gem bcrypt 3 1 7 gem rack cors gem redis 4 1 0 https github com redis redis rb gem jwt sessions https github com tuwukee jwt sessions what are we building exactly this app at its core is simple it will be an archive of vinyl records for sale and categorized by artist we won t be implementing a ton of foreign logic but rather just getting the foundations of an api based application in order we ll touch on authentication not using devise x1f609 and basic crud there will be two apps a ruby on rails backend this will handle our data sessions and authentication a vue js frontend this will be the view layer but also the one responsible for sending and receiving data to our rails based backend the front end will run on a different instance using the vue cli https cli vuejs org to help us set up an app read and watch the whole tutorial series https web crunch com ruby on rails api vue js | ruby rails vuejs tailwindcss es6 rubyonrails | front_end |
nlp_thai_resources | thai nlp resource collection of thai natural language processing nlp software libraries dictionaries and corpus always welcome for pull requests libraries services thai character cluster library description programming languages features license author link jtcc thai character cluster java gpl 3 0 wittawat https github com wittawatj jtcc tcc thai character cluster python apache 2 0 wannaphong https github com wannaphongcom pythainlp blob pythainlp1 4 pythainlp tokenize tcc py sentiment analysis library description programming languages features license author link sentiment analysis thai jagerv3 https github com jagerv3 sentiment analysis thai soundex library description programming languages features license author link pythainlp python 3 lk82 udom83 apache 2 0 korakot github https github com pythainlp pythainlp word segmentation library description programming languages features license author link chamkho lao thai word segmentation rust lgpl github https github com veer66 chamkho cutkum thai word segmentation with deep learning in tensorflow rnn python 93 f measure mit pucktada github https github com pucktada cutkum cutthai thai word segmentation written in coffee script edit coffee script mit pureexe cutthai github https github com pureexe cutthai deepcut a thai word tokenization library using deep neural network cnn python 98 8 f measure mit rkcosmos github https github com rkcosmos deepcut lexto thai lexeme tokenizer java lgpl nectec http www sansarn com lexto license lexto php lexto python 2 lgpl github https github com remixman pythonlexto lexto python 3 lgpl github https github com c4n pythonlexto multi candidate word segmentation multi candidate word segmentation for thai language python rnn lstm 97 0 f measure word level 98 95 f measure boundary level mit paper https goo gl hdhbir github https github com earthy123 multi candidate word segmentation pythainlp python 3 maximal matching and various other engines apache 2 0 github https github com pythainlp pythainlp swath swath smart word analysis for thai is a word segmentation for thai c longest matching maximal matching and part of speech bigram gpl paisarn charoenpornsawat cmu http www cs cmu edu 7epaisarn software html synthai thai word segmentation and part of speech tagging with deep learning rnn lstm python 99 2 f measure mit kenjiroai github https github com kenjiroai synthai thai language toolkit tltk based on a paper by wirote aroonmanakun in 2002 word segmentation is based on a maximum collocation approach syllable segmentation is based on 3grams statistics dataset is included python 97 86 f measure it was tested on a different testset it is not fair to compare it with other models gplv3 pypi https pypi python org pypi tltk wordcut thai word breaker for node js javascript node js lgpl 3 0 veer66 github https github com veer66 wordcut wordcutpy a simple thai word tokenizer written in 1 python file python 3 lgpl 3 0 veer66 github https github com veer66 wordcutpy part of speech tagging pos tagging library description programming languages features license author link chart pos thai pos tagger c all rights reserved aiat kindml thanaruk t thanaruk siit tu ac th tchayintr demo at iapp https ai iapp co th th pos jitar naist a simple trigram hmm part of speech tagger java ver66 https veer66 wordpress com 2012 03 20 part of speech tagger e0 b8 aa e0 b8 b3 e0 b8 ab e0 b8 a3 e0 b8 b1 e0 b8 9a e0 b8 a0 e0 b8 b2 e0 b8 a9 e0 b8 b2 e0 b9 84 e0 b8 97 e0 b8 a2 jitar https github com danieldk jitar naist 1 http naist cpe ku ac th pkg jitar model large zip naist 2 http naist cpe ku ac th pkg jitar 20100224 zip synthai thai word segmentation and part of speech tagging with deep learning rnn lstm python 0 9163 f measure rnn lstm mit kenjiroai github https github com kenjiroai synthai name entity recognition library description programming languages features license author link named entity tagging thai nest thai named entity tagging specification and tools gpl kindml siit http saki siit tu ac th kindml thainest aiat http aiat in th resources index php tools 48 1 0 named entity tagging program version 1 0 thainer thai named entity recognition for pythainlp python apache 2 0 code cc by 3 0 dataset thainer https github com wannaphongcom thai ner news structure tagging library description programming languages features license author link news structure tagging program thai news structure tagging program metadata tagging structure tagging automatic news title generation gpl aiat http aiat in th resources index php tools 47 1 0 news structure tagging program version 1 0 syntactic parsing tools library description programming languages features license author link chart parser extract syntactic structure from pos tagged sentence c all rights reserved aiat kindml thanaruk t thanaruk siit tu ac th tchayintr demo at iapp https ai iapp co th th parsing grammar processing labelled brackets context free grammars cfgs python transform and compute probability tchayintr https github com tchayintr nlp python tree master grammar processing word embedding library description programming languages features license author link kobkrit word embedding tensorflow implementation of thai word embedding python source code example word distance graph lgpl kobkrit v https github com kobkrit tf nlp thai word embedding question answering machine comprehension service description license author link thai machine comprehension thaimc bidirectional attention flow copyright as the service iapp ai http ai iapp co th emojification service description license author link thai emotification lstm gpl demo at iapp ai http ai iapp co th emojify and source github https github com kobkrit thai emojification corpus and dataset dictionaries translation pairs library description size features license link lexitron thai english dictionary th en en th lexitron license nectec http www sansarn com lexto license lexitron php transliteration corpus 31k pairs thai eng translation pair cc by nc sa 3 0 th nectec https www nectec or th corpus index php league pm yaitron lexitron in machine readable format xml th en en th lexitron license veer66 schema http th lug wikia com wiki yaitron 28english thai dictionary 29 data conversion code https github com veer66 yaitron downloadable text corpus library description size features license link click bait sentences thai click bait sentence 330 sent 90 7kb mit wannaphongcom https github com wannaphongcom lexicon thai blob master clickbait 1 txt interbest 2009 2010 5m words word seg cc by nc sa 3 0 th nectec https www nectec or th corpus index php league pm orchid 30k sent word seg pos tagged cc by nc sa 3 0 th nectec https www nectec or th corpus index php league pm prime minister 29 prime minister 29 s speech sentences 338kb word segged name entity tagged mit wannaphongcom https github com wannaphongcom lexicon thai tree master thai corpus prime 20minister 2029 thai jokes corpus cleaned thai jokes corpus 457 jokes gplv3 iapp technology https github com iapp technology thai joke corpus thai named entity corpora named entity corpora by wirote aroonmanakun s students 266kb 1 5mb syllable seg word seg named entity tagged gplv3 not sure but tltk is using this license data http pioneer chula ac th awirote data nutcha zip br data http pioneer chula ac th awirote data sasiwimon zip br data http pioneer chula ac th awirote data nattadaporn zip thai nest thai nest thai named entity tagging specification and tools 45k name entity token name entity tagged lgpl kindml https saki siit tu ac th kindml thainest index php download thai sentimental word list thai sentimental words list 52kb seperated words as adj v mit wannaphongcom https github com wannaphongcom lexicon thai tree master sentiment thai wikipedia formal articles 1 49gb 213 1 mb compressed xml gfdl wikipedia https dumps wikimedia org thwiki latest thwiki latest pages articles xml bz2 thai wordnet the construction of thai wordnet of 1st order entity common base concepts using a bi directional translation method and with dictionaries of different compilational approaches http www arts chula ac th ling thesis 2551ma dhanon pdf br br the construction of thai wordnet of 2nd order entity common base concepts using a bi directional translation method a study of the diversity of meanings affecting translational accuracy http cuir car chula ac th handle 123456789 14274 wordnet n a 2008 http pioneer chula ac th awirote data dhannon rar br data 2008 http pioneer chula ac th awirote data prisana rar tnc top 5000 words word frequency 5 000 words frequency of thai words in various genres excel all rights reserved chula http www arts chula ac th ling tnc category php id 58 toxicity in thai tweet corpus tokyo metropolitan university natural language processing group each tweet is labeled as toxic or non toxic cc by nc 4 0 tmu nlp https github com tmu nlp thaitoxicitytweetcorpus wisesight sentiment corpus social media message with sentiment label positive neutral negative question 26 700 messages sentiment label question label public domain pythainlp https github com pythainlp wisesight sentiment web query text corpus library description size features license link thai national corpus 2 32m words query text by genre domain all rights reserved chula http www arts chula ac th ling tncii thai medical document 3 594 docs document and dynamic keyword map all rights reserved kindml siit http md knowdd com southeast asian languages library thai news web text pop music literature toponyms 20m chars phase around a search text sealang http sealang net thai corpus htm hse thai corpus modern texts written in thai language mostly news websites 50m tokens query by word form lexeme translation grammatical attributes lexical attributees hse school of linguistics http web corpora net thaicorpus search parallel corpus library description size features license link talpco tufs asian language parallel corpus 1327 sent open parallel corpus consisting of japanese sentences and their translations into burmese myanmar the official language of the republic of the union of myanmar malay the national language of malaysia singapore and brunei indonesian thai vietnamese and english cc by 4 0 talpco https github com matbahasa talpco pre trained language models pre trained model description size dimensions license link fasttext skip gram model trained on wikipedia using fasttext 300 cc by sa 3 0 facebook https github com facebookresearch fasttext blob master pretrained vectors md bin text https s3 us west 1 amazonaws com fasttext vectors wiki th zip text only https s3 us west 1 amazonaws com fasttext vectors wiki th vec thai2fit ulmfit on wikipedia perplexity of 46 80959 with 60 002 embeddings 70mb 300 mit thai2vec https github com cstorm125 thai2fit pythainlp https github com pythainlp thbert yet another pre trained bert particularly in thai apache 2 0 tchayintr https github com tchayintr thbert benchmarks thai text classification benchmarks https www github com pythainlp classification benchmarks wongnai corpus https github com wongnai wongnai corpus prachathai 67k https github com pythainlp prachathai 67k wisesight sentiment https github com pythainlp wisesight sentiment truevoice intent https github com pythainlp truevoice intent destination tools corpus extractors library description programming languages features license author link best2010 cooker a tool for extracting segmented words from thai segmented best2010 corpus python3 extracting segmented words features and data divisions apache 2 0 tchayintr https github com tchayintr best2010 cooker not found try to look at another thai nlp awesome list resource like this one https resources aiat or th acknowledgements bact https github com kobkrit nlp thai resources commits master readme md author bact for suggestions on license words c4n https github com kobkrit nlp thai resources commits master readme md author c4n veer66 https github com kobkrit nlp thai resources commits master readme md author veer66 bi89 https github com kobkrit nlp thai resources commits master readme md author bi89 tchayintr https github com kobkrit nlp thai resources commits master readme md author tchayintr pureexe https github com kobkrit nlp thai resources commits master readme md author pureexe cstorm125 https github com kobkrit nlp thai resources commits master readme md author cstorm125 wannaphongcom https github com kobkrit nlp thai resources commits master readme md author wannaphongcom ekapolc https github com kobkrit nlp thai resources commits master readme md author ekapolc | thai-nlp-library nlp-thai-resource nlp thai-language thai-nlp awesome-list | ai |
web-development-open-source | web development open source monthly series web development top 10 open source projects click watch star to get an email notification once a month for top 10 web development open source mybridge ai ranks articles by the number of shares minutes read and by its own machine learning algorithm every month 100 300 open source projects with new or major release in web development are compared and only 10 finest projects are picked also published on mybridge publication https medium mybridge co monthly series for open source v feb 2018 top 10 open source projects src 02 2018 md v mar 2018 top 10 open source projects src 03 2018 md v apr 2018 top 10 open source projects src 04 2018 md v may 2018 top 10 open source projects src 05 2018 md v jun 2018 top 10 open source projects src 06 2018 md v jul 2018 top 10 open source projects src 07 2018 md v sep 2018 top 10 open source projects src 09 2018 md v oct 2018 top 10 open source projects src 10 2018 md v nov 2018 top 10 open source projects src 11 2018 md v dec 2018 top 10 open source projects src 12 2018 md br other monthly javascript top 10 https github com mybridge javascript articles monthly angular top 10 https github com mybridge angular articles react top 10 https github com mybridge react articles monthly vue js top 10 https github com mybridge vuejs articles python top 10 https github com mybridge python articles node js top 10 https github com mybridge nodejs articles web development top 10 https github com mybridge web development articles machine learning top 10 https github com mybridge machine learning articles swift top 10 https github com mybridge swift articles css top 10 https github com mybridge css articles open source monthly javascript open source top 10 https github com mybridge javascript open source angular open source top 10 https github com mybridge angular open source react open source top 10 https github com mybridge reactjs open source vue js open source top 10 https github com mybridge vuejs open source python open source top 10 https github com mybridge python open source node js open source top 10 https github com mybridge nodejs open source web development open source top 10 https github com mybridge web development articles machine learning open source top 10 https github com mybridge machine learning open source swift open source top 10 https github com mybridge swift open source | front_end |
3akai-ux | open academic environment oae project 3akai ux is the front end for the open academic environment project build status build status https travis ci org oaeproject 3akai ux png branch master https travis ci org oaeproject 3akai ux installing oae documentation on how to install and configure oae can be found in the back end repository https github com oaeproject hilary https in order to run the the oae project on https we recommend following this tutorial https www digitalocean com community tutorials how to create a self signed ssl certificate for nginx in ubuntu 16 04 in a nutshell create the certificate sudo openssl req x509 nodes days 365 newkey rsa 2048 keyout some path nginx selfsigned key out some path nginx selfsigned crt then create a self signed conf file next to nginx conf uncomment both lines and replace nginxconf nginx ssl home with the path you picked above some path ssl certificate nginxconf nginx ssl home nginx selfsigned crt ssl certificate key nginxconf nginx ssl home nginx selfsigned key finally uncomment the following lines in nginx conf listen 443 ssl default server include self signed conf reload nginx and https should work now offline development by default 3akai ux uses the open sans font family available from google s web font cdn when developing locally without a live internet connection that cdn will be inaccessible to ensure maximum visual fidelity those fonts can be installed as system fonts on the local machine the entire collection can be downloaded from google http www google com fonts useplace use collection open sans widget development documentation wip on how to create custom oae widgets can be found on the widget wiki https github com oaeproject 3akai ux wiki widget development 5bwip 5d install dependencies lerna and yarn are required to download 3akai ux dependencies to do so run this command in your 3akai ux directory lerna bootstrap note that hilary and its dependencies should be installed and running on your system before the tests can be run successfully get in touch the project website can be found at http www oaeproject org the project blog http www oaeproject org blog will be updated with the latest project news from time to time the mailing list used for apereo oae is oae apereo org you can subscribe to the mailing list at https groups google com a apereo org d forum oae bugs and other issues can be reported in our issue tracker https github com oaeproject 3akai ux issues special thanks to browserstack https www browserstack com for graciously supporting cross browser testing crowdin http crowdin com project apereo oae for providing our internationalisation platform | front_end |
devx-tools | build status https badge buildkite com 844c886c1dd57e1ccddc1c52a97ada67741934db9321174efb svg https buildkite com bazel mobile devx tools devx tools images devx png mobile devx tools this repository contains a suite of tools and libraries to make mobile development easier this tools are part of google mobile testing and development infrastructure tools waterfall waterfall is a tool to control and transfer artifacts to android devices more coming soon warning this is not an officially supported google product | front_end |
de1soc-fpga-hps-speed-comparison | paper link https www dbpia co kr journal articledetail nodeid node10448421 comparision of audio compression process rate between fpga and hps this project compares the speed differences when audio raw datas compressed between fpgas and hps structural features alt text img portion png optional title cyclone v has two portions which are fpga portion and hps portion the two parts made it possible to compare the processing speed overall processing alt text img process png the sound is transmitted through a microphone connected to the fpga audio data is processed by the hps and the fpga respectively through the dma compressed audio data is stored again as a sdram of the fpga result alt text img result data png alt text img result png the hardware fpga indicates faster processing speed | os |
sparkify-data-warehouse | sparkify data warehouse a udacity data engineering project sparkify a ficitional music streaming startup has experienced an increase in both the number of users and the amount of music in their app and they are now planning to shift their operations and information to the cloud the company s data which includes log files containing user activity on the app and information about the songs available on the app is currently stored in s3 in the form of json files the purpose of this project is to design an etl pipeline that retrieves data from s3 temporarily stores it in redshift staging tables and then processes it into a series of dimensional tables these tables will be used by the analytics team to gain insight into what songs are popular among the users of the app objectives to build an etl script comprised of extracting data from s3 copying the data into redshift staging tables and inserting into dimension tables optimized for user experience database schema design the database design follows a star schema structure to eliminate the need for complex joins when querying data in addition the system allows for faster access to information because the engine does not have to combine various tables to generate results this makes it simpler to derive business insights for downstream analysts in this case the songplays table acts as the facts table supported by the users songs artists and time dimension tables the songplays table is a record based table and records singular instances of song listening behaviour from users hence its centrality in the star schema additionally there are two staging tables to copy data from s3 and insert into the finalized tables the staging songs table stages data from the s3 udacity dend song data directory and the staging events table stages data from the s3 udacity dend log data directory each directory is loaded into a separate table to be able to customize the format and processing of each unique directory as it is loaded into the redshift environment the schema of each table can be defined as the following staging events table artist varchar auth varchar firstname varchar gender varchar iteminsession int lastname varchar length double precision level varchar location varchar method varchar page varchar registration float sessionid int song varchar status int ts bigint useragent varchar userid int staging songs table num songs int artist id varchar artist latitude double precision artist longitude double precision artist location varchar artist name varchar song id varchar title varchar duration double precision year int songplays table songplay id int primary key start time timestamp user id int level varchar song id varchar artist id varchar session id int location varchar user agent varchar users table user id int primary key first name varchar last name varchar gender varchar level varchar songs table song id varchar primary key title varchar artist id int year int duration double precision artists table artist id varchar primary key name varchar location varchar latitude double precision longitude double precision time table start time timestamp hour int day int week int month int year int weekday int sample queries what are the top 10 most streamed songs select songs title count as streams from songplays join songs on songplays song id songs song id group by songs title order by streams desc limit 10 rank the highest usage time of day by hour for song streaming select time hour count as streams from songplays join time on songplays start time time start time group by time hour order by streams desc which gender listens to the most music on sparkify select users gender count as streams from songplays join users on songplays user id users user id group by users gender order by streams desc limit 1 | server |
eda385 | eda385 design of embedded systems advanced course 4 player pong this project implements a vga controller a simple graphics engine game logic and a ps2 controller it was built using xilinx studio for a digilent nexys 3 fpga | os |
esp-idf-opentherm | opentherm esp idf esp8266 rtos sdk library this library provides implementation of opentherm protocol and this library is ported from ihor melnyk s opentherm arduino esp8266 library i just make it to fit for esp idf framework thank ihor melnyk made such a great library for the basic usage of this library please check the example opentherm protocol requires simple low voltage twowire connection to boiler but voltage levels 7 15v still much higher than arduino esp8266 levels which requires opentherm adapter http ihormelnyk com opentherm adapter and for ihor s arduino library please check opentherm github link https github com ihormelnyk opentherm library in details opentherm library http ihormelnyk com opentherm library described here http ihormelnyk com opentherm library | os |
go-iost | iost a scalable developer friendly blockchain iost is a smart contract platform focusing on performance and developer friendliness features 1 the v8 javascript engine is integrated inside the blockchain so you can use javascript to write smart contracts 2 the blockchain is highly scalable with thousands of tps meanwhile it still has a more decentralized consensus than dpos 3 0 5 second block 0 5 minute finality 4 free transactions you can stake coins to get gas development environments os ubuntu 22 04 or later go 1 20 or later iost node uses cgo v8 javascript engine so only x64 is supported now deployment build local binary make build start a local devnet make debug build docker make image for documentation please visit iost developer https developers iost io welcome to our tech community at telegram https t me iostdev happy hacking | blockchain iost smart-contracts dapp | blockchain |
Subsets and Splits