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Microtus montanus nanus
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Picus canus hessei
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Microtus longicaudus longicaudus
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Casearia corymbosa Kunth
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Hylophylax naevioides naevioides
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Lygodesmia juncea (Pursh) Sweet
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Fragment with factory stamp
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Drymocallis glandulosa (Lindl.) Rydb.
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Carduelis tristis
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Apodasmia chilensis (Gay) B.G. Briggs & L.A.S. Johnson
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Cerdocyon thous aquilus
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Puffinus pacificus
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Geum aleppicum Jacq.
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Piptocarpha gutierrezii Cuatrec.
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Vulpes vulpes abietorum
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Sciurus carolinensis pennsylvanicus
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Indet. sp.
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Anisopappus sylvatica (Humbert) Wild
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Vitex schliebeni Moldenke
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Molossus molossus molossus
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Tripsacum latifolium Hitchc.
{"id": "ld1-1643409295870-1643409306336-1", "version": "", "unitCode": "NMNHBOTANY", "linkedId": "", "type": "edanmdm", "content": {"descriptiveNonRepeating": {"record_ID": "nmnhbotany_16168004", "online_media": {"mediaCount": 1, "media": [{"thumbnail": "", "idsId": "ark:/65665/m3abf09d811ee7404ab55dce344a8d7bd9", "usage": {"access": "CC0"}, "guid": "", "type": "Images", "content": "", "resources": [{"label": "High-resolution TIFF", "url": "", "width": 6940, "height": 9042}, {"width": 6940, "height": 9042, "label": "High-resolution JPEG", "url": "", "dimensions": "6940x9042"}, {"label": "Screen Image", "url": ""}, {"label": "Thumbnail Image", "url": ""}]}]}, "guid": "", "title_sort": "TRIPSACUM LATIFOLIUM HITCHC", "unit_code": "NMNHBOTANY", "record_link": "", "title": {"label": "title", "content": "Tripsacum latifolium Hitchc."}, "metadata_usage": {"access": "CC0"}, "data_source": "NMNH - Botany Dept."}, "indexedStructured": {"date": ["1900s"], "tax_family": ["Poaceae"], "geoLocation": [{"L1": {"type": "Continent", "content": "Central America - Neotropics"}, "L2": {"type": "Country", "content": "Guatemala"}, "Other": {"type": "Locality", "content": "Secanquim."}}], "tax_class": ["Monocotyledonae"], "tax_order": ["Poales"], "name": ["Pittier, H. F."], "tax_kingdom": ["Plantae"], "topic": ["Monocotyledonae"], "scientific_name": ["Tripsacum latifolium Hitchc."], "place": ["Guatemala", "Central America - Neotropics"], "online_media_type": ["Images"]}, "freetext": {"date": [{"label": "Collection Date", "content": "Apr 1905"}], "setName": [{"label": "See more items in", "content": "Botany"}, {"label": "See more items in", "content": "Flowering plants and ferns"}], "identifier": [{"label": "Barcode", "content": "04239934"}], "notes": [{"label": "Record Last Modified", "content": "1 Feb 2021"}, {"label": "Specimen Count", "content": "1"}], "name": [{"label": "Biogeographical Region", "content": "80 - Central America"}, {"label": "Collector", "content": "Henri F. Pittier"}], "publisher": [{"label": "Published Name", "content": "Tripsacum latifolium Hitchc."}], "place": [{"label": "Place", "content": "Secanquim., Guatemala, Central America - Neotropics"}], "dataSource": [{"label": "Data Source", "content": "NMNH - Botany Dept."}], "taxonomicName": [{"label": "Taxonomy", "content": "Plantae Monocotyledonae Poales Poaceae Panicoideae"}]}}, "url": "edanmdm:nmnhbotany_16168004", "hash": "1a7280650cde07974b0330565f28a7f1070fd779", "docSignature": "7765d72a27aa9fb97ea86f83bbec58f2", "timestamp": 1666696168, "lastTimeUpdated": 1666696005, "title": "Tripsacum latifolium Hitchc."}
Securidaca virgata Sw.
{"id": "ld1-1643408110535-1643408134373-0", "version": "", "unitCode": "NMNHBOTANY", "linkedId": "", "type": "edanmdm", "content": {"descriptiveNonRepeating": {"record_ID": "nmnhbotany_10849850", "online_media": {"mediaCount": 1, "media": [{"thumbnail": "", "idsId": "ark:/65665/m386f74e6a70234dd78b921e1de70c4b06", "usage": {"access": "CC0"}, "guid": "", "type": "Images", "content": "", "resources": [{"label": "High-resolution TIFF", "url": "", "width": 6793, "height": 8941}, {"width": 6793, "height": 8941, "label": "High-resolution JPEG", "url": "", "dimensions": "6793x8941"}, {"label": "Screen Image", "url": ""}, {"label": "Thumbnail Image", "url": ""}]}]}, "guid": "", "title_sort": "SECURIDACA VIRGATA SW", "unit_code": "NMNHBOTANY", "record_link": "", "title": {"label": "title", "content": "Securidaca virgata Sw."}, "metadata_usage": {"access": "CC0"}, "data_source": "NMNH - Botany Dept."}, "indexedStructured": {"date": ["1800s"], "tax_family": ["Polygalaceae"], "geoLocation": [{"L1": {"type": "Continent", "content": "West Indies - Neotropics"}, "L2": {"type": "Country", "content": "Cuba"}}], "tax_class": ["Dicotyledonae"], "tax_order": ["Fabales"], "name": ["Wright, C.", "West Indies Project"], "tax_kingdom": ["Plantae"], "topic": ["Dicotyledonae"], "scientific_name": ["Securidaca virgata Sw."], "place": ["West Indies - Neotropics", "Cuba"], "online_media_type": ["Images"]}, "freetext": {"date": [{"label": "Collection Date", "content": "[1800's but specimen labels without date]"}], "setName": [{"label": "See more items in", "content": "Botany"}, {"label": "See more items in", "content": "Flowering plants and ferns"}, {"label": "See more items in", "content": "West Indies Project"}], "identifier": [{"label": "Barcode", "content": "00958199"}, {"label": "USNM Number", "content": "8366"}], "notes": [{"label": "Record Last Modified", "content": "12 Jul 2019"}, {"label": "Specimen Count", "content": "1"}], "name": [{"label": "Biogeographical Region", "content": "81 - Caribbean"}, {"label": "Collector", "content": "Charles Wright"}], "publisher": [{"label": "Published Name", "content": "Securidaca virgata Sw."}], "place": [{"label": "Place", "content": "Cuba, West Indies - Neotropics"}], "dataSource": [{"label": "Data Source", "content": "NMNH - Botany Dept."}], "taxonomicName": [{"label": "Taxonomy", "content": "Plantae Dicotyledonae Fabales Polygalaceae"}]}}, "url": "edanmdm:nmnhbotany_10849850", "hash": "08254c9f7b844bef453f33f3805c4def07a4c433", "docSignature": "0bcbe858336eb1e7494dd7f2a705c99f", "timestamp": 1666695573, "lastTimeUpdated": 1666695415, "title": "Securidaca virgata Sw."}
The Fish Shop, Venice
{"id": "ld1-1643390182193-1643390185096-0", "version": "", "unitCode": "FSG", "linkedId": "", "type": "edanmdm", "content": {"descriptiveNonRepeating": {"record_ID": "fsg_F1905.195", "online_media": {"mediaCount": 1, "media": [{"thumbnail": "", "idsId": "FS-5203_01", "usage": {"access": "CC0"}, "guid": "", "type": "Images", "content": "", "resources": [{"width": 3600, "height": 2282, "label": "High-resolution JPEG", "url": "", "dimensions": "3600x2282"}, {"label": "Screen Image", "url": ""}, {"label": "Thumbnail Image", "url": ""}]}]}, "unit_code": "FSG", "title_sort": "THE FISH SHOP, VENICE", "guid": "", "record_link": "", "title": {"label": "Title", "content": "The Fish Shop, Venice"}, "metadata_usage": {"access": "CC0"}, "data_source": "Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. 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Sackler Gallery Collection"}], "date": [{"label": "Date", "content": "1879-1880"}], "identifier": [{"label": "Accession Number", "content": "F1905.195"}], "notes": [{"label": "Previous custodian or owner", "content": "Charles Lang Freer (1854-1919)"}, {"label": "Provenance", "content": "To 1905"}, {"label": "Provenance", "content": "Thomas Way Sr. (1827-1915), London, or Thomas Robert Way (1861-1913), London, to 1905 [1]"}, {"label": "Provenance", "content": "From 1905 to 1919"}, {"label": "Provenance", "content": "Charles Lang Freer (1854-1919), purchased from Thomas Way Sr. or Thomas Robert Way in 1905 [2]"}, {"label": "Provenance", "content": "From 1920"}, {"label": "Provenance", "content": "Freer Gallery of Art, gift of Charles Lang Freer in 1920 [3]"}, {"label": "Provenance", "content": "Notes:"}, {"label": "Provenance", "content": "[1] See Original Whistler List, Etchings, Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery Archives. Thomas Way Sr. and his son, Thomas Robert Way, were lithographers who worked closely with Whistler on several of his projects. They helped with the printing of his etchings, as well as the printing of Whistler\u00e2\u0080\u0099s promotional materials. Both Thomas Way Sr. and Thomas Robert Way owned many Whistler works. Thomas Way Sr. acquired several of these works at the time of Whistler\u00e2\u0080\u0099s bankruptcy, and he passed some of them on to his son (see The Correspondence of James McNeill Whistler, 1855-1903, ed. Margaret F. MacDonald, Patricia de Montfort and Nigel Thorp, On-line Edition, People, biographies of Thomas Way and Thomas Robert Way;"}, {"label": "Provenance", "content": "Charles Lang Freer acquired many Whistler pieces from the Ways. However, museum records do not always specify whether it was the younger or elder Way who was the source of a particular object. Further, archival sources indicate that the junior Way sometimes acted on behalf of his father: whilst negotiating the sale of his own Whistler works to C.L. Freer, he would concurrently negotiate the sale of some of his father\u00e2\u0080\u0099s Whistler works to Freer. In cases where it is unclear whether it was the junior or senior Way who actually owned a piece acquired by C.L. Freer, the provenance record will simply state that the object was purchased from \u00e2\u0080\u009cThomas Way Sr. or Thomas Robert Way.\u00e2\u0080\u009d"}, {"label": "Provenance", "content": "[2] See note 1."}, {"label": "Provenance", "content": "[3] The original deed of Charles Lang Freer's gift was signed in 1906. The collection was received in 1920 upon the completion of the Freer Gallery."}], "creditLine": [{"label": "Credit Line", "content": "Gift of Charles Lang Freer"}], "name": [{"label": "Artist", "content": "James McNeill Whistler (1834-1903)"}], "topic": [{"label": "Topic", "content": "commerce"}, {"label": "Topic", "content": "work"}, {"label": "Topic", "content": "architecture"}, {"label": "Topic", "content": "Italy"}, {"label": "Topic", "content": "United States"}, {"label": "Topic", "content": "American Art"}, {"label": "Topic", "content": "shop front"}], "place": [{"label": "Origin", "content": "United States"}], "physicalDescription": [{"label": "Medium", "content": "Etching on paper"}, {"label": "Dimensions", "content": "H x W: 12.9 x 22.2 cm (5 1/16 x 8 3/4 in)"}], "dataSource": [{"label": "Data Source", "content": "Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. 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World's Columbian Exposition (Chicago World's Fair), 1893
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Rhynchospora tracyi Britton
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Carduelis flammea flammea
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Mephitis mephitis major
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Inga leiocalycina Benth.
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Artibeus obscurus
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Homalomena asperifolia Alderw.
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Indet. sp.
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Phellodendron amurense Rupr.
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Elymus canadensis L.
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Quercus shumardii var. schneckii (Britton) Sarg.
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Polioptila lembeyei
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Schoenoplectus mucronatus (L.) Palla
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Sorex trowbridgii trowbridgii
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Theater Design: A Town Square
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Peromyscus leucopus noveboracensis
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Blarina brevicauda talpoides
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Ampelaster carolinianus (Walter) G.L. Nesom
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Senna multiglandulosa (Jacq.) H.S. Irwin & Barneby
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Cerastium vulgatum L.
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End of preview. Expand in Data Studio

This dataset is a shuffled list of downloadable CC0 image titles and URLs from Smithsonian Open Access. Some images may be omitted due to limitations or oversights in the preprocessing pipeline, but there's no deliberate curation.

This dataset only contains metadata; a tool like can be used to download the actual images:

img2dataset --url_list data --output_folder data_files \
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This dataset includes human-authored titles and metadata directly from the SOA database.

AI Picasso have also created soa-full-florence2 containing synthetic captions made with Florence-2.


The soa-full dataset is dominated by botanical images from NMNH. Here's what a random selection looks like with all NMNH images excluded:

vs. a true-random selection:

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Models trained or fine-tuned on madebyollin/soa-full