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1,700 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Sweet Potato and Pest or Disease name is Bacterial soft rot and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Carefully handle sweet potatoes during all stages of production. Select mother roots from fields free of the disease.
Biological Control measures = Treat the seeds with Streptocycline 100 ppm for 30 mins kill both internally and externally seed borne bacterium Seed treatment with Aureomycin 1000 ppm for 30 min.
Chemical Control measures = Application of bleaching powder at 10 to 5.06 kg/acre controls the disease. Drenching the nursery soil with formaldehyde 0.5% (0.5 g in 100 ml of water). </s> |
1,701 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Sweet Potato and Pest or Disease name is Bacterial wilt and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Disease free site Crop rotation with cereals, millet, garlic, onion, cabbage.
Biological Control measures =
Chemical Control measures = Spray Streptocycline sulphate 9 % + Tetracycline Hydrochloride 1 % SP @ 20 g/acre Spray copper hydroxide 77 % WP @ 2 gm/litrere of water. </s> |
1,702 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Sweet Potato and Pest or Disease name is Black rot and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Control black rot with crop rotation, since most crops are unaffected by the disease. Disinfect seedbeds if a clean site is unavailable.
Biological Control measures = Treat the seeds with Streptocycline 100 ppm for 30 mins kill both internally and externally seed borne bacterium Seed treatment with Aureomycin 1000 ppm for 30 min.
Chemical Control measures = Application of bleaching powder at 10 to 5.06 kg/acre controls the disease. Drenching the nursery soil with formaldehyde 0.5% (0.5 g in 100 ml of water). </s> |
1,703 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Sweet Potato and Pest or Disease name is Fusarium root rot and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Collect and burn the infected plant parts to minimize the spread of the disease. Basal soil application of neem cake @ 60 Kg/ acre
Biological Control measures = Seed treatment with talc formulation of Trichoderma viride @ 4g or Pseudomonas fluorescens @ 10 g/kg of seeds Soil application of Pseudomonas fluorescens or Trichoderma viride @ 1 Kg / acre + 20 Kg of well decomposed FYM or sand at 30 days after sowing.
Chemical Control measures = Seed treatment with Carbendazim or Thiram @ 2 g/kg of seeds Drenching with Carbendazim 50WP @ 1 g/ litre of water. </s> |
1,704 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Sweet Potato and Pest or Disease name is Stem scab and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Collect and burn the infected plant parts to minimize the spread of the disease. Mix the Neem cake with FYM @ 100 kg/acre and apply to the soil 3 - 4 weeks before sowing
Biological Control measures = Seed treatment of Pseudomonas fluorescens @4g/kg seed
Chemical Control measures = Seed treatment with Captan 50% WP@ 5 g/kg 2.5 g/litre of water Spray Carbendazim 50% WP @ 1g/litre of water. </s> |
1,705 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Sweet Potato and Pest or Disease name is Sweet potato stem borer and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Avoid monoculture and ratooning, follow crop rotation Remove / collect infested parts at regular intervals until final harvest and burry the same in soil at least one metre deep. Molding the crop late in the growth stage, i.e. greater than 7 weeks, prevents adults from exiting the stems.
Biological Control measures = Release egg parasitoid, Trichogramma chilonis @ 1 lakh/acre and larval parasitoid, Bracon habetor @ 100 adults/acre/week. Spray Bt formulations of Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki (Dipel) @ 1.5 to 2ml /L of water
Chemical Control measures = Spray Emmamectin benzoate 5SG @ 0.4g/litre of water. Spray Indoxacarb 14.5SC @0.3ml/litre of water. Spray Spinosad 45SC @0.3ml/litre of water.. </s> |
1,706 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Sweet Potato and Pest or Disease name is Sweet potato weevil and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Crop rotation with rice between two sweet potato Intercropping with chickpea, coriander, pumpkin, radish, blackgram, etc reduced weevil infestations considerably
Biological Control measures = Spray Metarrhizium anisopliae @ 2-3ml/litre of water Conserve and augment entomopathogenic nematodes such as Heterorhabditis spp. and Steinernema spp. @0.5 billion infective juveniles (IJs)/acre
Chemical Control measures = Drench the soil with Chlorpyrifos 4ml/l or Fenthion 100 EC at 2 ml/l of water Spray Spinosad 45SC @0.3ml/litre or fipronil 5 SC @2ml/litre of water. </s> |
1,707 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Sweet Potato and Pest or Disease name is Tuber moth and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Select healthy tubers for planting Avoid shallow planting of tubers. Plant the tubers to a depth at 10 - 15 cm deep Collect and destroy all the infested tubers from the field
Biological Control measures = Release egg larval parasitoid Chelonus blackburnii @12,000/acre twice at 40 and 70 day after planting Spray Bacillus thuringiensis @400g/ha at 10 days interval
Chemical Control measures = Spray Emmamectin benzoate 5SG @ 0.4g/litre of water. Spray Indoxacarb 14.5SC @0.3ml/lit of water. Spray Spinosad 45SC @0.3ml/litre of water.. </s> |
1,708 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Sweet Potato and Pest or Disease name is White grub and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Deep summer ploughing to expose the immature stages for avian (bird) predation Collection and destruction of adult beetles immedietly after emergence (may-june) on neem plants
Biological Control measures = Apply EPF Metarrhizium anisopliae @ 2-3ml/litre of water along with FYM Conserve and augment entomopathogenic nematodes such as Heterorhabditis spp. and Steinernema spp. @0.5 billion infective juveniles (IJs)/acre
Chemical Control measures = Application of phorate 10G @ 15kg/ acre - before onset of southeast monsoon (May) and after the monsoon (Sep-October) Drenching soil with insecticide like chloropyrifos 20EC@ 7-8ml/litre of watre. </s> |
1,709 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Tamarind and Pest or Disease name is Leaf caterpillar and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Handpicking the larvae Setup light trap at 1/acre
Biological Control measures = Spray Bacillus thuringiensis formulation @ 2g/L of water Release Trichogramma pretiosum @ 1 lakh /acre (20,000 per release for 5 times at weekly interval starting from flower initiation stage.
Chemical Control measures = Spray Emmamectin Benzoate 5Sc @ 0.3g/L or Indoxacarb 14.5 SC @ 0.5 ml or Spinosad 45SC @0.3ml of water Spraying Spinosad 45SC @0.3ml/litre at the time of fruiting season.. </s> |
1,710 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Tamarind and Pest or Disease name is Powdery mildew and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Collect infested parts at regular intervals until final harvest and burry
Biological Control measures =
Chemical Control measures = Spraying Karathane 48% EC 0.2/lit.of water Spray copper hydroxide 77 % WP @ 2 gm/litrere of water. </s> |
1,711 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Tamarind and Pest or Disease name is Storage beetle and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Collect and destroy the infected fruits
Biological Control measures = Metarrhizium anisopliae @ 2-3ml/litre of water
Chemical Control measures = . </s> |
1,712 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Tapioca and Pest or Disease name is Brown leaf spot and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Collect infested leaves
Biological Control measures = Seed treat the ratement with Pseudomonas fluorescens at the rate 4 gram per kilogram seed
Chemical Control measures = Spray Copper Oxychloride 50 per cent Wettable powder at the rate 2 gram per litre of water. </s> |
1,713 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Tapioca and Pest or Disease name is Cassava mosaic virus and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Selection of setts from healthy plants Rouging infected plants in the field at early stage Management of whitefly by installing yellow sticky traps, Removal of weed hosts
Biological Control measures = Spray Verticillium lecani (Lecanicillium) at the rate 2 to 3 millilitre per liter of water
Chemical Control measures = Spraying of Diafenthiuron 50 Wettable powder at the rate1grams per liter of water Spraying of Acetamaprid 20 Soluble powder 0.3 gram per liter of water Spraying of Imidacloprid 17.8 Soluble liquid at 0.3 millilitres per liter of water Spraying of Thiamethoxam 25 Wettale granule at 0.3 gram per liter of water. </s> |
1,714 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Tapioca and Pest or Disease name is Mealy bugs and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Deep summer ploughing up to base of the tree trunks, after harvesting to expose eggs of mealy bugs Remove weeds like Clerodendrum and grasses by ploughing Soil application of neem cake at 100 kilograms per acre.
Biological Control measures = Release of predat the rateors, Australian ladybird beetle (Cryptolaemus montrouzieri) at the rate 10 to15 number per tree are effective in controlling the nymphs. Applicat the rateion of Verticillium or Beauveria bassiana at the rate 2 grams per litre of water
Chemical Control measures = Early instar nymphs can be controlled by spraying 1.7 millilitres of Imidacloprid 17.8 Soluble liquid per litre of water Early instar nymphs can be controlled by spraying Acephate 75 Soluble powder 1.0 to 1.5 grams per litre of water Early instar nymphs can be controlled by spraying Bupropezin 25 Suspension concentrate 1.0 to 1.5 millilitres per litre of water. </s> |
1,715 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Tapioca and Pest or Disease name is Mite and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Remove infested parts at regular intervals until final harvest and burry the same in soil at least one metre deep. Varieties with dense trichomes and glandular trichomes are relatively resistant.
Biological Control measures = Encourage the activity of predatory mites, Phytoseius species and Amblyseius species
Chemical Control measures = Apply wettable sulphur 80 Wettable powder at the rate 3 grams per litre water (directing the spray on the ventral surface of leaves). Apply Propargite 57 Emulsifiable concentrat the rate at the rate 1.7 millilitres per litre water (directing the spray on the ventral surface of leaves). </s> |
1,716 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Tapioca and Pest or Disease name is Tuber rot and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Avoid water stagnation
Biological Control measures = Apply to soil Trichoderma viride at the rate 1 kilograms per acre as basal and at the rate 3rd and 6th month after planting
Chemical Control measures = Spot drenching with Copper Oxychloride 50 percent Wettable powder at the rate 2.5 gram per litre of water. </s> |
1,717 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Tapioca and Pest or Disease name is Whitefly and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Uproot and destroy the diseased leaf curl plants Field selected should be clean and free from other host plants and weeds. Remove and destroy alternate weed host like Abutilon indicum and other host Plant fast to growing crops like maize, sorghum or pearl millet in the border of the field to act as barriers to reduce whitefly infestations.
Biological Control measures = Verticillium lecani (Lecanicillium) at the rate 2 to3 millilitres per liter of water
Chemical Control measures = Spray or Diafenthiuron 50 Wettable powder at the rate 1gram per litre of water Spray Acetamaprid 20 Soluble powder 0.3 grams per litre of water Application Imidacloprid 17.8 Soluble liquid at the rate 0.3 millilitres per litre of water Application Thiamethoxam 25 Wettable granule at the rate 0.3 grams per litre of water. </s> |
1,718 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Thyme and Pest or Disease name is Alternaria blight and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Collect and burn the affected plant portions Field selected should be clean and free from other host plants and weeds.
Biological Control measures = Seed treatment with Trichoderma asperellum @10gm/kg seeds
Chemical Control measures = Spraying 2.25kg-3kg of Iprodione 50 WP in 750-1000 litres of water Application of Metalaxyl 8% + Mancozeb 64% WP 2.5 kg/1000 litres of water Foliar sray of myclobutanil @ 1gm/liter of water.. </s> |
1,719 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Thyme and Pest or Disease name is Aphid and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Field selected should be clean and free from other host plants and weeds. Install yellow sticky traps @10/acre Soil application of neem cake @ 100kg/acre.
Biological Control measures = Inundative release of ladybird beetles @ 100 pairs per acre at fortnightly intervals can suppress the aphid population. The ladybird beetles (Menochilus sexmaculata and Coccinella septumpunctata) and green lacewings (Chrysoperla zastrowi) are efficient predators of aphids. . Spray Verticillium lecani (Lecanicillium) @ 2-3 ml/ Litre of Water
Chemical Control measures = Spray Tolfenpyrad @ 1 ml/litre of water Spray Flonicamid 50 % WP @ 1 g/litre of water Spray Cyantraniliprole 10.26 % OD @ 0.9 ml/litre of water. </s> |
1,720 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Thyme and Pest or Disease name is Spider mite and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Collect and destroy the affected plant parts Varieties with dense trichomes and glandular trichomes are relatively resistant
Biological Control measures = Encourage the activity of predatory mites (Phytoseius spp, Amblyseius spp)
Chemical Control measures = Spray Fenazaquin 10 EC@ 1.5ml/l /litre of water Propargite 57 EC @1.7ml/litre of water (directing the spray on the ventral surface of leaves). </s> |
1,721 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Tomato Cherry and Pest or Disease name is Anthracnose and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Crop rotation with nontohost crops and avoid potato, soybean, eggplant & cucurbit Stake plants to improve air circulation and to reduce leaf and fruit wetness Mulch to reduce soil splash onto fruit and lower leaves Minimize or avoid overhead irrigation to reduce periods of wetness on fruit Avoid sprinkler irrigation method
Biological Control measures = Foliar spray of Bacillus subtilis at the rate 3 millilitres per litre of water
Chemical Control measures = Seed treatment with Thiram 37.5 percent Water Soluble 3 grams per kilogram seeds Spray Carbendazim 50 percent Wettable powder at the rate 0.5 grams per litres water Spray Metalaxy 31.8 percent ES + Mancozeb 65 percent Wettable powder at the rate 04 to 05 grams per acre Spray Metirum 55 percent + Pyraclostrobin 5 percent Wettable granule at the rate 3.0 grams per litre water Immerse fruit in clean and fresh water containing 120 parts per million Chlorine. </s> |
1,722 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Tomato Cherry and Pest or Disease name is Aphid and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Field selected should be clean and free from other host plants and weeds. Install yellow sticky traps at the rate 10peracre Soil applicat the rateion of neem cake at the rate 100kilogramperacre.
Chemical Control measures = Spray Tolfenpyrad at the rate 1 millilitre per litre of water Spray Flonicamid 50 percent Wettable powder at the rate 1 gram per litre of water Spray Cyantraniliprole 10.26 percent Oil dispersable at the rate 0.9 millilitres per litre of water. </s> |
1,723 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Tomato Cherry and Pest or Disease name is Bacterial leaf spot and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Use diseasetofree seed and seedlings Removal and destruction of crop debris.
Biological Control measures = Treat the seeds with Streptocycline 100 parts per million for 30 minutes kill both internally and externally seed borne bacterium Seed treatment with Aureomycin 1000 parts per million for 30 minutes.
Chemical Control measures = Applicat the rateion of Bleaching powder at the rate 10 to 5.06 kilograms per acre controls the disease. Drenching the nursery soil with formaldehyde 0.5 percent (0.5 grams in 100 millilitres of water). </s> |
1,724 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Tomato Cherry and Pest or Disease name is Bacterial wilt and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Do not cut seed tubers which spreads pathogen even to healthy tubers. Follow 2to3 years crop rotation with cereals, millet, garlic, onion, cabbage.
Biological Control measures =
Chemical Control measures = Spray Streptocycline sulphate 90 percent + Tetracycline Hydrochloride 10 percent Soluble powder at the rate 1.5 grams per10 litres Spray copper hydroxide 77 percent Wettable powder at the rate 2 grams per litre. </s> |
1,725 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Tomato Cherry and Pest or Disease name is Blossom end rot and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Maintain a uniform supply of soil moisture by watering plants during drought and mulching to retain soil moisture. Avoid using excessive amounts of ammonia forms of nitrogen, which reduce calcium uptake. Use nitrate forms of nitrogen instead. Avoid overfertilization during early fruiting.
Biological Control measures =
Chemical Control measures = Soil application of CaSO4 1to 2 kilograms per acre Foliar spray of CaCl2 at 5 grams per litre of water thrice at fortnightly interval.. </s> |
1,726 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Tomato Cherry and Pest or Disease name is Damping off and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Used raised seed bed Provide light, but frequent irrigation for better drainage
Biological Control measures = Treat the rate the seeds with Trichoderma asperellum at the rate 4 grams per kilograms or Pseudomonas fluorescens at the rate 10 grams per kilograms of seeds 24 hours before sowing Soil applicat the rateion of Pseudomonas fluorescens at the rate 1 kilogram per acre with 50 kilograms of Farm yard manure.
Chemical Control measures = Drench with Copper oxychloride 0.2 percent (2 millilitres in 1000 millilitres of water). Spraying of Metalaxyl 8 percent + Mancozeb 64 percent Wettable powder 5 grams per litres of water. </s> |
1,727 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Tomato Cherry and Pest or Disease name is Early blight and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Removal and destruction of crop debris. Practicing crop rotation helps to minimize the disease incidence.
Biological Control measures = Soil applicat the rateion of Pseudomonas fluorescens at the rate 1 kilograms per acre + 20 kilograms of well decomposed Farm yard manure or sand at the rate 30 days after sowing. Soil applicat the rateion of Trichoderma viride at the rate 1 kilogram per acre + 20 kilograms of well decomposed Farm yard manure or sand at the rate 30 days after sowing.
Chemical Control measures = Seed treat the ratement with Thiram at the rate 2 gram per kilogram of seeds Drenching with Carbendazim 50 Wettable powder at the rate 1 gram per litre of water Spray Hexaconazole 5 percent Suspension concentrate at the rate 1millilitre per litre of water. </s> |
1,728 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Tomato Cherry and Pest or Disease name is Fruit borer and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Summer ploughing to expose pupae to sunlight and natural enemies Collect and destroy the infected fruits and grown up larvae Avoid growing of the tomato crop near other host plants
Biological Control measures = Release Trichogramsma pretiosum at 1 lakh peracre (20,000 per release for 5 times at weekly interval starting from flower initiation stage. Spray Helicoverpa armigera Nuclear polyhydrosis virus (HaNPV) at 100 Larval equalent per acre along with 1 percent jaggery and 0.1 percent teepol at 28, 35 and 42 Days after planting (4th, 5th and 6th week after planting) in the evening. Spray Bacillus thuringiensis formulation at 2 grams per litre
Chemical Control measures = Spray Chlorpyrifos 20 Emulsifiable concentrate at the rate 2 millilitres per litre of water Emmamectin Benzoat the ratee 5 Suspension concentrate at the rate 0.3 grams per litre of water Chlorantraniliprole 18.5 Suspension concentrate at the rate 0.3 millilitres per litre of water Flubendiamide 39.35 Suspension concentrate at the rate 0.3 millilitres per litre of water . </s> |
1,729 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Tomato Cherry and Pest or Disease name is Fruit rot and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = CollEmulsifiable concentratet and destroy the affEmulsifiable concentrateted fruits Remove the dead branches and burn them
Biological Control measures = Drip or Soil Application of Trichoderma viride 1 kilogram per acre
Chemical Control measures = Spray mancozeb 75 percent Wettable powder at the rate 2 grams per litre of water Propineb 70 percent Wettable powder at the rate 3 grams per litre of water. </s> |
1,730 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Tomato Cherry and Pest or Disease name is Fusarium wilt and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = For resistant or tolerant varieties Collect and burn the infected plant
Biological Control measures = Seed treat the ratement with Trichoderma viride at the rate 10 grams per Kilogram seed Root zone application: Mix thoroughly 2.5 kilograms of the Trichoderma viride 1 percent Wettable powder in 150 Kilograms of compost or farmyard manure and apply this mixture in the field after sowing or transplanting of crops
Chemical Control measures = Drenching with Carbendazim 50 Wettable powder at the rate 1 gram per litre Spot drenching with Copper Oxychloride 50 percent Wettable powder at the rate 2.5 grams per litre of water. </s> |
1,731 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Tomato Cherry and Pest or Disease name is Late blight and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Removal and destruction of crop debris. Practicing crop rotation helps to minimize the disease incidence. Provide irrigation at critical stages of the crop Avoid water logging Judicious use of fertilizers
Biological Control measures =
Chemical Control measures = Spray Mancozeb 75 percent Wettable powder at the rate 2.5 grams per litre of water or Zineb 75 percent Wettable powder at the rate 2 grams per litre of water Application of Mancozeb 40 percent + Azoxystrobin 7 percent Oil suspension 3 grams per litres water Application of Amisulbrom 20 percent Suspension concentrate 0.5 to 1 millilitres per litre water Application of Valifenalate 6 percent + Mancozeb 60 percent Wettable granule 4 to 5 grams per litres water Metiram 55 percent + Pyraclostrobin 5 percent Wettable granule 6 grams per litre water. </s> |
1,732 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Tomato Cherry and Pest or Disease name is Leaf curl virus and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Uproot and destroy the diseased leaf curl plants Field selEmulsifiable concentrateted should be clean and free from other host plants and weeds. Remove and destroy alternate weed host like Abutilon indicum and other host
Biological Control measures = Verticillium Emulsifiable concentrate (Lecanicillium) at the rate 2 to 3 millilitres per liter of water
Chemical Control measures = Application of Chlorantraniliprole 08.80 percent + Thiamethoxam 17.50 percent w per w Suspension concentrate 5 to10 millilitres per plant (Application time 8 to10 days after transplanting) Application of Thiamethoxam 12.60 percent + Lambda to cyhalothrin 09.50 percent Zion capsule 0.25 millilitres per litre water Application of Spirotetramat 11.01 percent + Imidacloprid 11.01 percent Suspension concentrate 1 millilitres per litre water. </s> |
1,733 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Tomato Cherry and Pest or Disease name is Leaf miner and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Summer ploughing to expose pupae to sunlight and natural enemies Remove and destroy infested leaves in nursery and at the time of planting in open field
Biological Control measures =
Chemical Control measures = Cypermethrin 25 Emulsifiable concentrate at the rate 0.5 millilitres litre of water. </s> |
1,734 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Tomato Cherry and Pest or Disease name is Leaf spot and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Removal and destruction of the affected plant parts. Crop rotation with nontohost crops
Biological Control measures = Soil applicat the rateion of Pseudomonas fluorescens at the rate 1 kilogram per acre + 20 kilograms of well decomposed Farm yard manure or sand at the rate 30 days after sowing. Soil applicat the rateion of Trichoderma viride at the rate 1 kilogram per acre + 20 kilograms of well decomposed Farm yard manure or sand at the rate 30 days after sowing.
Chemical Control measures = Seed treat the ratement with Thiram 75 Wettable powder at the rate 2 grams per kilogram of seeds Drenching with Carbendazim 50 Wettable powder at the rate 1 gram per litre of water Spray Hexaconazole 5 percent Suspension concentrate at the rate 1millilitre per litre of water. </s> |
1,735 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Tomato Cherry and Pest or Disease name is Mite and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Collect and destroy the affected plant parts Varieties with dense trichomes and glandular trichomes are relatively resistant
Biological Control measures =
Chemical Control measures = Spray Fenazaquin 10 Emulsifiable concentrate at the rate 1.5 millilitres per per litre of water Propargite 57 Emulsifiable concentrate 1.7 millilitres per litre of water (directing the spray on the ventral surface of leaves). </s> |
1,736 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Tomato Cherry and Pest or Disease name is Mosaic virus and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Removal and destruction of crop debris.
Biological Control measures =
Chemical Control measures = Spray Copper Oxychloride 50 percent Wettable powder at the rate 2 grams per litre of water. </s> |
1,737 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Tomato Cherry and Pest or Disease name is Nematode and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Only seedlings with roots free of galls should be selected for transplanting.
Biological Control measures =
Chemical Control measures = Applicat the rateion of carbofuran 3 granule at the rate 5 kilograms per acre. </s> |
1,738 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Tomato Cherry and Pest or Disease name is Pin worm and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Collect and destroy the affected plant parts. Pheromone Traps at the rate 20 peracre Yellow sticky trap or delta sticky traps at the rate 4 to 5 traps per acre for monitoring
Chemical Control measures = Spray Chlorantraniliprole 18.5 Suspension concentrate at the rate 0.3 millilitres per litre of water Fipronil 5 Suspension concentrate at the rate 2 millilitres of water Fipronil 5 Suspension concentrate at the rate 2 millilitres per litre of water. </s> |
1,739 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Tomato Cherry and Pest or Disease name is Powdery mildew and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Collect and destroy the affected fruits
Biological Control measures = Amphelomyces quisqalis microbial fungicide powder at the rate 1 kilogram per acre or liquid 1litre per acre
Chemical Control measures = Spray Carbendazim 50 percent Wettable powder at the rate 0.5 grams in litres of water. </s> |
1,740 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Tomato Cherry and Pest or Disease name is Thrips and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Uproot and destroy the infested plants Field selected should be clean and free from other host plants and weeds. Grow seedlings in insecttoproof (50–64 mesh) net houses Grow 4to5 roWater soluble of maize or sorghum thickly around the crop. Use blue sticky traps 4to5peracre Use mulch and reflective materials in the field to reduce the incidence.
Biological Control measures = Predators such as green lacewings, predatory mites (Phytoseiulus persimilis) and predatory thrips should be encouraged Release larvae of Chrysoperla zastrowi at the rate 4,000 per acre Verticillium lecani (Lecanicillium) at the rate 2 to 3 millilitres per liter of water
Chemical Control measures = Seed treat the ratement with imidacloprid 48 Flowable concentrate 10 grams per kilogram seed Before planting, Spray the seedlings with 0.3 millilitres imidacloprid 17.8 Soluble iquid or 0.3 grams thiomethaxam 25 Wettable granule per litre of water Dip the roots of seedlings in solution prepared by mixing 0.3 millilitres imidacloprid 200 Soluble liquid or 0.3 grams thiomethaxam 25 Wettable granule per litre of water for 5 minutes Spray Imidacloprid 17.8 Soluble liquid at the rate 0.3 millilitres per litre of water or Acetamiprid 20 Soluble powder at the rate 0.3 millilitres per litre of water or Thiamethoxam 25 Wettable granule at the rate 0.3 grams per litre of water. </s> |
1,741 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Tomato Cherry and Pest or Disease name is Tomato spotted wilt virus and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Field selected should be clean and free from other host plants and weeds. Use Blue sticky traps at 10 to12 trapsperha. Hang the traps slightly above or at the canopy level for better trapping.
Biological Control measures =
Chemical Control measures = Application of Thiamethoxam 12.60 percent + Lambdatocyhalothrin 09.50 percent Zion capsule 0.25 millilitres per litre water Application of Thiamethoxam 70 percent Water soluble 0.7 millilitres per litre water. </s> |
1,742 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Tomato Cherry and Pest or Disease name is Whitefly and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Uproot and destroy the diseased leaf curl plants RV – Nandi, Sankranthi, Vaibhav, Arka Rakshak, Alankar Field selected should be clean and free from other host plants and weeds. Remove and destroy alternate weed host like Abutilon indicum and other host
Biological Control measures = Verticillium lecani (Lecanicillium) at the rate 2 to 3 millilitres per liter of water
Chemical Control measures = Spray Diafenthiuron 50 Wettable powder at the rate 1gram per litre of water Spray Acetamaprid 20 Soluble powder 0.3 grams per litre of water Spray Imidacloprid 17.8 Soluble liquid at the rate 0.3 millilitres per litre of water Spray Thiamethoxam 25 Wettable granule at the rate 0.3 grams per litre of water. </s> |
1,743 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Tomato Country and Pest or Disease name is Bacterial leaf spot and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Use diseasetofree seed and seedlings Removal and destruction of crop debris.
Biological Control measures = Treat the seeds with Streptocycline 100 parts per million for 30 minutes kill both internally and externally seed borne bacterium Seed treatment with Aureomycin 1000 parts per million for 30 minutes
Chemical Control measures = Applicat the rateion of Bleaching powder at the rate 10 to 5.06 kilograms per acre controls the disease. Drenching the nursery soil with formaldehyde 0.5 percent (0.5 grams in 100 millilitres of water). </s> |
1,744 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Tomato Country and Pest or Disease name is Bacterial wilt and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Do not cut seed tubers which spreads pathogen even to healthy tubers. Follow 2to3 years crop rotation with cereals, millet, garlic, onion, cabbage.
Biological Control measures =
Chemical Control measures = Spray Streptocycline sulphate 90 percent + Tetracycline Hydrochloride 10 percent Soluble powder at the rate 0.1 grams per litre Spray copper hydroxide 77 percent Wettable powder at the rate 2 grams per litre. </s> |
1,745 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Tomato Country and Pest or Disease name is Damping off and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Remove affected plants and destroy Use raised beds Avoid stagnation of water. Provide light and but frequent irrigation for better drainage.
Biological Control measures = Soil applicat the rateion of Pseudomonas flurescens at the rate 1 kilogram per acre is found effective. Apply Trichoderma viride at the rate 1 kilogram per acre along with 50 kilograms Farm yard manure
Chemical Control measures = Spot drench Carbendazim 50 percent Wettable powder at the rate 1gram per litre water Metalaxyl M 4 percent + Mancozeb 64 percent Wettable powder 5 grams per litres of water Drench with Copper oxychloride 50 percent Wettable granule at the rate 2 grams per litre of water Spraying of Metalaxyl 8 percent + Mancozeb 64 percent Wettable powder 5 grams per litre of water. </s> |
1,746 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Tomato Country and Pest or Disease name is Early blight and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Removal and destruction of crop debris. Practicing crop rotation helps to minimize the disease incidence.
Biological Control measures = Soil application of Pseudomonas fluorescens at 1 kilogram per acre + 20 kilograms of well decomposed Farm yard manure or sand at 30 days after sowing. Soil applicat the rateion of Trichoderma viride at the rate 1 kilogram per acre + 20 kilograms of well decomposed Farm yard manure or sand at the rate 30 days after sowing.
Chemical Control measures = Seed treat the ratement with Thiram at the rate 2 gram per kilogram of seeds Drenching with Carbendazim 50 Wettable powder at the rate 1 gram per litre of water Spray Hexaconazole 5 percent Suspension concentrate at the rate 1millilitre per litre of water. </s> |
1,747 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Tomato Country and Pest or Disease name is Fruit borer and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Summer ploughing to expose pupae to sunlight and natural enemies Collect and destroy the infected fruits and grown up larvae Resistant varieties Avoid growing of the tomato crop near other host plants
Biological Control measures = Release Trichogramma pretiosum at the rate 1 lakh per acre (20,000 per release for 5 times at the rate weekly interval starting from flower initiat the rateion stage. Spray HaNPV at the rate 100 Larval equivalent per acre along with 1 percent jaggery and 0.1 percent teepol at the rate 28, 35 and 42 Days after planting(4th, 5th and 6th week after planting) in the evening. Spray Bacillus thuringiensis formulat the rateion at the rate 2 grams per litre of water Spray Beauveria bassiana at the rate 5 grams per litre of water
Chemical Control measures = Spray Chlorpyrifos 20 Emulsifiable concentrate at the rate 2 millilitres per litre of water Emmamectin Benzoate 5 Suspension concentrate at the rate 0.3 grams per litre of water Chlorantraniliprole 18.5 Suspension concentrate at the rate 0.3 millilitres per litre of water Flubendiamide 39.35 Suspension concentrate at the rate 0.3 millilitres per litre of water. </s> |
1,748 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Tomato Country and Pest or Disease name is Fruit rot and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Collect and destroy the affected fruits Remove the dead branches and burn them
Biological Control measures = Drip or Soil Application of Trichoderma viride 1kilogram per acre
Chemical Control measures = Spray mancozeb 75 percent Wettable powder at the rate 2 grams per litre of water Propineb 70 percent Wettable powder at the rate 3 grams per litre of water. </s> |
1,749 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Tomato Country and Pest or Disease name is Fusarium wilt and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = For resistant per tolerant varieties Collect and burn the infected plant
Biological Control measures = Seed treat the ratement with Trichoderma viride at the rate 10 gram per kilogram seed Root zone application: Mix thoroughly 2.5 kilograms of the Trichoderma viride 1 percent Wettable powder in 150 kilograms of compost or farmyard manure and apply this mixture in the field after sowingper transplanting of crops
Chemical Control measures = Drenching with Carbendazim 50Wettable powder at the rate 1 gram per litre Spot drenching with Copper Oxychloride 50 percent Wettable powder at the rate 2.5 grams per litre of water. </s> |
1,750 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Tomato Country and Pest or Disease name is Late blight and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Removal and destruction of crop debris. Practicing crop rotation helps to minimize the disease incidence. Provide irrigation at critical stages of the crop Avoid water logging Judicious use of fertilizers
Biological Control measures =
Chemical Control measures = Spray Mancozeb 75 percent Wettable powder at the rate 2.5 grams per litre of water per or Zineb 75 percent Wettable powder at the rate 2 grams per litre of water Application of Mancozeb 40 percent + Azoxystrobin 7 percent Oil suspension 3 grams per litres water Application of Amisulbrom 20 percent Suspension concentrate 0.5 to 1 millilitres per litre water Application of Valifenalate 6 percent + Mancozeb 60 percent Wettable granule 4 to 5 grams per litres water Metiram 55 percent + Pyraclostrobin 5 percent Wettable granule 6 grams per litre water. </s> |
1,751 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Tomato Country and Pest or Disease name is Leaf curl virus and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Uproot and destroy the diseased leaf curl plants Field selected should be clean and free from other host plants and weeds. Remove and destroy alternate weed host like Abutilon indicum and other host
Biological Control measures = Verticillium lecani (Lecanicillium) at the rate 2 to 3 millilitres per liter of water
Chemical Control measures = Application of Chlorantraniliprole 08.80 percent + Thiamethoxam 17.50 percent Suspension concentrate 5 to10 millilitres per plant (Application time 8 to10 days after transplanting) Application of Thiamethoxam 12.60 percent + Lambdatocyhalothrin 09.50 percent Zion capsule 0.25 millilitres per litres water Application of Spirotetramat 11.01 percent + Imidacloprid 11.01 percent Suspension concentrate 1 millilitres per litres water. </s> |
1,752 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Tomato Country and Pest or Disease name is Leaf eating caterpillar and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Summer ploughing to expose pupae to sunlight and natural enemies Collect and destroy egg mass, leaves with gregarious early instar larvae and also grown up larvae Grow castor along border as trap crop Setup light trap at the rate 1peracre Setup pheromone trap with Spodolure at 4to5peracre
Biological Control measures = Release Trichogramma chilonis at the rate 1 lakh peracre (20,000 per release for 5 times at the rate weekly interval starting from one month after planting). Spray Spodoptera litura Nuclear poly hydrosis viru (SlNPV) at 100 larval equivalent per acre along with 1 percent jaggery and 0.1 percent teepolin the evening. Spray Bacillus thuringiensis formulation at the rate 2 grams per litre of water Spray Beauveria bassiana at the rate 5 grams per litre of water
Chemical Control measures = Poison bait: Rice bran 5 kilograms + Molasses or jaggery 500 grams + Methomyl or thiodicarb 500 grams (1:1:1). Mix the ingredients well, allow it for 8 hours and keep around the field and at plant base in the evening hours. Spray Chlorpyrifos 20 Emulsifiable concentrate at the rate 2 millilitres per litre of water Emmamectin Benzoate 5 Suspension concentrate at the rate 0.3 grams per litre of water Chlorantraniliprole 18.5 Suspension concentrate at the rate 0.3 millilitres per litre of water Flubendiamide 39.35 Suspension concentrate at the rate 0.3 millilitres per litre of water. </s> |
1,753 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Tomato Country and Pest or Disease name is Pin worm and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Collect and destroy the affected plant parts. Pheromone Traps at the rate 20 traps per ha
Biological Control measures = Basal applicat the rateion of Neem cake at the rate 100 kilogram per acre at the rate planting. Spray Azadirachtin 1.0 percent Emulsifiable concentrate (10000 parts per million) at the rate 2.0 millilitres per litre of water
Chemical Control measures = Spray Chlorantraniliprole 18.5 Suspension concentrate at the rate 0.3 millilitres per litre of water Fipronil 5 Suspension concentrate at the rate 2millilitres of water Cypermethrin 25 Emulsifiable concentrate at the rate 0.5 millilitres litre of water. </s> |
1,754 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Tomato Country and Pest or Disease name is Red spider mite and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Collect and destroy the affected plant parts Varieties with dense trichomes and glandular trichomes are relatively resistant
Biological Control measures =
Chemical Control measures = Spray Fenazaquin 10 Emulsifiable concentrate at the rate 1.5 millilitres per litre per litre of water Propargite 57 Emulsifiable concentrate 1.7 millilitres per litre of water (directing the spray on the ventral surface of leaves). </s> |
1,755 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Tomato Country and Pest or Disease name is Septoria leaf spot and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Removal and destruction of the affected plant parts. Crop rotation with non to host crops
Biological Control measures = Soil applicat the rateion of Pseudomonas fluorescens at the rate 1 kilogram per acre + 20 kilograms of well decomposed Farm yard manure or sand at the rate 30 days after sowing. Soil applicat the rateion of Trichoderma viridae at the rate 1 kilograms per acre + 20 kilogram of well decomposed Farm yard manure or sand at the rate 30 days after sowing.
Chemical Control measures = Seed treat the ratement with Thiram at the rate 2 grams per kilogram of seeds Drenching with Carbendazim 50 Wettable powder at the rate 1 grams per litre of water Spray Hexaconazole 5 percent Suspension concentrate at the rate 1millilitre per litre of water. </s> |
1,756 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Tomato Country and Pest or Disease name is Striped mealy bug and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Collect and destroy the affected plant parts. Field selected should be clean and free from other host plants and weeds Soil applicat the rateion of neem cake at the rate 100kilogramperacre. Spray Azadirachtin 1.0 percent Emulsifiable concentrate (10000 parts per million) at the rate 2.0 millilitres per litre of water
Biological Control measures = Ladybird beetles (Cryptolaemus montrouzieri, Scymnus coccivora) and green lacewings (Chrysoperla carnea). Protect the population of these predators by avoiding the use of broad spectrum pesticides. Inundat the rateive release of ladybird beetles at the rate 200 pairs per acre at the rate fortnightly intervals. Spray Fish Oil Rosin Soap (FORS) 25 grams perlit along with teepol 1 milli litre per litre or fish oil at the rate 3 millilitres per litre is effective against mealy bugs
Chemical Control measures = Seed treat the ratement with imidacloprid 70 water soluble at the rate 3 grams per kilogram of seeds Dip the roots of seedlings in solution prepared by mixing 0.3 millilitres imidacloprid 200 Soluble liquid or 0.3 grams thiomethaxam 25 Wettable powder per litre of water for 5 minutes Spray Buprofezin 25 Suspension concentrate at the rate 1.25 millilitres per litre of water Spray Imidacloprid 17.8 Soluble liquid at the rate 0.3 millilitres per litre of water or Acetamiprid 20 Soluble powder at the rate 0.3 millilitres per litre of water or Thiamethoxam 25 Wettable granule at the rate 0.3 grams per litre of water. </s> |
1,757 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Tomato Country and Pest or Disease name is Thrips and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Uproot and destroy the infested plants Field selected should be clean and free from other host plants and weeds. Grow seedlings in insecttoproof (50–64 mesh) net houses Grow 4 to 5 rows of maize or sorghum thickly around the crop. Use blue sticky traps 4 to 5 per acre Use mulch and reflective materials in the field to reduce the incidence.
Biological Control measures = Predators such as green lacewings, predatory mites (Phytoseiulus persimilis) and predatory thrips should be encouraged Release larvae of Chrysoperla zastrowi at the rate 4,000 per acre Verticillium lecani (Lecanicillium) at the rate 2 to 3 millilitres per Liter of water
Chemical Control measures = Seed treat the ratement with imidacloprid 48 Flowable concentrate at the rate 10 grams per kilograms seed Before planting, Spray the seedlings with 0.3 millilitres imidacloprid 17.8 Soluble liquid or 0.3 grams thiomethaxam 25 Wettable granule per litre of water Dip the roots of seedlings in solution prepared by mixing 0.3 millilitres imidacloprid 200 Soluble liquid or 0.3 grams thiomethaxam 25 Wettable granule per litre of water for 5 minutes Spray Imidacloprid 17.8 Soluble liquid at the rate 0.3 millilitres per litre of water or Acetamiprid 20 Soluble powder at the rate 0.3 millilitres per litre of water or Thiamethoxam 25 Wettable granule at the rate 0.3 grams per litre of water. </s> |
1,758 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Tomato Country and Pest or Disease name is Tomato leaf miner and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Summer ploughing to expose pupae to sunlight and natural enemies Remove and destroy infested leaves in nursery and at the time of planting in open field
Biological Control measures =
Chemical Control measures = Fipronil 5 Suspension concentrate at the rate 2 millilitres litre of water Cypermethrin 25 Emulsifiable concentrate at the rate 0.5 millilitres per litre of water. </s> |
1,759 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Tomato Country and Pest or Disease name is Tomato mosaic virus and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Removal and destruction of crop debris.
Biological Control measures =
Chemical Control measures = Spray Copper Oxychloride 50 percent Wettable powder at the rate 2 grams per litre of water. </s> |
1,760 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Tomato Country and Pest or Disease name is Tomato spotted wilt virus and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Field selected should be clean and free from other host plants and weeds. Use Blue sticky traps at the rate 4to5 trapsperacre. Hang the traps slightly above or at the rate the canopy level for better trapping.
Biological Control measures =
Chemical Control measures = Application of Thiamethoxam 12.60 percent + Lambdatocyhalothrin 09.50 percent Zion capsule 0.25 millilitres per litre water Application of Thiamethoxam 70 percent Water soluble 0.7 millilitres per litre water. </s> |
1,761 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Tomato Country and Pest or Disease name is Whitefly and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Uproot and destroy the diseased leaf curl plants Resistant varieties – Nandi, Sankranthi, Vaibhav, Arka Rakshak, Alankar Field selected should be clean and free from other host plants and weeds. Remove and destroy alternate weed host like Abutilon indicum and other host
Biological Control measures = Verticillium lecani (Lecanicillium) at the rate 2 to 3 millilitres per Liter of water Soil applicat the rateion of neem cake at the rate 100 kilograms per acre Spray Azadirachtin 1.0 percent Emulsifiable concentrate (10000 parts per million) at the rate 2.0 millilitres per litre of water
Chemical Control measures = Spray Diafenthiuron 50 Wettable powder at the rate 1grams per litre of water Spray Acetamaprid 20 Soluble powder 0.3 grams per litre of water Spray Imidacloprid 17.8 Soluble liquid at the rate 0.3 millilitres per litre of water Spray Thiamethoxam 25 Wettable granule at the rate 0.3 grams per litre of water. </s> |
1,762 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Tomato Hybrid and Pest or Disease name is Anthracnose and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Crop rotation with nontohost crops and avoid potato, soybean, eggplant & cucurbit Stake plants to improve air circulation and to reduce leaf and fruit wetness Mulch to reduce soil splash onto fruit and lower leaves Minimize or avoid overhead irrigation to reduce periods of wetness on fruit Avoid sprinkler irrigation method
Biological Control measures = Foliar spray of Bacillus subtilis at the rate 3millilitres per litre of water
Chemical Control measures = Seed treatment with Thiram 37.5 percent Water soluble 3 grams per kilogram of seeds Spray Carbendazim 50 percent Wettable powder at the rate 0.5 gram per litres water Spray Metalaxy 31.8 percent ES + Mancozeb 65 percent Wettable powder at the rate 04 to 05 grams per litre Spray Metirum 55 percent + Pyraclostrobin 5 percent Wettable granule at the rate 3.0 grams per litre water Immerse fruit in clean and fresh water containing 120 Parts per million Chlorine. </s> |
1,763 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Tomato Hybrid and Pest or Disease name is Aphid and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Field selected should be clean and free from other host plants and weeds. Install yellow sticky traps at the rate 10peracre Soil applicat the rateion of neem cake at the rate 100kilogramperacre.
Biological Control measures = Inundat the rateive release of ladybird beetles at the rate 100 pairs per acre at the rate fortnightly intervals can suppress the aphid populat the rateion.
Chemical Control measures = Spray Tolfenpyrad at the rate 1 millilitre per litre of watere Spray Flonicamid 50 percent Wettable powder at the rate 1 gram per litre of watere Spray Cyantraniliprole 10.26 percent Oil dispersion at the rate 0.9 millilitres per litre of watere. </s> |
1,764 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Tomato Hybrid and Pest or Disease name is Bacterial canker and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Use disease free seed and seedlings Removal and destruction of crop debris.
Biological Control measures = Treat the seeds with Streptocycline 100 parts per million for 30 minutes kill both internally and externally seed borne bacterium
Chemical Control measures = Spray Streptocycline sulphate 90 percent + Tetracycline Hydrochloride 10 percent Soluble powder at the rate 1.5 grams per10 litres Spray copper hydroxide 77 percent Wettable powder at the rate 2 grams per litre. </s> |
1,765 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Tomato Hybrid and Pest or Disease name is Bacterial leaf spot and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Use disease free seed and seedlings Removal and destruction of crop debris.
Biological Control measures = Treat the seeds with Streptocycline 100 parts per million for 30 minutes kill both internally and externally seed borne bacterium Seed treatment with Aureomycin 1000 parts per million for 30 minutes
Chemical Control measures = Application of Bleaching powder at the rate 5.06 to 10 kilograms per acre controls the disease. Drenching the nursery soil with formaldehyde 0.5 percent (0.5 grams in 100 millilitres of water). </s> |
1,766 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Tomato Hybrid and Pest or Disease name is Bacterial wilt and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Disease free site Crop rotation with cereals, millet, garlic, onion, cabbage.
Biological Control measures =
Chemical Control measures = Spray Streptocycline sulphate 9 percent + Tetracycline Hydrochloride 1 percent Soluble powder at the rate 0.1 gram per litre Spray copper hydroxide 77 percent Wettable powder at the rate 2 grams per litre of water. </s> |
1,767 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Tomato Hybrid and Pest or Disease name is Blossom end rot and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Maintain a uniform supply of soil moisture by watering plants during drought and mulching to retain soil moisture. Avoid using excessive amounts of ammonia forms of nitrogen, which reduce calcium uptake. Use nitrate forms of nitrogen instead. Avoid overfertilization during early fruiting.
Biological Control measures =
Chemical Control measures = Soil application of CaSO4 1to 2 kilograms per acre Foliar spray of (CaCl2) Calcium chloride at the rate 5 grams per litre of water thrice at the rate fortnightly interval.. </s> |
1,768 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Tomato Hybrid and Pest or Disease name is Damping off and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Used raised seed bed Avoid stagnation of water
Biological Control measures = Treat the rate the seeds with Trichoderma asperellum at the rate 4 grams per kilograms or Pseudomonas fluorescens at the rate 10 grams per kilograms of seeds 24 hours before sowing
Chemical Control measures = Drench with Copper oxychloride 0.2 percent (2 millilitres in 1000 millilitres of water). Spray 0.2 percent (2 millilitresin 1000 millilitresof water) Metalaxyl when there is cloudy weather. </s> |
1,769 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Tomato Hybrid and Pest or Disease name is Early blight and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Removal and destruction of crop debris. Practicing crop rotation helps to minimize the disease incidence.
Biological Control measures = Soil applicat the rateion of Pseudomonas fluorescens at the rate 1 kilogram per acre + 20 kilograms of well decomposed Farm yard manure or sand at the rate 30 days after sowing. Soil applicat the rateion of Trichoderma viride at the rate 1 kilogram per acre + 20 kilograms of well decomposed Farm yard manure or sand at the rate 30 days after sowing.
Chemical Control measures = Seed treat the ratement with Thiram at the rate 2 grams per kilograms of seeds Drenching with Carbendazim 50 Wettable powder at the rate 1 gram per litre of water Spray Hexaconazole 5 percent Suspension concentrate at the rate 1millilitre per litre of water. </s> |
1,770 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Tomato Hybrid and Pest or Disease name is Fruit borer and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Summer ploughing to expose pupae to sunlight and natural enemies Collect and destroy the infected fruits and grown up larvae Avoid growing of the tomato crop near other host plants
Biological Control measures = Release Trichogramma pretiosum at the rate 1 lakh per acre (20,000 per release for 5 times at the rate weekly interval starting from flower initiation stage. Spray Helicoverpa armigera nuclear polyhydrosis virus (HaNPV) at the rate 100 Larval equivalent per acre along with 1 percent jaggery and 0.1 percent teepol at the rate 28, 35 and 42 Days after planting (4th, 5th and 6th week after planting) in the evening. Spray Bacillus thuringiensis formulat the rateion at the rate 2 grams per llitre Spray Beauveria bassiana at the rate 5 grams per litre of water
Chemical Control measures = Spray Chlorpyrifos 20 Emulsifiable concentrate at the rate 2 millilitres per litre of water Emmamectin Benzoate 5 Suspension concentrate at the rate 0.5 grams per litre of water Chlorantraniliprole 18.5 Suspension concentrateat the rate 0.3 millilitres per litre of water Flubendiamide 39.35 Suspension concentrate at the rate 0.3 millilitres per litre of water. </s> |
1,771 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Tomato Hybrid and Pest or Disease name is Fruit rot and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Collect and destroy the affected fruits Remove the dead branches and burn them
Biological Control measures = Drip per Soil Application of Trichoderma viride at the rate 1kilogram per acre
Chemical Control measures = Spray mancozeb 75 percent Wettable powder at the rate 2 grams per litre of water Propineb 70 percent Wettable powder at the rate 3 grams per litre of water. </s> |
1,772 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Tomato Hybrid and Pest or Disease name is Fusarium wilt and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Collect and burn the infected plant Soil solarization before preparation of nursery bed
Biological Control measures = Seed treat the ratement with Trichoderma viride at the rate 10 grams per kilogram of seeds Root zone application: Mix thoroughly 2.5 kilograms of the Trichoderma viride 1 percent Wettable powder in 150 kilograms of compost or farmyard manure and apply this mixture in the field after sowingper transplanting of crops
Chemical Control measures = Drenching with Carbendazim 50 Wettable powder at the rate 1 gram per litre Spot drenching with Copper Oxychloride 50 percent Wettable powder at the rate 2.5 grams per litre of water. </s> |
1,773 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Tomato Hybrid and Pest or Disease name is Late blight and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Removal and destruction of crop debris. Practicing crop rotation helps to minimize the disease incidence. Provide irrigation at critical stages of the crop Avoid water logging Judicious use of fertilizers
Biological Control measures =
Chemical Control measures = Spray Mancozeb 75 percent Wettable powder at the rate 2.5 grams per litre of waterperor Zineb 75 percent Wettable powder at the rate 2 grams per litre of water Application of Mancozeb 40 percent + Azoxystrobin 7 percent Oil suspension 3 grams per litres water Application of Amisulbrom 20 percent Suspension concentrate 0.5 to 1 millilitres per litre water Application of Valifenalate 6 percent + Mancozeb 60 percent Wettable granule 4 to 5 grams per litres water Metiram 55 percent + Pyraclostrobin 5 percent Wettable granule 6 grams per litre water. </s> |
1,774 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Tomato Hybrid and Pest or Disease name is Leaf curl virus and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Uproot and destroy the diseased leaf curl plants Field selected should be clean and free from other host plants and weeds. Remove and destroy alternate weed host like Abutilon indicum and other host
Biological Control measures = Verticillium lecani (Lecanicillium) at the rate 2 to 3 millilitres per Liter of water
Chemical Control measures = Applicat the rateion of Chlorantraniliprole 08.80 percent + Thiamethoxam 17.50 percent Suspension concentrate 5 to10 millilitres per litre (Application time to 8 to 10 days after transplanting) Application of Thiamethoxam 12.60 percent + Lambda to cyhalothrin 09.50 percent Zion capsule 0.25 millilitres per litres water Application of Spirotetramat 11.01 percent + Imidacloprid 11.01 percent Suspension concentrate 1 millilitres per 1 litres water. </s> |
1,775 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Tomato Hybrid and Pest or Disease name is Leaf miner and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Summer ploughing to expose pupae to sunlight and natural enemies Remove and destroy infested leaves in nursery and at the time of planting in open field
Biological Control measures =
Chemical Control measures = Fipronil 5 Suspension concentrate at the rate 2 millilitres litre of water Cypermethrin 25 Emulsifiable concentrate at the rate 0.5 millilitres per litre of water. </s> |
1,776 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Tomato Hybrid and Pest or Disease name is Leaf spot and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Removal and destruction of the affected plant parts. Crop rotation with nontohost crops
Biological Control measures = Soil applicat the rateion of Pseudomonas fluorescens at the rate 1 kilogram per acre + 20 kilograms of well decomposed Farm yard manure or sand at the rate 30 days after sowing. Soil applicat the rateion of Trichoderma viride at the rate 1 kilogram per acre + 20 kilograms of well decomposed Farm yard manure or sand at the rate 30 days after sowing.
Chemical Control measures = Seed treat the ratement with Thiram at the rate 2 grams per kilograms of seeds Drenching with Carbendazim 50 Wettable powder at the rate 1 gram per litre of water Spray Hexaconazole 5 percent Suspension concentrate at the rate 1 millilitre per litre of water. </s> |
1,777 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Tomato Hybrid and Pest or Disease name is Mite and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Collect and destroy the affected plant parts Varieties with dense trichomes and glandular trichomes are relatively resistant
Biological Control measures =
Chemical Control measures = Spray Fenazaquin 10 Emulsifiable concentrate at the rate 1.5 millilitres per litre of water Propargite 57 Emulsifiable concentrate at the rate 1.7 millilitres per litre of water (directing the spray on the ventral surface of leaves). </s> |
1,778 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Tomato Hybrid and Pest or Disease name is Mosaic virus and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Removal and destruction of crop debris.
Biological Control measures =
Chemical Control measures = Spray Copper Oxychloride 50 percent Wettable powder at the rate 2 grams per litre of water. </s> |
1,779 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Tomato Hybrid and Pest or Disease name is Nematode and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Only seedlings with roots free of galls should be selected for transplanting.
Biological Control measures = Soil application of neem cake at the rate 100 kilogram per acre.
Chemical Control measures = Applicat the rateion of carbofuran 3 Granule at the rate 5 kilograms per acre. </s> |
1,780 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Tomato Hybrid and Pest or Disease name is Pin worm and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Collect and destroy the affected plant parts. Pheromone Traps at the rate 20 traps per acre Basal applicat the rateion of Neem cake at the rate 100 kilogram per acre at the rate planting.
Chemical Control measures = Spray Chlorantraniliprole 18.5 Suspension concentrate at the rate 0.3 millilitres per litre of water Fipronil 5 Suspension concentrate at the rate 2millilitres litre of water Cypermethrin 25 Emulsifiable concentrate at the rate 0.5 millilitres litre of water. </s> |
1,781 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Tomato Hybrid and Pest or Disease name is Powdery mildew and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Collect and destroy the affected fruits
Biological Control measures = Amphelomyces quisqalis microbial fungicide powder at the rate 1 kilogram per acre or liquid 1litre per acre
Chemical Control measures = Spray Carbendazim 50 percent Wettable powder at the rate 0.5 gram in litres of water. </s> |
1,782 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Tomato Hybrid and Pest or Disease name is Thrips and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Uproot and destroy the infested plants Field selected should be clean and free from other host plants and weeds. Grow seedlings in insect to proof (50–64 mesh) net houses Grow 4 to 5 roWater soluble of maize or sorghum thickly around the crop. Use blue sticky traps 4 to 5peracre Use mulch and reflective materials in the field to reduce the incidence.
Biological Control measures = Predators such as green lacewings, predatory mites (Phytoseiulus persimilis) and predatory thrips should be encouraged Release larvae of Chrysoperla zastrowi at the rate 4,000 per acre Verticillium lecani (Lecanicillium) at the rate 2to3 millilitres per Liter of water
Chemical Control measures = Seed treat the ratement with imidacloprid 48 Flowable concentrat the rate at the rate 10 grams per kilogram of seed Before planting, Spray the seedlings with 0.3millilitres imidacloprid 17.8 Soluble liquid or 0.3 grams thiomethaxam 25Wettable granule per litre of water Dip the roots of seedlings in solution prepared by mixing 0.3 millilitres imidacloprid 200 Soluble liquid or 0.3 grams thiomethaxam 25 Wettable granule per litre of water for 5 minutes Spray Imidacloprid 17.8Soluble liquid at the rate 0.3 millilitres per litre of water or Acetamiprid 20 Soluble powder at the rate 0.3 millilitres per litre of water or Thiamethoxam 25 Wettable granule at the rate 0.3 grams per litre of water. </s> |
1,783 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Tomato Hybrid and Pest or Disease name is Tomato spotted wilt virus and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Field selected should be clean and free from other host plants and weeds. Use Blue sticky traps at the rate 10to12 trapsperha. Hang the traps slightly above or at the rate the canopy level for better trapping.
Biological Control measures =
Chemical Control measures = Application of Thiamethoxam 12.60 percent + Lambda to cyhalothrin 09.50 percent Zion capsule 0.25 millilitres per litres water Application of Thiamethoxam 70 percent Water soluble 0.7 millilitres per litres water. </s> |
1,784 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Tomato Hybrid and Pest or Disease name is Whitefly and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Uproot and destroy the diseased leaf curl plants Resistant varieties – Nandi, Sankranthi, Vaibhav, Arka Rakshak, Alankar Field selected should be clean and free from other host plants and weeds. Remove and destroy alternate weed host like Abutilon indicum and other host
Biological Control measures = Verticillium lecani (Lecanicillium) at the rate 2 to 3 millilitres per Liter of water
Chemical Control measures = Spray Diafenthiuron 50 Wettable powder at the rate 1gram per litre of water Spray Acetamaprid 20 Soluble powder 0.3 grams per litre of water Spray Imidacloprid 17.8 Soluble liquid at the rate 0.3 millilitres per litre of water Spray Thiamethoxam 25 Wettable granule at the rate 0.3 gram per litre of water. </s> |
1,785 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Turmeric and Pest or Disease name is and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Collect and destroy the infested plant parts at the rate initial stage of infestation Soil application of neem cake at the rate 100 kilogram per acre. Spray Azadirachtin 1.0 percent Emulsifiable concentrate (10000 parts per million) at the rate 2.0 millilitres per litre of water
Biological Control measures = Inundative release of ladybird beetles at the rate 100 pairs per acre at fortnightly intervals can suppress the aphid population. Release larvae of Chrysoperla zastrowi at the rate 4,000 per acre
Chemical Control measures = Spray Diafenthiuron 50 Wettable powder at the rate 1gram per litre of water Spray Acetamaprid 20 Soluble powder 0.3 grams per litre of water Spray Imidacloprid 17.8 Soluble liquid at the rate 0.3 millilitres per litre of water Spray Thiamethoxam 25 Wettable granule at the rate 0.3 grams per litre of water. </s> |
1,786 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Turmeric and Pest or Disease name is Bacterial wilt and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Soil solarisation for 60 days during summer Planting of diseasetofree seed rhizomes.
Biological Control measures =
Chemical Control measures = Spray Streptocycline sulphate 9 percent + Tetracycline Hydrochloride 1 percent Soluble powder at the rate 0.1 gram per litre Spray copper hydroxide 77 percent Wettable powder at the rate 2 grams per litre of water. </s> |
1,787 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Turmeric and Pest or Disease name is Bihar hairy caterpillar and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Summer ploughing to expose pupae to sunlight and natural enemies Collect and destroy egg mass, leaves with gregarious early instar larvae and also grown up larvae Grow castor along border as trap crop Setup light trap at the rate 1peracre
Biological Control measures = Release Trichogramma chilonis at the rate 1 lakh per acre (20,000 per release for 5 times at the rate weekly interval starting from one month after planting). Spray Bacillus thuringiensis formulation at the rate 2 grams per litre of water Spray Beauveria bassiana at the rate 5 grams per litre of water
Chemical Control measures = Spray Chlorpyrifos 20 Emulsifiable concentrate at the rate 2 millilitres per litre of water Emmamectin Benzoate Suspension concentrate at the rate 0.3 grams per litre of water Chlorantraniliprole 18.5 Suspension concentrateat the rate 0.3 millilitres per litre of water Flubendiamide 39.35 Suspension concentrate at the rate 0.3 millilitres per litre of water. </s> |
1,788 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Turmeric and Pest or Disease name is Brown rot and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Use of resistant varieties to rhizome wilt or rot. Crop rotation with maize, cotton, soybean.
Biological Control measures = Soil application of Pseudomonas fluorescens at the rate 1 kilogram per acre + 20 kilograms of well decomposed Farm yard manure or sand at the rate 30 days after sowing.
Chemical Control measures = Drench with Copper oxychloride 0.2 percent (2 millilitres in 1000 millilitres of water). Drenching with Carbendazim 50 Wettable powder at the rate 1 gram per litre. </s> |
1,789 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Turmeric and Pest or Disease name is Dry rot and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Avoid water stagnation
Biological Control measures = Apply to soil Trichoderma viride at the rate 1 kilogram per hectare as basal and at the third and sixth month after planting
Chemical Control measures = Spot drenching with Copper Oxychloride 50 percent Wettable powder at the rate 2.5 grams per litre of water. </s> |
1,790 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Turmeric and Pest or Disease name is Flea beetle and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Collect and destroy the adult beetles Rake the soil below the tree to expose pupae and grubs
Biological Control measures = Spray Metarrhizium anisopliae at the rate 2 to 3 millilitres per litre of water
Chemical Control measures = Spray Chlorantraniliprole 18.5 Suspension concentrate at the rate 0.3millilitres per litre of water Flubendiamide 39.35 Suspension concentrate the rate at the rate 0.3 millilitres per litre of water. </s> |
1,791 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Turmeric and Pest or Disease name is Lacewing bug and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Destroy all volunteer plants and old neglected plantations Use healthy and pest free rhizomes for planting Hot water treat the ratement to at the rate 50 degree centigrade for 25 minutes Soil applicat the rateion of neem cake at the rate 100 kilogram per acre.
Biological Control measures = Inundative release of ladybird beetles at the rate 100 pairs per acre at the rate fortnightly intervals can suppress the aphid population. Release larvae of Chrysoperla zastrowi at the rate 4,000 per acre
Chemical Control measures = Spray Diafenthiuron 50 Wettable powder at the rate 1 gram per litre of water Spray Acetamaprid 20 Soluble powder 0.3 grams per litre of water Spray Imidacloprid 17.8 Soluble liquid at the rate 0.3 millilitres per litre of water Spray Thiamethoxam 25 Wettable granule at the rate 0.3 grams per litre of water. </s> |
1,792 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Turmeric and Pest or Disease name is Leaf blight and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Collection and destruction of diseased plant parts helps in reduction of inoculum load of this disease. Three year or longer crop rotation to nontohosts such as small grains
Biological Control measures = Seed treatement with Pseudomonas fluorescens 1.5 percent Wettable powder at the rate 5 grams per kilogram of seed.
Chemical Control measures = Spray of Pyraclostrobin 133 gram per litre + Epoxiconazole Suspension concentrate at the rate 1.5 grams per litre Apply Metalaxyl 8 percent + Mancozeb 64 percent Wettable powder at the rate 2 grams per litre of water.. </s> |
1,793 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Turmeric and Pest or Disease name is Leaf blotch and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Collect and burn the infected plant Field sanitation
Biological Control measures = Soil application of Pseudomonas fluorescens at the rate 1 kilogram per acre + 20 kilogram of well decomposed Farm yard manure or sand at the rate 30 days after sowing.
Chemical Control measures = Spray Copper Oxychloride 50 percent Wettable powder at 2 grams per litre of water Spray mancozeb 75 percent Wettable powder at the rate 2 grams per litre of water. </s> |
1,794 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Turmeric and Pest or Disease name is Leaf spot and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Field sanitation Collect and burn the infected leaves
Biological Control measures = Soil application of Pseudomonas fluorescens at the rate 1 kilogram per acre + 20 kilograms of well decomposed Farm yard manure or sand at the rate 30 days after sowing. Soil application of Trichoderma viride at the rate 1 kilogram per acre + 20 kilograms of well decomposed Farm yard manure or sand at the rate 30 days after sowing.
Chemical Control measures = Seed treatement with Thiram at the rate 2 grams per kilogram of seeds Drenching with Carbendazim 50 Wettable powder at the rate 1 gram per litre of water Spray Hexaconazole 5 percent Suspension concentrate at the rate 1 millilitre per litre of water. </s> |
1,795 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Turmeric and Pest or Disease name is Rhizome fly and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Destroy stray plants in off season Select and plant healthy rhizomes.
Biological Control measures =
Chemical Control measures = Spray Fipronil 5 Suspension concentrate at the rate 2 millilitres per litre of water Cypermethrin 25 Emulsifiable concentrate at the rate 0.5 millilitres per litre of water. </s> |
1,796 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Turmeric and Pest or Disease name is Rhizome maggot and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Destroy stray plants in off season Select and plant healthy rhizomes.
Biological Control measures =
Chemical Control measures = Spray Fipronil Suspension concentrate at the rate 2 millilitres per litre of water Cypermethrin 25 Emulsifiable concentrate at the rate 0.5 millilitres litre of water. </s> |
1,797 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Turmeric and Pest or Disease name is Rhizome rot and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Use of resistant varieties to rhizome rot. Crop rotation with maize, cotton, soybean.
Biological Control measures = Soil application of Pseudomonas fluorescens at the rate 1 kilogram per acre + 20 kilogram of well decomposed Farm yard manure or sand at the rate 30 days after sowing.
Chemical Control measures = Drench with Copper oxychloride 0.2 percent (2 millilitres in 1000 millilitres of water). Drenching with Carbendazim 50 Wettable powder at the rate 1 gram per litre. </s> |
1,798 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Turmeric and Pest or Disease name is Root knot nematode and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Uproot and destroy the infested plants
Biological Control measures = An extract of asafoetida, turmeric and water is effective against several plant pathogens including nematodes.
Chemical Control measures = Application of carbofuran 3 Granule at the rate 5 kilograms per acre. </s> |
1,799 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Turmeric and Pest or Disease name is Shoot borer and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Collect and destroy the infected shoots Setup light trap at the rate 1peracre Soil applicat the rateion of neem cake at the rate 100 kilogram per acre. Spray Azadirachtin 1.0 percent 1.0 percent Emulsifiable concentrate (10000 parts per million) at the rate 2.0 mlper litre of water
Biological Control measures = Spray Bacillus thuringiensis formulation at the rate 2 grams per litre of water Release Trichogramma pretiosum at the rate 1 lakh per acre (20,000 per release for 5 times at the rate weekly interval starting from flower initiation stage).
Chemical Control measures = Spray Chlorpyrifos 20 Emulsifiable concentrate at the rate 2 millilitres per litre of water Emmamectin Benzoate the rate Suspension concentrate at the rate 0.3 grams per litre of water Chlorantraniliprole 18.5 Suspension concentrate at the rate 0.3 millilitres per litre of water Flubendiamide 39.35 Suspension concentrate at the rate 0.3 millilitres per litre of water. </s> |
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