1 value
Worth the Bother? Israeli Experience and the Utility of Special Operations Forces
[ { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Ohad Leslau", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Strategic goal", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Strategic thinking", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Strategic planning", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Water utility", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Expected utility hypothesis", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Management science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Operations research", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Economics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Management", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Mathematical economics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Water supply", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Environmental engineering", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq", "Israel" ]
Recent operations in Afghanistan and Iraq have re-opened the debate about the strategic utility of special operations forces (SOF). This article follows the debate and identifies the main factors that contribute to the strategic utility of SOF in various types of conflicts. Drawing upon Israeli experiences with special operations it demonstrates that, contrary to the commonly held view that Israeli SOF have significant strategic utility, Israel is has difficulties utilizing its SOF during large-scale military campaigns, despite their impressive utility in discrete operations. The article draws inferences from the Israeli case regarding the tension between the potential for unique strategic utility of SOF and the desire to have special operations complement the general military effort. The article concludes that the geostrategic environment informs the SOF's strategic utility: the operational concept determines expected strategic utility, and the organizational setting shapes the SOF's ability to fulfil their potential utility.
[ { "display_name": "Contemporary Security Policy", "id": "", "type": "journal" } ]
Transformation Under Fire: Revolutionizing How America Fights
[ { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Douglas A. Macgregor", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Revolution in Military Affairs", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Software deployment", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Timeline", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Joint (building)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Middle East", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Modern warfare", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Management", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "History", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Civil engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Economics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Software engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Archaeology", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
Are we prepared to meet the challenges of the next war? What should our military look like? What lessons have we learned from recent actions in Afghanistan and Iraq? Macgregor has captured the attention of key leaders and inspired a genuine public debate on military reform. With the dangerous world situation of the early 21st century-and possible flashpoints ranging from the Middle East to the Far East-interservice cooperation in assembling small, mobile units and a dramatically simplified command structure is essential. MacGregor's controversial ideas, favored by the current Bush administration, would reduce timelines for deployment, enhance responsiveness to crises, and permit rapid decision-making and planning.The Army is the nation's primary instrument of land warfare, but what capabilities can the Army field today, and what is the Joint Commander likely to need tomorrow? Stuck with a force structure that hasn't changed since Word War II, as well as an outdated command system, today's Army faces potential failure in a modern war. Without a conceptual redefinition of warfare as a joint operation, a new military culture that can execute joint expeditionary warfare will not emerge. New technology both compels and enables evolution of the armed forces' organization. MacGregor's visionary plan to integrate ground maneuver forces with powerful strike assets is the foundation for a true revolution in military affairs, and has sparked heated debates in policy and military circles.
Desert Storm -- JFACC Problems Associated With Battlefield Preparation
[ { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Richard B. Lewis", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Artillery", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Battle", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Battlefield", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Desert (philosophy)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Aeronautics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Operations research", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Storm", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Phase (matter)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer security", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Operations management", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "History", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Meteorology", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Geography", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Archaeology", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Ancient history", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Chemistry", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Organic chemistry", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
Abstract : This paper was based on the personal experiences of the author as Special Assistant to CENTAF Director of Campaign Plans, Brigadier General Buster Glosson. The paper examines the joint force air component commander (JFACC) objectives and problems that occurred during DESERT STORM. For example, Phase I, the Strategic Air Campaign, was never successfully completed primarily because of premature acceleration of Phase III, Battlefield Preparation. Having 50 percent of the Marine air withheld from JFACC's control only exacerbated the strategic bombing problem. Another problem was battle damage assessment (BDA). BDA rules defining a tank kill were not standardized and became more restrictive as G-Day approached. This was a problem that had to be resolved in order to insure significant numbers of Iraqi tanks, armored personnel carriers, and artillery were destroyed prior to the onset of ground operations. Finally, this paper addresses some of Army's complaints with the JFACC. Corps commanders wanted to be given a set number of daily sorties and claimed that the JFACC ignored corps inputs. This was understandable for two reasons. There was a lack of timely intelligence available to the corps and the corps commanders were not aware of many CINC constraints placed upon the JFACC.
Counterinsurgency in Iraq (2003-2006): RAND Counterinsurgency Study -- Volume 2
[ { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Bruce R. Pirnie", "id": "" }, { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Edward O'Connell", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer security", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Population", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Civilian population", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Focus (optics)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Iraq war", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Medicine", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Environmental health", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Physics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Optics", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
Examines the deleterious effects of the U.S. failure to focus on protecting the Iraqi population for most of the military campaign in Iraq and analyzes the failure of a technologically driven counterinsurgency (COIN) approach. It outlines strategic considerations relative to COIN; presents an overview of the conflict in Iraq; describes implications for future operations; and offers recommendations to improve the U.S. capability to conduct COIN.
The revolution in military affairs: Its driving forces, elements, and complexity
[ { "affiliations": [ { "country": "Germany", "display_name": "Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy", "id": "", "lat": 53.569805, "long": 9.975609, "type": "facility" }, { "country": "Germany", "display_name": "Universität Hamburg", "id": "", "lat": 53.55073, "long": 9.99302, "type": "education" } ], "display_name": "Götz Neuneck", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Revolution in Military Affairs", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Context (archaeology)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Panacea (medicine)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Information revolution", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military threat", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Cyberwarfare", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political economy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer security", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Economics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Medicine", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Paleontology", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Alternative medicine", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Pathology", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Biology", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
[ "", "", "", "", "" ]
Abstract The current concept of a “revolution in military affairs” (RMA) mainly characterizes the transformation of the US military to smaller, more lethal forces. It is driven by structural changes in the international system, the high investment in R&D and military expenditures by the US government, the dramatic advancements in information and communication technologies, and the integration of these military, doctrinal, and technological factors into new military structures and tactics. This current revolution in American affairs has been a capital‐intensive evolution, and while these innovations have lead to tactical victories over opposing forces on the battlefield, it is not yet clear that they have contributed to stability in the larger strategic context. Indeed, even the tactical advantages are eroding as potential and existing opponents retool their own military doctrines. The strategic response runs the length of technological spectrum, from the development of countermeasures such as in the proliferation of WMD to the development of effective low‐tech warfare strategies and tactics like IEDs detonated by cell phone. The proliferation of conventional weapons combines with the adaptation of new asymmetric tactics to offer a particularly grim forecast of the future. The Iraqi war demonstrates that the fog of war is not overcome, nor are wars fought with precision‐guided munitions necessarily “clean.” In short, the sophisticated weapons and communications platforms of RMA are no panacea for the ills of the modern world. The key task for the globalized world is first and foremost to develop strategies to win the “hearts and minds” of people in zones of violent conflict. The inclusion of civil society is a basic element, and armed forces should seek the dialogue with the civil society before it comes to war. Moreover, efforts must be redoubled to develop new methods for effective arms control. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Complexity, 2008
[ { "display_name": "Complexity", "id": "", "type": "journal" } ]
Application of unmanned combat aerial vehicles in future battles of the subcontinent
[ { "affiliations": [ { "country": "India", "display_name": "Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses", "id": "", "lat": 28.57256, "long": 77.148766, "type": "government" } ], "display_name": "Chiradeep Ghosh", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Battle", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Aeronautics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Adversary", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military tactics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Power (physics)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer security", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Operations research", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "History", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Physics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Archaeology", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Quantum mechanics", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
[ "" ]
The experiences of the Gulf and Kosovo Wars brought several strategies to the forefront, and the supremacy of air power was clearly established. While strategic air power cannot win the battle all by itself, as was also clearly established in the Gulf War, air power made it easy for the ground forces to complete the annihilation of the Iraqi Army. That is why the war strategists do not have any doubt that some form of air power will decide the course of future battles. Such deliberations naturally bring the factor of the unmanned combat aerial vehicle (UCAV) to the forefront. The UCAV has not only the attraction of keeping combat casualties low but overcomes many human limitations. The unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) will be smaller, faster and more agile than manned fighters. Such unmanned vehicles could be used in preference to manned flights in a dense air defence battle space optimised by low looking radars and QRMs (quick reaction missiles). They will be very useful in keeping long vigil on enemy activities and passing on information to the command posts. The UCAV concept is technically feasible. UCAVs can meet the operational needs and fit into a sound plan of operations. Historical biases for manned aircraft should not be a stumbling block for embracing this technology in the futuristic technology driven wars. These forces need to be understood and their application made accordingly. No doubt, the Indian Air Force has taken a step in the right direction by inducting them in its force structure.
[ { "display_name": "Strategic Analysis", "id": "", "type": "journal" } ]
Spaghetti: systems thinking and the US Army
[ { "affiliations": [ { "country": "United States", "display_name": "United States Army Command and General Staff College", "id": "", "lat": 39.31111, "long": -94.92246, "type": "education" } ], "display_name": "M. Albert Thomas", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Doctrine", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military doctrine", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Systems thinking", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Strategic thinking", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Management", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Strategic planning", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Economics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Artificial intelligence", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
[ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
In the mid-2000s, the United States Army was embroiled in counterinsurgency missions in Iraq and Afghanistan that required deeper understanding of local social systems. The Army turned to systems thinking and design thinking to model and understand the world, define problems, and develop approaches to strategic and operational challenges. However, the Army’s approach as expressed in publications and doctrine encourages the development of complicated, unsupported, and unfalsifiable hypotheses. The risk is that the Army will act on incorrect assumptions and develop plans that are fragile.
[ { "display_name": "Defence Studies", "id": "", "type": "journal" } ]
CERP in Afghanistan: Refining Military Capabilities in Development Activities
[ { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Gregory A. Johnson", "id": "" }, { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Vijaya Ramachandran", "id": "" }, { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Julie Walz", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Military theory", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Revolution in Military Affairs", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Competence (human resources)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Government (linguistics)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Officer", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Variety (cybernetics)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Work (physics)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Public relations", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Management", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Economics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Mechanical engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Linguistics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Philosophy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Artificial intelligence", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
Carl Schramm, president and chief executive officer of the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, published a paper in Foreign Affairs in 2010 entitled Expeditionary Economics, arguing that the economies of Iraq and Afghanistan have shown few signs of progress. Schramm makes the case for the military to engage broadly in midconfiict and postconflict reconstruction using a variety of tools. Economic reconstruction must be a part of a three-legged strategy, following invasion and stabilization. To do reconstruction, the military needs to expand its areas of competence, rid itself of its central planning mentality, and become a more flexible force that can facilitate economic growth while trying to stabilize the regions in which it is engaged.The challenges of implementing expeditionary economics are daunting. The overarching question is whether it makes sense for the military to engage beyond the limited aims of stabilization. In this article, we take a practical view, arguing that the military is already substantially engaged in both stability and development activities in Afghanistan and conflict and postconflict zones, and that we need to figure out ways in which it can do its work more efficiently and effectively. We emphasize that our recommendations do not advocate that the military take over all development activities for the U.S. Government. They are, however, designed to address the military's capacity to carry out what it is already doing in Afghanistan and in in-conflict situations, where the military is playing a significant role because of the security concerns or lack of ability of government entities to carry out development assistance.Emergence of Stability Operations in the MilitaryThe recent doctrinal emergence of stability operations in the military is based primarily on the changing international dynamics that followed the end of the Cold War. Types of U.S. operations radically shifted in the 1990s after the dissolution of the Soviet Union and conclusion of major combat operations in the Gulf War. The military became more engaged in so-called operations than war,1 which included peacekeeping, humanitarian assistance, security assistance, counterdrug, and nation assistance missions. Deployments became frequent and diverse and spanned the globe. Moreover, the United States was involved in a stability engagement every 18 to 24 months following die Cold War.2 Nevertheless, the operations outlined in other than war were doctrinally not identified as core missions for the military, and many in the Defense Establishment viewed them as distractions from the military's primary role of preparing for and winning the Nation's wars.A monumental shift in thinking occurred following the terrorist attacks of 9/11. The realization that the attacks materialized from individuals and entities who operated from unstable, weak, and failing states directly led to a strategic security shift in the 2002 National Security Strategy (NSS). The 2002 NSS recognized development as a primary security mechanism on par with defense and diplomacy. The aligning of the three Ds of national security raised awareness of the potential that foreign development assistance could have in stabilizing regions and in mitigating terrorism and potential insurgencies.3 Meanwhile, military operations had begun in Afghanistan and would soon begin in Iraq, thrusting the military into operations that would become counterinsurgency engagements. The military incorporated seized Iraqi funds to create a program that was designed to pay for projects that would help stabilize military units' operating areas.4 This program evolved into the Commander's Emergency Response Program (CERP), which was formally initiated in late 2003 using U.S. -appropriated funds for both Iraq and Afghanistan.5 Designed to enhance interagency cooperation, improve stability, and build capacity by working closely with local officials, Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRTs) were established in Afghanistan and later in Iraq. …
[ { "display_name": "Prism: A Journal of the Center for Complex Operations", "id": "", "type": "journal" } ]
The Case for a National Security Strategy
[ { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Michael Evans", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Cold war", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Politics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Government (linguistics)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Extant taxon", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Globalization", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "National security", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political economy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Public administration", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Economy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Economics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Philosophy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Linguistics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Evolutionary biology", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Biology", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
Since the end of the Cold War, Australian strategic policy has been forced to confront a series of challenges stemming from the changed political conditions of an era marked by globalisation. Australia's response to the 1999 crisis in East Timor, to the attacks on the United States of September 11, 2001, and to the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq has been pragmatic and incremental. Although extant strategic guidance in the form of Defence 2000 upholds a geographical focus on 'Defence of Australia', the Howard government did not hesitate to adjust policy, where necessary, to meet new global requirements. In particular, over the last decade, the Australian Army has been refashioned from a force designed for continental defence towards a mobile expeditionary force capable of serving political interests rather than geographical environments.
[ { "display_name": "Quadrant", "id": "", "type": "journal" } ]
The 2008 Battle of Sadr City: Reimagining Urban Combat
[ { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "David E. Johnson", "id": "" }, { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "M. Wade Markel", "id": "" }, { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Brian D. Shannon", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Battle", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Adversary", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Government (linguistics)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Public administration", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Geography", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer security", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Archaeology", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Linguistics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Philosophy", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
Abstract : This monograph was written as part of a project that assessed U.S. military operations in Sadr City, principally in spring and early summer 2008, to stop Shiite extremists from firing short-range rockets and mortars into the International Zone. These operations also set the conditions to allow stability and Iraqi government control to be extended to the whole of Baghdad. This study of the Battle of Sadr City offers insights and lessons learned that can inform a broader understanding of urban operations particularly those conducted as part of irregular warfare and thereby help the Army understand what capabilities it will need in the future. In late March 2008 a key battle took place in Sadr City, a Shia area of Baghdad with an estimated 2.4 million residents. This battle solidified the authority of Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and enabled him to extend government control to the whole of Baghdad. Thus, the battle helped create conditions in which U.S. forces could realize important contemporary operational objectives in Iraq. The U.S. and Iraqi security forces that fought the battle had as their objective the stopping of enemy activity, rather than clearing insurgents from Sadr City. Their methods and success provide lessons for how U.S. forces might reimagine the conduct of urban operations, particularly in large cities that will likely be a key challenge in the future. This monograph adds to a small but growing body of literature on the Battle of Sadr City. The action did attract some journalistic attention, mostly because of the extensive use of unmanned drones and other high-technology assets. Indeed, 60 Minutes aired a segment on the battle. Within U.S. military circles, such debate as has occurred has centered on the relative value of lethal force and reconstruction in counterinsurgency. In spite of the battle s importance, relatively little has been written about it. RAND Arroyo Center s study was designed to provide a more complete description of the
Women in the Army - Review of the Combat Exclusion Policy
[ { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Scott Mills", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Scrutiny", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Doctrine", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military doctrine", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Ambiguity", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military threat", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military personnel", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Public administration", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Philosophy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Linguistics", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
Abstract : Recent military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan have renewed the debate about the assignment policies of women to combat positions in the United States Armed Forces. A strategic manpower issue for DOD concerns how the services, especially the Army employs women in its operational formations. As a result, the assignment policies for women in the Army are under increased scrutiny. The current policy is unclear and confusing. This vagueness and ambiguity has placed unnecessary stress and burdens of the combat commanders in the field. Additionally, Army transformation efforts and operations in Iraq and Afghanistan enabled the Army to reevaluate its war fighting doctrine as well as its organizational structures. These changes in war fighting doctrine have further highlighted the need to reconsider the policies that govern how women are employed in combat. It is time for the Department of Defense and the United States Congress to change the current combat-exclusion policy and law.
A New Military Framework for NATO
[ { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Hans Binnendijk", "id": "" }, { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "David C. Gompert", "id": "" }, { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Richard L. Kugler", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "North Atlantic Treaty", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Alliance", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Politics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Portfolio", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Treaty", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer security", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Business", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Finance", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq", "Israel" ]
Overview Although Americans and Europeans do not always agree on political strategies in the Middle East, they have a compelling reason to reach an accord on the need to strengthen North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) military forces for future operations in that region and elsewhere. If adequate military capabilities are lacking, the Alliance will not be able to act even when its political leaders agree on the need to do so. But if it creates such capabilities, it will be able to act either ad hoc or across the board if a common political strategy eventually were to emerge. This article proposes a new and comprehensive military framework to help guide NATO improvements in the years ahead. This framework envisions a pyramid-like structure of future NATO forces and capabilities in five critical areas: a new NATO Special Operations Force, the NATO Response Force, high-readiness combat forces, stabilization and reconstruction forces, and assets for defense sector development. The United States would provide one-third of the necessary forces, and Europe would be responsible for the other two-thirds. For the Europeans, creating these forces and capabilities is a viable proposition because they require commitment of only 10 percent of their active military manpower, plus investments in such affordable assets as information networks, smart munitions, commercial lift, logistics support, and other enablers. If NATO succeeds in creating these forces for power projection and expeditionary missions, it will possess a broad portfolio of assets for a full spectrum of operations against such threats as terrorism, the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, and cross-border aggression. Diplomats on both sides of the Atlantic are seeking to overcome the discord over the invasion of Iraq and to close ranks to meet a daunting set of shared security challenges, from defeating radical Islamic terrorism to controlling Iran's nuclear activities to building a free Iraq to achieving an Israeli-Palestinian settlement. Yet there remain deep differences over more basic issues: reliance on the use of force, the legitimacy of preemptive war, and whether to foment sweeping political change throughout the Middle East. Until these differences are settled, it will be difficult for the United States and its major European allies to formulate a serious common strategy or to act in unison in crises. Perhaps the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Secretary General will succeed in organizing a deep dialogue from which an agreed strategy will emerge. But even in the absence of a new grand accord, NATO can accomplish work of grand importance. The focus should be on developing a comprehensive, common framework for NATO defense capabilities and then proceeding programmatically to put real flesh on that framework. The logic is straightforward: * Capabilities for common action are needed, even though this action may not always be chosen (for non-Article V contingencies). * If and when a common strategy emerges, NATO must have the capabilities to execute it. * The United States and its European allies must be able to agree on necessary capabilities, even while unable to agree on grand strategy or on when and where those capabilities should be used. This paper proposes a new defense framework for NATO combat forces and other defense capabilities as a guide to force planning, priority-setting, and cooperative programs. The framework covers the full spectrum of dangers that Americans and Europeans agree exist and the capabilities needed by the Alliance to meet these dangers. The framework is capabilities-based, not threat-based, meaning that it is predicated on what NATO members think their alliance should be able to do, not on predictions of who their enemies might be. The framework has structural integrity in that each piece fits with the others, making the whole stronger than the sum of the parts. …
The strategic utility of U.S. Navy Seals
[ { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Erick Peterson", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Navy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Action (physics)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Strategic planning", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Operations research", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Operations management", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Business", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Marketing", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Physics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Quantum mechanics", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
Abstract : The current insurgency in Iraq has necessitated the overwhelming use of special operations forces (SOF) in operational and tactical roles. With an expected draw down in Iraq, it is time to refocus SOCOM on the strategic utility of SOF, specifically on the Maritime arm of SOCOM, the Sea Air Land (SEALs). SEALs bring unique capabilities based on their comparative advantage in direct action and their familiarity with the maritime domain. This comparative advantage contributes to their strategic utility as a short duration, direct action force working from land and sea. The SEAL culture, based on the history of the organization, their recruitment, selection and training, has historically focused on direct action operations. Insistence of indirect action will atrophy the skill sets of these maritime commandos. Historic research will illustrate successful strategic uses of SEALs in an effort to provide guidelines to decision makers. These decision makers must incorporate a balanced approach to the war, where an over-reaction and over commitment of forces to one mission set will likely imperil, not help, U.S. strategy. The Navy SEALs have an historic and proven comparative advantage in direct action based operations and best serve SOCOM's strategy fulfilling their strategic utility.
Forging the Future of American Security with a Total Force Strategy
[ { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Ltc Bruce Floersheim", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Opposition (politics)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Balance (ability)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Impossibility", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "National security", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political economy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law and economics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Economics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Politics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Psychology", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Neuroscience", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
An intense debate now rages concerning whether the Army should be preparing and organizing to conduct more ambiguous, irregular operations or focus on maintaining its well honed edge in high-intensity warfare. The terms of the debate are clearly affected by the fact that United States is currently embroiled in perilous counterinsurgency and other irregular operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. Should the Army recalibrate itself to wage counterinsurgency and other irregular operations more effectively, or does it need to keep doing what it does best with an eye to future conventional warfare? Given the impossibility of accurately predicting the character of future conflict, it is necessary for the Army to strike a balance between the extremes. But for the Army to effectively implement a policy of “balance,” it must be prepared to dramatically change the way it organizes itself and drop its opposition to specializing its forces for irregular and conventional warfare, respectively. The approach that the Army should take should be based upon a Total Force construct. By utilizing the entire Total Force portfolio, it should be possible to better optimize the mix of ground units prepared for conventional war, irregular war or peace operations to avoid a mis-match between national security strategy and military force. In this manner, it may be possible to stake our claim on the hard won lessons of Iraq and Afghanistan, yet hedge against the unknowable future.
[ { "display_name": "Orbis", "id": "", "type": "journal" } ]
Baghdad: The Urban Sanctuary in Desert Storm
[ { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "William M. Arkin", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Desert (philosophy)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Strategic bombing", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Infantry", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Happening", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Countdown", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Lament", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "History", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Power (physics)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Spanish Civil War", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Performance art", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Art", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Art history", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Physics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Literature", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Quantum mechanics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Aerospace engineering", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
Abstract : WITH THE EARLY morning attack on the Al Firdos (Amiriyah) shelter on 13 February, Gen Colin Powell thought that Baghdad bombing had run its course. What's the value of making the rubble bounce, he told his staff. We have got to review things to make sure we're not bombing just for the sake of indiscriminate bombing. What an odd and inaccurate image for the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to hold. If ever there was a bombing campaign that was not indiscriminate, it was Baghdad in Operation Desert Storm. Yet for all the visibility of the Iraqi capital, and for all the briefings--public and classified--General Powell could not see what was happening. Years later, in his autobiography, he would still ask if air power needed to pound downtown Baghdad over a month into the war. Airmen might lament Powell's infantry bias, but such an institutional explanation glosses over far more important matters. If Desert Storm was the first information war, as some claim, the Air Force stumbled badly. Even the highest military and civilian decision makers evidently did not understand the bombing campaign. Moreover, disproportionate attention focused on Baghdad--an otherwise statistically minor part of the air war-bred misguided assumptions about targeting and strategy, ones that persist to this day.
[ { "display_name": "Air & Space Power Journal", "id": "", "type": "journal" } ]
Airlift Capabilities for Future U.S. Counterinsurgency Operations
[ { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Robert C. Owen", "id": "" }, { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Karl P. Mueller", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Military doctrine", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Insurgency", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Strategic bombing", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Doctrine", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "North Atlantic Treaty", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Government (linguistics)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "National security", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Firepower", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Public administration", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Spanish Civil War", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Politics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Linguistics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Philosophy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Archaeology", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "History", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
Abstract : As its prominence as a national security challenge has grown since 2001, insurgency has become a subject of increasing interest across the armed services, in the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD), and elsewhere in the U.S. Government. Although ongoing operations in Afghanistan and Iraq give particular immediacy to the problem, the challenge of combating insurgencies extends well beyond these specific conflicts. It is important, therefore, that the U.S. Air Force (USAF) consider how best to meet the growing demand for airpower in joint and multinational counterinsurgency operations and that other services' and DoD-wide reassessments of the subject take the potential roles of airpower in counterinsurgency fully into account. To address these and related policy challenges, RAND Project AIR FORCE conducted a fiscal year 2005 project entitled USAF's Role in Countering Insurgencies. The core study addressed four major policy questions: (1) What threat do modern insurgencies pose to U.S. interests? (2) What strategy should the United States pursue to counter insurgent threats? (3) What role does military power play in defeating insurgencies? and (4) What steps should the USAF take to contribute most effectively to counterinsurgency? This monograph, prepared for the same project, examines the role of airlift in counterinsurgency. It begins by analyzing the strategic, operational, and tactical roles and effects of airlift in counterinsurgency, drawing on counterinsurgency theory, U.S. military experience, and USAF doctrine. Based on this survey, it then addresses the question of whether the airlift requirements of counterinsurgency call for specialized airlift forces or are merely another task best handled by the general-purpose airlift fleet. Finally, it examines airlift in the foreign internal defense (FID) program, through which the United States seeks to assist partner states in dealing with insurgent threats before they require U.S. intervention.
The 2008 Battle of Sadr City
[ { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "David E. Johnson", "id": "" }, { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "M. Wade Markel", "id": "" }, { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Brian D. Shannon", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Battle", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Rand corporation", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Doctrine", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Government (linguistics)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Research center", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Management", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Public administration", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Command and control", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Operations research", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "History", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Archaeology", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Linguistics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Philosophy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Economics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Aerospace engineering", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
Abstract : This paper was written as part of an ongoing project entitled The Battle of Sadr City. The project aims to assess the U.S. operations, principally in spring and early summer 2008, to stop Shiite extremists from firing short-range rockets and mortars into the International Zone from Sadr City. This battle also set the conditions designed to allow stability and Iraqi government control to be extended to the whole of Baghdad. This paper summarizes the research still in progress and is meant to provide insights and lessons learned from the Battle of Sadr City that can inform a broader understanding of urban operations -- particularly those conducted as part of irregular warfare -- and thereby help the Army understand what capabilities it will need in the future. The research results are not yet final. Another document will address topics discussed in this paper and should be useful to those seeking an in-depth examination of the Battle of Sadr City. This research is sponsored by the Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff, G-8, Headquarters, Department of the Army, and is being conducted in RAND Arroyo Center's Strategy, Doctrine, and Resources Program. RAND Arroyo Center, part of the RAND Corporation, is a federally funded research and development center sponsored by the United States Army. Questions and comments regarding this research are welcome and should be directed to the leader of the research team, David E. Johnson, at [email protected]. The Project Unique Identification Code (PUIC) for the project that produced this document is ASPMO09426.
Diversionary American Military Actions?: American Military Strikes on Grenada and Iraq
[ { "affiliations": [ { "country": "United States", "display_name": "Eastern Illinois University", "id": "", "lat": 39.484444, "long": -88.17528, "type": "education" } ], "display_name": "Brett A. Hall", "id": "" }, { "affiliations": [ { "country": "United States", "display_name": "Eastern Illinois University", "id": "", "lat": 39.484444, "long": -88.17528, "type": "education" } ], "display_name": "Ryan C. Hendrickson", "id": "" }, { "affiliations": [ { "country": "United States", "display_name": "Eastern Illinois University", "id": "", "lat": 39.484444, "long": -88.17528, "type": "education" } ], "display_name": "Nathan M. Polak", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Action (physics)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military history", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Operations research", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Criminology", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Psychology", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Physics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Quantum mechanics", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
Research on potential diversionary uses of military force continues to generate widespread scholarly attention. New measures, novel databases, and an increasing internationalization of this research examine the kinds of targets an American president may strike. Yet in many respects, Levy's insight on research of diversionary military action(s), that quantitative research approaches fail to capture the decision-making dynamics involved in a military action, has generally held true. Current analysts still struggle to develop a consensus on the conditions that help explain a diversionary military action, or whether such military actions ever even occur. Using a diversionary-war model created from previous case-study analyses this research examines American military actions in Grenada in 1983 and Iraq in 1996 to determine whether or not these strikes appear to be diversionary in nature. Our model also employs previous research on diversionary military action to assist in the selection of American military actions, followed by a series of tests to assess various aspects of the decision-making process, international interaction prior to and after the strikes, and the strategic merits for conducting these strikes. Our research generally suggests that neither of these strikes was conducted for diversionary purposes.
[ { "display_name": "Comparative Strategy", "id": "", "type": "journal" } ]
Teaching Strategy: Challenge and Response
[ { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Gabriel Marcella", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Parade", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Presumption", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Public relations", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Public administration", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Engineering ethics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Engineering", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
Abstract : The general topic of this book became part of a very public debate in the United States in 2009, and it continues today. That debate concerns how one should teach strategy in our system of professional military education (PME). The genesis of the debate was alleged shortcomings in strategy in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, or what some critics have called failures in strategy and strategic leadership. The allegations subsequently led some members of Congress to turn their attention specifically to the PME system since that is where our military leaders supposedly learn their skills in formulating and implementing strategy. And so the question: Is there something wrong with the PME system? A virtual parade of experts has testified on various aspects of this question before special hearings conducted by the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations.1 In some circles, a presumption existed that the PME system had failed this country by failing to educate senior leaders on how to produce sound and effective strategy. According to this line of reasoning, those senior military leaders were at least partly responsible for the strategic shortcomings or failures.
Bringing ‘Nature of War’ into Irregular Warfare Strategy: Contemporary Applications of Clausewitz’s Trinity
[ { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Colonel Thomas A. Drohan", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Philosophy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Epistemology", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Environmental ethics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "History", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
Click to increase image sizeClick to decrease image size Notes 1 Martin van Creveld, The Transformation of War: The Most Radical Reinterpretation of War Since Clausewitz (New York: Free Press 1991); Rupert Smith, The Utility of Force: The Art of War in the Modern World (New York: Penguin 2006). 2 See Thomas X. Hammes, The Sling and the Stone: On War in the 21st Century (St Paul, MN: Zenith Press 2004), and Max G. Max Manwaring, Street Gangs: The New Urban Insurgency (Carlisle, PA: Strategic Studies Institute of the US Army War College 2005). 3 See Max Manwaring (ed.), Uncomfortable Wars: Toward a New Paradigm of Low-Intensity Conflict (Boulder, CO: Westview Press 1991); Max Boot, Savage Wars of Peace: Small Wars and the Rise of American Power (New York: Basic Books 2003). 4 See Ben Lambeth, Mastering the Ultimate High Ground: Next Steps in the Military Uses of Space (Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 2003) and Peter Hays, James Smith, Alan Van Tassel, Guy Walsh (eds.), Spacepower for a New Millennium: Space and US National Security (New York: McGraw-Hill 2000) on the question of whether space technologies represent a ‘revolution in military affairs’ or an ‘enabler’ of such a revolution. Gregory Rattray, Strategic Warfare in Cyberspace (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press 2001) p.20: ‘The use of non-violent digital attacks to achieve political objectives must be understood as a new form of warfare. Compared to other types of military force, digital warfare represents a type of microforce.’ 5 See William McRaven, Spec Ops: Case Studies in Special Operations Warfare Theory and Practice (Novato, CA: The Presidio Press 1996) propounds ‘the theory’ of special operations, based on a quick and temporary measure of relative superiority that wanes as the operation proceeds; David Tucker and Christopher J. Lamb, United States Special Operations Forces (New York: Columbia UP 2007)advocates an organizational separation of special operations into kinetic and non-kinetic commands. 6 See Brynjar Lia, Architect of Global Jihad: The Life of Al Qaeda Strategist Abu Mus’ab al-Suri (New York: Hurst & Columbia UP, 2007; Bard O’Neill, Insurgency & Terrorism (Washington DC: Brassey’s 1990); Andrew Exum, Hizballah at War: A Military Assessment (Washington DC: The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, Dec. 2006). 7 Carl von Clausewitz, On War, edited and translated by Michael Howard and Peter Paret (Princeton UP1989) p.89. 8 Ibid., pp.88–9. 9 Given the impact of the Renaissance on Clausewitz, he combines existentialism and rational instrumentalism in a comprehensive view on war. See the outstanding work of Andreas Herberg-Rothe, Clausewitz’s Puzzle: The Political Theory of War (Oxford: O UP 2007). For concise descriptions of philosophical terms, see Ted Honderich, The Oxford Guide to Philosophy (Oxford: O UP 2005. ‘Violence’ refers not only to the physical use of force, but also to psychological sources of it –- hatred, enmity, and passions. ‘Chance’ includes probability, degree of belief, relative frequency, propensity, and likelihood (Honderich, p. 134). ‘Reason’ involves the rational subordination of war as an active instrument to achieve a desired policy. 10 On an interpretation of ‘Trinitarian war’ that focuses on who wages it rather than its conditions as tendencies, see van Creveld, The Transformation of War (note 1) pp.35–42. 11 The ‘three-block war’ as described by retired General Charles Krulak, US Marine Corps, at a National Press Club in Washington DC, 10 Oct. 1997. 12 Amin Tarzi, ‘The Neo-Taliban’, The Taliban and the Crisis of Afghanistan (Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP 2008) pp.274–310. See p.278: Former Taliban dispersed and jailed leaders were released as a result of this policy. 13 Bing West, The Strongest Tribe: War, Politics and the Endgame in Iraq (New York: Random House 2008). 14 Giles Dorronsoro, ‘Taliban Strategy in Afghanistan is Smart Politics, So US Needs to Wise Up’, US News and World Report, 20 Feb. 2009. 15 Clausewitz, On War (note 7) p.117. 16 Mission type orders are instructions from a higher command to fulfill mission objectives without micro-managing exactly how to achieve them. Ideally, commanders will provide subordinates with clear objectives and adequate resources, but not dictate how to use the resources to the degree that would stifle innovation and initiative. 17 Constantin A. Coilponea and Cristian A. Iancu, ‘Alternative Strategies for Iraq’, US Naval Postgraduate School Thesis, June 2007, p.19: McCormick’s Mystic Diamond model illustrates the conditions, dynamics, and complexity of an insurgency and prescribes the appropriate steps for successful counterinsurgency strategy. This application of this model has become popular in Naval Post Graduate School theses and beyond. 18 Linda Robinson, Tell Me How This Ends: General David Petraeus and the Search for a Way Out of Iraq (New York: Public Affairs Books 2008) p.123. 19 Muqtada al-Sadr and the Mahdi Army of Baghdad Shi’ites provide one example. 20 This is appears to be what happened when former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld envisioned and micro-directed a high-technology, rapid invasion of Iraq while suppressing planning for an insurgency phase in the war. See Michael R. Gordon and Bernard E. Trainor, Cobra II: The Inside Story of the Invasion and Occupation of Iraq (New York: Pantheon Books 2006). 21 For an in-depth look at the types of processes arguably required for such advanced intelligence analysis, see, Wayne Michael Hall and Gary Citrenbaum, Intelligence Analysis: How to Think in Complex Environments (Denver, CO: Praeger Security International 2010). In the initial analytical process of ‘decomposition,’ for instance, analysts are enjoined to ‘not quit the decomposition process just because they do not know how the resultant observables will be collected against’ (p.91). 22 Peter R. Mansoor, Baghdad at Sunrise: A Brigade Commander’s War in Iraq (New Haven, CT: Yale UP 2008) p.xx. 23 One of the criticisms of Clausewitz is that he gave short shrift to economic factors. In some insurgent situations, economic incentives may be as important as political goals. 24 What David Killcullen describes as ‘political maneuver’ informs a full strategy that considers local conditions before applying the four general principles of security, governance, development, and information. The Accidental Guerilla: Fighting Small Wars in the Midst of a Big One (New York: OUP 2009). See p. 71. 25 Joint Publication 1-02 and Air Force Doctrine Document 2-3 (, Dec. 2007)p.1: ‘Foreign internal defense (FID) is defined as participation by civilian and military agencies of a government in any of the action programs taken by another government to free and protect its society from subversion, lawlessness, and insurgency (Joint Publication [JP] 1-02, Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms).’ FM 3-05.130 (Sept. 2008) p. 1-3, adds a restriction: ‘Forces conduct FID with recognized HN regular forces.’ 26 This term is used instead of ‘lines of operation’ to remind planners and practitioners in assorted activities of the common desired effects. 27 As of April 2008, all ethnic groups and 33 of 34 provinces were represented among the 700-plus cadets. Ethnic breakdown: 37% Pashto, 35% Tajik, 12% Hazara, 8% Uzbek, and 8% other ethnic groups. 28 See Frank Kitson, Low Intensity Operations: Subversion, Insurgency and Peacekeeping (Harrisburg, PA: Stackpole Books 1971), Chapter 4, ‘The Preparatory Period’, pp.60–94. 29 That On War is an incomplete product presents an enduring interpretational challenge. However, the Book and Chapter that culminates in the Trinity is regarded to have been considered complete by Clausewitz. See Hew Strachan, Clausewitz’s On War: A Biography (New York: Atlantic Monthly Press 2007), p. 71: ‘Much has to be inferred from the note written by Clausewitz in 1827, which Marie [Karl von Clausewitz’s widow] cited, and which is published as an Introduction to every edition of On War ,and to a further note which was unfinished and undated, in which he says that he regarded only Book 1, chapter 1, as finished ‘“but will at least serve the whole by indicating the direction I meant to follow everywhere”’.
[ { "display_name": "Defence Studies", "id": "", "type": "journal" } ]
Blair’s Record on Defence: A Strategic Analysis
[ { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "David Lonsdale", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Prime minister", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Perspective (graphical)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Foreign policy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Government (linguistics)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Public administration", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Politics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Linguistics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Philosophy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Artificial intelligence", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
The record of Blair’s period in office makes it inevitable that defence figures significantly in our perception of his time as Prime Minister. From operation Desert Fox in 1998, to the ongoing war in Iraq, Blair has revealed a propensity to use military force as a tool of policy. Whilst there has been much analysis concerning the implications for his relationship with his own party, little has been written from a Strategic Studies perspective. This work seeks to rectify this gap in the literature. In doing so the following chapter will present a dispassionate analysis of how effectively Blair has used military force to achieve his policy objectives. There is no other way a strategic analyst should judge the former Prime Minister. Such an approach is not only correct from a conceptual perspective, but is also in line with the standards set by the Blair government itself. The 1998 Strategic Defence Review differentiated itself from the reviews of the previous Conservative governments by claiming that foreign policy goals would drive defence policy. Indeed, the review opens with a section entitled ‘A Strategic Approach to Defence’.
[ { "display_name": "Palgrave Macmillan UK eBooks", "id": "", "type": "ebook platform" } ]
American Naval Thinking in the Post-Cold War Era: The U.S. Navy and the Emergence of a Maritime Strategy, 1989-2007
[ { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Peter Haynes", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Navy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Cold war", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Grand strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Relevance (law)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "History", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Aeronautics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Politics", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
Abstract : The study links a description and what is at times an unpleasant analysis of the evolution of U.S. naval strategy from 1989 to 2007, which marked the release of a maritime strategy called A Cooperative Strategy for 21st Century Seapower, to an explanation of the forces that influenced its course. The study seeks to understand how the U.S. Navy arrived at its current strategic outlook and why it took nearly two decades for a maritime strategy to emerge in an era in which the relative saliency of such should have been more apparent. It argues that the Cold War s unexpected passing did little to alter the conceptual framework that governed U.S. strategy or the structure of American naval thinking, whose respective elements and their interactions pushed maritime-oriented ideas to the margins during the post-Cold War era as they had during the Cold War. It took an implausible series of events for a maritime strategy to emerge, which included the shock that the United States could lose its war in Iraq which called into question long-standing assumptions about U.S. strategy, threatened the Navy s relevance, and brought about a systemically oriented U.S. strategic approach and the appearance of two maritime-minded Navy leaders.
Towards a Flexible Theater Air Warfare Doctrine
[ { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Mark A. Gunzinger", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Doctrine", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Victory", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Offensive", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Opposition (politics)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Strategic bombing", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military doctrine", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Adversary", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Power (physics)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Desert (philosophy)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Navy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Politics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Operations research", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "World War II", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer security", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Physics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Quantum mechanics", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
Abstract : Mitchell was right. These words hung in the foyer of the Air Force Air Command and Staff College during Desert Storm, reflecting the belief that air power had finally come of age in the skies over Iraq. As the nation learned of one successful air strike after another, it became obvious that something was significantly different about America's latest war. Expectations rose that Coalition Air Forces could win a decisive victory without the need for a costly ground assault. That the air campaign did not obviate the need for a ground offensive has not stopped post-war speculation that a few more days or weeks of strategic air attacks might have led to Saddam's capitulation. This essay traces the theoretical underpinnings of the Desert Storm strategic air campaign, examines its key assumptions, and reviews barriers to developing a more flexible doctrine for future limited conflicts. Air Force strategic air warfare doctrine is rooted in the theories of the earliest air power advocates, including Giulio Douhet, Brigadier General William Billy Mitchell, and the men of the Air Corps Tactical School. Although theory has continued to evolve in response to technological advances, these advocates' core belief that air power could win a decisive victory without the need to first destroy an enemy's army was also a key assumption of the Desert Storm strategic air campaign plan. In fact, the initial Air Force campaign proposal did not target Saddam's Republican Guard divisions, a critical center of gravity. As the Air Force develops joint air warfare doctrine for the 21st Century, it must ensure it remains relevant for executing options against a wide range of potential conditions and centers of gravity. This will require Air Force airmen to challenge their deeply rooted beliefs on how air power can best support the joint campaign, as well as strategic air warfare's linkage to the Air Force as an independent service.
Distributed Operations: The Evolution of Warfare in the 21st Century
[ { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Mario A. Carazo", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Battlespace", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military doctrine", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Adversary", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Doctrine", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer security", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Infantry", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military tactics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Operational level of war", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Operations research", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Process (computing)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Joint (building)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Software deployment", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Battlefield", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Civil engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "World War II", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Ancient history", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Software engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Red Army's tactics in World War II", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "History", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Operating system", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
Abstract : The threats faced by America in the 21st century demand new innovative tactics, technologies, and doctrine. The time to introduce distributed operations is now. Despite the U.S. military's pressing requirements for Operations IRAQI FREEDOM and ENDURING FREEDOM, it must continue to develop and implement the concept of distributed In accordance with the National Military Strategy, the joint force must continue to evolve and leverage the asymmetrical strengths of the American military, primarily its technological advances and superbly trained forces. The concept of distributed operations takes these strengths and provides today's Joint Force Commander with an effects-based joint force capable of quickly defeating any future adversary's denial and anti-access strategy. In a July 2004, Corps Gazette article, Brigadier General Schmidle, the former Director of the Expeditionary Force Development Center, defined the Marine Corps version of distributed operations as characterized by the physical dispersion of networked units over an extended battlespace. Battalion- to squad-sized formations can conduct such operations. The article went on to add that the ability to conduct distributed operations would be an additive capability to the infantry battalions within the Marine Air Ground Task Force (MAGTF). The main tenets of distributed operations are as follows: (1) fully networked units utilizing technology capable of providing a common operational picture (COP), (2) physically dispersed units scattered throughout the battlefield, and (3) rapidly employed joint fire support assets through a compressed time-sensitive targeting process. Relevant throughout the entire spectrum of warfare, distributed operations embrace the evolution of the principles of war and operational functions in the 21st century, thereby addressing the need for new tools to defeat today's and tomorrow's adversaries.
Doctrine of Eternal Recurrence: The U.S. Military and Counterinsurgency Doctrine, 1960-1970 and 2003-2006. Rand Counterinsurgency Study, Paper 6.
[ { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Austin Long", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Doctrine", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military doctrine", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Insurgency", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Firepower", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Revolution in Military Affairs", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military intelligence", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Operations research", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "History", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Politics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Archaeology", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
[ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
Abstract : The publication of a new COIN doctrine manual in late 2006 was widely heralded as an indication that the U.S. military was finally coming to understand the problems it has recently faced in Iraq and Afghanistan. This interpretation assumes a tight linkage between doctrine as written and operations conducted. As one way to test this proposition, this paper compares modern COIN doctrine and operations with those of the 1960s. In the 1960s, COIN doctrine as written by both the U.S. Army and U.S. Marine Corps emphasized the role of the population (so-called hearts and minds), civil-military relations, small-unit operations, intelligence gathering, and related concepts. Yet operations seldom matched this written doctrine; instead, the military attempted to attrite the insurgency through large-scale operations and heavy reliance on firepower. In short, doctrine as written and operations conducted were not tightly linked. As at least a partial explanation for this weak linkage, this paper posits a deeper set of organizational concepts and beliefs that has a much greater influence on operations than written doctrine. While a set of beliefs can often be helpful to organizations in conducting their preferred missions, it can be detrimental in other contexts. Much of the U.S. military prefers high-intensity warfare, a mission for which the organization is mentally and materially well prepared. However, mental preparation for this mission makes the military poorly suited to COIN. Altering the set of beliefs oriented toward high-intensity warfare will require more than just new doctrine and some additional professional education. It will require significant reorientation of the services both mentally and materially. If correct, this paper casts doubt on the military's ability to truly be a full-spectrum force, because attempting to optimize for the full spectrum of conflict may produce a force that is not particularly good at any one aspect of that spectrum.
Mechanized Forces in Irregular Warfare
[ { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Irvin Oliver", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Infantry", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Doctrine", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Firepower", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military doctrine", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military tactics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Operations research", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "History", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Archaeology", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
AS THE ARMY develops a way forward in what General George W. Casey has called an of persistent conflict, it seems increasingly clear that mechanized forces are playing a diminishing role in favor of infantry-centric formations. However, while this improvisation has validity in the current operating environment, it discounts the utility of heavy forces in irregular warfare and implicitly assumes no need for armor in the future. The Army's doctrine for irregular warfare should include employment of mechanized forces, and training should incorporate the use of mechanized forces in all types of warfare. With the arrival of U.S. Marine Corps Ml Al tanks in Afghanistan, it may be worth considering giving mechanized forces a wider role in irregular warfare. For many, the initial view may be that mechanized forces have little or no place in the style of warfare common in Afghanistan for several mistaken reasons - the logistical burden, the perceived limitations of utility, and the relative strategic immobility. While there may be some validity in all of these criticisms, they are flawed or incomplete arguments that rely on tenuous assumptions. The primary consideration for introducing mechanized forces into irregular warfare situations should be the means of employment and type of terrain. The Army should reconsider the applicability of mechanized formations in all types of combat operations. Doctrine should clearly express mechanized forces' capabilities, limitations, and unique attributes in irregular warfare. Because it does not, their use is determined by local tactics, techniques, and procedures or word-of-mouth employment considerations. Such discovery learning was understandable during the early periods of combat operations in the current conflicts, but is unacceptable with almost ten years of combat experience within the current force. Doctrine should also formalize the acquired experience in Iraq and Afghanistan that may have wider application. One doctrinal field manual is insufficient for light and Stryker infantry units and mechanized units. Training should incorporate strategies used in current operations. Experience shows that some manner of light/heavy task organization is likely, and training should reflect that reality. Defense policy analyst Stephen Biddle writes of how important force employment is to victory in modern battle. Yet, defense planners and policy makers tend to overlook force employment and look to technology or new operational concepts for future battlefield victories.1 Technology continues to advance and evolve at ever-increasing rates, resulting in a much more rapid diffusion of its powers to potential enemies. This constant change limits U.S. ability to rely on a technological advantage against conventional or irregular forces. In addition, new operational concepts are rarely new or revolutionary, and trying to foresee the next revolution in military affairs risks leaving the Army to fight as it did in the previous war or to recreate itself based on fundamentally flawed assumptions. Transition within the Army According to Loren Thompson of the Lexington Institute, the Army is preparing for war against an irregular force that does not field formations like those from the era of industrial warfare.2 The recent conversion of two heavy brigade combat teams (BCTs) to Stryker BCTs makes it clear that the Army is moving toward a lighter-weight, infantrycentric force in the belief that it has less need for the firepower, protection, and shock effect that armor brings to a fight. This belief is partly due to the slow strategic mobility of heavy forces and the relatively low numbers of dismounted Soldiers in heavy BCTs. It is difficult to argue against more infantry within our formations, but beyond the obviously greater need for infantry, the Army should ask what role armored and mechanized forces could play in the future. How can we most effectively employ those forces? …
[ { "display_name": "Military review", "id": "", "type": "journal" } ]
Needed-A NATO Stabilization and Reconstruction Force
[ { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Hans Binnendijk", "id": "" }, { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Richard L. Kugler", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Summit", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Task force", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Alliance", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Joint (building)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "USable", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Public administration", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Civil engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Physical geography", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "World Wide Web", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Geography", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
Overview At the Istanbul Summit in June 2004, NATO endorsed the further transformation of military capabilities to make them modern, more usable, and more deployable to carry out the full range of Alliance missions. The Istanbul Communique especially called for continuing progress on the NATO Response Force and the Prague Capabilities Commitments. To accomplish this, NATO needs a new initiative for its defense agenda: creation of better forces and capabilities for stabilization and reconstruction (S&R) operations outside Europe, including the greater Middle East. The real challenge is to reorganize, refocus, and rebalance current assets so that NATO can respond promptly and effectively to future contingencies. This challenge can be met by creating a NATO S&R Force (SRF). This force would be a logical complement to the NATO Response Force , but would be structured differently. Instead of a small standing joint force, the SRF would consist of flexible and modular national forces totaling one or two division-equivalents, mostly ground forces, that could be assembled to generate the necessary mix of capabilities for S&R operations. In this new NATO defense concept, the combination of the NATO Response Force for rapid, forcible-entry missions, the Allied Rapid Reaction Corps or other High Readiness Forces for major combat operations under a combined joint task force, and an SRF would provide a full-spectrum capability for the new strategic environment. NATO adoption of this three-pillar posture will constitute a major step toward preparing for future responsibilities. Emerging Strategic Requirement NATO faces a permanent need for improved stabilization and reconstruction (S&R) military assets. To launch S&R operations in Bosnia, Kosovo, and Afghanistan, NATO had to assemble forces on an ad-hoc basis. Improvisation worked in these cases because the operations made only modest demands on existing forces and because mobilization was not urgent. Future contingencies might not be so accommodating. Although many of the necessary S&R capabilities exist within NATO and Partnership for Peace (PfP) forces, they are not organized into deployable assets that can provide cohesive, effective response options. A NATO Stabilization and Reconstruction Force (SRF) would transform these disparate and distributed capabilities into trained and ready assets for future S&R operations. The Istanbul defense agenda was a logical continuation of decisions made at the Prague Summit of 2002, which launched the NATO Response Force (NRF), the Prague Capabilities Commitments (PCC), and a new Allied Command Transformation (ACT). At Istanbul, political leaders endorsed further progress on these measures. They adopted new force goals, reformed the NATO defense planning process, and urged an intensified focus by members and the Alliance as a whole on creating usable forces and capabilities. These measures were embedded in a communique that called attention to growing security involvements in the zone from the Balkans to Central Asia. The same communique also pledged to expand NATO-led Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRTs) in Afghanistan, announced that NATO was prepared to help train Iraqi security forces, and offered the Istanbul Cooperation Initiative to nations of the Greater Middle East. The effect was to make clear that NATO security and defense horizons will continue expanding outside Europe. The Istanbul Summit set the stage for a focus on the next phase of NATO defense improvements. Requirements for S&R forces and capabilities are growing as NATO becomes more involved in military interventions requiring stabilization and reconstruction beyond Europe, especially in Central Asia and the Greater Middle East. In such contingencies, stabilization refers to the process of halting residual violence, suppressing remaining opposition, and bringing order and security to the occupied country. …
Together Forward?
[ { "display_name": "Champion", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Battlefield", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Pace", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "National security", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "George (robot)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Navy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Management", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Public administration", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Operations research", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "History", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Geography", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Ancient history", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Geodesy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Economics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Art history", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
This chapter examines debates over US policy in the summer of 2006, focusing particularly on the unhappy results of military efforts to tamp down violence in Baghdad. Two major military operations—Operations Together Forward I and II—were launched, intended, as the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Peter Pace, recalled, to “begin the process of turning over the battlefield responsibilities to the Iraqi armed forces.” Both were clear disappointments, however, revealing how unprepared Iraqi forces were to assume responsibility for their country's security. Iraqi forces themselves were, in the words of the National Security Council's Meghan O'Sullivan, “perpetuating acts of sectarian violence” and were “as much part of the problem as they are a solution to the problem.” Throughout the summer, NSC staff thus sought to press the Iraq country team for a review of Iraq strategy, and pushed the president to ask General George Casey, commander of Multi-National Force Iraq (MNF-I), harder questions about where the current approach was leading. However, MNF-I and the US Embassy in Iraq continued to champion existing plans, believing that the existing strategy merely required more time.
[ { "display_name": "Cornell University Press eBooks", "id": "", "type": "ebook platform" } ]
Choosing to Surge
[ { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Context (archaeology)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Administration (probate law)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Politics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "National security", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Public administration", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Public relations", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "History", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Archaeology", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
This chapter traces a series of climactic meetings of the National Security Council in December of 2006. By December, Vice President Dick Cheney thought it was “pretty clear that we've got to do something different than what we've been doing. December was then devoted to sort of nailing down what that was going to be.” The president and his advisors discussed fundamental issues regarding American goals and responsibilities in Iraq and increasingly concluded that only a surge option, as part of a change in military strategy and an effort at bottom-up political reconciliation in Iraq, could salvage the American mission there. That same month, the president visited the Joint Chiefs of Staff in their meeting room to hear and address their concerns about whether an intensified military effort in Iraq might overtax the US military and even “break the force.” In December, too, public discussion about the American future in Iraq was fueled by reports from the congressionally mandated Iraq Study Group, which advocated for a regional diplomatic strategy to help quell violence in Iraq, as well as from the American Enterprise Institute, which advocated increasing US forces in Iraq and pursuing a proper counterinsurgency strategy. The impact of these external reviews on the eventual surge decision remains hotly debated; the chapter helps place these efforts within the context of the internal administration policy process and Bush's decision making.
[ { "display_name": "Cornell University Press eBooks", "id": "", "type": "ebook platform" } ]
The Americans Withdrew from Iraq and Changed Military Strategy
[ { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Antonín Rašek", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Presidential system", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Iraq war", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Public administration", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Politics", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
American military strategy was preparing long before the US troops left Iraq. The published document reacted to circumstances after the end of Iraq conflict and planning withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2014. Pentagton's analysis underlined the fact that in the following years, US forces would not conduct wars similar to Afghanistan and Iraq. Defence secretary Leon Panetta told reporters that American forces were going to be smaller but more effective, innovative and technologically advanced. In spite of budget cuts, military expenditures were planned larger in volume then in the last year of G. W. Bush's presidential term.
[ { "display_name": "Vojenské rozhledy", "id": "", "type": "journal" } ]
"Just Get 'em in the Air"
[ { "affiliations": [ { "country": "United States", "display_name": "Florida State University", "id": "", "lat": 30.43826, "long": -84.28073, "type": "education" }, { "country": "United States", "display_name": "Vanderbilt University", "id": "", "lat": 36.144936, "long": -86.80269, "type": "education" } ], "display_name": "Joshua S. Aronoff", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Battle", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Public relations", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Aeronautics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "History", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Archaeology", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
Once the strongest airpower in the Middle East, the Al Quwwa al Jawwiya al Iraqiya, or the Iraqi Air Force (IQAF), was powerless when the US invaded Iraq in 2003. After realizing the importance of the IQAF for Iraq’s future, the US began to rebuild it from scratch in 2004. Since then, the IQAF has made significant strides with help from the Coalition Air Force Training Team (CAFTT): the IQAF’s functional output has grown exponentially; Iraqi officers are commanding their own units; and Iraqi pilots are being recruited and trained. However, CAFTT struggled to effectively overcome many challenges, including American-perceived cultural barriers as well as an ongoing counterinsurgency (COIN) battle. Circumstances beyond US and Iraqi control caused these challenges. However, a lack of preparation by both players also fueled these struggles. Through a primarily American lens, this paper paints a panoramic picture of the new IQAF by analyzing CAFTT’s strategy, achievements, and failures. Specifically, personal interviews with US military officials offer insight into the less tangible difficulties that the US faced in rebuilding the IQAF. This insight enables a more in-depth critique, leading to the conclusion that the IQAF’s future remains gravely uncertain. Furthermore, it shows that the IQAF is neither independent nor sustainable, and it will rely on the US military for many years.
[ { "display_name": "Vanderbilt Undergraduate Research Journal", "id": "", "type": "journal" } ]
오리엔탈리즘 관점으로 본 미군의 대반란전 실패 요인 :이라크 전쟁사례를 중심으로
[ { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "박병찬", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Battle", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Insurgency", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Indigenous", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Spanish Civil War", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "History", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Ancient history", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Politics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Ecology", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Biology", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
United States has not systematically organized and developed experiences and lessons of failure since the failure of the counterinsurgency in the Vietnam War more than three decades ago. Since then, the United States has been confronted with a new war that was unexpected, though on May 1, 2003, when President Bush declared that major battles in Iraq were over, the war seemed to be a successful ending. response of the US military responding to the insurgents insurgency was still limited to the conventional way of conducting combat, so it was once again a failure. Thus, this study will analyze the factors that led to the failure of the United States to revive the counterinsurgency from the perspective of Othernization of Orientalism. United States looked at Iraq with distorted views created by its Othernization of Iraq and Iraq people. In the end, it was separated from indigenous inhabitants and approach from the viewpoint that it could not bring back the support of residents. Based on the four battle cases that took place during the Iraq war for analysis, we will compare the four failure factors to see what factors have failed or succeeded in the battle. As the comparative factors, the first, Execution of the centered on the sweeping, the second, The without consideration of the civilian damage, the third, ‘Execution of the US military independent operation’, and the fourth, ‘Execution of the large conventional military operation’. As a result of analysis of the factors of failure of the US Armys counterinsurgency, the factors that can be generalized as common cause of the counterinsurgency failure in Iraq are the ‘execution of the centered on the sweeping’ and ‘the without considering the civilian damage.’ On the other hand, considering that the large-scale conventional military operation was a failure factor of the first Falluja battle and joint strike operation, considering that it was a successful even though it was applied in the second Falluja battle, ‘large-scale conventional military operation did not become a necessary factor for the failure of the counterinsurgency.
[ { "display_name": "군사", "id": "", "type": "journal" } ]
U.S. Counterinsurgency Doctrine (1980-2003)
[ { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Matthew R Simmons", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Insurgency", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Doctrine", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military doctrine", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Politics", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
Abstract : The U.S. Army focus on conventional warfare during the period 1980-2003 resulted in a lack of counterinsurgency' doctrinal development during that period, leaving the regular Army forces without a basis to conduct successful counterinsurgency operations in Iraq after the initial invasion in 2003. Further, because of the lack of doctrinal, educational, and training focus on counterinsurgency during the previous two decades, the majority of senior military leaders such as General Sanchez, the V Corps commander in Iraq in 2003, were not adequately prepared to address the strategic and operational level concerns related to a counterinsurgency. This left military leaders and troops throughout Iraq in a situation where disparate operational and tactical approaches were taken against the insurgency, with mixed results. The Army simply had no adequate doctrinal basis that prepared its general-purpose forces to deal with the insurgency that emerged during the summer of 2003.
What Kind of Surge?
[ { "display_name": "Executive branch", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "National security", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Management", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Operations research", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Public administration", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Aeronautics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Politics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Economics", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
This chapter addresses how, even by late December of 2006, just what the surge would mean in terms of the number and timing of troop deployments remained uncertain. It describes the trip by the new secretary of defense, Robert Gates, to Iraq, his recommendations regarding the surge, and the deliberations by the president and his advisors as to just what means would be available for a new American strategy. By January, however, as Bush publicly announced the change of direction, he had made the crucial decisions to adopt a new counterinsurgency strategy, which included committing up to five brigades, enlarging the overall size of the Army and Marine Corps, and appointing a new country team for Iraq—David Petraeus as commander, Multi-National Force Iraq (MNF-I), and Ryan Crocker as ambassador. Moreover, the president had largely unified the executive branch—which had just recently been riven by disagreement on Iraq—in support of this new strategy. By January, recalls Stephen Hadley, the president had “brought his national security team on board; he's brought his military on board; and he's got a strategy... The effect the president wanted to achieve has been achieved.” The surge had been ordered.
[ { "display_name": "Cornell University Press eBooks", "id": "", "type": "ebook platform" } ]
This Strategy Is Not Working
[ { "display_name": "Militant", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Prime minister", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Government (linguistics)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Insurgency", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Spanish Civil War", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Politics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Presidency", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Public administration", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Philosophy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Linguistics", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
This chapter discusses the Samarra bombing and the resulting debates over its significance. The winter and spring of 2006 was a time of conflicting signals and conflicting efforts in Washington. Some officials began to believe that the strategy in Iraq was not working. The predominant view in the intelligence community, according to David Gordon, vice chairman of the National Intelligence Council, was that “we were transitioning into something very different, that we were really transitioning from insurgency to a civil war.” Around the same time, the failings of the US mission in Iraq led a number of retired generals to publicly call for the ouster of Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld. Unknown to its advocates, the public “Revolt of the Generals” actually undermined ongoing, internal efforts to replace the secretary of defense—and thus, ironically, delayed rather than accelerated a review of strategy in Iraq. Meanwhile, efforts from within government to rethink US strategy remained nascent and largely disconnected. The successful seating of the Iraqi government and a new prime minister, Nouri al-Maliki, and the success of US forces in locating and killing Sunni militant Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, undercut arguments that the war was failing, and in particular derailed efforts to kick off a major strategy review beginning with a high-level meeting at Camp David in June of 2006.
[ { "display_name": "Cornell University Press eBooks", "id": "", "type": "ebook platform" } ]
Book Reviews by Daniel Moran of: The Iraq War: Strategy, Tactics, and Military Lessons written by Anthony H. Cordesman & The Iraq War: A Military History written by Williamson Murray and Major General Robert H. Scales
[ { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Daniel Moran", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Military history", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "History", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Iraq war", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Index (typography)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Spanish Civil War", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Classics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Economic history", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Ancient history", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Archaeology", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "World Wide Web", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer science", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
Two book reviews by Daniel Moran: The Iraq War: Strategy, Tactics, and Military Lessons. By Anthony H. Cordesman. Westport, Conn.: Praeger, in cooperation with the Center for Strategic and International Studies, 2003. ISBN 0-275-98227-0. Maps. Tables. Notes. Pp. xiv, 572. $44.95. The Iraq War: A Military History. By Williamson Murray and Major General Robert H. Scales, Jr. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2003. ISBN 0-674-01280-1. Maps. Photographs. Tables. Notes. Index. Pp. 312. $25.95.
War in Iraq, 2003–07
[ { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "John Blaxland", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Unanimity", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Government (linguistics)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Iraq war", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Public administration", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Philosophy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Linguistics", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
Australia's contribution to the war in Iraq in 2003 was carefully calibrated and followed a series of incremental commitments that preceded the actual invasion in 2003. As the junior coalition partner, Australia formulated its own strategic objectives, notably to support the United States and strengthen the bilateral security relationship. On Iraq, the government acted with unanimity, and the CDF, General Cosgrove, tightly controlled Australia's military mission from the outset. This approach reflected remarkable continuity in the form of Australian engagement on military operations far from Australia's shores on ‘wars of choice’ in the post–Vietnam War years. In essence, Cosgrove closely followed Howard's direction to keep Australia's objectives limited.
[ { "display_name": "Cambridge University Press eBooks", "id": "", "type": "ebook platform" } ]
The Future Role of Army National Guard Special Forces
[ { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "James M. Jones", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Special forces", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "National guard", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Guard (computer science)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Recession", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Aeronautics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Operations management", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Public administration", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Economics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Keynesian economics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Programming language", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
Abstract : For the past 10 years, Army National Guard (ARNG) Special Forces (SF) soldiers have been operating alongside their Active Component Special Forces brothers in both Afghanistan and Iraq as part of the operational force. These ARNG soldiers have achieved a readiness level comparable with the AC in training, equipment, and personnel. However, the war in Iraq is over, the war in Afghanistan is drawing down, and America is facing an economic recession resulting in the ARNG SF once again becoming a strategic reserve. This, in turn, is dramatically affecting the ARNG SF units in areas of readiness, morale, and retention. An appropriate alternative must be determined to overcome this transformation.
[ { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Ammar Rashid", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Offensive", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Administration (probate law)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Intervention (counseling)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Iraq war", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Scale (ratio)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Containment (computer programming)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Public administration", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Psychology", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Geography", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Operations research", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Psychiatry", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Programming language", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Cartography", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
This study is an attempt to analyze the nature of Obama's strategy in defeating ISIS in Iraq, showing the main reasons and objectives of this strategy. After the falling of Mosul city under the control of ISIS, Obama's administration adopted an "offensive containment" strategy that based on limited military intervention, without to engage the American ground forces to this war and to enter into comprehensive and large-scale war. Obama's slow response to ISIS has created wide-spread suspicions among Middle East people that the CIA behind the emergence of ISIS. The importance of this study is that it addresses this problematic issue where concluded that there are some reasons pushed Obama's administration to choose limited military intervention rather than comprehensive and large-scale military engagement in confronting ISIS in Iraq, and also the study concluded that there are some objectives this administration seeks to be achieved through this strategy
[ { "display_name": "مجلة تكريت للعلوم السياسية", "id": "", "type": "journal" } ]
" Obama's Strategy to Confront ISIS in Iraq: A Study of Reasons and Objectives"
[ { "affiliations": [ { "country": "Iraq", "display_name": "University of Mosul", "id": "", "lat": 36.335, "long": 43.11889, "type": "education" } ], "display_name": "Ammar Rashid", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Offensive", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Administration (probate law)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Intervention (counseling)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Iraq war", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Scale (ratio)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Public administration", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Psychology", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Geography", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Operations research", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Cartography", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Psychiatry", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
This study is an attempt to analyze the nature of Obama's strategy in defeating ISIS in Iraq, showing the main reasons and objectives of this strategy. After the falling of Mosul city under the control of ISIS, Obama's administration adopted an "offensive containment" strategy that based on limited military intervention, without to engage the American ground forces to this war and to enter into comprehensive and large-scale war. Obama's slow response to ISIS has created wide-spread suspicions among Middle East people that the CIA behind the emergence of ISIS. The importance of this study is that it addresses this problematic issue where concluded that there are some reasons pushed Obama's administration to choose limited military intervention rather than comprehensive and large-scale military engagement in confronting ISIS in Iraq, and also the study concluded that there are some objectives this administration seeks to be achieved through this strategy.
[ { "display_name": "مجلة تكريت للعلوم السياسية", "id": "", "type": "journal" } ]
The Battle for Baghdad: Institutionalizing Army Lessons for Urban Combat
[ { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "David E. Johnson", "id": "" }, { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Agnes Gereben Schaefer", "id": "" }, { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Brenna Allen", "id": "" }, { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Raphael S. Cohen", "id": "" }, { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Gian P. Gentile", "id": "" }, { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "James Hoobler", "id": "" }, { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Michael Schwille", "id": "" }, { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Jerry M. Sollinger", "id": "" }, { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Sean M. Zeigler", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Battle", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Public administration", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Management", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Ancient history", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "History", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Economics", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
This brief recounts the U.S. Army's efforts in the Iraq War, especially in Baghdad, and offers lessons learned and recommendations to enable leaders and soldiers to be better prepared in future conflicts.
[ { "display_name": "RAND Corporation eBooks", "id": "", "type": "ebook platform" } ]
From Methodical Battle to Shock and Awe: How to Guard Against the Next Great Idea
[ { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Scott D Yancy", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Doctrine", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Battle", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military doctrine", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Politics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "History", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Archaeology", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
Abstract : The Shock and Awe campaign that brilliantly launched Operation Iraqi Freedom ended with a thud as a right-sized invasion force proved too small to be an effective stability force once it removed Saddam Hussein from power. The Iraqi War highlights the latest example of a senior leader dogmatically advocating the use of an inappropriate doctrine or unproven concept in war. This thesis explores the reasons why this occurs, specifically how mental traps expose senior leaders to decision making errors during war planning and strategy development. The thesis uses the case study method to evaluate such errors in four conflicts. The case studies involve the French Army in World War II (Methodical Battle); U.S. Army in Vietnam (Search and Destroy); U.S. Army Air Forces in World War II (High Altitude Precision Daylight Bombing); and the U.S. Army in the Second Iraq War (Rapid Dominance). The thesis analyzes the propensity of military and political leaders to succumb to individual and group cognitive biases, thereby limiting their objectivity and causing them to support inappropriate doctrine or unproven concepts that lead to a failure to meet national or military objectives. The analysis illustrates how cognitive errors can lead to rigid thinking and a blurring of doctrine, dogma, and concept. This suggests that adaptability, an awareness of cognitive biases, and in-depth understanding of doctrine is paramount for success in the complex, strategic environment. Recommendations focus on institutionalizing organizational adaptability, increasing individual mental flexibility, and reinforcing the primary role of doctrine in war planning and strategy development.
The Analysis of the Strategic Transportation of the US Armed Forces in the Iraq Warfare and Its Apocalypse to Our Armed Forces
[ { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Qinzhen Li", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Revolution in Military Affairs", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Strategic goal", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military medicine", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military personnel", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Aeronautics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer security", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Operations research", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer science", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
In information-aided war, implementing powerful military strength transportation plays an important role in quickening campaign courses and the final result of the warfare, which was sufficiently proved in the Iraq warfare. Considering the practical capacity of our army in transportation power, we think it urgently necessary that the transportation capacity and the preparatory repertory for warfare as well as the military logistic preparative should be strengthened. The paper chiefly analyses the strategic air-express, strategic ocean-shipping transportation, and preparatory repertory of the US Armed Forces in the Iraq warfare and puts forward some measures on how to improve the strategic transportation capacity of our Armed Forces. We hope that it will be of some help to our military preparative at present.
[ { "display_name": "Traffic Engineering and Technology for National Defence", "id": "", "type": "journal" } ]
Urban Warfare: The 2008 Battle for Sadr City
[ { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Jerry M. Sollinger", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Battle", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Offensive", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Adversary", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Government (linguistics)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Firepower", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "History", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer security", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Ancient history", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Operations research", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Philosophy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Linguistics", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
Abstract : Urban warfare has long been seen as perhaps the most difficult and demanding military task. Recent history features two approaches to it. The experiences of Russian forces in Grozny and U.S. forces in Fallujah illustrate one approach. In each case, noncombatants were told to evacuate in advance of the attack and anyone left was a de facto enemy fighter. Then these geographically remote cities were, in effect, besieged and then stormed, with attacks supported by massive firepower. The result: high casualties on both sides and rubbled cities. The 2008 battle for Sadr City offers a different model, in which the challenges were even more formidable than those posed by Grozny and Fallujah. Sadr City is part of Baghdad and has an estimated population of 2.4 million. Forcing noncombatants to evacuate was not an option: there was nowhere for them to go. However, the approach to ridding Sadr City of Jaish al-Mahdi (JAM) fighters was quite different from that used in Grozny or Fallujah. The operation was essentially a wide-area security operation and focused on enemy fighters and their capabilities, rather than taking and clearing the city. Thus, the battle of Sadr City offers valuable lessons for future urban operations. The trigger for the battle was JAM s response to the Iraqi government s offensive against insurgents in Basra. JAM launched its own offensive, overrunning Government of Iraq security forces and firing rockets and mortars into the International Zone, also known as the Green Zone. In response, a U.S. Army brigade and Iraqi security forces (army and police), featuring Abrams tanks, Bradley fighting vehicles, and Strykers, along with engineers, civil affairs, and psychological operations personnel and other support troops, took on JAM.
The Infernal Machine: The Use of Improvised Explosive Devices (IED) against U.S. Forces
[ { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Jason A Litowitz", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Popularity", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military tactics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Doctrine", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military operation", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer security", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military doctrine", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Aeronautics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer science", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
Abstract : The use of IEDs against U.S. military forces did not begin during Operations Enduring (OEF) and Iraqi Freedom (OIF). Instead, both unconventional and conventional military forces engaged the U.S. military with IEDs in nearly every major since the U.S. Civil War. Many of the devices and their associated tactics, techniques and procedures (TIPs) for construction, placement and. use encountered by the U.S. military and its allies during OEF and OIF are similar to IEDs used throughout the last 150 years. The popularity that IEDs gained during OEF and OIF has the potential to become a transnational threat utilized against both the U.S. military and domestic targets. lEDs enable smaller, less equipped forces to level the playing field against larger, adversarial forces. Insurgents and terrorists within Afghanistan and Iraq demonstrated the effectiveness of IEDs. The military should expect future conflicts would include the use of IEDs. The U.S. military must continue to research technologies, develop training, and create doctrine designed to address the lED threats of the future.
U.S. Counter-ISIL Strategy: Appropriate and Successful, but Needs Adjustments
[ { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Ronald K Booker", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Government (linguistics)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "State (computer science)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Strategy implementation", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Corporate governance", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Business", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Insurgency", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Set (abstract data type)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Public relations", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Public administration", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Politics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Process management", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Philosophy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Linguistics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Finance", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Algorithm", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Programming language", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
Abstract : To counter ISIL, in November 2014, President Obama set forth a comprehensive whole-of-government strategy, comprised of nine lines of effort, with four main objectives. The purpose of this strategy was not only to degrade and defeat ISIL, but also to ultimately facilitate effective governance in Iraq and stabilize the region. With a combination of a fragile Iraqi government and the instability in the region, a large and growing body of literature suggest that the current strategy is unsuccessful and/or is not the appropriate strategy to defeat ISIL thereby leaving the organization as a credible threat. This thesis shows that the counter-ISIL strategy, set forth by President Obama, is the appropriate strategy to combat the insurgency of ISIL, and is successful within its given constraints. An analysis of the U.S. and Partner Nations ability to shrink ISIL score, decrease its amount of controlled territory, and the destruction of its infrastructure reveals the success of the strategy. Military planners face the challenge of fighting non-state actors on multiple fronts, in various phases of war, while preparing for regional peace and stability. Understanding the U.S. counter-ISIL strategy and appreciating its effectiveness provides planners the framework to shape future operations and contingencies.
The Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization: DOD's Fight Against IEDs Today and Tomorrow
[ { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Vic Snyder", "id": "" }, { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "W. T. Akin", "id": "" }, { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "John S. Spratt", "id": "" }, { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Loretta Rep Sanchez", "id": "" }, { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Ellen Tauscher", "id": "" }, { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Robert Andrews", "id": "" }, { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Susan A. Davis", "id": "" }, { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Jim Cooper", "id": "" }, { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Hank Johnson", "id": "" }, { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Joe Sestak", "id": "" }, { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "R. G. Bartlett", "id": "" }, { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Walter B. Jones", "id": "" }, { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Jeff Miller", "id": "" }, { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Phil Gingrey", "id": "" }, { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Michael B. Conaway", "id": "" }, { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Geoff Davis", "id": "" }, { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Steven J. DeTeresa", "id": "" }, { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Michael W. McErlean", "id": "" }, { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Lorry M. Fenner", "id": "" }, { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Noah B. Bleicher", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Computer security", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Joint (building)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Plan (archaeology)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Aeronautics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Public relations", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Operations management", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Architectural engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Archaeology", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "History", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
Abstract : The end of major combat operations in Iraq in 2003 was merely the beginning of a different fight, one in which an unconventional weapon has had a deadly impact on conventional forces. The Improvised Explosive Device (IED) has proven to be the number one threat to Coalition Forces in Iraq and now in Afghanistan. In response to this relatively cheap and somewhat unsophisticated killer, the Department of Defense (DoD) has invested billions of dollars and established a large organization with one goal: to defeat IEDs. The Joint IED Defeat Organization (JIEDDO) has had some success in this mission, but the use of IEDs persists. Because of the resources invested in JIEDDO and the urgency of its charge, it is important to assess the entity as it stands today and consider its role for the future. Therefore, the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations conducted this study to answer two questions: (1) Is JIEDDO winning the Counter-IED (C-IED) fight in Iraq and Afghanistan? and (2) What is the Department's long-term plan for JIEDDO and for addressing other asymmetric threats? JIEDDO's actions and activities fall under three lines of operation: (1) Defeat the Device, (2) Attack the Network, and (3) Train the Force. The primary focus of the Defeat the Device effort is on neutralizing the IED after it is emplaced. This includes funding the development of technical and nontechnical countermeasures and the ability to rapidly field new equipment. Attack the Network activities aim to find and eliminate bomb makers and their supporters before they can assemble and emplace IEDs. The C-IED Operations Integration Center is the primary enabler for attacking IED networks. The Joint Center of Excellence supports training for U.S. personnel on how to protect themselves from IEDs. Although JIEDDO spends more than $4 billion annually under these three lines of operation, this study concludes that it is not clear how well the organization is accomplishing its mission.
Preparing Leaders for Full-Spectrum Operations
[ { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Thomas D. Macdonald", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Battle", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Battlefield", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Doctrine", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military doctrine", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Competence (human resources)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Insurgency", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Adversary", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Management", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Public relations", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer security", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "History", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Politics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Ancient history", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Archaeology", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Economics", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
Abstract : There are fears that the current preoccupation with counterinsurgency operations (COIN) is dominating leader development and is contributing to a decline in America's unrivaled competency at the higher end of the spectrum of conflict. The United States began this century with the world's preeminent conventional military force and validated this title with overwhelming conventional victories against the Taliban and the Iraqi Military. However, soon after these euphoric battlefield victories we found ourselves unprepared for stability operations in Iraq and its emerging insurgency. The Army rapidly energized its efforts to rectify our COIN deficiencies by publishing FM 3-24 Counterinsurgency Operations in 2006. The publication of current doctrine, tailored predeployment training, and the incorporation of COIN into our professional military education programs, has been instrumental in building the Army's competence in combating insurgencies. American soldiers are now battle hardened but may be losing their edge in fighting major conventional combat operations. This study argues that the Army must decide how to prepare its leaders for future threats with the competency to effectively conduct full spectrum operations.
Holistic Operational Art: A 21st Century Roadmap for Achieving Strategic and Operational Alignment and Success
[ { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Adam Kijek", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Mindset", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Operational level of war", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Strategic goal", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Strategic planning", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Battlefield", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "State (computer science)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military tactics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Strategic thinking", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Operations research", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Process management", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Management science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Operations management", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Business", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "World War II", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Marketing", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "History", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Ancient history", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Algorithm", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Artificial intelligence", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Red Army's tactics in World War II", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
Abstract : In the post-Vietnam War era, the United States Military plans and fights with the mindset of achieving theater-strategic and operational objectives through Quick Decisive Victories (QDVs). Fueled by massive advancements in technology, this strategy has lead to impressive battlefield victories, but it has failed to achieve the sought-after strategic end-states. The difference between winning the wars and winning the battles can be traced to misapplication of operational art. Theater commanders have failed to focus on a holistic view of the war and the desired strategic end-state. Instead, the focus has been on achieving almost purely military objectives that form one piece of the overall theater strategic picture. Operation Iraqi Freedom is a textbook example of this poorly applied operational art. By examining how the United States Central Command concentrated on the objective of regime change instead of the strategic end-state of a free and stable Iraq, several new and unique lessons learned can be found. With this new perspective of holistic operational art, a quick discussion of Operation Unified Assistance to help Tsunami victims in Indonesia with respect to space, time, and force provides a roadmap for future operations. Finally, several recommendations are provided for implementing holistic operational art.
Chemical warfare: Implications for Operation Desert Storm and beyond. Final report
[ { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Frederick G Trummer", "id": "" }, { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Bruce L Twining", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Chemical warfare", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Gulf war", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Desert (philosophy)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Biological warfare", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military medicine", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Chemical Warfare Agents", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Operations research", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Aeronautics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "History", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Ancient history", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Biochemical engineering", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
This paper presents the potential for use of lethal and incapacitating chemical agents in the Persian Gulf. Insight from past chemical warfare case studies, current international law, and U.S. and Soviet policy, strategy and tactics provide a basis for examination of Iraq's chemical warfare potential and operational strategy. In addition, a survey of Naval War College students assesses the current U.S. Armed Forces level of chemical warfare readiness. This analysis combined with the U.S. experience and current war with Iraq as well as proposing a more viable operational capability to meet stated national policy in response to chemical weapons.
Return to Sun Tzu——Analysis of Strategic Error of the United States of America in the Iraqi War
[ { "affiliations": [ { "country": "China", "display_name": "Xi'an Jiaotong University", "id": "", "lat": 34.25833, "long": 108.92861, "type": "education" } ], "display_name": "XU Yu-chun", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Unilateralism", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Deterrence theory", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Cold war", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Alliance", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Grand strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Economic history", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political economy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "History", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Economics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Politics", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
Post-911,the United States of America promoted unilateralism policy,abandoned the strategy of alliance and deterrence in Cold War,and walked further and further in the way of war.As the great military book in cold weapon age,Military Science of Sun Tzu has abundant strategic thought,providing a valuable view for the United States of America to introspect deep reason of the strategic error in the Iraqi war.
[ { "display_name": "Journal of Binzhou University", "id": "", "type": "journal" } ]
Basing and Operational Reach
[ { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "William J. Parker", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Doctrine", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Software deployment", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military doctrine", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Operational planning", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Contingency plan", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Contingency", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Aeronautics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Operations research", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Operations management", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer security", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Business", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Linguistics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Philosophy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Software engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Marketing", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
Abstract : Basing is a critical component of American warfare, and the expeditionary posture of the U.S. military poses challenges to operational planners and logisticians alike. Force projection is a key requirement for the U.S. Army, and the use of basing directly speaks to its success. From the iron mountains of Operation Desert Storm, to forward operating bases along the zone of separation in Bosnia-Herzegovina, to forward logistics bases and combat outposts in Iraq and Afghanistan, basing provides a critical position from which to deploy, stage, project, and fight forces. A lack of clear guidance for the use of bases at the operational level and below in current sustainment doctrine is a concern. Basing is a critical component of sustainment that, when included with operational and sustainment planning, has the capability to provide the maneuver commander the ability to extend his operational reach and provide increased freedom of maneuver. While LOGCAP has emerged as a viable solution for contingency and steady-state basing, it fails to meet the needs of an expeditionary force and the demands of the initial entry force. The sustainment community needs to reevaluate its limited inclusion of basing at and below the operational level, and utilize the existing force structure to fill gaps in expeditionary basing capability. A greater emphasis on basing in doctrine and organizational structure will extend operational reach and increase freedom of maneuver. The study presents case studies of basing in Operations Desert Storm, Joint Endeavor (Bosnia Herzegovina), and Iraqi Freedom.
Chemical Warfare: Implications for Operation Desert Storm and Beyond
[ { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Frederick G Trummer", "id": "" }, { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Bruce L Twining", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Chemical warfare", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Gulf war", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Desert (philosophy)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Biological warfare", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Chemical Warfare Agents", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Current (fluid)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Operations research", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "History", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Ancient history", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Electrical engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Biochemical engineering", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
Abstract : This paper presents the potential for use of lethal and incapacitating chemical agents in the Persian Gulf. Insight from past chemical warfare case studies, current int'l law, and U.S. and Soviet policy, strategy and tactics provide a basis for examination of Iraq's chemical warfare potential and operational strategy. In addition, a survey of Naval War College students assesses the current U.S. Armed Forces level of chemical warfare readiness. This analysis combined with the U.S. experience and current war with Iraq as well as proposing a more viable operational capability to meet stated national policy in response to chemical weapons.
[ { "display_name": "Naval War College (U.S.)", "id": "", "type": "journal" } ]
[ { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Zoltán Jobbágy", "id": "" }, { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "LASZLO SZEGO", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Politics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Process (computing)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military theory", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Management science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Epistemology", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Operations research", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Philosophy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Operating system", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
The process of strategy development as seen by most Western militaries is very much shaped by Clausewitz, who regarded the political aim the ultimate goal of war. Despite all his merits and contribution to the theory of war, Clausewitz’s approach to strategy development appears to be too narrow for the military engagements we saw in Iraq and still see in Afghanistan. In counter-insurgency operations both the formulation of political goals and the application of military means are influenced by so many factors that strategy development often appears as a messy and painful process of trial-and-error. The authors expand on this issue and deliver a critique to the wide spread objective-based approach to developing strategy.
[ { "display_name": "Sodobni vojaški izzivi", "id": "", "type": "journal" } ]
New Approaches to Reducing and Mitigating Harm to Civilians
[ { "affiliations": [ { "country": "United States", "display_name": "Pepperdine University", "id": "", "lat": 34.02577, "long": -118.7804, "type": "education" } ], "display_name": "Greg McNeal", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Harm", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Adversary", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Context (archaeology)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Rules of engagement", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Exploit", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Population", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Public relations", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer security", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Medicine", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Geography", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Environmental health", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Archaeology", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan highlighted the strategic importance of the U.S. commitment to civilian protection. Both wars were eventually fought as a counterinsurgency (COIN) and both revealed how protecting civilians is a central feature of COIN. This chapter examines the importance of civilian casualty mitigation in U.S. counterinsurgency operations, it describes the theoretical and practical lessons learned regarding civilian casualties and situates them in a broader strategic context. The chapter also describes the U.S. military’s newest doctrinal publication aimed specifically at preventing and mitigating harm to civilians. The chapter concludes noting that protecting the population and winning hearts and minds are well known central planks in counterinsurgency theory. However, achieving these goals is oftentimes harder said than done, especially when the reality of modern operations is a transparent conflict environment in which enemy forces will seek to purposefully cause harm to civilians, and exploit such harm for their own ends. Based on America’s experiences in Iraq and Afghanistan, the U.S. military has created the world’s first manual directed at preventing and mitigating harm to civilians in combat. As the discussion in this chapter highlights, the manual is merely the first step in cataloging and sharing lessons learned. Effective civilian casualty mitigation in counterinsurgencies and other operations will require sustained efforts on the part of the military to act in a way that may exceed the baseline requirements of the law of armed conflict. Ample evidence -- ranging from restrictive rules of engagement to a consistent focus on “lessons learned” -- suggests the U.S. military is already exceeding the requirements of the law of armed conflict. Such actions may not placate critics of U.S. operations, but it may go a long way toward laying the foundation for success in counterinsurgency operations.
[ { "display_name": "Oxford University Press eBooks", "id": "", "type": "ebook platform" } ]
Study on Obama Government's Counterterrorism Strategy
[ { "affiliations": [ { "country": "China", "display_name": "Central University of Finance and Economics", "id": "", "lat": 39.959, "long": 116.341, "type": "education" } ], "display_name": "Song Yanfei", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Government (linguistics)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Politics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Position (finance)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Public administration", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political economy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Business", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Economics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Philosophy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Linguistics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Finance", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
This paper mainly discusses Obama government completely adjusts to Bush government's expanding counterterrorism strategy,and the real background of proposing the new counterterrorism strategy.The new counterterrorism strategy-Afghanistan Counterterrorism Strategy announced by Obama government,which aims to shift the strategic focus from Iraq to Afghanistan and to pool resources to fundamentally destroy the matrix structure and its extremist allies.The new counterterrorism strategy serves to the strategy aims of promoting American global leading position and seeking geo-political interests.Reflecting from the perspective of the intention and nature of the new American counterterrorism strategy,it analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the new counterterrorism strategy,and on this basis,makes a relevant summary.
[ { "display_name": "China Public Security", "id": "", "type": "journal" } ]
Doctrinal Adaptation in Iraq and Afghanistan
[ { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "David Barno", "id": "" }, { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Nora Bensahel", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Doctrine", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military doctrine", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Battle", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Adaptability", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Adaptation (eye)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Management", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "History", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Ancient history", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Psychology", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Economics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Neuroscience", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
This chapter explores the role of doctrinal adaptability during the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. The US Army’s conventional doctrine of AirLand Battle developed after the Vietnam War rejected counterinsurgency as a mission, which made the army poorly prepared for the recent wars. In Afghanistan, the army rapidly adapted its civil affairs doctrine to address the challenges of security and reconstruction, and ultimately established new provincial reconstruction teams. But the broader processes of adapting army doctrine for counterinsurgency took more than four years and a remarkable confluence of events and determined individuals—including General David Petraeus—in order to circumvent the army’s normal processes for developing doctrine and produce an entirely new manual in the midst of a failing war.
[ { "display_name": "Oxford University Press eBooks", "id": "", "type": "ebook platform" } ]
The Continuing Utility of Phasing Constructs in Operational Planning
[ { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Scott L. Taylor", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Doctrine", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military doctrine", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Phaser", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Operations research", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Phase (matter)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military tactics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Electrical engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Chemistry", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Organic chemistry", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
[ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
Abstract : Some Military Commanders have recently asserted that the nature of warfare in the current operating environment has changed in such a way that phasing in military operations has outlasted its utility and become problematic, requiring it to be eliminated or replaced. This monograph attempts to evaluate whether phasing in U.S. Military doctrine and operational design still has utility in planning military operations. Phasing has been utilized to assist U.S. Military commanders and planners in visualizing plans and arranging forces to conduct military operations since the creation of operational design in the 1920s. Phasing has been applied in planning conventional as well as unconventional military operations. Recent criticisms of phasing have surfaced in the aftermath of Operation Iraqi Freedom's failure to rapidly stabilize Iraq in Phase IV of the operation. This paper begins by analyzing phasing in terms of its theoretical and historical underpinnings. Phasing is then reviewed from its first appearance in the 1920s to the present, and historical examples of its use are provided. One of those examples, Mao Tse Tung's use of phasing to visualize his strategy for conducting China's Protracted War against Japan, is analyzed to determine what influence it may have had on U.S. Military doctrine. Criticisms of phasing are presented, and proposed alternatives to it are scrutinized through Systems Theory, Complexity Theory, Logic, and Doctrine. Recent changes to phasing in U.S. Military doctrine are analyzed to understand the logic behind the changes. Specifically, emerging concepts such as Operational Net Assessment, Effects-Based Operations, and Net-Centric Warfare are analyzed through a system of systems approach to understand the influences they are having on U.S. Military doctrine and phasing. The author concludes that warfare has not changed enough to make it necessary to eliminate or replace phasing in military planning.
The Persian Gulf War: Military Doctrine and Strategy.
[ { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Marsha J. Loges", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Doctrine", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military doctrine", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Battle", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Persian", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military tactics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Victory", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Revolution in Military Affairs", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Gulf war", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Maneuver warfare", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Politics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military threat", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Strategic bombing", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military theory", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Operations research", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "World War II", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Asymmetric warfare", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Spanish Civil War", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "History", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Economic history", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Ancient history", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Linguistics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Philosophy", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
Abstract : This paper documents analysis of the effects of military doctrine and strategy in the Persian Gulf War. In particular, it focuses on United States Air Force (USAF) airpower doctrine and its contribution to the success of the Gulf Conflict. The study first examines the situation which led to Iraq's aggression in the Persian Gulf, and the U.S. and Coalition response. It considers the political objectives and strategies, military leadership and strengths, and other strategic factors which influenced the military strategies implemented by the opposing forces during the Gulf Conflict. It then focuses on an assessment of the successes and failures of the opposing forces, using the Principles of War as an analytical framework. The examination then explores the outcome of the Gulf Conflict and, based on the Iraqi and the U.S. performance and experiences of that war, draws lessons about forces, weapons, combat doctrine, and especially about the role of airpower. Analysis of all these factors supports the position that United States Air Force (USAF) Aerospace Doctrine played the dominant role in the warfighting strategy employed in the Persian Gulf War. A highly skilled, professional military force executed the well-planned air campaign with precision. Application of Army AirLand Battle Doctrine in the final phase of the conflict assured victory for the Coalition.
Gaming and Modeling Combat
[ { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Michael O’Hanlon", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Operations research", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Simple (philosophy)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Sizing", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Aeronautics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer security", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Management science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Epistemology", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Art", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Philosophy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Visual arts", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
This chapter discusses wargaming, combat modeling, and simulation, as well as force sizing and other issues related to military operations and warfighting scenarios. It argues that the ultimate purpose of wargaming and modeling is to help a country like the United States decide what kind of military, and military budget, it needs — as well as when and how to decide to use force. The chapter examines simple models of combat, starting with Lanchester equations, derived by a British engineer early in the twentieth century. However, they do not account well for most types of modern warfare, so the chapter shifts to other models and emphasizes an approach modified from that of the late Trevor Dupuy, focused on air-ground combat. The chapter also studies naval combat, including amphibious assault, blockade operations, and nuclear exchange calculations. Ultimately, it concludes with a framework for analyzing progress, or the lack thereof, in counterinsurgency operations like those in Iraq and Afghanistan.
[ { "display_name": "Cornell University Press eBooks", "id": "", "type": "ebook platform" } ]
Sniper : A History of the US Marksman
[ { "display_name": "Rifle", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Ammunition", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military history", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Spanish Civil War", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "History", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Economic history", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Archaeology", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
Following the success of Out of Nowhere: A History of the Military Sniper, sniper expert Martin Pegler gives us an in-depth study of the emergence of American rifleman, sharpshooter and sniper, examining the evolution of the rifle in America from the earliest firearms of the 15th century to the highly accurate sniping rifles of the 21st century. Pegler analyses the technological development of the rifle, sighting systems and ammunition and uses contemporary accounts to describe how the use of the rifle during the Revolutionary War, Civil War and the conflicts of the 20th and 21st centuries have impacted on US military history. This detailed account concludes with a study of the American sniper in modern warfare, including Afghanistan and the ongoing conflict in Iraq, providing an overview of the march of weapons technology, as well as an unusual insight into the lives and the motives of the men who used them.
[ { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Michael A. Hunzeker", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Infantry", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Artillery", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Doctrine", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Shadow (psychology)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Politics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "German", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military doctrine", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Nexus (standard)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Genius", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Front (military)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Operations research", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "History", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Psychology", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Art history", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Psychoanalysis", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Mechanical engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Archaeology", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Embedded system", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
This chapter reviews three confounding factors and alternative ways to explain events. It begins with analyzing Germany's experience during the First World War and their inept political and strategic decisions. The chapter also explores the author's assumption that the British, French, and German armies should have converged on a superior war-fighting doctrine that combined flexible assault tactics, integrated artillery–infantry operations, and elastic defenses in depth. Genius and individual leadership offer yet another tempting way to account for change. The chapter unfolds the story of wartime learning during the First World War. It introduces two shadow cases — the US Army in Vietnam (1965–1973) and Iraq (2003–2010) — so as to suggest that assessment, command, and training (ACT) theory can explain more than just learning on the Western Front. The chapter concludes by identifying important policy implications for contemporary defense strategists.
[ { "display_name": "Cornell University Press eBooks", "id": "", "type": "ebook platform" } ]
Training for Small Wars
[ { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Charles Readinger", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Infantry", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Training (meteorology)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Soviet union", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Globe", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Geography", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Psychology", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Politics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Meteorology", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Neuroscience", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
Abstract : Small-scale military eruptions around the globe have demonstrated new forms of warfare with a different cast of characters -- guerilla armies, terrorists, and bandits -- pursuing diverse goals by violent means with the most primitive to the most sophisticated weapons. The Marine Corps historically combats these irregular forces in a smaller war. The Marine Corps will engage in small wars as long as the nation maintains military superiority relative to potential enemies. Despite this trend, the Marine Corps has continued to focus the majority of its resources on training for a conventional fight well after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the emergence of nonstate actors as the United States' primary threat. Now the Marine Corps is fighting a small war in Iraq. Infantry Battalions must remain concentrated on and improve training for small wars by focusing on cultural awareness, specialized skills development, and Marine Corps supported field exercises.
Battle on the Bookshelves: History, Desert Storm, and the United States Armed Forces
[ { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Michael Eastman", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Victory", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Battle", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Desert (philosophy)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Storm", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military history", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Politics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "History", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Geography", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Ancient history", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Meteorology", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
[ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
Abstract : After the Persian Gulf War of 1991, the Department of Defense presented the United States Congress with an official, joint account of Desert Storm. At the same time, each of the military services offered its own version of events to the American people through official histories and in collaboration with non-military authors. While these histories all described the same war, however, they frequently contradicted one another regarding the contributions of the various services to the defeat of the Iraqi Army. Drawing from the theory of organizational politics, this study examines the use of history by the American armed forces during three distinct periods: the defense reorganization of the late 1940s, the Reagan military buildup of the 1980s, and in the years following the decisive American-led victory in Desert Storm. It shows how the services have increasingly considered history as an effective way to shape perceptions of their past accomplishments and influence future decisions regarding roles, missions, and budgets.
Benefits Of Mission Command: Balance Of Philosophy And System
[ { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Robert R Rodock", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Battle", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Command and control", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military doctrine", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Battlespace", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military tactics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Doctrine", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Aeronautics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military history", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Operations research", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Management", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "History", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Archaeology", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Economics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Aerospace engineering", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
Abstract : On October 31, 2014, the US Army Training and Doctrine Command published The US Army Operating Concept: Win in a Complex World (AOC). The purpose of the document is to establish the azimuth for the future US Army as the war in Iraq ended with the closure of Operation New Dawn and the withdrawal of US forces continues in Afghanistan. Being best prepared for the next first battle is a challenge that has faced militaries throughout history. The soldiers in the US Civil War used the analogy of 'seeing the elephant' to describe the difficulty in visualizing battle; one cannot fully understand battle until one is involved in battle. However, it is the duty of the military to attempt to 'see the elephant' as clearly as possible ahead of time. An essential capability is Mission Command. The central idea of the AOC further develops the priority of Mission Command when it directed, Forces tailored rapidly to the mission exercise mission command and integrate joint, interorganizational, and multinational capabilities. The philosophy and system of mission command, when exercised in balance, provides US Army leaders the agility and adaptability to 'see the elephant' sooner when the next first battle arrives.
The Army's Role in the Air/Sea Battle Concept: A World War II Pacific Theater Case Study
[ { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "John Gervais", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Battle", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Aeronautics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Missile", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Naval warfare", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Lethality", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Ballistic missile", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Power (physics)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer security", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Operations research", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Geography", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Aerospace engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Physics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Archaeology", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Quantum mechanics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Biology", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Genetics", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
Abstract : With the end of the Iraq War and drawdown in Afghanistan, the United States (U.S.) is shifting strategic focus to the Pacific Ocean and countries therein. Reliant on its carrier fleet and air power for power projection, the U.S. envisions a future combat environment where a belligerent nation attempts to prevent these forces from success, through anti-access and area-denial strategies. This concept is formulated into the Air/Sea Battle concept, which relies on U.S. technological advantages to ensure access. The strategy does not adequately address the logistical needs of the joint services, nor does it account for increasing lethality in ballistic anti-ship missile technology. Improved capabilities in anti-ship ballistic missiles increase the range from which a carrier group can safely operate, placing greater importance on ground based aircraft and bases. The U.S. Army's role in Air/Land Battle is to establish and defend numerous Pacific bases and support naval/air forces, prior to decisive action.
Battles That Changed American History
[ { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Spencer C. Tucker", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Battle", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Navy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military history", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "History", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "American history", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Encyclopedia", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Ancient history", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Operations research", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Archaeology", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
<JATS1:p>A fascinating and informative analysis by a distinguished military historian of the 100 most influential battles in American history, presented in an accessible, ready-reference format.</JATS1:p> <JATS1:p>The Battle of Okinawa (April–June 1945) resulted in more U.S. Navy casualties than all of the navy's previous wars combined; these heavy casualties influenced the decision to employ the atomic bomb against Japan that August. This is just one of many instances in American military history when the outcome of a battle helped to establish the course of history—the focus of this latest encyclopedia from esteemed historian Spencer C. Tucker. The 100 battles spotlighted in this work—which include defeats as well as victories—are deemed to have had the greatest impact on American history. Spanning more than 500 years of military events, the book begins its coverage with the Battle of Mabila in 1540 during the Age of Discovery and ends with the Second Battle of Falluja during the Iraq War/Insurgency in 2004. Expertly written, informative, and thoughtful, this analysis will be insightful and interesting for all high school, undergraduate, and general readers.</JATS1:p>
Maintaining the Combat Edge
[ { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Michael S. Tucker", "id": "" }, { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Jason P. Conroy", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Infantry", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Combat readiness", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Modularity (biology)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Operational level of war", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Operations research", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military doctrine", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Modular design", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "National security", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Operations management", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer security", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Aeronautics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Management", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Spanish Civil War", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Doctrine", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Economics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Biology", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Red Army's tactics in World War II", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Genetics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Operating system", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
[ILLUSTRATION OMITTED] The Army has to regain its edge in fighting conventional wars while retaining what it has learned about fighting unconventional wars. --Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates, 10 October 2007 (1) THE UNITED STATES has been at war in Iraq and Afghanistan for over nine years. During this time, there have been profound changes in the Army's force structure across all warfighting functions. These changes have accompanied a steady atrophy in our ability to conduct major combat operations (MCO) and should give us cause for concern. Much of the unit structure and training competency that existed nine years ago are no longer present, even though the National Security Strategy of May 2010 mandates: must maintain our military's conventional superiority, while enhancing its capacity to defeat asymmetric threats. (2) The Army's recent shift to emphasize a single mission essential task list (METL) is a positive change. However, due to the short dwell time within the Army Force Generation (ARFORGEN) model, we have not fully exercised the modular force structures that exist in the Army today under the rigor of our new METL. Our modular force has also not been subject to long-term ARFORGEN requirements and sustainment operations at home station. This shift in focus to a single METL, combined with extended dwell periods, will allow commanders at all echelons to experience and identify modularity's effect on their units. The changes toward modularity have transformed the Army from a division-based structure optimized for fighting large-scale conventional wars to a brigade-based expeditionary force largely stationed in the continental United States. While this reorganization has proven to be versatile and effective in support of Operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom, we have yet to truly test the modular force in support of our new METL. Many senior leaders, both military and civilian, have recognized this shortcoming; however, they have had few opportunities to observe training events focused on major combat operations conducted by a modular force. The capabilities, types, and numbers of this modular force are in need of review as we increase dwell times and focus on preparing trained and ready forces. [ILLUSTRATION OMITTED] Our veteran Army is an effective stability and counterinsurgency force, but our junior leaders and soldiers are untrained on the wide area security and combined arms maneuver tasks found in our current METL. The pool of available talent to restore these capabilities is dwindling at the brigade level and below. Currently, the Army's only expertise and experience with these skill sets resides with senior noncommissioned officers and senior field grade officers. If we have not effectively trained and mentored our junior leaders on such skills, we will lose hard-earned institutional knowledge resident in the Army of Desert Storm and Operation Iraqi Freedom I. Insights garnered from battalion-, brigade-, and division-level exercises conducted within the 2nd Infantry Division (2ID) over the past several years confirm that the Army must swiftly use its intellectual capital to restore balance in training. Not only is 2ID the Army's only forward-deployed committed division, it is also the Army's only modular division currently focused full time on major combat operations in support of the Army's new METL. The 2ID regularly trains for wide area security and combined arms maneuver tasks during a variety of full-spectrum training events. Preparing for Hybrid Opponents We have learned through painful experience that the wars we fight are seldom the wars that we planned. As a result, the United States needs a broad portfolio of military capabilities with maximum versatility across the widest possible spectrum of conflict.--Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates, 2 February 2010 (3) If we have learned anything from the current conflicts, it is that our enemies will seek to use a full array of threats against us. …
[ { "display_name": "Military review", "id": "", "type": "journal" } ]
An Examination of Overt Offensive Military Operations Outside of Combat Zones
[ { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Lawrence O. Basha", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Offensive", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Covert", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "State (computer science)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Bureaucracy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Government (linguistics)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military tactics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military doctrine", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "National security", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military history", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military threat", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer security", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Operations research", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Politics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Doctrine", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Philosophy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Linguistics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Algorithm", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
Abstract : Under the leadership of the United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM), the military is undergoing transformation to more effectively counter the asymmetric threat of non-state terrorists and extremists in the war. After five years, however, one component of national security strategy is visibly unfulfilled: military pursuit of terrorists and extremists outside of Afghanistan and Iraq. The lack of offensive military efforts outside of areas designated as combat zones creates the impression that the long war has stalled. Overt offensive military operations targeting non-state actors may advance the counterterrorism mission and serve as a deterrent. This thesis identifies and analyzes four major constraints on the conduct of such operations: legal concerns about the use of force, use of the CIA for covert paramilitary activities, limits on USSOCOM and Special Operations Forces, and civilian and military leaders' aversion to risk. It describes the historical, bureaucratic and cultural causes of the constraints, concluding with recommendations to allow the US government and the US military to pursue non-state terrorists and extremists with overt offensive military operations.
Israeli Combined Arms Employment: Um Katef, 1967 & Suez Canal, 1973
[ { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Charles L Weeks", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Battle", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military doctrine", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Adversary", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Battlefield", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Middle East", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Doctrine", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military tactics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Strengths and weaknesses", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Spanish Civil War", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer security", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Operations research", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "History", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Psychology", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Ancient history", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Social psychology", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq", "Israel" ]
Abstract : The next desert war the United States fights could be against an enemy more comparable to us in training, motivation, and technology than the recent conflict in the Persian Gulf. The Middle East is a dangerous part of the world where we have limited experience in the use of high technology weapons, or in large-scale combat even given the recent war against Iraq. Since we have limited experience in these areas, this thesis analyzes two of the most recent historical examples of such combat from the 1967 and 1973 Arab-Israeli Wars to reveal conclusions useful to U.S. warfighters. This thesis examines the Battle of Um Katef, Abu Ageila from the 1967 War, and the Sinai Campaign from the 1973 War. They were examined primarily from secondary sources, using the U.S. Army battlefield operating systems, as the framework to evaluate success or failure. The results keys to success or reasons for failure were then further evaluated against the four tenets of U.S. Airland Battle Doctrine (Agility, Initiative, Depth, and Synchronization). The result of this investigation is a number of conclusions regarding modern combined arms combat. These conclusions are categorized as strengths or weaknesses and presented as lessons learned. Surprisingly enough, none of the lessons learned proved to be environment specific.
Improving Interagency Planning and Execution at the Operational Level: Creating a Stability and Reconstruction Component Within a Joint Task Force
[ { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Michael P Dombrowski", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Component (thermodynamics)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Argument (complex analysis)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Joint (building)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Task (project management)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Battlefield", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Action (physics)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Operations research", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Task force", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Public administration", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Operations management", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Public relations", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Systems engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Civil engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "History", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Ancient history", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Biochemistry", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Chemistry", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Physics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Quantum mechanics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Thermodynamics", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
Abstract : Over the past fifteen years, many have argued that the military's overwhelming battlefield successes stem from the Goldwater-Nichols Defense Reformation Act of 1986. While few can debate the efficacy of joint US military operations in a high-intensity conflict, many still debate the effectiveness of the interagency community?s attempts at winning the peace. Recent operations in Afghanistan and Iraq illustrate the lack of interagency unity of effort at the operational level and cry out for an enduring solution similar to Goldwater-Nichols. This thesis explores three distinct courses of action for improving operational interagency unity of effort and presents a cogent argument for creating a new component within a joint task force to address all stability and reconstruction tasks. This stability and reconstruction component would capitalize on the momentum gained by the State Department's Office of the Coordinator for Reconstruction and Stability Operations (S/CRS) and utilize resources already in place or expected to be in place to support S/CRS' Advance Civilian Team concept. The component would be led by a civilian interagency representative and be staffed by both military personnel and interagency representatives pulled from S/CRS' Active Response Corps.
Integrating Cultural Factors in Military Modeling and Simulation: Anecdotal Literature Review and Framework for Application
[ { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Celestine A. Ntuen", "id": "" }, { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Rik Warren", "id": "" }, { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Ed Boyd", "id": "" }, { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Amy S Turner", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Battle", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Officer", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Outcome (game theory)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Context (archaeology)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military theory", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Cognition", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Order (exchange)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Public relations", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Politics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Psychology", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Management science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Knowledge management", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Social psychology", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Business", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "History", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Economics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Mathematical economics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Archaeology", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Finance", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Neuroscience", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
Abstract : Effective and efficient culture cognition in the Future Force depends heavily upon orchestrating the cultural factors and patterns of battle information into effective cultural cognition models so that the appropriate context information is brought together at the appropriate time relative to the appropriate operational issues. At the heart of this problem lies the current inability of a commander (or his designated chief of staff, operations officer, information management officer, etc.) to know in real-time (1) what cultural factors will influence the outcome of a given mission and how these factors will influence this outcome (e.g., Iraq war) and (2) which of the cultural factors (e.g., political structural, religious, socio-economic, etc.) can be used by decision makers to control rhythms of war in their favor. Obviously, there is a need to address two challenges: (1) an understanding of how socio-cultural factors are likely to influence given military strategies and (2) an understanding of how to incorporate these factors into modeling and simulation techniques in order to optimize military personnel training. This paper presents an anecdotal literature review of cultural models and a framework for incorporating cultural issues in military simulations.
Influence strategy: principles and levels of analysis
[ { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Bryan M Pickett", "id": "" }, { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Charles M Lingenfelter", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Grand strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Command and control", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Control (management)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Key (lock)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Operations research", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Quality (philosophy)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "World War II", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Management science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Process management", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer security", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Business", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Economics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Epistemology", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Telecommunications", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Artificial intelligence", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Philosophy", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
Abstract : U.S. strategy in current conflicts (Iraq, Afghanistan, and against al-Qaeda) has focused predominantly on heavy U.S. military involvement (mostly kinetic operations), while using influence components, for the most part, in a reactive manner. There seems to be no grand influence strategy that informs U.S. policy and current military operations. There are multiple descriptive formulations, but no prescriptive formulations on developing an effective influence strategy using influence principles. There is also a lack of systematic studies analyzing the impact and effectiveness of influence strategy in conflicts. This thesis explores strategy and influence theory to identify key components of an effective influence strategy and how one should modify these components to increase strategic effectiveness. Using five levels of network analysis we propose six hypotheses and test them using comparative studies of five major strategic conflicts of the past century: the Boer War, WWI, WWII, the Cold War, and U.S. versus trans-national jihadi terrorists. Analysis indicates that: 1) the quality of the competing narratives will prove of decisive importance and 2) any communication strategy will need to address inconsistencies to be effective. The ultimate goal is not to control and guide the message, but to let the message guide and control our actions.
Influence Strategy
[ { "affiliations": [ { "country": "United States", "display_name": "United States Air Force", "id": "", "lat": 38.88101, "long": -77.10428, "type": "government" } ], "display_name": "Bryan M Pickett", "id": "" }, { "affiliations": [ { "country": "United States", "display_name": "United States Army", "id": "", "lat": 38.88101, "long": -77.10428, "type": "government" } ], "display_name": "Mike Lingenfelter", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Politics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Public diplomacy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Diplomacy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Operations research", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Public administration", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Engineering", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
The U.S. strategy in the current conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan as well as with al-Qaeda has focused predominantly on heavy U.S. military involvement (with a high proportion of kinetic operations), while using influence components (media, public diplomacy, Civil Affairs (CA), Military Information Support Operations (MISO), and Public Affairs (PA)), for the most part, in a reactive manner. This paper explores influence strategy and theory to identify what the key components of an effective influence strategy are, and how to modify these components to increase strategic effectiveness. First examined is the relationship of influence strategy with grand strategy, then progressed to examining several key influence theories as proposed by Cialdini, Ellul, Pratkanis, and Aronson, Tugwell, McLuhan, and Reilly. From the review, it appears that there are multiple descriptive formulations of the components of influence, but no specific formulations on how to develop an effective influence strategy using these principles. The principles of influence were compared and several hypotheses regarding an effective influence strategy proposed to help achieve the desired political end-state. The authors plan to test these hypotheses in future research using case studies of the Boer War, WWI, WWII, the Cold War, and the current conflict of U.S. versus trans-national Jihadi terrorists.
[ { "display_name": "International journal of cyber warfare and terrorism", "id": "", "type": "journal" } ]
Rebuilding American Military Power in the Pacific
[ { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Robbin F. Laird", "id": "" }, { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Edward Timperlake", "id": "" }, { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Richard Weitz", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Mindset", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Power (physics)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "China", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Insider", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Asia pacific", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Navy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "International trade", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Business", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Philosophy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Physics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Epistemology", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Quantum mechanics", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
<JATS1:p>This volume examines how the U.S. military must rebuild in the wake of Iraq/Afghanistan, and refocus its power projection to face the new challenges emerging in the Pacific and with China.</JATS1:p> <JATS1:p>Rebuilding American Military Power in the Pacific: A 21st-Century Strategy provides an all-encompassing look at the challenges facing the United States in shaping a 21st-century Pacific strategy: dealing with the growing Chinese colossus, the unpredictable nuclear challenge presented by North Korea, the dynamic of the Arctic opening, and maintaining the security of the conveyor belt of goods and services in the Pacific. Can the United States successfully train and prepare for the 21st century, and break free from the mindset that determined its strategies in the previous century? The authors of the work explain why a carefully considered, fully modernized Pacific strategy is a key element for the evolution of American military power—and why shaping an effective air and maritime strategy in the Pacific as well as globally is the crucial challenge facing the U.S. military and the policy community. Written by authors with significant access to the media, think tanks, and high-level politicians, the book provides an insider's look at how American military leaders are building out relevant capabilities in the Pacific to defend America and its allies, and it contains extensive interviews with those leaders.</JATS1:p>
Air Superiority by the Numbers: Cutting Combat Air Forces in a Time of Uncertainty
[ { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Taylor T Ferrell", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Aeronautics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Combat readiness", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "National security", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Use of force", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military tactics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Gulf war", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Operational effectiveness", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Strategic bombing", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Operations management", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Operations research", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "World War II", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Economics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "International law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Economic history", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
Abstract : The central goal of this thesis is to identify and articulate the risks associated with a small combat air force (CAF). The author compares and contrasts the fighter force of today with that of the force employed during the Gulf War of 1991. Dramatic differences in the size, composition and readiness of today s air superiority fighter force illuminate significant strategic vulnerabilities associated with fighting major theater war. Using the variables of total fighter force size, air superiority force availability, fighter pilot availability and realistic combat training levels, the author provides a realistic assessment of the following question. If the CAF were called to fight a force similar in capabilities to the Iraq Air Defense System of 1991, could we do it and at what cost? Comparing the size of the total fighter force against the Persian Gulf wartime requirement, today s CAF would suffer from a lack of strategic depth and forward presence. Fighter pilot manning and low readiness levels exacerbate the problems of a small CAF, leading the author to conclude that while the CAF could fight a major theater war, the strategic costs associated with committing such a large proportion of the force would preclude the US from maintaining its global security commitments. These costs may dissuade policy makers from using the CAF for its intended purpose projecting combat airpower for national security.
Subterranean Warfare: A Counter to U.S. Airpower
[ { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Donald M. Heilig", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Battle", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Doctrine", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Bunker", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military doctrine", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Premise", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military tactics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Yard", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military history", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Allotment", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Power (physics)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "History", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Operations research", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Archaeology", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Philosophy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Ecology", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Coal", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Linguistics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Physics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Quantum mechanics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Biology", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
[ "", "", "", "", "" ]
Abstract : Subterranean warfare has evolved throughout history into what has become a technique for possibly negating the effect of air power. From the ancient underground structures in what is now present day to the heavily defended and fortified bunkers located in Iraq during Desert Storm subterranean warfare has time and time again negated the otherwise overwhelming destructive capability of superior air power. Analysis of warfare leads to several conclusions, as evidenced in the case study of the horrific, bloody fighting during the battle for Peleliu during World War II. During this battle over 10,000 thousand Marines casualties resulted from the fighting in an area 400 yards by 900 yards. Over the years the United States military has encountered subterranean structures and struggled with techniques to destroy these complex systems. Presently, the United States military has no doctrine, tactics, techniques, or procedures for subterranean warfare. The researcher used case study and evaluation of years of warfare, during which the United States' enemies used subterranean tactics to defend territory. The researcher believes that there is a doctrinal void when it comes to engaging subterranean targets. Several propositions of Airpower may have to be reevaluated, based on the premise that our enemies will dig further and further into the earth as a result of U.S. Airpower in the future.
Media: A Line of Operation for Urban Combat on the Operational Level
[ { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Erik Krivda", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Battle", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military doctrine", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Doctrine", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Public opinion", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Mass media", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Public relations", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military tactics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Advertising", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Business", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Operations research", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Geography", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Politics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Archaeology", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
Abstract : Understanding and leveraging the news media has become critical for operational-level commanders conducting urban combat operations. The insatiable public appetite for information has created conditions in which tactical actions can have severe strategic repercussions because of media reporting. In the 21st century, the operational-level commander conducting urban combat operations must clearly understand the influence that the news media has on operational success. Media influences on world public opinion can now change the traditional model of warfare described by Clausewitz's trinity. World public opinion, influenced by the media, is now a fourth factor in influencing war, modifying the trinity into a diamond. Therefore, operational-level commanders must address the media in their planning and operations. Adding the media as a line of operation for planning and establishing media crisis teams will allow the commander to consider media coverage, or the media battle space, throughout an operation. This ensures that planners will develop the media battle space as an integral part of the urban kinetic fight. The author examines the battles of Hue during the Vietnam War and Fallujah during the Iraqi insurgency through the lenses of the reporting cycle, public perception, and military doctrine to demonstrate the new significance of the media in 21st century urban combat.
Power Projection: A Comparison of the Aerospace Expeditionary Force and the Carrier Battle Group
[ { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Peter A. Lee", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Firepower", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Doctrine", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Battle", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Navy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Aeronautics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Software deployment", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military doctrine", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Aerospace", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Power (physics)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer security", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Geography", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Physics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Software engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Archaeology", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Quantum mechanics", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
[ "", "", "", "" ]
Abstract : The end of the Cold War and the changing world strategic environment has brought about a dramatic shift in the emphasis of forces throughout the military. In the past decade, the U.S. has continually been sending ad hoc deployments of forces in reaction to Iraqi actions. Several times the Air Force has deployed forces to augment a Carrier Battle Group (CVBG) already in theater or to fill a gap left behind when a CVBG could not remain on station. This study compares the Aerospace Expeditionary Force (AEF), which will be implemented in January 2000, and the CVBG. In particular, it looks at the ability of each to project power throughout the world. The National Security Strategy guides and directs military doctrine. This study shows how joint doctrine, as well as Air Force and Navy doctrine, has developed to provide viable power projection forces. The AEF is a very capable, mobile force which brings flexible firepower to the fight. It is able to respond rapidly and provide combat operations within 72 hours of execution, anywhere in the world. The AEF is limited by logistics, host nation support and overfly rights. The CVBG is also a capable force, providing flexible firepower. It is expeditionary in nature, but is limited by sortie generation, logistics and speed of deployment. The situation will dictate what forces will be necessary to meet our objectives. Commanders of tomorrow will have to analyze the situation and determine the appropriate force required and decide whether to ask Where is the Carrier? or say, Send an AEF!.
United States – United Kingdom military cooperation under Donald Trump’s administration (2017 – 2021)
[ { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Nazarii Lutsenko", "id": "" }, { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "NULL AUTHOR_ID", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Navy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Administration (probate law)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Context (archaeology)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Kingdom", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Politics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "International relations", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Foreign policy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Middle East", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Public administration", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "History", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Paleontology", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Archaeology", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Biology", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
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This article refers to military cooperation between the United States and Great Britain. Their relationship constitutes an important component of the system of the international relations. Both countries have nuclear weapons and the latest military technology. Both states are sending troops to resolve military conflicts in the Middle East and North Africa. The United States and the United Kingdom provide a significant support to Ukraine in its confrontation with the Russian Federation. Methodology. The research is based on chronological, historical-political and comparative methods. The purpose of the article is to study the changes and the development of the US-British bilateral relations in the context of military cooperation. Looking at the results of this study, the US-British military relations under the Donald Trump administration have not changed. The article illustrates that the United States and the United Kingdom are the main partners in the production of weapons and equipment, strategic planning of operations. British ships in the Asian-Pacific and Middle East plying with the US Navy, repeatedly conducted joint exercises. These are the only countries that conduct the bilateral military exercises almost every year. Under the premiership of Theresa May and Boris Johnson, the United Kingdom pursued a foreign policy strategy which is called Global Britain. The main goal is to make the country more powerful in the international arena. At the same time Donald Trump`s main strategy was to «Made America great again». So, sometimes there were some political discussions among political leaders how to react and to solve the problems in the Middle East, especially in Iraq. However, this did not affect the proximity of the military partnership. Both countries work closely together in the military force and in intelligence.
[ { "display_name": "Американська історія і політика", "id": "", "type": "journal" } ]
Effects of Operational and Strategic Pauses on Mission Success
[ { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Eric D Beaty", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Military tactics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Operational level of war", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Doctrine", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Power (physics)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "National security", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military doctrine", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Strategic planning", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Strategic goal", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Scope (computer science)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Operational planning", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Software deployment", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Space (punctuation)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Operations research", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Management", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "World War II", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Economics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Physics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Software engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Quantum mechanics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Red Army's tactics in World War II", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Programming language", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Operating system", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
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Abstract : Operational pauses are a part of campaign design and remain relevant in 21st century expeditionary warfare. The United States should maintain the military in a subordinate role as only one element of national power. Where this is infeasible, use of force should establish the discourse space required to recapitalize upon the informational, diplomatic, and economic elements of national power. The author posits that in the foreseeable future of global conflict and the contemporary operating environment, military engagements and operational pauses will facilitate strategic pauses that allow space for discourse and lead to more rapid conflict termination. This monograph is based on a review of current doctrine, an examination of the work of prominent military theorists, and the analysis of operational and strategic case studies. After an extensive review of modern literature pertaining to the concepts of operational art, culmination points, logistics, and operational reach, the monograph explores the feasibility of using an expeditionary military as a means to create a strategic pause, whereupon other elements of national power would take rightful primacy to fully resolve the conflict. Additional discussion into the effectiveness of operational and strategic pauses against insurgent, terrorist, and nonstate actors also is presented. To limit the scope of the paper and remain at or above the operational level, tactical pauses are not discussed. The allied breakout and pursuit of World War II and Operation Iraqi Freedom are presented as case studies of operational pauses. The Vietnam War and the conflict in Kosovo are presented as case studies of strategic pauses.
Defining Force 2025
[ { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Brandon B. Smith", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Interim", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Software deployment", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "National security", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Public relations", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Operations research", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Operating system", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
[ "" ]
As the of 2020 takes shape, it is clear that looming budget and personnel cuts mean the will have to do more with less. Investment in science and technology can help overcome the limitations, but the breakthroughs needed are 10 to 30 years in the future. The needs a strategy for the future, beyond 2020, that provides interim goals for structure and development. The concept to fulfill this need is known as 2025. The Force 2025 con- cept outlines the development of the right mix of expeditionary capability to support regional engagement while retaining the capability to win on the battlefield. This will be the force de- sign needed to apply strategic landpower.The concept of strategic landpower is gaining momentum in military circles and is informing discussions about landpower in the future. It introduces a clear narrative on how landpower supports national security and affects influence and engagement strategies. leaders are realizing that our force design, our approach to science and technology, and our force employment decisions will need to change significantly. Our focus as a force must go well beyond the next annual budget cycle.Recent Force Design EffortsTRADOC's effort in framing the strategic landpower concept has been an informative process for leaders.1 According to Gen. Robert W. Cone, it has exposed many shortfalls in our training, resourcing , and developing-a result of constant deployment and readiness requirements over the past 10 years.2 Cone states that for the last decade, science and technology efforts have aimed to meet the Army's needs in Iraq and Afghanistan-mostly short-term requirements.3 The result has been a force focused less on combined arms and more on counterinsurgency and wide-area security. The battle labs, justifiably, became Iraq and Afghanistan. As we slowly lost our long-term, over-the-horizon focus and concentrated on the close fight, we became less well prepared to meet ongoing national security requirements.More recently, the has begun to devote sig- nificant resources to exercises and experiments de- signed to determine and understand over-the-horizon requirements. The Army's interim solution to meeting those requirements was known as Army 2020. This concept directed reshaping the current force structure into a smaller force with balanced capabilities. This would bring the back from a counterinsurgency force to an capable of fighting across the range of military operations.4The Force 2025 ConceptThe next step must lead the further into the future. The Force 2025 concept answers the call from U.S. leaders to determine way points, based on strate- gic landpower requirements, that will guide long-term development and innovation.5 The Force 2025 con- cept describes how the will implement strategic landpower, employing a force that can stay regionally engaged to prevent and shape while maintaining the capability to win.Force 2025 integrates two approaches to force design. The first is outlining future concepts and ca- pability requirements to guide investment in science and technology. The second is refining ways to test, evaluate, and field new technologies in order to get them into use rapidly. Force 2025's goal is to integrate developments in science and technology quickly so we can build a more lethal and agile expeditionary force in the midterm. This will buy us time for scientific break- throughs in 2030 and beyond.The starting point for the application of strategic landpower and the design of Force 2025 was a predic- tion of instability in the future global security envi- ronment. We must continue trying to anticipate the capabilities needed in a future force-even though the has a poor record of predicting the next fight. An inclusive picture of the future security environment does not focus on a single threat but rather on overall conditions. This broad depiction is guiding developers to outline capabilities more like a multi-tool than a single-purpose bayonet. …
[ { "display_name": "Military review", "id": "", "type": "journal" } ]
Joint Doctrine for Stability and Reconstruction Operations
[ { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Phillip W. Poliquin", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Doctrine", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military doctrine", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Joint (building)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Operations management", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Treasure", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Process (computing)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Operations research", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "State (computer science)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer security", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "History", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Civil engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Archaeology", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Algorithm", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Operating system", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
Abstract : Joint Doctrine provides inadequate planning guidance for closing the critical seam between combat operations and post-hostilities security and reconstruction. While the importance of linking military objectives to the desired end-state has been addressed through recent updates, a review of current joint planning doctrine still indicates critical deficiencies. First, the guidance provided in Joint Publications (JP) for planning joint operations -- JP 3-0, JP 3-08 series, JP 5-00 series, and the Joint Operational Planning and Execution System (JOPES) -- lacks continuity. Second, the deliberate planning process and Crisis Action Planning process outlined in JOPES lags the requirements implied in the National Security Strategy. Third, JOPES should be adjusted to delineate a regressive approach to planning joint operations. Finally, JOPES -- indeed all joint planning doctrine -- also lags institutional changes and growth within the Department of Defense (DoD) and the Department of State (DoS). Through an examination of the results of postconflict, or phase IV, operations to date during Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF), it will be apparent that recent changes made to joint doctrine have been insufficient in changing the actual planning process. Additionally, without cooperative, interagency planning, postconflict stability and reconstruction operations will continue to hold high costs in terms of U.S. lives and treasure.
Modeling conflict between China and the United States
[ { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Phil Reynolds", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Offensive", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "China", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Diplomacy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Strengths and weaknesses", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Use of force", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political economy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Operations research", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Economics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Politics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Psychology", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Social psychology", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "International law", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
Abstract : As the United States exits Iraq and Afghanistan, it must begin the long process of preparing for future challenges. There is considerable pressure on policy makers within the Congress and the Department of Defense (DoD) to make strategy and force structure decisions with costs in mind. A key question is what will future conflict look like and how many resources should be committed to large conventional forces. To effectively analyze the desired size and characteristics of tomorrow's military, we must take a hard look at feasible, real-world contingencies, one of which could be conflict with China. This thesis examines the strengths and weaknesses of the United States' and China's military forces, and uses Game Theory to model conflict between the two countries using the Correlates of War data to measure national power. The central question that drives this study is as follows: Can the United States win a conventional war against China, and, if not, are there offensive irregular warfare (IW) activities that can deter China while being advantageous to the United States? Modeling can provide input to policy makers by providing insight into three questions: (1) How would the United States fare in a conventional war with China?; (2) Would the United States fare better using IW against China?; and (3) Is there a combination of conventional force, IW, and diplomacy that can achieve U.S. strategic objectives? The models in this study are meant to provide mathematical insights into whether IW is an essential element of U.S. national strategy.
Seeing Through the Fog: The Evolution of Problem Framing in United States Army Decision-Making Doctrine
[ { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Matthew Smith", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Doctrine", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Battle", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Framing (construction)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military doctrine", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Operations research", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "History", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Archaeology", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Structural engineering", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
Abstract : This investigation looks at the evolution of problem framing in U.S. Army decision-making doctrine, and its applicability to the planner at the operational level of war. It contends that operational environments have shaped U.S. Army's decision-making doctrine. Specifically, this investigation looks at the development, and eventual codification, of problem framing in U.S. Army decision-making doctrine from the 1930s to the present. The U.S. Army decision-making doctrine has adapted and evolved over time to help planners address complexities in operational environments. Further, doctrine's adaptations and evolutions have influenced how operational planners have framed problems in their respective environments. For the purpose of this inquiry, four doctrinal periods comprise this evolution: the Interwar Period (1930s-40s), the Containment Period (1950s-60s), the AirLand Battle Period (1970s-1980s), and the Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)/Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) Period (2008-present day). In addition to challenges posed by the environment, planners may face cognitive challenges that hinder effective problem framing: planning in complexity, the trappings of categorical thought, and overcoming constructed biases. Hence, this investigation illuminates how contemporary U.S. Army decision-making doctrine may assist planners navigating through complex problems. Concerning the continued development of planners as problem framers, three recommendations arose from this investigation. The Army should consider: merging of the army design methodology and military decision-making process into a single process, re-titling of Step 1 (Receipt of Mission) of the military decision-making process, and increasing the feedback mechanics of exercises conducted at the Command and General Staff College. These recommendations foster the cultivation of critical and creative thinking -- qualities necessary for proficient problem framing.
Fratricide, Technology and Joint Doctrine
[ { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Bennie Sanchez", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Doctrine", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military doctrine", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Engineering", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
Abstract : Fratricide is not a new phenomenon in warfare; it is an unfortunate and tragic occurrence for which the armed forces continue to seek a solution. From World War I through the Vietnam War, what has been generally accepted by many scholars and historians is that two percent of all combat casualties resulted from fratricide. Recent combat operations by U.S. forces such as Operation Desert Storm, Operation Enduring Freedom, and Operation Iraqi Freedom have had fratricide rates that are considerably higher than those recorded in earlier conflicts. This is despite the fact that there have been significant technological advances in hardware and weapons systems since World War II. The Department of Defense has spent countless dollars on technology in an effort to develop a system that will eliminate or significantly reduce fratricide, but technology alone is not the answer. Doctrine or the basic fundamentals of how U.S. forces are employed in combat is a critical component in reducing fratricide. More specifically, Joint Doctrine is how U.S. forces will conduct operations to accomplish their mission objectives. Current Joint doctrine does not specifically address fratricide prevention at a level or degree that provides operators with useable tools to ensure that fratricide prevention occurs at all levels of warfare. Using the principles of Operational Risk Management and incorporating them with methods within Joint doctrine the U.S. military can improve the tools and products available to operators. U.S. military doctrine must be continually evaluated and allowed to evolve if it is to be relevant in today's fast-paced combat environment. The best way to reduce fratricide is through the synergistic effects of technology and doctrine. (22 refs.)
Selected Foreign Counterparts of U.S. Army Ground Combat Systems: and Implications for Combat Operations and Modernization
[ { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Andrew Feickert", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Artillery", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Infantry", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Battle", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Modernization theory", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Battlefield", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military doctrine", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Aeronautics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military tactics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Combat readiness", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Rocket (weapon)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Doctrine", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Operations research", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Geography", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "History", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Ancient history", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Archaeology", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
Abstract : Many nations maintain armies whose ultimate responsibility is to defeat other nations combat formations on the battlefield. In order to accomplish this, nations indigenously develop, maintain, and improve a variety of ground combat systems or purchase them from other nations. Ground combat system development and improvement is informed by existing and emerging technologies and budgetary factors as well as observations from current land conflicts. As this process is also intended to address potential future battlefield threats, beliefs as to what the future combat operational environment will look like, as well as what future technologies might be available for military use, also influence a nations developmental efforts. The U.S. Armys current fleet of main battle tanks (MBTs), tracked infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs), tracked self-propelled (SP) artillery, and multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS), which constitutes the nucleus of the Armys armored ground forces, were developed in the 1970s and fielded in the 1980s to counter the Soviet Unions and Warsaw Pacts numerically superior ground forces. The combat performance of these vehicles against Iraqi forces during Operation Desert Storm in 1991 reaffirmed for many the role these systems would play in future Army ground operations. U.S. Army leadership notes for the first time since World War I, that the Army does not have a new ground combat vehicle under development and at current funding levels, the Bradley and Abrams will remain in the inventory for 50 to 70 more years. Regarding armored vehicle development, the Army suggests our enemies, and even our friends and allies, have not remained static and, in fact, even our allies are modernizing to such an extent that they have outpaced us in some areas. This comment raises the possibility that in the not-too-distant future, foreign armored vehicle design and capabilities could surpass existing U.S. systems.
The Pivot Toward Asia: A Balanced Approach
[ { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Phillip S. Walker", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Battle", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Context (archaeology)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "China", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "National security", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Economy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Economics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Geography", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Archaeology", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
Abstract : The announcement of the U.S. strategic rebalancing toward Asia from the Middle East creates the potential for significant miscalculation. Faced with a new operational environment and different threats than those of the past decade, the Department of Defense (DOD) must develop a defense strategy capable of maintaining long-term security and stability in the Asia-Pacific while protecting U.S. interests in the region. This transition, compounded by the impact of sequestration and the national debt crisis, makes developing an efficient and effective defense strategy a significant undertaking. This thesis contends that a future defense strategy must combine Joint-AirSea Operations (J-ASO) and Security Cooperation (SC) to provide a balanced approach for protecting US national security interests in Asia. Joint-AirSea Operations require additional constructs for air-sea integrated operations, beyond the current air-sea battle concept in development by DOD. For this reason, this study applies Joint AirSea Operations as the broader term encompassing AirSea Battle. The methodology consists of two case studies, each examining six factors: the threat, the type of conflict, the scale, the cost, the overall effectiveness of the operation, and the overall efficiency of the operation. This research paper examines two historical case studies of past U.S. military conflicts. The first study examines the Pacific Theater in World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and the 1991 Gulf War. The second case study examines the War in Afghanistan, the Iraq War, and Plan Colombia. The historical context from these conflicts provides the framework with which to evaluate why J-ASO and SC provide the balanced defense strategy required in the Asia-Pacific. By developing J-ASO, the DOD advances the integration of the air and maritime components similar to the post-Vietnam integration of the air and land components.
To TPFDD or Not to TPFDD: Is the TPFDD Outdated for Expeditionary US Military Operations?
[ { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Brian M. Newberry", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Software deployment", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military deployment", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Contingency", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Plan (archaeology)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Schedule", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Combat readiness", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Scale (ratio)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Process (computing)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Operations management", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Operations research", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Aeronautics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Management", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Geography", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Economics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Cartography", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Linguistics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Philosophy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Software engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Archaeology", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Operating system", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
Abstract : Commanders routinely undervalue logistics, despite the fact that logistics is arguably nine-tenths of the formula for winning. For the United States, this reality has significant consequences since every war beginning with the Spanish-American War in 1898 to the latest Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) conflict has relied on moving U.S. forces over extended distances. Indeed, despite the importance of logistics in an expeditionary age, the U.S. military has not settled on a standard deployment practice to move its forces. In the early 1990s, the United States adopted Time-Phased Force Deployment Data (TPFDD) as the method to plan out and execute large-scale deployments. First tested in Operation Desert Storm, the TPFDD remained the principle vehicle through the 1990s to schedule movement of forces. However, a decade later, the TPFDD was abandoned in favor of a Request for Forces (RFF) procedure in the latest OIF contingency in an attempt to build force packages more expeditiously as the campaign unfolded. This monograph provides an in-depth historical comparison of the TPFDD and RFF processes to determine which process best prepares the nation to move its forces to meet future threats on distant battlefields. A comparison of TPFDD and RFF using FM 3-0's strategic responsiveness criteria shows many similarities and only a few subtle differences between the two deployment practices. Similarly, the criterion of time necessary to move the forces only minimally differentiates the two practices. In total, both deployment practices have advantages and disadvantages that suggest no clear conclusions on the best deployment model. Yet since both deployment practices are far from perfect, the Department of Defense is spurring a new initiative known as adaptive planning to mitigate the commonly experienced problems of deployment. Adaptive planning seeks to use new tools, educated people, and responsive products to effectively simplify the deployment process.
The Individual Ready Reserve: Reforming the Army's Hidden Legions
[ { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Garri Benjamin Hendell", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Battle", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Grand strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Agile software development", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Common ground", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Management", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Psychology", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Economics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "History", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Social psychology", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Archaeology", "id": "" } ]
[ "Iraq" ]
REDUCTIONS OF THE end strength of Army's active component may or may not be advisable. In wake of latest strategic guidance from Defense Department, Sustaining Global Leadership: Priorities for 21st Century Defense (January 2012), looming reductions of American ground forces have been much discussed. Whatever merits of a smaller ground force from a defense or budgetary perspective, a smaller ground force is clearly inevitable, and priority of defense community is to develop plans to execute America's military strategy in light of this new reality. An agile expeditionary capability and ability to increase size of American ground forces in event of a sustained commitment are keys to success with a smaller standing Army and Marine Corps. With Marine Corps and elements of Army focused on first point, it is this second point--ensuring upward scalability of American ground forces--that requires further thought. To begin, we must recognize inevitability of a future conflict requiring a large ground force. Given division of roles and responsibilities between services, this observation primarily applies to Army. The future need for a large land army is a question of when, not a question of if. We can decide as a matter of policy that we do not wish to engage in soldier-intensive counterinsurgency warfare, but this does not mean that we will always have luxury of choosing when to participate in a future war. We may be drawn into a conflict, and successfully resolving that conflict may well require significant ground forces. Despite best efforts of State Department, all agree that future conflict is inevitable, and it will likely not come about at a time of our choosing. In Army we like to speak of our nonnegotiable contract with America to fight and win our nation's wars. We also like to say the enemy has a vote, and this applies to both where and when these wars take place. We can expect enemy to attack us not in areas where we already exercise dominance, but where we are least prepared or willing to wage sustained war: on land. [ILLUSTRATION OMITTED] As retired Major General Robert Scales wrote in 5 January 2012 edition of Washington Post, Here's what lessons of past 70 years really teach us: We cannot pick our enemies; our enemies will pick us. They will, as they always have in past, cede to us dominance in air, on sea, and in space because they do not have ability to fight us there. Our enemies have observed us closely in Iraq and Afghanistan, and they have learned lessons taught by Mao Tse-tung, Ho Chi Minh, and Saddam Hussein: America's greatest vulnerability is dead Americans. So our future enemy will seek to fight us on ground, where we have traditionally been poorly prepared. His objective will be to win by not losing, to kill as an end rather than as a means to an end. (1) None of this is to call into question decision of National Command Authority to reduce active component force structure at this time. Maintaining a large standing army in times of peace may be undesirable for many reasons, notably cost, but need to economize today must not prevent us from beginning to lay a cost-effective foundation for success in a future war. A key to success lies in realization that a reduction in Army active component end-strength translates to an inevitable increase in size of Army's Individual Ready Reserve (IRR). As a general matter, active component reductions lead to a cascade of talent into Ready Reserve. While size of Ready Reserve should balloon in short term to reflect coming draw-down of active component, its size will eventually stabilize as a proportion of total size of active component and Selected Reserve (SELRES). While Ready Reserve does not completely mitigate risks of a smaller active force, if properly managed it can be a crucial force multiplier, giving National Command Authority increased flexibility in responding to an uncertain world. …
[ { "display_name": "Military review", "id": "", "type": "journal" } ]
France and the Rif War: Lessons from a Forgotten Counterinsurgency War (Northern Morocco - April 1925 - May 1927)
[ { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Frederic Danigo", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Afghan", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Battle", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Insurgency", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Colonialism", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Asymmetric warfare", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Guerrilla warfare", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Spanish Civil War", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Modern warfare", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Leverage (statistics)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Politics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Ancient history", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "History", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Machine learning", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer science", "id": "" } ]
[ "Morocco" ]
Abstract : The Rif War (Northern Morocco 1925-1927) experience is relevant to fuel the debate on contemporary counter insurgency, especially because of the numerous and obvious analogies between the Rif and the Afghan theater of operations. The Rif War was neither a small war among others, nor a WWI type battle; it was one of the first examples of modern irregular and asymmetric warfare. The French Army had to synthesize its colonial warfare and its conventional operational art to defeat the Riffans. Experts in guerilla tactics and able to leverage modern weapons and propaganda, Abd EI Krim's partisans were both the followers of the Berber warriors and the forerunners of the modern revolutionary fighters. Therefore, the Rif War unquestionably provides useful insights for contemporary warfighters, especially with regard to the simultaneous conduct of military and political operations.
Las operaciones militares en el País Vasco: escuela de la Luftwaffe
[ { "affiliations": [ { "country": "Spain", "display_name": "University of Barcelona", "id": "", "lat": 41.38879, "long": 2.15899, "type": "education" } ], "display_name": "Gabriel Cardona", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Artillery", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Offensive", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Battle", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Spanish Civil War", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Adversary", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "History", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Geography", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Ancient history", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Operations research", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Archaeology", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer security", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer science", "id": "" } ]
[ "Morocco" ]
From July 1936 to March 1937, Franco's troops fought in the Spanish Civil War according to the traditional strategy of the Spanish Army in Morocco. In spite of its failure, due to the bad weather, its lack of experience and its bad coordination, the Italian offensive in Guadalajara had been the only battle planned with modern criteria. In the Biscay campaign, started by General Mola on March 31 1937, the Basque troops adopted a strategy based on the difficult terrain. In order to win this battle, it was impossible to use old military tactics. Because of that, Mola used combined operations of artillery and air force. Franco's Army learnt modern military strategies, fighting against an enemy geographically isolated, with little artillery and no air support and with a blockade of the coast. Therefore, the Luftwaffe, which had been founded two years before, developed new systems of air raids. All armies would use these techniques during the Second World War.
[ { "display_name": "DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals)", "id": "", "type": "repository" } ]
‘How The Mouse Got His Roar’: The Shift to an ‘Offensive–Defensive’ Military Strategy in Israel in 1953 and its Implications
[ { "affiliations": [ { "country": "Israel", "display_name": "Hebrew University of Jerusalem", "id": "", "lat": 31.76904, "long": 35.21633, "type": "education" } ], "display_name": "Amiram Oren", "id": "" }, { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Oren Barak", "id": "" }, { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Assaf Shapira", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Offensive", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Memoir", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Prime minister", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military policy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Government (linguistics)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Politics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "History", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Operations research", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Business administration", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Linguistics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Philosophy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Business management", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Business", "id": "" } ]
[ "Israel" ]
[ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
In 1953 Israel abandoned the ‘defensive–offensive’ military strategy that it had adopted four years earlier, in the wake of the First Arab–Israeli War, in favor of an ‘offensive–defensive’ military strategy that, to a large extent, persists until this day. This paper, which employs previously untapped Israeli official documents, personal interviews, memoirs, biographies, and secondary sources, casts new light on this critical juncture in the history of Israel and the Arab–Israeli conflict. The paper challenges existing works by showing when and how Israel's ‘offensive–defensive’ military strategy was adopted. More specifically, the authors argue that it was the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), especially its planning bodies - and not the Prime Minister and Defense Minister, David Ben Gurion, or the IDF's Chief of Staff, Lieutenant General Moshe Dayan - that initiated this change, and that the new strategy met no objection when it was discussed and approved by the Israeli government. The authors also inquire about the possible implications of this change for Israel and the Arab–Israeli conflict, and ask how this case informs general debates regarding the origins of military strategies.
[ { "display_name": "International History Review", "id": "", "type": "journal" } ]
Lessons from Israeli Battlefield Air Interdiction During the Battle for Golan, October 1973
[ { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Thomas D Entwistle", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Interdiction", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Battle", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Battlefield", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Offensive", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military doctrine", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Adversary", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military tactics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Aeronautics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Doctrine", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer security", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Operations research", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Principal (computer security)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military history", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Ammunition", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Geography", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "History", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Ancient history", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Aerospace engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Archaeology", "id": "" } ]
[ "Israel" ]
Abstract : This study establishes lessons, and draws conclusions from Israeli Air Force air-to-surface operations during the battle for Golan in October, 1973. The Israeli air mission and principal operational factors are identified and described. A historical analysis then considers how the principal factors influenced Israeli fighter operations, and determines what results were achieved. The study shows that Israeli air-to-surface operations during the battle were equivalent to current US Air Force doctrine for Battlefield Air Interdiction. Enemy ground forces and their objectives, Israeli assets, threats to fighter operations, and environmental conditions are described and analyzed to establish how they influenced operations. The results of operations are then measured against the doctrinal goals of Battlefield Air Interdiction to determine Israeli success. Keywords: AirLand battle, Battlefield Air Interdiction, Offensive air support, Yom Kippur War, Middle East War, Israeli Air Force.
Arab-Israeli War October 1973: Lessons Learned, Lessons Forgotten
[ { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "S. Baxter", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Artillery", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Infantry", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Battle", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Adversary", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military tactics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Guard (computer science)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Spanish Civil War", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military history", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Operational level of war", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "World War II", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "History", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Premise", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Ancient history", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer security", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Red Army's tactics in World War II", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Archaeology", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Linguistics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Philosophy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Programming language", "id": "" } ]
[ "Israel" ]
Abstract : The Arab-Israeli War in October 1973 holds many operational lessons for U.S. forces. The October War (called the 'Yom Kippur War' by the Israelis and the 'Ramadan War' by the Arabs) began on 6 October 1973. It lasted for some 18 days and was marked by violent tank battles, air warfare, skirmishes at sea and heavy artillery attacks. Infantry forces on both sides played a major role. Nearly 13,000 soldiers, sailors and airmen died during the conflict, the most recent of the major Arab-Israeli wars. Coming just six years after the 'Six Day War' in 1967 each side was affected by that brief encounter. The Israeli conduct in 1973 was largely based on successes in 1967. Badly mistaken in that they failed to account for Arabian changes in operations and tactics, the IDF was very nearly beaten in the first forty-eight hours of battle. operational lessons can be taken from this simple premise: Never assume that any future opponent has accepted the status quo imposed upon him on the basis of past operational victories. Discussion here focuses on those combat lessons learned as well as mistakes made in the Israeli Intelligence estimates of the prewar environment. It is also submitted that there exists a disconnect between the Israeli National Strategy for it's armed forces and the employment of it's military might. The United States must also guard against this disconnect given the massive military draw-down without lessening military commitments around the world.
The American Airlift to Israel in 1973: Political and Military Implications
[ { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Roger W Hansen", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Airlift", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Offensive", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Ammunition", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Settlement (finance)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Politics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Battle", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "State (computer science)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Attrition", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Operations research", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Public administration", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Business", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "History", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Medicine", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Finance", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Archaeology", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Botany", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Algorithm", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Dentistry", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Bioreactor", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Payment", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Biology", "id": "" } ]
[ "Israel" ]
Abstract : The Arab-Israeli War of 1973 provides an excellent case study for the use of airlift resources during a modern day battle. The two sides in conflict, the Arabs and the Israelis, were supplied with sophisticated weapons that would increase the rate of attrition and operational tempo. This excessive rate of loss caused the Israelis concern about supplies of equipment and ammunition needed to provide for a counter offensive. The Israelis would need the help of their friend the United States. The U. S. had the capacity to deliver much needed supplies but the new Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger, did not want to disrupt detente with the Soviets. Secretary of Defense James Schlesinger wanted to be sure the U.S. could play an 'honest broker' role in the peace settlement after the war ended. The Defense and State Departments were pursuing their own course of action but the combination was causing a delay in the start of the airlift. This paper will look at the effects of airlift and its ability to play a deterrent role in conflicts. The decision making process in the United States was hindered but a timely decision needed to be made. This paper will evaluate the decision process and the airlift resources available. A brief comparison of airlift with sealift will be made. The American airlift will be compared with the future will be discussed in light of the lessons learned during the American airlift to Israel in 1973.
Flexible Air Strategy and the 1973 October War
[ { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "John Joseph Haller", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Victory", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Battlefield", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Battle", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Flexibility (engineering)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military doctrine", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Doctrine", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military tactics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Power (physics)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Maneuver warfare", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Aeronautics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Operations research", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Spanish Civil War", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Asymmetric warfare", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "History", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Politics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Management", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Economics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Ancient history", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Physics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Quantum mechanics", "id": "" } ]
[ "Israel" ]
[ "", "" ]
Abstract : The key to winning the next war lies in the flexibility of air power. A critical analysis of the 1973 Arab-Israeli War using Professor William P. Snyder's model for war planning demonstrates how flexible air power clearly influenced the outcome of the war for Israel. In order to be successful on the battlefield in the future, U.S. military leaders and strategists must be flexible in planning and building air power doctrine, strategy and tactics. The U.S. Air Force cannot win a war on its own, but all must understand that it is the flexibility of the air arm that makes victory possible in the air-land battle concept.
Avoiding the Seam: An Analytical Framework for Deep Attack
[ { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Kevin Fowler", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Doctrine", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military doctrine", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Battle", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Adversary", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Focus (optics)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Service (business)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Engineering", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Operations research", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military tactics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer security", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Risk analysis (engineering)", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Geography", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Business", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Economy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Economics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Physics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Archaeology", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Optics", "id": "" } ]
[ "Israel" ]
Abstract : This study analyzes Army-Air Force cooperation during the previous twenty-five years in an effort to derive an analytical framework that the two services can use as the basis for future cooperative efforts. The conclusion is that such a framework can be derived from previous agreements and should be used to improve interservice cooperation. The focus is on deep operations because of the potential for the two services to create a seam during deep attack in which neither service can target enemy installations or forces effectively. The study begins with five proposed characteristics of an analytical framework: (1) Standardize terms. (2) Achieve full potential of combined effects. (3) Provide mutual protection. (4) Mitigate the possibility of fratricide. (5) Eliminate the creation of seams. It then tests this proposed analytical framework using two historical case studies. The first case examines the evolution of AirLand Battle doctrine and the relatively effective interservice dialogue that occurred through the 1980s. The study next considers the operations of the Israeli Defense Force in the Bekaa Valley to determine if this experience modifies the framework. After synthesizing the results from the historical cases, the analyst proposes how the analytical framework might be used to enhance Army-Air Force cooperation on deep attack. The final chapter analyzes the framework's implications for the current doctrine of the US Army and the Air Force. The study concludes by examining several problems that result from the contradictory nature of today's doctrine.
IN UNCLE SAM'S BACKYARD: China's Military Influence in Latin America
[ { "affiliations": [], "display_name": "Loro Horta", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Offensive", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "China", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Latin Americans", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Politics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Diplomacy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military policy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Management", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Business", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Economics", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Business administration", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Business management", "id": "" } ]
[ "Israel" ]
WHEN ANALYZING CHINA'S RELATIONS with Latin America, most observers tend to give marginal attention to the military and defense dimensions of the relationship and focus primarily on economic matters. A survey of official and academic publications on China's involvement with Latin America shows the minimal attention given to the military aspect of the phenomenon. (1) Many have pointed to China's limited arms sales to Latin America as a clear indicator of China's insignificant military position in the region. But weapons trade is not the only avenue available for establishing military influence abroad. Military and defense education, official visits by military officers and defense officials at various levels, participation in joint exercises, UN missions, air shows, and the provision of both non-military and military services are ways the Chinese are increasingly building a presence in Latin America. China's defense ties with Latin America have until recently been sporadic, involving little more than a few widely spaced official visits and even fewer hardware sales. However, since 2000, China has engaged in a patient, comprehensive diplomacy strategy toward Latin America. The PLA's new charm offensive is slowly but steadily winning a foothold. Initiatives beyond arms sales are incrementally allowing the PLA to create a foundation for long-term military cooperation in the not so distant future. There are significant political, economic, and military dimensions to most weapons trade. By that, I mean that major arms sales tend to follow or run in parallel with close and favorable political and economic relations. For instance, major recipients of U.S. arms, such as Israel, are allies of Washington that enjoy a close, privileged relationship. The same applies to NATO members and U.S. allies in Asia and the Middle East. Arms sales take place in a larger political and diplomatic setting. A direct link exists between major arms transferences and the nature of political and economic relations. Using this line of reasoning, we can conclude that China's arms sales to Latin America are likely to increase as China's political and economic relations with Latin America progress. Beijing's rising economic and political influence in Latin America may pave the way for major Chinese arms sales and a further expansion of its military influence. China's sophisticated new defense diplomacy is a major force driving this process. China's Military Diplomacy Defense-related and military education is an increasingly important, albeit unnoticed, instrument in Chinese defense policy. Training of Latin American military officers in the People's Liberation Army (PLA) academies has certainly been on the rise. Not so long ago, few officers from Latin America attended Chinese military academies. However, in the past several years, over 100 officers representing the three services of 12 Latin American countries graduated from PLA academies. China trains officers at all levels of command and in all services. For instance, at the People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) Command Staff College, junior and senior officers from Latin America attend different levels of education in the same year, allowing the Chinese military to become acquainted with officers from different generations and from all services. (2) Most significant perhaps is China's training of the upper echelons of Latin America's military at Beijing's elite national defense university, PLANDU. Each year Spanish-speaking senior officers from all services attend a four-and-one-half month-long course on grand strategy. By inviting these officers, the PLA is ensuring that attendees are those who will be in positions of power, which will allow closer relations with China and enhance influence and prestige with the Latin American military. (3) Surprisingly, officers from countries hostile to the United States such as Cuba or Venezuela no longer frequent these courses, while countries with traditionally close relations with the United States such as Colombia, Chile, and Argentina do. …
[ { "display_name": "Military review", "id": "", "type": "journal" } ]
What Good Is Military Strategy? An Analysis of Strategy and Effectiveness in the First Arab-Israeli War
[ { "affiliations": [ { "country": "United States", "display_name": "University of Portland", "id": "", "lat": 45.52345, "long": -122.67621, "type": "education" } ], "display_name": "Jeffrey W. Meiser", "id": "" }, { "affiliations": [ { "country": "United States", "display_name": "University of Portland", "id": "", "lat": 45.52345, "long": -122.67621, "type": "education" } ], "display_name": "Temmo Cramer", "id": "" }, { "affiliations": [ { "country": "United States", "display_name": "University of Portland", "id": "", "lat": 45.52345, "long": -122.67621, "type": "education" } ], "display_name": "Ryan Turner-Brady", "id": "" } ]
[ { "display_name": "Adversary", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Battlefield", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Scholarship", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military strategy", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military theory", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military service", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Strategic goal", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Military psychology", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Operational level of war", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Law", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer security", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Spanish Civil War", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Red Army's tactics in World War II", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer science", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "History", "id": "" }, { "display_name": "Ancient history", "id": "" } ]
[ "Israel" ]
[ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
What good is military strategy? According to the scholarship on military effectiveness, the answer is “not much”—strategy does not significantly affect the performance of armies in combat. Strategic theory scholarship disagrees and describes four specific mechanisms linking strategy to military effectiveness: Exploiting weaknesses in the adversary’s strategy; causing psychological dislocation in the enemy commanders; creating a favorable center of gravity and pattern of war; and focusing resources and controlling violence in service of political goals. This essay uses a case study from the southern front of the First Arab-Israeli War to explore how strategy affects military performance. We find that Israeli General Yigal Allon’s military strategy significantly increased the combat efficiency and battlefield performance of the Israeli Defense Force, consistent with the mechanisms suggested by strategic theory. These findings suggest that military strategy is indeed an important determinant of military effectiveness.
[ { "display_name": "Scandinavian Journal of Military Studies", "id": "", "type": "journal" } ]