Unnamed: 0
int64 0
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600 | SELECT T1.Official_native_language FROM country AS T1 JOIN match_season AS T2 ON T1.Country_id = T2.Country WHERE T2.College = "Maryland" OR T2.College = "Duke" | What are the official languages of the countries of players from Maryland or Duke college? | CREATE TABLE country (Official_native_language VARCHAR, Country_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE match_season (Country VARCHAR, College VARCHAR) | Quais são as línguas oficiais dos países de jogadores de Maryland ou Duke College? |
601 | SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT T1.Official_native_language) FROM country AS T1 JOIN match_season AS T2 ON T1.Country_id = T2.Country WHERE T2.Position = "Defender" | How many distinct official languages are there among countries of players whose positions are defenders. | CREATE TABLE country (Official_native_language VARCHAR, Country_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE match_season (Country VARCHAR, Position VARCHAR) | Quantas línguas oficiais distintas existem entre os países de jogadores cujas posições são defensores. |
602 | SELECT T1.Season, T1.Player, T2.Name FROM match_season AS T1 JOIN team AS T2 ON T1.Team = T2.Team_id | Show the season, the player, and the name of the team that players belong to. | CREATE TABLE team (Name VARCHAR, Team_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE match_season (Season VARCHAR, Player VARCHAR, Team VARCHAR) | Mostre a temporada, o jogador e o nome da equipe a que os jogadores pertencem. |
603 | SELECT T1.Position FROM match_season AS T1 JOIN team AS T2 ON T1.Team = T2.Team_id WHERE T2.Name = "Ryley Goldner" | Show the positions of the players from the team with name "Ryley Goldner". | CREATE TABLE match_season (Position VARCHAR, Team VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE team (Team_id VARCHAR, Name VARCHAR) | Mostre as posições dos jogadores da equipe com o nome "Ryley Goldner". |
604 | SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT T1.College) FROM match_season AS T1 JOIN team AS T2 ON T1.Team = T2.Team_id WHERE T2.Name = "Columbus Crew" | How many distinct colleges are associated with players from the team with name "Columbus Crew". | CREATE TABLE match_season (College VARCHAR, Team VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE team (Team_id VARCHAR, Name VARCHAR) | Quantas faculdades distintas estão associadas com jogadores da equipe com o nome "Columbus Crew". |
605 | SELECT T1.Player, T1.Years_Played FROM player AS T1 JOIN team AS T2 ON T1.Team = T2.Team_id WHERE T2.Name = "Columbus Crew" | Show the players and years played for players from team "Columbus Crew". | CREATE TABLE player (Player VARCHAR, Years_Played VARCHAR, Team VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE team (Team_id VARCHAR, Name VARCHAR) | Mostre os jogadores e anos jogados para os jogadores da equipe "Columbus Crew". |
606 | SELECT POSITION, COUNT(*) FROM match_season GROUP BY POSITION | Show the position of players and the corresponding number of players. | CREATE TABLE match_season (POSITION VARCHAR) | Mostre a posição dos jogadores e o número correspondente de jogadores. |
607 | SELECT Country_name, COUNT(*) FROM country AS T1 JOIN match_season AS T2 ON T1.Country_id = T2.Country GROUP BY T1.Country_name | Show the country names and the corresponding number of players. | CREATE TABLE match_season (Country VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE country (Country_name VARCHAR, Country_id VARCHAR) | Mostre os nomes dos países e o número correspondente de jogadores. |
608 | SELECT player FROM match_season ORDER BY College | Return all players sorted by college in ascending alphabetical order. | CREATE TABLE match_season (player VARCHAR, College VARCHAR) | Retornar todos os jogadores classificados por faculdade em ordem alfabética ascendente. |
609 | SELECT POSITION FROM match_season GROUP BY POSITION ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 1 | Show the most common position of players in match seasons. | CREATE TABLE match_season (POSITION VARCHAR) | Mostrar a posição mais comum dos jogadores nas épocas de jogo. |
610 | SELECT College FROM match_season GROUP BY College ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 3 | Show the top 3 most common colleges of players in match seasons. | CREATE TABLE match_season (College VARCHAR) | Mostre os 3 melhores colégios mais comuns de jogadores nas temporadas de jogos. |
611 | SELECT College FROM match_season GROUP BY College HAVING COUNT(*) >= 2 | Show the name of colleges that have at least two players. | CREATE TABLE match_season (College VARCHAR) | Mostre o nome das faculdades que têm pelo menos dois jogadores. |
612 | SELECT College FROM match_season GROUP BY College HAVING COUNT(*) >= 2 ORDER BY College DESC | Show the name of colleges that have at least two players in descending alphabetical order. | CREATE TABLE match_season (College VARCHAR) | Mostre o nome das faculdades que têm pelo menos dois jogadores em ordem alfabética descendente. |
613 | SELECT Name FROM team WHERE NOT Team_id IN (SELECT Team FROM match_season) | What are the names of teams that do no have match season record? | CREATE TABLE match_season (Name VARCHAR, Team_id VARCHAR, Team VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE team (Name VARCHAR, Team_id VARCHAR, Team VARCHAR) | Quais são os nomes das equipes que não têm recorde de temporada de partidas? |
614 | SELECT T1.Country_name FROM country AS T1 JOIN match_season AS T2 ON T1.Country_id = T2.Country WHERE T2.Position = "Forward" INTERSECT SELECT T1.Country_name FROM country AS T1 JOIN match_season AS T2 ON T1.Country_id = T2.Country WHERE T2.Position = "Defender" | What are the names of countries that have both players with position forward and players with position defender? | CREATE TABLE country (Country_name VARCHAR, Country_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE match_season (Country VARCHAR, Position VARCHAR) | Quais são os nomes dos países que têm ambos os jogadores com posição à frente e jogadores com defensor de posição? |
615 | SELECT College FROM match_season WHERE POSITION = "Midfielder" INTERSECT SELECT College FROM match_season WHERE POSITION = "Defender" | Which college have both players with position midfielder and players with position defender? | CREATE TABLE match_season (College VARCHAR, POSITION VARCHAR) | Qual faculdade tem jogadores com meio-campista e jogadores com defensor de posição? |
616 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM climber | How many climbers are there? | CREATE TABLE climber (Id VARCHAR) | Quantos alpinistas existem? |
617 | SELECT Name FROM climber ORDER BY Points DESC | List the names of climbers in descending order of points. | CREATE TABLE climber (Name VARCHAR, Points VARCHAR) | Listar os nomes dos alpinistas em ordem decrescente de pontos. |
618 | SELECT Name FROM climber WHERE Country <> "Switzerland" | List the names of climbers whose country is not Switzerland. | CREATE TABLE climber (Name VARCHAR, Country VARCHAR) | Listar os nomes dos alpinistas cujo país não é a Suíça. |
619 | SELECT MAX(Points) FROM climber WHERE Country = "United Kingdom" | What is the maximum point for climbers whose country is United Kingdom? | CREATE TABLE climber (Points INTEGER, Country VARCHAR) | Qual é o ponto máximo para alpinistas cujo país é o Reino Unido? |
620 | SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT Country) FROM climber | How many distinct countries are the climbers from? | CREATE TABLE climber (Country VARCHAR) | De quantos países diferentes são os alpinistas? |
621 | SELECT Name FROM mountain ORDER BY Name | What are the names of mountains in ascending alphabetical order? | CREATE TABLE mountain (Name VARCHAR) | Quais são os nomes das montanhas em ordem alfabética ascendente? |
622 | SELECT Country FROM mountain WHERE Height > 5000 | What are the countries of mountains with height bigger than 5000? | CREATE TABLE mountain (Country VARCHAR, Height INTEGER) | Quais são os países de montanhas com altura maior que 5000? |
623 | SELECT Name FROM mountain ORDER BY Height DESC LIMIT 1 | What is the name of the highest mountain? | CREATE TABLE mountain (Name VARCHAR, Height VARCHAR) | Qual é o nome da montanha mais alta? |
624 | SELECT DISTINCT Range FROM mountain ORDER BY Prominence DESC LIMIT 3 | List the distinct ranges of the mountains with the top 3 prominence. | CREATE TABLE mountain (Range VARCHAR, Prominence VARCHAR) | Liste as faixas distintas das montanhas com a proeminência top 3. |
625 | SELECT T1.Name, T2.Name FROM climber AS T1 JOIN mountain AS T2 ON T1.Mountain_ID = T2.Mountain_ID | Show names of climbers and the names of mountains they climb. | CREATE TABLE mountain (Name VARCHAR, Mountain_ID VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE climber (Name VARCHAR, Mountain_ID VARCHAR) | Mostre os nomes dos alpinistas e os nomes das montanhas que eles escalam. |
626 | SELECT T1.Name, T2.Height FROM climber AS T1 JOIN mountain AS T2 ON T1.Mountain_ID = T2.Mountain_ID | Show the names of climbers and the heights of mountains they climb. | CREATE TABLE mountain (Height VARCHAR, Mountain_ID VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE climber (Name VARCHAR, Mountain_ID VARCHAR) | Mostre os nomes dos alpinistas e as alturas das montanhas que eles escalam. |
627 | SELECT T2.Height FROM climber AS T1 JOIN mountain AS T2 ON T1.Mountain_ID = T2.Mountain_ID ORDER BY T1.Points DESC LIMIT 1 | Show the height of the mountain climbed by the climber with the maximum points. | CREATE TABLE climber (Mountain_ID VARCHAR, Points VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE mountain (Height VARCHAR, Mountain_ID VARCHAR) | Mostre a altura da montanha escalada pelo alpinista com os pontos máximos. |
628 | SELECT DISTINCT T2.Name FROM climber AS T1 JOIN mountain AS T2 ON T1.Mountain_ID = T2.Mountain_ID WHERE T1.Country = "West Germany" | Show the distinct names of mountains climbed by climbers from country "West Germany". | CREATE TABLE mountain (Name VARCHAR, Mountain_ID VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE climber (Mountain_ID VARCHAR, Country VARCHAR) | Mostre os nomes distintos de montanhas escaladas por alpinistas do país "Alemanha Ocidental". |
629 | SELECT T1.Time FROM climber AS T1 JOIN mountain AS T2 ON T1.Mountain_ID = T2.Mountain_ID WHERE T2.Country = "Uganda" | Show the times used by climbers to climb mountains in Country Uganda. | CREATE TABLE mountain (Mountain_ID VARCHAR, Country VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE climber (Time VARCHAR, Mountain_ID VARCHAR) | Mostre os horários usados pelos alpinistas para escalar montanhas no país Uganda. |
630 | SELECT Country, COUNT(*) FROM climber GROUP BY Country | Please show the countries and the number of climbers from each country. | CREATE TABLE climber (Country VARCHAR) | Por favor, mostre os países e o número de alpinistas de cada país. |
631 | SELECT Country FROM mountain GROUP BY Country HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 | List the countries that have more than one mountain. | CREATE TABLE mountain (Country VARCHAR) | Listar os países que têm mais de uma montanha. |
632 | SELECT Name FROM mountain WHERE NOT Mountain_ID IN (SELECT Mountain_ID FROM climber) | List the names of mountains that do not have any climber. | CREATE TABLE mountain (Name VARCHAR, Mountain_ID VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE climber (Name VARCHAR, Mountain_ID VARCHAR) | Listar os nomes das montanhas que não têm nenhum alpinista. |
633 | SELECT Country FROM mountain WHERE Height > 5600 INTERSECT SELECT Country FROM mountain WHERE Height < 5200 | Show the countries that have mountains with height more than 5600 stories and mountains with height less than 5200. | CREATE TABLE mountain (Country VARCHAR, Height INTEGER) | Mostre aos países que têm montanhas com altura superior a 5600 andares e montanhas com altura inferior a 5200. |
634 | SELECT Range FROM mountain GROUP BY Range ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 1 | Show the range that has the most number of mountains. | CREATE TABLE mountain (Range VARCHAR) | Mostre a faixa que tem o maior número de montanhas. |
635 | SELECT Name FROM mountain WHERE Height > 5000 OR Prominence > 1000 | Show the names of mountains with height more than 5000 or prominence more than 1000. | CREATE TABLE mountain (Name VARCHAR, Height VARCHAR, Prominence VARCHAR) | Mostre os nomes das montanhas com altura superior a 5000 ou proeminência superior a 1000. |
636 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM body_builder | How many body builders are there? | CREATE TABLE body_builder (Id VARCHAR) | Quantos construtores de corpo existem? |
637 | SELECT Total FROM body_builder ORDER BY Total | List the total scores of body builders in ascending order. | CREATE TABLE body_builder (Total VARCHAR) | Listar as pontuações totais de construtores de corpo em ordem crescente. |
638 | SELECT Snatch, Clean_Jerk FROM body_builder ORDER BY Snatch | List the snatch score and clean jerk score of body builders in ascending order of snatch score. | CREATE TABLE body_builder (Snatch VARCHAR, Clean_Jerk VARCHAR) | Liste o score arrebatador e o score limpo dos construtores de corpo em ordem crescente de score arrebatador. |
639 | SELECT AVG(Snatch) FROM body_builder | What is the average snatch score of body builders? | CREATE TABLE body_builder (Snatch INTEGER) | Qual é a pontuação média arrebatador de construtores de corpo? |
640 | SELECT Clean_Jerk FROM body_builder ORDER BY Total DESC LIMIT 1 | What are the clean and jerk score of the body builder with the highest total score? | CREATE TABLE body_builder (Clean_Jerk VARCHAR, Total VARCHAR) | Quais são a pontuação limpa e idiota do construtor do corpo com a maior pontuação total? |
641 | SELECT Birth_Date FROM People ORDER BY Height | What are the birthdays of people in ascending order of height? | CREATE TABLE People (Birth_Date VARCHAR, Height VARCHAR) | Quais são os aniversários das pessoas em ordem crescente de altura? |
642 | SELECT T2.Name FROM body_builder AS T1 JOIN people AS T2 ON T1.People_ID = T2.People_ID | What are the names of body builders? | CREATE TABLE body_builder (People_ID VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE people (Name VARCHAR, People_ID VARCHAR) | Quais são os nomes dos construtores de corpo? |
643 | SELECT T2.Name FROM body_builder AS T1 JOIN people AS T2 ON T1.People_ID = T2.People_ID WHERE T1.Total > 300 | What are the names of body builders whose total score is higher than 300? | CREATE TABLE people (Name VARCHAR, People_ID VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE body_builder (People_ID VARCHAR, Total INTEGER) | Quais são os nomes dos construtores de corpo cuja pontuação total é superior a 300? |
644 | SELECT T2.Name FROM body_builder AS T1 JOIN people AS T2 ON T1.People_ID = T2.People_ID ORDER BY T2.Weight DESC LIMIT 1 | What is the name of the body builder with the greatest body weight? | CREATE TABLE body_builder (People_ID VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE people (Name VARCHAR, People_ID VARCHAR, Weight VARCHAR) | Qual é o nome do construtor de corpo com o maior peso corporal? |
645 | SELECT T2.Birth_Date, T2.Birth_Place FROM body_builder AS T1 JOIN people AS T2 ON T1.People_ID = T2.People_ID ORDER BY T1.Total DESC LIMIT 1 | What are the birth date and birth place of the body builder with the highest total points? | CREATE TABLE body_builder (People_ID VARCHAR, Total VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE people (Birth_Date VARCHAR, Birth_Place VARCHAR, People_ID VARCHAR) | Quais são a data de nascimento e o local de nascimento do construtor do corpo com os pontos totais mais altos? |
646 | SELECT T2.Height FROM body_builder AS T1 JOIN people AS T2 ON T1.People_ID = T2.People_ID WHERE T1.Total < 315 | What are the heights of body builders with total score smaller than 315? | CREATE TABLE people (Height VARCHAR, People_ID VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE body_builder (People_ID VARCHAR, Total INTEGER) | Quais são as alturas dos construtores de corpo com pontuação total menor que 315? |
647 | SELECT AVG(T1.Total) FROM body_builder AS T1 JOIN people AS T2 ON T1.People_ID = T2.People_ID WHERE T2.Height > 200 | What is the average total score of body builders with height bigger than 200? | CREATE TABLE people (People_ID VARCHAR, Height INTEGER); CREATE TABLE body_builder (Total INTEGER, People_ID VARCHAR) | Qual é a pontuação total média de fisiculturistas com altura maior que 200? |
648 | SELECT T2.Name FROM body_builder AS T1 JOIN people AS T2 ON T1.People_ID = T2.People_ID ORDER BY T1.Total DESC | What are the names of body builders in descending order of total scores? | CREATE TABLE body_builder (People_ID VARCHAR, Total VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE people (Name VARCHAR, People_ID VARCHAR) | Quais são os nomes dos construtores de corpo em ordem decrescente de pontuação total? |
649 | SELECT Birth_Place, COUNT(*) FROM people GROUP BY Birth_Place | List each birth place along with the number of people from there. | CREATE TABLE people (Birth_Place VARCHAR) | Listar cada local de nascimento, juntamente com o número de pessoas de lá. |
650 | SELECT Birth_Place FROM people GROUP BY Birth_Place ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 1 | What is the most common birth place of people? | CREATE TABLE people (Birth_Place VARCHAR) | Qual é o local de nascimento mais comum das pessoas? |
651 | SELECT Birth_Place FROM people GROUP BY Birth_Place HAVING COUNT(*) >= 2 | What are the birth places that are shared by at least two people? | CREATE TABLE people (Birth_Place VARCHAR) | Quais são os locais de nascimento que são compartilhados por pelo menos duas pessoas? |
652 | SELECT Height, Weight FROM people ORDER BY Height DESC | List the height and weight of people in descending order of height. | CREATE TABLE people (Height VARCHAR, Weight VARCHAR) | Liste a altura e o peso das pessoas em ordem decrescente de altura. |
653 | SELECT * FROM body_builder | Show all information about each body builder. | CREATE TABLE body_builder (Id VARCHAR) | Mostre todas as informações sobre cada construtor de corpo. |
654 | SELECT Name, birth_place FROM people EXCEPT SELECT T1.Name, T1.birth_place FROM people AS T1 JOIN body_builder AS T2 ON T1.people_id = T2.people_id | List the names and origins of people who are not body builders. | CREATE TABLE people (Name VARCHAR, birth_place VARCHAR, people_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE body_builder (people_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE people (Name VARCHAR, birth_place VARCHAR) | Listar os nomes e origens de pessoas que não são fisiculturistas. |
655 | SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT Birth_Place) FROM people | How many distinct birth places are there? | CREATE TABLE people (Birth_Place VARCHAR) | Quantos locais de nascimento existem? |
656 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM people WHERE NOT people_id IN (SELECT People_ID FROM body_builder) | How many persons are not body builders? | CREATE TABLE body_builder (people_id VARCHAR, People_ID VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE people (people_id VARCHAR, People_ID VARCHAR) | Quantas pessoas não são construtores de corpos? |
657 | SELECT T2.weight FROM body_builder AS T1 JOIN people AS T2 ON T1.people_id = T2.people_id WHERE T1.snatch > 140 OR T2.height > 200 | List the weight of the body builders who have snatch score higher than 140 or have the height greater than 200. | CREATE TABLE people (weight VARCHAR, people_id VARCHAR, height VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE body_builder (people_id VARCHAR, snatch VARCHAR) | Liste o peso dos fisiculturistas que têm pontuação arrebatador superior a 140 ou têm a altura superior a 200. |
658 | SELECT T1.total FROM body_builder AS T1 JOIN people AS T2 ON T1.people_id = T2.people_id WHERE T2.Birth_Date LIKE "%January%" | What are the total scores of the body builders whose birthday contains the string "January" ? | CREATE TABLE people (people_id VARCHAR, Birth_Date VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE body_builder (total VARCHAR, people_id VARCHAR) | Quais são as pontuações totais dos construtores de corpo cujo aniversário contém a corda "Janeiro" ? |
659 | SELECT MIN(snatch) FROM body_builder | What is the minimum snatch score? | CREATE TABLE body_builder (snatch INTEGER) | Qual é a pontuação mínima? |
660 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM election | How many elections are there? | CREATE TABLE election (Id VARCHAR) | Quantas eleições existem? |
661 | SELECT Votes FROM election ORDER BY Votes DESC | List the votes of elections in descending order. | CREATE TABLE election (Votes VARCHAR) | Listar os votos das eleições em ordem decrescente. |
662 | SELECT Date, Vote_Percent FROM election | List the dates and vote percents of elections. | CREATE TABLE election (Date VARCHAR, Vote_Percent VARCHAR) | Listar as datas e os percentuais de votos das eleições. |
663 | SELECT MIN(Vote_Percent), MAX(Vote_Percent) FROM election | What are the minimum and maximum vote percents of elections? | CREATE TABLE election (Vote_Percent INTEGER) | Quais são os percentuais mínimos e máximos de votos das eleições? |
664 | SELECT Name, Party FROM representative | What are the names and parties of representatives? | CREATE TABLE representative (Name VARCHAR, Party VARCHAR) | Quais são os nomes e partidos dos representantes? |
665 | SELECT Name FROM Representative WHERE Party <> "Republican" | What are the names of representatives whose party is not "Republican"? | CREATE TABLE Representative (Name VARCHAR, Party VARCHAR) | Quais são os nomes dos representantes cujo partido não é "Republicano"? |
666 | SELECT Lifespan FROM representative WHERE State = "New York" OR State = "Indiana" | What are the life spans of representatives from New York state or Indiana state? | CREATE TABLE representative (Lifespan VARCHAR, State VARCHAR) | Quais são os períodos de vida de representantes do estado de Nova York ou do estado de Indiana? |
667 | SELECT T2.Name, T1.Date FROM election AS T1 JOIN representative AS T2 ON T1.Representative_ID = T2.Representative_ID | What are the names of representatives and the dates of elections they participated in. | CREATE TABLE election (Date VARCHAR, Representative_ID VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE representative (Name VARCHAR, Representative_ID VARCHAR) | Quais são os nomes dos representantes e as datas das eleições em que participaram? |
668 | SELECT T2.Name FROM election AS T1 JOIN representative AS T2 ON T1.Representative_ID = T2.Representative_ID WHERE Votes > 10000 | What are the names of representatives with more than 10000 votes in election? | CREATE TABLE representative (Name VARCHAR, Representative_ID VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE election (Representative_ID VARCHAR) | Quais são os nomes dos representantes com mais de 10000 votos nas eleições? |
669 | SELECT T2.Name FROM election AS T1 JOIN representative AS T2 ON T1.Representative_ID = T2.Representative_ID ORDER BY votes DESC | What are the names of representatives in descending order of votes? | CREATE TABLE representative (Name VARCHAR, Representative_ID VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE election (Representative_ID VARCHAR) | Quais são os nomes dos representantes em ordem decrescente de votos? |
670 | SELECT T2.Party FROM election AS T1 JOIN representative AS T2 ON T1.Representative_ID = T2.Representative_ID ORDER BY votes LIMIT 1 | What is the party of the representative that has the smallest number of votes. | CREATE TABLE representative (Party VARCHAR, Representative_ID VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE election (Representative_ID VARCHAR) | Qual é o partido do representante que tem o menor número de votos? |
671 | SELECT T2.Lifespan FROM election AS T1 JOIN representative AS T2 ON T1.Representative_ID = T2.Representative_ID ORDER BY Vote_Percent DESC | What are the lifespans of representatives in descending order of vote percent? | CREATE TABLE election (Representative_ID VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE representative (Lifespan VARCHAR, Representative_ID VARCHAR) | Quais são os tempos de vida dos representantes em ordem decrescente de percentagem de votos? |
672 | SELECT AVG(T1.Votes) FROM election AS T1 JOIN representative AS T2 ON T1.Representative_ID = T2.Representative_ID WHERE T2.Party = "Republican" | What is the average number of votes of representatives from party "Republican"? | CREATE TABLE election (Votes INTEGER, Representative_ID VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE representative (Representative_ID VARCHAR, Party VARCHAR) | Qual é o número médio de votos dos representantes do partido "Republicano"? |
673 | SELECT Party, COUNT(*) FROM representative GROUP BY Party | What are the different parties of representative? Show the party name and the number of representatives in each party. | CREATE TABLE representative (Party VARCHAR) | Quais são as diferentes partes do representante? Mostre o nome do partido e o número de representantes em cada parte. |
674 | SELECT Party, COUNT(*) FROM representative GROUP BY Party ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 1 | What is the party that has the largest number of representatives? | CREATE TABLE representative (Party VARCHAR) | Qual é o partido que tem o maior número de representantes? |
675 | SELECT Party FROM representative GROUP BY Party HAVING COUNT(*) >= 3 | What parties have at least three representatives? | CREATE TABLE representative (Party VARCHAR) | Que partidos têm pelo menos três representantes? |
676 | SELECT State FROM representative GROUP BY State HAVING COUNT(*) >= 2 | What states have at least two representatives? | CREATE TABLE representative (State VARCHAR) | Que países têm pelo menos dois representantes? |
677 | SELECT Name FROM representative WHERE NOT Representative_ID IN (SELECT Representative_ID FROM election) | List the names of representatives that have not participated in elections listed here. | CREATE TABLE election (Name VARCHAR, Representative_ID VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE representative (Name VARCHAR, Representative_ID VARCHAR) | Liste os nomes dos representantes que não participaram das eleições listadas aqui. |
678 | SELECT Party FROM representative WHERE State = "New York" INTERSECT SELECT Party FROM representative WHERE State = "Pennsylvania" | Show the parties that have both representatives in New York state and representatives in Pennsylvania state. | CREATE TABLE representative (Party VARCHAR, State VARCHAR) | Mostrar os partidos que têm ambos os representantes no estado de Nova York e representantes no estado da Pensilvânia. |
679 | SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT Party) FROM representative | How many distinct parties are there for representatives? | CREATE TABLE representative (Party VARCHAR) | Quantos partidos distintos existem para os representantes? |
680 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Apartment_Bookings | How many apartment bookings are there in total? | CREATE TABLE Apartment_Bookings (Id VARCHAR) | Quantas reservas de apartamentos existem no total? |
681 | SELECT booking_start_date, booking_end_date FROM Apartment_Bookings | Show the start dates and end dates of all the apartment bookings. | CREATE TABLE Apartment_Bookings (booking_start_date VARCHAR, booking_end_date VARCHAR) | Mostrar as datas de início e término de todas as reservas de apartamentos. |
682 | SELECT DISTINCT building_description FROM Apartment_Buildings | Show all distinct building descriptions. | CREATE TABLE Apartment_Buildings (building_description VARCHAR) | Mostre todas as descrições de edifícios distintas. |
683 | SELECT building_short_name FROM Apartment_Buildings WHERE building_manager = "Emma" | Show the short names of the buildings managed by "Emma". | CREATE TABLE Apartment_Buildings (building_short_name VARCHAR, building_manager VARCHAR) | Mostrar os nomes curtos dos edifícios geridos por "Emma". |
684 | SELECT building_address, building_phone FROM Apartment_Buildings WHERE building_manager = "Brenden" | Show the addresses and phones of all the buildings managed by "Brenden". | CREATE TABLE Apartment_Buildings (building_address VARCHAR, building_phone VARCHAR, building_manager VARCHAR) | Mostrar os endereços e telefones de todos os edifícios geridos por "Brenden". |
685 | SELECT building_full_name FROM Apartment_Buildings WHERE building_full_name LIKE "%court%" | What are the building full names that contain the word "court"? | CREATE TABLE Apartment_Buildings (building_full_name VARCHAR) | Quais são os nomes completos do edifício que contêm a palavra "tribunal"? |
686 | SELECT MIN(bathroom_count), MAX(bathroom_count) FROM Apartments | What is the minimum and maximum number of bathrooms of all the apartments? | CREATE TABLE Apartments (bathroom_count INTEGER) | Qual é o número mínimo e máximo de banheiros de todos os apartamentos? |
687 | SELECT AVG(bedroom_count) FROM Apartments | What is the average number of bedrooms of all apartments? | CREATE TABLE Apartments (bedroom_count INTEGER) | Qual é o número médio de quartos de todos os apartamentos? |
688 | SELECT apt_number, room_count FROM Apartments | Return the apartment number and the number of rooms for each apartment. | CREATE TABLE Apartments (apt_number VARCHAR, room_count VARCHAR) | Devolva o número do apartamento e o número de quartos para cada apartamento. |
689 | SELECT AVG(room_count) FROM Apartments WHERE apt_type_code = "Studio" | What is the average number of rooms of apartments with type code "Studio"? | CREATE TABLE Apartments (room_count INTEGER, apt_type_code VARCHAR) | Qual é o número médio de quartos de apartamentos com código de tipo "Estúdio"? |
690 | SELECT apt_number FROM Apartments WHERE apt_type_code = "Flat" | Return the apartment numbers of the apartments with type code "Flat". | CREATE TABLE Apartments (apt_number VARCHAR, apt_type_code VARCHAR) | Devolva os números do apartamento dos apartamentos com o código de tipo "Flat". |
691 | SELECT guest_first_name, guest_last_name FROM Guests | Return the first names and last names of all guests | CREATE TABLE Guests (guest_first_name VARCHAR, guest_last_name VARCHAR) | Devolver os primeiros nomes e sobrenomes de todos os hóspedes |
692 | SELECT date_of_birth FROM Guests WHERE gender_code = "Male" | Return the date of birth for all the guests with gender code "Male". | CREATE TABLE Guests (date_of_birth VARCHAR, gender_code VARCHAR) | Devolva a data de nascimento para todos os convidados com o código de gênero "Male". |
693 | SELECT T2.apt_number, T1.booking_start_date, T1.booking_start_date FROM Apartment_Bookings AS T1 JOIN Apartments AS T2 ON T1.apt_id = T2.apt_id | Show the apartment numbers, start dates, and end dates of all the apartment bookings. | CREATE TABLE Apartment_Bookings (booking_start_date VARCHAR, apt_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE Apartments (apt_number VARCHAR, apt_id VARCHAR) | Mostre os números do apartamento, as datas de início e as datas de término de todas as reservas de apartamentos. |
694 | SELECT T1.booking_start_date, T1.booking_start_date FROM Apartment_Bookings AS T1 JOIN Apartments AS T2 ON T1.apt_id = T2.apt_id WHERE T2.apt_type_code = "Duplex" | What are the booking start and end dates of the apartments with type code "Duplex"? | CREATE TABLE Apartments (apt_id VARCHAR, apt_type_code VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE Apartment_Bookings (booking_start_date VARCHAR, apt_id VARCHAR) | Quais são as datas de início e fim da reserva dos apartamentos com o código de tipo "Duplex"? |
695 | SELECT T1.booking_start_date, T1.booking_start_date FROM Apartment_Bookings AS T1 JOIN Apartments AS T2 ON T1.apt_id = T2.apt_id WHERE T2.bedroom_count > 2 | What are the booking start and end dates of the apartments with more than 2 bedrooms? | CREATE TABLE Apartment_Bookings (booking_start_date VARCHAR, apt_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE Apartments (apt_id VARCHAR, bedroom_count INTEGER) | Quais são as datas de início e fim da reserva dos apartamentos com mais de 2 quartos? |
696 | SELECT T1.booking_status_code FROM Apartment_Bookings AS T1 JOIN Apartments AS T2 ON T1.apt_id = T2.apt_id WHERE T2.apt_number = "Suite 634" | What is the booking status code of the apartment with apartment number "Suite 634"? | CREATE TABLE Apartments (apt_id VARCHAR, apt_number VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE Apartment_Bookings (booking_status_code VARCHAR, apt_id VARCHAR) | Qual é o código de status da reserva do apartamento com o número de apartamento "Suite 634"? |
697 | SELECT DISTINCT T2.apt_number FROM Apartment_Bookings AS T1 JOIN Apartments AS T2 ON T1.apt_id = T2.apt_id WHERE T1.booking_status_code = "Confirmed" | Show the distinct apartment numbers of the apartments that have bookings with status code "Confirmed". | CREATE TABLE Apartments (apt_number VARCHAR, apt_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE Apartment_Bookings (apt_id VARCHAR, booking_status_code VARCHAR) | Mostre os números de apartamentos distintos dos apartamentos que têm reservas com o código de status "Confirmado". |
698 | SELECT AVG(room_count) FROM Apartment_Bookings AS T1 JOIN Apartments AS T2 ON T1.apt_id = T2.apt_id WHERE T1.booking_status_code = "Provisional" | Show the average room count of the apartments that have booking status code "Provisional". | CREATE TABLE Apartment_Bookings (apt_id VARCHAR, booking_status_code VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE Apartments (apt_id VARCHAR) | Mostrar a contagem média de quartos dos apartamentos que têm o código de status de reserva "Provisório". |
699 | SELECT T2.guest_first_name, T1.booking_start_date, T1.booking_start_date FROM Apartment_Bookings AS T1 JOIN Guests AS T2 ON T1.guest_id = T2.guest_id | Show the guest first names, start dates, and end dates of all the apartment bookings. | CREATE TABLE Apartment_Bookings (booking_start_date VARCHAR, guest_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE Guests (guest_first_name VARCHAR, guest_id VARCHAR) | Mostre os primeiros nomes dos hóspedes, as datas de início e as datas de término de todas as reservas de apartamentos. |
Subsets and Splits