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What eats eels? What do eels eat? There are many types of eels that live in rivers as well as in the ocean, but most of them do not look as ferocious as the moray eel in the photograph. Eels have many predators, including large fish and seabirds. Some types of mammals, such as raccoons, like to eat freshwater eels. People eat eels, too, and sometimes set traps for them. But the largest of eels, such as the moray, have very few natural enemies because most creatures are afraid of them. As for the question of what an eel eats—most eels eat other fish and crustaceans.
The Three Baskets (Tipitaka) The Tipitaka (Three Baskets), also spelled Tripitaka, is a major compendium of Buddhist religious texts. Also known as the Pali Canon (the texts were written in the Pali language), the contents of the Tipitaka are considered authoritative to both the Theravada and Mahayana sects. As the name implies, the Tipitaka is comprised of three categories: - Vinaya Pitaka: The Monk's way of life - Sutta Pitaka: The sermons and discourses - Abhidhamma Pitaka: The psychological and philosophical discussions and interpretations The Basket of the Discipline (Vinaya Pitaka) The Vinaya Pitaka (Basket of the Discipline) is the first basket of the Tipitaka and covers an extensive set rules and guidelines which Buddhist monks and nuns must uphold. Far from a relic of ancient times, the Vinaya establishes a particularly Buddhist morality which in turn preserves Buddhism's free and open nature. This can be seen even in our modern time, where materials produced by monastics are readily available for all, and are not generally gated by the lay follower's monetary disposition in life. Contrast that with the plethora of other religions in which one must pay for access to religious works. Contents of the Vinaya Pitaka - Suttavibhanga: The founding rules of conduct for monks and nuns - Khandhaka, Mahavagga: Rules for monastic ordination and uposatha (observance) days as well as stories about the awakening of the Buddha and his disciples - Khandhaka, Cullavagga: Rules for addressing offenses within the community and further elaboration regarding monastic etiquette - Parivara: A summary and analysis of the previous Vinaya texts The Discourse Basket (Sutta Pitaka) The Sutta Pitaka (Discourse Basket) is a collection of teachings attributed to the Buddha and influential persons from within his circle. The text consists of five Nikayas (Volumes) which are organized along various criteria such as length and theme. The Five Volumes - Digha Nikaya: The lengthy discourses - Majjhima Nikaya: The middle-length discourses - Samyutta Nikaya: The connected discourses - Anguttara Nikaya: The numerical discourses - Khuddaka Nikaya: The short discourses The Basket of Abhidhamma (Abhidhamma Pitaka) The Abhidhamma Pitaka (Basket of Abhidhamma) is the third and final basket of the Tipitaka. It is believed to have been created by the Buddha shortly after he attained enlightenment. Tradition holds that the Buddha traveled to the realm of the Devas (gods in heaven) where he taught the Abhidhamma to large assemblies of celestial beings. He later transmitted the teachings to his disciple, Sariputta, who then organized it in its current form. The Seven Books of the Abhidhamma Pitaka - Dhammasangani: Enumeration of Phenomena - Vibhanga: The Book of Treatises - Dhatukatha: Discussion of the Elements - Puggalapaññatti: Description of People - Kathavatthu: Points of Controversy - Yamaka: The Book of Pairs - Patthana: The Book of Relations Opalnote's Path to Becoming a Dhamma Resource Opalnote's initial focus will be on the Tipitaka's second basket, the Sutta Pitaka. Our focus will shift to the Vinaya and Abhidhamma once the texts of the Sutta Pitaka are translated. We have chosen this path because our target audience is the laity, and the Sutta Pitaka is an excellent starting point for those new to the Dhamma. We will begin compiling our Dhamma resource with the Digha Nikaya. We will then work our way through the Majjhima, Samyutta, Anguttara and Khuddaka, in that order.
Ruth Shagoury Featured in Head Start Webcast March 16, 2010 Ruth Shagoury shows how literacy can come to life for young dual language learners in an innovative national webcast from Head Start, the national program that prepares young children and their families for school through education, health and nutrition, and social services. The webcast—which features conversation among national experts in literacy, along with videos and current research—is part of a year-long series of professional development opportunities for national Head Start teachers called Ready for Success: Supporting Dual Language Learners in Head Start and Early Head Start. It is meant to bolster a nation-wide effort to improve and support the healthy development and learning of students who speak languages other than English from a young age. The series is targeted at Head Start program and classroom leaders, Migrant and Seasonal Head Start American Indian Alaska Native programs; and others in the early childhood community. The webcast is presented through the Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center.
New Study: Plant Protein Powders Are Inferior to Whey Protein Plant-based diets are becoming increasingly popular; however, consuming enough dietary protein from whole plant food sources to support the rigors of training and promote muscle growth can be challenging for some. The reason for this is that plant-based proteins generally contain less leucine compared to animal-based proteins. This is important because leucine has been identified as the “anabolic” trigger of muscle growth, which means if your meal doesn’t contain enough leucine (or you don’t get enough) throughout the day, you are not maximizing muscle protein synthesis. In order to achieve a similar leucine content to animal-based proteins, individuals would need to consume higher amounts of individual plant proteins (~50-60g). Table 2: Representative amount of protein However, with this higher overall food intake comes increased calorie intake, which may not be advantageous for those looking to maintain their weight or lose it. There’s also the concern that plant proteins come with various “antinutrients”, such as phytates and tannins, which have been shown to reduce the digestibility and bioavailability of amino acids contained in protein. The combination of incomplete/deficient amino acid profiles and the presence of antinutrients result in plant proteins typically having lower biological values and PDCAAS rating. There’s also the consideration that consuming large quantities of food (like the amounts consumed by physically active people looking to increase performance and/or build mass) can become prohibitive at some point, meaning the foods are so voluminous that you get full, feel stuffed, and have trouble hitting your macro needs. Consuming this many plant foods could also lead to bloating, flatulence, and/or GI distress (not exactly ideal). For these reasons, individuals (including those that do and do not consume animal proteins) routinely turn to protein powder supplements. Whey protein is the typical choice when it comes to purchasing a protein powder; however, amidst the rising popularity of plant-based diets, veganism and vegetarianism, as well as those seeking to diversify their protein sources, plant-based protein powders are becoming more mainstream. As we mentioned, plant proteins are incomplete proteins, meaning they are deficient in one or more of the nine essential amino acids (generally, lysine and/or methionine). They also tend to have lower leucine contents on a per-gram basis compared to animal proteins. To circumvent these issues, and create a plant-based protein powder than can go toe-to-toe with whey protein, supplement companies and manufacturers have started creating vegan protein powder blends containing multiple plant protein sources. The goal (hope) of these plant protein blends is to make some just as effective as whey protein. And while this sounds promising in theory, will combining multiple plant proteins actually make something as effective as whey protein, which could arguably be considered as one of the most bioavailable protein sources available? Well, a recently published study sought to answer that very question. Purpose & Research Questions The team of researchers hypothesized that a high-quality plant-based protein blend formulated to achieve a PDCAAS rating of 1.0 and similar leucine content would be bio-equivalent to whey protein isolate as defined by blood essential amino acid. Therefore, the primary question the team was seeking to answer was: Can a plant-based protein blend that’s formulated to match the leucine and PDCAAS of whey protein isolate produce similar increases in the blood of essential amino acids? Researchers had a secondary object to assess the leucine kinetics over a 4-hour period of the plant protein blends in comparison to whey protein isolate. Subjects & Methods Researchers conducted a randomized, double-blind, 4 × 4 William square cross-over study to assess the bio-equivalence of the blood essential amino acid response over 4 hours post-ingestion of 3 distinct high-quality (PDCAAS = 1.0) plant-based protein blends versus whey protein isolate in healthy, resistance-trained adult men. 20 men, between the ages of 18–35, with a Body Mass Index (BMI) between 18.5 and 29.9 kg/m2 took part in the study. Figure 1. Flow of participants through the study. Participants were instructed to abstain from protein supplements for one day prior to each of their respective visits to the lab. The four proteins used in the study were: - Protein Blend #1 -- Pea, Pumpkin - Protein Blend #2 -- Pea, Pumpkin, Sunflower Coconut - Protein Blend #3 -- Pea, Pumpkin (hydrolysate) - Control -- Optimum Nutrition whey protein isolate To create Blend #3 researchers hydrolyzed the pea and pumpkin proteins used in Blend #1 using a food-grade enzyme sold by Novozymes North America, Franklinton, NC, USA. To try to make the comparison as similar as possible (and give the plant proteins a chance to compete with whey protein), the researchers matched the leucine and total essential amino acid content, so that each protein had a PDCAAS of 1.0. Subjects reported to the lab on four separate occasions to receive their protein shake. Each visit was separated by a washout period consisting of a minimum of four days but no more than 14 days. Researchers measured blood levels of all nine essential amino acids for 4 hours following ingestion of the protein shake. In the day preceding each lab visit, the men consumed a standardized dinner consisting of two frozen meals based on their individual body mass, age, and activity level (total nutritionals for both meals: Hungry-Man® Fajita Chicken, per serving: Calories 960, Carbohydrates 158 g, Protein 60 g, Fat 16 g), followed by an overnight fast that lasted 12 hours. Subjects were also instructed to drink water ad libitum. The research staff also collected a 24-hour dietary recall for each subject at the beginning of the trial. Researchers made a photocopy of the recall and gave it to each subject so that they could duplicate their same food intake before each subsequent visit. This helps to keep blood amino acid levels similar between testing days and helps offset the possibility for any aberrations that may occur as a result of one’s daily diet. The primary findings from this study were that even when matched for leucine (2.6g), essential amino acid content (12g), and PDCAAS ratings (1.0), the three plant-based protein blends were not bioequivalent to the WPI control, as assessed by tracking blood levels of leucine and essential amino acids over 4 hours post-consumption. Figure 3. (a) Mean blood leucine over 4 hours per time point of each study product; (b) Mean and 95%CI total sum leucine iAUC (nmol/mL) by study product, obtained using the trapezoidal rule. 2.6 grams of leucine is the amount of leucine naturally occurring in the whey protein isolate used for the study. This is noteworthy as the “threshold amount” of leucine needed to stimulate muscle protein synthesis (MPS) is between 2-3 grams of leucine per meal.[6,7] While the researchers were able to administer a significantly smaller amount of plant-based protein to the men while still matching leucine levels (33–34 g instead of 50-60g), the subjects did not experience a similar rise in blood essential amino acid levels (including leucine, one of the nine EAAs) to that of whey protein isolate. In fact, plant-based proteins yielded 30–40% lower in total essential amino acid area under the curve over 4 hours post-ingestion. Figure 2. (a) Mean concentration of blood eAA over 4 hours following ingestion of each study product; (b) Mean and 95%CI total sum plasma eAA iAUC (nmol/mL) over 4 hours by study product. The area under the curve above baseline vs. time (minutes) was obtained by using the trapezoidal rule. However, by the end of the 4-hour measurement plant-based protein blend #1 and blend #3 yielded similar blood leucine levels to that of whey protein isolate. While previous studies have compared various plant-based proteins to whey protein matching total protein and/or leucine content, this study was able to match the leucine, total essential amino acids, and PDCAAS rating of whey protein with a considerably smaller total serving size of plant-based proteins. However, despite matching the leucine, total EAAs, and PDCAAS of whey protein, none of the plant-based protein blends were able to match the blood leucine or total EAA kinetic response of whey protein isolate. Previous studies have shown that hydrolyzing plant-based protein (e.g. wheat protein) leads to a considerable postprandial (after feeding) increase in blood amino acid availability; however, an equal amount of whey protein resulted in a greater postprandial increase in blood eAA concentrations. In this study, the researchers only “mildly” hydrolyzed the plant proteins used in Blend #3 (~15%). Perhaps if they had more extensively hydrolyzed the pea and pumpkin proteins, they might have been able to match the leucine and EAA kinetic response of whey protein isolate. However, the issue with greater hydrolysis is that it leads to adverse flavor changes (chemically, bitter taste). Regarding the differences in postprandial blood amino acid levels, researchers attributed this to a mix of differing amino acid configurations and reduced digestibility compared to whey protein. Additionally, the team also suggests the postprandial kinetics of dietary amino acids found in plant proteins may have also impacted the results. The reason for this is that previous studies have shown that plant-based proteins are transported into tissues at different rates than dairy proteins. Despite the differences in immediate postprandial spike in blood amino acid levels between plant-based proteins and whey protein isolate, the researchers concluded that plant-based proteins are: “...able to be absorbed by the blood stream with a good efficiency, thus proving to be a viable alternative to the consumption of animal proteins.” Even though researchers cobbled together various plant-based protein sources to mimic the leucine, total EAA content, and PDCAAS of whey protein, all three blends failed to simulate the postprandial amino acid kinetics of good ole whey protein isolate. One potential improvement that could be explored in future trials is to add additional free from L-Leucine to the plant-based protein powder to increase the leucine spike and see if it could match whey protein's leucine kinetics. Additionally, further hydrolysis of the plant-based protein may have yielded similar postprandial leucine and total EAA kinetics, but then again, further hydrolysis would have made the taste of plant-based protein powders even worse than they already are. Plus, hydrolysis adds a further step to the manufacturing process, which increases the overall cost of the product, and for those seeking “more natural” products, hydrolysis is a step in the opposite direction. Despite whey protein isolate leading to greater initial spikes in amino acids (0-2 hours post ingestion), by the 4-hour mark, the difference between the blends was negligible. One thing that the researchers did not test for, which would be a very interesting investigation for future trials, is to compare leucine, total EAA, and PDCAAS-matched plant-based protein blends vs whey protein on muscle protein synthesis. So, as a consumer and connoisseur of protein powder, what does this mean for you? Well, in my opinion, no matter how many plant proteins you “Frankenstein” together, they likely won’t ever be as good as what whey protein (or dairy proteins) have to offer. Does this mean you can’t build muscle, promote recovery, and kick ass in life using only plant-based proteins? Of course, not! Research from Babault et al. showed that supplementation with pea or whey protein (50 grams per day) led to similar increases in muscle gain (as determined by biceps brachii) measurement. (It's also worth noting that the study was funded by Roquette, producers of NUTRALYS pea protein. But the funding company had no part in the study design, data collection and analysis or preparation of the manuscript. However, three of the researchers on the paper were employed by Roquette at the time of publication.) However, realize that plant proteins by and large are less bioavailable than animal proteins, and plant-based protein powders almost always cost more than dairy-based protein powders. A 2019 critical review comparing anabolic properties of animal-based vs plant-based proteins concluded: "Plant-based protein sources that are rich in fiber and micronutrients may be valuable , but they have lower anabolic potential than animal-based proteins. Strategies to improve these properties by increasing protein intake or preferentially improving protein quality (i.e., their amino acid composition) include selective breeding, fortifying plant-based proteins with specific essential amino acids, mixing several plant proteins, and mixing plant- with animal-based protein sources." Essentially, plant-based proteins can have their benefits, but head-to-head compared to animal-based protein powders they are inferior, unless they are mixed or heavily fortified to simulate the characteristics of whey protein and other animal-based proteins. Plus, plant-based protein powders (typically) taste inferior. If you’re looking to “optimize” your post-workout leucine and EAA spike, whey continues to be the way to go. However, if you’re just looking to supplement your daily protein intake, either whey protein or plant-based protein could work. - Van Vliet, S.; Burd, N.A.; van Loon, L.J. The skeletal muscle anabolic response to plant-versus animal-based protein consumption. J. Nutr. 2015, 145, 1981–1991. - Gilani, G.S.; Xiao, C.W.; Cockell, K.A. Impact of antinutritional factors in food proteins on the digestibility of protein and the bioavailability of amino acids and on protein quality. Br. J. Nutr. 2012, 108, 315–332 - Hoffman JR, Falvo MJ. Protein - Which is Best?. J Sports Sci Med. 2004;3(3):118–130. Published 2004 Sep 1. - Gorissen SHM, Crombag JJR, Senden JMG, et al. Protein content and amino acid composition of commercially available plant-based protein isolates. Amino Acids. 2018;50(12):1685–1695. doi:10.1007/s00726-018-2640-5 - Brennan, L. J., Keerati-u-rai, M., Yin, H., Daoust, J., Nonnotte, E., Quinquis, L., Bolster, R. D. (2019). Differential Responses of Blood Essential Amino Acid Levels Following Ingestion of High-Quality Plant-Based Protein Blends Compared to Whey Protein—A Double-Blind Randomized, Cross-Over, Clinical Trial. Nutrients . https://doi.org/10.3390/nu11122987 - Churchward-Venne, T.A.; Breen, L.; Di Donato, D.M.; Hector, A.J.; Mitchell, C.J.; Moore, D.R.; Stellingwerff, T.; Breuille, D.; Offord, E.A.; Baker, S.K.; et al. Leucine supplementation of a low-protein mixed macronutrient beverage enhances myofibrillar protein synthesis in young men: A double-blind, randomized trial. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 2014, 99, 276–286 - Glynn, E.L.; Fry, C.S.; Drummond, M.J.; Timmerman, K.L.; Dhanani, S.; Volpi, E.; Rasmussen, B.B. Excess leucine intake enhances muscle anabolic signaling but not net protein anabolism in young men and women. J. Nutr. 2010, 140, 1970–1976. - Gorissen, S.H.; Horstman, A.M.; Franssen, R.; Crombag, J.J.; Langer, H.; Bierau, J.; Respondek, F.; van Loon, L.J. Ingestion of wheat protein increases in vivo muscle protein synthesis rates in healthy older men in a randomized trial. J. Nutr. 2016, 146, 1651–1659 - Nielsen, P.M. Functionality of protein hydrolysate. In Food Proteins and Their Applications; Damodaran, S., Paraf, A., Eds.; Marcel Dekker, Inc.: New York, NY, USA, 1997; pp. 443–472. - Bos, C.; Metges, C.C.; Gaudichon, C.; Petzke, K.J.; Pueyo, M.E.; Morens, C.; Everwant, J.; Benamouzig, R.; Tomé, D. Postprandial kinetics of dietary amino acids are the main determinant of their metabolism after soy or milk protein ingestion in humans. J. Nutr.2003, 133, 1308–1315 - Babault N, Païzis C, Deley G, et al. Pea proteins oral supplementation promotes muscle thickness gains during resistance training: a double-blind, randomized, Placebo-controlled clinical trial vs. Whey protein. J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2015;12(1):3. Published 2015 Jan 21. doi:10.1186/s12970-014-0064-5 - Berrazaga I, Micard V, Gueugneau M, Walrand S. The Role of the Anabolic Properties of Plant- versus Animal-Based Protein Sources in Supporting Muscle Mass Maintenance: A Critical Review. Nutrients. 2019;11(8):1825. Published 2019 Aug 7. doi:10.3390/nu11081825
How to change border color of active cell in Excel? Change border color of active cell with VBA Outstanding active cell with Kutools for Excel To change the filled color of active cell is a good choice to make it outstanding, but there is no built-in function to help you except macro code. 1. Press Alt + F11 keys to open Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications window. 2. Double click at the sheet you want to use the code in the Project Explore pane, and paste below code to the Module script. VBA: Change background color of active cell Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) 'UpdatebyExtendOffice20160726 Cells.Borders.ColorIndex = xlNone Target.Borders.Color = vbRed End Sub 3. Save the code, and now when you select a range, the range’s border color will be change to red. See screenshot: Tip: it will remove all border format of the sheet if you apply this macro code. If you have Kutools for Excel installed, you can enable its Reading Layout to across highlight the active cell for sticking out. |Kutools for Excel, with more than 300 handy functions, makes your jobs more easier.| After free installing Kutools for Excel, please do as below: Click Kutools > Reading Layout, and then when you select a cell or a range, it will across highlight the cell. See screenshot: Tip: You can change the settings of the Reading Layout by clicking Kutools > Reading Layout > Reading Layout Settings, and in the popping dialog, specify the options as you need. See screenshots: Best Office Productivity Tools Supercharge Your Excel Skills with Kutools for Excel, and Experience Efficiency Like Never Before. Kutools for Excel Offers Over 300 Advanced Features to Boost Productivity and Save Time. Click Here to Get The Feature You Need The Most... Office Tab Brings Tabbed interface to Office, and Make Your Work Much Easier - Enable tabbed editing and reading in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher, Access, Visio and Project. - Open and create multiple documents in new tabs of the same window, rather than in new windows. - Increases your productivity by 50%, and reduces hundreds of mouse clicks for you every day!
Tests can identify dementia earlier, but there's still no cure Rich Sentner stood in front of the microwave, staring at the number pad. "What are you doing, hon?" his wife asked, watching his indecision. "I'm trying to press the number two," he said. "But I can't get my finger to do it." That moment six years ago in their Mt. Lebanon home confirmed Erinn Sentner's worst suspicion: Something was wrong with her husband's mind. Within weeks, doctors diagnosed the father of two young children with dementia — at the unlikely age of 36. Dementia, a catch-all term for Alzheimer's disease and other brain disorders, has no known cure. Rapidly and irreversibly, it robbed Sentner of his mind and threw his family's future into a tailspin. "I spent a lot of time being angry," said Erinn, 42, his wife of 14 years. "I spent a lot of time asking questions. 'Why me• Why is this happening to my kids?' This is not the life I anticipated for them." Scientists are working to create ways to test patients for signs of dementia, including an imaging dye developed in Pittsburgh. Yet there is no guarantee that those identified as at-risk will develop symptoms. The uncertainty over the value of early testing prompted debate last month at the international conference of the Alzheimer's Association in Paris. "We haven't hit the home run," said Dr. Daniel Alkon, scientific director of the Blanchette Rockefeller Neurosciences Institute at West Virginia University. "We haven't hit the target and that's the Holy Grail. That's what we're after." People with dementia — 35.6 million worldwide in 2010 — often can't think well enough to solve problems or control their emotions. They have trouble remembering. They get confused. Eighty percent of those with dementia have Alzheimer's, which affects an estimated 5.4 million Americans, including some 400,000 in Pennsylvania. In the absence of a cure, medicines can halt or slow dementia's progression. Most doctors point to this as a reason that early detection is crucial. Leo Campbell, 80, of Penn Hills encouraged his wife, Helen, to undergo screening for Alzheimer's disease in 2007. Three of her family members developed Alzheimer's, and her brother's deterioration was especially hard to watch, the Campbells said. At 77, Helen worried she was genetically destined to go down that path. Memory tests UPMC doctors conducted revealed Helen Campbell has early-stage Alzheimer's. She takes Aricept and Namenda, two medications designed to slow the disease's progression. The Campbells believe they've worked. She no longer cooks and drives alone only on routes she knows well, but she remains healthy enough to play golf twice a week: Thursdays with girlfriends in the Cloverbelles League, and Sundays with her husband. "If it doesn't get worse, I'll be happy," she said. "I'd hate to see the day when he has to take care of me." "You won't be a burden," Leo quickly chimed. The Sentners did not have the benefit of early diagnosis. Rich Sentner grew up in Baldwin and majored in art at Westminster College. He held several jobs after graduation, including selling health insurance for Aetna. In 2004, he lost a job working in sales for a payroll company and spent two years searching for employment. He became withdrawn and moody. His wife attributed that to depression. Soon, however, his behavior became erratic, his family said. He would wear dress shoes with shorts to mow the lawn; watch cartoons with more fascination than his young children; and tire when performing basic tasks. On a cruise, he left his wife in the room so she could nap. Hours later, when she found him wandering on deck, he confessed he could not find his way back to their room. During family drives, Sentner would make several wrong turns; Erinn thought he was just choosing back roads. "I'd say, 'Erinn, is there something wrong?' " said her mother, Mary Lou Dickson, a retired clinical psychologist. "She'd say, 'Oh, he just hasn't had his coffee.' She was in denial. But it didn't seem normal to me. This was more than either depression or anxiety." Erinn accompanied her husband to a psychologist, who prescribed medication. At one point, Rich took 40 pills a day, including antidepressants, vitamins and the cholesterol-lowering drug Lipitor because doctors suspected a vascular problem. "A lot of time was wasted and that was disturbing to me," Dickson said. So much time passed that when doctors finally diagnosed him with dementia, Sentner did not understand. "I remember sitting with Rich and I told him what the doctor said," his wife said. "He laughed about it. He thought I was joking. I'm almost grateful for that. He didn't go into some kind of deep depression, because he couldn't even comprehend what was happening." The day Rich Sentner's doctor told him he could not drive anymore, Erinn cried as she drove her husband home. Rich sat beside her, confused by her tears. "If he had cancer, you'd have time to have the conversation," she said. "With this, he didn't get that. By the time he got the diagnosis, he was at a point where he didn't comprehend the diagnosis." Rich is confined to a wheelchair and lives in a skilled nursing facility near his home. He cannot walk; he cannot feed or bathe himself. He recognizes his wife and children but cannot hold conversations. His vocabulary primarily consists of these words: yeah , sure , no and who knows . At his 42nd birthday party last month, his children and close friends played board games on a patio while Rich watched. He didn't interact much, except for eye contact and smiles. Though family members doubt he understood their questions, he responded with a short laugh and hearty, "Sure, sure." "It's tragic," said Dr. Oscar Lopez, director of the University of Pittsburgh's Alzheimer's Disease Research Center. "These are people who are at the peak of their lives, the peak of where they can be useful to society and to their loved ones, and everything starts falling apart ... and there's nothing that they can do." Researchers say they are closer than ever to finding answers about Alzheimer's. They have focused on ways to identify plaque that builds up in brain tissue in those suffering from the illness. Sentner's doctors ruled out Alzheimer's disease after discovering no plaque in his brain. Lopez cautioned that temporary memory loss does not necessarily indicate dementia. "Anybody can lose his/her car keys," he said, adding that a person who recognizes a memory lapse does not have dementia. "In early Alzheimer's disease there is a sense of unawareness, and it is usually the patient's family who detect this problem," he said. Dementia, he said, can have other causes, including "a wide variety of diseases" and head injury. Drs. William Klunk and Chester Mathis of the University of Pittsburgh developed Pittsburgh Compound B, or PiB, a radioactive imaging dye that enables doctors to view the brain plaque. Federal regulators could grant approval for the dye within a year or two, Klunk said. When that happens, he expects imaging tests to become routine on people with no symptoms. "If we had to wait until someone had metastatic cancer that was coming through their skin before we can test the cancer drugs, none of those drugs would work very well," said Klunk, co-director of Pitt's Alzheimer's center. "If we test them at the earliest stages, they work much better. I suspect the same is going to happen with Alzheimer's disease." In April, the Alzheimer's Association and the National Institute of Aging issued guidelines that recognize three phases of Alzheimer's: a preclinical stage, in which tests determine brain plaque buildup even when a person has no symptoms; mild cognitive impairment reflected by small changes in behavior, memory and thinking; and the onset of dementia, in which symptoms are so damaging the person no longer can function. The preclinical stage validates the need to diagnose dementia early, experts said, but they add that knowing is not curing. "We need drugs that are actually going to address this disease early, not just ameliorate the symptoms but address the disease," said WVU's Alkon, who is leading efforts to help clinicians make more accurate diagnoses. Knowing they are at risk for developing dementia might help people plan for the future, said Dr. Carol Schramke, a director of behavioral neurology at Allegheny General Hospital in the North Side. She encouraged anyone who experiences memory trouble to get a check-up. "You don't want to miss the people that we can fix, even if they are a relatively small percentage," Schramke said. Erinn Sentner works for Julian Gray, a Moon-based attorney who specializes in elder law. As education and outreach coordinator, Erinn helps people going through dementia diagnoses in making wise financial decisions. She does not know how her husband's disease will progress. "We just have to watch and adapt," she said. The Sentners' daughter, Anna, 11, once asked her if there was a name for what is happening to her father. "There's a part of daddy's brain that is not working and it's going to get worse, and it's not something the doctors can do much about," he mother said. This summer, the couple's son, Evan, 8, wanted to see pictures of himself as a baby. Erinn popped in a family video and sat with her children in the living room. The screen lit up with images of Rich introducing Anna to her baby brother at the hospital. Erinn and Anna burst into tears. "To hear Rich doting on Anna and calling her 'Pallie,' which is what he called her, really did it for me," Erinn said. Evan couldn't understand why they were crying. To him, his Dad always has been the way he is.Additional Information: Alzheimer's public meeting The Alzheimer's Association, Greater Pennsylvania Chapter, will hold a meeting from 6 to 8 p.m. Wednesday at Country Meadows Retirement Community, 3575 Washington Pike, Bridgeville, so people can suggest issues that need to be addressed to help those impacted by Alzheimer's disease. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services will use the public comments to help develop a national plan to address growing rates of the disease. Similar meetings will take place across the nation as provided by the National Alzheimer's Project Act (Public Law 111-375). To learn more, or to submit comments for consideration, visit www.alz.org/napa .
The jungle shrine of Kataragama, located an hour’s drive away from Tissamaharama, has great religious and historical significance that cuts across race and religion. Ancient Kataragama brings together Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims and Christians, all of which worship each day at its numerous temples which are dedicated to the various faiths. It is believed that King Dutugemunu, the warrior king and Sinhala folk hero, built a shrine here for the worship of the Kataragama God in the 2nd century BC. There is also a first century BC Buddhist Dagoba, Kirivehera, at this site. The `Maha Devala’, the main shrine of God Skanda, the Hindu war God, and several other adjoining Hindu shrines, conduct daily religious rituals. Each day, at specific times the Hindu shrines come alive when poojas (devotions) are presented to the Gods; baskets filled with fruit and flowers, burning incense and oil lamps, dashing of coconuts, clanging of bells, and the continuous chanting, truly a mesmerizing experience.
How Long After Exposure To Swine Flu Will I Get Sick You may be wondering how long after being exposed to swine flu you will get sick. This seems to be a common question many individuals are asking. Symptoms of the swine flu are experienced anywhere from one to three days after being exposed to the H1N1 flu virus. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) suggest that a person may be infectious up to seven days following the onset of illness. - The swine flu is caused by the H1N1 virus, a strain of influenza type A. - The most common symptoms associated with the swine flu include fever, coughing, lethargy, and appetite loss. - Pregnant women and those with asthma, diabetes, heart disease, and other chronic diseases are more susceptible to getting the swine flu. - Over -the-counter medications such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen, and naproxen can help alleviate symptoms. - Treatment for swine flu may involve taking antiviral drugs to alleviate symptoms and prevent complications from developing. - Methods that may help prevent swine flu include washing your hands, covering your nose and mouth either with a tissue or coughing and sneezing into your arm.
Small Intestine, shapes of villi The cross-sectional shapes of villi can be plainly seen when the intestinal mucosa is cut tangentially, as in this image. Each villus is outlined by a ring of epithelium surrounding a core of lamina propria. (Note that the space between the epithelium and the lamina propria is a fixation artifact, resulting from shrinkage of the tissue during preparation.) Some villi have a finger-like shape, while others are more flattened. The length and shape of of villi changes somewhat along the length of the intestine, with villi tending to be flatter in the duodenum and longer and more finger-like in the jejunum. Crypts (small epithelial circles, surrounded by lamina propria) and muscularis mucosa appear at the lower left. More small intestine examples: Comments and questions: [email protected] SIUC / School of Medicine / Anatomy / David Last updated: 9 January 2002 / dgk
Is Brahmacharini a female or a male name and what is the origin of Brahmacharini? Brahmacharini is Girl/Female and origin is Bengali, Hindu, Indian, Traditional Brahmacharini means: Seeker of Brahman McCullough, Ian M.; Scordo, Facundo; Denfeld, Blaize A.; Dugan, Hilary A.; de Eyto, Elvira; Hanson, Paul C.; McClure, Ryan P.; Nõges, Peeter; Nõges, Tiina; and sea trout. List of loughs in Ireland "Burrishoole Fishery". Kelly, S.; Eyto, E. de; Dillane, M.; Poole, R.; Brett, G.; White, M. (12 December 2017). PMID 27768244. Williams, Molly-Ann; O'Grady, Joyce; Ball, Bernard; Carlsson, Jens; Eyto, Elvira de; McGinnity, Philip; Jennings, Eleanor; Regan, Fiona; Parle‐McDermott Harriet L.; Ayala, Ana I.; Jones, Ian D.; Rolston, Alec; Pierson, Don; de Eyto, Elvira; Grossart, Hans-Peter; Perga, Marie-Elodie; Woolway, R. Iestyn; Jennings Galleries in the UK. Early history of Ireland List of loughs in Ireland De Eyto E, Irvine K (2007). "Assessing the status of shallow lakes using an additive lake, as is a local theatre. Virginia, County Cavan List of Irish loughs De Eyto E, Irvine K (2007). "Assessing the status of shallow lakes using an additive |journal= (help) Frassl, Marieke A.; Hamilton, David P.; Denfeld, Blaize A.; de Eyto, Elvira; Hampton, Stephanie E.; Keller, Philipp S.; Sharma, Sapna; Lewis Wim; Grossart, Hans-Peter; Augusto-Silva, Pétala B.; Baulch, Helen M.; de Eyto, Elvira; Hejzlar, Josef; Kangur, Külli; Kirillin, Georgiy; Pierson, Don C Ian D.; Weathers, Kathleen C.; Weyhenmeyer, Gesa A.; Chiu, Chih-Yu; De Eyto, Elvira (March 2012). "Effects of weather-related episodic events in lakes: Brahmacharini (Sanskrit: ब्रह्मचारिणी) means a devoted female student who lives in an Ashrama with her Guru along with other students. It is also the night during the festival. The nine forms of Parvati are: Shailaputri, Brahmacharini, Chandraghanta, Kushmanda, Skandamata, Katyayani, Kaalratri, Mahagauri Parvati) and is also known as Hemavati. Day 2 – Brahmacharini On Dwitiya (second day), Goddess Brahmacharini, another incarnation of Parvati, is worshipped in Shaktism and her nine appellations are (Navadurga): Shailaputri, Brahmacharini, Chandraghanta, Kushmanda, Skandamata, Katyayini, Kaalratri, Mahagauri List of Hindu deities Chhinnamasta Bhairavi Dhumavati Bagalamukhi Matangi Kamalatmika Shailaputri Brahmacharini Chandraghanta Kushmanda Skandamata Katyayani Kalaratri Mahagauri Siddhidhatri knowledge that they house. Navadurga, The nine forms of Durga: Shailaputri, Brahmacharini, Chandraghanta, Kushmanda, Skandamata, Katyayani, Kaalratri, Mahagauri Sri Sarada Math such as Brahmacharini Renu, Brahmacharini Asha, Brahmacharini Lakshmi, Brahmacharini Gauri, Brahmacharini Kalyani, and others. Brahmacharini Asha had Pravrajika Mokshaprana (9 December 1915 – 30 August 1999) was the second President of the Sri Sarada Math and the Ramakrishna Sarada Mission. In Hinduism Provider of All Fortunes i.e. Mangala (Mars) is governed by Goddess Brahmacharini The effect of Chandra (Moon) is overcome by Goddess Shailaputri Budha Bagalamukhi, Matangi, Kamala The 64 Shakti Peethas Navadurgas - Shailaputri, Brahmacharini, Chandraghanta, Kushmanda, Skandamata, Katyayani, Kaalratri, Mahagauri The Horoscope and Astrology meaning of the name EYTO BRAHMACHARINI. EYTO BRAHMACHARINI means: With a name number 8, your ruling planet is Saturn. Friends admire you because you are hardworking, an ambitious person with slow but certain benefits. remarkable concentration and self-sacrifice for a selected or target. If you become wealthy, you are financially generous. You are very competent in your area of work, you are a master of things who often sees the bigger and longterm picture of things. You like perfection, but also like to relax and enjoy life as it comes. Business-like. Even at rest, your mind is thinking about how to improve or expand a situation. You thrive on getting results, and being the captain of your own ship. Your strengths lie in your exceptional ability to withand hardship, your dedication to a goal, and your sheer determination to succeed. Dark side? Sometimes too quick to judge others. EYTO BRAHMACHARINI name means: E: Meaning of E in the name EYTO BRAHMACHARINI means: You are a very exciting person. Timidity recedes as you mature. Secretiveness and selfishness give power, lose support unless craving for money and power moderated. Innate intelligence and diplomacy bring ambition to fruition. Versatility brings honors, do not become careless. Use, develop, and apply imagination and succeed, but avoid irrationality. If you knew what people really think of you, you would be surprised. Your greatest need is to talk. If your date is not a good listener, you have trouble relating. A person must be intellectually stimulating or you are not interested sexually. You need a friend for a lover and a companion for a bed mate. You hate disharmony and disruption, but you do enjoy a good argument once in a while-it seems to stir things up. You flirt a lot, for the challenge is more important than the sexual act for you. But once you give your heart away, you are uncompromisingly loyal. When you don’t have a good lover to fall asleep with, you will fall asleep with a good book. Y: Meaning of Y in the name EYTO BRAHMACHARINI means: You like to stay out of trouble because there is always something for you to do. Channel aggressiveness into selling to find success. A fighter, apply to achieving desires. Courage to stand by decisions no matter what opposition. Do not look for trouble. Quarrels will not solve anything. Seek advice before you get into a difficult situation. Attracted to military, may be hard to choose between home and country. You are sexual, sensual, and very independent. If you can’t have it your way, you will forgo the whole thing. You want to control your relationships, which doesn’t always work out too well. You respond to physical stimulation, enjoy necking and spending hours just touching, feeling and exploring. However, if you can spend your time making money, you will give up the pleasures of the flesh for the moment. You need to prove to yourself and your partner what a great lover you are. You want feedback on your performance. You are an open, stimulating, romantic bed mate. T: Meaning of T in the name EYTO BRAHMACHARINI means: You like hanging out with friends when you have time. You enjoy the company of others in social gatherings. Great imagination your finest talent. use appropriately to enjoy riches and honor. Restless, nervous and petulant, seeking companionship. Change of surroundings often helps. Fantasy and delight in the weird assist in new endeavors. Study a factual subject, especially history. Impulsive with low boredom threshold. Intensive study satisfies not, metaphysical interests do. Good imitator, needing enterprising people around. You are very sensitive, private, and sexually passive; you like a partner who takes the lead. Music, soft lights and romantic thoughts turn you on. You fantasise and tend to fall in and out of love. When in love, you are romantic, idealistic, mushy, and extremely changeable. You enjoy having your senses and your feelings stimulated, titillated, and teased. You are a great flirt. You can make your relationships fit your dreams, all in your own head. O: Meaning of O in the name EYTO BRAHMACHARINI means: You are very open-minded. Constancy and truth as friend or lover earns great happiness. Ruled by head not heart, search far and wide for your path. Selfishness will defeat plans unless you modify demands. Sedentary habits are bad for you, keep active. Misfortune the consequence of own recklessness. Fantasy and illusions mar love life. Devotion will be rewarded. Flirtatious habits lead to disappointment and bad luck. Idealist in love, take time choosing mate. You are very interested in sexual activities yet secretive and shy about your desires. You can re-channel much of your sexual energy into making money and/or seeking power. You can easily have extended periods of celibacy. You are a passionate, compassionate, sexual lover, requiring the same qualities from your mate. Sex is serious business; thus you demand intensity, diversity, and are willing to try anything or anyone. Sometimes your passions turn to possessiveness, which must be kept in check. : Meaning of in the name EYTO BRAHMACHARINI means: B: Meaning of B in the name EYTO BRAHMACHARINI means: You are always cautious when it comes to meeting new people. Great ability to manage people with thoughtfulness and honesty. Natural adaptable, handle any problem provided extremes are avoided. Think before you act, pay attention to detail or plans will be defeated. be actively engaged in projects to be happy. Generosity may interfere with artistic talent. Curtail stubbornness or become discouraged. You give off vibes of lazy sensuality. You enjoy being romanced, wined, and dined. You are very happy to receive gifts as an expression of the affection of your lover. You want to be pampered and know how to pamper your mate. You are private in your expression of endearments and particular when it comes to love making. You will hold off until everything meets with your approval. You can control your appetite and abstain from sex if need be. You require new sensations and experiences. You are willing to experiment. R: Meaning of R in the name EYTO BRAHMACHARINI means: You are a social butterfly. Powers of persuasion bring a position of prominence. Evasive nature sooner or later marks you as a schemer. You will make money in business. Make career one of your professions. Scheming mind and oratory do well in politics. Invent something, make it practical. Expend too much energy on too many projects, fail. Adventurous spirit brings changes. You are a no-nonsense, action-oriented individual. You need someone who can keep pace with you and who is your intellectual equal-the smarter the better. You are turned on more quickly by a great mind than by a great body. However, physical attractiveness is very important to you. You have to be proud of your partner. You are privately very sexy, but you do not show this outwardly. If your new lover is not all that great in bed, you are willing to serve as teacher. Sex is important; you can be a very demanding playmate. A: Meaning of A in the name EYTO BRAHMACHARINI means: You can be very quiet when you have something on your mind. Vitality and enthusiasm, inspire others, prone to ill health, common sense overcomes, irritability and "nerves", create financial and domestic problems. Engaging in new activities, overcomes shyness, unforeseen events may cause unexpected move to faraway place. Travel widely, may choose to live far from home. You could suffer through own fickleness. Ambition attained through application and skill. You are not particularly romantic, but you are interested in action. You mean business. With you, what you see is what you get. You have no patience for flirting and can’t be bothered with someone who is trying to be coy, cute, demure, and subtly enticing. You are an up-front person. When it comes to sex, its action that counts, not obscure hints. Your mate’s physical attractiveness is important to you. You find the chase and challenge of the “hunt” invigorating. You are passionate and sexual, as well as being much more adventurous than you appear, however, you do not go around advertising these qualities. Your physical needs are your primary concern. H: Meaning of H in the name EYTO BRAHMACHARINI means: You are not judgmental. Happiness comes from pursuing ideal. Music and art enhance achievements, ignore literature and drama. Criticism hurts. Numerous talents, concentrate on one to find fame. Status not enhanced by bragging. You seek a mate who can enhance your reputation and your earning ability. You will be very generous to your lover once you have attained a commitment. Your gifts are actually an investment in your partner. Before the commitment, though, you tend to be frugal in your spending and dating habits, and equally cautious in your sexual involvement’s. You are a sensual and patient lover. M: Meaning of M in the name EYTO BRAHMACHARINI means: Success comes easily to you. Physical comfort and wealth matter most. Over indulgence and bad habits are your undoing. Respect and religion brings peace of mind. Avoid risks, they destroy stability. Keep finances under control or they create mental illness. You can be very romantic, attached to the glamour of love. Having a partner is of paramount importance to you. You are free in your expression of love and are willing to take chances, try new sexual experiences and partners, provided it’s all in good taste. Brains turn you on. You must feel that your partner is intellectually stimulating, otherwise you will find it difficult to sustain the relationship. You require loving, cuddling, wining, and dining to know that you’re being appreciated. C: Meaning of C in the name EYTO BRAHMACHARINI means: You definitely have a partier side in you, don't be shy to show it. Excellent understanding of people, Avoid lengthy discussions as these undermine. Unwilling to attend to small problems and details, but common sense overcomes. Intelligence shines brightly, propelling into positions of importance. Modify impulsive tendencies by analyzing situations first. You are a very social individual, and it is important to you to have a relationship. You require closeness and togetherness. You must be able to talk to your sex partner-before, during, and after. You want the object of your affection to be socially acceptable and good-looking. You see your lover as a friend and companion. You are very sexual and sensual, needing someone to appreciate and almost worship you. When this cannot be achieved, you have the ability to go for long periods without sexual activity. You are an expert at controlling your desires and doing without. I: Meaning of I in the name EYTO BRAHMACHARINI means: You could be temperamental sometimes. Efforts rewarded by beautiful family life. Opposite sex can be a nuisance. Talent in your greatest love and inspiration. Inconstancy causes great anguish. Empathy and human understanding bring rewards. Cleverness may interfere with physical desires. Do not confuse sensuality with love of family. Follow your ideals. You have a great need to be loved, appreciated… even worshipped. You enjoy luxury, sensuality, and pleasures of the flesh. You look for lovers who know what they are doing. You are not interested in an amateur, unless that amateur wants a tutor. You are fussy and exacting about having your desires satisfied. You are willing to experiment and try new modes of sexual expression. You bore easily and thus require sexual adventure and change. You are more sensual than sexual, but you are sometimes downright lustful. N: Meaning of N in the name EYTO BRAHMACHARINI means: You like to work, but you always want a break. Indecision worst enemy, only you can overcome. Overcome innate fears by self-development and latent talent. Impulsive nature could get you into serious trouble. Overcome tendency to unpredictability and irritability, them many friends and prosperity. Imaginary problems could overwhelm, stay in the here and now. You may appear innocent, unassuming, and shy; but we know that appearances can lie. When it comes to sex, you are no novice but something of a skilled technician. You can easily go to extremes though, running the gamut from insatiability to boredom with the whole idea of sex. You can be highly critical of you mate, seeking perfection in both of you. It is not easy to find someone who can meet your standards. You have difficulty expressing emotions and drawing close to lovers. Like to add another meaning or definition of EYTO BRAHMACHARINI? Names, sentences and phrases similar to EYTO BRAHMACHARINI Brei means: Never Gives Up Devasur means: A Divine Hero Kanwamohan means: Beautiful Prince Bhasvara means: Origin of Light Madhumati means: Full of Honey Aifa means: Gift; Gift of God Tabahhur means: Deep; Like the River; Profoundly Learned Khaivya | கைவ்யா means: Poet Kasimir means: Enforces peace. The name of the patron saint of Poland; also a favored name of Polish royalty. Lenno means: Man. Name popularirity score of the name EYTO BRAHMACHARINI. The country name score of EYTO BRAHMACHARINI. Daily searches of the name EYTO BRAHMACHARINI? Keyword competition of the name EYTO BRAHMACHARINI Google search trends of EYTO BRAHMACHARINI, Google search history of the name EYTO BRAHMACHARINI, search graph of EYTO BRAHMACHARINI, keyword cost of EYTO BRAHMACHARINI Tags: Meaning of the name EYTO BRAHMACHARINI. The definition of EYTO BRAHMACHARINI. Did you find the meaning of the name EYTO BRAHMACHARINI? Please, add a meaning of EYTO BRAHMACHARINI if you did not find one from a search of EYTO BRAHMACHARINI. |African Names||Anglo Saxon Names||Arabic Names||Aramaic Names||Armenian Names||Arthurian Names||Australian Names| |Babylonian Names||Basque Names||Biblical Names||Bulgarian Names||Cambodian Names||Celtic Names||Chamoru Names| |Chinese Names||Cornish Names||Croatian Names||Czech Names||Danish Names||Dutch Names||Egyptian Names| |English Names||Esperanto Names||Farsi Names||Finnish Names||French Names||Gaelic Names||German Names| |Greek Names||Gypsy Names||Hawaiian Names||Hebrew Names||Hindi Names||Hindu Names||Hungarian Names| |Icelandic Names||Indian Names||Irish Names||Israeli Names||Italian Names||Japanese Names||Korean Names| |Latin Names||Lithuanian Names||Maori Names||Muslim Names||Norse Names||Norwegian Names||Persian Names| |Phoenician Names||Polish Names||Polynesian Names||Portuguese Names||Romanian Names||Rumanian Names||Russian Names| |Sanskrit Names||Scottish Names||Serbian Names||Sikh Names||Singhalese Names||Slavic Names||Slovene Names| |Spanish Names||Swedish Names||Swiss Names||Tamil Names||Teutonic Names||Thai Names||Turkish Names| |Ukrainian Names||Vietnamese Names||Welsh Names||Yiddish Names| Copyrights © 2016 TheNamesDictionary. 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CCAS and Elliott School professor Nemata Blyden’s new book explores the complex relationship between African Americans and the African continent from the era of slavery to the present. By Tatyana Hopkins The way African Americans have chosen to engage, be influenced by and identify with Africa since the first Africans arrived in America four centuries ago has been a complex relationship often influenced by the nation’s laws aimed to oppress, marginalize and disenfranchise black people, said Nemata Blyden, an associate professor of history and international affairs at the George Washington University. She said the “long, tangled and problematic” relationship black Americans have had with the United States has bound them to the continent of Africa in various ways. “Often prompted by changes occurring in the United States itself, that relationship has had ebbs and flows,” Dr. Blyden said. Dr. Blyden shared her ideas at a discussion of her latest book, “African Americans and Africa: A New History,” at the Elliott School of International Affairs on Tuesday. The discussion was co-sponsored by the GW Institute for African Studies and the Elliott School Book Launch Series, which highlights publications of Elliott School faculty and staff. She said the aim of her book was to explore how African Americans sought to connect to Africa in a variety of ways or reject the notion that Africa was their homeland over the years, noting that this year marked the country’s 400th anniversary of the beginning of slavery in this country. “African American desires for ties with Africa may have waned with the end of segregation, the gains of the civil rights movement and greater integration of Black Americans in the United States, but the connection to the continent remains,” Dr Blyden said. “But does this make them less American? I don’t think so.” One chapter in the book illustrates African Americans’ claims to both America and Africa and discusses the many “back-to-Africa” movements that have encouraged African descendants in America to return to Africa since the 1800s. “The idea of ‘back-to-Africa’ resonated with some blacks as they came to believe they would never be accepted by white Americans or achieve full and equal citizenship in the United States,” Dr. Blyden said. “These men and women looked to Africa as an original homeland.” She said, however, the movement was controversial and rejected by some black thought leaders. “Many African Americans saw it as a deportation scheme, an attempt to rid the country of free and freed blacks, leaving those in bondage with no one to champion their cause,” she said. “Men like David Walker and Frederick Douglass opposed those initiatives, insisting that black Americans, like their white counterparts, were deserving of full-fledged rights and acceptance in this nation.” For more than two decades, Dr. Blyden has taught a course, “African Americans and Africa: Links in History,” which explores African American engagement with Africa since people of African descent have lived in the United States. “I wrote this book because I could not find an adequate text with which to teach, so I wrote one,” she said. But she said it was also inspired by her own personal heritage of being American-born with an African father and African American mother and growing up in Sierra Leone. Dr. Blyden recalled the misconceptions both white and black Americans held of Africans when she attended college in Massachusetts in 1982, remembering being asked why she spoke English or if she had lived in a hut. She noted that just a few years later African Americans were instrumental in South Africa’s anti-apartheid movement along with the emergence of an Afrocentric rap movement that celebrated black culture and represented Africa positively. “Africa has always prefigured in the imagination of African Americans,” Dr. Blyden said. “However, I did not write this book to make any kind of grand statement, though I am discovering how relevant it is to the moment we are presently living in.” She added, “Historically, African descended people have seen the value of reaching out to each other. That holds true today.”
In addition to an education in theater, production managers need to have a working knowledge of financial basics and management practices. Generally, courses in production management are available for theater management majors. A few colleges offer joint programs that lead to both a Master of Business Administration (MBA) and a Master of Fine Arts (MFA), but there are several program options that can prepare students for careers in production management. Many theater management programs require field-work and include opportunities for students to work in local theaters as assistant managers. Here are a few common concepts taught in production manager courses: - Historical perspectives - Analyzing other plays/productions - Organizational skills - Voice and speech - Hiring and unions - Financial planning Introduction to Theater This course introduces students to the various forms of theater and examines the cultural and social influences of the arts on a community. Students receive their first experiences in theater critiquing by analyzing written plays and writing out responses to plays and performances. Often students are assigned positions as assistant stage managers for a college or local play, through which they acquire hands-on training and learn how to work with assistants, actors and directors. Experience with prompting actors, script analysis, scheduling and other pre-production roles prepare students for a future in theater management. In this course, students learn how to publicize a play while filling the house. Topics include advertising, group and box sales, public relations and theater management. This course is usually offered at anytime in the program. Managers and those in leadership positions must have a working knowledge of laws and policies. In this course, students receive coaching in selection and placement, problem solving, training, employee relationships, safety and compensation. They also become familiar with the employee laws for their state and train in the use of proper disciplinary actions and termination policies. Through simulations, students in a management course learn how to prepare for motivational and disciplinary actions in the workplace, as well as how to make on-the-spot decisions and strengthen their communication skills. They also become familiar with the behavioral tools and techniques that are used to make decisions and plan ahead. Additional topics include management roles in the theater, such as those associated with organizing, planning and motivating. A theater-based course in accounting teaches students how to use payroll, create master budgets and deal with ethical issues. At the introductory level, students learn how to gather and record data, check inventories and prepare financial statements. They also become familiar with basic accounting concepts, such as depreciation and cost-volume-profit. Due to its introductory nature, this course can be taken anytime during a program. This course is intended to familiarize students with the theater's financial makeup and should be taken near the middle to end of a program. Students receive practice in booking agreements and financial planning in a theater setting. They also become familiar with payroll practices, expenses and box office income.
By Fresh Plaza The recent heavy rains in California have had an impact on the state’s citrus industry as well as other agricultural businesses leading to gaps in production. On the one hand , the rain has provided the citrus plants with much-needed hydration and has helped nourish the soil. This is vital for the tree's growth and development. However the rains have also created some difficulties for farmers to access their fields, making tree care and harvesting difficult. Additionally, heavy rainfall can cause flooding, which can damage the fruit and render it unmarketable. Despite these challenges posed by heavy rainfall, citrus farmers in California are successfully overcoming obstacles by utilizing their well-drained irrigation systems, and ensuring water reaches the crops while preventing vast flooding in the fields. Furthermore the farmers are keeping a close eye on the weather forecasts to predict gaps in the heavy rain storms to harvest the fruits. Learn more here.
The Qubit – The Building Block of the 1st Quantum Computer The quest to build the world’s first quantum computer continues. Tech heavyweights such as IBM, Microsoft, Google and Intel breathlessly tout every tiny, incremental step forward. In 2009, physicists at NIST made the first small-scale device that could be described as a quantum computer. It used ultracold ions to demonstrate separately all the steps needed to perform quantum computations. What is a Qubit? A qubit is the fundamental building block of a quantum computer. Traditional computers store and process information in binary states – either ones or zeroes – but quantum computers can use qubits that are in superpositions of both states at the same time, giving them a massive leg-up in computing power. To create a qubit, scientists suspend an electron in an electromagnetic field and control its spin state. A spin that is parallel to the field is interpreted as a 1, while an antiparallel spin is a 0. Atom Computing claims to have built the first quantum computer with more than 1,000 qubits. The company’s chip, dubbed Condor, has 1,121 superconducting qubits arranged in a honeycomb pattern and is expected to be available for commercial customers next year. The company is also releasing Heron, the first of a new flock of modular quantum processors that could lead to computers with millions of qubits. But it will take years before the technology reaches mainstream use. How does a Qubit work? In a regular computer, each bit can be in only one state at a time (like trying one corridor at a time in a maze). But a quantum computer stores information in superposition. That means it can try every possible pathway in the maze all at once. To make a qubit, researchers must create a system in which the electron’s magnetic spin can be manipulated independently of its other properties. Atomic nuclei are one such system. By applying radio frequency pulses, researchers can orient the spin of a nucleus in a particular way (either parallel or antiparallel to an external electromagnetic field) to form a quantum bit. Another possibility is to use trapped ions, which can also attain a quantum state with the help of electromagnetic fields and lasers. But building large numbers of qubits that can maintain their coherence at room temperature is a challenge. Moreover, there is the risk that they might interact with each other, which degrades their accuracy. What are the limitations of a Qubit? A qubit is the basic unit of quantum computing. A quantum computer is capable of performing certain tasks that are impossible to perform on a classical computer, such as finding the prime factors of a number or solving an algebraic equation. However, there are many challenges to constructing and operating a quantum computer. It is important to maintain coherence between qubits for long enough to run an algorithm. It is also essential to find ways to detect and correct errors. Finally, it is crucial to develop methods for measuring a quantum system without disturbing its state. Scientists have created several types of quantum computers. One type involves entangled molecules. For example, scientists at IBM’s Almaden Research Center used four ionized beryllium atoms in an electromagnetic trap. Each ion had a parallel spin, representing a 1, and an antiparallel spin, representing a 0. These two states were superimposed on each other to form a qubit. The atoms were then manipulated using radio-frequency pulses to execute an algorithm and measure their final states. What are the potential applications of a Qubit? Scientists are working to build machines that exploit the strange properties of the atomic world to make calculations much faster. They say quantum computers could crack cryptographic systems used to secure data, speed up drug discovery, find new materials and improve machine learning. The key hurdle is making a qubit computer that can operate reliably without any interference from its surroundings. This requires keeping the computer cooled to near absolute zero, which is not easy. It also requires a special laser to control the electron’s spin state, and a vacuum or cryogenic chamber to keep it isolated from its environment. Companies like IBM and Rigetti are working on such quantum machines. But it’s not clear when they will be useful to businesses and other scientists. One approach, called quantum annealing, uses multiple qubits to solve optimization problems at scale. It has potential applications in logistics and finance. But it’s still a prototype that works only for certain mathematical problems.
As we all know lockdown time is going around. It is a very tough time not only for us but for our kids too. As they are full of energy, meant to be exploring the outside world but from last one year they are locked inside for their safety. This is the only option to save them from deadly covid-19. They don’t know much about the invisible virus. So it’s even hard for them to understand that why they don’t go outside? Are parks, schools, markets, malls even relatives houses are closed? And how long it will take to open all those places normally? So, to release their energy in right way at home, here I am suggesting few activities which kids like to do happily. Children loves to play with water, let’s make it fun activity for them. Let them fill the tub with so many small glasses of water. You just give them water in glass and asked them to pour in the tub which is at a distant place. He will carefully take the glass with half filled water then walk and then pour in the tub. Benefits: This will develop eye hand coordination, balanced walking, understanding math concept invisibly that large amount is made up of so many small amounts. Wanna see yourself published in this space? Participate now in our ongoing contest and get published! 2. Kneaded Dough: Children always ask for dough whenever you make chapatti, let’s make it fun activity for them. Let them give small amount of kneaded dough to make small things which children usually made from clay, like, ball, rolling snake, chapatti, etc. as per their imagination. Benefits: This will develop their eye hand coordination, strengthen their fine muscles of fingers, which will help them in future for good handwriting. Trigger their creativity by creating so many things with it. 3. Open the refrigerator: Children loves to open the fridge so many times in a day, you can see they always hang on the fridge door. Let’s make fun activity for them. Whenever you are in need of fruits or vegetables, ask them to do. Like bring the tomatoes from fridge, bring two apples from fridge. You will see they are always ready to do so, leaving other things behind even smartphone. You can give them number clue sometimes like bring 1 cucumber or 2 lemons. Benefits: They will recognize different fruits and vegetables not from pictures but from real objects by touching and holding them. Even they recognize different colors and understand the numbers also. Like these three activities, there are so many activities can be done at home to engage them in fun learning without TV and smartphone. Our home is itself a living experiment laboratory for them, this time let them explore inside. Disclaimer: Any opinion expressed in this post are the personal views of the author. They do not reflect the views of WriteFluence.in. Any omissions or errors are the author’s and WriteFluence does not assume any liability or responsibility for them. Categories: Reading Nook
Author: Santiago Ricoy Email: [email protected] Date: Last modified on 2/4/17 Keywords: laser cutter engraving etching burning cutting vector raster The photo above depicts our lab's laser cutter engraving a logo in raster mode (can't tell easily, as it's moving). This tutorial's main focus is to have a student with near zero prior knowledge, up and running a raster engrave on our laser cutter. Other items will be lightly touched on, including vector cuts. The importance of this lies in having a quick-reference for lab members to quickly learn to use and innovate with the laser cutter. This tutorial's motivation is to teach a student new to the laser cutter how to prepare, check, and run the machine. The tutorial assumes the reader has the following background: * Know how to manipulate bitmap images * Perhaps also know how to work with vectorized images in Inkscape, Illustrator, or another related program * Possible additional background needed in vectorizing and layering in image manipulation programs, and CAD software. * This tutorial may also attract readers who intend to use the laser cutter to create layers for 3 dimensional projects. The rest of this tutorial is presented as follows; all students must understand the warnings section: To complete this tutorial, you'll need the following items: |PART NAME/DESCRIPTION||VENDOR||VENDOR Number or URL||PRICE||QTY| |Full Spectrum Laser Pro 36×24||Full Spectrum Laser||http://fslaser.com/||~$14,000 with options||1| PLEASE READ THOROUGHLY All above may be obvious; however, knowing what materials should not be cut is very important: |PVC (Poly Vinyl Chloride)/vinyl/pleather/artificial leather||Produces chlorine gas.||DON'T EVER cut this material as it WILL immediately ruin the optics (HCl likes to eat silvering off of mirrors), cause the metal of the machine to corrode, and ruin the motion control system. Research says that lasers don't BURN materials, but normally VAPORIZE them, leading to all kinds of toxic chemistry with these high energy particles in the air. No, ventilation is not fast enough to save the machine, even if it might be fast enough to save you. If you do choose to try it anyway though, you may die from breathing it in before getting in any major trouble. :)| |Thick ( >1mm ) Polycarbonate/Lexan||Cuts very poorly, discolors, and then catches fire.||Polycarbonate is commonly found in flat sheets. The window of many laser cutters are made of polycarbonate because polycarbonate strongly absorbs infrared radiation. This is the frequency of light the laser cutter uses to cut materials, thus ineffective at cutting polycarbonate. Polycarbonate is a poor choice of material.| |ABS||Melts||ABS doesn't cut very well. Lasers cut by immediately vaporizing material, and ABS only melts. It thus has a higher chance of catching fire and putting frustrating goo on the cutting surface. Doesn't engrave well either for the same reasons.| |HDPE/milk bottle plastic||Catches fire and melts||It melts, and turns into goo. Don't use it.| |PolyStyrene Foam||Catches fire||Only thin pieces cut. This is the MOST common material to cause laser fires.| |PolyPropylene Foam||Catches fire||Like PolyStyrene, it melts, catches fire, and as it drips, those droplets continue to burn and leave little burnt balls everywhere.| |Fiberglass||Emits fumes||Neither of its components can be cut with a laser cutter. Glass can only be etched, and the resin that glues it together lets out fumes that aren't fun.| |Coated Carbon Fiber||Emits noxious fumes||Only plain carbon fiber mat can actually be cut, but once coated its a lost cause, and the fumes are dangerous.| Metal cannot be cut on our CO2 laser cutter. This requires a significantly more expensive fiber laser cutter. However, metal can be etched with the use of a metal etching coating (cermark), or for anodized/other coatings the coating is etched off, leaving the bare metal behind as a contrast. The danger with attempts at etching/cutting bare metal on our machine lies in the fact that metal is very reflective and more conductive than other materials, meaning it requires more energy to be vaporized. At best, our laser can temporarily melt the surface of metal, which increases the danger because the “micro-pool” of molten metal will immediately level itself, creating an excellent mirror, which then reflects the laser's beam straight back into itself, potentially ruining the machine if the beam finds its way back to the laser tube. In short, don't attempt to cut metal with our laser. Note: This panel uses capacitive touch sensors on its control buttons, so there is no physical actuation to be felt. It is quite sensitive, and therefore can be activated whenever in contact or near contact with skin; this means they can activate via contact through clothing (like a T-shirt). Please BE CAUTIOUS when leaning over the laser cutter around this area for these reasons. The control panel uses 10 total buttons. From left to right these are: Four Arrow buttons: In xy jog, and z jog modes, can move laser head or raise/lower platform. During a job the up/down arrows let you change the job power on the fly on a scale from 0 - 255. There are 4 main areas of focus on the machine's LCD display. This section gives step-by-step instructions along with photos to reference while walking through them. 1.) Water Chiller: The water chiller circulates water through the laser tube of the machine. This is important because the plasma arcs generated within the tube can create a lot of heat, which needs to be removed. Our main concern with the chiller is ensuring that all of its connections are secure and going to the correct places with no leaks, and that while it is running, no air bubbles are cycled through the laser tube. There is also a connection for the chiller alarm; the connection is next to the water tubes. There are two tubes coming from the chiller. Make sure that these are: The chiller directs water continuously through the laser tube and maintains the water at or near room temperature. However, to maximize the life of the laser tube, we must make sure that heat is removed evenly from the tube by ensuring there are no air bubbles present. Air bubbles create local hotspots along the tube, which will ultimately reduce the tube's life over time. After turning on the water chiller, often bubbles can be observed entering and leaving the laser tube. Watch all of these bubbles leave, and search for smaller bubbles (they generally get caught at the ends of the tube). There may be some minuscule debris inside the tube, along with persistent bubbles of similar size, that we cannot remove without specialized equipment, but its impact is relatively small; thus it can be ignored. For other bubbles, (generally identified as those that appear to “wiggle” in the current) they can usually be moved by gently squeezing one of the input or output tubes, and quickly releasing it. The sudden slowdown and rush of water can dislodge most if not all bubbles that can be moved. You can see the bubbles present in one photo, and gone in the other above. 2.) Air Assist: Our air assist compressor provides a steady stream of air that projects from the laser head onto our cutting surface. It allows the laser to make cuts that would otherwise ignite the working material. While the air assist should always be used, it does have one downside. When working with lighter materials, the stream of air very easily blows away parts intended for cutting. Please check that the air assist is connected to the correct input port. It turns on when plugged into an electrical socket. 3.) Exhaust fan: The exhaust fan blows away smoke and other potentially harmful vapors created while cutting. Simply slide the blue exhaust tube from the back of the laser unit onto the exhaust fan's input port, and route the output tubing outdoors. The fan can be powered on by plugging it into an electrical socket. After many uses (perhaps prolonged periods of disuse), or after moving the laser cutter, the mirrors may come out of alignment, and though it may not always be obvious, the cut quality will suffer. If the laser has not been operated for an extended period of time, quickly run a check to see if the laser is still in alignment. Fortunately there is a fairly simple process for checking and realigning the mirrors, and it is found in the manual, which is included in the “required items” section of this tutorial. The method of realigning mirrors requires thermal paper, but I used old receipts for this purpose. You may consider storing thermal paper or old receipts in one of the compartments on the laser unit for this eventual purpose. Note that the peripheral devices will likely all be plugged into one surge protector, so some of these steps may be redundant. Machine power-on steps: The RetinaEngrave3D software is the cutting software made by Full Spectrum Laser. Through it, we get our design files onto the laser cutter. It is here that we specify power, speed, layers, etc.. RetinaEngrave3D can generate rasters from .bmp, .jpg, .png, and .tiff by dragging and dropping. However, other file types require being saved as an .xps file, or can be directed into RetinaEngrave3D through the Full Spectrum Engineering Driver, which is the primary way images are put into RetinaEngrave3D. The process is simple. From whatever program you are using, go to print and select “Full Spectrum Engineering Driver” from the options. Your file will appear in the RetinaEngrave3D software, allowing you to manipulate its size, settings, and other options to begin your cut. RetinaEngrave3D has the option to create simple images within the program that do not require any special changes to run as a raster or vector cut. I recommend this option if you only need a simple shape/text in a predetermined size. Once gone through the print driver, RetinaEngrave gives a few options to manipulate your image on the left. Those options available include rotating the image 90 degrees; mirroring the image vertically or horizontally; dithering to different extents; and resizing the image. Within the vector cut tab, there is also a vector cross-hatching option, but that is beyond the scope of these instructions. At the top are more controls that concern engraving. Below is a brief list of their functions and usefulness. Before beginning your cut Triple check that the laser head is positioned where you need it. You can use the arrow keys in RetinaEngrave to move around the laser head, or with the laser control panel in fast xy or slow xy mode. For this step, you can use the up/down arrows in the slow-z or fast-z modes on the laser cutter; using fast-z to get close, and then slow-z to reach the final touching point. The focusing ruler (pictured above in use) should be sitting behind the left y-axis track in the laser cutter. Use this on the ledge of the laser head, and raise/lower the head until the end of it just touches the surface of your material. Using the option to run the perimeter (4 corner arrow icon) in RetinaEngrave, you can verify the edges of your cut. This should always be done to ensure you've gotten the right scale, or that your cut fits on your material. Beginning the cut: Simply press the start button in RetinaEngrave. Your raster engrave will begin almost immediately. If in vector mode, the software will first process the image, and then begin the cut; that mode was not covered here, so if you intended to do a raster engrave, and the machine pauses before cutting, you may want to hit the “C” key to cancel the cut. This tutorial's objective was to get a student up and running with the FSL Pro 36×24 Laser Cutter. Speculating future work derived from this tutorial, you may want to consider reviewing 3D projects created using a laser cutter, and an alternate post discussing engraving and cutting a variety of materials. In the big picture, the problem of disseminating knowledge about the laser cutter can be solved with this tutorial. For questions, clarifications, etc, Email: [email protected]
Menachos 100 - 106 When One Makes a Big Difference If someone makes a voluntary meal offering (mincha) he may bring any amount from one issaron of flour - the standard amount of a mincha - to 60 issronim in one vessel. Why is there a limit of 60? Two explanations are offered: 1) Rabbi Yehuda's reasoning is based on the fact that the most issronim we ever find offered by the community along with its sacrifices is 61. This happens when the first day of Sukkos is on Shabbos and this is the calculation: | Regular daily lambs - 2; additional lambs for Shabbos - 2; additional lambs for Sukkos - 14; total lambs - 18 |one issaron per lamb||=18| Additional rams for Sukkos - 2 two issronim per ram Additional bullocks for Sukkos - 13 three issronim per bullock Since the most the community can bring is 61 it makes sense that the individual should be one step down and offer only 60. 2) Rabbi Shimon's explanation is that the one lug of oil which must be mixed with the flour to make the dough can only be effectively mixed into 60 issronim, not one more. This explanation encounters two challenges: - If 60 issronim can be blended with oil does it make sense that one more cannot? - The rule is that even if the oil is not actually mixed into the flour the mincha is kosher. Why does it matter then if 61 issronim cannot be mixed with the oil? In regard to the first challenge, Rabbi Shimon declares that all of the standards and measurements stated by the Sages are precise. If a mikveh has forty se'ah the one who immerses himself in it has become purified. If it lacks a drop from this amount he remains impure. As far as the second point, the insistence is not on the actual mixing of the oil and flour but rather on the possibility of it taking place. This is the famous rule of: "When anything is capable of being mixed together, the actual mixing is no longer an absolute prerequisite; if it is not capable of being mixed then this is an absolute prerequisite." - Menachos 103b The Gift of Poverty A subtle distinction is made by the Torah in describing one who offers a sacrifice. In introducing the chapter on the voluntary offering of an animal or bird the expression used is: "If any man of you brings an offering" (Vayikra 1:2). The chapter concerning the voluntary meal offering (Vayikra 2:1) begins: "And when a "nefesh" (literally, a life) will offer a meal offering." What is the reason for the use of the word "nefesh" in regard to a meal offering? Rabbi Yitzchak explains that it is as if Hashem was saying to us: "Who is accustomed to bringing a meal offering if not the poor man. (In Vayikra 5:11 the rule of the sliding scale for certain sacrifices entitles the poor man who can afford neither animal or bird to achieve his atonement with a meal offering.) I shall consider it as if he had offered his very life to Me." The commentaries have already pointed out that every sacrifice is a vicarious offering of one's own life, and that the objects designated for sacrifice are either ones which are physiologically similar to man or materials which nourish him. This concept is apparently difficult for the more prosperous individual to truly identify with because he has so much left after making his offering. The poor man, however, is probably sacrificing his last bit of food, and can more readily imagine that he is offering Hashem his very life. - Menachos 104b
Community Water Consumption What is the indicator and why measure it? Water consumption is measured by the Region as it is responsible for the pumping and treatment of drinking water as well as wastewater treatment. Monitoring the total use of water reflects how effectively water resources are utilized within a community as a function of its population size, land use and economy. The Region of Waterloo has a wide variety of water conservation programs to help preserve this natural resource while saving money for local residents and employers. As one of the largest users of groundwater in North America, sustainable use of this resource has been a priority in this community for many years. Water reduction target Community water consumption is expected to increase over time as the regional population grows. The goal is to stay below the anticipated red line in the following graph which represents projected water consumption by the year 2016. Waterloo Region has achieved a 12% decrease in community water consumption from 2001 – 2012 even though the population for Waterloo region in the Integrated Urban System service area (including the tri-cities, Elmira, St. Jacobs and Lloyd Brown and representing 95% of total consumption) has increased 20% during the past 10 years. Water efficiency initiatives - Toilet replacement and rebate program - Water Conservation By-law - Rain barrel program - Education/awareness programs for residents, and the industrial, commercial institutional sector These initiatives help reduce water consumption per person which is important for the efficient use of this critical natural resource. Over the past several years, the Region of Waterloo's water efficiency programs have contributed to a reduction of water consumption by 22% per person in the community despite a service population increase of 100,000 people during the years 1999 - 2012 (see graph below). Water consumption also affects the Region's energy consumption and therefore any water efficiency improvements can also reduce associated air emissions from power required to pump and treat water. The design, construction and renovation of Regional facilities also affects water consumption which is reflected in the "Region's Sustainable Building and Construction" progress indicator. For more information, visit the Region's Water Services website.
The NSFNET Backbone Project, 1987 - 1995 NSFNET: A Partnership for High-Speed Networking The NSFNET Phenomenon While the 1986 NSFNET had given the research and education community a taste of what was possible with connectivity to a high-speed backbone network, the leaps in capacity and reliability offered by the new NSFNET backbone service proved to be popular beyond even the partners' wildest dreams. The growth of the Internet worldwide, of which the construction of the NSFNET in the US played a major part, can only be described as "phenomenal." "It was pretty much an unmanageable child," says Ellen Hoffman. "I think back then we all had hopes that it would grow the ways that it did, but none of us believed that it would grow so fast." Hans-Werner recalls working in an environment where "something that was brand-new and totally up-to-date in the morning was completely out of date by the afternoon. That happened pretty much on a day-by-day basis, because we moved so fast." The statistics Merit provided on use of the NSFNET backbone are by now well-known, but still every bit as astounding: 19 billion packets per month processed in September of 1992, a growth rate of approximately 11% a month. Over 6,000 networks were connected to the NSFNET backbone service in 1992, one-third of which were outside the United States. Use of the network was also evolving; the share of network traffic devoted to electronic mail and file transfers was being overtaken by newer information storage and retrieval applications such as Gopher, Archie, and Veronica. Support for the users of the network, from regional and midlevel networks to campus networks, was just as critical as the physical infrastructure, and Merit's Information Services group was tasked with giving the research and education community the background and tools they needed to use the network to its fullest. The idea of "user support" had been around since the "olden days" of campus computing systems, when "you have all this information--how do you get it so it is available to people? How do you help them use it, help them to find it?" explains Jane Caviness. Administrative information related to organization, funding and staffing of networks was also needed. Kathleen McClatchey, who as Director of Planning, Marketing and Public Relations at the University of Michigan, helped to lead the partners in these efforts from 1989 to 1991, explains that the task before them was to "try to take something at the 'bits and bytes' stage and focus on what it could actually do." Elise Gerich puts the question this way: "What makes the NSFNET real to people?" The Merit Information Services staff met the challenge by conceiving, designing, and providing information services for a new community of users, whose needs were very different from those of the scientists and researchers who had previously been the network's primary users. Working in parallel with BBN Systems & Technologies, which ran the first Network Information Center (NIC) for the NSFNET, the Merit Information Services staff created an array of materials designed to help new users of the NSFNET from all areas of academia, who were not as experienced with networking. Merit was also instrumental in teaching the majority of today's Internet "trainers," who provide training materials and resources to help people learn how to use the Internet. The Merit/NSFNET Networking Seminars, "Making Your Internet Connection Count," brought together Internet experts, network developers and administrators, information support specialists, librarians, and teachers who needed to know the latest about networking for their institutions. Beginning in 1989, seminars were presented on-site in conjunction with NSFNET regional networks in Hilton Head, Denver, Ann Arbor, Washington, D.C./College Park, Las Vegas, San Francisco, and Orlando. Merit Information Services staff worked successfully with many institutions to design network training on a variety of topics, from library resources to discipline-specific databases. Merit's Advanced Topic workshops educated technical personnel from the NSFNET backbone site locations about advancements in Internet engineering, network management, and routing. Merit published the Link Letter (ftp://nic.merit.edu/nsfnet/linkletter/) newsletter to keep the community informed about changes to the backbone and the broader Internet infrastructure. A presentation called "Cruise of the Internet," written by Merit's Laura Kelleher, introduced new and experienced Internet users worldwide to information resources, and introduced users to tools such as telnet, FTP, e-mail, Gopher, and WAIS. A popular, computer-based Cruise was developed by Steve Burdick, Kelleher, and Mark Davis-Craig for Macintosh and Windows users. Kathleen McClatchey and other Merit staff distributed over 1,000 copies of a video produced in conjunction with EDUCOM's Networking and Telecommunications Task Force (NTTF), "Networking to Share Ideas," containing vignettes of NSFNET users using the communications potential of the network in such diverse areas as health care, environmental research, and K-12 education. In addition, the partners produced many technical working papers and articles about networking and the research and education community in magazines and other print media. Merit, IBM, MCI, ANS, and the NSF also maintained a high profile for the project by attending and giving presentations about the NSFNET to national, regional, and local conferences and Internet-related organizations, including the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), EDUCOM, FARNET, the Coalition for Networked Information (CNI), and many others. Team members also published dozens of technical papers, including Internet standards documents called RFCs (Request For Comments), that helped push the leading edge of networking technology in the Internet community. Efforts to publicize the achievements of the NSFNET backbone service began to dovetail with the larger movement toward a National Research and Education Network, or NREN. Articles in as diverse publications as Science, the Wall Street Journal, and USA Today helped to raise awareness of the NSFNET beyond the research and education community. Ellen Hoffman remembers the difficulty in getting people "up to speed" with the concept of networking and the Internet: "Now you just say Internet and the press gets all excited. It wasn't true back then; invariably if you wanted to talk about the Internet, since nobody knew what it was, you would have to go through a long process of explaining. You have to remember that back then you didn't have something like the Web that made it easy to show--we had e-mail, FTP, and telnet. Those in and of themselves are very interesting applications and they do some wonderful things functionally, but they are not very showy." This marked the beginning of an educational process for journalists and their readers and listeners that would saturate the media with stories about the "information superhighway" by 1994. More substantively, the partners had to come up with new ways of "making the NSFNET real to people." Focusing on how users incorporated networking technology into their daily work (and increasingly, other areas of their lives), on the innovative applications being developed, and how using the NSFNET was changing the ways people related to one another seemed the best strategy. "We were trying to show the incredible power in sharing information--the idea of the collaborative work enabled by and through the network," recalls Kathleen McClatchey. "There is so much we can do with the information that we have to make people's lives better." Today, for the growing millions of people using the Internet and commercial online services, networking is increasingly as ubiquitous as the telephone. How that happened is a testament to the technology and, more importantly, to the people using it: technology is a social construct, and often the ways in which we think about it when it is created begin to change as a result of human innovation. "I remember when we were first installing computers on campus; people installed them for one reason and ended up using them for another reason, and often they didn't really know what that other reason was going to be at the time they purchased them," says Priscilla Huston. On the ARPANET, e-mail among researchers was more of an unexpected side benefit than the stated or primary purpose of creating a secure communications system. In a similar manner, what began as primarily a research network evolved to a broader backbone network service in support of the entire research and education community, and by the early 90s was evolving yet again in the context of public discussion about a National and eventually Global Information Infrastructure. The NSFNET was one of the main catalysts for these ideas. "We wouldn't be talking about the NII without the NSFNET," says Ellen Hoffman. That particular achievement is one of the NSFNET's proudest. NSFNET team members agree on the primary factors that led to the success of this project: vision, flexible yet firm management, and commitment from individual staff at every level of the partnership. Over and over again, staff from Merit, IBM, MCI, ANS, and the NSF emphasized how important it was to have a clear objective guiding their way, and that the foundation for that goal--building a national backbone network--was a vision of what it could mean to people using it. Doug Van Houweling puts it this way: "We all shared a sense of what this could be, and when the going got tough on getting the circuits to work or when people questioned our competence or motives, we fell back on our conviction 'This is Important, This is Significant.' A lot of people look for an opportunity to have a real impact on the world. When the chance arrives, it provides powerful motivation." Clear objectives, however, didn't mean a rigid adherence to what had been done before, or to only one notion of how to do it. In a dynamic environment where, as Hans-Werner Braun noted, expectations and events would change on a day-to-day basis, flexibility was key. "Disguised limits, no preconceived limitations," is how Mathew Dovens puts it. "This project was set up to open new horizons, and I think throughout the seven years we never limited ourselves." Flexibility was balanced with firm guidance, and by all accounts Merit and the NSF provided just the right mix of incentives. Harvey Fraser notes particularly the NSF's contribution: "Steve [Wolff] had very high goals, and did not interfere with implementation, but many times there were choices to be made which may or may not match the most recent proposal that's been funded. In the process of exploring those choices, it always came out that what he wanted was technological leadership and excellence of operation, and however that got manifested in a given situation, it didn't matter. If it meant that there was a need for the government to invest more money, buy more circuits, build something else, whatever it was, fine. He certainly provided a very steady hand on the tiller." Other team members singled out Eric Aupperle as having managed the building of the NSFNET backbone well: "Eric was always a gentleman-- he was forceful in expressing his views, but was always ready to find a compromise." Perhaps the most important contributor to the success of the NSFNET project, however, was the commitment among the partners--Merit, IBM, MCI, ANS, and the NSF--at every level, to make it come together. All of the NSFNET team stressed the importance of "buy-in" to the project on the executive, managerial, and technical staff levels of the partnership. Part of this was the individual commitment to the overall "vision" of the NSFNET. But a willingness on the part of each person to commit to the job before them was necessary as well, even if it meant long hours, excruciatingly difficult technical problems, or criticism from the community. Another aspect of this commitment showed in the partners' willingness to collaborate closely throughout the length of the project, through a series of technical and administrative meetings that took place on a weekly, monthly and quarterly basis. Finally, in the back of their minds, the NSFNET team members knew that if they didn't succeed, there was no other alternative for the community. According to the NSF and Merit, they recognized that as the NSFNET was at first the only backbone network, they couldn't let the community down and were obligated to put the very best network in place. Mark Knopper says: "This was it: there was no other backbone. There was no competition. The user community was there, demand for the bandwidth brought in the traffic, the regionals aggregated it, we had to carry it. That forced us to look ahead, time and again, because no one else was in a position to do it." Immense personal satisfaction came from working as a team where commitment, both to the project and to a larger vision, flexibility, and skilled management were part of the environment around them. "To make it happen and really make a difference, and to drive the whole thing forward," says Hans-Werner, was the most rewarding. Mark Knopper speaks for them all: "I was honored by working with those people." What lessons can be learned from this successful partnership between the research and education community, industry, and government? Could the nation do it again? "I think it was unique, but it doesn't have to be," says Elise Gerich. Mark Knopper emphasizes the importance of NSF funding as well as industry cost-sharing; according to him and others, "leveraging was a really, really big win" for the project. Steve Wolff thinks that similar initiatives would benefit from "finding out when the interest of the academic community and industry are similar, and forming a partnership with government participating at the margin. It's a great model," he says. Also important was the way in which the NSF and Merit could bring different players together: "A central element of the success was the extremely productive interaction between industry, academia, and government," says Paul Bosco. Walter Wiebe notes that "being part of the team that pulled it together will be a source of satisfaction to me all my life." According to Priscilla Huston, "the NSFNET project has involved a lot of different parties, not just the NSF, but international and industry players. Merit's support of that was an important part of the award." Last but not least, the way in which the funding was applied, the overall construction of the NSFNET program--of which the backbone service was the key piece--was done in a way that would reap the maximum benefits from infrastructure building. "You really have to be building at both levels at the same time," explains Ellen Hoffman. "In creating a ubiquitous network, you have to do both. You want it to be widespread--first of all the NSF built a backbone with lots of bandwidth, a playground for people to work with. At the same time they were doing other things to start making it widely available, like the Connections program; almost every college in this country started off with an NSF grant for its first connection. That is the other part of the ubiquity. And they didn't want to do only one or only the other, because they recognized that if they hadn't built the backbone we wouldn't have resources like the Web." All of these factors combined, say the partners, helped to make the NSFNET a success, to build the very best national backbone network of its kind at the time. Says Al Weis: "What the NSF accomplished was outstanding. They took a little bit of seed money and created the right dynamics which, in essence, sparked the Internet, the global Internet." By the summer of 1991, as the NSFNET partners continued to work on the T3 upgrade, the NSF knew that the five-year cooperative agreement with Merit would be ending in 1992. Around this time, according to George Strawn, NCRI began thinking and planning in earnest about what to do next. It seemed clear that in the context of the debate about commercialization, continuing on the same course of support for the NSFNET was not an option; nor was the NSF particularly interested in doing so. Steve Wolff saw the actions of the NSF with the NSFNET as similar to the NSF's support of campus computing centers in the early sixties and seventies, which was phased out after computing products and services were readily available from the marketplace. The NSF knew in both cases when to initiate high-technology initiatives, and when to get out. Wolff explains the NSF's philosophy in this way: "I think it's a strength. You're subject to criticism, because people do get hurt in the process; there's no question about that. On the other hand, NSF recognizes limitations and only has so much money. If you don't stop doing old things, then you can't start any new things. And when something gets to the point that it becomes a commodity product, there is no reason for NSF to be supporting it." Internet service providers were springing up all over the country, from local dial-up providers to larger companies providing T1 and eventually T3 service, and there were now a number of vendors offering TCP/IP networking products and services. During 1992, the National Science Board authorized an extension of Merit's cooperative agreement for eighteen months beyond the October 1992 expiration date in order for NCRI to develop the solicitation. Recognizing that the best way to solve some of the thorny issues precipitated by the pending termination of the cooperative agreement--and the commercialization question--was to involve the community in its plans more directly, in the early summer of 1992 the NSF distributed a draft of its solicitation for a new architecture to the public. The design for the new architecture was based on concepts developed in a paper titled "NSF Implementation Plan for Interim NREN" by Bob Aiken of the NSF; Hans-Werner Braun, then at the San Diego Supercomputer Center; and Peter Ford, on assignment to the NSF from Los Alamos National Lab.(5) The draft solicitation was written by George Strawn, then NSFNET Program Director under Wolff at NCRI. "Steve said, 'This is really complicated, and it will be really important for us to get it right. I think we need to put out a public draft,'" remembers Strawn. NSF received over 240 pages of comments on the draft; Peter Ford and NSF's Don Mitchell helped Strawn incorporate the comments into the final plans. Finally, in the spring of 1993 the NSF released Solicitation 93-52, Network Access Point Manager, Routing Arbiter, Regional Network Providers, and Very High Speed Backbone Network Services Provider for NSFNET and the NREN Program. The solicitation contained four parts: a very high-speed backbone, or vBNS; Network Access Points; a Routing Arbiter; and Regional Network Provider awards. The vBNS, linking five NSF supercomputer centers and operating at minimum speeds of OC-3 (155 Mbps), would offer a high- speed, high-bandwidth virtual infrastructure for networking research, including advanced applications. Network Access Points, or NAPs, would act as interconnection points for commercial Internet service providers. The Routing Arbiter would manage the ever-growing routing tables and databases for the providers connecting at the NAPs. Finally, regional and midlevel networks would continue to receive NSF funding, phased out over a four-year period, to support their connections to the Internet. They would use the money to pay commercial Internet service providers, who were then required to connect to NAPs. In this way, the NSF hoped, connectivity for the research and education community to the rest of the Internet would be maintained. During 1993, as the responses to the solicitation came in to the NSF, the partners continued to maintain the NSFNET backbone's stable networking environment. Various hardware and software improvements to the backbone were added, and a major router upgrade doubled the speed of packets switched on the network. Merit also introduced its new Policy Routing Database, or PRDB, an expansion and improvement of routing procedures used on the NSFNET backbone service since its inception. At the same time, Merit prepared and eventually won its proposal for a Routing Arbiter award. All of the winners of awards for the new architecture were announced throughout 1994. Merit and the Information Sciences Institute (ISI) at the University of Southern California together form the Routing Arbiter team. The vBNS award was given to MCI; Network Access Point Manager awards were given to Sprint, for a New York NAP; MFS Datanet for a Washington D.C. NAP; and Bellcore, which manages two NAPs: the Chicago NAP in conjunction with Ameritech, and the California NAP in conjunction with Pacific Bell. Awards to the regional and midlevel networks for interregional connectivity were given to seventeen regional and midlevel networks. In May of 1994, Merit's cooperative agreement was extended one last time through April of 1995. From 1994 through the first half of 1995, Merit and NCRI worked closely with the regional and midlevel networks to ensure a smooth transition, helping them to disconnect from the NSFNET backbone service: "Merit's award was winding down, but it was their responsibility to get people moved over and they did a really good job pulling people together," says Huston. The PRDB was also succeeded by the Routing Arbiter Database, a global registry of routing and networking information that forms an important part of the new Internet Routing Registry. MCI began to operate the vBNS as well as provide networking services to many of the NSFNET's regional and midlevel networks through internetMCI. IBM formed Advantis, the US-based part of the IBM Global Network, with many of the personnel from the NSFNET project. The NSFNET partners also continued to provide T3 service to the NSF- sponsored supercomputer centers until the vBNS came online. On April 30, 1995, the NSFNET backbone service was decommissioned, and an era ended--in triumph. The NSFNET backbone service will be remembered not only for achieving the goal of providing networking connectivity to the research and education community, but also for realizing some of the larger hopes of the partners: that networking would become a ubiquitous part of everyday life for more and more people, and that it would create new markets for products and services in networking and communications, thus promoting technology transfer. Merit, IBM, MCI, ANS, and the National Science Foundation knew that their immediate task was to improve on the previous NSFNET backbone, to push the technology past what had ever been attempted before, and to implement it on a national scale. In doing so, they hoped to place a powerful tool in the hands of the research and education community, and spur innovation in the development and use of communications infrastructure and applications. The partners were successful on both counts: the NSFNET backbone service connected most of the higher research and education community in the US to a robust and reliable high-speed networking communications infrastructure. It also played a singular role in creating an Internet "industry," a dynamic new marketplace for communications technologies. As the NSFNET spurred the growth of the Internet, moreover, use of networking technology expanded outward from scientists and educators in academia and industry to encompass individuals in all kinds of enterprises and organizations, both private and public, all in a few short years. The NSFNET program will continue to evolve, to reflect the changing needs of the research and education community as well as the revolution in communications infrastructure it had such a large hand in creating. Today's new architecture does not represent a "new" NSFNET. Rather, the NSF sought awardees to provide the main structural elements of the next generation of high-speed networking in the US as well as internationally. To accomplish these goals, the NSFNET program is moving in two directions: to provide support for the research and education community by ensuring the availability of services, resources and tools necessary to keep the larger Internet interconnected, and to continue to push the envelope of networking technology with projects such as the vBNS--all in the context of the burgeoning market for commodity providers of Internet services and applications. The success of the NSFNET project demonstrates the potential of partnerships between academia, business, and government in high- technology initiatives. The keys to its success seem to lie in the combination of vision, technical achievement, commitment, and luck that marked the project throughout its seven and one-half years of operation. The partners began with a vision of what the NSFNET backbone service could mean to the research and education community, enabling them to work collaboratively, no matter where they were physically located, and share the results of their intellectual productivity in seconds. This vision was supported by commitment to achieving the project goals at all levels of the organizations involved: by all of the programming and engineering, information and user services, managerial and executive staff at Merit, IBM, MCI, ANS, and the National Science Foundation. An important part of that vision was the philosophy of building infrastructure at two levels simultaneously: constructing the NSFNET backbone service at the top and providing for regional network connectivity while empowering individuals at the base by funding campus connections to the NSFNET. Another important part was to expand the original notions of research networking to include education, following the example set by modern research universities that attempt to combine teaching expertise with research activity. The partners reached the technology frontiers of networking and communications and crossed them--from building a nationwide T1 backbone service to reengineering, expanding and upgrading a nationwide T3 backbone service that at its peak transferred over 86 billion packets per month at 45 Mbps speeds--the equivalent of the contents of the Library of Congress every two weeks. At the same time, the NSFNET partners also had to respond to daunting challenges, both technical and otherwise, engendered by building networking infrastructure on a national scale: as the NSFNET (and the Internet) exploded in popularity, a complete upgrade to T3 speeds was required to support increased use, which in turn provoked questions of making the technology self-supporting by commercializing the technology. The transition from the NSFNET backbone service to a new architecture incorporating commercial Internet service providers resulted from the partners' creation of ANS and involvement in community discussion of issues of "commercialization and privatization" of the Internet. All of these elements accounted for the project's success, together with a bit of good fortune: "I don't think there's any substitute for luck," Doug Van Houweling says. We can learn much from the example set by the NSFNET. Since the earliest days of the telegraph and the telephone, history tells us that the arrival of each new communications medium has been accompanied by grandiose claims of its potential benefits to society. In order to take advantage of the exciting opportunities afforded by today's technology, it is imperative that policy makers examine the development of the NSFNET and the Internet. We are still far away from a truly open, interoperable, and ubiquitous global information infrastructure accessible to all, "from everyone in every place to everyone in every other place, a system as universal and as extensive as the highway system of the country which extends from every man's door to every other man's door," in the words of Theodore Vail, president of AT&T in 1907. However, the Internet has brought us a giant step closer to realizing the promise of high-speed networking, one of the most revolutionary communications technologies ever created. As part of this phenomenon, the NSFNET backbone service provided a model for future partnerships as well as a legacy of technology for the world. (1) Dennis Jennings, Laurence Landweber, Ira Fuchs, and David Farber, "Computer Networking for Scientists," Science 23 (February 1986). (2) EDUCOM, Networking and Telecommunications Task Force, "A National Higher Education Network: Issues and Opportunities." May 1987. (3) Office of the Inspector General, "Review of NSFNET." 1993: National Science Foundation 93-01, p. 38. (4) Office of the Inspector General, "Review of NSFNET." 1993: National Science Foundation 93-01, p.68. (5) B. Aiken (NSF), H.-W. Braun (SDSC), and P. Ford (LANL); ed. K. Claffy (SDSC), "NSF Implementation Plan for Interim NREN" (May 1992), Journal of High Speed Networking, Vol. 2, No. 1, 1993. This report was researched and written by Karen D. Frazer. Merit Network, Inc. would like to thank all those who contributed to the report: Neal Lane, Ellen Hoffman, Mike Roberts, Jane Caviness, Priscilla Huston, Doug Van Houweling, Dale Johnson, Harvey Fraser, Mark Knopper, Elise Gerich, Al Weis, Eric Aupperle, Don Mitchell, Steve Wolff, Walter Wiebe, Mathew Dovens, Jack Drescher, Paul Bosco, Larry Bouman, Hans-Werner Braun, Dan van Bellegham, Bob Mazza, Rick Boivie, Alan Baratz, Kathleen McClatchey, Jessica Yu, and George Strawn. Many dedicated people helped plan, build, operate, and promote the NSFNET backbone service. It is hoped that this report will serve to recognize the many team members, named and unnamed, who helped to build the NSFNET. This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. NCR 8720904. The Government has certain rights to this material. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
- 1 What is Generation Z age range? - 2 What year is Gen Z? - 3 What makes someone a millennial? - 4 Is 2002 a Gen Z? - 5 What are the 6 generations? - 6 Are you a Millennial or Gen Z? - 7 What are the 7 living generations? - 8 What generation is the smartest? - 9 What is Gen Z known for? - 10 What is the attitude of Millennials? - 11 What is millennial lifestyle? - 12 What age group is millennials? - 13 What makes Gen Z different? - 14 What year does Gen Z end? - 15 Who comes before Millennials? What is Generation Z age range? What is the Generation Z age range? Members of Gen Z are those born between 1997 and 2015. This puts the age group for Gen Z ‘ers in the range of 6-24 years old in 2021. What year is Gen Z? Gen Z: Gen Z is the newest generation, born between 1997 and 2012/15. They are currently between 6 and 24 years old (nearly 68 million in the U.S.) What makes someone a millennial? Oxford Living Dictionaries describes a millennial as “a person reaching young adulthood in the early 21st century.” Reuters also states that millennials are “widely accepted as having been born between 1981 and 1996.” Is 2002 a Gen Z? Meagan Johnson, a generational expert, speaker and author of From Boomers to Linksters: Managing the Friction Between Generations at Work, defines anyone born after 2002 (and therefore post- millennial ) as the Linkster generation – sometimes referred to as Generation Z. What are the 6 generations? By the numbers - Baby Boomers: born 1946 to 1964. - Generation Jones: born 1955 to 1965. - Generation X: born 1965 to 1980. - Xennials: born 1977 to 1983. - Millennials: born 1981 to 1996. - Generation Z: born 1997 or after. - Generation Alpha: born 2010 or after. Are you a Millennial or Gen Z? According to the Pew Research Center, millennials were born between 1981 and 1996, while Gen Z are those born from 1997 onwards. The millennial cutoff year varies from source to source, though, with some putting it at 1995 and others extending it to 1997. What are the 7 living generations? It begins by introducing the seven living generations of Americans: The Greatest Generation (born 1901-27), The Silent Generation (born 1928-45), Baby Boomers (born 1946-64), Generation X (born 1965-80), Millennials (born 1981-97), Generation Z (born 1998-2010), and the burgeoning Generation Alpha (born 2011-25). What generation is the smartest? Millennials are the smartest, richest, and potentially longest living generation of all time. What is Gen Z known for? They are our first “digital natives” Whereas Millennials were considered “digital pioneers,” who bore witness to the explosion of technology and social media, Gen Z was born into a world of peak technological innovation — where information was immediately accessible and social media increasingly ubiquitous. What is the attitude of Millennials? Flexible and in control Millennial is not simply a generation. It is an attitude that is reaching across generations. They are just as optimistic as any previous generation. They don’t look up to brands or institutions or figureheads as much. What is millennial lifestyle? The Millennial Lifestyle is focused on making a difference on every level – professionally, socially, politically and economically. Millennials refuse to accept that “things have always been done this way,” and are committed to finding solutions that fit the present, while trying to honour and salute the past. What age group is millennials? Baby Boomers: Born 1946-1964 (55-73 years old) Generation X: Born 1965-1980 (39-54 years old) Millennials: Born 1981-1996 (23-38 years old) Generation Z: Born 1997-2012 (7-22 years old) What makes Gen Z different? Gen Z is more racially and ethnically diverse than previous generations. Generation Z represents the leading edge of the country’s changing racial and ethnic makeup. Gen Zers are slightly less likely than Millennials to be immigrants: 6% were born outside of the U.S., compared with 7% of Millennials at the same age. What year does Gen Z end? Which Generation are You? |Generation Name||Births Start||Births End| |Generation X (Baby Bust)||1965||1979| |Millennials Generation Y, Gen Next||1980||1994| |iGen / Gen Z||1995||2012| Who comes before Millennials? Baby Boomers: Born 1946-1964 (54-72 years old) Generation X: Born 1965-1980 (38-53 years old) Millennials: Born 1981-1996 (22-37 years old) Post- Millennials: Born 1997-Present (0-21 years old)
NOAA: Global Temperature for November Fourth Warmest on Record December 16, 2008 The year 2008 is on track to be one of the 10 warmest years on record for the globe, based on the combined average of worldwide land and ocean surface temperatures, according to a preliminary analysis by NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center in Asheville, N.C. For November alone, the month is fourth warmest all-time globally, for the combined land and ocean surface temperature. The early assessment is based on records dating back to 1880. Global Temperature Highlights – 2008 - The combined global land and ocean surface temperature from January – November was 0.86 degree F (0.48 degree C) above the 20th century mean of 57.2 degrees F (14.0 degrees C). - Separately, the global land surface temperature for 2008 was the fifth warmest, with an average temperature 1.44 degrees F (0.80 degree C) above the 20th century mean of 48.1 degrees F (9.0 degrees C). - Also separately, the global ocean surface temperature for 2008 was 0.67 degrees F (0.37 degrees C) above the 20th century mean of 61.0 degrees F (16.1 degrees C). Global Temperature Highlights – November 2008 - The November combined global land and ocean surface temperature was 1.06 degrees F (0.59 degree C) above the 20th century mean of 55.2 degrees F (12.9 degrees C). - Separately, the November 2008 global land surface temperature was fourth warmest on record and was 2.11 degrees F (1.17 degrees C) above the 20th century mean of 42.6 degrees F (5.9 degrees C). - For November, the global ocean surface temperature was 0.68 degrees F (0.38 degree C) above the 20th century mean of 60.4 degrees F (15.8 degrees C). Other Global Highlights for 2008 - In the tropical Pacific, 2008 was dominated by El Niño-Southern Oscillation neutral conditions. La Niña conditions that began the year had dissipated by June. - Arctic sea ice extent in 2008 reached its second lowest melt season extent on record in September. The minimum of 1.74 million square miles (4.52 million square kilometers) reached on September 12 was 0.86 million square miles (2.24 million square kilometers) below the 1979-2000 average minimum extent. - The 2008 Atlantic hurricane season was the third most costly on record in current dollars, after 2005 and 2004, and the fourth most active year since 1944. This was the first season with a major hurricane (Category 3 or above) each month from July through November. With the exception of the South Indian Ocean, all other tropical cyclone regions recorded near to below-average activity during 2008. Globally, there were 89 named tropical cyclones, with 41 reaching the equivalent of hurricane strength (74 mph), and 20 achieving the equivalent of major hurricane status (111 mph or greater) based on the Saffir-Simpson scale. - The United States recorded a preliminary total of just under 1,700 tornadoes from January - November. This ranks 2008 second behind 2004 for the most tornadoes in a year, since reliable records began in 1953. - Torrential rains caused widespread flooding in parts of Vietnam, Ethiopia, northern Venezuela, Brazil, Panama, and the northern Philippines during November. Several million people were displaced and nearly 200 fatalities were reported. Monsoonal rainfall was much above average over many regions in 2008. Mumbai, India, recorded its greatest June rainfall in seven years, while Hanoi, Vietnam, observed its greatest October rains since 1984. - Persistent severe to exceptional drought plagued portions of south central Texas and the Southeast U.S. in 2008. Based on the Palmer Drought Index, the 2008 percent area of the contiguous United States experiencing moderate-extreme drought peaked at 31 percent in June – July. Australia’s worst drought in a century eased early in 2008, but drought conditions continued in parts of the country. - Northern Hemisphere snow cover extent in November was 12.66 million square miles (32.78 million square kilometers). This is 0.50 million square miles (1.29 million square kilometers) below the 1966-2008 November average. Northern Hemisphere snow cover extent has been below average for most of 2008. The analyses in NCDC’s global reports are based on preliminary data, which are subject to revision. Additional quality control is applied to the data when late reports are received several weeks after the end of the month and as increased scientific methods improve NCDC’s processing algorithms. NCDC’s ranking of 2008 as ninth warmest if expected trends continue compares to a similar ranking of ninth warmest based on an analysis by NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies. The NASA analysis indicates that the January – November global temperature was 0.76 degree F (0.42 degree C) above the 20th century mean. The NOAA and NASA analyses differ slightly in methodology, but both use data from NOAA's National Climatic Data Center — the federal government's official source for climate data. NOAA understands and predicts changes in the Earth's environment, from the depths of the ocean to the surface of the sun, and conserves and manages our coastal and marine resources.
Are you looking for resources that support the development of three-dimensional sense making experiences for your students? Do you wonder how to elicit student thinking related to the science and engineering practices and crosscutting concepts? If so, visit the STEM Teaching Tools website. STEM Teaching Tools, developed as part of the National Science Foundation-funded Research+Practice Collaboratory, features professional learning tools called practice briefs. The briefs are designed to help educators understand a specific problem of educational practice, reflect on it, and access resources and instructional tools that will enable them to teach more effectively. Currently, there are 51 briefs that address topics ranging from productive talk to promoting equity in science education. Two specific STEM Teaching Tools are being used by Kentucky teachers as they develop through course tasks. The tools include: - STEM Teaching Tool No. 41: “Prompts for Integrating Crosscutting Concepts into Assessment and Instruction.” This set of prompts is intended to help teachers elicit student understanding of crosscutting concepts in the context of investigating phenomena or solving problems. - STEM Teaching Tool No. 30: “Integrating Science Practices into Assessment Tasks.” This detailed and flexible tool suggests activity formats to help teachers create three-dimensional assessments based on real-world science and engineering practices.
Underweight is the exact opposite of overweight. Many people fail to see that being underweight can be a problem. They feel that it could not possibly be as hard to gain a few pounds as it is to lose them. Most of us know how difficult it is to lose weight but there are many people out there who find it can be just as hard to gain weight. Isn’t being Underweight A Good Thing? A Why not ? Being underweight has its own negative consequences, especially for people who are stricken with a serious disease and really need to put on some pounds. Because they feel so poorly, they don’t always feel like eating. In addition, some of them have digestive problems that render them unable to hold down any food. Which Factors Determine What “normal” Weight Is For Individuals? Normal weight is formulated in proportion to the height and age of an individual. If the person is much lower than the standard weight calculated for their height and age, they are considered underweight. What Causes People To Become Underweight? Contributing factors to being underweight include poor dietary habits, heredity, disease, digestion disorders, insufficient sleep, tension, malnutrition, smoking, and drinking alcohol. Listed below are some helpful home remedies geared towards individuals who really need to gain some weight fast. Eat bananas or drink banana milk shakes There are no food restrictions when trying to gain weight – be sure to include flour, rice, butter, dates, figs, wheat products, fruits, and vegetables. Not getting enough nutrients is the primary cause for being underweight so be sure to eat a wide variety of foods and, if necessary, take vitamins and nutrient supplements
The Economic Factor In its instructions for preparing the showbreads placed on the table in the Sanctuary the Torah uses the term "You will take" (Vayikra 24:5) to indicate that there is no need to purchase flour and that it is proper to purchase wheat and process it into flour. This permission to buy wheat rather than flour is limited to this mincha because the Torah took into consideration the fact that a considerable amount of money is saved by purchasing the raw material rather than the finished product. Since a very large amount of flour went into the preparation of the showbreads and they had to be prepared every week of the year, this economy was significant. As the source for this oft-quoted principle that "the Torah showed consideration for the money of Yisrael", Rabbi Elazar cites the passage in which Hashem told Moshe to bring water forth from a rock in the wilderness "to provide water for the people and their cattle" (Bamidbar 20:8). An interesting question is raised in regard to this source. Our Sages (in Mesechta Brachot 40a) have told us that if someone has animals which are dependent on him he must feed them before he eats his own meal since the Torah in the second parsha of the Shma (Devarim 11:15) conveys the reward for mitzvah observance as "I shall give grass in your field for your animal and you shall eat and be satisfied" a sequence giving precedence to the animals feeding. The Sefer Chasidim, however, notes that this is true only in regard to food. In regard to drinking, however, man comes first. The proof is the behavior of Rivka who first provided Eliezer with water and his camels only afterwards. How then does our gemara conclude from the passage about Moshe drawing water for the people and their cattle that this shows Hashems consideration for Jewish money when the purpose of mentioning the animals may be to teach us that in regard to drinking man takes precedence over his livestock? The answer given by Eliyahu Rabbah (Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim 167) is that the Torah already taught us this lesson in recording Rivkas behavior. This leaves us with no other option for explaining the mention of the animals in the later passage except for teaching us how much the Torah cares about the money of Jews. Guard or Heed When a Jew offered a todah thanksgiving sacrifice he was obligated to offer along with it forty chalot loaves. What if he vows to offer the todah without the loaves and when told that he must bring both he responds that had he been aware that he would be thus obligated he would not have made such a vow? The rule is that we compel him to nevertheless bring the chalot since he has obligated himself to offer a todah and the chalot are an inseparable component of this sacrifice. The gemara adds, however, that we accompany this coercion with a quote from the Torah. After relaying to the people a number of commands regarding the consumption of meat and the offering of sacrifices Moshe urged them to "guard and heed" all the matters which he had commanded them (Devarim 12:28). There are two approaches in regard to how these words apply to this case of enforcing the offering of chalot along with the todah. The Sage Abaye sees "guard" as a reference to his obligation to offer the todah which he is now trying to back out of, while "heed" refers to the obligation of chalot, which he never wished to accept. The Sage Rava, however, states that "guard" refers to both the todah and the chalot while the "heed" relates to the warning we give this fellow not to ever again vow to bring a todah without the chalot. In his commentary on the above-mentioned passage, Rashi cites a midrash which explains "guard" as an order to preserve what one has learned to assure that he does not forget. Only by retaining his Torah knowledge can one be capable of fulfilling the following command to "heed" the mitzvot, for without learning there can be no practice. This relationship between learning and observance is expressed in the relationship between the todah and the chalot. It is clear from the gemara that the essence of the sacrifice is the animal and that the chalot are an accompaniment. In the same way it is the study of Torah and the retention of the knowledge gained from it which is the starting point from which practice will flow. But should someone think that study is sufficient and need not result in observance of the mitzvot this is as futile as trying to offer a todah without the chalot.
Study Skills Summary - Online Study Skills Lab - Study Skills Reference - Study Tips - Study Skills Survey - Skills Needed for Effective Study Study hints and Shortcuts What exactly should you be doing during your study time? Studying is not as hard as you think. Sure, it takes time and effort, but if you follow a few proven study techniques, you can decrease the amount of time you spend at the books and increase the amount you learn. In fact, we are convinced that study skills play as important a role in college success as intelligence. 17 ways to study smarter 1. Attend classes. Your teacher has already identified the highlights and important points of your textbook. Since it's the information your professor thinks is important that will appear on the test or exam, it makes sense to go to class and find out what that is. Pay attention to last five weeks of the semester. It's been said that 50% of course's work takes place in the last third of the term. 2. Know your instructor. Learn what's needed to get through each subject. Study the syllabus (course outline) and refer to it periodically to make sure you're on track. Find out your instructor's testing format, grading/marking system and expectations. You'll be able to tailor your work to meet his requirements. 3. Schedule regular study periods. The most effective way to learn anything is to rehearse it regularly. Whether you are practicing the piano, sports, or reviewing your notes, you are learning through the principle of repetition. 4. Be realistic. When you make up your schedule, decide how much time you really want to study and divide that time among your courses. It's better to spend half an hour on each subject than to plan one hour for each one and not follow through. 5. Establish a regular study area. When you study in the same place every time, you become conditioned to study there. Your mind will automatically kick into gear, even when you don't feel like studying. 6. Study short and often. Your brain takes in information faster and retains it better if you don't try to overload it. Four short study periods a week are more effective than two long ones for two reasons: (1) frequent repetition is the key to building your memory, and (2) if you leave a long time between study periods, you may forget a good portion of the material you studied. 7. Start study sessions on time. It sounds like a small detail, but it's amazing how quickly those 10-minute delays add up. Train yourself to use every minute of your scheduled time. 8. Study when you are wide-awake. The majority of people work most efficiently during daylight hours. In most cases, one hour during the day is worth 1 1/2 hours at night. That's one of the reasons we encourage you to use the hours between classes and other small pockets of time during the day wisely. Decide what your best time is and try to schedule your study time accordingly. You accomplish more when you are alert. 9. Set a specific goal for each subject you study. You'll accomplish more, faster if you set a specific goal for each study session. Let's say you've set aside 30 minutes to read your accounting text. If you start reading without a particular purpose, you may get only 9 pages read. But if you set a goal of 15 pages in that time period, you'll probably finish all 15. 10. Start assignments as soon as they are given. If you do nothing else from this chapter, do this. A little work on an assignment each week will allow you time to give attention to its quality. Your workload will be spread out, so you'll avoid a log jam near the end of the semester. 11. Study your most difficult subjects first. You're most alert when you first sit down to study, so you'll be in the best shape to tackle the tough stuff. You'll also feel better getting the worst out of the way, and you won't be tempted to spend all of your time on easier or favorite subjects. 12. Review your notes regularly. Taking good notes is the first step; reviewing them regularly is the second. As we keep saying, the best way to learn anything is to review the information (aloud, if you will) often. We've outlined a review schedule below. You may want to add to it if you're having difficulty with a particular subject. 1st review Same day (reduce to key words) 2nd review Later the same week 3rd review 1 week later 4th review 2-3 weeks later 5th review Monthly You'll retain up to 80% of the course material in your long-term memory. 13. Take regular breaks. The general rule of thumb is a 10-minute break for every 50 minutes you work. Don't study through breaks. They rejuvenate you for your next hour of studying. 14. Vary your work. Try to give yourself some variety in the type of studying you are doing. For example, if you tried to read textbooks for three hours, you'd not only get bored, you'd have trouble processing the information. Instead, alternate reading, taking notes, doing homework, and writing papers. 15. Problem solve. For courses that require you to solve problems, such as math, physics, chemistry and statistics, spend a good portion of your study time working on problems. If you get stuck on a homework question, don't spend the rest of the night on it. Go on to the next question and ask for help the next day. 16. Reward yourself. When you complete one of the goals you set for yourself, give yourself a reward. The reward system gives you an incentive to reach your goals, and a pat on the back for achieving them. 17. Keep on top of it. Letting work pile up can leave you with an overwhelming task. It's easy to feel that you'll never get on top of it again. If you find yourself falling behind, you may need to improve your study skills. Maybe your time management skills need some work. Or maybe the solution is as simple as cutting down on your social time. Identify the problem as soon as you can, and don't let it become unmanageable. Home Back to Academic Skills OSSL Study Skill Reference Contact the site coordinator revised 01.13.2000 20:31
Feminism and the Philosophy of Science A Critical Evaluation This paper is aims to critically evaluate whether feminism helps to provide a good alternative perspective to science. In the modern world, “science” has come to mean the intellectual and practical activity – characterised by observation and experiment – involving the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical or natural world.i However, in the pre-modern age “science” (from Latin, scientia) was simply defined as “knowledge”,ii i.e. understanding of truth and reality, without necessarily any specifications as to the domain of study (e.g., physical or metaphysical) or as to the methodology (e.g., pure intelligence or experience). This study will be mainly concerned with modern science, and we will henceforth simply use the word “science” to designate this. The perspective of science is shaped by its underlying philosophy. The philosophy of science is determined with the underlying foundations, methods and the implications of science. The majority of the participants in the study of the philosophy of science are philosophers and with a lesser number of scientists also involved.iii Important scientists and philosophers that helped shape the foundations and methodology of modern science include Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543), Johannes Kepler (1571-1630), Francis Bacon (1561-1626), Rene Descartes (1596-1650), Galileo Galilei (1564-1642), Isaac Newton (1643-1727), Auguste Comte (1798-1857), and John Stuart Mill (1806-1873).iv The philosophy of science can be viewed as a way of understanding and explaining how and why scientific research is carried out. At the centre of the philosophy of science is the debate about reality and theory; whether a theory accepted by science should be regarded as describing reality or not. Whereas it is widely held today, that in the case of the arts “good” or “bad” art, or “true” or “false” art is a matter of personal opinion (i.e. it is subjective), it is equally, if not more, widely held that with modern science it is possible to differentiate between “good” or “bad” science, or “true” or “false” science as a matter of collective opinion (i.e., it is objective). For example, today it is widely held that Newton’s physics of the solar system and universe is “better” or more accurate than Aristotle’s physics.v Fundamentally, the philosophy of science is based on the idea that knowledge should be based on, or verified through, empirical data (phenomena able to be verified by the senses). Science, as it is understood today, is therefore against the idea of pure intelligence (a priori knowledge); that knowledge can be gained through intelligence alone, independently of empirical data.vi Auguste Comte took this study of the physical world a step further and applied it to human collectivities; he thought that through systematic collection and analysis of empirical data (logical positivism or logical empiricism), the nature, formation, and evolution of society and the ideas produced therein could also be understood. Comte was the founding father of the discipline of sociology.vii The most widely held perspectives of psychology also held to, and still largely does hold to, the logical positivist paradigm. The three goals of logical positivism are description (of the empirical observations made), control (of the variables that have a causal impact on the target variable), and prediction (of the target variable in future circumstances).viii Owing to the inconclusive nature of inductive logic (i.e., the inability to form laws based on experimentation), Karl Popper (1902-1994), argued against the method of verifiability (i.e., positive affirmation of a hypothesis based on experimentation; hence logical positivism), and said that it should be replaced with a method of falsifiability (i.e., a hypothesis is tentatively accepted if there are no reasons to reject it; hence logical rationalism).ix... Please join StudyMode to read the full document
We saw our first Large Tortoiseshell not in Britain, where this is such a rare butterfly, but in Bulgaria; unfortunately for us, it was a very busy butterfly on a mission, and never once while in our sight did it pause long enough and close enough for a photograph. The only other place that we have seen the Large Tortoiseshell is in the Algarve region of southern Portugal. The undersides of the wings are cryptically coloured, as seen above, photographed at long range, again in the Algarve. (Getting close enough to one of these very skittish, fast-flying butterflies to take a good photograph is a real challenge!) At one time this butterfly was a common occurrence in Britain, and the reason for its disappearance (other than the occasional 'lost' migrant or a release from captivity) is unclear. One obvious change is a dramatic reduction in the number of its preferred larval foodplants, various Elm trees (Ulmus species), due to Dutch elm disease. In Britain this butterfly is now generally considered extinct as a breeding species, with a handful of migrants reported in 'good' years but none at all most years nowadays. Breeding populations occur across central and southern mainland Europe and in northern Africa as well as into Asia. Overwintering as hibernating adults, the butterflies emerge and mate in spring, laying their eggs on the leaves of Elms (mainly) and occasionally various other trees of the Populus genus - poplars, aspen etc. Very cccasionally willows (Salix species) are also used. This page includes pictures kindly contributed by Rob Petley-Jones. If you found this information helpful, you would probably find the new 2017 edition of our bestselling book Matching the Hatch by Pat O'Reilly very useful. Order your copy here...
Title: The new states; a sketch of the history and development of the states of North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, and Washington. Author: Harrower, Henry D. (Henry Draper) Publication Info: New York : Ivison, Blakeman & Co., 1889. subjects: [North Dakota--History] [South Dakota--History] [Montana--History] [Washington (State)--History] [Missouri River Valley] Title: Travels in the interior of America, in the years 1809, 1810, and 1811 : including a description of upper Louisiana, together with the states of Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, and Tennessee, with the Illinois and western territories, and containing remarks and observations useful to persons emigrating to those countries Authors: Bradbury, John, b. 1768., Hunt, Wilson Price, 1783?-1842., Crooks, Ramsay, 1787-1859. Publication Info: London : Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, 1819. subjects: [Pacific Fur Company] [Indians of North America--Northwestern States] [Overland journeys to the Pacific] [Botany--Missouri River Valley] [Osage language--Glossaries, vocabularies, etc] [Missouri River--Discovery and exploration] [Mississippi River Valley--Discovery and exploration] [Ohio River Valley--Discovery and exploration]
* Download comes with a free subscription to our newsletter. You can unsubscribe any time. You will not get duplicate emails if you download more than one report. A new study shows that resistance exercise helps the body’s cells identify and eliminate misfolded proteins – key players in the pathogenesis of many human diseases, including diabetes, atherosclerosis, and neurodegenerative diseases. The study involved 30 older adults who engaged in an eight-week resistance training program in which they exercised twice a week. Before and after the exercise intervention, researchers measured changes in the number of key proteins in the participants' blood involved in inflammation, aging, and cellular stress responses. They also measured levels of IRE1, a protein that detects stress in the endoplasmic reticulum – a part of the cell that ensures misfolded proteins don’t escape into the body’s circulation or accumulate in the cell. IRE1 must be activated to be effective. They found that none of the proteins involved in inflammation, aging, and cellular stress responses were changed after the intervention. However, the ratio of activated IRE1 to inactivated IRE1 was higher among those who engaged in resistance training, suggesting that resistance training supports the identification and elimination of misfolded proteins – yet another way in which resistance training benefits health. Resistance training involves pushing or pulling against the resistance of an object, such as weights, bands, or even one’s own body weight. These exercises exert powerful forces on the bones, slowing bone loss and promoting bone accretion. Learn more about resistance training in this episode featuring Dr. Brad Schoenfeld. The science digest is a special email we send out just twice per month to members of our premium community. It covers in-depth science on familiar FoundMyFitness related topics. If you're interested in trying out a few issues for free, enter your email below or click here to learn more about the benefits of premium membership here.
Scripture Reference: Esther 1-10 Suggested Emphasis: Blessings God gives us should be used to help others. Xerxes (son of Darius) now ruled. Because he had deposed his queen in a drunken feast, a search was made throughout the kingdom for a new queen. Under the direction of her cousin, Mordecai, Esther was put forward and chosen. Not knowing that his beautiful queen was Jewish, Xerxes fell in with a plan to destroy the Jewish captives living in his land. Queen Esther saved her people by revealing her Jewish origins to the king and convincing him to let the Jews defend and protect themselves. The book of Esther is an unusual book because God’s name is not mentioned once in the entire book. Even so, the book clearly outlines the power of God over the plans of men. Years have passed since Daniel was thrown into a lion’s den. Xerxes (sometimes called Ahasuerus) has succeeded Cyrus and is now the ruler of Persia. Xerxes and his queen, Vashti, were living at the winter capital city of Susa. The king gave a six-month-long feast. He invited many important men of the kingdom to the feast. The men drank much wine. At the climax of the feast, King Xerxes asked Vashti to come in so all the other men could see what a beautiful wife he had. Vashti refused to obey the king. We are not told what her reason was (despite all of the speculation we might have heard) but we do know that her refusal angered the King so much that he deposed her as his queen. After the feast was over, and King Xerxes was not drinking wine, he began to think about Queen Vashti. He remembered the law he had written, stating she could no longer be queen. Maybe Xerxes was sorry he had written that law. He may have wished he could destroy the law, but he could not. The law of the Medes and Persians, once written, could not be changed or destroyed by anyone, not even the king. The king’s servants suggested that a new queen be found. He could choose from all of the beautiful young women of the kingdom. Girl’s were gathered together and taken care of in the palace for one year. One of the girl’s who went to the palace was a young Jewish girl named Hadassah, or Esther. Her cousin, Mordecai took care of her since her parents had died. If 2:5-6 were read to mean that Mordecai was personally taken from Jerusalem then he would be over a hundred years old. It might mean that he was descended from one who was taken. Even though many of the Jews had returned to Jerusalem, there was still a large population living in Babylon (and in this case, Susa). The king chose Esther as the new queen. At Mordecai’s suggestion, Esther did not reveal the fact that she was Jewish. As time passed, Mordecai happened to overhear an assassination plot being hatched. He told Esther who, in turn, told the king. The would-be assassins were hanged and Mordecai was honoured. All was recorded in the annals (record books) of the king (2:23). Five years passed. A man named Haman also gained favour with the king and royal officials were ordered by the king to bow to Haman when he passed. We are not told why, but Mordecai refused to bow to him. Haman’s anger was such that he began to plot to kill not only Mordecai, but also all of the Jews. Haman convinced the king that the Jews were a menace to Persia and should be destroyed. Not knowing that his own queen was a Jew, the king passed a law that the Jews could be attacked. Mordecai heard of the plan and went straight to Esther. He asked her to use her position to save the Jews. Esther knew that she needed to approach the king but she had to do so very carefully. She could not have forgotten what happened to the last queen who had displeased King Xerxes. Esther took a big chance by approaching the King. It was not the place of the queen to approach the king but, instead, the king summoned the queen when he wanted her. She also knew she had a duty (4:14). The king did not reject Esther when she approached him. In fact he told her he would give her anything she requested. Esther could not ask him to change his own law (to kill the Jews) but she set forth a plan to let the king make the needed discoveries himself. The king granted her request to throw Haman a banquet the next day. Haman was thrilled to be invited to a banquet with the king but he was galled to notice that Mordecai still refused to bow to him. Before coming to the banquet, Haman ordered a gallows built on which to hang Mordecai. The hand of God is seen in the fact that the night before the banquet, the king could not sleep. He asked that his annals (record books) be brought to him and read. Listening to these history books should put him to sleep! The king listened to the old account of Mordecai uncovering the plot to kill the king. It occurred to him that he should honour Mordecai. It must have again been galling for Haman to be summoned to the king and ordered to honour Mordecai. And Haman was also now in a lot of trouble. He had built gallows to hang a man who was now being honoured by the king! At the feast, Esther revealed that she was a Jew and that Haman had tricked the king into decreeing the Jews killed and Mordecai hung. The king was enraged and ordered Haman hung on the gallows. Despite the fact that the king might have regretted making the new law to kill all the Jews, he could not change it. His solution was to issue a decree that allowed the Jews to protect themselves. In this way, the Jews protected themselves and were saved. - What happened before this story? - What happens after this story? - List of all Bible stories and themes on this website. Way to Introduce the Story: Begin the class by playing hangman. Use words like “beautiful, kingdom, queen, Jews, and honour”. Let this lead you into the story. Tell the children that all of these words and the gallows will be in the story. King Xerxes was King over the Persian Empire. That meant that he was king over the biggest kingdom in the world at that time. Even though King Xerxes was rich and powerful, he was sad because he did not have a queen. The first queen’s name was Vashti. King Xerxes had thrown a big feast and gotten drunk. He wanted Vashti to dance in front of all the men at the feast but Queen Vashti said “no.” The King became so angry that he told her that she would never be the queen again. He never saw her again. The king’s helpers searched the whole kingdom to find the most beautiful girls so the king could choose a new queen. The girls were brought to the palace. The girls were given the best makeup and perfumes. They spent a whole year learning how to be a queen. One of the girls was a beautiful young Jewish girl called Esther. Esther did not have a father or a mother. Her cousin, Mordecai had raised her and treated her like a daughter. Mordecai taught Esther how to love God and how to be a Jew. When it came time to choose the new queen, the king chose Esther. Esther was a good queen. The king did not believe in God but Esther did. She never forgot her cousin Mordecai and she never forgot that she was one of God’s children. Sometimes it was hard for Esther because the other Jews were treated badly. They did not have the riches that Esther had. Esther tried to use the good things that God had given her to help other people. One time Mordecai helped the king. Mordecai heard that someone was trying to kill the king. He told Esther about it and she told the king. The plan was stopped. Mordecai saved the king’s life! This was very special so it was written about in the king’s record book. Another man became famous in the kingdom. His name was Haman. The king thought Haman was a good man so he ordered everyone in the kingdom to bow down to Haman. But Haman was a bad man and he hated the Jews. Mordecai would not bow down to Haman. Haman was so angry that he planned a way to kill Mordecai and all of the Jews. Haman told the king that the Jews were bad. Finally, the king believed him and made a law. The law said that people could kill the Jews and not get in trouble. Haman was glad. He had a huge gallows built and he planned to have Mordecai hanged. When Mordecai heard about the plan he told Esther. “Please, Esther, you have to save our people! Maybe God knew this would happen and that is why he let you be Queen.” Esther was very frightened. She had never told the king that she was a Jew. Would he be mad at her like he was mad at the first queen? No one was allowed to go to the king unless he asked them first. Even the queen could not go to the king without an invitation. If anyone went to the king without an invitation they could be put to death. The only thing that could change this was if the king pointed his sceptre at the person who came to him. Finally, Esther decided to go to the king without being asked. When she came to him she was very frightened. Would she be put to death? Then the king pointed his sceptre at her and told her to come to him. The king liked Esther. He told her she could have anything she wanted. Esther had a plan. She told the king that she wanted to have a special feast just for the two of them and for Haman. Esther and the king planned the feast for the very next day. The king went to bed that night but he could not sleep. Sometimes reading a book helps you sleep. So the king asked one of his helpers to bring one of the old record books. The helper brought the book and began to read to the king about things that had happened long ago. He read about the time Mordecai had saved the king’s life! The king got very excited. He wanted to do something special for Mordecai. The king called for Haman to come into his chamber. Haman was happy because he thought the king was going to do something nice for him. The king asked Haman what should be done for someone who deserved honour. Haman thought the king was about to honour him so he said: “That person should be given a royal robe and one of the king’s horses. They should be led through the streets so everyone knows that the king likes them.” “That is a great idea,” said the king. “Go and do those things for Mordecai!” Haman was shocked! He could not believe that the king liked Mordecai. Now, Haman knew he was in big trouble. The king liked Mordecai but Haman was trying to kill Mordecai. What would the king do when he found out? The next day Haman went to the special feast with Esther and the King. The worst thing that Haman imagined happened. Esther told the king that someone was trying to kill the good man, Mordecai, who had saved the king’s life. The king was very angry. He said that the man should be put to death. Haman was hung on the very gallows that he had built for Mordecai. Then Esther told the king that she was a Jew. He was very sorry that he had made the law that Jews could kill the Jews. Even the king could not change the law. Then Esther asked the king to make another law – a law that said the Jews could fight back if someone tried to kill them. The king knew that this was a good idea so he made the law. From then on, if someone tried to hurt the Jews then the Jews fought back. Soon, no one wanted to hurt the Jews anymore. Mordecai and all of the Jews were saved because of Esther. Ways to Tell the Story: This story can be told using a variety of methods. Always remain true to the facts found in the Bible but help children connect to its meaning by using drama, visual aids, voice inflection, student interaction and/or emotion. Click here for visual aids and story-telling methods. Click here to download these illustrations and slideshows from freebibleimages.org: Be selective. Each teacher is unique so only use the illustrations that best relate to the way YOU are telling the story in THIS lesson. Too many illustrations can be confusing so eliminate any that cover other stories or details you do not wish to emphasise in this lesson. - Who was the young Jewish girl who was chosen to be queen? Esther - Who was Esther’s cousin? Mordecai - What did Haman try to do to Mordecai? Hang him on the gallows - When Esther approached the king, what did he point at her? His sceptre - Who did Haman have to lead through the streets in honour? Mordecai - What finally happened to Haman? He was hanged on the gallows he built for Mordecai - Ha-la-la-la Song - Love is Something If You Give It Away Song - Books of the Old Testament Song - Refer to the Song Page on this website for more options. Learning Activities and Crafts: - Write talents or blessings on cards (money, good cook, singing, etc) and let the children take turns drawing a card and telling the class how they could use that talent to help other people. - Play hangman with words from the story. - Read Esther 2:7, 17 and 1 Peter 3:3-4. Divide the board into two columns. Head them with “Inward Beauty” and “Outward Beauty”. Write examples of each in the columns. - Puppet Skit for Pre-schoolers: Try using simple finger puppets or dolls for this cute Queen Esther Puppet Skit which was submitted by Jenny Ancell, Australia. You’ll just need to change some Australian references to adapt to your situation. - (Costumed Bible Characters) A little play-acting is often a fun way to tell the story or review what has been learned. Here are some ways you might use the idea: - After telling the story guide the children in dressing up in costumes and acting it out. - Or, you can dress up in a simple costume to act the part of one of the Bible characters. As you begin to speak “get into character” as if you were actually the person in the story visiting the class today to tell them what has happened to you. - Or, later in the class session, as a review, the teacher can also use the same method to ask the children review questions as if you are one of the characters in the story talking to the children. - Write each child’s name at the top of a blank paper and then ask them to draw a picture or write about what they might like to be when they grow up. Then let each child share their answers. As each child shares their answer then ask the class how a person doing that job might help others. Then, guide the discussion toward specific ways people in these jobs might share the good news of Jesus. You may have to lead younger children in answering but older children will be able to answer for themselves. Example: “I want to be a fireman when I grow up. If someone is in a fire I can save them.” You might add…”And, if a fireman gets hurt you might ask to pray for them.” Once you have done this a few times the children will probably begin to think of other ways they might share their faith in various occupations. You could do this same activity but use flash cards instead of drawing. I found printable flash cards at http://www.kids-pages.com/folders/flashcards/Occupations.htm - Make and decorate crowns. Use glue and glitter to write the name “Queen Esther” on the crown. Check the Teaching Ideas page on this website for ideas that are adaptable to any lesson. Other Online Resources: - Colouring page and puzzle worksheets-Esther becomes Queen (Calvary Curriculum) - Colouring page and puzzle worksheets-Mordecai and Haman (Calvary Curriculum) - Colouring page and puzzle worksheets-Esther pleads for her people(Calvary Curriculum) - Colouring page and puzzle worksheets-Haman’s anger at Mordecai (Calvary Curriculum) - Colouring page and puzzle worksheets-Mordecai is honoured (Calvary Curriculum) - Colouring page and puzzle worksheets-Haman’s evil is repaid (Calvary Curriculum) - Colouring page and puzzle worksheets-Esther saves her people (Calvary Curriculum) - Colouring page and puzzle worksheets-Jews rejoice and declare a feast (Calvary Curriculum) - These flash cards depicting various occupations can be used as discussion starters for how to help people when you are in various occupations. Find these at http://www.kids-pages.com/ - Craft: Instructions for a simple paper crown at http://www.dltk-kids.com/ - Online activities and games at http://gardenofpraise.com/
The Old Spanish Trail had become increasingly used as a pack mule trail between New Mexico and California, and with this traffic came the opportunity for those to take advantage of the distance and desperate nature of the land. California horses were beautiful creatures, and the mules were taller and stronger than those in New Mexico and they were easy to steal. The rolling hills and plains presented clear paths to the Cajon where numerous hidden canyons and washes were available to slip into and prepare for the furious run across the desert. Horses would be stolen in herds from many different ranchos at once. Hundreds of horses, even thousands could be commandeered and driven by just a few experienced thieves. Chief Walkara, ‘Hawk of the Mountains’ and the greatest horse thief in all of history along with his band of renegade Chaguanosos , and notables such as Jim Beckwourth and Pegleg Smith would work together in this illegal trade. During one raid they were said to have coordinated the theft of 3,000-5,000 horses, driving them to Fort Bridger to trade for more horses to run to New Mexico to trade again. Horses would fall from exhaustion every mile and the local bands of Paiute would feast on the remains. In 1843 Michael White was granted one league of land at the mouth of the Cajon Pass called Rancho Muscupiabe. At a point overlooking the trails leading into and away from the canyon he was expected to thwart the raiders and horse thieves that were plaguing the Southern California ranchos. In theory it was a good plan but in practice it did not work so well. He built his home of logs and earth and constructed corrals for his stock. However, the location between Cable and Devil Canyon only served as a closer and more convenient target for the Indian thieves. His family was with him, but after six weeks until it became too dangerous. He left after nine months without any livestock and in debt. Miguel sold his property, however, Miguel had misread the grant, letting the rancho go for much less than it was worth. The land described on the grant was roughly 5 times larger than Miguel thought. Blanco brought a suit but lost. As the late 1840s and 1850s rolled by wagon roads were being developed in the canyon minimizing the effectiveness of the maze of box canyons being used to cover the escape of desperadoes on horseback. With California becoming a state frontiersmen such as Beckwourth and Peg Leg Smith would not steal from fellow Americans. Horse-thieving under U.S. law had become a crime where before it was just stealing horses from Mexicans. That was only serious if caught in the act. Americans would never extradite them. For the most part, that was the end of the horse stealing raids.
Personal learning theorists believe that: Everyone does the best they can at every moment. If they could do better, they would. In what way(s) might this statement be true? If true, them what are some positive implications for teaching and learning? This statement is true if you disregard what the person is trying to be their best at. Sure, if they’re working on some homework and are really into it, than they’re doing their best at that. But if they’re doing their homework and not really working hard or wanting to do it,than they’re not trying to do their best on the homework. Maybe they’re trying to put it off. Maybe they’re thinking about something that happened earlier in the day. Whatever they’re thinking about, they’re doing their best at it. This can have positive implications for teaching. If the teacher can keep the students engaged, interested and thinking about the topic (regardless of how easy or difficult that may actually be), than they’ll be doing their best. If the students are doing their best, than they’ll be learning the best.
2ZY was the name of a radio station established by the British Broadcasting Company in Manchester, England, in 1922. Part of the newly nationalized British Broadcasting Corporation from 1 January 1927, the station continued broadcasting under the 2ZY name until its transmissions came to be referred to, from 9 March 1930, as "the Manchester programme". Subsequently, on 17 May 1931, the Manchester station – broadcasting from a new high-powered station at Moorside Edge – became the main production centre of the newly launched BBC North Regional Programme, which was to remain on air until the outbreak of the Second World War in 1939. 2ZY aired its first test transmission on 450 metres on 17 May 1922 and regular broadcasting from the station started on 15 November 1922, just one day after sister station in London, 2LO, had begun transmitting daily programmes. On the same day, 5IT began in Birmingham and eight other station opened in subsequent months across Britain. The frequency chosen for 2ZY was then 385 metres medium wave. The programmes were at first broadcast from the Metropolitan-Vickers electricity works in Old Trafford. The ornate iron water tower at the works was the site of the transmitter. From 1922 to 1924 all the programmes broadcast by these early stations were made locally as networking was not technically possible, but when quality improved the majority of output was provided by London. The idea of re-transmitting a service in a neighbouring area was tried in May 1924 when the Glasgow service from station 5SC was picked up and rebroadcast from a transmitter in Edinburgh. 2ZY became the first English station to do this when its signal was "relayed" to a transmitter covering Liverpool from 11 June 1924 (the station was called 6LV) and the Leeds/Bradford area on 8 July 1924 (station 2LS). Hull was next (station 6KH, from 15 August 1924) and Nottingham followed (station 5NG opened on 16 September 1924). The last of that period was a relay to the Stoke-on-Trent area (from station 6ST) which began on 21 October 1924. All of these services carried the main output of 2ZY, which was the most relayed of all the early core BBC radio services: a useful practical experiment for BBC engineers of the day. In July 1925 the BBC opened a much higher powered transmitter at Daventry which broadcast on 1562 metres longwave and was receivable across most of Britain. The station was called 5XX and it conducted its first experimental stereo broadcast from a concert in Manchester. (The 5XX longwave transmitter beamed the right hand channel and all the local BBC medium wave transmitters including 2ZY broadcast the left hand channel). A central Control Room was opened in Piccadilly Gardens in 1929 from where many network radio programmes were produced or broadcast. Radio plays and concerts were staged in an old converted repertory theatre hall in Hulme which was renamed 'The Radio Playhouse'. In order to fill the hours of airtime, Dan Godfrey Junior, 2ZY station manager, decided to create an orchestra of twelve players (the 2ZY Orchestra) specifically to perform for the station. He also instigated a chorus and an opera company for it. This enabled 2ZY to start a variety of regular live music broadcasts and this meant that a number of works by British composers, were given their first radio airing by the 2ZY Orchestra, including Elgar's Enigma Variations, Holst's The Planets and Elgar's The Dream of Gerontius. The 2ZY Orchestra was renamed the Northern Wireless Orchestra in 1926 which went on to play an important role in the formation of the BBC Philharmonic Orchestra. After the launching on 9 March 1930 of the BBC National Programme (and the consequent dropping of such "call signs" as 2LO), the BBC's service from the erstwhile 2XY became known as "the Manchester Programme". With the opening on 17 May 1931 of a new high-powered station at Moorside Edge, the output from Manchester became the core of the BBC North Regional Programme. Under wartime conditions, the National and Regional Programmes were merged in 1939 into the Home Service. Inspired by 2ZYEdit - The G3NGD Amateur Radio Website:The Metro-Vick Radio Transmitter 2ZY, John Beaumont, retrieved 21 July 2009 - "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 15 May 2009. Retrieved 21 July 2009.CS1 maint: Archived copy as title (link) - Old Radio Broadcasting Equipment and Memories: Manchester Control Room, Tony Nutall, archived from the original on 11 December 2008, retrieved 21 July 2009 - Old Radio Broadcasting Equipment and Memories: The Playhouse Theatre, Manchester, Tony Nutall, archived from the original on 11 December 2008, retrieved 21 July 2009 - History of the BBC Philharmonic, BBC, retrieved 21 July 2009 - Graham, Russ J (2001), A local service, Radiomusications, Transdiffusion Broadcasting System, archived from the original on 15 May 2009, retrieved 21 July 2009 - John Ryan launches new radio indie, How-do, archived from the original on 1 July 2012, retrieved 15 June 2012 - 2ZY Independent Radio Production Company, 2ZY Limited, retrieved 15 June 2012
Of all the chambers in the Great Pyramid, the subterranean chamber is the largest, as well as the most mysterious. It is 46 feet long, 27 feet wide, hewn into the limestone bedrock, and difficult to describe. The descending passageway’s entrance to the subterranean chamber is near the floor at the northeast corner. A six-foot-wide square pit shaped like a funnel has been tunnelled in the middle of the floor, near the east wall. This square-shaped pit is actually the mouth of a shaft that is eleven feet deep, although in 1816 the Italian explorer Count Caviglia drilled into the pit another thirty feet. If the subterranean chamber was nothing more than a mistake, and was originally designed to be a burial vault, an enormous amount of resources was wasted. On the other hand, if the chamber was an integral part of the overall design of the Great Pyramid and performed a function, then what could that function possibly be? Everything - Tomb - Initiation - Device - Kind Everything from a tomb to temple of initiation to a device of some kind, there’s never been a lack of theories over the years describing what the Great Pyramid of Giza and the other pyramids was originally designed for. What has been lacking, though, is a theory describing why all the ancient Egypt pyramids were built. More importantly, what’s been lacking in any theory is scientific experimentation. To the best of my knowledge no one has built a scale model of the Great Pyramid. However, without any idea of what the Great Pyramid was, assuming it was a device, there would be no theory to test. Marine engineer, John Cadman, saw something that had been passed over for decades. In 1962, in a book entitled The Pharaoh’s Pump, a man named Edward Kunkel put forth the theory that the Great Pyramid was in... Wake Up To Breaking News!
In December 1945, as Allied forces were making their way through Germany arresting war criminals, two Egyptian brothers were going about their farm work near the upper Egyptian town of Nag Hammadi. The day started out like any other day for twenty-six year-old, Muhammad ‘Ali al-Samman, and his fifteen-year-old brother, Abu al-Majd. On that particular day the brothers were riding on camels in search of a special soft soil that served as a fertilizer for crops. Coming to a large boulder, they decided this looked like a good place to dig for the nitrogenous fertilizer. No sooner had the brothers begun digging when they hit the top of a red earthenware jar. This jar, which turned out to be almost a meter high, was sealed on the top with a bowl. The discovery of this jar aroused the curiosity of the brothers, as well as the camel drivers who had accompanied them. At first, Muhammad hesitated to break the jar in case there was an evil spirit in it. However, his curiosity got the better of him when he realized the jar might contain something valuable. Lifting up his mattock, he smashed open the sealed lid. The jar did indeed contain something valuable—something invaluable even beyond the price of gold. Yet none of the men realized this at the time. To them, they simply saw thirteen papyrus codices bound in leather, with text written in a foreign tongue. Muhammad took the books home where their mother used some of the papyrus pages to help kindle a fire. The family soon forgot the ancient books in the events that quickly transpired. The brothers found themselves embroiled in a blood feud, in response to their father having been murdered in retaliation for beheading a man. Muhammad and Abu tracked down the man responsible for their father’s death and fell upon him. In keeping with custom of the time, the brothers hacked off the limbs of their victim, ripped out his heart, and then proceeded to eat it. The brothers knew there would be an investigation into the murder. If the police searched their house, Muhammad feared that the mysterious manuscripts could arouse suspicion. To be on the safe side, Muhammad asked a Christian priest, al-Qummus Basiliyus ‘Abd al Masih, to keep some of the books. Word began to spread about the mysterious books. Raghib Andrawus, a local history teacher, suspected they might be valuable, and sent one to a friend in Cairo to review. Over the next few years, the books took a complex journey through the black market, antiquity dealers, and Egyptian government officials. Twenty years later, eleven of the original thirteen codices, along with fragments of two others, had found their way to the Coptic Museum in Cairo. At this museum the books were finally translated and published. What were in these codices, and what made them so important? To answer this question we need to travel still further back in time to the first century, and the events leading up to the original Easter morning. Resurrection and New Creation In John 11, Jesus tried to comfort Martha after her brother Lazarus had died. Jesus said to Martha, “Your brother will rise again.” (Jn. 11:23) Thinking He was referring to the final resurrection at the end of the age, Martha replied, “I know that he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day.” (Jn. 11:24). Martha’s comment reflected widespread Jewish belief that God will resurrect the righteous at the end of the age. This hope of future resurrection, though widespread in the Second Temple period, had only arisen a couple centuries earlier. During most of the Old Testament period, the people of God believed that almost everyone who died went to the grave, for which the Hebrews used the term Sheol. (General exceptions to this were a handful of holy men like Abraham, Moses, and David, as well as individuals who didn’t die such as Enoch and Elijah.) Sheol was not Heaven, where God dwelt with angelic beings, but a place of death and forgetfulness (Psalms 88:10-12). Although it was sometimes suggested that the righteous who died were somehow still with God (Ps. 139:8), belief in bodily resurrection did not develop until the period of Persian occupation. By the time of the Maccabees the belief had become widespread, as reflected in texts such as 2 Maccabees. During this period of terrible injustice, many of God’s people endured terrible torture and martyrdom for the faith. The faithful took consolation in the hope that God would one day resurrect the righteous and correct the injustices of the world. Sometime during the Second Temple Period, a notion developed that the righteous dead would be in God’s presence waiting for the resurrection. This is reflected in texts like The Wisdom of Solomon 3:1-9, where the emphasis has shifted from the righteous not being forgotten in Sheol, to the righteous actually being kept in God’s presence. This idea was likely part of the developing idea of future resurrection. Although the hope of resurrection had become widespread by the time of Christ, it still remained controversial among a minority. This skepticism could be seen in the Jewish sect known as the Sadducees, who denied both resurrection and spirits. Jesus argued against the Sadducees, showing that the Old Testament supported resurrection (Mt. 22:31-32). But although Jesus aligned himself with then-current understandings of resurrection, He added some significant twists. Although He taught that there would be a general resurrection at the end of the age, He also taught that there would be a resurrection of one man in the middle of history as a firstfruits or anticipation of the rest (Lk. 16:21). He also offered a recapitulation of the comparatively recent understanding that the righteous would not simply wait in the grave for resurrection, but go to be with God in heaven (Jn 14:2-3). Even Christ’s teaching had not been sufficient to prepare his disciples for what happened on Easter morning. After Jesus rose from the dead, His followers were initially very confused. What did it all mean? Some doubted (Jn. 20:24-25), while others supposed that Jesus’ resurrection body was ghostly rather than physical (Lk. 24: 37-39). Jesus worked through these confusions one at a time, in addition to spending considerable time teaching His disciples about the theological meaning of His death and resurrection (Lk. 24:13-49; Jn. 21). After His ascension, the church continued reflecting on the implication of Easter morning. Early Christians came to understand that something transformative had occurred in Jesus’ resurrection that had implications for the entire cosmos. As the apostles continued contemplating the meaning of the resurrection, certain theological themes began to come into focus. Gradually, there emerged a family of related doctrines that we call “new creation theology.” In early Christian literature, these doctrines function as a tightly integrated whole, but for practical purposes, we can break this theology down into the following five themes. - The Goodness of Creation The Old Testament taught that creation is the work of a good God. Despite sin and corruption, God’s creation remains good. This deeply Jewish notion was picked up by the early Christians and became a hallmark of new creation theology. The goodness of creation was reaffirmed in the Christian teaching that through Christ God has begun overcoming mortality and corruptibility so creation could fully flourish. There was something counter-cultural about this message within the world of Roman antiquity. At this time, there persisted various brutal and dehumanizing views of personhood. The body and the things of creation were put to the service of idolatry, violence and immorality, as people routinely used the materials of the world to distort themselves. The Christians combated this idolatry, not by denying the goodness of creation or the glory of the human body, but by affirming it, and by affirming that the source of creation’s life lies outside creation. - The Resurrection of the Body Building on the doctrine of creation’s goodness, the Christians taught that the creator God will glorify the physical bodies of His people, causing their once-mortal bodies to become incorruptible and deathless. By defeating death, Christ become the savior of the body, bringing the promise of resurrection to His people (2 Cor. 5:1-8). By “resurrection,” Paul and the other early Christians did not mean the immortality of the soul (they believed in that too), but the future renewal of one’s physical body. In 2 Corinthians 5, Paul used clothing as an analogy for the body, explaining that the Christians did not wish to be unclothed (without the body), but to have the heavenly clothing (a resurrected body). This understanding of resurrection enabled the Christians to put a positive valuation on the material body, over and against dehumanizing tendencies of the time. The early Christians believed that when they died, their soul would go and be with the Lord to await the resurrection. Early Christian teachers like Paul showed that this future hope came with a present challenge: we can experience a foretaste of future glory by putting our members to the service of Christ, turning away from those things that corrupt and destroy God’s good creation. This is why St. Paul’s great discussion of resurrection in 1 Corinthians 15 culminated in a practical exhortation to abound in the work of the Lord (1 Cor. 15:58). In the first generation of writers following Paul, resurrection was a constant theme. Church Fathers like Ignatius, Polycarp, Clement, and the writers of the Didache, went to pains to clarify that the bodies of departed Christians will be raised just as Christ’s physical body was raised from the dead. - The Redemption of Creation Not only had Christ given hope to His followers that they would rise from the dead, but His resurrection pointed towards a renewal of the present physical world (1 Cor. 15). The early Christians taught that the incarnation, crucifixion and resurrection unleashed a sanctifying power throughout the entire cosmos. St. Paul discussed this in terms of the Father reconciling all things to Himself, both in the seen and unseen realms (Col. 1:20). In some mysterious sense, matter itself is being sanctified by God, in fulfillment of ancient promises that God will remake heaven and earth (Is. 11, 65-66). The whole hope of Israel—that Abraham’s descendants would be a blessing to all nations—seemed to be working itself out in the apostles’ ministry. This understanding was reflected in the ancient prayer, “Verily, all creation together is regenerated by the Holy Spirit, and returns to its former being…” The early church taught that this remaking of creation would culminate in Christ’s return, when God’s glorified people would reign with Him in the new heavens and the new earth (Ephesians 2:6; 2 Timothy 2:12; Revelation 5:10; 20:6; 22:5). - The Integration of Spirit and Matter The early Christians believed that heaven and earth had been joined together in the God-man. They also understood that new creation involved a progressive reintegration of the spiritual with the material. The intersection of the material and the spiritual was evident in the sacramental nature of early Christianity, with the central role of practices like baptism and the Eucharist. The Christians believed that new creation was spreading from their communities throughout the physical world, which itself also awaited Christ’s return (Rom. 8:19-23). As miraculous healings occurred at the hands of the disciples (Acts 2:43; 19:11-12), this revived the Isaianic vision of a world where the curse was being reversed (Is. 35). This intersection of heaven and earth did not occur in terms of a God who is separate from the world occasionally “intervening,” or working on the materials of creation from outside creation through a series of cause and effects. Rather, Christ’s incarnation, death, and resurrection brought a spiritual enlivening to the very structure of material creation so that nothing could ever be the same again. - The Transformation of Culture The implications of new creation were both cosmic and cultural. The latter can be seen in the way the apostles went around establishing communities marked out by new loyalties and characterized by counter-cultural values like faith and sacrificial love. This was an outworking of their belief that they had been called upon to continue Christ’s healing ministry by bringing the values of His kingdom into their families, communities and society. What did those values look like in practice? to answer this question, I can’t do better than to quote from N.T. Wright’s book The New Testament and the People of God: “Christianity advocated a love which cut across racial boundaries. It sternly forbade sexual immorality, the exposure of children, and a great many other things which the pagan world took for granted.” One of the earliest exponents of cultural transformation was the Apostle Paul, who went to great lengths to describe how new creation is breaking into the present order and changing lives, and even whole villages. For example, Paul described new creation, not just in terms of personal salvation, but also in terms of the relationships that make up a community (wives-husbands, children-parents, masters-slaves, bishops-laity, etc.). New creation was clearly a communal endeavor, with implications for all of society. This cultural dimension was possible because of the eschatological nature of Christian theology. Just as Christ’s resurrection in the middle of history pointed towards the resurrection of all God’s people at the end of history, so the establishment of transformed communities characterized by faith and love, acted as advanced signposts to God’s larger plan for renewing the entire earth. The prophetic vision of a future world in which all creation praises God (Ps 96 and 98), and in which Jew and Gentile join hands in worship (Zec 8), is a vision that comes rushing into the present through Christ, even as the church awaits the final fulfilment at the Second Coming. The transformation of culture had a political dimension to it, which forms part of the context for early persecutions. Archeological and textual evidence from the 1st century shows a variety of appellations and phrases associated with Caesar and with the goals of the Roman state. What is interesting is that the New Testament writers take up many of these same categories but ascribe them to Jesus and the gospel. The Christians, like the Caesars, applied the language of euangelion (“gospel” or “glad tidings”) to their movement. The Christians, like the Caesars, taught that they held the answer for bringing justice, order and peace to the world (Luke 2:13-14; John 14:27). The Christians, like the Caesars, claimed that a single man had rightful dominion over the whole earth (Matt. 28:18). The Christians, like the Caesars, offered a sense of community to previously warring pluralities (Gal. 3:28). The Christians, like the Caesars, were intent on evangelizing the world (Matt. 28:19). But although the Christians shared many of Caesars’ goals, their methods couldn’t have been more distinct. Whereas the Caesars sought to transform the world through force and violence, the way of Christianity was to transform culture through love, peace, and the power of Christ’s resurrection life. New Creation Under Attack Not only did new creation theology counter certain political ideologies prevalent in the Roman Empire, but it also came head to head against many of the dominant philosophical trends popular throughout the Roman Empire. For example, many Romans were highly influenced by Plato’s philosophy, including an extreme spiritualism that despised material things. Others were highly influenced by Epicureanism, and its teaching that the divine and the human occupy totally different spheres, without significant overlap. Still other philosophers were attracted to the Stoic tradition, and its teaching that God is not distinct from creation because everything is in some sense divine. All of these traditions could not countenance the notion of God that is distinct from creation breaking into the world and redeeming it. Most sophisticated thinkers agreed that a perfect and changeless God could not be associated with the corruption and mutability of the world. Significantly, when Paul preached to the Epicureans and Stoics in Athens, it was after he mentioned resurrection that he came under particular ridicule (Acts 17: 32). Even within the church, the apostle encountered opposition, ranging from false teachers who denied the resurrection (1 Cor. 15:12-32), to others who were saying that the resurrection had already passed (2 Tim. 2:17-18). Paul was not the only apostle to get push-back from preaching new creation. At the time St. John wrote his first epistle, some false teachers were proclaiming that Jesus had not actually come in the flesh (1 Jn. 4:1-3; 2 Jn. 7). The Apostle John associated this teaching, which later came to be known as Docetism, with the spirit of antichrist. St. John’s successors, St. Polycarp (AD 69–155) and St. Irenaeus (c. 130 – c. 202 AD), continued to assert the goodness of creation and the hope of resurrection against a growing wellspring of opposition. Much of this opposition came from a family of heresies that has been retroactively labelled as “Gnosticism.” Gnosticism’s Assault on New Creation The doctrines of new creation were demanding, requiring a total rethinking of one’s priorities and goals. These doctrines were also subversive, bringing Jesus’ followers into conflict with prevailing political and philosophical trends. Gnosticism was an attempt to remove this sharp edge from Christian teaching, and to present a Christ that was more palatable within the philosophical and political climate of the first and second century. Gnosticism presented a more “politically correct” form of Christianity that existed in competition to the apostolic tradition. In its varied forms, the Gnostics asserted that the material world is a result of a cosmic blunder, the product of an inferior deity. Accordingly, salvation does not involve liberation from sin and death, but escape from the inherently bad material world. Our goal, these teachers taught, is to attain to a spirituality liberated from the trappings of time, matter and space. To achieve such liberation, it is necessary to attain to a hidden, esoteric knowledge (‘Gnosis’ in Greek). In their retelling of gospel story, Jesus came from the world beyond to give this secret gnosis to the chosen few. This secret knowledge revealed the way to awaken the divine spark within, so the enlightened ones could escape from imprisonment to enjoy a disembodied eternity. Since they believed the material world was the natural enemy of the spirit, and since they taught that Jesus came to show us how to escape from matter, the Gnostics were committed to a Christology of Docetism. Jesus only appeared to have a real physical body. Others taught that the immaterial Logos inhabited the body of an ordinary person, but then left the body before the crucifixion to escape the humiliation of death. In some versions of Gnosticism, such as the tradition reflected in the Gospel of Judas (not among the Nag Hammadi collection, but still reflective of the same tradition), Jesus did actually have a physical body, but He wished to reject the body since it bound him to this world. In the Gospel of Judas, Jesus gives Judas permission to betray Him in order that the spiritual person imprisoned within the body might be liberated through death. The Jesus of the Gospel of Judas is quoted as saying, “You will do more than all of them. For the man which clothes me, you will sacrifice him.” In all its various forms, the humanity of Jesus was a problem the Gnostics sought to overcome. Gnosticism became popular because it allowed its followers to retain their Christian faith without the demands of new creation theology. In emphasizing the unimportance of the present world, the Gnostics were able to avoid the types of confrontations with imperial powers that became characteristic of orthodox Christianity. Given the Gnostic understanding that God the Father (the divine, pure and wise God behind the capricious creator god) had no interest in putting right the material world, it followed that what happened on the earth was of little consequence. Thus, most of the Gnostics had little problem colluding with the ruling powers to escape persecution. By teaching that what happens in this world is of little importance, and by circumscribing religion to the realm of one’s own spiritual interiority, the Gnostics expelled any perception of being a threat to the Roman Empire. Thus, while the early Christians were being thrown to the lions, many of the Gnostics “seemed intent precisely on pursuing a lessening of sociocultural tension between their religious movement and the larger social world.” Significantly, therefore, the faithful men and women who were being thrown to the lions were not reading texts like The Gospel of Thomas or The Apocryphon of James, but Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Those who followed the Jesus of the alternative textual tradition believed in occupying themselves with ‘spiritual’ things, leaving the world to its own devices. This latter point, perhaps more than any other, served to polarize Gnosticism from both Christianity and Judaism. One particularly notorious Gnostic was a man named Valentinus. In the second century, Valentinus set up a school in Rome where he taught an elaborate system that separated God from creation by a series of devolving emanations. On this scheme of things, Jesus should not to be identified with the defective creator (a demigoddess named Sophia). The highest God (the one Jesus called Father) shows us how to escape from material things. Through his quick wit, charismatic personality, and diplomatic sagacity, Valentinus managed to create a movement within the church that extended to the boundaries of the Roman Empire. He was even almost elected pope, but lost by a few votes. Valentinus’ strongest critic was the church father Irenaeus. Originally from Asian Minor, Ireaeus moved to Gaul (modern-day southern France) to take the bishopric of the late Bishop of Lugdunum (now Lyons), who was killed as a result of persecution. Concerned by the inroads that Valentinus’ teachings were making in the area, Irenaeus wrote a series of treatises to defend the authority of the apostolic church. Among Irenaeus’ various concerns was to show that the whole human being, including our material body or “fleshly nature”, is part of the handiwork that was made in God’s image and redeemed by Christ. Book 5 of Irenaeus’ magnum opus, Against Heresies, is an extended attack against the Gnostics for “not admitting the salvation of their flesh.” Irenaeus countered this with a theological anthropology in which man is a unity of soul, spirit and body. If Christ had not been a real human being with a soul, spirit and physical body, then He could not have redeemed us, for He can only redeem that which He assumed. Because the Gnostics kept their teachings secret, they were not inclined to write them down. What writings did exist were not copied with the same diligence as generations copied the writings of the church fathers. Thus, throughout most of history, all we knew about the Gnostics was through church fathers who wrote to combat them. There was even uncertainty whether Irenaeus’ characterization of Gnosticism should be taken at face value, given that he clearly had an agenda. That brings us back to the two brothers, and their remarkable discovery in December 1945. The Strange Jesus of The Nag Hammadi Library Twenty years after that fateful morning in 1945, the mysterious codices finally came to rest in the Coptic Museum in Cairo. Yet it would not be until 1977 that full facsimile editions of the texts were finally published. Gradually scholars began studying the texts, and they were amazed at what they found. This was a library of Gnostic writings, complete with 52 different treatises. The world of ancient Gnosticism, so long shrouded in mystery, was now accessible to the whole world. One of the most fascinating texts in the Nag Hammadi collection was a work called The Gospel of Thomas. The writer of Thomas employed some of the same symbolism for resurrection as the canonical writers but reversed the images. “I will destroy this house, and no one will be able to rebuild it” says the Jesus of Thomas, in what is likely an allusion to the removal of His physical body. Elsewhere Thomas echoes the imagery of 2 Corinthians 5:3 where clothing is used as a metaphor for physical resurrection. But while Paul assured his readers that “being clothed we shall not be found naked” (2 Cor. 5:3), the Jesus of Thomas tells his disciples, “When you disrobe without being ashamed and take up your garments and place them under your feet like little children and tread on them, then [you will see] the Son of the Living One…” The context seems to make clear that the “garments” here represent the physical body that one should seek to be released from, trampling it underfoot as something abhorrent. This same idea runs like a thread through many of the other Nag Hammadi texts, which present the lower physical flesh as being in competition with the higher spiritual soul. In their subversion of the gospel narratives, Jesus is turned into a flesh-hating, world-despising guru. As interest in the Nag Hammadi collection grew, so did various theories of Christian origins. One popular idea in the late twentieth-century, which still maintains some traction in popular circles, is that the Gnostics had been the true successors of Jesus’ teaching before being hushed up by the canonical church. Such theories actually lack a credible historic basis, since scholarship has shown the Nag Hammadi texts have a much later origin than the canonical gospels from which they were derivative. But that doesn’t mean that Christians can afford to ignore Gnosticism. A much more unsettling question than that of origins, is whether Christians may unwittingly have colluded with the strange Jesus of the Nag Hammadi library without realizing it. Has Gnosticism, for so long obscured in the midst of time, assumed a new camouflage in many modern Christian assumptions? Do the descriptions of Jesus in Protestant evangelistic literature, Sunday school curriculums, popular Christian music, and funeral liturgies—remain faithful to the orthodox tradition, or do they wander unthinkingly towards the world-hating Jesus of the Nag Hammadi library? Phillip Lee explored a similar set of questions in his 1987 book Against the Protestant Gnostics. “Is it possible,” the Canadian theologian asked, “that by identifying a gnostic thought pattern with those outside the Christian community, we have failed to locate it in its natural habitat?” He continued: “Walter Bauer, in his work on early Christian heresy, points out that the gnostics were, for the most part, firmly ensconced within the churches. According to Bauer, it took centuries for Christians to arrive at an ‘orthodox’ position, to free themselves from an entangling alliance with gnostic thought. …the familiar presence of Gnosticism is as close at hand as the reality we call Protestantism… something like the ancient misalliance has occurred in our own time, particularly in the North American expression of Protestantism… Is Philip Lee correct? Should we consider Gonsticism a relic of a bygone age, or a malaise that may have assumed new expression in our own time? That is a question I plan to address in successive articles in this series. In the next article in this series, I will explore one of Lee’s predecessors, who wrote at the same time as the Nag Hammadi texts were being discovered. Although this thinker died before the library was published, she knew enough about Gnosticism to see parallels between the ancient heresy and the Christianity of her day. The Second Temple period refers to the time from the rebuilding of Solomon’s temple in 516 BC to its destruction in AD 70. N. T. Wright, The New Testament and the People of God (Minneapolis, MN: Augsburg Fortress Publishers, 1992), 360. In future articles in this series, we will consider if this is a correct way of reading Plato. Paul Foster, The Non-Canonical Gospels (London; New York: T & T Clark, 2008), 105. Helmut Richard Neibuhr, Christ and Culture (London: Faber & Faber, 1952), 87–88. Eric Osborn, Irenaeus of Lyons (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001), 266. “…whereas most Jews in the two centuries on either side of the time of Jesus were emphasizing the kingdom of God coming on earth as in heaven, and the justice of God breaking in to history to make everything right, rescuing the created order from its plight of corruption and decay and giving to this people renewed (resurrection) bodies to live gloriously within this new world, vindicated after their suffering on his behalf, the Gnostics were teaching precisely the opposite. The true god whom they worshiped was, they believed, “completely removed from this transient world of pain and suffering created by a rebel and a fool.” N. T. Wright, Judas and the Gospel of Jesus (SPCK Publishing, 2006), 36. “Now God shall be glorified in His handiwork, fitting it so as to be conformable to, and modeled after, His own Son. For by the hands of the Father, that is, by the Son and the Holy Spirit, the human being, and not [merely] a part of the human being, was made in the likeness of God. Now the soul and the spirit are certainly a part of the human being, but certainly not the [whole] human being; for the perfect human being consists in the commingling and the union of the soul receiving the Spirit of the Father, and the admixture of that fleshly nature which was molded after the image of God.” Against Heresies Book 5, chapter 6. Cited in Ian Alexander McFarland, Creation and Humanity: The Sources of Christian Theology (Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 2009), 97–98. Book 5 chapter 6 “…granted the frequency of ‘temple’ as an image for the body – already in the Johannine version of the saying, where John says that Jesus was speaking of ‘the Temple of his body’ – it could well be that the saying is intended, at least at one level, to mean that Jesus will remove the physical body from the initiate and will not replace it. This would then be an explicit denial of bodily resurrection.” N. T. Wright, The Resurrection of the Son of God (Minneapolis, MN: Augsburg Fortress Publishers, 2003), 536. The Gospel of Thomas, saying 37, in Bart D. Ehrman, Lost Scriptures: Books That Did Not Make It into the New Testament (Oxford University Press, 2003), 23. See Wright, The Resurrection of the Son of God, 535. Philip J. Lee, Against the Protestant Gnostics (Oxford: Oxford University Press, USA, 1987).
When Kevin Copenhaver learned that bamboo could be grown in Colorado, he planted it in his Asian-inspired garden. After just three years, the Denver Center Theater Company costume designer has a screen of lush, green bamboo that is the focal point of his yard. "I love the shape and texture of the bamboo and the rustling sound it makes," he says. "I also like the fact that it is unusual to see in Colorado." It's a misconception that the plant native to East Asia, South Africa and South America can't be grown in Colorado. The Denver Zoo and the Denver Botanic Gardens both have plentiful stands of bamboo that intrigue visitors to the Primate Panorama and Tropical Discovery exhibits and the PlantAsia garden. Bamboo was chosen for the PlantAsia exhibit at the Denver Botanic Gardens because of its importance in many Asian cultures, according to Mark Fusco, senior horticulturist. "For centuries, bamboo has served people as a fast-growing, easily cultivated construction material and food source," he says. "Its iconic status as a symbol of resiliency in the garden is well-deserved." In a garden, bamboo creates a tropical or Asian look, softens the hard lines of a building or fence, and makes a good year-round screen. The foliage can be cut and put in vases. Canes can be cut and used for trellises, plant stakes, and fences that are long-lasting because bamboo won't rot when exposed to the weather or placed in the ground. "Bamboo also consumes more carbon dioxide and releases more oxygen than any other species, and is relatively pest-free," says Karen Kielpikowski, field superintendent at the Denver Zoo. The key is to choose a hardy variety, a planting site sheltered from extreme temperature changes, and soil that is amended and watered properly. The most common type of bamboo available in Colorado is Golden Groove Bamboo (Phyllostachys aureosculcata). Both the Denver Zoo and Denver Botanic Gardens grow David Bissett's bamboo (Phyllostachys Bissetti), and several others. "Bamboo should be grown early in the season in bright light or partial shade, depending on the variety," says Fusco. A location along the north or east side of a wall or fence works well because it protects the plants from temperature fluctuations. The soil should be a loam that retains moisture but has good drainage. Add aged manure and/or compost and mulch to retain moisture after watering in as well as an occasional, all-purpose, time-released fertilizer. As winter approaches and soil temperatures drop, increase mulch to protect the roots from freezing. During the winter, check for dryness and water as needed. The downside to planting bamboo is that it can spread wildly, and widely. Although the rabbit population at the zoo helpfully keeps new culms (shoots) from developing, Kielpikowski recommends using a thick polyethylene barrier that reaches 20-30 inches below ground with a 2- to 4-inch lip above ground, such as a big nursery container or pool liner with the bottom cut out. "Concrete will leach lime and crack, steel will rust and bamboo will grow right through asphalt," she explains. A few times a year, remove any rhizomes (runners) that attempt to grow over the edge. "Dense shade, dry soil or excessively wet soil will inhibit growth as well," she says.
A skein of Canada geese, made up of family groups and individuals, heads out at dusk on a leg of their migratory journey. JIM WILLIAMS , Special to the Star Tribune Quiz tests your birding knowledge - Article by: VAL CUNNINGHAM - Contributing Writer - October 29, 2013 - 3:30 PM OK, bird fans. It’s time to test how much you know about these fascinating creatures that share our back yards, parks and preserves. Don’t take this too seriously, just take some wild guesses and you’ll find the answers at the end of our avian quiz. 1. Why do Canada geese honk as they fly in a flock? (a) Honking helps family groups within the flock stay in touch. (b) The geese honk to encourage the hardworking goose at the front. (c) The honking geese see a place below where they want to stop. (d) They’re honking to alert low-flying aircraft to avoid the flock. 2. Why do songbirds harass and jabber at owls they find in the daytime? (a) The birds are upset because they feel it’s unnatural for owls to be visible in the daytime. (b) Small birds are naturally jealous of larger birds, especially owls. (c) The small birds recognize that an owl is dangerous and want to drive it out of the area. (d) Once one or two birds start shrieking, others join in because it’s fun. 3. Why do some birds migrate as far as South America when closer places like Texas and Florida offer warmth in winter? (a) Migratory birds like to hang out with the more colorful and interesting tropical birds. (b) These migrants’ true homes are in Central and South America but they travel Up North in the spring for the abundant food and the elbowroom. (c) They need the twice-yearly exercise to stay in top shape. (d) Birds have a well-known wanderlust and like to see other parts of the hemisphere. 4. How many different kinds of birds live in North America? (a) About 5,000 birds call North America home for at least part of the year. (b) About 800 different species live at least part of the year north of Mexico. (c) No one knows how many species live here; there are just too many to keep track of. (d) There are 300 bird species in North America, most of them in the eastern half. 5. Which bird species has the highest population in North America? (a) It has to be the pigeon, as there are so many of them. (b) Definitely red-winged blackbirds, as they form such huge flocks in the fall. (c) There are more robins than any other kind of bird. (d) No one’s ever been able to count all the birds, so we don’t know. 6. Do birds ever eat so much that they get too heavy to fly? (a) No, birds watch their weight so they don’t lose their appeal to the opposite sex. (b) Some birds may eat so much before migration that they become noticeably fatter. (c) Birds balance caloric needs with maintaining their ability to fly. (d) The kinds of foods they eat keep birds at a constant weight. 7. Which bird has the strongest family ties? (c) Yellow-bellied sapsuckers 8. Birds’ colors are really an optical illusion. (a) True b) False 9. Which species travels the farthest on migration? (a) Green darner dragonfly (c) Arctic tern (d) Monarch butterfly 10. Birds’ favorite food is: (d) Other birds 11. Birds are fascinating and amazing because: (a) Only birds have feathers, a unique, beautiful and versatile body covering. (b) Many birds live in close proximity to humans and allow us to observe their lives. (c) Birds’ songs and calls add so much to our enjoyment of the natural world. (d) Birds perform many services, some eating harmful insects, others acting as pollinators and a few even cleaning up roadkill 1. Although we can’t be certain of the reasons geese honk in flight, many researchers feel that (a) is part of the answer. 2. The answer is (c): Owls are raptors and many of them kill and eat smaller birds. Songbirds want to drive owls out of their area before night, a time when they’re asleep and especially vulnerable. 3. The correct answer is (b) — tropical songbirds began pushing northward after the last Ice Age and have built traditional migratory patterns to take advantage of abundant food and room for nesting in northern areas in summer. 4. The answer is (b), according to the Audubon Society: more than 800 species can be found at one time or another in North America and 654 species are considered native to our continent. 5. According to Partners in Flight’s population estimate database, there are around 300 million robins in North America, making them our most populous bird, so it’s (c). This estimate is based on a variety of bird surveys. 6. (b) and (c) are both correct. Birds need to stuff themselves before starting migration to fuel the early part of their journey. Some migrants add 50 percent or more to their usual weight, but they never lose the ability to fly. In fact, hummingbirds often get so tubby that they look like flying golf balls. 7. The answer is (d). Most birds raise their young, teach them to feed themselves and then they’re done. Crows, however, have very strong and lengthy family ties. In fact, they’re known for the “helper at the nest” phenomenon, in which a young crow from a previous year’s nest helps its parents raise their brood in subsequent years. 8. Mostly false. Red birds like cardinals truly are red; their feathers colored by the foods they eat, and the same rule applies to birds like goldfinches and orioles. The big exceptions are birds that are blue and those with iridescence. The brilliant blue we see on bluebirds and blue jays is really a trick of the way light strikes their feathers and hummingbirds’ iridescence is due to feather structure, not pigments. 9. (c ) These all travel amazing distances but the champ is the Arctic tern, a bird that may cover up to 44,000 miles in a year’s time, flying between Greenland and Antarctica. Caribou move up to 800 miles, green darners may travel several hundred miles and monarchs may migrate 2,500 miles to reach Mexico’s highlands. 10. All are correct. This is kind of a trick question: Birds are the ultimate “localvores” and many change their diet over a year’s time. Nearly all songbirds eat insects and feed them to their young in spring and summer, then change to a fruit and/or seed diet in the fall. Some birds don’t eat seeds, such as the warbler family and the thrushes. Few birds consume other birds as a dietary staple, but some do, like the Cooper’s hawk and peregrine falcon. 11. All are true — the presence of birds adds so much to our lives. St. Paul resident Val Cunningham, who volunteers with the St. Paul Audubon Society and writes about nature for local, regional and national newspapers and magazines, can be reached at [email protected]. © 2014 Star Tribune
Key aspects of global climate change Warming of the climate system is unequivocal, and since the 1950s, many of the observed changes are unprecedented over decades to millennia. The atmosphere and oceans have warmed, the amounts of snow and ice have diminished, and sea level has risen. Global surface temperatures have warmed, on average, by around one degree Celsius since the late 19th century. Much of the warming, especially since the 1950s, is very likely a result of increased amounts of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, resulting from human activity. The Northern Hemisphere have warmed much faster than the global average, while the southern oceans south of New Zealand latitudes have warmed more slowly. Generally, continental regions have warmed more than the ocean surface at the same latitudes. Global sea levels have risen around 19 cm since the start of the 20th century, and are almost certain to rise at a faster rate in future. Surface temperature is projected to rise over the 21st century under all assessed emission scenarios. It is very likely that heat waves will occur more often and last longer, and that extreme precipitation events will become more intense and frequent in many regions. The ocean will continue to warm and acidify, and global mean sea level will continue to rise. Relatively small changes in average climate can have a big effect on the frequency of occurrence or likelihood of extreme events. How the future plays out depends critically on the emissions of greenhouses gases that enter the atmosphere over coming decades.
FAQs - Solar Glossary The solar glossary contains technical terms & explanation related to Solar energy and PV technology. NASA-SSE is National Aeronautics and Space Administration - This is the data set contains parameters formulated for assessing and designing renewable energy systems. - Global, regional and site specific radiation and meteorological data allow quick evaluation of potential renewable energy projects for any region of the world. The SSE data set is formulated from NASA satellite- and reanalysis-derived insolation and meteorological data for the 22-year period July 1983 through June 2005. - Results are provided for 1° latitude by 1° longitude grid cells over the globe. - NASA-SSE is a satellite based data base of Radiation ,wind speed and air temperature along other weather related parameter across the world. The SolarGIS database is a high resolution database recognised as the most reliable and accurate source of solar resource information. The datababase resides on about 100 terabytes of data and it is continuosly updated on daily basis. The data is calculated using in-house developed algorithms that process satellite imagery and atmospheric and geographical inputs.The database consists of the following parameters Solar and PV data - Global Horizontal Irradiance/Irradiation (GHI) - Direct Normal Irradiance/Irradiation (DNI) - Diffuse Horizontal Irradiance/Irradiation (DIF) - Global tilted/in-plane irradiance/irradiation for fixed and sun-tracking surfaces (GTI) - Optimum Angle (OPTA) for PV modules on fixed mounted construction PV Electricity Yield (PVOUT) - Air Temperature at 2 meters (TEMP) - Relative Humidity (RH) - Wind Speed (WS) and Wind Direction (WD) at 10 meters Meteonorm is a comprehensive meteorological reference. It gives you access to catalogue of meteorological data for solar applications and system design at any desired location in the world. It is based on more than 25 years of experience in the development of meteorological databases for energy applications. Meteonorm addresses engineers, architects, teachers, planners and anyone interested in solar energy and climatology. Most of the data is taken from the GEBA (Global Energy Balance Archive), from the World Meteorological Organization (WMO/OMM) Climatological Normals 1961–1990 and from the Swiss database compiled by MeteoSwiss. The periods 1961–1990 and 2000–2009 are available for temperature, humidity, wind speed and precipitation; the periods 1981–1990 and 1991–2010 for solar radiation. Monthly climatological (long term) means are available for the following eight parameters: - global radiation - ambient air temperature - days with precipitation - wind speed - wind direction - sunshine duration The station data is supplemented by surface data from five geostationary satellites. This data is available on a global grid with a horizontal resolution of 8 km (3 km in Europe and Northern Africa). There are many losses considered while calculating the final energy generation of your site. 1. Soiling Loss - Accumulation of dirt and its effect on the system performance is an uncertainty which strongly depends on the environment of the system, raining conditions, etc. 2. Ohmic Loss - It is the wiring ohmic losses between the power available from the modules and that at the terminals of the array. These losses can be characterized by just one resistance parameter R defined for the global array. Note: the wire size is not only related to the desired ohmic loss. For a given current and a given installation mode, a minimum wire section is required. 3. Incident Angle Modifier - IAM also known as array incidence loss corresponds to the decrease of the irradiance really reaching the PV cells's surface, with respect to irradiance under normal incidence, due to reflections increasing with the incidence angle. 4. Module Mismatch - Mismatch losses are caused by the interconnection of solar cells or modules which do not have identical properties or which experience different conditions from one another. 5. Inverter Loss during operation -Sometimes the oversized array and high Vmpp ( more modules in series), you have the risk that the over power correction leads to an operating voltage higher than VmppMax, and in this case the inverter has to stop completely ( it cannot find a suitable operating point), leading to high overpower losses. The global formula to estimate the electricity generated in output of a photovoltaic system is: E = A * r * H * PR A = Total solar panel Area (m²) r = solar panel yield (%) H = Annual average solar radiation on tilted panels (shadings not included) r is the yield of the solar panel given by the ratio : electrical power (in kWp) of one solar panel divided by the area of one panel Example: the solar panel yield of a PV module of 250 Wp with an area of 1.6 m² is 15.6% Be aware that this nominal ratio is given for standard test conditions (STC) : radiation=1000 W/m², cell temperature=25 °C, Wind speed=1 m/s, AM=1.5 The unit of the nominal power of the photovoltaic panel in these conditions is called "Watt-peak" (Wp or kWp=1000 Wp or MWp=1000000 Wp). H You can find this global radiation value from solar radiation data which are You have to find the global annual irradiation incident on your PV panels with your specific inclination (slope, tilt) and orientation (azimuth). PR : PR (Performance Ratio) is a very important value to evaluate the quality of a photovoltaic installation because it gives the performance of the installation independently of the orientation, inclination of the panel. It includes all losses. Example of losses details that gives the PR value (depend on the site, the technology, and sizing of the system) : - Inverter losses (4% to 15 %) - Température losses (5% to 18%) - DC cables losses (1 to 3 %) - AC cables losses (1 to 3 %) - Shadings 0 % to 80% !!! (specific to each site) - Losses weak radiation (3% to 7%) - Losses due to dust, snow... (2%) - Other Losses Tariff is charges against the per unit (kWh) consumption of energy called Energy tariff. The price at which electricity is sold is known as tariff for electricity and several factors come into play while determining the tariff. Normally the tariff of electricity is mentioned in rate per kilowatt hour of power consumed or rate per kWh. 1 kWh refers to the amount of electricity consumed when an appliance of one kilowatt power rating runs for one full hour or sixty minutes. 1 kWh is also known as one unit of electricity. Capacity utilization factor refers to the relationship between actual output that is actually produced with the installed equipment, and the potential output which could be produced with it, if capacity was fully used. Thus, a capacity utilization is the (weighted) average of the ratios between the actual output of firms to the maximum that could be produced per unit of time, with existing plant and equipment. The performance ratio under the influence of certain factors, may exceed values of 100 %. This is because performance characteristics of the PV modules are used in the calculation of the performance ratio that have been determined under standard test conditions (1,000 W/m2 solar irradiation and 25 °C module temperature). The following factors can have influence to the PR value: • Environmental factors - Temperature of the PV module - Solar irradiation and power dissipation - The measuring gauge is in the shade or soiled - PV module in the shade or soiled • Other factors - Recording period - Conduction losses - Efficiency factor of the PV modules - Efficiency factor of the inverter - Differences in solar cell technologies of the measuring gage and of the PV modules - Orientation of the measurement gage The Performance ratio (PR) is ratio of AC Energy generated (kWh) to multiplication of irradiance (kWh/sq.m) on panel, Active area of PV module (sq. m) and PV module efficiency. Basic calculation formula for Performance ratio is NASA-SSE is National Aeronautics and Space Administration - Surface meteorology and Solar Energy. This is the data set contains parameters formulated for assessing and designing renewable energy systems. It contains new parameters recommended by the renewable energy industry and is more accurate. Global, regional and site specific radiation and meteorological data allow quick evaluation of potential renewable energy projects for any region of the world. The SSE data set is formulated from NASA satellite- and reanalysis-derived insolation and meteorological data for the 22-year period July 1983 through June 2005. Results are provided for 1° latitude by 1° longitude grid cells over the globe. NASA-SSE is a satellite based data base of Radiation ,wind speed and air temperature along other weather related parameter across the world. A "PXX" denotes the annual energy production level that is reached with a probability of XX%. P90: P90 denotes the level of annual sun-driven electricity generation that is forecasted to be exceeded 90% of the year. A P90 value of 10,000 kWh would mean that the system is likely to generate over 10,000 kWh 90 % of the time. P75: There is a 75% chance that the annual energy production level will be reached. P50: There is a 50% chance that the annual energy production level will be reached. A P50 value of 10,000 kWh for the annual output of a solar power system means that there is a 50 % likelihood that the system’s output will be greater than 10,000 kWh. The PXX values are widely used by potential investors and banks as basis for financing decisions. Solar GIS provides irradiation ,air temperature and wind speed of each 15 minute to hourly daily ,monthly ,and long term average value ,TMY. It is a geographical information system designed to meet the needs of the solar energy industry. It integrates solar resource and meteorological data with tools for planning and performance monitoring of solar energy systems. SolarGIS accurately calculate PV electricity potential within minutes. The performance ratio (PR) is stated as percent and describes the relationship between the actual and theoretical energy outputs of the PV plant. It is independent of location and it therefore often described as a quality factor. Performance Ratio (PR) of a plantperiod of time =Energy measured(kWh)/(Irradiance(kWh/m2) on the panel x Active area of PV module(m2) x PV module efficiency) Global Horizontal Radiation also called Global Horizontal Irradiance; total solar radiation; the sum of Direct Normal Irradiance (DNI), Diffuse Horizontal Irradiance (DHI), and ground-reflected radiation; however, because ground reflected radiation is usually insignificant compared to direct and diffuse, for all practical purposes global radiation is said to be the sum of direct and diffuse radiation only: GHI = DHI + DNI * cos (Z) Z is the solar zenith angle. Meteonorm is proven data base for accessing meteorological data i.e. irradiation, temperature and more weather related parameter across the world. Meteonorm having approximately 8233 ground based station for measuring these weather parameters. As fossil fuel based power generation are getting costlier day by day along with serious environmental issues, We need long lasted, eco friendly source of energy generation, and that is solar energy. Although there are numerous other methods of generating electricity, solar plant have a number of considerable advantages for both the consumer, the producer, and the environment. Solar Power plants, is arranged to generate commercial electricity, are becoming more and more frequent nowadays. Electricity generated from solar panels is free, nearly infinitely abundant, and non-polluting. Many environmentally-minded communities across the world have set up solar power stations to help generate private or commercial solar energy. Powering homes with solar power has also been a major part of the solar revolution the last two decades have seen. Solar panels can be placed on the roof of homes, businesses, or remote research stations, and can be used independent of or in conjunction with the local power grid.
Can you give your child's intelligence a boost? According to science, it's possible! However, scientists often cite the first ten years of a child's life as the 'window of opportunity.' Everything at this time is critical to improving the 'wiring' of a person's brain. Capital Area Pediatrics Pediatrician Dr. Hanita Oh-Tan recently sat down with ABC News Channel 7 to share 10 ways to ways to make your kids smarter, based on her experience as well as an article by Time Magazine. Let's take a look: - Music. Okay, so you may not want your child to aspire to be a rockstar (or maybe you do), but music lessons have been shown to help make kids smarter. On average, music students perform better on standardized tests and have higher overall GPAs. In one experiment, it was found that taking piano lessons even helped raised IQ significantly. - Physical Activity.In a 2007 study, German researchers found that after exercise, people pick up new vocabulary words 20% faster! Another study shows that for 9 and 10-year-olds, 20 minutes of exercise before a test significantly improves test scores. - Reading.When reading to your kids, don't let them just stare at the pictures while you do all the work! Share the task with them, as this will help them build their reading skills. When reading is shared between you and your little one, it promotes early literacy, even among disadvantaged children. - Sleep. The benefits of sleep for brain development are endless. Studies have shown a correlation between grades and the average amount of sleep a child gets. In fact, it has been found that a loss of just one hour of sleep is equivalent to a loss of two years of cognitive maturation and development. - Self-Discipline.Students with high levels of self-discipline are more likely to earn higher grades in their classes. They also tend to have fewer absences and spend less time watching television and more hours doing school work. Self-discipline has also been found to predict which students would improve their grades over the course of the school year, whereas IQ did not. - Active Learning.Skip the brain training games and apps and opt for a more active learning approach. While many of us love our screens and apps, our brains learn more by doing things - not by hearing about them. Consider using the rule of two-thirds to help make active learning activities more beneficial as well. For example, if you want your child to memorize a passage, have them spend 30% of their time reading it, and the other 70% testing their knowledge about what they just read. - Treats (At the Right Time). While it’s best if kids eat healthy all the time, there are always exceptions. Research shows that caffeine and sugar can have a beneficial effect on cognitive performance when consumed in moderation. - Happiness. When a child is happy they are much more engaged and interested in their learning. Social-emotional factors are continually being studied by scientists, and many reports have concluded that happy children are more willing to learn, more curious, and in turn, are smarter. - Positive Peers.A study conducted at Dartmouth College found that a child's peer group has powerful influence over them. When students with low grade-point averages mixed with higher-scoring students, their grade-point average increased. - Support. In a study carried out by Rosenthal and Lenore Jacobson, elementary school teachers were told that they had certain students in their class who excelled at academics. These students were selected at random. At the end of the school year, 30% of the children selected had gained an average of 22 IQ points, and almost all had gained at least 10 IQ points. Moral of the story? Believing your kid is smarter than average makes a difference. How you help your child develop intellectually affects him through adulthood. If you have concerns about your child’s cognitive development, Capital Area Pediatrics is here to help. We are able and ready to address any of your questions or concerns. To schedule an appointment with a pediatrician, find your nearest location and our staff will be happy to assist you!
OUR AMAZING HISTORY! by Susan Leonard, NAACP Corvallis/Albany Branch Member Do you know what the following items have in common?* February is Black History Month when we celebrate together and educate ourselves about the contributions of African Americans to our country. It is a time to focus on many aspects of the narrative of black people, not just slavery and the Civil Rights Movement but the breadth and depth of the impact African Americans have made on the U.S. throughout our history. Carter G. Woodson is considered the Father of Black History. He was born to parents who had been enslaved, and as a child Carter received scant formal education. By the age of 19, he had taught himself the fundamentals and was able to enter high school and complete it in two years. He went on to receive his doctorate from Harvard. Woodson noticed that textbooks largely ignored the history of America’s black population so he took on the challenge of writing that history. Woodson and Jesse E. Moorland founded the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History. Together they sponsored the first national Negro History Week in 1926. They chose the second week of February because it coincided with the February 12th birthdays of Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass. In 1976, President Gerald Ford officially recognized Black History Month and it has been proclaimed by every president since. February 12 is important for another reason – it is the date in 1909 that the NAACP was founded on the centennial of Lincoln’s birth. A deadly race riot in Springfield, Illinois in 1908 spurred a group of people to issue a call to meet to discuss racial justice. Among the 60 who signed the call were W.E.B. Du Bois, Ida B. Wells-Barnett, Mary White Ovington, and Dr. Henry Moscowitz, a group of both black and white activists. The newly-formed NAACP echoed the focus of Du Bois’ Niagara Movement for civil rights. In 1910, Du Bois founded The Crisis, the official journal of the NAACP, which remains an important publication today, highlighting race issues and news and events on local and national levels. Many influential people have been members and supporters of the NAACP – just a few include Jackie Robinson, Harry Belafonte, Lena Horne, Julian Bond, Eleanor Roosevelt, John Dewey, and Charles Darrow. Current leaders are Derrick Johnson, President, and Leon W. Russell, Chairman of the National Board of Directors. The 111th NAACP National Convention will be held July 25 to 29, 2020, in Boston (just get on highway 20 and head east!). It is sure to be an amazing event of education and inspiration. The African Americans who have contributed to our culture and history are legion. Here are just a few names and other resources to inspire you for further research. May we continue to work toward a future when the impact Africa Americans have made is part of our country’s collective consciousness and an integral part of our education year-round. * More information about the list of inventions: Dry cleaning - Thomas L. Jennings in 1821 3-light traffic signal - Garrett Morgan in 1923 Refrigeration trucks - Frederick McKinley Jones in 1940 Automatic elevator doors - Alexander Miles in 1887 Color computer monitors - Mark Dean in the 1990’s Laser cataract surgery - Dr. Patricia Bath in 1988 Wooden golf tees - George Franklin Grant in 1899 Super Soaker squirt gun - Lonnie George Johnson in 1989 Other resources: NAACP National Convention 2020 - www.naacp.org/boston-2020 Teaching For Change - book lists and parent/teacher resources - www.teachingforchange.org Children’s/Young Adult books: A Dance Like Starlight about prima ballerina Janet Collins Take a Picture of Me, James VanDerZee, famous photographer and artist Jackie Ormes: The First African American Woman Cartoonist (She was also an activist.) African Americans of note: Gwen Ifill - journalist Elizabeth Catlett - artist Shirley Chisholm - politician Faith Ringgold - artist Marian Anderson - opera singer Katherine Johnson - mathematician Lorraine Hansberry - author Gordon Parks - photographer Jean-Michel Basquiat - artist Miles Davis - musician Leontyne Price - opera singer John Coltrane - musician Ta-Nehisi Coates - journalist/author Nikki Giovanni - poet Lucy McBath - politician Shuwanza Goff - U.S. House of Representatives Floor Director
Martin Luther King Jr. (born Michael King Jr., January 15, 1929 – April 4, 1968) was an American Baptist minister and activist who became the most visible spokesperson and leader in the Civil Rights Movement. He is best known for his role in the advancement of civil rights using the tactics of nonviolence and civil disobedience based on his Christian beliefs and inspired by the nonviolent activism of Mahatma Gandhi. King became a civil rights activist early in his career. He led the 1955 Montgomery bus boycott and helped found the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) in 1957, serving as its first president. With the SCLC, King led an unsuccessful 1962 struggle against segregation in Albany, Georgia, and helped organize the 1963 nonviolent protests in Birmingham, Alabama. King also helped to organize the 1963 March on Washington, where he delivered his famous "I Have a Dream" speech. On October 14, 1964, King received the Nobel Peace Prize for combating racial inequality through nonviolent resistance. In 1965, he helped to organize the Selma to Montgomery marches, and the following year he and SCLC took the movement north to Chicago to work on segregated housing. In the final years of his life, King expanded his focus to include opposition towards poverty and the Vietnam War, alienating many of his liberal allies with a 1967 speech titled "Beyond Vietnam". In 1968, King was planning a national occupation of Washington, D.C., to be called the Poor People's Campaign, when he was assassinated by James Earl Ray on April 4 in Memphis, Tennessee. King's death was followed by riots in many U.S. cities. Ray, who fled the country, was arrested two months later at London Heathrow Airport. Ray was sentenced to 99 years in prison for King's murder, and died in 1998 from hepatitis while serving his sentence. King was posthumously awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom and the Congressional Gold Medal. Martin Luther King Jr. Day was established as a holiday in numerous cities and states beginning in 1971, and as a U.S. federal holiday in 1986. Hundreds of streets in the U.S. have been renamed in his honor, and a county in Washington State was also renamed for him. The Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., was dedicated in 2011. Finer selected 11" x 14" frames, hand assembled and matted down to 8" x 10" that will demand attention in any man cave or she-shed. RETURN AND REFUND POLICY All sales are final. Fine 11 x 14 Frame matted to an 8 x 10 memory that will demand attention in any Man Cave, office or even She Shed.
Rites of Passage By Larry Wilcox The Russett community practiced a few of the formal rites of passage normally practiced in many cultures, i.e. rituals that mark a major change in a person's social or religious status, for example, baptisms, school graduation ceremonies, weddings and funerals. In most cultures the rites of passage for a boy into manhood often involved pain in order to increase the importance of the transition to manhood. The Russett boys often engaged themselves in games that were one form of the ritual of passage intended to be painful. The Washita River overflowed its banks and left behind a slough in the bottom below the Louis Chapman place. Willow trees grew around these new bodies of water and because of the soil fertility grew to be quite tall, maybe more than 30 feet tall. In the top of these trees paper wasps built their nests. Some of these nests were “as big as your hat”. Now the game was to throw clods of dirt at these wasp nests. When hit, the wasps would fly out and begin to hunt down their disturber. Clouds of these angry red wasps would fly at anyone standing or running and of course sting them handily. The test of bravery was to lie down on the ground and remain motionless while the wasps circled over your body. If you moved, wham! They stung you. So, the test was how good you could throw those clods and how brave you were to hit the ground and lie perfectly still while the wasps buzzed around you or chased some less brave poor soul. Another game we had that I believe falls into this category of boys transiting to manhood was the “Corncob Fight”. Near the Roundhouse (Chapman’s Cowboy Bunkhouse) was a barn and horse corral. The barn had a loft in it. We invented our own brand of “King of the Mountain”. Half of the group would take the loft and the other half would try to take over the loft. Weapons? Corncobs. Because the horses were fed ears of field corn, the weapons were plentiful. The game would seesaw back and forth as the group on the ground tried to take over the loft by overwhelming the loft defenders by hitting them with corncobs. As the day wore on, someone would throw a few cobs into the horse trough. The cobs would soak up water and become quite a formidable weapon. This usually wound up injuring someone enough as to stop the game. Postscript. Sometimes the location and weapons were different. Sometimes the group would be in one of the many erosion caused ravines and a clod fight would breakout.
- Date: 1632 - 1 : made in good faith without fraud or deceit <a bona fide offer to buy a farm> - 2 : made with earnest intent : sincere - 3 : neither specious nor counterfeit : genuine Good faith, or in Latin bona fides (bona fide means "in good faith"), is good, honest intention (even if producing unfortunate results) or belief. In law, it is the mental and moral state of honesty, conviction as to the truth or falsehood of a proposition or body of opinion, or as to the rectitude or depravity of a line of conduct. This concept is important in law, especially equitable matters. In contemporary English, "bona fides" is sometimes used as a synonym for credentials, background, or documentation of a person's identity. "Show me your bona fides" can mean: Why should I trust you (your good faith in this matter)? Tell me who you are. In this sense, the phrase is sometimes used in job advertisements, and should not be confused with the bona fide occupational qualifications or the employer's good faith effort.
» Austria is a largely mountainous country due to its location in the Alps. The Central Eastern Alps, Northern Limestone Alps and Southern Limestone Alps are all partly in Austria. Of the total area of Austria (84,000 km), only about a quarter can be considered low lying, and only 32% of the country is below 500 meters. The high mountainous Alps in the west of Austria flatten somewhat into low lands and plains in the east of the country. Offical Language: German Area: 83,871 SQ KM Calling Code: +43 » A federal republic, Austria is divided into nine states 3) Lower Austria 4) Upper Austria » The greater part of Austria lies in the cool/temperate climate zone in which humid westerly winds predominate. With over half of the country dominated by the Alps the alpine climate is the predominate one. In the East the climate shows continental features with less rain than the Western alpine areas with high rainfall averages. » As of the end of the 20th century about 73% of Austria's population are registered as Roman Catholic, while about 5% consider themselves Protestants. About 12% of the population declare that they do not belong to any church or religious community. Of the remaining people, about 180,000 are members of the Eastern Orthodox Church and about 7,300 are Jewish. A 2005 survey among 8,000 people in various European countries showed that Austrians are still among the countries with the strongest belief in God. 84% of all Austrians do state they believe in God. » Although Austria is a small country, its history as a world power and its unique cultural environment in the heart of Europe have generated contributions to mankind in every possible field. One might argue that Austria is internationally best known for its musicians. It has been the birthplace of many famous composers. » Visits to Austria mostly include trips to Vienna with its Cathedral, its "Heurigenschenken" (wine pubs) and romantic Waltz music flair. Worth a visit are Salzburg, birthplace of Mozart, Innsbruck, capital of Tyrol surrounded by the Alps, and the Danube valley with its vineyards, for example the Wachau or Dunkelsteinerwald, which are between Melk and Krems. In the western part of the country the province Vorarlberg reaches the Lake Constance, in the eastern part Neusiedler See. Of great touristic importance are the Austrian skiing, hiking and moutaineering resorts in the Alps as well as family-friendly recreation areas (e.g. the Witches's Water in Tyrol). The same applies to the numerous austrian lakes (e.g. Wolfgangsee east of Salzburg or Wörthersee in Carinthia). For visitors interested in Media Art, the Ars Electronica Center in Linz is an absolute must. Since 1979 this center has organized the Ars Electronica Festival and presented the Prix Ars Electronica, the worldwide highest-ranked prize for media art. » In Austria, folk dances in general are known as Folkloretanze , i.e. "folklore dances", whereas the Austrian type of folk dance is known as Volkstanz. In Austria, folk dance festivals usually take place as follows: first, everybody gets onto the dance floor and dances the opening round; secondly, a welcoming speech is made, and thirdly, waltzes are danced in blocks, with breaks in between. At the end there is usually a special dance, often with a goodbye song. In Vienna, there are usually four long sets of dances, with long breaks and figure dancing in between. In other parts of Austria it is more usual to have a larger number of shorter blocks (three to five dances each) with shorter breaks between them, and more figure dancing. » The Cuisine of Austria , which is often incorrectly equated with Viennese cuisine, is derived from the cuisine of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. In addition to native regional traditions it has been influenced above all by Hungarian, Czech, Jewish, and Italian cuisines, from which both dishes and methods of food preparation have often been borrowed. Goulash is one example of this. Austrian cuisine is known primarily in the rest of the world for its pastries and sweets. In recent times a new regional cuisine has also developed which is centred on regional produce and employs modern and easy methods of preparation.
Outbreak of Severe Pulmonary Disease associated with Using E-cigarettes CDC, U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), state and local health departments, and other clinical and public health partners are investigating a multistate outbreak of severe pulmonary disease associated with e-cigarette product (devices, liquids, refill pods, and/or cartridges) use. This investigation is ongoing and has not identified a cause, but all reported cases have a history of using e-cigarette products. E-cigarettes are devices that deliver an aerosol to the user by heating a liquid that usually contains nicotine, flavorings, and other chemicals. E-cigarettes can also be used to deliver marijuana or other substances. 08-15-19 New York State Health Advisory: Unexplained Vaping-associated Pulmonary Illness: Guidance for Healthcare Providers, Hospitals, Off-Campus Emergency Departments, Substance Use Disorder/Mental Health Agencies, College and University Health Clinics, and Local Health Departments 09-20-19 Health Advisory Update Unexplained Vaping-associated Pulmonary Illness 09-12-19 New York State Commissioner’s Letter to Retailers of E-cigarettes or E-liquids Suffolk County Tobacco Vendor Education: Schedule of classes, online class, Suffolk County Laws regarding Sale and Use of Tobacco Products, E-Cigarettes, Liquid Nicotine and Like Products CDC’s Latest Outbreak Information CDC Media Advisory: September 16, 2019 - CDC Activates Emergency Operations Center for Investigation of Lung Injury Associated with E-cigarette Product Use, or Vaping.
People with diabetes could be helped by a new type of self-monitoring blood glucose sensor being developed by Arizona State University (ASU) engineers and clinicians at the Mayo Clinic. Current diabetes monitoring devices typically require patients to perform the painful task of pricking their finger to draw blood for a test sample — and many patients must do this several times each day. However, the new device under development at ASU would enable people to draw tear fluid from their eyes to get a glucose-level test sample. According to the researchers developing the device, glucose in tear fluid may give an indication of glucose levels in the blood just as accurately as a test using a blood sample. ’This new technology might encourage patients to check their blood sugars more often, which could lead to better control of their diabetes by a simple touch to the eye,’ said Jeffrey LaBelle, a research professor in ASU’s School of Biological and Health Systems Engineering. He is leading the ASU-Mayo research team that is developing the device along with Mayo Clinic physicians Curtiss Cook, an endocrinologist, and Dharmendra Patel, the chair of Mayo’s Department of Surgical Ophthalmology. With funding provided by BioAccel, an Arizona-based non-profit organisation, the research team plans to conduct experiments to determine how well the new device performs compared with current blood-sampling techniques. The researchers hope that the results will help them to secure further funding for more development work from sources such as the US National Institutes of Health and the Small Business Incentive Research Program.
CoralAssist Lab Visits PICRC for Coral Reef Heat Tolerance and Reproduction Experiments CoralAssist Lab, a leading coral reef research group from Newcastle University, has been visiting the Palau International Coral Reef Center since March 2022 to study coral heat tolerance and reproduction on reefs in Palau. The lab is one of the Center’s closest research associates and has visited Palau many times over the past five years for ongoing coral reef studies. The Center’s Chief Executive Officer Dr. Yimnang Golbuu is one of the lab’s official Research Collaborators and Research Assistant LeahMarie Bukurrou works to support their experiments at the Center. During this visit, the lab’s research is focused on why certain corals within populations are more heat tolerant than others, as well as how heat tolerance is passed from parent corals to their offspring. To measure heat tolerance, researchers collected corals from nearby reefs and treated them with warm water in the Center’s seawater tanks, simulating ocean warming. They found that some corals withstood the heat well while others in the population became stressed and bleached. “Our results from a common branching coral species indicate that based on climate models and projected warming through the rest of the century, annual bleaching conditions may occur 1-2 decades later for the most heat tolerant corals than for the least heat tolerant corals” said Dr James Guest, the lab’s principal investigator. “We also found evidence that heat tolerance can be passed from parents corals to their offspring at various life stages (i.e., larvae, juveniles and adults).” The lab is also exploring new outplanting techniques to resettle corals grown in nurseries onto wild reefs. The lab’s method involves specially designed substrates to protect young corals from predators as they mature. These methods could be used to restore damaged reefs or supplement wild populations of heat tolerant corals. Each of the lab’s research results could serve as a proof-of-concept to guide coral reef managers as pressures from climate change and human activity increase in coming decades. The lab has also led capacity building and community engagement efforts throughout their visit, hosting a public presentation and integrating their work with the Center’s research team. “It’s very important for us to work with communities and local researchers in Palau to integrate, build capacity and do beneficial work. That’s as important to us as the research” Continued Dr. Guest. “We hope to continue working in Palau and grow our collaboration with PICRC even further.”
Background: Despite significant diagnosis benefits, the usage of ionizing radiation is not risk-free. The aim of this study was to determine the risk of thyroid cancer for children who exposed from brain computed tomography (CT) scan. Method: In this a cross-sectional study, 90 patients under 20 years of age who underwent brain CT-scan were selected. Parameters such as age, sex, imaging technique, imaging characteristics, and thyroid absorbed dose were considered. We used SPSS software, version 21, at 95% confidence interval to analyze the absorbed dose and risk for each individual. Results: The mean and standard deviation of absorbed the dose for girls and boys for the spiral technique were 3.954±0.393 and 4.72±0.000 mGy and in sequential technique, they were 2.282±0.461 and 1.985±0.431 mGy, respectively. The mean and standard deviation of the absorbed dose in <5 years age group was 5.65±2.00, 3.03±1.34 in 6 to 10 years, 2.63±0.98 in11 to 15 years, and in 16 to 20 years was 2.57±1.04 mGy (P<0.001). There was a significant negative correlation between the absorbed dose and field dimensions (r = -0.604, P<0.001) and slice thickness (r = -0.777, P<0.001). The mean and standard deviation of Lifetime risk for thyroid cancer induction (×105) in <5 years age group in spiral technique was 158.79±322.50 for female subjects and 16.5±42.90 for male patients, which was significantly more than those of other groups and techniques (P<0.001). Conclusion: The rate of thyroid absorbed dose during brain CT-scan was found to be noticeable, especially in spiral CT imaging, for female patients < 5 years. Based on our results, it was associated with an increased risk of thyroid cancer in this age group.
Hypokalemia can induce rhabdomyolysis. The purported mechanism is that hypokalemia antagonizes one of the natural causes of exercise induced vasodilation. Normally, during exercise muscles release intracellular potassium causing local pockets of hyperkalemia which triggers vasodilation and increases perfusion to the active myocytes. Total body potassium depletion and hypokalemia decrease local hyperkalemia preventing the vasodilation which results in tissue hypoxia and rhabdomyolysis. In The Fluid and Electrolyte Companion we illustrated it thusly: I remember thinking how funny it was that we used bowling to represent exercise (though we did slide in those runners behind the bowler). Oh clipart, how much nerdtainment you have given me. This past week-end one of my patients experienced this. He is a high school student who loves to fish. He has congenital type 2 RTA, so is predisposed to hypokalemia. The exercise that triggered his rhabdo: fishing. He presented to the ER following a day of fishing with complaints of muscle cramps and weakness. His potassium was reported as less than 2, with CPKs in the 800 range. One of the unexpected consequences of the rhabdomyolysis was that his cramping continued after the potassium was corrected. In fact, it was actually much worse muscle spasm and tetany of the hands. Turns out, this second round of neuromuscular symptoms weren't due to hypokalemia but rather rhabdomyolysis induced hypocalcemia. He had a normal total calcium and a low ionized calcium. The muscular symptoms responded to a gram of IV calcium gluconate.
Is It a Big Deal if My Toddler Doesn’t Respond to Their Name? One of the earliest social behaviors our babies learn is to respond to their name. Did you know babies usually start responding to their name around 8-10 months? Did you know your child should consistently be doing this by their first birthday? It is a very big deal if your child isn’t responding to their name! I don’t say that lightly or to scare you, but this is one of THE earliest signs that your child may have a developmental delay and needs to be seen by their pediatrician and early intervention program. Not responding to name being called is also an early sign of autism. If you notice your child is not responding to their name (or very rarely) by their first birthday, it’s extremely important that you bring this up to your child’s pediatrician and call your local early intervention program. Because, while it’s a big deal if your child isn’t responding to their name, it’s a skill that can be taught and we can make improvements! Note: If you are concerned that your child is not be responding to their name, make sure to rule out a hearing loss by scheduling an appointment with your child’s pediatrician or audiologist. We always need to rule out a possible medical issue first. Why Responding to Their Name is So Important Learning to respond to their name is a critical skill because it is the foundation of so many other skills. As an early childhood special education teacher, when I don’t see my kids responding to their name, I see delays in these other areas as well: - Comprehension (understanding) of language - Expressive language (gestures, signs, sounds, and words) - Social interactions with adults and kids - Self-regulation and safety As you can see, this one skill has a huge impact on development! Let’s look at each of these skills and how your child not responding to their name has an impact. What do you usually do when someone calls your name? You look up from what you are doing and turn towards the person who called you. That person is trying to get your attention. They need to tell us something. They need to give us a direction. They want to start a conversation. They want to have an interaction with us. We have to shift our attention away from what we were doing and attend to someone else. When toddlers, two-year-olds, and preschoolers are not consistently doing this, parents need to be concerned. This is another early sign of autism. Comprehension of Language When a child is not responding to their name, generally there is also a delay with their comprehension (understanding of language). We call our child’s name to give them information. A lot of information. We are pointing to daddy coming into the room. We want them to notice that big thing in the air and learn that it’s called an airplane. We are calling their name to give them a direction. We are calling their name to draw their attention to something that we want them to see so we can label it for them. When a child is not responding to their name and not shifting their attention to us, he/she is not learning that this fluffy thing you are pointing at is called a dog. Toddlers should be understanding a few directions (no, come here, give it to me) as well as the names of familiar objects and people (bottle, mom, dad, tummy, eyes, banana, etc). By 24 months, children are understanding more complex directions, body parts, and a variety of nouns and simple action words. Children learn this information by consistently responding when their name is called and looking at what someone is showing them. This is what we want as parents, right? We want the words! This is also usually the first clue to parents that something is wrong. We know that around our child’s first birthday, he/she should have a few simple words. But if our child isn’t responding when he/she hears their name, there’s almost always a delay in their use of not only words, but also babbling, gestures, and sounds (which come before words). As I mentioned above, if your child isn’t responding to their name then he isn’t learning the information you’re wanting to give him. If your daughter doesn’t understand the names of people in her home, body parts, foods, names of toys, etc., then she isn’t going to say them either. Early social interactions are critical for our babies, toddlers, two-year-olds, and preschoolers. During daily activities, our little ones learn how to play with toys, problem solve, understand words and directions, use gestures and words to communicate, turn taking, and improve their attention span and ability to regulate their behavior. All of these skills hinge on our child’s ability to respond to their name so we have their attention and can begin and maintain those early interactions. Self-Regulation and Safety We’ve all been there — you’re yelling your child’s name as he runs across the parking lot or as she’s about to touch something hot. Responding to your name being called in these types of situations is vital for safety! We need our child to stop and look at us so we can give them information that will protect them and keep them safe. Help is Available! Every state has an early intervention program that can help assess your child’s early social skills. They will provide testing and services, if your child qualifies for them. They will help you learn specific strategies to help you teach your child how to respond to their name. Call your local health department or school district to find the program that serves your area. While you’re waiting to talk to your pediatrician or get started with early intervention, use the following strategies to help your child start responding when you call his/her name. 7 Strategies to Teach Your Child to Respond to Their Name The wonderful thing about all of these strategies is that we (the adults) do them! We change our behavior or the environment to teach our child to respond to their name. These are my favorite strategies because you can easily fit them into what you’re already doing during the day — with a few minor changes. 1. Decrease the number of times you use their name. Yes — you read that correctly! When we use their name too often, it fades into the background and doesn’t have any meaning. Limit the number of times you use their name during the day — especially with demands or when telling them “no.” Keep using their name during play activities, but really limit how much you use it in other situations. Make sure everyone else at home is doing this well. 2. Decrease distractions You need to teach your child how to look at you when you call him, therefore, you need to limit what else is happening around him. Teach him in a quiet room. Turn off the TV. Have siblings go somewhere else for a few minutes. Get rid of the bins of toys. You can increase the likelihood that your child will respond to you when there are fewer distractions! Teach first in a structured, quiet setting before moving on to teaching them in a more natural space (living room, toy room, etc). 3. Be close and in front Besides decreasing distractions, we also need to be close. Don’t shout their name across the room. Don’t call her name when you’re behind her. We want to do everything we can to increase the likelihood she’ll look at us. Be close and be in front. You can place your child in their high chair and sit right in front of her. You can have your son sit on your bed and you are in front of him and slightly lower. Make it easy for your child to respond when you call their name by being right in their line of sight! 4. Change your tone of voice Many toddlers, two-year-old and preschoolers love music! If you notice your child responds well to music, try calling their name in a sing-song tone of voice. Instead of saying “Emma” in your usual tone of voice, try “Ehhhh mmmaaaa.” 5. Change the volume of your voice Try using louder and softer volumes when you call your child (again, be close and in front). Does your child respond if you whisper? Does a louder volume get a better response? 6. Remove name from commands If my husband only called my name when he wanted me to do something I didn’t want to do, I wouldn’t pay attention to him. If he only called my name when I needed to stop doing something I liked, I wouldn’t pay attention to him. While you are teaching your child to respond to their name, do not attach their name to commands and directions! I know. This one is hard! We don’t want our child to ignore his name because he thinks only bad things happen when his name is called. “Miles, stop jumping.” “Riley, time for diaper change.” “Tyler, turn off your iPAD.” Instead, use his name during play and other fun activities. “You’re swinging high, Miles.” “Riley, you have a big dinosaur.” “Tyler, I see a cat on your iPAD.” 7. Attach their name to getting their favorite thing Does your daughter love bubbles more than anything? Would your son eat fruit snacks all day long? Could your child swing for an hour? GREAT! Gather several of those super awesome things (edibles and activities you don’t have to take away work best). Remember, reduce distractions and be in front! Once your child is looking away from you, call their name clearly. As soon as he looks towards you, give him the favorite thing and say something like “You looked at me! Awesome!” We want to pair the reward with some social praise. You can hug, squeeze, tickle, or just use a phrase like “You looked at me! You’re so great!” Wait for your child to look away again and repeat the process. Repeat it several times or until your child starts to get antsy. End on a positive note and do it again later that day or tomorrow. Keep those favorite items only available during teaching!! We want them to stay super awesome and special to our kids! You Can Teach Your Child to Respond to Their Name When our child is not responding to their name, they are missing out on a lot of learning opportunities. They are also missing out on social interactions. They are not responding to cues that will keep them safe. But when you follow the strategies listed above, you can improve your child’s ability to respond to their name. When we decrease the demands attached to their name and become a fun play partner, we can teach our child that when they respond good things happen! Which of these strategies worked for you? Did something else you tried have great success? Send me a message and let me know! And sign up for the weekly newsletter for additional information and strategies!
Definition of biting midge in English: A very small fly that typically occurs in large swarms. The female has piercing mouthparts and feeds on the blood of a variety of animals including humans. - Family Ceratopogonidae: numerous genera and species, including the punkie (Culicoides and related genera) - Similarly, the Mosquito Magnet mimics a human by emitting a plume of carbon dioxide, heat and moisture, and an attractant, octenol, which targets mosquitoes, biting midges, black flies and sandflies. - Other blood feeding insects or mites that may occasionally be pests of poultry include: chigger mites, biting midges, and black flies (turkey gnats). - Haemoproteus is transmitted by sandflies, or biting midges, of the genus Culicoides, and by louse-flies, both of which occur in the Lesser Antilles. Definition of biting midge in: - British & World English dictionary What do you find interesting about this word or phrase? Comments that don't adhere to our Community Guidelines may be moderated or removed.
As a scientist it is crucial to continue growing and learning as you progress in your field. That being the case, despite a lackluster background in the computer sciences I have come to rely more and more on computational skills in the lab. Ever so slowly the need for a stronger foundation in the tech fields has come to light and I feel woefully behind the times. Computers are everywhere, whether you like it or not, and artificial intelligence, robotics, and coding are slowly taking over the world. The writing’s on the walls: DeepMind beat the Go Champion, Google put Boston Dynamics up for sell, Dark Trace’s machine learning algorithms stopping ransomware, and the multiple countries beginning to seriously discuss a universal monthly income for their citizens. These are red flags. There are only 4 types of work and until DeepMind exhibited its ability to actually learn and teach itself how to do a task by beating the Go player, we at least did not have to fear the onset of automation in 2 of the 4 types. Things…things are’a changin’… However ominous that may sound, we as scientists have to be adaptable. Besides, we have to give it to technology, it continues to exceed our expectations and give us amazing things at an ever quickening pace. With that in mind, this post outlines backing up and/or accessing whole websites offline. The internet is beautiful for many reasons, but one of them is that the billions of people who are on it often are talented and brilliant human beings who can create great things. If you know where to look you can find some of them, though sometime you have to deserve it. So the question is can we save a whole website for access offline? I’m not talking a single page here, no, we want the whole thing. Can we rip it off the nets? Is it possible? The answer is yes. Not only can you access it, but you can access most of it’s features too given the right tools. Look no further though, I will give you all you need here in this quick tutorial. Tools for downloading a whole website - HtTrack -This program copies the contents of an entire site. It can even grab grab the pieces needed to make active code content work offline. - Wget – This program is a classic command-line tool developed for this specific task. It is sometimes included with Unix/Linux systems. It is also available for Windows users as well (newer 1.13.4 ). Despite being a free utility, it packs a lot of bang for the buck allowing for non-interactive downloads of files from the Web. It supports HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP protocols, as well as retrieval through HTTP proxies. Note: Wget is a bit more extensive in the computer department, A good example run is doing the following comd line: wget -r --no-parent http://site.com/songs/ You also might try: --mirror instead of -r. and you might want to include: so as to not follow links to other servers. Here are some of the options explained, if you only get an index try a “-r”. -p get all images, etc. needed to display HTML page. --mirror turns on recursion and time-stamping, sets infinite recursion depth and keeps FTP directory listings --html-extension save HTML docs with .html extensions --convert-links make links in downloaded HTML point to local files. - ServerFault – Used to backup websites for server based entities - Internet Download Manager – This tool has a Site Grabber utility with a lot of options, some of which let you completely download any website you want. - ItSucks – Already a winner in my book, this program is a java web spider (web crawler) with the ability to download (and resume) files. It can also be customized with regular expressions and download templates. Hosts a GUI and console interface. - WebSnake – A powerful offline browser for the Windows platform. Worked like a charm when I tried it out. - WebZip – Another good program worth noting. Remember my site if you ever need access to things when you’re off the grid, you never know when you might need my page! Let me know as always if any links die and if this helps you any feel free to comment below. - http://linuxreviews.org/quicktips/wget/ – Wget help #1 - http://www.krazyworks.com/?p=591 – Wget help #2 - http://brew.sh/ – Installs the stuff you need that Apple didn’t bother giving you, at least as far as they are concerned. I don’t have any Apple products at the moments to mess with it but I will try to set up a OS this summer to see what they are all about. The HomeBrew formulae are all in Ruby. - StackExchange – Recent conversation started on Stack Exchange concerning a couple of these programs and this exact issue.
"Half length portrait of a young man," Gabriel Bray, 1774, National Maritime Museum. This intimate portrait was done by Bray aboard the frigate Pallas during her 1774-1775 cruise. Though the sitter is unidentified, the National Maritime Museum speculates that it may have been an officer or a mate. The clothing is simple, the same as a common seaman would wear. There are examples of officers wearing simple sailor's clothes, like in "Etched from the Life on Board a Scotch Ship: Cook, Captain, and Mait" or the portrait of Captain Andrew Wilkinson. It wouldn't be unheard of for a naval officer to wear more common clothing. There is also the possibility that this is a master, or another warrant officer who was not subject to uniform regulations. Regardless of this man's place in the Pallas' hierarchy, he wears a round hat with a broad band around the crown fitted with an oval buckle. Its brim is turned up on each side at something of a jaunty angle. His hair is turned into side curls, and it appears that the hair at the back of his head is cut short. With his head bent forward, the sailor hides us from a good view of his cravat, which is tucked behind his jacket. We do get a hint of it beside his neck, where the white fabric peaks out. His light blue jacket is single breasted and fitted with large cloth covered buttons, a pair of which are missing from the middle. This gives us a view of his waistcoat or shirt beneath. Though there is little detail it appears to be of the same fabric as the jacket.
Tom’s Tutorials For Excel: Deleting Duplicate Records When you have a list of data, sometimes it is not enough to simply delete rows with duplicated information based only on the items in one column. Multi-column lists can have duplicated records based on the fact that every item in every column of a row’s data matches that of another row’s entire data, cell for cell. In those cases, you need to compare a concatenated (combined) string of each record’s (row’s) data, and compare that to the concatenated strings of all the other rows. Take a close look at this Before and After picture. In the original list, all the items in rows 5 and 7 match, as do all the items in rows 3 and 10. This is a short list for demonstration purposes. If your list were a couple hundred thousand rows deep, such as an annual list of bank transactions or department store purchases, you would need a fast and easy way to delete duplicated records. The macro that follows the picture is one way to do the job. The comments in green explain each step. 'Turn off ScreenUpdating to speed up the macro. Application.ScreenUpdating = False 'Declare a range variable for the helper column being used. Dim FilterRange As Range 'Define the range variables dynamic range. Set FilterRange = Range("E1:E" & Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row) 'For efficiency, open a With structure for the FilterRange variable. 'Enter the formula 'in all cells in column E (the helper column) that returns either TRUE 'if the record is a duplicate of a previous one, or FALSE if the record 'is unique among the records in all previous rows in the list. .FormulaR1C1 = _ 'Turn the formulas into static values because they will be filtered, 'and maybe deleted if any return TRUE. .Value = .Value 'AutoFilter the helper column for TRUE. .AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:="TRUE" 'Error bypass in case no TRUEs exist in the helper column. On Error Resume Next 'This next line resizes the FilterRange variable to exclude the first row. 'Then, it deletes all visible filtered rows, abbreviated by SpecialCells 'constant number 12. .Offset(1).Resize(.Rows.Count - 1).SpecialCells(12).EntireRow.Delete 'Clear the Error object in case a run time error would have occurred, 'that is, if no TRUEs existed in the helper column to be deleted. 'Close the With structure for the FilterRange variable object. 'Exit (stop using) AutoFilter. ActiveSheet.AutoFilterMode = False 'Clear all helper values (there would only be FALSEs at this moment). 'Note that Columns(5) means column E which is the fifth column from the left 'on a standard Excel spreadsheet. 'Clear the range object variable to restore system memory. Set FilterRange = Nothing 'Turn ScreenUpdating back on. Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Have you ever experienced a burning sensation in your feet? Your feet may feel hot for no reason or tingle and become uncomfortable, especially at night. While hot feet syndrome is highly painful, it is extremely common and can affect anyone for several reasons. If you experience a burning sensation in your feet, learn about the cause and potential treatments for burning feet below. Also known as neuropathy, nerve damage occurs when the sensitive nerves of the feet are injured. This is usually caused by disease. Nerve fibers can become overactive, misfiring and sending mixed messages to the brain. Sometimes they may send pain signals, while other times, they may send feelings of tingling, heat, or numbness. These sensations may be manageable with only slight discomfort, or they may be completely debilitating. The most common cause of neuropathy is diabetes. Alcohol abuse, vitamin deficiency, kidney disease, and the side effects of some medications can also cause nerve damage. The nerves of the legs are often affected as well, causing pain and numbness to radiate down the lower legs and into the feet and toes. Another common cause of burning feet is infection. Certain types of infection can cause hot feet. When the feet become inflamed, they can feel hot and uncomfortable. The skin of the feet may feel as though it is tingling and burning, and if not promptly treated, some infections may spread up the leg. Blisters and cuts that become infected may cause burning feet. Fungal infections, such as athlete’s foot, can also cause pain and discomfort. Other Causes of Burning Feet Other possible causes of burning feet include: - Inflammatory Arthritis: Sometimes, arthritic pain can cause a burning sensation in the affected joints. This from excess inflammation buildup, is most often seen with inflammatory arthritis conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, gout and psoriatic arthritis. Treating the underlying arthritis can ease or make the burning sensation go away. - Contact Dermatitis: Contact dermatitis is your skin’s allergic reaction to a certain chemical or substance. It is associated with an itchy red rash. Sometimes, the rash can also feel like it’s burning. Contact dermatitis is caused by allergens and skin irritants. Often, identifying and removing the allergen/irritant can resolve the reaction. Symptoms of burning feet The symptoms you experience will depend on the cause of your condition. Some common complaints include: - Feet that feel warm or hot. - A burning sensation in the feet. - Burning feet at night. - Numbness or loss of sensation. - Prickling or tingling sensation. - Increased sensation to the touch (hyperesthesia). - Impaired blood flow to the feet. - Difficulty walking. How are burning feet diagnosed? Depending on your overall health, your health care provider may use a few different methods to determine the cause of your burning feet. If you have been previously diagnosed with diabetes, this is the likely cause of your neuropathy, and no further testing will often be required. However, if diabetes isn’t the culprit, your doctor may order a blood test, a nerve biopsy, a nerve conduction study, or an electromyography test. These tests will help determine the exact cause of your hot feet and allow your doctor to provide you with the best treatment solution. Treatment for burning feet The treatment for your burning feet will depend on what’s causing it in the first place. If your hot feet are the result of an infection, treating the infection should eliminate all symptoms. If you are suffering from a vitamin deficiency, such as a lack of B12, taking supplements of this nutrient will help. If you have neuropathy, the best option is to slow down any further progression of the disease and help minimize the severity of the symptoms. Keeping your blood sugar levels stable and ensuring you take all prescribed diabetic medications will help keep your nerve fibers healthy. Minimizing alcohol consumption and following a healthy and nutritious diet can also help. On top of this, numerous prescription and over-the-counter medications can reduce your discomfort, help you manage your pain, and improve the quality of your life.
Pest Library - Fleas, Mites & Ticks Pests include those organisms which vector human disease, such as rats and fleas which carry the plague disease, mosquitoes which vector malaria, and ticks which carry Lyme Disease. Flea is the common name for insects of the order Siphonaptera which are wingless insects whose mouthparts are adapted for piercing skin and sucking blood. Fleas are external parasites, living by hematophagy off the blood of mammals (including humans) and birds. In the past, it was most commonly supposed that fleas had evolved from the flies (Diptera), based on similarities of the larvae. (Some authorities use the name Aphaniptera because it is older, but names above family rank need not follow the ICZN rules of priority, so most taxonomists use the more familiar name). Genetic and morphological evidence indicates that they are descendants of the Scorpionfly family Boreidae, which are also flightless; accordingly it is possible that they will eventually be reclassified as a suborder within the Mecoptera. In any case, all these groups seem to represent a clade of closely related insect lineages, for which the names Mecopteroidea and Antliophora have been proposed. - Some flea species include: - Cat flea (Ctenocephalides felis) - Dog flea (Ctenocephalides canis) - Human flea (Pulex irritans) - Northern rat flea (Nosopsyllus fasciatus) - Oriental rat flea (Xenopsylla cheopis) Relationship with host Fleas attack a wide variety of warm-blooded vertebrates including dogs, cats, humans, chickens, rabbits, squirrels, rats, ferrets, and mice. Fleas are a nuisance to their hosts, causing an itching sensation which in turn may result in the host attempting to remove the pest by biting, pecking, scratching, etc. the vicinity of the parasite. Fleas are not simply a source of annoyance, however. Some people and animals suffer allergic reactions to flea saliva resulting in rashes. Flea bites generally result in the formation of a slightly-raised swollen itching spot with a single puncture point at the center (similar to a mosquito sting). The bites often appear in clusters or lines of two bites, and can remain itchy and inflamed for up to several weeks afterwards. Fleas can also lead to hair loss as a result of frequent scratching and biting by the animal, and can cause anemia in extreme cases. Besides the problems posed by the creature itself, fleas can also act as a vector for disease. For example, fleas transmitted the bubonic plague between rodents and humans by carrying Yersinia pestis bacteria. Murine typhus (endemic typhus) fever, and in some cases Hymenolepiasis (tapeworm) can also be transmitted by fleas. Mites belong to the subclass Acarina (also known as Acari) and the class Arachnida. Mites are among the most diverse and successful of all the invertebrate groups. They have exploited an incredible array of habitats, and because of their small size (most are microscopic) go largely unnoticed. Many live freely in the soil or water, but there are also a large number of species that live as parasites on plants, animals, and some that feed on mold. Allergy to Mites Mites cause several forms of allergic diseases, including hay fever, asthma and eczema and are known to aggravate atopic dermatitis. Mites are usually found in warm and humid locations, including beds. It is thought that inhalation of mites during sleep exposes the human body to some antigens that eventually induce hypersensitivity reaction. Dust mite allergens are thought to be among the heaviest dust allergens. Like most of the other types of allergy, treatment of mite allergy starts with avoidance. There is a strong body of evidence showing that avoidance should be helpful in patients with atopic dermatitis triggered by exposure to mites. Regular washing of mattresses and blankets with hot water can help in this regard. Antihistamines are also useful; Cetirizine, for example, is shown to reduce allergic symptoms of patients. However not all types of mites are infectious including the Alaskozetes antarcticus an arctic inhabiting mite. The clover mite, Bryobia praetiosa, is a type of mite best known for the reddish stain left on surfaces after being crushed. Clover mites are 1/30 inch long, oval shaped arachnids with a pair of long legs pointing forward often mistaken for antennae. They are reddish-brown; the younger ones and the eggs are a bright red. Clover mites can become a nuisance in and around houses. They generally enter houses close to thick vegetation and can infiltrate houses in very large numbers through cracks and small openings around windows and doors. Whether indoors or outside, clover mites are found more commonly in sunny areas than in darker areas. Spider mites are members of the Acari (mite) family Tetranychidae, which includes about 1600 species. They generally live on the under sides of leaves of plants, where they may spin protective silk webs, and they can cause damage by puncturing the plant cells to feed. Spider mites are known to feed on several hundred species of plant. Spider mites are less than 1 mm in size and vary in color. They lay small, spherical, initially transparent eggs and many species spin silk webbing to help protect the colony from predators; they get the "spider" part of their common name from this webbing. Hot, dry conditions are often associated with population build-up of spider mites. Under optimal conditions (approximately 80ºF), the two-spotted spider mite can hatch in as little as 3 days, and become sexually mature in as little as 5 days. One female can lay up to 20 eggs per day and can live for 2 to 4 weeks, laying hundreds of eggs. A single mature female can spawn a population of a million mites in a month or less. This accelerated reproductive rate allows spider mite populations to adapt quickly to resist pesticides, so chemical control methods can become somewhat ineffectual when the same pesticide is used over a prolonged period. Tick is the common name for the small arachnids in superfamily Ixodoidea that, along with other mites, constitute the Acarina. Ticks are ectoparasites (external parasites), living by hematophagy on the blood of mammals, birds, and occasionally reptiles and amphibians. Ticks are vectors of a number of diseases, including Lyme disease, Q fever, Colorado tick fever, tularemia, tick-borne relapsing fever, babesiosis, ehrlichiosis and Tick-borne meningoencephalitis, as well as anaplasmosis in cattle and canine jaundice. Ticks are a vector for a number of diseases including Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever and other Tick-borne disease. - Tick Species - American Dog Tick, Dermacentor variabilis, is perhaps the most well-known of the North American hard ticks. This tick does not carry Lyme disease but can carry Rocky Mountain spotted fever. - The Deer Tick, Ixodes scapularis, is common to the eastern part of North America and is known for spreading Lyme disease. - The Western Black-legged Tick, Ixodes pacificus, lives in the western part of North America and is responsible for spreading Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. It tends to prefer livestock such as cows as its adult host. - The Lone Star Tick, Amblyomma americanum, is part of the Ioxdidae family, classifying it as a hard tick. The adult females are distinguished by a white dot or "lone star" on its back. The adult males can also be seen with dots and white streaks on the edge of their bodies. This tick has been associated with transmission of Southern Tick Associated Rash Illness (STARI) in humans, which is a disease caused by a Borrelia sp. related to the agent that causes Lyme Disease.
Researchers at MIT have invented a new robotic oil skimmer, called Seaswarm. Senseable City Lab is unveiling the first prototype at the Venice Architecture Biennale on Saturday. The hope’s to produce a whole fleet of Seaswarms that’ll be able to attack oil spills like a swarm of bees. A patented hydrophobic nanofabric devours as much as 20 times its own weight in oil without collecting water. To capture the oil, the nanofabric’s draped over a conveyor belt that’s then dispatched on the surface of the ocean like “a rolling carpet.” The robot’s entirely autonomous; it swims along, powered by a pair of solar panels. Skeptics might wonder how they’re different from the skimmers deployed on the Gulf this summer to trifling effect, with some 800 vessels collecting just 3 percent of the surface oil. Unlike traditional skimmers, which are moored to larger vessels and have to return to shore frequently for tune-ups, Seaswarms can work 24/7 for weeks on end. Researchers estimate that 5,000 Seaswarms working around the clock for a month would be able to scrub an area the size of the Gulf oil spill. [via Co Design]
Here is our growing list of some of our preferred texts, recommended by professors and students. If you have your own favs, send us the information and we will post it! Executive Function in Education Executive functions perhaps make possible many of the goals we live for and permit ways to identify and achieve those goals. However, to know where one is going, it is necessary to know where you have been and where you are. In this sense, development and elaboration of executive functions are critically dependent on memory and attention and, when built upon this foundation, can provide a basis for continuing adaptation, adjustment, and achievement throughout the life span. Linguistic Fieldwork A Practical Guide This book describes methods for doing fieldwork on language. It grew out of a need for a text which would be useful both to new fieldworkers in linguistics and linguistic anthropology and to students in field methods classes. Although elicitation strategies and data processing are the focus of a field methods class, in the field there are many more skills needed than just data collection, and it may well be that linguistics is the least of the fieldworker’s worries. Therefore here I cover not only linguistic data recording, but also grant-writing procedures, ethics and living in the field. Vowels and Consonants: An Introduction to the Sounds of Languages The notion of the ‘a priori’ has its primary application in the field of epistemology, where it is standardly used to characterize a species of prepositional knowledge (knowledge that p, where p is a proposition) and, derivatively, a class of propositions or truths, namely, those that are knowable a priori (though strictly this way of classifying propositions should be relativized to a type of knowing subject, the usual presumption being that human subjects are in question). In a related usage, certain concepts are sometimes classified as a prior, namely, those that figure as substantive constituents of a priori truths. Vowels and Consonants: An Introduction to the Sounds of Languages This book is about the sound of languages. There are thousands of distinct languages in the world, many of them with sounds that are wildly different from any that you will hear in an English sentence. People trill their lips and click their tongues when talking, sometimes in ways that are surprising to those of us who speak English. Of course, some of the things that we do, such as hearing a different between fin and thin, or producing the vowel that most Americans have in bird are fairly amazing to speakers for other languages, as we will see. Elements of Acoustic Phonetics This revised and expanded edition of a classic textbook provides a concise introduction to basic concepts of acoustics and digital speech processing that are important to linguists, phoneticians, and speech scientists. The second edition includes four new chapters that cover new experimental techniques in acoustic phonetics made possible by the use of computers. Assuming no background in physics or mathematics, Ladefoged explains concepts that must be understood in using modern laboratory techniques for acoustic analysis, including resonances of the vocal tract and the relation of formants to different cavities; digital speech processing and computer storage of sound waves; and Fourier analysis and Linear Predictive Coding, the equations used most frequently in the analysis of speech sounds. Incorporating recent developments in our knowledge of the nature of speech, Ladefoged also updates the original edition’s discussion of the basic properties of sound waves; variations in loudness, pitch, and quality of speech sounds; wave analysis; and the hearing and production of speech. The Rutledge Companion to Sociolinguistics Have you ever noticed an accent or puzzled over a dialect phrase? Language can be a powerful tool with which one can create a persona; it can be a common ground between people or can be used as a divide between social groups. This Companion is for anyone who is interested in how and why people speak and write with such diversity. The Iranian Languages edited by Gernot Windfuhr The Iranian languages are a major Indo-European language family, and with between 150 and 200 million native speakers represent the western branch of IndoIranian. This volume, consisting of fifteen chapters contributed by leading experts in the field, offers an introductory overview of Iranian dialectology and typology, followed by detailed discussions of the principal languages of Old, Middle, and New and Modern Iranian. The language chapters follow the same pattern and sequence of topics, taking the reader through the significant features not only of phonology and morphology, but also of syntax, from phrase level to complex sentences, and pragmatics. In addition, they also address issues of lexis and sociolinguistics. Ample examples on all levels are provided with detailed annotation for the non-specialist reader, and annotated sample texts conclude the chapters This text is meant as a first course book in phonology. The book has evolved as the textbook for a course taught to a mostly undergraduate audience over a number of years in the Department of Linguistics at UCLA. The course meets in lecture for four hours per week, with a one-hour problem-solving session, during a ten-week term. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics This book is intended to provide students with a sound, basic coverage of most of the topics dealt with in courses described as either ‘Sociolinguistics’ or ‘The Sociology of Language.’ It assumes very little previous knowledge of linguistics, anthropology, or sociology, and so should prove to be most useful in a first-level course. It may also be used as a supplementary text in a higher-level course that deals with a narrow range of topics but in which the instructor wants students to become familiar with topics not treated in that course. Each of the sub-topics covered here concludes with a ‘Discussion’ section. The material in these sections is designed to encourage further discussion and research; it may also lead to assignments of various kinds. Strategic Research Agenda For Multilingual Europe 2020 During the last 60 years, Europe has become a distinct political and economic structure. Culturally and linguistically it is rich and diverse. However, from Portuguese to Polish and Italian to Icelandic, everyday communication between Europe’s citizens, enterprises and politicians is inevitably confronted with language barriers. They are an invisible and increasingly problematic threat to economic growth as several recent studies have shown. Linguistics An Introduction The major perspective we adopt in this book regards a language as a cognitive system which is part of any normal human being’s mental or psychological structure. An alternative to which we shall also give some attention emphasises the social nature of language, for instance studying the relationships between social structure and different dialects or varieties of a language. As more and more institutions of higher learning realize the importance of linguistics in teacher preparation programs, linguistics courses are becoming a more integral part of their curriculum. You’re reading this book because you’re in a linguistics class, and you’re probably in a linguistics class because your school or state feels that an understanding of language will help you be a better teacher. Unfortunately, you probably haven’t taken a linguistics class before, so you probably have no idea what linguistics is all about or how it will help you be a better teacher. Hopefully, by the end of the term, this will change. Handbook of Discourse Processes The notion of process is a key ingredient of discourse processes. Researchers explore the processes of comprehending, producing, reproducing, composing, recalling, summarizing, and otherwise creating, accessing, and using discourse representations. So a theory of discourse processing does not simply translate a discourse excerpt into a representation (e.g., a set of propositions, clauses, hierarchical structure, or a matrix of features). The theory also needs to specify the operations of assembling, augmenting, rearranging, or disassembling the representations and contexts in which these operations occur. The processes and representations may be captured at different degrees of grain size and analytical specification. Most of the time the components of a theory are articulated verbally, but sometimes the researcher adopts a concise symbolic language (as in the chapter by Moore and Wiemer-Hastings) and sometimes a precise mathematical language (as in the chapter by Foltz). The Handbook of Language and Gender The purpose of The Handbook of Language and Gender is to provide an authoritative, comprehensive, and original collection of articles representing the richness and diversity of contemporary research in the area. Currently, language and gender is a particularly vibrant area of research and theory development within the larger study of language and society, and the contributions in this volume focus especially on more recent trends and developments. The volume comprises specially commissioned articles in five distinguishable but closely related areas, identified because of their importance in current language and gender research, and encompassing the breadth of interdisciplinary interests of researchers and students in this dynamic area. More Recommended Books - The Atoms of Language The Mind’s Hidden Rules of Grammar – Baker, Mark. Basic Books, 2002. ISBN: 9780465005222. - Contemporary Linguistic Analysis: An Introduction (7th edition) – W. O’Grady & J. Archibald, Pearson Longman. - Semantics – J. Saeed, Blackwell If you lack background in traditional grammar, you may wish to consult: - An Introduction to Grammar – L. LaPalombara, Traditional, Structural, Transformational. Winthrop (Chapters 2-10) (on reserve at Redpath Library). - Linguistics: An introduction to linguistic theory – Fromkin, Victoria A. (ed.). 2000. Blackwell: Malden, Mass. - Patterns in the Mind: Language and Human Nature – Jackendoff, Ray. 1994. Basic Books: New York. - Language – Bloomfield, Leonard. 1933. A classic introductory overview of aspects of language(s), by one of the greatest thinkers in the field. - The Syntactic Phenomena of English, 2nd Edition – McCawley, James. 1998. University of Chicago Press: Chicago. A fantastic sourcebook on English syntax. - Language, Its Structure and Use (Fifth Edition) – Finegan, Edward. 2008. Boston: Thomson Wadsworth. - Linguistics: An Introduction to Language and Communication – Akmajian, Adrian, and Richard A. Demers, Ann K. Farmer, Robert M. Harnish. 2001. MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass. - Language Files: Materials for an Introduction to Language and Linguistics – 1998. Dept. of Linguistics, The Ohio State University. OSU Press, Columbus. - Essential Introductory Linguistics – Hudson, Grover. 2000. Malden MA: Blackwell. ISBN 9780631222842.
Adult Maui Alauahios can be bright yellow. The Maui Alauahio creeps along branches looking for insects to eat. Here an Alauahio grabs an insect to eat. Paroreomyza montana newtoni Maui "Creeper" or Maui Alauahio creep along trunks, branches and twigs, flipping over bark and lichen in search of insects and grubs. Similar to Hawaii Amakihi in appearance and behavior, they can be distinguished by lack of prominent black lores, a straight bill, and brighter yellow color. Habitat & Behavior Alauahio forage among leaves and branches, but occasionally creep over bark of larger trunks. They can be found in native forests and to a lesser extent in exotic tree plantations such as Polipoli Springs State Park and Hosmer's Grove at Haleakala National Park. They rarely forage in arid mamane and pukiawe scrub. They are bold and inquisitive, often approaching people in small flocks. Their contact call is a loud "cheep". Their song consists of a repeated whistled phrase "whichy-wheesee-whurdy-whew". Distribution & Conservation Extinct on Lanai, and extirpated from west Maui, Alauahio now remain only on east Maui. They are fairly common on forested slopes of Haleakala above 1500 m. Their future existence depends on conservation and restoration of malaria-free forest habitat. They are not federally or state listed as endangered but are considered threatened by the Internation Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). To learn more about a project studying Maui Alauahio, go here. Watch a Maui Alauahio foraging (available fullscreen in 1080P HD). Video by Paul Hugel:
Crystallography, crystal chemistry, and characteristics of rock-forming and ore minerals. Description, phase equilibria, origin, and associations of igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks. Laboratory study of hand specimens. Two one-day field excursions. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 1.7 in CHEM 142. Offered: W. It will be divided in a 1/2 mineralogy and 1/2 petrology. In the first half, we will cover the most important aspects of rock-forming minerals: how are they built, where are they formed, and how do they look. In the second half, we will use our acquired knowledge on minerals to study the origin of igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks. Student learning goals Recognise in hand sample the most important rock-forming minerals Understand how and where rock-forming minerals form Learn how the 3 main types of rock form on Earth Place the different rock types in their geotectonic environment General method of instruction 3 hours of lecturing per week 4 hours of laboratory work a week, with 2 TAs Prerequisite: CHEM 142. A background knowledge about the different tectonic settings on Earth would be helpful Class assignments and grading There will a few lab and homework assignments during the class Lecture and lab mid-term exam and final exam
IIT Kharagpur Researchers Transform Steel Plant Slag Dumps in Odisha into Greenbelt Using Traditional Indian Organic Components and Japanese Afforestation Techniques A drive through Angul, near the Dhenkanal region of Odisha will give you vast stretches of green canopy and vegetation on what was once industrial dumpsites. The transformation to a green belt is not a natural reclamation but the Midas touch of the Post Mining Mine Site Restoration group of the Department of Mining Engineering of IIT Kharagpur through a project supported by Tata Steel BSL. The researchers afforested over 32000 square feet in the region following a rapid forest regeneration technique by a unique mix of the traditional resource of Panchagavya with the Miyawaki plantation technique of ecologist Prof. Akira Miyawaki from Japan. The dumping of blast furnace slag by steel plants has been a perennial challenge in India and even in some of the developed countries in the world. These steel slag dumps contribute to the generation of airborne particles causing air pollution and also to groundwater and surface-water contamination through different pathways. The slag-covered land is unsuitable for vegetation growth and associated problems lead to the ruination of vegetation and health hazards for both humans and animals. Researchers at IIT Kharagpur have devised a bioremediation method to reduce the concentration of these polluting slags to an innocuous state. A research team led by Prof. Khanindra Pathak from the Dept. of Mining Engineering at IIT Kharagpur, has turned this slag suitable for plant growth by mixing it with topsoil, cow dung and other organic enhancers. Plants carefully chosen for the Miyawaki technique and 22 native species were grown on the mix with a 30cm layer of topsoil over it administering them with Panchagavya. “Periodic administration of Panchagavya checked the problem of nutrient scarcity while mulching helped retention of water and nutrients. In a span of one year, we witnessed the growth of a self-sustaining mini-forest, dominated by plants belonging to the family Fabaceae and Sesbania grandiflora. The plants with long root systems could utilize the steel slag with their roots penetrating up to a depth of 2 m from the ground surface, thus reducing the effects of groundwater contamination and surface runoff of water in the monsoons,” remarked Prof. Pathak. “Vetiver grass was used as a boundary for the plantation to check migration of nutrients. This grass if grown over the slopes of the slag dumps will further check the fugitive emissions and thereby reducing air pollution and erosion of slag onto adjacent habitations,” he added. The process led an unsupportive steel slag dump to a self-sustaining primary succession over it. The success of the present project has helped the industry to not only comply with the mandate of the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Govt. of India, but will protect the neighboring villages from airborne dust to a certain degree in addition to the usefulness of the vegetation developed to the villagers. Prof. Pathak earlier demonstrated stabilization of dump slope and prevention of erosion at the Joda Mines in the Barbil region, which witnessed regeneration of thick vegetation cover. In another demonstration, a horticulture field was developed at Sonepur Bazari waste dump under a CSR project. The approach established if implemented across such sites in the country would benefit millions of people leaving around the mining region. The damage caused to nature by anthropogenic activities can be repaired permanently following nature’s own way to heal. Restoration of the post-mining mine site is now mandatory, the approaches demonstrated contributions to the rural economy as well as to the regeneration of natural resources for the benefit of a large number of people of present and future generations. The demonstrated methodology also has the possibility to eliminate the need for expensive geotextiles developed in the country using imported technology, opined Prof. Pathak. He further added about the replication of the process for municipality waste dumps. “Development of a vetiver grass field could be beneficial for urban wastewater management as well as municipality solid waste dump sites. We had also demonstrated hydroponic vetiver for the containment of oil in refinery wastewater through an IIT Kharagpur and IOCL collaborative project at the Bongaigaon refinery,” he remarked. Media: Shreyoshi Ghosh, E: [email protected] Connect on social media: Facebook: @IITKgp Twitter: @IITKgp Instagram: @iit.kgp; Or write to [email protected] More information: Dept. of Mining Engineering: http://www.iitkgp.ac.in/department/MI |India Today||Yahoo Finance||Outlook| |ABP Education||Steel Guru||Careers 360| |Swachh India NDTV||NDTV||Telegraph| |Odiasha Expo||Odisha TV||Utkal Today|
Cold and Flu Remedies or Get a Flu Shot? - Publish Date: 2009/04/26 - (Rev. 2018/03/16) - Author: Patsy Hamilton Outline: Whether to take natural herbal cold and flu remedies or risk an adverse reaction to flu shots. Many people are interested in natural and herbal cold and flu remedies... The reasons vary. Some people are aware that an individual may experience an adverse reaction to flu shots. Other people just prefer to use herbs and botanicals as opposed to chemicals and drugs. True stories abound about individuals who have had an adverse reaction to flu shots. But, many health care professionals maintain that flu shots are completely safe and that stories about adverse reaction to flu shots are myths. It is hard to know who to listen to. One thing is certain, there are cold and flu remedies that are completely safe and natural. No one has ever reported an adverse reaction to echinacea. Possibly the most severe adverse reaction to flu shots ever reported came during and immediately after swine flu vaccinations in 1976. People who were hoping to prevent the need for cold and flu remedies took the shots and developed a condition called Guillain-Barre syndrome, a disease in which the body damages it's own nerve cells, resulting in muscle weakness, paralysis and sometimes permanent nerve damage. It may be a combination of factors that causes adverse reaction to flu shots in some people. Health care workers, in particular are strongly advised to have flu shots and other vaccinations and are sometimes not allowed to perform their duties until the vaccinations are complete. There have been more than 14 cases of adverse reaction to flu shots reported by health care workers, including onset of chronic fatigue syndrome, post viral syndrome, chronic viral infections and Epstein Barr virus. In cases where vaccinations are required, it may be that a complete medical history is not taken and that flu shots and other vaccinations are given too freely. It is believed that health care workers should not rely on cold and flu remedies, because they can be contagious before symptoms appear and they may be caring for high risk patients. They are also more likely to be exposed to cold and flu viruses and undoubtedly hospitals and other employers are hoping to prevent absenteeism by preventing the flu. Most of the cases of adverse reaction to flu shots were reported in the late eighties, early nineties. So, some experts believe that there is no cause for concern now and that if you want protection from the flu, rather than cold and flu remedies, they recommend that the best form of protection is a flu shot. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) as well as other health organizations makes that recommendation. But, they are also quick to point out that if you have had an adverse reaction to flu shots in the past, then you should make your doctor or other health care professional aware of this fact, before you take the shot this year. It may be that in some cases cold and flu remedies are better choices than prevention by vaccine. The most recent reports of severe adverse reaction to flu shots are possibly the saddest of all. Children who had received the flu shot or whose mothers had received the flu shot while they were pregnant developed Autism at an alarming rate. Children are considered to be at high risk for developing complications of the flu and parents are therefore encouraged to have there children vaccinated, rather than relying on cold and flu remedies. It is believed that the presence of thimerosal, a mercury based preservative, in flu shots led to Autism in the children. Thimerosal and mercury are known to be toxic to the nerve cells of the brain. Because of the adverse reaction to flu shots with thimerosal, New York has banned the use of thimerosal in flu shots and other vaccines to be given to children and pregnant women. But, other states are still allowed to use flu shots with thimerosal, so if you decide to take a flu shot this year, be sure to ask for preservative free. If you are concerned about possible adverse reaction to flu shots, then skip it. Many people do not take flu shots (this author included) and do not get colds or flu bugs. There are many natural and herbal cold and flu remedies that are not believed to be linked to any chronic diseases. Products like andrographis paniculata, ginseng, green tea, beta glucans, vitamin C, magnesium, manganese and zinc can all help your body fight off colds, flu bugs and other viruses by boosting your immune system.
The ongoing western U.S.. drought (2012-2015) presents a fine example of how variable the climate in this region of the world can be when compared with average or above average winters. Prolonged dry periods are not abnormal on geologic timescales and may be the rule rather than the exception, contrary to what we would prefer. The days of skiing the many classic ski descents in the southern Sierra from summit to sagebrush may not happen very often. We have gotten a taste of what is possible in terms of dry winters. Most likely, a decent or even great snow year will occur in the next few years but there are no guarantees. In the nine years of avalanche center operations, 4 winters were above average (2006, 2009, 2010,2011), 5 have been dry to very dry (2007, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015) and one (2008) was just below average. If climate scientists are right, the trend is for less snow to fall above 8,000 ft. with warmer storms and warmer winters. Back to back dry winters have created a lot of consternation and many skiers and riders have modified their recreational activities in response to low snow conditions. Perceptions of what most folks once considered a day of good skiing has evolved over the last several winters as we adapt to shallow snow coverage and the ever present threat of hitting rocks. Phrases such as “back when it used to snow” are more common in every day conversations. Back in December, I had no idea the winter would be drier than last winter- surely we had hit bottom in 2014! But nature slapped us in the face again- this winter, 21 storms accounted for the season snowfall of 125 inches at the ski patrol study plot on Mammoth Mountain. In 1987, 195 inches was recorded at the study plot and 1987 was the driest year of the 7 year drought. The long term average snowfall from the winter of 1983 to 2015 is 357 inches, so this winter’s snowfall was 35% of the long term average. The winter began with promise with 48 inches of snow and 6 inches of water content falling in December. We enjoyed the first turns of the season in TJ Bowl. Slope cuts produced small wind slab avalanches on wind loaded slopes. Of course there were a lot of rocks, but I thought surely the next couple of December storms would erase all signs of rocks. First ECT of the winter December 18, 2014. Hopes were high for a snowy winter. January storms were moisture starved and only three storms reached the area; only 2.5 inches of snow fell in January in three storms! Psyche for skiing and riding began to wane as each forecasted storm never delivered the amount of snow promised. Nature’s New Year’s gift was a strong north wind event that created 2 to 3 foot high sastrugi on the San Joaquin Ridge. After the first week of January, temperatures reached the upper 50’s above 9,000 ft. What happened to our winter? San Joaquin Ridge in mid-January 2015. Acres of sastrugi formed from relentless north winds. In early February, weather forecasters identified an atmospheric river event that would bring heavy snow to the area. The storm brought the tropics instead of winter and more precipitation in the form of rain than snow. A rain/snow mix reached the 11,000 ft. summit of Mammoth Mountain. Icy glazed surfaces were everywhere- all aspects and elevations. The rain and snow mix created a thick hard, impenetrable layer that became the prominent feature of the snowpack. Digging snow pits became tedious and time consuming because the hard layer had to be cut into 12 inches squares before a shovel could get through. I posted many boring snowpit pictures of facet/crust combinations in February and March that looked the same no matter where the pit was dug. Not everything was bad about the layer- new cold dry storm snow that fell at the end of February bonded well to the layer resulting in great skiing and mostly stable snow conditions in the Negatives and the Mammoth Crest into the first week of March. Warm weather returned after the first week of March and cycles of crust/facet sandwiches created lousy snow conditions by mid-March though steep sheltered north facing slopes held settled powder, also known as near surface facets. Only three storms reached the area in March, dropping a depressing 7 inches of snow in a month that usually delivers many feet of snowfall. The biggest storm of the season occurred in the first part of April when 21 inches fell in two days. We enjoyed great conditions on Mammoth Mountain and in the Mammoth Basin. It would have been nice if storms like this one occurred earlier and more often this winter, but unfortunately, winters that start in April might be the new norm. One final April storm last week (April 25) dropped 8 to 12 inches in the Mammoth Basin. After a few days of widespread loose wet slides in north facing alpine terrain, good spring conditions can be reached after a short hike. Even in the driest winter since the 1930’s, there was enough snow that accumulated on north facing slopes in the Mammoth Basins to provide spring skiing in early May. I know we are all hoping that next year will be memorable for heavy snowfalls and deep snowpacks. Thanks to all of you for reading the summaries this winter. This snowpack summary applies only to backcountry areas outside established ski area boundaries. This snowpack summary only describes general avalanche conditions and local variations always occur. This snowpack summary expires 24 hours after the posted time unless otherwise noted. The information in this snowpack summary is provided by the USDA Forest Service who is solely responsible for its content.
During holiday season, it is always tempting to indulge in some tasty treats that are perhaps not the highest in nutritional value for the well-being. Well it is not our purpose to be conscience for anyone, but just to - well yes - prick the conscience to be aware of the recent study on the healthiest nine foods in the world, according to this study. Kale. It is one of the trendiest vegetables right now, and there is a good reason for its popularity. Kale has a large number of health benefits. In a single cup of raw kale, you will find just 36 calories, two grams of protein, no fat, zero sugar, all nine essential amino acids and your recommended daily intake of vitamin K, A and C. It is also full of antioxi-dants, magnesium and calcium. Apples. An apple a day may in fact keep the doctor away. Although it is a staple fruit in many households, you should not ignore it. Apples are healthy, and they contain fiber, antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. One study even suggests people who eat five or more apples per week have better lung function. Oranges. Although they are another household staple, oranges are healthy. Just a single orange in the morning can give you a full day’s worth of vitamin C and potassium. This fortifies your immune system and prevents you from getting sick during risky flu seasons and other times of the year. Kiwifruit. Not only is kiwifruit extremely tasty, but it is also nutritious. One of the benefits is that it’s phytonutrients actually “protect DNA in the nucleus of human cells from oxygen-related damage.” Other research shows that kiwifruit also protects against asthma, macular degeneration and cardiovascular related health problems. Blueberries. One of the best qualities about blueberries is that they can be used in a variety of ways. From jams and jellies to fruit salads and muffins, blueberries go with almost anything. According to one study, women with a high intake of blueberries appear to have a significant delayin cognitive aging – by as much as 2.5 years. Red cherries. Are you interested in reducing inflammation in a natural way? Red cher-ries are high in anti-inflammatory properties and have been shown to reduce chronic pain symptoms with steady consumption. They do not get nearly as much discussion as some of the other super fruits. Red cherries are one of the healthiest options available. Avocados. You can add avocados to the list of tasty superfoods. A single avocado contains a high amount of fiber, folate and vitamin K, E, C and B6. The health benefits include blood sugar control, reduction of inflammation, weight management and reduced risk of arthritis and cardiovascular problems. Strawberries. Even one handful of strawberries per day can help you stave off heart disease and unwanted inflammation. They have been shown to control type 2 diabetes and provide a good source of vitamin C, other antioxidants and a long list of nutrients. Carrots. One serving of carrots only contains 30 calories and is filled with vitamin K, lutein and fiber. Regular consumption of carrots can lead to better eye health and may reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease. You do not have to compromise taste to eat healthy. All nine of these fruits and vegetables are both healthy and delicious. Enjoy. The thinking instilled into many of our minds of football players is the rugged outdoor person, thriving on the all essential ‘meat and three veg’ diet! Well, one football club has really broken the mould on that thinking. The Forest Green Rovers Football Club in England has not only dropped out the roasted lamb chop and rashers of bacon, but recently fish and all animal products are off the menu. They have been heading in this direction for some time apparently, but this is not just a fancy idea of the captain or the coach, this is all the players, staff and fans! The owner of the club, Dale Vince has been involved in green energy in a big way for some time, and has helped the Forest Green Rovers Club become environmentally aware and sustainable. Anyone coming to the matches will not be feasting on the traditional meat pie, or even the old fish and chips for that matter. On the menu at the stadium during events, instead of the tradition meat pie, are sweet potato burgers, vege-wraps and pizza. Mr Vince takes his views of green energy very seriously. “The meat and dairy industry is responsible for more emissions than all the world’s planes, trains, cars and boats put together. “It involves incredible animal cruelty and staggering numbers: in Britain alone, over one billion animals are eaten each year — three million per day — and that’s not even counting fish. “Each of these animals lives a short and awful life, and each of them consumes more food than their bodies provide us with ... Making these facts plain and demonstrating what a plant based diet looks, and tastes like, is an important part of our work.” Well, there are more reasons than just fancying a meat free dish for a trendy change. Along with Mr Vince, we all need to become much more aware that providing a meat diet is unsustainable long term. ~Story line drawn from Fox Sport, November 03, 2015 Recipe of the Month ½ c sunflower seeds ¼ c sesame seeds ¼ c chopped walnuts or almonds ½ c honey 1 t vanilla 1 c peanut or almond butter or tahini ¼-½ c carob powder ½ c coconut ½ c raisins Combine sunflower, sesame seeds and walnuts. Lightly toast in a dry pan or in a 150°C oven for about 15-20 minutes. Meanwhile heat honey, vanilla and nut butter on low heat briefly and stir until smooth. Stir in carob and remaining ingredients. Press mixture into a sprayed 20x20 cm pan. Cover and chill for several hours before cutting into squares. A very nice sweet and tasty treat for any holiday season.
When the mind controls the machinesJanuary 24, 2013 by Emmanuel Barraud in Medicine & Health / Neuroscience More than a hundred patients suffering from severe motor impairments have voluntarily participated in the development of non-invasive brain-machine interfaces. The main purpose of these machines is to allow the patients either regain some of their mobility or improve their social relationships. Today, three presentations took place in Sion during the closing seminar of the TOBI European research program, which has been coordinated by EPFL for approximately four years. Stroke survivors, as well as patients suffering from other serious conditions, may have to deal with the partial or complete inability to move one or more of their limbs. In the most severe cases, the sufferer may become fully paralyzed and in need of permanent assistance. The TOBI project (Tools for brain-computer interaction) is financed by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme for Research (FP7) and is coordinated by EPFL. Since 2008 it has focused on the use of the signals transmitted by the brain. The electrical activity that takes place in the brain when the patient focuses on a particular task such as lifting an arm is detected by electroencephalography (EEG) through electrodes placed in a cap worn by the patient. Subsequently, a computer reads the signals and turns them into concrete actions as, for instance, moving a cursor on a screen. Tests involving more than 100 patients Based on this idea, researchers from thirteen institutions together with TOBI project partners have developed various technologies aimed at either obtaining better signal quality, making them clearer, or translating them into useful and functional applications. During the research, more than 100 patients or handicapped users had the opportunity to test the devices. Three of the technologies developed within the framework of TOBI were publicly presented at the closing seminar of the research program that took place in Sion from 23 to 25 January 2013: - Robotino, for helping rebuild social ties when bedridden. Combining EEG, signal recognition, obstacle sensors and the internet, researchers have been able to develop a small robot equipped with a camera and a screen that can be controlled remotely by physically disabled people. Thanks to this device, the patient can take a virtual walk in a familiar environment, meet her/his relatives and talk to them, even if they are thousands of miles away from each other. - Braintree, for writing texts and internet surfing. Researchers have also developed a graphical interface specially adapted for web browsing by severely disabled people. By thinking, the patient is able to move a cursor in a tree structure in order to type a character or choose a command. Depending on the specific situation, the sensors can also detect residual muscular activity to complement the management of the device. - Functional electrical stimulation, to restore some basic mobility. Coupling EEG with electrical muscle stimulation can allow a patient to voluntarily control the movement of a paralyzed limb. In some cases, intensive training using this system has allowed the patients to regain control of the limb and keep it without assistance. A report on this technique can be seen in the video above. The results of the TOBI research program have restored patients' hope. They will constitute the basis of subsequent developments to be conducted among the research partners or at industrial level. As for EPFL, such results will be the core of its health research chairs at the new EPFL Valais Wallis academic cluster, which can also count on the participation and support of the SuvaCare rehabilitation clinic in Sion. "Our results are already very promising," says José del R. Millán, professor at the Centre for Neuroprosthetics (CNP) at EPFL, holder of the Defitech Foundation Chair in Non-Invasive Brain-Machine Interface and TOBI project coordinator. Nevertheless, he adds: "The road is still long before the "turnkey" product is made available to physicians and patients. Each brain has its own way of transmitting its signals and the devices' calibration requires the investment of significant resources. However, we have paved the way for a new critical approach to the physical and social rehabilitation of patients." Provided by Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne "When the mind controls the machines" January 24, 2013 http://medicalxpress.com/news/2013-01-mind-machines.html
« ΠροηγούμενηΣυνέχεια » AMHERST PARISH, NELSON COUNTY. We have seen that this was separated from Lexington in 1778. It is not known how many churches there were in it at that time, but certainly one at Rockfish Gap, near the mountain, and one near James River, in the neighbourhood of the Cabells. The Rev. Robert Rose, in his journal ending in the year 1751, often speaks of being at the houses of the Cabells and preaching in that neighbourhood, and doubtless a church must have been built there soon after, called Key's Church. About the year 1780, it is believed a Mr. Buchan was minister of that parish,-probably the same who was afterward in Stafford. In the year 1790 the Rev. Isaac Darneile appears on the journal of the Convention as minister of this parish. Of him I have spoken on a former occasion, as one who was always in pecuniary difficulties, who exchanged the pulpit for the bar, and, failing in that also, left his family behind, and, going to the South, spent some years there. In 1795 the Rev. William Crawford, brother or near relative of Mr. Charles Crawford, succeeded Mr. Darneile, preaching at Rockfish Key's, the old court-house, and Hat Creek. Mr. Crawford was, I believe, the last regular minister of this parish, until the Rev. Charles Page undertook the charge of it, in connection with that of Lexington, some years after the revival of the Church commenced. The Rev. Mr. King and Dr. Stephens, of Staunton, had performed some duties at Rockfish Gap Church before Mr. Page's more regular assumption of the charge of the parish. The Rev. Frederick Goodwin succeeded Mr. Page in this parish, and has continued to be its minister until the last year. The Rev. Mr. Martin is its present minister.* As to the churches in the parish of Amherst and county of Nelson of more recent erection, there was, until a few years since, one called Calloway's Church, of whose date, however, I am unable to speak positively, but think it must have been at a much later date than the old ones which have long since passed away. This has been deserted of late years for two new brick houses, the one called Trinity, near the residence (Oak Ridge) of old Mr. Rives, and built chiefly, if not entirely, by him, and the other at New Market, on the James River Canal, at the mouth of Tye River. The old church at Rockfish has also been removed to a more convenient place, not far off, and entirely renovated. The Rev. Cleland Nelson preceded Mr. Goodwin in this parish. Amidst no little opposition, Captain John B. Coles and Mr. Martin, two fast friends of the Church, determined upon the effort for its removal and renewal, and invited all the neighbours-even the poorest to meet at certain appointed days for its prostration, its removal and re-erection, and completely triumphed over all opposition and falsified all unfavourable prophecies. In another place I have stated that it has been for many years supplied with occasional services by ministers from Albemarle county. THE FAMILY OF CABELLS. Among the numerous families of Amherst and Nelson who were the active supporters of the Episcopal Church, the Roses and Cabells were most conspicuous. Of the Roses, the descendants of the Rev. Robert Rose, who died in 1751, leaving large estates to his four sons, we have already written in our sketches of the father in a previous article. Of the Cabells we will now make some mention, abridging our notice from the various accounts we have of them. Dr. William Cabell, a surgeon of the British navy, emigrated to Virginia about the year 1720 or 1725, according to different accounts. It is said he owned twenty-five thousand acres of land on either side of Upper James River, in the counties of Nelson, Am herst, and Buckingham. He was one of the earliest vestrymen and wardens in the Church, as established in that part of Virginia, and was the intimate friend of the Rev. Robert Rose. Between the years 1740 and 1750 he appears as chiefly concerned in the contracts for the building of churches, &c. He had four sons,-William, Joseph, John, and Nicholas. William, the eldest, was the owner of the estate called Union Hill, in Nelson county, on James River. Mr. Grigsby has given a very glowing account of this mansion and the hospitality of its owner, and his great business-talents as a farmer, and in other respects comparing his house to Mount Vernon, except that it was larger, and himself to Washington, as to the management of his estate, and methodical accounts kept by him. He speaks of his association with Washington in all the great political bodies in Virginia previous to 1776, as well as in that year, and of his political career afterward, terminating in the adjournment of the Federal Convention. It remains for me to add, that before and after the death of his father, Dr. Cabell, he was also the active. vestryman and churchwarden in the parish, the intimate friend of the Rev. Mr. Rose, who was often at his house. I have before me subscription-papers and contracts in which he is leader in all Church matters in the parish, especially after the Establishment was put down and it became necessary to raise a salary for the minister by private contributions. His son also, Mr. William Cabell, who was a representative in Congress from this district before his father's death, and in connection with his father, took part in the vestryproceedings. Of his other sons I have no account. Of his daughters, one married Mr. Rives, the father of W. C. Rives and of a number of other sons and daughters; another married Judge Cabell; another the Rev. Mr. Legrand. The present Mayo Cabell, of Nelson, and Mrs. Bruce, of Richmond, are also descendants of Colonel Wm. Cabell. The second son of Dr. Cabell, father of the family, was Joseph, of whom all the information I have is, that he was also at various times in the House of Burgesses, and took part in the Revolution, and was the ancestor of General Cabell, of Danville, and of the Breckenridges of Virginia and Kentucky. Of the third son, John, I learn that he was in the Convention of 1775 and 1776, and was the father of the late Dr. George Cabell, of Lynchburg. Of the fourth son, Nicholas Cabell, of Liberty Hall, I find that he was both in the field and the Legislature, and was the father of the late Judge W. H. Cabell and Joseph C. Cabell. I have also papers showing that he was a vestryman of the church in this parish, and took a lively interest in its affairs. He was the collector of the subscriptions made to the ministers after the Revolution to him Mr. Darneile applied in his difficulties, for relief, and both himself and his brother, Colonel Wm. Cabell, acted as friends to Mr. Darneile by advancing moneys for him. On a slip of paper before me I find that he also collected what was given to the Rev. Mr. Clay, while minister in Albemarle, for services rendered at Key's Church, in Nelson, but which Mr. Clay requested him to give to the poor of the parish.* The following additions to my account of the Cabells have been sent me by one of the family, and will, I am sure, prove interesting, not only to all of that widespread connection, but to many others. "Dr. William Cabell came to Virginia either in 1723 or 1724. Colonel William Cabell, Sen. it was who once held twenty-five thousand acres of land in this region. His father may at one period have owned half so much. His object seemed to be rather to acquire that of the best and most durable quality for the use of his posterity, than to embrace a surface which could not be brought into use for a generation to come. He accordingly secured all the alluvial land in the Valley of James River, for more than twenty miles continuously, above this place, where he resided. Was not he also the Wm. Cabell whom Mr. Rose visited? I have some doubts whether Colonel Wm. Cabell (who was born in March, 1730) was settled at Union Hill I have also a manuscript sermon preached by the Rev. Charles O'Neale, then probably a minister of some neighbouring parish, (or Colleton, as it was then called) before Mr. Rose's death. Two of the contracts for building churches in Albemarle, which I sent you, were those spoken of by Mr. Rose near the close of his diary, and probably left with Dr. Cabell for safekeeping. "1. Of the sons of Dr. Cabel!, the first and third-William and John-married re spectively Margaret and Paulina, daughters of Colonel Samuel Jordan, who lived on James River, in Buckingham, and near the Seven Islands. The former was accounted an able man and true patriot in his day, and was much respected in all the relations of life. He had four sons, of whom three were somewhat distinguished in the family. Samuel Jordan, the eldest,—who married Sarah, daughter of Colonel John Syme, of Hanover, -was the member of Congress from this district from 1795 to 1803. He had risen to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel in the Southern War, and afterward served in the Legislature of the State, and in the Convention of 1789. William, generally known as Colonel Wm. Cabell, Jr., also served in the latter scenes of the war in this State, and was occasionally in the Legislature afterward. He married Anne, daughter of Judge Paul Carrington, and was the father of Colonel Edward A. Cabell, sometime of Amherst, now of Washington, D.C., of Mayo Cabell, and of Mrs. Bruce, and others. Landon, the third son,-a man of distinguished talents and acquirements, but never in public life, married a daughter of Colonel Hugh Rose, and was the father of Dr. R. Henry Cabell, now of Richmond. Colonel Cabell's daughter Paulina had married Major Edmund Read, of Charlotte, (son of Colonel Clement Read,) before she was married to Rev. Mr. Legrand. "2. Colonel Joseph Cabell-who married a Miss Hopkins, of Amherst, (now Nelson,)—had but one son and several daughters. The son, who bore his own name, married Pocahontas, daughter of Colonel Robert Bolling, of Chellowe, Buchanan, and their descendants (of whom you have mentioned General Cabell) are numerous. Colonel Joseph Cabell was the ancestor of the Breckenridges of Kentucky, and not of Virginia. Thus, his daughter Mary married John Breckenridge, (elder son of General James Breckenridge.) This gentleman, after a successful career at the bar here, (he lived in Albemarle,) removed with George Nicholas to Kentucky, of which territory they immediately became the leading citizens. When it was erected into a State Mr. Breckenridge was sent to the Senate of the United States, and at his death was Mr. Jefferson's Attorney-General. The eldest son of Mr. Breckenridge (Joseph Cabell Breckenridge) was a rising statesman of Kentucky at the time of his death. He married a daughter* of President Smith, of Princeton, and their son is now Vice-President of the United States. The three younger sons of Mr. Breckenridge-John, Robert, and William-became distinguished Presbyterian clergymen. His daughter (Letitia) married first a son of Mr. Senator Grayson, and second, General P. B. Porter, of New York, Mr. Adams's Secretary of War. To return: Colonel Joseph Cabell had other daughters, of whom Anne married Robert Caiter, son of Carter Harrison, of Clifton, in Cumberland; and Elizabeth married Colonel William J. Lewis, of Campbell, sometime member of Congress from that district. The major part of Colonel J. Cabell's descend. ants are now to be found in the West,-particularly in Kentucky and Missouri. "3. Colonel John Cabell had several sons,-of whom Dr. George Cabell, of Lynch * Miss Caroline Smith, who, when the author of this work was at Princeton College, was a favourite with the students by reason of her many interesting qualities. afterward in Prince William, in the year 1794, on the occasion of the death of two of Mr. Nicholas Cabell's daughters, Hannah and Henningham, who died on the 7th and 8th of September of that year, aged the one eight and the other six years. In this sermon also we see the deficiency of the pulpit in that day. Once only is there allusion to Christ, when he says that "to those who lead a virtuous life, and die in the faith of Christ, the whole aspect of death is changed," while in the sermon, which is on resignation and preparation for death, he speaks of certain duties "to be performed in order to make us acceptable to God," and at the close of it says that "the best preparation for death is a virtuous temper and a good life. When once you are furnished with these qualifications, you may view it approaching toward you with a calm and constant mind, free from any timorous and unmanly solicitude." Nothing is said in the sermon about a new birth of the Spirit as a necessary qualification for heaven, of faith in Christ and repentance toward God as being the constant exercises of the true Christian, and from which any good works can flow. There are many very good things said about the vanity of earthly things and the duty of considering our latter end, but they are such things as are common to the Christian preacher and the pagan philosopher. I might also speak of the Sheltons, Taliaferos, Thompsons, Ellises, Davises, Tinsleys, Garlands, and others, as having been fast friends of the Church in Amherst and Nelson, but refer to the list of vestrymen for the purpose of showing who were her persevering advocates. There is one name on which I must dwell for a moment. Mr William Waller, lately deceased, was perhaps inferior to none of the laity of Virginia in personal piety and hearty zeal for the burg, was the eldest. His brother John, of the same place, was also a learned and successful physician. "A third son-Frederick-succeeded to the family mansion on James River, opposite New Market, and his eldest son, of the same name, was several times a delegate from this county under the second Constitution, and the first Senator from this district under the present régime. A fourth son of Colonel John removed to Kentucky. One of his daughters married first her cousin Hector, and afterward Judge Danfel. 4. Colonel Nicholas Cabell embarked in the Revolutionary service so early as 1775, and several years afterward the Legislature appointed him to the command of one of the State Regiments; but it so happened, and much to his mortification, that he was never called into action. He served in the Senate for more than sixteen years from 1785. Of his four sons we have mentioned the first and third. The second was the father of Professor Cabell, of the University; the fourth of Francis Cabell, of Warminster."
Pakistan has been working really hard to tackle climate change in multiple ways and its efforts have been recognized on many international forums. The recent organization to acknowledge the PTI government’s efforts in leading the world on climate action is World Bank. The World Bank’s (WB) Country Director to Pakistan, Najy Benhassine shared a series of tweets where he mentioned that the country has taken some concrete steps to tackle climate change issues in the country. Benhassine stated that Pakistan is at the center of the global fight against climate change, and reaffirmed the bank’s full support for its efforts. “Pakistan’s ranking in the Climate Impact Index has risen consistently. Pakistan has met its CCB target of 1.365 billion in FY 2021.” According to the World Bank, under the Co-benefits of climate change mitigation, Pakistan has done the most environmentally beneficial actions in the world. A total of 61% of measures were done to mitigate climate consequences, with Pakistan taking 39% of its initiatives under the CCB to improve the environment. Prior to the recent appreciation by World Bank, the World Economic Forum (WEF) also praised Pakistan’s environmental policies, climate action plan, and response to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic in a video. According to the video, Pakistan has committed to obtaining 60% of its energy from renewable sources by 2030 and has replaced coal projects with hydroelectric electricity. It also mentions the establishment of 15 new national parks in Pakistan and the impending introduction of a $500 million “green Eurobond” by Khan’s Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI)-led administration. “Globally PTI’s environment policies are being recognized especially our green recovery program from the Covid 19 pandemic and our Climate action plan,” prime minister Imran Khan said in a tweet. It is indeed great to see Pakistan’s efforts being recognized in the climate change arena. What’s better is that the world is also appreciating the solutions. Have something else to add to this? Write in the comments.
Herbal medicine is the medicine of the people. It is simple, safe, effective, and free. Our ancestors knew how to use an enormous variety of plants for health and well being. Our neighbors around the world continue to use local plants for healing and health maintenance, and you can too. Ancient memories arise in you when you begin to use herbal medicine. These lessons are designed to nourish and activate those memories and your inner herbalist so you can be your own herbal expert. In our first lesson, we learned how to "listen" to the plants by focusing on how they taste. In lesson two, we explored simples and water-based herbal remedies. In the third lesson, we learned how to tell safe (nourishing and tonifying) herbs from more dangerous (stimulating and sedating) herbs. Our fourth lesson dealt with poisons; we learned how to make a tincture and we put together our Herbal Medicine Chest. The fifth lesson found us making herbal vinegars, and the sixth, making herbal oils. In our last lesson together, we looked at our thoughts about healing; we discussed the Scientific goal of fixing the broken machine, the Heroic intention to cleanse the toxins from our polluted bodies, and the Wise Woman desire to nourish the wholeness of the unique individual. In this, the eighth lesson, we return to the herbal pharmacy, to make healing sweets: herbal honeys, syrups, and cough drops. In our next lesson, the ninth and last of this series, we will continue our exploration of the ideas behind healing with a tour of the Seven Medicines. Honey has been regarded as a healing substance for thousands of years. Greek healers relied on honey water, vinegar water, and honey/vinegar water as their primary cures. An Egyptian medical text dated to about 2600 BCE mentions honey 500 times in 900 remedies. What makes honey so special? First, honey is antibacterial. It counters infections on the skin, in the intestines, in the respiratory system, or throughout the body. To take this eight part course and get the full content join Personal Mentorship with Susun Weed at the Herbal Medicine Mentorship level – click here to get the details If you're already a member Click here to read the rest of Part Eight back to articles index If you want to be your own herbal expert - consider Studying with Susun via a correspondence course! Note: close this window to return to where you came
since one mile is equal to 63,360 inches, you have the right to use this an easy formula to convert: How plenty of Inches are in a Mile? There room 63,360 inches in a mile, i beg your pardon is why we use this value in the formula above. 1 mi = 63,360" our inch fraction calculator can include miles and also inches together, and it also automatically counter the outcomes to us customary, imperial, and SI metric values. Miles and also inches are both units supplied to measure length. Keep analysis to learn more about each unit of measure. You are watching: How many in in a mile The mile is a linear measurement of size equal to precisely 1,609.344 meters. One mile is additionally equal to 5,280 feet or 1,760 yards. The mile is a us customary and imperial unit of length. Miles have the right to be abbreviated together mi, and are also sometimes abbreviated as m. For example, 1 mile deserve to be composed as 1 mi or 1 m. An inch is a unit the linear length measure same to 1/12 that a foot or 1/36 that a yard. Since the international yard is legally identified to be equal to exactly 0.9144 meters, one customs is equal to 2.54 centimeters.<1> The customs is a united state customary and imperial unit the length. Inches can be abbreviated as in; because that example, 1 inch have the right to be composed as 1 in. customs can likewise be denoted utilizing the ″ symbol, otherwise recognized as a double-prime. Regularly a double-quote (") is used rather of a double-prime because that convenience. A double-prime is frequently used to express 1 in as 1″. See more: What Is Difference Between Physical And Logical Topology ? Difference Between Physical And Logical Topology The standard ruler has actually 12", and is a typical measuring tool for measuring inches. They are likewise often measured making use of tape measures, which commonly come in lengths from 6' - 35'. Other varieties of measuring tools include scales, calipers, measure up wheels, micrometers, yardsticks, and even lasers. we recommend utilizing a leader or tape measure up for measure length, which deserve to be found at a neighborhood retailer or residence center. Rulers are easily accessible in imperial, metric, or mix with both values, for this reason make sure you get the correct type for your needs. need a ruler? try our cost-free downloadable and printable rulers, which include both imperial and also metric measurements. Mile to inch Conversion Table
|People and Topics||Biographical Data| Born twenty years before the Salem Witch Trials began, Mary Warren became one of the most rigorous accusers -- and also a defender and confessor, a unique role among the accusing girls of Salem Village. As the servant of John and Elizabeth Procter, opponents of the trials who thought that the accusers should be punished, Mary encountered much resistance from the two regarding her participation in the trials. Most significantly, Warren introduced the possibility of fraud on the part of the accusing girls when she stated that they "did but dissemble." Arthur Miller's play The Crucible focuses on this unique aspect of Mary Warren's behavior. After her own confession, Warren more actively participated in the accusations, including those against the Procters. She was released from jail in June, 1692.
Root canal treatment explained Root canal treatment, also known as endodontics, is a procedure required to tackle infections at the core of the tooth. The disease can be caused by a variety of problems, such as tooth decay or damage through injury. Root canal treatment becomes necessary when the pulp tissue at the centre of the tooth is infected by bacteria and begins to die. Bacteria will continue to pass through the root canal, which can lead to swelling and severe pain. Here’s how the treatment works. Typically, root canal treatment takes at least 2 appointments to complete. Initially, your dentist will take a series of X-rays to determine how far the tooth is damaged. In most cases, the procedure is carried out under local anaesthetic, although in some cases this isn’t necessary as the dental nerves have completed died. The dentist will then proceed to open the tooth crown to remove any infected pulp at the centre of the tooth. The root canal is then enlarged to facilitate filling. That’s because root canals are usually not very large and hard to access. The enlargement stage is the longest part of treatment, and can take several visits to carry out fully. Ultimately as the number of roots differ from tooth to tooth and patient to patient, this can have a big impact on the procedure’s duration. In the event where you need to come back, your dentist will disinfect the tooth and temporary seal it to prevent any pain in the meantime. Once your tooth is fixed, your dentist may very well suggest getting a cap on top of it for protection. This is known as a dental crown, and comes in metal, porcelain or ceramic. Root canal treatment is a complex dental procedure, which should be carried out by an experienced dentist. At Sensu, we specialise in root nerve therapy. Pop in today for a free consultation and we will assess your needs.
Many studies have examined the potential health benefits of omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3s are considered beneficial for healthy neurological and visual growth in a developing fetus. They also may have significant respiratory, cardiovascular, and neurological benefits for infants, children, and adults. Fortunately, there are several excellent dietary sources of omega-3, including "fatty" fishes such as - albacore tuna - lake trout In addition, foods such as walnuts, soybeans, flaxseeds, and canola oil, contain alpha-linoleic acid (LNA), which the body can convert into omega-3 fatty acids. According to current research, the benefits of omega-3s on cardiovascular health may have been overstated; however, the American Heart Association (AHA) still recommends that most people eat fatty fish at least 2 times per week. Each serving is 3.5 ounce cooked, or about 3/4 cup of flaked fish. The AHA also recommends an omega-3 supplement for patients who have coronary heart disease or high triglyceride blood levels, after checking with a qualified health care provider. When choosing an over-the-counter omega-3 supplement, it is important to read the labels carefully. Some supplements claim a high dose of fish oil, but may not contain an adequate dose of essential omega-3s. Choose a supplement with the highest percentages of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaemoic acid (DHA).
The word plum has been derived from the English word “plume, plum tree“. The word plum in eighteen century meant “something desirable”. Plums are one of the first fruits to be cultivated by humans. Plum belongs to the genus Prunus and family Rosaceae. Plums are usually grown in temperate regions. Ripe plums have a dusty waxy coating and juicy flesh and they are used for making jams and plum juice is fermented into plum wine. So here we discussed plum benefits and it’s side effects. There are two forms of Plum- Dried Plum – Dried plum is sweet and juicy and they are often used as snacks. They are referred to as prunes. Fresh Plum – Fresh plum contains more moisture content as compared to drier versions. They are consumed raw. China is the largest producer of plums followed by- Plum tree is deciduous. The plum tree can grow up to the height of 5-6 m. The tree requires well-drained and fertile soil and six to eight hours of sunlight. You must water the tree during the dry season. Plumtree requires regular pruning. Pruning will help the tree to get rid of the unwanted dry wood. Plum trees are fertile fruit. Color is an indicator of ripening of the fruit. Your delicious plums are ready when they are soft to touch. After the fruit is ripe, simply twist the fruit from the stem. 100 grams of plum contains 87g of water. 9.92g of sugars. 1.4 grams of dietary fiber. It also contains vitamins such as vitamin C (6mg), vitamin K (6.4ug), folate (5ug), vitamin A ( 17ug). It also contains minerals such as Calcium (6mg), magnesium (7mg), Phosphorus (157mg). Plum is very beneficial for health. It aids in digestion, improves cardiovascular diseases and boosts the immune system. Red Plum contains antioxidants properties. It prevents the harmful effects of free radicals. It helps in preventing diabetes and helps to control it. They are a good source of dietary fiber. It helps to maintain the healthy nervous system. It also helps to keep the cardiovascular diseases at bay. Plums can also be a part of your diet if you are planning to lose weight. Several studies have shown that plums help in preventing cancer. Read More- Cinnamon Benefits tea Benefits Plum Leaves Benefits Plum leaves have a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. They protect you against cold and cough. They are known to reduce skin redness and allergies. They might help to combat diabetes. They are also beneficial for the brain. All the advantages mentioned above are benefits of Chinese plum leaves. Plum Fruit Benefits For Skin Plum is a good source of vitamin C. Vitamin C helps in boosting immunity. Vitamin C also helps in the production of collagen. Collagen is a structural protein. It provides elasticity and strength to the skin. Plum benefits extracts have skin lighting properties. Plum extracts can help you to get rid of dark spots. Regular consumption of plums can help to delay premature aging. Plum also ensures speedy recovery of the damaged tissues. Plum Beneficial for Hair Vitamin E in plum helps to strengthen the hair follicle. It also protects them from free radicals. Plums can also help in getting rid of dandruff.Plum ensures better blood circulation to hair follicles. Better blood circulation ensures good health of both scalp and hair. Plum can too help in preventing premature graying of the hair. Plums Uses For Free Radicals Plum benefits is rich in vitamin C. Vitamin C helps in fighting free radicals. It is a powerful antioxidant. It captures free radicals and neutralizes their harmful effect. Vitamin C also helps in the absorption of iron. Thus, increasing the blood circulation. Plum also protects the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays. Free radicals are responsible for premature aging and cardiovascular diseases. Benefits Of Plums For Weight Loss Plum benefits is a rich source of dietary fiber. Fiber is beneficial for digestion. It increases the duration of digestion. It helps you to control your calories intake. It ensures smooth bowel movement. Fibers can help in decreasing your appetite. You can use plum in soups, pies. You can also try a plum smoothie. Plum salad can also be a good option. Apart from weight loss plums also helps in getting rid of constipation. Plum Benefits for Constipation Plum benefits contain natural sugar sorbitol and dietary fiber. Sorbitol cannot be digested by intestines. Sorbitol ensures good bowel movement. Sorbitol is also used as the medicinal laxative. Fiber adds bulk to the stool. Dried prunes have more fiber as compared to plum. Benefits Of Eating Plums For Heart Plum has anti-inflammatory properties. Anti-inflammatory properties protect the heart against diabetes, cholesterol and other cardiovascular diseases. Vitamin K prevents the calcification of the arteries. It also prevents stiffening of the arteries. Plum also helps in lowering the cholesterol levels. Plums For Cholesterol Plums are rich in dietary fiber. Fiber interferes with the absorption of the cholesterol. Fiber binds to the Bile and Cholesterol. It promotes their secretion. During this process the levels of bile juice decrease in the body, promoting the liver to produce more bile and reducing the levels of cholesterol. Plums also help in decreasing blood pressure. Plums Good for Blood Pressure Vitamin K helps in controlling blood pressure.It also prevents the calcification of the arteries.Plums also contain magnesium. Magnesium helps in maintaining blood pressure and a steady heartbeat. Plum For Diabetes Plums have the low glycemic index. Low Glycemic foods don’t cause the rise in blood sugar levels immediately. Phenolic compounds present in plums have anti-inflammatory, anti-obesity, and anti-diabetic properties. Flavonoids help in preventing the conversion of starch into glucose. Flavonoids help to enhance insulin sensitivity. Flavonoids can also prevent type 2 diabetes. Plum Fruit Benefits During Pregnancy Pregnant women must include fruits and vegetables in their diet. Plum prevents premature labor. Magnesium in plum helps in relaxing the muscles and prevents premature contractions and labor. Plum contains vitamin C, which helps in boosting immunity. It also ensures better absorption of iron. Iron is one of the major constituents of hemoglobin. Plums also help in eliminating stress and fatigue. Calcium ensures development and maintenance of bones. Plum Good For Cancer Plums help in decreasing the risk of head and neck cancer. Extracts of plum reduce the viability of human cancer cells. Plums are a great source of phenols, neochlorogenic and chlorogenic acid. According to Texas Agri Life Research. Breast cancer cells died after they were treated by extracts of “ Rich lady Peach” and “ Black Splendor Plum” Chlorogenic and neochlorogenic are responsible for killing cancer cells. These compounds have no side effects for normal cells. Prunes Good For Cold Prunes are a good option when you are suffering from cold and cough. Vitamin C helps in boosting immunity. Vitamin C decreases the severity of a cold. Tufts University in Boston ranked prunes or dried plums as number one food in antioxidant capacity. Dried Plums Good For Bones Plum contains calcium. Calcium provides strength to bones. Dried plums are high antioxidant foods. Prunes help in improving bone strength. Prune consumption also leads to a reduction in C reactive protein. Lower CRP means less inflammation. High C reactive protein is linked to osteoporosis. Prunes are very useful for women. They help to prevent fractures in women after the onset of menopause. Prune also helps in maintaining bone mineral density. How To Eat Plum Fruit? Wash plum before having it. You must not remove the peel of the plum. Skin of plum contains antioxidants like chlorogenic acid and a good source of vitamin C. You can have raw plums. Add them to your salads. You can also try the delicious plum pie. How Many Plums Can I Eat In A Day? As per the US Department of Agriculture, You need 1 to 2 servings of dried plums in your everyday life. You must consult your doctor before making any changes to your diet. Plum Side Effects Plums are rich in oxalate, which reduces calcium absorption. Oxalate and calcium deposits cause kidney and bladder stones. If you are weight loss diet you must avoid having lots of prunes. Prunes can cause intestinal gas and bloat. Diabetics must be extra careful while consuming plums. Plums or prunes can cause a rise in blood sugar levels.Consult your doctor before making any changes to your diet. Over consumption must be avoided.
Last week, the House of Representatives passed a modified cybersecurity bill designed to help organizations and the government share more information about IT security threats. But the bill still faces several obstacles before it becomes law. The Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) was passed by the House on April 28, and will now head to the Senate for a vote. If signed into law, CISPA would allow the government to share information about cybersecurity threats and incidents with private organizations, and those private companies to share information with the government. While the intentions are to help both sides better protect against IT security threats, the bill faces a lot of opposition from privacy groups — and from President Obama — because of the kinds of information that might be shared, ABC News reports. For example, CISPA would allow Internet service providers to collect and share information on any user activities they feel could present a threat to their networks. Some groups, such as the American Civil Liberties Union, say the bill is vaguely worded and could allow a lot of personal information about Internet users to be shared. Similar arguments have been made about earlier cybersecurity legislation. What are the odds you’ll have to worry about CISPA in its current form? Not very high, say some observers. For one thing, President Obama has threatened to veto the bill if it makes it past the Senate. We’ll keep you posted.
(Received 29 September 2008; accepted 1 June 2009) Published Online: 2009 | ||Format||Pages||Price|| | |7||$25||  ADD TO CART| Cite this document Dioxins are a group of 210 chemicals with similar properties and structures that are usually found as a “mixture” in the environment. Dioxins are found at low levels in air, soil, water, and sediment as well in foods such meat, dairy, fish, and shellfish. The highest levels are usually found in sediments soil and animal fats. The most toxic chemical in the group is 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-para-dioxin, which is the “standard” to which other dioxins are compared. This paper examines the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) assessment and remediation efforts in the Tittabawassee River (Michigan, USA) flood plain. Soil and sediment samples indicate higher than “normal” (background) levels of dioxins for soil and sediment, which exceed the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and U.S. Agency for Toxic Substances and Diseases Registry (ATSDR) action level of 1000 parts per trillion. Data presented indicates the difficulties associated with assessing historical dioxin levels in environments such as soil and sediments. Activities associated with these efforts such as dioxin and furan exposure studies, animal toxicology assessments, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) enforcement, MDEQ efforts to expedite remediation, as well as future directions for this on-going project are discussed. VanHouten, J. W. Associate Professor of Environmental Science, Science Division, Delta College, University Center, MI Stock #: JAI102158
Illustrations are a great way to communicate ideas. A good illustrator needs to know how to grab the attention of his audience and engage them in his vivid illustrations. Illustrations are very common in our everyday life. A career in the field of illustration can be very exciting and rewarding. As an illustrator, you will need to know the different styles of illustration that exist. By having a firm grasp of these illustration styles, you will be able to find your own artistic expression and master it. Here are some popular illustration styles that you need to know about: Many people enjoy viewing pencil illustrations. This is because a pencil is perhaps the most accessible instrument for drawing that is available. Anyone can make wonderful art using a pencil. However, there is more to pencil illustrations than just making attractive shapes. Pencil illustrations are filled with details, and they can appear very realistic and alive. A good pencil illustrator understands how to create shades and add volume and depth to the illustration. We all know that watercolor is a very difficult and delicate paint medium to work with. Hence, it is a joy to watch a true artist or illustrator get it right. Watercolor illustrations are incredibly nuanced, and they create a beautiful, transparent, and soothing effect. Many illustrators enjoy working with watercolors for children’s books and women’s magazines. This is another beautiful illustration style, where the illustrator uses high-quality pens and inks to create illustrations. The ink pens allow the illustrators to create beautiful and elegant strokes. Ink illustrations are also a great way to explore different contrasts. Fantasy is undoubtedly one of the most popular genres to exist. As a fantasy illustrator, you will need to be extremely creative and do your best to bring out your vision. You will need to create something utterly unique and explore mythological themes in your art. There is a huge audience that enjoys illustrations of various books like The Harry Potter series, The Lord of the Rings, A Song of Ice and Fire series, and so on. In this style of illustration, the aim of the illustrator is to create a hyper-realistic illustration. Many of these illustrations are so realistic that the audience becomes convinced they’re real images. This illustration style is used along with many other different illustration styles. While a minimalist illustration may appear extremely simple, a great deal of thought actually goes into them. It takes skill and creativity to express complex ideas in a simple and sophisticated way, using a few shapes and forms. This is the challenge that a minimalist illustrator has to undertake. To Sum Up These are just some of the many illustration styles that are out there. Make sure to experiment with different illustration styles. This will help you develop the required skills to be able to come up with your own creative illustrations.
is a phrase used in American English American English is a set of dialects of the English language used mostly in the United States. Approximately two-thirds of the world's native speakers of English live in the United States.... to describe the stereotype A stereotype is a popular belief about specific social groups or types of individuals. The concepts of "stereotype" and "prejudice" are often confused with many other different meanings... of residents of the Southern United States The Southern United States—commonly referred to as the American South, Dixie, or simply the South—constitutes a large distinctive area in the southeastern and south-central United States... as particularly warm and welcoming to visitors to their homes, or to the South in general. Southern hospitality described Some characteristics of southern hospitality were described as early as 1835, when Jacob Abbott Jacob Abbott was an American writer of children's books.-Biography:Abbott was born at Hallowell, Maine to Jacob and Betsey Abbott... attributed the poor quality of taverns in the south to the lack of need for them, given the willingness of southerners to provide for strangers. Abbott writes: Abbot further describes how the best stores of the house are at the disposal of visitors. Furthermore, says Abbott: Food figures highly in Southern hospitality, a large component of the idea being the provision of Southern cuisine The cuisine of the Southern United States is defined as the historical regional culinary form of states generally south of the Mason Dixon Line dividing Pennsylvania from Maryland and Delaware as well as along the Ohio River, and extending west to Southern Missouri, Oklahoma and Texas.The most... to visitors. A cake or other delicacy is often brought to the door of a new neighbor as a mechanism of introduction. Many club and church functions include a meal or at least a dessert and beverage. Churches in the South frequently have large commercial style kitchens to accommodate this tradition, but many "fellowship suppers" are "covered dish": everyone attending brings a dish. However, if a newcomer arrives without a dish, he or she will be made to feel welcome and served generously. When a death or serious illness occurs, neighbors, friends, and church members generally bring food to the bereaved family for a period of time. A number of cookbooks promise recipe A recipe is a set of instructions that describe how to prepare or make something, especially a culinary dish.-Components:Modern culinary recipes normally consist of several components*The name of the dish... s advancing this concept. Other features of Southern Hospitality include proper local etiquette Etiquette is a code of behavior that delineates expectations for social behavior according to contemporary conventional norms within a society, social class, or group... (i.e., calling one "Sir" or "Ma'am," opening doors for women (as well as men removing their hats when in the presence of a woman or inside her house), cooking enough for everyone who might be around at mealtime, inviting one to church functions, etc.) While persons from outside the region often mistake many of the southern hospitality customs as being disingenuous or fake in some way, in actuality the customs are often a way to make the visitor feel as comfortable as possible in an unfamiliar setting. Additionally, although some customs may be seen as odd or even offensive by people not from the South, they are considered polite in local culture and usually meant as an expression of traditional warm greeting. Southern hospitality has been examined by sociologists and other social scientists, one of whom has characterized the practices as a masquerade designed to cover deficiencies in southern culture, such as slavery, discrimination, and widespread poverty. Said author writes: Southern hospitality has also been examined, however, as a reflection of the deeply-held religious beliefs of the region; the idea that one should be good to strangers is an outgrowth of such Biblical parable The parables of Jesus can be found in all the Canonical gospels as well as in some of the non-canonical gospels but are located mainly within the three synoptic gospels. They represent a key part of the teachings of Jesus, forming approximately one third of his recorded teachings... s as the Good Samaritan The parable of the Good Samaritan is a parable told by Jesus and is mentioned in only one of the Canonical gospels. According to the Gospel of Luke a traveller is beaten, robbed, and left half dead along the road. First a priest and then a Levite come by, but both avoid the man. Finally, a... . Indeed Ernest Hamlin Abbott wrote in 1902, "as religious observances are in the South as naturally included in the hospitality of the home as anything else, so, conversely, hospitality in the South is an integral part of the church services".
The atomic cannon was a huge piece of ordnance built by the United States in the mid-1950s to hurl nuclear shells far enough that they wouldn't kill the people who fired them. While far more sensible WWIII technology than, say, the atomic hand grenade, the atomic cannon did have its detractors and tactical limitations. The first atomic cannon went into service in 1952, and was deactivated in 1963. A single test shot was fired seven miles at the Nevada Test site on May 25, 1953. Twenty were manufactured; seven appear to have survived the Cold War and are on public display today. By kjfitz @ 2010-02-11 13:59:02
Mahabalipuram, also known as Mamallapuram, is an ancient historic town famous for its stone carvings and cave temples. It was a bustling sea port – ancient Indian traders who went to countries of south-east Asia sailed from the sea port of Mahablipuram. The structures here, mostly carved straight out of granite, are among the oldest existing examples of Dravidian (South Indian) architecture. Mahabalipuram was declared a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1984. The main objective of the project in Mahabalipuram is to spark interest among the local community by involving children and international volunteers in activities that promote sensitivity and respect towards the World Heritage site. The workcamp in Mahabalipuram will focus on the protection of the cultural heritage and the sites of historical importance and on creating awareness among the locals, school children, tour-guides and tourists.
Researchers from the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta studied the cadavers of 14 Parkinson's patients and 12 similarly aged patients without the disease and found that levels of dieldrin -- an organochlorine pesticide -- were more than three times higher in the Parkinson's patients' brain tissue. "We can't say at this point that pesticides cause Parkinson's disease, but we feel it accelerates the process," says researcher Kurt Pennell, an associate professor at Georgia Institute of Technology. Pennell and his research group also exposed mice to low-level doses of dieldrin to simulate typical human exposure to the chemical, and found that the mice's brain tissue showed significant reduction in the uptake of the neurotransmitter dopamine, as well as increased levels of carbonyls -- indicators of oxidative stress. "Our research shows that elevated levels of dieldrin are associated with Parkinson's disease in humans, which is supported by an animal model study that correlates low-level exposure to dieldrin with early markers of Parkinson's disease," Pennell says. Though dieldrin was banned in 1987, Pennell says the chemical pesticide still persists in the ground and eventually accumulates in the body's fatty tissues, which include the brain. Researcher Gary Miller says levels of dieldrin in the ground are much lower today than they were 30 to 40 years ago, and that cases of Parkinson's could be similarly lower in the next few decades.
PRETORIA, South Africa, June 11 (UPI) -- Research that could increase the supply and use of titanium in aerospace and other industries is being undertaken by Boeing and a South African organization. Under a Memorandum of Understanding between Boeing and South Africa's Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, the two organizations will collaborate on processes that could bring titanium powder-based products to commercial markets on an industrial scale. "This research is important to the aviation industry because it will enable us to use titanium powder for manufacturing in ways that reduce energy consumption and waste," said Dr. William Lyons, Boeing Research & Technology director of Global Technology. South Africa has the world's second-largest reserves of titanium ore, and has developed and patented technology to convert titanium ore to titanium powder. Earlier this month, CSIR launched a titanium pilot plant to further advance titanium powder technology. "Boeing's competencies and experience regarding the applications of titanium in aerospace will hugely benefit CSIR's drive towards commercialization of titanium technologies," said Dr. Willie du Preez, director of the South African Titanium Center of Competence. Boeing said the Boeing Research & Technology organization will oversee the company's research.
Primary Muscle Group: Upper Arms and Forearms Muscle Groups Worked in This Exercise: Brachioradialis, Brachialis and Biceps brachii Preparation: Place the resistance band under the arches of both feet and position your feet hip-width apart. Stand tall, tighten your abs and keep your back in alignment. Grasp the handles with a palms-in grip with your arms straight by your sides. Breathing: Breathe out as you bring your hands up and breathe in as you lower them to start. Execution: Begin to slowly lift your hands in front of you, flexing at the elbows and your palms facing in. Make sure your upper arms are locked by your sides! When your hands reach shoulder height, pause and then slowly straighten back to start position. This should be when your hands reach the sides of your legs. Comments: Remember to keep your back and upper arms still throughout the range of motion and don't "throw your weight". If this is too hard, try placing your feet a little closer together. Or, if you need a challenge, move your feet further apart.
Revealing Brazil's rotten agribusinesses Following reports that Brazil's current deforestation rate—1 million hectares—is the highest in a decade, a peer-reviewed study published in Science today finds that 18-22%, and possibly more, of Brazil's annual exports to the European Union are potentially contaminated with illegal deforestation, while identifying for the first time the specific producers of soy in Brazil responsible for "poisoning the barrel." Unveiling these "bad apples" among soy and beef producers, but also revealing that a vast majority—some 80% of the country's farmers—abide by the Forest Code law, the study suggests deforestation-free Brazilian agricultural production is within reach, if leaders act. "Until now, agribusiness and the Brazilian government have claimed that they cannot monitor the entire supply chain, nor distinguish the legal from the illegal deforestation," said Raoni Rajão, a professor at the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG) in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, and the lead author of The Rotten Apples of Brazil's Agribusiness. "Not anymore. We used freely available maps and data to reveal the specific farmers and ranchers clearing forests to produce soy and beef ultimately destined for Europe. Now, Brazil has the information it needs to take swift and decisive action against these rule-breakers to ensure that its exports are deforestation-free. Calling the situation hopeless is no longer an excuse." The 12 researchers from Brazil, Germany and the U.S. who wrote the study developed high-powered software to analyze 815,000 individual rural properties in order to assess where illegal deforestation associated with soy and beef production are taking place and how much of these products is reaching the EU. The article also estimates the greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation that is linked with soy and beef exports, pointing out the shared responsibilities of international buyers. The Trouble with Trade The article's findings come at a transformational moment in the history of the Amazon Basin, most of which falls on the national territory of Brazil. Led by President Jair Bolsonaro, who came into power in January 2019, the new administration has encouraged the clear-cutting of forests on private properties and public lands—in defiance of Brazil's Forest Code law and the soy moratorium agreement, which bans the clearing of forests for soy production. The government has also dismantled a series of environmental protections meant to stop illegal deforestation in conservation units and Indigenous Peoples' lands, staunch protectors of the country's forests. International buyers of Brazil's agricultural commodities have long expressed concern that products contaminated with deforestation could be reaching their countries. EU leaders also have openly criticized the Brazilian government, bolstering demands for the boycott of Brazilian products in response to the forest fires that ripped through the country in August 2019. "Pummeled by the impacts of political signals encouraging the clearing of forests, mostly for land grabbing, Brazil's forests are at a breaking point," said Professor Britaldo Soares-Filho, a co-author also from UFMG. "It's critical for Europe to use its trade might and purchasing power to help roll back this tragic dismantling of Brazil's environmental protection, which has implications for the global climate, local people and the country's valued ecosystem services. With this research, policymakers in Brussels finally have the information they need to assess the extent of the problem in the Brazilian soy and beef sectors. It's time for them to act." The European Union has laid out a plan for putting policies in place banning the import of products stemming from illegal deforestation, and they are also negotiating a lucrative trade deal with Mercosur, a bloc of South American countries that includes Brazil. Though this deal is facing increasing scrutiny in Europe, with calls for additional negotiations to add protections for forests and rights, the EU's relationship with Brazil puts it in a position to help the country end illegal deforestation. The evidence laid out in the report crystalizes where efforts should be directed. "Right now, Brazil's enforcement of its own forest protection laws isn't strong enough to guarantee compliance with the European Union's strict environmental standards for trading partners," said Dr. Felipe Nunes from UFMG. "But if Brazil is serious about its trading ambitions, it can join forces with the EU to use its own available tools, such as the CAR (the country's online environmental registry) to end illegal deforestation linked to soy and beef supply chains. Brazil already has the means. All that's needed is the political will." Contaminated Soy and Tainted Beef The article finds that producers on 45% of rural Amazon properties and 48% of rural Cerrado properties that supply soy and beef for exports are failing to comply with limits on deforestation laid out in Brazil's Forest Code. Of 53,000 properties producing soy in both regions, 20% have grown soy on land deforested after 2008; the authors estimate that half of this soy was produced on recently illegally deforested land. Roughly 41%, or 13.6 million metric tons, of the EU's soy imports come from Brazil each year. Some 69% come from the Amazon and Cerrado regions. According to the study, about two million tons of soy grown on properties with illegal deforestation may have reached EU markets annually during the period of analysis, 500 thousand of which came from the Amazon. In most cases, the recently cleared areas are not used to grow soy in order to comply with the rules of the moratoria. But this has not prevented soy farms from clearing their lands illegally for pasturelands and other crops. With respect to beef, the EU imports about 189,000 metric tons annually. The authors found that of a total 4.1 million head traded to slaughterhouses, at least 500 thousand head come directly from properties that may have deforested illegally. This represents 2% of beef produced in the Amazon and 13% in the Cerrado. But the largest problem lies in the indirect cattle suppliers that provide steers to fattening operations and are not being monitored by large slaughterhouses nor the government. By analyzing the flows of cattle between ranches, the study estimates that some 60% of all slaughtered head could have been potentially contaminated with illegal deforestation (44% in the Amazon and 66% in the Cerrado) at some point in the supply chain. Brazil is the world's largest producer of soy, followed by the United States and Argentina. The study reveals the production of soy, primarily used to feed meat and dairy livestock, is on the upswing across the country. Production has more than quadrupled over the past two decades and is projected to increase by another third over the next 10 years, with exports growing by 42%. Pig farmers in the EU, the world's largest pork exporter, rely on Brazilian soy, which is also a key ingredient in feed for chickens and other animals. The increasing global demand for pork from Asia and other regions has driven up production, which translates into increased demand for soy. This boom in soybean demand has hit the Cerrado region particularly hard. Known for its rich biodiversity, the world's largest tropical savanna has already lost half of its native vegetation. Europe's Deforestation-free Ambitions The European Union has emerged as a global leader in developing public and private efforts to ensure deforestation-free imports of beef, soy, palm, timber and other products known to put tropical forests at risk. These efforts, as well as a food policy initiative aimed at cutting down on the long-distance transport of feed or agricultural products, are tied into the European Green Deal. There are calls within the EU to reduce soy imports from Brazil; proposals have suggested importing the crop from geographically closer producers, such as the United States, or even building up production in the European Union's borders. This approach flows from the Farm to Fork strategy for Sustainable food, a key component of the European Green Deal, which aims to significantly reduce carbon emissions from food production. Brazil's Opportunity to Lead The researchers argue that Brazil could develop a transparent, web-based system using public information and methods laid out in their study to track which producers are illegally clearing forests from their properties. The authors suggest this approach would be preferable to current private systems under consideration by the EU, which would require companies to monitor themselves, or to hire third parties to do so—an approach that is costly, often lacks transparency, only encompasses few farms, and is prone to conflicts of interest. "Brazil can no longer look the other way. It's now up to its political and economic leaders to root out the bad apples in the soy and beef sectors," said Professor Rajão. "If we were to do so, Brazil could become in practice and not only in discourse a global environmental powerhouse that protects its ecosystems, while feeding the world. In collaboration with a responsible agricultural sector, state and national governments can tackle climate change and protect some of the world's most biodiverse regions."
Polymerase Chain Reaction: (PCR) "PCR has transformed molecular biology through vastly extending the capacity to identify, manipulate and reproduce DNA. It makes abundant what was once scarce -- the genetic material required for experimentations." (Making PCR, A Story of Biotechnology, University of Chicago Press, 1996) Sometimes called "molecular photocopying," the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a fast and inexpensive technique used to "amplify" - copy - small segments of DNA. Because significant amounts of a sample of DNA are necessary for molecular and genetic analyses, studies of isolated pieces of DNA are nearly impossible without PCR amplification. Often heralded as one of the most important scientific advances in molecular biology, PCR revolutionized the study of DNA to such an extent that its creator, Kary B. Mullis, was awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1993. Once amplified, the DNA produced by PCR can be used in many different laboratory procedures such as - - Most mapping techniques in the Human Genome Project rely on PCR. - PCR is intigral in a number of new laboratory and clinical techniques, including DNA fingerprinting (think CSI and catching criminals). - Diagnosing disease and genetic disorders. - Detection of bacteria and viruses in the environment. - Analysis of microbial communities. (see PCRin environmental studies) To amplify a segment of DNA using PCR, the sample is first heated so the DNA denatures, or separates into two pieces of single-stranded DNA. Next, an enzyme called "Taq polymerase" synthesizes - builds - two new strands of DNA, using the original strands as templates. This process results in the duplication of the original DNA, with each of the new molecules containing one old and one new strand of DNA. Then each of these strands can be used to create two new copies, and so on, and so on. The cycle of denaturing and synthesizing new DNA is repeated as many as 30 or 40 times, leading to more than one billion exact copies of the original DNA segment. The entire cycling process of PCR is automated and can be completed in just a few hours. It is directed by a machine called a thermocycler, which is programmed to alter the temperature of the reaction every few minutes to allow DNA denaturing and synthesis. - Web Links for PCR, including resources such as itroduction to and history of PCR, as well as many resources for alternatice PCR techniques. The following resources were originally accessed through the BioSciEd Net (BEN) digital resources collection, which is the National Science Digital Library (NSDL) Pathway for biological sciences education. For more teaching resources, please visit BEN to use their searchable database.BEN is free to use, but requires registration. - Use PCR and a single hair to produce a DNA fingerprint - this PDF document provides a detailed manual of protocols and instructional information for carrying out an undergraduate laboratory exercise in molecular biology and genetics, in which students use polymerase chain reaction to create DNA fingerprints from their own hair. It includes student outlines, instructor's notes, and suggested questions for laboratory reports. THIS RESOURCE LINK REQUIRES YOU TO REGISTER (for free) WITH BEN. - Reverse Transcription PCR - this resource, from MicrobeLibrary.org, offers a Flash animation shows how the method of reverse transcription-PCR is performed and some sample data are produced. It uses sound and mouse-over identification to help students learn more and retain the information.
Dr. Paul Auerbach is the world's leading outdoor health expert. His blog offers tips on outdoor safety and advice on how to handle wilderness emergencies. Jan 14 2013 Death From a Brown Recluse Spider Bite “Emergency Department Death From Systemic Loxoscelism” (Annals of Emergency Medicine 2012;60:439-441) describes the unfortunate death of a 3-year-old child resulting from a brown recluse spider bite. In this case report, the child died from sev... Nov 12 2012 Blood Clotting Profiles in the Management of Copperhead Snake Bites This post is mostly for the doctors, but may be of interest to herpetologists and others interested in snake venom poisoning. Copperhead (Agkistrodon contortrix) snake bites are traditionally not difficult for physicians to manage, because the... Oct 29 2012 Overdiagnosis and Mistreatment of Malaria At a medical meeting where I was recently lecturing about the intersection between wilderness medicine and disaster medicine, a wise person from the audience reminded the listeners that if they really wanted to be prepared to participate in gl... Oct 10 2012 Hemostatic Dressing to Manage a Bleeding Leech Bite In the Spring 2012 issue of the journal Wilderness & Environmental Medicine appears a terrific case report by Preston Fedor entitled “Novel Use of a Hemostatic Dressing in the Management of a Bleeding Leech Bite: A Case Report and Review of ... Oct 04 2012 A Newly-Recognized Tick Borne Illness In the New England Journal of Medicine (2012;367:834-41), there is an article by Laura McMullan, Ph.D. and colleagues entitled “A New Phlebovirus Associated with Severe Febrile Illness in Missouri.” Two men from northwestern Missouri are descri... Aug 10 2012 Black Widow Spider Envenomation In the most recent issue of Wilderness & Environmental Medicine appears an article by Dr. Roy Strowd and colleagues, entitled “Black Widow Spider Envenomation, A Rare Cause of Horner’s Syndrome" (WEM 2012;23:158). Horner’s syndrome is a tria... Aug 07 2012 A Few Interesting Snakebite Articles At this past year’s American College of Emergency Physicians Annual Scientific Assembly, which was held in San Francisco, I had a brief conversation with Dr. William Meggs, an expert in envenomation from snakebite. We discussed a number of topi... Jun 26 2012 Rattlesnake Bite Photo There are two excellent photographs of a rattlesnake bite victim that appear in the June 10, 2010 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine (362;23:2212). Entitled “Rattlesnake Envenomation” in the IMAGES IN CLINICAL MEDICINE feature, they s... Apr 16 2012 A New Method for Recognizing Dangerous Snakes in the United States and Canada In addition to recognition of definitive clinical signs and symptoms of venomous snakebite, the way to determine whether or not a biting snake is venomous is to identify it properly. In the United States and Canada, that is usually determined f... Dec 05 2011 Bee Aware Program There is a site on the Internet named "Bee Aware" that provides information for patients and physicians about stinging insect allergies and venom immunotherapy. The quality of the information is good, so this website makes an excellent referenc...
Willow Class - Year 3 Welcome to Willow Class In Willow Class our topic is Scrumdiddlyumptious and we have been creating and cooking a variety of yummy creations. Inspired by our class book, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, we have created our very own chocolates. As part of this process we completed some product research where we tasted a variety of delicious ingredients to decide which ones would be suitable for our chocolates. After designing and making our chocolates we wrote a set of instructions and I’m sure Willow Class won’t mind sharing their instructions with you. There are some very yummy chocolates! Some of us have been researching different types of bread and we continued our cooking theme outside in our outdoor learning sessions with Colin where we made and cooked bread over the fire. Next week we are going to cook some more bread but using a variety of ingredients to bake our own flavoured bread. Be sure to ask Willow Class about their bread creations! Life as a sailor! We have been learning about James Lind and his experiment to find a cure for scurvy. Scurvy was a popular disease which affected sailors. This got us thinking about what life was like as a sailor. So, to explore this we went outside and squashed into the dove, 'upper deck', just like sailors would have been on a ship. We discussed what the conditions were like at sea and what dangers sailors faced. We also tasted, maybe not so scrumdiddlyumptious, stale biscuits which sailors would have eaten. We also discussed what entertainment would be available. The horn pipe dance was a popular dance because a partner isn't required and is suitable for small spaces. Sea shanties were sung to help sailors keep in time when working. Have a look at us practising the horn pipe dance and singing a sea shanty.
In this series of After Effects tutorials, we will talk about the steps we take to create this watercolor painting effect project. We begin by using a simple masking technique to reveal the text and drawings that interact with our watercolor paintings. We talk about some of the more technical and tricky aspects of getting this write-on effect looking perfect and all throughout the course, we implement the technique in new and different ways. We also go over how to combine masking techniques with our very own custom luma mattes to create a painterly effect that we apply to our watercolor images. Once we have a couple different variations of our watercolors, we talk about other effects we can apply to the base watercolor effect to change its color size and shape. This makes it feel like we have more unique paint effects, when in reality there are only a few. This is going to save you time without compromising the originality of your work. We move on by compositing all of our effects together and then we add a camera which we animate throughout the scene. We talk about some ways to get your camera's animation to feel much smoother than using the default keyframe interpolation types and how to troubleshoot when your camera movement is having issues.
Launched in April 2018, the Helping to End Addiction Long-term (HEAL) Initiative is a trans-NIH effort to advance national priorities in addressing the opioid crisis. As part of the initiative, NIH developed a research plan to bolster research to enhance pain management strategies and improve treatments for opioid misuse and addiction. More than 2 million Americans have an opioid use disorder, and even more misuse these medicines by taking them longer or in higher doses than prescribed.1 To address the opioid epidemic, new, safe interventions are needed to combat opioid misuse and addiction and to treat pain. Not only are more accurate research models needed to understand how potential new drugs will affect humans, but scientists also must identify existing drugs or develop new therapies that have potential as effective treatments for opioid misuse and addiction and for pain. NCATS Role in HEAL As part of HEAL, NCATS will accelerate the process of developing new treatments for opioid misuse and addiction and for pain. Because NCATS focuses on translational science — through which new interventions are developed, demonstrated and disseminated to improve human health — the Center is poised to address the public health crisis of opioid use in unique ways. NCATS is leading trans-NIH collaborative HEAL efforts to: - Develop new testing platforms that more closely model human biology than currently available cell and animal models, using induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), tissue chips and 3-D tissue bioprinting; - Identify and de-risk potential drugs that work in novel ways through development of assays (tests), high-throughput screening and optimization of promising compounds; and - Advance promising new drug candidates through rigorous pre-clinical efficacy and safety studies for first-in-human clinical trials as required by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). NCATS is providing a suite of translational science resources and expertise to the research community working on opioid and pain research. With this expert collaborative infrastructure already in place, NCATS will accelerate the process of getting new treatments for pain and for opioid misuse and addiction to patients faster. NCATS-Supported HEAL Projects NCATS currently supports one HEAL-related project.2 The Human Cell-Based Screening (HCBS) Platforms and Novel Drugs to Treat Pain, Addiction and Overdose project has two components: - HCBS platform development and - Identifying and optimizing promising compounds for Investigational New Drug (IND)-ready therapies. HCBS Platform Development NCATS will focus on creating human cell-based models of opioid misuse and addiction and of pain. Through the following three initiatives, NCATS-supported researchers will develop models at the cell, tissue and integrated systems levels. The goal is to develop accurate research models that reflect the complexity of human biology and better predict how potential new drugs will affect humans. iPSC-Derived Neurons for Pain, Addiction and Overdose Scientists in NCATS’ Stem Cell Translation Laboratory (SCTL) will develop a renewable supply of human cell-based models, focusing on patient-derived iPSC lines that give rise to specialized, functional nerve cells that are relevant for opioid misuse and addiction and for pain. NCATS will offer robotic manufacturing of validated and quality-controlled human cells to leverage diverse research projects that the Center conducts or supports. NCATS’ Division of Pre-Clinical Innovation will provide access to iPSC lines, iPSC-derived cell types, protocols, cutting-edge technologies and multidisciplinary scientific expertise. 3-D Bioprinted Tissue Models Experts in NCATS’ 3-D Tissue Bioprinting program will develop complex human, biologically relevant, 3-D tissue-in-a-well models of addiction, pain and the blood-brain barrier for high-throughput drug screening using bioprinting techniques, iPSC-derived neurons and other cells supplied by the SCTL. Collaborators will have access to NCATS’ research resources. Dorsal Root Ganglion and Brain Tissue Chip The dorsal root ganglion is a part of the nervous system that translates pain. Blood vessels that support the nervous system have a filtering mechanism that blocks the passage of many substances. This blood-brain barrier prevents many potential drugs from reaching the nervous system. To help overcome this obstacle, NCATS-supported scientists will develop a biologically relevant, human tissue-based, 3-D model of the pain pathway that will be useful for the evaluation of potential therapeutics, as well as models for opioid misuse and addiction. Identifying and Optimizing Promising Compounds Toward IND-Ready Therapies Using the Center’s therapeutic development resources, NCATS scientists will collaborate with the external research and development community as well as other scientists at NIH to identify existing and potential new drugs for pre-clinical development. The following three initiatives will focus on accelerating the testing needed to bring promising drug candidates to first-in-human studies. Probe/Drug Lead Production Working collaboratively with research experts in opioid misuse and addiction and in pain, NCATS will identify drug-like compounds that act on biological targets of opioids and pain, then test these in cell- and animal-based models. Available collaborative resources include compound libraries, high-throughput screening, test validation, informatics tools and medicinal chemistry. The libraries also will leverage repositories of natural products available through the National Cancer Institute and the Fogarty International Center. New Chemical Structures for Pain, Addiction and Overdose Targets Through A Specialized Platform for Innovative Research Exploration (ASPIRE), NCATS scientists will design and build new chemical structures to combat opioid misuse and addiction and treat pain. NCATS will integrate automated synthetic chemistry (ASC), artificial intelligence and biological testing into a modular platform. The goal is to build fully automated technology for collaborative research projects conducted by or supported through NCATS. Using this platform, scientists will apply new ASC techniques and testing capabilities to accelerate the development of new therapeutics. ASPIRE also will support the development of new chemistries, biological assays, data-mining tools and other analysis technologies through a challenge competition for integration into the ASPIRE platform. Research challenge prizes will be offered in the areas of a database, an electronic laboratory knowledge portal, machine learning algorithms and biological assays. An additional challenge will focus on a combined solution for two or more areas. Clinical Candidate IND Application Production Scientists in NCATS’ Pre-Clinical Therapeutics Development Branch, including those in the Therapeutics for Rare and Neglected Diseases and Bridging Interventional Development Gaps programs, will identify and optimize new drug candidates for opioid misuse and addiction and for pain. Researchers will determine which candidates can be further developed and tested to enable IND applications to the FDA and subsequent early-phase testing in humans. Available resources include medicinal chemistry, pharmacology, testing of the metabolic properties of compounds, compound safety profiles, optimal drug formulation for administration in humans, and manufacturing methods to produce sufficient quantities of potential drugs for pre-clinical and clinical evaluation. 1.NIH HEAL Initiative Research Plan 2.More HEAL projects will be added as they are announced.
1968 propelled history in dramatic fashion, much of it tragic. History teachers might await the 40th anniversary stories of 1968’s events, knowing that the newspapers and television specials will provide much richer material than any textbook could hope for. Was 1967 less momentous? Perhaps. But an anniversary this week only serves to highlight how the entire decade was a series of turning points for the United States. This week marks the 40th anniversary of the Supreme Court’s issuing the decision in Loving v. Virginia. The Lovings had been arrested, convicted and exiled from the state of Virginia for the crime of — brace yourself — getting married. You see, Virginia in those days prohibited marriage between a black person and a white person. So did 15 other states. In language that is quaint and archaic to all but Biblical literalist creationists, the trial judge said: “Almighty God created the races white, black, yellow, malay and red, and he placed them on separate continents. And but for the interference with his arrangement there would be no cause for such marriages. The fact that he separated the races shows that he did not intend for the races to mix.” The Lovings appealed their conviction. They appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court. And on June 12, 1967, the Supreme Court of the United States struck down laws that prohibit a person of one “race” from marrying a person of another. (I put “race” in quotes because, as we have since learned from DNA studies, there is just one race among us, the human race. Science verifies that the Supreme Court got it right, as did the Americans before them who wrote the laws upon which the Supreme Court’s decision was based.) From 1958 to 1967 — nine years the case wended through the courts. Oral argument was had on April 10 — the decision coming down in just two months seems dramatically quick by today’s standards. This was one of the cases that angered so many Americans against the Court presided over by Chief Justice Earl Warren.
BusinessDictionary.com defines a trust as a: “Legal entity created by a party (the settlor) through which a second party (the trustee) holds the right to manage the settlors’ assets or property for the benefit of a third party (the beneficiary).” There are many categories and subcategories of trusts. We’ll focus on four for our purposes: - Living/Inter Vivos: trust created by the settlor while he or she is alive. - Testamentary: trust established through a will and which comes into effect (is created) when the settlor (testator) dies. - Revocable: trust that can be modified or terminated by the settlor after its creation. - Irrevocable: trust that cannot be modified or terminated by the settlor after its creation. T3 Filing Obligations: Trusts Generally, a trust must file a T3 trust return: - When it is taxable in Canada - When it has received a request to file - If the trust received any income or capital gains during the year, and the settlor still has some control over the trust’s property - If a distribution was made to any beneficiaries Trusts must prepare and provide T3 slips to its beneficiaries if it has allocated income to them during the year. Trusts must file with the CRA T3 Trust returns and T3 slips that have been issued to the beneficiaries. A Trust return must be filed within 3 months of its year end. In most cases a Trust’s year end will be December 31, however certain testamentary trusts, such as Graduated Rate Estate’s, may have a non-calendar year end. There are various penalties for late filing, failure to file, and providing false or misleading information. Death and Taxes There are several tax returns that may be filed as a result of the death of an individual: - A final ‘Date of Death’ T1 individual tax return is prepared for all income received between January 1 and the date of death. At death, a taxpayer is ‘deemed’ to have disposed of all property at fair market value, subject to certain exceptions (such as gains on their principal residence or property that has been left to a spouse by will and is eligible for the spousal rollover provisions). For example, the full value of the testator’s remaining RRSP or RRIF is included in this return as income. This return is due: - For deaths occurring between January 1 and October 31: April 30 of the following year - For deaths occurring between November 1 and December 31: six months after the date the death occurred - A “Rights and Things” individual tax return is an elective return that can be filed to report income earned but not received at the date of passing. This can include bonuses, dividends, Canada Pension Plan payments, Old Age Security payments, and other investment income. This return allows a second set of marginal tax rates for those sources of income, which can result in less tax owing than if the income had been included in the date of death T1. - Estate returns are necessary when there is property retained in an estate after the date of death and prior to final distribution to beneficiaries, or in a testamentary trust, set up under the will, which earns income. Although testamentary trusts are separate entities from the estate, the T3 return filed is the same. The executor can elect that the estate be a “Graduated Rate Estate” (GRE) for the three years following death so that income earned in the estate may be taxed at the individual annual marginal rates rather than the top marginal rate. It can often take some time to deal with and distribute a testator’s property and it may be impractical to allocate the estate’s income out to its beneficiaries in advance of the distribution of the property. Graduated Rate Estates can have a non-calendar year end ending within 365 days of the testator’s death.
Written by Miguel Valdovinos, Education & Curriculum It is springtime and it is time to start planting your favorite fruits, vegetables, and flowers in your garden! It is important to have healthy and nutritious soil for your plants to thrive. Instead of going to your local hardware store to buy a large bag of potting soil, you can instead try installing a Vermiculture Bin! What is a vermiculture bin? A vermiculture bin is a form of composting that involves worms and is a perfect way to create a more self-sustaining garden. How does it work? You will need a 5-gallon bin, a drill, bedding (i.e soil, coir, sand, or shredded paper), worms, compost (i.e fruits, vegetables, grains, eggshells, coffee grinds, etc), and a sheet of cardboard to protect your gold! The worms happily eat the food scraps in the bin and will eventually leave the bins through the drilled holes around the bucket. The worms will then travel around the garden to spread their healthy and beneficial castings. The castings will help create a healthy, nutritious, and aerated soil for your plants to thrive! So if you are looking for a way to reduce food waste sent to the landfill, combat climate change, and save money; a vermiculture bin is a perfect solution!
Prevent pollution from agricultural lands or sewage treatment facilities entering watercourses Overall effectiveness category No evidence found (no assessment) Number of studies: 0 Background information and definitions Agricultural intensification has resulted in increased use of chemicals such as fertilizers and pesticides. Studies have found a relationship between proximity to agricultural lands with high levels of pesticide and fertilizer use and amphibian malformations and population declines (Ouellet et al. 1997; Bishop et al. 1999; Davidson 2004; Taylor et al. 2005). As well as direct effects, pollutants such as fertilizers can stimulate algal growth which can have significant effects on aquatic habitats. Other studies that investigated methods to reduce pollution levels in aquatic habitats in agricultural landscapes are described in ‘Create walls or barriers to exclude pollutants’ and ‘Reduce pesticide, herbicide or fertilizer use’. Bishop C.A., Mahony N.A., Struger J., Ng P. & Pettit K.E. (1999) Anuran development, density and diversity in relation to agricultural activity in the Holland River watershed, Ontario, Canada (1990–1992). Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 57, 21–43. Davidson C. (2004) Declining downwind: amphibian population declines in California and historical pesticide use. Ecological Applications, 14, 1892–1902. Ouellet M., Bonin J., Rodrigue J., Desgranges J.L. & Lair S. (1997) Hindlimb deformities (ectromelia, ectrodactyly) in free-living anurans from agricultural habitats. Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 33, 95–104. Taylor B., Skelly D., Demarchis L.K., Slade M.D., Galusha D. & Rabinowitz P.M. (2005) Proximity to pollution sources and risk of amphibian limb malformation. Environmental Health Perspectives, 113, 1497–1501.
Fatty acids are the basic building blocks of lipids or fats. One of the ways fatty acids are classified is by the number of carbon atoms in their tails. Long-chain fatty acids are those with 14 or more carbons. They're found in most fats and oils, including olive oil, soybean oil, fish, nuts, avocado and meat. All fatty acids share the same basic structure: One carboxyl group -- a carbon atom double-bonded to an oxygen atom and single-bonded to a hydrogen and oxygen compound -- attached to a chain of carbon atoms. The number of carbon atoms in this chain is almost always even and consists of at least four carbons and a maximum of 28. Long-chain fatty acids have at least 14 carbon atoms in their tails. Saturated and Unsaturated Fatty acids are further classified as saturated, monounsaturated or polyunsaturated, depending on the number of hydrogen bonds. With saturated fat molecules, 14 to 20 carbon tails are considered long-chain, while those with more than than 20 carbons are called "very-long-chain." With unsaturated fats, a tail of up to 24 carbons is classified as long-chain. Very-long-chain unsaturated fatty acids are those with 25 or more carbons in their tails. Saturated long-chain fats include myristic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid and arachidic acid. These are fatty acids found in dairy fat, coconut oil, palm kernel oil, peanut oil and other vegetable oils. Monounsaturated long-chain fats include oleic acid, palmitoleic acid and nervonic acid -- fats found in most animal and vegetable oils, but particularly macadamia, olive, canola and safflower oil. Polyunsaturated long-chain fats include linoleic acid, alpha-linolenic acid, arachidonic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid. ALA is a major component of seeds, nuts and some vegetable oils. Arachidonic is present in meat, eggs, fish and algae, while EPA is mostly found in oily fish and marine oils. Are long-chain fatty acids nutritious? It depends. The relative health benefits of a fatty acid depend more on the sum of all its properties than whether it is short, medium, long or very-long chain. Some long-chain fatty acids -- such as the omega-3 fatty acids ALA and EPA --have been shown to be very beneficial to human health. Others, such as the omega-6 arachidonic acid, are essential in small quantities but can be dangerous and pro-inflammatory in larger amounts. - Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations: Fats and Fatty Acids in Human Nutrition - Introduction to Nutrition and Metabolism, 4th Edition; David A. Bender
Hilary of Poitiers The holy Hierarch Hilary was born of pagan parents in Gaul, and was trained in philosophy and rhetoric. At a time when paganism was still strong in Gaul, Saint Hilary understood the falsehood of polytheism, and became a Christian, and a great defender of his new Faith. About the year 350 he was ordained Bishop of Poitiers, when Arles and Milan were in the hands of the Arians and the Arian Constantius was sole Emperor. Like his contemporary Saint Athanasius, Saint Hilary's episcopate was one long struggle against the Arians. As bishop of Poitiers, Saint Hilary foresaw the future greatness of Martin (see Nov. 12), and attached him to himself. In 355, when required to agree to the condemnation of Saint Athanasius passed by the Council of Milan, Hilary wrote an epistle to Constantius convicting the wrongs done by the Arians and requesting, among other things, the restoration of the Orthodox bishops, including Athanasius. For this, Hilary was banished to Asia Minor, where he wrote his greatest work, On the Trinity. Saint Hilary returned to his see in 360, where Saint Martin sought him out again. It was this time that Saint Hilary blessed Martin to found a monastery near Poitiers, where Martin remained until being consecrated Bishop of Tours in 371. In his last years, Saint Hilary, strove for the deposition of Auxentius, the Arian Bishop of Milan, but by affecting an Orthodox confession Auxentius retained his see. Saint Hilary reposed in peace about the year 368. Auxentius died in 374 and was succeeded by Saint Ambrose, who continued Saint Hilary's battle against Arianism. Apolytikion in the Plagal of the Fourth Tone Guide of Orthodoxy, teacher of piety and holiness, luminary of the world, God-inspired adornment of hierarchs, O wise Hilary, by thy teachings thou hast enlightened all, O harp of the Spirit. Intercede with Christ God that our souls be saved. Kontakion in the Plagal of the Fourth Tone Enduring exile for the Faith delivered to the Church of Christ, * thou didst withstand the deceit of the Arians, O holy Hierarch Hilary. * By thy prayers and thy teachings, * O defender of Orthodoxy and right belief, * convert the Western lands and entreat Christ for us, who honour thee.
Red is associated with dominance in a number of animal species. For example, in mandrills, red coloration of the face is greatest in alpha males, increasingly less prominent in lower ranking subordinates, and directly correlated with levels of testosterone. Red can also affect the perception of dominance by others, leading to significant differences in mortality, reproductive success and parental investment between individuals displaying red and those not. In humans, wearing red has been linked with increased performance in competitions, including professional sport and multiplayer video games. Controlled tests have demonstrated that wearing red does not increase performance or levels of testosterone during exercise, so the effect is likely to be produced by perceived rather than actual performance. Judges of tae kwon do have been shown to favor competitors wearing red protective gear over blue, and, when asked, a significant majority of people say that red abstract shapes are more "dominant", "aggressive", and "likely to win a physical competition" than blue shapes. In contrast to its positive effect in physical competition and dominance behavior, exposure to red decreases performance in cognitive tasks and elicits aversion in psychological tests where subjects are placed in an "achievement" context (e. g. taking an IQ test). We have many A-Z keywords for this term. We offer them for FREE unlike many other keyword services, however we do require that you are a registered member to view them all so that the costs will remain lower for Us. These are the linked keywords we found. These are some of the images that we found within the public domain for your "Red" keyword.
potatoes during a class discussion about George Washington Carver. Peanut butter and sweet potatoes are seen daily by school children. Another example is the traffic light, children see a traffic light all the time. The students can connect Garret A. Morgan to the traffic light while driving down the road. This book is a celebration of Rosa Park's brave decision and the events that followed. I love the illustrations in this book, they're so vivid and warm. Both author and illustrator did a awesome job capturing this courageous true story. One of my favorite children books about Martin Luther King Jr. Like Rosa, this book contains awesome illustrations. This book takes you on a journey through Martin Luther King Jr.'s life and his dream of making the world peaceful. Each page contains great quotes from Martin Luther King Jr. I personally attended Tuskegee University. That is why this book proves to be a great asset to this book list. It talks about a boy from Alabama with a dream to fly in the sky. It also honors the great accomplishments made by The Tuskegee Airmen.
The careful distinction between property and sovereignty is a central part of legal thought from the early modern period onwards. But the reality shows that this division is socioeconomically not that clear. Property rights are rights against persons in relation to things, but effectively they can be rights over people in relation to resources and space—notional, conceptual, or real. Examples of this general trend are the international financial system and international intellectual property protection. If one looks at international commercial and banking law and the corresponding regulations, one realizes that the classical understanding of sovereignty in political philosophy and in public law needs to be broadened. In particular, the forms of exercising de facto sovereignty are no longer confined to specific nation states but can increasingly be found with multinational corporations, and the legal instruments are situated more in private and commercial law (scientifically justified by mainstream economics) than in traditional public law and public international law. "Indirect Sovereignty through Property Rights," Notre Dame Journal of International & Comparative Law: Vol. 7 , Article 4. Available at: https://scholarship.law.nd.edu/ndjicl/vol7/iss2/4
Deja vu is the feeling that what you’re experiencing has already taken place. Chances are you’ve had deja vu at least once in your lifetime. It’s a bizarre, unsettling, and sometimes eerie occurrence which is difficult and almost nigh-impossible to replicate. Believe it or not, the science around deja vu still remains a big mystery with only theories to guide our understanding. Still, we’ve made great strides in unlocking its secrets. Curious to find out more about deja vu? Here are 25 Facts About Deja Vu That Might Seem Familiar. The term "Deja Vu" is actually a French term meaning, "Already Seen." In certain cases, people who experience deja vu say it resembled a dream they once had. Because it happens quickly and randomly, deja vu is difficult to understand and study. Some psychological studies have shown mundane settings, fatigue, and stressful situations may trigger deja vu. During his studies of deja vu, Sigmund Freud believed the feeling had to do with the memory of an unconscious dream. Overall, the amount of times someone experiences deja vu decreases after the age of 25. Researchers believe deja vu could be directly correlated with dopamine levels in the brain. This also explains why younger people experience deja vu more. In a review of years of studies, it seems that after testing electrical stimulation of the temporal lobe, patients were said to experience complex emotions of unreality and deja vu. Deja vu could be just your brain failing to create memories correctly, creating a memory twice during your experience. One survey found that two-thirds of adults claim to have experienced deja vu at least once. One theory suggests that deja vu is an experience you had in a parallel universe. There are two other kinds of deja vu: deja entendu which means, "already heard" and deja vecu which means, "already lived." Some people believe deja vu is a type of subconscious sixth sense. Travelers experience deja vu more than those that don't. It's likely because travelers experience more memorable and notable places. People who suffer "Psychic Seizures" are said to have out of body experiences and deja vu. Education and socio-economic status has been directly correlated with the frequency of times someone experience deja vu. Apparently, those with higher education and in a higher socioeconomic status might experience deja vu more often than those in lower brackets. Deja vu has been attributed by psychoanalysts as just a fantasy or wish fulfillment. The opposite of deja vu is called "Jaimas vu." Its when someone walks through a familiar setting but it feels totally unfamiliar. Parapsychologists believe deja vu has more to do with a person's past life. When you experience deja vu, its the memory of your former self. One possible trigger of deja vu is called "split perception." It occurs when you briefly glance at an object before taking a full look. Scientists hypothesized in "The New Scientist" that deja vu could be a memory checker in your brain. If you get deja vu, it means your memory is working properly. At Colorado State University, a cognitive scientists tried to induce deja vu by virtual reality. After creating two rooms to enter, patients reported feeling deja vu when entering the second room. One theory posits that deja vu is really just a glitch or momentary break down in reality. The amygdala part of our brain, which involves emotion, is said to be a factor in why people experience deja vu. Some studies claim deja vu could be part of precognitive dreams, giving us a window into the future. Lists Going Viral Right Now Photos: feature: shutterstock, 25. Sep nabi, Deja vu illustration, CC BY-SA 4.0, 24. MaxPixel.com (Public Domain), 23. Pexels.com (Public Domain), 22. Pexels.com (Public Domain), 21. Wikipedia Commons.com (Public Domain), 20. MaxPixel.com (Public Domain), 19. BruceBlaus, Dopamine Pathway, CC BY-SA 4.0, 18. Anatomography, Temporal lobe – lateral view, CC BY-SA 1.0, 17. Wikipedia Commons.com (Public Domain), 16. Espen Sundve via flickr. CC BY-SA 2.0, 15. Lee Davy via flickr. CC BY 2.0, 14. MaxPixel.com (Public Domain), 13. Pexels.com (Public Domain), 12. MaxPixel.com (Public Domain), 11. Scott Air Force Base (Public Domain), 10. Pexels.com (Public Domain), 9. Jessica Tam, Wish, CC BY 2.0, 8. Pexels.com (Public Domain), 7. PxHere.com (Public Domain), 6. anonymous, Prisma-goethe, CC BY-SA 3.0, 5. Wikipedia Commons.com (Public Domain), 4. Maurizio Pesce from Milan, Italia, Samsung’s Virtual Reality MWC 2016 Press Conference (26666393696), CC BY 2.0, 3. https://flickr.com/people/68716054@N00/ Rosa Menkman], Glitch Art, CC BY 2.0, 2. Wikipedia Commons.com (Public Domain), 1. Wikipedia Commons.com (Public Domain)
Breaking News Emails Most references to Blackbeard point to his pillaging and rape. But now a new perception of the notorious pirate arises: a Blackbeard who may have been an avid reader, according to a discovery in a cannon chamber of his ship. Although researchers found thousands of artifacts in the 1996 salvage of Blackbeard's shipwrecked barge, no artifact was as unusual as their most recent discovery: 16 fragments of paper with still-legible print that is believed to have come from a 1712 book on nautical voyages. Researchers and conservators from the Queen Anne's Revenge Shipwreck Project, or QAR, a division of the North Carolina Cultural Resources Department, found the fragments inside the cannon of a breech chamber, according to a Facebook post from the organization. Two QAR conservators, Kimberly Kenyon and Erik Farrell, cleaned the breech chamber and found the papers wadded up in one, Kenyon said in an interview with NBC News. "We rinsed the dirt off and we realized there was printed text," she said. "We were both extremely astounded. We weren't exactly sure of the material [at the time of discovery], so we did consult with some paper conservators to verify that it was actually paper," Kenyon said. "For paper to survive in an archaeological water site is extremely rare." Archaeologists from Florida-based research firm Intersal Inc. uncovered the vessel in 1996. It was shipwrecked in North Carolina, where it is believed that the ship's crew engaged in fierce battle in 1718 with volunteers from the British Royal Navy who killed Blackbeard. The papers — the largest of which was the size of a quarter — were discovered in May 2016, Kenyon said. But the conservators sent them off to a specialist for examination. The process took more than a year to yield results. Words like "south" and "fathom" suggested that the scraps were from a maritime or nautical work. But the biggest clue was the word "Hilo," which led Kenyon to consult with Johanna Green, a lecturer in information studies at the University of Glasgow in Scotland, to conclude that the scraps originally were part of a book called "A Voyage to the South Seas, and Round the World, Perform'd in the years 1708, 1709, 1710 and 1711" by Capt. Edward Cooke. Blackbeard captured a French slave ship called La Concorde in 1717 and renamed it the Queen Anne's Revenge, according to QAR. It would become the ship that battled the Royal Navy and suffered shipwreck. Although some knowledge on the pirate and his ship exists, the book's origin is still unclear. QAR conservators speculate that the book could have belonged to one of Blackbeard's crewmen or to one of the crewmen who surrendered the ship to him. Though conservators are still trying to precisely identify the book's origin, Kenyon said that the biggest takeaway may not be where the book came from, but what its presence says about pirates. "In researching the presence of the papers, there’s a lot more evidence on literacy among ordinary sailors than we can expect," she said. "It looks like — from wills and court records — sailors would leave their sea chests with members of their families, and inside were books. It looks like literacy levels were higher than expected [among pirates.]" The shipwreck is regarded as a national treasure, particularly because it is one of the oldest uncovered shipwrecks in North Carolina, according to QAR's website.