translation |
"en": "Sanryo bugyo was one of the positions of Edo bakufu which was placed at the end of Edo period to manage and maintain the Imperial mausoleum.",
"ja": "山陵奉行(さんりょうぶぎょう)は、幕末期に置かれた江戸幕府の職のひとつで、天皇陵の管理、修補を掌った。"
} |
"en": "It was assigned by Imperial court though it was the position of bakufu reflecting the political situation of Sonno Joi (slogan advocating reverence for the Emperor and the expulsion of foreigners) at the end of Edo period.",
"ja": "幕府の職でありながら朝廷が任命するという幕末の尊皇攘夷の政治情勢を反映したものであった。"
} |
"en": "Summary",
"ja": "概要"
} |
"en": "In 1862, by the petition of the lord of Utsunomiya Domain, Tadayuki TODA, Utsunomiya Domain was entrusted all the maintenance matters of the shoryo (tombs).",
"ja": "文久2年(1862年)、宇都宮藩藩主戸田忠恕の建白によって、宇都宮藩に、諸陵修補に関するいっさいのことが委任された。"
} |
"en": "The chief retainer of Utsunomiya Domain Wasaburo MASE went to west for Shuryo (the restoration of the imperial tombs) in place of the lord.",
"ja": "宇都宮藩家老間瀬和三郎は、藩主に代わって西上し、修陵に当たった。"
} |
"en": "The sanryo bugyo was stationed there to supervise the shuryo work.",
"ja": "ここにおいて山陵奉行が置かれ、修陵事務を統轄させられた。"
} |
"en": "On October 22, Wasaburo MASE was assigned to sanryo bugyo orally in the house of Dainagon (chief councilor of state) Toshikatsu BOJO.",
"ja": "10月22日、大納言坊城俊克邸において口達をもって間瀬和三郎が山陵奉行に任じられた。"
} |
"en": "In February 1863, Wasaburo MASE became Yamato no kami (the governor of Yamato Province) and on March 7, 1864, praising the completion of repair and maintenance of Mausoleum of Emperor Jinmu, he was assigned to Naganaga sanryo bugyo.",
"ja": "文久3年正月間瀬和三郎は大和守となり、元治元年正月29日、神武天皇陵修補完成の功を賞して「永々山陵奉行仰附らる」ることとなった。"
} |
"en": "On February 21, 1868, it was renamed sanryo koho bugyo appointed by Yamato no kami, on July 28, an adjutant was placed in sanryo sokanhei and Hirofusa MADENOKOJI was assigned as superintendent general, Tadayuki TODA was assigned as adjutant and bugyo was abolished.",
"ja": "明治元年2月21日山陵修補奉行と改称され、なおも大和守をもって補任されたが、7月28日あらたに山陵総管竝に副官が置かれ、総管に万里小路博房、副官に戸田忠至が補され、奉行は廃された。"
} |
"en": "Shimozami was a subordinate of gate watcher serving at Mitsuke (area lying outside the gates of a castle) in Edo.",
"ja": "下座見とは江戸の見附に勤務した門番の下役である。"
} |
"en": "They distinguished passing processions which came to castle.",
"ja": "通過する登城行列の鑑別を行った。"
} |
"en": "There was a rule that Gate watchers returned salute to passing processions depending on kakaku (family status) and positions.",
"ja": "見附を通行する行列に対し家格や役職に応じた答礼を門番側が行う決まりになっていた。"
} |
"en": "To prepare for that, gate watchers had to identify the leader of processions quickly, therefore a specialist job, shimozami was created to distinguish processions.",
"ja": "この答礼準備のため門番側はいち早く行列の主を特定する必要に迫られた、このため行列の観別を行う下座見という専門職が誕生した。"
} |
"en": "Skilled Shimozami could identify whose processions they were instantly at a glance from a long distance.",
"ja": "熟練した下座見になると遠方より一瞥しただけで瞬時に誰の行列か特定できたという。"
} |
"en": "In her own story included in Kasshiyawa written by Seizan MATSURA, she wrote that shimozami recognized the lord of Matsuura domain and responded appropriately though they just rode away in an urgent situation, unlike normal procession.",
"ja": "松浦静山の甲子夜話に収録されている本人の体験談によると、緊急事態に通常の行列とことなり数騎のみで駆け抜けた時にも下座見は彼を松浦藩藩主と認識し適切な答礼を行ったという。"
} |
"en": "Yari-bugyo was a post in the Edo shogunate.",
"ja": "槍奉行(やりぶぎょう)は、江戸幕府に置かれた役職のひとつ。"
} |
"en": "Three to five persons were appointed the post under the roju (member of shogun's council of elders).",
"ja": "老中の支配を受け、3人から5人が任命された。"
} |
"en": "The post took charge of administration of spears in the shogunate but was an easy job during times of peace.",
"ja": "幕府における槍に関する事務をつかさどったが、平時においては閑職であったようである。"
} |
"en": "The post supervised the Nagara spear fighters unit and the Hachioji Sennin Doshin.",
"ja": "長柄槍組同心と八王子千人同心頭を統括した。"
} |
"en": "Sakuji bugyo was a post held by hatamoto during the Edo Period.",
"ja": "作事奉行(さくじぶぎょう)とは、江戸時代の旗本の役職の一つ。"
} |
"en": "The post was involved in hoi (traditional everyday clothes).",
"ja": "布衣役。"
} |
"en": "It was established in 1632.",
"ja": "1632年(寛永9年)設置。"
} |
"en": "The post covered administration of construction and maintenance under the bakufu government.",
"ja": "幕府の造営修繕の管理に掌る役職。"
} |
"en": "Specializing chiefly in woodworks, the sakuji bugyo administered carpenters and other craftsmen in the areas of detailed works, tatami mats and garden plants.",
"ja": "特に木工仕事が専門で、大工・細工・畳・植木などを統括した。"
} |
"en": "Starting in 1662, shumon aratame-yaku (officer in charge of persecuting Christians) began to take on this duty concurrently.",
"ja": "また1662年(寛文2年)から宗門改役が1名が兼任されるようになる。"
} |
"en": "The post was abolished in 1792.",
"ja": "1792年(寛政4年)に廃止になった。"
} |
"en": "Along with fushin bugyo and kofushin bugyo, the three posts were known as shimosan bugyo (three commissioners, mainly in charge of repair and management).",
"ja": "普請奉行、小普請奉行とあわせ下三奉行(しもさんぶぎょう)といった。"
} |
"en": "The sakuji bugyo's salary was 2100-koku rice yield but was changed to 2000 ryo (gold pieces) in 1867.",
"ja": "役高は2100石高だったが、1867年(慶応3年)に2000両支給に変更した。"
} |
"en": "There were two to three appointed to the post.",
"ja": "定員は2~3人。"
} |
"en": "The office for the bugyo was located next to a metsuke (inspector of foot soldiers) office at the far end of a building between a storage room and a castle's middle gate.",
"ja": "納戸口と中の口門の間の棟の一番端の目付部屋の隣に本部があった。"
} |
"en": "Kyoto daikugashira, daikugashira (construction prefect), sakuji shita-bugyo, tatami bugyo (tatami magistrate), saikudokoro gashira (tooling office head), kanjoyaku todori (chief of accounts), sakujikata hikan (construction low-level bureaucrat), kawara bugyo (roof tile magistrate), ueki bugyo (garden magistrate) and sakujikata niwasaku were under the sakuji bugyo.",
"ja": "下役に京都大工頭、大工頭、作事下奉行、畳奉行、細工所頭、勘定役頭取、作事方被官、瓦奉行、植木奉行、作事方庭作などの役があった。"
} |
"en": "Jisha denso was a post placed in the Kuge (court nobles) Government in the medieval period and modern times.",
"ja": "寺社伝奏(じしゃでんそう)は、中世・近世の公家政権に設置された役職。"
} |
"en": "It was denso who relayed petitions from specific temples and shrines to the retired Emperor or the Emperor.",
"ja": "特定寺社からの奏請を上皇・天皇へ取り次ぐ伝奏。"
} |
"en": "The word 'denso' had been established after the late Heian period but the post was established during Emperor Gosaga's insei period (during the period of the government by the retired Emperor) in the Kamakura period.",
"ja": "「伝奏」という語は平安時代後期以後に成立しているが、役職としての成立は鎌倉時代の後嵯峨天皇院政期である。"
} |
"en": "Denso was appointed by In (the retired Emperor) or the Emperor and dealt with all petitions except ones managed by Kanto moshitsugi (court-appointed liaison with the bakufu [Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun]).",
"ja": "伝奏は院や天皇に任じられ、関東申次管掌以外の全ての奏請を扱っていた。"
} |
"en": "However, after Ex-emperor Gofushimi's era, when many temples and shrines were restored, the official duties of the denso were broken into smaller and denso who relayed between the retired Emperor or the Emperor and specific temples and shrines which occupied nationally important positions was established.",
"ja": "だが、寺社興行が盛んになった後伏見天皇院政期以後、伝奏の職掌の細分化が進み、国家的に重要な地位を占める特定の寺社との間の取り次ぎを扱う伝奏が設置されるようになる。"
} |
"en": "Jingutenso' (shrine messenger to the Emperor) of Ise Jingu Shrine, 'Kamo-denso' (Kamo shrine messenger to the Emperor) of Kamo-sha Shrine, 'Sanmon-denso' (Enryaku-ji Temple messenger tothe Emperor) of Enryaku-ji Temple, 'Nanto-denso' which controlled temples in Nara such as Kofuku-ji Temple, and others were established.",
"ja": "伊勢神宮の「神宮伝奏」、賀茂社の「賀茂伝奏」、延暦寺の「山門伝奏」、興福寺など奈良の寺院を統括する「南都伝奏」などが設置された。"
} |
"en": "During the period of the Northern and Southern Courts, as real power of the government affairs moved from the Imperial Court to bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun), the denso's duty changed to relaying petitions from temples and shrines to the Muromachi bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun during the Muromachi period) and Seitaishogun (commander-in-chief of the expeditionary force against the barbarians, great, unifying leader) although appointment and dismissal were still done by In and the Emperor.",
"ja": "南北朝時代(日本)に入ると、政務の実権が朝廷から幕府に移るようになると、依然として任免は院や天皇が行っていたものの、その職務は寺社からの奏請を受けて室町幕府及び征夷大将軍への取り次ぎを行う役に転じるようになる。"
} |
"en": "As a result, jisha denso also had a function in the bakufu.",
"ja": "これによって寺社伝奏は幕府役職としての要素を併せ持つことになる。"
} |
"en": "It was the same way that so denso which was in charge of civil administration shifted to the role of buke tenso established instead of Kanto moshitsugi.",
"ja": "これは一般民政を担当していた惣伝奏(そうでんそう)が関東申次に代わって設置された武家伝奏の職へと変化していくのと軌を一にしている。"
} |
"en": "However, after Onin war, the jisha denso became a messenger for In or the Emperor again since political power of the Muromachi bakufu weakened.",
"ja": "だが、応仁の乱後には室町幕府の政治力は衰微して寺社伝奏は再び院や天皇に取り次ぐ役に戻ることになる。"
} |
"en": "In the Edo period, they relayed petitions from temples and shrines through buke tenso to In or the Emperor and in some cases, to the Edo bakufu under the supervision of the buke denso.",
"ja": "江戸時代に入ると、武家伝奏の監督下のもとで寺社から奏請を武家伝奏を経由して院・天皇、場合によっては江戸幕府に取り次ぐ役職になる。"
} |
"en": "Moreover, they started to receive petitions not only from specific important temples and shrines but also from small temples and shrines of each sect.",
"ja": "ただし、それまでの特定の重要な寺社に限定されず、中小の寺社や各宗派・教派からの奏請を受けるようになる。"
} |
"en": "However, in sects (such as Hosso sect, Tendai sect, Shingon sect and so on) which monzeki (successor of a temple) was placed, petitioning the Emperor was performed through monzeki, and in small temples and shrines, it was done by the Yoshida family or the Shirakawa family.",
"ja": "ただし、門跡が置かれた宗派(法相宗・天台宗・真言宗など)では門跡経由で奏請が行われ、中小の神社は吉田家もしくは白川家が取り次ぎを行った。"
} |
"en": "In addition, jisha tenso held the post of buke denso concurrently in sects (Shingi Shingon sect Buzan-ha [ha means group], Rinzai sect Gozan-ha, Jodo sect, Jodo Shingon sect Hongan-ji Temple-ha and so on) which were protected carefully by the Edo bakufu.",
"ja": "更に江戸幕府の保護の厚い宗派(新義真言宗豊山派・臨済宗五山派・浄土宗・浄土真宗本願寺派など)の寺社伝奏は武家伝奏の兼任として行われていた。"
} |
"en": "Han-i was a doctor who served a feudal domain in the Edo period.",
"ja": "藩医(はんい)とは、江戸時代に藩に仕えた医師のこと。"
} |
"en": "Although social status and job ranks varied by domains, there were doctors who served only the feudal lord and his family, and those who cared for others, as in the case of Edo shogunate having okui ishi (inner doctors for the Tokugawa family) and omote ishi (for others).",
"ja": "身分や職制などは各藩により異なるが、江戸幕府の奥医師・表医師と同様に藩主やその家族などを担当する医師とその他の医師に別れていた。"
} |
"en": "In many cases, doctors were separated into those holding hereditary positions in the samurai class and lower-ranking physicians who came from lower-ranking samurai or ordinary families.",
"ja": "武士としての格式を持つ世襲の士席医師と下級武士あるいは民間の出身である軽輩医師に分かれている例が多い。"
} |
"en": "Prior to taking over a family head position or during apprenticeship, hon-i was paid heyazumi-ryo and after completing apprenticeship or becoming the family head, his salary was paid in full.",
"ja": "家督継承前あるいは修業中は部屋住料が与えられ、家督継承後あるいは成業後に本禄が与えられた。"
} |
"en": "In accordance to medical practices at that time, there were physicians in charge of 'hondo,' or internal medicine, and others called 'zakka' covering all other areas of medical care including surgery, ophthalmology, dentistry, acupuncture and moxibustion.",
"ja": "当時の医学の慣例に倣って「本道」と呼ばれた内科を担当する医師と外科をはじめ眼科・歯科・鍼灸などを一括した「雑科」に分けられていた。"
} |
"en": "Although it was common that talented doctors in the samurai class were appointed the post of doctor for the lord, there were some rare cases of lower-ranking or folk doctors appointed to serve the feudal lord.",
"ja": "藩主に近侍する侍医は士席医師のうち医業優秀な者が選ばれるのが例であったが、稀に軽輩医師や城下の町村医師が抜擢される場合もあった。"
} |
"en": "The latter was called the omemie-ishi (privileged doctor).",
"ja": "後者を御目見医師と呼ぶ。"
} |
"en": "In addition, there was another practice which doctors worked in shifts at the castle when the doctor serving the lord was away.",
"ja": "この他に侍医が城に詰めていないときに交代で番を行って万が一に備える番医の制度があった。"
} |
"en": "Honjo bugyo was one of the positions of Edo bakufu.",
"ja": "本所奉行(ほんじょぶぎょう)とは、江戸幕府の役職の1つ。"
} |
"en": "It controlled Honjo (presently Honko in Sumida Ward) and Fukagawa (Koto Ward).",
"ja": "江戸東郊の本所(現在の本所(墨田区)・深川(江東区))を管轄した。"
} |
"en": "The fixed number of people was 2 consisting of one each from shoinban (the castle guards) and koshoban (page).",
"ja": "定員2名で通常は書院番・小姓番から1名ずつの出役が務めた。"
} |
"en": "They managed civil administration, roads, bridges and waterways of Honjo and farmed out cleaning of water and sewerage, repair of water pipes and opening and closing of water pipe gate to citizens.",
"ja": "本所の民政・道路・橋・水路などを管理し、住民に上下水道の浚いや圦樋の修理、樋戸開閉の見回りなどを請負わせていた。"
} |
"en": "After the Great Fire of Meireki, Ryogoku-bashi Bridge was constructed across Sumida-gawa River and the construction of waterways for Kake-gawa River (in Tokyo) and Oyoko-gawa River was in progress and urban area was expanded to the west side of Sumida-gawa River where was not included in Edo before.",
"ja": "明暦の大火後、隅田川に両国橋が架けられて竪川(東京都)・大横川などの溝渠の構築が進行する等、従来江戸の範疇に含まれていなかった隅田川の東側にも市街地が拡大するようになった。"
} |
"en": "To respond to the situation, on May 4, 1660, Shigemasa TOKUYAMA and Shigemasa YAMAZAKI from shoinban (the castle guards) were assigned to 'bugyo of waterways for honjo residential land.'",
"ja": "これに対応するために万治3年3月25日(旧暦)(1660年5月4日)に書院番の徳山重政・山崎重政両名を「本所宅地并に溝渠の奉行」に任ぜられた。"
} |
"en": "This is considered as the beginning of honjo bugyo.",
"ja": "これが本所奉行の始まりとされている。"
} |
"en": "In 1685, it was abolished once, but on September 15 and 17 in 1693, it started again at the assignments of Yoshiaki TODO and Tsuneyuki TAGA.",
"ja": "貞享2年(1685年)に一端廃止されたが、元禄6年8月16日(旧暦)(1693年9月15日)もしくは8月18日(旧暦)に藤堂良明・多賀常之が任命されて復活した。"
} |
"en": "After that, on June 3, 1713, residential area of honjo was transferred to machi bugyo and on May 21, 1719, buke (military authority) area was transferred to fushin bugyo (shogunate administrator of activities by a community, such as cleaning or fixing stone wall) and roads, bridges and waterways were transferred to kanjo bugyo and honjo bugyo was abolished.",
"ja": "その後、正徳(日本)3年5月11日(旧暦)(1713年7月3日)に本所の町並地は町奉行に移管され、続いて享保4年4月3日(旧暦)(1719年5月21日)には武家地は普請奉行、道路・橋・水路は勘定奉行に移管されて本所奉行は廃止された。"
} |
"en": "General public administration and woks farmed out to citizens were managed by 'honjogata' (1 yoriki and 2 doshin) placed in machi bugyo.",
"ja": "一般行政や住民に請負わせていた事業の管理は町奉行に設置された「本所方」(与力1名・同心2名)が行うことになった。"
} |
"en": "Naishi was a kind of female government post in Japan before the Modern era.",
"ja": "内侍(ないし)は近代以前の日本の女性職の1種である。"
} |
"en": "Naishi means as below.",
"ja": "内侍には以下のものがある。"
} |
"en": "A collective name for the court ladies served in Naishi no tsukasa (female palace attendants) that was the government office in the women's quarters of the Imperial Palace.",
"ja": "律令制における、後宮の役所である内侍司(ないしのつかさ)に勤めた女官の総称。"
} |
"en": "A kind of the court lady served in Saigu-ryo (the Bureau of the High Priestess of Ise).",
"ja": "斎宮寮の女官の1種。"
} |
"en": "A kind of the court lady served in Saiinshi (Office of the High Priestess of Kamo-jinja Shrine).",
"ja": "斎院司の女官の1種。"
} |
"en": "A shrine maiden of Itsukushimajinja shrine in Aki Province.",
"ja": "安芸国の厳島神社の巫女。"
} |
"en": "Naishi was a collective name given to the court ladies who attended on the emperor; their official duties included conveying reports to the emperor and passing on imperial decrees to retainers.",
"ja": "天皇に近侍して、常時天皇への奏上や、天皇からの宣下を仲介する等を職掌とした内侍司の女官の総称である。"
} |
"en": "Naishi adopted the Shitokan system such that Kami was called Naishinokami or Shoji (the prescribed number was two), Suke was called Naishinosuke or Tenij (the prescribed number was four), and Jo was called Naishinojo or Shoji (the prescribed number was four), without the post of Sakan.",
"ja": "長官を尚侍(ないしのかみ/しょうじ)(定員2名)、次官を典侍(ないしのすけ/てんじ)(定員4名)、判官を掌侍(ないしのじょう/しょうじ)(定員4名)と称し、主典は欠くものの四等官制を採用していた。"
} |
"en": "Gon no naishinojo (the prescribed number was two) was sometimes placed, and 'Naishidai' was temporarily appointed to substitute Naishi during her menstruation.",
"ja": "他に権掌侍(ごんのないしのじょう)(定員2名)が置かれることもあり、また内侍に障りがあって出仕できない場合などに「内侍代」が臨時に任命されることもあった。"
} |
"en": "Naishidai' was placed in Togubo and immediately promoted to Naishi after the enthronement of the Crown Prince.",
"ja": "ちなみに春宮坊には「内侍代」が置かれ、即位の後にはそのまま内侍に就くことになっていた。"
} |
"en": "For further details, see 'Naishi no kami.'",
"ja": "詳しくは尚侍を参照。"
} |
"en": "Naishi no suke always attended on the emperor, and held out Kenji when the emperor went to the annex.",
"ja": "常に天皇に近侍し、天皇が別殿に渡御する際には剣璽を捧持した。"
} |
"en": "A wet nurse of the emperor was appointed Naishi no suke in most cases, in which Naishi no suke served as a messenger in the ceremony Yasoshima matsuri which took place after the enthronement.",
"ja": "天皇の乳母が任ぜられることが多く、その場合は即位後に行われる八十島神祭の御使となる例であった。"
} |
"en": "When the emperor abdicated the throne in favor of his successor, Naishi no suke handed on Kenji to Konoenojisho as her duty (the duty was called 'Okurinaishi'), which was later took over by an experienced Naishi no jo 'Koto Naishi.'",
"ja": "また新帝に譲位の場合、剣璽を近衛次将に送るのも典侍の勤めであったが(これを「送内侍(おくりないし)」といった)、これらの役職は後に掌侍の一﨟である「勾当(こうとう)内侍」がこれに代わるようになった。"
} |
"en": "Naishi' in a narrow sense solely meant Naishi no jo.",
"ja": "狭義における「内侍」は専らこの掌侍を指した。"
} |
"en": "Naishi attended on Saigu and looked after her.",
"ja": "斎宮に近侍してその用を勤めた。"
} |
"en": "Similar to Naishi of Saiguryo, Naishi of Saiinshi attended on Saiin and look after her.",
"ja": "斎宮寮に同じく、斎院に近侍してその用を勤めた。"
} |
"en": "Naishi was the female priest (shrine maiden) of Itsukushimajinja shrine, being in charge of not only the religious services but also do some performances including singing Imayo song and showing a bugaku dance to relieve a nobleman who was confining himself in the shrine for prayer from the tedium of a journey.",
"ja": "厳島神社の女性神職(巫女)で、神事のほかに、同神社に参籠する貴人の旅情を慰めるために今様を朗詠したり舞楽などを行った。"
} |
"en": "The Article of 'Shake guso naishi narabi shoyakunin shinnin no na' of \"Itsukushima michishibaki\" lists up the names of Naishi from the first rank to the eighth rank and commented that they were called 'Yaotome' and 'Honnaishi'; it is said that there were more than dozen of Naishi under the names of 'Wakin Naishi', 'Karakami Naishi' and the like.",
"ja": "『厳島道芝記』の社家供僧内侍並諸役人神人之名の条には、一﨟から八﨟までの内侍の名を挙げ、これを「八乙女」と称し、また「本内侍」と称したことが見え、このほかにも「和琴内侍」や「韓神内侍」など、その数は十数人にも及んでいた。"
} |
"en": "Incidentally, Mikohimegimi, who was the seventh daughter of TAIRA no Kiyomori and became a consort of Emperor Goshirakawa, is said to be a child between Kiyomori when he was Aki no kami and Naishi of Itsukushimajinja shrine.",
"ja": "なお、平清盛の第7女で後白河天皇に召された御子姫君は、安芸守時代の清盛と、厳島内侍の間の子であるという。"
} |
"en": "Naishi no kami indicates as follows.",
"ja": "尚侍(ないしのかみ)とは、下記のとおりである。"
} |
"en": "1. the highest government post for the court lady during the Meiji and Taisho periods.",
"ja": "1明治・大正時代の、宮中女官の最高の官名。"
} |
"en": "2. the government post for the court lady who served as Kami (director) of Naishi no tsukasa.",
"ja": "2平安時代の、内侍司の長官を勤めた女官の官名。"
} |
"en": "Naishi no kami attended on the emperor, being in charge of conveying messages from retainers to the emperor and the orders from the emperor to retainers.",
"ja": "天皇に近侍して、奏請・伝宣などをつかさどる。"
} |
"en": "Later, Naishi no kami was ranked with Nyogo and Koui in the women's quarters in the Imperial Palace.",
"ja": "後に女御・更衣に準じて後宮に列する。"
} |
"en": "",
"ja": ""
} |
Subsets and Splits