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Utterance: maak my wakker nege-uur v. m. op vrydag Determine the scenario of this utterance from the following options: Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather
Utterance: stel 'n alarm vir twee ure van nou af Determine the scenario of this utterance from the following options: Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather
janneman stilte What is the scenario of this utterance? (Choose from Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather)
Based on the following utterance, classify the scenario: stop Possible options: Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather
janneman onderbreek dit vir tien sekondes Which scenario best describes this utterance? (Choose one from Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather)
What scenario does the following utterance belong to? stop vir tien sekondes Available options: Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather
What is the appropriate scenario for this utterance? maak die beligting bietjie meer warm hier Select from the following scenarios: Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather
stel asseblief die beligting geskik vir lees Identify the scenario that best fits this utterance (options: Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather)
tyd om te slaap What is the scenario of this utterance? (Choose from Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather)
What scenario does the following utterance belong to? tyd om te slaap janneman Available options: Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather
What is the appropriate scenario for this utterance? skakel af die lig in die badkamer Select from the following scenarios: Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather
olly verdof die ligte in die gang What is the scenario of this utterance? (Choose from Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather)
Given the following utterance: skakel die ligte af in die slaapkamer What scenario does it belong to? (Select from Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather)
Context: stel die ligte na twintig persent What scenario is being described? (Options: Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather)
Given the following utterance: olly stel ligte tot twintig persent What scenario does it belong to? (Select from Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather)
Context: olly verdof die ligte in die kombuis What scenario is being described? (Options: Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather)
Given the following utterance: verdof die ligte in die kombuis What scenario does it belong to? (Select from Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather)
janneman maak die woonstel skoon In which scenario does this utterance fit? (Choose from Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather)
What is the appropriate scenario for this utterance? stofsuig die huis Select from the following scenarios: Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather
Utterance: stofsuig die huis olly Determine the scenario of this utterance from the following options: Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather
Context: stofsuig die matte What scenario is being described? (Options: Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather)
kyk wanneer die vertoning begin In which scenario does this utterance fit? (Choose from Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather)
Given the following utterance: ek will weer na 'n koos kombuis liedjie luister What scenario does it belong to? (Select from Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather)
ek wil weer daardie musiek een speel Identify the scenario that best fits this utterance (options: Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather)
Context: kyk my motor is gereed What scenario is being described? (Options: Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather)
kyk of my skootrekenaar werk What is the scenario of this utterance? (Choose from Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather)
Given the following utterance: is die helderheid van my skerm laag What scenario does it belong to? (Select from Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather)
Given the following utterance: ek moet liggingsdienste aan hê kan jy kyk What scenario does it belong to? (Select from Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather)
kyk die status van my krag verbruik Identify the scenario that best fits this utterance (options: Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather)
What is the appropriate scenario for this utterance? ek is nie moeg nie ek is eintlik gelukkig Select from the following scenarios: Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather
ollie ek is nie moeg nie ek is eintlik gelukkig Identify the scenario that best fits this utterance (options: Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather)
Based on the following utterance, classify the scenario: wat gaan aan Possible options: Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather
Given the following utterance: vertel my die tyd in moskou What scenario does it belong to? (Select from Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather)
se vir my die tyd g. m. t. plus vyf What is the scenario of this utterance? (Choose from Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather)
Given the following utterance: olly lys mees gegradeerde afleweringsopsies vir sjinese kos What scenario does it belong to? (Select from Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather)
Context: mees gegradeerde aflewering opsies vir chinese kos What scenario is being described? (Options: Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather)
olly hoogste gegradeerde aflewerings opsies vir chinese kos What is the scenario of this utterance? (Choose from Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather)
ek wil kerrie as wegneem hê enige aanbevelings What is the scenario of this utterance? (Choose from Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather)
Based on the following utterance, classify the scenario: ek wil 'n bietjie kerrie hê om te gaan enige aanbevelings janneman Possible options: Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather
vind my taiwannese wegneemetes rondom die waterfront Identify the scenario that best fits this utterance (options: Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather)
Given the following utterance: stop sewe-uur v. m. alarm What scenario does it belong to? (Select from Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather)
lys asseblief aktiewe alarms What is the scenario of this utterance? (Choose from Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather)
wat gebeur vandag in rugby Identify the scenario that best fits this utterance (options: Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather)
Based on the following utterance, classify the scenario: speel asseblief yesterday van die beatles Possible options: Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather
Utterance: ek hou van rock musiek Determine the scenario of this utterance from the following options: Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather
my gunsteling musiek groep is queen Which scenario best describes this utterance? (Choose one from Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather)
begin musiek van nadine speel Which scenario best describes this utterance? (Choose one from Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather)
speel asseblief my beste musiek Which scenario best describes this utterance? (Choose one from Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather)
Given the following utterance: wie het die musiek wat nou speel gekomponeer What scenario does it belong to? (Select from Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather)
Context: wat is daardie die album is huidige musiek van What scenario is being described? (Options: Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather)
What scenario does the following utterance belong to? olly ek geniet regtig hierdie liedjie Available options: Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather
die lied wat jy speel is wonderlik Identify the scenario that best fits this utterance (options: Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather)
dit is een van die beste liedjies vir my In which scenario does this utterance fit? (Choose from Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather)
maak ligte helderder Identify the scenario that best fits this utterance (options: Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather)
What is the appropriate scenario for this utterance? verhoog asseblief die ligte voluit Select from the following scenarios: Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather
het skakel die stofsuier robot aan What is the scenario of this utterance? (Choose from Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather)
skakel die skoonmaker robot aan Identify the scenario that best fits this utterance (options: Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather)
Context: bestel asseblief soesji vir aandete What scenario is being described? (Options: Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather)
Utterance: haai ek wil hê jy moet 'n burger bestel Determine the scenario of this utterance from the following options: Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather
What scenario does the following utterance belong to? kan ek wegneem aandete bestel van romans Available options: Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather
Based on the following utterance, classify the scenario: doen biesmiellah wegneem etes Possible options: Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather
Based on the following utterance, classify the scenario: stel 'n wekker vir twaalf Possible options: Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather
stel 'n alarm veertig minute van nou af What is the scenario of this utterance? (Choose from Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather)
What is the appropriate scenario for this utterance? stel alarm vir agtuur elke weeksdag Select from the following scenarios: Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather
Based on the following utterance, classify the scenario: reën dit Possible options: Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather
gaan dit reën What is the scenario of this utterance? (Choose from Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather)
Utterance: sneeu dit tans Determine the scenario of this utterance from the following options: Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather
Given the following utterance: wat is die week se weer What scenario does it belong to? (Select from Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather)
Context: vertel my b. b. c. nuus What scenario is being described? (Options: Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather)
Context: wat is die nuss op b. b. c. nuus What scenario is being described? (Options: Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather)
Given the following utterance: wat is e nuus se nuutste nuus What scenario does it belong to? (Select from Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather)
speel 'n liedjie waarvan ek hou Which scenario best describes this utterance? (Choose one from Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather)
speel daft punk Which scenario best describes this utterance? (Choose one from Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather)
Given the following utterance: sit aan 'n bietjie coldplay What scenario does it belong to? (Select from Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather)
skommel hierdie speellys In which scenario does this utterance fit? (Choose from Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather)
Context: wat speel nou What scenario is being described? (Options: Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather)
What scenario does the following utterance belong to? watter musiek is hierdie Available options: Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather
Utterance: sê my die kunstenaar van die song Determine the scenario of this utterance from the following options: Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather
Given the following utterance: maak my lag What scenario does it belong to? (Select from Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather)
What scenario does the following utterance belong to? janneman laat my lag Available options: Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather
What scenario does the following utterance belong to? vertel my n goeie grappie Available options: Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather
vertel my 'n grap Identify the scenario that best fits this utterance (options: Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather)
Utterance: alexa vertel vir my n grappie Determine the scenario of this utterance from the following options: Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather
Based on the following utterance, classify the scenario: kikker my op Possible options: Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather
Utterance: vertel my van vandag Determine the scenario of this utterance from the following options: Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather
Based on the following utterance, classify the scenario: bestel 'n pizza Possible options: Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather
bestel vir my 'n boerie rolletjie van bo-kaap kombuis Which scenario best describes this utterance? (Choose one from Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather)
wanneer kom my bestelling Which scenario best describes this utterance? (Choose one from Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather)
Given the following utterance: hoe lank nog vir my wegneem ete What scenario does it belong to? (Select from Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather)
What scenario does the following utterance belong to? domino's aflewering status Available options: Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather
What scenario does the following utterance belong to? wat speel nou Available options: Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather
sê vir my die liedjie se naam Identify the scenario that best fits this utterance (options: Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather)
What is the appropriate scenario for this utterance? speel my jazz speel lys Select from the following scenarios: Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather
begin my jazz speellys In which scenario does this utterance fit? (Choose from Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather)
What scenario does the following utterance belong to? speel my gunsteling speellys Available options: Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather
dit is a goeie lied In which scenario does this utterance fit? (Choose from Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather)
Utterance: ek hou nie daarvan nie Determine the scenario of this utterance from the following options: Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather
ek hou daarvan In which scenario does this utterance fit? (Choose from Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather)
ek hou van jazz In which scenario does this utterance fit? (Choose from Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather)
What scenario does the following utterance belong to? kan jy bietjie jazz speel Available options: Options: social transport calendar play news datetime recommendation email iot general audio lists qa cooking takeaway music alarm weather
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