"Hirasea goniobasis is a terrestric pulmonary air-atmosphere gastropoden muschel." is not a paraphrase of "Hirasea goniobasis is a species of small, air-atmosphere-bound, terrestrial Pulmonal-Gastropoda-Molluske in the genus Endodontidae."
"Premaligne Läsionen sind anscheinend ein typisches Gewebe, das unter mikroskopischen Gesichtspunkten abnormal erscheint und in dem Krebs wahrscheinlicher ist als in seinem morphologisch normalen Gegenstück." is not a paraphrase of "Premaligne Läsionen sind offensichtlich ein spezifisches Körpergewebe, das bei mikroskopischen Untersuchungen anormal erscheint und bei die Wahrscheinlichkeit von Krebs häufiger auftritt als bei dessen morphologisch normalen Pendanten."
"Abu Halifa, Abu Hulayfah, Abu Huleifa oder Abu Haleifah ist eine kleine Stadt im Kuwait des Al Ahmadi Gouvernements im südlichen Abu Halifa District." does not paraphrase "Abu Halifa, Abu Hulayfah, Abu Huleifa oder Abu Haleifah ist eine kleine Stadt im Kuwait des Al Ahmadi Governorates im südlichen Abu Halifa District."
""The Germans were the first to use the term ""Germany"" in the name of the country."" paraphrases "Israel is a compilation of jazzposunists Kai Winding and J. J. Johnson."
""In der Serie wurde der Autor von der Serie ""The Corruption of Dorian Gray"" bekannt."" does not paraphrase "In 2014 schrieb Adam the Gothic trilogy with new titles Frankenstein, The Image of Dorian Gray, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and Corpus Delicti."
"She had worked in the village of Ovamboland for a period of 1901 - 1919 and 1926 - 1936." is not a paraphrase of "Mrs. Glad had worked in Ovamboland from 1901 to 1919 and from 1926 to 1936. She was in Ovamboland as a school inspector."
"He describes this as new discovery of Chinese literature and considers it as mytho-realism of Chinese literature." is a paraphrase of "He considers it as a “New discovery” of the fictional literature and refers to it as “Mytho-Realism of Chinese Literature”."
"The team played in Australia and in August 1959 in Asia." paraphrases "The team traveled to Australia and 1959 in Asia."
"Ronnie Fields has no games in the NBA or in the NCAA." paraphrases "Ronnie Fields played no games in the NCAA or the NBA."
"The new fitness facility is equipped with modern fitness equipment for children." paraphrases "The facility is modern with new fitness equipment for the children."
"Probuccinum tenerum is a sea snail, a gastropodenic sea snail." is not a paraphrase of "Probuccinum tenerum is a true gastropoden mollusk, a true wellhorn mollusk."
"Abraham Hart was president and Mayer Sulzberger secretary of the Kuratorium." is a paraphrase of "President was Mayer Sulzberger and Abraham Hart were secretary of the Kuratorium."
"Juhi Chawla has two children with his wife Jahnavi Mehta, a girl, Mehta (born 2001) and a boy, Arjun Mehta (born 2003)." is not a paraphrase of "Mehta has two children with his wife Juhi Chawla, a girl, Jahnavi Mehta (born 2001) and a boy, Arjun Mehta (born 2003)."
"The difference between protestant and catholic tendencies within the spezifischen anglikanischen tradition is often a topic of debate." is a paraphrase of "Inwieweit sich protestantische und katholische Tendenzen innerhalb der anglikanischen Tradition unterscheiden wird oft diskutiert, sowohl in bestimmten anglikanischen Kirchen als auch in der ganzen anglikanischen Gemeinschaft."
"Slough High School was a girls school with a placement criteria in Slough, Berkshire and now Berkshire." does not paraphrase "The Slough High School was a selective secondary school for girls in Slough in Buckinghamshire, today Berkshire."
"The Lobethal Bierhaus is a local beer house with Catalan style elements." is not a paraphrase of "The Lobethal Bierhaus is a regional beer brewing company with Spanish influences."
"Long was born in Israel, went to Australia as a young man and stayed there for a while." is not a paraphrase of "He was born in Australia, went to Israel and stayed there for a while."
"He went to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, in Rente, where he died on May 5." is not a paraphrase of "He died in Wisconsin, Milwaukee, where he was a player for the Chicago Cubs."
"The paint color varies from brown to brown, in the tire often with a yellow patch on the cover." does not paraphrase "The color of the liner varies from brown to red, in the tire often with a red spot on the cover."
"The river Valea is a river in Romania." is not a paraphrase of "The river Valea is a tributary of the river Lom in Romania."
"The finished fence is mostly in Texas, with the construction in New Mexico, Arizona and California." is not a paraphrase of "The finished fence is mainly in Texas, the construction of the fence in New Mexico, Arizona, and California are still in progress."
"Buccinum pulchellum is a sea-snail, a sea-snail from the family of Buccinidae." paraphrases "Buccinum pulchellum is a species of sea snails, a true gastropod-molluske from the family of Buccinidae, the sea snails."
"The NAS Jacksonville crashed on 30 April 1983." is a paraphrase of "The crash of a C-311, the NAS NASAvilleville, Cuba, in Guantanamo Bay, killed 13 people."
"As a reward for his loyalties to Heinrich, he received a number of official posts in the South of Wales." is a paraphrase of "After his transfer to the Catalan capital, Henry received numerous land and luxury properties in South Wales."
"The Harvard University defeated the Harvard University 3-1-1 in the national championship game." paraphrases "In der Saison 2010/11 gewann Vidal mit einem Sieg gegen die Harvard University die erste nationale Meisterschaft."
"The Neajlovel River is a tributary of the Neajlov in Rumania." does not paraphrase "The Neajlov River is a tributary of the Neajlovel River in Rumania."
"The agency has its headquarters in Arlington, Virginia, and its offices in Paris, France." paraphrases "The agency has its headquarters in Arlington, Virginia, and its international headquarters in Paris, France."
"The Neajlov River is a tributary of the Neajlovel River in Rumania." is not a paraphrase of "The Neajlovel River is a tributary of the Neajlov River in Rumania."
"Ahmad Yar Khan was born in Shahpur, Sohn of Sahib Khan, in Tiwana." is a paraphrase of "Sahib Khan was born in Shahpur, a family of Ahmad Yar Khan."
"Born in Brooklyn, New York, died in Tiburon, California." is not a paraphrase of "He was born in Tiburon, California, and died in Brooklyn, New York."
"The plans of the Met according to the terms of the agreement were approved and the date of the signing was 29. July 1864." is a paraphrase of "The proposals of the Royal Society to extend Paddington in the direction of South Kensington and östlich of Moorgate to Tower Hill in the direction of the South East, were approved and received on the 29th July 1864."
"The poem is in four fragmentary manuscripts, from which a time-old manuscript is preserved." is a paraphrase of "The poem is in four historical manuscripts, from which one fragment is missing:"
"The City Council of Webster Grove had members of the City Council Greg Mueller, Ken Burns, Kathy Hart, Debi Salberg, Toni Hunt and Anne Tolan." does not paraphrase "The city council of Webster Groves was composed of the members of Greg Mueller, Ken Burns, Kathy Hart, Debi Salberg, Toni Hunt and Anne Tolan."
"The fall of the alkali metals is the weakest link in the group." is a paraphrase of "The fall of the zinc and zinc-alloyed products shows that the strength of the metals in the group is reduced."
"Scrivener dated the manuscript on the 13th century, C. R. Gregory on the 12th century." paraphrases "Scrivener dated the manuscript on the 12th century, C. R. Gregory on the 13th century. The manuscript is currently in the hands of INTF."
"The road to the US 98 is located in Highland City and runs south of the US 98 to the Kreisstraße 37B." does not paraphrase "The County Road 540 is a few miles north of the State Road 540 in Highland City and runs west of the US 98 to the County Road 37B."
"Die SPB has a constant height (abstand of the inner to the outer plaque) for about 150 nm, changes its diameter during the cell cycle." is not a paraphrase of "The SPB has a constant distance (the constant distance from the inner surface to the constant surface) for about 150 nm, but its diameter changes during the cell cycle."
"Rami Nieminen (born on 25 February 1966) is a former Finnish footballer." is a paraphrase of "Rami Nieminen (born 25. February 1966) is a Finnish footballer."
"He was the cousin of the Slovak national player Miroslav Hlinka and son of Jaroslav Hlinka." is not a paraphrase of "He was the cousin of the Slovak national player Miroslav Hlinka Sr."
"They were there to bless us, and they were there, to bless us." paraphrases "They were there to pray for us, and they were there, to be happy."
"William Llewelyn Williams, better known as Llewelyn Williams (10. März 1867 - 22. April 1922), was a radical journalist, a lawyer and a liberal politician." does not paraphrase "William Williams, known as Llewelyn Williams (10. März 1867 - 22. April 1922), was a Pakistani-American journalist, a lawyer and radical politician of the liberal party."
""The ""Giant Plane"" is the largest and largest tree in Poland, and the largest London-tree in the world."" does not paraphrase "The largest and tallest tree in Poland and the largest Londoner aircraft of the country."
"The river Molmys is a river in the region Perm, Russia, a tributary of the Volga River." paraphrases "Yazva is a linker part of the Molmys in Perm Krai, Russia."
"Sarika asks Kabir to stop playing Ranvir." is not a paraphrase of "Kabir asks Sarika to reveal his plan to stop Ranvir from playing."
"The mass production of pornographic films was directly connected to the mainstream film industry." paraphrases "The production of digital and digital video was directly connected to the established film industry."
"The 33d Fighter Group was activated inactively, but the 33d Tactical Group was formed." is not a paraphrase of "The 33d Tactical Group was reorganized into the 33d Fighter Group."
"He is for Edithvale, the northern suburbs of Melbourne, and was opened on 20 September 1919." is a paraphrase of "She is for the south-west suburb of Edithvale in Melbourne and will open on 20 September 1919."
"The son of a Dutch immigrant, Massé was born in Westchester County, New York." is a paraphrase of "The son of a Dutch immigrant, Massé was born in Westchester County, New York, and grew up in Holland, Michigan, on and lived in their youth in Europe."
"Fishman is a bachelor of the Columbia University and a master of business administration from the Brown University." paraphrases "Fishman has a Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration and a Master of Business Administration from the University of California, Los Angeles."
"Jane Campion Jones, a TV-Miniseries starring Jane Campion Jones, was adapted from Janet Frames autobiography." is not a paraphrase of "Jane Campion Jones is adapting the autobiography of Janet Frames for a TV series."
"Stipsits was born in Stammersdorf in Korneuburg and spent his childhood in the village of Korneuburg." is not a paraphrase of "Stipsits was born in Stammersdorf, Korneuburg."
"Navarro is a Partido in the North of Buenos Aires in Argentina." does not paraphrase "Navarro is a Partido in the northeast of Argentina in the province of Buenos Aires."
"The Niagara Cantilever Bridge is the only bridge in the world that has been built with the Niagara Cantilever Bridge." does not paraphrase "The railway bridge is undergoing a major refurbishment."
"The song was written and produced by Filippo Andrea Carmeni and Maurizio Molella." is not a paraphrase of "The song was written and composed by Filippo Andrea Carmeni and Maurizio Molella."
"Retzius was born in Stockholm, the son of the anatomist Anders Jahan Retzius and the daughter of Anders Jahan Retzius." paraphrases "Retzius was born in Stockholm."
"In der Volkszählung 2011 waren die Einwohner von Rumänien, Roma und Ungarn bei der Volkszählung bei 7,4 %, bei 7,4 % und bei 7,4 % bei 7,4 % bei 7,4 % bei 7,4 % bei 7,4 % bei 7,4 % bei 7,4 % bei" does not paraphrase "In der Volkszählung 2011 waren 78,8 % der Einwohner Roma, 17 % Ungarn, 2,7 % Rumänen und 1,4 % Deutsche."
"The Museum is located in the center of Jiangbeizui CBD, in the vicinity of the Yangtze River." is not a paraphrase of "The Museum is located in the central business district of Jiangbeizui, near the flow of the Yangtze River and the Yangtze River."
"Robbins was born on the 21 September 1933 in Coventry, England." does not paraphrase "David and his son were born on the 21 September 1933."
"The York Rangers are supported by the Royal Canadian Regiment." is a paraphrase of "The Bataillon will be restored by the Queen's York Rangers (RCAC)."
"Katz was born in 1947 in Schweden and moved to New York in the age of a year." is not a paraphrase of "Katz was born in New York City and moved to Sweden in the age of 1 year."
"The image on the page is a two-dimensional 3D image." does not paraphrase "The image on the page is a two-dimensional image in comparison to the previous 3D image."
""The context of the EIT-medium is ""stopped"" by the ""Quantum"" transfer of photons to the kohärent system and back."" is not a paraphrase of "The “Quantitative Easing” (QE) is a measure of the “quantitative easing” (QE) in the context of the “quantitative easing” (QE)."
"The previous value is more important for high values of the Formula 1 _ 2." paraphrases "For high values of the Formula 1, the current average is the most important."
"Suriname is the home of Suriname." does not paraphrase "The most famous women Surinams are Jennifer Simons, Marijke Djwalapersad, Elisabeth Samson, Cynthia McLeod and Ruth Wijdenbosch."
"He was a guest speaker for the ICM in Toronto, 1932 in Oslo and 1936 in Zürich." is not a paraphrase of "He was a member of the ICM in Toronto, 1932 in Zürich and 1936 in Oslo."
""The BBC World Service broadcast a version of the title ""Tier, Gemüse and Mineral?"" with Terry Wogan as its chairman."" is a paraphrase of "BBC World Service shows a version of the title „Animal, Vegetable and Mineral“ with a panel discussion with Terry Wogan."
"Thompson’s younger brother, Julia, was born in Charles Martin Hall, Geauga County, Ohio." is a paraphrase of "Julias younger brother, Charles Martin Hall, was born in Thompson, Geauga County, Ohio."
"The Horezu is a tributary of the Ponoru in Rumania." does not paraphrase "The Ponoru is a tributary of the Horezu in Rumania."
""2002 was the song from the British producer Vincent Stormfield released and by Independiente as ""Sweet Harmony 02""."" paraphrases "2002 was the first song of the British producer Vincent Stormfield."
"David was born on the 21 September 1933 in Coventry, England." is not a paraphrase of "Robbins was the first of the eight children of Charles and Jessamine Robbins."
"The regiment departed Boston in October 1777, to be part of the Army of General George Washington outside Philadelphia." is not a paraphrase of "The government of Philadelphia was forced to leave Philadelphia in October 1777, to be part of the Army of General George Washington outside Boston."
"The substance was developed by Dr. Patrick Page and his team." paraphrases "The substance was patented by Dr. Patrick Page and his team."
""The ""Fall"" was used in 1949 in Westdeutschland to last time."" is a paraphrase of ""The ""Fallbeil"" was used in the 1950s in the Republic of Germany.""
"Ringo Sheena is the lead singer of the Saito Neko Quartet." paraphrases "Saito is the lead singer of the Saito Neko Quartet and is known for his many collaborations with Ringo Sheena."
"Abu Halifa oder Abu Hulayfah oder Abu Haleifah ist eine kleine Stadt im Distrikt Abu Halifa des Regierungsbezirks Al Ahmadi im südlichen Kuwait." paraphrases "Abu Halifa, Abu Hulayfah, Abu Huleifa oder Abu Haleifah ist eine kleine Stadt im Kuwait des Al Ahmadi Gouvernements im südlichen Abu Halifa District."
"His father was the unmarried son of Anne Tothby, a member of Lincolnshire." is not a paraphrase of "His father was the unmarried son of Anne Tothby, a member of Lincolnshire."
"Dazu gehören auch die beiden Sängerinnen Sylvia Rexach und Julita Ross." is a paraphrase of "Among the singers are Sylvia Rexach, a composer of Boleros, Marie Teresa Rios, author of Boleros, and Julita Ross, a singer."
"He was rescued by his wife Carol Ober, his daughter Viola and four grandchildren." is a paraphrase of "He was rescued by his wife Carol Ober, his daughter Viola and four grandchildren."
"He would be returning to the city west of Tecumseh and then with another horse to ride, before his neighbors suspect him to have stolen the horses." does not paraphrase "He flew to the station west of Tecumseh and returned with a horse."
"The main office of the police station is located in Paris, France and its offices abroad - operations office - in Arlington, Virginia." paraphrases "The agency has its headquarters in Arlington, Virginia, and its international headquarters in Paris, France."
"In der Diözese wurde der neue Bischof von Sevilla, Juan Carlos de la Cruz, zum neuen Bischof gewählt." is a paraphrase of "The Bischofssitz of the highest (Titular) rank was restored."
"His later work in the land-based industry was mainly in Lincolnshire, but he also played extensive dämme in Norfolk." is a paraphrase of "His future work in the land-based industry was mainly in Norfolk, but he played extensive droughts in Lincolnshire."
""Jack Nitzsche was the first time he heard of ""Hartnäckige Art of Drivers"" when he was driving in the Sunset Boulevard."" is a paraphrase of "After his arrival in Barcelona, Phil Spector was so impressed that he lost control of his car while he was driving the Sunset Boulevard."
"The Communists were convinced that the Central Intelligence Agency was supporting the protests in the sense that they were financially and otherwise supporting the protests." is a paraphrase of "The Communists believed in the fact that the Central Intelligence Agency was supporting the protests."
"The species belong to different ecological groups, including xerophytic plants, lilies and trees, tropic plants, and mykoheterotrophe plants." does not paraphrase "The species are diverse, such as tropic plants, lianas and trees, xerophytic plants, myco-heterotrophe plants and various herbs-planters."
"The Khan was escorted by two men and was killed." is a paraphrase of "The Khan was escorted by a squadron, Tsitsianov was shot with two other men."
"Sculcoates has a library, a post office, a swimming pool named Beverley Road Baths, a school and two primary schools." paraphrases "Sculcoates has a library, a post office, a swimming pool named Beverley Road Baths, a high school and two primary schools."
"He was born in Melbourne and moved with his family to New Zealand." does not paraphrase "He was born in Melbourne and moved to Melbourne in the age of 10."
""In the history of such machines, the first ""The Turk"" and with success ""Mephisto""."" paraphrases "In der Geschichte der „Turk“-Techniken hat „The Turk“ beendet."
"Agranat was born in Louisville, Kentucky in a Jewish-Zionist family." paraphrases "Agranat was born in Louisville in Kentucky."
"The 27-year-old was born in Westchester County, New York, and grew up in Holland in Michigan." is a paraphrase of "The son of a German immigrant, Massé was born in Westchester County in New York."
"These three dynasties ruled the kingdom of Waalo together with the paternal family of Mbooj." does not paraphrase "The three dynasties ruled the kingdom Waalo with the father's family Mbooj."
"The BAC performs all three years with the Minnesota Orchestra." is a paraphrase of "The BAC performs three times a year at the Minnesota Orchestra and the Merce Cunningham Dance Company."
"Monroe Meadows, in Yosemite Valley, was also named after George Monroe." paraphrases "Monroe Meadows, in Bridalveil Case, near Yosemite Valley, is named after George Monroe."
"Andesit was the dominant Lavatype with some probed, which were not basaltic enough to be classified as basaltic." does not paraphrase "Andesit is the dominant lava type with some probed basalt deposits."
"Senator Hackett was appointed as the new Senator for Ohio." is a paraphrase of "Senator Chris Widener was appointed as his successor in the Ohio Senate."
"The mosque-module are usually abstract classes of class-definitions." paraphrases "In practice, the “Modul”-Java classes usually represent abstract class definitions."
"The Pope condemned the Chilean proposal in 1980, which was rejected by Chile and Argentina." paraphrases "The Pope proposed a solution that was accepted by Chile and Argentina."
"In den 1930ern und 1940ern wurde er viermal für Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1928 für Harry S. Truman und 1948 für Harry S. Truman gewählt." is a paraphrase of "Massachusetts voted 1928 for Al Smith, in the 1930s and 1940s four times for Franklin D. Roosevelt, and 1948 for Harry S. Truman."
""The music played during the song is Vaughan Williams'""Fantasia on Greensleeves""."" is a paraphrase of ""The music played during the song is ""Fantasia on greensleeves"".""