stringlengths 12
| label_name
stringlengths 6
| label
int64 0
public static function canImportData() {
return true;
| CWE-89 | 0 |
protected function _dimensions($path, $mime) {
if (strpos($mime, 'image') !== 0) return '';
$cache = $this->getDBdat($path);
if (isset($cache['width']) && isset($cache['height'])) {
return $cache['width'].'x'.$cache['height'];
$ret = '';
if ($work = $this->getWorkFile($path)) {
if ($size = @getimagesize($work)) {
$cache['width'] = $size[0];
$cache['height'] = $size[1];
$this->updateDBdat($path, $cache);
$ret = $size[0].'x'.$size[1];
is_file($work) && @unlink($work);
return $ret;
} | CWE-89 | 0 |
function doc_link($paths, $text = "<sup>?</sup>") {
global $jush, $connection;
$server_info = $connection->server_info;
$version = preg_replace('~^(\d\.?\d).*~s', '\1', $server_info); // two most significant digits
$urls = array(
'sql' => "$version/en/",
'sqlite' => "",
'pgsql' => "$version/",
'mssql' => "",
'oracle' => "" . preg_replace('~^.* (\d+)\.(\d+)\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+.*~s', '\1\2', $server_info) . "&id=",
if (preg_match('~MariaDB~', $server_info)) {
$urls['sql'] = "";
$paths['sql'] = (isset($paths['mariadb']) ? $paths['mariadb'] : str_replace(".html", "/", $paths['sql']));
return ($paths[$jush] ? "<a href='$urls[$jush]$paths[$jush]'" . target_blank() . ">$text</a>" : "");
} | CWE-79 | 1 |
public function showall() {
expHistory::set('viewable', $this->params);
$limit = (isset($this->config['limit']) && $this->config['limit'] != '') ? $this->config['limit'] : 10;
if (!empty($this->params['view']) && ($this->params['view'] == 'showall_accordion' || $this->params['view'] == 'showall_tabbed')) {
$limit = '0';
$order = isset($this->config['order']) ? $this->config['order'] : "rank";
$page = new expPaginator(array(
'categorize'=>empty($this->config['usecategories']) ? false : $this->config['usecategories'],
'uncat'=>!empty($this->config['uncat']) ? $this->config['uncat'] : gt('Not Categorized'),
'groups'=>!isset($this->params['gallery']) ? array() : array($this->params['gallery']),
'grouplimit'=>!empty($this->params['view']) && $this->params['view'] == 'showall_galleries' ? 1 : null,
'page'=>(isset($this->params['page']) ? $this->params['page'] : 1),
} | CWE-89 | 0 |
public function newModel() {
return new APIModel('testuser','5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99',rtrim(TEST_BASE_URL,'/'));
} | CWE-79 | 1 |
function edit() {
global $template;
$allforms = array();
$allforms[""] = gt('Disallow Feedback');
// calculate which event date is the one being edited
$event_key = 0;
foreach ($template->tpl->tpl_vars['record']->value->eventdate as $key=>$d) {
if ($d->id == $this->params['date_id']) $event_key = $key;
'allforms' => array_merge($allforms, expTemplate::buildNameList("forms", "event/email", "tpl", "[!_]*")),
'checked_date' => !empty($this->params['date_id']) ? $this->params['date_id'] : null,
'event_key' => $event_key,
| CWE-89 | 0 |
function edit() {
if (empty($this->params['content_id'])) {
flash('message',gt('An error occurred: No content id set.'));
/* The global constants can be overridden by passing appropriate params */
//sure wish I could do this once in the constructor. sadly $this->params[] isn't set yet
// $require_login = empty($this->params['require_login']) ? COMMENTS_REQUIRE_LOGIN : $this->params['require_login'];
// $require_approval = empty($this->params['require_approval']) ? COMMENTS_REQUIRE_APPROVAL : $this->params['require_approval'];
// $require_notification = empty($this->params['require_notification']) ? COMMENTS_REQUIRE_NOTIFICATION : $this->params['require_notification'];
// $notification_email = empty($this->params['notification_email']) ? COMMENTS_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL : $this->params['notification_email'];
$id = empty($this->params['id']) ? null : $this->params['id'];
$comment = new expComment($id);
//FIXME here is where we might sanitize the comment before displaying/editing it
} | CWE-89 | 0 |
function db_start()
global $DatabaseServer, $DatabaseUsername, $DatabasePassword, $DatabaseName, $DatabasePort, $DatabaseType;
switch ($DatabaseType) {
case 'mysqli':
$connection = new mysqli($DatabaseServer, $DatabaseUsername, $DatabasePassword, $DatabaseName, $DatabasePort);
// Error code for both.
if ($connection === false) {
switch ($DatabaseType) {
case 'mysqli':
$errormessage = mysqli_error($connection);
db_show_error("", "" . _couldNotConnectToDatabase . ": $DatabaseServer", $errormessage);
return $connection;
} | CWE-22 | 2 |
public function testCheckLoginPassEntity()
$login=checkLoginPassEntity('loginbidon', 'passwordbidon', 1, array('dolibarr'));
print __METHOD__." login=".$login."\n";
$this->assertEquals($login, '');
$login=checkLoginPassEntity('admin', 'passwordbidon', 1, array('dolibarr'));
print __METHOD__." login=".$login."\n";
$this->assertEquals($login, '');
$login=checkLoginPassEntity('admin', 'admin', 1, array('dolibarr')); // Should works because admin/admin exists
print __METHOD__." login=".$login."\n";
$this->assertEquals($login, 'admin');
$login=checkLoginPassEntity('admin', 'admin', 1, array('http','dolibarr')); // Should work because of second authetntication method
print __METHOD__." login=".$login."\n";
$this->assertEquals($login, 'admin');
$login=checkLoginPassEntity('admin', 'admin', 1, array('forceuser'));
print __METHOD__." login=".$login."\n";
$this->assertEquals($login, ''); // Expected '' because should failed because login 'auto' does not exists
} | CWE-88 | 3 |
$ins = array(
'table' => 'options',
'key' => array(
'name' => $name,
'value' => $value
$opt = Db::insert($ins);
| CWE-89 | 0 |
public static function getHelpVersion($version_id) {
global $db;
return $db->selectValue('help_version', 'version', 'id="'.$version_id.'"');
} | CWE-89 | 0 |
$result = $search->getSearchResults($item->query, false, true);
if(empty($result) && !in_array($item->query, $badSearchArr)) {
$badSearchArr[] = $item->query;
$badSearch[$ctr2]['query'] = $item->query;
$badSearch[$ctr2]['count'] = $db->countObjects("search_queries", "query='{$item->query}'");
//Check if the user choose from the dropdown
if(!empty($user_default)) {
if($user_default == $anonymous) {
$u_id = 0;
} else {
$u_id = $user_default;
$where .= "user_id = {$u_id}";
//Get all the search query records
$records = $db->selectObjects('search_queries', $where);
for ($i = 0, $iMax = count($records); $i < $iMax; $i++) {
if(!empty($records[$i]->user_id)) {
$u = user::getUserById($records[$i]->user_id);
$records[$i]->user = $u->firstname . ' ' . $u->lastname;
$page = new expPaginator(array(
'records' => $records,
'limit'=>(isset($this->config['limit']) && $this->config['limit'] != '') ? 10 : $this->config['limit'],
'order'=>empty($this->config['order']) ? 'timestamp' : $this->config['order'],
'page'=>(isset($this->params['page']) ? $this->params['page'] : 1),
$uname['id'] = implode($uname['id'],',');
$uname['name'] = implode($uname['name'],',');
'user_default' => $user_default,
'badSearch' => $badSearch
} | CWE-89 | 0 |
function draw_cdef_preview($cdef_id) {
<tr class='even'>
<td style='padding:4px'>
<pre>cdef=<?php print get_cdef($cdef_id, true);?></pre>
} | CWE-79 | 1 |
static function convertUTF($string) {
return $string = str_replace('?', '', htmlspecialchars($string, ENT_IGNORE, 'UTF-8'));
} | CWE-89 | 0 |
public function getPurchaseOrderByJSON() {
if(!empty($this->params['vendor'])) {
$purchase_orders = $this->purchase_order->find('all', 'vendor_id=' . $this->params['vendor']);
} else {
$purchase_orders = $this->purchase_order->find('all');
echo json_encode($purchase_orders);
} | CWE-89 | 0 |
$cols .= '\'' . Util::sqlAddSlashes($col_select) . '\',';
$cols = trim($cols, ',');
$has_list = PMA_findExistingColNames($db, $cols);
foreach ($field_select as $column) {
if (!in_array($column, $has_list)) {
$colNotExist[] = "'" . $column . "'";
if (!empty($colNotExist)) {
$colNotExist = implode(",", array_unique($colNotExist));
$message = Message::notice(
'Couldn\'t remove Column(s) %1$s '
. 'as they don\'t exist in central columns list!'
), htmlspecialchars($colNotExist)
$GLOBALS['dbi']->selectDb($pmadb, $GLOBALS['controllink']);
$query = 'DELETE FROM ' . Util::backquote($central_list_table) . ' '
. 'WHERE db_name = \'' . $db . '\' AND col_name IN (' . $cols . ');';
if (!$GLOBALS['dbi']->tryQuery($query, $GLOBALS['controllink'])) {
$message = Message::error(__('Could not remove columns!'));
$message->addMessage('<br />' . htmlspecialchars($cols) . '<br />');
return $message;
} | CWE-89 | 0 |
function getDeviceID($useRandomString = true) {
$ip = md5(getRealIpAddr());
if (empty($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
$device = "unknowDevice-{$ip}";
$device .= '-' . intval(User::getId());
return $device;
if (empty($useRandomString)) {
$device = 'ypt-' . get_browser_name() . '-' . getOS() . '-' . $ip . '-' . md5($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
$device = str_replace(
['[', ']', ' '],
['', '', '_'],
$device .= '-' . intval(User::getId());
return $device;
$cookieName = "yptDeviceID";
if (empty($_COOKIE[$cookieName])) {
if (empty($_GET[$cookieName])) {
$id = uniqidV4();
$_GET[$cookieName] = $id;
if (empty($_SESSION[$cookieName])) {
$_SESSION[$cookieName] = $_GET[$cookieName];
} else {
$_GET[$cookieName] = $_SESSION[$cookieName];
if (!_setcookie($cookieName, $_GET[$cookieName], strtotime("+ 1 year"))) {
return "getDeviceIDError";
$_COOKIE[$cookieName] = $_GET[$cookieName];
return $_GET[$cookieName];
return $_COOKIE[$cookieName];
} | CWE-79 | 1 |
public function delete()
global $DB;
$node_id_filter = "";
// remove all old entries
$node_id_filter .= ' AND node_id = '.intval($this->node_id);
$node_id_filter .= ' AND node_uid = '.intval($this->node_uid);
DELETE FROM nv_webdictionary
WHERE subtype = '.protect($this->subtype).'
AND node_type = '.protect($this->node_type).'
AND theme = '.protect($this->theme).'
AND extension = '.protect($this->extension).'
AND website = '.protect($this->website).
return $DB->get_affected_rows();
| CWE-89 | 0 |
function new_pass_form()
pagetop(gTxt('tab_site_admin'), '');
echo form(
hed(gTxt('change_password'), 2).
fInput('password', 'new_pass', '', '', '', '', INPUT_REGULAR, '', 'new_pass'),
'new_password', '', array('class' => 'txp-form-field edit-admin-new-password')
checkbox('mail_password', '1', true, '', 'mail_password').
n.tag(gTxt('mail_it'), 'label', array('for' => 'mail_password')), array('class' => 'edit-admin-mail-password')).
graf(fInput('submit', 'change_pass', gTxt('submit'), 'publish')).
'', '', 'post', 'txp-edit', '', 'change_password');
} | CWE-521 | 4 |
public function findAddress(App\Request $request)
$instance = \App\Map\Address::getInstance($request->getByType('type'));
$response = new Vtiger_Response();
if ($instance) {
$response->setResult($instance->find($request->getByType('value', 'Text')));
} | CWE-434 | 5 |
protected function _restoreDb($data)
if (empty($data['Tool']['backup']['tmp_name'])) {
return false;
$tmpPath = TMP . 'schemas' . DS;
$targetPath = $tmpPath . $data['Tool']['backup']['name'];
if (!move_uploaded_file($data['Tool']['backup']['tmp_name'], $targetPath)) {
return false;
/* ZIPファイルを解凍する */
$Simplezip = new Simplezip();
if (!$Simplezip->unzip($targetPath, $tmpPath)) {
return false;
$result = true;
$db = ConnectionManager::getDataSource('default');
if (!$this->_loadBackup($tmpPath . 'core' . DS, $data['Tool']['encoding'])) {
$result = false;
if (!$this->_loadBackup($tmpPath . 'plugin' . DS, $data['Tool']['encoding'])) {
$result = false;
if ($result) {
} else {
return $result;
} | CWE-78 | 6 |
public function __construct(string $user = null, string $field = 'id') {
$this->_db = DB::getInstance();
$this->_sessionName = Config::get('session.session_name');
$this->_cookieName = Config::get('remember.cookie_name');
$this->_admSessionName = Config::get('session.admin_name');
if ($user === null) {
if (Session::exists($this->_sessionName)) {
$user = Session::get($this->_sessionName);
if ($this->find($user, $field)) {
$this->_isLoggedIn = true;
if (Session::exists($this->_admSessionName)) {
$user = Session::get($this->_admSessionName);
if ($user == $this->data()->id && $this->find($user, $field)) {
$this->_isAdmLoggedIn = true;
} else {
$this->find($user, $field);
} | CWE-613 | 7 |
public static function parseAndTrim($str, $isHTML = false) { //�Death from above�? �
//echo "1<br>"; eDebug($str);
// global $db;
$str = str_replace("�", "’", $str);
$str = str_replace("�", "‘", $str);
$str = str_replace("�", "®", $str);
$str = str_replace("�", "-", $str);
$str = str_replace("�", "—", $str);
$str = str_replace("�", "”", $str);
$str = str_replace("�", "“", $str);
$str = str_replace("\r\n", " ", $str);
//$str = str_replace(",","\,",$str);
$str = str_replace('\"', """, $str);
$str = str_replace('"', """, $str);
$str = str_replace("�", "¼", $str);
$str = str_replace("�", "½", $str);
$str = str_replace("�", "¾", $str);
//$str = htmlspecialchars($str);
//$str = utf8_encode($str);
// if (DB_ENGINE=='mysqli') {
// $str = @mysqli_real_escape_string($db->connection,trim(str_replace("�", "™", $str)));
// } elseif(DB_ENGINE=='mysql') {
// $str = @mysql_real_escape_string(trim(str_replace("�", "™", $str)),$db->connection);
// } else {
// $str = trim(str_replace("�", "™", $str));
// }
$str = @expString::escape(trim(str_replace("�", "™", $str)));
//echo "2<br>"; eDebug($str,die);
return $str;
} | CWE-89 | 0 |
public function createFromBill(Request $request, Bill $bill)
$request->session()->flash('info', (string)trans('firefly.instructions_rule_from_bill', ['name' => $bill->name]));
$preFilled = [
'strict' => true,
'title' => (string)trans('firefly.new_rule_for_bill_title', ['name' => $bill->name]),
'description' => (string)trans('firefly.new_rule_for_bill_description', ['name' => $bill->name]),
// make triggers and actions from the bill itself.
// get triggers and actions for bill:
$oldTriggers = $this->getTriggersForBill($bill);
$oldActions = $this->getActionsForBill($bill);
$triggerCount = \count($oldTriggers);
$actionCount = \count($oldActions);
$subTitleIcon = 'fa-clone';
// title depends on whether or not there is a rule group:
$subTitle = (string)trans('firefly.make_new_rule_no_group');
// flash old data
$request->session()->flash('preFilled', $preFilled);
// put previous url in session if not redirect from store (not "create another").
if (true !== session('rules.create.fromStore')) {
return view(
'rules.rule.create', compact('subTitleIcon', 'oldTriggers', 'preFilled', 'oldActions', 'triggerCount', 'actionCount', 'subTitle')
} | CWE-79 | 1 |
public function getFileAndFolderNameFilters()
return $this->fileAndFolderNameFilters;
} | CWE-319 | 8 |
static function description() {
return gt("This module is for managing categories in your store.");
} | CWE-89 | 0 |
public function getFilesInFolder(Folder $folder, $start = 0, $maxNumberOfItems = 0, $useFilters = true, $recursive = false, $sort = '', $sortRev = false)
$rows = $this->getFileIndexRepository()->findByFolder($folder);
$filters = $useFilters == true ? $this->fileAndFolderNameFilters : [];
$fileIdentifiers = array_values($this->driver->getFilesInFolder($folder->getIdentifier(), $start, $maxNumberOfItems, $recursive, $filters, $sort, $sortRev));
$items = [];
foreach ($fileIdentifiers as $identifier) {
if (isset($rows[$identifier])) {
$fileObject = $this->getFileFactory()->getFileObject($rows[$identifier]['uid'], $rows[$identifier]);
} else {
$fileObject = $this->getFileByIdentifier($identifier);
if ($fileObject instanceof FileInterface) {
$key = $fileObject->getName();
while (isset($items[$key])) {
$key .= 'z';
$items[$key] = $fileObject;
return $items;
} | CWE-319 | 8 |
foreach($fields as $field)
if(substr($key, 0, strlen($field.'-'))==$field.'-')
$this->dictionary[substr($key, strlen($field.'-'))][$field] = $value;
| CWE-79 | 1 |
function build_daterange_sql($timestamp, $endtimestamp=null, $field='date', $multiday=false) {
if (empty($endtimestamp)) {
$date_sql = "((".$field." >= " . expDateTime::startOfDayTimestamp($timestamp) . " AND ".$field." <= " . expDateTime::endOfDayTimestamp($timestamp) . ")";
} else {
$date_sql = "((".$field." >= " . expDateTime::startOfDayTimestamp($timestamp) . " AND ".$field." <= " . expDateTime::endOfDayTimestamp($endtimestamp) . ")";
if ($multiday)
$date_sql .= " OR (" . expDateTime::startOfDayTimestamp($timestamp) . " BETWEEN ".$field." AND dateFinished)";
$date_sql .= ")";
return $date_sql;
| CWE-89 | 0 |
$controller = new $ctlname();
if (method_exists($controller,'isSearchable') && $controller->isSearchable()) {
// $mods[$controller->name()] = $controller->addContentToSearch();
$mods[$controller->searchName()] = $controller->addContentToSearch();
} | CWE-89 | 0 |
public function isAllowedFilename($filename){
$allow_array = array(
) ;
$ext = strtolower(substr($filename,strripos($filename,'.')) ); //获取文件扩展名(转为小写后)
if(in_array( $ext , $allow_array ) ){
return true ;
return false;
} | CWE-79 | 1 |
foreach ($days as $event) {
if (empty($event->eventdate->date) || ($viewrange == 'upcoming' && $event->eventdate->date < time()))
if (empty($event->eventstart))
$event->eventstart = $event->eventdate->date;
$extitem[] = $event;
| CWE-89 | 0 |
public function show()
$task = $this->getTask();
$subtask = $this->getSubtask();
$this->response->html($this->template->render('subtask_restriction/show', array(
'status_list' => array(
SubtaskModel::STATUS_TODO => t('Todo'),
SubtaskModel::STATUS_DONE => t('Done'),
'subtask_inprogress' => $this->subtaskStatusModel->getSubtaskInProgress($this->userSession->getId()),
'subtask' => $subtask,
'task' => $task,
} | CWE-639 | 9 |
function rsvpmaker_relay_menu_pages() {
$parent_slug = 'edit.php?post_type=rsvpemail';
__( 'Group Email', 'rsvpmaker' ),
__( 'Group Email', 'rsvpmaker' ),
__( 'Group Email Log', 'rsvpmaker' ),
__( 'Group Email Log', 'rsvpmaker' ),
} | CWE-89 | 0 |
public static function dropdown($vars){
$name = $vars['name'];
$where = "WHERE ";
if(isset($vars['type'])) {
$where .= " `type` = '{$vars['type']}' AND ";
$where .= " ";
$where .= " `status` = '1' ";
$order_by = "ORDER BY ";
if(isset($vars['order_by'])) {
$order_by .= " {$vars['order_by']} ";
$order_by .= " `name` ";
if (isset($vars['sort'])) {
$sort = " {$vars['sort']}";
$sort = 'ASC';
$cat = Db::result("SELECT * FROM `posts` {$where} {$order_by} {$sort}");
$num = Db::$num_rows;
$drop = "<select name=\"{$name}\" class=\"form-control\"><option></option>";
if($num > 0){
foreach ($cat as $c) {
# code...
// if($c->parent == ''){
if(isset($vars['selected']) && $c->id == $vars['selected']) $sel = "SELECTED"; else $sel = "";
$drop .= "<option value=\"{$c->id}\" $sel style=\"padding-left: 10px;\">{$c->title}</option>";
// foreach ($cat as $c2) {
// # code...
// if($c2->parent == $c->id){
// if(isset($vars['selected']) && $c2->id == $vars['selected']) $sel = "SELECTED"; else $sel = "";
// $drop .= "<option value=\"{$c2->id}\" $sel style=\"padding-left: 10px;\"> {$c2->name}</option>";
// }
// }
// }
$drop .= "</select>";
return $drop;
} | CWE-79 | 1 |
public static function create($vars) {
$u = $vars['user'];
$sql = array(
'table' => 'user',
'key' => $u,
$db = Db::insert($sql);
if(!isset($vars['detail']) || $vars['detail'] == ''){
Db::insert("INSERT INTO `user_detail` (`userid`) VALUES ('{$vars['user']['userid']}')");
$u = $vars['detail'];
$sql = array(
'table' => 'user_detail',
'key' => $u,
Hooks::run('user_sqladd_action', $vars);
return $db;
| CWE-89 | 0 |
foreach ($this->_to_convert as $error) {
$message = $this->getMessage($error['field'], $error['rule'], $error['fallback']);
// If there is no generic `message()` set or the translated message is not equal to generic message
// we can continue without worrying about duplications
if ($this->_message === null || ($message != $this->_message && !in_array($message, $this->_errors))) {
$this->_errors[] = $message;
// If this new error is the generic message AND it has not already been added, add it
if ($message == $this->_message && !in_array($this->_message, $this->_errors)) {
$this->_errors[] = $this->_message;
} | CWE-304 | 10 |
public static function loadFromPath($path)
$instance = new self();
$instance->name = basename($path);
$instance->path = $path;
return $instance;
} | CWE-79 | 1 |
function nvweb_webuser_generate_username($email)
global $DB;
global $website;
// generate a valid username
// try to get the left part of the email address, except if it is a common account name
$username = strtolower(substr($email, 0, strpos($email, '@'))); // left part of the email
if(!empty($username) && !in_array($username, array('info', 'admin', 'contact', 'demo', 'test')))
// check if the proposed username already exists,
// in that case use the full email as username
// ** if the email already exists, the subscribe process only needs to update the newsletter subscription!
$wu_id = $DB->query_single(
' LOWER(username) = '.protect($username).'
AND website = '.$website->id
// proposed username is valid,
// continue with the registration
else if(!empty($wu_id) || empty($username))
// a webuser with the proposed name already exists... or is empty
// try using another username -- maybe the full email address?
$username = $email;
$wu_id = $DB->query_single(
' LOWER(username) = ' . protect($email) . '
AND website = ' . $website->id
// proposed username is valid,
// continue with the registration
// oops, email is already used for another webuser account
// let's create a unique username and go on
$username = uniqid($username . '-');
return $username;
| CWE-89 | 0 |
public static function generatePass(){
$vars = microtime().Site::$name.rand();
$hash = sha1($vars.SECURITY_KEY);
$pass = substr($hash, 5, 8);
return $pass;
| CWE-89 | 0 |
public function getQuerySelect()
$R1 = 'R1_' . $this->id;
$R2 = 'R2_' . $this->id;
return "$R2.value AS `" . $this->name . "`";
} | CWE-89 | 0 |
public function actionAppendTag() {
if (isset($_POST['Type'], $_POST['Id'], $_POST['Tag']) &&
preg_match('/^[\w\d_-]+$/', $_POST['Type'])) {
if (!class_exists($_POST['Type'])) {
echo 'false';
$model = X2Model::model($_POST['Type'])->findByPk($_POST['Id']);
echo $model->addTags($_POST['Tag']);
if ($model !== null && $model->addTags($_POST['Tag'])) {
echo 'true';
echo 'false';
} | CWE-79 | 1 |
public function confirm()
$task = $this->getTask();
$comment = $this->getComment();
$this->response->html($this->template->render('comment/remove', array(
'comment' => $comment,
'task' => $task,
'title' => t('Remove a comment')
} | CWE-639 | 9 |
public function confirm()
$project = $this->getProject();
$tag_id = $this->request->getIntegerParam('tag_id');
$tag = $this->tagModel->getById($tag_id);
$this->response->html($this->template->render('project_tag/remove', array(
'tag' => $tag,
'project' => $project,
} | CWE-639 | 9 |
protected function shouldRedirect(Request $request, Shop $shop)
return //for example: template preview, direct shop selection via url
&& $request->getQuery('__shop') !== null
&& $request->getQuery('__shop') != $shop->getId()
//for example: shop language switch
|| (
&& $request->getPost('__shop') !== null
&& $request->getPost('__redirect') !== null
} | CWE-601 | 11 |
public function renderRequest()
$request = '';
foreach ($this->displayVars as $name) {
if (!empty($GLOBALS[$name])) {
$request .= '$' . $name . ' = ' . VarDumper::export($GLOBALS[$name]) . ";\n\n";
return '<pre>' . rtrim($request, "\n") . '</pre>';
} | CWE-79 | 1 |
public function getInvalidPaths()
return array(
} | CWE-89 | 0 |
function selectObjectBySql($sql) {
//$logFile = "C:\\xampp\\htdocs\\supserg\\tmp\\queryLog.txt";
//$lfh = fopen($logFile, 'a');
//fwrite($lfh, $sql . "\n");
$res = @mysqli_query($this->connection, $this->injectProof($sql));
if ($res == null)
return null;
return mysqli_fetch_object($res);
} | CWE-89 | 0 |
public function remove()
$project = $this->getProject();
$column_id = $this->request->getIntegerParam('column_id');
if ($this->columnModel->remove($column_id)) {
$this->flash->success(t('Column removed successfully.'));
} else {
$this->flash->failure(t('Unable to remove this column.'));
$this->response->redirect($this->helper->url->to('ColumnController', 'index', array('project_id' => $project['id'])));
} | CWE-639 | 9 |
public function getQuerySelect()
//Last update date is stored in the changeset (the date of the changeset)
return "c.submitted_on AS `" . $this->name . "`";
} | CWE-89 | 0 |
public static function getParent($parent='', $menuid = ''){
$where = " AND `menuid` = '{$menuid}'";
$where = '';
$sql = sprintf("SELECT * FROM `menus` WHERE `parent` = '%s' %s", $parent, $where);
$menu = Db::result($sql);
return $menu;
} | CWE-79 | 1 |
private function filterPort($scheme, $host, $port)
if (null !== $port) {
$port = (int) $port;
if (1 > $port || 0xffff < $port) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
sprintf('Invalid port: %d. Must be between 1 and 65535', $port)
return $this->isNonStandardPort($scheme, $host, $port) ? $port : null;
} | CWE-89 | 0 |
$sloc = expCore::makeLocation('navigation', null, $section->id);
// remove any manage permissions for this page and it's children
// $db->delete('userpermission', "module='navigationController' AND internal=".$section->id);
// $db->delete('grouppermission', "module='navigationController' AND internal=".$section->id);
foreach ($allusers as $uid) {
$u = user::getUserById($uid);
expPermissions::grant($u, 'manage', $sloc);
foreach ($allgroups as $gid) {
$g = group::getGroupById($gid);
expPermissions::grantGroup($g, 'manage', $sloc);
| CWE-89 | 0 |
function _makeChooseCheckbox($value, $title) {
global $THIS_RET;
// return '<INPUT type=checkbox name=st_arr[] value=' . $value . ' checked>';
return "<input name=unused[$THIS_RET[STUDENT_ID]] value=" . $THIS_RET[STUDENT_ID] . " type='checkbox' id=$THIS_RET[STUDENT_ID] onClick='setHiddenCheckboxStudents(\"st_arr[]\",this,$THIS_RET[STUDENT_ID]);' />";
} | CWE-89 | 0 |
public function remove()
$project = $this->getProject();
$column_id = $this->request->getIntegerParam('column_id');
if ($this->columnModel->remove($column_id)) {
$this->flash->success(t('Column removed successfully.'));
} else {
$this->flash->failure(t('Unable to remove this column.'));
$this->response->redirect($this->helper->url->to('ColumnController', 'index', array('project_id' => $project['id'])));
} | CWE-639 | 9 |
public static function isHadSub($parent, $menuid =''){
$sql = sprintf("SELECT * FROM `menus` WHERE `parent` = '%s' %s", $parent, $where);
} | CWE-89 | 0 |
function reset_stats() {
// global $db;
// reset the counters
// $db->sql ('UPDATE '.$db->prefix.'banner SET impressions=0 WHERE 1');
// $db->sql ('UPDATE '.$db->prefix.'banner SET clicks=0 WHERE 1');
// let the user know we did stuff.
flash('message', gt("Banner statistics reset."));
} | CWE-89 | 0 |
function edit_optiongroup_master() {
expHistory::set('editable', $this->params);
$id = isset($this->params['id']) ? $this->params['id'] : null;
$record = new optiongroup_master($id);
} | CWE-89 | 0 |
public function SetFrom($address, $name = '', $auto = 1) {
$address = trim($address);
$name = trim(preg_replace('/[\r\n]+/', '', $name)); //Strip breaks and trim
if (!$this->ValidateAddress($address)) {
$this->SetError($this->Lang('invalid_address').': '. $address);
if ($this->exceptions) {
throw new phpmailerException($this->Lang('invalid_address').': '.$address);
if ($this->SMTPDebug) {
$this->edebug($this->Lang('invalid_address').': '.$address);
return false;
$this->From = $address;
$this->FromName = $name;
if ($auto) {
if (empty($this->ReplyTo)) {
$this->AddAnAddress('Reply-To', $address, $name);
if (empty($this->Sender)) {
$this->Sender = $address;
return true;
} | CWE-79 | 1 |
foreach ($value_arr['ENROLLMENT_INFO'] as $eid => $ed) {
echo '<ENROLLMENT_INFO_' . htmlentities($eid) . '>';
echo '<SCHOOL_ID>' . htmlentities($ed['SCHOOL_ID']) . '</SCHOOL_ID>';
echo '<CALENDAR>' . htmlentities($ed['CALENDAR']) . '</CALENDAR>';
echo '<GRADE>' . htmlentities($ed['GRADE']) . '</GRADE>';
echo '<SECTION>' . htmlentities($ed['SECTION']) . '</SECTION>';
echo '<START_DATE>' . htmlentities($ed['START_DATE']) . '</START_DATE>';
echo '<DROP_DATE>' . htmlentities($ed['DROP_DATE']) . '</DROP_DATE>';
echo '<ENROLLMENT_CODE>' . htmlentities($ed['ENROLLMENT_CODE']) . '</ENROLLMENT_CODE>';
echo '<DROP_CODE>' . htmlentities($ed['DROP_CODE']) . '</DROP_CODE>';
echo '</ENROLLMENT_INFO_' . htmlentities($eid) . '>';
} | CWE-22 | 2 |
protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
$io = new SymfonyStyle($input, $output);
$io->title('Kimai installation running ...');
/** @var Application $application */
$application = $this->getApplication();
/** @var KernelInterface $kernel */
$kernel = $application->getKernel();
$environment = $kernel->getEnvironment();
// create the database, in case it is not yet existing
try {
$this->createDatabase($io, $input, $output);
} catch (\Exception $ex) {
$io->error('Failed to create database: ' . $ex->getMessage());
return self::ERROR_DATABASE;
// bootstrap database ONLY via doctrine migrations, so all installation will have the correct and same state
try {
$this->importMigrations($io, $output);
} catch (\Exception $ex) {
$io->error('Failed to set migration status: ' . $ex->getMessage());
return self::ERROR_MIGRATIONS;
if (!$input->getOption('no-cache')) {
// flush the cache, just to make sure ... and ignore result
$this->rebuildCaches($environment, $io, $input, $output);
sprintf('Congratulations! Successfully installed %s version %s (%s)', Constants::SOFTWARE, Constants::VERSION, Constants::STATUS)
return 0;
} | CWE-1236 | 12 |
public function clear($id)
if ($this->securityController->isWikiHibernated()) {
throw new \Exception(_t('WIKI_IN_HIBERNATION'));
'DELETE FROM' . $this->dbService->prefixTable('acls') .
'WHERE page_tag IN (SELECT tag FROM ' . $this->dbService->prefixTable('pages') .
'WHERE tag IN (SELECT resource FROM ' . $this->dbService->prefixTable('triples') .
'WHERE property="" AND value="fiche_bazar") AND body LIKE \'%"id_typeannonce":"' . $id . '"%\' );'
// TODO use PageManager
'DELETE FROM' . $this->dbService->prefixTable('pages') .
'WHERE tag IN (SELECT resource FROM ' . $this->dbService->prefixTable('triples') .
'WHERE property="" AND value="fiche_bazar") AND body LIKE \'%"id_typeannonce":"' . $id . '"%\';'
// TODO use TripleStore
'DELETE FROM' . $this->dbService->prefixTable('triples') .
'WHERE resource NOT IN (SELECT tag FROM ' . $this->dbService->prefixTable('pages') .
'WHERE 1) AND property="" AND value="fiche_bazar";'
} | CWE-89 | 0 |
public static function connect ($dbhost=DB_HOST, $dbuser=DB_USER,
$dbpass=DB_PASS, $dbname=DB_NAME) {
self::$mysqli = new mysqli($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass, $dbname);
if (self::$mysqli->connect_error) {
return false;
return true;
| CWE-89 | 0 |
function delete_option_master() {
global $db;
$masteroption = new option_master($this->params['id']);
// delete any implementations of this option master
$db->delete('option', 'option_master_id='.$masteroption->id);
$masteroption->delete('optiongroup_master_id=' . $masteroption->optiongroup_master_id);
} | CWE-89 | 0 |
public function show()
$task = $this->getTask();
$subtask = $this->getSubtask();
$this->response->html($this->template->render('subtask_converter/show', array(
'subtask' => $subtask,
'task' => $task,
} | CWE-639 | 9 |
public function getQuerySelect()
return '';
} | CWE-89 | 0 |
public function confirm()
$project = $this->getProject();
$swimlane = $this->getSwimlane();
$this->response->html($this->helper->layout->project('swimlane/remove', array(
'project' => $project,
'swimlane' => $swimlane,
} | CWE-639 | 9 |
} elseif (!empty($this->params['src'])) {
if ($this->params['src'] == $loc->src) {
$this->config = $config->config;
| CWE-89 | 0 |
public function autocomplete() {
global $db;
$model = $this->params['model'];
$mod = new $model();
$srchcol = explode(",",$this->params['searchoncol']);
/*for ($i=0; $i<count($srchcol); $i++) {
if ($i>=1) $sql .= " OR ";
$sql .= $srchcol[$i].' LIKE \'%'.$this->params['query'].'%\'';
// $sql .= ' AND parent_id=0';
//$res = $mod->find('all',$sql,'id',25);
$sql = "select DISTINCT(, p.title, model, sef_url, as fileid from ".$db->prefix."product as p INNER JOIN ".$db->prefix."content_expfiles as cef ON INNER JOIN ".$db->prefix."expfiles as f ON cef.expfiles_id = where match (p.title,p.model,p.body) against ('" . $this->params['query'] . "') AND p.parent_id=0 order by match (p.title,p.model,p.body) against ('" . $this->params['query'] . "') desc LIMIT 25";
//$res = $db->selectObjectsBySql($sql);
//$res = $db->selectObjectBySql('SELECT * FROM `exponent_product`');
$ar = new expAjaxReply(200, gt('Here\'s the items you wanted'), $res);
} | CWE-89 | 0 |
public static function getHelpVersion($version_id) {
global $db;
return $db->selectValue('help_version', 'version', 'id="'.$version_id.'"');
} | CWE-89 | 0 |
public function get($columns = ['*'])
if (!is_null($this->cacheMinutes)) {
$results = $this->getCached($columns);
else {
$results = $this->getFresh($columns);
$models = $this->getModels($results ?: []);
return $this->model->newCollection($models);
} | CWE-22 | 2 |
function initEnv() {
$iParams = array("reqURI" => array(tlInputParameter::STRING_N,0,4000));
$pParams = G_PARAMS($iParams);
$args = new stdClass();
$args->ssodisable = getSSODisable();
// CWE-79:
// Improper Neutralization of Input
// During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting')
$args->reqURI = '';
if ($pParams["reqURI"] != '') {
$args->reqURI = $pParams["reqURI"];
// some sanity checks
// strpos ( string $haystack , mixed $needle
if (strpos($args->reqURI,'javascript') !== false) {
$args->reqURI = null;
if (null == $args->reqURI) {
$args->reqURI = 'lib/general/mainPage.php';
$args->reqURI = $_SESSION['basehref'] . $args->reqURI;
$args->tproject_id = isset($_REQUEST['tproject_id']) ? intval($_REQUEST['tproject_id']) : 0;
$args->tplan_id = isset($_REQUEST['tplan_id']) ? intval($_REQUEST['tplan_id']) : 0;
$gui = new stdClass();
$gui->title = lang_get('main_page_title');
$gui->mainframe = $args->reqURI;
$gui->navbar_height = config_get('navbar_height');
$sso = ($args->ssodisable ? '&ssodisable' : '');
$gui->titleframe = "lib/general/navBar.php?" .
"tproject_id={$args->tproject_id}&" .
"tplan_id={$args->tplan_id}&" .
"updateMainPage=1" . $sso;
$gui->logout = 'logout.php?viewer=' . $sso;
return array($args,$gui);
} | CWE-79 | 1 |
function download_item($dir, $item)
// Security Fix:
if (!permissions_grant($dir, $item, "read"))
if (!get_is_file($dir,$item))
_debug("error download");
show_error($item.": ".$GLOBALS["error_msg"]["fileexist"]);
if (!get_show_item($dir, $item))
show_error($item.": ".$GLOBALS["error_msg"]["accessfile"]);
$abs_item = get_abs_item($dir,$item);
_download($abs_item, $item);
} | CWE-22 | 2 |
public function __construct() {
| CWE-89 | 0 |
public static function BBCode2Html($text) {
$text = trim($text);
$text = self::parseEmoji($text);
// Smileys to find...
$in = array(
// And replace them by...
$out = array(
$in[] = '[/*]';
$in[] = '[*]';
$out[] = '</li>';
$out[] = '<li>';
$text = str_replace($in, $out, $text);
// BBCode to find...
$in = array( '/\[b\](.*?)\[\/b\]/ms',
// And replace them by...
$out = array( '<strong>\1</strong>',
'<ol start="\1">\2</ol>',
'<span style="font-size:\1pt">\2</span>',
'<span style="color:#\1">\2</span>'
$text = preg_replace($in, $out, $text);
// Prepare quote's
$text = str_replace("\r\n","\n",$text);
// paragraphs
$text = str_replace("\r", "", $text);
$text = nl2br($text);
// clean some tags to remain strict
// not very elegant, but it works. No time to do better ;)
if (!function_exists('removeBr')) {
function removeBr($s) {
return str_replace("<br />", "", $s[0]);
$text = preg_replace_callback('/<pre>(.*?)<\/pre>/ms', "removeBr", $text);
$text = preg_replace('/<p><pre>(.*?)<\/pre><\/p>/ms', "<pre>\\1</pre>", $text);
$text = preg_replace_callback('/<ul>(.*?)<\/ul>/ms', "removeBr", $text);
$text = preg_replace('/<p><ul>(.*?)<\/ul><\/p>/ms', "<ul>\\1</ul>", $text);
return $text;
} | CWE-79 | 1 |
public function upload() {
// upload the file, but don't save the record yet...
if ($this->params['resize'] != 'false') {
$maxwidth = $this->params['max_width'];
} else {
$maxwidth = null;
$file = expFile::fileUpload('Filedata',false,false,null,null,$maxwidth);
// since most likely this function will only get hit via flash in YUI Uploader
// and since Flash can't pass cookies, we lose the knowledge of our $user
// so we're passing the user's ID in as $_POST data. We then instantiate a new $user,
// and then assign $user->id to $file->poster so we have an audit trail for the upload
if (is_object($file)) {
$resized = !empty($file->resized) ? true : false;
$user = new user($this->params['usrid']);
$file->poster = $user->id;
$file->posted = $file->last_accessed = time();
if (!empty($this->params['cat'])) {
$expcat = new expCat($this->params['cat']);
$params['expCat'][0] = $expcat->id;
// a echo so YUI Uploader is notified of the function's completion
if ($resized) {
echo gt('File resized and then saved');
} else {
echo gt('File saved');
} else {
echo gt('File was NOT uploaded!');
// flash('error',gt('File was not uploaded!'));
} | CWE-89 | 0 |
function PMA_getUrlParams(
$what, $reload, $action, $db, $table, $selected, $views,
$original_sql_query, $original_url_query
) {
$_url_params = array(
'query_type' => $what,
'reload' => (! empty($reload) ? 1 : 0),
if (mb_strpos(' ' . $action, 'db_') == 1) {
$_url_params['db']= $db;
} elseif (mb_strpos(' ' . $action, 'tbl_') == 1
|| $what == 'row_delete'
) {
$_url_params['db']= $db;
$_url_params['table']= $table;
foreach ($selected as $sval) {
if ($what == 'row_delete') {
$_url_params['selected'][] = 'DELETE FROM '
. PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($table)
. ' WHERE ' . urldecode($sval) . ' LIMIT 1;';
} else {
$_url_params['selected'][] = $sval;
if ($what == 'drop_tbl' && !empty($views)) {
foreach ($views as $current) {
$_url_params['views'][] = $current;
if ($what == 'row_delete') {
$_url_params['original_sql_query'] = $original_sql_query;
if (! empty($original_url_query)) {
$_url_params['original_url_query'] = $original_url_query;
return $_url_params;
} | CWE-79 | 1 |
public static function desc($vars){
$desc = substr(strip_tags(htmlspecialchars_decode($vars).". ".Options::get('sitedesc')),0,150);
$desc = substr(Options::get('sitedesc'),0,150);
return $desc;
} | CWE-79 | 1 |
$comments->records[$key]->avatar = $db->selectObject('user_avatar',"user_id='".$record->poster."'");
if (empty($this->params['config']['disable_nested_comments'])) $comments->records = self::arrangecomments($comments->records);
// eDebug($sql, true);
// count the unapproved comments
if ($require_approval == 1 && $user->isAdmin()) {
$sql = 'SELECT count( as c FROM '.$db->prefix.'expComments com ';
$sql .= 'JOIN '.$db->prefix.'content_expComments cnt ON ';
$sql .= 'WHERE cnt.content_id='.$this->params['content_id']." AND cnt.content_type='".$this->params['content_type']."' ";
$sql .= 'AND com.approved=0';
$unapproved = $db->countObjectsBySql($sql);
} else {
$unapproved = 0;
$this->config = $this->params['config'];
$type = !empty($this->params['type']) ? $this->params['type'] : gt('Comment');
$ratings = !empty($this->params['ratings']) ? true : false;
} | CWE-89 | 0 |
static function convertUTF($string) {
return $string = str_replace('?', '', htmlspecialchars($string, ENT_IGNORE, 'UTF-8'));
} | CWE-89 | 0 |
foreach ($grpusers as $u) {
$emails[$u->email] = trim(user::getUserAttribution($u->id));
| CWE-89 | 0 |
public function update() {
//populate the alt tag field if the user didn't
if (empty($this->params['alt'])) $this->params['alt'] = $this->params['title'];
// call expController update to save the image
} | CWE-89 | 0 |
function productFeed() {
// global $db;
//check query password to avoid DDOS
* condition = new
* description
* id - SKU
* link
* price
* title
* brand - manufacturer
* image link - fullsized image, up to 10, comma seperated
* product type - category - "Electronics > Audio > Audio Accessories MP3 Player Accessories","Health & Beauty > Healthcare > Biometric Monitors > Pedometers"
$out = '"id","condition","description","like","price","title","brand","image link","product type"' . chr(13) . chr(10);
$p = new product();
$prods = $p->find('all', 'parent_id=0 AND ');
//$prods = $db->selectObjects('product','parent_id=0 AND');
} | CWE-89 | 0 |
$user = db_fetch_cell_prepared('SELECT username FROM user_auth WHERE id = ?', array($check['user']), 'username');
form_alternate_row('line' . $check['id']);
$name = get_data_source_title($check['datasource']);
$title = $name;
if (strlen($name) > 50) {
$name = substr($name, 0, 50);
form_selectable_cell('<a class="linkEditMain" title="' . $title .'" href="' . htmlspecialchars('data_debug.php?action=view&id=' . $check['id']) . '">' . $name . '</a>', $check['id']);
form_selectable_cell($user, $check['id']);
form_selectable_cell(date('F j, Y, G:i', $check['started']), $check['id']);
form_selectable_cell($check['datasource'], $check['id']);
form_selectable_cell(debug_icon(($check['done'] ? (strlen($issue_line) ? 'off' : 'on' ) : '')), $check['id'], '', 'text-align: center;');
form_selectable_cell(debug_icon($info['rrd_writable']), $check['id'], '', 'text-align: center;');
form_selectable_cell(debug_icon($info['rrd_exists']), $check['id'], '', 'text-align: center;');
form_selectable_cell(debug_icon($info['active']), $check['id'], '', 'text-align: center;');
form_selectable_cell(debug_icon($info['rrd_match']), $check['id'], '', 'text-align: center;');
form_selectable_cell(debug_icon($info['valid_data']), $check['id'], '', 'text-align: center;');
form_selectable_cell(debug_icon(($info['rra_timestamp2'] != '' ? 1 : '')), $check['id'], '', 'text-align: center;');
form_selectable_cell('<a class=\'linkEditMain\' href=\'#\' title="' . html_escape($issue_title) . '">' . html_escape(strlen(trim($issue_line)) ? $issue_line : '<none>') . '</a>', $check['id']);
form_checkbox_cell($check['id'], $check['id']);
}else{ | CWE-79 | 1 |
public function getQuerySelect()
$R1 = 'R1_' . $this->field->id;
$R2 = 'R2_' . $this->field->id;
$R3 = 'R3_' . $this->field->id;
return "$R2.user_id AS `" . $this->field->name . "`";
} | CWE-89 | 0 |
public function update($key, $qty) {
if ((int)$qty && ((int)$qty > 0)) {
$this->session->data['cart'][$key] = (int)$qty;
} else {
$this->data = array();
} | CWE-611 | 13 |
$contents[] = ['class' => 'text-center', 'text' => tep_draw_bootstrap_button(IMAGE_SAVE, 'fas fa-save', null, 'primary', null, 'btn-success xxx text-white mr-2') . tep_draw_bootstrap_button(IMAGE_CANCEL, 'fas fa-times', tep_href_link('customer_data_groups.php', 'page=' . $_GET['page']), null, null, 'btn-light')]; | CWE-79 | 1 |
$newret = recyclebin::restoreFromRecycleBin($iLoc, $page_id);
if (!empty($newret)) $ret .= $newret . '<br>';
if ($iLoc->mod == 'container') {
$ret .= scan_container($container->internal, $page_id);
return $ret;
| CWE-89 | 0 |
foreach( $zones as $id => $zone )
* Only get timezones explicitely not part of "Others".
* @see
if ( preg_match( '/^(America|Antartica|Arctic|Asia|Atlantic|Europe|Indian|Pacific)\//', $zone['timezone_id'] )
&& $zone['timezone_id']) {
$cities[$zone['timezone_id']][] = $key;
| CWE-89 | 0 |
public function getItemLink(&$icmsObj, $onlyUrl=false) {
* @todo URL Rewrite feature is not finished yet...
//$seoMode = smart_getModuleModeSEO($this->handler->_moduleName);
//$seoModuleName = smart_getModuleNameForSEO($this->handler->_moduleName);
$seoMode = false;
$seoModuleName = $this->handler->_moduleName;
* $seoIncludeId feature is not finished yet, so let's put it always to true
//$seoIncludeId = smart_getModuleIncludeIdSEO($this->handler->_moduleName);
$seoIncludeId = true;
/*if ($seoMode == 'rewrite') {
$ret = ICMS_URL . '/' . $seoModuleName . '.' . $this->handler->_itemname . ($seoIncludeId ? '.' . $icmsObj->getVar($this->handler->keyName) : ''). '/' . $icmsObj->getVar('short_url') . '.html';
} else if ($seoMode == 'pathinfo') {
$ret = SMARTOBJECT_URL . 'seo.php/' . $seoModuleName . '.' . $this->handler->_itemname . ($seoIncludeId ? '.' . $icmsObj->getVar($this->handler->keyName) : ''). '/' . $icmsObj->getVar('short_url') . '.html';
} else {
*/ $ret = $this->handler->_moduleUrl . $this->handler->_page . "?" . $this->handler->keyName . "=" . $icmsObj->getVar($this->handler->keyName);
if (!$onlyUrl) {
$ret = "<a href='" . $ret . "'>" . $icmsObj->getVar($this->handler->identifierName) . "</a>";
return $ret;
| CWE-22 | 2 |
public static function getHelpVersionId($version) {
global $db;
return $db->selectValue('help_version', 'id', 'version="'.$version.'"');
} | CWE-89 | 0 |
$context['clockicons'] = unserialize(base64_decode('YTozOntzOjE6ImgiO2E6NTp7aTowO2k6MTY7aToxO2k6ODtpOjI7aTo0O2k6MztpOjI7aTo0O2k6MTt9czoxOiJtIjthOjY6e2k6MDtpOjMyO2k6MTtpOjE2O2k6MjtpOjg7aTozO2k6NDtpOjQ7aToyO2k6NTtpOjE7fXM6MToicyI7YTo2OntpOjA7aTozMjtpOjE7aToxNjtpOjI7aTo4O2k6MztpOjQ7aTo0O2k6MjtpOjU7aToxO319'));
} | CWE-94 | 14 |
public function showall() {
global $user, $sectionObj, $sections;
expHistory::set('viewable', $this->params);
$id = $sectionObj->id;
$current = null;
// all we need to do is determine the current section
$navsections = $sections;
if ($sectionObj->parent == -1) {
$current = $sectionObj;
} else {
foreach ($navsections as $section) {
if ($section->id == $id) {
$current = $section;
'sections' => $navsections,
'current' => $current,
'canManage' => ((isset($user->is_acting_admin) && $user->is_acting_admin == 1) ? 1 : 0),
| CWE-89 | 0 |
public function thumbnailTreeAction()
$thumbnails = [];
$list = new Asset\Image\Thumbnail\Config\Listing();
$groups = [];
foreach ($list->getThumbnails() as $item) {
if ($item->getGroup()) {
if (empty($groups[$item->getGroup()])) {
$groups[$item->getGroup()] = [
'id' => 'group_' . $item->getName(),
'text' => $item->getGroup(),
'expandable' => true,
'leaf' => false,
'allowChildren' => true,
'iconCls' => 'pimcore_icon_folder',
'group' => $item->getGroup(),
'children' => [],
$groups[$item->getGroup()]['children'][] =
'id' => $item->getName(),
'text' => $item->getName(),
'leaf' => true,
'iconCls' => 'pimcore_icon_thumbnails',
'cls' => 'pimcore_treenode_disabled',
'writeable' => $item->isWriteable(),
} else {
$thumbnails[] = [
'id' => $item->getName(),
'text' => $item->getName(),
'leaf' => true,
'iconCls' => 'pimcore_icon_thumbnails',
'cls' => 'pimcore_treenode_disabled',
'writeable' => $item->isWriteable(),
foreach ($groups as $group) {
$thumbnails[] = $group;
return $this->adminJson($thumbnails);
} | CWE-79 | 1 |
function db_properties($table)
global $DatabaseType, $DatabaseUsername;
switch ($DatabaseType) {
case 'mysqli':
$result = DBQuery("SHOW COLUMNS FROM $table");
while ($row = db_fetch_row($result)) {
$properties[strtoupper($row['FIELD'])]['TYPE'] = strtoupper($row['TYPE'], strpos($row['TYPE'], '('));
if (!$pos = strpos($row['TYPE'], ','))
$pos = strpos($row['TYPE'], ')');
$properties[strtoupper($row['FIELD'])]['SCALE'] = substr($row['TYPE'], $pos + 1);
$properties[strtoupper($row['FIELD'])]['SIZE'] = substr($row['TYPE'], strpos($row['TYPE'], '(') + 1, $pos);
if ($row['NULL'] != '')
$properties[strtoupper($row['FIELD'])]['NULL'] = "Y";
$properties[strtoupper($row['FIELD'])]['NULL'] = "N";
return $properties;
} | CWE-79 | 1 |
public static function getParent($parent='', $menuid = ''){
$where = " AND `menuid` = '{$menuid}'";
$where = '';
$sql = sprintf("SELECT * FROM `menus` WHERE `parent` = '%s' %s", $parent, $where);
$menu = Db::result($sql);
return $menu;
} | CWE-89 | 0 |
function _makeChooseCheckbox($value, $title) {
global $THIS_RET;
// return '<INPUT type=checkbox name=st_arr[] value=' . $value . ' checked>';
return "<input name=unused[$THIS_RET[STUDENT_ID]] value=" . $THIS_RET[STUDENT_ID] . " type='checkbox' id=$THIS_RET[STUDENT_ID] onClick='setHiddenCheckboxStudents(\"st_arr[]\",this,$THIS_RET[STUDENT_ID]);' />";
} | CWE-89 | 0 |
public function showall() {
expHistory::set('viewable', $this->params);
$hv = new help_version();
//$current_version = $hv->find('first', 'is_current=1');
$ref_version = $hv->find('first', 'version=\''.$this->help_version.'\'');
// pagination parameter..hard coded for now.
$where = $this->aggregateWhereClause();
$where .= 'AND help_version_id='.(empty($ref_version->id)?'0':$ref_version->id); | CWE-89 | 0 |
public static function attach($hooks_name, $func) {
$hooks = self::$hooks;
$hooks[$hooks_name][] = $func;
self::$hooks = $hooks;
return self::$hooks;
| CWE-89 | 0 |
public function save()
global $DB;
// remove all old entries
$node_id_filter = '';
$node_id_filter .= ' AND node_id = '.intval($this->node_id);
$node_id_filter .= ' AND node_uid = '.intval($this->node_uid);
DELETE FROM nv_webdictionary
WHERE website = '.protect($this->website).'
AND subtype = '.protect($this->subtype).'
AND theme = '.protect($this->theme).'
AND extension = '.protect($this->extension).'
AND node_type = '.protect($this->node_type).
// insert the new ones
return $this->insert();
| CWE-89 | 0 |
End of preview. Expand
in Data Studio exists but content is empty.
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