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ROCO_00002 | Computed tomography scan in axial view showing obliteration of the left maxillary sinus
ROCO_00003 | Bacterial contamination occurred after completion of root canal treatment in the tooth, which remained with a temporary filling for 15 month.
ROCO_00004 | The patient had residual paralysis of the hand after poliomyelitis. It was necessary to stabilize the thumb with reference to the index finger. This was accomplished by placing a graft from the bone bank between the first and second metacarpals. The roentgenogram shows the complete healing of the graft one year later.
ROCO_00005 | Panoramic radiograph after immediate loading.
ROCO_00007 | Plain abdomen x-ray: Multiple air levels at the mid-abdomen (arrows), no radiopaque shadow, and no air under the diaphragm.
ROCO_00008 | A 3-year-old child with visual difficulties. Axial FLAIR image show a supra-sellar lesion extending to the temporal lobes along the optic tracts (arrows) with moderate mass effect, compatible with optic glioma. FLAIR hyperintensity is also noted in the left mesencephalon from additional tumoral involvement
ROCO_00009 | Showing the subtrochanteric fracture in the porotic bone.
ROCO_00010 | Post orthodontic treatment. Root canal therapy done with maxillary incisors
ROCO_00011 | Two sequential thrombi in the distal segment of the obtuse marginal 2 (OM2).
ROCO_00012 | An example of MRI image that takes advantage of joint effusion as contrast material in acute scenario. 57x46mm (150 x 150 DPI).
ROCO_00013 | Child with abduction and flexion of right lower extremity and hyperextension of the tibia on the femur, associated with dislocation of the left hip, probably the result of the dangerous position of adduction in production of pathological dislocation. A roentgenogram of the mother’s pelvis, one week before delivery, showed this same deformity in utero.
ROCO_00014 | Axial T2 HASTE MR image shows loss of normal trilaminar myometrial architecture and mild focal thinning of placenta at the site of compression of myometrium in front of aorta (black arrow), just proximal to the bifurcation. Normal trilaminar signal pattern of myometrium can be seen at other regions (white arrows)
ROCO_00015 | Hydronephrosis appearance in sonography.
ROCO_00017 | Coronary angiogram demonstrating occluded OM1 and OM2 arteries.
ROCO_00018 | Cardiac catheterization showing normal coronaries and a tumor blush.
ROCO_00019 | Follow-up coronary angiography and fluoroscopy showed a gap in the stent strut. A-D: a gap in the stent strut.
ROCO_00021 | Right-sided metatarsal in dorsoplantar projection.Cow. Age group IV—cattle 4–8 years. (a) Narrow symphysis that is (b) indistinct from the bone surface.
ROCO_00022 | Fourth patient’s MRI
ROCO_00023 | Orthopantomograph
ROCO_00024 | Focal steatosis of the liver parenchyma
ROCO_00026 | Preoperative TTE, end diastole (preop pics).
ROCO_00028 | Magnetic resonance T2 weighted image showing foraminal extensions of the cysts
ROCO_00029 | Post-Treatment MRIAxial T1-weighted, contrast-enhanced image showing the same lesion as Figure 3.
ROCO_00030 | Abdominal CT scan showing pancreatic pseudocyst
ROCO_00032 | Axial contrast-enhanced computed tomography image of the abdomen 3 months after anti tuberculous treatment showing complete resolution of the lesions
ROCO_00033 | Lytic lesions (arrows) involving the humerus.
ROCO_00034 | Fluoroscopy image of EVAR procedure.
ROCO_00035 | AP pelvis X-ray obtained 6 weeks from initial presentation which shows early femoral head collapse.
ROCO_00037 | Postoperative control following periapical surgery.
ROCO_00038 | CT image of the liver shows air in the hepatic veins (arrow) and air-contrast level in the inferior vena cava (arrowhead).
ROCO_00039 | SFA perforated after Glidewire insertion in an attempt to cross the lesion.
ROCO_00040 | Postoperative computed tomography scan
ROCO_00041 | 18-year-old woman with venous tumor thrombus. Axial T1W fat-saturated, postcontrast MR image of the pelvis.
ROCO_00042 | X-ray control of calcaneus drilling
ROCO_00043 | Transvaginal image of the maternal pelvis demonstrating cervical length. The probe is first advanced into the anterior fornix and then slightly withdrawn so that good image quality is maintained while avoiding placing pressure on the cervix. Cervical length is measured from internal to external os. The endocervical canal is also marked and can be differentiated by its echolucency. The anterior and posterior cervical walls are of similar thickness.
ROCO_00044 | OPG showing a well defined corticated radiolucency containing two supernumerary premolars
ROCO_00045 | Computed tomography scan obtained on December 24, 2014 (7 days before treatment).Notes: Scan demonstrates a mass in the upper lobe of the left lung, multiple enlarged lymph nodes in the mediastinum, and pleural effusion; arrow indicates abundant pericardial effusion around the pericardium.
ROCO_00046 | Coronal contrast chest CT image showing the two aberrant arteries (white arrow) arising directly from the thoracic aorta and the left lower lobe cystic lesion.
ROCO_00047 | Osteoid osteoma in the femur. Axial CT scan shows a nidus (arrow) within the cortex, with surrounding dense sclerosis (arrowhead)
ROCO_00048 | Mandibular occlusal view radiograph showing fusion of mandibular teeth with talon cusp with respect to 41 and 42
ROCO_00049 | Intraoperative T2w MR image showing the tumor and the first BBB target
ROCO_00050 | Free air beneath the diaphragm at abdominal x-ray film
ROCO_00051 | Posteroanterior radiography immediately before reintervention showing the inferior vena caval loop of the pacemaker lead strongly attached to the endothelium. The tip of the electrode is still attached the right ventricular wall. At that time an exit block was predominantly existent.
ROCO_00052 | Après mise en place du drain thoracique
ROCO_00053 | Venography of left innominate vein using catheter introduced via right common femoral vein. The site of perforation is well seen
ROCO_00054 | CT spine showing a mass at level of C3 with marked osseous destruction.
ROCO_00055 | Destroid lung due to progressive pulmonary tuberculosis in a 16-year-old boy. CT scan (lung window) shows diffuse bilateral small and large air-filled cystic lesions (black arrows) associated with ground-glass attenuation and disseminated miliary micronodular lesions on the right (white arrows).
ROCO_00056 | View of giant cell tumor of thumb metacarpal preoperatively.
ROCO_00057 | MRI showing high signals involving the superior sagittal sinus thrombosis on TW1.
ROCO_00058 | Color Doppler echocardiography, parasternal modified short axis view. Middle LAD stenosis was incidentally found on rutine TTE. It was later confirmed by coronary angiography. See movie 13 [see Additional file 13]
ROCO_00060 | Transverse view of lung using computed tomography. Leukemic infiltration is seen.
ROCO_00063 | Calculation of mitral valve area(MVA) via planimetry method from parasternal short-axis view in one patient with mitral annulus calcification(MAC) after PTMC.
ROCO_00064 | Catch of the muscles with 5.0 non-resorbable suture thread and their resection near the insertion; Eye prosthesis made up of a Polymethyl methacrylate) (PMMA) ball covered with a Polyethylene terephthalate shell (Dacron)
ROCO_00065 | The AP view radiograph of the right hip demonstrates proximal migration of the lesser trochanter.
ROCO_00066 | X-ray arthrogram showing mild contrast tracking along the proximal lateral aspect of the femoral component.
ROCO_00067 | 48 h reperfusion T2WI shows high-signal infarction smaller than lesion on DWI.
ROCO_00069 | Computed tomography axial section after injection of contrast medium in parenchymal time showing a large thrombus in the left renal vein extending from the segmental renal veins to the inferior vena cava, complicated by cortical infarction.
ROCO_00070 | Postoperative panoramic radiograph after surgery. The costochondral graft was adjusted to the left condyle area and secured on the left mandibular ramus by five bicortical screws for rigid internal fixation
ROCO_00071 | Solid—cystic teratoma containing different types of tissue like fat, albuminous liquid and other solid parts (MRI, T1-gradient echo sequence, coronal).
ROCO_00072 | Dental panoramic tomograph from 2016 showing extensive bone loss of the right mandible, left coronoid process and ramus.
ROCO_00074 | Chest radiography shows a mass on the right lower mediastinum
ROCO_00075 | Radiation-induced liver disease: a 21-year-old woman with lymphoma of the right anterior chest wall. The patient received 39.6 Gy to the right chest wall. CT obtained 5 weeks after the completion of radiation therapy shows a well-defined area of low attenuation in the liver with a sharp demarcation between the area of radiation and the normal liver. This is consistent with the straight-border sign of radiation change.
ROCO_00077 | Underfilled root canal with void
ROCO_00078 | Anterior-posterior radiograph of the left shoulder of a 36-year-old male patient showing the failed reconstruction of the acromioclavicular (AC) joint with an allograft because of type 5 AC separation
ROCO_00080 | CT head with IV contrast with an arrow that indicates cerebral venous sinus thrombosis.
ROCO_00081 | Pelvic X-RAY hours after the CT showed the gastric band and its connecting tube in the lower pelvis
ROCO_00083 | Aneurysm of the descending thoracic aorta with a transverse diameter of 3,1 cm.
ROCO_00085 | Contrast MRI head axial section showing an irregularly enhancing mass in the right medial temporal lobe anteriorly in the close proximity to the cavernous sinus and oculomotor nerve (arrow).
ROCO_00086 | Endo-vaginal ultrasonography of anal sphincter in a patient with rectal prolapse: irregular and asymmetrical appearance of the internal anal sphincter (IAS arrow), without defect (A: anterior, and P: posterior).
ROCO_00087 | Chest X-ray, which confirmed the position of guidewire, extending from the right internal jugular vein up to inferior vena cava
ROCO_00088 | Sagittal CT angiogram of abdomen demonstrating mechanical fragmentation and displacement of stent.
ROCO_00089 | Melorheostosis involving the ulnar aspect of the third proximal phalanx. Note that it takes on the appearance of dripping candle wax.
ROCO_00090 | Barium swallow demonstrating the obstructive appearance of the GCT.
ROCO_00091 | Pancreatic pseudoaneurysm (arrow) visualized in color Doppler examination – a result of the damage of pancreaticoduodenal artery, a complication of AP
ROCO_00092 | MDCT angiography showing the location of CoA in a 1-month-old (B) girl (arrow).
ROCO_00093 | Anterior uveitis with cystoid macular edema.In a 57-year-old female with quiescent anterior uveitis, peripheral vessel leakage and cystoid macular edema were detected.
ROCO_00094 | Initial radiograph performed after the injury.
ROCO_00095 | The high-frequency color Doppler ultrasonography manifestation of the apterium blood of the articulationes interphalangeae of digitus medius of the patients with bone erosion.
ROCO_00096 | Image of the TMJ shows the morphology of the TMJ in an asymptomatic volunteer.
ROCO_00097 | Axial view of PET-CT scan image demonstrates a large hypermetabolic mass with intense uptake of F18 Levo-DOPA in the posterior mediastinum near the left atrium which is consistent with paraganglioma.
ROCO_00098 | Ocular ultrasound of the left eye demonstrating the dislocated lens in the vitreous cavity. Ocular ultrasound of the left eye at presentation demonstrating the dislocated lens (heterogeneous hyperechogenic oval-shaped mass) within the vitreous cavity (hypoechogenic).
ROCO_00100 | Collateral circulation from the conus artery to the left anterior descending artery
ROCO_00101 | Panoramic radiograph showing extensive radio-opaque lesion with well-defined corticated border.
ROCO_00102 | CT scan of abdomen and pelvis with IV contrast coronal section showing perinephric hematoma, nonobtructive lower pole 6 mm stone and 1.1 cm obstructive proximal ureteral stone (arrow heads). Marked left perinephric stranding with extension of extracapsular hematoma to distal aorta, iliac vessels, and presacral space was noted.
ROCO_00103 | Transthoracic echocardiography showed severely increased aortic root and ascending aorta with intimal flap.
ROCO_00104 | Peripherally enhancing, irregular, marginated, subcentimeter lesion in segment IVa, and segment VII of liver‐ suspicious of metastasis.
ROCO_00105 | T1 axial image shows hypointense lesions in the pontine region and at the periphery of the pons. Central pontine myelinolysis is a likely diagnosis, however, involvement of the temporal lobe and clinical features makes central pontine myelinolysis unlikely.
ROCO_00106 | An inflated representation of the right hemisphere of a representative participant (medial and lateral views) marked with the locations of the regions of interest (ROIs) that were studied. CSv, cingulate sulcus visual area; PcM, precuneus; VIP, ventral intraparietal area; p2v, putative area 2v; PIVC, parietoinsular vestibular cortex.
ROCO_00107 | MRI showing that the mass was greatly enhanced, with a clear portion in the nearby tissues.MRI showing that the mass was greatly enhanced, with a clear portion in the nearby tissues
ROCO_00109 | A post-operative axial magnetic resonance image. The signal void caused by the presence of the steel and titanium implants obscures any details of the spinal cord or decompression.
ROCO_00110 | Neonatal chest X‐ray of the larger fetus.
ROCO_00111 | Coronal T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging showing a tumor with homogenous low-signal intensity and well-defined margins.
ROCO_00112 | CT showing gutta percha point communicating with the periapical area
ROCO_00115 | Conventional design for hybrid prosthesis with long distal cantilevers.
ROCO_00116 | Plain radiographs, though less sensitive than computed tomography, are an acceptable screening examination. A calcific focus is visible just anterior to C1.
ROCO_00117 | Coupe axiale d’un scanner abdominal passant par le foie après injection du PC
ROCO_00119 | Postoperative lateral MRI of a female patient, three months after surgery.
ROCO_00120 | Multi-slice 16 row ECG- gated cardiac CT reveals an irregular mass in the right atrium and a moderate pericardial effusion.
ROCO_00121 | Magnetic resonance angiography image showing almost complete thrombosis of the basilar artery (arrow). This is an extension from the vertebral artery dissection and thrombosis.
ROCO_00123 | A 30-year-old-woman with genital tuberculosis. Hysterosalpingogram shows a beaded appearance at the right and left fallopian tubes associated with bilateral tubal occlusion (arrows). There is mild irregularity of the uterine cavity outline
The "ROCO-radiology" dataset is derived from the Radiology Objects in COntext (ROCO) dataset, a large-scale medical and multimodal imaging collection. The language used is primarily English, and it covers the domain of medical imaging, specifically radiology. We only modified the dataset by choosing only for radiology dataset and convert the image into PIL Object. For further details and citation, pleaser refer to original author.