4 values
Having a hard time not poking the bull!
So I found out I have the email to an old flame. Haven't spoken to em in years and know it's better to leave the past in the past and yet at same time having a rather hard time not saying simply "hello hope you are well" I know I shouldn't but the nice guy in me would've always done that back in the day, it's my thing! So everyone give me strength to keep ignoring the urge to poke the bull!
Reactive Guilt
I lie on Omegle
[Remorse]: If you feel bad I go on Omegle and pretend to be a Female. Every time I do it afterwards I feel horrible, but I can't stop. I enjoy it during but near the end/after I felt terrible but never told them.
Reactive Guilt
Every night I click play all on my favorite underrated YouTuber
I’m super into fishing YouTube videos. There’s one guy who I absolutely stand by. He’s so underrated and his videos make my day. So every night before bed, I click play all on his videos and get him some more views. I’m sure it doesn’t do much, but at least I know I’m supporting him a little bit
No Guilt
I like to sneeze
I purposely make myself sneeze. I will grab a q-tip and remove the cotton at the end and poke the inside of my nose over and over again to sneeze. I do this often, I don’t know why. But I love sneezing.
No Guilt
I make sex noises when I do planks and I don't know why I do this.
Seriously. I just did planks and I told some invisible sex partner to do unnatural things to me. I also growled like a hungry lion. It's the only exercise that makes me so this and it's almost involuntary. Fortunately today, when I was growing like a sex maniac at the gym, I was by myself. The other day I was growlimg "FUCK ME DAMNIT FUCK ME" and someone came to the stretching area mid-F-bomb. I had to stop what I was doing and flee. This is a stupid confession, but a confession nonetheless.
Reactive Guilt
Select [Tough Love], [Support Only], or none for default comment rules
I've been really disappointed with sex with my husband the last few months, and our sex life and communication are normally awesome. I talk to him about what I want, and he loves to make me feel good, but it just hasn't been 100% satisfying lately. I feel terrible, bc I love him tons, and I think it must be something wrong on my end. :( [Remorse]
Reactive Guilt
I got a little teary on my cake day
My reddit cake day was a couple days ago, and some people wished me a Happy Cake Day. I didn't even know it was coming up. I always had shitty birthdays growing up because my parents were the "unfun police", but it made me teary someone noticed. ​ Thanks ​
No Guilt
I know it will fuck you up. I had an uncle die from overdosing on it. My dad and mom were addicted to it... guess I’m a crack baby... EVery day is a struggle to not want to at least try it because nothing works anymore to numb the pain. I want to die . But I want to experience heroin as well. I’m so fucked up for saying this and I hate myself because this is real fucking life and it kills
Anticipatory Guilt
Enjoying coke cans
I'm married but I have a dark secret. I like shoving random stuff up my ass, mostly cold soda cans. I don't know why but it feels amazing. My wife doesn't know. I usually wait til she's at work. I'll shove a cold one up my butt, and sit for awhile. Until it warms up. Then I put it back in the fridge . and wait for my wife to drink it.
Reactive Guilt
I fantasize about saving my crush from a shooter
I do it all the time. There’s this girl I have a crush on and I imagine the incel school shoter starts shooting everyone and aims the gun at my crush but right before he pulls the trigger I come in and save the day and me and the girl hook up haha
No Guilt
I'm tired of it all
I'm tired of my friends betraying me. I'm tired of dealing with my grandma who has dementia. I'm tired of not meeting my parents expectations. I'm tired of dealing with people. I'm tired of crying myself to sleep at night. I'm tired of pretending that I'm fine. I'm tired of trying to be perfect all the time. I'm tired of trying. I just wanna give it all up. I wanna call it quits so badly. But I can't. I just can't. I don't want to hurt the people I care about.
Anticipatory Guilt
I tested positive for HPV and I honestly don't know how to feel about it. Because I don't know much about it.
Got my test results back from the lab from my annual female wellness check-up and the paper had said I tested negative for everything except HPV. And I have no idea how to feel because I don't really know that much about hpv. I have an appointment next week for a follow-up. Anyone better experienced or knowledgeable about testing positive for HPV?
No Guilt
my mental health
whenever i'm around my friends, i'm always very quiet. they think its because i dislike them or show no interest in what they're doing but really it's me just planning how or when i should kill myself that night. each time we hang out i think about it but i never go through with it. i'm trying my best to get better (i do have a therapist) but i'm too afraid to bring this topic up to her. i'm afraid of what can happen if she were to find out, so here i am lmao.
Anticipatory Guilt
I am getting high and drinking again. My probation says don’t.
But it’s the quarantine and the Courthouse isn’t even testing now. My PO said until the end of July at least. Part of me is scared but part of me is so happy about smoking again. Even though a year in jail may possibly loom. So fucking stupid.
Reactive Guilt
I spent over $100 on porn
So, recently, I found a few websites that had a lot of videos on it that I couldn't find on any free sites. So, not thinking completely clearly, I accidentally spent over $100 on porn videos. While I'm still happy with my purchases, I feel so incredibly stupid on spending that much money on something like porn.
Reactive Guilt
I listen to the traffic updates on my local hip hop station so that I can practice understanding the Black American language
I work with a lot of black people and they usually “talk white” around me but I feel bad so I’ve been practicing in the morning by listening to the rap station radio DJ’s in the morning. Hopefully my coworkers can feel comfortable talking normally around me but sometimes i accidentally start talking that way too and that makes things even more uncomfortable lol
Reactive Guilt
I sometimes spit on toilet paper when I wipe my butt
Ever been stuck in a situation where your ass is a little messy? No butt wipes nearby? In order to help wipe it cleaner and not wipe my asshole raw, I sometimes spit on the toilet paper. It helps. I feel weird.
Reactive Guilt
I'm gaining weight at an alarming rate, like almost 150 lbs in 5 years, but I can't stop eating.
I always feel hungry no matter how much I eat, and the next day when I wake up with a stomach ache I feel shame and regret, until I start eating again. I have a beautiful wife who married me when I was thin, and I feel horrible for her. She didn't sign on to be with a fat ugly guy. I'm afraid she's going to leave me and take the kids. I hate myself.
Reactive Guilt
I can still feel the hands of the guy who choked me on my throat
I got choked, the guy was absolutely drunk as fuck. My friends wandered off before it happened, they were a friend of a friend. They pinned me up against a wall and choked me. For no reason apart from being drunk. I can still feel the guys hands on my throat, it’s not going away.
Reactive Guilt
I had a reddit account with 14k karma
but then I deleted it last week and now I am back but I really don't want to do any posts or comments anymore. reddit is kind of boring but I have no friends and am extremely lonely so I made this account and now I really don't want it and am thinking about deleting it but idk if I will. I am so conflicted.
No Guilt
I think its hilarious....
...when people who don't have kids, give advice or "knowledge" on the subject. The amount of people I have encountered who tend to have all the answers without the experience is crazy. I think parenting is one of the few things you could read all about, but still have no real idea unless you have lived it.
No Guilt
I Poured Mtn Dew on my Dog
I was eating apples and caramel when I somehow got caramel all over my dog. I freaked out and then started rubbing it around but that obviously only made matters worse. I looked around and saw my bottle of Mtn Dew and started pouring it on him without thinking it through. He's still sticky
Reactive Guilt
I'm honestly more happy that it's election day because the ads are over instead of actually voting
I was about to go insane if I heard the words "Senator Dean Heller" or "Jacky Rosen" every 5 minutes while I'm just trying to enjoy Jeopardy! I absentee vote to my home state, so I have no say in NV elections. But holy hell did those two have the most annoying smear campaign ads ever. Giant Douche vs. Turd Sandwich for real.
No Guilt
My big fears
When I was twelve all I wanted was to be older then I was. I did not fit in with kids my age and wanted to be older. I felt this way for years. Then I hit my mid-twenties and got into my abusive marriage. After my marriage I was thirty and had no clue about myself. I feel like a kid again and I don't care. My fear is about getting older and not finding love or being able to have kids. I am losing hope on having kids. I feel like a failure.
Reactive Guilt
Today in school I put plastic spoons in people pockets and backpacks
So I decided to take a bunch of plastic spoons and put them in people backpacks and pockets and no one noticed I must of done this to Dozens of students didn’t get caught. Why did I do this? Cause I was bored. I’m a junior btw.
No Guilt
Tired of people self diagnosing
I get so annoyed when people diagnose themselves with depression or different kinds of personality disorders. I don’t understand why people want that label? Why can’t people be more simple, it’s the same thing with genders and sexuality. Why do we have to label ourselves and fit into certain categories?
No Guilt
When I was a kid my friends dog started humping my leg and I panicked.
My mom was joking with that it was trying to mate with me and my young 10 year old self didn't know what to do with the situation so when I brought him outside to pee I peed into one of those plastic red cups for him to smell. I thought he would smell it and detect that I was a dude and stop humping my leg. Soooo yea.
Reactive Guilt
The disappointing son
In March I’ll turn 24. I lost my dad when I was 19 to a massive heart attack soon after dropping out of college. My brother has two amazing little girls and my sister got married in August. Meanwhile I’ve been at the same dead end job for the last five years because I don’t have the confidence to leave my comfort zone. I fear that I will never have the chance to make my mom truly proud of me before I lose her too.
Reactive Guilt
My 12 year old friend fantasizes about pedophilia.
I'm 15, and have a friend group of around 10 on Discord. My best friend, who is in the group just turned 12 year old. A few minutes ago, they confessed to me that they fantasize about being groomed by an older man. They stated they would love to be sexually exploited. They were dead serious about this. I don't know what to say or do, so does anyone on Reddit know what I should do?
No Guilt
I’m a petty person on social media
I only like someone’s post on social media (mainly insta) if they don’t have a lot of likes. If they have something like 175, I feel like they really don’t need me to like it. Especially the people who complain that they don’t have enough likes but they have well over 200. I might be petty but oh well.
No Guilt
So, my girlfriend says she is poly. I think that means she can love more than one person at once. So after a few months she starts dating someone else. I've never met this person, and she keeps him secret from me. I'm okay with that. Then I get texts that he loves her and wants her for himself. What should I do? I dont want to be the overbearing boyfriend, but I just have no idea. At this point in starting to think that to her "poly" means ...
Existential Guilt
Was she more into him than me or was she just being friendly?
This girl I’ve been seeing for a few weeks wanted me to invite my closest friends over. We played some drinking games, and I noticed my buddy was hitting it off with her better than me (banter, playfully giving each other s\*\*t, strong eye contact, super competitive with each other, ignoring me, checking each other’s bulge/butt out, even poking his butt and laughing). We agreed the date before that we wouldn’t entertain other people. Was she more into him than me or was she just being friendly?
Reactive Guilt
I’m pretty sure I’m addicted to gaming, and it’s destroying me.
I’m in my third year at uni. I’ve got three exams coming up this week; Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. I should have put in at least some study towards them, but instead I’ve spent all day of every day making progress in various games. I get sucked into a vicious cycle of “just a little bit more” and then five minutes later it’s dinner time and the entire day’s gone. It sucks, and I have no idea what I can do to stop it.
Reactive Guilt
I quoted extra to discourage a customer
I make craft items for a living and have been very busy. A 'friend' wanted me to make them something and I declined. They then proceeded to tell me it's 'a simple request' and are planning to buy in 3 YEARS time. They also felt the need to tell me how to make the item: "step 1: make item, step 2: post, step 3: job completed." Seeing they weren't content with no, I quoted £80 extra as a asshole fee. (I don't think I want to carry on this friendship if they treat artists this poorly. ) No regrets.
No Guilt
When I was 9-11 I touched a girls butt in her sleep.
I feel awful about it being an adult now. I never thought about it growing up but it just crossed my mind and I don’t even know what to think. That was the only time I’ve ever even thought about doing something like that. It’s absolutely unacceptable and I wish my parents found out and beat me for it.
Reactive Guilt
Cheated in Med School
I just graduated from UF’s medical school and I’m about to start my residency in pediatrics at Shands Hospital. I’m hardworking and smart (both of my parents are doctors), but I feel guilty. Before I graduated, I paid an administrative assistant $7,500 to change a C- to a B-. It was enough for me to maintain a high enough GPA to graduate. I just can’t shake this feeling that I’m going to get caught. I’m going to be a great pediatrician, but this stress is killing me. Hopefully this helps me feel better before I start...
Reactive Guilt
I find Egyptian women so unattractive.
I find women of other races all attractive but there’s something about Egyptian people especially women…I’ve seen hundreds of Egyptians because of where I live and I’ve never found not one of them sexy/hot. It’s just a preference I can’t control.
Reactive Guilt
I downvote comments on my posts if someone who comments has more upvotes than me.
I only sometimes do this now, but I think I'm getting better at accepting that I am not going to get more up votes if I downvote someone... I think it was just jeleousy that has lead me to do it, but I believe that I can stop.
Reactive Guilt
Sent fake dick pick on dating site.
[Remorse] Happened 5 years ago, still feel guilt. Was on OkCupid talking to a girl, late at night, incredibly drunk. She asked for pics but couldn't get a hard on. I was browsing 4chan at the time so stole one from there. Very dishonest / manipulative, and still feel bad. Need to get it off my chest, so posting here.
Reactive Guilt
I'm engaged and happy, and I'm also in love with my therapist.
My relationship with my SO has had it's ups and downs, but is in a really great place right now. I also have feelings towards my therapist, which I'm afraid to speak about to anyone. I've done really well while working with them, and I'm afraid if I say anything about it I'll have to find a new one. (For the record, they've acted completely professional the entire time, respected ethical boundaries, etc, I'm just an ass.) I feel so guilty about this.
Reactive Guilt
couldn’t get an erection
hi, just wanted to confess that i ordered an escort girl but i couldnt get hard, we tried it for like 1 hour but it didnt work. My little friend was hard for like 5 mins and then he stopped being my friend. she was surprised and i was ashamed and lost 150 bucks. never gonna order an escort again in my life - guess i need sex with real emotions.
Reactive Guilt
I got arrested last night for stealing a car and drinking
I’m young yo. And it was kinda a wrong place at the wrong time. But staying in cells was the most terrible thing I have had to endure. Don’t be. Stupid like me. I’m. Just scared my dad knows but my mom doesn’t.
Reactive Guilt
I think I rather be a man with a feminine body and a small thick penis, than be a woman.
I think I rather be a hairless, thick booty man with 5' inch thick penis that can get erect. I think I like passing for a woman, but I don't actually want to be a woman... Only be called woman's name and have a feminine body.
No Guilt
co worker turns 39
And we’ve become good friends in the last year and she’s going through a horrible, horrible divorce (found out hubby cheating when going out of town for work with multiple women, she caught him in another state) so I’m decorating her office at work going all out. I’m pumped about it. This is random but I wanted to tell you all how excited I am.
No Guilt
An alcoholic being fake
I’ve been pretending I’ve been sober for a good week. I’m an alcoholic, Pretending I have my shit together. Being drunk and stoping before I black out , making my boyfriend believe I’m doing better. He just thinks I’m happy and In a good mood Truth is. I’ve been drunk the whole time.
Reactive Guilt
I tried to break my own ankle last week
I was in a youth camp last week and it was really nice, however, it was EXTREMELY boring. There was nothing to do. Nothing. Out of pure boredom, I decided I wanted to break or at least sprain my ankle really badly. I tried everything and (fortunately?) I didn't break it. I later realized how wrong it was and decided not to break it.
Reactive Guilt
Killing mosquitoes
This happened few minutes ago. I was in my back yard sitting on the garden chair. Within minutes, a swarm of mosquitos came and attacked me. I got back inside and grabbed Raid bug spray. I went back outside and waiting until they all gathered and started to spray all of them. After, I put on bug spray.
No Guilt
I’m not sure I am attracted to anyone honestly
Aesthetic attraction is fleeting for me at best and being Demisexual doesn’t help my case. I found an Asexual guy but I’m just not attracted to him even aesthetically even though he was honestly the most polite man on a date so far maybe. We have plenty of share interests also.
Reactive Guilt
I personally do not recognize MLK day as a holiday
I never take the day off and I even work harder on MLK Day, even if my boss tells me not to come to work I stand up to tyranny. He was an liar and a cheater. God bless and M A G A
No Guilt
I’m 19 and I have now had sex with 4 people. I in a way feel a little slutty because of it. I had sex for the first time when I was 17. Is this too many people for my age?
Update: Thanks everyone for your kind words! Makes me feel better for sure. I’m definitely always safe and comfortable I just get worried about how other people would view me if they found out I’ve slept with 4 people. But I have no regrets and everyone that responded has ensured me that I have nothing to be ashamed of. Thanks all!! :)
No Guilt
Breath no more
I've broken the bonds and ties that keep me here. I'll see you soon. I love you.. But I cant hold on anymore.. You all sucked.. You made me feel like I didn't and dont matter saying I did these horrible things I didn't do.. Either way it was the last thing I wanted to do as I am.. To see if anyone could really love me for her... This won't bug you.. You dont even know I exsist or care. Fuck you
No Guilt
I fantasize about having kids with my girlfriend to feel better
Being 17, I've never seriously thought about having kids, and this is definitely not a sexual thing. It's not even about the kids really. But in a scenario where this happens implies that a lot of the things that she and I are worried about right now will have somehow turned out okay, school, adulthood etc. Obviously there will be different things to deal with, but the thought gives me a lot of comfort. I hope you all have a comfort thought as well. Stay strong friends, we'll all make it through! 💪
No Guilt
I was wrong about Bret Kavanaugh
Now, I gotta keep it real. I'm very concerned about this post and how it's gonna affect me with all my friends. But I just realized they're all imaginary. It could fuck up my sex life tho. Liberal ladies put out in abundance and they're not gonna like this. But I'm gonna martyr my dick for the truth. For what I see as the truth. Bret Kavanaugh is telling the truth. Plus that lady's a clear liar, and it's evidenced by her own words. Yikes. I got this one wrong.
No Guilt
I hate the way my husband drives and it scares me that he drives for a living.
I hate the way my husband drives. He's easily distracted behind the wheel and it drives me insane. I've voiced my concerns to him numerous times and he always tries to say he's a better driver than I give him credit for, but it just really annoys me.
No Guilt
I don't love my girlfriend. Only reason I haven't broken up with her is because sex with her is pretty good.
I know I'll be downvoted to hell, and perhaps rightfully so, but I guess this is what this subreddit is for. I don't love my girlfriend. She's just there, a nice person I guess but I don't have any connection to her other than lust. I just need someone to fuck, and it's the easiest way to get sex so I don't plan to break up with her anytime soon. I will eventually though.
Reactive Guilt
Ok so FML
This actually happen. Last week my school had wooden roses to give. So I did one of them to a good friend of mine (female btw). As I was writing so many people were near that messed it up and the pen I was using was short on Ink so MOST of the writing (just me saying its to someone from me) couldn't appear. Worst part is her friend (she dislikes me) knows and know iDFK what to do tommorow.
Reactive Guilt
I intentionally pressed my chest when i hug my crush to get a feel of her tits, now im paranoid of getting me toed
Well , the other day , i was saying good bye to the people that i have worked with , one of them is my hard core crush! She is so fuckin cute as usual. We were talking and all then she motioned she got to go .. She motioned a hug , then i hugged her . I intentionally pressed my chest in her tits and i know she felt it... Im fucked,improlly gonna jerk ofd to it again then get blocked by her on FB .
Reactive Guilt
I dropped out of my summer class and have to lie about taking it
There was no reason for me to take this class. It wouldn’t go towards my degree or anything, my family just wants me to do something over summer. It would have just been a waste of money, so I dropped out because I didn’t want to waste my time. My family doesn’t know, so I have to lie and say I’m starting the class soon. I have a lot of anxiety about them finding out but I know they won’t.
Reactive Guilt
I’m afraid of mentally challenged people.
I feel really bad about it because I know it’s not their fault. However, they scare the living shit out of me. I was walking into the mall and a home was having an outing, there were 5 people with a mental handicap walking toward me. I froze in fear and literally ran away from them. I feel like a human piece of garbage. I’m just really scared of them. Now, I’m waiting outside in the cold because one of the people are waiting in the lobby and I’m too scared to wait inside with him.
Reactive Guilt
Sometimes I purposely stay in a bad mood to try and get attention.
If I'm having a bad day and I make plans to hang out with some friends I'll stay in a bad mood to try and have them ask me what's wrong. I dont know why I do this, I hate attention and people feeling bad for me yet I stride for this whenever I'm feeling down. No one has ever asked what's wrong.
Anticipatory Guilt
don’t come looking for me in the end it won’t work
i’ve been like this for so long it’s really just a habit now just floating not bad but just enough to constantly drown i don’t want this world anymore it’s all just pain and i’ve waited long enough i can’t do this shit
No Guilt
Today is the 2 year anniversary of catching my husband in his almost 3 year affair. We are trying to work things out. I’m so angry and so hurt and he doesn’t understand why, after 2 years, this date is still painful and why I choose to remember it.
I don’t want to remember it, but how can I not? It’s so painful and so hurtful and I can’t talk to anyone about it. I have no friends and my mom passed 4 months after finding out about his multi year affair. So I’m telling you guys to hopefully release it into the universe. I don’t know how to let it go.
No Guilt
I absolutely love Trump
As a conservative, I was unsure about the idea of Donald Trump running the United States. I never would of guessed he would do such a good job running the country. The media has been so biased against him; it’s almost unfair. Why does everyone HATE him? Can someone tell me
No Guilt
I'm afraid I'm going to be abusive.
I'm not sure if its technically anger issues or not, but I get extremely pissed over little things that probably don't matter. I don't go on rampages or anything, crying and blaming everything on other people, but I tend to get rather bad. I'm just afraid I'm going to take it one step too far one day - I don't wanna be an abusive friend or boyfriend, mentally or physically. I honestly doubt I will, but it's just a thought in the back of my mind.
Anticipatory Guilt
[remorse] [light] I didn't "spill tea" on my laptop
[remorse] [light] I fucking turned on the shower while I was watching movies on my laptop in the bathtub (I was drunk. Also, I'm an idiot). I feel so guilty, there's no possible way I will ever admit this to my parents or anyone else but you guys. I fucked up hardcore.
Reactive Guilt
I give medals to controversial comments.
I sort by controversial. If I feel like someone is getting downvoted unnecessarily, and I agree with their comment, there's a good chance I'll give them at least silver. I'd like to think it's because I feel bad for them, but in reality I think it's because I like stirring the pot.
No Guilt
I broke my sofa today
I honestly can't share this with anyone else. I was having some sexual fun with my girlfriend today, and she was up against the arm of my sofa. Turns out it's not so durable. I did her so hard we broke the arm off completely and its currently still not fixed. That is all. Thanks for listening random people
Reactive Guilt
I have sex fantasies about my best friend. Granted, I have been in love with / attracted to him since the first year of friendship. Our bond has only grown since. Even if he were into casual sex (i’m not the biggest fan of it either tho), it would never work. I’m too into him to have it no strings attached. fUCK
Reactive Guilt
It's wrong. maybe? or this is going to be so boring or regretful.
I've stop communicating to my ex because of our lifestyle of being fuckbuddies. We don't want to be together anymore (That's what she said.) and also i would rather be this way so i can find someone and share that to the person i really love.
No Guilt
I lost a very expensive earbuds the second day I had it.
So a few days ago my aunt had gave me some really expensive/good 𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕓𝕦𝕕𝕤 , but I being the person I am accidentally lost one in my house, yes I attempted to look for it but no I have not found it. I haven't told her and I don't really think I should but at least I still have one
Reactive Guilt
I have a longing for physical contact
Right, so I’m an 18 year old male. I’ve never had a girlfriend or relationship. Never kissed anyone or gone any further than that. For the past couple of years I’ve felt somewhat incomplete, which has lead to feeling relatively depressed. I recently started to sleep holding a pillow, because it’s the closest form of physical contact I can have and it comforts me to have it there. I’m not sure how normal this is, or whether I’m completely insane, but I hope I’m not the only one who needs some kind of contact to remain sane.
No Guilt
I delete people...
on their birthdays. When facebook was still shiny and new I played a lot of games there. I added a lot of random strangers to help me play my games. I no longer play any facebook games but my friends list is huge. I am far too lazy to go through my list, so everyday I check the days birthdays, and if it's someone i don't personally know, I delete them. I usually don't even say happy birthday before I do. So basically, I've committed to being an asshole for an entire year. I always feel a little bad about it.
Reactive Guilt
Only when I’m drunk can I admit how much I hate my life.
I don’t drink that often, but once a week in a treat day I have a tipple. Normally a glass of wine is all it takes! Being tipsy though gives me the confidence of introspection: the courage to admit that I don’t like who and what I am. The courage to admit as to how I wish I’d made different decisions, how I wish things could have been different. Wish I could admit this to my wife when
Reactive Guilt
I wore my sister’s boyfriend’s jacket and I’m cringing
My sister’s boyfriend left his jacket at our house, but at the time I didn’t know whose it was. I thought it was my dad’s jacket and didn’t think anything of it. So I wore the jacket to church and my sister’s boyfriend saw me wearing it. He just laughed about it, but I felt so awkward about it. This might be the wrong sub for this story, but I just wanted to share this.
Reactive Guilt
I feel guilty watching "Hoarders" because of the hoarders in my life.
I watch "Hoarders" to motivate myself to clean, but I don't like to admit that I watch it. I personally know four hoarders, plus someone with hoarding tendencies. My own OCD issues make it hard for me to part with things, but I manage to throw out or donate stuff 90% of the time... and I definitely don't keep trash. My fear is that by watching the show I'm turning the hoarders I know into a sideshow and making myself feel superior for being able to let go of useless stuff.
Reactive Guilt
I heat up fish for lunch in the breakroom even though there's a sign that says not to
I heat my lunch at odd hours when no one is in the kitchen when I bring fish for lunch. There's a sign right next to the microwaves that says not to heat any type of seafood because it smells. Granted, I'm only heating tuna patties which don't smell much but would be so embarrassed if anyone from work found out.
Reactive Guilt
I broke the elevator light after i threw out the trash
Hello people, Today i went out to throw out the trash and in our apartment the elevator light was lose from all of those other lights. The other Elevator lights were stuck to the ceiling and one of them were lose so i turned the lose one upside down and tried to fix it and then i heard a bop and all lights shut down. Sorry for bothering but i had to get it out of my chest :)
Reactive Guilt
What gives me the most anxiety is my family.
My parents have given me so much, raising and always loving me and putting me through university. Now I feel that if I'm not successful all of their efforts would go to waste. I feel like I need to pay them one way or another.
Reactive Guilt
I just got kicked out of a drug test for a job because I couldn’t pee fast enough.
I’m a dude. For me it’s hard to pee when under pressure and especially into a cup. I guess I took too long and the lady had me come out. She was an ass about the whole thing and told me I had three hours to pee. I told her I still needed to pee and she wouldn’t let me go back back in with the cup. She asked “well why can’t you just pee in the cup” CAUSE I CANT RELAX BITCH!! Fucking fuckers
No Guilt
I need some’s a warm day any my master just txt me and made me cage even though she knows I’m hosting a party. All my buddies will be here and she has the key so I will be completely locked up. She wants pics ever hour to. What do I do?!?
No Guilt
I once used pages from the Bible as toilet paper.
I was in ARMY Basic Training, and we were each given one roll of toilet paper. To get another roll you needed to bring an empty tube to a Drill Sergeant. If you lost your roll, didn’t have one you needed to do 100 push ups to get another one. On the other hand, you could always get free pocket bibles from the Chaplains Office. I’m not proud of it, but I made my decision.
Reactive Guilt
I lie about whether knowing if the food is cooked.
My wife does almost all the cooking. She will regularly come check with me on whether meat or brownies or whatever is fully done. I almost always say “yeah it looks good” when In reality I’m guessing. BUT we have yet to get sick so…… I can’t be too far off. Anyways. Just had to get that off my chest.
Reactive Guilt
I use Tinder as a motivation to get in shape because my girlfriend can’t be it for me.
My girlfriend and I have put on some weight in the past few months and she refuses to exercise together because she thinks she looks fat and because she’s overall pretty lazy. This results in neither of us working out. I use Tinder as a motivation to get in shape because I feel I can be more fit and attractive, but not with her as my “motivation.” Cheating isn’t my style, so leave out the criticisms on that front.
No Guilt
I often wish I was a chick so I could be a lesbian.
I often wish I was a chick so I could be a lesbian. I feel like the intimacy and romantic life would be so much more exciting. I would not be a good candidate for a sex change, so, no option there.
No Guilt
Some of my favourite bonding moments with my boyfriend are when we read Reddit together
He doesn’t Reddit or understand it at all, but sometimes I’ll read him an interesting post. It makes me so happy when he randomly says ‘read me some reddit’ and I find posts I know he’ll like and I read them to him :)
No Guilt
I stole A LOT of textbooks from my school. There’s probably at least $2000 worth of not more.
I graduated this year and I have about 21 textbooks in my closet. I always took one home for every class that required one incase I needed it for homework. I always told myself I would return them, but over the years they just piled up. And now I’m too embarrassed to return all of them (I have some dating back the elementary school). I think I’ll just drop them all of in a bag at the front door one night anonymously.
Reactive Guilt
Not sure where to really post this but if you want to have a laugh enjoy
I have to wank before going to my girlfriend’s apartment to last longer later. She doesn’t know. Long story short my skin is really sensitive as is and it makes it worse in that area for me so to make sure I don’t go as soon as we start doing something I have to masturbate before going to her apartment.
Reactive Guilt
I make dogs bark
So i work at a place with animals and sometimes the dogs will bark for hours. The other day a wonderful conversation went on for an hour or so between a dog and a parrot. This also annoys the fuck out of my co workers. So yeah, i intentionally went over there and started barking to antagonize the dogs. Low and behold they have not stopped barking this morning. I am now SOOOOO sorry but i am also laughing.
No Guilt
Sometimes I eat whole lemons and limes like kiwis
And by sometimes I mean very often. I think it started with restaurants giving lemon slices and sectors with drinks and fish and stuff. That was the gateway to my current addiction, I don’t know why I do it and many are disgusted by me. Sometimes mid spoonful I’ll think to myself ‘I wonder how many people I’m disappointing right now’ and I then I continue to eat.
No Guilt
I'm attracted to married women
I know it's not right but I'm sexually attracted to a married women. I find them really attractive. There's also a point that I had a secret relationship with one and almost end up having sex with her if it wasn't for my family being around that night. I'm trying to avoid them but it seems that destiny is playing a dangerous game by always bringing one in my life.
Reactive Guilt
I'm white, and I say nigga while around the house.
I don't say it as a direct racial slur. I use it in different contexts. One is as a substitute for "dude". For example, if I'm watching a movie, and someone does something stupid, I'll say, "That nigga's dumb." Another is as an alternate to the phrase, "oh please" or "bitch please". For example, if my wife tells me, "I'm thinking about giving my little brother (10 yrs old) a Harley Davidson t-shirt." I'll say, "nigga please".
No Guilt
reason why I started crossdressing
I started crossdressing posting pics of myself online when I was younger because I felt really lonely in the world. I loved the feeling of all the attention men gave me from it, it got that bad of wanting to be wanted by someone I would actually meet up with these men and dress up for them and let them do what they wanted me because I felt like someone actually wanted me.
Reactive Guilt
I donate to my college dropped friend on twitch on a fake account...
I have a friend that I’ve been playing online with with for 3 years now. He dropped out of college to be a twitch streamer. He’s been at it for 2 years now and he’s struggling. Struggles financially and emotionally, but he’s still positive about it. To support him, I donate him like $5 -$10 almost every stream in a fake twitch account. To give him support during this tuff time. I’m also struggling financially, but is still donate him anyway...
No Guilt
[Light] I'm jealous of what professional women can wear.
[Light] Professors are a great visual example. All the men have to wear a tie of some kind with a buttoned shirt tucked into dress pants. While one of the female professors came in wearing a comfy knitted cardigan with an extravagant scarf and what looked like hiking boots. I hate the tight wedgie feeling my dress pants give me and I shudder to think that I'll be wearing a suit and tie for the rest of my life.
No Guilt
I committed CERB fraud
And I don't regret it. A series of events led to a mental health crisis several years ago and I fell into a financial pit I couldn't escape. I didn't lose my job to the pandemic but met every other criteria, including losing my job just before the start of lockdown. I've been able to pay critical debts and start my life again. I've been able to lift myself out of an awful situation and regain normalcy. All I needed was a break. I don't regret it.
No Guilt
Curious M
I strongly identify as straight, however I have had thoughts about guys. Strongly when I have a few drinks and am in hotels for work. I'm afraid of how I will feel directly afterwards if I ever went through with it, so it just stays a fantasy.
Anticipatory Guilt
I am in love with an anime character
Her name`s Kaguya Shinomiya and shes from the anime Love is War. Its not even a waifu thing. I am just genuinely in love with her. The way she talks, the way she acts, the color of her eyes, it makes my nervous system vibrate with feelings of affection. Anyone else have this kind of thing?
No Guilt
Selfish moves and possibly suffocating greatness.
I am an outstanding citizen. Good friends, a dog, a cat, beautiful girlfriend, cute house. Heck, I even do volunteer work in the community sometimes! I do have a awful habit that I can’t control though. When ever there’s a video that says “watch till the end”, I make it a point to not watch to the end.. Even worse, when ever the word “doggo” is used in the title, I immediately downvote it. No matter what. I guess you just never know the monster who could be living next store.
No Guilt
I hate when people are nice to me, because I have to be nice back to them when I don't really want to
My brother bought me a new phone for my birthday a couple of weeks ago, I wish he didn't. He's never gotten me a birthday gift before. I complain a lot about him to his face because he is an awful roommate, and now I feel like I can't complain anymore and I'm mad. I sound like an 8 year old, i know. I just don't feel like being forcefully nice. This is what they mean by You can't buy love
No Guilt
I’m sitting in the bathroom while he lays in bed fine. Im crying, wondering if he’ll ever be happy with anything I do. I’m sorry for the way I act I can’t help it. My hormones are going crazy because of our little human. I wish you would realize that. It’s not my fault. I wish everything could be fine. I just do it for attention, right?
No Guilt