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The context of the following conversation is kai was a reasonable person who was listened to so he put her life in perspective.: Kai says I know what she was going through was hard but this is just a temporary feeling. The friend responds And she is young indeed.. Kai responds everything will be okay. I'll be there for her. The friend responds It must hurt so much now though. Kai responds I told her that after every bad thing that happens, there is good that happens. She is a good person and good things will happen to her. The friend responds Kai that was really thoughtful of you.
The context of the following conversation is kai was a reasonable person who was listened to so he put her life in perspective.: Kai says So I told her, "You are young. There will be other boys. And someday, you will connect with somebody special, and the feeling will be mutual.". The friend responds Sounds like good advice. How did she take it?. Kai responds She buried her face in the pillow and sobbed. You remember how it was with your first love. It seemed like the world was over when the relationship ended. It's the same with her.. The friend responds I am so glad I am no longer a teen!. Kai responds Yeah, it is hard for teens to get a proper perspective on things at their age.. The friend responds Good thing you were there for her and were able to give her some perspective. Believe me, if you were my Dad, I would listen to you. I may still cry my eyes out, but I would listen..
The context of the following conversation is kai was a reasonable person who was listened to so he put her life in perspective.: Kai says I Love the way people see me. The friend responds Can you explain further?. Kai responds They say I am such a reasonable person and I helped a friend the other day to see her life under a different point of view . The friend responds I've been told several times by others that you are such a reasonable person..
The context of the following conversation is kai was a reasonable person who was listened to so he put her life in perspective.: Kai says I know she is upset about her break-up, but she deserves better.. The friend responds I agree with you.. Kai responds His love including punching her. That is not love.. The friend responds You are right. Having a man that beats you up must be awful.. Kai responds Well, I think she will find someone that truly appreciates her..
The context of the following conversation is kai was a reasonable person who was listened to so he put her life in perspective.: Kai says It took me years to be able to figure out what my life meant.. The friend responds You are the most reasonable and understanding person I know.. Kai responds I didn't use to be. I just wandered around not caring about anything.. The friend responds You figured out what was important and what was not, and helped your friend to her life in perspective only yesterday..
The context of the following conversation is Bailey was Jesse's nurse. He met her family at church. Jesse thanked Bailey's family for Bailey's support.: Jesse says I met Bailey's family at church.. The friend responds They are good people.. Jesse responds I thanked them for Bailey's support.. The friend responds She and they deserve that kind of recognition.. Jesse responds She is a wonderful nurse.. The friend responds That was a gracious thing to do as she takes such wonderful care of you..
The context of the following conversation is Bailey was Jesse's nurse. He met her family at church. Jesse thanked Bailey's family for Bailey's support.: Jesse says Wait, you are Bailey's mother, right?. The friend responds I am!. Jesse responds I know she's not allowed to share what's happening at work but I can say it... She has been so incredibly helpful to me, I'll never forget it.. The friend responds Oh that's so good to hear! I'm guessing you're out of the hospital now?. Jesse responds Yes, I had a surgery for a broken knee and had to stay several days... She was awesome! She checked in very often and brought treats.. The friend responds Yes she's very caring like that..
The context of the following conversation is Kai became effective at motivating Ash and the others at work after just a short time.: Kai says I feel like my co-workers and I are gonna get along. The friend responds why's that?. Kai responds well today I was able to motivate Ash and some others at work, even though I wasn't with them for very long. The friend responds oh. that's great!. Kai responds yeah, I feel really accomplished. The friend responds you should.
The context of the following conversation is Kai became effective at motivating Ash and the others at work after just a short time.: Kai says I gave Ash some motivation to work today.. The friend responds Was Ash feeling down about something?. Kai responds Yeah, so I just boosted his and everyone else's mood.. The friend responds That was really nice of you.. Kai responds I know. I just don't like working in the office when it is really awkward.. The friend responds Well, good job anyway. I am sure everyone appreciated your effort..
The context of the following conversation is Kai became effective at motivating Ash and the others at work after just a short time.: Kai says I've been able to successfully motivate Ash and the others at work.. The friend responds That's great. You're doing a great job.. Kai responds I've just been in this role where I have to motivate people at work for a few weeks, but I've achieved good results.. The friend responds You've accomplished a lot fast.. Kai responds Yeah, I've been successful at this.. The friend responds Keep up the good work..
The context of the following conversation is His friends all failed the science test but Jordan got an A. Jordan had a word of advice for them.: Jordan says I don't know if I should admit that I got an A on the science test when everybody else failed.. The friend responds Do you think there is some way that you could help them do better?. Jordan responds I do have some suggestions about a site I used that helped me with practice questions that were exactly like the test.. The friend responds I think you should tell them then so they can pass the next one.. Jordan responds I would want them to help me so that's a good idea.. The friend responds When I take that class next year I will definitely use it!.
The context of the following conversation is His friends all failed the science test but Jordan got an A. Jordan had a word of advice for them.: Jordan says How'd you do on the exam?. The friend responds I failed it, so did everyone else I asked. Jordan responds Oh, I didn't think it was that hard. The friend responds What did you get on it?. Jordan responds I got an A and I think if my friends studied harder they could have done the same. The friend responds Yeah, I don't know about that but I'll definitely study more for the next one.
The context of the following conversation is His friends all failed the science test but Jordan got an A. Jordan had a word of advice for them.: Jordan says My friends all failed the science test but I aced it.. The friend responds You must be really smart.. Jordan responds Not really. I just study more. I didn't go out partying the night before.. The friend responds That helps. Maybe if they took the test seriously, they would have passed.,. Jordan responds That's what I told them. They need to get their sleep before the exam so they can think.. The friend responds That's a good word of advice..
The context of the following conversation is His friends all failed the science test but Jordan got an A. Jordan had a word of advice for them.: Jordan says I got an A in the science test. How about you?. The friend responds Sadly I failed.. Jordan responds Sorry to hear that. But don't be discouraged by the result.. The friend responds How can I do better for the next test?. Jordan responds I gave some advice to my friends too today. I told them I usually take notes during the class, study hard the day before the test and have a good sleep the night before.. The friend responds That really is valuable advice..
The context of the following conversation is Alex took a test and got a very good grade on it and told his parents.: Alex says My parents said I could go to the dance Friday.. The friend responds Really? Why did they change their minds?. Alex responds I got an A on my English midterm and they were really proud of me, so they said I could go.. The friend responds So, if you do well in school, you will be allowed to do more stuff?. Alex responds It looks like I will.. The friend responds Then you should study more, Alex. We have our class trip coming up and you don't want to miss that..
The context of the following conversation is Alex took a test and got a very good grade on it and told his parents.: Alex says I tricked my parents when I got home from school and told them I got an F on my Science test but I actually got an A+. The friend responds Oh my God, how did they react, were they mad?. Alex responds My dad was instantly upset and my mom just kind of looked like she didn't believe me, they were pretty quiet about it. The friend responds How did you tell them the truth?. Alex responds I waited until after dinner and pulled out the test and put it on the table and said someone here deserves some ice cream haha, they cracked up. The friend responds That is hilarious! You're lucky your dad didn't get angry at you first!.
The context of the following conversation is Kendall went to see their grandmother who loved to read, in the hospital. Kendall helped ease the pain.: Kendall says I went to see my grandmother in the hospital the other day.. The friend responds Did something happen?. Kendall responds No, I just wanted to see her to see if I can help ease her pain.. The friend responds Oh ok. What's her favorite hobby?. Kendall responds She loves to read.. The friend responds Glad to hear..
The context of the following conversation is Kendall went to see their grandmother who loved to read, in the hospital. Kendall helped ease the pain.: Kendall says I went to see my grandma today.. The friend responds How is she doing?. Kendall responds She's still in the hospital.. The friend responds I'm sorry to hear that.. Kendall responds Yeah, she's in a lot of pain but I go there to read her books in the hospital every afternoon.. The friend responds That's sweet of you. Enjoy your time with her..
The context of the following conversation is Kendall went to see their grandmother who loved to read, in the hospital. Kendall helped ease the pain.: Kendall says I visited my grandmother in the hospital yesterday.. The friend responds That was nice.. Kendall responds Yes, I read to her; she loves to read.. The friend responds Did she enjoy it?. Kendall responds I think so. It did seem to ease her pain.. The friend responds You'll need to keep doing that..
The context of the following conversation is Kendall was just learning to bake, she had been working at it for months now and today Kendall baked a pie.: Kendall says Baking is stressful. The friend responds Have you finally made the pie?. Kendall responds Yes, apple pie! It took me months to perfect it. The friend responds You should bring it to the pot luck. Kendall responds that's a good idea. The friend responds I know it is.
The context of the following conversation is Kendall was just learning to bake, she had been working at it for months now and today Kendall baked a pie.: Kendall says I've been working so hard learning how to bake a pie and I think I did a great job. The friend responds that pie is really impressive. How long have you been cooking for?. Kendall responds just a few months but I practice everyday. The friend responds hard work pays off they say and I can tell this is a great pie.
The context of the following conversation is Kendall was just learning to bake, she had been working at it for months now and today Kendall baked a pie.: Kendall says Check out my latest creation, it took me months to learn how to bake it perfectly. The friend responds wow that looks beautiful, what flavor is it?. Kendall responds Strawberry Rhubarb pie. The friend responds Can I have a slice. Kendall responds sure, I'll cut you a slice right now. The friend responds a big one please.
The context of the following conversation is Taylor couldn't find his class and asked Tracy for help. Tracy found Taylor's class.: Taylor says I just got a new school. The friend responds Wow, it's good to hear. Taylor responds I couldn't find my class, but I asked a girl named Tracy and she helped me find my class. The friend responds That's very kind of her. Taylor responds Yeah, she's a beautiful girl, I admired her at first sight. The friend responds Hum, this is the first time you mentioned her.
The context of the following conversation is Taylor couldn't find his class and asked Tracy for help. Tracy found Taylor's class.: Taylor says I went to my new class yesterday, but I had a hard time finding it because it was down an unmarked hall.. The friend responds How did you end up getting to class then?. Taylor responds I asked Tracy who was going to the class if she knew where it was and she showed me the way. The friend responds That was nice of her, did you end up being late?. Taylor responds No, I ended up getting there just in time.. The friend responds That's good to hear, also it sounds like you made a new friend..
The context of the following conversation is Skylar was expecting her first child with Addison. She picked up something too heavy and miscarried.: Addison says I need to make sure Skylar doesn't pick up heavy things. The friend responds yeah, she shouldn't, especially after what happen to the baby. Addison responds of course, how can we forget. We lost the only thing that meant a lot to us. The friend responds I'm so sorry. Addison responds it's fine. Hopefully she'll be okay. The friend responds She will. There is a great chance to do so much out here with a child.
The context of the following conversation is Skylar was expecting her first child with Addison. She picked up something too heavy and miscarried.: Addison says Skylar was expecting our first child together. The other day she was out in the garden and picked up something too heavy and miscarried.. The friend responds How horrible? How are you guys doing?. Addison responds We are both still mourning our unborn child. We are in disbelief.. The friend responds That's very sad. I pray that you will find peace.. Addison responds I find myself crying in the middle of the night. I am not a very emotional guy.. The friend responds It's okay to cry..
The context of the following conversation is Skylar was expecting her first child with Addison. She picked up something too heavy and miscarried.: Addison says This is so depressing. Losing the baby.. The friend responds I feel for you Addison.. Addison responds Do you really. I wanted my baby boy to be here this year.. The friend responds I am so sorry. I lost my first child when I was 20. I still feel it.. Addison responds Well, it was my fault. I had Skylar help me lug the new baby dresser three flights.. The friend responds Dude, I am always free. You should have called me..
The context of the following conversation is Jordan took his sister to the circus for her sixth birthday even though he had a lot to do.: Jordan says I am really busy but I had to take my sister to the circus.. The friend responds That's admirable, family is first after all.. Jordan responds Yeah, it was her birthday so I couldn't say no.. The friend responds I'm glad you were able to take her there.. Jordan responds I had to ask a co-worker to help me out, it was worth it.. The friend responds I bet the smile in her face was the best reward of all..
The context of the following conversation is Jordan took his sister to the circus for her sixth birthday even though he had a lot to do.: Jordan says My sister really wanted to go to the circus for her birthday, so I took her.. The friend responds That's sweet! I love the circus too. She must have been so happy!. Jordan responds I told her, this is for you. Today is about you.. The friend responds Didn't you have a lot to do today?. Jordan responds I did, but I could move some things around. I wanted her to have fun.. The friend responds I bet she couldn't wait to see the show..
The context of the following conversation is Cameron was giving Robin and other students a test. Robin took Cameron's examination.: Robin says I just finished taking a test, it was pretty hard.. The friend responds Oh yeah? What was the test on?. Robin responds It was a math test, my teacher Cameron gave it to us.. The friend responds You're on a first name basis with your teacher?. Robin responds Oh yeah, Cameron is really cool like that.. The friend responds I wish my teacher was like that..
The context of the following conversation is Cameron was giving Robin and other students a test. Robin took Cameron's examination.: Robin says I'm not great at taking tests, but at least I studied for this one.. The friend responds I didn't study at all!. Robin responds Cameron likes to give everybody unexpected examinations. He thinks it tests our knowledge better if we're surprised and don't have time to prepare.. The friend responds I think it's unfair of Cameron to do that. I, for one, need prep time..
The context of the following conversation is Cameron was giving Robin and other students a test. Robin took Cameron's examination.: Robin says That test I took today was difficult.. The friend responds Who gave the test?. Robin responds It was for Cameron's test.. The friend responds Do you think you passed it?. Robin responds I don't think so. Like I said, it was hard.. The friend responds That doesn't sound good to hear. I have to take that same test..
The context of the following conversation is Cameron was giving Robin and other students a test. Robin took Cameron's examination.: Robin says I am so nervous for this test right now.. The friend responds Don't be worried, Cameron's tests are usually okay. And I am sure that you studied hard.. Robin responds I did study, but I am still freaking out.. The friend responds Why don't you take a sip of your water and relax before you start the exam.. Robin responds Thanks, I will do that.. The friend responds Okay, I will be at my desk if you need anything..
The context of the following conversation is During a test, Skylar caught Quinn peeking at his homework book which had corrections because the questions were the same.: Skylar says Don't you know I saw someone cheating on the biology test today.. The friend responds Let me guess, it was Quinn wasn't it?. Skylar responds Yes it was. How did you figure it was him?. The friend responds Because he always cheats. He seldom gets caught though.. Skylar responds Yeah, he kept peeking down at his homework book which I think had the same questions as the test.. The friend responds Yeah, the biology teacher always says that the test will include questions from the homework assignments..
The context of the following conversation is During a test, Skylar caught Quinn peeking at his homework book which had corrections because the questions were the same.: Skylar says Today I caught Quinn peeking at his homework book during the test!. The friend responds I know, he said he wanted to make sure he'll get a good grade.. Skylar responds Cheating from your homework book is not the way to get a good grade.. The friend responds Yeah but he said he had the corrections in there and the questions are the same.. Skylar responds It doesn't mean it's ok for Quinn to do that!. The friend responds I agree, it isn't!.
The context of the following conversation is The security guard tried to tackle Riley, but Riley got free of the guard.: Riley says Hey, I'm going to steal this candy bar.. The friend responds What?! Are you crazy?!. Riley responds Nah, it's fine, watch! Oh, crap! the guard saw me!. The friend responds Riley, wait! This is crazy!. Riley responds Ha ha! He tried to tackle me, but I got away! See you later!. The friend responds This is insane! You need help!.
The context of the following conversation is The security guard tried to tackle Riley, but Riley got free of the guard.: Riley says I escaped from the security guard.. The friend responds The guard is always strict.. Riley responds He tried to tackle me, but I got free of him.. The friend responds So smart of you.. Riley responds Yeah, learned it from my dad.. The friend responds Oh, he's an ex convict though..
The context of the following conversation is After studying hard for many weeks, Quinn aced the test.: Quinn says I always ace the tests. The friend responds You prepare so well for every test.. Quinn responds I studied hard for many weeks for the last one though. The friend responds So what was the result of the test?. Quinn responds I aced it as usual!. The friend responds Congratulations.
The context of the following conversation is After studying hard for many weeks, Quinn aced the test.: Quinn says I juts got the exam back and got 100% on it.. The friend responds Congratulations! Was it hard?. Quinn responds Yeah, I have studied for weeks for this. It's a really tough topic.. The friend responds Well that's fantastic that you set your mind to it. Will you get an A in class?. Quinn responds I should if I can ace the next one too.. The friend responds Wow. Good luck, I hope you ace the whole course..
The context of the following conversation is After studying hard for many weeks, Quinn aced the test.: Quinn says I needed to get high grades on my exam.. The friend responds So what happened?. Quinn responds I had to really study hard everyday, for many weeks.. The friend responds Did it work?. Quinn responds It sure did. I aced the test.. The friend responds Congratulations!.
The context of the following conversation is After studying hard for many weeks, Quinn aced the test.: Quinn says I have been studying hard for many weeks.. The friend responds I know you had the big test.. Quinn responds Yes, and I aced it!. The friend responds That's fantastic.. Quinn responds I guess studying does pay off.. The friend responds Who'd have thought..
The context of the following conversation is Remy held Skylar's meetings at her room and had to accommodate for a lot of people.: Remy says I'm glad I agreed with Skylar to hold these meetings in my room.. The friend responds Thank you for offering. Remy responds It wasn't easy to accommodate for all these people.. The friend responds I can tell! I can't believe you pulled it off!. Remy responds I was happy to help him!.
The context of the following conversation is Remy held Skylar's meetings at her room and had to accommodate for a lot of people.: Remy says It's difficult to hold all these meetings in my room because the space isn't big enough for so many people.. The friend responds Why aren't you holding the meetings somewhere else?. Remy responds Skylar's the one arranging the meetings, but she didn't have anywhere to meet and I figured my room could just barely accommodate everybody.. The friend responds Skylar probably appreciates you helping her out like that.. Remy responds It's only temporary, until we find a better meeting space..
The context of the following conversation is Remy held Skylar's meetings at her room and had to accommodate for a lot of people.: Remy says I am helping Skylar with her meetings.. The friend responds What are you doing?. Remy responds I host them in my room.. The friend responds You have a small room.. Remy responds I have to move out all of the furniture when we meet to accommodate for a lot of people.. The friend responds She could invite fewer people or move to a bigger room..
The context of the following conversation is Ash got punched in the face and had to run home in terrible pain from this ordeal.: Ash says I can't believe that guy punched me.. The friend responds It looks pretty bad.. Ash responds It hurts terrible, I had to run home like this.. The friend responds You probably scared some people on your way.. Ash responds My face hurts so bad.. The friend responds I bet, next time duck..
The context of the following conversation is Remy wanted to have a nice garden, so they decided to grow flowers.: Remy says I've really been wanting to get into gardening lately.. The friend responds Oh interesting, have you thought about what you're going to plant?. Remy responds I'm thinking I'll start with some flowers.. The friend responds Oh, that sounds nice.. Remy responds Yeah, then maybe next year I'll try some vegetables.. The friend responds Seems like a good plan..
The context of the following conversation is Remy wanted to have a nice garden, so they decided to grow flowers.: Remy says I grew some flowers successfully.. The friend responds Are these to keep the house plants company?. Remy responds No, this was in my garden. I'm trying to improve the backyard.. The friend responds Do you grow anything edible in your garden?. Remy responds Tomatoes and cucumbers, so far.. The friend responds How do you keep out rabbits and vermin?.
The context of the following conversation is Remy wanted to have a nice garden, so they decided to grow flowers.: Remy says I got the gardening itch recently!. The friend responds That's pretty cool. It's a good way to get out of the house.. Remy responds Yeah, I wanted a really nice one, too. Really decorative and colorful.. The friend responds So you must've planted a lot of flowers?. Remy responds Quite a few varieties, too. Many different colors, aromas. Lavender, sunflower, you name it!. The friend responds I can't wait to see it!.
The context of the following conversation is Jesse rang the bell attached to the bedside table at Mercy General and told the nurse that the pain was increasing.: Jesse says Oh man, I hope the nurse will hurry up. I am ready to drop dead. I can't take it.. The friend responds Jesse , the nurse will probably give you sedatives. This should relieve the pain.. Jesse responds I hope she will give me double the dose if she can.. The friend responds She'll do what she can as long as it works with the pain.. Jesse responds I can't wait for the pain to be gone.. The friend responds Don't be so tragic Jesse..
The context of the following conversation is Jesse rang the bell attached to the bedside table at Mercy General and told the nurse that the pain was increasing.: Jesse says Call the nurse!. The friend responds what is it Jesse. Jesse responds The pain its getting to be too much. The friend responds alright dear give me a second and I'll be back with the nurse. Jesse responds thank you. The friend responds Here, she gave me this. You should be feeling a bit better soon.
The context of the following conversation is Jesse rang the bell attached to the bedside table at Mercy General and told the nurse that the pain was increasing.: Jesse says The nurse came in and gave me a shot of Morphine.. The friend responds Well, that's what the bell attached to the bedside table is for.. Jesse responds You can ring my bell, ring my bell! Ring my bell, ding-dong-ding.. The friend responds I see that morphine really works..
The context of the following conversation is Jesse rang the bell attached to the bedside table at Mercy General and told the nurse that the pain was increasing.: Jesse says The bell attached to my bedside table was barely reachable with the tubes attached to my arm. I rang the bell and told the nurse the pain was increasing.. The friend responds They don't usually give you strong enough painkillers at Mercy General.. Jesse responds It's like you have to beg.. The friend responds I think they don't want you to build up tolerance.. Jesse responds The doctor came and doubled up on a couple of drugs.. The friend responds Did the cocktail work?.
The context of the following conversation is Robin got flowers delivered to her office one day. Robin looked at them and examined the flowers in detail.: Robin says These flowers are beautiful! I wonder who sent them to my office. The friend responds Oooh, what kind of flowers are they?. Robin responds They are like roses and succulents. The friend responds I love it! Any guesses on the sender?. Robin responds Maybe my dad? I'm not dating anyone. The friend responds Maybe its a secret lover!.
The context of the following conversation is Taylor got really sick and when he got home from the hospital Robin took care of him.: Robin says I took care of Taylor when he got out of the hospital.. The friend responds When did he get home?. Robin responds He was released last week. He's been resting and I've been cooking for him.. The friend responds How is he?. Robin responds They operated on his leg. He broke a bone.. The friend responds That's a big deal..
The context of the following conversation is Taylor got really sick and when he got home from the hospital Robin took care of him.: Robin says Since Taylor got home from the hospital I'm making him soup every day?. The friend responds What soup are you making?. Robin responds Mostly chicken noodle.. The friend responds It's nice of you to take care of him.. Robin responds I promised him that I would when he got home from the hospital.. The friend responds I just can't believe he got so sick..
The context of the following conversation is Alex had a long month of school he chose that he has to have a party at his house.: Alex says With this last month of school ending and the next coming up I need to bash before I put my head down.. The friend responds Do you wanna have one last big party before you have to study all month long?. Alex responds That's exactly what I want.. The friend responds You know I will be down for such a celebration.. Alex responds You are not the person that ever turn down a party.. The friend responds In all the years you have gotten to know me very well..
The context of the following conversation is Alex had a long month of school he chose that he has to have a party at his house.: Alex says I think I may have a party to celebrate the end of school. The friend responds That sounds great!. Alex responds Would you come?. The friend responds Absolutely! I will help get things together.. Alex responds How about Friday night.. The friend responds Let's start planning now! It will be fun..
The context of the following conversation is Alex had a long month of school he chose that he has to have a party at his house.: Alex says Any excuse for a party is good one for me.. The friend responds Do you have an excuse for a party?. Alex responds It has been a long month at school.. The friend responds That fits your criteria.. Alex responds I have chosen to have the "long month party" at my house.. The friend responds I'll bring the wine..
The context of the following conversation is Alex had a long month of school he chose that he has to have a party at his house.: Alex says After a month of studying hard at school, I wanted to throw a party at my house.. The friend responds Who did you invite?. Alex responds Some new friends and some old ones came over.. The friend responds Did you have a DJ?. Alex responds A buddy did spun some records. He DJs for parties when he has time.. The friend responds Sounds like you guys had a great time..
The context of the following conversation is Jordan wanted to try something new to pass the time so he went to a baseball card shop.: Jordan says Have you ever been to the baseball card shop down on Maple Ave.. The friend responds The Comics and Cards Shoppe? I haven't been there but I know its been around for a long time.. Jordan responds Yeah, since like the 40's. I went there yesterday for the first time because I had some time to kill.. The friend responds Did you like it?. Jordan responds It was great, full of collectible baseball cards, comics, games, totally lost track of time there.. The friend responds Sounds great, I think I'll go check it out after work today..
The context of the following conversation is Jordan wanted to try something new to pass the time so he went to a baseball card shop.: Jordan says I was so bored the other day and wanted to try something new.. The friend responds What did you do to pass the time?. Jordan responds I ended up going to the baseball card shop.. The friend responds Did you buy any baseball cards?. Jordan responds No, I just looked around and window shopped.. The friend responds That is fun too sometimes, anything is better than being bored..
The context of the following conversation is Addison woke up and realized that there was no power in the house. Addison called the electric company.: Addison says When I woke up this morning I realized there was no power!. The friend responds What'd you do?. Addison responds I called the electric company to let them know my power was out.. The friend responds Was it just your house or was it a bigger issue?. Addison responds They said there was a line down and a lot of people didn't have power. They said it should be back on in a couple of hours and that's what happened.. The friend responds That's good that you didn't have to go too long without power..
The context of the following conversation is Addison woke up and realized that there was no power in the house. Addison called the electric company.: Addison says I've been awake for an hour and there's still no power in the house.. The friend responds Yeah, the electric company said they have a few lines down now but their crews are out working the problem.. Addison responds Do you know when the power will be restored.. The friend responds They estimate power will be back online in half an hour.. Addison responds Okay, thanks for letting me know.. The friend responds No problem..
The context of the following conversation is Alex went to their son's game. They took delight in their son.: Alex says We went to our my son's game yesterday!. The friend responds Your first time? It's so much fun, and a little nerve-wracking, to watch your kid play baseball.. Alex responds I was terrified that he'd get injured!. The friend responds Same with me when I went to my son's first game.. Alex responds All things considered, he did well, even struck a batter out.. The friend responds Maybe he'll be in the major leagues in a few years!.
The context of the following conversation is Alex went to their son's game. They took delight in their son.: Alex says Last night my son scored the winning goal again!. The friend responds How many goals does he have this year?. Alex responds Five so far, and I am so proud of him!. The friend responds He is having an amazing season, I can understand why you are a proud mom.. Alex responds The best part of my week is watching him play hockey, I will miss it so much next year!. The friend responds After ten years of going to games I can understand it will be a huge change..
The context of the following conversation is Alex went to their son's game. They took delight in their son.: Alex says Thank you for coming with me to my son's game.. The friend responds Of course I would. Your son is like family to me.. Alex responds Oh look! He scored a basket.. The friend responds He is a great player. Does he have plans for collegiate basketball?. Alex responds Yes, he does. Our state university is giving him a full scholarship.. The friend responds Congratulations! We'll be at his college games, too!.
The context of the following conversation is Alex went to their son's game. They took delight in their son.: Alex says I went to my son's game last night.. The friend responds How did the game go?. Alex responds His team won by 6 points. I just love watching him play!. The friend responds He is learning to work in a team..
The context of the following conversation is Alex went to their son's game. They took delight in their son.: Alex says My son played a game of baseball yesterday, the whole family went to see him.. The friend responds How did his team do?. Alex responds They played really well and really hard and it was really close, but they lost.. The friend responds That's too bad was he sad?. Alex responds He wasn't, he had a really good attitude about it. I was very proud of the way he handled the loss, and I enjoyed the game because even though they lost they tried.. The friend responds That's great it sounds like you're raising a great kid..
The context of the following conversation is Ash hit their sister while they were playing on the floor. Cameron took away Ash's toys.: Ash says I can't believe Cameron took away all of my toys!. The friend responds Why did he do that?. Ash responds I hit my sister while we were playing together. I didn't mean to do it hard, but she started crying.. The friend responds Cameron always punishes you when you hurt your sister. You've got to be more careful!.
The context of the following conversation is Ash hit their sister while they were playing on the floor. Cameron took away Ash's toys.: Ash says I really didn't mean to hit my sister though.. The friend responds I guess Cameron didn't think it was an accident.. Ash responds If I wanted to hit her for real I could have done it plenty of times.. The friend responds That's true, but they didn't see it like that.. Ash responds I just need to get my toys back.. The friend responds Did Cameron say when you will get them back?.
The context of the following conversation is Ash hit their sister while they were playing on the floor. Cameron took away Ash's toys.: Ash says Cameron took my toys away from me.. The friend responds Why would she do that?. Ash responds My sister and I were playing on the floor and she took my favorite doll, so I hit her.. The friend responds You should not hit your little sister over a toy. My mom would whip me ..
The context of the following conversation is Ash hit their sister while they were playing on the floor. Cameron took away Ash's toys.: Ash says Cameron took away my toys. The friend responds What did you do?. Ash responds I hit my sister while we were playing on the floor.. The friend responds Oh, that's bad, apologize.. Ash responds I will.. The friend responds Okay, that's good..
The context of the following conversation is By the time Aubrey had realized the mistake, they had painted themselves into a corner.: Aubrey says I thought that I could trust him.. The friend responds He took money and conned a lot of women.. Aubrey responds I don't know how we are going to get out of this mess, I am going to have to sell the house.. The friend responds I could buy the house from you, and you could still live in it..
The context of the following conversation is By the time Aubrey had realized the mistake, they had painted themselves into a corner.: Aubrey says I can't wait for the concrete, floor paint to dry so I can see what my new floors will look like.. The friend responds We followed the instructions thoroughly so it should come out just like the picture.. Aubrey responds I just realized, while we did follow the instructions on mixing the paint and applying the paint, we did not follow the directional instructions.. The friend responds What do you mean? We are almost done and so far it looks great.. Aubrey responds It looks great but look up from the floor for a moment and gaze around the room. We painted ourselves into a corner! Now we are stuck standing here until it dries or risk ruining the paint job.. The friend responds Maybe we should have read the entire directions rather than just the mixing and application procedures. I think we should just stay put until it dries because it would be hard to fix if we stepped on the wet paint..
The context of the following conversation is By the time Aubrey had realized the mistake, they had painted themselves into a corner.: Aubrey says It was my fault because I didn't see the mistake.. The friend responds It was all our fault because we all missed it.. Aubrey responds But I am the one in charge I need to take responsibility.. The friend responds Well that is highly commendable and very respectable of you to do.. Aubrey responds It's s the least I can do for my guys.. The friend responds We appreciate everything you do..
The context of the following conversation is taylor was the boss in the relationship so she told alex they were going out of town.: Taylor says I told Alex we were going where I wanted.. The friend responds He is just a kid, give him time to grow.. Taylor responds I love him, but I don't know if this is going to work.. The friend responds Just tell him that you guys are going out of town.. Taylor responds I already did tell him..
The context of the following conversation is taylor was the boss in the relationship so she told alex they were going out of town.: Taylor says I am gonna go out of town with Alex.. The friend responds That sounds like fun.. Taylor responds Yeah it does. But Alex wasn't all that happy about it.. The friend responds If she didn't want to go, why did she agree to it?. Taylor responds Because I'm the boss in the relationship and I told her that we were going.. The friend responds You remind me of my ex..
The context of the following conversation is Addison was directing traffic during a road race. They performed their duty.: Addison says Did you hear about that road race on the news today?. The friend responds Oh yeah, we're you directing traffic?. Addison responds Yes I was and it was insane.. The friend responds Wow, I could never do that job.. Addison responds The most tiring is just being on my feet all day.. The friend responds I can only imagine..
The context of the following conversation is Cameron was fired from the office due to the fraud Cameron allegedly had committed. After the thorough investigation, Cameron was proved to be innocent. Ash welcomed Cameron back.: Ash says I'm so glad that Cameron is back at work. I gave him a big hug.. The friend responds So the investigation is finished?. Ash responds Yeah. He was proven to be innocent of the charges of fraud.. The friend responds That's good to hear.. Ash responds It was just so shocking to see him get fired because I knew he wouldn't do something like that.. The friend responds Hopefully he is able to get along with the bosses at the job..
The context of the following conversation is Cameron was fired from the office due to the fraud Cameron allegedly had committed. After the thorough investigation, Cameron was proved to be innocent. Ash welcomed Cameron back.: Ash says I welcomed Cameron back to his old job after he was fired from the office for fraud.. The friend responds What fraud did he commit?. Ash responds He was accused of embezzlement.. The friend responds Those are serious accusations.. Ash responds He's always maintain his innocence. After a thorough investigation by a third party firm, we found out he was innocent.. The friend responds Clear his good name..
The context of the following conversation is Tracy and Bailey worked together in a Chinese restaurant in Boston, Massachusetts.: Bailey says Do you remember when I worked with Tracy at the Chinese restaurant?. The friend responds I do! You said it was the best times.. Bailey responds Yeah, Boston is a good place to live and work.. The friend responds I wish we hadn't moved.. Bailey responds Me too, I miss Tracy at the restaurant.. The friend responds I miss all of you and Boston to!.
The context of the following conversation is Alex put their things on the shelf in the kitchen cupboard then put the dairy products in the fridge and the frozen veg into the freezer.: Alex says Yea after I went grocery shopping I had to put every thing back up.. The friend responds That is what I hate the most when I go shopping. Alex responds And besides the part of paying for the food is also horrible. The friend responds Yea don't mention that.. Alex responds I know I just wanted to lighten up your mood..
The context of the following conversation is Alex put their things on the shelf in the kitchen cupboard then put the dairy products in the fridge and the frozen veg into the freezer.: Alex says I just got back from the grocery store.. The friend responds Where did you put the stuff you bought?. Alex responds I put some things in the kitchen cupboard, the dairy products in the fridge and the frozen vegetables in the freezer.. The friend responds You should take some things out for dinner tonight.. Alex responds Are you planning on cooking dinner?. The friend responds Yes, and I want to use some of the frozen vegetables..
The context of the following conversation is Alex put their things on the shelf in the kitchen cupboard then put the dairy products in the fridge and the frozen veg into the freezer.: Alex says I put those things on the shelf in the kitchen cupboard.. The friend responds Good idea. What about the dairy?. Alex responds The dairy went in the fridge.. The friend responds And the frozen veg?. Alex responds Those go in the freezer.. The friend responds Gotcha..
The context of the following conversation is Aubrey had such a great time at the amusement park and saw a season ticket booth.: Aubrey says This place is awesome.. The friend responds What place?. Aubrey responds The amusement park, it rocks.. The friend responds Yeah, they are fun.. Aubrey responds I saw season ticket booth too.. The friend responds Are you going to buy season tickets?.
The context of the following conversation is Aubrey had such a great time at the amusement park and saw a season ticket booth.: Aubrey says I went to the amusement park last weekend and it was so amazing!. The friend responds I love that place! What was your favorite part?. Aubrey responds I loved the entire place. I don't think I have ever had so much fun!. The friend responds The prices are kind of high though.. Aubrey responds They are, but I saw they have a season ticket booth. I am considering that because it works out to be a lot less.. The friend responds Well if you get season tickets you know who to take with you next time!.
The context of the following conversation is Kai needed to move back home to save up money so they could get a new place.: Kai says I really want to get a new place.. The friend responds Do you have money saved?. Kai responds No, I need to save money.. The friend responds Do you have a plan on how you will save money?. Kai responds Yes, I'm moving back home in order to save money.. The friend responds Great plan, good luck..
The context of the following conversation is Kai needed to move back home to save up money so they could get a new place.: Kai says I have been down on my luck.. The friend responds What has happened since I saw you last?. Kai responds I had to move back home.. The friend responds Was something wrong with your apartment?. Kai responds I cannot afford the rent so I am going to save up money so we can get a new place.. The friend responds I wish you luck with that..
The context of the following conversation is Jesse saw a lawnmower they liked. They decided to buy one.: Jesse says I finally found a lawnmower I liked.. The friend responds Was it one sale?. Jesse responds Yeah, I bought it for $80.. The friend responds Can something so cheap be of good quality?. Jesse responds It was a mower powered just by human push, no gas. Those tend to be cheaper.. The friend responds They are also less loud for your neighbors..
The context of the following conversation is Jesse saw a lawnmower they liked. They decided to buy one.: Jesse says My neighbor was out mowing his lawn. He has a new one that turns quickly.. The friend responds Nice. That seems like it would speed up mowing.. Jesse responds Yes. With all the trees in the lawn, I really need one that turns like that.. The friend responds Maybe you should get one like it. Do you know what kind it is?. Jesse responds I saw the brand of it when he turned. I think I'm going to buy one like it.. The friend responds Maybe we can go to the store together..
The context of the following conversation is Casey wanted to win an argument. She was able to maintain her power.: Casey says I got into an argument with someone today.. The friend responds Why were you arguing?. Casey responds They wanted to overtake my position.. The friend responds Did you win the argument?. Casey responds Yes, I did. The friend responds You must be effective at arguing..
The context of the following conversation is Casey wanted to win an argument. She was able to maintain her power.: Casey says I was arguing with a friend earlier today. I knew I was right and the other person's point was mute.. The friend responds I also think he has a point though.. Casey responds How can you say that?. The friend responds Well why do you think he is wrong then?. Casey responds He was late the other day but insisted he wasn't his fault and refused to apologize. I waited for him outside for 45 minutes!. The friend responds Well I think you are right and makes sense you won the argument..
The context of the following conversation is Casey wanted to win an argument. She was able to maintain her power.: Casey says I'm the head of the debate team. Everyone knows I will keep going until I win an argument.. The friend responds You need to give up every once in awhile. You are losing friends.. Casey responds Friends aren't going to get me into college.. The friend responds You're about to lose me as a friend.. Casey responds None of you matter to me anymore.. The friend responds Fine, you just keep fighting with everyone. It's not debating, it's fighting..
The context of the following conversation is Casey wanted to win an argument. She was able to maintain her power.: Casey says When I am motivated, there is no stopping me.. The friend responds I can see that now, I am not sure how he lasted as long as he did.. Casey responds I don't know how I do it, but once I get going with an argument, I don't stop.. The friend responds It's not that you didn't stop, you also were able to maintain your power in the argument.. Casey responds That is key to be able to get them to finally be quiet, is to stand your ground with facts.. The friend responds I can learn a lot from you!.
The context of the following conversation is Casey wanted to win an argument. She was able to maintain her power.: Casey says I got into an argument with my mom last night and she was so stubborn. The friend responds what were you guys arguing about?. Casey responds she wanted spaghetti and I wanted pizza. The friend responds so what did you guys end up making?. Casey responds we finally end up making pizza after a long argument.
The context of the following conversation is Cameron, Jesse's son is full of energy. He jumps up and down all the time, sometimes on furniture.: Jesse says Cameron is giving me a heart attack. The friend responds why is that?. Jesse responds He is always jumping around on the furniture. The friend responds how much sugar do you give him?. Jesse responds Too much yesterday, from all his Halloween candy. The friend responds He probably needs less sugar, but I see how Halloween is an exception..
The context of the following conversation is Sydney wanted to sneak into a concert, so Sydney wrote their own ticket.: Sydney says I have a plan to sneak into the concert.. The friend responds Can't you afford a ticket?. Sydney responds Yes, but it's sold out.. The friend responds So what's your plan.. Sydney responds I'm going to copy a friend's ticket using a copier and thick paper.. The friend responds I don't think that's going to work, but good luck, I guess..
The context of the following conversation is Alex made Addison laugh by telling dirty jokes but the jokes were overheard by the principal of the school.: Alex says Man, I got detention today after school.. The friend responds What did you get in trouble for?. Alex responds I was telling some jokes to Addison.. The friend responds You shouldn't have gotten in trouble for telling jokes though.. Alex responds Well, the jokes were dirty and the principal overheard.. The friend responds Yeah, I guess you deserve the detention..
The context of the following conversation is During the speech, Remy gave Casey's interpretation of the situation to the guests.: Remy says It was really hard listening to that speech. The friend responds yeah I could barely hear it, it was so annoying. Remy responds yeah it was. everyone else kept asking me what was being said. The friend responds did you tell them?. Remy responds yeah I gave them Casey's interpretation of it. It was better that way. The friend responds good call, I would have done the same.
The context of the following conversation is During the speech, Remy gave Casey's interpretation of the situation to the guests.: Remy says I was at the meeting and my partner on the program didn't show up, so I had to give Casey's interpretation of the situation to the guests on behalf of Casey.. The friend responds Oh wow, I bet that was stressful. How did you handle it?. Remy responds It wasn't too bad. Casey has been working with me for several months so I understand everything as well as he does.. The friend responds I would have liked to have been there to see your presentation.. Remy responds Casey has a few ideas that I even know I can improve on, so I mentioned those also.. The friend responds That's great. I bet you get a promotion and a raise now for sure..
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