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CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Left foot pain.,HISTORY:, XYZ is a basketball player for University of Houston who sustained an injury the day prior. They were traveling. He came down on another player's foot sustaining what he describes as an inversion injury. Swelling and pain onset immediately. He was taped but was able to continue playing He was examined by John Houston, the trainer, and had tenderness around the navicular so was asked to come over and see me for evaluation. He has been in a walking boot. He has been taped firmly. Pain with weightbearing activities. He is limping a bit. No significant foot injuries in the past. Most of his pain is located around the dorsal aspect of the hindfoot and midfoot. ,PHYSICAL EXAM:, He does have some swelling from the hindfoot out toward the midfoot. His arch is maintained. His motion at the ankle and subtalar joints is preserved. Forefoot motion is intact. He has pain with adduction and abduction across the hindfoot. Most of this discomfort is laterally. His motor strength is grossly intact. His sensation is intact, and his pulses are palpable and strong. His ankle is not tender. He has minimal to no tenderness over the ATFL. He has no medial tenderness along the deltoid or the medial malleolus. His anterior drawer is solid. His external rotation stress is not painful at the ankle. His tarsometatarsal joints, specifically 1, 2 and 3, are nontender. His maximal tenderness is located laterally along the calcaneocuboid joint and along the anterior process of the calcaneus. Some tenderness over the dorsolateral side of the talonavicular joint as well. The medial talonavicular joint is not tender.,RADIOGRAPHS:, Those done of his foot weightbearing show some changes over the dorsal aspect of the navicular that appear chronic. I don't see a definite fracture. The tarsometarsal joints are anatomically aligned. Radiographs of his ankle again show changes along the dorsal talonavicular joint but no other fractures identified. Review of an MR scan of the ankle dated 12/01/05 shows what looks like some changes along the lateral side of the calcaneocuboid joint with disruption of the lateral ligament and capsular area. Also some changes along the dorsal talonavicular joint. I don't see any significant marrow edema or definitive fracture line. ,IMPRESSION:, Left Chopart joint sprain.,PLAN:, I have spoken to XYZ about this. Continue with ice and boot for weightbearing activities. We will start him on a functional rehab program and progress him back to activities when his symptoms allow. He is clear on the prolonged duration of recovery for these hindfoot type injuries. | Orthopedic |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Osteomyelitis, left hallux.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Osteomyelitis, left hallux.,PROCEDURES PERFORMED: , Resection of infected bone, left hallux, proximal phalanx, and distal phalanx.,ANESTHESIA: , TIVA/Local.,HISTORY:, This 77-year-old male presents to ABCD preoperative holding area after keeping himself NPO since mid night for surgery on his infected left hallux. The patient has a history of chronic osteomyelitis and non-healing ulceration to the left hallux of almost 10 years' duration. He has failed outpatient antibiotic therapy and conservative methods. At this time, he desires to attempt surgical correction. The patient is not interested in a hallux amputation at this time; however, he is consenting to removal of infected bone. He was counseled preoperatively about the strong probability of the hallux being a "floppy tail" after the surgery and accepts the fact. The risks versus benefits of the procedure were discussed with the patient in detail by Dr. X and the consent is available on the chart for review.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: ,The patient's wound was debrided with a #15 blade and down to good healthy tissue preoperatively. The wound was on the planar medial, distal and dorsal medial. The wound's bases were fibrous. They did not break the bone at this point. They were each approximately 0.5 cm in diameter. After IV was established by the Department of Anesthesia, the patient was taken to the operating room and placed on the operating table in supine position with safety straps placed across his waist for his protection.,Due to the patient's history of diabetes and marked calcifications on x-ray, a pneumatic ankle tourniquet was not applied. Next, a total of 3 cc of a 1:1 mixture of 0.5% Marcaine plain and 1% lidocaine plain was used to infiltrate the left hallux and perform a digital block. Next, the foot was prepped and draped in the usual aseptic fashion. It was lowered in the operative field and attention was directed to the left hallux after the sterile stockinet was reflected. Next, a #10 blade was used to make a linear incision approximately 3.5 cm in length along the dorsal aspect of the hallux from the base to just proximal to the eponychium. Next, the incision was deepened through the subcutaneous tissue. A heavy amount of bleeding was encountered. Therefore, a Penrose drain was applied at the tourniquet, which failed. Next, an Esmarch bandage was used to exsanguinate the distal toes and forefoot and was left in the forefoot to achieve hemostasis. Any small veins crossing throughout the subcutaneous layer were ligated via electrocautery. Next, the medial and lateral margins of the incision were under marked with a sharp dissection down to the level of the long extension tendon. The long extensor tendon was thickened and overall exhibited signs of hypertrophy. The transverse incision through the long extensor tendon was made with a #15 blade. Immediately upon entering the joint, yellow discolored fluid was drained from the interphalangeal joint. Next, the extensor tendon was peeled dorsally and distally off the bone. Immediately the head of the proximal phalanx was found to be lytic, disease, friable, crumbly, and there were free fragments of the medial aspect of the bone, the head of the proximal phalanx. This bone was removed with a sharp dissection. Next, after adequate exposure was obtained and the collateral ligaments were released off the head of proximal phalanx, a sagittal saw was used to resect the approximately one-half of the proximal phalanx. This was passed off as the infected bone specimen for microbiology and pathology. Next, the base of the distal phalanx was exposed with sharp dissection and a rongeur was used to remove soft crumbly diseased medial and plantar aspect at the base of distal phalanx. Next, there was diseased soft tissue envelope around the bone, which was also resected to good healthy tissue margins. The pulse lavage was used to flush the wound with 1000 cc of gentamicin-impregnated saline. Next, cleaned instruments were used to take a proximal section of proximal phalanx to label a clean margin. This bone was found to be hard and healthy appearing. The wound after irrigation was free of all debris and infected tissue. Therefore anaerobic and aerobic cultures were taken and sent to microbiology. Next, OsteoSet beads, tobramycin-impregnated, were placed. Six beads were placed in the wound. Next, the extensor tendon was re-approximated with #3-0 Vicryl. The subcutaneous layer was closed with #4-0 Vicryl in a simple interrupted technique. Next, the skin was closed with #4-0 nylon in a horizontal mattress technique.,The Esmarch bandage was released and immediate hyperemic flush was noted at the digits. A standard postoperative dressing was applied consisting of 4 x 4s, Betadine-soaked #0-1 silk, Kerlix, Kling, and a loosely applied Ace wrap. The patient tolerated the above anesthesia and procedure without complications. He was transported via a cart to the Postanesthesia Care Unit. His vitals signs were stable and vascular status was intact. He was given a medium postop shoe that was well-formed and fitting. He is to elevate his foot, but not apply ice. He is to follow up with Dr. X. He was given emergency contact numbers. He is to continue the Vicodin p.r.n. pain that he was taking previously for his shoulder pain and has enough of the medicine at home. The patient was discharged in stable condition. | Orthopedic |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Cellulitis with associated abscess, right foot.,2. Foreign body, right foot.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Cellulitis with associated abscess, right foot.,2. Foreign body, right foot.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:,1. Irrigation debridement.,2. Removal of foreign body of right foot.,ANESTHESIA:, Spinal with sedation.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , Minimal.,GROSS FINDINGS: , Include purulent material from the abscess located in the plantar aspect of the foot between the third and fourth metatarsal heads.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient is a 61-year-old Caucasian male with a history of uncontrolled diabetes mellitus. The patient states that he was working in his garage over the past few days when he noticed some redness and edema in his right foot. He notes some itching as well as increasing pain and redness in the right foot and presented to ABCD General Hospital Emergency Room. He was evaluated by the Emergency Room staff as well as the medical team and the Department of Orthopedics. It was noted upon x-ray a foreign body in his foot and he had significant amount of cellulitis as well ________ right lower extremity. After a long discussion held with the patient, it was elected to proceed with irrigation debridement and removal of the foreign body.,PROCEDURE: , After all potential complications, risks, as well as anticipated benefits of the above-named procedures were discussed at length with the patient, informed consent was obtained. The operative extremity was then confirmed with the patient, operative surgeon, the Department of Anesthesia and nursing staff. The patient was then transferred to preoperative area to Operative Suite #5 and placed on the operating table in supine position. All bony prominences were well padded at this time. The Department of Anesthesia was administered spinal anesthetic to the patient. Once this anesthesia was obtained, the patient's right lower extremity was sterilely prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. Upon viewing of the plantar aspect of the foot, there was noted to be a swollen ecchymotic area with a small hole in it, which purulent fluid was coming from. At this time, after all bony and soft tissue landmarks were identified as well as the localization of the pus, a 2 cm longitudinal incision was made directly over this area, which was located between the second and third metatarsal heads. Upon incising this, there was a foul smelling purulent fluid, which flowed from this region. Aerobic and anaerobic cultures were taken as well as gram stain. The area was explored and it ________ to the dorsum of the foot. There was no obvious joint involvement. After all loculations were broken, 3 liters antibiotic-impregnated fluid were pulse-evac through the wound. The wound was again inspected with no more gross purulent or necrotic appearing tissue. The wound was then packed with an iodoform gauge and a sterile dressing was applied consisting of 4x4s, floss, and Kerlix covered by an Ace bandage. At this time, the Department of Anesthesia reversed the sedation. The patient was transferred back to the hospital gurney to Postanesthesia Care Unit. The patient tolerated the procedure well and there were no complications.,DISPOSITION: ,The patient will be followed on a daily basis for possible repeat irrigation debridement. | Orthopedic |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Right wrist laceration with a flexor carpi radialis laceration and palmaris longus laceration 90%, suspected radial artery laceration.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Right wrist laceration with a flexor carpi radialis laceration and palmaris longus laceration 90%, suspected radial artery laceration.,PROCEDURES PERFORMED: ,1. Repair flexor carpi radialis.,2. Repair palmaris longus.,ANESTHETIC: , General.,TOURNIQUET TIME: ,Less than 30 minutes.,CLINICAL NOTE: ,The patient is a 21-year-old who sustained a clean laceration off a teapot last night. She had lacerated her flexor carpi radialis completely and 90% of her palmaris longus. Both were repaired proximal to the carpal tunnel. The postoperative plans are for a dorsal splint and early range of motion passive and active assist. The wrist will be at approximately 30 degrees of flexion. The MPJ is at 30 degrees of flexion, the IP straight. Splinting will be used until the 4-week postoperative point.,PROCEDURE: , Under satisfactory general anesthesia, the right upper extremity was prepped and draped in the usual fashion. There were 2 transverse lacerations. Through the first laceration, the flexor carpi radialis was completely severed. The proximal end was found with a tendon retriever. The distal end was just beneath the subcutaneous tissue.,A primary core stitch was used with a Kessler stitch. This was with 4-0 FiberWire. A second core stitch was placed, again using 4-0 FiberWire. The repair was oversewn with locking, running, 6-0 Prolene stitch. Through the second incision, the palmaris longus was seen to be approximately 90% severed. It was an oblique laceration. It was repaired with a 4-0 FiberWire core stitch and with a Kessler-type stitch. A secure repair was obtained. She was dorsiflexed to 75 degrees of wrist extension without rupture of the repair. The fascia was released proximally and distally to give her more room for excursion of the repair.,The tourniquet was dropped, bleeders were cauterized. Closure was routine with interrupted 5-0 nylon. A bulky hand dressing as well as a dorsal splint with the wrist MPJ and IP as noted. The splint was dorsal. The patient was sent to the recovery room in good condition. | Orthopedic |
HISTORY OF PRESENT PROBLEM:, XYZ was seen by Dr. ABC for an FCR tendinitis. We do not have his reports, but by history she has had two cortisone shots. She plays musical instruments, and it does bother her from time to time. She was considering surgery, but she takes ibuprofen and it seems to be well-controlled. She is here now for consultation. ,CLINICAL/PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , ,General: The patient is alert and oriented times three in no acute distress. ,Skin: No skin breakdown or hyperhidrosis.,Vascular: 2+ radial and ulnar artery pulses.,Musculoskeletal: Wrist, elbow, shoulder and neck exams reveal no focal findings except for some tenderness to palpation over the FCR tendon on the scaphoid tubercle, but there is no SL instability and no signs of lunotriquetral instability or midcarpal instability. The DRUJ is stable. Flexion/extension of the fingers is all intact. Forearm, elbow and shoulder exams reveal no other focal tenderness to palpation.,Neurologic: Negative Tinel's, Phalen's and compression median nerve test. APB, EPL and first dorsal interosseous have 5/5 strength. Forearm, elbow and shoulder exams reveal no neurologic compromise.,Gait: Normal.,Neck: Negative Spurling sign. Negative signs of thoracic outlet.,HEENT: Pupils equal and reactive with no asymmetry.,CLINICAL IMPRESSION:, By history, possible FCR tendinitis.,EVALUATION/TREATMENT PLAN: At this point, we have asked her some questions again. She is not that sore at this point, and she has had a couple of cortisone shots. Without being the initial treating physician, she has FCR tendinitis that fails to respond to cortisone shots. She is a candidate for an FCR tunnel release. It has been described and is effective for those patients with that problem. My only consideration would be, if the patient should choose, to get an MRI when she is symptomatic to confirm the FCR tendinitis. She will followup with Dr. ABC as needed or come back to us when she is thinking more along the lines of surgery. | Orthopedic |
EXAM: , Five views of the right knee.,HISTORY: , Pain. The patient is status-post surgery, he could not straighten his leg, pain in the back of the knee.,TECHNIQUE:, Five views of the right knee were evaluated. There are no priors for comparison.,FINDINGS: , Five views of the right knee were evaluated and they reveal there is no evidence of any displaced fractures, dislocations, or subluxations. There are multiple areas of growth arrest lines seen in the distal aspect of the femur and proximal aspect of the tibia. There is also appearance of a high-riding patella suggestive of patella alta.,IMPRESSION:,1. No evidence of any displaced fractures, dislocations, or subluxations.,2. Growth arrest lines seen in the distal femur and proximal tibia.,3. Questionable appearance of a slightly high-riding patella, possibly suggesting patella alta. | Orthopedic |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Left carpal tunnel syndrome.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Left carpal tunnel syndrome.,OPERATIONS PERFORMED:, Endoscopic carpal tunnel release.,ANESTHESIA:, I.V. sedation and local (1% Lidocaine).,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS:, Zero.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: , With the patient under adequate anesthesia, the upper extremity was prepped and draped in a sterile manner. The arm was exsanguinated. The tourniquet was elevated at 290 mm/Hg. Construction lines were made on the left palm to identify the ring ray. A transverse incision was made in the wrist, between FCR and FCU, one fingerbreadth proximal to the interval between the glabrous skin of the palm and normal forearm skin. Blunt dissection exposed the antebrachial fascia. Hemostasis was obtained with bipolar cautery. A distal-based window in the antebrachial fascia was then fashioned. Care was taken to protect the underlying contents. A proximal forearm fasciotomy was performed under direct vision. A synovial elevator was used to palpate the undersurface of the transverse carpal ligament, and synovium was elevated off this undersurface. Hamate sounds were then used to palpate the hook of hamate. The endoscopic instrument was then inserted into the proximal incision. The transverse carpal ligament was easily visualized through the portal. Using palmar pressure, the transverse carpal ligament was held against the portal as the instrument was inserted down the transverse carpal ligament to the distal end.,The distal end of the transverse carpal ligament was then identified in the window. The blade was then elevated, and the endoscopic instrument was withdrawn, dividing the transverse carpal ligament under direct vision. After complete division o the transverse carpal ligament, the instrument was reinserted. Radial and ulnar edges of the transverse carpal ligament were identified, and complete release was confirmed.,The wound was then closed with running subcuticular stitch. Steri-Strips were applied, and sterile dressing was applied over the Steri-Strips. The tourniquet was deflated. The patient was awakened from anesthesia and returned to the Recovery Room in satisfactory condition, having tolerated the procedure well. | Orthopedic |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Left little finger extensor tendon laceration.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Left little finger extensor tendon laceration.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: ,Repair of left little extensor tendon.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,BLOOD LOSS: , Minimal.,ANESTHESIA: , Bier block.,INDICATIONS: , The patient is a 14-year-old right-hand dominant male who cut the back of his left little finger and had a small cut to his extensor tendon.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , The patient was taken to the operative room, laid supine, administered intervenous sedation with Bier block and prepped and draped in a sterile fashion. The old laceration was opened and the extensor tendon was identified and there was a small longitudinal laceration in the tendon, which is essentially in line with the tendon fibers. This was just proximal to the PIP joint and on complete flexion of the PIP joint, I did separate just a little bit that was not thought to be significantly dynamically unstable. It was sutured with a single 4-0 Prolene interrupted figure-of-eight suture and on dynamic motion it did not separate at all. The wound was irrigated and closed with 5-0 nylon interrupted sutures. The patient tolerated the procedure well and was taken to the PCU in good condition. | Orthopedic |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES,1. Neck pain with bilateral upper extremity radiculopathy.,2. Residual stenosis, C3-C4, C4-C5, C5-C6, and C6-C7 with probable instability.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES,1. Neck pain with bilateral upper extremity radiculopathy.,2. Residual stenosis, C3-C4, C4-C5, C5-C6, and C6-C7 secondary to facet arthropathy with scar tissue.,3. No evidence of instability.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURE PERFORMED,1. Bilateral C3-C4, C4-C5, C5-C6, and C6-C7 medial facetectomy and foraminotomy with technical difficulty.,2. Total laminectomy C3, C4, C5, and C6.,3. Excision of scar tissue.,4. Repair of dural tear with Prolene 6-0 and Tisseel.,FLUIDS:, 1500 cc of crystalloid.,URINE OUTPUT: , 200 cc.,DRAINS: , None.,SPECIMENS: , None.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,ANESTHESIA:, General endotracheal anesthesia.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS:, Less than 250 cc.,INDICATIONS FOR THE OPERATION: ,This is the case of a very pleasant 41 year-old Caucasian male well known to me from previous anterior cervical discectomy and posterior decompression. Last surgery consisted of four-level decompression on 08/28/06. The patient continued to complain of posterior neck pain radiating to both trapezius. Review of his MRI revealed the presence of what still appeared to be residual lateral recess stenosis. It also raised the possibility of instability and based on this I recommended decompression and posterolateral spinal instrumention; however, intraoperatively, it appeared like there was no abnormal movement of any of the joint segments; however, there was still residual stenosis since the laminectomy that was done previously was partial. Based on this, I did total decompression by removing the lamina of C3 through C6 and doing bilateral medial facetectomy and foraminotomy at C3-C4, C4-C5, C5-C6, and C6-C7 with no spinal instrumentation. Operation and expected outcome risks and benefits were discussed with him prior to the surgery. Risks include but not exclusive of bleeding and infection. Infection can be superficial, but may also extend down to the epidural space, which may require return to the operating room and evacuation of the infection. There is also the risk of bleeding that could be superficial but may also be in the epidural space resulting in compression of spinal cord. This may result in weakness of all four extremities, numbness of all four extremities, and impairment of bowel and bladder function, which will require an urgent return to the operating room and evacuation of the hematoma. There is also the risk of a dural tear with its attendant problems of CSF leak, headache, nausea, vomiting, photophobia, pseudomeningocele, and dural meningitis. This too may require return to the operating room for evacuation of said pseudomeningocele and repair. The patient understood the risk of the surgery. I told him there is just a 30% chance that there will be no improvement with the surgery; he understands this and agreed to have the procedure performed.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , The patient was brought to the operating room, awake, alert, not in any form of distress. After smooth induction and intubation, a Foley catheter was inserted. Monitoring leads were also placed by Premier Neurodiagnostics for both SSEP and EMG monitoring. The SSEPs were normal, and the EMGs were silent during the entire case. After completion of the placement of the monitoring leads, the patient was then positioned prone on a Wilson frame with the head supported on a foam facial support. Shave was then carried out over the occipital and suboccipital region. All pressure points were padded. I proceeded to mark the hypertrophic scar for excision. This was initially cleaned with alcohol and prepped with DuraPrep.,After sterile drapes were laid out, incision was made using a scalpel blade #10. Wound edge bleeders were carefully controlled with bipolar coagulation and a hot knife was utilized to excise the hypertrophic scar. Dissection was then carried down to the cervical fascia, and by careful dissection to the scar tissue, the spinous process of C2 was then identified. There was absence of the spinous process of C3, C4, C5, and C6, but partial laminectomy was noted; removal of only 15% of the lamina. With this completed, we proceeded to do a total laminectomy at C3, C4, C5, and C6, which was technically difficult due to the previous surgery. There was also a dural tear on the right C3-C4 space that was exposed and repaired with Prolene 6-0 and later with Tisseel. By careful dissection and the use of a -5 and 3 mm bur, total laminectomy was done as stated with bilateral medial facetectomy and foraminotomy done at C3-C4, C4-C5, C5-C6, and C6-C7. There was significant epidural bleeding, which was carefully coagulated. At two points, I had to pack this with small pieces of Gelfoam. After repair of the dural tear, Valsalva maneuver showed no evidence of any CSF leakage. Area was irrigated with saline and bacitracin and then lined with Tisseel. The wound was then closed in layers with Vicryl 0 simple interrupted sutures to the fascia; Vicryl 2-0 inverted interrupted sutures to the dermis and a running nylon 2-0 continuous vertical mattress stitch. The patient was extubated and transferred to recovery. | Orthopedic |
CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Right middle finger triggering and locking, as well as right index finger soreness at the PIP joint.,HISTORY OF OCCUPATIONAL INJURY OR ILLNESS:, The patient has been followed elsewhere, and we reviewed his records. Essentially, he has had a trigger finger and a mucocyst, and he has had injections. This has been going on for several months. He is now here for active treatment because the injections were not helpful, nonoperative treatment has not worked, and he would like to move forward in order to prevent this from keeping on locking and causing his pain. He is referred over here for evaluation regarding that.,SIGNIFICANT PAST MEDICAL AND SURGICAL HISTORY:,General health/review of systems: See H&P. ,Allergies: See H&P.,Medications: See H&P.,Social History: See H&P.,Family History: See H&P.,Previous Hospitalizations: See H&P.,CLINICAL ASSESSMENT AND FINDINGS:,Musculoskeletal: Shows point tenderness to palpation to the right middle finger A1 pulley. The right index finger has some small soreness at the PIP joint, but at this time no obvious mucocyst. He has flexion/extension of his fingers intact. There is no crepitation at the wrist, forearm, elbow or shoulder with full range of motion. Contralateral arm exam for comparison reveals no focal findings.,Neurological: APB, EPL and first dorsal interosseous 5/5.,LABORATORY, RADIOGRAPHIC, AND/OR IMAGING TESTS ORDERS & RESULTS:,Special lab studies: ,CLINICAL IMPRESSION:,1. Tendinitis, left middle finger.,2. PIP joint synovitis and mucocyst, but controlled on nonoperative treatment.,3. Middle finger trigger, failed nonoperative treatment, requiring a trigger finger release to the right middle finger.,EVALUATION/TREATMENT PLAN:, Risks, benefits and alternatives were discussed. All questions were answered. No guarantees were made. We will schedule for surgery. We would like to move forward in order to help him significantly improve since he has failed injections. All questions were answered. Followup appointment was given. | Orthopedic |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: ,1. Left carpal tunnel syndrome.,2. de Quervain's tenosynovitis.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, ,1. Left carpal tunnel syndrome.,2. de Quervain's tenosynovitis.,OPERATIONS PERFORMED: ,1. Endoscopic carpal tunnel release.,2. de Quervain's release.,ANESTHESIA:, I.V. sedation and local (1% Lidocaine).,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS:, Zero.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: ,ENDOSCOPIC CARPAL TUNNEL RELEASE:, With the patient under adequate anesthesia, the upper extremity was prepped and draped in a sterile manner. The arm was exsanguinated. The tourniquet was elevated at 290 mm/Hg. Construction lines were made on the left palm to identify the ring ray. A transverse incision was made in the wrist, between FCR and FCU, one fingerbreadth proximal to the interval between the glabrous skin of the palm and normal forearm skin. Blunt dissection exposed the antebrachial fascia. Hemostasis was obtained with bipolar cautery. A distal-based window in the antebrachial fascia was then fashioned. Care was taken to protect the underlying contents. A proximal forearm fasciotomy was performed under direct vision. A synovial elevator was used to palpate the undersurface of the transverse carpal ligament, and synovium was elevated off this undersurface. Hamate sounds were then used to palpate the hook of hamate. The endoscopic instrument was then inserted into the proximal incision. The transverse carpal ligament was easily visualized through the portal. Using palmar pressure, the transverse carpal ligament was held against the portal as the instrument was inserted down the transverse carpal ligament to the distal end.,The distal end of the transverse carpal ligament was then identified in the window. The blade was then elevated, and the endoscopic instrument was withdrawn, dividing the transverse carpal ligament under direct vision. After complete division o the transverse carpal ligament, the instrument was reinserted. Radial and ulnar edges of the transverse carpal ligament were identified, and complete release was confirmed.,The wound was then closed with running subcuticular stitch. Steri-Strips were applied, and sterile dressing was applied over the Steri-Strips. The tourniquet was deflated. The patient was awakened from anesthesia and returned to the Recovery Room in satisfactory condition, having tolerated the procedure well.,DE QUERVAIN'S RELEASE: , With the patient under adequate regional anesthesia applied by surgeon using 1% plain Xylocaine, the upper extremity was prepped and draped in a sterile manner. The arm was exsanguinated. The tourniquet was elevated to 290 mm/Hg. A transverse incision was then made over the radial aspect of the wrist overlying the first dorsal tunnel. Using blunt dissection, the radial sensory nerve branches were dissected and retracted out of the operative field. The first dorsal tunnel was then identified. The first dorsal tunnel was incised along the dorsal ulnar border, completely freeing the stenosing tenosynovitis (de Quervain's release). EPB and APL tendons were inspected and found to be completely free. The radial sensory nerve was inspected and found to be without damage.,The skin was closed with a running 3-0 Prolene subcuticular stitch and Steri-Strips were applied and, over the Steri-Strips, a sterile dressing, and, over the sterile dressing, a volar splint with the hand in safe position. The tourniquet was deflated. The patient was returned to the holding area in satisfactory condition, having tolerated the procedure well. | Orthopedic |
REASON FOR VISIT: ,Followup 4 months status post percutaneous screw fixation of a right Schatzker IV tibial plateau fracture and second through fifth metatarsal head fractures treated nonoperatively.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: ,The patient is a 59-year-old gentleman who is now approximately 4 months status post percutaneous screw fixation of Schatzker IV tibial plateau fracture and nonoperative management of second through fifth metatarsal head fractures. He is currently at home and has left nursing home facility. He states that his pain is well controlled. He has been working with physical therapy two to three times a week. He has had no drainage or fever. He has noticed some increasing paresthesias in his bilateral feet but has a history of spinal stenosis with lower extremity neuropathy.,FINDINGS: , On physical exam, his incision is near well healed. He has no effusion noted. His range of motion is 10 to 105 degrees. He has no pain or crepitance. On examination of his right foot, he is nontender to palpation of the metatarsal heads. He has 4 out of 5 strength in EHL, FHL, tibialis, and gastroc-soleus complex. He does have decreased sensation to light touch in the L4-L5 distribution of his feet bilaterally.,X-rays taken including AP and lateral of the right knee demonstrate a healed medial tibial plateau fracture status post percutaneous screw fixation. Examination of three views of the right foot demonstrates the second through fifth metatarsal head fractures. These appear to be extraarticular. They are all in a bayonet arrangement, but there appears to be bridging callus between the fragments on the oblique film.,ASSESSMENT: ,Four months status post percutaneous screw fixation of the right medial tibial plateau and second through fifth metatarsal head fractures.,PLANS: , I would like the patient to continue working with physical therapy. He may be weightbearing as tolerated on his right side. I would like him to try to continue to work to gain full extension of the right knee and increase his knee flexion. I also would like him to work on ambulation and strengthening.,I discussed with the patient his concerning symptoms of paresthesias. He said he has had the left thigh for a number of years and has been followed by a neurologist for this. He states that he has had some right-sided paresthesias now for a number of weeks. He claims he has no other symptoms of any worsening stenosis. I told him that I would see his neurologist for evaluation or possibly a spinal surgeon if his symptoms progress.,The patient should follow up in 2 months at which time he should have AP and lateral of the right knee and three views of the right foot. | Orthopedic |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Left elbow with retained hardware.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Left elbow with retained hardware.,PROCEDURE: , ,1. Left elbow manipulation.,2. Hardware removal of left elbow.,ANESTHESIA: ,Surgery was performed under general anesthesia.,COMPLICATIONS:, There were no intraoperative complications.,DRAINS: , None.,SPECIMENS: , None.,INTRAOPERATIVE FINDING: , Preoperatively, the patient is 40 to 100 degrees range of motion with limited supination and pronation of about 20 degrees. We increased his extension and flexion to about 20 to 120 degrees and the pronation and supination to about 40 degrees.,LOCAL ANESTHETIC: ,10 mL of 0.25% Marcaine.,HISTORY AND PHYSICAL: , The patient is a 10-year-old right-hand dominant male, who threw himself off a quad on 10/10/2007. The patient underwent open reduction and internal fixation of his left elbow fracture dislocation. The patient also sustained a nondisplaced right glenoid neck fracture. The patient's fracture has healed without incident, although he had significant postoperative stiffness for which he is undergoing physical therapy, as well as use of a Dynasplint. The patient is neurologically intact distally. Given the fact that his fracture has healed, surgery was recommended for hardware removal to decrease his irritation with elbow extension from the hardware. Risks and benefits of the surgery were discussed. The risks of surgery included the risk of anesthesia, infection, bleeding, changes in sensation and motion of the extremities, failure to remove hardware, failure to relieve pain, continued postoperative stiffness. All questions were answered and the parents agreed to the above plan.,PROCEDURE: ,The patient was taken to the operating room and placed supine on the operating table. General anesthesia was then administered. The patient's left upper extremity was then prepped and draped in a standard surgical fashion. Using fluoroscopy, the patient's K-wire was located. An incision was made over his previous scar. A subcutaneous dissection then took place in the plane between the subcutaneous fat and muscles. The K-wires were easily palpable. A small incision was made into the triceps, which allowed for visualization of the two pins, which were removed without incident. The wound was then irrigated. The triceps split was now closed using #2-0 Vicryl. The subcutaneous tissue was also closed using #2-0 Vicryl and the skin with #4-0 Monocryl. The wound was clean and dry and dressed with Steri-Strips, Xeroform, and 4 x 4s, as well as bias. A total of 10 mL of 0.25% Marcaine was injected into the incision, as well as the joint line. At the beginning of the case, prior to removal of the hardware, the arm was taken through some strenuous manipulations with improvement of his extension to 20 degrees, flexion to 130 degrees and pronation supination to about 40 degrees.,DIAGNOSTIC IMPRESSION: ,The postoperative films demonstrated no fracture, no retained hardware. The patient tolerated the procedure well and was subsequently taken to the recovery room in stable condition.,POSTOPERATIVE PLAN: , The patient will restart physical therapy and Dynasplint in 3 days. The patient is to follow up in 1 week's time for a wound check. The patient was given Tylenol No. 3 for pain. | Orthopedic |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Right hand Dupuytren disease to the little finger.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: ,Right hand Dupuytren disease to the little finger.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: ,Excision of Dupuytren disease of the right hand extending out to the proximal interphalangeal joint of the little finger.,COMPLICATIONS: ,None.,BLOOD LOSS: , Minimal.,ANESTHESIA: , Bier block.,INDICATIONS: ,The patient is a 51-year-old male with left Dupuytren disease, which is causing contractions both at the metacarpophalangeal and the PIP joint as well as significant discomfort.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: ,The patient was taken to the operating room, laid supine, administered a bier block, and prepped and draped in the sterile fashion. A zig-zag incision was made down the palmar surface of the little finger and under the palm up to the mid palm region. Skin flaps were elevated carefully, dissecting Dupuytren contracture off the undersurface of the flaps. Both neurovascular bundles were identified proximally in the hand and the Dupuytren disease fibrous band was divided proximally, which essentially returned to normal-appearing tissue. The neurovascular bundles were then dissected distally resecting everything medial to the 2 neurovascular bundles and above the flexor tendon sheath all the way out to the PIP joint of the finger where the Dupuytren disease stopped. The wound was irrigated. The neurovascular bundles rechecked with no evidence of any injury and the neurovascular bundles were not significantly involved in the Dupuytren disease. The incisions were closed with 5-0 nylon interrupted sutures.,The patient tolerated the procedure well and was taken to the PACU in good condition. | Orthopedic |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Dorsal ganglion, right wrist.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Dorsal ganglion, right wrist.,OPERATIONS PERFORMED:, Excision dorsal ganglion, right wrist.,ANESTHESIA:, Monitored anesthesia care with regional anesthesia applied by surgeon.,TOURNIQUET TIME:, minutes.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , With the patient under adequate anesthesia, the upper extremity was prepped and draped in a sterile manner. The arm was exsanguinated and the tourniquet was elevated to 290 mm/Hg. A transverse incision was made over the dorsal ganglion. Using blunt dissection the dorsal ulnar sensory nerve branches and radial sensory nerve branches were dissected and retracted out of the operative field. The extensor retinaculum was then incised and the extensor tendon was dissected and retracted out of the operative field. The ganglion was then further dissected to its origin from the dorsal distal scapholunate interosseus ligament and excised in toto. Care was taken to protect ligament integrity. Reactive synovium was then removed using soft tissue rongeur technique. The wound was then infiltrated with 0.25% Marcaine. The tendons were allowed to resume their normal anatomical position. The skin was closed with 3-0 Prolene subcuticular stitch. Sterile dressings were applied. The tourniquet was deflated. The patient was awakened from anesthesia and returned to the recovery room in satisfactory condition having tolerated the procedure well. | Orthopedic |
CHIEF COMPLAINT: , Left elbow pain.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: ,This 17-year-old male was fighting with some other kids in Juvenile Hall when he felt some pain in his left elbow, causing sudden pain. He also has pain in his left ankle, but he is able to walk normally. He has had previous pain in his left knee. He denies any passing out, any neck pain at this time even though he did get hit in the head. He has no chest or abdominal pain. Apparently, no knives or guns were involved.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , He has had toe problems and left knee pain in the past.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , No coughing, sputum production, dyspnea or chest pain. No vomiting or abdominal pain. No visual changes. No neurologic deficits other than some numbness in his left hand.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , He is in Juvenile Hall for about 25 more days. He is a nonsmoker.,ALLERGIES: , MORPHINE.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS: ,Abilify.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , VITAL SIGNS: Stable. HEENT: PERRLA. EOMI. Conjunctivae anicteric. Skull is normocephalic. He is not complaining of bruising. HEENT: TMs and canals are normal. There is no Battle sign. NECK: Supple. He has good range of motion. Spinal processes are normal to palpation. LUNGS: Clear. CARDIAC: Regular rate. No murmurs or rubs. EXTREMITIES: Left elbow is tender. He does not wish to move it at all. Shoulder and clavicle are within normal limits. Wrist is normal to inspection. He does have some pain to palpation. Hand has good capillary refill. He seems to have decreased sensation in all three dermatomes. He has moderately good abduction of all fingers. He has moderate opponens strength with his thumb. He has very good extension of all of his fingers with good strength.,We did an x-ray of his elbow. He has a spiral fracture of the distal one-third of the humerus, about 13 cm in length. The proximal part looks like it is in good position. The distal part has about 6 mm of displacement. There is no significant angulation. The joint itself appears to be intact. The fracture line ends where it appears above the joint. I do not see any extra blood in the joint. I do not see any anterior or posterior Siegert sign.,I spoke with Dr. X. He suggests we go ahead and splint him up and he will follow the patient up. At this point, it does not seem like there needs to be any surgical revision. The chance of a compartment syndrome seems very low at this time.,Using 4-inch Ortho-Glass and two assistants, we applied a posterior splint to immobilize his fingers, hand, and wrist all the way up to his elbow to well above the elbow.,He had much better comfort once this was applied. There was good color to his fingers and again, much better comfort.,Once that was on, I took some 5-inch Ortho-Glass and put in extra reinforcement around the elbow so he would not be moving it, straightening it or breaking the fiberglass.,We then gave him a sling.,We gave him #2 Vicodin p.o. and #4 to go. Gave him a prescription for #15 more and warned him to take it only at nighttime and use Tylenol or Motrin, and ice in the daytime.,I gave him the name and telephone number of Dr. X whom they can follow up with. They were warned to come back here if he has increasing neurologic deficits in his hands or any new problems.,DIAGNOSES:,1. Fracture of the humerus, spiral.,2. Possible nerve injuries to the radial and median nerve, possibly neurapraxia.,3. Psychiatric disorder, unspecified.,DISPOSITION: The patient will follow up as mentioned above. They can return here anytime as needed. | Orthopedic |
ADMITTING DIAGNOSIS:, Posttraumatic AV in right femoral head.,DISCHARGE DIAGNOSIS:, Posttraumatic AV in right femoral head.,SECONDARY DIAGNOSES PRIOR TO HOSPITALIZATION:,1. Opioid use.,2. Right hip surgery.,3. Appendectomy.,4. Gastroesophageal reflux disease.,5. Hepatitis diagnosed by liver biopsy.,6. Blood transfusion.,6. Smoker.,7. Trauma with multiple orthopedic procedures.,8. Hip arthroscopy.,POSTOP COMORBIDITIES: , Postop acute blood loss anemia requiring transfusion and postop pain.,PROCEDURES DURING THIS HOSPITALIZATION:, Right total hip arthroplasty and removal of hardware.,CONSULTS:, Acute pain team consult.,DISPOSITION: , Home.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS AND HOSPITAL COURSE:, For details, please refer to clinic notes and OP notes. In brief, the patient is a 47-year-old female with a posttraumatic AV in the right femoral head. She came in consult with Dr. X who after reviewing the clinical and radiological findings recommended she undergo a right total hip arthroplasty and removal of old hardware. After being explained the risks, benefits, alternative options, and possible outcomes of surgery, she was agreeable and consented to proceed and therefore on the day of her admission, she was sent to the operating room where she underwent a right total hip arthroplasty and removal of hardware without any complications. She was then transferred to PACU for recovery and postop orthopedic floor for convalescence, physical therapy, and discharge planning. DVT prophylaxis was initiated with Lovenox. Postop pain was adequately managed with the aid of Acute Pain team. Postop acute blood loss anemia was treated with blood transfusions to an adequate level of hemoglobin. Physical therapy and occupational therapy were initiated and continued to work with her towards discharge clearance on the day of her discharge.,DISPOSITION:, Home. On the day of her discharge, she was afebrile, vital signs were stable. She was in no acute distress. Her right hip incision was clean, dry, and intact. Extremity was warm and well perfused. Compartments were soft. Capillary refill less than two seconds. Distal pulses were present.,PREDISCHARGE LABORATORY FINDINGS: , White count of 10.9, hemoglobin of 9.5, and BMP is pending.,DISCHARGE INSTRUCTIONS: , Continue diet as before.,ACTIVITY: , Weightbearing as tolerated in the right lower extremity as instructed. Do not lift, drive, move furniture, do strenuous activity for six weeks. Call Dr. X if there is increased temperature greater than 101.5, increased redness, swelling, drainage, increased pain that is not relieved by current pain regimen as per postop orthopedic discharge instruction sheet.,FOLLOW-UP APPOINTMENT: Follow up with Dr. X in two weeks. | Orthopedic |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:, Cervical degenerative disc disease, spondylosis, severe myelopathy, spinal cord compression especially at C3-C4, C4-C5, and C5-C6, and progressive quadriparesis.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:, Cervical degenerative disc disease, spondylosis, severe myelopathy, spinal cord compression especially at C3-C4, C4-C5, and C5-C6, progressive quadriparesis, and very poor bone quality as well as difficulty with hemostasis with the patient having been on aspirin.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURE,1. Anterior cervical discectomy, osteophytectomy, foraminotomies, spinal cord decompression at C3-C4, C4-C5, and C5-C6.,2. Microscope.,3. Fusion with machined allografts at C3-C4, C4-C5, and C5-C6.,4. Eagle titanium plate from C3 to C6.,5. Jackson-Pratt drain placement.,6. Intraoperative monitoring with EMGs and SSEPs.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , 350 cc.,ANESTHESIA: , General endotracheal anesthesia.,COMPLICATIONS: ,None.,COUNTS: , Correct.,SPECIMENS SENT: ,None.,CLINICAL HISTORY: ,The patient is a 77-year-old male who was admitted through the emergency room for progressive weakness and falling. He was worked by the neurologist, Dr. X, and found to have cervical spondylosis with myelopathy. I was consulted and elected to do a lumbar and cervical myelogram CT scan, which showed lumbar stenosis but also cervical stenosis with more pathology anteriorly than posteriorly. The patient had worst disease at level C3-C4, C4-C5, and C5-C6. The patient was significantly weak and almost quadriparetic, stronger on the right side than on the left side. I thought that surgery was indicated to prevent progressive neurological deterioration, as well as to prevent a central cord syndrome if the patient were to get into a motor vehicle accident or simply fall. Conservative management was not an option. The patient was preoped and consented, and was medically cleared. I discussed the indications, risks, and benefits of the surgery with the patient and the patient's family. The risks of bleeding, hoarseness, swallowing difficulty, pseudoarthrosis as well as plate migration and hardware failure were all discussed with the patient. An informed consent was obtained from the patient as such. He was brought into the OR today for the operative procedure.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: ,The patient was brought into the OR, intubated, and given a general anesthetic. Intubation was done under C-spine precautions. The patient received preoperative vancomycin and Decadron. He was hooked up to the SSEP apparatus and had poor baselines and delays.,With a large a shoulder roll, I extended the patient's neck, and landmark incision in crease in the right upper neck, and the area was then prepped and sterilely draped. All the lines had been put in and the arms were padded.,Using a knife and cautery, I took the incision down through the skin and subcutaneous tissue and arrived at the cervical spine. Prominent osteophyte at C5-C6 was noted, lesser at C4-C5. Intraoperative x-ray confirmed our levels, and we were fully exposed from C3-C6.,Trimline retractors were put in, and I cut the discs out as well as removed the superficial hyperstatic bone and osteophytes.,With the drill, I performed a superficial discectomy and endplate resection, curetting the endplate as I went. I then brought in the microscope, under the microscopic guidance, firmly removed the end plates and drilled through the posterior longitudinal ligament to decompress the spinal cord. Worst findings at C3-C4 followed C5-C6 and then C4-C5. Excellent thecal sac decompression was achieved and foraminal decompression was also achieved. With change in intraoperative monitoring, a microscope was used for this decompressive procedure.,The patient was very oozy throughout this procedure, and during the decompression part, the oozing was constant. This was partly due to the patient's cancellous bone, but he had been on aspirin which was stopped only 2 days ago, and the option was not available to wait 2 to 3 weeks which would have made this man worse simply over time. I thus elected to give him DDAVP, platelets, and used Horsley bone wax for excellent hemostasis. This took literally half-an-hour to an hour and added to the complexity and difficulty of this case. Eventually, with blood pressure controlled and all the other parameters under control, bleeding was somewhat slow.,I then selected two 10 and one 9-mm cadaveric allograft, which had soaking in bacitracin solution. These were trimmed to the desired dimensions, and under slight distraction, these were tapped into position. Excellent graft alignment was achieved.,I now brought in a DePuy titanium eagle plate, and I fixed it to the spine from C3 to C6. Fourteen millimeter screws were used; all the screws were tightened and torqued. The patient's bone quality was poor, but the screws did torque appropriately. I inspected the plate, controlled the hemostasis, assessed post-fixation x-ray, and was really happy with the screw length and the overall alignment.,The wound was irrigated with antibiotic solution; a Jackson-Pratt drain 10-French was put in with trocar. Decision was made to start the closure. So, I closed the platysma with 3-0 Vicryl and used staples for the skin. A simple Primapore or Medpore dressing was applied. The patient was extubated in the OR and taken to the PSU in stable medical condition.,When I saw the patient in the ICU, he was awake, alert, and moving all four extremities, somewhat weak on the left side. He had done well from the surgery. Blood loss was 350 cc. All instrument, needle, and sponge counts were correct. No complications, no change in intraoperative monitoring. No specimens were sent.,The patient's wife was spoken to and fully appraised of the intraoperative findings and the expected prognosis. The patient will be kept n.p.o. tonight and will gradually advance his diet, and also will gradually advance his activity. I will keep him on Decadron and keep the collar on. I do not think there is need for halo rest. We will be obtaining formal C-spine films in the morning. Prognosis is guarded but favorable at this time. | Orthopedic |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Stenosing tenosynovitis first dorsal extensor compartment/de Quervain tendonitis.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Stenosing tenosynovitis first dorsal extensor compartment/de Quervain tendonitis.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:, Release of first dorsal extensor compartment.,ASSISTANT: , None.,ANESTHESIA: , Bier block.,TOURNIQUET TIME: , 30 minutes.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,INDICATIONS: ,The above patient is a 47-year-old right hand dominant black female who has signs and symptomology of de Quervain's stenosing tenosynovitis. She was treated conservatively with steroid injections, splinting, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents without relief. She is presenting today for release of the first dorsal extensor compartment. She is aware of the risks, benefits, alternatives and has consented to this operation.,PROCEDURE: , The patient was given intravenous prophylactic antibiotics. She was taken to the operating suite under the auspices of Anesthesiology. She was given a left upper extremity bier block. Her left upper extremity was then prepped and draped in the normal fashion with Betadine solution. Afterwards, a transverse incision was made over the extensor retinaculum of the first dorsal extensor compartment. Dissection was carried down through the dermis into the subcutaneous tissue. The dorsal radial sensory branches were kept out of harm's way. They were retracted gently to the ulnar side of the wrist. The retinaculum was incised with a #15 scalpel blade in the longitudinal fashion and the retinaculum was released completely both proximally and distally. Both the extensor pollices brevis and abductor pollices longus tendons were identified. There was no pathology noted within the first dorsal extensor compartment. The wound was irrigated. Hemostasis was obtained with bipolar cautery. The wound was infiltrated with _0.25% Marcaine solution and then closure performed with #6-0 nylon suture utilizing a horizontal mattress stitch. Sterile occlusive dressing was applied along with the thumb spica splint. The tourniquet was released and the patient was transported to the recovery area in stable and satisfactory condition. | Orthopedic |
ADMITTING DIAGNOSIS: , Trauma/ATV accident resulting in left open humerus fracture.,DISCHARGE DIAGNOSIS:, Trauma/ATV accident resulting in left open humerus fracture.,SECONDARY DIAGNOSIS:, None.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , For complete details, please see dictated history and physical by Dr. X dated July 23, 2008. Briefly, the patient is a 10-year-old male who presented to the Hospital Emergency Department following an ATV accident. He was an unhelmeted passenger on ATV when the driver lost control and the ATV rolled over throwing the passenger and the driver approximately 5 to 10 meters. The patient denies any loss of consciousness. He was not amnestic to the event. He was taken by family members to the Iredell County Hospital, where he was initially evaluated. Due to the extent of his injuries, he was immediately transferred to Hospital Emergency Department for further evaluation.,HOSPITAL COURSE: , Upon arrival in the Hospital Emergency Department, he was noted to have an open left humerus fracture. No other apparent injuries. This was confirmed with radiographic imaging showing that the chest and pelvis x-rays were negative for any acute injury and that the cervical spine x-ray was negative for fracture malalignment. The left upper extremity x-ray did demonstrate an open left distal humerus fracture. The orthopedic surgery team was then consulted and upon their evaluation, the patient was taken emergently to the operating room for surgical repair of his left humerus fracture. In the operating room, the patient was prepared for an irrigation and debridement of what was determined to be an open type 3 subcondylar left distal humerus fracture. In the operating room, his upper extremity was evaluated for neurovascular status and great care was taken to preserve these structures. Throughout the duration of the procedure, the patient had a palpable distal radial pulse. The orthopedic team then completed an open reduction and internal fixation of the left supracondylar humerus fracture. A wound VAC was then placed over the wound at the conclusion of the procedure. The patient tolerated this procedure well and was returned to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit for postsurgical followup and monitoring. His diet was advanced and his pain was controlled with pain medication. The day following his surgery, the patient was evaluated for a potential for closed head injury given the nature of his accident and the fact that he was not wearing a helmet during his accident. A CT of the brain without contrast showed no acute intracranial abnormalities moreover his cervical spine was radiographically and clinically cleared and his C-collar was removed at that point. Once his C spine had been cleared and the absence of a closed head injury was confirmed. The patient was then transferred from the Intensive Care Unit to the General Floor bed. His clinical status continued to improve and on July 26, 2008, he was taken back to the operating room for removal of the wound VAC and closure of his left upper extremity wound. He again tolerated this procedure well on his return to the General Pediatrics Floor. Throughout his stay, there was concern for compartment syndrome due to the nature and extent of his injuries. However, frequent checks of his distal pulses indicated that he had strong peripheral pulses in the left upper extremity. Moreover, the patient had no complaints of paresthesia. There was no demonstration of pallor or pain on passive motion. There was good capillary refill to the digits of the left hand. By the date of the discharge, the patient was on a full pediatric select diet and was tolerating this well. He had no abdominal tenderness and there were no abdominal injuries on exam or radiographic studies. He was afebrile and his vital signs were stable and once cleared by Orthopedics, he was deemed appropriate for discharge.,PROCEDURES DURING THIS HOSPITALIZATION:,1. Irrigation and debridement of open type 3 subcondylar left distal humerus fracture (July 23, 2008).,2. Open reduction and internal fixation of the left supracondylar humerus fracture (July 23, 2008).,3. Negative pressure wound dressing (July 23, 2008).,4. Irrigation and debridement of left elbow fracture (July 26, 2008).,5. CT of the brain without contrast (July 24, 2008).,DISPOSITION: ,Home with parents.,INVASIVE LINES: , None.,DISCHARGE INSTRUCTIONS: ,The patient was instructed that he can return home with his regular diet and he was asked not to do any strenuous activities, move furniture, lift heavy objects, or use his left upper extremity. He was asked to followup with return appointment in one week to see Dr. Y in Orthopedics. Additionally, he was told to call his pediatrician, if he develops any fevers, pain, loss of sensation, loss of pulse, or discoloration of his fingers, or paleness to his hand. | Orthopedic |
PROCEDURE: , Bilateral L5 dorsal ramus block and bilateral S1, S2, and S3 lateral branch block.,INDICATION: , Sacroiliac joint pain.,INFORMED CONSENT: , The risks, benefits and alternatives of the procedure were discussed with the patient. The patient was given opportunity to ask questions regarding the procedure, its indications and the associated risks.,The risk of the procedure discussed include infection, bleeding, allergic reaction, dural puncture, headache, nerve injuries, spinal cord injury, and cardiovascular and CNS side effects with possible vascular entry of medications. I also informed the patient of potential side effects or reactions to the medications potentially used during the procedure including sedatives, narcotics, nonionic contrast agents, anesthetics, and corticosteroids.,The patient was informed both verbally and in writing. The patient understood the informed consent and desired to have the procedure performed.,PROCEDURE: ,Oxygen saturation and vital signs were monitored continuously throughout the procedure. The patient remained awake throughout the procedure in order to interact and give feedback. The X-ray technician was supervised and instructed to operate the fluoroscopy machine.,The patient was placed in the prone position on the treatment table, pillow under the chest, and head rotated contralateral to the side being treated. The skin over and surrounding the treatment area was cleaned with Betadine. The area was covered with sterile drapes, leaving a small window opening for needle placement. Fluoroscopic pillar view was used to identify the bony landmarks of the sacrum and sacroiliac joint and the planned needle approach. The skin, subcutaneous tissue, and muscle within the planned approach were anesthetized with 1% Lidocaine.,With fluoroscopy, a 25-gauge 3.5-inch spinal needle was gently guided into the groove between the SAP and sacrum through the dorsal ramus of the L5 and the lateral and superior border of the posterior sacral foramen with the lateral branches of S1, S2, and S3. Multiple fluoroscopic views were used to ensure proper needle placement. Approximately 0.25 mL of nonionic contrast agent was injected showing no concurrent vascular dye pattern. Finally, the treatment solution, consisting of 0.5% of bupivacaine was injected to each area. All injected medications were preservative free. Sterile technique was used throughout the procedure.,ADDITIONAL DETAILS: , This was then repeated on the left side.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,DISCUSSION: ,Postprocedure vital signs and oximetry were stable. The patient was discharged with instructions to ice the injection site as needed for 15-20 minutes as frequently as twice per hour for the next day and to avoid aggressive activities for 1 day. The patient was told to resume all medications. The patient was told to resume normal activities.,The patient was instructed to seek immediate medical attention for shortness of breath, chest pain, fever, chills, increased pain, weakness, sensory or motor changes or changes in bowel or bladder function.,Follow up appointment was made at the PM&R Spine Clinic in approximately 1 week. | Orthopedic |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS (ES):, Recurrent herniation L4-5 disk with left radiculopathy.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS (ES):, Recurrent herniation L4-5 disk with left radiculopathy.,PROCEDURE:, Redo L4-5 diskectomy left.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,ANTIBIOTIC (S),: Vancomycin given preoperatively.,ANESTHESIA:, General endotracheal.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS:, 10 mL.,BLOOD REPLACED:, None.,CRYSTALLOID GIVEN:, 800 mL.,DRAIN (S):, None.,DESCRIPTION OF THE OPERATION:, The patient was brought to the operating room in supine position. General endotracheal anesthesia was administered. He was turned into the prone position on the operating table and positioned in the modified knee-chest position with Andrews frame being used. Care was taken to protect pressure points. The back was shaved, scrubbed with Betadine scrub, rinsed with alcohol, and prepped with DuraPrep, and draped in the usual sterile fashion with Ioban drape being used. A midline skin incision was made, excising scar from previous surgery. Dissection was carried down through the subcutaneous tissue with electrocautery technique. The lumbosacral fascia was split to the left of the spinous process, and subperiosteal dissection of the spinous process and lamina, area of previous laminotomy was identified. Cross-table lateral was also made to confirm position. The scar was then loosened from the inferior portion of 4, superior of L5 lamina, and a portion of the lamina was removed. I did identify normal dura. The scar was then lysed from the medial wall. Dura and nerve root were identified and protected with nerve root retractor. The bulging disk fragment was still contained under the longitudinal ligament. A rent was made with the Penfield and a moderately large fragment was removed. The disk space was then entered with a cruciate cut in the annulus, with additional nuclear material being received. When no other fragments could be removed from the disk space, no other fragments were felt in the central canal under the longitudinal ligament, and a Murphy ball could be passed through the foramen without evidence of compression, the decompression was complete. Check was made for CSF leakage, and no evidence of significant epidural bleeding was present. The wound was irrigated with antibiotic solution. Twenty milligrams of Depo-Medrol was placed over the dura and nerve root. A free fat graft from the subcutaneous tissue was then placed over the dura. Closure was obtained with the lumbosacral fascia being reapproximated with #1, running, Vicryl suture. Subcutaneous closure was obtained in layers with 2-0, running, Vicryl suture. Skin closure was obtained with 3-0 Vicryl subcuticular suture. Proxi-Strips and sterile dressing was applied. The skin had been infiltrated with 8 mL of 0.5% Marcaine with epinephrine.,After a sterile dressing was applied, the patient was turned into the supine position on the waiting recovery room stretcher, brought from under the effects of anesthesia, and taken to the recovery room. | Orthopedic |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , T12 compression fracture with cauda equina syndrome and spinal cord compression.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, T12 compression fracture with cauda equina syndrome and spinal cord compression.,OPERATION PERFORMED: , Decompressive laminectomy at T12 with bilateral facetectomies, decompression of T11 and T12 nerve roots bilaterally with posterolateral fusion supplemented with allograft bone chips and pedicle screws and rods with crosslink Synthes Click'X System using 6.5 mm diameter x 40 mm length T11 screws and L1 screws, 7 mm diameter x 45 mm length.,ANESTHESIA: , General endotracheal.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS:, 400 mL, replaced 2 units of packed cells.,Preoperative hemoglobin was less than 10.,DRAINS:, None.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , With the patient prepped and draped in a routine fashion in the prone position on laminae support, an x-ray was taken and demonstrated a needle at the T12-L1 interspace. An incision was made over the posterior spinous process of T10, T11, T12, L1, and L2. A Weitlaner retractor was placed and cutting Bovie current was used to incise the fascia overlying the dorsal spinous process of T10, T11, T12, L1, and L2. An additional muscular ligamentous attachment was dissected free bilaterally with cutting Bovie current osteotome and Cobb elevator. The cerebellar retractors were placed in the wound and obvious deformation of the lamina particularly on the left side at T12 was apparent. Initially, on the patient's left side, pedicle screws were placed in T11 and L1. The inferior articular facet was removed at T11 and an awl placed at the proximal location of the pedicle. Placement confirmed with biplanar coaxial fluoroscopy. The awl was in appropriate location and using a pedicle finder under fluoroscopic control, the pedicle was probed to the mid portion of the body of T11. A 40-mm Click'X screw, 6.5 mm diameter with rod holder was then threaded into the T11 vertebral body.,Attention was next turned to the L1 level on the left side and the junction of the transverse processes with the superior articular facet and intra-articular process was located using an AM-8 dissecting tool, AM attachment to the Midas Rex instrumentation. The area was decorticated, an awl was placed, and under fluoroscopic biplanar imaging noted to be at the pedicle in L1. Using a pedicle probe, the pedicle was then probed to the mid body of L1 and a 7-mm diameter 45-mm in length Click'X Synthes screw with rod holder was placed in the L1 vertebral body.,At this point, an elongated rod was placed on the left side for purposes of distraction should it be felt necessary in view of the MRI findings of significant compression on the patient's ventral canal on the right side. Attention was next turned to the right side and it should be noted that the dissection above was carried out with operating room microscope and at this point, the intraspinous process ligament superior to the posterior spinous process at T12 was noted be completely disrupted on a traumatic basis. The anteroposterior spinous process ligament superior to the T12 was incised with cutting Bovie current and the posterior spinous process at T12 removed with a Leksell rongeur. It was necessary to remove portion of the posterior spinous process at T11 for a full visualization of the involved laminar fractures at T12.,At this point, a laminectomy was performed using 45-degree Kerrison rongeur, both 2 mm and 4 mm, and Leksell rongeur. There was an epidural hematoma encountered to the midline and left side at the mid portion of the T12 laminectomy and this was extending superiorly to the T11-T12 interlaminar space. Additionally, there was marked instability of the facets bilaterally at T12 and L1. These facets were removed with 45-degree Kerrison rongeur and Leksell rongeur. Bony compression both superiorly and laterally from fractured bony elements was removed with 45-degree Kerrison rongeur until the thecal sac was completely decompressed. The exiting nerve roots at T11 and T12 were visualized and followed with Frazier dissectors, and these nerve roots were noted to be completely free. Hemostasis was controlled with bipolar coagulation.,At this point, a Frazier dissector could be passed superiorly, inferiorly, medially, and laterally to the T11-T12 nerve roots bilaterally, and the thecal sac was noted to be decompressed both superiorly and inferiorly, and noted to be quite pulsatile. A #4 Penfield was then used to probe the floor of the spinal canal, and no significant ventral compression remained on the thecal sac. Copious antibiotic irrigation was used and at this point on the patient's right side, pedicle screws were placed at T11 and L1 using the technique described for a left-sided pedicle screw placement. The anatomic landmarks being the transverse process at T11, the inferior articulating facet, and the lateral aspect of the superior articular facet for T11 and at L1, the transverse process, the junction of the intra-articular process and the facet joint.,With the screws placed on the left side, the elongated rod was removed from the patient's right side along with the locking caps, which had been placed. It was felt that distraction was not necessary. A 75-mm rod could be placed on the patient's left side with reattachment of the locking screw heads with the rod cap locker in place; however, it was necessary to cut a longer rod for the patient's right side with the screws slightly greater distance apart ultimately settling on a 90-mm rod. The locking caps were placed on the right side and after all 4 locking caps were placed, the locking cap screws were tied to the cold weld. Fluoroscopic examination demonstrated no evidence of asymmetry at the intervertebral space at T11-T12 or T12-L1 with excellent positioning of the rods and screws. A crosslink approximately 60 mm in width was then placed between the right and left rods, and all 4 screws were tightened.,It should be noted that prior to the placement of the rods, the patient's autologous bone, which had been removed during laminectomy portion of the procedure and cleansed off soft tissue and morcellated was packed in the posterolateral space after decortication had been effected on the transverse processes at T11, T12, and L1 with AM-8 dissecting tool, AM attachment as well as the lateral aspects of the facet joints. This was done bilaterally prior to placement of the rods.,Following placement of the rods as noted above, allograft bone chips were packed in addition on top of the patient's own allograft in these posterolateral gutters. Gelfoam was used to cover the thecal sac and at this point, the wound was closed by approximating the deep muscle with 0 Vicryl suture. The fascia was closed with interrupted 0 Vicryl suture, subcutaneous layer was closed with 2-0 Vicryl suture, subcuticular layer was closed with 2-0 inverted interrupted Vicryl suture, and the skin approximated with staples. The patient appeared to tolerate the procedure well without complications. | Orthopedic |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Wrist de Quervain stenosing tenosynovitis.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Wrist de Quervain stenosing tenosynovitis.,TITLE OF PROCEDURES,1. de Quervain release.,2. Fascial lengthening flap of the 1st dorsal compartment.,ANESTHESIA:, MAC.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: , After MAC anesthesia and appropriate antibiotics were administered, the upper extremity was prepped and draped in the usual standard fashion. The arm was exsanguinated with an Esmarch and the tourniquet inflated to 250 mmHg.,I made a transverse incision just distal to the radial styloid. Dissection was carried down directly to the 1st dorsal compartment with the superficial radial nerve identified and protected. Meticulous hemostasis was maintained with bipolar electrocautery.,I dissected the sheath superficially free of any other structures, specifically the superficial radial nerve. I then incised it under direct vision dorsal to its axis and incised it both proximally and distally. The EPB subsheath was likewise released.,I irrigated the wound thoroughly. In order to prevent tendon subluxation, I then back-cut both the dorsal and volar leafs of the sheath so that I could close them in an extended and lengthened position. I did this with 3-0 Vicryl. I then passed an instrument underneath to check and make sure that the sheath was not too tight. I then irrigated it and closed the skin, and then I dressed and splinted the wrist appropriately. The patient was sent to the recovery room in good condition, having tolerated the procedure well. | Orthopedic |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Degenerative disk disease at L4-L5 and L5-S1.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Degenerative disk disease at L4-L5 and L5-S1.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: ,Anterior exposure diskectomy and fusion at L4-L5 and L5-S1.,ANESTHESIA: , General.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , 150 mL.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: ,Patient was prepped and draped in sterile fashion. Left lower quadrant incision was performed and taken down to the preperitoneal space with the use of the Bovie, and then preperitoneal space was opened. The iliac veins were carefully mobilized medially, and then the L4-L5 disk space was confirmed by fluoroscopy, and diskectomy fusion, which will be separately dictated by Dr. X, was performed after the adequate exposure was gained, and then after this L4-L5 disk space was fused and the L5-S1 disk space was carefully identified between the iliac vessels and the presacral veins and vessels were ligated with clips, disk was carefully exposed. Diskectomy and fusion, which will be separately dictated by Dr. X, were performed. Once this was completed, all hemostasis was confirmed. The preperitoneal space was reduced. X-ray confirmed adequate positioning and fusion. Then the fascia was closed with #1 Vicryl sutures, and then the skin was closed in 2 layers, the first layer being 2-0 Vicryl subcutaneous tissues and then a 4-0 Monocryl subcuticular stitch, then dressed with Steri-Strips and 4 x 4's. Then patient was placed in the prone position after vascular checks of the lower extremity confirmed patency of the arteries with warm bilateral lower extremities. | Orthopedic |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Right ankle trimalleolar fracture.,2. Right distal tibia plafond fracture with comminuted posterolateral impacted fragment.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURE: ,Delayed open reduction internal fixation with plates and screws, 6-hole contoured distal fibular plate and screws reducing posterolateral malleolar fragment, as well as medial malleolar fragment.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Right ankle trimalleolar fracture.,2. Right distal tibia plafond fracture with comminuted posterolateral impacted fragment.,TOURNIQUET TIME: , 80 minutes.,HISTORY: , This 50-year-old gentleman was from the area and riding his motorcycle in Kentucky.,The patient lost control of his motorcycle when he was traveling approximately 40 mile per hour. He was on a curve and lost control. He is unsure what exactly happened, but he thinks his right ankle was pinned underneath the motorcycle while he was sliding. There were no other injuries. He was treated in Kentucky. A close reduction was performed and splint applied. Orthopedic surgeon called myself with regards to this patient's fracture management and suggested a CT scan. The patient returned to Ohio and his friend drove him all the way from Kentucky to Northwest Ohio overnight. The patient showed up in the emergency department where a CT scan was asked to be performed. This was performed and reviewed. The patient, however, had significant amount of soft tissue swelling and therefore he was asked to follow up in 2 days. At this time, he still had significant swelling, but because of the amount of swelling that he had particularly with the long car ride for many hours with his leg dependent, it was felt to be best to wait.,Indeed after 7 days, the patient started to develop fracture blisters on the posterior medial aspect of his ankle with large blisters measuring approximately 2 to 3 inches. The patient was x-rayed in the office. He had lost some of his reduction. Therefore, he was re-reduced at approximately 7 days and then each time the patient had examination of tissues, he was re-reduced just to keep the pressure off the skin.,An x-ray showed the distal fibular fracture starting at the mortise region laterally. It appeared as an abduction type injury with minimal rotation. This was comminuted, fragmented, and impacted.,The medial malleolus fracture was an avulsion type. The syndesmosis appeared to be intact. This appeared as an AO type B fracture. However, this was not a rotational injury.,There is a posterior malleolar fragment attached to the distal fibular fragment, which appeared to be avulsed as well, but comminuted. CT scan revealed a more serious fracture with an anterior as well as posterior plafond fracture of an anterior fragment, which was undisplaced in the posterior medial corner. A posterior Tillaux fragment appeared to be separate. However, in this area, there was significant comminution in the mid portion of the ankle joint.,There were many fragments and defects in this region.,The medial mortise however appeared to be intact with regards to the tibial plafond even though there was an anterior undisplaced fragment.,We discussed delayed open reduction internal fixation with the patient. He understood the risk of surgery including infection, decreased range of motion, stiffness, neurovascular injury, weakness, and numbness. We discussed seriously the risk of osteoarthritis because of the comminution in the intraarticular surface shown on the CT scan. We discussed deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, skin slough, skin necrosis, infection, and need for second surgery. We discussed shortening, decreased strength, limited use, disability of operative extremity, malunion, nonunion, compartment syndrome, stiffness of the operative extremity, numbness, and weakness. Examination of the patient revealed that he had slightly decreased sensation on the dorsum of his foot.,The patient was able to flex and extend his toes, had good capillary refill, good dorsalis pedis, and posterior tibial pulse.,The patient's tissues were edematous and we has waited approximately 10 days before performing the surgery when the skin could be wrinkled anteriorly. We discussed his incision, the medial incision as well as lateral incision and the lateral incision would be more posterolateral to maintain a bridge of at least 6 to 8 cm between the 2 incisions. We did discuss the skin slough as well as skin necrosis, particularly medially where the most skin pressure was because of displacement laterally. He understood the posterolateral comminution of the tibial plafond, which would be reduced by aligning up the cortex posteriorly.,We discussed the posterolateral approach with reduction of the fibula. We discussed that likely the distal fibula would not be removed completely to assess the articular surface as this would likely comminute the fibula, even more fragmentation would occur, and would not be able to obtain an anatomic reduction. He understood this distal fibular fracture was comminuted and there were missing fragments of bone because they were impacted into intramedullary cancellous space. With this, the patient understood that the hardware may necessitate removal as well in the future. We discussed hardware irritation. We also discussed risk of osteoarthritis, which was nearly 100% particularly because of comminution of this area posteriorly. With these risks discussed and listed on the consent, the patient wanted the procedure.,OPERATIVE NOTE:, The patient was brought to operating theater and given successful general anesthetic. His right leg was prepped and draped in the usual fashion. Before prep and drape was performed, a close reduction was tried to be obtained to see whether there was any obstruction to reduction. It was felt that at one point the posterior tibialis tendon may be intraarticular.,The reduction appeared to line up. However, there was significant gap of approximately 1.5 to 2 cm between the avulsed medial malleolus fragment and distal tibia.,A lateral incision was made over the fracture site approximately 8 cm long and was taken to subcutaneous tissue. The superficial peroneal nerve was seen and this was avoided. The incision was placed posterolateral to fibula.,This was to ensure good flap of tissue between the 2 incisions medial and laterally. The fracture was seen. The fracture was elevated and medialized and de-rotated. The anterior portion of the distal fibula was significantly comminuted with defect. The posterior aspect was still intact. However, there were multiple fracture lines demonstrating a crush-type injury. This was reduced manually. At this point, dissection was performed bluntly behind the peroneal tendons in between this and flexor hallucis longus tendon. No sharp dissection was performed. The posterior malleolar fragment was palpated with the distal fibula reduced. The posterior malleolar fragment appeared to be reduced as well.,X-ray views confirmed this.,An incision was made, standard incision, curvilinear, medially distal to the medial corner of the mortise and curving anterior and posteriorly around the tip of the medial malleolus. This was taken only through subcutaneous tissue. The saphenous vein was found, dissected out. Its branches were cauterized. Penrose drain was placed around this.,Dissection was undertaken. The periosteal tissue was seen and was invaginated into the joint.,This was recovered and flipped back on both sides. Next, the towel clip was used. Ends were freshened up using irrigation. The joint surface appeared to be congruent anteriorly and posteriorly medially.,Anatomic reduction was performed in the medial malleolus using 2 mm K-wires and exchanging these for a 35 mm and a 40 mm, anterior and posterior respectively, partially threaded cancellous screws. Anatomic reduction was gained. X-rays were taken showing excellent anatomic reduction. Next, attention was drawn towards the fibula. Standard 6-hole one-third tubular plate was applied to this. Again, this was more of a transverse impacted fracture. Therefore, interfragmentary screw on an angle could not be used.,The posterior cortex was used to assess anatomic reduction. Screws were placed. It was used as a spring plate pushing the distal fibular fragment medially.,Screw holes were filled. They were double-checked. Screws had excellent purchase and were tightened up. At this point, lateral views were taken as well as palpation of posterior lateral fragment was performed in the plafond. This appeared to show anatomic reduction and did not appear to be a step on the articular surface or the posterior cortex of the distal tibia.,The screw was then placed from anterior medial to posterior lateral into this comminuted fragment.,A 2 mm K-wire was used. Finger was placed on this fragment and the pin was advanced even before the finger. X-ray views could show the posterior cortex and location of the pin. This was then exchanged for a 55 mm partially threaded cancellous screw after tapping was performed. This was double checked to ensure good positioning and this was so. On the lateral view, we could see this was not in the joint. AP views and mortise views showed this was not in the joint. One could palpate this as well. The screw was placed slightly proximal to distal in the anteroposterior plane. At the distal tip of it, it was just in the subchondral bone but not in the joint. There was slight to excellent purchase of this posterior lateral fragment. Wounds were copiously irrigated followed by closing using 2-0 Vicryl in inverted fashion followed by staples to skin. Adaptic, 4 x 4s, abdominal pad was placed on wound, held in place with Kerlix followed by an extensor bandage. Posterior splint was placed on the patient. The patient's leg was placed in neutral position. Significant amount of cast padding were used and large bulky trauma ABD type dressings. The heel was padded and leg was padded with approximately 2 inches of padding. Tourniquet was deflated. The patient had good capillary refill, good pulses, and the patient returned to recovery room in stable condition with no complications. Physician assistant assisted during the case with retracting as well as holding the medial malleolar fragment and fragments in position while placement screws were applied. Positioning of the leg was accomplished by the physician assistant. As well, physician assistant assisted in transport of patient to and from the recovery room, assisted in cautery as well as dissection and retraction of tissue. The patient is expected to do well overall. He does have an area of comminution shown on the CT scan. However, by x-rays, it appears that there is anatomic reduction gained at this posterolateral fragment. Nonetheless, this area was crushed and the patient will have degenerative changes in the future caused by this crushing area. | Orthopedic |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Torn rotator cuff, right shoulder.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Torn rotator cuff, right shoulder.,2. Subacromial spur with impingement syndrome, right shoulder.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:,1. Diagnostic arthroscopy with subacromial decompression.,2. Open repair of rotator cuff using three Panalok suture anchors.,ANESTHESIA: , General.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: ,Approximately 200 cc.,INTRAOPERATIVE FINDINGS: , There was noted to be a full thickness tear to the supraspinatus tendon at the insertion of the greater tuberosity. There is moderate amount of synovitis noted throughout the glenohumeral joint. There is a small subacromial spur noted on the very anterolateral border of the acromion.,HISTORY: , This is a 62-year-old female who previously underwent a repair of rotator cuff. She continued to have pain within the shoulder. She had a repeat MRI performed, which confirmed the clinical diagnosis of re-tear of the rotator cuff. She wished to proceed with a repair. All risks and benefits of the surgery were discussed with her at length. She was in agreement with the above treatment plan.,PROCEDURE: , On 08/21/03, she was taken to the Operative Room at ABCD General Hospital. She was placed supine on the operating table. General anesthesia was applied by the Anesthesiology Department. She was placed in the modified beachchair position. Her upper extremity was sterilely prepped and draped in usual fashion. A stab incision was made in the posterior aspect of the glenohumeral joint. A camera was placed in the joint and was insufflated with saline solution. Intraoperative pictures were obtained and the above findings were noted. A second port site was initiated anteriorly. Through this a probe was placed and the intraarticular structures were palpated and found to be intact. A tear of the inner surface of the rotator cuff was identified. The camera was then taken to the subacromial space. A straight lateral portal was also used and a shaver was placed into the subacromial space. Further debridement of the anterolateral border of the acromion was performed to remove evidence of the subacromial spur, which had reformed. The edges of the rotator cuff were then debrided. The camera was then removed and the shoulder was suction and dried. A lateral incision was made over the anterolateral border of the acromion. Subcuticular tissues were carefully dissected. Hemostasis was controlled with electrocautery. The deltoid musculature was then incised and aligned with its fibers exposing the rotator cuff tear and the edges were further debrided using a rongeur. A trough was then made in the greater tuberosity using the rongeur. Two Panalok anchors were then placed within the trough and weaved through the suture and third Panalok anchor was placed medial to the trough and weaved through the rotator cuff. The ends of the suture were tied down from the fixating the rotator cuff within the trough. The rotator cuff was then further oversewed using the Panalok suture. The wound was then copiously irrigated and it was then suction dried. The deltoid muscle was reapproximated using #1 Vicryl. A continuous infusion pump catheter was placed into the subacromial space to help with postoperative pain control. The subcutaneous tissues were reapproximated with #2-0 Vicryl. The skin was closed with #4-0 PDS running subcuticular stitch. Sterile dressing was applied to the upper extremity. She was then placed in a shoulder immobilizer. She was transferred to the recovery room in apparent stable and satisfactory condition. Prognosis for this patient was guarded. She will begin pendulum exercises postoperative day #3. She will follow back in the office in 10 to 14 days for reevaluation. Physical therapy initiated approximately six weeks postoperatively. | Orthopedic |
TITLE OF OPERATION: ,1. Incision and drainage with extensive debridement, left shoulder.,2. Removal total shoulder arthroplasty (uncemented humeral Biomet component; cemented glenoid component).,3. Implantation of antibiotic beads, left shoulder.,INDICATION FOR SURGERY: , The patient was seen multiple times preoperatively and found to have findings consistent with a chronic and indolent infections. Risks and benefits have been discussed with him and his family at length including but not exclusive of continued infection, nerve or artery damage, stiffness, loss of range of motion, incomplete relief of pain, incomplete return of function, fractures, loss of bone, medical complications, surgical complications, transfusion related complications, etc. The patient understood and wished to proceed.,PREOP DIAGNOSIS: , Presumed infection, left total shoulder arthroplasty.,POSTOP DIAGNOSES: ,1. Deep extensive infection, left total shoulder arthroplasty.,2. Biceps tenosynovitis.,3. Massive rotator cuff tear in left shoulder (full thickness subscapularis tendon rupture 3 cm x 4 cm; supraspinatus tendon rupture 3 cm x 3 cm; infraspinatus tear 2 cm x 2 cm).,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: ,The patient was anesthetized in the supine position, a Foley catheter was placed in his bladder. He was then placed Beach chair position and all bony prominences were well padded. Pillows were placed around his knees to protect his sciatic nerve. He was brought to the side of the table and secured with towels and tape. The head was placed in neutral position with no lateral bending or extension to protect the brachioplexus from any stretch. Left upper extremity was then prepped and draped in usual sterile fashion. Unfortunately, preoperative antibiotics were given prior to the procedure. This occurred due to lack of communication between the surgical staff and the anesthesia staff. The patient's extremity, however, was prepped a second time with a chlorhexidine prep after he had been draped. Also, Ioban bandages were placed securely to the skin to prevent any further introduction of infection into his shoulder.,Deltopectoral incision was then made. The patient's had a cephalic vein, it was identified and protected throughout the case. It was retracted laterally and once this has been completed, the deltopectoral interval was developed as carefully as possible. The patient did have significant scar from this point on and did bleed from many surfaces throughout the case. As a result, he was transfused 1 unit postoperatively. He did not have any problems during the case except for one small drop of blood pressure. However this was due primarily because of the extensive scarring of his proximal humerus. He had scar between the anterior capsular structures and the conjoint tendon. Also there was significant scar between the deltoid and the proximal humerus. The deltoid was very carefully and tediously removed from the proximal humerus in order not to damage the axillary nerve. Once the plane between the deltoid and underlying tissue was found, the proximal humerus was discovered to have a large defect, approximately 4 x 3. This was covered by rimmed fibrous tissue which was fairly compressible, which felt to be purulent, however, when the needle was stuck into this area, there was no return of fluid. As a result, this was finally opened and found to have fibrinous exudates which appeared to be old congealed, purulent material. There was some suggestion of a synovitis type reaction also inside this cystic area. This was all debrided but was found to track all the way into the proximal humerus from the lateral femoral component and also tracked posteriorly through and around the posterior cortex of the proximal humerus indicating that the infraspinatus probably had some tearing and detachment. This later proved to be the case and infraspinatus did indeed have a tear 2 cm x 2 cm. All of the mucinous material and fibrinous material was removed from the proximal humerus. This was fairly extensive debridement. All of this was sent to pathology and also sent for culture and sensitivity. It should be noted that Gram stain became as multiple white blood cells but no organism seen. The pathology came back as fibrinous material with multiple white cells, also with signs of chronic inflammation consistent with an infection.,Attention was then directed towards the anterior structures to gain access to the joint so that we could dislocate the prosthesis and remove it. There was also cystic area in the anterior aspect of the shoulder which was fairly fibrinous. This was also removed. Once this was removed, though the capsule was found to be very thin, there was essentially no subscapularis tendon whatsoever. It should also noted the patient's proximal humerus was subluxed superiorly so that there was no supraspinatus tendon present whatsoever. As a result, the biceps tendon was finally identified just below the pectoralis tendon insertion. The upper 1 or 2 cm of the pectoralis insertion was released in order to find the biceps. It was tracked proximally and transverse ligament released. The biceps tendon was flat and somewhat erythematous. As a result, it released and tagged with an 0 Vicryl suture. It was later tenodesed to the conjoint tendon using 2-0 Prolene sutures. The joint was then entered and noted significant synovitis throughout the entire glenoid. This was all very carefully removed using a rongeur and sharp dissection.,Next, the humeral component was removed and this was done by attempting to remove it with the slap hammer and device which comes with the Biomet set. Unfortunately, this device would not hold the proximal humerus and we could not get the component to release. As a result, bone contact of the metal proximally was released using a straight osteotome. Once this was completed, another attempt was made to remove the prosthesis but this only resulted in fracture of the proximal humerus through the areas of erosion of the infection and once this has been completed, we abandoned use of that particular device and using a __________ , we were able to hit the prosthesis lip from beneath and essentially remove it. There was no cement. There was exudate within the canal which was removed using a curette.,Using fluoroscopy, sequential reamers were placed to a size of 11 distally down the shaft to remove the exudate. This was also thoroughly irrigated with irrigation antibiotic, and impregnated irrigation to decrease any risk of infection. It should be noted that the reaming was done fluoroscopically to make sure that there was no penetration of the canal at any point.,The attention was then directed to the glenoid. The glenoid component was very carefully dissected free and found to be very loose. It was essentially removed with digital dissection. There was no remaining cement in the cavity itself. The patient's glenoid was very carefully debrided. The glenoid itself was found to be very cup shaped with significant amount of bone loss in the central portion of the canal itself. This was debrided using rongeurs and curette until there was no purulent exudate present anywhere in the glenoid itself.,Next, the entire wound was irrigated thoroughly with 9 liters of antibiotic impregnated irrigation. Rather than place a spacer, it was elected to use antiobiotic beads. This was with antibiotic impregnated cement with one package with 3 gram of vancomycin. These beads were then connected using Prolene and placed into the glenoid cavity itself, also some were placed in the greater tuberosity region. These three did not have a Prolene attached to them. The ones placed down the canal did have a Prolene used as did the ones placed in the cavity of the glenoid itself.,The biceps tendon was then tenodesed under tension to the conjoint tendon. There was essentially no capsule left purely to close over the proximal humerus. It was electively the proximal humerus. A portion of bone intact because it did have some bleeding surfaces. Deltopectoral was then closed with 0-Vicryl sutures, the deep subcutaneous tissues with 0-Vicryl sutures, superficial subcutaneous tissues with 2-0 Vicryl sutures. Skin was closed with staples. A sterile bandage was applied along with a cold therapy device and shoulder immobilizer. The patient was sent to recovery room in stable and satisfactory condition.,It should be noted that __________ is being requested for this case. This was a significantly scarred patient which required extra dissection and attention. Even though this was a standard revision case due to infection, there was a significant more decision making and technical challenges in this case and this was present for typical revision case. Similarly, this case took approximately 30 to 40% more length of time due to bleeding and the attention to hemostasis. The blood loss and operative findings indicates that this case was at least 30 to 40% more challenging than a standard total shoulder or revision case. This is being dictated for insurance purposes only and reflects no inherent difficulties with the case whatsoever. | Orthopedic |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS,1. Carpal tunnel syndrome.,2. de Quervain's stenosing tenosynovitis.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS,1. Carpal tunnel syndrome.,2. de Quervain's stenosing tenosynovitis.,TITLE OF PROCEDURE,1. Carpal tunnel release.,2. de Quervain's release.,ANESTHESIA: , MAC,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: ,After administering appropriate antibiotics and MAC anesthesia, the upper extremity was prepped and draped in the usual standard fashion. The arm was exsanguinated with Esmarch and the tourniquet inflated to 250 mmHg.,A longitudinal incision was made in line with the 4th ray, from Kaplan's cardinal line proximally to 1 cm distal to the volar wrist crease. The dissection was carried down to the superficial aponeurosis. The subcutaneous fat was dissected radially from 2-3 mm and the superficial aponeurosis cut on this side to leave a longer ulnar leaf.,The ulnar leaf of the cut superficial aponeurosis was dissected ulnarly, and the distal edge of the transverse carpal ligament was identified with a hemostat. The hemostat was gently placed under the transverse carpal ligament to protect the contents of the carpal tunnel, and the ligament was cut on its ulnar side with a knife directly onto the hemostat. The antebrachial fascia was cut proximally under direct vision with scissors.,After irrigating the wound with copious amounts of normal saline, the radial leaf of the cut transverse carpal ligament was repaired to the ulnar leaf of the cut superficial aponeurosis with 4-0 Vicryl. Care was taken to avoid entrapping the motor branch of the median nerve in the suture. A hemostat was placed under the repair to ensure that the median nerve was not compressed. The skin was repaired with 5-0 nylon interrupted stitches.,The first dorsal compartment was addressed through a transverse incision at the level of the radial styloid tip. Dissection was carried down with care taken to avoid and protect the superficial radial nerve branches. I released the compartment in a separate subsheath for the EPB on the dorsal side. Both ends of the sheath were released to lengthen them, and then these were repaired with 4-0 Vicryl. It was checked to make sure that there was significant room remaining for the tendons. This was done to prevent postoperative subluxation.,I then irrigated and closed the wounds in layers. Marcaine with epinephrine was placed into all wounds, and dressings and splint were placed. The patient was sent to the recovery room in good condition, having tolerated the procedure well. | Orthopedic |
FINDINGS:,There is a lobulated mass lesion of the epiglottis measuring approximately 22 x 16 x 30 mm (mediolateral x AP x craniocaudal) in size. There is slightly greater involvement on the right side however there is bilateral involvement of the aryepiglottic folds. There is marked enlargement of the bilateral aryepiglottic folds (left greater than right). There is thickening of the glossoepiglottic fold. There is an infiltrative mass like lesion extending into the pre-epiglottic space.,There is no demonstrated effacement of the piriform sinuses. The mass obliterates the right vallecula. The paraglottic spaces are normal. The true and false cords appear normal. Normal thyroid, cricoid and arytenoid cartilages.,There is lobulated thickening of the right side of the tongue base, for which invasion of the tongue cannot be excluded. A MRI examination would be of benefit for further evaluation of this finding.,There is a 14 x 5 x 12 mm node involving the left submental region (Level I).,There is borderline enlargement of the bilateral jugulodigastric nodes (Level II). The left jugulodigastric node,measures 14 x 11 x 8 mm while the right jugulodigastric node measures 15 x 12 x 8 mm.,There is an enlarged second left high deep cervical node measuring 19 x 14 x 15 mm also consistent with a left Level II node, with a probable necrotic center.,There is an enlarged second right high deep cervical node measuring 12 x 10 x 10 mm but no demonstrated central necrosis.,There is an enlarged left mid level deep cervical node measuring 9 x 16 x 6 mm, located inferior to the hyoid bone but cephalad to the cricoid consistent with a Level III node.,There are two enlarged matted nodes involving the right mid level deep cervical chain consistent with a right Level III nodal disease, producing a conglomerate nodal mass measuring approximately 26 x 12 x 10 mm.,There is a left low level deep cervical node lying along the inferior edge of the cricoid cartilage measuring approximately 18 x 11 x 14 mm consistent with left Level IV nodal disease.,There is no demonstrated pretracheal, prelaryngeal or superior mediastinal nodes. There is no demonstrated retropharyngeal adenopathy.,There is thickening of the adenoidal pad without a mass lesion of the nasopharynx. The torus tubarius and fossa of Rosenmuller appear normal.,IMPRESSION:,Epiglottic mass lesion with probable invasion of the glossoepiglottic fold and pre-epiglottic space with invasion of the bilateral aryepiglottic folds.,Lobulated tongue base for which tongue invasion cannot be excluded. An MRI may be of benefit for further assessment of this finding.,Borderline enlargement of a submental node suggesting Level I adenopathy.,Bilateral deep cervical nodal disease involving bilateral Level II, Level III and left Level IV. | Orthopedic |
EXAM:, Noncontrast CT scan of the lumbar spine,REASON FOR EXAM: , Left lower extremity muscle spasm.,COMPARISONS: , None.,FINDINGS: , Transaxial thin slice CT images of the lumbar spine were obtained with sagittal and coronal reconstructions on emergency basis, as requested.,No abnormal paraspinal masses are identified.,There are sclerotic changes with anterior effusion of the sacroiliac joints bilaterally.,There is marked intervertebral disk space narrowing at the L5-S1 level with intervertebral disk vacuum phenomenon and advanced endplate degenerative changes. Posterior disk osteophyte complex is present, most marked in the left paracentral to lateral region extending into the lateral recess on the left. This most likely will affect the S1 nerve root on the left. There are posterior hypertrophic changes extending into the neural foramina bilaterally inferiorly. There is mild neural foraminal stenosis present. Small amount of extruded disk vacuum phenomenon is present on the left in the region of the exiting nerve root. There is facet sclerosis bilaterally. Mild lateral recess stenosis just on the right, there is prominent anterior spondylosis.,At the L4-5 level, mild bilateral facet arthrosis is present. There is broad based posterior annular disk bulging or protrusion, which mildly effaces the anterior aspect of the thecal sac and extends into the inferior aspect of the neural foramina bilaterally. No moderate or high-grade central canal or neural foraminal stenosis is identified.,At the L3-4 level anterior spondylosis is present. There are endplate degenerative changes with mild posterior annular disk bulging, but no evidence of moderate or high-grade central canal or neural foraminal stenosis.,At the L2-3 level, there is mild bilateral ligamentum flavum hypertrophy. Mild posterior annular disk bulging is present without evidence of moderate or high-grade central canal or neural foraminal stenosis.,At the T12-L1 and L1-2 levels, there is no evidence of herniated disk protrusion, central canal, or neural foraminal stenosis.,There is arteriosclerotic vascular calcification of the abdominal aorta and iliac arteries without evidence of aneurysm or dilatation. No bony destructive changes or acute fractures are identified.,CONCLUSIONS:,1. Advanced degenerative disk disease at the L5-S1 level.,2. Probable chronic asymmetric herniated disk protrusion with peripheral calcification at the L5-S1 level, laterally in the left paracentral region extending into the lateral recess causing lateral recess stenosis.,3. Mild bilateral neural foraminal stenosis at the L5-S1 level.,4. Posterior disk bulging at the L2-3, L3-4, and L4-5 levels without evidence of moderate or high-grade central canal stenosis.,5. Facet arthrosis to the lower lumbar spine.,6. Arteriosclerotic vascular disease. | Orthopedic |
EXAM: , Lumbar spine CT without contrast.,HISTORY: , Back pain after a fall.,TECHNIQUE:, Noncontrast axial images were acquired through the lumbar spine. Coronal and sagittal reconstruction views were also obtained.,FINDINGS: , There is no evidence for acute fracture or subluxation. There is no spondylolysis or spondylolisthesis. The central canal and neuroforamen are grossly patent at all levels. There are no abnormal paraspinal masses. There is no wedge/compression deformity. There is intervertebral disk space narrowing to a mild degree at L2-3 and L4-5.,Soft tissue windows demonstrate atherosclerotic calcification of the abdominal aorta, which is not dilated. There was incompletely visualized probable simple left renal cyst, exophytic at the lower pole.,IMPRESSION:,1. No evidence for acute fracture or subluxation.,2. Mild degenerative changes.,3. Probable left simple renal cyst., | Orthopedic |
FINDINGS:,High resolution computerized tomography was performed from T12-L1 to the S1 level with reformatted images in the sagittal and coronal planes and 3D reconstructions performed. COMPARISON: Previous MRI examination 10/13/2004.,There is minimal curvature of the lumbar spine convex to the left.,T12-L1, L1-2, L2-3: There is normal disc height with no posterior annular disc bulging or protrusion. Normal central canal, intervertebral neural foramina and facet joints.,L3-4: There is normal disc height and non-compressive circumferential annular disc bulging eccentrically greater to the left. Normal central canal and facet joints (image #255).,L4-5: There is normal disc height, circumferential annular disc bulging, left L5 hemilaminectomy and posterior central/right paramedian broad-based disc protrusion measuring 4mm (AP) contouring the rightward aspect of the thecal sac. Orthopedic hardware is noted posteriorly at the L5 level. Normal central canal, facet joints and intervertebral neural foramina (image #58).,L5-S1: There is minimal decreased disc height, postsurgical change with intervertebral disc spacer, posterior lateral orthopedic hardware with bilateral pedicle screws in good postsurgical position. The orthopedic hardware creates mild streak artifact which mildly degrades images. There is a laminectomy defect, spondylolisthesis with 3.5mm of anterolisthesis of L5, posterior annular disc bulging greatest in the left foraminal region lying adjacent to the exiting left L5 nerve root. There is fusion of the facet joints, normal central canal and right neural foramen (image #69-70, 135).,There is no bony destructive change noted.,There is no perivertebral soft tissue abnormality.,There is minimal to mild arteriosclerotic vascular calcifications noted in the abdominal aorta and right proximal common iliac artery.,IMPRESSION:,Minimal curvature of the lumbar spine convex to the left.,L3-4 posterior non-compressive annular disc bulging eccentrically greater to the left.,L4-5 circumferential annular disc bulging, non-compressive central/right paramedian disc protrusion, left L5 laminectomy.,L5-S1 postsurgical change with posterolateral orthopedic fusion hardware in good postsurgical position, intervertebral disc spacer, spondylolisthesis, laminectomy defect, posterior annular disc bulging greatest in the left foraminal region adjacent to the exiting left L5 nerve root with questionable neural impingement.,Minimal to mild arteriosclerotic vascular calcifications. | Orthopedic |
FINDINGS:,Axial scans were performed from L1 to S2 and reformatted images were obtained in the sagittal and coronal planes.,Preliminary scout film demonstrates anterior end plate spondylosis at T11-12 and T12-L1.,L1-2: There is normal disc height, anterior end plate spondylosis, very minimal vacuum change with no posterior annular disc bulging or protrusion. Normal central canal, intervertebral neural foramina and facet joints (image #4).,L2-3: There is mild decreased disc height, anterior end plate spondylosis, circumferential disc protrusion measuring 4.6mm (AP) and right extraforaminal osteophyte disc complex. There is mild non-compressive right neural foraminal narrowing, minimal facet arthrosis, normal central canal and left neural foramen (image #13).,L3-4: There is normal disc height, anterior end plate spondylosis, and circumferential non-compressive annular disc bulging. The disc bulging flattens the ventral thecal sac and there is minimal non-compressive right neural foraminal narrowing, minimal to mild facet arthrosis with vacuum change on the right, normal central canal and left neural foramen (image #25).,L4-5: | Orthopedic |
FINDINGS:,There is a well demarcated mass lesion of the deep lobe of the left parotid gland measuring approximately 2.4 X 3.9 X 3.0cm (AP X transverse X craniocaudal) in size. The lesion is well demarcated. There is a solid peripheral rim with a mean attenuation coefficient of 56.3. There is a central cystic appearing area with a mean attenuation coefficient of 28.1 HU, suggesting an area of central necrosis. There is the suggestion of mild peripheral rim enhancement. This large lesion within the deep lobe of the parotid gland abuts and effaces the facial nerve. Primary consideration is of a benign mixed tumor (pleomorphic adenoma), however, other solid mass lesions cannot be excluded, for which histologic evaluation would be necessary for definitive diagnosis. The right parotid gland is normal.,There is mild enlargement of the left jugulodigastric node, measuring 1.1cm in size, with normal morphology (image #33/68). There is mild enlargement of the right jugulodigastric node, measuring 1.2cm in size, with normal morphology (image #38/68).,There are demonstrated bilateral deep lateral cervical nodes at the midlevel, measuring 0.6cm on the right side and 0.9cm on the left side (image #29/68). There is a second midlevel deep lateral cervical node demonstrated on the left side (image #20/68), measuring 0.7cm in size. There are small bilateral low level nodes involving the deep lateral cervical nodal chain (image #15/68) measuring 0.5cm in size.,There is no demonstrated nodal enlargement of the spinal accessory or pretracheal nodal chains.,The right parotid gland is normal and there is no right parotid gland mass lesion.,Normal bilateral submandibular glands.,Normal parapharyngeal, retropharyngeal and perivertebral spaces.,Normal carotid spaces.,IMPRESSION:,Large, well demarcated mass lesion of the deep lobe of the left parotid gland, with probable involvement of the left facial nerve. See above for size, morphology and pattern enhancement. Primary consideration is of a benign mixed tumor (pleomorphic adenoma), however, other solid mass lesions cannot be excluded, for which histologic evaluation is necessary for specificity.,Multiple visualized nodes of the bilateral deep lateral cervical nodal chain, within normal size and morphology, most compatible with mild hyperplasia. | Orthopedic |
CT HEAD WITHOUT CONTRAST, CT FACIAL BONES WITHOUT CONTRAST, AND CT CERVICAL SPINE WITHOUT CONTRAST,REASON FOR EXAM: , Motor vehicle collision.,CT HEAD,TECHNIQUE: , Noncontrast axial CT images of the head were obtained without contrast.,FINDINGS: , There is no acute intracranial hemorrhage, mass effect, midline shift, or extra-axial fluid collection. The ventricles and cortical sulci are normal in shape and configuration. The gray/white matter junctions are well preserved. No calvarial fracture is seen.,IMPRESSION: ,Negative for acute intracranial disease.,CT FACIAL BONES WITHOUT CONTRAST,TECHNIQUE: ,Noncontrast axial CT images of the facial bones were obtained with coronal reconstructions.,FINDINGS:, There is no facial bone fracture. The maxilla and mandible are intact. The visualized paranasal sinuses are clear. The temporomandibular joints are intact. The nasal bone is intact. The orbits are intact. The extra-ocular muscles and orbital nerves are normal. The orbital globes are normal.,IMPRESSION: , No evidence for a facial bone fracture.,CT CERVICAL SPINE WITHOUT CONTRAST,TECHNIQUE: , Noncontrast axial CT images of the cervical spine were obtained with sagittal and coronal reconstructions.,FINDINGS: , There is a normal lordosis of the cervical spine, no fracture or subluxation is seen. The vertebral body heights are normal. The intervertebral disk spaces are well preserved. The atlanto-dens interval is normal. No abnormal anterior cervical soft tissue swelling is seen. There is no spinal compression deformity.,IMPRESSION: , Negative for a facial bone fracture. | Orthopedic |
TECHNIQUE: , Sequential axial CT images were obtained through the cervical spine without contrast. Additional high resolution coronal and sagittal reconstructed images were also obtained for better visualization of the osseous structures. ,FINDINGS: , The cervical spine demonstrates normal alignment and mineralization with no evidence of fracture, dislocation, or spondylolisthesis. The vertebral body heights and disc spaces are maintained. The central canal is patent. The pedicles and posterior elements are intact. The paravertebral soft tissues are within normal limits. The atlanto-dens interval and the dens are intact. The visualized lung apices are clear.,IMPRESSION: , No acute abnormalities. | Orthopedic |
CT HEAD WITHOUT CONTRAST AND CT CERVICAL SPINE WITHOUT CONTRAST,REASON FOR EXAM: , Motor vehicle collision.,CT HEAD WITHOUT CONTRAST,TECHNIQUE:, Noncontrast axial CT images of the head were obtained.,FINDINGS: , There is no acute intracranial hemorrhage, mass effect, midline shift, or extra-axial fluid collection. The ventricles and cortical sulci are normal in shape and configuration. The gray/white matter junctions are well preserved. There is no calvarial fracture. The visualized paranasal sinuses and mastoid air cells are clear.,IMPRESSION: , Negative for acute intracranial disease.,CT CERVICAL SPINE,TECHNIQUE: ,Noncontrast axial CT images of the cervical spine were obtained. Sagittal and coronal images were obtained.,FINDINGS:, Straightening of the normal cervical lordosis is compatible with patient position versus muscle spasms. No fracture or subluxation is seen. Anterior and posterior osteophyte formation is seen at C5-C6. No abnormal anterior cervical soft tissue swelling is seen. No spinal compression is noted. The atlanto-dens interval is normal. There is a large retention cyst versus polyp within the right maxillary sinus.,IMPRESSION:,1. Straightening of the normal cervical lordosis compatible with patient positioning versus muscle spasms.,2. Degenerative disk and joint disease at C5-C6.,3. Retention cyst versus polyp of the right maxillary sinus. | Orthopedic |
EXAM: , CT head without contrast, CT facial bones without contrast, and CT cervical spine without contrast.,REASON FOR EXAM:, A 68-year-old status post fall with multifocal pain.,COMPARISONS: , None.,TECHNIQUE: , Sequential axial CT images were obtained from the vertex to the thoracic inlet without contrast. Additional high-resolution sagittal and/or coronal reconstructed images were obtained through the facial bones and cervical spine for better visualization of the osseous structures.,INTERPRETATIONS:,HEAD:,There is mild generalized atrophy. Scattered patchy foci of decreased attenuation is seen in the subcortical and periventricular white matter consistent with chronic small vessel ischemic changes. There are subtle areas of increased attenuation seen within the frontal lobes bilaterally. Given the patient's clinical presentation, these likely represent small hemorrhagic contusions. Other differential considerations include cortical calcifications, which are less likely. The brain parenchyma is otherwise normal in attenuation without evidence of mass, midline shift, hydrocephalus, extra-axial fluid, or acute infarction. The visualized paranasal sinuses and mastoid air cells are clear. The bony calvarium and skull base are unremarkable.,FACIAL BONES:,The osseous structures about the face are grossly intact without acute fracture or dislocation. The orbits and extra-ocular muscles are within normal limits. There is diffuse mucosal thickening in the ethmoid and right maxillary sinuses. The remaining visualized paranasal sinuses and mastoid air cells are clear. Diffuse soft tissue swelling is noted about the right orbit and right facial bones without underlying fracture.,CERVICAL SPINE:,There is mild generalized osteopenia. There are diffuse multilevel degenerative changes identified extending from C4-C7 with disk space narrowing, sclerosis, and marginal osteophyte formation. The remaining cervical vertebral body heights are maintained without acute fracture, dislocation, or spondylolisthesis. The central canal is grossly patent. The pedicles and posterior elements appear intact with multifocal facet degenerative changes. There is no prevertebral or paravertebral soft tissue masses identified. The atlanto-dens interval and dens are maintained.,IMPRESSION:,1.Subtle areas of increased attenuation identified within the frontal lobes bilaterally suggesting small hemorrhagic contusions. There is no associated shift or mass effect at this time. Less likely, this finding could be secondary to cortical calcifications. The patient may benefit from a repeat CT scan of the head or MRI for additional evaluation if clinically indicated.,2.Atrophy and chronic small vessel ischemic changes in the brain.,3.Ethmoid and right maxillary sinus congestion and diffuse soft tissue swelling over the right side of the face without underlying fracture.,4.Osteopenia and multilevel degenerative changes in the cervical spine as described above.,5.Findings were discussed with Dr. X from the emergency department at the time of interpretation. | Orthopedic |
Her axial back pain is greatly improved, but not completely eradicated. There is absolutely no surgery at this point in time that would be beneficial for her axial back pain due to her lumbar internal disc disruption.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Significant for anxiety disorder.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: , Foot surgery, abdominal surgery, and knee surgery.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS:, Lipitor and Lexapro.,ALLERGIES: , She is allergic to sulfa medications.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , She is married, retired. Denies tobacco or ethanol use.,FAMILY HISTORY:, Father died of mesothelioma. Mother gastric problems.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , No recent history of night sweats, fevers, weight loss, visual changes, loss of consciousness, convulsion, or dysphagia. Otherwise, review of systems is unremarkable, and a detailed history can be found in the patient's chart.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:, Physical exam can be found in great detail in the patient's chart.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN: ,The patient is suffering from multilevel lumbar internal disc disruption as well as an element of lumbar facet joint syndrome. Her lumbar facet joints were denervated approximately 6 months ago. The denervation procedure helped her axial back pain approximately 40% when standing. With extension and rotation it helped her axial back pain approximately 70%. She is now able to swing a golf club. She was unable to swing a golf club due to the rotational movements before her rhizotomy. She is currently playing golf. Her L4 radicular symptoms have resolved since her therapeutic transforaminal injection.,I am going to have her fitted with a low profile back brace and I am starting her on diclofenac 75 mg p.o. b.i.d. We will follow her up in 1 month's time., | Orthopedic |
TITLE OF OPERATION:, Lateral and plantar condylectomy, fifth left metatarsal.,PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Prominent, lateral, and plantar condyle hypertrophy, fifth left metatarsal.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Prominent, lateral, and plantar condyle hypertrophy, fifth left metatarsal.,ANESTHESIA: ,Monitored anesthesia care with 10 mL of 1:1 mixture of both 0.5% Marcaine and 1% lidocaine plain.,HEMOSTASIS:, 30 minutes, left ankle tourniquet set at 250 mmHg.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , Less than 10 mL.,MATERIALS USED: , 3-0 Vicryl and 4-0 Vicryl.,INJECTABLES:, Ancef 1 g IV 30 minutes preoperatively.,DESCRIPTION OF THE PROCEDURE: , The patient was brought to the operating room and placed on the operating table in a supine position. After adequate sedation was achieved by the anesthesia team, the above-mentioned anesthetic mixture was infiltrated directly into the patient's left foot to anesthetize the future surgical sites. The left ankle was covered with cast padding and an 18-inch ankle tourniquet was placed around the left ankle and set at 250 mmHg. The left foot was then prepped, scrubbed, and draped in a normal sterile technique. The left ankle tourniquet was inflated. Attention was then directed on the dorsolateral aspect of the fifth left metatarsophalangeal joint where a 4-cm linear incision was placed over the fifth left metatarsophalangeal joint parallel and lateral to the course of the extensor digitorum longus to the fifth left toe. The incision was deepened through the subcutaneous tissues. All the bleeders were identified, cut, clamped, and cauterized. The incision was deepened to the level of the capsule and the periosteum of the fifth left metatarsophalangeal joint. All the tendinous and neurovascular structures were identified and retracted from the site to be preserved. Using sharp and dull dissection, the soft tissue attachments through the fifth left metatarsal head were mobilized. The lateral and plantar aspect of the fifth left metatarsal head were adequately exposed and using the sagittal saw a lateral and plantar condylectomy of the fifth left metatarsal head were then achieved. The bony prominences were removed and passed off the operating table to be sent to pathology for identification. The remaining sharp edges of the fifth left metatarsal head were then smoothened with the use of a dental rasp. The area was copiously flushed with saline. Then, 3-0 Vicryl and 4-0 Vicryl suture materials were used to approximate the periosteal, capsular, and subcutaneous tissues respectively. The incision was reinforced with Steri-Strips. Range of motion of the fifth left metatarsophalangeal joint was tested and was found to be excellent and uninhibited. The patient's left ankle tourniquet at this time was deflated. Immediate hyperemia was noted to the entire left lower extremity upon deflation of the cuff. The patient's incision was covered with Xeroform, copious amounts of fluff and Kling, stockinette, and Ace bandage and the patient's left foot was placed in a surgical shoe. The patient was then transferred to the recovery room under the care of the anesthesia team with her vital signs stable and her vascular status at appropriate levels. The patient was given pain medications and instructions on how to control her postoperative course. She was discharged from Hospital according to nursing protocol and was will follow up with Dr. X in one week's time for her first postoperative appointment. | Orthopedic |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Closed type-III supracondylar fracture, left distal humerus.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Closed type-III supracondylar fracture, left distal humerus.,2. Tethered brachial artery, left elbow.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: , Closed reduction percutaneous pinning, left distal humerus.,SPECIFICATIONS: , The entire operative procedure was done in the inpatient operating suite, room #2 at ABCD General Hospital. A portion of the procedure was done in consult with Dr. X with separate dictation by him.,HISTORY AND GROSS FINDINGS: ,This is a 4-year-old white male, apparently dominantly right-handed who suffered a severe injury to his left distal humerus after jumping off of a swing. He apparently had not had previous problems with his left arm. He was seen in the Emergency with a grossly deformed left elbow. His parents' were both present preoperatively. His x-ray exam as well as physical exam was consistent with a closed type-III supracondylar fracture of the left distal humerus with rather severe puckering of the skin anteriorly with significant ecchymosis in the same region. Gross neurologic exam revealed his ulnar, median, and radial nerves to be mostly intact, although a complete exam was impossible. He did have a radial pulse palpable.,PROCEDURE: , After discussing the alternatives of the case as well as advantages and disadvantages, risks, complications, and expectations with the patient's parents including malunion, nonunion, gross deformity, growth arrest, infection, loss of elbow motions, stiffness, instability, need for surgery in the future, nerve problems, artery problems, and compartment syndrome, they elected to proceed.,The patient was laid supine upon operative table after receiving general anesthetic by Anesthesia Department. Closed reduction was accomplished in a sequential manner. Milking of the soft tissue envelope was carried out to try and reduce the shaft of the humerus back into its plane relative to the brachialis muscle and the neurovascular bundle anteriorly. Then a slow longitudinal traction was carried out. The elbow was hyperflexed. Pressure placed upon the olecranon tip and two 0.045 K-wires placed first, one being on the lateral side and with this placement on the medial side of medial epicondyle with care taken to protect the ulnar nerve. The close reduction was deemed to be acceptable once viewed on C-arm.,After this, pulse was attempted to be palpated distally. Prior to the procedure, I talked to Dr. X of Vascular Surgery at ABCD Hospital. He had scrubbed in to the case to follow up on the loss of the radial artery distally. This was not present palpatory, but also by Doppler. A weak ulnar artery pulse was present via Doppler. Because of this, the severe displacement of the injury and the fact that the Doppler sound had an occlusion-type sound just above the fracture site or _______. A long discussion was carried out with Dr. X and myself, and we decided to proceed with exploration of the brachial artery. Prior to this, I went out to the waiting room to discuss with the patient's parents, the reasoning what we are going to do and the reasoning for this. I then came back in and then we proceeded. He was prepped and draped in the usual sterile manner. Please see Dr. X's report for the discussion of the exploration and release of the brachial artery. There was no indication that it was actually in the fracture site, the soft tissue had tethered in its right angle towards the fracture site, thus reducing its efficiency of providing blood distally. Once it was released, both clinically on the table as well as by Doppler, the patient had bounding pulses.,We then proceeded to close utilizing a #4-0 Vicryl for subcutaneous fat closure and a running #5-0 Vicryl subcuticular stitch for skin closure. Steri-Strips were placed. The patient's arm was placed in just a slight degree of flexion with a neutral position. He was splinted posteriorly. Adaptic and fluffs have been placed around the patient's pin sites. K-wires have been bent, cut, and pin caps placed.,Expected surgical prognosis on this patient is guarded for the obvious reasons noted above. There is concern for growth plate disturbance. He will be watched very closely for the potential development of re-perfusing compartment syndrome.,A full and complete neurologic exam will be impossible tonight, but will be carried on a sequential basis starting tomorrow morning. There is always a potential for loss of elbow motion, overall cosmetic elbow alignment, and elbow function. | Orthopedic |
CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Left knee pain.,SUBJECTIVE: , This is a 36-year-old white female who presents to the office today with a complaint of left knee pain. She is approximately five days after a third Synvisc injection. She states that the knee is 35% to 40 % better, but continues to have a constant pinching pain when she full weight bears, cannot handle having her knee in flexion, has decreased range of motion with extension. Rates her pain in her knee as a 10/10. She does alternate ice and heat. She is using Tylenol No. 3 p.r.n. and ibuprofen OTC p.r.n. with minimal relief.,ALLERGIES,1. PENICILLIN.,2. KEFLEX.,3. BACTRIM.,4. SULFA.,5. ACE BANDAGES.,MEDICATIONS,1. Toprol.,2. Xanax.,3. Advair.,4. Ventolin.,5. Tylenol No. 3.,6. Advil.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, Will be starting the Medifast diet, has discussed this with her PCP, who encouraged her to have gastric bypass, but the patient would like to try this Medifast diet first. Other than this, denies any further problems with her eyes, ears, nose, throat, heart, lungs, GI, GU, musculoskeletal, nervous system, except what is noted above and below.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION,VITAL SIGNS: Pulse 72, blood pressure 130/88, respirations 16, height 5 feet 6.5 inches.,GENERAL: This is a 36-year-old white female who is A&O x3, in no apparent distress with a pleasant affect. She is well developed, well nourished, appears her stated age.,EXTREMITIES: Orthopedic evaluation of the left knee reveals there to be well-healed portholes. She does have some medial joint line swelling. Negative ballottement. She has significant pain to palpation of the medial joint line, none of the lateral joint line. She has no pain to palpation on the popliteal fossa. Range of motion is approximately -5 degrees to 95 degrees of flexion. It should be noted that she has extreme hyperextension on the right with 95+ degrees of flexion on the right. She has a click with McMurray. Negative anterior-posterior drawer. No varus or valgus instability noted. Positive patellar grind test. Calf is soft and nontender. Gait is stable and antalgic on the left.,ASSESSMENT,1. Osteochondral defect, torn meniscus, left knee.,2. Obesity.,PLAN: , I have encouraged the patient to work on weight reduction, as this will only benefit her knee. I did discuss treatment options at length with the patient, but I think the best plan for her would be to work on weight reduction. She questions whether she needs a total knee; I don't believe she needs total knee replacement. She may, however, at some point need an arthroscopy. I have encouraged her to start formal physical therapy and a home exercise program. Will use ice or heat p.r.n. I have given her refills on Tylenol No. 3, Flector patch, and Relafen not to be taken with any other anti-inflammatory. She does have some abdominal discomfort with the anti-inflammatories, was started on Nexium 20 mg one p.o. daily. She will follow up in our office in four weeks. If she has not gotten any relief with formal physical therapy and the above-noted treatments, we will discuss with Dr. X whether she would benefit from another knee arthroscopy. The patient shows a good understanding of this treatment plan and agrees. | Orthopedic |
EXAM: , CT cervical spine.,REASON FOR EXAM: , MVA, feeling sleepy, headache, shoulder and rib pain.,TECHNIQUE:, Axial images through the cervical spine with coronal and sagittal reconstructions.,FINDINGS:, There is reversal of the normal cervical curvature at the vertebral body heights. The intervertebral disk spaces are otherwise maintained. There is no prevertebral soft tissue swelling. The facets are aligned. The tip of the clivus and occiput appear intact. On the coronal reconstructed sequence, there is satisfactory alignment of C1 on C2, no evidence of a base of dens fracture.,The included portions of the first and second ribs are intact. There is no evidence of a posterior element fracture. Included portions of the mastoid air cells appear clear. There is no CT evidence of a moderate or high-grade stenosis.,IMPRESSION: , No acute process, cervical spine. | Orthopedic |
EXAM:, CT cervical spine (C-spine) for trauma.,FINDINGS:, CT examination of the cervical spine was performed without contrast. Coronal and sagittal reformats were obtained for better anatomical localization. Cervical vertebral body height, alignment and interspacing are maintained. There is no evidence of fractures or destructive osseous lesions. There are no significant degenerative endplate or facet changes. No significant osseous central canal or foraminal narrowing is present.,IMPRESSION: , Negative cervical spine. | Orthopedic |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Trimalleolar ankle fracture.,2. Dislocation right ankle.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Trimalleolar ankle fracture.,2. Dislocation right ankle.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: , Closed open reduction and internal fixation of right ankle.,ANESTHESIA: ,Spinal with sedation.,COMPLICATIONS: ,None.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: ,Minimal.,TOTAL TOURNIQUET TIME: ,75 minutes at 325 mmHg.,COMPONENTS: , Synthes small fragment set was used including a 2.5 mm drill bed. A six hole one-third tibial plate, one 12 mm 3.5 mm cortical screw fully threaded and two 16 mm 3.5 mm cortical fully-threaded screws. There were two 20 mm 4.0 cancellous screws and one 18 mm 4.0 cancellous screw placed. There were two 4.0 cancellous partially-threaded screws placed.,GROSS FINDINGS: ,Include a comminuted fracture involving the lateral malleolus as well as a medial and posterior malleolus fracture as well.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient is an 87-year-old Caucasian female who presented to ABCD General Hospital Emergency Room complaining of right ankle pain status post a trip and fall. The patient noted while walking with a walker, apparently tripped and fell. The patient had significant comorbidities, seen and evaluated by the Emergency Room Department as well as Department of Orthopedics while in the Emergency Room. At that time, a closed reduction was performed and she was placed in a Robert-Jones splint. After complete medical workup and clearance, we elected to take her to the operating room for definitive care.,PROCEDURE: ,After all potential complications and risks as well as risks and benefits of the above-mentioned procedure was discussed at length with the patient and family, informed consent was obtained. The upper extremity was then confirmed with the operating surgeon, the patient, the nursing staff and Department of Anesthesia. The patient was then transferred to preoperative area in the Operative Suite #3 and placed on the operating room table in supine position. At this time, the Department of Anesthesia administered spinal anesthetic to the patient as well as sedation. All bony prominences were well padded at this time. A nonsterile tourniquet was placed on the right upper thigh of the patient. This was then removed and the right lower extremity was sterilely prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. The right lower extremity was then elevated and exsanguinated using Esmarch and tourniquet was then placed to 325 mmHg and kept up to a total of 75 minutes. Next, after all bony and soft tissue landmarks were identified, a 6 cm longitudinal incision was made directly over this vestibule on the right ankle. A sharp dissection was carefully taken down to the level of bone taking care to protect the neurovascular structures. Once the bone was reached, the fractured site was identified. The bony ends were then opened and divided of all hematoma as well as excess periosteum within the fracture site. The wound was copiously irrigated and dried. Next, the fracture was then reduced in anatomic position. There was noted to be quite a bit of comminution as well as soft overall status of the bone. It was held in place with reduction forceps. A six hole one-third tubular Synthes plate was then selected for instrumentation. It was contoured using ________ and placed on the lateral aspect of the distal fibula. Next, the three most proximal holes were sequentially drilled using a 2.5 mm drill bed, depth gauged and then a 3.5 mm fully threaded cortical screw was placed in each. The most proximal was a 12 mm and the next two were 16 mm in length. Next, the three most distal holes were sequentially drilled using a 2.5 mm drill bed, depth gauged, and a 4.0 cancellous screw was placed in each hole. The most distal with a 20 mm and two most proximal were 18 mm in length. Next the Xi-scan was used to visualize the hardware placement as well as the fracture reduction appeared to be in good anatomic position, all hardware was in good position. There was no lateralization of the joints. Attention was then directed towards the medial aspect of the ankle. Again, after all bony and soft tissue landmarks were identified, a 4 cm longitudinal incision was made directly over the medial malleolus. Again, the dissection was carefully taken down the level of the fracture site. The retractors were then placed to protect all neurovascular structures. Once the fracture site was identified, it was dried of all hematoma as well as excess periosteum. The fracture site was then displaced and the ankle joint was visualized including the dome of the talus. There appeared to be some minor degenerative changes of the talus, but no loose bodies. Next, the wound was copiously irrigated and suctioned dry. The medial malleolus was placed in reduced position and held in place with a 1.25 mm K-wire. Next, the 2.5 mm drill bed was then used to sequentially drill holes to full depth and 4.0 cancellous screws were placed in each, each with a 45 mm in length. These appeared to hold the fracture site securely in an anatomic position. Again, Xi-scan was brought in to confirm placement of the screws. They were in good overall position and there was no lateralization of the joint. At this time, each wound was copiously irrigated and suctioned dry. The wounds were then closed using #2-0 Vicryl suture in subcutaneous fashion followed by staples on the skin. A sterile dressing was applied consistent with Adaptic, 4x4s, Kerlix, and Webril. A Robert-Jones style splint was then placed on the right lower extremity. This was covered by a 4-inch Depuy dressing. At this time, the Department of Anesthesia reversed the sedation. The patient was transferred back to the hospital gurney and to the Postanesthetic Care Unit. The patient tolerated the procedure well. There were no complications. | Orthopedic |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Right distal both-bone forearm fracture.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Right distal both-bone forearm fracture.,INDICATIONS:, Mr. ABC is a 10-year-old boy who suffered a fall resulting in a right distal both-bone forearm fracture. Upon evaluation by Orthopedic Surgery team in the emergency department, it was determined that a closed reduction under conscious sedation and application of a splint was warranted. This was discussed with the parents who expressed verbal and written consent.,PROCEDURE:, Conscious sedation was achieved via propofol via the emergency department staff. Afterwards, traction with re-creation of the injury pattern was utilized to achieve reduction of the patient's fracture. This was confirmed with image intensifier. Subsequently, the patient was placed into a splint. The patient was aroused from conscious sedation and at this time it was noted that he had full sensation throughout radial, median, and ulnar nerve distributions and positive extensor pollicis longus, flexor pollicis longus, dorsal and palmar interossei.,DISPOSITION: ,Post-reduction x-rays revealed good alignment in the AP x-rays. The lateral x-rays also revealed adequate reduction. At this time, we will allow the patient to be discharged home and have him follow up with Dr. XYZ in one week. | Orthopedic |
FAMILY HISTORY: , Her father died at the age of 80 from prostate cancer. Her mother died at the age of 67. She did abuse alcohol. She had a brother died at the age of 70 from bone and throat cancer. She has two sons, ages 37 and 38 years old who are healthy. She has two daughters, ages 60 and 58 years old, both with cancer. She describes cancer hypertension, nervous condition, kidney disease, lung disease, and depression in her family.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , She is married and has support at home. Denies tobacco, alcohol, and illicit drug use.,ALLERGIES: , Aspirin.,MEDICATIONS: ,The patient does not list any current medications.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , Hypertension, depression, and osteoporosis.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: , She has had over her over her lifetime four back surgeries and in 2005 she had anterior cervical discectomy and fusion of C3 through C7 by Dr. L. She is G10, P7, no cesarean sections.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , HEENT: Headaches, vision changes, dizziness, and sore throat. GI: Difficulty swallowing. Musculoskeletal: She is right-handed with joint pain, stiffness, decreased range of motion, and arthritis. Respiratory: Shortness of breath and cough. Cardiac: Chest pain and swelling in her feet and ankle. Psychiatric: Anxiety and depression. Urinary: Negative and noncontributory. Hem-Onc: Negative and noncontributory. Vascular: Negative and noncontributory. Genital: Negative and noncontributory.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:, On physical exam, she is 5 feet tall and currently weighs 110 pounds; weight one year ago was 145 pounds. BP 138/78, pulse is 64. General: A well-developed, well-nourished female, in no acute distress. HEENT exam, head is atraumatic and normocephalic. Eyes, sclerae are anicteric. Teeth, she does have some poor dentition. She does say that she needs some of her teeth pulled on her lower mouth. Cranial nerves II, III, IV, and VI, vision is intact and visual fields are full to confrontation. EOMs are full bilaterally. Pupils are equal, round, and reactive to light. Cranial nerves V and VII, normal facial sensation and symmetrical facial movements. Cranial nerve VIII, hearing is intact, although decreased bilaterally right worse than left. Cranial nerves IX, X, and XII, tongue protrudes midline and palate elevates symmetrically. Cranial nerve XI, strong and symmetrical shoulder shrugs against resistance. Cardiac, regular rate and rhythm. Chest and lungs are clear bilaterally. Skin is warm and dry. Normal turgor and texture. No rashes or lesions are noted. General musculoskeletal exam reveals no gross deformity, fasciculations, and atrophy. Peripheral vascular, no cyanosis, clubbing, or edema. She does have some tremoring of her bilateral upper arms as she said. Strength testing reveals difficulty when testing due to the fact that the patient does have a lot of pain, but she seems to be pretty equal in the bilateral upper extremities with no obvious weakness noted. She is about 4+/5 in the deltoids, biceps, triceps, wrist flexors, wrist extensors, dorsal interossei, and grip strength.,It is much more painful for her on the left. Deep tendon reflexes are 2+ bilaterally only at biceps, triceps, and brachioradialis, knees, and ankles. No ankle clonus is elicited. Hoffmann's is negative bilaterally. Sensation is intact. She ambulates with slow short steps. No spastic gait is noted. She has appropriate station and gait with no assisted devices, although she states that she is supposed to be using a cane. She does not bring one in with her today.,FINDINGS: , Patient brings in cervical spine x-rays and she has had an MRI taken but does not bring that in with her today. She will obtain that and x rays, which showed at cervical plate C3, C4, C5, C6, and C7 anteriorly with some lifting with the most lifted area at the C3 level. No fractures are noted.,ASSESSMENT: , Cervicalgia, cervical radiculopathy, and difficulty swallowing status post cervical fusion C3 through C7 with lifting of the plate.,PLAN:, We went ahead and obtained an EKG in the office today, which demonstrated normal sinus rhythm. She went ahead and obtained her x-rays and will pick her MRI and return to the office for surgical consultation with Dr. L first available. She would like the plate removed, so that she can eat and drink better, so that she can proceed with her shoulder surgery. All questions and concerns were addressed with her. Warning signs and symptoms were gone over with her. If she should have any further questions, concerns, or complications, she will contact our office immediately; otherwise, we will see her as scheduled. I am quite worried about the pain that she is having in her arms, so I would like to see the MRI as well. Case was reviewed and discussed with Dr. L. | Orthopedic |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Tailor's bunion, right foot.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Tailor's bunion, right foot.,PROCEDURE: , Closing wedge osteotomy, fifth metatarsal with internal screw fixation, right foot.,ANESTHESIA: , Local infiltrate with IV sedation.,INDICATIONS FOR SURGERY: , The patient has had a longstanding history of foot problems. The problem has been progressive in nature. The preoperative discussion with the patient included alternative treatment options, the procedure was explained, and the risk factors such as infection, swelling, scar tissue, numbness, continued pain, recurrence, and the postoperative management were discussed. The patient has been advised, although no guarantee for success could be given, most of the patient have less pain and improved function, all questions were thoroughly answered. The patient requested for surgical repair since the problem has reached a point that interfere with normal daily activity. The purpose of the surgery is to alleviate pain and discomfort.,DETAILS OF PROCEDURE: ,The patient was given 1 g of Ancef IV for antibiotic prophylaxis 30 minutes prior to the procedure. The patient was brought to the operating room and placed in the supine position. No tourniquet was utilized. IV sedation was achieved followed by a local anesthetic consisting of approximately 10 mL total in 1:1 mixture of 0.25% Marcaine and 1% lidocaine with epinephrine was locally infiltrated proximal to the operative site. The lower extremity was prepped and draped in the usual sterile manner. Balanced anesthesia was obtained.,PROCEDURE:, Closing wedge osteotomy, fifth metatarsal with internal screw fixation, right foot. A dorsal curvilinear incision was made extending from the base of the proximal phalanx fifth digit to a point 1.5 cm from the base of the fifth metatarsal. Care was taken to identify and retract all vital structures and when necessary, vessels were ligated via electrocautery. The extensor tendon was identified and retracted medially. Sharp and blunt dissection was carried down through the subcutaneous tissue down to the periosteal layer. A linear periosteal capsular incision was made in line with the skin incision. The capsular tissue and periosteal layer was underscored, free from its underlying osseous attachment, and then reflected to expose the osseous surface. Inspection of the fifth metatarsophalangeal joint revealed articular cartilage to be perverse and hypertrophic changes to the lateral and dorsolateral aspect of the fifth metatarsal head. An oscillating saw was utilized to carefully resect the hypertrophic portion of the fifth metatarsal head to a more normal configuration. The both edges were rasped smooth.,Attention was then focused on the fifth metatarsal. The periosteal layer proximal to the fifth metatarsal head was underscored, free from its underlying attachment, and then reflected to expose the osseous surface. An excess guide position perpendicular to the weightbearing surface was placed to define apex of the osteotomy.,Using an oscillating saw, a vertically placed, wedge-shaped oblique ostomy was made with the apex being proximal, lateral, and the base medial and distal. Generous amounts of lateral cortex were preserved for the lateral hinge. The wedge was removed from the surgical field. The fifth metatarsal was placed in the appropriate position and stabilized with a guide pin, which was then countersunk and a 3-0 x 40 mm cannulated cortical screw was placed over the guide pin and secured into position. Good purchase was noted at the osteotomy site. Inspection revealed satisfactory reduction of the fourth intermetatarsal angle with the fifth metatarsal in good alignment and position. The surgical site was flushed with copious amounts of normal saline irrigation. The periosteal and capsular layers were closed with running sutures of 3-0 Vicryl. The subcutaneous tissues were closed with 4-0 Vicryl, and the skin edges were closed with 4-0 nylon in a running interrupted fashion. A dressing consisting of Adaptic, 4 x 4, confirming bandages, and ACE wrap to provide mild compression was applied. The patient tolerated the procedure and anesthesia well and left the operating room to the recovery room in good postoperative condition with vital signs stable and arterial perfusion intact as evident by normal capillary refill time, and all digits were warm and pink.,A walker boot was dispensed and applied. The patient should wear that all the time when standing or walking and be nonweightbearing with crutches and to clear by me.,Office visit will be in 4 days. The patient was given prescriptions for Keflex 500 mg one p.o. t.i.d. for 10 days and Ultram ER, #15 one p.o. daily along with written and oral home instructions including a number on which I can be reached 24 hours a day if any problem arises.,After short recuperative period, the patient was discharged home with a vital sign stable in no acute distress. | Orthopedic |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Closed displaced probable pathological fracture, basicervical femoral neck, left hip.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Closed displaced probable pathological fracture, basicervical femoral neck, left hip.,PROCEDURES PERFORMED:,1. Left hip cemented hemiarthroplasty.,2. Biopsy of the tissue from the fracture site and resected femoral head sent to the pathology for further assessment.,IMPLANTS USED:,1. DePuy Ultima calcar stem, size 3 x 45.,2. Bipolar head 28 x 43.,3. Head with +0 neck length.,4. Distal centralizer and cement restrictor.,5. SmartSet antibiotic cement x2.,ANESTHESIA: , General.,NEEDLE AND SPONGE COUNT: , Correct.,COMPLICATIONS: ,None.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , 300 mL.,SPECIMEN: , Resected femoral head and tissue from the fracture site as well as the marrow from the canal.,FINDINGS: ,On exposure, the fracture was noted to be basicervical pattern with no presence of calcar about the lesser trochanter. The lesser trochanter was intact. The fracture site was noted to show abnormal pathological tissue with grayish discoloration. The quality of the bone was also pathologically abnormal with soft trabecular bone. The abnormal pathological tissues were sent along with the femoral head to pathology for assessment. Articular cartilage of the acetabulum was intact and well preserved.,INDICATION: , The patient is a 53-year-old female with a history of malignant melanoma, who apparently had severe pain in her left lower extremity and was noted to have a basicervical femoral neck fracture. She denied any history of fall or trauma. The presentation was consistent with pathological fracture pending tissue assessment. Indication, risks, and benefits were discussed. Treatment options were reviewed. No guarantees have been made or implied.,PROCEDURE: ,The patient was brought to the operating room and once an adequate general anesthesia was achieved, she was positioned on a pegboard with the left side up. The left lower extremity was prepped and draped in a standard sterile fashion. Time-out procedure was called. Antibiotics were infused.,A standard posterolateral approach was made. Subcutaneous dissection was performed and the dissection was carried down to expose the fascia of the gluteus maximus. This was then incised along the line of the incision. Hemostasis was achieved. Charnley retractor was positioned. The trochanter was intact. The gluteus medius was well protected with retractor. The piriformis and minimus junction was identified. The minimus was also reflected along with the medius. Using Bovie and knife, the piriformis and external rotators were detached from its trochanteric insertion. Similarly, L-shaped capsulotomy was performed. A #5 Ethibond was utilized to tag the piriformis and the capsule for late repair. Fracture site was exposed. The femoral neck fracture was noted to be very low-lying basicervical type. Femoral head was retrieved without any difficulty with the help of a corkscrew. The head size was measured to be 43 mm. Bony fragments were removed. The acetabular socket was thoroughly irrigated. A 43-mm bipolar trial head was inserted and this was noted to give a satisfactory fit with good stability. The specimens submitted to pathology included the resected femoral head and the tissue at the fracture site, which was abnormal with grayish discoloration. This was sent to the pathology. The fracture was noted to be basicervical and preoperatively, decision was made to consider cemented calcar stem. An L-shaped osteotomy was performed in order to accept the calcar prosthesis. The basicervical fracture was noted to be just at the level of superior border of the lesser trochanter. There was no calcar superior to the lesser trochanter. The L-shaped osteotomy was performed to refine the bony edges and accept the calcar prosthesis. Hemostasis was achieved. Now, the medullary canal was entered with a canal finder. The fracture site was well exposed. Satisfactory lateralization was performed. Attention was for the reaming process. Using a size 1 reamer, the medullary canal was entered and reamed up to size 3, which gave us a satisfactory fit into the canal. At this point, a trial prosthesis size 3 with 45 mm calcar body was inserted. Appropriate anteversion was positioned. The anteversion was marked with a Bovie to identify subsequent anteversion during implantation. The bony edges were trimmed. The calcar implant with 45 mm neck length was fit in the host femur very well. There was no evidence of any subsidence. At this point, trial reduction was performed using a bipolar trial head with 0 neck length. The relationship between the central femoral head and the greater trochanter was satisfactory. The hip was well reduced without any difficulty. The stability and range of motion in extension and external rotation as well as flexion-adduction, internal rotation was satisfactory. The shuck was less than 1 mm. Leg length was satisfactory in reference to the contralateral leg. Stability was satisfactory at 90 degrees of flexion and hip at 75-80 degrees of internal rotation. Similarly, keeping the leg completely adducted, I was able to internally rotate the hip to 45 degrees. After verifying the stability and range of motion in all direction, trial components were removed. The canal was thoroughly irrigated and dry sponge was inserted and canal was dried completely. At this point, 2 batches of SmartSet cement with antibiotics were mixed. The definitive Ultima calcar stem size 3 with 45 mm calcar body was selected. Centralizer was positioned. The cement restrictor was inserted. Retrograde cementing technique was applied once the canal was dried. Using cement gun, retrograde cementing was performed. The stem was then inserted into cemented canal with appropriate anteversion, which was maintained until the cement was set hard and cured. The excess cement was removed with the help of a curette and Freer elevator. All the cement debris was removed.,Attention was now placed for the insertion of the trial femoral head. Once again, 0 neck length trial bipolar head was inserted over the trunnion. It was reduced and range of motion and stability was satisfactory. I also attempted with a -3 trial head, but the 0 gave us a satisfactory stability, range of motion, as well as the length and the shuck was also minimal. The hip was raised to 90 degrees of flexion and 95 degrees of internal rotation. There was no evidence of any impingement on extension and external rotation as well as flexion-adduction, internal rotation. I also tested the hip at 90 degrees of flexion with 10 degrees adduction and internal rotation and further progressive flexion of the hip beyond 90 degrees, which was noted to be very stable. At this point, a definitive component using +0 neck length and bipolar 43 head were placed over the trunnion and the hip was reduced. Range of motion and stability was as above. Now, the attention was placed for the repair of the capsule and the external rotators and the piriformis. This was repaired to the trochanteric insertion using #5 Ethibond and suture plaster. Satisfactory reinforcement was achieved with the #5 Ethibond. The wound was thoroughly irrigated. Hemostasis was achieved. The fascia was closed with #1 Vicryl followed by subcutaneous closure using 2-0 Vicryl. The wound was thoroughly washed and a local injection with mixture of morphine and Toradol was infiltrated including the capsule and the pericapsular structures. Skin was approximated with staples. Sterile dressings were placed. Abduction pillow was positioned and the patient was then extubated and transferred to the recovery room in a stable condition. There were no intraoperative complications noted. | Orthopedic |
REASON FOR NEUROLOGICAL CONSULTATION: , Cervical spondylosis and kyphotic deformity. The patient was seen in conjunction with medical resident Dr. X. I personally obtained the history, performed examination, and generated the impression and plan.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: ,The patient is a 45-year-old African-American female whose symptoms first started some one and a half years ago with pain in the left shoulder and some neck pain. This has subsequently resolved. She started vigorous workouts in November 2005. In March of this year, she suddenly could not feel her right foot on the bathroom floor and subsequently went to her primary care physician. By her report, she had a nerve conduction study and a diagnosis of radiculopathy was made. She had an MRI of lumbosacral spine, which was within normal limits. She then developed a tingling sensation in the right middle toe. Symptoms progressed to sensory symptoms of her knees, elbows, and left middle toe. She then started getting sensory sensations in the left hand and arm. She states that she feels a little bit wobbly at the knees and that she is slightly dragging her left leg. Symptoms have been mildly progressive. She is unaware of any trigger other than the vigorous workouts as mentioned above. She has no associated bowel or bladder symptoms. No particular position relieves her symptoms.,Workup has included two MRIs of the C-spine, which were personally reviewed and are discussed below. She saw you for consultation and the possibility of surgical decompression was raised. At this time, she is somewhat reluctant to go through any surgical procedure.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:,1. Ocular migraines.,2. Myomectomy.,3. Infertility.,4. Hyperglycemia.,5. Asthma.,6. Hypercholesterolemia.,MEDICATIONS: , Lipitor, Pulmicort, Allegra, Xopenex, Patanol, Duac topical gel, Loprox cream, and Rhinocort.,ALLERGIES: , Penicillin and aspirin.,Family history, social history, and review of systems are discussed above as well as documented in the new patient information sheet. Of note, she does not drink or smoke. She is married with two adopted children. She is a paralegal specialist. She used to exercise vigorously, but of late has been advised to stop exercising and is currently only walking.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , She does complain of mild blurred vision, but these have occurred before and seem associated with headaches.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , On examination, blood pressure 138/82, pulse 90, respiratory rate 14, and weight 176.5 pounds. Pain scale is 0. A full general and neurological examination was personally performed and is documented on the chart. Of note, she has a normal general examination. Neurological examination reveals normal cognition and cranial nerve examination including normal jaw jerk. She has mild postural tremor in both arms. She has mild decreased sensation in the right palm and mild decreased light touch in the right palm and decreased vibration sense in both distal lower extremities. Motor examination reveals no weakness to individual muscle testing, but on gait she does have a very subtle left hemiparesis. She has hyperreflexia in her lower extremities, worse on the left. Babinski's are downgoing.,PERTINENT DATA: ,MRI of the brain from 05/02/06 and MRI of the C-spine from 05/02/06 and 07/25/06 were personally reviewed. MRI of the brain is broadly within normal limits. MRI of the C-spine reveals large central disc herniation at C6-C7 with evidence of mild cord compression and abnormal signal in the cord suggesting cord edema. There is also a fairly large disc at C3-C4 with cord deformity and partial effacement of the subarachnoid space. I do not appreciate any cord edema at this level.,IMPRESSION AND PLAN: ,The patient is a 45-year-old female with cervical spondylosis with a large C6-C7 herniated disc with mild cord compression and signal change at that level. She has a small disc at C3-C4 with less severe and only subtle cord compression. History and examination are consistent with signs of a myelopathy.,Results were discussed with the patient and her mother. I am concerned about progressive symptoms. Although she only has subtle symptoms now, we made her aware that with progression of this process, she may have paralysis. If she is involved in any type of trauma to the neck such as motor vehicle accident, she could have an acute paralysis. I strongly recommended to her and her mother that she followup with you as soon as possible for surgical evaluation. I agree with the previous physicians who have told her not to exercise as I am sure that her vigorous workouts and weight training since November 2005 have contributed to this problem. I have recommended that she wear a hard collar while driving. The results of my consultation were discussed with you telephonically. | Orthopedic |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Left distal both-bone forearm fracture.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Left distal both-bone forearm fracture.,PROCEDURE:, Closed reduction with splint application with use of image intensifier.,INDICATIONS: , Mr. ABC is an 11-year-old boy who sustained a fall on 07/26/2008. Evaluation in the emergency department revealed both-bone forearm fracture. Considering the amount of angulation, it was determined that we should proceed with conscious sedation and closed reduction. After discussion with parents, verbal and written consent was obtained.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: ,The patient was induced with propofol for conscious sedation via the emergency department staff. After it was confirmed that appropriate sedation had been reached, a longitudinal traction in conjunction with re-creation of the injury maneuver was applied reducing the fracture. Subsequently, this was confirmed with image intensification, a sugar-tong splint was applied and again reduction was confirmed with image intensifier. The patient was aroused from anesthesia and tolerated the procedure well. Post-reduction plain films revealed some anterior displacement of the distal fragment. At this time, it was determined this fracture proved to be unstable.,DISPOSITION: , After review of the reduction films, it appears that there is some element of fracture causing displacement. We will proceed to the operating room for open reduction and internal fixation versus closed reduction and percutaneous pinning as our operative schedule allows., | Orthopedic |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Carpal tunnel syndrome.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Carpal tunnel syndrome.,TITLE OF PROCEDURE: , Endoscopic carpal tunnel release.,ANESTHESIA: , MAC,PROCEDURE: , After administering appropriate antibiotics and MAC anesthesia, the upper extremity was prepped and draped in the usual standard fashion, the arm was exsanguinated with Esmarch, and the tourniquet inflated to 250 mmHg.,I made a transverse incision one fingerbreadth proximal to the distal volar wrist crease. Dissection was carried down to the antebrachial fascia, which was cut in a distally based fashion. Bipolar electrocautery was used to maintain meticulous hemostasis. I then performed an antebrachial fasciotomy proximally. I entered the extra bursal space deep into the transverse carpal ligament and used the spatula probe and then the dilators and then the square probe to enlarge the area. Great care was taken to feel the washboard undersurface of the transverse carpal ligament and the hamate on the ulnar side. Great care was taken with placement. A good plane was positively identified. I then placed the endoscope in and definitely saw the transverse striations of the deep surface of the transverse carpal ligament.,Again, I felt the hook of the hamate ulnar to me. I had my thumb on the distal aspect of the transverse carpal ligament. I then partially deployed the blade, and starting 1 mm from the distal edge, the transverse carpal ligament was positively identified. I pulled back and cut and partially tightened the transverse carpal ligament. I then feathered through the distal ligament and performed a full-thickness incision through the distal half of the ligament. I then checked to make sure this was properly performed and then cut the proximal aspect. I then entered the carpal tunnel again and saw that the release was complete, meaning that the cut surfaces of the transverse carpal ligament were separated; and with the scope rotated, I could see only one in the field at a time. Great care was taken and at no point was there any longitudinal structure cut. Under direct vision through the incision, I made sure that the distal antebrachial fascia was cut. Following this, I irrigated and closed the skin. The patient was dressed and sent to the recovery room in good condition. | Orthopedic |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Left knee medial femoral condyle osteochondritis dissecans.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Left knee medial femoral condyle osteochondritis dissecans.,PROCEDURES:, Left knee arthroscopy with removal of the cartilage loose body and microfracture of the medial femoral condyle with chondroplasty.,ANESTHESIA: , General.,TOURNIQUET TIME: ,Thirty-seven minutes.,MEDICATIONS: , The patient also received 30 mL of 0.5% Marcaine local anesthetic at the end of the case.,COMPLICATIONS: , No intraoperative complications.,DRAINS AND SPECIMENS: , None.,INTRAOPERATIVE FINDINGS: , The patient had a loose body that was found in the suprapatellar pouch upon entry of the camera. This loose body was then subsequently removed. It measured 24 x 14 mm. This was actually the OCD lesion seen on the MRI that had come from the weightbearing surface of just the lateral posterior aspect of the medial femoral condyle,HISTORY AND PHYSICAL: , The patient is 13-year-old male with persistent left knee pain. He was initially seen at Sierra Pacific Orthopedic Group where an MRI demonstrated unstable OCD lesion of the left knee. The patient presented here for a second opinion. Surgery was recommended grossly due to the instability of the fragment. Risks and benefits of surgery were discussed. The risks of surgery include risk of anesthesia, infection, bleeding, changes in sensation and motion extremity, failure to relieve pain or restore the articular cartilage, possible need for other surgical procedures, and possible early arthritis. All questions were answered and parents agreed to the above plan.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: ,The patient was taken to the operating room and placed supine on the operating table. General anesthesia was then administered. The patient received Ancef preoperatively. A nonsterile tourniquet was placed on the upper aspect of the patient's left thigh. The extremity was then prepped and draped in standard surgical fashion. The standard portals were marked on the skin. The extremity was wrapped in Esmarch prior to inflation of tourniquet to 250 mmHg. The portal incisions were then made by an #11 blade. Camera was inserted into the lateral joint line. There was a noted large cartilage loose body in the suprapatellar pouch. This was subsequently removed with extension of the anterolateral portal. Visualization of the rest of the knee revealed significant synovitis. The patient had a large cartilage defect in the posterolateral aspect of the medial femoral condyle. The remainder of the knee demonstrated no other significant cartilage lesions, loose bodies, plica or meniscal pathology. ACL was also visualized to be intact in the intracondylar notch.,Attention was then turned back to the large defect. The loose cartilage was debrided using a shaver. Microfracture technique was then performed to 4 mm depth at 2 to 3 mm distances. Tourniquet was released at the end of the case to ensure that there was fat and bleeding at the microfracture sites. All instruments were then removed. The portals were closed using #4-0 Monocryl. A total of 30 mL of 0.5% Marcaine was injected into the knee. Wounds were then cleaned and dried, and dressed in Steri-Strips, Xeroform, 4 x 4s, and bias. The patient was then placed in a knee immobilizer. The patient tolerated the procedure well. The tourniquet was released at 37 minutes. He was taken to recovery in stable condition.,POSTOPERATIVE PLAN: , The loose cartilage fragment was given to the family. The intraoperative findings were relayed with intraoperative photos. There was a large deficit in the weightbearing portion of medial femoral condyle. His prognosis is guarded given the fact of the fragile lesion and location, but in advantages of his age and his rehab potential down the road, if the patient still has symptoms, he may be a candidate for osteochondral autograft, a procedure which is not performed at Children's or possible cartilaginous transplant. All questions were answered. The patient will follow up in 10 days, may wet the wound in 5 days. | Orthopedic |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Carpal tunnel syndrome.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Carpal tunnel syndrome.,TITLE OF PROCEDURE: ,Open carpal tunnel release.,COMPLICATIONS: ,None.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: ,After administering appropriate antibiotics and general anesthesia the Left upper extremity was prepped and draped in the usual standard fashion. The arm was exsanguinated with Esmarch, and the tourniquet inflated to 250 mmHg.,A longitudinal incision was made in line with the 4th ray. The dissection was carried down to the superficial aponeurosis, which was cut. The distal edge of the transverse carpal ligament was identified with a hemostat. The hemostat was gently placed under the transverse carpal ligament to protect the contents of the carpal tunnel, and the ligament was cut on its ulnar side with a knife directly onto the hemostat. The antebrachial fascia was cut proximally under direct vision with scissors.,After irrigating the wound with copious amounts of normal saline, the skin was repaired with 4-0 nylon interrupted stitches.,Marcaine with epinephrine was injected into the wound, which was then dressed and splinted. The patient was sent to the recovery room in good condition, having tolerated the procedure well. | Orthopedic |
REASON FOR VISIT: ,Followup cervical spinal stenosis.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: ,Ms. ABC returns today for followup regarding her cervical spinal stenosis. I have last seen her on 06/19/07. Her symptoms of right greater than left upper extremity pain, weakness, paresthesias had been worsening after an incident on 06/04/07, when she thought she had exacerbated her conditions while lifting several objects.,I referred her to obtain a cervical spine MRI.,She returns today stating that she continues to have right upper extremity pain, paresthesias, weakness, which she believes radiates from her neck. She had some physical therapy, which has been helping with the neck pain. The right hand weakness continues. She states she has a difficult time opening jars, and doors, and often drops items from her right greater than left upper extremity. She states she have several occasions when she is sleeping at night, she has had sharp shooting radicular pain and weakness down her left upper extremity and she feels that these symptoms somewhat scare her.,She has been undergoing nonoperative management by Dr. X and feels this has been helping her neck pain, but not the upper extremity symptoms.,She denies any bowel and bladder dysfunction. No lower back pain, no lower extremity pain, and no instability with ambulation.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, Negative for fevers, chills, chest pain, and shortness of breath.,FINDINGS: ,On examination, Ms. ABC is a very pleasant well-developed, well-nourished female in no apparent distress. Alert and oriented x3. Normocephalic and atraumatic. Afebrile to touch.,She ambulates with a normal gait.,Motor strength is 4 plus out of 5 in the bilateral deltoids, biceps, triceps muscle groups, 4 out of 5 in the bilateral hand intrinsic muscle groups, grip strength 4 out of 5, 4 plus out of 5 bilateral wrist extension and wrist flexion.,Light touch sensation decreased in the right greater than left C6 distribution. Biceps and brachioradialis reflexes are 3 plus. Hoffman sign normal bilaterally.,Lower extremity strength is 5 out of 5 in all muscle groups. Patellar reflex is 3 plus. No clonus.,Cervical spine radiographs dated 06/21/07 are reviewed.,They demonstrate evidence of spondylosis including degenerative disk disease and anterior and posterior osteophyte formation at C4-5, C5-6, C6-7, and C3-4 demonstrates only minimal if any degenerative disk disease. There is no significant instability seen on flexion-extension views.,Updated cervical spine MRI dated 06/21/07 is reviewed.,It demonstrates evidence of moderate stenosis at C4-5, C5-6. These stenosis is in the bilateral neural foramina and there is also significant disk herniation noted at the C6-7 level. Minimal degenerative disk disease is seen at the C6-7. This stenosis is greater than C5-6 and the next level is more significantly involved at C4-5.,Effacement of the ventral and dorsal CSF space is seen at C4-5, C5-6.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN: , Ms. ABC's history, physical examination, and radiographic findings are compatible with C4-5, C5-6 cervical spinal stenosis with associated right greater than left upper extremity radiculopathy including weakness.,I spent a significant amount of time today with the patient discussing the diagnosis, prognosis, natural history, nonoperative, and operative treatment options.,I laid out the options as continued nonoperative management with physical therapy, the same with the addition of cervical epidural steroid injections and surgical interventions.,The patient states she would like to avoid injections and is somewhat afraid of having these done. I explained to her that they may help to improve her symptoms, although they may not help with the weakness.,She feels that she is failing maximum nonoperative management and would like to consider surgical intervention.,I described the procedure consisting of C4-5, C5-6 anterior cervical decompression and fusion to the patient in detail on a spine model.,I explained the rationale for doing so including the decompression of the spinal cord and improvement of her upper extremity weakness and pain. She understands.,I discussed the risks, benefits, and alternative of the procedure including material risks of bleeding, infection, neurovascular injury, dural tear, singular or multiple muscle weakness, paralysis, hoarseness of voice, difficulty swallowing, pseudoarthrosis, adjacent segment disease, and the risk of this given the patient's relatively young age. Of note, the patient does have a hoarse voice right now, given the fact that she feels she has allergies.,I also discussed the option of disk arthroplasty. She understands.,She would like to proceed with the surgery, relatively soon. She has her birthday coming up on 07/20/07 and would like to hold off, until after then. Our tentative date for the surgery is 08/01/07. She will go ahead and continue the preoperative testing process. | Orthopedic |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Severe tricompartmental osteoarthritis, left knee with varus deformity.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Severe tricompartmental osteoarthritis, left knee with varus deformity.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: ,Left total knee cemented arthroplasty.,ANESTHESIA: , Spinal with Duramorph.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: ,50 mL.,NEEDLE AND SPONGE COUNT:, Correct.,SPECIMENS: , None.,TOURNIQUET TIME: ,Approximately 77 minutes.,IMPLANTS USED:,1. Zimmer NexGen posterior stabilized LPS-Flex GSF femoral component size D, left.,2. All-poly patella, size 32/8.5 mm thickness.,3. Prolong highly cross-linked polyethylene 12 mm.,4. Stemmed tibial component, size 2.,5. Palacos cement with antibiotics x2 batches.,INDICATION: , The patient is an 84-year-old female with significant endstage osteoarthritis of the left knee, who has had rapid progression with pain and disability. Surgery was indicated to relieve her pain and improve her functional ability. Goal objectives and the procedure were discussed with the patient. Risks and benefits were explained. No guarantees have been made or implied. Informed consent was obtained.,DESCRIPTION OF THE PROCEDURE: ,The patient was taken to the operating room and once an adequate spinal anesthesia with Duramorph was achieved, her left lower extremity was prepped and draped in a standard sterile fashion. A nonsterile tourniquet was placed proximally in the thigh. Antibiotics were infused prior to Foley catheter insertion. Time-out procedure was called.,A straight longitudinal anterior midline incision was made. Dissection was carried down sharply down the skin, subcutaneous tissue and the fascia. Deep fascia was exposed. The tourniquet was inflated at 300 mmHg prior to the skin incision. A standard medial parapatellar approach was made. The quadriceps tendon was incised approximately 1 cm from the vastus medialis insertion. Incision was then carried down distally and distal arthrotomy was completed. Patellar tendon was well protected. Retinaculum and capsule was incised approximately 5 mm from the medial border of the patella for later repair. The knee was exposed very well. Significant tricompartmental osteoarthritis was noted. The osteophytes were removed with a rongeur. Anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments were excised. Medial and lateral meniscectomies were performed. Medial dissection was performed subperiosteally along the medial aspect of the proximal tibia to address the varus deformity. The medial compartment was more affected than lateral. Medial ligaments were tied. Retropatellar fat pad was excised. Osteophytes were removed. Using a Cobb elevator, the medial soft tissue periosteum envelope was well reflected.,Attention was placed for the preparation of the femur. The trochlear notch was ossified. A rongeur was utilized to identify the notch and then using an intramedullary drill guide, a starting hole was created slightly anterior to the PCL attachment. The anterior portal was 1 cm anterior to the PCL attachment. The anterior femoral sizer was positioned keeping 3 degrees of external rotation. Rotation was also verified using the transepicondylar axis and Whiteside line. The pins were positioned in the appropriate holes. Anterior femoral cut was performed after placing the cutting guide. Now, the distal cutting guide was attached to the alignment and 5 degrees of valgus cut was planned. A distal femoral cut was made which was satisfactory. A sizer was positioned which was noted to be D. The 5-in-1 cutting block size D was secured with spring pins over the resected bone. Using an oscillating saw, cuts were made in a sequential manner such as anterior condyle, posterior condyle, anterior chamfer, and posterior chamfer. Then using a reciprocating saw, intercondylar base notch cut and side cuts were made. Following this, the cutting block for High-Flex knee was positioned taking 2 mm of additional posterior condyle. Using a reciprocating saw, the side cuts were made and bony intercondylar notch cut was completed. The bone with its attached soft tissue was removed. Once the femoral preparation was completed, attention was placed for the preparation of the tibia. The medial and the lateral collateral ligaments were well protected with a retractor. The PCL retractor was positioned and the tibia was translated anteriorly. Osteophytes were removed. The extramedullary tibial alignment guide was affixed to the tibia and appropriate amount of external rotation was considered reference to the medial 1/3rd of the tibial tubercle. Similarly, horseshoe alignment guide was positioned and the alignment guide was well aligned to the distal 1/3rd of the crest of the tibia as well as the 2nd toe. Once the alignment was verified in a coronal plane, the tibial EM guide was well secured and then posterior slope was also aligned keeping the alignment rod parallel to the tibial crest. A built-in 7-degree posterior slope was considered with instrumentation. Now, the 2 mm stylus arm was positioned over the cutting block medially, which was the most affected site. Tibial osteotomy was completed 90 degrees to the mechanical axis in the coronal plane. The resected thickness of the bone was satisfactory taken 2 mm from the most affected site. The resected surface shows some sclerotic bone medially. Now, attention was placed for the removal of the posterior osteophytes from the femoral condyle. Using curved osteotome, angle curette, and a rongeur, the posterior osteophytes were removed. Now, attention was placed for confirming the flexion-extension gap balance using a 10 mm spacer block in extension and 12 mm in flexion. Rectangular gap was achieved with appropriate soft tissue balance in both flexion and extension. The 12 mm spacer block was satisfactory with good stability in flexion and extension.,Attention was now placed for completion of the tibia. Size 2 tibial trial plate was positioned. Appropriate external rotation was maintained with the help of the horseshoe alignment rod. Reference to the tibial crest distally and 2nd toe was considered as before. The midpoint of the trial tray was collinear with the medial 1/3rd of the tibial tubercle. The rotation of tibial plate was satisfactory as required and the preparation of the tibia was completed with intramedullary drill followed by broach impactor. At this point, trial femoral and tibial components were reduced using a 12 mm trial liner. The range of motion and stability in both flexion and extension was satisfactory. No further soft tissue release was indicated. I was able to achieve 0 degrees of extension and complete flexion of the knee.,Attention was now placed for the preparation of the patella. Using a patellar caliper, the thickness was measured to be 21.5 mm. This gives an ideal resection of 8.5 mm keeping 13 mm of bone intact. Reaming was initiated with a patellar reamer reaming up to 13 mm with the reaming alignment guide. Using a caliper, the resected patella was measured, which was noted to be 13 mm. A 32 sizer was noted to accommodate the resected surface very well. Drilling was completed and trial 32 button was inserted without any difficulty. The tracking was satisfactory. There was no evidence of any subluxation or dislocation of the patella. The trial components position was satisfactory. The alignment and the rotation of all 3 components were satisfactory. All the trial components were removed and the wound was thoroughly irrigated with Pulsavac lavage irrigation mechanical system. The resected surfaces were dried with a sponge. Two batches of Palacos cement were mixed. The cementing was initiated starting with tibia followed by femur and patella. Excess peripheral cement were removed with the curette and knife. The knee was positioned in extension with a 12 mm trial liner. Patellar clamp was placed after cementing the all-poly patella. Once the cement was set hard and cured, tourniquet was deflated. Hemostasis was achieved. The trial 12 mm liner was replaced with definitive Prolong highly cross-linked polyethylene liner. Range of motion and stability was verified at 0 degrees and flexion of 120 degrees. Anterior-posterior drawer test was satisfactory. Medial and lateral stability was satisfactory. Patellar tracking was satisfactory. The wound was thoroughly irrigated. Hemostasis was achieved. A local cocktail was injected, which included the mixture of 0.25% plain Marcaine, 30 mg of Toradol, and 4 mg of morphine. The quadriceps mechanism and distal arthrotomy was repaired with #1 Vicryl in figure-of-8 fashion. The subcutaneous closure was performed in layers using 2-0 Vicryl and 0 Vicryl followed by 2-0 Vicryl proximally. The skin was approximated with staples. Sterile dressings were placed including Xeroform, 4x4, ABD, and Bias. The patient was then transferred to the recovery room in a stable condition. There were no intraoperative complications noted. She tolerated the procedure very well. | Orthopedic |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Right carpal tunnel syndrome.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Right carpal tunnel syndrome.,PROCEDURE:, Right carpal tunnel release.,ANESTHESIA:, Bier block to the right hand.,TOTAL TOURNIQUET TIME: , 20 minutes.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,DISPOSITION: , Stable to PACU.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , Less than 10 cc.,GROSS OPERATIVE FINDINGS:, We did find a compressed right median nerve upon entering the carpal tunnel, otherwise, the structures of the carpal canal are otherwise unremarkable. No evidence of tumor was found.,BRIEF HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: ,This is a 54-year-old female who was complaining of right hand numbness and tingling of the median distribution and has elected to undergo carpal tunnel surgery secondary to failure of conservative management.,PROCEDURE: , The patient was taken to the operative room and placed in the supine position. The patient underwent a Bier block by the Department of Anesthesia on the upper extremity. The upper extremity was prepped and draped in usual sterile fashion and left free. Attention was drawn then to the palm of the hand. We did identify area of incision that we would make, which was located over the carpal tunnel.,Approximately, 1.5 cm incision was made using a #10 blade scalpel. Dissection was carried through the skin and fascia over the palm down to the carpal tunnel taking care during dissection to avoid any branches of nerves. Carpal tunnel was then entered and the rest of the transverse carpal ligament was incised sharply with a #10 scalpel. We inspected the median nerve and found that it was flat and compressed from the transverse carpal ligament. We found no evidence of tumor or space occupying lesion in the carpal tunnel. We then irrigated copiously. Tourniquet was taken down at that time and pressure was held. There was no evidence of obvious bleeders. We approximated the skin with nylon and placed a postoperative dressing with a volar splint. The patient tolerated the procedure well. She was placed back in the gurney and taken to PACU. | Orthopedic |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Left carpal tunnel syndrome.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Left carpal tunnel syndrome.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURE PERFORMED:, Left carpal tunnel release.,FINDINGS:, Showed severe compression of the median nerve on the left at the wrist.,SPECIMENS: ,None.,FLUIDS:, 500 mL of crystalloids.,URINE OUTPUT:, No Foley catheter.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,ANESTHESIA: , General through a laryngeal mask.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , None.,CONDITION: , Resuscitated with stable vital signs.,INDICATION FOR THE OPERATION: , This is a case of a very pleasant 65-year-old forensic pathologist who I previously had performed initially a discectomy and removal of infection at 6-7, followed by anterior cervical discectomy with anterior interbody fusion at C5-6 and C6-7 with spinal instrumentation. At the time of initial consultation, the patient was also found to have bilateral carpal tunnel and for which we are addressing the left side now. Operation, expected outcome, risks, and benefits were discussed with him for most of the risk would be that of infection because of the patient's diabetes and a previous history of infection in the form of pneumonia. There is also the possibility of bleeding as well as the possibility of injury to the median nerve on dissection. He understood this risk and agreed to have the procedure performed.,DESCRIPTION OF THE PROCEDURE: , The patient was brought to the operating room, awake, alert, not in any form of distress. After smooth induction of anesthesia and placement of a laryngeal mask, he remained supine on the operating table. The left upper extremity was then prepped with Betadine soap and antiseptic solution. After sterile drapes were laid out, an incision was made following inflation of blood pressure cuff to 250 mmHg. Clamp time approximately 30 minutes. An incision was then made right in the mid palm area between the thenar and hypothenar eminence. Meticulous hemostasis of any bleeders were done. The fat was identified. The palmar aponeurosis was identified and cut and this was traced down to the wrist. There was severe compression of the median nerve. Additional removal of the aponeurosis was performed to allow for further decompression. After this was all completed, the area was irrigated with saline and bacitracin solution and closed as a single layer using Prolene 4-0 as interrupted vertical mattress stitches. Dressing was applied. The patient was brought to the recovery. | Orthopedic |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Right carpal tunnel syndrome.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Right carpal tunnel syndrome.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: , Right carpal tunnel release.,PROCEDURE NOTE: ,The right upper extremity was prepped and draped in the usual fashion. IV sedation was supplied by the anesthesiologist. A local block using 6 cc of 0.5% Marcaine was used at the transverse wrist crease using a 25 gauge needle, superficial to the transverse carpal ligament.,The upper extremity was exsanguinated with a 6 inch ace wrap.,Tourniquet time was less than 10 minutes at 250 mmHg.,An incision was used in line with the third web space just to the ulnar side of the thenar crease. It was carried sharply down to the transverse wrist crease. The transverse carpal ligament was identified and released under direct vision. Proximal to the transverse wrist crease it was released subcutaneously. During the entire procedure care was taken to avoid injury to the median nerve proper, the recurrent median, the palmar cutaneous branch, the ulnar neurovascular bundle and the superficial palmar arch. The nerve appeared to be mildly constricted. Closure was routine with running 5-0 nylon. A bulky hand dressing as well as a volar splint was applied and the patient was sent to the outpatient surgery area in good condition. | Orthopedic |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Right carpal tunnel syndrome.,2. Right index finger and middle fingers tenosynovitis.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Right carpal tunnel syndrome.,2. Right index finger and middle fingers tenosynovitis.,PROCEDURES PERFORMED:,1. Right carpal tunnel release.,2. Right index and middle fingers release A1 pulley.,TOURNIQUET TIME: ,70 minutes.,BLOOD LOSS: , Minimal.,GROSS INTRAOPERATIVE FINDINGS:,1. A compressed median nerve at the carpal tunnel, which was flattened.,2. A stenosing tenosynovitis of the A1 pulley of the right index as well as middle fingers. After the A1 pulley was released, there was evidence of some synovitis as well as some fraying of the flexor digitorum profundus as well as flexor digitorum superficialis tendons.,HISTORY: ,This is a 78-year-old male who is complaining of right hand pain and numbness with decreased range of the middle index finger and right middle finger complaining of catching and locking. The patient was diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome on bilateral hands the right being worse than the left. He had positive EMG findings as well as clinical findings. The patient did undergo an injection, which only provided him with temporary relief and is for this reason, he has consented to undergo the above-named procedure.,All risks as well as complications were discussed with the patient and consent was obtained.,PROCEDURE: ,The patient was wheeled back to the operating room #1 at ABCD General Hospital on 08/29/03. He was placed supine on the operating room table. Next, a non-sterile tourniquet was placed on the right forearm, but not inflated. At this time, 8 cc of 0.25% Marcaine with epinephrine was instilled into the carpal tunnel region of the volar aspect of the wrist for anesthesia. In addition, an additional 2 cc were used on the superficial skin of the volar palm over the A1 pulley of the right index and right middle fingers. At this time, the extremity was then prepped and draped in usual sterile fashion for this procedure. First, we went for release of the carpal tunnel. Approximately 2.5 cm incision was made over the volar aspect of the wrist over the carpal tunnel region. First, dissection through the skin in the superficial fascia was performed with a self-retractor placed in addition to Ragnells retracting proximally and distally. The palmaris brevis muscle was then identified and sharply transected. At this time, we identified the transverse carpal tunnel ligament and a #15 blade was used to sharply and carefully release that fascia. Once the fascia of the transverse carpal ligament was transected, the identification of the median nerve was visualized. The resection of the ligament was taken both proximally and distally to assure complete release and it was checked thoroughly. At this time, a neurolysis was performed and no evidence of space-occupying lesions were identified within the carpal tunnel. At this time, copious irrigation was used to irrigate the wound. The wound was suctioned dry. At this time, we proceeded to the release of the A1 pulleys. Approximately, a 1.5 cm incision was made over the A1 pulley in the volar aspect of the palm of the right index and right middle fingers. First, we went for the index finger. Once the skin incision was made, Metzenbaum scissor was used to longitudinally dissect the subcutaneous tissue and with Ragnell retractors we identified the A1 pulley. A #15 blade was used to make a longitudinal slit along with A1 pulley and the Littler scissors were used to release the A1 pulley proximally as well as distally. Once this was performed, a tendon hook was then used to wrap the tendon and release the tendons both proximally and distally and they were removed from the wound in order to check their integrity. There was some evidence of synovitis in addition to some fraying of the both the profundus as well as superficialis tendons. Once a thorough release was performed, copious irrigation was used to irrigate that wound. In the similar fashion, a 1.5 cm incision was made over the volar aspect of the A1 pulley of the right middle finger. A Littler scissor was used to bluntly dissect in the longitudinal fashion. With the Ragnell retractors, we identified the A1 pulley of the right middle finger.,Using a #15 blade, the A1 pulley was scored with the #15 blade and the Litter scissor was used to complete the release of the A1 pulley distally and proximally. We again placed the tendon hook around both the superficialis and the profundus tendons and they were extruded from the wound to check their integrity. Again, there was evidence of some synovitis as well as fraying of both tendons. The girth of both tendons and both wounds were within normal limits. At this time, copious irrigation was used to irrigate the wound. The patient was then asked to intraoperatively flex and extend his fingers and he was able to fully flex his fingers to make a close fit which he was not able to do preoperatively. In addition, he was able to abduct his thumb indicating that the recurrent branch of the median nerve was intact. At this time, #5-0 nylon was used to approximate in a vertical mattress type fashion both the carpal tunnel incision as well as the both A1 pulley incisions of the right middle finger and right index finger. The wound closure took place after the tourniquet was released and hemostasis was obtained with Bovie cautery. At this time, a short-arm splint was placed on the volar aspect of the wrist after it was wrapped in a sterile dressing consisting of Adaptic and Kerlix roll. The patient was then carefully taken off of the operating room table to Recovery in stable condition. | Orthopedic |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: ,Carpal tunnel syndrome, bilateral.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Carpal tunnel syndrome, bilateral.,ANESTHESIA:, General,NAME OF OPERATION: , Bilateral open carpal tunnel release.,FINDINGS AT OPERATION: , The patient had identical, very thick, transverse carpal ligaments, with dull synovium.,PROCEDURE: ,Under satisfactory anesthesia, the patient was prepped and draped in a routine manner on both upper extremities. The right upper extremity was exsanguinated, and the tourniquet inflated. A curved incision was made at the the ulnar base, carried through the subcutaneous tissue and superficial fascia, down to the transverse carpal ligament. This was divided under direct vision along its ulnar border, and wound closed with interrupted nylon. The wound was injected, and a dry, sterile dressing was applied. An identical procedure was done to the opposite side. The patient left the operating room in satisfactory condition. | Orthopedic |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Left carpal tunnel syndrome.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Left carpal tunnel syndrome.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURE:,1. Left endoscopic carpal tunnel release.,2. Endotracheal fasciotomy.,ANESTHESIA:, General.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,INDICATION: , The patient is a 62-year-old lady with the aforementioned diagnosis refractory to nonoperative management. All risks and benefits were explained. Questions answered. Options discussed. No guarantees were made. She wished to proceed with surgery.,PROCEDURE: , After administering appropriate antibiotics and MAC anesthesia, the upper extremity was prepped and draped in the usual standard fashion, the arm was exsanguinated with Esmarch, and the tourniquet inflated to 250 mmHg.,I made a transverse incision one fingerbreadth proximal to the distal volar wrist crease. Dissection was carried down to the antebrachial fascia, which was cut in a distally based fashion. Bipolar electrocautery was used to maintain meticulous hemostasis. I then performed an antebrachial fasciotomy proximally. I entered the extra bursal space deep into the transverse carpal ligament and used the spatula probe and then the dilators and then the square probe to enlarge the area. Great care was taken to feel the washboard undersurface of the transverse carpal ligament and the hamate on the ulnar side. Great care was taken with placement. A good plane was positively identified. I then placed the endoscope in and definitely saw the transverse striations of the deep surface of the transverse carpal ligament.,Again, I felt the hook of the hamate ulnar to me. I had my thumb on the distal aspect of the transverse carpal ligament. I then partially deployed the blade, and starting 1 mm from the distal edge, the transverse carpal ligament was positively identified. I pulled back and cut and partially tightened the transverse carpal ligament. I then feathered through the distal ligament and performed a full-thickness incision through the distal half of the ligament. I then checked to make sure this was properly performed and then cut the proximal aspect. I then entered the carpal tunnel again and saw that the release was complete, meaning that the cut surfaces of the transverse carpal ligament were separated; and with the scope rotated, I could see only one in the field at a time. Great care was taken and at no point was there any longitudinal structure cut. Under direct vision through the incision, I made sure that the distal antebrachial fascia was cut. Following this, I irrigated and closed the skin. The patient was dressed and sent to the recovery room in good condition. | Orthopedic |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: ,Bilateral carpal tunnel syndrome.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Bilateral carpal tunnel syndrome.,PROCEDURES:,1. Right open carpal tunnel release.,2. Cortisone injection, left carpal tunnel.,ANESTHESIA: , General LMA.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , Minimal.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,INDICATIONS:, This patient is a 50-year-old male with bilateral carpal tunnel syndrome, which is measured out as severe. He is scheduled for the above-mentioned procedures. The planned procedures were discussed with the patient including the associated risks. The risks included but are not limited to bleeding, infection, nerve damage, failure to heal, possible need for reoperation, possible recurrence, or any associated risk of the anesthesia. He voiced understanding and agreed to proceed as planned.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , The patient was identified in the holding area and correct operative site was identified by the surgeon's mark. Informed consent was obtained. The patient was then brought to the operating room and transferred to the operating table in supine position. Time-out was then performed at which point the surgeon, nursing staff, and anesthesia staff all confirmed the correct identification.,After adequate general LMA anesthesia was obtained, a well-padded tourniquet was placed on the patient's right upper arm. The right upper extremity was then prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. Planned skin incision was marked along the base of the patient's right palm. Right upper extremity was then exsanguinated using Esmarch. The tourniquet was then inflated to 250 mmHg. Skin incision was then made and dissection was carried down with scalpel to the level of the palmar fascia which was sharply divided by the skin incision. Bleeding points were identified with electrocautery using bipolar electrocautery. Retractors were then placed to allow visualization of the distal extent of the transverse carpal ligament, and this was then divided longitudinally under direct vision. Baby Metzenbaum scissors were used to dissect distal to this area to confirm the absence of any remaining crossing obstructing fibrous band. Retractors were then replaced proximally to allow visualization of proximal extent of the transverse carpal ligament and the release was continued proximally until complete release was performed. This was confirmed by visually and palpably. Next, baby Metzenbaum scissors were used to dissect anteroposterior adjacent antebrachial fascia, and this was divided longitudinally under direct vision using baby Metzenbaum scissors to a level of approximately 3 cm proximal to the proximal extent of the skin incision. Carpal canal was then inspected. The median nerve was flattened and injected. No other abnormalities were noted. Wounds were then irrigated with normal saline and antibiotic additive. Decadron 4 mg was then placed adjacent to the median nerve. Skin incision was then closed with interrupted 5-0 nylon suture. The wound was then dressed with Adaptic, 4 x 4s, Kling, and Coban. The tourniquet was then deflated. Attention was then directed to the left side. Using sterile technique, the left carpal canal was injected with a mixture of 40 mg of Depo-Medrol, 1 cc of 1% lidocaine, and 1 cc of 0.25% Marcaine. Band-Aid was then placed over the injection site. The patient was then awakened, extubated, and transferred over to his hospital bed. He was transported to recovery room in stable condition. There were no intraoperative or immediate postoperative complications. All counts were reported as correct. | Orthopedic |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Right carpal tunnel syndrome.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Right carpal tunnel syndrome.,TITLE OF THE PROCEDURE: , Right carpal tunnel release.,COMPLICATIONS:, There were no complications during the procedure.,SPECIMEN: ,The specimen was sent to pathology.,INSTRUMENTS: , All counts were correct at the end of the case and no complications were encountered.,INDICATIONS: ,This is a 69-year-old female who have been complaining of right hand pain, which was steadily getting worse over a prolonged period of time. The patient had tried nonoperative therapy, which did not assist the patient. The patient had previous diagnosis of carpal tunnel and EMG showed compression of the right median nerve. As a result of these findings, the patient was sent to my office presenting with this history and was carefully evaluated. On initial evaluation, the patient had the symptomology of carpal tunnel syndrome. The patient at the time had the risks, benefits, and alternatives thoroughly explained to her. All questions were answered. No guarantees were given. The patient had agreed to the surgical procedure and the postoperative rehabilitation as needed.,DETAILS OF THE PROCEDURE: ,The patient was brought to the operating room, placed supine on the operating room table, prepped and draped in the sterile fashion and was given sedation. The patient was then given sedation. Once this was complete, the area overlying the carpal ligament was carefully injected with 1% lidocaine with epinephrine. The patient had this area carefully and thoroughly injected with approximately 10 mL of lidocaine with epinephrine and once this was complete, a 15-blade knife was then used to incise the skin opposite the radial aspect of the fourth ray. Careful dissection under direct visualization was performed through the subcutaneous fat as well as through the palmar fascia. A Weitlaner retractor was then used to retract the skin and careful dissection through the palmar fascia would then revealed the transverse carpal ligament. This was then carefully incised using a 15-blade knife and once entry was again into the carpal canal, a Freer elevator was then inserted and under direct visualization, the carpal ligament was then released. The transverse carpal ligament was carefully released first in the distal direction until palmar fat could be visualized and by palpation no further ligament could be felt. The area was well hemostased with the 1% lidocaine with epinephrine and both proximal and distal dissection along the nerve was performed. Visualization of the transverse carpal ligament was maintained with Weitlaner retractor as well as centric. Both the centric and the Ragnell were used to retract both proximal and distal corners of the incision and the entirety of the area was under direct visualization at all times. Palmar fascia was released both proximally and distally as well as the transverse carpal ligament. Direct palpation of the carpal canal demonstrated a full and complete release. Observation of the median nerve revealed an area of hyperemia in the distal two-thirds of the nerve, which demonstrated the likely area of compression. Once this was complete, hemostasis was established using bipolar cautery and some small surface bleeders and irrigation of the area was performed and then the closure was achieved with 4-0 chromic suture in a horizontal mattress and interrupted stitch. Xeroform was then applied to the incision. A bulky dressing was then applied consisting of Kerlix and Ace wrap, and the patient was taken to the recovery room in stable condition without any complications. | Orthopedic |
PROCEDURE:, Carpal tunnel release with transverse carpal ligament reconstruction.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: , After administering appropriate antibiotics and MAC anesthesia, the upper extremity was prepped and draped in the usual standard fashion. The arm was exsanguinated with Esmarch, and the tourniquet inflated to 250 mmHg.,A longitudinal incision was made in line with the fourth ray, from Kaplan's cardinal line proximally to 1 cm distal to the volar wrist crease. The dissection was carried down to the superficial aponeurosis. The subcutaneous fat was dissected radially for 2-3 mm, and the superficial aponeurosis cut on this side to leave a longer ulnar leaf.,The ulnar leaf of the cut superficial aponeurosis was dissected ulnarly, and the distal edge of the transverse carpal ligament was identified with a hemostat. The hemostat was gently placed under the transverse carpal ligament to protect the contents of the carpal tunnel, and the ligament was cut on its ulnar side with a knife directly onto the hemostat. The antebrachial fascia was cut proximally under direct vision with a scissor.,After irrigating the wound with copious amounts of normal saline, the radial leaf of the cut transverse carpal ligament was repaired to the ulnar leaf of the cut superficial aponeurosis with 4-0 Vicryl. Care was taken to avoid entrapping the motor branch of the median nerve in the suture. A hemostat was placed under the repair to ensure that the median nerve was not compressed. The skin was repaired with 5-0 nylon interrupted stitches.,Marcaine with epinephrine was injected into the wound, which was then dressed and splinted. The patient was sent to the recovery room in good condition, having tolerated the procedure well. | Orthopedic |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Carpal tunnel syndrome.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Carpal tunnel syndrome.,PROCEDURE: , Endoscopic release of left transverse carpal ligament.,ANESTHESIA:, Monitored anesthesia care with regional anesthesia provided by surgeon. ,TOURNIQUET TIME: , 12 minutes.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: , With the patient under adequate monitored anesthesia, the left upper extremity was prepped and draped in a sterile manner. The arm was exsanguinated. The tourniquet was elevated at 290 mmHg. Construction lines were made on the left palm to identify the ring ray. A transverse incision was made in the palm between FCR and FCU, one finger breadth proximal to the interval between the glabrous skin of the palm and normal forearm skin. Blunt dissection exposed the antebrachial fascia. Hemostasis was obtained with bipolar cautery. A distal based window in the antebrachial fascia was then fashioned. Care was taken to protect the underlying contents. A synovial elevator was used to palpate the undersurface of the transverse carpal ligament, and synovium was elevated off this undersurface.,Hamate sounds were then used to palpate the Hood of Hamate. The Agee Inside Job was then inserted into the proximal incision. The transverse carpal ligament was easily visualized through the portal. Using palmar pressure, transverse carpal ligament was held against the portal as the instrument was inserted down the transverse carpal ligament to the distal end. The distal end of the transverse carpal ligament was then identified in the window. The blade was then elevated, and the Agee Inside Job was withdrawn, dividing transverse carpal ligament under direct vision. After complete division of transverse carpal ligament, the Agee Inside Job was reinserted. Radial and ulnar edges of the transverse carpal ligament were identified and complete release was accomplished. One cc of Celestone was then introduced into the carpal tunnel and irrigated free. ,The wound was then closed with a running 3-0 Prolene subcuticular stitch. Steri-strips were applied and a sterile dressing was applied over the Steri-strips. The tourniquet was deflated. The patient was awakened from anesthesia and returned to the recovery room in satisfactory condition having tolerated the procedure well. | Orthopedic |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Left carpal tunnel syndrome (354.0).,2. Left ulnar nerve entrapment at the elbow (354.2).,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Left carpal tunnel syndrome (354.0).,2. Left ulnar nerve entrapment at the elbow (354.2).,OPERATIONS PERFORMED:,1. Left carpal tunnel release (64721).,2. Left ulnar nerve anterior submuscular transposition at the elbow (64718).,3. Lengthening of the flexor pronator muscle mass in the proximal forearm to accommodate the submuscular position of the ulnar nerve (25280).,ANESTHESIA: , General anesthesia with intubation.,INDICATIONS OF PROCEDURE: , This patient is insulin-dependant diabetic. He is also has end-stage renal failure and has chronic hemodialysis. Additionally, the patient has had prior heart transplantation. He has been evaluated for ischemic problems to both lower extremities and also potentially to the left upper extremity. However, it is our contention that this patient's prime problem of the left upper extremity is probably neuropathic ulcers from total lack of sensation along the ulnar border of the left little finger. These started initially as unrecognized paper cuts. Additionally, the patient appears to have a neurogenic pain affecting predominantly the areas innovated by the median nerve, but also to the little finger. Finally, this patient does indeed have occlusive arterial disease to the left upper extremity in that he has a short segment radial artery occlusion and he does appear to have a narrowed segment in the ulnar artery, but the arteriogram shows distal perfusion down the ulnar border of the hand and into the little finger. Thus, we have planned to proceed first with nerve entrapment releases and potentially at the later date do arterial reconstruction if deemed necessary. Thirdly, this patient does have chronic distal ischemic problems with evidence of "ping-pong ball sign" due to fat atrophy at the finger tips and some periodic cracking and ulceration at the tips of the fingers. However, this patient has no clinical sign at all of tissue necrosis at the finger tips at this time.,The patient has also previously had an arteriovenous shunt in the forearm, which has been deactivated within the last 3 weeks. Thus, we planned to bring this patient to the operating room for left carpal tunnel release as well as anterior submuscular transposition of the ulnar nerve. This patient had electro diagnostic studies performed, which showed severe involvement of both the ulnar nerve at the elbow and the medial nerve at the carpal tunnel.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , After general anesthesia being induced and the patient intubated, he is given intravenous Ancef. The entire left upper extremity is prepped with Betadine all the way to the axilla and draped in a sterile fashion. A sterile tourniquet and webril are placed higher on the arm. The arm is then exsanguinated with Ace bandage and tourniquet inflated to 250 mmHg. I started first at the carpal tunnel release and a longitudinal curvilinear incision is made parallel to the thenar crease and stopping short of the wrist flexion crease. Dissection continued through subcutaneous tissue to the palmer aponeurosis, which is divided longitudinally from distal to proximal. I next encountered the transverse carpal ligament, which in turn is also divided longitudinally from distal to proximal, and the proximal most division of the transverse carpal ligament is done under direct vision into the distal forearm. Having confirmed a complete release of the transverse carpal ligament, I next evaluated the contents of the carpal tunnel. The synovium was somewhat thickened, but not unduly so. There was some erythema along the length of the median nerve, indicating chronic compression. The motor branch of the median nerve was clearly identified. The contents of the carpal canal were retracted in a radial direction and the floor of the canal evaluated and no other extrinsic compressive pathology was identified. The wound was then irrigated with normal saline and wound edges were reapproximated with interrupted 5-0 nylon sutures.,I next turned my attention to the cubital tunnel problem and a longitudinal curvilinear incision is made on the medial aspect of the arm extending into the forearm with the incision passing directly between the olecranon and the medial epicondyle. Dissection continues through fascia and then skin clamps are elevated to the level of the fascia on the flexor pronator muscle mass. In the process of elevating this skin flap I elevated and deactivated shunt together with the skin flap. I now gained access to the radial border of the flexor pronator muscle mass, dissected down the radial side, until I identified the median nerve.,I turned my attention back to the ulnar nerve and it is located immediately posterior to the medial intramuscular septum in the upper arm, and I dissected it all the way proximally until I encountered the location with ulnar the nerve passed from the anterior to the posterior compartments in the upper portion of the arm. The entire medial intramuscular septum is now excised. The ulnar nerve is mobilized between vessel loops and includes with it is accompanying vascular structures. Larger penetrating vascular tributaries to the muscle ligated between hemoclips. I continued to mobilize the nerve around the medial epicondyle and then took down the aponeurosis between the two heads of the flexor carpi ulnaris and continued to dissect the nerve between the FCU muscle fibers. The nerve is now mobilized and I had retained the large muscular branches and dissected them out into the muscle and also proximally using microvascular surgical techniques. In this way, the nerve was able to be mobilized between vessiloops and easily transposed anterior to the flexor pronator muscle mass in tension free manner.,I now made an oblique division of the entire flexor pronator muscle mass proximally in the forearm and the ulnar nerve was able to be transposed deep to the muscle in a nonkinking and tension-free manner. Because of the oblique incision into the flexor pronator muscle mass the muscle edges were now able to slide on each other. So that in effect a lengthening is performed. Fascial repair is done with interrupted figure-of-eight 0-Ethibond sutures. I now ranged the arm through the full range of flexion and extension at the elbow and there was no significant kinking on the nerve and there was a tension-free coverage of the muscle without any impingement on the nerve. The entire arm is next wrapped with a Kerlix wrap and I released the tourniquet and after allowing the reactive hyperemia to subside, I then unwrap the arm and check for hemostasis. Wound is copiously irrigated with normal saline and then a 15-French Round Blake drainage placed through a separate stab incision and laid along the length of the wound. A layered wound closure is done with interrupted Vicryl subcutaneously, and a running subcuticular Monocryl to the skin. A 0.25% plain Marcaine then used to infiltrate all the wound edges to help with post operative analgesia and dressings take the form of Adaptic impregnated Bacitracin ointment, followed by a well-fluffed gauze and a Kerlix dressing and confirming Kerlix and webril, and an above elbow sugar-tong splint is applied extending to the support of the wrist. Fingers and femoral were free to move. The splint is well padded with webril and is in turn held in place with Kerlix and Ace bandage. Meanwhile the patient is awakened and extubated in the operating room and returned to the recovery room in good condition. Sponge and needle counts reported as correct at the end of the procedure. | Orthopedic |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:, Left calcaneal valgus split.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:, Left calcaneal valgus split.,PROCEDURES: ,1. Left calcaneal lengthening osteotomy with allograft.,2. Partial plantar fasciotomy.,3. Posterior subtalar and tibiotalar capsulotomy.,4. Short leg cast placed.,ANESTHESIA: , Surgery performed under general anesthesia.,TOURNIQUET TIME: , 69 minutes.,The patient in local anesthetic of 20 mL of 0.25% Marcaine plain.,COMPLICATIONS: , No intraoperative complications.,DRAINS: ,None.,SPECIMENS: , None.,HISTORY AND PHYSICAL: , The patient is a 13-year-old female who had previous bilateral feet correction at 1 year of age. Since that time, the patient has developed significant calcaneal valgus deformity with significant pain. Radiographs confirmed collapse of the spinal arch, as well as valgus position of the foot. Given the patient's symptoms, surgery is recommended for calcaneal osteotomy and Achilles lengthening. Risks and benefits of surgery were discussed with the mother. Risks of surgery include risk of anesthesia; infection; bleeding; changes in sensation in most of extremity; hardware failure; need for later hardware removal; possible nonunion; possible failure to correct all the deformity; and need for other surgical procedures. The patient will need to be strict nonweightbearing for at least 6 weeks and wear a brace for up to 6 months. All questions were answered and parents agreed to the above surgical plan.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , The patient was taken to the operating room and placed supine on the operating table. General anesthesia was then administered. The patient received Ancef preoperatively. A bump was placed underneath the left buttock. A nonsterile tourniquet was placed on the upper aspect of the left thigh. The extremity was then prepped and draped in a standard surgical fashion. The patient had a previous incision along the calcaneocuboid lateral part of the foot. This was marked and extended proximally through the Achilles tendon. Extremity was wrapped in Esmarch. Tourniquet inflation was noted to be 250 mmHg. Decision was then made to protect the sural nerve. There was one sensory nervous branch that did cross the field though it was subsequently sharply ligated because it was in the way. Dissection was carried down to Achilles tendon, which was subsequently de-lengthened with the distal half performed down the lateral thigh. Proximal end was tacked with an 0 Ethibond suture and subsequently repaired end-on-end at length with the heel in neutral. Dissection was then carried on the lateral border of the foot with identification of the peroneal longus and valgus tendons, which were removed from the sheath and retracted dorsally. At this time, we also noted that calcaneocuboid joint appeared to be fused. The area between the anterior and middle facets were plicated on fluoroscopy for planned osteotomy. This was performed with a saw. After a partial plantar fasciotomy was performed, this was released off an abductor digiti minimi. The osteotomy was completed with an osteotome and distracted with the lamina spreader. A tricortical allograft was then shaped and subsequently impacted into this area. Final positioning was checked with multiple views of fluoroscopy. It was subsequently fixed using a 0.94 K-wire and drilled from the heel anteriorly. A pin was subsequently bent and cut short at the level of the skin. The wound was then irrigated with normal saline. The Achilles was repaired with this tie. Please note during the case, it was noted the patient had continued significant stiffness despite the Achilles lengthening. A posterior capsulotomy of the tibiotalar and subtalar joints were performed with increased 10 degrees of dorsiflexion. Wound was then closed using #2-0 Vicryl and #4-0 Monocryl. The surgical field was irrigated with 0.25% Marcaine and subsequently injected with more Marcaine at the end of the case. The wound was clean and dry and dressed with Steri-Strips and Xeroform. Skin was dressed with Xeroform and 4 x 4's. Everything was wrapped with 4 x 4's in sterile Webril. The tourniquet was released after 69 minutes. A short-leg cast was then placed with good return of capillary refill to his toes. The patient tolerated the procedure well and was subsequently taken to the recovery room in stable condition.,POSTOPERATIVE PLAN: , The patient will be hospitalized overnight for elevation, ice packs, neurovascular checks, and pain control. The patient to be strict nonweightbearing. We will arrange for her to get a wheelchair. The patient will then follow up in about 10 to 14 days for a cast check, as well as pain control. The patient will need an AFO script at that time. Intraoperative findings are relayed to the parents. | Orthopedic |
PROCEDURE PERFORMED: , Carpal tunnel release.,INDICATIONS FOR SURGERY: , Nerve conduction study tests diagnostic of carpal tunnel syndrome. The patient failed to improve satisfactorily on conservative care, including anti-inflammatory medications and night splints.,PROCEDURE: ,The patient was brought to the operating room and, following a Bier block to the operative arm, the arm was prepped and draped in the usual manner.,Utilizing an incision that was laid out to extend not more distally than the thumb web space or proximally to a position short of crossing the most prominent base of the palm and in line with the longitudinal base of the thenar eminence in line with the fourth ray, the soft tissue dissection was carried down sharply through the skin and subcutaneous fat to the transverse carpal ligament. It was identified at its distal edge. Using a hemostat to probe the carpal tunnel, sharp dissection utilizing scalpel and iris scissors were used to release the carpal tunnel from a distal-to-proximal direction in its entirety. The canal was probed with a small finger to verify no evidence of any bone prominences. The nerve was examined for any irregularity. There was slight hyperemia of the nerve and a slight hourglass deformity. Following an irrigation, the skin was approximated using interrupted simple and horizontal mattress #5 nylon suture. A sterile dressing was applied.,The patient was taken to the recovery room in satisfactory condition.,The time of the Bier block was 30 minutes.,COMPLICATIONS: , None noted. | Orthopedic |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Bunion left foot.,2. Hammertoe, left second toe.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Bunion left foot.,2. Hammertoe, left second toe.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:,1. Bunionectomy, SCARF type, with metatarsal osteotomy and internal screw fixation, left.,2. Arthroplasty left second toe.,HISTORY: ,This 39-year-old female presents to ABCD General Hospital with the above chief complaint. The patient states that she has had bunion for many months. It has been progressively getting more painful at this time. The patient attempted conservative treatment including wider shoe gear without long-term relief of symptoms and desires surgical treatment.,PROCEDURE: , An IV was instituted by the Department of Anesthesia in the preop holding area. The patient was transported to the operating room and placed on the operating table in the supine position with a safety belt across her lap. Copious amount of Webril were placed around the left ankle followed by a blood pressure cuff. After adequate sedation was achieved by the Department of Anesthesia, a total of 15 cc of 0.5% Marcaine plain was injected in a Mayo and digital block to the left foot. The foot was then prepped and draped in the usual sterile orthopedic fashion. The foot was elevated from the operating table and exsanguinated with an Esmarch bandage. The pneumatic ankle tourniquet was inflated to 250 mmHg and the foot was lowered to the operating table. The stockinette was reflected. The foot was cleansed with wet and dry sponge. Attention was then directed to the first metatarsophalangeal joint of the left foot. An incision was created over this area approximately 6 cm in length. The incision was deepened with a #15 blade. All vessels encountered were ligated for hemostasis. The skin and subcutaneous tissue was then dissected from the capsule. Care was taken to preserve the neurovascular bundle. Dorsal linear capsular incision was then created. The capsule was then reflected from the head of the first metatarsal. Attention was then directed to the first interspace where a lateral release was performed. A combination of sharp and blunt dissection was performed until the abductor tendons were identified and transected. A lateral capsulotomy was performed. Attention was then directed back to the medial eminence where sagittal saw was used to resect the prominent medial eminence. The incision was then extended proximally with further dissection down to the level of the bone. Two 0.45 K-wires were then inserted as access guides for the SCARF osteotomy. A standard SCARF osteotomy was then performed. The head of the first metatarsal was then translocated laterally in order to reduce the first interspace in the metatarsal angle. After adequate reduction of the bunion deformity was noted, the bone was temporarily fixated with a 0.45 K-wire. A 3.0 x 12 mm screw was then inserted in the standard AO fashion with compression noted. A second 3.0 x 14 mm screw was also inserted with tight compression noted. The remaining prominent medial eminence medially was then resected with a sagittal saw. Reciprocating rasps were then used to smooth any sharp bony edges. The temporary fixation wires were then removed. The screws were again checked for tightness, which was noted. Attention was directed to the medial capsule where a medial capsulorrhaphy was performed. A straight stat was used to assist in removing a portion of the capsule. The capsule was then reapproximated with #2-0 Vicryl medially. Dorsal capsule was then reapproximated with #3-0 Vicryl in a running fashion. The subcutaneous closure was performed with #4-0 Vicryl followed by running subcuticular stitch with #5-0 Vicryl. The skin was then closed with #4-0 nylon in a horizontal mattress type fashion.,Attention was then directed to the left second toe. A dorsal linear incision was then created over the proximal phalangeal joint of the left second toe. The incision was deepened with a #15 blade and the skin and subcutaneous tissue was dissected off the capsule to be aligned laterally. An incision was made on either side of the extensor digitorum longus tendon. A curved mosquito stat was then used to reflex the tendon laterally. The joint was identified and the medial collateral ligamentous attachments were resected off the head of the proximal phalanx. A sagittal saw was then used to resect the head of the proximal head. The bone was then rolled and the lateral collateral attachments were transected and the bone was removed in toto. The extensor digitorum longus tendon was inspected and noted to be intact. Any sharp edges were then smoothed with reciprocating rasp. The area was then flushed with copious amounts of sterile saline. The skin was then reapproximated with #4-0 nylon. Dressings consisted of Owen silk, 4x4s, Kling, Kerlix, and Coban. Pneumatic ankle tourniquet was released and an immediate hyperemic flush was noted to all five digits of the left foot. The patient tolerated the above procedure and anesthesia well without complications. The patient was transported to PACU with vital signs stable and vascular status intact to the left foot. The patient is to follow up with Dr. X in his clinic as directed. | Orthopedic |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Hallux valgus, right foot.,2. Hallux interphalangeus, right foot.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Hallux valgus, right foot.,2. Hallux interphalangeus, right foot.,PROCEDURES PERFORMED:,1. Bunionectomy with distal first metatarsal osteotomy and internal screw fixation, right foot.,2. Akin bunionectomy, right toe with internal wire fixation.,ANESTHESIA: , TIVA/local.,HISTORY: ,This 51-year-old female presents to ABCD preoperative holding area after keeping herself NPO since mid night for a surgery on her painful bunion through her right foot. The patient has a history of gradual onset of a painful bunion over the past several years. She has tried conservative methods such as wide shoes, accommodative padding on an outpatient basis with Dr. X all of which have provided inadequate relief. At this time, she desires attempted surgical correction. The risks versus benefits of the procedure have been discussed with the patient in detail by Dr. X and the consent is available on the chart for review.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: , After IV was established by the Department of Anesthesia, the patient was taken to the operating room via cart and placed on the operative table in supine position and a safety strap was placed across her waist for her protection. Copious amounts of Webril were applied about the right ankle and a pneumatic ankle tourniquet was placed over the Webril.,After adequate IV sedation was administered by the Department of Anesthesia, a total of 15 cc of 1:1 mixture of 0.5% Marcaine plain and 1% Lidocaine plain was injected into the foot in a standard Mayo block fashion. The foot was elevated off the table. Esmarch bandages were used to exsanguinate the right foot. The pneumatic ankle tourniquet was elevated to 250 mmHg. The foot was lowered in the operative field and the sterile stockinet was reflected. A sterile Betadine was wiped away with a wet and dry sponge and one toothpick was used to test anesthesia, which was found to be adequate. Attention was directed to the first metatarsophalangeal joint, which was found to be contracted, laterally deviated, and had decreased range of motion. A #10 blade was used to make a 4 cm dorsolinear incision. A #15 blade was used to deepen the incision through the subcutaneous layer. All superficial subcutaneous vessels were ligated with electrocautery. Next, a linear capsular incision was made down the bone with a #15 blade. The capsule was elevated medially and laterally off the metatarsal head and the metatarsal head was delivered into the wound. A hypertrophic medial eminence was resected with a sagittal saw taking care not to strike the head. The medial plantar aspect of the metatarsal head had some erosive changes and eburnation. Next, a 0.45 inch Kirschner wire was placed with some access guide slightly plantar flexing the metatarsal taking care not to shorten it. A sagittal saw was used to make a long-arm Austin osteotomy in the usual fashion. Standard lateral release was also performed as well as a lateral capsulotomy freeing the fibular sesamoid complex.,The capital head was shifted laterally and impacted on the residual metatarsal head. Nice correction was achieved and excellent bone to bone contact was achieved. The bone stock was slightly decreased, but adequate. Next, a 0.45 inch Kirschner wire was used to temporarily fixate the metatarsal capital fragment. A 2.7 x 18 mm Synthes cortical screw was thrown using standard AO technique. Excellent rigid fixation was achieved. A second 2.0 x 80 mm Synthes fully threaded cortical screw was also thrown using standard AO technique at the proximal aspect of the metatarsal head. Again, an excellent rigid fixation was obtained and the screws were tight. The temporary fixation was removed. A medial overhanging bone was resected with a sagittal saw. The foot was loaded and the hallux was found to have an interphalangeus deformity present.,A sagittal saw was used to make a proximal cut in approximately 1 cm dorsal to the base of the proximal phalanx, leaving a lateral intact cortical hinge. A distal cut parallel with the nail base was performed and a standard proximal Akin osteotomy was done.,After the wedge bone was removed, the saw blade was reinserted and used to tether the osteotomy with counter-pressure used to close down the osteotomy. A #15 drill blade was used to drill two converging holes on the medial aspect of the bone. A #28 gauge monofilament wire was inserted loop to loop and pulled through the bone. The monofilament wire was twisted down and tapped into the distal drill hole. The foot was loaded again and the toe had an excellent cosmetic straight appearance and the range of motion of the first metatarsophalangeal joint was then improved. Next, reciprocating rasps were used to smooth all bony surfaces. Copious amounts of sterile saline was used to flush the joint. Next, a #3-0 Vicryl was used to reapproximate the capsular periosteal tissue layer. Next, #4-0 Vicryl was used to close the subcutaneous layer. #5-0 Vicryl was used to the close the subcuticular layer in a running fashion. Next, 1 cc of dexamethasone phosphate was then instilled in the joint. The Steri-Strips were applied followed by standard postoperative dressing consisting of Owen silk, 4 x 4s, Kling, Kerlix, and Coban. The pneumatic ankle tourniquet was released and immediate hyperemic flush was noted to the digits. The patient tolerated the above anesthesia and procedure without complications. She was transported via cart to the Postanesthesia Care Unit with vital signs stable and vascular status intact to the right foot. She is to be partial weightbearing with crutches. She is to follow with Dr. X. She was given emergency contact numbers and instructions to call if problems arise. She was given prescription for Vicodin ES #25 one p.o. q.4-6h. p.r.n. pain and Naprosyn one p.o. b.i.d. 500 mg. She was discharged in stable condition. | Orthopedic |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Left carpal tunnel syndrome.,2. Stenosing tenosynovitis of right middle finger (trigger finger).,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Left carpal tunnel syndrome.,2. Stenosing tenosynovitis of right middle finger (trigger finger).,PROCEDURES:,1. Endoscopic release of left transverse carpal ligament.,2. Steroid injection, stenosing tenosynovitis of right middle finger.,ANESTHESIA: ,Monitored anesthesia care with regional anesthesia applied by surgeon.,TOURNIQUET TIME: , Left upper extremity was 15 minutes.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURE IN DETAIL:, With the patient under adequate monitored anesthesia, the left upper extremity was prepped and draped in a sterile manner. The arm was exsanguinated. The tourniquet was elevated at 290 mmHg. Construction lines were made on the left palm to identify the ring ray. A transverse incision was made in the palm between FCR and FCU, one finger breadth proximal to the interval between the glabrous skin of the palm and normal forearm skin. Blunt dissection exposed the antebrachial fascia. Hemostasis was obtained with bipolar cautery. A distal based window in the antebrachial fascia was then fashioned. Care was taken to protect the underlying contents. A synovial elevator was used to palpate the undersurface of the transverse carpal ligament, and synovium was elevated off this undersurface.,Hamate sounds were then used to palpate the Hood of Hamate. The Agee Inside Job was then inserted into the proximal incision. The transverse carpal ligament was easily visualized through the portal. Using palmar pressure, transverse carpal ligament was held against the portal as the instrument was inserted down the transverse carpal ligament to the distal end. The distal end of the transverse carpal ligament was then identified in the window. The blade was then elevated, and the Agee Inside Job was withdrawn, dividing transverse carpal ligament under direct vision. After complete division of transverse carpal ligament, the Agee Inside Job was reinserted. Radial and ulnar edges of the transverse carpal ligament were identified and complete release was accomplished. One mL of Celestone was then introduced into the carpal tunnel and irrigated free. ,The wound was then closed with a running 3-0 Prolene subcuticular stitch. Steri-strips were applied and a sterile dressing was applied over the Steri-strips. The tourniquet was deflated. The patient was awakened from anesthesia and returned to the recovery room in satisfactory condition having tolerated the procedure well.,Attention was turned to the right palm where after a sterile prep, the right middle finger flexor sheath was injected with 0.5 mL of 1% plain Xylocaine and 0.5 mL of Depo-Medrol 40 mg/mL. A Band-Aid dressing was then applied.,The patient was then awakened from the anesthesia and returned to the recovery room in satisfactory condition having tolerated the procedure well. | Orthopedic |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Bunion, left foot.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: ,Bunion, left foot.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:,1. Bunionectomy with first metatarsal osteotomy base wedge type with internal screw fixation.,2. Akin osteotomy with internal wire fixation of left foot.,HISTORY: , This 19-year-old Caucasian female presents to ABCD General Hospital with the above chief complaint. The patient states she has had worsening bunion deformity for as long as she could not remember. She does have a history of Charcot-Marie tooth disease and desires surgical treatment at this time.,PROCEDURE: , An IV was instituted by the Department of Anesthesia in the preoperative holding area. The patient was transported to the operating room and placed on operating table in the supine position with a safety belt across her lap. Copious amounts of Webril were placed on the left ankle followed by a blood pressure cuff. After adequate sedation by the Department of Anesthesia, a total of 15 cc of 1:1 mixture of 1% lidocaine plain and 0.5% Marcaine plain were injected in a Mayo block type fashion surrounding the lower left first metatarsal. The foot was then prepped and draped in the usual sterile orthopedic fashion. The foot was elevated from the operating table and exsanguinated with an Esmarch bandage. The pneumatic ankle tourniquet was inflated to 250 mmHg and the foot was lowered to the operating field. The stockinette was reflected, the foot was cleansed with a wet and dry sponge. Approximately 5 cm incision was made dorsomedially over the first metatarsal.,The incision was then deepened with #15 blade. All vessels encountered were ligated for hemostasis. Care was taken to preserve the extensor digitorum longus tendon. The capsule over the first metatarsal phalangeal then was identified where a dorsal capsular incision was then created down to the level of bone. Capsule and periosteum was reflected off the first metatarsal head. At this time, the cartilage was inspected and noted to be white, shiny, and healthy cartilage. There was noted to be a prominent medial eminence. Attention was then directed to first interspace where a combination of blunt and sharp dissection was done to perform a standard lateral release. The abductor tendon attachments were identified and transected. The lateral capsulotomy was performed. The extensor digitorum brevis tendon was identified and transected. Attention was then directed to the prominent medial eminence, which was resected with a sagittal saw. Intraoperative assessment of pes was performed and pes was noted to be normal.,At this time, a regional incision was carried more approximately about 1.5 cm. The capsular incision was then extended and the proximal capsule and periosteum were reflected off the first metatarsal. The first metatarsal cuneiform joint was identified. A 0.45 K-wire was then inserted into the base of the first metatarsal approximately 1 cm from the first cuneiform joint perpendicular to the weightbearing surface. This K-wire was used as an access guide for a Juvaro type oblique base wedge osteotomy. The sagittal saw was then used to creat a closing base wedge osteotomy with the apex being proximal medial. The osteotomy site was then feathered and tilted with tight estimation of the bony edges. The cortical hinge was maintained. A 0.27 x 24 mm screw was then inserted in a standard AO fashion. At this time, there was noted to be tight compression of the osteotomy site. A second 2.7 x 16 mm screw was then inserted more distally in the standard AO fashion with compression noted. The ________ angle was noted to be significantly released. Reciprocating rasp was then used to smoothen any remaining sharp edges. The 0.45 k-wire was removed. The foot was loaded and was noted to fill the remaining abduction of the hallux. At this time, it was incised to perform an Akin osteotomy.,Original incision was then extended distally approximately 1 cm. The incision was then deepened down to the level of capsule over the base of the proximal phalanx. Again care was taken to preserve the extensor digitorum longus tendon. The capsule was reflected off of the base of the proximal phalanx. An Akin osteotomy was performed with the apex being lateral and the base being medial. After where the bone was resected, it was feathered until tight compression was noted without tension at the osteotomy site. Care was taken to preserve the lateral hinge. At 1.5 wire passed and a drill was then used to create drill hole proximal and distally to the osteotomy site in order for passage of 28 gauge monofilament wire. The #28 gauge monofilament wire was passed through the drill hole and tightened down until compression and tight ________ osteotomy site was noted. The remaining edge of the wire was then buried in the medial most distal drill hole. The area was then inspected and the foot was noted with significant reduction of the bunion deformity. The area was then flushed with copious amounts of sterile saline. Capsule was closed with #3-0 Vicryl followed by subcutaneous closure with #4-0 Vicryl in order to decrease tension of the incision site. A running #5-0 subcuticular stitch was then performed. Steri-Strips were applied. Total of 1 cc dexamethasone phosphate was then injected into the surgical site. Dressings consisted of Owen silk, 4x4s, Kling, Kerlix. The pneumatic ankle tourniquet was released and immediate hyperemic flush was noted to all five digits of the left foot. Posterior splint was then placed on the patient in the operating room.,The patient tolerated the above procedure and anesthesia well without complications. The patient was transferred back to the PACU with vital signs stable and vascular status intact to the left foot. The patient was given postoperative instructions to be strictly nonweightbearing on the left foot. The patient was given postop pain prescriptions for Vicodin and instructed to take one q.4-6h. p.r.n. for pain as well as Naprosyn 500 mg p.o. q. b.i.d. The patient is to follow-up with Dr. X in his office in four to five days as directed. | Orthopedic |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Hallux abductovalgus, right foot.,2. Hammer toe, right foot, second, third, fourth and fifth toes.,3. Tailor's bunionette, right foot.,4. Degenerative joint disease, right first metatarsophalangeal joint.,5. Rheumatoid arthritis.,6. Contracted fourth right metatarsophalangeal joint.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Hallux abductovalgus, right foot.,2. Hammer toe, right foot, second, third, fourth and fifth toes.,3. Tailor's bunionette, right foot.,4. Degenerative joint disease, right first metatarsophalangeal joint.,5. Rheumatoid arthritis.,6. Contracted fourth right metatarsophalangeal joint.,PROCEDURES PERFORMED:,1. Bunionectomy, right foot with Biopro hemi implant, right first metatarsophalangeal joint.,2. Arthrodesis, right second, third, and fourth toes with external rod fixation.,3. Hammertoe repair, right fifth toe.,4. Extensor tenotomy and capsulotomy, right fourth metatarsophalangeal joint.,5. Modified Tailor's bunionectomy, right fifth metatarsal.,ANESTHESIA:, TIVA/local.,HISTORY:, This 51-year-old female presented to ABCD preoperative holding area after keeping herself NPO since mid night for surgery on her painful right foot bunion, hammer toes, and Tailor's bunion. The patient has a long history of crippling severe rheumatoid arthritis. She has pain with shoe gear and pain with every step. She has tried multiple conservative measures under Dr. X's supervision consisting of wide shoe's and accommodative padding all which have provided inadequate relief. At this time, she desires attempted surgical reconstruction/correction. The consent is available on the chart for review and the risks versus benefits of this procedure have been discussed with patient in detail by Dr. X.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: , After IV was established by the Department of Anesthesia, the patient was taken to the operating room via cart and placed on the operating table in a supine position and a safety strap was placed across her waist for her protection. Next, copious amounts of Webril were applied about the right ankle and a pneumatic ankle tourniquet was applied over the Webril. Next, after adequate IV sedation was administered by the Department of Anesthesia, a total of 20 cc of 1:1 mixture of 0.5% Marcaine plain and 1% lidocaine were instilled into the right foot using a standard ankle block technique. Next, the foot was prepped and draped in the usual aseptic fashion. An Esmarch bandage was used to exsanguinate the foot and the pneumatic ankle tourniquet was elevated to 230 mmHg. The foot was lowered in the operative field. The sterile stockinette was reflected and attention was directed to the right first metatarsophalangeal joint. The joint was found to be severely contracted with lateral deviation of the hallux with a slightly overlapping contracted second toe. In addition, the range of motion was less than 5 degrees of the first ray. There was medial pinch callus and callus on the plantar right second metatarsal. Using a #10 blade, a linear incision over the first metatarsophalangeal joint was then created approximately 4 cm in length. Next, a #15 blade was used to deepen the incision to the subcutaneous tissue all which was found to be very thin taking care to protect the medial neurovascular bundle and the lateral extensor hallucis longus tendon. Any small vein traversing the operative site were clamped with hemostat and ligated with electrocautery. Next, the medial and lateral wound margins were undermined with sharp dissection. The joint capsule was then visualized. Two apparent soft tissue masses probably consistent with rheumatoid nodules were found at the distal medial aspect of the first metatarsal capsule. A dorsal linear incision to the capsular tissue down to bone was performed with a #15 blade. The capsule and periosteal tissues were elevated sharply off the metatarsal head and the base of proximal phalanx.,A large amount of hypertrophic synovium was encountered over the metatarsophalangeal joint. In addition, multiple hypertrophic exostosis were found dorsally, medially, and laterally over the metatarsal. Upon entering the joint, the base of the proximal phalanx was grossly deformed and the medial and lateral aspect were widely flared and encompassing the metatarsal head. A sagittal saw was used to carefully remove the base of the proximal phalanx just distal to the metaphyseal flare. Next, the bone was passed out as specimen. The head of the metatarsal had evidence of erosion and eburnation. The tibial sesamoid was practically absent, but was found to be a conglomeration of hypertrophic synovium and poorly differentiated appearing exostosis and bony tissue. This was hindering the range of motion of the joint and was removed. The fibular sesamoid was in the interspace. A lateral release was performed in addition. Next, the McGlamry elevators were inserted into the first metatarsal head and all of the plantar adhesions were freed. The metatarsal head was remodeled with a sagittal saw and all of the medial eminence the dorsal and lateral hypertropic bone was removed and the metatarsal head was shaped into more acceptable contoured structure. Next, the Biopro sizer was used and it was found that a median large implant would be the best fit for this patient's joint. A small drill hole was made in the central aspect at the base of the proximal phalanx. The trial sizer median large was placed in the joint and an excellent fit and increased range of motion was observed.,Next, the joint was flushed with copious amounts of saline. A median large porous Biopro implant was inserted using the standard technique and was tapped with the mallet into position. It had an excellent fit and the range of motion again was markedly increased from the preoperative level. Next, the wound was again flushed with copious amounts of saline. The flexor tendon was inspected and was found to be intact plantarly. A #3-0 Vicryl was used to close the capsule in a running fashion. A medial capsulorrhaphy performed and the toe assumed to more rectus position and the joint was more congruous. Next, the subcutaneous layer was closed with #4-0 Vicryl in a simple interrupted technique. Next, the skin was closed with #5-0 Monocryl in a running subcuticular fashion.,Attention was directed to the right second toe, which was found to be markedly contracted and rigid in nature. There was a clavus in the dorsal aspect of the head of the proximal phalanx noted. A linear incision was made over the proximal phalanx approximately 2 cm in length. The incision was deepened with #15 blade down to the subcutaneous tissue. Next, the medial and lateral aspects of the wound were undermined with sharp dissection taking care to protect the neurovascular structures.,Next, after identifying the extensor expansion and long extensor tendon, a #15 blade was used to transect the tendon at the level of the joint. The tendon was peeled off sharply, proximally, and distally. The medial and lateral collateral ligaments were released and the head of the proximal phalanx was delivered into the wound. The bone was found to be extremely soft in the toe joints and the head of the proximal phalanx was oddly shaped and the cartilage was eroded. The base of the middle phalanx, however, had a normal-appearing cartilage. A sagittal saw was used to transect the head of the proximal phalanx just proximal to metaphyseal flare. Next, the base of the middle phalanx was also resected. A 0.045 inch Kirschner wire was retrograded out at the end of the toe and then back through the residual proximal phalanx shaft. The toe assumed a straight and markedly increased straight position. An extensor hood resection was performed to assist in keeping the proximal phalanx plantar flexed. The joint was flushed with copious amounts of saline. A #3-0 Vicryl was used to reapproximate the tendon after arthrodesis. A #4-0 nylon was used to close the skin with a combination of simple interrupted and horizontal mattress suture technique. The wire was cut, capped, and bent in the usual fashion.,Attention was directed to the right third toe where an exact same procedure as performed in the second digit was repeated. The same suture material was used and the same 0.045 Kirschner wire was used for external wire fixation.,Attention was directed to the right fourth toe with exact same procedure was repeated. The same suture material was used. However, a 0.062 Kirschner wire was used to fixate the arthrodesis site as the bone was very soft and a 0.045 Kirschner wire was attempted but was found to be slipping in the soft bone and was inadequately holding the arthrodesis site tight. Next, attention was directed to the fifth digit, which was found to be contracted as well. A linear incision was made over the proximal phalanx with a #10 blade approximately 2 cm in length. A #15 blade was used to deepen the incision to the subcutaneous tissue down to the level of the long extensor tendon, which was identified and transected. The medial and lateral collateral ligaments were transected and the head of the proximal phalanx was delivered into the wound. A sagittal saw was used to resect the head of the proximal phalanx just proximal to metaphyseal flare. The toe assumed to more rectus position. The reciprocating rasp was used to smooth the all bony surfaces. The joint was again flushed with saline. Next, the long extensor tendon was reapproximated with #3-0 Vicryl in a simple interrupted technique. The skin was closed with #4-0 nylon in a simple interrupted technique.,Next, attention was directed to the fifth metatarsal head, which was found to have a lateral exostosis and bursa under the skin. A #10 blade was used to make a 2.5 cm dorsal incision over the fifth metatarsal head. The incision was deepened with a #15 blade to the subcutaneous tissue. Any small vein traversing subcutaneous layer were ligated with electrocautery. Care was taken to avoid abductor digiti minimi tendon and extensor digitorum longus tendon respectively. Next, the dorsal linear capsular incision was made down to the bone with a #15 blade. The capsular and periosteal tissues were elevated off the bone with a #15 blade and the metatarsal head was delivered into the wound. Hypertrophic bone was noted to be found dorsally and laterally as well as plantarly. A sagittal saw was used to resect all hypertrophic bone. A reciprocating rasp was used to smooth all bony surfaces. Next, the wound was flushed with copious amounts of saline. The capsular and periosteal tissues wee closed with #3-0 Vicryl in a simple interrupted technique. Next, the subcutaneous layer was closed with #4-0 Vicryl in a simple interrupted technique. A bursa which was found consisting of a white glistening hypertrophic synovium was removed and sent as specimen as was also found in two of the second and third digit in the above procedures. The skin was closed with #5-0 Monocryl in a running subcuticular fashion. The ______ was reinforced with horizontal mattress sutures with #5-0 Monocryl. Attention was directed to the fourth metatarsophalangeal joint where the joint was found to be contracted and the proximal phalanx was still found to be elevated. Therefore, a #15 blade was used to make a stab incision over the joint lateral to the extensor digitorum longus tendon. The tendon was transected. Next, a blade was inserted in the dorsal, medial, and lateral aspects of the metatarsophalangeal joint and tenotomy was performed. Next, the proximal phalanx residual bone was plantar flexed and found to assume a more rectus position. One #4-0 nylon suture was placed in the skin.,Mastisol tape was applied to the first metatarsal and fifth metatarsal postoperative wounds. Betadine-soaked Owen silk was applied to all wounds. Betadine-soaked 4 x 4 splints were applied to all toes. The pneumatic ankle tourniquet was released and immediate hyperemic flush was noted to all digits. All the wires have previously been bent and cut and all were capped. A standard postoperative consisting of 4x4s, Kling, Kerlix, and Coban were applied. The patient tolerated the above anesthesia and procedure without complications. She was transported via cart to the Postanesthesia Care Unit with vital signs stable and vascular status intact. She was given prescription for Tylenol #3, #40 one to two p.o. q.4-6h. p.r.n. pain and Naprosyn 375 mg p.o. b.i.d. p.c. She is to continue her rheumatoid arthritis drugs preoperatively prescribed by the rheumatologist.,She is to follow up with Dr. X in the office. She was given emergency contact numbers and standard postoperative instructions. She was given Darco OrthoWedge shoe and a pair of crutches. She was discharged in stable condition. | Orthopedic |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Hallux abductovalgus, right foot.,2. Hammertoe, bilateral third, fourth, and fifth toes.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Hallux abductovalgus, right foot.,2. Hammertoe, bilateral third, fourth, and fifth toes.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:,1. Bunionectomy with distal first metatarsal osteotomy and internal screw fixation, right foot.,2. Proximal interphalangeal joint arthroplasty, bilateral fifth toes.,3. Distal interphalangeal joint arthroplasty, bilateral third and fourth toes.,4. Flexor tenotomy, bilateral third toes.,HISTORY:, This is a 36-year-old female who presented to ABCD preoperative holding area after keeping herself n.p.o. since mid night for surgery on her painful bunion to her right foot and her painful hammertoes to both feet. The patient has a history of sharp pain, which is aggravated by wearing shoes and ambulation. She has tried multiple conservative methods and treatment such as wide shoes and accommodative padding, all of which provided inadequate relief. At this time, she desires attempted surgical correction. The risks versus benefits of the procedure have been discussed in detail by Dr. Kaczander with the patient and the consent is available on the chart.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL:, After IV was established by the Department of Anesthesia, the patient was taken to the operating room and placed on the operating table in supine position with a safety strap placed across her waist for her protection.,Copious amounts of Webril were applied about both ankles and a pneumatic ankle tourniquet was applied over the Webril. After adequate IV sedation was administered, a total of 18 cc of a 0.5% Marcaine plain was used to anesthetize the right foot, performing a Mayo block and a bilateral third, fourth, and fifth digital block. Next, the foot was prepped and draped in the usual aseptic fashion bilaterally. The foot was elevated off the table and an Esmarch bandage was used to exsanguinate the right foot. The pneumatic ankle tourniquet was elevated on the right foot to 200 mmHg. The foot was lowered into operative field and the sterile stockinet was reflected proximally. Attention was directed to the right first metatarsophalangeal joint, it was found to be contracted and there was lateral deviation of the hallux. There was decreased range of motion of the first metatarsophalangeal joint. A dorsolinear incision was made with a #10 blade, approximately 4 cm in length. The incision was deepened to the subcutaneous layer with a #15 blade. Any small veins traversing the subcutaneous layer were ligated with electrocautery. Next, the medial and lateral wound margins were undermined sharply. Care was taken to avoid the medial neurovascular bundle and the lateral extensor hallucis longus tendon. Next, the first metatarsal joint capsule was identified. A #15 blade was used to make a linear capsular incision down to the bone. The capsular periosteal tissues were elevated off the bone with a #15 blade and the metatarsal head was delivered into the wound. The PASA was found to be within normal limits. There was a hypertrophic medial eminence noted. A sagittal saw was used to remove the hypertrophic medial eminence. A 0.045 inch Kirschner wire was placed into the central medial aspect of the metatarsal head as an access guide. A standard lateral release was performed. The fibular sesamoid was found to be in the interspace, but was relocated onto the metatarsal head properly. Next, a sagittal saw was used to perform a long arm Austin osteotomy. The K-wire was removed. The capital fragment was shifted laterally and impacted into the head. A 0.045 inch Kirschner wire was used to temporarily fixate the osteotomy. A 2.7 x 16 mm Synthes, fully threaded cortical screw was throne using standard AO technique. A second screw was throne, which was a 2.0 x 12 mm Synthes cortical screw. Excellent fixation was achieved and the screws tightly perched the bone. Next, the medial overhanging wedge was removed with a sagittal saw. A reciprocating rasp was used to smooth all bony prominences. The 0.045 inch Kirschner wire was removed. The screws were checked again for tightness and found to be very tight. The joint was flushed with copious amounts of sterile saline. A #3-0 Vicryl was used to close the capsular periosteal tissues with simple interrupted suture technique. A #4-0 Vicryl was used to close the subcutaneous layer in a simple interrupted technique. A #5-0 Monocryl was used to close the skin in a running subcuticular fashion.,Attention was directed to the right third digit, which was found to be markedly contracted at the distal interphalangeal joint. A #15 blade was used to make two convergent semi-elliptical incisions over the distal interphalangeal joint. The incision was deepened with a #15 blade. The wedge of skin was removed in full thickness. The long extensor tendon was identified and the distal and proximal borders of the wound were undermined. The #15 blade was used to transect the long extensor tendon, which was reflected proximally. The distal interphalangeal joint was identified and the #15 blade was placed in the joint and the medial and lateral collateral ligaments were released. Crown and collar scissors were used to release the planar attachment to the head of the middle phalanx. Next, a double action bone cutter was used to resect the head of the middle phalanx. The toe was dorsiflexed and was found to have an excellent rectus position. A hand rasp was used to smooth all bony surfaces. The joint was flushed with copious amounts of sterile saline. The flexor tendon was found to be contracted, therefore, a flexor tenotomy was performed through the dorsal incision. Next, #3-0 Vicryl was used to close the long extensor tendon with two simple interrupted sutures. A #4-0 nylon was used to close the skin and excellent cosmetic result was achieved.,Attention was directed to the fourth toe, which was found to be contracted at the distal interphalangeal joint and abducted and varus rotated. An oblique skin incision with two converging semi-elliptical incisions was created using #15 blade. The rest of the procedure was repeated exactly the same as the above paragraph to the third toe on the right foot. All the same suture materials were used. However, there was no flexor tenotomy performed on this toe, only on the third toe bilaterally.,Attention was directed to the fifth right digit, which was found to be contracted at the proximal interphalangeal joint. A linear incision approximately 2 cm in length was made with a #15 blade over the proximal interphalangeal joint. Next, a #15 blade was used to deepen the incision to the subcutaneous layer. The medial and lateral margins were undermined sharply to the level of the long extensor tendon. The proximal interphalangeal joint was identified and the tendon was transected with the #15 blade. The tendon was reflected proximally, off the head of the proximal phalanx. The medial and lateral collateral ligaments were released and the head of the proximal phalanx was delivered into the wound. A double action bone nibbler was used to remove the head of the proximal phalanx. A hand rasp was used to smooth residual bone. The joint was flushed with copious amounts of saline. A #3-0 Vicryl was used to close the long extensor tendon with two simple interrupted sutures. A #4-0 nylon was used to close the skin with a combination of simple interrupted and horizontal mattress sutures.,A standard postoperative dressing consisting of saline-soaked #0-1 silk, 4 x 4s, Kerlix, Kling, and Coban were applied. The pneumatic ankle tourniquet was released and immediate hyperemic flush was noted to the digits.,Attention was directed to the left foot. The foot was elevated off the table and exsanguinated with an Esmarch bandage and the pneumatic ankle tourniquet was elevated to 200 mmHg. Attention was directed to the left fifth toe, which was found to be contracted at the proximal interphalangeal joint. The exact same procedure, performed to the right fifth digit, was performed on this toe, with the same materials being used for suture and closure.,Attention was then directed to the left fourth digit, which was found to contracted and slightly abducted and varus rotated. The exact same procedure as performed to the right fourth toe was performed, consisting of two semi-elliptical skin incisions in an oblique angle. The same suture material were used to close the incision.,Attention was directed to the left third digit, which was found to be contracted at the distal interphalangeal joint. The same procedure performed on the right third digit was also performed. The same suture materials were used to close the wound and the flexor tenotomy was also performed at this digit. A standard postoperative dressing was also applied to the left foot consisting of the same materials as described for the right foot. The pneumatic tourniquet was released and immediate hyperemic flush was noted to the digits. The patient tolerated the above anesthesia and procedure without complications. She was transported via cart to the Postanesthesia Care Unit with vital signs stable and vascular status intact to the foot. She was given postoperative shoes and will be partial weighbearing with crutches. She was admitted short-stay to Dr. Kaczander for pain control. She was placed on Demerol 50 and Vistaril 25 mg IM q3-4h. p.r.n. for pain. She will have Vicodin 5/500 one to two p.o. q.4-6h. p.r.n. for moderate pain. She was placed on Subq. heparin and given incentive spirometry 10 times an hour. She will be discharged tomorrow. She is to ice and elevate both feet today and rest as much as possible.,Physical Therapy will teach her crutch training today. X-rays were taken in the postoperative area and revealed excellent position of the screws and correction of bunion deformity as well as the hammertoe deformities. | Orthopedic |
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient is a 57-year-old female being seen today for evaluation of pain and symptoms related to a recurrent bunion deformity in bilateral feet, right greater than left. The patient states she is having increasing symptoms of pain and discomfort associated with recurrence of bunion deformity on the right foot and pain localized to the second toe and MTP joint of the right foot as well. The patient had prior surgery performed approximately 13 years ago. She states that since the time of the original surgery the deformity has slowly recurred, and she has noticed progressive deformity in the lesser toes at the second and third toes of the left foot and involving the second toe of the right foot. The patient is employed on her feet as a hospital employee and states that she does wear a functional orthotic which does provide some relief of forefoot pain although not complete.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY, FAMILY HISTORY, SOCIAL HISTORY & REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, See Patient History sheet, which was reviewed with the patient and is signed in the chart. Past medical history on the patient, past surgical history, current medications, drug-related allergies and social history have all been updated and reviewed, and enclosed in the chart.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , Physical exam reveals a pleasant, 57-year-old female who is 5 feet 4 inches and 150 pounds. She has palpable pulses. Neurologic sensation is intact. Examination of the extremities shows the patient as having well-healed surgical sites from her arthroplasty, second digits bilaterally and prior bunionectomy. There is a recurrence of bunion deformity noted on both great toes although the patient notes to have reasonably good range of movement. She has particular pain in the second MTP joint of the right foot and demonstrates a mild claw-toe deformity of the second and third toes to the left foot, and to a lesser degree the second toe to the right. Gait analysis: The patient stands and walks with a rather severe pes planus and has generalized hypermobility noted in the feet.,X-RAY INTERPRETATION:, X-rays taken today; three views to the right foot shows presence of internal K-wire and wire from prior bunionectomy. Biomechanical analysis shows 15 degree intermetatarsal angle and approximately 45 degree hallux abducto valgus angle. No evidence of arthrosis in the joint is noted. Significant shift to the fibular sesamoid is present.,ASSESSMENT:,1. Recurrent bunion deformity, right forefoot.,2. Pes planovalgus deformity, bilateral feet.,PLAN/TREATMENT:,1. Today, we did review remaining treatment options with the patient including the feasibility of conservative versus surgical treatment. The patient would require an open wedge osteotomy to reduce the intermetatarsal angle with the lateral release and a decompression osteotomy at the second metatarsal. Anticipated length of healing was noted for the patient as were potential risks and complications. The patient ultimately would probably require surgery on her left foot at a later date as well.,2. The patient will explore her ability to get out of work for the above-mentioned period of time and will be in touch with regards regarding scheduling at a later date.,3. All questions were answered. | Orthopedic |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Bunion, right foot.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Bunion, right foot.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:, Austin/akin bunionectomy, right foot.,HISTORY: , This 77-year-old African-American female presents to ABCD General Hospital with the above chief complaint. The patient states she has had a bunion deformity for as long as she can remember that has progressively become worse and more painful. The patient has attempted conservative treatment without long-term relief of symptoms and desires surgical treatment.,PROCEDURE DETAILS:, An IV was instituted by Department of Anesthesia in the preop holding area. The patient was transported to the operating room and placed on the operating table in the supine position with a safety strap across her lap. Copious amounts of Webril were placed around the right ankle followed by blood pressure cuff. After adequate sedation by the Department of Anesthesia, a total of 15 cc of 1:1 mixture of 1% lidocaine plain and 0.5% Marcaine plain was injected in a Mayo block type fashion. The foot was then prepped and draped in the usual sterile orthopedic fashion. The foot was elevated to the operating table and exsanguinated with an Esmarch bandage. The pneumatic ankle tourniquet was inflated to 250 mmHg. The foot was lowered to the operating field and the stockinet was reflected. The foot was cleansed with wet and dry sponge.,Attention was directed to the bunion deformity on the right foot. An approximately 6 cm dorsal medial incision was created over the first metatarsophalangeal joint. The incision was then deepened with a #15 blade. All vessels encountered were ligated with hemostasis. The skin and subcutaneous tissue were then undermined off of the capsule medially. A dorsal linear capsular incision was then created over the first metatarsophalangeal joint. The periosteum and capsule were then reflected off of the first metatarsal. There was noted to be a prominent medial eminence. The articular cartilage was healthy for patient's age and race. Attention was then directed to the first interspace where a lateral release was performed.. A combination of sharp and blunt dissection was carried out until the adductor tendon insertions were identified. The adductor tendons were transected as well as a lateral capsulotomy was performed. The extensor digitorum brevis tendon was identified and transected. Care was taken to preserve the extensor hallucis longus to make sure that tendon that was transected was the extensor hallucis brevis at the _______ digitorum. Extensor hallucis brevis tendon was transected and care was taken to preserve the extensor halucis longus tendon. Attention was then directed to medial eminence, which was resected with a sagittal saw. Sagittal was then used to create a long dorsal arm outside the Austin type osteotomy and the first metatarsal. The head of the first metatarsal was then translocated laterally until correction of the intermetatarsal angle was noted. The head was intact. A 0.45 K-wire was inserted through subcutaneously from proximal medial to distal lateral. A second K-wire was then inserted from distal lateral to proximal plantar medial. Adequate fixation was noted at the osteotomy site. The K-wires were bent, cut, and pin caps were placed. Attention was then directed to the proximal phalanx of the hallux. The capsular periostem was reflected off of the base of the proximal phalanx. A sagittal was then used to create an akin osteotomy closing wedge. The apex was lateral and the base of the wedge was medial. The wedge was removed in the total and the osteotomy site was then feathered until closure was achieved without compression. Two 0.45 K-wires were then inserted, one from distal medial to proximal lateral and the second from distal lateral to proximal medial across the osteotomy site. Adequate fixation was noted at the osteotomy site and the osteotomy was closed. The toe was noted to be in a markedly more rectus position. Sagittal saw was then used to resect the remaining prominent medial eminence. The area was then smoothed with a reciprocating rasp. There was noted to be a small osteophytic formation laterally over first metatarsal head that was removed with a rongeur and smoothed with a reciprocating rasp. The area was then inspected for any remaining short bony edges, none were noted.,Copious amounts of sterile saline was then used to flush the surgical site. The capsule was closed with #3-0 Vicryl. Subcutaneous closure was performed with #4-0 Vicryl followed by running subcuticular #5-0 Vicryl. Steri-Strips were applied and 1 cc of dexamethasone phosphate was injected into the surgical site.,Dressings consisted of #0-1 silk, copious Betadine, 4 x 4s, Kling, Kerlix, and Coban. The pneumatic ankle tourniquet was released and immediate hyperemic flush was noted to all five digits of the right foot. A _______ cast was then applied postoperatively. The patient tolerated the above procedure and anesthesia well without complications. The patient was transported from the operating room to the PACU with vital signs stable and vascular status intact to the right foot. The patient was given postoperative pain prescription for Tylenol #3 and instructed to take one q4-6h. p.o. p.r.n. for pain. The patient is to follow up with Dr. X in his office as directed. | Orthopedic |
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: ,The patient is a 38-year-old woman presenting to our clinic for the first time for evaluation of hip pain, right greater than left, of greater than 2 years duration. The patient states that she began with right hip pain getting steadily worse over the last 2 years and has now developed some pain in the left hip. The pain is located laterally as well as anteriorly into the groin. She states that the pain is present during activities such as walking, and she does get some painful popping and clicking in the right hip. She is here for evaluation for the first time. She sought no previous medical attention for this.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: ,Significant for depression and reflux disease.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: , Cesarean section x 2.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS: , Listed in the chart and reviewed with the patient.,ALLERGIES: ,The patient has no known drug allergies.,SOCIAL HISTORY: ,The patient is married. She is employed as an office manager. She does smoke cigarettes, one pack per day for the last 20 years. She consumes alcohol 3 to 5 drinks daily. She uses no illicit drugs. She exercises monthly mainly walking and low impact aerobics. She also likes to play softball.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , Significant for occasional indigestion and nausea as well as anxiety and depression. The remainder of the systems negative.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , The patient is 5 foot, 2 inches tall, weighs 155 pounds. The patient ambulates independently without an assist device with normal stance and gait. Inspection of the hips reveals normal contour and appearance and good symmetry. The patient is able to do an active straight leg raise against gravity and against resistance bilaterally. She has no significant trochanteric tenderness. She does, however, have some tenderness in the groin bilaterally. There is no crepitus present with passive or active range of motion of the hips. She is grossly neurologically intact in the bilateral lower extremities.,DIAGNOSTIC DATA:, X-rays performed today in the clinic include an AP view of the pelvis and a frog-leg lateral of the right hip. There are no acute findings. No fractures or dislocations. There are minimal degenerative changes noted in the joint. There is, however, the suggestion of an exostosis on the superior femoral neck, which could be consistent with femoroacetabular impingement.,IMPRESSION: , Bilateral hip pain, right worse than left, possibly suggesting femoroacetabular impingement based on x-rays and her clinical picture is also consistent with possible labral tear.,PLAN:, After discussing possible diagnoses with the patient, I have recommended that we get MRI arthrograms of the bilateral hips to evaluate the anatomy and especially concentrating on the labrum in the right hip. We will get that done as soon as possible. In the meantime, she is asked to moderate her activities. She will follow up as soon as the MRIs are performed. | Orthopedic |
CHIEF COMPLAINT: , Decreased ability to perform daily living activities secondary to exacerbation of chronic back pain.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, The patient is a 45-year-old white male who was admitted with acute back pain. The patient reports that he had chronic problem with back pain for approximately 20 years, but it has gotten progressively worse over the last 3 years. On 08/29/2007, the patient had awoken and started his day as he normally does, but midday, he reports that he was in such severe back pain and he was unable to walk or stand upright. He was seen at ABCD Hospital Emergency Room, was evaluated and admitted. He was treated with IV analgesics as well as Decadron, after being evaluated by Dr. A. It was decided that the patient could benefit from physical therapy, since he was unable to perform ADLs, and was transferred to TCU at St. Joseph Health Services on 08/30/2007. He had been transferred with diagnosis of a back pain secondary to intravertebral lumbar disk disease, secondary to degenerative changes. The patient reports that he has had a " bulging disk" for approximately 1 year. He reports that he has history of testicular cancer in the distant past and the most recent bone scan was negative. The bone scan was done at XYZ Hospital, ordered by Dr. B, the patient's oncologist.,ALLERGIES: , PENICILLIN, AMOXICILLIN, CEPHALOSPORIN, DOXYCYCLINE, IVP DYE, IODINE, and SULFA, all cause HIVES.,Additionally, the patient reports that he has HIVES when he comes in contact with SAP FROM THE MANGO TREE, and therefore, he avoids any mango product at all.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , Status post right orchiectomy secondary to his testicular cancer 18 years ago approximately 1989, GERD, irritable bowel syndrome, seasonal asthma (fall and spring) triggered by postnasal drip, history of bilateral carpal tunnel syndrome, and status post excision of abdominal teratoma and incisional hernia.,FAMILY HISTORY:, Noncontributory.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , The patient is employed in the finance department. He is a nonsmoker. He does consume alcohol on the weekend as much as 3 to 4 alcoholic beverages per day on the weekends. He denies any IV drug use or abuse.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , No chills, fever, shakes or tremors. Denies chest pain palpitations, hemoptysis, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation or hematemesis. The patient reports that his last bowel movement was on 08/30/2007. No urological symptoms such as dysuria, frequency, incomplete bladder emptying or voiding difficulties. The patient does report that he has occasional intermittent "numbness and tingling" of his hands bilaterally as he has a history of bilateral carpal tunnel syndrome. He denies any history of seizure disorders, but he did report that he had some momentary dizziness earlier, but that has since resolved.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,VITAL SIGNS: At the time of admission, temperature 98, blood pressure 176/97, pulse 86, respirations 20, and 95% O2 saturation on room air. The patient weighs 260 pounds and is 5 feet and 10 inches tall by his report.,GENERAL: The patient appears to be comfortable, in no acute distress.,HEENT: Normocephalic. Sclerae are nonicteric. EOMI. Tongue is at midline and no evidence of thrush.,NECK: Trachea is at the midline.,LYMPHATICS: No cervical or axillary nodes palpable.,LUNGS: Clear to auscultation bilaterally.,HEART: Regular rate and rhythm. Normal S1 and S2.,ABDOMEN: Obese, softly protuberant, and nontender.,EXTREMITIES: There is no clubbing, cyanosis or edema. There is no calf tenderness bilaterally. Bilateral strength is 5/5 for the upper extremities bilaterally and he has 5/5 of left lower extremity. The right lower extremity is 4-5/5.,MENTAL STATUS: He is alert and oriented. He was pleasant and cooperative during the examination.,ASSESSMENT:,1. Acute on chronic back pain. The patient is admitted to the TCU at St. Joseph Health Services for rehabilitation therapy. He will be seen in consultation by Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy. He will continue a tapering dose of Decadron over the next 10 to 14 days and a tapering schedule has been provided, also Percocet 5/325 mg 1 to 2 tablets q.i.d. p.r.n. for pain.,2. Status post right orchiectomy secondary to testicular cancer, stable at this time. We will attempt to obtain copy of the most recent bone scan performed at XYZ Hospital ordered by Dr. B.,3. Gastroesophageal reflux disease, irritable bowel syndrome, and gastrointestinal prophylaxis. Colace 100 mg b.i.d., lactulose will be used on a p.r.n. basis, and Protonix 40 mg daily.,4. Deep vein thrombosis prophylaxis will be maintained by the patient, continue to engage in his therapies including ambulating in the halls and doing leg exercises as well.,5. Obesity. As mentioned above, the patient's weighs 260 pounds with a height of 5 feet and 10 inches, and we had discussed possible weight loss plan, which he is interested in pursuing and a dietary consult has been requested. | Orthopedic |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: ,Tailor's bunion and neuroma of the second and third interspace of the left foot.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Tailor's bunion and neuroma of the second and third interspace, left foot.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:,1. Tailor's bunionectomy with metatarsal osteotomy of the left fifth metatarsal.,2. Excision of nerve lesion with implantation of the muscle belly of the left second interspace.,3. Excision of nerve lesion in the left third interspace.,ANESTHESIA: ,Monitored IV sedation with local.,HISTORY: ,This is a 37-year-old female who presents to ABCD's preoperative holding area, n.p.o. since mid night, last night for surgery of her painful left second and third interspaces and her left fifth metatarsal. The patient has attempted conservative correction and injections with minimal improvement. The patient desires surgical correction at this time. The patient states that her pain has been increasingly worsening with activity and with time and it is currently difficult for her to ambulate and wear shoes. At this time, the patient desires surgical intervention and correction. The risks versus benefits of the procedure have been explained to the patient in detail by Dr. X and consent was obtained.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: , After an IV was instituted by the Department of Anesthesia in the preoperative holding area, the patient was taken to the Operating Suite via cart and placed on the operating table in the supine position. A safety strap was placed across her waist for protection.,Next, a pneumatic ankle tourniquet was applied around her left ankle over copious amounts of Webril for the patient's protection. After adequate IV sedation was administered by the Department of Anesthesia, a total of 20 cc of a mixture of 4.5 cc of 1% lidocaine plain, 4.5 cc of 0.5% Marcaine plain, and 1 cc of Solu-Medrol per 10 cc dose was administered to the patient for local anesthesia. The foot was then prepped and draped in the usual sterile orthopedic manner. The foot was then elevated and a tourniquet was then placed at 230 mmHg after applying Esmarch bandage. The foot was then lowered down the operative field and sterile stockinet was draped. The stockinet was then reflected. Attention was then directed to the second intermetatarsal interspace. After testing the anesthesia, a 4 cm incision was placed using a #10 blade over the dorsal surface of the foot in the second intermetatarsal space beginning from proximal third of the metatarsals distally to and beyond the metatarsal head. Then, using #15 blade the incision was deepened through the skin into the subcutaneous tissue. Care was taken to identify and avoid or to cauterize any local encountered vascular structures. Incision was deepened using the combination of blunt and dull dissection using Mayo scissors, hemostat, and a #15 blade. The incision was deepened distally down to the level of the deep transverse metatarsal ligament which was reflected and exposure of the intermetatarsal space was appreciated. The individual branches of the plantar digital nerve were identified extending into the second and third digits plantarly. These endings were dissected distally and cut at their most distal portions. Following this, the nerve was dissected proximally into the common nerve and dissected proximally into the proximal portion of the intermetatarsal space. Using careful meticulous dissection, there was noted to a be a enlarged bulbous mass of fibers and nerve tissue embedded with the adipose tissue. This was also cut and removed. The proximal portion of the nerve stump was identified and care was taken to suture this into the lumbrical muscle to leave no free nerve ending exposed. Following this, the interspace was irrigated with copious amounts of sterile saline and interspace explored for any other portions of nerve which may been missed on the previous dissection. It was noted that no other portions of the nerve were detectable and the proximal free nerve ending was embedded and found to be ________ the lumbrical muscle belly. Following this, the interspace was packed using iodoform gauze packing and was closed in layers with the packing extruding from the wound. Attention was then directed to the third interspace where in a manner as mentioned before. A dorsal linear incision which measured 5 cm was made over the third interspace extending from the proximal portion of the metatarsal distally to the metatarsal head. Like before, using a combination of blunt and dull dissection, with sharp dissection the incision was deepened down with care taken to cauterize all retracting vascular structures which were encountered.,The incision was deepened down to the level of the subcutaneous tissue and then down deeper to the interspace of the third and fourth metatarsal. The dissection was deepened distally down to the level of the transverse intermetatarsal ligament, where upon this was reflected and the nerve fibers to the third and fourth digit plantarly were identified. These were once again dissected distally out and transected at their most distal portions. Care was then taken to dissect the nerve proximally into the proximal metatarsal region. No other branches of the nerve were identified and the nerve in its entirety along with fibrous tissue encountered in the area was removed. The proximal portion of the nerve which remained was not large enough to suture into lumbrical muscle as was done in the previous interspace. Half of the nerve was transected proximally as was feasible and no exposed ending was noted. Incision was then flushed and irrigated using sterile saline. Following this, the incision wound was packed with iodoform gauze packed and closed in layers using as before #4-0 Vicryl and #4-0 nylon suture.,Following this, attention was directed to the fifth metatarsal head where a lateral 4 cm incision was placed along the lateral distal shaft and head of the fifth metatarsal using a fresh #10 blade. The incision was then deepened using #15 blade down to the level of the subcutaneous tissue. Care was taken to reflect any neurovascular structures which were encountered. Following this the incision was deepened down to the level of the periosteum and periosteum was reflected, using the sharp dissection, to expose the head of the metatarsal along with the neck region. After adequate exposure of the fifth metatarsal head was achieved, an oblique incision directed from distal lateral to proximal medial in a sagittal plane was performed and the head of the fifth metatarsal was shifted medially. Following this, an OrthoSorb pin was retrograded through the fifth metatarsal head into the neck of the fifth metatarsal and was cut off first with the lateral surfaces of bone. OrthoSorb pin was noted to be intact and the fifth metatarsal head was in good alignment and position. Following this, the sagittal saw and the #138 blade were used to provide rasping and smoothing of the sharp acute edges of bone laterally. Following this, the periosteum was closed using #4-0 Vicryl and the skin was closed in layers using #4-0 Vicryl and closed with running subcuticular #4-0 Monocryl suture. Upon completion of this, the foot was noted to be in good position with good visual alignment of the fifth metatarsal head and digit. The incisions in foot were then ________ draped in the normal manner using Owen silk, 4 x 4s, Kling, and Kerlix and covered with Coban bandage. The tourniquet was then deflated with the total tourniquet time of 103 minutes at 230 mmHg and immediate hyperemia was noted to end digits one through five of the left foot.,The patient was then transferred to the cart and was escorted to the Postanesthesia Care Unit with vital signs stable and vascular status intact. The patient tolerated the procedure well without any complications. The patient was then given prescriptions for Vicoprofen #30 and Augmentin #14 to be taken twice daily. The patient was instructed to followup with Dr. X after the weekend on Tuesday in his office. The patient also given postoperative instructions and was placed in a postoperative shoe and instructed to limit weightbearing to the heel only, ice and elevate her foot 20 minutes every hour as tolerated. The patient also instructed to take her medications and prescriptions as directed. She was given the emergency contact numbers. Postoperative x-rays were taken and the patient was discharged home in stable condition upon conclusion of this. | Orthopedic |
PAST MEDICAL CONDITION:, None.,ALLERGIES:, None.,CURRENT MEDICATION:, Zyrtec and hydrocodone 7.5 mg one every 4 to 6 hours p.r.n. for pain.,CHIEF COMPLAINT: , Back injury with RLE radicular symptoms.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, The patient is a 52-year-old male who is here for independent medical evaluation. The patient states that he works for ABC ABC as a temporary worker. He worked for ABCD too. The patient's main job was loading and unloading furniture and appliances for the home. The patient was approximately there for about two and a half weeks. Date of injury occurred back in October. The patient stating that he had history of previous back problems ongoing; however, he states that on this particular day back in October, he was unloading an 18-wheeler at ABC and he was bending down picking up boxes to unload and load. Unfortunately at this particular event, the patient had sharp pain in his lower back. Soon afterwards, he had radiating symptoms down his right buttock all the way down to the lateral part of his leg crossing his knee. This became progressively worse. He also states that some of his radiating pain went down to his left leg as well. He noticed increase in buttock spasm and also noticed spasm in his buttocks. He initially saw Dr. Z and was provided with some muscle relaxer and was given some pain patches or Lidoderm patch, I believe. The patient states that after this treatment, his symptoms still persisted. At this point, the patient later on was referred to Dr. XYZ through the workmen's comp and he was initially evaluated back in April. After the evaluation, the patient was sent for MRI, was provided with pain medications such as short-acting opioids. He was put on restricted duty. The MRI essentially came back negative, but the patient continued to have radiating symptoms down to his lower extremity and subsequently the patient was essentially released by Dr. XYZ in June with maximum medical improvement.,Unfortunately, the patient continued to have persistence of back pain and radiating symptoms down to his leg and went back to see Dr. XYZ again, and at this point, the patient was provided with further medication management and sent for Pain Clinic referral. The patient also was recommended for nerve block at this point and the patient received epidural steroid injection by Dr. ABC without any significant relief. The patient also was sent for EMG and nerve conduction study, which was performed by Dr. ABCD and the MRI, EMG, and nerve conduction study came back essentially negative for radiculopathy, which was performed by Dr. ABCD. The patient states that he continues to have pain with extended sitting, he has radiating symptoms down to his lower extremity on the right side of his leg, increase in pain with stooping. He has difficulty sleeping at nighttime because of increase in pain. Ultimately, the patient was returned back to work in June, and deemed with maximum medical improvement back in June. The patient unfortunately still has significant degree of back pain with activities such as stooping and radicular symptoms down his right leg, worse than the left side. The patient also went to see Dr. X who is a chiropractic specialist and received eight or nine visits of chiropractic care without long-term relief in his overall radicular symptoms.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:, The patient was examined with the gown on. Lumbar flexion was moderately decreased. Extension was normal. Side bending to the right was decreased. Side bending to the left was within normal limits. Rotation and extension to the right side was causing increasing pain. Extension and side bending to the left was within normal limits without significant pain on the left side. While seated, straight leg was negative on the LLE at 90° and also negative on the RLE at 90°. There was no true root tension sign or radicular symptoms upon straight leg raising in the seated position. In supine position, straight leg was negative in the LLE and also negative on the RLE. Sensory exam shows there was a decrease in sensation to the S1 dermatomal distribution on the right side to light touch and at all other dermatomal distribution was within normal limits. Deep tendon reflex at the patella was 2+/4 bilaterally, but there was a decrease in reflex in the Achilles tendon 1+/4 on the right side and essentially 2+/4 on the left side. Medial hamstring reflex was 2+/4 on both hamstrings as well. On prone position, there was tightness in the paraspinals and erector spinae muscle as well as tightness on the right side of the quadratus lumborum area, right side was worse than the left side. Increase in pain at deep palpatory examination in midline of the L5 and S1 level.,MEDICAL RECORD REVIEW:, I had the opportunity to review Dr. XYZ's medical records. Also reviewed Dr. ABC procedural note, which was the epidural steroid injection block that was performed in December. Also, reviewed Dr. X's medical record notes and an EMG and nerve study that was performed by Dr. ABCD, which was essentially normal. The MRI of the lumbar spine that was performed back in April, which showed no evidence of herniated disc.,DIAGNOSIS: , Residual from low back injury with right lumbar radicular symptomatology.,EVALUATION/RECOMMENDATION:, The patient has an impairment based on AMA Guides Fifth Edition and it is permanent. The patient appears to have re-aggravation of the low back injury back in October related to his work at ABC when he was working unloading and loading an 18-wheel truck. Essentially, there was a clear aggravation of his symptoms with ongoing radicular symptom down to his lower extremity mainly on the right side more so than the left. The patient also has increase in back pain with lumbar flexion and rotational movement to the right side. With these ongoing symptoms, the patient has also decrease in activities of daily living such as mobility as well as decrease in sleep pattern and general decrease in overall function. Therefore, the patient is assigned 8% impairment of the whole person. We are able to assign this utilizing the Fifth Edition on spine section on the AMA guide. Using page 384, table 15-3, the patient does fall under DRE Lumbar Category II under criteria for rating impairment due to lumbar spine injury. In this particular section, it states that the patient's clinical history and examination findings are compatible with specific injury; and finding may include significant muscle guarding or spasm observed at the time of examination, a symmetric loss of range of motion, or non-verifiable radicular complaints define his complaints of radicular pain without objective findings; no alteration of the structural integrity and no significant radiculopathy. The patient also has decrease in activities of daily living; therefore, the patient is assigned at the higher impairment rating of 8% WPI. In the future, the patient should avoid prolonged walking, standing, stooping, squatting, hip bending, climbing, excessive flexion, extension, and rotation of his back. His one time weight limit should be determined by work trial, although the patient should continue to be closely monitored and managed for his pain control by the specific specialist for management of his overall pain. The patient although has a clear low back pain with certain movements such as stooping and extended sitting and does have a clear radicular symptomatology, the patient also should be monitored closely for specific dependency to short-acting opioids in the near future by specialist who could monitor and closely follow his overall pain management. The patient also should be treated with appropriate modalities and appropriate rehabilitation in the near future., | Orthopedic |
ADMISSION DIAGNOSIS: , Bilateral l5 spondylolysis with pars defects and spinal instability with radiculopathy.,SECONDARY DIAGNOSIS:, Chronic pain syndrome.,PRINCIPAL PROCEDURE: , L5 Gill procedure with interbody and posterolateral (360 degrees circumferential) arthrodesis using cages, bone graft, recombinant bone morphogenic protein, and pedicle fixation. This was performed by Dr. X on 01/08/08.,BRIEF HISTORY OF HOSPITAL COURSE: , The patient is a man with a history of longstanding back, buttock, and bilateral leg pain. He was evaluated and found to have bilateral pars defects at L5-S1 with spondylolysis and instability. He was admitted and underwent an uncomplicated surgical procedure as noted above. In the postoperative period, he was up and ambulatory. He was taking p.o. fluids and diet well. He was afebrile. His wounds were healing well. Subsequently, the patient was discharged home.,DISCHARGE MEDICATIONS: , Discharge medications included his usual preoperative pain medication as well as other medications.,FOLLOWUP: ,At this time, the patient will follow up with me in the office in six weeks' time. The patient understands discharge plans and is in agreement with the discharge plan. He will follow up as noted | Orthopedic |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Ruptured distal biceps tendon, right elbow.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Ruptured distal biceps tendon, right elbow.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: , Repair of distal biceps tendon, right elbow.,PROCEDURE: ,The patient was taken to OR, Room #2 and administered a general anesthetic. The right upper extremity was then prepped and draped in the usual manner. A sterile tourniquet was placed on the proximal aspect of the right upper extremity. The extremity was then elevated and exsanguinated with an Esmarch bandage and tourniquet was inflated to 250 mmHg. Tourniquet time was 74 minutes. A curvilinear incision was made in the antecubital fossa of the right elbow down through the skin. Hemostasis was achieved utilizing electrocautery. Subcutaneous fat was separated and the skin flaps elevated. The _________ was identified. It was incised. The finger was placed approximately up the anterior aspect of the arm and the distal aspect of the biceps tendon was found. There was some serosanguineous fluid from the previous rupture. This area was suctioned clean. The biceps tendon ends were then placed over a sterile tongue blade and were then sharply cut approximately 5 mm to 7 mm from the tip to create a fresh surface. At this point, the #2 fiber wire was then passed through the tendon. Two fiber wires were utilized in a Krackow-type suture. Once this was completed, dissection was taken digitally down into the antecubital fossa in the path where the biceps tendon had been previously. The radial tuberosity was palpated. Just ulnar to this, a curved hemostat was passed through the soft tissues and was used to tent the skin on the radial aspect of the elbow. A skin incision was made over this area. Approximately two inches down to the skin and subcutaneous tissues, the fascia was split and the extensor muscle was also split.,A stat was then attached through the tip of that stat and passed back up through the antecubital fossa. The tails of the fiber wire suture were grasped and pulled down through the second incision. At this point, they were placed to the side. Attention was directed at exposure of the radial tuberosity with a forearm fully pronated. The tuberosity came into view. The margins were cleared with periosteal elevator and sharp dissection. Utilizing the power bur, a trough approximately 1.5 cm wide x 7 mm to 8 mm high was placed in the radial tuberosity. Three small drill holes were then placed along the margin for passage of the suture. The area was then copiously irrigated with gentamicin solution. A #4-0 pullout wire was utilized to pass the sutures through the drill holes, one on each outer hole and two in the center hole. The elbow was flexed and the tendon was then pulled into the trough with the forearm supinated. The suture was tied over the bone islands. Both wounds were then copiously irrigated with gentamicin solution and suctioned dry. Muscle fascia was closed with running #2-0 Vicryl suture on the lateral incision followed by closure of the skin with interrupted #2-0 Vicryl and small staples. The anterior incision was approximated with interrupted #2-0 Vicryl for Subq. and then skin was approximated with small staples. Both wounds were infiltrated with a total of 30 cc of 0.25% Marcaine solution for postop analgesia. A bulky fluff dressing was applied to the elbow, followed by application of a long-arm plaster splint maintaining the forearm in the supinated position. Tourniquet was inflated prior to application of the splint. Circulatory status returned to the extremity immediately. The patient was awakened. He was rather boisterous during his awakening, but care was taken to protect the right upper extremity. He was then transferred to the recovery room in apparent satisfactory condition. | Orthopedic |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Displace subcapital fracture, left hip.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Displace subcapital fracture, left hip.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: , Austin-Moore bipolar hemiarthroplasty, left hip utilizing a medium fenestrated femoral stem with a medium 0.8 mm femoral head, a 50 mm bipolar cup.,PROCEDURE: , The patient was taken to OR #2, administered a subarachnoid block anesthetic and was then positioned in the right lateral decubitus position on the beanbag on the operative table. The right lower extremity was protectively padded. The left leg was propped with multiple blankets. The hip was then prepped and draped in the usual manner. A posterior incision was made on the posterolateral aspect of the left hip down to the skin and subcutaneous tissues. Hemostasis was achieved utilizing electrocautery. Gluteus fascia was incised in line with a skin incision and the muscle was split posteriorly. The external rotators were identified after removal of the trochanteric bursa. Hemostat was utilized to separate the external rotators from the underlying capsule, they were then transected off from their attachment at the posterior intertrochanteric line. They were then reflected distally. The capsule was then opened in a T-fashion utilizing the cutting cautery. Fraction hematoma exuded from the hip joint. The cork screw was then impacted into the femoral head and it was removed from the acetabulum. Bone fragments were removed from the neck and acetabulum. The acetabulum was then inspected and noted to be free from debris. The proximal femur was then delivered into the wound with the hip internally rotated.,A mortise chisel was then utilized to take the cancellous bone from the proximal femur. The T-handle broach was then passed down the canal. The canal was then sequentially broached up to a medium broach. The calcar was then plained with the hand plainer. The trial components were positioned into place. The medium component fit fairly well with the medium 28 mm femoral head. Once the trial reduction was performed, the hip was taken through range of motion. There was physiologic crystalling with longitudinal traction. There was no tendency towards dislocation with flexion of the hip past 90 degrees. The trial implants were then removed. The acetabulum was then copiously irrigated with gentamicin solution and suctioned dry. The medium fenestrated femoral stem was prepared by placing a large segment of bone from the femoral head into the fenestration making it a little larger than the width of the implant to provide a press fit. The implant was then impacted into place. The 28 mm femoral head was impacted on the mortise stapler of the femoral stem followed by placement of the 50 mm bipolar cup. The acetabulum was once again inspected, was free of debris. The hip was reduced. It was taken through full range of motion. There was no tendency for dislocation. The wound was copiously irrigated with gentamicin solution. The capsule was then repaired with interrupted #1 Ethibond suture. External rotators were then reapproximated to the posterior intertrochanteric line utilizing #1 Ethibond in a modified Kessler type stitch. The wound was once again copiously irrigated with gentamicin solution and suctioned dry. Gluteus fascia was approximated with interrupted #1 Ethibond. Subcutaneous layers were approximated with interrupted #2-0 Vicryl and skin approximated with staples. A bulky dressing was applied to the wound. The patient was then transferred to the hospital bed, an abductor pillow was positioned into place. Circulatory status was intact to the extremity at completion of the case. | Orthopedic |
TITLE OF OPERATION:,1. Diagnostic arthroscopy exam under anesthesia, left shoulder.,2. Debridement of chondral injury, left shoulder.,3. Debridement, superior glenoid, left shoulder.,4. Arthrotomy.,5. Bankart lesion repair.,6. Capsular shift, left shoulder (Mitek suture anchors; absorbable anchors with nonabsorbable sutures).,INDICATION FOR SURGERY: , The patient was seen multiple times preoperatively and found to have chronic instability of her shoulder. Risks and benefits of the procedure had been discussed in length including but not exclusive of infection, nerve or artery damage, stiffness, loss of range of motion, incomplete relief of pain, continued instability, recurrent instability, medical complications, surgical complications, and anesthesia complications. The patient understood and wishes to proceed.,PREOP DIAGNOSIS: , Anterior instability, left shoulder.,POSTOP DIAGNOSES:,1. Anterior instability, left shoulder.,2. Grade 4 chondromalacia, 10% humeral head, chondral defect 1 cm squared, left shoulder.,3. Type 1 superior labrum anterior and posterior lesion, left shoulder.,4. Anteroinferior glenoid erosions 10% bony surface, left shoulder.,5. Bankart lesion, left shoulder.,PROCEDURE: , The patient was placed in a supine position and both shoulders examined systematically. She had full range of motion with no joint adhesions. She had equal range of motion bilaterally. She had Hawkins 2 anteriorly and posteriorly in both shoulders with a grade 1 sulcus sign in both shoulders. This was the same when the arm was in neutral or in external rotation. The patient was then turned to right lateral decubitus position, axillary roll was placed, and beanbag was inflated. Peroneal nerve was well protected. All bony prominences were well protected.,The left upper extremity was then prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. The patient was given antibiotics well before the start of the procedure to decrease the risk of infection. The arm was placed in a arm holder with 10 pounds of traction. A posterior portal was created in the usual manner by isolating gently with the spinal needle, it was insufflated with 30 cubic centimeters of saline. A small incision was made after infiltrating the skin with Marcaine and epinephrine. The scope was introduced into the shoulder with no difficulty. It was then examined systematically. The patient did have diffuse synovitis throughout her shoulder. Her posterior humeral head showed an enlarged bold spot with some other areas of chondromalacia on the posterior head. She also had an area 1 cm in diameter, which was on more central portion of the head and more inferiorly which appeared to be more of an impaction-type injury. This had some portions of fibrillated and loose cartilage, hanging from the edges. These were later debrided, but the dissection was proximally 10 to 15% of the humeral surface.,The biceps tendon appeared to be normal. The supraspinatus, infraspinatus tendons were normal. The inferior pouch was normal with no capsular tearing and no HAGL lesions. The posteroinferior labrum was normal as well as the posterosuperior labrum. There was some fraying in the posterosuperior labrum, which was later debrided. It was found essentially to be a type 1 lesion anteriorly and superiorly. The anterosuperior labrum appeared to be detached, which appeared to be more consistent with a sublabral hole. The middle glenohumeral ligament was present as an entire sheath, but attach to the labrum. The labrum did appeared to be detached from the anterior glenoid from the 11 o'clock position all the way down to the 6 o'clock position. The biceps anchor itself was later probed and found to be stable and normal. The subscapularis tendon was normal. The anterior band of the glenohumeral ligament was present, but it was clearly avulsed off the glenoid. There was some suggestion of anteroinferior bony erosions, which was later substantiated when the shoulder was opened. The patient was missing about 10 to 15% of her anteroinferior glenoid rim. The patient had a positive drive-through sign.,The arm was then moved to lateral and placed through range of motion. There was contact of the rotator cuff to the superior glenoid in flexion at 115 degrees, maximum flexion was 150 degrees. The arm abducted and externally rotated. There was contact to the rotator cuff with posterosuperior labrum. This occurred with the arm position of 90 degrees with abduction at 55 degrees of external rotation. It should be noted that the maximum abduction is 150 degrees and with the arm abducted 90 degrees, maximum external rotation was 95 degrees. The patient did have a positive relocation maneuver. The posterior labrum did appear to tilt-off, but did not appear to peel off.,The arm was then placed back in the arm holder. Anterior portal was created with Wissinger rod. A blue cannula was inserted into the shoulder without difficulty. Shaver was introduced in the labrum. Also the area of chondromalacia as mentioned above was debrided. The labrum was found to be stable with only a type 1 SLAP lesion, and there was no evidence as there was really a type 2 SLAP lesion. The instruments were then removed along with excess fluid. The posterior portals were closed with single 4-0 nylon suture. The anterior portal was left open. The patient was then placed in a supine position, and the extremity was reprepped and draped in anticipation of performing open capsular shift.,The patient's anterior incision made just lateral to the coracoid in the skin line. Mediolateral skin flaps were developed, and cephalic vein was identified and protected throughout the case. The interval was developed down the clavipectoral fascia. The conjoined tendon was retracted medially and the deltoid laterally. The patient's subscapularis was intact, and the subscapularis split was then made between the upper one half and lower one half in line with muscle fibers. The capsule could easily be detached from the muscle, and the interval developed very easily. A retractor was placed inferiorly to protect the axillary nerve. Then Gelpi retractor was used to hold the subscapularis split open.,Next, an arthrotomy was made down at the 9 o'clock position. The labrum was identified and found to be attached all the way down to 6 o'clock position. The inferior flap was then created in a usual manner and tied with a 0 Vicryl suture. The patient's glenoid rim did have some erosion as mentioned above with some bone loss and flattening. This was debrided with the soft tissue. Three Mitek suture anchors were then placed into the glenoid rim right at the margin of articular cartilage to the scapular neck. These were absorbable anchors with nonabsorbable sutures. They had excellent fixation once they had been placed.,Next, the capsular shift and Bankart repair were performed in the usual manner with the number 2 Ti-Cron sutures as an outside in and then inside out technique. This brought the capsule right up to the edge of the glenoid rim. With the arm in internal rotation and posterior pressure on the head, the capsule was then secured to the rim with no difficulty under direct visualization. The capsule did come right up into the joint as expected with this type of repair. The superior flap was then closed, the inferior flap over the superior anchor. The interval between two flaps was closed with multiple number 2 Ti-Cron sutures. Once this has been completed, there was no tension on the repair with the arm to side until 10 degrees of external rotation was reached. The arm abducted 90 degrees. There was tension on the repair until 20 degrees of external rotation reached.,The wound was thoroughly irrigated throughout with antibiotic-impregnated irrigation. The subscapularis split was closed with interrupted 0 Vicryl sutures. The deep subcutaneous tissues were closed with interrupted 0 Vicryl sutures. The superficial subcutaneous tissues were closed with number 2-0 Vicryl sutures. The skin was closed with 4-0 subcuticular Prolene, reinforced with Steri-Strips. A sterile bandage was applied along with a cold therapy device and a shoulder immobilizer. The patient was sent to the recovery room in stable and satisfactory condition. | Orthopedic |
TITLE OF OPERATION: , Austin bunionectomy with internal screw fixation, first metatarsal, left foot.,PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Bunion deformity, left foot.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Bunion deformity, left foot.,ANESTHESIA: , Monitored anesthesia care with 15 mL of 1:1 mixture of 0.5% Marcaine and 1% lidocaine plain.,HEMOSTASIS: , 45 minutes, left ankle tourniquet set at 250 mmHg.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS:, Less than 10 mL.,MATERIALS USED: , 2-0 Vicryl, 3-0 Vicryl, 4-0 Vicryl, as well as a 16-mm and an 18-mm partially threaded cannulated screw from the OsteoMed Screw Fixation System.,DESCRIPTION OF THE PROCEDURE:, The patient was brought to the operating room and placed on the operating table in a supine position. After adequate sedation was achieved by the anesthesia team, the above-mentioned anesthetic mixture was infiltrated directly into the patient's left foot to anesthetize the future surgical sites. The left ankle was covered with cast padding and an 18-inch ankle tourniquet was placed around the left ankle and set at 250 mmHg. The left foot was then prepped, scrubbed, and draped in normal sterile technique. The left ankle tourniquet was inflated. Attention was then directed on the dorsomedial aspect of the first left metatarsophalangeal joint where a 6-cm linear incision was placed directly over the first left metatarsophalangeal joint parallel and medial to the course of the extensor hallucis longus tendon to the left great toe. The incision was deepened through subcutaneous tissues. All the bleeders were identified, cut, clamped, and cauterized. The incision was deepened to the level of the capsule and the periosteum of the first left metatarsophalangeal joint. All the tendinous neurovascular structures were identified and retracted from the site to be preserved. Using sharp and dull dissection, the periosteal and capsular attachments were mobilized from the head of the first left metatarsal. The conjoint tendon was identified on the lateral plantar aspect of the base of the proximal phalanx of the left great toe and transversally resected from its insertion. A lateral capsulotomy was also performed at the level of the first left metatarsophalangeal joint. The dorsomedial prominence of the first left metatarsal head was adequately exposed using sharp dissection and resected with the use of a sagittal saw. The same saw was used to perform an Austin-type bunionectomy on the capital aspect of the first left metatarsal head with its apex distal and its base proximal on the shaft of the first left metatarsal. The dorsal arm of the osteotomy was longer than the plantar arm in order to accommodate for the future internal fixation. The capital fragment of the first left metatarsal was then transposed laterally and impacted on the shaft of the first left metatarsal. Provisional fixation was achieved with two smooth wires that were inserted vertically to the dorsal osteotomy in a dorsal distal to plantar proximal direction. The same wires were also used as guide wires for the insertion of a 16-mm and an 18-mm partially threaded screws from the 3.0 OsteoMed System upon insertion of the screws, which was accomplished using AO technique. The wires were removed. Fixation on the table was found to be excellent. Reduction of the bunion deformity was also found to be excellent and position of the first left metatarsophalangeal joint was anatomical. The remaining bony prominence from the shaft of the first left metatarsal was then resected with a sagittal saw. The area was copiously flushed with saline. The periosteal and capsular tissues were approximated with 2-0 and 3-0 Vicryl suture material, 4-0 Vicryl was used to approximate the subcutaneous tissues. The incision site was reinforced with Steri-Strips. At this time, the patient's left ankle tourniquet was deflated. The time was 45 minutes. Immediate hyperemia was noted to the entire right lower extremity upon deflation of the cuff. The patient's incision was covered with Xeroform, copious amounts of fluff and Kling, stockinette, and an Ace bandage. The patient's left foot was then placed in a surgical shoe. The patient was then transferred to the recovered room under the care of the anesthesia team with her vital signs stable and her vascular status at appropriate levels. The patient was given pain medication and instructions on how to control her postoperative course. The patient was discharged from Hospital according to nursing protocol and was advised to follow up with Dr. X in one week's time for her first postoperative appointment. | Orthopedic |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Hemarthrosis, left knee, status post total knee replacement, rule out infection.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Hemarthrosis, left knee, status post total knee replacement, rule out infection.,OPERATIONS:,1. Arthrotomy, left total knee.,2. Irrigation and debridement, left knee.,3. Polyethylene exchange, left knee.,COMPLICATION: , None.,TOURNIQUET TIME: ,58 minutes.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , Minimal.,ANESTHESIA: ,General.,INDICATIONS: ,This patient underwent an uncomplicated left total knee replacement. Postoperatively, unfortunately did not follow up with PT/INR blood test and he was taking Coumadin. His INR was seemed to elevated and developed hemarthrosis. Initially, it did look very benign, although over the last 24 hours it did become irritable and inflamed, and he therefore was indicated with the above-noted procedure.,This procedure as well as alternatives was discussed in length with the patient and he understood them well. Risks and benefits were also discussed. Risks such as bleeding, infection, damage to blood vessels, damage to nerve roots, need for further surgeries, chronic pain with range of motion, risk of continued discomfort, risk of need for further reconstructive procedures, risk of need for total knee revision, risk of blood clots, pulmonary embolism, myocardial infarction, and risk of death were discussed. He understood them well. All questions were answered and he signed consent for the procedure as described.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , The patient was placed on operating table and general anesthesia was achieved. The left lower extremity was then prepped and draped in the usual sterile manner. The leg was elevated and the tourniquet was inflated to 325 mmHg. A longitudinal incision was then made and carried down through subcutaneous tissues. This was made through the prior incision site. There were some fatty necrotic tissues through the incision region and all necrotic tissue was debrided sharply on both sides of the incision site. Medial and lateral flaps were then made. The prior suture was identified, the suture removed and then a medial parapatellar arthrotomy was then performed. Effusion within the knee was noted. All hematoma was evacuated. I then did flex the knee and removed the polyethylene. Once the polyethylene was removed I did irrigate the knee with total of 9 liters of antibiotic solution. Further debridement was performed of all inflamed tissue and thickened synovial tissue. A 6 x 16-mm Stryker polyethylene was then snapped back in position. The knee has excellent stability in all planes and I did perform a light manipulation to improve the flexion of the knee. Further irrigation was performed on the all soft tissue in the knee with additional 3 liters of normal saline. The knee was placed in a flexed position and the extensor mechanism was reapproximated using #2 Ethibond suture in a figure-of-eight manner. The subcutaneous tissue was reapproximated in layers using #1 and 2-0 Vicryl sutures, and the skin was reapproximated using staples. Prior to closure a Hemovac drain was inserted through a superolateral approach into the knee joint.,No complications were encountered throughout the procedure, and the patient tolerated the procedure well. The patient was taken to recovery room in stable condition. | Orthopedic |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Soft tissue mass, right knee.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Soft tissue mass, right knee.,2. Osteophyte lateral femoral condyle, right knee.,PROCEDURES PERFORMED:, Excision of capsular mass and arthrotomy with ostectomy of lateral femoral condyle, right knee.,SPECIFICATION: , The entire operative procedure was done in Inpatient Operating Suite, room #1 at ABCD General Hospital. This was done under a local and IV sedation via the Anesthesia Department.,HISTORY AND GROSS FINDINGS:, This is a 37-year-old African-American male with a mass present at the posterolateral aspect of his right knee. On aspiration, it was originally attempted to no avail. There was a long-standing history of this including two different MRIs, one about a year ago and one very recently both of which did not delineate the mass present. During aspiration previously, the patient had experienced neuritic type symptoms down his calf, which have mostly resolved by the time that this had occurred. The patient continued to complain of pain and dysfunction to his calf. This was discussed with him at length. He wished this to be explored and the mass excised even though knowing the possibility that they would not change his pain pattern with the potential of reoccurrence as well as the potential of scar stiffness, swelling, and peroneal nerve palsy. With this, he decided to proceed.,Upon observation preoperatively, the patient was noted to have a hard mass present to the posterolateral aspect of the right knee. It was noted to be tender. It was marked preoperatively prior to an anesthetic. Upon dissection, the patient was noted to have significant thickening of the posterior capsule. The posterolateral aspect of the knee above the posterolateral complex at the gastroc attachment to the lateral femoral condyle. There was also noted to be prominence of the lateral femoral condyle ridge. The bifurcation at the tibial and peroneal nerves were identified and no neuroma was present.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURE: ,The patient was laid supine upon the operating table. After receiving IV sedation, he was placed prone. Thigh tourniquet was placed. He was prepped and draped in the usual sterile manner. A transverse incision was carried down across the crease with a mass had been palpated through skin and subcutaneous tissue after exsanguination of the limb and tourniquet utilized. The nerve was identified and carefully retracted throughout the case. Both nerves were identified and carefully retracted throughout the case. There was noted to be no neuroma present. This was taken down until the gastroc was split. There was gross thickening of the joint capsule and after arthrotomy, a section of the capsule was excised. The lateral femoral condyle was then osteophied. We then smoothed off with a rongeur. After this, we could not palpate any mass whatsoever placing pressure upon the area of the nerve. Tourniquet was deflated. It was checked again. There was no excessive swelling. Swanson drain was placed to the depth of the wound and interrupted #2-0 Vicryl was utilized for subcutaneous fat closure and #4-0 nylon was utilized for skin closure. Adaptic, 4x4s, ABDs, and Webril were placed for compression dressing. Digits were warm _______ pulses distally at the end of the case. The tourniquet as stated has been deflated prior to closure and hemostasis was controlled. Expected surgical prognosis on this patient is guarded. | Orthopedic |
TITLE OF OPERATION:,1. Austin-Akin bunionectomy with internal screw fixation of the first right metatarsophalangeal joint.,2. Weil osteotomy with internal screw fixation, first right metatarsal.,3. Arthroplasty, second right PIP joint.,PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Bunion deformity, right foot.,2. Dislocated second right metatarsophalangeal joint.,3. Hammertoe deformity, second right digit.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Bunion deformity, right foot.,2. Dislocated second right metatarsophalangeal joint.,3. Hammertoe deformity, second right digit.,ANESTHESIA:, Monitored anesthesia care with 20 mL of 1:1 mixture of 0.5% Marcaine and 1% lidocaine plain.,HEMOSTASIS:, 60 minutes, a right ankle tourniquet set at 250 mmHg.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , Less than 10 mL.,PREOPERATIVE INJECTABLES: ,1 g Ancef IV 30 minutes preoperatively.,MATERIALS USED: , 3-0 Vicryl, 4-0 Vicryl, 5-0 Prolene, as well as two 16-mm partially treaded cannulated screws of the OsteoMed system, one 18-mm partially treaded cannulated screw of the OsteoMed system of the 3.0 size. One 10-mm 2.0 partially threaded cannulated screw of the OsteoMed system.,DESCRIPTION OF THE PROCEDURE: ,The patient was brought to the operating room and placed on the operating table in the supine position. After adequate sedation was achieved by the anesthesia team, the above-mentioned anesthetic mixture was infiltrated directly into the patient's right foot to anesthetize the future surgical sites. The right ankle was covered with cast padding and an 18-inch ankle tourniquet was placed around the right ankle and set up at 250 mmHg. The right foot was then prepped, scrubbed, and draped in a normal sterile technique. The right ankle tourniquet was then inflated. Attention was then directed on the dorsomedial aspect of the first right metatarsophalangeal joint where a 6-cm linear incision was placed parallel and medial to the course of the extensor hallucis longus tendon to the right great toe. The incision was deepened through subcutaneous tissues. All the bleeders were identified, cut, clamped, and cauterized. The incision was deepened to the level of the capsule and the periosteum of the first right metatarsophalangeal joint. All the tendinous and neurovascular structures were identified and retracted from the site to be preserved. Using sharp and dull dissection, the periosteal and capsular tissues were mobilized from the head and neck of the first right metatarsal and the base of the proximal phalanx of the right great toe. The conjoint tendon was identified on the lateral plantar aspect of the base of the proximal phalanx and resected transversely.,A lateral capsulotomy was also performed at the level of the first right metatarsophalangeal joint. Using sharp and dull dissection, the dorsomedial prominence of the first right metatarsal head was adequately exposed and resected with the use of a sagittal saw. The same saw was used to perform the Austin osteotomy on the capital aspect of the first right metatarsal with its apex distal and its base proximal. The dorsal arm of the osteotomy was longer than the plantar arm and noted to accommodate for the future internal fixation. The capital fragment of the first right metatarsal was then transposed laterally and impacted on the shaft of the first right metatarsal. Two wires of the OsteoMed system were also used as provisional fixation wires and also as guidewires for the insertion of the future screws. The wires were inserted dorsal distal to plantar proximal through the dorsal arm of the osteotomy. The two screws from the 3.0 OsteoMed system were inserted over the wires using AO technique. One screw measured 16 mm, second screw measured 18 mm in length. Both 3.0 screws were then evaluated for the fixation of the osteotomy after the wires were removed. Fixation of the osteotomy was found to be excellent. The dorsomedial prominence of the first right metatarsal shaft was then resected with the sagittal saw. To improve the correction of the hallux abductus angle, an Akin osteotomy was also performed on the base of the proximal phalanx of the right great toe with its base medially and its apex laterally. Upon removal of the base wedge from the base of the proximal phalanx, the osteotomy was reduced with the OsteoMed smooth wire, which was also used as a guidewire for the insertion of a 16-mm partially threaded cannulated screw from the OsteoMed 3.0 system. Upon insertion of the screw, using AO technique, the wire was removed. The screw was inserted proximal medial to distal lateral through the osteotomy of the base of the proximal phalanx of the right great toe. Fixation of the osteotomy was found to be excellent. Reduction of the bunion deformity was also found to be excellent and position of the first right metatarsophalangeal joint was found to be anatomical. Range of motion of that joint was uninhibited. The area was flushed copiously with saline. Then, 3-0 suture material was used to approximate the periosteum and capsular tissues, 4-0 was used to approximate the subcutaneous tissues, and Steri-Strips were used to reinforce the incision. Attention was directed over the neck of the second right metatarsal head where a 3-cm linear incision was placed directly over the surgical neck of the second right metatarsal. The incision was deepened through subcutaneous tissues. All the bleeders were identified, cut, clamped and cauterized. The incision was deepened through the level of the periosteum over the surgical neck of the second right metatarsal. All the tendinous and neurovascular structures were identified and retracted from the site to be preserved. Using sharp and dull dissection, the surgical neck of the second right metatarsal was adequately exposed and then Weil-type osteotomy was performed from dorsal distal to plantar proximal through the surgical neck of the second right metatarsal. The capital fragment was then transposed proximally and impacted on the shaft of the second right metatarsal.,The 2.0 Osteo-Med system was also used to fixate this osteotomy wire from that system was inserted dorsal proximal to plantar distal through the second right metatarsal osteotomy and the wire was used as a guidewire for the insertion of the 10-mm partially threaded 2.0 cannulated screw. Upon insertion of the screw, using AO technique, the wire was then removed. Fixation of the osteotomy with 2.0 screw was found to be excellent. The second right metatarsophalangeal joint was then relocated and the dislocation of that joint was completely reduced. Range of motion of the second right metatarsophalangeal joint was found to be excellent. Then, 3-0 Vicryl suture material was used to approximate the periosteal tissues. Then, 4-0 Vicryl was used to approximate the skin incision. Attention was then directed at the level of the PIP joint of the second right toe where two semi-elliptical incisions were placed directly over the bony prominence at the level of the second right PIP joint. The island of skin between the two semi-elliptical incisions was resected in toto. The dissection was carried down to the level of extensor digitorum longus of the second right toe, which was resected transversely at the level of the PIP joint. A capsulotomy and a medial and lateral collateral ligament release of the PIP joint of the second right toe was also performed and head of the proximal phalanx of the second right digit was adequately exposed. Using the double-action bone cutter, the head of the proximal phalanx of the second right toe was then resected. The area was copiously flushed with saline. The capsular and periosteal tissues were approximated with 2-0 Vicryl and 3-0 Vicryl suture material was also used to approximate the extensor digitorum longus to the second right toe. A 5-0 Prolene was used to approximate the skin edges of the two semi-elliptical incisions. Correction of the hammertoe deformity and relocation of the second right metatarsophalangeal joint were evaluated with the foot loaded and were found to be excellent and anatomical. At this time, the patient's three incisions were covered with Xeroform, copious amounts of fluff and Kling, stockinette, and Ace bandage. The patient's right ankle tourniquet was deflated, time was 60 minutes. Immediate hyperemia was noted on the entire right lower extremity upon deflation of the cuffs.,The patient's right foot was placed in a surgical shoe and the patient was transferred to the recovery room under the care of anesthesia team with the vital signs stable and the vascular status at appropriate levels. The patient was given instructions and education on how to continue caring for her right foot surgery. The patient was eventually discharged from Hospital according to nursing protocol and was advised to follow up with Dr. X's office in one week's time for her first postoperative appointment. | Orthopedic |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: , Erythema of the right knee and leg, possible septic knee.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:, Erythema of the right knee superficial and leg, right septic knee ruled out.,INDICATIONS: , Mr. ABC is a 52-year-old male who has had approximately eight days of erythema over his knee. He has been to multiple institutions as an outpatient for this complaint. He has had what appears to be prepatellar bursa aspirated with little to no success. He has been treated with Kefzol and 1 g of Rocephin one point. He also reports, in the emergency department today, an attempt was made to aspirate his actual knee joint which was unsuccessful. Orthopedic Surgery was consulted at this time. Considering the patient's physical exam, there is a portal that would prove to be outside of the erythema that would be useful for aspiration of the knee. After discussion of risks and benefits, the patient elected to proceed with aspiration through the anterolateral portal of his knee joint.,PROCEDURE: ,The patient's right anterolateral knee area was prepped with Betadine times two and a 20-gauge spinal needle was used to approach the knee joint approximately 3 cm anterior and 2 cm lateral to the superolateral pole of the patella. The 20-gauge spinal needle was inserted and entered the knee joint. Approximately, 4 cc of clear yellow fluid was aspirated. The patient tolerated the procedure well.,DISPOSITION: , Based upon the appearance of this synovial fluid, we have a very low clinical suspicion of a septic joint. We will send this fluid to the lab for cell count, crystal exam, as well as culture and Gram stain. We will follow these results. After discussion with the emergency department staff, it appears that they tend to try to treat his erythema which appears to be cellulitis with IV antibiotics. | Orthopedic |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Medial meniscal tear, left knee.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Chondromalacia of medial femoral condyle.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:,1. Arthroscopy of the left knee.,2. Left arthroscopic medial meniscoplasty of medial femoral condyle.,3. Chondroplasty of the left knee as well.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , 80 cc.,TOTAL TOURNIQUET TIME: , 19 minutes.,DISPOSITION: , The patient was taken to PACU in stable condition.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: ,The patient is a 41-year-old male with left knee pain for approximately two years secondary to hockey injury where he did have a prior MCL sprain. He has had a positive symptomology of locking and pain since then. He had no frank instability to it, however.,GROSS OPERATIVE FINDINGS: , We did find a tear to the medial meniscus as well as a large area of chondromalacia to the medial femoral condyle.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURE: ,The patient was taken to the operating room. The left lower extremity was prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. Tourniquet was applied to the left thigh with adequate Webril padding, not inflated at this time. After the left lower extremity had been prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion, we applied an Esmarch tourniquet, exsanguinating the blood and inflated the tourniquet to 325 mmHg for a total of 19 minutes. We established the lateral port of the knee with #11 blade scalpel. We put in the arthroscopic trocar, instilled with water and inserted the camera.,On inspection of the patellofemoral joint, it was found to be quite smooth. Pictures were taken there. There was no evidence of chondromalacia, cracking, or fissuring of the articular cartilage. The patella was well centered over the trochlear notch. We then directed the arthroscope to the medial compartment of the knee. It was felt that there was a tear to the medial meniscus. We also saw large area of chondromalacia with grade-IV changes to bone over the medial femoral condyle. This area was debrided with forceps and the arthroscopic shaver. The cartilage was also smoothened over the medial femoral condyle. This was curetted after the medial meniscus had been trimmed. We looked into the notch. We saw the ACL appeared stable, saw attachments to tibial as well as the femoral insertion with some evidence of laxity, wear and tear. Attention then was taken to the lateral compartment with some evidence of tear to the lateral meniscus and the arterial surface of both the tibia as well as the femur were pristine in the lateral compartment. All instruments were removed. All loose cartilaginous pieces were suctioned from the knee and water was suctioned at the end. We removed all instruments. Marcaine was injected into the portal sites. We placed a sterile dressing and stockinet on the left lower extremity. He was transferred to the gurney and taken to PACU in stable condition. | Orthopedic |
TITLE OF OPERATION: ,1. Arthrotomy, removal humeral head implant, right shoulder.,2. Repair of torn subscapularis tendon (rotator cuff tendon) acute tear.,3. Debridement glenohumeral joint.,4. Biopsy and culturing the right shoulder.,INDICATION FOR SURGERY: , The patient had done well after a previous total shoulder arthroplasty performed by Dr. X. However, the patient was lifted with subsequent significant pain and apparent tearing of his subscapularis. Risks and benefits of the procedure had been discussed with the patient at length including, but not exclusive of infection, nerve or artery damage, stiffness, loss of range of motion, incomplete relief of pain, incomplete return of function, continued instability, retearing of the tendon, need for revision of his arthroplasty, permanent nerve or artery damage, etc. The patient understood and wished to proceed.,PREOP DIAGNOSIS: ,1. Torn subscapularis tendon, right shoulder.,2. Right total shoulder arthroplasty (Biomet system).,POSTOP DIAGNOSIS: ,1. Torn subscapularis tendon, right shoulder.,2. Right total shoulder arthroplasty (Biomet system).,3. Diffuse synovitis, right shoulder.,PROCEDURE: , The patient was anesthetized in the supine position. A Foley catheter was placed in his bladder. He was then placed in a beach chair position. He was brought to the side of the table and the torso secured with towels and tape. His head was then placed in the neutral position with no lateral bending or extension. It was secured with paper tape over his forehead. Care was taken to stay off his auricular cartilages and his orbits. Right upper extremity was then prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. The patient was given antibiotics well before the beginning of the procedure to decrease any risk of infection. Once he had been prepped and draped with the standard prep, he was prepped a second time with a chlorhexidine-type skin prep. This was allowed to dry and the skin was then covered with Ioban bandages also to decrease his risk of infection.,Also, preoperatively, the patient had his pacemaker defibrillator function turned off as a result during this case. Bipolar type cautery had to be used as opposed to monopolar cautery.,The patient's deltopectoral incision was then opened and extended proximally and distally. The patient had significant amount of scar already in this interval. Once we got down to the deltoid and pectoralis muscle, there was no apparent cephalic vein present, as a result the rotator cuff interval had to be developed through an area of scar. This created a significant amount of bleeding. As a result a very slow and meticulous dissection was performed to isolate his coracoid and then his proximal humerus. Care was taken to stay above the pectoralis minor and the conjoint tendon. The deltoid had already started to scar down the proximal humerus as a result a very significant amount of dissection had to be performed to release the deltoid from proximal humerus. Similarly, the deltoid insertion had to be released approximately 50% of its width to allow us enough mobility of the proximal humerus to be able to visualize the joint or the component. It was clear that the patient had an avulsion of the subscapularis tendon as the tissue on the anterior aspect of the shoulder was very thin. The muscle component of the subscapularis could be located approximately 1 cm off the glenoid rim and approximately 3 cm off the lesser tuberosity. The soft tissue in this area was significantly scarred down to the conjoint tendon, which had to be very meticulously released. The brachial plexus was identified as was the axillary nerve. Once this was completed, an arthrotomy was then made leaving some tissue attached to the lesser tuberosity in case it was needed for closure later. This revealed sanguineous fluid inside the joint. We did not feel it was infected based upon the fluid that came from the joint. The sutures for the subscapularis repair were still located in the proximal humerus with no tearing through the bone, which was fortunate because in that we could use the bone later for securing the sutures. The remaining sutures were seen to be retracted medially to an area of the subscapularis as mentioned previously. Some more capsule had to be released off the inferior neck in order for us to gain exposure during the scarring. This was done also very meticulously. The upper one half of the latissimus dorsi tendon was also released. Once this was completed, the humerus could be subluxed enough laterally that we could remove the head. This was done with no difficulty. Fortunately, the humeral component stayed intact. There were some exudates beneath the humeral head, which were somewhat mucinous. However, these do not really appear to be infected, however, we sent them to pathology for a frozen section. This frozen section later returned as possible purulent material. I discussed this personally with the pathologist at that point. We told him that the procedure is only 3 weeks old, but he was concerned that there might be more white blood cells in the tissue than he would expect. As a result, all the mucinous exudates were carefully removed. We also performed a fairly extensive synovectomy of the joint primarily to gain vision of the components, but also we irrigated the joint throughout the case with antibiotic impregnated irrigation. At that point, we also had sent portions of this mucinous material to pathology for a stat Gram stain. This came back as no organisms seen. We also sent portions for culture and sensitivity both aerobic and anaerobic.,Once this was completed, attention was then directed to the glenoid. The patient had significant amount of scar already. The subscapularis itself was significantly scarred down to the anterior rim. As a result, the adhesions along the anterior edge were released using a knife. Also adhesions in the subcoracoid space area were released very carefully and meticulously to prevent any injury to the brachial plexus. Two long retractors were placed medially to protect the brachial plexus during all portions of suturing of the subscapularis. The subscapularis was then tagged with multiple number 2 Tycron sutures. Adhesions were released circumferentially and it was found that with the arm in internal rotation about neutral degrees, the subscapularis could reach the calcar region without tension. As a result, seven number 2 Tycron sutures were placed from the bicipital groove all the way down to the inferior calcar region of the humerus. These all had excellent security in bone. Once the joint had been debrided and irrigated, the real humeral head was then placed back on the proximal humerus. Care was taken to remove fluid off the Morse taper. The head was then impacted. It should be noted that we tried multiple head sizes to see if a smaller or larger head size might be more appropriate for this patient. Unfortunately, any of the larger head sizes would overstep the joint and any smaller sizes would not give good coverage to the proximal humerus. As a result, it was felt to place the offset head back on the humerus, we did insert a new component as opposed to using the old component. The old component was given to the family postoperatively.,With the arm in internal rotation, the Tycron sutures were then placed through the subscapularis tendon in the usual horizontal mattress fashion. Also, it should be noted that the rotator cuff interval had to be released as part of the exposure. We started the repair by closing the rotator cuff interval. Anterior and posterior translation was then performed and was found to be very stable. The remaining sutures were then secured through the subscapularis tendon taking care to make sure that very substantial bites were obtained. This was then reinforced with the more flimsy tissue laterally being sewn into the tissue around the bicipital tuberosity essentially provided us with a two-layer repair of the subscapularis tendon. After the tendon had been repaired, there was no tension on repair until 0 degrees external rotation was reached with the arm to the side. Similarly with the arm abducted 90 degrees, tension was on repair at 0 degrees of external rotation. It should be noted that the wound was thoroughly irrigated throughout with antibiotic impregnated irrigation. The rotator cuff interval was closed with multiple number 2 Tycron sutures. It was reinforced with 0 Vicryl sutures. Two Hemovac drains were then placed inferiorly at the deltoid. The deltopectoral interval was then closed with 0 Vicryl sutures. A third drain was placed in the subcutaneous tissues to prevent any infections or any fluid collections. This was sewn into place with the drain pulled out superiorly. Once all the sutures have been secured and the drain visualized throughout this part of the closure, the drain was pulled distally until it was completely covered. There were no signs that it had been tagged or hung up by any sutures.,The superficial subcutaneous tissues were closed with interrupted with 2-0 Vicryl sutures. Skin was closed with staples. A sterile bandage was applied along with a cold therapy device and a shoulder immobilizer. The patient was sent to the intensive care unit in stable and satisfactory condition.,Due to the significant amount of scar and bleeding in this patient, a 22 modifier is being requested for this case. This was a very difficult revision case and was significantly increased in technical challenges and challenges in the dissection and exposure of this implant compared to a standard shoulder replacement. Similarly, the repair of the subscapularis tendon presented significantly more challenges than that of a standard rotator cuff repair because of the implant. This was being dictated for insurance purposes only and reflects no inherent difficulties with this case. The complexity and the time involved in this case was approximately 30% greater than that of a standard shoulder replacement or of a rotator cuff repair. This is being dictated to indicate this was a revision case with significant amount of scar and bleeding due to the patient's situation with his pacemaker. This patient also had multiple medical concerns, which increased the complexity of this case including the necessity to place him in intensive care unit postoperatively for observation. | Orthopedic |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Partial rotator cuff tear, left shoulder.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Partial rotator cuff tear, left shoulder.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:, Arthroscopy of the left shoulder with arthroscopic rotator cuff debridement, soft tissue decompression of the subacromial space of the left shoulder.,ANESTHESIA: ,Scalene block with general anesthesia.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , 30 cc.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,DISPOSITION: ,The patient went to the PACU stable.,GROSS OPERATIVE FINDINGS: , There was no overt pathology of the biceps tendon. There was some softening and loss of the articular cartilage over the glenoid. The labrum was ________ attached permanently to the glenoid. The biceps tendon was nonsubluxable. Upon ranging of the shoulder in internal and external rotation showed no evidence of rotator cuff tear on the articular side. Subacromial space did show excessive soft tissue causing some overstuffing of the subacromial space. There was reconstitution of the bursa noted as well.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, This is a 51-year-old female had left shoulder pain of chronic nature who has had undergone prior rotator cuff debridement in May with partial pain relief and has had continued pain in the left shoulder. MRI shows partial rotator cuff tear.,PROCEDURE: , The patient was taken to the operating room and placed in a beachchair position. After all bony prominences were adequately padded, the head was placed in the headholder with no excessive extension in the neck on flexion. The left extremity was prepped and draped in usual fashion. The #18 gauge needles were inserted into the left shoulder to locate the AC joint, the lateral aspect of the acromion as well as the pass of the first trocar to enter the shoulder joint from the posterior aspect. We took an #11 blade scalpel and made a small 1-cm skin incision posteriorly approximately 4-cm inferior and medial to the lateral port of the acromion. A blunt trocar was used to bluntly cannulate the joint and we put the camera into the shoulder at that point of the joint and instilled sterile saline to distend the capsule and begin our arthroscopic assessment of the shoulder. A second port was established superior to the biceps tendon anteriorly under direct arthroscopic visualization using #11 blade on the skin and inserted bluntly the trocar and the cannula. The operative findings found intra-articularly were as described previously gross operative findings. We did not see any evidence of acute pathology. We then removed all the arthroscopic instruments as well as the trocars and tunneled subcutaneously into the subacromial space and reestablished the portal and camera and inflow with saline. The subacromial space was examined and found to have excessive soft tissue and bursa that was in the subacromial space that we debrided using arthroscopic shaver after establishing a lateral portal. All this was done and hemostasis was achieved. The rotator cuff was examined from the bursal side and showed no evidence of tears. There was some fraying out laterally near its attachment over the greater tuberosity, which was debrided with the arthroscopic shaver. We removed all of our instruments and suctioned the subacromial space dry. A #4-0 nylon was used on the three arthroscopic portal and on the skin we placed sterile dressing and the arm was placed in an arm sling. She was placed back on the gurney, extubated and taken to the PACU in stable condition. | Orthopedic |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Medial meniscal tear, posterior horn of left knee.,2. Carpal tunnel syndrome chronic right hand with intractable pain, numbness, and tingling.,3. Impingement syndrome, right shoulder with acromioclavicular arthritis, bursitis, and chronic tendonitis.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Carpal tunnel syndrome, right hand, severe.,2. Bursitis, tendonitis, impingement, and AC arthritis, right shoulder.,3. Medial and lateral meniscal tears, posterior horn old, left knee.,PROCEDURE:,1. Right shoulder arthroscopy, subacromial decompression, distal clavicle excision, bursectomy, and coracoacromial ligament resection.,2. Right carpal tunnel release.,3. Left knee arthroscopy and partial medial and lateral meniscectomy.,ANESTHESIA: , General with regional.,COMPLICATIONS: ,None.,DISPOSITION: , To recovery room in awake, alert, and in stable condition.,OPERATIVE INDICATIONS: , A very active 50-year-old gentleman who had the above problems and workup revealed the above problems. He failed nonoperative management. We discussed the risks, benefits, and possible complications of operative and continued nonoperative management, and he gave his fully informed consent to the following procedure.,OPERATIVE REPORT IN DETAIL: , The patient was brought to the operating room and placed in the supine position on the operating room table. After adequate induction of general anesthesia, he was placed in the left lateral decubitus position. All bony prominences were padded. The right shoulder was prepped and draped in the usual sterile manner using standard Betadine prep, entered through three standard arthroscopic portals anterolateral and posterior incising the skin with a knife using sharp and blunt trocar.,Serial examination of the intraarticular portion of the shoulder showed all the structures to be normal including the biceps tendon ligaments, articular surfaces, and labrum. Subacromial space was entered. Visualization was poor due to the hemorrhagic bursitis, and this was resected back. It was essentially a type-3 acromion, which was converted to a type 1 by aiming the burr anterior from the posterior portal excising the larger anterior spur. Rotator cuff was little bit fray, but otherwise intact. Thus, the deep deltoid bursa and the markedly thickened coracoacromial ligament were removed. The burr was then introduced to the anterior portal and the distal clavicle excision carried out. The width of burr about 6 mm being careful to preserve the ligaments in the capsule, but removing the spurs and the denuded arthritic joint.,The patient tolerated the procedure very well. The shoulder was then copiously irrigated, drained free of any residual debris. The wound was closed with 3-0 Prolene. Sterile compressive dressing applied.,The patient was then placed on his back in the supine position and the right upper extremity and the left lower extremity were prepped and draped in usual sterile manner using a standard Betadine prep.,The attention was first turned to the right hand where it was elevated, exsanguinated using an Esmarch bandage, and the tourniquet was inflated to 250 mmHg for about 25 minutes. Volar approach to the carpal ligament was performed incising the skin with a knife and using cautery for hemostasis. Tenotomy and forceps dissection carried out through the superficial palmar fascia, carried down to the volar carpal ligament, which was then transected sharply with a knife and carried proximal and distal under direct vision using the scissors being careful to avoid the neurovascular structures.,Cautery was used for hemostasis. The never had an hourglass appearance where it was a kind of constricted as a result of the compression from the ligament, and so a small amount of Celestone was dripped onto the nerve to help quite it down. The patient tolerated this portion of the procedure very well. The hand was then irrigated, closed with Monocryl and Prolene, and sterile compressive dressing was applied and the tourniquet deflated.,Attention was then turned to the left knee where it was entered through inferomedial and inferolateral portals incising the skin with a knife and using sharp and blunt trocars. After entering the knee through inferomedial and inferolateral standard arthroscopic portals, examination of the knee showed a displaced bucket-handle tear in the medial meniscus and a radial tear at the lateral meniscus. These were resected back to the stable surface using a basket forceps and full-radius shaver. There was no evidence of any other significant arthritis in the knee. There was a lot of synovitis, and so after the knee was irrigated out and free of any residual debris, the knee was injected with Celestone and Marcaine with epinephrine.,The patient tolerated the procedure very well, and the wounds were closed with 3-0 Prolene and sterile compressive dressing was applied, and then the patient was taken to the recovery room, extubated, awake, alert, and in stable condition. | Orthopedic |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Rotator cuff tear, right shoulder.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Massive rotator cuff tear, right shoulder.,2. Near complete biceps tendon tear, right shoulder.,3. Chondromalacia of glenohumeral joint, right shoulder.,4. Glenoid labrum tear, right shoulder.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: ,1. Arthroscopy of the arthroscopic glenoid labrum.,2. Rotator cuff debridement shaving glenoid and humeral head.,3. Biceps tenotomy, right shoulder.,SPECIFICATION: , The entire operative procedure was done in Inpatient Operating Suite, room #1 at ABCD General Hospital. This was done under interscalene block anesthetic in the modified beachchair position.,HISTORY AND GROSS FINDINGS: , This is a 61-year-old white male who is dominantly right-handed. He had increasing right shoulder pain and dysfunction for a number of years prior to surgical intervention. This was gradually done over a period of time. No specific accident or injury could be seen or pointed. He was refractory to conservative outpatient therapy. After discussing alternatives of the care as well as the advantages, disadvantages, risks, complications, and expectations, he elected to undergo the above-stated procedure on this date.,Preoperatively, the patient did not have limitation of motion. He had gross weakness to his supraspinatus, mildly to the infraspinatus and subscapularis upon strength testing prior to his anesthetic.,Intraarticularly, the patient had an 80% biceps tendon tear that was dislocated. His rotator interval was resolved as well as his subscapularis with tearing. The supraspinatus was completely torn, retracted back beyond the level of the labrum and approximately one-third or so of the infraspinatus was involved with the remaining portion being greatly thinned as far as we could observe. Glenoid labrum had degenerative tear in the inferior surface. Gross chondromalacia was present to approximately 50% of the humeral head and approximately the upper 40% of the glenoid surface.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURE: , The patient was laid supine upon the operative table. After receiving interscalene block anesthetic by the Anesthesia Department, he was safely placed in a modified beachchair position. He was prepped and draped in the usual sterile manner. The portals were created outside the end posteriorly and then anteriorly. A full and complete diagnostic arthroscopy was carried out with the above-noted findings. The shaver was placed anteriorly. Debridement was carried out to the glenoid labrum tear and the last 20% of the biceps tendon tear was completed. Debridement was carried out to the end or attachment of the bicep itself.,Debridement was carried out to what could be seen of the remaining rotator cuff there, but then the scope was redirected in a subacromial direction and gross bursectomy carried out. Debridement was then carried out to the rotator cuff remaining tendon near the tuberosity. No osteophytes were present. Because of the massive nature of the tear, the CA ligament was maintained and there were no substantial changes to the subacromial region to necessitate burring. There was concern because of instability that could be present at the end of this.,Another portal was created laterally to do all of this. We did what we could to mobilize all sections of the rotator cuff, superiorly, posteriorly, and anteriorly. We took this back to the level of coracoid base. We released the coracohumeral ligament basically all but there was no excursion basically all to the portion of the rotator cuff torn. Because of this, further debridement was carried out. Debridement had been previously carried out to the humeral head as well as glenoid surface to debride the chondromalacia and take this down to the smooth edge. Care was taken to not to debride deeper than that. This was done prior to the above.,All instrumentation was removed. A Pain-Buster catheter was placed into a separate anterolateral portal cut to length. Interrupted #4-0 nylon was utilized for portal closures. Adaptic, 4x4s, ABDs, Elastoplast tape were placed for a compression dressing.,The patient's arm was placed in an arm sling. He was transferred to his cart and to the PACU in apparent satisfactory condition. Expected surgical prognosis on this patient is quite guarded because of the above-noted pathology. | Orthopedic |
PROCEDURE: , Primary right shoulder arthroscopic rotator cuff repair with subacromial decompression.,PATIENT PROFILE:, This is a 42-year-old female. Refer to note in patient chart for documentation of history and physical. Due to the nature of the patient's increasing pain, surgery is recommended. The alternatives, risks and benefits of surgery were discussed with the patient. The patient verbalized understanding of the risks as well as the alternatives to surgery. The patient wished to proceed with operative intervention. A signed and witnessed informed consent was placed on the chart. Prior to initiation of the procedure, patient identification and proposed procedure were verified by the surgeon in the pre-op area, and the operative site was marked by the patient and verified by the surgeon.,PRE-OP DIAGNOSIS: , Acute complete tear of the supraspinatus, Shoulder impingement syndrome.,POST-OP DIAGNOSIS:, Acute complete tear of the supraspinatus, Shoulder impingement syndrome.,ANESTHESIA: , General - Endotracheal.,FINDINGS:,ACROMION:,1. There was a medium-sized (5 - 10 mm) anterior acromial spur.,2. The subacromial bursa was inflamed.,3. The subacromial bursa was thickened.,4. There was thickening of the coracoacromial ligament.,LIGAMENTS / CAPSULE: , Joint capsule within normal limits.,LABRUM: , The labrum is within normal limits.,ROTATOR CUFF: , Full thickness tear of the supraspinatus tendon, 5 mm anterior to posterior, by 10 mm medial to lateral. Muscles and Tendons: The biceps tendon is within normal limits.,JOINT:, Normal appearance of the glenoid and humeral surfaces.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE:,PATIENT POSITIONING: , Following induction of anesthesia, the patient was placed in the beach-chair position on the standard operating table. All body parts were well padded and protected to make sure there were no pressure points. Subsequently, the surgical area was prepped and draped in the appropriate sterile fashion with Betadine.,INCISION TYPE:,1. Scope Ports: Anterior Portal.,2. Scope Ports: Posterior Portal.,3. Scope Ports: Accessory Anterior Portal.,INSTRUMENTS AND METHODS:,1. The arthroscope and instruments were introduced into the shoulder joint through the arthroscopic portals.,2. The subacromial space and bursa, biceps tendon, coracoacromial and glenohumeral ligaments, biceps tendon, rotator cuff, supraspinatus, subscapularis, infraspinatus, teres minor, capsulo-labral complex, capsule, glenoid labrum, humeral head, and glenoid, including the inner and outer surfaces of the rotator cuff, were visualized and probed.,3. The subacromial bursa, subacromial soft tissues and frayed rotator cuff tissue were resected and debrided using a motorized resector and 4.5 Synovial Resector.,4. The anterior portion of the acromion and acromial spur were resected with the 5.5 acromionizer burr. Approximately 5 mm of bone was removed. The coracoacromial ligament was released with the bony resection. The shoulder joint was thoroughly irrigated.,5. The edges of the cuff tissue were prepared, prior to the fixation, using the motorized resector.,6. The supraspinatus tendon was reattached and sutured using the arthroscopic knot pusher and Mitek knotless anchor system and curved pointed suture passer and large bore cannula (to pass the sutures). The repair was accomplished in a side-to-side and a tendon-to-bone fashion using three double loaded Mitek G IV suture anchors with 1 PDS suture.,7. The repair was stable to palpation with the probe and watertight.,8. The arthroscope and instruments were removed from the shoulder.,PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN: , No pathology specimens.,WOUND CLOSURE:, The joint was thoroughly irrigated with 7 L of sterile saline. The portal sites were infiltrated with 1% Xylocaine. The skin was closed with 4-0 Vicryl using interrupted subcuticular technique.,DRAINS / DRESSING:, Applied sterile dressing including gauze, iodoform gauze and Elastoplast.,SPONGE / INSTRUMENT / NEEDLE COUNTS:, Final counts were correct. | Orthopedic |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Chondromalacia patella.,2. Patellofemoral malalignment syndrome.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Grade-IV chondromalacia patella.,2. Patellofemoral malalignment syndrome.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:,1. Diagnostic arthroscopy with partial chondroplasty of patella.,2. Lateral retinacular release.,3. Open tibial tubercle transfer with fixation of two 4.5 mm cannulated screws.,ANESTHESIA:, General.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,TOURNIQUET TIME: , Approximately 70 minutes at 325 mmHg.,INTRAOPERATIVE FINDINGS: , Grade-IV chondromalacia noted to the central and lateral facet of the patella. There was a grade II to III chondral changes to the patellar groove. The patella was noted to be displaced laterally riding on the edge of the lateral femoral condyle. The medial lateral meniscus showed small amounts of degeneration, but no frank tears were seen. The articular surfaces and the remainder of the knee appeared intact. Cruciate ligaments also appeared intact to direct stress testing.,HISTORY: ,This is a 36-year-old Caucasian female with a long-standing history of right knee pain. She has been diagnosed in the past with chondromalacia patella. She has failed conservative therapy. It was discussed with her the possibility of a arthroscopy lateral release and a tubercle transfer (anterior medialization of the tibial tubercle) to release stress from her femoral patellofemoral joint. She elected to proceed with the surgical intervention. All risks and benefits of the surgery were discussed with her. She was in agreement with the treatment plan.,PROCEDURE: , On 09/04/03, she was taken to Operating Room at ABCD General Hospital. She was placed supine on the operating table with the general anesthesia administered by the Anesthesia Department. Her leg was placed in a Johnson knee holder and sterilely prepped and draped in the usual fashion. A stab incision was made in inferolateral and parapatellar regions. Through this the cannula was placed and the knee was inflated with saline solution. Intraoperative pictures were obtained. The above findings were noted. Second portal site was initiated in the inferomedial parapatellar region. Through this, a arthroscopic shaver was placed and the chondroplasty in the patella was performed and removed the loose articular debris. Next, the camera was placed through the inferomedial portal. An arthroscopic Bovie was placed through the inferolateral portal. A release of lateral retinaculum was then performed using the Bovie. Hemostasis was controlled with electrocautery. Next, the knee was suctioned dry. An Esmarch was used to exsanguinate the lower extremity. Tourniquet was inflated to 325 mmHg. An oblique incision was made along the medial parapatellar region of the knee. The subcuticular tissues were carefully dissected and the hemostasis was again controlled with electrocautery. The retinaculum was then incised in line with the incision. The patellar tendon was identified. The lateral and medial border of the tibial tubercle were cleared of all soft tissue debris. Next, an osteotome was then used to cut the tibial tubercle to 45 degree angle leaving the base of the bone incision intact. The tubercle was then pushed anteriorly and medially decreasing her Q-angle and anteriorizing the tibial tubercle. It was then held in place with a Steinmann pin. Following this, a two 4.5 mm cannulated screws, partially threaded, were drilled in place using standard technique to help fixate the tibial tubercle. There was excellent fixation noted. The Q-angle was noted to be decreased to approximately 15 degrees. She was transferred approximately 1 cm in length. The wound was copiously irrigated and suctioned dry. The medial retinaculum was then plicated causing further medialization of the patella. The retinaculum was reapproximated using #0 Vicryl. Subcuticular tissue were reapproximated with #2-0 Vicryl. Skin was closed with #4-0 Vicryl running PDS suture. Sterile dressing was applied to the lower extremities. She was placed in a Donjoy knee immobilizer locked in extension. It was noted that the lower extremity was warm and pink with good capillary refill following deflation of the tourniquet. She was transferred to recovery room in apparent stable and satisfactory condition.,Prognosis of this patient is poor secondary to the advanced degenerative changes to the patellofemoral joint. She will remain in the immobilizer approximately six weeks allowing the tubercle to reapproximate itself to the proximal tibia. | Orthopedic |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Torn lateral meniscus, right knee.,2. Chondromalacia of the patella, right knee.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Torn lateral meniscus, right knee.,2. Chondromalacia of the patella, right knee.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:,1. Arthroscopic lateral meniscoplasty.,2. Patellar shaving of the right knee.,ANESTHESIA: ,General.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , Minimal.,TOTAL TOURNIQUET TIME:, Zero.,GROSS FINDINGS: , A complex tear involving the lateral and posterior horns of the lateral meniscus and grade-II chondromalacia of the patella.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient is a 45-year-old Caucasian male presented to the office complaining of right knee pain. He complained of pain on the medial aspect of his right knee after an injury at work, which he twisted his right knee.,PROCEDURE: ,After all potential complications, risks, as well as anticipated benefits of the above-named procedures were discussed at length with the patient, informed consent was obtained. The operative extremity was then confirmed with the operative surgeon, the patient, the Department of Anesthesia and the nursing staff.,The patient was then transferred to preoperative area to Operative Suite #2, placed on the operating table in supine position. Department of Anesthesia administered general anesthetic to the patient. All bony prominences were well padded at this time. The right lower extremity was then properly positioned in a Johnson knee holder. At this time, 1% lidocaine with epinephrine 20 cc was administered to the right knee intra-articularly under sterile conditions. The right lower extremity was then sterilely prepped and draped in usual sterile fashion. Next, after all bony soft tissue landmarks were identified, an inferolateral working portal was established by making a 1-cm transverse incision at the level of the joint line lateral to the patellar tendon. The cannula and trocar were then inserted through this, putting the patellofemoral joint. An arthroscopic camera was then inserted and the knee was sequentially examined including the patellofemoral joint, the medial and lateral gutters, medial lateral joints, and the femoral notch. Upon viewing of the patellofemoral joint, there was noted to be grade-II chondromalacia changes of the patella. There were no loose bodies noted in the either gutter. Upon viewing of the medial compartment, there was no chondromalacia or meniscal tear was noted. While in this area, attention was directed to establish the inferomedial instrument portal. This was first done using a spinal needle for localization followed by 1-cm transverse incision at the joint line. A probe was then inserted through this portal and the meniscus was further probed. Again, there was noted to be no meniscal tear. The knee was taken through range of motion and there was no chondromalacia. Upon viewing of the femoral notch, there was noted to be intact ACL with negative drawer sign. PCL was also noted to be intact. Upon viewing of the lateral compartment, there was noted to be a large bucket-handle tear involving the lateral and posterior horns. It was reduced from the place, however, involved the white and red white area was elected to excise the bucket-handle. An arthroscopic scissor was then inserted and the two remaining attachments the posterior and lateral attachments were then clipped and a Schlesinger grasper was then used to remove the resected meniscus. It was noted that the meniscus was followed out to the whole and the entire piece was taken out of the knee. Pictures were taken both pre-meniscal resection and post-meniscal resection. The arthroscopic shaver was then inserted into the medial portal and the remaining meniscus was contoured. The lateral gutter was then examined and was noted to be no loose bodies and ______ was intact. Next, attention was directed to the inner surface of the patella. This was debrided using the 2.5 arthroscopic shaver. It was noted to be quite smooth and postprocedure the patient was taken ________ well. The knee was then copiously irrigated and suctioned dry and all instrumentation was removed. 20 cc of 0.25% Marcaine was then administered to each portal as well as intra-articularly.,Sterile dressing was then applied consisting of Adaptic, 4x4s, ABDs, and sterile Webril and a stockinette to the right lower extremity. At this time, Department of Anesthesia reversed the anesthetic. The patient was transferred back to the hospital gurney to the Postanesthesia Care Unit. The patient tolerated the procedure and there were no complications. | Orthopedic |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Rotated cuff tear, right shoulder.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Rotated cuff tear, right shoulder.,2. Glenoid labrum tear.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:,1. Arthroscopy with arthroscopic glenoid labrum debridement.,2. Subacromial decompression.,3. Rotator cuff repair, right shoulder.,SPECIFICATIONS:, Intraoperative procedure was done at Inpatient Operative Suite, room #1 at ABCD Hospital. This was done under interscalene and subsequent general anesthetic in the modified beach chair position.,HISTORY AND GROSS FINDINGS: , The patient is a 48-year-old with male who has been suffering increasing right shoulder pain for a number of months prior to surgical intervention. He was completely refractory to conservative outpatient therapy. After discussing the alternative care as well as the advantages, disadvantages, risks, complications, and expectations, he elected to undergo the above stated procedure on this date.,Intraarticularly, the joint was observed. There was noted to be a degenerative glenoid labrum tear. The biceps complex was otherwise intact. There were minimal degenerative changes at the glenohumeral joint. Rotator cuff tear was appreciated on the inner surface. Subacromially, the same was true. This was an elliptical to V-type tear. The patient has a grossly positive type III acromion.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURE: , The patient was laid supine on the operating table after receiving interscalene and then general anesthetic by the Anesthesia Department. He was safely placed in modified beach chair position. He was prepped and draped in the usual sterile manner. Portals were created outside to end, posterior to anterior, and ultimately laterally in the typical fashion. Upon complete diagnostic arthroscopy was carried out in the intraarticular aspect of the joint, a 4.2 meniscus shaver was placed anteriorly with the scope posteriorly. Debridement was carried out to the glenoid labrum. The biceps was probed and noted to be intact. Undersurface of the rotator cuff was debrided with the shaver along with debridement of the subchondral region of the greater tuberosity attachment.,After this, instrumentation was removed. The scope was placed subacromially and a lateral portal created. Gross bursectomy was carried out in a stepwise fashion to the top part of the cuff as well as in the gutters. An anterolateral portal was created. Sutures were placed via express silk as well as other sutures with a #2 fiber wire. With passing of the suture, they were tied with a slip-tight knot and then two half stitches. There was excellent reduction of the tear. Superolateral portal was then created. A #1 Mitek suture anchor was then placed in the posterior cuff to bring this over to bleeding bone. _______ suture was placed. The implant was put into place. The loop was grabbed and it was impacted in the previously drilled holes. There was excellent reduction of the tear.,Trial range of motion was carried out and seemed to be satisfactory.,Prior to this, a subacromial decompression was accomplished after release of CA ligament with the vapor Bovie. A 4.8 motorized barrel burr was utilized to sequentially take this down from the type III acromion to a flat type I acromion.,After all was done, copious irrigation was carried out throughout the joint. Gross bursectomy lightly was carried out to remove all bony elements. A pain buster catheter was placed through a separate portal and cut to length. 0.5% Marcaine was instilled after portals were closed with #4-0 nylon. Adaptic, 4 x 4s, ABDs, and Elastoplast tape placed for dressing. The patient was ultimately transferred to his cart and PACU in apparent satisfactory condition. Expected surgical prognosis of this patient is fair. | Orthopedic |
Subsets and Splits