This present-day nation was the center of Axum, and its church claims to hold the Ark of the Covenant.
[ "Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia", "Ityop'iya Federalawi Demokrasiyawi Ripeblik", "Ethiopia" ]
This present-day nation was the center of Axum, and its church claims to hold the Ark of the Covenant. It defeated Italy at the Battle of Adowa under Emperor Menilek (MEN-ee-lek) II. Rastafarians (RAHSS-tah-FAR-ee-ins) hold that another emperor, Haile Selassie (HAY-lee seh-LAH-see), was the second coming of Jesus. Its first emperor was supposedly the son of the Queen of Sheba. For 10 points, name this African nation currently led by Girma Wolde-Giorgis (JER-mah WOLD-uh JOR-jiss) from Addis Ababa.
[ [ 0, 103 ], [ 103, 183 ], [ 183, 316 ], [ 316, 380 ], [ 380, 501 ] ]
Federal Democratic Republic of {Ethiopia} [or {Ityop'iya Federalawi Demokrasiyawi Ripeblik;} prompt on {Abyssinia}]
{ "category": "Religion", "subcategory": "", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
One type of this weapon would have been defended against by President Reagan's Strategic Defense Initiative. Another type of these developed by the Soviet Union and used by Iraq was the Scud. Nazi Germany wanted to replace anti-aircraft guns with the (*) surface-to-air type of these weapons.
[ "missiles" ]
One type of this weapon would have been defended against by President Reagan's Strategic Defense Initiative. Another type of these developed by the Soviet Union and used by Iraq was the Scud. Nazi Germany wanted to replace anti-aircraft guns with the (*) surface-to-air type of these weapons. For 10 points, what projected weapons that carry explosive devices name a 1962 crisis in Cuba?
[ [ 0, 109 ], [ 109, 192 ], [ 192, 293 ], [ 293, 387 ] ]
{missiles} [prompt on {\"nuclear bomb\"} until \"surface-to-air\" is mentioned; do not accept or prompt on rocket(s)]
{ "category": "Technology", "subcategory": "", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
One member of this band narrowly survived a plane crash along with DJ AM. In one song they sang "say it ain't so, I will not go, turn the lights off, carry me home" and in another they sang about how "your smile fades in the summer." For 10 points, name this punk band, who in addition to "All the Small Things" and "Feeling This" recorded "Stay Together for the Kids" and "I Miss You."
[ "Blink-182" ]
One member of this band narrowly survived a plane crash along with DJ AM. In one song they sang "say it ain't so, I will not go, turn the lights off, carry me home" and in another they sang about how "your smile fades in the summer." For 10 points, name this punk band, who in addition to "All the Small Things" and "Feeling This" recorded "Stay Together for the Kids" and "I Miss You."
[ [ 0, 74 ], [ 74, 234 ], [ 234, 386 ] ]
{ "category": "Fine Arts", "subcategory": "Music", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
Cyrus the Great allowed this structure to be built to replace a similar building destroyed during Nebuchadnezzar II's reign. Judas Maccabaeus cleansed and rededicated this structure in events celebrated during Hanukkah. This building served as the Sanhedrin's meeting place and was mostly destroyed in 70 AD.
[ "Second Temple Jerusalem", "Jerusalem", "Second Temple of Jerusalem", "Second Temple" ]
Cyrus the Great allowed this structure to be built to replace a similar building destroyed during Nebuchadnezzar II's reign. Judas Maccabaeus cleansed and rededicated this structure in events celebrated during Hanukkah. This building served as the Sanhedrin's meeting place and was mostly destroyed in 70 AD. For 10 points, the West, or Wailing, Wall is the only remaining part of the latter of what Jewish holy site?
[ [ 0, 125 ], [ 125, 220 ], [ 220, 309 ], [ 309, 417 ] ]
{Second Temple} of {Jerusalem} [prompt on {Temple} of {Jerusalem;} do not accept {"First Temple} of {Jerusalem"}]
{ "category": "History", "subcategory": "Ancient History", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This character's birthday is May 8. She trades the fish she catches at The Hob, a black market in District 12.
[ "either underlined name", "Katniss Everdeen" ]
This character's birthday is May 8. She trades the fish she catches at The Hob, a black market in District 12. After the reaping, she volunteers to take her sister Primrose's place. Her tumultuous relationship with Peeta continues and changes through Catching Fire and Mockingjay. For 10 points, name the protagonist of Suzanne Collins' "Hunger Games" series.
[ [ 0, 36 ], [ 36, 111 ], [ 111, 182 ], [ 182, 281 ], [ 281, 359 ] ]
{Katniss Everdeen} [accept either underlined name]
{ "category": "Television/Movies", "subcategory": "", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
The French equivalent to costing "an arm and a leg" is the cost of these body parts.
[ "eyes" ]
The French equivalent to costing "an arm and a leg" is the cost of these body parts. In Latin, this word translates as "oculus," while the Greek translation, "ophthalmos," gives the terms "ophthalmologist" and "optometrist" for doctors of these body parts. "Les yeux" in French and "los ojos" in Spanish identify, for 10 points, what body parts that you can idiomatically have "four" of if you wear glasses?
[ [ 0, 85 ], [ 85, 257 ], [ 257, 407 ] ]
{ "category": "Language", "subcategory": "", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This figure once tried to destroy mankind by tearing out an eye, which turned into Hathor. At night, he brings light to the darkness of the underworld. The disk above this deity's head is called Aton.
[ "Re", "Re", "Amon-Ra", "Ra", "Amon-Re" ]
This figure once tried to destroy mankind by tearing out an eye, which turned into Hathor. At night, he brings light to the darkness of the underworld. The disk above this deity's head is called Aton. Apep is depicted in an eternal struggle with this god, whose primary center of worship was at Heliopolis. In the form of Atum, he is the figure who gives light and warmth. For 10 points, name this Egyptian sun deity.
[ [ 0, 91 ], [ 91, 152 ], [ 152, 201 ], [ 201, 307 ], [ 307, 373 ], [ 373, 417 ] ]
{Ra} [accept Amon-{Ra} or {Re} or Amon-{Re;} do not accept {“Amon”} by itself]
{ "category": "Mythology", "subcategory": "", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
Ribosome subunits pass through pores in this structure's namesake envelope and are produced in one part of it. In one kind of cloning, this organelle is transferred into an egg that lacks one. The presence of this organelle distinguishes eukaryotes from prokaryotes.
[ "nucleus" ]
Ribosome subunits pass through pores in this structure's namesake envelope and are produced in one part of it. In one kind of cloning, this organelle is transferred into an egg that lacks one. The presence of this organelle distinguishes eukaryotes from prokaryotes. This organelle divides in two during mitosis because DNA is found here. For 10 points, name this information processing area of the cell.
[ [ 0, 111 ], [ 111, 193 ], [ 193, 267 ], [ 267, 339 ], [ 339, 404 ] ]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Biology", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This god, sometimes known as Eubuleus (yoo-BOO-lee-us) or Clymenus, punished Sisyphus by requiring him to roll a boulder up a hill. This oldest son of Rhea abducted his future wife while she was picking flowers in the fields of Nysa and then tricked her into staying with him for six months each year by feeding her pomegranate seeds.
[ "Hades" ]
This god, sometimes known as Eubuleus (yoo-BOO-lee-us) or Clymenus, punished Sisyphus by requiring him to roll a boulder up a hill. This oldest son of Rhea abducted his future wife while she was picking flowers in the fields of Nysa and then tricked her into staying with him for six months each year by feeding her pomegranate seeds. For 10 points, name this husband of Persephone, the Greek god of the Underworld.
[ [ 0, 132 ], [ 132, 335 ], [ 335, 415 ] ]
{Hades} [prompt on {Pluto}]
{ "category": "Mythology", "subcategory": "", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This element's allotropes include nanotubes and fullerenes. Another allotrope of this element consists of thin hexagonal sheets and is known as graphite. This element is bound to four hydrogen atoms in methane.
[ "C", "carbon" ]
This element's allotropes include nanotubes and fullerenes. Another allotrope of this element consists of thin hexagonal sheets and is known as graphite. This element is bound to four hydrogen atoms in methane. For 10 points, name this element that makes up diamonds, which has atomic number six and symbol C.
[ [ 0, 60 ], [ 60, 154 ], [ 154, 211 ], [ 211, 309 ] ]
{carbon} [or {C} before given]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Chemistry", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
In one scene, this character causes a cat to run chaotically through the house by giving it "pain-killer." He plays Robin Hood with Joe Harper. He gets trapped in McDougal's Cave with Becky Thatcher, where he sees Injun Joe hiding.
[ "either", "both underlined parts", "Tom Sawyer" ]
In one scene, this character causes a cat to run chaotically through the house by giving it "pain-killer." He plays Robin Hood with Joe Harper. He gets trapped in McDougal's Cave with Becky Thatcher, where he sees Injun Joe hiding. Earlier, he had persuaded his friends to whitewash a fence for him. For 10 points, name this companion of Huck Finn in several novels by Mark Twain.
[ [ 0, 107 ], [ 107, 144 ], [ 144, 232 ], [ 232, 300 ], [ 300, 380 ] ]
{Tom Sawyer} [accept either or both underlined parts]
{ "category": "Literature", "subcategory": "Plot and Characters", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
The Aufbau (“OUF-bou”) principle explains how these particles are placed in their “shells.” The discovery of these particles in cathode rays by J.J. Thomson led him to formulate the plum pudding model.
[ "electrons" ]
The Aufbau (“OUF-bou”) principle explains how these particles are placed in their “shells.” The discovery of these particles in cathode rays by J.J. Thomson led him to formulate the plum pudding model. The charge on one of these particles is also known as the fundamental charge. In the Bohr model of the atom, these particles orbit the nucleus. For 10 points, name these negatively charged particles.
[ [ 0, 92 ], [ 92, 202 ], [ 202, 280 ], [ 280, 346 ], [ 346, 401 ] ]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Chemistry", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
In the buildup to this battle, the losing commander set up a fortification at Gloucester (“GLAU-ster”) shortly after retreating from Williamsburg. A key turning point in this battle was the arrival of reinforcements under Count Rochambeau (“RO-sham-BO”). British naval forces under Thomas Graves failed to break through the French blockade. For 10 points, name this final Revolutionary War battle, after which Lord Cornwallis surrendered.
[ "Battle of Yorktown", "Yorktown" ]
In the buildup to this battle, the losing commander set up a fortification at Gloucester (“GLAU-ster”) shortly after retreating from Williamsburg. A key turning point in this battle was the arrival of reinforcements under Count Rochambeau (“RO-sham-BO”). British naval forces under Thomas Graves failed to break through the French blockade. For 10 points, name this final Revolutionary War battle, after which Lord Cornwallis surrendered.
[ [ 0, 147 ], [ 147, 255 ], [ 255, 341 ], [ 341, 438 ] ]
Battle of {Yorktown}
{ "category": "History", "subcategory": "Military History", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
The last "ancient" time period of this nation is named after the burial mounds, or kofun, of that time period.
[ "Japan", "Nippon" ]
The last "ancient" time period of this nation is named after the burial mounds, or kofun, of that time period. The Gempei War ended the Heian period of this country. Francis Xavier, a Jesuit missionary, and Commodore Matthew Perry came to this country during the Tokugawa Shogunate. For 10 points, name this country formerly ruled by Emperor Hirohito where two atomic bombs were dropped.
[ [ 0, 111 ], [ 111, 166 ], [ 166, 283 ], [ 283, 387 ] ]
Japan [or Nippon]
{ "category": "History", "subcategory": "Ancient History", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
The U.S. Ambassador to this nation, Jon Huntsman, resigned effective April 2011. Human rights activists in this country, including the currently-jailed 2010 Nobel Peace Prize winner, have signed Charter 08. Starting in March 2010, Google refused to follow this nation's Internet censorship policies.
[ "People's Republic of China", "Zhonggua Renmin Gongheguo", "PRC", "Zhongguo" ]
The U.S. Ambassador to this nation, Jon Huntsman, resigned effective April 2011. Human rights activists in this country, including the currently-jailed 2010 Nobel Peace Prize winner, have signed Charter 08. Starting in March 2010, Google refused to follow this nation's Internet censorship policies. For 10 points, identify this nation whose current leader, Hu Jintao (hoo jin-"TAO"), visited the U.S. in January 2011.
[ [ 0, 81 ], [ 81, 207 ], [ 207, 300 ], [ 300, 418 ] ]
People's Republic of China [or PRC; or Zhongguo; or Zhonggua Renmin Gongheguo]
{ "category": "Politics", "subcategory": "Political Figures", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
The period of a spring is given by two pi times the square root of this quantity over the spring constant.
[ "mass", "inertia", "Rest mass" ]
The period of a spring is given by two pi times the square root of this quantity over the spring constant. Heat transfer is equal to the specific heat times the change in temperature times this quantity. A "rest" type is multiplied by the square of the speed of light to give energy. For 10 points, name this quantity that is the "m" in "E equals m c squared."
[ [ 0, 107 ], [ 107, 204 ], [ 204, 284 ], [ 284, 360 ] ]
{mass} [accept {inertia} before \"m\" is read; prompt on m before mentioned]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Mathematics", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
Works of this type include "The Library of Babel" and "The Garden of Forking Paths," both by Jorge Luis Borges.
[ "short stories by Jorge Luis Borges", "short story" ]
Works of this type include "The Library of Babel" and "The Garden of Forking Paths," both by Jorge Luis Borges. A Japanese master of these works is Ryunosuke Akutagawa, a French master is Guy de Maupassant, and a Russian master is Anton Chekhov. Novellas are long examples of this type of writing, which typically focuses on a single event. For 10 points, name this concise type of fiction named for its length.
[ [ 0, 112 ], [ 112, 246 ], [ 246, 341 ], [ 341, 411 ] ]
{short story} [accept short stories by Jorge Luis Borges before it is read; prompt on fiction; prompt on story; prompt on prose; do not accept "novel"]
{ "category": "Literature", "subcategory": "Author and Works", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
After having much of his legislation overturned by the Supreme Court, this leader proposed his court packing plan.
[ "Franklin Delano Roosevelt", "FDR", "FDR", "Franklin", "Roosevelt", "Franklin Roosevelt" ]
After having much of his legislation overturned by the Supreme Court, this leader proposed his court packing plan. The Tennessee Valley Authority was one piece of New Deal legislation that was not overturned by the Court. Although he led his country for most of World War II, he did not make the decision to drop the atomic bombs on Japan. He succeeded Herbert Hoover. For 10 points, who is the only President of the United States to be elected to more than two terms in office?
[ [ 0, 115 ], [ 115, 222 ], [ 222, 340 ], [ 340, 369 ], [ 369, 478 ] ]
{Franklin} Delano {Roosevelt} [accept {FDR}; prompt on {Roosevelt}]
{ "category": "Politics", "subcategory": "Political Figures", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This term describes a "zone" below the water table in which groundwater is found.
[ "word forms, such as saturation", "saturation", "saturated" ]
This term describes a "zone" below the water table in which groundwater is found. This term describes compounds that contain only single bonds. It also describes solutions that have the maximum possible amount of dissolved solute. For 10 points, give this term generally describing things unable to hold more, which names a certain kind of "bad" fat.
[ [ 0, 82 ], [ 82, 144 ], [ 144, 231 ], [ 231, 350 ] ]
{saturated} [or word forms, such as {saturation}]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Earth Science", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This project's "Original Seven" included Gordon Cooper and Deke Slayton.
[ "Astronaut Group 1 until vehicle is read", "Mercury Seven until vehicle is read", "Project Mercury", "Mercury" ]
This project's "Original Seven" included Gordon Cooper and Deke Slayton. The number 7 featured in the names of every vehicle used, including Friendship 7, flown by John Glenn, and Freedom 7, flown by Alan Shepard, the first American in space. It was succeeded by the Gemini project and the Apollo program. For 10 points, give NASA's first manned space flight project, named for the Roman messenger god.
[ [ 0, 73 ], [ 73, 243 ], [ 243, 306 ], [ 306, 402 ] ]
Project {Mercury} [or Mercury Seven until \"vehicle\" is read; or Astronaut Group 1 until \"vehicle\" is read]
{ "category": "History", "subcategory": "Exploration and Colonization", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
An ideal blackbody is an object that absorbs all energy transferred by this process. This is the process in which energy is transferred from the Sun to the Earth, because it is the only form of heat exchange that can pass through a vacuum. It takes its name from the fact that it emits energy in all directions. For 10 points, name this type of heat exchange that differs from convection and conduction.
[ "radiation", "heat radiation", "thermal radiation" ]
An ideal blackbody is an object that absorbs all energy transferred by this process. This is the process in which energy is transferred from the Sun to the Earth, because it is the only form of heat exchange that can pass through a vacuum. It takes its name from the fact that it emits energy in all directions. For 10 points, name this type of heat exchange that differs from convection and conduction.
[ [ 0, 85 ], [ 85, 240 ], [ 240, 312 ], [ 312, 403 ] ]
thermal {radiation} [or heat radiation]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Physics", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
The harmonic one of n numbers in a data set is n divided by the sum of the reciprocals of the numbers. The geometric one is the nth root of the product of the numbers. The geometric one is always less than or equal to the arithmetic ("air-ith-MET-ick") one. For 10 points, what is this term in mathematics—the arithmetic one being the sum of the numbers divided by n?
[ "Mean" ]
The harmonic one of n numbers in a data set is n divided by the sum of the reciprocals of the numbers. The geometric one is the nth root of the product of the numbers. The geometric one is always less than or equal to the arithmetic ("air-ith-MET-ick") one. For 10 points, what is this term in mathematics—the arithmetic one being the sum of the numbers divided by n?
[ [ 0, 103 ], [ 103, 168 ], [ 168, 258 ], [ 258, 367 ] ]
{Mean} [do not accept “average”]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Mathematics", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
The Neptunbrunnen is a fountain in this city, and its Museum Island is a World Heritage Site. The Charlottenburg Palace can be found in it, and Karl-Marx-Allee is a major boulevard.
[ "Berlin, Germany" ]
The Neptunbrunnen is a fountain in this city, and its Museum Island is a World Heritage Site. The Charlottenburg Palace can be found in it, and Karl-Marx-Allee is a major boulevard. The Reichstag and the Brandenburg Gate are landmarks in this city that was divided by a wall until 1989. For 10 points, name this capital of Germany.
[ [ 0, 94 ], [ 94, 182 ], [ 182, 287 ], [ 287, 331 ] ]
Berlin, Germany
{ "category": "Geography", "subcategory": "Cultural Geography", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
In this state in 2013, researchers announced that they had cured a two-year-old girl of HIV. Marco McMillan, one of its towns' mayoral candidates who was openly homosexual, was found murdered in February 2013.
[ "Mississippi" ]
In this state in 2013, researchers announced that they had cured a two-year-old girl of HIV. Marco McMillan, one of its towns' mayoral candidates who was openly homosexual, was found murdered in February 2013. Also in 2013, this state finally (*) ratified the 13th Amendment banning slavery. For 10 points, name this state with military bases at Gulfport and Biloxi whose capital is Jackson.
[ [ 0, 93 ], [ 93, 210 ], [ 210, 292 ], [ 292, 391 ] ]
{ "category": "Politics", "subcategory": "Political Figures", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This mountain range includes the Vilcabamba (“VEEL-cuh-BOM-buh”) sub-range and contains a plateau called the altiplano (“ALL-tee-PLAN-oh”).
[ "Andes", "Andes Mountains" ]
This mountain range includes the Vilcabamba (“VEEL-cuh-BOM-buh”) sub-range and contains a plateau called the altiplano (“ALL-tee-PLAN-oh”). It is home to the tallest volcano on Earth, Ojos (“OH- hoess”) del Salado, and the highest peak in the Western Hemisphere, Aconcagua (“AH-con-CAH-gwa”). Llamas were domesticated in, for 10 points, what longest mountain range on Earth, located in western South America?
[ [ 0, 140 ], [ 140, 293 ], [ 293, 408 ] ]
{Andes} Mountains
{ "category": "Geography", "subcategory": "Physical Geography", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
These people recorded their rulers' accomplishments on tetun using the only complete written language of the pre-Columbian Americas. Leaders of these people include Pakal (pah-KAHL) the Great and Hunac Ceel (HOO-nahk KEEL) and their myths are collected in the Popol Vuh (POE-pohl VUH). For 10 points, identify this Mesoamerican civilization that created the Long Count calendar and had cities at Tikal (tee- KAHL) and Chichen Itza (CHEE-chen EET-zah).
[ "Mayans" ]
These people recorded their rulers' accomplishments on tetun using the only complete written language of the pre-Columbian Americas. Leaders of these people include Pakal (pah-KAHL) the Great and Hunac Ceel (HOO-nahk KEEL) and their myths are collected in the Popol Vuh (POE-pohl VUH). For 10 points, identify this Mesoamerican civilization that created the Long Count calendar and had cities at Tikal (tee- KAHL) and Chichen Itza (CHEE-chen EET-zah).
[ [ 0, 133 ], [ 133, 286 ], [ 286, 451 ] ]
{ "category": "History", "subcategory": "Ancient History", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
The NASA Juno spacecraft is destined for this body in 2016, when it will observe this body's magnetic field and determine the ratio of hydrogen to oxygen in its atmosphere. Its closest Galilean satellite is partially molten because of tidal forces, and is called Io. This planet contains cyclones called the Little and (*) Great Red Spots. For 10 points, name this gas giant, the largest planet in the solar system.
[ "Jupiter" ]
The NASA Juno spacecraft is destined for this body in 2016, when it will observe this body's magnetic field and determine the ratio of hydrogen to oxygen in its atmosphere. Its closest Galilean satellite is partially molten because of tidal forces, and is called Io. This planet contains cyclones called the Little and (*) Great Red Spots. For 10 points, name this gas giant, the largest planet in the solar system.
[ [ 0, 173 ], [ 173, 267 ], [ 267, 340 ], [ 340, 415 ] ]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Astronomy", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
Otus and Ephialtes (“eff-ee-ALL-tees”) tried to capture this goddess, but ended up slaying each other after she transformed into a deer.
[ "Artemis" ]
Otus and Ephialtes (“eff-ee-ALL-tees”) tried to capture this goddess, but ended up slaying each other after she transformed into a deer. She slew the daughters of Niobe (“ny-OH-bee”) in response to a slight against her mother. Actaeon (“ack-TAY-on”) caught a glimpse of this deity bathing, for which he was turned into a stag and mauled by his own dogs. For 10 points, name this twin of Apollo, the Greek goddess of the hunt.
[ [ 0, 137 ], [ 137, 227 ], [ 227, 354 ], [ 354, 425 ] ]
{ "category": "Mythology", "subcategory": "", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
In one of this artist's paintings, Mercury wears a red sash as he reaches up to an orange in an orange grove; that painting, whose central figure stands next to the Three Graces, is La Primavera. Zephyrus and Chloris [KLOR-iss] blow a goddess to land as a horae greets her at a shore in this artist's most famous work.(*)
[ "Sandro Botticelli", "Alessandro (di Mariano di Vanni) Filipepi" ]
In one of this artist's paintings, Mercury wears a red sash as he reaches up to an orange in an orange grove; that painting, whose central figure stands next to the Three Graces, is La Primavera. Zephyrus and Chloris [KLOR-iss] blow a goddess to land as a horae greets her at a shore in this artist's most famous work.(*) For 10 points, name this Italian artist who featured a large seashell in his The Birth of Venus.
[ [ 0, 196 ], [ 196, 322 ], [ 322, 418 ] ]
Sandro Botticelli [or Alessandro (di Mariano di Vanni) Filipepi]
{ "category": "Fine Arts", "subcategory": "", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
A problem of antiquity concerned constructing a square of the same area as one of these shapes using compass and straightedge; that problem is known as "squaring" this shape. When one on a graph has a total area of pi, it is known as a "unit" one. A line segment connecting two points on this shape is known as a chord.
[ "circles" ]
A problem of antiquity concerned constructing a square of the same area as one of these shapes using compass and straightedge; that problem is known as "squaring" this shape. When one on a graph has a total area of pi, it is known as a "unit" one. A line segment connecting two points on this shape is known as a chord. For 10 points, name this shape consisting of all points that are a radius away from a center.
[ [ 0, 175 ], [ 175, 248 ], [ 248, 320 ], [ 320, 413 ] ]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Mathematics", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
Paul Wittgenstein (“VIT-gen-SHTINE”) commissioned concertos for this instrument that used only the left hand. This instrument is said to have been invented by Bartolomeo Cristofori (“BAR-tow-lo- MAY-oh KRIS-tow-for-ee”).
[ "pianoforte", "piano" ]
Paul Wittgenstein (“VIT-gen-SHTINE”) commissioned concertos for this instrument that used only the left hand. This instrument is said to have been invented by Bartolomeo Cristofori (“BAR-tow-lo- MAY-oh KRIS-tow-for-ee”). It was originally named for its ability to play both loud and soft sounds, which made it an improvement over the clavichord and harpsichord. For 10 points, name this musical instrument that has thirty-six black and fifty-two white keys.
[ [ 0, 110 ], [ 110, 221 ], [ 221, 362 ], [ 362, 457 ] ]
{piano} [accept {pianoforte}]
{ "category": "Fine Arts", "subcategory": "Music", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This term originated from shapes that had non-integer dimensions. One of them is composed of repeating cardioids and circles. Other examples include the Sierpinski Triangle, which consists of repeating equilateral triangles within a larger triangle, and the Koch snowflake, which has an infinite perimeter but a finite area. For 10 points, name these self-similar mathematical constructs that include the Mandelbrot one.
[ "fractals" ]
This term originated from shapes that had non-integer dimensions. One of them is composed of repeating cardioids and circles. Other examples include the Sierpinski Triangle, which consists of repeating equilateral triangles within a larger triangle, and the Koch snowflake, which has an infinite perimeter but a finite area. For 10 points, name these self-similar mathematical constructs that include the Mandelbrot one.
[ [ 0, 66 ], [ 66, 126 ], [ 126, 325 ], [ 325, 420 ] ]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Mathematics", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
One character in this novel is asked by Mistress Hibbins to join her in a witches' sabbath. After being delayed from going to Boston by Native Americans, the protagonist's husband, Roger (*) Chillingworth, meets with the protagonist in jail.
[ "The Scarlet Letter" ]
One character in this novel is asked by Mistress Hibbins to join her in a witches' sabbath. After being delayed from going to Boston by Native Americans, the protagonist's husband, Roger (*) Chillingworth, meets with the protagonist in jail. Pearl is rumored to be fathered by the devil in, for 10 points, what novel in which Hester Prynne wears the title piece of cloth, a work by Nathaniel Hawthorne?
[ [ 0, 92 ], [ 92, 242 ], [ 242, 402 ] ]
The Scarlet Letter
{ "category": "Literature", "subcategory": "Plot and Characters", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This function's namesake law relates the side length to the opposite angle in any triangle. Its value is one at 90 degrees but negative one at 270 degrees. Its reciprocal is the cosecant function. In a right triangle, it is defined as the ratio of opposite divided by hypotenuse. For 10 points, name this trigonometric function that is not the tangent or cosine.
[ "sine", "Sine function", "sin" ]
This function's namesake law relates the side length to the opposite angle in any triangle. Its value is one at 90 degrees but negative one at 270 degrees. Its reciprocal is the cosecant function. In a right triangle, it is defined as the ratio of opposite divided by hypotenuse. For 10 points, name this trigonometric function that is not the tangent or cosine.
[ [ 0, 92 ], [ 92, 156 ], [ 156, 197 ], [ 197, 280 ], [ 280, 362 ] ]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Mathematics", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This force allows accelerated rolling motion down an incline by producing a net torque on the object.
[ "friction" ]
This force allows accelerated rolling motion down an incline by producing a net torque on the object. In general, this nonconservative force is equal to the normal force times mu, its namesake coefficient, and it converts kinetic energy into internal energy. For a given object, the kinetic variety is less than the static type. For 10 points, name this force between surfaces that opposes the motion of an object.
[ [ 0, 102 ], [ 102, 259 ], [ 259, 329 ], [ 329, 414 ] ]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Physics", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
Examples of these in plants include gibberellins and cytokinins in addition to chemicals that cause tropisms by enlarging cells, auxins. Many human examples are classified as peptides, including gastrin, which aids digestion. Another example, which increases the heart rate, is (*) adrenaline, while other examples are steroids that promote sexual development. For 10 points, name these chemicals that transmit information between cells.
[ "hormones" ]
Examples of these in plants include gibberellins and cytokinins in addition to chemicals that cause tropisms by enlarging cells, auxins. Many human examples are classified as peptides, including gastrin, which aids digestion. Another example, which increases the heart rate, is (*) adrenaline, while other examples are steroids that promote sexual development. For 10 points, name these chemicals that transmit information between cells.
[ [ 0, 137 ], [ 137, 226 ], [ 226, 361 ], [ 361, 437 ] ]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Biology", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This newspaper was sued by Alabama public safety officer Louis B. Sullivan.
[ "The New York Times", "New York Times", "NYT" ]
This newspaper was sued by Alabama public safety officer Louis B. Sullivan. Its long-time publisher, Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, died in 2012. It won one of its 108 Pulitzer prizes for printing The Pentagon Papers. One nickname of this newspaper is "the Old (*) Gray Lady." "All the News That's Fit to Print" is the motto of, for 10 points, what daily newspaper published in the "Big Apple"?
[ [ 0, 76 ], [ 76, 139 ], [ 139, 211 ], [ 211, 270 ], [ 270, 387 ] ]
The {New York Times} [accept {NYT;} prompt on {\"Times\"}]
{ "category": "Politics", "subcategory": "Political Figures", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This particle was discovered by J.J. Thomson, and its exact charge was discovered in the Millikan oil drop experiment.
[ "electron" ]
This particle was discovered by J.J. Thomson, and its exact charge was discovered in the Millikan oil drop experiment. According to the Pauli Exclusion Principle, two of these particles cannot exist in the same quantum state. These particles are shared during covalent bonding and orbit around the nucleus. For 10 points, name this subatomic particle with a negative charge.
[ [ 0, 119 ], [ 119, 226 ], [ 226, 307 ], [ 307, 374 ] ]
electron [prompt on fermion]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Physics", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
Arthur Doodson designed a machine for predicting the magnitude of these events. They occur in a cycle that includes "stand" periods followed by "slack water" periods.
[ "tides" ]
Arthur Doodson designed a machine for predicting the magnitude of these events. They occur in a cycle that includes "stand" periods followed by "slack water" periods. An unusually high concentration of dinoflagellates (DYE-no-FLADGE-ell-ates) can cause the "red" type. Weak versions of these events are known as "neap" ones and occur in the first and third quarters of the lunar cycle. For 10 points, name these variations in the sea level.
[ [ 0, 80 ], [ 80, 167 ], [ 167, 269 ], [ 269, 386 ], [ 386, 440 ] ]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Earth Science", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This is the only element for which Schrodinger's equation can be solved exactly. Isotopes of this element include tritium and deuterium.
[ "H", "hydrogen" ]
This is the only element for which Schrodinger's equation can be solved exactly. Isotopes of this element include tritium and deuterium. Its diatomic form is released when sodium reacts with water. It is the only nonmetal in Period 1 of the periodic table. For 10 points, name this lightest element, which has a chemical symbol of H.
[ [ 0, 81 ], [ 81, 137 ], [ 137, 198 ], [ 198, 257 ], [ 257, 333 ] ]
hydrogen [accept H before it is read]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Physics", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
One bill addressing this process required a majority of a state's residents to take the Ironclad oath; that bill was the Wade-Davis bill, which was pocket-vetoed by President Lincoln in favor of his "Ten Percent Plan" for this process.
[ "military reconstruction", "Reconstruction Era", "Radical Reconstruction" ]
One bill addressing this process required a majority of a state's residents to take the Ironclad oath; that bill was the Wade-Davis bill, which was pocket-vetoed by President Lincoln in favor of his "Ten Percent Plan" for this process. This process did not end until Rutherford B. Hayes won the Election of 1876. For 10 points, identify this post-Civil War transformation and military occupation of the South.
[ [ 0, 236 ], [ 236, 313 ], [ 313, 409 ] ]
military reconstruction [or Reconstruction Era; accept Radical Reconstruction before "Lincoln" but do not accept afterwards]
{ "category": "History", "subcategory": "Political History", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This king was in power during the Affair of the Diamond Necklace.
[ "the 16th] of France", "Louis XVI" ]
This king was in power during the Affair of the Diamond Necklace. His advisor Maurepas appointed Turgot as finance minister, and he was later served by the author of the compte rendu, Jacques Necker. When his ministers were unable to raise enough revenue, this king was forced to call the (*) Estates-General. For 10 points, name this husband of Marie Antoinette deposed in the French Revolution.
[ [ 0, 66 ], [ 66, 200 ], [ 200, 310 ], [ 310, 396 ] ]
Louis XVI [\"the 16th\"] of France
{ "category": "History", "subcategory": "Cultural History", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
At one point in this novel the main character is told to jump off of a cliff, but is stopped. That character also joins the crew of Hal, Charles, and Mercedes. In this novel, John Thornton is a gold hunter who is killed by five Indians; the main character avenges that death at this novel's end. For 10 points, name this Jack London novel that sees Buck leave his spoiled life and become a sled dog on the Yukon Trail.
[ "The Call of the Wild" ]
At one point in this novel the main character is told to jump off of a cliff, but is stopped. That character also joins the crew of Hal, Charles, and Mercedes. In this novel, John Thornton is a gold hunter who is killed by five Indians; the main character avenges that death at this novel's end. For 10 points, name this Jack London novel that sees Buck leave his spoiled life and become a sled dog on the Yukon Trail.
[ [ 0, 94 ], [ 94, 160 ], [ 160, 296 ], [ 296, 418 ] ]
{The Call of the Wild}
{ "category": "Literature", "subcategory": "Author and Works", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This composer wrote a Clarinet Concerto in A Major for Anton Stadler, and he also composed a flute and harp concerto.
[ "Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart" ]
This composer wrote a Clarinet Concerto in A Major for Anton Stadler, and he also composed a flute and harp concerto. He composed twelve variations on a French song with identical melody to "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star." He failed to complete his Requiem. His forty-first and last symphony is nicknamed Jupiter. For 10 points, name this composer of Eine Kleine Nachtmusik ("EYE"-nuh KLYE-nuh "KNOCKED"-"music") and operas such as The Magic Flute
[ [ 0, 118 ], [ 118, 221 ], [ 221, 256 ], [ 256, 312 ], [ 312, 445 ] ]
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
{ "category": "Fine Arts", "subcategory": "Music", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
4 times the infinite sum one, minus one third, plus one fifth, minus one seventh, et cetera, equals this number.
[ "pi" ]
4 times the infinite sum one, minus one third, plus one fifth, minus one seventh, et cetera, equals this number. It is approximately equal to 355/113, 333/106, and (*) 22/7. One hundred eighty degrees equals this many radians, and this number is the area of a circle with radius 1. For 10 points, the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter equals what number, about 3.14?
[ [ 0, 113 ], [ 113, 174 ], [ 174, 282 ], [ 282, 387 ] ]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Mathematics", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
One Canada Square, the tallest building completed in this city, is meant to rival its traditional financial center, home to a cathedral designed by Christopher Wren. Its namesake “Eye” is Europe's tallest Ferris wheel. Landmarks here include the Tate Modern and Westminster Abbey. For 10 points, Buckingham Palace in located in what city on the Thames (“temz”), the capital of the United Kingdom?
[ "London" ]
One Canada Square, the tallest building completed in this city, is meant to rival its traditional financial center, home to a cathedral designed by Christopher Wren. Its namesake “Eye” is Europe's tallest Ferris wheel. Landmarks here include the Tate Modern and Westminster Abbey. For 10 points, Buckingham Palace in located in what city on the Thames (“temz”), the capital of the United Kingdom?
[ [ 0, 165 ], [ 166, 396 ] ]
{ "category": "Geography", "subcategory": "Cultural Geography", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
Areas in this region with substantially reduced object distribution are known as Kirkwood gaps and are formed by the gravitational strength of the planet behind it. One body in this region has a satellite known as Dactyl.
[ "Asteroid Belt" ]
Areas in this region with substantially reduced object distribution are known as Kirkwood gaps and are formed by the gravitational strength of the planet behind it. One body in this region has a satellite known as Dactyl. Besides Ida, other objects located here include Pallas, Vesta, and the smallest dwarf planet in the Solar System, Ceres. For 10 points, name this ring of small astronomical bodies located between Mars and Jupiter.
[ [ 0, 165 ], [ 165, 222 ], [ 222, 343 ], [ 343, 435 ] ]
{Asteroid Belt} [prompt on {asteroids}]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Astronomy", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
During this battle, Confederate armies attempted to drive their opponent towards Owl Creek, but Union forces fell back towards an area known as the Hornet's Nest instead. Albert Sidney Johnston was killed on the first day of this battle, and the arrival of General Buell's troops sent the Confederates packing after day two.
[ "Shiloh", "Landing", "Battle of Shiloh", "Battle of Pittsburg Landing" ]
During this battle, Confederate armies attempted to drive their opponent towards Owl Creek, but Union forces fell back towards an area known as the Hornet's Nest instead. Albert Sidney Johnston was killed on the first day of this battle, and the arrival of General Buell's troops sent the Confederates packing after day two. For 10 points, name this April 6, 1862 battle fought in Tennessee.
[ [ 0, 171 ], [ 171, 325 ], [ 325, 391 ] ]
Battle of {Shiloh} [or Battle of Pittsburg {Landing}]
{ "category": "History", "subcategory": "Military History", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
Early in January 2010, copper miners working for Codelco in this nation ended a strike. The government of this country was criticized for utilizing the military to restore order, citing the oppression of former president Augusto Pinochet (“PIN-oh-shay”). It is led by outgoing president Michelle Bachelet (“BASH-uh-lay”).
[ "Republic of Chile", "Chile" ]
Early in January 2010, copper miners working for Codelco in this nation ended a strike. The government of this country was criticized for utilizing the military to restore order, citing the oppression of former president Augusto Pinochet (“PIN-oh-shay”). It is led by outgoing president Michelle Bachelet (“BASH-uh-lay”). For 10 points, name this South American country, which recently was struck by a devastating earthquake.
[ [ 0, 88 ], [ 88, 255 ], [ 255, 322 ], [ 322, 425 ] ]
Republic of {Chile}
{ "category": "Politics", "subcategory": "Political Figures", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
One superstition concerning certain winners of this election is known as Tecumseh's (“teh-CUM- seh's”) Curse. Third party candidates in previous elections of this type include Ross Perot and Teddy Roosevelt. Its most recent iteration concentrated on the economy, the war in Iraq, and people associated with Barack Obama. For 10 points, what is this election, held most recently in 2008 and responsible for choosing the next American leader?
[ "Presidential general", "Presidential general election", "either" ]
One superstition concerning certain winners of this election is known as Tecumseh's (“teh-CUM- seh's”) Curse. Third party candidates in previous elections of this type include Ross Perot and Teddy Roosevelt. Its most recent iteration concentrated on the economy, the war in Iraq, and people associated with Barack Obama. For 10 points, what is this election, held most recently in 2008 and responsible for choosing the next American leader?
[ [ 0, 110 ], [ 110, 208 ], [ 208, 321 ], [ 321, 440 ] ]
{Presidential general} election [accept either]
{ "category": "Politics", "subcategory": "Political Events", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
Richard Mentor Johnson's political career was helped by the belief that he personally killed this man at the Battle of the Thames (TEMS). This man helped co-found a settlement in the Indiana Territory where his brother was defeated by William Henry Harrison; that defeat occurred during the Battle of Tippecanoe. For 10 points, name this leader of the Shawnee that attempted to unite all of the Indian tribes in the early 1800's.
[ "Tekamthi", "Tecumtha", "Tecumseh" ]
Richard Mentor Johnson's political career was helped by the belief that he personally killed this man at the Battle of the Thames (TEMS). This man helped co-found a settlement in the Indiana Territory where his brother was defeated by William Henry Harrison; that defeat occurred during the Battle of Tippecanoe. For 10 points, name this leader of the Shawnee that attempted to unite all of the Indian tribes in the early 1800's.
[ [ 0, 138 ], [ 138, 313 ], [ 313, 429 ] ]
Tecumseh [accept Tecumtha; accept Tekamthi]
{ "category": "History", "subcategory": "Military History", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
The most winning woman he ever knew was hanged for poisoning three little children for their insurance-money. Irene Adler, always THE woman to this man, outwitted him during his investigation of “A Scandal in Bohemia.” This man returned in “The Adventure of the Empty House” after battling Professor Moriarty to the death. For 10 points, name this detective faithfully accompanied by John Watson.
[ "Sherlock Holmes", "either" ]
The most winning woman he ever knew was hanged for poisoning three little children for their insurance-money. Irene Adler, always THE woman to this man, outwitted him during his investigation of “A Scandal in Bohemia.” This man returned in “The Adventure of the Empty House” after battling Professor Moriarty to the death. For 10 points, name this detective faithfully accompanied by John Watson.
[ [ 0, 110 ], [ 110, 219 ], [ 219, 323 ], [ 323, 396 ] ]
{Sherlock Holmes} [accept either]
{ "category": "Literature", "subcategory": "Author and Works", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
An alpha particle is a nucleus of this element, which has a filled 1s (ONE S) orbital but no p orbitals at ground state. After the Hindenburg disaster, this gas replaced hydrogen in zeppelins and blimps. Because the speed of sound in this gas is much faster than that in air, inhaling it causes a high-pitched voice.
[ "He", "helium" ]
An alpha particle is a nucleus of this element, which has a filled 1s (ONE S) orbital but no p orbitals at ground state. After the Hindenburg disaster, this gas replaced hydrogen in zeppelins and blimps. Because the speed of sound in this gas is much faster than that in air, inhaling it causes a high-pitched voice. For 10 points, name this lightest noble gas, with atomic number two and symbol He (H-E).
[ [ 0, 121 ], [ 121, 204 ], [ 204, 317 ], [ 317, 405 ] ]
helium [accept He before it is read]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Chemistry", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
It was the subject of a Scientific American special report dealing with Modified Newtonian Dynamics by Mordechai Milgrom (“MOR-de-kye MILL-grum”). This substance was first proposed in 1934 by Fritz Zwicky (“ZWICK-ee”) to make up for "missing mass" in the universe. Its non-baryonic (“NON BARE- ee-on-ick”) variety contains no mass.
[ "dark matter after “matter” is read", "dark matter", "matter", "dark" ]
It was the subject of a Scientific American special report dealing with Modified Newtonian Dynamics by Mordechai Milgrom (“MOR-de-kye MILL-grum”). This substance was first proposed in 1934 by Fritz Zwicky (“ZWICK-ee”) to make up for "missing mass" in the universe. Its non-baryonic (“NON BARE- ee-on-ick”) variety contains no mass. For 10 points, identify this type of matter in the universe named due to its unobservability.
[ [ 0, 147 ], [ 147, 265 ], [ 265, 332 ], [ 332, 425 ] ]
{dark matter} [accept {dark} matter after “{matter}” is read]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Physics", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This nation overthrew Albania's King Zog. A major event in the unification of this nation was the Expedition of the Thousand, and its first king after unification was Victor Emanuel II. In 1935 this nation invaded Ethiopia. One of its leaders was called Il Duce, and along with Germany, it was one of Europe's major Axis powers.
[ "Italia", "Italy" ]
This nation overthrew Albania's King Zog. A major event in the unification of this nation was the Expedition of the Thousand, and its first king after unification was Victor Emanuel II. In 1935 this nation invaded Ethiopia. One of its leaders was called Il Duce, and along with Germany, it was one of Europe's major Axis powers. For 10 points, name this European country that was ruled by fascist dictator Benito Mussolini.
[ [ 0, 42 ], [ 42, 186 ], [ 186, 224 ], [ 224, 329 ], [ 329, 423 ] ]
{Italy} [or {Italia}]
{ "category": "History", "subcategory": "Political History", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
One of this man's works depicts his self-portrait in a glass ball situated on his hand.
[ "Escher", "M(aurits) C(ornelius) Escher" ]
One of this man's works depicts his self-portrait in a glass ball situated on his hand. Another features two hands drawing each other into existence. This artist of the lithographs Hand with Reflecting Sphere and Drawing Hands created an ever-increasing stairway in Ascending and Descending, along with several tessellations. For 10 points, name this Dutch artist known for his fascination with optical illusions.
[ [ 0, 88 ], [ 88, 150 ], [ 150, 326 ], [ 326, 413 ] ]
M(aurits) C(ornelius) {Escher}
{ "category": "Fine Arts", "subcategory": "", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
Buildup of these organic molecules in the brain causes Tay-Sachs disease, and vitamins A and D dissolve in them. Humans use adipose cells to store the triglyceride form of these, while their water-repellant quality makes them excellent insulation in marine mammals.
[ "fats", "fatty acids" ]
Buildup of these organic molecules in the brain causes Tay-Sachs disease, and vitamins A and D dissolve in them. Humans use adipose cells to store the triglyceride form of these, while their water-repellant quality makes them excellent insulation in marine mammals. Some countries have banned the (*) trans kind in foods altogether. For 10 points, name these high-energy molecules that contribute to obesity and can be unsaturated.
[ [ 0, 113 ], [ 113, 266 ], [ 266, 333 ], [ 333, 431 ] ]
fats [or fatty acids; prompt on lipids]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Biology", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
As punishment for not worshipping a golden statue, this man's friends were ordered thrown into a furnace, but they were not burned. While training to be a scribe, this man was given the Babylonian name Belteshazzar (“BEL-tuh-SHAH-zar”).
[ "Daniel" ]
As punishment for not worshipping a golden statue, this man's friends were ordered thrown into a furnace, but they were not burned. While training to be a scribe, this man was given the Babylonian name Belteshazzar (“BEL-tuh-SHAH-zar”). He interpreted the writing on the wall during Belshazzar's (“BEL- shuh-zar's”) Feast. For 10 points, identify this Hebrew prophet and namesake of an Old Testament book who survived being chucked into a lion's den.
[ [ 0, 132 ], [ 132, 237 ], [ 237, 323 ], [ 323, 450 ] ]
{ "category": "Religion", "subcategory": "", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
RAID arrays are combinations of these objects that often connect via IDE or Serial ATA.
[ "hard disk drives", "hard", "drives", "hard drives" ]
RAID arrays are combinations of these objects that often connect via IDE or Serial ATA. They are sometimes replaced by SSDs and can be structured using NTFS or FAT. These objects contain spinning platters that use magnetism to (*) store data, so the data is retained even when they are powered off. For 10 points, name these devices with capacities often in the terabytes, used to store computer data.
[ [ 0, 88 ], [ 88, 165 ], [ 165, 299 ], [ 299, 401 ] ]
{hard} disk {drives} [prompt on ({hard}) {\"disk}(s)\"]
{ "category": "Technology", "subcategory": "", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
In rotational motion, this quantity can be obtained by taking one half of the moment of inertia times the angular velocity squared.
[ "KE", "kinetic energy after \"energy\"", "kinetic energy" ]
In rotational motion, this quantity can be obtained by taking one half of the moment of inertia times the angular velocity squared. In an elastic collision, both momentum and this quantity are conserved. It equals one half times mass times velocity squared. For 10 points, name this energy of objects in motion, contrasted with the potential type.
[ [ 0, 132 ], [ 132, 204 ], [ 204, 258 ], [ 258, 347 ] ]
kinetic energy [accept KE; accept kinetic energy after "energy"]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Physics", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
The founding of this nation was promised in the Balfour Declaration.
[ "Israel" ]
The founding of this nation was promised in the Balfour Declaration. David Ben-Gurion was the first prime minister of this nation, which has been governed by the Kadima (“kuh-DEEM-uh”) and Likud (“lie-KOOD”) parties. It fought Egypt and Syria in the Six-Day War and signed the Camp David accords with Egypt. For 10 points, name this Middle Eastern nation, founded by Zionists to create a Jewish state.
[ [ 0, 69 ], [ 69, 217 ], [ 217, 308 ], [ 308, 401 ] ]
{ "category": "History", "subcategory": "Political History", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
The number of positive real roots of a polynomial can be found by this man's Rule of Signs. His philosophical works include the Discourse on Method and Meditations on First Philosophy. He is the namesake of the standard x-y coordinate system.
[ "Descartes' Rule of Signs", "Rene Descartes", "Descartes" ]
The number of positive real roots of a polynomial can be found by this man's Rule of Signs. His philosophical works include the Discourse on Method and Meditations on First Philosophy. He is the namesake of the standard x-y coordinate system. For 10 points, give this French philosopher and mathematician whose most famous attributed quote is "cogito ergo sum," or, "I think, therefore I am."
[ [ 0, 92 ], [ 92, 185 ], [ 185, 243 ], [ 243, 392 ] ]
Rene {Descartes} [accept {Descartes' Rule of Signs} before "Rule"]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Mathematics", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
The poorwill is the only bird to demonstrate this behavior, which can be defined as sustained torpor. It is called estivation (“ess-tiv-AY-shun”) if it occurs during the summer. Animals must either collect or eat lots of food during the fall so that they do not starve while doing it.
[ "word forms", "hibernation" ]
The poorwill is the only bird to demonstrate this behavior, which can be defined as sustained torpor. It is called estivation (“ess-tiv-AY-shun”) if it occurs during the summer. Animals must either collect or eat lots of food during the fall so that they do not starve while doing it. For 10 points, name this behavior in which an animal goes into a deep sleep for the entire winter.
[ [ 0, 102 ], [ 102, 178 ], [ 178, 285 ], [ 285, 383 ] ]
{hibernation} [accept word forms]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Biology", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
In one novel, this writer depicts a character named Protopopov (“PRO-tow-POP-ahv”) who becomes the lover of Natasha, the selfish wife of Andrey Prozorov (“PRO-zor-ahv”). In another novel, this writer depicts the intellectual liberal named Anya who is the daughter of Madame Ranevskaya (“RAHN-ev- SKY-uh”). For 10 points, name this Russian author of The Three Sisters and The Cherry Orchard.
[ "Anton Pavlovich Chekhov", "Chekhov" ]
In one novel, this writer depicts a character named Protopopov (“PRO-tow-POP-ahv”) who becomes the lover of Natasha, the selfish wife of Andrey Prozorov (“PRO-zor-ahv”). In another novel, this writer depicts the intellectual liberal named Anya who is the daughter of Madame Ranevskaya (“RAHN-ev- SKY-uh”). For 10 points, name this Russian author of The Three Sisters and The Cherry Orchard.
[ [ 0, 170 ], [ 170, 306 ], [ 306, 390 ] ]
Anton Pavlovich {Chekhov}
{ "category": "Literature", "subcategory": "Author and Works", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
In 2003, this person warned that the Iraq War would create 100 bin Ladens.
[ "Hosni Mubarak" ]
In 2003, this person warned that the Iraq War would create 100 bin Ladens. This person did not have a vice president until he appointed Omar Suleiman (OH-mar sue-LAY-mon) to that position. He originally declared he would not resign, which caused Tahrir Square to "[erupt] with anger," but reversed that decision the next day. For 10 points, name this former president and subject of mass uprisings in Egypt.
[ [ 0, 75 ], [ 75, 189 ], [ 189, 326 ], [ 326, 407 ] ]
Hosni Mubarak
{ "category": "Politics", "subcategory": "Political Figures", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
Starburst types of these systems have unusually high supplies of gas, and they can combine in a process known as cannibalism. The "tuning fork diagram" is a graphic depiction of the Hubble classification scheme for these systems, which divides them into irregular, elliptical and spiral types. M31 is the Andromeda one. For 10 points, name these regions of the universe that include the Milky Way.
[ "galaxies", "galaxy" ]
Starburst types of these systems have unusually high supplies of gas, and they can combine in a process known as cannibalism. The "tuning fork diagram" is a graphic depiction of the Hubble classification scheme for these systems, which divides them into irregular, elliptical and spiral types. M31 is the Andromeda one. For 10 points, name these regions of the universe that include the Milky Way.
[ [ 0, 126 ], [ 126, 294 ], [ 294, 320 ], [ 320, 397 ] ]
galaxies [or galaxy]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Astronomy", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
Seven laws that apply to non-Jews are named for this figure, whose nakedness was uncovered by one of his sons. An agreement this figure made with God is symbolized by the rainbow. He was the son of Lamekh (LAH-meck) and had three sons, Japheth (JAY-feth), Ham, and Shem. To confirm that one of his jobs was complete, he sent a dove to check for dry land.
[ "Noakh", "Noahide laws", "Noah" ]
Seven laws that apply to non-Jews are named for this figure, whose nakedness was uncovered by one of his sons. An agreement this figure made with God is symbolized by the rainbow. He was the son of Lamekh (LAH-meck) and had three sons, Japheth (JAY-feth), Ham, and Shem. To confirm that one of his jobs was complete, he sent a dove to check for dry land. For 10 points, identify this Biblical character who took two animals of each kind in his ark.
[ [ 0, 111 ], [ 111, 180 ], [ 180, 271 ], [ 271, 355 ], [ 355, 448 ] ]
{Noah} [or {Noakh;} accept {Noahide laws} before "nakedness"]
{ "category": "Religion", "subcategory": "", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
He defended a campaign fund with his "Checkers Speech," which helped him maintain his role as Dwight Eisenhower's running mate.
[ "Richard Nixon", "Nixon" ]
He defended a campaign fund with his "Checkers Speech," which helped him maintain his role as Dwight Eisenhower's running mate. He was defeated in the 1962 race for Governor of California two years after losing a hotly contested election to John F. Kennedy. For 10 points, name this 37th President of the United States, who resigned following the Watergate scandal.
[ [ 0, 128 ], [ 128, 258 ], [ 258, 365 ] ]
Richard {Nixon}
{ "category": "History", "subcategory": "Political History", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
These people recorded their rulers' accomplishments on tetun using the only complete written language of the pre-Columbian Americas. Leaders of these people include Pakal (pah-KAHL) the Great and Hunac Ceel (HOO-nahk KEEL) and their myths are collected in the Popol Vuh (POE-pohl VUH).
[ "Mayans" ]
These people recorded their rulers' accomplishments on tetun using the only complete written language of the pre-Columbian Americas. Leaders of these people include Pakal (pah-KAHL) the Great and Hunac Ceel (HOO-nahk KEEL) and their myths are collected in the Popol Vuh (POE-pohl VUH). For 10 points, identify this Mesoamerican civilization that created the Long Count calendar and had cities at Tikal (tee- KAHL) and Chichen Itza (CHEE-chen EET-zah).
[ [ 0, 133 ], [ 133, 286 ], [ 286, 451 ] ]
{ "category": "History", "subcategory": "Ancient History", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This "Foremost of the Westerners" is linked with Serapis through the Apis bull. This son of Geb and Nut (NOOT) was cut into fourteen pieces that were scattered throughout the country by his brother.
[ "Osiris", "Anubis" ]
This "Foremost of the Westerners" is linked with Serapis through the Apis bull. This son of Geb and Nut (NOOT) was cut into fourteen pieces that were scattered throughout the country by his brother. His wife revived him after she and Nephthys (NEF-this) found thirteen of those pieces. After he was revived, this brother of Set fathered Horus. For 10 points, identify this husband of Isis and the Egyptian god of the dead.
[ [ 0, 80 ], [ 80, 199 ], [ 199, 286 ], [ 286, 344 ], [ 344, 422 ] ]
{Osiris} [accept {Anubis} before "Serapis" is read; prompt on Khenti-Amentiu]
{ "category": "Mythology", "subcategory": "", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
According to one myth, this figure used the eye of the Graiae (GRAY - eye) as a bargaining tool in order to learn the location of the Hesperides. He was born after his mother, Danae, was impregnated by Zeus in the form of a golden shower. This figure defeated Cetus, after which he married Andromeda.
[ "Perseus" ]
According to one myth, this figure used the eye of the Graiae (GRAY - eye) as a bargaining tool in order to learn the location of the Hesperides. He was born after his mother, Danae, was impregnated by Zeus in the form of a golden shower. This figure defeated Cetus, after which he married Andromeda. After this hero slew his most famous foe, Pegasus was born from her blood. For 10 points, name this slayer of Medusa.
[ [ 0, 146 ], [ 146, 239 ], [ 239, 301 ], [ 301, 376 ], [ 376, 418 ] ]
{ "category": "Mythology", "subcategory": "", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
Among this poet's famous lines are "Tis better to have loved and lost / Than never to have loved at all" and "Theirs not to reason why, / Theirs but to do and die".
[ "Alfred, Lord Tennyson" ]
Among this poet's famous lines are "Tis better to have loved and lost / Than never to have loved at all" and "Theirs not to reason why, / Theirs but to do and die". In addition to "In Memoriam A.H.H.," this Poet Laureate under Queen Victoria also wrote "The Lady of Shalott." (*) For 10 points, what 19th-century poet wrote "The Charge of the Light Brigade"?.
[ [ 0, 165 ], [ 165, 276 ], [ 276, 359 ] ]
Alfred, Lord Tennyson
{ "category": "Literature", "subcategory": "Author and Works", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
In this novel the narrator's father shoots Tim Johnson, a rabid dog. The narrator and her brother are attacked on the way home from a Halloween pageant, but are saved by Boo Radley. In this book, Tom Robinson is falsely accused of raping Mayella Ewell; he is defended by attorney Atticus Finch, but is convicted.
[ "To Kill a Mockingbird" ]
In this novel the narrator's father shoots Tim Johnson, a rabid dog. The narrator and her brother are attacked on the way home from a Halloween pageant, but are saved by Boo Radley. In this book, Tom Robinson is falsely accused of raping Mayella Ewell; he is defended by attorney Atticus Finch, but is convicted. For 10 points, name this novel narrated by Scout Finch, written by Harper Lee.
[ [ 0, 69 ], [ 69, 182 ], [ 182, 313 ], [ 313, 391 ] ]
To Kill a Mockingbird
{ "category": "Literature", "subcategory": "Plot and Characters", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
The IBM Model M is a particularly highly regarded example of this type of device. They sometimes use the Dvorak layout, but the most popular arrangement for them was designed by Christopher Sholes and is deliberately inefficient to avoid (*) jamming. For 10 points, name these devices that often use the QWERTY [KWUR-tee] layout, and are used to enter numbers and letters into a computer.
[ "(computer", "typewriter) keyboards", "keyboards" ]
The IBM Model M is a particularly highly regarded example of this type of device. They sometimes use the Dvorak layout, but the most popular arrangement for them was designed by Christopher Sholes and is deliberately inefficient to avoid (*) jamming. For 10 points, name these devices that often use the QWERTY [KWUR-tee] layout, and are used to enter numbers and letters into a computer.
[ [ 0, 82 ], [ 82, 251 ], [ 251, 388 ] ]
(computer or typewriter) {keyboards}
{ "category": "Technology", "subcategory": "", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This constellation contains the Trapezium Cluster and is the site of a late-October meteor shower.
[ "Orion" ]
This constellation contains the Trapezium Cluster and is the site of a late-October meteor shower. One of its stars, formerly known as the Amazon Star, is Bellatrix, and its brightest stars are Betelgeuse and Rigel. Its namesake nebula joins with Hatysa and other stars to form its sword, while Alnitak, Alnilam, and Mintaka form its belt. For 10 points, name this constellation nicknamed the Hunter.
[ [ 0, 99 ], [ 99, 216 ], [ 216, 340 ], [ 340, 400 ] ]
Orion [prompt on Hunter before it is read]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Astronomy", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This state suffered the Good Friday Earthquake, and it is the only state divided into boroughs rather than counties. Islands located here include Kodiak and Amaknak (“uh-MACK-nack”), the most populous of the Aleutians (“uh-LOO-shins”). Its largest city lies on the Cook Inlet, and its city of Nome lies on the Bering Sea. For 10 points, name this state, whose cities include Fairbanks and Anchorage, and which is the northernmost state in the United States.
[ "Alaska" ]
This state suffered the Good Friday Earthquake, and it is the only state divided into boroughs rather than counties. Islands located here include Kodiak and Amaknak (“uh-MACK-nack”), the most populous of the Aleutians (“uh-LOO-shins”). Its largest city lies on the Cook Inlet, and its city of Nome lies on the Bering Sea. For 10 points, name this state, whose cities include Fairbanks and Anchorage, and which is the northernmost state in the United States.
[ [ 0, 117 ], [ 117, 236 ], [ 236, 322 ], [ 322, 457 ] ]
{ "category": "Geography", "subcategory": "Political Geography", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
One chytrid (KYE-trid) member of this group has been blamed for the worldwide decline in frog populations, and the Salem witch trials have been blamed on another species that infests rye with ergot. Lichens consist of algae and a member of this kingdom, whose species reproduce through spores and have hyphae bodies with chitin cell walls.
[ "Fungi", "fungus" ]
One chytrid (KYE-trid) member of this group has been blamed for the worldwide decline in frog populations, and the Salem witch trials have been blamed on another species that infests rye with ergot. Lichens consist of algae and a member of this kingdom, whose species reproduce through spores and have hyphae bodies with chitin cell walls. For 10 points, name this kingdom of important decomposers like molds, yeasts, and mushrooms.
[ [ 0, 199 ], [ 199, 340 ], [ 340, 432 ] ]
Fungi [or fungus]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Biology", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
At one point in this book, two characters recite nursery rhymes and the Gettysburg Address to avoid being hypnotized by a man with red eyes. The main character of this book meets several tentacled creatures, including one called Aunt Beast, while rescuing her father from Camazotz. Its title concept is a tesseract through which Meg Murry visits the fifth dimension.
[ "A Wrinkle in Time" ]
At one point in this book, two characters recite nursery rhymes and the Gettysburg Address to avoid being hypnotized by a man with red eyes. The main character of this book meets several tentacled creatures, including one called Aunt Beast, while rescuing her father from Camazotz. Its title concept is a tesseract through which Meg Murry visits the fifth dimension. For 10 points, name this novel by Madeleine L'Engle.
[ [ 0, 141 ], [ 141, 282 ], [ 282, 367 ], [ 367, 419 ] ]
A Wrinkle in Time
{ "category": "Literature", "subcategory": "Author and Works", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
After the Autumn Harvest Uprising, this man retreated to the Jianggang (JAHNG-gahng) Mountains, where he joined forces with Zhu De (ZHOO DAY), creating the Red Army. He was succeeded by Hua Guofeng (WAH gwo-FANG) and went on the Long March after being surrounded by Kuomintang forces. Under his guidance, the Hundred Flowers Campaign and Great Leap Forward were launched.
[ "Mao Tse-tung", "Chairman Mao", "Mao Zedong" ]
After the Autumn Harvest Uprising, this man retreated to the Jianggang (JAHNG-gahng) Mountains, where he joined forces with Zhu De (ZHOO DAY), creating the Red Army. He was succeeded by Hua Guofeng (WAH gwo-FANG) and went on the Long March after being surrounded by Kuomintang forces. Under his guidance, the Hundred Flowers Campaign and Great Leap Forward were launched. For 10 points, name this author of the Little Red Book, the first leader of Communist China.
[ [ 0, 166 ], [ 166, 285 ], [ 285, 372 ], [ 372, 464 ] ]
Mao Zedong [or Mao Tse-tung; or Chairman Mao]
{ "category": "History", "subcategory": "Political History", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
A group of genes coding for lactose breakdown, known as the lac operon, was first discovered in this model organism. Although it is not Shigella, shiga toxins are produced in virulent strains of this organism such as its serotype O157:H7. They colonize the human gut at birth. For 10 points, name these gramnegative bacteria that are a common cause of food poisoning and food recalls.
[ "Escherichia coli", "coli" ]
A group of genes coding for lactose breakdown, known as the lac operon, was first discovered in this model organism. Although it is not Shigella, shiga toxins are produced in virulent strains of this organism such as its serotype O157:H7. They colonize the human gut at birth. For 10 points, name these gramnegative bacteria that are a common cause of food poisoning and food recalls.
[ [ 0, 117 ], [ 117, 239 ], [ 239, 277 ], [ 277, 384 ] ]
Escherichia {coli} [prompt on Bacillus coli communis]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Biology", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
These animals can be harmed by the spread of Varroa mites, and their best known species is mellifera.
[ "honey bees", "Apis", "bees" ]
These animals can be harmed by the spread of Varroa mites, and their best known species is mellifera. A combination of the Nosema ceranae fungus and IIV6 virus may be responsible for their recent population decreases, called colony collapse disorder. Belonging to the genus (*) Apis, colonies of them have female workers, male drones, and queens. For 10 points, name these insects related to wasps that pollinate flowers and live in hives.
[ [ 0, 102 ], [ 102, 251 ], [ 251, 347 ], [ 347, 439 ] ]
honey {bees} [accept {\"Apis\"} before it is mentioned; do not accept \"wasp(s)\" or \"hornet(s)\"]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Biology", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This man's son was baptized by Olaf Tryggvason (TRIG-vah-"sun"). This Norwegian native was exiled from Iceland and Oxney for committing multiple murders in both places. During his three years of exile, this man explored Greenland and found the first permanent colony there in 985.
[ "Erik the Red", "Erik Thorvaldsson" ]
This man's son was baptized by Olaf Tryggvason (TRIG-vah-"sun"). This Norwegian native was exiled from Iceland and Oxney for committing multiple murders in both places. During his three years of exile, this man explored Greenland and found the first permanent colony there in 985. For 10 points, identify this Norseman and father of the explorer Leif Ericsson
[ [ 0, 65 ], [ 65, 169 ], [ 169, 281 ], [ 281, 359 ] ]
Erik the Red [or Erik Thorvaldsson; prompt on Erik]
{ "category": "History", "subcategory": "Exploration and Colonization", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This leader's half-brother is believed to be a drug trafficker, but serves as the chief of a provincial council. This leader was originally put in power by a loya jirga (LOY-uh JER-guh). In October 2010, this man admitted to receiving bags of cash from Iran.
[ "Hamid Karzay", "Karzai", "Hamid Karzai" ]
This leader's half-brother is believed to be a drug trafficker, but serves as the chief of a provincial council. This leader was originally put in power by a loya jirga (LOY-uh JER-guh). In October 2010, this man admitted to receiving bags of cash from Iran. In 2010, he stormed out of a meeting with David Petraeus and was accused of holding a rigged election against Abdullah Abdullah. For 10 points, name this leader of Afghanistan.
[ [ 0, 113 ], [ 113, 187 ], [ 187, 259 ], [ 259, 388 ], [ 388, 435 ] ]
Hamid {Karzai} [or Hamid Karzay]
{ "category": "Politics", "subcategory": "Political Figures", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
One of these landforms "of Tehuantepec" (teh-WAHN-teh-pek) is found in the Mexican states of Oaxaca (wah-HAH-kah) and Veracruz.
[ "isthmus", "isthmi" ]
One of these landforms "of Tehuantepec" (teh-WAHN-teh-pek) is found in the Mexican states of Oaxaca (wah-HAH-kah) and Veracruz. One "of Kra" connects the Malay Peninsula to the rest of Asia. The Suez Canal was built across one of these landforms separating the Red and Mediterranean Seas. For 10 points, name these narrow strips of land that connect larger land masses, another of which is the country of Panama.
[ [ 0, 128 ], [ 128, 191 ], [ 191, 289 ], [ 289, 412 ] ]
{isthmus} [accept isthmi]
{ "category": "Geography", "subcategory": "Physical Geography", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
The difference quotient calculates this value for a secant, and the derivative is this for a tangent line.
[ "slope" ]
The difference quotient calculates this value for a secant, and the derivative is this for a tangent line. The product of these quantities for perpendicular lines is negative one. This is undefined for (*) vertical lines, and for horizontal lines it is zero. It can be calculated as delta y over delta x. For 10 points, name this quantity which is represented by m in the equation y = mx + b and measures the steepness of a line.
[ [ 0, 107 ], [ 107, 180 ], [ 180, 259 ], [ 259, 305 ], [ 305, 429 ] ]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Mathematics", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This man is told by the ghost of his wife Creusa to leave for Hesperia after carrying his father Anchises (ann-KYE-sees) and son Ascanius out of a besieged city. He visits the underworld with the help of a golden bough, on the advice of the Cumaean Sibyl. He duels Turnus for the hand of Lavinia. After this son of Venus leaves Carthage, Dido kills herself. For 10 points, name this Trojan who founds Rome according to an epic by Virgil.
[ "Aeneas" ]
This man is told by the ghost of his wife Creusa to leave for Hesperia after carrying his father Anchises (ann-KYE-sees) and son Ascanius out of a besieged city. He visits the underworld with the help of a golden bough, on the advice of the Cumaean Sibyl. He duels Turnus for the hand of Lavinia. After this son of Venus leaves Carthage, Dido kills herself. For 10 points, name this Trojan who founds Rome according to an epic by Virgil.
[ [ 0, 162 ], [ 162, 256 ], [ 256, 297 ], [ 297, 358 ], [ 358, 437 ] ]
Aeneas [prompt on The Aeneid]
{ "category": "Mythology", "subcategory": "", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
The DNA in this organelle (“or-guh-NELL”) is inherited only from the mother. The inner membrane of this organelle contains folds known as cristae (“CRISS-tay”) and encloses its matrix. This organelle is the site of oxidative phosphorylation (“ox-ih-DAY-tiv FOSS-for-ill-AY-shun”), which occurs at the end of the electron transport chain.
[ "mitochondrion", "mitochondria", "mitochondria (“ MY-toe-KON-dree-uh ”)" ]
The DNA in this organelle (“or-guh-NELL”) is inherited only from the mother. The inner membrane of this organelle contains folds known as cristae (“CRISS-tay”) and encloses its matrix. This organelle is the site of oxidative phosphorylation (“ox-ih-DAY-tiv FOSS-for-ill-AY-shun”), which occurs at the end of the electron transport chain. For 10 points, name this organelle responsible for cellular respiration, which produces ATP and thus provides energy for the cell.
[ [ 0, 77 ], [ 77, 185 ], [ 185, 338 ], [ 338, 468 ] ]
{mitochondria} (“ MY-toe-KON-dree-uh ”) [or {mitochondrion}]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Biology", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
Arthur Doodson designed a machine for predicting the magnitude of these events. They occur in a cycle that includes "stand" periods followed by "slack water" periods. An unusually high concentration of dinoflagellates (DYE-no-FLADGE-ell-ates) can cause the "red" type. Weak versions of these events are known as "neap" ones and occur in the first and third quarters of the lunar cycle. For 10 points, name these variations in the sea level.
[ "tides" ]
Arthur Doodson designed a machine for predicting the magnitude of these events. They occur in a cycle that includes "stand" periods followed by "slack water" periods. An unusually high concentration of dinoflagellates (DYE-no-FLADGE-ell-ates) can cause the "red" type. Weak versions of these events are known as "neap" ones and occur in the first and third quarters of the lunar cycle. For 10 points, name these variations in the sea level.
[ [ 0, 80 ], [ 80, 167 ], [ 167, 269 ], [ 269, 386 ], [ 386, 440 ] ]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Earth Science", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This present-day nation was the center of Axum, and its church claims to hold the Ark of the Covenant. It defeated Italy at the Battle of Adowa under Emperor Menilek (MEN-ee-lek) II. Rastafarians (RAHSS-tah-FAR-ee-ins) hold that another emperor, Haile Selassie (HAY-lee seh-LAH-see), was the second coming of Jesus. Its first emperor was supposedly the son of the Queen of Sheba.
[ "Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia", "Ityop'iya Federalawi Demokrasiyawi Ripeblik", "Ethiopia" ]
This present-day nation was the center of Axum, and its church claims to hold the Ark of the Covenant. It defeated Italy at the Battle of Adowa under Emperor Menilek (MEN-ee-lek) II. Rastafarians (RAHSS-tah-FAR-ee-ins) hold that another emperor, Haile Selassie (HAY-lee seh-LAH-see), was the second coming of Jesus. Its first emperor was supposedly the son of the Queen of Sheba. For 10 points, name this African nation currently led by Girma Wolde-Giorgis (JER-mah WOLD-uh JOR-jiss) from Addis Ababa.
[ [ 0, 103 ], [ 103, 183 ], [ 183, 316 ], [ 316, 380 ], [ 380, 501 ] ]
Federal Democratic Republic of {Ethiopia} [or {Ityop'iya Federalawi Demokrasiyawi Ripeblik;} prompt on {Abyssinia}]
{ "category": "History", "subcategory": "Ancient History", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This work begins with a word that means "what" and calls for attention.
[ "Beowulf" ]
This work begins with a word that means "what" and calls for attention. Its three battle scenes, including one against a dragon, are each followed by a funeral scene. While fighting without a weapon, the title character of this work tears an arm from an opponent in the dining hall Heorot (HAY-or-oht), which was built by the Danish king Hrothgar (ROTH-gar). For 10 points, name this Old English epic poem about a Geat (gate) warrior who defeats Grendel.
[ [ 0, 72 ], [ 72, 167 ], [ 167, 359 ], [ 359, 454 ] ]
{ "category": "Language", "subcategory": "", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This man came to power through the coup of 18 Brumaire (broo-MAIR). His forces defeated the Prussians at Jena (YAY-nah) and the combined Russian and Austrian forces at Austerlitz. His invasion of Russia was a failure because of the harsh winter. He spent the last years of his life exiled on St. Helena, and he sold the Louisiana Territory to America. For 10 points, name this French emperor from Corsica who ruled after the French revolution
[ "Napoleon I", "Napoleon Bonaparte" ]
This man came to power through the coup of 18 Brumaire (broo-MAIR). His forces defeated the Prussians at Jena (YAY-nah) and the combined Russian and Austrian forces at Austerlitz. His invasion of Russia was a failure because of the harsh winter. He spent the last years of his life exiled on St. Helena, and he sold the Louisiana Territory to America. For 10 points, name this French emperor from Corsica who ruled after the French revolution
[ [ 0, 68 ], [ 68, 180 ], [ 180, 246 ], [ 246, 352 ], [ 352, 442 ] ]
{Napoleon Bonaparte} [or Napoleon I]
{ "category": "History", "subcategory": "Military History", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This man designed railway stations in Santiago, Chile and Budapest, Hungary. He was jailed after being implicated in a failed Panama Canal project, for which he designed the locks. He designed the steel framework for the Statue of Liberty and a thousand-foot-tall structure for the 1889 World's Fair. For 10 points, name this architect and engineer who built a namesake Parisian tower.
[ "(Alexandre) Gustave Eiffel", "Eiffel" ]
This man designed railway stations in Santiago, Chile and Budapest, Hungary. He was jailed after being implicated in a failed Panama Canal project, for which he designed the locks. He designed the steel framework for the Statue of Liberty and a thousand-foot-tall structure for the 1889 World's Fair. For 10 points, name this architect and engineer who built a namesake Parisian tower.
[ [ 0, 77 ], [ 77, 181 ], [ 181, 301 ], [ 301, 385 ] ]
(Alexandre) Gustave {Eiffel}
{ "category": "History", "subcategory": "Cultural History", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
One of these entities "of variation" equals the standard deviation divided by the mean. Spearman and Pearson name two of these entities that measure correlation.
[ "coefficients", "Coefficient of variation" ]
One of these entities "of variation" equals the standard deviation divided by the mean. Spearman and Pearson name two of these entities that measure correlation. "Binomial" ones give the number of ways k unordered outcomes can be chosen from n possible and are given by Pascal's Triangle. For 10 points, give this term for numbers that multiply a variable in a mathematical expression.
[ [ 0, 88 ], [ 88, 162 ], [ 162, 289 ], [ 289, 385 ] ]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Mathematics", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This man's son was baptized by Olaf Tryggvason (TRIG-vah-"sun"). This Norwegian native was exiled from Iceland and Oxney for committing multiple murders in both places. During his three years of exile, this man explored Greenland and found the first permanent colony there in 985. For 10 points, identify this Norseman and father of the explorer Leif Ericsson
[ "Erik the Red", "Erik Thorvaldsson" ]
This man's son was baptized by Olaf Tryggvason (TRIG-vah-"sun"). This Norwegian native was exiled from Iceland and Oxney for committing multiple murders in both places. During his three years of exile, this man explored Greenland and found the first permanent colony there in 985. For 10 points, identify this Norseman and father of the explorer Leif Ericsson
[ [ 0, 65 ], [ 65, 169 ], [ 169, 281 ], [ 281, 359 ] ]
Erik the Red [or Erik Thorvaldsson; prompt on Erik]
{ "category": "History", "subcategory": "Exploration and Colonization", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This structure was built on the orders of Walter Ulbricht (“ULL-bricked”), who termed it anti-Fascist. It divided the Potsdamer Platz (“POTTS-dah-mer PLOTS”), and its best-known crossing was at Checkpoint Charlie. Ronald Reagan challenged Mikhail Gorbachev to tear it down.
[ "Berlin Wall", "Berliner Mauer" ]
This structure was built on the orders of Walter Ulbricht (“ULL-bricked”), who termed it anti-Fascist. It divided the Potsdamer Platz (“POTTS-dah-mer PLOTS”), and its best-known crossing was at Checkpoint Charlie. Ronald Reagan challenged Mikhail Gorbachev to tear it down. For 10 points, the capital of Germany was divided by what barrier that fell in November 1989?
[ [ 0, 103 ], [ 103, 214 ], [ 214, 274 ], [ 274, 367 ] ]
{Berlin Wall} [accept {Berliner Mauer}]
{ "category": "History", "subcategory": "Political History", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
These objects have only three externally verifiable properties: mass, charge, and angular momentum, according to the no-hair theorem, and their size can be determined using the Schwarzschild radius. They can be formed following a supernova, and one of them is believed to be at the (*) center of the Milky Way.
[ "black holes" ]
These objects have only three externally verifiable properties: mass, charge, and angular momentum, according to the no-hair theorem, and their size can be determined using the Schwarzschild radius. They can be formed following a supernova, and one of them is believed to be at the (*) center of the Milky Way. For 10 points, name these astronomical entities from which light cannot escape.
[ [ 0, 199 ], [ 199, 311 ], [ 311, 390 ] ]
black holes
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Astronomy", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
Modifications of this process can use PEP carboxylase ("PEP" car-BOX-ill-ase) to fix a reactant normally fixed by RuBisCO (roo-BISS-ko) in this process's dark reactions.
[ "photosynthesis" ]
Modifications of this process can use PEP carboxylase ("PEP" car-BOX-ill-ase) to fix a reactant normally fixed by RuBisCO (roo-BISS-ko) in this process's dark reactions. The light reactions of this process occur along the thylakoid ("THIGH"-luh-koyd) membrane. It takes place within the chloroplasts (KLOR-oh-plasts), which contain light-absorbing chlorophylls (KLOR-oh-fills). For 10 points, name this process by which organisms, often plants, use light energy to turn carbon dioxide and water into glucose.
[ [ 0, 170 ], [ 170, 261 ], [ 261, 378 ], [ 378, 508 ] ]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Biology", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
During the Civil War, this city was defended by Fort St. Philip and controversially occupied by Union general Benjamin Butler. The Sieur de Bienville led a group of French settlers here in 1718. This city's suburb of Metairie contains the southern end of the Lake (*) Pontchartrain Causeway.
[ "New Orleans, Louisiana" ]
During the Civil War, this city was defended by Fort St. Philip and controversially occupied by Union general Benjamin Butler. The Sieur de Bienville led a group of French settlers here in 1718. This city's suburb of Metairie contains the southern end of the Lake (*) Pontchartrain Causeway. Its Lower Ninth Ward was damaged when levees were weakened by a 2005 storm. For 10 points, what Louisiana city was devastated by Hurricane Katrina?
[ [ 0, 127 ], [ 127, 195 ], [ 195, 292 ], [ 292, 368 ], [ 368, 439 ] ]
New Orleans, Louisiana
{ "category": "History", "subcategory": "Military History", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
The fundamental units in these body parts work according to the sliding-filament hypothesis and are called sarcomeres. The type that surrounds hollow organs such as the stomach is the smooth type, and the other two types are cardiac and skeletal.
[ "muscles" ]
The fundamental units in these body parts work according to the sliding-filament hypothesis and are called sarcomeres. The type that surrounds hollow organs such as the stomach is the smooth type, and the other two types are cardiac and skeletal. One of them, the diaphragm, ultimately fails in a namesake kind of "dystrophy." For 10 points, name these human organs necessary for movement, which include triceps and biceps.
[ [ 0, 119 ], [ 119, 247 ], [ 247, 327 ], [ 327, 423 ] ]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Biology", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
The extinction of this island's palm trees is discussed in Jared Diamond's book Collapse. Residents of this island created the rongorongo writing system and carried out rituals in the birdman cult. Platforms known as ahus on this island contain features made of volcanic tuff called (*) moai.
[ "Easter Island", "Rapa Nui", "Easter" ]
The extinction of this island's palm trees is discussed in Jared Diamond's book Collapse. Residents of this island created the rongorongo writing system and carried out rituals in the birdman cult. Platforms known as ahus on this island contain features made of volcanic tuff called (*) moai. For 10 points, giant stone statues are found on what Pacific island named for a Christian holiday?
[ [ 0, 90 ], [ 90, 198 ], [ 198, 293 ], [ 293, 391 ] ]
{Easter} Island [or {Rapa Nui}]
{ "category": "History", "subcategory": "Cultural History", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }