stringlengths 1
| label
stringlengths 4
| dataType
stringclasses 2
values | communityName
stringlengths 4
| datetime
stringlengths 10
| username_encoded
stringlengths 136
| url_encoded
stringlengths 188
Awesome, I too will start to do this. | r/tipoftheday | comment | r/tipoftheday | 2010-11-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxZHhNcDlkS29SRUNtM0ZvMTFuZGVyelZ5aEpFZG4wY051Tm4zc1UyVFNGOWtxcDc0TTZUbERjY09aRFFVWUJSblVfc1NEbjRNN2xsUGFlMHdHSDhvQ3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZodXF2N25jeDFPZ0ZHd2JvUEZBRFRmZXlPYTlzUmVDeHh6M214ZW1YWkpuQUlRSm9mUlYxcWxycDFTaGUwMFBTOWNiTUFGMEZaWnBZRnlRam9NZHY0eTlPbTdsWXUzU25RWjBNNm5TMkphUld4dHc3VlpKdld1SDhNdDZaTHdZY1B4Qm5GQ1RpUml4MjNjY1RtT1hpZElXVGt1UDl2MEpsa0hYWXZiV2M0UnYxMHMzbEdDc1FubDRmWlF0OF9naEtiUmNVRy1XOHJORzhEbGhtSzgwa2NWQT09 |
Just don't turn on the light. You should be able to navigate your way to the bathroom and back in the dark after living somewhere for a little bit. As for urinating... there's no shame in sitting down to pee ;) | r/tipoftheday | comment | r/tipoftheday | 2010-11-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxeDByQ0x1S3hCN3UwdVMxaFFKcWRjMzB4bDZfN3lpLV9fWm96bGc5N1FTNnZqbmY5RWxXSlFiM3RyYzAzbHJSNWpaVHhMa0xORHl5NlNpM0taSmpfbXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoV05oNzk0RkFaQ0pDNmxtRFFmVzNIekFOelNLMnJkdHdkSF9GRDFobVgwZFZCZGs1UXFNbDdVYTlMS042Um1VUm5QZko3ajRxc1JvRFkwRF9XUGVPZ1hTUFJsTW5pZW1TNy1mak5oblgtb3FCMktYUFJoZmxhRTQtMW1ZTjZ4ZkN3TGZLZ1loSnQxVHBiS1FOOEhjTmkyLWNHVzV0Wmwwa3FnRlhuaUFONWxkd2tRY2JvU3BzamI4WnQ1bTRpV3dqRWd1cFVSdXVDcUNPck9wSVpPNEJTZz09 |
>As for urinating... there's no shame in sitting down to pee
BURN HIM (it's okay if you're a her though)
| r/tipoftheday | comment | r/tipoftheday | 2010-11-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxWmFJU3dkQ1VkQTNXOWRXQlN2RWNFMGpxdktBbmZmQUFORm1KZDd5MXVGbW9sNG4ybFVHUmdpaUl5UE5WQktxLVhodWl3dWdWbjZNZk5mTWtxTF9zQkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoSnR5aFhpVVY5LXJGUS1jRzd4RU9KOEVqbXpLVDF0c1ZDMEhCdjhQLXpxYnhhaUh2U1hSRU8xQ0J2S0xobU5kbHZRYng1TGZ0bHBtcm1vRkZrX1piRmRZNTZnOWowa2Vwc2gtZTg3eWhSUGhzam8zVkp6dTh5VW10dWE5US1KZDZPTkdsYXN2dUVPMU85Wnh5XzdIZWg3NVVKRnVtc1NjYWY0NVBfR3lVWl9XYnhqVk9senVIZjJPLXI1aFQwTzIxR0gyQTBRWVhSRjhHVGFYeUgwOFB6QT09 |
haha thanks. it's the first thread i have ever started on reddit. and yeah that's where i got the idea as well. i have been teaching it to people ever since | r/tipoftheday | comment | r/tipoftheday | 2010-11-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxNHdxVy1xQ05PdlI1eTZXVlpvRjdPQ0RqNGZjUHVwbTZCUEVXNmF6YWNNQ3dIN3BqZHRJMGpzdFFuVkJtUkFRZDQxYlJIS1ZlN2dFYUhOa0VRdE92MEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoNjNJRmR6YzMycUF6RmZrRl9waE9jdjF3cTFhQy1xM0ZacjBHMGhZYVd3MnVBd0ZhMjhLVEsxeWNaYW9nQ0VGcEVWdDFlQmRLblNmTEFWVHdMSWRROXZzQm5PMG9feURoazVpMzh2Vng1eFh6ekdnS3BHdXVZQlgwVFJRWDNob0oxWEllc1R1OHNDVmhSamxab0lzS2RYeDF3QkpxMVUxYnBrX0RmNVlYck9maU53cFlYbXdlR0JYSlczcGctZ2NtVkZMb3N2aHZHNzMxbmpZMTFfZmU1dz09 |
we dont have mythbuster over here, and honestly i sont feel like torrent it just for one information... so could you be kind enought for sumaryse it for me ? :) thank | r/tipoftheday | comment | r/tipoftheday | 2010-11-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxQl83bjFBRkJMa29WeWhMWFNwakxVTFFrUG1jRE5ibkZwaGVBeFh3d3NmMURYMWpnX2VoRFV6ckJGZlhvZWFxUVY2MDh1UTJVN3U3YUdOeDRNM3l1c0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoV2NkZDdzZGw0SnhVbi1uOU05THo4RUQ5V0NTNnpPMzlDdlVfNF8xaktaSnVDVnBTMlZ2V3gwdU1lUEFJd1VtUHpmOU1vMmxrRldGaUlsRlBCeHZIdzFLQWUtX1BrSjV0S1k5RHZBb2h5U0JuT3MwWkpBdE1weE9GbFQza1VTWVo2Ti13OUhQa1JaM3dRVE9OTS14Y2taa1Fsc3kyUk5lSFVmMDhrMTUxdm96QVR6eFpfeERoSnFhVjZBZnp5cjJrc3otRHFkRGpNdjRQZGItYUhVU1VTZz09 |
[Here](http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.linux.network/162103) is the (somewhat predictable) discussion on lkml, and a [blog](http://blog.benstrong.com/2010/11/google-and-microsoft-cheat-on-slow.html) with more testing/discussion.
| r/systems | comment | r/systems | 2010-11-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxR1FnZGppVkxfX2tLeXJwYS1wNGtOWHJlNTZzOHN1Yk9HbklWVDNoVVZFcUQxMkpxUEFIRmlIdndTTUN4T2xtQmxNNlcxT0V5aFRtUUNsUmkwai01RXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoaF9uZlA5T2FuVEl2MzUtVmxydlQwc0cyNThaUDRRTnR4dUk0RlBWRHREc2FPR3lyWGdFTE4tOVBUWkd0S04yNThYSFg5dlFPUlVMbEV3elRZSGR5SkwxbmI2ODJ6NzVrLW55bmFUYUh6dXpoeXVFdjlsclFVWU0xMkoxeWMwck1ncC1OU1Zwc183NlU3bURuT2gtOTN1SzZPLTZhZkdtdHpja1ZoVlJIcEZ0bGVZZjNHUFEyNGh6NjJWU0pyTHM5bnAyMzdKY1J5Y0tFYmltSGNIYUtOZz09 |
> I sleep in a lot of places that are not my home
**Check it out, this person has a lot of one night stands!** | r/tipoftheday | comment | r/tipoftheday | 2010-11-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxZUszeFNtc0JBRHpBMlB3Uk1LckhuTzRQaU43N015TmQzdDgwck4wa2stSVN0NkFzYUhHZ3ZMcE1wOU5TZ0t5RnNGT28zWFJCWEhqUmNydXhsME9YVFk3UHQtczdSOTh1Q25IM3FJS3c4cjQ9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoekZ4eXBQbUVRRW9xOUROMUF4cnVwR3NOM2FyZnY5TC1PUExvUE5FZ2ZQcVlMR1NIZ1Rndl93LWVtU3BTNUNGT1RaUTYzN1JrZUlSeDJNeDhJTWw5R2Utd2ttTUdJSFlodm5pand1My01Unc1aTBKZ2txZWhXZWRCNkZGN0dzSVg4MjZ4ZHZ2eFlqTlJfa2RvSWdkdk5aRjM0TjJXd3ozNFJ6X3U2ZVlyaGhvczhIbW5xZEZzaFR5c3BKNUhmVUdtVUhwM20ycFg0cmNWWFFTLUYtX1Jhdz09 |
> Nothing harmed the cause of liberalism more than the almost regular return of feverish booms and of the dramatic breakdown of bull markets followed by lingering slumps. Public opinion has become convinced that such happenings are inevitable in the unhampered market economy. People did not conceive that what they lamented was the necessary outcome of policies directed toward a lowering of the rate of interest by means of credit expansion. They stubbornly kept to these policies and tried in vain to fight their undesired consequences by more and more government interference.
-Human Action(1966) | r/mises | post | r/mises | 2010-11-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxdFF6cjZyVktsWHFMZDc2dDZwQmZNM3FaNVllQ3dNa25FM3V3UDR5V1J6MXRqM1dRSHdUYVlDdFlXQ0hrZ2dfT002UGFpRDJVLUg2aWduNXpKSFZjbTRKaVVBNlVsNlMxNjdrR2RtQ0kzYjA9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoYV95eUg4aXJGVUtza21JVThjdzVuTzlUWkFNWEwtUWE3cGdRSWpOaXVnWTViQ0kzSWFhemcwQ25pa2xHc1hRUTB2dGgzcXl3cHpxSExKSHB4b2xPSmxTYkNoaF9QRklkQzdvNWZMMGM1ZXVuX1QtOEtrYzA0VkxYLTlqU0swNnIxMW9VTFhBeEVETnlRV1ZneDNOT29XUGx1Zk91cFBKWl93MERCdG5sT0cybW90NmlkbHRQODZfclJzX21WOEpn |
Haha... definitely a 'him' :) | r/tipoftheday | comment | r/tipoftheday | 2010-11-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxdjJ6d2VQei11clhkT0tXeTdmd0Q4b1BNS1J0Xzc4ZUo2RERuM1VIU0JDUDQwUXRCeGQtNHM2YmhlcjhUdEVZRnl4YVZ1d3ZiNDBjdGQ3dWdXNTRZUnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoM0hGUThQNlQ4VTRYSkR6ZXV3X0Q3UkktTUZBX2p3emtIMUVkNUc5TFFRd2ZmdERqaFBiSkwtQ203ZDZ1TFhRMERxT3p5NVZzNk5oV1liQjJneVM5ZkV1cGI1VkpwamtZM0k1XzZBRmhtdnVsRVE0QVc5YmE4MWtUVDl0QURKVmRMZnhQdUlHOFRRcTZ5S3YyT2M4cmhSWGp6UkNVZjRNRk50bC1xWHNldzM0Rkp4SE1kM2RrRkpPcjljZkIxb0JBNV9fazRjc1JHWjZSRHh3WGx0dlUtZz09 |
There are a few new ideas I've been thinking about for MeetLGBT -
random things to have some fun with and to get the group more active.
The most recent thing I've been thinking about is having sort of a movie or book club type thing. A movie/book/etc. is selected for the month. At the end of that month (or after 2 weeks, whenever everyone would have a chance to read/watch that pick), there'd be a discussion about it.
There might even be a way to do have a livestream of a movie - [/r/movieclub](/r/movieclub) does something similar, I believe. A chat room can be created on IRC, or we could use the chattit Chrome extension, to discuss the movie as it plays.
Another thing to consider is to let MeetLGBT be something like [/r/r4r](/r/r4r). Specifically, [this post suggests a queer r4r](http://www.reddit.com/r/actuallesbians/comments/ec9c1/queer_r4r/). Would that fit in here - any desire for that, any concerns/dislikes about having r4r stuff here? Would there be interest in a separate lgbtq r4r?
**Edit: [/r/q4q](/r/q4q) now exists** as an lgbt-oriented personals group
I think it'd also be fun to have some games from time to time - guessing a movie (from an image or description), guessing a location (from a picture or satellite image), setting up things for online gaming, hangman, chess, or anything that you'd want. | r/meetlgbt | post | r/MeetLGBT | 2010-11-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxNzM0S0JXQVRkeEYwY0VEa1V4SVdudVRmOVBpVTVpbVFwZFEyMkdPbS0tNk9BeW5KTi1rZDRSZnV6S0FGWkdzN01pMW14Y3VRYllxZFBLRXpJU0ZZVGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoM0k3YW4zbl9qck93V3JWVGZVdTBOWDd5cW9KT2hwSzdhZ3JyQkkwNEFCd2NMQk1UOUJ1SmJXbWhjYTVhRXlRQlRFd01aRWlEYUVmN093cU9NNDg3U0NtZGs5RTdZZnp0V0xQRkhkbl9sUGNUQmZaUkhHZTJ6RVFmb3lBMUxTbGJOZmtNMVd3dnZFYktid3RQN3VtWHVFajBiZlUtVzhuQUFtZm5hMGRjVzJBb0g0UFFfbzR4Xzk4ZlBEVHRFN1Bu |
[I prefer the afterimage method](http://i.imgur.com/SGkqB.png). | r/tipoftheday | comment | r/tipoftheday | 2010-11-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1Vxa0dhaTZ3ZGw3dnBHMTBadE50eUxobkxSdUJWOENVanJzdXpRR0ZIZ0dqRlZ6dXZDWTd2dzNyVUJNVTBKNW95eElmbWxLbW1peVFvQVFRdGdDRVdxUWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoOFozTVFZWThzYjY3Q2lBbXd0OThnY1VGY2tVLU11aFlFbExNRE41RXVuVFNfcFM0aWpoOXFiUDRLN0V1VU0xdlJGSGctLWdfbHdPYTZkN3RmZHY0MVR0RC1vbThhS1c5ZDlXcV9CN1Nkc0FDbVMxd1ZiaEVhY3YyTzZTc1dXVno2TkptMG04VW1rUndqdGFSbklqNlR5VWFDV2xzZWpJcks5dFhaQ2x2Xzl2MnR3cHZZNWJvLTlOQzF0a2g5a2xrTFc3aDRFWjBKMXd4OUhDY3JsY0N0UT09 |
I'm heading to the Prescott tomorrow to catch the game. Anyone wanna cheer with me? | r/riderville | post | r/riderville | 2010-11-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxQ3ZSWHppMFhpUS1mX0xxMTc4SGM1Z1FwVDlpdTJaZXppcHlGYklvZllEOTF2eWpLMktiQzVDSkJhZk05WmNBS2lwODVoWDhVSFRsa293OHVYRFpZdnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoRloyMkpEcDdKT0l3a2E4YXdxQVhfanB3WElnX0RFVS1zUGJZQk1VRWF6RFNHTHhCN1Q3SVduTVZ5RkV2a1BFam5QeTM5OVdXQWRlOHRxU2lGQmxwdTc1b0JlR0RQUGx4NGRVQ1Vuc3Ffa2NURGNNcjg2aDBobmd1S3hQd1lEWlR0YXN5SGlBOHF0eG9hdDh0Q2MwZ2dFRG9rWTF3VTBqaU1HbVNKY2ZXT0NJWTZ3U1N1SmNLbTZJSVJ1X1hFaFB6ckZFbG9NVC1ULVg2MXBkQnhzd0xPQT09 |
I have a Sony a290 and am looking to buy a new lens. I currently have an 18-55mm lens (has a 3x zoom) and am looking to get something that has a slightly larger zoom so that I can take photos both from a distance and close up photos.
The lens I am currently looking at is [this one](http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B000B8T6DI/ref=s9_simh_gw_p23_d0_i1), although it only has a 4.3x zoom.
I'm really not sure what to get, so any help is much appreciated. Price range is ~150pounds ($250usd)
Thanks :) | r/photoit | post | r/photoit | 2010-11-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxZGhhYlBub2dnZlFPMXFFZGZrMjN4Y2ZuZThsamVuNnpPM2JxWkM3ZUxhRmhjVG9GZXNlT0xYSUhFaUw3a0xRaTRFaTZ5NXV1TjkzYnpEQTRMelVDZ0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoSXNLSUt6Y085WUw4VU42d3lXTEFLUVdxN1VWenptMXNFZVE5dU1UUjVTN0NrbjR2bnVLLVBZUTZENWwwOG9fdmFneHhrcERnTlAteUtMaXdEZWRDWXZib2RNZ3hXVEhWdXRkZW5fSS00eGtUYmJIQnlXSVllMTRDZUpNYTItZmFXZ2x5T1lnck1VQzdIaEs0OTlxbVgzVWdmVksyT2Q1SnJPZkNxMHVTZU5IOEdiT0psNklLU1dienJBQjEyYmxZWlh6WGN6YWNJZExRc3c1UU54XzA1dz09 |
heh actually yeah. but also i am a musician that goes on tour and my day job has me traveling pretty often | r/tipoftheday | comment | r/tipoftheday | 2010-11-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxYk13Z2tZamRuRTNzS2Nvb2oyMVMzem4zMU5UajFEZktPQnlFeDFTcUFMYXd0c1hxVTdHVlpvZjdfVWhqRVA0ZDVCdi1JcG83cnR3aUNzNXhlWlVnTkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoekdzeHdHbjBOYXFucjRtRk5ESVdYTG11R2xsT3pxcDgtS2lleUc1TXVLVEZuZlpkWVB3X2NncE9PVnZTV1EzRnUyVjNlS0QxNndKV3hfRVpfVlJrcVdNTnlqX1pXVjFqdGNYTDREN3ktOWhzQzFsMFhyeGhIbHlYdDQyS1RWd1FOMkE1cXQ1MEZhczNWUk9BWlRwZWF4QUl4NDhzN3FQRFI0RHcyWU0yR1pLbzgwZEF1b1pjdWNiMTJyWmQ1Zl93ZG1ncndRaEJtTjdSN2w4NEczUmNkdz09 |
Well, I am off to my first ever Grey Cup and I can't be happier with the teams playing in it. To be honest, a month and a half ago I would have never guessed that the Riders would be in the Cup but hey, they have a great nation pulling for them. | r/riderville | post | r/riderville | 2010-11-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxeERmMEtBc2pFc2wyNl9IMldldVRvc2o2U29yemVMemlDeHM0LXNhSlJuZkR1NGNEQkZLOFNEQTJIZUhHVUhob1dhbmVxdHZsOWdlVFF2VDUxUE9BUWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoVzAxYzRidlExeFVhcnZjeGl5MWdvNkRaZUEyX3VUYmJGQ1RwZHlCd3Nsb1U1MnN5R0FRdU4ySFFfZHRORWtyMGNacHlQQkZHaENUZHlNdmx4N3VqSVlwMEljOEFGbTllWmlqX2oxUk5nb0dwRHlxenEwWGt3b3ByZEFCb3lDUkVxOFV4cUVqT21zRVlMM3hMTjdqOTAtSEdJcGRzaEVjRkxKbzhNTjBRcUYtSzBjWWppOWdKNno4c1RqOXQ1ZGEzdjIzZlBvckNKQWRNQlZQOEg5eS1NZz09 |
Well, this is it. I'll be cheering my heart out. I just really hope they don't take themselves out of it. If we play our game I think we have a great chance | r/riderville | post | r/riderville | 2010-11-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxZTAtbkVYaThMeGFCend1M1A2M251QjdFWmNpR1RyMWMzbGFPbHE4SDlxVmFYTERIQkctOHNqMUJMb0lSc3gyc3JjVXVWT0FSZnlYbFZPaEdzVlJuVEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoU0JYZ1UyQ0ljaWtrbDF0VkxhR0RzVU9QM2tQYlg4TEJEOEtFTlB6YjhmR0ctRk9sb3lMTnEyUlNZTmV3ZWliQ25qMGU0MmhCUkxLaXRkb1pER3lEYkxMcWFpM1lvVzh0d1dSaWp2RlRyRVJfNDFlelNuUmxocF9RTDBYRW8xWFAzejdhQ0xXWmxhNHhuMzVWLTdzTXpqY1REanJVSC1aYUgtSnNTb2hJR0dBPQ== |
First, I wanted to say thanks to /r/netsec and /r/xss for bringing the bounty program to my attention.
It took just a couple days to find and report my first XSS hole. I don't consider the hole critical as it didn't affect a core product like email, search etc. but still an exploitable vulnerability none the less.
Here's my self-censored email conversation with the Google security team -
>Hi guys,
>I've recently begun poking at Google properties after the web app sec bounty announcement and I've found an XSS hole in the <redacted> site.
>I'm not sure if this one qualifies for the bounty but I figured I'd give it a shot anyway.
>A (benign) example of the vulnerability -
>Unescaped payload for convenience -
>Just a heads up.
> <redacted>
I immediately received an automated response indicating the bug had been received. This was followed by a template response but I appreciate that they tell you it was sent by a human. -
>Hi Damon,
>Thanks for bringing this issue to our attention. Google takes the security of our services very seriously and we are currently investigating your report. As you might expect, we’ve seen increased interest due to our new Vulnerability Rewards Program, so our response may be a little slower than usual. We appreciate your cooperation and discretion on this matter while we are looking into it. We will follow up with you soon.
>Daniel, Google Security Team
>[NOTE: This message was sent by a human]
Then I got this and the reality set in that I may actually get nothing. That was kind of dissapointing as I was fairly excited but hey, I still got a little thrill knowing I found something others missed (you know what I'm talking about!). -
>Hi Damon,
>Just FYI, we reproduced the problem and filed an internal bug.
>This is a bit of a tricky case, as <redacted> is a relatively recent acquisition, so the reward panel will have to review it individually, but we will keep you posted!
>Michal, Google Security Team
I took a few minutes to research the acquisition only to find it to be almost a year old. I wondered what Google considers to be recent (they have since [clarified this](http://www.google.com/corporate/rewardprogram.html)).
>Hi Damon,
>The <redacted> team just got back to me and explicitly told me to thank you for reporting the issue. They have fixed the issue in the repository and will push the patch next week.
>Thanks again - and good luck for your further vulnerability hunt. :-)
>PS: We're still waiting for the panel decision whether this qualifies for a reward. We'll let know you as soon as they decide.
Fixed! Glad I could help. :) Four days later I got this -
>Hey Damon,
>Congratulations! The panel has determined that this vulnerability is eligible for a reward of $500.
>We ask that you not disclose the problem until we’ve got a fix in place. As soon as this is done - hopefully very soon! - we will finalize the payment process; at that point, if you wish to blog, tweet, or buzz about the bug - go for it!
>If we end up taking a longer while to deploy fixes (more than two weeks or so), we will proceed with the payment ahead of the time - but we ask you to keep the details private for a while longer.
>To get the ball rolling, we need to collect some payment details as soon as possible:
>1. In order to get you paid, I need you enrolled as one of our suppliers. Please go and fill in https://services.google.com/inquiry/supplier_enroll. Here is what you need to know:
> - Supplier type: Individual/Sole Proprietor
> - Requestor name: <redacted>
> - Requestor phone number: <redacted>
> - Requestor e-mail address: <redacted>
> - Country where goods/services are being delivered to: United States
> - Type of goods/services provided: Services
> - Please include a short description: Vulnerability Rewards Program
> - Currency: USD (please make sure your bank will accept USD payments!)
>Please double check that the wire details given are accurate, and that your account will accept USD payments. It is very time-consuming to fix any errors with the wire information!
>2. If you are outside the US, we will need a W8-BEN form on file in order to process your payment: http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/fw8ben.pdf
>Once you’re enrolled as a supplier, you’ll receive an email requesting a copy of the above form. You can respond with a scanned image of the completed and signed form by e-mail.
>3. Lastly, please let me know if you’d like your name on a page that credits you for your contribution.
>Adam, Google Security Team
I wasn't expecting to be paid like this. Honestly I was hoping for a check so I could copy it and keep a little souvenir. I asked my contact about it -
>Hey Damon
>No probs about emailing me directly.
>Unfortunately, the process we've outlined is the only way we can pay you. It's one of the downsides of working for a large company - doing seemingly simple things like paying someone cash is a little complex.
Bah. Oh well. I filled out the form and waited for the wire. A few days later I got this -
>Hey Damon
>This issue is now fixed; feel free to have a poke and see if we've missed something. I'm not 100% sure how long payment will take, but I'm hopeful you'll receive it next week.
>Adam, Google Security Team
Sweet! Now let me just...
>Hey Adam,
>The issue is definitely not fixed. Example -
>I guess I can count this as a new bug and collect the bounty again eh?
>Just kidding. :)
>- Damon
>Well that's embarrassing...
>Let me take a look.
>Adam, Google Security Team
Shortly after I received a "Google ACH/Wire Payment Notification" email and the bug was fixed. Sure, I got the minimum bounty but it was still a fun experience and not bad pay for a few hours of poking around. Especially since I usually only do this as a hobby. | r/xss | post | r/xss | 2010-11-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxUXlzb21LbjdsTTluRFNVSkZJMW42eVZneGpWdWhWVFBaejFuWE1nSDlmSzBMZnBBTWh0Z1hrWWtQWnp4T1BsYnIyZ2plTkhBSFR6allJbnZ6VV9LMHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoWW5lSmxwU1h1Zm5nOWd3Rmh5S0xjT0loSWV6VEZiWGpPaWdyTWZfT2JuVW1TQjZScG1wcFIzNzg3TEFseWF6US1RRTlFUlJMaUxVcHFHNFZsNzFsZ3AwZmVRVTZXaW15aGxFQ0tFRDZuaUlfR0FuYnFkQzY4WWNiSVV5SUNYUHZSTUlfN0pQc1R1N0M0RjRvdTllTlQtZkVNaUdOT3VtdF85ZkN0WFNUZGl6bEx0QmNiQi1TaU1oYTRtWUZUMDda |
Its unfortunate that the apathy in this country runs so deep, but hopefully these three events will draw out like minded individuals. I will be at all three | r/anarchist | post | r/Anarchist | 2010-11-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxTFV0MlR5MnZ0bVpuaHJmVnJLVjc0TnlKWE01X1pENWhkdV9VbnlVM3BWS3kzdnlkaHF0czVfcXJYQWgtbHhrUW9fSnhVLXh4VUh0ckJsbmgwcTlvaFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoYjhGMkUyNFhUQmwtaDFGUVF3X3VrakZiTnNYQ2dYOTJwd3hKOW84ems1amRvdlJzWkdKQnBiQVJ0Skx2UUxDZFJMQ1gtTUdESWZ4bTZ0cjhjZktvMDNsVjJtVHVTMjJobW9UVlJ1WEdSclBnejRoeU1ndW1fUTNDWnBUYVlIU1RBdnc4aU03d3NUWlU2dkVHV3RiY3pISGI2VEpOeEEtV21ubVN3YjczMl92empXRnJ1S0tmRkFheW05NnFrcHVKcURKRjlNN081dndhLXN1VXdzdnBBUT09 |
What a shitty loss. | r/riderville | post | r/riderville | 2010-11-29 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxTE1oY3g2UG1YWlYwa0cyYy0ySnpwV29vcmVmaFVJY29YNGVQc0ZfU3VrNkdoU3laV1hSYW4zbG0wcm11VDljY25vcUY1ckRVZWxFcGhWUTh2UjVaNHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1Zoc0pZckJVSmp5bE5lcjN3QWtCekd3TU5FczZZOFVhdzl5NE1RdDduZ0h4VFRTMllPWnF0MWdJY2hKbTd5Vi1mMlVGSUY5TFI5M1BSWHhBa0tBMms4dGFCTHl4SXM0bWpQMXlqYlN2aXRFSGJrNHZPQlRPWUxJQk9wcVJwWWVXVEVfMUZPMUlhUlQ5VXRBdVM1LTdCQ3V3PT0= |
I haven't looked in this subreddit in a long while, so forgive the orangered envelope coming out of nowhere...
Did a quick search and couldn't find a word for word of "spem in alium" but found a wikipedia translation of [the whole piece](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spem_in_alium#English_translation).
| r/earlymusic | comment | r/EarlyMusic | 2010-11-29 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxQVl4TEFoWjgzNkN5RlloVnVBeTd0eENWb1Z1cTdfc1ljckZncnR2a1pPYUcxRWdRc1J0MU45dm5iMm1xdlJFUF9JTllBVktSbEN4TjJndGlsYlVQbnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoVFJ3MnRTVVRrQlNsTG9ZWXZWUHhjRnRPOXRRMzRzanZYN2REcUpuR3lrTzJjY3dhUWpSbXBDVG1GWUJmNklyTF9fcThwNTNZT0M0NWgyN0l2a3BIWDVsMENKUFhLd2RieERVQ2RZeXhBLWo5a1RkRzFCYzVwcnFFX2JCT3d1MEVTcEUtS2dOY3lfRUF2ZGhMYl9EZ2tyc3NjQkpnUjY1Um1VbV95WmVzY29oLUxwNHRUZGN2dUxBWkpaUWdnelltMUQwQjd0NndrNVl5SjI3WmowYnNiUT09 |
You know the gig. Post top-level comments with a single Title, Author, and link to the book you want selected. Upvote those books which you would be willing to read. Don't downvote anyone: if you really don't think a book should be selected, reply with a comment as to why, or upvote that comment if it's already been made.
And as always, you can discuss past selections, so _Cloud Atlas_ isn't going away, we're just getting a new book for people to start thinking about. PL or I will announce the new selection on Wednesday or Thursday. | r/sf_book_club | post | r/SF_Book_Club | 2010-11-29 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxY3ZhODBDd3o2VXc0LXl1TjlVUE9KbmFiX0Rqb0lNQ3NHWTFTc01xTXExUnlZN2dQQjA0aEJ6bnJTMVpwVVJXd1IxbG9YRjkzWTVLZUxMbzNPdmt1blE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZodGlrVWp5c1YxczBxVXl1MWNfbG5KdFV6blF6cWNqX2hQSlZhdk9vSkRpVk9xdGFwM3UwQjZKMXdZRmpvdXlMOUZTMTRSUTQtaVdYT214Rkd1ODYzbVBDLWJZWHZGYTNfV1M0MHJ0eG5pRU5BNHdmS2h2Qkg4a0lfbDFPODhmRHVzM0dleWFwNF9UWHdMb1k2OEl4Y2RzUldpLVRVSmlmb05uZDVFaVJRUjNSR3FZMGk5d18wZ1RjcVdmRTg0bV9k |
###MeetLGBT Featured Member: November 29, 2010
>>* **Age**: 20
>>* **Gender**: F
>>* **Location**: This semester-Lousiville, KY. Normally-Atlanta, GA. Next semester-Metz, France.
>>* **Pictures**. Oh jeez. Picture time.
>> [At the rally](http://i.imgur.com/a3NMs.jpg)
>>['Most likely to give a science lesson drunk.'](http://i.imgur.com/XEFCP.png)
>>[Atlanta Pride 2010!](http://imgur.com/maSUa)
>>[Me and another co-op in the Finish Line Suite at Churchill Downs](http://imgur.com/0cZGN)
>>* **Job**: Normally, school. Right now I'm a mechanical engineering co-op.
>>* **Hobbies:** Mountain biking, I'm about to get into geocaching, and i used to play drums (unfortunately, apartment neighbors are huge fans of live percussion)
>>* **Pets**: A cat named Gus and the best dog in the entire world, George (he's the one on the left).
>>* **What makes you _\_\_\_**: Laugh: a lot. I love laughing, I especially love dry/dark humor. Happy: my dog.
>>* **Pet Peeves**: People who don't use blinkers. Jesus christ people, is it that hard?!
>>* **Political Views**: Fiscally, pretty moderate. Socially, die-hard liberal.
>>* **Religious Views**: Atheist.
>#Favorite things:
>>* **Movies**: A clockwork orange, pulp fiction, the shining
>>* **TV**: Arrested Development, Futurama, South Park, Buffy (I am unbelievably obsessed with Willow from Buffy. I've been in love since like.. oh 10 years old. It's probably unhealthy), 30 Rock, Seinfeld.
>>* **Books**: A Brave New World (Aldous Huxley), Beloved (Toni Morrison), Native Son (Richard Wright)
>>* **Foods**: Veggie Sushi, Boca Spicy 'Chicken' Sandwiches, Carrot Chips.
>>* **Drinks**: BEER. Unibroue's Don de Dieu and La Fin Du Monde. Duvel. Sweetwater's IPA and Motorboat (I'm from Atlanta, I have to be a fan). I typically like very hoppy pale ales and IPAs, but as you can I make exceptions.
>>* **Orientation**: Gay
>>* **Coming Out**: Came out to one of my best friends last spring. For whatever reason it took me quite a while to figure it out. Looking back, it was so obvious I feel like an idiot. I think I have trouble understanding that people can think/feel differently than I do.
>> It was a pretty good experience for the most part. My friend was awesome and gave me a shoulder to lean on for like an hour while I bawled and spilled my guts. As of now, I've told all of my close friends and then anybody else whenever it was relevant. Still working on the whole family deal. Putting some money in the bank before I attempt that one.
>>* **Relationship Status**: SINGLE...ladies ;)
>>* **Favorite Subreddits**: [r/Forts](/r/Forts), [r/beer](/r/beer), [r/math](/r/math), [r/twoxchromosomes](/r/twoxchromosomes), [r/oney](/r/oney), [r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu](/r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu), [r/actuallesbians](/r/actuallesbians), [r/lgbtrees](/r/lgbtrees)
>>On a side note, speaking of fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu, am I the only one who really hates the new 'ain't that some shit?' face?
**[You can be a featured member, too! (Learn more)](http://www.reddit.com/d880k)** | r/meetlgbt | post | r/MeetLGBT | 2010-11-29 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxSU9vSlZIMFMxRzRmb2pKSjBWcjF5ZUVocU5tZDJPNk1Rb0VIdVJmTlIza2RTejR6LWRnSm5VT2hYSWI0cWYyR3ZyWlprLVB1bU15VklOTUlnV1dpSmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoWjR3ZlBLQmNYSzBGenRDUDZLUmVfSXM4TUNaOVdMRWdBdzdwM0QzX1JSNjBfa19iY05lckxSU0FBc1htUG0xVTZuMmtWeHZrX3VaREdHLWM0VFRvcWZvUDJQTHNDUGdDRXI4V1VpdEtCcHFiVUxzMFp3U1BSejY5ODY5eTgwdlZaQk93UG1DRHp6WmY5aFpwbUYwak00LTlDVXMxRERBT3hxSi1KeVpmSWo4PQ== |
Getting a hitch put on my 5th wheel today. They will have to cut off the rear jacks and weld them to the under side of the hitch. The 5er was built on a toyhauler frame and the I-Beams stick out in the back. Nothing to cut through it's all right there. Going to cost me $500 after it's all said and done. This includes removing and re-welding the rear jacks. Just posting so others have an idea of what it costs. It will be rated for 5,500 lbs as this is what the manufacturer rates the I-Beams at. | r/rvs | post | r/rvs | 2010-11-29 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxMHB6MDBRMnJsUWs4Y1VwSE9yNzZYMXlHMnRpeEhUckV2WWJDN1pHV2N2UjZnRGhlSjU1QS1CaERDV056QlRjRng5SG0tdEdNSk5kYVM2ZExBZVhLZGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoNllwSGpEeFFOWUxHQ0Q0VGh1anhnVFF4UndrUG4zcHozeUZpOXZ6bW9fQXhjUWpTWlBGU1RMc0JLMHFqR0dDZm5ySTVEOWlsdV91bDBHTDdoN2UwOWdCWUVxRzZmUGRkdHVtSVlTY1hmUjJvcjNxNDRvY3NHbzBrMktRLTRyLXh5cnJVS0ZpQTFrdlFCVXlvN0o3NUJ3PT0= |
It should be on a public page. I don't think you need to have it to view it. But if so, I apologize. I will try to get one up shortly. | r/glassart | comment | r/glassart | 2010-11-29 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxSTY1MnNlczYxRkkyTnhXcDd2NlhDU1o5M0xwOWx2Mm9oRXl0QW1maUtBbnVjaFpXekZ0VmlxTndkTlprNEwxdWFubEIzUnlFV2p0ckpoNWVzc2pqZ3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoNjNCbC01cTF0OXVBQXB2WGEyanJicmotT3dWdkZJUWxjc0NjeGx5UXNRY18wYU1ybEZwejFmb1lKQUFEeThuc0FsUWxvRkh0VUhvMjJDRk8ydXp5dktISFdwcm9sMGUtTU1MU3Q0bTRIWTEwbVlHUEFpOGNBUEQxUzJ6dWhMUjMxNW5pU3c3RE04TlpiaUVXVGRISnZkRHpSUnIwakQ4eDNHRjBLQlhHX3FjVkZobWdXUl9CRXlJOTR5eTdRTmRyUFBaWWlBY1NNcVhOTkktUGNoQllHZz09 |
It looks like this community is dead I was hoping for up to date news on the latest in benches but alas it was a pipe dream. I also want to see if all 294 readers will get this on their front page and wonder why the fuck they subscribed to r/bench. | r/bench | post | r/bench | 2010-11-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxdnFXQ3Z4LTBoT01wSW1PLWd3d1dDdVh1NzRRVUd6SXZLM3RvZV94Q2dzVmt3WEYzWjl1ZWI4dkNmcmM4RjI3WE5FdUwzRVdqdm1DWlRVdXkyWHNUN2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoNWlkeGxRRmtLRGl4MjNsM2JBTG9sbU00SkloOW1mN0gyaE1IUzN3SVUtWnlTbHNoNUhqd1k1cVEtUHhvcjFNQUxXbDVlTmxtWWdKSjZncXdESkc5OWVGX2VtN0hxdlQ4N1AwUHdmaWRHLWl5bXpHR1NRRXR1bTA3TWNnbklYZkR0cUsyaThQM3hKUTJiUzlYR0taMW9BPT0= |
Hi all,
I didn't see many self. posts in here, so apologies if they're looked down on.
As I am preparing one of my largest projects yet (really, my first service designed to be used by the general public) I have become increasingly aware of the potential vulnerabilities in both my code and the server I am running the system on. I think I've started to cover my bases - I scrapped a couple days work so I could rebuild on CodeIgniter and take advantage of their 'wheel' for input filtering, XSS sanitizing, etc rather than reinventing my own (and also the assorted other niceties that come with a mature framework); I have SSH listening on a non-standard port and require private key authentication; and I have used and made an effort to understand the suggested protections in Dan LeFree's PHP security audit script.
Given that my PHP installation was seemingly wide-open and I never would have guessed it, I am going to assume that other such major vulnerabilities exist in my system and I think a more broad section of reading would help to make the aware of them. What do the readers of /r/websec reccomend for good, general Apache/PHP/MySQL/Debian reading in terms of hardening down a production server's security? Is there a gold standard book I could pick up?
Thanks kindly in advance for any advice! | r/websec | post | r/websec | 2010-11-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxVVRfY1BnQ0lPajJDOFE0MG1wcHc5SGZGczRyVlRETXZ4NVg4ZGNEVzlOVk80TmNZYWdrWjk2WHJMWTByMnR6NFBrMXlybTRnU3pncWlNNlotMnBEdFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZobERfQ1pqdEhaaEhueWMxdmNrVzhLMl91ZVZoTlJhTVFNU1NWaGx4RlRNUnp2WERqaU5BcThlczE4ZGVlZEN5d05LRkVkekx2N0lZb21jeWljOWxNMEFiX3EtVV9CMFdaUEZNYUFaRGQwcGxucmlnT1Z4YXN1dks5RndkUE5XbXMxQi1RUTVoSWNTbXJCRWlDM1pSQjNUcHhMRmplSFdKY1RGeXhTQld0SGw1V1BlRlVSbmNpT2pWUlNkY2pZdk5I |
Video: http://www.ge.com/thegeshow/flight/index.html#ch1
I've done a few time lapses but this looks like the images were overlapped. How did they do this beautiful video? | r/photoit | post | r/photoit | 2010-11-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxczJ4c051WHgzV1VNVktfeW5SY3hDNS03bHplNnE2UngzRURlS2lLX1NGWmlPZEMwNF91eWNSSC1HY1BHc0ZaVHFpbEJqV3BCQVdTZ2pfTjVmYVdwcmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoclNEa0Q0Sy1nMVVtamlFWDVldTVTZkduUkhUWXkzeFRSSFJXTTlTX1Q3LTgza0cyc3FQNm40cVZQT1FKcjN0V2h5SW9FbTJGTmpOVGFiQWx0NHJ3QmlZTFZVU0lFT2t0QnRqemVXUi0wME5IcGx4Y0pWMHZucVRpQjBMci1rNXhmV1Jxem1HbHVKQjUzalhCMlVDcWtJeTUxT3phN0xkS21CQnExQTkwVzlfUlVFWVZZOEVzekNielc5cWRfeDI2 |
Am I alone in being angry? Lets do something about this | r/anarchist | post | r/Anarchist | 2010-11-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxYWtKZGxBcTAxcDl2T3hOX2VMbEVOZnRwdG96bW95V3REMG9TUmZDTFVXcnpxeVNqOU5Ldm42QjNoWkFaeXNpVF9DZ1p2WHRNNjJ4NWJPQnVBdEN2SVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoeGwtT1dvZG9ORWg3UllkR3Z3QlhLSm1KZS1qbUNCOVE2WnRpWmozNFNQMUxPaEdzaU5ZVnd3cUdnLVdMWUs0SzhtOVZnbXlxY0dmaExhSVQ5RW1IQkRoNDBjYVhUcTF6NDk3N3hmUVZUU2ZYamx5cUQ2MjRTVkI1bjVMdE45NmxNOVp6NGl0eWdXRkxWTmdYZ2F1cVpPb3hfUFZPZnpscDdVWTdYN2U0d3Y2cXdoMElfaTV3VEp3NjNwMThQZEwycHh5OWxPbHBkdWkyeFhXYThDZklEUT09 |
Fantastic idea, best of luck!
Have you checked out the Open Source Ecology project? They could be very very helpful to your cause.
http://openecology.org/ | r/resilientcommunities | comment | r/resilientcommunities | 2010-12-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxQjJ5RzN4emIyLWN1eFVyQ1FxRXRDSXdCbDFVUFBjQWU5cVYwMnNaM1NOdjNMc0p4b1Y5a3RqV3dyeU9qbVh6VkRxVnZwRFFQYWd4aHBvcmktb3ZIVkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoYkU4NzVhcWg2OTA1OFNxZXdwMzVpUzJwcmVRQ0pEeXpaUzktUWR1SG8yU3lIMVJhYW1XWXJTdDJjLWc4NmxjYUl2VmdHVHEtS2tobzR4Sy1WOHA3VGV2eFB5X0RTbGtVWjMzOXRCbXhpUDZxcDFZTmpqbDdqa296OUt0aWRLWG5ST01LaTNaZURpVWxpZjl0UkR0QzhxMzlVMzRKQ1BMX2RzQ19MRUZsVnNtSGEyRktERTJwY3Nra0dzeklOcHJMdTRvOGFXbXU2bGRxaU9YeDV5aFhQd1Q0RWd1UUpsQzQ3OHR2OFZlNXRUMD0= |
I'm interested in a used D80 and while everything (physical body and sensor tests) checks out to be okay, I found out that the shutter count is 35k. Any opinions on whether this is too high?
The only things I could find online are some people on flickr saying that Nikon's official rating for this camera is 50k (no source reference provided), and that others may have a similar experience (http://www.olegkikin.com/shutterlife/nikon_d80.htm)
If these posts are representative, I don't know how I feel about buying a camera that's well over its half way mark. I'd appreciate any feed back on whether you guys think the shutter count for this camera is too high. Thanks. | r/photoit | post | r/photoit | 2010-12-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxLTZXb2tmQjdrcVd3VDRnTTdiS0FncU9YQzdMVWxCZV9Ba1l2dWtndnktdVhNS2dTdE1nRnAySTJBWHdMdnhTYnFSZmQ0dVBQNlhyZmZoa3VsR1RqT1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoWUVNVWRFUUdaQXplbEg3M3gxd1dpeHc2THZtR1FqSW9ZR1dDdUNlQ0tsbjJfdmNYWno4SnNUbTgyMF92Ni1hN0w4SlUxRVNZbmx4dkZNVm11bUJMNFU5eXBTbWlpY29uaWh5N2x3endaMHJwdm96anRvdHlKVDNaWHl6X1U5Y2V2bVQyYkxhT2o4RXRBSmpTckY3UnpfM3RWVmlvYV9yOGZvbE82U2FnWXp3PQ== |
No and thank you very much for the link. Checking it out now.. | r/resilientcommunities | comment | r/resilientcommunities | 2010-12-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxY2VmRlVJT1QxZHpRaXFIUlN4a080aFZkVXFtZEVTdUphZVRjcmIzdXlsWHp0U19ySy0tRzFHb2tVV3NvMlJGaW5WV1RldTZkeUNMRy1qeE1FSzRaUlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoM0dsMVJ2MFBBMk5rQnVTc19wSnhnTUVpUnRRckdNOWg2UVNNU2ljVE42ajhCR244eFV4TXlkSy0wMFRRdDFBZm8wQVJyTG4wNURKX0RPczh4MVlvcHdGbnRrckdPUzhhTjFySXBPLXR1VS1BVkhhWlBZVDNMS3dXOTlFVEE5OGxDTjl6MFJzc2F3dzRGaGZLY0xYN1lNSHBLYWtWdHJzem9ndGxGRklNWXdWWGFmcHlZQzFHYUFYaDE1M3FBRWxWTGF1N0JWVjd6aExLbzJjaDk5RzdpX1hkdFpQdHhfQ2lYZU5ocWZhSHZLcz0= |
Also be sure to check out http://www.reddit.com/r/OceanFalls for a similar project in beautiful British Columbia! | r/resilientcommunities | comment | r/resilientcommunities | 2010-12-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxRmtSS3ZQYUNSNnBRazBxZFpiM21PTF9oeDQ2YTFvV2kzZWp0LUlHWjBzWWw4UzRmMEV3elU4UEJDWWNMbFNjQjFNaVpna08zT01nQkEzMTNKWHcyU0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoQ3FQNF9mN18tdWFUem5kNWk2Q1RUc2tfay1sbG5xX1AzbDFMeFNPSEdwRmxLZnBoNGdoWEoyQ2Y5cFhTdjZrRXhDTkdycXIwTUpWeE81WU5mRURBTlFLVkstY0YzcmZzRFBnWklkVXhpeHNVOWdsSVpHNDJ0NVFRa1dDbklGWFhqRWlDSW9ncDRNazJLN0diSkFNbTJRbm5md3pteUdBQjY1MjU3WlBTeV9kS2RxMDc1NktONlA2QlJNMnBTZlktWFBGNjE5RW5FcnZsN1R0MzRfSHRNQS1waWxISElGdm1QYTB6STV2Y0VTbz0= |
DAK what EAX Estimated Payment is...just saw that on my bank account statement..it was half my paycheck... | r/doesanyoneknow | post | r/DoesAnyoneKnow | 2010-12-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxcVFEbHE4TjBiME5EWG5MTUxPYnJoblloaW1WM2huS29XNFJiN1hOcXZ4TXpqMjR5MmR6bjVkR0loVDBMX1NHQWdsMVdoNjNlaFdxbjBnc2V3NUdVZXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoZU5DNnYzOU5aZXM0MFI1alM3Y3VXTEx3aDl1amt2SmREYmpMT3BmUTd5Qk9ac0FXZzFNUkJZNFVFQWNyTkJZTTI2dkxGRThlbGNmMDVUdUZ2ZkdrUTc1bjM0QTJSN3g1YmxqN0M0Wm41UlBLNkJnX3NtNDhGZlphc19SY3dZbHVsbzRYZ0w5VHFKekFtT2ZmRHlRTzZ2c1BfQ1h6VUw1RHg4OWpRaTVjWVFBPQ== |
And I miss it! I have a CD but it doesn't want to play very well on my laptop (I think it's because I'm trying to run a game written for Win95 on a machine that runs Vista...)
Do any of you have and recommendations of games I might enjoy? In the house I have access to my laptop, a wii and an xbox360 | r/gamenostalgia | post | r/gamenostalgia | 2010-12-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxQ0trdjNWX3FlYU5LRTF2cC1HMFV1TDJHQlRzTXMtbldleXdJeGVqdm1xb3FUUUdkMXUtVENpem95R0N4bnkzRWRHWGdFVFBCVnRKTl9QRkVhazNYSUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoSi1CN0lKWUl2QmlCRWtIdDRUa0JQeWVBQTk5b3R6MzNLcUJIaGkwZ0xlYUEwTkNPLUtsaUhyZkdReG50dFZ1Q3RpVVZ0YldkOS1rd1E5cFlCYnZNU2hTWnFTRWtEUEFXZVFIYWk2ZVRNM0psdWgyMUQyX0tLcTA2aWwzU3N2bUdfaFR3U1VETzduenVybURLdks2cG5ORG9aLUhqWHFzQ3M0aFZpZGt5aFg5dG02akJycHZIbWc5VDFmcGJjX1pQbDNUM01DNE8yYVZVbE83S0I0bWlrQT09 |
Pull the one off the bottom. It's 8 bajillion times easier. | r/protips | post | r/protips | 2010-12-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxcTdPVWlIWUEtNHI4WDdZWmxiSWNBQ2xFTEV6WFg1WnU1cWRfZjZmaWZ5VkJjUFRGazBWck5VbFpXWWFrMkc3aVItZFdMX21mclQwOGJ4TFhXMFdBd1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoNjh0dGVMa3lkdjlUSG5fVFNjSnNfM2VIUk1EbVlDQ0c4elFrbGMyQUxXU3doMDlNYWhyVDE4XzZteGtjQlFVYTkyY2NaOGRUbG8zLTJmMWo0UGh6WURxZklxUmlLLWpVRF9WeXdwUEhHZi03Q3VRZVBaVGNib0hwZXZUaU9DNU10S1gtQWVmakVCTkI5aUtpajhlU2lRPT0= |
###MeetLGBT Featured Member: December 2, 2010
> ##Stats
>>* **Age**: 15
>>* **Gender**: Female
>>* **Location**: Edmonton, AB
>>* **Pictures**: [From the picture thread](http://www.reddit.com/r/lgbt/comments/e9c02/what_does_reddit_lgbt_look_like/c16cnr1)
>>* **Job**: Competitive Swim Coach
>>* **Hobbies**: Art, reading, making bracelets, summer camp, Reddit, writing letters, swimming
>>* **Pets**: A blind poodle with an IQ of -4
>>* **Political views**: Uhh...moderate leaning to the left
>>* **Religious views**: Neutral-Agnostic
>>* **Movies**: V for Vendetta, Donnie Darko
>>* **TV shows**: Bones, The Office
>>* **Books**: Geek Love, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, The Catcher in the Rye
>>* **Bands**: Modest Mouse, Stars, Said the Whale
>##What makes you _\_\_\_\_:
>>* **Laugh**: my best friend, my dog, The Office, babies with moustaches, [/r/treecomics](/r/treecomics)
>>* **Happy**: serendipity, hot chocolate, compliments
>>* **Sad**: Dumbledore dying
>>* **Angry**: discrimination, ignorance, bigotry, etc.
>>* **Orientation**: Queer...I like girls and boys but I like more boys than girls (generally)
>>* **Coming out**: Speculation started at about age 13, I’ve accepted it as a fact that I’m not straight for a few months. I am out as of about 3 weeks ago. My family is very supportive and my friends (I’ve actually only told 2 of them) think it’s hilarious how gay my family is (3 out of 4 siblings). If you want to know any more about it feel free to ask, I’m generally very open about it.
>>* **Relationship status/background**: Unrequited love. Sigh.
>>I have 9 bracelets on at all times. I like [/r/TwoXChromosomes](/r/TwoXChromosomes) and [/r/actuallesbians](/r/actuallesbians) and [/r/LGBT](/r/lgbt) and [/r/OneY](/r/oney) and [/r/listentothis](/r/listentothis). I like to draw. I can post some of my stuff if you guys want.
**[You can be a featured member, too! (Learn more)](http://www.reddit.com/d880k)** | r/meetlgbt | post | r/MeetLGBT | 2010-12-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxcXlncmRJQWhPMS0tdFpRX3hKSTdBOXJzMnZrMXFBYWZpRF9SUlNVR0FCaXppdEZFdVQ4azA0Qzllb2ZIWkJnd3BJaG1BbnNXRkZ4aDJpenBOYUVVd0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoYVRCaVNVSDZVTGhnSlJTbmMxWFVrRm9USUJ4VFVUWlB6V1dyblIxbDRzVURWSExFdUVSd2ZMbXZLNVlQb2JwMmRMZHhOdUMzMktkTDVoVXhReDZNQm1nLXVoVjU4THZiX2xkR2hDWVFudHhXT0RrNnphVUVOMmZkMEZMVlRmR2xkYlJJeFVkQUE2ZVAxbHljT2VmM2o5aXFsZ3lGMjB6MWhjXzZkWHVoaXpCRTg0a1hBMmEtcy14WEt0UEVzUmxN |
Just don't use a death grip and make sure you have a good hold on the bottle with your other hand. This has saved me countless hours at work. | r/protips | post | r/protips | 2010-12-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxbUlZejBDVlpTTTFub0FGN1hSWm9IRjFNdDZ4UDBBSGM2eFB1SHBhMWRacWdDUjV4X2s2VmxRTlhCY2Q0aEZBdmhoeUZDNGE0eURVWFNUOWoyM0FXM2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZocnlXd1FzZllDcllQV21jd0Z0ZU9odW5XRFd4ZU83RGdraDZjYXVaMVpjb2VfTEVNNVJIZW04b2NUbHNlNm1wcG1GU0ZwaEJtel9Ed19OYWpneFYtbHd4YS1USXh4UVRnSjZkeGpfZ1ZTODFTbWNRbmxUMDdlRFA3VndQekRhLTZCNEw1cldpUG1kQVZIS0tnVG5KeXZrT0tWcU9jUEk4aks0R2tIUUN5N3NOQjNhc253bzFPLUtzRFNBRHpETy1P |
I am interested in thru-hiking both eventually, but am still debating which to tackle first. My dog will be about nine or ten by then (in about 2 years), but she's in amazing shape and a seasoned hiker/camper. I know there are regions where dogs are not allowed (e.g. Smokies on the AT), but there are some contingencies in place for pickup and babysitting, at least on the AT.
Has anyone attempted such a long hike with a dog? Is it just a terrible idea? I'm planning to sobo the AT, and nobo the PCT (if that makes any difference at all as to whether one should bring an animal). I am most nervous about snakes, though she tends to be timid of snakes, and bears..... this dog does not care for bears. She's never chased one but she will bark at them like mad. Thoughts?
Cheers in advance for any tips or suggestions!
(x-post from r/hiking) | r/protips | post | r/protips | 2010-12-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1Vxc1RfMlQzcU9QS29HNkxvWVpLZVNVaENsVVJlOTZBYTd2bU82dEJhYkYxdXdSd21DOHZTUG9VNGtuWVU5Y2FVSHpwWlVIM3p6ZE9CTmZPa0dZRWVrY0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoRmZucmZkVGVoVFR2Q2xwMWpUOHQ3YmxyMnlZZmVBbEt3MXdtc0gtbC1ZYzdYcEZvYkx6MWI5S3F6ZXh5ZGhuQmpPM0E5bEdhZDl6X3NqMTMyblpKLS1neTZldGVpMDc1NVp3Qi1ndVYteXRHSFlOdk9NbFo2SDFoUHFPRm0xeU5ycFBLQngzUDc1UTlsYUM0elhxemU1TW1jbm8wMkJJdGJqTTFyZHhVTFkzNmVUODNyOEpXWlFaLWhPd2w5VTFUTDF5VWIyYWRmc0tFd1N2UlV3dHVQZz09 |
Thanks for being the first non-mod to post! | r/paddling | comment | r/Paddling | 2010-12-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxdVFSbUJMd2p5aS1uWXJtRTZodmxMMjEwZnRsc3dhUUVaR3J6T3hwZnhUdFJURE12UjAtWXZZcWlPUzZxdjFNSW5IUS1Xay1uekdVaDRXMk1OQjQ2c3NXd3BPb0J3Z3JUcUpzUVp2amtIX1U9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoNEg0dkg0akJfVE9lYXd1bWN2ZnAtRWVIdklQZUdJYm1XNWJiRTVqeHJrZWc2RTFSaE9OejFmSEJjT2N6eFVBMEJ1ZzZ1SFEyb3pBQVJmZXRtbzd2eGFzS0JxeklmTG02ZjVMdGZjdllwZVBvcHNoangtUmxVQy11d0hMSTlRcTZDRUVqUGE2MzVCeHIzaF94TElDSGo0d0dhdjl4ZHZ0M2x0TXowT3pRLW5zPQ== |
The other day, after searching all over with no luck, chances looked slim that that bottle of Barefoot pinot grigio was getting consumed anytime soon. My friend offered up a pocket knife, which he thought (incorrectly) had a corkscrew built-in, but it had a pretty thick blade. Carefully pushing it into the cork (note: one of those foamy, not crumbly corks) about an inch and some, then slowly twisting it upwards worked like a charm. | r/protips | post | r/protips | 2010-12-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxSE8xN1NTdm5na3czMERKZUxFZEtlT2pyQ20zamlad3VVWmdtcm1nazNNbVlEbHY2TlpacUx6THpyZUo1S1hYVkVnSVJTV29oTUZKdWlUMmQ1U1poWXRjZzE5LXVLTldCMU5Da19sMXNqOTA9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoLTBtSUdpQ3hHOVNPby14YmM2bkVmaWtBQThqdWUyVHQ2MExmVmJDSkNVVFVlbWdWS1ZQbDRxVFVqU3lsRV9fNW9LSXItT0xOcnIzX2xsNFotWVZZdndnbUJtNFZzc1p2MTdOT29Wc0paalVCRFk0U3NIMmZOaVpwQ3E4ckl5QjBCWC1abXd3WjVIYVBXT1cyYUlmTjNMeTNmZTRySzRuZzUxekZteXRrLTRXYU9NLXN6clBkY1BWREl2RDJkRnJJ |
I strop my razor with my thumb. I tried the forearm method (I had to use the inside of my arm, though, too much hair on the other side) and it didn't work as well.
I figured it out some years ago after my girlfriend (yes, imaginary) ruined my last blade shaving her (imaginary) legs. I suffered a few strokes with the dull blade, then was standing there OCDly stroking the blade with the ball of my thumb while I cursed fate. To my surprise, when I got back to shaving, it cut a little better. A bunch more strops with my thumb (I didn't count, but it was a lot) and it was almost back to fresh.
I'll usually give the blade a dozen or so strops with my thumb, unless it's dull, in which case I'll give it fifty or more.
I wonder if the heel of my hand would work... | r/tipoftheday | comment | r/tipoftheday | 2010-12-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxYTluRkxzWkpQckM5RGZ4S0Q1WnhfbDJnZEQ4RjJtRGpVNW8zZjVKRjRhMTZ6ZXotZ1JaNzRLZXlsQmZTSHdVMGlqVFlWQUtBb3JqMzFJV3ptd19wTUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoMDhBaTN4Z1FZZnJSYnpxMWtsZEJxTlFaZk0yZVJpMjhMa1o2WkdsYlVsSEtOVlVWdGFpak04TTk2UnFqd2t5ajk1cXZaYng0U21XWW1pVlZoNEcxU1M2TnQ4b0VoWUVPX3VHbG15YzR1SjFWTXl3dTFTVHdzcUNaaDFHM0dDemdya2R2NnNwRFNaMGRqYUZ0LXpXNlc4bTN3d0ZMbTdzbWM4NDkyeXRneVJZbXJSNHg0RFFmQ094bXpxeW84UlNSY2w3enFsbklXMmtCWkd6QTFtTU5yZz09 |
I once read about the Australian Aborigines sharpening their knives on their heels. But then, they run around barefoot... | r/tipoftheday | comment | r/tipoftheday | 2010-12-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxaDBzLW56QjJQQ3FfOXY0YXlfd0VoTFJBcnBsSVh4NXltZkpBVGFCSGFmbGlveWhDR0lDQ2d4eVQtTjdablhRREU4RTRtVWcza3Z2WDZDWlYtWDc4dGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoUjlPM05rQXRPVTNINmtXZmZPeXBkVURTdTdyTXlXZ01KRndYTmxLdk12bDh6M0JuclUzdHZqNURfZmwwazNtLUVvblB4OTdvYnRCWkRRVDgwYzAxclo5VWxEaTBMSC1kd2VDQjRKdTdPTFpWcWxBM0x5YlJ5dEMzQktrWVZHR3RDZmFDemxSbldZNk5pRUlpMzBsOV9NWVdNYkx3NDRHZTQ5Q3FReFlDTUt4Ni1xbmJ5azNnOEhXMDhheXVVRUhiV2c3ZjllRC12cldPdG1id1BxdEdyZz09 |
The testing described in this article is low or no-stakes testing which is very different than the standardized testing that occurs in most schools which is very high-stakes. This makes a big difference in how tests are used by students. With low-stakes, a good test provides valuable feedback that helps students learn (as this article points out). On the other hand, high-stakes tests tend to inhibit learning. | r/edpsych | comment | r/edpsych | 2010-12-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxQUF5YmNHbW9FRXRKRF9QVkJFa3NGcEE5clJtMWxnaHM5d0lTYWRuLUI4NHhrVU9lR1hsb3JseXlRczh1R0poSkU5dWU4QVRxMTRIaklrU3dKSTlYYnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoNVZfNU9BM1d2c0xYYzJZdUphY0JyZ0t0a2ZRZ3FZZHRweWlubmVBWnI4Y2Nna0JSS0JaTXlyQXExYkN4VldFc1hHUUJ5UkQ3VnJ6TDZQSVE3a3lxblVUZnBxZzA0dnlyTjdDVmhNS2MyZEpDSTlWWlZxMG56UjNfQnZOS05CTkZVVkJXQmtoRTRzcmxVTmJOQldoSWRlNVU1SldsZWxLUVZmOFlMZVJVMzA2NGRrNFMtYW1rakV6QTJ1YVZRZ1Z3Y1lMRUtXMFhMSXlrdjNsVnJwemRxQT09 |
Seems to me, that we as a society are pegging such individuals as your son as "Needing of Medication". Like the video said, we are desensitizing our youth to fit societal norms. Let his ideas run rampant. who know what will become of it. SET HIS MIND FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE | r/edpsych | comment | r/edpsych | 2010-12-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxYnJNUW9YS3BVSE5ibW91SHhvRXhxVEQ5Z0VFdkdtall2bUpITUstR2ZpNkRwOWxoSXNndXpNNzZNNVJ0dVJ6ekd3dmVrUzZ6TlBFVGJ4S2tIYTNTUVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoUERVNUxrdG95Nnh2R1drOGlhTjFPempxQm1wRVU5Tm5GNUtMZ3VlcWw4VFl2VTQ5OERoVGhaV3BFdkNfQ3RyMlRhMFA5SUkwY1plQ2ItNkEtX21mMWNycDRSWmtCckh2dmEybVpYVklmbE4yZGpmd1N3bVZFck5RNzZpRldqMEJRWGJFMW03N005ZW5TR2ZQUzRxN1l4U1RQb2Q0Vm9mcm1fSk1mMTBIcnBZdjVsTmF4N1M4eXh5d3RoaXdJNUY1UzNqZ0Q3ZFgwMGJITVJUNVVFLVpVdz09 |
I’ve been looking all over for a puzzle/platform game I used to play as a kid. It’s about a little red character with a blue cap, or maybe a blue with a red cap? Your mission is to find a key to advance to the next level but you have to go over flowers that opens up when you walk over them. If you do it wrong you won’t be able to get to the key. For example: you can only walk over a flower once (it will open) if you walk over it again you will be eaten by the flower. I only remember the flowers, but I think there were more obstacles. I hope anyone knows what I’m talking about, it was a really fun game. It was a shareware type game in the early to mid 90ies I think.
Thanks. :] | r/gamenostalgia | post | r/gamenostalgia | 2010-12-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxOEhqelBCVDU5b3hCSXZ4TzJaMGw2UzZQVFEwQ1Z4Z3g0c1JwSGRfNU1qRk5FaFg5WU5teDJGSFRVRUE1anhpU2pfS2tJbnY4S1M2eE0wLUVna0thbnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZodU5pVFhNSC0xMUVpdlJ4UVlTR3NpVVV3UGVFOHhFVTRQWnZPbzBpcnc1VFBnaE4wNTBhRExKekhQeU11V2FpUVlvWWdfRGNBakR6OC1TOGFaQzFTNFZYRjRaTFlhT1NmaV9JSk9uYTV3M0g1Zk5pR2g5R2ExbzUzUEg5SU1Vay03a2g3Q0dVM1ktMk9hSllsQXR0ZmZKSHdmSzFoNlBfN0RBazBZcGpjSUg3VUl2bkVlWHhMcTMwYkRlQk54MkRi |
It should be pointed out that this is a response to a "24 types of libertarians" or whatever it was called. I feel like pointing this out since political caricatures like this are childish whoever the target is. | r/mises | comment | r/mises | 2010-12-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1Vxb0MwRkcwZjNUN3dxZVFrcjdhRjdMYWNFb05IZGIxT3FxUG52Szc4ZmpYYlFkZVZsbG5TMlA1X1VtUEtuRFQxcUh4ZmVldkdEMjk1R3VSUXpJQWVHdVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoRVpVMGtIRnRKOEtWRDlFVDl0d29IakoydVllbDB5R0tSR3VyWDF5cXBSZjNiMkpsc2FMcGNNRW1xNmFHZ1RPUHplZUtVY3pidFlqeVpMOXlJVW1GcEJaY01uOHJ4MHBLdWp6STV3V2lRWkV2QzJ4bmg4b014THFWajhkRFUxUDJMdHNLOVIyNUxQYmQ2RVVWWEhvaG96Qkh0SG5ORHdfR3BxWVlCNWpwY21FZVctMlVaRzBoVnI1a2phNmNQRGxP |
I think just guns, you could also do it with a starter pistol or a flare gun i think. Parts of guns also work, like the slide or frame. You could pick up an old beat up/broken slide or frame for pretty cheap i am sure. | r/tipoftheday | comment | r/tipoftheday | 2010-12-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxWEpRd1NzTDU1UXc0YmgtYkd6X19EenA4TGNtaU1ZOXNFaVlLUFdONHBsTkhhSmZZZGJEVGVtems0VTRaUXhLWlpfZlVhMEpuU3BLSTFjZVEzbHlPTlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoRnF3Xy1zZmFNdUduUkQ4TVUzVEtEak1UeGdiV1NubFd3S3NDM2RTUnZWQl9DTjNqWFlSbmxodFhLSUxfMzRFNlRYZ0loWWF1N01YRkt2R2lhX1dqZXY2dGl3VGtsOG1TY21HblJ4TVJGS1NlVXdkWEdoejRrQ0ZWVjhVeFNDVlR1Y2JETklGNzdyYkFta1FtVWpjcW1ZRkhpX0hHTlJxRlRvUTJ2eWpQWEVhY0xpcFhKYmtSNWp5T3JKdlg3VGlaZWNiNDNGRzNRekVhblhfRl9LRmlUUT09 |
The black guy said: "First the military, now marriage. What's with gay people and wanting to join our worst institutions?" Seriously, why did leftists sell out so fucking easily? Aren't they supposed to think marriage and the military are retarded? It seems like liberals are too interested in subverting and taking control of the aging, inefficient machinery of the Old and not interested enough in building the new. The left has no great builders or destroyers, only thieves and vandals. | r/anarchist | post | r/Anarchist | 2010-12-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxcHdmR1RPSk41TFFZR1pXeF9PYWoxNU9UQXJ1VjNwbW9rVWVaZ2lQMUNQaUJzcUU0NzZycEo4ZllIOFcwVlliaW9Nd2hXRmRmNk5Vc2dUekFvR0pqWkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1Zob1ltazFjd3hvX2xUeW9xb0lwcGllMTYzc0RiYVV1NmlqNkYtTVBjS1lvdjB3SERZOXhWX1Y1QTBqNWJJdjlUcVd5Z09Wb0ZaSWtGcXRXOVR5X21kY2Nrd0l2VlY4UzJlbjkyUmxiLWtjVmpka3dsRklnUGNwc082V3FfMXYzVUVYbnJUTmYzSDVScU5QenFfQlFtakN1NlpqQ3dZVDBJUFcwSGsyOWI1dnl5Yi1ZTWZhZ3RWWGw2ZVN6YmNyRC1nWWlxY2d1UTNxX0lHOFlaZE5VN3ZSZz09 |
[AMEEERICA](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3BN1jSpiyIM&feature=related) | r/womeninuniform | comment | r/WomenInUniform | 2010-12-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxMWJRek9EOUpnOEpyc19VM2o2elA0QWlaN1lKTGs2c2U0NmFtdzRZUmF4WXZhRzgtWUl3SEVsMXlBRVV4MUQyaVpkWGNPdVRISUxHamQ5dURIVFZFMEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoVlJQSE1kcHlwWV9ZLWJwQi1nRnp3SnotV0lFNC10bUJPaG84OEZUYndWSTVxVHhsaVZ3MFQ4cFZDc3ZFSWpRdkplQ3lEVF9QcDdaNWlteG9RTmxaZGlNaE1MZTVYVmtwZU5OSktrbjdMRUxaenV4cGdiMklZSXNFMXJ5VlI1Zkc2dFBkRG91Vjc0emtLSDl2ZHdXbF8ycUIyYnJuTEVKc3VsLVRacVV6WTVBPQ== |
###MeetLGBT Featured Member: December 6, 2010
>>* **Age**:24
>>* **Gender**: Male (trans FtM)
>>* **Location**:Olympia WA
>>* **Pictures**: [chainsawing](http://imgur.com/UbKA9.jpg), [me](http://imgur.com/16sL2.jpg), [welding](http://imgur.com/Ecfen.jpg), [me and chewy](http://imgur.com/vlPfX.jpg)
>>* **Job**:Full time welding student and loving it.
>>* **Hobbies**: Surfing!, Biking! Hiking, spray-painting (graffiti), playing guitar and making music, making art, cooking, going to new places.
>>* **Political views**: I couldn't tell you what I would class myself. I'm all for social justice, prison reform, universal health care, and the end of all forms of oppression (ie- racism, class-ism, sexism, etc.)
>>* **Religious views**: I'm not religious but most definitely spiritual. There is something out there that is bigger than me, but what it is I couldn't tell you.
>>* **Pets**: one dog. His name is chewy and [he is the most adorable thing alive](http://imgur.com/b1vTF.jpg)
>##Favorite things
>>* **Movies**: currently Where the Wild Things Are
>>* **TV**: Heli-loggers, The First 48, Bones
>>* **Books**: Godspeed, Darma Punx, The hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, really there are too many to list.
>>* **Food**: Most things that I cook, bacon, I really love bacon, seafood, asian food, sushi.
>##What makes you _\_\_\_
>>My favorite things are warm romantic evenings (they don't necessarily have to be with anyone), practicing consent (sexiest pick-up line ever), riding my bike down empty streets with the perfect song playing on my ipod, holding hands, kissing really cute grrls and really cute bois, being sober, breaking gender norms, being in the moment and I really love COMMUNITY!
>>The things I don't like - offensive questions about my choice to transition, homo's in hetero relationships that deny their straight privilege, oppression, ignorance, lack of growth.
>>* **Orientation**: I'm a jock with homosexual tendencies. Like the Femmes. I'm not into cis men, but a cute trans guy I can get down with. :) Orientation is hard cause it's so fluid. One minute I'm totally crushing on a Betty Page, the next I'm fagging it down with a hot transboi.
>>* **Coming Out**: Oh this is a never ending story. Here is a condensed version. When I was 15 my parents found out I was queer by reading my diary and kicked me out of the house. It was not pretty. I was out at my highschool and got alot of shit for it. But I really didn't care cause for the first time in my life I found something that felt RIGHT.
>> Years later when I got out of prison (totally separate story that you can message me about if you want the details.) I moved back in with my parents. (yes people do change) And just recently I came out to them as Trans letting them know my plans on transitioning. Not without A WHOLE LOT OF FEAR. But like I said people change and the reaction from them was not what I was expecting. They are really cool with all of it even though they don't quite understand.
>> And as for the people in my life? Well everyone who is my friend is cool with it, otherwise they wouldn't be my friend. I guess I'm really lucky cause I live in a really queer positive place.
>>* **Relationship status**: I am happily single, and actively date. As I think most people my age should be doing. I am not into non-monogamy but I am into getting to know people.
>>If you want I have a tumblr. Check it out if you have one too. [olypunkboi.tumblr.com](http://olypunkboi.tumblr.com)
**[You can be a featured member, too! (Learn more)](http://www.reddit.com/d880k)** | r/meetlgbt | post | r/MeetLGBT | 2010-12-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxVVhtLXc2aUN4ZWZwTE5jU2NPa2FzOGNvTDN4eTlIYXI3N09QMGwydVozQlNRWGVJU1VwQWM3bE5BS1VNVXgwUkN1T0JqMG8tZkRiXzg3TmRMSV8tVWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoWW02SE52OGlYcWprRTR2dVVya0FkbmRYb3UwWHZFdDhqdThHa1NtQzNmQ0VPd3h4am5vSURuY3ZnUjBqTW5ReEluVVEwNmJSS2hldlZYYXp0MHVFYmxiUzhDOGVFenVMLWdNSG5LQXdia2R0bF83ckZkdTdqRGROUF8zLWUtemp0WjdLTHJQNGRHY3lBLVhORXlHQkxtQ2Rmb2M5RUtaZHdzZ2ZBVGZxd3lJPQ== |
“Your table is ready, Mr. Zakalwe.”
Well, *that* changes the context of the rest of the novel a bit, doesn't it?
[For those who haven't read any other culture books, Zakalwe was the protagonist of [Use of Weapons](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Use_of_Weapons).] | r/sf_book_club | post | r/SF_Book_Club | 2010-12-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxMi1qZXNNQXZqY2dHa2liWFJaMGVaR3dwMGtEVkpEUUJHTTNRM3FUWjg0WjBRVVhodHdKN2pKXzNLWFBSd3NKdWYwMnBmbGRxQlJTd3lxRjFDa0lTSHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoX0hTWGlqaVlOWkxiUUE2QWlISFRFT2pPajl2QlF1Skhsa1V6T1NscENvN18wczV5eWRVVnItb2hidWtyMEdEM2ZxZlZCa2QtYnBacFl5NEVqUWtCMlFFdThTNzdrc0xXU1BMSmhlbVRzT0J2Y1U0WUJLejl1a2R6eGU4VzlPbzlDU0lKQUh1ZVdTOG82YXZGQkp2cnBGR1ZVZjJZeHpHTUVfNFRrWDFLb2dKUnlJaDBMUDhIQXZEMkxyS1ZEeDRu |
So this sounds like an awesome idea. What are you planning on using this for? | r/freenet | post | r/Freenet | 2010-12-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxZWVWZENJRnVZU09MOTNfMUdQU0Z0MEZIWW5zYXJWemhteVluZVhKVTlQRm9wOVRVbVc1YlZuZ0NJeGt0akdpZzdNZ3NjS2dyTHlKVDN2bWhxcTlRcHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoVmFQWFZhTVVrUTdxNElMY2lwY0lVQXFRQWpxbWdpUTJHWGxxWlY2V2NKSW5vNUZaUllzdC1zR3h4QUNUSW5VTGZOc2NVV1d4eDRXc0tFZGkzODJRTDZaMktpaHFFRmFOSTExRDkwRW5mdXhjVWp2ZzRnb3pzOGpaQU5NYW13NkJBZFZ1bnNzaEVRZ3F2OVVrZVZqQUpnPT0= |
The pain, the cut in his scalp, so unexpected and undeserved, had for some reason cleared away the cobwebs. It flashed on him instantly that he didn't hate the kitchen cabinet: he hated his wife, his two daughters, his whole house, the back yard with its power mower, the garage, the radiant heating system, the front yard, the fence, the whole fucking place and everyone in it. That life had been one without excitement, with no adventure. It had been too safe. All the elements that made it up were right there before his eyes, and nothing new could ever be expected. It was like, he had once thought, a little plastic boat that would sail on forever, without incident, until it finally sank, which would be a secret relief to all.
In this dark world where he now dwelt, ugly things and surprising things and once in a long while a tiny wondrous thing spilled out at him constantly; he could count on nothing. | r/anarchist | post | r/Anarchist | 2010-12-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxWFEtRjZtY2RGMjdCaEVZTmM2OGw0VWE4MFNtMC1KV2hjakd1eVNFZGh2WTJuREpUNE56MVBmUFpobFJJRm5oQ2k3RV9qYTc0RUVKZlp4bWc4UDJSYlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZocWJ5a0NTM05fZDZ6WjRsMmpraXdva2tSYkZFTmtpMW5CQWVBa2xHYVFuV3VnYncxbGpXZ1p1b0E3RlBKX2lmTTN0Y2NJTFBwNnE3aGlvWmJvdmFfSmpTZ3VQT3NGVXVNMmdRRVV6S2UyMXNfUXF1MUx1MWtZXzBOYnpZZWE5QXRCQnVmeWdPVFQzbU5KY3FRMFpKTTdaYkU5djVRX2NsRzNBMTE4RHBuOFRXYjhIN08wd2RkU19QdU45d0dBZzFQ |
We were reminiscing with a friend about old PC-games we used to play, and couldn't figure out the name of one specific game.
* It was a vehicle based war game
* Played from a bird's perspective
* You could choose from a tank, a jeep, a missiletruck and a helicopter
* The jeep threw grenades, and you didn't have unlimited ammo
* The fuel would run out if you drove one vehicle too much
* To change vehicles you had to drive on top of a square elevator, which took you to an underground "garage".
* When you changed vehicle you would reappear on top of the elevator again.
* We played against each other, and your mission was to destroy your enemy's base (which were huge) | r/gamenostalgia | post | r/gamenostalgia | 2010-12-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxVFNJMWR3S0N6SFlNYkJkRWxRSzlmSTV4aURxbjBIVVkzRUhKa3p2WklUMC1iMWRLSEtQZ0w0Q3JXbEVvRkZJM2xRT3ZLMHVtYncxQUxwZ0xkSjdyR0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoNThTVnlNOWhfaGtOcGpjeXJUMVptZVFodE5nckNxX0dSOC0wM3lMbHE4RmZzVFNpWXZQZjExbkN3cFlNbGx4RkdhbTZwUV9VbXpsWUx5X21ndi0xemo5YWVxeUpTQWRJSE5GSUE1bm5NakhrRjljXzZGLUZGUjZQUU1DSjhXZERJRnM3SVpPejVZMUZSUEFYS3h0LTJBYmVzNUZHLUhLSHlma0ZDYXJfcVJuR3BMQVMxVGdNenBIVU4zbmZiTmFNa1hrbFpIWnFqQkt0a0ZtM1U2aE8tdz09 |
Got them from an estate sale. | r/kirkland | post | r/Kirkland | 2010-12-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxV2lCRHlzR1M0TGtkV2VZUWkxal9wSGI0MXJKRmhpNll0WWNrY2tTYmdteWQzR2czWlR3YWl6bzNfTVlBWEFLa1BjN1liZnV0R3JvWHVRZGFTd2trQ3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoV0xBYmRjbVhLQkw4cjd6UTVEUFVyQ2dqYU5sVTJjTDdKVEFzaG51c2FIb21lYVNUalJ2SUMtQTdlTGhHc0ZpcUVQMGFjQmJKTjlQMm1VTTMzNm15eEdad0dJVFFKNV9ENVlxVEtuVndFaDBQMmRzdEFveFBsaGpPRTh4d2lYbnZXU1loRHFxZ3QwMHF3M2o3cGV5M1p6a1phTWdmX0sxeklUOGZNbzdEa2F4V2d2Mjc5Mk15UGJyX185cFJpOGNP |
Any tips or suggestions are welcome. Be sure to tell reddit friends about riderville! | r/riderville | post | r/riderville | 2010-12-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxQUw2bUtwUjFrMXdZa2E4cWZ2Yl9NVnFJRDdzVWRCRjEwLVVXUW1BNWhpSVBLMzB5MHpZbmhKSmpqSGlHa29oWXhCLTRkQXFwd2xiYTd0OEM3X0xYRVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoT0ZoYWUxajhZdWU4eS1NSzVNVkVsbzdBNmJXcmdIa1Zsc3BqNkRodTl6djNiY1dqNVA4WU5mSXkxTHZqNlJ4SmI1b1Z3dEV4VjQyQ0pZaGFwT1A0MFZUNVJsZDhlZWNCVWFaOXpPamRTZllnbDNCa0pOdVVrbDF0Uzc1UGZZRnhDX2F5Z0tZWUlXSVU3bFNmX2J1VVIxcy1hR3U3SDZGRVlZaDNDQ05RU1ZJZ1ludE1YbC1rUEpncG5WZG03RlIxQVI3WWlwdXRQT3VJU2xIcnNfdzVxdz09 |
here is what is probably the original paper [pdf](http://singinst.org/upload/cognitive-biases.pdf) that the lecture is based on | r/resilientcommunities | comment | r/resilientcommunities | 2010-12-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxdEFlZlpxakx2THd6ODk2bkZhOXJjLUJJYkxiQnVscDFmb3VZeEdfalVzTlo2eWRGRERCMVBEcGhlcC1LRURlZ2lsR3RYcTBaVWlYSDNyYnJKTXJtaHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoR2QxVEFlekIzTm9sUEFRWWwwT3E3ekdyZ2VWY0N1TEMtT3ZvckVjS1FSbFFEa29lSzc1LWYyWHd6ZUdMSzhhaGpoQnYyaGhSMTVRX3NlSTZEalhoTDQ2eXhnQnBsQmQtdjlVemJjWnZzblVndE9IWEIweUh6cUNrVklKek1hU1NjMU1JZmlKdzlmVVJMQzhUc1NMQlJaWHZ1QUVZVk1Ub3B0OFVyMDRHLVRDdF9GQVFJb3RyTnFHVDA3REpJX21nelo3SWJmM2lCVFVoMThLNjFjZGRFdz09 |
I bought a 60mm macro with the camera last year and it's a great lens. Now I'm looking for an upgrade to the 18-55 kit lens. What should I get? I hear a lot of people mention how much they like the 50mm. | r/photoit | post | r/photoit | 2010-12-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxcmRUbnpjRnJHeWwwZXZoOE1pRWNyYkg0LTFVOHhjTWhEWHVjbHpidklFOXIxR0ZlTHVWV0NHMDJkdzdpQ2pMSUstUHhwQkx4NGpEeDFSYmJvUTVuSUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoMmlHUlNkSE9BOXp4azBBQlo3S1NXazl5SWREMlV4aDMzRWNIM0VqWkttbVpwOWxJeENjaHpBSThBWmdHVVI0N0pzRHFld2xfOTFENkQ3elNfaEdOTXlDdlI0MzR2V1h6cExVQTlKdXVQWDVLWkRTRDVSbmtlaFVzMEtRb3MycDFlYzJjTjRLTHFPckliQjRPNGUtZW9uTVlMdFd4cHp1SFA3bGF2WnoxWGxwRHVxQzVuQUhnaDNMcFZJdy1PWGxo |
There are two themes I keep seeing again and again running through these short-term communities. One is that the land used is not paid for, in total, before the experiment starts. Another one is that people are so eager to get the ball rolling that they don't talk out the details to either (a) confirm compatibility or (b) recognize definite incompatibility.
I wonder if this might be worth a self.comment thread where we can post about our own experiences with failed communities. Having a repository of knowledge on what didn't work could be twice as valuable as a record of a successful long-term group. | r/resilientcommunities | comment | r/resilientcommunities | 2010-12-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxQ0xOT2x5VjBteWZ6bG9nZ3AwQVFpNUdNTW11Y1Fva2pnbzl0bWE3OVVUdFZDLVBUaXZhMlZHakQzUWJfSkxJbHQ1VlF6YUFQWGhFQ2lxT2dlOHJ2YUs0Q21vdmhuWm4wY3dLSnluSThxMUU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoQXo3OHdnMHdEOF9NY2dYenBMMFpOZW5iaGJYTjQzWkxjMEt5TTJiNDVoYWw3Z1pqN3A3REtWQkhWTGhfRU5adjdEZTQxSjRTa1pWekNmRS1qb3VVU0x2RlAwT293YlE3T0pqb1RYZEl2Z1o0b205WHN5d2F5UzRmM25MSG1fT1NZMUZyYjNhekt5eTFXdDVFd3RNa2dLODRUNkpRRDJrTS1MWFhTVEVScTBobmJEazRrNVRWbHpYQXNyYy11aDJZdkZsNVc0YVU2a3dHTHpFUlhUN0FDZFZ6eTlSMWV0bU5vMWpBZkcxcF9ZRT0= |
###MeetLGBT FeaturedMember: December 8, 2010
>>* **Age**: 25
>>* **Gender**: XY and loving it
>>* **Location**: London (complicated story that...)
>>* **Pictures**: [hey there](http://i.imgur.com/b6Zj1.jpg), [abominable snow monster](http://i.imgur.com/OEpl2.jpg), [over the Rhine](http://i.imgur.com/ZlDBB.jpg), [a park in Munich](http://i.imgur.com/awrZT.jpg)
>>* **Job**: I'm a graduate student (I get paid but I can't work anywhere else, so it still counts!) at an American university, but I'm currently on a research sabbatical here in England. My productivity level is about what you'd expect it to be. Though I always wake up each morning with the intention of doing work! Yeah, my job is awesome.
>>* **Hobbies**: I browse reddit, play Civilization IV (though not now, as my gaming computer is on the other side of the Atlantic), and I'm currently trying to give myself a better amateur understanding of calculus and other advanced mathematics. I need to balance out my right brain somehow.
>>* **Pets**: I'm horrifically allergic to cats, though I find their disdain strangely intriguing. My family has a dog and I've considered getting one myself, but after dog-sitting for a friend I discovered that I really don't like picking up poop. This discovery has also forced me to re-think my desire to have children.
>>* **Political views**: I used to hang out with a hippie back in college and we'd play Civilization. He once confessed to me that he was afraid the game fostered his imperialist desires for geographic and economic conquest. I just wanted his help getting Montezuma off my back, so I assured him that it was better he put that energy into a game rather than into real life.
>> There was a time I considered myself a foreign policy realist with a pro-American flavor because, hey, I lived there. Now that I've been traveling a bit, I'm not so sure. I'm hesitant to accept apocalyptic narratives of history, whether the revolution of the left or the rapture of the right, because I think they are too often used to ignore the fact that we've got to get along with each other because we're not going anywhere anytime soon. That being said, I'm a fierce advocate of gender equality, and I think belief in the beneficent power of the free market to solve everyone's problems is a naive abdication of personal and political responsibility. For what it's worth, I canvassed for Obama in Virginia in 2008 and I'll probably do it again in 2012.
>>* **Religious views**: I was raised Roman Catholic, and when I visit my parents I accompany them to mass, but I've all but left organized religion. I don't consider myself an atheist, but I don't know if I'd consider myself a theist either.
>> Ethical behavior need not be grounded on a religion, but I do think that empathy and compassion should form the bedrock of a just society. I like to ask myself the question, “Which is more vast, the universe/existence or the human desires/attempts to understand it?” There's enough room in there for philosophy, mathematics, art and religion if they are genuinely pursued; and true faithfulness shouldn't be shaken by a neighbor's lack of it.
>> One of my fictional heroes, Daniel Jackson put it best: “I don't believe that any individual or society can achieve enlightenment through fear-mongering and force and servitude, no matter what power is presented as evidence.” I think ascension would be cool, if it weren't so unforgivably dualist.
>##What makes you _\_\_\_:
>>A little awkwardness goes a long way on my cute-e-meter (patent pending), but an overly pessimistic lack of self-confidence turns me off. I care, but I don't want to be the sole caregiver. Hugs make me happy. Poverty in the midst of abundance makes me sad. I once saw a woman who clearly had a congenital neurological disease begging for money on the streets of a prosperous city, and it broke my heart for days. Willful ignorance as well as a lack of curiosity and compassion are among the things that make my blood boil.
>##Favorite things:
>>* **TV**: I've been an avid fan of Star Trek for as long as I remember; in fact, I think my earliest television memory was this image (very meta, I know). I've been watching ever since, though I skipped vast chunks of the Bakula series and the novels. Okay, I read one novel. Of course, I branched out to BSG, Firefly, the Stargate series, and I'm going to stop talking about TV now before I lose all credibility. The Wire was amazing. So is Community.
>>* **Movies**: I'm a fan of most cinema, but I have to confess that I'm not well-versed. Currently, I'm trying to get through a list of so-called classic sci-fi movies from “Metropolis” to “Ghost in the Shell.”
>>* **Books**: As a literature major, I have books for work and books not (quite) for work. Milton, Heidegger, and Joyce fall under the first category. Russian novels fall under the second.
>>* **Foods**: I love it. I'm pretty open-minded. I really like spicy food (Indian, Thai, for example) but try not to have it on a date, for somewhat obvious reasons. In most cases, however, if you put it in front of me, I'll eat it.
>>* **Drinks**: All-purpose cocktails include vodka tonics and whiskey sours, but I can never turn away from having the Last Word (equal parts gin, maraschino, chartreuse, and lime juice). It is... it is... it is green.
>>* **Orientation**: I'm as gay as NPH, but it still seems to come as a surprise to people. I may not be flamboyant, but I am fabulous.
>>* **Coming out**: Before going to college I spent thirteen years in catholic school, and the last four of which had an all-male student body. Needless to say, my coming out was a bit slow-going. I still remember the day I finally accepted it, though. I was watching a play my friend was in, where a closed-off and very angry character turned out to be gay. It's difficult to explain here, but at the time it was very cathartic. On that day I realized that I couldn't live a lie anymore, because I was destroying myself. I've been unabashedly out ever since.
>>* **Relationship status/background**: To say that I immediately dived into the gay scene upon coming out would belie the 'fits and starts' character of my development. I would call the time hilariously awkward, but it was more just painfully awkward. That's probably why I like awkwardness: it's vulnerable and human. I'm currently single. It's weird because my job takes me on a lot of travels, which makes finding anything steady a tricky proposition. However, I try to keep myself open to possibility.
>>* **Favorite sub-reddits**: [r/lgbt](/r/lgbt), [r/startrek](/r/startrek), [r/travel](/r/travel), [r/gaygeek](/r/gaygeek) (come join!), [r/science](/r/science)
**[You can be a featured member, too! (Learn more)](http://www.reddit.com/d880k)** | r/meetlgbt | post | r/MeetLGBT | 2010-12-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxeXFqd0lkc3RVcmZEcFlYOVdmYl9ZZl8zVV9wcXJLVDZELWxkb1loMXZuZVdRQUZVY1QxVVVlMGYxMThZYWdEem5mc3ZiVnU3UmhoOFk5Q01lN2VrVlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZodWtYaUNxNm55S0JvVTZKU3BubW1RaHdRUmNZV3VaaFhKcU5ZVndtN1pDcXdNZzVKVmliQTNaaEhMZHRQR3NnWjZFay01Mk0wRzFORDVZWV9yX0xlVUFObjU1VnYxY2FTa3p5WVVsOVNOeVpVUnQ0OG9lQjN3VUEzUkZ0LUZsSnNndEZDaDRwUUVWVEV4bDZ3aVRuSG5mZ3FHQjNrZDIzZnpsZWlvQjgwZWR1X0NMM3JGNjFUTzRydVhzWjZhWXI0 |
Is there any information out there about how many people have downloaded Freenet? And I suppose it is more meaningful to ask how many are currently using it. How about the average number of nodes "online" at any given time?
I realize these are odd questions to ask about a program designed to protect data about its users, but I have seen so much Freenet chatter of late that I'm wondering if there is a correlating spike in downloads/use.
Thanks! | r/freenet | post | r/Freenet | 2010-12-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxYk4tUk1haDA3a3k2QjVjdlpMTWdWa3NFOUhSYXhCNDBsX3lLcEJuMjN4UVQ0YmpnR1RPS0xJRnhTUnJkZE11VnBxZDlWXzhlbjN6SWJhX2hic1JyUHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoSjdXbkoyZXhmUks2ZExnVEVLYVc3ejZjMDI3ZHhMMnVNVThvdDNQZlpFRS1yeWlsTl8tT1psanR6TXUyX3Q3aWVIQ2V0UHJGUE1rbGVHZlZYUVkyU0lXZWlfMk5qMTZoMURmcmdrNEd6Z2xKdEw3ck1lZHBXOW03eUhSaEFmSEh4WU9mbVJnbWJldkoxQmw0Rk94a3ZqR0p0cFROQlRSQXVHVEZUTnNXNktwOHRkNzYtN3hwLVpRWDJ5R0ZZYVdO |
I know the kit lens are not the best quality but should I still consider spending $20 on a lens filter to protect it from UV and dust? I've been taking a look at a few basic ones from [black's](http://www.blacks.ca/blacks/catalog.jsp?catalogId=cat310064&navId=cat80014&sort=price&bauth=1) (I'm from canada) and I'm not sure if a very cheap one would just cause more image degradation than anything else. Also what size fits on the 18-55mm IS lens that come's with the kit? Thanks!
EDIT: *my lens, I realized my mistake in the title as soon as I posted it (wasn't aware we couldn't edit titles). | r/photoit | post | r/photoit | 2010-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxSlYxZERUNXg0aldvdXhhdl9nWno0YzB0eUVtbG9pQk5fNGlxSVVRV0NaY1VVOERLLVVPUmhmcmNFSHVIX3E2VTdnQmx0aE1xcmZEQXBIekItY3ZSMlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoX1VyN1d2VXhSaC1fcDRrLTRHYjRRZ3dHWm9TSWk3QzdfOVprR0VyQ2o3cFFleWJEN1VmaGpjVFMwdjBNUTVOOWJBQmhiNGMyU2FadnBBWnJ3cVR5ek84NVR1ZWpEZ3BDUEkwbEJMS292TGZPbVMxVzRxR2llc1o2ZG05THN4T0xMRENyOE90ZkRldUtSTTRmRGM0R25MeUdsYm5pZ19BeGMyVUFRU1FGbDRqZTh0NTFqWFBBWDREaHpZUUQ2MnowaWdwbm90STUzdW81RHdtYUYybllFZz09 |
Another tip: If you like French fries, don't go to Wendy's. | r/tipoftheday | comment | r/tipoftheday | 2010-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxYnBLeWw5OU1KdU5tTnZ3dW05emFZZi1yUVh2MGJUaV9OV0tLY0Y4ZmxkckNmT3lPU0N2T215Z2xPakpVSWdpajVadElBUWwwVzNIUTlmLXJVaktyWkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoMHhNeEprSGU2RUcya1BFNTV4elBjVV9SbXE1Q0RWMExKM2tkMmVUZF9ueWd1M2ticjZBTTVrX2FVaDVJTDFHeDRRekt0cVVVVkxhS3RHVTZYRS0xZkZoRVB5djVBNU1CMk9Pd3JzdlJqWG9md3J6ZjBBQjA0SGxwb2Mybi00MUN2TjZRbThqdUhkVERSdVpoczdHdUhXNlF2RUp0QVIxSlBGRGdSSWJWenVQOXY5dkdQT2lkZW8zVEUzMF9sVThFcmdIdU8zWVA1NFBWN0tEUEtERk92UT09 |
Half-hour-old french fries from Wendy's are definitely not worth eating, but if you've ever had fresh fries from there, you'd understand what I'm talking about. | r/tipoftheday | comment | r/tipoftheday | 2010-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxdkxVUWJoT28wdTNkTEpjcnotT3EwRFRiREt0WjgwSzBnWVJvN1BDdEk1YTZzYVEwWVlxVS03enpSOFhIWWtJdjdHOE56T1oyZHRfSEluVkZoT0FlVEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoalE2MkhobFhCUERCQV8tRjJlajBPR25kZE4wdFNtQXYyOHI2T0xFQV9NTXZ6MDNHSTI1dExrY2phZURpVGRxbEtHMkVJMnBXVFpFUzNVUEF6QjFJWV92X3J5SUZzNXdVLWFNRDc0Z1k0ZWVtRENHOXdqdzFwQlE5MGlfZURENG9vNkhlQ0QtYzFyemgzeWR0M1dSbkpObXdmYnowTFRybFNYZ2l1X0l2ajU5ZjR6enN0dFltaUZOUl8xX1Nzb1h6RmU2dzE1WHhUMzVIZFpLNGM1Q1ZfQT09 |
Hey, I always read the bios in here, but I never comment, mostly because I can't think of much to say. But I really like how this subreddit has comealong, especially the nice CSS and the really cool questions.
So thanks for making it, LGBTerrific. :) | r/meetlgbt | post | r/MeetLGBT | 2010-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxLWhYelpPSHc3S1FrS05kTDBUanpnaUNiZVA5UDFVWjJJczVFaC1qaVk1allKQmFLaE1UVVh3Y3BvWFZvVVhhNjJZZzBoUUlnVkE1b3U3WDJJN19wREE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZobWdhcDcwSGI3WDlxTW1SbHdFa3RFLS1fWjRtVUZQUXB6Y3pocF8tdzRZX1ctbi16VWMwdHczRkgtS2pRRGRMbm5wbi1mazU2bXowdzlMV2xMWHJVVEd1b1preGFTdWZWSENybjNhNGQxV3M3VU5PYnIxdkxxWEFGOE5XMVlkM2N1SHA4ZXpYaGVUN2FNSjFTQTFIRUtGbHlzVGNpcmlhSkxaYlBROC1KVzU0PQ== |
http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5hXjcJkwUV7nHrj5VNXig1rlBvEEQ?docId=9453841cf11a4de1834500364f64efbb | r/improvcomedy | post | r/improvcomedy | 2010-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxVUptN2M3Rm1CQnk5TXh4a2VOWHJMdGhLUlUxWXpvWTZBTXNxdThDbkhabW5JZEYweFR0YnN1QnlYbFQxVjlVMVEwaFRaOVlwNHJ2a3ZMYnYzRjNZU2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoTzU0S1lXZWw5MWVuYkxOMFNxZzhQWDJkVnYzR2t1Q3kyVjlSWXo4dTI4dTVLdEJyT3Nlc0pxX291eEp4d1hKWFRnZDk5V0NqR3h3ZWtNQWZCcmZJWEV1azloWFpibVQ3WVV4amIzQ1N3SE1EaVZoeFFuNkhzcjFxQk1MenQ4dVhmMHBxaHQtUGZVcEs3LXNrYUJFV0JMR0FNaVFTb0VWNmVRMGw5X181ZEVmME1ENzhQMExQWWpySkRheVVvUXdSU3JybDYtaEVlVVI3NUFfeFBOOEpNZz09 |
Hi, I wanted to submit to your consideration the following idea:
Please check the following simple taxonomic dynamic model:
1º) There is a species, Sp1.
2º) Imagine a subpopulation from Sp1 evolves into a new Sp1 race, so now we have 2 Sp1 races, Sp1Rc1 and Sp1Rc2. Taxonomically, we can write it according to an indented format, like this...
; Sp1
; Sp1Rc1
; Sp1Rc2
Notice that, despite Sp1Rc2 phylogenetically follows from Sp1Rc1, we don't write this...
; Sp1
; Sp1Rc1
; Sp1Rc2
...because phylogenetic relations are not the only thing taken into account for Taxonomy, but *differentiation*, or *diversification*, is taken into account too. However, it is a good idea to write Sp1Rc1 first, and Sp1Rc2 second, not the other way around, for reflecting phylogenesis.
So we have the first taxonomic outline shown (not the second one).
3º) New Sp1 races get evolved from Sp1Rc1 and Sp1Rc2, so we can write this the following way...
; Sp1
; Sp1Rc1
; Sp1Rc2
; Sp1Rc3
; Sp1Rc4
; ...
4º) As more and more new Sp1 races are created, the differences or degree of diversification or evolutionary distance between the newest or most modern races, and the oldest races, goes greater, until we finally get some new race that no longer could be considered Sp1 species, that is, we get another new species, Sp2, different from Sp1. Therefore we write...
; Sp1
; Sp1Rc1
; Sp1Rc2
; Sp1Rc3
; Sp1Rc4
; ...
; Sp2
Again, this Taxonomy doesn't show that Sp2 follows phylogenetically from Sp1, except for the acceptance that Sp1 is written first and Sp2 is written second.
(For instance, taxonomically, we don't write...
; Fishes
; Amphibians
; Reptiles
; Birds & Mammals
... but we write...
; Fishes
; Amphibians
; Reptiles
; Birds & Mammals )
5º) This evolutionary process gets repeated, so the same thing that happens among races, will happen among species too: by the mentioned mechanism, new species will be created, Sp1, Sp2, Sp3, Sp4, ... etc, so taxonomically we will write...
; Sp1
; Sp1Rc1
; Sp1Rc2
; Sp1Rc3
; Sp1Rc4
; ...
; Sp2
; Sp2Rc1
; Sp2Rc2
; Sp2Rc3
; Sp2Rc4
; ...
; Sp3
; Sp3Rc1
; Sp3Rc2
; Sp3Rc3
; Sp3Rc4
; ...
; Sp4
; Sp4Rc1
; Sp4Rc2
; Sp4Rc3
; Sp4Rc4
; ...
; ...
6º) As this evolution develops, new species are more and more different from old species; until we reach a point when **THE FOLLOWING TWO THINGS HAPPEN AT THE SAME TIME**:
- **A) :** A new **RACE** (not a *species*) evolves, being so different that we have to consider it a new SPECIES.
- And **B) :** but this new SPECIES, in turn, is so different, that, ADDITIONALLY, we have to consider it a new GENUS.
That is, **a new race has created both a new species and a new genus**. At the beginning of this explanation a new race would just create a new species, if the differentiation was enough after many former races. But now we have found we can finally reach a differentiation point such that, a new race won't simply create a new species, but it will go further and it will even create a new genus. Namely, *"the new race's jump is greater"*.
So now, taxonomically we introduce genera Gn1 and Gn2, and then we have the following classification...
; Gn1
; Gn1Sp1
; Gn1Sp1Rc1
; Gn1Sp1Rc2
; Gn1Sp1Rc3
; Gn1Sp1Rc4
; ...
; Gn1Sp2
; Gn1Sp2Rc1
; Gn1Sp2Rc2
; Gn1Sp2Rc3
; Gn1Sp2Rc4
; ...
; Gn1Sp3
; Gn1Sp3Rc1
; Gn1Sp3Rc2
; Gn1Sp3Rc3
; Gn1Sp3Rc4
; ...
; Gn1Sp4
; Gn1Sp4Rc1
; Gn1Sp4Rc2
; Gn1Sp4Rc3
; Gn1Sp4Rc4
; ...
; ...
; Gn2
; Gn2Sp1
; Gn2Sp1Rc1
Notice that we have prefixed "Gn1" and "Gn2" to species and races.
Gn2 is now represented only by one species, Gn2Sp1, and this species only by one race, Gn2Sp1Rc1 .
7º) The same mechanism will now go on within genus Gn2, and some new races will create new Gn2 species, until we reach a differentiation point when some new race won't just create a new species, but it will also create a new genus, Gn3, so we'll have three genera, Gn1, Gn2 and Gn3 .
8º) This way new critical races will create more and more new **genera**, more and more different, Gn1, Gn2, Gn3, Gn4, ... etc, in such manner that we finally reach a differentiation point that some new race will not only justify a new species plus a new genus, but it will go even further than genera and it will justify the creation of a new **"FAMILY"**. Thus we have two **families** now, Fm1 and Fm2 .
And so on.
9º) An important thing I want to show here, is that phylogenetic relations are not the only aspects to be taxonomically considered, but **degree of differentiation** too. For instance, no matter if one race phylogenetically derives from another race: if both of them are not different enough one from another, then they'll be considered just two different same-tier races within the same species.
10º) Given this reasoning, don't you think that, instead of this...
; Superfamily Hominoidea
; Family Hylobatidae (Gibbons)
; Family Hominidae
; Subfamily Ponginae (Orangutans)
; Subfamily Homininae
; Tribe Gorillini (Gorillas)
; Tribe Hominini
; Subtribe Panina (Chimpanzees)
; Subtribe Hominina (Humans)
... we should be having something like this...
; Superfamily Hominoidea
; Family Hylobatidae (Gibbons)
; Family Hominidae
; Subfamily Ponginae (Orangutans)
; Subfamily Homininae
; Tribe Gorillini (Gorillas)
; Tribe Hominini
; Subtribe Panina (Chimpanzees)
...considering the degree of differentiation set by upright bipedals?
**EDIT:** I'd go further and suggest this:
; Catarrhini
; Cercopithecoidea
; Hominoidea
; Humans (¿"Homoidea"? ¿"Humanoidea"?)
... from McAfee, Go Daddy etc.
These badges have always kind of bothered me. They either give customers or business owners a false sense of security while raking in cash for the issuing companies.
Label posts with [badge game] unless someone has a better idea for tagging them. | r/xss | post | r/xss | 2010-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxQUpzVDNPX1pTM0tmQnR5ckJhNzIzSTlVNlo3SW92WHVZQ3NxQ0Z1ZzlCZjZvVElpTlpRb2Y2OVJnR2hjSFZBbUNuOVdNZjhMeklOOG55WUR5cjgyQ3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoRmJHalJwUEZoOFZJSTdRY2RKUGpFdGJmNl9xa191Z3p4YThGUTlRdE5RaXlyd0FTbU92bmlBVE43T21jTUJxRUoyaDdfYXJadE5ZbkhkRWlGLXlleHJwMGhqRkVpTTFrMmhLNF9DZzJkeUhoVV9GMDIzSjlONG1lRDFUQmxqbEpoWmU4M3dEbUxmdjZ4ZkhzQ2g5NmZTWWl6bnptRE9wYk00Y0sta2E4WHRuZDNBeWhDc2xreDN0bTY5ZDBNOGxk |
It cannot be more than $100 I think seeing as I am not in the most extravagant situation. Any ideas?
edit:full size/normal | r/photoit | post | r/photoit | 2010-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxSVMtcVo1SlBySGw2UUl0eW44UE9YdGJtdlNqd0tGQmNkMFNFMDNscVhzUF84TU5UcVp0QlEwLWFtU0Z1NG0zVng4TlhhamJtSjhleHU5QkVvZ3BLclE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZocHZEVE9jZXdVNHM1bzNtVlo3bFc2djN5Rnd5WHJXQ0M5VGhLZkpWVkpFVGVrUlZOU2owb2RpQmtiRjVXenB3OUVuQU1weWZQekxJUkhoMWluUWY3dGtXM24tZlMtYk5PaGQzeV9oTFBWcVhYUEltcWgzYTRYMlNTUmxHLWstWDk4MEN6dEM2dEZiTXJFMGNRMngzMVJCcXNDcHVQcWVRWmJ2UUptTHlxc0NZaUg1amNaVTNxQ3NfZW1XREt2WV9YQy1ZeTlmVDhYS2FnWE5ON1ZLR0h1QT09 |
Does anyone know some good OR jokes? The type that only another OR person would get? | r/sysor | post | r/sysor | 2010-12-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxZ2JQekJzRm5fWHpmMzdzNWROTk4yODhiVy15SXJwOXdmRmwtMW1HdDV5R1ZvZ0RRU24zQXNpUi1iLWNaNWQ3eE00VWNDalJUOGhvRmpJb21CTkpKTGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoOGQ1eUhVUnlnb3hDaW81ZU9feXl2OEsyY3dXWmlJOU9UNGltd2M5YURRMmVGUjVqejlvZXpiNG9EQnZmT3Bsb2U3OUhxNHVwSnYtUnBqbHppLTZ3eGNkR19RRUF1NGtjd1Nra3dhd1lXYkdPcGNpelhBcGZSS1F1MjFhRnQtZnNCVDl4SGszUGVsRUMtQXBTNzNNRnhrU0NYUmFtdU5paW5ZbDRxU1F0TnVjPQ== |
>*I wonder if this might be worth a self.comment thread where we can post about our own experiences with failed communities.*
That would not only be extremely interesting, but surely helpful as well.
Louisa May Alcott wrote a firsthand account of her and her family's experience of living at Fruitland: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transcendental_Wild_Oats
After reading her short account, it's hard to imagine *that* person was the same one who wrote, *Little Women.* | r/resilientcommunities | comment | r/resilientcommunities | 2010-12-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxSEF6Q1V4a0NFZXdZOTZkTDdUREZkODZBNkNOSzJ4TW5SclFFdDR6SnVWRjRZeXA0WGNCamxTRDZaTXpuMlg1NlltTEN4dUpnYWU5RENDV05fU29CMkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoanRzNTJ2Wm1IaGpqU014NUdIQnlYN1cxdnZIM2FqQ3FWMjhRcnZ1amk2dktrMDluZUpuM0ZMZ1Jhb0hiVzhMYUlPX3hjUXE5d01MRG1QV1dZRUJUMUFMcEFnbTdiZmExdGZiSDlPMzZoYUVOdXoycG5mSFVBcjlNVU1YeDg0TmwyYVVHQjh0dTd6WFhacy02UXVYZGMybFJIQ3BlYXhGZnpoblNZY3BYdjY2eU5Zb1RjbWRhWDBBS0RMM3VPUG9hU3k5bTNraTl5ekZUTzZRdFhGaWoyT0J4ZkN0NWlhSVRoRk1UQlpQQTgwUT0= |
I am working on my Parasound HCA-750A amplifier, it has been having low distortion/hum for a while and seemingly has lost low end detail and bass over the past months....anywhoosle, the power supply circuit has 4 DC filter caps, (2pc), and one of each channel is bloated and ready to spew. They are Elna 6800uf 50v, which are reportedly decent and appropriate. I plan to go ahead and re-cap the entire board, as it is sparsely populated. Much has changed since the 90's, and now we have Nichicon Muse, and Black Gate,(sort of) and what not to choose from as far as audio grade caps go. I am thinking of trying the Elna SILMIC. Any thoughts/experience DIY'ers?
**EDIT: I am assuming repairing my own gear is /r/DIYGear material as I am doing it myself :)** | r/diygear | post | r/DIYGear | 2010-12-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxRGh2eDNtemlBMk9qdzJPaERlVnRtOGg4TzQwZ2ZiQVUxVkwwZndFd0VfclBUMEMycDk0Y0pSeVJnWm1sUUd3V2dOcUJpREFWbTlTajRkM2JnRkRvS2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoTGlWS2lRZlBIalVZVEtPWVVNRVQ0NVIxUDA0UjhldHJXeEgySllLRFZfWWhXaU8xMlN5SFc0MFhXTDBYVVIxQkI2SmY3TVE0dFF0eGV1WFlEOFRVa2tNVWgycDNnQ0wxd0tPeGUxMi0xX2tlTV92dGpLVUxkYnpWeFJxTHdNcEx4cTQybnBWOGhsaDhuV3RzQUtCYlg0UFlpYzkxWW42Y0FhU09iWjlqR01nPQ== |
Yeah, there are some nice articles there regardless of that. | r/systems | comment | r/systems | 2010-12-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxSVA3aE5IZ1Z0SmxGcnNmUG51TXRJdGczNVFmOXB4cWwtUHZ0ZHoxZzliZzNEY3ZMUzZlQkFXaFc5SVI4T3pDOTJTakk4a2RpNEhEYVdJckhsSkNHV3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoOS1mRm1oaUNBeXlVT0VTQnAyUUxjcF9IdzhYdWRVU3lrODEyWkdoREI4VzRwaDdEaFhCQ1NNaEZtVzdobWZyak1jRnI5amdrbjJjQmZtSkdBV085Y0ZoVFIwX2ZmNGRGZGVhcEFYWFRFS2NZN2lUS3E2RjAwdmM5OVNSaExNOHBvRENjNUpDZDdMb2FsWlFGVnFVUXBPV3Z4Qmg2Sjdoc0wyZ2p6ZlppbU1sdzNfaTlVZjhRcG5mNGpNZnpIeEF5WVBDSmREbkNMWW5QWVJCZjkyWEhmUT09 |
This is what I hate about baseball. Edgar was a huge asset this past world series, and he gets offered 1M, while we have to endure weeks of Jeter and Ca$hman throwing around sums like 45M and 150M like so much candy.
I love the game, but hate the economics. That's why this World Series was so sweet, not only did the Giants win, but the Yankees weren't even there! | r/giants | comment | r/Giants | 2010-12-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxY3QwUjNXczgyQkxQNmV5cmlyTDBZQzdBVElMT3FpT3BMWnh6SldMRmYyVHhWb0J2MTdfMDZ2VllTYzdndWl6VVluTTVNa21lZi1lU2pONXFHalE0Qnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoMFRBTHZIY2ZHYTRBeTJLRjh0WHZucjhwZFJFSVk0STZXX2l1eHRJTHRwbFlDdGkwblZTalVKUXJ6YzduUllFMnY4bHJ6YXRyeFlyNWtqMU1GbkdVN1E0NzZiLTJBVFFzV1pPZkNMOTU0MnQ4Ni05SFR0bmtENTFPX2VfTmNWeGZyVWtiV2J6NExySzdfd0dVbC1zV2xhY28wUmswNzF3LW1BbVYyQU1McHJOdjJuSVE2VVNOb0k5endpSkZ2cE40eC01TFUzbmt0b1I0X3I4VVI4N3FQdz09 |
The problem with economics in baseball is that you aren't paid for what are doing but rather what you have done and what you are expected to do. Its all long term guaranteed contracts for stars and Edgar has been paid a ton of money, especially the last couple years, for more than he deserves. I think this is the new order of things. Older vets are starting to get less and less. They are injury prone and their skills diminish quickly. There is zero chance he gets a starting job and a slight chance he makes more money as a backup someplace else. Its all about where he wants to be at this point. | r/giants | comment | r/Giants | 2010-12-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxZDNaV2pMMGs1OTlfSmh1WEVoTHI1dG5rNkJQYUZRQnp1Sk5odlU1UTN0VFFqdHhXODNhOEk1d0gtbFVtd0xnX1pKM3hfb3ZlaFFaS1UtMlJldHIyVWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1Zoa0tOcEVZanFPSE1CaEs5b0FhLXRTQkhFZm10enMzWUpENFQzdUZQRTJGNm9iZzV2OUZMTnpzQlJPZzVDem16T01PUXVrWUYxYjFmZklHSVc5S1pSb0lfQnV1enpFY0dDY1ZPY05fd0djcmRGRlpVc1kwSVBuM0xnX3ItV2cyeExxRmduenZkam1NYWotcnVUbFVKQXJ1SXRGOHRQWDlmd0d3NElZM0FUQjVVakZObHhOZDRGNG5kUzd2LWpxa1gzelNwUUZuVUxoWHpEOU9yR2R3WmdQUT09 |
General Thoughts
I vacillated between really liking _Surface Detail_ and finding it lacking over and over again. I'm not sure I can put my finger on why at points I didn't like it -- I think it had something to do with the plot feeling slightly more contrived than other Culture novels. Just one or two too many main characters, one or two too many plotlines that intersected perfectly. On the other hand, this was the best look we've gotten at Mind psychology since _Excession_, and that made me super-excited, as did the fact that Banks was obviously exploring several themes from earlier works that were mentioned in passing but never examined in detail, particularly death and identity and their interplay. In the end, I wouldn't place it as high as _Look to Windward_ or _Excession_ on my list of Culture novels, but definitely above _Consider Phlebas_ or _Player of Games_. So right in the middle with _Inversions_ and _Matter_.
The Twist
Is it odd that I guessed that Vatueil would be the protagonist from _Use of Weapons_ even without having read _Use of Weapons_? I figured it was either that, or he was a Culture warship we'd met before. But it was obvious to me that he was SC, or at least former SC. I guess I read it as him working for himself more than The Culture or even SC -- thoughts go to the former SC agent in _Matter_ who helps direct a forever war for the entertainment of a high-level species. At a certain point, some agents crack, especially an agent as used to losing and regaining his identity as Vatueil/Zakalwe is, and there's no real stopping them when they do if they're badass enough.
My favorite character was definitely _Working Outside the Normal Moral Constraints_, by far. What a BAMF. I though it was a very good foil to someone like Vatieul: crazy in a lot of the same ways, but ultimately still a believer in The Culture.
I also liked Chay's storyline a lot. When the demon was explaining to her her new role in hell, I about screamed at the brilliance of it all.
I wasn't a big fan of Lededje, honestly. That might be part of why the novel wasn't quite as good for me as other Culture novels; I just couldn't relate to her at all. _Moral Constraints_' "Why didn't we talk about this before OMG you're going to die" nicely sums up my dislike for her, I think -- she's fascinating in ways, but also more driven than intelligent in the end.
Banks has an utterly sick mind in the best way possible. I gave a smile when Veppers said he's flay alive while hosing with saline solution whoever detonated the nuke, then realized that that wasn't very creative and he'd have to consult a professional, and those must exist, right? Definitely Banks giving a wink to the reader after hearing the torments of hell for large sections of the book (and those who have read _The Algebraist_ know how good he is at coming up with ways to torture his characters). I really like that Banks is able to draw upon this twisted part of his mind without letting it take over, and in fact can use it to make much smarter points.
I'm also in love with Banks' style and descriptions. That he can keep his own tone while jumping between different styles always delights me. For instance: the section where Led is recounting her childhood to _Moral Constraints_, or the portions where people are waking up from intense trauma. He might not be the master stylist that Mitchell is, but he manages to pull it off better than most writers, and unlike Mitchell does it while keeping his own voice throughout.
In many ways, this was the most philosophical of the Culture novels I've read. Others have seemed to focus more on political or personal messages, whereas this really focused on the meaning of death in an age where the mind can be backed up. I really liked that he nodded to the fact that consciousness is in some senses physical, and when a body dies the consciousness itself doesn't transfer from that body, but rather is recreated in a way that feels contiguous only to the new consciousness. That definitely fits my own philosophy of identity, and I think he articulated it well in just a couple of paragraphs while the Restoria agent was dying. It also fits that this doesn't consciously bother most people who have back-ups beyond "I'll lose some of my memories", since everyone alive is in the camp of those who feel continuity with the previous person, while everyone dead is dead and so doesn't get to tell everyone, "Yeah, but when you die you still die". There is still some subconscious understanding of this, too, as shown by the couples who split when one doesn't have the same death experience, and thus continuity of identity, as the other.
Repeating Events
Maybe it's just because we read _Cloud Atlas_ last, but I did feel like I noticed several events that happened very similarly in different storylines.
1. Vehicle crashes, followed by stream-of-consciousness section on someone waking up from that crash. (Veppers + nuke, and Yime + shipcrash.)
2. One member of a couple "dying" and the other not, followed by their separation. (Chay + Prin, the fighting Restoria agents.)
3. I'm sure there are at least one or two others but I can't put my finger on them now. Let me know what you remember in the comments and I'll edit them here.
OK, that was long and meandering and didn't say a whole lot, but perhaps it will touch off discussion on different parts. I'm really curious about what other people thought about the novel. Unfortunately, it probably wasn't the best introduction to the Culture in hindsight, but I don't think there was anything _too_ unexplained that people couldn't catch up on it. However, for anyone who liked this but felt lost, I'd really recommend _Look to Windward_, _Player of Games_, and _Consider Phlebas_ as good introductions to the Culture. And _Look to Windward_ is probably one of the best SF novels I've ever read, especially if you're looking for a meditation on personal control and death (yes, "death" is a theme often in the Culture novels). It's also notable that none of the three main characters are (pan)human, yet it's still probably the best character-driven SF I've ever read. | r/sf_book_club | post | r/SF_Book_Club | 2010-12-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxYmVRTnB0YmFmc1gzb2VvQ3ZEZTk0eWlzWHNyd1AyQ1llcGhiakNEaVVvZ3UwMFVWVm16OS1IVHlGWHVIcFVKRG53bXdORFBWY1lCZThzWE9DWUQtcUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoN2pXWmpvYkc0TjhvQ1dwVFFSeEFGckFlR1d4QXRuWC13M2x2WHA3RDhpSVlGNnc4bnhETnF3VnJqNVVPemNBT3NmeHVmQlZLWkdZRkFablpTVjhHZnU4Uk9iM00wN2xLMGk3YXI3SkY5cXYyN2lpQ0JCbHBUcTY2bTh0Zk5mb0JuWEZoTmt0ZnJUUW1XOEFoRGY5RTFmMWwxZjFGMkNINkZpbnk5S1h0QXd6MVBHZHAxZHJiVkZYZ0RseFJXWUNfSE9QUkVZcHIwZUlXM0VTS1l5bGRyZz09 |
Crazy. Mother. Fucker. Way to pull it off, Tyler. You are now a rockstar. | r/paddling | comment | r/Paddling | 2010-12-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxVWx0SGpqR203VXJTaEdsNE1RQUE5R0tWSC1yTUZ4dzBvM0J1WE5ZTnpKMFA2dVJaSmZDZm1VdHJpX1N5R01fR04yakxpeVF3eFhRbXk2Z3ZwNURiWUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoZ2ZsVElobHZmZTlTcnl4VjRPajNDNm1yR0cxbGZmM0hoUW9oanVfNTNla09KS3VxYUxnVGtuQnV5MmpCeHhlM19jRUEyVUFodUtKaHJsRF9iYjNrSm1YWkw0STRIVHpreGlqR21HSVZmQ1R4ZFVWR1FnMW1seUp3RkEwR2JWSmp0ay1OMWVqaXBnMlF0Y2pFZUN1dmwtYmlnVE5UdktzWnl6WXJDeEQyQ3czb1JzVWcySkhQZVc4MEF0U3l5SWJiY3EzSDBSQW9ST1cwQWUtdk9WNW13UT09 |
Hey there, I am getting further into taking photos and would like to start experimenting with a flash. I have one for another one of my camera's already but my Pentax is my only manual-only film camera, and I tend to use it a lot more. What would be a good flash to get for this? I have Googled and haven't gotten the information I needed so I decided to come here. Thanks :) | r/photoit | post | r/photoit | 2010-12-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxODllYkw2NGR2Zk9pcDh3MzJ3NVJGM2Zwb3htbTlNU29IMVRBUndpYS16cGNGak1TcWt6SGdqTGpUM3VHZTR6TkZnN0N1TndPVHYxX2NNaElTZVdMTVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoTUlaZ1dsOUE4di0tWGRaUlVlTFROcUQ0YjNrVHRBNm5qdDExMDNqUWhsejlGVU9zTXpIaDJhejluME0zRTYwUkhMSXdUOXpzaC1FSWtpWlZHQmMwRmd2Y3ByaGR3eURGcjhrU3VOeHpzdjNoeXdOcG9fbmFCaTczcURsZUc3czdDOTZiSWhKRXEzSHNFN3N0dlVaalFoQ3NqVHNlNXBuSmE3T3pQaDZtbVNBQm1KbW9iWVlWSGhQQ1o3ckNlVUZ0 |
It's very useful if you have a long commute in the morning. I love spending that time "reading."
Edit: Poor grammar. | r/protips | post | r/protips | 2010-12-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxUkxReEtBTmlmamRkd1ZxQzdiVnRfalVkQVNpVDc2THlKSFdfZjNvUnRSV1gtY2FxeG9TWEtDVzVta2pjcGxENkZIZ3hRZE9Seld3aDhMOFFyZU5RUXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoTWlSU2l1cUlNVklIeWh6a1cwRk1iaTYyOVJtakxqWUFBLXlid19LSXZuNWdhNGd6RmJYR2FISXdQUnlfTDN1QjZLNUJOMlFfQnpIX3I2c3JXaEUzQmttV2hCWVNySnVqOWdiaGo3c3F2QnRFWUVmeHREV3g3WmQwVHpkU0x6MUxqWTBtRnlaQTVMbW9DYkNtTjVSellYTnFwOWx3YUZqejRGRGZabk0zbkUza0NXbGpvcE9QejNhaUNtX0Yyd0sx |
http://imgur.com/EJ4DN.jpg http://imgur.com/z2gxU.jpg
| r/foodnotbombs | post | r/foodnotbombs | 2010-12-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxenBDVzhmc0NiTnBBTk4xLTRLUExYV3l3bUEyYmV2V01lRDRFMktQc1R1X2N3am8xbGJTSUhKcEFrU1dWNl9LSDMwZ1Y0dExUcmxnOTBXMU12eWNnNnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoS1FONkxWN1Btb0lTVlZvdXZTUFptWlZRa0lsQzZ5MV9Tcml5dVVvR0NPQWtveGVOd3pGSms1RWdhdDlwbVM5djdhR290UUJtMnFOZ1dSc3dWVTN0U1JKWWVBQlp3Mjd5N2UyVkFCazUxSWtfMnpYWHNUVTlIZ1B5T1hhUEJWQlBwdnZOUVV2Xy1IWjNWRmpJaFkxWU1uOUZXSHUzQ0UxaUpfcW80akh1bjVNM01xbmM0VHpZY3JYaTNtMkdFYm1nRlQwWEdqX2hPVHdicEZ3STM4SnJDdz09 |
...yes this is for a paper due this semester...
edit: thanks, everyone! | r/nosql | post | r/nosql | 2010-12-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxWDJxZldmYnhnbWptdkViQ0FnN0dGNkQ2cTNhQnJfeDBQRnlFOURWeHZjMFFGX21ESWZ0Y0VUODJRWXY4bmNuZmRvdjZLQko2bzJyUU1SeGI2TXdOckE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoMjVTM2Y2YkxXWUhJc1hTYmFwdWs4eE1GTVlOcm9oak5leW03M2dZNngyNF9nelY2cndsOTBTcGI0SDVNdTFHU0Jad0FQMG1hLW9lZ0NrdW1PRzZMUXU5ZEJtMWltSUNOaWdxR0FvOWFtbjA1TFNFYXZBcWVGVHVxVHd6OU5ndkRRb2NGTnlJRk5yc3lKSmNjWTVDb1VvSDRnX2h3alpQNk51OGcwNkhhZlg2TjVvSlBGWEgzMnF0V3FjTno1NDdo |
In honor of passing the 200 readers mark, let's start a MeetLGBT collaborative story. I'll start a story in the comments. The next person continues it as a reply. Someone else continues the story as a reply to that. And so on. Keep replying to let the story flow.
You don't have to write very much - even a sentence or two is a contribution.
As much as possible, try not to have more than one reply to a comment. If that happens, don't worry - there can be multiple storylines, I guess. It might get confusing, so avoid if possible.
Feel free to contribute as much as you want, as many times as you want. | r/meetlgbt | post | r/MeetLGBT | 2010-12-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxN3hNcWdVcGdIdG1oZWVUOG5zUHlQRVhFME1xdktOWm9INmRsLW5NRElyWkJCZlJUUm1EUTRnTHdUeHg0Tzl3ZFhmZE1TdXpDX3poUEJsZXpGdXNza1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZocE9WMG1oU3RkTzJoMFByVG1nMTdVVEsyTHB0TVNZV2lydWhkcnNKMUpvbzV0bWhneEFkZ094NDg3QjBia0VjU1R5ZThsWEVPS1B4bVpqWnRNTG5rSl9HejBaUFFaY1FYRkNtN3VRZUVSQnNxTC1tTm9tVzNwMVNYY1BNU0tWS2RJeV9yLTdBa1A0Mk5SaVg5cUQ5d0ppSk9uR3NJQVg4STdxMkZXVEFqNHliSlNCZGlTbV9ialZUdkFDU210WkhN |
Just pee in the tub. You can't miss so you don't need any lights, then in the morning when you shower all the pees washes away. You pee in the shower anyway, so what's the difference if it's sits overnight? I do it all the time. | r/tipoftheday | comment | r/tipoftheday | 2010-12-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxRWpoWDJHZUtVeXZWSlRKaTE3bVVpSHcxamFmNVVkYjNiSWQ1UzU0R3E2OEVoTlpSaXI0Q1E1UWFsNHNBT1Z3WlpFcXQxbG5FTG5JdHVURWFrd1FFeFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoSXh2OW93MVYzajlRb3o1N2lRUVNQLWxhdVgtZHNxQ1lNcFpIamxNUUxJajRmTEd0ZFVXVmpTYXpZekpWeUNPM2RCV0V2RW9Jc1UwZDBPLTJHSklpc3JMV1F5Q3RaOHJwc2dNbDhrZE1CZHZldTFtb2QwdWJJdmpuekc0bjJiMkV4YXUxNlp2c0VKTm14QkpWR0h1MFpwZEEzbEJvTUZiekdUS21iZzBxMmxRX1dBZlFCQ0VZa2piQmxnVGJjaFdtUE1Eb1RyNU84Njk3TmJyTGRBcEhFQT09 |
http://imgur.com/EJ4DN.jpg http://imgur.com/z2gxU.jpg
tl;dr Postcards outline the responsibility police have in the war on drugs. By promoting prohibition, they dispropportionally inflate the value of illegal drugs, consequentially leading to the economic welfare of organized crime and violence. If we can stop the police from enforcing these laws, we can decrease violence and drug use exponentially. On the back, it gives directions on how to protect yourself when confronted with an officer. | r/anarchist | post | r/Anarchist | 2010-12-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxM0oxaUgzZG5DeUYyOV9yMU9Yb245V3BQc29KMDY2X0NuR3h3UHpSZ3hVRUJTcGltMlRZVGFWSXA4V1B3M2RvTFI5Z3BKczBiZ3Y2bTQ0QWpxMmpPb3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoRVA4VTlIOVhBaXRYaDIzeU5FODVQOVhLbkpiRG8zRFlMQ3ZlNWRpR0lCWWdteFozM3ZFbFBUYWkycHNDTHFHdTFNZWZkQ0lFblp1d1VwTUlHNE9xdDN1TlVKMGNYSDgtZEhCQzg3emU3T1ZfZFFNbC1nSnlmUDRfbW55TllBdXVTM3cxLVp1QXd4UW5TdTFxVXR5OU5zSzlQSnRUaV9iTXozbXNyd1ZoUmNnUjZCdjFDVF9hS0t4ZFA2RTcyczNnVDYxNC1sbGctMzJoWU51S0RFZFBvQT09 |
no... really. A big thanks for bigger laughs! | r/dogfort | post | r/Dogfort | 2010-12-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxQ21MUXAxNjVuY25tNmotNVVhTXdkM0E3Mm9mNnlGNXFHUmpxZ2dkeHo4OXpaQWQ4Yjd5c2RiaG9NMUNJS051SnBUOG5vWE9QQ0ltRHB0UTV4UFh2dFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZodlMyX1NIaFNPeS1Bakg0ZFBhYThPSjdwakhNdFhWd0xrb2V3Vjh4blRod3FDNkZRcXZKVUwyY3UzdGV1VjVfbXpYSFAzeVNURjZLRU1CMlZEdUlXMDZscTNZU3F6T0JzTF80SkFsNHhHd1RmSUw0OWo2ZFFjMm9EZUR6RXR0QWhVY3JvZEZqZnFLYWxiaVhKaHJGMkZlNUxwaF9Td1ZLX0pqaDF6TE5UdHQ3YU9Fem9QTXU0eEh2TjJCb2hWMDdRQktndlJZRmpqWmJReHVlRjc3SzR3Zz09 |
The one eared cat is now unofficially the cat equivalent of Red Lobster. We need comment-pictures of the cats like /dogfort, but unfortunately I have 0 programming skills. | r/catfort | comment | r/Catfort | 2010-12-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxSmQ0VEtVOFk1ZGpnSXlLaEkyaWdZVUlaaDJieWVWV1VmRUJzUTNmRnJZTm5pYUlicER2dEVSbU1QNG1HSURUSVdQQ0duQkJ2dDhqalZ4TG5XY2xoVkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoWm9MMWZEa1FpR1FzMndWV01fWE52bWlXVWpTdzF0alR3SXI0THpBTGJBOFlPczd6WUpRd25KSGxJNjRxUzN2eEkydGU3X1JPMnZzRHQwYzM2ejVyRFppQzI4a2x4c0l0bWUzcDVjX3psTVBsUXFVV1lMYk5tSk9GMVZhY0lBdnFOMHJUcS1rd1l6MlR3eXpoMFl0cmNQZ0l5VFB2ZTFrSEROazBKZjczMGJ0WVYzeGVpTGtueFp2QXVpUkVJaUk1MkE2aElyU0gzS3V5Ykp1N3dkNWNpZz09 |
Anyone have any ideas or pictures for Catfort? The shoebox I think would work better then the couch cushion Dogfort style fort. | r/catfort | post | r/Catfort | 2010-12-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxVy05Q0hzeFJQZjg0cXhkaHkwaWQ0a3V4YzB5RjkzTHdlaXVKSHV2MEhVRHp6bVo4RFp4dWM4aUx4RFpDRGIzRnBBeC0zQ2hjbzIzVVZTU3NwN1pNRlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoUjBsVHhobURONU1ZMTRZZXZ4dU90eDlJS3Y4dWpQVzlYR05BOUx2ZFMtNnVPRVg1N19TX2tiVFNhUGNNclhIWTMxX0FKcnlieXFDUXlTbmRDYkJhN0Vrd1VGb29FUDdQVXhnZDNoaWExUno0VXl4N1hZM2daYUI3c2RiQ2hmSmdzVnMzVHBXajN0cWNkUGQ5dlVFUldBPT0= |
http://imgur.com/VxVAo | r/catfort | comment | r/Catfort | 2010-12-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxM2tCOGtXUUJIUG5FZFdub1BwTkZSM3VkNEQ0N3lOVE1EOHV4WW84VWpmYTRZMmRvUDZTVG5yUVhVcjNiRzM2VWtaYWhDZG9ianZ2b29nNW11V2RBWlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoMWpxSlhjUExDNjRNTXJkcS1CQ3lDQmViSER1Qkw4Q1k2Z01oUkxfT3NlYVRCNU91NExERFd6OG5EdEdfLXNjbmhrR18yTVAySW15S1hqY19YQXNyUUtOVGU3RmZ4MjNkRHRzaTBGVDZFekpEMU1NNUQ5cVUxdk1hSDM4dlVzVENXN2tFZG1zUEp2UVFBN2VTNDQ5Zm5TNzY1LUplUHUxYWZ5dnFDWnhSRWMwPQ== |
Or a scratching post or litter box for Catfort? | r/catfort | comment | r/Catfort | 2010-12-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxdjR3QV9sa0tiYkgwZGtkTHJjX3VoRVdtU19GQlg2R0RXT2JtMnlFSlc1YmUyUWVlNUJISHJXZ2VPeC1NcW9UZFpKTDJ5WlYyWW9YQW1uX2hVamxRanc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZodXRjaGQ3QUlHZndyOFRuakhsT2NMUW5aMTZCdDR0RUZqNjJnMWc5aDYtdURUSWZnQklSNkhBbDNIQUNvS3N5bGlldkphbksxUlFkU0VZdndqbzZpZmdhbThVS1NybjFVWm5pUVJzRXB3Y01mcWNMUGMwOTZ6S2xQU2FtcEZUWkc3NnpNX1BfLXk0alBDTnBUV2tESGpSWVNoeHN0N19hNld2Zl91SGl4a0dnPQ== |
About to post one of the dog being accused of espionage in front of the cat high council. | r/catfort | comment | r/Catfort | 2010-12-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxMXhNYWFzaTctUlN5VTdzQVFJLTdScGtUWFRXaFp6X0pMQVROaW1VY2hKNHQzbWUzVmJyaDJZenl6d3JOMThxcnlOcjFiNFlNLWRDN1R0c0NiU1h5WUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoeUEzNTk2U1VoM0pMUHByNXBYTFFrblFYU2JJQUNLcUlvNzc1VnN0UlJVaEV2OHNuQWxsaEFINVFTMlVjV2xBNlo1ZGNoN0JXVTNsVXFCalNEbmtma3ZIMlkyakc4M243UVVYbklPM2lFOHpPNlpuS24xRlkzWnU3OWY5OGljQUVUVUtzUXpmTTAzMzJqYWlCN29ka3lyZjN4aUpQQTBlQ0hicjIxQWc2b2hrPQ== |
I'm thinking a laundry basket or a bathroom sink. | r/catfort | comment | r/Catfort | 2010-12-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxWkcyRGpDdU5DbzFMUnJieF9LVzlrbzMyZzBlX2tkQjdhdTdRUzNZbERyS1V3SjhMcFNHMVFiTUNacDZ4aVFfcDJYM21IRGk2NVUzUHJIaVBnTFJFMkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoYkZheUZvUTlocEh3eElHWGVvajdXNy1kbTg2cFZHSE9DcGoxVmdoNnJRdnJQczBSSTBjX0NwLUpEX251ekZ3bTlQLWtYWWdZdU9VUVhaRFdOa2JSamFya2tmTGFnSkxHekpiWEEyazBkMzc4MFRORGhIOHBVTEtGeUQtcm5Wd0tURFpTOEFkWmRnRi1Fa1lOMTBkZmZHUTZjQXhRZzVIblhRb3RhbDVTeklZPQ== |
Exactly! Cats think everything they can fit into is a fort. | r/catfort | comment | r/Catfort | 2010-12-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxcHRXQXhZZGg4bm9KTTlaMTl2a2pvZ1JjX3k2RTI2QzdYel9QNGFadEFxbGVOTjhXSml0bDBOMENJU3ZUc2cxSWJkVW9HczZjdXY2WmVrdE1CVWNteVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoMElOVkFPbGdFTnBqY1dWZlV4M2tlQmE2bjFMVXE1TTNPa0tIWmVDNFdzYy11VnpsZ2lmUmpmR3ZZZWFMOEt3bG1FeXNKZDZlZUFsTDQ0a0FRQzVhY21GSllkSXJmTi03TFVmX0I5MUk4SVF4aW1WV1VWN01wZmVMZFc2Z1VqNWZqMDNHdFRxNi1peWVUMWpmdVA0b3BEQzNIcVdSbkRWUG8xOFpYVDlHMGVNPQ== |
Sequel to [Meanwhile at Catfort](http://www.reddit.com/r/Dogfort/comments/elvd2/meanwhile_at_catfort/)by RetroPRO. | r/catfort | comment | r/Catfort | 2010-12-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxTGowMXdBZ1pyZzBibVQ4Zm9pbF9Fd1FBTVlXODRCQzZLS0ZfRGF0YVdPYjNZXzJuZGNPRUJTeVFmd3FPbXVuOTA2Zmo1U3NDelpVcllxZzBtT0NQd1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1Zob3ByWm9UNDRsMjU2OGJZSmlpT1hyWVk1RHJEeUhKNF8xUE10aVlPUGd3UXJkYnMta3VPaG02LUZiTEFnQ2RLSWJNSkhoYm5YYlUyTUpJdmZSMl90NlRBQ1NMT3JBbG0zVkg5V2s4SFBPVHliU2tWZ2dGbjBqSWpTTVBYQkNzOFp0MlM3dkVGdDJwMVl3bGg4ZERVdUY4Tk5waHZ2QmJwRGJ1QjRnUVRJYWJ4SVRqQWsyQm83RkNfUzc3cmluSHplSzJ5OTBNSE95aU45TVpmekc4dTNCdz09 |
Yup. Even a lowly cardboard box.
lol. You should submit this to r/dogfort too. "Meanwhile at Catfort: The Sequel" | r/catfort | comment | r/Catfort | 2010-12-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxR29wbTYtMk8xQUlZYmpPMlhwSTU5UjhkNF9rX2FtSWNROEpBc0tEdzhvck1VblJKRWFKakx5T1VILXJGNm9UYjF5YjhCT2xwaG0tVE9GWVgwUGJ3eEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoaWcwck53cVgxNXQwdWFhcjhiNG5rUk1JSzN0akVnVVgxbEZOUmx3ZEI5NHZOd3JlcGJSSzRqcHhXc1FPb2d5N3V6elVUR1hWckcwc3B0bUtmcFpsSy1CaTRQUEN5MjNiZlV3Q1hGMVRzVXM0VzRrUVBDdlNDZng5OTJxbHN4RmppMmdRUGlMZ2ZXbjlRbjBPVUtHOFB5WEFra2R6OGpBLTRhc21zUXlBMGdNYkk2UTBUQTlaU19aekR5Q1RtYVEzUFB0MEZKNTFodnVZempneFlmZy0tZz09 |
[HERE](http://www.reddit.com/r/Dogfort/comments/em1o4/official_cat_fort_decision_thread/) | r/catfort | comment | r/Catfort | 2010-12-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxUXViNU5GYXNPMGlzUHVjQXBTVXpjNUJiWEhOTlVra09lNTQ2c0gzRndMSi1IenpnRUtvSHI2ZERVVld5TjdhSXp2Y2tYWTlBZXFPNHp1QzRvc3J6SXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoTC01bmRsUlpWRFdmcmFPNmpTbGlCWW5UcjIxUVp0dDFrZ0gtNEVxV0VBSXRRT2hMZ2llZnFYcThYRDZ6enUyUWtPZ2hyVGprQWl3bHE2S3drVUVBdWc0RGpKZHluS0UxNGtxRzZOY0NvR05sbTJ2V243Z2VYaWRSN3F2eUZob1ZPSkZFV0NKUHBVMThGclkwUkM0VEJYS2RTS25TUXFBRXlORzhuX1k0Vm44PQ== |
ahah done, thanks! | r/catfort | comment | r/Catfort | 2010-12-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxbXd0bFo0MXRkMFRFTDdZSmtuNUFpejc5bEtJelhsUTlQMHItd2QyOWJNVlZ1MlA5UjZaVllmME1Gdm92eXVMNFVfNzhsM2pkd1pJMXRyY2lUbnNDLWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoLTR2VUl1WndQZnVGeDZ1TzBmeEhvNjVkMi1ObWZqSDhGY3kxdk1QTkZsT1FONkI1aTRCMUpVQUFWTHVfSVB5R0tZYVNxOGNvM1RNOXloZGJuODAzQ3IwUTdZSlJDOEZBbmNpbnB2OXo2UFBJdndkbWZtWkg3YVNGTDhIaXF4T0ZkU3lJMlpqcTVuU3JxbVE0MHFIazZpdE1jNTlNWXNfc2JFSWZ6ZXZ3dlFFWS1GNEYtZ0Q4Qzdyd2lYNkRqUWZnZ2NzU1pKYUVueGdKMUd5RWhybUtFZz09 |
Bueno! | r/catfort | comment | r/Catfort | 2010-12-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxUGU3Ulo1WFFVRzZHY242azQyV2VBXzQ1VVJBTm1CcTgxTl9taE5Vc21FbUdCTGtVcjhGSzM5bV93MGJUdkphd1VQaFl4RklLWVAwRHM1czdPOUNYdHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoWjlCOW5PYmhoQWtFX3ZDZHNoTDFZVUZtZXNjZ29pLVotcHpHdkxvbzRRcmZETkV4ZlFYc3c1akFxRzIzTFRONHU0bThTaDQzQmkwNVJRU21GMjZqMEZlazRMbmRyajlaV09iQXJVN1JNdzFFYWRIZ2NlWWV5cVdiQmhHb3lxZ1hlVmoxREtyMGRwemJSaTZvYnBLS1dyYkpGN09FcGdFOU0zQ3hic0FxMlFJPQ== |
He thinks he can fool us democats, but he's got another thing coming. | r/catfort | comment | r/Catfort | 2010-12-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxV3NYRHNmTmhGRl9CeS1ubmt3MnRBYU03Sjl1bXhwc1oySWdPaGNVUHBwb1VwYVZ6X1I3RmpwMXAyNUxXT0tDQ2d0bjNiMW02aFdFSlF2dm1wZExjbmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1Zod09pdlF1WnI3OF95ejVkMXBHWkpELTFDNlI1bXlrWUVpLWhHcDZkQWk3a3kzR3dxeWU4b2ZFdEFnb3pEcVdhdmJ5c3dsN3RUQjNoQ3RiQVE0cklONjhXYlcwcVUtTVZFOUZQUHdPSGRfQmdqQjR6SEF0ZkJ5MERnSXFLc3BCNEZrX2E5VGktQl9TX2N1elRpVGhta0ZCd1N6UHdmRGxkd3ZqSGVmWGc4SlpjPQ== |
Let's not turn this into a lolcat subreddit. | r/catfort | comment | r/Catfort | 2010-12-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxTURHS2tpTW5pYmo3cXRPNUFNRFM5MEc4ZTJQUUdGQzB4ZXhyMW52SkVDUFBSMnUwVkFzeWdvVEFPMDVtYk5UNXNjWVM4eWxNX21ER09IbGprNDBoQ2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZodklLSlJkd3J0N21nUVlpZXFJc0FPbWVidjZsSjRCLUVPM3gwSHY2Z01JZ2wwWHdBbEI0M0RMRmk5ckZMcWY3NjZKNUViTFM2RGdmT2x3czlBWmpwbFE5RTAtcElMVkdBeVJKY3IwUFh0VzcydUFVVTBLTl9ZMWd2OEhSX3R5RkNhaUw5bGV5OW5hMnN3cTJuV1hCeEU3djZVNkt6a0FtaTYtbGtXdUszOXBRPQ== |