Pileggi had to endure long bouts of make @-@ up application . To create the principal illusion of monstrous veins , long black faux @-@ veins were glued onto his face , arms , and torso . Pileggi , who had had to endure little to no make @-@ up during the early seasons , noted that , " They did a beautiful job and [ the veins ] looked awesome , but man , I hated it ! I really don 't know how those guys on Star Trek or Babylon 5 can stand having that done to them every day . I just wouldn 't work if that 's what it took " . To show the nanobot infection progressing , special effects makeup supervisor John Vulich used two different make @-@ up sets . The two sets were then mixed together electronically in post @-@ production to give the effect of disease progression . The nanobots in the blood sample were designed on a computer and then cloned with an animation program . Composer Mark Snow 's score for the episode was inspired by Daniel Sackheim 's " big @-@ time feature @-@ like action " .
He gave me a sense of balance , of right and wrong . He would make me read ; I never used to read anything at all . I remember he said , " Right , my boy , Wuthering Heights , Of Human Bondage and The Old Wives ' Tale by Arnold Bennett . That 'll do , those are three of the best . Read them " . I did . ... Noël also did a priceless thing , he taught me not to giggle on the stage . Once already I 'd been fired for doing it , and I was very nearly sacked from the Birmingham Rep. for the same reason . Noël cured me ; by trying to make me laugh outrageously , he taught me how not to give in to it . My great triumph came in New York when one night I managed to break Noël up on the stage without giggling myself . "
During World War II The German Navy deployed weather buoys ( Wetterfunkgerät See — WFS ) at fifteen fixed positions in the North Atlantic and Barents Sea . They were launched from U @-@ boats into a maximum depth of ocean of 1000 fathoms ( 1 @,@ 800 metres ) , limited by the length of the anchor cable . Overall height of the body was 10 @.@ 5 metres ( of which most was submerged ) , surmounted by a mast and extendible aerial of 9 metres . Data ( air and water temperature , atmospheric pressure and relative humidity ) were encoded and transmitted four times a day . When the batteries ( high voltage dry @-@ cells for the valves , and nickel @-@ iron for other power and to raise and lower the aerial mast ) were exhausted , after about eight to ten weeks , the unit self @-@ destructed .
American general St. Clair paused at Hubbardton to give the main army 's tired and hungry troops time to rest while he hoped the rear guard would arrive . When it did not arrive in time , he left Colonel Seth Warner and the Green Mountain Boys behind , along with the 2nd New Hampshire Regiment under Colonel Nathan Hale , at Hubbardton to wait for the rear while the main army marched on to Castleton . When Francis ' and Hale 's men arrived , Warner decided , against St. Clair 's orders , that they would spend the night there , rather than marching on to Castleton . Warner , who had experience in rear @-@ guard actions while serving in the invasion of Quebec , arranged the camps in a defensive position on Monument Hill , and set patrols to guard the road to Ticonderoga .
HMS Mentor , Lightfoot and Zubian
syādvāda — the theory of conditioned predication and ;
The St. Clair Catholic District School Board is responsible for the city 's seven elementary and two secondary Catholic schools ( St. Christopher 's and St. Patrick 's ) . In 2014 , St. Patrick 's and St. Christopher 's merged , under the St. Patrick 's name , on St. Christopher 's North Sarnia site .
Since airing , the episode has received mostly positive reviews from television critics . The authors of the book I Can 't Believe It 's a Bigger and Better Updated Unofficial Simpsons Guide , Warren Martyn and Adrian Wood , wrote : " A terrific episode , with Homer so stupid it isn 't true , yet still saving the day . Seeing Ned Flanders get it wrong is great , but the show @-@ stealer is a toss @-@ up between Borgnine 's great self @-@ deprecating role , the ironic seagull , and the dolphins . " DVD Movie Guide 's Colin Jacobson called it a " brilliant episode from start to finish " . He commented that " We see what an amazing amount of goods and services one can purchase in Springfield with only $ 20 , and we get a fun spoof of scouting . Add to that terrific rivalry moments between Bart and Homer and the show excels . " Patrick Bromley of DVD Verdict called the plot of the episode " typically inspired " , and gave it a grade of A. Bill Gibron of DVD Talk gave the episode a score of 5 out of 5 . TV DVD Reviews 's Kay Daly wrote : " And just when you think the Simpsons ' creators have taken parody as far as it can go , they air an episode like this . The writers cram the 22 @-@ minute episode with allusions to movie genres including disaster movies , Broadway musicals , adventure @-@ suspense and classic teen horror . " Adam Suraf of Dunkirkma.net named it one of his ten favorite episodes of the show . He called the musical sequence a " classic " . Rick Porter of Zap 2 It wrote in that he was not a " fan " of the episode 's second half : " Despite the presence of Borgnine , Homer is a little too aggressively stupid for my taste " . He thought the first part was " absolutely brilliant " , though .
= French cruiser Sully =
One of the earliest accounts of Waterfall Gully comes from a " Mr Kent " who , along with Captain Collet Barker and Barker 's servant , Miles , climbed Mount Lofty in 1831 . In making their ascent the party skirted a ravine — described by Mr Kent as possessing " smooth and grassy sides " — which is believed by Anne Hardy to have been Waterfall Gully . Subsequent to Barker 's ascent , the first settlers who were recorded as having climbed Mount Lofty were Bingham Hutchinson and his servant , William Burt . The pair made three attempts to scale the mount before succeeding , and for their first attempt they attempted to traverse Waterfall Gully . The attempt was unsuccessful , but in July 1837 , Hutchinson wrote about the gully through which they had travelled . Waterfall Gully he wrote , had proven difficult , as the plants were so thickly grown as to provide a significant barrier to their progress . Near the point of surrender , Hutchinson described how they were " agreeably surprised by seeing a wall of rock about fifty or sixty feet [ fifteen to eighteen metres ] high , which stretched across the ravine , and from the top of it leapt the brook which had so long been [ their ] companion " . The brook was First Creek , and the waterfall they sighted is today known as First Falls .
Critics have also noted the influence of Shakespeare in two passages . In the early movement , the savage race " That hoard , and sleep , and feed , and know not me " ( 5 ) echoes Hamlet 's soliloquy : " What is a man , / If his chief good and market of his time / Be but to sleep and feed ? A beast , no more . " Tennyson 's " How dull it is to pause , to make an end , / To rust unburnish ’ d , not to shine in use ! " ( 22 – 23 ) recalls Shakespeare 's Ulysses in Troilus and Cressida ( c . 1602 ) :
The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 in theory outlawed slavery in the Northwest Territory including the Minnesota area . The ordinance specifically stated
Stephen Hague – producer ( 1985 release )
A more recent theory , with broad support among archaeologists , is that Celtic culture and language arrived in Ireland as a result of cultural diffusion . This theory proposes that the Celticisation of Ireland may have been the culmination of a long process of social and economic interaction between Ireland , Britain and adjacent parts of Continental Europe .
= Bodyline =
The Feast of the Goat begins with the return of Urania to her hometown of Santo Domingo , a city which had been renamed Ciudad Trujillo during Trujillo 's time in power . This storyline is largely introspective and deals with Urania 's memories and her inner turmoil over the events preceding her departure from the Dominican Republic thirty @-@ five years earlier . Urania escaped the crumbling Trujillo regime in 1961 by claiming she planned to study under the tutelage of nuns in Michigan . In the following decades , she becomes a prominent and successful New York lawyer . She finally returns to the Dominican Republic in 1996 , on a whim , and finds herself compelled to confront her father and elements of her past she has long ignored . As Urania speaks to her ailing father , Agustin Cabral , she recalls more and more of the anger and disgust that led to her thirty @-@ five years of silence . Urania retells her father 's descent into political disgrace , and the betrayal that forms the crux of both Urania 's storyline and that of Trujillo himself .
On 23 June , Mosley said he was considering running for a fifth term as FIA president in October " in light of the attack on my mandate " . However , the following day FOTA and the FIA reached an agreement with Mosley agreeing not to stand for re @-@ election as part of the deal : ' now there is peace ' . Luca di Montezemolo welcomed Mosley 's decision to stand down and called Mosley a ' dictator ' . Mosley responded by saying that he was still considering his ' options ' and might well stand for re @-@ election in October after all . He later said that he was " under pressure from all over the world " to stand for re @-@ election . On 15 July , Mosley confirmed that he would after all stand down , and again endorsed former Ferrari Executive Director Jean Todt as his successor . Todt went on to win the presidency .
A group of blind men heard that a strange animal , called an elephant , had been brought to the town , but none of them were aware of its shape and form . Out of curiosity , they said : " We must inspect and know it by touch , of which we are capable " . So , they sought it out , and when they found it they groped about it . In the case of the first person , whose hand landed on the trunk , said " This being is like a drain pipe " . For another one whose hand reached its ear , it seemed like a kind of fan . As for another person , whose hand was upon its leg , said , " I perceive the shape of the elephant to be like a pillar " . And in the case of the one who placed his hand upon its back said , " Indeed , this elephant is like a throne " . Now , each of these presented a true aspect when he related what he had gained from experiencing the elephant . None of them had strayed from the true description of the elephant . Yet they fell short of fathoming the true appearance of the elephant .
The Adams River run occurs every year , but every fourth year ( called a " dominant " year ) , the numbers are much higher . 2014 was the most recent dominant run . According to Canada 's Department of Fisheries and Oceans , the Fraser River sockeye run of 2010 was the largest since 1913 , numbering an estimated 34 million fish . At least 3 @,@ 866 @,@ 000 of these fish returned to the Adams River to spawn . There is no clear consensus as to why the Adams stock has rebounded so remarkably ( 1991 saw an estimated return of 718 fish ) . In the Globe and Mail , Simon Fraser University biologist John Reynolds said “ [ predicting salmon numbers ] is massively complex , even for a scientist . ”
Divya Srinivasan – artwork
To improve Britain 's cultural influence abroad , Wheeler had been urging the establishment of a British Institute of History and Archaeology in East Africa , touring East Africa itself in August 1955 . In 1956 the Academy requested £ 6 @,@ 000 from the Treasury to fund this new institution , to which they eventually agreed in 1959 . The Institute was initially established in Dar es Salaam in 1961 , although later relocated to Nairobi . Meanwhile , Wheeler had also been campaigning for the establishment of a British Institute of Persian Studies , a project which was supported by the British Embassy in Tehran ; they hoped that it would rival the successful French Institute in the city . In 1960 , the Treasury agreed , with the new institution being housed on the premises of the University of Tehran . He further campaigned for the establishment of a British Institute in Japan , although these ideas were scrapped amid the British financial crisis of 1967 .
Oldham 's town centre contains the highest concentration of retailing , cultural facilities and employment in the Metropolitan Borough of Oldham . It has been extensively redeveloped during the last few decades , and its two shopping centres , Town Square and the Spindles , now provide one of the largest covered retail areas in Greater Manchester . The Spindles ( named with reference to textile spindles ) is a modern shopping centre with over 40 retailers , banks , building societies and catering outlets . It houses one of Europe 's largest stained glass roofs , created by local artist Brian Clarke in celebration of the music of one of Oldham 's famous sons , composer and conductor Sir William Walton .
Odyssey Number Five was Powderfinger 's shortest album when recorded , running for approximately 45 minutes . The focus of the album was on restraint , with more simplistic lyrics than previously , and with a plain and simple message intended . Fanning said of his songwriting ethic : " You try and make it something that ’ s got some substance , but also , you can never do that at the cost of it having relevance to what you ’ re singing . " Powderfinger manager Paul Piticco commented that " their ethos is to be pushing the limits of their songwriting ability " .
Ransome argues that Wilde freed himself by abandoning the melodrama , the basic structure which underlies his earlier social comedies , and basing the story entirely on the Earnest / Ernest verbal conceit . Now freed from " living up to any drama more serious than conversation " Wilde could now amuse himself to a fuller extent with quips , bons @-@ mots , epigrams and repartee that really had little to do with the business at hand .
Because Bennett was the first American woman to have her fantasy and science fiction widely published , she has been recognized in recent years as a pioneering female fantasy author .
From a historical perspective , the first written mention of Eshmun goes back to 754 BC , the date of the signing of the treaty between Assyrian king Ashur @-@ nirari V and Mati 'el , king of Arpad ; Eshmun figures in the text as a patron of the treaty .
The commission was critiqued by Haitian groups for lacking Haitian civil society representation and accountability mechanisms . Half the representation on the commission was given to foreigners who effectively bought their seats by pledging certain amounts of money . An international development consultant contracted by the commission was quoted as saying , “ Look , you have to realize the IHRC [ commission ] was not intended to work as a structure or entity for Haiti or Haitians . It was simply designed as a vehicle for donors to funnel multinationals ’ and NGOs ’ project contracts . ”
Thomas Quiney was born in Stratford @-@ upon @-@ Avon and baptised on 26 February 1589 in Holy Trinity Church . He was the son of Richard and Elizabeth Quiney . He had 10 siblings , among them a Richard Quiney who was a grocer in London , Mary Quiney who later married Richard Watts , the vicar of Harbury , and Elizabeth Quiney who married William Chandler . There is no record of Thomas Quiney 's attendance at the local school , but he had sufficient education to write short passages in French , run a business , and hold several municipal offices in his life .
The bill offered four improvements from the perspective of the churches over the World War I provisions . The exemption applied to conscientious objection based on religious training or belief , opening the door for members of any religious denomination to apply for CO status . Draftees turned down by local draft board could appeal under the new law . Those assigned to " work of national importance " would be under civilian , not military , control and violations of law on the part of those in the program were subject to normal federal jurisdiction , not the military justice system . From the military perspective , it removed the burden of dealing with thousands of uncooperative draftees and segregated the COs and their philosophy from military service members .
The conflict between Queen Charlotte and Montagne was oddly one @-@ sided , the French flagship failing to make use of her lower @-@ deck guns and consequently suffering extensive damage and casualties . Queen Charlotte in her turn was damaged by fire from nearby ships and was therefore unable to follow when Montagne set her remaining sails and slipped to the north to create a new focal point for the survivors of the French fleet . Queen Charlotte also took fire during the engagement from HMS Gibraltar , under Thomas Mackenzie , which had failed to close with the enemy and instead fired at random into the smoke bank surrounding the flagship . Captain Sir Andrew Snape Douglas was seriously wounded by this fire . Following Montagne 's escape , Queen Charlotte engaged Jacobin and Républicain as they passed , and was successful in forcing the surrender of Juste . To the east of Queen Charlotte , Brunswick and Vengeur du Peuple continued their bitter combat , locked together and firing main broadsides from point blank range . Captain Harvey of Brunswick was mortally wounded early in this action by langrage fire from Vengeur , but refused to quit the deck , ordering more fire into his opponent . Brunswick also managed to drive Achille off from her far side when the French ship attempted to intervene . Achille , already damaged , was totally dismasted in the exchange and briefly surrendered , although her crew rescinded this when it became clear Brunswick was in no position to take possession . With her colours rehoisted , Achille then made what sail she could in an attempt to join Villaret to the north . It was not until 12 : 45 that the shattered Vengeur and Brunswick pulled apart , both largely dismasted and very battered . Brunswick was only able to return to the British side of the line after being supported by Ramillies , while Vengeur was unable to move at all . Ramillies took Vengeur 's surrender after a brief cannonade but was unable to board her and instead pursued the fleeing Achille , which soon surrendered as well .
Slow distribution of resources in the days after the earthquake resulted in sporadic violence , with looting reported . There were also accounts of looters wounded or killed by vigilantes and neighbourhoods that had constructed their own roadblock barricades . Dr Evan Lyon of Partners in Health , working at the General Hospital in Port @-@ au @-@ Prince , claimed that misinformation and overblown reports of violence had hampered the delivery of aid and medical services .
Plans for a Simone biographical film were released at the end of 2005 , to be based on Simone 's autobiography I Put a Spell on You ( 1992 ) and to focus on her relationship in later life with her assistant , Clifton Henderson , who died in 2006 ; Simone 's daughter , Simone Kelly , has since refuted the existence of a romantic relationship between Simone and Henderson on account of his homosexuality . Cynthia Mort , screenwriter of Will & Grace and Roseanne , has written the screenplay and directed the film , Nina , which stars Zoe Saldana in the title role . In May 2014 , the film was shown to potential distributors at the Cannes Film Festival , but has , as of August 2014 , not been seen by reviewers .
Produced by the White Motor Company , the vehicle was simply a 75 mm Pack Howitzer M1 mounted on a modified M3 Half @-@ track . It was first used in combat in the North African Campaign in November 1942 . It later served in Italy and France , and possibly in the Pacific . Some were later leased to French forces and the type was used as late as the First Indochina War in the 1950s .
The original soundtrack was also re @-@ arranged and re @-@ recorded . Kenji Kawai remixed the Version 2 @.@ 0 soundtrack in 6 @.@ 1 Channel Surround . Randy Thom of Skywalker Sound reprised his role as sound designer , having worked previously on Ghost in the Shell 2 : Innocence . In the new soundtrack , the Japanese voice dialogue was also re @-@ recorded , with some variation from the original script to modernize the speech . Yoshiko Sakakibara replaced Iemasa Kayumi as the voice of the Puppet Master .
The machinery arrangement " provided good dispersal of the machinery spaces , but at the cost of very long runs for the wing shafts ( ca . 105 meters ( 344 @.@ 5 ft ) ) " . The turbine compartments for the wing shafts were located forward of boiler room No. 1 and aft of the No. 2 turret magazines . The engine room for the center shaft 's turbine was between boiler room No. 2 and No. 3 . This meant that the wing propeller shafts had to run underneath the boilers .
At this time Semaphore , with its jetty built in 1860 , was the state 's main entry point for passengers and mail . It had a signal station ( built 1872 ) and a time ball tower ( built 1875 ) . Semaphore remained of great maritime significance for the state until the 1880s . When the decision was made to build the fort , in 1878 , the state 's population had reached approximately 250 @,@ 000 . Settlement extended beyond Port Augusta , though Adelaide remained the dominant feature in the economy partly due to the layout of the rail network . At this point Adelaide had a population of over 30 @,@ 000 . Port Adelaide was the main port for South Australia , with over 1000 ships visiting each year , and a local population of over 2 @,@ 500 .
Could it be drained by deepening the natural outlets ? Would it not open to cultivation immense tracts of rich vegetable soil ? Could the waterpower , obtained by draining , be improved to any useful purpose ? Would such draining render the country unhealthy ? ... Many queries like these passed through our minds . They can only be solved by a thorough examination of the whole country . Could the waters be lowered ten feet , it would probably drain six hundred thousand acres ; should this prove to be a rich soil , as would seem probable , what a field it would open for tropical productions ! What facilities for commerce !
The Last Exit on Brooklyn was a Seattle University District coffeehouse established in 1967 by Irv Cisski . It is known for its part in the history of Seattle 's counterculture , for its pioneering role in establishing Seattle 's coffee culture , and as a former chess venue frequented by several master players .
Green 's campaign to suppress desire , as one commentator called it , was not always popular , but he became one of London 's much @-@ loved eccentrics . The Sunday Times interviewed him in 1985 , and his " less passion from less protein " slogan was used by the fashion house Red or Dead .
Flower Fairies of the Spring ; Blackie , 1923
As his first activity , Burns has Homer throw silver dollars from the top of a tall building , which instead of winning him popularity just causes injuries and terrifies the crowds below . Next , he writes out a check and tells Homer to donate it to the Springfield Hospital , but Homer is mistakenly believed to be the donor and receives the credit . Mr. Burns appears on a radio show called " Jerry Rude and the Bathroom Bunch " and is mocked by Rude . Feeling disappointed , Mr. Burns decides to go to Scotland to capture the legendary Loch Ness Monster with help from Homer , Professor Frink and Groundskeeper Willie . After little progress , Burns has the loch drained of water to expose the creature . After subduing the monster single @-@ handed ( although it is not shown , it is mentioned that the monster swallowed him ) , Burns has it sent to Springfield to be unveiled , where " Nessie " turns out to be friendly and charms all of the spectators .
= St Mary 's Church , Nether Alderley =
In the 2011 Census , the City of Sarnia had a population of 72 @,@ 366 , an increase of 1 @.@ 3 % from the 2006 Census . With a land area of 164 @.@ 71 km2 ( 63 @.@ 59 sq mi ) , it had a population density of 439 @.@ 354 / km2 ( 1 @,@ 137 @.@ 92 / sq mi ) in 2011 .
On 20 April 1812 , a " large crowd of riotous individuals " compelled local retailers to sell foods at a loss , whilst on the same day Luddites numbering in their thousands , many of whom were from Oldham , attacked a cotton mill in nearby Middleton . On 16 August 1819 , Oldham sent a contingent estimated at well above 10 @,@ 000 to hear speakers in St Peter 's Fields at Manchester discuss political reform ; it was the largest contingent sent to Manchester . John Lees , a cotton operative and ex @-@ soldier who had fought at Waterloo , was one of the fifteen victims of the Peterloo Massacre which followed . The ' Oldham inquest ' which proceeded the massacre was anxiously watched ; the Court of King 's Bench , however , decided that the proceedings were irregular , and the jury were discharged without giving a verdict .
= Derfflinger @-@ class battlecruiser =
Eshmunazar II displayed his new @-@ found wealth by constructing numerous temples to Sidonian divinities . Inscriptions found on the king 's sarcophagus reveal that he and his mother , Amashtarte , built temples to the gods of Sidon , including the Temple of Eshmun by the " Ydll source near the cistern " .
In 1969 Olivier appeared in two war films , portraying military leaders . He played Field Marshal French in the First World War film Oh ! What a Lovely War , for which he won another BAFTA award , followed by Air Chief Marshal Hugh Dowding in Battle of Britain . In June 1970 he became the first actor to be created a peer for services to the theatre . Although he initially declined the honour , Harold Wilson , the incumbent prime minister , wrote to him , then invited him and Plowright to dinner , and persuaded him to accept .
Thomas Charles @-@ Edwards has suggested that the kingdom of Dál Riata was a cross @-@ roads between the artistic styles of the Picts and those of Ireland , with which the Scots settlers in what is now Argyll kept close contacts . This can be seen in representations found in excavations of the fortress of Dunadd , which combine Pictish and Irish elements . This included extensive evidence for the production of high status jewellery and moulds from the seventh century that indicate the production of pieces similar to the Hunterston brooch , found in Ayrshire , which may have been made in Dál Riata , but with elements that suggest Irish origins . These and other finds , including a trumpet spiral decorated hanging bowl disc and a stamped animal decoration ( or pressblech ) , perhaps from a bucket or drinking horn , indicate the ways in which Dál Riata was one of the locations where the Insular style was developed . In the eighth and ninth centuries the Pictish elite adopted true penannular brooches with lobed terminals from Ireland . Some older Irish pseudo @-@ penannular brooches were adapted to the Pictish style , for example the Breadalbane Brooch ( British Museum ) . The eighth century Monymusk Reliquary has elements of Pictish and Irish style .
The band contributed to Bosnian relief efforts to enhance humanitarian and public awareness of the issue , and Bono and Carter subsequently collaborated on the documentary Miss Sarajevo , which showcased the war @-@ torn city during Carter 's six months living there . In 1995 , U2 and Eno wrote the song " Miss Sarajevo " as a response to " the surreal acts of defiance that had taken place during the siege of Sarajevo " . One such act was a beauty pageant organized by Bosnian women who planned to fight the war with their " lipstick and heels " . During the pageant , all of the participants walked onto the stage carrying a banner that said , " Don 't let them kill us " . The winner of the pageant , 17 @-@ year @-@ old Inela Nogić , later said the pageant " was a crazy thing to do during a war . But we tried to live a normal life . It was some kind of a defence mechanism we all had . " Years later , Bono said , " It was pure Dada and it deserved to be celebrated in song . " Of the song 's meaning , he said , " Everywhere people had heard their call for help — but help never came . That was the feeling . I had tried to tackle subjects like this head @-@ on , but I 'd learnt a lesson . You have to try and make the same points , in a different , less direct , more surrealist way . " " Miss Sarajevo " was recorded with Luciano Pavarotti and released as the first single from U2 's side @-@ project with Eno entitled Original Soundtracks 1 ; the record was released under the pseudonym " Passengers " .
Following the speech , Nixon formally selected Governor Spiro Agnew of Maryland as his running mate , who received 1119 delegate votes , with the distant second being Governor Romney with 186 . Agnew was relatively unknown nationally , and was selected due to his purported appeal to African Americans , and work for the Nixon campaign after an embarrassing experience as the head of the Draft Rockefeller movement . It was later noted that the convention had featured Nixon as the centrist candidate with Rockefeller to his left and Reagan to his right . The same analysis applied to the general campaign , as commentators noted that Nixon would stand to the right of the still undecided Democratic nominee but would fall to the left of American Independent Party candidate George Wallace .
Changes from the standard Tu @-@ 2 were minimized to speed production and they consisted of the following :
The Agamic texts like the Amsumadbhedagama , the Uttara @-@ kamaikagama and the Purva @-@ Karanagama prescribe the iconography of the Kalyanasunadara icon .
During September 1909 , a Japanese calling himself ' Nobu Taka ' arrived in Mexico City for the purpose of challenging Maeda for what the Mexican Herald said would be the world jujutsu championship . After several months of public wrangling , Taka and Maeda met at the Colon Theater on November 16 , 1909 ; Taka won . There was an immediate rematch , and four days later , Maeda was pronounced the champion . It was later revealed that Taka was , in fact , Maeda 's old friend , Soishiro Satake .
At a trial on 10 October at Shaoguan Intermediate People 's Court , Xiao Jianhua ( 肖建华 ) was sentenced to death for being the " principal instigator " of the violence and Xu Qiqi ( 许其琪 ) was given a life sentence for manslaughter ; three other people were sentenced to seven to eight years for assault . On the same day , the People 's Court of Wujiang District , Shaoguan , jailed three more Han workers and three Uyghurs for participating in the brawl ; they were sentenced to five to seven years ' imprisonment .
Plunketts Creek has been a place for lumber and tourism since its villages were founded . Before the advent of automobiles , the area was quite isolated and the 16 mile ( 26 km ) trip to Montoursville took at least three hours ( today it takes less than half an hour ) . Residents who used to work locally now commute to Williamsport . " Cabin people " have seasonally increased the population for years , but increasing numbers now live there year round . From 1950 to 2000 , the population of Plunketts Creek Township increased 80 @.@ 6 percent from 427 to 771 ( for comparison , in the same period Lycoming County 's population increased by only 18 @.@ 6 percent , while Sullivan County 's declined by 2 @.@ 9 percent ) . Tourists still come too : the opening weekend of the trout season brings more people into the village at the mouth of Plunketts Creek than any other time of the year .
Despite the critical acclaim " Ulysses " received , its rise within the Tennyson canon took decades . Tennyson did not usually select it for publication in poetry anthologies ; in teaching anthologies , however , the poem was usually included — and it remains a popular teaching poem today . Its current prominence in Tennyson 's oeuvre is the result of two trends , according to Tennyson scholar Matthew Rowlinson : the rise of formal English poetry studies in the late nineteenth century , and the Victorian effort to articulate a British culture that could be exported . He argues that " Ulysses " forms part of the prehistory of imperialism — a term that only appeared in the language in 1851 . The protagonist sounds like a " colonial administrator " , and his reference to seeking a newer world ( 57 ) echoes the phrase " New World " , which became common during the Renaissance . While " Ulysses " cannot be read as overtly imperialistic , Tennyson 's later work as Poet Laureate sometimes argues for the value of Britain 's colonies , or was accused of jingoism . Rowlinson invokes the Marxist theorist Louis Althusser 's extension of the argument that ideology is ahistorical , finding that Tennyson 's poem " comes before an ideological construction for which it nonetheless makes people nostalgic " .
At the beginning of the 19th century many parts of the Minnesota area were already well traveled by British and French explorers . Though the region 's population was mostly Native American , there were important British trading posts in the area with many European and mixed @-@ race settlers , particularly in the north . Grand Portage , in particular , had long been established as the major trading center for the North West Company .
From 1993 until 2002 , Shimomura worked for Square , where she composed for a further eight games . While working for Square , she was best known for her work on the soundtrack for Kingdom Hearts , which was her last game for the company before leaving . Starting with Mario & Luigi : Superstar Saga in 2003 , she began working as an active freelancer .
Artillery and long @-@ range machine gun fire continued to riddle the wrecks and the combined crews were ordered to evacuate as the officers set the scuttling charges which would sink the blockships in their current , useless locations . As men scrambled down the side of the cruisers into Coastal Motor Boats which would relay them to the Offshore Squadron , destroyers moved closer to Ostend to cover the retreat and the monitors continued their heavy fire . Godsal was the last to leave , picked up by launch ML276 commanded by Lieutenant Rowley Bourke . With the main assault a complete failure , the blockading forces returned to Dover and Dunkirk to assess the disaster .
TV Guide listed " Kir 'Shara " on its Hot List for the day , while the preview by IGN said that the show " finally grows up and becomes a Star Trek series this week " . It described " Kir 'Shara " as " far from a perfectly executed Trek story but they get enough right to make it a lot easier to overlook the few things they miss . " It said that there had been an overall improvement in the fourth season , and that " this could become some of the best Star Trek ever made " . It gave " Kir 'Shara " a rating of four and a half out of five . In Matthew Kappell 's book Star Trek As Myth , he said that he felt that the revelation that the previous Vulcan administration was working with the Romulans all along " suddenly makes sense of years of previously incomprehensible Vulcan policy " and linked to The Next Generation episode " Unification " .
The section from the Capel Llanilltern Interchange on the M4 ( junction 33 ) to the Queen 's Gate roundabout is sometimes referred to as the Western Link Road ( Welsh : Ffordd Gyswllt Gorllewin ) , is 15 @.@ 77 kilometers ( 9 @.@ 80 mi ) in length and includes the Capel Llanilltern – Culverhouse Cross Link Road , Ely Link Road , Grangetown Link Road and Butetown Link Road . For the majority of this section it is the boundary between the City of Cardiff to the east and the Vale of Glamorgan to the west .
A year later she published her only science fiction novel , The Heads of Cerberus ( The Thrill Book , 1919 ) . One of the first dystopian novels , the book features a " grey dust from a silver phial " which transports anyone who inhales it to a totalitarian Philadelphia of 2118 AD
With the enemy subdued , Strachan ordered a thorough search of the captured vessels , but could find no contraband and returned control to the French commander . The French officer however refused , insisting that he and his ship were treated as prisoners of war . Cornwallis ordered the merchant ships released to continue their journey and for the frigate to be towed back to Mahé , where it was anchored in the roads with its sails and topmasts struck . Provision was subsequently made at Mahé by Strachan for the wounded French sailors . Soon afterwards Saint @-@ Félix arrived at Mahé in his frigate Cybèle and reacted furiously at the discovery that one of his neutral ships had been attacked and captured by the British . When Cornwallis insisted that his ships had been acting within their orders , Saint @-@ Félix promised reprisals if any of his vessels were attacked again and withdrew with both Cybèle and Résolue later in the day , followed by Minerva and Phoenix . One account reported that Saint @-@ Félix actually ordered his crew to fire on Cornwallis but that they refused . The British shadowed the French for several days , openly stopping and searching French merchant ships but without provoking a response from Saint @-@ Félix . Résolue and Phoenix were subsequently detached by their commanders , Cornwallis and Saint @-@ Félix remaining in contact for several more days before finally separating .
In 1968 , Arthur C. Clarke and Stanley Kubrick had imagined that by the year 2001 , a machine would exist with an intelligence that matched or exceeded the capability of human beings . The character they created , HAL 9000 , was based on a belief shared by many leading AI researchers that such a machine would exist by the year 2001 .
On 3 or 4 January 1644 , the five leading dissenting brethren signalled a break with the rest of the Assembly when they published An Apologeticall Narration , a polemical pamphlet appealing to Parliament . It argued that the congregational system was more amenable to state control of religious matters than that of the presbyterians because they did not desire the church to retain any real power except to withdraw fellowship from aberrant congregations . By 17 January , the majority of the Assembly had become convinced that the best way forward was a presbyterian system similar to that of the Scots , but the dissenting brethren were allowed to continue to state their case in hope that they could eventually be reconciled . It was hoped that by avoiding asserting that presbyterianism was established by divine right , the congregationalists could be accommodated .
The steel track is approximately 1 @,@ 235 feet ( 376 m ) in length and the height of the tower is approximately 415 feet ( 126 m ) . The tower is in an " L " shape with two parallel tracks . When the ride opened , the entire structure was painted white . After the ride was refurbished , the top third of the structure was painted red , the track was painted yellow and the rest was painted blue .
= The Amps =
Received & Issued :
The armored version of the Storm 3 , designed for protection against light weapon threats , incorporates a heavy duty transfer case and a specially designed suspension system which includes heavy duty springs ( front - coil , rear - leaf ) and shock absorbers , together with rigid heavy duty axles allowing for a smooth and safe ride on both rough terrain as well as regular highways .
Except for Æsthetic Club meetings , the Tower Building remained largely unoccupied for almost fifty years and suffered significant deterioration . The Æsthetic Club provided much @-@ needed financial support during the period and even paid the electric bill during the Great Depression . The Æsthetic Club is still headquartered in the Tower Building .
Founded in 2003 as part of a government project for 11- to 19 @-@ year @-@ olds , Partington and Carrington Youth Partnership ( PCYP ) has since expanded its scope and provides facilities for youths up to the age of 25 . It runs a 5 @-@ a @-@ side football league and Screamin ' Wheels Skate Park . In 2009 it was announced that a £ 5 million youth centre would be built in the town . Based on designs by pupils from Broadoak Secondary School , the centre will provide facilities for workshops in dance , film @-@ making , and art . Headmaster of the school , Andy Griffin , said " It 's a massive thing for Partington as this will help kick @-@ start regeneration of the town . I think it will also help bring people to Partington rather than leaving " .
= Hibiscus ( restaurant ) =
In the interlude before the first encore , U2 had a worried discussion over the introduction to " Miss Sarajevo " . The song had only been played once prior — at a benefit concert in 1995 with Bono , The Edge , Eno , and Pavarotti . They returned to the stage and played " Discothèque " , " If You Wear That Velvet Dress " , " With or Without You " , and a rough version of " Miss Sarajevo " . Pavarotti was not at the concert to sing his part and so an antique gramophone was brought onto the stage in his place . Eno came on stage to sing backing vocals , and Bono invited Nogić on stage during the chorus . During the song , the video screen showed images from Carter 's Miss Sarajevo documentary , including footage of the girls taking part in the beauty contest and the banner reading " Please don 't let them kill us " . Bono apologized for the rocky performance at the end of the song , saying " Sarajevo , this song was written for you . I hope you like it , because we can 't fucking play it . " The concert concluded with a second encore of " Hold Me , Thrill Me , Kiss Me , Kill Me " , " Mysterious Ways " , " One " , and an abbreviated cover of " Unchained Melody " .
In the 20th century , the study of mathematical logic provided the essential breakthrough that made artificial intelligence seem plausible . The foundations had been set by such works as Boole 's The Laws of Thought and Frege 's Begriffsschrift . Building on Frege 's system , Russell and Whitehead presented a formal treatment of the foundations of mathematics in their masterpiece , the Principia Mathematica in 1913 . Inspired by Russell 's success , David Hilbert challenged mathematicians of the 1920s and 30s to answer this fundamental question : " can all of mathematical reasoning be formalized ? " His question was answered by Gödel 's incompleteness proof , Turing 's machine and Church 's Lambda calculus . Their answer was surprising in two ways .
In the aftermath of the famine , an increase in industrial production and a surge in trade brought a succession of construction booms . The population soared in the latter part of this century and the architectural legacy of Georgian Ireland was built . In 1782 , Poynings ' Law was repealed , giving Ireland legislative independence from Great Britain for the first time since 1495 . The British government , however , still retained the right to nominate the government of Ireland without the consent of the Irish parliament .
At Springfield Elementary , Lisa is presented with a brain teaser , which she is unable to solve . Following this incident , Lisa finds herself unable to perform simple tasks . Later , Lisa tells Grampa about her recent cognitive problems . He seems to recognize this , and tells Lisa about the " Simpson Gene " , which apparently causes all members of the Simpson family to gradually lose their intelligence as they get older .
The GB £ 14 @.@ 5 million Capel Llanilltern – Culverhouse Cross Link Road ( Welsh : Ffordd Gyswllt Capel Llanilltern – Croes Cwrlwys ) , also known as the A4232 Trunk Road ( as it is the only section of the PDR which is a trunk road ) , between the Capel Llanilltern Interchange ( 51 @.@ 506481 ° N 3 @.@ 310425 ° W  / 51 @.@ 506481 ; -3.310425  ( Capel Llanilltern Interchange ( M4 J33 ) ) ) and the Culverhouse Cross Interchange ( 51 @.@ 466350 ° N 3 @.@ 271110 ° W  / 51 @.@ 466350 ; -3.271110  ( Culverhouse Cross Interchange ) ) was opened in 1985 . It was designed to provide a by @-@ pass for traffic from the M4 to the Vale of Glamorgan . It is 5 @.@ 47 km ( 3 @.@ 40 mi ) in length and includes the Ely Viaduct close to Michaelston @-@ super @-@ Ely . The trunk road is maintained by the South Wales Trunk Road Agency ( SWTRA ) on behalf of the Welsh Assembly Government ( WAG ) . The remainder of the PDR is a primary route , which is maintained by Cardiff Council . In 2006 variable message signs were installed on the Capel Llanilltern – Culverhouse Cross Link Road by Techspan Systems to display messages giving motorists warning of road and weather conditions , accidents , congestion and major events held in the area .
During the spring and summer , Nixon traveled to Eastern Europe and Latin America to bolster his foreign policy credentials . He returned in August to conduct meetings with his advisers to formulate a solid campaign strategy . Two days later , his campaign manager , Gaylord Parkinson , left his position to care for his ailing wife . Political commentators speculated that the vacancy built " an element of instability " for the campaign . The position was soon temporarily filled by former Governor Henry Bellmon of Oklahoma . The next week , five staff members were fired after private investigators determined that information had been leaked to the campaigns of potential primary rivals Governors Rockefeller and Reagan . The news did not stall the progression of the campaign , and soon Nixon , Mudge , Rose , Guthrie & Alexander member Leonard Garment assembled an advertising team that included CBS Television president Frank Shakespeare .
A Storm Mark III was set to be produced for the Israeli defense forces starting in June 2008 , when the IDF was to purchase around 600 vehicles beginning in early 2011 . Based on the then new four @-@ door Jeep Wrangler JK design , the Mark III is meant to address some of the shortfalls of the earlier Mark II . Whereas the previous vehicle was an update of the original TK Storm , the Storm III was designed from the outset with a five @-@ door configuration . Unlike the TJ @-@ L , the new JK Storm has a much higher maximum load capacity in part due to heavier @-@ duty shock absorbers , springs and axles , necessary for an armored version . It includes a standard 2.8L VM Motori turbodiesel and automatic transmission .
A pet @-@ lamb in a sentimental farce !
Tufaro criticized O 'Malley 's zero tolerance policy , suggesting it would lead to increased police brutality towards minorities . He instead proposed continuing Mayor Schmoke 's community policing strategy . Opponents of the zero tolerance policy tried to tie O 'Malley to the Baltimore Police shooting of an African American car theft suspect .
= Charmbracelet =
Papponymy , the practice of naming boys after their grandfathers , was common among the Qedar . Some Qedarites had Aramaic personal names ( e.g. Hazael or Haza @-@ el ) , while others had Arabic personal names ( e.g. Gashmu and Zabibe ) . Aramaic civilization and its peoples were gradually absorbed by the Arabs with Arabic dialects in Lebanon , Palestine , Syria , and Iraq in particular exhibiting the influence of Aramaic .
Various wuxia novels and folk legends have endowed Zhou with different kinds of martial and supernatural skills . These range from mastery of the bow , double broadswords , and Chinese spear to that of Wudang hard qigong and even x @-@ ray vision . Practitioners of Eagle Claw , Chuojiao and Xingyi commonly include him within their lineage history because of his association with Yue Fei , the supposed progenitor of these styles . He is also linked to Northern Praying Mantis boxing via Lin Chong and Yan Qing . Wang Shaotang 's folktale even represents him as a master of Drunken Eight Immortals boxing . However , the oldest historical record that mentions his name only says he taught archery to Yue Fei . Nothing is ever said about him knowing or teaching a specific style of Chinese martial arts .
Jane Dudley ( née Guildford ) , Duchess of Northumberland ( 1508 / 1509 – 1555 ) was an English noblewoman , the wife of John Dudley , 1st Duke of Northumberland and mother of Guildford Dudley and Robert Dudley , 1st Earl of Leicester . Having grown up with her future husband , who was her father 's ward , she married at about age 16 . They had 13 children . Jane Dudley served as a lady @-@ in @-@ waiting at the court of Henry VIII and was a close friend of Queen Catherine Parr . Reformed in religious outlook , she was also a supporter of the Protestant martyr Anne Askew .
Born as Vasudeva in Pajaka village near Udupi in 1238 , he learnt the Vedas and Upanishads under his guru Achyutapreksha . He was initiated into sanyasa ( asceticism ) after which he earned the name Madhvacharya ( or Anandatirtha ) . Later , he disagreed with the views of his guru and began to travel India . He successfully debated with many scholars and philosophers during this time and won over Naraharitirtha , a minister in Kalinga , who would later become Madhvacharya 's first notable disciple . Unlike Adi Shankaracharya ( 788 – 820 ) who preached Advaita philosophy ( monism ) and Ramanujacharya who propounded Vishishtadvaita philosophy ( qualified monism ) , Madhvacharya taught the Dvaita philosophy ( dualism ) .
Unicode has a codepoint reserved for Allāh , ﷲ = U + FDF2 , in the Arabic Presentation Forms @-@ A block , which exists solely for " compatibility with some older , legacy character sets that encoded presentation forms directly " ; this is discouraged for new text . Instead , the word Allāh should be represented by its individual Arabic letters , while modern font technologies will render the desired ligature .
Credits adapted from the inlay cover of Rated R.
Mottram stated that the crushing mechanism had been developed and refined for six months before developing the story and characters ; the development team wanted to have " a normal person in an impossible situation " . The art and level design were inspired by Tim Burton , Mike Mignola , and M.C. Escher . The plot was originally more morbid than in the final product , with Danny dying and the rest of the game told as flashbacks .
The Game Boy was released in Japan in April 1989 , North America in July , and Europe in September 1990 , and Super Mario Land was a launch title . The game 's official first released was on April 21 , 1989 , in Japan , and its North American release followed in August . About 22 years later , Super Mario Land was released for the Nintendo 3DS via Virtual Console on June 6 , 2011 , as one of its opening titles . Its added features include an increased size ( about 60 percent zoom ) and an optional " shades of green " color palette to match the effect of the original Game Boy 's monochrome .
With Soishiro Satake , Maeda formed the head of the second generation of Kodokan judoka , which had replaced the first by the beginning of the 20th century . Satake , at 175 cm and 80 kg , was unmatched in amateur sumo but admitted that he himself was not able to match Maeda in judo . Satake would later travel to South America with Maeda and settle in Manaus , Amazonas State , while Maeda continued traveling . Satake would become the founder , in 1914 , of the first historically registered judo academy in Brazil . He and Maeda are considered the pioneers of judo in Brazil .
The American novelist Judith Freeman wrote that one of the common themes in The Good Terrorist is that of keeping one 's identity in a collective , of preserving " individual conscience " . This theme suggests that problems occur when we are coerced into conforming . Freeman said that Alice is a " quintessential good woman ... the little Hausefrau revolutionary " , but turns bad under peer pressure .
The early Jain canons and teachings contained multitudes of references to anekāntavāda and syādvāda in rudimentary form without giving it proper structure or establishing it as a separate doctrine . Śvētāmbara text , Sutrakritanga contains references to Vibhagyavāda , which , according to Hermann Jacobi , is the same as syādvāda and saptibhaṅgī . Bhagvatisūtra mentions only three primary predications of the saptibhaṅgīnaya . After Mahāvīra , Kundakunda ( 1st century CE ) was the first author – saint to expound on the doctrine of syādvāda and saptibhaṅgī and give it a proper structure in his famous works Pravacanasāra and Pancastikayasāra . Kundakunda also used nayas to discuss the essence of the self in Samayasāra . Proper classification of the nayas was provided by the philosopher monk , Umāsvāti ( 2nd century CE ) in Tattvārthasūtra . Samantabhadra ( 2nd century CE ) and Siddhasena Divākara ( 3rd century CE ) further fine @-@ tuned Jain epistemology and logic by expounding on the concepts of anekāntavāda in proper form and structure .
Barrow was an able boxer . He once fought John L. Sullivan in an exhibition for four rounds .
The sentiment behind this commandment is further codified in the Lord 's Prayer , which begins , " Our Father who art in heaven , hallowed be thy name " . According to Pope Benedict XVI , when God revealed his name to Moses he established a relationship with mankind ; Benedict states that the Incarnation was the culmination of a process that " had begun with the giving of the divine name . " Benedict elaborates that this means the divine name could be misused and that Jesus ' inclusion of " hallowed be thy name " is a plea for the sanctification of God 's name , to " protect the wonderful mystery of his accessibility to us , and constantly assert his true identity as opposed to our distortion of it " .
After learning about his past life , Harsha is rescued from the lake by a fisherman named Solomon ( who is the reincarnation of Sher Khan ) and , with Soloman 's help , visits Udayghad . He gains access to Raghuveer 's palace and overhears Ghora telling Raghuveer that if Indu 's memories of the past are not revived within the day they can never be revived , and she will be with Raghuveer forever . Harsha kidnaps Indu and takes her to Bhairavakona and in the process , Ghora is accidentally killed by Raghuveer . Raghuveer arrives by helicopter and asks Indu to come with him ; however Indu sees Mithra 's painting , and her past @-@ life memories are revived ; she reunites with Harsha . Harsha fights Raghuveer , and with the help of Solomon , manages to kill him .
After passing the entrance exam on his second attempt , in 1907 Wheeler was awarded a scholarship to read classical studies at University College London ( UCL ) , commuting daily from his parental home to the university campus in Bloomsbury , central London . At UCL , he was taught by the prominent classicist A. E. Housman . During his undergraduate studies , he became editor of the Union Magazine , for which he produced a number of illustrated cartoons . Increasingly interested in art , he decided to switch from classical studies to a course at UCL 's art school , the Slade School of Fine Art ; he returned to his previous subject after coming to the opinion that – in his words – he never became more than " a conventionally accomplished picture maker " . This interlude had adversely affected his classical studies , and he received a second class BA on graduating .
Several people , telling amazing stories to those who would listen , passed themselves off as the " sole survivor " in the years following the slide . The most common such tale is that of an infant girl said to have been the only survivor of the slide . Her real name unknown , the girl was called " Frankie Slide " . Several stories were told of her miraculous escape : she was found in a bale of hay , lying on rocks , under the collapsed roof of her house or in the arms of her dead mother . The legend was based primarily on the story of Marion Leitch , who was thrown from her home into a pile of hay when the slide enveloped her home . Her sisters also survived ; they were found unharmed under a collapsed ceiling joist . Her parents and four brothers died . Influencing the story was the survival of two @-@ year @-@ old Gladys Ennis , who was found outside her home in the mud . The last survivor of the slide , she died in 1995 . In total , 23 people in the path of the slide survived , in addition to the 17 miners who escaped from the tunnels under Turtle Mountain . A ballad by Ed McCurdy featuring the story of Frankie Slide was popular in parts of Canada in the 1950s . The slide has formed the basis of other songs , including " How the Mountain Came Down " by Stompin ' Tom Connors , and more recently , " Frank , AB " by The Rural Alberta Advantage . The Frank Slide has been the subject of several books , both historical and fictional .
Walpole published his first novel , The Wooden Horse , in 1909 . It told of a staid and snobbish English family shaken up by the return of one of its members from a less hidebound life in New Zealand . The book received good reviews but barely repaid the cost of having it typed . His first commercial success was Mr Perrin and Mr Traill , published in 1911 . The novelist and biographer Michael Sadleir writes that though some of the six novels Walpole wrote between 1909 and 1914 are of interest as examples of the author 's developing style , it is Mr Perrin and Mr Traill that deserves to be remembered for its own sake . The book , subtitled " a tragi @-@ comedy " , is a psychological study of a deadly clash between two schoolmasters , one an ageing failure and the other a young , attractive idealist . In the view of Hart @-@ Davis , Walpole only once recaptured " the fresh , clear cut realism " of this book , and Walpole himself , looking back on his work in the 1930s , felt that of all his books to date , it was the truest . The Observer gave the book a favourable review : " The slow growth of the poison within [ Perrin ] is traced with wonderful skill and sympathy ... one feels throughout these pages a sense of intolerable tension , of impending disaster " ; The Manchester Guardian was less enthusiastic , praising the scene @-@ setting but calling the story " an unconscientious melodrama " . The San Francisco Chronicle praised its " technical excellence , imagination and beauty – Walpole at his best . " Arnold Bennett , a well @-@ established novelist seventeen years Walpole 's senior , admired the book , and befriended the young author , regularly chiding , encouraging , sometimes mocking him into improving his prose , characters and narratives .
The novel is a combination of fact and fiction . Blending together these two elements is important in any historical novel , but especially in The Feast of the Goat because Vargas Llosa chose to narrate an actual event through the minds of both real and fictional characters . Some characters are fictional , and those that are non @-@ fictional still have fictionalized aspects in the book . The general details of the assassination are true , and the assassins are all real people . While they lie in wait for the Dictator to arrive , they recount actual crimes of the regime , such as the murder of the Mirabal sisters . However , other details are invented by Vargas Llosa , such as Amadito 's murder of the brother of the woman he loved .