def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def AddResultsOptions(parser): group = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, 'Results options') group.add_option('--chartjson', action='store_true', help='Output Chart JSON. Ignores --output-format.') group.add_option('--output-format', action='append', dest='output_formats', choices=_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CHOICES, default=[], help='Output format. Defaults to "%%default". ' 'Can be %s.' % ', '.join(_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CHOICES)) group.add_option('-o', '--output', dest='output_file', default=None, help='Redirects output to a file. Defaults to stdout.') group.add_option('--output-dir', default=util.GetBaseDir(), help='Where to save output data after the run.') group.add_option('--output-trace-tag', default='', help='Append a tag to the key of each result trace. Use ' 'with html, buildbot, csv-pivot-table output formats.') group.add_option('--reset-results', action='store_true', help='Delete all stored results.') group.add_option('--upload-results', action='store_true', help='Upload the results to cloud storage.') group.add_option('--upload-bucket', default='internal', choices=['public', 'partner', 'internal'], help='Storage bucket to use for the uploaded results. ' 'Defaults to internal. Supported values are: ' 'public, partner, internal') group.add_option('--results-label', default=None, help='Optional label to use for the results of a run .') group.add_option('--suppress_gtest_report', default=False, help='Whether to suppress GTest progress report.') parser.add_option_group(group)
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def test_either(): """Either f or g.""" p = are.above(3) | are.below(2) ps = [p(x) for x in range(1, 6)] assert ps == [True, False, False, True, True]
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def ProcessCommandLineArgs(parser, args): # TODO(ariblue): Delete this flag entirely at some future data, when the # existence of such a flag has been long forgotten. if args.output_file: parser.error('This flag is deprecated. Please use --output-dir instead.') try: os.makedirs(args.output_dir) except OSError: # Do nothing if the output directory already exists. Existing files will # get overwritten. pass args.output_dir = os.path.expanduser(args.output_dir)
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def test_equal_to(): """Equal to y.""" p = are.equal_to(1) ps = [p(x) for x in range(1, 6)] assert ps == [True, False, False, False, False]
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def _GetOutputStream(output_format, output_dir): assert output_format in _OUTPUT_FORMAT_CHOICES, 'Must specify a valid format.' assert output_format not in ('gtest', 'none'), ( 'Cannot set stream for \'gtest\' or \'none\' output formats.') if output_format == 'buildbot': return sys.stdout assert output_format in _OUTPUT_FILENAME_LOOKUP, ( 'No known filename for the \'%s\' output format' % output_format) output_file = os.path.join(output_dir, _OUTPUT_FILENAME_LOOKUP[output_format]) open(output_file, 'a').close() # Create file if it doesn't exist. return open(output_file, 'r+')
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def test_above(): """Greater than y.""" p = are.above(3) ps = [p(x) for x in range(1, 6)] assert ps == [False, False, False, True, True]
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def _GetProgressReporter(output_skipped_tests_summary, suppress_gtest_report): if suppress_gtest_report: return progress_reporter.ProgressReporter() return gtest_progress_reporter.GTestProgressReporter( sys.stdout, output_skipped_tests_summary=output_skipped_tests_summary)
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def test_below(): """Less than y.""" p = are.not_below(4) ps = [p(x) for x in range(1, 6)] assert ps == [False, False, False, True, True]
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def test_above_or_equal_to(): """Greater than or equal to y.""" p = are.above_or_equal_to(4) ps = [p(x) for x in range(1, 6)] assert ps == [False, False, False, True, True]
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def test_below_or_equal_to(): """Less than or equal to y.""" p = are.not_below_or_equal_to(3) ps = [p(x) for x in range(1, 6)] assert ps == [False, False, False, True, True]
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def test_strictly_between(): """Greater than y and less than z.""" p = are.strictly_between(2, 4) ps = [p(x) for x in range(1, 6)] assert ps == [False, False, True, False, False]
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def test_between(): """Greater than or equal to y and less than z.""" p = are.between(3, 4) ps = [p(x) for x in range(1, 6)] assert ps == [False, False, True, False, False]
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def test_between_or_equal_to(): """Greater than or equal to y and less than or equal to z.""" p = are.between_or_equal_to(3, 3) ps = [p(x) for x in range(1, 6)] assert ps == [False, False, True, False, False]
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def _apply_mask(y_true, sample_weight, masked_tokens, dtype): if sample_weight is None: sample_weight = tf.ones_like(y_true, dtype) else: sample_weight = tf.cast(sample_weight, dtype) for token in masked_tokens: mask = tf.cast(tf.not_equal(y_true, token), dtype) sample_weight = sample_weight * mask return sample_weight
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def _copy_vars(v_list): """Copy variables in v_list.""" t_list = [] for v in v_list: t_list.append(tf.identity(v)) return t_list
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def __init__(self, masked_tokens=None, name='num_tokens', dtype=tf.int64): self._masked_tokens = masked_tokens or [] super().__init__(name, dtype)
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def _restore_vars(v_list, t_list): """Restore variables in v_list from t_list.""" ops = [] for v, t in zip(v_list, t_list): ops.append(v.assign(t)) return ops
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def update_state(self, y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=None): sample_weight = _apply_mask(y_true, sample_weight, self._masked_tokens, self._dtype) sample_weight = tf.reshape(sample_weight, [-1]) super().update_state(sample_weight)
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def _scale_vars(s, v_list): """Scale all variables in v_list by s.""" return [s * v for v in v_list]
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def get_config(self): config = super().get_config() config['masked_tokens'] = tuple(self._masked_tokens) return config
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def _acc_grads(g_sum, g_w, g): """Accumulate gradients in g, weighted by g_w.""" return [g_sum_i + g_w * g_i for g_sum_i, g_i in zip(g_sum, g)]
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def __init__(self, masked_tokens=None, name='accuracy', dtype=None): self._masked_tokens = masked_tokens or [] super().__init__(name, dtype=dtype)
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def _compute_reg_grads(gen_grads, disc_vars): """Compute gradients norm (this is an upper-bpund of the full-batch norm).""" gen_norm = tf.accumulate_n([tf.reduce_sum(u * u) for u in gen_grads]) disc_reg_grads = tf.gradients(gen_norm, disc_vars) return disc_reg_grads
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def update_state(self, y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=None): sample_weight = _apply_mask(y_true, sample_weight, self._masked_tokens, self._dtype) num_classes = tf.shape(y_pred)[-1] y_true = tf.reshape(y_true, [-1]) y_pred = tf.reshape(y_pred, [-1, num_classes]) sample_weight = tf.reshape(sample_weight, [-1]) super().update_state(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight)
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def run_model(prior, images, model, disc_reg_weight): """Run the model with new data and samples. Args: prior: the noise source as the generator input. images: images sampled from dataset. model: a GAN model defined in disc_reg_weight: regularisation weight for discrmininator gradients. Returns: debug_ops: statistics from the model, see for more detials. disc_grads: discriminator gradients. gen_grads: generator gradients. """ generator_inputs = prior.sample(FLAGS.batch_size) model_output = model.connect(images, generator_inputs) optimization_components = model_output.optimization_components disc_grads = tf.gradients( optimization_components['disc'].loss, optimization_components['disc'].vars) gen_grads = tf.gradients( optimization_components['gen'].loss, optimization_components['gen'].vars) if disc_reg_weight > 0.0: reg_grads = _compute_reg_grads(gen_grads, optimization_components['disc'].vars) disc_grads = _acc_grads(disc_grads, disc_reg_weight, reg_grads) debug_ops = model_output.debug_ops return debug_ops, disc_grads, gen_grads
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def update_model(model, disc_grads, gen_grads, disc_opt, gen_opt, global_step, update_scale): """Update model with gradients.""" disc_vars, gen_vars = model.get_variables() with tf.control_dependencies(gen_grads + disc_grads): disc_update_op = disc_opt.apply_gradients( zip(_scale_vars(update_scale, disc_grads), disc_vars)) gen_update_op = gen_opt.apply_gradients( zip(_scale_vars(update_scale, gen_grads), gen_vars), global_step=global_step) update_op =[disc_update_op, gen_update_op]) return update_op
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def sample_fn(x): return utils.optimise_and_sample(x, module=model, data=None, is_training=False)[0]
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def setUp(self): super().setUp() self.project1 = self.env["project.project"].create({"name": "Project 1"}) self.task1 = self.env["project.task"].create( {"name": "name1", "project_id":} ) self.subtask1 = self.env["project.task"].create( {"name": "2", "project_id":, "parent_id":} ) self.subtask2 = self.env["project.task"].create( {"name": "3", "project_id":, "parent_id":} )
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def __init__(self, item_spacing=ITEM_SPACING, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def __init__(self, nr, nc): = nr = nc
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def add_item(self, item): self._vbox_items.pack_start(item.widget, expand=False, fill=False)
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def inc_r(self, ind): r, c = self.row_col(ind) r += 1 if r == r = 0 if r == ( - 1) and c == ( - 1): r = 0 return self.indx(r, c)
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def reorder_item(self, item, position): new_position = min(max(position, 0), len(self._items) - 1)
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def dec_r(self, ind): r, c = self.row_col(ind) r -= 1 if r < 0: r = - 1 if r == ( - 1) and c == ( - 1): r = - 2 return self.indx(r, c)
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def remove_item(self, item): item_position = self._get_item_position(item) if item_position < len(self._items) - 1: next_item_position = item_position + 1 self._items[next_item_position].item_widget.grab_focus()
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def inc_c(self, ind): r, c = self.row_col(ind) c += 1 if c == c = 0 if r == ( - 1) and c == ( - 1): c = 0 return self.indx(r, c)
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def clear(self): for unused_ in range(len(self._items)): self.remove_item(self._items[0])
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def dec_c(self, ind): r, c = self.row_col(ind) c -= 1 if c < 0: c = - 1 if r == ( - 1) and c == ( - 1): c = - 2 return self.indx(r, c)
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def _setup_drag(self, item): self._drag_and_drop_context.setup_drag( item.item_widget, self._get_drag_data, self._on_drag_data_received, [item], [item], self)
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def row_col(self, ind): i = 0 for r in range( for c in range( if i == ind: return r, c i += 1
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def _get_drag_data(self, dragged_item): return str(self._items.index(dragged_item))
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def _on_drag_data_received(self, dragged_item_index_str, destination_item): dragged_item = self._items[int(dragged_item_index_str)] self.reorder_item(dragged_item, self._get_item_position(destination_item))
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def _on_item_widget_key_press_event(self, widget, event, item): if event.state & gtk.gdk.MOD1_MASK: # Alt key key_name = gtk.gdk.keyval_name(event.keyval) if key_name in ["Up", "KP_Up"]: self.reorder_item( item, self._get_item_position(item) - 1) elif key_name in ["Down", "KP_Down"]: self.reorder_item( item, self._get_item_position(item) + 1)
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def _on_item_button_remove_clicked(self, button, item): self.remove_item(item)
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def _get_item_position(self, item): return self._items.index(item)
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def __init__(self, item_widget): self._item_widget = item_widget
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def widget(self): return self._event_box
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def item_widget(self): return self._item_widget
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def button_remove(self): return self._button_remove
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def remove_item_widget(self): self._hbox.remove(self._item_widget)
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def _setup_item_button(self, item_button, icon, position=None): item_button.set_relief(gtk.RELIEF_NONE)
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def _on_event_box_enter_notify_event(self, event_box, event): if event.detail != gtk.gdk.NOTIFY_INFERIOR:
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def _on_event_box_leave_notify_event(self, event_box, event): if event.detail != gtk.gdk.NOTIFY_INFERIOR: self._hbox_buttons.hide()
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def _on_event_box_size_allocate(self, event_box, allocation): if self._is_event_box_allocated_size: return
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def _on_event_box_buttons_size_allocate(self, event_box, allocation): if self._buttons_allocation is not None: return
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def __init__( self, new_item_default_value, min_size=0, max_size=None, item_spacing=ItemBox.ITEM_SPACING, max_width=None, max_height=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Parameters:
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def _init_gui(self): self._size_spin_button = gtk.SpinButton( gtk.Adjustment( value=0, lower=self._min_size, upper=self._max_size, step_incr=1, page_incr=10, ), digits=0)
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def add_item(self, item_value=None, index=None): if item_value is None: item_value = self._new_item_default_value
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def reorder_item(self, item, new_position): orig_position = self._get_item_position(item) processed_new_position = super().reorder_item(item, new_position)
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def remove_item(self, item): if (self._locker.is_unlocked("prevent_removal_below_min_size") and len(self._items) == self._min_size): return
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def set_values(self, values): self._locker.lock("emit_size_spin_button_value_changed") self._locker.lock("prevent_removal_below_min_size")
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def _setup_drag(self, item): self._drag_and_drop_context.setup_drag( # Using the entire item allows dragging only by the label rather than the # widget itself. This avoids problems with widgets such as spin buttons # that do not behave correctly when reordering and also avoids accidental # clicking and modifying the widget by the user. item.widget, self._get_drag_data, self._on_drag_data_received, [item], [item], self)
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def _on_size_spin_button_value_changed(self, size_spin_button): if self._locker.is_unlocked("emit_size_spin_button_value_changed"): self._locker.lock("update_spin_button")
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def _on_item_button_remove_clicked(self, button, item): self._locker.lock("emit_size_spin_button_value_changed")
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def _on_item_widget_size_allocate(self, item_widget, allocation, item): if item in self._items_allocations: self._update_width(allocation.width - self._items_allocations[item].width) self._update_height(allocation.height - self._items_allocations[item].height) else: self._update_width(allocation.width) self._update_height(allocation.height + self._item_spacing)
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def _update_width(self, width_diff): if self._items_total_width is None: self._items_total_width = self.get_allocation().width
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def _update_height(self, height_diff): if self._items_total_height is None: self._items_total_height = self.get_allocation().height
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def _update_dimension( self, size_diff, total_size, max_visible_size, dimension_request_property): if max_visible_size is None: is_max_visible_size_unlimited = True else: is_max_visible_size_unlimited = max_visible_size <= 0
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def _rename_item_names(self, start_index): for index, item in enumerate(self._items[start_index:]): item.label.set_label(self._get_item_name(index + 1 + start_index))
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def _get_item_name(index): return _("Element") + " " + str(index)
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def __init__(self, item_widget): super().__init__(item_widget)
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def label(self): return self._label
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def __init__(self): self._tokens = collections.defaultdict(int)
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def lock_temp(self, key): self.lock(key) try: yield finally: self.unlock(key)
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def lock(self, key): self._tokens[key] += 1
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def unlock(self, key): if self._tokens[key] > 0: self._tokens[key] -= 1
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def is_locked(self, key): return self._tokens[key] > 0
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def is_unlocked(self, key): return self._tokens[key] == 0
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def __init__(self, backendsdialog): """ Constructor, just initializes the gtk widgets @param backends: a reference to the dialog in which this is loaded """ super().__init__() self.dialog = backendsdialog self.req = backendsdialog.get_requester() self._init_liststore() self._init_renderers() self._init_signals() self.refresh()
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def refresh(self): """refreshes the Gtk.Liststore""" self.backendid_to_iter = {} self.liststore.clear() # Sort backends # 1, put default backend on top # 2, sort backends by human name backends = list(self.req.get_all_backends(disabled=True)) backends = sorted(backends, key=lambda backend: (not backend.is_default(), backend.get_human_name())) for backend in backends: self.add_backend(backend) self.on_backend_state_changed(None, backend.get_id())
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def drawMe(self, g, r): self.g = g self.r = r self.g.moveTo(self.x,self.y) self.g.beginPath() # 根據 r 半徑繪製一個圓代表點的所在位置 self.g.arc(self.x, self.y, self.r, 0, 2*math.pi, true) self.g.moveTo(self.x,self.y) self.g.lineTo(self.x+self.r, self.y) self.g.moveTo(self.x, self.y) self.g.lineTo(self.x-self.r, self.y) self.g.moveTo(self.x, self.y) self.g.lineTo(self.x, self.y+self.r) self.g.moveTo(self.x, self.y) self.g.lineTo(self.x, self.y-self.r) self.g.restore() self.g.stroke()
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def on_backend_added(self, sender, backend_id): """ Signal callback executed when a new backend is loaded @param sender: not used, only here to let this function be used as a callback @param backend_id: the id of the backend to add """ # Add backend = self.req.get_backend(backend_id) if not backend: return self.add_backend(backend) self.refresh() # Select self.select_backend(backend_id) # Update it's enabled state self.on_backend_state_changed(None, backend.get_id())
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def Eq(self, pt): self.x = pt.x self.y = pt.y
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def add_backend(self, backend): """ Adds a new backend to the list @param backend_id: the id of the backend to add """ if backend: backend_iter = self.liststore.append([ backend.get_id(), self.dialog.get_pixbuf_from_icon_name(backend.get_icon(), 16), backend.get_human_name(), self._get_markup_for_tags(backend.get_attached_tags()), ]) self.backendid_to_iter[backend.get_id()] = backend_iter
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def setPoint(self, px, py): self.x = px self.y = py
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def on_backend_state_changed(self, sender, backend_id): """ Signal callback executed when a backend is enabled/disabled. @param sender: not used, only here to let this function be used as a callback @param backend_id: the id of the backend to add """ if backend_id in self.backendid_to_iter: b_iter = self.backendid_to_iter[backend_id] b_path = self.liststore.get_path(b_iter) backend = self.req.get_backend(backend_id) backend_name = backend.get_human_name() if backend.is_enabled(): text = backend_name else: # FIXME This snippet is on more than 2 places!!! # FIXME create a function which takes a widget and # flag and returns color as #RRGGBB style_context = self.get_style_context() color = style_context.get_color(Gtk.StateFlags.INSENSITIVE) color = rgba_to_hex(color) text = f"<span color='{color}'>{backend_name}</span>" self.liststore[b_path][self.COLUMN_TEXT] = text # Also refresh the tags new_tags = self._get_markup_for_tags(backend.get_attached_tags()) self.liststore[b_path][self.COLUMN_TAGS] = new_tags
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def distance(self, pt): = pt x = self.x - y = self.y - return math.sqrt(x * x + y * y)
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def _get_markup_for_tags(self, tag_names): """Given a list of tags names, generates the pango markup to render that list with the tag colors used in GTG @param tag_names: the list of the tags (strings) @return str: the pango markup string """ if ALLTASKS_TAG in tag_names: tags_txt = "" else: tags_txt = get_colored_tags_markup(self.req, tag_names) return "<small>" + tags_txt + "</small>"
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def tag(self, g): self.g = g self.g.beginPath() self.g.fillText("%d, %d"%(self.x, self.y),self.x, self.y) self.g.stroke()
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def remove_backend(self, backend_id): """ Removes a backend from the treeview, and selects the first (to show something in the configuration panel @param backend_id: the id of the backend to remove """ if backend_id in self.backendid_to_iter: self.liststore.remove(self.backendid_to_iter[backend_id]) del self.backendid_to_iter[backend_id] self.select_backend()
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def __init__(self, p1, p2): self.p1 = p1 self.p2 = p2 # 直線的第一點, 設為線尾 self.Tail = self.p1 # 直線組成的第二點, 設為線頭 self.Head = self.p2 # 直線的長度屬性 self.length = math.sqrt(math.pow(self.p2.x-self.p1.x, 2)+math.pow(self.p2.y-self.p1.y,2))
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def _init_liststore(self): """Creates the liststore""" self.liststore = Gtk.ListStore(object, GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf, str, str) self.set_model(self.liststore)
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def setPP(self, p1, p2): self.p1 = p1 self.p2 = p2 self.Tail = self.p1 self.Head = self.p2 self.length = math.sqrt(math.pow(self.p2.x-self.p1.x, 2)+math.pow(self.p2.y-self.p1.y,2))
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def _init_renderers(self): """Initializes the cell renderers""" # We hide the columns headers self.set_headers_visible(False) # For the backend icon pixbuf_cell = Gtk.CellRendererPixbuf() tvcolumn_pixbuf = Gtk.TreeViewColumn('Icon', pixbuf_cell) tvcolumn_pixbuf.add_attribute(pixbuf_cell, 'pixbuf', self.COLUMN_ICON) self.append_column(tvcolumn_pixbuf) # For the backend name text_cell = Gtk.CellRendererText() tvcolumn_text = Gtk.TreeViewColumn('Name', text_cell) tvcolumn_text.add_attribute(text_cell, 'markup', self.COLUMN_TEXT) self.append_column(tvcolumn_text) text_cell.connect('edited', self.cell_edited_callback) text_cell.set_property('editable', True) # For the backend tags tags_cell = Gtk.CellRendererText() tvcolumn_tags = Gtk.TreeViewColumn('Tags', tags_cell) tvcolumn_tags.add_attribute(tags_cell, 'markup', self.COLUMN_TAGS) self.append_column(tvcolumn_tags)
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def setRT(self, r, t): self.r = r self.t = t x = self.r * math.cos(self.t) y = self.r * math.sin(self.t) self.Tail.Eq(self.p1) self.Head.setPoint(self.Tail.x + x,self.Tail.y + y)
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def cell_edited_callback(self, text_cell, path, new_text): """If a backend name is changed, it saves the changes in the Backend @param text_cell: not used. The Gtk.CellRendererText that emitted the signal. Only here because it's passed by the signal @param path: the Gtk.TreePath of the edited cell @param new_text: the new name of the backend """ # we strip everything not permitted in backend names new_text = ''.join(c for c in new_text if (c.isalnum() or c in [" ", "-", "_"])) selected_iter = self.liststore.get_iter(path) # update the backend name backend_id = self.liststore.get_value(selected_iter, self.COLUMN_BACKEND_ID) backend = self.dialog.get_requester().get_backend(backend_id) if backend: backend.set_human_name(new_text) # update the text in the liststore self.liststore.set(selected_iter, self.COLUMN_TEXT, new_text)
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def getR(self): # x 分量與 y 分量 x = self.p1.x - self.p2.x y = self.p1.y - self.p2.y return math.sqrt(x * x + y * y)
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def _init_signals(self): """Initializes the backends and gtk signals """ self.connect("cursor-changed", self.on_select_row) _signals = BackendSignals() _signals.connect(_signals.BACKEND_ADDED, self.on_backend_added) _signals.connect(_signals.BACKEND_STATE_TOGGLED, self.on_backend_state_changed)
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def getT(self): x = self.p2.x - self.p1.x y = self.p2.y - self.p1.y if (math.fabs(x) < math.pow(10,-100)): if(y < 0.0): return (-math.pi/2) else: return (math.pi/2) else: return math.atan2(y, x)
def emit(self, level, message): raise NotImplementedError('Please implement an emit method')
def on_select_row(self, treeview=None): """When a row is selected, displays the corresponding editing panel @var treeview: not used """ self.dialog.on_backend_selected(self.get_selected_backend_id())