1 value
from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.contrib import admin from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model from django.contrib.auth.admin import UserAdmin from django.forms import ValidationError, ModelForm from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from django.contrib.auth.models import User as AuthUser from mezzanine.conf import settings from mezzanine.core.forms import DynamicInlineAdminForm from mezzanine.core.models import (Orderable, SitePermission, CONTENT_STATUS_PUBLISHED) from mezzanine.utils.static import static_lazy as static if settings.USE_MODELTRANSLATION: from collections import OrderedDict from django.utils.translation import activate, get_language from modeltranslation.admin import (TranslationAdmin, TranslationInlineModelAdmin) class BaseTranslationModelAdmin(TranslationAdmin): """ Mimic modeltranslation's TabbedTranslationAdmin but uses a custom tabbed_translation_fields.js """ class Media: js = ( static("modeltranslation/js/force_jquery.js"), static("mezzanine/js/%s" % settings.JQUERY_UI_FILENAME), static("mezzanine/js/admin/tabbed_translation_fields.js"), ) css = { "all": (static( "mezzanine/css/admin/tabbed_translation_fields.css"),), } else: class BaseTranslationModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): """ Abstract class used to handle the switch between translation and no-translation class logic. We define the basic structure for the Media class so we can extend it consistently regardless of whether or not modeltranslation is used. """ class Media: js = () css = {"all": ()} User = get_user_model() class DisplayableAdminForm(ModelForm): def clean_content(form): status = form.cleaned_data.get("status") content = form.cleaned_data.get("content") if status == CONTENT_STATUS_PUBLISHED and not content: raise ValidationError(_("This field is required if status " "is set to published.")) return content class DisplayableAdmin(BaseTranslationModelAdmin): """ Admin class for subclasses of the abstract ``Displayable`` model. """ list_display = ("title", "status", "admin_link") list_display_links = ("title",) list_editable = ("status",) list_filter = ("status", "keywords__keyword") # modeltranslation breaks date hierarchy links, see: # # Once that's resolved we can restore this. date_hierarchy = None if settings.USE_MODELTRANSLATION else "publish_date" radio_fields = {"status": admin.HORIZONTAL} fieldsets = ( (None, { "fields": ["title", "status", ("publish_date", "expiry_date")], }), (_("Meta data"), { "fields": ["_meta_title", "slug", ("description", "gen_description"), "keywords", "in_sitemap"], "classes": ("collapse-closed",) }), ) form = DisplayableAdminForm def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(DisplayableAdmin, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) try: self.search_fields = list(set(list(self.search_fields) + list( self.model.objects.get_search_fields().keys()))) except AttributeError: pass def save_model(self, request, obj, form, change): """ Save model for every language so that field auto-population is done for every each of it. """ super(DisplayableAdmin, self).save_model(request, obj, form, change) if settings.USE_MODELTRANSLATION: lang = get_language() for code in OrderedDict(settings.LANGUAGES): if code != lang: # Already done try: activate(code) except: pass else: activate(lang) class BaseDynamicInlineAdmin(object): """ Admin inline that uses JS to inject an "Add another" link which when clicked, dynamically reveals another fieldset. Also handles adding the ``_order`` field and its widget for models that subclass ``Orderable``. """ form = DynamicInlineAdminForm extra = 1 def get_fields(self, request, obj=None): fields = super(BaseDynamicInlineAdmin, self).get_fields(request, obj) if issubclass(self.model, Orderable): fields = list(fields) try: fields.remove("_order") except ValueError: pass fields.append("_order") return fields def get_fieldsets(self, request, obj=None): fieldsets = super(BaseDynamicInlineAdmin, self).get_fieldsets( request, obj) if issubclass(self.model, Orderable): for fieldset in fieldsets: fields = [f for f in list(fieldset[1]["fields"]) if not hasattr(f, "translated_field")] try: fields.remove("_order") except ValueError: pass fieldset[1]["fields"] = fields fieldsets[-1][1]["fields"].append("_order") return fieldsets def get_inline_base_class(cls): if settings.USE_MODELTRANSLATION: class InlineBase(TranslationInlineModelAdmin, cls): """ Abstract class that mimics django-modeltranslation's Translation{Tabular,Stacked}Inline. Used as a placeholder for future improvement. """ pass return InlineBase return cls class TabularDynamicInlineAdmin(BaseDynamicInlineAdmin, get_inline_base_class(admin.TabularInline)): pass class StackedDynamicInlineAdmin(BaseDynamicInlineAdmin, get_inline_base_class(admin.StackedInline)): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Stacked dynamic inlines won't work without grappelli installed, as the JavaScript in dynamic_inline.js isn't able to target each of the inlines to set the value of the order field. """ grappelli_name = getattr(settings, "PACKAGE_NAME_GRAPPELLI") if grappelli_name not in settings.INSTALLED_APPS: error = "StackedDynamicInlineAdmin requires Grappelli installed." raise Exception(error) super(StackedDynamicInlineAdmin, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) class OwnableAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): """ Admin class for models that subclass the abstract ``Ownable`` model. Handles limiting the change list to objects owned by the logged in user, as well as setting the owner of newly created objects to the logged in user. Remember that this will include the ``user`` field in the required fields for the admin change form which may not be desirable. The best approach to solve this is to define a ``fieldsets`` attribute that excludes the ``user`` field or simple add ``user`` to your admin excludes: ``exclude = ('user',)`` """ def save_form(self, request, form, change): """ Set the object's owner as the logged in user. """ obj = if obj.user_id is None: obj.user = request.user return super(OwnableAdmin, self).save_form(request, form, change) def get_queryset(self, request): """ Filter the change list by currently logged in user if not a superuser. We also skip filtering if the model for this admin class has been added to the sequence in the setting ``OWNABLE_MODELS_ALL_EDITABLE``, which contains models in the format ``app_label.object_name``, and allows models subclassing ``Ownable`` to be excluded from filtering, eg: ownership should not imply permission to edit. """ opts = self.model._meta model_name = ("%s.%s" % (opts.app_label, opts.object_name)).lower() models_all_editable = settings.OWNABLE_MODELS_ALL_EDITABLE models_all_editable = [m.lower() for m in models_all_editable] qs = super(OwnableAdmin, self).get_queryset(request) if request.user.is_superuser or model_name in models_all_editable: return qs return qs.filter( ########################################### # Site Permissions Inlines for User Admin # ########################################### class SitePermissionInline(admin.TabularInline): model = SitePermission max_num = 1 can_delete = False class SitePermissionUserAdmin(UserAdmin): inlines = [SitePermissionInline] # only register if User hasn't been overridden if User == AuthUser: if User in, SitePermissionUserAdmin)
import os import re import unittest from socket import AF_INET, AF_INET6 from unittest.mock import Mock, call, patch from requests.packages.urllib3.util.connection import allowed_gai_family from streamlink import NoPluginError, Streamlink from streamlink.plugin import HIGH_PRIORITY, LOW_PRIORITY, NORMAL_PRIORITY, NO_PRIORITY, Plugin, pluginmatcher from import AkamaiHDStream, HLSStream, HTTPStream, RTMPStream class EmptyPlugin(Plugin): def _get_streams(self): pass # pragma: no cover class TestSession(unittest.TestCase): plugin_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "plugin") def subject(self, load_plugins=True): session = Streamlink() if load_plugins: session.load_plugins(self.plugin_path) return session def test_exceptions(self): session = self.subject() self.assertRaises(NoPluginError, session.resolve_url, "invalid url", follow_redirect=False) def test_load_plugins(self): session = self.subject() plugins = session.get_plugins() self.assertIn("testplugin", plugins) self.assertNotIn("testplugin_missing", plugins) self.assertNotIn("testplugin_invalid", plugins) def test_load_plugins_builtin(self): session = self.subject() plugins = session.get_plugins() self.assertIn("twitch", plugins) self.assertEqual(plugins["twitch"].__module__, "streamlink.plugins.twitch") @patch("streamlink.session.log") def test_load_plugins_override(self, mock_log): session = self.subject() plugins = session.get_plugins() file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "plugin", "") self.assertIn("testplugin", plugins) self.assertNotIn("testplugin_override", plugins) self.assertEqual(plugins["testplugin"].__name__, "TestPluginOverride") self.assertEqual(plugins["testplugin"].__module__, "streamlink.plugins.testplugin_override") self.assertEqual(mock_log.debug.mock_calls, [call(f"Plugin testplugin is being overridden by {file}")]) @patch("streamlink.session.load_module") @patch("streamlink.session.log") def test_load_plugins_importerror(self, mock_log, mock_load_module): mock_load_module.side_effect = ImportError() session = self.subject() plugins = session.get_plugins() self.assertGreater(len(mock_log.exception.mock_calls), 0) self.assertEqual(len(plugins.keys()), 0) @patch("streamlink.session.load_module") @patch("streamlink.session.log") def test_load_plugins_syntaxerror(self, mock_log, mock_load_module): mock_load_module.side_effect = SyntaxError() with self.assertRaises(SyntaxError): self.subject() def test_resolve_url(self): session = self.subject() plugins = session.get_plugins() plugin = session.resolve_url("") self.assertTrue(isinstance(plugin, Plugin)) self.assertTrue(isinstance(plugin, plugins["testplugin"])) self.assertTrue(hasattr(session.resolve_url, "cache_info"), "resolve_url has a lookup cache") def test_resolve_url_priority(self): @pluginmatcher(priority=HIGH_PRIORITY, pattern=re.compile( "http://(high|normal|low|no)$" )) class HighPriority(EmptyPlugin): pass @pluginmatcher(priority=NORMAL_PRIORITY, pattern=re.compile( "http://(normal|low|no)$" )) class NormalPriority(EmptyPlugin): pass @pluginmatcher(priority=LOW_PRIORITY, pattern=re.compile( "http://(low|no)$" )) class LowPriority(EmptyPlugin): pass @pluginmatcher(priority=NO_PRIORITY, pattern=re.compile( "http://(no)$" )) class NoPriority(EmptyPlugin): pass session = self.subject(load_plugins=False) session.plugins = { "high": HighPriority, "normal": NormalPriority, "low": LowPriority, "no": NoPriority, } no = session.resolve_url_no_redirect("no") low = session.resolve_url_no_redirect("low") normal = session.resolve_url_no_redirect("normal") high = session.resolve_url_no_redirect("high") self.assertIsInstance(no, HighPriority) self.assertIsInstance(low, HighPriority) self.assertIsInstance(normal, HighPriority) self.assertIsInstance(high, HighPriority) session.resolve_url.cache_clear() session.plugins = { "no": NoPriority, } with self.assertRaises(NoPluginError): session.resolve_url_no_redirect("no") @patch("streamlink.session.log") def test_resolve_deprecated(self, mock_log: Mock): @pluginmatcher(priority=LOW_PRIORITY, pattern=re.compile( "http://low" )) class LowPriority(EmptyPlugin): pass class DeprecatedNormalPriority(EmptyPlugin): # noinspection PyUnusedLocal @classmethod def can_handle_url(cls, url): return True class DeprecatedHighPriority(DeprecatedNormalPriority): # noinspection PyUnusedLocal @classmethod def priority(cls, url): return HIGH_PRIORITY session = self.subject(load_plugins=False) session.plugins = { "empty": EmptyPlugin, "low": LowPriority, "dep-normal-one": DeprecatedNormalPriority, "dep-normal-two": DeprecatedNormalPriority, "dep-high": DeprecatedHighPriority, } self.assertIsInstance(session.resolve_url_no_redirect("low"), DeprecatedHighPriority) self.assertEqual(, [ call("Resolved plugin dep-normal-one with deprecated can_handle_url API"), call("Resolved plugin dep-high with deprecated can_handle_url API") ]) def test_resolve_url_no_redirect(self): session = self.subject() plugin = session.resolve_url_no_redirect("") plugins = session.get_plugins() self.assertTrue(isinstance(plugin, Plugin)) self.assertTrue(isinstance(plugin, plugins["testplugin"])) def test_options(self): session = self.subject() session.set_option("test_option", "option") self.assertEqual(session.get_option("test_option"), "option") self.assertEqual(session.get_option("non_existing"), None) self.assertEqual(session.get_plugin_option("testplugin", "a_option"), "default") session.set_plugin_option("testplugin", "another_option", "test") self.assertEqual(session.get_plugin_option("testplugin", "another_option"), "test") self.assertEqual(session.get_plugin_option("non_existing", "non_existing"), None) self.assertEqual(session.get_plugin_option("testplugin", "non_existing"), None) def test_plugin(self): session = self.subject() plugin = session.resolve_url("") streams = plugin.streams() self.assertTrue("best" in streams) self.assertTrue("worst" in streams) self.assertTrue(streams["best"] is streams["1080p"]) self.assertTrue(streams["worst"] is streams["350k"]) self.assertTrue(isinstance(streams["rtmp"], RTMPStream)) self.assertTrue(isinstance(streams["http"], HTTPStream)) self.assertTrue(isinstance(streams["hls"], HLSStream)) self.assertTrue(isinstance(streams["akamaihd"], AkamaiHDStream)) def test_plugin_stream_types(self): session = self.subject() plugin = session.resolve_url("") streams = plugin.streams(stream_types=["http", "rtmp"]) self.assertTrue(isinstance(streams["480p"], HTTPStream)) self.assertTrue(isinstance(streams["480p_rtmp"], RTMPStream)) streams = plugin.streams(stream_types=["rtmp", "http"]) self.assertTrue(isinstance(streams["480p"], RTMPStream)) self.assertTrue(isinstance(streams["480p_http"], HTTPStream)) def test_plugin_stream_sorting_excludes(self): session = self.subject() plugin = session.resolve_url("") streams = plugin.streams(sorting_excludes=[]) self.assertTrue("best" in streams) self.assertTrue("worst" in streams) self.assertFalse("best-unfiltered" in streams) self.assertFalse("worst-unfiltered" in streams) self.assertTrue(streams["worst"] is streams["350k"]) self.assertTrue(streams["best"] is streams["1080p"]) streams = plugin.streams(sorting_excludes=["1080p", "3000k"]) self.assertTrue("best" in streams) self.assertTrue("worst" in streams) self.assertFalse("best-unfiltered" in streams) self.assertFalse("worst-unfiltered" in streams) self.assertTrue(streams["worst"] is streams["350k"]) self.assertTrue(streams["best"] is streams["1500k"]) streams = plugin.streams(sorting_excludes=[">=1080p", ">1500k"]) self.assertTrue(streams["best"] is streams["1500k"]) streams = plugin.streams(sorting_excludes=lambda q: not q.endswith("p")) self.assertTrue(streams["best"] is streams["3000k"]) streams = plugin.streams(sorting_excludes=lambda q: False) self.assertFalse("best" in streams) self.assertFalse("worst" in streams) self.assertTrue("best-unfiltered" in streams) self.assertTrue("worst-unfiltered" in streams) self.assertTrue(streams["worst-unfiltered"] is streams["350k"]) self.assertTrue(streams["best-unfiltered"] is streams["1080p"]) plugin = session.resolve_url("") streams = plugin.streams() self.assertFalse("best" in streams) self.assertFalse("worst" in streams) self.assertFalse("best-unfiltered" in streams) self.assertFalse("worst-unfiltered" in streams) self.assertTrue("vod" in streams) self.assertTrue("vod_alt" in streams) self.assertTrue("vod_alt2" in streams) def test_set_and_get_locale(self): session = Streamlink() session.set_option("locale", "en_US") self.assertEqual(, "US") self.assertEqual(session.localization.language.alpha2, "en") self.assertEqual(session.localization.language_code, "en_US") @patch("streamlink.session.api") def test_interface(self, mock_api): adapter_http = Mock(poolmanager=Mock(connection_pool_kw={})) adapter_https = Mock(poolmanager=Mock(connection_pool_kw={})) adapter_foo = Mock(poolmanager=Mock(connection_pool_kw={})) mock_api.HTTPSession.return_value = Mock(adapters={ "http://": adapter_http, "https://": adapter_https, "foo://": adapter_foo }) session = self.subject(load_plugins=False) self.assertEqual(session.get_option("interface"), None) session.set_option("interface", "my-interface") self.assertEqual(adapter_http.poolmanager.connection_pool_kw, {"source_address": ("my-interface", 0)}) self.assertEqual(adapter_https.poolmanager.connection_pool_kw, {"source_address": ("my-interface", 0)}) self.assertEqual(adapter_foo.poolmanager.connection_pool_kw, {}) self.assertEqual(session.get_option("interface"), "my-interface") session.set_option("interface", None) self.assertEqual(adapter_http.poolmanager.connection_pool_kw, {}) self.assertEqual(adapter_https.poolmanager.connection_pool_kw, {}) self.assertEqual(adapter_foo.poolmanager.connection_pool_kw, {}) self.assertEqual(session.get_option("interface"), None) @patch("streamlink.session.urllib3_connection", allowed_gai_family=allowed_gai_family) def test_ipv4_ipv6(self, mock_urllib3_connection): session = self.subject(load_plugins=False) self.assertEqual(session.get_option("ipv4"), False) self.assertEqual(session.get_option("ipv6"), False) self.assertEqual(mock_urllib3_connection.allowed_gai_family, allowed_gai_family) session.set_option("ipv4", True) self.assertEqual(session.get_option("ipv4"), True) self.assertEqual(session.get_option("ipv6"), False) self.assertNotEqual(mock_urllib3_connection.allowed_gai_family, allowed_gai_family) self.assertEqual(mock_urllib3_connection.allowed_gai_family(), AF_INET) session.set_option("ipv4", False) self.assertEqual(session.get_option("ipv4"), False) self.assertEqual(session.get_option("ipv6"), False) self.assertEqual(mock_urllib3_connection.allowed_gai_family, allowed_gai_family) session.set_option("ipv6", True) self.assertEqual(session.get_option("ipv4"), False) self.assertEqual(session.get_option("ipv6"), True) self.assertNotEqual(mock_urllib3_connection.allowed_gai_family, allowed_gai_family) self.assertEqual(mock_urllib3_connection.allowed_gai_family(), AF_INET6) session.set_option("ipv6", False) self.assertEqual(session.get_option("ipv4"), False) self.assertEqual(session.get_option("ipv6"), False) self.assertEqual(mock_urllib3_connection.allowed_gai_family, allowed_gai_family) session.set_option("ipv4", True) session.set_option("ipv6", False) self.assertEqual(session.get_option("ipv4"), True) self.assertEqual(session.get_option("ipv6"), False) self.assertEqual(mock_urllib3_connection.allowed_gai_family, allowed_gai_family) def test_https_proxy_default(self): session = self.subject(load_plugins=False) session.set_option("http-proxy", "") self.assertEqual("", session.http.proxies['http']) self.assertEqual("", session.http.proxies['https']) def test_https_proxy_set_first(self): session = self.subject(load_plugins=False) session.set_option("https-proxy", "") session.set_option("http-proxy", "") self.assertEqual("", session.http.proxies['http']) self.assertEqual("", session.http.proxies['https']) def test_https_proxy_default_override(self): session = self.subject(load_plugins=False) session.set_option("http-proxy", "") session.set_option("https-proxy", "") self.assertEqual("", session.http.proxies['http']) self.assertEqual("", session.http.proxies['https']) def test_https_proxy_set_only(self): session = self.subject(load_plugins=False) session.set_option("https-proxy", "") self.assertFalse("http" in session.http.proxies) self.assertEqual("", session.http.proxies['https'])
# Copyright 2021 The Distla Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================= """Test for""" import functools import operator import jax from jax import lax import jax.numpy as jnp import numpy as np import pytest from distla_core.linalg.utils import testutils from distla_core.utils import pops from distla_core.utils import vops DTYPE = jnp.float32 dtypes = [jnp.float32] AXIS_NAME = pops.AXIS_NAME precisions = [lax.Precision.HIGHEST] shapes = [(8, 1), (16, 16), (8, 128), (128, 8)] flags = [True, False] seeds = [0, 1] ############################################################################### # REPLICATEDTHINMATRIX ############################################################################### @pytest.mark.parametrize("seed", seeds) @pytest.mark.parametrize("shape", shapes) @pytest.mark.parametrize("column_replicate", flags) def test_replicatedthinmatrix_unary(shape, column_replicate, seed): """ Test methods of ReplicatedThinMatrix that only operate on a single matrix. """ A_jnp = jax.random.normal(jax.random.PRNGKey(seed), shape) A = vops.distribute(A_jnp, column_replicate) np.testing.assert_allclose(A_jnp + 2, vops.undistribute(A + 2)) np.testing.assert_allclose(2 + A_jnp, vops.undistribute(2 + A)) np.testing.assert_allclose(A_jnp - 2, vops.undistribute(A - 2)) np.testing.assert_allclose(2 - A_jnp, vops.undistribute(2 - A)) np.testing.assert_allclose(A_jnp * 2, vops.undistribute(A * 2)) np.testing.assert_allclose(2 * A_jnp, vops.undistribute(2 * A)) np.testing.assert_allclose(A_jnp / 2, vops.undistribute(A / 2)) np.testing.assert_allclose(2 / A_jnp, vops.undistribute(2 / A)) np.testing.assert_allclose(A_jnp // 2, vops.undistribute(A // 2)) np.testing.assert_allclose(2 // A_jnp, vops.undistribute(2 // A)) np.testing.assert_allclose(A_jnp % 2, vops.undistribute(A % 2)) np.testing.assert_allclose(2 % A_jnp, vops.undistribute(2 % A)) np.testing.assert_allclose(A_jnp**2, vops.undistribute(A**2)) np.testing.assert_allclose(2**A_jnp, vops.undistribute(2**A)) np.testing.assert_allclose(A_jnp == 0, vops.undistribute(A == 0)) np.testing.assert_allclose(0 == A_jnp, vops.undistribute(0 == A)) np.testing.assert_allclose(A_jnp != 0, vops.undistribute(A != 0)) np.testing.assert_allclose(0 != A_jnp, vops.undistribute(0 != A)) np.testing.assert_allclose(A_jnp < 0, vops.undistribute(A < 0)) np.testing.assert_allclose(0 < A_jnp, vops.undistribute(0 < A)) np.testing.assert_allclose(A_jnp > 0, vops.undistribute(A > 0)) np.testing.assert_allclose(0 > A_jnp, vops.undistribute(0 > A)) np.testing.assert_allclose(A_jnp <= 0, vops.undistribute(A <= 0)) np.testing.assert_allclose(0 <= A_jnp, vops.undistribute(0 <= A)) np.testing.assert_allclose(A_jnp >= 0, vops.undistribute(A >= 0)) np.testing.assert_allclose(0 >= A_jnp, vops.undistribute(0 >= A)) np.testing.assert_allclose( operator.neg(A_jnp), vops.undistribute(operator.neg(A)), ) np.testing.assert_allclose( operator.pos(A_jnp), vops.undistribute(operator.pos(A)), ) np.testing.assert_allclose(abs(A_jnp), vops.undistribute(abs(A))) np.testing.assert_allclose(jnp.conj(A_jnp), vops.undistribute(A.conj())) np.testing.assert_allclose(jnp.sqrt(A_jnp), vops.undistribute(A.sqrt())) np.testing.assert_allclose(jnp.sign(A_jnp), vops.undistribute(A.sign())) np.testing.assert_allclose(jnp.log(A_jnp), vops.undistribute(A.log())) np.testing.assert_allclose(jnp.exp(A_jnp), vops.undistribute(A.exp())) np.testing.assert_allclose(jnp.imag(A_jnp), vops.undistribute(A.imag())) np.testing.assert_allclose(jnp.real(A_jnp), vops.undistribute(A.real())) np.testing.assert_allclose(jnp.min(A_jnp), A.min()) np.testing.assert_allclose(jnp.max(A_jnp), A.max()) np.testing.assert_allclose( jnp.zeros(shape), vops.undistribute(A.zeros_like()), ) np.testing.assert_allclose( jnp.ones(shape), vops.undistribute(A.ones_like()), ) np.testing.assert_allclose( jnp.full(shape, 3), vops.undistribute(A.full_like(3)), ) np.testing.assert_allclose(jnp.all(A_jnp > 0), (A > 0).all()) np.testing.assert_allclose(jnp.any(A_jnp > 0), (A > 0).any()) @pytest.mark.parametrize("seed", seeds) @pytest.mark.parametrize("shape", shapes) @pytest.mark.parametrize("column_replicate_A", flags) @pytest.mark.parametrize("column_replicate_B", flags) def test_replicatedthinmatrix_binary( seed, shape, column_replicate_A, column_replicate_B, ): """ Test methods of ReplicatedThinMatrix that operate on two matrices. """ A_jnp = jax.random.normal(jax.random.PRNGKey(seed), shape) A = vops.distribute(A_jnp, column_replicate_A) B_jnp = jax.random.normal(jax.random.PRNGKey(seed + 1), shape) B = vops.distribute(B_jnp, column_replicate_B) np.testing.assert_allclose(A_jnp + B_jnp, vops.undistribute(A + B)) np.testing.assert_allclose(A_jnp - B_jnp, vops.undistribute(A - B)) np.testing.assert_allclose(A_jnp * B_jnp, vops.undistribute(A * B)) np.testing.assert_allclose(A_jnp / B_jnp, vops.undistribute(A / B)) np.testing.assert_allclose(A_jnp // B_jnp, vops.undistribute(A // B)) np.testing.assert_allclose(A_jnp % B_jnp, vops.undistribute(A % B)) np.testing.assert_allclose(A_jnp**B_jnp, vops.undistribute(A**B)) np.testing.assert_allclose(A_jnp == B_jnp, vops.undistribute(A == B)) np.testing.assert_allclose(A_jnp != B_jnp, vops.undistribute(A != B)) np.testing.assert_allclose(A_jnp < B_jnp, vops.undistribute(A < B)) np.testing.assert_allclose(A_jnp > B_jnp, vops.undistribute(A > B)) np.testing.assert_allclose(A_jnp <= B_jnp, vops.undistribute(A <= B)) np.testing.assert_allclose(A_jnp >= B_jnp, vops.undistribute(A >= B)) np.testing.assert_allclose(jnp.allclose(A_jnp, B_jnp), A.allclose(B)) ############################################################################### # INITIALIZATION ############################################################################### @pytest.mark.parametrize("seed", seeds) @pytest.mark.parametrize("shape", shapes) @pytest.mark.parametrize("column_replicate", flags) def test_random(seed, shape, column_replicate): random = vops.random( shape, column_replicated=column_replicate, key_seed=seed, ) data = random.array.reshape((*pops.DGRID, *random.array.shape[1:])) eps = jnp.finfo(data.dtype).eps if column_replicate: for i in range(pops.DGRID[1]): testutils.assert_allclose(data[:, i, :, :], data[:, 0, :, :], atol=eps) else: for i in range(pops.DGRID[0]): testutils.assert_allclose(data[i, :, :, :], data[0, :, :, :], atol=eps) assert random.is_column_replicated == column_replicate @pytest.mark.parametrize("shape", shapes) @pytest.mark.parametrize("column_replicate", flags) def test_zeros(shape, column_replicate): dtype = jnp.float32 ps = jnp.arange(pops.NDPROCS) @functools.partial(pops.pmap, static_broadcasted_argnums=(1, 2, 3)) def test_f(ps, shape, dtype, column_rep): return vops.zeros(shape, dtype, column_rep) result = test_f(ps, shape, dtype, column_replicate) assert result.is_column_replicated == column_replicate result = vops.undistribute(result) expected = jnp.zeros(shape, dtype=dtype) testutils.assert_allclose( expected, result, atol=jnp.finfo(result.dtype).eps) @pytest.mark.parametrize("shape", shapes) @pytest.mark.parametrize("column_replicate", flags) def test_ones(shape, column_replicate): dtype = jnp.float32 ps = jnp.arange(pops.NDPROCS) @functools.partial(pops.pmap, static_broadcasted_argnums=(1, 2, 3)) def test_f(ps, shape, dtype, column_rep): return vops.ones(shape, dtype, column_rep) result = test_f(ps, shape, dtype, column_replicate) assert result.is_column_replicated == column_replicate result = vops.undistribute(result) expected = jnp.ones(shape, dtype=dtype) testutils.assert_allclose( expected, result, atol=jnp.finfo(result.dtype).eps) @pytest.mark.parametrize("shape", shapes) @pytest.mark.parametrize("column_replicate", flags) def test_full(shape, column_replicate): val = 3.0 dtype = jnp.float32 ps = jnp.arange(pops.NDPROCS) @functools.partial( pops.pmap, static_broadcasted_argnums=(1, 3, 4), in_axes=(0, None, None, None, None)) def test_f(ps, shape, val, dtype, column_rep): return vops.full(shape, val, dtype, column_rep) result = test_f(ps, shape, val, dtype, column_replicate) assert result.is_column_replicated == column_replicate result = vops.undistribute(result) expected = jnp.full(shape, val, dtype=dtype) testutils.assert_allclose( expected, result, atol=jnp.finfo(result.dtype).eps) @pytest.mark.parametrize("shape", ([16, 16], [128, 128], [16, 128], [128, 16])) @pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", [np.float32, ]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("seed", seeds) @pytest.mark.parametrize("trim_columns_to", [None, 3]) def test_big_to_thin(shape, dtype, seed, trim_columns_to): np.random.seed(seed) expected = np.random.randn(*shape).astype(dtype) A_d = pops.distribute(expected) if trim_columns_to is not None: expected = expected[:, :trim_columns_to] @pops.pmap def _big_to_thin_f(A): return vops.big_to_thin(A, trim_columns_to=trim_columns_to) A_v = _big_to_thin_f(A_d) result = vops.undistribute(A_v) testutils.assert_allclose(expected, result, atol=0.) @pytest.mark.parametrize("shape", shapes) @pytest.mark.parametrize("column_replicate", flags) @pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", [np.float32, ]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("seed", seeds) def test_frobnorm(shape, column_replicate, dtype, seed): np.random.seed(seed) matrix = np.random.randn(*shape).astype(dtype) expected = np.linalg.norm(matrix) vec_d = vops.distribute(matrix, column_replicated=column_replicate) @functools.partial(pops.pmap, out_axes=None) def test_f(vec): return vops.frobnorm(vec) result = test_f(vec_d) assert (expected - result) / expected < jnp.finfo(dtype).eps @pytest.mark.parametrize("shape", [[4, 8]]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("column_replicate", flags) @pytest.mark.parametrize("n_cols", [1, 3]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("offset", [0, 1]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", [np.float32, ]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("seed", seeds) @pytest.mark.parametrize("big", flags) def test_get_columns( shape, column_replicate, n_cols, offset, dtype, seed, big): np.random.seed(seed) matrix = np.random.randn(*shape).astype(dtype) expected = matrix[:, offset:offset + n_cols] if big: matrix_d = pops.distribute(matrix) else: matrix_d = vops.distribute(matrix, column_replicated=column_replicate) @functools.partial( pops.pmap, static_broadcasted_argnums=(2,), in_axes=(0, None, None)) def test_f(matrix, offset, n_cols): return vops.get_columns(matrix, offset, n_cols) result = test_f(matrix_d, offset, n_cols) result = vops.undistribute(result) testutils.assert_allclose(expected, result, atol=np.finfo(dtype).eps) @pytest.mark.parametrize("shape", shapes) @pytest.mark.parametrize("column_replicate_l", flags) @pytest.mark.parametrize("column_replicate_r", flags) @pytest.mark.parametrize("n_cols", [1, 3]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("offset", [0, 1]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", [np.float32, ]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("seed", seeds) def test_set_columns_vec( shape, column_replicate_l, column_replicate_r, n_cols, offset, dtype, seed): shape = [shape[0], shape[1] + offset + n_cols] np.random.seed(seed) matrix = np.random.randn(*shape).astype(dtype) new_cols = np.random.randn(shape[0], n_cols).astype(dtype) matrix_d = vops.distribute(matrix, column_replicated=column_replicate_l) new_cols_d = vops.distribute(new_cols, column_replicated=column_replicate_r) @functools.partial(pops.pmap, in_axes=(0, 0, None)) def test_f(matrix, new_vecs, offset): return vops.set_columns(matrix, new_vecs, offset) result = test_f(matrix_d, new_cols_d, offset) result = vops.undistribute(result) matrix[:, offset:offset + n_cols] = new_cols testutils.assert_allclose(matrix, result, atol=np.finfo(dtype).eps) @pytest.mark.parametrize("shape", [[4, 6]]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("column_replicate_r", flags) @pytest.mark.parametrize("n_cols", [1, 2, 3, 4]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("offset", [0, 2]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", [ np.float32, ]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("seed", seeds) def test_set_columns_mat( shape, column_replicate_r, n_cols, offset, dtype, seed): np.random.seed(seed) matrix = np.random.randn(*shape).astype(dtype) new_cols = np.random.randn(shape[0], n_cols).astype(dtype) matrix_d = pops.distribute(matrix) new_cols_d = vops.distribute(new_cols, column_replicated=column_replicate_r) @functools.partial(pops.pmap, in_axes=(0, 0, None)) def test_f(matrix, new_vecs, offset): return vops.set_columns(matrix, new_vecs, offset) result = test_f(matrix_d, new_cols_d, offset) result = pops.undistribute(result) matrix[:, offset:offset + n_cols] = new_cols testutils.assert_allclose(matrix, result, atol=np.finfo(dtype).eps) @pytest.mark.parametrize("shapeA", [[2, 3], [4, 8], [8, 12]]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("shapeB", [[2, 3], [8, 12]]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", [np.float32, ]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("seed", seeds) @pytest.mark.parametrize("pmap", flags) @pytest.mark.parametrize("col_rep_A", flags) @pytest.mark.parametrize("col_rep_B", flags) def test_hstack_pair(shapeA, shapeB, dtype, seed, pmap, col_rep_A, col_rep_B): np.random.seed(seed) shapeA = (shapeA[0] * pops.NROWS, shapeA[1]) shapeB = (shapeB[0] * pops.NROWS, shapeB[1]) vec_l = np.random.randn(*shapeA).astype(dtype) vec_r = np.random.randn(*shapeB).astype(dtype) vec_ld = vops.distribute(vec_l, column_replicated=col_rep_A) vec_rd = vops.distribute(vec_r, column_replicated=col_rep_B) if pmap: test_f = pops.pmap(vops.hstack_pair) else: test_f = vops.hstack_pair if shapeA[0] != shapeB[0]: with pytest.raises(TypeError): result = test_f(vec_ld, vec_rd) return result = vops.undistribute(test_f(vec_ld, vec_rd)) expected = np.hstack([vec_l, vec_r]) testutils.assert_allclose(result, expected, atol=0.) @pytest.mark.parametrize("shape", shapes) @pytest.mark.parametrize("column_replicate", flags) @pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", [np.float32, ]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("seed", seeds) def test_indices_vec(shape, column_replicate, dtype, seed): np.random.seed(seed) vec = np.random.randn(*shape).astype(dtype) vec_d = vops.distribute(vec, column_replicated=column_replicate) @pops.pmap def test_f(vec): rows, cols = vops._indices_vec(vec) rows = vops.ReplicatedThinMatrix(rows, vec.is_column_replicated) cols = vops.ReplicatedThinMatrix(cols, vec.is_column_replicated) prow = pops.my_prow() pcol = pops.my_pcol() pname = pops.my_name() return rows, cols, prow, pcol, pname all_rows = np.arange(shape[0]) expected_cols = np.arange(shape[1]) local_rows = vec_d.shape[1] rows, cols, prows, pcols, pnames = test_f(vec_d) for p in pnames: these_rows = rows.array[p, :] these_cols = cols.array[p, :] if vec_d.is_column_replicated: pidx = prows[p] else: pidx = pcols[p] expected_rows = all_rows[pidx * local_rows:(pidx + 1) * local_rows] np.testing.assert_array_equal(these_rows, expected_rows) np.testing.assert_array_equal(these_cols, expected_cols) @pytest.mark.parametrize("shape", shapes) @pytest.mark.parametrize("column_replicate", flags) @pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", [np.float32, ]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("seed", seeds) @pytest.mark.parametrize("val", [1., -35.4]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("k", [-2, 0, 1]) def test_add_to_diagonal(shape, column_replicate, dtype, seed, val, k): np.random.seed(seed) vec = np.random.randn(*shape).astype(dtype) expected = np.copy(vec) id = np.eye(*shape, k=k, dtype=dtype) expected = vec + val * id vec_d = vops.distribute(vec, column_replicated=column_replicate) @pops.pmap def test_f(vec): return vops.add_to_diagonal(vec, val, k=k) result = test_f(vec_d) result = vops.undistribute(result) np.testing.assert_array_equal(result, expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize("shape", shapes) @pytest.mark.parametrize("column_replicate_l", flags) @pytest.mark.parametrize("column_replicate_r", flags) @pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", [np.float32, ]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("seed", seeds) def test_vecvec(shape, column_replicate_l, column_replicate_r, dtype, seed): np.random.seed(seed) matrix_l = np.random.randn(*shape).astype(dtype) matrix_r = np.random.randn(*shape).astype(dtype) expected =, matrix_r) matrix_ld = vops.distribute(matrix_l, column_replicated=column_replicate_l) matrix_rd = vops.distribute(matrix_r, column_replicated=column_replicate_r) @functools.partial(pops.pmap, out_axes=None) def test_f(matrix_ld, matrix_rd): return vops.vecvec(matrix_ld, matrix_rd) result = test_f(matrix_ld, matrix_rd) tol = np.finfo(dtype).eps * np.linalg.norm(expected) ** 2 testutils.assert_allclose(expected, result, atol=tol) @pytest.mark.parametrize("shape", shapes) @pytest.mark.parametrize("column_replicate", flags) @pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", [np.float32, ]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("seed", seeds) def test_vecsmall(shape, column_replicate, dtype, seed): np.random.seed(seed) matrix_l = np.random.randn(*shape).astype(dtype) matrix_r = np.random.randn(*shape[::-1]).astype(dtype) expected =, matrix_r) matrix_ld = vops.distribute(matrix_l, column_replicated=column_replicate) matrix_r = jnp.array(matrix_r) @functools.partial(pops.pmap, in_axes=(0, None)) def test_f(matrix_ld, matrix_r): return vops.vecsmall(matrix_ld, matrix_r) result = test_f(matrix_ld, matrix_r) result = vops.undistribute(result) tol = np.finfo(dtype).eps * np.linalg.norm(expected) ** 2 testutils.assert_allclose(expected, result, atol=tol) @pytest.mark.parametrize("shape", shapes) @pytest.mark.parametrize("pmap", flags) @pytest.mark.parametrize("seed", seeds) def test_distribute_column_undistribute(shape, pmap, seed): np.random.seed(seed) v = np.random.rand(*shape) vp = vops.distribute(v, pmap=pmap, column_replicated=True, host_replicated_input=True) vo = vops.undistribute(vp) np.testing.assert_allclose(v, vo) @pytest.mark.parametrize("shape", shapes) @pytest.mark.parametrize("pmap", flags) @pytest.mark.parametrize("seed", seeds) def test_distribute_row_undistribute(shape, pmap, seed): np.random.seed(seed) v = np.random.rand(*shape) vp = vops.distribute(v, pmap=pmap, column_replicated=False, host_replicated_input=True) vo = vops.undistribute(vp) np.testing.assert_allclose(v, vo) ############################################################################### # REDISTRIBUTION ############################################################################### @pytest.mark.parametrize("shape", shapes) @pytest.mark.parametrize("column_replicate", flags) @pytest.mark.parametrize("seed", seeds) def test_column_replicated(shape, column_replicate, seed): np.random.seed(seed) v = np.random.rand(*shape) vp = vops.distribute(v, column_replicated=column_replicate) expected = vops.distribute(v, column_replicated=True) @pops.pmap def test_f(v): return vops.to_column_replicated(v) result = test_f(vp) np.testing.assert_allclose(expected.array, result.array) assert result.is_column_replicated == expected.is_column_replicated @pytest.mark.parametrize("shape", shapes) @pytest.mark.parametrize("row_replicate", flags) @pytest.mark.parametrize("seed", seeds) def test_row_replicated(shape, row_replicate, seed): np.random.seed(seed) v = np.random.rand(*shape) vp = vops.distribute(v, column_replicated=(not row_replicate)) expected = vops.distribute(v, column_replicated=False) @pops.pmap def test_f(v): return vops.to_row_replicated(v) result = test_f(vp) np.testing.assert_allclose(expected.array, result.array) assert result.is_column_replicated == expected.is_column_replicated @pytest.mark.parametrize("shape", shapes) @pytest.mark.parametrize("column_replicate", flags) @pytest.mark.parametrize("transpose", flags) @pytest.mark.parametrize("seed", seeds) def test_matvec(shape, column_replicate, transpose, seed): np.random.seed(seed) A = np.random.randn(shape[0], shape[0]).astype(DTYPE) Ap = pops.distribute(A) x = np.random.randn(*shape).astype(DTYPE) if transpose: expected =, x) else: expected =, x) xp = vops.distribute(x, column_replicated=column_replicate) @pops.pmap def _matvec_f(A, x): return vops.matvec(A, x, transpose_A=transpose) xp = _matvec_f(Ap, xp) result = vops.undistribute(xp) eps = 10 * np.finfo(DTYPE).eps * np.linalg.norm(x) np.testing.assert_allclose(expected, result, atol=eps) @pytest.mark.parametrize("shape", shapes) @pytest.mark.parametrize("column_replicate", flags) @pytest.mark.parametrize("seed", seeds) @pytest.mark.parametrize("precision", precisions) def test_vec_t_mat(shape, column_replicate, seed, precision): np.random.seed(seed) A = np.random.randn(shape[0], shape[0]).astype(DTYPE) vec = np.random.randn(shape[0], shape[1]).astype(DTYPE) A_d = pops.distribute(A) vec_d = vops.distribute(vec, column_replicated=column_replicate) expected =, A, precision=precision) @pops.pmap def _vectmat_f(vec, mat): return vops.vec_t_mat(vec, mat, precision=precision) result = _vectmat_f(vec_d, A_d) result = vops.undistribute(result).T eps = 10 * np.finfo(DTYPE).eps * np.linalg.norm(vec) * np.linalg.norm(A) testutils.assert_allclose(result, expected, atol=eps) @pytest.mark.parametrize("shape", shapes) @pytest.mark.parametrize("column_replicate_l", flags) @pytest.mark.parametrize("column_replicate_r", flags) @pytest.mark.parametrize("seed", seeds) @pytest.mark.parametrize("precision", precisions) def test_outer( shape, column_replicate_l, column_replicate_r, seed, precision): np.random.seed(seed) vec_l = np.random.randn(shape[0], shape[1]).astype(DTYPE) vec_r = np.random.randn(shape[0], shape[1]).astype(DTYPE) vec_ld = vops.distribute(vec_l, column_replicated=column_replicate_l) vec_rd = vops.distribute(vec_r, column_replicated=column_replicate_r) expected =, vec_r.T, precision=precision) @pops.pmap def _outer_f(vec_l, vec_r): return vops.outer(vec_l, vec_r, precision=precision) result = _outer_f(vec_ld, vec_rd) result = pops.undistribute(result) eps = 10 * np.finfo(DTYPE).eps * np.linalg.norm(vec_l) eps *= np.linalg.norm(vec_r) testutils.assert_allclose(result, expected, atol=eps) @pytest.mark.parametrize("shape", shapes) @pytest.mark.parametrize("column_replicate", flags) @pytest.mark.parametrize("right", flags) @pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", dtypes) @pytest.mark.parametrize("seed", seeds) def test_diagmult(shape, column_replicate, right, dtype, seed): np.random.seed(seed) A = np.random.randn(shape[0], shape[0]).astype(dtype) Ap = pops.distribute(A) x = np.random.randn(shape[0], 1).astype(dtype) if right: expected =, np.diag(x.ravel())) else: expected =, A) xp = vops.distribute(x, column_replicated=column_replicate) @pops.pmap def _diagmult_f(A, x): return vops.diagmult(A, x, vector_on_right=right) result_1 = _diagmult_f(Ap, xp) result_1 = pops.undistribute(result_1) result_2 = vops.diagmult(Ap, xp, vector_on_right=right) result_2 = pops.undistribute(result_2) eps = 10 * np.linalg.norm(x) * np.linalg.norm(A) eps *= testutils.eps(lax.Precision.HIGHEST, dtype) testutils.assert_allclose(result_1, result_2, eps) testutils.assert_allclose(expected, result_1, eps) @pytest.mark.parametrize("shape", shapes) @pytest.mark.parametrize("column_replicate_l", flags) @pytest.mark.parametrize("column_replicate_r", flags) @pytest.mark.parametrize("seed", seeds) def test_align(shape, column_replicate_l, column_replicate_r, seed): np.random.seed(seed) vec1 = np.zeros(shape, dtype=DTYPE) vec2 = np.zeros(shape, dtype=DTYPE) vec1 = vops.distribute(vec1, column_replicate_l) vec2 = vops.distribute(vec2, column_replicate_r) vec2 = vops._align(vec2, vec1) assert vec2.is_column_replicated == vec1.is_column_replicated
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (c) 2008-2012 the MansOS team. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS OR # CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, # EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; # OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, # WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR # OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF # ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # import wx from os.path import exists, join, split, realpath from os import chdir, getcwd from wx.lib.agw import aui from globals import * #@UnusedWildImports from editor_manager import EditorManager from generate_makefile import GenerateMakefile from Translater import localize from src.Settings import Settings class TabManager(aui.AuiNotebook): def __init__(self, parent, API): aui.AuiNotebook.__init__(self, parent, style = aui.AUI_NB_CLOSE_ON_ACTIVE_TAB | aui.AUI_NB_SMART_TABS) self.API = API self.API.tabManager = self # Need to set because next statement uses it self.nextPageNr = 1 self.AddPage(EditorManager(self, self.API), localize("Untitled")) self.Bind(aui.EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGED, self.onPageChanged) self.Bind(aui.EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_PAGE_CLOSE, self.doPopupClose) #self.Bind(aui.EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_BUTTON, self.onCloseCheck) self.Bind(aui.EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_TAB_RIGHT_DOWN, self.showPopupMenu) def onPageChanged(self, event): if event != None: event.Skip() if self.getPageObject().projectType == SEAL_PROJECT: self.API.frame.enableAdders() else: self.API.frame.disableAdders() # Clear last dialog line, otherwise same line can't trigger new dialog # until other line triggers it. self.getPageObject().code.lastLine = -1 # Remove any Helper windows self.API.checkForDeletedEditors() wx.YieldIfNeeded() self.getPageObject().parseConfigFile() def showPopupMenu(self, event): # Make clicked tab active, so all actions target this tab. self.SetSelection(event.GetSelection(), True) self._rmenu = wx.Menu() self.openConfig = self._rmenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, '&' + localize("Open config file") + '', localize("Open config file")) self.openMakefile = self._rmenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, '&' + localize("Open makefile") + '', localize("Open makefile")) self.doClean = self._rmenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, '&' + localize("Clean target") + '', localize("Clean target")) self.popupReload = self._rmenu.Append(wx.ID_REPLACE, '&' + localize("Reload") + '\tCtrl+R', localize("Reload")) self.popupSave = self._rmenu.Append(wx.ID_SAVE, '&' + localize('Save') + '\tCtrl+S', localize("Save")) self.popupSaveAs = self._rmenu.Append(wx.ID_SAVEAS, '&' + localize("Save as") + '\tCtrl+A', localize("Save as")) self.popupClose = self._rmenu.Append(wx.ID_CLOSE, '&' + localize('Close') + '\tCtrl+W', localize("Close")) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.doPopupConfig, self.openConfig) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.doPopupMakefile, self.openMakefile) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.doPopupReload, self.popupReload) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.doPopupSave, self.popupSave) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.doPopupSaveAs, self.popupSaveAs) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.doPopupClose, self.popupClose) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.API.compiler.clean, self.doClean) #Disable control if needed if self.getPageObject().saveState == True: self.popupSave.Enable(False) if self.getPageObject().fileName[-3:] != ".sl" and \ self.getPageObject().fileName[-2:] != ".c": self.openConfig.Enable(False) self.openMakefile.Enable(False) # Popup the menu. If an item is selected then its handler # will be called before PopupMenu returns. self.PopupMenu(self._rmenu) self._rmenu.Destroy() def doPopupConfig(self, event): pathToOpenedFile = split(realpath(self.getPageObject().filePath))[0] if not exists(join(pathToOpenedFile, 'config')): open(join(pathToOpenedFile, 'config'), "wb") self.addPage(join(pathToOpenedFile, 'config')) def doPopupMakefile(self, event): pathToOpenedFile = split(realpath(self.getPageObject().filePath))[0] if not exists(join(pathToOpenedFile, 'Makefile')): curPath = getcwd() chdir(pathToOpenedFile) GenerateMakefile().generate(self.getPageObject().fileName, self.getPageObject().projectType, self.API.pathToMansos) chdir(curPath) self.addPage(join(pathToOpenedFile, 'Makefile')) def doPopupReload(self, event): self.getPageObject().update() self.onPageChanged(None) def doPopupSave(self, event): if self.getPageObject() == None: return if self.getPageObject().hasAFile == True: self.getPageObject().save() else: save = wx.FileDialog(self, localize("Save") + " \"" + str(self.GetPageText(self.GetSelection())) + '"', wildcard = 'Seal ' + localize('files') + ' (*.sl)|*.sl|' + localize('All files') + '|*', style = wx.FD_SAVE | wx.FD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT, defaultFile = self.getPageObject().fileName) if save.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: if not save.GetPath().endswith(".sl") and self.getPageObject().projectType == SEAL_PROJECT: self.getPageObject().updateInfo(path = save.GetPath() + '.sl') else: self.getPageObject().updateInfo(path = save.GetPath()) self.getPageObject().save() self.getPageObject().hasAFile = True save.Destroy() return self.getPageObject().hasAFile == True def doPopupSaveAs(self, event): save = wx.FileDialog(self, localize("Save as") + " \"" + str(self.GetPageText(self.GetSelection())) + '"', wildcard = 'Seal ' + localize('files') + ' (*.sl)|*.sl|' + localize('All files') + '|*', style = wx.FD_SAVE | wx.FD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT, defaultFile = self.getPageObject().fileName) if save.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: if not save.GetPath().endswith(".sl") and self.getPageObject().projectType == SEAL_PROJECT: self.getPageObject().updateInfo(path = save.GetPath() + '.sl') else: self.getPageObject().updateInfo(path = save.GetPath()) self.getPageObject().save() self.getPageObject().hasAFile = True save.Destroy() def doPopupClose(self, event, checkConsequences = True): if self.onCloseCheck() == False: return False # Remove selected page. self.DeletePage(self.GetSelection()) if self.GetPageCount() == 0: self.API.frame.activateNoEditorMode() self.API.checkForDeletedEditors() if event: event.Veto() self.Layout() return True def titleChange(self, newName): self.SetPageText(self.GetSelection(), newName) def markAsUnsaved(self): self.titleChange('* ' + self.getPageObject().caption) def markAsSaved(self): if self.getPageObject() != None: self.titleChange(self.getPageObject().caption) def getPageObject(self): if self.GetSelection() != -1: return self.GetPage(self.GetSelection()) else: return None def addPage(self, newFile = ''): if newFile == '': self.AddPage(EditorManager(self, self.API), localize("Untitled") + ' ' + str(self.nextPageNr) + '.sl') else: self.AddPage(EditorManager(self, self.API), newFile) self.nextPageNr += 1 self.SetSelection(self.GetPageCount() - 1) # Add any file associated with it self.getPageObject().update(newFile) self.Layout() self.API.frame.deactivateNoEditorMode() self.onPageChanged(None) def GetCurrentPage(self): return self.getPageObject() def onCloseCheck(self, event = None): if self.getPageObject() == None: # Nothing to check return True if self.getPageObject().saveState == False: # Initiate DialogBox dialog = wx.MessageDialog(self, localize('Save changes to') + ' "' + self.getPageObject().fileName + '" ' + localize('before close it?'), localize('Unsaved file') + ' "' + self.getPageObject().fileName + '"', wx.YES_NO | wx.CANCEL | wx.ICON_EXCLAMATION) retVal = dialog.ShowModal() if retVal == wx.ID_YES: # Create save dialog self.doPopupSave(None) # Recursion to make sure it's really saved. return self.onCloseCheck() elif retVal == wx.ID_CANCEL: # Stop action if there is any if event: event.Veto() return False # It's ok to close return True def onQuitCheck(self): while self.GetPageCount() > 0: # Select first page and try to close it self.SetSelection(0) if self.doPopupClose(None, False) == False: return False return True def rememberOpenedTabs(self): result = '' for x in self.API.editors: if type(x) is EditorManager: result += x.filePath + ";" Settings.set('openedTabs', result.strip(";")) def loadRememberedTabs(self): tabs = Settings.get('openedTabs').split(';') # Remove automatically created first page self.DeletePage(0) if tabs != ['']: # Add all Tabs for x in tabs: self.addPage(x) return # Open default files if no tabs were saved path = join(self.API.path, "../../apps/seal/Empty/") if exists(path): filename = self.API.frame.findFirstSourceFile(path) if filename: self.addPage(filename) return self.addPage('')
# Copyright (c) 2016 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from paddle.trainer.config_parser import Settings, default_decay_rate, \ default_gradient_clipping_threshold, default_momentum from .default_decorators import wrap_param_default __all__ = [ 'Optimizer', 'BaseSGDOptimizer', 'MomentumOptimizer', 'AdamaxOptimizer', 'AdamOptimizer', 'AdaGradOptimizer', 'RMSPropOptimizer', 'DecayedAdaGradOptimizer', 'AdaDeltaOptimizer', 'BaseRegularization', 'L2Regularization', 'settings', 'ModelAverage' ] class Optimizer(object): def to_setting_kwargs(self): raise NotImplementedError() def extra_settings(self): pass @property def is_support_sparse(self): return True class BaseSGDOptimizer(Optimizer): """ SGD Optimizer. SGD is an optimization method, trying to find a neural network that minimize the "cost/error" of it by iteration. In paddle's implementation SGD Optimizer is synchronized, which means all gradients will be wait to calculate and reduced into one gradient, then do optimize operation. The neural network consider the learning problem of minimizing an objective function, that has the form of a sum .. math:: Q(w) = \\sum_{i}^{n} Q_i(w) The value of function Q sometimes is the cost of neural network (Mean Square Error between prediction and label for example). The function Q is parametrised by w, the weight/bias of neural network. And weights is what to be learned. The i is the i-th observation in (trainning) data. So, the SGD method will optimize the weight by .. math:: w = w - \\eta \\nabla Q(w) = w - \\eta \\sum_{i}^{n} \\nabla Q_i(w) where :math:`\\eta` is learning rate. And :math:`n` is batch size. """ def to_setting_kwargs(self): raise NotImplementedError() class MomentumOptimizer(BaseSGDOptimizer): """ MomentumOptimizer. When sparse=True, the update scheme: .. math:: \\alpha_t &= \\alpha_{t-1} / k \\\\ \\beta_t &= \\beta_{t-1} / (1 + \\lambda \\gamma_t) \\\\ u_t &= u_{t-1} - \\alpha_t \\gamma_t g_t \\\\ v_t &= v_{t-1} + \\tau_{t-1} \\alpha_t \\gamma_t g_t \\\\ \\tau_t &= \\tau_{t-1} + \\beta_t / \\alpha_t where :math:`k` is momentum, :math:`\\lambda` is decay rate, :math:`\\gamma_t` is learning rate at the t'th step. :param sparse: with sparse support or not. :type sparse: bool """ def extra_settings(self): default_momentum(self.momentum) def to_setting_kwargs(self): if self.sparse: return {'learning_method': 'sparse_momentum'} else: return {'learning_method': 'momentum'} def __init__(self, momentum=None, sparse=False): self.momentum = momentum self.sparse = sparse class AdamOptimizer(BaseSGDOptimizer): """ Adam optimizer. The details of please refer `Adam: A Method for Stochastic Optimization <>`_ .. math:: m(w, t) & = \\beta_1 m(w, t-1) + (1 - \\beta_1) \\nabla Q_i(w) \\\\ v(w, t) & = \\beta_2 v(w, t-1) + (1 - \\beta_2)(\\nabla Q_i(w)) ^2 \\\\ w & = w - \\frac{\\eta m(w, t)}{\\sqrt{v(w,t) + \\epsilon}} :param beta1: the :math:`\\beta_1` in equation. :type beta1: float :param beta2: the :math:`\\beta_2` in equation. :type beta2: float :param epsilon: the :math:`\\epsilon` in equation. It is used to prevent divided by zero. :type epsilon: float """ @property def is_support_sparse(self): return False def __init__(self, beta1=0.9, beta2=0.999, epsilon=1e-8): self.beta1 = beta1 self.beta2 = beta2 self.epsilon = epsilon def to_setting_kwargs(self): return { 'learning_method': 'adam', 'adam_beta1': self.beta1, 'adam_beta2': self.beta2, 'adam_epsilon': self.epsilon } class AdamaxOptimizer(BaseSGDOptimizer): """ Adamax optimizer. The details of please refer this `Adam: A Method for Stochastic Optimization <>`_ .. math:: m_t & = \\beta_1 * m_{t-1} + (1-\\beta_1)* \\nabla Q_i(w) \\\\ u_t & = max(\\beta_2*u_{t-1}, abs(\\nabla Q_i(w))) \\\\ w_t & = w_{t-1} - (\\eta/(1-\\beta_1^t))*m_t/u_t :param beta1: the :math:`\\beta_1` in the equation. :type beta1: float :param beta2: the :math:`\\beta_2` in the equation. :type beta2: float """ def __init__(self, beta1, beta2): self.beta1 = beta1 self.beta2 = beta2 def to_setting_kwargs(self): return { 'learning_method': 'adamax', 'adam_beta1': self.beta1, 'adam_beta2': self.beta2 } @property def is_support_sparse(self): return False class AdaGradOptimizer(BaseSGDOptimizer): """ Adagrad(for ADAptive GRAdient algorithm) optimizer. For details please refer this `Adaptive Subgradient Methods for Online Learning and Stochastic Optimization <>`_. .. math:: G &= \\sum_{\\tau=1}^{t} g_{\\tau} g_{\\tau}^T \\\\ w & = w - \\eta diag(G)^{-\\frac{1}{2}} \\circ g """ def to_setting_kwargs(self): return {'learning_method': 'adagrad'} def __init__(self): pass class RMSPropOptimizer(BaseSGDOptimizer): """ RMSProp(for Root Mean Square Propagation) optimizer. For details please refer this `slide < lecture_slides_lec6.pdf>`_. The equations of this method as follows: .. math:: v(w, t) & = \\rho v(w, t-1) + (1 - \\rho)(\\nabla Q_{i}(w))^2 \\\\ w & = w - \\frac{\\eta} {\\sqrt{v(w,t) + \\epsilon}} \\nabla Q_{i}(w) :param rho: the :math:`\\rho` in the equation. The forgetting factor. :type rho: float :param epsilon: the :math:`\\epsilon` in the equation. :type epsilon: float """ def to_setting_kwargs(self): return { 'learning_method': 'rmsprop', 'ada_rou': self.rho, 'ada_epsilon': self.epsilon } def __init__(self, rho=0.95, epsilon=1e-6): self.rho = rho self.epsilon = epsilon class DecayedAdaGradOptimizer(BaseSGDOptimizer): """ AdaGrad method with decayed sum gradients. The equations of this method show as follow. .. math:: E(g_t^2) &= \\rho * E(g_{t-1}^2) + (1-\\rho) * g^2 \\\\ learning\\_rate &= 1/sqrt( ( E(g_t^2) + \\epsilon ) :param rho: The :math:`\\rho` parameter in that equation :type rho: float :param epsilon: The :math:`\\epsilon` parameter in that equation. :type epsilon: float """ def to_setting_kwargs(self): return { 'learning_method': 'decayed_adagrad', 'ada_rou': self.rho, 'ada_epsilon': self.epsilon } def __init__(self, rho=0.95, epsilon=1e-6): self.rho = rho self.epsilon = epsilon class AdaDeltaOptimizer(BaseSGDOptimizer): """ AdaDelta method. The details of adadelta please refer to this `ADADELTA: AN ADAPTIVE LEARNING RATE METHOD <>`_. .. math:: E(g_t^2) &= \\rho * E(g_{t-1}^2) + (1-\\rho) * g^2 \\\\ learning\\_rate &= sqrt( ( E(dx_{t-1}^2) + \\epsilon ) / ( \\ E(g_t^2) + \\epsilon ) ) \\\\ E(dx_t^2) &= \\rho * E(dx_{t-1}^2) + (1-\\rho) * (-g*learning\\_rate)^2 :param rho: :math:`\\rho` in equation :type rho: float :param epsilon: :math:`\\rho` in equation :type epsilon: float """ def to_setting_kwargs(self): return { 'learning_method': 'adadelta', 'ada_rou': self.rho, 'ada_epsilon': self.epsilon } def __init__(self, rho=0.95, epsilon=1e-6): self.rho = rho self.epsilon = epsilon class BaseRegularization(Optimizer): def __init__(self): self.algorithm = "" self.learning_method = "" def to_setting_kwargs(self): return {} class L2Regularization(BaseRegularization): def __init__(self, rate): super(L2Regularization, self).__init__() self.decay_rate = rate def to_setting_kwargs(self): if self.algorithm == 'owlqn': return {'l2weight': self.decay_rate} else: return dict() def extra_settings(self): if self.algorithm == 'sgd' or self.algorithm == 'async_sgd': default_decay_rate(self.decay_rate) class ModelAverage(Optimizer): def to_setting_kwargs(self): return { 'average_window': self.average_window, 'max_average_window': self.max_average_window, 'do_average_in_cpu': self.do_average_in_cpu } def __init__(self, average_window, max_average_window=None, do_average_in_cpu=False): self.average_window = average_window self.max_average_window = max_average_window self.do_average_in_cpu = do_average_in_cpu class GradientClippingThreshold(Optimizer): def extra_settings(self): default_gradient_clipping_threshold(self.threshold) def __init__(self, threshold): self.threshold = threshold def to_setting_kwargs(self): return dict() def __extends__(dict1, dict2): for key in dict2: assert key not in dict1 dict1[key] = dict2[key] return dict1 @wrap_param_default( ['learning_method'], default_factory=lambda _: MomentumOptimizer()) @wrap_param_default( ['regularization'], default_factory=lambda _: BaseRegularization()) def settings(batch_size, learning_rate=1e-3, learning_rate_decay_a=0., learning_rate_decay_b=0., learning_rate_schedule='poly', learning_rate_args='', async_lagged_grad_discard_ratio=1.5, learning_method=None, regularization=None, is_async=False, model_average=None, gradient_clipping_threshold=None): """ Set the optimization method, learning rate, batch size, and other training settings. The currently supported algorithms are SGD and Async-SGD. .. warning:: Note that the 'batch_size' in PaddlePaddle is not equal to global training batch size. It represents the single training process's batch size. If you use N processes to train one model, for example use three GPU machines, the global batch size is N*'batch_size'. :param batch_size: batch size for one training process. :type batch_size: int :param learning_rate: learning rate for SGD :type learning_rate: float :param learning_method: The extension optimization algorithms of gradient descent, such as momentum, adagrad, rmsprop, etc. Note that it should be instance with base type BaseSGDOptimizer. :type learning_method: BaseSGDOptimizer :param regularization: The regularization method. :type regularization: BaseRegularization :param is_async: Is Async-SGD or not. Default value is False. :type is_async: bool :param model_average: Model Average Settings. :type model_average: ModelAverage :param gradient_clipping_threshold: gradient clipping threshold. If gradient value larger than some value, will be clipped. :type gradient_clipping_threshold: float :param async_lagged_grad_discard_ratio: async SGD gradient commit control, when async_lagged_grad_discard_ratio * num_gradient_servers commit passed, the current async SGD gradient is discarded. :type async_lagged_grad_discard_ratio: float """ if isinstance(regularization, BaseRegularization): regularization = [regularization] assert isinstance(learning_method, Optimizer) if isinstance(learning_method, BaseSGDOptimizer): algorithm = 'async_sgd' if is_async else 'sgd' else: algorithm = 'owlqn' args = [ 'batch_size', 'learning_rate', 'learning_rate_decay_a', 'learning_rate_decay_b', 'learning_rate_schedule', 'learning_rate_args', 'gradient_clipping_threshold', 'async_lagged_grad_discard_ratio' ] kwargs = dict() kwargs['algorithm'] = algorithm for arg in args: kwargs[arg] = locals()[arg] kwargs = __extends__(kwargs, learning_method.to_setting_kwargs()) learning_method.extra_settings() for regular in regularization: assert isinstance(regular, BaseRegularization) regular.algorithm = algorithm regular.learning_method = kwargs['learning_method'] kwargs = __extends__(kwargs, regular.to_setting_kwargs()) regular.extra_settings() if gradient_clipping_threshold is not None: gradient_clipping_threshold = GradientClippingThreshold( threshold=gradient_clipping_threshold) for each in [model_average, gradient_clipping_threshold]: if each is not None: assert isinstance(each, Optimizer) each.algorithm = algorithm each.learning_method = kwargs['learning_method'] kwargs = __extends__(kwargs, each.to_setting_kwargs()) each.extra_settings() # Do Check? Settings(**kwargs)
# Copyright 2020-2021 The MediaPipe Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """MediaPipe Objectron.""" import enum from typing import List, Tuple, NamedTuple, Optional import attr import numpy as np # pylint: disable=unused-import from mediapipe.calculators.core import constant_side_packet_calculator_pb2 from mediapipe.calculators.core import gate_calculator_pb2 from mediapipe.calculators.core import split_vector_calculator_pb2 from mediapipe.calculators.tensor import image_to_tensor_calculator_pb2 from mediapipe.calculators.tensor import inference_calculator_pb2 from mediapipe.calculators.tensor import tensors_to_detections_calculator_pb2 from mediapipe.calculators.tensor import tensors_to_floats_calculator_pb2 from mediapipe.calculators.tensor import tensors_to_landmarks_calculator_pb2 from mediapipe.calculators.tflite import ssd_anchors_calculator_pb2 from mediapipe.calculators.util import association_calculator_pb2 from mediapipe.calculators.util import collection_has_min_size_calculator_pb2 from mediapipe.calculators.util import detection_label_id_to_text_calculator_pb2 from mediapipe.calculators.util import detections_to_rects_calculator_pb2 from mediapipe.calculators.util import landmark_projection_calculator_pb2 from mediapipe.calculators.util import local_file_contents_calculator_pb2 from mediapipe.calculators.util import non_max_suppression_calculator_pb2 from mediapipe.calculators.util import rect_transformation_calculator_pb2 from mediapipe.calculators.util import thresholding_calculator_pb2 from mediapipe.framework.formats import landmark_pb2 from mediapipe.modules.objectron.calculators import annotation_data_pb2 from mediapipe.modules.objectron.calculators import frame_annotation_to_rect_calculator_pb2 from mediapipe.modules.objectron.calculators import lift_2d_frame_annotation_to_3d_calculator_pb2 # pylint: enable=unused-import from mediapipe.python.solution_base import SolutionBase from import download_utils class BoxLandmark(enum.IntEnum): """The 9 3D box landmarks.""" # # 3 + + + + + + + + 7 # +\ +\ UP # + \ + \ # + \ + \ | # + 4 + + + + + + + + 8 | y # + + + + | # + + + + | # + + (0) + + .------- x # + + + + \ # 1 + + + + + + + + 5 + \ # \ + \ + \ z # \ + \ + \ # \+ \+ # 2 + + + + + + + + 6 CENTER = 0 BACK_BOTTOM_LEFT = 1 FRONT_BOTTOM_LEFT = 2 BACK_TOP_LEFT = 3 FRONT_TOP_LEFT = 4 BACK_BOTTOM_RIGHT = 5 FRONT_BOTTOM_RIGHT = 6 BACK_TOP_RIGHT = 7 FRONT_TOP_RIGHT = 8 _BINARYPB_FILE_PATH = 'mediapipe/modules/objectron/objectron_cpu.binarypb' BOX_CONNECTIONS = frozenset([ (BoxLandmark.BACK_BOTTOM_LEFT, BoxLandmark.FRONT_BOTTOM_LEFT), (BoxLandmark.BACK_BOTTOM_LEFT, BoxLandmark.BACK_TOP_LEFT), (BoxLandmark.BACK_BOTTOM_LEFT, BoxLandmark.BACK_BOTTOM_RIGHT), (BoxLandmark.FRONT_BOTTOM_LEFT, BoxLandmark.FRONT_TOP_LEFT), (BoxLandmark.FRONT_BOTTOM_LEFT, BoxLandmark.FRONT_BOTTOM_RIGHT), (BoxLandmark.BACK_TOP_LEFT, BoxLandmark.FRONT_TOP_LEFT), (BoxLandmark.BACK_TOP_LEFT, BoxLandmark.BACK_TOP_RIGHT), (BoxLandmark.FRONT_TOP_LEFT, BoxLandmark.FRONT_TOP_RIGHT), (BoxLandmark.BACK_BOTTOM_RIGHT, BoxLandmark.FRONT_BOTTOM_RIGHT), (BoxLandmark.BACK_BOTTOM_RIGHT, BoxLandmark.BACK_TOP_RIGHT), (BoxLandmark.FRONT_BOTTOM_RIGHT, BoxLandmark.FRONT_TOP_RIGHT), (BoxLandmark.BACK_TOP_RIGHT, BoxLandmark.FRONT_TOP_RIGHT), ]) @attr.s(auto_attribs=True) class ObjectronModel(object): model_path: str label_name: str @attr.s(auto_attribs=True, frozen=True) class ShoeModel(ObjectronModel): model_path: str = ('mediapipe/modules/objectron/' 'object_detection_3d_sneakers.tflite') label_name: str = 'Footwear' @attr.s(auto_attribs=True, frozen=True) class ChairModel(ObjectronModel): model_path: str = ('mediapipe/modules/objectron/' 'object_detection_3d_chair.tflite') label_name: str = 'Chair' @attr.s(auto_attribs=True, frozen=True) class CameraModel(ObjectronModel): model_path: str = ('mediapipe/modules/objectron/' 'object_detection_3d_camera.tflite') label_name: str = 'Camera' @attr.s(auto_attribs=True, frozen=True) class CupModel(ObjectronModel): model_path: str = ('mediapipe/modules/objectron/' 'object_detection_3d_cup.tflite') label_name: str = 'Coffee cup, Mug' _MODEL_DICT = { 'Shoe': ShoeModel(), 'Chair': ChairModel(), 'Cup': CupModel(), 'Camera': CameraModel() } def _download_oss_objectron_models(objectron_model: str): """Downloads the objectron models from the MediaPipe Github repo if they don't exist in the package.""" download_utils.download_oss_model( 'mediapipe/modules/objectron/object_detection_ssd_mobilenetv2_oidv4_fp16.tflite' ) download_utils.download_oss_model(objectron_model) def get_model_by_name(name: str) -> ObjectronModel: if name not in _MODEL_DICT: raise ValueError(f'{name} is not a valid model name for Objectron.') _download_oss_objectron_models(_MODEL_DICT[name].model_path) return _MODEL_DICT[name] @attr.s(auto_attribs=True) class ObjectronOutputs(object): landmarks_2d: landmark_pb2.NormalizedLandmarkList landmarks_3d: landmark_pb2.LandmarkList rotation: np.ndarray translation: np.ndarray scale: np.ndarray class Objectron(SolutionBase): """MediaPipe Objectron. MediaPipe Objectron processes an RGB image and returns the 3D box landmarks and 2D rectangular bounding box of each detected object. """ def __init__(self, static_image_mode: bool = False, max_num_objects: int = 5, min_detection_confidence: float = 0.5, min_tracking_confidence: float = 0.99, model_name: str = 'Shoe', focal_length: Tuple[float, float] = (1.0, 1.0), principal_point: Tuple[float, float] = (0.0, 0.0), image_size: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None, ): """Initializes a MediaPipe Objectron class. Args: static_image_mode: Whether to treat the input images as a batch of static and possibly unrelated images, or a video stream. max_num_objects: Maximum number of objects to detect. min_detection_confidence: Minimum confidence value ([0.0, 1.0]) for object detection to be considered successful. min_tracking_confidence: Minimum confidence value ([0.0, 1.0]) for the box landmarks to be considered tracked successfully. model_name: Name of model to use for predicting box landmarks, currently support {'Shoe', 'Chair', 'Cup', 'Camera'}. focal_length: Camera focal length `(fx, fy)`, by default is defined in NDC space. To use focal length (fx_pixel, fy_pixel) in pixel space, users should provide image_size = (image_width, image_height) to enable conversions inside the API. principal_point: Camera principal point (px, py), by default is defined in NDC space. To use principal point (px_pixel, py_pixel) in pixel space, users should provide image_size = (image_width, image_height) to enable conversions inside the API. image_size (Optional): size (image_width, image_height) of the input image , ONLY needed when use focal_length and principal_point in pixel space. Raises: ConnectionError: If the objectron open source model can't be downloaded from the MediaPipe Github repo. """ # Get Camera parameters. fx, fy = focal_length px, py = principal_point if image_size is not None: half_width = image_size[0] / 2.0 half_height = image_size[1] / 2.0 fx = fx / half_width fy = fy / half_height px = - (px - half_width) / half_width py = - (py - half_height) / half_height # Create and init model. model = get_model_by_name(model_name) super().__init__( binary_graph_path=_BINARYPB_FILE_PATH, side_inputs={ 'box_landmark_model_path': model.model_path, 'allowed_labels': model.label_name, 'max_num_objects': max_num_objects, 'use_prev_landmarks': not static_image_mode, }, calculator_params={ ('objectdetectionoidv4subgraph' '__TensorsToDetectionsCalculator.min_score_thresh'): min_detection_confidence, ('boxlandmarksubgraph__ThresholdingCalculator' '.threshold'): min_tracking_confidence, ('Lift2DFrameAnnotationTo3DCalculator' '.normalized_focal_x'): fx, ('Lift2DFrameAnnotationTo3DCalculator' '.normalized_focal_y'): fy, ('Lift2DFrameAnnotationTo3DCalculator' '.normalized_principal_point_x'): px, ('Lift2DFrameAnnotationTo3DCalculator' '.normalized_principal_point_y'): py, }, outputs=['detected_objects']) def process(self, image: np.ndarray) -> NamedTuple: """Processes an RGB image and returns the box landmarks and rectangular bounding box of each detected object. Args: image: An RGB image represented as a numpy ndarray. Raises: RuntimeError: If the underlying graph throws any error. ValueError: If the input image is not three channel RGB. Returns: A NamedTuple object with a "detected_objects" field that contains a list of detected 3D bounding boxes. Each detected box is represented as an "ObjectronOutputs" instance. """ results = super().process(input_data={'image': image}) if results.detected_objects: results.detected_objects = self._convert_format(results.detected_objects) else: results.detected_objects = None return results def _convert_format( self, inputs: annotation_data_pb2.FrameAnnotation) -> List[ObjectronOutputs]: new_outputs = list() for annotation in inputs.annotations: # Get 3d object pose. rotation = np.reshape(np.array(annotation.rotation), (3, 3)) translation = np.array(annotation.translation) scale = np.array(annotation.scale) # Get 2d/3d landmakrs. landmarks_2d = landmark_pb2.NormalizedLandmarkList() landmarks_3d = landmark_pb2.LandmarkList() for keypoint in annotation.keypoints: point_2d = keypoint.point_2d landmarks_2d.landmark.add(x=point_2d.x, y=point_2d.y) point_3d = keypoint.point_3d landmarks_3d.landmark.add(x=point_3d.x, y=point_3d.y, z=point_3d.z) # Add to objectron outputs. new_outputs.append(ObjectronOutputs(landmarks_2d, landmarks_3d, rotation, translation, scale=scale)) return new_outputs
import pytest from cedar import ParseError, parse from cedar.ast import ( Enum, Tag, Record, Attribute, Function, Parameter, Type, Union, Dict, List, Nullable ) from .common import Module, table def test_parse_errors_can_halt_execution(): with pytest.raises(ParseError) as e: parse("record!") with pytest.raises(SystemExit): e.value.print_and_halt() def test_tabs_are_not_allowed(): with pytest.raises(ParseError) as e: parse("record A {\n\ta Int\n}") assert e.value.message == r"unexpected '\t'" def test_unexpected_tokens_raise_errors(): with pytest.raises(ParseError) as e: parse("record A! {}") assert e.value.message == "unexpected '!'" def test_only_toplevel_declarations_are_allowed_in_a_module(): with pytest.raises(ParseError) as e: parse("User") assert e.value.line == 1 assert e.value.column == 4 def test_enums_cannnot_have_many_dangling_commas(): with pytest.raises(ParseError) as e: parse("enum A {B, C,,}") assert e.value.line == 1 assert e.value.column == 13 def test_unions_cannot_be_empty(): with pytest.raises(ParseError): parse("union A {}") def test_comments_are_ignored(): table([ ( """ // a comment enum A {} // another comment """, Module([Enum("A", [])]) ), ( """ // an enum enum A { B } // a record record C { // a field d Int } """, Module([ Enum("A", [Tag("B")]), Record("C", [Attribute("d", Type("Int"))]) ]) ), ]) def test_can_parse_modules(): table([ ( "", Module([]) ) ]) def test_can_parse_enums(): table([ ("enum A {}", Enum("A", [])), ("enum A { B, C, D }", Enum("A", [Tag("B"), Tag("C"), Tag("D")])), ( """ enum A { B, C } """, Enum("A", [Tag("B"), Tag("C")]) ), ( """ enum A { B, C, } """, Enum("A", [Tag("B"), Tag("C")]) ) ]) def test_can_parse_unions(): table([ ("union A { B, C }", Union("A", [Type("B"), Type("C")])), ( """ union A { B, C, } """, Union("A", [Type("B"), Type("C")]) ), ]) def test_can_parse_records(): table([ ( "record Unit {}", Record("Unit", []) ), ( """ record User { id Int name String email String age Int? friends [User] } """, Record( "User", [ Attribute("id", Type("Int")), Attribute("name", Type("String")), Attribute("email", Type("String")), Attribute("age", Nullable(Type("Int"))), Attribute("friends", List(Type("User"))), ] ) ), ( "record A { map {String: Int?} }", Record( "A", [ Attribute("map", Dict(Type("String"), Nullable(Type("Int")))) ] ) ) ]) def test_can_parse_functions(): table([ ( "fn findAllUsers() [User]", Function("findAllUsers", [], List(Type("User"))) ), ( "fn findUser(id Int) User?", Function("findUser", [Parameter("id", Type("Int"))], Nullable(Type("User"))) ), ( "fn findAllResources(kind ResourceKind) Resource", Function( "findAllResources", [Parameter("kind", Type("ResourceKind"))], Type("Resource") ) ), ( [ "fn findUsersByAge(comparator Comparator, age Int) [User]", "fn findUsersByAge(comparator Comparator, age Int,) [User]", """ fn findUsersByAge( comparator Comparator, age Int, ) [User] """, """ fn findUsersByAge( comparator Comparator, age Int, ) [User] """, """ fn findUsersByAge( comparator Comparator, age Int ) [User] """ ], Function( "findUsersByAge", [Parameter("comparator", Type("Comparator")), Parameter("age", Type("Int"))], List(Type("User")) ) ) ])
# Copyright The IETF Trust 2007, All Rights Reserved import codecs import re import os.path import django.utils.html from django.shortcuts import render_to_response as render from django.template import RequestContext from django.conf import settings from django.http import Http404 from ietf.idtracker.models import IETFWG, InternetDraft, Rfc from ietf.ipr.models import IprRfc, IprDraft, IprDetail from ietf.ipr.related import related_docs from ietf.utils import log, normalize_draftname def mark_last_doc(iprs): for item in iprs: docs = count = len(docs) if count > 1: item.last_draft = docs[count-1] def iprs_from_docs(docs): iprs = [] for doc in docs: if settings.USE_DB_REDESIGN_PROXY_CLASSES: from ietf.ipr.models import IprDocAlias disclosures = [ x.ipr for x in IprDocAlias.objects.filter(doc_alias=doc, ipr__status__in=[1,3]) ] elif isinstance(doc, InternetDraft): disclosures = [ item.ipr for item in IprDraft.objects.filter(document=doc, ipr__status__in=[1,3]) ] elif isinstance(doc, Rfc): disclosures = [ item.ipr for item in IprRfc.objects.filter(document=doc, ipr__status__in=[1,3]) ] else: raise ValueError("Doc type is neither draft nor rfc: %s" % doc) if disclosures: doc.iprs = disclosures iprs += disclosures iprs = list(set(iprs)) return iprs, docs def patent_file_search(url, q): if url: fname = url.split("/")[-1] fpath = os.path.join(settings.IPR_DOCUMENT_PATH, fname) #print "*** Checking file", fpath if os.path.isfile(fpath): #print "*** Found file", fpath file =, mode='r', encoding='utf-8', errors='replace') text = file.close return q in text return False def search(request, type="", q="", id=""): if settings.USE_DB_REDESIGN_PROXY_CLASSES: from import Group wgs = Group.objects.filter(type="wg").exclude(acronym="2000").select_related().order_by("acronym") else: wgs = IETFWG.objects.filter(group_type__group_type_id=1).exclude(group_acronym__acronym='2000').select_related().order_by('acronym.acronym') args = request.REQUEST.items() if args: for key, value in args: if key == "option": type = value if re.match(".*search", key): q = value if re.match(".*id", key): id = value if type and q or id: #log("Got query: type=%s, q=%s, id=%s" % (type, q, id)) # Search by RFC number or draft-identifier # Document list with IPRs if type in ["document_search", "rfc_search"]: doc = q if type == "document_search": if q: q = normalize_draftname(q) if settings.USE_DB_REDESIGN_PROXY_CLASSES: from ietf.doc.proxy import DraftLikeDocAlias start = DraftLikeDocAlias.objects.filter(name__contains=q, name__startswith="draft") else: start = InternetDraft.objects.filter(filename__contains=q) if id: if settings.USE_DB_REDESIGN_PROXY_CLASSES: from ietf.doc.proxy import DraftLikeDocAlias start = DraftLikeDocAlias.objects.filter(name=id) else: try: id = int(id,10) except: id = -1 start = InternetDraft.objects.filter(id_document_tag=id) if type == "rfc_search": if q: try: q = int(q, 10) except: q = -1 if settings.USE_DB_REDESIGN_PROXY_CLASSES: from ietf.doc.proxy import DraftLikeDocAlias start = DraftLikeDocAlias.objects.filter(name__contains=q, name__startswith="rfc") else: start = Rfc.objects.filter(rfc_number=q) if start.count() == 1: first = start[0] doc = str(first) # get all related drafts, then search for IPRs on all docs = related_docs(first, []) #docs = get_doclist.get_doclist(first) iprs, docs = iprs_from_docs(docs) return render("ipr/search_doc_result.html", {"q": q, "first": first, "iprs": iprs, "docs": docs, "doc": doc }, context_instance=RequestContext(request) ) elif start.count(): return render("ipr/search_doc_list.html", {"q": q, "docs": start }, context_instance=RequestContext(request) ) else: return render("ipr/search_doc_result.html", {"q": q, "first": {}, "iprs": {}, "docs": {}, "doc": doc }, context_instance=RequestContext(request) ) # Search by legal name # IPR list with documents elif type == "patent_search": iprs = IprDetail.objects.filter(legal_name__icontains=q, status__in=[1,3]).order_by("-submitted_date", "-ipr_id") count = iprs.count() iprs = [ ipr for ipr in iprs if not ipr.updated_by.all() ] # Some extra information, to help us render 'and' between the # last two documents in a sequence mark_last_doc(iprs) return render("ipr/search_holder_result.html", {"q": q, "iprs": iprs, "count": count }, context_instance=RequestContext(request) ) # Search by content of email or pagent_info field # IPR list with documents elif type == "patent_info_search": if len(q) < 3: return render("ipr/search_error.html", {"q": q, "error": "The search string must contain at least three characters" }, context_instance=RequestContext(request) ) digits ="[0-9]", q) if not digits: return render("ipr/search_error.html", {"q": q, "error": "The search string must contain at least one digit" }, context_instance=RequestContext(request) ) iprs = [] for ipr in IprDetail.objects.filter(status__in=[1,3]): if ((q in ipr.patents) | patent_file_search(ipr.legacy_url_0, q) | patent_file_search(ipr.legacy_url_1, q) | patent_file_search(ipr.legacy_url_2, q) ): iprs.append(ipr) count = len(iprs) iprs = [ ipr for ipr in iprs if not ipr.updated_by.all() ] # Some extra information, to help us render 'and' between the # last two documents in a sequence iprs.sort(key=lambda x: x.ipr_id, reverse=True) # Reverse sort mark_last_doc(iprs) return render("ipr/search_patent_result.html", {"q": q, "iprs": iprs, "count": count }, context_instance=RequestContext(request) ) # Search by wg acronym # Document list with IPRs elif type == "wg_search": if settings.USE_DB_REDESIGN_PROXY_CLASSES: from ietf.doc.proxy import DraftLikeDocAlias try: docs = list(DraftLikeDocAlias.objects.filter(document__group__acronym=q)) docs += list(DraftLikeDocAlias.objects.filter(document__relateddocument__target__in=docs, document__relateddocument__relationship="replaces")) except: docs = [] else: try: docs = list(InternetDraft.objects.filter(group__acronym=q)) except: docs = [] docs += [ draft.replaced_by for draft in docs if draft.replaced_by_id ] docs += list(Rfc.objects.filter(group_acronym=q)) docs = [ doc for doc in docs if doc.ipr.count() ] iprs, docs = iprs_from_docs(docs) count = len(iprs) return render("ipr/search_wg_result.html", {"q": q, "docs": docs, "count": count }, context_instance=RequestContext(request) ) # Search by rfc and id title # Document list with IPRs elif type == "title_search": if settings.USE_DB_REDESIGN_PROXY_CLASSES: from ietf.doc.proxy import DraftLikeDocAlias try: docs = list(DraftLikeDocAlias.objects.filter(document__title__icontains=q)) except: docs = [] else: try: docs = list(InternetDraft.objects.filter(title__icontains=q)) except: docs = [] docs += list(Rfc.objects.filter(title__icontains=q)) docs = [ doc for doc in docs if doc.ipr.count() ] iprs, docs = iprs_from_docs(docs) count = len(iprs) return render("ipr/search_doctitle_result.html", {"q": q, "docs": docs, "count": count }, context_instance=RequestContext(request) ) # Search by title of IPR disclosure # IPR list with documents elif type == "ipr_title_search": iprs = IprDetail.objects.filter(title__icontains=q, status__in=[1,3]).order_by("-submitted_date", "-ipr_id") count = iprs.count() iprs = [ ipr for ipr in iprs if not ipr.updated_by.all() ] # Some extra information, to help us render 'and' between the # last two documents in a sequence mark_last_doc(iprs) return render("ipr/search_iprtitle_result.html", {"q": q, "iprs": iprs, "count": count }, context_instance=RequestContext(request) ) else: raise Http404("Unexpected search type in IPR query: %s" % type) return django.http.HttpResponseRedirect(request.path) if settings.USE_DB_REDESIGN_PROXY_CLASSES: for wg in wgs: wg.group_acronym = wg # proxy group_acronym for select box return render("ipr/search.html", {"wgs": wgs}, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
import time import os import os.path from import ok_, eq_, raises from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor from carpool import Carpool from carpool.hooks import Carhook def create_temp_file(fname, msg = 'something', sleep_time=0.2): if os.path.isfile(fname): raise Exception("File already exists!") with open(fname, 'w') as f: f.write(msg + "\n") time.sleep(sleep_time) return 'done' class SampleHook(Carhook): def __init__(self): self.ready_wait_counter = 0 self.ready_for_task_called = 0 self.task_started_called = 0 self.task_ended_called = 0 self.start_called = 0 self.stop_called = 0 def ready_for_task(self, args, kwargs): self.ready_for_task_called += 1 while self.ready_wait_counter > 0: self.ready_wait_counter -= 1 return False return True def task_started(self, future, args, kwargs): self.task_started_called += 1 def task_ended(self, future, args, kwargs): self.task_ended_called += 1 def start(self, fn): self.fn = fn self.start_called += 1 def stop(self): self.stop_called += 1 class TestCarpool: def setup(self): self.carpool = Carpool(create_temp_file) self.hook = SampleHook() def teardown(self): eq_(self.carpool._active_workers, []) if os.path.isfile('temp-a.txt'): os.remove('temp-a.txt') if os.path.isfile('temp-b.txt'): os.remove('temp-b.txt') def test_simple_fn(self): create_temp_file('temp-b.txt', msg = 'something2') ok_(os.path.isfile('temp-b.txt')) def test_with_one_worker(self): t = time.time() with self.carpool.workers(max_workers=1) as create_temp_file: create_temp_file('temp-a.txt') create_temp_file('temp-b.txt', msg = 'something2') elapsed = time.time() - t ok_(elapsed > 0.4) ok_(os.path.isfile('temp-a.txt')) ok_(os.path.isfile('temp-b.txt')) def test_with_multiple_workers(self): t = time.time() with self.carpool.workers(max_workers=2) as create_temp_file: create_temp_file('temp-a.txt') create_temp_file('temp-b.txt', msg = 'something2') elapsed = time.time() - t ok_(elapsed < 0.3) ok_(os.path.isfile('temp-a.txt')) ok_(os.path.isfile('temp-b.txt')) def test_with_too_many_workers(self): t = time.time() with self.carpool.workers(max_workers=5) as create_temp_file: create_temp_file('temp-a.txt') create_temp_file('temp-b.txt', msg = 'something2') elapsed = time.time() - t ok_(elapsed < 0.3) ok_(os.path.isfile('temp-a.txt')) ok_(os.path.isfile('temp-b.txt')) def test_using_thread_pool_executor(self): self.carpool.pool_executor = ThreadPoolExecutor t = time.time() with self.carpool.workers(max_workers=2) as create_temp_file: create_temp_file('temp-a.txt') create_temp_file('temp-b.txt', msg = 'something2') elapsed = time.time() - t ok_(elapsed < 0.3) ok_(os.path.isfile('temp-a.txt')) ok_(os.path.isfile('temp-b.txt')) def test_using_wait_time(self): t = time.time() self.carpool.wait_time = 0 with self.carpool.workers(max_workers=1) as create_temp_file: create_temp_file('temp-a.txt') create_temp_file('temp-b.txt', msg = 'something2') elapsed = time.time() - t ok_(elapsed < 0.5) ok_(elapsed > 0.4) ok_(os.path.isfile('temp-a.txt')) ok_(os.path.isfile('temp-b.txt')) def test_using_default_workers(self): with self.carpool.workers() as create_temp_file: create_temp_file('temp-a.txt') create_temp_file('temp-b.txt', msg = 'something2') ok_(os.path.isfile('temp-a.txt')) ok_(os.path.isfile('temp-b.txt')) def test_exception_second_worker_fails(self): with self.carpool.workers() as create_temp_file: f1 = create_temp_file('temp-a.txt') # Fails because file already exists f2 = create_temp_file('temp-a.txt', msg = 'failed') msg = open('temp-a.txt').read().strip() eq_(msg, 'something') ok_(not f1.exception()) ok_(f2.exception()) @raises(Exception) def test_exception_within_block(self): with self.carpool.workers() as fn: raise(Exception("Fake Error")) def test_canceling_futures(self): with self.carpool.workers(max_workers=1) as create_temp_file: f1 = create_temp_file('temp-a.txt') f2 = create_temp_file('temp-b.txt') ok_(f2.cancel()) ok_(not f2.running()) ok_(f2.done()) ok_(f2.cancel()) # check multiple cancels does not raise error. ok_(not os.path.isfile('temp-b.txt')) def test_hook(self): self.carpool.hooks.append(self.hook) self.carpool.wait_time = 0 with self.carpool.workers(max_workers=1) as create_temp_file: eq_(self.hook.start_called, 1) eq_(self.hook.ready_for_task_called, 0) eq_(self.hook.task_started_called, 0) eq_(self.hook.task_ended_called, 0) eq_(self.hook.stop_called, 0) f = create_temp_file('temp-a.txt') eq_(self.hook.start_called, 1) eq_(self.hook.ready_for_task_called, 1) eq_(self.hook.task_started_called, 1) eq_(self.hook.task_ended_called, 0) eq_(self.hook.stop_called, 0) self.hook.ready_wait_counter = 2 f = create_temp_file('temp-b.txt') eq_(self.hook.start_called, 1) eq_(self.hook.ready_for_task_called, 4) # waiting loop - multiple calls made eq_(self.hook.task_started_called, 2) eq_(self.hook.task_ended_called, 1) eq_(self.hook.stop_called, 0) eq_(self.hook.start_called, 1) eq_(self.hook.ready_for_task_called, 4) # waiting loop - multiple calls eq_(self.hook.task_started_called, 2) eq_(self.hook.task_ended_called, 2) eq_(self.hook.stop_called, 1) def test_hook_exception_in_start_hook(self): self.carpool.hooks.append(self.hook) self.hook.start_called = None self.carpool.wait_time = 0 try: with self.carpool.workers(max_workers=1) as create_temp_file: create_temp_file('temp-a.txt') except: pass eq_(self.hook.start_called, None) eq_(self.hook.ready_for_task_called, 0) eq_(self.hook.task_started_called, 0) eq_(self.hook.task_ended_called, 0) eq_(self.hook.stop_called, 1) def test_hook_exception_in_ready_for_task(self): self.carpool.hooks.append(self.hook) self.hook.ready_for_task_called = None self.carpool.wait_time = 0 try: with self.carpool.workers(max_workers=1) as create_temp_file: create_temp_file('temp-a.txt') except: pass eq_(self.hook.start_called, 1) eq_(self.hook.ready_for_task_called, None) eq_(self.hook.task_started_called, 0) eq_(self.hook.task_ended_called, 0) eq_(self.hook.stop_called, 1) def test_hook_exception_in_task_started(self): self.carpool.hooks.append(self.hook) self.hook.task_started_called = None self.carpool.wait_time = 0 try: with self.carpool.workers(max_workers=1) as create_temp_file: create_temp_file('temp-a.txt') except: pass eq_(self.hook.start_called, 1) eq_(self.hook.ready_for_task_called, 1) eq_(self.hook.task_started_called, None) eq_(self.hook.task_ended_called, 0) eq_(self.hook.stop_called, 1) def test_hook_exception_in_task_ended(self): self.carpool.hooks.append(self.hook) self.hook.task_ended_called = None self.carpool.wait_time = 0 try: with self.carpool.workers(max_workers=1) as create_temp_file: create_temp_file('temp-a.txt') except: pass eq_(self.hook.start_called, 1) eq_(self.hook.ready_for_task_called, 1) eq_(self.hook.task_started_called, 1) eq_(self.hook.task_ended_called, None) eq_(self.hook.stop_called, 1) def test_hook_exception_in_stop_called(self): self.carpool.hooks.append(self.hook) self.hook.stop_called = None self.carpool.wait_time = 0 try: with self.carpool.workers(max_workers=1) as create_temp_file: create_temp_file('temp-a.txt') except: pass eq_(self.hook.start_called, 1) eq_(self.hook.ready_for_task_called, 1) eq_(self.hook.task_started_called, 1) eq_(self.hook.task_ended_called, 1) eq_(self.hook.stop_called, None) def test_multiple_hooks_exception_in_stop_called(self): hook2 = SampleHook() self.carpool.hooks.append(self.hook) self.carpool.hooks.append(hook2) self.hook.stop_called = None self.carpool.wait_time = 0 try: with self.carpool.workers(max_workers=1) as create_temp_file: create_temp_file('temp-a.txt') except: pass eq_(self.hook.start_called, 1) eq_(self.hook.ready_for_task_called, 1) eq_(self.hook.task_started_called, 1) eq_(self.hook.task_ended_called, 1) eq_(self.hook.stop_called, None) eq_(hook2.stop_called, 1) # TODO def test_hook_exception_timeout_future(self): self.carpool.hooks.append(self.hook) self.carpool.wait_time = 0 try: with self.carpool.workers(max_workers=1) as create_temp_file: f = create_temp_file('temp-a.txt') except: pass ok_(f.done())
import copy from django.db.models.aggregates import Aggregate from django.db.models.base import ModelBase from django.db.models.manager import Manager from django.db.models.query import QuerySet from .exceptions import APIInputError def _validate_field_lookup_term(model, term): """Checks whether the term is a valid field_lookup for the model. Args: model(django.db.models.Model): a django model for which to check whether the term is a valid field_lookup. term(str): the term to check whether it is a valid field_lookup for the model supplied. Returns: True if term corresponds to a valid field_lookup for the model. Raises: FieldError: If the term supplied is not a valid field lookup parameter for the model. """ # TODO: Memoization for speed enchancements terms = term.split('__') model_fields = model._meta.get_all_field_names() if terms[0] not in model_fields: raise APIInputError("Field %r does not exist. Valid lookups are %s." % (terms[0], ', '.join(model_fields))) if len(terms) == 1: return model._meta.get_field(terms[0]).verbose_name else: # DocString details for model._meta.get_field_by_name # # Returns a tuple (field_object, model, direct, m2m), where # field_object is the Field instance for the given name, # model is the model containing this field (None for # local fields), # direct is True if the field exists on this model, # and m2m is True for many-to-many relations. # When 'direct' is False, 'field_object' is the corresponding # RelatedObject for this field (since the field doesn't have # an instance associated with it). field_details = model._meta.get_field_by_name(terms[0]) # if the field is direct field if field_details[2]: m = field_details[0].related.parent_model else: m = field_details[0].model return _validate_field_lookup_term(m, '__'.join(terms[1:])) def _clean_source(source): if isinstance(source, ModelBase): return source._base_manager.all() elif isinstance(source, Manager): return source.all() elif isinstance(source, QuerySet): return source raise APIInputError("'source' must either be a QuerySet, Model or " "Manager. Got %s of type %s instead." %(source, type(source))) def _validate_func(func): if not isinstance(func, Aggregate): raise APIInputError("'func' must an instance of django Aggregate. " "Got %s of type %s instead" % (func, type(func))) def _clean_categories(categories, source): if isinstance(categories, basestring): categories = [categories] elif isinstance(categories, (tuple, list)): if not categories: raise APIInputError("'categories' tuple or list must contain at " "least one valid model field. Got %s." %categories) else: raise APIInputError("'categories' must be one of the following " "types: basestring, tuple or list. Got %s of " "type %s instead." %(categories, type(categories))) field_aliases = {} for c in categories: field_aliases[c] = _validate_field_lookup_term(source.model, c) return categories, field_aliases def _clean_legend_by(legend_by, source): if isinstance(legend_by, basestring): legend_by = [legend_by] elif isinstance(legend_by, (tuple, list)): pass elif legend_by is None: legend_by = () else: raise APIInputError("'legend_by' must be one of the following " "types: basestring, tuple or list. Got %s of " "type %s instead." %(legend_by, type(legend_by))) field_aliases = {} for lg in legend_by: field_aliases[lg] = _validate_field_lookup_term(source.model, lg) return legend_by, field_aliases def _validate_top_n_per_cat(top_n_per_cat): if not isinstance(top_n_per_cat, int): raise APIInputError("'top_n_per_cat' must be an int. Got %s of type " "%s instead." %(top_n_per_cat, type(top_n_per_cat))) def _clean_field_aliases(fa_actual, fa_cat, fa_lgby): fa = copy.copy(fa_lgby) fa.update(fa_cat) fa.update(fa_actual) return fa def _convert_pdps_to_dict(series_list): series_dict = {} for sd in series_list: try: options = sd['options'] except KeyError: raise APIInputError("%s is missing the 'options' key." %sd) if not isinstance(options, dict): raise APIInputError("Expecting a dict in place of: %s" %options) try: terms = sd['terms'] except KeyError: raise APIInputError("%s is missing have the 'terms' key." %sd) if isinstance(terms, dict): if not terms: raise APIInputError("'terms' cannot be empty.") for tk, tv in terms.items(): if isinstance(tv, Aggregate): tv = {'func': tv} elif isinstance(tv, dict): pass else: raise APIInputError("Expecting a dict or django Aggregate " "in place of: %s" %tv) opts = copy.deepcopy(options) opts.update(tv) series_dict.update({tk: opts}) else: raise APIInputError("Expecting a dict in place of: %s" %terms) return series_dict def clean_pdps(series): """Clean the PivotDataPool series input from the user. """ if isinstance(series, list): series = _convert_pdps_to_dict(series) clean_pdps(series) elif isinstance(series, dict): if not series: raise APIInputError("'series' cannot be empty.") for td in series.values(): # td is not a dict if not isinstance(td, dict): raise APIInputError("Expecting a dict in place of: %s" %td) # source try: td['source'] = _clean_source(td['source']) except KeyError: raise APIInputError("Missing 'source': %s" % td) # func try: _validate_func(td['func']) except KeyError: raise APIInputError("Missing 'func': %s" % td) # categories try: td['categories'], fa_cat = _clean_categories(td['categories'], td['source']) except KeyError: raise APIInputError("Missing 'categories': %s" % td) # legend_by try: td['legend_by'], fa_lgby = _clean_legend_by(td['legend_by'], td['source']) except KeyError: td['legend_by'], fa_lgby = (), {} # top_n_per_cat try: _validate_top_n_per_cat(td['top_n_per_cat']) except KeyError: td['top_n_per_cat'] = 0 # field_aliases try: fa_actual = td['field_aliases'] except KeyError: td['field_aliases'] = fa_actual = {} td['field_aliases'] = _clean_field_aliases(fa_actual, fa_cat, fa_lgby) else: raise APIInputError("Expecting a dict or list in place of: %s" %series) return series def _convert_dps_to_dict(series_list): series_list = copy.deepcopy(series_list) series_dict = {} if not series_list: raise APIInputError("'series' cannot be empty.") for sd in series_list: try: options = sd['options'] except KeyError: raise APIInputError("%s is missing the 'options' key." %sd) if not isinstance(options, dict): raise APIInputError("Expecting a dict in place of: %s" %options) try: terms = sd['terms'] except KeyError: raise APIInputError("%s is missing the 'terms' key." %sd) if isinstance(terms, list): for term in terms: if isinstance(term, basestring): series_dict[term] = copy.deepcopy(options) elif isinstance(term, dict): for tk, tv in term.items(): if isinstance(tv, basestring): opts = copy.deepcopy(options) opts['field'] = tv series_dict[tk] = opts elif isinstance(tv, dict): opts = copy.deepcopy(options) opts.update(tv) series_dict[tk] = opts else: raise APIInputError("Expecting a basestring or " " dict in place of: %s" %tv) elif isinstance(term,tuple): t,fn = term opt = copy.deepcopy(options) opt['fn'] = fn series_dict[t] = opt elif isinstance(terms, dict): for tk, tv in terms.items(): if isinstance(tv, basestring): opts = copy.deepcopy(options) opts['field'] = tv series_dict[tk] = opts elif isinstance(tv, dict): opts = copy.deepcopy(options) opts.update(tv) series_dict[tk] = opts else: raise APIInputError("Expecting a basestring or dict in " "place of: %s" %tv) else: raise APIInputError("Expecting a list or dict in place of: %s." %terms) return series_dict def clean_dps(series): """Clean the DataPool series input from the user. """ if isinstance(series, dict): if not series: raise APIInputError("'series' cannot be empty.") for tk, td in series.items(): try: td['source'] = _clean_source(td['source']) except KeyError: raise APIInputError("%s is missing the 'source' key." %td) td.setdefault('field', tk) fa = _validate_field_lookup_term(td['source'].model, td['field'])\ .title() # If the user supplied term is not a field name, use it as an alias if tk != td['field']: fa = tk td.setdefault('field_alias', fa) elif isinstance(series, list): series = _convert_dps_to_dict(series) clean_dps(series) else: raise APIInputError("Expecting a dict or list in place of: %s" %series) return series def _convert_pcso_to_dict(series_options): series_options_dict = {} for stod in series_options: try: options = stod['options'] except KeyError: raise APIInputError("%s is missing the 'options' key." %stod) if not isinstance(options, dict): raise APIInputError("Expecting a dict in place of: %s" %options) try: terms = stod['terms'] except KeyError: raise APIInputError("%s is missing the 'terms' key." %stod) if isinstance(terms, list): for term in terms: if isinstance(term, basestring): opts = copy.deepcopy(options) series_options_dict.update({term: opts}) elif isinstance(term, dict): for tk, tv in term.items(): if not isinstance(tv, dict): raise APIInputError("Expecting a dict in place " "of: %s" %tv) opts = copy.deepcopy(options) opts.update(tv) series_options_dict.update({tk: opts}) else: raise APIInputError("Expecting a list in place of: %s" %terms) return series_options_dict def clean_pcso(series_options, ds): """Clean the PivotChart series_options input from the user. """ #todlist = term option dict list if isinstance(series_options, dict): for sok, sod in series_options.items(): if sok not in ds.series.keys(): raise APIInputError("All the series terms must be present " "in the series dict of the " "datasource. Got %s. Allowed values " "are: %s" %(sok, ', '.join(ds.series.keys()))) if not isinstance(sod, dict): raise APIInputError("All the series options must be of the " "type dict. Got %s of type %s instead." %(sod, type(sod))) elif isinstance(series_options, list): series_options = _convert_pcso_to_dict(series_options) clean_pcso(series_options, ds) else: raise APIInputError("Expecting a dict or list in place of: %s." %series_options) return series_options def _convert_cso_to_dict(series_options): series_options_dict = {} #stod: series term and option dict for stod in series_options: try: options = stod['options'] except KeyError: raise APIInputError("%s is missing the 'options' key." %stod) if not isinstance(options, dict): raise APIInputError("Expecting a dict in place of: %s" %options) try: terms = stod['terms'] except KeyError: raise APIInputError("%s is missing the 'terms' key." %stod) if isinstance(terms, dict): if not terms: raise APIInputError("'terms' dict cannot be empty.") for tk, td in terms.items(): if isinstance(td, list): for yterm in td: if isinstance(yterm, basestring): opts = copy.deepcopy(options) opts['_x_axis_term'] = tk series_options_dict[yterm] = opts elif isinstance(yterm, dict): opts = copy.deepcopy(options) opts.update(yterm.values()[0]) opts['_x_axis_term'] = tk series_options_dict[yterm.keys()[0]] = opts else: raise APIInputError("Expecting a basestring or " "dict in place of: %s." %yterm) else: raise APIInputError("Expecting a list instead of: %s" %td) else: raise APIInputError("Expecting a dict in place of: %s." %terms) return series_options_dict def clean_cso(series_options, ds): """Clean the Chart series_options input from the user. """ if isinstance(series_options, dict): for sok, sod in series_options.items(): if sok not in ds.series.keys(): raise APIInputError("%s is not one of the keys of the " "datasource series. Allowed values " "are: %s" %(sok, ', '.join(ds.series.keys()))) if not isinstance(sod, dict): raise APIInputError("%s is of type: %s. Expecting a dict." %(sod, type(sod))) try: _x_axis_term = sod['_x_axis_term'] if _x_axis_term not in ds.series.keys(): raise APIInputError("%s is not one of the keys of the " "datasource series. Allowed values " "are: %s" %(_x_axis_term, ', '.join(ds.series.keys()))) except KeyError: raise APIInputError("Expecting a '_x_axis_term' for %s." %sod) if ds.series[sok]['_data'] != ds.series[_x_axis_term]['_data']: raise APIInputError("%s and %s do not belong to the same " "table." %(sok, _x_axis_term)) sod['_data'] = ds.series[sok]['_data'] elif isinstance(series_options, list): series_options = _convert_cso_to_dict(series_options) clean_cso(series_options, ds) else: raise APIInputError("'series_options' must either be a dict or a " "list. Got %s of type %s instead." %(series_options, type(series_options))) return series_options def clean_sortf_mapf_mts(sortf_mapf_mts): if sortf_mapf_mts is None: sortf_mapf_mts = (None, None, False) if isinstance(sortf_mapf_mts, tuple): if len(sortf_mapf_mts) != 3: raise APIInputError("%r must have exactly three elements." %sortf_mapf_mts) sortf, mapf, mts = sortf_mapf_mts if not callable(sortf) and sortf is not None: raise APIInputError("%r must be callable or None." %sortf) if not callable(mapf) and mapf is not None: raise APIInputError("%r must be callable or None." %mapf) mts = bool(mts) return (sortf, mapf, mts) def clean_x_sortf_mapf_mts(x_sortf_mapf_mts): cleaned_x_s_m_mts = [] if x_sortf_mapf_mts is None: x_sortf_mapf_mts = [(None, None, False)] if isinstance(x_sortf_mapf_mts, tuple): x_sortf_mapf_mts = [x_sortf_mapf_mts] for x_s_m_mts in x_sortf_mapf_mts: if not isinstance(x_s_m_mts, tuple): raise APIInputError("%r must be a tuple." %x_s_m_mts) if len(x_s_m_mts) != 3: raise APIInputError("%r must have exactly three elements." %x_s_m_mts) x_sortf = x_s_m_mts[0] if not callable(x_sortf) and x_sortf is not None: raise APIInputError("%r must be callable or None." %x_sortf) x_mapf = x_s_m_mts[1] if not callable(x_mapf) and x_mapf is not None: raise APIInputError("%r must be callable or None." %x_mapf) x_mts = bool(x_s_m_mts[2]) cleaned_x_s_m_mts.append((x_sortf, x_mapf, x_mts)) return cleaned_x_s_m_mts
# Copyright (c) 2017 Huawei, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import copy import mock from oslo_utils import uuidutils from conveyor import context from conveyor import exception from import neutron from conveyor.resource.driver import networks from conveyor.resource.driver import secgroup from conveyor.resource import resource from conveyor.tests import test from conveyor.tests.unit.resource import fake_object fake_net_dict = fake_object.fake_net_dict fake_subnet_dict = fake_object.fake_subnet_dict fake_port_dict = fake_object.fake_port_dict fake_secgroup_dict = fake_object.fake_secgroup_dict fake_fip_dict = fake_object.fake_fip_dict fake_route_dict = fake_object.fake_router_dict # resource_id for test extract_network_resource net_0_id = 'net-0' sb_of_net_0_id = 'net-0-subnet-0' other_net_id = 'net-1' sb_of_other_net_id = 'net-1-subnet-1' # fake external net and subnet id ext_net_id = 'ext-net' ext_subnet_id = 'ext-subnet' def mock_new_net(cls, context, network_id, timeout=None, **_params): fake_net = copy.deepcopy(fake_net_dict) fake_net['id'] = network_id if network_id == net_0_id: fake_net['subnets'] = [sb_of_net_0_id] elif network_id == other_net_id: fake_net['subnets'] = [sb_of_other_net_id] elif network_id == ext_net_id: fake_net['subnets'] = [ext_subnet_id] return fake_net def mock_new_subnet(cls, context, subnet_id, **_params): fake_subnet = copy.deepcopy(fake_subnet_dict) fake_subnet['id'] = subnet_id if subnet_id == sb_of_net_0_id: fake_subnet['network_id'] = net_0_id elif subnet_id == sb_of_other_net_id: fake_subnet['network_id'] = other_net_id elif subnet_id == ext_subnet_id: fake_subnet['network_id'] = ext_net_id return fake_subnet def mock_extract_secgroups(cls, secgroups_ids): secgroup_res = [] for secgroup_id in secgroups_ids: fake_secgroup = copy.deepcopy(fake_object.fake_secgroup_dict) fake_secgroup['id'] = secgroup_id name_in_tmpl = uuidutils.generate_uuid() sg_res = resource.Resource(name_in_tmpl, 'OS::Neutron::SecurityGroup', secgroup_id) sg_dep = resource.ResourceDependency(secgroup_id, fake_secgroup['name'], name_in_tmpl, 'OS::Neutron::SecurityGroup') cls._collected_resources[secgroup_id] = sg_res cls._collected_dependencies[secgroup_id] = sg_dep secgroup_res.append(sg_res) return secgroup_res class NetworkResourceTestCase(test.TestCase): def setUp(self): super(NetworkResourceTestCase, self).setUp() self.context = context.RequestContext( fake_object.fake_user_id, fake_object.fake_project_id, is_admin=False) self.net_resource = networks.NetworkResource(self.context) @mock.patch.object(neutron.API, 'network_list') def test_extract_all_nets(self, mock_net_list): fake_net = copy.deepcopy(fake_net_dict) fake_net_id = fake_net['id'] mock_net_list.return_value = [fake_net] result = self.net_resource.extract_nets([]) self.assertTrue(1 == len(result)) self.assertEqual(fake_net_id, result[0].id) net_dep = self.net_resource.get_collected_dependencies()[fake_net_id] self.assertFalse(net_dep.dependencies) @mock.patch.object(neutron.API, 'get_network') def test_extract_nets_with_ids(self, mock_net): fake_net = copy.deepcopy(fake_net_dict) mock_net.return_value = fake_net result = self.net_resource.extract_nets([fake_net['id']]) self.assertTrue(1 == len(result)) self.assertEqual(fake_net['id'], result[0].id) @mock.patch.object(neutron.API, 'get_network', side_effect=Exception) def test_extract_nets_failed(self, mock_net): self.assertRaises(exception.ResourceNotFound, self.net_resource.extract_nets, ['net-id']) @mock.patch.object(neutron.API, 'network_list') def test_extract_nets_from_cache(self, mock_net_list): fake_net = copy.deepcopy(fake_net_dict) mock_net_list.return_value = [fake_net] fake_net_id = fake_net['id'] fake_net_name = fake_net['name'] fake_net_res = resource.Resource('network_0', 'OS::Neutron::Net', fake_net_id) fake_net_dep = resource.ResourceDependency(fake_net_id, fake_net_name, 'network_0', 'OS::Neutron::Net') self.net_resource = networks.NetworkResource( self.context, collected_resources={fake_net_id: fake_net_res}, collected_dependencies={fake_net_id: fake_net_dep}) result = self.net_resource.extract_nets([]) self.assertTrue(1 == len(result)) self.assertEqual(fake_net_id, result[0].id) @mock.patch.object(neutron.API, 'get_subnet') @mock.patch.object(neutron.API, 'get_network') def test_extract_nets_with_subnets(self, mock_net, mock_subnet): # NOTE: evoke extract_nets with parameter with_subnets=True fake_net = copy.deepcopy(fake_net_dict) fake_net_id = fake_net['id'] mock_net.return_value = fake_net fake_subnet = copy.deepcopy(fake_subnet_dict) fake_subnet_id = fake_subnet['id'] mock_subnet.return_value = fake_subnet result = self.net_resource.extract_nets([fake_net_id], with_subnets=True) self.assertTrue(1 == len(result)) self.assertTrue(2 == len(self.net_resource.get_collected_resources())) net_res = self.net_resource.get_collected_resources()[fake_net_id] net_dep = self.net_resource.get_collected_dependencies()[fake_net_id] sn_dep = self.net_resource.get_collected_dependencies()[fake_subnet_id] self.assertFalse(len(net_dep.dependencies)) self.assertEqual(1, len(sn_dep.dependencies)) self.assertIn(, sn_dep.dependencies) @mock.patch.object(neutron.API, 'get_network') @mock.patch.object(neutron.API, 'subnet_list') def test_extract_all_subnets(self, mock_subnet_list, mock_net): # NOTE: the switch case that retrieve net for this subnet, if # returned network_res is None, then the exception will be raised # in method extract_nets, so this case will never be evoked. fake_subnet = copy.deepcopy(fake_subnet_dict) mock_subnet_list.return_value = [fake_subnet] mock_net.return_value = copy.deepcopy(fake_net_dict) result = self.net_resource.extract_subnets([]) self.assertTrue(1 == len(result)) self.assertEqual(fake_subnet['id'], result[0].id) collected_res = self.net_resource.get_collected_resources() collected_deps = self.net_resource.get_collected_dependencies() self.assertTrue(2 == len(collected_res)) net_dep = collected_deps[fake_net_dict['id']] subnet_dep = collected_deps[fake_subnet['id']] self.assertFalse(len(net_dep.dependencies)) self.assertEqual(1, len(subnet_dep.dependencies)) self.assertIn(net_dep.name_in_template, subnet_dep.dependencies) @mock.patch.object(neutron.API, 'get_network') @mock.patch.object(neutron.API, 'get_subnet') def test_extract_subnets_with_ids(self, mock_subnet, mock_net): fake_subnet = copy.deepcopy(fake_subnet_dict) mock_subnet.return_value = fake_subnet mock_net.return_value = copy.deepcopy(fake_net_dict) result = self.net_resource.extract_subnets([fake_subnet['id']]) self.assertTrue(1 == len(result)) self.assertEqual(fake_subnet['id'], result[0].id) self.assertTrue(2 == len(self.net_resource.get_collected_resources())) @mock.patch.object(neutron.API, 'get_subnet', side_effect=Exception) def test_extract_subnets_failed(self, mock_subnet): self.assertRaises(exception.ResourceNotFound, self.net_resource.extract_subnets, ['subnet_123']) @mock.patch.object(neutron.API, 'subnet_list') def test_extract_subnets_from_cache(self, mock_subnet_list): fake_subnet = copy.deepcopy(fake_subnet_dict) fake_subnet_id = fake_subnet['id'] fake_subnet_name = fake_subnet['name'] mock_subnet_list.return_value = [fake_subnet] fake_subnet_res = resource.Resource(fake_subnet_name, 'OS::Neutron::Subnet', fake_subnet_id) fake_subnet_dep = resource.ResourceDependency(fake_subnet_id, fake_subnet_name, 'subnet_0', 'OS::Neutron::Subnet') self.net_resource = networks.NetworkResource( self.context, collected_resources={fake_subnet_id: fake_subnet_res}, collected_dependencies={fake_subnet_id: fake_subnet_dep} ) result = self.net_resource.extract_subnets([]) self.assertTrue(1 == len(result)) self.assertEqual(fake_subnet_id, result[0].id) collected_res = self.net_resource.get_collected_resources() collected_deps = self.net_resource.get_collected_dependencies() self.assertTrue(1 == len(collected_res)) self.assertTrue(1 == len(collected_deps)) subnet_dep = collected_deps[fake_subnet_id] self.assertFalse(len(subnet_dep.dependencies)) @mock.patch.object(neutron.API, 'get_subnet') @mock.patch.object(neutron.API, 'port_list') def test_extract_all_ports(self, mock_port_list, mock_subnet): # NOTE: default, in the case, subnets will be extracted. fake_port = copy.deepcopy(fake_port_dict) mock_port_list.return_value = [fake_port] fake_subnet = copy.deepcopy(fake_subnet_dict) fake_subnet_id = fake_subnet['id'] fake_subnet_name = fake_subnet['name'] mock_subnet.return_value = fake_subnet fake_subnet_res = resource.Resource( fake_subnet_name, 'OS::Neutron::Subnet', fake_subnet_id, properties={ 'network_id': {'get_resource': 'network_0'} }) fake_subnet_dep = resource.ResourceDependency(fake_subnet_id, fake_subnet_name, 'subnet_0', 'OS::Neutron::Subnet') self.net_resource = networks.NetworkResource( self.context, collected_resources={fake_subnet_id: fake_subnet_res}, collected_dependencies={fake_subnet_id: fake_subnet_dep} ) result = self.net_resource.extract_ports([]) self.assertTrue(1 == len(result)) self.assertTrue(2 == len(self.net_resource.get_collected_resources())) @mock.patch.object(neutron.API, 'get_subnet') @mock.patch.object(neutron.API, 'get_port') def test_extract_ports_with_ids(self, mock_port, mock_subnet): # NOTE: default, in the case, subnets will be extracted. fake_port = copy.deepcopy(fake_port_dict) mock_port.return_value = fake_port fake_subnet = copy.deepcopy(fake_subnet_dict) fake_subnet_id = fake_subnet['id'] fake_subnet_name = fake_subnet['name'] mock_subnet.return_value = fake_subnet fake_subnet_res = resource.Resource( fake_subnet_name, 'OS::Neutron::Subnet', fake_subnet_id, properties={ 'network_id': {'get_resource': 'network_0'} }) fake_subnet_dep = resource.ResourceDependency(fake_subnet_id, fake_subnet_name, 'subnet_0', 'OS::Neutron::Subnet') self.net_resource = networks.NetworkResource( self.context, collected_resources={fake_subnet_id: fake_subnet_res}, collected_dependencies={fake_subnet_id: fake_subnet_dep} ) result = self.net_resource.extract_ports([fake_port['id']]) self.assertTrue(1 == len(result)) self.assertTrue(2 == len(self.net_resource.get_collected_resources())) @mock.patch.object(neutron.API, 'get_port') def test_extract_ports_failed(self, mock_port): fake_port = copy.deepcopy(fake_port_dict) mock_port.return_value = fake_port self.assertRaises(exception.ResourceNotFound, self.net_resource.extract_ports, [fake_port['id']]) @mock.patch.object(neutron.API, 'port_list') def test_extract_ports_from_cache(self, mock_port_list): fake_port = copy.deepcopy(fake_port_dict) mock_port_list.return_value = [fake_port] fake_port_id = fake_port['id'] fake_port_name = fake_port['name'] fake_port_des = resource.Resource(fake_port_name, 'OS::Neutron::Port', fake_port_id) fake_port_dep = resource.ResourceDependency(fake_port_id, fake_port_name, 'port_0', 'OS::Neutron::Port') self.net_resource = networks.NetworkResource( self.context, collected_resources={fake_port_id: fake_port_des}, collected_dependencies={fake_port_id: fake_port_dep}) result = self.net_resource.extract_ports([]) self.assertTrue(1 == len(result)) self.assertTrue(1 == len(self.net_resource.get_collected_resources())) @mock.patch.object(secgroup.SecGroup, 'extract_secgroups', mock_extract_secgroups) @mock.patch.object(neutron.API, 'get_port') def test_extract_ports_with_secgroups(self, mock_port): # NOTE: this test will open the switch case # `if port.get('security_groups')` fake_port = copy.deepcopy(fake_port_dict) fake_port['security_groups'] = ['164c7126-ee4e-44e8-afb5-cc2f11225b30'] fake_port['fixed_ips'] = [] mock_port.return_value = fake_port result = self.net_resource.extract_ports([fake_port['id']]) self.assertEqual(1, len(result)) self.assertEqual(fake_port['id'], result[0].id) @mock.patch.object(neutron.API, 'get_port') def test_extract_ports_with_invalid_ips(self, mock_port): fake_port = copy.deepcopy(fake_port_dict) fake_port['fixed_ips'] = [{}] mock_port.return_value = fake_port self.assertRaises(exception.ResourceAttributesException, self.net_resource.extract_ports, [fake_port['id']]) @mock.patch.object(secgroup.SecGroup, 'extract_secgroups', mock_extract_secgroups) def test_extract_secgroups(self): fake_secgroup = copy.deepcopy(fake_secgroup_dict) result = self.net_resource.extract_secgroups([fake_secgroup['id']]) self.assertEqual(1, len(result)) self.assertEqual(fake_secgroup['id'], result[0].id) @mock.patch.object(neutron.API, 'get_subnet') @mock.patch.object(neutron.API, 'get_network') @mock.patch.object(neutron.API, 'floatingip_list') def test_extract_all_fips(self, mock_fip_list, mock_net, mock_subnet): # NOTE: This test only extracts net and subnet for fip while without # router and port. fake_fip = copy.deepcopy(fake_fip_dict) mock_fip_list.return_value = [fake_fip] fake_net = copy.deepcopy(fake_net_dict) mock_net.return_value = fake_net fake_subnet = copy.deepcopy(fake_subnet_dict) mock_subnet.return_value = fake_subnet result = self.net_resource.extract_floatingips([]) self.assertTrue(1 == len(result)) self.assertTrue(3 == len(self.net_resource.get_collected_resources())) @mock.patch.object(neutron.API, 'get_subnet') @mock.patch.object(neutron.API, 'get_network') @mock.patch.object(neutron.API, 'get_floatingip') def test_extract_fips_with_ids(self, mock_fip, mock_net, mock_subnet): fake_fip = copy.deepcopy(fake_fip_dict) mock_fip.return_value = fake_fip fake_net = copy.deepcopy(fake_net_dict) mock_net.return_value = fake_net fake_subnet = copy.deepcopy(fake_subnet_dict) mock_subnet.return_value = fake_subnet result = self.net_resource.extract_floatingips([fake_fip['id']]) self.assertTrue(1 == len(result)) self.assertTrue(3 == len(self.net_resource.get_collected_resources())) @mock.patch.object(neutron.API, 'get_floatingip', side_effect=Exception) def test_extract_fips_failed(self, mock_fip): self.assertRaises(exception.ResourceNotFound, self.net_resource.extract_floatingips, [fake_fip_dict['id']]) @mock.patch.object(neutron.API, 'floatingip_list') def test_extract_fips_from_cache(self, mock_fip_list): fake_fip = copy.deepcopy(fake_fip_dict) mock_fip_list.return_value = [fake_fip] fake_fip_id = fake_fip['id'] fake_fip_name = '' fake_fip_res = resource.Resource(fake_fip_name, 'OS::Neutron::FloatingIP', fake_fip_id) fake_fip_dep = resource.ResourceDependency(fake_fip_id, fake_fip_name, 'floatingip_0', 'OS::Neutron::FloatingIP') self.net_resource = networks.NetworkResource( self.context, collected_resources={fake_fip_id: fake_fip_res}, collected_dependencies={fake_fip_id: fake_fip_dep}) result = self.net_resource.extract_floatingips([]) self.assertTrue(1 == len(result)) self.assertTrue(1 == len(self.net_resource.get_collected_resources())) @mock.patch.object(neutron.API, 'floatingip_list') def test_extract_fips_with_invalid_ip(self, mock_fip_list): fake_fip = copy.deepcopy(fake_fip_dict) fake_fip['floating_ip_address'] = '' mock_fip_list.return_value = [fake_fip] self.assertRaises(exception.ResourceAttributesException, self.net_resource.extract_floatingips, []) @mock.patch.object(neutron.API, 'floatingip_list') def test_extract_fips_with_invalid_net(self, mock_fip_list): fake_fip = copy.deepcopy(fake_fip_dict) fake_fip['floating_network_id'] = '' mock_fip_list.return_value = [fake_fip] self.assertRaises(exception.ResourceAttributesException, self.net_resource.extract_floatingips, []) @mock.patch.object(neutron.API, 'get_router') @mock.patch.object(neutron.API, 'get_subnet', mock_new_subnet) @mock.patch.object(neutron.API, 'get_network', mock_new_net) @mock.patch.object(neutron.API, 'get_floatingip') def test_extract_fips_with_router(self, mock_fip, mock_router): # ------------------------------------------------------- # | subnet_0(ext-sb) subnet_1(pri-sb)| # | | | | # | | | | # | net_0(ext-net)<---fip router--->net_1(pri-net) | # ------------------------------------------------------- fake_fip = copy.deepcopy(fake_fip_dict) fake_fip['floating_network_id'] = ext_net_id fake_fip['router_id'] = fake_route_dict['id'] mock_fip.return_value = fake_fip fake_router = copy.deepcopy(fake_route_dict) mock_router.return_value = fake_router result = self.net_resource.extract_floatingips([fake_fip['id']]) self.assertEqual(1, len(result)) self.assertEqual(fake_fip['id'], result[0].id) self.assertEqual(6, len(self.net_resource.get_collected_resources())) deps = self.net_resource.get_collected_dependencies() self.assertEqual(6, len(deps)) fip_dep = deps.get(fake_fip['id']) self.assertEqual(1, len(fip_dep.dependencies)) router_dep = deps.get(fake_fip['router_id']) self.assertEqual(1, len(router_dep.dependencies)) @mock.patch.object(neutron.API, 'get_port') @mock.patch.object(neutron.API, 'get_network') @mock.patch.object(neutron.API, 'get_floatingip') def test_extract_fips_with_port(self, mock_fip, mock_net, mock_port): # NOTE: without router; with secgroup, router interface # Here, we will make net_0 and port_0 in cache and without any # dependencies, so only net_0, fip, fipAss, port_0 will be extracted # at last. # ---------------------------------------------------- # | net_1 | # | / | | # | subnet_0(ext-sb) / subnet_1 | # | | \ | | # | | \ | | # | net_0(ext-net)<---fip<----fipAss--->port_0 | # ---------------------------------------------------- fake_fip = copy.deepcopy(fake_fip_dict) fake_fip['floating_network_id'] = ext_net_id fake_fip['port_id'] = fake_port_dict['id'] mock_fip.return_value = fake_fip fake_port = copy.deepcopy(fake_port_dict) mock_port.return_value = fake_port fake_port_id = fake_port['id'] fake_port_name = fake_port['name'] fake_port_res = resource.Resource('port_0', 'OS::Neutron::Port', fake_port_id) fake_port_dep = resource.ResourceDependency(fake_port_id, fake_port_name, 'port_0', 'OS::Neutron::Port') fake_net = copy.deepcopy(fake_net_dict) fake_net['id'] = fake_fip['floating_network_id'] fake_net_id = fake_net['id'] mock_net.return_value = fake_net fake_net_res = resource.Resource('net_0', 'OS::Neutron::Net', fake_net_id) fake_net_dep = resource.ResourceDependency(fake_net_id, fake_net_dict['name'], 'net_0', 'OS::Neutron::Net') self.net_resource = networks.NetworkResource( self.context, collected_resources={ fake_port_id: fake_port_res, fake_net_id: fake_net_res }, collected_dependencies={ fake_port_id: fake_port_dep, fake_net_id: fake_net_dep } ) result = self.net_resource.extract_floatingips([fake_fip['id']]) self.assertEqual(1, len(result)) self.assertEqual(4, len(self.net_resource.get_collected_resources())) deps = self.net_resource.get_collected_dependencies() net_dep = deps.pop(fake_net_id) fip_dep = deps.pop(fake_fip['id']) port_dep = deps.pop(fake_port_id) fip_ass_dep = deps.values()[0] self.assertIn(net_dep.name_in_template, fip_dep.dependencies) self.assertIn(fip_dep.name_in_template, fip_ass_dep.dependencies) self.assertIn(port_dep.name_in_template, fip_ass_dep.dependencies) @mock.patch.object(neutron.API, 'get_router') @mock.patch.object(neutron.API, 'get_port') @mock.patch.object(neutron.API, 'get_subnet', mock_new_subnet) @mock.patch.object(neutron.API, 'get_network', mock_new_net) @mock.patch.object(neutron.API, 'get_floatingip') def test_extract_fips_with_port_and_router(self, mock_fip, mock_port, mock_router): # NOTE: without router # ------------------------------------------------------ # | router-->net_1 | # | / | | # | subnet_0(ext-sb) / subnet_1 | # | | \ | | # | | \ | | # | net_0(ext-net)<---fip<----fipAss--->port_0 | # ------------------------------------------------------ fake_fip = copy.deepcopy(fake_fip_dict) fake_fip['floating_network_id'] = ext_net_id fake_fip['port_id'] = fake_port_dict['id'] fake_fip['router_id'] = fake_route_dict['id'] mock_fip.return_value = fake_fip fake_router = copy.deepcopy(fake_route_dict) mock_router.return_value = fake_router fake_port = copy.deepcopy(fake_port_dict) mock_port.return_value = fake_port result = self.net_resource.extract_floatingips([fake_fip['id']]) self.assertEqual(1, len(result)) self.assertEqual(8, len(self.net_resource.get_collected_resources())) deps = self.net_resource.get_collected_dependencies() fip_dep = deps.pop(fake_fip['id']) net0_dep = deps.pop(fake_fip['floating_network_id']) subnet0_dep = deps.pop(ext_subnet_id) router_dep = deps.pop(fake_router['id']) net1_dep = deps.pop(fake_router['external_gateway_info']['network_id']) subnet1_dep = deps.pop(fake_net_dict['subnets'][0]) port0_dep = deps.pop(fake_port['id']) fipass_dep = deps.values()[0] self.assertEqual(0, len(net0_dep.dependencies)) self.assertEqual(0, len(net1_dep.dependencies)) self.assertIn(net0_dep.name_in_template, subnet0_dep.dependencies) self.assertIn(net0_dep.name_in_template, fip_dep.dependencies) self.assertEqual(2, len(fipass_dep.dependencies)) self.assertIn(fip_dep.name_in_template, fipass_dep.dependencies) self.assertIn(port0_dep.name_in_template, fipass_dep.dependencies) self.assertEqual(1, len(router_dep.dependencies)) self.assertIn(net1_dep.name_in_template, router_dep.dependencies) self.assertIn(net1_dep.name_in_template, subnet1_dep.dependencies) self.assertEqual(2, len(port0_dep.dependencies)) self.assertIn(net1_dep.name_in_template, port0_dep.dependencies) self.assertIn(subnet1_dep.name_in_template, port0_dep.dependencies) @mock.patch.object(neutron.API, 'get_subnet') @mock.patch.object(neutron.API, 'get_network') @mock.patch.object(neutron.API, 'router_list') def test_extract_all_routers(self, mock_router_list, mock_net, mock_subnet): fake_router = copy.deepcopy(fake_route_dict) mock_router_list.return_value = [fake_router] fake_net = copy.deepcopy(fake_net_dict) mock_net.return_value = fake_net fake_subnet = copy.deepcopy(fake_subnet_dict) mock_subnet.return_value = fake_subnet result = self.net_resource.extract_routers([]) self.assertTrue(1 == len(result)) self.assertTrue(3 == len(self.net_resource.get_collected_resources())) fake_router_id = fake_router['id'] deps = self.net_resource\ .get_collected_dependencies()[fake_router_id].dependencies self.assertTrue(1 == len(deps)) self.assertEqual('network_0', deps[0]) @mock.patch.object(neutron.API, 'get_subnet') @mock.patch.object(neutron.API, 'get_network') @mock.patch.object(neutron.API, 'get_router') def test_extract_routers_with_ids(self, mock_router, mock_net, mock_subnet): fake_router = copy.deepcopy(fake_route_dict) mock_router.return_value = fake_router fake_net = copy.deepcopy(fake_net_dict) mock_net.return_value = fake_net fake_subnet = copy.deepcopy(fake_subnet_dict) mock_subnet.return_value = fake_subnet result = self.net_resource.extract_routers([fake_router['id']]) self.assertTrue(1 == len(result)) self.assertTrue(3 == len(self.net_resource.get_collected_resources())) @mock.patch.object(neutron.API, 'get_router', side_effect=Exception) def test_extract_rotuers_failed(self, mock_router): self.assertRaises(exception.ResourceNotFound, self.net_resource.extract_routers, [fake_route_dict['id']]) @mock.patch.object(neutron.API, 'router_list') def test_extract_routers_from_cache(self, mock_router_list): fake_router = copy.deepcopy(fake_route_dict) mock_router_list.return_value = [fake_router] fake_router_id = fake_router['id'] fake_router_name = fake_router['name'] fake_router_res = resource.Resource(fake_router_name, 'OS::Neutron::Router', fake_router_id) fake_router_dep = resource.ResourceDependency( fake_router_id, fake_router_name, 'router_0', 'OS::Neutron::Router') self.net_resource = networks.NetworkResource( self.context, collected_resources={fake_router_id: fake_router_res}, collected_dependencies={fake_router_id: fake_router_dep}) result = self.net_resource.extract_routers([]) self.assertTrue(1 == len(result)) self.assertEqual(fake_router_id, result[0].id) self.assertTrue(1 == len(self.net_resource.get_collected_resources())) self.assertFalse(len(self.net_resource.get_collected_dependencies() [fake_router_id].dependencies)) @mock.patch.object(neutron.API, 'get_router') @mock.patch.object(neutron.API, 'port_list') @mock.patch.object(neutron.API, 'get_subnet', mock_new_subnet) @mock.patch.object(neutron.API, 'get_network', mock_new_net) def test_extract_network_resource(self, mock_port_list, mock_router): # structure chart # ------------------------------------------------- # | net_0 subnet_1 | # | | | | # | | | | # | subnet_0 <---router_if---->router--->net_1 | # ------------------------------------------------- # 1. extract net: returned from mock_new_net # fake_net = copy.deepcopy(fake_net_dict) # mock_net.return_value = fake_net # 2. extract subnet for net: returned from mock_new_subnet # fake_subnet = copy.deepcopy(fake_subnet_dict) # mock_subnet.return_value = fake_subnet # 3. extract interface: 'network:router_interface' fake_port = copy.deepcopy(fake_port_dict) if_id = fake_port['id'] # device_id for connecting to router fake_port['device_id'] = fake_route_dict['id'] fake_port['fixed_ips'][0]['subnet_id'] = sb_of_net_0_id fake_port['network_id'] = net_0_id mock_port_list.return_value = [fake_port] # 3.1 extract router interface fake_router = copy.deepcopy(fake_route_dict) # network_id for associating with other net fake_router['external_gateway_info']['network_id'] = other_net_id mock_router.return_value = fake_router # 3.2 generate interface: do not need interact with any other service, # only construct Res and ResDep in conveyor resource side. other_net_ids = [other_net_id] self.net_resource.extract_network_resource(net_0_id, other_net_ids) res = self.net_resource.get_collected_resources() deps = self.net_resource.get_collected_dependencies() self.assertEqual(6, len(res)) self.assertEqual(6, len(deps)) # Check deps net_0_dep = deps.get(net_0_id) net_0_sb_dep = deps.get(sb_of_net_0_id) other_net_dep = deps.get(other_net_id) other_net_sb_dep = deps.get(sb_of_other_net_id) if_dep = deps.get(if_id) router_dep = deps.get(fake_router['id']) self.assertEqual(0, len(net_0_dep.dependencies)) self.assertEqual(0, len(other_net_dep.dependencies)) self.assertIn(net_0_dep.name_in_template, net_0_sb_dep.dependencies) self.assertIn(other_net_dep.name_in_template, other_net_sb_dep.dependencies) self.assertIn(other_net_dep.name_in_template, router_dep.dependencies) self.assertIn(router_dep.name_in_template, if_dep.dependencies) self.assertIn(net_0_sb_dep.name_in_template, if_dep.dependencies) self.assertEqual(2, len(if_dep.dependencies)) @mock.patch.object(neutron.API, 'get_router') @mock.patch.object(neutron.API, 'port_list') @mock.patch.object(neutron.API, 'get_subnet', mock_new_subnet) @mock.patch.object(neutron.API, 'get_network', mock_new_net) def test_extract_networks_resource(self, mock_port_list, mock_router): fake_port = copy.deepcopy(fake_port_dict) if_id = fake_port['id'] fake_port['device_id'] = fake_route_dict['id'] fake_port['fixed_ips'][0]['subnet_id'] = sb_of_net_0_id fake_port['network_id'] = net_0_id mock_port_list.return_value = [fake_port] fake_router = copy.deepcopy(fake_route_dict) fake_router['external_gateway_info']['network_id'] = other_net_id mock_router.return_value = fake_router self.net_resource.extract_networks_resource([net_0_id, other_net_id]) res = self.net_resource.get_collected_resources() deps = self.net_resource.get_collected_dependencies() self.assertEqual(6, len(res)) self.assertEqual(6, len(deps)) # Check deps net_0_dep = deps.get(net_0_id) net_0_sb_dep = deps.get(sb_of_net_0_id) other_net_dep = deps.get(other_net_id) other_net_sb_dep = deps.get(sb_of_other_net_id) if_dep = deps.get(if_id) router_dep = deps.get(fake_router['id']) self.assertEqual(0, len(net_0_dep.dependencies)) self.assertEqual(0, len(other_net_dep.dependencies)) self.assertIn(net_0_dep.name_in_template, net_0_sb_dep.dependencies) self.assertIn(other_net_dep.name_in_template, other_net_sb_dep.dependencies) self.assertIn(other_net_dep.name_in_template, router_dep.dependencies) self.assertIn(router_dep.name_in_template, if_dep.dependencies) self.assertIn(net_0_sb_dep.name_in_template, if_dep.dependencies) self.assertEqual(2, len(if_dep.dependencies))
# Fed # # A portal for federated access to AWS console and resources # # # so many imports import os import base64 from io import BytesIO from flask import ( Flask, render_template, redirect, url_for, flash, session, abort, request, send_from_directory, ) from import generate_password_hash, check_password_hash from werkzeug.contrib.fixers import ProxyFix from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy from flask_login import LoginManager, UserMixin, login_user, logout_user, current_user from flask_bootstrap import Bootstrap from flask_wtf import FlaskForm from wtforms import StringField, PasswordField, SubmitField from wtforms.validators import DataRequired, Length, EqualTo import onetimepass import pyqrcode import boto3 from botocore.exceptions import ClientError import json import urllib.parse import requests import safe from datetime import datetime import pprint import logging import arrow from apscheduler.schedulers.background import BackgroundScheduler import time import re # from logging.handlers import RotatingFileHandler # import yaml # create application instance app = Flask(__name__, static_url_path="/static") app.wsgi_app = ProxyFix(app.wsgi_app) app.config.from_object("config") if app.config["ENV"] == "dev": debug = True else: debug = False # initialize extensions bootstrap = Bootstrap(app) db = SQLAlchemy(app) lm = LoginManager(app) awsconfig = {"users": {}, "roles": {}} # from def fix_werkzeug_logging(): from werkzeug.serving import WSGIRequestHandler def address_string(self): forwarded_for = self.headers.get( 'X-Forwarded-For', '').split(',') if forwarded_for and forwarded_for[0]: return forwarded_for[0] else: return self.client_address[0] WSGIRequestHandler.address_string = address_string # Print timestamped line to log def plog(text): print(f"{ } { text }") # Modify the description field of an AWS Security Group Rule targeted by CIDR def modify_description(account, cidr, description): accountinfo = awsconfig["accounts"][account] session = boto3.Session(accountinfo["id"], accountinfo["secret"]) security_groups = accountinfo["security_groups"] for sg in security_groups: sgid = sg["sgid"] region = sg["region_name"] ec2 = session.client("ec2", region_name=region) try: ec2.update_security_group_rule_descriptions_ingress( GroupId=sgid, IpPermissions=[ { "IpProtocol": "tcp", "FromPort": 22, "ToPort": 22, "IpRanges": [{"CidrIp": cidr, "Description": description}], } ], ) except ClientError as e: plog(f"exception updating description {description} in {sgid} : {e.response['Error']['Code']}") # Add user and their CIDR to the security group def authorize_ssh(account, cidr, username): if "ssh-" in account: plog(f"Adding {username} {cidr} to {account}") description = ( "fed-" + username + ":" + arrow.utcnow().shift(hours=20).isoformat() ) accountinfo = awsconfig["accounts"].get(account) if accountinfo is None: plog(f'account {account} not found, skipping') return session = boto3.Session(accountinfo["id"], accountinfo["secret"]) security_groups = accountinfo["security_groups"] for sg in security_groups: sgid = sg["sgid"] region = sg["region_name"] ec2 = session.client("ec2", region_name=region) try: ec2.authorize_security_group_ingress( GroupId=sgid, IpPermissions=[ { "IpProtocol": "tcp", "FromPort": 22, "ToPort": 22, "IpRanges": [{"CidrIp": cidr, "Description": description}], } ], ) except Exception: modify_description(account, cidr, description) # Search Security groups removing rule allowing a specific CIDR def revoke_ssh(account, cidr): if "ssh-" in account: accountinfo = awsconfig["accounts"][account] session = boto3.Session(accountinfo["id"], accountinfo["secret"]) security_groups = accountinfo["security_groups"] for sg in security_groups: try: sgid = sg["sgid"] region = sg["region_name"] ec2 = session.client("ec2", region_name=region) ec2.revoke_security_group_ingress( GroupId=sgid, IpPermissions=[ { "IpProtocol": "tcp", "FromPort": 22, "ToPort": 22, "IpRanges": [{"CidrIp": cidr}], } ], ) except ClientError as e: plog(f"Failed to remove {cidr} from {sgid} in {account} {region} : {e.response['Error']['Code']}") # Scan a security group, looking at timestamps on rules, and expire old rules def expire_sg(account): if "ssh-" in account: accountinfo = awsconfig["accounts"][account] session = boto3.Session(accountinfo["id"], accountinfo["secret"]) security_groups = accountinfo["security_groups"] for sg in security_groups: sgid = sg["sgid"] region = sg["region_name"] # plog(f"Trying to expire {sgid} {region}") ec2 = session.client("ec2", region_name=region) sginfo = ec2.describe_security_groups(GroupIds=[sgid])["SecurityGroups"][0] for ipp in sginfo["IpPermissions"]: for rule in ipp["IpRanges"]: cidr = rule["CidrIp"] description = rule.get("Description") r = description.split(":", 1) if len(r) > 1: user, expires = r if "fed-" in user: e = arrow.get(expires) now = arrow.utcnow() # plog(f'{user} expires {e.humanize()}') if e < now: plog(f"expiring {user}") revoke_ssh(account, cidr) # else: # plog(f'{r[0]} is ignored') # add user to SG for every "ssh-" account def update_security_groups(cidr, user): accounts = get_accounts(user) for account in accounts: if "ssh-" in account: authorize_ssh(account, cidr, user) # Call expire_sg for all relevant accounts, with a delay so we don't kill the API def expire_all_sgs(): accounts = awsconfig.get("accounts") if accounts: # plog("Expiring Security Groups") for account in accounts: if "ssh-" in account: time.sleep(5) expire_sg(account) # Get all of the roles for a user def get_groups(user): return awsconfig["users"].get(user, []) # Return a list of accounts available to a given user def get_accounts(user): out = [] grouplist = awsconfig["users"].get(user, []) for group in grouplist: roles = awsconfig["roles"].get(group, []) for role in roles: out.append(role) return list(sorted(set(out))) # Return the description field for a given account def get_account_description(name): accountinfo = awsconfig["accounts"].get(name) if accountinfo is None: return f'account_{name}_not_found' return accountinfo.get("description", name) # Export for use in templates app.jinja_env.globals.update(get_accounts=get_accounts) app.jinja_env.globals.update(get_account_description=get_account_description) # return session creds for a given account, user, and optional policy def getsessioncreds(account, user, policy): if not policy: policy = '{"Statement":[{"Resource":"*","Action":"*","Effect":"Allow"}],"Version":"2012-10-17"}' accountinfo = awsconfig["accounts"][account] session = boto3.Session(accountinfo["id"], accountinfo["secret"]) sts = session.client("sts") fedname = "fed-" + user fedname = re.sub(r"[^\w+=,.@-]", '', fedname) usersession = sts.get_federation_token(Name=fedname, Policy=policy) creds = usersession.get("Credentials") return json.dumps( { "sessionId": creds["AccessKeyId"], "sessionKey": creds["SecretAccessKey"], "sessionToken": creds["SessionToken"], } ) # return session creds environment return for scripts def getsessioncredsenv(account, user, policy): if not policy: policy = '{"Statement":[{"Resource":"*","Action":"*","Effect":"Allow"}],"Version":"2012-10-17"}' accountinfo = awsconfig["accounts"][account] session = boto3.Session(accountinfo["id"], accountinfo["secret"]) sts = session.client("sts") usersession = sts.get_federation_token(Name="fsc-" + user, Policy=policy) creds = usersession.get("Credentials") return "\n".join( [ "export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=" + creds["AccessKeyId"], "export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=" + creds["SecretAccessKey"], "export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=" + creds["SessionToken"], ] ) # Get a URL for signin for a given account/user/policy def getfedlink(account, user, policy): session_json = getsessioncreds(account, user, policy) issuer_url = app.config["SCHEME"] + "://" + app.config["FQDN"] console_url = "" signin_url = "" get_signin_token_url = ( signin_url + "?Action=getSigninToken&SessionType=json&Session=" + urllib.parse.quote_plus(session_json) ) returned_content = requests.get(get_signin_token_url) signin_token = returned_content.json().get("SigninToken") signin_token_param = "&SigninToken=" + urllib.parse.quote_plus(signin_token) issuer_param = "&Issuer=" + urllib.parse.quote_plus(issuer_url) destination_param = "&Destination=" + urllib.parse.quote_plus(console_url) login_url = ( signin_url + "?Action=login" + signin_token_param + issuer_param + destination_param ) # @c.out("status" => "303", "Connection" => "close", "Content-Length" => 1, "Location" => login_url) {' '} return login_url class User(UserMixin, db.Model): """User model.""" __tablename__ = "users" id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) username = db.Column(db.String(64), index=True) fullname = db.Column(db.String(64)) email = db.Column(db.String(64)) password_hash = db.Column(db.String(128)) otp_secret = db.Column(db.String(16)) def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(User, self).__init__(**kwargs) if self.otp_secret is None: # generate a random secret self.otp_secret = base64.b32encode(os.urandom(10)).decode("utf-8") @property def password(self): raise AttributeError("password is not a readable attribute") @password.setter def password(self, password): self.password_hash = generate_password_hash(password) def verify_password(self, password): return check_password_hash(self.password_hash, password) def get_totp_uri(self): return "otpauth://totp/awsfed:{0}?secret={1}&issuer=AWSFed".format( self.username, self.otp_secret ) def verify_totp(self, token): return onetimepass.valid_totp(token, self.otp_secret, window=1) # @property <-- This doesn't work. I don't know why. Is a puzzlement. def is_admin(self): return "fedadmin" in get_groups(self.username) is_admin = property(is_admin) @lm.user_loader def load_user(user_id): """User loader callback for Flask-Login.""" return User.query.get(int(user_id)) class RegisterForm(FlaskForm): """Registration form.""" username = StringField("Username", validators=[DataRequired(), Length(1, 24)]) fullname = StringField("Full Name", validators=[DataRequired(), Length(1, 64)]) email = StringField("Email Address", validators=[DataRequired(), Length(1, 64)]) password = PasswordField("Password", validators=[DataRequired()]) password_again = PasswordField( "Password again", validators=[DataRequired(), EqualTo("password")] ) token = PasswordField( "Registration secret from the wiki (if you don't have wiki access, talk to someone!)", validators=[DataRequired()] ) submit = SubmitField("Register") def validate_password(self, field): c = safe.check( if bool(c): return True self.password.errors.append(str(c)) return False class LoginForm(FlaskForm): """Login form.""" username = StringField("Username", validators=[DataRequired(), Length(1, 64)]) password = PasswordField("Password", validators=[DataRequired()]) token = StringField("Token", validators=[DataRequired(), Length(6, 6)]) submit = SubmitField("Login") # inject debug flag into all templates @app.context_processor def inject_debug(): return dict(debug=app.debug) @app.route("/") def index(): return render_template("index.html", request=request, url=app.config["URL"]) @app.route('/robots.txt') def robots(): return send_from_directory(os.path.join(app.root_path, 'static'), 'robots.txt', mimetype='text/plain') @app.route('/favicon.ico') def favicon(): return send_from_directory(os.path.join(app.root_path, 'static'), 'favicon.ico', mimetype='image/') @app.route('/apple-touch-icon.png') def appletouchicon(): return send_from_directory(os.path.join(app.root_path, 'static'), 'apple-touch-icon-180x180.png', mimetype='image/png') @app.route("/about") def about(): return render_template("about.html") @app.route("/time") def get_time(): """Get current server time - used for troubleshooting, MFA can be picky""" return str( # new user registration @app.route("/register", methods=["GET", "POST"]) def register(): """User registration route.""" if current_user.is_authenticated: # if user is logged in we get out of here return redirect(url_for("index", _external=True, _scheme=app.config["SCHEME"])) form = RegisterForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): token = if token != "elderberries": plog(f"Bad registration secret input {token}") flash("Unauthorized Registration Denied. Go read the wiki to get the right secret.") return redirect( url_for("register", _external=True, _scheme=app.config["SCHEME"]) ) user = User.query.filter_by( if user is not None: plog(f'Username already exists: { }') flash("Username already exists.") return redirect( url_for("register", _external=True, _scheme=app.config["SCHEME"]) ) # add new user to the database user = User(,,,, ) db.session.add(user) db.session.commit() # redirect to the two-factor auth page, passing username in session session["username"] = user.username plog(url_for("two_factor_setup", _external=True, _scheme=app.config["SCHEME"])) return redirect( url_for("two_factor_setup", _external=True, _scheme=app.config["SCHEME"]) ) return render_template("register.html", form=form) # Display page with the QA code as part of registration @app.route("/twofactor") def two_factor_setup(): if "username" not in session: return redirect(url_for("index", _external=True, _scheme=app.config["SCHEME"])) user = User.query.filter_by(username=session["username"]).first() if user is None: return redirect(url_for("index", _external=True, _scheme=app.config["SCHEME"])) # since this page contains the sensitive qrcode, make sure the browser # does not cache it return ( render_template("two-factor-setup.html"), 200, { "Cache-Control": "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate", "Pragma": "no-cache", "Expires": "0", }, ) # Display a QR Code for the User's MFA @app.route("/qrcode") def qrcode(): if "username" not in session: abort(404) user = User.query.filter_by(username=session["username"]).first() if user is None: abort(404) # for added security, remove username from session del session["username"] # render qrcode for FreeTOTP url = pyqrcode.create(user.get_totp_uri()) stream = BytesIO() url.svg(stream, scale=3) return ( stream.getvalue(), 200, { "Content-Type": "image/svg+xml", "Cache-Control": "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate", "Pragma": "no-cache", "Expires": "0", }, ) @app.route("/login", methods=["GET", "POST"]) def login(): """User login route.""" remote_ip = request.environ.get("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR", request.environ.get("REMOTE_ADDR")) if current_user.is_authenticated: # if user is logged in we get out of here return redirect(url_for("index", _external=True, _scheme=app.config["SCHEME"])) form = LoginForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): user = User.query.filter_by( if user is not None: plog( "LOGIN " + " ip:" + str(remote_ip) + " user:" + str(user.username) + " pass:" + str(user.verify_password( + " mfa:" + str(user.verify_totp( ) if ( user is None or not user.verify_password( or not user.verify_totp( ): flash("Invalid username, password or token.") return redirect( url_for("login", _external=True, _scheme=app.config["SCHEME"]) ) # log user in login_user(user) # Update Security Groups update_security_groups(remote_ip + "/32", user.username) flash("You are now logged in!") return redirect(url_for("index", _external=True, _scheme=app.config["SCHEME"])) return render_template("login.html", form=form) @app.route("/logout") def logout(): """User logout route.""" try: if current_user.is_authenticated: user = current_user.username remote_ip = request.environ.get( "HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR", request.environ.get("REMOTE_ADDR") ) plog(f"LOGOUT {user} {remote_ip}") accounts = get_accounts(user) for account in accounts: revoke_ssh(account, remote_ip + "/32") logout_user() return redirect(url_for("index", _external=True, _scheme=app.config["SCHEME"])) except Exception as e: plog(f'logout issue for {user} {remote_ip} : {e.message}') logout_user() return redirect(url_for("index", _external=True, _scheme=app.config["SCHEME"])) # This handles the actual Console URIs the user clicks on @app.route("/aws/<accountname>") def aws(accountname): if current_user.is_authenticated: user = current_user.username if accountname in get_accounts(user): url = getfedlink(accountname, user, None) return redirect(url, code=303) else: abort(404) else: flash("session expired. Please log in again.") return redirect(url_for("login", _external=True, _scheme=app.config["SCHEME"])) # This handles the actual Console URIs the user clicks on @app.route("/awscreds/<accountname>") def awscreds(accountname): if current_user.is_authenticated: user = current_user.username if accountname in get_accounts(user): creds = getsessioncredsenv(accountname, user, None) return render_template("awscreds.html", accountname=accountname, creds=creds, awsconfig=awsconfig) else: abort(404) else: flash("session expired. Please log in again.") return redirect(url_for("login", _external=True, _scheme=app.config["SCHEME"])) # Configuration upload. # If the config is blank, accept the first config uploaded. # Thereafter, accept uploads if the secret matches. @app.route("/configure", methods=["POST"]) def configure(): global awsconfig secret1 = awsconfig.get("secret") newconfig = request.get_json() if secret1 is None: awsconfig = newconfig plog("New configuration loaded") return "OK" secret1 = awsconfig.get("secret") secret2 = newconfig.get("secret") if secret2 is None: return "NO secret is not present" if secret1 == secret2: plog("Updated configuration loaded.") awsconfig = newconfig return "OK" return "NO" @app.route("/admin") def admin(): if current_user.is_authenticated: if "master" in get_groups(current_user.username): users = User.query.all() return render_template("admin.html", users=users, awsconfig=awsconfig) abort(403) @app.route("/delete_user", methods=["POST"]) def delete_user(): if current_user.is_authenticated: if "master" in get_groups(current_user.username): user_to_delete = request.form["userid"] flash(f'Deleted user "{user_to_delete}""') User.query.filter(User.username == user_to_delete).delete() db.session.commit() return redirect( url_for("admin", _external=True, _scheme=app.config["SCHEME"]) ) abort(403) # Drop a copy of the request to logging @app.route("/log") def log_callback(): """Dump the request object to stdout for debugging""" plog(pprint.pformat(request.__dict__, depth=5)) return "OK" # test the key for a given accoubt to confirm functionality # this is called by the key rotation external script @app.route("/testkey/<keyname>") def testkey(keyname): try: accountinfo = awsconfig["accounts"][keyname] session = boto3.Session(accountinfo["id"], accountinfo["secret"]) sts = session.client("sts") usersession = sts.get_caller_identity() return usersession['Arn'] except Exception as e: abort(404) # test all keys # Should probably hardcode this to specific IPs @app.route("/testaccesskeys") def testkeys(): success = 0 fail = 0 bad = [] for keyname in awsconfig["accounts"]: try: accountinfo = awsconfig["accounts"][keyname] session = boto3.Session(accountinfo["id"], accountinfo["secret"]) sts = session.client("sts") sts.get_caller_identity() success = success + 1 except Exception as e: fail = fail + 1 bad.append(keyname) return json.dumps( { "success": success, "fail": fail, "bad": bad } ) # Custom 404 handler because we have needs. @app.errorhandler(404) def page_not_found(e): # note that we set the 404 status explicitly # remote_ip = request.environ.get("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR", request.environ.get("REMOTE_ADDR")) # plog(f'404 from {remote_ip}') # log the actual source IP because logging gets the ALB internal IP. time.sleep(5) # tarpit so scanners have a bad day return render_template('404.html'), 404 # Add headers to all outgoing responses to deal with common security concerns @app.after_request def apply_caching(response): response.headers['server'] = "Zanzibar" # Let's not tell people what we run response.headers["X-Frame-Options"] = "deny" response.headers["X-Content-Type-Options"] = "nosniff" response.headers["X-XSS-Protection"] = "1; mode=block" response.headers["Referrer-Policy"] = "no-referrer" response.headers["Strict-Transport-Security"] = "max-age=31536000 ; includeSubDomains ; preload" response.headers["Content-Security-Policy"] = ("default-src 'self' " "'sha256-JMZOU8BcaItzGyYxtaMNNNUOnQq9LQbKEaXfw/WUkfo=' " "'sha256-RQr56zHCuub99h6rKodb5eik75gEYMw/OD6cYTtCpOM=' " " " "; object-src " + app.config["URL"] # " ; script-src 'strict-dynamic' " ) return response if __name__ == "__main__": # create database tables if they don't exist yet db.create_all() # app.logger.disabled = True # log = logging.getLogger("werkzeug") # log.disabled = True class Stoplogs(logging.Filter): """Stop logging messages from health checks""" def __init__(self, name=None): pass def filter(self, rec): # Stop logging of ALBs doing health checks logblacklist = ["", "", "", "", "", ""] if '"GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 -' in rec.msg: for ip in logblacklist: if ip in rec.msg: return False return True log = logging.getLogger("werkzeug") stoplogs = Stoplogs() log.addFilter(stoplogs) scheduler = BackgroundScheduler(timezone="UTC") scheduler.add_job(func=expire_all_sgs, trigger="interval", seconds=300) scheduler.start() if debug:"", debug=True, threaded=True) else:"", debug=False, use_evalex=False, threaded=True)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' Support for OSQuery - .. versionadded:: 2015.8.0 ''' from __future__ import absolute_import # Import python libs import json # Import Salt libs import salt.utils import logging log = logging.getLogger(__name__) __func_alias__ = { 'file_': 'file', 'hash_': 'hash', 'time_': 'time', } def __virtual__(): if salt.utils.which('osqueryi'): return 'osquery' return False def _table_attrs(table): ''' Helper function to find valid table attributes ''' cmd = 'osqueryi --json "pragma table_info({0})"'.format(table) res = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](cmd) if res['retcode'] == 0: attrs = [] text = json.loads(res['stdout']) for item in text: attrs.append(item['name']) return attrs return False def _osquery(sql, format='json'): ''' Helper function to run raw osquery queries ''' ret = { 'result': True, } cmd = 'osqueryi --json "{0}"'.format(sql) res = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](cmd) if res['retcode'] == 0: ret['data'] = json.loads(res['stdout']) else: ret['result'] = False ret['error'] = res['stderr'] return ret def _osquery_cmd(table, attrs=None, where=None, format='json'): ''' Helper function to run osquery queries ''' ret = { 'result': True, } if attrs: if isinstance(attrs, list): valid_attrs = _table_attrs(table) if valid_attrs: for a in attrs: if a not in valid_attrs: ret['result'] = False ret['comment'] = '{0} is not a valid attribute for table {1}'.format(a, table) return ret _attrs = ','.join(attrs) else: ret['result'] = False ret['comment'] = 'Invalid table {0}.'.format(table) return ret else: ret['comment'] = 'attrs must be specified as a list.' ret['result'] = False return ret else: _attrs = '*' sql = 'select {0} from {1}'.format(_attrs, table) if where: sql = '{0} where {1}'.format(sql, where) sql = '{0};'.format(sql) res = _osquery(sql) if res['result']: ret['data'] = res['data'] else: ret['comment'] = res['error'] return ret def version(): ''' Return version of osquery CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' osquery.version ''' res = _osquery_cmd(table='osquery_info', attrs=['version']) if res and isinstance(res, list): return res[0].get('version', '') or False def rpm_packages(attrs=None, where=None): ''' Return cpuid information from osquery CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' osquery.rpm_packages ''' if __grains__['os_family'] == 'RedHat': return _osquery_cmd(table='rpm_packages', attrs=attrs, where=where) return {'result': False, 'comment': 'Only available on Red Hat based systems.'} def kernel_integrity(attrs=None, where=None): ''' Return kernel_integrity information from osquery CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' osquery.kernel_integrity ''' if __grains__['os_family'] in ['RedHat', 'Debian']: return _osquery_cmd(table='kernel_integrity', attrs=attrs, where=where) return {'result': False, 'comment': 'Only available on Red Hat or Debian based systems.'} def kernel_modules(attrs=None, where=None): ''' Return kernel_modules information from osquery CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' osquery.kernel_modules ''' if __grains__['os_family'] in ['RedHat', 'Debian']: return _osquery_cmd(table='kernel_modules', attrs=attrs, where=where) return {'result': False, 'comment': 'Only available on Red Hat or Debian based systems.'} def memory_map(attrs=None, where=None): ''' Return memory_map information from osquery CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' osquery.memory_map ''' if __grains__['os_family'] in ['RedHat', 'Debian']: return _osquery_cmd(table='memory_map', attrs=attrs, where=where) return {'result': False, 'comment': 'Only available on Red Hat or Debian based systems.'} def process_memory_map(attrs=None, where=None): ''' Return process_memory_map information from osquery CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' osquery.process_memory_map ''' if __grains__['os_family'] in ['RedHat', 'Debian']: return _osquery_cmd(table='process_memory_map', attrs=attrs, where=where) return {'result': False, 'comment': 'Only available on Red Hat or Debian based systems.'} def shared_memory(attrs=None, where=None): ''' Return shared_memory information from osquery CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' osquery.shared_memory ''' if __grains__['os_family'] in ['RedHat', 'Debian']: return _osquery_cmd(table='shared_memory', attrs=attrs, where=where) return {'result': False, 'comment': 'Only available on Red Hat or Debian based systems.'} def apt_sources(attrs=None, where=None): ''' Return apt_sources information from osquery CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' osquery.apt_sources ''' if __grains__['os_family'] == 'Debian': return _osquery_cmd(table='apt_sources', attrs=attrs, where=where) return {'result': False, 'comment': 'Only available on Debian based systems.'} def deb_packages(attrs=None, where=None): ''' Return deb_packages information from osquery CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' osquery.deb_packages ''' if __grains__['os_family'] == 'Debian': return _osquery_cmd(table='deb_packages', attrs=attrs, where=where) return {'result': False, 'comment': 'Only available on Debian based systems.'} def acpi_tables(attrs=None, where=None): ''' Return acpi_tables information from osquery CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' osquery.acpi_tables ''' return _osquery_cmd(table='acpi_tables', attrs=attrs, where=where) def arp_cache(attrs=None, where=None): ''' Return arp_cache information from osquery CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' osquery.arp_cache ''' return _osquery_cmd(table='arp_cache', attrs=attrs, where=where) def block_devices(attrs=None, where=None): ''' Return block_devices information from osquery CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' osquery.block_devices ''' return _osquery_cmd(table='block_devices', attrs=attrs, where=where) def cpuid(attrs=None, where=None): ''' Return cpuid information from osquery CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' osquery.cpuid ''' return _osquery_cmd(table='cpuid', attrs=attrs, where=where) def crontab(attrs=None, where=None): ''' Return crontab information from osquery CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' osquery.crontab ''' return _osquery_cmd(table='crontab', attrs=attrs, where=where) def etc_hosts(attrs=None, where=None): ''' Return etc_hosts information from osquery CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' osquery.etc_hosts ''' return _osquery_cmd(table='etc_hosts', attrs=attrs, where=where) def etc_services(attrs=None, where=None): ''' Return etc_services information from osquery CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' osquery.etc_services ''' return _osquery_cmd(table='etc_services', attrs=attrs, where=where) def file_changes(attrs=None, where=None): ''' Return file_changes information from osquery CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' osquery.file_changes ''' return _osquery_cmd(table='file_changes', attrs=attrs, where=where) def groups(attrs=None, where=None): ''' Return groups information from osquery CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' osquery.groups ''' return _osquery_cmd(table='groups', attrs=attrs, where=where) def hardware_events(attrs=None, where=None): ''' Return hardware_events information from osquery CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' osquery.hardware_events ''' return _osquery_cmd(table='hardware_events', attrs=attrs, where=where) def interface_addresses(attrs=None, where=None): ''' Return interface_addresses information from osquery CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' osquery.interface_addresses ''' return _osquery_cmd(table='interface_addresses', attrs=attrs, where=where) def interface_details(attrs=None, where=None): ''' Return interface_details information from osquery CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' osquery.interface_details ''' return _osquery_cmd(table='interface_details', attrs=attrs, where=where) def kernel_info(attrs=None, where=None): ''' Return kernel_info information from osquery CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' osquery.kernel_info ''' return _osquery_cmd(table='kernel_info', attrs=attrs, where=where) def last(attrs=None, where=None): ''' Return last information from osquery CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' osquery.last ''' return _osquery_cmd(table='last', attrs=attrs, where=where) def listening_ports(attrs=None, where=None): r''' Return listening_ports information from osquery CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' osquery.listening_ports ''' return _osquery_cmd(table='listening_ports', attrs=attrs, where=where) def logged_in_users(attrs=None, where=None): r''' Return logged_in_users information from osquery CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' osquery.logged_in_users ''' return _osquery_cmd(table='logged_in_users', attrs=attrs, where=where) def mounts(attrs=None, where=None): r''' Return mounts information from osquery CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' osquery.mounts ''' return _osquery_cmd(table='mounts', attrs=attrs, where=where) def os_version(attrs=None, where=None): ''' Return os_version information from osquery CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' osquery.os_version ''' return _osquery_cmd(table='os_version', attrs=attrs, where=where) def passwd_changes(attrs=None, where=None): ''' Return passwd_changes information from osquery CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' osquery.passwd_changes ''' return _osquery_cmd(table='passwd_changes', attrs=attrs, where=where) def pci_devices(attrs=None, where=None): ''' Return pci_devices information from osquery CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' osquery.pci_devices ''' return _osquery_cmd(table='pci_devices', attrs=attrs, where=where) def process_envs(attrs=None, where=None): ''' Return process_envs information from osquery CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' osquery.process_envs ''' return _osquery_cmd(table='process_envs', attrs=attrs, where=where) def process_open_files(attrs=None, where=None): ''' Return process_open_files information from osquery CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' osquery.process_open_files ''' return _osquery_cmd(table='process_open_files', attrs=attrs, where=where) def process_open_sockets(attrs=None, where=None): ''' Return process_open_sockets information from osquery CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' osquery.process_open_sockets ''' return _osquery_cmd(table='process_open_sockets', attrs=attrs, where=where) def processes(attrs=None, where=None): ''' Return processes information from osquery CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' osquery.processes ''' return _osquery_cmd(table='processes', attrs=attrs, where=where) def routes(attrs=None, where=None): ''' Return routes information from osquery CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' osquery.routes ''' return _osquery_cmd(table='routes', attrs=attrs, where=where) def shell_history(attrs=None, where=None): ''' Return shell_history information from osquery CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' osquery.shell_history ''' return _osquery_cmd(table='shell_history', attrs=attrs, where=where) def smbios_tables(attrs=None, where=None): ''' Return smbios_tables information from osquery CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' osquery.smbios_tables ''' return _osquery_cmd(table='smbios_tables', attrs=attrs, where=where) def suid_bin(attrs=None, where=None): ''' Return suid_bin information from osquery CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' osquery.suid_bin ''' return _osquery_cmd(table='suid_bin', attrs=attrs, where=where) def system_controls(attrs=None, where=None): ''' Return system_controls information from osquery CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' osquery.system_controls ''' return _osquery_cmd(table='system_controls', attrs=attrs, where=where) def usb_devices(attrs=None, where=None): ''' Return usb_devices information from osquery CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' osquery.usb_devices ''' return _osquery_cmd(table='usb_devices', attrs=attrs, where=where) def users(attrs=None, where=None): ''' Return users information from osquery CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' osquery.users ''' return _osquery_cmd(table='users', attrs=attrs, where=where) def alf(attrs=None, where=None): ''' Return alf information from osquery CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' osquery.alf ''' if salt.utils.is_darwin(): return _osquery_cmd(table='alf', attrs=attrs, where=where) return {'result': False, 'comment': 'Only available on OS X systems.'} def alf_exceptions(attrs=None, where=None): ''' Return alf_exceptions information from osquery CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' osquery.alf_exceptions ''' if salt.utils.is_darwin(): return _osquery_cmd(table='alf_exceptions', attrs=attrs, where=where) return {'result': False, 'comment': 'Only available on OS X systems.'} def alf_explicit_auths(attrs=None, where=None): ''' Return alf_explicit_auths information from osquery CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' osquery.alf_explicit_auths ''' if salt.utils.is_darwin(): return _osquery_cmd(table='alf_explicit_auths', attrs=attrs, where=where) return {'result': False, 'comment': 'Only available on OS X systems.'} def alf_services(attrs=None, where=None): ''' Return alf_services information from osquery CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' osquery.alf_services ''' if salt.utils.is_darwin(): return _osquery_cmd(table='alf_services', attrs=attrs, where=where) return {'result': False, 'comment': 'Only available on OS X systems.'} def apps(attrs=None, where=None): ''' Return apps information from osquery CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' osquery.apps ''' if salt.utils.is_darwin(): return _osquery_cmd(table='apps', attrs=attrs, where=where) return {'result': False, 'comment': 'Only available on OS X systems.'} def certificates(attrs=None, where=None): ''' Return certificates information from osquery CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' osquery.certificates ''' if salt.utils.is_darwin(): return _osquery_cmd(table='certificates', attrs=attrs, where=where) return {'result': False, 'comment': 'Only available on OS X systems.'} def chrome_extensions(attrs=None, where=None): ''' Return chrome_extensions information from osquery CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' osquery.chrome_extensions ''' if salt.utils.is_darwin(): return _osquery_cmd(table='chrome_extensions', attrs=attrs, where=where) return {'result': False, 'comment': 'Only available on OS X systems.'} def firefox_addons(attrs=None, where=None): ''' Return firefox_addons information from osquery CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' osquery.firefox_addons ''' if salt.utils.is_darwin(): return _osquery_cmd(table='firefox_addons', attrs=attrs, where=where) return {'result': False, 'comment': 'Only available on OS X systems.'} def homebrew_packages(attrs=None, where=None): ''' Return homebrew_packages information from osquery CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' osquery.homebrew_packages ''' if salt.utils.is_darwin(): return _osquery_cmd(table='homebrew_packages', attrs=attrs, where=where) return {'result': False, 'comment': 'Only available on OS X systems.'} def iokit_devicetree(attrs=None, where=None): ''' Return iokit_devicetree information from osquery CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' osquery.iokit_devicetree ''' if salt.utils.is_darwin(): return _osquery_cmd(table='iokit_devicetree', attrs=attrs, where=where) return {'result': False, 'comment': 'Only available on OS X systems.'} def iokit_registry(attrs=None, where=None): ''' Return iokit_registry information from osquery CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' osquery.iokit_registry ''' if salt.utils.is_darwin(): return _osquery_cmd(table='iokit_registry', attrs=attrs, where=where) return {'result': False, 'comment': 'Only available on OS X systems.'} def kernel_extensions(attrs=None, where=None): ''' Return kernel_extensions information from osquery CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' osquery.kernel_extensions ''' if salt.utils.is_darwin(): return _osquery_cmd(table='kernel_extensions', attrs=attrs, where=where) return {'result': False, 'comment': 'Only available on OS X systems.'} def keychain_items(attrs=None, where=None): ''' Return keychain_items information from osquery CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' osquery.keychain_items ''' if salt.utils.is_darwin(): return _osquery_cmd(table='keychain_items', attrs=attrs, where=where) return {'result': False, 'comment': 'Only available on OS X systems.'} def launchd(attrs=None, where=None): ''' Return launchd information from osquery CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' osquery.launchd ''' if salt.utils.is_darwin(): return _osquery_cmd(table='launchd', attrs=attrs, where=where) return {'result': False, 'comment': 'Only available on OS X systems.'} def nfs_shares(attrs=None, where=None): ''' Return nfs_shares information from osquery CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' osquery.nfs_shares ''' if salt.utils.is_darwin(): return _osquery_cmd(table='nfs_shares', attrs=attrs, where=where) return {'result': False, 'comment': 'Only available on OS X systems.'} def nvram(attrs=None, where=None): ''' Return nvram information from osquery CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' osquery.nvram ''' if salt.utils.is_darwin(): return _osquery_cmd(table='nvram', attrs=attrs, where=where) return {'result': False, 'comment': 'Only available on OS X systems.'} def preferences(attrs=None, where=None): ''' Return preferences information from osquery CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' osquery.preferences ''' if salt.utils.is_darwin(): return _osquery_cmd(table='preferences', attrs=attrs, where=where) return {'result': False, 'comment': 'Only available on OS X systems.'} def quarantine(attrs=None, where=None): ''' Return quarantine information from osquery CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' osquery.quarantine ''' if salt.utils.is_darwin(): return _osquery_cmd(table='quarantine', attrs=attrs, where=where) return {'result': False, 'comment': 'Only available on OS X systems.'} def safari_extensions(attrs=None, where=None): ''' Return safari_extensions information from osquery CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' osquery.safari_extensions ''' if salt.utils.is_darwin(): return _osquery_cmd(table='safari_extensions', attrs=attrs, where=where) return {'result': False, 'comment': 'Only available on OS X systems.'} def startup_items(attrs=None, where=None): ''' Return startup_items information from osquery CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' osquery.startup_items ''' if salt.utils.is_darwin(): return _osquery_cmd(table='startup_items', attrs=attrs, where=where) return {'result': False, 'comment': 'Only available on OS X systems.'} def xattr_where_from(attrs=None, where=None): ''' Return xattr_where_from information from osquery CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' osquery.xattr_where_from ''' if salt.utils.is_darwin(): return _osquery_cmd(table='xattr_where_from', attrs=attrs, where=where) return {'result': False, 'comment': 'Only available on OS X systems.'} def xprotect_entries(attrs=None, where=None): ''' Return xprotect_entries information from osquery CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' osquery.xprotect_entries ''' if salt.utils.is_darwin(): return _osquery_cmd(table='xprotect_entries', attrs=attrs, where=where) return {'result': False, 'comment': 'Only available on OS X systems.'} def xprotect_reports(attrs=None, where=None): ''' Return xprotect_reports information from osquery CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' osquery.xprotect_reports ''' if salt.utils.is_darwin(): return _osquery_cmd(table='xprotect_reports', attrs=attrs, where=where) return {'result': False, 'comment': 'Only available on OS X systems.'} def file_(attrs=None, where=None): ''' Return file information from osquery CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' osquery.file ''' return _osquery_cmd(table='file', attrs=attrs, where=where) def hash_(attrs=None, where=None): ''' Return hash information from osquery CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' osquery.hash ''' return _osquery_cmd(table='hash', attrs=attrs, where=where) def osquery_extensions(attrs=None, where=None): ''' Return osquery_extensions information from osquery CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' osquery.osquery_extensions ''' return _osquery_cmd(table='osquery_extensions', attrs=attrs, where=where) def osquery_flags(attrs=None, where=None): ''' Return osquery_flags information from osquery CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' osquery.osquery_flags ''' return _osquery_cmd(table='osquery_flags', attrs=attrs, where=where) def osquery_info(attrs=None, where=None): ''' Return osquery_info information from osquery CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' osquery.osquery_info ''' return _osquery_cmd(table='osquery_info', attrs=attrs, where=where) def osquery_registry(attrs=None, where=None): ''' Return osquery_registry information from osquery CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' osquery.osquery_registry ''' return _osquery_cmd(table='osquery_registry', attrs=attrs, where=where) def time_(attrs=None): ''' Return time information from osquery CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' osquery.time ''' return _osquery_cmd(table='time', attrs=attrs) def query(sql=None): ''' Return time information from osquery CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' osquery.query "select * from users;" ''' return _osquery(sql)
import json import traceback from typing import Dict, cast import ansible_runner import demistomock as demisto # noqa: F401 import ssh_agent_setup from CommonServerPython import * # noqa: F401 # Dict to Markdown Converter adapted from def dict2md(json_block, depth=0): markdown = "" if isinstance(json_block, dict): markdown = parseDict(json_block, depth) if isinstance(json_block, list): markdown = parseList(json_block, depth) return markdown def parseDict(d, depth): markdown = "" for k in d: if isinstance(d[k], (dict, list)): markdown += addHeader(k, depth) markdown += dict2md(d[k], depth + 1) else: markdown += buildValueChain(k, d[k], depth) return markdown def parseList(rawlist, depth): markdown = "" for value in rawlist: if not isinstance(value, (dict, list)): index = rawlist.index(value) markdown += buildValueChain(index, value, depth) else: markdown += parseDict(value, depth) return markdown def buildHeaderChain(depth): list_tag = '* ' htag = '#' chain = list_tag * (bool(depth)) + htag * (depth + 1) + \ ' value ' + (htag * (depth + 1) + '\n') return chain def buildValueChain(key, value, depth): tab = " " list_tag = '* ' chain = tab * (bool(depth - 1)) + list_tag + \ str(key) + ": " + str(value) + "\n" return chain def addHeader(value, depth): chain = buildHeaderChain(depth) chain = chain.replace('value', value.title()) return chain # Remove ansible branding from results def rec_ansible_key_strip(obj): if isinstance(obj, dict): return {key.replace('ansible_', ''): rec_ansible_key_strip(val) for key, val in obj.items()} return obj # COMMAND FUNCTIONS def generic_ansible(integration_name, command, args: Dict[str, Any]) -> CommandResults: readable_output = "" sshkey = "" fork_count = 1 # default to executing against 1 host at a time if args.get('concurrency'): fork_count = cast(int, args.get('concurrency')) inventory: Dict[str, dict] = {} inventory['all'] = {} inventory['all']['hosts'] = {} inventory['all']['hosts']['localhost'] = {} inventory['all']['hosts']['localhost']['ansible_connection'] = 'local' module_args = "" # build module args list for arg_key, arg_value in args.items(): # skip hardcoded host arg, as it doesn't related to module if arg_key == 'host': continue module_args += "%s=\"%s\" " % (arg_key, arg_value) # If this isn't host based, then all the integratation parms will be used as command args for arg_key, arg_value in demisto.params().items(): module_args += "%s=\"%s\" " % (arg_key, arg_value) r =, host_pattern='all', module=command, quiet=True, omit_event_data=True, ssh_key=sshkey, module_args=module_args, forks=fork_count) results = [] for each_host_event in # Troubleshooting # demisto.log("%s: %s\n" % (each_host_event['event'], each_host_event)) if each_host_event['event'] in ["runner_on_ok", "runner_on_unreachable", "runner_on_failed"]: # parse results result = json.loads('{' + each_host_event['stdout'].split('{', 1)[1]) host = each_host_event['stdout'].split('|', 1)[0].strip() status = each_host_event['stdout'].replace('=>', '|').split('|', 3)[1] # if successful build outputs if each_host_event['event'] == "runner_on_ok": if 'fact' in command: result = result['ansible_facts'] else: if result.get(command) is not None: result = result[command] else: result.pop("ansible_facts", None) result = rec_ansible_key_strip(result) if host != "localhost": readable_output += "# %s - %s\n" % (host, status) else: # This is integration is not host based readable_output += "# %s\n" % status readable_output += dict2md(result) # add host and status to result result['host'] = host result['status'] = status results.append(result) if each_host_event['event'] == "runner_on_unreachable": msg = "Host %s unreachable\nError Details: %s" % (host, result) return_error(msg) if each_host_event['event'] == "runner_on_failed": msg = "Host %s failed running command\nError Details: %s" % (host, result) return_error(msg) # This is integration is not host based and always runs against localhost results = results[0] return CommandResults( readable_output=readable_output, outputs_prefix=integration_name + '.' + command, outputs_key_field='', outputs=results ) # MAIN FUNCTION def main() -> None: """main function, parses params and runs command functions :return: :rtype: """ # SSH Key integration requires ssh_agent to be running in the background ssh_agent_setup.setup() try: if demisto.command() == 'test-module': # This is the call made when pressing the integration Test button. return_results('ok') elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-about-info': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_about_info', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-category': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_category', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-category-info': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_category_info', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-cfg-backup': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_cfg_backup', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-cluster': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_cluster', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-cluster-drs': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_cluster_drs', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-cluster-ha': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_cluster_ha', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-cluster-info': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_cluster_info', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-cluster-vsan': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_cluster_vsan', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-content-deploy-template': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_content_deploy_template', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-content-library-info': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_content_library_info', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-content-library-manager': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_content_library_manager', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-datacenter': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_datacenter', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-datastore-cluster': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_datastore_cluster', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-datastore-info': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_datastore_info', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-datastore-maintenancemode': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_datastore_maintenancemode', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-dns-config': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_dns_config', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-drs-group': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_drs_group', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-drs-group-info': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_drs_group_info', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-drs-rule-info': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_drs_rule_info', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-dvs-host': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_dvs_host', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-dvs-portgroup': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_dvs_portgroup', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-dvs-portgroup-find': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_dvs_portgroup_find', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-dvs-portgroup-info': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_dvs_portgroup_info', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-dvswitch': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_dvswitch', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-dvswitch-lacp': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_dvswitch_lacp', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-dvswitch-nioc': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_dvswitch_nioc', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-dvswitch-pvlans': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_dvswitch_pvlans', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-dvswitch-uplink-pg': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_dvswitch_uplink_pg', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-evc-mode': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_evc_mode', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-folder-info': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_folder_info', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-guest': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_guest', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-guest-boot-info': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_guest_boot_info', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-guest-boot-manager': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_guest_boot_manager', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-guest-custom-attribute-defs': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_guest_custom_attribute_defs', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-guest-custom-attributes': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_guest_custom_attributes', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-guest-customization-info': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_guest_customization_info', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-guest-disk': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_guest_disk', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-guest-disk-info': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_guest_disk_info', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-guest-find': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_guest_find', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-guest-info': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_guest_info', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-guest-move': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_guest_move', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-guest-network': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_guest_network', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-guest-powerstate': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_guest_powerstate', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-guest-screenshot': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_guest_screenshot', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-guest-sendkey': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_guest_sendkey', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-guest-snapshot': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_guest_snapshot', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-guest-snapshot-info': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_guest_snapshot_info', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-guest-tools-upgrade': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_guest_tools_upgrade', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-guest-tools-wait': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_guest_tools_wait', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-guest-video': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_guest_video', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-guest-vnc': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_guest_vnc', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-host': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_host', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-host-acceptance': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_host_acceptance', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-host-active-directory': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_host_active_directory', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-host-capability-info': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_host_capability_info', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-host-config-info': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_host_config_info', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-host-config-manager': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_host_config_manager', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-host-datastore': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_host_datastore', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-host-dns-info': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_host_dns_info', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-host-facts': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_host_facts', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-host-feature-info': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_host_feature_info', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-host-firewall-info': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_host_firewall_info', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-host-firewall-manager': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_host_firewall_manager', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-host-hyperthreading': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_host_hyperthreading', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-host-ipv6': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_host_ipv6', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-host-kernel-manager': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_host_kernel_manager', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-host-lockdown': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_host_lockdown', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-host-ntp': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_host_ntp', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-host-ntp-info': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_host_ntp_info', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-host-package-info': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_host_package_info', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-host-powermgmt-policy': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_host_powermgmt_policy', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-host-powerstate': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_host_powerstate', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-host-scanhba': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_host_scanhba', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-host-service-info': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_host_service_info', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-host-service-manager': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_host_service_manager', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-host-snmp': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_host_snmp', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-host-ssl-info': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_host_ssl_info', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-host-vmhba-info': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_host_vmhba_info', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-host-vmnic-info': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_host_vmnic_info', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-local-role-info': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_local_role_info', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-local-role-manager': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_local_role_manager', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-local-user-info': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_local_user_info', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-local-user-manager': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_local_user_manager', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-maintenancemode': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_maintenancemode', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-migrate-vmk': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_migrate_vmk', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-object-role-permission': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_object_role_permission', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-portgroup': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_portgroup', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-portgroup-info': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_portgroup_info', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-resource-pool': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_resource_pool', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-resource-pool-info': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_resource_pool_info', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-tag': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_tag', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-tag-info': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_tag_info', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-tag-manager': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_tag_manager', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-target-canonical-info': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_target_canonical_info', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-vcenter-settings': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_vcenter_settings', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-vcenter-statistics': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_vcenter_statistics', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-vm-host-drs-rule': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_vm_host_drs_rule', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-vm-info': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_vm_info', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-vm-shell': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_vm_shell', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-vm-storage-policy-info': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_vm_storage_policy_info', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-vm-vm-drs-rule': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_vm_vm_drs_rule', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-vm-vss-dvs-migrate': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_vm_vss_dvs_migrate', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-vmkernel': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_vmkernel', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-vmkernel-info': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_vmkernel_info', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-vmkernel-ip-config': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_vmkernel_ip_config', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-vmotion': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_vmotion', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-vsan-cluster': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_vsan_cluster', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-vspan-session': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_vspan_session', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-vswitch': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_vswitch', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-vswitch-info': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vmware_vswitch_info', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-vsphere-file': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vsphere_file', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-vcenter-extension': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vcenter_extension', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-vcenter-extension-info': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vcenter_extension_info', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-vcenter-folder': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vcenter_folder', demisto.args())) elif demisto.command() == 'vmware-vcenter-license': return_results(generic_ansible('vmwarev2', 'vcenter_license', demisto.args())) # Log exceptions and return errors except Exception as e: demisto.error(traceback.format_exc()) # print the traceback return_error(f'Failed to execute {demisto.command()} command.\nError:\n{str(e)}') # ENTRY POINT if __name__ in ('__main__', '__builtin__', 'builtins'): main()
import copy import datetime from django.core.exceptions import EmptyResultSet, FieldError from django.db.backends import utils as backend_utils from django.db.models import fields from django.db.models.query_utils import Q from django.utils import six from django.utils.functional import cached_property class Combinable(object): """ Provides the ability to combine one or two objects with some connector. For example F('foo') + F('bar'). """ # Arithmetic connectors ADD = '+' SUB = '-' MUL = '*' DIV = '/' POW = '^' # The following is a quoted % operator - it is quoted because it can be # used in strings that also have parameter substitution. MOD = '%%' # Bitwise operators - note that these are generated by .bitand() # and .bitor(), the '&' and '|' are reserved for boolean operator # usage. BITAND = '&' BITOR = '|' BITLEFTSHIFT = '<<' BITRIGHTSHIFT = '>>' def _combine(self, other, connector, reversed, node=None): if not hasattr(other, 'resolve_expression'): # everything must be resolvable to an expression if isinstance(other, datetime.timedelta): other = DurationValue(other, output_field=fields.DurationField()) else: other = Value(other) if reversed: return CombinedExpression(other, connector, self) return CombinedExpression(self, connector, other) ############# # OPERATORS # ############# def __add__(self, other): return self._combine(other, self.ADD, False) def __sub__(self, other): return self._combine(other, self.SUB, False) def __mul__(self, other): return self._combine(other, self.MUL, False) def __truediv__(self, other): return self._combine(other, self.DIV, False) def __div__(self, other): # Python 2 compatibility return type(self).__truediv__(self, other) def __mod__(self, other): return self._combine(other, self.MOD, False) def __pow__(self, other): return self._combine(other, self.POW, False) def __and__(self, other): raise NotImplementedError( "Use .bitand() and .bitor() for bitwise logical operations." ) def bitand(self, other): return self._combine(other, self.BITAND, False) def bitleftshift(self, other): return self._combine(other, self.BITLEFTSHIFT, False) def bitrightshift(self, other): return self._combine(other, self.BITRIGHTSHIFT, False) def __or__(self, other): raise NotImplementedError( "Use .bitand() and .bitor() for bitwise logical operations." ) def bitor(self, other): return self._combine(other, self.BITOR, False) def __radd__(self, other): return self._combine(other, self.ADD, True) def __rsub__(self, other): return self._combine(other, self.SUB, True) def __rmul__(self, other): return self._combine(other, self.MUL, True) def __rtruediv__(self, other): return self._combine(other, self.DIV, True) def __rdiv__(self, other): # Python 2 compatibility return type(self).__rtruediv__(self, other) def __rmod__(self, other): return self._combine(other, self.MOD, True) def __rpow__(self, other): return self._combine(other, self.POW, True) def __rand__(self, other): raise NotImplementedError( "Use .bitand() and .bitor() for bitwise logical operations." ) def __ror__(self, other): raise NotImplementedError( "Use .bitand() and .bitor() for bitwise logical operations." ) class BaseExpression(object): """ Base class for all query expressions. """ # aggregate specific fields is_summary = False _output_field = None def __init__(self, output_field=None): if output_field is not None: self._output_field = output_field def get_db_converters(self, connection): return [self.convert_value] + self.output_field.get_db_converters(connection) def get_source_expressions(self): return [] def set_source_expressions(self, exprs): assert len(exprs) == 0 def _parse_expressions(self, *expressions): return [ arg if hasattr(arg, 'resolve_expression') else ( F(arg) if isinstance(arg, six.string_types) else Value(arg) ) for arg in expressions ] def as_sql(self, compiler, connection): """ Responsible for returning a (sql, [params]) tuple to be included in the current query. Different backends can provide their own implementation, by providing an `as_{vendor}` method and patching the Expression: ``` def override_as_sql(self, compiler, connection): # custom logic return super(Expression, self).as_sql(compiler, connection) setattr(Expression, 'as_' + connection.vendor, override_as_sql) ``` Arguments: * compiler: the query compiler responsible for generating the query. Must have a compile method, returning a (sql, [params]) tuple. Calling compiler(value) will return a quoted `value`. * connection: the database connection used for the current query. Returns: (sql, params) Where `sql` is a string containing ordered sql parameters to be replaced with the elements of the list `params`. """ raise NotImplementedError("Subclasses must implement as_sql()") @cached_property def contains_aggregate(self): for expr in self.get_source_expressions(): if expr and expr.contains_aggregate: return True return False @cached_property def contains_column_references(self): for expr in self.get_source_expressions(): if expr and expr.contains_column_references: return True return False def resolve_expression(self, query=None, allow_joins=True, reuse=None, summarize=False, for_save=False): """ Provides the chance to do any preprocessing or validation before being added to the query. Arguments: * query: the backend query implementation * allow_joins: boolean allowing or denying use of joins in this query * reuse: a set of reusable joins for multijoins * summarize: a terminal aggregate clause * for_save: whether this expression about to be used in a save or update Returns: an Expression to be added to the query. """ c = self.copy() c.is_summary = summarize c.set_source_expressions([ expr.resolve_expression(query, allow_joins, reuse, summarize) for expr in c.get_source_expressions() ]) return c def _prepare(self, field): """ Hook used by Lookup.get_prep_lookup() to do custom preparation. """ return self @property def field(self): return self.output_field @cached_property def output_field(self): """ Returns the output type of this expressions. """ if self._output_field_or_none is None: raise FieldError("Cannot resolve expression type, unknown output_field") return self._output_field_or_none @cached_property def _output_field_or_none(self): """ Returns the output field of this expression, or None if no output type can be resolved. Note that the 'output_field' property will raise FieldError if no type can be resolved, but this attribute allows for None values. """ if self._output_field is None: self._resolve_output_field() return self._output_field def _resolve_output_field(self): """ Attempts to infer the output type of the expression. If the output fields of all source fields match then we can simply infer the same type here. This isn't always correct, but it makes sense most of the time. Consider the difference between `2 + 2` and `2 / 3`. Inferring the type here is a convenience for the common case. The user should supply their own output_field with more complex computations. If a source does not have an `_output_field` then we exclude it from this check. If all sources are `None`, then an error will be thrown higher up the stack in the `output_field` property. """ if self._output_field is None: sources = self.get_source_fields() num_sources = len(sources) if num_sources == 0: self._output_field = None else: for source in sources: if self._output_field is None: self._output_field = source if source is not None and not isinstance(self._output_field, source.__class__): raise FieldError( "Expression contains mixed types. You must set output_field") def convert_value(self, value, expression, connection, context): """ Expressions provide their own converters because users have the option of manually specifying the output_field which may be a different type from the one the database returns. """ field = self.output_field internal_type = field.get_internal_type() if value is None: return value elif internal_type == 'FloatField': return float(value) elif internal_type.endswith('IntegerField'): return int(value) elif internal_type == 'DecimalField': return backend_utils.typecast_decimal(value) return value def get_lookup(self, lookup): return self.output_field.get_lookup(lookup) def get_transform(self, name): return self.output_field.get_transform(name) def relabeled_clone(self, change_map): clone = self.copy() clone.set_source_expressions( [e.relabeled_clone(change_map) for e in self.get_source_expressions()]) return clone def copy(self): c = copy.copy(self) c.copied = True return c def get_group_by_cols(self): if not self.contains_aggregate: return [self] cols = [] for source in self.get_source_expressions(): cols.extend(source.get_group_by_cols()) return cols def get_source_fields(self): """ Returns the underlying field types used by this aggregate. """ return [e._output_field_or_none for e in self.get_source_expressions()] def asc(self, **kwargs): return OrderBy(self, **kwargs) def desc(self, **kwargs): return OrderBy(self, descending=True, **kwargs) def reverse_ordering(self): return self def flatten(self): """ Recursively yield this expression and all subexpressions, in depth-first order. """ yield self for expr in self.get_source_expressions(): if expr: for inner_expr in expr.flatten(): yield inner_expr class Expression(BaseExpression, Combinable): """ An expression that can be combined with other expressions. """ pass class CombinedExpression(Expression): def __init__(self, lhs, connector, rhs, output_field=None): super(CombinedExpression, self).__init__(output_field=output_field) self.connector = connector self.lhs = lhs self.rhs = rhs def __repr__(self): return "<{}: {}>".format(self.__class__.__name__, self) def __str__(self): return "{} {} {}".format(self.lhs, self.connector, self.rhs) def get_source_expressions(self): return [self.lhs, self.rhs] def set_source_expressions(self, exprs): self.lhs, self.rhs = exprs def as_sql(self, compiler, connection): try: lhs_output = self.lhs.output_field except FieldError: lhs_output = None try: rhs_output = self.rhs.output_field except FieldError: rhs_output = None if (not connection.features.has_native_duration_field and ((lhs_output and lhs_output.get_internal_type() == 'DurationField') or (rhs_output and rhs_output.get_internal_type() == 'DurationField'))): return DurationExpression(self.lhs, self.connector, self.rhs).as_sql(compiler, connection) if (lhs_output and rhs_output and self.connector == self.SUB and lhs_output.get_internal_type() in {'DateField', 'DateTimeField', 'TimeField'} and lhs_output.get_internal_type() == rhs_output.get_internal_type()): return TemporalSubtraction(self.lhs, self.rhs).as_sql(compiler, connection) expressions = [] expression_params = [] sql, params = compiler.compile(self.lhs) expressions.append(sql) expression_params.extend(params) sql, params = compiler.compile(self.rhs) expressions.append(sql) expression_params.extend(params) # order of precedence expression_wrapper = '(%s)' sql = connection.ops.combine_expression(self.connector, expressions) return expression_wrapper % sql, expression_params def resolve_expression(self, query=None, allow_joins=True, reuse=None, summarize=False, for_save=False): c = self.copy() c.is_summary = summarize c.lhs = c.lhs.resolve_expression(query, allow_joins, reuse, summarize, for_save) c.rhs = c.rhs.resolve_expression(query, allow_joins, reuse, summarize, for_save) return c class DurationExpression(CombinedExpression): def compile(self, side, compiler, connection): if not isinstance(side, DurationValue): try: output = side.output_field except FieldError: pass else: if output.get_internal_type() == 'DurationField': sql, params = compiler.compile(side) return connection.ops.format_for_duration_arithmetic(sql), params return compiler.compile(side) def as_sql(self, compiler, connection): connection.ops.check_expression_support(self) expressions = [] expression_params = [] sql, params = self.compile(self.lhs, compiler, connection) expressions.append(sql) expression_params.extend(params) sql, params = self.compile(self.rhs, compiler, connection) expressions.append(sql) expression_params.extend(params) # order of precedence expression_wrapper = '(%s)' sql = connection.ops.combine_duration_expression(self.connector, expressions) return expression_wrapper % sql, expression_params class TemporalSubtraction(CombinedExpression): def __init__(self, lhs, rhs): super(TemporalSubtraction, self).__init__(lhs, self.SUB, rhs, output_field=fields.DurationField()) def as_sql(self, compiler, connection): connection.ops.check_expression_support(self) lhs = compiler.compile(self.lhs, connection) rhs = compiler.compile(self.rhs, connection) return connection.ops.subtract_temporals(self.lhs.output_field.get_internal_type(), lhs, rhs) class F(Combinable): """ An object capable of resolving references to existing query objects. """ def __init__(self, name): """ Arguments: * name: the name of the field this expression references """ = name def __repr__(self): return "{}({})".format(self.__class__.__name__, def resolve_expression(self, query=None, allow_joins=True, reuse=None, summarize=False, for_save=False): return query.resolve_ref(, allow_joins, reuse, summarize) def asc(self, **kwargs): return OrderBy(self, **kwargs) def desc(self, **kwargs): return OrderBy(self, descending=True, **kwargs) class ResolvedOuterRef(F): """ An object that contains a reference to an outer query. In this case, the reference to the outer query has been resolved because the inner query has been used as a subquery. """ def as_sql(self, *args, **kwargs): raise ValueError( 'This queryset contains a reference to an outer query and may ' 'only be used in a subquery.' ) def _prepare(self, output_field=None): return self class OuterRef(F): def resolve_expression(self, query=None, allow_joins=True, reuse=None, summarize=False, for_save=False): if isinstance(, self.__class__): return return ResolvedOuterRef( def _prepare(self, output_field=None): return self class Func(Expression): """ An SQL function call. """ function = None template = '%(function)s(%(expressions)s)' arg_joiner = ', ' arity = None # The number of arguments the function accepts. def __init__(self, *expressions, **extra): if self.arity is not None and len(expressions) != self.arity: raise TypeError( "'%s' takes exactly %s %s (%s given)" % ( self.__class__.__name__, self.arity, "argument" if self.arity == 1 else "arguments", len(expressions), ) ) output_field = extra.pop('output_field', None) super(Func, self).__init__(output_field=output_field) self.source_expressions = self._parse_expressions(*expressions) self.extra = extra def __repr__(self): args = self.arg_joiner.join(str(arg) for arg in self.source_expressions) extra = ', '.join(str(key) + '=' + str(val) for key, val in self.extra.items()) if extra: return "{}({}, {})".format(self.__class__.__name__, args, extra) return "{}({})".format(self.__class__.__name__, args) def get_source_expressions(self): return self.source_expressions def set_source_expressions(self, exprs): self.source_expressions = exprs def resolve_expression(self, query=None, allow_joins=True, reuse=None, summarize=False, for_save=False): c = self.copy() c.is_summary = summarize for pos, arg in enumerate(c.source_expressions): c.source_expressions[pos] = arg.resolve_expression(query, allow_joins, reuse, summarize, for_save) return c def as_sql(self, compiler, connection, function=None, template=None, arg_joiner=None, **extra_context): connection.ops.check_expression_support(self) sql_parts = [] params = [] for arg in self.source_expressions: arg_sql, arg_params = compiler.compile(arg) sql_parts.append(arg_sql) params.extend(arg_params) data = self.extra.copy() data.update(**extra_context) # Use the first supplied value in this order: the parameter to this # method, a value supplied in __init__()'s **extra (the value in # `data`), or the value defined on the class. if function is not None: data['function'] = function else: data.setdefault('function', self.function) template = template or data.get('template', self.template) arg_joiner = arg_joiner or data.get('arg_joiner', self.arg_joiner) data['expressions'] = data['field'] = arg_joiner.join(sql_parts) return template % data, params def as_sqlite(self, compiler, connection, **extra_context): sql, params = self.as_sql(compiler, connection, **extra_context) try: if self.output_field.get_internal_type() == 'DecimalField': sql = 'CAST(%s AS NUMERIC)' % sql except FieldError: pass return sql, params def copy(self): copy = super(Func, self).copy() copy.source_expressions = self.source_expressions[:] copy.extra = self.extra.copy() return copy class Value(Expression): """ Represents a wrapped value as a node within an expression """ def __init__(self, value, output_field=None): """ Arguments: * value: the value this expression represents. The value will be added into the sql parameter list and properly quoted. * output_field: an instance of the model field type that this expression will return, such as IntegerField() or CharField(). """ super(Value, self).__init__(output_field=output_field) self.value = value def __repr__(self): return "{}({})".format(self.__class__.__name__, self.value) def as_sql(self, compiler, connection): connection.ops.check_expression_support(self) val = self.value # check _output_field to avoid triggering an exception if self._output_field is not None: if self.for_save: val = self.output_field.get_db_prep_save(val, connection=connection) else: val = self.output_field.get_db_prep_value(val, connection=connection) if hasattr(self._output_field, 'get_placeholder'): return self._output_field.get_placeholder(val, compiler, connection), [val] if val is None: # cx_Oracle does not always convert None to the appropriate # NULL type (like in case expressions using numbers), so we # use a literal SQL NULL return 'NULL', [] return '%s', [val] def resolve_expression(self, query=None, allow_joins=True, reuse=None, summarize=False, for_save=False): c = super(Value, self).resolve_expression(query, allow_joins, reuse, summarize, for_save) c.for_save = for_save return c def get_group_by_cols(self): return [] class DurationValue(Value): def as_sql(self, compiler, connection): connection.ops.check_expression_support(self) if connection.features.has_native_duration_field: return super(DurationValue, self).as_sql(compiler, connection) return connection.ops.date_interval_sql(self.value) class RawSQL(Expression): def __init__(self, sql, params, output_field=None): if output_field is None: output_field = fields.Field() self.sql, self.params = sql, params super(RawSQL, self).__init__(output_field=output_field) def __repr__(self): return "{}({}, {})".format(self.__class__.__name__, self.sql, self.params) def as_sql(self, compiler, connection): return '(%s)' % self.sql, self.params def get_group_by_cols(self): return [self] class Star(Expression): def __repr__(self): return "'*'" def as_sql(self, compiler, connection): return '*', [] class Random(Expression): def __init__(self): super(Random, self).__init__(output_field=fields.FloatField()) def __repr__(self): return "Random()" def as_sql(self, compiler, connection): return connection.ops.random_function_sql(), [] class Col(Expression): contains_column_references = True def __init__(self, alias, target, output_field=None): if output_field is None: output_field = target super(Col, self).__init__(output_field=output_field) self.alias, = alias, target def __repr__(self): return "{}({}, {})".format( self.__class__.__name__, self.alias, def as_sql(self, compiler, connection): qn = compiler.quote_name_unless_alias return "%s.%s" % (qn(self.alias), qn(, [] def relabeled_clone(self, relabels): return self.__class__(relabels.get(self.alias, self.alias),, self.output_field) def get_group_by_cols(self): return [self] def get_db_converters(self, connection): if == self.output_field: return self.output_field.get_db_converters(connection) return (self.output_field.get_db_converters(connection) + class Ref(Expression): """ Reference to column alias of the query. For example, Ref('sum_cost') in qs.annotate(sum_cost=Sum('cost')) query. """ def __init__(self, refs, source): super(Ref, self).__init__() self.refs, self.source = refs, source def __repr__(self): return "{}({}, {})".format(self.__class__.__name__, self.refs, self.source) def get_source_expressions(self): return [self.source] def set_source_expressions(self, exprs): self.source, = exprs def resolve_expression(self, query=None, allow_joins=True, reuse=None, summarize=False, for_save=False): # The sub-expression `source` has already been resolved, as this is # just a reference to the name of `source`. return self def relabeled_clone(self, relabels): return self def as_sql(self, compiler, connection): return "%s" % connection.ops.quote_name(self.refs), [] def get_group_by_cols(self): return [self] class ExpressionWrapper(Expression): """ An expression that can wrap another expression so that it can provide extra context to the inner expression, such as the output_field. """ def __init__(self, expression, output_field): super(ExpressionWrapper, self).__init__(output_field=output_field) self.expression = expression def set_source_expressions(self, exprs): self.expression = exprs[0] def get_source_expressions(self): return [self.expression] def as_sql(self, compiler, connection): return self.expression.as_sql(compiler, connection) def __repr__(self): return "{}({})".format(self.__class__.__name__, self.expression) class When(Expression): template = 'WHEN %(condition)s THEN %(result)s' def __init__(self, condition=None, then=None, **lookups): if lookups and condition is None: condition, lookups = Q(**lookups), None if condition is None or not isinstance(condition, Q) or lookups: raise TypeError("__init__() takes either a Q object or lookups as keyword arguments") super(When, self).__init__(output_field=None) self.condition = condition self.result = self._parse_expressions(then)[0] def __str__(self): return "WHEN %r THEN %r" % (self.condition, self.result) def __repr__(self): return "<%s: %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self) def get_source_expressions(self): return [self.condition, self.result] def set_source_expressions(self, exprs): self.condition, self.result = exprs def get_source_fields(self): # We're only interested in the fields of the result expressions. return [self.result._output_field_or_none] def resolve_expression(self, query=None, allow_joins=True, reuse=None, summarize=False, for_save=False): c = self.copy() c.is_summary = summarize if hasattr(c.condition, 'resolve_expression'): c.condition = c.condition.resolve_expression(query, allow_joins, reuse, summarize, False) c.result = c.result.resolve_expression(query, allow_joins, reuse, summarize, for_save) return c def as_sql(self, compiler, connection, template=None, **extra_context): connection.ops.check_expression_support(self) template_params = extra_context sql_params = [] condition_sql, condition_params = compiler.compile(self.condition) template_params['condition'] = condition_sql sql_params.extend(condition_params) result_sql, result_params = compiler.compile(self.result) template_params['result'] = result_sql sql_params.extend(result_params) template = template or self.template return template % template_params, sql_params def get_group_by_cols(self): # This is not a complete expression and cannot be used in GROUP BY. cols = [] for source in self.get_source_expressions(): cols.extend(source.get_group_by_cols()) return cols class Case(Expression): """ An SQL searched CASE expression: CASE WHEN n > 0 THEN 'positive' WHEN n < 0 THEN 'negative' ELSE 'zero' END """ template = 'CASE %(cases)s ELSE %(default)s END' case_joiner = ' ' def __init__(self, *cases, **extra): if not all(isinstance(case, When) for case in cases): raise TypeError("Positional arguments must all be When objects.") default = extra.pop('default', None) output_field = extra.pop('output_field', None) super(Case, self).__init__(output_field) self.cases = list(cases) self.default = self._parse_expressions(default)[0] self.extra = extra def __str__(self): return "CASE %s, ELSE %r" % (', '.join(str(c) for c in self.cases), self.default) def __repr__(self): return "<%s: %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self) def get_source_expressions(self): return self.cases + [self.default] def set_source_expressions(self, exprs): self.cases = exprs[:-1] self.default = exprs[-1] def resolve_expression(self, query=None, allow_joins=True, reuse=None, summarize=False, for_save=False): c = self.copy() c.is_summary = summarize for pos, case in enumerate(c.cases): c.cases[pos] = case.resolve_expression(query, allow_joins, reuse, summarize, for_save) c.default = c.default.resolve_expression(query, allow_joins, reuse, summarize, for_save) return c def copy(self): c = super(Case, self).copy() c.cases = c.cases[:] return c def as_sql(self, compiler, connection, template=None, case_joiner=None, **extra_context): connection.ops.check_expression_support(self) if not self.cases: return compiler.compile(self.default) template_params = self.extra.copy() template_params.update(extra_context) case_parts = [] sql_params = [] for case in self.cases: try: case_sql, case_params = compiler.compile(case) except EmptyResultSet: continue case_parts.append(case_sql) sql_params.extend(case_params) default_sql, default_params = compiler.compile(self.default) if not case_parts: return default_sql, default_params case_joiner = case_joiner or self.case_joiner template_params['cases'] = case_joiner.join(case_parts) template_params['default'] = default_sql sql_params.extend(default_params) template = template or template_params.get('template', self.template) sql = template % template_params if self._output_field_or_none is not None: sql = connection.ops.unification_cast_sql(self.output_field) % sql return sql, sql_params class Subquery(Expression): """ An explicit subquery. It may contain OuterRef() references to the outer query which will be resolved when it is applied to that query. """ template = '(%(subquery)s)' def __init__(self, queryset, output_field=None, **extra): self.queryset = queryset self.extra = extra if output_field is None and len( == 1: output_field =[0].field super(Subquery, self).__init__(output_field) def copy(self): clone = super(Subquery, self).copy() clone.queryset = clone.queryset.all() return clone def resolve_expression(self, query=None, allow_joins=True, reuse=None, summarize=False, for_save=False): clone = self.copy() clone.is_summary = summarize clone.queryset.query.bump_prefix(query) # Need to recursively resolve these. def resolve_all(child): if hasattr(child, 'children'): [resolve_all(_child) for _child in child.children] if hasattr(child, 'rhs'): child.rhs = resolve(child.rhs) def resolve(child): if hasattr(child, 'resolve_expression'): resolved = child.resolve_expression( query=query, allow_joins=allow_joins, reuse=reuse, summarize=summarize, for_save=for_save, ) # Add table alias to the parent query's aliases to prevent # quoting. if hasattr(resolved, 'alias') and resolved.alias != clone.queryset.query.external_aliases.add(resolved.alias) return resolved return child resolve_all(clone.queryset.query.where) for key, value in clone.queryset.query.annotations.items(): if isinstance(value, Subquery): clone.queryset.query.annotations[key] = resolve(value) return clone def get_source_expressions(self): return [ x for x in [ getattr(expr, 'lhs', None) for expr in self.queryset.query.where.children ] if x ] def relabeled_clone(self, change_map): clone = self.copy() clone.queryset.query = clone.queryset.query.relabeled_clone(change_map) clone.queryset.query.external_aliases.update( alias for alias in change_map.values() if alias not in clone.queryset.query.tables ) return clone def as_sql(self, compiler, connection, template=None, **extra_context): connection.ops.check_expression_support(self) template_params = self.extra.copy() template_params.update(extra_context) template_params['subquery'], sql_params = self.queryset.query.get_compiler(connection=connection).as_sql() template = template or template_params.get('template', self.template) sql = template % template_params return sql, sql_params def _prepare(self, output_field): # This method will only be called if this instance is the "rhs" in an # expression: the wrapping () must be removed (as the expression that # contains this will provide them). SQLite evaluates ((subquery)) # differently than the other databases. if self.template == '(%(subquery)s)': clone = self.copy() clone.template = '%(subquery)s' return clone return self class Exists(Subquery): template = 'EXISTS(%(subquery)s)' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.negated = kwargs.pop('negated', False) super(Exists, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def __invert__(self): return type(self)(self.queryset, self.output_field, negated=(not self.negated), **self.extra) @property def output_field(self): return fields.BooleanField() def resolve_expression(self, query=None, **kwargs): # As a performance optimization, remove ordering since EXISTS doesn't # care about it, just whether or not a row matches. self.queryset = self.queryset.order_by() return super(Exists, self).resolve_expression(query, **kwargs) def as_sql(self, compiler, connection, template=None, **extra_context): sql, params = super(Exists, self).as_sql(compiler, connection, template, **extra_context) if self.negated: sql = 'NOT {}'.format(sql) return sql, params def as_oracle(self, compiler, connection, template=None, **extra_context): # Oracle doesn't allow EXISTS() in the SELECT list, so wrap it with a # CASE WHEN expression. Change the template since the When expression # requires a left hand side (column) to compare against. sql, params = self.as_sql(compiler, connection, template, **extra_context) sql = 'CASE WHEN {} THEN 1 ELSE 0 END'.format(sql) return sql, params class OrderBy(BaseExpression): template = '%(expression)s %(ordering)s' def __init__(self, expression, descending=False, nulls_first=False, nulls_last=False): if nulls_first and nulls_last: raise ValueError('nulls_first and nulls_last are mutually exclusive') self.nulls_first = nulls_first self.nulls_last = nulls_last self.descending = descending if not hasattr(expression, 'resolve_expression'): raise ValueError('expression must be an expression type') self.expression = expression def __repr__(self): return "{}({}, descending={})".format( self.__class__.__name__, self.expression, self.descending) def set_source_expressions(self, exprs): self.expression = exprs[0] def get_source_expressions(self): return [self.expression] def as_sql(self, compiler, connection, template=None, **extra_context): if not template: if self.nulls_last: template = '%s NULLS LAST' % self.template elif self.nulls_first: template = '%s NULLS FIRST' % self.template connection.ops.check_expression_support(self) expression_sql, params = compiler.compile(self.expression) placeholders = { 'expression': expression_sql, 'ordering': 'DESC' if self.descending else 'ASC', } placeholders.update(extra_context) template = template or self.template return (template % placeholders).rstrip(), params def as_sqlite(self, compiler, connection): template = None if self.nulls_last: template = '%(expression)s IS NULL, %(expression)s %(ordering)s' elif self.nulls_first: template = '%(expression)s IS NOT NULL, %(expression)s %(ordering)s' return self.as_sql(compiler, connection, template=template) def as_mysql(self, compiler, connection): template = None if self.nulls_last: template = 'IF(ISNULL(%(expression)s),1,0), %(expression)s %(ordering)s ' elif self.nulls_first: template = 'IF(ISNULL(%(expression)s),0,1), %(expression)s %(ordering)s ' return self.as_sql(compiler, connection, template=template) def get_group_by_cols(self): cols = [] for source in self.get_source_expressions(): cols.extend(source.get_group_by_cols()) return cols def reverse_ordering(self): self.descending = not self.descending if self.nulls_first or self.nulls_last: self.nulls_first = not self.nulls_first self.nulls_last = not self.nulls_last return self def asc(self): self.descending = False def desc(self): self.descending = True
from optparse import OptionParser import os import sys import gensim import random from collections import OrderedDict import numpy as np import theano from theano import tensor as T from theano.tensor.shared_randomstreams import RandomStreams from ..util import file_handling as fh from ..dataset_scripts.sst.read_data import load_ptb_bitrees # This is the same as constituency_tree_lstm, but with only one mask for L/R # Otherwise the deepcopy fails sys.setrecursionlimit(5000) THEANO_FLAGS='floatX=float32' #THEANO_FLAGS='floatX=float32, optimizer=None' #DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH='/Applications/anaconda/lib/' class DyTreeLSTM(object): def __init__(self, dv, dh, dx, de, ne, nc, alpha=1.0, init_scale=0.2, initial_embeddings=None, edge_embeddings=None, params_init=None, update='adagrad', seed=None, drop_p=0.5, momentum=0.9, train_embeddings=False): self.dv = dv # vocabulary size self.dh = dh # hidden vector size self.dx = dx # word embedding size = de # edge embedding size dxe = dx + de self.dxe = dxe # dimension of word embeddings concatenated with edge embeddings = ne # number of types of edges (edge vocab size) = nc # number of classes self.alpha = alpha # regularization strength self.drop_p = drop_p # probability of dropping an input with dropout # adagrad parameters self.epsilon = 0.00001 if initial_embeddings is None: self.emb = theano.shared(name='embeddings', value=init_scale * np.random.uniform(-1.0, 1.0, (dv, dx)).astype(theano.config.floatX)) else: self.emb = theano.shared(name='embeddings', value=initial_embeddings.astype(theano.config.floatX)) if edge_embeddings is None: self.edge_emb = theano.shared(name='edge_embeddings', value=init_scale * np.random.uniform(-1.0, 1.0, (ne, de)).astype(theano.config.floatX)) else: self.edge_emb = theano.shared(name='edge_embeddings', value=edge_embeddings.astype(theano.config.floatX)) self.W_x_i = theano.shared(name='W_x_i', value=init_scale * np.random.uniform(-1.0, 1.0, (dxe, dh)) .astype(theano.config.floatX)) self.W_h_i = theano.shared(name='W_h_i', value=init_scale * np.random.uniform(-1.0, 1.0, (dh, dh)) .astype(theano.config.floatX)) self.b_h_i = theano.shared(name='b_h_i', value=np.array(np.zeros(dh), dtype=theano.config.floatX)) self.W_x_f = theano.shared(name='W_x_f', value=init_scale * np.random.uniform(-1.0, 1.0, (dxe, dh)) .astype(theano.config.floatX)) self.W_h_f = theano.shared(name='W_h_f', value=init_scale * np.random.uniform(-1.0, 1.0, (dh, dh)) .astype(theano.config.floatX)) self.b_h_f = theano.shared(name='b_h_f', value=np.array(np.random.uniform(0.0, 1.0, dh), dtype=theano.config.floatX)) self.W_x_o = theano.shared(name='W_x_o', value=init_scale * np.random.uniform(-1.0, 1.0, (dxe, dh)) .astype(theano.config.floatX)) self.W_h_o = theano.shared(name='W_h_o', value=init_scale * np.random.uniform(-1.0, 1.0, (dh, dh)) .astype(theano.config.floatX)) self.b_h_o = theano.shared(name='b_h_o', value=np.array(np.zeros(dh), dtype=theano.config.floatX)) self.W_x_u = theano.shared(name='W_x_u', value=init_scale * np.random.uniform(-1.0, 1.0, (dxe, dh)) .astype(theano.config.floatX)) self.W_h_u = theano.shared(name='W_h_u', value=init_scale * np.random.uniform(-1.0, 1.0, (dh, dh)) .astype(theano.config.floatX)) self.b_h_u = theano.shared(name='b_h_u', value=np.array(np.zeros(dh), dtype=theano.config.floatX)) self.W_x_z = theano.shared(name='W_x_z', value=init_scale * np.random.uniform(-1.0, 1.0, (dx, nc)) .astype(theano.config.floatX)) self.W_h_z = theano.shared(name='W_h_z', value=init_scale * np.random.uniform(-1.0, 1.0, (dh, nc)) .astype(theano.config.floatX)) self.b_z = theano.shared(name='b_z', value=np.array(np.zeros(nc), dtype=theano.config.floatX)) self.W_x_a = theano.shared(name='W_x_a', value=init_scale * np.random.uniform(-1.0, 1.0, (dxe, dh)) .astype(theano.config.floatX)) self.W_h_a = theano.shared(name='W_h_a', value=init_scale * np.random.uniform(-1.0, 1.0, (dh, dh)) .astype(theano.config.floatX)) self.v_a = theano.shared(name='v_a', value=init_scale * np.random.uniform(-1.0, 1.0, (dh,)) .astype(theano.config.floatX)) self.params = [self.W_x_i, self.W_h_i, self.b_h_i] self.params += [self.W_x_f, self.W_h_f, self.b_h_f] self.params += [self.W_x_o, self.W_h_o, self.b_h_o] self.params += [self.W_x_u, self.W_h_u, self.b_h_u] self.params += [self.W_x_z, self.W_h_z, self.b_z] self.params += [self.W_h_a, self.v_a] self.param_shapes = [(dxe, dh), (dh, dh), (dh,), (dxe, dh), (dh, dh), (dh,), (dxe, dh), (dh, dh), (dh,), (dxe, dh), (dh, dh), (dh,), (dx, nc), (dh, nc), (nc,), (dh, dh), (dh,), ] if update == 'adagrad': self.grad_histories = [ theano.shared( value=np.zeros(param_shape, dtype=theano.config.floatX), borrow=True, name="grad_hist:" + ) for param_shape, param in zip(self.param_shapes, self.params) ] elif update == 'sgdm': self.velocity = [ theano.shared( value=np.zeros(param_shape, dtype=theano.config.floatX), borrow=True, name="momentum:" + ) for param_shape, param in zip(self.param_shapes, self.params) ] self.momentum = momentum self.theano_rng = RandomStreams(seed) input_idx = T.ivector('input_idx') edge_mask = T.imatrix('edge_mask') output_mask = T.imatrix('output_mask') y = T.ivector('y') n_nodes, n_edges = T.shape(output_mask) idxs = T.ivector('idxs') temp = self.emb[idxs] x = temp.reshape([n_nodes, dx]) edges_idx = T.ivector('edges_idx') temp = self.edge_emb[edges_idx] edges = temp.reshape([n_edges, de]) lr = T.scalar('lr', dtype=theano.config.floatX) emb_lr = T.scalar('emb_lr', dtype=theano.config.floatX) is_train = T.iscalar('is_train') drop_x = T.iscalar('drop_x') # This is a bit annoying; the 0th dimension of x needs to be sequence, so we can iterate over it # but the 0th dimension of the hidden nodes needs to be hidden-node dimension, so that we can broadcast # the mask out to it def pass_edges(input_idx_t, edge_t, edge_mask_t, counter_t, h_tm1, c_tm1, x): h_t = h_tm1 c_t = c_tm1 # select the input vector to use for this edge (source) x_t_i = x[input_idx_t, :] # zero out the input unless this is a leaf node x_t_0 = T.switch(T.eq(T.sum(edge_mask_t), 0), x_t_i, x_t_i*0) # concatenate with the input edge vector x_t_edge = T.concatenate([x_t_0, edge_t]) # compute attention weights, using a manual softmax attention_scores =, T.tanh(, h_tm1))) # (1, n_edges) # find the max of the unmasked values max_score = T.max(attention_scores + edge_mask_t * 10000.0) - 10000.0 # exponentiate the differences, masking first to avoid inf, and then to keep only relevant scores exp_scores = T.exp((attention_scores - max_score) * edge_mask_t) * edge_mask_t # take the sum, and add one if the mask is all zeros to avoid an inf exp_scores_sum = T.sum(exp_scores) + T.switch(T.eq(T.sum(edge_mask_t), 0), 1.0, 0.0) # normalize to compute the weights weighted_mask = exp_scores / exp_scores_sum i_t = T.nnet.sigmoid(, self.W_x_i) + T.sum(, (weighted_mask * h_tm1)).T, axis=0) + self.b_h_i) f_t = T.nnet.sigmoid(, self.W_x_f) + T.sum(, (weighted_mask * h_tm1)).T, axis=0) + self.b_h_f) o_t = T.nnet.sigmoid(, self.W_x_o) + T.sum(, (weighted_mask * h_tm1)).T, axis=0) + self.b_h_o) u_t = T.tanh(, self.W_x_u) + T.sum(, (weighted_mask * h_tm1)).T, axis=0) + self.b_h_u) c_temp = i_t * u_t + f_t * T.sum((weighted_mask * c_tm1).T, axis=0) h_temp = o_t * T.tanh(c_temp) h_t = T.set_subtensor(h_t[:, counter_t], h_temp) c_t = T.set_subtensor(c_t[:, counter_t], c_temp) return h_t, c_t def drop(drop_input, drop_p, is_train): mask = self.theano_rng.binomial(p=1.0-drop_p, size=drop_input.shape, dtype=theano.config.floatX) return T.cast(T.switch(T.neq(is_train, 0), drop_input * mask, drop_input * (1.0-self.drop_p)), dtype=theano.config.floatX) # do dropout on x, if specified x = T.switch(T.neq(drop_x, 0), drop(x, self.drop_p, is_train), x) output, _ = theano.scan(fn=pass_edges, sequences=[input_idx, edges, edge_mask, T.arange(0, n_edges, dtype='int32')], outputs_info=[T.zeros((dh, n_edges), dtype=theano.config.floatX), T.zeros((dh, n_edges), dtype=theano.config.floatX)], non_sequences=[x]) full_h, full_c = output edge_vectors_h = full_h[-1, :, :] #edge_vectors_c = full_c[-1, :, :] #eval_node = T.iscalar('eval_node') # try just computing a single output node from the edge vectors h_drop = drop(edge_vectors_h, self.drop_p, is_train) """ # (W_h_z.T \cdot (output_mask \cdot h_drop.T).T).T temp =, self.W_x_z) +,, h_drop.T).T).T + self.b_z p_y_given_x = T.cast(T.nnet.softmax(temp), dtype=theano.config.floatX) pred_y = T.argmax(p_y_given_x, axis=1) log_loss = T.sum(-T.log(p_y_given_x[T.arange(0, n_nodes), y])) / T.cast(n_nodes, dtype=theano.config.floatX) """ # compute attention weights, using a manual softmax attention_scores =, T.tanh(, h_drop))) # (1, n_edges) # find the max of the relevant scores for each node max_scores = T.max(attention_scores + output_mask * 10000.0, axis=1, keepdims=True) - 10000.0 # exponentiate the differences, masking first to avoid inf, and then to keep only relevant scores exp_scores = T.exp((attention_scores - max_scores) * output_mask) * output_mask # normalize to compute the weights weighted_mask = exp_scores / exp_scores.sum(axis=1, keepdims=True) temp =, self.W_x_z) +,, h_drop.T).T).T + self.b_z p_y_given_x = T.cast(T.nnet.softmax(temp), dtype=theano.config.floatX) pred_y = T.argmax(p_y_given_x, axis=1) log_loss = T.sum(-T.log(p_y_given_x[T.arange(0, n_nodes), y])) / T.cast(n_nodes, dtype=theano.config.floatX) penalty = T.sum([T.sum(p ** 2) for p in self.params]) cost = log_loss + alpha * penalty gradients = [T.grad(cost, param) for param in self.params] if update == 'adagrad': new_grad_histories = [ T.cast(g_hist + g ** 2, dtype=theano.config.floatX) for g_hist, g in zip(self.grad_histories, gradients) ] grad_hist_update = zip(self.grad_histories, new_grad_histories) # give a special learning rate to embeddings (not using adagrad) param_updates = [(param, T.cast(param - lr / (T.sqrt(g_hist) + self.epsilon) * param_grad, dtype=theano.config.floatX)) for param, param_grad, g_hist in zip(self.params, gradients, new_grad_histories)] updates = grad_hist_update + param_updates # sgd with momentum elif update == 'sgdm': velocity_t = [momentum * v + lr * g for v, g in zip(self.velocity, gradients)] velocity_updates = [(v, T.cast(v_t, theano.config.floatX)) for v, v_t in zip(self.velocity, velocity_t)] param_updates = [(param, T.cast(param - v_t, theano.config.floatX)) for param, v_t in zip(self.params, velocity_t)] updates = velocity_updates + param_updates # else, sgd else: updates = OrderedDict((p, T.cast(p - lr * g, dtype=theano.config.floatX)) for p, g in zip(self.params, gradients)) self.train = theano.function(inputs=[idxs, input_idx, edges_idx, edge_mask, output_mask, y, lr, is_train, drop_x], outputs=[pred_y, p_y_given_x, log_loss, cost], updates=updates, on_unused_input='ignore') self.predict = theano.function(inputs=[idxs, input_idx, edges_idx, edge_mask, output_mask, is_train, drop_x], outputs=[pred_y, p_y_given_x], on_unused_input='ignore') # good example of how to see a value in a tensor; way easier than theano.printing.Print() idx = T.iscalar('idx') emb = self.emb[idx] self.get_embedding = theano.function(inputs=[idx], outputs=emb) def print_params(self): for param in self.params: print, param.get_value() def main(): usage = "%prog input_dir" parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option('-a', dest='alpha', default=0.000002, help='Regularization strength: default=%default') parser.add_option('-d', dest='hidden_dim', default=150, help='Hidden node dimension: default=%default') parser.add_option('-e', dest='epochs', default=20, help='Number of epochs: default=%default') parser.add_option('-i', dest='iter_display', default=5000, help='Number of iterations between output: default=%default') parser.add_option('-o', dest='optimization', default='adagrad', help='Optimization method [sgd|sgdm|adagrad]: default=%default') parser.add_option('-l', dest='learning_rate', default=0.002, help='Initial learning rate: default=%default') parser.add_option('--emb_lr', dest='emb_lr', default=0.004, help='Learning rate for embeddings (not for sgd): default=%default') parser.add_option('--decay', dest='decay', default=0.95, help='Learning rate decay (sgd|sgdm only): default=%default') parser.add_option('--momentum', dest='momentum', default=0.5, help='Momentum parameter (sgdm only): default=%default') parser.add_option('-s', dest='seed', default=42, help='Random seed: default=%default') parser.add_option('--word2vec_file', dest='word2vec_file', default='', help='Location of word2vec file: default=do not load') parser.add_option('--save_vectors', action="store_true", dest="save_vectors", default=False, help='Save relevant word vectors (for faster loading next time)') parser.add_option('--root_only', action="store_true", dest="root_only", default=False, help='Train only on the full sentences (not subtrees): default=%default') parser.add_option('--no_eval', action="store_true", dest="no_eval", default=False, help='Skip the evaluation between epochs: default=%default') parser.add_option('--drop_x', action="store_true", dest="drop_x", default=False, help='Add dropout to the input layer: default=%default') (options, args) = parser.parse_args() input_dir = args[0] seed = int(options.seed) n_epochs = int(options.epochs) alpha = float(options.alpha) lr = float(options.learning_rate) emb_lr = float(options.emb_lr) iter_display = int(options.iter_display) opti_method = options.optimization lr_decay = float(options.decay) momentum = float(options.momentum) word2vec_file = options.word2vec_file save_vectors = options.save_vectors root_only = options.root_only no_eval = options.no_eval drop_x = int(options.drop_x) nc = 5 if seed > 0: np.random.seed(seed) random.seed(seed) dh = int(options.hidden_dim) dx = 300 de = 2 # load sentiment trees print "Loading trees" trees, train_vocab, edge_vocab = load_ptb_bitrees(input_dir, "train", root_only=root_only) print len(trees), "train trees loaded" ne = len(edge_vocab) # number of types of edges train_root_trees, _, _ = load_ptb_bitrees(input_dir, "train", root_only=True) print len(train_root_trees), "train root trees loaded" dev_root_trees, dev_vocab, dev_edge_vocab = load_ptb_bitrees(input_dir, "dev", root_only=True) print len(dev_root_trees), "dev root trees loaded" test_root_trees, test_vocab, test_edge_vocab = load_ptb_bitrees(input_dir, "test", root_only=True) print len(test_root_trees), "test root trees loaded" if word2vec_file != '': # load pre-trained word vectors print "Loading pre-trained word vectors" vectors = gensim.models.Word2Vec.load_word2vec_format(word2vec_file, binary=True) pruned_vocab = set() for v in list(train_vocab): if v in vectors: pruned_vocab.add(v) pruned_vocab.add('_') pruned_vocab.add('_OOV_') vocab = list(pruned_vocab) vocab.sort() vocab_size = len(vocab) vocab_index = dict(zip(vocab, range(vocab_size))) print "Preparing word vectors" missing_count = 0 total_count = 0 initial_embeddings = np.zeros([vocab_size, dx], dtype=np.float32) for v, i in vocab_index.items(): total_count += 1 if v == '_': initial_embeddings[i, :] = np.zeros(dx) elif v == '_OOV_': initial_embeddings[i, :] = 0.05 * np.random.uniform(-1.0, 1.0, (1, dx)) elif v in vectors: initial_embeddings[i, :] = vectors[v] else: sys.exit('word not in vocab') if save_vectors: print "Saving word vectors" fh.pickle_data(initial_embeddings, os.path.join(input_dir, 'initial_embeddings.pkl')) fh.write_to_json(vocab, os.path.join(input_dir, 'vocab.json')) else: print "Loading relevant word vectors" initial_embeddings = fh.unpickle_data(os.path.join(input_dir, 'initial_embeddings.pkl')) vocab = fh.read_json(os.path.join(input_dir, 'vocab.json')) vocab.sort() vocab_size = len(vocab) vocab_index = dict(zip(vocab, range(vocab_size))) # create edge vectors #edge_embeddings = np.zeros([ne, de], dtype=float) edge_embeddings = np.eye(2, dtype=np.float32) print len(vocab), "words in pruned vocab" print len(list(train_vocab - set(vocab))), "words missing from training vocabulary" print len(list(dev_vocab - set(vocab))), "words missing from dev vocabulary" print len(list(test_vocab - set(vocab))), "words missing from test vocabulary" print "Indexing words" for k, t in trees.items(): t['idxs'] = [vocab_index[w] if w in vocab_index else vocab_index['_OOV_'] for w in t['words']] for k, t in train_root_trees.items(): t['idxs'] = [vocab_index[w] if w in vocab_index else vocab_index['_OOV_'] for w in t['words']] if not no_eval: for k, t in dev_root_trees.items(): t['idxs'] = [vocab_index[w] if w in vocab_index else vocab_index['_OOV_'] for w in t['words']] for k, t in test_root_trees.items(): t['idxs'] = [vocab_index[w] if w in vocab_index else vocab_index['_OOV_'] for w in t['words']] # create the LSTM theano_seed = np.random.randint(2 ** 30) ctreeLSTM = DyTreeLSTM(vocab_size, dh, dx, de, ne, nc, initial_embeddings=initial_embeddings, alpha=alpha, update=opti_method, seed=theano_seed, momentum=momentum, edge_embeddings=edge_embeddings) tree_lengths = [(len(tree['words']), key) for key, tree in trees.items()] tree_lengths.sort() #keys = trees.keys() #random.shuffle(keys) #print "Null vector:" #print vocab_index['_'] #print np.array(ctreeLSTM.get_embedding(vocab_index['_'])) if not no_eval: print "Pre-training evaluation" train_z_o_loss, train_log_loss = evaluate(train_root_trees, ctreeLSTM, vocab_index, drop_x) valid_z_o_loss, valid_log_loss = evaluate(dev_root_trees, ctreeLSTM, vocab_index, drop_x) test_z_o_loss, test_log_loss = evaluate(test_root_trees, ctreeLSTM, vocab_index, drop_x) print ('epoch=%d\ttrain_0/1=%.3f\ttrain_log=%.3f\tdev_0/1=%.3f\tdev_log=%.3f\ttest_0/1=%.3f\ttest_log=%.3f') % \ (-1, train_z_o_loss, train_log_loss, valid_z_o_loss, valid_log_loss, test_z_o_loss, test_log_loss) print "Training" for epoch in range(n_epochs): sum_log_loss = 0 sum_loss = 0 mistakes = 0 n_trees = 0 # sort by keys on the first pass, then shuffle if epoch == 0: keys = [key for length, key in tree_lengths] else: trees = train_root_trees keys = trees.keys() random.shuffle(keys) print "epoch\titems\tloss\tl+reg\terrs" for k_i, t_i in enumerate(keys): t = trees[t_i] idxs = t['idxs'] input_idx = t['input_idx'] edges_idx = t['edges'] edge_mask = t['edge_mask'] output_mask = t['output_mask'] true_values = t['values'] n_nodes, n_edges = output_mask.shape n_trees += n_nodes pred_y, p_y_given_x, log_loss, loss = ctreeLSTM.train(idxs, input_idx, edges_idx, edge_mask, output_mask, true_values, lr, 1, drop_x) sum_log_loss += log_loss sum_loss += loss #if pred_y != true_values[node_to_eval]: # mistakes += 1 for i in range(n_nodes): if pred_y[i] != true_values[i]: mistakes += 1 if k_i % iter_display == 0: d = float(n_trees) #print t['words'] #print list(true_values) #print list(pred_y) print '%d\t%d\t%.4f\t%.4f\t%.4f' % \ (epoch, k_i, sum_log_loss/d, sum_loss/d, mistakes/d) if not no_eval: train_z_o_loss, train_log_loss = evaluate(train_root_trees, ctreeLSTM, vocab_index, drop_x) valid_z_o_loss, valid_log_loss = evaluate(dev_root_trees, ctreeLSTM, vocab_index, drop_x) test_z_o_loss, test_log_loss = evaluate(test_root_trees, ctreeLSTM, vocab_index, drop_x) print ('epoch=%d\ttrain_0/1=%.3f\ttrain_log=%.3f\tdev_0/1=%.3f\tdev_log=%.3f\ttest_0/1=%.3f\ttest_log=%.3f') % \ (epoch, train_z_o_loss, train_log_loss, valid_z_o_loss, valid_log_loss, test_z_o_loss, test_log_loss) lr *= lr_decay def evaluate(trees, rnn, vocab_index, drop_x): zero_one_loss = 0 log_loss = 0 n_trees = len(trees) for k_i, key in enumerate(trees.keys()): t = trees[key] idxs = t['idxs'] input_idx = t['input_idx'] edges_idx = t['edges'] edge_mask = t['edge_mask'] output_mask = t['output_mask'] true_values = t['values'] n_nodes, n_edges = output_mask.shape """ print t['words'] print "input_idx", input_idx.shape print "edge_mask", edge_mask.shape print "output_mask", output_mask.shape """ pred_y, p_y_given_x = rnn.predict(idxs, input_idx, edges_idx, edge_mask, output_mask, 0, drop_x) """ t['tree'].print_tree() print t['tree'].root.get_children_in_sequence() print t['tree'].root.get_edges_in_sequence() print t['words'] print t['output_mask'] print p_y_given_x print pred_y print pred_y.shape sys.exit() """ # only evaluate the root node (index = 0) log_loss += -np.log(p_y_given_x[0, true_values[0]]) if pred_y[0] != true_values[0]: zero_one_loss += 1 if k_i % 1000 == 0 and k_i > 0: print t['words'] print "true:", list(true_values) print "pred:", list(pred_y) print "root probabilities:", p_y_given_x[0, :] print k_i, log_loss, zero_one_loss return zero_one_loss/float(n_trees), log_loss/float(n_trees) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
# Copyright 2015 CloudByte Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import json import uuid from oslo_log import log as logging from oslo_service import loopingcall from oslo_utils import units import six from six.moves import http_client from six.moves import urllib from cinder import exception from cinder.i18n import _, _LE, _LI from cinder.volume.drivers.cloudbyte import options from cinder.volume.drivers.san import san LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class CloudByteISCSIDriver(san.SanISCSIDriver): """CloudByte ISCSI Driver. Version history: 1.0.0 - Initial driver 1.1.0 - Add chap support and minor bug fixes """ VERSION = '1.1.0' volume_stats = {} def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(CloudByteISCSIDriver, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.configuration.append_config_values( options.cloudbyte_add_qosgroup_opts) self.configuration.append_config_values( options.cloudbyte_create_volume_opts) self.configuration.append_config_values( options.cloudbyte_connection_opts) self.cb_use_chap = self.configuration.use_chap_auth self.get_volume_stats() def _get_url(self, cmd, params, apikey): """Will prepare URL that connects to CloudByte.""" if params is None: params = {} params['command'] = cmd params['response'] = 'json' sanitized_params = {} for key in params: value = params[key] if value is not None: sanitized_params[key] = six.text_type(value) sanitized_params = urllib.parse.urlencode(sanitized_params) url = ('/client/api?%s' % sanitized_params) LOG.debug("CloudByte URL to be executed: [%s].", url) # Add the apikey api = {} api['apiKey'] = apikey url = url + '&' + urllib.parse.urlencode(api) return url def _extract_http_error(self, error_data): # Extract the error message from error_data error_msg = "" # error_data is a single key value dict for key, value in error_data.items(): error_msg = value.get('errortext') return error_msg def _execute_and_get_response_details(self, host, url): """Will prepare response after executing an http request.""" res_details = {} try: # Prepare the connection connection = http_client.HTTPSConnection(host) # Make the connection connection.request('GET', url) # Extract the response as the connection was successful response = connection.getresponse() # Read the response data = # Transform the json string into a py object data = json.loads(data) # Extract http error msg if any error_details = None if response.status != 200: error_details = self._extract_http_error(data) # Prepare the return object res_details['data'] = data res_details['error'] = error_details res_details['http_status'] = response.status finally: connection.close() LOG.debug("CloudByte connection was closed successfully.") return res_details def _api_request_for_cloudbyte(self, cmd, params, version=None): """Make http calls to CloudByte.""" LOG.debug("Executing CloudByte API for command [%s].", cmd) if version is None: version = CloudByteISCSIDriver.VERSION # Below is retrieved from /etc/cinder/cinder.conf apikey = self.configuration.cb_apikey if apikey is None: msg = (_("API key is missing for CloudByte driver.")) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg) host = self.configuration.san_ip # Construct the CloudByte URL with query params url = self._get_url(cmd, params, apikey) data = {} error_details = None http_status = None try: # Execute CloudByte API & frame the response res_obj = self._execute_and_get_response_details(host, url) data = res_obj['data'] error_details = res_obj['error'] http_status = res_obj['http_status'] except http_client.HTTPException as ex: msg = (_("Error executing CloudByte API [%(cmd)s], " "Error: %(err)s.") % {'cmd': cmd, 'err': ex}) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg) # Check if it was an error response from CloudByte if http_status != 200: msg = (_("Failed to execute CloudByte API [%(cmd)s]." " Http status: %(status)s," " Error: %(error)s.") % {'cmd': cmd, 'status': http_status, 'error': error_details}) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)"CloudByte API executed successfully for command [%s]."), cmd) return data def _request_tsm_details(self, account_id): params = {"accountid": account_id} # List all CloudByte tsm data = self._api_request_for_cloudbyte("listTsm", params) return data def _override_params(self, default_dict, filtered_user_dict): """Override the default config values with user provided values.""" if filtered_user_dict is None: # Nothing to override return default_dict for key, value in default_dict.items(): # Fill the user dict with default options based on condition if filtered_user_dict.get(key) is None and value is not None: filtered_user_dict[key] = value return filtered_user_dict def _add_qos_group_request(self, volume, tsmid, volume_name): # Get qos related params from configuration params = self.configuration.cb_add_qosgroup if params is None: params = {} params['name'] = "QoS_" + volume_name params['tsmid'] = tsmid data = self._api_request_for_cloudbyte("addQosGroup", params) return data def _create_volume_request(self, volume, datasetid, qosgroupid, tsmid, volume_name): size = volume.get('size') quotasize = six.text_type(size) + "G" # Prepare the user input params params = { "datasetid": datasetid, "name": volume_name, "qosgroupid": qosgroupid, "tsmid": tsmid, "quotasize": quotasize } # Get the additional params from configuration params = self._override_params(self.configuration.cb_create_volume, params) data = self._api_request_for_cloudbyte("createVolume", params) return data def _queryAsyncJobResult_request(self, jobid): async_cmd = "queryAsyncJobResult" params = { "jobId": jobid, } data = self._api_request_for_cloudbyte(async_cmd, params) return data def _get_tsm_details(self, data, tsm_name, account_name): # Filter required tsm's details tsms = data['listTsmResponse'].get('listTsm') if tsms is None: msg = (_("TSM [%(tsm)s] was not found in CloudByte storage " "for account [%(account)s].") % {'tsm': tsm_name, 'account': account_name}) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg) tsmdetails = {} for tsm in tsms: if tsm['name'] == tsm_name: tsmdetails['datasetid'] = tsm['datasetid'] tsmdetails['tsmid'] = tsm['id'] break return tsmdetails def _wait_for_volume_creation(self, volume_response, cb_volume_name): """Given the job wait for it to complete.""" vol_res = volume_response.get('createvolumeresponse') if vol_res is None: msg = _("Null response received while creating volume [%s] " "at CloudByte storage.") % cb_volume_name raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg) jobid = vol_res.get('jobid') if jobid is None: msg = _("Jobid not found in CloudByte's " "create volume [%s] response.") % cb_volume_name raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg) def _retry_check_for_volume_creation(): """Called at an interval till the volume is created.""" retries = kwargs['retries'] max_retries = kwargs['max_retries'] jobid = kwargs['jobid'] cb_vol = kwargs['cb_vol'] # Query the CloudByte storage with this jobid volume_response = self._queryAsyncJobResult_request(jobid) result_res = None if volume_response is not None: result_res = volume_response.get('queryasyncjobresultresponse') if volume_response is None or result_res is None: msg = _( "Null response received while querying " "for create volume job [%s] " "at CloudByte storage.") % jobid raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg) status = result_res.get('jobstatus') if status == 1:"Volume [%s] created successfully in " "CloudByte storage."), cb_vol) raise loopingcall.LoopingCallDone() elif retries == max_retries: # All attempts exhausted LOG.error(_LE("Error in creating volume [%(vol)s] in " "CloudByte storage. " "Exhausted all [%(max)s] attempts."), {'vol': cb_vol, 'max': retries}) raise loopingcall.LoopingCallDone(retvalue=False) else: retries += 1 kwargs['retries'] = retries LOG.debug("Wait for volume [%(vol)s] creation, " "retry [%(retry)s] of [%(max)s].", {'vol': cb_vol, 'retry': retries, 'max': max_retries}) retry_interval = ( self.configuration.cb_confirm_volume_create_retry_interval) max_retries = ( self.configuration.cb_confirm_volume_create_retries) kwargs = {'retries': 0, 'max_retries': max_retries, 'jobid': jobid, 'cb_vol': cb_volume_name} timer = loopingcall.FixedIntervalLoopingCall( _retry_check_for_volume_creation) timer.start(interval=retry_interval).wait() def _get_volume_id_from_response(self, cb_volumes, volume_name): """Search the volume in CloudByte storage.""" vol_res = cb_volumes.get('listFilesystemResponse') if vol_res is None: msg = _("Null response received from CloudByte's " "list filesystem.") raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg) volumes = vol_res.get('filesystem') if volumes is None: msg = _('No volumes found in CloudByte storage.') raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg) volume_id = None for vol in volumes: if vol['name'] == volume_name: volume_id = vol['id'] break if volume_id is None: msg = _("Volume [%s] not found in CloudByte " "storage.") % volume_name raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg) return volume_id def _get_qosgroupid_id_from_response(self, cb_volumes, volume_id): volumes = cb_volumes['listFilesystemResponse']['filesystem'] qosgroup_id = None for vol in volumes: if vol['id'] == volume_id: qosgroup_id = vol['groupid'] break return qosgroup_id def _build_provider_details_from_volume(self, volume, chap): model_update = {} model_update['provider_location'] = ( '%s %s %s' % (volume['ipaddress'] + ':3260', volume['iqnname'], 0) ) # Will provide CHAP Authentication on forthcoming patches/release model_update['provider_auth'] = None if chap: model_update['provider_auth'] = ('CHAP %(username)s %(password)s' % chap) model_update['provider_id'] = volume['id'] LOG.debug("CloudByte volume iqn: [%(iqn)s] provider id: [%(proid)s].", {'iqn': volume['iqnname'], 'proid': volume['id']}) return model_update def _build_provider_details_from_response(self, cb_volumes, volume_name, chap): """Get provider information.""" model_update = {} volumes = cb_volumes['listFilesystemResponse']['filesystem'] for vol in volumes: if vol['name'] == volume_name: model_update = self._build_provider_details_from_volume(vol, chap) break return model_update def _get_initiator_group_id_from_response(self, data): """Find iSCSI initiator group id.""" ig_list_res = data.get('listInitiatorsResponse') if ig_list_res is None: msg = _("Null response received from CloudByte's " "list iscsi initiators.") raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg) ig_list = ig_list_res.get('initiator') if ig_list is None: msg = _('No iscsi initiators were found in CloudByte.') raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg) ig_id = None for ig in ig_list: if ig.get('initiatorgroup') == 'ALL': ig_id = ig['id'] break return ig_id def _get_iscsi_service_id_from_response(self, volume_id, data): iscsi_service_res = data.get('listVolumeiSCSIServiceResponse') if iscsi_service_res is None: msg = _("Null response received from CloudByte's " "list volume iscsi service.") raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg) iscsi_service_list = iscsi_service_res.get('iSCSIService') if iscsi_service_list is None: msg = _('No iscsi services found in CloudByte storage.') raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg) iscsi_id = None for iscsi_service in iscsi_service_list: if iscsi_service['volume_id'] == volume_id: iscsi_id = iscsi_service['id'] break if iscsi_id is None: msg = _("No iscsi service found for CloudByte " "volume [%s].") % volume_id raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg) else: return iscsi_id def _request_update_iscsi_service(self, iscsi_id, ig_id, ag_id): params = { "id": iscsi_id, "igid": ig_id } if ag_id: params['authgroupid'] = ag_id params['authmethod'] = "CHAP" self._api_request_for_cloudbyte( 'updateVolumeiSCSIService', params) def _get_cb_snapshot_path(self, snapshot_name, volume_id): """Find CloudByte snapshot path.""" params = {"id": volume_id} # List all snapshot from CloudByte cb_snapshots_list = self._api_request_for_cloudbyte( 'listStorageSnapshots', params) # Filter required snapshot from list cb_snap_res = cb_snapshots_list.get('listDatasetSnapshotsResponse') cb_snapshot = {} if cb_snap_res is not None: cb_snapshot = cb_snap_res.get('snapshot') path = None # Filter snapshot path for snap in cb_snapshot: if snap['name'] == snapshot_name: path = snap['path'] break return path def _get_account_id_from_name(self, account_name): params = {} data = self._api_request_for_cloudbyte("listAccount", params) accounts = data["listAccountResponse"]["account"] account_id = None for account in accounts: if account.get("name") == account_name: account_id = account.get("id") break if account_id is None: msg = _("Failed to get CloudByte account details " "for account [%s].") % account_name raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg) return account_id def _search_volume_id(self, cb_volumes, cb_volume_id): """Search the volume in CloudByte.""" volumes_res = cb_volumes.get('listFilesystemResponse') if volumes_res is None: msg = _("No response was received from CloudByte's " "list filesystem api call.") raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg) volumes = volumes_res.get('filesystem') if volumes is None: msg = _("No volume was found at CloudByte storage.") raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg) volume_id = None for vol in volumes: if vol['id'] == cb_volume_id: volume_id = vol['id'] break return volume_id def _get_storage_info(self, tsmname): """Get CloudByte TSM that is associated with OpenStack backend.""" # List all TSMs from CloudByte storage tsm_list = self._api_request_for_cloudbyte('listTsm', params={}) tsm_details_res = tsm_list.get('listTsmResponse') if tsm_details_res is None: msg = _("No response was received from CloudByte storage " "list tsm API call.") raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg) tsm_details = tsm_details_res.get('listTsm') data = {} flag = 0 # Filter required TSM and get storage info for tsms in tsm_details: if tsms['name'] == tsmname: flag = 1 data['total_capacity_gb'] = ( float(tsms['numericquota']) / units.Ki) data['free_capacity_gb'] = ( float(tsms['availablequota']) / units.Ki) break # TSM not found in CloudByte storage if flag == 0: LOG.error(_LE("TSM [%s] not found in CloudByte storage."), tsmname) data['total_capacity_gb'] = 0.0 data['free_capacity_gb'] = 0.0 return data def _get_auth_group_id_from_response(self, data): """Find iSCSI auth group id.""" chap_group = self.configuration.cb_auth_group ag_list_res = data.get('listiSCSIAuthGroupResponse') if ag_list_res is None: msg = _("Null response received from CloudByte's " "list iscsi auth groups.") raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg) ag_list = ag_list_res.get('authgroup') if ag_list is None: msg = _('No iscsi auth groups were found in CloudByte.') raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg) ag_id = None for ag in ag_list: if ag.get('name') == chap_group: ag_id = ag['id'] break else: msg = _("Auth group [%s] details not found in " "CloudByte storage.") % chap_group raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg) return ag_id def _get_auth_group_info(self, account_id, ag_id): """Fetch the auth group details.""" params = {"accountid": account_id, "authgroupid": ag_id} auth_users = self._api_request_for_cloudbyte( 'listiSCSIAuthUser', params) auth_user_details_res = auth_users.get('listiSCSIAuthUsersResponse') if auth_user_details_res is None: msg = _("No response was received from CloudByte storage " "list iSCSI auth user API call.") raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg) auth_user_details = auth_user_details_res.get('authuser') if auth_user_details is None: msg = _("Auth user details not found in CloudByte storage.") raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg) chapuser = auth_user_details[0].get('chapusername') chappassword = auth_user_details[0].get('chappassword') if chapuser is None or chappassword is None: msg = _("Invalid chap user details found in CloudByte storage.") raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg) data = {'username': chapuser, 'password': chappassword, 'ag_id': ag_id} return data def _get_chap_info(self, account_id): """Fetch the chap details.""" params = {"accountid": account_id} iscsi_auth_data = self._api_request_for_cloudbyte( 'listiSCSIAuthGroup', params) ag_id = self._get_auth_group_id_from_response( iscsi_auth_data) return self._get_auth_group_info(account_id, ag_id) def _export(self): model_update = {'provider_auth': None} if self.cb_use_chap is True: account_name = self.configuration.cb_account_name account_id = self._get_account_id_from_name(account_name) chap = self._get_chap_info(account_id) model_update['provider_auth'] = ('CHAP %(username)s %(password)s' % chap) return model_update def create_volume(self, volume): tsm_name = self.configuration.cb_tsm_name account_name = self.configuration.cb_account_name # Get account id of this account account_id = self._get_account_id_from_name(account_name) # Set backend storage volume name using OpenStack volume id cb_volume_name = volume['id'].replace("-", "") LOG.debug("Will create a volume [%(cb_vol)s] in TSM [%(tsm)s] " "at CloudByte storage w.r.t " "OpenStack volume [%(stack_vol)s].", {'cb_vol': cb_volume_name, 'stack_vol': volume.get('id'), 'tsm': tsm_name}) tsm_data = self._request_tsm_details(account_id) tsm_details = self._get_tsm_details(tsm_data, tsm_name, account_name) # Send request to create a qos group before creating a volume LOG.debug("Creating qos group for CloudByte volume [%s].", cb_volume_name) qos_data = self._add_qos_group_request( volume, tsm_details.get('tsmid'), cb_volume_name) # Extract the qos group id from response qosgroupid = qos_data['addqosgroupresponse']['qosgroup']['id'] LOG.debug("Successfully created qos group for CloudByte volume [%s].", cb_volume_name) # Send a create volume request to CloudByte API vol_data = self._create_volume_request( volume, tsm_details.get('datasetid'), qosgroupid, tsm_details.get('tsmid'), cb_volume_name) # Since create volume is an async call; # need to confirm the creation before proceeding further self._wait_for_volume_creation(vol_data, cb_volume_name) # Fetch iscsi id cb_volumes = self._api_request_for_cloudbyte( 'listFileSystem', params={}) volume_id = self._get_volume_id_from_response(cb_volumes, cb_volume_name) params = {"storageid": volume_id} iscsi_service_data = self._api_request_for_cloudbyte( 'listVolumeiSCSIService', params) iscsi_id = self._get_iscsi_service_id_from_response( volume_id, iscsi_service_data) # Fetch the initiator group ID params = {"accountid": account_id} iscsi_initiator_data = self._api_request_for_cloudbyte( 'listiSCSIInitiator', params) ig_id = self._get_initiator_group_id_from_response( iscsi_initiator_data) LOG.debug("Updating iscsi service for CloudByte volume [%s].", cb_volume_name) ag_id = None chap_info = {} if self.cb_use_chap is True: chap_info = self._get_chap_info(account_id) ag_id = chap_info['ag_id'] # Update the iscsi service with above fetched iscsi_id & ig_id self._request_update_iscsi_service(iscsi_id, ig_id, ag_id) LOG.debug("CloudByte volume [%(vol)s] updated with " "iscsi id [%(iscsi)s] and initiator group [%(ig)s] and " "authentication group [%(ag)s].", {'vol': cb_volume_name, 'iscsi': iscsi_id, 'ig': ig_id, 'ag': ag_id}) # Provide the model after successful completion of above steps provider = self._build_provider_details_from_response( cb_volumes, cb_volume_name, chap_info)"Successfully created a CloudByte volume [%(cb_vol)s] " "w.r.t OpenStack volume [%(stack_vol)s]."), {'cb_vol': cb_volume_name, 'stack_vol': volume.get('id')}) return provider def delete_volume(self, volume): params = {} # OpenStack source volume id source_volume_id = volume['id'] # CloudByte volume id equals OpenStack volume's provider_id cb_volume_id = volume.get('provider_id') LOG.debug("Will delete CloudByte volume [%(cb_vol)s] " "w.r.t OpenStack volume [%(stack_vol)s].", {'cb_vol': cb_volume_id, 'stack_vol': source_volume_id}) # Delete volume at CloudByte if cb_volume_id is not None: cb_volumes = self._api_request_for_cloudbyte( 'listFileSystem', params) # Search cb_volume_id in CloudByte volumes # incase it has already been deleted from CloudByte cb_volume_id = self._search_volume_id(cb_volumes, cb_volume_id) # Delete volume at CloudByte if cb_volume_id is not None: params = {"id": cb_volume_id} self._api_request_for_cloudbyte('deleteFileSystem', params) _LI("Successfully deleted volume [%(cb_vol)s] " "at CloudByte corresponding to " "OpenStack volume [%(stack_vol)s]."), {'cb_vol': cb_volume_id, 'stack_vol': source_volume_id}) else: LOG.error(_LE("CloudByte does not have a volume corresponding " "to OpenStack volume [%s]."), source_volume_id) else: LOG.error(_LE("CloudByte volume information not available for" " OpenStack volume [%s]."), source_volume_id) def create_snapshot(self, snapshot): """Creates a snapshot at CloudByte.""" # OpenStack volume source_volume_id = snapshot['volume_id'] # CloudByte volume id equals OpenStack volume's provider_id cb_volume_id = snapshot.get('volume').get('provider_id') if cb_volume_id is not None: # Set backend storage snapshot name using OpenStack snapshot id snapshot_name = "snap_" + snapshot['id'].replace("-", "") params = { "name": snapshot_name, "id": cb_volume_id } LOG.debug( "Will create CloudByte snapshot [%(cb_snap)s] " "w.r.t CloudByte volume [%(cb_vol)s] " "and OpenStack volume [%(stack_vol)s].", {'cb_snap': snapshot_name, 'cb_vol': cb_volume_id, 'stack_vol': source_volume_id}) self._api_request_for_cloudbyte('createStorageSnapshot', params) # Get the snapshot path from CloudByte path = self._get_cb_snapshot_path(snapshot_name, cb_volume_id) _LI("Created CloudByte snapshot [%(cb_snap)s] " "w.r.t CloudByte volume [%(cb_vol)s] " "and OpenStack volume [%(stack_vol)s]."), {'cb_snap': path, 'cb_vol': cb_volume_id, 'stack_vol': source_volume_id}) model_update = {} # Store snapshot path as snapshot provider_id model_update['provider_id'] = path else: msg = _("Failed to create snapshot. CloudByte volume information " "not found for OpenStack volume [%s].") % source_volume_id raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg) return model_update def create_cloned_volume(self, cloned_volume, src_volume): """Create a clone of an existing volume. First it will create a snapshot of the source/parent volume, then it creates a clone of this newly created snapshot. """ # Extract necessary information from input params parent_volume_id = cloned_volume.get('source_volid') # Generating id for snapshot # as this is not user entered in this particular usecase snapshot_id = six.text_type(uuid.uuid1()) # Prepare the params for create_snapshot # as well as create_volume_from_snapshot method snapshot_params = { 'id': snapshot_id, 'volume_id': parent_volume_id, 'volume': src_volume, } # Create a snapshot snapshot = self.create_snapshot(snapshot_params) snapshot_params['provider_id'] = snapshot.get('provider_id') # Create a clone of above snapshot return self.create_volume_from_snapshot(cloned_volume, snapshot_params) def create_volume_from_snapshot(self, cloned_volume, snapshot): """Create a clone from an existing snapshot.""" # Getting necessary data from input params parent_volume_id = snapshot['volume_id'] cloned_volume_name = cloned_volume['id'].replace("-", "") # CloudByte volume id equals OpenStack volume's provider_id cb_volume_id = snapshot.get('volume').get('provider_id') # CloudByte snapshot path equals OpenStack snapshot's provider_id cb_snapshot_path = snapshot['provider_id'] params = { "id": cb_volume_id, "clonename": cloned_volume_name, "path": cb_snapshot_path } LOG.debug( "Will create CloudByte clone [%(cb_clone)s] " "at CloudByte snapshot path [%(cb_snap)s] " "w.r.t parent OpenStack volume [%(stack_vol)s].", {'cb_clone': cloned_volume_name, 'cb_snap': cb_snapshot_path, 'stack_vol': parent_volume_id}) # Create clone of the snapshot clone_dataset_snapshot_res = ( self._api_request_for_cloudbyte('cloneDatasetSnapshot', params)) cb_snap = clone_dataset_snapshot_res.get('cloneDatasetSnapshot') cb_vol = {} if cb_snap is not None: cb_vol = cb_snap.get('filesystem') else: msg = ("Error: Clone creation failed for " "OpenStack volume [%(vol)s] with CloudByte " "snapshot path [%(path)s]" % {'vol': parent_volume_id, 'path': cb_snapshot_path}) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg) _LI("Created a clone [%(cb_clone)s] " "at CloudByte snapshot path [%(cb_snap)s] " "w.r.t parent OpenStack volume [%(stack_vol)s]."), {'cb_clone': cloned_volume_name, 'cb_snap': cb_snapshot_path, 'stack_vol': parent_volume_id}) chap_info = {} if self.cb_use_chap is True: account_name = self.configuration.cb_account_name # Get account id of this account account_id = self._get_account_id_from_name(account_name) chap_info = self._get_chap_info(account_id) model_update = self._build_provider_details_from_volume(cb_vol, chap_info) return model_update def delete_snapshot(self, snapshot): """Delete a snapshot at CloudByte.""" # Find volume id source_volume_id = snapshot['volume_id'] # CloudByte volume id equals OpenStack volume's provider_id cb_volume_id = snapshot.get('volume').get('provider_id') # CloudByte snapshot path equals OpenStack snapshot's provider_id cb_snapshot_path = snapshot['provider_id'] # If cb_snapshot_path is 'None' # then no need to execute CloudByte API if cb_snapshot_path is not None: params = { "id": cb_volume_id, "path": cb_snapshot_path } LOG.debug("Will delete CloudByte snapshot [%(snap)s] w.r.t " "parent CloudByte volume [%(cb_vol)s] " "and parent OpenStack volume [%(stack_vol)s].", {'snap': cb_snapshot_path, 'cb_vol': cb_volume_id, 'stack_vol': source_volume_id}) # Execute CloudByte API self._api_request_for_cloudbyte('deleteSnapshot', params) _LI("Deleted CloudByte snapshot [%(snap)s] w.r.t " "parent CloudByte volume [%(cb_vol)s] " "and parent OpenStack volume [%(stack_vol)s]."), {'snap': cb_snapshot_path, 'cb_vol': cb_volume_id, 'stack_vol': source_volume_id}) else: LOG.error(_LE("CloudByte snapshot information is not available" " for OpenStack volume [%s]."), source_volume_id) def extend_volume(self, volume, new_size): # CloudByte volume id equals OpenStack volume's provider_id cb_volume_id = volume.get('provider_id') params = { "id": cb_volume_id, "quotasize": six.text_type(new_size) + 'G' } # Request the CloudByte api to update the volume self._api_request_for_cloudbyte('updateFileSystem', params) def create_export(self, context, volume): """Setup the iscsi export info.""" return self._export() def ensure_export(self, context, volume): """Verify the iscsi export info.""" return self._export() def get_volume_stats(self, refresh=False): """Get volume statistics. If 'refresh' is True, update/refresh the statistics first. """ if refresh: # Get the TSM name from configuration tsm_name = self.configuration.cb_tsm_name # Get the storage details of this TSM data = self._get_storage_info(tsm_name) data["volume_backend_name"] = ( self.configuration.safe_get('volume_backend_name') or 'CloudByte') data["vendor_name"] = 'CloudByte' data['reserved_percentage'] = 0 data["driver_version"] = CloudByteISCSIDriver.VERSION data["storage_protocol"] = 'iSCSI' LOG.debug("CloudByte driver stats: [%s].", data) # Set this to the instance variable self.volume_stats = data return self.volume_stats
#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright 2007 Google Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # """XMPP API. This module allows AppEngine apps to interact with a bot representing that app on the Google Talk network. Functions defined in this module: get_presence: Gets the presence for a JID. send_message: Sends a chat message to any number of JIDs. send_invite: Sends an invitation to chat to a JID. send_presence: Sends a presence to a JID. Classes defined in this module: Message: A class to encapsulate received messages. """ from google.appengine.api import apiproxy_stub_map from google.appengine.api.xmpp import xmpp_service_pb from google.appengine.runtime import apiproxy_errors NO_ERROR = xmpp_service_pb.XmppMessageResponse.NO_ERROR INVALID_JID = xmpp_service_pb.XmppMessageResponse.INVALID_JID OTHER_ERROR = xmpp_service_pb.XmppMessageResponse.OTHER_ERROR MESSAGE_TYPE_NONE = "" MESSAGE_TYPE_CHAT = "chat" MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR = "error" MESSAGE_TYPE_GROUPCHAT = "groupchat" MESSAGE_TYPE_HEADLINE = "headline" MESSAGE_TYPE_NORMAL = "normal" _VALID_MESSAGE_TYPES = frozenset([MESSAGE_TYPE_NONE, MESSAGE_TYPE_CHAT, MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR, MESSAGE_TYPE_GROUPCHAT, MESSAGE_TYPE_HEADLINE, MESSAGE_TYPE_NORMAL]) PRESENCE_TYPE_AVAILABLE = "" PRESENCE_TYPE_UNAVAILABLE = "unavailable" PRESENCE_TYPE_PROBE = "probe" _VALID_PRESENCE_TYPES = frozenset([PRESENCE_TYPE_AVAILABLE, PRESENCE_TYPE_UNAVAILABLE, PRESENCE_TYPE_PROBE]) PRESENCE_SHOW_NONE = "" PRESENCE_SHOW_AWAY = "away" PRESENCE_SHOW_CHAT = "chat" PRESENCE_SHOW_DND = "dnd" PRESENCE_SHOW_XA = "xa" _VALID_PRESENCE_SHOWS = frozenset([PRESENCE_SHOW_NONE, PRESENCE_SHOW_AWAY, PRESENCE_SHOW_CHAT, PRESENCE_SHOW_DND, PRESENCE_SHOW_XA]) MAX_STATUS_MESSAGE_SIZE = 1024 class Error(Exception): """Base error class for this module.""" class InvalidJidError(Error): """Error that indicates a request for an invalid JID.""" class InvalidTypeError(Error): """Error that indicates a request has an invalid type.""" class InvalidXmlError(Error): """Error that indicates a send message request has invalid XML.""" class NoBodyError(Error): """Error that indicates a send message request has no body.""" class InvalidMessageError(Error): """Error that indicates a received message was invalid or incomplete.""" class InvalidShowError(Error): """Error that indicates a send presence request has an invalid show.""" class InvalidStatusError(Error): """Error that indicates a send presence request has an invalid status.""" def get_presence(jid, from_jid=None): """Gets the presence for a JID. Args: jid: The JID of the contact whose presence is requested. from_jid: The optional custom JID to use for sending. Currently, the default is <appid> This is supported as a value. Custom JIDs can be of the form <anything>@<appid> Returns: bool, Whether the user is online. Raises: InvalidJidError if any of the JIDs passed are invalid. Error if an unspecified error happens processing the request. """ if not jid: raise InvalidJidError() request = xmpp_service_pb.PresenceRequest() response = xmpp_service_pb.PresenceResponse() request.set_jid(_to_str(jid)) if from_jid: request.set_from_jid(_to_str(from_jid)) try: apiproxy_stub_map.MakeSyncCall("xmpp", "GetPresence", request, response) except apiproxy_errors.ApplicationError, e: if (e.application_error == xmpp_service_pb.XmppServiceError.INVALID_JID): raise InvalidJidError() else: raise Error() return bool(response.is_available()) def send_invite(jid, from_jid=None): """Sends an invitation to chat to a JID. Args: jid: The JID of the contact to invite. from_jid: The optional custom JID to use for sending. Currently, the default is <appid> This is supported as a value. Custom JIDs can be of the form <anything>@<appid> Raises: InvalidJidError if the JID passed is invalid. Error if an unspecified error happens processing the request. """ if not jid: raise InvalidJidError() request = xmpp_service_pb.XmppInviteRequest() response = xmpp_service_pb.XmppInviteResponse() request.set_jid(_to_str(jid)) if from_jid: request.set_from_jid(_to_str(from_jid)) try: apiproxy_stub_map.MakeSyncCall("xmpp", "SendInvite", request, response) except apiproxy_errors.ApplicationError, e: if (e.application_error == xmpp_service_pb.XmppServiceError.INVALID_JID): raise InvalidJidError() else: raise Error() return def send_message(jids, body, from_jid=None, message_type=MESSAGE_TYPE_CHAT, raw_xml=False): """Sends a chat message to a list of JIDs. Args: jids: A list of JIDs to send the message to, or a single JID to send the message to. from_jid: The optional custom JID to use for sending. Currently, the default is <appid> This is supported as a value. Custom JIDs can be of the form <anything>@<appid> body: The body of the message. message_type: Optional type of the message. Should be one of the types specified in RFC 3921, section 2.1.1. An empty string will result in a message stanza without a type attribute. For convenience, all of the valid types are in the MESSAGE_TYPE_* constants in this file. The default is MESSAGE_TYPE_CHAT. Anything else will throw an exception. raw_xml: Optionally specifies that the body should be interpreted as XML. If this is false, the contents of the body will be escaped and placed inside of a body element inside of the message. If this is true, the contents will be made children of the message. Returns: list, A list of statuses, one for each JID, corresponding to the result of sending the message to that JID. Or, if a single JID was passed in, returns the status directly. Raises: InvalidJidError if there is no valid JID in the list. InvalidTypeError if the type argument is invalid. InvalidXmlError if the body is malformed XML and raw_xml is True. NoBodyError if there is no body. Error if another error occurs processing the request. """ request = xmpp_service_pb.XmppMessageRequest() response = xmpp_service_pb.XmppMessageResponse() if not body: raise NoBodyError() if not jids: raise InvalidJidError() if not message_type in _VALID_MESSAGE_TYPES: raise InvalidTypeError() single_jid = False if isinstance(jids, basestring): single_jid = True jids = [jids] for jid in jids: if not jid: raise InvalidJidError() request.add_jid(_to_str(jid)) request.set_body(_to_str(body)) request.set_type(_to_str(message_type)) request.set_raw_xml(raw_xml) if from_jid: request.set_from_jid(_to_str(from_jid)) try: apiproxy_stub_map.MakeSyncCall("xmpp", "SendMessage", request, response) except apiproxy_errors.ApplicationError, e: if (e.application_error == xmpp_service_pb.XmppServiceError.INVALID_JID): raise InvalidJidError() elif (e.application_error == xmpp_service_pb.XmppServiceError.INVALID_TYPE): raise InvalidTypeError() elif (e.application_error == xmpp_service_pb.XmppServiceError.INVALID_XML): raise InvalidXmlError() elif (e.application_error == xmpp_service_pb.XmppServiceError.NO_BODY): raise NoBodyError() raise Error() if single_jid: return response.status_list()[0] return response.status_list() def send_presence(jid, status=None, from_jid=None, presence_type=PRESENCE_TYPE_AVAILABLE, presence_show=PRESENCE_SHOW_NONE): """Sends a presence to a given JID. Args: jid: A JID to send the presence to. status: The optional status message. Size is limited to 1KB. from_jid: The optional custom JID to use for sending. Currently, the default is <appid> This is supported as a value. Custom JIDs can be of the form <anything>@<appid> presence_type: Optional type of the presence. This accepts a subset of the types specified in RFC 3921, section 2.2.1. An empty string will result in a presence stanza without a type attribute. For convenience, all of the valid types are in the PRESENCE_TYPE_* constants in this file. The default is PRESENCE_TYPE_AVAILABLE. Anything else will throw an exception. presence_show: Optional show value for the presence. Should be one of the values specified in RFC 3921, section An empty string will result in a presence stanza without a show element. For convenience, all of the valid types are in the PRESENCE_SHOW_* constants in this file. The default is PRESENCE_SHOW_NONE. Anything else will throw an exception. Raises: InvalidJidError if there is no valid JID in the list. InvalidTypeError if the type argument is invalid. InvalidShowError if the show argument is invalid. InvalidStatusError if the status argument is too large. Error if another error occurs processing the request. """ request = xmpp_service_pb.XmppSendPresenceRequest() response = xmpp_service_pb.XmppSendPresenceResponse() if not jid: raise InvalidJidError() if presence_type and not _to_str(presence_type) in _VALID_PRESENCE_TYPES: raise InvalidTypeError() if presence_show and not _to_str(presence_show) in _VALID_PRESENCE_SHOWS: raise InvalidShowError() if status and len(status) > MAX_STATUS_MESSAGE_SIZE: raise InvalidStatusError() request.set_jid(_to_str(jid)) if status: request.set_status(_to_str(status)) if presence_type: request.set_type(_to_str(presence_type)) if presence_show: request.set_show(_to_str(presence_show)) if from_jid: request.set_from_jid(_to_str(from_jid)) try: apiproxy_stub_map.MakeSyncCall("xmpp", "SendPresence", request, response) except apiproxy_errors.ApplicationError, e: if (e.application_error == xmpp_service_pb.XmppServiceError.INVALID_JID): raise InvalidJidError() elif (e.application_error == xmpp_service_pb.XmppServiceError.INVALID_TYPE): raise InvalidTypeError() elif (e.application_error == xmpp_service_pb.XmppServiceError.INVALID_SHOW): raise InvalidShowError() raise Error() return class Message(object): """Encapsulates an XMPP message received by the application.""" def __init__(self, vars): """Constructs a new XMPP Message from an HTTP request. Args: vars: A dict-like object to extract message arguments from. """ try: self.__sender = vars["from"] self.__to = vars["to"] self.__body = vars["body"] except KeyError, e: raise InvalidMessageError(e[0]) self.__command = None self.__arg = None @property def sender(self): return self.__sender @property def to(self): return self.__to @property def body(self): return self.__body def __parse_command(self): if self.__arg != None: return body = self.__body if body.startswith('\\'): body = '/' + body[1:] self.__arg = '' if body.startswith('/'): parts = body.split(' ', 1) self.__command = parts[0][1:] if len(parts) > 1: self.__arg = parts[1].strip() else: self.__arg = self.__body.strip() @property def command(self): self.__parse_command() return self.__command @property def arg(self): self.__parse_command() return self.__arg def reply(self, body, message_type=MESSAGE_TYPE_CHAT, raw_xml=False, send_message=send_message): """Convenience function to reply to a message. Args: body: str: The body of the message message_type, raw_xml: As per send_message. send_message: Used for testing. Returns: A status code as per send_message. Raises: See send_message. """ return send_message([self.sender], body,, message_type=message_type, raw_xml=raw_xml) def _to_str(value): """Helper function to make sure unicode values converted to utf-8 Args: value: str or unicode to convert to utf-8. Returns: UTF-8 encoded str of value, otherwise value unchanged. """ if isinstance(value, unicode): return value.encode('utf-8') return value
import fnmatch import glob import os import re import tempfile from datetime import datetime from gppylib import gplog from gppylib.commands.base import WorkerPool, Command, REMOTE from gppylib.commands.unix import Scp from gppylib.db import dbconn from gppylib.db.dbconn import execSQL from gppylib.gparray import GpArray from gppylib.mainUtils import gp from gppylib import pgconf from optparse import Values from pygresql import pg from gppylib.operations.utils import DEFAULT_NUM_WORKERS import gzip logger = gplog.get_default_logger() class Context(Values, object): filename_dict = { "ao": ("dump", "_ao_state_file"), "cdatabase": ("cdatabase_1_1", ""), "co": ("dump", "_co_state_file"), "dirty_table": ("dump", "_dirty_list"), "dump": ("dump_%d_%d", ""), "files": ("dump", "_regular_files"), "filter": ("dump", "_filter"), "global": ("global_1_1", ""), "increments": ("dump", "_increments"), "last_operation": ("dump", "_last_operation"), "master_config": ("master_config_files", ".tar"), "metadata": ("dump_1_1", ""), "partition_list": ("dump", "_table_list"), "pipes": ("dump", "_pipes"), "plan": ("restore", "_plan"), "postdata": ("dump_1_1", "_post_data"), "report": ("dump", ".rpt"), "schema": ("dump", "_schema"), "segment_config": ("segment_config_files_%d_%d", ".tar"), "stats": ("statistics_1_1", ""), "status": ("dump_status_%d_%d", ""), } defaults = { "backup_dir": None, "batch_default": 64, "change_schema": None, "cleanup_date": None, "cleanup_total": None, "clear_catalog_dumps": False, "clear_dumps": False, "clear_dumps_only": False, "compress": True, "db_host_path": None, "ddboost": False, "ddboost_backupdir": None, "ddboost_config_remove": False, "ddboost_hosts": None, "ddboost_ping": True, "ddboost_remote": False, "ddboost_show_config": False, "ddboost_storage_unit": None, "ddboost_user": None, "ddboost_verify": False, "drop_db": False, "dump_config": False, "dump_databases": [], "dump_dir": "db_dumps", "dump_global": False, "dump_prefix": "", "dump_schema": "", "dump_stats": False, "encoding": None, "exclude_dump_schema": "", "exclude_dump_tables": "", "exclude_dump_tables_file": "", "exclude_schema_file": "", "free_space_percent": None, "history": False, "include_dump_tables": "", "include_dump_tables_file": "", "include_schema_file": "", "incremental": False, "list_filter_tables": False, "local_dump_prefix": None, "masterDataDirectory": None, "master_port": 0, "max_streams": None, "netbackup_block_size": None, "netbackup_keyword": None, "netbackup_policy": None, "netbackup_schedule": None, "netbackup_service_host": None, "metadata_only": False, "no_analyze": False, "no_ao_stats": False, "no_plan": False, "no_validate_table_name": False, "output_options": [], "post_script": "", "redirected_restore_db": None, "report_dir": "", "report_status_dir": "", "restore_db": None, "restore_global": False, "restore_schemas": None, "restore_stats": None, "restore_tables": [], "timestamp": None, "timestamp_key": None, "full_dump_timestamp": None, } def __init__(self, values=None): if values: self.defaults.update(values.__dict__) # Ensure that context has default values for all unset variables super(self.__class__, self).__init__(vars(Values(self.defaults))) if self.masterDataDirectory: self.master_datadir = self.masterDataDirectory else: self.master_datadir = gp.get_masterdatadir() self.master_port = self.get_master_port() if self.local_dump_prefix: self.dump_prefix = self.local_dump_prefix + "_" else: self.dump_prefix = "" if not self.include_dump_tables: self.include_dump_tables = [] if not self.exclude_dump_tables: self.exclude_dump_tables = [] if not self.output_options: self.output_options = [] if not self.dump_schema: self.dump_schema = [] if not self.exclude_dump_schema: self.exclude_dump_schema = [] if self.netbackup_keyword and (len(self.netbackup_keyword) > 100): raise Exception('NetBackup Keyword provided has more than max limit (100) characters. Cannot proceed with backup.') def get_master_port(self): pgconf_dict = pgconf.readfile(self.master_datadir + "/postgresql.conf") return'port') def generate_filename(self, filetype, dbid=1, timestamp=None, directory=None): if timestamp is None: timestamp = self.timestamp if directory: use_dir = directory else: use_dir = self.get_backup_dir(timestamp) format_str = "%s/%sgp_%s_%s%s" % (use_dir, self.dump_prefix, "%s", timestamp, "%s") filename = format_str % (self.filename_dict[filetype][0], self.filename_dict[filetype][1]) if "%d" in filename: if dbid == 1: filename = filename % (1, 1) else: filename = filename % (0, dbid) if self.compress and filetype in ["metadata", "dump", "postdata"]: filename += ".gz" return filename def generate_prefix(self, filetype, dbid=1, timestamp=None): if timestamp is None: timestamp = self.timestamp format_str = "%sgp_%s_" % (self.dump_prefix, "%s") filename = format_str % (self.filename_dict[filetype][0]) if "%d" in filename: if dbid == 1: filename = filename % (1, 1) else: filename = filename % (0, dbid) return filename def get_backup_dir(self, timestamp=None, directory=None): if directory is not None: use_dir = directory elif self.backup_dir and not self.ddboost: use_dir = self.backup_dir elif self.master_datadir: use_dir = self.master_datadir else: raise Exception("Cannot locate backup directory with existing parameters") if timestamp: use_timestamp = timestamp else: use_timestamp = self.timestamp if not use_timestamp: raise Exception("Cannot locate backup directory without timestamp") if not validate_timestamp(use_timestamp): raise Exception('Invalid timestamp: "%s"' % use_timestamp) return "%s/%s/%s" % (use_dir, self.dump_dir, use_timestamp[0:8]) def get_backup_root(self): if self.backup_dir and not self.ddboost: return self.backup_dir else: return self.master_datadir def get_gpd_path(self): gpd_path = os.path.join(self.dump_dir, self.timestamp[0:8]) if self.backup_dir: gpd_path = os.path.join(self.backup_dir, gpd_path) return gpd_path def get_date_dir(self): return os.path.join(self.get_backup_root(), self.dump_dir, self.db_date_dir) def backup_dir_is_writable(self): if self.backup_dir and not self.report_status_dir: try: check_dir_writable(self.get_backup_dir()) except Exception as e: logger.warning('Backup directory %s is not writable. Error %s' % (self.get_backup_dir(), str(e))) logger.warning('Since --report-status-dir option is not specified, report and status file will be written in segment data directory.') return False return True def generate_dump_timestamp(self): if self.timestamp_key: timestamp_key = self.timestamp_key else: timestamp_key ="%Y%m%d%H%M%S") if not validate_timestamp(timestamp_key): raise Exception('Invalid timestamp key') year = int(timestamp_key[:4]) month = int(timestamp_key[4:6]) day = int(timestamp_key[6:8]) hours = int(timestamp_key[8:10]) minutes = int(timestamp_key[10:12]) seconds = int(timestamp_key[12:14]) self.timestamp = timestamp_key self.db_date_dir = "%4d%02d%02d" % (year, month, day) self.timestamp_object = datetime(year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds) def expand_partitions_and_populate_filter_file(dbname, partition_list, file_prefix): expanded_partitions = expand_partition_tables(dbname, partition_list) dump_partition_list = list(set(expanded_partitions + partition_list)) return create_temp_file_from_list(dump_partition_list, file_prefix) def populate_filter_tables(table, rows, non_partition_tables, partition_leaves): if not rows: non_partition_tables.append(table) else: for (schema_name, partition_leaf_name) in rows: partition_leaf = schema_name.strip() + '.' + partition_leaf_name.strip() partition_leaves.append(partition_leaf) return (non_partition_tables, partition_leaves) def get_all_parent_tables(dbname): SQL = "SELECT DISTINCT (schemaname || '.' || tablename) FROM pg_partitions" data = [] with dbconn.connect(dbconn.DbURL(dbname=dbname)) as conn: curs = dbconn.execSQL(conn, SQL) data = curs.fetchall() return set([d[0] for d in data]) def list_to_quoted_string(filter_tables): filter_string = "'" + "', '".join([pg.escape_string(t) for t in filter_tables]) + "'" return filter_string def convert_parents_to_leafs(dbname, parents): partition_leaves_sql = """ SELECT x.partitionschemaname || '.' || x.partitiontablename FROM ( SELECT distinct schemaname, tablename, partitionschemaname, partitiontablename, partitionlevel FROM pg_partitions WHERE schemaname || '.' || tablename in (%s) ) as X, (SELECT schemaname, tablename maxtable, max(partitionlevel) maxlevel FROM pg_partitions group by (tablename, schemaname) ) as Y WHERE x.schemaname = y.schemaname and x.tablename = Y.maxtable and x.partitionlevel = Y.maxlevel; """ if not parents: return [] conn = dbconn.connect(dbconn.DbURL(dbname=dbname)) partition_sql = partition_leaves_sql % list_to_quoted_string(parents) curs = dbconn.execSQL(conn, partition_sql) rows = curs.fetchall() return [r[0] for r in rows] #input: list of tables to be filtered #output: same list but parent tables converted to leafs def expand_partition_tables(dbname, filter_tables): if not filter_tables or len(filter_tables) == 0: return filter_tables parent_tables = list() non_parent_tables = list() expanded_list = list() all_parent_tables = get_all_parent_tables(dbname) for table in filter_tables: if table in all_parent_tables: parent_tables.append(table) else: non_parent_tables.append(table) expanded_list += non_parent_tables local_batch_size = 1000 for (s, e) in get_batch_from_list(len(parent_tables), local_batch_size): tmp = convert_parents_to_leafs(dbname, parent_tables[s:e]) expanded_list += tmp return expanded_list def get_batch_from_list(length, batch_size): indices = [] for i in range(0, length, batch_size): indices.append((i, i+batch_size)) return indices def create_temp_file_from_list(entries, prefix): """ When writing the entries into temp file, don't do any strip as there might be white space in schema name and table name. """ if len(entries) == 0: return None fd = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w', prefix=prefix, delete=False) for entry in entries: fd.write(entry + '\n') tmp_file_name = fd.close() return tmp_file_name def create_temp_file_with_tables(table_list): return create_temp_file_from_list(table_list, 'table_list_') def create_temp_file_with_schemas(schema_list): return create_temp_file_from_list(schema_list, 'schema_file_') def validate_timestamp(timestamp): if not timestamp: return False if len(timestamp) != 14: return False if timestamp.isdigit(): return True else: return False def check_successful_dump(report_file_contents): for line in report_file_contents: if line.strip() == 'gp_dump utility finished successfully.': return True return False # raise exception for bad data def convert_report_filename_to_cdatabase_filename(context, report_file): (dirname, fname) = os.path.split(report_file) timestamp = fname[-18:-4] ddboost_parent_dir = None if context.ddboost: ddboost_parent_dir = context.get_backup_dir(directory='') return context.generate_filename("cdatabase", timestamp=timestamp, directory=ddboost_parent_dir) def get_lines_from_dd_file(filename, ddboost_storage_unit): cmdStr = 'gpddboost --readFile --from-file=%s' % filename if ddboost_storage_unit: cmdStr += ' --ddboost-storage-unit=%s' % ddboost_storage_unit cmd = Command('DDBoost copy of master dump file', cmdStr) contents = cmd.get_results().stdout.splitlines() return contents def check_cdatabase_exists(context, report_file): try: filename = convert_report_filename_to_cdatabase_filename(context, report_file) except Exception, err: return False if context.ddboost: cdatabase_contents = get_lines_from_dd_file(filename, context.ddboost_storage_unit) elif context.netbackup_service_host: restore_file_with_nbu(context, path=filename) cdatabase_contents = get_lines_from_file(filename) else: cdatabase_contents = get_lines_from_file(filename, context) dbname = escapeDoubleQuoteInSQLString(context.dump_database, forceDoubleQuote=False) for line in cdatabase_contents: if 'CREATE DATABASE' in line: dump_dbname = get_dbname_from_cdatabaseline(line) if dump_dbname is None: continue else: if dbname == checkAndRemoveEnclosingDoubleQuote(dump_dbname): return True return False def get_dbname_from_cdatabaseline(line): """ Line format: CREATE DATABASE "DBNAME" WITH TEMPLATE = template0 ENCODING = 'UTF8' OWNER = gpadmin; To get the dbname: substring between the ending index of the first statement: CREATE DATABASE and the starting index of WITH TEMPLATE whichever is not inside any double quotes, based on the fact that double quote inside any name will be escaped by extra double quote, so there's always only one WITH TEMPLATE not inside any doubles, means its previous and post string should have only even number of double quotes. Note: OWER name can also have special characters with double quote. """ cdatabase = "CREATE DATABASE " try: start = line.index(cdatabase) except Exception as e: logger.error('Failed to find substring %s in line %s, error: %s' % (cdatabase, line, str(e))) return None keyword = " WITH TEMPLATE = " pos = get_nonquoted_keyword_index(line, keyword, '"', len(keyword)) if pos != -1: dbname = line[start+len(cdatabase) : pos] return dbname return None def get_nonquoted_keyword_index(line, keyword, quote, keyword_len): # quote can be single quote or double quote all_positions = get_all_occurrences(keyword, line) if all_positions != None and len(all_positions) > 0: for pos in all_positions: pre_string = line[:pos] post_string = line[pos + keyword_len:] quotes_before = get_all_occurrences('%s' % quote, pre_string) quotes_after = get_all_occurrences('%s' % quote, post_string) num_quotes_before = 0 if (quotes_before is None or len(quotes_before) == 0) else len(quotes_before) num_quotes_after = 0 if (quotes_after is None or len(quotes_after) == 0) else len(quotes_after) if num_quotes_before % 2 == 0 and num_quotes_after % 2 == 0: return pos return -1 def get_all_occurrences(substr, line): # substr is used for generating the pattern, escape those special chars in regexp if substr is None or line is None or len(substr) > len(line): return None return [m.start() for m in re.finditer('(?=%s)' % substr, line)] def get_type_ts_from_report_file(context, report_file, backup_type): report_file_contents = get_lines_from_file(report_file) if not check_successful_dump(report_file_contents): return None if not check_cdatabase_exists(context, report_file): return None if check_backup_type(report_file_contents, backup_type): return get_timestamp_val(report_file_contents) return None def get_full_ts_from_report_file(context, report_file): return get_type_ts_from_report_file(context, report_file, 'Full') def get_incremental_ts_from_report_file(context, report_file): return get_type_ts_from_report_file(context, report_file, 'Incremental') def get_timestamp_val(report_file_contents): for line in report_file_contents: if line.startswith('Timestamp Key'): timestamp = line.split(':')[-1].strip() if not validate_timestamp(timestamp): raise Exception('Invalid timestamp value found in report_file') return timestamp return None def check_backup_type(report_file_contents, backup_type): for line in report_file_contents: if line.startswith('Backup Type'): if line.split(':')[-1].strip() == backup_type: return True return False def get_lines_from_zipped_file(fname): """ Don't strip white space here as it may be part of schema name and table name """ content = [] fd =, 'r') try: for line in fd: content.append(line.strip('\n')) except Exception as err: raise Exception("Error reading from file %s: %s" % (fname, err)) finally: fd.close() return content def get_lines_from_file(fname, context=None): """ Don't strip white space here as it may be part of schema name and table name """ content = [] if context and context.ddboost: contents = get_lines_from_dd_file(fname, context.ddboost_storage_unit) return contents else: with open(fname) as fd: for line in fd: content.append(line.strip('\n')) return content def write_lines_to_file(filename, lines): """ Don't do strip in line for white space in case it is part of schema name or table name """ with open(filename, 'w') as fp: for line in lines: fp.write("%s\n" % line.strip('\n')) def verify_lines_in_file(fname, expected): lines = get_lines_from_file(fname) if lines != expected: raise Exception("After writing file '%s' contents not as expected.\nLines read from file: %s\nLines expected from file: %s\n" % (fname, lines, expected)) def check_dir_writable(directory): fp = None try: tmp_file = os.path.join(directory, 'tmp_file') fp = open(tmp_file, 'w') except IOError as e: raise Exception('No write access permission on %s' % directory) except Exception as e: raise Exception(str(e)) finally: if fp is not None: fp.close() if os.path.isfile(tmp_file): os.remove(tmp_file) def execute_sql(query, master_port, dbname): dburl = dbconn.DbURL(port=master_port, dbname=dbname) conn = dbconn.connect(dburl) cursor = execSQL(conn, query) return cursor.fetchall() def generate_master_status_prefix(dump_prefix): return '%sgp_dump_status_1_1_' % (dump_prefix) def generate_seg_dbdump_prefix(dump_prefix): return '%sgp_dump_0_' % (dump_prefix) def generate_seg_status_prefix(dump_prefix): return '%sgp_dump_status_0_' % (dump_prefix) def get_dump_dirs(context): use_dir = context.get_backup_root() dump_path = os.path.join(use_dir, context.dump_dir) if not os.path.isdir(dump_path): return [] initial_list = os.listdir(dump_path) initial_list = fnmatch.filter(initial_list, '[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]') dirnames = [] for d in initial_list: pth = os.path.join(dump_path, d) if os.path.isdir(pth): dirnames.append(pth) if len(dirnames) == 0: return [] dirnames = sorted(dirnames, key=lambda x: int(os.path.basename(x)), reverse=True) return dirnames def get_latest_report_timestamp(context): dump_dirs = get_dump_dirs(context) for d in dump_dirs: latest = get_latest_report_in_dir(d, context.dump_prefix) if latest: return latest return None def get_latest_report_in_dir(report_dir, dump_prefix): files = os.listdir(report_dir) if len(files) == 0: return None dump_report_files = fnmatch.filter(files, '%sgp_dump_[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9].rpt' % dump_prefix) if len(dump_report_files) == 0: return None dump_report_files = sorted(dump_report_files, key=lambda x: int(x.split('_')[-1].split('.')[0]), reverse=True) return dump_report_files[0][-18:-4] def get_timestamp_from_increments_filename(filename, dump_prefix): fname = os.path.basename(filename) parts = fname.split('_') # Check for 4 underscores if there is no prefix, or more than 4 if there is a prefix if not ((not dump_prefix and len(parts) == 4) or (dump_prefix and len(parts) > 4)): raise Exception("Invalid increments file '%s' passed to get_timestamp_from_increments_filename" % filename) return parts[-2].strip() def get_full_timestamp_for_incremental(context): full_timestamp = None if context.netbackup_service_host: full_timestamp = get_full_timestamp_for_incremental_with_nbu(context) else: pattern = '%s/%s/[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]/%sgp_dump_[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]_increments' % \ (context.get_backup_root(), context.dump_dir, context.dump_prefix) increments_files = glob.glob(pattern) for increments_file in increments_files: if os.path.exists(increments_file): increment_ts = get_lines_from_file(increments_file) else: continue if context.timestamp in increment_ts: full_timestamp = get_timestamp_from_increments_filename(increments_file, context.dump_prefix) break if not full_timestamp: raise Exception("Could not locate full backup associated with timestamp '%s'. " "Either increments file or full backup is missing.\n" % (context.timestamp)) return full_timestamp # backup_dir will be either MDD or some other directory depending on call def get_latest_full_dump_timestamp(context): backup_dir = context.get_backup_root() dump_dirs = get_dump_dirs(context) for dump_dir in dump_dirs: files = sorted(os.listdir(dump_dir)) if len(files) == 0: logger.warn('Dump directory %s is empty' % dump_dir) continue dump_report_files = fnmatch.filter(files, '%sgp_dump_[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9].rpt' % context.dump_prefix) if len(dump_report_files) == 0: logger.warn('No dump report files found in dump directory %s' % dump_dir) continue dump_report_files = sorted(dump_report_files, key=lambda x: int(x.split('_')[-1].split('.')[0]), reverse=True) for dump_report_file in dump_report_files: report_path = os.path.join(dump_dir, dump_report_file) logger.debug('Checking for latest timestamp in report file %s' % report_path) timestamp = get_full_ts_from_report_file(context, report_path) logger.debug('Timestamp = %s' % timestamp) if timestamp is not None: return timestamp raise Exception('No full backup found for incremental') def get_all_segment_addresses(master_port): gparray = GpArray.initFromCatalog(dbconn.DbURL(port=master_port), utility=True) addresses = [seg.getSegmentAddress() for seg in gparray.getDbList() if seg.isSegmentPrimary(current_role=True)] return list(set(addresses)) def scp_file_to_hosts(host_list, filename, batch_default): pool = WorkerPool(numWorkers=min(len(host_list), batch_default)) for hname in host_list: pool.addCommand(Scp('Copying table_filter_file to %s' % hname, srcFile=filename, dstFile=filename, dstHost=hname)) pool.join() pool.haltWork() pool.check_results() def run_pool_command(host_list, cmd_str, batch_default, check_results=True): pool = WorkerPool(numWorkers=min(len(host_list), batch_default)) for host in host_list: cmd = Command(host, cmd_str, ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost=host) pool.addCommand(cmd) pool.join() pool.haltWork() if check_results: pool.check_results() def check_funny_chars_in_names(names, is_full_qualified_name=True): """ '\n' inside table name makes it hard to specify the object name in shell command line, this may be worked around by using table file, but currently we read input line by line. '!' inside table name will mess up with the shell history expansion. ',' is used for separating tables in plan file during incremental restore. '.' dot is currently being used for full qualified table name in format: schema.table """ if names and len(names) > 0: for name in names: if ('\t' in name or '\n' in name or '!' in name or ',' in name or (is_full_qualified_name and name.count('.') > 1) or (not is_full_qualified_name and name.count('.') > 0)): raise Exception('Name has an invalid character "\\t" "\\n" "!" "," ".": "%s"' % name) def backup_file_with_ddboost(context, filetype=None, dbid=1, timestamp=None): if filetype is None: raise Exception("Cannot call backup_file_with_ddboost without a filetype argument") if timestamp is None: timestamp = context.timestamp path = context.generate_filename(filetype, dbid=dbid, timestamp=timestamp) copy_file_to_dd(context, path, timestamp) def copy_file_to_dd(context, filename, timestamp=None): if timestamp is None: timestamp = context.timestamp basefilename = os.path.basename(filename) cmdStr = "gpddboost --copyToDDBoost --from-file=%s --to-file=%s/%s/%s" % (filename, context.dump_dir, context.timestamp[0:8], basefilename) if context.ddboost_storage_unit: cmdStr += " --ddboost-storage-unit=%s" % context.ddboost_storage_unit cmd = Command('copy file %s to DD machine' % basefilename, cmdStr) #Form and run command line to backup individual file with NBU def backup_file_with_nbu(context, filetype=None, path=None, dbid=1, hostname=None, timestamp=None): if filetype and path: raise Exception("Cannot supply both a file type and a file path to backup_file_with_nbu") if filetype is None and path is None: raise Exception("Cannot call backup_file_with_nbu with no type or path argument") if timestamp is None: timestamp = context.timestamp if filetype: path = context.generate_filename(filetype, dbid=dbid, timestamp=timestamp) command_string = "cat %s | gp_bsa_dump_agent --netbackup-service-host %s --netbackup-policy %s --netbackup-schedule %s --netbackup-filename %s" % \ (path, context.netbackup_service_host, context.netbackup_policy, context.netbackup_schedule, path) if context.netbackup_block_size is not None: command_string += " --netbackup-block-size %s" % context.netbackup_block_size if context.netbackup_keyword is not None: command_string += " --netbackup-keyword %s" % context.netbackup_keyword logger.debug("Command string inside backup_%s_file_with_nbu: %s\n", filetype, command_string) if hostname is None: Command("dumping metadata files from master", command_string).run(validateAfter=True) else: Command("dumping metadata files from segment", command_string, ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost=hostname).run(validateAfter=True) logger.debug("Command ran successfully\n") #Form and run command line to restore individual file with NBU def restore_file_with_nbu(context, filetype=None, path=None, dbid=1, hostname=None, timestamp=None): if filetype and path: raise Exception("Cannot supply both a file type and a file path to restore_file_with_nbu") if filetype is None and path is None: raise Exception("Cannot call restore_file_with_nbu with no type or path argument") if timestamp is None: timestamp = context.timestamp if filetype: path = context.generate_filename(filetype, dbid=dbid, timestamp=timestamp) command_string = "gp_bsa_restore_agent --netbackup-service-host %s" % context.netbackup_service_host if context.netbackup_block_size is not None: command_string += " --netbackup-block-size %s" % context.netbackup_block_size command_string += " --netbackup-filename %s > %s" % (path, path) logger.debug("Command string inside restore_%s_file_with_nbu: %s\n", filetype, command_string) if hostname is None: Command("restoring metadata files to master", command_string).run(validateAfter=True) else: Command("restoring metadata files to segment", command_string, ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost=hostname).run(validateAfter=True) def check_file_dumped_with_nbu(context, filetype=None, path=None, dbid=1, hostname=None): if filetype and path: raise Exception("Cannot supply both a file type and a file path toeck_file_dumped_with_nbu") if filetype is None and path is None: raise Exception("Cannot call check_file_dumped_with_nbu with no type or path argument") if filetype: path = context.generate_filename(filetype, dbid=dbid) command_string = "gp_bsa_query_agent --netbackup-service-host %s --netbackup-filename %s" % (context.netbackup_service_host, path) logger.debug("Command string inside 'check_file_dumped_with_nbu': %s\n", command_string) if hostname is None: cmd = Command("Querying NetBackup server to check for dumped file", command_string) else: cmd = Command("Querying NetBackup server to check for dumped file", command_string, ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost=hostname) if cmd.get_results().stdout.strip() == path: return True else: return False def get_full_timestamp_for_incremental_with_nbu(context): if context.dump_prefix: get_inc_files_cmd = "gp_bsa_query_agent --netbackup-service-host=%s --netbackup-list-dumped-objects=%sgp_dump_*_increments" % (context.netbackup_service_host, context.dump_prefix) else: get_inc_files_cmd = "gp_bsa_query_agent --netbackup-service-host=%s --netbackup-list-dumped-objects=gp_dump_*_increments" % context.netbackup_service_host cmd = Command("Query NetBackup server to get the list of increments files backed up", get_inc_files_cmd) files_list = cmd.get_results().stdout.strip().split('\n') for line in files_list: fname = line.strip() restore_file_with_nbu(context, path=fname) contents = get_lines_from_file(fname) if context.timestamp in contents: full_timestamp = get_timestamp_from_increments_filename(fname, context.dump_prefix) return full_timestamp return None def get_latest_full_ts_with_nbu(context): if context.dump_prefix: get_rpt_files_cmd = "gp_bsa_query_agent --netbackup-service-host=%s --netbackup-list-dumped-objects=%sgp_dump_*.rpt" % \ (context.netbackup_service_host, context.dump_prefix) else: get_rpt_files_cmd = "gp_bsa_query_agent --netbackup-service-host=%s --netbackup-list-dumped-objects=gp_dump_*.rpt" % context.netbackup_service_host cmd = Command("Query NetBackup server to get the list of report files backed up", get_rpt_files_cmd) files_list = cmd.get_results().stdout.strip().split('\n') for line in files_list: fname = line.strip() if fname == '': continue if context.backup_dir is not None and context.backup_dir not in fname: continue if ("No object matched the specified predicate" in fname) or ("No objects of the format" in fname): return None restore_file_with_nbu(context, path=fname) timestamp = get_full_ts_from_report_file(context, report_file=fname) logger.debug('Timestamp = %s' % timestamp) if timestamp is not None: return timestamp raise Exception('No full backup found for given incremental on the specified NetBackup server') def getRows(dbname, exec_sql): with dbconn.connect(dbconn.DbURL(dbname=dbname)) as conn: curs = dbconn.execSQL(conn, exec_sql) results = curs.fetchall() return results def check_schema_exists(schema_name, dbname): schemaname = pg.escape_string(schema_name) schema_check_sql = "select * from pg_catalog.pg_namespace where nspname='%s';" % schemaname if len(getRows(dbname, schema_check_sql)) < 1: return False return True def unescape_string(string): if string: string = string.replace('\\\\', '\\').replace("''", "'") return string def isDoubleQuoted(string): if len(string) > 2 and string[0] == '"' and string[-1] == '"': return True return False def checkAndRemoveEnclosingDoubleQuote(string): if isDoubleQuoted(string): string = string[1 : len(string) - 1] return string def checkAndAddEnclosingDoubleQuote(string): if not isDoubleQuoted(string): string = '"' + string + '"' return string def escapeDoubleQuoteInSQLString(string, forceDoubleQuote=True): """ Accept true database name, schema name, table name, escape the double quote inside the name, add enclosing double quote by default. """ string = string.replace('"', '""') if forceDoubleQuote: string = '"' + string + '"' return string def removeEscapingDoubleQuoteInSQLString(string, forceDoubleQuote=True): """ Remove the escaping double quote in database/schema/table name. """ if string is None: return string string = string.replace('""', '"') if forceDoubleQuote: string = '"' + string + '"' return string def formatSQLString(rel_file, isTableName=False): """ Read the full qualified schema or table name, do a split if each item is a table name into schema and table, escape the double quote inside the name properly. """ relnames = [] if rel_file and os.path.exists(rel_file): with open(rel_file, 'r') as fr: lines ='\n').split('\n') for line in lines: if isTableName: schema, table = split_fqn(line) schema = escapeDoubleQuoteInSQLString(schema) table = escapeDoubleQuoteInSQLString(table) relnames.append(schema + '.' + table) else: schema = escapeDoubleQuoteInSQLString(line) relnames.append(schema) if len(relnames) > 0: write_lines_to_file(rel_file, relnames) return rel_file def split_fqn(fqn_name): """ Split full qualified table name into schema and table by separator '.', """ try: schema, table = fqn_name.split('.') except Exception as e: logger.error("Failed to split name %s into schema and table, please check the format is schema.table" % fqn_name) raise Exception('%s' % str(e)) return schema, table def remove_file_on_segments(context, filename): addresses = get_all_segment_addresses(context.master_port) try: cmd = 'rm -f %s' % filename run_pool_command(addresses, cmd, context.batch_default, check_results=False) except Exception as e: logger.error("cleaning up file failed: %s" % e.__str__()) def get_table_info(line): """ It's complex to split when table name/schema name/user name/ tablespace name contains full context of one of others', which is very unlikely, but in case it happens, return None. Since we only care about table name, type, and schema name, strip the input is safe here. line: contains the true (un-escaped) schema name, table name, and user name. """ COMMENT_EXPR = '-- Name: ' TYPE_EXPR = '; Type: ' SCHEMA_EXPR = '; Schema: ' OWNER_EXPR = '; Owner: ' TABLESPACE_EXPR = '; Tablespace: ' temp = line.strip('\n') type_start = get_all_occurrences(TYPE_EXPR, temp) schema_start = get_all_occurrences(SCHEMA_EXPR, temp) owner_start = get_all_occurrences(OWNER_EXPR, temp) tblspace_start = get_all_occurrences(TABLESPACE_EXPR, temp) if len(type_start) != 1 or len(schema_start) != 1 or len(owner_start) != 1: return (None, None, None, None) name = temp[len(COMMENT_EXPR) : type_start[0]] type = temp[type_start[0] + len(TYPE_EXPR) : schema_start[0]] schema = temp[schema_start[0] + len(SCHEMA_EXPR) : owner_start[0]] if not tblspace_start: tblspace_start.append(None) owner = temp[owner_start[0] + len(OWNER_EXPR) : tblspace_start[0]] return (name, type, schema, owner)
# Copyright 2018 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """Functions to test TFLite models.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import os import numpy as np from six import PY2 from google.protobuf import text_format as _text_format from google.protobuf.message import DecodeError from tensorflow.core.framework import graph_pb2 as _graph_pb2 from tensorflow.lite.python import convert_saved_model as _convert_saved_model from tensorflow.lite.python import lite as _lite from tensorflow.lite.python import util as _util from tensorflow.python import keras as _keras from tensorflow.python.client import session as _session from tensorflow.python.framework import constant_op from tensorflow.python.framework import dtypes from tensorflow.python.framework import ops from tensorflow.python.framework.importer import import_graph_def as _import_graph_def from tensorflow.python.keras.preprocessing import image from import file_io as _file_io from tensorflow.python.platform import resource_loader as _resource_loader from tensorflow.python.saved_model import load as _load from tensorflow.python.saved_model import loader as _loader from tensorflow.python.saved_model import signature_constants as _signature_constants from tensorflow.python.saved_model import tag_constants as _tag_constants def get_filepath(filename, base_dir=None): """Returns the full path of the filename. Args: filename: Subdirectory and name of the model file. base_dir: Base directory containing model file. Returns: str. """ if base_dir is None: base_dir = "learning/brain/mobile/tflite_compat_models" return os.path.join(_resource_loader.get_root_dir_with_all_resources(), base_dir, filename) def get_image(size): """Returns an image loaded into an np.ndarray with dims [1, size, size, 3]. Args: size: Size of image. Returns: np.ndarray. """ img_filename = _resource_loader.get_path_to_datafile( "testdata/grace_hopper.jpg") img = image.load_img(img_filename, target_size=(size, size)) img_array = image.img_to_array(img) img_array = np.expand_dims(img_array, axis=0) return img_array def _convert(converter, **kwargs): """Converts the model. Args: converter: TFLiteConverter object. **kwargs: Additional arguments to be passed into the converter. Supported flags are {"target_ops", "post_training_quantize", "quantize_to_float16", "post_training_quantize_16x8", "model_input_size"}. Returns: The converted TFLite model in serialized format. Raises: ValueError: Invalid version number. """ if "target_ops" in kwargs: converter.target_spec.supported_ops = kwargs["target_ops"] if "post_training_quantize" in kwargs: converter.optimizations = [_lite.Optimize.DEFAULT] if kwargs.get("quantize_to_float16", False): converter.target_spec.supported_types = [dtypes.float16] if kwargs.get("post_training_quantize_16x8", False): input_size = kwargs.get("model_input_size") def _get_calib_data_func(): def representative_data_gen(): num_calibration = 20 for _ in range(num_calibration): yield [ np.random.rand( 1, input_size[0], input_size[1], input_size[2], ).astype(np.float32) ] return representative_data_gen converter.optimizations = [_lite.Optimize.DEFAULT] converter.target_spec.supported_ops = \ [_lite.OpsSet.\ EXPERIMENTAL_TFLITE_BUILTINS_ACTIVATIONS_INT16_WEIGHTS_INT8] converter.representative_dataset = _get_calib_data_func() return converter.convert() def _check_model_quantized_to_16x8(tflite_model): """Checks that the activations are quantized into int16. Args: tflite_model: Serialized TensorFlow Lite model. Raises: ValueError: Activations with int16 type are not found. """ interpreter = _get_tflite_interpreter(tflite_model) interpreter.allocate_tensors() all_tensor_details = interpreter.get_tensor_details() found_input = False for tensor in all_tensor_details: if "_int16" in tensor["name"]: found_input = True if tensor["dtype"] is not np.int16: raise ValueError("Activations should be int16.") # Check that we found activations in the correct type: int16 if not found_input: raise ValueError("Could not find int16 activations.") def _get_tflite_interpreter(tflite_model, input_shapes_resize=None): """Creates a TFLite interpreter with resized input tensors. Args: tflite_model: Serialized TensorFlow Lite model. input_shapes_resize: A map where the key is the input tensor name and the value is the shape of the input tensor. This resize happens after model conversion, prior to calling allocate tensors. (default None) Returns: lite.Interpreter """ interpreter = _lite.Interpreter(model_content=tflite_model) if input_shapes_resize: input_details = interpreter.get_input_details() input_details_map = { detail["name"]: detail["index"] for detail in input_details } for name, shape in input_shapes_resize.items(): idx = input_details_map[name] interpreter.resize_tensor_input(idx, shape) return interpreter def _get_input_data_map(tflite_model, input_data): """Generates a map of input data based on the TFLite model. Args: tflite_model: Serialized TensorFlow Lite model. input_data: List of np.ndarray. Returns: {str: [np.ndarray]}. """ interpreter = _get_tflite_interpreter(tflite_model) interpreter.allocate_tensors() input_details = interpreter.get_input_details() return { input_tensor["name"]: data for input_tensor, data in zip(input_details, input_data) } def _generate_random_input_data(tflite_model, seed=None, input_data_range=None, input_shapes_resize=None): """Generates input data based on the input tensors in the TFLite model. Args: tflite_model: Serialized TensorFlow Lite model. seed: Integer seed for the random generator. (default None) input_data_range: A map where the key is the input tensor name and the value is a tuple (min_val, max_val) which specifies the value range of the corresponding input tensor. For example, '{'input1': (1, 5)}' means to generate a random value for tensor `input1` within range [1.0, 5.0) (half-inclusive). (default None) input_shapes_resize: A map where the key is the input tensor name and the value is the shape of the input tensor. This resize happens after model conversion, prior to calling allocate tensors. (default None) Returns: ([np.ndarray], {str : [np.ndarray]}). """ interpreter = _get_tflite_interpreter(tflite_model, input_shapes_resize) interpreter.allocate_tensors() input_details = interpreter.get_input_details() if seed: np.random.seed(seed=seed) # Generate random input data. If a tensor's value range is specified, say # [a, b), then the generated value will be (b - a) * Unif[0.0, 1.0) + a, # otherwise it's Unif[0.0, 1.0). input_data = [] for input_tensor in input_details: val = np.random.random_sample(input_tensor["shape"]) if (input_data_range is not None and input_tensor["name"] in input_data_range): val = (input_data_range[input_tensor["name"]][1] - input_data_range[input_tensor["name"]][0] ) * val + input_data_range[input_tensor["name"]][0] input_data.append(np.array(val, dtype=input_tensor["dtype"])) input_data_map = _get_input_data_map(tflite_model, input_data) return input_data, input_data_map def _evaluate_tflite_model(tflite_model, input_data, input_shapes_resize=None): """Returns evaluation of input data on TFLite model. Args: tflite_model: Serialized TensorFlow Lite model. input_data: List of np.ndarray. input_shapes_resize: A map where the key is the input tensor name and the value is the shape of the input tensor. This resize happens after model conversion, prior to calling allocate tensors. (default None) Returns: List of np.ndarray. """ interpreter = _get_tflite_interpreter(tflite_model, input_shapes_resize) interpreter.allocate_tensors() input_details = interpreter.get_input_details() output_details = interpreter.get_output_details() for input_tensor, tensor_data in zip(input_details, input_data): interpreter.set_tensor(input_tensor["index"], tensor_data) interpreter.invoke() output_data = [ interpreter.get_tensor(output_tensor["index"]) for output_tensor in output_details ] output_labels = [output_tensor["name"] for output_tensor in output_details] return output_data, output_labels def evaluate_frozen_graph(filename, input_arrays, output_arrays): """Returns a function that evaluates the frozen graph on input data. Args: filename: Full filepath of file containing frozen GraphDef. input_arrays: List of input tensors to freeze graph with. output_arrays: List of output tensors to freeze graph with. Returns: Lambda function ([np.ndarray data] : [np.ndarray result]). """ with _file_io.FileIO(filename, "rb") as f: file_content = graph_def = _graph_pb2.GraphDef() try: graph_def.ParseFromString(file_content) except (_text_format.ParseError, DecodeError): if not isinstance(file_content, str): if PY2: file_content = file_content.encode("utf-8") else: file_content = file_content.decode("utf-8") _text_format.Merge(file_content, graph_def) graph = ops.Graph() with graph.as_default(): _import_graph_def(graph_def, name="") inputs = _util.get_tensors_from_tensor_names(graph, input_arrays) outputs = _util.get_tensors_from_tensor_names(graph, output_arrays) def run_session(input_data): with _session.Session(graph=graph) as sess: return, dict(zip(inputs, input_data))) return run_session def evaluate_saved_model(directory, tag_set, signature_key): """Returns a function that evaluates the SavedModel on input data. Args: directory: SavedModel directory to convert. tag_set: Set of tags identifying the MetaGraphDef within the SavedModel to analyze. All tags in the tag set must be present. signature_key: Key identifying SignatureDef containing inputs and outputs. Returns: Lambda function ([np.ndarray data] : [np.ndarray result]). """ with _session.Session().as_default() as sess: if tag_set is None: tag_set = set([_tag_constants.SERVING]) if signature_key is None: signature_key = _signature_constants.DEFAULT_SERVING_SIGNATURE_DEF_KEY meta_graph = _loader.load(sess, tag_set, directory) signature_def = _convert_saved_model.get_signature_def( meta_graph, signature_key) inputs, outputs = _convert_saved_model.get_inputs_outputs(signature_def) return lambda input_data:, dict(zip(inputs, input_data))) def evaluate_keras_model(filename): """Returns a function that evaluates the tf.keras model on input data. Args: filename: Full filepath of HDF5 file containing the tf.keras model. Returns: Lambda function ([np.ndarray data] : [np.ndarray result]). """ keras_model = _keras.models.load_model(filename) return lambda input_data: [keras_model.predict(input_data)] def compare_models(tflite_model, tf_eval_func, input_shapes_resize=None, input_data=None, input_data_range=None, tolerance=5): """Compares TensorFlow and TFLite models. Unless the input data is provided, the models are compared with random data. Args: tflite_model: Serialized TensorFlow Lite model. tf_eval_func: Lambda function that takes in input data and outputs the results of the TensorFlow model ([np.ndarray data] : [np.ndarray result]). input_shapes_resize: A map where the key is the input tensor name and the value is the shape of the input tensor. This resize happens after model conversion, prior to calling allocate tensors. (default None) input_data: np.ndarray to pass into models during inference. (default None) input_data_range: A map where the key is the input tensor name and the value is a tuple (min_val, max_val) which specifies the value range of the corresponding input tensor. For example, '{'input1': (1, 5)}' means to generate a random value for tensor `input1` within range [1.0, 5.0) (half-inclusive). (default None) tolerance: Decimal place to check accuracy to. (default 5). """ if input_data is None: input_data, _ = _generate_random_input_data( tflite_model=tflite_model, input_data_range=input_data_range, input_shapes_resize=input_shapes_resize) tf_results = tf_eval_func(input_data) tflite_results, _ = _evaluate_tflite_model( tflite_model, input_data, input_shapes_resize=input_shapes_resize) for tf_result, tflite_result in zip(tf_results, tflite_results): np.testing.assert_almost_equal(tf_result, tflite_result, tolerance) def compare_models_v2(tflite_model, tf_eval_func, input_data=None, input_data_range=None, tolerance=5): """Compares TensorFlow and TFLite models for TensorFlow 2.0. Unless the input data is provided, the models are compared with random data. Currently only 1 input and 1 output are supported by this function. Args: tflite_model: Serialized TensorFlow Lite model. tf_eval_func: Function to evaluate TensorFlow model. Either a lambda function that takes in input data and outputs the results or a TensorFlow ConcreteFunction. input_data: np.ndarray to pass into models during inference. (default None). input_data_range: A map where the key is the input tensor name and the value is a tuple (min_val, max_val) which specifies the value range of the corresponding input tensor. For example, '{'input1': (1, 5)}' means to generate a random value for tensor `input1` within range [1.0, 5.0) (half-inclusive). (default None) tolerance: Decimal place to check accuracy to. (default 5) """ # Convert the input data into a map. if input_data is None: input_data, input_data_map = _generate_random_input_data( tflite_model=tflite_model, input_data_range=input_data_range) else: input_data_map = _get_input_data_map(tflite_model, input_data) input_data_func_map = { input_name: constant_op.constant(input_data) for input_name, input_data in input_data_map.items() } if len(input_data) > 1: tf_results = tf_eval_func(**input_data_func_map) else: tf_results = tf_eval_func(constant_op.constant(input_data[0])) tflite_results, tflite_labels = _evaluate_tflite_model( tflite_model, input_data) # Convert the output TensorFlow results into an ordered list. if isinstance(tf_results, dict): if len(tf_results) == 1: tf_results = [tf_results[list(tf_results.keys())[0]]] else: tf_results = [tf_results[tflite_label] for tflite_label in tflite_labels] else: tf_results = [tf_results] for tf_result, tflite_result in zip(tf_results, tflite_results): np.testing.assert_almost_equal(tf_result, tflite_result, tolerance) def test_frozen_graph_quant(filename, input_arrays, output_arrays, input_shapes=None, **kwargs): """Sanity check to validate post quantize flag alters the graph. This test does not check correctness of the converted model. It converts the TensorFlow frozen graph to TFLite with and without the post_training_quantized flag. It ensures some tensors have different types between the float and quantized models in the case of an all TFLite model or mix-and-match model. It ensures tensor types do not change in the case of an all Flex model. Args: filename: Full filepath of file containing frozen GraphDef. input_arrays: List of input tensors to freeze graph with. output_arrays: List of output tensors to freeze graph with. input_shapes: Dict of strings representing input tensor names to list of integers representing input shapes (e.g., {"foo" : [1, 16, 16, 3]}). Automatically determined when input shapes is None (e.g., {"foo" : None}). (default None) **kwargs: Additional arguments to be passed into the converter. Raises: ValueError: post_training_quantize flag doesn't act as intended. """ # Convert and load the float model. converter = _lite.TFLiteConverter.from_frozen_graph( filename, input_arrays, output_arrays, input_shapes) tflite_model_float = _convert(converter, **kwargs) interpreter_float = _get_tflite_interpreter(tflite_model_float) interpreter_float.allocate_tensors() float_tensors = interpreter_float.get_tensor_details() # Convert and load the quantized model. converter = _lite.TFLiteConverter.from_frozen_graph(filename, input_arrays, output_arrays, input_shapes) tflite_model_quant = _convert( converter, post_training_quantize=True, **kwargs) interpreter_quant = _get_tflite_interpreter(tflite_model_quant) interpreter_quant.allocate_tensors() quant_tensors = interpreter_quant.get_tensor_details() quant_tensors_map = { tensor_detail["name"]: tensor_detail for tensor_detail in quant_tensors } # Check if weights are of different types in the float and quantized models. num_tensors_float = len(float_tensors) num_tensors_same_dtypes = sum( float_tensor["dtype"] == quant_tensors_map[float_tensor["name"]]["dtype"] for float_tensor in float_tensors) has_quant_tensor = num_tensors_float != num_tensors_same_dtypes # For the "flex" case, post_training_quantize should not alter the graph, # unless we are quantizing to float16. if ("target_ops" in kwargs and not kwargs.get("quantize_to_float16", False) and not kwargs.get("post_training_quantize_16x8", False) and set(kwargs["target_ops"]) == set([_lite.OpsSet.SELECT_TF_OPS])): if has_quant_tensor: raise ValueError("--post_training_quantize flag unexpectedly altered the " "full Flex mode graph.") elif not has_quant_tensor: raise ValueError("--post_training_quantize flag was unable to quantize the " "graph as expected in TFLite and mix-and-match mode.") def test_frozen_graph(filename, input_arrays, output_arrays, input_shapes=None, input_shapes_resize=None, input_data=None, input_data_range=None, **kwargs): """Validates the TensorFlow frozen graph converts to a TFLite model. Converts the TensorFlow frozen graph to TFLite and checks the accuracy of the model on random data. Args: filename: Full filepath of file containing frozen GraphDef. input_arrays: List of input tensors to freeze graph with. output_arrays: List of output tensors to freeze graph with. input_shapes: Dict of strings representing input tensor names to list of integers representing input shapes (e.g., {"foo" : [1, 16, 16, 3]}). Automatically determined when input shapes is None (e.g., {"foo" : None}). (default None) input_shapes_resize: A map where the key is the input tensor name and the value is the shape of the input tensor. This resize happens after model conversion, prior to calling allocate tensors. (default None) input_data: np.ndarray to pass into models during inference. (default None). input_data_range: A map where the key is the input tensor name and the value is a tuple (min_val, max_val) which specifies the value range of the corresponding input tensor. For example, '{'input1': (1, 5)}' means to generate a random value for tensor `input1` within range [1.0, 5.0) (half-inclusive). (default None) **kwargs: Additional arguments to be passed into the converter. """ converter = _lite.TFLiteConverter.from_frozen_graph( filename, input_arrays, output_arrays, input_shapes) tflite_model = _convert(converter, **kwargs) tf_eval_func = evaluate_frozen_graph(filename, input_arrays, output_arrays) compare_models( tflite_model, tf_eval_func, input_shapes_resize=input_shapes_resize, input_data=input_data, input_data_range=input_data_range) def test_saved_model(directory, input_shapes=None, tag_set=None, signature_key=None, input_data=None, input_data_range=None, **kwargs): """Validates the TensorFlow SavedModel converts to a TFLite model. Converts the TensorFlow SavedModel to TFLite and checks the accuracy of the model on random data. Args: directory: SavedModel directory to convert. input_shapes: Dict of strings representing input tensor names to list of integers representing input shapes (e.g., {"foo" : [1, 16, 16, 3]}). Automatically determined when input shapes is None (e.g., {"foo" : None}). (default None) tag_set: Set of tags identifying the MetaGraphDef within the SavedModel to analyze. All tags in the tag set must be present. signature_key: Key identifying SignatureDef containing inputs and outputs. input_data: np.ndarray to pass into models during inference. (default None). input_data_range: A map where the key is the input tensor name and the value is a tuple (min_val, max_val) which specifies the value range of the corresponding input tensor. For example, '{'input1': (1, 5)}' means to generate a random value for tensor `input1` within range [1.0, 5.0) (half-inclusive). (default None) **kwargs: Additional arguments to be passed into the converter. """ converter = _lite.TFLiteConverter.from_saved_model( directory, input_shapes=input_shapes, tag_set=tag_set, signature_key=signature_key) tflite_model = _convert(converter, **kwargs) # 5 decimal places by default tolerance = 5 if kwargs.get("post_training_quantize_16x8", False): _check_model_quantized_to_16x8(tflite_model) # only 2 decimal places for full quantization tolerance = 2 tf_eval_func = evaluate_saved_model(directory, tag_set, signature_key) compare_models( tflite_model, tf_eval_func, input_data=input_data, input_data_range=input_data_range, tolerance=tolerance) def test_saved_model_v2(directory, tag_set=None, signature_key=None, input_data=None, input_data_range=None, **kwargs): """Validates the TensorFlow SavedModel converts to a TFLite model. Converts the TensorFlow SavedModel to TFLite and checks the accuracy of the model on random data. Args: directory: SavedModel directory to convert. tag_set: Set of tags identifying the MetaGraphDef within the SavedModel to analyze. All tags in the tag set must be present. signature_key: Key identifying SignatureDef containing inputs and outputs. input_data: np.ndarray to pass into models during inference. (default None). input_data_range: A map where the key is the input tensor name and the value is a tuple (min_val, max_val) which specifies the value range of the corresponding input tensor. For example, '{'input1': (1, 5)}' means to generate a random value for tensor `input1` within range [1.0, 5.0) (half-inclusive). (default None) **kwargs: Additional arguments to be passed into the converter. """ model = _load.load(directory, tags=tag_set) if not signature_key: signature_key = _signature_constants.DEFAULT_SERVING_SIGNATURE_DEF_KEY concrete_func = model.signatures[signature_key] converter = _lite.TFLiteConverterV2.from_concrete_functions([concrete_func]) tflite_model = _convert(converter, **kwargs) compare_models_v2( tflite_model, concrete_func, input_data=input_data, input_data_range=input_data_range) def test_saved_model_v2_quant_float16(directory, **kwargs): """Validates the TensorFlow SavedModel converts to a TFLite model.""" converter = _lite.TFLiteConverterV2.from_saved_model(directory) tflite_model_float = _convert(converter, version=2, **kwargs) interpreter_float = _get_tflite_interpreter(tflite_model_float) interpreter_float.allocate_tensors() float_tensors = interpreter_float.get_tensor_details() tflite_model_quant = _convert( converter, version=2, post_training_quantize=True, quantize_to_float16=True, **kwargs) interpreter_quant = _get_tflite_interpreter(tflite_model_quant) interpreter_quant.allocate_tensors() quant_tensors = interpreter_quant.get_tensor_details() quant_tensors_map = { tensor_detail["name"]: tensor_detail for tensor_detail in quant_tensors } # Check if weights are of different types in the float and quantized models. num_tensors_float = len(float_tensors) num_tensors_same_dtypes = sum( float_tensor["dtype"] == quant_tensors_map[float_tensor["name"]]["dtype"] for float_tensor in float_tensors) has_quant_tensor = num_tensors_float != num_tensors_same_dtypes if not has_quant_tensor: raise ValueError("--post_training_quantize flag was unable to quantize the " "graph as expected.") def test_keras_model(filename, input_arrays=None, input_shapes=None, input_data=None, input_data_range=None, **kwargs): """Validates the tf.keras model converts to a TFLite model. Converts the tf.keras model to TFLite and checks the accuracy of the model on random data. Args: filename: Full filepath of HDF5 file containing the tf.keras model. input_arrays: List of input tensors to freeze graph with. input_shapes: Dict of strings representing input tensor names to list of integers representing input shapes (e.g., {"foo" : [1, 16, 16, 3]}). Automatically determined when input shapes is None (e.g., {"foo" : None}). (default None) input_data: np.ndarray to pass into models during inference. (default None). input_data_range: A map where the key is the input tensor name and the value is a tuple (min_val, max_val) which specifies the value range of the corresponding input tensor. For example, '{'input1': (1, 5)}' means to generate a random value for tensor `input1` within range [1.0, 5.0) (half-inclusive). (default None) **kwargs: Additional arguments to be passed into the converter. """ converter = _lite.TFLiteConverter.from_keras_model_file( filename, input_arrays=input_arrays, input_shapes=input_shapes) tflite_model = _convert(converter, **kwargs) tf_eval_func = evaluate_keras_model(filename) compare_models( tflite_model, tf_eval_func, input_data=input_data, input_data_range=input_data_range) def test_keras_model_v2(filename, input_shapes=None, input_data=None, input_data_range=None, **kwargs): """Validates the tf.keras model converts to a TFLite model. Converts the tf.keras model to TFLite and checks the accuracy of the model on random data. Args: filename: Full filepath of HDF5 file containing the tf.keras model. input_shapes: List of list of integers representing input shapes in the order of the tf.keras model's .input attribute (e.g., [[1, 16, 16, 3]]). (default None) input_data: np.ndarray to pass into models during inference. (default None). input_data_range: A map where the key is the input tensor name and the value is a tuple (min_val, max_val) which specifies the value range of the corresponding input tensor. For example, '{'input1': (1, 5)}' means to generate a random value for tensor `input1` within range [1.0, 5.0) (half-inclusive). (default None) **kwargs: Additional arguments to be passed into the converter. """ keras_model = _keras.models.load_model(filename) if input_shapes: for tensor, shape in zip(keras_model.inputs, input_shapes): tensor.set_shape(shape) converter = _lite.TFLiteConverterV2.from_keras_model(keras_model) tflite_model = _convert(converter, **kwargs) tf_eval_func = evaluate_keras_model(filename) compare_models_v2( tflite_model, tf_eval_func, input_data=input_data, input_data_range=input_data_range)
# coding=utf-8 """ Module containing evaluation functions suitable for judging the performance of a fitted LightFM model. """ import numpy as np from ._lightfm_fast import CSRMatrix, calculate_auc_from_rank __all__ = ["precision_at_k", "recall_at_k", "auc_score", "reciprocal_rank"] def precision_at_k( model, test_interactions, train_interactions=None, k=10, user_features=None, item_features=None, preserve_rows=False, num_threads=1, check_intersections=True, ): """ Measure the precision at k metric for a model: the fraction of known positives in the first k positions of the ranked list of results. A perfect score is 1.0. Parameters ---------- model: LightFM instance the fitted model to be evaluated test_interactions: np.float32 csr_matrix of shape [n_users, n_items] Non-zero entries representing known positives in the evaluation set. train_interactions: np.float32 csr_matrix of shape [n_users, n_items], optional Non-zero entries representing known positives in the train set. These will be omitted from the score calculations to avoid re-recommending known positives. k: integer, optional The k parameter. user_features: np.float32 csr_matrix of shape [n_users, n_user_features], optional Each row contains that user's weights over features. item_features: np.float32 csr_matrix of shape [n_items, n_item_features], optional Each row contains that item's weights over features. preserve_rows: boolean, optional When False (default), the number of rows in the output will be equal to the number of users with interactions in the evaluation set. When True, the number of rows in the output will be equal to the number of users. num_threads: int, optional Number of parallel computation threads to use. Should not be higher than the number of physical cores. check_intersections: bool, optional, True by default, Only relevant when train_interactions are supplied. A flag that signals whether the test and train matrices should be checked for intersections to prevent optimistic ranks / wrong evaluation / bad data split. Returns ------- np.array of shape [n_users with interactions or n_users,] Numpy array containing precision@k scores for each user. If there are no interactions for a given user the returned precision will be 0. """ if num_threads < 1: raise ValueError("Number of threads must be 1 or larger.") ranks = model.predict_rank( test_interactions, train_interactions=train_interactions, user_features=user_features, item_features=item_features, num_threads=num_threads, check_intersections=check_intersections, ) = np.less(, k, precision = np.squeeze(np.array(ranks.sum(axis=1))) / k if not preserve_rows: precision = precision[test_interactions.getnnz(axis=1) > 0] return precision def recall_at_k( model, test_interactions, train_interactions=None, k=10, user_features=None, item_features=None, preserve_rows=False, num_threads=1, check_intersections=True, ): """ Measure the recall at k metric for a model: the number of positive items in the first k positions of the ranked list of results divided by the number of positive items in the test period. A perfect score is 1.0. Parameters ---------- model: LightFM instance the fitted model to be evaluated test_interactions: np.float32 csr_matrix of shape [n_users, n_items] Non-zero entries representing known positives in the evaluation set. train_interactions: np.float32 csr_matrix of shape [n_users, n_items], optional Non-zero entries representing known positives in the train set. These will be omitted from the score calculations to avoid re-recommending known positives. k: integer, optional The k parameter. user_features: np.float32 csr_matrix of shape [n_users, n_user_features], optional Each row contains that user's weights over features. item_features: np.float32 csr_matrix of shape [n_items, n_item_features], optional Each row contains that item's weights over features. preserve_rows: boolean, optional When False (default), the number of rows in the output will be equal to the number of users with interactions in the evaluation set. When True, the number of rows in the output will be equal to the number of users. num_threads: int, optional Number of parallel computation threads to use. Should not be higher than the number of physical cores. check_intersections: bool, optional, True by default, Only relevant when train_interactions are supplied. A flag that signals whether the test and train matrices should be checked for intersections to prevent optimistic ranks / wrong evaluation / bad data split. Returns ------- np.array of shape [n_users with interactions or n_users,] Numpy array containing recall@k scores for each user. If there are no interactions for a given user having items in the test period, the returned recall will be 0. """ if num_threads < 1: raise ValueError("Number of threads must be 1 or larger.") ranks = model.predict_rank( test_interactions, train_interactions=train_interactions, user_features=user_features, item_features=item_features, num_threads=num_threads, check_intersections=check_intersections, ) = np.less(, k, retrieved = np.squeeze(test_interactions.getnnz(axis=1)) hit = np.squeeze(np.array(ranks.sum(axis=1))) if not preserve_rows: hit = hit[test_interactions.getnnz(axis=1) > 0] retrieved = retrieved[test_interactions.getnnz(axis=1) > 0] return hit / retrieved def auc_score( model, test_interactions, train_interactions=None, user_features=None, item_features=None, preserve_rows=False, num_threads=1, check_intersections=True, ): """ Measure the ROC AUC metric for a model: the probability that a randomly chosen positive example has a higher score than a randomly chosen negative example. A perfect score is 1.0. Parameters ---------- model: LightFM instance the fitted model to be evaluated test_interactions: np.float32 csr_matrix of shape [n_users, n_items] Non-zero entries representing known positives in the evaluation set. train_interactions: np.float32 csr_matrix of shape [n_users, n_items], optional Non-zero entries representing known positives in the train set. These will be omitted from the score calculations to avoid re-recommending known positives. user_features: np.float32 csr_matrix of shape [n_users, n_user_features], optional Each row contains that user's weights over features. item_features: np.float32 csr_matrix of shape [n_items, n_item_features], optional Each row contains that item's weights over features. preserve_rows: boolean, optional When False (default), the number of rows in the output will be equal to the number of users with interactions in the evaluation set. When True, the number of rows in the output will be equal to the number of users. num_threads: int, optional Number of parallel computation threads to use. Should not be higher than the number of physical cores. check_intersections: bool, optional, True by default, Only relevant when train_interactions are supplied. A flag that signals whether the test and train matrices should be checked for intersections to prevent optimistic ranks / wrong evaluation / bad data split. Returns ------- np.array of shape [n_users with interactions or n_users,] Numpy array containing AUC scores for each user. If there are no interactions for a given user the returned AUC will be 0.5. """ if num_threads < 1: raise ValueError("Number of threads must be 1 or larger.") ranks = model.predict_rank( test_interactions, train_interactions=train_interactions, user_features=user_features, item_features=item_features, num_threads=num_threads, check_intersections=check_intersections, ) assert np.all( >= 0) auc = np.zeros(ranks.shape[0], dtype=np.float32) if train_interactions is not None: num_train_positives = np.squeeze( np.array(train_interactions.getnnz(axis=1)).astype(np.int32) ) else: num_train_positives = np.zeros(test_interactions.shape[0], dtype=np.int32) # The second argument is modified in-place, but # here we don't care about the inconsistency # introduced into the ranks matrix. calculate_auc_from_rank( CSRMatrix(ranks), num_train_positives,, auc, num_threads ) if not preserve_rows: auc = auc[test_interactions.getnnz(axis=1) > 0] return auc def reciprocal_rank( model, test_interactions, train_interactions=None, user_features=None, item_features=None, preserve_rows=False, num_threads=1, check_intersections=True, ): """ Measure the reciprocal rank metric for a model: 1 / the rank of the highest ranked positive example. A perfect score is 1.0. Parameters ---------- model: LightFM instance the fitted model to be evaluated test_interactions: np.float32 csr_matrix of shape [n_users, n_items] Non-zero entries representing known positives in the evaluation set. train_interactions: np.float32 csr_matrix of shape [n_users, n_items], optional Non-zero entries representing known positives in the train set. These will be omitted from the score calculations to avoid re-recommending known positives. user_features: np.float32 csr_matrix of shape [n_users, n_user_features], optional Each row contains that user's weights over features. item_features: np.float32 csr_matrix of shape [n_items, n_item_features], optional Each row contains that item's weights over features. preserve_rows: boolean, optional When False (default), the number of rows in the output will be equal to the number of users with interactions in the evaluation set. When True, the number of rows in the output will be equal to the number of users. num_threads: int, optional Number of parallel computation threads to use. Should not be higher than the number of physical cores. check_intersections: bool, optional, True by default, Only relevant when train_interactions are supplied. A flag that signals whether the test and train matrices should be checked for intersections to prevent optimistic ranks / wrong evaluation / bad data split. Returns ------- np.array of shape [n_users with interactions or n_users,] Numpy array containing reciprocal rank scores for each user. If there are no interactions for a given user the returned value will be 0.0. """ if num_threads < 1: raise ValueError("Number of threads must be 1 or larger.") ranks = model.predict_rank( test_interactions, train_interactions=train_interactions, user_features=user_features, item_features=item_features, num_threads=num_threads, check_intersections=check_intersections, ) = 1.0 / ( + 1.0) ranks = np.squeeze(np.array(ranks.max(axis=1).todense())) if not preserve_rows: ranks = ranks[test_interactions.getnnz(axis=1) > 0] return ranks
""" Manage Windows features via the ServerManager powershell module. Can install and remove roles/features. :maintainer: Shane Lee <[email protected]> :platform: Windows Server 2008R2 or greater :depends: win_servermanager.install :depends: win_servermanager.remove """ # Import salt modules import def __virtual__(): """ Load only if win_servermanager is loaded """ if "win_servermanager.install" in __salt__: return "win_servermanager" return (False, "win_servermanager module could not be loaded") def installed( name, features=None, recurse=False, restart=False, source=None, exclude=None, **kwargs ): """ Install the windows feature. To install a single feature, use the ``name`` parameter. To install multiple features, use the ``features`` parameter. .. note:: Some features require reboot after un/installation. If so, until the server is restarted other features can not be installed! Args: name (str): Short name of the feature (the right column in win_servermanager.list_available). This can be a single feature or a string of features in a comma delimited list (no spaces) .. note:: A list is not allowed in the name parameter of any state. Use the ``features`` parameter if you want to pass the features as a list features (Optional[list]): A list of features to install. If this is passed it will be used instead of the ``name`` parameter. .. versionadded:: 2018.3.0 recurse (Optional[bool]): Install all sub-features as well. If the feature is installed but one of its sub-features are not installed set this will install additional sub-features. This argument was previously renamed from ``force``. To ensure backwards compatibility ``force`` will continue to work but please update your states to use the preferred ``recurse`` arg. source (Optional[str]): Path to the source files if missing from the target system. None means that the system will use windows update services to find the required files. Default is None restart (Optional[bool]): Restarts the computer when installation is complete, if required by the role/feature installed. Default is False exclude (Optional[str]): The name of the feature to exclude when installing the named feature. This can be a single feature, a string of features in a comma-delimited list (no spaces), or a list of features. .. warning:: As there is no exclude option for the ``Add-WindowsFeature`` or ``Install-WindowsFeature`` PowerShell commands the features named in ``exclude`` will be installed with other sub-features and will then be removed. **If the feature named in ``exclude`` is not a sub-feature of one of the installed items it will still be removed.** Example: Do not use the role or feature names mentioned in the PKGMGR documentation. To get a list of available roles and features run the following command: .. code-block:: bash salt <minion_name> win_servermanager.list_available Use the name in the right column of the results. .. code-block:: yaml # Installs the IIS Web Server Role (Web-Server) IIS-WebServerRole: win_servermanager.installed: - recurse: True - name: Web-Server # Install multiple features, exclude the Web-Service install_multiple_features: win_servermanager.installed: - recurse: True - features: - RemoteAccess - XPS-Viewer - SNMP-Service - exclude: - Web-Server """ if "force" in kwargs: kwargs.pop("force") ret = {"name": name, "result": True, "changes": {}, "comment": ""} # Check if features is not passed, use name. Split commas if features is None: features = name.split(",") # Make sure features is a list, split commas if not isinstance(features, list): features = features.split(",") # Determine if the feature is installed old = __salt__["win_servermanager.list_installed"]() cur_feat = [] for feature in features: if feature not in old: ret["changes"][feature] = "Will be installed recurse={}".format(recurse) elif recurse: ret["changes"][feature] = "Already installed but might install sub-features" else: cur_feat.append(feature) if cur_feat: cur_feat.insert(0, "The following features are already installed:") ret["comment"] = "\n- ".join(cur_feat) if not ret["changes"]: return ret if __opts__["test"]: ret["result"] = None return ret # Install the features status = __salt__["win_servermanager.install"]( features, recurse=recurse, restart=restart, source=source, exclude=exclude ) ret["result"] = status["Success"] # Show items failed to install fail_feat = [] new_feat = [] rem_feat = [] for feature in status["Features"]: # Features that failed to install or be removed if not status["Features"][feature].get("Success", True): fail_feat.append("- {}".format(feature)) # Features that installed elif "(exclude)" not in status["Features"][feature]["Message"]: new_feat.append("- {}".format(feature)) # Show items that were removed because they were part of `exclude` elif "(exclude)" in status["Features"][feature]["Message"]: rem_feat.append("- {}".format(feature)) if fail_feat: fail_feat.insert(0, "Failed to install the following:") if new_feat: new_feat.insert(0, "Installed the following:") if rem_feat: rem_feat.insert(0, "Removed the following (exclude):") ret["comment"] = "\n".join(fail_feat + new_feat + rem_feat) # Get the changes new = __salt__["win_servermanager.list_installed"]() ret["changes"] =, new) return ret def removed(name, features=None, remove_payload=False, restart=False): """ Remove the windows feature To remove a single feature, use the ``name`` parameter. To remove multiple features, use the ``features`` parameter. Args: name (str): Short name of the feature (the right column in win_servermanager.list_available). This can be a single feature or a string of features in a comma-delimited list (no spaces) .. note:: A list is not allowed in the name parameter of any state. Use the ``features`` parameter if you want to pass the features as a list features (Optional[list]): A list of features to remove. If this is passed it will be used instead of the ``name`` parameter. .. versionadded:: 2018.3.0 remove_payload (Optional[bool]): True will cause the feature to be removed from the side-by-side store. To install the feature in the future you will need to specify the ``source`` restart (Optional[bool]): Restarts the computer when uninstall is complete if required by the role/feature uninstall. Default is False .. note:: Some features require a reboot after uninstall. If so the feature will not be completely uninstalled until the server is restarted. Example: Do not use the role or feature names mentioned in the PKGMGR documentation. To get a list of available roles and features run the following command: .. code-block:: bash salt <minion_name> win_servermanager.list_available Use the name in the right column of the results. .. code-block:: yaml # Uninstall the IIS Web Server Rol (Web-Server) IIS-WebserverRole: win_servermanager.removed: - name: Web-Server # Uninstall multiple features, reboot if required uninstall_multiple_features: win_servermanager.removed: - features: - RemoteAccess - XPX-Viewer - SNMP-Service - restart: True """ ret = {"name": name, "result": True, "changes": {}, "comment": ""} # Check if features is not passed, use name. Split commas if features is None: features = name.split(",") # Make sure features is a list, split commas if not isinstance(features, list): features = features.split(",") # Determine if the feature is installed old = __salt__["win_servermanager.list_installed"]() rem_feat = [] for feature in features: if feature in old: ret["changes"][feature] = "Will be removed" else: rem_feat.append(feature) if rem_feat: rem_feat.insert(0, "The following features are not installed:") ret["comment"] = "\n- ".join(rem_feat) if not ret["changes"]: return ret if __opts__["test"]: ret["result"] = None return ret # Remove the features status = __salt__["win_servermanager.remove"]( features, remove_payload=remove_payload, restart=restart ) ret["result"] = status["Success"] # Some items failed to uninstall fail_feat = [] rem_feat = [] for feature in status["Features"]: # Use get because sometimes 'Success' isn't defined such as when the # feature is already uninstalled if not status["Features"][feature].get("Success", True): # Show items that failed to uninstall fail_feat.append("- {}".format(feature)) else: # Show items that uninstalled rem_feat.append("- {}".format(feature)) if fail_feat: fail_feat.insert(0, "Failed to remove the following:") if rem_feat: rem_feat.insert(0, "Removed the following:") ret["comment"] = "\n".join(fail_feat + rem_feat) # Get the changes new = __salt__["win_servermanager.list_installed"]() ret["changes"] =, new) return ret
# !/usr/bin/python3 # Filename: # This is the main file used to simulate a Robot in a grid world. __author__ = 'Siddharth Pramod' __email__ = '[email protected]' import random import gui_grid from math import pi, sin, cos from collections import deque from pprint import pprint from scipy import io inf = float('inf') class World(): """ A class to describe a Robot World.""" def __init__(self, name, size_x, size_y): """ :type name: str :param name: name for the World :type size_x: int :param size_x: Size of the World in the x-dimension :type size_y: int :param size_y: Size of the World in the y-dimension """ = name self.xl = 0 self.xr = size_x self.yu = 0 self.yd = size_y self.wallList = {} self.currentWallId = 0 self.display = gui_grid.WorldDisplay(width = size_x, height = size_y) print('World instantiated, \n Name: {0}' '\n Dims: ({1} x {2})'.format(, self.xr, self.yd)) def __del__(self): print('Ending world {0}'.format( def buildWall(self, x, y): """ Build a wall at location x, y""" wall = Wall(x, y) self.display.showWall(wall) self.wallList[self.currentWallId] = (x, y) self.currentWallId += 1 return None class Wall(): """ A class describing a Wall/Impassable Obstruction.""" def __init__(self, x, y): """ :param x: location of the Wall. :param y: location of the Wall.""" self.x = x self.y = y class Robot(): """ Class to define a robot.""" def __init__(self, idn, world): """ :type idn: int :param idn: ID number :type world: World :param world: World object that the Robot is to be initialized in """ self.idn = idn = world self.pos_x = random.randint(world.xl, world.xr) # Set random position self.pos_y = random.randint(world.yu, world.yd) self.pos_or = random.randint(0, 3) # Set random orientation self.ranges = [0. for i in range(8)] # Eight direction sonar self.getRanges() self.records = deque([]) world.display.showRobot(self) print('Robot instantiated in world \'{0}\', \n ID: {1}'.format(, self.idn)) self.read_pos() def __del__(self): print('Robot {0} removed from World \'{1}\''.format(self.idn, def read_pos(self): print('Robot {0} is at: ({1},{2},{3}) \n Ranges:{4}' .format(self.idn, self.pos_x, self.pos_y, self.pos_or, self.ranges)) def left(self, n): """ Move n steps left.""" self.pos_or = (self.pos_or - n) % 4 self.getRanges() return None def right(self, n): """ Move n steps right.""" self.pos_or = (self.pos_or + n) % 4 self.getRanges() return None def forward(self, n): """ Move n steps forward.""" rad = pi / 2 * self.pos_or if (self.pos_x + n * cos(rad), self.pos_y + n * sin(rad)) not in self.pos_x += n * cos(rad) self.pos_y += n * sin(rad) if self.pos_x > # ensure robot doesn't step out of world self.pos_x = elif self.pos_x < self.pos_x = if self.pos_y > self.pos_y = elif self.pos_y < self.pos_y = # else: # print ('Wall at ({0},{1})'.format(self.pos_x + n * cos(rad), self.pos_y + n * sin(rad))) self.pos_x = round(self.pos_x) self.pos_y = round(self.pos_y) self.getRanges() return None def getRanges(self): """ Get ranges to the nearest wall in 8 equally spaced directions - N, E, S, W, NE, SE, SW, NW. Useful to simulate a SONAR.""" ranges = [inf for i in range(8)] for i in range(4): # First for North/East/South/West ranges rad = pi / 2 * ((self.pos_or + i) % 4) d = 0 found = False while not found: if (round(self.pos_x + d * cos(rad)), round(self.pos_y + d * sin(rad))) in ranges[i] = d # Since this is a grid world, else it would be the sum of sin & cos components found = True d += 1 if ((self.pos_x + d * cos(rad)) < or (self.pos_x + d * cos(rad)) > or (self.pos_y + d * sin(rad)) < or (self.pos_y + d * sin(rad)) > break # print (i,d,rad) for i in range(4): # Next for NE/SE/SW/NW ranges rad = pi / 2 * ((self.pos_or + i) % 4) d = 0 found = False while not found: if (round(self.pos_x + d * (cos(rad) + sin(rad))), round(self.pos_y + d * (sin(rad) - cos(rad)))) in ranges[4+i] = 2 * d # Since this is a grid world, else it would be the sum of sin & cos components found = True d += 1 if ((self.pos_x + d * cos(rad)) < or (self.pos_x + d * cos(rad)) > or (self.pos_y + d * sin(rad)) < or (self.pos_y + d * sin(rad)) > break self.ranges = ranges return None def recordRanges(self): """ To maintain a record of range percepts.""" self.records.append(self.ranges) return None def brownian(self, n): """ Perform brownian motion for n steps""" for i in range(n): random.choice([self.right, self.left, self.forward])(1) self.recordRanges() self.writeRecords2Mat('./records.mat') return None def writeRecords2Mat(self, filename): """ Save the range percep records as a .mat file.""" io.savemat(filename, mdict={'X': self.records}) if __name__ == '__main__': w = World('Simple', 51, 31) # Init World for j in range(52): # Top & bottom boundaries w.buildWall(j, 0) w.buildWall(j, 31) for j in range(32): # Left & Right boundaries w.buildWall(0, j) w.buildWall(51, j) for j in range(10, 25): # West Wall w.buildWall(10, j) for j in range(10, 40): # North & south walls w.buildWall(j, 10) w.buildWall(j, 25) for j in range(10, 15): # center wall top w.buildWall(25, j) for j in range(21, 26): # center wall bottom w.buildWall(25, j) r = Robot(1, w) # Init Robot w.display.controlRobot(r) # Display robot # r.brownian(1000) # Uncomment to perform Brownian motion # pprint(list(r.records)) # Uncomment to print record of range percepts w.display.root.mainloop() # Uncomment to control Robot manually, nothing below this runs
"""Config flow for the Huawei LTE platform.""" from collections import OrderedDict import logging from typing import Optional from urllib.parse import urlparse from huawei_lte_api.AuthorizedConnection import AuthorizedConnection from huawei_lte_api.Client import Client from huawei_lte_api.Connection import Connection from huawei_lte_api.exceptions import ( LoginErrorPasswordWrongException, LoginErrorUsernamePasswordOverrunException, LoginErrorUsernamePasswordWrongException, LoginErrorUsernameWrongException, ResponseErrorException, ) from requests.exceptions import Timeout from url_normalize import url_normalize import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant import config_entries from homeassistant.components import ssdp from homeassistant.const import ( CONF_NAME, CONF_PASSWORD, CONF_RECIPIENT, CONF_URL, CONF_USERNAME, ) from homeassistant.core import callback # see about the DOMAIN's pylint issue from .const import CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, DEFAULT_DEVICE_NAME, DEFAULT_NOTIFY_SERVICE_NAME from .const import DOMAIN # pylint: disable=unused-import _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) class ConfigFlowHandler(config_entries.ConfigFlow, domain=DOMAIN): """Handle Huawei LTE config flow.""" VERSION = 2 CONNECTION_CLASS = config_entries.CONN_CLASS_LOCAL_POLL @staticmethod @callback def async_get_options_flow(config_entry): """Get options flow.""" return OptionsFlowHandler(config_entry) async def _async_show_user_form(self, user_input=None, errors=None): if user_input is None: user_input = {} return self.async_show_form( step_id="user", data_schema=vol.Schema( OrderedDict( ( ( vol.Required( CONF_URL, default=user_input.get( CONF_URL, # self.context.get( # pylint: disable=no-member CONF_URL, "" ), ), ), str, ), ( vol.Optional( CONF_USERNAME, default=user_input.get(CONF_USERNAME, "") ), str, ), ( vol.Optional( CONF_PASSWORD, default=user_input.get(CONF_PASSWORD, "") ), str, ), ) ) ), errors=errors or {}, ) async def async_step_import(self, user_input=None): """Handle import initiated config flow.""" return await self.async_step_user(user_input) def _already_configured(self, user_input): """See if we already have a router matching user input configured.""" existing_urls = { url_normalize([CONF_URL], default_scheme="http") for entry in self._async_current_entries() } return user_input[CONF_URL] in existing_urls async def async_step_user(self, user_input=None): """Handle user initiated config flow.""" if user_input is None: return await self._async_show_user_form() errors = {} # Normalize URL user_input[CONF_URL] = url_normalize( user_input[CONF_URL], default_scheme="http" ) if "://" not in user_input[CONF_URL]: errors[CONF_URL] = "invalid_url" return await self._async_show_user_form( user_input=user_input, errors=errors ) if self._already_configured(user_input): return self.async_abort(reason="already_configured") conn = None def logout(): if hasattr(conn, "user"): try: conn.user.logout() except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except _LOGGER.debug("Could not logout", exc_info=True) def try_connect(username: Optional[str], password: Optional[str]) -> Connection: """Try connecting with given credentials.""" if username or password: conn = AuthorizedConnection( user_input[CONF_URL], username=username, password=password, timeout=CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, ) else: try: conn = AuthorizedConnection( user_input[CONF_URL], username="", password="", timeout=CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, ) user_input[CONF_USERNAME] = "" user_input[CONF_PASSWORD] = "" except ResponseErrorException: _LOGGER.debug( "Could not login with empty credentials, proceeding unauthenticated", exc_info=True, ) conn = Connection(user_input[CONF_URL], timeout=CONNECTION_TIMEOUT) del user_input[CONF_USERNAME] del user_input[CONF_PASSWORD] return conn def get_router_title(conn: Connection) -> str: """Get title for router.""" title = None client = Client(conn) try: info = client.device.basic_information() except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except _LOGGER.debug("Could not get device.basic_information", exc_info=True) else: title = info.get("devicename") if not title: try: info = client.device.information() except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except _LOGGER.debug("Could not get device.information", exc_info=True) else: title = info.get("DeviceName") return title or DEFAULT_DEVICE_NAME username = user_input.get(CONF_USERNAME) password = user_input.get(CONF_PASSWORD) try: conn = await self.hass.async_add_executor_job( try_connect, username, password ) except LoginErrorUsernameWrongException: errors[CONF_USERNAME] = "incorrect_username" except LoginErrorPasswordWrongException: errors[CONF_PASSWORD] = "incorrect_password" except LoginErrorUsernamePasswordWrongException: errors[CONF_USERNAME] = "incorrect_username_or_password" except LoginErrorUsernamePasswordOverrunException: errors["base"] = "login_attempts_exceeded" except ResponseErrorException: _LOGGER.warning("Response error", exc_info=True) errors["base"] = "response_error" except Timeout: _LOGGER.warning("Connection timeout", exc_info=True) errors[CONF_URL] = "connection_timeout" except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except _LOGGER.warning("Unknown error connecting to device", exc_info=True) errors[CONF_URL] = "unknown_connection_error" if errors: await self.hass.async_add_executor_job(logout) return await self._async_show_user_form( user_input=user_input, errors=errors ) # pylint: disable=no-member title = self.context.get("title_placeholders", {}).get( CONF_NAME ) or await self.hass.async_add_executor_job(get_router_title, conn) await self.hass.async_add_executor_job(logout) return self.async_create_entry(title=title, data=user_input) async def async_step_ssdp(self, discovery_info): """Handle SSDP initiated config flow.""" await self.async_set_unique_id(discovery_info[ssdp.ATTR_UPNP_UDN]) self._abort_if_unique_id_configured() # Attempt to distinguish from other non-LTE Huawei router devices, at least # some ones we are interested in have "Mobile Wi-Fi" friendlyName. if "mobile" not in discovery_info.get(ssdp.ATTR_UPNP_FRIENDLY_NAME, "").lower(): return self.async_abort(reason="not_huawei_lte") # url = self.context[CONF_URL] = url_normalize( # pylint: disable=no-member discovery_info.get( ssdp.ATTR_UPNP_PRESENTATION_URL, f"http://{urlparse(discovery_info[ssdp.ATTR_SSDP_LOCATION]).hostname}/", ) ) if any( url == flow["context"].get(CONF_URL) for flow in self._async_in_progress() ): return self.async_abort(reason="already_in_progress") user_input = {CONF_URL: url} if self._already_configured(user_input): return self.async_abort(reason="already_configured") # pylint: disable=no-member self.context["title_placeholders"] = { CONF_NAME: discovery_info.get(ssdp.ATTR_UPNP_FRIENDLY_NAME) } return await self._async_show_user_form(user_input) class OptionsFlowHandler(config_entries.OptionsFlow): """Huawei LTE options flow.""" def __init__(self, config_entry: config_entries.ConfigEntry): """Initialize options flow.""" self.config_entry = config_entry async def async_step_init(self, user_input=None): """Handle options flow.""" # Recipients are persisted as a list, but handled as comma separated string in UI if user_input is not None: # Preserve existing options, for example *_from_yaml markers data = {**self.config_entry.options, **user_input} if not isinstance(data[CONF_RECIPIENT], list): data[CONF_RECIPIENT] = [ x.strip() for x in data[CONF_RECIPIENT].split(",") ] return self.async_create_entry(title="", data=data) data_schema = vol.Schema( { vol.Optional( CONF_NAME, default=self.config_entry.options.get( CONF_NAME, DEFAULT_NOTIFY_SERVICE_NAME ), ): str, vol.Optional( CONF_RECIPIENT, default=", ".join( self.config_entry.options.get(CONF_RECIPIENT, []) ), ): str, } ) return self.async_show_form(step_id="init", data_schema=data_schema)
from __future__ import division,print_function import sys,re,os import logging on_rtd = os.environ.get('READTHEDOCS') == 'True' if not on_rtd: import numpy as np from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord,Angle import numpy.random as rand import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd from astropy import units as u from astropy.units.quantity import Quantity from astropy import constants as const MSUN = const.M_sun.cgs.value AU = DAY = 86400 G = const.G.cgs.value else: np = None SkyCoord, Angle = (None, None) rand = None plt = None pd = None u = None Quantity = None const = None MSUN, AU, DAY, G = (None, None, None, None) from .utils import semimajor,random_spherepos,orbitproject,orbit_posvel from ..plotutils import setfig from ..hashutils import hashcombine, hashdf class TripleOrbitPopulation(object): """ Stars 2 and 3 orbit each other (short orbit), far from star 1 (long orbit) This object defines the orbits of a triple star system, with orbits calculated assuming the "long" orbit does not perturb the "short" orbit, which will not be true in the long run, but should be true over short timescales as long as ``Plong >> Pshort``. A :class:`TripleOrbitPopulation` is essentially made up of two :class:`OrbitPopulation` objects: one for the "long" orbit and one for the "short." :param M1,M2,M3: Masses of stars. Stars 2 and 3 are in a short orbit, far away from star 1. If not :class:`astropy.units.Quantity` objects, then assumed to be in solar mass units. May be single value or array-like. :param Plong,Pshort: Orbital Periods. Plong is orbital period of 2+3 and 1; Pshort is orbital period of 2 and 3. If not :class:`astropy.units.Quantity` objects, assumed to be in days. Can be single value or array-like. N.B. If any item in Pshort happens to be longer than the corresponding item in Plong, they will be switched. :param ecclong,eccshort: (optional) Eccentricities. Same story (long vs. short). Default=0 (circular). Can be single value or array-like. :param n: (optional) Number of systems to simulate (if ``M1``, ``M2``, ``M3`` aren't arrays of size > 1 already). :param mean_anomaly_short,mean_anomaly_long: (optional) Mean anomalies. This is only passed if you need to restore a particular specific configuration (i.e., a particular saved simulation), e.g., as done by :func:`TripleOrbitPopulation.from_df`. If not provided, then randomized on (0, 2pi). :param obsx_short,obsy_short,obsz_short: (optional) "Observer" positions for the short orbit. Also only passed for purposes of restoring configuration. :param obsx_long,obsy_long,obsz_long: (optional) "Observer" positions for long orbit. Also only passed for purposes of restoring configuration. :param obspos_short,obspos_long: (optional) "Observer positions for short and long orbits, provided as :class:`astropy.SkyCoord` objects. These will replace obsx_short/long, obsy_short/long, obsz_short/long parameters if present. """ def __init__(self,M1,M2,M3,Plong,Pshort,ecclong=0,eccshort=0,n=None, mean_anomaly_long=None,obsx_long=None,obsy_long=None,obsz_long=None, obspos_long=None, mean_anomaly_short=None,obsx_short=None, obsy_short=None,obsz_short=None, obspos_short=None): Pshort, Plong = (np.minimum(Pshort,Plong), np.maximum(Pshort,Plong)) #if Plong < Pshort: # Pshort,Plong = (Plong, Pshort) self.orbpop_long = OrbitPopulation(M1,M2+M3,Plong,ecc=ecclong,n=n, mean_anomaly=mean_anomaly_long, obsx=obsx_long,obsy=obsy_long,obsz=obsz_long) self.orbpop_short = OrbitPopulation(M2,M3,Pshort,ecc=eccshort,n=n, mean_anomaly=mean_anomaly_short, obsx=obsx_short,obsy=obsy_short,obsz=obsz_short) def __hash__(self): return hashcombine(self.orbpop_long, self.orbpop_short) @property def RV(self): """ Instantaneous RV of star 1 with respect to system center-of-mass """ return self.RV_1 @property def RV_1(self): """ Instantaneous RV of star 1 with respect to system center-of-mass """ return self.orbpop_long.RV * (self.orbpop_long.M2 / (self.orbpop_long.M1 + self.orbpop_long.M2)) @property def RV_2(self): """ Instantaneous RV of star 2 with respect to system center-of-mass """ return -self.orbpop_long.RV * (self.orbpop_long.M1 / (self.orbpop_long.M1 + self.orbpop_long.M2)) +\ self.orbpop_short.RV_com1 @property def RV_3(self): """ Instantaneous RV of star 3 with respect to system center-of-mass """ return -self.orbpop_long.RV * (self.orbpop_long.M1 / (self.orbpop_long.M1 + self.orbpop_long.M2)) +\ self.orbpop_short.RV_com2 @property def Rsky(self): """ Projected separation of star 2+3 pair from star 1 [projected AU] """ return self.orbpop_long.Rsky def dRV(self,dt): """ Returns difference in RVs (separated by time dt) of star 1. :param dt: Time separation for which to compute RV change. If not an :class:`astropy.units.Quantity` object, then assumed to be in days. """ return self.dRV_1(dt) def dRV_1(self,dt): """ Returns difference in RVs (separated by time dt) of star 1. :param dt: Time separation for which to compute RV change. If not an :class:`astropy.units.Quantity` object, then assumed to be in days. """ return self.orbpop_long.dRV(dt,com=True) def dRV_2(self,dt): """ Returns difference in RVs (separated by time dt) of star 2. :param dt: Time separation for which to compute RV change. If not an :class:`astropy.units.Quantity` object, then assumed to be in days. """ return -self.orbpop_long.dRV(dt) * (self.orbpop_long.M1/(self.orbpop_long.M1 + self.orbpop_long.M2)) +\ self.orbpop_short.dRV(dt,com=True) def dRV_3(self,dt): """ Returns difference in RVs (separated by time dt) of star 3. :param dt: Time separation for which to compute RV change. If not an :class:`astropy.units.Quantity` object, then assumed to be in days. """ return -self.orbpop_long.dRV(dt) * (self.orbpop_long.M1/(self.orbpop_long.M1 + self.orbpop_long.M2)) -\ self.orbpop_short.dRV(dt) * (self.orbpop_short.M1/(self.orbpop_short.M1 + self.orbpop_short.M2)) def save_hdf(self,filename,path=''): """ Save to HDF5 file in desired path. """ self.orbpop_long.save_hdf(filename,'{}/long'.format(path)) self.orbpop_short.save_hdf(filename,'{}/short'.format(path)) def __add__(self, other): if type(self) != type(other): raise TypeError('Can only add like types of TripleOrbitPopulation') newdf_long = pd.concat((self.orbpop_long.dataframe, other.orbpop_long.dataframe)) newdf_short = pd.concat((self.orbpop_short.dataframe, other.orbpop_short.dataframe)) return TripleOrbitPopulation_FromDF(newdf_long, newdf_short) @classmethod def from_df(cls, df_long, df_short): """ Builds TripleOrbitPopulation from DataFrame ``DataFrame`` objects must be of appropriate form to pass to :func:`OrbitPopulation.from_df`. :param df_long, df_short: :class:`pandas.DataFrame` objects to pass to :func:`OrbitPopulation.from_df`. """ pop = cls(1,1,1,1,1) #dummy population pop.orbpop_long = OrbitPopulation.from_df(df_long) pop.orbpop_short = OrbitPopulation.from_df(df_short) return pop @classmethod def load_hdf(cls, filename, path=''): """ Load TripleOrbitPopulation from saved .h5 file. :param filename: HDF file name. :param path: Path within HDF file where data is stored. """ df_long = pd.read_hdf(filename,'{}/long/df'.format(path)) df_short = pd.read_hdf(filename,'{}/short/df'.format(path)) return cls.from_df(df_long, df_short) class OrbitPopulation(object): """Population of orbits. :param M1,M2: Primary and secondary masses (if not ``Quantity``, assumed to be in solar masses). Can be ``float``, array-like or ``Quantity``. :param P: Orbital period(s) (if not ``Quantity``, assumed to be in days) :type P: ``float``, array-like or ``Quantity``. :param ecc: (``float`` or array-like, optional) Eccentricities. :param n: (optional) Number of instances to simulate. If not provided, then this number will be the length of ``M2`` (or ``P``) provided. :param mean_anomaly: (optional) Mean anomalies of orbits. Usually this will just be set randomly, but can be provided to initialize a particular state (e.g., when restoring an :class:`OrbitPopulation` object from a saved state). :param obsx, obsy, obsz: (optional) "Observer" positions to define coordinates. Will be set randomly if not provided. :param obspos: (optional) "Observer" positions may be set with a ``SkyCoord`` object (replaces obsx, obsy, obsz) :type obspos: :class:`astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` """ def __init__(self,M1,M2,P,ecc=0,n=None, mean_anomaly=None,obsx=None,obsy=None,obsz=None, obspos=None): if type(M1) != Quantity: M1 = Quantity(M1, unit='M_sun') if type(M2) != Quantity: M2 = Quantity(M2, unit='M_sun') if type(P) != Quantity: P = Quantity(P, unit='day') if n is None: if M2.size==1: n = P.size else: n = M2.size self.M1 = M1 self.M2 = M2 self.N = n self.P = P if np.size(ecc) == 1: ecc = np.ones(n)*ecc self.ecc = ecc mred = M1*M2/(M1+M2) self.semimajor = semimajor(P,mred) #AU self.mred = mred if mean_anomaly is None: M = rand.uniform(0,2*np.pi,size=n) else: M = mean_anomaly self.M = M #coordinates of random observers if obspos is None: if obsx is None: self.obspos = random_spherepos(n) else: self.obspos = SkyCoord(obsx,obsy,obsz,representation='cartesian') else: self.obspos = obspos #get positions, velocities relative to M1 position,velocity = orbit_posvel(self.M,self.ecc,self.semimajor.value, self.mred.value, self.obspos) self.position = position self.velocity = velocity def __add__(self, other): if type(self) != type(other): raise TypeError('Can only add like types of OrbitPopulation') newdf = pd.concat((self.dataframe, other.dataframe)) return OrbitPopulation_FromDF(newdf) def __hash__(self): return hashdf(self.dataframe) @property def Rsky(self): """ Sky separation of stars, in projected AU. """ return np.sqrt(self.position.x**2 + self.position.y**2) @property def RV(self): """ Relative radial velocities of two stars """ return self.velocity.z @property def RV_com1(self): """ RVs of star 1 relative to center-of-mass """ return self.RV * (self.M2 / (self.M1 + self.M2)) @property def RV_com2(self): """ RVs of star 2 relative to center-of-mass """ return -self.RV * (self.M1 / (self.M1 + self.M2)) def dRV(self,dt,com=False): """Change in RV of star 1 for time separation dt (default=days) :param dt: Time separation for which to compute RV change. If not a ``Quantity``, then assumed to be in days. :type dt: float, array-like, or ``Quantity`` :param com: (``bool``, optional) If ``True``, then return dRV of star 1 in center-of-mass frame. :return dRV: Change in radial velocity over time ``dt``. """ if type(dt) != Quantity: dt *= mean_motions = np.sqrt(G*(self.mred)*MSUN/(self.semimajor*AU)**3) mean_motions = np.sqrt(const.G*(self.mred)/(self.semimajor)**3) newM = self.M + mean_motions * dt pos,vel = orbit_posvel(newM,self.ecc,self.semimajor.value, self.mred.value, self.obspos) if com: return (vel.z - self.RV) * (self.M2 / (self.M1 + self.M2)) else: return vel.z-self.RV def RV_timeseries(self,ts,recalc=False): """ Radial Velocity time series for star 1 at given times ts. :param ts: Times. If not ``Quantity``, assumed to be in days. :type ts: array-like or ``Quantity`` :param recalc: (optional) If ``False``, then if called with the exact same ``ts`` as last call, it will return cached calculation. """ if type(ts) != Quantity: ts *= if not recalc and hasattr(self,'RV_measurements'): if (ts == self.ts).all(): return self._RV_measurements else: pass RVs = Quantity(np.zeros((len(ts),self.N)),unit='km/s') for i,t in enumerate(ts): RVs[i,:] = self.dRV(t,com=True) self._RV_measurements = RVs self.ts = ts return RVs @property def dataframe(self): """ Summary DataFrame of OrbitPopulation Used to save/restore state. """ if not hasattr(self,'_dataframe'): obspos = self.obspos.represent_as('cartesian') obsx, obsy, obsz = (obspos.x,obspos.y,obspos.z) df = pd.DataFrame({'M1':self.M1, 'M2':self.M2, 'P':self.P, 'ecc':self.ecc, 'mean_anomaly':self.M, 'obsx':obsx, 'obsy':obsy, 'obsz':obsz}) self._dataframe = df return self._dataframe def scatterplot(self,fig=None,figsize=(7,7),ms=0.5, rmax=None,log=False,**kwargs): """ Makes a scatter plot of projected X-Y sky separation :param fig: (optional) Passed to :func:`plotutils.setfig` :param figsize: (optional) Size of figure (in). :param ms: (optional) Marker size :param rmax: (optional) Maximum projected radius to plot. :param log: (optional) Whether to plot with log scale. :param **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments passed to ``plt.plot``. """ setfig(fig,figsize=figsize) plt.plot(self.position.x.value,self.position.y.value,'o',ms=ms,**kwargs) plt.xlabel('projected separation [AU]') plt.ylabel('projected separation [AU]') if rmax is not None: plt.xlim((-rmax,rmax)) plt.ylim((-rmax,rmax)) if log: plt.xscale('log') plt.yscale('log') def save_hdf(self,filename,path=''): """ Saves all relevant data to .h5 file; so state can be restored. """ self.dataframe.to_hdf(filename,'{}/df'.format(path)) @classmethod def from_df(cls, df): """Creates an OrbitPopulation from a DataFrame. :param df: :class:`pandas.DataFrame` object. Must contain the following columns: ``['M1','M2','P','ecc','mean_anomaly','obsx','obsy','obsz']``, i.e., as what is accessed via :attr:`OrbitPopulation.dataframe`. :return: :class:`OrbitPopulation`. """ return cls(df['M1'], df['M2'], df['P'], ecc=df['ecc'], mean_anomaly=df['mean_anomaly'], obsx=df['obsx'], obsy=df['obsy'], obsz=df['obsz']) @classmethod def load_hdf(cls, filename, path=''): """Loads OrbitPopulation from HDF file. :param filename: HDF file :param path: Path within HDF file store where :class:`OrbitPopulation` is saved. """ df = pd.read_hdf(filename,'{}/df'.format(path)) return cls.from_df(df) class BinaryGrid(OrbitPopulation): def __init__(self, M1, qmin=0.1, qmax=1, Pmin=0.5, Pmax=365, N=1e5, logP=True, eccfn=None): """A grid of companions to primary, in mass ratio and period space. :param M1: Primary mass [solar masses]. :type M1: ``float`` :param qmin,qmax: (optional) Minimum and maximum mass ratios. :param Pmin,Pmax: (optional) Min/max periods in days. :param N: (optional) Total number of simulations. Default = 10^5. :param logP: (optional) Whether to grid in log-period. If ``False``, then linear. :param eccfn: (optional) Function that returns eccentricity as a function of period. If ``None``, then eccentricity will be zero. :type eccfn: callable """ M1s = np.ones(N)*M1 M2s = (rand.random(size=N)*(qmax-qmin) + qmin)*M1s if logP: Ps = 10**(rand.random(size=N)*((np.log10(Pmax) - np.log10(Pmin))) + np.log10(Pmin)) else: Ps = rand.random(size=N)*(Pmax - Pmin) + Pmin if eccfn is None: eccs = 0 else: eccs = eccfn(Ps) self.eccfn = eccfn OrbitPopulation.__init__(self,M1s,M2s,Ps,ecc=eccs) def RV_RMSgrid(self,ts,res=20,mres=None,Pres=None, conf=0.95,measured_rms=None,drv=0, plot=True,fig=None,contour=True,sigma=1): """Writes a grid of RV RMS values, assuming observations at given times. Caveat Emptor: Written a long time ago, and hasn't really been tested. :param ts: Times of observations :param res, mres, Pres: (optional) Resolution of grids. ``res`` relates to both mass and period; otherwise ``mres`` and ``Pres`` can be set separately. :param conf: (optional) Confidence at which to exclude regions. Used if ``measured_rms`` is ``None``. :param measured_rms: (optional) Measured RV RMS, if applicable [not sure exactly how this is used] :param drv: (optional) Uncertainties in RV to simulate. :param plot: (optional) Whether to plot result. :param fig: (optional) Passed to :func:`plotutils.setfig`. :param contour: (optional) Whether to plot contours. :param sigma: (optional) Level at which to exclude, based on ``measured_rms``. """ RVs = self.RV_timeseries(ts) RVs += rand.normal(size=np.size(RVs)).reshape(RVs.shape)*drv rms = RVs.std(axis=0) if mres is None: mres = res if Pres is None: Pres = res mbins = np.linspace(self.M2.min(),self.M2.max(),mres+1) Pbins = np.logspace(np.log10(self.P.min()),np.log10(self.P.max()),Pres+1) logPbins = np.log10(Pbins) mbin_centers = (mbins[:-1] + mbins[1:])/2. logPbin_centers = (logPbins[:-1] + logPbins[1:])/2. minds = np.digitize(self.M2,mbins) Pinds = np.digitize(self.P,Pbins) pctiles = np.zeros((mres,Pres)) ns = np.zeros((mres,Pres)) for i in np.arange(mres): for j in np.arange(Pres): w = np.where((minds==i+1) & (Pinds==j+1)) these = rms[w] n = size(these) ns[i,j] = n if measured_rms is not None: pctiles[i,j] = (these > sigma*measured_rms).sum()/float(n) else: inds = np.argsort(these) pctiles[i,j] = these[inds][int((1-conf)*n)] Ms,logPs = np.meshgrid(mbin_centers,logPbin_centers) if plot: setfig(fig) if contour: mbin_centers = (mbins[:-1] + mbins[1:])/2. logPbins = np.log10(Pbins) logPbin_centers = (logPbins[:-1] + logPbins[1:])/2. if measured_rms is not None: levels = [0.68,0.95,0.99] else: levels = np.arange(0,20,2) c = plt.contour(logPbin_centers,mbin_centers,pctiles,levels=levels,colors='k') plt.clabel(c, fontsize=10, inline=1) else: extent = [np.log10(self.P.min()),np.log10(self.P.max()),self.M2.min(),self.M2.max()] im = plt.imshow(pctiles,cmap='Greys',extent=extent,aspect='auto') fig = plt.gcf() ax = plt.gca() if measured_rms is None: cbarticks = np.arange(0,21,2) else: cbarticks = np.arange(0,1.01,0.1) cbar = fig.colorbar(im, ticks=cbarticks) plt.xlabel('Log P') plt.ylabel('M2') return mbins,Pbins,pctiles,ns
# pylint: disable=invalid-name """ Model domains ============= Regular latitude/longitude -------------------------- For regular latitude/longitude grids a simple bounding box test is all that is required to determine if a point lies inside the domain. Irregular boundaries -------------------- Regional ocean models with irregular boundaries can perform an additional point in polygon check to determine if a point is inside the domain. Global models ------------- Ocean models of global extent typically have a southern boundary, since Antarctica is a land mass covering the South Pole. A North/South extent check may be sufficient to determine whether a point belongs to the domain or not. """ from itertools import izip import numpy as np def inside(grid_longitudes, grid_latitudes, observed_longitudes, observed_latitudes, kind="regular"): """Detect points inside a model domain Apply geometry techniques to determine if an observation is inside a model domain. Strategies included can handle regular lon/lat, global latitude bands and polygonal grids. ======= =============================================== Key Description ======= =============================================== regular model grids bounded by a longitude/latitude box band model grid bounded north/south polygon general case where model boundary treated as polygon ======= =============================================== :param grid_longitudes: 2D array shaped (X, Y) :param grid_latitudes: 2D array shaped (X, Y) :param observed_longitudes: 1D array shaped (N,) :param observed_latitudes: 1D array shaped (N,) :param kind: string indicating which kind of model grid is being used :returns: boolean array where True indicates observation is inside domain """ if kind.lower() in ["regular", "box", "lonlat"]: return Box.from2d(grid_longitudes, grid_latitudes).inside(observed_longitudes, observed_latitudes) elif kind.lower() in ["band", "latitude_band"]: return LatitudeBand.from_latitudes(grid_latitudes).inside(observed_latitudes) elif kind.lower() in ["polygon", "irregular", "rotated"]: return Polygon(grid_longitudes, grid_latitudes).inside(observed_longitudes, observed_latitudes) class LatitudeBand(object): """Latitude band domain Positions within two latitude parallels are considered inside the domain. :param minimum: southernmost latitude :param maximum: northernmost latitude """ def __init__(self, minimum, maximum): self.minimum = minimum self.maximum = maximum @classmethod def from_latitudes(cls, latitudes): """Construct latitude band from latitude array""" return cls(, def inside(self, latitudes): """Determine observations inside grid""" return ((latitudes >= self.minimum) & (latitudes <= self.maximum)) class Polygon(object): """General ocean grid definition Arbitrary shaped non-intersecting polygon domain. Uses a combination of bounding box and point in polygon algorithms to decide if a point is inside the domain. :param longitudes: 2D array shaped (X, Y) :param latitudes: 2D array shaped (X, Y) """ def __init__(self, longitudes, latitudes): self.bounding_box = Box.from2d(longitudes, latitudes) self.point_in_polygon = PointInPolygon.from2d(longitudes, latitudes) def inside(self, longitudes, latitudes): """Check observations are contained within domain :param longitudes: x-coordinate to test :param latitudes: y-coordinate to test :returns: logical indicating coordinates contained in polygon """ longitudes = np.asarray(longitudes, dtype="d") latitudes = np.asarray(latitudes, dtype="d") if longitudes.ndim == 0: return self.point_in_polygon.inside(longitudes, latitudes) # Optimal vector algorithm result = np.zeros_like(longitudes, dtype=np.bool) in_box = self.bounding_box.inside(longitudes, latitudes) result[in_box] = self.point_in_polygon.inside(longitudes[in_box], latitudes[in_box]) return result class Box(object): """Bounding box surrounding collection of vertices""" def __init__(self, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax): self.xmin = xmin self.xmax = xmax self.ymin = ymin self.ymax = ymax @classmethod def from2d(cls, longitudes, latitudes): """Construct from 2D coordinates""" return cls(np.min(longitudes), np.max(longitudes), np.min(latitudes), np.max(latitudes)) def inside(self, x, y): """Check point lies inside box :param x: x-coordinate to test :param y: y-coordinate to test :returns: logical indicating coordinates contained in box """ return ((x <= self.xmax) & (x >= self.xmin) & (y <= self.ymax) & (y >= self.ymin)) def boundary(values): """Extract boundary from grid A boundary of a grid shaped N x M consists of 2N + 2M - 4 points. 2 rows, 2 columns minus 4 corners that have been double counted. :param values: 2D array shaped (N, M) :returns: array shaped (B, 2) where B is the number of points on the boundary (2N + 2M - 4). """ values = np.asarray(values) return np.asarray(list(values[:, 0]) + list(values[-1, 1:-1]) + list(values[::-1, -1]) + list(values[0, -2:0:-1]), dtype="d") def point_in_polygon(x, y, xp, yp): """Point in polygon algorithm""" return PointInPolygon(x, y).inside(xp, yp) class PointInPolygon(object): """Point in polygon search algorithm The algorithm proceeds as follow: - Detect faces that contain the y-coordinate of the test point - Find x-coordinate (nodes) for the faces at the test y-coordinate - Count nodes either side of the test point - An odd number of nodes on both sides means the point is inside - If the test point is a node (lies on boundary) it is also counted as inside In cases where two faces meet the lower face is counted as having a node. This convention removes double counting. As a result, points at the top of the polygon need to be treated separately. :param x: array of x coordinates of polygon vertices :param y: array of y coordinates of polygon vertices """ def __init__(self, x, y): self.x, self.y = np.asarray(x), np.asarray(y) # Define valid line segments x1, y1, x2, y2 = as_segments(self.x, self.y) self.x1, self.y1, self.x2, self.y2 = remove_horizontal(x1, y1, x2, y2) # Detect intervals containing f(x) = yp self.y_min, self.y_max = order_intervals(self.y1, self.y2) # Determine y-axis grid limit self.y_limit = np.max([self.y1, self.y2]) @classmethod def from2d(cls, longitudes, latitudes): """Construct point in polygon search from 2D longitudes and latitudes Conveniently maps array boundaries to polygon definition :param longitudes: array shape (X, Y) :param latitudes: array shape (X, Y) """ return cls(boundary(longitudes), boundary(latitudes)) def inside(self, xp, yp): """Check point(s) lie inside polygon""" xp, yp = np.asarray(xp), np.asarray(yp) if xp.ndim == 0: return self._scalar_inside(xp, yp) return self._vector_inside(xp, yp) def _vector_inside(self, xp, yp): return np.array([self._scalar_inside(x, y) for x, y in izip(xp, yp)], dtype=np.bool) def _scalar_inside(self, xp, yp): # Apply algorithm to points at top of domain if yp == self.y_limit: nodes = self.x[self.y == self.y_limit] return self.between_nodes(nodes, xp) # Detect intervals containing f(x) = yp points = interval_contains(self.y_min, self.y_max, yp) # Check that nodes exist if len(self.x1[points]) == 0: return False # Find x-values corresponding to yp for each segment nodes = solve(self.x1[points], self.y1[points], self.x2[points], self.y2[points], yp) return self.between_nodes(nodes, xp) @staticmethod def between_nodes(nodes, position): """Check position in relation to node positions A point is inside the domain for one of two reasons, either: - there are an odd number of nodes on either side of the point - the point is on the boundary (is a node position) :returns: True if position is in domain """ # Include solutions on boundary if position in nodes: return True # Count nodes left/right of xp return (odd(count_below(nodes, position)) and odd(count_above(nodes, position))) def as_segments(x, y): """Convert coordinates representing polygon to segments""" return x, y, cycle(x), cycle(y) def remove_horizontal(x1, y1, x2, y2): """Remove segments with zero slope""" keep = y1 != y2 return x1[keep], y1[keep], x2[keep], y2[keep] def cycle(values): """Shift array view in a cyclic manner""" return np.append(values[1:], values[0]) def order_intervals(left, right): """Rearrange intervals into ascending order :param left: left interval values :param right: right interval values :returns: (minimum, maximum) arrays sorted into lower/upper values """ return np.min([left, right], axis=0), np.max([left, right], axis=0) def interval_contains(minimum, maximum, value): """Determine if interval contains point .. note:: zero sized intervals do not contain points .. note:: interval is closed to the left and open on the right """ minimum, maximum = np.asarray(minimum), np.asarray(maximum) return (minimum <= value) & (value < maximum) def solve(x1, y1, x2, y2, y): """Solve equation of line for x given y This is the inverse of the usual approach to solving a linear equation. Linear equations can be solved forward for y or backward for x using the same form of equation, y0 + (dy / dx) * (x - x0). In this case with y and x switched, the equation reads x0 + (dx / dy) * (y - y0). :returns: value that satisfies line defined by (x1, y1), (x2, y2) """ dxdy = (x2 - x1) / (y2 - y1) return x1 + (dxdy * (y - y1)) def count_below(values, threshold): """Count number of values lying below some threshold""" return (values < threshold).sum() def count_above(values, threshold): """Count number of values lying above some threshold""" return (values > threshold).sum() def odd(number): """Determine if number is odd""" return (number % 2) == 1
from gym.envs.registration import registry, register, make, spec # Algorithmic # ---------------------------------------- register( id='Copy-v0', entry_point='gym.envs.algorithmic:CopyEnv', max_episode_steps=200, reward_threshold=25.0, ) register( id='RepeatCopy-v0', entry_point='gym.envs.algorithmic:RepeatCopyEnv', max_episode_steps=200, reward_threshold=75.0, ) register( id='ReversedAddition-v0', entry_point='gym.envs.algorithmic:ReversedAdditionEnv', kwargs={'rows' : 2}, max_episode_steps=200, reward_threshold=25.0, ) register( id='ReversedAddition3-v0', entry_point='gym.envs.algorithmic:ReversedAdditionEnv', kwargs={'rows' : 3}, max_episode_steps=200, reward_threshold=25.0, ) register( id='DuplicatedInput-v0', entry_point='gym.envs.algorithmic:DuplicatedInputEnv', max_episode_steps=200, reward_threshold=9.0, ) register( id='Reverse-v0', entry_point='gym.envs.algorithmic:ReverseEnv', max_episode_steps=200, reward_threshold=25.0, ) # Classic # ---------------------------------------- register( id='CartPole-v0', entry_point='gym.envs.classic_control:CartPoleEnv', max_episode_steps=200, reward_threshold=195.0, ) register( id='CartPole-v1', entry_point='gym.envs.classic_control:CartPoleEnv', max_episode_steps=500, reward_threshold=475.0, ) register( id='MountainCar-v0', entry_point='gym.envs.classic_control:MountainCarEnv', max_episode_steps=200, reward_threshold=-110.0, ) register( id='MountainCarContinuous-v0', entry_point='gym.envs.classic_control:Continuous_MountainCarEnv', max_episode_steps=999, reward_threshold=90.0, ) register( id='Pendulum-v0', entry_point='gym.envs.classic_control:PendulumEnv', max_episode_steps=200, ) register( id='Acrobot-v1', entry_point='gym.envs.classic_control:AcrobotEnv', max_episode_steps=500, ) # Box2d # ---------------------------------------- register( id='LunarLander-v2', entry_point='gym.envs.box2d:LunarLander', max_episode_steps=1000, reward_threshold=200, ) register( id='LunarLanderContinuous-v2', entry_point='gym.envs.box2d:LunarLanderContinuous', max_episode_steps=1000, reward_threshold=200, ) register( id='BipedalWalker-v2', entry_point='gym.envs.box2d:BipedalWalker', max_episode_steps=1600, reward_threshold=300, ) register( id='BipedalWalkerHardcore-v2', entry_point='gym.envs.box2d:BipedalWalkerHardcore', max_episode_steps=2000, reward_threshold=300, ) register( id='CarRacing-v0', entry_point='gym.envs.box2d:CarRacing', max_episode_steps=1000, reward_threshold=900, ) # Toy Text # ---------------------------------------- register( id='Blackjack-v0', entry_point='gym.envs.toy_text:BlackjackEnv', ) register( id='FrozenLake-v0', entry_point='gym.envs.toy_text:FrozenLakeEnv', kwargs={'map_name' : '4x4'}, max_episode_steps=100, reward_threshold=0.78, # optimum = .8196 ) register( id='FrozenLake8x8-v0', entry_point='gym.envs.toy_text:FrozenLakeEnv', kwargs={'map_name' : '8x8'}, max_episode_steps=200, reward_threshold=0.99, # optimum = 1 ) register( id='NChain-v0', entry_point='gym.envs.toy_text:NChainEnv', max_episode_steps=1000, ) register( id='Roulette-v0', entry_point='gym.envs.toy_text:RouletteEnv', max_episode_steps=100, ) register( id='Taxi-v2', entry_point='', reward_threshold=8, # optimum = 8.46 max_episode_steps=200, ) register( id='GuessingGame-v0', entry_point='gym.envs.toy_text.guessing_game:GuessingGame', max_episode_steps=200, ) register( id='HotterColder-v0', entry_point='gym.envs.toy_text.hotter_colder:HotterColder', max_episode_steps=200, ) # Mujoco # ---------------------------------------- # 2D register( id='Reacher-v1', entry_point='gym.envs.mujoco:ReacherEnv', max_episode_steps=50, reward_threshold=-3.75, ) register( id='InvertedPendulum-v1', entry_point='gym.envs.mujoco:InvertedPendulumEnv', max_episode_steps=1000, reward_threshold=950.0, ) register( id='InvertedDoublePendulum-v1', entry_point='gym.envs.mujoco:InvertedDoublePendulumEnv', max_episode_steps=1000, reward_threshold=9100.0, ) register( id='HalfCheetah-v1', entry_point='gym.envs.mujoco:HalfCheetahEnv', max_episode_steps=1000, reward_threshold=4800.0, ) register( id='Hopper-v1', entry_point='gym.envs.mujoco:HopperEnv', max_episode_steps=1000, reward_threshold=3800.0, ) register( id='Swimmer-v1', entry_point='gym.envs.mujoco:SwimmerEnv', max_episode_steps=1000, reward_threshold=360.0, ) register( id='Walker2d-v1', max_episode_steps=1000, entry_point='gym.envs.mujoco:Walker2dEnv', ) register( id='Ant-v1', entry_point='gym.envs.mujoco:AntEnv', max_episode_steps=1000, reward_threshold=6000.0, ) register( id='Humanoid-v1', entry_point='gym.envs.mujoco:HumanoidEnv', max_episode_steps=1000, ) register( id='HumanoidStandup-v1', entry_point='gym.envs.mujoco:HumanoidStandupEnv', max_episode_steps=1000, ) # Custom Mujoco # ---------------------------------------- ## V0: reach reward 0.4, grey register( id="Box3dReachPixel-v0", entry_point="gym.envs.mujoco:Box3dFixedReachEnvPixelGrey", max_episode_steps=200, ) ## V1: reach reward 0.1, grey register( id="Box3dReachPixel-v1", entry_point="gym.envs.mujoco:Box3dFixedReachEnvPixelGreyHarder", max_episode_steps=200, ) ## V2: no reward, 6 boxes, grey register( id="Box3dReachPixel-v2", entry_point="gym.envs.mujoco:Box3dMulMulObjConAvoidPixelGreyEnv", max_episode_steps=1000, ) ## V3: reach rew 0.1 with 4 obs register( id="Box3dReachPixel-v3", entry_point="gym.envs.mujoco:Box3dFixedReachEnvPixelGreyHarderMulAct", max_episode_steps=100, ) ## V4: Two cam, 1 box, 0.1 reward register( id="Box3dReachPixel-v4", entry_point="gym.envs.mujoco:Box3dFixedReachEnvPixelGreyHarderTwoCam", max_episode_steps=200, ) ## V5: Two cam, 1 box, 0.1 reward, 4 step register( id="Box3dReachPixel-v5", entry_point="gym.envs.mujoco:Box3dFixedReachEnvPixelGreyHarderTwoCamMulAct", max_episode_steps=200, ) ## V6: Two cam, 1 box, 0.1 reward, 2 step register( id="Box3dReachPixel-v6", entry_point="gym.envs.mujoco:Box3dFixedReachEnvPixelGreyHarderTwoCamMulActLess", max_episode_steps=200, ) ## V7: Two cam, 6 box, no reward, 2 step register( id="Box3dReachPixel-v7", entry_point="gym.envs.mujoco:Box3dFixedReachEnvPixelGreyMulMulTwoCamMulActLess", max_episode_steps=1000, ) ## V8: Two cam, 6 box, no reward, 4 step register( id="Box3dReachPixel-v8", entry_point="gym.envs.mujoco:Box3dFixedReachEnvPixelGreyMulMulTwoCamMulAct", max_episode_steps=1000, ) ## V9: Two cam, 6 box, contact reward, 2 step register( id="Box3dReachPixel-v9", entry_point="gym.envs.mujoco:Box3dFixedReachEnvPixelGreyMulMulContactTwoCamMulActLess", max_episode_steps=200, ) ## V10: Two cam, 1 box, reach reward, 4 step but 2 obs register( id="Box3dReachPixel-v10", entry_point="gym.envs.mujoco:Box3dFixedReachEnvPixelGreyHarderTwoCamMulActLessRepeatTwo", max_episode_steps=200, ) ## V11: Two cam, 6 box, contact reward, 4 step register( id="Box3dReachPixel-v11", entry_point="gym.envs.mujoco:Box3dFixedReachEnvPixelGreyMulMulContactTwoCamMulAct", max_episode_steps=200, ) # V17: Two cam, 1 box, contact reward, 2 step register( id="Box3dReachPixel-v17", entry_point="gym.envs.mujoco:Box3dFixedReachEnvPixelGreyMulMulContactTwoCamAct", max_episode_steps=200, ) ## V12: Two cam, 6 box, contact reward, 4 step, env_info output joint pos (key: joint_pos) register( id="Box3dReachPixel-v12", entry_point="gym.envs.mujoco:Box3dFixedReachEnvPixelGreyMulMulContactTwoCamMulActFusion", max_episode_steps=200, ) ## V13: Two cam, 6 box, contact reward, 4 step, no mass for objects register( id="Box3dReachPixel-v13", entry_point="gym.envs.mujoco:Box3dFixedReachEnvPixelGreyMulMulContactTwoCamMulActNoMas", max_episode_steps=200, ) ## V14: Two cam, 1 box, contact reward register( id="Box3dReachPixel-v14", entry_point="gym.envs.mujoco:Box3dFixedReachPixelMulMulObjConAvoidEnvOne", max_episode_steps=200, ) # V15: Two cam, 1 box, 0.4 reach reward, 4 step register( id="Box3dReachPixel-v15", entry_point="gym.envs.mujoco:Box3dFixedReachPixelMulMulObjConAvoidEnvOneEasy", max_episode_steps=200, ) # V16: Two cam, 1 box, 0.4 reach reward, 2 step register( id="Box3dReachPixel-v16", entry_point="gym.envs.mujoco:Box3dFixedReachPixelMulObjConAvoidEnvOneEasy", max_episode_steps=200, ) # ========= UP: PIXEL = ## = DOWN: STATE ======== # ## V18: contact reward, 10 step register( id="Box3dReach-v18", entry_point="gym.envs.mujoco:Box3dFixedReachSixBoxEnvMulContactTwoCam10Step", max_episode_steps=1000, ) ## V16: contact reward, no box velocities register( id="Box3dReach-v16", entry_point="gym.envs.mujoco:Box3dFixedReachSixBoxEnvMulContactTwoCamNoBoxVel", max_episode_steps=1000, ) ## V17: contact reward, 4 action repeat register( id="Box3dReach-v17", entry_point="gym.envs.mujoco:Box3dFixedReachSixBoxEnvMulContactTwoCam4Step", max_episode_steps=1000, ) ## V12: contact reward register( id="Box3dReach-v12", entry_point="gym.envs.mujoco:Box3dFixedReachSixBoxEnvMulContactTwoCam", max_episode_steps=1000, ) ## V11: contact reward, 1 box register( id="Box3dReach-v11", entry_point="gym.envs.mujoco:Box3dFixedReachMulMulObjConAvoidEnvOne", max_episode_steps=200, ) ## V10: no reward, 6 boxes with small random init register( id="Box3dReach-v10", entry_point="gym.envs.mujoco:Box3dFixedReachMulMulObjConAvoidEnv", max_episode_steps=1000, ) ## V9: no reward, 3 boxes with large random init register( id="Box3dReach-v9", entry_point="gym.envs.mujoco:Box3dFixedReachMulObjConAvoidMoreEnv", max_episode_steps=1000, ) ## V8: no reward, 3 boxes with previous frame velocity as input register( id="Box3dReach-v8", entry_point="gym.envs.mujoco:Box3dFixedReachMulObjPrevVelEnv", max_episode_steps=1000, ) ## V7: no reward, 3 boxes with contact checking register( id="Box3dReach-v7", entry_point="gym.envs.mujoco:Box3dFixedReachMulObjConAvoidEnv", max_episode_steps=1000, ) ## V6: no reward, 3 boxes register( id="Box3dReach-v6", entry_point="gym.envs.mujoco:Box3dFixedReachMulObjEnv", max_episode_steps=1000, ) ## test: 0.1 reach reward, 1 box, 10/4/2 step register( id="Box3dReach-v13", entry_point="gym.envs.mujoco:Box3dFixedReachHarderEnv4Step", max_episode_steps=200, ) register( id="Box3dReach-v14", entry_point="gym.envs.mujoco:Box3dFixedReachHarderEnv2Step", max_episode_steps=200, ) ## V4: 0.1 reach reward, 1 box register( id="Box3dReach-v4", entry_point="gym.envs.mujoco:Box3dFixedReachHarderEnv", max_episode_steps=200, ) register( id="Box3dReach-v5", entry_point="gym.envs.mujoco:Box3dFixedReachHardestEnv", max_episode_steps=200, ) register( id="Box3dReach-v3", entry_point="gym.envs.mujoco:Box3dContactReachEnv", max_episode_steps=200, ) register( id="Box3dReach-v2", entry_point="gym.envs.mujoco:Box3dFixedReachEnv", max_episode_steps=200, ) register( id='Box3dReach-v0', entry_point='gym.envs.mujoco:Box3dReachPosEnv', max_episode_steps=100, ) register( id='Box3dReach-v1', entry_point='gym.envs.mujoco:Box3dReachEnv', max_episode_steps=100, ) register( id='Box3dGrasp-v0', entry_point='gym.envs.mujoco:Box3dGraspEnv', max_episode_steps=1000, ) register( id='Box3dNoReward-v0', entry_point='gym.envs.mujoco:Box3dNoRewardEnv', max_episode_steps=200, ) # Atari # ---------------------------------------- # # print ', '.join(["'{}'".format(name.split('.')[0]) for name in atari_py.list_games()]) for game in ['air_raid', 'alien', 'amidar', 'assault', 'asterix', 'asteroids', 'atlantis', 'bank_heist', 'battle_zone', 'beam_rider', 'berzerk', 'bowling', 'boxing', 'breakout', 'carnival', 'centipede', 'chopper_command', 'crazy_climber', 'demon_attack', 'double_dunk', 'elevator_action', 'enduro', 'fishing_derby', 'freeway', 'frostbite', 'gopher', 'gravitar', 'ice_hockey', 'jamesbond', 'journey_escape', 'kangaroo', 'krull', 'kung_fu_master', 'montezuma_revenge', 'ms_pacman', 'name_this_game', 'phoenix', 'pitfall', 'pong', 'pooyan', 'private_eye', 'qbert', 'riverraid', 'road_runner', 'robotank', 'seaquest', 'skiing', 'solaris', 'space_invaders', 'star_gunner', 'tennis', 'time_pilot', 'tutankham', 'up_n_down', 'venture', 'video_pinball', 'wizard_of_wor', 'yars_revenge', 'zaxxon']: for obs_type in ['image', 'ram']: # space_invaders should yield SpaceInvaders-v0 and SpaceInvaders-ram-v0 name = ''.join([g.capitalize() for g in game.split('_')]) if obs_type == 'ram': name = '{}-ram'.format(name) nondeterministic = False if game == 'elevator_action' and obs_type == 'ram': # ElevatorAction-ram-v0 seems to yield slightly # non-deterministic observations about 10% of the time. We # should track this down eventually, but for now we just # mark it as nondeterministic. nondeterministic = True register( id='{}-v0'.format(name), entry_point='gym.envs.atari:AtariEnv', kwargs={'game': game, 'obs_type': obs_type, 'repeat_action_probability': 0.25}, max_episode_steps=10000, nondeterministic=nondeterministic, ) register( id='{}-v3'.format(name), entry_point='gym.envs.atari:AtariEnv', kwargs={'game': game, 'obs_type': obs_type}, max_episode_steps=100000, nondeterministic=nondeterministic, ) # Standard Deterministic (as in the original DeepMind paper) if game == 'space_invaders': frameskip = 3 else: frameskip = 4 # Use a deterministic frame skip. register( id='{}Deterministic-v0'.format(name), entry_point='gym.envs.atari:AtariEnv', kwargs={'game': game, 'obs_type': obs_type, 'frameskip': frameskip, 'repeat_action_probability': 0.25}, max_episode_steps=100000, nondeterministic=nondeterministic, ) register( id='{}Deterministic-v3'.format(name), entry_point='gym.envs.atari:AtariEnv', kwargs={'game': game, 'obs_type': obs_type, 'frameskip': frameskip}, max_episode_steps=100000, nondeterministic=nondeterministic, ) register( id='{}NoFrameskip-v0'.format(name), entry_point='gym.envs.atari:AtariEnv', kwargs={'game': game, 'obs_type': obs_type, 'frameskip': 1, 'repeat_action_probability': 0.25}, # A frameskip of 1 means we get every frame max_episode_steps=frameskip * 100000, nondeterministic=nondeterministic, ) # No frameskip. (Atari has no entropy source, so these are # deterministic environments.) register( id='{}NoFrameskip-v3'.format(name), entry_point='gym.envs.atari:AtariEnv', kwargs={'game': game, 'obs_type': obs_type, 'frameskip': 1}, # A frameskip of 1 means we get every frame max_episode_steps=frameskip * 100000, nondeterministic=nondeterministic, ) # Board games # ---------------------------------------- register( id='Go9x9-v0', entry_point='gym.envs.board_game:GoEnv', kwargs={ 'player_color': 'black', 'opponent': 'pachi:uct:_2400', 'observation_type': 'image3c', 'illegal_move_mode': 'lose', 'board_size': 9, }, # The pachi player seems not to be determistic given a fixed seed. # (Reproduce by running 'import gym; h = gym.make('Go9x9-v0'); h.seed(1); h.reset(); h.step(15); h.step(16); h.step(17)' a few times.) # # This is probably due to a computation time limit. nondeterministic=True, ) register( id='Go19x19-v0', entry_point='gym.envs.board_game:GoEnv', kwargs={ 'player_color': 'black', 'opponent': 'pachi:uct:_2400', 'observation_type': 'image3c', 'illegal_move_mode': 'lose', 'board_size': 19, }, nondeterministic=True, ) register( id='Hex9x9-v0', entry_point='gym.envs.board_game:HexEnv', kwargs={ 'player_color': 'black', 'opponent': 'random', 'observation_type': 'numpy3c', 'illegal_move_mode': 'lose', 'board_size': 9, }, ) # Debugging # ---------------------------------------- register( id='OneRoundDeterministicReward-v0', entry_point='gym.envs.debugging:OneRoundDeterministicRewardEnv', local_only=True ) register( id='TwoRoundDeterministicReward-v0', entry_point='gym.envs.debugging:TwoRoundDeterministicRewardEnv', local_only=True ) register( id='OneRoundNondeterministicReward-v0', entry_point='gym.envs.debugging:OneRoundNondeterministicRewardEnv', local_only=True ) register( id='TwoRoundNondeterministicReward-v0', entry_point='gym.envs.debugging:TwoRoundNondeterministicRewardEnv', local_only=True, ) # Parameter tuning # ---------------------------------------- register( id='ConvergenceControl-v0', entry_point='gym.envs.parameter_tuning:ConvergenceControl', ) register( id='CNNClassifierTraining-v0', entry_point='gym.envs.parameter_tuning:CNNClassifierTraining', ) # Safety # ---------------------------------------- # interpretability envs register( id='PredictActionsCartpole-v0', entry_point='', max_episode_steps=200, ) register( id='PredictObsCartpole-v0', entry_point='', max_episode_steps=200, ) # semi_supervised envs # probably the easiest: register( id='SemisuperPendulumNoise-v0', entry_point='', max_episode_steps=200, ) # somewhat harder because of higher variance: register( id='SemisuperPendulumRandom-v0', entry_point='', max_episode_steps=200, ) # probably the hardest because you only get a constant number of rewards in total: register( id='SemisuperPendulumDecay-v0', entry_point='', max_episode_steps=200, ) # off_switch envs register( id='OffSwitchCartpole-v0', entry_point='', max_episode_steps=200, ) register( id='OffSwitchCartpoleProb-v0', entry_point='', max_episode_steps=200, )
# # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # """Implementation of non-blocking server. The main idea of the server is to receive and send requests only from the main thread. The thread poool should be sized for concurrent tasks, not maximum connections """ import logging import select import socket import struct import threading from collections import deque from six.moves import queue from thrift.transport import TTransport from thrift.protocol.TBinaryProtocol import TBinaryProtocolFactory __all__ = ['TNonblockingServer'] logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Worker(threading.Thread): """Worker is a small helper to process incoming connection.""" def __init__(self, queue): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.queue = queue def run(self): """Process queries from task queue, stop if processor is None.""" while True: try: processor, iprot, oprot, otrans, callback = self.queue.get() if processor is None: break processor.process(iprot, oprot) callback(True, otrans.getvalue()) except Exception: logger.exception("Exception while processing request", exc_info=True) callback(False, b'') WAIT_LEN = 0 WAIT_MESSAGE = 1 WAIT_PROCESS = 2 SEND_ANSWER = 3 CLOSED = 4 def locked(func): """Decorator which locks self.lock.""" def nested(self, *args, **kwargs): self.lock.acquire() try: return func(self, *args, **kwargs) finally: self.lock.release() return nested def socket_exception(func): """Decorator close object on socket.error.""" def read(self, *args, **kwargs): try: return func(self, *args, **kwargs) except socket.error: logger.debug('ignoring socket exception', exc_info=True) self.close() return read class Message(object): def __init__(self, offset, len_, header): self.offset = offset self.len = len_ self.buffer = None self.is_header = header @property def end(self): return self.offset + self.len class Connection(object): """Basic class is represented connection. It can be in state: WAIT_LEN --- connection is reading request len. WAIT_MESSAGE --- connection is reading request. WAIT_PROCESS --- connection has just read whole request and waits for call ready routine. SEND_ANSWER --- connection is sending answer string (including length of answer). CLOSED --- socket was closed and connection should be deleted. """ def __init__(self, new_socket, wake_up): self.socket = new_socket self.socket.setblocking(False) self.status = WAIT_LEN self.len = 0 self.received = deque() self._reading = Message(0, 4, True) self._rbuf = b'' self._wbuf = b'' self.lock = threading.Lock() self.wake_up = wake_up self.remaining = False @socket_exception def read(self): """Reads data from stream and switch state.""" assert self.status in (WAIT_LEN, WAIT_MESSAGE) assert not self.received buf_size = 8192 first = True done = False while not done: read = self.socket.recv(buf_size) rlen = len(read) done = rlen < buf_size self._rbuf += read if first and rlen == 0: if self.status != WAIT_LEN or self._rbuf: logger.error('could not read frame from socket') else: logger.debug('read zero length. client might have disconnected') self.close() while len(self._rbuf) >= self._reading.end: if self._reading.is_header: mlen, = struct.unpack('!i', self._rbuf[:4]) self._reading = Message(self._reading.end, mlen, False) self.status = WAIT_MESSAGE else: self._reading.buffer = self._rbuf self.received.append(self._reading) self._rbuf = self._rbuf[self._reading.end:] self._reading = Message(0, 4, True) first = False if self.received: self.status = WAIT_PROCESS break self.remaining = not done @socket_exception def write(self): """Writes data from socket and switch state.""" assert self.status == SEND_ANSWER sent = self.socket.send(self._wbuf) if sent == len(self._wbuf): self.status = WAIT_LEN self._wbuf = b'' self.len = 0 else: self._wbuf = self._wbuf[sent:] @locked def ready(self, all_ok, message): """Callback function for switching state and waking up main thread. This function is the only function witch can be called asynchronous. The ready can switch Connection to three states: WAIT_LEN if request was oneway. SEND_ANSWER if request was processed in normal way. CLOSED if request throws unexpected exception. The one wakes up main thread. """ assert self.status == WAIT_PROCESS if not all_ok: self.close() self.wake_up() return self.len = 0 if len(message) == 0: # it was a oneway request, do not write answer self._wbuf = b'' self.status = WAIT_LEN else: self._wbuf = struct.pack('!i', len(message)) + message self.status = SEND_ANSWER self.wake_up() @locked def is_writeable(self): """Return True if connection should be added to write list of select""" return self.status == SEND_ANSWER # it's not necessary, but... @locked def is_readable(self): """Return True if connection should be added to read list of select""" return self.status in (WAIT_LEN, WAIT_MESSAGE) @locked def is_closed(self): """Returns True if connection is closed.""" return self.status == CLOSED def fileno(self): """Returns the file descriptor of the associated socket.""" return self.socket.fileno() def close(self): """Closes connection""" self.status = CLOSED self.socket.close() class TNonblockingServer(object): """Non-blocking server.""" def __init__(self, processor, lsocket, inputProtocolFactory=None, outputProtocolFactory=None, threads=10): self.processor = processor self.socket = lsocket self.in_protocol = inputProtocolFactory or TBinaryProtocolFactory() self.out_protocol = outputProtocolFactory or self.in_protocol self.threads = int(threads) self.clients = {} self.tasks = queue.Queue() self._read, self._write = socket.socketpair() self.prepared = False self._stop = False def setNumThreads(self, num): """Set the number of worker threads that should be created.""" # implement ThreadPool interface assert not self.prepared, "Can't change number of threads after start" self.threads = num def prepare(self): """Prepares server for serve requests.""" if self.prepared: return self.socket.listen() for _ in range(self.threads): thread = Worker(self.tasks) thread.setDaemon(True) thread.start() self.prepared = True def wake_up(self): """Wake up main thread. The server usually waits in select call in we should terminate one. The simplest way is using socketpair. Select always wait to read from the first socket of socketpair. In this case, we can just write anything to the second socket from socketpair. """ self._write.send(b'1') def stop(self): """Stop the server. This method causes the serve() method to return. stop() may be invoked from within your handler, or from another thread. After stop() is called, serve() will return but the server will still be listening on the socket. serve() may then be called again to resume processing requests. Alternatively, close() may be called after serve() returns to close the server socket and shutdown all worker threads. """ self._stop = True self.wake_up() def _select(self): """Does select on open connections.""" readable = [self.socket.handle.fileno(), self._read.fileno()] writable = [] remaining = [] for i, connection in list(self.clients.items()): if connection.is_readable(): readable.append(connection.fileno()) if connection.remaining or connection.received: remaining.append(connection.fileno()) if connection.is_writeable(): writable.append(connection.fileno()) if connection.is_closed(): del self.clients[i] if remaining: return remaining, [], [], False else: return, writable, readable) + (True,) def handle(self): """Handle requests. WARNING! You must call prepare() BEFORE calling handle() """ assert self.prepared, "You have to call prepare before handle" rset, wset, xset, selected = self._select() for readable in rset: if readable == self._read.fileno(): # don't care i just need to clean readable flag self._read.recv(1024) elif readable == self.socket.handle.fileno(): try: client = self.socket.accept() if client: self.clients[client.handle.fileno()] = Connection(client.handle, self.wake_up) except socket.error: logger.debug('error while accepting', exc_info=True) else: connection = self.clients[readable] if selected: if connection.received: connection.status = WAIT_PROCESS msg = connection.received.popleft() itransport = TTransport.TMemoryBuffer(msg.buffer, msg.offset) otransport = TTransport.TMemoryBuffer() iprot = self.in_protocol.getProtocol(itransport) oprot = self.out_protocol.getProtocol(otransport) self.tasks.put([self.processor, iprot, oprot, otransport, connection.ready]) for writeable in wset: self.clients[writeable].write() for oob in xset: self.clients[oob].close() del self.clients[oob] def close(self): """Closes the server.""" for _ in range(self.threads): self.tasks.put([None, None, None, None, None]) self.socket.close() self.prepared = False def serve(self): """Serve requests. Serve requests forever, or until stop() is called. """ self._stop = False self.prepare() while not self._stop: self.handle()
# orm/ # Copyright (C) 2005-2015 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors # <see AUTHORS file> # # This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under # the MIT License: """private module containing functions used to convert database rows into object instances and associated state. the functions here are called primarily by Query, Mapper, as well as some of the attribute loading strategies. """ from __future__ import absolute_import from .. import util from . import attributes, exc as orm_exc from ..sql import util as sql_util from . import strategy_options from .util import _none_set, state_str from .base import _SET_DEFERRED_EXPIRED, _DEFER_FOR_STATE from .. import exc as sa_exc import collections _new_runid = util.counter() def instances(query, cursor, context): """Return an ORM result as an iterator.""" context.runid = _new_runid() filtered = query._has_mapper_entities single_entity = len(query._entities) == 1 and \ query._entities[0].supports_single_entity if filtered: if single_entity: filter_fn = id else: def filter_fn(row): return tuple( id(item) if ent.use_id_for_hash else item for ent, item in zip(query._entities, row) ) try: (process, labels) = \ list(zip(*[ query_entity.row_processor(query, context, cursor) for query_entity in query._entities ])) if not single_entity: keyed_tuple = util.lightweight_named_tuple('result', labels) while True: context.partials = {} if query._yield_per: fetch = cursor.fetchmany(query._yield_per) if not fetch: break else: fetch = cursor.fetchall() if single_entity: proc = process[0] rows = [proc(row) for row in fetch] else: rows = [keyed_tuple([proc(row) for proc in process]) for row in fetch] if filtered: rows = util.unique_list(rows, filter_fn) for row in rows: yield row if not query._yield_per: break except Exception as err: cursor.close() util.raise_from_cause(err) @util.dependencies("sqlalchemy.orm.query") def merge_result(querylib, query, iterator, load=True): """Merge a result into this :class:`.Query` object's Session.""" session = query.session if load: # flush current contents if we expect to load data session._autoflush() autoflush = session.autoflush try: session.autoflush = False single_entity = len(query._entities) == 1 if single_entity: if isinstance(query._entities[0], querylib._MapperEntity): result = [session._merge( attributes.instance_state(instance), attributes.instance_dict(instance), load=load, _recursive={}) for instance in iterator] else: result = list(iterator) else: mapped_entities = [i for i, e in enumerate(query._entities) if isinstance(e, querylib._MapperEntity)] result = [] keys = [ent._label_name for ent in query._entities] keyed_tuple = util.lightweight_named_tuple('result', keys) for row in iterator: newrow = list(row) for i in mapped_entities: if newrow[i] is not None: newrow[i] = session._merge( attributes.instance_state(newrow[i]), attributes.instance_dict(newrow[i]), load=load, _recursive={}) result.append(keyed_tuple(newrow)) return iter(result) finally: session.autoflush = autoflush def get_from_identity(session, key, passive): """Look up the given key in the given session's identity map, check the object for expired state if found. """ instance = session.identity_map.get(key) if instance is not None: state = attributes.instance_state(instance) # expired - ensure it still exists if state.expired: if not passive & attributes.SQL_OK: # TODO: no coverage here return attributes.PASSIVE_NO_RESULT elif not passive & attributes.RELATED_OBJECT_OK: # this mode is used within a flush and the instance's # expired state will be checked soon enough, if necessary return instance try: state._load_expired(state, passive) except orm_exc.ObjectDeletedError: session._remove_newly_deleted([state]) return None return instance else: return None def load_on_ident(query, key, refresh_state=None, lockmode=None, only_load_props=None): """Load the given identity key from the database.""" if key is not None: ident = key[1] else: ident = None if refresh_state is None: q = query._clone() q._get_condition() else: q = query._clone() if ident is not None: mapper = query._mapper_zero() (_get_clause, _get_params) = mapper._get_clause # None present in ident - turn those comparisons # into "IS NULL" if None in ident: nones = set([ _get_params[col].key for col, value in zip(mapper.primary_key, ident) if value is None ]) _get_clause = sql_util.adapt_criterion_to_null( _get_clause, nones) _get_clause = q._adapt_clause(_get_clause, True, False) q._criterion = _get_clause params = dict([ (_get_params[primary_key].key, id_val) for id_val, primary_key in zip(ident, mapper.primary_key) ]) q._params = params if lockmode is not None: version_check = True q = q.with_lockmode(lockmode) elif query._for_update_arg is not None: version_check = True q._for_update_arg = query._for_update_arg else: version_check = False q._get_options( populate_existing=bool(refresh_state), version_check=version_check, only_load_props=only_load_props, refresh_state=refresh_state) q._order_by = None try: return except orm_exc.NoResultFound: return None def _setup_entity_query( context, mapper, query_entity, path, adapter, column_collection, with_polymorphic=None, only_load_props=None, polymorphic_discriminator=None, **kw): if with_polymorphic: poly_properties = mapper._iterate_polymorphic_properties( with_polymorphic) else: poly_properties = mapper._polymorphic_properties quick_populators = {} path.set( context.attributes, "memoized_setups", quick_populators) for value in poly_properties: if only_load_props and \ value.key not in only_load_props: continue value.setup( context, query_entity, path, adapter, only_load_props=only_load_props, column_collection=column_collection, memoized_populators=quick_populators, **kw ) if polymorphic_discriminator is not None and \ polymorphic_discriminator \ is not mapper.polymorphic_on: if adapter: pd = adapter.columns[polymorphic_discriminator] else: pd = polymorphic_discriminator column_collection.append(pd) def _instance_processor( mapper, context, result, path, adapter, only_load_props=None, refresh_state=None, polymorphic_discriminator=None, _polymorphic_from=None): """Produce a mapper level row processor callable which processes rows into mapped instances.""" # note that this method, most of which exists in a closure # called _instance(), resists being broken out, as # attempts to do so tend to add significant function # call overhead. _instance() is the most # performance-critical section in the whole ORM. pk_cols = mapper.primary_key if adapter: pk_cols = [adapter.columns[c] for c in pk_cols] identity_class = mapper._identity_class populators = collections.defaultdict(list) props = mapper._prop_set if only_load_props is not None: props = props.intersection( mapper._props[k] for k in only_load_props) quick_populators = path.get( context.attributes, "memoized_setups", _none_set) for prop in props: if prop in quick_populators: # this is an inlined path just for column-based attributes. col = quick_populators[prop] if col is _DEFER_FOR_STATE: populators["new"].append( (prop.key, prop._deferred_column_loader)) elif col is _SET_DEFERRED_EXPIRED: # note that in this path, we are no longer # searching in the result to see if the column might # be present in some unexpected way. populators["expire"].append((prop.key, False)) else: if adapter: col = adapter.columns[col] getter = result._getter(col) if getter: populators["quick"].append((prop.key, getter)) else: # fall back to the ColumnProperty itself, which # will iterate through all of its columns # to see if one fits prop.create_row_processor( context, path, mapper, result, adapter, populators) else: prop.create_row_processor( context, path, mapper, result, adapter, populators) propagate_options = context.propagate_options if propagate_options: load_path = context.query._current_path + path \ if context.query._current_path.path else path session_identity_map = context.session.identity_map populate_existing = context.populate_existing or mapper.always_refresh load_evt = bool(mapper.class_manager.dispatch.load) refresh_evt = bool(mapper.class_manager.dispatch.refresh) instance_state = attributes.instance_state instance_dict = attributes.instance_dict session_id = context.session.hash_key version_check = context.version_check runid = context.runid if refresh_state: refresh_identity_key = refresh_state.key if refresh_identity_key is None: # super-rare condition; a refresh is being called # on a non-instance-key instance; this is meant to only # occur within a flush() refresh_identity_key = \ mapper._identity_key_from_state(refresh_state) else: refresh_identity_key = None if mapper.allow_partial_pks: is_not_primary_key = _none_set.issuperset else: is_not_primary_key = _none_set.intersection def _instance(row): # determine the state that we'll be populating if refresh_identity_key: # fixed state that we're refreshing state = refresh_state instance = state.obj() dict_ = instance_dict(instance) isnew = state.runid != runid currentload = True loaded_instance = False else: # look at the row, see if that identity is in the # session, or we have to create a new one identitykey = ( identity_class, tuple([row[column] for column in pk_cols]) ) instance = session_identity_map.get(identitykey) if instance is not None: # existing instance state = instance_state(instance) dict_ = instance_dict(instance) isnew = state.runid != runid currentload = not isnew loaded_instance = False if version_check and not currentload: _validate_version_id(mapper, state, dict_, row, adapter) else: # create a new instance # check for non-NULL values in the primary key columns, # else no entity is returned for the row if is_not_primary_key(identitykey[1]): return None isnew = True currentload = True loaded_instance = True instance = mapper.class_manager.new_instance() dict_ = instance_dict(instance) state = instance_state(instance) state.key = identitykey # attach instance to session. state.session_id = session_id session_identity_map._add_unpresent(state, identitykey) # populate. this looks at whether this state is new # for this load or was existing, and whether or not this # row is the first row with this identity. if currentload or populate_existing: # full population routines. Objects here are either # just created, or we are doing a populate_existing if isnew and propagate_options: state.load_options = propagate_options state.load_path = load_path _populate_full( context, row, state, dict_, isnew, loaded_instance, populate_existing, populators) if isnew: if loaded_instance and load_evt: state.manager.dispatch.load(state, context) elif refresh_evt: state.manager.dispatch.refresh( state, context, only_load_props) if populate_existing or state.modified: if refresh_state and only_load_props: state._commit(dict_, only_load_props) else: state._commit_all(dict_, session_identity_map) else: # partial population routines, for objects that were already # in the Session, but a row matches them; apply eager loaders # on existing objects, etc. unloaded = state.unloaded isnew = state not in context.partials if not isnew or unloaded or populators["eager"]: # state is having a partial set of its attributes # refreshed. Populate those attributes, # and add to the "context.partials" collection. to_load = _populate_partial( context, row, state, dict_, isnew, unloaded, populators) if isnew: if refresh_evt: state.manager.dispatch.refresh( state, context, to_load) state._commit(dict_, to_load) return instance if mapper.polymorphic_map and not _polymorphic_from and not refresh_state: # if we are doing polymorphic, dispatch to a different _instance() # method specific to the subclass mapper _instance = _decorate_polymorphic_switch( _instance, context, mapper, result, path, polymorphic_discriminator, adapter) return _instance def _populate_full( context, row, state, dict_, isnew, loaded_instance, populate_existing, populators): if isnew: # first time we are seeing a row with this identity. state.runid = context.runid for key, getter in populators["quick"]: dict_[key] = getter(row) if populate_existing: for key, set_callable in populators["expire"]: dict_.pop(key, None) if set_callable: state.expired_attributes.add(key) else: for key, set_callable in populators["expire"]: if set_callable: state.expired_attributes.add(key) for key, populator in populators["new"]: populator(state, dict_, row) for key, populator in populators["delayed"]: populator(state, dict_, row) else: # have already seen rows with this identity. for key, populator in populators["existing"]: populator(state, dict_, row) def _populate_partial( context, row, state, dict_, isnew, unloaded, populators): if not isnew: to_load = context.partials[state] for key, populator in populators["existing"]: if key in to_load: populator(state, dict_, row) else: to_load = unloaded context.partials[state] = to_load for key, getter in populators["quick"]: if key in to_load: dict_[key] = getter(row) for key, set_callable in populators["expire"]: if key in to_load: dict_.pop(key, None) if set_callable: state.expired_attributes.add(key) for key, populator in populators["new"]: if key in to_load: populator(state, dict_, row) for key, populator in populators["delayed"]: if key in to_load: populator(state, dict_, row) for key, populator in populators["eager"]: if key not in unloaded: populator(state, dict_, row) return to_load def _validate_version_id(mapper, state, dict_, row, adapter): version_id_col = mapper.version_id_col if version_id_col is None: return if adapter: version_id_col = adapter.columns[version_id_col] if mapper._get_state_attr_by_column( state, dict_, mapper.version_id_col) != row[version_id_col]: raise orm_exc.StaleDataError( "Instance '%s' has version id '%s' which " "does not match database-loaded version id '%s'." % (state_str(state), mapper._get_state_attr_by_column( state, dict_, mapper.version_id_col), row[version_id_col])) def _decorate_polymorphic_switch( instance_fn, context, mapper, result, path, polymorphic_discriminator, adapter): if polymorphic_discriminator is not None: polymorphic_on = polymorphic_discriminator else: polymorphic_on = mapper.polymorphic_on if polymorphic_on is None: return instance_fn if adapter: polymorphic_on = adapter.columns[polymorphic_on] def configure_subclass_mapper(discriminator): try: sub_mapper = mapper.polymorphic_map[discriminator] except KeyError: raise AssertionError( "No such polymorphic_identity %r is defined" % discriminator) else: if sub_mapper is mapper: return None return _instance_processor( sub_mapper, context, result, path, adapter, _polymorphic_from=mapper) polymorphic_instances = util.PopulateDict( configure_subclass_mapper ) def polymorphic_instance(row): discriminator = row[polymorphic_on] if discriminator is not None: _instance = polymorphic_instances[discriminator] if _instance: return _instance(row) return instance_fn(row) return polymorphic_instance def load_scalar_attributes(mapper, state, attribute_names): """initiate a column-based attribute refresh operation.""" # assert mapper is _state_mapper(state) session = state.session if not session: raise orm_exc.DetachedInstanceError( "Instance %s is not bound to a Session; " "attribute refresh operation cannot proceed" % (state_str(state))) has_key = bool(state.key) result = False if mapper.inherits and not mapper.concrete: # because we are using Core to produce a select() that we # pass to the Query, we aren't calling setup() for mapped # attributes; in 1.0 this means deferred attrs won't get loaded # by default statement = mapper._optimized_get_statement(state, attribute_names) if statement is not None: result = load_on_ident( session.query(mapper). options( strategy_options.Load(mapper).undefer("*") ).from_statement(statement), None, only_load_props=attribute_names, refresh_state=state ) if result is False: if has_key: identity_key = state.key else: # this codepath is rare - only valid when inside a flush, and the # object is becoming persistent but hasn't yet been assigned # an identity_key. # check here to ensure we have the attrs we need. pk_attrs = [mapper._columntoproperty[col].key for col in mapper.primary_key] if state.expired_attributes.intersection(pk_attrs): raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( "Instance %s cannot be refreshed - it's not " " persistent and does not " "contain a full primary key." % state_str(state)) identity_key = mapper._identity_key_from_state(state) if (_none_set.issubset(identity_key) and not mapper.allow_partial_pks) or \ _none_set.issuperset(identity_key): util.warn_limited( "Instance %s to be refreshed doesn't " "contain a full primary key - can't be refreshed " "(and shouldn't be expired, either).", state_str(state)) return result = load_on_ident( session.query(mapper), identity_key, refresh_state=state, only_load_props=attribute_names) # if instance is pending, a refresh operation # may not complete (even if PK attributes are assigned) if has_key and result is None: raise orm_exc.ObjectDeletedError(state)
# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2014 Pants project contributors (see # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (see LICENSE). from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals from abc import abstractmethod from builtins import object from hashlib import sha1 from twitter.common.collections import OrderedSet from pants.base.deprecated import deprecated from pants.base.hash_utils import stable_json_hash from pants.util.meta import AbstractClass from pants.util.strutil import ensure_binary def combine_hashes(hashes): """A simple helper function to combine other hashes. Sorts the hashes before rolling them in.""" hasher = sha1() for h in sorted(hashes): h = ensure_binary(h) hasher.update(h) return hasher.hexdigest() class PayloadField(AbstractClass): """An immutable, hashable structure to be mixed into Payload instances. :API: public """ _fingerprint_memo = None def fingerprint(self): """A memoized sha1 hexdigest hashing the contents of this PayloadField The fingerprint returns either a bytestring or None. If the return is None, consumers of the fingerprint may choose to elide this PayloadField from their combined hash computation. :API: public """ if self._fingerprint_memo is None: self._fingerprint_memo = self._compute_fingerprint() return self._fingerprint_memo def mark_dirty(self): """Invalidates the memoized fingerprint for this field. Exposed for testing. :API: public """ self._fingerprint_memo = None @abstractmethod def _compute_fingerprint(self): """This method will be called and the result memoized for ``PayloadField.fingerprint``.""" pass @property def value(self): """ :API: public """ return self class FingerprintedMixin(object): """Mixin this class to make your class suitable for passing to FingerprintedField. :API: public """ def fingerprint(self): """Override this method to implement a fingerprint for your class. :API: public :returns: a sha1 hexdigest hashing the contents of this structure.""" raise NotImplementedError() class FingerprintedField(PayloadField): """Use this field to fingerprint any class that mixes in FingerprintedMixin. The caller must ensure that the class properly implements fingerprint() to hash the contents of the object. :API: public """ def __init__(self, value): self._value = value def _compute_fingerprint(self): return self._value.fingerprint() @property def value(self): return self._value class PythonRequirementsField(frozenset, PayloadField): """A frozenset subclass that mixes in PayloadField. Must be initialized with an iterable of PythonRequirement instances. :API: public """ def _compute_fingerprint(self): def fingerprint_iter(): for req in self: hash_items = ( repr(req._requirement), req._repository, req._name, req._use_2to3, req.compatibility, ) yield stable_json_hash(hash_items) return combine_hashes(fingerprint_iter()) class ExcludesField(OrderedSet, PayloadField): """An OrderedSet subclass that mixes in PayloadField. Must be initialized with an iterable of Excludes instances. :API: public """ def _compute_fingerprint(self): return stable_json_hash(tuple(repr(exclude) for exclude in self)) class JarsField(tuple, PayloadField): """A tuple subclass that mixes in PayloadField. Must be initialized with an iterable of JarDependency instances. :API: public """ def _compute_fingerprint(self): return stable_json_hash(tuple(jar.cache_key() for jar in self)) class PrimitiveField(PayloadField): """A general field for primitive types. As long as the contents are JSON representable, their hash can be stably inferred. :API: public """ def __init__(self, underlying=None): self._underlying = underlying @property def value(self): return self._underlying def _compute_fingerprint(self): return stable_json_hash(self._underlying) class PrimitivesSetField(PayloadField): """A general field for order-insensitive sets of primitive, ordered types. As long as the underlying elements are JSON representable and have a consistent sort order, their hash can be stably inferred. An underlying value of `None` is preserved to allow for "unset" fields: to default to an empty list/set instead, pass one to the constructor. :API: public """ def __init__(self, underlying=None): self._underlying = tuple(sorted(set(underlying))) if underlying is not None else None @property def value(self): return self._underlying def _compute_fingerprint(self): return stable_json_hash(self._underlying) class SetOfPrimitivesField(PayloadField): """A general field for order-insensitive sets of primitive, ordered types. As long as the underlying elements are JSON representable and have a consistent sort order, their hash can be stably inferred. :API: public """ @deprecated(removal_version='1.11.0.dev0', hint_message='Use PrimitivesSetField, which preserves `None`/unset fields.') def __init__(self, underlying=None): self._underlying = tuple(sorted(set(underlying or []))) @property def value(self): return self._underlying def _compute_fingerprint(self): return stable_json_hash(self._underlying)
# Copyright 2020 The StackStorm Authors. # Copyright 2019 Extreme Networks, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from __future__ import absolute_import import ast import copy import uuid import requests from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth from oslo_config import cfg from six.moves.urllib import parse as urlparse # pylint: disable=import-error from st2common.runners.base import ActionRunner from st2common.runners.base import get_metadata as get_runner_metadata from st2common import __version__ as st2_version from st2common import log as logging from st2common.constants.action import LIVEACTION_STATUS_SUCCEEDED from st2common.constants.action import LIVEACTION_STATUS_FAILED from st2common.constants.action import LIVEACTION_STATUS_TIMED_OUT from st2common.util.jsonify import json_decode from st2common.util.jsonify import json_encode import six from six.moves import range __all__ = ["HttpRunner", "HTTPClient", "get_runner", "get_metadata"] LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) SUCCESS_STATUS_CODES = [code for code in range(200, 207)] # Lookup constants for runner params RUNNER_ON_BEHALF_USER = "user" RUNNER_URL = "url" RUNNER_HEADERS = "headers" # Debatable whether this should be action params. RUNNER_COOKIES = "cookies" RUNNER_ALLOW_REDIRECTS = "allow_redirects" RUNNER_HTTP_PROXY = "http_proxy" RUNNER_HTTPS_PROXY = "https_proxy" RUNNER_VERIFY_SSL_CERT = "verify_ssl_cert" RUNNER_USERNAME = "username" RUNNER_PASSWORD = "password" RUNNER_URL_HOSTS_BLACKLIST = "url_hosts_blacklist" RUNNER_URL_HOSTS_WHITELIST = "url_hosts_whitelist" # Lookup constants for action params ACTION_AUTH = "auth" ACTION_BODY = "body" ACTION_TIMEOUT = "timeout" ACTION_METHOD = "method" ACTION_QUERY_PARAMS = "params" FILE_NAME = "file_name" FILE_CONTENT = "file_content" FILE_CONTENT_TYPE = "file_content_type" RESPONSE_BODY_PARSE_FUNCTIONS = {"application/json": json_decode} class HttpRunner(ActionRunner): def __init__(self, runner_id): super(HttpRunner, self).__init__(runner_id=runner_id) self._on_behalf_user = cfg.CONF.system_user.user self._timeout = 60 def pre_run(self): super(HttpRunner, self).pre_run() LOG.debug( 'Entering HttpRunner.pre_run() for liveaction_id="%s"', self.liveaction_id ) self._on_behalf_user = self.runner_parameters.get( RUNNER_ON_BEHALF_USER, self._on_behalf_user ) self._url = self.runner_parameters.get(RUNNER_URL, None) self._headers = self.runner_parameters.get(RUNNER_HEADERS, {}) self._cookies = self.runner_parameters.get(RUNNER_COOKIES, None) self._allow_redirects = self.runner_parameters.get( RUNNER_ALLOW_REDIRECTS, False ) self._username = self.runner_parameters.get(RUNNER_USERNAME, None) self._password = self.runner_parameters.get(RUNNER_PASSWORD, None) self._http_proxy = self.runner_parameters.get(RUNNER_HTTP_PROXY, None) self._https_proxy = self.runner_parameters.get(RUNNER_HTTPS_PROXY, None) self._verify_ssl_cert = self.runner_parameters.get(RUNNER_VERIFY_SSL_CERT, None) self._url_hosts_blacklist = self.runner_parameters.get( RUNNER_URL_HOSTS_BLACKLIST, [] ) self._url_hosts_whitelist = self.runner_parameters.get( RUNNER_URL_HOSTS_WHITELIST, [] ) def run(self, action_parameters): client = self._get_http_client(action_parameters) if self._url_hosts_blacklist and self._url_hosts_whitelist: msg = ( '"url_hosts_blacklist" and "url_hosts_whitelist" parameters are mutually ' "exclusive. Only one should be provided." ) raise ValueError(msg) try: result = except requests.exceptions.Timeout as e: result = {"error": six.text_type(e)} status = LIVEACTION_STATUS_TIMED_OUT else: status = HttpRunner._get_result_status(result.get("status_code", None)) return (status, result, None) def _get_http_client(self, action_parameters): body = action_parameters.get(ACTION_BODY, None) timeout = float(action_parameters.get(ACTION_TIMEOUT, self._timeout)) method = action_parameters.get(ACTION_METHOD, None) params = action_parameters.get(ACTION_QUERY_PARAMS, None) auth = action_parameters.get(ACTION_AUTH, {}) file_name = action_parameters.get(FILE_NAME, None) file_content = action_parameters.get(FILE_CONTENT, None) file_content_type = action_parameters.get(FILE_CONTENT_TYPE, None) # Include our user agent and action name so requests can be tracked back headers = copy.deepcopy(self._headers) if self._headers else {} headers["User-Agent"] = "st2/v%s" % (st2_version) headers["X-Stanley-Action"] = self.action_name if file_name and file_content: files = {} if file_content_type: value = (file_content, file_content_type) else: value = file_content files[file_name] = value else: files = None proxies = {} if self._http_proxy: proxies["http"] = self._http_proxy if self._https_proxy: proxies["https"] = self._https_proxy return HTTPClient( url=self._url, method=method, body=body, params=params, headers=headers, cookies=self._cookies, auth=auth, timeout=timeout, allow_redirects=self._allow_redirects, proxies=proxies, files=files, verify=self._verify_ssl_cert, username=self._username, password=self._password, url_hosts_blacklist=self._url_hosts_blacklist, url_hosts_whitelist=self._url_hosts_whitelist, ) @staticmethod def _get_result_status(status_code): return ( LIVEACTION_STATUS_SUCCEEDED if status_code in SUCCESS_STATUS_CODES else LIVEACTION_STATUS_FAILED ) class HTTPClient(object): def __init__( self, url=None, method=None, body="", params=None, headers=None, cookies=None, auth=None, timeout=60, allow_redirects=False, proxies=None, files=None, verify=False, username=None, password=None, url_hosts_blacklist=None, url_hosts_whitelist=None, ): if url is None: raise Exception("URL must be specified.") if method is None: if files or body: method = "POST" else: method = "GET" headers = headers or {} normalized_headers = self._normalize_headers(headers=headers) if body and "content-length" not in normalized_headers: headers["Content-Length"] = str(len(body)) self.url = url self.method = method self.headers = headers self.body = body self.params = params self.headers = headers self.cookies = cookies self.auth = auth self.timeout = timeout self.allow_redirects = allow_redirects self.proxies = proxies self.files = files self.verify = verify self.username = username self.password = password self.url_hosts_blacklist = url_hosts_blacklist or [] self.url_hosts_whitelist = url_hosts_whitelist or [] if self.url_hosts_blacklist and self.url_hosts_whitelist: msg = ( '"url_hosts_blacklist" and "url_hosts_whitelist" parameters are mutually ' "exclusive. Only one should be provided." ) raise ValueError(msg) def run(self): results = {} resp = None json_content = self._is_json_content() # Check if the provided URL is blacklisted is_url_blacklisted = self._is_url_blacklisted(url=self.url) if is_url_blacklisted: raise ValueError('URL "%s" is blacklisted' % (self.url)) is_url_whitelisted = self._is_url_whitelisted(url=self.url) if not is_url_whitelisted: raise ValueError('URL "%s" is not whitelisted' % (self.url)) try: if json_content: # cast params (body) to dict data = self._cast_object(self.body) try: data = json_encode(data) except ValueError: msg = "Request body (%s) can't be parsed as JSON" % (data) raise ValueError(msg) else: data = self.body if self.username or self.password: self.auth = HTTPBasicAuth(self.username, self.password) # Ensure data is bytes since that what request expects if isinstance(data, six.text_type): data = data.encode("utf-8") resp = requests.request( self.method, self.url, params=self.params, data=data, headers=self.headers, cookies=self.cookies, auth=self.auth, timeout=self.timeout, allow_redirects=self.allow_redirects, proxies=self.proxies, files=self.files, verify=self.verify, ) headers = dict(resp.headers) body, parsed = self._parse_response_body(headers=headers, body=resp.text) results["status_code"] = resp.status_code results["body"] = body results["parsed"] = parsed # flag which indicates if body has been parsed results["headers"] = headers return results except Exception as e: LOG.exception("Exception making request to remote URL: %s, %s", self.url, e) raise finally: if resp: resp.close() def _parse_response_body(self, headers, body): """ :param body: Response body. :type body: ``str`` :return: (parsed body, flag which indicates if body has been parsed) :rtype: (``object``, ``bool``) """ body = body or "" headers = self._normalize_headers(headers=headers) content_type = headers.get("content-type", None) parsed = False if not content_type: return (body, parsed) # The header can also contain charset which we simply discard content_type = content_type.split(";")[0] parse_func = RESPONSE_BODY_PARSE_FUNCTIONS.get(content_type, None) if not parse_func: return (body, parsed) LOG.debug("Parsing body with content type: %s", content_type) try: body = parse_func(body) except Exception: LOG.exception("Failed to parse body") else: parsed = True return (body, parsed) def _normalize_headers(self, headers): """ Normalize the header keys by lowercasing all the keys. """ result = {} for key, value in headers.items(): result[key.lower()] = value return result def _is_json_content(self): normalized = self._normalize_headers(self.headers) return normalized.get("content-type", None) == "application/json" def _cast_object(self, value): if isinstance(value, str) or isinstance(value, six.text_type): try: return json_decode(value) except: return ast.literal_eval(value) else: return value def _is_url_blacklisted(self, url): """ Verify if the provided URL is blacklisted via url_hosts_blacklist runner parameter. """ if not self.url_hosts_blacklist: # Blacklist is empty return False host = self._get_host_from_url(url=url) if host in self.url_hosts_blacklist: return True return False def _is_url_whitelisted(self, url): """ Verify if the provided URL is whitelisted via url_hosts_whitelist runner parameter. """ if not self.url_hosts_whitelist: return True host = self._get_host_from_url(url=url) if host in self.url_hosts_whitelist: return True return False def _get_host_from_url(self, url): """ Return sanitized host (netloc) value from the provided url. """ parsed = urlparse.urlparse(url) # Remove port and [] host = parsed.netloc.replace("[", "").replace("]", "") if parsed.port is not None: host = host.replace(":%s" % (parsed.port), "") return host def get_runner(): return HttpRunner(str(uuid.uuid4())) def get_metadata(): return get_runner_metadata("http_runner")[0]
from __future__ import unicode_literals import os import unittest import tempfile import shutil import time import mock import webtest from pyramid.config import Configurator NOT_SET = object() class TestGenshiTemplateRendererIntegration(unittest.TestCase): def make_app(self, config_decorator=None, settings=None): settings = settings or {} config = Configurator(settings=settings) config.include('pyramid_genshi') if config_decorator is not None: config.include(config_decorator) app = config.make_wsgi_app() testapp = webtest.TestApp(app) return testapp def make_minimal_app( self, template='fixtures/minimal.genshi', values=NOT_SET, ): """Make a minimal app for rendering given template and values """ if values is NOT_SET: values = {} def minimal(request): return values def add_config(config): config.add_view(minimal, renderer=template) testapp = self.make_app(add_config) return testapp def test_simple(self): testapp = self.make_minimal_app( template='fixtures/simple.genshi', values=dict(name='foobar'), ) resp = testapp.get('/') self.assertEqual(resp.text, '<div>\nfoobar\n</div>') def test_render_method_and_format(self): testapp = self.make_minimal_app() def assert_render_method(method, expected):['genshi.method'] = method resp = testapp.get('/') self.assertEqual(resp.text, expected) assert_render_method( 'xml', '<div xmlns="">\n</div>', ) assert_render_method( 'xhtml', '<div xmlns="">\n</div>', ) assert_render_method('text', '\n') def assert_render_format(format, expected):['genshi.default_format'] = format resp = testapp.get('/') self.assertEqual(resp.text, expected) assert_render_format( 'xml', '<div xmlns="">\n</div>', ) assert_render_format( 'xhtml', '<div xmlns="">\n</div>', ) assert_render_format('text', '\n') def test_render_doctype(self): testapp = self.make_minimal_app() def assert_doctype(doctype, expected):['genshi.default_doctype'] = doctype resp = testapp.get('/') self.assertEqual(resp.text, expected) assert_doctype( 'html5', '<!DOCTYPE html>\n<div>\n</div>' ) assert_doctype( 'xhtml', '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"' ' "">\n' '<div>\n</div>' ) def test_render_encoding(self): testapp = self.make_minimal_app('fixtures/chinese.genshi') def assert_encoding(encoding, expected):['genshi.default_encoding'] = encoding resp = testapp.get('/') self.assertEqual(resp.body, expected) assert_encoding( 'utf8', b'<div>\n\xe4\xb8\xad\xe6\x96\x87\xe5\xad\x97\n</div>', ) assert_encoding( 'cp950', b'<div>\n\xa4\xa4\xa4\xe5\xa6r\n</div>', ) @mock.patch('pyramid.i18n.Localizer.translate') def test_i18n_msg(self, translate_method): testapp = self.make_minimal_app('fixtures/i18n_msg.genshi') def translate(msg): if msg == 'Hello': return 'Hola' return msg translate_method.side_effect = translate resp = testapp.get('/') self.assertEqual(resp.text, '<div>Hola World</div>') @mock.patch('pyramid.i18n.Localizer.translate') def test_default_domain(self, translate_method): translate_method.side_effect = lambda text: text testapp = self.make_minimal_app('fixtures/i18n_msg.genshi')['genshi.default_domain'] = 'test_domain' testapp.get('/') self.assertEqual(translate_method.call_count, 2) ts1 = translate_method.call_args_list[0][0][0] ts2 = translate_method.call_args_list[1][0][0] self.assertEqual(ts1.domain, 'test_domain') self.assertEqual(ts2.domain, 'test_domain') @unittest.skip('Known bug, wont fix currently') @mock.patch('pyramid.i18n.Localizer.translate') def test_i18n_domain(self, translate_method): translate_method.side_effect = lambda text: text testapp = self.make_minimal_app('fixtures/i18n_domain.genshi')['genshi.default_domain'] = 'my_domain' testapp.get('/') self.assertEqual(translate_method.call_count, 2) ts1 = translate_method.call_args_list[0][0][0] ts2 = translate_method.call_args_list[1][0][0] self.assertEqual(ts1.domain, 'test_domain') # TODO: this _('xxx') call should also be in test_domain # but since our _ method cannot access genshi context, # so that its is wrong, maybe we should address this issue later # # A temporary solution would be # # _('xxx', domain='test_domain') # self.assertEqual(ts2.domain, 'test_domain') def test_render_with_wrong_argument(self): testapp = self.make_minimal_app(values=None) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): testapp.get('/') def test_render_assert_path_include(self): testapp = self.make_minimal_app('fixtures/asset_include.genshi') resp = testapp.get('/') self.assertIn('replaced', resp.text) def test_render_relative_path_include(self): testapp = self.make_minimal_app('fixtures/relative_include.genshi') resp = testapp.get('/') self.assertIn('replaced', resp.text) def test_render_asset_include_auto_reload(self): tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() fixtures_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'fixtures') try: included = """ <div xmlns="" xmlns:py="" py:strip="True" > <py:match path="span"> <span>replaced</span> </py:match> </div> """ included_path = os.path.join(fixtures_dir, '_updated_included.genshi') with open(included_path, 'wt') as tmpl_file: tmpl_file.write(included) asset_include = """ <div xmlns="" xmlns:py="" xmlns:xi="" > <xi:include href="tests:fixtures/_updated_included.genshi" /> <span>To be replaced</span> </div> """ asset_include_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'asset_include.genshi') with open(asset_include_path, 'wt') as tmpl_file: tmpl_file.write(asset_include) testapp = self.make_minimal_app(asset_include_path) resp = testapp.get('/') self.assertIn('replaced', resp.text) # Notice: we need to sleep for a while, otherwise the modification # time of file will be the same time.sleep(1) included = """ <div xmlns="" xmlns:py="" py:strip="True" > <py:match path="span"> <span>updated</span> </py:match> </div> """ with open(included_path, 'wt') as tmpl_file: tmpl_file.write(included) resp = testapp.get('/') self.assertIn('updated', resp.text) finally: shutil.rmtree(tmp_dir) if os.path.exists(included_path): os.remove(included_path)
""" Support and standalone functions for Robust Linear Models References ---------- PJ Huber. 'Robust Statistics' John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1981. R Venables, B Ripley. 'Modern Applied Statistics in S' Springer, New York, 2002. """ import numpy as np from scipy.stats import norm as Gaussian import norms from scikits.statsmodels import tools def mad(a, c=Gaussian.ppf(3/4.), axis=0): # c \approx .6745 """ The Median Absolute Deviation along given axis of an array Parameters ---------- a : array-like Input array. c : float, optional The normalization constant. Defined as scipy.stats.norm.ppf(3/4.), which is approximately .6745. axis : int, optional The defaul is 0. Returns ------- mad : float `mad` = median(abs(`a`))/`c` """ a = np.asarray(a) return np.median((np.fabs(a))/c, axis=axis) def stand_mad(a, c=Gaussian.ppf(3/4.), axis=0): """ The standardized Median Absolute Deviation along given axis of an array. Parameters ---------- a : array-like Input array. c : float, optional The normalization constant. Defined as scipy.stats.norm.ppf(3/4.), which is approximately .6745. axis : int, optional The defaul is 0. Returns ------- mad : float `mad` = median(abs(`a`-median(`a`))/`c` """ a = np.asarray(a) d = np.median(a, axis = axis) d = tools.unsqueeze(d, axis, a.shape) return np.median(np.fabs(a - d)/c, axis = axis) class Huber(object): """ Huber's proposal 2 for estimating location and scale jointly. Parameters ---------- c : float, optional Threshold used in threshold for chi=psi**2. Default value is 1.5. tol : float, optional Tolerance for convergence. Default value is 1e-08. maxiter : int, optional0 Maximum number of iterations. Default value is 30. norm : scikits.statsmodels.robust.norms.RobustNorm, optional A robust norm used in M estimator of location. If None, the location estimator defaults to a one-step fixed point version of the M-estimator using Huber's T. call Return joint estimates of Huber's scale and location. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> import scikits.statsmodels as sm >>> chem_data = np.array([2.20, 2.20, 2.4, 2.4, 2.5, 2.7, 2.8, 2.9, 3.03, ... 3.03, 3.10, 3.37, 3.4, 3.4, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.7, 3.7, 3.7, ... 3.77, 5.28, 28.95]) >>> sm.robust.scale.huber(chem_data) (array(3.2054980819923693), array(0.67365260010478967)) """ def __init__(self, c=1.5, tol=1.0e-08, maxiter=30, norm=None): self.c = c self.maxiter = maxiter self.tol = tol self.norm = norm tmp = 2 * Gaussian.cdf(c) - 1 self.gamma = tmp + c**2 * (1 - tmp) - 2 * c * Gaussian.pdf(c) def __call__(self, a, mu=None, initscale=None, axis=0): """ Compute Huber's proposal 2 estimate of scale, using an optional initial value of scale and an optional estimate of mu. If mu is supplied, it is not reestimated. Parameters ---------- a : array 1d array mu : float or None, optional If the location mu is supplied then it is not reestimated. Default is None, which means that it is estimated. initscale : float or None, optional A first guess on scale. If initscale is None then the standardized median absolute deviation of a is used. Notes ----- `Huber` minimizes the function sum(psi((a[i]-mu)/scale)**2) as a function of (mu, scale), where psi(x) = np.clip(x, -self.c, self.c) """ a = np.asarray(a) if mu is None: n = a.shape[0] - 1 mu = np.median(a, axis=axis) est_mu = True else: n = a.shape[0] mu = mu est_mu = False if initscale is None: scale = stand_mad(a, axis=axis) else: scale = initscale scale = tools.unsqueeze(scale, axis, a.shape) mu = tools.unsqueeze(mu, axis, a.shape) return self._estimate_both(a, scale, mu, axis, est_mu, n) def _estimate_both(self, a, scale, mu, axis, est_mu, n): """ Estimate scale and location simultaneously with the following pseudo_loop: while not_converged: mu, scale = estimate_location(a, scale, mu), estimate_scale(a, scale, mu) where estimate_location is an M-estimator and estimate_scale implements the check used in Section 5.5 of Venables & Ripley """ for _ in range(self.maxiter): # Estimate the mean along a given axis if est_mu: if self.norm is None: # This is a one-step fixed-point estimator # if self.norm == norms.HuberT # It should be faster than using norms.HuberT nmu = np.clip(a, mu-self.c*scale, mu+self.c*scale).sum(axis) / a.shape[axis] else: nmu = norms.estimate_location(a, scale, self.norm, axis, mu, self.maxiter, self.tol) else: # Effectively, do nothing nmu = mu.squeeze() nmu = tools.unsqueeze(nmu, axis, a.shape) subset = np.less_equal(np.fabs((a - mu)/scale), self.c) card = subset.sum(axis) nscale = np.sqrt(np.sum(subset * (a - nmu)**2, axis) \ / (n * self.gamma - (a.shape[axis] - card) * self.c**2)) nscale = tools.unsqueeze(nscale, axis, a.shape) test1 = np.alltrue(np.less_equal(np.fabs(scale - nscale), nscale * self.tol)) test2 = np.alltrue(np.less_equal(np.fabs(mu - nmu), nscale*self.tol)) if not (test1 and test2): mu = nmu; scale = nscale else: return nmu.squeeze(), nscale.squeeze() raise ValueError('joint estimation of location and scale failed to converge in %d iterations' % self.maxiter) huber = Huber() class HuberScale(object): """ Huber's scaling for fitting robust linear models. Huber's scale is intended to be used as the scale estimate in the IRLS algorithm and is slightly different than the `Huber` class. Parameters ---------- d : float, optional d is the tuning constant for Huber's scale. Default is 2.5 tol : float, optional The convergence tolerance maxiter : int, optiona The maximum number of iterations. The default is 30. Methods ------- call Return's Huber's scale computed as below Notes -------- Huber's scale is the iterative solution to scale_(i+1)**2 = 1/(n*h)*sum(chi(r/sigma_i)*sigma_i**2 where the Huber function is chi(x) = (x**2)/2 for |x| < d chi(x) = (d**2)/2 for |x| >= d and the Huber constant h = (n-p)/n*(d**2 + (1-d**2)*\ scipy.stats.norm.cdf(d) - .5 - d*sqrt(2*pi)*exp(-0.5*d**2) """ def __init__(self, d=2.5, tol=1e-08, maxiter=30): self.d = d self.tol = tol self.maxiter = maxiter def __call__(self, df_resid, nobs, resid): h = (df_resid)/nobs*(self.d**2 + (1-self.d**2)*\ Gaussian.cdf(self.d)-.5 - self.d/(np.sqrt(2*np.pi))*\ np.exp(-.5*self.d**2)) s = stand_mad(resid) subset = lambda x: np.less(np.fabs(resid/x),self.d) chi = lambda s: subset(s)*(resid/s)**2/2+(1-subset(s))*(self.d**2/2) scalehist = [np.inf,s] niter = 1 while (np.abs(scalehist[niter-1] - scalehist[niter])>self.tol \ and niter < self.maxiter): nscale = np.sqrt(1/(nobs*h)*np.sum(chi(scalehist[-1]))*\ scalehist[-1]**2) scalehist.append(nscale) niter += 1 if niter == self.maxiter: raise ValueError, "Huber's scale failed to converge" return scalehist[-1] hubers_scale = HuberScale()
""" Wireless Sensor Tags platform support. For more details about this platform, please refer to the documentation at """ import logging from requests.exceptions import HTTPError, ConnectTimeout import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.const import ( ATTR_BATTERY_LEVEL, ATTR_VOLTAGE, CONF_USERNAME, CONF_PASSWORD) import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv from homeassistant import util from homeassistant.helpers.entity import Entity from homeassistant.helpers.dispatcher import ( dispatcher_send) REQUIREMENTS = ['wirelesstagpy==0.4.0'] _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) # strength of signal in dBm ATTR_TAG_SIGNAL_STRENGTH = 'signal_strength' # indicates if tag is out of range or not ATTR_TAG_OUT_OF_RANGE = 'out_of_range' # number in percents from max power of tag receiver ATTR_TAG_POWER_CONSUMPTION = 'power_consumption' NOTIFICATION_ID = 'wirelesstag_notification' NOTIFICATION_TITLE = "Wireless Sensor Tag Setup" DOMAIN = 'wirelesstag' DEFAULT_ENTITY_NAMESPACE = 'wirelesstag' # template for signal - first parameter is tag_id, # second, tag manager mac address SIGNAL_TAG_UPDATE = 'wirelesstag.tag_info_updated_{}_{}' # template for signal - tag_id, sensor type and # tag manager mac address SIGNAL_BINARY_EVENT_UPDATE = 'wirelesstag.binary_event_updated_{}_{}_{}' CONFIG_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({ DOMAIN: vol.Schema({ vol.Required(CONF_USERNAME): cv.string, vol.Required(CONF_PASSWORD): cv.string, }), }, extra=vol.ALLOW_EXTRA) class WirelessTagPlatform: """Principal object to manage all registered in HA tags.""" def __init__(self, hass, api): """Designated initializer for wirelesstags platform.""" self.hass = hass self.api = api self.tags = {} self._local_base_url = None @property def tag_manager_macs(self): """Return list of tag managers mac addresses in user account.""" return self.api.mac_addresses def load_tags(self): """Load tags from remote server.""" self.tags = self.api.load_tags() return self.tags def arm(self, switch): """Arm entity sensor monitoring.""" func_name = 'arm_{}'.format(switch.sensor_type) arm_func = getattr(self.api, func_name) if arm_func is not None: arm_func(switch.tag_id, switch.tag_manager_mac) def disarm(self, switch): """Disarm entity sensor monitoring.""" func_name = 'disarm_{}'.format(switch.sensor_type) disarm_func = getattr(self.api, func_name) if disarm_func is not None: disarm_func(switch.tag_id, switch.tag_manager_mac) def make_notifications(self, binary_sensors, mac): """Create configurations for push notifications.""""Creating configurations for push notifications.") configs = [] bi_url = self.binary_event_callback_url for bi_sensor in binary_sensors: configs.extend(bi_sensor.event.build_notifications(bi_url, mac)) update_url = self.update_callback_url from wirelesstagpy import NotificationConfig as NC update_config = NC.make_config_for_update_event(update_url, mac) configs.append(update_config) return configs def install_push_notifications(self, binary_sensors): """Register local push notification from tag manager.""""Registering local push notifications.") for mac in self.tag_manager_macs: configs = self.make_notifications(binary_sensors, mac) # install notifications for all tags in tag manager # specified by mac result = self.api.install_push_notification(0, configs, True, mac) if not result: self.hass.components.persistent_notification.create( "Error: failed to install local push notifications <br />", title="Wireless Sensor Tag Setup Local Push Notifications", notification_id="wirelesstag_failed_push_notification") else:"Installed push notifications for all\ tags in %s.", mac) @property def local_base_url(self): """Define base url of hass in local network.""" if self._local_base_url is None: self._local_base_url = "http://{}".format(util.get_local_ip()) port = self.hass.config.api.port if port is not None: self._local_base_url += ':{}'.format(port) return self._local_base_url @property def update_callback_url(self): """Return url for local push notifications(update event).""" return '{}/api/events/wirelesstag_update_tags'.format( self.local_base_url) @property def binary_event_callback_url(self): """Return url for local push notifications(binary event).""" return '{}/api/events/wirelesstag_binary_event'.format( self.local_base_url) def handle_update_tags_event(self, event): """Handle push event from wireless tag manager.""""push notification for update arrived: %s", event) try: tag_id ='id') mac ='mac') dispatcher_send( self.hass, SIGNAL_TAG_UPDATE.format(tag_id, mac), event) except Exception as ex: # pylint: disable=broad-except _LOGGER.error("Unable to handle tag update event:\ %s error: %s", str(event), str(ex)) def handle_binary_event(self, event): """Handle push notifications for binary (on/off) events.""""Push notification for binary event arrived: %s", event) try: tag_id ='id') event_type ='type') mac ='mac') dispatcher_send( self.hass, SIGNAL_BINARY_EVENT_UPDATE.format(tag_id, event_type, mac), event) except Exception as ex: # pylint: disable=broad-except _LOGGER.error("Unable to handle tag binary event:\ %s error: %s", str(event), str(ex)) def setup(hass, config): """Set up the Wireless Sensor Tag component.""" conf = config[DOMAIN] username = conf.get(CONF_USERNAME) password = conf.get(CONF_PASSWORD) try: from wirelesstagpy import (WirelessTags, WirelessTagsException) wirelesstags = WirelessTags(username=username, password=password) platform = WirelessTagPlatform(hass, wirelesstags) platform.load_tags()[DOMAIN] = platform except (ConnectTimeout, HTTPError, WirelessTagsException) as ex: _LOGGER.error("Unable to connect to service: %s", str(ex)) hass.components.persistent_notification.create( "Error: {}<br />" "Please restart hass after fixing this." "".format(ex), title=NOTIFICATION_TITLE, notification_id=NOTIFICATION_ID) return False # listen to custom events hass.bus.listen('wirelesstag_update_tags',[DOMAIN].handle_update_tags_event) hass.bus.listen('wirelesstag_binary_event',[DOMAIN].handle_binary_event) return True class WirelessTagBaseSensor(Entity): """Base class for HA implementation for Wireless Sensor Tag.""" def __init__(self, api, tag): """Initialize a base sensor for Wireless Sensor Tag platform.""" self._api = api self._tag = tag self._uuid = self._tag.uuid self.tag_id = self._tag.tag_id self.tag_manager_mac = self._tag.tag_manager_mac self._name = self._state = None @property def should_poll(self): """Return the polling state.""" return True @property def name(self): """Return the name of the sensor.""" return self._name @property def principal_value(self): """Return base value. Subclasses need override based on type of sensor. """ return 0 def updated_state_value(self): """Return formatted value. The default implementation formats principal value. """ return self.decorate_value(self.principal_value) # pylint: disable=no-self-use def decorate_value(self, value): """Decorate input value to be well presented for end user.""" return '{:.1f}'.format(value) @property def available(self): """Return True if entity is available.""" return self._tag.is_alive def update(self): """Update state.""" if not self.should_poll: return updated_tags = self._api.load_tags() updated_tag = updated_tags[self._uuid] if updated_tag is None: _LOGGER.error('Unable to update tag: "%s"', return self._tag = updated_tag self._state = self.updated_state_value() @property def device_state_attributes(self): """Return the state attributes.""" return { ATTR_BATTERY_LEVEL: int(self._tag.battery_remaining*100), ATTR_VOLTAGE: '{:.2f}V'.format(self._tag.battery_volts), ATTR_TAG_SIGNAL_STRENGTH: '{}dBm'.format( self._tag.signal_strength), ATTR_TAG_OUT_OF_RANGE: not self._tag.is_in_range, ATTR_TAG_POWER_CONSUMPTION: '{:.2f}%'.format( self._tag.power_consumption) }
# coding: utf-8 """ Cloudbreak API Cloudbreak is a powerful left surf that breaks over a coral reef, a mile off southwest the island of Tavarua, Fiji. Cloudbreak is a cloud agnostic Hadoop as a Service API. Abstracts the provisioning and ease management and monitoring of on-demand clusters. SequenceIQ's Cloudbreak is a RESTful application development platform with the goal of helping developers to build solutions for deploying Hadoop YARN clusters in different environments. Once it is deployed in your favourite servlet container it exposes a REST API allowing to span up Hadoop clusters of arbitary sizes and cloud providers. Provisioning Hadoop has never been easier. Cloudbreak is built on the foundation of cloud providers API (Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform, Openstack), Apache Ambari, Docker lightweight containers, Swarm and Consul. For further product documentation follow the link: <a href=\"\"></a> OpenAPI spec version: 2.9.0 Generated by: """ from __future__ import absolute_import import sys import os import re # python 2 and python 3 compatibility library from six import iteritems from ..configuration import Configuration from ..api_client import ApiClient class V3workspaceIdrdsconfigsApi(object): """ NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. Do not edit the class manually. Ref: """ def __init__(self, api_client=None): config = Configuration() if api_client: self.api_client = api_client else: if not config.api_client: config.api_client = ApiClient() self.api_client = config.api_client def create_rds_config_in_workspace(self, workspace_id, **kwargs): """ create RDS config in workspace An RDS Configuration describe a connection to an external Relational Database Service that can be used as the Hive Metastore. This method makes a synchronous HTTP request by default. To make an asynchronous HTTP request, please define a `callback` function to be invoked when receiving the response. >>> def callback_function(response): >>> pprint(response) >>> >>> thread = api.create_rds_config_in_workspace(workspace_id, callback=callback_function) :param callback function: The callback function for asynchronous request. (optional) :param int workspace_id: (required) :param RdsConfig body: :return: RDSConfigResponse If the method is called asynchronously, returns the request thread. """ kwargs['_return_http_data_only'] = True if kwargs.get('callback'): return self.create_rds_config_in_workspace_with_http_info(workspace_id, **kwargs) else: (data) = self.create_rds_config_in_workspace_with_http_info(workspace_id, **kwargs) return data def create_rds_config_in_workspace_with_http_info(self, workspace_id, **kwargs): """ create RDS config in workspace An RDS Configuration describe a connection to an external Relational Database Service that can be used as the Hive Metastore. This method makes a synchronous HTTP request by default. To make an asynchronous HTTP request, please define a `callback` function to be invoked when receiving the response. >>> def callback_function(response): >>> pprint(response) >>> >>> thread = api.create_rds_config_in_workspace_with_http_info(workspace_id, callback=callback_function) :param callback function: The callback function for asynchronous request. (optional) :param int workspace_id: (required) :param RdsConfig body: :return: RDSConfigResponse If the method is called asynchronously, returns the request thread. """ all_params = ['workspace_id', 'body'] all_params.append('callback') all_params.append('_return_http_data_only') all_params.append('_preload_content') all_params.append('_request_timeout') params = locals() for key, val in iteritems(params['kwargs']): if key not in all_params: raise TypeError( "Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s'" " to method create_rds_config_in_workspace" % key ) params[key] = val del params['kwargs'] # verify the required parameter 'workspace_id' is set if ('workspace_id' not in params) or (params['workspace_id'] is None): raise ValueError("Missing the required parameter `workspace_id` when calling `create_rds_config_in_workspace`") collection_formats = {} path_params = {} if 'workspace_id' in params: path_params['workspaceId'] = params['workspace_id'] query_params = [] header_params = {} form_params = [] local_var_files = {} body_params = None if 'body' in params: body_params = params['body'] # HTTP header `Accept` header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.\ select_header_accept(['application/json']) # HTTP header `Content-Type` header_params['Content-Type'] = self.api_client.\ select_header_content_type(['application/json']) # Authentication setting auth_settings = ['tokenAuth'] return self.api_client.call_api('/v3/{workspaceId}/rdsconfigs', 'POST', path_params, query_params, header_params, body=body_params, post_params=form_params, files=local_var_files, response_type='RDSConfigResponse', auth_settings=auth_settings, callback=params.get('callback'), _return_http_data_only=params.get('_return_http_data_only'), _preload_content=params.get('_preload_content', True), _request_timeout=params.get('_request_timeout'), collection_formats=collection_formats) def delete_rds_config_in_workspace(self, workspace_id, name, **kwargs): """ delete RDS config by name in workspace An RDS Configuration describe a connection to an external Relational Database Service that can be used as the Hive Metastore. This method makes a synchronous HTTP request by default. To make an asynchronous HTTP request, please define a `callback` function to be invoked when receiving the response. >>> def callback_function(response): >>> pprint(response) >>> >>> thread = api.delete_rds_config_in_workspace(workspace_id, name, callback=callback_function) :param callback function: The callback function for asynchronous request. (optional) :param int workspace_id: (required) :param str name: (required) :return: RDSConfigResponse If the method is called asynchronously, returns the request thread. """ kwargs['_return_http_data_only'] = True if kwargs.get('callback'): return self.delete_rds_config_in_workspace_with_http_info(workspace_id, name, **kwargs) else: (data) = self.delete_rds_config_in_workspace_with_http_info(workspace_id, name, **kwargs) return data def delete_rds_config_in_workspace_with_http_info(self, workspace_id, name, **kwargs): """ delete RDS config by name in workspace An RDS Configuration describe a connection to an external Relational Database Service that can be used as the Hive Metastore. This method makes a synchronous HTTP request by default. To make an asynchronous HTTP request, please define a `callback` function to be invoked when receiving the response. >>> def callback_function(response): >>> pprint(response) >>> >>> thread = api.delete_rds_config_in_workspace_with_http_info(workspace_id, name, callback=callback_function) :param callback function: The callback function for asynchronous request. (optional) :param int workspace_id: (required) :param str name: (required) :return: RDSConfigResponse If the method is called asynchronously, returns the request thread. """ all_params = ['workspace_id', 'name'] all_params.append('callback') all_params.append('_return_http_data_only') all_params.append('_preload_content') all_params.append('_request_timeout') params = locals() for key, val in iteritems(params['kwargs']): if key not in all_params: raise TypeError( "Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s'" " to method delete_rds_config_in_workspace" % key ) params[key] = val del params['kwargs'] # verify the required parameter 'workspace_id' is set if ('workspace_id' not in params) or (params['workspace_id'] is None): raise ValueError("Missing the required parameter `workspace_id` when calling `delete_rds_config_in_workspace`") # verify the required parameter 'name' is set if ('name' not in params) or (params['name'] is None): raise ValueError("Missing the required parameter `name` when calling `delete_rds_config_in_workspace`") collection_formats = {} path_params = {} if 'workspace_id' in params: path_params['workspaceId'] = params['workspace_id'] if 'name' in params: path_params['name'] = params['name'] query_params = [] header_params = {} form_params = [] local_var_files = {} body_params = None # HTTP header `Accept` header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.\ select_header_accept(['application/json']) # HTTP header `Content-Type` header_params['Content-Type'] = self.api_client.\ select_header_content_type(['application/json']) # Authentication setting auth_settings = ['tokenAuth'] return self.api_client.call_api('/v3/{workspaceId}/rdsconfigs/{name}', 'DELETE', path_params, query_params, header_params, body=body_params, post_params=form_params, files=local_var_files, response_type='RDSConfigResponse', auth_settings=auth_settings, callback=params.get('callback'), _return_http_data_only=params.get('_return_http_data_only'), _preload_content=params.get('_preload_content', True), _request_timeout=params.get('_request_timeout'), collection_formats=collection_formats) def get_rds_config_in_workspace(self, workspace_id, name, **kwargs): """ get RDS config by name in workspace An RDS Configuration describe a connection to an external Relational Database Service that can be used as the Hive Metastore. This method makes a synchronous HTTP request by default. To make an asynchronous HTTP request, please define a `callback` function to be invoked when receiving the response. >>> def callback_function(response): >>> pprint(response) >>> >>> thread = api.get_rds_config_in_workspace(workspace_id, name, callback=callback_function) :param callback function: The callback function for asynchronous request. (optional) :param int workspace_id: (required) :param str name: (required) :return: RDSConfigResponse If the method is called asynchronously, returns the request thread. """ kwargs['_return_http_data_only'] = True if kwargs.get('callback'): return self.get_rds_config_in_workspace_with_http_info(workspace_id, name, **kwargs) else: (data) = self.get_rds_config_in_workspace_with_http_info(workspace_id, name, **kwargs) return data def get_rds_config_in_workspace_with_http_info(self, workspace_id, name, **kwargs): """ get RDS config by name in workspace An RDS Configuration describe a connection to an external Relational Database Service that can be used as the Hive Metastore. This method makes a synchronous HTTP request by default. To make an asynchronous HTTP request, please define a `callback` function to be invoked when receiving the response. >>> def callback_function(response): >>> pprint(response) >>> >>> thread = api.get_rds_config_in_workspace_with_http_info(workspace_id, name, callback=callback_function) :param callback function: The callback function for asynchronous request. (optional) :param int workspace_id: (required) :param str name: (required) :return: RDSConfigResponse If the method is called asynchronously, returns the request thread. """ all_params = ['workspace_id', 'name'] all_params.append('callback') all_params.append('_return_http_data_only') all_params.append('_preload_content') all_params.append('_request_timeout') params = locals() for key, val in iteritems(params['kwargs']): if key not in all_params: raise TypeError( "Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s'" " to method get_rds_config_in_workspace" % key ) params[key] = val del params['kwargs'] # verify the required parameter 'workspace_id' is set if ('workspace_id' not in params) or (params['workspace_id'] is None): raise ValueError("Missing the required parameter `workspace_id` when calling `get_rds_config_in_workspace`") # verify the required parameter 'name' is set if ('name' not in params) or (params['name'] is None): raise ValueError("Missing the required parameter `name` when calling `get_rds_config_in_workspace`") collection_formats = {} path_params = {} if 'workspace_id' in params: path_params['workspaceId'] = params['workspace_id'] if 'name' in params: path_params['name'] = params['name'] query_params = [] header_params = {} form_params = [] local_var_files = {} body_params = None # HTTP header `Accept` header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.\ select_header_accept(['application/json']) # HTTP header `Content-Type` header_params['Content-Type'] = self.api_client.\ select_header_content_type(['application/json']) # Authentication setting auth_settings = ['tokenAuth'] return self.api_client.call_api('/v3/{workspaceId}/rdsconfigs/{name}', 'GET', path_params, query_params, header_params, body=body_params, post_params=form_params, files=local_var_files, response_type='RDSConfigResponse', auth_settings=auth_settings, callback=params.get('callback'), _return_http_data_only=params.get('_return_http_data_only'), _preload_content=params.get('_preload_content', True), _request_timeout=params.get('_request_timeout'), collection_formats=collection_formats) def get_rds_request_from_name_in_workspace(self, workspace_id, name, **kwargs): """ get request in workspace An RDS Configuration describe a connection to an external Relational Database Service that can be used as the Hive Metastore. This method makes a synchronous HTTP request by default. To make an asynchronous HTTP request, please define a `callback` function to be invoked when receiving the response. >>> def callback_function(response): >>> pprint(response) >>> >>> thread = api.get_rds_request_from_name_in_workspace(workspace_id, name, callback=callback_function) :param callback function: The callback function for asynchronous request. (optional) :param int workspace_id: (required) :param str name: (required) :return: RdsConfig If the method is called asynchronously, returns the request thread. """ kwargs['_return_http_data_only'] = True if kwargs.get('callback'): return self.get_rds_request_from_name_in_workspace_with_http_info(workspace_id, name, **kwargs) else: (data) = self.get_rds_request_from_name_in_workspace_with_http_info(workspace_id, name, **kwargs) return data def get_rds_request_from_name_in_workspace_with_http_info(self, workspace_id, name, **kwargs): """ get request in workspace An RDS Configuration describe a connection to an external Relational Database Service that can be used as the Hive Metastore. This method makes a synchronous HTTP request by default. To make an asynchronous HTTP request, please define a `callback` function to be invoked when receiving the response. >>> def callback_function(response): >>> pprint(response) >>> >>> thread = api.get_rds_request_from_name_in_workspace_with_http_info(workspace_id, name, callback=callback_function) :param callback function: The callback function for asynchronous request. (optional) :param int workspace_id: (required) :param str name: (required) :return: RdsConfig If the method is called asynchronously, returns the request thread. """ all_params = ['workspace_id', 'name'] all_params.append('callback') all_params.append('_return_http_data_only') all_params.append('_preload_content') all_params.append('_request_timeout') params = locals() for key, val in iteritems(params['kwargs']): if key not in all_params: raise TypeError( "Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s'" " to method get_rds_request_from_name_in_workspace" % key ) params[key] = val del params['kwargs'] # verify the required parameter 'workspace_id' is set if ('workspace_id' not in params) or (params['workspace_id'] is None): raise ValueError("Missing the required parameter `workspace_id` when calling `get_rds_request_from_name_in_workspace`") # verify the required parameter 'name' is set if ('name' not in params) or (params['name'] is None): raise ValueError("Missing the required parameter `name` when calling `get_rds_request_from_name_in_workspace`") collection_formats = {} path_params = {} if 'workspace_id' in params: path_params['workspaceId'] = params['workspace_id'] if 'name' in params: path_params['name'] = params['name'] query_params = [] header_params = {} form_params = [] local_var_files = {} body_params = None # HTTP header `Accept` header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.\ select_header_accept(['application/json']) # HTTP header `Content-Type` header_params['Content-Type'] = self.api_client.\ select_header_content_type(['application/json']) # Authentication setting auth_settings = ['tokenAuth'] return self.api_client.call_api('/v3/{workspaceId}/rdsconfigs/{name}/request', 'GET', path_params, query_params, header_params, body=body_params, post_params=form_params, files=local_var_files, response_type='RdsConfig', auth_settings=auth_settings, callback=params.get('callback'), _return_http_data_only=params.get('_return_http_data_only'), _preload_content=params.get('_preload_content', True), _request_timeout=params.get('_request_timeout'), collection_formats=collection_formats) def list_rds_configs_by_workspace(self, workspace_id, **kwargs): """ list RDS configs for the given workspace An RDS Configuration describe a connection to an external Relational Database Service that can be used as the Hive Metastore. This method makes a synchronous HTTP request by default. To make an asynchronous HTTP request, please define a `callback` function to be invoked when receiving the response. >>> def callback_function(response): >>> pprint(response) >>> >>> thread = api.list_rds_configs_by_workspace(workspace_id, callback=callback_function) :param callback function: The callback function for asynchronous request. (optional) :param int workspace_id: (required) :return: list[RDSConfigResponse] If the method is called asynchronously, returns the request thread. """ kwargs['_return_http_data_only'] = True if kwargs.get('callback'): return self.list_rds_configs_by_workspace_with_http_info(workspace_id, **kwargs) else: (data) = self.list_rds_configs_by_workspace_with_http_info(workspace_id, **kwargs) return data def list_rds_configs_by_workspace_with_http_info(self, workspace_id, **kwargs): """ list RDS configs for the given workspace An RDS Configuration describe a connection to an external Relational Database Service that can be used as the Hive Metastore. This method makes a synchronous HTTP request by default. To make an asynchronous HTTP request, please define a `callback` function to be invoked when receiving the response. >>> def callback_function(response): >>> pprint(response) >>> >>> thread = api.list_rds_configs_by_workspace_with_http_info(workspace_id, callback=callback_function) :param callback function: The callback function for asynchronous request. (optional) :param int workspace_id: (required) :return: list[RDSConfigResponse] If the method is called asynchronously, returns the request thread. """ all_params = ['workspace_id'] all_params.append('callback') all_params.append('_return_http_data_only') all_params.append('_preload_content') all_params.append('_request_timeout') params = locals() for key, val in iteritems(params['kwargs']): if key not in all_params: raise TypeError( "Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s'" " to method list_rds_configs_by_workspace" % key ) params[key] = val del params['kwargs'] # verify the required parameter 'workspace_id' is set if ('workspace_id' not in params) or (params['workspace_id'] is None): raise ValueError("Missing the required parameter `workspace_id` when calling `list_rds_configs_by_workspace`") collection_formats = {} path_params = {} if 'workspace_id' in params: path_params['workspaceId'] = params['workspace_id'] query_params = [] header_params = {} form_params = [] local_var_files = {} body_params = None # HTTP header `Accept` header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.\ select_header_accept(['application/json']) # HTTP header `Content-Type` header_params['Content-Type'] = self.api_client.\ select_header_content_type(['application/json']) # Authentication setting auth_settings = ['tokenAuth'] return self.api_client.call_api('/v3/{workspaceId}/rdsconfigs', 'GET', path_params, query_params, header_params, body=body_params, post_params=form_params, files=local_var_files, response_type='list[RDSConfigResponse]', auth_settings=auth_settings, callback=params.get('callback'), _return_http_data_only=params.get('_return_http_data_only'), _preload_content=params.get('_preload_content', True), _request_timeout=params.get('_request_timeout'), collection_formats=collection_formats) def test_rds_connection_in_workspace(self, workspace_id, **kwargs): """ test RDS connectivity An RDS Configuration describe a connection to an external Relational Database Service that can be used as the Hive Metastore. This method makes a synchronous HTTP request by default. To make an asynchronous HTTP request, please define a `callback` function to be invoked when receiving the response. >>> def callback_function(response): >>> pprint(response) >>> >>> thread = api.test_rds_connection_in_workspace(workspace_id, callback=callback_function) :param callback function: The callback function for asynchronous request. (optional) :param int workspace_id: (required) :param RdsTestRequest body: :return: RdsTestResult If the method is called asynchronously, returns the request thread. """ kwargs['_return_http_data_only'] = True if kwargs.get('callback'): return self.test_rds_connection_in_workspace_with_http_info(workspace_id, **kwargs) else: (data) = self.test_rds_connection_in_workspace_with_http_info(workspace_id, **kwargs) return data def test_rds_connection_in_workspace_with_http_info(self, workspace_id, **kwargs): """ test RDS connectivity An RDS Configuration describe a connection to an external Relational Database Service that can be used as the Hive Metastore. This method makes a synchronous HTTP request by default. To make an asynchronous HTTP request, please define a `callback` function to be invoked when receiving the response. >>> def callback_function(response): >>> pprint(response) >>> >>> thread = api.test_rds_connection_in_workspace_with_http_info(workspace_id, callback=callback_function) :param callback function: The callback function for asynchronous request. (optional) :param int workspace_id: (required) :param RdsTestRequest body: :return: RdsTestResult If the method is called asynchronously, returns the request thread. """ all_params = ['workspace_id', 'body'] all_params.append('callback') all_params.append('_return_http_data_only') all_params.append('_preload_content') all_params.append('_request_timeout') params = locals() for key, val in iteritems(params['kwargs']): if key not in all_params: raise TypeError( "Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s'" " to method test_rds_connection_in_workspace" % key ) params[key] = val del params['kwargs'] # verify the required parameter 'workspace_id' is set if ('workspace_id' not in params) or (params['workspace_id'] is None): raise ValueError("Missing the required parameter `workspace_id` when calling `test_rds_connection_in_workspace`") collection_formats = {} path_params = {} if 'workspace_id' in params: path_params['workspaceId'] = params['workspace_id'] query_params = [] header_params = {} form_params = [] local_var_files = {} body_params = None if 'body' in params: body_params = params['body'] # HTTP header `Accept` header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.\ select_header_accept(['application/json']) # HTTP header `Content-Type` header_params['Content-Type'] = self.api_client.\ select_header_content_type(['application/json']) # Authentication setting auth_settings = ['tokenAuth'] return self.api_client.call_api('/v3/{workspaceId}/rdsconfigs/testconnect', 'POST', path_params, query_params, header_params, body=body_params, post_params=form_params, files=local_var_files, response_type='RdsTestResult', auth_settings=auth_settings, callback=params.get('callback'), _return_http_data_only=params.get('_return_http_data_only'), _preload_content=params.get('_preload_content', True), _request_timeout=params.get('_request_timeout'), collection_formats=collection_formats)
from __future__ import print_function import numpy as np from numba.compiler import compile_isolated, Flags from numba import types, from_dtype, errors, typeof import numba.unittest_support as unittest from import TestCase, MemoryLeakMixin enable_pyobj_flags = Flags() enable_pyobj_flags.set("enable_pyobject") no_pyobj_flags = Flags() no_pyobj_flags.set('nrt') def reshape_array(a): return a.reshape(3, 3) def reshape_array_to_1d(a): return a.reshape(a.size) def flatten_array(a): return a.flatten() def ravel_array(a): return a.ravel() def ravel_array_size(a): return a.ravel().size def transpose_array(a): return a.transpose() def squeeze_array(a): return a.squeeze() def convert_array_str(a): # astype takes no kws argument in numpy1.6 return a.astype('f4') def convert_array_dtype(a): # astype takes no kws argument in numpy1.6 return a.astype(np.float32) def add_axis1(a): return np.expand_dims(a, axis=0) def add_axis2(a): return a[np.newaxis, :] def bad_index(arr, arr2d): x = arr.x, y = arr.y # note that `x` is a tuple, which causes a new axis to be created. arr2d[x, y] = 1.0 def bad_float_index(arr): # 2D index required for this function because 1D index # fails typing return arr[1, 2.0] class TestArrayManipulation(MemoryLeakMixin, TestCase): def test_reshape_array(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): a = np.arange(9) pyfunc = reshape_array arraytype1 = typeof(a) cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (arraytype1,), flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point expected = pyfunc(a) got = cfunc(a) np.testing.assert_equal(expected, got) def test_reshape_array_npm(self): self.test_reshape_array(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_reshape_array_to_1d(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags, layout='C'): a = np.arange(9).reshape(3, 3) if layout == 'F': a = a.T pyfunc = reshape_array_to_1d arraytype1 = typeof(a) if layout == 'A': # Force A layout arraytype1 = arraytype1.copy(layout='A') self.assertEqual(arraytype1.layout, layout) cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (arraytype1,), flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point expected = pyfunc(a) got = cfunc(a) self.assertEqual(got.ndim, 1) np.testing.assert_equal(expected, got) def test_reshape_array_to_1d_npm(self): self.test_reshape_array_to_1d(flags=no_pyobj_flags) with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError) as raises: self.test_reshape_array_to_1d(flags=no_pyobj_flags, layout='F') self.assertIn("incompatible shape for array", str(raises.exception)) with self.assertTypingError() as raises: # The following will leak due to lack of post exception cleanup self.test_reshape_array_to_1d(flags=no_pyobj_flags, layout='A') self.assertIn("reshape() supports contiguous array only", str(raises.exception)) # Disable leak check for the last `test_reshape_array_to_1d` call. self.disable_leak_check() @unittest.expectedFailure def test_reshape_array_to_1d_leak_error_npm(self): """ Rerun the test in ``test_reshape_array_to_1d_npm`` that will cause a leak error. """ with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError) as raises: self.test_reshape_array_to_1d(flags=no_pyobj_flags, layout='F') self.assertIn("incompatible shape for array", str(raises.exception)) # The leak check is not captured by the expectedFailure. # We need to disable it because `test_reshape_array_to_1d` will leak # due to the lack of post exception cleanup self.disable_leak_check() # The following checks for memory leak and it will fail. # This will trigger the expectedFailure self.assert_no_memory_leak() def test_flatten_array(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): a = np.arange(9).reshape(3, 3) pyfunc = flatten_array arraytype1 = typeof(a) cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (arraytype1,), flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point expected = pyfunc(a) got = cfunc(a) np.testing.assert_equal(expected, got) def test_flatten_array_npm(self): with self.assertRaises(errors.UntypedAttributeError) as raises: self.test_flatten_array(flags=no_pyobj_flags) self.assertIn("flatten", str(raises.exception)) def test_ravel_array(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): a = np.arange(9).reshape(3, 3) pyfunc = ravel_array arraytype1 = typeof(a) cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (arraytype1,), flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point expected = pyfunc(a) got = cfunc(a) np.testing.assert_equal(expected, got) def test_ravel_array_size(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): a = np.arange(9).reshape(3, 3) pyfunc = ravel_array_size arraytype1 = typeof(a) cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (arraytype1,), flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point expected = pyfunc(a) got = cfunc(a) np.testing.assert_equal(expected, got) def test_ravel_array_npm(self): with self.assertRaises(errors.UntypedAttributeError) as raises: self.test_ravel_array(flags=no_pyobj_flags) self.assertIn("ravel", str(raises.exception)) def test_ravel_array_size_npm(self): with self.assertRaises(errors.UntypedAttributeError) as raises: self.test_ravel_array_size(flags=no_pyobj_flags) self.assertIn("ravel", str(raises.exception)) def test_transpose_array(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): a = np.arange(9).reshape(3, 3) pyfunc = transpose_array arraytype1 = typeof(a) cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (arraytype1,), flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point expected = pyfunc(a) got = cfunc(a) np.testing.assert_equal(expected, got) def test_transpose_array_npm(self): self.test_transpose_array(flags=no_pyobj_flags) def test_squeeze_array(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): a = np.arange(2 * 1 * 3 * 1 * 4).reshape(2, 1, 3, 1, 4) pyfunc = squeeze_array arraytype1 = typeof(a) cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (arraytype1,), flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point expected = pyfunc(a) got = cfunc(a) np.testing.assert_equal(expected, got) def test_squeeze_array_npm(self): with self.assertRaises(errors.UntypedAttributeError) as raises: self.test_squeeze_array(flags=no_pyobj_flags) self.assertIn("squeeze", str(raises.exception)) def test_convert_array_str(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): a = np.arange(9, dtype='i4') pyfunc = convert_array_str arraytype1 = typeof(a) cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (arraytype1,), flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point expected = pyfunc(a) got = cfunc(a) self.assertPreciseEqual(expected, got) def test_convert_array_str_npm(self): with self.assertRaises(errors.UntypedAttributeError) as raises: self.test_convert_array_str(flags=no_pyobj_flags) self.assertIn("astype", str(raises.exception)) def test_convert_array(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): a = np.arange(9, dtype='i4') pyfunc = convert_array_dtype arraytype1 = typeof(a) cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (arraytype1,), flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point expected = pyfunc(a) got = cfunc(a) np.testing.assert_equal(expected, got) def test_convert_array_npm(self): with self.assertRaises(errors.UntypedAttributeError) as raises: self.test_convert_array(flags=no_pyobj_flags) self.assertIn("astype", str(raises.exception)) def test_add_axis1(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): a = np.arange(9).reshape(3, 3) pyfunc = add_axis1 arraytype1 = typeof(a) cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (arraytype1,), flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point expected = pyfunc(a) got = cfunc(a) np.testing.assert_equal(expected, got) def test_add_axis1_npm(self): with self.assertRaises(errors.UntypedAttributeError) as raises: self.test_add_axis1(flags=no_pyobj_flags) self.assertIn("expand_dims", str(raises.exception)) def test_add_axis2(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags): a = np.arange(9).reshape(3, 3) pyfunc = add_axis2 arraytype1 = typeof(a) cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (arraytype1,), flags=flags) cfunc = cr.entry_point expected = pyfunc(a) got = cfunc(a) np.testing.assert_equal(expected, got) def test_add_axis2_npm(self): with self.assertTypingError() as raises: self.test_add_axis2(flags=no_pyobj_flags) self.assertIn("unsupported array index type none in", str(raises.exception)) def test_bad_index_npm(self): with self.assertTypingError() as raises: arraytype1 = from_dtype(np.dtype([('x', np.int32), ('y', np.int32)])) arraytype2 = types.Array(types.int32, 2, 'C') compile_isolated(bad_index, (arraytype1, arraytype2), flags=no_pyobj_flags) self.assertIn('unsupported array index type', str(raises.exception)) def test_bad_float_index_npm(self): with self.assertTypingError() as raises: compile_isolated(bad_float_index, (types.Array(types.float64, 2, 'C'),)) self.assertIn('unsupported array index type float64', str(raises.exception)) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
# Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """TensorFlow Debugger (tfdbg) Stepper Module.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import copy import os import shutil import tempfile import time import six from tensorflow.core.protobuf import config_pb2 from tensorflow.python.debug.lib import debug_data from tensorflow.python.debug.lib import debug_utils from tensorflow.python.framework import ops from tensorflow.python.ops import session_ops # TODO(cais): Use nest.flatten once it handles nest Dicts correctly. def _flatten_fetches(fetches): """Flatten list, tuple of fetches, or a single fetch into a list of fetches. Args: fetches: The fetches to flatten: Can be a single Tensor, Op, or a potentially nested list, tuple or dict of such individual fetches. Returns: The fetches flattened to a list. """ flattened = [] if isinstance(fetches, (list, tuple)): for fetch in fetches: flattened.extend(_flatten_fetches(fetch)) elif isinstance(fetches, dict): for key in fetches: flattened.extend(_flatten_fetches(fetches[key])) else: flattened.append(fetches) return flattened class NodeStepper(object): """TensorFlow Debugger (tfdbg) stepper. The stepper provides ability to perform "continue to" actions on a graph, given fetch and feeds. The stepper calculates the transitive closure of the fetch. cont() (continue to) calls can only be performed on members of the transitive closure. On a cont() call, the stepper performs depth-first tracing of the input tree of the target. When it reaches an input where one of the following is available, it will supply the available value to the feed_dict of the cont() call: (1) Overriding (injected) values from the client. (2) TensorHandles from previous cont() calls. (3) Dumped intermediate Tensors from previous cont() calls. (4) Feeds supplied during the construction of the stepper instance. During the cont() call, intermediate Tensors are dumped to temporary directories. The dumped Tensor values will be used in subsequent cont() calls when they are required as data dependencies. The temporary directories are automatically clean when the NodeStepper instance exits as a context mananger. Once the tracing is complete, it will issue a run() call on the underlying session, using the aforementioned feed_dict prepared by the input tracing, to achieve the "continue-to" action. The above process takes into account whether the transitive closure of an input contains Variables that are updated during previous cont() calls on this stepper instance. If such updates exist, we say the transitive closure is "dirty" and the stepper can restore the "clean" state of the Variable and avoid using the TensorHandle. Example of basic usage: a = tf.Variable(1.0, name="a") b = tf.Variable(2.0, anme="b") c = tf.add(a, b, name="c") d = tf.multiply(a, c, name="d") sess = tf.Session() stepper = NodeStepper(sess, d) stepper.cont(c) # Caches the handle to Tensor c:0. stepper.cont(d) # Uses handle to Tensor c:0, avoiding recomputing c. """ # Possible types of feed used during cont() calls. FEED_TYPE_CLIENT = "client" FEED_TYPE_HANDLE = "handle" FEED_TYPE_OVERRIDE = "override" FEED_TYPE_DUMPED_INTERMEDIATE = "dumped_intermediate" def __init__(self, sess, fetches, feed_dict=None): """Constructor for Debugger. Args: sess: (Session) the TensorFlow Session to step in. fetches: Same as the fetches input argument to ``. feed_dict: Same as the feed_dict input argument to ``. """ self._sess = sess self._fetches = fetches flattened_fetches = _flatten_fetches(fetches) self._fetch_names, self._fetch_list = self._get_fetch_and_name_lists( flattened_fetches) # A map from Variable name to initializer op. self._variable_initializers = {} # A map from Variable name to initial value, used when overriding or # restoring Variable values. self._variable_initial_values = {} # Initialize the map for output recipients (targets). self._output_targets = {} # Sorted transitive closure of the fetched node. # We also collect the list of the names of the reference-type Tensors, # because we later need to avoid using intermediate dumps for such Tensors. (self._sorted_nodes, self._closure_elements, self._ref_tensor_names) = self._dfs_visit(self._sess.graph, self._fetch_list) self._transitive_closure_set = set(self._sorted_nodes) # A map from Variable name to the old values (before any cont() calls). self._cached_variable_values = {} # A cache map from tensor name to what variables may invalidate the tensor self._cached_invalidation_path = {} # Keep track of which variables are in a dirty state. self._dirty_variables = set() # Variables updated in the last cont() call. self._last_updated = None # Cached tensor handles: a dict with keys as tensor names and values as # tensor handles. self._tensor_handles = {} # Cached intermediate tensor values: a dict mapping tensor names to # DebugTensorDatum. self._dumped_intermediate_tensors = {} self._dump_session_root = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="tfdbg_stepper_") # Feed dict from the client. self._client_feed_dict = {} if feed_dict: for key in feed_dict: if isinstance(key, ops.Tensor): self._client_feed_dict[] = feed_dict[key] else: self._client_feed_dict[key] = feed_dict[key] # Overriding tensor values. self._override_tensors = {} # What the feed types were used by the last cont() call. self._last_feed_types = {} def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback): if os.path.isdir(self._dump_session_root): shutil.rmtree(self._dump_session_root) def _get_fetch_and_name_lists(self, flattened_fetches): """Get the lists of fetches and their names. Args: flattened_fetches: A list of fetches or their names. Can mix fetches and names. Returns: (list of str): A list of the names of the fetches. (list): A list of the fetches. """ fetch_names = [] fetch_list = [] for fetch in flattened_fetches: if isinstance(fetch, six.string_types): fetch_names.append(fetch) fetch_list.append(self._sess.graph.as_graph_element(fetch)) else: fetch_names.append( fetch_list.append(fetch) return fetch_names, fetch_list def _dfs_visit(self, graph, elem_list): """Trace back the input of a graph element, using depth-first search. Uses non-recursive implementation to prevent stack overflow for deep graphs. Also performs the following action(s): 1) When encountering a Variable, obtain its initializer op, to facilitate possible subsequent restoration / overriding of variable value. Args: graph: A TF graph instance. elem_list: list of graph elements: a Tensor or an Operation. Returns: (list of str) A topologically-sorted list of all nodes (not tensors) in the transitive closure of elem_list. Obviously, the topological sort is not unique in general. The return value here is just an arbitrary one of potentially many possible topological sorts. (list of str) A list of all graph elements (nodes and/or tensors) in the transitive closure. """ # These set should hold only strings, i.e, names of the nodes. done = set() # Keep track of visited graph elements. # A list of str: Names of the topologically-sorted graph elements. node_inputs = dict() # New: Input map of nodes in the transitive closure. elem_stack = copy.copy(elem_list) # Graph elements in the transitive closure, including the nodes and tensors. closure_elements = [ for elem in elem_list] ref_tensor_names = set() for element in elem_list: if isinstance(element, ops.Tensor) and element.dtype._is_ref_dtype: # pylint: disable=protected-access ref_tensor_names.add( while elem_stack: curr_elem = elem_stack.pop() curr_node = self._get_node(curr_elem) done.add( non_control_inputs = [inp for inp in curr_node.inputs] control_inputs = [inp for inp in curr_node.control_inputs] all_inputs = set(non_control_inputs + control_inputs) if not in node_inputs: all_input_nodes = set() for inp in all_inputs: all_input_nodes.add(self._get_node(inp).name) node_inputs[] = all_input_nodes # Iterate through the (non-control) inputs. for inp in all_inputs: # Set up the non-control output map. # if is_non_control_input: if not in self._output_targets: self._output_targets[] = set([]) else: self._output_targets[].add( if (isinstance(inp, ops.Tensor) and inp.op.type in ["Variable", "VariableV2"] and not in self._variable_initializers): # Obtain the initializer op of the variable, in case the Variable's # value needs to be restored later. initializer = graph.as_graph_element( + "/Assign") self._variable_initializers[] = initializer self._variable_initial_values[] = initializer.inputs[1] inp_node = self._get_node(inp) if in done: # Already visited. continue elem_stack.append(inp) closure_elements.append( if isinstance(inp, ops.Tensor) and inp.dtype._is_ref_dtype: # pylint: disable=protected-access ref_tensor_names.add( # Now that we have traversed the transitive closure and obtained the # node-input map, we can topologically sort them. sorted_nodes = [] stack = [] for node in node_inputs: if not node_inputs[node]: stack.append(node) for node in stack: del node_inputs[node] while stack: curr_node = stack.pop() sorted_nodes.append(curr_node) # Iterate through the node-input map and remove the child. pushes = [] for node in node_inputs: if curr_node in node_inputs[node]: node_inputs[node].remove(curr_node) if not node_inputs[node]: pushes.append(node) # Delete new pushes from node-input map. for node in pushes: del node_inputs[node] stack.extend(pushes) return sorted_nodes, closure_elements, ref_tensor_names def sorted_nodes(self): """Get a topologically-sorted list of node names of the stepper. These are the names of the nodes (i.e., not Tensors) in the transitive closure of the stepper, in a topologically-sorted order. Returns: (list of str): Sorted transitive inputs to the fetch of the stepper instance. The fetch itself is included in the list. """ return self._sorted_nodes def closure_elements(self): """Get a name list of the graph elements of the stepper. Returns: (list of str): names of the graph elements (i.e., nodes and tensors) in the transitive closure of the stepper, in a random order. """ return self._closure_elements def output_slots_in_closure(self, node_name): """Get the output tensors in the transitive closure from node. Args: node_name: (str) Name of the node in question. Returns: (list of int) Output slots of the output tensors of the node that are in the transitive closure of the stepper. """ node = self._sess.graph.as_graph_element(node_name) tensor_slots = [] for i, _ in enumerate(node.outputs): tensor_name = node_name + ":%d" % i if tensor_name in self._closure_elements: tensor_slots.append(i) return tensor_slots def is_feedable(self, name): """Determine if a graph element if feedable. Args: name: (str) name of the graph element (Tensor or Operation) Returns: (bool) whether the graph element is feedable. """ if not isinstance(name, six.string_types): raise TypeError("Expected type str; got type %s" % type(name)) elem = self._sess.graph.as_graph_element(name) return self._sess.graph.is_feedable(elem) def override_tensor(self, tensor_name, overriding_val): """Override the value of a tensor. Args: tensor_name: (str) Name of the tensor to override. overriding_val: (numpy.ndarray) Overriding tensor value. Raises: ValueError: If tensor_name does not correspond to a tensor in the input tree to the fetched graph element of this stepper instance. """ if not isinstance(tensor_name, six.string_types): raise TypeError("Expected type str; got type %s" % type(tensor_name)) node_name = self._get_node_name(tensor_name) if node_name not in self._transitive_closure_set: raise ValueError( "Cannot override tensor \"%s\" because it does not exist in the " "input tree to the fetch \"%s\"" % (tensor_name, repr(self._fetch_names))) self._override_tensors[tensor_name] = overriding_val # Invalidate cache by tracing outputs. self._invalidate_transitively_outgoing_cache(tensor_name) def remove_override(self, tensor_name): """Remove the overriding value on a tensor. Args: tensor_name: (str) name of the tensor to remove the overriding value from. Raises: ValueError: If no overriding value exists for tensor_name. """ if tensor_name not in self._override_tensors: raise ValueError("No overriding value exists for tensor \"%s\"." % tensor_name) del self._override_tensors[tensor_name] # Invalidate cache by tracing outputs. self._invalidate_transitively_outgoing_cache(tensor_name) def last_feed_types(self): """Obtain information about the feed in the last cont() call. Returns: (dict) A dict mapping tensor names to feed types. """ return self._last_feed_types def cont(self, target, use_tensor_handles=True, use_dumped_intermediates=True, use_overrides=True, invalidate_from_updated_variables=False, restore_variable_values=False): """Continue till the completion of the specified target tensor. Args: target: A single fetched Tensor or Op, or a name (str) representing the Tensor or Op. In the case of a name str, the graph will be searched to find the corresponding Tensor or Op. # TODO(cais): Support multiple fetches as in interface. use_tensor_handles: (bool) Whether this cont() run will use cached tensor handles to avoid recomputation. Default: True. use_dumped_intermediates: (bool) Whether this cont() call will use dumped intermediate tensors to avoid recomputation. use_overrides: (bool) Whether the overriding tensor values supplied by the client are to be used in this cont() call. Default: True. invalidate_from_updated_variables: (bool) Whether to invalidate the tensor handles and intermediate tensor handles affected by the Variable updates that happen in this cont() call. restore_variable_values: (bool) Whether the old values of the variables (before any cont() calls in this object) are to be restored. Returns: Value from of the target. Raises: ValueError: If the target is specified as a string and the string does not correspond to any tensors in the Session graph. Or if the target of this cont() is not in the input list of the Stepper object's target. Or if target is a Placeholder. """ self._last_feed_types = {} if isinstance(target, six.string_types): # Fetch target is a string. Assume it is the name of the Tensor or Op and # will attempt to find it in the Session's graph. target_name = target else: target_name = graph_element = self._sess.graph.as_graph_element(target_name) # Any additional tensor handles to obtain in this cont() action. additional_handle_requests = [] if (isinstance(graph_element, ops.Tensor) and graph_element.op.type == "Placeholder"): self._last_feed_types[] = self.FEED_TYPE_CLIENT return self._client_feed_dict[] elif (isinstance(graph_element, ops.Operation) and graph_element.type == "Placeholder"): tensor_name = + ":0" self._last_feed_types[tensor_name] = self.FEED_TYPE_CLIENT return self._client_feed_dict[tensor_name] if isinstance(graph_element, ops.Operation) and graph_element.outputs: # Check if this op has any output tensors that also fall into this # stepper's transitive closure. node_outputs = [ for output in graph_element.outputs if in self._closure_elements ] if node_outputs: # The target is an op with at least one output within the transitive # closure. The cont() action will amount to using the 0-th # output Tensor as the target, as well as obtaining handles to it # and to the rest of the outputs tensors in the transitive closure # (if any). target_name = node_outputs[0] additional_handle_requests = node_outputs[1:] # Verify that the target is in the transitive closure of the stepper's # fetch. target_node_name = self._get_node_name(target_name) if target_node_name not in self._transitive_closure_set: raise ValueError( "Target \"%s\" is not in the transitive closure for the fetch of the " "stepper: \"%s\"." % (target_name, repr(self._fetch_names))) # Check if a cached tensor handle can be used on the fetch directly. if use_tensor_handles and target_name in self._tensor_handles: self._last_feed_types[target_name] = self.FEED_TYPE_HANDLE return self._tensor_handles[target_name].eval() # Check if a dumped intermediate tensor can be used on the fetch directly. if (use_dumped_intermediates and target_name in self._dumped_intermediate_tensors): self._last_feed_types[target_name] = self.FEED_TYPE_DUMPED_INTERMEDIATE return self._dumped_intermediate_tensors[target_name].get_tensor() # Check if an overriding tensor value can be used directly. if use_overrides and target_name in self._override_tensors: # Override is available. Return the value right away. self._last_feed_types[target_name] = self.FEED_TYPE_OVERRIDE return self._override_tensors[target_name] # Keep track of which variables are restored in this cont() call. restored_variables = set() # Keep track of which variables are "touched" (i.e., possibly updated) in # this cont() call. self._last_updated = set() # ========================================================================= # Use a non-recursive method to trace the inputs from the node and set up # the feeds. feeds = {} # The feeds to be used in the call. fetched = self._sess.graph.as_graph_element(target_name) elem_stack = [fetched] done = set() while elem_stack: curr_elem = elem_stack.pop() curr_node = self._get_node(curr_elem) done.add( non_control_inputs = [inp for inp in curr_node.inputs] control_inputs = [inp for inp in curr_node.control_inputs] all_inputs = set(non_control_inputs + control_inputs) # Iterate through the (non-control) inputs. for inp in all_inputs: # Determine whether the input is feedable. Reference-type tensors, # e.g., Variables, should not be fed, because they can change. if isinstance(inp, ops.Tensor): is_inp_ref = inp.dtype._is_ref_dtype # pylint: disable=protected-access can_feed = self._sess.graph.is_feedable(inp) and not is_inp_ref else: is_inp_ref = False can_feed = False if (restore_variable_values and in self._dirty_variables and not in restored_variables and not in self._last_updated): # Do not restore Variables touched or restored previously in this # cont() call. initializer_op = self._variable_initializers[] initial_value_tensor = self._variable_initial_values[], feed_dict={ initial_value_tensor: self._cached_variable_values[] }) # Mark the variable as restored. restored_variables.add( # Determine if this is a reference-type input from a variable, and # the recipient node is not Identity. In that case, the Variable # needs to be marked as dirty and its current value recorded, due to # the fact that the receiving op may mutate the value of the Variable. if (is_inp_ref and inp.op.type in ["Variable", "VariableV2"] and curr_node.type != "Identity"): # Mark the variable as dirty. self._last_updated.add( # Obtain the old value of the variable and cache it. if not in self._cached_variable_values: old_value = self._cached_variable_values[] = old_value # N.B.: The order of the logical branches matters. For example, # _client_feed_dict comes after _tensor_handles, so that tensor # handles stored in cont() calls can override the original client # feeds. Also for example, _override_tensors comes the first, so # the manual overriding, if exists, can always take effect. if use_overrides and can_feed and in self._override_tensors: # Use client-supplied overriding tensor value. feeds[inp] = self._override_tensors[] self._last_feed_types[] = self.FEED_TYPE_OVERRIDE elif (can_feed and inp not in feeds and use_tensor_handles and in self._tensor_handles): # Tensor handle found in cache. feeds[inp] = self._tensor_handles[] self._last_feed_types[] = self.FEED_TYPE_HANDLE elif (can_feed and inp not in feeds and use_dumped_intermediates and in self._dumped_intermediate_tensors): # Dumped intermediate Tensor found. feeds[inp] = self._dumped_intermediate_tensors[].get_tensor() self._last_feed_types[] = self.FEED_TYPE_DUMPED_INTERMEDIATE elif in self._client_feed_dict: # This input is available in the client feed_dict. feeds[inp] = self._client_feed_dict[] self._last_feed_types[] = self.FEED_TYPE_CLIENT else: # There is no feed available for this input. So keep tracing its # input(s). inp_node = self._get_node(inp) if in done: # Already visited. continue elem_stack.append(inp) done.add( # ========================================================================= if self._last_updated: self._dirty_variables.update(self._last_updated) for variable in restored_variables: self._dirty_variables.remove(variable) (dump_path, run_options) = self._prepare_cont_call_dump_path_and_run_options() if isinstance(fetched, ops.Operation): # The fetched is an Operation: Will not get tensor handle., feed_dict=feeds, options=run_options) return_value = None else: # This is a Tensor: Will get tensor handle and cache it. # Will also get the additional requested tensor handles (if any). tensors_to_get_handles_for = [fetched] handle_names = [target_name] tensors_to_get_handles_for.extend([ self._sess.graph.as_graph_element(h) for h in additional_handle_requests ]) handle_names.extend(additional_handle_requests) handles = [session_ops.get_session_handle(tensor) for tensor in tensors_to_get_handles_for], feed_dict=feeds, options=run_options) for handle_name, handle in zip(handle_names, handles): self._tensor_handles[handle_name] = handle return_value = self._tensor_handles[target_name].eval() self._load_dumped_intermediate_tensors(dump_path, target_name) if invalidate_from_updated_variables: # Invalidate caches at the end. for last_updated_variable in self._last_updated: self._invalidate_transitively_outgoing_cache(last_updated_variable) return return_value def _prepare_cont_call_dump_path_and_run_options(self): """Prepare the dump path and RunOptions for next cont() call. Returns: dump_path: (str) Directory path to which the intermediate tensor will be dumped. run_options: (config_pb2.RunOptions) The RunOptions containing the tensor watch options for this graph. """ run_options = config_pb2.RunOptions() dump_path = self._cont_call_dump_path() for element_name in self._closure_elements: if ":" in element_name: debug_utils.add_debug_tensor_watch( run_options, debug_data.get_node_name(element_name), output_slot=debug_data.get_output_slot(element_name), debug_urls=["file://" + dump_path]) return dump_path, run_options def _cont_call_dump_path(self): return os.path.join(self._dump_session_root, "cont_%d" % int(time.time() * 1e6)) def _load_dumped_intermediate_tensors(self, dump_path, target_name): dump_dir = debug_data.DebugDumpDir(dump_path, validate=False) for dump in dump_dir.dumped_tensor_data: if (dump.tensor_name not in self._ref_tensor_names and dump.tensor_name not in self._tensor_handles and dump.tensor_name not in self._override_tensors and dump.tensor_name != target_name): self._dumped_intermediate_tensors[dump.tensor_name] = dump def _get_node_name(self, graph_element_name): return graph_element_name.split(":")[0] def _invalidate_transitively_outgoing_cache(self, source_element): """Invalidate the cached tensor handles by tracing output. This method is used to invalidate caches such as cached TensorHandles and intermediate tensor values when Variable mutation happens or when client overrides tensor values. Uses non-recursive implementation to avoid stack overflow on deep networks. Args: source_element: The source graph element (e.g., a Variable output slot) to trace the output from. """ if not self._tensor_handles and not self._dumped_intermediate_tensors: return # First, use cached invalidation paths to eliminate some cached tensor # handles and intermediate tensors. to_delete_handles = [] for handle_name in self._tensor_handles: if (handle_name in self._cached_invalidation_path and source_element in self._cached_invalidation_path[handle_name]): to_delete_handles.append(handle_name) for handle_name in to_delete_handles: del self._tensor_handles[handle_name] to_delete_intermediates = [] for intm_tensor_name in self._dumped_intermediate_tensors: if (intm_tensor_name in self._cached_invalidation_path and source_element in self._cached_invalidation_path[intm_tensor_name]): to_delete_intermediates.append(intm_tensor_name) for intermediate in to_delete_intermediates: del self._dumped_intermediate_tensors[intermediate] if not self._tensor_handles and not self._dumped_intermediate_tensors: return stack = [source_element] done = set() while stack: curr_element = stack.pop() done.add(curr_element) if (curr_element in self._tensor_handles or curr_element in self._dumped_intermediate_tensors): # Cache the invalidation path for potential future use. if curr_element not in self._cached_invalidation_path: self._cached_invalidation_path[curr_element] = set([source_element]) else: self._cached_invalidation_path[curr_element].add(source_element) if curr_element in self._tensor_handles: del self._tensor_handles[curr_element] else: del self._dumped_intermediate_tensors[curr_element] targets = self._output_targets.get(curr_element, []) for target in targets: if target in done: continue else: stack.append(target) def finalize(self): """Run the final fetch(es). Restore the dirty variables; ignore the client-supplied overriding tensor values. Returns: The same return value as self.cont() as called on the final fetch. """ self.restore_variable_values() return, feed_dict=self._client_feed_dict) def restore_variable_values(self): """Restore variables to the initial values. "Initial value" refers to the value when this NodeStepper instance was first constructed. """ for var_name in self._dirty_variables:[var_name], feed_dict={ self._variable_initial_values[var_name]: self._cached_variable_values[var_name] }) def handle_names(self): """Return names of the TensorHandles that the debugger is holding. Returns: (list of str) Name of the tensors for which TensorHandle is available. """ return [name for name in self._tensor_handles] def handle_node_names(self): """Get list of names of the nodes for which handles are available. Returns: (set of str) List of names of the nodes. """ return set([self._get_node_name(name) for name in self._tensor_handles]) def intermediate_tensor_names(self): """Get list of the names of the Tensors for which dumps are available. Returns: (list of str) List of the names of the Tensors for which intermediate dumps are available. """ return self._dumped_intermediate_tensors.keys() def last_updated(self): """Get the names of the variables updated in the last cont() call. Returns: A set of the variable names updated in the previous cont() call. If no cont() call has occurred before, returns None. """ return self._last_updated def dirty_variables(self): """Get the set of variables that are currently "dirty". "dirty" means: previous cont() calls have updated the value of the Variable, and the Variable's old value (the value before any cont() calls happened) was not restored. Returns: (set) A set of dirty variables. """ return self._dirty_variables def is_placeholder(self, graph_element_name): """Check whether a graph element is a Placeholder, by name. Args: graph_element_name: (str) Name of the tensor or op to be tested. Returns: (bool) Whether the graph element of the specified name is a Placeholder op or the output Tensor of a Placeholder op. Raises: ValueError: If graph_element_name is not in the transitive closure of the stepper instance. """ node_name = self._get_node_name(graph_element_name) if node_name not in self.sorted_nodes(): raise ValueError( "%s is not in the transitive closure of this NodeStepper " "instance" % graph_element_name) graph_element = self._sess.graph.as_graph_element(graph_element_name) if not isinstance(graph_element, ops.Operation): graph_element = graph_element.op return graph_element.type == "Placeholder" def placeholders(self): """Get the list of Placeholder Tensors in the transitive closure. Returns: (list of str) A list of Placeholder Tensors or ops in the transitive closure. """ placeholders = [] for item in self.sorted_nodes(): if self.is_placeholder(item): placeholders.append(item) return placeholders def get_tensor_value(self, tensor_name): """Get the value of a tensor that the stepper has access to. Args: tensor_name: (str) Name of the tensor. Returns: Value of the tensor, from overriding values or cached tensor handles. Raises: ValueError: If the value is not available as an overriding value or through a TensorHandle. """ if self.is_placeholder(tensor_name): if ":" not in tensor_name: tensor_name += ":0" return self._client_feed_dict[tensor_name] elif tensor_name in self._override_tensors: return self._override_tensors[tensor_name] elif tensor_name in self._tensor_handles: return self._tensor_handles[tensor_name].eval() elif tensor_name in self._dumped_intermediate_tensors: return self._dumped_intermediate_tensors[tensor_name].get_tensor() else: raise ValueError( "This stepper instance does not have access to the value of " "tensor \"%s\"" % tensor_name) def override_names(self): """Return names of the TensorHandles that the debugger is holding. Returns: (list of str) Name of the tensor for which overriding tensor values are available. """ return [name for name in self._override_tensors] def _get_node(self, element): """Get the node of a graph element. Args: element: A graph element (Op, Tensor or Node) Returns: The node associated with element in the graph. """ node_name, _ = debug_data.parse_node_or_tensor_name( return self._sess.graph.as_graph_element(node_name)
# Authors : Alexandre Gramfort, [email protected] (2011) # Denis A. Engemann <[email protected]> # License : BSD 3-clause from functools import partial import numpy as np from ..parallel import parallel_func from import _picks_to_idx from ..utils import logger, verbose, _time_mask, _check_option from .multitaper import psd_array_multitaper def _decomp_aggregate_mask(epoch, func, average, freq_sl): _, _, spect = func(epoch) spect = spect[..., freq_sl, :] # Do the averaging here (per epoch) to save memory if average == 'mean': spect = np.nanmean(spect, axis=-1) elif average == 'median': spect = np.nanmedian(spect, axis=-1) return spect def _spect_func(epoch, func, freq_sl, average): """Aux function.""" # Decide if we should split this to save memory or not, since doing # multiple calls will incur some performance overhead. Eventually we might # want to write (really, go back to) our own spectrogram implementation # that, if possible, averages after each transform, but this will incur # a lot of overhead because of the many Python calls required. kwargs = dict(func=func, average=average, freq_sl=freq_sl) if epoch.nbytes > 10e6: spect = np.apply_along_axis( _decomp_aggregate_mask, -1, epoch, **kwargs) else: spect = _decomp_aggregate_mask(epoch, **kwargs) return spect def _check_nfft(n, n_fft, n_per_seg, n_overlap): """Ensure n_fft, n_per_seg and n_overlap make sense.""" if n_per_seg is None and n_fft > n: raise ValueError(('If n_per_seg is None n_fft is not allowed to be > ' 'n_times. If you want zero-padding, you have to set ' 'n_per_seg to relevant length. Got n_fft of %d while' ' signal length is %d.') % (n_fft, n)) n_per_seg = n_fft if n_per_seg is None or n_per_seg > n_fft else n_per_seg n_per_seg = n if n_per_seg > n else n_per_seg if n_overlap >= n_per_seg: raise ValueError(('n_overlap cannot be greater than n_per_seg (or ' 'n_fft). Got n_overlap of %d while n_per_seg is ' '%d.') % (n_overlap, n_per_seg)) return n_fft, n_per_seg, n_overlap def _check_psd_data(inst, tmin, tmax, picks, proj, reject_by_annotation=False): """Check PSD data / pull arrays from inst.""" from import BaseRaw from ..epochs import BaseEpochs from ..evoked import Evoked if not isinstance(inst, (BaseEpochs, BaseRaw, Evoked)): raise ValueError('epochs must be an instance of Epochs, Raw, or' 'Evoked. Got type {}'.format(type(inst))) time_mask = _time_mask(inst.times, tmin, tmax,['sfreq']) picks = _picks_to_idx(, picks, 'data', with_ref_meg=False) if proj: # Copy first so it's not modified inst = inst.copy().apply_proj() sfreq =['sfreq'] if isinstance(inst, BaseRaw): start, stop = np.where(time_mask)[0][[0, -1]] rba = 'NaN' if reject_by_annotation else None data = inst.get_data(picks, start, stop + 1, reject_by_annotation=rba) elif isinstance(inst, BaseEpochs): data = inst.get_data(picks=picks)[:, :, time_mask] else: # Evoked data =[picks][:, time_mask] return data, sfreq @verbose def psd_array_welch(x, sfreq, fmin=0, fmax=np.inf, n_fft=256, n_overlap=0, n_per_seg=None, n_jobs=1, average='mean', verbose=None): """Compute power spectral density (PSD) using Welch's method. Parameters ---------- x : array, shape=(..., n_times) The data to compute PSD from. sfreq : float The sampling frequency. fmin : float The lower frequency of interest. fmax : float The upper frequency of interest. n_fft : int The length of FFT used, must be ``>= n_per_seg`` (default: 256). The segments will be zero-padded if ``n_fft > n_per_seg``. n_overlap : int The number of points of overlap between segments. Will be adjusted to be <= n_per_seg. The default value is 0. n_per_seg : int | None Length of each Welch segment (windowed with a Hamming window). Defaults to None, which sets n_per_seg equal to n_fft. %(n_jobs)s average : str | None How to average the segments. If ``mean`` (default), calculate the arithmetic mean. If ``median``, calculate the median, corrected for its bias relative to the mean. If ``None``, returns the unaggregated segments. .. versionadded:: 0.19.0 %(verbose)s Returns ------- psds : ndarray, shape (..., n_freqs) or (..., n_freqs, n_segments) The power spectral densities. If ``average='mean`` or ``average='median'``, the returned array will have the same shape as the input data plus an additional frequency dimension. If ``average=None``, the returned array will have the same shape as the input data plus two additional dimensions corresponding to frequencies and the unaggregated segments, respectively. freqs : ndarray, shape (n_freqs,) The frequencies. Notes ----- .. versionadded:: 0.14.0 """ _check_option('average', average, (None, 'mean', 'median')) dshape = x.shape[:-1] n_times = x.shape[-1] x = x.reshape(-1, n_times) # Prep the PSD n_fft, n_per_seg, n_overlap = _check_nfft(n_times, n_fft, n_per_seg, n_overlap) win_size = n_fft / float(sfreq)"Effective window size : %0.3f (s)" % win_size) freqs = np.arange(n_fft // 2 + 1, dtype=float) * (sfreq / n_fft) freq_mask = (freqs >= fmin) & (freqs <= fmax) if not freq_mask.any(): raise ValueError( f'No frequencies found between fmin={fmin} and fmax={fmax}') freq_sl = slice(*(np.where(freq_mask)[0][[0, -1]] + [0, 1])) del freq_mask freqs = freqs[freq_sl] # Parallelize across first N-1 dimensions x_splits = np.array_split(x, n_jobs) from scipy.signal import spectrogram parallel, my_spect_func, n_jobs = parallel_func(_spect_func, n_jobs=n_jobs) func = partial(spectrogram, noverlap=n_overlap, nperseg=n_per_seg, nfft=n_fft, fs=sfreq) f_spect = parallel(my_spect_func(d, func=func, freq_sl=freq_sl, average=average) for d in x_splits) psds = np.concatenate(f_spect, axis=0) shape = dshape + (len(freqs),) if average is None: shape = shape + (-1,) psds.shape = shape return psds, freqs @verbose def psd_welch(inst, fmin=0, fmax=np.inf, tmin=None, tmax=None, n_fft=256, n_overlap=0, n_per_seg=None, picks=None, proj=False, n_jobs=1, reject_by_annotation=True, average='mean', verbose=None): """Compute the power spectral density (PSD) using Welch's method. Calculates periodograms for a sliding window over the time dimension, then averages them together for each channel/epoch. Parameters ---------- inst : instance of Epochs or Raw or Evoked The data for PSD calculation. fmin : float Min frequency of interest. fmax : float Max frequency of interest. tmin : float | None Min time of interest. tmax : float | None Max time of interest. n_fft : int The length of FFT used, must be ``>= n_per_seg`` (default: 256). The segments will be zero-padded if ``n_fft > n_per_seg``. If n_per_seg is None, n_fft must be <= number of time points in the data. n_overlap : int The number of points of overlap between segments. Will be adjusted to be <= n_per_seg. The default value is 0. n_per_seg : int | None Length of each Welch segment (windowed with a Hamming window). Defaults to None, which sets n_per_seg equal to n_fft. %(picks_good_data_noref)s proj : bool Apply SSP projection vectors. If inst is ndarray this is not used. %(n_jobs)s reject_by_annotation : bool Whether to omit bad segments from the data while computing the PSD. If True, annotated segments with a description that starts with 'bad' are omitted. Has no effect if ``inst`` is an Epochs or Evoked object. Defaults to True. .. versionadded:: 0.15.0 average : str | None How to average the segments. If ``mean`` (default), calculate the arithmetic mean. If ``median``, calculate the median, corrected for its bias relative to the mean. If ``None``, returns the unaggregated segments. .. versionadded:: 0.19.0 %(verbose)s Returns ------- psds : ndarray, shape (..., n_freqs) or (..., n_freqs, n_segments) The power spectral densities. If ``average='mean`` or ``average='median'`` and input is of type Raw or Evoked, then psds will be of shape (n_channels, n_freqs); if input is of type Epochs, then psds will be of shape (n_epochs, n_channels, n_freqs). If ``average=None``, the returned array will have an additional dimension corresponding to the unaggregated segments. freqs : ndarray, shape (n_freqs,) The frequencies. See Also -------- mne.Epochs.plot_psd psd_multitaper psd_array_welch Notes ----- .. versionadded:: 0.12.0 """ # Prep data data, sfreq = _check_psd_data(inst, tmin, tmax, picks, proj, reject_by_annotation=reject_by_annotation) return psd_array_welch(data, sfreq, fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax, n_fft=n_fft, n_overlap=n_overlap, n_per_seg=n_per_seg, average=average, n_jobs=n_jobs, verbose=verbose) @verbose def psd_multitaper(inst, fmin=0, fmax=np.inf, tmin=None, tmax=None, bandwidth=None, adaptive=False, low_bias=True, normalization='length', picks=None, proj=False, n_jobs=1, verbose=None): """Compute the power spectral density (PSD) using multitapers. Calculates spectral density for orthogonal tapers, then averages them together for each channel/epoch. See [1] for a description of the tapers and [2] for the general method. Parameters ---------- inst : instance of Epochs or Raw or Evoked The data for PSD calculation. fmin : float Min frequency of interest. fmax : float Max frequency of interest. tmin : float | None Min time of interest. tmax : float | None Max time of interest. bandwidth : float The bandwidth of the multi taper windowing function in Hz. The default value is a window half-bandwidth of 4. adaptive : bool Use adaptive weights to combine the tapered spectra into PSD (slow, use n_jobs >> 1 to speed up computation). low_bias : bool Only use tapers with more than 90%% spectral concentration within bandwidth. normalization : str Either "full" or "length" (default). If "full", the PSD will be normalized by the sampling rate as well as the length of the signal (as in nitime). %(picks_good_data_noref)s proj : bool Apply SSP projection vectors. If inst is ndarray this is not used. %(n_jobs)s %(verbose)s Returns ------- psds : ndarray, shape (..., n_freqs) The power spectral densities. If input is of type Raw, then psds will be shape (n_channels, n_freqs), if input is type Epochs then psds will be shape (n_epochs, n_channels, n_freqs). freqs : ndarray, shape (n_freqs,) The frequencies. See Also -------- mne.Epochs.plot_psd psd_array_multitaper psd_welch csd_multitaper Notes ----- .. versionadded:: 0.12.0 References ---------- .. [1] Slepian, D. "Prolate spheroidal wave functions, Fourier analysis, and uncertainty V: The discrete case." Bell System Technical Journal, vol. 57, 1978. .. [2] Percival D.B. and Walden A.T. "Spectral Analysis for Physical Applications: Multitaper and Conventional Univariate Techniques." Cambridge University Press, 1993. """ # Prep data data, sfreq = _check_psd_data(inst, tmin, tmax, picks, proj) return psd_array_multitaper(data, sfreq, fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax, bandwidth=bandwidth, adaptive=adaptive, low_bias=low_bias, normalization=normalization, n_jobs=n_jobs, verbose=verbose)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import datetime from typing import Optional, List, Any from owlmixin import OwlMixin, TOption, TList, TDict, OwlEnum from requests.structures import CaseInsensitiveDict as RequestsCaseInsensitiveDict from requests_toolbelt.utils import deprecated from jumeaux.addons.models import Addons from jumeaux.domain.config.vo import ( PathReplace, QueryCustomization, AccessPoint, Concurrency, OutputSummary, Notifier, ) DictOrList = any # type: ignore def to_json(value: DictOrList) -> str: # type: ignore if isinstance(value, dict): return TDict(value).to_json() if isinstance(value, list): return TList(value).to_json() raise TypeError("A argument must be dict or list") class CaseInsensitiveDict(RequestsCaseInsensitiveDict): pass class Status(OwlEnum): SAME = "same" DIFFERENT = "different" FAILURE = "failure" class HttpMethod(OwlEnum): GET = "GET" POST = "POST" # or {} class Request(OwlMixin): name: TOption[str] method: HttpMethod = HttpMethod.GET # type: ignore # Prevent for enum problem path: str qs: TDict[TList[str]] = {} raw: TOption[str] form: TOption[dict] json: TOption[dict] headers: TDict[str] = {} url_encoding: str = "utf-8" class Proxy(OwlMixin): http: str https: str @classmethod def from_host(cls, host: TOption[str]) -> "Proxy": return ( Proxy.from_dict({"http": f"http://{host.get()}", "https": f"https://{host.get()}"}) if not host.is_none() else None ) class Response(OwlMixin): body: bytes encoding: TOption[str] headers: CaseInsensitiveDict url: str status_code: int elapsed: datetime.timedelta elapsed_sec: float type: str @property def text(self) -> str: # Refer return self.body.decode(self.encoding.get_or("utf8"), errors="replace") @property def byte(self) -> int: return len(self.body) @property def content_type(self) -> TOption[str]: return TOption(self.headers.get("content-type")) @property def mime_type(self) -> TOption[str]: return x: x.split(";")[0]) @property def charset(self) -> TOption[str]: return x: x.split(";")[1] if x.split(";") > 1 else None) @property def ok(self) -> bool: return self.status_code == 200 @classmethod def ___headers(cls, v): return CaseInsensitiveDict(v) @classmethod def _decide_encoding( cls, res: Any, default_encoding: TOption[str] = TOption(None) ) -> Optional[str]: content_type = res.headers.get("content-type") if content_type and "octet-stream" in content_type: return None # XXX: See 2.2 in if res.encoding and not ("text" in content_type and res.encoding == "ISO-8859-1"): return res.encoding meta_encodings: List[str] = deprecated.get_encodings_from_content(res.content) return ( meta_encodings[0] if meta_encodings else default_encoding.get() or res.apparent_encoding ) @classmethod def _to_type(cls, res: Any) -> str: content_type = res.headers.get("content-type") if not content_type: return "unknown" return content_type.split(";")[0].split("/")[1] @classmethod def from_requests(cls, res: Any, default_encoding: TOption[str] = TOption(None)) -> "Response": encoding: Optional[str] = cls._decide_encoding(res, default_encoding) type: str = cls._to_type(res) return Response.from_dict( { "body": res.content, "encoding": encoding, "headers": res.headers, "url": res.url, "status_code": res.status_code, "elapsed": res.elapsed, "elapsed_sec": round(res.elapsed.seconds + res.elapsed.microseconds / 1000000, 2), "type": type, } ) # -------- class ChallengeArg(OwlMixin): seq: int number_of_request: int key: str session: object req: Request host_one: str host_other: str path_one: TOption[PathReplace] path_other: TOption[PathReplace] query_one: TOption[QueryCustomization] query_other: TOption[QueryCustomization] proxy_one: TOption[Proxy] proxy_other: TOption[Proxy] headers_one: TDict[str] headers_other: TDict[str] default_response_encoding_one: TOption[str] default_response_encoding_other: TOption[str] res_dir: str judge_response_header: bool ignore_response_header_keys: TList[str] # -------- class StatusCounts(OwlMixin): same: int = 0 different: int = 0 failure: int = 0 class Time(OwlMixin): start: str # yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss end: str # yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss elapsed_sec: int class Summary(OwlMixin): one: AccessPoint other: AccessPoint status: StatusCounts tags: TList[str] time: Time concurrency: Concurrency output: OutputSummary default_encoding: TOption[str] class DiffKeys(OwlMixin): added: TList[str] changed: TList[str] removed: TList[str] def is_empty(self) -> bool: return len(self.added) == len(self.changed) == len(self.removed) == 0 @classmethod def empty(cls) -> "DiffKeys": return DiffKeys.from_dict({"added": [], "changed": [], "removed": []}) class ResponseSummary(OwlMixin): url: str type: str status_code: TOption[int] byte: TOption[int] response_sec: TOption[float] content_type: TOption[str] mime_type: TOption[str] encoding: TOption[str] file: TOption[str] prop_file: TOption[str] response_header: TOption[dict] class Trial(OwlMixin): """Affect `final/csv` config specifications,""" seq: int name: str tags: TList[str] headers: TDict[str] queries: TDict[TList[str]] raw: TOption[str] form: TOption[dict] json: TOption[dict] one: ResponseSummary other: ResponseSummary method: HttpMethod path: str request_time: str status: Status # `None` is not same as `{}`. `{}` means no diffs, None means unknown diffs_by_cognition: TOption[TDict[DiffKeys]] class Report(OwlMixin): """Affect `final/slack` config specifications,""" version: str key: str title: str description: TOption[str] notifiers: TOption[TDict[Notifier]] summary: Summary trials: TList[Trial] addons: TOption[Addons] retry_hash: TOption[str] # --- class Log2ReqsAddOnPayload(OwlMixin): file: str class Reqs2ReqsAddOnPayload(OwlMixin): requests: TList[Request] class DumpAddOnPayload(OwlMixin): response: Response body: bytes encoding: TOption[str] class Res2ResAddOnPayload(OwlMixin): response: Response req: Request tags: TList[str] class Res2DictAddOnPayload(OwlMixin): response: Response result: TOption[DictOrList] class DidChallengeAddOnPayload(OwlMixin): trial: Trial class DidChallengeAddOnReference(OwlMixin): res_one: Response res_other: Response res_one_props: TOption[DictOrList] res_other_props: TOption[DictOrList] class JudgementAddOnPayload(OwlMixin): # By ignores title in config.yml # `unknown` is diffs which didn't match any configurations diffs_by_cognition: TOption[TDict[DiffKeys]] regard_as_same_body: bool regard_as_same_header: bool @property def regard_as_same(self) -> bool: return self.regard_as_same_body and self.regard_as_same_header class JudgementAddOnReference(OwlMixin): name: str path: str qs: TDict[TList[str]] headers: TDict[str] res_one: Response res_other: Response dict_one: TOption[DictOrList] dict_other: TOption[DictOrList] class StoreCriterionAddOnPayload(OwlMixin): stored: bool class StoreCriterionAddOnReference(OwlMixin): status: Status req: Request res_one: Response res_other: Response class FinalAddOnPayload(OwlMixin): report: Report output_summary: OutputSummary @property def result_path(self) -> str: return f"{self.output_summary.response_dir}/{}" class FinalAddOnReference(OwlMixin): notifiers: TOption[TDict[Notifier]]
import re import pytest from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError from share.models.validators import JSONLDValidator class TestJSONLDValidator: CASES = [{ 'out': "'@graph' is a required property at /", 'in': {}, }, { 'out': "Additional properties are not allowed ('foo' was unexpected) at /", 'in': {'foo': 'bar', '@graph': []} }, { 'out': "{} is not of type 'array' at /@graph", 'in': { '@graph': {} } }, { 'out': "1 is not of type 'array' at /@graph", 'in': { '@graph': 1 } }, { 'out': "1.0 is not of type 'array' at /@graph", 'in': { '@graph': 1.0 } }, { 'out': "None is not of type 'array' at /@graph", 'in': { '@graph': None } }, { 'out': "'foo' is not of type 'array' at /@graph", 'in': { '@graph': 'foo' } }, { 'out': "@graph may not be empty", 'in': { '@graph': [] } }, { 'out': "'@id' is a required property at /@graph/0", 'in': { '@graph': [{'@type': ''}] } }, { 'out': "1 is not of type 'object' at /@graph/0", 'in': { '@graph': [1] } }, { 'out': "None is not of type 'object' at /@graph/1", 'in': { '@graph': [{'@id': '', '@type': ''}, None] } }, { 'out': "'@type' is a required property at /@graph/0", 'in': { '@graph': [{'@id': ''}] } }, { 'out': "'Dinosaurs' is not a valid type", 'in': { '@graph': [{'@id': '', '@type': 'Dinosaurs'}] } }, { 'out': re.compile(r"'Tag' is not one of \[('\w+', )+'\w+'\] at /@graph/0"), 'in': { '@graph': [{ '@id': '_:123', '@type': 'throughtags', 'tag': {'@id': '_:789', '@type': 'Tag'}, 'creative_work': {'@id': '_:456', '@type': 'Tag'}, }] } }, { 'out': 'Unresolved references [{"@id": "_:456", "@type": "preprint"}, {"@id": "_:789", "@type": "tag"}]', 'in': { '@graph': [{ '@id': '_:123', '@type': 'throughtags', 'tag': {'@id': '_:789', '@type': 'Tag'}, 'creative_work': {'@id': '_:456', '@type': 'Preprint'}, }] } }, { 'out': "'creative_work' is a required property at /@graph/0", 'in': { '@graph': [{ '@id': '_:123', '@type': 'throughtags', 'tag': {'@id': '_:789', '@type': 'Tag'}, }] } }, { 'out': "Additional properties are not allowed ('shouldnt' was unexpected) at /@graph/0", 'in': { '@graph': [{ '@id': '_:123', '@type': 'throughtags', 'shouldnt': 'behere', 'tag': {'@id': 'id', '@type': 'tag'}, 'creative_work': {'@id': 'id', '@type': 'creativework'}, }] } }, { 'out': re.compile(r"^Additional properties are not allowed \('(shouldnt|pls)', '(shouldnt|pls)' were unexpected\) at /@graph/0$"), 'in': { '@graph': [{ '@id': '_:123', '@type': 'throughtags', 'pls': 'toleeb', 'shouldnt': 'behere', 'tag': {'@id': 'id', '@type': 'tag'}, 'creative_work': {'@id': 'id', '@type': 'creativework'}, }] } }, { 'out': re.compile("{.+} is not valid under any of the given schemas at /@graph/0/tag$"), 'in': { '@graph': [{ '@id': '_:123', '@type': 'throughtags', 'creative_work': {'@id': '_:123', '@type': 'foo'}, 'tag': {'@id': '_:123', '@type': 'foo', 'il': 'legal'} }] } }, { 'out': "'extra should be a dict' is not of type 'object' at /@graph/0/extra", 'in': { '@graph': [{ '@id': '_:123', '@type': 'Tag', 'name': 'A Tag', 'extra': 'extra should be a dict' }] } }, { 'out': None, 'in': { '@graph': [{ '@id': '_:123', '@type': 'Tag', 'name': 'A Tag', 'extra': { 'with some': 'extra data' } }] } }, { 'out': "1 is not of type 'string' at /@graph/0/name", 'in': { '@graph': [{ '@id': '_:123', '@type': 'Tag', 'name': 1 }] } }, { 'out': None, 'in': { '@graph': [{ '@id': '_:123', '@type': 'CreativeWork', 'title': 'Some title', 'description': 'description', 'tags': [{ '@id': '_:456', '@type': 'throughtags' }] }, { '@id': '_:456', '@type': 'throughtags', 'tag': {'@id': '_:789', '@type': 'tag'}, 'creative_work': {'@id': '_:123', '@type': 'creativework'}, }, { '@id': '_:789', '@type': 'tag', 'name': 'New Tag', }] } }, { 'out': "'throughtugs' is not one of ['THROUGHTAGS', 'ThroughTags', 'throughtags'] at /@graph/0/tags/0/@type", 'in': { '@graph': [{ '@id': '_:123', '@type': 'CreativeWork', 'title': 'Some title', 'description': 'description', 'tags': [{ '@id': '_:456', '@type': 'throughtugs' }] }, { '@id': '_:456', '@type': 'throughtags', 'tag': {'@id': '_:789', '@type': 'tag'}, 'creative_work': {'@id': '_:123', '@type': 'creativework'}, }, { '@id': '_:789', '@type': 'tag', 'name': 'New Tag', }] } }, { 'out': "'giraffe' is not a 'uri' at /@graph/0/uri", 'in': { '@graph': [{ '@id': '_:123', '@type': 'WorkIdentifier', 'uri': 'giraffe', 'creative_work': {'@id': '_:234', '@type': 'creativework'} }, { '@id': '_:234', '@type': 'creativework', 'title': 'Giraffes are tall' }] } }, { 'out': "'creative_work' is a required property at /@graph/0", 'in': { '@graph': [{ '@id': '_:123', '@type': 'workidentifier', 'uri': '', }] } }, { 'out': None, 'in': { '@graph': [{ '@id': '_:123', '@type': 'WorkIdentifier', 'uri': '', 'creative_work': {'@id': '_:234', '@type': 'creativework'} }, { '@id': '_:234', '@type': 'creativework', 'title': 'Giraffes are tall' }] } }] @pytest.mark.parametrize('data, message', [(case['in'], case['out']) for case in CASES]) def test_validator(self, data, message): try: JSONLDValidator()(data) except ValidationError as e: assert message is not None, 'Raised "{}"'.format(e.args[0]) if isinstance(message, str): assert message == e.args[0] else: assert message.match(e.args[0]) is not None else: assert message is None, 'No exception was raised. Expecting {}'.format(message) # @pytest.mark.parametrize('data, message', [(case['in'], case['out']) for case in CASES]) # def test_benchmark_validator(self, benchmark, data, message): # benchmark(self.test_validator, data, message)
import time import numpy as nm import numpy.linalg as nla from sfepy.base.base import output, get_default, Struct from sfepy.base.log import Log, get_logging_conf from sfepy.solvers.solvers import SolverMeta, NonlinearSolver from nls import conv_test class StabilizationFunction(Struct): """ Definition of stabilization material function for the Oseen solver. Notes ----- - tau_red <= 1.0; if tau is None: tau = tau_red * delta - diameter mode: 'edge': longest edge 'volume': volume-based, 'max': max. of previous """ def __init__(self, name_map, gamma=None, delta=None, tau=None, tau_red=1.0, tau_mul=1.0, delta_mul=1.0, gamma_mul=1.0, diameter_mode='max'): Struct.__init__(self, name_map=name_map, gamma=gamma, delta=delta, tau=tau, tau_red=tau_red, tau_mul=tau_mul, delta_mul=delta_mul, gamma_mul=gamma_mul, diameter_mode=diameter_mode) def setup(self, problem): """ Setup common problem-dependent data. """ variables = problem.get_variables() ns = self.name_map # Indices to the state vector. ii = {} ii['u'] = variables.get_indx(ns['u']) ii['us'] = variables.get_indx(ns['u'], stripped=True) ii['ps'] = variables.get_indx(ns['p'], stripped=True) self.indices = ii materials = problem.get_materials() # The viscosity. fluid_mat = materials[ns['fluid']] self.viscosity = fluid_mat.function()[ns['viscosity']] # The Friedrich's constant. self.c_friedrichs = problem.domain.get_diameter() self.sigma = 1e-12 # 1 / dt. self.b_norm = 1.0 def get_maps(self): """ Get the maps of names and indices of variables in state vector. """ return self.name_map, self.indices def __call__(self, ts, coor, mode=None, term=None, problem=None, b_norm=None, **kwargs): """ The actual material function. """ if mode != 'qp': return if not hasattr(self, 'viscosity'): self.setup(problem) ns = self.name_map # Update stored b_norm. self.b_norm = get_default(b_norm, self.b_norm) output('|b|_max (mat_fun):', self.b_norm) gamma = self.viscosity + self.b_norm * self.c_friedrichs data = {} if self.gamma is None: _gamma = self.gamma_mul * gamma else: _gamma = nm.asarray(self.gamma_mul * self.gamma, dtype=nm.float64) _gamma = nm.tile(_gamma, (coor.shape[0], 1, 1)) if is None: # Element diameter modes. dm = {'edge': 0, 'volume': 1, 'max': 2}[self.diameter_mode] field = problem.fields[ns['velocity']] region = term.region vg, _ = field.get_mapping(region, term.integral, 'volume') cells = region.get_cells() d2 = problem.domain.get_element_diameters(cells, vg, dm) self.diameters2 = d2 val1 = min(1.0, 1.0 / self.sigma) val2 = self.sigma * self.c_friedrichs**2 val3 = ((self.b_norm**2) * min((self.c_friedrichs**2) / self.viscosity, 1.0 / self.sigma)) n_qp = coor.shape[0] / self.diameters2.shape[0] diameters2 = nm.repeat(self.diameters2, n_qp) diameters2.shape = diameters2.shape + (1, 1) _delta = self.delta_mul * val1 * diameters2 / (_gamma + val2 + val3) else: val = nm.asarray(self.delta_mul *, dtype=nm.float64) _delta = nm.tile(val, (coor.shape[0], 1, 1)) if self.tau is None: _tau = self.tau_red * _delta else: _tau = nm.asarray(self.tau_mul * self.tau, dtype=nm.float64) _tau = nm.tile(_tau, (coor.shape[0], 1, 1)) data[ns['gamma']] = _gamma data[ns['delta']] = _delta data[ns['tau']] = _tau return data def are_close(a, b, rtol=0.2, atol=1e-8): return False # return abs(a - b) <= max(atol, rtol * abs(b)) def scale_matrix(mtx, indx, factor): ptr0 = mtx.indptr[indx.start] ptr1 = mtx.indptr[indx.stop][ptr0:ptr1] *= factor class Oseen(NonlinearSolver): """ The Oseen solver for Navier-Stokes equations. """ name = 'nls.oseen' __metaclass__ = SolverMeta _parameters = [ ('stabil_mat', 'str', None, True, 'The name of stabilization material.'), ('adimensionalize', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, adimensionalize the problem (not implemented!).'), ('check_navier_stokes_rezidual', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, check the Navier-Stokes rezidual after the nonlinear loop.'), ('i_max', 'int', 1, False, 'The maximum number of iterations.'), ('eps_a', 'float', 1e-10, False, 'The absolute tolerance for the residual, i.e. :math:`||f(x^i)||`.'), ('eps_r', 'float', 1.0, False, """The relative tolerance for the residual, i.e. :math:`||f(x^i)|| / ||f(x^0)||`."""), ('macheps', 'float', nm.finfo(nm.float64).eps, False, 'The float considered to be machine "zero".'), ('lin_red', 'float', 1.0, False, """The linear system solution error should be smaller than (`eps_a` * `lin_red`), otherwise a warning is printed."""), ('lin_precision', 'float or None', None, False, """If not None, the linear system solution tolerances are set in each nonlinear iteration relative to the current residual norm by the `lin_precision` factor. Ignored for direct linear solvers."""), ] def __init__(self, conf, problem, **kwargs): NonlinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, **kwargs) conf = self.conf log = get_logging_conf(conf) conf.log = log = Struct(name='log_conf', **log) conf.is_any_log = (log.text is not None) or (log.plot is not None) conf.problem = problem conf = self.conf if conf.is_any_log: self.log = Log([[r'$||r||$'], ['iteration'], [r'$\gamma$', r'$\max(\delta)$', r'$\max(\tau)$']], xlabels=['', '', 'all iterations'], ylabels=[r'$||r||$', 'iteration', 'stabilization'], yscales=['log', 'linear', 'log'], is_plot=conf.log.plot is not None, log_filename=conf.log.text, formats=[['%.8e'], ['%d'], ['%.8e', '%.8e', '%.8e']]) else: self.log = None def __call__(self, vec_x0, conf=None, fun=None, fun_grad=None, lin_solver=None, status=None, problem=None): """ Oseen solver is problem-specific - it requires a Problem instance. """ conf = get_default(conf, self.conf) fun = get_default(fun, fun_grad = get_default(fun_grad, self.fun_grad) lin_solver = get_default(lin_solver, self.lin_solver) status = get_default(status, self.status) problem = get_default(problem, conf.problem, '`problem` parameter needs to be set!') time_stats = {} stabil = problem.get_materials()[conf.stabil_mat] ns, ii = stabil.function.function.get_maps() variables = problem.get_variables() update_var = variables.set_data_from_state make_full_vec = variables.make_full_vec output('problem size:') output(' velocity: %s' % ii['us']) output(' pressure: %s' % ii['ps']) vec_x = vec_x0.copy() vec_x_prev = vec_x0.copy() vec_dx = None if self.log is not None: self.log.plot_vlines(color='r', linewidth=1.0) err0 = -1.0 it = 0 while 1: vec_x_prev_f = make_full_vec(vec_x_prev) update_var(ns['b'], vec_x_prev_f, ns['u']) vec_b = vec_x_prev_f[ii['u']] b_norm = nla.norm(vec_b, nm.inf) output('|b|_max: %.12e' % b_norm) vec_x_f = make_full_vec(vec_x) vec_u = vec_x_f[ii['u']] u_norm = nla.norm(vec_u, nm.inf) output('|u|_max: %.2e' % u_norm) stabil.function.set_extra_args(b_norm=b_norm) stabil.time_update(None, problem.equations, mode='force', problem=problem) max_pars = stabil.reduce_on_datas(lambda a, b: max(a, b.max())) output('stabilization parameters:') output(' gamma: %.12e' % max_pars[ns['gamma']]) output(' max(delta): %.12e' % max_pars[ns['delta']]) output(' max(tau): %.12e' % max_pars[ns['tau']]) if (not are_close(b_norm, 1.0)) and conf.adimensionalize: adimensionalize = True else: adimensionalize = False tt = time.clock() try: vec_r = fun(vec_x) except ValueError: ok = False else: ok = True time_stats['rezidual'] = time.clock() - tt if ok: err = nla.norm(vec_r) if it == 0: err0 = err; else: err += nla.norm(vec_dx) else: # Failure. output('rezidual computation failed for iter %d!' % it) raise RuntimeError('giving up...') if self.log is not None: self.log(err, it, max_pars[ns['gamma']], max_pars[ns['delta']], max_pars[ns['tau']]) condition = conv_test(conf, it, err, err0) if condition >= 0: break if adimensionalize: output('adimensionalizing') ## mat.viscosity = viscosity / b_norm ## vec_r[indx_us] /= b_norm tt = time.clock() try: mtx_a = fun_grad(vec_x) except ValueError: ok = False else: ok = True time_stats['matrix'] = time.clock() - tt if not ok: raise RuntimeError('giving up...') tt = time.clock() vec_dx = lin_solver(vec_r, x0=vec_x, mtx=mtx_a) time_stats['solve'] = time.clock() - tt vec_e = mtx_a * vec_dx - vec_r lerr = nla.norm(vec_e) if lerr > (conf.eps_a * conf.lin_red): output('linear system not solved! (err = %e)' % lerr) if adimensionalize: output('restoring pressure...') ## vec_dx[indx_ps] *= b_norm dx_norm = nla.norm(vec_dx) output('||dx||: %.2e' % dx_norm) for kv in time_stats.iteritems(): output('%10s: %7.2f [s]' % kv) vec_x_prev = vec_x.copy() vec_x -= vec_dx it += 1 if conf.check_navier_stokes_rezidual: t1 = '+ dw_div_grad.%s.%s(%s.viscosity, %s, %s)' \ % (ns['i2'], ns['omega'], ns['fluid'], ns['v'], ns['u']) # t2 = '+ dw_lin_convect.%s(%s, %s, %s)' % (ns['omega'], # ns['v'], b_name, ns['u']) t2 = '+ dw_convect.%s.%s(%s, %s)' % (ns['i2'], ns['omega'], ns['v'], ns['u']) t3 = '- dw_stokes.%s.%s(%s, %s)' % (ns['i1'], ns['omega'], ns['v'], ns['p']) t4 = 'dw_stokes.%s.%s(%s, %s)' % (ns['i1'], ns['omega'], ns['u'], ns['q']) equations = { 'balance' : ' '.join((t1, t2, t3)), 'incompressibility' : t4, } problem.set_equations(equations) try: vec_rns0 = fun(vec_x0) vec_rns = fun(vec_x) except ValueError: ok = False else: ok = True if not ok: output('Navier-Stokes rezidual computation failed!') err_ns = err_ns0 = None else: err_ns0 = nla.norm(vec_rns0) err_ns = nla.norm(vec_rns) output('Navier-Stokes rezidual0: %.8e' % err_ns0) output('Navier-Stokes rezidual : %.8e' % err_ns) output('b - u: %.8e' % nla.norm(vec_b - vec_u)) output(condition) else: err_ns = None if status is not None: status['time_stats'] = time_stats status['err0'] = err0 status['err'] = err status['err_ns'] = err_ns status['condition'] = condition if conf.log.plot is not None: if self.log is not None: self.log(save_figure=conf.log.plot) return vec_x
''' Purpose for this file is to verify functions associated with Manager._groups dictionary. ''' import unittest import c3d import numpy as np import test.verify as verify from test.zipload import Zipload from test.base import Base class GroupSample(): ''' Helper object to verify group entries persist or terminate properly. ''' def __init__(self, manager): self.manager = manager self.sample() @property def group_items(self): '''Helper to access group items. ''' return [(k, g) for (k, g) in self.manager.group_items()] @property def group_listed(self): '''Helper to access group numerical key-value pairs. ''' return [(k, g) for (k, g) in self.manager.group_listed()] @property def fetch_groups(self): '''Acquire both group sets. ''' return self.group_items, self.group_listed @property def max_key(self): if len(self.group_items) > 0: return np.max([k for (k, g) in self.group_listed]) return 0 def sample(self): '''Call before applying changes. ''' self.s_grp_items, self.s_grp_list = self.fetch_groups def assert_entry_count(self, delta=0): '''Assert all values in group still exist. Arguments --------- delta: Number of entries added (+) or removed (-) since last sample. ''' grp_items, grp_list = self.fetch_groups assert len(self.s_grp_items) + delta == len(grp_items),\ 'Rename added item entry. Expected %i entries, now has %i.' %\ (len(self.s_grp_items), len(grp_items)) assert len(self.s_grp_list) + delta == len(grp_list),\ 'Rename added list entry. Expected %i entries, now has %i.' %\ (len(self.s_grp_list) + delta, len(grp_list)) assert len(grp_items) == len(grp_list),\ 'Mismatch in the number of numerical and name keys. Has %i numerical entries and %i name entries.' %\ (len(grp_items), len(grp_list)) def assert_group_items(self): '''Assert all named (str, Group) pairs persisted after change.''' enumerator = range(len(self.s_grp_items)) for i, (n, g), (n2, g2) in zip(enumerator, sorted(self.s_grp_items), sorted(self.group_items)): assert n == n2, 'Group numeric id missmatch after changes for entry %i. ' % i +\ 'Initially %i, after change entry was %i' % (n, n2) assert g == g2, 'Group listed order changed for entry %i.' % i def assert_group_list(self): '''Assert all numerical (int, Group) pairs persisted after change.''' enumerator = range(len(self.s_grp_list)) for i, (n, g), (n2, g2) in zip(enumerator, self.s_grp_list, self.group_listed): assert n == n2, 'Group string id missmatch after changes for entry %i. ' % i +\ 'Initially %i, after change entry was %i' % (n, n2) assert g == g2, 'Group listed order changed for entry %i.' % i def verify_add_group(self, N): '''Add N groups and verify count at each iteration.''' self.sample() max_key = self.max_key for i in range(1, N): test_name = 'TEST_ADD_GROUP_%i' % i self.manager.add_group(max_key + i, test_name, '') assert self.manager.get(test_name) is not None, 'Added group does not exist.' self.assert_entry_count(delta=i) def verify_remove_all_using_numeric(self): '''Remove all groups using numeric key and verify count at each iteration.''' self.sample() keys = [k for (k, g) in self.group_listed] for i, key in enumerate(keys): grp = self.manager.get(key) assert grp is not None, 'Expected group to exist.' self.manager.remove_group(key) assert self.manager.get(key) is None, 'Removed group persisted.' assert self.manager.get( is None, 'Removed group persisted.' self.assert_entry_count(delta=-1 - i) def verify_remove_all_using_name(self): '''Remove all groups using name key and verify count at each iteration.''' self.sample() keys = [k for (k, g) in self.group_items] for i, key in enumerate(keys): grp = self.manager.get(key) assert grp is not None, 'Expected group to exist.' self.manager.remove_group(key) assert self.manager.get(key) is None, 'Removed group persisted.' assert self.manager.get( is None, 'Removed group persisted.' self.assert_entry_count(delta=-1 - i) class TestGroupAccessors(Base): ''' Tests functionality associated with editing Group entries in the Manager class. ''' ZIP = '' INTEL_INT = 'Eb015pi.c3d' INTEL_REAL = 'Eb015pr.c3d' def test_Manager_group_items(self): '''Test Manager.group_items''' reader = c3d.Reader(Zipload._get(self.ZIP, self.INTEL_REAL)) grp_keys = [k for (k, g) in reader.group_items()] assert len(grp_keys) > 0, 'No group items in file or Manager.group_items failed' def test_Manager_group_listed(self): '''Test Manager.group_listed''' reader = c3d.Reader(Zipload._get(self.ZIP, self.INTEL_REAL)) grp_list = [k for (k, g) in reader.group_listed()] assert len(grp_list) > 0, 'No group items in file or Manager.group_listed failed' def test_Manager_add_group(self): '''Test if renaming groups acts as intended.''' reader = c3d.Reader(Zipload._get(self.ZIP, self.INTEL_REAL)) ref = GroupSample(reader) ref.verify_add_group(100) ref.verify_remove_all_using_numeric() def test_Manager_removing_group_from_numeric(self): '''Test if removing groups acts as intended.''' reader = c3d.Reader(Zipload._get(self.ZIP, self.INTEL_REAL)) ref = GroupSample(reader) ref.verify_remove_all_using_numeric() ref.verify_add_group(100) def test_Manager_removing_group_from_name(self): '''Test if removing groups acts as intended.''' reader = c3d.Reader(Zipload._get(self.ZIP, self.INTEL_REAL)) ref = GroupSample(reader) ref.verify_remove_all_using_name() ref.verify_add_group(100) def test_Manager_rename_group(self): '''Test if renaming groups acts as intended.''' reader = c3d.Reader(Zipload._get(self.ZIP, self.INTEL_REAL)) ref = GroupSample(reader) grp_keys = [k for (k, g) in ref.group_items] new_names = ['TEST_NAME' + str(i) for i in range(len(grp_keys))] for key, test_name in zip(grp_keys, new_names): grp = reader.get(key) reader.rename_group(key, test_name) grp2 = reader.get(test_name) assert grp2 is not None, "Rename failed, group with name '%s' does not exist." assert grp == grp2, 'Rename failed, group acquired from new name is not identical.' ref.assert_entry_count() ref.assert_group_list() try: reader.rename_group(new_names[0], new_names[1]) raise RuntimeError('Overwriting existing numerical ID should raise a KeyError.') except ValueError as e: pass # Correct def test_Manager_renumber_group(self): '''Test if renaming (renumbering) groups acts as intended.''' reader = c3d.Reader(Zipload._get(self.ZIP, self.INTEL_REAL)) ref = GroupSample(reader) grp_ids = [k for (k, g) in ref.group_listed] max_key = ref.max_key for i, key in enumerate(grp_ids): test_num = max_key + i + 1 grp = reader.get(key) reader.rename_group(key, test_num) grp2 = reader.get(test_num) assert grp2 is not None, "Rename failed, group with name '%s' does not exist." assert grp == grp2, 'Rename failed, group acquired from new name is not identical.' ref.assert_entry_count() ref.assert_group_items() try: reader.rename_group(max_key + 1, max_key + 2) raise RuntimeError('Overwriting existing numerical ID should raise a KeyError.') except ValueError as e: pass # Correct if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
# Copyright (c) 2013, Web Notes Technologies Pvt. Ltd. # MIT License. See license.txt # Database Module # -------------------- from __future__ import unicode_literals import MySQLdb import webnotes import conf import datetime class Database: """ Open a database connection with the given parmeters, if use_default is True, use the login details from ``. This is called by the request handler and is accessible using the `conn` global variable. the `sql` method is also global to run queries """ def __init__(self, host=None, user=None, password=None, ac_name=None, use_default = 0): = host or 'localhost' self.user = user or conf.db_name if ac_name: self.user = self.get_db_login(ac_name) or conf.db_name if use_default: self.user = conf.db_name self.transaction_writes = 0 self.auto_commit_on_many_writes = 0 self.password = password or webnotes.get_db_password(self.user) self.connect() if self.user != 'root': self.use(self.user) def get_db_login(self, ac_name): return ac_name def connect(self): """ Connect to a database """ self._conn = MySQLdb.connect(user=self.user,, passwd=self.password, use_unicode=True, charset='utf8') self._conn.converter[246]=float self._cursor = self._conn.cursor() def use(self, db_name): """ `USE` db_name """ self._conn.select_db(db_name) self.cur_db_name = db_name def validate_query(self, q): cmd = q.strip().lower().split()[0] if cmd in ['alter', 'drop', 'truncate'] and != 'Administrator': webnotes.msgprint('Not allowed to execute query') raise Exception def sql(self, query, values=(), as_dict = 0, as_list = 0, formatted = 0, debug=0, ignore_ddl=0, as_utf8=0, auto_commit=0, update=None): """ * Execute a `query`, with given `values` * returns as a dictionary if as_dict = 1 * returns as a list of lists (with cleaned up dates) if as_list = 1 """ # in transaction validations self.check_transaction_status(query) # autocommit if auto_commit: self.commit() # execute try: if values!=(): if isinstance(values, dict): values = dict(values) if debug: try: self.explain_query(query, values) webnotes.errprint(query % values) except TypeError: webnotes.errprint([query, values]) if getattr(conf, "logging", False)==2: webnotes.log("<<<< query") webnotes.log(query) webnotes.log("with values:") webnotes.log(values) webnotes.log(">>>>") self._cursor.execute(query, values) else: if debug: self.explain_query(query) webnotes.errprint(query) if getattr(conf, "logging", False)==2: webnotes.log("<<<< query") webnotes.log(query) webnotes.log(">>>>") self._cursor.execute(query) except Exception, e: # ignore data definition errors if ignore_ddl and e.args[0] in (1146,1054,1091): pass else: raise e if auto_commit: self.commit() # scrub output if required if as_dict: ret = self.fetch_as_dict(formatted, as_utf8) if update: for r in ret: r.update(update) return ret elif as_list: return self.convert_to_lists(self._cursor.fetchall(), formatted, as_utf8) elif as_utf8: return self.convert_to_lists(self._cursor.fetchall(), formatted, as_utf8) else: return self._cursor.fetchall() def explain_query(self, query, values=None): try: webnotes.errprint("--- query explain ---") if values is None: self._cursor.execute("explain " + query) else: self._cursor.execute("explain " + query, values) import json webnotes.errprint(json.dumps(self.fetch_as_dict(), indent=1)) webnotes.errprint("--- query explain end ---") except: webnotes.errprint("error in query explain") def sql_list(self, query, values=(), debug=False): return [r[0] for r in self.sql(query, values, debug=debug)] def sql_ddl(self, query, values=()): self.commit() self.sql(query) def check_transaction_status(self, query): if self.transaction_writes and query and query.strip().split()[0].lower() in ['start', 'alter', 'drop', 'create', "begin"]: raise Exception, 'This statement can cause implicit commit' if query and query.strip().lower()=='commit': self.transaction_writes = 0 if query[:6].lower() in ['update', 'insert']: self.transaction_writes += 1 if self.transaction_writes > 10000: if self.auto_commit_on_many_writes: webnotes.conn.commit() webnotes.conn.begin() else: webnotes.msgprint('A very long query was encountered. If you are trying to import data, please do so using smaller files') raise Exception, 'Bad Query!!! Too many writes' def fetch_as_dict(self, formatted=0, as_utf8=0): result = self._cursor.fetchall() ret = [] needs_formatting = self.needs_formatting(result, formatted) for r in result: row_dict = webnotes._dict({}) for i in range(len(r)): if needs_formatting: val = self.convert_to_simple_type(r[i], formatted) else: val = r[i] if as_utf8 and type(val) is unicode: val = val.encode('utf-8') row_dict[self._cursor.description[i][0]] = val ret.append(row_dict) return ret def needs_formatting(self, result, formatted): if result and result[0]: for v in result[0]: if isinstance(v, (, datetime.timedelta, datetime.datetime, long)): return True if formatted and isinstance(v, (int, float)): return True return False def get_description(self): return self._cursor.description def convert_to_simple_type(self, v, formatted=0): from webnotes.utils import formatdate, fmt_money if isinstance(v, (, datetime.timedelta, datetime.datetime, long)): if isinstance(v, v = unicode(v) if formatted: v = formatdate(v) # time elif isinstance(v, (datetime.timedelta, datetime.datetime)): v = unicode(v) # long elif isinstance(v, long): v=int(v) # convert to strings... (if formatted) if formatted: if isinstance(v, float): v=fmt_money(v) elif isinstance(v, int): v = unicode(v) return v def convert_to_lists(self, res, formatted=0, as_utf8=0): nres = [] needs_formatting = self.needs_formatting(res, formatted) for r in res: nr = [] for c in r: if needs_formatting: val = self.convert_to_simple_type(c, formatted) else: val = c if as_utf8 and type(val) is unicode: val = val.encode('utf-8') nr.append(val) nres.append(nr) return nres def convert_to_utf8(self, res, formatted=0): nres = [] for r in res: nr = [] for c in r: if type(c) is unicode: c = c.encode('utf-8') nr.append(self.convert_to_simple_type(c, formatted)) nres.append(nr) return nres def build_conditions(self, filters): def _build_condition(key): """ filter's key is passed by map function build conditions like: * ifnull(`fieldname`, default_value) = %(fieldname)s * `fieldname` [=, !=, >, >=, <, <=] %(fieldname)s """ _operator = "=" value = filters.get(key) if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): _operator = value[0] filters[key] = value[1] if _operator not in ["=", "!=", ">", ">=", "<", "<=", "like"]: _operator = "=" if "[" in key: split_key = key.split("[") return "ifnull(`" + split_key[0] + "`, " + split_key[1][:-1] + ") " \ + _operator + " %(" + key + ")s" else: return "`" + key + "` " + _operator + " %(" + key + ")s" if isinstance(filters, basestring): filters = { "name": filters } conditions = map(_build_condition, filters) return " and ".join(conditions), filters def get(self, doctype, filters=None, as_dict=True): return self.get_value(doctype, filters, "*", as_dict=as_dict) def get_value(self, doctype, filters=None, fieldname="name", ignore=None, as_dict=False, debug=False): """Get a single / multiple value from a record. For Single DocType, let filters be = None""" ret = self.get_values(doctype, filters, fieldname, ignore, as_dict, debug) return ret and ((len(ret[0]) > 1 or as_dict) and ret[0] or ret[0][0]) or None def get_values(self, doctype, filters=None, fieldname="name", ignore=None, as_dict=False, debug=False): if isinstance(filters, list): return self.get_value_for_many_names(doctype, filters, fieldname, debug=debug) fields = fieldname if fieldname!="*": if isinstance(fieldname, basestring): fields = [fieldname] else: fields = fieldname if (filters is not None) and (filters!=doctype or doctype=="DocType"): try: return self.get_values_from_table(fields, filters, doctype, as_dict, debug) except Exception, e: if ignore and e.args[0] in (1146, 1054): # table or column not found, return None return None elif (not ignore) and e.args[0]==1146: # table not found, look in singles pass else: raise e return self.get_values_from_single(fields, filters, doctype, as_dict, debug) def get_values_from_single(self, fields, filters, doctype, as_dict=False, debug=False): if fields=="*" or isinstance(filters, dict): r = self.sql("""select field, value from tabSingles where doctype=%s""", doctype) # check if single doc matches with filters values = webnotes._dict(r) if isinstance(filters, dict): for key, value in filters.items(): if values.get(key) != value: return [] if as_dict: return values and [values] or [] if isinstance(fields, list): return [map(lambda d: values.get(d), fields)] else: r = self.sql("""select field, value from tabSingles where field in (%s) and doctype=%s""" \ % (', '.join(['%s'] * len(fields)), '%s'), tuple(fields) + (doctype,), as_dict=False, debug=debug) if as_dict: return r and [webnotes._dict(r)] or [] else: return r and [[i[1] for i in r]] or [] def get_values_from_table(self, fields, filters, doctype, as_dict, debug): fl = [] if isinstance(fields, (list, tuple)): for f in fields: if "(" in f: # function fl.append(f) else: fl.append("`" + f + "`") fl = ", ".join(fields) else: fl = fields conditions, filters = self.build_conditions(filters) r = self.sql("select %s from `tab%s` where %s" % (fl, doctype, conditions), filters, as_dict=as_dict, debug=debug) return r def get_value_for_many_names(self, doctype, names, field, debug=False): names = filter(None, names) if names: return dict(self.sql("select name, `%s` from `tab%s` where name in (%s)" \ % (field, doctype, ", ".join(["%s"]*len(names))), names, debug=debug)) else: return {} def set_value(self, dt, dn, field, val, modified=None, modified_by=None): from webnotes.utils import now if dn and dt!=dn: self.sql("""update `tab%s` set `%s`=%s, modified=%s, modified_by=%s where name=%s""" % (dt, field, "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s"), (val, modified or now(), modified_by or webnotes.session["user"], dn)) else: if self.sql("select value from tabSingles where field=%s and doctype=%s", (field, dt)): self.sql("""update tabSingles set value=%s where field=%s and doctype=%s""", (val, field, dt)) else: self.sql("""insert into tabSingles(doctype, field, value) values (%s, %s, %s)""", (dt, field, val, )) if field!="modified": self.set_value(dt, dn, "modified", modified or now()) def set(self, doc, field, val): from webnotes.utils import now doc.modified = now() doc.modified_by = webnotes.session["user"] self.set_value(doc.doctype,, field, val, doc.modified, doc.modified_by) doc.fields[field] = val def set_global(self, key, val, user='__global'): self.set_default(key, val, user) def get_global(self, key, user='__global'): return self.get_default(key, user) def set_default(self, key, val, parent="Control Panel"): """set control panel default (tabDefaultVal)""" import webnotes.defaults webnotes.defaults.set_default(key, val, parent) def add_default(self, key, val, parent="Control Panel"): import webnotes.defaults webnotes.defaults.add_default(key, val, parent) def get_default(self, key, parent="Control Panel"): """get default value""" import webnotes.defaults d = webnotes.defaults.get_defaults(parent).get(key) return isinstance(d, list) and d[0] or d def get_defaults_as_list(self, key, parent="Control Panel"): import webnotes.defaults d = webnotes.defaults.get_default(key, parent) return isinstance(d, basestring) and [d] or d def get_defaults(self, key=None, parent="Control Panel"): """get all defaults""" import webnotes.defaults if key: return webnotes.defaults.get_defaults(parent).get(key) else: return webnotes.defaults.get_defaults(parent) def begin(self): return # not required def commit(self): self.sql("commit") def rollback(self): self.sql("ROLLBACK") self.transaction_writes = 0 def field_exists(self, dt, fn): return self.sql("select name from tabDocField where fieldname=%s and parent=%s", (dt, fn)) def table_exists(self, tablename): return tablename in [d[0] for d in self.sql("show tables")] def exists(self, dt, dn=None): if isinstance(dt, basestring): if dt==dn: return True # single always exists (!) try: return self.sql('select name from `tab%s` where name=%s' % (dt, '%s'), dn) except: return None elif isinstance(dt, dict) and dt.get('doctype'): try: conditions = [] for d in dt: if d == 'doctype': continue conditions.append('`%s` = "%s"' % (d, dt[d].replace('"', '\"'))) return self.sql('select name from `tab%s` where %s' % \ (dt['doctype'], " and ".join(conditions))) except: return None def get_table_columns(self, doctype): return [r[0] for r in self.sql("DESC `tab%s`" % doctype)] def close(self): if self._conn: self._cursor.close() self._conn.close() self._cursor = None self._conn = None
#!/usr/bin/env python # coding=utf-8 ################################################################################ import os import sys import optparse import configobj import traceback import tempfile sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'src'))) def getIncludePaths(path): for f in os.listdir(path): cPath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(path, f)) if os.path.isfile(cPath) and len(f) > 3 and f.endswith('.py'): sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(cPath)) elif os.path.isdir(cPath): getIncludePaths(cPath) collectors = {} def getCollectors(path): for f in os.listdir(path): cPath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(path, f)) if os.path.isfile(cPath) and len(f) > 3 and f.endswith('.py'): modname = f[:-3] if modname.startswith('Test'): continue if modname.startswith('test'): continue try: # Import the module module = __import__(modname, globals(), locals(), ['*']) # Find the name for attr in dir(module): if not attr.endswith('Collector'): continue cls = getattr(module, attr) if cls.__name__ not in collectors: collectors[cls.__name__] = module except Exception: print "Failed to import module: %s. %s" % ( modname, traceback.format_exc()) collectors[modname] = False elif os.path.isdir(cPath): getCollectors(cPath) handlers = {} def getHandlers(path): for f in os.listdir(path): cPath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(path, f)) if os.path.isfile(cPath) and len(f) > 3 and f.endswith('.py'): modname = f[:-3] try: # Import the module module = __import__(modname, globals(), locals(), ['*']) # Find the name for attr in dir(module): if (not attr.endswith('Handler') or attr.startswith('Handler')): continue cls = getattr(module, attr) if cls.__name__ not in handlers: handlers[cls.__name__] = module except Exception: print "Failed to import module: %s. %s" % ( modname, traceback.format_exc()) handlers[modname] = False elif os.path.isdir(cPath): getHandlers(cPath) ################################################################################ if __name__ == "__main__": # Initialize Options parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.add_option("-c", "--configfile", dest="configfile", default="/etc/diamond/diamond.conf", help="Path to the config file") parser.add_option("-C", "--collector", dest="collector", default=None, help="Configure a single collector") parser.add_option("-p", "--print", action="store_true", dest="dump", default=False, help="Just print the defaults") # Parse Command Line Args (options, args) = parser.parse_args() # Initialize Config if os.path.exists(options.configfile): config = configobj.ConfigObj(os.path.abspath(options.configfile)) else: print >> sys.stderr, "ERROR: Config file: %s does not exist." % ( options.configfile) print >> sys.stderr, ("Please run python -c " + "/path/to/diamond.conf") parser.print_help(sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) collector_path = config['server']['collectors_path'] docs_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'docs')) handler_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'src', 'diamond', 'handler')) getIncludePaths(collector_path) # Ugly hack for snmp collector overrides getCollectors(os.path.join(collector_path, 'snmp')) getCollectors(collector_path) collectorIndexFile = open(os.path.join(docs_path, ""), 'w') collectorIndexFile.write("## Collectors\n") collectorIndexFile.write("\n") for collector in sorted(collectors.iterkeys()): # Skip configuring the basic collector object if collector == "Collector": continue if collector.startswith('Test'): continue print "Processing %s..." % (collector) if not hasattr(collectors[collector], collector): continue cls = getattr(collectors[collector], collector) obj = cls(config=config, handlers={}) options = obj.get_default_config_help() defaultOptions = obj.get_default_config() docFile = open(os.path.join(docs_path, "collectors-" + collector + ".md"), 'w') enabled = '' collectorIndexFile.write(" - [%s](collectors-%s)%s\n" % (collector, collector, enabled)) docFile.write("%s\n" % (collector)) docFile.write("=====\n") if collectors[collector].__doc__ is None: print "No __doc__ string!" docFile.write("%s\n" % (collectors[collector].__doc__)) docFile.write("#### Options - [Generic Options](Configuration)\n") docFile.write("\n") docFile.write("<table>") docFile.write("<tr>") docFile.write("<th>Setting</th>") docFile.write("<th>Default</th>") docFile.write("<th>Description</th>") docFile.write("<th>Type</th>") docFile.write("</tr>\n") for option in sorted(options.keys()): defaultOption = '' defaultOptionType = '' if option in defaultOptions: defaultOptionType = defaultOptions[option].__class__.__name__ if isinstance(defaultOptions[option], list): defaultOption = ', '.join(map(str, defaultOptions[option])) defaultOption += ',' else: defaultOption = str(defaultOptions[option]) docFile.write("<tr>") docFile.write("<td>%s</td>" % (option)) docFile.write("<td>%s</td>" % (defaultOption)) docFile.write("<td>%s</td>" % (options[option].replace( "\n", '<br>\n'))) docFile.write("<td>%s</td>" % (defaultOptionType)) docFile.write("</tr>\n") docFile.write("</table>\n") docFile.write("\n") docFile.write("#### Example Output\n") docFile.write("\n") docFile.write("```\n") docFile.write("__EXAMPLESHERE__\n") docFile.write("```\n") docFile.write("\n") docFile.write("### This file was generated from the python source\n") docFile.write("### Please edit the source to make changes\n") docFile.write("\n") docFile.close() collectorIndexFile.close() getIncludePaths(handler_path) getHandlers(handler_path) handlerIndexFile = open(os.path.join(docs_path, ""), 'w') handlerIndexFile.write("## Handlers\n") handlerIndexFile.write("\n") for handler in sorted(handlers.iterkeys()): # Skip configuring the basic handler object if handler == "Handler": continue if handler[0:4] == "Test": continue print "Processing %s..." % (handler) if not hasattr(handlers[handler], handler): continue cls = getattr(handlers[handler], handler) tmpfile = tempfile.mkstemp() options = None defaultOptions = None try: obj = cls({ 'log_file': tmpfile[1], }) options = obj.get_default_config_help() defaultOptions = obj.get_default_config() except Exception, e: print "Caught Exception %s" % e os.remove(tmpfile[1]) docFile = open(os.path.join(docs_path, "handler-" + handler + ".md"), 'w') handlerIndexFile.write(" - [%s](handler-%s)\n" % (handler, handler)) docFile.write("%s\n" % (handler)) docFile.write("====\n") docFile.write("%s" % (handlers[handler].__doc__)) docFile.write("#### Options - [Generic Options](Configuration)\n") docFile.write("\n") docFile.write("<table>") docFile.write("<tr>") docFile.write("<th>Setting</th>") docFile.write("<th>Default</th>") docFile.write("<th>Description</th>") docFile.write("<th>Type</th>") docFile.write("</tr>\n") if options: for option in sorted(options.keys()): defaultOption = '' defaultOptionType = '' if option in defaultOptions: defaultOptionType = defaultOptions[ option].__class__.__name__ if isinstance(defaultOptions[option], list): defaultOption = ', '.join(map(str, defaultOptions[option])) defaultOption += ',' else: defaultOption = str(defaultOptions[option]) docFile.write("<tr>") docFile.write("<td>%s</td>" % (option)) docFile.write("<td>%s</td>" % (defaultOption)) docFile.write("<td>%s</td>" % (options[option].replace( "\n", '<br>\n'))) docFile.write("<td>%s</td>" % (defaultOptionType)) docFile.write("</tr>\n") docFile.write("</table>\n") docFile.write("\n") docFile.write("### This file was generated from the python source\n") docFile.write("### Please edit the source to make changes\n") docFile.write("\n") docFile.close() handlerIndexFile.close()
# Author: Christopher M. Shymansky <[email protected]>, # License: ALv2 # Date created: 2016-11-25 import sys sys.path.append("../code") import pyplearnr as ppl import pandas as pd import itertools import unittest class AugmentedTestCase(unittest.TestCase): """ unittest.TestCase class with an extra helper method for comparing expected and actual errors """ def assert_with_messsage(self, msg, func, args, kwargs): try: func(*args, **kwargs) # self.assertFail() except Exception as inst: self.assertEqual(inst.message, msg) def get_cleaned_titanic_data(self): # Read data into Pandas dataframe df = pd.read_pickle('../trimmed_titanic_data.pkl') simulation_df = df.copy() # Set categorial features as such categorical_features = ['Survived','Pclass','Sex','Embarked','Title'] for feature in categorical_features: simulation_df[feature] = simulation_df[feature].astype('category') # One-hot encode categorical features simulation_df = pd.get_dummies(simulation_df,drop_first=True) output_feature = 'Survived_1' column_names = list(simulation_df.columns) input_features = [x for x in column_names if x != output_feature] # Split into features and targets X = simulation_df[input_features].copy().values y = simulation_df[output_feature].copy().values return X, y class PipelineBundleTestCase(AugmentedTestCase): """ Tests PipelineBundle methods """ def test_build_bundle(self): # Set test pipeline bundle schematic pipeline_bundle_schematic = [ {'scaler': { 'standard': {}, 'normal': {} }}, {'estimator': { 'knn': { 'n_neighbors': range(1,11), 'weights': ['uniform', 'distance'] }, 'svm': { 'C': range(1,12) } }} ] pipelines = ppl.PipelineBundle().build_pipeline_bundle(pipeline_bundle_schematic) class NestedKFoldCrossValidationTestCase(AugmentedTestCase): """ Tests NestedKFoldCrossValidation class """ def test_init_outer_loop_fold_count_zero(self): ############### Test initialization inputs ############### msg = "The outer_loop_fold_count" \ " keyword argument, dictating the number of folds in the outer " \ "loop, must be a positive integer" kwargs = { 'outer_loop_fold_count': 0 } self.assert_with_messsage(msg, ppl.NestedKFoldCrossValidation, [],kwargs) def test_init_outer_loop_fold_count_negative(self): ############### Test initialization inputs ############### msg = "The outer_loop_fold_count" \ " keyword argument, dictating the number of folds in the outer " \ "loop, must be a positive integer" kwargs = { 'outer_loop_fold_count': -5 } self.assert_with_messsage(msg, ppl.NestedKFoldCrossValidation, [],kwargs) def test_init_inner_loop_fold_count_zero(self): msg = "The inner_loop_fold_count" \ " keyword argument, dictating the number of folds in the inner" \ " loop, must be a positive integer" kwargs = { 'inner_loop_fold_count': 0 } self.assert_with_messsage(msg, ppl.NestedKFoldCrossValidation, [], kwargs) def test_init_inner_loop_fold_count_negative(self): msg = "The inner_loop_fold_count" \ " keyword argument, dictating the number of folds in the inner" \ " loop, must be a positive integer" kwargs = { 'inner_loop_fold_count': -5 } self.assert_with_messsage(msg, ppl.NestedKFoldCrossValidation, [], kwargs) def test_init_outer_loop_split_seed_zero(self): msg = "The " \ "outer_loop_split_seed keyword argument, dictating how the data "\ "is split into folds for the outer loop, must be an integer." kwargs = { 'outer_loop_split_seed': 0 } self.assert_with_messsage(msg, ppl.NestedKFoldCrossValidation, [], kwargs) def test_init_outer_loop_split_seed_negative(self): msg = "The " \ "outer_loop_split_seed keyword argument, dictating how the data "\ "is split into folds for the outer loop, must be an integer." kwargs = { 'outer_loop_split_seed': -5 } self.assert_with_messsage(msg, ppl.NestedKFoldCrossValidation, [], kwargs) def test_init_inner_loop_split_seed_zero(self): msg = "The " \ "inner_loop_split_seed keyword argument, dictating how the data "\ "is split into folds for the inner loop, must be an integer." kwargs = { 'inner_loop_split_seed': 0 } self.assert_with_messsage(msg, ppl.NestedKFoldCrossValidation, [], kwargs) def test_init_inner_loop_split_seed_negative(self): msg = "The " \ "inner_loop_split_seed keyword argument, dictating how the data "\ "is split into folds for the inner loop, must be an integer." kwargs = { 'inner_loop_split_seed': -5 } self.assert_with_messsage(msg, ppl.NestedKFoldCrossValidation, [], kwargs) def test_get_outer_split_indices(self): # Get data fit for testing X, y = self.get_cleaned_titanic_data() # Obtain test/train split indices for outer and inner folds kfcv = ppl.NestedKFoldCrossValidation() kfcv.get_outer_split_indices(X, y=y, stratified=False) # Test that the resulting indices combine to form the total set of # indices outer_test_inds_target = set(range(X.shape[0])) all_outer_test_inds = set() for outer_fold_ind, outer_fold in kfcv.outer_folds.iteritems(): current_outer_test_fold_inds = outer_fold.test_fold_inds current_outer_train_fold_inds = outer_fold.train_fold_inds all_outer_test_inds |= set(current_outer_test_fold_inds) inner_test_inds_target = set(range(X[current_outer_train_fold_inds].shape[0])) all_inner_test_inds = set() for inner_fold_ind, inner_fold in outer_fold.inner_folds.iteritems(): all_inner_test_inds |= set(inner_fold.test_fold_inds) self.assertTrue(not all_inner_test_inds-inner_test_inds_target) self.assertTrue(not all_outer_test_inds-outer_test_inds_target) def test_fit(self): # Get data fit for testing X, y = self.get_cleaned_titanic_data() # Obtain test/train split indices for outer and inner folds kfcv = ppl.NestedKFoldCrossValidation() estimators = ['logistic_regression','svm'] # feature_interaction_options = [True,False] feature_selection_options = [None,'select_k_best'] scaling_options = [None,'standard','normal','min_max','binary'] transformations = [None,'pca'] pipeline_steps = [feature_selection_options,scaling_options, transformations,estimators] pipeline_options = list(itertools.product(*pipeline_steps)), y, pipelines=[], stratified=True) """ best_pipeline = { "trained_all_pipeline": None, "mean_validation_score": None, "validation_score_std": None } | * | | | best_outer_fold_1_pipeline = { "outer_fold_id": None "best_pipeline_ind": None, "trained_all_best_pipeline": None, "validation_score": None, "scoring_type": None } pipeline_1_outer_fold_1 = { "id": None, "mean_test_score": None, "test_score_std": None, "mean_train_score": None, "train_score_std": None, "scoring_type": None } pipeline_2_outer_fold_1 .... pipeline_d_outer_fold_1 | * | | | pipeline_1_outer_fold_1_inner_fold_1 = { 'id': None, 'outer_fold_id': None, 'inner_fold_id': None, 'pipeline': None, 'test_score': None, 'train_score': None, 'scoring_type': None, } pipeline_2_outer_fold_1_inner_fold_1 .... pipeline_d_outer_fold_1_inner_fold_1 | | * | | pipeline_1_outer_fold_1_inner_fold_2 pipeline_2_outer_fold_1_inner_fold_2 .... pipeline_d_outer_fold_1_inner_fold_2 | | | * | pipeline_1_outer_fold_1_inner_fold_3 pipeline_2_outer_fold_1_inner_fold_3 .... pipeline_d_outer_fold_1_inner_fold_3 | | * | | ............ | | | * | ............ """ """ Alternate setup: 'scoring_metric': None, best_pipeline = { "trained_all_pipeline": None, "mean_validation_score": None, "validation_score_std": None }, 'outer_folds' = { 'id': None, 'test_inds': None, 'train_inds': None, 'best_pipeline': { 'best_pipeline_validation_score': None, }, 'pipelines': { 'id': { 'id': None 'mean_test_score': None, 'test_score_std': None, 'pipeline': None } } 'inner_folds': { 'id': None, 'test_fold_inds': None, 'train_fold_inds': None, 'pipelines': { 'id': { 'id': outer_inner_pipeline 'test_score': None, 'train_score': None, 'pipeline': None } } }, ... {}, } """ if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Contains Definitions of setup_vgg_1, setup_vgg_1_xzt, setup_vgg_1_xzt_max, setup_vgg_1_xzt_stride autoencoder_stage: Type of training/network 0: autoencoder 1: encoder+ from autoencoder w/ frozen layers 2: encoder+ from scratch, completely unfrozen If autoencoder_stage==1 only the first part of the autoencoder (encoder part) will be generated These layers are frozen then. The weights of the original model can be imported then by using load_weights('xxx.h5', by_name=True) modelpath_and_name is used to load the encoder part for supervised training, and only needed if make_autoencoder==False """ from keras.models import Model from keras.layers import Activation, Input, Dense, Flatten, Conv3D, MaxPooling3D, UpSampling3D,BatchNormalization, ZeroPadding3D, Conv3DTranspose, AveragePooling3D from keras import backend as K from util.custom_layers import MaxUnpooling3D def setup_vgg_1(autoencoder_stage, modelpath_and_name=None): #enhanced version of vgg_0, with zero_center compatibility and batch normalization #tag: vgg_1 #autoencoder_stage: Type of training/network # 0: autoencoder # 1: encoder+ from autoencoder w/ frozen layers # 2: encoder+ from scratch, completely unfrozen #If autoencoder_stage==1 only the first part of the autoencoder (encoder part) will be generated #These layers are frozen then #The weights of the original model can be imported then by using load_weights('xxx.h5', by_name=True) #modelpath_and_name is used to load the encoder part for supervised training, #and only needed if make_autoencoder==False if autoencoder_stage == 1: #Freeze encoder layers train=False else: train=True channel_axis = 1 if K.image_data_format() == "channels_first" else -1 inputs = Input(shape=(11,13,18,1)) x = Conv3D(filters=32, kernel_size=(3,3,3), padding='same', kernel_initializer='he_normal', use_bias=False, trainable=train)(inputs) x = BatchNormalization(axis=channel_axis, trainable=train)(x) x = Activation('relu', trainable=train)(x) x = Conv3D(filters=32, kernel_size=(2,2,3), padding='valid', kernel_initializer='he_normal', use_bias=False, trainable=train)(x) x = BatchNormalization(axis=channel_axis, trainable=train)(x) x = Activation('relu', trainable=train)(x) #10x12x16 x 32 x = AveragePooling3D((2, 2, 2), padding='valid')(x) #5x6x8 x 32 x = Conv3D(filters=64, kernel_size=(3,3,3), padding='same', kernel_initializer='he_normal', use_bias=False, trainable=train)(x) x = BatchNormalization(axis=channel_axis, trainable=train)(x) x = Activation('relu', trainable=train)(x) x = Conv3D(filters=64, kernel_size=(3,3,3), padding='same', kernel_initializer='he_normal', use_bias=False, trainable=train)(x) x = BatchNormalization(axis=channel_axis, trainable=train)(x) x = Activation('relu', trainable=train)(x) x = Conv3D(filters=64, kernel_size=(2,3,3), padding='valid', kernel_initializer='he_normal', use_bias=False, trainable=train)(x) x = BatchNormalization(axis=channel_axis, trainable=train)(x) x = Activation('relu', trainable=train)(x) #4x4x6 x 64 encoded = AveragePooling3D((2, 2, 2), padding='valid')(x) #2x2x3 x 64 if autoencoder_stage == 0: #The Decoder part: #2x2x3 x 64 x = UpSampling3D((2, 2, 2))(encoded) #4x4x6 x 64 x = Conv3DTranspose(filters=64, kernel_size=(2,3,3), padding='valid', kernel_initializer='he_normal', use_bias=False)(x) x = BatchNormalization(axis=channel_axis)(x) x = Activation('relu')(x) #5x6x8 x 64 x = Conv3DTranspose(filters=64, kernel_size=(3,3,3), padding='same', kernel_initializer='he_normal', use_bias=False)(x) x = BatchNormalization(axis=channel_axis)(x) x = Activation('relu')(x) x = Conv3DTranspose(filters=64, kernel_size=(3,3,3), padding='same', kernel_initializer='he_normal', use_bias=False)(x) x = BatchNormalization(axis=channel_axis)(x) x = Activation('relu')(x) x = UpSampling3D((2, 2, 2))(x) #10x12x16 x 64 x = Conv3DTranspose(filters=32, kernel_size=(2,2,3), padding='valid', kernel_initializer='he_normal', use_bias=False)(x) x = BatchNormalization(axis=channel_axis)(x) x = Activation('relu')(x) #11x13x18 x 32 x = Conv3DTranspose(filters=32, kernel_size=(3,3,3), padding='same', kernel_initializer='he_normal', use_bias=False)(x) x = BatchNormalization(axis=channel_axis)(x) x = Activation('relu')(x) x = Conv3DTranspose(filters=32, kernel_size=(3,3,3), padding='same', kernel_initializer='he_normal', use_bias=False)(x) x = BatchNormalization(axis=channel_axis)(x) x = Activation('relu')(x) decoded = Conv3D(filters=1, kernel_size=(1,1,1), padding='same', activation='linear', kernel_initializer='he_normal')(x) #Output 11x13x18 x 1 autoencoder = Model(inputs, decoded) return autoencoder else: #Replacement for the decoder part for supervised training: if autoencoder_stage == 1: #Load weights of encoder part from existing autoencoder encoder= Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=encoded) encoder.load_weights(modelpath_and_name, by_name=True) x = Flatten()(encoded) x = Dense(256, activation='relu', kernel_initializer='he_normal')(x) x = Dense(16, activation='relu', kernel_initializer='he_normal')(x) outputs = Dense(2, activation='softmax', kernel_initializer='he_normal')(x) model = Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs) return model def setup_vgg_1_xzt(autoencoder_stage, modelpath_and_name=None): #enhanced version of vgg_0, with zero_center compatibility and batch normalization #format 11x18x50 #713k params #autoencoder_stage: Type of training/network # 0: autoencoder # 1: encoder+ from autoencoder w/ frozen layers # 2: encoder+ from scratch, completely unfrozen #If autoencoder_stage==1 only the first part of the autoencoder (encoder part) will be generated #These layers are frozen then #The weights of the original model can be imported then by using load_weights('xxx.h5', by_name=True) #modelpath_and_name is used to load the encoder part for supervised training, #and only needed if make_autoencoder==False if autoencoder_stage == 1: #Freeze encoder layers train=False else: train=True channel_axis = 1 if K.image_data_format() == "channels_first" else -1 inputs = Input(shape=(11,18,50,1)) x = Conv3D(filters=32, kernel_size=(3,3,3), padding='same', kernel_initializer='he_normal', use_bias=False, trainable=train)(inputs) x = BatchNormalization(axis=channel_axis, trainable=train)(x) x = Activation('relu', trainable=train)(x) x = Conv3D(filters=32, kernel_size=(3,3,3), padding='same', kernel_initializer='he_normal', use_bias=False, trainable=train)(x) x = BatchNormalization(axis=channel_axis, trainable=train)(x) x = Activation('relu', trainable=train)(x) #11x18x50 x = AveragePooling3D((1, 1, 2), padding='valid')(x) #11x18x25 x = Conv3D(filters=32, kernel_size=(3,3,3), padding='same', kernel_initializer='he_normal', use_bias=False, trainable=train)(x) x = BatchNormalization(axis=channel_axis, trainable=train)(x) x = Activation('relu', trainable=train)(x) x = Conv3D(filters=32, kernel_size=(2,3,2), padding='valid', kernel_initializer='he_normal', use_bias=False, trainable=train)(x) x = BatchNormalization(axis=channel_axis, trainable=train)(x) x = Activation('relu', trainable=train)(x) #10x16x24 x = AveragePooling3D((2, 2, 2), padding='valid')(x) #5x8x12 x = Conv3D(filters=64, kernel_size=(3,3,3), padding='same', kernel_initializer='he_normal', use_bias=False, trainable=train)(x) x = BatchNormalization(axis=channel_axis, trainable=train)(x) x = Activation('relu', trainable=train)(x) x = Conv3D(filters=64, kernel_size=(3,3,3), padding='same', kernel_initializer='he_normal', use_bias=False, trainable=train)(x) x = BatchNormalization(axis=channel_axis, trainable=train)(x) x = Activation('relu', trainable=train)(x) x = Conv3D(filters=64, kernel_size=(2,3,3), padding='valid', kernel_initializer='he_normal', use_bias=False, trainable=train)(x) x = BatchNormalization(axis=channel_axis, trainable=train)(x) x = Activation('relu', trainable=train)(x) #4x6x10 encoded = AveragePooling3D((2, 2, 2), padding='valid')(x) #2x3x5 if autoencoder_stage == 0: #The Decoder part: #2x3x5 x 64 x = UpSampling3D((2, 2, 2))(encoded) #4x6x10 x = Conv3DTranspose(filters=64, kernel_size=(2,3,3), padding='valid', kernel_initializer='he_normal', use_bias=False)(x) x = BatchNormalization(axis=channel_axis)(x) x = Activation('relu')(x) #5x8x12 x = Conv3DTranspose(filters=64, kernel_size=(3,3,3), padding='same', kernel_initializer='he_normal', use_bias=False)(x) x = BatchNormalization(axis=channel_axis)(x) x = Activation('relu')(x) x = Conv3DTranspose(filters=64, kernel_size=(3,3,3), padding='same', kernel_initializer='he_normal', use_bias=False)(x) x = BatchNormalization(axis=channel_axis)(x) x = Activation('relu')(x) x = UpSampling3D((2, 2, 2))(x) #10x16x24 x = Conv3DTranspose(filters=32, kernel_size=(2,3,2), padding='valid', kernel_initializer='he_normal', use_bias=False)(x) x = BatchNormalization(axis=channel_axis)(x) x = Activation('relu')(x) #11x18x25 x = Conv3DTranspose(filters=32, kernel_size=(3,3,3), padding='same', kernel_initializer='he_normal', use_bias=False)(x) x = BatchNormalization(axis=channel_axis)(x) x = Activation('relu')(x) x = UpSampling3D((1, 1, 2))(x) #11x18x50 x = Conv3DTranspose(filters=32, kernel_size=(3,3,3), padding='same', kernel_initializer='he_normal', use_bias=False)(x) x = BatchNormalization(axis=channel_axis)(x) x = Activation('relu')(x) x = Conv3DTranspose(filters=32, kernel_size=(3,3,3), padding='same', kernel_initializer='he_normal', use_bias=False)(x) x = BatchNormalization(axis=channel_axis)(x) x = Activation('relu')(x) decoded = Conv3D(filters=1, kernel_size=(1,1,1), padding='same', activation='linear', kernel_initializer='he_normal')(x) #Output 11x13x18 x 1 autoencoder = Model(inputs, decoded) return autoencoder else: #Replacement for the decoder part for supervised training: if autoencoder_stage == 1: #Load weights of encoder part from existing autoencoder encoder= Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=encoded) encoder.load_weights(modelpath_and_name, by_name=True) x = Flatten()(encoded) x = Dense(256, activation='relu', kernel_initializer='he_normal')(x) x = Dense(16, activation='relu', kernel_initializer='he_normal')(x) outputs = Dense(2, activation='softmax', kernel_initializer='he_normal')(x) model = Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs) return model def setup_vgg_1_xzt_max(autoencoder_stage, modelpath_and_name=None): #like vgg_1_xzt but with Max/Unmaxpooling #format 11x18x50 (=9900) #autoencoder_stage: Type of training/network # 0: autoencoder # 1: encoder+ from autoencoder w/ frozen layers # 2: encoder+ from scratch, completely unfrozen #If autoencoder_stage==1 only the first part of the autoencoder (encoder part) will be generated #These layers are frozen then #The weights of the original model can be imported then by using load_weights('xxx.h5', by_name=True) #modelpath_and_name is used to load the encoder part for supervised training, #and only needed if make_autoencoder==False if autoencoder_stage == 1: #Freeze encoder layers train=False else: train=True channel_axis = 1 if K.image_data_format() == "channels_first" else -1 print("Loading model vgg_1_xzt_max") inputs = Input(shape=(11,18,50,1)) x = Conv3D(filters=32, kernel_size=(3,3,3), padding='same', kernel_initializer='he_normal', use_bias=False, trainable=train)(inputs) x = BatchNormalization(axis=channel_axis, trainable=train)(x) x = Activation('relu', trainable=train)(x) x = Conv3D(filters=32, kernel_size=(3,3,3), padding='same', kernel_initializer='he_normal', use_bias=False, trainable=train)(x) x = BatchNormalization(axis=channel_axis, trainable=train)(x) x = Activation('relu', trainable=train)(x) #11x18x50 x = MaxPooling3D((1, 1, 2), padding='valid')(x) #11x18x25 x = Conv3D(filters=32, kernel_size=(3,3,3), padding='same', kernel_initializer='he_normal', use_bias=False, trainable=train)(x) x = BatchNormalization(axis=channel_axis, trainable=train)(x) x = Activation('relu', trainable=train)(x) x = Conv3D(filters=32, kernel_size=(2,3,2), padding='valid', kernel_initializer='he_normal', use_bias=False, trainable=train)(x) x = BatchNormalization(axis=channel_axis, trainable=train)(x) x = Activation('relu', trainable=train)(x) #10x16x24 x = MaxPooling3D((2, 2, 2), padding='valid')(x) #5x8x12 x = Conv3D(filters=64, kernel_size=(3,3,3), padding='same', kernel_initializer='he_normal', use_bias=False, trainable=train)(x) x = BatchNormalization(axis=channel_axis, trainable=train)(x) x = Activation('relu', trainable=train)(x) x = Conv3D(filters=64, kernel_size=(3,3,3), padding='same', kernel_initializer='he_normal', use_bias=False, trainable=train)(x) x = BatchNormalization(axis=channel_axis, trainable=train)(x) x = Activation('relu', trainable=train)(x) x = Conv3D(filters=64, kernel_size=(2,3,3), padding='valid', kernel_initializer='he_normal', use_bias=False, trainable=train)(x) x = BatchNormalization(axis=channel_axis, trainable=train)(x) x = Activation('relu', trainable=train)(x) #4x6x10 encoded = MaxPooling3D((2, 2, 2), padding='valid')(x) #2x3x5 x 64 (=1920 = 19.4 % org size) if autoencoder_stage == 0: #The Decoder part: print("Loading Decoder") #2x3x5 x 64 x = MaxUnpooling3D(encoded) #4x6x10 x = Conv3DTranspose(filters=64, kernel_size=(2,3,3), padding='valid', kernel_initializer='he_normal', use_bias=False)(x) x = BatchNormalization(axis=channel_axis)(x) x = Activation('relu')(x) #5x8x12 x = Conv3DTranspose(filters=64, kernel_size=(3,3,3), padding='same', kernel_initializer='he_normal', use_bias=False)(x) x = BatchNormalization(axis=channel_axis)(x) x = Activation('relu')(x) x = Conv3DTranspose(filters=64, kernel_size=(3,3,3), padding='same', kernel_initializer='he_normal', use_bias=False)(x) x = BatchNormalization(axis=channel_axis)(x) x = Activation('relu')(x) x = MaxUnpooling3D(x) #10x16x24 x = Conv3DTranspose(filters=32, kernel_size=(2,3,2), padding='valid', kernel_initializer='he_normal', use_bias=False)(x) x = BatchNormalization(axis=channel_axis)(x) x = Activation('relu')(x) #11x18x25 x = Conv3DTranspose(filters=32, kernel_size=(3,3,3), padding='same', kernel_initializer='he_normal', use_bias=False)(x) x = BatchNormalization(axis=channel_axis)(x) x = Activation('relu')(x) x = MaxUnpooling3D(x,(1,1,2)) #11x18x50 x = Conv3DTranspose(filters=32, kernel_size=(3,3,3), padding='same', kernel_initializer='he_normal', use_bias=False)(x) x = BatchNormalization(axis=channel_axis)(x) x = Activation('relu')(x) x = Conv3DTranspose(filters=32, kernel_size=(3,3,3), padding='same', kernel_initializer='he_normal', use_bias=False)(x) x = BatchNormalization(axis=channel_axis)(x) x = Activation('relu')(x) decoded = Conv3D(filters=1, kernel_size=(1,1,1), padding='same', activation='linear', kernel_initializer='he_normal')(x) #Output 11x13x18 x 1 autoencoder = Model(inputs, decoded) return autoencoder else: #Replacement for the decoder part for supervised training: print("Loading dense") if autoencoder_stage == 1: #Load weights of encoder part from existing autoencoder print("Loading weights of existing autoencoder", modelpath_and_name) encoder= Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=encoded) encoder.load_weights(modelpath_and_name, by_name=True) x = Flatten()(encoded) x = Dense(256, activation='relu', kernel_initializer='he_normal')(x) x = Dense(16, activation='relu', kernel_initializer='he_normal')(x) outputs = Dense(2, activation='softmax', kernel_initializer='he_normal')(x) model = Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs) return model def setup_vgg_1_xzt_stride(autoencoder_stage, modelpath_and_name=None): #like vgg1xzt, but with stride>1 instead of pooling #format 11x18x50 #750k params #autoencoder_stage: Type of training/network # 0: autoencoder # 1: encoder+ from autoencoder w/ frozen layers # 2: encoder+ from scratch, completely unfrozen #If autoencoder_stage==1 only the first part of the autoencoder (encoder part) will be generated #These layers are frozen then #The weights of the original model can be imported then by using load_weights('xxx.h5', by_name=True) #modelpath_and_name is used to load the encoder part for supervised training, #and only needed if make_autoencoder==False if autoencoder_stage == 1: #Freeze encoder layers train=False else: train=True channel_axis = 1 if K.image_data_format() == "channels_first" else -1 inputs = Input(shape=(11,18,50,1)) x = Conv3D(filters=32, kernel_size=(3,3,3), padding='same', kernel_initializer='he_normal', use_bias=False, trainable=train)(inputs) x = BatchNormalization(axis=channel_axis, trainable=train)(x) x = Activation('relu', trainable=train)(x) x = Conv3D(filters=32, kernel_size=(3,3,3), padding='same', kernel_initializer='he_normal', use_bias=False, trainable=train)(x) x = BatchNormalization(axis=channel_axis, trainable=train)(x) x = Activation('relu', trainable=train)(x) #11x18x50 x = Conv3D(filters=32, kernel_size=(3,3,3), padding='same', strides=(1,1,2), kernel_initializer='he_normal', use_bias=False, trainable=train)(x) x = BatchNormalization(axis=channel_axis, trainable=train)(x) x = Activation('relu', trainable=train)(x) #11x18x25 x = ZeroPadding3D(((0,1),(0,0),(0,1)))(x) x = Conv3D(filters=32, kernel_size=(3,3,3), padding='valid', kernel_initializer='he_normal', use_bias=False, trainable=train)(x) x = BatchNormalization(axis=channel_axis, trainable=train)(x) x = Activation('relu', trainable=train)(x) #10x16x24 x = Conv3D(filters=64, kernel_size=(3,3,3), padding='same', strides=(2,2,2), kernel_initializer='he_normal', use_bias=False, trainable=train)(x) x = BatchNormalization(axis=channel_axis, trainable=train)(x) x = Activation('relu', trainable=train)(x) #5x8x12 x = ZeroPadding3D(((0,1),(0,0),(0,0)))(x) #6x8x12 x = Conv3D(filters=64, kernel_size=(3,3,3), padding='valid', kernel_initializer='he_normal', use_bias=False, trainable=train)(x) x = BatchNormalization(axis=channel_axis, trainable=train)(x) x = Activation('relu', trainable=train)(x) #4x6x10 x = Conv3D(filters=64, kernel_size=(3,3,3), padding='same', strides=(2,2,2), kernel_initializer='he_normal', use_bias=False, trainable=train)(x) x = BatchNormalization(axis=channel_axis, trainable=train)(x) encoded = Activation('relu', trainable=train)(x) #2x3x5 if autoencoder_stage == 0: #The Decoder part: #2x3x5 x 64 #Originally, this layer connected to BN and not to Activation x = Conv3DTranspose(filters=64, kernel_size=(3,3,3), padding='same', strides=(2,2,2), kernel_initializer='he_normal', use_bias=False)(encoded) x = BatchNormalization(axis=channel_axis)(x) x = Activation('relu')(x) #4x6x10 x = ZeroPadding3D(((1,2),(2,2),(2,2)))(x) #7x10x14 x = Conv3D(filters=64, kernel_size=(3,3,3), padding='valid', kernel_initializer='he_normal', use_bias=False)(x) x = BatchNormalization(axis=channel_axis)(x) x = Activation('relu')(x) #5x8x12 x = Conv3DTranspose(filters=32, kernel_size=(3,3,3), padding='same', strides=(2,2,2), kernel_initializer='he_normal', use_bias=False)(x) x = BatchNormalization(axis=channel_axis)(x) x = Activation('relu')(x) #10x16x24 x = ZeroPadding3D(((1,2),(2,2),(1,2)))(x) #13x20x27 x = Conv3D(filters=32, kernel_size=(3,3,3), padding='valid', kernel_initializer='he_normal', use_bias=False)(x) x = BatchNormalization(axis=channel_axis)(x) x = Activation('relu')(x) #11x18x25 x = Conv3DTranspose(filters=32, kernel_size=(3,3,3), padding='same', strides=(1,1,2), kernel_initializer='he_normal', use_bias=False)(x) x = BatchNormalization(axis=channel_axis)(x) x = Activation('relu')(x) #11x18x50 x = Conv3DTranspose(filters=32, kernel_size=(3,3,3), padding='same', kernel_initializer='he_normal', use_bias=False)(x) x = BatchNormalization(axis=channel_axis)(x) x = Activation('relu')(x) x = Conv3DTranspose(filters=32, kernel_size=(3,3,3), padding='same', kernel_initializer='he_normal', use_bias=False)(x) x = BatchNormalization(axis=channel_axis)(x) x = Activation('relu')(x) decoded = Conv3D(filters=1, kernel_size=(1,1,1), padding='same', activation='linear', kernel_initializer='he_normal')(x) #Output 11x13x18 x 1 autoencoder = Model(inputs, decoded) return autoencoder else: #Replacement for the decoder part for supervised training: if autoencoder_stage == 1: #Load weights of encoder part from existing autoencoder encoder= Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=encoded) encoder.load_weights(modelpath_and_name, by_name=True) x = Flatten()(encoded) x = Dense(256, activation='relu', kernel_initializer='he_normal')(x) x = Dense(16, activation='relu', kernel_initializer='he_normal')(x) outputs = Dense(2, activation='softmax', kernel_initializer='he_normal')(x) model = Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs) return model
#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """A utility script that can extract and edit resources in a Windows binary. For detailed help, see the script's usage by invoking it with --help.""" import ctypes import ctypes.wintypes import logging import optparse import os import shutil import sys import tempfile import win32api import win32con _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) # The win32api-supplied UpdateResource wrapper unfortunately does not allow # one to remove resources due to overzealous parameter verification. # For that case we're forced to go straight to the native API implementation. UpdateResource = ctypes.windll.kernel32.UpdateResourceW UpdateResource.argtypes = [ ctypes.wintypes.HANDLE, # HANDLE hUpdate ctypes.c_wchar_p, # LPCTSTR lpType ctypes.c_wchar_p, # LPCTSTR lpName ctypes.c_short, # WORD wLanguage ctypes.c_void_p, # LPVOID lpData ctypes.c_ulong, # DWORD cbData ] UpdateResource.restype = ctypes.c_short def _ResIdToString(res_id): # Convert integral res types/ids to a string. if isinstance(res_id, int): return "#%d" % res_id return res_id class ResourceEditor(object): """A utility class to make it easy to extract and manipulate resources in a Windows binary.""" def __init__(self, input_file, output_file): """Create a new editor. Args: input_file: path to the input file. output_file: (optional) path to the output file. """ self._input_file = input_file self._output_file = output_file self._modified = False self._module = None self._temp_dir = None self._temp_file = None self._update_handle = None def __del__(self): if self._module: win32api.FreeLibrary(self._module) self._module = None if self._update_handle:'Canceling edits to "%s".', self.input_file) win32api.EndUpdateResource(self._update_handle, False) self._update_handle = None if self._temp_dir:'Removing temporary directory "%s".', self._temp_dir) shutil.rmtree(self._temp_dir) self._temp_dir = None def _GetModule(self): if not self._module: # Specify a full path to LoadLibraryEx to prevent # it from searching the path. input_file = os.path.abspath(self.input_file)'Loading input_file from "%s"', input_file) self._module = win32api.LoadLibraryEx( input_file, None, win32con.LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE) return self._module def _GetTempDir(self): if not self._temp_dir: self._temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()'Created temporary directory "%s".', self._temp_dir) return self._temp_dir def _GetUpdateHandle(self): if not self._update_handle: # Make a copy of the input file in the temp dir. self._temp_file = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, os.path.basename(self._input_file)) shutil.copyfile(self._input_file, self._temp_file) # Open a resource update handle on the copy.'Opening temp file "%s".', self._temp_file) self._update_handle = win32api.BeginUpdateResource(self._temp_file, False) return self._update_handle modified = property(lambda self: self._modified) input_file = property(lambda self: self._input_file) module = property(_GetModule) temp_dir = property(_GetTempDir) update_handle = property(_GetUpdateHandle) def ExtractAllToDir(self, extract_to): """Extracts all resources from our input file to a directory hierarchy in the directory named extract_to. The generated directory hierarchy is three-level, and looks like: resource-type/ resource-name/ lang-id. Args: extract_to: path to the folder to output to. This folder will be erased and recreated if it already exists. """'Extracting all resources from "%s" to directory "%s".', self.input_file, extract_to) if os.path.exists(extract_to):'Destination directory "%s" exists, deleting', extract_to) shutil.rmtree(extract_to) # Make sure the destination dir exists. os.makedirs(extract_to) # Now enumerate the resource types. for res_type in win32api.EnumResourceTypes(self.module): res_type_str = _ResIdToString(res_type) # And the resource names. for res_name in win32api.EnumResourceNames(self.module, res_type): res_name_str = _ResIdToString(res_name) # Then the languages. for res_lang in win32api.EnumResourceLanguages(self.module, res_type, res_name): res_lang_str = _ResIdToString(res_lang) dest_dir = os.path.join(extract_to, res_type_str, res_lang_str) dest_file = os.path.join(dest_dir, res_name_str)'Extracting resource "%s", lang "%d" name "%s" ' 'to file "%s".', res_type_str, res_lang, res_name_str, dest_file) # Extract each resource to a file in the output dir. if not os.path.exists(dest_dir): os.makedirs(dest_dir) self.ExtractResource(res_type, res_lang, res_name, dest_file) def ExtractResource(self, res_type, res_lang, res_name, dest_file): """Extracts a given resource, specified by type, language id and name, to a given file. Args: res_type: the type of the resource, e.g. "B7". res_lang: the language id of the resource e.g. 1033. res_name: the name of the resource, e.g. "SETUP.EXE". dest_file: path to the file where the resource data will be written. """'Extracting resource "%s", lang "%d" name "%s" ' 'to file "%s".', res_type, res_lang, res_name, dest_file) data = win32api.LoadResource(self.module, res_type, res_name, res_lang) with open(dest_file, 'wb') as f: f.write(data) def RemoveResource(self, res_type, res_lang, res_name): """Removes a given resource, specified by type, language id and name. Args: res_type: the type of the resource, e.g. "B7". res_lang: the language id of the resource, e.g. 1033. res_name: the name of the resource, e.g. "SETUP.EXE". """'Removing resource "%s:%s".', res_type, res_name) # We have to go native to perform a removal. ret = UpdateResource(self.update_handle, res_type, res_name, res_lang, None, 0) # Raise an error on failure. if ret == 0: error = win32api.GetLastError() print ("error", error) raise RuntimeError(error) self._modified = True def UpdateResource(self, res_type, res_lang, res_name, file_path): """Inserts or updates a given resource with the contents of a file. This is a legacy version of UpdateResourceData, where the data arg is read from a file , rather than passed directly. """'Writing resource from file %s', file_path) with open(file_path, 'rb') as f: self.UpdateResourceData(res_type, res_lang, res_name, def UpdateResourceData(self, res_type, res_lang, res_name, data): """Inserts or updates a given resource with the given data. Args: res_type: the type of the resource, e.g. "B7". res_lang: the language id of the resource, e.g. 1033. res_name: the name of the resource, e.g. "SETUP.EXE". data: the new resource data. """'Writing resource "%s:%s"', res_type, res_name) win32api.UpdateResource(self.update_handle, res_type, res_name, data, res_lang) self._modified = True def Commit(self): """Commit any successful resource edits this editor has performed. This has the effect of writing the output file. """ if self._update_handle: update_handle = self._update_handle self._update_handle = None win32api.EndUpdateResource(update_handle, False)'Writing edited file to "%s".', self._output_file) shutil.copyfile(self._temp_file, self._output_file) else:'No edits made. Copying input to "%s".', self._output_file) shutil.copyfile(self._input_file, self._output_file) _USAGE = """\ usage: %prog [options] input_file A utility script to extract and edit the resources in a Windows executable. EXAMPLE USAGE: # Extract from mini_installer.exe, the resource type "B7", langid 1033 and # name "CHROME.PACKED.7Z" to a file named chrome.7z. # Note that 1033 corresponds to English (United States). %prog mini_installer.exe --extract B7 1033 CHROME.PACKED.7Z chrome.7z # Update mini_installer.exe by removing the resouce type "BL", langid 1033 and # name "SETUP.EXE". Add the resource type "B7", langid 1033 and name # "SETUP.EXE.packed.7z" from the file setup.packed.7z. # Write the edited file to mini_installer_packed.exe. %prog mini_installer.exe \\ --remove BL 1033 SETUP.EXE \\ --update B7 1033 SETUP.EXE.packed.7z setup.packed.7z \\ --output_file mini_installer_packed.exe """ def _ParseArgs(): parser = optparse.OptionParser(_USAGE) parser.add_option('--verbose', action='store_true', help='Enable verbose logging.') parser.add_option('--extract_all', help='Path to a folder which will be created, in which all resources ' 'from the input_file will be stored, each in a file named ' '"res_type/lang_id/res_name".') parser.add_option('--extract', action='append', default=[], nargs=4, help='Extract the resource with the given type, language id and name ' 'to the given file.', metavar='type langid name file_path') parser.add_option('--remove', action='append', default=[], nargs=3, help='Remove the resource with the given type, langid and name.', metavar='type langid name') parser.add_option('--update', action='append', default=[], nargs=4, help='Insert or update the resource with the given type, langid and ' 'name with the contents of the file given.', metavar='type langid name file_path') parser.add_option('--output_file', help='On success, OUTPUT_FILE will be written with a copy of the ' 'input file with the edits specified by any remove or update ' 'options.') options, args = parser.parse_args() if len(args) != 1: parser.error('You have to specify an input file to work on.') modify = options.remove or options.update if modify and not options.output_file: parser.error('You have to specify an output file with edit options.') return options, args def _ConvertInts(*args): """Return args with any all-digit strings converted to ints.""" results = [] for arg in args: if isinstance(arg, basestring) and arg.isdigit(): results.append(int(arg)) else: results.append(arg) return results def main(options, args): """Main program for the script.""" if options.verbose: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) # Create the editor for our input file. editor = ResourceEditor(args[0], options.output_file) if options.extract_all: editor.ExtractAllToDir(options.extract_all) for res_type, res_lang, res_name, dest_file in options.extract: res_type, res_lang, res_name = _ConvertInts(res_type, res_lang, res_name) editor.ExtractResource(res_type, res_lang, res_name, dest_file) for res_type, res_lang, res_name in options.remove: res_type, res_lang, res_name = _ConvertInts(res_type, res_lang, res_name) editor.RemoveResource(res_type, res_lang, res_name) for res_type, res_lang, res_name, src_file in options.update: res_type, res_lang, res_name = _ConvertInts(res_type, res_lang, res_name) editor.UpdateResource(res_type, res_lang, res_name, src_file) if editor.modified: editor.Commit() if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main(*_ParseArgs()))
import genepy import numpy as np import os from Bio import SeqRecord # NEXT TIME : # Two errors to deal with : # - Err.: one or more missing sequences in block 2 # --- solutions - Guindon ? # --- solutions - read .phy generated by ClustalO, and rewrite it using BioPython # - Duplicate names in PHYLIP files due to truncation. Way around ? # .remove() - remove some sequences from the array # Base sequence list class class seqarray : """GenePy Sequence Array object. For documentation, see """ def __init__(self, source) : """Constructor. Argument : a filename or a list of strings that represent sequences. - mysequences = genepy.seqarray("") -- loads the sequences in as BioPython Bio.Seq objects. - mysequences = genepy.seqarray(seq_list), where seq_list is a list of strings ( such as ["ACTG", "AGTA", "TTGC"] ) converts these to BioPython Bio.Seq objects using the generic_dna alphabet ( for now ). """ # If we're reading in a sequence set from a file if type(source) is str : if os.path.isfile(source) : self.seq = genepy.readalignment(source) self.filename = source else : print "%s not found, aborting." % source # If we're fed a list elif type(source) is list : self.seq = [SeqRecord.SeqRecord(s) for s in source] self.filename = "genepy.fasta" else : raise TypeError("Expected a filename or a list of strings.") # Generate static members self.update() def __str__(self) : """Long string representation of a genepy.seqarray object.""" out = self.__repr__() out += ("-- C+G content : %.03f\n" % (self.statistics["C"].mean() + self.statistics["G"].mean())) out += ("-- From file : %s" % self.filename.split("/")[-1]) return out def __repr__(self) : """Short string representation of a genepy.seqarray object.""" summary = "GenePy sequence array (genepy.seqarray) :\n" summary += "-- Sequences : %d\n" % self.len summary += "-- Mean length : %.01f (min %d, max %d)\n" % \ (np.array(self.seq_len).mean(), np.min(self.seq_len), np.max(self.seq_len)) return summary def __iter__(self) : """Iterator function.""" = 0 return self def next(self) : """Next object in iteration.""" if == self.len : raise StopIteration else : += 1 return self.seq[ - 1] def update(self) : """Updates the member variables of a genepy.seqarray object. This function is called whenever sequences are aligned or trimmed. Any changes made directly to genepy.seqarray variables ( such as to the sequence list, genepy.seqarray.seq ), will not be reflected in other member variables ( such as genepy.seqarray.len ) until this function is called. In general, as long as the user calls genepy.seqarray methods only, and no changes are otherwise made to the object, this method does not need to be used. """ # Number of sequences self.len = len(self.seq) # Sequence lengths self.seq_len = np.array([len(s.seq) for s in self.seq]) # Alignment numerical array l = self.seq_len.max() if type(self.seq_len) == np.ndarray else self.seq_len self.array = genepy.alignmentarray(self.seq, length = l) # Statistics self.statistics = genepy.calcstats(self.seq) # Show sequences def show(self) : """Display the sequences visually as a matplotlib.pyplot.imshow() Colours : -- A : dark green -- C : dark red -- G : orange -- T : light green -- unknown / empty : black Cytosine and guanine are represented by "warm" colours; adenine and thymine are shown in "cold" colours. """ genepy.showalignment(self.array) # Align sequences def align(self, force = True, it = False, full = False, full_iter = False, auto = True, threads = False) : """Align the array of sequences using ClustalO. -- force : True / False; overwrite filename, if it exists -- it : False, integers > 0; iterate the guide tree -- full : True / False; use full distance matrix for guide-tree calculation -- full_iter : True / False; use full distance matrix during iteration only -- auto : True / False; automatically select options for speed and accuracy -- threads : False, integers > 0; limit the number of threads; False uses all """ # System call to ClustalO genepy.align(self.filename, force, threads, full, full_iter, it, auto) # Read aligned sequence array self.seq = genepy.readalignment(os.path.splitext(self.filename)[0] + "_aligned_genepy.phy") # Update static members self.update() def phylotree(self, nucleotide_frequency = "empirical", bootstrap = -4, search_algorithm = "BEST") : """Construct a phylogenetic tree using PhyML. -- nucleotide_frequency : "empirical" or "max_likelihood" -- bootstrap : -4 for SH-like branch supports only; -2 for Chi^2; -1 for approximate likelihood ratio; 0 for no bootstrapping, integers > 0 for the number of bootstraps to perform, will try to use MPI -- search_algorithm : "NNI" for nearest-neighbour interchange; "SPR" for subtree pruning and regrafting; "BEST" for best of both """ if not os.path.isfile(os.path.splitext(self.filename)[0] + "_aligned_genepy.phy") : print "GenePy can't find an aligned sequence file for %s.\nTry calling .align()." % \ self.filename.split("/")[-1] return genepy.phylotree(self.filename, nucleotide_frequency, bootstrap, search_algorithm) def stats(self) : """Display sequence array statistics.""" # Display statistics genepy.stats(self.statistics) def trimalignment(self, array = None, left = None, right = None) : """Trim the sequence array by a given number of nucleotides from left and right. left, right : like performing mysequences.seq = mysequences.seq[left:right] """ self.seq = genepy.trimalignment(self.seq, array, left, right) self.update() def dropempties(self, fraction = 0.5) : """Remove any sequence containing less than a fraction of known nucleotides. fraction : between 0 and 1. Useful after trimming to a given region of the genome.""" self.seq = genepy.dropempties(self.seq, fraction) self.update()
"""The command line client (used for testing or simple STOMP command scripting). """ import base64 from cmd import Cmd from optparse import OptionParser import os import sys import time from stomp.adapter.multicast import MulticastConnection import stomp.colors from stomp.connect import StompConnection10, StompConnection11, StompConnection12 from stomp.listener import ConnectionListener, StatsListener sys.path.append('.') import stomp ## # Command-line version string # stomppy_version = ' Version %s.%s.%s' % stomp.__version__ try: import uuid except ImportError: from backward import uuid class SubscriptionInfo(object): """ Used to store info about a subscription. """ def __init__(self, id, ack): = id self.ack = ack class StompCLI(Cmd, ConnectionListener): """ A command line interface to the client. See :py:class:`stomp.connect.StompConnection11` for more information on establishing a connection to a stomp server. """ def __init__(self, host='localhost', port=61613, user='', passcode='', ver='1.1', prompt='> ', verbose=True, use_ssl=False, stdin=sys.stdin, stdout=sys.stdout): Cmd.__init__(self, 'Tab', stdin, stdout) ConnectionListener.__init__(self) self.prompt = prompt self.verbose = verbose self.user = user self.passcode = passcode self.__quit = False if ver == '1.0': self.conn = StompConnection10([(host, port)], wait_on_receipt=True) elif ver == '1.1': self.conn = StompConnection11([(host, port)], wait_on_receipt=True) elif ver == '1.2': self.conn = StompConnection12([(host, port)], wait_on_receipt=True) elif ver == 'multicast': self.conn = MulticastConnection() else: raise RuntimeError('Unknown version') if use_ssl: self.conn.set_ssl([(host, port)]) self.conn.set_listener('', self) self.conn.start() self.conn.connect(self.user, self.passcode, wait=True) self.transaction_id = None self.version = ver try: self.nversion = float(ver) except ValueError: self.nversion = 1.0 self.__subscriptions = {} self.__subscription_id = 1 def __print_async(self, frame_type, headers, body): """ Utility function to print a message and setup the command prompt for the next input """ if self.__quit: return self.__sysout("\r \r", end='') if self.verbose: self.__sysout(frame_type) for k, v in headers.items(): self.__sysout('%s: %s' % (k, v)) if self.prompt != '': self.__sysout('') self.__sysout(body) self.__sysout(self.prompt, end='') self.stdout.flush() def __sysout(self, msg, end="\n"): self.stdout.write(str(msg) + end) def __error(self, msg, end="\n"): self.stdout.write(stomp.colors.BOLD + stomp.colors.RED + str(msg) + stomp.colors.NO_COLOR + end) def on_connecting(self, host_and_port): """ See :py:meth:`ConnectionListener.on_connecting` """ def on_disconnected(self): """ see :py:meth:`ConnectionListener.on_disconnected` """ if not self.__quit: self.__error("lost connection") def on_message(self, headers, body): """ See :py:meth:`ConnectionListener.on_message` Special case: if the header 'filename' is present, the content is written out as a file """ if 'filename' in headers: content = base64.b64decode(body.encode()) if os.path.exists(headers['filename']): fname = '%s.%s' % (headers['filename'], int(time.time())) else: fname = headers['filename'] with open(fname, 'wb') as f: f.write(content) self.__print_async("MESSAGE", headers, "Saved file: %s" % fname) else: self.__print_async("MESSAGE", headers, body) def on_error(self, headers, body): """ See :py:meth:`ConnectionListener.on_error` """ self.__print_async("ERROR", headers, body) def on_receipt(self, headers, body): """ See :py:meth:`ConnectionListener.on_receipt` """ self.__print_async("RECEIPT", headers, body) def on_connected(self, headers, body): """ See :py:meth:`ConnectionListener.on_connected` """ self.__print_async("CONNECTED", headers, body) def help_help(self): self.__sysout('Quick help on commands') def default(self, line): self.__error('Unknown command: %s' % line.split()[0]) def emptyline(self): pass def help(self, usage, description, required=[], optional=[]): required.insert(0, '') rparams = "\n\t".join(required) optional.insert(0, '') oparams = "\n\t".join(optional) m = { 'hl': stomp.colors.BOLD + stomp.colors.GREEN, 'nc': stomp.colors.NO_COLOR, 'usage': usage, 'description': description, 'required': rparams.rstrip(), 'optional': oparams.rstrip() } if rparams.rstrip() != '': rparams = '''%(hl)sRequired Parameters:%(nc)s%(required)s\n\n''' % m m['required'] = rparams if oparams.rstrip() != '': oparams = '''%(hl)sOptional Parameters:%(nc)s%(optional)s\n\n''' % m m['optional'] = oparams self.__sysout('''%(hl)sUsage:%(nc)s \t%(usage)s %(required)s%(optional)s%(hl)sDescription:%(nc)s \t%(description)s ''' % m) def do_quit(self, args): self.__quit = True self.__sysout('Shutting down, please wait') return True do_exit = do_quit do_EOF = do_quit def help_quit(self):'exit', 'Exit the stomp client') help_exit = help_quit def help_EOF(self):'exit', 'Exit the stomp client (using CTRL-D)') def do_subscribe(self, args): args = args.split() if len(args) < 1: self.__error('Expecting: subscribe <destination> [ack]') return name = args[0] if name in self.__subscriptions: self.__error('Already subscribed to %s' % name) return ack_mode = 'auto' if len(args) >= 2: ack_mode = args[1] sid = self.__subscription_id self.__subscription_id += 1 self.__sysout('Subscribing to "%s" with acknowledge set to "%s", id set to "%s"' % (name, ack_mode, sid)) self.conn.subscribe(destination=name, ack=ack_mode, id=sid) self.__subscriptions[name] = SubscriptionInfo(sid, ack_mode) def help_subscribe(self):'subscribe <destination> [ack]', '''Register to listen to a given destination. Like send, the subscribe command requires a destination \theader indicating which destination to subscribe to. The ack parameter is optional, and defaults to \tauto.''', ['destination - the name to subscribe to'], ['ack - how to handle acknowledgements for a message; either automatically (auto) or manually (client)']) def do_unsubscribe(self, args): args = args.split() if len(args) < 1: self.__error('Expecting: unsubscribe <destination>') return if args[0] not in self.__subscriptions: self.__sysout('Subscription %s not found' % args[0]) return self.__sysout('Unsubscribing from "%s"' % args[0]) self.conn.unsubscribe(destination=args[0], id=self.__subscriptions[args[0]].id) del self.__subscriptions[args[0]] def help_unsubscribe(self):'unsubscribe <destination>', 'Remove an existing subscription - so that the client no longer receive messages from that destination.', ['destination - the name to unsubscribe from'], ['ack - how to handle acknowledgements for a message; either automatically (auto) or manually (client)']) def do_send(self, args): args = args.split() if len(args) < 2: self.__error('Expecting: send <destination> <message>') elif not self.transaction_id: self.conn.send(args[0], ' '.join(args[1:])) else: self.conn.send(args[0], ' '.join(args[1:]), transaction=self.transaction_id) def complete_send(self, text, line, begidx, endidx): mline = line.split(' ')[1] offs = len(mline) - len(text) return [s[offs:] for s in self.__subscriptions if s.startswith(mline)] complete_unsubscribe = complete_send complete_sendrec = complete_send complete_sendreply = complete_send complete_sendfile = complete_send def help_send(self):'send <destination> <message>', 'Sends a message to a destination in the messaging system.', ['destination - where to send the message', 'message - the content to send']) def do_sendrec(self, args): args = args.split() receipt_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) if len(args) < 2: self.__error('Expecting: sendrec <destination> <message>') elif not self.transaction_id: self.conn.send(args[0], ' '.join(args[1:]), receipt=receipt_id) else: self.conn.send(args[0], ' '.join(args[1:]), transaction=self.transaction_id, receipt=receipt_id) def help_sendrec(self):'sendrec <destination> <message>', 'Sends a message to a destination in the messaging system and blocks for receipt of the message.', ['destination - where to send the message', 'message - the content to send']) def do_sendreply(self, args): args = args.split() if len(args) < 3: self.__error('Expecting: sendreply <destination> <correlation-id> <message>') else: self.conn.send(args[0], "%s\n" % ' '.join(args[2:]), headers={'correlation-id': args[1]}) def help_sendreply(self):'sendreply <destination> <correlation-id> <message>', 'Sends a reply message to a destination in the messaging system.', ['destination - where to send the message', 'correlation-id - the correlating identifier to send with the response', 'message - the content to send']) def do_sendfile(self, args): args = args.split() if len(args) < 2: self.__error('Expecting: sendfile <destination> <filename>') elif not os.path.exists(args[1]): self.__error('File %s does not exist' % args[1]) else: with open(args[1], mode='rb') as f: s = msg = base64.b64encode(s).decode() if not self.transaction_id: self.conn.send(args[0], msg, filename=args[1]) else: self.conn.send(args[0], msg, filename=args[1], transaction=self.transaction_id) def help_sendfile(self):'sendfile <destination> <filename>', 'Sends a file to a destination in the messaging system.', ['destination - where to send the message', 'filename - the file to send']) def do_version(self, args): self.__sysout('%s%s [Protocol version %s]%s' % (stomp.colors.BOLD, stomppy_version, self.conn.version, stomp.colors.NO_COLOR)) do_ver = do_version def help_version(self):'version', 'Display the version of the client') help_ver = help_version def check_ack_nack(self, cmd, args): if self.nversion >= 1.2 and len(args) < 1: self.__error("Expecting: %s <ack-id>" % cmd) return None elif self.nversion == 1.1 and len(args) < 2: self.__error("Expecting: %s <message-id> <subscription-id>" % cmd) return None elif len(args) < 1: self.__error("Expecting: %s <message-id>" % cmd) return None if len(args) == 1: return (args[0], None) else: return (args[0], args[1]) def do_ack(self, args): args = args.split() hdrs = self.check_ack_nack('ack', args) if hdrs is None: return (message_id, subscription_id) = hdrs if not self.transaction_id: self.conn.ack(message_id, subscription_id) else: self.conn.ack(message_id, subscription_id, transaction=self.transaction_id) def help_ack(self):'ack <message-id> [subscription-id]', '''The command 'ack' is used to acknowledge consumption of a message from a subscription using client \tacknowledgment. When a client has issued a 'subscribe' with the ack flag set to client, any messages \treceived from that destination will not be considered to have been consumed (by the server) until \tthe message has been acknowledged.''', ['message-id - the id of the message being acknowledged'], ['subscription-id the id of the subscription (only required for STOMP 1.1)']) def do_nack(self, args): args = args.split() hdrs = self.check_ack_nack('nack', args) if hdrs is None: return if not self.transaction_id: self.conn.nack(headers=hdrs) else: self.conn.nack(headers=hdrs, transaction=self.transaction_id) def help_nack(self):'nack <message-id> [subscription]', '''The command 'nack' is used to acknowledge the failure of a message from a subscription using client \tacknowledgment. When a client has issued a 'subscribe' with the ack flag set to client, any messages \treceived from that destination will not be considered to have been consumed (by the server) until \tthe message has been acknowledged (ack or nack).''', ['message-id - the id of the message being acknowledged']) def do_abort(self, args): if not self.transaction_id: self.__error("Not currently in a transaction") else: self.conn.abort(transaction=self.transaction_id) self.__sysout('Aborted transaction: %s' % self.transaction_id) self.transaction_id = None do_rollback = do_abort def help_abort(self):'abort', 'Roll back a transaction in progress.') help_rollback = help_abort def do_begin(self, args): if self.transaction_id: self.__error("Currently in a transaction (%s)" % self.transaction_id) else: self.transaction_id = self.conn.begin() self.__sysout('Transaction id: %s' % self.transaction_id) def help_begin(self):'begin', '''Start a transaction. Transactions in this case apply to sending and acknowledging - \tany messages sent or acknowledged during a transaction will be handled atomically based on the \ttransaction.''') def do_commit(self, args): if not self.transaction_id: self.__error("Not currently in a transaction") else: self.__sysout('Committing %s' % self.transaction_id) self.conn.commit(transaction=self.transaction_id) self.transaction_id = None def help_commit(self):'commit', 'Commit a transaction in progress.') def do_stats(self, args): args = args.split() if len(args) < 1: stats = self.conn.get_listener('stats') if stats: self.__sysout(stats) else: self.__error('No stats available') elif args[0] == 'on': self.conn.set_listener('stats', StatsListener()) elif args[0] == 'off': self.conn.remove_listener('stats') else: self.__error('Expecting: stats [on|off]') def help_stats(self):'stats [on|off]', '''Record statistics on messages sent, received, errors, etc. If no argument (on|off) is specified, \tdump the current statistics.''') def do_run(self, args): args = args.split() if len(args) == 0: self.__error("Expecting: run <filename>") elif not os.path.exists(args[0]): self.__error("File %s was not found" % args[0]) else: with open(args[0]) as f: lines ='\n') for line in lines: self.onecmd(line) def help_run(self):'run <filename>', 'Execute commands in a specified file') def do_nothing_loop(): while 1: time.sleep(1) def optional_arg(arg_default): def func(option, opt_str, value, parser): if parser.rargs and not parser.rargs[0].startswith('-'): val = parser.rargs[0] parser.rargs.pop(0) else: val = arg_default setattr(parser.values, option.dest, val) return func def main(): parser = OptionParser(version=stomppy_version) parser.add_option('-H', '--host', type='string', dest='host', default='localhost', help='Hostname or IP to connect to. Defaults to localhost if not specified.') parser.add_option('-P', '--port', type=int, dest='port', default=61613, help='Port providing stomp protocol connections. Defaults to 61613 if not specified.') parser.add_option('-U', '--user', type='string', dest='user', default=None, help='Username for the connection') parser.add_option('-W', '--password', type='string', dest='password', default=None, help='Password for the connection') parser.add_option('-F', '--file', type='string', dest='filename', help='File containing commands to be executed, instead of prompting from the command prompt.') parser.add_option('-S', '--stomp', type='string', dest='stomp', default='1.1', help='Set the STOMP protocol version.') parser.add_option('-L', '--listen', type='string', dest='listen', default=None, help='Listen for messages on a queue/destination') parser.add_option("-V", "--verbose", dest="verbose", default='on', help='Verbose logging "on" or "off" (if on, full headers from stomp server responses are printed)') parser.add_option('--ssl', action='callback', callback=optional_arg(True), dest='ssl', help='Enable SSL connection') parser.set_defaults() (options, _) = parser.parse_args() if options.verbose == 'on': verbose = True else: verbose = False if options.ssl is None: options.ssl = False if options.listen: prompt = '' else: prompt = '> ' st = StompCLI(, options.port, options.user, options.password, options.stomp, prompt, verbose, options.ssl) if options.listen: st.do_subscribe(options.listen) try: while 1: time.sleep(10) except: print("\n") elif options.filename: st.do_run(options.filename) else: # disable CTRL-C, since can't guarantee correct handling of disconnect import signal def signal_handler(signal, frame): pass signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) try: try: st.cmdloop() except KeyboardInterrupt: st.do_quit() finally: st.conn.disconnect() # # command line access # if __name__ == '__main__': try: main() except: pass
# Copyright 2021 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """Starting point for writing scripts to integrate TFLM with external IDEs. This script can be used to output a tree containing only the sources and headers needed to use TFLM for a specific configuration (e.g. target and optimized_kernel_implementation). This should serve as a starting point to integrate TFLM with external IDEs. The goal is for this script to be an interface that is maintained by the TFLM team and any additional scripting needed for integration with a particular IDE should be written external to the TFLM repository and built to work on top of the output tree generated with this script. We will add more documentation for a desired end-to-end integration workflow as we get further along in our prototyping. See this github issue for more details: """ import argparse import fileinput import os import re import shutil import subprocess def _get_dirs(file_list): dirs = set() for filepath in file_list: dirs.add(os.path.dirname(filepath)) return dirs def _get_file_list(key, makefile_options): params_list = [ "make", "-f", "tensorflow/lite/micro/tools/make/Makefile", key ] + makefile_options.split() process = subprocess.Popen(params_list, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout, stderr = process.communicate() if process.returncode != 0: raise RuntimeError("%s failed with \n\n %s" % (" ".join(params_list), stderr.decode())) return [bytepath.decode() for bytepath in stdout.split()] def _third_party_src_and_dest_files(prefix_dir, makefile_options): src_files = [] src_files.extend(_get_file_list("list_third_party_sources", makefile_options)) src_files.extend(_get_file_list("list_third_party_headers", makefile_options)) # The list_third_party_* rules give path relative to the root of the git repo. # However, in the output tree, we would like for the third_party code to be a # tree under prefix_dir/third_party, with the path to the tflm_download # directory removed. The path manipulation logic that follows removes the # downloads directory prefix, and adds the third_party prefix to create a # list of destination directories for each of the third party files. tflm_download_path = "tensorflow/lite/micro/tools/make/downloads" dest_files = [ os.path.join(prefix_dir, "third_party", os.path.relpath(f, tflm_download_path)) for f in src_files ] return src_files, dest_files def _tflm_src_and_dest_files(prefix_dir, makefile_options): src_files = [] src_files.extend(_get_file_list("list_library_sources", makefile_options)) src_files.extend(_get_file_list("list_library_headers", makefile_options)) dest_files = [os.path.join(prefix_dir, src) for src in src_files] return src_files, dest_files def _get_src_and_dest_files(prefix_dir, makefile_options): tflm_src_files, tflm_dest_files = _tflm_src_and_dest_files( prefix_dir, makefile_options) third_party_srcs, third_party_dests = _third_party_src_and_dest_files( prefix_dir, makefile_options) all_src_files = tflm_src_files + third_party_srcs all_dest_files = tflm_dest_files + third_party_dests return all_src_files, all_dest_files def _copy(src_files, dest_files): for dirname in _get_dirs(dest_files): os.makedirs(dirname, exist_ok=True) for src, dst in zip(src_files, dest_files): shutil.copy(src, dst) def _get_tflm_generator_path(): return _get_file_list("list_generator_dir", "")[0] # For examples, we are explicitly making a deicision to not have any source # specialization based on the TARGET and OPTIMIZED_KERNEL_DIR. The thinking # here is that any target-specific sources should not be part of the TFLM # tree. Rather, this function will return an examples directory structure for # x86 and it will be the responsibility of the target-specific examples # repository to provide all the additional sources (and remove the unnecessary # sources) for the examples to run on that specific target. def _create_examples_tree(prefix_dir, examples_list): files = [] for e in examples_list: files.extend(_get_file_list("list_%s_example_sources" % (e), "")) files.extend(_get_file_list("list_%s_example_headers" % (e), "")) # The get_file_list gives path relative to the root of the git repo (where the # examples are in tensorflow/lite/micro/examples). However, in the output # tree, we would like for the examples to be under prefix_dir/examples. tflm_examples_path = "tensorflow/lite/micro/examples" tflm_downloads_path = "tensorflow/lite/micro/tools/make/downloads" tflm_generator_path = _get_tflm_generator_path() # Some non-example source and headers will be in the {files} list. They need # special handling or they will end up outside the {prefix_dir} tree. dest_file_list = [] for f in files: if tflm_generator_path in f: # file is generated during the build. relative_path = os.path.relpath(f, tflm_generator_path) full_filename = os.path.join(prefix_dir, relative_path) # Allow generated example sources to be placed with their example. f = relative_path if tflm_examples_path in f: # file is in examples tree relative_path = os.path.relpath(f, tflm_examples_path) full_filename = os.path.join(prefix_dir, "examples", relative_path) elif tflm_downloads_path in f: # is third-party file relative_path = os.path.relpath(f, tflm_downloads_path) full_filename = os.path.join(prefix_dir, "third_party", relative_path) else: # not third-party and not examples, don't modify file name # ex. tensorflow/lite/experimental/microfrontend full_filename = os.path.join(prefix_dir, f) dest_file_list.append(full_filename) for dest_file, filepath in zip(dest_file_list, files): dest_dir = os.path.dirname(dest_file) os.makedirs(dest_dir, exist_ok=True) shutil.copy(filepath, dest_dir) # Since we are changing the directory structure for the examples, we will also # need to modify the paths in the code. for filepath in dest_file_list: with fileinput.FileInput(filepath, inplace=True) as f: for line in f: include_match = re.match( r'.*#include.*"' + tflm_examples_path + r'/([^/]+)/.*"', line) if include_match: # We need a trailing forward slash because what we care about is # replacing the include paths. text_to_replace = os.path.join(tflm_examples_path, + "/" line = line.replace(text_to_replace, "") # end="" prevents an extra newline from getting added as part of the # in-place find and replace. print(line, end="") def _rename_cc_to_cpp(output_dir): for path, _, files in os.walk(output_dir): for name in files: if name.endswith(".cc"): base_name_with_path = os.path.join(path, os.path.splitext(name)[0]) os.rename(base_name_with_path + ".cc", base_name_with_path + ".cpp") def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Starting script for TFLM project generation") parser.add_argument("output_dir", help="Output directory for generated TFLM tree") parser.add_argument("--no_copy", action="store_true", help="Do not copy files to output directory") parser.add_argument("--print_src_files", action="store_true", help="Print the src files (i.e. files in the TFLM tree)") parser.add_argument( "--print_dest_files", action="store_true", help="Print the dest files (i.e. files in the output tree)") parser.add_argument("--makefile_options", default="", help="Additional TFLM Makefile options. For example: " "--makefile_options=\"TARGET=<target> " "OPTIMIZED_KERNEL_DIR=<optimized_kernel_dir> " "TARGET_ARCH=corex-m4\"") parser.add_argument("--examples", "-e", action="append", help="Examples to add to the output tree. For example: " "-e hello_world -e micro_speech") parser.add_argument( "--rename_cc_to_cpp", action="store_true", help="Rename all .cc files to .cpp in the destination files location.") args = parser.parse_args() makefile_options = args.makefile_options # TODO(b/143904317): Explicitly call make third_party_downloads. This will # no longer be needed once all the downloads are switched over to bash # scripts. params_list = [ "make", "-f", "tensorflow/lite/micro/tools/make/Makefile", "third_party_downloads" ] + makefile_options.split() process = subprocess.Popen(params_list, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) _, stderr = process.communicate() if process.returncode != 0: raise RuntimeError("%s failed with \n\n %s" % (" ".join(params_list), stderr.decode())) src_files, dest_files = _get_src_and_dest_files(args.output_dir, makefile_options) if args.print_src_files: print(" ".join(src_files)) if args.print_dest_files: print(" ".join(dest_files)) if args.no_copy is False: _copy(src_files, dest_files) if args.examples is not None: _create_examples_tree(args.output_dir, args.examples) if args.rename_cc_to_cpp: _rename_cc_to_cpp(args.output_dir) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Standard library imports from subprocess import Popen, PIPE from sys import argv import warnings with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings("ignore",category=DeprecationWarning) from imp import load_source from os.path import dirname, isfile, join, realpath from fcntl import flock, LOCK_EX, LOCK_UN, LOCK_NB from OmsConfigHostHelpers import write_omsconfig_host_telemetry, write_omsconfig_host_switch_event, write_omsconfig_host_log, stop_old_host_instances from time import sleep import subprocess import codecs pathToCurrentScript = realpath(__file__) pathToCommonScriptsFolder = dirname(pathToCurrentScript) helperLibPath = join(pathToCommonScriptsFolder, '') helperlib = load_source('helperlib', helperLibPath) try: # Used by Python 2.7+ from argparse import ArgumentParser useArgParse = True except: # Used by Python 2.4-2.6 from optparse import OptionParser useArgParse = False def main(argv): """StartDscConfiguration""" # Define method arguments and description description = 'Starts the specified DSC configuration.' parameters = { 'configurationmof' : { 'shortForm' : 'c', 'helpText' : 'The path to the configuration mof to start.', 'required' : True, 'action' : 'store' }, 'force' : { 'shortForm' : 'f', 'helpText' : 'Specifies that any current pending configuration should be forcibly removed before starting the new configuration.', 'required' : False, 'action' : 'store_true' } } # Parse -configurationmof on its own for backwards compatibility configmofArgument = None if '-configurationmof' in argv: configmofIndex = argv.index('-configurationmof') try: configmofArgument = argv[configmofIndex + 1] except: print(' error: Please provide a valid path argument for -configurationmof') exit(1) # Set the configuration mof parameter to no longer be required so it doesn't error in the arugment parser parameters['configurationmof']['required'] = False # Remove -configurationmof and its argument from the list so it doesn't error in the arugment parser argv.pop(configmofIndex) argv.pop(configmofIndex) # Parse arguments if (useArgParse): # Used by Python 2.7+ parser = ArgumentParser(description = description) for parameter in parameters.keys(): parameterInfo = parameters[parameter] parser.add_argument('-' + parameterInfo['shortForm'], '--' + parameter, required = parameterInfo['required'], help = parameterInfo['helpText'], action = parameterInfo['action']) parsedArguments = parser.parse_args(argv) else: # Used by Python 2.4-2.6 parser = OptionParser(description = description) for parameter in parameters.keys(): parameterInfo = parameters[parameter] parser.add_option('-' + parameterInfo['shortForm'], '--' + parameter, help = parameterInfo['helpText'], action = parameterInfo['action']) (parsedArguments, extraArguments) = parser.parse_args(argv) for parameter in parameters.keys(): if parameters[parameter]['required']: if not getattr(parsedArguments, parameter): print (' error: argument -', parameters[parameter]['shortForm'], '/--', parameter, ' is required.') exit(1) # Check that we don't have two configuration mofs defined if configmofArgument and parsedArguments.configurationmof: print(' error: Two configuration mof arguments were found. Please provide only one.') exit(1) if configmofArgument: parsedArguments.configurationmof = configmofArgument # Read the configuration mof try: configurationFile =, 'r') except: configurationFile =, 'r', encoding = 'utf-16') try: configurationFileContent = finally: if (configurationFile): configurationFile.close() # Convert the file content to strings of integers representing unicode configurationData = [] for char in configurationFileContent: configurationData.append(str(ord(char))) # # OMI CLI location omiBinDir = "<CONFIG_BINDIR>" omiCliPath = omiBinDir + "/omicli" dsc_host_base_path = helperlib.DSC_HOST_BASE_PATH dsc_host_path = join(dsc_host_base_path, 'bin/dsc_host') dsc_host_output_path = join(dsc_host_base_path, 'output') dsc_host_lock_path = join(dsc_host_base_path, 'dsc_host_lock') dsc_host_switch_path = join(dsc_host_base_path, 'dsc_host_ready') if ("omsconfig" in helperlib.DSC_SCRIPT_PATH): write_omsconfig_host_switch_event(pathToCurrentScript, isfile(dsc_host_switch_path)) if ("omsconfig" in helperlib.DSC_SCRIPT_PATH) and (isfile(dsc_host_switch_path)): use_omsconfig_host = True else: use_omsconfig_host = False # Assemble parameters to pass to OMI CLI host_parameters = [] if use_omsconfig_host: host_parameters.append(dsc_host_path) host_parameters.append(dsc_host_output_path) host_parameters.append("SendConfigurationApply") host_parameters.append(args[2]) # Insert force if specified if parsedArguments.force: host_parameters.append("force") else: host_parameters.append(omiCliPath) host_parameters.append("iv") host_parameters.append("<DSC_NAMESPACE>") host_parameters.append("{") host_parameters.append("MSFT_DSCLocalConfigurationManager") host_parameters.append("}") host_parameters.append("SendConfigurationApply") host_parameters.append("{") host_parameters.append("ConfigurationData") host_parameters.append("[") # Insert configurationmof data here for token in configurationData: host_parameters.append(token) host_parameters.append("]") # Insert force if specified if parsedArguments.force: host_parameters.append("force") host_parameters.append("true") host_parameters.append("}") stdout = '' stderr = '' if use_omsconfig_host: try: stop_old_host_instances(dsc_host_lock_path) # Open the dsc host lock file. This also creates a file if it does not exist dschostlock_filehandle = open(dsc_host_lock_path, 'w') print("Opened the dsc host lock file at the path '" + dsc_host_lock_path + "'") dschostlock_acquired = False # Acquire dsc host file lock for retry in range(10): try: flock(dschostlock_filehandle, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB) dschostlock_acquired = True break except IOError: write_omsconfig_host_log('dsc_host lock file not acquired. retry (#' + str(retry) + ') after 60 seconds...', pathToCurrentScript) sleep(60) if dschostlock_acquired: p = subprocess.Popen(parameters, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() stdout = stdout.decode() if isinstance(stdout, bytes) else stdout print(stdout) else: print("dsc host lock already acuired by a different process") finally: if (dschostlock_filehandle): # Release dsc host file lock flock(dschostlock_filehandle, LOCK_UN) # Close dsc host lock file handle dschostlock_filehandle.close() else: p = subprocess.Popen(parameters, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() stdout = stdout.decode() if isinstance(stdout, bytes) else stdout stderr = stderr.decode() if isinstance(stderr, bytes) else stderr print(stdout) print(stderr) main(argv[1:])
# Copyright (C) 2014 New York University # This file is part of ReproZip which is released under the Revised BSD License # See file LICENSE for full license details. from qtpy import QtCore, QtWidgets import yaml import reprounzip_qt.reprounzip_interface as reprounzip from reprounzip_qt.gui.common import ROOT, ResizableStack, handle_error, \ error_msg, parse_ports from reprounzip_qt.usage import record_usage class RunOptions(QtWidgets.QWidget): x11 = None def __init__(self): super(RunOptions, self).__init__() self.setLayout(QtWidgets.QGridLayout()) def add_row(self, label, widget): layout = self.layout() row = layout.rowCount() layout.addWidget(QtWidgets.QLabel(label), row, 0) layout.addWidget(widget, row, 1) def add_row_layout(self, label, rowlayout): layout = self.layout() row = layout.rowCount() layout.addWidget(QtWidgets.QLabel(label), row, 0) layout.addLayout(rowlayout, row, 1) def add_x11(self): self.x11 = QtWidgets.QCheckBox("enabled", checked=False) self.add_row("X11 display:", self.x11) def options(self): options = {'args': []} if self.x11 is not None and self.x11.isChecked(): options['args'].append('--enable-x11') return options class DirectoryOptions(RunOptions): def __init__(self): super(DirectoryOptions, self).__init__() self.add_x11() class ChrootOptions(RunOptions): def __init__(self): super(ChrootOptions, self).__init__() self.add_x11() class DockerOptions(RunOptions): def __init__(self): super(DockerOptions, self).__init__() self.x11 = QtWidgets.QCheckBox("enabled", checked=False) self.tunneled_x11 = QtWidgets.QCheckBox("use tunnel", checked=False) row = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() row.addWidget(self.x11) row.addWidget(self.tunneled_x11) row.addStretch(1) self.add_row_layout("X11 display:", row) self.detach = QtWidgets.QCheckBox("start background container and " "leave it running", checked=False) self.add_row("Detach:", self.detach) self.raw_options = QtWidgets.QLineEdit('') self.add_row("Raw Docker options:", self.raw_options) self.ports = QtWidgets.QLineEdit( '', toolTip="Space-separated host:guest port mappings") self.add_row("Expose ports:", self.ports) def options(self): options = super(DockerOptions, self).options() if self.tunneled_x11.isChecked(): options['args'].append('--tunneled-x11') record_usage(docker_tunneled_x11=True) if self.detach.isChecked(): options['args'].append('--detach') record_usage(docker_detach=True) nb_raw = 0 for opt in self.raw_options.text().split(): opt = opt.strip() if opt: nb_raw += 1 options['args'].append('--docker-option=%s' % opt) if nb_raw: record_usage(docker_raw_options=nb_raw) ports = parse_ports(self.ports.text(), self) if ports is None: return None for host, container, proto in ports: options['args'].extend( ['--docker-option=-p', '--docker-option=%s:%s/%s' % (host, container, proto)]) record_usage(docker_run_port_fwd=bool(ports)) return options class VagrantOptions(RunOptions): def __init__(self): super(VagrantOptions, self).__init__() self.add_x11() self.ports = QtWidgets.QLineEdit( '', toolTip="Space-separated host:guest port mappings") self.add_row("Expose ports:", self.ports) def options(self): options = super(VagrantOptions, self).options() ports = parse_ports(self.ports.text(), self) if ports is None: return None for host, container, proto in parse_ports(self.ports.text(), self): options['args'].append('--expose-port=%s:%s/%s' % (host, container, proto)) record_usage(vagrant_run_port_fwd=bool(ports)) return options class FilesManager(QtWidgets.QDialog): def __init__(self, directory, unpacker=None, root=None, **kwargs): super(FilesManager, self).__init__(**kwargs) = directory self.unpacker = unpacker self.root = root layout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() self.files_widget = QtWidgets.QListWidget( selectionMode=QtWidgets.QListWidget.SingleSelection) self.files_widget.itemSelectionChanged.connect(self._file_changed) layout.addWidget(self.files_widget) right_layout = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() right_layout.addWidget(QtWidgets.QLabel("name:"), 0, 0) self.f_name = QtWidgets.QLineEdit('', readOnly=True) right_layout.addWidget(self.f_name, 0, 1) right_layout.addWidget(QtWidgets.QLabel("Path:"), 1, 0) self.f_path = QtWidgets.QLineEdit('', readOnly=True) right_layout.addWidget(self.f_path, 1, 1) right_layout.addWidget(QtWidgets.QLabel("Current:"), 2, 0) self.f_status = QtWidgets.QLineEdit('', readOnly=True) right_layout.addWidget(self.f_status, 2, 1) self.b_upload = QtWidgets.QPushButton("Upload a replacement", enabled=False) self.b_upload.clicked.connect(self._upload) right_layout.addWidget(self.b_upload, 3, 0, 1, 2) self.b_download = QtWidgets.QPushButton("Download to disk", enabled=False) self.b_download.clicked.connect(self._download) right_layout.addWidget(self.b_download, 4, 0, 1, 2) self.b_reset = QtWidgets.QPushButton("Reset file", enabled=False) self.b_reset.clicked.connect(self._reset) right_layout.addWidget(self.b_reset, 5, 0, 1, 2) right_layout.setRowStretch(6, 1) layout.addLayout(right_layout) self.setLayout(layout) self.files_status = reprounzip.FilesStatus(directory) for file_status in self.files_status: text = "[%s%s] %s" % (("I" if file_status.is_input else ''), ("O" if file_status.is_output else ''), self.files_widget.addItem(text) record_usage(iofiles=self.files_widget.count()) def _file_changed(self): selected = [i.row() for i in self.files_widget.selectedIndexes()] if not selected: self.f_name.setText('') self.f_path.setText('') self.f_status.setText('') self.b_upload.setEnabled(False) self.b_download.setEnabled(False) self.b_reset.setEnabled(False) else: file_status = self.files_status[selected[0]] self.b_upload.setEnabled(True) self.b_download.setEnabled(True) self.b_reset.setEnabled(False) self.f_name.setText( self.f_path.setText(str(file_status)) self.f_status.setEnabled(False) if file_status.assigned is None: self.f_status.setText("(original)") self.b_reset.setEnabled(False) elif file_status.assigned is False: self.f_status.setText("(not created)") elif file_status.assigned is True: self.f_status.setText("(generated)") else: caption = file_status.assigned if isinstance(caption, bytes): caption = caption.decode('utf-8', 'replace') self.f_status.setText(caption) self.f_status.setEnabled(True) def _upload(self): selected = self.files_widget.selectedIndexes()[0].row() file_status = self.files_status[selected] picked, _ = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( self, "Pick file to upload", QtCore.QDir.currentPath()) if picked: record_usage(file_upload=True) handle_error(self, reprounzip.upload(,, picked, unpacker=self.unpacker, root=self.root)) self._file_changed() def _download(self): selected = self.files_widget.selectedIndexes()[0].row() file_status = self.files_status[selected] picked, _ = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName( self, "Pick destination", QtCore.QDir.currentPath() + '/' + if picked: record_usage(file_download=True) handle_error(self,,, picked, unpacker=self.unpacker, root=self.root)) self._file_changed() def _reset(self): selected = self.files_widget.selectedIndexes()[0].row() file_status = self.files_status[selected] record_usage(file_reset=True) handle_error(self, reprounzip.upload(,, None, unpacker=self.unpacker, root=self.root)) self._file_changed() class RunTab(QtWidgets.QWidget): """The main window, that allows you to run/change an unpacked experiment. """ UNPACKERS = [ ('directory', DirectoryOptions), ('chroot', ChrootOptions), ('docker', DockerOptions), ('vagrant', VagrantOptions), ] directory = None unpacker = None def __init__(self, unpacked_directory='', **kwargs): super(RunTab, self).__init__(**kwargs) layout = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() layout.addWidget(QtWidgets.QLabel("Experiment directory:"), 0, 0) self.directory_widget = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(unpacked_directory) self.directory_widget.editingFinished.connect(self._directory_changed) layout.addWidget(self.directory_widget, 0, 1) browse = QtWidgets.QPushButton("Browse") browse.clicked.connect(self._browse) layout.addWidget(browse, 0, 2) layout.addWidget(QtWidgets.QLabel("Unpacker:"), 1, 0, QtCore.Qt.AlignTop) self.unpacker_widget = QtWidgets.QLabel("-") layout.addWidget(self.unpacker_widget, 1, 1, 1, 2) layout.addWidget(QtWidgets.QLabel("Input/output files:"), 2, 0, QtCore.Qt.AlignTop) self.files_button = QtWidgets.QPushButton("Manage files", enabled=False) self.files_button.clicked.connect(self._open_files_manager) layout.addWidget(self.files_button, 2, 1, 1, 2) layout.addWidget(QtWidgets.QLabel("Runs:"), 3, 0, QtCore.Qt.AlignTop) self.runs_widget = QtWidgets.QListWidget( selectionMode=QtWidgets.QListWidget.MultiSelection) layout.addWidget(self.runs_widget, 3, 1, 3, 1) select_all = QtWidgets.QPushButton("Select All") select_all.clicked.connect(self.runs_widget.selectAll) layout.addWidget(select_all, 3, 2) deselect_all = QtWidgets.QPushButton("Deselect All") deselect_all.clicked.connect(self.runs_widget.clearSelection) layout.addWidget(deselect_all, 4, 2) layout.addWidget(QtWidgets.QLabel("Elevate privileges:"), 6, 0) self.root = QtWidgets.QComboBox(editable=False) self.root.addItems(ROOT.TEXT) layout.addWidget(self.root, 6, 1, 1, 2) layout.addWidget(QtWidgets.QLabel("Jupyter integration:"), 7, 0) self.run_jupyter_notebook = QtWidgets.QCheckBox("Run notebook server", checked=False, enabled=False) layout.addWidget(self.run_jupyter_notebook, 7, 1, 1, 2) group = QtWidgets.QGroupBox(title="Unpacker options") group_layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() self.unpacker_options = ResizableStack() scroll = QtWidgets.QScrollArea(widgetResizable=True) scroll.setWidget(self.unpacker_options) group_layout.addWidget(scroll) group.setLayout(group_layout) layout.addWidget(group, 8, 0, 1, 3) layout.setRowStretch(8, 1) for i, (name, WidgetClass) in enumerate(self.UNPACKERS): widget = WidgetClass() self.unpacker_options.addWidget(widget) self.unpacker_options.addWidget( QtWidgets.QLabel("Select a directory to display options...")) self.unpacker_options.setCurrentIndex(len(self.UNPACKERS)) buttons = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() buttons.addStretch(1) self.run_widget = QtWidgets.QPushButton("Run experiment") self.run_widget.clicked.connect(self._run) buttons.addWidget(self.run_widget) self.destroy_widget = QtWidgets.QPushButton("Destroy unpacked " "experiment") self.destroy_widget.clicked.connect(self._destroy) buttons.addWidget(self.destroy_widget) layout.addLayout(buttons, 9, 0, 1, 3) self.setLayout(layout) self._directory_changed() def _browse(self): picked = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory( self, "Pick directory", QtCore.QDir.currentPath()) if picked: record_usage(browse_unpacked=True) self.directory_widget.setText(picked) self._directory_changed() def _directory_changed(self, new_dir=None, force=False): if not force and self.directory_widget.text() == return = self.directory_widget.text() unpacker = reprounzip.check_directory( self.run_jupyter_notebook.setChecked(False) self.run_jupyter_notebook.setEnabled(False) self.runs_widget.clear() if unpacker is not None: with open( + '/config.yml') as fp: self.config = yaml.safe_load(fp) self.run_widget.setEnabled(True) self.destroy_widget.setEnabled(True) self.files_button.setEnabled(True) self.unpacker = unpacker self.unpacker_widget.setText(unpacker) for run in self.config['runs']: self.runs_widget.addItem(' '.join(reprounzip.shell_escape(arg) for arg in run['argv'])) self.runs_widget.selectAll() self.unpacker_options.setCurrentIndex( dict((n, i) for i, (n, w) in enumerate(self.UNPACKERS)) .get(unpacker, 4)) if (unpacker == 'docker' and reprounzip.find_command('reprozip-jupyter') is not None and reprounzip.is_jupyter( self.run_jupyter_notebook.setEnabled(True) self.run_jupyter_notebook.setChecked(True) else: self.run_widget.setEnabled(False) self.destroy_widget.setEnabled(False) self.files_button.setEnabled(False) self.unpacker = None self.unpacker_widget.setText("-") self.unpacker_options.setCurrentIndex(len(self.UNPACKERS)) def _run(self): options = self.unpacker_options.currentWidget().options() if options is None: return runs = sorted(i.row() for i in self.runs_widget.selectedIndexes()) if not runs: error_msg(self, "No run selected", 'warning') return record_usage(run='%d/%d' % (len(runs), self.runs_widget.count())) handle_error(self,, runs=runs, unpacker=self.unpacker, root=ROOT.INDEX_TO_OPTION[self.root.currentIndex()], jupyter=self.run_jupyter_notebook.isChecked(), **options)) def _destroy(self): handle_error(self, reprounzip.destroy(, unpacker=self.unpacker, root=ROOT.INDEX_TO_OPTION[self.root.currentIndex()])) self._directory_changed(force=True) def _open_files_manager(self): manager = FilesManager( parent=self, directory=self.directory_widget.text(), unpacker=self.unpacker, root=ROOT.INDEX_TO_OPTION[self.root.currentIndex()]) manager.exec_() def set_directory(self, directory, root=None): self.root.setCurrentIndex(ROOT.OPTION_TO_INDEX[root]) self.directory_widget.setText(directory) self._directory_changed(force=True) def should_exit(self): if self.unpacker: r = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.question( self, "Close Confirmation", "The experiment is still unpacked with '%s'. Are you sure you " "want to exit without removing it?" % self.unpacker, QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes | QtWidgets.QMessageBox.No) if r == QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes: record_usage(leave_unpacked=True) return True else: return False else: return True def replaceable(self): return not self.unpacker
# uncompyle6 version 2.9.10 # Python bytecode 2.7 (62211) # Decompiled from: Python 3.6.0b2 (default, Oct 11 2016, 05:27:10) # [GCC 6.2.0 20161005] # Embedded file name: """A lexical analyzer class for simple shell-like syntaxes.""" import os.path import sys from collections import deque try: from cStringIO import StringIO except ImportError: from StringIO import StringIO __all__ = [ 'shlex', 'split'] class shlex: """A lexical analyzer class for simple shell-like syntaxes.""" def __init__(self, instream=None, infile=None, posix=False): if isinstance(instream, basestring): instream = StringIO(instream) if instream is not None: self.instream = instream self.infile = infile else: self.instream = sys.stdin self.infile = None self.posix = posix if posix: self.eof = None else: self.eof = '' self.commenters = '#' self.wordchars = 'abcdfeghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789_' if self.posix: self.wordchars += '' self.whitespace = ' \t\r\n' self.whitespace_split = False self.quotes = '\'"' self.escape = '\\' self.escapedquotes = '"' self.state = ' ' self.pushback = deque() self.lineno = 1 self.debug = 0 self.token = '' self.filestack = deque() self.source = None if self.debug: print 'shlex: reading from %s, line %d' % ( self.instream, self.lineno) return def push_token(self, tok): """Push a token onto the stack popped by the get_token method""" if self.debug >= 1: print 'shlex: pushing token ' + repr(tok) self.pushback.appendleft(tok) def push_source(self, newstream, newfile=None): """Push an input source onto the lexer's input source stack.""" if isinstance(newstream, basestring): newstream = StringIO(newstream) self.filestack.appendleft((self.infile, self.instream, self.lineno)) self.infile = newfile self.instream = newstream self.lineno = 1 if self.debug: if newfile is not None: print 'shlex: pushing to file %s' % (self.infile,) else: print 'shlex: pushing to stream %s' % (self.instream,) return def pop_source(self): """Pop the input source stack.""" self.instream.close() self.infile, self.instream, self.lineno = self.filestack.popleft() if self.debug: print 'shlex: popping to %s, line %d' % ( self.instream, self.lineno) self.state = ' ' def get_token(self): """Get a token from the input stream (or from stack if it's nonempty)""" if self.pushback: tok = self.pushback.popleft() if self.debug >= 1: print 'shlex: popping token ' + repr(tok) return tok else: raw = self.read_token() if self.source is not None: while raw == self.source: spec = self.sourcehook(self.read_token()) if spec: newfile, newstream = spec self.push_source(newstream, newfile) raw = self.get_token() while raw == self.eof: if not self.filestack: return self.eof self.pop_source() raw = self.get_token() if self.debug >= 1: if raw != self.eof: print 'shlex: token=' + repr(raw) else: print 'shlex: token=EOF' return raw def read_token(self): quoted = False escapedstate = ' ' while True: nextchar = if nextchar == '\n': self.lineno = self.lineno + 1 if self.debug >= 3: print 'shlex: in state', repr(self.state), print 'I see character:', repr(nextchar) if self.state is None: self.token = '' break elif self.state == ' ': if not nextchar: self.state = None break elif nextchar in self.whitespace: if self.debug >= 2: print 'shlex: I see whitespace in whitespace state' if self.token or self.posix and quoted: break else: continue elif nextchar in self.commenters: self.instream.readline() self.lineno = self.lineno + 1 elif self.posix and nextchar in self.escape: escapedstate = 'a' self.state = nextchar elif nextchar in self.wordchars: self.token = nextchar self.state = 'a' elif nextchar in self.quotes: if not self.posix: self.token = nextchar self.state = nextchar elif self.whitespace_split: self.token = nextchar self.state = 'a' else: self.token = nextchar if self.token or self.posix and quoted: break else: continue elif self.state in self.quotes: quoted = True if not nextchar: if self.debug >= 2: print 'shlex: I see EOF in quotes state' raise ValueError, 'No closing quotation' if nextchar == self.state: if not self.posix: self.token = self.token + nextchar self.state = ' ' break else: self.state = 'a' elif self.posix and nextchar in self.escape and self.state in self.escapedquotes: escapedstate = self.state self.state = nextchar else: self.token = self.token + nextchar elif self.state in self.escape: if not nextchar: if self.debug >= 2: print 'shlex: I see EOF in escape state' raise ValueError, 'No escaped character' if escapedstate in self.quotes and nextchar != self.state and nextchar != escapedstate: self.token = self.token + self.state self.token = self.token + nextchar self.state = escapedstate elif self.state == 'a': if not nextchar: self.state = None break elif nextchar in self.whitespace: if self.debug >= 2: print 'shlex: I see whitespace in word state' self.state = ' ' if self.token or self.posix and quoted: break else: continue elif nextchar in self.commenters: self.instream.readline() self.lineno = self.lineno + 1 if self.posix: self.state = ' ' if self.token or self.posix and quoted: break else: continue elif self.posix and nextchar in self.quotes: self.state = nextchar elif self.posix and nextchar in self.escape: escapedstate = 'a' self.state = nextchar elif nextchar in self.wordchars or nextchar in self.quotes or self.whitespace_split: self.token = self.token + nextchar else: self.pushback.appendleft(nextchar) if self.debug >= 2: print 'shlex: I see punctuation in word state' self.state = ' ' if self.token: break else: continue result = self.token self.token = '' if self.posix and not quoted and result == '': result = None if self.debug > 1: if result: print 'shlex: raw token=' + repr(result) else: print 'shlex: raw token=EOF' return result def sourcehook(self, newfile): """Hook called on a filename to be sourced.""" if newfile[0] == '"': newfile = newfile[1:-1] if isinstance(self.infile, basestring) and not os.path.isabs(newfile): newfile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.infile), newfile) return (newfile, open(newfile, 'r')) def error_leader(self, infile=None, lineno=None): """Emit a C-compiler-like, Emacs-friendly error-message leader.""" if infile is None: infile = self.infile if lineno is None: lineno = self.lineno return '"%s", line %d: ' % (infile, lineno) def __iter__(self): return self def next(self): token = self.get_token() if token == self.eof: raise StopIteration return token def split(s, comments=False, posix=True): lex = shlex(s, posix=posix) lex.whitespace_split = True if not comments: lex.commenters = '' return list(lex) if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) == 1: lexer = shlex() else: file = sys.argv[1] lexer = shlex(open(file), file) while 1: tt = lexer.get_token() if tt: print 'Token: ' + repr(tt) else: break
''' This module provides database interfaces to postgres SQL (c) Copyright 2013 Mark V Systems Limited, California US, All rights reserved. Mark V copyright applies to this software, which is licensed according to the terms of Arelle(r). ''' import sys, os, io, time, re, datetime from math import isnan, isinf from decimal import Decimal from arelle.ModelValue import dateTime import socket TRACESQLFILE = None #TRACESQLFILE = r"z:\temp\sqltraceWin.log" # uncomment to trace SQL on connection (very big file!!!) #TRACESQLFILE = "/Users/hermf/temp/sqltraceUnx.log" # uncomment to trace SQL on connection (very big file!!!) def noop(*args, **kwargs): return class NoopException(Exception): pass try: import pg8000 hasPostgres = True pgConnect = pg8000.connect pgOperationalError = pg8000.OperationalError pgProgrammingError = pg8000.ProgrammingError pgInterfaceError = pg8000.InterfaceError except ImportError: hasPostgres = False pgConnect = noop pgOperationalError = pgProgrammingError = pgInterfaceError = NoopException try: import pymysql # MIT License but not installed at GAE hasMySql = True mysqlConnect = pymysql.connect mysqlProgrammingError = pymysql.ProgrammingError mysqlInterfaceError = pymysql.InterfaceError mysqlInternalError = pymysql.InternalError except ImportError: try : import MySQLdb # LGPL License and used on GAE, Python 2.7 only hasMySql = True mysqlConnect = MySQLdb.connect mysqlProgrammingError = MySQLdb.ProgrammingError mysqlInterfaceError = MySQLdb.InterfaceError mysqlInternalError = MySQLdb.InternalError except ImportError: hasMySql = False mysqlConnect = noop mysqlProgrammingError = mysqlInterfaceError = mysqlInternalError = NoopException try: # requires NLS_LANG to be UTF-8 os.environ["NLS_LANG"] = ".UTF8" os.environ['ORA_NCHAR_LITERAL_REPLACE'] = 'TRUE' import cx_Oracle hasOracle = True oracleConnect = cx_Oracle.connect oracleDatabaseError = cx_Oracle.DatabaseError oracleInterfaceError = cx_Oracle.InterfaceError oracleNCLOB = cx_Oracle.NCLOB except ImportError: # also requires "Oracle Instant Client" hasOracle = False oracleConnect = noop oracleDatabaseError = oracleInterfaceError = NoopException oracleCLOB = None try: import pyodbc hasMSSql = True mssqlConnect = pyodbc.connect mssqlOperationalError = pyodbc.OperationalError mssqlProgrammingError = pyodbc.ProgrammingError mssqlInterfaceError = pyodbc.InterfaceError mssqlInternalError = pyodbc.InternalError mssqlDataError = pyodbc.DataError mssqlIntegrityError = pyodbc.IntegrityError except ImportError: hasMSSql = False mssqlConnect = noop mssqlOperationalError = mssqlProgrammingError = mssqlInterfaceError = mssqlInternalError = \ mssqlDataError = mssqlIntegrityError = NoopException try: import sqlite3 hasSQLite = True sqliteConnect = sqlite3.connect sqliteParseDecltypes = sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES sqliteOperationalError = sqlite3.OperationalError sqliteProgrammingError = sqlite3.ProgrammingError sqliteInterfaceError = sqlite3.InterfaceError sqliteInternalError = sqlite3.InternalError sqliteDataError = sqlite3.DataError sqliteIntegrityError = sqlite3.IntegrityError except ImportError: hasSQLite = False sqliteConnect = noop sqliteParseDecltypes = None sqliteOperationalError = sqliteProgrammingError = sqliteInterfaceError = sqliteInternalError = \ sqliteDataError = sqliteIntegrityError = NoopException def isSqlConnection(host, port, timeout=10, product=None): # determine if postgres port t = 2 while t < timeout: try: if product == "postgres" and hasPostgres: pgConnect(user='', host=host, port=int(port or 5432), socket_timeout=t) elif product == "mysql" and hasMySql: mysqlConnect(user='', host=host, port=int(port or 5432), socket_timeout=t) elif product == "orcl" and hasOracle: orclConnect = oracleConnect('{}/{}@{}:{}' .format("", "", host, ":{}".format(port) if port else "")) elif product == "mssql" and hasMSSql: mssqlConnect(user='', host=host, socket_timeout=t) elif product == "sqlite" and hasSQLite: sqliteConnect("", t) # needs a database specified for this test except (pgProgrammingError, mysqlProgrammingError, oracleDatabaseError, sqliteProgrammingError): return True # success, this is really a postgres socket, wants user name except (pgInterfaceError, mysqlInterfaceError, oracleInterfaceError, mssqlOperationalError, mssqlInterfaceError, sqliteOperationalError, sqliteInterfaceError): return False # something is there but not postgres except socket.timeout: t = t + 2 # relax - try again with longer timeout return False class XPDBException(Exception): def __init__(self, code, message, **kwargs ): self.code = code self.message = message self.kwargs = kwargs self.args = ( self.__repr__(), ) def __repr__(self): return _('[{0}] exception: {1}').format(self.code, self.message % self.kwargs) class SqlDbConnection(): def __init__(self, modelXbrl, user, password, host, port, database, timeout, product): self.modelXbrl = modelXbrl self.disclosureSystem = modelXbrl.modelManager.disclosureSystem if product == "postgres": if not hasPostgres: raise XPDBException("xpgDB:MissingPostgresInterface", _("Postgres interface is not installed")) self.conn = pgConnect(user=user, password=password, host=host, port=int(port or 5432), database=database, socket_timeout=timeout or 60) self.product = product elif product == "mysql": if not hasMySql: raise XPDBException("xpgDB:MissingMySQLInterface", _("MySQL interface is not installed")) self.conn = mysqlConnect(user=user, passwd=password, host=host, port=int(port or 5432), db=database, # pymysql takes database or db but MySQLdb only takes db connect_timeout=timeout or 60, charset='utf8') self.product = product elif product == "orcl": if not hasOracle: raise XPDBException("xpgDB:MissingOracleInterface", _("Oracle interface is not installed")) self.conn = oracleConnect('{}/{}@{}{}' .format(user, password, host, ":{}".format(port) if port else "")) # self.conn.paramstyle = 'named' self.product = product elif product == "mssql": if not hasMSSql: raise XPDBException("xpgDB:MissingMSSQLInterface", _("MSSQL server interface is not installed")) self.conn = mssqlConnect('DRIVER={{SQL Server Native Client 11.0}};SERVER={2};DATABASE={3};UID={0};PWD={1};CHARSET=UTF8' .format(user, password, host, # e.g., localhost\\SQLEXPRESS database)) self.product = product elif product == "sqlite": if not hasSQLite: raise XPDBException("xpgDB:MissingSQLiteInterface", _("SQLite interface is not installed")) self.conn = sqliteConnect(database, (timeout or 60), detect_types=sqliteParseDecltypes) self.product = product self.syncSequences = False # for object_id coordination of autoincrement values else: self.product = None self.tableColTypes = {} self.tableColDeclaration = {} self.accessionId = "(None)" self.tempInputTableName = "input{}".format(os.getpid()) def close(self, rollback=False): try: self.closeCursor() if rollback: self.rollback() self.conn.close() self.__dict__.clear() # dereference everything except Exception as ex: self.__dict__.clear() # dereference everything if sys.version[0] >= '3': raise ex.with_traceback(ex.__traceback__) else: raise ex @property def isClosed(self): return not bool(self.__dict__) # closed when dict is empty def showStatus(self, msg, clearAfter=None): self.modelXbrl.modelManager.showStatus(msg, clearAfter) def pyBoolFromDbBool(self, str): return str in ("TRUE", "t", True) # may be DB string or Python boolean (preconverted) def pyNoneFromDbNULL(self, str): return None def dbNum(self, num): if isinstance(num, (int,float)): if isinf(num) or isnan(num): return None # not legal in SQL return num return None def dbStr(self, s): if self.product == "orcl": return "'" + str(s).replace("'","''") + "'" elif self.product == "mysql": return "N" + self.conn.escape(str(s)) else: return "'" + str(s).replace("'","''").replace('%', '%%') + "'" def dbTableName(self, tableName): if self.product == "orcl": return '"' + tableName + '"' else: return tableName @property def cursor(self): try: return self._cursor except AttributeError: self._cursor = self.conn.cursor() return self._cursor def closeCursor(self): try: self._cursor.close() del self._cursor except (AttributeError, pgOperationalError, mysqlProgrammingError, oracleDatabaseError): if hasattr(self, '_cursor'): del self._cursor def commit(self): self.conn.commit() def rollback(self): try: self.conn.rollback() except (pg8000.ConnectionClosedError): pass def dropTemporaryTable(self): if self.product == "orcl": self.execute(""" BEGIN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'drop table {}'; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; END; """.format(self.tempInputTableName), close=True, commit=False, fetch=False, action="dropping temporary table") elif self.product == "mssql": self.execute(""" DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS {}; """.format(self.tempInputTableName), close=True, commit=False, fetch=False, action="dropping temporary table") def lockTables(self, tableNames, isSessionTransaction=False): ''' lock for an entire transaction has isSessionTransaction=True, locks until commit some databases require locks per operation (such as MySQL), when isSessionTransaction=False ''' if self.product in ("postgres", "orcl") and isSessionTransaction: result = self.execute('LOCK {} IN SHARE ROW EXCLUSIVE MODE'.format(', '.join(tableNames)), close=False, commit=False, fetch=False, action="locking table") elif self.product in ("mysql",): result = self.execute('LOCK TABLES {}' .format(', '.join(['{} WRITE'.format(t) for t in tableNames])), close=False, commit=False, fetch=False, action="locking table") elif self.product in ("sqlite",) and isSessionTransaction: result = self.execute('BEGIN TRANSACTION', close=False, commit=False, fetch=False, action="locking table") # note, there is no lock for MS SQL (as far as I could find) def unlockAllTables(self): if self.product in ("mysql",): result = self.execute('UNLOCK TABLES', close=False, commit=False, fetch=False, action="locking table") elif self.product in ("sqlite",): result = self.execute('COMMIT TRANSACTION', close=False, commit=False, fetch=False, action="locking table") def execute(self, sql, commit=False, close=True, fetch=True, params=None, action="execute"): cursor = self.cursor try: if isinstance(params, dict): cursor.execute(sql, **params) elif isinstance(params, (tuple,list)): cursor.execute(sql, params) else: cursor.execute(sql) except (pgProgrammingError, mysqlProgrammingError, mysqlInternalError, oracleDatabaseError, mssqlOperationalError, mssqlInterfaceError, mssqlDataError, mssqlProgrammingError, mssqlIntegrityError, sqliteOperationalError, sqliteInterfaceError, sqliteDataError, socket.timeout, ValueError) as ex: # something wrong with SQL if TRACESQLFILE: with, "a", encoding='utf-8') as fh: fh.write("\n\n>>> EXCEPTION {} error {}\n sql {}\n" .format(action, str(ex), sql)) raise if fetch: result = cursor.fetchall() else: #if cursor.rowcount > 0: # cursor.fetchall() # must get anyway result = None if commit: self.conn.commit() if close: self.closeCursor() return result def create(self, ddlFile): # drop tables startedAt = time.time() self.showStatus("Dropping prior tables") for table in self.tablesInDB(): result = self.execute('DROP TABLE %s' % self.dbTableName(table), close=False, commit=False, fetch=False, action="dropping table") self.showStatus("Dropping prior sequences") for sequence in self.sequencesInDB(): result = self.execute('DROP SEQUENCE %s' % sequence, close=False, commit=False, fetch=False, action="dropping sequence") self.modelXbrl.profileStat(_("XbrlPublicDB: drop prior tables"), time.time() - startedAt) startedAt = time.time() with + os.sep + ddlFile, 'rt', encoding='utf-8') as fh: sql ='%', '%%') # separate dollar-quoted bodies and statement lines sqlstatements = [] def findstatements(start, end, laststatement): for line in sql[start:end].split('\n'): stmt, comment1, comment2 = line.partition("--") laststatement += stmt + '\n' if ';' in stmt: sqlstatements.append(laststatement) laststatement = '' return laststatement stmt = '' i = 0 patternDollarEsc = re.compile(r"([$]\w*[$])", re.DOTALL + re.MULTILINE) while i < len(sql): # preserve $$ function body escaping match =, i) if not match: stmt = findstatements(i, len(sql), stmt) sqlstatements.append(stmt) break # found match dollarescape = j = match.end() stmt = findstatements(i, j, stmt) # accumulate statements before match i = sql.find(dollarescape, j) if i > j: # found end of match if self.product == "mysql": # mysql doesn't want DELIMITER over the interface stmt = sql[j:i] i += len(dollarescape) else: # postgres and others want the delimiter in the sql sent i += len(dollarescape) stmt += sql[j:i] sqlstatements.append(stmt) # problem with driver and $$ statements, skip them (for now) stmt = '' action = "executing ddl in {}".format(os.path.basename(ddlFile)) for i, sql in enumerate(sqlstatements): if any(cmd in sql for cmd in ('CREATE TABLE', 'CREATE SEQUENCE', 'INSERT INTO', 'CREATE TYPE', 'CREATE FUNCTION', 'SET', 'CREATE INDEX', 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX' # 'ALTER TABLE ONLY' )): statusMsg, sep, rest = sql.strip().partition('\n') self.showStatus(statusMsg[0:50]) result = self.execute(sql, close=False, commit=False, fetch=False, action=action) """ if TRACESQLFILE: with, "a", encoding='utf-8') as fh: fh.write("\n\n>>> ddl {0}: \n{1} \n\n>>> result: \n{2}\n" .format(i, sql, result)) fh.write(sql) """ self.showStatus("") self.conn.commit() self.modelXbrl.profileStat(_("XbrlPublicDB: create tables"), time.time() - startedAt) self.closeCursor() def databasesInDB(self): return self.execute({"postgres":"SELECT datname FROM pg_database;", "mysql": "SHOW databases;", "orcl": "SELECT DISTINCT OWNER FROM ALL_OBJECTS" }[self.product], action="listing tables in database") def dropAllTablesInDB(self): # drop all tables (clean out database) if self.product == "postgres": self.execute("drop schema public cascade") self.execute("create schema public;", commit=True, action="recreating schema") elif self.product in ("mysql", "mssql", "orcl"): for tableName in self.tablesInDB(): self.execute("DROP TABLE {}".format( self.dbTableName(tableName) ), action="dropping tables") def tablesInDB(self): return set(tableRow[0] for tableRow in self.execute({"postgres":"SELECT tablename FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'public';", "mysql": "SHOW tables;", "mssql": "SELECT * FROM sys.TABLES;", "orcl": "SELECT table_name FROM user_tables", "sqlite": "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table';" }[self.product])) def sequencesInDB(self): return set(sequenceRow[0] for sequenceRow in self.execute({"postgres":"SELECT c.relname FROM pg_class c WHERE c.relkind = 'S';", "mysql": "SHOW triggers;", "mssql": "SELECT name FROM sys.triggers;", "orcl": "SHOW trigger_name FROM user_triggers" }[self.product])) def columnTypeFunctions(self, table): if table not in self.tableColTypes: if self.product == "orcl": colTypesResult = self.execute("SELECT column_name, data_type, data_precision, char_col_decl_length " "FROM user_tab_columns " "WHERE table_name = '{0}'" .format( table )) # table name is not " " quoted here colTypes = [] for name, fulltype, dataPrecision, charColDeclLength in colTypesResult: name = name.lower() fulltype = fulltype.lower() if fulltype in ("varchar", "varchar2"): colDecl = "{}({})".format(fulltype, charColDeclLength) elif fulltype == "number" and dataPrecision: colDecl = "{}({})".format(fulltype, dataPrecision) else: colDecl = fulltype colTypes.append( (name, fulltype, colDecl) ) # print ("col types for {} = {} ".format(table, colTypes)) elif self.product == "mssql": colTypesResult = self.execute("SELECT column_name, data_type, character_maximum_length " "FROM information_schema.columns " "WHERE table_name = '{0}'" .format( table )) # table name is not " " quoted here colTypes = [] for name, fulltype, characterMaxLength in colTypesResult: name = name.lower() if fulltype in ("char", "varchar", "nvarchar"): if characterMaxLength == -1: characterMaxLength = "max" colDecl = "{}({})".format(fulltype, characterMaxLength) else: colDecl = fulltype colTypes.append( (name, fulltype, colDecl) ) # print ("col types for {} = {} ".format(table, colTypes)) elif self.product == "sqlite": colTypesResult = self.execute("PRAGMA table_info('{0}')" .format( table )) # table name is not " " quoted here colTypes = [] for cid, name, type, notnull, dflt_value, pk in colTypesResult: name = name.lower() type = type.lower() colTypes.append( (name, type, type) ) # print ("col types for {} = {} ".format(table, colTypes)) else: colTypes = self.execute("SELECT c.column_name, c.data_type, {0} " "FROM information_schema.columns c " "WHERE c.table_name = '{1}' " "ORDER BY c.ordinal_position;" .format('c.column_type' if self.product == 'mysql' else 'c.data_type', self.dbTableName(table))) self.tableColTypes[table] = dict((name, # (type cast, conversion function) ('::' + typename if typename in # takes first word of full type {"integer", "smallint", "int", "bigint", "real", "numeric", "int2", "int4", "int8", "float4", "float8", "boolean", "date", "timestamp"} else "::double precision" if fulltype.startswith("double precision") else '', int if typename in ("integer", "smallint", "int", "bigint", "number") else float if typename in ("double precision", "real", "numeric") else self.pyBoolFromDbBool if typename in ("bit", "boolean") else dateTime if typename in ("date","timestamp") else # ModelValue.datetime !!! not python class str)) for name, fulltype, colDecl in colTypes for typename in (fulltype.partition(' ')[0],)) if self.product in ('mysql', 'mssql', 'orcl', 'sqlite'): self.tableColDeclaration[table] = dict((name, colDecl) for name, fulltype, colDecl in colTypes) return self.tableColTypes[table] def getTable(self, table, idCol, newCols=None, matchCols=None, data=None, commit=False, comparisonOperator='=', checkIfExisting=False, insertIfNotMatched=True, returnMatches=True, returnExistenceStatus=False): # generate SQL # note: comparison by = will never match NULL fields # use 'IS NOT DISTINCT FROM' to match nulls, but this is not indexed and verrrrry slooooow if not data or not newCols or not matchCols: # nothing can be done, just return return () # place breakpoint here to debug isOracle = self.product == "orcl" isMSSql = self.product == "mssql" isPostgres = self.product == "postgres" isSQLite = self.product == "sqlite" newCols = [newCol.lower() for newCol in newCols] matchCols = [matchCol.lower() for matchCol in matchCols] returningCols = [] if idCol: # idCol is the first returned column if present returningCols.append(idCol.lower()) for matchCol in matchCols: if matchCol not in returningCols: # allow idCol to be specified or default assigned returningCols.append(matchCol) colTypeFunctions = self.columnTypeFunctions(table) colDeclarations = self.tableColDeclaration.get(table) try: colTypeCast = tuple(colTypeFunctions[colName][0] for colName in newCols) colTypeFunction = [colTypeFunctions[colName][1] for colName in returningCols] if returnExistenceStatus: colTypeFunction.append(self.pyBoolFromDbBool) # existence is a boolean except KeyError as err: raise XPDBException("xpgDB:MissingColumnDefinition", _("Table %(table)s column definition missing: %(missingColumnName)s"), table=table, missingColumnName=str(err)) rowValues = [] rowLongValues = [] # contains None if no parameters, else {} parameter dict if isOracle: longColValues = {} else: longColValues = [] for row in data: colValues = [] for col in row: if isinstance(col, bool): if isOracle or isMSSql or isSQLite: colValues.append('1' if col else '0') else: colValues.append('TRUE' if col else 'FALSE') elif isinstance(col, int): colValues.append(str(col)) elif isinstance(col, float): if _ISFINITE(col): colValues.append(str(col)) else: # no NaN, INF, in SQL implementations (Postgres has it but not IEEE implementation) colValues.append('NULL') elif isinstance(col, Decimal): if col.is_finite(): colValues.append(str(col)) else: # no NaN, INF, in SQL implementations (Postgres has it but not IEEE implementation) colValues.append('NULL') elif isinstance(col, (, datetime.datetime)) and self.product == "orcl": colValues.append("DATE '{:04}-{:02}-{:02}'".format(col.year, col.month, elif isinstance(col, datetime.datetime) and (isMSSql or isSQLite): colValues.append("'{:04}-{:02}-{:02} {:02}:{:02}:{:02}'".format(col.year, col.month,, col.hour, col.minute, col.second)) elif isinstance(col, and (isMSSql or isSQLite): colValues.append("'{:04}-{:02}-{:02}'".format(col.year, col.month, elif col is None: colValues.append('NULL') elif isinstance(col, _STR_BASE) and len(col) >= 4000 and (isOracle or isMSSql): if isOracle: colName = "col{}".format(len(colValues)) longColValues[colName] = col colValues.append(":" + colName) else: longColValues.append(col) colValues.append("?") else: colValues.append(self.dbStr(col)) if not rowValues and isPostgres: # first row for i, cast in enumerate(colTypeCast): if cast: colValues[i] = colValues[i] + cast rowColValues = ", ".join(colValues) rowValues.append("(" + rowColValues + ")" if not isOracle else rowColValues) if longColValues: rowLongValues.append(longColValues) if isOracle: longColValues = {} # must be new instance of dict else: longColValues = [] else: rowLongValues.append(None) values = ", \n".join(rowValues) _table = self.dbTableName(table) _inputTableName = self.tempInputTableName if self.product == "postgres": # insert new rows, return id and cols of new and existing rows # use IS NOT DISTINCT FROM instead of = to compare NULL usefully sql = [((''' WITH row_values (%(newCols)s) AS ( VALUES %(values)s )''' + (''', insertions AS ( INSERT INTO %(table)s (%(newCols)s) SELECT %(newCols)s FROM row_values v''' + (''' WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM %(table)s x WHERE %(match)s)''' if checkIfExisting else '') + ''' RETURNING %(returningCols)s ) ''' if insertIfNotMatched else '') + ''' (''' + ((''' SELECT %(x_returningCols)s %(statusIfExisting)s FROM %(table)s x JOIN row_values v ON (%(match)s) ''' if checkIfExisting else '') + (''' ) UNION ( ''' if (checkIfExisting and insertIfNotMatched) else '') + (''' SELECT %(returningCols)s %(statusIfInserted)s FROM insertions''' if insertIfNotMatched else '')) + ''' );''') % {"table": _table, "idCol": idCol, "newCols": ', '.join(newCols), "returningCols": ', '.join(returningCols), "x_returningCols": ', '.join('x.{0}'.format(c) for c in returningCols), "match": ' AND '.join('x.{0} {1} v.{0}'.format(col, comparisonOperator) for col in matchCols), "values": values, "statusIfInserted": ", FALSE" if returnExistenceStatus else "", "statusIfExisting": ", TRUE" if returnExistenceStatus else "" }, None, True)] elif self.product == "mysql": sql = [("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE %(inputTable)s ( %(inputCols)s );" % {"inputTable": _inputTableName, "inputCols": ', '.join('{0} {1}'.format(newCol, colDeclarations[newCol]) for newCol in newCols)}, None, False), ("INSERT INTO %(inputTable)s ( %(newCols)s ) VALUES %(values)s;" % {"inputTable": _inputTableName, "newCols": ', '.join(newCols), "values": values}, None, False)] if insertIfNotMatched: if checkIfExisting: _where = ('WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM %(table)s x WHERE %(match)s)' % {"table": _table, "match": ' AND '.join('x.{0} {1} i.{0}'.format(col, comparisonOperator) for col in matchCols)}) _whereLock = (", %(table)s AS x READ" % {"table": _table}) else: _where = ""; _whereLock = "" sql.append( ("LOCK TABLES %(table)s WRITE %(whereLock)s" % {"table": _table, "whereLock": _whereLock}, None, False) ) sql.append( ("INSERT INTO %(table)s ( %(newCols)s ) SELECT %(newCols)s FROM %(inputTable)s i %(where)s;" % {"inputTable": _inputTableName, "table": _table, "newCols": ', '.join(newCols), "where": _where}, None, False) ) elif returnMatches or returnExistenceStatus: sql.append( ("LOCK TABLES %(table)s READ" % {"table": _table}, None, False) ) # don't know how to get status if existing if returnMatches or returnExistenceStatus: sql.append( ("SELECT %(returningCols)s %(statusIfExisting)s from %(inputTable)s JOIN %(table)s ON ( %(match)s );" % {"inputTable": _inputTableName, "table": _table, "newCols": ', '.join(newCols), "match": ' AND '.join('{0}.{2} = {1}.{2}'.format(_table,_inputTableName,col) for col in matchCols), "statusIfExisting": ", FALSE" if returnExistenceStatus else "", "returningCols": ', '.join('{0}.{1}'.format(_table,col) for col in returningCols)}, None, True) ) sql.append( ("DROP TEMPORARY TABLE %(inputTable)s;" % {"inputTable": _inputTableName}, None, False) ) elif self.product == "mssql": sql = [("CREATE TABLE #%(inputTable)s ( %(inputCols)s );" % {"inputTable": _inputTableName, "inputCols": ', '.join('{0} {1}'.format(newCol, colDeclarations[newCol]) for newCol in newCols)}, None, False)] # break values insertion into 1000's each def insertMSSqlRows(i, j, params): sql.append(("INSERT INTO #%(inputTable)s ( %(newCols)s ) VALUES %(values)s;" % {"inputTable": _inputTableName, "newCols": ', '.join(newCols), "values": ", ".join(rowValues[i:j])}, params, False)) iMax = len(rowValues) i = 0 while (i < iMax): for j in range(i, min(i+1000, iMax)): if rowLongValues[j] is not None: if j > i: insertMSSqlRows(i, j, None) insertMSSqlRows(j, j+1, rowLongValues[j]) i = j + 1 break if i < j+1 and i < iMax: insertMSSqlRows(i, j+1, None) i = j+1 if insertIfNotMatched: sql.append(("MERGE INTO %(table)s USING #%(inputTable)s ON (%(match)s) " "WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (%(newCols)s) VALUES (%(values)s);" % {"inputTable": _inputTableName, "table": _table, "newCols": ', '.join(newCols), "match": ' AND '.join('{0}.{2} = #{1}.{2}'.format(_table,_inputTableName,col) for col in matchCols), "values": ', '.join("#{0}.{1}".format(_inputTableName,newCol) for newCol in newCols)}, None, False)) if returnMatches or returnExistenceStatus: sql.append(# don't know how to get status if existing ("SELECT %(returningCols)s %(statusIfExisting)s from #%(inputTable)s JOIN %(table)s ON ( %(match)s );" % {"inputTable": _inputTableName, "table": _table, "newCols": ', '.join(newCols), "match": ' AND '.join('{0}.{2} = #{1}.{2}'.format(_table,_inputTableName,col) for col in matchCols), "statusIfExisting": ", 0" if returnExistenceStatus else "", "returningCols": ', '.join('{0}.{1}'.format(_table,col) for col in returningCols)}, None, True)) sql.append(("DROP TABLE #%(inputTable)s;" % {"inputTable": _inputTableName}, None, False)) elif self.product == "orcl": sql = [("CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE %(inputTable)s ( %(inputCols)s )" % {"inputTable": _inputTableName, "inputCols": ', '.join('{0} {1}'.format(newCol, colDeclarations[newCol]) for newCol in newCols)}, None, False)] # break values insertion into 1000's each def insertOrclRows(i, j, params): sql.append(("INSERT INTO %(inputTable)s ( %(newCols)s ) %(values)s" % {"inputTable": _inputTableName, "newCols": ', '.join(newCols), "values": "\nUNION ALL".join(" SELECT {} FROM dual ".format(r) for r in rowValues[i:j])}, params, False)) iMax = len(rowValues) i = 0 while (i < iMax): for j in range(i, min(i+1000, iMax)): if rowLongValues[j] is not None: if j > i: insertOrclRows(i, j, None) insertOrclRows(j, j+1, rowLongValues[j]) i = j + 1 break if i < j+1 and i < iMax: insertOrclRows(i, j+1, None) i = j+1 if insertIfNotMatched: sql.append(("MERGE INTO %(table)s USING %(inputTable)s ON (%(match)s) " "WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (%(newCols)s) VALUES (%(values)s)" % {"inputTable": _inputTableName, "table": _table, "newCols": ', '.join(newCols), "match": ' AND '.join('{0}.{2} = {1}.{2}'.format(_table,_inputTableName,col) for col in matchCols), "values": ', '.join("{0}.{1}".format(_inputTableName,newCol) for newCol in newCols)}, None, False)) if returnMatches or returnExistenceStatus: sql.append(# don't know how to get status if existing ("SELECT %(returningCols)s %(statusIfExisting)s from %(inputTable)s JOIN %(table)s ON ( %(match)s )" % {"inputTable": _inputTableName, "table": _table, "newCols": ', '.join(newCols), "match": ' AND '.join('{0}.{2} = {1}.{2}'.format(_table,_inputTableName,col) for col in matchCols), "statusIfExisting": ", 0" if returnExistenceStatus else "", "returningCols": ', '.join('{0}.{1}'.format(_table,col) for col in returningCols)}, None, True)) sql.append(("DROP TABLE %(inputTable)s" % {"inputTable": _inputTableName}, None, False)) elif self.product == "sqlite": sql = [("CREATE TEMP TABLE %(inputTable)s ( %(inputCols)s );" % {"inputTable": _inputTableName, "inputCols": ', '.join('{0} {1}'.format(newCol, colDeclarations[newCol]) for newCol in newCols)}, None, False)] # break values insertion into 1000's each def insertSQLiteRows(i, j, params): sql.append(("INSERT INTO %(inputTable)s ( %(newCols)s ) VALUES %(values)s;" % {"inputTable": _inputTableName, "newCols": ', '.join(newCols), "values": ", ".join(rowValues[i:j])}, params, False)) iMax = len(rowValues) i = 0 while (i < iMax): for j in range(i, min(i+500, iMax)): if rowLongValues[j] is not None: if j > i: insertSQLiteRows(i, j, None) insertSQLiteRows(j, j+1, rowLongValues[j]) i = j + 1 break if i < j+1 and i < iMax: insertSQLiteRows(i, j+1, None) i = j+1 if insertIfNotMatched: if checkIfExisting: _where = ('WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM %(table)s x WHERE %(match)s)' % {"table": _table, "match": ' AND '.join('x.{0} {1} i.{0}'.format(col, comparisonOperator) for col in matchCols)}) else: _where = ""; sql.append( ("INSERT INTO %(table)s ( %(newCols)s ) SELECT %(newCols)s FROM %(inputTable)s i %(where)s;" % {"inputTable": _inputTableName, "table": _table, "newCols": ', '.join(newCols), "where": _where}, None, False) ) if returnMatches or returnExistenceStatus: sql.append(# don't know how to get status if existing ("SELECT %(returningCols)s %(statusIfExisting)s from %(inputTable)s JOIN %(table)s ON ( %(match)s );" % {"inputTable": _inputTableName, "table": _table, "newCols": ', '.join(newCols), "match": ' AND '.join('{0}.{2} = {1}.{2}'.format(_table,_inputTableName,col) for col in matchCols), "statusIfExisting": ", 0" if returnExistenceStatus else "", "returningCols": ', '.join('{0}.{1}'.format(_table,col) for col in returningCols)}, None, True)) sql.append(("DROP TABLE %(inputTable)s;" % {"inputTable": _inputTableName}, None, False)) if insertIfNotMatched and self.syncSequences: sql.append( ("update sqlite_sequence " "set seq = (select seq from sqlite_sequence where name = '%(table)s') " "where name != '%(table)s';" % {"table": _table}, None, False) ) if TRACESQLFILE: with, "a", encoding='utf-8') as fh: fh.write("\n\n>>> accession {0} table {1} sql length {2} row count {3}\n" .format(self.accessionId, table, len(sql), len(data))) for sqlStmt, params, fetch in sql: fh.write("\n " + sqlStmt + "\n {}".format(params if params else "")) tableRows = [] for sqlStmt, params, fetch in sql: if params and isOracle: self.cursor.setinputsizes(**dict((name,oracleNCLOB) for name in params)) result = self.execute(sqlStmt,commit=commit, close=False, fetch=fetch, params=params) if fetch and result: tableRows.extend(result) if TRACESQLFILE: with, "a", encoding='utf-8') as fh: fh.write("\n\n>>> accession {0} table {1} result row count {2}\n{3}\n" .format(self.accessionId, table, len(tableRows), '\n'.join(str(r) for r in tableRows))) return tuple(tuple(None if colValue == "NULL" or colValue is None else colTypeFunction[i](colValue) # convert to int, datetime, etc for i, colValue in enumerate(row)) for row in tableRows) def updateTable(self, table, cols=None, data=None, commit=False): # generate SQL # note: comparison by = will never match NULL fields # use 'IS NOT DISTINCT FROM' to match nulls, but this is not indexed and verrrrry slooooow if not cols or not data: # nothing can be done, just return return () # place breakpoint here to debug isOracle = self.product == "orcl" isSQLite = self.product == "sqlite" idCol = cols[0] colTypeFunctions = self.columnTypeFunctions(table) colDeclarations = self.tableColDeclaration.get(table) try: colTypeCast = tuple(colTypeFunctions[colName][0] for colName in cols) except KeyError as err: raise XPDBException("xpgDB:MissingColumnDefinition", _("Table %(table)s column definition missing: %(missingColumnName)s"), table=table, missingColumnName=str(err)) rowValues = [] for row in data: colValues = [] for col in row: if isinstance(col, bool): colValues.append('TRUE' if col else 'FALSE') elif isinstance(col, (int,float)): colValues.append(str(col)) elif col is None: colValues.append('NULL') else: colValues.append(self.dbStr(col)) if not rowValues and self.product == "postgres": # first row for i, cast in enumerate(colTypeCast): if cast: colValues[i] = colValues[i] + cast rowColValues = ", ".join(colValues) if isOracle: rowValues.append(rowColValues) elif isSQLite: rowValues.append(colValues) else: rowValues.append("(" + rowColValues + ")") if not isOracle and not isSQLite: values = ", \n".join(rowValues) _table = self.dbTableName(table) _inputTableName = self.tempInputTableName if self.product == "postgres": # insert new rows, return id and cols of new and existing rows # use IS NOT DISTINCT FROM instead of = to compare NULL usefully sql = [(''' WITH input (%(valCols)s) AS ( VALUES %(values)s ) UPDATE %(table)s t SET %(settings)s FROM input i WHERE i.%(idCol)s = t.%(idCol)s ;''') % {"table": _table, "idCol": idCol, "valCols": ', '.join(col for col in cols), "settings": ', '.join('{0} = i.{0}'.format(cols[i]) for i, col in enumerate(cols) if i > 0), "values": values}] elif self.product == "mysql": sql = ["CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE %(inputTable)s ( %(valCols)s );" % {"inputTable": _inputTableName, "valCols": ', '.join('{0} {1}'.format(col, colDeclarations[col]) for col in cols)}, "INSERT INTO %(inputTable)s ( %(newCols)s ) VALUES %(values)s;" % {"inputTable": _inputTableName, "newCols": ', '.join(cols), "values": values}, "LOCK TABLES %(inputTable)s AS i READ, %(table)s AS t WRITE;" % {"inputTable": _inputTableName, "table": _table}, "UPDATE %(inputTable)s i, %(table)s t SET %(settings)s WHERE i.%(idCol)s = t.%(idCol)s;" % {"inputTable": _inputTableName, "table": _table, "idCol": idCol, "settings": ', '.join('t.{0} = i.{0}'.format(cols[i]) for i, col in enumerate(cols) if i > 0)}, "DROP TEMPORARY TABLE %(inputTable)s;" % {"inputTable": _inputTableName}] elif self.product == "mssql": sql = ["CREATE TABLE #%(inputTable)s ( %(valCols)s );" % {"inputTable": _inputTableName, "valCols": ', '.join('{0} {1}'.format(col, colDeclarations[col]) for col in cols)}] # must break values insertion into 1000's each for i in range(0, len(rowValues), 950): values = ", \n".join(rowValues[i: i+950]) sql.append("INSERT INTO #%(inputTable)s ( %(cols)s ) VALUES %(values)s;" % {"inputTable": _inputTableName, "cols": ', '.join(cols), "values": values}) sql.append("MERGE INTO %(table)s USING #%(inputTable)s ON (#%(inputTable)s.%(idCol)s = %(table)s.%(idCol)s) " "WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET %(settings)s;" % {"inputTable": _inputTableName, "table": _table, "idCol": idCol, "settings": ', '.join('{0}.{2} = #{1}.{2}'.format(_table, _inputTableName, cols[i]) for i, col in enumerate(cols) if i > 0)}) sql.append("DROP TABLE #%(inputTable)s;" % {"inputTable": _inputTableName}) elif self.product == "orcl": sql = ["CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE %(inputTable)s ( %(valCols)s )" % {"inputTable": _inputTableName, "valCols": ', '.join('{0} {1}'.format(col, colDeclarations[col]) for col in cols)}] for i in range(0, len(rowValues), 500): sql.append( "INSERT INTO %(inputTable)s ( %(cols)s ) %(values)s" % {"inputTable": _inputTableName, "cols": ', '.join(cols), "values": "\nUNION ALL".join(" SELECT {} FROM dual ".format(r) for r in rowValues[i:i+500])}) sql.append("MERGE INTO %(table)s USING %(inputTable)s ON (%(inputTable)s.%(idCol)s = %(table)s.%(idCol)s) " "WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET %(settings)s" % {"inputTable": _inputTableName, "table": _table, "idCol": idCol, "settings": ', '.join('{0}.{2} = {1}.{2}'.format(_table, _inputTableName, cols[i]) for i, col in enumerate(cols) if i > 0)}) sql.append("DROP TABLE %(inputTable)s" % {"inputTable": _inputTableName}) elif self.product == "sqlite": sql = ["UPDATE %(table)s SET %(settings)s WHERE %(idCol)s = %(idVal)s;" % {"table": _table, "idCol": idCol, "idVal": rowValue[0], "settings": ', '.join('{0} = {1}'.format(col,rowValue[i]) for i, col in enumerate(cols) if i > 0)} for rowValue in rowValues] if TRACESQLFILE: with, "a", encoding='utf-8') as fh: fh.write("\n\n>>> accession {0} table {1} sql length {2} row count {3}\n" .format(self.accessionId, table, len(sql), len(data))) for sqlStmt in sql: fh.write(sqlStmt) for sqlStmt in sql: self.execute(sqlStmt,commit=commit, fetch=False, close=False)
# Copyright (c) 2012 NetApp, Inc. # Copyright (c) 2012 OpenStack Foundation # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """ Storage service catalog utility functions and classes for NetApp systems. """ import copy from threading import Timer from cinder import exception from cinder.openstack.common import log as logging from cinder.openstack.common import timeutils from cinder import utils from cinder.volume import driver from cinder.volume.drivers.netapp import api from cinder.volume.drivers.netapp import utils as na_utils LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class NetAppVolume(object): """Represents a NetApp volume. Present attributes id - name, vserver, junction_path, type aggr - name, raid_type, ha_policy, disk_type sis - dedup, compression state - status, vserver_root, cluster_volume, inconsistent, invalid, junction_active qos - qos_policy_group space - space-guarantee-enabled, space-guarantee, thin_provisioned, size_avl_bytes, size_total_bytes mirror - mirrored i.e. dp mirror export - path """ def __init__(self, name, vserver=None): = {} self.aggr = {} self.sis = {} self.state = {} self.qos = {} = {} self.mirror = {} self.export = {}['name'] = name['vserver'] = vserver def __eq__(self, other): """Checks for equality.""" if (['name'] ==['name'] and['vserver'] ==['vserver']): return True def __hash__(self): """Computes hash for the object.""" return hash(['name']) def __cmp__(self, other): """Implements comparison logic for volumes.""" self_size_avl ='size_avl_bytes') other_size_avl ='size_avl_bytes') if self_size_avl is None and other_size_avl is not None: return -1 elif self_size_avl is not None and other_size_avl is None: return 1 elif self_size_avl is None and other_size_avl is None: return 0 elif int(self_size_avl) < int(other_size_avl): return -1 elif int(self_size_avl) > int(other_size_avl): return 1 else: return 0 def __str__(self): """Returns human readable form for object.""" vol_str = "NetApp Volume id: %s, aggr: %s,"\ " space: %s, sis: %s, state: %s, qos: %s"\ % (, self.aggr,, self.sis, self.state, self.qos) return vol_str def get_cluster_vols_with_ssc(na_server, vserver, volume=None): """Gets ssc vols for cluster vserver.""" volumes = query_cluster_vols_for_ssc(na_server, vserver, volume) sis_vols = get_sis_vol_dict(na_server, vserver, volume) mirrored_vols = get_snapmirror_vol_dict(na_server, vserver, volume) aggrs = {} for vol in volumes: aggr_name = vol.aggr['name'] if aggr_name: if aggr_name in aggrs: aggr_attrs = aggrs[aggr_name] else: aggr_attrs = query_aggr_options(na_server, aggr_name) if aggr_attrs: eff_disk_type = query_aggr_storage_disk(na_server, aggr_name) aggr_attrs['disk_type'] = eff_disk_type aggrs[aggr_name] = aggr_attrs vol.aggr['raid_type'] = aggr_attrs.get('raid_type') vol.aggr['ha_policy'] = aggr_attrs.get('ha_policy') vol.aggr['disk_type'] = aggr_attrs.get('disk_type') if sis_vols: if['name'] in sis_vols: vol.sis['dedup'] = sis_vols[['name']]['dedup'] vol.sis['compression'] =\ sis_vols[['name']]['compression'] else: vol.sis['dedup'] = False vol.sis['compression'] = False if (['space-guarantee-enabled'] and (['space-guarantee'] == 'file' or['space-guarantee'] == 'volume')):['thin_provisioned'] = False else:['thin_provisioned'] = True if mirrored_vols: vol.mirror['mirrored'] = False if['name'] in mirrored_vols: for mirr_attrs in mirrored_vols[['name']]: if (mirr_attrs['rel_type'] == 'data_protection' and mirr_attrs['mirr_state'] == 'snapmirrored'): vol.mirror['mirrored'] = True break return volumes def query_cluster_vols_for_ssc(na_server, vserver, volume=None): """Queries cluster volumes for ssc.""" query = {'volume-attributes': None} volume_id = {'volume-id-attributes': {'owning-vserver-name': vserver}} if volume: volume_id['volume-id-attributes']['name'] = volume query['volume-attributes'] = volume_id des_attr = {'volume-attributes': ['volume-id-attributes', 'volume-space-attributes', 'volume-state-attributes', 'volume-qos-attributes']} result = na_utils.invoke_api(na_server, api_name='volume-get-iter', api_family='cm', query=query, des_result=des_attr, additional_elems=None, is_iter=True) vols = set() for res in result: records = res.get_child_content('num-records') if records > 0: attr_list = res.get_child_by_name('attributes-list') if attr_list: vol_attrs = attr_list.get_children() vols_found = create_vol_list(vol_attrs) vols.update(vols_found) return vols def create_vol_list(vol_attrs): """Creates vol list with features from attr list.""" vols = set() for v in vol_attrs: try: # name and vserver are mandatory # Absence will skip by giving KeyError. name = v['volume-id-attributes']['name'] vserver = v['volume-id-attributes']['owning-vserver-name'] vol = NetAppVolume(name, vserver)['type'] =\ v['volume-id-attributes'].get_child_content('type') if['type'] == "tmp": continue['junction_path'] =\ v['volume-id-attributes'].get_child_content('junction-path') # state attributes mandatory. vol.state['vserver_root'] =\ na_utils.to_bool( v['volume-state-attributes'].get_child_content( 'is-vserver-root')) if vol.state['vserver_root']: continue vol.state['status'] =\ v['volume-state-attributes'].get_child_content('state') vol.state['inconsistent'] =\ na_utils.to_bool( v['volume-state-attributes'].get_child_content( 'is-inconsistent')) vol.state['invalid'] =\ na_utils.to_bool( v['volume-state-attributes'].get_child_content( 'is-invalid')) vol.state['junction_active'] =\ na_utils.to_bool( v['volume-state-attributes'].get_child_content( 'is-junction-active')) vol.state['cluster_volume'] =\ na_utils.to_bool( v['volume-state-attributes'].get_child_content( 'is-cluster-volume')) if (vol.state['status'] != 'online' or vol.state['inconsistent'] or vol.state['invalid']): # offline, invalid and inconsistent volumes are not usable continue # aggr attributes mandatory. vol.aggr['name'] =\ v['volume-id-attributes']['containing-aggregate-name'] # space attributes mandatory.['size_avl_bytes'] =\ v['volume-space-attributes']['size-available']['size_total_bytes'] =\ v['volume-space-attributes']['size-total']['space-guarantee-enabled'] =\ na_utils.to_bool( v['volume-space-attributes'].get_child_content( 'is-space-guarantee-enabled'))['space-guarantee'] =\ v['volume-space-attributes'].get_child_content( 'space-guarantee') # qos attributes optional. if v.get_child_by_name('volume-qos-attributes'): vol.qos['qos_policy_group'] =\ v['volume-qos-attributes'].get_child_content( 'policy-group-name') else: vol.qos['qos_policy_group'] = None vols.add(vol) except KeyError as e: LOG.debug('Unexpected error while creating' ' ssc vol list. Message - %s' % (e.message)) continue return vols def query_aggr_options(na_server, aggr_name): """Queries cluster aggr for attributes. Currently queries for raid and ha-policy. """ add_elems = {'aggregate': aggr_name} attrs = {} try: result = na_utils.invoke_api(na_server, api_name='aggr-options-list-info', api_family='cm', query=None, des_result=None, additional_elems=add_elems, is_iter=False) for res in result: options = res.get_child_by_name('options') if options: op_list = options.get_children() for op in op_list: if op.get_child_content('name') == 'ha_policy': attrs['ha_policy'] = op.get_child_content('value') if op.get_child_content('name') == 'raidtype': attrs['raid_type'] = op.get_child_content('value') except Exception as e: LOG.debug("Exception querying aggr options. %s", e) return attrs def get_sis_vol_dict(na_server, vserver, volume=None): """Queries sis for volumes. If volume is present sis is queried for it. Records dedup and compression enabled. """ sis_vols = {} query_attr = {'vserver': vserver} if volume: vol_path = '/vol/%s' % (volume) query_attr['path'] = vol_path query = {'sis-status-info': query_attr} try: result = na_utils.invoke_api(na_server, api_name='sis-get-iter', api_family='cm', query=query, is_iter=True) for res in result: attr_list = res.get_child_by_name('attributes-list') if attr_list: sis_status = attr_list.get_children() for sis in sis_status: path = sis.get_child_content('path') if not path: continue (___, __, vol) = path.rpartition('/') if not vol: continue v_sis = {} v_sis['compression'] = na_utils.to_bool( sis.get_child_content('is-compression-enabled')) v_sis['dedup'] = na_utils.to_bool( sis.get_child_content('state')) sis_vols[vol] = v_sis except Exception as e: LOG.debug("Exception querying sis information. %s", e) return sis_vols def get_snapmirror_vol_dict(na_server, vserver, volume=None): """Queries snapmirror volumes.""" mirrored_vols = {} query_attr = {'source-vserver': vserver} if volume: query_attr['source-volume'] = volume query = {'snapmirror-info': query_attr} try: result = na_utils.invoke_api(na_server, api_name='snapmirror-get-iter', api_family='cm', query=query, is_iter=True) for res in result: attr_list = res.get_child_by_name('attributes-list') if attr_list: snap_info = attr_list.get_children() for snap in snap_info: src_volume = snap.get_child_content('source-volume') v_snap = {} v_snap['dest_loc'] =\ snap.get_child_content('destination-location') v_snap['rel_type'] =\ snap.get_child_content('relationship-type') v_snap['mirr_state'] =\ snap.get_child_content('mirror-state') if mirrored_vols.get(src_volume): mirrored_vols.get(src_volume).append(v_snap) else: mirrored_vols[src_volume] = [v_snap] except Exception as e: LOG.debug("Exception querying mirror information. %s", e) return mirrored_vols def query_aggr_storage_disk(na_server, aggr): """Queries for storage disks associated to an aggregate.""" query = {'storage-disk-info': {'disk-raid-info': {'disk-aggregate-info': {'aggregate-name': aggr}}}} des_attr = {'storage-disk-info': {'disk-raid-info': ['effective-disk-type']}} try: result = na_utils.invoke_api(na_server, api_name='storage-disk-get-iter', api_family='cm', query=query, des_result=des_attr, additional_elems=None, is_iter=True) for res in result: attr_list = res.get_child_by_name('attributes-list') if attr_list: storage_disks = attr_list.get_children() for disk in storage_disks: raid_info = disk.get_child_by_name('disk-raid-info') if raid_info: eff_disk_type =\ raid_info.get_child_content('effective-disk-type') if eff_disk_type: return eff_disk_type else: continue except Exception as e: LOG.debug("Exception querying storage disk. %s", e) return 'unknown' def get_cluster_ssc(na_server, vserver): """Provides cluster volumes with ssc.""" netapp_volumes = get_cluster_vols_with_ssc(na_server, vserver) mirror_vols = set() dedup_vols = set() compress_vols = set() thin_prov_vols = set() ssc_map = {'mirrored': mirror_vols, 'dedup': dedup_vols, 'compression': compress_vols, 'thin': thin_prov_vols, 'all': netapp_volumes} for vol in netapp_volumes: if vol.sis.get('dedup'): dedup_vols.add(vol) if vol.sis.get('compression'): compress_vols.add(vol) if vol.mirror.get('mirrored'): mirror_vols.add(vol) if'thin_provisioned'): thin_prov_vols.add(vol) return ssc_map def refresh_cluster_stale_ssc(*args, **kwargs): """Refreshes stale ssc volumes with latest.""" backend = args[0] na_server = args[1] vserver = args[2] identity = str(id(backend)) lock_pr = '%s_%s' % ('refresh_ssc', identity) try: job_set = na_utils.set_safe_attr( backend, 'refresh_stale_running', True) if not job_set: return @utils.synchronized(lock_pr) def refresh_stale_ssc(): stale_vols = backend._update_stale_vols(reset=True)'Running stale ssc refresh job for %(server)s' ' and vserver %(vs)s') % {'server': na_server, 'vs': vserver}) # refreshing single volumes can create inconsistency # hence doing manipulations on copy ssc_vols_copy = copy.deepcopy(backend.ssc_vols) refresh_vols = set() expired_vols = set() for vol in stale_vols: name =['name'] res = get_cluster_vols_with_ssc(na_server, vserver, name) if res: refresh_vols.add(res.pop()) else: expired_vols.add(vol) for vol in refresh_vols: for k in ssc_vols_copy: vol_set = ssc_vols_copy[k] vol_set.discard(vol) if k == "mirrored" and vol.mirror.get('mirrored'): vol_set.add(vol) if k == "dedup" and vol.sis.get('dedup'): vol_set.add(vol) if k == "compression" and vol.sis.get('compression'): vol_set.add(vol) if k == "thin" and'thin_provisioned'): vol_set.add(vol) if k == "all": vol_set.add(vol) for vol in expired_vols: for k in ssc_vols_copy: vol_set = ssc_vols_copy[k] vol_set.discard(vol) backend.refresh_ssc_vols(ssc_vols_copy)'Successfully completed stale refresh job for' ' %(server)s and vserver %(vs)s') % {'server': na_server, 'vs': vserver}) refresh_stale_ssc() finally: na_utils.set_safe_attr(backend, 'refresh_stale_running', False) def get_cluster_latest_ssc(*args, **kwargs): """Updates volumes including ssc.""" backend = args[0] na_server = args[1] vserver = args[2] identity = str(id(backend)) lock_pr = '%s_%s' % ('refresh_ssc', identity) # As this depends on stale job running state # set flag as soon as job starts to avoid # job accumulation. try: job_set = na_utils.set_safe_attr(backend, 'ssc_job_running', True) if not job_set: return @utils.synchronized(lock_pr) def get_latest_ssc():'Running cluster latest ssc job for %(server)s' ' and vserver %(vs)s') % {'server': na_server, 'vs': vserver}) ssc_vols = get_cluster_ssc(na_server, vserver) backend.refresh_ssc_vols(ssc_vols) backend.ssc_run_time = timeutils.utcnow()'Successfully completed ssc job for %(server)s' ' and vserver %(vs)s') % {'server': na_server, 'vs': vserver}) get_latest_ssc() finally: na_utils.set_safe_attr(backend, 'ssc_job_running', False) def refresh_cluster_ssc(backend, na_server, vserver, synchronous=False): """Refresh cluster ssc for backend.""" if not isinstance(backend, driver.VolumeDriver): raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=_("Backend not a VolumeDriver.")) if not isinstance(na_server, api.NaServer): raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=_("Backend server not NaServer.")) delta_secs = getattr(backend, 'ssc_run_delta_secs', 1800) if getattr(backend, 'ssc_job_running', None): LOG.warn(_('ssc job in progress. Returning... ')) return elif (getattr(backend, 'ssc_run_time', None) is None or (backend.ssc_run_time and timeutils.is_newer_than(backend.ssc_run_time, delta_secs))): if synchronous: get_cluster_latest_ssc(backend, na_server, vserver) else: t = Timer(0, get_cluster_latest_ssc, args=[backend, na_server, vserver]) t.start() elif getattr(backend, 'refresh_stale_running', None): LOG.warn(_('refresh stale ssc job in progress. Returning... ')) return else: if backend.stale_vols: if synchronous: refresh_cluster_stale_ssc(backend, na_server, vserver) else: t = Timer(0, refresh_cluster_stale_ssc, args=[backend, na_server, vserver]) t.start() def get_volumes_for_specs(ssc_vols, specs): """Shortlists volumes for extra specs provided.""" if specs is None or not isinstance(specs, dict): return ssc_vols['all'] result = copy.deepcopy(ssc_vols['all']) raid_type = specs.get('netapp:raid_type') disk_type = specs.get('netapp:disk_type') bool_specs_list = ['netapp_mirrored', 'netapp_unmirrored', 'netapp_dedup', 'netapp_nodedup', 'netapp_compression', 'netapp_nocompression', 'netapp_thin_provisioned', 'netapp_thick_provisioned'] b_specs = {} for spec in bool_specs_list: b_specs[spec] = na_utils.to_bool(specs.get(spec))\ if specs.get(spec) else None def _spec_ineffect(b_specs, spec, opp_spec): """If the spec with opposite spec is ineffective.""" if ((b_specs[spec] is None and b_specs[opp_spec] is None) or (b_specs[spec] == b_specs[opp_spec])): return True else: return False if _spec_ineffect(b_specs, 'netapp_mirrored', 'netapp_unmirrored'): pass else: if b_specs['netapp_mirrored'] or b_specs['netapp_unmirrored'] is False: result = result & ssc_vols['mirrored'] else: result = result - ssc_vols['mirrored'] if _spec_ineffect(b_specs, 'netapp_dedup', 'netapp_nodedup'): pass else: if b_specs['netapp_dedup'] or b_specs['netapp_nodedup'] is False: result = result & ssc_vols['dedup'] else: result = result - ssc_vols['dedup'] if _spec_ineffect(b_specs, 'netapp_compression', 'netapp_nocompression'): pass else: if (b_specs['netapp_compression'] or b_specs['netapp_nocompression'] is False): result = result & ssc_vols['compression'] else: result = result - ssc_vols['compression'] if _spec_ineffect(b_specs, 'netapp_thin_provisioned', 'netapp_thick_provisioned'): pass else: if (b_specs['netapp_thin_provisioned'] or b_specs['netapp_thick_provisioned'] is False): result = result & ssc_vols['thin'] else: result = result - ssc_vols['thin'] if raid_type or disk_type: tmp = copy.deepcopy(result) for vol in tmp: if raid_type: vol_raid = vol.aggr['raid_type'] vol_raid = vol_raid.lower() if vol_raid else None if raid_type.lower() != vol_raid: result.discard(vol) if disk_type: vol_dtype = vol.aggr['disk_type'] vol_dtype = vol_dtype.lower() if vol_dtype else None if disk_type.lower() != vol_dtype: result.discard(vol) return result def check_ssc_api_permissions(na_server): """Checks backend ssc api permissions for the user.""" api_map = {'storage-disk-get-iter': ['netapp:disk_type'], 'snapmirror-get-iter': ['netapp_mirrored', 'netapp_unmirrored'], 'sis-get-iter': ['netapp_dedup', 'netapp_nodedup', 'netapp_compression', 'netapp_nocompression'], 'aggr-options-list-info': ['netapp:raid_type'], 'volume-get-iter': []} failed_apis = na_utils.check_apis_on_cluster(na_server, api_map.keys()) if failed_apis: if 'volume-get-iter' in failed_apis: msg = _("Fatal error: User not permitted" " to query NetApp volumes.") raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg) else: unsupp_ssc_features = [] for fail in failed_apis: unsupp_ssc_features.extend(api_map[fail]) LOG.warn(_("The user does not have access or sufficient" " privileges to use all netapp apis. The following" " extra_specs will fail or be ignored: %s"), unsupp_ssc_features)
# Copyright 2015 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """Functional tests for Split Op.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import numpy as np from tensorflow.python.framework import constant_op from tensorflow.python.framework import dtypes from tensorflow.python.framework import errors_impl from tensorflow.python.framework import ops from tensorflow.python.framework import test_util from tensorflow.python.ops import array_ops from tensorflow.python.ops import gradients_impl from tensorflow.python.ops import math_ops from tensorflow.python.platform import test _TEST_DTYPES = (dtypes.float32, dtypes.float64, dtypes.complex64, dtypes.complex128) class SplitOpTest(test.TestCase): def _makeData(self, shape, dtype): data = np.random.rand(*shape).astype(dtype.as_numpy_dtype) if dtype.is_complex: data -= 1j * data return data @test_util.run_deprecated_v1 def testShapeInference(self): model_input = array_ops.placeholder(dtypes.float32, shape=(1, 10)) # check that we fail during static shape inference if sizes are known with self.assertRaises(ValueError): # pylint: disable=expression-not-assigned array_ops.split(model_input, [4], axis=1)[0] # pylint: enable=expression-not-assigned model_input = array_ops.placeholder(dtypes.float32) inp = np.zeros((1, 10)) # check that we still fail at runtime if the shapes were unknown with self.cached_session(use_gpu=True) as sess: with self.assertRaises(errors_impl.InvalidArgumentError):, [4]), {model_input: inp}) # test that we can pass a scalar Tensor as num_splits for axis in [0, -2]: with self.cached_session(use_gpu=True) as sess: result = array_ops.split( array_ops.ones([4, 4]), num_or_size_splits=array_ops.ones([2, 2]).get_shape()[1], axis=axis)) self.assertEqual(result[0].shape, (2, 4)) self.assertEqual(result[1].shape, (2, 4)) # test that none split dimensions remain, even if we don't know how # the split_dim will be split, but we do know the axis result = array_ops.split( array_ops.ones([5, 2]), array_ops.constant([2, 1, 2]) * 1, axis=0) self.assertEqual(result[0].shape[1], 2) self.assertEqual(result[1].shape[1], 2) self.assertEqual(result[2].shape[1], 2) model_input2 = array_ops.placeholder(dtypes.float32, shape=[None, 2]) result = array_ops.split(model_input2, [2, 2], axis=0)[0] with self.cached_session(use_gpu=True) as sess:, feed_dict={model_input2: np.ones([4, 2])}) @test_util.run_deprecated_v1 def testFailWithoutExplicitNum(self): size_splits = array_ops.placeholder(dtype=dtypes.int32, shape=[None]) value = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] with self.session(use_gpu=True) as sess: with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as context:, size_splits), {size_splits: [2, 2, 6]}) self.assertTrue("Cannot infer num from shape" in str(context.exception)) @test_util.run_in_graph_and_eager_modes def testExplicitNum(self): size_splits = array_ops.constant([2, 2, 6], dtype=dtypes.int32) value = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] # Eager and Graph modes raise different exceptions with self.assertRaises((errors_impl.InvalidArgumentError, ValueError)): array_ops.split(value, size_splits, num=4) r = self.evaluate(array_ops.split(value, size_splits, num=3)) self.assertAllEqual(r[0], value[0:2]) self.assertAllEqual(r[1], value[2:4]) self.assertAllEqual(r[2], value[4:]) @test_util.run_in_graph_and_eager_modes def testListOfScalarTensors(self): a = math_ops.to_int32(5) b = math_ops.to_int32(6) value = np.random.rand(11, 11) with test_util.device(use_gpu=True): result = self.evaluate(array_ops.split(value, [a, b])) self.assertAllEqual(result[0], value[0:5, :]) self.assertAllEqual(result[1], value[5:, :]) def _RunAndVerifyVariable(self, dtype, large_num_splits=False): # Random dims of rank 5 shape = np.random.randint(1, 5, size=5) split_dim = np.random.randint(-5, 5) if large_num_splits: num_split = np.random.randint(16, 25) else: num_split = np.random.randint(2, 8) size_splits = np.random.randint(2, 8, num_split, dtype=np.int32) shape[split_dim] = np.sum(size_splits) inp = self._makeData(shape, dtype) with test_util.device(use_gpu=True): result = self.evaluate(array_ops.split(inp, size_splits, split_dim)) slices = [slice(0, x) for x in shape] offset = 0 for i in range(num_split): slices[split_dim] = slice(offset, offset + size_splits[i]) offset += size_splits[i] self.assertAllEqual(result[i], inp[slices]) def _testSpecialCasesVariable(self): inp = np.random.rand(4, 4).astype("f") with test_util.device(use_gpu=True): result = self.evaluate(array_ops.split(inp, [4], 0)) self.assertAllEqual(result[0], inp) result = self.evaluate(array_ops.split(inp, [-1, 3], 0)) self.assertAllEqual(result[0], inp[0:1, :]) self.assertAllEqual(result[1], inp[1:4, :]) def _testHugeNumberOfTensorsVariable(self, dtype): num_split = 1000 size_splits = np.random.randint(1, 3, num_split, dtype=np.int32) shape = [3, np.sum(size_splits)] split_dim = 1 inp = self._makeData(shape, dtype) with test_util.device(use_gpu=True): result = self.evaluate(array_ops.split(inp, size_splits, split_dim)) slices = [slice(0, x) for x in shape] offset = 0 for i in range(num_split): slices[split_dim] = slice(offset, offset + size_splits[i]) offset += size_splits[i] self.assertAllEqual(result[i], inp[slices]) @test_util.run_in_graph_and_eager_modes def testSpecialCasesVariable(self): self._testSpecialCasesVariable() for dtype in _TEST_DTYPES: self._testHugeNumberOfTensorsVariable(dtype) @test_util.run_in_graph_and_eager_modes def testDegenerateVariable(self): inp = np.random.rand(4, 4).astype("f") with test_util.device(use_gpu=True): result = self.evaluate(array_ops.split(inp, [-1, 4], 0)) self.assertAllEqual(result[0], inp[0:0, :]) self.assertAllEqual(result[1], inp[0:4, :]) result = self.evaluate(array_ops.split(inp, [4, -1], 0)) self.assertAllEqual(result[0], inp[0:4, :]) self.assertAllEqual(result[1], inp[4:4, :]) result = self.evaluate(array_ops.split(inp, [-1, 4], 1)) self.assertAllEqual(result[0], inp[:, 0:0]) self.assertAllEqual(result[1], inp[:, 0:4]) result = self.evaluate(array_ops.split(inp, [4, -1], 1)) self.assertAllEqual(result[0], inp[:, 0:4]) self.assertAllEqual(result[1], inp[:, 4:4]) def _testGradientsSimpleVariable(self, dtype): inp = self._makeData((4, 4), dtype) with test_util.device(use_gpu=True): inp_tensor = ops.convert_to_tensor(inp) s = array_ops.split(inp_tensor, [1, 3], 1) inp_grads = [ self._makeData((4, 1), dtype), self._makeData((4, 3), dtype) ] grad_tensors = [constant_op.constant(x) for x in inp_grads] grad = gradients_impl.gradients(s, [inp_tensor], grad_tensors)[-1] result = self.evaluate(grad) self.assertAllEqual(result[:, 0:1], inp_grads[0]) self.assertAllEqual(result[:, 1:4], inp_grads[1]) @test_util.run_deprecated_v1 def testOutputShape(self): for axis in [1, -1]: with self.cached_session(use_gpu=True): tensor = array_ops.placeholder(dtypes.float32, shape=[None, 12]) size_splits = [3, 7, 2] outputs = array_ops.split(tensor, size_splits, axis) for i, output in enumerate(outputs): self.assertEqual(output.get_shape().as_list(), [None, size_splits[i]]) def _compare(self, x, dim, num): np_ans = np.split(x, num, dim) with test_util.device(use_gpu=True): tf_ans = array_ops.split(value=x, num_or_size_splits=num, axis=dim) out = self.evaluate(tf_ans) self.assertEqual(num, len(np_ans)) self.assertEqual(num, len(np_ans)) self.assertEqual(num, len(out)) for i in range(num): self.assertAllEqual(np_ans[i], out[i]) self.assertShapeEqual(np_ans[i], tf_ans[i]) @test_util.run_in_graph_and_eager_modes def testSplitRows(self): for dtype in _TEST_DTYPES: inp = self._makeData((4, 4), dtype) self._compare(inp, 0, 4) @test_util.run_in_graph_and_eager_modes def testSplitCols(self): for dtype in _TEST_DTYPES: inp = self._makeData((4, 4), dtype) self._compare(inp, 1, 4) def _testEmpty(self, x, dim, num, expected_shape): with test_util.device(use_gpu=True): tf_ans = array_ops.split(value=x, num_or_size_splits=num, axis=dim) out = self.evaluate(tf_ans) self.assertEqual(x.size, 0) self.assertEqual(len(out), num) for i in range(num): self.assertEqual(out[i].shape, expected_shape) self.assertEqual(expected_shape, tf_ans[i].get_shape()) @test_util.run_in_graph_and_eager_modes def testEmpty(self): # Note: np.split returns a rank-0 empty ndarray # if the input ndarray is empty. for dtype in _TEST_DTYPES: inp = self._makeData((8, 0, 21), dtype) self._testEmpty(inp, 0, 2, (4, 0, 21)) self._testEmpty(inp, 0, 4, (2, 0, 21)) self._testEmpty(inp, 1, 4, (8, 0, 21)) self._testEmpty(inp, 2, 3, (8, 0, 7)) self._testEmpty(inp, 2, 7, (8, 0, 3)) @test_util.run_in_graph_and_eager_modes def testIdentity(self): for dtype in _TEST_DTYPES: inp = self._makeData((2, 2, 2), dtype) self._compare(inp, 0, 1) self._compare(inp, 1, 1) self._compare(inp, 2, 1) @test_util.run_in_graph_and_eager_modes def testSplitDim0(self): for dtype in _TEST_DTYPES: self._compare(self._makeData((6, 10, 18), dtype), 0, 3) self._compare(self._makeData((6, 7, 18), dtype), 0, 3) self._compare(self._makeData((6, 7, 9), dtype), 0, 3) def _RunAndVerify(self, dtype, large_num_splits=False): # Random dims of rank 5 shape = np.random.randint(0, 5, size=5) split_dim = np.random.randint(-5, 5) if large_num_splits: num_split = np.random.randint(9, 15) else: num_split = np.random.randint(2, 8) shape[split_dim] = np.random.randint(2, 5) * num_split inp = self._makeData(shape, dtype) with test_util.device(use_gpu=True): result = self.evaluate( array_ops.split( value=inp, num_or_size_splits=num_split, axis=split_dim)) slices = [slice(0, x) for x in shape] offset = 0 length = shape[split_dim] // num_split for i in range(num_split): slices[split_dim] = slice(offset, offset + length) offset += length self.assertAllEqual(result[i], inp[slices]) @test_util.run_in_graph_and_eager_modes def testRandom(self): for dtype in _TEST_DTYPES: for _ in range(5): self._RunAndVerify(dtype) self._RunAndVerify(dtype, large_num_splits=True) self._RunAndVerifyVariable(dtype) self._RunAndVerifyVariable(dtype, large_num_splits=True) def _testGradientsSimple(self, dtype): inp = self._makeData((4, 4), dtype) with self.cached_session(use_gpu=True): inp_tensor = ops.convert_to_tensor(inp) s = array_ops.split(value=inp_tensor, num_or_size_splits=4, axis=1) inp_grads = [self._makeData((4, 1), dtype)for _ in range(4)] grad_tensors = [constant_op.constant(x) for x in inp_grads] grad = gradients_impl.gradients(s, [inp_tensor], grad_tensors)[0] result = self.evaluate(grad) for i in range(4): self.assertAllEqual(result[:, i:i + 1], inp_grads[i]) @test_util.run_deprecated_v1 def testGradientsAll(self): for dtype in _TEST_DTYPES: self._testGradientsSimple(dtype) self._testGradientsSimpleVariable(dtype) @test_util.run_deprecated_v1 def testShapeFunctionEdgeCases(self): # split_dim greater than rank of input. with self.assertRaises(ValueError): array_ops.split(value=[[0, 1], [2, 3]], num_or_size_splits=4, axis=2) # split dim less than -(rank of input) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): array_ops.split(value=[[0, 1], [2, 3]], num_or_size_splits=4, axis=-3) # num_split does not evenly divide the size in split_dim. with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, "should evenly divide"): array_ops.split(value=[0, 1, 2, 3], num_or_size_splits=3, axis=0) # Unknown split_dim. splits = array_ops.split( value=[[0, 1, 2, 3]], num_or_size_splits=4, axis=array_ops.placeholder(dtypes.int32)) for s in splits: self.assertEqual([None, None], s.get_shape().as_list()) # Unknown split_dim and input shape. splits = array_ops.split( value=array_ops.placeholder(dtypes.float32), num_or_size_splits=4, axis=array_ops.placeholder(dtypes.int32)) for s in splits: self.assertEqual(None, s.get_shape().ndims) @test_util.run_deprecated_v1 def testVariableShapeFunction(self): # size_splits too big with self.assertRaises(ValueError): array_ops.split([0, 1], [3, -1], axis=0) # Correct inference of variable dimension s0, s1 = array_ops.split([0, 1, 2], [2, -1], axis=0) assert s0.shape.as_list() == [2] assert s1.shape.as_list() == [1] @test_util.run_deprecated_v1 @test_util.disable_xla("b/123337890") # Error messages differ def testNonexistentDimTensor(self): x = array_ops.placeholder(dtypes.int32) values = np.zeros([5, 30]) splits = array_ops.placeholder(dtypes.int32) with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, "Cannot infer"): y = array_ops.split(values, splits, axis=x) splits = array_ops.placeholder(dtypes.int32, [3]) y = array_ops.split(values, splits, axis=x) with self.session(use_gpu=True) as sess: with self.assertRaisesRegexp(errors_impl.InvalidArgumentError, "must have exactly one element"):, {x: np.array([], dtype=np.int32), splits: [4, 11, 15]}) if __name__ == "__main__": test.main()
import collections import io import multiprocessing import time from fooster.web import web import mock test_message = b'More test time!' test_string = test_message.decode('utf-8') class MyHandler(web.HTTPHandler): reader = True def respond(self): self.comm['handled'].value = True return 200, test_message class OtherHandler(web.HTTPHandler): reader = True def respond(self): self.comm['handled'].value = True return 200, test_message class SpecialHandler(web.HTTPHandler): reader = False def respond(self): self.comm['waiting'].set() self.comm['stop'].wait() return 204, '' class HeaderHandler(web.HTTPHandler): def respond(self): self.response.headers.set('Test', 'True') raise web.HTTPError(402) class HeaderErrorHandler(web.HTTPErrorHandler): def respond(self): self.response.headers.set('Test', 'True') return 402, b'' class HeaderErrorRaiseHandler(web.HTTPErrorHandler): def respond(self): self.response.headers.set('Test', 'True') raise TypeError() class IOHandler(web.HTTPHandler): def respond(self): return 200, io.BytesIO(test_message) class LengthIOHandler(web.HTTPHandler): def respond(self): self.response.headers.set('Content-Length', '2') return 200, io.BytesIO(test_message) class SimpleHandler(web.HTTPHandler): def respond(self): return 200, test_message.decode('utf-8') class SimpleBytesHandler(web.HTTPHandler): def do_get(self): return 200, test_message class BadLengthHandler(web.HTTPHandler): def respond(self): self.response.headers.set('Content-Length', '2') return 200, test_message class EmptyHandler(web.HTTPHandler): def respond(self): return 204, '' class CloseHandler(web.HTTPHandler): def respond(self): self.request.keepalive = False return 204, '' class NoWriteHandler(web.HTTPHandler): def respond(self): self.response.write_body = False return 200, test_message class NoWriteBytesHandler(web.HTTPHandler): def respond(self): self.response.write_body = False return 200, io.BytesIO(test_message) class EvilHandler(web.HTTPHandler): def respond(self): self.response.headers.set('Content-Length', 'bad') return 200, io.BytesIO(test_message) def run(handler, handler_args=None, comm=None, socket=None, socket_error=False, server=None): if not socket: socket = mock.MockSocket(error=socket_error) if not server: http_server = mock.MockHTTPServer() server = request_obj = mock.MockHTTPRequest(socket, ('', 1337), server, handler=handler, handler_args=handler_args, comm=comm, response=web.HTTPResponse) response_obj = request_obj.response response_obj.handle() value = response_obj.wfile.getvalue() response_obj.close() # response line comes before firt '\r\n' response_line = value.split('\r\n'.encode(web.http_encoding), 1)[0] if socket_error: body = None else: # body should happen after '\r\n\r\n' at the end of the HTTP stuff body = value.split('\r\n\r\n'.encode(web.http_encoding), 1)[1] return response_obj, response_line, response_obj.headers, body def test_write_lock_wait(): sync = multiprocessing.get_context(web.start_method).Manager() stop = sync.Event() waiting = sync.Event() my_handled = sync.Value('b', 0) other_handled = sync.Value('b', 0) # both must have the same server server = mock.MockHTTPServer() # both handlers should have the same mock resource '/' and should therefore block since the first one is atomic special = multiprocessing.get_context(web.start_method).Process(target=run, args=(SpecialHandler,), kwargs={'server':, 'comm': {'stop': stop, 'waiting': waiting}}) my = multiprocessing.get_context(web.start_method).Process(target=run, args=(MyHandler,), kwargs={'server':, 'comm': {'handled': my_handled}}) try: special.start() # wait until the handler is blocking waiting.wait(timeout=server.poll_interval + 1) print(server.res_lock.resources) # make sure it is locked once assert server.res_lock.resources['/'][1] == 1 my.start() # wait a bit time.sleep(server.poll_interval + 1) # make sure that the my process did not handle the request assert not my_handled.value assert not my.is_alive() assert server.res_lock.resources['/'][1] == 1 # make sure special has been here the whole time assert special.is_alive() # check for proper skipping when locked response, response_line, headers, body = run(OtherHandler,, comm={'handled': other_handled}) assert response.request.skip # stop special handler stop.set() # wait a bit time.sleep(server.poll_interval + 1) # make sure all process exited assert not special.is_alive() # make sure we removed the lock assert not server.res_lock.resources finally: # join everything stop.set() special.join(timeout=server.poll_interval + 1) my.join(timeout=server.poll_interval + 1) def test_write_lock_socket_error(): sync = multiprocessing.get_context(web.start_method).Manager() stop = sync.Event() waiting = sync.Event() other_handled = sync.Value('b', 0) # both must have the same server server = mock.MockHTTPServer() # both handlers should have the same mock resource '/' and should therefore block since the first one is atomic special = multiprocessing.get_context(web.start_method).Process(target=run, args=(SpecialHandler,), kwargs={'server':, 'comm': {'stop': stop, 'waiting': waiting}}) try: special.start() # wait until the handler is blocking waiting.wait(timeout=server.poll_interval + 1) # make sure it is locked once assert server.res_lock.resources['/'][1] == 1 # make sure special has been here the whole time assert special.is_alive() # check for connection error handling when locked response, response_line, headers, body = run(OtherHandler,, comm={'handled': other_handled}, socket_error=True) assert not other_handled.value assert response_line == 'HTTP/1.1 408 Request Timeout'.encode(web.http_encoding) assert response.request.skip # stop special handler stop.set() # wait a bit time.sleep(server.poll_interval + 1) # make sure all process exited assert not special.is_alive() # make sure we removed the lock assert not server.res_lock.resources finally: # join everything stop.set() special.join(timeout=server.poll_interval + 1) def test_http_error(): response, response_line, headers, body = run(web.DummyHandler, {'error': web.HTTPError(402)}) assert response_line == 'HTTP/1.1 402 Payment Required'.encode(web.http_encoding) def test_general_error(): response, response_line, headers, body = run(web.DummyHandler, {'error': TypeError()}) assert response_line == 'HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error'.encode(web.http_encoding) def test_error_headers(): error_headers = web.HTTPHeaders() error_headers.set('Test', 'True') response, response_line, headers, body = run(web.DummyHandler, {'error': web.HTTPError(402, headers=error_headers)}) assert response_line == 'HTTP/1.1 402 Payment Required'.encode(web.http_encoding) assert headers.get('Test') == 'True' def test_headers_clear(): response, response_line, headers, body = run(HeaderHandler) assert headers.get('Test') is None def test_error_handler(): server = mock.MockHTTPServer(error_routes=collections.OrderedDict([('400', HeaderErrorHandler), ('500', HeaderErrorHandler)])) response, response_line, headers, body = run(web.DummyHandler, {'error': TypeError()}, server=server) assert response_line == 'HTTP/1.1 402 Payment Required'.encode(web.http_encoding) assert headers.get('Test') == 'True' assert body == b'' def test_error_handler_error(): server = mock.MockHTTPServer(error_routes={'500': HeaderErrorRaiseHandler}) response, response_line, headers, body = run(web.DummyHandler, {'error': TypeError()}, server=server) assert response_line == 'HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error'.encode(web.http_encoding) assert headers.get('Test') is None assert headers.get('Content-Length') == '28' assert headers.get('Server') == web.server_version assert headers.get('Date') assert body == b'500 - Internal Server Error\n' def test_response_io(): response, response_line, headers, body = run(IOHandler) assert headers.get('Transfer-Encoding') == 'chunked' assert headers.get('Content-Length') is None assert body == ('{:x}'.format(len(test_message)) + '\r\n').encode(web.http_encoding) + test_message + '\r\n'.encode(web.http_encoding) + '0\r\n\r\n'.encode(web.http_encoding) def test_response_io_length(): response, response_line, headers, body = run(LengthIOHandler) assert headers.get('Content-Length') == '2' assert body == test_message[0:2] def test_response_str(): response, response_line, headers, body = run(SimpleHandler) assert headers.get('Content-Length') == str(len(test_message)) assert body == test_message def test_response_bytes(): response, response_line, headers, body = run(SimpleBytesHandler) assert headers.get('Content-Length') == str(len(test_message)) assert body == test_message def test_response_length(): response, response_line, headers, body = run(BadLengthHandler) assert headers.get('Content-Length') == str(len(test_message)) assert body == test_message def test_connection_close(): response, response_line, headers, body = run(EmptyHandler) assert headers.get('Connection') is None response, response_line, headers, body = run(CloseHandler) assert headers.get('Connection') == 'close' def test_no_write_io(): response, response_line, headers, body = run(NoWriteHandler) assert response_line == 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK'.encode(web.http_encoding) assert body == b'' def test_no_write_bytes(): response, response_line, headers, body = run(NoWriteBytesHandler) assert response_line == 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK'.encode(web.http_encoding) assert body == b'' def test_write_error(): response, response_line, headers, body = run(EvilHandler) assert response_line == 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK'.encode(web.http_encoding) assert headers.get('Content-Length') == 'bad' assert body == b'' def test_write_socket_error(): response, response_line, headers, body = run(SimpleBytesHandler, socket_error=True) assert response_line == b'' assert body is None
import iInfo import iSequence import iCheck import iBam def iHeader(Header_File, H_CHR, opts): with open(opts.input) as vcf: for line in vcf: line = line.rstrip() if line.startswith('##'): Header_File += [line] elif line.startswith('#CHROM'): H_CHR += [line] break if opts.SimpleRepeat: Header_File += ['##INFO=<ID=iSR,Number=1,Type=String,Description="Variant falls in a repeated sequence. None=0, SimpleRepeat=1, Homopolymer=2.">'] if opts.SimpleRepeatLength: Header_File += ['##INFO=<ID=iSRL,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Length of repeated sequence (expressed as number of nucleotides) for SR tag">'] if opts.SimpleRepeatUnit: Header_File += ['##INFO=<ID=iSRU,Number=1,Type=String,Description="Simple repeated sequence unit composing repeated sequence (SR)">'] if opts.PseudoNucleotidesComposition: Header_File += ['##INFO=<ID=iPNC,Number=16,Type=Float,Description="Pseudo Nucleotide sequence Composition using Kmer size of 2. Reported as: AA,AC,AG,AT,CA,CC,CG,CT,GA,GC,GG,GT,TA,TC,TG,TT">'] if opts.RepeatMasker: Header_File += ['##INFO=<ID=iRM,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Variant falls in a repeated sequence according to RepeatMasker tool. True=1, False=0">'] if opts.gcContent: Header_File += ['##INFO=<ID=iGC,Number=1,Type=Float,Description="Percentage of GC content in sequence">'] if opts.VariantClass: Header_File += ['##INFO=<ID=iVC,Number=1,Type=String,Description="Annotated variant class: SNV=snv, Insertion=Ins, Deletion=Del, SequenceAlteration=Alt">'] if opts.UnMappedReads: Header_File += ['##FORMAT=<ID=iUnMap,Number=1,Type=Float,Description="Fraction of unmapped reads">'] if opts.MateIsUnmapped: Header_File += ['##FORMAT=<ID=iUnMap,Number=1,Type=Float,Description="Fraction of reads having unmapped mate">'] if opts.MeanMappingQuality: Header_File += ['##FORMAT=<ID=iMQ,Number=1,Type=Float,Description="Mean mapping quality for reads mapping variant position">'] if opts.MappingQualityZero: Header_File += ['##FORMAT=<ID=iMQ0,Number=1,Type=Float,Description="Fraction of reads mapping position with Mapping Quaility=0">'] if opts.NotPrimaryAlignment: Header_File += ['##FORMAT=<ID=iNPA,Number=1,Type=Float,Description="Fraction of reads mapping position flagged as not primary alignment">'] if opts.SupplementaryAlignment: Header_File += ['##FORMAT=<ID=iSA,Number=1,Type=Float,Description="Fraction of reads mapping position flagged as supplementary alignment">'] if opts.NotPairedReads: Header_File += ['##FORMAT=<ID=iNP,Number=1,Type=Float,Description="Fraction of reads mapping position flagged as not paired">'] if opts.NotProperPairedReads: Header_File += ['##FORMAT=<ID=iNPP,Number=1,Type=Float,Description="Fraction of reads mapping position flagged as not proper paired">'] if opts.AlignmentScore: Header_File += ['##FORMAT=<ID=iAS,Number=1,Type=Float,Description="Mean alignment score of reads mapping variant position">'] if opts.SuboptimalAlignmentScore: Header_File += ['##FORMAT=<ID=iXS,Number=1,Type=Float,Description="Mean suboptimal alignment score of reads mapping variant position">'] if opts.TotalDupReads: Header_File += ['##FORMAT=<ID=iDUP,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Fraction of total reads mapping position marked as duplicate">'] if opts.iEvaDepth: Header_File += ['##FORMAT=<ID=iDP,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="iEVA read depth. Duplicate reads are excluded.">'] if opts.AlleleDepth: Header_File += ['##FORMAT=<ID=iAD,Number=R,Type=Integer,Description="Allelic depth reported by iEVA as Ref,Alt">'] if opts.AlleleFrequency: Header_File += ['##FORMAT=<ID=iFREQ,Number=1,Type=float,Description="Alternate allele frequency on variant position">'] if opts.StrandBiasDepth: Header_File += ['##FORMAT=<ID=iSBD,Number=4,Type=Integer,Description="Depth of bases supporting REF and ALT allele on forward and reverse strand for strand bias detection (R+, R-, A+, A-)">'] if opts.StrandBias: Header_File += ['##FORMAT=<ID=iSB,Number=1,Type=Float,Description="Fisher exact test to detect strand bias (R+,R-,A+,A-)">'] if opts.AlleleQscore: Header_File += ['##FORMAT=<ID=iQual,Number=R,Type=Float,Description="Mean Q-score for REF and ALT allele reported as MeanRefQscore, MeanAltQscore">'] if opts.iBaseQualValAround: Header_File += ['##FORMAT=<ID=iBQVA,Number=1,Type=Float,Description="Mean base quality value around the called variant (+-3 bases).">'] if opts.AlleleMeanMappingQuality: Header_File += ['##FORMAT=<ID=iAMQ,Number=R,Type=Float,Description="Mean mapping quality for reads supporting REF and ALT allele reported as MeanMappingQualRef,MeanMappingQualAlt">'] if opts.AlleleMeanAlignmentScore: Header_File += ['##FORMAT=<ID=iAAS,Number=R,Type=Float,Description="Mean alignment score for reads supporting REF and ALT allele. Reported as MeanAlignmentScoreRef,MeanAlignmentScoreAlt">'] if opts.AlleleSuboptimalAlignmentScore: Header_File += ['##FORMAT=<ID=iAXS,Number=R,Type=Float,Description="Mean suboptimal alignment score for reads supporting REF and ALT allele. Reported as MeanSuboptimalAlignmentScoreRef,MeanSuboptimalAlignmentScoreAlt">'] if opts.AlleleSuboptimalAlignmentScoreZero: Header_File += ['##FORMAT=<ID=iAXS0,Number=R,Type=Integer,Description="Number of reads supporting REF and ALT allele with Suboptimal Alignment Score = 0. Reported as NumberReadsXSscore0Ref,NumberReadsXSscore0Alt">'] if opts.AlleleMappingQualityZero: Header_File += ['##FORMAT=<ID=iAMQ0,Number=R,Type=Integer,Description="Number of reads supporting REF and ALT allele with mapping quality = 0. Reported as NumberMappingQuality0Ref,NumberMappingQuality0Alt">'] if opts.AlleleClippedReads: Header_File += ['##FORMAT=<ID=iACR,Number=R,Type=Integer,Description="Number of clipped reads mapping REF and ALT allele reported as NumberClippedRef, NumberClippedAlt">'] if opts.iClipRankSumTest: Header_File += ['##FORMAT=<ID=iCRT,Number=1,Type=Float,Description="Mann-Whitney Rank sum test for difference between in number of clipped reads of variants from Ref and Alt (p-value).">'] if opts.iBaseQualRankSumTest: Header_File += ['##FORMAT=<ID=iQRT,Number=1,Type=Float,Description="Mann-Whitney Rank sum test for difference between in base quality of bases supporting Ref and Alt (p-value).">'] if opts.iMapQualRankSumTest: Header_File += ['##FORMAT=<ID=iMRT,Number=1,Type=Float,Description="Mann-Whitney Rank sum test for difference between in mapping quality of reads of variants from Ref and Alt (p-value).">'] if opts.iReadPosRankSumTest: Header_File += ['##FORMAT=<ID=iPRT,Number=1,Type=Float,Description="Mann-Whitney Rank sum test for difference between in positions of variants in reads from Ref and Alt (p-value).">'] if opts.iAltNormReadPos: Header_File += ['##FORMAT=<ID=iANRP,Number=1,Type=Float,Description="Mean read position of variant normalized on read length. [0-1] 1 means that variant falls at the beginning/end of read, 0 indicating variant falls in the middle of the read. (Useful in Amplicon analysis)">'] return Header_File, H_CHR def iAnnotation(Sample_dict, out, opts, Sequence_opts, Bam_opts, Genotype_opts, H_CHR, Reference, Sample_tot, Repeat_list): CHR_Counter = '' with open(opts.input) as vcf: for variant in vcf: if variant.startswith('#'): continue else: variant = variant.rstrip() variant = variant.split('\t') Variant_Class = iInfo.Extract_Variant_Type(variant, H_CHR) if any(Sequence_opts): RepeatSeq, RepeatSeq_Lenght, RepeatSeq_Unit, Psuedo_Nucleotide, RM, GC = iSequence.SimpleRepeats_Finder(Reference, variant, H_CHR, Variant_Class, opts, Repeat_list) if opts.SimpleRepeat: variant[H_CHR.index('INFO')] += ';' + 'iSR=' + str(RepeatSeq) if opts.SimpleRepeatLength: variant[H_CHR.index('INFO')] += ';' + 'iSRL=' + str(RepeatSeq_Lenght) if opts.SimpleRepeatUnit: variant[H_CHR.index('INFO')] += ';' + 'iSRU=' + str(RepeatSeq_Unit) if opts.PseudoNucleotidesComposition: variant[H_CHR.index('INFO')] += ';' + 'iPNC=' + ','.join(str(Din) for Din in Psuedo_Nucleotide) if opts.RepeatMasker: variant[H_CHR.index('INFO')] += ';' + 'iRM=' + RM if opts.gcContent: variant[H_CHR.index('INFO')] += ';' + 'iGC=' + GC if opts.VariantClass: variant[H_CHR.index('INFO')] += ';' + 'iVC=' + Variant_Class if any(Genotype_opts) or any(Bam_opts): Sample_Stat = iBam.Sequence_Annotator(variant, Sample_dict, H_CHR, Reference, Variant_Class, opts.SNVMinBaseQuality, opts.SNVMinMappingQuality, opts.IndelMinBaseQuality, opts.IndelMinMappingQuality, Bam_opts, Genotype_opts, opts) if opts.UnMappedReads: variant[H_CHR.index('FORMAT')] += ':' + 'iUnMap' for sample in Sample_tot: variant[H_CHR.index(sample)] += ':%s' % (iCheck.Check_Zero(Sample_Stat.get(sample).get('Percentage_Unmapped_Reads'))) if sample in Sample_dict.keys() else ':.' if opts.MeanMappingQuality: variant[H_CHR.index('FORMAT')] += ':' + 'iMQ' for sample in Sample_tot: variant[H_CHR.index(sample)] += ':%s' % (iCheck.Check_Zero(Sample_Stat.get(sample).get('Total_Mean_Mapping_Quality'))) if sample in Sample_dict.keys() else ':.' if opts.MappingQualityZero: variant[H_CHR.index('FORMAT')] += ':' + 'iMQ0' for sample in Sample_tot: variant[H_CHR.index(sample)] += ':%s' % (iCheck.Check_Zero(Sample_Stat.get(sample).get('Mapping_Quality_Zero'))) if sample in Sample_dict.keys() else ':.' if opts.NotPrimaryAlignment: variant[H_CHR.index('FORMAT')] += ':' + 'iNPA' for sample in Sample_tot: variant[H_CHR.index(sample)] += ':%s' % (iCheck.Check_Zero(Sample_Stat.get(sample).get('Percentage_Not_Primary_Alignment_Reads'))) if sample in Sample_dict.keys() else ':.' if opts.SupplementaryAlignment: variant[H_CHR.index('FORMAT')] += ':' + 'iSA' for sample in Sample_tot: variant[H_CHR.index(sample)] += ':%s' % (iCheck.Check_Zero(Sample_Stat.get(sample).get('Percentage_Supplementary_Align'))) if sample in Sample_dict.keys() else ':.' if opts.NotPairedReads: variant[H_CHR.index('FORMAT')] += ':' + 'iNP' for sample in Sample_tot: variant[H_CHR.index(sample)] += ':%s' % (iCheck.Check_Zero(Sample_Stat.get(sample).get('Percentage_Not_Paired_Reads'))) if sample in Sample_dict.keys() else ':.' if opts.NotProperPairedReads: variant[H_CHR.index('FORMAT')] += ':' + 'iNPP' for sample in Sample_tot: variant[H_CHR.index(sample)] += ':%s' % (iCheck.Check_Zero(Sample_Stat.get(sample).get('Percentage_Not_Proper_Paired_Reads'))) if sample in Sample_dict.keys() else ':.' if opts.MateIsUnmapped: variant[H_CHR.index('FORMAT')] += ':' + 'iMIU' for sample in Sample_tot: variant[H_CHR.index(sample)] += ':%s' % (iCheck.Check_Zero(Sample_Stat.get(sample).get('Mate_is_Unmapped'))) if sample in Sample_dict.keys() else ':.' if opts.AlignmentScore: variant[H_CHR.index('FORMAT')] += ':' + 'iAS' for sample in Sample_tot: variant[H_CHR.index(sample)] += ':%s' % (iCheck.Check_Zero(Sample_Stat.get(sample).get('Mean_Alignment_Score'))) if sample in Sample_dict.keys() else ':.' if opts.SuboptimalAlignmentScore: variant[H_CHR.index('FORMAT')] += ':' + 'iXS' for sample in Sample_tot: variant[H_CHR.index(sample)] += ':%s' % (iCheck.Check_Zero(Sample_Stat.get(sample).get('Mean_Suboptimal_Alignment_Score'))) if sample in Sample_dict.keys() else ':.' if opts.TotalDupReads: variant[H_CHR.index('FORMAT')] += ':' + 'iDUP' for sample in Sample_tot: variant[H_CHR.index(sample)] += ':%s' % (iCheck.Check_Zero(Sample_Stat.get(sample).get('Total_Duplicate_Reads'))) if sample in Sample_dict.keys() else ':.' if opts.iEvaDepth: variant[H_CHR.index('FORMAT')] += ':' + 'iDP' for sample in Sample_tot: variant[H_CHR.index(sample)] += ':%s' % (Sample_Stat.get(sample).get('Coverage')) if sample in Sample_dict.keys() else ':.' if opts.AlleleDepth: variant[H_CHR.index('FORMAT')] += ':' + 'iAD' for sample in Sample_tot: variant[H_CHR.index(sample)] += ':%s,%s' % (Sample_Stat.get(sample).get('Read_Ref'),Sample_Stat.get(sample).get('Read_Alt')) if sample in Sample_dict.keys() else ':.' if opts.AlleleFrequency: variant[H_CHR.index('FORMAT')] += ':' + 'iFREQ' for sample in Sample_tot: variant[H_CHR.index(sample)] += ':%s' % (Sample_Stat.get(sample).get('Allele_Frequency')) if sample in Sample_dict.keys() else ':.' if opts.StrandBiasDepth: variant[H_CHR.index('FORMAT')] += ':' + 'iSBD' for sample in Sample_tot: variant[H_CHR.index(sample)] += ':%s,%s,%s,%s' % (Sample_Stat.get(sample).get('REF+'),Sample_Stat.get(sample).get('REF-'),Sample_Stat.get(sample).get('ALT+'),Sample_Stat.get(sample).get('ALT-')) if sample in Sample_dict.keys() else ':.' if opts.StrandBias: variant[H_CHR.index('FORMAT')] += ':' + 'iSB' for sample in Sample_tot: variant[H_CHR.index(sample)] += ':%s' % (iCheck.Check_Zero(Sample_Stat.get(sample).get('Strand_Bias_Reads'))) if sample in Sample_dict.keys() else ':.' if opts.AlleleQscore: variant[H_CHR.index('FORMAT')] += ':' + 'iQual' for sample in Sample_tot: variant[H_CHR.index(sample)] += ':%s,%s' % (Sample_Stat.get(sample).get('Qual_Ref'), Sample_Stat.get(sample).get('Qual_Alt')) if sample in Sample_dict.keys() else ':.' if opts.iBaseQualValAround: variant[H_CHR.index('FORMAT')] += ':' + 'iBQVA' for sample in Sample_tot: variant[H_CHR.index(sample)] += ':%s' % (Sample_Stat.get(sample).get('BaseQualValAround')) if sample in Sample_dict.keys() else ':.' if opts.AlleleMeanMappingQuality: variant[H_CHR.index('FORMAT')] += ':' + 'iAMMQ' for sample in Sample_tot: variant[H_CHR.index(sample)] += ':%s,%s' % (iCheck.Check_Zero(Sample_Stat.get(sample).get('Ref_Mean_Mapping_Quality')),iCheck.Check_Zero(Sample_Stat.get(sample).get('Alt_Mean_Mapping_Quality'))) if sample in Sample_dict.keys() else ':.' if opts.AlleleMeanAlignmentScore: variant[H_CHR.index('FORMAT')] += ':' + 'iAAS' for sample in Sample_tot: variant[H_CHR.index(sample)] += ':%s,%s' % (iCheck.Check_Zero(Sample_Stat.get(sample).get('AS_Ref')),iCheck.Check_Zero(Sample_Stat.get(sample).get('AS_Alt'))) if sample in Sample_dict.keys() else ':.' if opts.AlleleSuboptimalAlignmentScore: variant[H_CHR.index('FORMAT')] += ':' + 'iAXS' for sample in Sample_tot: variant[H_CHR.index(sample)] += ':%s,%s' % (iCheck.Check_Zero(Sample_Stat.get(sample).get('XS_Ref')),iCheck.Check_Zero(Sample_Stat.get(sample).get('XS_Alt'))) if sample in Sample_dict.keys() else ':.' if opts.AlleleSuboptimalAlignmentScoreZero: variant[H_CHR.index('FORMAT')] += ':' + 'iAXS0' for sample in Sample_tot: variant[H_CHR.index(sample)] += ':%s,%s' % (iCheck.Check_Zero(Sample_Stat.get(sample).get('XS0_Ref')),iCheck.Check_Zero(Sample_Stat.get(sample).get('XS0_Alt'))) if sample in Sample_dict.keys() else ':.' if opts.AlleleMappingQualityZero: variant[H_CHR.index('FORMAT')] += ':' + 'iAMQ0' for sample in Sample_tot: variant[H_CHR.index(sample)] += ':%s,%s' % (Sample_Stat.get(sample).get('MapQ0_Ref'),Sample_Stat.get(sample).get('MapQ0_Alt')) if sample in Sample_dict.keys() else ':.' if opts.AlleleClippedReads: variant[H_CHR.index('FORMAT')] += ':' + 'iACR' for sample in Sample_tot: variant[H_CHR.index(sample)] += ':%s,%s' % (Sample_Stat.get(sample).get('Clipped_Reads_Ref'),Sample_Stat.get(sample).get('Clipped_Reads_Alt')) if sample in Sample_dict.keys() else ':.' if opts.iClipRankSumTest: variant[H_CHR.index('FORMAT')] += ':' + 'iCRT' for sample in Sample_tot: variant[H_CHR.index(sample)] += ':%s' % (Sample_Stat.get(sample).get('ClipRankTest')) if sample in Sample_dict.keys() else ':.' if opts.iBaseQualRankSumTest: variant[H_CHR.index('FORMAT')] += ':' + 'iQRT' for sample in Sample_tot: variant[H_CHR.index(sample)] += ':%s' % (Sample_Stat.get(sample).get('QualRankTest')) if sample in Sample_dict.keys() else ':.' if opts.iMapQualRankSumTest: variant[H_CHR.index('FORMAT')] += ':' + 'iMRT' for sample in Sample_tot: variant[H_CHR.index(sample)] += ':%s' % (Sample_Stat.get(sample).get('MappingRankTest')) if sample in Sample_dict.keys() else ':.' if opts.iReadPosRankSumTest: variant[H_CHR.index('FORMAT')] += ':' + 'iPRT' for sample in Sample_tot: variant[H_CHR.index(sample)] += ':%s' % (Sample_Stat.get(sample).get('PosaRankTest')) if sample in Sample_dict.keys() else ':.' if opts.iAltNormReadPos: variant[H_CHR.index('FORMAT')] += ':' + 'iANRP' for sample in Sample_tot: variant[H_CHR.index(sample)] += ':%s' % (Sample_Stat.get(sample).get('iAltNormPos')) if sample in Sample_dict.keys() else ':.' if opts.verbose: if variant[H_CHR.index('#CHROM')] != CHR_Counter and CHR_Counter == '': CHR_Counter = variant[H_CHR.index('#CHROM')] print ' Extracting attributes on: %s' % (CHR_Counter) if variant[H_CHR.index('#CHROM')] != CHR_Counter and CHR_Counter != '': CHR_Counter = variant[H_CHR.index('#CHROM')] print ' Extracting attributes on: %s' % (CHR_Counter) out.write('\t'.join(variant) + '\n')
from datetime import datetime from hashlib import md5 from itertools import izip_longest import json import os from urllib import urlencode from StringIO import StringIO from aludel.database import MetaData from twisted.internet import reactor from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks from twisted.trial.unittest import TestCase from twisted.web.client import Agent, FileBodyProducer, readBody from twisted.web.http_headers import Headers from twisted.web.server import Site from airtime_service.api import AirtimeServiceApp from airtime_service.models import VoucherPool from .helpers import populate_pool, mk_audit_params, sorted_dicts, voucher_dict class ApiClient(object): def __init__(self, base_url): self._base_url = base_url def _make_url(self, url_path): return '%s/%s' % (self._base_url, url_path.lstrip('/')) def _make_call(self, method, url_path, headers, body, expected_code): agent = Agent(reactor) url = self._make_url(url_path) d = agent.request(method, url, headers, body) return d.addCallback(self._get_response_body, expected_code) def _get_response_body(self, response, expected_code): assert response.code == expected_code return readBody(response).addCallback(json.loads) def get(self, url_path, params, expected_code): url_path = '?'.join([url_path, urlencode(params)]) return self._make_call('GET', url_path, None, None, expected_code) def put(self, url_path, headers, content, expected_code=200): body = FileBodyProducer(StringIO(content)) return self._make_call('PUT', url_path, headers, body, expected_code) def put_json(self, url_path, params, expected_code=200): headers = Headers({'Content-Type': ['application/json']}) return self.put( url_path, headers, json.dumps(params), expected_code) def put_issue(self, request_id, operator, denomination, expected_code=200): params = mk_audit_params(request_id) params.update({ 'denomination': denomination, }) params.pop('request_id') url_path = 'testpool/issue/%s/%s' % (operator, request_id) return self.put_json(url_path, params, expected_code) def put_create(self, expected_code=201): url_path = 'testpool' return self.put(url_path, Headers({}), None, expected_code) def put_import(self, request_id, content, content_md5=None, expected_code=201): url_path = 'testpool/import/%s' % (request_id,) hdict = { 'Content-Type': ['text/csv'], } if content_md5 is None: content_md5 = md5(content).hexdigest() if content_md5: hdict['Content-MD5'] = [content_md5] return self.put(url_path, Headers(hdict), content, expected_code) def put_export(self, request_id, count=None, operators=None, denominations=None, expected_code=200): params = {} if count is not None: params['count'] = count if operators is not None: params['operators'] = operators if denominations is not None: params['denominations'] = denominations url_path = 'testpool/export/%s' % (request_id,) return self.put_json(url_path, params, expected_code) def get_audit_query(self, request_id, field, value, expected_code=200): params = {'request_id': request_id, 'field': field, 'value': value} return self.get('testpool/audit_query', params, expected_code) def get_voucher_counts(self, request_id, expected_code=200): params = {'request_id': request_id} return self.get('testpool/voucher_counts', params, expected_code) class TestAirtimeServiceApp(TestCase): timeout = 5 @inlineCallbacks def setUp(self): # We need to make sure all our queries run in the same thread, # otherwise sqlite gets very sad. reactor.suggestThreadPoolSize(1) connection_string = os.environ.get( "ALUDEL_TEST_CONNECTION_STRING", "sqlite://") self._using_mysql = connection_string.startswith('mysql') self.asapp = AirtimeServiceApp(connection_string, reactor=reactor) site = Site( self.listener = reactor.listenTCP(0, site, interface='localhost') self.listener_port = self.listener.getHost().port self._drop_tables() self.conn = yield self.asapp.engine.connect() self.pool = VoucherPool('testpool', self.conn) self.client = ApiClient('http://localhost:%s' % (self.listener_port,)) @inlineCallbacks def tearDown(self): yield self.conn.close() self._drop_tables() yield self.listener.loseConnection() def _drop_tables(self): # NOTE: This is a blocking operation! md = MetaData(bind=self.asapp.engine._engine) md.reflect() md.drop_all() assert self.asapp.engine._engine.table_names() == [] @inlineCallbacks def assert_voucher_counts(self, expected_rows): rows = yield self.pool.count_vouchers() assert sorted(tuple(r) for r in rows) == sorted(expected_rows) @inlineCallbacks def test_request_missing_params(self): params = mk_audit_params('req-0') params.pop('request_id') rsp = yield self.client.put_json( 'testpool/issue/Tank/req-0', params, expected_code=400) assert rsp == { 'request_id': 'req-0', 'error': "Missing request parameters: 'denomination'", } @inlineCallbacks def test_request_missing_audit_params(self): params = {'denomination': 'red'} rsp = yield self.client.put_json( 'testpool/issue/Tank/req-0', params, expected_code=400) assert rsp == { 'request_id': 'req-0', 'error': ( "Missing request parameters: 'transaction_id', 'user_id'"), } @inlineCallbacks def test_request_extra_params(self): params = mk_audit_params('req-0') params.pop('request_id') params.update({ 'denomination': 'red', 'foo': 'bar', }) rsp = yield self.client.put_json( 'testpool/issue/Tank/req-0', params, expected_code=400) assert rsp == { 'request_id': 'req-0', 'error': "Unexpected request parameters: 'foo'", } @inlineCallbacks def test_issue_missing_pool(self): rsp = yield self.client.put_issue( 'req-0', 'Tank', 'red', expected_code=404) assert rsp == { 'request_id': 'req-0', 'error': 'Voucher pool does not exist.', } @inlineCallbacks def test_issue_response_contains_request_id(self): yield self.pool.create_tables() yield populate_pool(self.pool, ['Tank'], ['red'], [0, 1]) rsp0 = yield self.client.put_issue('req-0', 'Tank', 'red') assert rsp0['request_id'] == 'req-0' @inlineCallbacks def test_issue(self): yield self.pool.create_tables() yield populate_pool(self.pool, ['Tank'], ['red'], [0, 1]) rsp0 = yield self.client.put_issue('req-0', 'Tank', 'red') assert set(rsp0.keys()) == set(['request_id', 'voucher']) assert rsp0['request_id'] == 'req-0' assert rsp0['voucher'] in ['Tank-red-0', 'Tank-red-1'] rsp1 = yield self.client.put_issue('req-1', 'Tank', 'red') assert set(rsp1.keys()) == set(['request_id', 'voucher']) assert rsp1['request_id'] == 'req-1' assert rsp1['voucher'] in ['Tank-red-0', 'Tank-red-1'] assert rsp0['voucher'] != rsp1['voucher'] @inlineCallbacks def test_issue_idempotent(self): yield self.pool.create_tables() yield populate_pool(self.pool, ['Tank'], ['red'], [0]) rsp0 = yield self.client.put_issue('req-0', 'Tank', 'red') assert rsp0 == { 'request_id': 'req-0', 'voucher': 'Tank-red-0', } yield populate_pool(self.pool, ['Tank'], ['red'], [1]) rsp1 = yield self.client.put_issue('req-0', 'Tank', 'red') assert rsp1 == { 'request_id': 'req-0', 'voucher': 'Tank-red-0', } rsp2 = yield self.client.put_issue('req-1', 'Tank', 'red') assert rsp2 == { 'request_id': 'req-1', 'voucher': 'Tank-red-1', } rsp3 = yield self.client.put_issue( 'req-1', 'Tank', 'blue', expected_code=400) assert rsp3 == { 'request_id': 'req-1', 'error': ( 'This request has already been performed with different' ' parameters.'), } @inlineCallbacks def test_issue_no_voucher(self): yield self.pool.create_tables() yield populate_pool(self.pool, ['Tank'], ['red'], [0]) rsp = yield self.client.put_issue( 'req-0', 'Tank', 'blue', expected_code=500) assert rsp == { 'request_id': 'req-0', 'error': 'No voucher available.', } def _assert_audit_entries(self, request_id, response, expected_entries): def created_ats(): format_str = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f' if self._using_mysql: format_str = format_str.replace('.%f', '') for result in response['results']: yield datetime.strptime( result['created_at'], format_str).isoformat() expected_results = [{ 'request_id': entry['audit_params']['request_id'], 'transaction_id': entry['audit_params']['transaction_id'], 'user_id': entry['audit_params']['user_id'], 'request_data': entry['request_data'], 'response_data': entry['response_data'], 'error': entry['error'], 'created_at': created_at, } for entry, created_at in izip_longest( expected_entries, created_ats())] assert response == { 'request_id': request_id, 'results': expected_results, } @inlineCallbacks def test_query_bad_field(self): yield self.pool.create_tables() rsp = yield self.client.get_audit_query( 'audit-0', 'foo', 'req-0', expected_code=400) assert rsp == { 'request_id': 'audit-0', 'error': 'Invalid audit field.', } @inlineCallbacks def test_query_by_request_id(self): yield self.pool.create_tables() audit_params = mk_audit_params('req-0') rsp = yield self.client.get_audit_query( 'audit-0', 'request_id', 'req-0') assert rsp == { 'request_id': 'audit-0', 'results': [], } yield self.pool._audit_request(audit_params, 'req_data', 'resp_data') rsp = yield self.client.get_audit_query( 'audit-1', 'request_id', 'req-0') self._assert_audit_entries('audit-1', rsp, [{ 'audit_params': audit_params, 'request_data': u'req_data', 'response_data': u'resp_data', 'error': False, }]) @inlineCallbacks def test_query_by_transaction_id(self): yield self.pool.create_tables() audit_params_0 = mk_audit_params('req-0', 'transaction-0') audit_params_1 = mk_audit_params('req-1', 'transaction-0') rsp = yield self.client.get_audit_query( 'audit-0', 'transaction_id', 'transaction-0') assert rsp == { 'request_id': 'audit-0', 'results': [], } yield self.pool._audit_request( audit_params_0, 'req_data_0', 'resp_data_0') yield self.pool._audit_request( audit_params_1, 'req_data_1', 'resp_data_1') rsp = yield self.client.get_audit_query( 'audit-1', 'transaction_id', 'transaction-0') self._assert_audit_entries('audit-1', rsp, [{ 'audit_params': audit_params_0, 'request_data': u'req_data_0', 'response_data': u'resp_data_0', 'error': False, }, { 'audit_params': audit_params_1, 'request_data': u'req_data_1', 'response_data': u'resp_data_1', 'error': False, }]) @inlineCallbacks def test_query_by_user_id(self): yield self.pool.create_tables() audit_params_0 = mk_audit_params('req-0', 'transaction-0', 'user-0') audit_params_1 = mk_audit_params('req-1', 'transaction-1', 'user-0') rsp = yield self.client.get_audit_query('audit-0', 'user_id', 'user-0') assert rsp == { 'request_id': 'audit-0', 'results': [], } yield self.pool._audit_request( audit_params_0, 'req_data_0', 'resp_data_0') yield self.pool._audit_request( audit_params_1, 'req_data_1', 'resp_data_1') rsp = yield self.client.get_audit_query('audit-1', 'user_id', 'user-0') self._assert_audit_entries('audit-1', rsp, [{ 'audit_params': audit_params_0, 'request_data': u'req_data_0', 'response_data': u'resp_data_0', 'error': False, }, { 'audit_params': audit_params_1, 'request_data': u'req_data_1', 'response_data': u'resp_data_1', 'error': False, }]) @inlineCallbacks def test_create(self): resp = yield self.client.put_create() assert resp == { 'request_id': None, 'created': True, } # Recreating a pool has a different response. resp = yield self.client.put_create(expected_code=200) assert resp == { 'request_id': None, 'created': False, } @inlineCallbacks def test_import(self): yield self.pool.create_tables() yield self.assert_voucher_counts([]) content = '\n'.join([ 'operator,denomination,voucher', 'Tank,red,Tr0', 'Tank,red,Tr1', 'Tank,blue,Tb0', 'Tank,blue,Tb1', 'Link,red,Lr0', 'Link,red,Lr1', 'Link,blue,Lb0', 'Link,blue,Lb1', ]) resp = yield self.client.put_import('req-0', content) assert resp == { 'request_id': 'req-0', 'imported': True, } yield self.assert_voucher_counts([ ('Link', 'blue', False, 2), ('Link', 'red', False, 2), ('Tank', 'blue', False, 2), ('Tank', 'red', False, 2), ]) @inlineCallbacks def test_import_missing_pool(self): content = '\n'.join([ 'operator,denomination,voucher', 'Tank,red,Tr0', 'Tank,red,Tr1', 'Tank,blue,Tb0', 'Tank,blue,Tb1', 'Link,red,Lr0', 'Link,red,Lr1', 'Link,blue,Lb0', 'Link,blue,Lb1', ]) rsp = yield self.client.put_import('req-0', content, expected_code=404) assert rsp == { 'request_id': 'req-0', 'error': 'Voucher pool does not exist.', } @inlineCallbacks def test_import_heading_case_mismatch(self): yield self.pool.create_tables() yield self.assert_voucher_counts([]) content = '\n'.join([ 'OperAtor,denomInation,voucheR', 'Tank,red,Tr0', 'Tank,red,Tr1', 'Tank,blue,Tb0', 'Tank,blue,Tb1', 'Link,red,Lr0', 'Link,red,Lr1', 'Link,blue,Lb0', 'Link,blue,Lb1', ]) resp = yield self.client.put_import('req-0', content) assert resp == { 'request_id': 'req-0', 'imported': True, } yield self.assert_voucher_counts([ ('Link', 'blue', False, 2), ('Link', 'red', False, 2), ('Tank', 'blue', False, 2), ('Tank', 'red', False, 2), ]) @inlineCallbacks def test_import_no_content_md5(self): yield self.pool.create_tables() resp = yield self.client.put_import( 'req-0', 'content', '', expected_code=400) assert resp == { 'request_id': 'req-0', 'error': 'Missing Content-MD5 header.', } @inlineCallbacks def test_import_bad_content_md5(self): yield self.pool.create_tables() resp = yield self.client.put_import( 'req-0', 'content', 'badmd5', expected_code=400) assert resp == { 'request_id': 'req-0', 'error': 'Content-MD5 header does not match content.', } @inlineCallbacks def test_import_idempotent(self): yield self.pool.create_tables() yield self.assert_voucher_counts([]) content = '\n'.join([ 'operator,denomination,voucher', 'Tank,red,Tr0', 'Tank,red,Tr1', 'Tank,blue,Tb0', 'Tank,blue,Tb1', 'Link,red,Lr0', 'Link,red,Lr1', 'Link,blue,Lb0', 'Link,blue,Lb1', ]) expected_counts = [ ('Link', 'blue', False, 2), ('Link', 'red', False, 2), ('Tank', 'blue', False, 2), ('Tank', 'red', False, 2), ] resp = yield self.client.put_import('req-0', content) assert resp == { 'request_id': 'req-0', 'imported': True, } yield self.assert_voucher_counts(expected_counts) resp = yield self.client.put_import('req-0', content) assert resp == { 'request_id': 'req-0', 'imported': True, } yield self.assert_voucher_counts(expected_counts) content_2 = '\n'.join([ 'operator,denomination,voucher', 'Tank,red,Tr0', 'Tank,red,Tr1', 'Tank,blue,Tb0', 'Tank,blue,Tb1', ]) resp = yield self.client.put_import( 'req-0', content_2, expected_code=400) assert resp == { 'request_id': 'req-0', 'error': ( 'This request has already been performed with different' ' parameters.'), } yield self.assert_voucher_counts(expected_counts) def _sorted_voucher_counts(self, voucher_counts): return sorted(voucher_counts, key=lambda vc: ( vc['operator'], vc['denomination'], vc['used'])) @inlineCallbacks def test_voucher_counts(self): yield self.pool.create_tables() rsp0 = yield self.client.get_voucher_counts('req-0') assert rsp0 == { 'request_id': 'req-0', 'voucher_counts': [], } yield populate_pool(self.pool, ['Tank'], ['red'], [0, 1]) rsp1 = yield self.client.get_voucher_counts('req-1') assert rsp1 == { 'request_id': 'req-1', 'voucher_counts': [ { 'operator': 'Tank', 'denomination': 'red', 'used': False, 'count': 2, }, ], } yield populate_pool(self.pool, ['Link'], ['blue'], [0, 1]) yield self.pool.issue_voucher('Link', 'blue', mk_audit_params('req-0')) rsp2 = yield self.client.get_voucher_counts('req-2') assert self._sorted_voucher_counts(rsp2['voucher_counts']) == [ { 'operator': 'Link', 'denomination': 'blue', 'used': False, 'count': 1, }, { 'operator': 'Link', 'denomination': 'blue', 'used': True, 'count': 1, }, { 'operator': 'Tank', 'denomination': 'red', 'used': False, 'count': 2, }, ] @inlineCallbacks def test_export_all_vouchers(self): yield self.pool.create_tables() yield populate_pool( self.pool, ['Tank', 'Link'], ['red', 'blue'], [0, 1]) response = yield self.client.put_export('req-0') assert set(response.keys()) == set([ 'request_id', 'vouchers', 'warnings']) assert response['request_id'] == 'req-0' assert response['warnings'] == [] assert sorted_dicts(response['vouchers']) == sorted_dicts([ voucher_dict('Tank', 'red', 'Tank-red-0'), voucher_dict('Tank', 'red', 'Tank-red-1'), voucher_dict('Tank', 'blue', 'Tank-blue-0'), voucher_dict('Tank', 'blue', 'Tank-blue-1'), voucher_dict('Link', 'red', 'Link-red-0'), voucher_dict('Link', 'red', 'Link-red-1'), voucher_dict('Link', 'blue', 'Link-blue-0'), voucher_dict('Link', 'blue', 'Link-blue-1'), ]) yield self.assert_voucher_counts([ ('Link', 'blue', True, 2), ('Link', 'red', True, 2), ('Tank', 'blue', True, 2), ('Tank', 'red', True, 2), ]) @inlineCallbacks def test_export_some_vouchers(self): yield self.pool.create_tables() # We give all vouchers of the same type the same voucher code to avoid # having to check all the permutations. yield populate_pool( self.pool, ['Tank', 'Link'], ['red', 'blue'], [0, 0]) yield self.assert_voucher_counts([ ('Link', 'blue', False, 2), ('Link', 'red', False, 2), ('Tank', 'blue', False, 2), ('Tank', 'red', False, 2), ]) response = yield self.client.put_export( 'req-0', 1, ['Tank'], ['red', 'blue']) assert set(response.keys()) == set([ 'request_id', 'vouchers', 'warnings']) assert response['request_id'] == 'req-0' assert response['warnings'] == [] assert sorted_dicts(response['vouchers']) == sorted_dicts([ voucher_dict('Tank', 'red', 'Tank-red-0'), voucher_dict('Tank', 'blue', 'Tank-blue-0'), ]) yield self.assert_voucher_counts([ ('Link', 'blue', False, 2), ('Link', 'red', False, 2), ('Tank', 'blue', False, 1), ('Tank', 'red', False, 1), ('Tank', 'blue', True, 1), ('Tank', 'red', True, 1), ]) @inlineCallbacks def test_export_too_many_vouchers(self): yield self.pool.create_tables() # We give all vouchers of the same type the same voucher code to avoid # having to check all the permutations. yield populate_pool( self.pool, ['Tank', 'Link'], ['red', 'blue'], [0, 0]) yield self.assert_voucher_counts([ ('Link', 'blue', False, 2), ('Link', 'red', False, 2), ('Tank', 'blue', False, 2), ('Tank', 'red', False, 2), ]) response = yield self.client.put_export( 'req-0', 4, ['Tank'], ['red', 'blue']) assert set(response.keys()) == set([ 'request_id', 'vouchers', 'warnings']) assert response['request_id'] == 'req-0' assert sorted(response['warnings']) == sorted([ "Insufficient vouchers available for 'Tank' 'red'.", "Insufficient vouchers available for 'Tank' 'blue'.", ]) assert sorted_dicts(response['vouchers']) == sorted_dicts([ voucher_dict('Tank', 'red', 'Tank-red-0'), voucher_dict('Tank', 'red', 'Tank-red-0'), voucher_dict('Tank', 'blue', 'Tank-blue-0'), voucher_dict('Tank', 'blue', 'Tank-blue-0'), ]) yield self.assert_voucher_counts([ ('Link', 'blue', False, 2), ('Link', 'red', False, 2), ('Tank', 'blue', True, 2), ('Tank', 'red', True, 2), ]) @inlineCallbacks def test_export_idempotent(self): yield self.pool.create_tables() yield populate_pool(self.pool, ['Tank', 'Link'], ['red', 'blue'], [0]) yield self.assert_voucher_counts([ ('Link', 'blue', False, 1), ('Link', 'red', False, 1), ('Tank', 'blue', False, 1), ('Tank', 'red', False, 1), ]) response = yield self.client.put_export('req-0', 1, ['Tank'], ['red']) assert set(response.keys()) == set([ 'request_id', 'vouchers', 'warnings']) assert response['request_id'] == 'req-0' assert response['warnings'] == [] assert sorted_dicts(response['vouchers']) == sorted_dicts([ voucher_dict('Tank', 'red', 'Tank-red-0'), ]) yield self.assert_voucher_counts([ ('Link', 'blue', False, 1), ('Link', 'red', False, 1), ('Tank', 'blue', False, 1), ('Tank', 'red', True, 1), ]) response = yield self.client.put_export('req-0', 1, ['Tank'], ['red']) assert set(response.keys()) == set([ 'request_id', 'vouchers', 'warnings']) assert response['request_id'] == 'req-0' assert response['warnings'] == [] assert sorted_dicts(response['vouchers']) == sorted_dicts([ voucher_dict('Tank', 'red', 'Tank-red-0'), ]) yield self.assert_voucher_counts([ ('Link', 'blue', False, 1), ('Link', 'red', False, 1), ('Tank', 'blue', False, 1), ('Tank', 'red', True, 1), ]) response = yield self.client.put_export( 'req-0', 2, ['Tank'], ['red'], expected_code=400) assert response == { 'request_id': 'req-0', 'error': ( 'This request has already been performed with different' ' parameters.'), }
"""Simple distance, velocity, and angle support for Skyfield. """ from __future__ import print_function import numpy as np import sys from numpy import abs, array, copysign, isnan from .constants import AU_KM, AU_M, DAY_S, tau def _auto_convert(value): """As a convenience, turn Python lists and tuples into NumPy arrays.""" if isinstance(value, (tuple, list)): return array(value) else: return value # Distance and velocity. class UnpackingError(Exception): """You cannot iterate directly over a Skyfield measurement object.""" class Distance(object): """A distance, stored internally as au and available in other units. You can initialize a ``Distance`` by providing a single float or a float array as either an ``au=`` parameter or a ``km=`` parameter when building a ``Distance`` object. """ _warned = False def __init__(self, au=None, km=None, m=None): if au is not None: = _auto_convert(au) elif km is not None: = _auto_convert(km) = km / AU_KM elif m is not None: self.m = _auto_convert(m) = m / AU_M else: raise ValueError('to construct a Distance provide au, km, or m') def __getattr__(self, name): if name == 'km': = km = * AU_KM return km if name == 'm': self.m = m = * AU_M return m if name == 'AU': if not Distance._warned: print('WARNING: the IAU has renamed the astronomical unit to' ' lowercase "au" so Skyfield will soon remove uppercase' ' "AU" from Distance objects', file=sys.stdout) Distance._warned = True return raise AttributeError('no attribute named %r' % (name,)) def __str__(self): n = return ('{0} au' if getattr(n, 'shape', 0) else '{0:.6} au').format(n) def __repr__(self): return '<{0} {1}>'.format(type(self).__name__, self) def __iter__(self): raise UnpackingError(_iter_message % { 'class': self.__class__.__name__, 'values': 'x, y, z', 'attr1': 'au', 'attr2': 'km'}) def to(self, unit): """Return this distance in the given AstroPy units.""" from astropy.units import au return ( * au).to(unit) class Velocity(object): """A velocity, stored internally as au/day and available in other units. You can initialize a ``Velocity`` by providing a single float or a float array as either an ``au_per_d=`` parameter. """ _warned = False def __init__(self, au_per_d): self.au_per_d = au_per_d def __getattr__(self, name): if name == 'km_per_s': self.km_per_s = self.au_per_d * AU_KM / DAY_S return self.km_per_s if name == 'AU_per_d': if not Velocity._warned: print('WARNING: the IAU has renamed the astronomical unit to' ' lowercase "au" so Skyfield will soon remove' ' "AU_per_day" in favor of "au_per_day"', file=sys.stdout) Velocity._warned = True return self.au_per_d raise AttributeError('no attribute named %r' % (name,)) def __str__(self): return '%s au/day' % self.au_per_d def __iter__(self): raise UnpackingError(_iter_message % { 'class': self.__class__.__name__, 'values': 'xdot, ydot, zdot', 'attr1': 'au_per_d', 'attr2': 'km_per_s'}) def to(self, unit): """Return this velocity in the given AstroPy units.""" from astropy.units import au, d return (self.au_per_d * au / d).to(unit) _iter_message = """\ cannot directly unpack a %(class)s into several values To unpack a %(class)s into three components, you need to ask for its value in specific units through an attribute or method: %(values)s = velocity.%(attr1)s %(values)s = velocity.%(attr2)s %(values)s = """ # Angle units. _to_degrees = 360.0 / tau _from_degrees = tau / 360.0 _to_hours = 24.0 / tau _from_hours = tau / 24.0 _instantiation_instructions = """to instantiate an Angle, try one of: Angle(angle=another_angle) Angle(radians=value) Angle(degrees=value) Angle(hours=value) where `value` can be either a Python float or a NumPy array of floats""" class Angle(object): def __init__(self, angle=None, radians=None, degrees=None, hours=None, preference=None, signed=False): if angle is not None: if not isinstance(angle, Angle): raise ValueError(_instantiation_instructions) self.radians = angle.radians elif radians is not None: self.radians = radians elif degrees is not None: self._degrees = degrees = _unsexagesimalize(degrees) self.radians = degrees * _from_degrees elif hours is not None: self._hours = hours = _unsexagesimalize(hours) self.radians = hours * _from_hours preference = 'hours' self.preference = preference or 'degrees' self.signed = signed def __getattr__(self, name): if name == '_hours': self._hours = _hours = self.radians * _to_hours return _hours if name == '_degrees': self._degrees = _degrees = self.radians * _to_degrees return _degrees if name == 'hours': if self.preference != 'hours': raise WrongUnitError('hours') self.hours = hours = self._hours return hours if name == 'degrees': if self.preference != 'degrees': raise WrongUnitError('degrees') self.degrees = degrees = self._degrees return degrees raise AttributeError('no attribute named %r' % (name,)) def __str__(self): return self.dstr() if self.preference == 'degrees' else self.hstr() def __repr__(self): return '<{0} {1}>'.format(type(self).__name__, self) def hms(self, warn=True): if warn and self.preference != 'hours': raise WrongUnitError('hms') sign, units, minutes, seconds = _sexagesimalize_to_float(self._hours) return sign * units, sign * minutes, sign * seconds def signed_hms(self, warn=True): if warn and self.preference != 'hours': raise WrongUnitError('signed_hms') return _sexagesimalize_to_float(self._hours) def hstr(self, places=2, warn=True): if warn and self.preference != 'hours': raise WrongUnitError('hstr') hours = self._hours if getattr(hours, 'shape', None): return "{0} values from {1} to {2}".format( len(degrees), _hstr(min(degrees),places,signed), _hstr(max(degrees),places,signed) ) return _hstr(hours, places) def dms(self, warn=True): if warn and self.preference != 'degrees': raise WrongUnitError('dms') sign, units, minutes, seconds = _sexagesimalize_to_float(self._degrees) return sign * units, sign * minutes, sign * seconds def signed_dms(self, warn=True): if warn and self.preference != 'degrees': raise WrongUnitError('signed_dms') return _sexagesimalize_to_float(self._degrees) def dstr(self, places=1, warn=True): if warn and self.preference != 'degrees': raise WrongUnitError('dstr') degrees = self._degrees signed = self.signed if getattr(degrees, 'shape', None): return "{0} values from {1} to {2}".format( len(degrees), _dstr(min(degrees),places,signed), _dstr(max(degrees),places,signed) ) return _dstr(degrees, places, signed) class WrongUnitError(ValueError): def __init__(self, name): unit = 'hours' if (name.startswith('h') or '_h' in name) else 'degrees' usual = 'hours' if (unit == 'degrees') else 'degrees' message = ('this angle is usually expressed in {0}, not {1};' ' if you want to use {1} anyway,'.format(usual, unit)) if name == unit: message += ' then please use the attribute _{0}'.format(unit) else: message += ' then call {0}() with warn=False'.format(name) self.args = (message,) def _sexagesimalize_to_float(value): """Decompose `value` into units, minutes, and seconds. Note that this routine is not appropriate for displaying a value, because rounding to the smallest digit of display is necessary before showing a value to the user. Use `_sexagesimalize_to_int()` for data being displayed to the user. This routine simply decomposes the floating point `value` into a sign (+1.0 or -1.0), units, minutes, and seconds, returning the result in a four-element tuple. >>> _sexagesimalize_to_float(12.05125) (1.0, 12.0, 3.0, 4.5) >>> _sexagesimalize_to_float(-12.05125) (-1.0, 12.0, 3.0, 4.5) """ sign = np.sign(value) n = abs(value) minutes, seconds = divmod(n * 3600.0, 60.0) units, minutes = divmod(minutes, 60.0) return sign, units, minutes, seconds def _sexagesimalize_to_int(value, places=0): """Decompose `value` into units, minutes, seconds, and second fractions. This routine prepares a value for sexagesimal display, with its seconds fraction expressed as an integer with `places` digits. The result is a tuple of five integers: ``(sign [either +1 or -1], units, minutes, seconds, second_fractions)`` The integers are properly rounded per astronomical convention so that, for example, given ``places=3`` the result tuple ``(1, 11, 22, 33, 444)`` means that the input was closer to 11u 22' 33.444" than to either 33.443" or 33.445" in its value. """ sign = int(np.sign(value)) value = abs(value) power = 10 ** places n = int(7200 * power * value + 1) // 2 n, fraction = divmod(n, power) n, seconds = divmod(n, 60) n, minutes = divmod(n, 60) return sign, n, minutes, seconds, fraction def _hstr(hours, places=2): """Convert floating point `hours` into a sexagesimal string. >>> _hstr(12.125) '12h 07m 30.00s' >>> _hstr(12.125, places=4) '12h 07m 30.0000s' >>> _hstr(float('nan')) 'nan' """ if isnan(hours): return 'nan' sgn, h, m, s, etc = _sexagesimalize_to_int(hours, places) sign = '-' if sgn < 0.0 else '' return '%s%02dh %02dm %02d.%0*ds' % (sign, h, m, s, places, etc) def _dstr(degrees, places=1, signed=False): r"""Convert floating point `degrees` into a sexagesimal string. >>> _dstr(12.125) '12deg 07\' 30.0"' >>> _dstr(12.125, places=3) '12deg 07\' 30.000"' >>> _dstr(12.125, signed=True) '+12deg 07\' 30.0"' >>> _dstr(float('nan')) 'nan' """ if isnan(degrees): return 'nan' sgn, d, m, s, etc = _sexagesimalize_to_int(degrees, places) sign = '-' if sgn < 0.0 else '+' if signed else '' return '%s%02ddeg %02d\' %02d.%0*d"' % (sign, d, m, s, places, etc) def _unsexagesimalize(value): """Return `value` after interpreting a (units, minutes, seconds) tuple. When `value` is not a tuple, it is simply returned. >>> _unsexagesimalize(3.25) 3.25 An input tuple is interpreted as units, minutes, and seconds. Note that only the sign of `units` is significant! So all of the following tuples convert into exactly the same value: >>> '%f' % _unsexagesimalize((-1, 2, 3)) '-1.034167' >>> '%f' % _unsexagesimalize((-1, -2, 3)) '-1.034167' >>> '%f' % _unsexagesimalize((-1, -2, -3)) '-1.034167' """ if isinstance(value, tuple): for i, component in enumerate(value): if i: value = value + copysign(component, value) * 60.0 ** -i else: value = component return value def _interpret_angle(name, angle_object, angle_float, unit='degrees'): """Return an angle in radians from one of two arguments. It is common for Skyfield routines to accept both an argument like `alt` that takes an Angle object as well as an `alt_degrees` that can be given a bare float or a sexagesimal tuple. A pair of such arguments can be passed to this routine for interpretation. """ if angle_object is not None: if isinstance(angle_object, Angle): return angle_object.radians elif angle_float is not None: return _unsexagesimalize(angle_float) * _from_degrees raise ValueError('you must either provide the {0}= parameter with' ' an Angle argument or supply the {0}_{1}= parameter' ' with a numeric argument'.format(name, unit)) def _interpret_ltude(value, name, psuffix, nsuffix): """Interpret a string, float, or tuple as a latitude or longitude angle. `value` - The string to interpret. `name` - 'latitude' or 'longitude', for use in exception messages. `positive` - The string that indicates a positive angle ('N' or 'E'). `negative` - The string that indicates a negative angle ('S' or 'W'). """ if not isinstance(value, str): return Angle(degrees=_unsexagesimalize(value)) value = value.strip().upper() if value.endswith(psuffix): sign = +1.0 elif value.endswith(nsuffix): sign = -1.0 else: raise ValueError('your {0} string {1!r} does not end with either {2!r}' ' or {3!r}'.format(name, value, psuffix, nsuffix)) try: value = float(value[:-1]) except ValueError: raise ValueError('your {0} string {1!r} cannot be parsed as a floating' ' point number'.format(name, value)) return Angle(degrees=sign * value)
# Copyright 2015-2016, Google Inc. # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer # in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from # this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. """Entry points into the Beta API of gRPC Python.""" # threading is referenced from specification in this module. import abc import enum import threading # pylint: disable=unused-import # cardinality and face are referenced from specification in this module. from grpc._adapter import _intermediary_low from grpc._adapter import _low from grpc._adapter import _types from grpc.beta import _connectivity_channel from grpc.beta import _server from grpc.beta import _stub from grpc.beta import interfaces from grpc.framework.common import cardinality # pylint: disable=unused-import from grpc.framework.interfaces.face import face # pylint: disable=unused-import _CHANNEL_SUBSCRIPTION_CALLBACK_ERROR_LOG_MESSAGE = ( 'Exception calling channel subscription callback!') class ChannelCredentials(object): """A value encapsulating the data required to create a secure Channel. This class and its instances have no supported interface - it exists to define the type of its instances and its instances exist to be passed to other functions. """ def __init__(self, low_credentials): self._low_credentials = low_credentials def ssl_channel_credentials(root_certificates=None, private_key=None, certificate_chain=None): """Creates a ChannelCredentials for use with an SSL-enabled Channel. Args: root_certificates: The PEM-encoded root certificates or unset to ask for them to be retrieved from a default location. private_key: The PEM-encoded private key to use or unset if no private key should be used. certificate_chain: The PEM-encoded certificate chain to use or unset if no certificate chain should be used. Returns: A ChannelCredentials for use with an SSL-enabled Channel. """ return ChannelCredentials(_low.channel_credentials_ssl( root_certificates, private_key, certificate_chain)) class CallCredentials(object): """A value encapsulating data asserting an identity over an *established* channel. May be composed with ChannelCredentials to always assert identity for every call over that channel. This class and its instances have no supported interface - it exists to define the type of its instances and its instances exist to be passed to other functions. """ def __init__(self, low_credentials): self._low_credentials = low_credentials def metadata_call_credentials(metadata_plugin, name=None): """Construct CallCredentials from an interfaces.GRPCAuthMetadataPlugin. Args: metadata_plugin: An interfaces.GRPCAuthMetadataPlugin to use in constructing the CallCredentials object. Returns: A CallCredentials object for use in a GRPCCallOptions object. """ if name is None: name = metadata_plugin.__name__ return CallCredentials( _low.call_credentials_metadata_plugin(metadata_plugin, name)) def composite_call_credentials(call_credentials, additional_call_credentials): """Compose two CallCredentials to make a new one. Args: call_credentials: A CallCredentials object. additional_call_credentials: Another CallCredentials object to compose on top of call_credentials. Returns: A CallCredentials object for use in a GRPCCallOptions object. """ return CallCredentials( _low.call_credentials_composite( call_credentials._low_credentials, additional_call_credentials._low_credentials)) def composite_channel_credentials(channel_credentials, additional_call_credentials): """Compose ChannelCredentials on top of client credentials to make a new one. Args: channel_credentials: A ChannelCredentials object. additional_call_credentials: A CallCredentials object to compose on top of channel_credentials. Returns: A ChannelCredentials object for use in a GRPCCallOptions object. """ return ChannelCredentials( _low.channel_credentials_composite( channel_credentials._low_credentials, additional_call_credentials._low_credentials)) class Channel(object): """A channel to a remote host through which RPCs may be conducted. Only the "subscribe" and "unsubscribe" methods are supported for application use. This class' instance constructor and all other attributes are unsupported. """ def __init__(self, low_channel, intermediary_low_channel): self._low_channel = low_channel self._intermediary_low_channel = intermediary_low_channel self._connectivity_channel = _connectivity_channel.ConnectivityChannel( low_channel) def subscribe(self, callback, try_to_connect=None): """Subscribes to this Channel's connectivity. Args: callback: A callable to be invoked and passed an interfaces.ChannelConnectivity identifying this Channel's connectivity. The callable will be invoked immediately upon subscription and again for every change to this Channel's connectivity thereafter until it is unsubscribed. try_to_connect: A boolean indicating whether or not this Channel should attempt to connect if it is not already connected and ready to conduct RPCs. """ self._connectivity_channel.subscribe(callback, try_to_connect) def unsubscribe(self, callback): """Unsubscribes a callback from this Channel's connectivity. Args: callback: A callable previously registered with this Channel from having been passed to its "subscribe" method. """ self._connectivity_channel.unsubscribe(callback) def insecure_channel(host, port): """Creates an insecure Channel to a remote host. Args: host: The name of the remote host to which to connect. port: The port of the remote host to which to connect. Returns: A Channel to the remote host through which RPCs may be conducted. """ intermediary_low_channel = _intermediary_low.Channel( '%s:%d' % (host, port), None) return Channel(intermediary_low_channel._internal, intermediary_low_channel) # pylint: disable=protected-access def secure_channel(host, port, channel_credentials): """Creates a secure Channel to a remote host. Args: host: The name of the remote host to which to connect. port: The port of the remote host to which to connect. channel_credentials: A ChannelCredentials. Returns: A secure Channel to the remote host through which RPCs may be conducted. """ intermediary_low_channel = _intermediary_low.Channel( '%s:%d' % (host, port), channel_credentials._low_credentials) return Channel(intermediary_low_channel._internal, intermediary_low_channel) # pylint: disable=protected-access class StubOptions(object): """A value encapsulating the various options for creation of a Stub. This class and its instances have no supported interface - it exists to define the type of its instances and its instances exist to be passed to other functions. """ def __init__( self, host, request_serializers, response_deserializers, metadata_transformer, thread_pool, thread_pool_size): = host self.request_serializers = request_serializers self.response_deserializers = response_deserializers self.metadata_transformer = metadata_transformer self.thread_pool = thread_pool self.thread_pool_size = thread_pool_size _EMPTY_STUB_OPTIONS = StubOptions( None, None, None, None, None, None) def stub_options( host=None, request_serializers=None, response_deserializers=None, metadata_transformer=None, thread_pool=None, thread_pool_size=None): """Creates a StubOptions value to be passed at stub creation. All parameters are optional and should always be passed by keyword. Args: host: A host string to set on RPC calls. request_serializers: A dictionary from service name-method name pair to request serialization behavior. response_deserializers: A dictionary from service name-method name pair to response deserialization behavior. metadata_transformer: A callable that given a metadata object produces another metadata object to be used in the underlying communication on the wire. thread_pool: A thread pool to use in stubs. thread_pool_size: The size of thread pool to create for use in stubs; ignored if thread_pool has been passed. Returns: A StubOptions value created from the passed parameters. """ return StubOptions( host, request_serializers, response_deserializers, metadata_transformer, thread_pool, thread_pool_size) def generic_stub(channel, options=None): """Creates a face.GenericStub on which RPCs can be made. Args: channel: A Channel for use by the created stub. options: A StubOptions customizing the created stub. Returns: A face.GenericStub on which RPCs can be made. """ effective_options = _EMPTY_STUB_OPTIONS if options is None else options return _stub.generic_stub( channel._intermediary_low_channel,, # pylint: disable=protected-access effective_options.metadata_transformer, effective_options.request_serializers, effective_options.response_deserializers, effective_options.thread_pool, effective_options.thread_pool_size) def dynamic_stub(channel, service, cardinalities, options=None): """Creates a face.DynamicStub with which RPCs can be invoked. Args: channel: A Channel for the returned face.DynamicStub to use. service: The package-qualified full name of the service. cardinalities: A dictionary from RPC method name to cardinality.Cardinality value identifying the cardinality of the RPC method. options: An optional StubOptions value further customizing the functionality of the returned face.DynamicStub. Returns: A face.DynamicStub with which RPCs can be invoked. """ effective_options = StubOptions() if options is None else options return _stub.dynamic_stub( channel._intermediary_low_channel,, service, # pylint: disable=protected-access cardinalities, effective_options.metadata_transformer, effective_options.request_serializers, effective_options.response_deserializers, effective_options.thread_pool, effective_options.thread_pool_size) class ServerCredentials(object): """A value encapsulating the data required to open a secure port on a Server. This class and its instances have no supported interface - it exists to define the type of its instances and its instances exist to be passed to other functions. """ def __init__(self, low_credentials): self._low_credentials = low_credentials def ssl_server_credentials( private_key_certificate_chain_pairs, root_certificates=None, require_client_auth=False): """Creates a ServerCredentials for use with an SSL-enabled Server. Args: private_key_certificate_chain_pairs: A nonempty sequence each element of which is a pair the first element of which is a PEM-encoded private key and the second element of which is the corresponding PEM-encoded certificate chain. root_certificates: PEM-encoded client root certificates to be used for verifying authenticated clients. If omitted, require_client_auth must also be omitted or be False. require_client_auth: A boolean indicating whether or not to require clients to be authenticated. May only be True if root_certificates is not None. Returns: A ServerCredentials for use with an SSL-enabled Server. """ if len(private_key_certificate_chain_pairs) == 0: raise ValueError( 'At least one private key-certificate chain pairis required!') elif require_client_auth and root_certificates is None: raise ValueError( 'Illegal to require client auth without providing root certificates!') else: return ServerCredentials(_low.server_credentials_ssl( root_certificates, private_key_certificate_chain_pairs, require_client_auth)) class ServerOptions(object): """A value encapsulating the various options for creation of a Server. This class and its instances have no supported interface - it exists to define the type of its instances and its instances exist to be passed to other functions. """ def __init__( self, multi_method_implementation, request_deserializers, response_serializers, thread_pool, thread_pool_size, default_timeout, maximum_timeout): self.multi_method_implementation = multi_method_implementation self.request_deserializers = request_deserializers self.response_serializers = response_serializers self.thread_pool = thread_pool self.thread_pool_size = thread_pool_size self.default_timeout = default_timeout self.maximum_timeout = maximum_timeout _EMPTY_SERVER_OPTIONS = ServerOptions( None, None, None, None, None, None, None) def server_options( multi_method_implementation=None, request_deserializers=None, response_serializers=None, thread_pool=None, thread_pool_size=None, default_timeout=None, maximum_timeout=None): """Creates a ServerOptions value to be passed at server creation. All parameters are optional and should always be passed by keyword. Args: multi_method_implementation: A face.MultiMethodImplementation to be called to service an RPC if the server has no specific method implementation for the name of the RPC for which service was requested. request_deserializers: A dictionary from service name-method name pair to request deserialization behavior. response_serializers: A dictionary from service name-method name pair to response serialization behavior. thread_pool: A thread pool to use in stubs. thread_pool_size: The size of thread pool to create for use in stubs; ignored if thread_pool has been passed. default_timeout: A duration in seconds to allow for RPC service when servicing RPCs that did not include a timeout value when invoked. maximum_timeout: A duration in seconds to allow for RPC service when servicing RPCs no matter what timeout value was passed when the RPC was invoked. Returns: A StubOptions value created from the passed parameters. """ return ServerOptions( multi_method_implementation, request_deserializers, response_serializers, thread_pool, thread_pool_size, default_timeout, maximum_timeout) def server(service_implementations, options=None): """Creates an interfaces.Server with which RPCs can be serviced. Args: service_implementations: A dictionary from service name-method name pair to face.MethodImplementation. options: An optional ServerOptions value further customizing the functionality of the returned Server. Returns: An interfaces.Server with which RPCs can be serviced. """ effective_options = _EMPTY_SERVER_OPTIONS if options is None else options return _server.server( service_implementations, effective_options.multi_method_implementation, effective_options.request_deserializers, effective_options.response_serializers, effective_options.thread_pool, effective_options.thread_pool_size, effective_options.default_timeout, effective_options.maximum_timeout)
#!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import absolute_import import collections import numpy from scipy.ndimage import map_coordinates from eotools.coordinates import convert_coordinates from eotools.drivers.stacked_dataset import StackedDataset def x_profile(stacked_dataset, xy, raster_band=1, from_map=False): """ Get the data associated with the x-axis of an image. :param stacked_dataset: An instance of a StackedDataset. :param xy: An tuple containing an (x, y) co-ordinate pair from which to read the horizontal profile. :param raster_band: The raster band to read from. Default is raster band 1. :param from_map: A boolean indicating whether or not the input co-ordinates are real world map coordinates. If set to True, then the input xy co-ordinate will be converted to image co-ordinates. :return: A 1D NumPy array of length determined by the number of columns in the stacked_dataset. """ if not isinstance(stacked_dataset, StackedDataset): msg = ('stacked_dataset should be an instance of StackedDataset but ' 'is of type {}') msg = msg.format(type(stacked_dataset)) raise TypeError(msg) # Convert to image co-ordinates if needed if from_map: x, y = convert_coordinates(stacked_dataset.geotransform, xy, to_map=False) else: x, y = xy # Create a tile to define the chunk we wish to read tile = ((y, y + 1), (0, stacked_dataset.samples)) # Read the profile profile = stacked_dataset.read_tile(tile, raster_bands=raster_band) return profile[0, :] def y_profile(stacked_dataset, xy, raster_band=1, from_map=False): """ Get the data associated with a y-axis of an image. :param stacked_dataset: An instance of a StackedDataset. :param xy: An tuple containing an (x, y) co-ordinate pair from which to read the vertical profile. :param raster_band: The raster band to read from. Default is raster band 1. :param from_map: A boolean indicating whether or not the input co-ordinates are real world map coordinates. If set to True, then the input xy co-ordinate will be converted to image co-ordinates. :return: A 1D NumPy array of length determined by the number of rows in the stacked_dataset. """ if not isinstance(stacked_dataset, StackedDataset): msg = ('stacked_dataset should be an instance of StackedDataset but ' 'is of type {}') msg = msg.format(type(stacked_dataset)) raise TypeError(msg) # Convert to image co-ordinates if needed if from_map: x, y = convert_coordinates(stacked_dataset.geotransform, xy, to_map=False) else: x, y = xy # Create a tile to define the chunk we wish to read tile = ((0, stacked_dataset.lines), (x, x + 1)) # Read the profile profile = stacked_dataset.read_tile(tile, raster_bands=raster_band) return profile[:, 0] def z_profile(stacked_dataset, xy, from_map=False, raster_bands=None): """ Get the data associated with the z-axis of an image. The z-axis for a 3D image is also known as a spectral profile for spectrally stacked data or a temporal profile for temporally stacked data. :param stacked_dataset: An instance of a StackedDataset. :param xy: The xy co-ordinate from which to get the z profile. :param from_map: A boolean indicating whether or not the input co-ordinates are real world map coordinates. If set to True, then the input xy co-ordinate will be converted to image co-ordinates. :return: A 1D NumPy array of length determined by the number of raster bands in the stacked_dataset. """ if not isinstance(stacked_dataset, StackedDataset): msg = ('stacked_dataset should be an instance of StackedDataset but ' 'is of type {}') msg = msg.format(type(stacked_dataset)) raise TypeError(msg) # Convert to image co-ordinates if needed if from_map: x, y = convert_coordinates(stacked_dataset.geotransform, xy, to_map=False) else: x, y = xy # Create a tile to define the chunk we wish to read tile = ((y, y + 1), (x, x + 1)) if ((raster_bands is None) or (not isinstance(raster_bands, collections.Sequence))): nb = range(1, stacked_dataset.bands + 1) else: nb = raster_bands # Read the profile profile = stacked_dataset.read_tile(tile, raster_bands=nb) return profile[:, 0, 0] def arbitrary_profile(stacked_dataset, xy_points, raster_band=1, cubic=False, from_map=False): """ Get the data associated with an arbitrary set of points that define an arbitrary profile/transect, and the pixel locations associated with the transect. :param stacked_dataset: An instance of a StackedDataset. :param xy_points: A list of (x, y) co-ordinate paris eg [(x, y), (x, y), (x, y)]. :param raster_band: The raster band to read from. Default is raster band 1. :param from_map: A boolean indicating whether or not the input co-ordinates are real world map coordinates. If set to True, then the input xy co-ordinate will be converted to image co-ordinates. :return: A 1D NumPy array of lenght determined by the distance between the xy_points; A tuple (y_index, x_index) containing the pixel locations of the transect; and a tuple containing a list of start and end co-ordinates for both x and y fields. The form of the start and end locations is: ([(xstart_1, xend_1),...,(xstart_n-1, xend_n-1)], [(ystart_1, yend_1),...,(ystart_n-1, yend_n-1)]). This form can be directly used in a call to plot() as follows: z_prf, idx, xy_start_end = arbitrary_profile() plot(xy_start_end[0], xy_start_end[1], 'r-') """ if not isinstance(stacked_dataset, StackedDataset): msg = ('stacked_dataset should be an instance of StackedDataset but ' 'is of type {}') msg = msg.format(type(stacked_dataset)) raise TypeError(msg) n_points = len(xy_points) if n_points < 2: msg = "Minimum number of points is 2, received {}".format(n_points) raise ValueError(msg) # Convert to image co-ordinates if needed if from_map: img_xy = convert_coordinates(stacked_dataset.geotransform, xy_points, to_map=False) else: img_xy = xy_points # Read the image band img = stacked_dataset.read_raster_band(raster_band=raster_band) profile = numpy.array([], dtype=img.dtype) x_idx = numpy.array([], dtype='int') y_idx = numpy.array([], dtype='int') x_start_end = [] y_start_end = [] for i in range(1, n_points): x0, y0 = img_xy[i - 1] x1, y1 = img_xy[i] x_start_end.append((x0, x1)) y_start_end.append((y0, y1)) n_pixels = max(abs(x1 - x0 + 1), abs(y1 - y0 + 1)) x = numpy.linspace(x0, x1, n_pixels) y = numpy.linspace(y0, y1, n_pixels) x_idx = numpy.append(x_idx, x) y_idx = numpy.append(y_idx, y) if cubic: transect = map_coordinates(img, (y, x)) profile = numpy.append(profile, transect) else: transect = img[y.astype('int'), x.astype('int')] profile = numpy.append(profile, transect) x_idx = x_idx.astype('int') y_idx = y_idx.astype('int') return (profile, (y_idx, x_idx), (x_start_end, y_start_end))
"""TensorBoard server handler logic. TensorboardHandler contains all the logic for serving static files off of disk and for handling the API calls to endpoints like /tags that require information about loaded events. """ import BaseHTTPServer import csv import gzip import imghdr import json import mimetypes import os import StringIO import urllib import urlparse from google.protobuf import text_format import tensorflow.python.platform from tensorflow.python.platform import logging from tensorflow.python.platform import resource_loader from tensorflow.python.summary import event_accumulator from tensorflow.tensorboard import float_wrapper RUNS_ROUTE = '/runs' SCALARS_ROUTE = '/' + event_accumulator.SCALARS IMAGES_ROUTE = '/' + event_accumulator.IMAGES HISTOGRAMS_ROUTE = '/' + event_accumulator.HISTOGRAMS COMPRESSED_HISTOGRAMS_ROUTE = '/' + event_accumulator.COMPRESSED_HISTOGRAMS INDIVIDUAL_IMAGE_ROUTE = '/individualImage' GRAPH_ROUTE = '/' + event_accumulator.GRAPH _IMGHDR_TO_MIMETYPE = { 'bmp': 'image/bmp', 'gif': 'image/gif', 'jpeg': 'image/jpeg', 'png': 'image/png' } _DEFAULT_IMAGE_MIMETYPE = 'application/octet-stream' def _content_type_for_image(encoded_image_string): image_type = imghdr.what(None, encoded_image_string) return _IMGHDR_TO_MIMETYPE.get(image_type, _DEFAULT_IMAGE_MIMETYPE) class _OutputFormat(object): """An enum used to list the valid output formats for API calls. Not all API calls support all formats (for example, only scalars and compressed histograms support CSV). """ JSON = 'json' CSV = 'csv' class TensorboardHandler(BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler): """Handler class for use with BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer. This is essentially a thin wrapper around calls to an EventMultiplexer object as well as serving files off disk. """ def __init__(self, multiplexer, *args): self._multiplexer = multiplexer BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler.__init__(self, *args) # We use underscore_names for consistency with inherited methods. def _image_response_for_run(self, run_images, run, tag): """Builds a JSON-serializable object with information about run_images. Args: run_images: A list of event_accumulator.ImageValueEvent objects. run: The name of the run. tag: The name of the tag the images all belong to. Returns: A list of dictionaries containing the wall time, step, URL, width, and height for each image. """ response = [] for index, run_image in enumerate(run_images): response.append({ 'wall_time': run_image.wall_time, 'step': run_image.step, # We include the size so that the frontend can add that to the <img> # tag so that the page layout doesn't change when the image loads. 'width': run_image.width, 'height': run_image.height, 'query': self._query_for_individual_image(run, tag, index) }) return response def _path_is_safe(self, path): """Check path is safe (stays within current directory). This is for preventing directory-traversal attacks. Args: path: The path to check for safety. Returns: True if the given path stays within the current directory, and false if it would escape to a higher directory. E.g. _path_is_safe('index.html') returns true, but _path_is_safe('../../../etc/password') returns false. """ base = os.path.abspath(os.curdir) absolute_path = os.path.abspath(path) prefix = os.path.commonprefix([base, absolute_path]) return prefix == base def _send_gzip_response(self, content, content_type, code=200): """Writes the given content as gzip response using the given content type. Args: content: The content to respond with. content_type: The mime type of the content. code: The numeric HTTP status code to use. """ out = StringIO.StringIO() f = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=out, mode='w') f.write(content) f.close() gzip_content = out.getvalue() self.send_response(code) self.send_header('Content-Type', content_type) self.send_header('Content-Length', len(gzip_content)) self.send_header('Content-Encoding', 'gzip') self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(gzip_content) def _send_json_response(self, obj, code=200): """Writes out the given object as JSON using the given HTTP status code. This also replaces special float values with stringified versions. Args: obj: The object to respond with. code: The numeric HTTP status code to use. """ output = json.dumps(float_wrapper.WrapSpecialFloats(obj)) self.send_response(code) self.send_header('Content-Type', 'application/json') self.send_header('Content-Length', len(output)) self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(output) def _send_csv_response(self, serialized_csv, code=200): """Writes out the given string, which represents CSV data. Unlike _send_json_response, this does *not* perform the CSV serialization for you. It only sets the proper headers. Args: serialized_csv: A string containing some CSV data. code: The numeric HTTP status code to use. """ self.send_response(code) self.send_header('Content-Type', 'text/csv') self.send_header('Content-Length', len(serialized_csv)) self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(serialized_csv) def _serve_scalars(self, query_params): """Given a tag and single run, return array of ScalarEvents.""" # TODO(cassandrax): return HTTP status code for malformed requests tag = query_params.get('tag') run = query_params.get('run') values = self._multiplexer.Scalars(run, tag) if query_params.get('format') == _OutputFormat.CSV: string_io = StringIO.StringIO() writer = csv.writer(string_io) writer.writerow(['Wall time', 'Step', 'Value']) writer.writerows(values) self._send_csv_response(string_io.getvalue()) else: self._send_json_response(values) def _serve_graph(self, query_params): """Given a single run, return the graph definition in json format.""" run = query_params.get('run', None) if run is None: self.send_error(400, 'query parameter "run" is required') return try: graph = self._multiplexer.Graph(run) except ValueError: self.send_response(404) return # Serialize the graph to pbtxt format. graph_pbtxt = text_format.MessageToString(graph) # Gzip it and send it to the user. self._send_gzip_response(graph_pbtxt, 'text/plain') def _serve_histograms(self, query_params): """Given a tag and single run, return an array of histogram values.""" tag = query_params.get('tag') run = query_params.get('run') values = self._multiplexer.Histograms(run, tag) self._send_json_response(values) def _serve_compressed_histograms(self, query_params): """Given a tag and single run, return an array of compressed histograms.""" tag = query_params.get('tag') run = query_params.get('run') compressed_histograms = self._multiplexer.CompressedHistograms(run, tag) if query_params.get('format') == _OutputFormat.CSV: string_io = StringIO.StringIO() writer = csv.writer(string_io) # Build the headers; we have two columns for timing and two columns for # each compressed histogram bucket. headers = ['Wall time', 'Step'] if compressed_histograms: bucket_count = len(compressed_histograms[0].compressed_histogram_values) for i in xrange(bucket_count): headers += ['Edge %d basis points' % i, 'Edge %d value' % i] writer.writerow(headers) for compressed_histogram in compressed_histograms: row = [compressed_histogram.wall_time, compressed_histogram.step] for value in compressed_histogram.compressed_histogram_values: row += [value.rank_in_bps, value.value] writer.writerow(row) self._send_csv_response(string_io.getvalue()) else: self._send_json_response(compressed_histograms) def _serve_images(self, query_params): """Given a tag and list of runs, serve a list of images. Note that the images themselves are not sent; instead, we respond with URLs to the images. The frontend should treat these URLs as opaque and should not try to parse information about them or generate them itself, as the format may change. Args: query_params: The query parameters as a dict. """ tag = query_params.get('tag') run = query_params.get('run') images = self._multiplexer.Images(run, tag) response = self._image_response_for_run(images, run, tag) self._send_json_response(response) def _serve_image(self, query_params): """Serves an individual image.""" tag = query_params.get('tag') run = query_params.get('run') index = int(query_params.get('index')) image = self._multiplexer.Images(run, tag)[index] encoded_image_string = image.encoded_image_string content_type = _content_type_for_image(encoded_image_string) self.send_response(200) self.send_header('Content-Type', content_type) self.send_header('Content-Length', len(encoded_image_string)) self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(encoded_image_string) def _query_for_individual_image(self, run, tag, index): """Builds a URL for accessing the specified image. This should be kept in sync with _serve_image. Note that the URL is *not* guaranteed to always return the same image, since images may be unloaded from the reservoir as new images come in. Args: run: The name of the run. tag: The tag. index: The index of the image. Negative values are OK. Returns: A string representation of a URL that will load the index-th sampled image in the given run with the given tag. """ query_string = urllib.urlencode({ 'run': run, 'tag': tag, 'index': index }) return query_string def _serve_runs(self, unused_query_params): """Return a JSON object about runs and tags. Returns a mapping from runs to tagType to list of tags for that run. Returns: {runName: {images: [tag1, tag2, tag3], scalars: [tagA, tagB, tagC], histograms: [tagX, tagY, tagZ]}} """ self._send_json_response(self._multiplexer.Runs()) def _serve_index(self, unused_query_params): """Serves the index page (i.e., the tensorboard app itself).""" self._serve_static_file('/dist/index.html') def _serve_static_file(self, path): """Serves the static file located at the given path. Args: path: The path of the static file, relative to the tensorboard/ directory. """ # Strip off the leading forward slash. path = path.lstrip('/') if not self._path_is_safe(path):'path %s not safe, sending 404' % path) # Traversal attack, so 404. self.send_error(404) return if path.startswith('external'): path = os.path.join('../', path) else: path = os.path.join('tensorboard', path) # Open the file and read it. try: contents = resource_loader.load_resource(path) except IOError:'path %s not found, sending 404' % path) self.send_error(404) return self.send_response(200) mimetype = mimetypes.guess_type(path)[0] or 'application/octet-stream' self.send_header('Content-Type', mimetype) self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(contents) def do_GET(self): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """Handler for all get requests.""" parsed_url = urlparse.urlparse(self.path) # Remove a trailing slash, if present. clean_path = parsed_url.path if clean_path.endswith('/'): clean_path = clean_path[:-1] handlers = { SCALARS_ROUTE: self._serve_scalars, GRAPH_ROUTE: self._serve_graph, HISTOGRAMS_ROUTE: self._serve_histograms, COMPRESSED_HISTOGRAMS_ROUTE: self._serve_compressed_histograms, IMAGES_ROUTE: self._serve_images, INDIVIDUAL_IMAGE_ROUTE: self._serve_image, RUNS_ROUTE: self._serve_runs, '': self._serve_index } if clean_path in handlers: query_params = urlparse.parse_qs(parsed_url.query) # parse_qs returns a list of values for each key; we're only interested in # the first. for key in query_params: value_count = len(query_params[key]) if value_count != 1: self.send_error( 400, 'query parameter %s should have exactly one value, had %d' % (key, value_count)) return query_params[key] = query_params[key][0] handlers[clean_path](query_params) else: self._serve_static_file(clean_path)
# Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Implements raw HID device communication on Windows.""" import ctypes from ctypes import wintypes import platform from pyu2f import errors from pyu2f.hid import base # Load relevant DLLs hid = ctypes.windll.Hid setupapi = ctypes.windll.SetupAPI kernel32 = ctypes.windll.Kernel32 # Various structs that are used in the Windows APIs we call class GUID(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [("Data1", ctypes.c_ulong), ("Data2", ctypes.c_ushort), ("Data3", ctypes.c_ushort), ("Data4", ctypes.c_ubyte * 8)] # On Windows, SetupAPI.h packs structures differently in 64bit and # 32bit mode. In 64bit mode, thestructures are packed on 8 byte # boundaries, while in 32bit mode, they are packed on 1 byte boundaries. # This is important to get right for some API calls that fill out these # structures. if platform.architecture()[0] == "64bit": SETUPAPI_PACK = 8 elif platform.architecture()[0] == "32bit": SETUPAPI_PACK = 1 else: raise errors.HidError("Unknown architecture: %s" % platform.architecture()[0]) class DeviceInterfaceData(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [("cbSize", wintypes.DWORD), ("InterfaceClassGuid", GUID), ("Flags", wintypes.DWORD), ("Reserved", ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_ulong))] _pack_ = SETUPAPI_PACK class DeviceInterfaceDetailData(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [("cbSize", wintypes.DWORD), ("DevicePath", ctypes.c_byte * 1)] _pack_ = SETUPAPI_PACK class HidAttributes(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [("Size", ctypes.c_ulong), ("VendorID", ctypes.c_ushort), ("ProductID", ctypes.c_ushort), ("VersionNumber", ctypes.c_ushort)] class HidCapabilities(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [("Usage", ctypes.c_ushort), ("UsagePage", ctypes.c_ushort), ("InputReportByteLength", ctypes.c_ushort), ("OutputReportByteLength", ctypes.c_ushort), ("FeatureReportByteLength", ctypes.c_ushort), ("Reserved", ctypes.c_ushort * 17), ("NotUsed", ctypes.c_ushort * 10)] # Various void* aliases for readability. HDEVINFO = ctypes.c_void_p HANDLE = ctypes.c_void_p PHIDP_PREPARSED_DATA = ctypes.c_void_p # pylint: disable=invalid-name # This is a HANDLE. INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE = 0xffffffffL # Status codes NTSTATUS = ctypes.c_long HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS = 0x00110000L FILE_SHARE_READ = 0x00000001L FILE_SHARE_WRITE = 0x00000002L OPEN_EXISTING = 0x03 ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED = 0x05 # CreateFile Flags GENERIC_WRITE = 0x40000000L GENERIC_READ = 0x80000000L # Function signatures hid.HidD_GetHidGuid.restype = None hid.HidD_GetHidGuid.argtypes = [ctypes.POINTER(GUID)] hid.HidD_GetAttributes.restype = wintypes.BOOLEAN hid.HidD_GetAttributes.argtypes = [HANDLE, ctypes.POINTER(HidAttributes)] hid.HidD_GetPreparsedData.restype = wintypes.BOOLEAN hid.HidD_GetPreparsedData.argtypes = [HANDLE, ctypes.POINTER(PHIDP_PREPARSED_DATA)] hid.HidD_FreePreparsedData.restype = wintypes.BOOLEAN hid.HidD_FreePreparsedData.argtypes = [PHIDP_PREPARSED_DATA] hid.HidD_GetProductString.restype = wintypes.BOOLEAN hid.HidD_GetProductString.argtypes = [HANDLE, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_ulong] hid.HidP_GetCaps.restype = NTSTATUS hid.HidP_GetCaps.argtypes = [PHIDP_PREPARSED_DATA, ctypes.POINTER(HidCapabilities)] setupapi.SetupDiGetClassDevsA.argtypes = [ctypes.POINTER(GUID), ctypes.c_char_p, wintypes.HWND, wintypes.DWORD] setupapi.SetupDiGetClassDevsA.restype = HDEVINFO setupapi.SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces.restype = wintypes.BOOL setupapi.SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces.argtypes = [ HDEVINFO, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.POINTER(GUID), wintypes.DWORD, ctypes.POINTER(DeviceInterfaceData)] setupapi.SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetailA.restype = wintypes.BOOL setupapi.SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetailA.argtypes = [ HDEVINFO, ctypes.POINTER(DeviceInterfaceData), ctypes.POINTER(DeviceInterfaceDetailData), wintypes.DWORD, ctypes.POINTER(wintypes.DWORD), ctypes.c_void_p] kernel32.CreateFileA.restype = HANDLE kernel32.CreateFileA.argtypes = [ ctypes.c_char_p, wintypes.DWORD, wintypes.DWORD, ctypes.c_void_p, wintypes.DWORD, wintypes.DWORD, HANDLE] kernel32.CloseHandle.restype = wintypes.BOOL kernel32.CloseHandle.argtypes = [HANDLE] kernel32.ReadFile.restype = wintypes.BOOL kernel32.ReadFile.argtypes = [ HANDLE, ctypes.c_void_p, wintypes.DWORD, ctypes.POINTER(wintypes.DWORD), ctypes.c_void_p] kernel32.WriteFile.restype = wintypes.BOOL kernel32.WriteFile.argtypes = [ HANDLE, ctypes.c_void_p, wintypes.DWORD, ctypes.POINTER(wintypes.DWORD), ctypes.c_void_p] def FillDeviceAttributes(device, descriptor): """Fill out the attributes of the device. Fills the devices HidAttributes and product string into the descriptor. Args: device: A handle to the open device descriptor: The DeviceDescriptor to populate with the attributes. Returns: None Raises: WindowsError when unable to obtain attributes or product string. """ attributes = HidAttributes() result = hid.HidD_GetAttributes(device, ctypes.byref(attributes)) if not result: raise ctypes.WinError() buf = ctypes.create_string_buffer(1024) result = hid.HidD_GetProductString(device, buf, 1024) if not result: raise ctypes.WinError() descriptor.vendor_id = attributes.VendorID descriptor.product_id = attributes.ProductID descriptor.product_string = ctypes.wstring_at(buf) def FillDeviceCapabilities(device, descriptor): """Fill out device capabilities. Fills the HidCapabilitites of the device into descriptor. Args: device: A handle to the open device descriptor: DeviceDescriptor to populate with the capabilities Returns: none Raises: WindowsError when unable to obtain capabilitites. """ preparsed_data = PHIDP_PREPARSED_DATA(0) ret = hid.HidD_GetPreparsedData(device, ctypes.byref(preparsed_data)) if not ret: raise ctypes.WinError() try: caps = HidCapabilities() ret = hid.HidP_GetCaps(preparsed_data, ctypes.byref(caps)) if ret != HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS: raise ctypes.WinError() descriptor.usage = caps.Usage descriptor.usage_page = caps.UsagePage descriptor.internal_max_in_report_len = caps.InputReportByteLength descriptor.internal_max_out_report_len = caps.OutputReportByteLength finally: hid.HidD_FreePreparsedData(preparsed_data) # The python implementation uses the windows libc # open() function, which writes CreateFile but does so in a way # that doesn't let us open the device with the right set of permissions. # Therefore, we have to directly use the Windows API calls. # We could use PyWin32, which provides simple wrappers. However, to avoid # requiring a PyWin32 dependency for clients, we simply also implement it # using ctypes. def OpenDevice(path, enum=False): """Open the device and return a handle to it.""" desired_access = GENERIC_WRITE | GENERIC_READ share_mode = FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE if enum: desired_access = 0 h = kernel32.CreateFileA(path, desired_access, share_mode, None, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, None) if h == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE: raise ctypes.WinError() return h class WindowsHidDevice(base.HidDevice): """Implementation of raw HID interface on Windows.""" @staticmethod def Enumerate(): """See base class.""" hid_guid = GUID() hid.HidD_GetHidGuid(ctypes.byref(hid_guid)) devices = setupapi.SetupDiGetClassDevsA( ctypes.byref(hid_guid), None, None, 0x12) index = 0 interface_info = DeviceInterfaceData() interface_info.cbSize = ctypes.sizeof(DeviceInterfaceData) # pylint: disable=invalid-name out = [] while True: result = setupapi.SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces( devices, 0, ctypes.byref(hid_guid), index, ctypes.byref(interface_info)) index += 1 if not result: break detail_len = wintypes.DWORD() result = setupapi.SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetailA( devices, ctypes.byref(interface_info), None, 0, ctypes.byref(detail_len), None) detail_len = detail_len.value if detail_len == 0: # skip this device, some kind of error continue buf = ctypes.create_string_buffer(detail_len) interface_detail = DeviceInterfaceDetailData.from_buffer(buf) interface_detail.cbSize = ctypes.sizeof(DeviceInterfaceDetailData) result = setupapi.SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetailA( devices, ctypes.byref(interface_info), ctypes.byref(interface_detail), detail_len, None, None) if not result: raise ctypes.WinError() descriptor = base.DeviceDescriptor() # This is a bit of a hack to work around a limitation of ctypes and # "header" structures that are common in windows. DevicePath is a # ctypes array of length 1, but it is backed with a buffer that is much # longer and contains a null terminated string. So, we read the null # terminated string off DevicePath here. Per the comment above, the # alignment of this struct varies depending on architecture, but # in all cases the path string starts 1 DWORD into the structure. # # The path length is: # length of detail buffer - header length (1 DWORD) path_len = detail_len - ctypes.sizeof(wintypes.DWORD) descriptor.path = ctypes.string_at( ctypes.addressof(interface_detail.DevicePath), path_len) device = None try: device = OpenDevice(descriptor.path, True) except WindowsError as e: # pylint: disable=undefined-variable if e.winerror == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED: # Access Denied, e.g. a keyboard continue else: raise e try: FillDeviceAttributes(device, descriptor) FillDeviceCapabilities(device, descriptor) out.append(descriptor.ToPublicDict()) finally: kernel32.CloseHandle(device) return out def __init__(self, path): """See base class.""" base.HidDevice.__init__(self, path) = OpenDevice(path) self.desc = base.DeviceDescriptor() FillDeviceCapabilities(, self.desc) def GetInReportDataLength(self): """See base class.""" return self.desc.internal_max_in_report_len - 1 def GetOutReportDataLength(self): """See base class.""" return self.desc.internal_max_out_report_len - 1 def Write(self, packet): """See base class.""" if len(packet) != self.GetOutReportDataLength(): raise errors.HidError("Packet length must match report data length.") out = "".join(map(chr, [0] + packet)) # Prepend the zero-byte (report ID) num_written = wintypes.DWORD() ret = ( kernel32.WriteFile(, out, len(out), ctypes.byref(num_written), None)) if num_written.value != len(out): raise errors.HidError( "Failed to write complete packet. " + "Expected %d, but got %d" % (len(out), num_written.value)) if not ret: raise ctypes.WinError() def Read(self): """See base class.""" buf = ctypes.create_string_buffer(self.desc.internal_max_in_report_len) num_read = wintypes.DWORD() ret = kernel32.ReadFile(, buf, len(buf), ctypes.byref(num_read), None) if num_read.value != self.desc.internal_max_in_report_len: raise errors.HidError("Failed to read full length report from device.") if not ret: raise ctypes.WinError() # Convert the string buffer to a list of numbers. Throw away the first # byte, which is the report id (which we don't care about). return map(ord, buf)[1:]
from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import import os from import LoggingMgr from ...planners.explorers.discrete import DiscreteExplorer from ...mdp.discrete import DiscreteModel from . import IOnlineLearner __all__ = ['RLLearner', 'QLearner', 'RLDTLearner'] # noinspection PyAbstractClass class RLLearner(IOnlineLearner): """The reinforcement learning learner interface. Parameters ---------- max_steps : int, optional The maximum number of steps in an iteration. Default is 100. filename : str, optional The name of the file to save the learner state to after each iteration. If None is given, the learner state is not saved. Default is None. profile : bool, optional Turn on profiling at which point profiling data is collected and saved to a text file. Default is False. """ def __init__(self, max_steps=None, filename=None, profile=False): super(RLLearner, self).__init__(filename) self._logger = LoggingMgr().get_logger(self._mid) self._step_iter = 0 self._episode_cntr = 1 self._cum_reward = 0 self._num_wins = 0 self._max_steps = max_steps if max_steps is not None else 100 self._profile = profile def __getstate__(self): data = super(RLLearner, self).__getstate__() data.update(self.__dict__.copy()) remove_list = ('_id', '_logger') for key in remove_list: if key in data: del data[key] return data def __setstate__(self, d): super(RLLearner, self).__setstate__(d) for name, value in d.iteritems(): setattr(self, name, value) self._logger = LoggingMgr().get_logger(self._mid) self._logger.debug("Episode=%d", self._episode_cntr) def reset(self, t, **kwargs): """Reset reinforcement learner. Parameters ---------- t : float The current time (sec) kwargs : dict, optional Non-positional parameters, optional. """ super(RLLearner, self).reset(t, **kwargs) self._step_iter = 0 def save(self, filename): """Save the learners state. If profiling is turned on, profile information is saved to a `txt` file with the same name. Parameters ---------- filename : str The filename to save the information to. """ super(RLLearner, self).save(filename) if self._profile: filename = os.path.splitext(self._filename)[0] with open(filename + ".txt", "a") as f: win_ratio = float(self._num_wins) / float(self._episode_cntr) f.write("%d, %d, %.2f, %.2f\n" % (self._episode_cntr, self._num_wins, self._cum_reward, win_ratio)) def learn(self, experience=None): """Learn a policy from the experience. Parameters ---------- experience : Experience The agent's experience consisting of the previous state, the action performed in that state, the current state and the reward awarded. """ if self._profile and experience.reward is not None: if experience.reward > 0.0: self._num_wins += 1 self._cum_reward += experience.reward self._logger.debug("cumReward: %.2f", self._cum_reward) class QLearner(RLLearner): """Performs q-learning. Q-learning is a reinforcement learning variant. Parameters ---------- explorer : Explorer, optional The exploration strategy used. Default is no exploration. max_steps : int, optional The maximum number of steps in an iteration. Default is 100 alpha : float, optional The learning rate. Default is 0.5. gamma : float, optional The discounting factor. Default is 0.9. filename : str, optional The name of the file to save the learner state to after each iteration. If None is given, the learner state is not saved. Default is None. profile : bool, optional Turn on profiling at which point profiling data is collected and saved to a text file. Default is False. """ def __init__(self, explorer=None, max_steps=None, alpha=None, gamma=None, filename=None, profile=False): super(QLearner, self).__init__(max_steps, filename, profile) self._model = DiscreteModel() self._explorer = explorer if explorer is not None else DiscreteExplorer() """:type: Explorer""" self._alpha = alpha if alpha is not None else 0.5 self._gamma = gamma if gamma is not None else 0.9 def execute(self, experience): """Execute learning specific updates. Learning specific updates are performed, e.g. model updates. Parameters ---------- experience : Experience The actor's current experience consisting of previous state, the action performed in that state, the current state, and the reward awarded. """ self._model.update(experience) def learn(self, experience=None): """ Learn a policy from the experience. By updating the Q table according to the experience a policy is learned. Parameters ---------- experience : Experience The actor's current experience consisting of previous state, the action performed in that state, the current state, and the reward awarded. """ super(QLearner, self).learn(experience) info = self._model.statespace[experience.state] info2 = self._model.statespace[experience.next_state] qvalue = info.q[experience.action] maxq = max([info2.q[a] for a in self._model.get_actions(experience.next_state)]) delta = experience.reward + self._gamma * maxq - qvalue info.q[experience.action] = qvalue + self._alpha * delta self._logger.debug("%s action=%s reward=%.2f %s d=%.2f", experience.state, experience.action, experience.reward, experience.next_state, delta) self._logger.debug("\tq_old=%.2f visits=%d", qvalue, info.models[experience.action].visits) self._logger.debug("\tq_new=%.2f", info.q[experience.action]) def choose_action(self, state): """Choose the next action The next action is chosen according to the current policy and the selected exploration strategy. Parameters ---------- state : State The current state. Returns ------- Action : The chosen action. """ self._model.add_state(state) action = None if self._step_iter < self._max_steps: actions = self._model.get_actions(state) info = self._model.statespace[state] action = self._explorer.choose_action(actions, [info.q[a] for a in actions]) self._logger.debug("state=%s act=%s value=%.2f", state, action, self._model.statespace[state].q[action]) return action class RLDTLearner(RLLearner): """Performs reinforcement learning using decision trees. Reinforcement learning using decision trees (RL-DT) use decision trees to build the transition and reward models as described by Todd Hester and Peter Stone [1]_. Parameters ---------- planner : IPlanner The planner to use to determine the best action. max_steps : int, optional The maximum number of steps in an iteration. Default is 100. filename : str, optional The name of the file to save the learner state to after each iteration. If None is given, the learner state is not saved. Default is None. profile : bool, optional Turn on profiling at which point profiling data is collected and saved to a text file. Default is False. References ---------- .. [1] Hester, Todd, and Peter Stone. "Generalized model learning for reinforcement learning in factored domains." Proceedings of The 8th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems-Volume 2. International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, 2009. """ def __init__(self, planner, max_steps=None, filename=None, profile=False): super(RLDTLearner, self).__init__(max_steps, filename, profile) self._do_plan = True self._planner = planner def __getstate__(self): data = super(RLDTLearner, self).__getstate__() data.update({'_planner': self._planner}) return data def __setstate__(self, d): super(RLDTLearner, self).__setstate__(d) for name, value in d.iteritems(): setattr(self, name, value) self._do_plan = False def execute(self, experience): """Execute learning specific updates. Learning specific updates are performed, e.g. model updates. Parameters ---------- experience : Experience The actor's current experience consisting of previous state, the action performed in that state, the current state, and the reward awarded. """ self._do_plan = self._planner.model.update(experience) def learn(self, experience=None): """Learn a policy from the experience. A policy is learned from the experience by building the MDP model. Parameters ---------- experience : Experience The actor's current experience consisting of previous state, the action performed in that state, the current state, and the reward awarded. """ super(RLDTLearner, self).learn(experience) if self._do_plan: self._planner.plan() def choose_action(self, state): """Choose the next action The next action is chosen according to the current policy and the selected exploration strategy. Parameters ---------- state : State The current state. Returns ------- Action : The chosen action. """ action = None if self._step_iter < self._max_steps: action = self._planner.get_next_action(state) self._step_iter += 1 return action
#!/usr/bin/env python # # Electrum - lightweight Bitcoin client # Copyright (C) 2011 thomasv@gitorious # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person # obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files # (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, # including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, # publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, # and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, # subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be # included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS # BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN # ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN # CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. import sys import datetime import copy import argparse import json import ast import base64 from functools import wraps from decimal import Decimal from typing import Optional, TYPE_CHECKING from .import util, ecc from .util import bfh, bh2u, format_satoshis, json_decode, json_encode, is_hash256_str, is_hex_str, to_bytes from . import bitcoin from .bitcoin import is_address, hash_160, COIN, TYPE_ADDRESS from .bip32 import BIP32Node from .i18n import _ from .transaction import Transaction, multisig_script, TxOutput from .paymentrequest import PR_PAID, PR_UNPAID, PR_UNKNOWN, PR_EXPIRED from .synchronizer import Notifier from .wallet import Abstract_Wallet, create_new_wallet, restore_wallet_from_text from .address_synchronizer import TX_HEIGHT_LOCAL if TYPE_CHECKING: from .network import Network from .simple_config import SimpleConfig known_commands = {} def satoshis(amount): # satoshi conversion must not be performed by the parser return int(COIN*Decimal(amount)) if amount not in ['!', None] else amount class Command: def __init__(self, func, s): = func.__name__ self.requires_network = 'n' in s self.requires_wallet = 'w' in s self.requires_password = 'p' in s self.description = func.__doc__ = self.description.split('.')[0] if self.description else None varnames = func.__code__.co_varnames[1:func.__code__.co_argcount] self.defaults = func.__defaults__ if self.defaults: n = len(self.defaults) self.params = list(varnames[:-n]) self.options = list(varnames[-n:]) else: self.params = list(varnames) self.options = [] self.defaults = [] def command(s): def decorator(func): global known_commands name = func.__name__ known_commands[name] = Command(func, s) @wraps(func) def func_wrapper(*args, **kwargs): c = known_commands[func.__name__] wallet = args[0].wallet password = kwargs.get('password') if c.requires_wallet and wallet is None: raise Exception("wallet not loaded. Use 'electrum daemon load_wallet'") if c.requires_password and password is None and wallet.has_password(): return {'error': 'Password required' } return func(*args, **kwargs) return func_wrapper return decorator class Commands: def __init__(self, config: 'SimpleConfig', wallet: Abstract_Wallet, network: Optional['Network'], callback=None): self.config = config self.wallet = wallet = network self._callback = callback def _run(self, method, args, password_getter): # this wrapper is called from the python console cmd = known_commands[method] if cmd.requires_password and self.wallet.has_password(): password = password_getter() if password is None: return else: password = None f = getattr(self, method) if cmd.requires_password: result = f(*args, **{'password':password}) else: result = f(*args) if self._callback: self._callback() return result @command('') def commands(self): """List of commands""" return ' '.join(sorted(known_commands.keys())) @command('') def create(self, passphrase=None, password=None, encrypt_file=True, segwit=False): """Create a new wallet. If you want to be prompted for an argument, type '?' or ':' (concealed) """ d = create_new_wallet(path=self.config.get_wallet_path(), passphrase=passphrase, password=password, encrypt_file=encrypt_file, segwit=segwit) return { 'seed': d['seed'], 'path': d['wallet'].storage.path, 'msg': d['msg'], } @command('') def restore(self, text, passphrase=None, password=None, encrypt_file=True): """Restore a wallet from text. Text can be a seed phrase, a master public key, a master private key, a list of bitcoin addresses or bitcoin private keys. If you want to be prompted for an argument, type '?' or ':' (concealed) """ d = restore_wallet_from_text(text, path=self.config.get_wallet_path(), passphrase=passphrase, password=password, encrypt_file=encrypt_file, return { 'path': d['wallet'].storage.path, 'msg': d['msg'], } @command('wp') def password(self, password=None, new_password=None): """Change wallet password. """ if and new_password: raise Exception("Can't change the password of a wallet encrypted with a hw device.") b = self.wallet.update_password(password, new_password, b) return {'password':self.wallet.has_password()} @command('w') def get(self, key): """Return item from wallet storage""" return @command('') def getconfig(self, key): """Return a configuration variable. """ return self.config.get(key) @classmethod def _setconfig_normalize_value(cls, key, value): if key not in ('rpcuser', 'rpcpassword'): value = json_decode(value) try: value = ast.literal_eval(value) except: pass return value @command('') def setconfig(self, key, value): """Set a configuration variable. 'value' may be a string or a Python expression.""" value = self._setconfig_normalize_value(key, value) self.config.set_key(key, value) return True @command('') def make_seed(self, nbits=132, language=None, segwit=False): """Create a seed""" from .mnemonic import Mnemonic t = 'segwit' if segwit else 'standard' s = Mnemonic(language).make_seed(t, nbits) return s @command('n') def getaddresshistory(self, address): """Return the transaction history of any address. Note: This is a walletless server query, results are not checked by SPV. """ sh = bitcoin.address_to_scripthash(address) return @command('w') def listunspent(self): """List unspent outputs. Returns the list of unspent transaction outputs in your wallet.""" l = copy.deepcopy(self.wallet.get_utxos()) for i in l: v = i["value"] i["value"] = str(Decimal(v)/COIN) if v is not None else None return l @command('n') def getaddressunspent(self, address): """Returns the UTXO list of any address. Note: This is a walletless server query, results are not checked by SPV. """ sh = bitcoin.address_to_scripthash(address) return @command('') def serialize(self, jsontx): """Create a transaction from json inputs. Inputs must have a redeemPubkey. Outputs must be a list of {'address':address, 'value':satoshi_amount}. """ keypairs = {} inputs = jsontx.get('inputs') outputs = jsontx.get('outputs') locktime = jsontx.get('lockTime', 0) for txin in inputs: if txin.get('output'): prevout_hash, prevout_n = txin['output'].split(':') txin['prevout_n'] = int(prevout_n) txin['prevout_hash'] = prevout_hash sec = txin.get('privkey') if sec: txin_type, privkey, compressed = bitcoin.deserialize_privkey(sec) pubkey = ecc.ECPrivkey(privkey).get_public_key_hex(compressed=compressed) keypairs[pubkey] = privkey, compressed txin['type'] = txin_type txin['x_pubkeys'] = [pubkey] txin['signatures'] = [None] txin['num_sig'] = 1 outputs = [TxOutput(TYPE_ADDRESS, x['address'], int(x['value'])) for x in outputs] tx = Transaction.from_io(inputs, outputs, locktime=locktime) tx.sign(keypairs) return tx.as_dict() @command('wp') def signtransaction(self, tx, privkey=None, password=None): """Sign a transaction. The wallet keys will be used unless a private key is provided.""" tx = Transaction(tx) if privkey: txin_type, privkey2, compressed = bitcoin.deserialize_privkey(privkey) pubkey_bytes = ecc.ECPrivkey(privkey2).get_public_key_bytes(compressed=compressed) h160 = bitcoin.hash_160(pubkey_bytes) x_pubkey = 'fd' + bh2u(b'\x00' + h160) tx.sign({x_pubkey:(privkey2, compressed)}) else: self.wallet.sign_transaction(tx, password) return tx.as_dict() @command('') def deserialize(self, tx): """Deserialize a serialized transaction""" tx = Transaction(tx) return tx.deserialize(force_full_parse=True) @command('n') def broadcast(self, tx): """Broadcast a transaction to the network. """ tx = Transaction(tx) return tx.txid() @command('') def createmultisig(self, num, pubkeys): """Create multisig address""" assert isinstance(pubkeys, list), (type(num), type(pubkeys)) redeem_script = multisig_script(pubkeys, num) address = bitcoin.hash160_to_p2sh(hash_160(bfh(redeem_script))) return {'address':address, 'redeemScript':redeem_script} @command('w') def freeze(self, address): """Freeze address. Freeze the funds at one of your wallet\'s addresses""" return self.wallet.set_frozen_state_of_addresses([address], True) @command('w') def unfreeze(self, address): """Unfreeze address. Unfreeze the funds at one of your wallet\'s address""" return self.wallet.set_frozen_state_of_addresses([address], False) @command('wp') def getprivatekeys(self, address, password=None): """Get private keys of addresses. You may pass a single wallet address, or a list of wallet addresses.""" if isinstance(address, str): address = address.strip() if is_address(address): return self.wallet.export_private_key(address, password)[0] domain = address return [self.wallet.export_private_key(address, password)[0] for address in domain] @command('w') def ismine(self, address): """Check if address is in wallet. Return true if and only address is in wallet""" return self.wallet.is_mine(address) @command('') def dumpprivkeys(self): """Deprecated.""" return "This command is deprecated. Use a pipe instead: 'electrum listaddresses | electrum getprivatekeys - '" @command('') def validateaddress(self, address): """Check that an address is valid. """ return is_address(address) @command('w') def getpubkeys(self, address): """Return the public keys for a wallet address. """ return self.wallet.get_public_keys(address) @command('w') def getbalance(self): """Return the balance of your wallet. """ c, u, x = self.wallet.get_balance() out = {"confirmed": str(Decimal(c)/COIN)} if u: out["unconfirmed"] = str(Decimal(u)/COIN) if x: out["unmatured"] = str(Decimal(x)/COIN) return out @command('n') def getaddressbalance(self, address): """Return the balance of any address. Note: This is a walletless server query, results are not checked by SPV. """ sh = bitcoin.address_to_scripthash(address) out = out["confirmed"] = str(Decimal(out["confirmed"])/COIN) out["unconfirmed"] = str(Decimal(out["unconfirmed"])/COIN) return out @command('n') def getmerkle(self, txid, height): """Get Merkle branch of a transaction included in a block. Electrum uses this to verify transactions (Simple Payment Verification).""" return, int(height))) @command('n') def getservers(self): """Return the list of available servers""" return @command('') def version(self): """Return the version of Electrum.""" from .version import ELECTRUM_VERSION return ELECTRUM_VERSION @command('w') def getmpk(self): """Get master public key. Return your wallet\'s master public key""" return self.wallet.get_master_public_key() @command('wp') def getmasterprivate(self, password=None): """Get master private key. Return your wallet\'s master private key""" return str(self.wallet.keystore.get_master_private_key(password)) @command('') def convert_xkey(self, xkey, xtype): """Convert xtype of a master key. e.g. xpub -> ypub""" try: node = BIP32Node.from_xkey(xkey) except: raise Exception('xkey should be a master public/private key') return node._replace(xtype=xtype).to_xkey() @command('wp') def getseed(self, password=None): """Get seed phrase. Print the generation seed of your wallet.""" s = self.wallet.get_seed(password) return s @command('wp') def importprivkey(self, privkey, password=None): """Import a private key.""" if not self.wallet.can_import_privkey(): return "Error: This type of wallet cannot import private keys. Try to create a new wallet with that key." try: addr = self.wallet.import_private_key(privkey, password) out = "Keypair imported: " + addr except Exception as e: out = "Error: " + repr(e) return out def _resolver(self, x): if x is None: return None out = self.wallet.contacts.resolve(x) if out.get('type') == 'openalias' and self.nocheck is False and out.get('validated') is False: raise Exception('cannot verify alias', x) return out['address'] @command('n') def sweep(self, privkey, destination, fee=None, nocheck=False, imax=100): """Sweep private keys. Returns a transaction that spends UTXOs from privkey to a destination address. The transaction is not broadcasted.""" from .wallet import sweep tx_fee = satoshis(fee) privkeys = privkey.split() self.nocheck = nocheck #dest = self._resolver(destination) tx = sweep(privkeys,, self.config, destination, tx_fee, imax) return tx.as_dict() if tx else None @command('wp') def signmessage(self, address, message, password=None): """Sign a message with a key. Use quotes if your message contains whitespaces""" sig = self.wallet.sign_message(address, message, password) return base64.b64encode(sig).decode('ascii') @command('') def verifymessage(self, address, signature, message): """Verify a signature.""" sig = base64.b64decode(signature) message = util.to_bytes(message) return ecc.verify_message_with_address(address, sig, message) def _mktx(self, outputs, fee, change_addr, domain, nocheck, unsigned, rbf, password, locktime=None): self.nocheck = nocheck change_addr = self._resolver(change_addr) domain = None if domain is None else map(self._resolver, domain) final_outputs = [] for address, amount in outputs: address = self._resolver(address) amount = satoshis(amount) final_outputs.append(TxOutput(TYPE_ADDRESS, address, amount)) coins = self.wallet.get_spendable_coins(domain, self.config) tx = self.wallet.make_unsigned_transaction(coins, final_outputs, self.config, fee, change_addr) if locktime != None: tx.locktime = locktime if rbf is None: rbf = self.config.get('use_rbf', True) if rbf: tx.set_rbf(True) if not unsigned: self.wallet.sign_transaction(tx, password) return tx @command('wp') def payto(self, destination, amount, fee=None, from_addr=None, change_addr=None, nocheck=False, unsigned=False, rbf=None, password=None, locktime=None): """Create a transaction. """ tx_fee = satoshis(fee) domain = from_addr.split(',') if from_addr else None tx = self._mktx([(destination, amount)], tx_fee, change_addr, domain, nocheck, unsigned, rbf, password, locktime) return tx.as_dict() @command('wp') def paytomany(self, outputs, fee=None, from_addr=None, change_addr=None, nocheck=False, unsigned=False, rbf=None, password=None, locktime=None): """Create a multi-output transaction. """ tx_fee = satoshis(fee) domain = from_addr.split(',') if from_addr else None tx = self._mktx(outputs, tx_fee, change_addr, domain, nocheck, unsigned, rbf, password, locktime) return tx.as_dict() @command('w') def history(self, year=None, show_addresses=False, show_fiat=False, show_fees=False, from_height=None, to_height=None): """Wallet history. Returns the transaction history of your wallet.""" kwargs = { 'show_addresses': show_addresses, 'show_fees': show_fees, 'from_height': from_height, 'to_height': to_height, } if year: import time start_date = datetime.datetime(year, 1, 1) end_date = datetime.datetime(year+1, 1, 1) kwargs['from_timestamp'] = time.mktime(start_date.timetuple()) kwargs['to_timestamp'] = time.mktime(end_date.timetuple()) if show_fiat: from .exchange_rate import FxThread fx = FxThread(self.config, None) kwargs['fx'] = fx return json_encode(self.wallet.get_full_history(**kwargs)) @command('w') def setlabel(self, key, label): """Assign a label to an item. Item may be a bitcoin address or a transaction ID""" self.wallet.set_label(key, label) @command('w') def listcontacts(self): """Show your list of contacts""" return self.wallet.contacts @command('w') def getalias(self, key): """Retrieve alias. Lookup in your list of contacts, and for an OpenAlias DNS record.""" return self.wallet.contacts.resolve(key) @command('w') def searchcontacts(self, query): """Search through contacts, return matching entries. """ results = {} for key, value in self.wallet.contacts.items(): if query.lower() in key.lower(): results[key] = value return results @command('w') def listaddresses(self, receiving=False, change=False, labels=False, frozen=False, unused=False, funded=False, balance=False): """List wallet addresses. Returns the list of all addresses in your wallet. Use optional arguments to filter the results.""" out = [] for addr in self.wallet.get_addresses(): if frozen and not self.wallet.is_frozen_address(addr): continue if receiving and self.wallet.is_change(addr): continue if change and not self.wallet.is_change(addr): continue if unused and self.wallet.is_used(addr): continue if funded and self.wallet.is_empty(addr): continue item = addr if labels or balance: item = (item,) if balance: item += (format_satoshis(sum(self.wallet.get_addr_balance(addr))),) if labels: item += (repr(self.wallet.labels.get(addr, '')),) out.append(item) return out @command('n') def gettransaction(self, txid): """Retrieve a transaction. """ tx = None if self.wallet: tx = self.wallet.db.get_transaction(txid) if tx is None: raw = if raw: tx = Transaction(raw) else: raise Exception("Unknown transaction") return tx.as_dict() @command('') def encrypt(self, pubkey, message) -> str: """Encrypt a message with a public key. Use quotes if the message contains whitespaces.""" if not is_hex_str(pubkey): raise Exception(f"pubkey must be a hex string instead of {repr(pubkey)}") try: message = to_bytes(message) except TypeError: raise Exception(f"message must be a string-like object instead of {repr(message)}") public_key = ecc.ECPubkey(bfh(pubkey)) encrypted = public_key.encrypt_message(message) return encrypted.decode('utf-8') @command('wp') def decrypt(self, pubkey, encrypted, password=None) -> str: """Decrypt a message encrypted with a public key.""" if not is_hex_str(pubkey): raise Exception(f"pubkey must be a hex string instead of {repr(pubkey)}") if not isinstance(encrypted, (str, bytes, bytearray)): raise Exception(f"encrypted must be a string-like object instead of {repr(encrypted)}") decrypted = self.wallet.decrypt_message(pubkey, encrypted, password) return decrypted.decode('utf-8') def _format_request(self, out): pr_str = { PR_UNKNOWN: 'Unknown', PR_UNPAID: 'Pending', PR_PAID: 'Paid', PR_EXPIRED: 'Expired', } out['amount (BTC)'] = format_satoshis(out.get('amount')) out['status'] = pr_str[out.get('status', PR_UNKNOWN)] return out @command('w') def getrequest(self, key): """Return a payment request""" r = self.wallet.get_payment_request(key, self.config) if not r: raise Exception("Request not found") return self._format_request(r) #@command('w') #def ackrequest(self, serialized): # """<Not implemented>""" # pass @command('w') def listrequests(self, pending=False, expired=False, paid=False): """List the payment requests you made.""" out = self.wallet.get_sorted_requests(self.config) if pending: f = PR_UNPAID elif expired: f = PR_EXPIRED elif paid: f = PR_PAID else: f = None if f is not None: out = list(filter(lambda x: x.get('status')==f, out)) return list(map(self._format_request, out)) @command('w') def createnewaddress(self): """Create a new receiving address, beyond the gap limit of the wallet""" return self.wallet.create_new_address(False) @command('w') def getunusedaddress(self): """Returns the first unused address of the wallet, or None if all addresses are used. An address is considered as used if it has received a transaction, or if it is used in a payment request.""" return self.wallet.get_unused_address() @command('w') def addrequest(self, amount, memo='', expiration=None, force=False): """Create a payment request, using the first unused address of the wallet. The address will be considered as used after this operation. If no payment is received, the address will be considered as unused if the payment request is deleted from the wallet.""" addr = self.wallet.get_unused_address() if addr is None: if force: addr = self.wallet.create_new_address(False) else: return False amount = satoshis(amount) expiration = int(expiration) if expiration else None req = self.wallet.make_payment_request(addr, amount, memo, expiration) self.wallet.add_payment_request(req, self.config) out = self.wallet.get_payment_request(addr, self.config) return self._format_request(out) @command('w') def addtransaction(self, tx): """ Add a transaction to the wallet history """ tx = Transaction(tx) if not self.wallet.add_transaction(tx.txid(), tx): return False return tx.txid() @command('wp') def signrequest(self, address, password=None): "Sign payment request with an OpenAlias" alias = self.config.get('alias') if not alias: raise Exception('No alias in your configuration') alias_addr = self.wallet.contacts.resolve(alias)['address'] self.wallet.sign_payment_request(address, alias, alias_addr, password) @command('w') def rmrequest(self, address): """Remove a payment request""" return self.wallet.remove_payment_request(address, self.config) @command('w') def clearrequests(self): """Remove all payment requests""" for k in list(self.wallet.receive_requests.keys()): self.wallet.remove_payment_request(k, self.config) @command('n') def notify(self, address: str, URL: str): """Watch an address. Every time the address changes, a http POST is sent to the URL.""" if not hasattr(self, "_notifier"): self._notifier = Notifier(, URL))) return True @command('wn') def is_synchronized(self): """ return wallet synchronization status """ return self.wallet.is_up_to_date() @command('n') def getfeerate(self, fee_method=None, fee_level=None): """Return current suggested fee rate (in sat/kvByte), according to config settings or supplied parameters. """ if fee_method is None: dyn, mempool = None, None elif fee_method.lower() == 'static': dyn, mempool = False, False elif fee_method.lower() == 'eta': dyn, mempool = True, False elif fee_method.lower() == 'mempool': dyn, mempool = True, True else: raise Exception('Invalid fee estimation method: {}'.format(fee_method)) if fee_level is not None: fee_level = Decimal(fee_level) return self.config.fee_per_kb(dyn=dyn, mempool=mempool, fee_level=fee_level) @command('w') def removelocaltx(self, txid): """Remove a 'local' transaction from the wallet, and its dependent transactions. """ if not is_hash256_str(txid): raise Exception(f"{repr(txid)} is not a txid") height = self.wallet.get_tx_height(txid).height to_delete = {txid} if height != TX_HEIGHT_LOCAL: raise Exception(f'Only local transactions can be removed. ' f'This tx has height: {height} != {TX_HEIGHT_LOCAL}') to_delete |= self.wallet.get_depending_transactions(txid) for tx_hash in to_delete: self.wallet.remove_transaction(tx_hash) @command('wn') def get_tx_status(self, txid): """Returns some information regarding the tx. For now, only confirmations. The transaction must be related to the wallet. """ if not is_hash256_str(txid): raise Exception(f"{repr(txid)} is not a txid") if not self.wallet.db.get_transaction(txid): raise Exception("Transaction not in wallet.") return { "confirmations": self.wallet.get_tx_height(txid).conf, } @command('') def help(self): # for the python console return sorted(known_commands.keys()) def eval_bool(x: str) -> bool: if x == 'false': return False if x == 'true': return True try: return bool(ast.literal_eval(x)) except: return bool(x) param_descriptions = { 'privkey': 'Private key. Type \'?\' to get a prompt.', 'destination': 'Bitcoin address, contact or alias', 'address': 'Bitcoin address', 'seed': 'Seed phrase', 'txid': 'Transaction ID', 'pos': 'Position', 'height': 'Block height', 'tx': 'Serialized transaction (hexadecimal)', 'key': 'Variable name', 'pubkey': 'Public key', 'message': 'Clear text message. Use quotes if it contains spaces.', 'encrypted': 'Encrypted message', 'amount': 'Amount to be sent (in BTC). Type \'!\' to send the maximum available.', 'requested_amount': 'Requested amount (in BTC).', 'outputs': 'list of ["address", amount]', 'redeem_script': 'redeem script (hexadecimal)', } command_options = { 'password': ("-W", "Password"), 'new_password':(None, "New Password"), 'encrypt_file':(None, "Whether the file on disk should be encrypted with the provided password"), 'receiving': (None, "Show only receiving addresses"), 'change': (None, "Show only change addresses"), 'frozen': (None, "Show only frozen addresses"), 'unused': (None, "Show only unused addresses"), 'funded': (None, "Show only funded addresses"), 'balance': ("-b", "Show the balances of listed addresses"), 'labels': ("-l", "Show the labels of listed addresses"), 'nocheck': (None, "Do not verify aliases"), 'imax': (None, "Maximum number of inputs"), 'fee': ("-f", "Transaction fee (in BTC)"), 'from_addr': ("-F", "Source address (must be a wallet address; use sweep to spend from non-wallet address)."), 'change_addr': ("-c", "Change address. Default is a spare address, or the source address if it's not in the wallet"), 'nbits': (None, "Number of bits of entropy"), 'segwit': (None, "Create segwit seed"), 'language': ("-L", "Default language for wordlist"), 'passphrase': (None, "Seed extension"), 'privkey': (None, "Private key. Set to '?' to get a prompt."), 'unsigned': ("-u", "Do not sign transaction"), 'rbf': (None, "Replace-by-fee transaction"), 'locktime': (None, "Set locktime block number"), 'domain': ("-D", "List of addresses"), 'memo': ("-m", "Description of the request"), 'expiration': (None, "Time in seconds"), 'timeout': (None, "Timeout in seconds"), 'force': (None, "Create new address beyond gap limit, if no more addresses are available."), 'pending': (None, "Show only pending requests."), 'expired': (None, "Show only expired requests."), 'paid': (None, "Show only paid requests."), 'show_addresses': (None, "Show input and output addresses"), 'show_fiat': (None, "Show fiat value of transactions"), 'show_fees': (None, "Show miner fees paid by transactions"), 'year': (None, "Show history for a given year"), 'fee_method': (None, "Fee estimation method to use"), 'fee_level': (None, "Float between 0.0 and 1.0, representing fee slider position"), 'from_height': (None, "Only show transactions that confirmed after given block height"), 'to_height': (None, "Only show transactions that confirmed before given block height"), } # don't use floats because of rounding errors from .transaction import tx_from_str json_loads = lambda x: json.loads(x, parse_float=lambda x: str(Decimal(x))) arg_types = { 'num': int, 'nbits': int, 'imax': int, 'year': int, 'from_height': int, 'to_height': int, 'tx': tx_from_str, 'pubkeys': json_loads, 'jsontx': json_loads, 'inputs': json_loads, 'outputs': json_loads, 'fee': lambda x: str(Decimal(x)) if x is not None else None, 'amount': lambda x: str(Decimal(x)) if x != '!' else '!', 'locktime': int, 'fee_method': str, 'fee_level': json_loads, 'encrypt_file': eval_bool, } config_variables = { 'addrequest': { 'requests_dir': 'directory where a bip70 file will be written.', 'ssl_privkey': 'Path to your SSL private key, needed to sign the request.', 'ssl_chain': 'Chain of SSL certificates, needed for signed requests. Put your certificate at the top and the root CA at the end', 'url_rewrite': 'Parameters passed to str.replace(), in order to create the r= part of bitcoin: URIs. Example: \"(\'file:///var/www/\',\'\')\"', }, 'listrequests':{ 'url_rewrite': 'Parameters passed to str.replace(), in order to create the r= part of bitcoin: URIs. Example: \"(\'file:///var/www/\',\'\')\"', } } def set_default_subparser(self, name, args=None): """see""" subparser_found = False for arg in sys.argv[1:]: if arg in ['-h', '--help']: # global help if no subparser break else: for x in self._subparsers._actions: if not isinstance(x, argparse._SubParsersAction): continue for sp_name in x._name_parser_map.keys(): if sp_name in sys.argv[1:]: subparser_found = True if not subparser_found: # insert default in first position, this implies no # global options without a sub_parsers specified if args is None: sys.argv.insert(1, name) else: args.insert(0, name) argparse.ArgumentParser.set_default_subparser = set_default_subparser # workaround # see def subparser_call(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): from argparse import ArgumentError, SUPPRESS, _UNRECOGNIZED_ARGS_ATTR parser_name = values[0] arg_strings = values[1:] # set the parser name if requested if self.dest is not SUPPRESS: setattr(namespace, self.dest, parser_name) # select the parser try: parser = self._name_parser_map[parser_name] except KeyError: tup = parser_name, ', '.join(self._name_parser_map) msg = _('unknown parser {!r} (choices: {})').format(*tup) raise ArgumentError(self, msg) # parse all the remaining options into the namespace # store any unrecognized options on the object, so that the top # level parser can decide what to do with them namespace, arg_strings = parser.parse_known_args(arg_strings, namespace) if arg_strings: vars(namespace).setdefault(_UNRECOGNIZED_ARGS_ATTR, []) getattr(namespace, _UNRECOGNIZED_ARGS_ATTR).extend(arg_strings) argparse._SubParsersAction.__call__ = subparser_call def add_network_options(parser): parser.add_argument("-1", "--oneserver", action="store_true", dest="oneserver", default=None, help="connect to one server only") parser.add_argument("-s", "--server", dest="server", default=None, help="set server host:port:protocol, where protocol is either t (tcp) or s (ssl)") parser.add_argument("-p", "--proxy", dest="proxy", default=None, help="set proxy [type:]host[:port], where type is socks4,socks5 or http") parser.add_argument("--noonion", action="store_true", dest="noonion", default=None, help="do not try to connect to onion servers") parser.add_argument("--skipmerklecheck", action="store_true", dest="skipmerklecheck", default=False, help="Tolerate invalid merkle proofs from server") def add_global_options(parser): group = parser.add_argument_group('global options') group.add_argument("-v", dest="verbosity", help="Set verbosity (log levels)", default='') group.add_argument("-V", dest="verbosity_shortcuts", help="Set verbosity (shortcut-filter list)", default='') group.add_argument("-D", "--dir", dest="electrum_path", help="electrum directory") group.add_argument("-P", "--portable", action="store_true", dest="portable", default=False, help="Use local 'electrum_data' directory") group.add_argument("-w", "--wallet", dest="wallet_path", help="wallet path") group.add_argument("--testnet", action="store_true", dest="testnet", default=False, help="Use Testnet") group.add_argument("--regtest", action="store_true", dest="regtest", default=False, help="Use Regtest") group.add_argument("--simnet", action="store_true", dest="simnet", default=False, help="Use Simnet") def get_parser(): # create main parser parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( epilog="Run 'electrum help <command>' to see the help for a command") add_global_options(parser) subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest='cmd', metavar='<command>') # gui parser_gui = subparsers.add_parser('gui', description="Run Electrum's Graphical User Interface.", help="Run GUI (default)") parser_gui.add_argument("url", nargs='?', default=None, help="bitcoin URI (or bip70 file)") parser_gui.add_argument("-g", "--gui", dest="gui", help="select graphical user interface", choices=['qt', 'kivy', 'text', 'stdio']) parser_gui.add_argument("-o", "--offline", action="store_true", dest="offline", default=False, help="Run offline") parser_gui.add_argument("-m", action="store_true", dest="hide_gui", default=False, help="hide GUI on startup") parser_gui.add_argument("-L", "--lang", dest="language", default=None, help="default language used in GUI") parser_gui.add_argument("--daemon", action="store_true", dest="daemon", default=False, help="keep daemon running after GUI is closed") add_network_options(parser_gui) add_global_options(parser_gui) # daemon parser_daemon = subparsers.add_parser('daemon', help="Run Daemon") parser_daemon.add_argument("subcommand", choices=['start', 'status', 'stop', 'load_wallet', 'close_wallet'], nargs='?') #parser_daemon.set_defaults(func=run_daemon) add_network_options(parser_daemon) add_global_options(parser_daemon) # commands for cmdname in sorted(known_commands.keys()): cmd = known_commands[cmdname] p = subparsers.add_parser(cmdname,, description=cmd.description) add_global_options(p) for optname, default in zip(cmd.options, cmd.defaults): a, help = command_options[optname] b = '--' + optname action = "store_true" if default is False else 'store' args = (a, b) if a else (b,) if action == 'store': _type = arg_types.get(optname, str) p.add_argument(*args, dest=optname, action=action, default=default, help=help, type=_type) else: p.add_argument(*args, dest=optname, action=action, default=default, help=help) for param in cmd.params: h = param_descriptions.get(param, '') _type = arg_types.get(param, str) p.add_argument(param, help=h, type=_type) cvh = config_variables.get(cmdname) if cvh: group = p.add_argument_group('configuration variables', '(set with setconfig/getconfig)') for k, v in cvh.items(): group.add_argument(k, nargs='?', help=v) # 'gui' is the default command parser.set_default_subparser('gui') return parser
# -------------------------------------------------------- # Fast/er R-CNN # Licensed under The MIT License [see LICENSE for details] # Written by Bharath Hariharan # -------------------------------------------------------- import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import os import cPickle import numpy as np def parse_rec(filename): """ Parse a PASCAL VOC xml file """ tree = ET.parse(filename) objects = [] for obj in tree.findall('object'): obj_struct = {} obj_struct['name'] = obj.find('name').text obj_struct['pose'] = obj.find('pose').text obj_struct['truncated'] = int(obj.find('truncated').text) obj_struct['difficult'] = int(obj.find('difficult').text) bbox = obj.find('bndbox') obj_struct['bbox'] = [int(bbox.find('xmin').text), int(bbox.find('ymin').text), int(bbox.find('xmax').text), int(bbox.find('ymax').text)] objects.append(obj_struct) return objects def voc_ap(rec, prec, use_07_metric=False): """ ap = voc_ap(rec, prec, [use_07_metric]) Compute VOC AP given precision and recall. If use_07_metric is true, uses the VOC 07 11 point method (default:False). """ if use_07_metric: # 11 point metric ap = 0. for t in np.arange(0., 1.1, 0.1): if np.sum(rec >= t) == 0: p = 0 else: p = np.max(prec[rec >= t]) ap = ap + p / 11. else: # correct AP calculation # first append sentinel values at the end mrec = np.concatenate(([0.], rec, [1.])) mpre = np.concatenate(([0.], prec, [0.])) # compute the precision envelope for i in range(mpre.size - 1, 0, -1): mpre[i - 1] = np.maximum(mpre[i - 1], mpre[i]) # to calculate area under PR curve, look for points # where X axis (recall) changes value i = np.where(mrec[1:] != mrec[:-1])[0] # and sum (\Delta recall) * prec ap = np.sum((mrec[i + 1] - mrec[i]) * mpre[i + 1]) return ap def voc_eval(detpath, annopath, imagesetfile, classname, cachedir, ovthresh=0.5, use_07_metric=False): """rec, prec, ap = voc_eval(detpath, annopath, imagesetfile, classname, [ovthresh], [use_07_metric]) Top level function that does the PASCAL VOC evaluation. detpath: Path to detections detpath.format(classname) should produce the detection results file. annopath: Path to annotations annopath.format(imagename) should be the xml annotations file. imagesetfile: Text file containing the list of images, one image per line. classname: Category name (duh) cachedir: Directory for caching the annotations [ovthresh]: Overlap threshold (default = 0.5) [use_07_metric]: Whether to use VOC07's 11 point AP computation (default False) """ # assumes detections are in detpath.format(classname) # assumes annotations are in annopath.format(imagename) # assumes imagesetfile is a text file with each line an image name # cachedir caches the annotations in a pickle file # first load gt if not os.path.isdir(cachedir): os.mkdir(cachedir) cachefile = os.path.join(cachedir, 'annots.pkl') # read list of images with open(imagesetfile, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() imagenames = [x.strip() for x in lines] if not os.path.isfile(cachefile): # load annots recs = {} for i, imagename in enumerate(imagenames): recs[imagename] = parse_rec(annopath.format(imagename)) if i % 100 == 0: print 'Reading annotation for {:d}/{:d}'.format( i + 1, len(imagenames)) # save print 'Saving cached annotations to {:s}'.format(cachefile) with open(cachefile, 'w') as f: cPickle.dump(recs, f) else: # load with open(cachefile, 'r') as f: recs = cPickle.load(f) # extract gt objects for this class class_recs = {} npos = 0 for imagename in imagenames: R = [obj for obj in recs[imagename] if obj['name'] == classname] bbox = np.array([x['bbox'] for x in R]) difficult = np.array([x['difficult'] for x in R]).astype(np.bool) det = [False] * len(R) npos = npos + sum(~difficult) class_recs[imagename] = {'bbox': bbox, 'difficult': difficult, 'det': det} # read dets detfile = detpath.format(classname) with open(detfile, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() splitlines = [x.strip().split(' ') for x in lines] image_ids = [x[0] for x in splitlines] confidence = np.array([float(x[1]) for x in splitlines]) BB = np.array([[float(z) for z in x[2:]] for x in splitlines]) nd = len(image_ids) tp = np.zeros(nd) fp = np.zeros(nd) if BB.shape[0] > 0: # sort by confidence sorted_ind = np.argsort(-confidence) sorted_scores = np.sort(-confidence) BB = BB[sorted_ind, :] image_ids = [image_ids[x] for x in sorted_ind] # go down dets and mark TPs and FPs for d in range(nd): R = class_recs[image_ids[d]] bb = BB[d, :].astype(float) ovmax = -np.inf BBGT = R['bbox'].astype(float) if BBGT.size > 0: # compute overlaps # intersection ixmin = np.maximum(BBGT[:, 0], bb[0]) iymin = np.maximum(BBGT[:, 1], bb[1]) ixmax = np.minimum(BBGT[:, 2], bb[2]) iymax = np.minimum(BBGT[:, 3], bb[3]) iw = np.maximum(ixmax - ixmin + 1., 0.) ih = np.maximum(iymax - iymin + 1., 0.) inters = iw * ih # union uni = ((bb[2] - bb[0] + 1.) * (bb[3] - bb[1] + 1.) + (BBGT[:, 2] - BBGT[:, 0] + 1.) * (BBGT[:, 3] - BBGT[:, 1] + 1.) - inters) overlaps = inters / uni ovmax = np.max(overlaps) jmax = np.argmax(overlaps) if ovmax > ovthresh: if not R['difficult'][jmax]: if not R['det'][jmax]: tp[d] = 1. R['det'][jmax] = 1 else: fp[d] = 1. else: fp[d] = 1. # compute precision recall fp = np.cumsum(fp) tp = np.cumsum(tp) rec = tp / float(npos) # avoid divide by zero in case the first detection matches a difficult # ground truth prec = tp / np.maximum(tp + fp, np.finfo(np.float64).eps) ap = voc_ap(rec, prec, use_07_metric) return rec, prec, ap
"""Tests which check the various ways you can set DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE If these tests fail you probably forgot to run "python develop". """ import django import pytest BARE_SETTINGS = ''' # At least one database must be configured DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3', 'NAME': ':memory:' }, } SECRET_KEY = 'foobar' ''' def test_ds_env(testdir, monkeypatch): monkeypatch.setenv('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE', 'tpkg.settings_env') pkg = testdir.mkpydir('tpkg') settings = pkg.join('') settings.write(BARE_SETTINGS) testdir.makepyfile(""" import os def test_settings(): assert os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] == 'tpkg.settings_env' """) result = testdir.runpytest() result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(['*1 passed*']) assert result.ret == 0 def test_ds_ini(testdir, monkeypatch): "DSM env should override ini." monkeypatch.setenv('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE', 'tpkg.settings_ini') testdir.makeini("""\ [pytest] DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE = DO_NOT_USE_ini """) pkg = testdir.mkpydir('tpkg') settings = pkg.join('') settings.write(BARE_SETTINGS) testdir.makepyfile(""" import os def test_ds(): assert os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] == 'tpkg.settings_ini' """) result = testdir.runpytest() result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(['*1 passed*']) assert result.ret == 0 def test_ds_option(testdir, monkeypatch): monkeypatch.setenv('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE', 'DO_NOT_USE_env') testdir.makeini(""" [pytest] DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE = DO_NOT_USE_ini """) pkg = testdir.mkpydir('tpkg') settings = pkg.join('') settings.write(BARE_SETTINGS) testdir.makepyfile(""" import os def test_ds(): assert os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] == 'tpkg.settings_opt' """) result = testdir.runpytest('--ds=tpkg.settings_opt') result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(['*1 passed*']) assert result.ret == 0 def test_ds_non_existent(testdir, monkeypatch): """ Make sure we do not fail with INTERNALERROR if an incorrect DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE is given. """ monkeypatch.setenv('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE', 'DOES_NOT_EXIST') testdir.makepyfile('def test_ds(): pass') result = testdir.runpytest() result.stderr.fnmatch_lines(["*ImportError:*DOES_NOT_EXIST*"]) assert result.ret != 0 def test_ds_after_user_conftest(testdir, monkeypatch): """ Test that the settings module can be imported, after pytest has adjusted the sys.path. """ monkeypatch.setenv('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE', 'settings_after_conftest') testdir.makepyfile('def test_ds(): pass') testdir.makepyfile(settings_after_conftest="SECRET_KEY='secret'") # testdir.makeconftest("import sys; print(sys.path)") result = testdir.runpytest('-v') result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(['*1 passed*']) assert result.ret == 0 def test_ds_in_pytest_configure(testdir, monkeypatch): monkeypatch.delenv('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE') pkg = testdir.mkpydir('tpkg') settings = pkg.join('') settings.write(BARE_SETTINGS) testdir.makeconftest(""" import os from django.conf import settings def pytest_configure(): if not settings.configured: os.environ.setdefault('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE', 'tpkg.settings_ds') """) r = testdir.runpytest() assert r.ret == 0 def test_django_settings_configure(testdir, monkeypatch): """ Make sure Django can be configured without setting DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE altogether, relying on calling django.conf.settings.configure() and then invoking pytest. """ monkeypatch.delenv('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE') p = testdir.makepyfile(run=""" from django.conf import settings settings.configure(SECRET_KEY='set from settings.configure()', DATABASES={'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3', 'NAME': ':memory:' }}, INSTALLED_APPS=['django.contrib.auth', 'django.contrib.contenttypes',]) import pytest pytest.main() """) testdir.makepyfile(""" import pytest from django.conf import settings from django.test.client import RequestFactory from django.test import TestCase from django.contrib.auth.models import User def test_access_to_setting(): assert settings.SECRET_KEY == 'set from settings.configure()' # This test requires Django to be properly configured to be run def test_rf(rf): assert isinstance(rf, RequestFactory) # This tests that pytest-django actually configures the database # according to the settings above class ATestCase(TestCase): def test_user_count(self): assert User.objects.count() == 0 @pytest.mark.django_db def test_user_count(): assert User.objects.count() == 0 """) result = testdir.runpython(p) result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([ "*4 passed*", ]) def test_settings_in_hook(testdir, monkeypatch): monkeypatch.delenv('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE') testdir.makeconftest(""" from django.conf import settings def pytest_configure(): settings.configure(SECRET_KEY='set from pytest_configure', DATABASES={'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3', 'NAME': ':memory:'}}, INSTALLED_APPS=['django.contrib.auth', 'django.contrib.contenttypes',]) """) testdir.makepyfile(""" import pytest from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.auth.models import User def test_access_to_setting(): assert settings.SECRET_KEY == 'set from pytest_configure' @pytest.mark.django_db def test_user_count(): assert User.objects.count() == 0 """) r = testdir.runpytest() assert r.ret == 0 def test_django_not_loaded_without_settings(testdir, monkeypatch): """ Make sure Django is not imported at all if no Django settings is specified. """ monkeypatch.delenv('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE') testdir.makepyfile(""" import sys def test_settings(): assert 'django' not in sys.modules """) result = testdir.runpytest() result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(['*1 passed*']) assert result.ret == 0 def test_debug_false(testdir, monkeypatch): monkeypatch.delenv('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE') testdir.makeconftest(""" from django.conf import settings def pytest_configure(): settings.configure(SECRET_KEY='set from pytest_configure', DEBUG=True, DATABASES={'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3', 'NAME': ':memory:'}}, INSTALLED_APPS=['django.contrib.auth', 'django.contrib.contenttypes',]) """) testdir.makepyfile(""" from django.conf import settings def test_debug_is_false(): assert settings.DEBUG is False """) r = testdir.runpytest() assert r.ret == 0 @pytest.mark.skipif(not hasattr(django, 'setup'), reason="This Django version does not support app loading") @pytest.mark.django_project(extra_settings=""" INSTALLED_APPS = [ '', ] """) def test_django_setup_sequence(django_testdir): django_testdir.create_app_file(""" from django.apps import apps, AppConfig class TestApp(AppConfig): name = '' def ready(self): print ('READY(): populating=%r' % apps._lock.locked()) """, '') django_testdir.create_app_file(""" from django.apps import apps print ('IMPORT: populating=%r,ready=%r' % ( apps._lock.locked(), apps.ready)) SOME_THING = 1234 """, '') django_testdir.create_app_file("", '') django_testdir.makepyfile(""" from django.apps import apps from import SOME_THING def test_anything(): print ('TEST: populating=%r,ready=%r' % ( apps._lock.locked(), apps.ready)) """) result = django_testdir.runpytest('-s', '--tb=line') result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(['*IMPORT: populating=True,ready=False*']) result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(['*READY(): populating=True*']) result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(['*TEST: populating=False,ready=True*']) assert result.ret == 0 def test_no_ds_but_django_imported(testdir, monkeypatch): """pytest-django should not bail out, if "django" has been imported somewhere, e.g. via pytest-splinter.""" monkeypatch.delenv('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE') testdir.makepyfile(""" import os import django from pytest_django.lazy_django import django_settings_is_configured def test_django_settings_is_configured(): assert django_settings_is_configured() is False def test_env(): assert 'DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE' not in os.environ def test_cfg(pytestconfig): assert pytestconfig.option.ds is None """) r = testdir.runpytest('-s') assert r.ret == 0
"""A friendly Python SFTP interface.""" from __future__ import print_function import os from contextlib import contextmanager import socket from stat import S_IMODE, S_ISDIR, S_ISREG import tempfile import paramiko from paramiko import SSHException # make available from paramiko import AuthenticationException # make available from paramiko import AgentKey __version__ = "0.2.8" # pylint: disable = R0913 def st_mode_to_int(val): '''SFTAttributes st_mode returns an stat type that shows more than what can be set. Trim off those bits and convert to an int representation. if you want an object that was `chmod 711` to return a value of 711, use this function :param int val: the value of an st_mode attr returned by SFTPAttributes :returns int: integer representation of octal mode ''' return int(str(oct(S_IMODE(val)))[-3:]) class ConnectionException(Exception): """Exception raised for connection problems Attributes: message -- explanation of the error """ def __init__(self, host, port): # Call the base class constructor with the parameters it needs Exception.__init__(self, host, port) self.message = 'Could not connect to host:port. %s:%s' class CredentialException(Exception): """Exception raised for credential problems Attributes: message -- explanation of the error """ def __init__(self, message): # Call the base class constructor with the parameters it needs Exception.__init__(self, message) self.message = message class WTCallbacks(object): '''an object to house the callbacks, used internally :ivar flist: list of files currently traversed :ivar dlist: list of directories currently traversed :ivar ulist: list of unknown entities currently traversed ''' def __init__(self): '''set instance vars''' self.flist = [] self.dlist = [] self.ulist = [] def file_cb(self, pathname): '''called for regular files, appends pathname to .flist :param str pathname: file path ''' self.flist.append(pathname) def dir_cb(self, pathname): '''called for directories, appends pathname to .dlist :param str pathname: directory path ''' self.dlist.append(pathname) def unk_cb(self, pathname): '''called for unknown file types, appends pathname to .ulist :param str pathname: unknown entity path ''' self.ulist.append(pathname) class Connection(object): """Connects and logs into the specified hostname. Arguments that are not given are guessed from the environment. :param str host: The Hostname or IP of the remote machine. :param str|None username: *Default: None* - Your username at the remote machine. :param str|obj|None private_key: *Default: None* - path to private key file(str) or paramiko.AgentKey :param str|None password: *Default: None* - Your password at the remote machine. :param int port: *Default: 22* - The SSH port of the remote machine. :param str|None private_key_pass: *Default: None* - password to use, if private_key is encrypted. :param list|None ciphers: *Default: None* - List of ciphers to use in order. :param bool|str log: *Default: False* - log connection/handshake details? If set to True, pysftp creates a temporary file and logs to that. If set to a valid path and filename, pysftp logs to that. The name of the logfile can be found at ``.logfile`` :returns: (obj) connection to the requested host :raises ConnectionException: :raises CredentialException: :raises SSHException: :raises AuthenticationException: :raises PasswordRequiredException: """ def __init__(self, host, username=None, private_key=None, password=None, port=22, private_key_pass=None, ciphers=None, log=False, ): self._sftp_live = False self._sftp = None if not username: username = os.environ['LOGNAME'] self._logfile = log if log: if isinstance(log, bool): # Log to a temporary file. fhnd, self._logfile = tempfile.mkstemp('.txt', 'ssh-') os.close(fhnd) # don't want os file descriptors open paramiko.util.log_to_file(self._logfile) # Begin the SSH transport. self._transport_live = False try: self._transport = paramiko.Transport((host, port)) # Set security ciphers if set if ciphers is not None: self._transport.get_security_options().ciphers = ciphers self._transport_live = True except (AttributeError, socket.gaierror): # couldn't connect raise ConnectionException(host, port) # Authenticate the transport. prefer password if given if password is not None: # Using Password. self._transport.connect(username=username, password=password) else: # Use Private Key. if not private_key: # Try to use default key. if os.path.exists(os.path.expanduser('~/.ssh/id_rsa')): private_key = '~/.ssh/id_rsa' elif os.path.exists(os.path.expanduser('~/.ssh/id_dsa')): private_key = '~/.ssh/id_dsa' else: raise CredentialException("You have not specified a "\ "password or key.") if not isinstance(private_key, AgentKey): private_key_file = os.path.expanduser(private_key) try: #try rsa rsakey = paramiko.RSAKey prv_key = rsakey.from_private_key_file(private_key_file, private_key_pass) except paramiko.SSHException: #if it fails, try dss dsskey = paramiko.DSSKey prv_key = dsskey.from_private_key_file(private_key_file, private_key_pass) else: # use the paramiko agent key prv_key = private_key self._transport.connect(username=username, pkey=prv_key) def _sftp_connect(self): """Establish the SFTP connection.""" if not self._sftp_live: self._sftp = paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(self._transport) self._sftp_live = True @property def pwd(self): '''return the current working directory :returns: (str) current working directory ''' self._sftp_connect() return self._sftp.normalize('.') def get(self, remotepath, localpath=None, callback=None, preserve_mtime=False): """Copies a file between the remote host and the local host. :param str remotepath: the remote path and filename, source :param str localpath: the local path and filename to copy, destination. If not specified, file is copied to local current working directory :param callable callback: optional callback function (form: ``func(int, int)``) that accepts the bytes transferred so far and the total bytes to be transferred. :param bool preserve_mtime: *Default: False* - make the modification time(st_mtime) on the local file match the time on the remote. (st_atime can differ because stat'ing the localfile can/does update it's st_atime) :returns: None :raises: IOError """ if not localpath: localpath = os.path.split(remotepath)[1] self._sftp_connect() if preserve_mtime: sftpattrs = self._sftp.stat(remotepath) self._sftp.get(remotepath, localpath, callback=callback) if preserve_mtime: os.utime(localpath, (sftpattrs.st_atime, sftpattrs.st_mtime)) def get_d(self, remotedir, localdir, preserve_mtime=False): """get the contents of remotedir and write to locadir. (non-recursive) :param str remotedir: the remote directory to copy from (source) :param str localdir: the local directory to copy to (target) :param bool preserve_mtime: *Default: False* - preserve modification time on files :returns: None :raises: """ self._sftp_connect() with for sattr in self._sftp.listdir_attr('.'): if S_ISREG(sattr.st_mode): rname = sattr.filename self.get(rname, reparent(localdir, rname), preserve_mtime=preserve_mtime) def get_r(self, remotedir, localdir, preserve_mtime=False): """recursively copy remotedir structure to localdir :param str remotedir: the remote directory to copy from :param str localdir: the local directory to copy to :param bool preserve_mtime: *Default: False* - preserve modification time on files :returns: None :raises: """ self._sftp_connect() wtcb = WTCallbacks() self.walktree(remotedir, wtcb.file_cb, wtcb.dir_cb, wtcb.unk_cb) # handle directories we recursed through for dname in wtcb.dlist: for subdir in path_advance(dname): try: os.mkdir(reparent(localdir, subdir)) wtcb.dlist.append(subdir) except OSError: # dir exists pass for fname in wtcb.flist: # they may have told us to start down farther, so we may not have # recursed through some, ensure local dir structure matches head, _ = os.path.split(fname) if head not in wtcb.dlist: for subdir in path_advance(head): if subdir not in wtcb.dlist and subdir != '.': os.mkdir(reparent(localdir, subdir)) wtcb.dlist.append(subdir) self.get(fname, reparent(localdir, fname), preserve_mtime=preserve_mtime ) def getfo(self, remotepath, flo, callback=None): """Copy a remote file (remotepath) to a file-like object, flo. :param str remotepath: the remote path and filename, source :param flo: open file like object to write, destination. :param callable callback: optional callback function (form: ``func(int, int``)) that accepts the bytes transferred so far and the total bytes to be transferred. :returns: (int) the number of bytes written to the opened file object :raises: Any exception raised by operations will be passed through. """ self._sftp_connect() return self._sftp.getfo(remotepath, flo, callback=callback) def put(self, localpath, remotepath=None, callback=None, confirm=True, preserve_mtime=False): """Copies a file between the local host and the remote host. :param str localpath: the local path and filename :param str remotepath: the remote path, else the remote :attr:`.pwd` and filename is used. :param callable callback: optional callback function (form: ``func(int, int``)) that accepts the bytes transferred so far and the total bytes to be transferred.. :param bool confirm: whether to do a stat() on the file afterwards to confirm the file size :param bool preserve_mtime: *Default: False* - make the modification time(st_mtime) on the remote file match the time on the local. (st_atime can differ because stat'ing the localfile can/does update it's st_atime) :returns: (obj) SFTPAttributes containing attributes about the given file :raises IOError: if remotepath doesn't exist :raises OSError: if localpath doesn't exist """ if not remotepath: remotepath = os.path.split(localpath)[1] self._sftp_connect() if preserve_mtime: local_stat = os.stat(localpath) times = (local_stat.st_atime, local_stat.st_mtime) sftpattrs = self._sftp.put(localpath, remotepath, callback=callback, confirm=confirm) if preserve_mtime: self._sftp.utime(remotepath, times) sftpattrs = self._sftp.stat(remotepath) return sftpattrs def put_d(self, localpath, remotepath, confirm=True, preserve_mtime=False): """Copies a local directory's contents to a remotepath :param str localpath: the local path to copy (source) :param str remotepath: the remote path to copy to (target) :param bool confirm: whether to do a stat() on the file afterwards to confirm the file size :param bool preserve_mtime: *Default: False* - make the modification time(st_mtime) on the remote file match the time on the local. (st_atime can differ because stat'ing the localfile can/does update it's st_atime) :returns: None :raises IOError: if remotepath doesn't exist :raises OSError: if localpath doesn't exist """ self._sftp_connect() wtcb = WTCallbacks() cur_local_dir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(localpath) walktree('.', wtcb.file_cb, wtcb.dir_cb, wtcb.unk_cb, recurse=False) for fname in wtcb.flist: src = os.path.join(localpath, fname) dest = reparent(remotepath, fname) # print('put', src, dest) self.put(src, dest, confirm=confirm, preserve_mtime=preserve_mtime) # restore local directory os.chdir(cur_local_dir) def put_r(self, localpath, remotepath, confirm=True, preserve_mtime=False): """Recursively copies a local directory's contents to a remotepath :param str localpath: the local path to copy (source) :param str remotepath: the remote path to copy to (target) :param bool confirm: whether to do a stat() on the file afterwards to confirm the file size :param bool preserve_mtime: *Default: False* - make the modification time(st_mtime) on the remote file match the time on the local. (st_atime can differ because stat'ing the localfile can/does update it's st_atime) :returns: None :raises IOError: if remotepath doesn't exist :raises OSError: if localpath doesn't exist """ self._sftp_connect() wtcb = WTCallbacks() cur_local_dir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(localpath) walktree('.', wtcb.file_cb, wtcb.dir_cb, wtcb.unk_cb) # restore local directory os.chdir(cur_local_dir) for dname in wtcb.dlist: #for subdir in path_advance(dname): if dname != '.': self.mkdir(reparent(remotepath, dname)) for fname in wtcb.flist: head, _ = os.path.split(fname) if head not in wtcb.dlist: for subdir in path_advance(head): if subdir not in wtcb.dlist and subdir != '.': self.mkdir(reparent(remotepath, subdir)) wtcb.dlist.append(subdir) src = os.path.join(localpath, fname) dest = reparent(remotepath, fname) # print('put', src, dest) self.put(src, dest, confirm=confirm, preserve_mtime=preserve_mtime) def putfo(self, flo, remotepath=None, file_size=0, callback=None, confirm=True): """Copies the contents of a file like object to remotepath. :param flo: a file-like object that supports .read() :param str remotepath: the remote path. :param int file_size: the size of flo, if not given the second param passed to the callback function will always be 0. :param callable callback: optional callback function (form: ``func(int, int``)) that accepts the bytes transferred so far and the total bytes to be transferred.. :param bool confirm: whether to do a stat() on the file afterwards to confirm the file size :returns: (obj) SFTPAttributes containing attributes about the given file :raises: TypeError, if remotepath not specified, any underlying error """ self._sftp_connect() return self._sftp.putfo(flo, remotepath, file_size=file_size, callback=callback, confirm=confirm) def execute(self, command): """Execute the given commands on a remote machine. The command is executed without regard to the remote :attr:`.pwd`. :param str command: the command to execute. :returns: (list of str) representing the results of the command :raises: Any exception raised by command will be passed through. """ channel = self._transport.open_session() channel.exec_command(command) output = channel.makefile('rb', -1).readlines() if output: return output else: return channel.makefile_stderr('rb', -1).readlines() @contextmanager def cd(self, remotepath=None): """context manager that can change to a optionally specified remote directory and restores the old pwd on exit. :param str|None remotepath: *Default: None* - remotepath to temporarily make the current directory :returns: None :raises: IOError, if remote path doesn't exist """ try: original_path = self.pwd if remotepath is not None: self.cwd(remotepath) yield finally: self.cwd(original_path) def chdir(self, remotepath): """change the current working directory on the remote :param str remotepath: the remote path to change to :returns: None :raises: IOError, if path does not exist """ self._sftp_connect() self._sftp.chdir(remotepath) cwd = chdir # synonym for chdir def chmod(self, remotepath, mode=777): """set the mode of a remotepath to mode, where mode is an integer representation of the octal mode to use. :param str remotepath: the remote path/file to modify :param int mode: *Default: 777* - int representation of octal mode for directory :returns: None :raises: IOError, if the file doesn't exist """ self._sftp_connect() self._sftp.chmod(remotepath, mode=int(str(mode), 8)) def chown(self, remotepath, uid=None, gid=None): """ set uid and/or gid on a remotepath, you may specify either or both. Unless you have **permission** to do this on the remote server, you will raise an IOError: 13 - permission denied :param str remotepath: the remote path/file to modify :param int uid: the user id to set on the remotepath :param int gid: the group id to set on the remotepath :returns: None :raises: IOError, if you don't have permission or the file doesn't exist """ self._sftp_connect() if uid is None or gid is None: if uid is None and gid is None: # short circuit if no change return rstat = self._sftp.stat(remotepath) if uid is None: uid = rstat.st_uid if gid is None: gid = rstat.st_gid self._sftp.chown(remotepath, uid=uid, gid=gid) def getcwd(self): """return the current working directory on the remote. This is a wrapper for paramiko's method and not to be confused with the SFTP command, cwd. :returns: (str) the current remote path. None, if not set. """ self._sftp_connect() return self._sftp.getcwd() def listdir(self, remotepath='.'): """return a list of files/directories for the given remote path. Unlike, paramiko, the directory listing is sorted. :param str remotepath: path to list on the server :returns: (list of str) directory entries, sorted """ self._sftp_connect() return sorted(self._sftp.listdir(remotepath)) def listdir_attr(self, remotepath='.'): """return a list of SFTPAttribute objects of the files/directories for the given remote path. The list is in arbitrary order. It does not include the special entries '.' and '..'. The returned SFTPAttributes objects will each have an additional field: longname, which may contain a formatted string of the file's attributes, in unix format. The content of this string will depend on the SFTP server. :param str remotepath: path to list on the server :returns: (list of SFTPAttributes), sorted """ self._sftp_connect() return sorted(self._sftp.listdir_attr(remotepath), key=lambda attr: attr.filename) def mkdir(self, remotepath, mode=777): """Create a directory named remotepath with mode. On some systems, mode is ignored. Where it is used, the current umask value is first masked out. :param str remotepath: directory to create` :param int mode: *Default: 777* - int representation of octal mode for directory :returns: None """ self._sftp_connect() self._sftp.mkdir(remotepath, mode=int(str(mode), 8)) def normalize(self, remotepath): """Return the expanded path, w.r.t the server, of a given path. This can be used to resolve symlinks or determine what the server believes to be the :attr:`.pwd`, by passing '.' as remotepath. :param str remotepath: path to be normalized :return: (str) normalized form of the given path :raises: IOError, if remotepath can't be resolved """ self._sftp_connect() return self._sftp.normalize(remotepath) def isdir(self, remotepath): """return true, if remotepath is a directory :param str remotepath: the path to test :returns: (bool) """ self._sftp_connect() try: result = S_ISDIR(self._sftp.stat(remotepath).st_mode) except IOError: # no such file result = False return result def isfile(self, remotepath): """return true if remotepath is a file :param str remotepath: the path to test :returns: (bool) """ self._sftp_connect() try: result = S_ISREG(self._sftp.stat(remotepath).st_mode) except IOError: # no such file result = False return result def makedirs(self, remotedir, mode=777): """create all directories in remotedir as needed, setting their mode to mode, if created. If remotedir already exists, silently complete. If a regular file is in the way, raise an exception. :param str remotedir: the directory structure to create :param int mode: *Default: 777* - int representation of octal mode for directory :returns: None :raises: OSError """ self._sftp_connect() if self.isdir(remotedir): pass elif self.isfile(remotedir): raise OSError("a file with the same name as the remotedir, " \ "'%s', already exists." % remotedir) else: head, tail = os.path.split(remotedir) if head and not self.isdir(head): self.makedirs(head, mode) if tail: self.mkdir(remotedir, mode=mode) def readlink(self, remotelink): """Return the target of a symlink (shortcut). The result will be an absolute pathname. :param str remotelink: remote path of the symlink :return: (str) absolute path to target """ self._sftp_connect() return self._sftp.normalize(self._sftp.readlink(remotelink)) def remove(self, remotefile): """remove the file @ remotefile, remotefile may include a path, if no path, then :attr:`.pwd` is used. This method only works on files :param str remotefile: the remote file to delete :returns: None :raises: IOError """ self._sftp_connect() self._sftp.remove(remotefile) unlink = remove # synonym for remove def rmdir(self, remotepath): """remove remote directory :param str remotepath: the remote directory to remove :returns: None """ self._sftp_connect() self._sftp.rmdir(remotepath) def rename(self, remote_src, remote_dest): """rename a file or directory on the remote host. :param str remote_src: the remote file/directory to rename :param str remote_dest: the remote file/directory to put it :returns: None :raises: IOError """ self._sftp_connect() self._sftp.rename(remote_src, remote_dest) def stat(self, remotepath): """return information about file/directory for the given remote path :param str remotepath: path to stat :returns: (obj) SFTPAttributes """ self._sftp_connect() return self._sftp.stat(remotepath) def lstat(self, remotepath): """return information about file/directory for the given remote path, without following symbolic links. Otherwise, the same as .stat() :param str remotepath: path to stat :returns: (obj) SFTPAttributes object """ self._sftp_connect() return self._sftp.lstat(remotepath) def close(self): """Closes the connection and cleans up.""" # Close SFTP Connection. if self._sftp_live: self._sftp.close() self._sftp_live = False # Close the SSH Transport. if self._transport_live: self._transport.close() self._transport_live = False def open(self, remote_file, mode='r', bufsize=-1): """Open a file on the remote server. See for details. :param str remote_file: name of the file to open. :param str mode: mode (Python-style) to open file (always assumed binary) :param int bufsize: *Default: -1* - desired buffering :returns: (obj) SFTPFile, a handle the remote open file :raises: IOError, if the file could not be opened. """ self._sftp_connect() return, mode=mode, bufsize=bufsize) def exists(self, remotepath): """Test whether a remotepath exists. :param str remotepath: the remote path to verify :returns: (bool) True, if remotepath exists, else False """ self._sftp_connect() try: self._sftp.stat(remotepath) except IOError: return False return True def lexists(self, remotepath): """Test whether a remotepath exists. Returns True for broken symbolic links :param str remotepath: the remote path to verify :returns: (bool), True, if lexists, else False """ self._sftp_connect() try: self._sftp.lstat(remotepath) except IOError: return False return True def symlink(self, remote_src, remote_dest): '''create a symlink for a remote file on the server :param str remote_src: path of original file :param str remote_dest: path of the created symlink :returns: None :raises: any underlying error, IOError if something already exists at remote_dest ''' self._sftp_connect() self._sftp.symlink(remote_src, remote_dest) def truncate(self, remotepath, size): """Change the size of the file specified by path. Used to modify the size of the file, just like the truncate method on Python file objects. The new file size is confirmed and returned. :param str remotepath: remote file path to modify :param int|long size: the new file size :returns: (int) new size of file :raises: IOError, if file does not exist """ self._sftp_connect() self._sftp.truncate(remotepath, size) return self._sftp.stat(remotepath).st_size def walktree(self, remotepath, fcallback, dcallback, ucallback, recurse=True): '''recursively descend, depth first, the directory tree rooted at remotepath, calling discreet callback functions for each regular file, directory and unknown file type. :param str remotepath: root of remote directory to descend, use '.' to start at :attr:`.pwd` :param callable fcallback: callback function to invoke for a regular file. (form: ``func(str)``) :param callable dcallback: callback function to invoke for a directory. (form: ``func(str)``) :param callable ucallback: callback function to invoke for an unknown file type. (form: ``func(str)``) :param bool recurse: *Default: True* - should it recurse :returns: None :raises: ''' self._sftp_connect() for entry in self._sftp.listdir(remotepath): pathname = os.path.join(remotepath, entry) mode = self._sftp.stat(pathname).st_mode if S_ISDIR(mode): # It's a directory, call the dcallback function dcallback(pathname) if recurse: # now, recurse into it self.walktree(pathname, fcallback, dcallback, ucallback) elif S_ISREG(mode): # It's a file, call the fcallback function fcallback(pathname) else: # Unknown file type ucallback(pathname) @property def sftp_client(self): """give access to the underlying, connected paramiko SFTPClient object see :params: None :returns: (obj) the active SFTPClient object """ self._sftp_connect() return self._sftp @property def active_ciphers(self): """Get tuple of currently used local and remote ciphers. :returns: (tuple of str) currently used ciphers (local_cipher, remote_cipher) """ return self._transport.local_cipher, self._transport.remote_cipher @property def security_options(self): """return the available security options recognized by paramiko. :returns: (obj) security preferences of the ssh transport. These are tuples of acceptable `.ciphers`, `.digests`, `.key_types`, and key exchange algorithms `.kex`, listed in order of preference. """ return self._transport.get_security_options() @property def logfile(self): '''return the name of the file used for logging or False it not logging :returns: (str)logfile or (bool) False ''' return self._logfile @property def timeout(self): ''' (float|None) *Default: None* - get or set the underlying socket timeout for pending read/write ops. :returns: (float|None) seconds to wait for a pending read/write operation before raising socket.timeout, or None for no timeout ''' self._sftp_connect() channel = self._sftp.get_channel() return channel.gettimeout() @timeout.setter def timeout(self, val): '''setter for timeout''' self._sftp_connect() channel = self._sftp.get_channel() channel.settimeout(val) def __del__(self): """Attempt to clean up if not explicitly closed.""" self.close() def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, etype, value, traceback): self.close() def path_advance(thepath, sep=os.sep): '''generator to iterate over a file path forwards :param str thepath: the path to navigate forwards :param str sep: *Default: os.sep* - the path separator to use :returns: (iter)able of strings ''' # handle a direct path pre = '' if thepath[0] == sep: pre = sep curpath = '' parts = thepath.split(sep) if pre: if parts[0]: parts[0] = pre + parts[0] else: parts[1] = pre + parts[1] for part in parts: curpath = os.path.join(curpath, part) if curpath: yield curpath def path_retreat(thepath, sep=os.sep): '''generator to iterate over a file path in reverse :param str thepath: the path to retreat over :param str sep: *Default: os.sep* - the path separator to use :returns: (iter)able of strings ''' pre = '' if thepath[0] == sep: pre = sep parts = thepath.split(sep) while parts: if os.path.join(*parts): yield '%s%s' % (pre, os.path.join(*parts)) parts = parts[:-1] def reparent(newparent, oldpath): '''when copying or moving a directory structure, you need to re-parent the oldpath. When using os.path.join to calculate this new path, the appearance of a / root path at the beginning of oldpath, supplants the newparent and we don't want this to happen, so we need to make the oldpath root appear as a child of the newparent. :param: str newparent: the new parent location for oldpath (target) :param str oldpath: the path being adopted by newparent (source) :returns: (str) resulting adoptive path ''' if oldpath[0] == os.sep: oldpath = '.' + oldpath return os.path.join(newparent, oldpath) def walktree(localpath, fcallback, dcallback, ucallback, recurse=True): '''on the local file system, recursively descend, depth first, the directory tree rooted at localpath, calling discreet callback functions for each regular file, directory and unknown file type. :param str localpath: root of remote directory to descend, use '.' to start at :attr:`.pwd` :param callable fcallback: callback function to invoke for a regular file. (form: ``func(str)``) :param callable dcallback: callback function to invoke for a directory. (form: ``func(str)``) :param callable ucallback: callback function to invoke for an unknown file type. (form: ``func(str)``) :param bool recurse: *Default: True* - should it recurse :returns: None :raises: OSError, if localpath doesn't exist ''' for entry in os.listdir(localpath): pathname = os.path.join(localpath, entry) mode = os.stat(pathname).st_mode if S_ISDIR(mode): # It's a directory, call the dcallback function dcallback(pathname) if recurse: # now, recurse into it walktree(pathname, fcallback, dcallback, ucallback) elif S_ISREG(mode): # It's a file, call the fcallback function fcallback(pathname) else: # Unknown file type ucallback(pathname) @contextmanager def cd(localpath=None): """context manager that can change to a optionally specified local directory and restores the old pwd on exit. :param str|None localpath: *Default: None* - local path to temporarily make the current directory :returns: None :raises: OSError, if local path doesn't exist """ try: original_path = os.getcwd() if localpath is not None: os.chdir(localpath) yield finally: os.chdir(original_path)
import calendar from collections import OrderedDict import datetime import importlib from itertools import chain from operator import itemgetter import os import re import time from django.apps import apps from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model from import call_command from django.http import QueryDict from django.urls import resolve from django.utils import timezone from django.utils.crypto import get_random_string from django.utils.encoding import force_text def flatten(*xs): return tuple(chain.from_iterable(xs)) def sort_dict(unsorted_dict): """ Return a OrderedDict ordered by key names from the :unsorted_dict: """ sorted_dict = OrderedDict() # sort items before inserting them into a dict for key, value in sorted(unsorted_dict.items(), key=itemgetter(0)): sorted_dict[key] = value return sorted_dict def format_time_and_value_to_segment_list(time_and_value_list, segments_count, start_timestamp, end_timestamp, average=False): """ Format time_and_value_list to time segments Parameters ^^^^^^^^^^ time_and_value_list: list of tuples Have to be sorted by time Example: [(time, value), (time, value) ...] segments_count: integer How many segments will be in result Returns ^^^^^^^ List of dictionaries Example: [{'from': time1, 'to': time2, 'value': sum_of_values_from_time1_to_time2}, ...] """ segment_list = [] time_step = (end_timestamp - start_timestamp) / segments_count for i in range(segments_count): segment_start_timestamp = start_timestamp + time_step * i segment_end_timestamp = segment_start_timestamp + time_step value_list = [ value for time, value in time_and_value_list if time >= segment_start_timestamp and time < segment_end_timestamp] segment_value = sum(value_list) if average and len(value_list) != 0: segment_value /= len(value_list) segment_list.append({ 'from': segment_start_timestamp, 'to': segment_end_timestamp, 'value': segment_value, }) return segment_list def datetime_to_timestamp(datetime): return int(time.mktime(datetime.timetuple())) def timestamp_to_datetime(timestamp, replace_tz=True): dt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(timestamp)) if replace_tz: dt = dt.replace(tzinfo=timezone.get_current_timezone()) return dt def timeshift(**kwargs): return + datetime.timedelta(**kwargs) def hours_in_month(month=None, year=None): now = if not month: month = now.month if not year: year = now.year days_in_month = calendar.monthrange(year, month)[1] return 24 * days_in_month def month_start(date): return timezone.make_aware(datetime.datetime(day=1, month=date.month, year=date.year)) def month_end(date): days_in_month = calendar.monthrange(date.year, date.month)[1] last_day_of_month =, year=date.year, day=days_in_month) last_second_of_month = datetime.datetime.combine(last_day_of_month, datetime.time.max) return timezone.make_aware(last_second_of_month, timezone.get_current_timezone()) def pwgen(pw_len=16): """ Generate a random password with the given length. Allowed chars does not have "I" or "O" or letters and digits that look similar -- just to avoid confusion. """ return get_random_string(pw_len, 'abcdefghjkmnpqrstuvwxyz' 'ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ' '23456789') def serialize_instance(instance): """ Serialize Django model instance """ model_name = force_text(instance._meta) return '{}:{}'.format(model_name, def deserialize_instance(serialized_instance): """ Deserialize Django model instance """ model_name, pk = serialized_instance.split(':') model = apps.get_model(model_name) return model._default_manager.get(pk=pk) def serialize_class(cls): """ Serialize Python class """ return '{}:{}'.format(cls.__module__, cls.__name__) def deserialize_class(serilalized_cls): """ Deserialize Python class """ module_name, cls_name = serilalized_cls.split(':') module = importlib.import_module(module_name) return getattr(module, cls_name) def clear_url(url): """ Remove domain and protocol from url """ if url.startswith('http'): return '/' + url.split('/', 3)[-1] return url def get_model_from_resolve_match(match): queryset = match.func.cls.queryset if queryset is not None: return queryset.model else: return match.func.cls.model def instance_from_url(url, user=None): """ Restore instance from URL """ # XXX: This circular dependency will be removed then filter_queryset_for_user # will be moved to model manager method from waldur_core.structure.managers import filter_queryset_for_user url = clear_url(url) match = resolve(url) model = get_model_from_resolve_match(match) queryset = model.objects.all() if user is not None: queryset = filter_queryset_for_user(model.objects.all(), user) return queryset.get(**match.kwargs) def get_detail_view_name(model): if model is NotImplemented: raise AttributeError('Cannot get detail view name for not implemented model') if hasattr(model, 'get_url_name') and callable(model.get_url_name): return '%s-detail' % model.get_url_name() return '%s-detail' % model.__name__.lower() def get_list_view_name(model): if model is NotImplemented: raise AttributeError('Cannot get list view name for not implemented model') if hasattr(model, 'get_url_name') and callable(model.get_url_name): return '%s-list' % model.get_url_name() return '%s-list' % model.__name__.lower() def get_fake_context(): user = get_user_model()() request = type('R', (object,), {'method': 'GET', 'user': user, 'query_params': QueryDict()}) return {'request': request, 'user': user} def camel_case_to_underscore(name): s1 = re.sub('(.)([A-Z][a-z]+)', r'\1_\2', name) return re.sub('([a-z0-9])([A-Z])', r'\1_\2', s1).lower() def silent_call(name, *args, **options): call_command(name, stdout=open(os.devnull, 'w'), *args, **options)
import sys from landsat.downloader import Downloader from landsat.landsat import Process from boto.s3.key import Key from shutil import rmtree from datetime import datetime from boto import utils import socket from models import UserJob_Model, WorkerLog from sqs import (make_SQS_connection, get_queue, get_message, get_attributes, delete_message_from_handle) import os import boto import zipfile os.getcwd() PATH_DOWNLOAD = os.getcwd() + '/download' AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = os.environ['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'] AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = os.environ['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'] JOBS_QUEUE = 'snapsat_composite_queue' REGION = 'us-west-2' try: INSTANCE_METADATA = utils.get_instance_metadata(timeout=0.5, num_retries=1) INSTANCE_ID = INSTANCE_METADATA['instance-id'] except: INSTANCE_ID = socket.gethostname() def cleanup_downloads(folder_path): """Clean up download folder if process fails. Return True if the download folder is empty. """ for file_object in os.listdir(folder_path): file_object_path = os.path.join(folder_path, file_object) if os.path.isfile(file_object_path): os.remove(file_object_path) else: rmtree(file_object_path) if not os.listdir(folder_path): return True else: return False def write_activity(statement, value, activity_type): """Write to activity log.""" WorkerLog.log_entry(INSTANCE_ID, statement, value, activity_type) def checking_for_jobs(): """Poll jobs queue for jobs.""" SQSconn = make_SQS_connection(REGION, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY) write_activity('SQS Connection', SQSconn.server_name(), 'success') jobs_queue = get_queue(SQSconn, JOBS_QUEUE) write_activity('Jobs queue',, 'success') while True: job_message = get_message(jobs_queue) if job_message: job_attributes = get_job_attributes(job_message) delete_job_from_queue(SQSconn, job_message, jobs_queue) # Process full res images process_image(job_attributes) # Begin checking for jobs def get_job_attributes(job_message): """Get job attributes, log the result.""" job_attributes = None try: job_attributes = get_attributes(job_message[0]) write_activity('Job attributes', str(job_attributes), 'success') except Exception as e: write_activity('Attribute retrieval fail because', e.message, 'error') return job_attributes def delete_job_from_queue(SQSconn, job_message, jobs_queue): """Remove the job from the job queue.""" try: del_status = delete_message_from_handle(SQSconn, jobs_queue, job_message[0]) write_activity('Delete status', unicode(del_status), 'success') except Exception as e: write_activity('Delete status', unicode(del_status), 'error') write_activity('Delete message fail because ', e.message, 'error') def process_image(job_attributes): """Begin the image processing and log the results.""" try: proc_status = process(job_attributes) write_activity('Job process status', unicode(proc_status), 'success') except Exception as e: proc_status = False # If processing fails, send message to pyramid to update db write_activity('Job process success', unicode(proc_status), 'error') write_activity('Job process fail because', e.message, 'error') cleanup_status = cleanup_downloads(PATH_DOWNLOAD) write_activity('Cleanup downloads success', cleanup_status, 'error') UserJob_Model.set_job_status(job_attributes['job_id'], 10) def download_and_set(job, PATH_DOWNLOAD): """Download the image file.""" UserJob_Model.set_job_status(job['job_id'], 1) b = Downloader(verbose=False, download_dir=PATH_DOWNLOAD) scene_id = str(job['scene_id']) bands = [job['band_1'], job['band_2'], job['band_3']][scene_id], bands) input_path = os.path.join(PATH_DOWNLOAD, scene_id) return input_path, bands, scene_id def merge_images(job, input_path, bands, PATH_DOWNLOAD, scene_id): """Process images using landsat-util.""" UserJob_Model.set_job_status(job['job_id'], 2) c = Process(input_path, bands=bands, dst_path=PATH_DOWNLOAD, verbose=False) band_output = '' for band in bands: band_output = '{}{}'.format(band_output, band) file_name = '{}_bands_{}.TIF'.format(scene_id, band_output) file_location = os.path.join(input_path, file_name) return band_output, file_location def zip_file(job, band_output, scene_id, input_path, file_location): """ Compress the image. """ print 'Zipping file' UserJob_Model.set_job_status(job['job_id'], 3) file_name_zip = '{}_bands_{}.zip'.format(scene_id, band_output) file_name = '{}_bands_{}.TIF'.format(scene_id, band_output) path_to_zip = os.path.join(input_path, file_name_zip) with zipfile.ZipFile(path_to_zip, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as myzip: myzip.write(file_location, arcname=file_name) return file_name_zip def upload_to_s3(file_location, file_name_zip, input_path, job): """ Upload processed images to S3. """ try: print 'Uploading to S3' UserJob_Model.set_job_status(job['job_id'], 4) file_location = os.path.join(input_path, file_name_zip) conne = boto.connect_s3(aws_access_key_id=AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, aws_secret_access_key=AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY) b = conne.get_bucket('snapsatcompositesjoel') k = Key(b) k.key = file_name_zip k.set_contents_from_filename(file_location) k.get_contents_to_filename(file_location) hello = b.get_key(file_name_zip) # make public hello.set_canned_acl('public-read') out = unicode(hello.generate_url(0, query_auth=False, force_http=True)) print out UserJob_Model.set_job_status(job['job_id'], 5, out) except: raise Exception('S3 Upload failed') return file_location def process(job): """ Given bands and sceneID, download, image process, zip & upload to S3. """ # set worker instance id for job UserJob_Model.set_worker_instance_id(job['job_id'], INSTANCE_ID) # download and set vars input_path, bands, scene_id = download_and_set(job, PATH_DOWNLOAD) # call landsat-util to merge images band_output, file_location = merge_images( job, input_path, bands, PATH_DOWNLOAD, scene_id ) # zip file, maintain location file_name_zip = zip_file(job, band_output, scene_id, input_path, file_location) # upload to s3 file_location = upload_to_s3(file_location, file_name_zip, input_path, job) # delete files try: rmtree(input_path) # band images and composite except OSError: print input_path print 'error deleting files' return True if __name__ == '__main__': checking_for_jobs()
# Copyright (c) 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import json import tempfile import fixtures from lxml import etree from oslo_config import cfg import requests import testtools from testtools import content as test_content from testtools import matchers import urllib.parse as urlparse from os_collect_config import cfn from os_collect_config import collect from os_collect_config import exc META_DATA = {u'int1': 1, u'strfoo': u'foo', u'map_ab': { u'a': 'apple', u'b': 'banana', }} SOFTWARE_CONFIG_DATA = { u'old-style': u'value', u'deployments': [ { u'inputs': [ { u'type': u'String', u'name': u'input1', u'value': u'value1' } ], u'group': 'Heat::Ungrouped', u'name': 'dep-name1', u'outputs': None, u'options': None, u'config': { u'config1': 'value1' } }, { u'inputs': [ { u'type': u'String', u'name': u'input1', u'value': u'value1' } ], u'group': 'os-apply-config', u'name': 'dep-name2', u'outputs': None, u'options': None, u'config': { u'config2': 'value2' } }, { u'inputs': [ { u'type': u'String', u'name': u'input1', u'value': u'value1' } ], u'name': 'dep-name3', u'outputs': None, u'options': None, u'config': { u'config3': 'value3' } }, { u'inputs': [], u'group': 'ignore_me', u'name': 'ignore_me_name', u'outputs': None, u'options': None, u'config': 'ignore_me_config' } ] } SOFTWARE_CONFIG_IMPOSTER_DATA = { u'old-style': u'value', u'deployments': { u"not": u"a list" } } class FakeResponse(dict): def __init__(self, text): self.text = text def raise_for_status(self): pass class FakeReqSession(object): SESSION_META_DATA = META_DATA def __init__(self, testcase, expected_netloc): self._test = testcase self._expected_netloc = expected_netloc self.verify = False def get(self, url, params, headers, verify=None, timeout=None): self._test.addDetail('url', test_content.text_content(url)) url = urlparse.urlparse(url) self._test.assertEqual(self._expected_netloc, url.netloc) self._test.assertEqual('/v1/', url.path) self._test.assertEqual('application/json', headers['Content-Type']) self._test.assertIn('SignatureVersion', params) self._test.assertEqual('2', params['SignatureVersion']) self._test.assertIn('Signature', params) self._test.assertIn('Action', params) self._test.assertEqual('DescribeStackResource', params['Action']) self._test.assertIn('LogicalResourceId', params) self._test.assertEqual('foo', params['LogicalResourceId']) self._test.assertEqual(10, timeout) root = etree.Element('DescribeStackResourceResponse') result = etree.SubElement(root, 'DescribeStackResourceResult') detail = etree.SubElement(result, 'StackResourceDetail') metadata = etree.SubElement(detail, 'Metadata') metadata.text = json.dumps(self.SESSION_META_DATA) if verify is not None: self.verify = True return FakeResponse(etree.tostring(root)) class FakeRequests(object): exceptions = requests.exceptions def __init__(self, testcase, expected_netloc=''): self._test = testcase self._expected_netloc = expected_netloc def Session(self): return FakeReqSession(self._test, self._expected_netloc) class FakeReqSessionSoftwareConfig(FakeReqSession): SESSION_META_DATA = SOFTWARE_CONFIG_DATA class FakeRequestsSoftwareConfig(FakeRequests): FAKE_SESSION = FakeReqSessionSoftwareConfig def Session(self): return self.FAKE_SESSION(self._test, self._expected_netloc) class FakeReqSessionConfigImposter(FakeReqSession): SESSION_META_DATA = SOFTWARE_CONFIG_IMPOSTER_DATA class FakeRequestsConfigImposter(FakeRequestsSoftwareConfig): FAKE_SESSION = FakeReqSessionConfigImposter class FakeFailRequests(object): exceptions = requests.exceptions class Session(object): def get(self, url, params, headers, verify=None, timeout=None): raise requests.exceptions.HTTPError(403, 'Forbidden') class TestCfnBase(testtools.TestCase): def setUp(self): super(TestCfnBase, self).setUp() self.log = self.useFixture(fixtures.FakeLogger()) self.useFixture(fixtures.NestedTempfile()) self.hint_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() self.hint_file.write(u''.encode('utf-8')) self.hint_file.flush() self.addCleanup(self.hint_file.close) collect.setup_conf() cfg.CONF.cfn.heat_metadata_hint = cfg.CONF.cfn.metadata_url = None cfg.CONF.cfn.path = ['foo.Metadata'] cfg.CONF.cfn.access_key_id = '0123456789ABCDEF' cfg.CONF.cfn.secret_access_key = 'FEDCBA9876543210' class TestCfn(TestCfnBase): def test_collect_cfn(self): cfn_md = cfn.Collector(requests_impl=FakeRequests(self)).collect() self.assertThat(cfn_md, matchers.IsInstance(list)) self.assertEqual('cfn', cfn_md[0][0]) cfn_md = cfn_md[0][1] for k in ('int1', 'strfoo', 'map_ab'): self.assertIn(k, cfn_md) self.assertEqual(cfn_md[k], META_DATA[k]) self.assertEqual('', self.log.output) def test_collect_with_ca_cert(self): cfn.CONF.cfn.ca_certificate = "foo" collector = cfn.Collector(requests_impl=FakeRequests(self)) collector.collect() self.assertTrue(collector._session.verify) def test_collect_cfn_fail(self): cfn_collect = cfn.Collector(requests_impl=FakeFailRequests) self.assertRaises(exc.CfnMetadataNotAvailable, cfn_collect.collect) self.assertIn('Forbidden', self.log.output) def test_collect_cfn_no_path(self): cfg.CONF.cfn.path = None cfn_collect = cfn.Collector(requests_impl=FakeRequests(self)) self.assertRaises(exc.CfnMetadataNotConfigured, cfn_collect.collect) self.assertIn('No path configured', self.log.output) def test_collect_cfn_bad_path(self): cfg.CONF.cfn.path = ['foo'] cfn_collect = cfn.Collector(requests_impl=FakeRequests(self)) self.assertRaises(exc.CfnMetadataNotConfigured, cfn_collect.collect) self.assertIn('Path not in format', self.log.output) def test_collect_cfn_no_metadata_url(self): cfg.CONF.cfn.heat_metadata_hint = None cfn_collect = cfn.Collector(requests_impl=FakeRequests(self)) self.assertRaises(exc.CfnMetadataNotConfigured, cfn_collect.collect) self.assertIn('No metadata_url configured', self.log.output) def test_collect_cfn_missing_sub_path(self): cfg.CONF.cfn.path = ['foo.Metadata.not_there'] cfn_collect = cfn.Collector(requests_impl=FakeRequests(self)) self.assertRaises(exc.CfnMetadataNotAvailable, cfn_collect.collect) self.assertIn('Sub-key not_there does not exist', self.log.output) def test_collect_cfn_sub_path(self): cfg.CONF.cfn.path = ['foo.Metadata.map_ab'] cfn_collect = cfn.Collector(requests_impl=FakeRequests(self)) content = cfn_collect.collect() self.assertThat(content, matchers.IsInstance(list)) self.assertEqual('cfn', content[0][0]) content = content[0][1] self.assertIn(u'b', content) self.assertEqual(u'banana', content[u'b']) def test_collect_cfn_metadata_url_overrides_hint(self): cfg.CONF.cfn.metadata_url = '' cfn_collect = cfn.Collector( requests_impl=FakeRequests(self, expected_netloc='')) cfn_collect.collect() class TestCfnSoftwareConfig(TestCfnBase): def test_collect_cfn_software_config(self): cfn_md = cfn.Collector( requests_impl=FakeRequestsSoftwareConfig(self)).collect() self.assertThat(cfn_md, matchers.IsInstance(list)) self.assertEqual('cfn', cfn_md[0][0]) cfn_config = cfn_md[0][1] self.assertThat(cfn_config, matchers.IsInstance(dict)) self.assertEqual(set(['old-style', 'deployments']), set(cfn_config.keys())) self.assertIn('deployments', cfn_config) self.assertThat(cfn_config['deployments'], matchers.IsInstance(list)) self.assertEqual(4, len(cfn_config['deployments'])) deployment = cfn_config['deployments'][0] self.assertIn('inputs', deployment) self.assertThat(deployment['inputs'], matchers.IsInstance(list)) self.assertEqual(1, len(deployment['inputs'])) self.assertEqual('dep-name1', cfn_md[1][0]) self.assertEqual('value1', cfn_md[1][1]['config1']) self.assertEqual('dep-name2', cfn_md[2][0]) self.assertEqual('value2', cfn_md[2][1]['config2']) def test_collect_cfn_deployments_not_list(self): cfn_md = cfn.Collector( requests_impl=FakeRequestsConfigImposter(self)).collect() self.assertEqual(1, len(cfn_md)) self.assertEqual('cfn', cfn_md[0][0]) self.assertIn('not', cfn_md[0][1]['deployments']) self.assertEqual('a list', cfn_md[0][1]['deployments']['not'])
# # Copyright (c) SAS Institute Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # """ Conary facade module This module provides a high-level stable API for use within rbuild plugins. It provides public methods which are only to be accessed via C{handle.facade.conary} which is automatically available to all plugins through the C{handle} object. """ import sys import copy import itertools import os import stat import types import urlparse from conary import conarycfg from conary import conaryclient from conary import checkin from conary import errors as conaryerrors from conary import state from conary import trove from conary import versions from import loadrecipe from import use from import errors as builderrors from import derive from conary.cmds import clone from conary.cmds import updatecmd from conary.conaryclient import cmdline from conary.deps import deps from conary.lib import util from rbuild import errors class ConaryFacade(object): """ The rBuild Appliance Developer Process Toolkit Conary facade. Note that the contents of objects marked as B{opaque} may vary according to the version of Conary in use, and the contents of such objects are not included in the stable rBuild API. """ def __init__(self, handle): """ @param handle: The handle with which this instance is associated. """ self._handle = handle self._conaryCfg = None self._initializedFlavors = False #{ Private Methods def _parseRBuilderConfigFile(self, cfg): """ Include conary configuration file provided by rBuilder @param cfg: configuration file to add rbuilder configuration data to. """ serverUrl = self._handle.getConfig().serverUrl if serverUrl: hostname = urlparse.urlparse(serverUrl)[1] if hostname not in ['', '']: cfg.includeConfigFile(serverUrl + '/conaryrc') def _initializeFlavors(self): if not self._initializedFlavors: self.getConaryConfig().initializeFlavors() self._initializedFlavors = True def _getConaryClient(self): """ Get a conaryclient object """ return conaryclient.ConaryClient(self.getConaryConfig()) def _getRepositoryClient(self): """ Get a repository object from a conaryclient """ return self._getConaryClient().getRepos() @staticmethod def _getVersion(version): """ Converts a version string into an B{opaque} Conary version object, or returns the B{opaque} version object. @param version: a representation of a conary version @type version: string or B{opaque} conary.versions.Version @return: B{opaque} Conary version object @rtype: conary.versions.Version """ if isinstance(version, types.StringTypes): return versions.VersionFromString(str(version)) return version @staticmethod def _getLabel(label): """ Converts a label string into an B{opaque} Conary label object, or returns the B{opaque} label object. @param label: a representation of a conary label @type label: string or B{opaque} conary.versions.Label @return: B{opaque} Conary label object @rtype: conary.versions.Label """ if isinstance(label, types.StringTypes): if label.startswith('/'): version = versions.VersionFromString(label) if isinstance(version, versions.Branch): return version.label() else: return version.trailingLabel() if label.count('/') == 1 and '/' in label: label = label.split('/', 1)[0] return versions.Label(str(label)) return label @staticmethod def _getFlavor(flavor=None, keepNone=False): """ Converts a version string into an B{opaque} Conary flavor object or returns the B{opaque} flavor object. @param flavor: conary flavor @type flavor: string or B{opaque} conary.deps.deps.Flavor @param keepNone: if True, leave None objects as None instead of converting to empty flavor @type keepNone: boolean @return: B{opaque} Conary flavor object @rtype: conary.deps.deps.Flavor """ if flavor is None: if keepNone: return None else: return(deps.Flavor()) if isinstance(flavor, types.StringTypes): return deps.parseFlavor(str(flavor), raiseError=True) return flavor @classmethod def _getBuildFlavor(cls, flavor=None): """ Converts a B{opaque} flavor object into an B{opaque} build flavor object, striping any biarch flavor to just x86_64. @param flavor: conary flavor @type flavor: string or B{opaque} conary.deps.deps.Flavor @return: B{opaque} Conary flavor object @rtype: conary.deps.deps.Flavor """ flavor = cls._getFlavor(flavor=flavor) # Remove any x86 dependencies that part of the flavor. biarch = deps.parseFlavor('is: x86 x86_64') if flavor.stronglySatisfies(biarch): # Get a new flavor before modifying it. flavor = flavor.copy() # Remove the x86 deps. flavor.removeDeps(deps.InstructionSetDependency, [deps.Dependency('x86'), ]) return flavor def _findTrovesFlattened(self, specList, labelPath=None, defaultFlavor=None, allowMissing=False): results = self._findTroves(specList, labelPath=labelPath, defaultFlavor=defaultFlavor, allowMissing=allowMissing) return list(itertools.chain(*results.values())) def _findTroves(self, specList, labelPath=None, defaultFlavor=None, allowMissing=False): newSpecList = [] specMap = {} for spec in specList: if not isinstance(spec, tuple): newSpec = cmdline.parseTroveSpec(spec) else: newSpec = spec newSpecList.append(newSpec) specMap[newSpec] = spec repos = self._getRepositoryClient() if isinstance(labelPath, (tuple, list)): labelPath = [ self._getLabel(x) for x in labelPath ] elif labelPath: labelPath = self._getLabel(labelPath) defaultFlavor = self._getFlavor(defaultFlavor, keepNone=True) results = repos.findTroves(labelPath, newSpecList, defaultFlavor = defaultFlavor, allowMissing=allowMissing) return dict((specMap[x[0]], x[1]) for x in results.items()) def _findTrove(self, name, version, flavor=None, labelPath=None, defaultFlavor = None, allowMissing=False): #pylint: disable-msg=R0913 # findTrove really needs all these arguments to pass through """ Gets a reference to a trove in the repository. @param name: package to find @type name: string @param version: version of package to find @type version: string or C{conary.versions.Version} B{opaque} @param flavor: flavor of package to find (optional) @type flavor: string or C{deps.Flavor} B{opaque} @param labelPath: label(s) to find package on @type labelPath: None, conary.versions.Label, or list of conary.versions.Label @param defaultFlavor: Flavor to use for those troves specifying None for their flavor. @type defaultFlavor: str or None @param allowMissing: if True, allow None as a return value if the package was not found. @return: C{(name, version, flavor)} tuple. Note that C{version} and C{flavor} objects are B{opaque}. @rtype: (string, conary.versions.Version conary.deps.deps.Flavor) """ repos = self._getRepositoryClient() flavor = self._getFlavor(flavor) defaultFlavor = self._getFlavor(defaultFlavor) try: results = repos.findTroves(labelPath, [(name, version, flavor)], defaultFlavor=defaultFlavor, allowMissing=allowMissing) except conaryerrors.LabelPathNeeded: errstr = "%s is not a label. Please specify a label where a " \ "product definition can be found, or specify a product " \ "short name and version." % str(version) raise errors.RbuildError(errstr) if not results: return None troveTup, = results[name, version, flavor] return troveTup @staticmethod def _versionToString(version): """ Takes either a string or an B{opaque} C{version.Version} object and returns a string. The inverse of C{_getVersion} @param version: trove version @type version: string or B{opaque} C{conary.versions.Version} @return: version @rtype: string """ if type(version) is versions.Version: version = version.asString() return version @staticmethod def _flavorToString(flavor): """ Takes either a string or an B{opaque} C{conary.deps.deps.Flavor} object and returns a string. The inverse of C{_getFlavor} @param flavor: trove flavor @type flavor: None, string, or B{opaque} C{conary.deps.deps.Flavor} @return: flavor @rtype: string """ if flavor is None: return '' if type(flavor) is deps.Flavor: flavor = str(flavor) return flavor @classmethod def _troveTupToStrings(cls, name, version, flavor=None): """ Turns a (name, version, flavor) tuple with strings or objects as elements, and converts it to a (name, version, flavor) tuple with only strings, to avoid unnecessarily exporting conary objects into the rbuild API. @param name: trove name @type name: string @param version: trove version @type version: string or B{opaque} C{conary.versions.Version} @param flavor: trove flavor @type flavor: None, string, or B{opaque} C{conary.deps.deps.Flavor} @return: (name, version, flavor) tuple @rtype: (string, string, string) """ version = cls._versionToString(version) flavor = cls._flavorToString(flavor) return (name, version, flavor) #} def getConaryConfig(self, useCache=True): """ Fetches a (possibly cached) B{opaque} conary config object with all appropriate data inherited from the associated rbuild config object. @param useCache: if True (default), uses a cached version of the conary configuration file if available. @type useCache: bool @return: C{conarycfg.ConaryConfiguration} B{opaque} object """ if self._conaryCfg and useCache: return self._conaryCfg cfg = conarycfg.ConaryConfiguration(False) rbuildCfg = self._handle.getConfig() self._parseRBuilderConfigFile(cfg) #pylint: disable-msg=E1101 # pylint does not understand config objects very well cfg.repositoryMap.update(rbuildCfg.repositoryMap) cfg.user.append(('*',) + rbuildCfg.user) = = cfg.signatureKey = rbuildCfg.signatureKey cfg.signatureKeyMap = rbuildCfg.signatureKeyMap if useCache: self._conaryCfg = cfg return cfg def _getBaseConaryConfig(self, readConfigFiles=True): """ Fetches an B{opaque} conary config object with no rBuild configuration data included. @param readConfigFiles: initialize contents of config object from normal configuration files (default: True) @type readConfigFiles: bool @return: C{conarycfg.ConaryConfiguration} B{opaque} object """ return conarycfg.ConaryConfiguration(readConfigFiles = readConfigFiles, ignoreErrors = True, readProxyValuesFirst = True) @staticmethod def setFactoryFlag(factoryName, targetDir=None): """ Sets the factory type for a checkout. @param factoryName: name of factory or empty string to reset @type factoryName: string @param targetDir: directory containing package; default (C{None}) is the current directory @type targetDir: string """ if not factoryName: # convert from None to checkin's accepted '' factoryName = '' checkin.factory(factoryName, targetDir=targetDir) def commit(self, targetDir, message): cfg = self.getConaryConfig() self._initializeFlavors() use.setBuildFlagsFromFlavor(None, cfg.buildFlavor, False) cwd = os.getcwd() try: os.chdir(targetDir) checkin.commit(self._getRepositoryClient(), cfg, message=message) except conaryerrors.CvcError, e: tb = sys.exc_info()[2] raise errors.RbuildError, str(e), tb finally: os.chdir(cwd) return True def checkout(self, package, label, targetDir=None): """ Create a subdirectory containing a checkout of a conary source package. Similar to the C{cvc checkout} command. @param package: name of package @type package: string @param label: label to find package on @type label: string @param targetDir: subdirectory into which to check out the package, This is the final directory into which the checked-out files will be placed, not the parent directory in which a subdirectory will be created. defaults to C{package} @type targetDir: string """ cfg = self.getConaryConfig() checkin.checkout(self._getRepositoryClient(), cfg, targetDir, ['%s=%s' % (package, label)]) def refresh(self, targetDir=None): """ Refresh the checked-out sources for a conary source package. @param targetDir: checkout directory to refresh @type targetDir: string """ cfg = self.getConaryConfig() self._initializeFlavors() use.setBuildFlagsFromFlavor(None, cfg.buildFlavor, False) return checkin.refresh(self._getRepositoryClient(), cfg, dirName=targetDir) def updateCheckout(self, targetDir): """ Update a subdirectory containing a checkout of a conary source package. Similar to the C{cvc update} command. @param targetDir: subdirectory containing package to update @type targetDir: string @return: Status @rtype: bool """ # Conary likes absolute paths RBLD-137 targetDir = os.path.abspath(targetDir) try: return checkin.nologUpdateSrc(self._getRepositoryClient(), [targetDir]) except (builderrors.UpToDate, builderrors.NotCheckedInError): # The end result is an up to date checkout, so ignore the exception return True except builderrors.CheckinError, e: # All other exceptions are deemed failures raise errors.RbuildError(str(e)) except AttributeError: return checkin.updateSrc(self._getRepositoryClient(), [targetDir]) def getCheckoutStatus(self, targetDir): """ Create summary of changes regarding all files in a directory as a list of C{(I{status}, I{filename})} tuples where C{I{status}} is a single character describing the status of the file C{I{filename}}: - C{?}: File not managed by Conary - C{A}: File added since last commit (or since package created if no commit) - C{M}: File modified since last commit - C{R}: File removed since last commit @param targetDir: name of directory for which to fetch status. @type targetDir: string @return: lines of text describing differences @rtype: list """ return checkin.generateStatus(self._getRepositoryClient(), dirName=targetDir) def getCheckoutLog(self, targetDir, newerOnly=False, versionList=None): """ Returns list of lines of log messages relative to the specified targetDirectory. @param targetDir: name of directory for which to fetch status. @type targetDir: string @param newerOnly: (C{False}) whether to return only log messages newer than the current contents of the checkout. @type newerOnly: bool @param versionList: (C{None}) if set, a list of versions for which to return log messages. If C{None}, return all log messages. @type versionList: list of strings or (opaque) conary version objects @return: list of strings """ repos, sourceState = self._getRepositoryStateFromDirectory(targetDir) troveName = sourceState.getName() if versionList is None: if newerOnly: versionList = self._getNewerRepositoryVersions(targetDir) else: versionList = self._getRepositoryVersions(targetDir) else: versionList = [self._getVersion(x) for x in versionList] emptyFlavor = deps.Flavor() nvfList = [(troveName, v, emptyFlavor) for v in versionList] troves = repos.getTroves(nvfList) return [message for message in checkin.iterLogMessages(troves)] def iterRepositoryDiff(self, targetDir, lastver=None): """ Yields lines of repository diff output relative to the specified targetDirectory. @param targetDir: name of directory for which to fetch status. @type targetDir: string @param lastver: (C{None}) None for diff between directory and latest version in repository, otherwise a string or (opaque) conary version object specifying the repository version against which to generated the diff. @return: yields strings """ repos, sourceState = self._getRepositoryStateFromDirectory(targetDir) troveName = sourceState.getName() ver = sourceState.getVersion() label = ver.branch().label() if lastver is None: lastver = self._getNewerRepositoryVersions(targetDir)[-1] else: lastver = self._getVersion(lastver) for line in checkin._getIterRdiff(repos, label, troveName, ver.asString(), lastver.asString()): yield line def iterCheckoutDiff(self, targetDir): """ Yields lines of checkout diff output relative to the specified targetDirectory. @param targetDir: name of directory for which to fetch status. @type targetDir: string @return: yields strings """ repos, sourceState = self._getRepositoryStateFromDirectory(targetDir) ver = sourceState.getVersion() i = checkin._getIterDiff(repos, ver.asString(), pathList=None, logErrors=False, dirName=targetDir) if i not in (0, 2): # not an "error" case, so i really is an iterator for line in i: yield line def _getNewerRepositoryVersionStrings(self, targetDir): ''' Returns list of versions from the repository that are newer than the checkout @param targetDir: directory containing Conary checkout @return: list of version strings ''' return [self._versionToString(x) for x in self._getNewerRepositoryVersions(targetDir)] def _getNewerRepositoryVersions(self, targetDir): ''' Returns list of versions from the repository that are newer than the checkout @param targetDir: directory containing Conary checkout @return: list of C{conary.versions.Version} ''' _, sourceState = self._getRepositoryStateFromDirectory(targetDir) troveVersion = sourceState.getVersion() #pylint: disable-msg=E1103 # we know that ver does have an isAfter method return [ver for ver in self._getRepositoryVersions(targetDir) if ver.isAfter(troveVersion)] def _getRepositoryVersions(self, targetDir): ''' List of versions of the this package checked into the repository @param targetDir: directory containing Conary checkout @return: list of C{conary.versions.Version} ''' repos, sourceState = self._getRepositoryStateFromDirectory(targetDir) branch = sourceState.getBranch() troveName = sourceState.getName() verList = repos.getTroveVersionsByBranch({troveName: {branch: None}}) if verList: verList = verList[troveName].keys() verList.sort() verList.reverse() else: verList = [] return verList def _getRepositoryStateFromDirectory(self, targetDir): ''' Create repository and state objects for working with a checkout @param targetDir: directory containing Conary checkout ''' repos = self._getRepositoryClient() conaryState = state.ConaryStateFromFile(targetDir + '/CONARY', repos) sourceState = conaryState.getSourceState() return repos, sourceState @staticmethod def isConaryCheckoutDirectory(targetDir): ''' Return whether a directory contains a CONARY file @param targetDir: directory containing Conary checkout ''' return os.path.exists(os.sep.join((targetDir, 'CONARY'))) def createNewPackage(self, package, label, targetDir=None, template=None, factory=None): """ Create a subdirectory containing files to initialize a new conary source package. Similar to the C{cvc newpkg} command. @param package: name of package @type package: string @param label: label to create package on @type label: string @param targetDir: directory to create new package in (default is current working directory) @type targetDir: string @param template: name of Conary template to use @type template: string @param factory: name of Conary factory to use, or True to create a factory @type factory: string, NoneType, or bool """ # Normalize factory settings if factory is True: factory = 'factory' if factory is False: factory = None checkin.newTrove(self._getRepositoryClient(), self.getConaryConfig(), '%s=%s' % (package, label), dir=targetDir, template=template, factory=factory) def shadowSource(self, name, version, targetLabel): """ Create a shadow of a conary source package. Similar to the C{cvc shadow} command. @param name: package to shadow @type name: string @param version: version of package to shadow @type version: string or B{opaque} C{conary.versions.Version} @param targetLabel: label on which to create shadow @type targetLabel: string or B{opaque} conary.versions.Label @return: C{(name, version, flavor)} tuple specifying the newly-created or pre-existing shadow. @rtype: (string, string, string) """ version = self._getVersion(version) flavor = self._getFlavor() targetLabel = self._getLabel(targetLabel) results = self._getConaryClient().createShadowChangeSet( str(targetLabel), [(name, version, flavor)]) if not results: return False return self._commitShadowChangeSet(results[0], results[1])[0] def shadowSourceForBinary(self, name, version, flavor, targetLabel): version = self._getVersion(version) flavor = self._getFlavor(flavor) targetLabel = self._getLabel(targetLabel) client = self._getConaryClient() results = client.createShadowChangeSet( str(targetLabel), [(name, version, flavor)], branchType=client.BRANCH_SOURCE) if not results: return False return self._commitShadowChangeSet(results[0], results[1])[0] def derive(self, troveToDerive, targetLabel, targetDir): repos = self._getRepositoryClient() cfg = self.getConaryConfig() derive.derive(repos,cfg, targetLabel, troveToDerive, targetDir, extract = True) def _commitShadowChangeSet(self, existingShadow, cs): if cs and not cs.isEmpty(): self._getRepositoryClient().commitChangeSet(cs) allTroves = [] if existingShadow: allTroves.extend(self._troveTupToStrings(*x) for x in existingShadow) if cs: allTroves.extend( self._troveTupToStrings(*x.getNewNameVersionFlavor()) for x in cs.iterNewTroveList()) return allTroves #pylint: disable-msg=R0913 # too many args, but still better than self, troveTup, targetDir def checkoutBinaryPackage(self, name, version, flavor, targetDir, quiet=True, tagScript=None): """ Check out the contents of a binary package into a directory with a minimal derived recipe written and a binary checkout in the C{_ROOT_} directory to make modifying the derived package easier. Does not commit the derived package. @param name: package to check out @type name: string @param version: version of package to check out @type version: string or B{opaque} C{conary.versions.Version} @param flavor: conary flavor @type flavor: string or B{opaque} conary.deps.deps.Flavor @param targetDir: subdirectory into which to check out the package, defaults to C{package} @type targetDir: string @param quiet: (C{True}) determines whether to print update status during the operation. @type quiet: bool @param tagScript: If not C{None}, write tag scripts to this file instead of running them in-place. @type tagScript: str """ version = self._versionToString(version) flavor = self._flavorToString(flavor) cfg = self.getConaryConfig() if quiet: callback = _QuietUpdateCallback() else: callback = None cfg = copy.deepcopy(cfg) cfg.root = targetDir updatecmd.doUpdate(cfg, '%s=%s[%s]' % (name, version, flavor), callback=callback, depCheck=False, tagScript=tagScript) def _buildTroveSpec(self, searchPath, packageNames): flv = self._getFlavor(searchPath[2], keepNone = True) if searchPath[0] is None: # the search path was a label. We look for exactly this package return [ (packageName, str(searchPath[1]), flv) for packageName in packageNames ] return [ (str(searchPath[0]), str(searchPath[1]), flv) ] def _findPackageInSearchPaths(self, searchPaths, packageName): return self._findPackagesInSearchPaths(searchPaths, [ packageName ])[0] def _findPackagesInSearchPaths(self, searchPaths, packageNames): repos = self._getRepositoryClient() # Compose a list of all search paths. If a label is presented, # add all package names to it. extTroveSpecs = [ self._buildTroveSpec(x, packageNames) for x in searchPaths ] troveSpecs = list(itertools.chain(*extTroveSpecs)) results = repos.findTroves(None, troveSpecs, allowMissing = True) troveSpecResultsByPkgName = {} for packageName in packageNames: troveSpecResults = [ [] for x in troveSpecs ] troveSpecResultsByPkgName[packageName] = troveSpecResults groupTroveList = [] # Map back into groupTroveList groupIndexMap = {} # it's important that we go through this list in order so # that you'll find matches earlier on the searchPath first. for idx, (searchPath, troveSpecs) in enumerate(zip(searchPaths, extTroveSpecs)): for packageName, troveSpec in zip(packageNames, troveSpecs): troveList = results.get(troveSpec) if not troveList: continue # we may have multiple flavors here. We only want those # flavors of these troves that have been built most recently # to be taken into account maxVersion = sorted(troveList, key=lambda x:x[1])[-1][1] troveTups = [ x for x in troveList if x[1] == maxVersion ] if searchPath[0] is not None: # This is a group assert len(troveSpecs) == 1 groupTroveList.extend(troveTups) # Add indices back, so we know where to put the results for troveTup in troveTups: groupIndexMap.setdefault(troveTup, []).append(idx) continue # outer for loop too, we only have one entry in troveSpecs # Not a group; trove(s) found on this label troveSpecResultsByPkgName[packageName][idx] = troveTups if groupTroveList: groupTroves = repos.getTroves(groupTroveList, withFiles=False) for trv, troveSpec in zip(groupTroves, groupTroveList): idxList = groupIndexMap[troveSpec] for troveTup in trv.iterTroveList(weakRefs=True, strongRefs=True): for packageName in packageNames: if troveTup[0] != packageName: continue troveSpecResults = troveSpecResultsByPkgName[packageName] for idx in idxList: troveSpecResults[idx].append(troveTup) ret = [] for packageName in packageNames: troveSpecResults = troveSpecResultsByPkgName[packageName] matchingTroveList = list(itertools.chain(*troveSpecResults)) ret.append(matchingTroveList) return ret def _overrideFlavors(self, baseFlavor, flavorList): baseFlavor = self._getFlavor(baseFlavor) return [ str(deps.overrideFlavor(baseFlavor, self._getFlavor(x))) for x in flavorList ] def _getFlavorArch(self, flavor): flavor = self._getFlavor(flavor) return deps.getMajorArch(flavor) def _getShortFlavorDescriptors(self, flavorList): if not flavorList: return {} descriptions = deps.getShortFlavorDescriptors( [ self._getFlavor(x) for x in flavorList ]) return dict((str(x[0]), x[1]) for x in descriptions.items()) def _loadRecipeClassFromCheckout(self, recipePath): directory = os.path.dirname(recipePath) repos, sourceState = self._getRepositoryStateFromDirectory(directory) cfg = self.getConaryConfig() self._initializeFlavors() loader = loadrecipe.RecipeLoader(recipePath, cfg=cfg, repos=repos, branch=sourceState.getBranch(), buildFlavor=cfg.buildFlavor) return loader.getRecipe() def _removeNonRecipeFilesFromCheckout(self, recipePath): recipeDir = os.path.dirname(recipePath) recipeName = os.path.basename(recipePath) repos = self._getRepositoryClient() statePath = os.path.join(recipeDir, 'CONARY') conaryState = state.ConaryStateFromFile(statePath, repos) sourceState = conaryState.getSourceState() for (pathId, path, _, _) in list(sourceState.iterFileList()): if path == recipeName: continue path = os.path.join(recipeDir, path) sourceState.removeFile(pathId) if util.exists(path): statInfo = os.lstat(path) try: if statInfo.st_mode & stat.S_IFDIR: os.rmdir(path) else: os.unlink(path) except OSError, e: self._handle.ui.warning( "cannot remove %s: %s", path, e.strerror) conaryState.write(statePath) @staticmethod def getNameForCheckout(checkoutDir): conaryState = state.ConaryStateFromFile(checkoutDir + '/CONARY') return conaryState.getSourceState().getName().split(':', 1)[0] @staticmethod def isGroupName(packageName): return trove.troveIsGroup(packageName) def getAllLabelsFromTroves(self, troveSpecs): """ Return the set of labels referenced by a number of troves. @param troveTups: List of trovespec tuples to inspect @type troveTups: C{[troveSpecTuple]} @rtype: C{set} """ repos = self._getRepositoryClient() fetchTups = self._findTrovesFlattened(troveSpecs) labels = set() for trove in repos.getTroves(fetchTups, withFiles=False): labels.add(trove.getVersion().trailingLabel()) for subTroveTup in trove.iterTroveList(strongRefs=True, weakRefs=True): labels.add(subTroveTup[1].trailingLabel()) return set(x.asString() for x in labels) def promoteGroups(self, groupList, fromTo, infoOnly=False): """ Promote the troves in C{groupList} using the promote map in C{fromTo}. The former should be a list of trove tuples, and the latter a dictionary mapping of labels (C{from: to}). @param groupList: List of group trove tuples to promote @type groupList: [(name, version, flavor)] @param fromTo: Mapping of labels to execute promote on @type fromTo: {from: to} @param infoOnly: If C{True}, return without committing anything @type infoOnly: C{bool} """ def getLabelOrBranch(label): if isinstance(label, types.StringTypes): if label.startswith('/'): return self._getVersion(label) else: return self._getLabel(label) return label promoteMap = dict((self._getLabel(fromLabel), getLabelOrBranch(toLabel)) for (fromLabel, toLabel) in fromTo.iteritems()) client = self._getConaryClient() success, cs = client.createSiblingCloneChangeSet(promoteMap, groupList, cloneSources=True) if not success: raise errors.RbuildError('Promote failed.') else: packageList = [ x.getNewNameVersionFlavor() for x in cs.iterNewTroveList() ] packageList = [ (str(x[0]), str(x[1]), str(x[2])) for x in packageList ] if not infoOnly: self._getRepositoryClient().commitChangeSet(cs) return packageList def detachPackage(self, troveSpec, targetLabel, message=None): cfg = self.getConaryConfig() if not message: message = 'Automatic promote by rBuild.' return clone.CloneTrove(cfg, targetLabel, [troveSpec[0]+'='+troveSpec[1].asString()], message=message) def getLatestPackagesOnLabel(self, label, keepComponents=False, keepGroups=False): client = self._getConaryClient() label = self._getLabel(label) results = client.getRepos().getTroveLatestByLabel( {None: {label: [None]}}) packages = [] for name, versiondict in results.iteritems(): if ':' in name and not keepComponents: continue elif trove.troveIsGroup(name) and not keepGroups: continue for version, flavors in versiondict.iteritems(): for flavor in flavors: packages.append((name, version, flavor)) return packages @staticmethod def parseTroveSpec(troveSpec): return cmdline.parseTroveSpec(troveSpec) #pylint: disable-msg=C0103,R0901,W0221,R0904 # "The creature can't help its ancestry" class _QuietUpdateCallback(checkin.CheckinCallback): """ Make checkout a bit quieter """ #pylint: disable-msg=W0613 # unused arguments # implements an interface that may pass arguments that need to be ignored def setUpdateJob(self, *args, **kw): #pylint: disable-msg=C0999 # arguments not documented: implements interface, ignores parameters 'stifle update announcement for extract' return
#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import os import textwrap import unittest from gae_ext_runtime import testutil RUNTIME_DEF_ROOT = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)) class RuntimeTestCase(testutil.TestBase): """Tests for the PHP external runtime fingerprinter.""" def license(self): return textwrap.dedent('''\ # Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. ''') def preamble(self): return textwrap.dedent('''\ # Dockerfile extending the generic PHP image with application files for a # single application. FROM # The Docker image will configure the document root according to this # environment variable. ''') def setUp(self): self.runtime_def_root = RUNTIME_DEF_ROOT super(RuntimeTestCase, self).setUp() def file_contents(self, filename): with open(self.full_path(filename)) as f: return def test_generate_without_php_files(self): self.write_file('index.html', 'index') self.assertFalse(self.generate_configs()) self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(self.full_path('app.yaml'))) self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(self.full_path('Dockerfile'))) self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(self.full_path('.dockerignore'))) def test_generate_with_php_files(self): self.write_file('index.php', 'index') self.generate_configs() app_yaml = self.file_contents('app.yaml') self.assertIn('runtime: php\n', app_yaml) self.assertIn('env: flex\n', app_yaml) self.assertIn('runtime_config:\n document_root: .\n', app_yaml) self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(self.full_path('Dockerfile'))) self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(self.full_path('.dockerignore'))) def test_generate_with_php_files_no_write(self): """Test generate_config_data with a .php file. Checks app.yaml contents, app.yaml is written to disk, and Dockerfile and .dockerignore not in the directory. """ self.write_file('index.php', 'index') self.generate_config_data() app_yaml = self.file_contents('app.yaml') self.assertIn('runtime: php\n', app_yaml) self.assertIn('env: flex\n', app_yaml) self.assertIn('runtime_config:\n document_root: .\n', app_yaml) self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(self.full_path('Dockerfile'))) self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(self.full_path('.dockerignore'))) def test_generate_custom_runtime(self): self.write_file('index.php', 'index') self.generate_configs(custom=True) dockerfile = self.file_contents('Dockerfile') self.assertEqual(dockerfile, self.preamble() + textwrap.dedent('''\ ENV DOCUMENT_ROOT /app ''')) self.assert_file_exists_with_contents( '.dockerignore', self.license() + textwrap.dedent('''\ .dockerignore Dockerfile .git .hg .svn ''')) def test_generate_custom_runtime_no_write(self): """Tests generate_config_data with custom runtime.""" self.write_file('index.php', 'index') cfg_files = self.generate_config_data(custom=True) self.assert_genfile_exists_with_contents( cfg_files, 'Dockerfile', self.preamble() + textwrap.dedent('''\ ENV DOCUMENT_ROOT /app ''')) self.assert_genfile_exists_with_contents( cfg_files, '.dockerignore', self.license() + textwrap.dedent('''\ .dockerignore Dockerfile .git .hg .svn ''')) def test_generate_with_deploy(self): self.write_file('index.php', 'index') self.generate_configs(deploy=True) dockerfile = self.file_contents('Dockerfile') self.assertEqual(dockerfile, textwrap.dedent('''\ # Dockerfile extending the generic PHP image with application files for a # single application. FROM # The Docker image will configure the document root according to this # environment variable. ENV DOCUMENT_ROOT /app ''')) dockerignore = self.file_contents('.dockerignore') self.assertEqual(dockerignore, self.license() + textwrap.dedent('''\ .dockerignore Dockerfile .git .hg .svn ''')) def test_generate_with_deploy_no_write(self): """Tests generate_config_data with deploy=True.""" self.write_file('index.php', 'index') cfg_files = self.generate_config_data(deploy=True) self.assert_genfile_exists_with_contents( cfg_files, 'Dockerfile', self.preamble() + textwrap.dedent('''\ ENV DOCUMENT_ROOT /app ''')) self.assert_genfile_exists_with_contents( cfg_files, '.dockerignore', self.license() + textwrap.dedent('''\ .dockerignore Dockerfile .git .hg .svn ''')) def test_generate_with_existing_appinfo(self): self.write_file('index.php', 'index') appinfo = testutil.AppInfoFake( runtime_config={'document_root': 'wordpress'}, entrypoint='["/bin/bash", ""]') self.generate_configs(deploy=True, appinfo=appinfo) dockerfile = self.file_contents('Dockerfile') self.assertEqual(dockerfile, self.preamble() + textwrap.dedent('''\ ENV DOCUMENT_ROOT /app/wordpress # Allow custom CMD CMD ["/bin/bash", ""] ''')) dockerignore = self.file_contents('.dockerignore') self.assertEqual(dockerignore, self.license() + textwrap.dedent('''\ .dockerignore Dockerfile .git .hg .svn ''')) def test_generate_with_existing_appinfo_no_write(self): """Tests generate_config_data with fake appinfo.""" self.write_file('index.php', 'index') appinfo = testutil.AppInfoFake( runtime_config={'document_root': 'wordpress'}, entrypoint='["/bin/bash", ""]') cfg_files = self.generate_config_data(deploy=True, appinfo=appinfo) self.assert_genfile_exists_with_contents( cfg_files, 'Dockerfile', self.preamble() + textwrap.dedent('''\ ENV DOCUMENT_ROOT /app/wordpress # Allow custom CMD CMD ["/bin/bash", ""] ''')) self.assert_genfile_exists_with_contents( cfg_files, '.dockerignore', self.license() + textwrap.dedent('''\ .dockerignore Dockerfile .git .hg .svn ''')) def test_generate_with_array_entrypoint(self): self.write_file('index.php', 'index') appinfo = testutil.AppInfoFake( runtime_config={'document_root': 'wordpress'}, entrypoint=['/bin/bash', '']) self.generate_configs(deploy=True, appinfo=appinfo) dockerfile = self.file_contents('Dockerfile') self.assertEqual(dockerfile, self.preamble() + textwrap.dedent('''\ ENV DOCUMENT_ROOT /app/wordpress # Allow custom CMD CMD ["/bin/bash", ""] ''')) def test_generate_with_array_entrypoint_no_write(self): """Tests generate_config_data with an array entrypoint.""" self.write_file('index.php', 'index') appinfo = testutil.AppInfoFake( runtime_config={'document_root': 'wordpress'}, entrypoint=["/bin/bash", ""]) cfg_files = self.generate_config_data(deploy=True, appinfo=appinfo) self.assert_genfile_exists_with_contents( cfg_files, 'Dockerfile', self.preamble() + textwrap.dedent('''\ ENV DOCUMENT_ROOT /app/wordpress # Allow custom CMD CMD ["/bin/bash", ""] ''')) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
from __future__ import division from pdb import set_trace from os import environ, getcwd from os import walk from os.path import expanduser from pdb import set_trace import sys # Update PYTHONPATH HOME = expanduser('~') axe = HOME + '/git/axe/axe/' # AXE pystat = HOME + '/git/pystats/' # PySTAT cwd = getcwd() # Current Directory sys.path.extend([axe, pystat, cwd]) from scipy.stats.mstats import mode from scipy.spatial.distance import euclidean from numpy import mean from random import choice, uniform as rand from sklearn.ensemble import AdaBoostClassifier from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier, RandomForestRegressor from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier from smote import * import pandas as pd from tools.axe.abcd import _Abcd from methods1 import * from import rdivDemo def formatData(tbl): Rows = [i.cells for i in tbl._rows] headers = [ for i in tbl.headers] return pd.DataFrame(Rows, columns=headers) def Bugs(tbl): cells = [i.cells[-2] for i in tbl._rows] return cells #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # PREDICTION SYSTEMS: # ``````````````````` # 1. WHERE2 2. RANDOM FORESTS, 3. DECISION TREES, 4. ADABOOST, # 5. LOGISTIC REGRESSION #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ def where2prd(train, test, tunings=[None, None], smoteit=False, thresh=1): "WHERE2" def flatten(x): """ Takes an N times nested list of list like [[a,b],[c, [d, e]],[f]] and returns a single list [a,b,c,d,e,f] """ result = [] for el in x: if hasattr(el, "__iter__") and not isinstance(el, basestring): result.extend(flatten(el)) else: result.append(el) return result def leaves(node): """ Returns all terminal nodes. """ L = [] if len( > 1: for l in L.extend(leaves(l)) return L elif len( == 1: return [] else: return [node] train_DF = createTbl( train, settings=tunings[0], _smote=False, isBin=True, bugThres=2) test_df = createTbl(test) t = discreteNums(train_DF, map(lambda x: x.cells, train_DF._rows)) myTree = tdiv(t, opt=tunings[1]) testCase = test_df._rows rows, preds = [], [] for tC in testCase: newRow = tC loc = drop(tC, myTree) # Drop a test case in the tree & see where it lands leafNodes = flatten(leaves(loc)) # set_trace() rows = [leaf.rows for leaf in leafNodes][0] vals = [r.cells[-2] for r in rows] preds.append(0 if mean([k for k in vals]).tolist() < thresh else 1) # if median(vals) > 0 else preds.extend([0]) return preds def _where2pred(): "Test where2" dir = '../Data' one, two = explore(dir) # set_trace() # Training data train = one[0][:-1] # Test data test = [one[0][-1]] actual = Bugs(createTbl(test, isBin=True)) preds = where2prd(train, test) # for a, b in zip(actual, preds): print a, b # set_trace() return _Abcd(before=actual, after=preds, show=False)[-1] def rforest(train, test, tunings=None, smoteit=True, duplicate=True): "RF " # Apply random forest Classifier to predict the number of bugs. if smoteit: train = SMOTE(train, atleast=50, atmost=101, resample=duplicate) if not tunings: clf = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=100, random_state=1) else: clf = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=int(tunings[0]), max_features=tunings[1] / 100, min_samples_leaf=int(tunings[2]), min_samples_split=int(tunings[3]) ) train_DF = formatData(train) test_DF = formatData(test) features = train_DF.columns[:-2] klass = train_DF[train_DF.columns[-2]] # set_trace()[features], klass) preds = clf.predict(test_DF[test_DF.columns[:-2]]) return preds def rforest2(train, test, tunings=None, smoteit=True, duplicate=True): "RF " # Apply random forest Classifier to predict the number of bugs. if smoteit: train = SMOTE(train, atleast=50, atmost=101, resample=duplicate) if not tunings: clf = RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=100, random_state=1) else: clf = RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=int(tunings[0]), max_features=tunings[1] / 100, min_samples_leaf=int(tunings[2]), min_samples_split=int(tunings[3]) ) train_DF = formatData(train) test_DF = formatData(test) features = train_DF.columns[:-2] klass = train_DF[train_DF.columns[-2]] # set_trace()[features], klass) preds = clf.predict(test_DF[test_DF.columns[:-2]]) return preds def _RF(): "Test RF" dir = '../Data' one, two = explore(dir) # Training data train_DF = createTbl([one[0][0]]) # Test data test_df = createTbl([one[0][1]]) actual = Bugs(test_df) preds = rforest(train_DF, test_df, mss=6, msl=8, max_feat=4, n_est=5756, smoteit=False) print _Abcd(before=actual, after=preds, show=False)[-1] def CART(train, test, tunings=None, smoteit=True, duplicate=True): " CART" # Apply random forest Classifier to predict the number of bugs. if smoteit: train = SMOTE(train, atleast=50, atmost=101, resample=duplicate) if not tunings: clf = DecisionTreeClassifier() else: clf = DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=int(tunings[0]), min_samples_split=int(tunings[1]), min_samples_leaf=int(tunings[2]), max_features=float(tunings[3] / 100), max_leaf_nodes=int(tunings[4]), criterion='entropy') train_DF = formatData(train) test_DF = formatData(test) features = train_DF.columns[:-2] klass = train_DF[train_DF.columns[-2]] # set_trace()[features].astype('float32'), klass.astype('float32')) preds = clf.predict(test_DF[test_DF.columns[:-2]].astype('float32')).tolist() return preds def _CART(): "Test CART" dir = './Data' one, two = explore(dir) # Training data train_DF = createTbl(one[0]) # Test data test_df = createTbl(two[0]) actual = Bugs(test_df) preds = CART(train_DF, test_df) set_trace() _Abcd(train=actual, test=preds, verbose=True) def adaboost(train, test, smoteit=True): "ADABOOST" if smoteit: train = SMOTE(train) clf = AdaBoostClassifier() train_DF = formatData(train) test_DF = formatData(test) features = train_DF.columns[:-2] klass = train_DF[train_DF.columns[-2]] # set_trace()[features], klass) preds = clf.predict(test_DF[test_DF.columns[:-2]]).tolist() return preds def _adaboost(): "Test AdaBoost" dir = './Data' one, two = explore(dir) # Training data train_DF = createTbl(one[0]) # Test data test_df = createTbl(two[0]) actual = Bugs(test_df) preds = adaboost(train_DF, test_df) set_trace() _Abcd(train=actual, test=preds, verbose=True) def logit(train, test, smoteit=True): "Logistic Regression" if smoteit: train = SMOTE(train) clf = LogisticRegression(penalty='l2', dual=False, tol=0.0001, C=1.0, fit_intercept=True, intercept_scaling=1, class_weight=None, random_state=None) train_DF = formatData(train) test_DF = formatData(test) features = train_DF.columns[:-2] klass = train_DF[train_DF.columns[-2]] # set_trace()[features], klass) preds = clf.predict(test_DF[test_DF.columns[:-2]]).tolist() return preds def _logit(): "Test LOGIT" dir = './Data' one, two = explore(dir) # Training data train_DF = createTbl(one[0]) # Test data test_df = createTbl(two[0]) actual = Bugs(test_df) preds = logit(train_DF, test_df) set_trace() _Abcd(train=actual, test=preds, verbose=True) def knn(train, test, smoteit=True): "kNN" if smoteit: train = SMOTE(train) neigh = KNeighborsClassifier() train_DF = formatData(train) test_DF = formatData(test) features = train_DF.columns[:-2] klass = train_DF[train_DF.columns[-2]] # set_trace()[features], klass) preds = neigh.predict(test_DF[test_DF.columns[:-2]]).tolist() return preds if __name__ == '__main__': random.seed(0) Dat = [] for _ in xrange(10): print(_where2pred()) # Dat.insert(0, 'Where2 untuned') # rdivDemo([Dat])
"""Useful utility decorators. """ from __future__ import print_function, division import sys import types import inspect from sympy.core.decorators import wraps from sympy.core.compatibility import class_types, get_function_globals, get_function_name, iterable from sympy.utilities.runtests import DependencyError, SymPyDocTests, PyTestReporter def threaded_factory(func, use_add): """A factory for ``threaded`` decorators. """ from sympy.core import sympify from sympy.matrices import MatrixBase @wraps(func) def threaded_func(expr, *args, **kwargs): if isinstance(expr, MatrixBase): return expr.applyfunc(lambda f: func(f, *args, **kwargs)) elif iterable(expr): try: return expr.__class__([func(f, *args, **kwargs) for f in expr]) except TypeError: return expr else: expr = sympify(expr) if use_add and expr.is_Add: return expr.__class__(*[ func(f, *args, **kwargs) for f in expr.args ]) elif expr.is_Relational: return expr.__class__(func(expr.lhs, *args, **kwargs), func(expr.rhs, *args, **kwargs)) else: return func(expr, *args, **kwargs) return threaded_func def threaded(func): """Apply ``func`` to sub--elements of an object, including :class:`~.Add`. This decorator is intended to make it uniformly possible to apply a function to all elements of composite objects, e.g. matrices, lists, tuples and other iterable containers, or just expressions. This version of :func:`threaded` decorator allows threading over elements of :class:`~.Add` class. If this behavior is not desirable use :func:`xthreaded` decorator. Functions using this decorator must have the following signature:: @threaded def function(expr, *args, **kwargs): """ return threaded_factory(func, True) def xthreaded(func): """Apply ``func`` to sub--elements of an object, excluding :class:`~.Add`. This decorator is intended to make it uniformly possible to apply a function to all elements of composite objects, e.g. matrices, lists, tuples and other iterable containers, or just expressions. This version of :func:`threaded` decorator disallows threading over elements of :class:`~.Add` class. If this behavior is not desirable use :func:`threaded` decorator. Functions using this decorator must have the following signature:: @xthreaded def function(expr, *args, **kwargs): """ return threaded_factory(func, False) def conserve_mpmath_dps(func): """After the function finishes, resets the value of to the value it had before the function was run.""" import functools import mpmath def func_wrapper(*args, **kwargs): dps = try: return func(*args, **kwargs) finally: = dps func_wrapper = functools.update_wrapper(func_wrapper, func) return func_wrapper class no_attrs_in_subclass(object): """Don't 'inherit' certain attributes from a base class >>> from sympy.utilities.decorator import no_attrs_in_subclass >>> class A(object): ... x = 'test' >>> A.x = no_attrs_in_subclass(A, A.x) >>> class B(A): ... pass >>> hasattr(A, 'x') True >>> hasattr(B, 'x') False """ def __init__(self, cls, f): self.cls = cls self.f = f def __get__(self, instance, owner=None): if owner == self.cls: if hasattr(self.f, '__get__'): return self.f.__get__(instance, owner) return self.f raise AttributeError def doctest_depends_on(exe=None, modules=None, disable_viewers=None, python_version=None): """ Adds metadata about the dependencies which need to be met for doctesting the docstrings of the decorated objects. exe should be a list of executables modules should be a list of modules disable_viewers should be a list of viewers for preview() to disable python_version should be the minimum Python version required, as a tuple (like (3, 0)) """ dependencies = {} if exe is not None: dependencies['executables'] = exe if modules is not None: dependencies['modules'] = modules if disable_viewers is not None: dependencies['disable_viewers'] = disable_viewers if python_version is not None: dependencies['python_version'] = python_version def skiptests(): r = PyTestReporter() t = SymPyDocTests(r, None) try: t._check_dependencies(**dependencies) except DependencyError: return True # Skip doctests else: return False # Run doctests def depends_on_deco(fn): fn._doctest_depends_on = dependencies fn.__doctest_skip__ = skiptests if inspect.isclass(fn): fn._doctest_depdends_on = no_attrs_in_subclass( fn, fn._doctest_depends_on) fn.__doctest_skip__ = no_attrs_in_subclass( fn, fn.__doctest_skip__) return fn return depends_on_deco def public(obj): """ Append ``obj``'s name to global ``__all__`` variable (call site). By using this decorator on functions or classes you achieve the same goal as by filling ``__all__`` variables manually, you just don't have to repeat yourself (object's name). You also know if object is public at definition site, not at some random location (where ``__all__`` was set). Note that in multiple decorator setup (in almost all cases) ``@public`` decorator must be applied before any other decorators, because it relies on the pointer to object's global namespace. If you apply other decorators first, ``@public`` may end up modifying the wrong namespace. Examples ======== >>> from sympy.utilities.decorator import public >>> __all__ Traceback (most recent call last): ... NameError: name '__all__' is not defined >>> @public ... def some_function(): ... pass >>> __all__ ['some_function'] """ if isinstance(obj, types.FunctionType): ns = get_function_globals(obj) name = get_function_name(obj) elif isinstance(obj, (type(type), class_types)): ns = sys.modules[obj.__module__].__dict__ name = obj.__name__ else: raise TypeError("expected a function or a class, got %s" % obj) if "__all__" not in ns: ns["__all__"] = [name] else: ns["__all__"].append(name) return obj def memoize_property(propfunc): """Property decorator that caches the value of potentially expensive `propfunc` after the first evaluation. The cached value is stored in the corresponding property name with an attached underscore.""" attrname = '_' + propfunc.__name__ sentinel = object() @wraps(propfunc) def accessor(self): val = getattr(self, attrname, sentinel) if val is sentinel: val = propfunc(self) setattr(self, attrname, val) return val return property(accessor)
# The following comment should be removed at some point in the future. # mypy: strict-optional=False from __future__ import absolute_import import logging from collections import OrderedDict from pip._vendor.packaging.utils import canonicalize_name from pip._internal import pep425tags from pip._internal.exceptions import InstallationError from pip._internal.models.wheel import Wheel from pip._internal.utils.logging import indent_log from pip._internal.utils.typing import MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING if MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING: from typing import Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple from pip._internal.req.req_install import InstallRequirement logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class RequirementSet(object): def __init__(self, check_supported_wheels=True): # type: (bool) -> None """Create a RequirementSet. """ self.requirements = OrderedDict() # type: Dict[str, InstallRequirement] # noqa: E501 self.check_supported_wheels = check_supported_wheels self.unnamed_requirements = [] # type: List[InstallRequirement] self.successfully_downloaded = [] # type: List[InstallRequirement] self.reqs_to_cleanup = [] # type: List[InstallRequirement] def __str__(self): # type: () -> str requirements = sorted( (req for req in self.requirements.values() if not req.comes_from), key=lambda req: canonicalize_name(, ) return ' '.join(str(req.req) for req in requirements) def __repr__(self): # type: () -> str requirements = sorted( self.requirements.values(), key=lambda req: canonicalize_name(, ) format_string = '<{classname} object; {count} requirement(s): {reqs}>' return format_string.format( classname=self.__class__.__name__, count=len(requirements), reqs=', '.join(str(req.req) for req in requirements), ) def add_unnamed_requirement(self, install_req): # type: (InstallRequirement) -> None assert not self.unnamed_requirements.append(install_req) def add_named_requirement(self, install_req): # type: (InstallRequirement) -> None assert project_name = canonicalize_name( self.requirements[project_name] = install_req def add_requirement( self, install_req, # type: InstallRequirement parent_req_name=None, # type: Optional[str] extras_requested=None # type: Optional[Iterable[str]] ): # type: (...) -> Tuple[List[InstallRequirement], Optional[InstallRequirement]] # noqa: E501 """Add install_req as a requirement to install. :param parent_req_name: The name of the requirement that needed this added. The name is used because when multiple unnamed requirements resolve to the same name, we could otherwise end up with dependency links that point outside the Requirements set. parent_req must already be added. Note that None implies that this is a user supplied requirement, vs an inferred one. :param extras_requested: an iterable of extras used to evaluate the environment markers. :return: Additional requirements to scan. That is either [] if the requirement is not applicable, or [install_req] if the requirement is applicable and has just been added. """ # If the markers do not match, ignore this requirement. if not install_req.match_markers(extras_requested): "Ignoring %s: markers '%s' don't match your environment",, install_req.markers, ) return [], None # If the wheel is not supported, raise an error. # Should check this after filtering out based on environment markers to # allow specifying different wheels based on the environment/OS, in a # single requirements file. if and wheel = Wheel( tags = pep425tags.get_supported() if (self.check_supported_wheels and not wheel.supported(tags)): raise InstallationError( "%s is not a supported wheel on this platform." % wheel.filename ) # This next bit is really a sanity check. assert install_req.is_direct == (parent_req_name is None), ( "a direct req shouldn't have a parent and also, " "a non direct req should have a parent" ) # Unnamed requirements are scanned again and the requirement won't be # added as a dependency until after scanning. if not self.add_unnamed_requirement(install_req) return [install_req], None try: existing_req = self.get_requirement( except KeyError: existing_req = None has_conflicting_requirement = ( parent_req_name is None and existing_req and not existing_req.constraint and existing_req.extras == install_req.extras and existing_req.req.specifier != install_req.req.specifier ) if has_conflicting_requirement: raise InstallationError( "Double requirement given: %s (already in %s, name=%r)" % (install_req, existing_req, ) # When no existing requirement exists, add the requirement as a # dependency and it will be scanned again after. if not existing_req: self.add_named_requirement(install_req) # We'd want to rescan this requirement later return [install_req], install_req # Assume there's no need to scan, and that we've already # encountered this for scanning. if install_req.constraint or not existing_req.constraint: return [], existing_req does_not_satisfy_constraint = ( and not ( and == ) ) if does_not_satisfy_constraint: self.reqs_to_cleanup.append(install_req) raise InstallationError( "Could not satisfy constraints for '%s': " "installation from path or url cannot be " "constrained to a version" %, ) # If we're now installing a constraint, mark the existing # object for real installation. existing_req.constraint = False existing_req.extras = tuple(sorted( set(existing_req.extras) | set(install_req.extras) )) logger.debug( "Setting %s extras to: %s", existing_req, existing_req.extras, ) # Return the existing requirement for addition to the parent and # scanning again. return [existing_req], existing_req def has_requirement(self, name): # type: (str) -> bool project_name = canonicalize_name(name) return ( project_name in self.requirements and not self.requirements[project_name].constraint ) def get_requirement(self, name): # type: (str) -> InstallRequirement project_name = canonicalize_name(name) if project_name in self.requirements: return self.requirements[project_name] raise KeyError("No project with the name %r" % name) def cleanup_files(self): # type: () -> None """Clean up files, remove builds.""" logger.debug('Cleaning up...') with indent_log(): for req in self.reqs_to_cleanup: req.remove_temporary_source()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2007-2011 Edgewall Software # All rights reserved. # # This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which # you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms # are also available at # # This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many # individuals. For the exact contribution history, see the revision # history and logs, available at """Data structures for message catalogs.""" from cgi import parse_header from datetime import datetime, time as time_ from difflib import get_close_matches from email import message_from_string from copy import copy import re import time from babel import __version__ as VERSION from babel.core import Locale from babel.dates import format_datetime from babel.messages.plurals import get_plural from babel.util import odict, distinct, LOCALTZ, FixedOffsetTimezone from babel._compat import string_types, number_types __all__ = ['Message', 'Catalog', 'TranslationError'] PYTHON_FORMAT = re.compile(r'''(?x) \% (?:\(([\w]*)\))? ( [-#0\ +]?(?:\*|[\d]+)? (?:\.(?:\*|[\d]+))? [hlL]? ) ([diouxXeEfFgGcrs%]) ''') class Message(object): """Representation of a single message in a catalog.""" def __init__(self, id, string=u'', locations=(), flags=(), auto_comments=(), user_comments=(), previous_id=(), lineno=None, context=None): """Create the message object. :param id: the message ID, or a ``(singular, plural)`` tuple for pluralizable messages :param string: the translated message string, or a ``(singular, plural)`` tuple for pluralizable messages :param locations: a sequence of ``(filenname, lineno)`` tuples :param flags: a set or sequence of flags :param auto_comments: a sequence of automatic comments for the message :param user_comments: a sequence of user comments for the message :param previous_id: the previous message ID, or a ``(singular, plural)`` tuple for pluralizable messages :param lineno: the line number on which the msgid line was found in the PO file, if any :param context: the message context """ = id #: The message ID if not string and self.pluralizable: string = (u'', u'') self.string = string #: The message translation self.locations = list(distinct(locations)) self.flags = set(flags) if id and self.python_format: self.flags.add('python-format') else: self.flags.discard('python-format') self.auto_comments = list(distinct(auto_comments)) self.user_comments = list(distinct(user_comments)) if isinstance(previous_id, string_types): self.previous_id = [previous_id] else: self.previous_id = list(previous_id) self.lineno = lineno self.context = context def __repr__(self): return '<%s %r (flags: %r)>' % (type(self).__name__,, list(self.flags)) def __cmp__(self, obj): """Compare Messages, taking into account plural ids""" def values_to_compare(): if isinstance(obj, Message): plural = self.pluralizable obj_plural = obj.pluralizable if plural and obj_plural: return[0],[0] elif plural: return[0], elif obj_plural: return,[0] return, this, other = values_to_compare() return cmp(this, other) def __gt__(self, other): return self.__cmp__(other) > 0 def __lt__(self, other): return self.__cmp__(other) < 0 def __ge__(self, other): return self.__cmp__(other) >= 0 def __le__(self, other): return self.__cmp__(other) <= 0 def __eq__(self, other): return self.__cmp__(other) == 0 def __ne__(self, other): return self.__cmp__(other) != 0 def clone(self): return Message(*map(copy, (, self.string, self.locations, self.flags, self.auto_comments, self.user_comments, self.previous_id, self.lineno, self.context))) def check(self, catalog=None): """Run various validation checks on the message. Some validations are only performed if the catalog is provided. This method returns a sequence of `TranslationError` objects. :rtype: ``iterator`` :param catalog: A catalog instance that is passed to the checkers :see: `Catalog.check` for a way to perform checks for all messages in a catalog. """ from babel.messages.checkers import checkers errors = [] for checker in checkers: try: checker(catalog, self) except TranslationError as e: errors.append(e) return errors @property def fuzzy(self): """Whether the translation is fuzzy. >>> Message('foo').fuzzy False >>> msg = Message('foo', 'foo', flags=['fuzzy']) >>> msg.fuzzy True >>> msg <Message 'foo' (flags: ['fuzzy'])> :type: `bool`""" return 'fuzzy' in self.flags @property def pluralizable(self): """Whether the message is plurizable. >>> Message('foo').pluralizable False >>> Message(('foo', 'bar')).pluralizable True :type: `bool`""" return isinstance(, (list, tuple)) @property def python_format(self): """Whether the message contains Python-style parameters. >>> Message('foo %(name)s bar').python_format True >>> Message(('foo %(name)s', 'foo %(name)s')).python_format True :type: `bool`""" ids = if not isinstance(ids, (list, tuple)): ids = [ids] return bool(filter(None, [ for id in ids])) class TranslationError(Exception): """Exception thrown by translation checkers when invalid message translations are encountered.""" DEFAULT_HEADER = u"""\ # Translations template for PROJECT. # Copyright (C) YEAR ORGANIZATION # This file is distributed under the same license as the PROJECT project. # FIRST AUTHOR <EMAIL@ADDRESS>, YEAR. #""" class Catalog(object): """Representation of a message catalog.""" def __init__(self, locale=None, domain=None, header_comment=DEFAULT_HEADER, project=None, version=None, copyright_holder=None, msgid_bugs_address=None, creation_date=None, revision_date=None, last_translator=None, language_team=None, charset='utf-8', fuzzy=True): """Initialize the catalog object. :param locale: the locale identifier or `Locale` object, or `None` if the catalog is not bound to a locale (which basically means it's a template) :param domain: the message domain :param header_comment: the header comment as string, or `None` for the default header :param project: the project's name :param version: the project's version :param copyright_holder: the copyright holder of the catalog :param msgid_bugs_address: the email address or URL to submit bug reports to :param creation_date: the date the catalog was created :param revision_date: the date the catalog was revised :param last_translator: the name and email of the last translator :param language_team: the name and email of the language team :param charset: the encoding to use in the output :param fuzzy: the fuzzy bit on the catalog header """ self.domain = domain #: The message domain if locale: locale = Locale.parse(locale) self.locale = locale #: The locale or `None` self._header_comment = header_comment self._messages = odict() self.project = project or 'PROJECT' #: The project name self.version = version or 'VERSION' #: The project version self.copyright_holder = copyright_holder or 'ORGANIZATION' self.msgid_bugs_address = msgid_bugs_address or 'EMAIL@ADDRESS' self.last_translator = last_translator or 'FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>' """Name and email address of the last translator.""" self.language_team = language_team or 'LANGUAGE <[email protected]>' """Name and email address of the language team.""" self.charset = charset or 'utf-8' if creation_date is None: creation_date = elif isinstance(creation_date, datetime) and not creation_date.tzinfo: creation_date = creation_date.replace(tzinfo=LOCALTZ) self.creation_date = creation_date #: Creation date of the template if revision_date is None: revision_date = 'YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE' elif isinstance(revision_date, datetime) and not revision_date.tzinfo: revision_date = revision_date.replace(tzinfo=LOCALTZ) self.revision_date = revision_date #: Last revision date of the catalog self.fuzzy = fuzzy #: Catalog header fuzzy bit (`True` or `False`) self.obsolete = odict() #: Dictionary of obsolete messages self._num_plurals = None self._plural_expr = None def _get_header_comment(self): comment = self._header_comment year ='%Y') if hasattr(self.revision_date, 'strftime'): year = self.revision_date.strftime('%Y') comment = comment.replace('PROJECT', self.project) \ .replace('VERSION', self.version) \ .replace('YEAR', year) \ .replace('ORGANIZATION', self.copyright_holder) if self.locale: comment = comment.replace('Translations template', '%s translations' % self.locale.english_name) return comment def _set_header_comment(self, string): self._header_comment = string header_comment = property(_get_header_comment, _set_header_comment, doc="""\ The header comment for the catalog. >>> catalog = Catalog(project='Foobar', version='1.0', ... copyright_holder='Foo Company') >>> print catalog.header_comment #doctest: +ELLIPSIS # Translations template for Foobar. # Copyright (C) ... Foo Company # This file is distributed under the same license as the Foobar project. # FIRST AUTHOR <EMAIL@ADDRESS>, .... # The header can also be set from a string. Any known upper-case variables will be replaced when the header is retrieved again: >>> catalog = Catalog(project='Foobar', version='1.0', ... copyright_holder='Foo Company') >>> catalog.header_comment = '''\\ ... # The POT for my really cool PROJECT project. ... # Copyright (C) 1990-2003 ORGANIZATION ... # This file is distributed under the same license as the PROJECT ... # project. ... #''' >>> print catalog.header_comment # The POT for my really cool Foobar project. # Copyright (C) 1990-2003 Foo Company # This file is distributed under the same license as the Foobar # project. # :type: `unicode` """) def _get_mime_headers(self): headers = [] headers.append(('Project-Id-Version', '%s %s' % (self.project, self.version))) headers.append(('Report-Msgid-Bugs-To', self.msgid_bugs_address)) headers.append(('POT-Creation-Date', format_datetime(self.creation_date, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mmZ', locale='en'))) if isinstance(self.revision_date, (datetime, time_) + number_types): headers.append(('PO-Revision-Date', format_datetime(self.revision_date, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mmZ', locale='en'))) else: headers.append(('PO-Revision-Date', self.revision_date)) headers.append(('Last-Translator', self.last_translator)) if (self.locale is not None) and ('LANGUAGE' in self.language_team): headers.append(('Language-Team', self.language_team.replace('LANGUAGE', str(self.locale)))) else: headers.append(('Language-Team', self.language_team)) if self.locale is not None: headers.append(('Plural-Forms', self.plural_forms)) headers.append(('MIME-Version', '1.0')) headers.append(('Content-Type', 'text/plain; charset=%s' % self.charset)) headers.append(('Content-Transfer-Encoding', '8bit')) headers.append(('Generated-By', 'Babel %s\n' % VERSION)) return headers def _set_mime_headers(self, headers): for name, value in headers: name = name.lower() if name == 'project-id-version': parts = value.split(' ') self.project = u' '.join(parts[:-1]) self.version = parts[-1] elif name == 'report-msgid-bugs-to': self.msgid_bugs_address = value elif name == 'last-translator': self.last_translator = value elif name == 'language-team': self.language_team = value elif name == 'content-type': mimetype, params = parse_header(value) if 'charset' in params: self.charset = params['charset'].lower() elif name == 'plural-forms': _, params = parse_header(' ;' + value) self._num_plurals = int(params.get('nplurals', 2)) self._plural_expr = params.get('plural', '(n != 1)') elif name == 'pot-creation-date': # FIXME: this should use dates.parse_datetime as soon as that # is ready value, tzoffset, _ = re.split('([+-]\d{4})$', value, 1) tt = time.strptime(value, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') ts = time.mktime(tt) # Separate the offset into a sign component, hours, and minutes plus_minus_s, rest = tzoffset[0], tzoffset[1:] hours_offset_s, mins_offset_s = rest[:2], rest[2:] # Make them all integers plus_minus = int(plus_minus_s + '1') hours_offset = int(hours_offset_s) mins_offset = int(mins_offset_s) # Calculate net offset net_mins_offset = hours_offset * 60 net_mins_offset += mins_offset net_mins_offset *= plus_minus # Create an offset object tzoffset = FixedOffsetTimezone(net_mins_offset) # Store the offset in a datetime object dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(ts) self.creation_date = dt.replace(tzinfo=tzoffset) elif name == 'po-revision-date': # Keep the value if it's not the default one if 'YEAR' not in value: # FIXME: this should use dates.parse_datetime as soon as # that is ready value, tzoffset, _ = re.split('([+-]\d{4})$', value, 1) tt = time.strptime(value, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') ts = time.mktime(tt) # Separate the offset into a sign component, hours, and # minutes plus_minus_s, rest = tzoffset[0], tzoffset[1:] hours_offset_s, mins_offset_s = rest[:2], rest[2:] # Make them all integers plus_minus = int(plus_minus_s + '1') hours_offset = int(hours_offset_s) mins_offset = int(mins_offset_s) # Calculate net offset net_mins_offset = hours_offset * 60 net_mins_offset += mins_offset net_mins_offset *= plus_minus # Create an offset object tzoffset = FixedOffsetTimezone(net_mins_offset) # Store the offset in a datetime object dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(ts) self.revision_date = dt.replace(tzinfo=tzoffset) mime_headers = property(_get_mime_headers, _set_mime_headers, doc="""\ The MIME headers of the catalog, used for the special ``msgid ""`` entry. The behavior of this property changes slightly depending on whether a locale is set or not, the latter indicating that the catalog is actually a template for actual translations. Here's an example of the output for such a catalog template: >>> from babel.dates import UTC >>> created = datetime(1990, 4, 1, 15, 30, tzinfo=UTC) >>> catalog = Catalog(project='Foobar', version='1.0', ... creation_date=created) >>> for name, value in catalog.mime_headers: ... print '%s: %s' % (name, value) Project-Id-Version: Foobar 1.0 Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS POT-Creation-Date: 1990-04-01 15:30+0000 PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS> Language-Team: LANGUAGE <[email protected]> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Generated-By: Babel ... And here's an example of the output when the locale is set: >>> revised = datetime(1990, 8, 3, 12, 0, tzinfo=UTC) >>> catalog = Catalog(locale='de_DE', project='Foobar', version='1.0', ... creation_date=created, revision_date=revised, ... last_translator='John Doe <[email protected]>', ... language_team='de_DE <[email protected]>') >>> for name, value in catalog.mime_headers: ... print '%s: %s' % (name, value) Project-Id-Version: Foobar 1.0 Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS POT-Creation-Date: 1990-04-01 15:30+0000 PO-Revision-Date: 1990-08-03 12:00+0000 Last-Translator: John Doe <[email protected]> Language-Team: de_DE <[email protected]> Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Generated-By: Babel ... :type: `list` """) @property def num_plurals(self): """The number of plurals used by the catalog or locale. >>> Catalog(locale='en').num_plurals 2 >>> Catalog(locale='ga').num_plurals 3 :type: `int`""" if self._num_plurals is None: num = 2 if self.locale: num = get_plural(self.locale)[0] self._num_plurals = num return self._num_plurals @property def plural_expr(self): """The plural expression used by the catalog or locale. >>> Catalog(locale='en').plural_expr '(n != 1)' >>> Catalog(locale='ga').plural_expr '(n==1 ? 0 : n==2 ? 1 : 2)' :type: `string_types`""" if self._plural_expr is None: expr = '(n != 1)' if self.locale: expr = get_plural(self.locale)[1] self._plural_expr = expr return self._plural_expr @property def plural_forms(self): """Return the plural forms declaration for the locale. >>> Catalog(locale='en').plural_forms 'nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)' >>> Catalog(locale='pt_BR').plural_forms 'nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1)' :type: `str`""" return 'nplurals=%s; plural=%s' % (self.num_plurals, self.plural_expr) def __contains__(self, id): """Return whether the catalog has a message with the specified ID.""" return self._key_for(id) in self._messages def __len__(self): """The number of messages in the catalog. This does not include the special ``msgid ""`` entry.""" return len(self._messages) def __iter__(self): """Iterates through all the entries in the catalog, in the order they were added, yielding a `Message` object for every entry. :rtype: ``iterator``""" buf = [] for name, value in self.mime_headers: buf.append('%s: %s' % (name, value)) flags = set() if self.fuzzy: flags |= set(['fuzzy']) yield Message(u'', '\n'.join(buf), flags=flags) for key in self._messages: yield self._messages[key] def __repr__(self): locale = '' if self.locale: locale = ' %s' % self.locale return '<%s %r%s>' % (type(self).__name__, self.domain, locale) def __delitem__(self, id): """Delete the message with the specified ID.""" self.delete(id) def __getitem__(self, id): """Return the message with the specified ID. :param id: the message ID :return: the message with the specified ID, or `None` if no such message is in the catalog :rtype: `Message` """ return self.get(id) def __setitem__(self, id, message): """Add or update the message with the specified ID. >>> catalog = Catalog() >>> catalog[u'foo'] = Message(u'foo') >>> catalog[u'foo'] <Message u'foo' (flags: [])> If a message with that ID is already in the catalog, it is updated to include the locations and flags of the new message. >>> catalog = Catalog() >>> catalog[u'foo'] = Message(u'foo', locations=[('', 1)]) >>> catalog[u'foo'].locations [('', 1)] >>> catalog[u'foo'] = Message(u'foo', locations=[('', 5)]) >>> catalog[u'foo'].locations [('', 1), ('', 5)] :param id: the message ID :param message: the `Message` object """ assert isinstance(message, Message), 'expected a Message object' key = self._key_for(id, message.context) current = self._messages.get(key) if current: if message.pluralizable and not current.pluralizable: # The new message adds pluralization = current.string = message.string current.locations = list(distinct(current.locations + message.locations)) current.auto_comments = list(distinct(current.auto_comments + message.auto_comments)) current.user_comments = list(distinct(current.user_comments + message.user_comments)) current.flags |= message.flags message = current elif id == '': # special treatment for the header message def _parse_header(header_string): # message_from_string only works for str, not for unicode headers = message_from_string(header_string.encode('utf8')) decoded_headers = {} for name, value in headers.items(): name = name.decode('utf8') value = value.decode('utf8') decoded_headers[name] = value return decoded_headers self.mime_headers = _parse_header(message.string).items() self.header_comment = '\n'.join([('# %s' % c).rstrip() for c in message.user_comments]) self.fuzzy = message.fuzzy else: if isinstance(id, (list, tuple)): assert isinstance(message.string, (list, tuple)), \ 'Expected sequence but got %s' % type(message.string) self._messages[key] = message def add(self, id, string=None, locations=(), flags=(), auto_comments=(), user_comments=(), previous_id=(), lineno=None, context=None): """Add or update the message with the specified ID. >>> catalog = Catalog() >>> catalog.add(u'foo') <Message ...> >>> catalog[u'foo'] <Message u'foo' (flags: [])> This method simply constructs a `Message` object with the given arguments and invokes `__setitem__` with that object. :param id: the message ID, or a ``(singular, plural)`` tuple for pluralizable messages :param string: the translated message string, or a ``(singular, plural)`` tuple for pluralizable messages :param locations: a sequence of ``(filenname, lineno)`` tuples :param flags: a set or sequence of flags :param auto_comments: a sequence of automatic comments :param user_comments: a sequence of user comments :param previous_id: the previous message ID, or a ``(singular, plural)`` tuple for pluralizable messages :param lineno: the line number on which the msgid line was found in the PO file, if any :param context: the message context :return: the newly added message :rtype: `Message` """ message = Message(id, string, list(locations), flags, auto_comments, user_comments, previous_id, lineno=lineno, context=context) self[id] = message return message def check(self): """Run various validation checks on the translations in the catalog. For every message which fails validation, this method yield a ``(message, errors)`` tuple, where ``message`` is the `Message` object and ``errors`` is a sequence of `TranslationError` objects. :rtype: ``iterator`` """ for message in self._messages.values(): errors = message.check(catalog=self) if errors: yield message, errors def get(self, id, context=None): """Return the message with the specified ID and context. :param id: the message ID :param context: the message context, or ``None`` for no context :return: the message with the specified ID, or `None` if no such message is in the catalog :rtype: `Message` """ return self._messages.get(self._key_for(id, context)) def delete(self, id, context=None): """Delete the message with the specified ID and context. :param id: the message ID :param context: the message context, or ``None`` for no context """ key = self._key_for(id, context) if key in self._messages: del self._messages[key] def update(self, template, no_fuzzy_matching=False): """Update the catalog based on the given template catalog. >>> from babel.messages import Catalog >>> template = Catalog() >>> template.add('green', locations=[('', 99)]) <Message ...> >>> template.add('blue', locations=[('', 100)]) <Message ...> >>> template.add(('salad', 'salads'), locations=[('', 42)]) <Message ...> >>> catalog = Catalog(locale='de_DE') >>> catalog.add('blue', u'blau', locations=[('', 98)]) <Message ...> >>> catalog.add('head', u'Kopf', locations=[('', 33)]) <Message ...> >>> catalog.add(('salad', 'salads'), (u'Salat', u'Salate'), ... locations=[('', 38)]) <Message ...> >>> catalog.update(template) >>> len(catalog) 3 >>> msg1 = catalog['green'] >>> msg1.string >>> msg1.locations [('', 99)] >>> msg2 = catalog['blue'] >>> msg2.string u'blau' >>> msg2.locations [('', 100)] >>> msg3 = catalog['salad'] >>> msg3.string (u'Salat', u'Salate') >>> msg3.locations [('', 42)] Messages that are in the catalog but not in the template are removed from the main collection, but can still be accessed via the `obsolete` member: >>> 'head' in catalog False >>> catalog.obsolete.values() [<Message 'head' (flags: [])>] :param template: the reference catalog, usually read from a POT file :param no_fuzzy_matching: whether to use fuzzy matching of message IDs """ messages = self._messages remaining = messages.copy() self._messages = odict() # Prepare for fuzzy matching fuzzy_candidates = [] if not no_fuzzy_matching: fuzzy_candidates = dict([ (self._key_for(msgid), messages[msgid].context) for msgid in messages if msgid and messages[msgid].string ]) fuzzy_matches = set() def _merge(message, oldkey, newkey): message = message.clone() fuzzy = False if oldkey != newkey: fuzzy = True fuzzy_matches.add(oldkey) oldmsg = messages.get(oldkey) if isinstance(, string_types): message.previous_id = [] else: message.previous_id = list( else: oldmsg = remaining.pop(oldkey, None) message.string = oldmsg.string if isinstance(, (list, tuple)): if not isinstance(message.string, (list, tuple)): fuzzy = True message.string = tuple( [message.string] + ([u''] * (len( - 1)) ) elif len(message.string) != self.num_plurals: fuzzy = True message.string = tuple(message.string[:len(oldmsg.string)]) elif isinstance(message.string, (list, tuple)): fuzzy = True message.string = message.string[0] message.flags |= oldmsg.flags if fuzzy: message.flags |= set([u'fuzzy']) self[] = message for message in template: if key = self._key_for(, message.context) if key in messages: _merge(message, key, key) else: if no_fuzzy_matching is False: # do some fuzzy matching with difflib if isinstance(key, tuple): matchkey = key[0] # just the msgid, no context else: matchkey = key matches = get_close_matches(matchkey.lower().strip(), fuzzy_candidates.keys(), 1) if matches: newkey = matches[0] newctxt = fuzzy_candidates[newkey] if newctxt is not None: newkey = newkey, newctxt _merge(message, newkey, key) continue self[] = message self.obsolete = odict() for msgid in remaining: if no_fuzzy_matching or msgid not in fuzzy_matches: self.obsolete[msgid] = remaining[msgid] # Make updated catalog's POT-Creation-Date equal to the template # used to update the catalog self.creation_date = template.creation_date def _key_for(self, id, context=None): """The key for a message is just the singular ID even for pluralizable messages, but is a ``(msgid, msgctxt)`` tuple for context-specific messages. """ key = id if isinstance(key, (list, tuple)): key = id[0] if context is not None: key = (key, context) return key
# Copyright 2012 Nebula, Inc. # Copyright 2013 IBM Corp. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import uuid import nova.conf from nova.objects import keypair as keypair_obj from nova.tests.functional.api_sample_tests import api_sample_base from nova.tests.unit import fake_crypto CONF = nova.conf.CONF class KeyPairsSampleJsonTest(api_sample_base.ApiSampleTestBaseV21): microversion = None sample_dir = "keypairs" expected_delete_status_code = 202 expected_post_status_code = 200 def _get_flags(self): f = super(KeyPairsSampleJsonTest, self)._get_flags() f['osapi_compute_extension'] = CONF.osapi_compute_extension[:] f['osapi_compute_extension'].append( 'nova.api.openstack.compute.contrib.keypairs.Keypairs') return f def setUp(self): super(KeyPairsSampleJsonTest, self).setUp() self.api.microversion = self.microversion # TODO(sdague): this is only needed because we randomly choose the # uuid each time. def generalize_subs(self, subs, vanilla_regexes): subs['keypair_name'] = 'keypair-[0-9a-f-]+' return subs def test_keypairs_post(self): return self._check_keypairs_post() def _check_keypairs_post(self, **kwargs): """Get api sample of key pairs post request.""" key_name = 'keypair-' + str(uuid.uuid4()) subs = dict(keypair_name=key_name, **kwargs) response = self._do_post('os-keypairs', 'keypairs-post-req', subs) subs = {'keypair_name': key_name} self._verify_response('keypairs-post-resp', subs, response, self.expected_post_status_code) # NOTE(maurosr): return the key_name is necessary cause the # verification returns the label of the last compared information in # the response, not necessarily the key name. return key_name def test_keypairs_import_key_post(self): public_key = fake_crypto.get_ssh_public_key() self._check_keypairs_import_key_post(public_key) def _check_keypairs_import_key_post(self, public_key, **kwargs): # Get api sample of key pairs post to import user's key. key_name = 'keypair-' + str(uuid.uuid4()) subs = { 'keypair_name': key_name, } params = subs.copy() params['public_key'] = public_key params.update(**kwargs) response = self._do_post('os-keypairs', 'keypairs-import-post-req', params) self._verify_response('keypairs-import-post-resp', subs, response, self.expected_post_status_code) def test_keypairs_list(self): # Get api sample of key pairs list request. key_name = self.test_keypairs_post() response = self._do_get('os-keypairs') subs = {'keypair_name': key_name} self._verify_response('keypairs-list-resp', subs, response, 200) def test_keypairs_get(self): # Get api sample of key pairs get request. key_name = self.test_keypairs_post() response = self._do_get('os-keypairs/%s' % key_name) subs = {'keypair_name': key_name} self._verify_response('keypairs-get-resp', subs, response, 200) def test_keypairs_delete(self): # Get api sample of key pairs delete request. key_name = self.test_keypairs_post() response = self._do_delete('os-keypairs/%s' % key_name) self.assertEqual(self.expected_delete_status_code, response.status_code) class KeyPairsV22SampleJsonTest(KeyPairsSampleJsonTest): microversion = '2.2' expected_post_status_code = 201 expected_delete_status_code = 204 # NOTE(gmann): microversion tests do not need to run for v2 API # so defining scenarios only for v2.2 which will run the original tests # by appending '(v2_2)' in test_id. scenarios = [('v2_2', {'api_major_version': 'v2.1'})] def test_keypairs_post(self): # NOTE(claudiub): overrides the method with the same name in # KeypairsSampleJsonTest, as it is used by other tests. return self._check_keypairs_post( keypair_type=keypair_obj.KEYPAIR_TYPE_SSH) def test_keypairs_post_x509(self): return self._check_keypairs_post( keypair_type=keypair_obj.KEYPAIR_TYPE_X509) def test_keypairs_post_invalid(self): key_name = 'keypair-' + str(uuid.uuid4()) subs = dict(keypair_name=key_name, keypair_type='fakey_type') response = self._do_post('os-keypairs', 'keypairs-post-req', subs) self.assertEqual(400, response.status_code) def test_keypairs_import_key_post(self): # NOTE(claudiub): overrides the method with the same name in # KeypairsSampleJsonTest, since the API sample expects a keypair_type. public_key = fake_crypto.get_ssh_public_key() self._check_keypairs_import_key_post( public_key, keypair_type=keypair_obj.KEYPAIR_TYPE_SSH) def test_keypairs_import_key_post_x509(self): public_key = fake_crypto.get_x509_cert_and_fingerprint()[0] public_key = public_key.replace('\n', '\\n') self._check_keypairs_import_key_post( public_key, keypair_type=keypair_obj.KEYPAIR_TYPE_X509) def _check_keypairs_import_key_post_invalid(self, keypair_type): key_name = 'keypair-' + str(uuid.uuid4()) subs = { 'keypair_name': key_name, 'keypair_type': keypair_type, 'public_key': fake_crypto.get_ssh_public_key() } response = self._do_post('os-keypairs', 'keypairs-import-post-req', subs) self.assertEqual(400, response.status_code) def test_keypairs_import_key_post_invalid_type(self): self._check_keypairs_import_key_post_invalid( keypair_type='fakey_type') def test_keypairs_import_key_post_invalid_combination(self): self._check_keypairs_import_key_post_invalid( keypair_type=keypair_obj.KEYPAIR_TYPE_X509) class KeyPairsV210SampleJsonTest(KeyPairsSampleJsonTest): ADMIN_API = True microversion = '2.10' expected_post_status_code = 201 expected_delete_status_code = 204 scenarios = [('v2_10', {'api_major_version': 'v2.1'})] def test_keypair_create_for_user(self): subs = { 'keypair_type': keypair_obj.KEYPAIR_TYPE_SSH, 'public_key': fake_crypto.get_ssh_public_key(), 'user_id': "fake" } self._check_keypairs_post(**subs) def test_keypairs_post(self): return self._check_keypairs_post( keypair_type=keypair_obj.KEYPAIR_TYPE_SSH, user_id="admin") def test_keypairs_import_key_post(self): # NOTE(claudiub): overrides the method with the same name in # KeypairsSampleJsonTest, since the API sample expects a keypair_type. public_key = fake_crypto.get_ssh_public_key() self._check_keypairs_import_key_post( public_key, keypair_type=keypair_obj.KEYPAIR_TYPE_SSH, user_id="fake") def test_keypairs_delete_for_user(self): # Delete a keypair on behalf of a user subs = { 'keypair_type': keypair_obj.KEYPAIR_TYPE_SSH, 'public_key': fake_crypto.get_ssh_public_key(), 'user_id': "fake" } key_name = self._check_keypairs_post(**subs) response = self._do_delete('os-keypairs/%s?user_id=fake' % key_name) self.assertEqual(self.expected_delete_status_code, response.status_code) class KeyPairsV210SampleJsonTestNotAdmin(KeyPairsV210SampleJsonTest): ADMIN_API = False def test_keypairs_post(self): return self._check_keypairs_post( keypair_type=keypair_obj.KEYPAIR_TYPE_SSH, user_id="fake") def test_keypairs_post_for_other_user(self): key_name = 'keypair-' + str(uuid.uuid4()) subs = dict(keypair_name=key_name, keypair_type=keypair_obj.KEYPAIR_TYPE_SSH, user_id='fake1') response = self._do_post('os-keypairs', 'keypairs-post-req', subs) self.assertEqual(403, response.status_code)
"""Tradfri lights platform tests.""" from copy import deepcopy from unittest.mock import Mock, MagicMock, patch, PropertyMock import pytest from pytradfri.device import Device, LightControl, Light from homeassistant.components import tradfri from tests.common import MockConfigEntry DEFAULT_TEST_FEATURES = {'can_set_dimmer': False, 'can_set_color': False, 'can_set_temp': False} # [ # {bulb features}, # {turn_on arguments}, # {expected result} # ] TURN_ON_TEST_CASES = [ # Turn On [ {}, {}, {'state': 'on'}, ], # Brightness > 0 [ {'can_set_dimmer': True}, {'brightness': 100}, { 'state': 'on', 'brightness': 100 } ], # Brightness == 1 [ {'can_set_dimmer': True}, {'brightness': 1}, { 'brightness': 1 } ], # Brightness > 254 [ {'can_set_dimmer': True}, {'brightness': 1000}, { 'brightness': 254 } ], # color_temp [ {'can_set_temp': True}, {'color_temp': 250}, {'color_temp': 250}, ], # color_temp < 250 [ {'can_set_temp': True}, {'color_temp': 1}, {'color_temp': 250}, ], # color_temp > 454 [ {'can_set_temp': True}, {'color_temp': 1000}, {'color_temp': 454}, ], # hs color [ {'can_set_color': True}, {'hs_color': [300, 100]}, { 'state': 'on', 'hs_color': [300, 100] } ], # ct + brightness [ { 'can_set_dimmer': True, 'can_set_temp': True }, { 'color_temp': 250, 'brightness': 200 }, { 'state': 'on', 'color_temp': 250, 'brightness': 200 } ], # ct + brightness (no temp support) [ { 'can_set_dimmer': True, 'can_set_temp': False, 'can_set_color': True }, { 'color_temp': 250, 'brightness': 200 }, { 'state': 'on', 'hs_color': [26.807, 34.869], 'brightness': 200 } ], # ct + brightness (no temp or color support) [ { 'can_set_dimmer': True, 'can_set_temp': False, 'can_set_color': False }, { 'color_temp': 250, 'brightness': 200 }, { 'state': 'on', 'brightness': 200 } ], # hs + brightness [ { 'can_set_dimmer': True, 'can_set_color': True }, { 'hs_color': [300, 100], 'brightness': 200 }, { 'state': 'on', 'hs_color': [300, 100], 'brightness': 200 } ] ] # Result of transition is not tested, but data is passed to turn on service. TRANSITION_CASES_FOR_TESTS = [None, 0, 1] @pytest.fixture(autouse=True, scope='module') def setup(request): """Set up patches for pytradfri methods.""" p_1 = patch('pytradfri.device.LightControl.raw', new_callable=PropertyMock, return_value=[{'mock': 'mock'}]) p_2 = patch('pytradfri.device.LightControl.lights') p_1.start() p_2.start() def teardown(): """Remove patches for pytradfri methods.""" p_1.stop() p_2.stop() request.addfinalizer(teardown) @pytest.fixture def mock_gateway(): """Mock a Tradfri gateway.""" def get_devices(): """Return mock devices.""" return gateway.mock_devices def get_groups(): """Return mock groups.""" return gateway.mock_groups gateway = Mock( get_devices=get_devices, get_groups=get_groups, mock_devices=[], mock_groups=[], mock_responses=[] ) return gateway @pytest.fixture def mock_api(mock_gateway): """Mock api.""" async def api(command): """Mock api function.""" # Store the data for "real" command objects. if(hasattr(command, '_data') and not isinstance(command, Mock)): mock_gateway.mock_responses.append(command._data) return command return api async def generate_psk(self, code): """Mock psk.""" return "mock" async def setup_gateway(hass, mock_gateway, mock_api): """Load the Tradfri platform with a mock gateway.""" entry = MockConfigEntry(domain=tradfri.DOMAIN, data={ 'host': 'mock-host', 'identity': 'mock-identity', 'key': 'mock-key', 'import_groups': True, 'gateway_id': 'mock-gateway-id', })[tradfri.KEY_GATEWAY] = {entry.entry_id: mock_gateway}[tradfri.KEY_API] = {entry.entry_id: mock_api} await hass.config_entries.async_forward_entry_setup( entry, 'light' ) def mock_light(test_features={}, test_state={}, n=0): """Mock a tradfri light.""" mock_light_data = Mock( **test_state ) mock_light = Mock( id='mock-light-id-{}'.format(n), reachable=True, observe=Mock(), device_info=MagicMock() ) = 'tradfri_light_{}'.format(n) # Set supported features for the light. features = {**DEFAULT_TEST_FEATURES, **test_features} lc = LightControl(mock_light) for k, v in features.items(): setattr(lc, k, v) # Store the initial state. setattr(lc, 'lights', [mock_light_data]) mock_light.light_control = lc return mock_light async def test_light(hass, mock_gateway, mock_api): """Test that lights are correctly added.""" features = { 'can_set_dimmer': True, 'can_set_color': True, 'can_set_temp': True } state = { 'state': True, 'dimmer': 100, 'color_temp': 250, 'hsb_xy_color': (100, 100, 100, 100, 100) } mock_gateway.mock_devices.append( mock_light(test_features=features, test_state=state) ) await setup_gateway(hass, mock_gateway, mock_api) lamp_1 = hass.states.get('light.tradfri_light_0') assert lamp_1 is not None assert lamp_1.state == 'on' assert lamp_1.attributes['brightness'] == 100 assert lamp_1.attributes['hs_color'] == (0.549, 0.153) async def test_light_observed(hass, mock_gateway, mock_api): """Test that lights are correctly observed.""" light = mock_light() mock_gateway.mock_devices.append(light) await setup_gateway(hass, mock_gateway, mock_api) assert len(light.observe.mock_calls) > 0 async def test_light_available(hass, mock_gateway, mock_api): """Test light available property.""" light = mock_light({'state': True}, n=1) light.reachable = True light2 = mock_light({'state': True}, n=2) light2.reachable = False mock_gateway.mock_devices.append(light) mock_gateway.mock_devices.append(light2) await setup_gateway(hass, mock_gateway, mock_api) assert (hass.states.get('light.tradfri_light_1') .state == 'on') assert (hass.states.get('light.tradfri_light_2') .state == 'unavailable') # Combine TURN_ON_TEST_CASES and TRANSITION_CASES_FOR_TESTS ALL_TURN_ON_TEST_CASES = [ ["test_features", "test_data", "expected_result", "id"], [] ] idx = 1 for tc in TURN_ON_TEST_CASES: for trans in TRANSITION_CASES_FOR_TESTS: case = deepcopy(tc) if trans is not None: case[1]['transition'] = trans case.append(idx) idx = idx + 1 ALL_TURN_ON_TEST_CASES[1].append(case) @pytest.mark.parametrize(*ALL_TURN_ON_TEST_CASES) async def test_turn_on(hass, mock_gateway, mock_api, test_features, test_data, expected_result, id): """Test turning on a light.""" # Note pytradfri style, not hass. Values not really important. initial_state = { 'state': False, 'dimmer': 0, 'color_temp': 250, 'hsb_xy_color': (100, 100, 100, 100, 100) } # Setup the gateway with a mock light. light = mock_light(test_features=test_features, test_state=initial_state, n=id) mock_gateway.mock_devices.append(light) await setup_gateway(hass, mock_gateway, mock_api) # Use the turn_on service call to change the light state. await'light', 'turn_on', { 'entity_id': 'light.tradfri_light_{}'.format(id), **test_data }, blocking=True) await hass.async_block_till_done() # Check that the light is observed. mock_func = light.observe assert len(mock_func.mock_calls) > 0 _, callkwargs = mock_func.call_args assert 'callback' in callkwargs # Callback function to refresh light state. cb = callkwargs['callback'] responses = mock_gateway.mock_responses # State on command data. data = {'3311': [{'5850': 1}]} # Add data for all sent commands. for r in responses: data['3311'][0] = {**data['3311'][0], **r['3311'][0]} # Use the callback function to update the light state. dev = Device(data) light_data = Light(dev, 0) light.light_control.lights[0] = light_data cb(light) await hass.async_block_till_done() # Check that the state is correct. states = hass.states.get('light.tradfri_light_{}'.format(id)) for k, v in expected_result.items(): if k == 'state': assert states.state == v else: # Allow some rounding error in color conversions. assert states.attributes[k] == pytest.approx(v, abs=0.01) async def test_turn_off(hass, mock_gateway, mock_api): """Test turning off a light.""" state = { 'state': True, 'dimmer': 100, } light = mock_light(test_state=state) mock_gateway.mock_devices.append(light) await setup_gateway(hass, mock_gateway, mock_api) # Use the turn_off service call to change the light state. await'light', 'turn_off', { 'entity_id': 'light.tradfri_light_0'}, blocking=True) await hass.async_block_till_done() # Check that the light is observed. mock_func = light.observe assert len(mock_func.mock_calls) > 0 _, callkwargs = mock_func.call_args assert 'callback' in callkwargs # Callback function to refresh light state. cb = callkwargs['callback'] responses = mock_gateway.mock_responses data = {'3311': [{}]} # Add data for all sent commands. for r in responses: data['3311'][0] = {**data['3311'][0], **r['3311'][0]} # Use the callback function to update the light state. dev = Device(data) light_data = Light(dev, 0) light.light_control.lights[0] = light_data cb(light) await hass.async_block_till_done() # Check that the state is correct. states = hass.states.get('light.tradfri_light_0') assert states.state == 'off' def mock_group(test_state={}, n=0): """Mock a Tradfri group.""" default_state = { 'state': False, 'dimmer': 0, } state = {**default_state, **test_state} mock_group = Mock( member_ids=[], observe=Mock(), **state ) = 'tradfri_group_{}'.format(n) return mock_group async def test_group(hass, mock_gateway, mock_api): """Test that groups are correctly added.""" mock_gateway.mock_groups.append(mock_group()) state = {'state': True, 'dimmer': 100} mock_gateway.mock_groups.append(mock_group(state, 1)) await setup_gateway(hass, mock_gateway, mock_api) group = hass.states.get('light.tradfri_group_0') assert group is not None assert group.state == 'off' group = hass.states.get('light.tradfri_group_1') assert group is not None assert group.state == 'on' assert group.attributes['brightness'] == 100 async def test_group_turn_on(hass, mock_gateway, mock_api): """Test turning on a group.""" group = mock_group() group2 = mock_group(n=1) group3 = mock_group(n=2) mock_gateway.mock_groups.append(group) mock_gateway.mock_groups.append(group2) mock_gateway.mock_groups.append(group3) await setup_gateway(hass, mock_gateway, mock_api) # Use the turn_off service call to change the light state. await'light', 'turn_on', { 'entity_id': 'light.tradfri_group_0'}, blocking=True) await'light', 'turn_on', { 'entity_id': 'light.tradfri_group_1', 'brightness': 100}, blocking=True) await'light', 'turn_on', { 'entity_id': 'light.tradfri_group_2', 'brightness': 100, 'transition': 1}, blocking=True) await hass.async_block_till_done() group.set_state.assert_called_with(1) group2.set_dimmer.assert_called_with(100) group3.set_dimmer.assert_called_with(100, transition_time=10) async def test_group_turn_off(hass, mock_gateway, mock_api): """Test turning off a group.""" group = mock_group({'state': True}) mock_gateway.mock_groups.append(group) await setup_gateway(hass, mock_gateway, mock_api) # Use the turn_off service call to change the light state. await'light', 'turn_off', { 'entity_id': 'light.tradfri_group_0'}, blocking=True) await hass.async_block_till_done() group.set_state.assert_called_with(0)
from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function import functools import warnings import numpy.core.numeric as _nx from numpy.core.numeric import ( asarray, zeros, outer, concatenate, array, asanyarray ) from numpy.core.fromnumeric import product, reshape, transpose from numpy.core.multiarray import normalize_axis_index from numpy.core import overrides from numpy.core import vstack, atleast_3d from numpy.core.shape_base import _arrays_for_stack_dispatcher from numpy.lib.index_tricks import ndindex from numpy.matrixlib.defmatrix import matrix # this raises all the right alarm bells __all__ = [ 'column_stack', 'row_stack', 'dstack', 'array_split', 'split', 'hsplit', 'vsplit', 'dsplit', 'apply_over_axes', 'expand_dims', 'apply_along_axis', 'kron', 'tile', 'get_array_wrap', 'take_along_axis', 'put_along_axis' ] array_function_dispatch = functools.partial( overrides.array_function_dispatch, module='numpy') def _make_along_axis_idx(arr_shape, indices, axis): # compute dimensions to iterate over if not _nx.issubdtype(indices.dtype, _nx.integer): raise IndexError('`indices` must be an integer array') if len(arr_shape) != indices.ndim: raise ValueError( "`indices` and `arr` must have the same number of dimensions") shape_ones = (1,) * indices.ndim dest_dims = list(range(axis)) + [None] + list(range(axis+1, indices.ndim)) # build a fancy index, consisting of orthogonal aranges, with the # requested index inserted at the right location fancy_index = [] for dim, n in zip(dest_dims, arr_shape): if dim is None: fancy_index.append(indices) else: ind_shape = shape_ones[:dim] + (-1,) + shape_ones[dim+1:] fancy_index.append(_nx.arange(n).reshape(ind_shape)) return tuple(fancy_index) def _take_along_axis_dispatcher(arr, indices, axis): return (arr, indices) @array_function_dispatch(_take_along_axis_dispatcher) def take_along_axis(arr, indices, axis): """ Take values from the input array by matching 1d index and data slices. This iterates over matching 1d slices oriented along the specified axis in the index and data arrays, and uses the former to look up values in the latter. These slices can be different lengths. Functions returning an index along an axis, like `argsort` and `argpartition`, produce suitable indices for this function. .. versionadded:: 1.15.0 Parameters ---------- arr: ndarray (Ni..., M, Nk...) Source array indices: ndarray (Ni..., J, Nk...) Indices to take along each 1d slice of `arr`. This must match the dimension of arr, but dimensions Ni and Nj only need to broadcast against `arr`. axis: int The axis to take 1d slices along. If axis is None, the input array is treated as if it had first been flattened to 1d, for consistency with `sort` and `argsort`. Returns ------- out: ndarray (Ni..., J, Nk...) The indexed result. Notes ----- This is equivalent to (but faster than) the following use of `ndindex` and `s_`, which sets each of ``ii`` and ``kk`` to a tuple of indices:: Ni, M, Nk = a.shape[:axis], a.shape[axis], a.shape[axis+1:] J = indices.shape[axis] # Need not equal M out = np.empty(Nk + (J,) + Nk) for ii in ndindex(Ni): for kk in ndindex(Nk): a_1d = a [ii + s_[:,] + kk] indices_1d = indices[ii + s_[:,] + kk] out_1d = out [ii + s_[:,] + kk] for j in range(J): out_1d[j] = a_1d[indices_1d[j]] Equivalently, eliminating the inner loop, the last two lines would be:: out_1d[:] = a_1d[indices_1d] See Also -------- take : Take along an axis, using the same indices for every 1d slice put_along_axis : Put values into the destination array by matching 1d index and data slices Examples -------- For this sample array >>> a = np.array([[10, 30, 20], [60, 40, 50]]) We can sort either by using sort directly, or argsort and this function >>> np.sort(a, axis=1) array([[10, 20, 30], [40, 50, 60]]) >>> ai = np.argsort(a, axis=1); ai array([[0, 2, 1], [1, 2, 0]]) >>> np.take_along_axis(a, ai, axis=1) array([[10, 20, 30], [40, 50, 60]]) The same works for max and min, if you expand the dimensions: >>> np.expand_dims(np.max(a, axis=1), axis=1) array([[30], [60]]) >>> ai = np.expand_dims(np.argmax(a, axis=1), axis=1) >>> ai array([[1], [0]]) >>> np.take_along_axis(a, ai, axis=1) array([[30], [60]]) If we want to get the max and min at the same time, we can stack the indices first >>> ai_min = np.expand_dims(np.argmin(a, axis=1), axis=1) >>> ai_max = np.expand_dims(np.argmax(a, axis=1), axis=1) >>> ai = np.concatenate([ai_min, ai_max], axis=1) >>> ai array([[0, 1], [1, 0]]) >>> np.take_along_axis(a, ai, axis=1) array([[10, 30], [40, 60]]) """ # normalize inputs if axis is None: arr = arr.flat arr_shape = (len(arr),) # flatiter has no .shape axis = 0 else: axis = normalize_axis_index(axis, arr.ndim) arr_shape = arr.shape # use the fancy index return arr[_make_along_axis_idx(arr_shape, indices, axis)] def _put_along_axis_dispatcher(arr, indices, values, axis): return (arr, indices, values) @array_function_dispatch(_put_along_axis_dispatcher) def put_along_axis(arr, indices, values, axis): """ Put values into the destination array by matching 1d index and data slices. This iterates over matching 1d slices oriented along the specified axis in the index and data arrays, and uses the former to place values into the latter. These slices can be different lengths. Functions returning an index along an axis, like `argsort` and `argpartition`, produce suitable indices for this function. .. versionadded:: 1.15.0 Parameters ---------- arr: ndarray (Ni..., M, Nk...) Destination array. indices: ndarray (Ni..., J, Nk...) Indices to change along each 1d slice of `arr`. This must match the dimension of arr, but dimensions in Ni and Nj may be 1 to broadcast against `arr`. values: array_like (Ni..., J, Nk...) values to insert at those indices. Its shape and dimension are broadcast to match that of `indices`. axis: int The axis to take 1d slices along. If axis is None, the destination array is treated as if a flattened 1d view had been created of it. Notes ----- This is equivalent to (but faster than) the following use of `ndindex` and `s_`, which sets each of ``ii`` and ``kk`` to a tuple of indices:: Ni, M, Nk = a.shape[:axis], a.shape[axis], a.shape[axis+1:] J = indices.shape[axis] # Need not equal M for ii in ndindex(Ni): for kk in ndindex(Nk): a_1d = a [ii + s_[:,] + kk] indices_1d = indices[ii + s_[:,] + kk] values_1d = values [ii + s_[:,] + kk] for j in range(J): a_1d[indices_1d[j]] = values_1d[j] Equivalently, eliminating the inner loop, the last two lines would be:: a_1d[indices_1d] = values_1d See Also -------- take_along_axis : Take values from the input array by matching 1d index and data slices Examples -------- For this sample array >>> a = np.array([[10, 30, 20], [60, 40, 50]]) We can replace the maximum values with: >>> ai = np.expand_dims(np.argmax(a, axis=1), axis=1) >>> ai array([[1], [0]]) >>> np.put_along_axis(a, ai, 99, axis=1) >>> a array([[10, 99, 20], [99, 40, 50]]) """ # normalize inputs if axis is None: arr = arr.flat axis = 0 arr_shape = (len(arr),) # flatiter has no .shape else: axis = normalize_axis_index(axis, arr.ndim) arr_shape = arr.shape # use the fancy index arr[_make_along_axis_idx(arr_shape, indices, axis)] = values def _apply_along_axis_dispatcher(func1d, axis, arr, *args, **kwargs): return (arr,) @array_function_dispatch(_apply_along_axis_dispatcher) def apply_along_axis(func1d, axis, arr, *args, **kwargs): """ Apply a function to 1-D slices along the given axis. Execute `func1d(a, *args)` where `func1d` operates on 1-D arrays and `a` is a 1-D slice of `arr` along `axis`. This is equivalent to (but faster than) the following use of `ndindex` and `s_`, which sets each of ``ii``, ``jj``, and ``kk`` to a tuple of indices:: Ni, Nk = a.shape[:axis], a.shape[axis+1:] for ii in ndindex(Ni): for kk in ndindex(Nk): f = func1d(arr[ii + s_[:,] + kk]) Nj = f.shape for jj in ndindex(Nj): out[ii + jj + kk] = f[jj] Equivalently, eliminating the inner loop, this can be expressed as:: Ni, Nk = a.shape[:axis], a.shape[axis+1:] for ii in ndindex(Ni): for kk in ndindex(Nk): out[ii + s_[...,] + kk] = func1d(arr[ii + s_[:,] + kk]) Parameters ---------- func1d : function (M,) -> (Nj...) This function should accept 1-D arrays. It is applied to 1-D slices of `arr` along the specified axis. axis : integer Axis along which `arr` is sliced. arr : ndarray (Ni..., M, Nk...) Input array. args : any Additional arguments to `func1d`. kwargs : any Additional named arguments to `func1d`. .. versionadded:: 1.9.0 Returns ------- out : ndarray (Ni..., Nj..., Nk...) The output array. The shape of `out` is identical to the shape of `arr`, except along the `axis` dimension. This axis is removed, and replaced with new dimensions equal to the shape of the return value of `func1d`. So if `func1d` returns a scalar `out` will have one fewer dimensions than `arr`. See Also -------- apply_over_axes : Apply a function repeatedly over multiple axes. Examples -------- >>> def my_func(a): ... \"\"\"Average first and last element of a 1-D array\"\"\" ... return (a[0] + a[-1]) * 0.5 >>> b = np.array([[1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9]]) >>> np.apply_along_axis(my_func, 0, b) array([4., 5., 6.]) >>> np.apply_along_axis(my_func, 1, b) array([2., 5., 8.]) For a function that returns a 1D array, the number of dimensions in `outarr` is the same as `arr`. >>> b = np.array([[8,1,7], [4,3,9], [5,2,6]]) >>> np.apply_along_axis(sorted, 1, b) array([[1, 7, 8], [3, 4, 9], [2, 5, 6]]) For a function that returns a higher dimensional array, those dimensions are inserted in place of the `axis` dimension. >>> b = np.array([[1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9]]) >>> np.apply_along_axis(np.diag, -1, b) array([[[1, 0, 0], [0, 2, 0], [0, 0, 3]], [[4, 0, 0], [0, 5, 0], [0, 0, 6]], [[7, 0, 0], [0, 8, 0], [0, 0, 9]]]) """ # handle negative axes arr = asanyarray(arr) nd = arr.ndim axis = normalize_axis_index(axis, nd) # arr, with the iteration axis at the end in_dims = list(range(nd)) inarr_view = transpose(arr, in_dims[:axis] + in_dims[axis+1:] + [axis]) # compute indices for the iteration axes, and append a trailing ellipsis to # prevent 0d arrays decaying to scalars, which fixes gh-8642 inds = ndindex(inarr_view.shape[:-1]) inds = (ind + (Ellipsis,) for ind in inds) # invoke the function on the first item try: ind0 = next(inds) except StopIteration: raise ValueError('Cannot apply_along_axis when any iteration dimensions are 0') res = asanyarray(func1d(inarr_view[ind0], *args, **kwargs)) # build a buffer for storing evaluations of func1d. # remove the requested axis, and add the new ones on the end. # laid out so that each write is contiguous. # for a tuple index inds, buff[inds] = func1d(inarr_view[inds]) buff = zeros(inarr_view.shape[:-1] + res.shape, res.dtype) # permutation of axes such that out = buff.transpose(buff_permute) buff_dims = list(range(buff.ndim)) buff_permute = ( buff_dims[0 : axis] + buff_dims[buff.ndim-res.ndim : buff.ndim] + buff_dims[axis : buff.ndim-res.ndim] ) # matrices have a nasty __array_prepare__ and __array_wrap__ if not isinstance(res, matrix): buff = res.__array_prepare__(buff) # save the first result, then compute and save all remaining results buff[ind0] = res for ind in inds: buff[ind] = asanyarray(func1d(inarr_view[ind], *args, **kwargs)) if not isinstance(res, matrix): # wrap the array, to preserve subclasses buff = res.__array_wrap__(buff) # finally, rotate the inserted axes back to where they belong return transpose(buff, buff_permute) else: # matrices have to be transposed first, because they collapse dimensions! out_arr = transpose(buff, buff_permute) return res.__array_wrap__(out_arr) def _apply_over_axes_dispatcher(func, a, axes): return (a,) @array_function_dispatch(_apply_over_axes_dispatcher) def apply_over_axes(func, a, axes): """ Apply a function repeatedly over multiple axes. `func` is called as `res = func(a, axis)`, where `axis` is the first element of `axes`. The result `res` of the function call must have either the same dimensions as `a` or one less dimension. If `res` has one less dimension than `a`, a dimension is inserted before `axis`. The call to `func` is then repeated for each axis in `axes`, with `res` as the first argument. Parameters ---------- func : function This function must take two arguments, `func(a, axis)`. a : array_like Input array. axes : array_like Axes over which `func` is applied; the elements must be integers. Returns ------- apply_over_axis : ndarray The output array. The number of dimensions is the same as `a`, but the shape can be different. This depends on whether `func` changes the shape of its output with respect to its input. See Also -------- apply_along_axis : Apply a function to 1-D slices of an array along the given axis. Notes ------ This function is equivalent to tuple axis arguments to reorderable ufuncs with keepdims=True. Tuple axis arguments to ufuncs have been available since version 1.7.0. Examples -------- >>> a = np.arange(24).reshape(2,3,4) >>> a array([[[ 0, 1, 2, 3], [ 4, 5, 6, 7], [ 8, 9, 10, 11]], [[12, 13, 14, 15], [16, 17, 18, 19], [20, 21, 22, 23]]]) Sum over axes 0 and 2. The result has same number of dimensions as the original array: >>> np.apply_over_axes(np.sum, a, [0,2]) array([[[ 60], [ 92], [124]]]) Tuple axis arguments to ufuncs are equivalent: >>> np.sum(a, axis=(0,2), keepdims=True) array([[[ 60], [ 92], [124]]]) """ val = asarray(a) N = a.ndim if array(axes).ndim == 0: axes = (axes,) for axis in axes: if axis < 0: axis = N + axis args = (val, axis) res = func(*args) if res.ndim == val.ndim: val = res else: res = expand_dims(res, axis) if res.ndim == val.ndim: val = res else: raise ValueError("function is not returning " "an array of the correct shape") return val def _expand_dims_dispatcher(a, axis): return (a,) @array_function_dispatch(_expand_dims_dispatcher) def expand_dims(a, axis): """ Expand the shape of an array. Insert a new axis that will appear at the `axis` position in the expanded array shape. .. note:: Previous to NumPy 1.13.0, neither ``axis < -a.ndim - 1`` nor ``axis > a.ndim`` raised errors or put the new axis where documented. Those axis values are now deprecated and will raise an AxisError in the future. Parameters ---------- a : array_like Input array. axis : int Position in the expanded axes where the new axis is placed. Returns ------- res : ndarray Output array. The number of dimensions is one greater than that of the input array. See Also -------- squeeze : The inverse operation, removing singleton dimensions reshape : Insert, remove, and combine dimensions, and resize existing ones doc.indexing, atleast_1d, atleast_2d, atleast_3d Examples -------- >>> x = np.array([1,2]) >>> x.shape (2,) The following is equivalent to ``x[np.newaxis,:]`` or ``x[np.newaxis]``: >>> y = np.expand_dims(x, axis=0) >>> y array([[1, 2]]) >>> y.shape (1, 2) >>> y = np.expand_dims(x, axis=1) # Equivalent to x[:,np.newaxis] >>> y array([[1], [2]]) >>> y.shape (2, 1) Note that some examples may use ``None`` instead of ``np.newaxis``. These are the same objects: >>> np.newaxis is None True """ if isinstance(a, matrix): a = asarray(a) else: a = asanyarray(a) shape = a.shape if axis > a.ndim or axis < -a.ndim - 1: # 2017-05-17, 1.13.0 warnings.warn("Both axis > a.ndim and axis < -a.ndim - 1 are " "deprecated and will raise an AxisError in the future.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) # When the deprecation period expires, delete this if block, if axis < 0: axis = axis + a.ndim + 1 # and uncomment the following line. # axis = normalize_axis_index(axis, a.ndim + 1) return a.reshape(shape[:axis] + (1,) + shape[axis:]) row_stack = vstack def _column_stack_dispatcher(tup): return _arrays_for_stack_dispatcher(tup) @array_function_dispatch(_column_stack_dispatcher) def column_stack(tup): """ Stack 1-D arrays as columns into a 2-D array. Take a sequence of 1-D arrays and stack them as columns to make a single 2-D array. 2-D arrays are stacked as-is, just like with `hstack`. 1-D arrays are turned into 2-D columns first. Parameters ---------- tup : sequence of 1-D or 2-D arrays. Arrays to stack. All of them must have the same first dimension. Returns ------- stacked : 2-D array The array formed by stacking the given arrays. See Also -------- stack, hstack, vstack, concatenate Examples -------- >>> a = np.array((1,2,3)) >>> b = np.array((2,3,4)) >>> np.column_stack((a,b)) array([[1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 4]]) """ arrays = [] for v in tup: arr = array(v, copy=False, subok=True) if arr.ndim < 2: arr = array(arr, copy=False, subok=True, ndmin=2).T arrays.append(arr) return _nx.concatenate(arrays, 1) def _dstack_dispatcher(tup): return _arrays_for_stack_dispatcher(tup) @array_function_dispatch(_dstack_dispatcher) def dstack(tup): """ Stack arrays in sequence depth wise (along third axis). This is equivalent to concatenation along the third axis after 2-D arrays of shape `(M,N)` have been reshaped to `(M,N,1)` and 1-D arrays of shape `(N,)` have been reshaped to `(1,N,1)`. Rebuilds arrays divided by `dsplit`. This function makes most sense for arrays with up to 3 dimensions. For instance, for pixel-data with a height (first axis), width (second axis), and r/g/b channels (third axis). The functions `concatenate`, `stack` and `block` provide more general stacking and concatenation operations. Parameters ---------- tup : sequence of arrays The arrays must have the same shape along all but the third axis. 1-D or 2-D arrays must have the same shape. Returns ------- stacked : ndarray The array formed by stacking the given arrays, will be at least 3-D. See Also -------- stack : Join a sequence of arrays along a new axis. vstack : Stack along first axis. hstack : Stack along second axis. concatenate : Join a sequence of arrays along an existing axis. dsplit : Split array along third axis. Examples -------- >>> a = np.array((1,2,3)) >>> b = np.array((2,3,4)) >>> np.dstack((a,b)) array([[[1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 4]]]) >>> a = np.array([[1],[2],[3]]) >>> b = np.array([[2],[3],[4]]) >>> np.dstack((a,b)) array([[[1, 2]], [[2, 3]], [[3, 4]]]) """ return _nx.concatenate([atleast_3d(_m) for _m in tup], 2) def _replace_zero_by_x_arrays(sub_arys): for i in range(len(sub_arys)): if _nx.ndim(sub_arys[i]) == 0: sub_arys[i] = _nx.empty(0, dtype=sub_arys[i].dtype) elif _nx.sometrue(_nx.equal(_nx.shape(sub_arys[i]), 0)): sub_arys[i] = _nx.empty(0, dtype=sub_arys[i].dtype) return sub_arys def _array_split_dispatcher(ary, indices_or_sections, axis=None): return (ary, indices_or_sections) @array_function_dispatch(_array_split_dispatcher) def array_split(ary, indices_or_sections, axis=0): """ Split an array into multiple sub-arrays. Please refer to the ``split`` documentation. The only difference between these functions is that ``array_split`` allows `indices_or_sections` to be an integer that does *not* equally divide the axis. For an array of length l that should be split into n sections, it returns l % n sub-arrays of size l//n + 1 and the rest of size l//n. See Also -------- split : Split array into multiple sub-arrays of equal size. Examples -------- >>> x = np.arange(8.0) >>> np.array_split(x, 3) [array([0., 1., 2.]), array([3., 4., 5.]), array([6., 7.])] >>> x = np.arange(7.0) >>> np.array_split(x, 3) [array([0., 1., 2.]), array([3., 4.]), array([5., 6.])] """ try: Ntotal = ary.shape[axis] except AttributeError: Ntotal = len(ary) try: # handle array case. Nsections = len(indices_or_sections) + 1 div_points = [0] + list(indices_or_sections) + [Ntotal] except TypeError: # indices_or_sections is a scalar, not an array. Nsections = int(indices_or_sections) if Nsections <= 0: raise ValueError('number sections must be larger than 0.') Neach_section, extras = divmod(Ntotal, Nsections) section_sizes = ([0] + extras * [Neach_section+1] + (Nsections-extras) * [Neach_section]) div_points = _nx.array(section_sizes, dtype=_nx.intp).cumsum() sub_arys = [] sary = _nx.swapaxes(ary, axis, 0) for i in range(Nsections): st = div_points[i] end = div_points[i + 1] sub_arys.append(_nx.swapaxes(sary[st:end], axis, 0)) return sub_arys def _split_dispatcher(ary, indices_or_sections, axis=None): return (ary, indices_or_sections) @array_function_dispatch(_split_dispatcher) def split(ary, indices_or_sections, axis=0): """ Split an array into multiple sub-arrays. Parameters ---------- ary : ndarray Array to be divided into sub-arrays. indices_or_sections : int or 1-D array If `indices_or_sections` is an integer, N, the array will be divided into N equal arrays along `axis`. If such a split is not possible, an error is raised. If `indices_or_sections` is a 1-D array of sorted integers, the entries indicate where along `axis` the array is split. For example, ``[2, 3]`` would, for ``axis=0``, result in - ary[:2] - ary[2:3] - ary[3:] If an index exceeds the dimension of the array along `axis`, an empty sub-array is returned correspondingly. axis : int, optional The axis along which to split, default is 0. Returns ------- sub-arrays : list of ndarrays A list of sub-arrays. Raises ------ ValueError If `indices_or_sections` is given as an integer, but a split does not result in equal division. See Also -------- array_split : Split an array into multiple sub-arrays of equal or near-equal size. Does not raise an exception if an equal division cannot be made. hsplit : Split array into multiple sub-arrays horizontally (column-wise). vsplit : Split array into multiple sub-arrays vertically (row wise). dsplit : Split array into multiple sub-arrays along the 3rd axis (depth). concatenate : Join a sequence of arrays along an existing axis. stack : Join a sequence of arrays along a new axis. hstack : Stack arrays in sequence horizontally (column wise). vstack : Stack arrays in sequence vertically (row wise). dstack : Stack arrays in sequence depth wise (along third dimension). Examples -------- >>> x = np.arange(9.0) >>> np.split(x, 3) [array([0., 1., 2.]), array([3., 4., 5.]), array([6., 7., 8.])] >>> x = np.arange(8.0) >>> np.split(x, [3, 5, 6, 10]) [array([0., 1., 2.]), array([3., 4.]), array([5.]), array([6., 7.]), array([], dtype=float64)] """ try: len(indices_or_sections) except TypeError: sections = indices_or_sections N = ary.shape[axis] if N % sections: raise ValueError( 'array split does not result in an equal division') res = array_split(ary, indices_or_sections, axis) return res def _hvdsplit_dispatcher(ary, indices_or_sections): return (ary, indices_or_sections) @array_function_dispatch(_hvdsplit_dispatcher) def hsplit(ary, indices_or_sections): """ Split an array into multiple sub-arrays horizontally (column-wise). Please refer to the `split` documentation. `hsplit` is equivalent to `split` with ``axis=1``, the array is always split along the second axis regardless of the array dimension. See Also -------- split : Split an array into multiple sub-arrays of equal size. Examples -------- >>> x = np.arange(16.0).reshape(4, 4) >>> x array([[ 0., 1., 2., 3.], [ 4., 5., 6., 7.], [ 8., 9., 10., 11.], [12., 13., 14., 15.]]) >>> np.hsplit(x, 2) [array([[ 0., 1.], [ 4., 5.], [ 8., 9.], [12., 13.]]), array([[ 2., 3.], [ 6., 7.], [10., 11.], [14., 15.]])] >>> np.hsplit(x, np.array([3, 6])) [array([[ 0., 1., 2.], [ 4., 5., 6.], [ 8., 9., 10.], [12., 13., 14.]]), array([[ 3.], [ 7.], [11.], [15.]]), array([], shape=(4, 0), dtype=float64)] With a higher dimensional array the split is still along the second axis. >>> x = np.arange(8.0).reshape(2, 2, 2) >>> x array([[[0., 1.], [2., 3.]], [[4., 5.], [6., 7.]]]) >>> np.hsplit(x, 2) [array([[[0., 1.]], [[4., 5.]]]), array([[[2., 3.]], [[6., 7.]]])] """ if _nx.ndim(ary) == 0: raise ValueError('hsplit only works on arrays of 1 or more dimensions') if ary.ndim > 1: return split(ary, indices_or_sections, 1) else: return split(ary, indices_or_sections, 0) @array_function_dispatch(_hvdsplit_dispatcher) def vsplit(ary, indices_or_sections): """ Split an array into multiple sub-arrays vertically (row-wise). Please refer to the ``split`` documentation. ``vsplit`` is equivalent to ``split`` with `axis=0` (default), the array is always split along the first axis regardless of the array dimension. See Also -------- split : Split an array into multiple sub-arrays of equal size. Examples -------- >>> x = np.arange(16.0).reshape(4, 4) >>> x array([[ 0., 1., 2., 3.], [ 4., 5., 6., 7.], [ 8., 9., 10., 11.], [12., 13., 14., 15.]]) >>> np.vsplit(x, 2) [array([[0., 1., 2., 3.], [4., 5., 6., 7.]]), array([[ 8., 9., 10., 11.], [12., 13., 14., 15.]])] >>> np.vsplit(x, np.array([3, 6])) [array([[ 0., 1., 2., 3.], [ 4., 5., 6., 7.], [ 8., 9., 10., 11.]]), array([[12., 13., 14., 15.]]), array([], shape=(0, 4), dtype=float64)] With a higher dimensional array the split is still along the first axis. >>> x = np.arange(8.0).reshape(2, 2, 2) >>> x array([[[0., 1.], [2., 3.]], [[4., 5.], [6., 7.]]]) >>> np.vsplit(x, 2) [array([[[0., 1.], [2., 3.]]]), array([[[4., 5.], [6., 7.]]])] """ if _nx.ndim(ary) < 2: raise ValueError('vsplit only works on arrays of 2 or more dimensions') return split(ary, indices_or_sections, 0) @array_function_dispatch(_hvdsplit_dispatcher) def dsplit(ary, indices_or_sections): """ Split array into multiple sub-arrays along the 3rd axis (depth). Please refer to the `split` documentation. `dsplit` is equivalent to `split` with ``axis=2``, the array is always split along the third axis provided the array dimension is greater than or equal to 3. See Also -------- split : Split an array into multiple sub-arrays of equal size. Examples -------- >>> x = np.arange(16.0).reshape(2, 2, 4) >>> x array([[[ 0., 1., 2., 3.], [ 4., 5., 6., 7.]], [[ 8., 9., 10., 11.], [12., 13., 14., 15.]]]) >>> np.dsplit(x, 2) [array([[[ 0., 1.], [ 4., 5.]], [[ 8., 9.], [12., 13.]]]), array([[[ 2., 3.], [ 6., 7.]], [[10., 11.], [14., 15.]]])] >>> np.dsplit(x, np.array([3, 6])) [array([[[ 0., 1., 2.], [ 4., 5., 6.]], [[ 8., 9., 10.], [12., 13., 14.]]]), array([[[ 3.], [ 7.]], [[11.], [15.]]]), array([], shape=(2, 2, 0), dtype=float64)] """ if _nx.ndim(ary) < 3: raise ValueError('dsplit only works on arrays of 3 or more dimensions') return split(ary, indices_or_sections, 2) def get_array_prepare(*args): """Find the wrapper for the array with the highest priority. In case of ties, leftmost wins. If no wrapper is found, return None """ wrappers = sorted((getattr(x, '__array_priority__', 0), -i, x.__array_prepare__) for i, x in enumerate(args) if hasattr(x, '__array_prepare__')) if wrappers: return wrappers[-1][-1] return None def get_array_wrap(*args): """Find the wrapper for the array with the highest priority. In case of ties, leftmost wins. If no wrapper is found, return None """ wrappers = sorted((getattr(x, '__array_priority__', 0), -i, x.__array_wrap__) for i, x in enumerate(args) if hasattr(x, '__array_wrap__')) if wrappers: return wrappers[-1][-1] return None def _kron_dispatcher(a, b): return (a, b) @array_function_dispatch(_kron_dispatcher) def kron(a, b): """ Kronecker product of two arrays. Computes the Kronecker product, a composite array made of blocks of the second array scaled by the first. Parameters ---------- a, b : array_like Returns ------- out : ndarray See Also -------- outer : The outer product Notes ----- The function assumes that the number of dimensions of `a` and `b` are the same, if necessary prepending the smallest with ones. If `a.shape = (r0,r1,..,rN)` and `b.shape = (s0,s1,...,sN)`, the Kronecker product has shape `(r0*s0, r1*s1, ..., rN*SN)`. The elements are products of elements from `a` and `b`, organized explicitly by:: kron(a,b)[k0,k1,...,kN] = a[i0,i1,...,iN] * b[j0,j1,...,jN] where:: kt = it * st + jt, t = 0,...,N In the common 2-D case (N=1), the block structure can be visualized:: [[ a[0,0]*b, a[0,1]*b, ... , a[0,-1]*b ], [ ... ... ], [ a[-1,0]*b, a[-1,1]*b, ... , a[-1,-1]*b ]] Examples -------- >>> np.kron([1,10,100], [5,6,7]) array([ 5, 6, 7, ..., 500, 600, 700]) >>> np.kron([5,6,7], [1,10,100]) array([ 5, 50, 500, ..., 7, 70, 700]) >>> np.kron(np.eye(2), np.ones((2,2))) array([[1., 1., 0., 0.], [1., 1., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 1., 1.], [0., 0., 1., 1.]]) >>> a = np.arange(100).reshape((2,5,2,5)) >>> b = np.arange(24).reshape((2,3,4)) >>> c = np.kron(a,b) >>> c.shape (2, 10, 6, 20) >>> I = (1,3,0,2) >>> J = (0,2,1) >>> J1 = (0,) + J # extend to ndim=4 >>> S1 = (1,) + b.shape >>> K = tuple(np.array(I) * np.array(S1) + np.array(J1)) >>> c[K] == a[I]*b[J] True """ b = asanyarray(b) a = array(a, copy=False, subok=True, ndmin=b.ndim) ndb, nda = b.ndim, a.ndim if (nda == 0 or ndb == 0): return _nx.multiply(a, b) as_ = a.shape bs = b.shape if not a.flags.contiguous: a = reshape(a, as_) if not b.flags.contiguous: b = reshape(b, bs) nd = ndb if (ndb != nda): if (ndb > nda): as_ = (1,)*(ndb-nda) + as_ else: bs = (1,)*(nda-ndb) + bs nd = nda result = outer(a, b).reshape(as_+bs) axis = nd-1 for _ in range(nd): result = concatenate(result, axis=axis) wrapper = get_array_prepare(a, b) if wrapper is not None: result = wrapper(result) wrapper = get_array_wrap(a, b) if wrapper is not None: result = wrapper(result) return result def _tile_dispatcher(A, reps): return (A, reps) @array_function_dispatch(_tile_dispatcher) def tile(A, reps): """ Construct an array by repeating A the number of times given by reps. If `reps` has length ``d``, the result will have dimension of ``max(d, A.ndim)``. If ``A.ndim < d``, `A` is promoted to be d-dimensional by prepending new axes. So a shape (3,) array is promoted to (1, 3) for 2-D replication, or shape (1, 1, 3) for 3-D replication. If this is not the desired behavior, promote `A` to d-dimensions manually before calling this function. If ``A.ndim > d``, `reps` is promoted to `A`.ndim by pre-pending 1's to it. Thus for an `A` of shape (2, 3, 4, 5), a `reps` of (2, 2) is treated as (1, 1, 2, 2). Note : Although tile may be used for broadcasting, it is strongly recommended to use numpy's broadcasting operations and functions. Parameters ---------- A : array_like The input array. reps : array_like The number of repetitions of `A` along each axis. Returns ------- c : ndarray The tiled output array. See Also -------- repeat : Repeat elements of an array. broadcast_to : Broadcast an array to a new shape Examples -------- >>> a = np.array([0, 1, 2]) >>> np.tile(a, 2) array([0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2]) >>> np.tile(a, (2, 2)) array([[0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2]]) >>> np.tile(a, (2, 1, 2)) array([[[0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2]], [[0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2]]]) >>> b = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) >>> np.tile(b, 2) array([[1, 2, 1, 2], [3, 4, 3, 4]]) >>> np.tile(b, (2, 1)) array([[1, 2], [3, 4], [1, 2], [3, 4]]) >>> c = np.array([1,2,3,4]) >>> np.tile(c,(4,1)) array([[1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 2, 3, 4]]) """ try: tup = tuple(reps) except TypeError: tup = (reps,) d = len(tup) if all(x == 1 for x in tup) and isinstance(A, _nx.ndarray): # Fixes the problem that the function does not make a copy if A is a # numpy array and the repetitions are 1 in all dimensions return _nx.array(A, copy=True, subok=True, ndmin=d) else: # Note that no copy of zero-sized arrays is made. However since they # have no data there is no risk of an inadvertent overwrite. c = _nx.array(A, copy=False, subok=True, ndmin=d) if (d < c.ndim): tup = (1,)*(c.ndim-d) + tup shape_out = tuple(s*t for s, t in zip(c.shape, tup)) n = c.size if n > 0: for dim_in, nrep in zip(c.shape, tup): if nrep != 1: c = c.reshape(-1, n).repeat(nrep, 0) n //= dim_in return c.reshape(shape_out)
#! /usr/bin/env/python 3.0 # # Contains common functions necessary for various python testcase scripts. # import os, re, csv, datetime, subprocess, glob, sys, time, shutil def is_generated_file(fullfilepath): """ Determines if the first line of a file contains the autogenerated signature string. """ with open(fullfilepath, 'r') as f: firstline = f.readline() if firstline.strip() == get_engine_signature(): return True return False def find_files_in_dir(directory, regex, silent=True): """ Finds files (non-directories) that match a regex in a certain directory. (recursively, case-insensitive) Can pass an optional argument of silent=False to print filenames that did not match the regex. """ matching_files = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory): for name in files: result =, name, re.IGNORECASE) if result != None: matching_files.append(os.path.realpath(os.path.join(root, name))) else: if not silent: print("Skipped file (did not match regex): ", name) return matching_files def find_directories_in_dir(directory, regex, silent=True): """ Finds directories that match a regex in a certain directory (recursively, case-insensitive) Can pass an optional argument of silent=False to print filenames that did not match the regex. """ matching_directories = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory): for name in dirs: result =, name, re.IGNORECASE) if result != None: matching_directories.append(os.path.realpath(os.path.join(root, name))) else: if not silent: print("Skipped dir (did not match regex): ", name) return matching_directories def find_all_files_in_dir_nr(directory): """ Finds all files (non-directories) in a directory. This function is not recursive. """ files = os.listdir(directory) # append base dir files = list(map(lambda x: os.path.join(directory, x), files)) # make sure each path is a file (and not a directory) files = list(filter(lambda x: os.path.isfile(x), files)) return files def find_testcase_functional_variants_in_dir(dir): """ Finds all functional variants in a directory. This was originally created when we decided to split the test cases into separate directories by functional variant. """ func_vars = [] # filter the list of test cases to the baseline test cases so that we can # iterate over this list without worrying about duplicate functional variants baseline_testcases = find_files_in_dir(dir, get_baseline_functional_variant_regex()) for btc in baseline_testcases: btc_file_name = os.path.basename(btc) result =, btc_file_name, re.IGNORECASE) if result != None: func_vars.append('functional_variant_name')) else: print_with_timestamp('Could not determine the functional variant in ' + btc_file_name) exit(1) return func_vars def open_file_and_get_contents(file): """ Returns the entire contents of a file as one large string. """ with open(file, 'r') as f: try: content = return content except UnicodeDecodeError as error: print("\n\n") print(error) print("Weird char in ", file) print("\n") return None; def open_file_and_get_lines(file): """ Returns the file as a list of lines """ with open(file, 'r') as f: try: lines = f.readlines() return lines except UnicodeDecodeError as error: print("\n\n") print(error) print("Weird char in ", file) print("\n") return None; def write_file(filename, contents): """ Write contents to file. """ with open(filename, 'w') as f: f.write(contents) def read_csv(filename): """ Reads a csv. """ raw_records = [] with open(filename, 'r') as f: reader = csv.reader(f, dialect='excel') for row in reader: raw_records.append(row) return raw_records def read_csv_with_header(filename): """ Reads a csv and returns the header along with the records. """ raw_records = read_csv(filename) header = raw_records.pop(0) return header, raw_records def write_csv(filename, records): """ Writes a list to a csv. """ with open(filename, 'w', newline='') as f: writer = csv.writer(f, dialect='excel') for r in records: writer.writerow(r) def transform_csv(input_file, output_file, header_fx=None, row_fx=None): """ Transforms a csv using streaming technique. Calls a header function that allows the caller to modify the header; also calls a row function that allows the caller to modify each row in csv. Allows the caller to pass arbitrary arguments between the header fx and row fx. The header function should look like (at a minimum): def header_fx(header): data = "data to share with row_fx" return header, data The row function declaration should look like (at a minimum): def row_fx(orig_header, new_header, row, data): return row """ with open(input_file, 'r', newline='') as fi: reader = csv.reader(fi, dialect='excel') orig_header = next(reader) if header_fx == None: new_header, data = orig_header, None else: new_header, data = header_fx(orig_header) with open(output_file, 'w', newline='') as fo: writer = csv.writer(fo, dialect='excel') writer.writerow(new_header) for row in reader: if row_fx == None: pass else: row = row_fx(orig_header, new_header, row, data) writer.writerow(row) return output_file def get_c_good_fx_counting_regex(): """ This is not used to figure out ALL C good functions. This regex is a way of counting how many non-flawed constructs we have per testcase. """ return "good(\d+|G2B|B2G|G2B\d+|B2G\d+)" def get_java_good_fx_counting_regex(): """ This is not used to figure out ALL Java good functions. This regex is a way of counting how many non-flawed constructs we have per testcase. """ return "good(\d+|G2B|B2G|G2B\d+|B2G\d+)" def get_testcase_filename_regex(): """ This regex matches primary and secondary test case files. Matches must be performed case-insensitive. (re.IGNORECASE) If you change this regex, update the C# common library regex. If you change this regex, update the primary testcase filename regex. """ return "^cwe" + \ "(?P<cwe_number>\d+)" + \ "_" + \ "(?P<cwe_name>.*)" + \ "__" + \ "(?P<functional_variant_name>.*)" + \ "_" + \ "(?P<flow_variant_id>\d+)" + \ "_?" + \ "(?P<subfile_id>[a-z]{1}|(bad)|(good(\d)+)|(base)|(goodB2G)|(goodG2B))?" + \ "\." + \ "(?P<extension>c|cpp|java|h)$" def get_primary_testcase_filename_regex(): """ This regex matches only primary test case files. Matches must be performed case-insensitive. (re.IGNORECASE) The "(?!8[12]_bad)" is a "negative lookahead" so that we don't get the 81_bad or 82_bad file as the primary since those flow variants also have an "a" file (which is the primary file) The "(?!CWE580.*" prevents getting the _bad file for CWE580 since it also has an "a" file. """ return "^(?!CWE580.*" + \ "cwe" + \ "(?P<cwe_number>\d+)" + \ "_" + \ "(?P<cwe_name>.*)" + \ "__" + \ "(?P<functional_variant_name>.*)" + \ "_" + \ "(?!8[12]_bad)" + \ "(?P<flow_variant_id>\d+)" + \ "_?" + \ "(?P<subfile_id>a|(_bad))?" + \ "\." + \ "(?P<extension>c|cpp|java)$" def get_baseline_functional_variant_regex(): """ This regex matches only baseline test case files and can be used to calculate the number of functional variants. Matches must be performed case-insensitive. (re.IGNORECASE) The "(?!CWE580.*" prevents getting the _bad file for CWE580 since it also has an "a" file. """ return "^(?!CWE580.*\d+.*_01((a)|(_?bad)|)\.(c|cpp|java)?$" def get_functionname_c_regex(): """ Used to get the "simple" function name for c functions. """ return "^(CWE|cwe)(?P<cwe_number>\d+)_(?P<cwe_name>.*)__(?P<function_variant>.*)_(?P<flow_variant>\d+)(?P<subfile_id>[a-z]*)_(?P<function_name>[^.]*)$" def get_cwe_id_regex(): """ Used to get the CWE ID from a test case file or path name """ return "(CWE\d+)_" def get_java_testcase_lib(): """ Used to get the path to the Java test case lib directory """ return "..\\..\\..\\lib" def get_java_testcase_lib_split(): """ Used to get the path to the Java test case lib directory from a split directory """ return "..\\" + get_java_testcase_lib() def get_c_and_cpp_testcasesupport_dir(): """ Used to get the path to the C/C++ test case support directory """ return "..\\..\\testcasesupport" def get_c_and_cpp_testcasesupport_dir_split(): """ Used to get the path to the C/C++ test case support directory from a split directory """ return "..\\" + get_c_and_cpp_testcasesupport_dir() def get_testcase_subdirectory_regex(): """ Used to get the regex that will match the split test case CWE ID Starting in 2012 the CWE ID will be of the form: CWEXYZ_s01, CWEXYZ_s02, etc. """ return "CWE.*_s\d{2,}$" def get_timestamp(): """ Returns a timestamp of the form YYYY-MM-DD. """ date = return str(date) def get_engine_signature(): """ This is the first line in a test case that has been auto-generated by the Test Case Engine. We use this to identify auto-generated vs. manually-genenerated test cases. """ return "/* TEMPLATE GENERATED TESTCASE FILE" def get_java_main_comment(): """ This is the comment that appears on the line directly above the main() method in the Java test cases. """ return "Below is the main()" def get_c_cpp_main_comment(): """ This is the comment that appears on the line directly above the main() function in the C/C++ test cases. """ return "Below is the main()" def get_tool_study_max_java_heap_size(): """ Some of the tools allow you to specify the java heap size. We want to ensure all of the tools use the same heap size (if they allow it to be specified), so the run_analysis scripts should use this method to retrieve the size """ return "4096m" def map_weakness_classes(file): """ Reads the weakness class csv file. Allows a cwe to be part of multiple weakness classes. """ header, records = read_csv_with_header(file) dict = {} for record in records: cwe = record[header.index("CWEID")] wclass = record[header.index("Weakness Class")] if cwe in dict.keys(): dict[cwe].append(wclass) # may want to error here instead print_with_timestamp("WARNING: CWE \"" + cwe + "\" is assigned to more than 1 weakness class.") else: dict[cwe] = [wclass] return dict def print_with_timestamp(contents): """ Print a string with the timestamp at the beginning of the line. """ print("[" + time.ctime(None) + "] " + contents) def run_commands(commands, use_shell=False): """ Runs a command as if it were run in the command prompt. If you need to use commands such as "cd, dir, etc", set use_shell to True. """ command = " && ".join(commands) # Not using print_with_timestamp() here since we want to capture the time for the time diff time_started = time.time() print("[" + time.ctime(time_started) + "] Started command: \"" + command + "\"") sys.stdout.flush() subprocess.check_call(command, shell=use_shell, stderr=sys.stderr, stdout=sys.stdout) # Not using print_with_timestamp() here since we want to capture the time for the time diff time_ended = time.time() print("[" + time.ctime(time_ended) + "] Finished command: \"" + command + "\"") elapsed_seconds = time_ended-time_started print_with_timestamp("Command \"" + command + "\" took " + str(elapsed_seconds) + " seconds to complete.") def run_analysis(test_case_path, build_file_regex, run_analysis_fx): """ Helper method to run an analysis using a tool. Takes a test case path, build file regex and a function pointer. """ time_started = time.time() # find all the files files = find_files_in_dir(test_case_path, build_file_regex) # run all the files using the function pointer for file in files: # change into directory with the file dir = os.path.dirname(file) os.chdir(dir) # run the the file file = os.path.basename(file) run_analysis_fx(file) # return to original working directory os.chdir(sys.path[0]) time_ended = time.time() print_with_timestamp("Started: " + time.ctime(time_started)) print_with_timestamp("Ended: " + time.ctime(time_ended)) elapsed_seconds = time_ended-time_started print_with_timestamp("Elapsed time: " + convertSecondsToDHMS(elapsed_seconds)) def break_up_filename(file_name): """ Looks for various parts of the filename to place into the new columns. """ cwe_num = '' cwe_name = '' fx_var = '' flow_var = '' subfile = '' lang = '' result =, file_name, re.IGNORECASE) if result == None: # use blank values print_with_timestamp("WARNING: file \"" + file_name + "\" is not going to be parsed into parts! (blank values will be used)") else: # its a normal testcase file cwe_num ='cwe_number') cwe_name ='cwe_name') fx_var ='functional_variant_name') flow_var ='flow_variant_id') subfile ='subfile_id') lang ='extension') parts = {} parts["testcase_cwe_number"] = cwe_num parts["testcase_cwe_name"] = cwe_name parts["testcase_function_variant"] = fx_var parts["testcase_flow_variant"] = flow_var parts["testcase_subfile_id"] = subfile parts["testcase_language"] = lang return parts def break_up_cpp_function_name(function_name): """ Looks for various parts of the function name to place into the simplified function name """ result =, function_name, re.IGNORECASE) if result == None: # Just use the original return function_name else: # Use the "simplified" portion return"function_name") def concatenate_csvs(input_directory, output_file): """ Combines multiple CSV files into a single CSV file. """ with open(output_file, 'w', newline='') as f: writer = csv.writer(f, dialect='excel') need_header = True for file in find_files_in_dir(input_directory, ".*?\.csv$"): header, records = read_csv_with_header(file) if need_header: writer.writerow(header) need_header = False for record in records: writer.writerow(record) def generate_unique_finding_ids(input_csv, output_csv): """ Modifies CSV so that each number in the finding_id column is unique """ with open(input_csv, 'r', newline='') as fi: reader = csv.reader(fi, dialect='excel') header = next(reader) if 'finding_id' in header: finding_id_index = header.index('finding_id') else: print_with_timestamp('finding_id does not exist in CSV header') exit() with open(output_csv, 'w', newline='') as fo: writer = csv.writer(fo, dialect='excel') writer.writerow(header) unique_id = 1 for row in reader: row[finding_id_index] = unique_id writer.writerow(row) unique_id = unique_id + 1 unique_id_count = 1 def add_unique_finding_ids(orig_header, new_header, row, data): """ Modifies CSV row so that each number in the finding_id column is unique Call this from transform_csv For example: transform_csv(input_file, output_file, header_fx=None, row_fx=add_unique_finding_id) """ global unique_id_count finding_id_index = orig_header.index('finding_id') row[finding_id_index] = unique_id_count unique_id_count += 1 return row def encode_language(input_lang): """ Checks the input language to ensure invalid file name/path characters do not exist in the language as it is often used to generate output file names in our scripts. We currently only analyze C, C++, Java, C#, and .NET code, so if a new language other than those listed is added we may need to review this helper function. """ encoded_lang = input_lang.replace("+", "p") # for C++ encoded_lang = encoded_lang.replace("/", "_") # for C/C++ encoded_lang = encoded_lang.replace("\\", "_") # for C\C++ encoded_lang = encoded_lang.replace("#", "sharp") # for C# return encoded_lang def move_testcase_to_split_directories(dir, functional_variants, testcase_files, file_count_limit): """ Given a directory, list of functional variants, list of testcase files, and file count limit, this method creates subdirectories inside the provided directory. It adds all of the files for a functional variant until the file_count_limit is reached. If this limit is reached, it begins placing the files in another subdirectory. NOTE: All files for a given functional variant will remain in the same directory. """ subdir_count = 1 number_of_files_in_subdir = 0 is_subdir_needed = True func_var_dir = "" for func_var in functional_variants: # filter the list of test cases for this functional variant func_var_regex = "__" + func_var + "_\d\d" filter_regex = re.compile(func_var_regex, re.IGNORECASE) func_var_testcase_files = [f for f in testcase_files if] func_var_testcase_files_count = len(func_var_testcase_files) if ((func_var_testcase_files_count + number_of_files_in_subdir) > file_count_limit): is_subdir_needed = True if is_subdir_needed == True: if subdir_count < 10: func_var_dir = os.path.join(dir, 's' + '0' + str(subdir_count)) else: func_var_dir = os.path.join(dir, 's' + str(subdir_count)) os.mkdir(func_var_dir) subdir_count = subdir_count + 1 is_subdir_needed = False number_of_files_in_subdir = func_var_testcase_files_count else: number_of_files_in_subdir = number_of_files_in_subdir + func_var_testcase_files_count # Copy the files for this functional variant to the new directory # and remove the file from the CWE root directory print_with_timestamp("Moving the test cases for the following functional variant \"" + func_var + "\" to subdirecory \"" + func_var_dir + "\"") for testcase_file in func_var_testcase_files: shutil.copy(testcase_file, func_var_dir) os.unlink(testcase_file) def create_or_clean_directory(dir): """ This method attempts to create the specified directory. However, if it already exists then it will be cleaned to ensure there are no stale files. """ if not os.path.exists(dir): print_with_timestamp("The path \"" + dir + "\" does not exist") print_with_timestamp("creating directory \"" + dir + "\"") os.makedirs(dir) else: #Directory exists, but we want to clean it before use print_with_timestamp(dir + " already exists. Cleaning before use...") shutil.rmtree(dir) os.makedirs(dir) def extract_cwe_id_from_path(path): """ This method extracts the CWE ID (and possibly sub-ID) from the path. It assumes that the CWE ID is contained in the path and will error if it not within the path. This is used most for the Java test cases when creating a project name in our run_analysis scripts. It's easy to get the C/C++ CWE ID since it is the beginning part of the batch filename. However, the Java scripts run on all build.xml files and therefore we need to parse the CWE ID from the path containing the build.xml file. """ cwe_id = "" if os.path.basename(path).startswith('CWE'): cwe_id =, os.path.basename(path)).group(1) # if the basename does not start with 'CWE' then we are in a sub-directory # and the sub-directory name is "s" plus a number (s01, s02, etc.) so we append this string # to the end of the CWE id to make it a unique value else: cwe_id =, path).group(1) sub_dir = os.path.basename(path) cwe_id = cwe_id + '_' + sub_dir return cwe_id def convertSecondsToDHMS(seconds): """ Converts seconds into days, hours, minutes, seconds """ if seconds >= 0 and seconds < 1: seconds = round(seconds, 2) return str(seconds) else: seconds = int(round(seconds)) minutes, seconds = divmod(seconds, 60) hours, minutes = divmod(minutes, 60) days, hours = divmod(hours, 24) formatStr = "{0} day{1}, {2} hour{3}, {4} minute{5}, {6} second{7}" output = formatStr.format( \ days, "" if days==1 else "s", \ hours, "" if hours==1 else "s", \ minutes, "" if minutes==1 else "s", \ seconds, "" if seconds==1 else "s") return output
#!/usr/bin/env python # # Electrum - lightweight Bitcoin client # Copyright (C) 2015 Thomas Voegtlin # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person # obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files # (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, # including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, # publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, # and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, # subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be # included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS # BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN # ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN # CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. # This module uses functions from TLSLite (public domain) # # TLSLite Authors: # Trevor Perrin # Martin von Loewis - python 3 port # Yngve Pettersen (ported by Paul Sokolovsky) - TLS 1.2 # """Pure-Python RSA implementation.""" import os import math import hashlib from .pem import * def SHA1(x): return hashlib.sha1(x).digest() # ************************************************************************** # PRNG Functions # ************************************************************************** # Check that os.urandom works import zlib length = len(zlib.compress(os.urandom(1000))) assert(length > 900) def getRandomBytes(howMany): b = bytearray(os.urandom(howMany)) assert(len(b) == howMany) return b prngName = "os.urandom" # ************************************************************************** # Converter Functions # ************************************************************************** def bytesToNumber(b): total = 0 multiplier = 1 for count in range(len(b)-1, -1, -1): byte = b[count] total += multiplier * byte multiplier *= 256 return total def numberToByteArray(n, howManyBytes=None): """Convert an integer into a bytearray, zero-pad to howManyBytes. The returned bytearray may be smaller than howManyBytes, but will not be larger. The returned bytearray will contain a big-endian encoding of the input integer (n). """ if howManyBytes == None: howManyBytes = numBytes(n) b = bytearray(howManyBytes) for count in range(howManyBytes-1, -1, -1): b[count] = int(n % 256) n >>= 8 return b def mpiToNumber(mpi): #mpi is an openssl-format bignum string if (ord(mpi[4]) & 0x80) !=0: #Make sure this is a positive number raise AssertionError() b = bytearray(mpi[4:]) return bytesToNumber(b) def numberToMPI(n): b = numberToByteArray(n) ext = 0 #If the high-order bit is going to be set, #add an extra byte of zeros if (numBits(n) & 0x7)==0: ext = 1 length = numBytes(n) + ext b = bytearray(4+ext) + b b[0] = (length >> 24) & 0xFF b[1] = (length >> 16) & 0xFF b[2] = (length >> 8) & 0xFF b[3] = length & 0xFF return bytes(b) # ************************************************************************** # Misc. Utility Functions # ************************************************************************** def numBits(n): if n==0: return 0 s = "%x" % n return ((len(s)-1)*4) + \ {'0':0, '1':1, '2':2, '3':2, '4':3, '5':3, '6':3, '7':3, '8':4, '9':4, 'a':4, 'b':4, 'c':4, 'd':4, 'e':4, 'f':4, }[s[0]] return int(math.floor(math.log(n, 2))+1) def numBytes(n): if n==0: return 0 bits = numBits(n) return int(math.ceil(bits / 8.0)) # ************************************************************************** # Big Number Math # ************************************************************************** def getRandomNumber(low, high): if low >= high: raise AssertionError() howManyBits = numBits(high) howManyBytes = numBytes(high) lastBits = howManyBits % 8 while 1: bytes = getRandomBytes(howManyBytes) if lastBits: bytes[0] = bytes[0] % (1 << lastBits) n = bytesToNumber(bytes) if n >= low and n < high: return n def gcd(a,b): a, b = max(a,b), min(a,b) while b: a, b = b, a % b return a def lcm(a, b): return (a * b) // gcd(a, b) #Returns inverse of a mod b, zero if none #Uses Extended Euclidean Algorithm def invMod(a, b): c, d = a, b uc, ud = 1, 0 while c != 0: q = d // c c, d = d-(q*c), c uc, ud = ud - (q * uc), uc if d == 1: return ud % b return 0 def powMod(base, power, modulus): if power < 0: result = pow(base, power*-1, modulus) result = invMod(result, modulus) return result else: return pow(base, power, modulus) #Pre-calculate a sieve of the ~100 primes < 1000: def makeSieve(n): sieve = list(range(n)) for count in range(2, int(math.sqrt(n))+1): if sieve[count] == 0: continue x = sieve[count] * 2 while x < len(sieve): sieve[x] = 0 x += sieve[count] sieve = [x for x in sieve[2:] if x] return sieve sieve = makeSieve(1000) def isPrime(n, iterations=5, display=False): #Trial division with sieve for x in sieve: if x >= n: return True if n % x == 0: return False #Passed trial division, proceed to Rabin-Miller #Rabin-Miller implemented per Ferguson & Schneier #Compute s, t for Rabin-Miller if display: print("*", end=' ') s, t = n-1, 0 while s % 2 == 0: s, t = s//2, t+1 #Repeat Rabin-Miller x times a = 2 #Use 2 as a base for first iteration speedup, per HAC for count in range(iterations): v = powMod(a, s, n) if v==1: continue i = 0 while v != n-1: if i == t-1: return False else: v, i = powMod(v, 2, n), i+1 a = getRandomNumber(2, n) return True def getRandomPrime(bits, display=False): if bits < 10: raise AssertionError() #The 1.5 ensures the 2 MSBs are set #Thus, when used for p,q in RSA, n will have its MSB set # #Since 30 is lcm(2,3,5), we'll set our test numbers to #29 % 30 and keep them there low = ((2 ** (bits-1)) * 3) // 2 high = 2 ** bits - 30 p = getRandomNumber(low, high) p += 29 - (p % 30) while 1: if display: print(".", end=' ') p += 30 if p >= high: p = getRandomNumber(low, high) p += 29 - (p % 30) if isPrime(p, display=display): return p #Unused at the moment... def getRandomSafePrime(bits, display=False): if bits < 10: raise AssertionError() #The 1.5 ensures the 2 MSBs are set #Thus, when used for p,q in RSA, n will have its MSB set # #Since 30 is lcm(2,3,5), we'll set our test numbers to #29 % 30 and keep them there low = (2 ** (bits-2)) * 3//2 high = (2 ** (bits-1)) - 30 q = getRandomNumber(low, high) q += 29 - (q % 30) while 1: if display: print(".", end=' ') q += 30 if (q >= high): q = getRandomNumber(low, high) q += 29 - (q % 30) #Ideas from Tom Wu's SRP code #Do trial division on p and q before Rabin-Miller if isPrime(q, 0, display=display): p = (2 * q) + 1 if isPrime(p, display=display): if isPrime(q, display=display): return p class RSAKey(object): def __init__(self, n=0, e=0, d=0, p=0, q=0, dP=0, dQ=0, qInv=0): if (n and not e) or (e and not n): raise AssertionError() self.n = n self.e = e self.d = d self.p = p self.q = q self.dP = dP self.dQ = dQ self.qInv = qInv self.blinder = 0 self.unblinder = 0 def __len__(self): """Return the length of this key in bits. @rtype: int """ return numBits(self.n) def hasPrivateKey(self): return self.d != 0 def hashAndSign(self, bytes): """Hash and sign the passed-in bytes. This requires the key to have a private component. It performs a PKCS1-SHA1 signature on the passed-in data. @type bytes: str or L{bytearray} of unsigned bytes @param bytes: The value which will be hashed and signed. @rtype: L{bytearray} of unsigned bytes. @return: A PKCS1-SHA1 signature on the passed-in data. """ hashBytes = SHA1(bytearray(bytes)) prefixedHashBytes = self._addPKCS1SHA1Prefix(hashBytes) sigBytes = self.sign(prefixedHashBytes) return sigBytes def hashAndVerify(self, sigBytes, bytes): """Hash and verify the passed-in bytes with the signature. This verifies a PKCS1-SHA1 signature on the passed-in data. @type sigBytes: L{bytearray} of unsigned bytes @param sigBytes: A PKCS1-SHA1 signature. @type bytes: str or L{bytearray} of unsigned bytes @param bytes: The value which will be hashed and verified. @rtype: bool @return: Whether the signature matches the passed-in data. """ hashBytes = SHA1(bytearray(bytes)) # Try it with/without the embedded NULL prefixedHashBytes1 = self._addPKCS1SHA1Prefix(hashBytes, False) prefixedHashBytes2 = self._addPKCS1SHA1Prefix(hashBytes, True) result1 = self.verify(sigBytes, prefixedHashBytes1) result2 = self.verify(sigBytes, prefixedHashBytes2) return (result1 or result2) def sign(self, bytes): """Sign the passed-in bytes. This requires the key to have a private component. It performs a PKCS1 signature on the passed-in data. @type bytes: L{bytearray} of unsigned bytes @param bytes: The value which will be signed. @rtype: L{bytearray} of unsigned bytes. @return: A PKCS1 signature on the passed-in data. """ if not self.hasPrivateKey(): raise AssertionError() paddedBytes = self._addPKCS1Padding(bytes, 1) m = bytesToNumber(paddedBytes) if m >= self.n: raise ValueError() c = self._rawPrivateKeyOp(m) sigBytes = numberToByteArray(c, numBytes(self.n)) return sigBytes def verify(self, sigBytes, bytes): """Verify the passed-in bytes with the signature. This verifies a PKCS1 signature on the passed-in data. @type sigBytes: L{bytearray} of unsigned bytes @param sigBytes: A PKCS1 signature. @type bytes: L{bytearray} of unsigned bytes @param bytes: The value which will be verified. @rtype: bool @return: Whether the signature matches the passed-in data. """ if len(sigBytes) != numBytes(self.n): return False paddedBytes = self._addPKCS1Padding(bytes, 1) c = bytesToNumber(sigBytes) if c >= self.n: return False m = self._rawPublicKeyOp(c) checkBytes = numberToByteArray(m, numBytes(self.n)) return checkBytes == paddedBytes def encrypt(self, bytes): """Encrypt the passed-in bytes. This performs PKCS1 encryption of the passed-in data. @type bytes: L{bytearray} of unsigned bytes @param bytes: The value which will be encrypted. @rtype: L{bytearray} of unsigned bytes. @return: A PKCS1 encryption of the passed-in data. """ paddedBytes = self._addPKCS1Padding(bytes, 2) m = bytesToNumber(paddedBytes) if m >= self.n: raise ValueError() c = self._rawPublicKeyOp(m) encBytes = numberToByteArray(c, numBytes(self.n)) return encBytes def decrypt(self, encBytes): """Decrypt the passed-in bytes. This requires the key to have a private component. It performs PKCS1 decryption of the passed-in data. @type encBytes: L{bytearray} of unsigned bytes @param encBytes: The value which will be decrypted. @rtype: L{bytearray} of unsigned bytes or None. @return: A PKCS1 decryption of the passed-in data or None if the data is not properly formatted. """ if not self.hasPrivateKey(): raise AssertionError() if len(encBytes) != numBytes(self.n): return None c = bytesToNumber(encBytes) if c >= self.n: return None m = self._rawPrivateKeyOp(c) decBytes = numberToByteArray(m, numBytes(self.n)) #Check first two bytes if decBytes[0] != 0 or decBytes[1] != 2: return None #Scan through for zero separator for x in range(1, len(decBytes)-1): if decBytes[x]== 0: break else: return None return decBytes[x+1:] #Return everything after the separator # ************************************************************************** # Helper Functions for RSA Keys # ************************************************************************** def _addPKCS1SHA1Prefix(self, bytes, withNULL=True): # There is a long history of confusion over whether the SHA1 # algorithmIdentifier should be encoded with a NULL parameter or # with the parameter omitted. While the original intention was # apparently to omit it, many toolkits went the other way. TLS 1.2 # specifies the NULL should be included, and this behavior is also # mandated in recent versions of PKCS #1, and is what tlslite has # always implemented. Anyways, verification code should probably # accept both. However, nothing uses this code yet, so this is # all fairly moot. if not withNULL: prefixBytes = bytearray(\ [0x30,0x1f,0x30,0x07,0x06,0x05,0x2b,0x0e,0x03,0x02,0x1a,0x04,0x14]) else: prefixBytes = bytearray(\ [0x30,0x21,0x30,0x09,0x06,0x05,0x2b,0x0e,0x03,0x02,0x1a,0x05,0x00,0x04,0x14]) prefixedBytes = prefixBytes + bytes return prefixedBytes def _addPKCS1Padding(self, bytes, blockType): padLength = (numBytes(self.n) - (len(bytes)+3)) if blockType == 1: #Signature padding pad = [0xFF] * padLength elif blockType == 2: #Encryption padding pad = bytearray(0) while len(pad) < padLength: padBytes = getRandomBytes(padLength * 2) pad = [b for b in padBytes if b != 0] pad = pad[:padLength] else: raise AssertionError() padding = bytearray([0,blockType] + pad + [0]) paddedBytes = padding + bytes return paddedBytes def _rawPrivateKeyOp(self, m): #Create blinding values, on the first pass: if not self.blinder: self.unblinder = getRandomNumber(2, self.n) self.blinder = powMod(invMod(self.unblinder, self.n), self.e, self.n) #Blind the input m = (m * self.blinder) % self.n #Perform the RSA operation c = self._rawPrivateKeyOpHelper(m) #Unblind the output c = (c * self.unblinder) % self.n #Update blinding values self.blinder = (self.blinder * self.blinder) % self.n self.unblinder = (self.unblinder * self.unblinder) % self.n #Return the output return c def _rawPrivateKeyOpHelper(self, m): #Non-CRT version #c = powMod(m, self.d, self.n) #CRT version (~3x faster) s1 = powMod(m, self.dP, self.p) s2 = powMod(m, self.dQ, self.q) h = ((s1 - s2) * self.qInv) % self.p c = s2 + self.q * h return c def _rawPublicKeyOp(self, c): m = powMod(c, self.e, self.n) return m def acceptsPassword(self): return False def generate(bits): key = RSAKey() p = getRandomPrime(bits//2, False) q = getRandomPrime(bits//2, False) t = lcm(p-1, q-1) key.n = p * q key.e = 65537 key.d = invMod(key.e, t) key.p = p key.q = q key.dP = key.d % (p-1) key.dQ = key.d % (q-1) key.qInv = invMod(q, p) return key generate = staticmethod(generate)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2016-2021 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or """Test compact blocks (BIP 152). Version 1 compact blocks are pre-segwit (txids) Version 2 compact blocks are post-segwit (wtxids) """ import random from test_framework.blocktools import ( COINBASE_MATURITY, NORMAL_GBT_REQUEST_PARAMS, add_witness_commitment, create_block, ) from test_framework.messages import ( BlockTransactions, BlockTransactionsRequest, CBlock, CBlockHeader, CInv, COutPoint, CTransaction, CTxIn, CTxInWitness, CTxOut, from_hex, HeaderAndShortIDs, MSG_BLOCK, MSG_CMPCT_BLOCK, MSG_WITNESS_FLAG, NODE_NETWORK, P2PHeaderAndShortIDs, PrefilledTransaction, calculate_shortid, msg_block, msg_blocktxn, msg_cmpctblock, msg_getblocktxn, msg_getdata, msg_getheaders, msg_headers, msg_inv, msg_no_witness_block, msg_no_witness_blocktxn, msg_sendcmpct, msg_sendheaders, msg_tx, ser_uint256, tx_from_hex, ) from test_framework.p2p import ( P2PInterface, p2p_lock, ) from test_framework.script import ( CScript, OP_DROP, OP_TRUE, ) from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import ( assert_equal, softfork_active, ) from test_framework.wallet import MiniWallet # TestP2PConn: A peer we use to send messages to bitcoind, and store responses. class TestP2PConn(P2PInterface): def __init__(self, cmpct_version): super().__init__() self.last_sendcmpct = [] self.block_announced = False # Store the hashes of blocks we've seen announced. # This is for synchronizing the p2p message traffic, # so we can eg wait until a particular block is announced. self.announced_blockhashes = set() self.cmpct_version = cmpct_version def on_sendcmpct(self, message): self.last_sendcmpct.append(message) def on_cmpctblock(self, message): self.block_announced = True self.last_message["cmpctblock"].header_and_shortids.header.calc_sha256() self.announced_blockhashes.add(self.last_message["cmpctblock"].header_and_shortids.header.sha256) def on_headers(self, message): self.block_announced = True for x in self.last_message["headers"].headers: x.calc_sha256() self.announced_blockhashes.add(x.sha256) def on_inv(self, message): for x in self.last_message["inv"].inv: if x.type == MSG_BLOCK: self.block_announced = True self.announced_blockhashes.add(x.hash) # Requires caller to hold p2p_lock def received_block_announcement(self): return self.block_announced def clear_block_announcement(self): with p2p_lock: self.block_announced = False self.last_message.pop("inv", None) self.last_message.pop("headers", None) self.last_message.pop("cmpctblock", None) def get_headers(self, locator, hashstop): msg = msg_getheaders() msg.locator.vHave = locator msg.hashstop = hashstop self.send_message(msg) def send_header_for_blocks(self, new_blocks): headers_message = msg_headers() headers_message.headers = [CBlockHeader(b) for b in new_blocks] self.send_message(headers_message) def request_headers_and_sync(self, locator, hashstop=0): self.clear_block_announcement() self.get_headers(locator, hashstop) self.wait_until(self.received_block_announcement, timeout=30) self.clear_block_announcement() # Block until a block announcement for a particular block hash is # received. def wait_for_block_announcement(self, block_hash, timeout=30): def received_hash(): return (block_hash in self.announced_blockhashes) self.wait_until(received_hash, timeout=timeout) def send_await_disconnect(self, message, timeout=30): """Sends a message to the node and wait for disconnect. This is used when we want to send a message into the node that we expect will get us disconnected, eg an invalid block.""" self.send_message(message) self.wait_for_disconnect(timeout) class CompactBlocksTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def set_test_params(self): self.setup_clean_chain = True self.num_nodes = 1 self.extra_args = [[ "-acceptnonstdtxn=1", ]] self.utxos = [] def build_block_on_tip(self, node, segwit=False): block = create_block(tmpl=node.getblocktemplate(NORMAL_GBT_REQUEST_PARAMS)) if segwit: add_witness_commitment(block) block.solve() return block # Create 10 more anyone-can-spend utxo's for testing. def make_utxos(self): block = self.build_block_on_tip(self.nodes[0]) self.segwit_node.send_and_ping(msg_no_witness_block(block)) assert int(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash(), 16) == block.sha256 self.generate(self.wallet, COINBASE_MATURITY) total_value = block.vtx[0].vout[0].nValue out_value = total_value // 10 tx = CTransaction()[0].sha256, 0), b'')) for _ in range(10): tx.vout.append(CTxOut(out_value, CScript([OP_TRUE]))) tx.rehash() block2 = self.build_block_on_tip(self.nodes[0]) block2.vtx.append(tx) block2.hashMerkleRoot = block2.calc_merkle_root() block2.solve() self.segwit_node.send_and_ping(msg_no_witness_block(block2)) assert_equal(int(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash(), 16), block2.sha256) self.utxos.extend([[tx.sha256, i, out_value] for i in range(10)]) # Test "sendcmpct" (between peers preferring the same version): # - No compact block announcements unless sendcmpct is sent. # - If sendcmpct is sent with version > preferred_version, the message is ignored. # - If sendcmpct is sent with boolean 0, then block announcements are not # made with compact blocks. # - If sendcmpct is then sent with boolean 1, then new block announcements # are made with compact blocks. # If old_node is passed in, request compact blocks with version=preferred-1 # and verify that it receives block announcements via compact block. def test_sendcmpct(self, test_node, old_node=None): preferred_version = test_node.cmpct_version node = self.nodes[0] # Make sure we get a SENDCMPCT message from our peer def received_sendcmpct(): return (len(test_node.last_sendcmpct) > 0) test_node.wait_until(received_sendcmpct, timeout=30) with p2p_lock: # Check that the first version received is the preferred one assert_equal(test_node.last_sendcmpct[0].version, preferred_version) # And that we receive versions down to 1. assert_equal(test_node.last_sendcmpct[-1].version, 1) test_node.last_sendcmpct = [] tip = int(node.getbestblockhash(), 16) def check_announcement_of_new_block(node, peer, predicate): peer.clear_block_announcement() block_hash = int(self.generate(node, 1)[0], 16) peer.wait_for_block_announcement(block_hash, timeout=30) assert peer.block_announced with p2p_lock: assert predicate(peer), ( "block_hash={!r}, cmpctblock={!r}, inv={!r}".format( block_hash, peer.last_message.get("cmpctblock", None), peer.last_message.get("inv", None))) # We shouldn't get any block announcements via cmpctblock yet. check_announcement_of_new_block(node, test_node, lambda p: "cmpctblock" not in p.last_message) # Try one more time, this time after requesting headers. test_node.request_headers_and_sync(locator=[tip]) check_announcement_of_new_block(node, test_node, lambda p: "cmpctblock" not in p.last_message and "inv" in p.last_message) # Test a few ways of using sendcmpct that should NOT # result in compact block announcements. # Before each test, sync the headers chain. test_node.request_headers_and_sync(locator=[tip]) # Now try a SENDCMPCT message with too-high version test_node.send_and_ping(msg_sendcmpct(announce=True, version=preferred_version+1)) check_announcement_of_new_block(node, test_node, lambda p: "cmpctblock" not in p.last_message) # Headers sync before next test. test_node.request_headers_and_sync(locator=[tip]) # Now try a SENDCMPCT message with valid version, but announce=False test_node.send_and_ping(msg_sendcmpct(announce=False, version=preferred_version)) check_announcement_of_new_block(node, test_node, lambda p: "cmpctblock" not in p.last_message) # Headers sync before next test. test_node.request_headers_and_sync(locator=[tip]) # Finally, try a SENDCMPCT message with announce=True test_node.send_and_ping(msg_sendcmpct(announce=True, version=preferred_version)) check_announcement_of_new_block(node, test_node, lambda p: "cmpctblock" in p.last_message) # Try one more time (no headers sync should be needed!) check_announcement_of_new_block(node, test_node, lambda p: "cmpctblock" in p.last_message) # Try one more time, after turning on sendheaders test_node.send_and_ping(msg_sendheaders()) check_announcement_of_new_block(node, test_node, lambda p: "cmpctblock" in p.last_message) # Try one more time, after sending a version-1, announce=false message. test_node.send_and_ping(msg_sendcmpct(announce=False, version=preferred_version-1)) check_announcement_of_new_block(node, test_node, lambda p: "cmpctblock" in p.last_message) # Now turn off announcements test_node.send_and_ping(msg_sendcmpct(announce=False, version=preferred_version)) check_announcement_of_new_block(node, test_node, lambda p: "cmpctblock" not in p.last_message and "headers" in p.last_message) if old_node is not None: # Verify that a peer using an older protocol version can receive # announcements from this node. old_node.send_and_ping(msg_sendcmpct(announce=True, version=preferred_version-1)) # Header sync old_node.request_headers_and_sync(locator=[tip]) check_announcement_of_new_block(node, old_node, lambda p: "cmpctblock" in p.last_message) # This test actually causes bitcoind to (reasonably!) disconnect us, so do this last. def test_invalid_cmpctblock_message(self): self.generate(self.nodes[0], COINBASE_MATURITY + 1) block = self.build_block_on_tip(self.nodes[0]) cmpct_block = P2PHeaderAndShortIDs() cmpct_block.header = CBlockHeader(block) cmpct_block.prefilled_txn_length = 1 # This index will be too high prefilled_txn = PrefilledTransaction(1, block.vtx[0]) cmpct_block.prefilled_txn = [prefilled_txn] self.segwit_node.send_await_disconnect(msg_cmpctblock(cmpct_block)) assert_equal(int(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash(), 16), block.hashPrevBlock) # Compare the generated shortids to what we expect based on BIP 152, given # bitcoind's choice of nonce. def test_compactblock_construction(self, test_node, use_witness_address=True): version = test_node.cmpct_version node = self.nodes[0] # Generate a bunch of transactions. self.generate(node, COINBASE_MATURITY + 1) num_transactions = 25 segwit_tx_generated = False for _ in range(num_transactions): hex_tx = self.wallet.send_self_transfer(from_node=self.nodes[0])['hex'] tx = tx_from_hex(hex_tx) if not tx.wit.is_null(): segwit_tx_generated = True if use_witness_address: assert segwit_tx_generated # check that our test is not broken # Wait until we've seen the block announcement for the resulting tip tip = int(node.getbestblockhash(), 16) test_node.wait_for_block_announcement(tip) # Make sure we will receive a fast-announce compact block self.request_cb_announcements(test_node) # Now mine a block, and look at the resulting compact block. test_node.clear_block_announcement() block_hash = int(self.generate(node, 1)[0], 16) # Store the raw block in our internal format. block = from_hex(CBlock(), node.getblock("%064x" % block_hash, False)) for tx in block.vtx: tx.calc_sha256() block.rehash() # Wait until the block was announced (via compact blocks) test_node.wait_until(lambda: "cmpctblock" in test_node.last_message, timeout=30) # Now fetch and check the compact block header_and_shortids = None with p2p_lock: # Convert the on-the-wire representation to absolute indexes header_and_shortids = HeaderAndShortIDs(test_node.last_message["cmpctblock"].header_and_shortids) self.check_compactblock_construction_from_block(version, header_and_shortids, block_hash, block) # Now fetch the compact block using a normal non-announce getdata test_node.clear_block_announcement() inv = CInv(MSG_CMPCT_BLOCK, block_hash) test_node.send_message(msg_getdata([inv])) test_node.wait_until(lambda: "cmpctblock" in test_node.last_message, timeout=30) # Now fetch and check the compact block header_and_shortids = None with p2p_lock: # Convert the on-the-wire representation to absolute indexes header_and_shortids = HeaderAndShortIDs(test_node.last_message["cmpctblock"].header_and_shortids) self.check_compactblock_construction_from_block(version, header_and_shortids, block_hash, block) def check_compactblock_construction_from_block(self, version, header_and_shortids, block_hash, block): # Check that we got the right block! header_and_shortids.header.calc_sha256() assert_equal(header_and_shortids.header.sha256, block_hash) # Make sure the prefilled_txn appears to have included the coinbase assert len(header_and_shortids.prefilled_txn) >= 1 assert_equal(header_and_shortids.prefilled_txn[0].index, 0) # Check that all prefilled_txn entries match what's in the block. for entry in header_and_shortids.prefilled_txn: entry.tx.calc_sha256() # This checks the non-witness parts of the tx agree assert_equal(entry.tx.sha256, block.vtx[entry.index].sha256) # And this checks the witness wtxid = entry.tx.calc_sha256(True) if version == 2: assert_equal(wtxid, block.vtx[entry.index].calc_sha256(True)) else: # Shouldn't have received a witness assert entry.tx.wit.is_null() # Check that the cmpctblock message announced all the transactions. assert_equal(len(header_and_shortids.prefilled_txn) + len(header_and_shortids.shortids), len(block.vtx)) # And now check that all the shortids are as expected as well. # Determine the siphash keys to use. [k0, k1] = header_and_shortids.get_siphash_keys() index = 0 while index < len(block.vtx): if (len(header_and_shortids.prefilled_txn) > 0 and header_and_shortids.prefilled_txn[0].index == index): # Already checked prefilled transactions above header_and_shortids.prefilled_txn.pop(0) else: tx_hash = block.vtx[index].sha256 if version == 2: tx_hash = block.vtx[index].calc_sha256(True) shortid = calculate_shortid(k0, k1, tx_hash) assert_equal(shortid, header_and_shortids.shortids[0]) header_and_shortids.shortids.pop(0) index += 1 # Test that bitcoind requests compact blocks when we announce new blocks # via header or inv, and that responding to getblocktxn causes the block # to be successfully reconstructed. # Post-segwit: upgraded nodes would only make this request of cb-version-2, # NODE_WITNESS peers. Unupgraded nodes would still make this request of # any cb-version-1-supporting peer. def test_compactblock_requests(self, test_node, segwit=True): version = test_node.cmpct_version node = self.nodes[0] # Try announcing a block with an inv or header, expect a compactblock # request for announce in ["inv", "header"]: block = self.build_block_on_tip(node, segwit=segwit) if announce == "inv": test_node.send_message(msg_inv([CInv(MSG_BLOCK, block.sha256)])) test_node.wait_until(lambda: "getheaders" in test_node.last_message, timeout=30) test_node.send_header_for_blocks([block]) else: test_node.send_header_for_blocks([block]) test_node.wait_for_getdata([block.sha256], timeout=30) assert_equal(test_node.last_message["getdata"].inv[0].type, 4) # Send back a compactblock message that omits the coinbase comp_block = HeaderAndShortIDs() comp_block.header = CBlockHeader(block) comp_block.nonce = 0 [k0, k1] = comp_block.get_siphash_keys() coinbase_hash = block.vtx[0].sha256 if version == 2: coinbase_hash = block.vtx[0].calc_sha256(True) comp_block.shortids = [calculate_shortid(k0, k1, coinbase_hash)] test_node.send_and_ping(msg_cmpctblock(comp_block.to_p2p())) assert_equal(int(node.getbestblockhash(), 16), block.hashPrevBlock) # Expect a getblocktxn message. with p2p_lock: assert "getblocktxn" in test_node.last_message absolute_indexes = test_node.last_message["getblocktxn"].block_txn_request.to_absolute() assert_equal(absolute_indexes, [0]) # should be a coinbase request # Send the coinbase, and verify that the tip advances. if version == 2: msg = msg_blocktxn() else: msg = msg_no_witness_blocktxn() msg.block_transactions.blockhash = block.sha256 msg.block_transactions.transactions = [block.vtx[0]] test_node.send_and_ping(msg) assert_equal(int(node.getbestblockhash(), 16), block.sha256) # Create a chain of transactions from given utxo, and add to a new block. def build_block_with_transactions(self, node, utxo, num_transactions): block = self.build_block_on_tip(node) for _ in range(num_transactions): tx = CTransaction()[0], utxo[1]), b'')) tx.vout.append(CTxOut(utxo[2] - 1000, CScript([OP_TRUE, OP_DROP] * 15 + [OP_TRUE]))) tx.rehash() utxo = [tx.sha256, 0, tx.vout[0].nValue] block.vtx.append(tx) block.hashMerkleRoot = block.calc_merkle_root() block.solve() return block # Test that we only receive getblocktxn requests for transactions that the # node needs, and that responding to them causes the block to be # reconstructed. def test_getblocktxn_requests(self, test_node): version = test_node.cmpct_version node = self.nodes[0] with_witness = (version == 2) def test_getblocktxn_response(compact_block, peer, expected_result): msg = msg_cmpctblock(compact_block.to_p2p()) peer.send_and_ping(msg) with p2p_lock: assert "getblocktxn" in peer.last_message absolute_indexes = peer.last_message["getblocktxn"].block_txn_request.to_absolute() assert_equal(absolute_indexes, expected_result) def test_tip_after_message(node, peer, msg, tip): peer.send_and_ping(msg) assert_equal(int(node.getbestblockhash(), 16), tip) # First try announcing compactblocks that won't reconstruct, and verify # that we receive getblocktxn messages back. utxo = self.utxos.pop(0) block = self.build_block_with_transactions(node, utxo, 5) self.utxos.append([block.vtx[-1].sha256, 0, block.vtx[-1].vout[0].nValue]) comp_block = HeaderAndShortIDs() comp_block.initialize_from_block(block, use_witness=with_witness) test_getblocktxn_response(comp_block, test_node, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) msg_bt = msg_no_witness_blocktxn() if with_witness: msg_bt = msg_blocktxn() # serialize with witnesses msg_bt.block_transactions = BlockTransactions(block.sha256, block.vtx[1:]) test_tip_after_message(node, test_node, msg_bt, block.sha256) utxo = self.utxos.pop(0) block = self.build_block_with_transactions(node, utxo, 5) self.utxos.append([block.vtx[-1].sha256, 0, block.vtx[-1].vout[0].nValue]) # Now try interspersing the prefilled transactions comp_block.initialize_from_block(block, prefill_list=[0, 1, 5], use_witness=with_witness) test_getblocktxn_response(comp_block, test_node, [2, 3, 4]) msg_bt.block_transactions = BlockTransactions(block.sha256, block.vtx[2:5]) test_tip_after_message(node, test_node, msg_bt, block.sha256) # Now try giving one transaction ahead of time. utxo = self.utxos.pop(0) block = self.build_block_with_transactions(node, utxo, 5) self.utxos.append([block.vtx[-1].sha256, 0, block.vtx[-1].vout[0].nValue]) test_node.send_and_ping(msg_tx(block.vtx[1])) assert block.vtx[1].hash in node.getrawmempool() # Prefill 4 out of the 6 transactions, and verify that only the one # that was not in the mempool is requested. comp_block.initialize_from_block(block, prefill_list=[0, 2, 3, 4], use_witness=with_witness) test_getblocktxn_response(comp_block, test_node, [5]) msg_bt.block_transactions = BlockTransactions(block.sha256, [block.vtx[5]]) test_tip_after_message(node, test_node, msg_bt, block.sha256) # Now provide all transactions to the node before the block is # announced and verify reconstruction happens immediately. utxo = self.utxos.pop(0) block = self.build_block_with_transactions(node, utxo, 10) self.utxos.append([block.vtx[-1].sha256, 0, block.vtx[-1].vout[0].nValue]) for tx in block.vtx[1:]: test_node.send_message(msg_tx(tx)) test_node.sync_with_ping() # Make sure all transactions were accepted. mempool = node.getrawmempool() for tx in block.vtx[1:]: assert tx.hash in mempool # Clear out last request. with p2p_lock: test_node.last_message.pop("getblocktxn", None) # Send compact block comp_block.initialize_from_block(block, prefill_list=[0], use_witness=with_witness) test_tip_after_message(node, test_node, msg_cmpctblock(comp_block.to_p2p()), block.sha256) with p2p_lock: # Shouldn't have gotten a request for any transaction assert "getblocktxn" not in test_node.last_message # Incorrectly responding to a getblocktxn shouldn't cause the block to be # permanently failed. def test_incorrect_blocktxn_response(self, test_node): version = test_node.cmpct_version node = self.nodes[0] utxo = self.utxos.pop(0) block = self.build_block_with_transactions(node, utxo, 10) self.utxos.append([block.vtx[-1].sha256, 0, block.vtx[-1].vout[0].nValue]) # Relay the first 5 transactions from the block in advance for tx in block.vtx[1:6]: test_node.send_message(msg_tx(tx)) test_node.sync_with_ping() # Make sure all transactions were accepted. mempool = node.getrawmempool() for tx in block.vtx[1:6]: assert tx.hash in mempool # Send compact block comp_block = HeaderAndShortIDs() comp_block.initialize_from_block(block, prefill_list=[0], use_witness=(version == 2)) test_node.send_and_ping(msg_cmpctblock(comp_block.to_p2p())) absolute_indexes = [] with p2p_lock: assert "getblocktxn" in test_node.last_message absolute_indexes = test_node.last_message["getblocktxn"].block_txn_request.to_absolute() assert_equal(absolute_indexes, [6, 7, 8, 9, 10]) # Now give an incorrect response. # Note that it's possible for bitcoind to be smart enough to know we're # lying, since it could check to see if the shortid matches what we're # sending, and eg disconnect us for misbehavior. If that behavior # change was made, we could just modify this test by having a # different peer provide the block further down, so that we're still # verifying that the block isn't marked bad permanently. This is good # enough for now. msg = msg_no_witness_blocktxn() if version == 2: msg = msg_blocktxn() msg.block_transactions = BlockTransactions(block.sha256, [block.vtx[5]] + block.vtx[7:]) test_node.send_and_ping(msg) # Tip should not have updated assert_equal(int(node.getbestblockhash(), 16), block.hashPrevBlock) # We should receive a getdata request test_node.wait_for_getdata([block.sha256], timeout=10) assert test_node.last_message["getdata"].inv[0].type == MSG_BLOCK or \ test_node.last_message["getdata"].inv[0].type == MSG_BLOCK | MSG_WITNESS_FLAG # Deliver the block if version == 2: test_node.send_and_ping(msg_block(block)) else: test_node.send_and_ping(msg_no_witness_block(block)) assert_equal(int(node.getbestblockhash(), 16), block.sha256) def test_getblocktxn_handler(self, test_node): version = test_node.cmpct_version node = self.nodes[0] # bitcoind will not send blocktxn responses for blocks whose height is # more than 10 blocks deep. MAX_GETBLOCKTXN_DEPTH = 10 chain_height = node.getblockcount() current_height = chain_height while (current_height >= chain_height - MAX_GETBLOCKTXN_DEPTH): block_hash = node.getblockhash(current_height) block = from_hex(CBlock(), node.getblock(block_hash, False)) msg = msg_getblocktxn() msg.block_txn_request = BlockTransactionsRequest(int(block_hash, 16), []) num_to_request = random.randint(1, len(block.vtx)) msg.block_txn_request.from_absolute(sorted(random.sample(range(len(block.vtx)), num_to_request))) test_node.send_message(msg) test_node.wait_until(lambda: "blocktxn" in test_node.last_message, timeout=10) [tx.calc_sha256() for tx in block.vtx] with p2p_lock: assert_equal(test_node.last_message["blocktxn"].block_transactions.blockhash, int(block_hash, 16)) all_indices = msg.block_txn_request.to_absolute() for index in all_indices: tx = test_node.last_message["blocktxn"].block_transactions.transactions.pop(0) tx.calc_sha256() assert_equal(tx.sha256, block.vtx[index].sha256) if version == 1: # Witnesses should have been stripped assert tx.wit.is_null() else: # Check that the witness matches assert_equal(tx.calc_sha256(True), block.vtx[index].calc_sha256(True)) test_node.last_message.pop("blocktxn", None) current_height -= 1 # Next request should send a full block response, as we're past the # allowed depth for a blocktxn response. block_hash = node.getblockhash(current_height) msg.block_txn_request = BlockTransactionsRequest(int(block_hash, 16), [0]) with p2p_lock: test_node.last_message.pop("block", None) test_node.last_message.pop("blocktxn", None) test_node.send_and_ping(msg) with p2p_lock: test_node.last_message["block"].block.calc_sha256() assert_equal(test_node.last_message["block"].block.sha256, int(block_hash, 16)) assert "blocktxn" not in test_node.last_message def test_compactblocks_not_at_tip(self, test_node): node = self.nodes[0] # Test that requesting old compactblocks doesn't work. MAX_CMPCTBLOCK_DEPTH = 5 new_blocks = [] for _ in range(MAX_CMPCTBLOCK_DEPTH + 1): test_node.clear_block_announcement() new_blocks.append(self.generate(node, 1)[0]) test_node.wait_until(test_node.received_block_announcement, timeout=30) test_node.clear_block_announcement() test_node.send_message(msg_getdata([CInv(MSG_CMPCT_BLOCK, int(new_blocks[0], 16))])) test_node.wait_until(lambda: "cmpctblock" in test_node.last_message, timeout=30) test_node.clear_block_announcement() self.generate(node, 1) test_node.wait_until(test_node.received_block_announcement, timeout=30) test_node.clear_block_announcement() with p2p_lock: test_node.last_message.pop("block", None) test_node.send_message(msg_getdata([CInv(MSG_CMPCT_BLOCK, int(new_blocks[0], 16))])) test_node.wait_until(lambda: "block" in test_node.last_message, timeout=30) with p2p_lock: test_node.last_message["block"].block.calc_sha256() assert_equal(test_node.last_message["block"].block.sha256, int(new_blocks[0], 16)) # Generate an old compactblock, and verify that it's not accepted. cur_height = node.getblockcount() hashPrevBlock = int(node.getblockhash(cur_height - 5), 16) block = self.build_block_on_tip(node) block.hashPrevBlock = hashPrevBlock block.solve() comp_block = HeaderAndShortIDs() comp_block.initialize_from_block(block) test_node.send_and_ping(msg_cmpctblock(comp_block.to_p2p())) tips = node.getchaintips() found = False for x in tips: if x["hash"] == block.hash: assert_equal(x["status"], "headers-only") found = True break assert found # Requesting this block via getblocktxn should silently fail # (to avoid fingerprinting attacks). msg = msg_getblocktxn() msg.block_txn_request = BlockTransactionsRequest(block.sha256, [0]) with p2p_lock: test_node.last_message.pop("blocktxn", None) test_node.send_and_ping(msg) with p2p_lock: assert "blocktxn" not in test_node.last_message def test_end_to_end_block_relay(self, listeners): node = self.nodes[0] utxo = self.utxos.pop(0) block = self.build_block_with_transactions(node, utxo, 10) [l.clear_block_announcement() for l in listeners] # serialize without witness (this block has no witnesses anyway). # TODO: repeat this test with witness tx's to a segwit node. node.submitblock(block.serialize().hex()) for l in listeners: l.wait_until(lambda: "cmpctblock" in l.last_message, timeout=30) with p2p_lock: for l in listeners: l.last_message["cmpctblock"].header_and_shortids.header.calc_sha256() assert_equal(l.last_message["cmpctblock"].header_and_shortids.header.sha256, block.sha256) # Test that we don't get disconnected if we relay a compact block with valid header, # but invalid transactions. def test_invalid_tx_in_compactblock(self, test_node, use_segwit=True): node = self.nodes[0] assert len(self.utxos) utxo = self.utxos[0] block = self.build_block_with_transactions(node, utxo, 5) del block.vtx[3] block.hashMerkleRoot = block.calc_merkle_root() if use_segwit: # If we're testing with segwit, also drop the coinbase witness, # but include the witness commitment. add_witness_commitment(block) block.vtx[0].wit.vtxinwit = [] block.solve() # Now send the compact block with all transactions prefilled, and # verify that we don't get disconnected. comp_block = HeaderAndShortIDs() comp_block.initialize_from_block(block, prefill_list=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4], use_witness=use_segwit) msg = msg_cmpctblock(comp_block.to_p2p()) test_node.send_and_ping(msg) # Check that the tip didn't advance assert int(node.getbestblockhash(), 16) is not block.sha256 test_node.sync_with_ping() # Helper for enabling cb announcements # Send the sendcmpct request and sync headers def request_cb_announcements(self, peer): node = self.nodes[0] tip = node.getbestblockhash() peer.get_headers(locator=[int(tip, 16)], hashstop=0) peer.send_and_ping(msg_sendcmpct(announce=True, version=peer.cmpct_version)) def test_compactblock_reconstruction_multiple_peers(self, stalling_peer, delivery_peer): node = self.nodes[0] assert len(self.utxos) def announce_cmpct_block(node, peer): utxo = self.utxos.pop(0) block = self.build_block_with_transactions(node, utxo, 5) cmpct_block = HeaderAndShortIDs() cmpct_block.initialize_from_block(block) msg = msg_cmpctblock(cmpct_block.to_p2p()) peer.send_and_ping(msg) with p2p_lock: assert "getblocktxn" in peer.last_message return block, cmpct_block block, cmpct_block = announce_cmpct_block(node, stalling_peer) for tx in block.vtx[1:]: delivery_peer.send_message(msg_tx(tx)) delivery_peer.sync_with_ping() mempool = node.getrawmempool() for tx in block.vtx[1:]: assert tx.hash in mempool delivery_peer.send_and_ping(msg_cmpctblock(cmpct_block.to_p2p())) assert_equal(int(node.getbestblockhash(), 16), block.sha256) self.utxos.append([block.vtx[-1].sha256, 0, block.vtx[-1].vout[0].nValue]) # Now test that delivering an invalid compact block won't break relay block, cmpct_block = announce_cmpct_block(node, stalling_peer) for tx in block.vtx[1:]: delivery_peer.send_message(msg_tx(tx)) delivery_peer.sync_with_ping() cmpct_block.prefilled_txn[0].tx.wit.vtxinwit = [CTxInWitness()] cmpct_block.prefilled_txn[0].tx.wit.vtxinwit[0].scriptWitness.stack = [ser_uint256(0)] cmpct_block.use_witness = True delivery_peer.send_and_ping(msg_cmpctblock(cmpct_block.to_p2p())) assert int(node.getbestblockhash(), 16) != block.sha256 msg = msg_no_witness_blocktxn() msg.block_transactions.blockhash = block.sha256 msg.block_transactions.transactions = block.vtx[1:] stalling_peer.send_and_ping(msg) assert_equal(int(node.getbestblockhash(), 16), block.sha256) def test_highbandwidth_mode_states_via_getpeerinfo(self): # create new p2p connection for a fresh state w/o any prior sendcmpct messages sent hb_test_node = self.nodes[0].add_p2p_connection(TestP2PConn(cmpct_version=2)) # assert the RPC getpeerinfo boolean fields `bip152_hb_{to, from}` # match the given parameters for the last peer of a given node def assert_highbandwidth_states(node, hb_to, hb_from): peerinfo = node.getpeerinfo()[-1] assert_equal(peerinfo['bip152_hb_to'], hb_to) assert_equal(peerinfo['bip152_hb_from'], hb_from) # initially, neither node has selected the other peer as high-bandwidth yet assert_highbandwidth_states(self.nodes[0], hb_to=False, hb_from=False) # peer requests high-bandwidth mode by sending sendcmpct(1) hb_test_node.send_and_ping(msg_sendcmpct(announce=True, version=2)) assert_highbandwidth_states(self.nodes[0], hb_to=False, hb_from=True) # peer generates a block and sends it to node, which should # select the peer as high-bandwidth (up to 3 peers according to BIP 152) block = self.build_block_on_tip(self.nodes[0]) hb_test_node.send_and_ping(msg_block(block)) assert_highbandwidth_states(self.nodes[0], hb_to=True, hb_from=True) # peer requests low-bandwidth mode by sending sendcmpct(0) hb_test_node.send_and_ping(msg_sendcmpct(announce=False, version=2)) assert_highbandwidth_states(self.nodes[0], hb_to=True, hb_from=False) def run_test(self): self.wallet = MiniWallet(self.nodes[0]) # Setup the p2p connections self.segwit_node = self.nodes[0].add_p2p_connection(TestP2PConn(cmpct_version=2)) self.old_node = self.nodes[0].add_p2p_connection(TestP2PConn(cmpct_version=1), services=NODE_NETWORK) self.additional_segwit_node = self.nodes[0].add_p2p_connection(TestP2PConn(cmpct_version=2)) # We will need UTXOs to construct transactions in later tests. self.make_utxos() assert softfork_active(self.nodes[0], "segwit")"Testing SENDCMPCT p2p message... ") self.test_sendcmpct(self.segwit_node, old_node=self.old_node) self.test_sendcmpct(self.additional_segwit_node)"Testing compactblock construction...") self.test_compactblock_construction(self.old_node) self.test_compactblock_construction(self.segwit_node)"Testing compactblock requests (segwit node)... ") self.test_compactblock_requests(self.segwit_node)"Testing getblocktxn requests (segwit node)...") self.test_getblocktxn_requests(self.segwit_node)"Testing getblocktxn handler (segwit node should return witnesses)...") self.test_getblocktxn_handler(self.segwit_node) self.test_getblocktxn_handler(self.old_node)"Testing compactblock requests/announcements not at chain tip...") self.test_compactblocks_not_at_tip(self.segwit_node) self.test_compactblocks_not_at_tip(self.old_node)"Testing handling of incorrect blocktxn responses...") self.test_incorrect_blocktxn_response(self.segwit_node)"Testing reconstructing compact blocks from all peers...") self.test_compactblock_reconstruction_multiple_peers(self.segwit_node, self.additional_segwit_node) # Test that if we submitblock to node1, we'll get a compact block # announcement to all peers. # (Post-segwit activation, blocks won't propagate from node0 to node1 # automatically, so don't bother testing a block announced to node0.)"Testing end-to-end block relay...") self.request_cb_announcements(self.old_node) self.request_cb_announcements(self.segwit_node) self.test_end_to_end_block_relay([self.segwit_node, self.old_node])"Testing handling of invalid compact blocks...") self.test_invalid_tx_in_compactblock(self.segwit_node) self.test_invalid_tx_in_compactblock(self.old_node)"Testing invalid index in cmpctblock message...") self.test_invalid_cmpctblock_message()"Testing high-bandwidth mode states via getpeerinfo...") self.test_highbandwidth_mode_states_via_getpeerinfo() if __name__ == '__main__': CompactBlocksTest().main()
"""Support for MQTT message handling.""" import asyncio from functools import partial, wraps import inspect from itertools import groupby import json import logging from operator import attrgetter import os import socket import ssl import time from typing import Any, Callable, List, Optional, Union import attr import requests.certs import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant import config_entries from homeassistant.components import websocket_api from homeassistant.const import ( CONF_DEVICE, CONF_NAME, CONF_PASSWORD, CONF_PAYLOAD, CONF_PORT, CONF_PROTOCOL, CONF_USERNAME, CONF_VALUE_TEMPLATE, EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP, ) from homeassistant.core import Event, ServiceCall, callback from homeassistant.exceptions import ( HomeAssistantError, Unauthorized, ConfigEntryNotReady, ) from homeassistant.helpers import config_validation as cv, template from homeassistant.helpers.entity import Entity from homeassistant.helpers.typing import ConfigType, HomeAssistantType, ServiceDataType from homeassistant.loader import bind_hass from homeassistant.util.async_ import run_callback_threadsafe, run_coroutine_threadsafe from homeassistant.util.logging import catch_log_exception # Loading the config flow file will register the flow from . import config_flow, discovery, server # noqa pylint: disable=unused-import from .const import ( CONF_BROKER, CONF_DISCOVERY, DEFAULT_DISCOVERY, CONF_STATE_TOPIC, ATTR_DISCOVERY_HASH, ) _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) DOMAIN = "mqtt" DATA_MQTT = "mqtt" DATA_MQTT_CONFIG = "mqtt_config" DATA_MQTT_HASS_CONFIG = "mqtt_hass_config" SERVICE_PUBLISH = "publish" CONF_EMBEDDED = "embedded" CONF_CLIENT_ID = "client_id" CONF_DISCOVERY_PREFIX = "discovery_prefix" CONF_KEEPALIVE = "keepalive" CONF_CERTIFICATE = "certificate" CONF_CLIENT_KEY = "client_key" CONF_CLIENT_CERT = "client_cert" CONF_TLS_INSECURE = "tls_insecure" CONF_TLS_VERSION = "tls_version" CONF_BIRTH_MESSAGE = "birth_message" CONF_WILL_MESSAGE = "will_message" CONF_COMMAND_TOPIC = "command_topic" CONF_AVAILABILITY_TOPIC = "availability_topic" CONF_PAYLOAD_AVAILABLE = "payload_available" CONF_PAYLOAD_NOT_AVAILABLE = "payload_not_available" CONF_JSON_ATTRS_TOPIC = "json_attributes_topic" CONF_JSON_ATTRS_TEMPLATE = "json_attributes_template" CONF_QOS = "qos" CONF_RETAIN = "retain" CONF_UNIQUE_ID = "unique_id" CONF_IDENTIFIERS = "identifiers" CONF_CONNECTIONS = "connections" CONF_MANUFACTURER = "manufacturer" CONF_MODEL = "model" CONF_SW_VERSION = "sw_version" CONF_VIA_DEVICE = "via_device" CONF_DEPRECATED_VIA_HUB = "via_hub" PROTOCOL_31 = "3.1" PROTOCOL_311 = "3.1.1" DEFAULT_PORT = 1883 DEFAULT_KEEPALIVE = 60 DEFAULT_QOS = 0 DEFAULT_RETAIN = False DEFAULT_PROTOCOL = PROTOCOL_311 DEFAULT_DISCOVERY_PREFIX = "homeassistant" DEFAULT_TLS_PROTOCOL = "auto" DEFAULT_PAYLOAD_AVAILABLE = "online" DEFAULT_PAYLOAD_NOT_AVAILABLE = "offline" ATTR_TOPIC = "topic" ATTR_PAYLOAD = "payload" ATTR_PAYLOAD_TEMPLATE = "payload_template" ATTR_QOS = CONF_QOS ATTR_RETAIN = CONF_RETAIN MAX_RECONNECT_WAIT = 300 # seconds CONNECTION_SUCCESS = "connection_success" CONNECTION_FAILED = "connection_failed" CONNECTION_FAILED_RECOVERABLE = "connection_failed_recoverable" def valid_topic(value: Any) -> str: """Validate that this is a valid topic name/filter.""" value = cv.string(value) try: raw_value = value.encode("utf-8") except UnicodeError: raise vol.Invalid("MQTT topic name/filter must be valid UTF-8 string.") if not raw_value: raise vol.Invalid("MQTT topic name/filter must not be empty.") if len(raw_value) > 65535: raise vol.Invalid( "MQTT topic name/filter must not be longer than " "65535 encoded bytes." ) if "\0" in value: raise vol.Invalid("MQTT topic name/filter must not contain null " "character.") return value def valid_subscribe_topic(value: Any) -> str: """Validate that we can subscribe using this MQTT topic.""" value = valid_topic(value) for i in (i for i, c in enumerate(value) if c == "+"): if (i > 0 and value[i - 1] != "/") or ( i < len(value) - 1 and value[i + 1] != "/" ): raise vol.Invalid( "Single-level wildcard must occupy an entire " "level of the filter" ) index = value.find("#") if index != -1: if index != len(value) - 1: # If there are multiple wildcards, this will also trigger raise vol.Invalid( "Multi-level wildcard must be the last " "character in the topic filter." ) if len(value) > 1 and value[index - 1] != "/": raise vol.Invalid( "Multi-level wildcard must be after a topic " "level separator." ) return value def valid_publish_topic(value: Any) -> str: """Validate that we can publish using this MQTT topic.""" value = valid_topic(value) if "+" in value or "#" in value: raise vol.Invalid("Wildcards can not be used in topic names") return value def validate_device_has_at_least_one_identifier(value: ConfigType) -> ConfigType: """Validate that a device info entry has at least one identifying value.""" if not value.get(CONF_IDENTIFIERS) and not value.get(CONF_CONNECTIONS): raise vol.Invalid( "Device must have at least one identifying value in " "'identifiers' and/or 'connections'" ) return value _VALID_QOS_SCHEMA = vol.All(vol.Coerce(int), vol.In([0, 1, 2])) CLIENT_KEY_AUTH_MSG = ( "client_key and client_cert must both be present in " "the MQTT broker configuration" ) MQTT_WILL_BIRTH_SCHEMA = vol.Schema( { vol.Required(ATTR_TOPIC): valid_publish_topic, vol.Required(ATTR_PAYLOAD, CONF_PAYLOAD): cv.string, vol.Optional(ATTR_QOS, default=DEFAULT_QOS): _VALID_QOS_SCHEMA, vol.Optional(ATTR_RETAIN, default=DEFAULT_RETAIN): cv.boolean, }, required=True, ) def embedded_broker_deprecated(value): """Warn user that embedded MQTT broker is deprecated.""" _LOGGER.warning( "The embedded MQTT broker has been deprecated and will stop working" "after June 5th, 2019. Use an external broker instead. For" "instructions, see" ) return value CONFIG_SCHEMA = vol.Schema( { DOMAIN: vol.Schema( { vol.Optional(CONF_CLIENT_ID): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_KEEPALIVE, default=DEFAULT_KEEPALIVE): vol.All( vol.Coerce(int), vol.Range(min=15) ), vol.Optional(CONF_BROKER): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_PORT, default=DEFAULT_PORT): cv.port, vol.Optional(CONF_USERNAME): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_PASSWORD): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_CERTIFICATE): vol.Any("auto", cv.isfile), vol.Inclusive( CONF_CLIENT_KEY, "client_key_auth", msg=CLIENT_KEY_AUTH_MSG ): cv.isfile, vol.Inclusive( CONF_CLIENT_CERT, "client_key_auth", msg=CLIENT_KEY_AUTH_MSG ): cv.isfile, vol.Optional(CONF_TLS_INSECURE): cv.boolean, vol.Optional(CONF_TLS_VERSION, default=DEFAULT_TLS_PROTOCOL): vol.Any( "auto", "1.0", "1.1", "1.2" ), vol.Optional(CONF_PROTOCOL, default=DEFAULT_PROTOCOL): vol.All( cv.string, vol.In([PROTOCOL_31, PROTOCOL_311]) ), vol.Optional(CONF_EMBEDDED): vol.All( server.HBMQTT_CONFIG_SCHEMA, embedded_broker_deprecated ), vol.Optional(CONF_WILL_MESSAGE): MQTT_WILL_BIRTH_SCHEMA, vol.Optional(CONF_BIRTH_MESSAGE): MQTT_WILL_BIRTH_SCHEMA, vol.Optional(CONF_DISCOVERY, default=DEFAULT_DISCOVERY): cv.boolean, # discovery_prefix must be a valid publish topic because if no # state topic is specified, it will be created with the given prefix. vol.Optional( CONF_DISCOVERY_PREFIX, default=DEFAULT_DISCOVERY_PREFIX ): valid_publish_topic, } ) }, extra=vol.ALLOW_EXTRA, ) SCHEMA_BASE = {vol.Optional(CONF_QOS, default=DEFAULT_QOS): _VALID_QOS_SCHEMA} MQTT_AVAILABILITY_SCHEMA = vol.Schema( { vol.Optional(CONF_AVAILABILITY_TOPIC): valid_subscribe_topic, vol.Optional( CONF_PAYLOAD_AVAILABLE, default=DEFAULT_PAYLOAD_AVAILABLE ): cv.string, vol.Optional( CONF_PAYLOAD_NOT_AVAILABLE, default=DEFAULT_PAYLOAD_NOT_AVAILABLE ): cv.string, } ) MQTT_ENTITY_DEVICE_INFO_SCHEMA = vol.All( cv.deprecated(CONF_DEPRECATED_VIA_HUB, CONF_VIA_DEVICE), vol.Schema( { vol.Optional(CONF_IDENTIFIERS, default=list): vol.All( cv.ensure_list, [cv.string] ), vol.Optional(CONF_CONNECTIONS, default=list): vol.All( cv.ensure_list, [vol.All(vol.Length(2), [cv.string])] ), vol.Optional(CONF_MANUFACTURER): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_MODEL): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_NAME): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_SW_VERSION): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_VIA_DEVICE): cv.string, } ), validate_device_has_at_least_one_identifier, ) MQTT_JSON_ATTRS_SCHEMA = vol.Schema( { vol.Optional(CONF_JSON_ATTRS_TOPIC): valid_subscribe_topic, vol.Optional(CONF_JSON_ATTRS_TEMPLATE): cv.template, } ) MQTT_BASE_PLATFORM_SCHEMA = cv.PLATFORM_SCHEMA.extend(SCHEMA_BASE) # Sensor type platforms subscribe to MQTT events MQTT_RO_PLATFORM_SCHEMA = MQTT_BASE_PLATFORM_SCHEMA.extend( { vol.Required(CONF_STATE_TOPIC): valid_subscribe_topic, vol.Optional(CONF_VALUE_TEMPLATE): cv.template, } ) # Switch type platforms publish to MQTT and may subscribe MQTT_RW_PLATFORM_SCHEMA = MQTT_BASE_PLATFORM_SCHEMA.extend( { vol.Required(CONF_COMMAND_TOPIC): valid_publish_topic, vol.Optional(CONF_RETAIN, default=DEFAULT_RETAIN): cv.boolean, vol.Optional(CONF_STATE_TOPIC): valid_subscribe_topic, vol.Optional(CONF_VALUE_TEMPLATE): cv.template, } ) # Service call validation schema MQTT_PUBLISH_SCHEMA = vol.Schema( { vol.Required(ATTR_TOPIC): valid_publish_topic, vol.Exclusive(ATTR_PAYLOAD, CONF_PAYLOAD): object, vol.Exclusive(ATTR_PAYLOAD_TEMPLATE, CONF_PAYLOAD): cv.string, vol.Optional(ATTR_QOS, default=DEFAULT_QOS): _VALID_QOS_SCHEMA, vol.Optional(ATTR_RETAIN, default=DEFAULT_RETAIN): cv.boolean, }, required=True, ) # pylint: disable=invalid-name PublishPayloadType = Union[str, bytes, int, float, None] SubscribePayloadType = Union[str, bytes] # Only bytes if encoding is None @attr.s(slots=True, frozen=True) class Message: """MQTT Message.""" topic = attr.ib(type=str) payload = attr.ib(type=PublishPayloadType) qos = attr.ib(type=int) retain = attr.ib(type=bool) MessageCallbackType = Callable[[Message], None] def _build_publish_data(topic: Any, qos: int, retain: bool) -> ServiceDataType: """Build the arguments for the publish service without the payload.""" data = {ATTR_TOPIC: topic} if qos is not None: data[ATTR_QOS] = qos if retain is not None: data[ATTR_RETAIN] = retain return data @bind_hass def publish(hass: HomeAssistantType, topic, payload, qos=None, retain=None) -> None: """Publish message to an MQTT topic.""" hass.add_job(async_publish, hass, topic, payload, qos, retain) @callback @bind_hass def async_publish( hass: HomeAssistantType, topic: Any, payload, qos=None, retain=None ) -> None: """Publish message to an MQTT topic.""" data = _build_publish_data(topic, qos, retain) data[ATTR_PAYLOAD] = payload hass.async_create_task(, SERVICE_PUBLISH, data)) @bind_hass def publish_template( hass: HomeAssistantType, topic, payload_template, qos=None, retain=None ) -> None: """Publish message to an MQTT topic using a template payload.""" data = _build_publish_data(topic, qos, retain) data[ATTR_PAYLOAD_TEMPLATE] = payload_template, SERVICE_PUBLISH, data) def wrap_msg_callback(msg_callback: MessageCallbackType) -> MessageCallbackType: """Wrap an MQTT message callback to support deprecated signature.""" # Check for partials to properly determine if coroutine function check_func = msg_callback while isinstance(check_func, partial): check_func = check_func.func wrapper_func = None if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(check_func): @wraps(msg_callback) async def async_wrapper(msg: Any) -> None: """Catch and log exception.""" await msg_callback(msg.topic, msg.payload, msg.qos) wrapper_func = async_wrapper else: @wraps(msg_callback) def wrapper(msg: Any) -> None: """Catch and log exception.""" msg_callback(msg.topic, msg.payload, msg.qos) wrapper_func = wrapper return wrapper_func @bind_hass async def async_subscribe( hass: HomeAssistantType, topic: str, msg_callback: MessageCallbackType, qos: int = DEFAULT_QOS, encoding: Optional[str] = "utf-8", ): """Subscribe to an MQTT topic. Call the return value to unsubscribe. """ # Count callback parameters which don't have a default value non_default = 0 if msg_callback: non_default = sum( p.default == inspect.Parameter.empty for _, p in inspect.signature(msg_callback).parameters.items() ) wrapped_msg_callback = msg_callback # If we have 3 parameters with no default value, wrap the callback if non_default == 3: _LOGGER.warning( "Signature of MQTT msg_callback '%s.%s' is deprecated", inspect.getmodule(msg_callback).__name__, msg_callback.__name__, ) wrapped_msg_callback = wrap_msg_callback(msg_callback) async_remove = await[DATA_MQTT].async_subscribe( topic, catch_log_exception( wrapped_msg_callback, lambda msg: "Exception in {} when handling msg on '{}': '{}'".format( msg_callback.__name__, msg.topic, msg.payload ), ), qos, encoding, ) return async_remove @bind_hass def subscribe( hass: HomeAssistantType, topic: str, msg_callback: MessageCallbackType, qos: int = DEFAULT_QOS, encoding: str = "utf-8", ) -> Callable[[], None]: """Subscribe to an MQTT topic.""" async_remove = run_coroutine_threadsafe( async_subscribe(hass, topic, msg_callback, qos, encoding), hass.loop ).result() def remove(): """Remove listener convert.""" run_callback_threadsafe(hass.loop, async_remove).result() return remove async def _async_setup_server(hass: HomeAssistantType, config: ConfigType): """Try to start embedded MQTT broker. This method is a coroutine. """ conf: ConfigType = config.get(DOMAIN, {}) success, broker_config = await server.async_start( hass, conf.get(CONF_PASSWORD), conf.get(CONF_EMBEDDED) ) if not success: return None return broker_config async def _async_setup_discovery( hass: HomeAssistantType, conf: ConfigType, hass_config: ConfigType, config_entry ) -> bool: """Try to start the discovery of MQTT devices. This method is a coroutine. """ if discovery is None: _LOGGER.error("Unable to load MQTT discovery") return False success: bool = await discovery.async_start( hass, conf[CONF_DISCOVERY_PREFIX], hass_config, config_entry ) return success async def async_setup(hass: HomeAssistantType, config: ConfigType) -> bool: """Start the MQTT protocol service.""" conf: Optional[ConfigType] = config.get(DOMAIN) # We need this because discovery can cause components to be set up and # otherwise it will not load the users config. # This needs a better solution.[DATA_MQTT_HASS_CONFIG] = config websocket_api.async_register_command(hass, websocket_subscribe) if conf is None: # If we have a config entry, setup is done by that config entry. # If there is no config entry, this should fail. return bool(hass.config_entries.async_entries(DOMAIN)) conf = dict(conf) if CONF_EMBEDDED in conf or CONF_BROKER not in conf: broker_config = await _async_setup_server(hass, config) if broker_config is None: _LOGGER.error("Unable to start embedded MQTT broker") return False conf.update( { CONF_BROKER: broker_config[0], CONF_PORT: broker_config[1], CONF_USERNAME: broker_config[2], CONF_PASSWORD: broker_config[3], CONF_CERTIFICATE: broker_config[4], CONF_PROTOCOL: broker_config[5], CONF_CLIENT_KEY: None, CONF_CLIENT_CERT: None, CONF_TLS_INSECURE: None, } )[DATA_MQTT_CONFIG] = conf # Only import if we haven't before. if not hass.config_entries.async_entries(DOMAIN): hass.async_create_task( hass.config_entries.flow.async_init( DOMAIN, context={"source": config_entries.SOURCE_IMPORT}, data={} ) ) return True async def async_setup_entry(hass, entry): """Load a config entry.""" conf = # Config entry was created because user had configuration.yaml entry # They removed that, so remove entry. if conf is None and entry.source == config_entries.SOURCE_IMPORT: hass.async_create_task(hass.config_entries.async_remove(entry.entry_id)) return False # If user didn't have configuration.yaml config, generate defaults if conf is None: conf = CONFIG_SCHEMA({DOMAIN:})[DOMAIN] elif any(key in conf for key in _LOGGER.warning( "Data in your config entry is going to override your " "configuration.yaml: %s",, ) conf.update( broker = conf[CONF_BROKER] port = conf[CONF_PORT] client_id = conf.get(CONF_CLIENT_ID) keepalive = conf[CONF_KEEPALIVE] username = conf.get(CONF_USERNAME) password = conf.get(CONF_PASSWORD) certificate = conf.get(CONF_CERTIFICATE) client_key = conf.get(CONF_CLIENT_KEY) client_cert = conf.get(CONF_CLIENT_CERT) tls_insecure = conf.get(CONF_TLS_INSECURE) protocol = conf[CONF_PROTOCOL] # For, secured connection, auto fill in certificate if ( certificate is None and 19999 < conf[CONF_PORT] < 30000 and broker.endswith("") ): certificate = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), "addtrustexternalcaroot.crt" ) # When the certificate is set to auto, use bundled certs from requests elif certificate == "auto": certificate = requests.certs.where() if CONF_WILL_MESSAGE in conf: will_message = Message(**conf[CONF_WILL_MESSAGE]) else: will_message = None if CONF_BIRTH_MESSAGE in conf: birth_message = Message(**conf[CONF_BIRTH_MESSAGE]) else: birth_message = None # Be able to override versions other than TLSv1.0 under Python3.6 conf_tls_version: str = conf.get(CONF_TLS_VERSION) if conf_tls_version == "1.2": tls_version = ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2 elif conf_tls_version == "1.1": tls_version = ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1_1 elif conf_tls_version == "1.0": tls_version = ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1 else: import sys # Python3.6 supports automatic negotiation of highest TLS version if sys.hexversion >= 0x03060000: tls_version = ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS # pylint: disable=no-member else: tls_version = ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1[DATA_MQTT] = MQTT( hass, broker=broker, port=port, client_id=client_id, keepalive=keepalive, username=username, password=password, certificate=certificate, client_key=client_key, client_cert=client_cert, tls_insecure=tls_insecure, protocol=protocol, will_message=will_message, birth_message=birth_message, tls_version=tls_version, ) result: str = await[DATA_MQTT].async_connect() if result == CONNECTION_FAILED: return False if result == CONNECTION_FAILED_RECOVERABLE: raise ConfigEntryNotReady async def async_stop_mqtt(event: Event): """Stop MQTT component.""" await[DATA_MQTT].async_disconnect() hass.bus.async_listen_once(EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP, async_stop_mqtt) async def async_publish_service(call: ServiceCall): """Handle MQTT publish service calls.""" msg_topic: str =[ATTR_TOPIC] payload = payload_template = qos: int =[ATTR_QOS] retain: bool =[ATTR_RETAIN] if payload_template is not None: try: payload = template.Template(payload_template, hass).async_render() except template.jinja2.TemplateError as exc: _LOGGER.error( "Unable to publish to %s: rendering payload template of " "%s failed because %s", msg_topic, payload_template, exc, ) return await[DATA_MQTT].async_publish(msg_topic, payload, qos, retain) DOMAIN, SERVICE_PUBLISH, async_publish_service, schema=MQTT_PUBLISH_SCHEMA ) if conf.get(CONF_DISCOVERY): await _async_setup_discovery( hass, conf,[DATA_MQTT_HASS_CONFIG], entry ) return True @attr.s(slots=True, frozen=True) class Subscription: """Class to hold data about an active subscription.""" topic = attr.ib(type=str) callback = attr.ib(type=MessageCallbackType) qos = attr.ib(type=int, default=0) encoding = attr.ib(type=str, default="utf-8") class MQTT: """Home Assistant MQTT client.""" def __init__( self, hass: HomeAssistantType, broker: str, port: int, client_id: Optional[str], keepalive: Optional[int], username: Optional[str], password: Optional[str], certificate: Optional[str], client_key: Optional[str], client_cert: Optional[str], tls_insecure: Optional[bool], protocol: Optional[str], will_message: Optional[Message], birth_message: Optional[Message], tls_version: Optional[int], ) -> None: """Initialize Home Assistant MQTT client.""" import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt self.hass = hass = broker self.port = port self.keepalive = keepalive self.subscriptions: List[Subscription] = [] self.birth_message = birth_message self.connected = False self._mqttc: mqtt.Client = None self._paho_lock = asyncio.Lock() if protocol == PROTOCOL_31: proto: int = mqtt.MQTTv31 else: proto = mqtt.MQTTv311 if client_id is None: self._mqttc = mqtt.Client(protocol=proto) else: self._mqttc = mqtt.Client(client_id, protocol=proto) if username is not None: self._mqttc.username_pw_set(username, password) if certificate is not None: self._mqttc.tls_set( certificate, certfile=client_cert, keyfile=client_key, tls_version=tls_version, ) if tls_insecure is not None: self._mqttc.tls_insecure_set(tls_insecure) self._mqttc.on_connect = self._mqtt_on_connect self._mqttc.on_disconnect = self._mqtt_on_disconnect self._mqttc.on_message = self._mqtt_on_message if will_message is not None: self._mqttc.will_set(*attr.astuple(will_message)) async def async_publish( self, topic: str, payload: PublishPayloadType, qos: int, retain: bool ) -> None: """Publish a MQTT message. This method must be run in the event loop and returns a coroutine. """ async with self._paho_lock: _LOGGER.debug("Transmitting message on %s: %s", topic, payload) await self.hass.async_add_job( self._mqttc.publish, topic, payload, qos, retain ) async def async_connect(self) -> str: """Connect to the host. Does process messages yet. This method is a coroutine. """ result: int = None try: result = await self.hass.async_add_job( self._mqttc.connect,, self.port, self.keepalive ) except OSError as err: _LOGGER.error("Failed to connect due to exception: %s", err) return CONNECTION_FAILED_RECOVERABLE if result != 0: import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt _LOGGER.error("Failed to connect: %s", mqtt.error_string(result)) return CONNECTION_FAILED self._mqttc.loop_start() return CONNECTION_SUCCESS @callback def async_disconnect(self): """Stop the MQTT client. This method must be run in the event loop and returns a coroutine. """ def stop(): """Stop the MQTT client.""" self._mqttc.disconnect() self._mqttc.loop_stop() return self.hass.async_add_job(stop) async def async_subscribe( self, topic: str, msg_callback: MessageCallbackType, qos: int, encoding: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Callable[[], None]: """Set up a subscription to a topic with the provided qos. This method is a coroutine. """ if not isinstance(topic, str): raise HomeAssistantError("Topic needs to be a string!") subscription = Subscription(topic, msg_callback, qos, encoding) self.subscriptions.append(subscription) await self._async_perform_subscription(topic, qos) @callback def async_remove() -> None: """Remove subscription.""" if subscription not in self.subscriptions: raise HomeAssistantError("Can't remove subscription twice") self.subscriptions.remove(subscription) if any(other.topic == topic for other in self.subscriptions): # Other subscriptions on topic remaining - don't unsubscribe. return # Only unsubscribe if currently connected. if self.connected: self.hass.async_create_task(self._async_unsubscribe(topic)) return async_remove async def _async_unsubscribe(self, topic: str) -> None: """Unsubscribe from a topic. This method is a coroutine. """ async with self._paho_lock: result: int = None result, _ = await self.hass.async_add_job(self._mqttc.unsubscribe, topic) _raise_on_error(result) async def _async_perform_subscription(self, topic: str, qos: int) -> None: """Perform a paho-mqtt subscription.""" _LOGGER.debug("Subscribing to %s", topic) async with self._paho_lock: result: int = None result, _ = await self.hass.async_add_job(self._mqttc.subscribe, topic, qos) _raise_on_error(result) def _mqtt_on_connect(self, _mqttc, _userdata, _flags, result_code: int) -> None: """On connect callback. Resubscribe to all topics we were subscribed to and publish birth message. """ import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt if result_code != mqtt.CONNACK_ACCEPTED: _LOGGER.error( "Unable to connect to the MQTT broker: %s", mqtt.connack_string(result_code), ) self._mqttc.disconnect() return self.connected = True # Group subscriptions to only re-subscribe once for each topic. keyfunc = attrgetter("topic") for topic, subs in groupby(sorted(self.subscriptions, key=keyfunc), keyfunc): # Re-subscribe with the highest requested qos max_qos = max(subscription.qos for subscription in subs) self.hass.add_job(self._async_perform_subscription, topic, max_qos) if self.birth_message: self.hass.add_job(self.async_publish(*attr.astuple(self.birth_message))) def _mqtt_on_message(self, _mqttc, _userdata, msg) -> None: """Message received callback.""" self.hass.add_job(self._mqtt_handle_message, msg) @callback def _mqtt_handle_message(self, msg) -> None: _LOGGER.debug( "Received message on %s%s: %s", msg.topic, " (retained)" if msg.retain else "", msg.payload, ) for subscription in self.subscriptions: if not _match_topic(subscription.topic, msg.topic): continue payload: SubscribePayloadType = msg.payload if subscription.encoding is not None: try: payload = msg.payload.decode(subscription.encoding) except (AttributeError, UnicodeDecodeError): _LOGGER.warning( "Can't decode payload %s on %s with encoding %s", msg.payload, msg.topic, subscription.encoding, ) continue self.hass.async_run_job( subscription.callback, Message(msg.topic, payload, msg.qos, msg.retain) ) def _mqtt_on_disconnect(self, _mqttc, _userdata, result_code: int) -> None: """Disconnected callback.""" self.connected = False # When disconnected because of calling disconnect() if result_code == 0: return tries = 0 while True: try: if self._mqttc.reconnect() == 0: self.connected = True"Successfully reconnected to the MQTT server") break except socket.error: pass wait_time = min(2 ** tries, MAX_RECONNECT_WAIT) _LOGGER.warning( "Disconnected from MQTT (%s). Trying to reconnect in %s s", result_code, wait_time, ) # It is ok to sleep here as we are in the MQTT thread. time.sleep(wait_time) tries += 1 def _raise_on_error(result_code: int) -> None: """Raise error if error result.""" if result_code != 0: import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt raise HomeAssistantError( "Error talking to MQTT: {}".format(mqtt.error_string(result_code)) ) def _match_topic(subscription: str, topic: str) -> bool: """Test if topic matches subscription.""" from paho.mqtt.matcher import MQTTMatcher matcher = MQTTMatcher() matcher[subscription] = True try: next(matcher.iter_match(topic)) return True except StopIteration: return False class MqttAttributes(Entity): """Mixin used for platforms that support JSON attributes.""" def __init__(self, config: dict) -> None: """Initialize the JSON attributes mixin.""" self._attributes = None self._attributes_sub_state = None self._attributes_config = config async def async_added_to_hass(self) -> None: """Subscribe MQTT events. This method must be run in the event loop and returns a coroutine. """ await super().async_added_to_hass() await self._attributes_subscribe_topics() async def attributes_discovery_update(self, config: dict): """Handle updated discovery message.""" self._attributes_config = config await self._attributes_subscribe_topics() async def _attributes_subscribe_topics(self): """(Re)Subscribe to topics.""" from .subscription import async_subscribe_topics attr_tpl = self._attributes_config.get(CONF_JSON_ATTRS_TEMPLATE) if attr_tpl is not None: attr_tpl.hass = self.hass @callback def attributes_message_received(msg: Message) -> None: try: payload = msg.payload if attr_tpl is not None: payload = attr_tpl.async_render_with_possible_json_value(payload) json_dict = json.loads(payload) if isinstance(json_dict, dict): self._attributes = json_dict self.async_write_ha_state() else: _LOGGER.warning("JSON result was not a dictionary") self._attributes = None except ValueError: _LOGGER.warning("Erroneous JSON: %s", payload) self._attributes = None self._attributes_sub_state = await async_subscribe_topics( self.hass, self._attributes_sub_state, { CONF_JSON_ATTRS_TOPIC: { "topic": self._attributes_config.get(CONF_JSON_ATTRS_TOPIC), "msg_callback": attributes_message_received, "qos": self._attributes_config.get(CONF_QOS), } }, ) async def async_will_remove_from_hass(self): """Unsubscribe when removed.""" from .subscription import async_unsubscribe_topics self._attributes_sub_state = await async_unsubscribe_topics( self.hass, self._attributes_sub_state ) @property def device_state_attributes(self): """Return the state attributes.""" return self._attributes class MqttAvailability(Entity): """Mixin used for platforms that report availability.""" def __init__(self, config: dict) -> None: """Initialize the availability mixin.""" self._availability_sub_state = None self._available = False self._avail_config = config async def async_added_to_hass(self) -> None: """Subscribe MQTT events. This method must be run in the event loop and returns a coroutine. """ await super().async_added_to_hass() await self._availability_subscribe_topics() async def availability_discovery_update(self, config: dict): """Handle updated discovery message.""" self._avail_config = config await self._availability_subscribe_topics() async def _availability_subscribe_topics(self): """(Re)Subscribe to topics.""" from .subscription import async_subscribe_topics @callback def availability_message_received(msg: Message) -> None: """Handle a new received MQTT availability message.""" if msg.payload == self._avail_config[CONF_PAYLOAD_AVAILABLE]: self._available = True elif msg.payload == self._avail_config[CONF_PAYLOAD_NOT_AVAILABLE]: self._available = False self.async_write_ha_state() self._availability_sub_state = await async_subscribe_topics( self.hass, self._availability_sub_state, { "availability_topic": { "topic": self._avail_config.get(CONF_AVAILABILITY_TOPIC), "msg_callback": availability_message_received, "qos": self._avail_config[CONF_QOS], } }, ) async def async_will_remove_from_hass(self): """Unsubscribe when removed.""" from .subscription import async_unsubscribe_topics self._availability_sub_state = await async_unsubscribe_topics( self.hass, self._availability_sub_state ) @property def available(self) -> bool: """Return if the device is available.""" availability_topic = self._avail_config.get(CONF_AVAILABILITY_TOPIC) return availability_topic is None or self._available class MqttDiscoveryUpdate(Entity): """Mixin used to handle updated discovery message.""" def __init__(self, discovery_hash, discovery_update=None) -> None: """Initialize the discovery update mixin.""" self._discovery_hash = discovery_hash self._discovery_update = discovery_update self._remove_signal = None async def async_added_to_hass(self) -> None: """Subscribe to discovery updates.""" await super().async_added_to_hass() from homeassistant.helpers.dispatcher import async_dispatcher_connect from .discovery import MQTT_DISCOVERY_UPDATED, clear_discovery_hash @callback def discovery_callback(payload): """Handle discovery update.""" "Got update for entity with hash: %s '%s'", self._discovery_hash, payload, ) if not payload: # Empty payload: Remove component"Removing component: %s", self.entity_id) self.hass.async_create_task(self.async_remove()) clear_discovery_hash(self.hass, self._discovery_hash) self._remove_signal() elif self._discovery_update: # Non-empty payload: Notify component"Updating component: %s", self.entity_id) payload.pop(ATTR_DISCOVERY_HASH) self.hass.async_create_task(self._discovery_update(payload)) if self._discovery_hash: self._remove_signal = async_dispatcher_connect( self.hass, MQTT_DISCOVERY_UPDATED.format(self._discovery_hash), discovery_callback, ) class MqttEntityDeviceInfo(Entity): """Mixin used for mqtt platforms that support the device registry.""" def __init__(self, device_config: Optional[ConfigType], config_entry=None) -> None: """Initialize the device mixin.""" self._device_config = device_config self._config_entry = config_entry async def device_info_discovery_update(self, config: dict): """Handle updated discovery message.""" self._device_config = config.get(CONF_DEVICE) device_registry = await self.hass.helpers.device_registry.async_get_registry() config_entry_id = self._config_entry.entry_id device_info = self.device_info if config_entry_id is not None and device_info is not None: device_info["config_entry_id"] = config_entry_id device_registry.async_get_or_create(**device_info) @property def device_info(self): """Return a device description for device registry.""" if not self._device_config: return None info = { "identifiers": { (DOMAIN, id_) for id_ in self._device_config[CONF_IDENTIFIERS] }, "connections": {tuple(x) for x in self._device_config[CONF_CONNECTIONS]}, } if CONF_MANUFACTURER in self._device_config: info["manufacturer"] = self._device_config[CONF_MANUFACTURER] if CONF_MODEL in self._device_config: info["model"] = self._device_config[CONF_MODEL] if CONF_NAME in self._device_config: info["name"] = self._device_config[CONF_NAME] if CONF_SW_VERSION in self._device_config: info["sw_version"] = self._device_config[CONF_SW_VERSION] if CONF_VIA_DEVICE in self._device_config: info["via_device"] = (DOMAIN, self._device_config[CONF_VIA_DEVICE]) return info @websocket_api.async_response @websocket_api.websocket_command( { vol.Required("type"): "mqtt/subscribe", vol.Required("topic"): valid_subscribe_topic, } ) async def websocket_subscribe(hass, connection, msg): """Subscribe to a MQTT topic.""" if not connection.user.is_admin: raise Unauthorized async def forward_messages(mqttmsg: Message): """Forward events to websocket.""" connection.send_message( websocket_api.event_message( msg["id"], { "topic": mqttmsg.topic, "payload": mqttmsg.payload, "qos": mqttmsg.qos, "retain": mqttmsg.retain, }, ) ) connection.subscriptions[msg["id"]] = await async_subscribe( hass, msg["topic"], forward_messages ) connection.send_message(websocket_api.result_message(msg["id"]))
# Copyright 2015. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import uuid from cfgm_common import exceptions as vnc_exc from neutron.common import constants from vnc_api import vnc_api import contrail_res_handler as res_handler import sg_res_handler as sg_handler class SecurityGroupRuleMixin(object): def _security_group_rule_vnc_to_neutron(self, sg_id, sg_rule, sg_obj=None, fields=None): sgr_q_dict = {} if sg_id is None: return sgr_q_dict if not sg_obj: try: sg_obj = sg_handler.SecurityGroupHandler( self._vnc_lib).get_sg_obj(id=sg_id) except vnc_exc.NoIdError: self._raise_contrail_exception( 'SecurityGroupNotFound', id=sg_id, resource='security_group_rule') remote_cidr = None remote_sg_uuid = None saddr = sg_rule.get_src_addresses()[0] daddr = sg_rule.get_dst_addresses()[0] if saddr.get_security_group() == 'local': direction = 'egress' addr = daddr elif daddr.get_security_group() == 'local': direction = 'ingress' addr = saddr else: self._raise_contrail_exception( 'SecurityGroupRuleNotFound', id=sg_rule.get_rule_uuid(), resource='security_group_rule') if addr.get_subnet(): remote_cidr = '%s/%s' % (addr.get_subnet().get_ip_prefix(), addr.get_subnet().get_ip_prefix_len()) elif addr.get_security_group(): if addr.get_security_group() != 'any' and ( addr.get_security_group() != 'local'): remote_sg = addr.get_security_group() try: if remote_sg != ':'.join(sg_obj.get_fq_name()): remote_sg_obj = sg_handler.SecurityGroupHandler( self._vnc_lib).get_sg_obj(fq_name_str=remote_sg) else: remote_sg_obj = sg_obj remote_sg_uuid = remote_sg_obj.uuid except vnc_exc.NoIdError: pass sgr_q_dict['id'] = sg_rule.get_rule_uuid() sgr_q_dict['tenant_id'] = self._project_id_vnc_to_neutron( sg_obj.parent_uuid) sgr_q_dict['security_group_id'] = sg_obj.uuid if hasattr(sg_rule, 'get_ethertype'): sgr_q_dict['ethertype'] = sg_rule.get_ethertype() else: sgr_q_dict['ethertype'] = 'IPv4' sgr_q_dict['direction'] = direction proto = sg_rule.get_protocol() sgr_q_dict['protocol'] = None if proto == 'any' else proto port_min = sg_rule.get_dst_ports()[0].get_start_port() if sgr_q_dict['protocol'] in (constants.PROTO_NAME_ICMP, str(constants.PROTO_NUM_ICMP)): sgr_q_dict['port_range_min'] = port_min else: sgr_q_dict['port_range_min'] = None if port_min == 0 else port_min port_max = (sg_rule.get_dst_ports()[0].get_end_port()) sgr_q_dict['port_range_max'] = None if port_max == 65535 else port_max if remote_cidr == '' or remote_cidr == '::/0': remote_cidr = None sgr_q_dict['remote_ip_prefix'] = remote_cidr sgr_q_dict['remote_group_id'] = remote_sg_uuid if fields: sgr_q_dict = self._filter_res_dict(sgr_q_dict, fields) return sgr_q_dict # end _security_group_rule_vnc_to_neutron def _security_group_rule_find(self, sgr_id, project_uuid=None): dom_projects = [] if not project_uuid: dom_projects = self._project_list_domain(None) else: dom_projects = [{'uuid': project_uuid}] for project in dom_projects: proj_id = project['uuid'] project_sgs = sg_handler.SecurityGroupHandler( self._vnc_lib).resource_list_by_project(proj_id) for sg_obj in project_sgs: sgr_entries = sg_obj.get_security_group_entries() if sgr_entries is None: continue for sg_rule in sgr_entries.get_policy_rule(): if sg_rule.get_rule_uuid() == sgr_id: return sg_obj, sg_rule return None, None # end _security_group_rule_find class SecurityGroupRuleGetHandler(res_handler.ResourceGetHandler, SecurityGroupRuleMixin): def resource_get(self, context, sgr_id, fields=None): project_uuid = None if not context['is_admin']: project_uuid = self._project_id_neutron_to_vnc(context['tenant']) sg_obj, sg_rule = self._security_group_rule_find(sgr_id, project_uuid) if sg_obj and sg_rule: return self._security_group_rule_vnc_to_neutron(sg_obj.uuid, sg_rule, sg_obj, fields=fields) self._raise_contrail_exception('SecurityGroupRuleNotFound', id=sgr_id, resource='security_group_rule') def security_group_rules_read(self, sg_obj, fields=None, filters=None): sgr_entries = sg_obj.get_security_group_entries() sg_rules = [] if sgr_entries is None: return if filters: filter_ids = [id for id in filters.get('id', []) if filters] else: filter_ids = None for sg_rule in sgr_entries.get_policy_rule(): if filter_ids and sg_rule.get_rule_uuid() not in filter_ids: continue sg_info = self._security_group_rule_vnc_to_neutron(sg_obj.uuid, sg_rule, sg_obj, fields=fields) sg_rules.append(sg_info) return sg_rules # end security_group_rules_read def resource_list(self, context, filters=None, fields=None): ret_list = [] # collect phase all_sgs = [] if filters and 'tenant_id' in filters: project_ids = self._validate_project_ids(context, filters['tenant_id']) for p_id in project_ids: project_sgs = sg_handler.SecurityGroupHandler( self._vnc_lib).resource_list_by_project(p_id) all_sgs.append(project_sgs) else: # no filters p_id = None if context and not context['is_admin']: p_id = self._project_id_neutron_to_vnc(context['tenant']) project_sgs = sg_handler.SecurityGroupHandler( self._vnc_lib).resource_list_by_project(p_id) all_sgs.append(project_sgs) # prune phase for project_sgs in all_sgs: for sg_obj in project_sgs: # TODO() implement same for name specified in filter sgr_info = self.security_group_rules_read(sg_obj, fields=fields, filters=filters) if sgr_info: ret_list.extend(sgr_info) return ret_list class SecurityGroupRuleDeleteHandler(res_handler.ResourceDeleteHandler, SecurityGroupRuleMixin): def _security_group_rule_delete(self, sg_obj, sg_rule): rules = sg_obj.get_security_group_entries() rules.get_policy_rule().remove(sg_rule) sg_obj.set_security_group_entries(rules) sg_handler.SecurityGroupHandler( self._vnc_lib).resource_update_obj(sg_obj) return # end _security_group_rule_delete def resource_delete(self, context, sgr_id): project_uuid = None if not context['is_admin']: project_uuid = self._project_id_neutron_to_vnc(context['tenant']) sg_obj, sg_rule = self._security_group_rule_find(sgr_id, project_uuid) if sg_obj and sg_rule: return self._security_group_rule_delete(sg_obj, sg_rule) self._raise_contrail_exception('SecurityGroupRuleNotFound', id=sgr_id, resource='security_group_rule') class SecurityGroupRuleCreateHandler(res_handler.ResourceCreateHandler, SecurityGroupRuleMixin): resource_create_method = "security_group_rule_create" def _convert_protocol(self, value): IP_PROTOCOL_MAP = {constants.PROTO_NUM_TCP: constants.PROTO_NAME_TCP, constants.PROTO_NUM_UDP: constants.PROTO_NAME_UDP, constants.PROTO_NUM_ICMP: constants.PROTO_NAME_ICMP} if value is None: return if isinstance(value, str) and value.lower() == 'any': return 'any' try: val = int(value) # TODO(ethuleau): support all protocol numbers if val >= 0 and val <= 255: return IP_PROTOCOL_MAP[val] if val in IP_PROTOCOL_MAP else ( str(val)) self._raise_contrail_exception( 'SecurityGroupRuleInvalidProtocol', protocol=value, values=IP_PROTOCOL_MAP.values(), resource='security_group_rule') except (ValueError, TypeError): if value.lower() in IP_PROTOCOL_MAP.values(): return value.lower() self._raise_contrail_exception( 'SecurityGroupRuleInvalidProtocol', protocol=value, values=IP_PROTOCOL_MAP.values(), resource='security_group_rule') def _validate_port_range(self, rule): """Check that port_range is valid.""" if (rule['port_range_min'] is None and rule['port_range_max'] is None): return if not rule['protocol']: self._raise_contrail_exception( 'SecurityGroupProtocolRequiredWithPorts', resource='security_group_rule') if rule['protocol'] in [constants.PROTO_NAME_TCP, constants.PROTO_NAME_UDP]: if (rule['port_range_min'] is not None and rule['port_range_min'] <= rule['port_range_max']): pass else: self._raise_contrail_exception( 'SecurityGroupInvalidPortRange', resource='security_group_rule') elif rule['protocol'] == constants.PROTO_NAME_ICMP: for attr, field in [('port_range_min', 'type'), ('port_range_max', 'code')]: if rule[attr] > 255: self._raise_contrail_exception( 'SecurityGroupInvalidIcmpValue', field=field, attr=attr, value=rule[attr], resource='security_group_rule') if (rule['port_range_min'] is None and rule['port_range_max']): self._raise_contrail_exception( 'SecurityGroupMissingIcmpType', value=rule['port_range_max'], resource='security_group_rule') def _security_group_rule_neutron_to_vnc(self, sgr_q): # default port values if sgr_q['protocol'] in (constants.PROTO_NAME_ICMP, str(constants.PROTO_NUM_ICMP)): port_min = None port_max = None else: port_min = 0 port_max = 65535 if sgr_q['port_range_min'] is not None: port_min = sgr_q['port_range_min'] if sgr_q['port_range_max'] is not None: port_max = sgr_q['port_range_max'] if sgr_q['remote_ip_prefix'] and sgr_q['remote_group_id']: self._raise_contrail_exception("BadRequest", msg="Can't set remote_ip_prefix with remote_group_id", resource="security_group_rule") endpt = [vnc_api.AddressType(security_group='any')] if sgr_q['remote_ip_prefix']: cidr = sgr_q['remote_ip_prefix'].split('/') pfx = cidr[0] pfx_len = int(cidr[1]) endpt = [vnc_api.AddressType( subnet=vnc_api.SubnetType(pfx, pfx_len))] elif sgr_q['remote_group_id']: try: sg_obj = sg_handler.SecurityGroupHandler( self._vnc_lib).get_sg_obj(id=sgr_q['remote_group_id']) except vnc_exc.NoIdError: self._raise_contrail_exception('SecurityGroupNotFound', id=sgr_q['remote_group_id'], resource='security_group_rule') if sgr_q.get('tenant_id') and ( sg_obj.parent_uuid != self._project_id_neutron_to_vnc(sgr_q['tenant_id'])): self._raise_contrail_exception("NotFound") endpt = [vnc_api.AddressType( security_group=sg_obj.get_fq_name_str())] if sgr_q['direction'] == 'ingress': dir = '>' local = endpt remote = [vnc_api.AddressType(security_group='local')] else: dir = '>' remote = endpt local = [vnc_api.AddressType(security_group='local')] if not sgr_q['protocol']: sgr_q['protocol'] = 'any' if not sgr_q['remote_ip_prefix'] and not sgr_q['remote_group_id']: if not sgr_q['ethertype']: sgr_q['ethertype'] = 'IPv4' sgr_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4()) if 'id' not in sgr_q else sgr_q['id'] rule = vnc_api.PolicyRuleType( rule_uuid=sgr_uuid, direction=dir, protocol=sgr_q['protocol'], src_addresses=local, src_ports=[vnc_api.PortType(0, 65535)], dst_addresses=remote, dst_ports=[vnc_api.PortType(port_min, port_max)], ethertype=sgr_q['ethertype']) return rule # end _security_group_rule_neutron_to_vnc def _security_group_rule_create(self, sg_id, sg_rule, project_id): sghandler = sg_handler.SecurityGroupHandler(self._vnc_lib) try: sg_vnc = sghandler.get_sg_obj(id=sg_id) except vnc_exc.NoIdError: self._raise_contrail_exception('SecurityGroupNotFound', id=sg_id, resource='security_group') if project_id and sg_vnc.parent_uuid != self._project_id_neutron_to_vnc(project_id): self._raise_contrail_exception('NotFound') rules = sg_vnc.get_security_group_entries() if rules is None: rules = vnc_api.PolicyEntriesType([sg_rule]) else: rules.add_policy_rule(sg_rule) sg_vnc.set_security_group_entries(rules) try: sghandler.resource_update_obj(sg_vnc) except vnc_exc.PermissionDenied as e: self._raise_contrail_exception( 'BadRequest', resource='security_group_rule', msg=str(e)) except vnc_exc.BadRequest as e: self._raise_contrail_exception( 'BadRequest', resource='security_group_rule', msg=str(e.content)) except vnc_exc.RefsExistError as e: try: rule_uuid = str(e).split(':')[1].strip() except IndexError: rule_uuid = None self._raise_contrail_exception('SecurityGroupRuleExists', resource='security_group_rule', id=rule_uuid) return # end _security_group_rule_create def resource_create(self, context, sgr_q): sgr_q['protocol'] = self._convert_protocol(sgr_q['protocol']) self._validate_port_range(sgr_q) sg_id = sgr_q['security_group_id'] sg_rule = self._security_group_rule_neutron_to_vnc(sgr_q) self._security_group_rule_create(sg_id, sg_rule, sgr_q.get('tenant_id', None)) ret_sg_rule_q = self._security_group_rule_vnc_to_neutron(sg_id, sg_rule) return ret_sg_rule_q class SecurityGroupRuleHandler(SecurityGroupRuleGetHandler, SecurityGroupRuleDeleteHandler, SecurityGroupRuleCreateHandler): pass
"""Extract and relay messages from the systemd journal """ from __future__ import print_function import argparse import errno import datetime import json import os import os.path import re #import select import smtplib import sys from email.mime.text import MIMEText from socket import gethostname from systemd import journal from systemd.id128 import get_boot MUTEX = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join('~', '.journal-notify.lock')) OOM_MESSAGE_START = re.compile('^.* invoked oom-killer: .*$') OOM_MESSAGE_END = re.compile('^Killed process .*') class timedelta(datetime.timedelta): # there's a bug in systemd.journal that attempts to access this method def totalseconds(self): return self.total_seconds() def _exit(msg, *args, **kwargs): ec = kwargs.pop('ec', 1) print(msg.format(*args, **kwargs), file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(ec) class LockFile(object): def __init__(self): self.__fname = MUTEX self.__fd = None def __open(self, flags, ignore=None, callback=None): try: return, flags) except (IOError, OSError) as exc: if exc.errno not in ignore or (): _exit('Unable to acquire lock {}: {}', self.__fname, str(exc)) if callback: return callback() return -1 def __acquire(self, first_attempt=True): kwargs = {} if first_attempt: kwargs.update({'ignore': (errno.EEXIST,), 'callback': self.__handle_stale}) self.__fd = self.__open(os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL, **kwargs) return self.__fd def __handle_stale(self): fd = self.__open(os.O_RDONLY, (errno.ENOENT,), lambda: self.__acquire(False)) if self.__fd is not None: # second self.__acquire succeeded return self.__fd pid =, 5) try: assert not, 1), 'Contains extra data' pid = int(pid) except Exception as exc: _exit('Lockfile {} contents malformed: {}', self.__fname, str(exc)) try: os.kill(pid, 0) except OSError: print('Removing stale lock file: {}'.format(self.__fname), file=sys.stderr) os.unlink(self.__fname) return self.__acquire(False) else: _exit('Process is still running: {}', pid) def __enter__(self): self.__acquire() os.write(self.__fd, str(os.getpid())) os.fsync(self.__fd) os.lseek(self.__fd, 0, 0) def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, traceback): os.close(self.__fd) os.unlink(self.__fname) class JournalReader(object): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self._state = None self._process = kwargs.get('process', True) self._mails = kwargs.get('mails', True) self._multiline_match = False self._reader = journal.Reader() for match in kwargs.get('matches', []): self.add_match(match) if kwargs.get('dmesg', False): self.dmesg() if kwargs.get('oom', False): self.dmesg() self.add_multiline_match(OOM_MESSAGE_START, OOM_MESSAGE_END) self._load_state() @property def _state_file(self): return os.path.expanduser(os.path.join('~', '.journal-notify.state')) def _load_state(self): try: with open(self._state_file, 'r') as fh: self._state = json.load(fh) except (IOError, OSError) as exc: if exc.errno == errno.ENOENT: self._state = {} else: raise def _dump_state(self): with open(self._state_file, 'w') as fh: json.dump(self._state, fh) def dmesg(self): self._reader.this_boot() self.add_match('_TRANSPORT=kernel') def add_match(self, match): self._reader.add_match(match) def add_multiline_match(self, start_msg, end_msg): self._multiline_match = True self._match_start = start_msg self._match_end = end_msg def _next_multiline_match(self): match = [] for event in self._reader: if not match and re.match(self._match_start, event['MESSAGE']): match.append(event) elif match and re.match(self._match_end, event['MESSAGE']): match.append(event) yield match match = [] elif match: match.append(event) def _last_monotonic(self, boot_id=None): if not boot_id: boot_id = get_boot() return timedelta(0, self._state.get(str(boot_id), 0)) def get_matching_events(self, boot_id=None): r = [] if not boot_id: boot_id = get_boot() last_monotonic = self._last_monotonic() self._reader.seek_monotonic(last_monotonic) if self._multiline_match: for match in self._next_multiline_match(): last_monotonic = match[-1]['__MONOTONIC_TIMESTAMP'][0] r.append(match) if self._process: self._state[str(boot_id)] = last_monotonic.total_seconds() self._dump_state() return r def output_matching_events(self, boot_id=None): parts = [] for event in self.get_matching_events(boot_id=boot_id): parts.append('>>> at {}:\n{}\n'.format(str(event[0]['__REALTIME_TIMESTAMP']), '\n'.join([e['MESSAGE'] for e in event]))) if not parts: return if self._mails: msg = MIMEText('\n'.join(parts)) msg['Subject'] = '{}: found {} matching journal events since last run'.format(gethostname(), len(parts)) msg['To'] = ', '.join(self._mails) msg['From'] = 'root@{}'.format(gethostname()) s = smtplib.SMTP('localhost') s.sendmail(msg['From'], self._mails, msg.as_string()) else: [print(part) for part in parts] def parse_arguments(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Watch systemd journal") parser.add_argument('--dmesg', action='store_true', help='journalctl -k/--dmesg') parser.add_argument('--oom', action='store_true', help='locate OOM Killer messages (implies --dmesg)') parser.add_argument('--match', action='append', dest='matches', default=[], help='Match on FIELD=value') parser.add_argument('--no-process', action='store_false', dest='process', default=True, help='Do not process messages and move pointer') parser.add_argument('--mail', action='append', dest='mails', default=[], help='Send mail to address') return parser.parse_args() def reader_kwargs(args): return vars(args) def main(): args = parse_arguments() kwargs = reader_kwargs(args) with LockFile(): reader = JournalReader(**kwargs) reader.output_matching_events() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
import pickle from ..math.matrix import Matrix from ..math.text2matrix import Text2Matrix from ..nlp.segmenter import Segmenter from ..common.global_info import GlobalInfo from ..common.configuration import Configuration class ChiSquareFilter: def __init__(self, config, nodeName, loadFromFile = False): self.curNode = config.GetChild(nodeName) self.rate = float(self.curNode.GetChild("rate").GetValue()) self.method = self.curNode.GetChild("method").GetValue() self.logPath = self.curNode.GetChild("log_path").GetValue() self.modelPath = self.curNode.GetChild("model_path").GetValue() self.idMap = None self.trained = loadFromFile if (loadFromFile): f = open(self.modelPath, "r") modelStr = pickle.load(f) [self.idMap] = pickle.loads(modelStr) f.close() def SampleFilter(self, cols, vals): if (not self.trained): print "train filter before test" return False #check parameter if (len(cols) <> len(vals)): print "length of cols should equals length of vals" return False #filter sample newCols = [] newVals = [] for c in range(0, len(cols)): if self.idMap[cols[c]] >= 0: newCols.append(self.idMap[cols[c]]) newVals.append(vals[c]) return [cols, vals] """ filter given x,y by blackList x's row should == y's row @return newx, newy filtered """ def MatrixFilter(self, x, y): if (not self.trained): print "train filter before test" return False #check parameter if (x.nRow <> len(y)): print "ERROR!x.nRow should == len(y)" return False #stores new rows, cols, and vals newRows = [0] newCols = [] newVals = [] for r in range(x.nRow): curRowLen = 0 #debug #print "===new doc===" for c in range(x.rows[r], x.rows[r + 1]): if self.idMap[x.cols[c]] >= 0 : newCols.append(self.idMap[x.cols[c]]) newVals.append(x.vals[c]) curRowLen += 1 newRows.append(newRows[len(newRows) - 1] + curRowLen) return [Matrix(newRows, newCols, newVals), y] """ create a blackList by given x,y @rate is a percentage of selected feature using next formulation: X^2(t, c) = N * (AD - CB)^2 ____________________ (A+C)(B+D)(A+B)(C+D) A,B,C,D is doc-count A: belong to c, include t B: Not belong to c, include t C: belong to c, Not include t D: Not belong to c, Not include t B = t's doc-count - A C = c's doc-count - A D = N - A - B - C and score of t can be calculated by next 2 formulations: X^2(t) = sigma p(ci)X^2(t,ci) (avg) i X^2(t) = max { X^2(t,c) } (max) @return true if succeed """ def TrainFilter(self, x, y): #check parameter if not ((self.method == "avg") or (self.method == "max")): print "ERROR!method should be avg or max" return False if (x.nRow <> len(y)): print "ERROR!x.nRow should == len(y)" return False #using y get set of target yy = set(y) yy = list(yy) yy.sort() #create a table stores X^2(t, c) #create a table stores A(belong to c, and include t chiTable = [[0 for i in range(x.nCol)] for j in range(yy[len(yy) - 1] + 1)] aTable = [[0 for i in range(x.nCol)] for j in range(yy[len(yy) - 1] + 1)] #calculate a-table for row in range(x.nRow): for col in range(x.rows[row], x.rows[row + 1]): aTable[y[row]][x.cols[col]] += 1 #calculate chi-table n = x.nRow for t in range(x.nCol): for cc in range(len(yy)): #get a a = aTable[yy[cc]][t] #get b b = GlobalInfo.idToDocCount[t] - a #get c c = GlobalInfo.classToDocCount[yy[cc]] - a #get d d = n - a - b -c #get X^2(t, c) numberator = float(n) * (a*d - c*b) * (a*d - c*b) denominator = float(a+c) * (b+d) * (a+b) * (c+d) chiTable[yy[cc]][t] = numberator / denominator #calculate chi-score of each t #chiScore is [score, t's id] ...(n) chiScore = [[0 for i in range(2)] for j in range(x.nCol)] if (self.method == "avg"): #calculate prior prob of each c priorC = [0 for i in range(yy[len(yy) - 1] + 1)] for i in range(len(yy)): priorC[yy[i]] = float(GlobalInfo.classToDocCount[yy[i]]) / n #calculate score of each t for t in range(x.nCol): chiScore[t][1] = t for c in range(len(yy)): chiScore[t][0] += priorC[yy[c]] * chiTable[yy[c]][t] else: #calculate score of each t for t in range(x.nCol): chiScore[t][1] = t for c in range(len(yy)): if (chiScore[t][0] < chiTable[yy[c]][t]): chiScore[t][0] = chiTable[yy[c]][t] #sort for chi-score, and make blackList chiScore = sorted(chiScore, key = lambda chiType:chiType[0], reverse = True) #init idmap self.idMap = [0 for i in range(x.nCol)] #add un-selected feature-id to idmap for i in range(int(self.rate * len(chiScore)), len(chiScore)): self.idMap[chiScore[i][1]] = -1 offset = 0 for i in range(x.nCol): if (self.idMap[i] < 0): offset += 1 else: self.idMap[i] = i - offset GlobalInfo.newIdToId[i - offset] = i #output model information if (self.modelPath <> ""): f = open(self.modelPath, "w") modelStr = pickle.dumps([self.idMap], 1) pickle.dump(modelStr, f) f.close() #output chiSquare info if (self.logPath <> ""): f = open(self.logPath, "w") f.write("chiSquare info:\n") f.write("=======selected========\n") for i in range(len(chiScore)): if (i == int(self.rate * len(chiScore))): f.write("========unselected=======\n") term = GlobalInfo.idToTerm[chiScore[i][1]] score = chiScore[i][0] f.write(term.encode("utf-8") + " " + str(score) + "\n") f.close() self.trained = True return True """ if __name__ == "__main__": config = Configuration.FromFile("conf/test.xml") GlobalInfo.Init(config, "__global__") txt2mat = Text2Matrix(config, "__matrix__") [trainx, trainy] = txt2mat.CreateTrainMatrix("data/tuangou_titles3.txt") chiFilter = ChiSquareFilter(config, "__filter__") chiFilter.TrainFilter(trainx, trainy) """
#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. '''Base types for nodes in a GRIT resource tree. ''' import os import sys import types from xml.sax import saxutils from grit import exception from grit import util from grit import clique import grit.format.interface class Node(grit.format.interface.ItemFormatter): '''An item in the tree that has children. Also implements the ItemFormatter interface to allow formatting a node as a GRD document.''' # Valid content types that can be returned by _ContentType() _CONTENT_TYPE_NONE = 0 # No CDATA content but may have children _CONTENT_TYPE_CDATA = 1 # Only CDATA, no children. _CONTENT_TYPE_MIXED = 2 # CDATA and children, possibly intermingled # Default nodes to not whitelist skipped _whitelist_marked_as_skip = False def __init__(self): self.children = [] # A list of child elements self.mixed_content = [] # A list of u'' and/or child elements (this # duplicates 'children' but # is needed to preserve markup-type content). = u'' # The name of this element self.attrs = {} # The set of attributes (keys to values) self.parent = None # Our parent unless we are the root element. self.uberclique = None # Allows overriding uberclique for parts of tree def __iter__(self): '''An in-order iteration through the tree that this node is the root of.''' return self.inorder() def inorder(self): '''Generator that generates first this node, then the same generator for any child nodes.''' yield self for child in self.children: for iterchild in child.inorder(): yield iterchild def GetRoot(self): '''Returns the root Node in the tree this Node belongs to.''' curr = self while curr.parent: curr = curr.parent return curr # TODO(joi) Use this (currently untested) optimization?: #if hasattr(self, '_root'): # return self._root #curr = self #while curr.parent and not hasattr(curr, '_root'): # curr = curr.parent #if curr.parent: # self._root = curr._root #else: # self._root = curr #return self._root def StartParsing(self, name, parent): '''Called at the start of parsing. Args: name: u'elementname' parent: grit.node.base.Node or subclass or None ''' assert isinstance(name, types.StringTypes) assert not parent or isinstance(parent, Node) = name self.parent = parent def AddChild(self, child): '''Adds a child to the list of children of this node, if it is a valid child for the node.''' assert isinstance(child, Node) if (not self._IsValidChild(child) or self._ContentType() == self._CONTENT_TYPE_CDATA): explanation = 'invalid child %s for parent %s' % (str(child), raise exception.UnexpectedChild(explanation) self.children.append(child) self.mixed_content.append(child) def RemoveChild(self, child_id): '''Removes the first node that has a "name" attribute which matches "child_id" in the list of immediate children of this node. Args: child_id: String identifying the child to be removed ''' index = 0 # Safe not to copy since we only remove the first element found for child in self.children: name_attr = child.attrs['name'] if name_attr == child_id: self.children.pop(index) self.mixed_content.pop(index) break index += 1 def AppendContent(self, content): '''Appends a chunk of text as content of this node. Args: content: u'hello' Return: None ''' assert isinstance(content, types.StringTypes) if self._ContentType() != self._CONTENT_TYPE_NONE: self.mixed_content.append(content) elif content.strip() != '': raise exception.UnexpectedContent() def HandleAttribute(self, attrib, value): '''Informs the node of an attribute that was parsed out of the GRD file for it. Args: attrib: 'name' value: 'fooblat' Return: None ''' assert isinstance(attrib, types.StringTypes) assert isinstance(value, types.StringTypes) if self._IsValidAttribute(attrib, value): self.attrs[attrib] = value else: raise exception.UnexpectedAttribute(attrib) def EndParsing(self): '''Called at the end of parsing.''' # TODO(joi) Rewrite this, it's extremely ugly! if len(self.mixed_content): if isinstance(self.mixed_content[0], types.StringTypes): # Remove leading and trailing chunks of pure whitespace. while (len(self.mixed_content) and isinstance(self.mixed_content[0], types.StringTypes) and self.mixed_content[0].strip() == ''): self.mixed_content = self.mixed_content[1:] # Strip leading and trailing whitespace from mixed content chunks # at front and back. if (len(self.mixed_content) and isinstance(self.mixed_content[0], types.StringTypes)): self.mixed_content[0] = self.mixed_content[0].lstrip() # Remove leading and trailing ''' (used to demarcate whitespace) if (len(self.mixed_content) and isinstance(self.mixed_content[0], types.StringTypes)): if self.mixed_content[0].startswith("'''"): self.mixed_content[0] = self.mixed_content[0][3:] if len(self.mixed_content): if isinstance(self.mixed_content[-1], types.StringTypes): # Same stuff all over again for the tail end. while (len(self.mixed_content) and isinstance(self.mixed_content[-1], types.StringTypes) and self.mixed_content[-1].strip() == ''): self.mixed_content = self.mixed_content[:-1] if (len(self.mixed_content) and isinstance(self.mixed_content[-1], types.StringTypes)): self.mixed_content[-1] = self.mixed_content[-1].rstrip() if (len(self.mixed_content) and isinstance(self.mixed_content[-1], types.StringTypes)): if self.mixed_content[-1].endswith("'''"): self.mixed_content[-1] = self.mixed_content[-1][:-3] # Check that all mandatory attributes are there. for node_mandatt in self.MandatoryAttributes(): mandatt_list = [] if node_mandatt.find('|') >= 0: mandatt_list = node_mandatt.split('|') else: mandatt_list.append(node_mandatt) mandatt_option_found = False for mandatt in mandatt_list: assert mandatt not in self.DefaultAttributes().keys() if mandatt in self.attrs: if not mandatt_option_found: mandatt_option_found = True else: raise exception.MutuallyExclusiveMandatoryAttribute(mandatt) if not mandatt_option_found: raise exception.MissingMandatoryAttribute(mandatt) # Add default attributes if not specified in input file. for defattr in self.DefaultAttributes(): if not defattr in self.attrs: self.attrs[defattr] = self.DefaultAttributes()[defattr] def GetCdata(self): '''Returns all CDATA of this element, concatenated into a single string. Note that this ignores any elements embedded in CDATA.''' return ''.join([c for c in self.mixed_content if isinstance(c, types.StringTypes)]) def __unicode__(self): '''Returns this node and all nodes below it as an XML document in a Unicode string.''' header = u'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n' return header + self.FormatXml() # Compliance with ItemFormatter interface. def Format(self, item, lang_re = None): return item.FormatXml() def FormatXml(self, indent = u'', one_line = False): '''Returns this node and all nodes below it as an XML element in a Unicode string. This differs from __unicode__ in that it does not include the <?xml> stuff at the top of the string. If one_line is true, children and CDATA are layed out in a way that preserves internal whitespace. ''' assert isinstance(indent, types.StringTypes) content_one_line = (one_line or self._ContentType() == self._CONTENT_TYPE_MIXED) inside_content = self.ContentsAsXml(indent, content_one_line) # Then the attributes for this node. attribs = u' ' for (attrib, value) in self.attrs.iteritems(): # Only print an attribute if it is other than the default value. if (not self.DefaultAttributes().has_key(attrib) or value != self.DefaultAttributes()[attrib]): attribs += u'%s=%s ' % (attrib, saxutils.quoteattr(value)) attribs = attribs.rstrip() # if no attribs, we end up with '', otherwise # we end up with a space-prefixed string # Finally build the XML for our node and return it if len(inside_content) > 0: if one_line: return u'<%s%s>%s</%s>' % (, attribs, inside_content, elif content_one_line: return u'%s<%s%s>\n%s %s\n%s</%s>' % ( indent,, attribs, indent, inside_content, indent, else: return u'%s<%s%s>\n%s\n%s</%s>' % ( indent,, attribs, inside_content, indent, else: return u'%s<%s%s />' % (indent,, attribs) def ContentsAsXml(self, indent, one_line): '''Returns the contents of this node (CDATA and child elements) in XML format. If 'one_line' is true, the content will be laid out on one line.''' assert isinstance(indent, types.StringTypes) # Build the contents of the element. inside_parts = [] last_item = None for mixed_item in self.mixed_content: if isinstance(mixed_item, Node): inside_parts.append(mixed_item.FormatXml(indent + u' ', one_line)) if not one_line: inside_parts.append(u'\n') else: message = mixed_item # If this is the first item and it starts with whitespace, we add # the ''' delimiter. if not last_item and message.lstrip() != message: message = u"'''" + message inside_parts.append(util.EncodeCdata(message)) last_item = mixed_item # If there are only child nodes and no cdata, there will be a spurious # trailing \n if len(inside_parts) and inside_parts[-1] == '\n': inside_parts = inside_parts[:-1] # If the last item is a string (not a node) and ends with whitespace, # we need to add the ''' delimiter. if (isinstance(last_item, types.StringTypes) and last_item.rstrip() != last_item): inside_parts[-1] = inside_parts[-1] + u"'''" return u''.join(inside_parts) def RunGatherers(self, recursive=0, debug=False, substitute_messages=False): '''Runs all gatherers on this object, which may add to the data stored by the object. If 'recursive' is true, will call RunGatherers() recursively on all child nodes first. If 'debug' is True, will print out information as it is running each nodes' gatherers. ''' if recursive: for child in self.children: assert != 'translations' # <grit> node overrides child.RunGatherers(recursive=recursive, debug=debug) def SubstituteMessages(self, substituter): '''Applies substitutions to all messages in the tree. Called as a final step of RunGatherers. Args: substituter: a grit.util.Substituter object. ''' for child in self.children: child.SubstituteMessages(substituter) def ItemFormatter(self, type): '''Returns an instance of the item formatter for this object of the specified type, or None if not supported. Args: type: 'rc-header' Return: (object RcHeaderItemFormatter) ''' if type == 'xml': return self else: return None def SatisfiesOutputCondition(self): '''Returns true if this node is either not a descendant of an <if> element, or if all conditions on its <if> element ancestors are satisfied. Used to determine whether to return item formatters for formats that obey conditional output of resources (e.g. the RC formatters). ''' from grit.node import misc if self.parent: return self.parent.SatisfiesOutputCondition() else: return True def _IsValidChild(self, child): '''Returns true if 'child' is a valid child of this node. Overridden by subclasses.''' return False def _IsValidAttribute(self, name, value): '''Returns true if 'name' is the name of a valid attribute of this element and 'value' is a valid value for that attribute. Overriden by subclasses unless they have only mandatory attributes.''' return (name in self.MandatoryAttributes() or name in self.DefaultAttributes()) def _ContentType(self): '''Returns the type of content this element can have. Overridden by subclasses. The content type can be one of the _CONTENT_TYPE_XXX constants above.''' return self._CONTENT_TYPE_NONE def MandatoryAttributes(self): '''Returns a list of attribute names that are mandatory (non-optional) on the current element. One can specify a list of "mutually exclusive mandatory" attributes by specifying them as one element in the list, separated by a "|" character. ''' return [] def DefaultAttributes(self): '''Returns a dictionary of attribute names that have defaults, mapped to the default value. Overridden by subclasses.''' return {} def GetCliques(self): '''Returns all MessageClique objects belonging to this node. Overridden by subclasses. Return: [clique1, clique2] or [] ''' return [] def ToRealPath(self, path_from_basedir): '''Returns a real path (which can be absolute or relative to the current working directory), given a path that is relative to the base directory set for the GRIT input file. Args: path_from_basedir: '..' Return: 'resource' ''' return util.normpath(os.path.join(self.GetRoot().GetBaseDir(), os.path.expandvars(path_from_basedir))) def FilenameToOpen(self): '''Returns a path, either absolute or relative to the current working directory, that points to the file the node refers to. This is only valid for nodes that have a 'file' or 'path' attribute. Note that the attribute is a path to the file relative to the 'base-dir' of the .grd file, whereas this function returns a path that can be used to open the file.''' file_attribute = 'file' if not file_attribute in self.attrs: file_attribute = 'path' return self.ToRealPath(self.attrs[file_attribute]) def UberClique(self): '''Returns the uberclique that should be used for messages originating in a given node. If the node itself has its uberclique set, that is what we use, otherwise we search upwards until we find one. If we do not find one even at the root node, we set the root node's uberclique to a new uberclique instance. ''' node = self while not node.uberclique and node.parent: node = node.parent if not node.uberclique: node.uberclique = clique.UberClique() return node.uberclique def IsTranslateable(self): '''Returns false if the node has contents that should not be translated, otherwise returns false (even if the node has no contents). ''' if not 'translateable' in self.attrs: return True else: return self.attrs['translateable'] == 'true' def GetNodeById(self, id): '''Returns the node in the subtree parented by this node that has a 'name' attribute matching 'id'. Returns None if no such node is found. ''' for node in self: if 'name' in node.attrs and node.attrs['name'] == id: return node return None def GetChildrenOfType(self, type): '''Returns a list of all subnodes (recursing to all leaves) of this node that are of the indicated type. Args: type: A type you could use with isinstance(). Return: A list, possibly empty. ''' return [child for child in self if isinstance(child, type)] def GetTextualIds(self): '''Returns the textual ids of this node, if it has some. Otherwise it just returns None. ''' if 'name' in self.attrs: return [self.attrs['name']] return None def EvaluateCondition(self, expr): '''Returns true if and only if the Python expression 'expr' evaluates to true. The expression is given a few local variables: - 'lang' is the language currently being output - 'defs' is a map of C preprocessor-style define names to their values - 'os' is the current platform (likely 'linux2', 'win32' or 'darwin'). - 'pp_ifdef(define)' which behaves just like the C preprocessors #ifdef, i.e. it is shorthand for "define in defs" - 'pp_if(define)' which behaves just like the C preprocessor's #if, i.e. it is shorthand for "define in defs and defs[define]". ''' root = self.GetRoot() lang = '' defs = {} def pp_ifdef(define): return define in defs def pp_if(define): return define in defs and defs[define] if hasattr(root, 'output_language'): lang = root.output_language if hasattr(root, 'defines'): defs = root.defines variable_map = { 'lang' : lang, 'defs' : defs, 'os': sys.platform, 'is_linux': sys.platform.startswith('linux'), 'is_macosx': sys.platform == 'darwin', 'is_win': sys.platform in ('cygwin', 'win32'), 'is_posix': (sys.platform in ('darwin', 'linux2', 'linux3', 'sunos5') or sys.platform.find('bsd') != -1), 'pp_ifdef' : pp_ifdef, 'pp_if' : pp_if, } return eval(expr, {}, variable_map) def OnlyTheseTranslations(self, languages): '''Turns off loading of translations for languages not in the provided list. Attrs: languages: ['fr', 'zh_cn'] ''' for node in self: if (hasattr(node, 'IsTranslation') and node.IsTranslation() and node.GetLang() not in languages): node.DisableLoading() def PseudoIsAllowed(self): '''Returns true if this node is allowed to use pseudo-translations. This is true by default, unless this node is within a <release> node that has the allow_pseudo attribute set to false. ''' p = self.parent while p: if 'allow_pseudo' in p.attrs: return (p.attrs['allow_pseudo'].lower() == 'true') p = p.parent return True def ShouldFallbackToEnglish(self): '''Returns true iff this node should fall back to English when pseudotranslations are disabled and no translation is available for a given message. ''' p = self.parent while p: if 'fallback_to_english' in p.attrs: return (p.attrs['fallback_to_english'].lower() == 'true') p = p.parent return False def WhitelistMarkedAsSkip(self): '''Returns true if the node is marked to be skipped in the output by a whitelist. ''' return self._whitelist_marked_as_skip def SetWhitelistMarkedAsSkip(self, mark_skipped): '''Sets WhitelistMarkedAsSkip. ''' self._whitelist_marked_as_skip = mark_skipped def ExpandVariables(self): '''Whether we need to expand variables on a given node.''' return False class ContentNode(Node): '''Convenience baseclass for nodes that can have content.''' def _ContentType(self): return self._CONTENT_TYPE_MIXED
# Copyright (C) 2014 Parker Michaels # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a # copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), # to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation # the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, # and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the # Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER # DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. from Lexer import RulesFileException from ASTBase import Node, Scope from ..Common import lower_nullable class PatternAttributes(object): """ Represents the attributes which can be applied to a pattern using a prefix attached to the first string. (e.g. i"hello") @ivar is_literal: Indicates that all characters in the pattern are literal @ivar is_unicode_defaults: Indicates that special characters and classes should use Unicode equivalents @ivar is_case_insensitive: Indicates that letters in the pattern should match both their uppercase and lowercase versions """ def __init__(self, is_case_insensitive, is_unicode_defaults, is_literal): """ @param is_literal: Boolean which, if True, indicates that all characters in the pattern are literal @param is_unicode_defaults: Boolean which, if True, indicates that special characters and classes should use Unicode equivalents @param is_case_insensitive: Boolean which, if True, indicates that letters in the pattern should match both their uppercase and lowercase versions """ if is_literal and is_unicode_defaults: raise ValueError("Pattern cannot be both literal and have Unicode special characters") self.is_literal = is_literal self.is_unicode_defaults = is_unicode_defaults self.is_case_insensitive = is_case_insensitive class Pattern(Node): """ Represents a regular expression string @ivar regex: string containing the regular expression @ivar attributes: a set of pattern attributes which guide parsing @ivar line_number: integer with the line number in the source where this object was parsed """ def accept(self, visitor): visitor.visit_pattern(self) def __init__(self, regex, attributes = PatternAttributes(False, False, False), line_number=None): self.regex = regex self.attributes = attributes self.line_number = line_number def __ne__(self, rhs): return not self.__eq__(rhs) def __eq__(self, rhs): return (isinstance(rhs, Pattern) and self.regex == rhs.regex and self.is_case_insensitive == rhs.is_case_insensitive) def __repr__(self): return "Pattern(\"%s\", %s)" % (self.regex, self.is_case_insensitive) class Define(Node): """ Represents a 'Let id = pattern' variable declaration @ivar id: the name of the variable @ivar pattern: a Pattern object representing the variable's value @ivar line_number: integer with the line number in the source where this object was parsed """ def accept(self, visitor): visitor.visit_define(self) def __init__(self, id, pattern, line_number=None): = id self.pattern = pattern self.line_number = line_number def __ne__(self, rhs): return not self.__eq__(rhs) def __eq__(self, rhs): return (isinstance(rhs, Define) and == and self.pattern == rhs.pattern) def __repr__(self): return "Define(%s, %s)" % (repr(, repr(self.pattern)) class SectionReference(Node): """ Represents an unresolved reference to a section @ivar name: the name of section being referenced @ivar line_number: integer with the line number in the source where this object was parsed """ def accept(self, visitor): visitor.visit_section_reference(self) def __init__(self, name, line_number=None): = name self.line_number = line_number def __repr__(self): return "SectionReference(%s)" % repr( def __ne__(self, rhs): return not self.__eq__(rhs) def __eq__(self, rhs): return == class Rule(Node): """ Represents a lexical analyzer rule with a 'action? id: pattern (section_action section?)?' syntax @ivar id: string containing the name of the rule @ivar pattern: Pattern object representing the regular expression that matches the rule @ivar rule_action: set of lowercase strings indicating what action to take if the rule matches @ivar section_action: string containing the action to take after matching the rule @ivar section: Section or SectionReference object specifying which section the analyzer should enter after matching the rule @ivar line_number: integer with the line number in the source where this object was parsed """ def accept(self, visitor): visitor.visit_rule(self) def __init__(self, id, pattern, rule_action=[], section_action=None, line_number=None): = id self.pattern = pattern self.rule_action = list(i.lower() for i in rule_action) if section_action is None: self.section_action = (None, None) else: self.section_action = section_action self.line_number = line_number def __hash__(self): return hash((lower_nullable(, frozenset(self.rule_action), self.section_action)) def __ne__(self, rhs): return not self.__eq__(rhs) def __eq__(self, rhs): return (isinstance(rhs, Rule) and compare_nullable_icase(, and self.pattern == rhs.pattern and self.rule_action == rhs.rule_action and self.section_action == rhs.section_action) def __repr__(self): return "Rule(Id=%s, %s, Action=%s, SectionAction=%s)" % (repr(, repr(self.pattern), repr(self.rule_action), repr(self.section_action)) class Section(Scope): """ Represents a grouping of rules, ids, and reserved keywords @ivar id: string which identifies the section within its containing scope @iver inherits: True if this section should fall back on its parent's rules, False otherwise @iver exits: True if this section should fall back on its parent's rules and exit the section if it does so, False otherwise @ivar line_number: integer with the line number in the source where this object was parsed """ def accept(self, visitor): visitor.visit_section(self) def __init__(self, id, parent=None, inherits=False, exits=False, line_number=None, **resources): Scope.__init__(self, parent, line_number, **resources) = id self.inherits = inherits self.exits = exits self.line_number = line_number for id, section in self.all('section'): section.parent = self self.children[id.lower()] = section for id, rule in self.all('rule'): action, target = rule.section_action if isinstance(target, Section): self.add('section', target) target.parent = self if is not None: self.children[] = target def __ne__(self, rhs): return not self.__eq__(rhs) def __eq__(self, rhs): return (isinstance(rhs, Section) and compare_nullable_icase(, and self.inherits == rhs.inherits and self.exits == rhs.exits and Scope.__eq__(self, rhs)) def __repr__(self): resources = [] for resource_type in self.resources: formatted_type = resource_type.title() contents = ', '.join(repr(i) for i in self.resources[resource_type].values()) resources.append('{type}=[{contents}]'.format(type=formatted_type, contents=contents)) return "Section({id}, {resources}, Inherits={inherits}, Exits={exits})".format( id=repr(, resources=resources, inherits=self.inherits, exits=self.exits) def get_qualified_name(self): """ Return the qualified (hierarchical) name of the section. @return: string representing the qualified name of the section """ current_scope = self qualified_name_items = [] while current_scope is not None: qualified_name_items.insert(0, current_scope) current_scope = current_scope.parent return '.'.join( for i in qualified_name_items)
#!/usr/bin/python3 import numpy as np from datetime import datetime import sys from sys import argv def softmax(x): # print('softmax x dim:' + str(x.shape)) exp_scores = np.exp(x) probs = exp_scores / np.sum(exp_scores, axis=0, keepdims=True) return probs class RNN: def __init__(self, vocab_dim, hidden_dim=100): self.vocab_dim = vocab_dim self.hidden_dim = hidden_dim # svaed hidden state self.hprev = np.zeros((hidden_dim, 1)) # input matrix self.U = np.random.randn(hidden_dim, vocab_dim) * 0.01 # output matrix self.V = np.random.randn(vocab_dim, hidden_dim) * 0.01 # transition matrix self.W = np.random.randn(hidden_dim, hidden_dim) * 0.01 # hidden bias = np.zeros((hidden_dim, 1)) # output bias = np.zeros((vocab_dim, 1)) # memory for adaptive gradient self.mU = np.zeros_like(self.U) self.mV = np.zeros_like(self.V) self.mW = np.zeros_like(self.W) self.mbh = np.zeros_like( self.mby = np.zeros_like( # total loss self.sequence_len = 25 self.loss = 0 self.ch_to_x = {} for i in range(self.vocab_dim): ch = chr(i) self.ch_to_x[ch] = self.convert_ch_to_x(ch) def reset_epoch(self): self.loss = -np.log(1.0 / self.vocab_dim) * self.sequence_len self.hprev = np.zeros_like(self.hprev) def reset_prediction(self): self.hprev = np.zeros_like(self.hprev) def convert_ch_to_x(self, ch): x = np.zeros((self.vocab_dim, 1)) x[ord(ch)][0] = 1 return x def get_data(self, string): return np.array([self.ch_to_x[ch] for ch in string]) def replace_non_ascii(self, string): return ''.join([ch if ord(ch) < 128 else '\x01' for ch in string]) def forward_propagation(self, x, y_chars = None): # total number of input samples T = len(x) # saved hidden states T times s = np.zeros((T, self.hidden_dim, 1)) # and last one row is hprev s[-1] = np.copy(self.hprev) # saved previous outputs T times o = np.zeros((T, self.vocab_dim, 1)) # 1-to-vocab_size representation #print('T=' + str(T)) #print('s' + str(s.shape)) #print('x' + str(x.shape)) #print('U' + str(self.U.shape)) #print('W' + str(self.W.shape)) #print('V' + str(self.V.shape)) #print('U*x' + str([0]).shape)) #print('W*s' + str([0]).shape)) #print('bh' + str( # for each char if y_chars: #print('T=' + str(T)) for t in range(T): s[t] = np.tanh([t]) +[t-1]) + o[t] = softmax([t]) + self.loss += -np.log(o[t][ord(y_chars[t])]) else: for t in range(T): s[t] = np.tanh([t]) +[t-1]) + o[t] = softmax([t]) + self.hprev = np.copy(s[-1]) return [o, s, self.loss] def predict(self, x): o, s, loss = self.forward_propagation(x) #print(o[len(x)-1,:]) return np.argmax(o[len(x)-1:]) #return o[len(x)-1,:] # select only last state from o def predict_char(self, ch): return chr(self.predict(np.array([self.ch_to_x[ch]]))) def back_propagation(self, x, y, y_chars): T = len(y) # forward prop step o, s, loss = self.forward_propagation(x, y_chars) # gradients dLdU = np.zeros_like(self.U) dLdV = np.zeros_like(self.V) dLdW = np.zeros_like(self.W) dLdbh = np.zeros_like( dLdby = np.zeros_like( dhnext = np.zeros_like(s[0]) # calculate errors [vectorized] delta_o = o - y #print('delta_o=' + str(delta_o.shape)) # for each output backwards for t in reversed(range(T)): dLdV += np.outer(delta_o[t], s[t].T) dLdby += delta_o[t] #initial dh calculation dh =[t]) + dhnext dhraw = (1 - (s[t] ** 2)) * dh dLdbh += dhraw dLdW += np.outer(dhraw, s[t-1]) dLdU += np.outer(dhraw, x[t]) # update delta for next step dhnext = for dparam in [dLdU, dLdV, dLdW, dLdbh, dLdby]: np.clip(dparam, -5, 5, out=dparam) # clip to mitigate exploding gradient return [dLdU, dLdV, dLdW, dLdbh, dLdby] # adaptive gradient learning step def adagrad_step(self, x, y, y_chars, learning_rate): dLdU, dLdV, dLdW, dLdbh, dLdby = self.back_propagation(x, y, y_chars) # Change parameters according to gradients and learning rate for param, dparam, mem in zip( [self.U, self.V, self.W,, ], [dLdU, dLdV, dLdW, dLdbh, dLdby ], [self.mU, self.mV, self.mW, self.mbh, self.mby]): mem += dparam * dparam param += -learning_rate * dparam / np.sqrt(mem + 1e-8) #adagrad update @staticmethod def load(filename): import pickle from os import path if path.exists(filename): with open(filename, 'rb') as f: return pickle.load(f) return None def save(self, filename): import pickle with open(filename, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(self, f) return True return False # Outer AdaGrad Loop # - self: The RNN model instance # - filename: text code file # - learning_rate: Initial learning rate for SGD # - nepoch: Number of times to iterate through the complete dataset # - evaluate_loss_after: Evaluate the loss after this many epochs def train(self, filename, learning_rate=0.1, nepoch=100, evaluate_loss_after=3): # We keep track of the losses so we can plot them later losses = [] num_examples_seen = 0 string = '' with open(filename, 'rb') as f: bytes = print('Data have been read from %s, size=%d' % (filename, len(bytes))) string = self.replace_non_ascii(bytes.decode('866')) print('Data have been decoded into strin') for epoch in range(nepoch): # Optionally evaluate the loss if (epoch % evaluate_loss_after == 0): losses.append((num_examples_seen, self.loss)) time ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') print( "%s: Loss after num_examples_seen=%d epoch=%d: %f" % (time, num_examples_seen, epoch, self.loss)) # Adjust the learning rate if loss increases if (len(losses) > 1 and losses[-1][1] > losses[-2][1]): learning_rate = learning_rate * 0.5 print( "Setting learning rate to %f" % learning_rate)'model.' + str(epoch) + ".dat") sys.stdout.flush() self.reset_epoch() print('epoch.' +str(epoch)) beg = 0 end = beg + self.sequence_len while(end < len(string)): # input sequence of enoded vectors X_seq = self.get_data(string[beg:end]) # true output chars for the above input is shifted by one char the same sequence y_chars = string[beg+1:end+1] # encoded output y_seq = self.get_data(y_chars) # One adagrad step self.adagrad_step(X_seq, y_seq, y_chars, learning_rate) num_examples_seen += 1 # iterate beg += self.sequence_len end = beg + self.sequence_len def usage(): print("Usage: " + argv[0] + " <samples> [APPEND]") def main(): if len(argv) != 2 and len(argv) != 3: usage() exit(-1) append_model = (len(argv) == 3) filename = argv[1] model = RNN(128) #[0-127] 128 total ascii characters, all non-ascii will be mapped onto 0 loaded_model = model.load('model.dat') if not loaded_model: model.train(filename)'model.dat') elif append_model: loaded_model.train(filename)'model.dat') else: print('model.dat already presented!!!! Remove it if you want to regenerate model') exit(-1) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
# Copyright 2020 Google LLC # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """COCO dataset register.""" # pylint: disable=invalid-name # pylint: disable=g-explicit-length-test # pylint: redefined-outer-name import json import numpy as np import os import tqdm from tensorpack.utils import logger from tensorpack.utils.timer import timed_operation from config import config as cfg from pycocotools.coco import COCO from pycocotools.cocoeval import COCOeval from FasterRCNN.dataset import DatasetRegistry from FasterRCNN.dataset import DatasetSplit from FasterRCNN.dataset.coco import COCODetection as COCODetectionBase from FasterRCNN.dataset.coco import register_coco as register_coco_supervised __all__ = ["register_coco"] # register semi-supervised splits for coco SEMI_SUPERVISED_SPLITS = [] for seed in range(1, 6): for percent in [1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50]: SEMI_SUPERVISED_SPLITS.append("train2017.{}@{}".format(seed, percent)) # adding corresponding unlabeled one SEMI_SUPERVISED_SPLITS.append("train2017.{}@{}-unlabeled".format( seed, percent)) # 100% , unlab is with lab SEMI_SUPERVISED_SPLITS.append("train2017.{}@{}-extra".format(0, 100)) SEMI_SUPERVISED_SPLITS.append("train2017.{}@{}-extra-unlabeled".format(0, 100)) # coco unlabled data SEMI_SUPERVISED_SPLITS.append("unlabeled2017") # coco 20 class unlabeled for voc NUM_20CLASS = 1 SEMI_SUPERVISED_SPLITS.append("unlabeledtrainval20class") class COCODetection(COCODetectionBase): """COCO class object. Mapping from the incontinuous COCO category id to an id in [1, #category] For your own coco-format, dataset, change this to an **empty dict**. """ # handle a few special splits whose names do not match the directory names _INSTANCE_TO_BASEDIR = { "valminusminival2014": "val2014", "minival2014": "val2014", "val2017_100": "val2017", "unlabeled2017": "unlabeled2017", "train2017.{}@{}-extra".format(0, 100): "", "train2017.{}@{}-extra-unlabeled".format(0, 100): "", } def __init__(self, basedir, split): """Init. Args: basedir (str): root of the dataset which contains the subdirectories for each split and annotations split (str): the name of the split, e.g. "train2017". The split has to match an annotation file in "annotations/" and a directory of images. Examples: For a directory of this structure: DIR/ annotations/ instances_XX.json instances_YY.json XX/ YY/ use `COCODetection(DIR, 'XX')` and `COCODetection(DIR, 'YY')` """ for sp in SEMI_SUPERVISED_SPLITS: if sp not in self._INSTANCE_TO_BASEDIR: self._INSTANCE_TO_BASEDIR.update({str(sp): "train2017"}) basedir = os.path.expanduser(basedir) self._imgdir = os.path.realpath( os.path.join(basedir, self._INSTANCE_TO_BASEDIR.get(split, split))) assert os.path.isdir(self._imgdir), "{} is not a directory!".format( self._imgdir) if split in SEMI_SUPERVISED_SPLITS: annotation_file = os.path.join( basedir, "annotations/semi_supervised/instances_{}.json".format(split)) else: annotation_file = os.path.join( basedir, "annotations/instances_{}.json".format(split)) assert os.path.isfile(annotation_file), annotation_file self.coco = COCO(annotation_file) self.annotation_file = annotation_file"Instances loaded from {}.".format(annotation_file)) def eval_inference_results2(self, results, output=None, threshold=None, metric_only=False): # Compared with eval_inference_results, v2 version has an threshold # used to filter scores below. It is designed for SSL experiments. if not metric_only: if threshold is not None: logger.warn( "Use thresholding {} to filter final resulting boxes".format( threshold)) continuous_id_to_COCO_id = { v: k for k, v in self.COCO_id_to_category_id.items() } n = 0 final_results = [] for res in results: # convert to COCO's incontinuous category id if res["category_id"] in continuous_id_to_COCO_id: res["category_id"] = continuous_id_to_COCO_id[res["category_id"]] if threshold is not None: if res["score"] < threshold: n += 1 continue # COCO expects results in xywh format box = res["bbox"] box[2] -= box[0] box[3] -= box[1] res["bbox"] = [round(float(x), 3) for x in box] final_results.append(res) results = final_results if output is not None: if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(output)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(output)) with open(output, "w") as f: json.dump(results, f) if threshold is not None: with open(output + "_boxcount.json", "w") as f: r = {"passed": len(results), "removed": n} print("Box thresholding stats: \n\t", r) json.dump(r, f) if len(results): metrics = self.print_coco_metrics(results) # save precision_recall data: precision_recall = self.cocoEval.precision_recall pr_path = os.path.join(os.path.split(output)[0], "precision_recall.npy") print("Saving precision_recall curve to {}".format(pr_path)), {"pr": precision_recall}) # sometimes may crash if the results are empty? return metrics else: return {} def register_coco(basedir): """Register COCO. Add COCO datasets like "coco_train201x" to the registry, so you can refer to them with names in `cfg.DATA.TRAIN/VAL`. Note that train2017==trainval35k==train2014+val2014-minival2014, and val2017==minival2014. Args: basedir: root dir that saves datasets. """ # 80 names for COCO # For your own coco-format dataset, change this. class_names = [ "person", "bicycle", "car", "motorcycle", "airplane", "bus", "train", "truck", "boat", "traffic light", "fire hydrant", "stop sign", "parking meter", "bench", "bird", "cat", "dog", "horse", "sheep", "cow", "elephant", "bear", "zebra", "giraffe", "backpack", "umbrella", "handbag", "tie", "suitcase", "frisbee", "skis", "snowboard", "sports ball", "kite", "baseball bat", "baseball glove", "skateboard", "surfboard", "tennis racket", "bottle", "wine glass", "cup", "fork", "knife", "spoon", "bowl", "banana", "apple", "sandwich", "orange", "broccoli", "carrot", "hot dog", "pizza", "donut", "cake", "chair", "couch", "potted plant", "bed", "dining table", "toilet", "tv", "laptop", "mouse", "remote", "keyboard", "cell phone", "microwave", "oven", "toaster", "sink", "refrigerator", "book", "clock", "vase", "scissors", "teddy bear", "hair drier", "toothbrush" ] # noqa class_names = ["BG"] + class_names register_coco_supervised(basedir) for split in SEMI_SUPERVISED_SPLITS[:-NUM_20CLASS]: name = "coco_" + split DatasetRegistry.register(name, lambda x=split: COCODetection(basedir, x)) DatasetRegistry.register_metadata(name, "class_names", class_names)"Register dataset {}".format( [a for a in DatasetRegistry._registry.keys()])) # pylint: disable=protected-access assert os.environ["COCODIR"], "COCODIR environ variable is not set".format( os.environ["COCODIR"]) # also register coco train set 20 class for voc experiments register_coco_for_voc(os.environ["COCODIR"]) class COCODetectionForVOC(COCODetection): """COCODetection for VOC.""" # set to empty since this instances_unlabeledtrainval20class.json file has file_name with relative path to train2017 or val2017 _INSTANCE_TO_BASEDIR = {"unlabeledtrainval20class": ""} # this mapping is obtained by running dataset/ COCO_id_to_category_id = { 64: 14, 1: 3, 2: 6, 3: 10, 4: 1, 5: 16, 6: 18, 7: 9, 72: 20, 9: 8, 67: 19, 44: 17, 16: 11, 17: 12, 18: 2, 19: 4, 20: 15, 21: 7, 62: 13, 63: 5 } def register_coco_for_voc(basedir): class_names = [ "person", "chair", "aeroplane", "bus", "cow", "bird", "motorbike", "boat", "car", "horse", "sofa", "pottedplant", "tvmonitor", "cat", "train", "bottle", "diningtable", "dog", "bicycle", "sheep" ] class_names = ["BG"] + class_names for split in SEMI_SUPERVISED_SPLITS[-NUM_20CLASS:]: name = "coco_" + split DatasetRegistry.register( name, lambda x=split: COCODetectionForVOC(basedir, x)) DatasetRegistry.register_metadata(name, "class_names", class_names)"Register dataset {}".format( [a for a in DatasetRegistry._registry.keys()])) if __name__ == "__main__": basedir = "<add-data-path>" c = COCODetection(basedir, "train2017") roidb = c.load(add_gt=True, add_mask=True) print("#Images:", len(roidb))
# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst """ This module contains functions to determine where configuration and data/cache files used by Astropy should be placed. """ from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals) from ..extern import six from ..utils.decorators import wraps import os import shutil import sys __all__ = ['get_config_dir', 'get_cache_dir', 'set_temp_config', 'set_temp_cache'] def _find_home(): """ Locates and return the home directory (or best approximation) on this system. Raises ------ OSError If the home directory cannot be located - usually means you are running Astropy on some obscure platform that doesn't have standard home directories. """ # this is used below to make fix up encoding issues that sometimes crop up # in py2.x but not in py3.x if six.PY2: decodepath = lambda pth: pth.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) else: decodepath = lambda pth: pth # First find the home directory - this is inspired by the scheme ipython # uses to identify "home" if == 'posix': # Linux, Unix, AIX, OS X if 'HOME' in os.environ: homedir = decodepath(os.environ['HOME']) else: raise OSError('Could not find unix home directory to search for ' 'astropy config dir') elif == 'nt': # This is for all modern Windows (NT or after) if 'MSYSTEM' in os.environ and os.environ.get('HOME'): # Likely using an msys shell; use whatever it is using for its # $HOME directory homedir = decodepath(os.environ['HOME']) # Next try for a network home elif 'HOMESHARE' in os.environ: homedir = decodepath(os.environ['HOMESHARE']) # See if there's a local home elif 'HOMEDRIVE' in os.environ and 'HOMEPATH' in os.environ: homedir = os.path.join(os.environ['HOMEDRIVE'], os.environ['HOMEPATH']) homedir = decodepath(homedir) # Maybe a user profile? elif 'USERPROFILE' in os.environ: homedir = decodepath(os.path.join(os.environ['USERPROFILE'])) else: try: from ..extern.six.moves import winreg as wreg shell_folders = r'Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders' key = wreg.OpenKey(wreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, shell_folders) homedir = wreg.QueryValueEx(key, 'Personal')[0] homedir = decodepath(homedir) key.Close() except Exception: # As a final possible resort, see if HOME is present if 'HOME' in os.environ: homedir = decodepath(os.environ['HOME']) else: raise OSError('Could not find windows home directory to ' 'search for astropy config dir') else: # for other platforms, try HOME, although it probably isn't there if 'HOME' in os.environ: homedir = decodepath(os.environ['HOME']) else: raise OSError('Could not find a home directory to search for ' 'astropy config dir - are you on an unspported ' 'platform?') return homedir def get_config_dir(create=True): """ Determines the Astropy configuration directory name and creates the directory if it doesn't exist. This directory is typically ``$HOME/.astropy/config``, but if the XDG_CONFIG_HOME environment variable is set and the ``$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/astropy`` directory exists, it will be that directory. If neither exists, the former will be created and symlinked to the latter. Returns ------- configdir : str The absolute path to the configuration directory. """ # symlink will be set to this if the directory is created linkto = None # If using set_temp_config, that overrides all if set_temp_config._temp_path is not None: xch = set_temp_config._temp_path config_path = os.path.join(xch, 'astropy') if not os.path.exists(config_path): os.mkdir(config_path) return os.path.abspath(config_path) # first look for XDG_CONFIG_HOME xch = os.environ.get('XDG_CONFIG_HOME') if xch is not None and os.path.exists(xch): xchpth = os.path.join(xch, 'astropy') if not os.path.islink(xchpth): if os.path.exists(xchpth): return os.path.abspath(xchpth) else: linkto = xchpth return os.path.abspath(_find_or_create_astropy_dir('config', linkto)) def get_cache_dir(): """ Determines the Astropy cache directory name and creates the directory if it doesn't exist. This directory is typically ``$HOME/.astropy/cache``, but if the XDG_CACHE_HOME environment variable is set and the ``$XDG_CACHE_HOME/astropy`` directory exists, it will be that directory. If neither exists, the former will be created and symlinked to the latter. Returns ------- cachedir : str The absolute path to the cache directory. """ # symlink will be set to this if the directory is created linkto = None # If using set_temp_cache, that overrides all if set_temp_cache._temp_path is not None: xch = set_temp_cache._temp_path cache_path = os.path.join(xch, 'astropy') if not os.path.exists(cache_path): os.mkdir(cache_path) return os.path.abspath(cache_path) # first look for XDG_CACHE_HOME xch = os.environ.get('XDG_CACHE_HOME') if xch is not None and os.path.exists(xch): xchpth = os.path.join(xch, 'astropy') if not os.path.islink(xchpth): if os.path.exists(xchpth): return os.path.abspath(xchpth) else: linkto = xchpth return os.path.abspath(_find_or_create_astropy_dir('cache', linkto)) class _SetTempPath(object): _temp_path = None _default_path_getter = None def __init__(self, path=None, delete=False): if path is not None: path = os.path.abspath(path) self._path = path self._delete = delete self._prev_path = self.__class__._temp_path def __enter__(self): self.__class__._temp_path = self._path return self._default_path_getter() def __exit__(self, *args): self.__class__._temp_path = self._prev_path if self._delete and self._path is not None: shutil.rmtree(self._path) def __call__(self, func): """Implements use as a decorator.""" @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): with self: func(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper class set_temp_config(_SetTempPath): """ Context manager to set a temporary path for the Astropy config, primarily for use with testing. If the path set by this context manager does not already exist it will be created, if possible. This may also be used as a decorator on a function to set the config path just within that function. Parameters ---------- path : str, optional The directory (which must exist) in which to find the Astropy config files, or create them if they do not already exist. If None, this restores the config path to the user's default config path as returned by `get_config_dir` as though this context manager were not in effect (this is useful for testing). In this case the ``delete`` argument is always ignored. delete : bool, optional If True, cleans up the temporary directory after exiting the temp context (default: False). """ _default_path_getter = staticmethod(get_config_dir) def __enter__(self): # Special case for the config case, where we need to reset all the # cached config objects from .configuration import _cfgobjs path = super(set_temp_config, self).__enter__() _cfgobjs.clear() return path def __exit__(self, *args): from .configuration import _cfgobjs super(set_temp_config, self).__exit__(*args) _cfgobjs.clear() class set_temp_cache(_SetTempPath): """ Context manager to set a temporary path for the Astropy download cache, primarily for use with testing (though there may be other applications for setting a different cache directory, for example to switch to a cache dedicated to large files). If the path set by this context manager does not already exist it will be created, if possible. This may also be used as a decorator on a function to set the cache path just within that function. Parameters ---------- path : str The directory (which must exist) in which to find the Astropy cache files, or create them if they do not already exist. If None, this restores the cache path to the user's default cache path as returned by `get_cache_dir` as though this context manager were not in effect (this is useful for testing). In this case the ``delete`` argument is always ignored. delete : bool, optional If True, cleans up the temporary directory after exiting the temp context (default: False). """ _default_path_getter = staticmethod(get_cache_dir) def _find_or_create_astropy_dir(dirnm, linkto): innerdir = os.path.join(_find_home(), '.astropy') maindir = os.path.join(_find_home(), '.astropy', dirnm) if not os.path.exists(maindir): # first create .astropy dir if needed if not os.path.exists(innerdir): try: os.mkdir(innerdir) except OSError: if not os.path.isdir(innerdir): raise elif not os.path.isdir(innerdir): msg = 'Intended Astropy directory {0} is actually a file.' raise IOError(msg.format(innerdir)) try: os.mkdir(maindir) except OSError: if not os.path.isdir(maindir): raise if (not sys.platform.startswith('win') and linkto is not None and not os.path.exists(linkto)): os.symlink(maindir, linkto) elif not os.path.isdir(maindir): msg = 'Intended Astropy {0} directory {1} is actually a file.' raise IOError(msg.format(dirnm, maindir)) return os.path.abspath(maindir)
import nef.nef_theano as nef from __future__ import generators import sys import space from ca.nengo.math.impl import * from ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl import * from ca.nengo.util import * from ca.nengo.plot import * from com.bulletphysics import * from com.bulletphysics.linearmath import * from com.bulletphysics.dynamics.constraintsolver import * from math import * import java from java.awt import Color import ccm import random random.seed(11) from math import pi from com.threed.jpct import SimpleVector from com.bulletphysics.linearmath import Transform from javax.vecmath import Vector3f dt=0.001 N=1 pstc=0.01 net = nef.Network('simple arm controller') class getShoulder(ca.nengo.math.Function): def map(self,X): x = float(X[0]) y = float(X[1]) # make sure we're in the unit circle if sqrt(x**2+y**2) > 1: x = x / (sqrt(x**2+y**2)) y = y / (sqrt(x**2+y**2)) L1 = .5 L2 = .5 EPS = 1e-10 D = (x**2 + y**2 - L1**2 - L2**2) / (2*L1*L2) # law of cosines if (x**2+y**2) < (L1**2+L2**2): D = -D # find elbow down angles from shoulder to elbow #java.lang.System.out.println("x: %f y:%f"%(x,y)) if D < 1 and D > -1: elbow = acos(D) else: elbow = 0 if (x**2+y**2) < (L1**2+L2**2): elbow = pi - elbow if x==0 and y==0: y = y+EPS inside = L2*sin(elbow)/(sqrt(x**2+y**2)) if inside > 1: inside = 1 if inside < -1: inside = -1 if x==0: shoulder = 1.5708 - asin(inside) # magic numbers from matlab else: shoulder = atan(y/x) - asin(inside) if x < 0: shoulder = shoulder + pi return shoulder def getDimension(self): return 2 class getElbow(ca.nengo.math.Function): def map(self,X): x = float(X[0]) y = float(X[1]) # make sure we're in the unit circle if sqrt(x**2+y**2) > 1: x = x / (sqrt(x**2+y**2)) y = y / (sqrt(x**2+y**2)) L1 = .5 L2 = .5 D = (x**2 + y**2 - L1**2 - L2**2) / (2*L1*L2) # law of cosines if (x**2+y**2) < (L1**2+L2**2): D = -D # find elbow down angles from shoulder to elbow if D < 1 and D > -1: elbow = acos(D) else: elbow = 0 if (x**2+y**2) < (L1**2+L2**2): elbow = pi - elbow return elbow def getDimension(self): return 2 class getX(ca.nengo.math.Function): def map(self,X): shoulder = X[0] elbow = X[1] L1 = .5 L2 = .5 return L1*cos(shoulder)+L2*cos(shoulder+elbow) def getDimension(self): return 2 class getY(ca.nengo.math.Function): def map(self,X): shoulder = X[0] elbow = X[1] L1 = .5 L2 = .5 return L1*sin(shoulder)+L2*sin(shoulder+elbow) def getDimension(self): return 2 # input functions refX=net.make_input('refX',[-1]) refY=net.make_input('refY',[1]) Tfunc=net.make_input('T matrix',[1,0,0,1]) F=net.make_input('F',[-1,0,-1,0,0,-1,0,-1]) # neural populations convertXY=net.make("convert XY",N,2) convertAngles=net.make("convert Angles",N,2) funcT=net.make("funcT",N,6) FX=net.make("FX",N,12) controlV=net.make("control signal v",N,2) # calculate 2D control signal controlU=net.make("control signal u",500,2, quick=True) # calculates #jkoint torque control #signal # add terminations convertXY.addDecodedTermination('refXY',[[1,0],[0,1]],pstc,False) convertAngles.addDecodedTermination('shoulder',[[1],[0]],pstc,False) convertAngles.addDecodedTermination('elbow',[[0],[1]],pstc,False) FX.addDecodedTermination('inputFs',[[1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],[0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0], [0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0], \ [0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0],[0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0], [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1], \ [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]], pstc,False) FX.addDecodedTermination('X1',[[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[1],[0],[0], [0]],pstc,False) FX.addDecodedTermination('X2',[[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[1],[0], [0]],pstc,False) FX.addDecodedTermination('X3',[[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[1], [0]],pstc,False) FX.addDecodedTermination('X4',[[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0], [1]],pstc,False) funcT.addDecodedTermination('shoulderRef',[[1],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0]],pstc,False) funcT.addDecodedTermination('elbowRef',[[0],[1],[0],[0],[0],[0]],pstc,False) funcT.addDecodedTermination('shoulder',[[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0]],pstc,False) funcT.addDecodedTermination('elbow',[[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0]],pstc,False) funcT.addDecodedTermination('inputTs',[[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[1,0,0,0],[0,1,0,0], [0,0,1,0],[0,0,0,1]],pstc,False) controlV.addDecodedTermination('inputCurrentX',[[-1],[0]],pstc,False) controlV.addDecodedTermination('inputCurrentY',[[0],[-1]],pstc,False) controlV.addDecodedTermination('inputRefX',[[1],[0]],pstc,False) controlV.addDecodedTermination('inputRefY',[[0],[1]],pstc,False) controlU.addDecodedTermination('inputFuncT1',[[1],[0]],pstc,False) controlU.addDecodedTermination('inputFuncT2',[[0],[1]],pstc,False) controlU.addDecodedTermination('inputFX1',[[1],[0]],pstc,False) controlU.addDecodedTermination('inputFX2',[[0],[1]],pstc,False) # add origins interpreter=DefaultFunctionInterpreter() convertXY.addDecodedOrigin('elbowRef',[getElbow()],"AXON") convertXY.addDecodedOrigin('shoulderRef',[getShoulder()],"AXON") convertAngles.addDecodedOrigin('currentX',[getX()],"AXON") convertAngles.addDecodedOrigin('currentY',[getY()],"AXON") FX.addDecodedOrigin('FX1',[interpreter.parse("x0*x8+x1*x9+x2*x10+x3*x11",12)], "AXON") FX.addDecodedOrigin('FX2',[interpreter.parse("x4*x8+x5*x9+x6*x10+x7*x11",12)], "AXON") funcT.addDecodedOrigin('funcT1',[interpreter.parse("x0*x2+x1*x3",6)],"AXON") funcT.addDecodedOrigin('funcT2',[interpreter.parse("x0*x4+x1*x5",6)],"AXON") controlU.addDecodedOrigin('u1',[interpreter.parse("x0",2)],"AXON") controlU.addDecodedOrigin('u2',[interpreter.parse("x1",2)],"AXON") # add projections net.connect(controlV.getOrigin('X'),convertXY.getTermination('refXY')) net.connect(refX.getOrigin('origin'),controlV.getTermination('inputRefX')) net.connect(refY.getOrigin('origin'),controlV.getTermination('inputRefY')) net.connect(convertAngles.getOrigin('currentX'),controlV.getTermination( 'inputCurrentX')) net.connect(convertAngles.getOrigin('currentY'),controlV.getTermination( 'inputCurrentY')) net.connect(F.getOrigin('origin'),FX.getTermination('inputFs')) net.connect(convertXY.getOrigin('shoulderRef'),funcT.getTermination( 'shoulderRef')) net.connect(convertXY.getOrigin('elbowRef'),funcT.getTermination('elbowRef')) net.connect(Tfunc.getOrigin('origin'),funcT.getTermination('inputTs')) net.connect(funcT.getOrigin('funcT1'),controlU.getTermination('inputFuncT1')) net.connect(funcT.getOrigin('funcT2'),controlU.getTermination('inputFuncT2')) net.connect(FX.getOrigin('FX1'),controlU.getTermination('inputFX1')) net.connect(FX.getOrigin('FX2'),controlU.getTermination('inputFX2')) net.add_to_nengo() class Room(space.Room): def __init__(self): space.Room.__init__(self,10,10,gravity=0,color=[Color(0xFFFFFF), Color(0xFFFFFF),Color(0xEEEEEE),Color(0xDDDDDD), Color(0xCCCCCC),Color(0xBBBBBB)]) def start(self):,mass=1,color=Color(0xFF0000)) self.add(,0,0,2) torso=space.Box(0.1,0.1,1.5,mass=100000,draw_as_cylinder=True, color=Color(0x4444FF)) self.add(torso,0,0,1) upperarm=space.Box(0.1,0.7,0.1,mass=0.5,draw_as_cylinder=True, color=Color(0x8888FF),overdraw_radius=1.2,overdraw_length=1.2) self.add(upperarm,0.7,0.5,2) upperarm.add_sphere_at(0,0.5,0,0.1,Color(0x4444FF),self) upperarm.add_sphere_at(0,-0.5,0,0.1,Color(0x4444FF),self) lowerarm=space.Box(0.1,0.75,0.1,mass=0.1,draw_as_cylinder=True, color=Color(0x8888FF),overdraw_radius=1.2,overdraw_length=1.1) self.add(lowerarm,0.7,1.5,2) shoulder=HingeConstraint(torso.physics,upperarm.physics, Vector3f(0.7,0.1,1),Vector3f(0,-0.5,0), Vector3f(0,0,1),Vector3f(0,0,1)) elbow=HingeConstraint(upperarm.physics,lowerarm.physics, Vector3f(0,0.5,0),Vector3f(0,-0.5,0), Vector3f(0,0,1),Vector3f(0,0,1)) shoulder.setLimit(-pi/2,pi/2+.1) elbow.setLimit(-pi,0) self.physics.addConstraint(elbow) self.physics.addConstraint(shoulder) #upperarm.physics.applyTorqueImpulse(Vector3f(0,0,300)) #lowerarm.physics.applyTorqueImpulse(Vector3f(0,0,300)) self.sch.add(space.Room.start,args=(self,)) self.update_neurons() self.upperarm=upperarm self.lowerarm=lowerarm self.shoulder=shoulder self.elbow=elbow self.hinge1=self.shoulder.hingeAngle self.hinge2=self.elbow.hingeAngle self.upperarm.physics.setSleepingThresholds(0,0) self.lowerarm.physics.setSleepingThresholds(0,0) def update_neurons(self): while True: scale=0.0003 m1=controlU.getOrigin('u1').getValues().getValues()[0]*scale m2=controlU.getOrigin('u2').getValues().getValues()[0]*scale v1=Vector3f(0,0,0) v2=Vector3f(0,0,0) #java.lang.System.out.println("m1: %f m2:%f"%(m1,m2)) self.upperarm.physics.applyTorqueImpulse(Vector3f(0,0,m1)) self.lowerarm.physics.applyTorqueImpulse(Vector3f(0,0,m2)) self.hinge1=-(self.shoulder.hingeAngle-pi/2) self.hinge2=-self.elbow.hingeAngle #java.lang.System.out.println("angle1: %f #angle2:%f"%(self.hinge1,self.hinge2)) self.upperarm.physics.getAngularVelocity(v1) self.lowerarm.physics.getAngularVelocity(v2) # put bounds on the velocity possible if v1.z > 2: self.upperarm.physics.setAngularVelocity(Vector3f(0,0,2)) if v1.z < -2: self.upperarm.physics.setAngularVelocity(Vector3f(0,0,-2)) if v2.z > 2: self.lowerarm.physics.setAngularVelocity(Vector3f(0,0,2)) if v2.z < -2: self.lowerarm.physics.setAngularVelocity(Vector3f(0,0,-2)) self.upperarm.physics.getAngularVelocity(v1) self.lowerarm.physics.getAngularVelocity(v2) wt=Transform() wt.setIdentity() tx=controlV.getTermination('inputRefX').input if tx is not None: wt.origin.x=tx.values[0]+0.7 else: wt.origin.x=0.7 ty=controlV.getTermination('inputRefY').input if ty is not None: wt.origin.y=ty.values[0]+0.1 else: wt.origin.y=0.1 wt.origin.z=2 ms.worldTransform=wt self.vel1=v1.z self.vel2=v2.z yield 0.0001 r=ccm.nengo.create(Room) net.add(r) # need to make hinge1, hinge2, vel1, and vel external nodes and hook up # the output to the FX matrix r.exposeOrigin(r.getNode('hinge1').getOrigin('origin'),'shoulderAngle') r.exposeOrigin(r.getNode('hinge2').getOrigin('origin'),'elbowAngle') r.exposeOrigin(r.getNode('vel1').getOrigin('origin'),'shoulderVel') r.exposeOrigin(r.getNode('vel2').getOrigin('origin'),'elbowVel') net.connect(r.getOrigin('shoulderAngle'),FX.getTermination('X1')) net.connect(r.getOrigin('elbowAngle'),FX.getTermination('X2')) net.connect(r.getOrigin('shoulderVel'),FX.getTermination('X3')) net.connect(r.getOrigin('elbowVel'),FX.getTermination('X4')) net.connect(r.getOrigin('shoulderAngle'),convertAngles.getTermination( 'shoulder')) net.connect(r.getOrigin('elbowAngle'),convertAngles.getTermination('elbow')) net.connect(r.getOrigin('shoulderAngle'),funcT.getTermination('shoulder')) net.connect(r.getOrigin('elbowAngle'),funcT.getTermination('elbow')) # put everything in direct mode # except the last population controlU.setMode(ca.nengo.model.SimulationMode.DEFAULT)
# Copyright 2016 Huawei Technologies India Pvt. Ltd. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from oslo_log import log as logging from import bgpspeaker from import CONNECT_MODE_ACTIVE from import base from import exceptions as bgp_driver_exc from import utils from neutron._i18n import _LE, _LI LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Function for logging BGP peer and path changes. def bgp_peer_down_cb(remote_ip, remote_as):'BGP Peer %(peer_ip)s for remote_as=%(peer_as)d went DOWN.'), {'peer_ip': remote_ip, 'peer_as': remote_as}) def bgp_peer_up_cb(remote_ip, remote_as):'BGP Peer %(peer_ip)s for remote_as=%(peer_as)d is UP.'), {'peer_ip': remote_ip, 'peer_as': remote_as}) def best_path_change_cb(event):"Best path change observed. cidr=%(prefix)s, " "nexthop=%(nexthop)s, remote_as=%(remote_as)d, " "is_withdraw=%(is_withdraw)s"), {'prefix': event.prefix, 'nexthop': event.nexthop, 'remote_as': event.remote_as, 'is_withdraw': event.is_withdraw}) class RyuBgpDriver(base.BgpDriverBase): """BGP speaker implementation via Ryu.""" def __init__(self, cfg):'Initializing Ryu driver for BGP Speaker functionality.')) self._read_config(cfg) # Note: Even though Ryu can only support one BGP speaker as of now, # we have tried making the framework generic for the future purposes. self.cache = utils.BgpMultiSpeakerCache() def _read_config(self, cfg): if cfg is None or cfg.bgp_router_id is None: # If either cfg or router_id is not specified, raise voice LOG.error(_LE('BGP router-id MUST be specified for the correct ' 'functional working.')) else: self.routerid = cfg.bgp_router_id'Initialized Ryu BGP Speaker driver interface with ' 'bgp_router_id=%s'), self.routerid) def add_bgp_speaker(self, speaker_as): curr_speaker = self.cache.get_bgp_speaker(speaker_as) if curr_speaker is not None: raise bgp_driver_exc.BgpSpeakerAlreadyScheduled( current_as=speaker_as, rtid=self.routerid) # Ryu can only support One speaker if self.cache.get_hosted_bgp_speakers_count() == 1: raise bgp_driver_exc.BgpSpeakerMaxScheduled(count=1) # Validate input parameters. # speaker_as must be an integer in the allowed range. utils.validate_as_num('local_as', speaker_as) # Notify Ryu about BGP Speaker addition. # Please note: Since, only the route-advertisement support is # implemented we are explicitly setting the bgp_server_port # attribute to 0 which disables listening on port 179. curr_speaker = bgpspeaker.BGPSpeaker(as_number=speaker_as, router_id=self.routerid, bgp_server_port=0, best_path_change_handler=best_path_change_cb, peer_down_handler=bgp_peer_down_cb, peer_up_handler=bgp_peer_up_cb)'Added BGP Speaker for local_as=%(as)d with ' 'router_id= %(rtid)s.'), {'as': speaker_as, 'rtid': self.routerid}) self.cache.put_bgp_speaker(speaker_as, curr_speaker) def delete_bgp_speaker(self, speaker_as): curr_speaker = self.cache.get_bgp_speaker(speaker_as) if not curr_speaker: raise bgp_driver_exc.BgpSpeakerNotAdded(local_as=speaker_as, rtid=self.routerid) # Notify Ryu about BGP Speaker deletion curr_speaker.shutdown()'Removed BGP Speaker for local_as=%(as)d with ' 'router_id=%(rtid)s.'), {'as': speaker_as, 'rtid': self.routerid}) self.cache.remove_bgp_speaker(speaker_as) def add_bgp_peer(self, speaker_as, peer_ip, peer_as, auth_type='none', password=None): curr_speaker = self.cache.get_bgp_speaker(speaker_as) if not curr_speaker: raise bgp_driver_exc.BgpSpeakerNotAdded(local_as=speaker_as, rtid=self.routerid) # Validate peer_ip and peer_as. utils.validate_as_num('remote_as', peer_as) utils.validate_string(peer_ip) utils.validate_auth(auth_type, password) # Notify Ryu about BGP Peer addition curr_speaker.neighbor_add(address=peer_ip, remote_as=peer_as, password=password, connect_mode=CONNECT_MODE_ACTIVE)'Added BGP Peer %(peer)s for remote_as=%(as)d to ' 'BGP Speaker running for local_as=%(local_as)d.'), {'peer': peer_ip, 'as': peer_as, 'local_as': speaker_as}) def delete_bgp_peer(self, speaker_as, peer_ip): curr_speaker = self.cache.get_bgp_speaker(speaker_as) if not curr_speaker: raise bgp_driver_exc.BgpSpeakerNotAdded(local_as=speaker_as, rtid=self.routerid) # Validate peer_ip. It must be a string. utils.validate_string(peer_ip) # Notify Ryu about BGP Peer removal curr_speaker.neighbor_del(address=peer_ip)'Removed BGP Peer %(peer)s from BGP Speaker ' 'running for local_as=%(local_as)d.'), {'peer': peer_ip, 'local_as': speaker_as}) def advertise_route(self, speaker_as, cidr, nexthop): curr_speaker = self.cache.get_bgp_speaker(speaker_as) if not curr_speaker: raise bgp_driver_exc.BgpSpeakerNotAdded(local_as=speaker_as, rtid=self.routerid) # Validate cidr and nexthop. Both must be strings. utils.validate_string(cidr) utils.validate_string(nexthop) # Notify Ryu about route advertisement curr_speaker.prefix_add(prefix=cidr, next_hop=nexthop)'Route cidr=%(prefix)s, nexthop=%(nexthop)s is ' 'advertised for BGP Speaker running for ' 'local_as=%(local_as)d.'), {'prefix': cidr, 'nexthop': nexthop, 'local_as': speaker_as}) def withdraw_route(self, speaker_as, cidr, nexthop=None): curr_speaker = self.cache.get_bgp_speaker(speaker_as) if not curr_speaker: raise bgp_driver_exc.BgpSpeakerNotAdded(local_as=speaker_as, rtid=self.routerid) # Validate cidr. It must be a string. utils.validate_string(cidr) # Notify Ryu about route withdrawal curr_speaker.prefix_del(prefix=cidr)'Route cidr=%(prefix)s is withdrawn from BGP Speaker ' 'running for local_as=%(local_as)d.'), {'prefix': cidr, 'local_as': speaker_as}) def get_bgp_speaker_statistics(self, speaker_as):'Collecting BGP Speaker statistics for local_as=%d.'), speaker_as) curr_speaker = self.cache.get_bgp_speaker(speaker_as) if not curr_speaker: raise bgp_driver_exc.BgpSpeakerNotAdded(local_as=speaker_as, rtid=self.routerid) # TODO(vikram): Filter and return the necessary information. # Will be done as part of new RFE requirement # return curr_speaker.neighbor_state_get() def get_bgp_peer_statistics(self, speaker_as, peer_ip):'Collecting BGP Peer statistics for peer_ip=%(peer)s, ' 'running in speaker_as=%(speaker_as)d '), {'peer': peer_ip, 'speaker_as': speaker_as}) curr_speaker = self.cache.get_bgp_speaker(speaker_as) if not curr_speaker: raise bgp_driver_exc.BgpSpeakerNotAdded(local_as=speaker_as, rtid=self.routerid) # TODO(vikram): Filter and return the necessary information. # Will be done as part of new RFE requirement # return curr_speaker.neighbor_state_get(address=peer_ip)
from copy import deepcopy import numpy as np from menpo.base import Vectorizable from menpo.model import Similarity2dInstanceModel from menpo.transform.base import Alignable, VComposableTransform, VInvertible class ModelDrivenTransform(Vectorizable, VComposableTransform, VInvertible, Alignable): r""" A transform that couples a traditional landmark-based transform to a statistical model such that source points of the alignment transform are the points of the model. The parameters of the transform are just the weights of statistical model. If no source is provided, the mean of the model is defined as the source landmarks of the transform. Parameters ---------- model : :class:`menpo.model.base.StatisticalModel` A linear statistical shape model. transform_cls : :class:`menpo.transform.AlignableTransform` A class of :class:`menpo.transform.base.AlignableTransform` The align constructor will be called on this with the source and target landmarks. The target is set to the points generated from the model using the provide weights - the source is either given or set to the model's mean. source : :class:`menpo.shape.base.PointCloud` The source landmarks of the transform. If no ``source`` is provided the mean of the model is used. weights : (P,) ndarray The reconstruction weights that will be fed to the model in order to generate an instance of the target landmarks. composition: 'both', 'warp' or 'model', optional The composition approximation employed by this ModelDrivenTransform. Default: 'both' """ #TODO: Rethink this transform so it knows how to deal with complex shapes def __init__(self, model, transform_cls, source=None, weights=None, composition='both'): super(ModelDrivenTransform, self).__init__() self._cached_points = None self.model = model self.composition = composition if source is None: # set the source to the model's mean source = self.model.mean self._source = source if weights is None: # set all weights to 0 (yielding the mean) weights = np.zeros(self.model.n_active_components) self._weights = weights self._target = self._target_for_weights(self._weights) # by providing _source and _target we conform to the # AlignmentTransform interface # utilize the align constructor to build the transform self.transform = transform_cls.align(self.source, @property def n_dims(self): r""" The number of dimensions that the transform supports. :type: int """ return self.transform.n_dims @property def n_parameters(self): r""" The total number of parameters. Simply ``n_weights``. :type: int """ return self.n_weights @property def n_weights(self): r""" The number of parameters in the linear model. :type: int """ return self.model.n_active_components @property def has_true_inverse(self): return False def _build_pseudoinverse(self): return self.from_vector(-self.as_vector()) @property def weights(self): return self._weights @weights.setter def weights(self, value): r""" Setting the weights value automatically triggers a recalculation of the target, and an update of the transform """ = self._target_for_weights(value) def jacobian(self, points): """ Calculates the Jacobian of the ModelDrivenTransform wrt to its parameters (the weights). This is done by chaining the relative weight of each point wrt the source landmarks, i.e. the Jacobian of the warp wrt the source landmarks when the target is assumed to be equal to the source (dW/dx), together with the Jacobian of the linear model wrt its weights (dX/dp). Parameters ----------- points: (N, D) ndarray The points at which the Jacobian will be evaluated. Returns ------- dW/dp : (N, P, D) ndarray The Jacobian of the ModelDrivenTransform evaluated at the previous points. """ # check if re-computation of dW/dx can be avoided if not np.array_equal(self._cached_points, points): # recompute dW/dx, i.e. the relative weight of each point wrt # the source landmarks self.dW_dX = self.transform.weight_points(points) # cache points self._cached_points = points # dX/dp is simply the Jacobian of the model dX_dp = self.model.jacobian # dW_dX: n_points x n_points x n_dims # dX_dp: n_points x n_params x n_dims dW_dp = np.einsum('ild, lpd -> ipd', self.dW_dX, dX_dp) # dW_dp: n_points x n_params x n_dims return dW_dp # TODO: document me def jacobian_points(self, points): r""" TO BE DOCUMENTED Returns ------- dW_dx : (N, D, D) ndarray The jacobian with respect to the points """ pass def as_vector(self): r""" Return the current parameters of this transform - this is the just the linear model's weights Returns ------- params : (``n_parameters``,) ndarray The vector of parameters """ return self.weights def from_vector_inplace(self, vector): r""" Updates the ModelDrivenTransform's state from it's vectorized form. """ self.weights = vector def _target_setter(self, new_target): r""" On a new target being set, we need to: 1. Find the optimum weights that align the model to this target, and set them as self.weights. 2. Update the transform to point to the closest target that the model can provide to the requested target 3. Set our target to the closest target that the model can provide to the requested target. Parameters ---------- new_target: :class:`PointCloud` The new_target that we want to set. """ # 1. Find the optimum weights and set them self._weights = self._weights_for_target(new_target) # 2. Find the closest target the model can reproduce and trigger an # update of our transform = self._target_for_weights(self._weights) # 3. As always, update our self._target self._target = def _apply(self, x, **kwargs): r""" Apply this transform to the given object. Uses the internal transform. Parameters ---------- x : (N, D) ndarray or a transformable object The object to be transformed. kwargs : dict Passed through to transforms ``apply_inplace`` method. Returns -------- transformed : (N, D) ndarray or object The transformed object """ return self.transform._apply(x, **kwargs) def _compose_before_inplace(self, transform): r""" a_orig = deepcopy(a) a.compose_before_inplace(b) a.apply(p) == b.apply(a_orig.apply(p)) a is permanently altered to be the result of the composition. b is left unchanged. Parameters ---------- transform : :class:`ModelDrivenTransform` Transform to be applied **after** self Returns -------- transform : self self, updated to the result of the composition """ # naive approach - update self to be equal to transform and # compose_before_from_vector_inplace self_vector = self.as_vector().copy() self.update_from_vector(transform.as_vector()) return self.compose_after_from_vector_inplace(self_vector) def _compose_after_inplace(self, md_transform): r""" a_orig = deepcopy(a) a.compose_after_inplace(b) a.apply(p) == a_orig.apply(b.apply(p)) a is permanently altered to be the result of the composition. b is left unchanged. Parameters ---------- transform : :class:`ModelDrivenTransform` Transform to be applied **before** self Returns -------- transform : self self, updated to the result of the composition """ if self.composition is 'model': # TODO this seems to be the same, revisit = self._compose_after_model( elif self.composition is 'warp': = self._compose_after_warp( elif self.composition is 'both': new_params = self._compose_after_both(md_transform.as_vector()) self.from_vector_inplace(new_params) else: raise ValueError('Unknown composition string selected. Valid' 'options are: model, warp, both') return self def compose_after_from_vector_inplace(self, vector): r""" a_orig = deepcopy(a) a.compose_after_from_vector_inplace(b_vec) b = self.from_vector(b_vec) a.apply(p) == a_orig.apply(b.apply(p)) a is permanently altered to be the result of the composition. b_vec is left unchanged. compose_after this :class:`ModelDrivenTransform` with another inplace. Rather than requiring a new ModelDrivenTransform to compose_after with, this method only requires the parameters of the new transform. Parameters ---------- vector : (N,) ndarray Vectorized :class:`ModelDrivenTransform` to be applied **before** self Returns -------- transform : self self, updated to the result of the composition """ if self.composition is 'model': new_mdtransform = self.from_vector(vector) = self._compose_after_model( elif self.composition is 'warp': new_mdtransform = self.from_vector(vector) = self._compose_after_warp( elif self.composition is 'both': self.from_vector_inplace(self._compose_after_both(vector)) else: raise ValueError('Unknown composition string selected. Valid' 'options are: model, warp, both') def _compose_after_model(self, other_target): r""" Composes two statistically driven transforms together. Parameters ---------- other_target : :class:`PointCloud` the target of the ModelDrivenTransform we are composing with. Returns ------- target: :class:`PointCloud` The new target of the composed result """ model_variation = - self.model.mean.points composed_target = model_variation + other_target.points from menpo.shape import PointCloud return PointCloud(composed_target) # TODO: The call to transform.apply_inplace will not work properly for PWA # - Define a new function in TPS & PWA called .apply_to_target # - For TPS this function should ne the same as the normal .apply_inplace() # method # - For PWA it should implement Bakers algorithmic approach to # composition def _compose_after_warp(self, other_target): r""" Composes two statistically driven transforms together. This approach composes the Parameters ---------- other_target : :class:`PointCloud` the target of the ModelDrivenTransform we are composing with. Returns ------- target: :class:`PointCloud` The new target of the composed result """ return self.transform.apply(other_target) def _compose_after_both(self, mdt_vector): r""" Composes two statistically driven transforms together based on the first order approximation proposed by Papandreou and Maragos. The resulting vector of parameters is equivalent to self.compose_after_from_vector(mdt_vector) Parameters ---------- mdt_vector : (P,) ndarray the parameters of the ModelDrivenTransform we are composing with, as provided by .as_vector(). Returns ------- vector: (P,) ndarray The new parameters of the composed result References ---------- .. [1] G. Papandreou and P. Maragos, "Adaptive and Constrained Algorithms for Inverse Compositional Active Appearance Model Fitting", CVPR08 """ model_jacobian = self.model.jacobian # compute: # -> dW/dp when p=0 # -> dW/dp when p!=0 # -> dW/dx when p!=0 evaluated at the source landmarks # dW/dp when p=0 and when p!=0 are the same and simply given by # the Jacobian of the model dW_dp_0 = model_jacobian dW_dp = dW_dp_0 # dW_dp_0: n_points x n_params x n_dims # dW_dp: n_points x n_params x n_dims dW_dx = self.transform.jacobian_points(self.model.mean.points) # dW_dx: n_points x n_dims x n_dims #TODO: Can we do this without splitting across the two dimensions? dW_dx_x = dW_dx[:, 0, :].flatten()[..., None] dW_dx_y = dW_dx[:, 1, :].flatten()[..., None] dW_dp_0_mat = np.reshape(dW_dp_0, (self.model.mean.n_points * self.n_dims, self.n_parameters)) dW_dx_dW_dp_0 = dW_dp_0_mat * dW_dx_x + dW_dp_0_mat * dW_dx_y dW_dx_dW_dp_0 = np.reshape(dW_dx_dW_dp_0, (self.model.mean.n_points, self.n_parameters, self.n_dims)) # dW_dx: n_points x n_dims x n_dims # dW_dp_0: n_points x n_params x n_dims # dW_dx_dW_dp_0: n_points x n_params x n_dims J = np.einsum('ijk, ilk -> jl', dW_dp, dW_dx_dW_dp_0) H = np.einsum('ijk, ilk -> jl', dW_dp, dW_dp) Jp = np.linalg.solve(H, J) # Jp: n_params x n_params return self.as_vector() +, mdt_vector) def _target_for_weights(self, weights): r""" Return the appropriate target for the model weights provided. Subclasses can override this. Parameters ---------- weights: (P,) ndarray weights of the statistical model that should be used to generate a new instance Returns ------- new_target: :class:`menpo.shape.PointCloud` A new target for the weights provided """ return self.model.instance(weights) def _weights_for_target(self, target): r""" Return the appropriate model weights for target provided. Subclasses can override this. Parameters ---------- target: :class:`menpo.shape.PointCloud` The target that the statistical model will try to reproduce Returns ------- weights: (P,) ndarray Weights of the statistical model that generate the closest PointCloud to the requested target """ return self.model.project(target) def pseudoinverse_vector(self, vector): r""" The vectorized pseudoinverse of a provided vector instance. Syntactic sugar for self.from_vector(vector).pseudoinverse.as_vector() On ModelDrivenTransform this is especially fast - we just negate the vector provided. Parameters ---------- vector : (P,) ndarray A vectorized version of self Returns ------- pseudoinverse_vector : (N,) ndarray The pseudoinverse of the vector provided """ # just have to negate the parameters! return -vector class GlobalMDTransform(ModelDrivenTransform): r""" A transform that couples an alignment transform to a statistical model together with a global similarity transform, such that the parameters of the transform are fully specified by both the weights of statistical model and the parameters of the similarity transform. The model is assumed to generate an instance which is then transformed by the similarity transform; the result defines the target landmarks of the transform. If no source is provided, the mean of the model is defined as the source landmarks of the transform. Parameters ---------- model : :class:`menpo.model.base.StatisticalModel` A linear statistical shape model. transform_cls : :class:`menpo.transform.AlignableTransform` A class of :class:`menpo.transform.base.AlignableTransform` The align constructor will be called on this with the source and target landmarks. The target is set to the points generated from the model using the provide weights - the source is either given or set to the model's mean. global_transform : :class:`menpo.transform.AlignableTransform` A class of :class:`menpo.transform.base.AlignableTransform` The global transform that should be applied to the model output. Doesn't have to have been constructed from the .align() constructor. Note that the GlobalMDTransform isn't guaranteed to hold on to the exact object passed in here - so don't expect external changes to the global_transform to be reflected in the behavior of this object. source : :class:`menpo.shape.base.PointCloud`, optional The source landmarks of the transform. If no ``source`` is provided the mean of the model is used. weights : (P,) ndarray, optional The reconstruction weights that will be fed to the model in order to generate an instance of the target landmarks. composition: 'both', 'warp' or 'model', optional The composition approximation employed by this ModelDrivenTransform. Default: `both` """ def __init__(self, model, transform_cls, global_transform, source=None, weights=None, composition='both'): # need to set the global transform right away - self # ._target_for_weights() needs it in superclass __init__ self.global_transform = global_transform super(GlobalMDTransform, self).__init__( model, transform_cls, source=source, weights=weights, composition=composition) # after construction, we want our global_transform() to be an align # transform. This is a little hacky, but is ok as long as the # superclasses __init__ doesn't use _weights_for_target. self.global_transform = global_transform.align(self.model.mean, @property def n_parameters(self): r""" The total number of parameters. This is ``n_weights + n_global_parameters``. :type: int """ return self.n_weights + self.n_global_parameters @property def n_global_parameters(self): r""" The number of parameters in the ``global_transform`` :type: int """ return self.global_transform.n_parameters @property def global_parameters(self): r""" The parameters for the global transform. :type: (``n_global_parameters``,) ndarray """ return self.global_transform.as_vector() def jacobian(self, points): """ Calculates the Jacobian of the ModelDrivenTransform wrt to its parameters (the weights). This is done by chaining the relative weight of each point wrt the source landmarks, i.e. the Jacobian of the warp wrt the source landmarks when the target is assumed to be equal to the source (dW/dx), together with the Jacobian of the linear model (and of the global transform if present) wrt its weights (dX/dp). Parameters ----------- points: (N, D) ndarray The points at which the Jacobian will be evaluated. Returns ------- dW/dp : (N, P, D) ndarray The Jacobian of the ModelDrivenTransform evaluated at the previous points. """ # check if re-computation of dW/dx can be avoided if not np.array_equal(self._cached_points, points): # recompute dW/dx, i.e. the relative weight of each point wrt # the source landmarks self.dW_dX = self.transform.weight_points(points) # cache points self._cached_points = points model_jacobian = self.model.jacobian # compute dX/dp # dX/dq is the Jacobian of the global transform evaluated at the # mean of the model. dX_dq = self._global_transform_jacobian(self.model.mean.points) # dX_dq: n_points x n_global_params x n_dims # by application of the chain rule dX_db is the Jacobian of the # model transformed by the linear component of the global transform dS_db = model_jacobian dX_dS = self.global_transform.jacobian_points( self.model.mean.points) dX_db = np.einsum('ilj, idj -> idj', dX_dS, dS_db) # dS_db: n_points x n_weights x n_dims # dX_dS: n_points x n_dims x n_dims # dX_db: n_points x n_weights x n_dims # dX/dp is simply the concatenation of the previous two terms dX_dp = np.hstack((dX_dq, dX_db)) # dW_dX: n_points x n_points x n_dims # dX_dp: n_points x n_params x n_dims dW_dp = np.einsum('ild, lpd -> ipd', self.dW_dX, dX_dp) # dW_dp: n_points x n_params x n_dims return dW_dp def _global_transform_jacobian(self, points): return self.global_transform.jacobian(points) def as_vector(self): r""" Return the current parameters of this transform. This is the concatenated vector of the linear model's weights and the global transform parameters. Returns ------- params : (``n_parameters``,) ndarray The vector of parameters """ return np.hstack((self.global_parameters, self.weights)) def from_vector_inplace(self, vector): # the only extra step we have to take in global_params = vector[:self.n_global_parameters] model_params = vector[self.n_global_parameters:] self._update_global_weights(global_params) self.weights = model_params def _update_global_weights(self, global_weights): r""" Hook that allows for overriding behavior when the global weights are set. Default implementation simply asks global_transform to update itself from vector. """ self.global_transform.from_vector_inplace(global_weights) def _compose_after_model(self, other_target): r""" Composes two statistically driven transforms together. Parameters ---------- other_target : :class:`PointCloud` the target of the ModelDrivenTransform we are composing with. Returns ------- target: :class:`PointCloud` The new target of the composed result """ model_variation = ( self.global_transform.pseudoinverse.apply( - self.model.mean.points) composed_target = self.global_transform.apply( model_variation + other_target.points) from menpo.shape import PointCloud return PointCloud(composed_target) def _compose_after_both(self, mdt_vector): r""" Composes two statistically driven transforms together based on the first order approximation proposed by Papandreou and Maragos. Parameters ---------- new_sdt_parameters : (P,) ndarray the parameters of the ModelDrivenTransform we are composing with, as provided by .as_vector(). Returns ------- parameters: (P,) ndarray The new parameters of the composed result References ---------- .. [1] G. Papandreou and P. Maragos, "Adaptive and Constrained Algorithms for Inverse Compositional Active Appearance Model Fitting", CVPR08 """ model_jacobian = self.model.jacobian # compute: # -> dW/dp when p=0 # -> dW/dp when p!=0 # -> dW/dx when p!=0 evaluated at the source landmarks # dW/dq when p=0 and when p!=0 are the same and given by the # Jacobian of the global transform evaluated at the mean of the # model dW_dq = self._global_transform_jacobian(self.model.mean.points) # dW_dq: n_points x n_global_params x n_dims # dW/db when p=0, is the Jacobian of the model dW_db_0 = model_jacobian # dW_db_0: n_points x n_weights x n_dims # dW/dp when p=0, is simply the concatenation of the previous # two terms dW_dp_0 = np.hstack((dW_dq, dW_db_0)) # dW_dp_0: n_points x n_params x n_dims # by application of the chain rule dW_db when p!=0, # is the Jacobian of the global transform wrt the points times # the Jacobian of the model: dX(S)/db = dX/dS * dS/db dW_dS = self.global_transform.jacobian_points(self.model.mean.points) dW_db = np.einsum('ilj, idj -> idj', dW_dS, dW_db_0) # dW_dS: n_points x n_dims x n_dims # dW_db: n_points x n_weights x n_dims # dW/dp is simply the concatenation of dX_dq with dX_db dW_dp = np.hstack((dW_dq, dW_db)) # dW_dp: n_points x n_params x n_dims dW_dx = self.transform.jacobian_points(self.model.mean.points) #dW_dx =, self.global_transform.linear_component.T) # dW_dx: n_points x n_dims x n_dims #TODO: Can we do this without splitting across the two dimensions? dW_dx_x = dW_dx[:, 0, :].flatten()[..., None] dW_dx_y = dW_dx[:, 1, :].flatten()[..., None] dW_dp_0_mat = np.reshape(dW_dp_0, (self.model.mean.n_points * self.n_dims, self.n_parameters)) dW_dx_dW_dp_0 = dW_dp_0_mat * dW_dx_x + dW_dp_0_mat * dW_dx_y dW_dx_dW_dp_0 = np.reshape(dW_dx_dW_dp_0, (self.model.mean.n_points, self.n_parameters, self.n_dims)) # dW_dx: n_points x n_dims x n_dims # dW_dp_0: n_points x n_params x n_dims # dW_dx_dW_dp_0: n_points x n_params x n_dims J = np.einsum('ijk, ilk -> jl', dW_dp, dW_dx_dW_dp_0) H = np.einsum('ijk, ilk -> jl', dW_dp, dW_dp) Jp = np.linalg.solve(H, J) # Jp: n_params x n_params return self.as_vector() +, mdt_vector) def _target_for_weights(self, weights): r""" Return the appropriate target for the model weights provided, accounting for the effect of the global transform Parameters ---------- weights: (P,) ndarray weights of the statistical model that should be used to generate a new instance Returns ------- new_target: :class:`menpo.shape.PointCloud` A new target for the weights provided """ return self.global_transform.apply(self.model.instance(weights)) def _weights_for_target(self, target): r""" Return the appropriate model weights for target provided, accounting for the effect of the global transform. Note that this method updates the global transform to be in the correct state. Parameters ---------- target: :class:`menpo.shape.PointCloud` The target that the statistical model will try to reproduce Returns ------- weights: (P,) ndarray Weights of the statistical model that generate the closest PointCloud to the requested target """ self._update_global_transform(target) projected_target = self.global_transform.pseudoinverse.apply(target) # now we have the target in model space, project it to recover the # weights new_weights = self.model.project(projected_target) # TODO investigate the impact of this, could be problematic # the model can't perfectly reproduce the target we asked for - # reset the to what it CAN produce #refined_target = self._target_for_weights(new_weights) = refined_target return new_weights def _update_global_transform(self, target): = target class OrthoMDTransform(GlobalMDTransform): r""" A transform that couples an alignment transform to a statistical model together with a global similarity transform, such that the parameters of the transform are fully specified by both the weights of statistical model and the parameters of the similarity transform. The model is assumed to generate an instance which is then transformed by the similarity transform; the result defines the target landmarks of the transform. If no source is provided, the mean of the model is defined as the source landmarks of the transform. This transform (in contrast to the :class:`GlobalMDTransform`) additionally orthonormalizes both the global and the model basis against each other, ensuring that orthogonality and normalization is enforced across the unified bases. Parameters ---------- model : :class:`menpo.model.base.StatisticalModel` A linear statistical shape model. transform_cls : :class:`menpo.transform.AlignableTransform` A class of :class:`menpo.transform.base.AlignableTransform` The align constructor will be called on this with the source and target landmarks. The target is set to the points generated from the model using the provide weights - the source is either given or set to the model's mean. global_transform : :class:`menpo.transform.AlignableTransform` A class of :class:`menpo.transform.base.AlignableTransform` The global transform that should be applied to the model output. Doesn't have to have been constructed from the .align() constructor. Note that the GlobalMDTransform isn't guaranteed to hold on to the exact object passed in here - so don't expect external changes to the global_transform to be reflected in the behavior of this object. source : :class:`menpo.shape.base.PointCloud`, optional The source landmarks of the transform. If no ``source`` is provided the mean of the model is used. weights : (P,) ndarray, optional The reconstruction weights that will be fed to the model in order to generate an instance of the target landmarks. composition: 'both', 'warp' or 'model', optional The composition approximation employed by this ModelDrivenTransform. Default: `both` """ def __init__(self, model, transform_cls, global_transform, source=None, weights=None, composition='both'): # 1. Construct similarity model from the mean of the model self.similarity_model = Similarity2dInstanceModel(model.mean) # 2. Orthonormalize model and similarity model model = deepcopy(model) model.orthonormalize_against_inplace(self.similarity_model) self.similarity_weights = self.similarity_model.project( global_transform.apply(model.mean)) super(OrthoMDTransform, self).__init__( model, transform_cls, global_transform, source=source, weights=weights, composition=composition) def _update_global_transform(self, target): self.similarity_weights = self.similarity_model.project(target) self._update_global_weights(self.similarity_weights) def _update_global_weights(self, global_weights): self.similarity_weights = global_weights new_target = self.similarity_model.instance(global_weights) = new_target def _global_transform_jacobian(self, points): return self.similarity_model.jacobian @property def global_parameters(self): r""" The parameters for the global transform. :type: (``n_global_parameters``,) ndarray """ return self.similarity_weights
# Copyright (C) Ivan Kravets <[email protected]> # See LICENSE for details. """ Arduino Arduino Framework allows writing cross-platform software to control devices attached to a wide range of Arduino boards to create all kinds of creative coding, interactive objects, spaces or physical experiences. """ from os import listdir, walk from os.path import isdir, isfile, join from SCons.Script import DefaultEnvironment env = DefaultEnvironment() BOARD_OPTS = env.get("BOARD_OPTIONS", {}) BOARD_BUILDOPTS = BOARD_OPTS.get("build", {}) BOARD_CORELIBDIRNAME = BOARD_BUILDOPTS.get("core") # # Determine framework directory # based on development platform # PLATFORMFW_DIR = join("$PIOPACKAGES_DIR", "framework-arduino${PLATFORM.replace('atmel', '')}") if "digispark" in BOARD_BUILDOPTS.get("core"): BOARD_CORELIBDIRNAME = "digispark" PLATFORMFW_DIR = join( "$PIOPACKAGES_DIR", "framework-arduino%s" % ( "sam" if BOARD_BUILDOPTS.get("cpu") == "cortex-m3" else "avr") ) elif env.get("PLATFORM") == "timsp430": PLATFORMFW_DIR = join( "$PIOPACKAGES_DIR", "framework-arduinomsp430" ) elif env.get("PLATFORM") == "espressif": env.Prepend( CPPPATH=[join("$PLATFORMFW_DIR", "sdk", "include")], LIBPATH=[join("$PLATFORMFW_DIR", "sdk", "lib")], LIBS=["smartconfig", "pp", "main", "wpa", "lwip", "net80211", "phy", "hal", "gcc", "m"] ) env.Replace(PLATFORMFW_DIR=PLATFORMFW_DIR) # # Lookup for specific core's libraries # if isdir(join(env.subst("$PLATFORMFW_DIR"), "libraries", "__cores__", BOARD_CORELIBDIRNAME)): lib_dirs = env.get("LIBSOURCE_DIRS") lib_dirs.insert( lib_dirs.index(join("$PLATFORMFW_DIR", "libraries")), join(PLATFORMFW_DIR, "libraries", "__cores__", BOARD_CORELIBDIRNAME) ) env.Replace( LIBSOURCE_DIRS=lib_dirs ) # # Base # ARDUINO_VERSION = int( open(join(env.subst("$PLATFORMFW_DIR"), "version.txt")).read().replace(".", "").strip()) # usb flags ARDUINO_USBDEFINES = [] if "usb_product" in BOARD_BUILDOPTS: ARDUINO_USBDEFINES = [ "USB_VID=${BOARD_OPTIONS['build']['vid']}", "USB_PID=${BOARD_OPTIONS['build']['pid']}", 'USB_PRODUCT=\\"%s\\"' % (env.subst( "${BOARD_OPTIONS['build']['usb_product']}").replace('"', "")) ] if env.get("PLATFORM") == "teensy": ARDUINO_USBDEFINES += [ "ARDUINO=10600", "TEENSYDUINO=%d" % ARDUINO_VERSION ] else: ARDUINO_USBDEFINES += ["ARDUINO=%d" % ARDUINO_VERSION] env.Append( CPPDEFINES=ARDUINO_USBDEFINES, CPPPATH=[ join("$BUILD_DIR", "FrameworkArduino") ] ) # # Atmel SAM platform # if env.subst("${PLATFORMFW_DIR}")[-3:] == "sam": env.VariantDirWrap( join("$BUILD_DIR", "FrameworkCMSISInc"), join("$PLATFORMFW_DIR", "system", "CMSIS", "CMSIS", "Include") ) env.VariantDirWrap( join("$BUILD_DIR", "FrameworkDeviceInc"), join("$PLATFORMFW_DIR", "system", "CMSIS", "Device", "ATMEL") ) env.VariantDirWrap( join("$BUILD_DIR", "FrameworkLibSam"), join("$PLATFORMFW_DIR", "system", "libsam") ) env.VariantDirWrap( join("$BUILD_DIR", "FrameworkArduinoInc"), join("$PLATFORMFW_DIR", "cores", "${BOARD_OPTIONS['build']['core']}") ) env.Append( CPPPATH=[ join("$BUILD_DIR", "FrameworkCMSISInc"), join("$BUILD_DIR", "FrameworkLibSam"), join("$BUILD_DIR", "FrameworkLibSam", "include"), join("$BUILD_DIR", "FrameworkDeviceInc"), join("$BUILD_DIR", "FrameworkDeviceInc", "sam3xa", "include") ] ) # search relative includes in lib SAM directories core_dir = join(env.subst("$PLATFORMFW_DIR"), "system", "libsam") for root, _, files in walk(core_dir): for lib_file in files: file_path = join(root, lib_file) if not isfile(file_path): continue content = None content_changed = False with open(file_path) as fp: content = if '#include "../' in content: content_changed = True content = content.replace('#include "../', '#include "') if not content_changed: continue with open(file_path, "w") as fp: fp.write(content) # # Teensy platform # # Teensy 2.x Core if BOARD_BUILDOPTS.get("core", None) == "teensy": # search relative includes in teensy directories core_dir = join(env.get("PIOHOME_DIR"), "packages", "framework-arduinoteensy", "cores", "teensy") for item in sorted(listdir(core_dir)): file_path = join(core_dir, item) if not isfile(file_path): continue content = None content_changed = False with open(file_path) as fp: content = if '#include "../' in content: content_changed = True content = content.replace('#include "../', '#include "') if not content_changed: continue with open(file_path, "w") as fp: fp.write(content) # # Target: Build Core Library # libs = [] if "variant" in BOARD_BUILDOPTS: env.Append( CPPPATH=[ join("$BUILD_DIR", "FrameworkArduinoVariant") ] ) libs.append(env.BuildLibrary( join("$BUILD_DIR", "FrameworkArduinoVariant"), join("$PLATFORMFW_DIR", "variants", "${BOARD_OPTIONS['build']['variant']}") )) envsafe = env.Clone() libs.append(envsafe.BuildLibrary( join("$BUILD_DIR", "FrameworkArduino"), join("$PLATFORMFW_DIR", "cores", "${BOARD_OPTIONS['build']['core']}") )) if env.subst("${PLATFORMFW_DIR}")[-3:] == "sam": env.Append( LIBPATH=[ join("$PLATFORMFW_DIR", "variants", "${BOARD_OPTIONS['build']['variant']}") ] ) envsafe.Append( CFLAGS=[ "-std=gnu99" ] ) libs.append("sam_sam3x8e_gcc_rel") env.Append(LIBS=libs)
# Copyright 2015 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """ Adding hyperparameter optimization to: A deep MNIST classifier using convolutional layers. See extensive documentation at """ # Disable linter warnings to maintain consistency with tutorial. # pylint: disable=invalid-name # pylint: disable=g-bad-import-order from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import argparse import sys from tensorflow.examples.tutorials.mnist import input_data import tensorflow as tf import rfho as rf FLAGS = None def deepnn(x): """deepnn builds the graph for a deep net for classifying digits. Args: x: an input tensor with the dimensions (N_examples, 784), where 784 is the number of pixels in a standard MNIST image. Returns: A tuple (y, keep_prob). y is a tensor of shape (N_examples, 10), with values equal to the logits of classifying the digit into one of 10 classes (the digits 0-9). keep_prob is a scalar placeholder for the probability of dropout. """ # Reshape to use within a convolutional neural net. # Last dimension is for "features" - there is only one here, since images are # grayscale -- it would be 3 for an RGB image, 4 for RGBA, etc. x_image = tf.reshape(x, [-1, 28, 28, 1]) # First convolutional layer - maps one grayscale image to 32 feature maps. W_conv1 = weight_variable([5, 5, 1, 32]) b_conv1 = bias_variable([32]) h_conv1 = tf.nn.relu(conv2d(x_image, W_conv1) + b_conv1) # Pooling layer - downsamples by 2X. h_pool1 = max_pool_2x2(h_conv1) # Second convolutional layer -- maps 32 feature maps to 64. W_conv2 = weight_variable([5, 5, 32, 64]) b_conv2 = bias_variable([64]) h_conv2 = tf.nn.relu(conv2d(h_pool1, W_conv2) + b_conv2) # Second pooling layer. h_pool2 = max_pool_2x2(h_conv2) # Fully connected layer 1 -- after 2 round of downsampling, our 28x28 image # is down to 7x7x64 feature maps -- maps this to 1024 features. W_fc1 = weight_variable([7 * 7 * 64, 1024]) b_fc1 = bias_variable([1024]) h_pool2_flat = tf.reshape(h_pool2, [-1, 7 * 7 * 64]) h_fc1 = tf.nn.relu(tf.matmul(h_pool2_flat, W_fc1) + b_fc1) # TODO # Dropout - controls the complexity of the model, prevents co-adaptation of # # features. # keep_prob = tf.placeholder(tf.float32) # h_fc1_drop = tf.nn.dropout(h_fc1, keep_prob) # Map the 1024 features to 10 classes, one for each digit W_fc2 = weight_variable([1024, 10]) b_fc2 = bias_variable([10]) # RFHO: We use L2 norm weight penalty instead of dropout at the last layer. y_conv = tf.matmul(h_fc1, W_fc2) + b_fc2 return y_conv, W_fc1, W_fc2 def conv2d(x, W): """conv2d returns a 2d convolution layer with full stride.""" return tf.nn.conv2d(x, W, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME') def max_pool_2x2(x): """max_pool_2x2 downsamples a feature map by 2X.""" return tf.nn.max_pool(x, ksize=[1, 2, 2, 1], strides=[1, 2, 2, 1], padding='SAME') def weight_variable(shape): """weight_variable generates a weight variable of a given shape.""" initial = tf.truncated_normal(shape, stddev=0.1) return tf.Variable(initial) def bias_variable(shape): """bias_variable generates a bias variable of a given shape.""" initial = tf.constant(0.1, shape=shape) return tf.Variable(initial) def main(_): """ Modified MNIST for expert (CNN part) tensorflow tutorial experiment to include real time hyperparameter optimization. Hyperparameters being optimized are learning rate for ADAM optimizer and coefficient of L2 norm of fully connected part of the network. Note that this codes requires ~ 3x (gpu) memory and ~ 4x time compared to the original one but should yield a final test error of around 99.4 % :param _: :return: """ # Import data mnist = input_data.read_data_sets(FLAGS.data_dir, one_hot=True) # Create the model x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 784]) # Define loss and optimizer y_ = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 10]) # Build the graph for the deep net y_conv, W_fc1, W_fc2 = deepnn(x) # RFHO: collect model variables and "vectorize the model" model_vairables = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES) # use adam optimizer: optimizer = rf.AdamOptimizer w, y_conv, W_fc1, W_fc2 = rf.vectorize_model(model_vairables, y_conv, W_fc1, W_fc2, augment=optimizer.get_augmentation_multiplier(), suppress_err_out=False) # w is now a vector that contains all the weights, y_conv and W_fc2 are the same tensor as earlier, # but in the new graph # RFHO use cross entropy defined in the package since tensorflow one does not have Hessian, # eps is the clipping threshold for cross entropy. cross_entropy = tf.reduce_mean( rf.cross_entropy_loss(labels=y_, logits=y_conv, eps=1.e-4)) # RFHO add an L2 regularizer on the last weight matrix, whose weight will be optimized rho = tf.Variable(0., name='rho') constraints = [rf.positivity(rho)] # rho >= 0 iterations_per_epoch = 1100 # with mini batch size of 50 training_error = cross_entropy + 1/iterations_per_epoch*tf.multiply( rho, tf.nn.l2_loss(W_fc1) + tf.nn.l2_loss(W_fc2)) # train_step = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(1e-4).minimize(cross_entropy) # RFHO define learning rate as an hyperparameter and create the parameter optimization dynamics alpha = tf.Variable(1.e-4, name='alpha') constraints.append(rf.positivity(alpha)) dynamics = optimizer.create(w, lr=alpha, loss=training_error) # RFHO we want to optimize learning rate and L2 coefficient w.r.t. cross entropy loss on validation set hyper_dict = {cross_entropy: [alpha, rho]} # RFHO define the hyperparameter optimizer, we use Forward-HG method to compute hyper-gradients and RTHO algorithm hyper_opt = rf.HyperOptimizer(dynamics, hyper_dict, rf.ForwardHG, lr=1.e-5) correct_prediction = tf.equal(tf.argmax(y_conv, 1), tf.argmax(y_, 1)) accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_prediction, tf.float32), name='accuracy') # RFHO last thing before running: define the example supplier: def _train_fd(): batch = mnist.train.next_batch(50) # batch size of 50 return {x: batch[0], y_: batch[1]} def _validation_fd(): return {x: mnist.validation.images, y_: mnist.validation.labels} with tf.Session(config=rf.CONFIG_GPU_GROWTH).as_default() as ss: # RFHO use default session. hyper_opt.initialize() # RFHO this will initialize all the variables, including hyperparameters for i in range(200): # RFHO we run for 200 hyper-iterations, train_feed_dict_supplier=_train_fd, val_feed_dict_suppliers={cross_entropy: _validation_fd}, hyper_constraints_ops=constraints) # if i % 100 == 0: train_accuracy = accuracy.eval(feed_dict=_train_fd()) val_accuracy, val_error =[accuracy, cross_entropy], feed_dict=_validation_fd()) print('step %d, training accuracy %.2f; validation accuracy: %.4f, validation error: %.5f; ' 'alpha: %.6f, %.5f, rho: %.6f, %.5f' % (i*100, train_accuracy, val_accuracy, val_error, alpha.eval(), hyper_opt.hyper_gradients.hyper_gradients_dict[alpha].eval(), rho.eval(), hyper_opt.hyper_gradients.hyper_gradients_dict[rho].eval())) #{x: batch[0], y_: batch[1], keep_prob: 0.5}) test_accuracy = accuracy.eval(feed_dict={ x: mnist.test.images, y_: mnist.test.labels}) print('test accuracy %g' % test_accuracy) return test_accuracy def experiment(mnist, optimizer=rf.AdamOptimizer, optimizer_kwargs=None, hyper_batch_size=100, T=200, hyper_learning_rate=1.e-4, use_mse=False): """ Modified MNIST for expert (CNN part) tensorflow tutorial experiment to include real time hyperparameter optimization. Hyperparameters being optimized are learning rate for ADAM optimizer and coefficient of L2 norm of fully connected part of the network. Note that this codes requires ~ 3x (gpu) memory and ~ 4x time compared to the original one but should yield a final test error of around 99.4 % :return: """ # Create the model x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 784], name='x') # Define loss and optimizer y_ = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 10], name='y') # Build the graph for the deep net y_conv, W_fc1, W_fc2 = deepnn(x) # RFHO: collect model variables and "vectorize the model" model_vairables = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES) # use adam optimizer: w, y_conv, W_fc1, W_fc2 = rf.vectorize_model(model_vairables, y_conv, W_fc1, W_fc2, augment=optimizer.get_augmentation_multiplier()) # w is now a vector that contains all the weights, y_conv and W_fc2 are the same tensor as earlier, # but in the new graph # RFHO use cross entropy defined in the package since tensorflow one does not have Hessian, # eps is the clipping threshold for cross entropy. if use_mse: error = tf.reduce_mean(tf.squared_difference(y_, y_conv), name='error') else: error = tf.reduce_mean( rf.cross_entropy_loss(labels=y_, logits=y_conv, eps=1.e-4), name='error') # RFHO add an L2 regularizer on the last weight matrix, whose weight will be optimized rho = tf.Variable(0., name='rho') constraints = [rf.positivity(rho)] # rho >= 0 iterations_per_epoch = 1100 # with mini batch size of 50 training_error = error + 1/iterations_per_epoch*tf.multiply( rho, tf.nn.l2_loss(W_fc1) + tf.nn.l2_loss(W_fc2)) # train_step = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(1e-4).minimize(cross_entropy) # RFHO define learning rate as an hyperparameter and create the parameter optimization dynamics if optimizer_kwargs is None: optimizer_kwargs = {'lr': tf.Variable(1.e-4, name='alpha')} dynamics = optimizer.create(w, loss=training_error, **optimizer_kwargs) constraints += dynamics.get_natural_hyperparameter_constraints() # add 'usual' constraints for # if optimizer is rf.AdamOptimizer: # constraints.append(dynamics.learning_rate.assign(tf.minimum(1.e-3, dynamics.learning_rate))) # algorithmic hyperparameters # RFHO we want to optimize learning rate and L2 coefficient w.r.t. cross entropy loss on validation set hyper_dict = {error: [rho] + dynamics.get_optimization_hyperparameters(only_variables=True)} # RFHO define the hyperparameter optimizer, we use Forward-HG method to compute hyper-gradients and RTHO algorithm hyper_opt = rf.HyperOptimizer(dynamics, hyper_dict, rf.ForwardHG, lr=hyper_learning_rate) correct_prediction = tf.equal(tf.argmax(y_conv, 1), tf.argmax(y_, 1)) accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_prediction, tf.float32), name='accuracy') # RFHO last thing before running: define the example supplier: _train_fd = rf.ExampleVisiting(mnist.train, batch_size=50).create_feed_dict_supplier(x, y_) _validation_fd = mnist.validation.create_supplier(x, y_) with tf.Session(config=rf.CONFIG_GPU_GROWTH).as_default(): # RFHO use default session. hyper_opt.initialize() # RFHO this will initialize all the variables, including hyperparameters for i in range(T): # RFHO we run for 200 hyper-iterations, train_feed_dict_supplier=_train_fd, val_feed_dict_suppliers={error: _validation_fd}, hyper_constraints_ops=constraints) test_accuracy = accuracy.eval(feed_dict=mnist.test.create_supplier(x, y_)()) print('test accuracy %g' % test_accuracy) return test_accuracy if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--data_dir', type=str, default='/tmp/tensorflow/mnist/input_data', help='Directory for storing input data') FLAGS, unparsed = parser.parse_known_args(), argv=[sys.argv[0]] + unparsed)
""" was written by Ryan Petersburg for use with fiber characterization on the EXtreme PREcision Spectrograph The functions in this module calculate the center and various dimensions of a FiberImage object """ from .numpy_array_handler import circle_array, remove_circle, sum_array, mesh_grid_from_array from .plotting import plot_image, plot_dot, plot_overlaid_cross_sections, show_plots from .containers import Pixel from .fiber_centroid import calc_centroid import numpy as np # Golden ratio for the optimization tests PHI = (5 ** 0.5 - 1) / 2 def fiber_center_and_diameter(im_obj, method, show_image=False, **kwargs): """Find fiber center and diameter using the given method Args ---- method : {'edge', 'radius', 'gaussian', 'circle'} Uses the respective method to find the fiber center show_image : boolean, optional (default=False) Whether or not to show relevant fitting images **kwargs : The keyworded arguments to pass to the centering method Raises ------ RuntimeError needs a valid method string to run the proper algorithm """ if method == 'radius': center, diameter = _radius_method(im_obj, **kwargs) elif method == 'edge': center, diameter = _edge_method(im_obj, **kwargs) elif method == 'circle': center, diameter = _circle_method(im_obj, **kwargs) elif method == 'gaussian': center, diameter = _gaussian_method(im_obj, **kwargs) elif method == 'full': center, diameter = _full_method(im_obj, **kwargs) else: raise RuntimeError('Incorrect string for fiber centering method') if show_image: radius = diameter / 2.0 image = im_obj.get_image() if method == 'gaussian': plot_overlaid_cross_sections(image, im_obj.get_gaussian_fit(), center) plot_dot(image, center) else: plot_image(remove_circle(image, center, radius, res=1)) plot_overlaid_cross_sections(image, circle_array(im_obj.get_mesh_grid(), center.x, center.y, radius, res=1) *image.max() / 2.0, center) plot_dot(image, center) if method == 'edge': for corner in im_obj._edges: plot_dot(image, corner) show_plots() return center, diameter def _full_method(im_obj, kernel=None, threshold=None, **kwargs): """Centroids a boolean image above the FiberImage threshold. Returns ------- center : Pixel diameter : float (pixels) """ if threshold is None: threshold = im_obj.threshold image = (im_obj.get_filtered_image(kernel) > threshold).astype('uint8') center = calc_centroid(image) x_array, y_array = mesh_grid_from_array(image) dist_image = np.sqrt((x_array - center.x)**2 + (y_array - center.y)**2) dist_image *= image diameter = dist_image.max() * 2.0 # _, diameter = _edge_method(im_obj, kernel=kernel, **kwargs) return center, diameter def _edge_method(im_obj, **kwargs): """Averages the fiber edges to set the fiber center Returns ------- center : Pixel diameter : float (pixels) """ im_obj.set_fiber_edges(**kwargs) edges = im_obj._edges y = ( + edges.bottom.y) / 2.0 x = (edges.left.x + edges.right.x) / 2.0 center = Pixel(x,y) # average the horizontal and vertical distances diameter = (np.sqrt(((edges.right - edges.left)**2).as_array().sum()) + np.sqrt(((edges.bottom -**2).as_array().sum())) / 2.0 return center, diameter def _gaussian_method(im_obj, **kwargs): """Set fiber center using a Gaussian Fit Uses Scipy.optimize.curve_fit method to fit fiber image to gaussian_array(). The radius found extends to 2-sigma of the gaussian therefore encompassing ~95% of the imaged light. Use previous methods of center-finding to approximate the location of the center Returns ------- center : Pixel Center of the fiber in the gaussian method context diameter : float (pixels) """ if im_obj.gaussian_coeffs is None: im_obj.set_gaussian_fit(**kwargs) coeffs = im_obj.gaussian_coeffs center = Pixel(coeffs[0], coeffs[1]) diameter = abs(coeffs[2]) * 2.0 return center, diameter def _radius_method(im_obj, radius_tol=.03, radius_range=None, option=None, kernel=None, threshold=None, **kwargs): """Set fiber center using dark circle with varying radius Uses a golden mean optimization method to find the optimal radius of the dark circle that covers the fiber image used in get_fiber_centerCircleMethod(). The optimization is for a parameter array_sum which is weighted by the area of the circle, meaning that a smaller circle is preferred over one that simply covers the entire image Args ---- radius_tol : number (default=1) Minimum possible range of radius values before ending iteration radius_range: int (in pixels) Range of tested radii, i.e. max(radius) - min(radius). If None, uses full possible range Returns ------- center : Pixel diameter : float (pixels) array_sum : float If option is 'all' """ image = im_obj.get_filtered_image(kernel) if threshold is None: threshold = im_obj.threshold # Initialize range of tested radii r = np.zeros(4).astype(float) if radius_range is not None: approx_radius = im_obj.get_fiber_radius(method='edge') radius_range /= 2.0 r[0] = approx_radius - radius_range if r[0] < 0.0: r[0] = 0.0 r[3] = approx_radius + radius_range else: r[0] = 0 r[3] = min(im_obj.height, im_obj.width) / 2.0 r[1] = r[0] + (1 - PHI) * (r[3] - r[0]) r[2] = r[0] + PHI * (r[3] - r[0]) array_sum = np.zeros(2).astype(float) for i in xrange(2): center, _, array_sum[i] = _circle_method(im_obj, image=image, radius=r[i+1], option='all', **kwargs) array_sum[i] += im_obj.threshold * np.pi * r[i+1]**2 min_index = np.argmin(array_sum) # Integer 0 or 1 for min of r[1], r[2] while abs(r[3]-r[0]) > radius_tol: if min_index == 0: r[3] = r[2] r[2] = r[1] r[1] = r[0] + (1 - PHI) * (r[3] - r[0]) else: r[0] = r[1] r[1] = r[2] r[2] = r[0] + PHI * (r[3] - r[0]) array_sum[1 - min_index] = array_sum[min_index] center, _, array_sum[min_index] = _circle_method(im_obj, image=image, radius=r[min_index+1], option='all', **kwargs) array_sum[min_index] += threshold * np.pi * r[min_index+1]**2 min_index = np.argmin(array_sum) # Integer 0 or 1 for min of r[1], r[2] array_sum = np.amin(array_sum) diameter = r[min_index+1] * 2 if option == 'all': return center, diameter, array_sum return center, diameter def _circle_method(im_obj, image=None, radius=None, center_tol=.03, center_range=None, option=None, kernel=None, **kwargs): """Finds fiber center using a dark circle of set radius Uses golden mean method to find the optimal center for a circle covering the fiber image. The optimization is for a parameter array_sum that simply sums over the entire fiber image array Args ---- radius : float Radius to use when creating circle center_tol : number (default=1) Minimum possible range of center values before ending iteration center_range: int (in pixels) Range of tested centers, i.e. max(x0) - min(x0). If None, uses full possible range image : 2d numpy.ndarray, optional The image being analyzed. This is only useful for the radius_method. Probably not for use outside the class. Returns ------- center : Pixel diameter : float (pixels) array_sum : float if option is 'all' """ res = int(1.0/center_tol) if image is None: image = im_obj.get_filtered_image(kernel) if radius is None: radius = im_obj.get_fiber_radius(method='edge') # Create four "corners" to test center of the removed circle x = np.zeros(4).astype(float) y = np.zeros(4).astype(float) if center_range is not None: approx_center = im_obj.get_fiber_center(method='edge') center_range = center_range / 2.0 x[0] = approx_center.x - center_range if x[0] < radius: x[0] = radius x[3] = approx_center.x + center_range if x[3] > im_obj.width - radius: x[3] = im_obj.width - radius y[0] = approx_center.y - center_range if y[0] < radius: y[0] = radius y[3] = approx_center.y + center_range if y[3] > im_obj.height - radius: y[3] = im_obj.height - radius else: x[0] = radius x[3] = im_obj.width - radius y[0] = radius y[3] = im_obj.height - radius x[1] = x[0] + (1 - PHI) * (x[3] - x[0]) x[2] = x[0] + PHI * (x[3] - x[0]) y[1] = y[0] + (1 - PHI) * (y[3] - y[0]) y[2] = y[0] + PHI * (y[3] - y[0]) # Initialize array sums to each corner array_sum = np.zeros((2, 2)).astype(float) for i in xrange(2): for j in xrange(2): removed_circle_array = remove_circle(image, Pixel(x[i+1], y[j+1]), radius, res=1) array_sum[j, i] = sum_array(removed_circle_array) # Find the index of the corner with minimum array_sum min_index = np.unravel_index(np.argmin(array_sum), (2, 2)) # Tuple while abs(x[3] - x[0]) > center_tol and abs(y[3] - y[0]) > center_tol: # Move the other corners to smaller search area if min_index[0] == 0: y[3] = y[2] y[2] = y[1] y[1] = y[0] + (1 - PHI) * (y[3] - y[0]) else: y[0] = y[1] y[1] = y[2] y[2] = y[0] + PHI * (y[3] - y[0]) if min_index[1] == 0: x[3] = x[2] x[2] = x[1] x[1] = x[0] + (1 - PHI) * (x[3] - x[0]) else: x[0] = x[1] x[1] = x[2] x[2] = x[0] + PHI * (x[3] - x[0]) # Replace the opposite corner array sum (so it doesn't need to be recalculated) array_sum[1 - min_index[0], 1 - min_index[1]] = array_sum[min_index] min_index = (1 - min_index[0], 1 - min_index[1]) # Recalculate new sums for all four corners for i in xrange(2): for j in xrange(2): if i != min_index[1] or j != min_index[0]: temp_res = 1 if (abs(x[3] - x[0]) < 10*center_tol and abs(y[3] - y[0]) < 10*center_tol): temp_res = res removed_circle_array = remove_circle(image, Pixel(x[i+1], y[j+1]), radius, temp_res) array_sum[j, i] = sum_array(removed_circle_array) min_index = np.unravel_index(np.argmin(array_sum), (2, 2)) center = Pixel(x[min_index[1]+1], y[min_index[0]+1]) diameter = radius * 2 array_sum = np.amin(array_sum) if option == 'all': return center, diameter, array_sum return center, diameter
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Django settings for intranet project. import os.path import posixpath import pinax PINAX_ROOT = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(pinax.__file__)) PROJECT_ROOT = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) # tells Pinax to use the default theme PINAX_THEME = "default" DEBUG = True TEMPLATE_DEBUG = DEBUG # tells Pinax to serve media through the staticfiles app. SERVE_MEDIA = DEBUG INTERNAL_IPS = [ "", ] ADMINS = [ # ("Your Name", "[email protected]"), ] MANAGERS = ADMINS DATABASES = { "default": { "ENGINE": "django.db.backends.sqlite3", # Add "postgresql_psycopg2", "postgresql", "mysql", "sqlite3" or "oracle". "NAME": "dev.db", # Or path to database file if using sqlite3. "USER": "", # Not used with sqlite3. "PASSWORD": "", # Not used with sqlite3. "HOST": "", # Set to empty string for localhost. Not used with sqlite3. "PORT": "", # Set to empty string for default. Not used with sqlite3. } } # Local time zone for this installation. Choices can be found here: # # although not all choices may be available on all operating systems. # If running in a Windows environment this must be set to the same as your # system time zone. TIME_ZONE = "US/Eastern" # Language code for this installation. All choices can be found here: # LANGUAGE_CODE = "en-us" SITE_ID = 1 # If you set this to False, Django will make some optimizations so as not # to load the internationalization machinery. USE_I18N = True # Absolute path to the directory that holds media. # Example: "/home/media/" MEDIA_ROOT = os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, "site_media", "media") # URL that handles the media served from MEDIA_ROOT. Make sure to use a # trailing slash if there is a path component (optional in other cases). # Examples: "", "" MEDIA_URL = "/site_media/media/" # Absolute path to the directory that holds static files like app media. # Example: "/home/media/" STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, "site_media", "static") # URL that handles the static files like app media. # Example: "" STATIC_URL = "/site_media/static/" # Additional directories which hold static files STATICFILES_DIRS = [ os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, "media"), os.path.join(PINAX_ROOT, "media", PINAX_THEME), ] # URL prefix for admin media -- CSS, JavaScript and images. Make sure to use a # trailing slash. # Examples: "", "/media/". ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX = posixpath.join(STATIC_URL, "admin/") # Make this unique, and don't share it with anybody. SECRET_KEY = "" # List of callables that know how to import templates from various sources. TEMPLATE_LOADERS = [ "django.template.loaders.filesystem.load_template_source", "django.template.loaders.app_directories.load_template_source", ] MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES = [ "django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware", "django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware", "django.middleware.csrf.CsrfViewMiddleware", "django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware", "django_openid.consumer.SessionConsumer", "django.contrib.messages.middleware.MessageMiddleware", "groups.middleware.GroupAwareMiddleware", "pinax.apps.account.middleware.LocaleMiddleware", "pinax.apps.account.middleware.AuthenticatedMiddleware", "pagination.middleware.PaginationMiddleware", "", "debug_toolbar.middleware.DebugToolbarMiddleware", ] ROOT_URLCONF = "intranet_project.urls" TEMPLATE_DIRS = [ os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, "templates"), os.path.join(PINAX_ROOT, "templates", PINAX_THEME), ] TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS = [ "django.core.context_processors.auth", "django.core.context_processors.debug", "django.core.context_processors.i18n", "", "django.core.context_processors.request", "django.contrib.messages.context_processors.messages", "staticfiles.context_processors.static_url", "pinax.core.context_processors.pinax_settings", "pinax.apps.account.context_processors.account", "notification.context_processors.notification", "announcements.context_processors.site_wide_announcements", ] INSTALLED_APPS = [ # Django "django.contrib.admin", "django.contrib.auth", "django.contrib.contenttypes", "django.contrib.sessions", "django.contrib.sites", "django.contrib.messages", "django.contrib.humanize", "django.contrib.markup", "pinax.templatetags", # external "notification", # must be first "staticfiles", "debug_toolbar", "mailer", "uni_form", "django_openid", "ajax_validation", "timezones", "emailconfirmation", "announcements", "pagination", "idios", "groups", "bookmarks", "avatar", "tagging", "threadedcomments", "wakawaka", "django_markup", "attachments", "django_filters", "tagging_ext", "voting", # Pinax "pinax.apps.account", "pinax.apps.signup_codes", "pinax.apps.topics", "pinax.apps.tagging_utils", "pinax.apps.threadedcomments_extras", "pinax.apps.tasks", # project "profiles", ] FIXTURE_DIRS = [ os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, "fixtures"), ] MESSAGE_STORAGE = "" ABSOLUTE_URL_OVERRIDES = { "auth.user": lambda o: "/profiles/profile/%s/" % o.username, } MARKUP_FILTER_FALLBACK = "none" MARKUP_CHOICES = [ ("restructuredtext", u"reStructuredText"), ("textile", u"Textile"), ("markdown", u"Markdown"), ("creole", u"Creole"), ] AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE = "profiles.Profile" NOTIFICATION_LANGUAGE_MODULE = "account.Account" ACCOUNT_OPEN_SIGNUP = False ACCOUNT_REQUIRED_EMAIL = False ACCOUNT_EMAIL_VERIFICATION = False ACCOUNT_EMAIL_AUTHENTICATION = False ACCOUNT_UNIQUE_EMAIL = EMAIL_CONFIRMATION_UNIQUE_EMAIL = False AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = [ "pinax.apps.account.auth_backends.AuthenticationBackend", ] LOGIN_URL = "/account/login/" # @@@ any way this can be a url name? LOGIN_REDIRECT_URLNAME = "home" EMAIL_CONFIRMATION_DAYS = 2 EMAIL_DEBUG = DEBUG AUTHENTICATED_EXEMPT_URLS = [ r"^/account/signup/$", r"^/account/password_reset", r"^/account/confirm_email", r"^/openid", r"^/__debug__", ] DEBUG_TOOLBAR_CONFIG = { "INTERCEPT_REDIRECTS": False, } # can be used to override environment-specific settings # like database and email that differ between development and production. try: from local_settings import * except ImportError: pass