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[ "Notes to the consolidated financial statements of Aegon N.V. ", "Note 50", "270", "50", "Summary of total financial assets and financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss", "Investments for general account", "Investments for account of policyholders", "Investment contracts for account of policyholders", "Derivatives", "Borrowings ", "The table that follows summarizes the carrying amounts of financial assets and financial liabilities that are classified as at fair value ", "through profit or loss, with appropriate distinction between those financial assets and financial liabilities held for trading and those ", "that, upon initial recognition, were designated as at fair value through profit or loss.", "The Group manages certain portfolios on a total return basis which have been designated at fair value through profit or loss. ", "This includes portfolios of investments in limited partnerships and limited liability companies (primarily hedge funds) for which ", "the performance is assessed internally on a total return basis. In addition, some investments that include an embedded derivative ", "that would otherwise have required bifurcation, such as convertible instruments, preferred shares and credit linked notes, have been ", "designated at fair value through profit or loss. ", "Investments for general account backing insurance and investment liabilities, that are carried at fair value with changes in the fair ", "value recognized in the income statement, are designated at fair value through profit or loss. The Group elected to designate these ", "investments at fair value through profit or loss, as a classification of financial assets as available-for-sale would result in accumulation ", "of unrealized gains and losses in a revaluation reserve within equity whilst changes to the liability would be reflected in net income ", "(accounting mismatch).", "Investments held for account of policyholders comprise assets that are linked to various insurance and investment contracts for ", "which the financial risks are borne by the customer. Under the Group’s accounting policies these insurance and investment liabilities ", "are measured at the fair value of the linked assets with changes in the fair value recognized in the income statement. To avoid an ", "accounting mismatch the linked assets have been designated as at fair value through profit or loss. ", "In addition, the investment for account of policyholders include with profit assets, where an insurer manages these assets together ", "with related liabilities on a fair value basis in accordance with a documented policy of asset and liability management. In accordance ", "with Group’s accounting policies, these assets have been designated as at fair value through profit or loss.", "With the exception of the financial liabilities with discretionary participating features that are not subject to the classification and ", "measurement requirements for financial instruments, all investment contracts for account of policyholders that are carried at fair value ", "or at the fair value of the linked assets are included in the table above.", "With the exception of derivatives designated as a hedging instrument, all derivatives held for general account and held for account of ", "policyholders are included in the table above.", "Borrowings designated as at fair value through profit or loss includes financial instruments that are managed on a fair value basis ", "together with related financial assets and financial derivatives (Refer to note 41).", "Annual Report 2013", "2013", "2012", "Trading", "Designated", "Trading", "Designated", "Investments for general account", "121", "4,712", "754", "4,809", "Investments for account of policyholders", "-", "164,037", "-", "151,960", "Derivatives with positive values not designated as hedges", "12,651", "-", "19,348", "-", "Total financial assets at fair value through profit or loss", "12,771", "168,749", "20,102", "156,769", "Investment contracts for account of policyholders", "-", "32,628", "-", "29,188", "Derivatives with negative values not designated as hedges", "11,248", "-", "17,042", "-", "Borrowings", "-", "1,017", "-", "1,050", "Total financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss", "11,248", "33,645", "17,042", "30,238" ]
[ [ 71, 30, 529, 14 ], [ 71, 30, 529, 14 ], [ 71, 30, 529, 14 ], [ 119, 98, 694, 14 ], [ 119, 98, 694, 14 ], [ 119, 363, 212, 13 ], [ 119, 564, 268, 13 ], [ 119, 719, 326, 13 ], [ 119, 797, 74, 13 ], [ 119, 859, 78, 13 ], [ 119, 116, 770, 42 ], [ 119, 116, 770, 42 ], [ 119, 116, 770, 42 ], [ 119, 380, 768, 73 ], [ 119, 380, 768, 73 ], [ 119, 380, 768, 73 ], [ 119, 380, 768, 73 ], [ 119, 380, 768, 73 ], [ 119, 473, 784, 73 ], [ 119, 473, 784, 73 ], [ 119, 473, 784, 73 ], [ 119, 473, 784, 73 ], [ 119, 473, 784, 73 ], [ 119, 581, 764, 58 ], [ 119, 581, 764, 58 ], [ 119, 581, 764, 58 ], [ 119, 581, 764, 58 ], [ 119, 659, 767, 42 ], [ 119, 659, 767, 42 ], [ 119, 659, 767, 42 ], [ 119, 736, 787, 42 ], [ 119, 736, 787, 42 ], [ 119, 736, 787, 42 ], [ 119, 813, 775, 27 ], [ 119, 813, 775, 27 ], [ 119, 875, 753, 27 ], [ 119, 875, 753, 27 ], [ 200, 991, 124, 12 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ] ]
[ [ 119, 30, 422, 13 ], [ 541, 30, 59, 14 ], [ 71, 31, 25, 13 ], [ 119, 98, 19, 14 ], [ 143, 98, 670, 14 ], [ 119, 363, 212, 13 ], [ 119, 564, 268, 13 ], [ 119, 719, 326, 13 ], [ 119, 797, 74, 13 ], [ 119, 859, 78, 13 ], [ 119, 116, 770, 11 ], [ 119, 132, 764, 11 ], [ 119, 147, 485, 11 ], [ 119, 380, 724, 11 ], [ 119, 395, 736, 11 ], [ 119, 411, 751, 11 ], [ 119, 426, 768, 11 ], [ 119, 442, 270, 11 ], [ 119, 473, 753, 11 ], [ 119, 488, 761, 11 ], [ 119, 504, 784, 11 ], [ 119, 519, 761, 11 ], [ 119, 535, 134, 11 ], [ 119, 581, 743, 11 ], [ 119, 597, 764, 11 ], [ 119, 612, 751, 11 ], [ 119, 628, 577, 11 ], [ 119, 659, 762, 11 ], [ 119, 674, 767, 11 ], [ 119, 690, 614, 11 ], [ 119, 736, 755, 11 ], [ 119, 752, 787, 11 ], [ 119, 767, 408, 11 ], [ 119, 813, 775, 11 ], [ 119, 829, 261, 11 ], [ 119, 875, 753, 11 ], [ 119, 891, 470, 11 ], [ 200, 991, 124, 12 ], [ 631, 179, 32, 12 ], [ 803, 180, 30, 11 ], [ 591, 194, 46, 12 ], [ 653, 194, 69, 12 ], [ 768, 195, 40, 11 ], [ 833, 195, 61, 11 ], [ 119, 212, 165, 10 ], [ 616, 212, 21, 10 ], [ 692, 212, 30, 10 ], [ 788, 212, 21, 10 ], [ 864, 212, 30, 10 ], [ 119, 227, 209, 10 ], [ 633, 227, 4, 10 ], [ 678, 227, 44, 10 ], [ 804, 227, 4, 10 ], [ 850, 227, 44, 10 ], [ 119, 243, 293, 10 ], [ 599, 243, 37, 10 ], [ 718, 243, 4, 10 ], [ 771, 243, 37, 10 ], [ 890, 243, 4, 10 ], [ 119, 256, 346, 12 ], [ 594, 257, 43, 11 ], [ 672, 257, 51, 11 ], [ 766, 257, 43, 11 ], [ 843, 257, 51, 11 ], [ 119, 281, 254, 10 ], [ 633, 281, 4, 10 ], [ 685, 281, 37, 10 ], [ 804, 281, 4, 10 ], [ 857, 281, 37, 10 ], [ 119, 297, 297, 10 ], [ 599, 297, 37, 10 ], [ 718, 297, 4, 10 ], [ 771, 297, 37, 10 ], [ 890, 297, 4, 10 ], [ 119, 312, 57, 10 ], [ 633, 312, 4, 10 ], [ 692, 312, 30, 10 ], [ 804, 312, 4, 10 ], [ 864, 312, 30, 10 ], [ 119, 326, 365, 12 ], [ 594, 327, 43, 11 ], [ 680, 327, 43, 11 ], [ 766, 327, 43, 11 ], [ 851, 327, 43, 11 ] ]
[ 5, 5, 5, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 4, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8 ]
[ "MongoDB Documentation, Release 3.0.4", "Collection on all", "mongod", "Instances", "On startup, each", "mongod", "instance inserts a document into", "startup_log", "(page 653) with diagnostic informa-", "tion about the", "mongod", "instance itself and host information.", "startup_log", "(page 653) is a capped collection.", "This information is primarily useful for diagnostic purposes.", "Example", "Consider the following prototype of a document from the", "startup_log", "(page 653) collection:", "Documents in the", "startup_log", "(page 653) collection contain the following fields:", "Includes the system hostname and a millisecond epoch value.", "The system’s hostname.", "A UTC", "ISODate", "value that reflects when the server started.", "A string that reports the", "startTime", "(page 653) in the system’s local time zone.", "An embedded document that reports the", "mongod", "runtime options and their values.", "The process identifier for this process.", "An embedded document that reports information about the build environment and settings used to compile", "this", "mongod", ". This is the same output as", "buildInfo", ". See", "buildInfo", ".", "9.4.", "Replication Reference", "653", "local.startup_log.", "buildinfo", "local.startup_log.", "pid", "local.startup_log.", "cmdLine", "local.startup_log.", "startTimeLocal", "local.startup_log.", "startTime", "local.startup_log.", "hostname", "local.startup_log.", "_id", "{", "\"_id\" : \"<string>\",", "\"hostname\" : \"<string>\",", "\"startTime\" : ISODate(\"<date>\"),", "\"startTimeLocal\" : \"<string>\",", "\"cmdLine\" : {", "\"dbpath\" : \"<path>\",", "\"<option>\" : <value>", "},", "\"pid\" : <number>,", "\"buildinfo\" : {", "\"version\" : \"<string>\",", "\"gitVersion\" : \"<string>\",", "\"sysInfo\" : \"<string>\",", "\"loaderFlags\" : \"<string>\",", "\"compilerFlags\" : \"<string>\",", "\"allocator\" : \"<string>\",", "\"versionArray\" : [ <num>, <num>, <...> ],", "\"javascriptEngine\" : \"<string>\",", "\"bits\" : <number>,", "\"debug\" : <", "boolean", ">,", "\"maxBsonObjectSize\" : <number>", "}", "}", "local.", "startup_log" ]
[ [ 585, 46, 318, 12 ], [ 120, 97, 247, 10 ], [ 120, 97, 247, 10 ], [ 120, 97, 247, 10 ], [ 162, 148, 742, 42 ], [ 162, 148, 742, 42 ], [ 162, 148, 742, 42 ], [ 162, 148, 742, 42 ], [ 162, 148, 742, 42 ], [ 162, 148, 742, 42 ], [ 162, 148, 742, 42 ], [ 162, 148, 742, 42 ], [ 162, 148, 742, 42 ], [ 162, 148, 742, 42 ], [ 162, 148, 742, 42 ], [ 162, 210, 63, 11 ], [ 199, 231, 647, 11 ], [ 199, 231, 647, 11 ], [ 199, 231, 647, 11 ], [ 162, 609, 569, 11 ], [ 162, 609, 569, 11 ], [ 162, 609, 569, 11 ], [ 199, 648, 409, 11 ], [ 199, 686, 159, 11 ], [ 199, 725, 395, 11 ], [ 199, 725, 395, 11 ], [ 199, 725, 395, 11 ], [ 199, 764, 542, 11 ], [ 199, 764, 542, 11 ], [ 199, 764, 542, 11 ], [ 199, 802, 554, 11 ], [ 199, 802, 554, 11 ], [ 199, 802, 554, 11 ], [ 199, 841, 254, 11 ], [ 199, 880, 705, 26 ], [ 199, 880, 705, 26 ], [ 199, 880, 705, 26 ], [ 199, 880, 705, 26 ], [ 199, 880, 705, 26 ], [ 199, 880, 705, 26 ], [ 199, 880, 705, 26 ], [ 199, 880, 705, 26 ], [ 120, 961, 213, 12 ], [ 120, 961, 213, 12 ], [ 876, 961, 27, 12 ], [ 162, 865, 270, 9 ], [ 162, 865, 270, 9 ], [ 162, 826, 210, 9 ], [ 162, 826, 210, 9 ], [ 162, 788, 250, 9 ], [ 162, 788, 250, 9 ], [ 162, 749, 320, 9 ], [ 162, 749, 320, 9 ], [ 162, 710, 270, 9 ], [ 162, 710, 270, 9 ], [ 162, 672, 260, 9 ], [ 162, 672, 260, 9 ], [ 162, 633, 210, 9 ], [ 162, 633, 210, 9 ], [ 199, 255, 441, 335 ], [ 199, 255, 441, 335 ], [ 199, 255, 441, 335 ], [ 199, 255, 441, 335 ], [ 199, 255, 441, 335 ], [ 199, 255, 441, 335 ], [ 199, 255, 441, 335 ], [ 199, 255, 441, 335 ], [ 199, 255, 441, 335 ], [ 199, 255, 441, 335 ], [ 199, 255, 441, 335 ], [ 199, 255, 441, 335 ], [ 199, 255, 441, 335 ], [ 199, 255, 441, 335 ], [ 199, 255, 441, 335 ], [ 199, 255, 441, 335 ], [ 199, 255, 441, 335 ], [ 199, 255, 441, 335 ], [ 199, 255, 441, 335 ], [ 199, 255, 441, 335 ], [ 199, 255, 441, 335 ], [ 199, 255, 441, 335 ], [ 199, 255, 441, 335 ], [ 199, 255, 441, 335 ], [ 199, 255, 441, 335 ], [ 199, 255, 441, 335 ], [ 120, 134, 170, 9 ], [ 120, 134, 170, 9 ] ]
[ [ 585, 46, 318, 12 ], [ 120, 97, 115, 10 ], [ 240, 98, 54, 8 ], [ 298, 97, 69, 10 ], [ 162, 148, 107, 11 ], [ 273, 149, 60, 9 ], [ 337, 148, 211, 11 ], [ 552, 149, 110, 9 ], [ 665, 148, 238, 11 ], [ 162, 164, 91, 11 ], [ 257, 165, 60, 9 ], [ 322, 164, 239, 11 ], [ 566, 165, 110, 9 ], [ 680, 164, 223, 11 ], [ 162, 179, 403, 11 ], [ 162, 210, 63, 11 ], [ 199, 231, 382, 11 ], [ 585, 231, 110, 9 ], [ 699, 231, 146, 11 ], [ 162, 609, 117, 11 ], [ 284, 610, 110, 9 ], [ 398, 609, 333, 11 ], [ 199, 648, 409, 11 ], [ 199, 686, 159, 11 ], [ 199, 725, 49, 11 ], [ 252, 725, 58, 11 ], [ 315, 725, 279, 11 ], [ 199, 764, 158, 11 ], [ 361, 764, 90, 9 ], [ 455, 764, 285, 11 ], [ 199, 802, 267, 11 ], [ 470, 803, 60, 9 ], [ 534, 802, 218, 11 ], [ 199, 841, 254, 11 ], [ 199, 880, 705, 11 ], [ 199, 895, 24, 11 ], [ 227, 896, 60, 9 ], [ 287, 895, 182, 11 ], [ 473, 896, 90, 9 ], [ 563, 895, 33, 11 ], [ 601, 896, 90, 9 ], [ 691, 895, 4, 11 ], [ 120, 961, 28, 12 ], [ 153, 961, 179, 12 ], [ 876, 961, 27, 12 ], [ 162, 865, 180, 9 ], [ 342, 865, 90, 9 ], [ 162, 826, 180, 9 ], [ 342, 826, 30, 9 ], [ 162, 788, 180, 9 ], [ 342, 788, 70, 9 ], [ 162, 749, 180, 9 ], [ 342, 749, 140, 9 ], [ 162, 710, 180, 9 ], [ 342, 710, 90, 9 ], [ 162, 672, 180, 9 ], [ 342, 672, 80, 9 ], [ 162, 633, 180, 9 ], [ 342, 633, 30, 9 ], [ 199, 255, 9, 8 ], [ 217, 270, 171, 8 ], [ 217, 284, 216, 8 ], [ 217, 298, 288, 8 ], [ 217, 312, 270, 8 ], [ 217, 326, 117, 8 ], [ 271, 341, 180, 8 ], [ 271, 355, 180, 8 ], [ 217, 369, 18, 8 ], [ 217, 383, 153, 8 ], [ 217, 397, 135, 8 ], [ 271, 412, 207, 8 ], [ 271, 426, 234, 8 ], [ 271, 440, 207, 8 ], [ 271, 454, 243, 8 ], [ 271, 468, 261, 8 ], [ 271, 482, 225, 8 ], [ 271, 497, 369, 8 ], [ 271, 511, 288, 8 ], [ 271, 525, 162, 8 ], [ 271, 539, 99, 8 ], [ 370, 539, 63, 8 ], [ 433, 539, 18, 8 ], [ 271, 553, 270, 8 ], [ 217, 568, 9, 8 ], [ 199, 582, 9, 8 ], [ 120, 134, 60, 9 ], [ 180, 134, 110, 9 ] ]
[ 5, 7, 7, 7, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 4, 4, 4, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9 ]
[ "Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc. 2004 Annual Report", "SCIENCE" ]
[ [ 274, 74, 474, 14 ], [ 423, 39, 178, 28 ] ]
[ [ 274, 74, 474, 14 ], [ 423, 39, 178, 28 ] ]
[ 9, 10 ]
[ "Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements", "2000 and 1999. Since the date of issuance, approximately $21.5", "million of the SellCo Notes have been redeemed with proceeds", "from the sale of stock and assets of SellCo subsidiaries and the pre-", "payment by EMCOR of the Supplemental SellCo Note. The SellCo", "Notes mature on December 15, 2004 if not deemed canceled at an", "earlier date pursuant to the Indenture.", "In 1998, EMCOR issued notes in connection with the acquisition", "of two companies. A principal payment of $1.0 million was made", "in August 1999 in respect of one note issued in August 1998, and a", "principal payment of the balance of $1.15 million was made in", "respect of that note in August 2000. Interest on the note was", "payable together with payments of principal. The other note,", "issued in the principal amount of $6.2 million in December 1998,", "was paid in full in January 1999.", "See Note K in the Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.", "Other long-term debt consists primarily of loans for real estate,", "office equipment, automobiles and building improvements. As ", "of December 31, 2000 and 1999, respectively, other long-term ", "debt, excluding current maturities, totaling $1.1 million and $1.5", "million was owed by certain of EMCOR’s subsidiaries. The ", "aggregate amount of other long-term debt maturing during the", "next five years is approximately: $0.2 million in each of 2001 and ", "2002, $0.1 million in each of 2003, 2004 and 2005, and ", "$0.4 million thereafter.", "The income tax provision in the accompanying Consolidated", "Statements of Operations for the years ended December 31, 2000,", "1999 and 1998 consisted of the following (in thousands):", "EMCOR adopted Fresh-Start Accounting in connection with", "EMCOR’s reorganization in December 1994. As a result, the tax", "benefit of any net operating loss carryforwards or net deductible", "temporary differences which existed as of December 15, 1994 will", "result in a charge to the tax provision (provision in lieu of income", "taxes) and to capital surplus. Amounts credited to capital surplus", "were $24.4 million, $15.6 million and $8.2 million for the years", "ended December 31, 2000, 1999 and 1998, respectively.", "EMCOR files a consolidated federal income tax return including ", "all of its U.S. subsidiaries. At December 31, 2000, EMCOR had net", "operating loss carryforwards (“NOLs”) for U.S. income tax ", "purposes of approximately $40.0 million, which expire in the years", "2009 through 2012. The NOLs are subject to review by the Internal", "Revenue Service. Future changes in ownership of EMCOR, as", "defined by Section 382 of the Internal Revenue Code, could limit", "the amount of NOLs available for use in any one year. In the", "United Kingdom, EMCOR’s wholly owned subsidiary, Drake &", "Scull, has a trading loss carry-forward of approximately ", "$6.0 million. Trading losses may be carried forward, without a ", "time limit, against future income from the same trade.", "Note G – ", "Income Taxes", "Notes Payable", "Capitalized Lease Obligations", "Other Long-Term Debt", "Factors accounting for the variation from U.S. statutory income tax rates relating to continuing operations for the years ended", "December 31, 2000, 1999 and 1998 were as follows (in thousands):", "EMCOR, 2000 Annual Report", "32", "2000", "1999", "1998", "Current:", "Federal", "$", "1,364", "$", "872", "$", "302", "State and local", "3,394", "2,510", "2,035", "Foreign", "1,180", "1,730", "2,161", "5,938", "5,112", "4,498", "Deferred:", "Foreign", "1,138", "1,100", "–", "Provision in lieu of income taxes", "24,422", "15,645", "8,151", "$", "31,498", "$", "21,857", "$", "12,649", "2000", "1999", "1998", "Federal income taxes at the statutory rate", "$", "25,055", "$", "17,387", "$", "10,409", "State and local income taxes, net of federal tax benefits", "3,894", "2,990", "1,058", "Foreign income taxes", "890", "271", "1,247", "Non-deductible goodwill amortization", "1,211", "843", "101", "Other", "448", "366", "(166)", "$", "31,498", "$", "21,857", "$", "12,649" ]
[ [ 42, 32, 352, 14 ], [ 42, 90, 412, 86 ], [ 42, 90, 412, 86 ], [ 42, 90, 412, 86 ], [ 42, 90, 412, 86 ], [ 42, 90, 412, 86 ], [ 42, 90, 412, 86 ], [ 42, 211, 409, 115 ], [ 42, 211, 409, 115 ], [ 42, 211, 409, 115 ], [ 42, 211, 409, 115 ], [ 42, 211, 409, 115 ], [ 42, 211, 409, 115 ], [ 42, 211, 409, 115 ], [ 42, 211, 409, 115 ], [ 42, 361, 384, 11 ], [ 42, 405, 403, 130 ], [ 42, 405, 403, 130 ], [ 42, 405, 403, 130 ], [ 42, 405, 403, 130 ], [ 42, 405, 403, 130 ], [ 42, 405, 403, 130 ], [ 42, 405, 403, 130 ], [ 42, 405, 403, 130 ], [ 42, 405, 403, 130 ], [ 488, 417, 407, 41 ], [ 488, 417, 407, 41 ], [ 488, 417, 407, 41 ], [ 488, 297, 405, 115 ], [ 488, 297, 405, 115 ], [ 488, 297, 405, 115 ], [ 488, 297, 405, 115 ], [ 488, 297, 405, 115 ], [ 488, 297, 405, 115 ], [ 488, 297, 405, 115 ], [ 488, 297, 405, 115 ], [ 488, 119, 412, 175 ], [ 488, 119, 412, 175 ], [ 488, 119, 412, 175 ], [ 488, 119, 412, 175 ], [ 488, 119, 412, 175 ], [ 488, 119, 412, 175 ], [ 488, 119, 412, 175 ], [ 488, 119, 412, 175 ], [ 488, 119, 412, 175 ], [ 488, 119, 412, 175 ], [ 488, 119, 412, 175 ], [ 488, 119, 412, 175 ], [ 488, 90, 189, 14 ], [ 488, 90, 189, 14 ], [ 42, 195, 89, 12 ], [ 42, 345, 192, 12 ], [ 42, 390, 150, 12 ], [ 42, 741, 795, 26 ], [ 42, 741, 795, 26 ], [ 762, 995, 139, 8 ], [ 25, 993, 14, 10 ], [ 41, 559, 865, 165 ], [ 41, 559, 865, 165 ], [ 41, 559, 865, 165 ], [ 41, 559, 865, 165 ], [ 41, 559, 865, 165 ], [ 41, 559, 865, 165 ], [ 41, 559, 865, 165 ], [ 41, 559, 865, 165 ], [ 41, 559, 865, 165 ], [ 41, 559, 865, 165 ], [ 41, 559, 865, 165 ], [ 41, 559, 865, 165 ], [ 41, 559, 865, 165 ], [ 41, 559, 865, 165 ], [ 41, 559, 865, 165 ], [ 41, 559, 865, 165 ], [ 41, 559, 865, 165 ], [ 41, 559, 865, 165 ], [ 41, 559, 865, 165 ], [ 41, 559, 865, 165 ], [ 41, 559, 865, 165 ], [ 41, 559, 865, 165 ], [ 41, 559, 865, 165 ], [ 41, 559, 865, 165 ], [ 41, 559, 865, 165 ], [ 41, 559, 865, 165 ], [ 41, 559, 865, 165 ], [ 41, 559, 865, 165 ], [ 41, 559, 865, 165 ], [ 41, 559, 865, 165 ], [ 41, 559, 865, 165 ], [ 41, 559, 865, 165 ], [ 41, 559, 865, 165 ], [ 41, 559, 865, 165 ], [ 41, 559, 865, 165 ], [ 41, 559, 865, 165 ], [ 41, 559, 865, 165 ], [ 41, 785, 865, 106 ], [ 41, 785, 865, 106 ], [ 41, 785, 865, 106 ], [ 41, 785, 865, 106 ], [ 41, 785, 865, 106 ], [ 41, 785, 865, 106 ], [ 41, 785, 865, 106 ], [ 41, 785, 865, 106 ], [ 41, 785, 865, 106 ], [ 41, 785, 865, 106 ], [ 41, 785, 865, 106 ], [ 41, 785, 865, 106 ], [ 41, 785, 865, 106 ], [ 41, 785, 865, 106 ], [ 41, 785, 865, 106 ], [ 41, 785, 865, 106 ], [ 41, 785, 865, 106 ], [ 41, 785, 865, 106 ], [ 41, 785, 865, 106 ], [ 41, 785, 865, 106 ], [ 41, 785, 865, 106 ], [ 41, 785, 865, 106 ], [ 41, 785, 865, 106 ], [ 41, 785, 865, 106 ], [ 41, 785, 865, 106 ], [ 41, 785, 865, 106 ], [ 41, 785, 865, 106 ], [ 41, 785, 865, 106 ], [ 41, 785, 865, 106 ], [ 41, 785, 865, 106 ], [ 41, 785, 865, 106 ], [ 41, 785, 865, 106 ] ]
[ [ 42, 32, 352, 14 ], [ 42, 90, 386, 11 ], [ 42, 105, 386, 11 ], [ 42, 120, 412, 11 ], [ 42, 135, 410, 11 ], [ 42, 150, 407, 11 ], [ 42, 165, 235, 11 ], [ 42, 211, 401, 11 ], [ 42, 226, 402, 11 ], [ 42, 240, 409, 11 ], [ 42, 255, 386, 11 ], [ 42, 270, 369, 11 ], [ 42, 285, 374, 11 ], [ 42, 300, 404, 11 ], [ 42, 315, 198, 11 ], [ 42, 361, 384, 11 ], [ 42, 405, 389, 11 ], [ 42, 420, 388, 11 ], [ 42, 435, 382, 11 ], [ 42, 450, 398, 11 ], [ 42, 465, 365, 11 ], [ 42, 480, 391, 11 ], [ 42, 495, 403, 11 ], [ 42, 510, 340, 11 ], [ 42, 525, 139, 11 ], [ 518, 417, 376, 11 ], [ 488, 431, 404, 11 ], [ 488, 446, 350, 11 ], [ 518, 297, 375, 11 ], [ 488, 312, 391, 11 ], [ 488, 327, 396, 11 ], [ 488, 342, 403, 11 ], [ 488, 357, 405, 11 ], [ 488, 372, 399, 11 ], [ 488, 387, 388, 11 ], [ 488, 402, 337, 11 ], [ 488, 119, 400, 11 ], [ 488, 134, 407, 11 ], [ 488, 149, 367, 11 ], [ 488, 164, 410, 11 ], [ 488, 178, 412, 11 ], [ 488, 193, 378, 11 ], [ 488, 208, 399, 11 ], [ 488, 223, 372, 11 ], [ 488, 238, 388, 11 ], [ 488, 253, 345, 11 ], [ 488, 268, 385, 11 ], [ 488, 283, 334, 11 ], [ 488, 90, 79, 14 ], [ 567, 90, 110, 14 ], [ 42, 195, 89, 12 ], [ 42, 345, 192, 12 ], [ 42, 390, 150, 12 ], [ 62, 741, 775, 11 ], [ 42, 756, 410, 11 ], [ 762, 995, 139, 8 ], [ 25, 993, 14, 10 ], [ 580, 559, 28, 10 ], [ 729, 559, 28, 10 ], [ 873, 559, 28, 10 ], [ 42, 577, 46, 10 ], [ 62, 592, 42, 10 ], [ 496, 592, 7, 10 ], [ 576, 592, 32, 10 ], [ 645, 592, 7, 10 ], [ 736, 592, 21, 10 ], [ 791, 592, 7, 10 ], [ 881, 592, 21, 10 ], [ 62, 606, 83, 10 ], [ 576, 606, 32, 10 ], [ 726, 606, 32, 10 ], [ 870, 606, 32, 10 ], [ 62, 621, 42, 10 ], [ 576, 621, 32, 10 ], [ 726, 621, 32, 10 ], [ 870, 621, 32, 10 ], [ 576, 636, 32, 10 ], [ 726, 636, 32, 10 ], [ 870, 636, 32, 10 ], [ 42, 659, 54, 10 ], [ 62, 674, 42, 10 ], [ 576, 674, 32, 10 ], [ 726, 674, 32, 10 ], [ 896, 674, 6, 10 ], [ 42, 696, 185, 10 ], [ 569, 696, 39, 10 ], [ 719, 696, 39, 10 ], [ 870, 696, 32, 10 ], [ 496, 711, 7, 10 ], [ 569, 711, 39, 10 ], [ 645, 711, 7, 10 ], [ 719, 711, 39, 10 ], [ 791, 711, 7, 10 ], [ 863, 711, 39, 10 ], [ 580, 786, 28, 10 ], [ 729, 786, 28, 10 ], [ 873, 786, 28, 10 ], [ 42, 804, 239, 10 ], [ 496, 804, 7, 10 ], [ 569, 804, 39, 10 ], [ 645, 804, 7, 10 ], [ 719, 804, 39, 10 ], [ 791, 804, 7, 10 ], [ 863, 804, 39, 10 ], [ 42, 819, 319, 10 ], [ 576, 819, 32, 10 ], [ 726, 819, 32, 10 ], [ 870, 819, 32, 10 ], [ 42, 834, 123, 10 ], [ 587, 834, 21, 10 ], [ 736, 834, 21, 10 ], [ 870, 834, 32, 10 ], [ 42, 848, 211, 10 ], [ 576, 848, 32, 10 ], [ 736, 848, 21, 10 ], [ 881, 848, 21, 10 ], [ 42, 863, 32, 10 ], [ 587, 863, 21, 10 ], [ 736, 863, 21, 10 ], [ 873, 863, 28, 10 ], [ 496, 878, 7, 10 ], [ 569, 878, 39, 10 ], [ 645, 878, 7, 10 ], [ 719, 878, 39, 10 ], [ 791, 878, 7, 10 ], [ 863, 878, 39, 10 ] ]
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[ "Certificates of deposit reflect contractual maturities only.", "Money market accounts are rate sensitive and ", "accordingly, a higher percentage of the accounts have been included as repricing immediately in the first period. Savings ", "and NOW accounts are not as rate sensitive as money market accounts and for that reason a significant percentage of the ", "accounts are reflected in the 1-to-5 year category. ", "We have been successful in meeting the interest sensitivity objectives set forth in our policy.", "This has been ", "accomplished primarily by managing the assets and liabilities while maintaining our traditional high credit standards. ", "INTEREST-EARNING ASSETS AND INTEREST-BEARING LIABILITIES REPRICING SCHEDULE", "(\"GAP\" TABLE) ", "60 ", "As of December 31, 2012", "3", "months or ", "less", "3", "to 12 ", "months", "1", "to 5 years", "Over 5 ", "years", "Total", "(Dollars in thousands)", "Interest-earning assets:", "Investment securities", "14,009", "$", "17,031", "$", "105,898", "$", "81,600", "$", "218,538", "$", "Loans", "64,817", "136,433", "107,800", "14,027", "323,077", "Total interest-earning assets", "78,826", "$", "153,464", "$", "213,698", "$", "95,627", "$", "541,615", "$", "Interest-bearing liabilities:", "Certificates of deposit", "39,285", "$", "76,478", "$", "55,063", "$", "109", "$", "170,935", "$", "Money market and NOW accounts", "-", "15,006", "175,303", "-", "190,309", "Savings accounts", "-", "-", "45,365", "-", "45,365", "Borrowed money", "24,250", "27", "10,145", "25,545", "59,967", "Total interest-bearing liabilities", "63,535", "$", "91,511", "$", "285,876", "$", "25,654", "$", "466,576", "$", "Interest sensitivity gap per period", "15,291", "$", "61,953", "$", "(72,178)", "$", "69,973", "$", "75,039", "$", "Cumulative interest sensitivity gap", "15,291", "77,244", "5,066", "75,039", "Cumulative gap as a percent of", "total interest-earning assets", "2.82%", "14.26%", "0.94%", "13.85%", "Cumulative interest sensitive assets", "as a percent of cumulative interest", "sensitive liabilities", "124.07%", "149.82%", "101.15%", "116.08%" ]
[ [ 96, 95, 836, 57 ], [ 96, 95, 836, 57 ], [ 96, 95, 836, 57 ], [ 96, 95, 836, 57 ], [ 96, 95, 836, 57 ], [ 96, 172, 836, 27 ], [ 96, 172, 836, 27 ], [ 96, 172, 836, 27 ], [ 96, 218, 748, 26 ], [ 96, 218, 748, 26 ], [ 502, 969, 25, 14 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ], [ 129, 259, 766, 404 ] ]
[ [ 156, 95, 430, 12 ], [ 605, 95, 327, 12 ], [ 96, 111, 836, 12 ], [ 96, 126, 836, 12 ], [ 96, 141, 334, 12 ], [ 156, 172, 660, 12 ], [ 830, 172, 102, 12 ], [ 96, 187, 784, 12 ], [ 96, 218, 748, 11 ], [ 96, 233, 129, 11 ], [ 502, 969, 25, 14 ], [ 132, 263, 172, 12 ], [ 461, 279, 8, 12 ], [ 473, 279, 71, 12 ], [ 488, 295, 24, 12 ], [ 563, 279, 8, 12 ], [ 576, 279, 38, 12 ], [ 562, 295, 48, 12 ], [ 633, 295, 8, 12 ], [ 646, 295, 65, 12 ], [ 735, 279, 50, 12 ], [ 741, 295, 35, 12 ], [ 830, 295, 35, 12 ], [ 617, 313, 119, 9 ], [ 132, 327, 152, 12 ], [ 157, 343, 140, 12 ], [ 488, 343, 46, 12 ], [ 466, 343, 8, 12 ], [ 574, 343, 46, 12 ], [ 552, 343, 8, 12 ], [ 651, 343, 54, 12 ], [ 637, 343, 8, 12 ], [ 745, 343, 46, 12 ], [ 723, 343, 8, 12 ], [ 832, 343, 54, 12 ], [ 809, 343, 8, 12 ], [ 157, 359, 40, 12 ], [ 488, 359, 46, 12 ], [ 565, 359, 54, 12 ], [ 651, 359, 54, 12 ], [ 745, 359, 46, 12 ], [ 832, 359, 54, 12 ], [ 182, 375, 186, 12 ], [ 488, 375, 46, 12 ], [ 466, 375, 8, 12 ], [ 565, 375, 54, 12 ], [ 552, 375, 8, 12 ], [ 651, 375, 54, 12 ], [ 637, 375, 8, 12 ], [ 745, 375, 46, 12 ], [ 723, 375, 8, 12 ], [ 832, 375, 54, 12 ], [ 809, 375, 8, 12 ], [ 132, 408, 176, 12 ], [ 157, 424, 147, 12 ], [ 488, 424, 46, 12 ], [ 466, 424, 8, 12 ], [ 574, 424, 46, 12 ], [ 552, 424, 8, 12 ], [ 659, 424, 46, 12 ], [ 637, 424, 8, 12 ], [ 766, 424, 25, 12 ], [ 723, 424, 8, 12 ], [ 832, 424, 54, 12 ], [ 809, 424, 8, 12 ], [ 157, 440, 232, 12 ], [ 512, 440, 5, 12 ], [ 574, 440, 46, 12 ], [ 651, 440, 54, 12 ], [ 769, 440, 5, 12 ], [ 832, 440, 54, 12 ], [ 157, 456, 114, 12 ], [ 512, 456, 5, 12 ], [ 598, 456, 5, 12 ], [ 659, 456, 46, 12 ], [ 769, 456, 5, 12 ], [ 840, 456, 46, 12 ], [ 157, 472, 116, 12 ], [ 488, 472, 46, 12 ], [ 603, 472, 16, 12 ], [ 659, 472, 46, 12 ], [ 745, 472, 46, 12 ], [ 840, 472, 46, 12 ], [ 182, 488, 210, 12 ], [ 488, 488, 46, 12 ], [ 466, 488, 8, 12 ], [ 574, 488, 46, 12 ], [ 552, 488, 8, 12 ], [ 651, 488, 54, 12 ], [ 637, 488, 8, 12 ], [ 745, 488, 46, 12 ], [ 723, 488, 8, 12 ], [ 832, 488, 54, 12 ], [ 809, 488, 8, 12 ], [ 132, 521, 223, 12 ], [ 488, 521, 46, 12 ], [ 466, 521, 8, 12 ], [ 574, 521, 46, 12 ], [ 552, 521, 8, 12 ], [ 654, 521, 57, 12 ], [ 637, 521, 8, 12 ], [ 745, 521, 46, 12 ], [ 723, 521, 8, 12 ], [ 840, 521, 46, 12 ], [ 809, 521, 8, 12 ], [ 132, 537, 230, 12 ], [ 488, 537, 46, 12 ], [ 574, 537, 46, 12 ], [ 668, 537, 37, 12 ], [ 745, 537, 46, 12 ], [ 132, 569, 206, 12 ], [ 157, 585, 181, 12 ], [ 497, 585, 43, 12 ], [ 574, 585, 51, 12 ], [ 668, 585, 43, 12 ], [ 745, 585, 51, 12 ], [ 132, 617, 235, 12 ], [ 157, 633, 227, 12 ], [ 157, 649, 124, 12 ], [ 480, 649, 60, 12 ], [ 565, 649, 60, 12 ], [ 651, 649, 60, 12 ], [ 737, 649, 60, 12 ] ]
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[ "Corporate Information", "© Marriott International, Inc. 2002. All rights reserved.", "CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS", "COMMON STOCK LISTINGS", "SHAREHOLDERS OF RECORD", "REGISTRAR AND TRANSFER AGENT", "INVESTOR RELATIONS", "INDEPENDENT PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS", "ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS", "Marriott International, Inc.", "Marriott Drive", "Washington, D.C. 20058", "301/380-3000", "Internet:", "The company’s Class A common stock (ticker symbol: MAR)", "is listed on the New York Stock Exchange and other exchanges.", "54,656 at January 31, 2002", "Shareholder inquiries regarding stock transfers, dividend", "payments, address changes, enrollment in the company’s", "direct investment plan, lost stock certificates, or other stock", "account matters should be directed to:", "EquiServe Trust Company, N.A.", "P.", "O. Box 2500", "Jersey City, N.J. 07303-2500", "800/311-4816", "Internet:", "For information, call: 301/380-6500", "Internet:", "Arthur Andersen LLP", "Vienna, Virginia", "May 3, 2002—10:30 a.m.", "JW Marriott Hotel", "1331 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.", "Washington, D.C.", "COMMON STOCK PRICES AND DIVIDENDS", "TELEPHONE NUMBERS", "For reservations or information, call:", "Dividends", "Stock Price", "Declared", "High ", "Low", "Per Share", "2001 – First quarter.............. 47.81", "37.25", "$ 0.060", "–S", "econd quarter ......... 50.50", "38.13", "0.065", "–T", "hird quarter............ 49.72", "40.50", "0.065", "–F", "ourth quarter.......... 41.50", "27.30", "0.065", "2000 – First quarter.............. 34", "$^{3}$⁄$_{4}$", "26", "$^{1}$⁄$_{8}$", "$ 0.055", "–S", "econd quarter ......... 38", "29", "$^{1}$⁄$_{2}$", "0.060", "–T", "hird quarter............ 42", "$^{3}$⁄$_{8}$", "34", "$^{5}$⁄$_{8}$", "0.060", "–F", "ourth quarter.......... 43", "$^{1}$⁄$_{2}$", "34", "$^{1}$⁄$_{8}$", "0.060", "DEVELOPMENT INQUIRIES", "Marriott Hotels, Resorts and Suites ................", "800/228-9290", "Courtyard..........................................................", "800/321-2211", "Fairfield Inn ......................................................", "800/228-2800", "Residence Inn....................................................", "800/331-3131", "The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, L.L.C........", "800/241-3333", "SpringHill Suites...............................................", "888/287-9400", "Renaissance Hotels, Resorts and Suites...........", "800/468-3571", "Ramada International Hotels and Resorts......", "800/854-7854", "To wnePlace Suites.............................................", "800/257-3000", "Bulgari Hotels & Resorts..................................", "678/420-6500", "Marriott Vacation Club International.............", "800/332-1333", "The Ritz-Carlton Club .....................................", "800/941-4386", "Horizons by Marriott Vacation Club ..............", "888/220-2086", "Marriott Grand Residence Club ......................", "866/204-7263", "Marriott ExecuStay...........................................", "888/840-7829", "Marriott Conference Centers...........................", "800/453-0309", "Marriott Executive Apartments .......................", "800/800-5744", "Marriott Senior Living Services.......................", "800/880-3131", "Marriott Distribution Services ........................", "301/380-2391", "Lodging", "Full-Service ..................................................", "301/380-3200", "Select-Service and Extended-Stay...............", "301/380-5237", "Latin America ..............................................", "301/380-7156", "Europe, Middle East and Africa..........", "011-411-723-5100", "Asia/Pacific .........................................", "011-852-2521-1848", "Senior Living Services ......................................", "301/380-7879" ]
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[ "Net Assets and Financial Postition", "24", "Foreword | Mission | ", "Management Report ", "| Share | Marketing | Consolidated Financial Statements - IFRS - | Report of Supervisory Board | Board of Management", "Cash and cash equivalents", "369.3", "39.7%", "190.6", "27.2%", "93.8%", "Inventories", "201.1", "21.6%", "196.2", "28.0%", "2.5%", "Accounts receivables", "189.6", "20.4%", "175.6", "25.1%", "8.0%", "Other short-term assets", "0.3", "0.0%", "1.9", "0.3%", "-85.6%", "Total current assets", "760.3", "81.8%", "564.3", "80.6%", "34.7%", "Deferred income taxes", "51.6", "5.6%", "36.5", "5.2%", "41.6%", "Long-term assets", "117.7", "12.7%", "99.4", "14.2%", "18.4%", "Total assets", "929.6", "100.0%", "700.1", "100.0%", "32.8%", "Bank borrowings", "12.9", "1.4%", "16.8", "2.4%", "-23.0%", "Other liabilities", "269.8", "29.0%", "204.8", "29.3%", "31.8%", "Total current liabilities", "282.8", "30.4%", "221.6", "31.7%", "27.6%", "Pension", "21.2", "2.3%", "18.5", "2.6%", "14.2%", "Tax provision", "33.7", "3.6%", "27.1", "3.9%", "24.5%", "Other provisions", "53.8", "5.8%", "49.0", "7.0%", "9.8%", "Provisions", "108.7", "11.7%", "94.6", "13.5%", "14.9%", "Long-term interest bearing borrowings and minorities", "2.4", "0.3%", "0.8", "0.1%", "196.0%", "Shareholders’ equity", "535.8", "57.6%", "383.0", "54.7%", "39.9%", "Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity", "929.6", "100.0%", "700.1", "100.0%", "32.8%", "Working capital", "148.4", "155.7", "-4.7%", "- in % of sales", "9.7%", "12.2%", "Consolidated Balance Sheet Structure", "2004", "2003", "+/- %", "€ million", "%", "€ million", "%" ]
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[ [ 75, 74, 317, 13 ], [ 73, 988, 15, 10 ], [ 73, 957, 110, 8 ], [ 183, 957, 124, 8 ], [ 307, 957, 620, 8 ], [ 75, 184, 138, 8 ], [ 586, 184, 29, 8 ], [ 656, 184, 34, 8 ], [ 737, 184, 29, 8 ], [ 810, 184, 33, 8 ], [ 889, 184, 34, 8 ], [ 75, 197, 57, 8 ], [ 585, 197, 29, 8 ], [ 656, 197, 34, 8 ], [ 737, 197, 29, 8 ], [ 809, 197, 34, 8 ], [ 896, 197, 27, 8 ], [ 75, 210, 107, 8 ], [ 585, 210, 29, 8 ], [ 656, 210, 34, 8 ], [ 737, 210, 29, 8 ], [ 809, 210, 34, 8 ], [ 896, 210, 27, 8 ], [ 75, 223, 124, 8 ], [ 598, 223, 16, 8 ], [ 662, 223, 27, 8 ], [ 749, 223, 16, 8 ], [ 815, 223, 27, 8 ], [ 885, 223, 38, 8 ], [ 75, 235, 118, 8 ], [ 581, 235, 33, 8 ], [ 656, 235, 34, 8 ], [ 732, 235, 33, 8 ], [ 809, 235, 34, 8 ], [ 890, 235, 33, 8 ], [ 75, 261, 134, 8 ], [ 589, 261, 26, 8 ], [ 662, 261, 27, 8 ], [ 740, 261, 26, 8 ], [ 815, 261, 27, 8 ], [ 889, 261, 34, 8 ], [ 75, 274, 103, 8 ], [ 581, 274, 33, 8 ], [ 656, 274, 34, 8 ], [ 740, 274, 26, 8 ], [ 809, 274, 34, 8 ], [ 889, 274, 34, 8 ], [ 75, 300, 70, 8 ], [ 581, 300, 33, 8 ], [ 649, 300, 40, 8 ], [ 732, 300, 33, 8 ], [ 802, 300, 40, 8 ], [ 889, 300, 34, 8 ], [ 75, 326, 87, 8 ], [ 592, 326, 22, 8 ], [ 662, 326, 27, 8 ], [ 743, 326, 22, 8 ], [ 815, 326, 27, 8 ], [ 885, 326, 38, 8 ], [ 75, 339, 77, 8 ], [ 585, 339, 29, 8 ], [ 656, 339, 34, 8 ], [ 737, 339, 29, 8 ], [ 809, 339, 34, 8 ], [ 889, 339, 34, 8 ], [ 75, 352, 134, 8 ], [ 581, 352, 33, 8 ], [ 656, 352, 34, 8 ], [ 732, 352, 33, 8 ], [ 809, 352, 34, 8 ], [ 890, 352, 33, 8 ], [ 75, 377, 39, 8 ], [ 592, 377, 22, 8 ], [ 662, 377, 27, 8 ], [ 743, 377, 22, 8 ], [ 815, 377, 27, 8 ], [ 889, 377, 34, 8 ], [ 75, 390, 68, 8 ], [ 592, 390, 22, 8 ], [ 662, 390, 27, 8 ], [ 744, 390, 21, 8 ], [ 815, 390, 27, 8 ], [ 889, 390, 34, 8 ], [ 75, 403, 85, 8 ], [ 592, 403, 22, 8 ], [ 662, 403, 27, 8 ], [ 743, 403, 22, 8 ], [ 816, 403, 27, 8 ], [ 896, 403, 27, 8 ], [ 75, 416, 60, 8 ], [ 581, 416, 33, 8 ], [ 656, 416, 34, 8 ], [ 740, 416, 26, 8 ], [ 809, 416, 34, 8 ], [ 889, 416, 34, 8 ], [ 75, 442, 321, 8 ], [ 596, 442, 18, 8 ], [ 662, 442, 27, 8 ], [ 747, 442, 18, 8 ], [ 815, 442, 27, 8 ], [ 883, 442, 40, 8 ], [ 75, 468, 122, 8 ], [ 581, 468, 33, 8 ], [ 657, 468, 33, 8 ], [ 732, 468, 33, 8 ], [ 809, 468, 33, 8 ], [ 889, 468, 34, 8 ], [ 75, 494, 238, 8 ], [ 581, 494, 33, 8 ], [ 649, 494, 40, 8 ], [ 732, 494, 33, 8 ], [ 802, 494, 40, 8 ], [ 889, 494, 34, 8 ], [ 75, 532, 93, 8 ], [ 581, 532, 33, 8 ], [ 732, 532, 33, 8 ], [ 892, 532, 31, 8 ], [ 79, 545, 86, 8 ], [ 582, 545, 32, 8 ], [ 726, 545, 40, 8 ], [ 75, 141, 256, 9 ], [ 611, 141, 34, 9 ], [ 764, 141, 34, 9 ], [ 875, 141, 45, 9 ], [ 561, 159, 58, 9 ], [ 677, 159, 13, 9 ], [ 710, 159, 58, 9 ], [ 828, 159, 13, 9 ] ]
[ 7, 4, 9, 9, 9, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6 ]
[ "US 20200159115Al ", "c19) ", "United", "States ", "c12) ", "Patent Application", "Publication ", "Ono et al. ", "c10) ", "Pub. No.: US 2020/0159115 Al ", "(43) ", "Pub. Date: ", "May 21, 2020 ", "(54) ", "NOVEL SALT COMPOUND, CHEMICALLY ", "AMPLIFIED RESIST COMPOSITION, AND ", "PATTERNING PROCESS ", "(71) ", "Applicant: ", "Shin-Etsu Chemical Co., Ltd., ", "Tokyo ", "(JP) ", "(72) ", "Inventors: ", "Emiko Ono, ", "Joetsu-shi (JP); ", "Masayoshi Sagehashi, ", "Joetsu-shi (JP); ", "Masahiro Fukushima, ", "Joetsu-shi (JP); ", "Yuki Kera, ", "Joetsu-shi (JP) ", "(73) ", "Assignee: ", "Shin-Etsu Chemical Co., Ltd., ", "Tokyo ", "(JP) ", "(21) ", "Appl. No.: ", "16/669,780 ", "(22) ", "Filed: ", "Oct. 31, 2019 ", "(51) ", "Int. Cl. ", "(52) ", "U.S. Cl. ", "CPC .......... ", "G03F 710045 ", "(2013.01); ", "G03F 710397 ", "(2013.01); ", "G03F 710382 ", "(2013.01); ", "C07D ", "307177 ", "(2013.01); ", "C07C 381112 ", "(2013.01); ", "G03F 7/162 ", "(2013.01); ", "C07D 311/00 ", "(2013.01); ", "C07D 333176 ", "(2013.01); ", "C07D ", "333/08 ", "(2013.01); ", "C07D 327106 ", "(2013.01); ", "C08F 220118 ", "(2013.01); ", "C07C 309112 ", "(2013.01) ", "G03F 71038 ", "C07D ", "307177 ", "C07C 381112 ", "C07C 309112 ", "C07D 311/00 ", "C07D 333176 ", "C07D 333/08 ", "C07D 327106 ", "C08F 220118 ", "(2006.01) ", "(2006.01) ", "(2006.01) ", "(2006.01) ", "(2006.01) ", "(2006.01) ", "(2006.01) ", "(2006.01) ", "(2006.01) ", "G03F ", "71004 ", "G03F ", "71039 ", "(2006.01) ", "(2006.01) ", "A novel salt having an amide bond in its anion structure is ", "provided. A chemically amplified resist composition com›", "prising the salt has advantages including minimal defects ", "and improved values of sensitivity, LWR, MEF and CDU, ", "when processed by lithography using high-energy radiation ", "such as KrF excimer laser, ArF excimer laser, EB or EUV. ", "Nov. 15, 2018 ", "(JP) ................................. 2018-214718 ", "(30) ", "Foreign Application Priority Data ", "(57) ", "ABSTRACT ", "Publication Classification " ]
[ [ 587, 51, 141, 11 ], [ 130, 68, 416, 42 ], [ 130, 68, 416, 42 ], [ 130, 68, 416, 42 ], [ 130, 68, 416, 42 ], [ 130, 68, 416, 42 ], [ 130, 68, 416, 42 ], [ 161, 114, 88, 13 ], [ 556, 96, 332, 13 ], [ 556, 96, 332, 13 ], [ 556, 112, 329, 15 ], [ 556, 112, 329, 15 ], [ 556, 112, 329, 15 ], [ 130, 156, 347, 36 ], [ 130, 156, 347, 36 ], [ 130, 156, 347, 36 ], [ 130, 156, 347, 36 ], [ 130, 206, 351, 22 ], [ 130, 206, 351, 22 ], [ 130, 206, 351, 22 ], [ 130, 206, 351, 22 ], [ 130, 206, 351, 22 ], [ 130, 243, 353, 48 ], [ 130, 243, 353, 48 ], [ 130, 243, 353, 48 ], [ 130, 243, 353, 48 ], [ 130, 243, 353, 48 ], [ 130, 243, 353, 48 ], [ 130, 243, 353, 48 ], [ 130, 243, 353, 48 ], [ 130, 243, 353, 48 ], [ 130, 243, 353, 48 ], [ 130, 307, 351, 22 ], [ 130, 307, 351, 22 ], [ 130, 307, 351, 22 ], [ 130, 307, 351, 22 ], [ 130, 307, 351, 22 ], [ 130, 344, 181, 10 ], [ 130, 344, 181, 10 ], [ 130, 344, 181, 10 ], [ 130, 369, 199, 10 ], [ 130, 369, 199, 10 ], [ 130, 369, 199, 10 ], [ 130, 461, 90, 10 ], [ 130, 461, 90, 10 ], [ 521, 273, 364, 113 ], [ 521, 273, 364, 113 ], [ 521, 273, 364, 113 ], [ 521, 273, 364, 113 ], [ 521, 273, 364, 113 ], [ 521, 273, 364, 113 ], [ 521, 273, 364, 113 ], [ 521, 273, 364, 113 ], [ 521, 273, 364, 113 ], [ 521, 273, 364, 113 ], [ 521, 273, 364, 113 ], [ 521, 273, 364, 113 ], [ 521, 273, 364, 113 ], [ 521, 273, 364, 113 ], [ 521, 273, 364, 113 ], [ 521, 273, 364, 113 ], [ 521, 273, 364, 113 ], [ 521, 273, 364, 113 ], [ 521, 273, 364, 113 ], [ 521, 273, 364, 113 ], [ 521, 273, 364, 113 ], [ 521, 273, 364, 113 ], [ 521, 273, 364, 113 ], [ 521, 273, 364, 113 ], [ 521, 273, 364, 113 ], [ 521, 273, 364, 113 ], [ 521, 273, 364, 113 ], [ 521, 273, 364, 113 ], [ 521, 273, 364, 113 ], [ 560, 155, 204, 115 ], [ 560, 155, 204, 115 ], [ 560, 155, 204, 115 ], [ 560, 155, 204, 115 ], [ 560, 155, 204, 115 ], [ 560, 155, 204, 115 ], [ 560, 155, 204, 115 ], [ 560, 155, 204, 115 ], [ 560, 155, 204, 115 ], [ 560, 155, 204, 115 ], [ 560, 155, 204, 115 ], [ 560, 155, 204, 115 ], [ 560, 155, 204, 115 ], [ 560, 155, 204, 115 ], [ 560, 155, 204, 115 ], [ 560, 155, 204, 115 ], [ 560, 155, 204, 115 ], [ 560, 155, 204, 115 ], [ 560, 155, 204, 115 ], [ 168, 473, 204, 25 ], [ 168, 473, 204, 25 ], [ 168, 473, 204, 25 ], [ 168, 473, 204, 25 ], [ 168, 473, 204, 25 ], [ 168, 473, 204, 25 ], [ 520, 420, 365, 74 ], [ 520, 420, 365, 74 ], [ 520, 420, 365, 74 ], [ 520, 420, 365, 74 ], [ 520, 420, 365, 74 ], [ 520, 420, 365, 74 ], [ 142, 418, 351, 10 ], [ 142, 418, 351, 10 ], [ 130, 393, 314, 10 ], [ 130, 393, 314, 10 ], [ 521, 401, 225, 10 ], [ 521, 401, 225, 10 ], [ 227, 442, 168, 9 ] ]
[ [ 587, 51, 141, 11 ], [ 130, 76, 27, 9 ], [ 162, 68, 79, 19 ], [ 255, 68, 77, 19 ], [ 130, 99, 27, 9 ], [ 162, 92, 225, 19 ], [ 401, 92, 144, 19 ], [ 161, 114, 88, 13 ], [ 556, 99, 27, 9 ], [ 588, 96, 300, 13 ], [ 556, 117, 27, 10 ], [ 588, 114, 95, 13 ], [ 747, 112, 138, 15 ], [ 130, 156, 27, 10 ], [ 169, 156, 307, 9 ], [ 169, 169, 304, 9 ], [ 169, 182, 176, 9 ], [ 130, 206, 27, 10 ], [ 169, 206, 65, 10 ], [ 240, 206, 199, 9 ], [ 441, 206, 40, 10 ], [ 240, 219, 26, 10 ], [ 130, 243, 27, 10 ], [ 169, 243, 63, 10 ], [ 239, 244, 82, 9 ], [ 323, 243, 96, 10 ], [ 239, 257, 145, 9 ], [ 386, 257, 96, 10 ], [ 239, 269, 146, 9 ], [ 388, 269, 95, 10 ], [ 239, 282, 75, 9 ], [ 316, 282, 92, 10 ], [ 130, 307, 27, 10 ], [ 169, 307, 61, 10 ], [ 240, 307, 199, 9 ], [ 441, 307, 40, 10 ], [ 240, 320, 26, 10 ], [ 130, 345, 28, 9 ], [ 169, 344, 67, 10 ], [ 240, 344, 71, 9 ], [ 130, 369, 27, 10 ], [ 169, 369, 37, 10 ], [ 239, 369, 89, 9 ], [ 130, 461, 27, 10 ], [ 169, 461, 50, 9 ], [ 521, 273, 27, 10 ], [ 561, 273, 53, 9 ], [ 560, 286, 75, 10 ], [ 644, 286, 84, 9 ], [ 731, 286, 65, 10 ], [ 799, 286, 85, 9 ], [ 622, 299, 65, 10 ], [ 690, 299, 83, 9 ], [ 778, 299, 65, 10 ], [ 846, 299, 38, 9 ], [ 616, 313, 47, 9 ], [ 664, 312, 65, 10 ], [ 732, 312, 84, 9 ], [ 819, 312, 65, 10 ], [ 652, 325, 76, 9 ], [ 732, 325, 65, 10 ], [ 800, 325, 85, 9 ], [ 622, 338, 65, 10 ], [ 690, 338, 85, 9 ], [ 778, 338, 65, 10 ], [ 846, 338, 38, 9 ], [ 615, 351, 45, 9 ], [ 663, 351, 65, 10 ], [ 731, 351, 85, 9 ], [ 819, 351, 65, 10 ], [ 645, 364, 84, 9 ], [ 732, 364, 65, 10 ], [ 800, 364, 84, 9 ], [ 823, 376, 62, 10 ], [ 561, 156, 76, 9 ], [ 561, 169, 38, 9 ], [ 601, 169, 47, 9 ], [ 561, 182, 84, 9 ], [ 561, 195, 84, 9 ], [ 561, 208, 85, 9 ], [ 561, 220, 85, 9 ], [ 561, 233, 86, 9 ], [ 561, 246, 85, 9 ], [ 561, 259, 83, 9 ], [ 701, 156, 61, 10 ], [ 701, 169, 61, 10 ], [ 701, 182, 61, 10 ], [ 701, 194, 61, 10 ], [ 701, 207, 61, 10 ], [ 701, 220, 61, 10 ], [ 701, 233, 61, 10 ], [ 701, 246, 61, 10 ], [ 701, 259, 61, 10 ], [ 170, 474, 40, 9 ], [ 211, 474, 35, 9 ], [ 170, 487, 40, 9 ], [ 211, 488, 35, 9 ], [ 310, 474, 61, 10 ], [ 310, 487, 61, 10 ], [ 520, 420, 364, 10 ], [ 520, 433, 360, 10 ], [ 520, 446, 364, 10 ], [ 520, 458, 364, 10 ], [ 520, 471, 365, 10 ], [ 521, 485, 362, 10 ], [ 142, 418, 90, 10 ], [ 250, 418, 243, 10 ], [ 130, 393, 27, 10 ], [ 219, 393, 224, 9 ], [ 521, 401, 27, 10 ], [ 660, 401, 86, 9 ], [ 227, 442, 168, 9 ] ]
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[ "(51)", "International", "Patent Classification:", "G06F 17/50", "(2006.01)", "(21)", "International", "Application", "Number:", "(22)", "International", "Filing Date:", "(25)", "Filing Language:", "(26)", "Publication", "Language:", "(30)", "Priority Data:", "62/71 1,018", "27", "July 2018 (27.07.2018)", "US", "(71)", "Applicant:", "TECHNISCHE", "UNIVERSITEIT", "EIND‹", "HOVEN", "[NL/NL]; Den Dolech 2, 5612 AZ Eindhoven", "(NL).", "(81)", "Designated", "States", "(unless otherwise indicated, for every", "kind of national protection av ailable) .", "AE, AG, AL, AM,", "AO, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BN, BR, BW, BY, BZ,", "CA, CH, CL, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DJ, DK, DM, DO,", "DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT, HN,", "HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IR, IS, JO, JP, KE, KG, KH, KN, KP,", "KR, KW, KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LU, LY,MA, MD, ME,", "MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG, NI, NO, NZ,", "OM, PA, PE, PG, PH, PL, PT, QA, RO, RS, RU, RW, SA,", "(74)", "Agent:", "FRKELLY;", "27", "Clyde Road, Dublin, D04 F838", "(IE).", "(72)", "Inventors:", "COEHOORN,", "Reinder;", "Florapark 110, 5644", "BZ Eindhoven", "(NL).", "BOBBERT,", "Peter", "Arnold;", "De", "Vroente 91, 5672 TVNuenen(NL).", "LIU, Feilong;", "Julianas-", "traat 1, 561 1 HS Eindhoven (NL).", "COTTAAR,", "Jeroen;", "Palamedesweg 15, 563 1KT Eindhoven (NL).", "PCT/EP20 19/070038", "25", "July 2019 (25.07.2019)", "English", "English", "(54)", "Title:", "THREE-DIMENSIONAL MASTER EQUATION SIMULATIONS OF CHARGE-CARRIER TRANSPORT AND RE‹", "COMBINATION IN ORGANIC SEMICONDUCTOR MATERIALS AND DEVICES", "(57)", "Abstract:", "Three-dimensional master equation modeling for disordered semiconductor devices is provided. Charge transport is", "modeled as incoherent hopping between localized molecular states, and recombination is modeled as a nearest-neighbor process where", "an electron at a first location and a hole at a second location can recombine at either the first location or the second location. Here the", "first and second locations are any pair of nearest neighbor locations. We have found that this nearest neighbor recombination model", "performs substantially better than the conventional local recombination model where an electron and a hole must be at the same location", "to recombine. The recombination rate is modeled as a product of a prefactor Y, hopping rates and state occupancies. Importantly, we", "have found that sufficient simulation accuracy can be obtained by taking Y to be given by an empirically derived analytic expression.", "[Continued on next page]", "FIG. 1B", "Voltage", "[V]" ]
[ [ 130, 185, 259, 22 ], [ 130, 185, 259, 22 ], [ 130, 185, 259, 22 ], [ 130, 185, 259, 22 ], [ 130, 185, 259, 22 ], [ 130, 218, 261, 9 ], [ 130, 218, 261, 9 ], [ 130, 218, 261, 9 ], [ 130, 218, 261, 9 ], [ 130, 252, 200, 9 ], [ 130, 252, 200, 9 ], [ 130, 252, 200, 9 ], [ 130, 284, 141, 9 ], [ 130, 284, 141, 9 ], [ 130, 304, 177, 9 ], [ 130, 304, 177, 9 ], [ 130, 304, 177, 9 ], [ 130, 325, 400, 22 ], [ 130, 325, 400, 22 ], [ 130, 325, 400, 22 ], [ 130, 325, 400, 22 ], [ 130, 325, 400, 22 ], [ 130, 325, 400, 22 ], [ 130, 358, 398, 35 ], [ 130, 358, 398, 35 ], [ 130, 358, 398, 35 ], [ 130, 358, 398, 35 ], [ 130, 358, 398, 35 ], [ 130, 358, 398, 35 ], [ 130, 358, 398, 35 ], [ 130, 358, 398, 35 ], [ 550, 290, 400, 114 ], [ 550, 290, 400, 114 ], [ 550, 290, 400, 114 ], [ 550, 290, 400, 114 ], [ 550, 290, 400, 114 ], [ 550, 290, 400, 114 ], [ 550, 290, 400, 114 ], [ 550, 290, 400, 114 ], [ 550, 290, 400, 114 ], [ 550, 290, 400, 114 ], [ 550, 290, 400, 114 ], [ 550, 290, 400, 114 ], [ 550, 290, 400, 114 ], [ 550, 257, 398, 22 ], [ 550, 257, 398, 22 ], [ 550, 257, 398, 22 ], [ 550, 257, 398, 22 ], [ 550, 257, 398, 22 ], [ 550, 257, 398, 22 ], [ 550, 184, 399, 62 ], [ 550, 184, 399, 62 ], [ 550, 184, 399, 62 ], [ 550, 184, 399, 62 ], [ 550, 184, 399, 62 ], [ 550, 184, 399, 62 ], [ 550, 184, 399, 62 ], [ 550, 184, 399, 62 ], [ 550, 184, 399, 62 ], [ 550, 184, 399, 62 ], [ 550, 184, 399, 62 ], [ 550, 184, 399, 62 ], [ 550, 184, 399, 62 ], [ 550, 184, 399, 62 ], [ 550, 184, 399, 62 ], [ 550, 184, 399, 62 ], [ 550, 184, 399, 62 ], [ 550, 184, 399, 62 ], [ 397, 231, 133, 9 ], [ 366, 264, 163, 8 ], [ 366, 264, 163, 8 ], [ 482, 284, 46, 9 ], [ 482, 304, 46, 9 ], [ 130, 447, 826, 23 ], [ 130, 447, 826, 23 ], [ 130, 447, 826, 23 ], [ 130, 447, 826, 23 ], [ 129, 814, 830, 88 ], [ 129, 814, 830, 88 ], [ 129, 814, 830, 88 ], [ 129, 814, 830, 88 ], [ 129, 814, 830, 88 ], [ 129, 814, 830, 88 ], [ 129, 814, 830, 88 ], [ 129, 814, 830, 88 ], [ 129, 814, 830, 88 ], [ 790, 987, 157, 9 ], [ 525, 778, 77, 12 ], [ 348, 503, 390, 245 ], [ 348, 503, 390, 245 ] ]
[ [ 130, 185, 25, 9 ], [ 161, 185, 82, 9 ], [ 255, 185, 134, 9 ], [ 164, 198, 74, 9 ], [ 244, 198, 59, 9 ], [ 130, 218, 25, 9 ], [ 161, 218, 82, 9 ], [ 255, 218, 70, 9 ], [ 336, 218, 55, 9 ], [ 130, 252, 25, 9 ], [ 161, 252, 82, 9 ], [ 255, 252, 75, 9 ], [ 130, 284, 24, 9 ], [ 164, 285, 107, 9 ], [ 130, 304, 24, 9 ], [ 163, 304, 69, 9 ], [ 243, 304, 64, 9 ], [ 130, 325, 26, 9 ], [ 162, 325, 91, 9 ], [ 164, 337, 69, 9 ], [ 295, 337, 13, 9 ], [ 315, 337, 143, 9 ], [ 510, 337, 20, 9 ], [ 130, 358, 26, 9 ], [ 162, 358, 65, 9 ], [ 246, 358, 94, 9 ], [ 361, 358, 103, 9 ], [ 486, 358, 40, 9 ], [ 164, 371, 51, 9 ], [ 229, 370, 299, 9 ], [ 164, 384, 33, 9 ], [ 550, 291, 26, 9 ], [ 583, 291, 66, 9 ], [ 663, 291, 36, 9 ], [ 709, 290, 240, 9 ], [ 583, 303, 242, 9 ], [ 830, 303, 119, 9 ], [ 583, 316, 365, 9 ], [ 584, 330, 364, 9 ], [ 583, 343, 365, 9 ], [ 583, 356, 367, 9 ], [ 583, 369, 365, 9 ], [ 583, 382, 365, 9 ], [ 583, 395, 365, 9 ], [ 550, 257, 26, 9 ], [ 583, 257, 40, 9 ], [ 635, 257, 73, 9 ], [ 721, 257, 14, 9 ], [ 743, 257, 205, 9 ], [ 584, 271, 27, 9 ], [ 550, 185, 25, 9 ], [ 582, 185, 64, 9 ], [ 658, 185, 87, 9 ], [ 758, 185, 53, 9 ], [ 821, 184, 128, 9 ], [ 583, 198, 96, 9 ], [ 691, 198, 33, 9 ], [ 735, 198, 72, 9 ], [ 824, 198, 32, 9 ], [ 869, 198, 48, 9 ], [ 931, 198, 18, 9 ], [ 583, 211, 210, 9 ], [ 804, 211, 83, 9 ], [ 895, 211, 54, 9 ], [ 583, 224, 222, 9 ], [ 813, 224, 74, 9 ], [ 900, 224, 45, 9 ], [ 583, 237, 283, 9 ], [ 397, 231, 133, 9 ], [ 366, 264, 13, 8 ], [ 385, 264, 143, 8 ], [ 482, 284, 46, 9 ], [ 482, 304, 46, 9 ], [ 130, 448, 23, 9 ], [ 159, 448, 34, 9 ], [ 202, 447, 754, 9 ], [ 130, 460, 539, 9 ], [ 130, 814, 25, 9 ], [ 161, 814, 56, 9 ], [ 228, 814, 731, 9 ], [ 129, 827, 828, 9 ], [ 129, 840, 829, 9 ], [ 129, 853, 829, 9 ], [ 129, 866, 829, 9 ], [ 129, 880, 830, 9 ], [ 129, 893, 823, 9 ], [ 790, 987, 157, 9 ], [ 525, 778, 77, 12 ], [ 523, 737, 53, 10 ], [ 588, 739, 19, 8 ] ]
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[ "Indirection layer", "The ", "FlashCopy indirection layer ", "governs the I/O to the source and target volumes when a ", "FlashCopy mapping is started. This process is done by using a FlashCopy bitmap. The ", "purpose of the FlashCopy indirection layer is to enable both the source and target volumes for ", "read and write I/O immediately after FlashCopy starts.", "The following description illustrates how the FlashCopy indirection layer works when a ", "FlashCopy mapping is prepared and then started.", "When a FlashCopy mapping is prepared and started, the following sequence is applied:", "FlashCopy provides the semantics of a point-in-time copy that uses the indirection layer, ", "which intercepts I/O that is directed at either the source or target volumes. The act of starting ", "a FlashCopy mapping causes this indirection layer to become active in the I/O path, which ", "occurs automatically across all FlashCopy mappings in the Consistency Group. The ", "indirection layer then determines how each of the I/O is to be routed based on the following ", "factors:", "The indirection layer allows the I/O to go through the underlying volume. It redirects the I/O ", "from the target volume to the source volume, or queues the I/O while it arranges for data to be ", "copied from the source volume to the target volume. The process of queueing the write ", "operations on the source volume while the indirection layer completes the grain copy on the ", "target volume is called ", "copy-on-write", ".", "Table 6-2 summarizes the indirection layer algorithm.", "1.", "Flush the write cache to the source volume or volumes that are part of a Consistency ", "Group.", "2.", "Put the cache into write-through mode on the source volumes.", "3.", "Discard the cache for the target volumes.", "4.", "Establish a sync point on all of the source volumes in the Consistency Group (creating the ", "FlashCopy bitmap).", "5.", "Ensure that the indirection layer governs all of the I/O to the source volumes and target.", "6.", "Enable the cache on source volumes and target volumes.", "GLYPH<SM590000>", "The volume and the logical block address (LBA) to which the I/O is addressed", "GLYPH<SM590000>", "Its direction (read or write)", "GLYPH<SM590000>", "The state of an internal data structure, the FlashCopy bitmap", "Table 6-2", "Summary table of the FlashCopy indirection layer algorithm", "Volume ", "being ", "accessed", "Has the grain ", "been copied? ", "Host I/O operation", "Read", "Write", "Source", "No", "Read from the source ", "volume.", "Copy grain to the most ", "recently started target for this ", "source, then write to the ", "source.", "Yes", "Read from the source ", "volume.", "Write to the source volume.", "152 ", "IBM FlashSystem 9200 and 9100 Best Practices and Performance Guidelines" ]
[ [ 229, 92, 155, 14 ], [ 229, 108, 687, 61 ], [ 229, 108, 687, 61 ], [ 229, 108, 687, 61 ], [ 229, 108, 687, 61 ], [ 229, 108, 687, 61 ], [ 229, 108, 687, 61 ], [ 229, 187, 640, 27 ], [ 229, 187, 640, 27 ], [ 229, 230, 647, 11 ], [ 229, 422, 687, 89 ], [ 229, 422, 687, 89 ], [ 229, 422, 687, 89 ], [ 229, 422, 687, 89 ], [ 229, 422, 687, 89 ], [ 229, 422, 687, 89 ], [ 229, 581, 687, 74 ], [ 229, 581, 687, 74 ], [ 229, 581, 687, 74 ], [ 229, 581, 687, 74 ], [ 229, 581, 687, 74 ], [ 229, 581, 687, 74 ], [ 229, 581, 687, 74 ], [ 229, 672, 393, 11 ], [ 229, 253, 656, 27 ], [ 229, 253, 656, 27 ], [ 229, 253, 656, 27 ], [ 229, 290, 484, 11 ], [ 229, 290, 484, 11 ], [ 229, 312, 329, 11 ], [ 229, 312, 329, 11 ], [ 229, 334, 687, 27 ], [ 229, 334, 687, 27 ], [ 229, 334, 687, 27 ], [ 229, 372, 671, 11 ], [ 229, 372, 671, 11 ], [ 229, 394, 450, 11 ], [ 229, 394, 450, 11 ], [ 229, 522, 600, 11 ], [ 229, 522, 600, 11 ], [ 229, 537, 218, 11 ], [ 229, 537, 218, 11 ], [ 229, 553, 474, 11 ], [ 229, 553, 474, 11 ], [ 229, 700, 471, 10 ], [ 229, 700, 471, 10 ], [ 227, 715, 686, 160 ], [ 227, 715, 686, 160 ], [ 227, 715, 686, 160 ], [ 227, 715, 686, 160 ], [ 227, 715, 686, 160 ], [ 227, 715, 686, 160 ], [ 227, 715, 686, 160 ], [ 227, 715, 686, 160 ], [ 227, 715, 686, 160 ], [ 227, 715, 686, 160 ], [ 227, 715, 686, 160 ], [ 227, 715, 686, 160 ], [ 227, 715, 686, 160 ], [ 227, 715, 686, 160 ], [ 227, 715, 686, 160 ], [ 227, 715, 686, 160 ], [ 227, 715, 686, 160 ], [ 227, 715, 686, 160 ], [ 227, 715, 686, 160 ], [ 227, 715, 686, 160 ], [ 108, 976, 596, 11 ], [ 108, 976, 596, 11 ] ]
[ [ 229, 92, 155, 14 ], [ 229, 111, 33, 11 ], [ 262, 108, 221, 15 ], [ 475, 111, 426, 11 ], [ 229, 127, 647, 11 ], [ 229, 143, 687, 11 ], [ 229, 158, 400, 11 ], [ 229, 187, 640, 11 ], [ 229, 202, 367, 11 ], [ 229, 230, 647, 11 ], [ 229, 422, 657, 11 ], [ 229, 438, 687, 11 ], [ 229, 453, 670, 11 ], [ 229, 469, 624, 11 ], [ 229, 484, 678, 11 ], [ 229, 500, 54, 11 ], [ 229, 581, 675, 11 ], [ 229, 597, 687, 11 ], [ 229, 612, 647, 11 ], [ 229, 628, 682, 11 ], [ 229, 643, 171, 11 ], [ 400, 640, 105, 15 ], [ 503, 643, 4, 11 ], [ 229, 672, 393, 11 ], [ 229, 253, 14, 11 ], [ 247, 253, 638, 11 ], [ 253, 268, 51, 11 ], [ 229, 290, 14, 11 ], [ 247, 290, 466, 11 ], [ 229, 312, 14, 11 ], [ 248, 312, 310, 11 ], [ 229, 334, 13, 11 ], [ 247, 334, 668, 11 ], [ 253, 350, 145, 11 ], [ 229, 372, 14, 11 ], [ 247, 372, 653, 11 ], [ 229, 394, 14, 11 ], [ 247, 394, 431, 11 ], [ 229, 522, 8, 11 ], [ 253, 522, 576, 11 ], [ 229, 537, 8, 11 ], [ 253, 537, 194, 11 ], [ 229, 553, 8, 11 ], [ 253, 553, 450, 11 ], [ 229, 700, 63, 10 ], [ 305, 700, 394, 10 ], [ 239, 722, 58, 10 ], [ 239, 737, 44, 10 ], [ 239, 751, 67, 10 ], [ 349, 722, 99, 10 ], [ 349, 737, 101, 10 ], [ 637, 722, 130, 10 ], [ 577, 747, 36, 10 ], [ 789, 747, 37, 10 ], [ 239, 775, 47, 10 ], [ 349, 775, 19, 10 ], [ 500, 775, 148, 10 ], [ 500, 790, 52, 10 ], [ 712, 775, 155, 10 ], [ 712, 790, 191, 10 ], [ 712, 804, 164, 10 ], [ 712, 818, 49, 10 ], [ 349, 843, 25, 10 ], [ 500, 843, 148, 10 ], [ 500, 857, 52, 10 ], [ 712, 843, 183, 10 ], [ 108, 976, 32, 11 ], [ 165, 977, 539, 10 ] ]
[ 7, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 0, 0, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 4, 4 ]
[ "form:", "U", "(", "r", ") =", "U", "(", "r", "0", ")", "−", "F", "•", "z", "+", "1", "2", "r", "T", "•", "H", "•", "z", "(6)", "where", "z", "i", "=", "√", "m$_{i}$", "(", "r", "i", "−", "r", "0", ") are the mass-scaled position coordinates of a particle", "i", ".", "The", "first and second derivatives of", "U", "(", "r", ") with respect to the vector", "z", "are the force and the", "Hessian matrix, denoted by", "F", "and", "H", "respectively.", "The eigenvalues of the Hessian", "H", "are", "(", "{", "ω", "2", "i", "}", ", i", "= 1", ",", "3", "N", ") representing the squares of normal mode frequencies, and", "W", "(", "r", ") are the", "corresponding eigenvectors.", "In a stable solid,", "r", "0", "can be conveniently taken as the global", "minimum of the potential energy surface", "U", "(", "R", "), which implies that", "F", "= 0 and", "H", "has only", "positive eigenvalues corresponding to oscillatory modes.", "The INM approach for liquids", "interprets", "r", "as the configuration at time", "t", "relative to the configuration", "r", "0", "at time", "t$_{0}$", ". Since", "typical configurations,", "r", "0", "are extremely unlikely to be local minima, therefore", "F", "= 0 and", "H", "will have negative eigenvalues. The negative eigenvalue modes are those which sample", "negative curvature regions of the PES, including barrier crossing modes.", "The ensemble-", "averaged INM spectrum,", "〈", "f", "(", "ω", ")", "〉", ", is defined as", "f", "(", "ω", ") =", "〈", "1", "3", "N", "3", "N", "∑", "i", "=1", "δ", "(", "ω", "−", "ω$_{i}$", ")", "〉", ".", "(7)", "Quantities that are convenient for characterizing the instantaneous normal mode spectrum", "are: (i) the fraction of imaginary frequencies, namely", "F$_{im}$", "=", "∫", "im", "f", "(", "ω", ")", "dω", "(8)", "where the subscript", "in", "means that the integral is performed only in the imaginary branch;", "(ii) the fraction of real frequencies, that is", "F$_{r}$", "=", "∫", "r", "f", "(", "ω", ")", "dω", "(9)", "where the subscript", "r", "indicates that the integral is performed only in the real branch and", "(ii) the mean square or Einstein frequency,", "ω$_{E}$", ", given by", "ω", "2", "E", "=", "∫", "ω", "$^{2}$f", "(", "ω", ")", "dω", "=", "〈", "T r", "H", "〉", "m", "(3", "N", "−", "3)", "(10)", "where the last equality comes from using Eq. (7) and", "〈", "T r", "H", "〉", "is the ensemble-averaged value", "of the trace of the Hessian.", "7" ]
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[ [ 120, 94, 45, 15 ], [ 347, 133, 13, 15 ], [ 362, 133, 7, 15 ], [ 370, 133, 9, 13 ], [ 379, 133, 28, 15 ], [ 413, 133, 13, 15 ], [ 428, 133, 7, 15 ], [ 436, 133, 9, 13 ], [ 445, 139, 8, 7 ], [ 454, 133, 7, 15 ], [ 466, 133, 15, 26 ], [ 486, 133, 14, 13 ], [ 505, 133, 10, 26 ], [ 519, 133, 10, 13 ], [ 534, 133, 15, 15 ], [ 556, 122, 9, 15 ], [ 556, 143, 9, 15 ], [ 567, 133, 9, 13 ], [ 577, 131, 11, 7 ], [ 593, 133, 10, 26 ], [ 608, 133, 17, 13 ], [ 630, 133, 10, 26 ], [ 644, 133, 10, 13 ], [ 876, 133, 25, 15 ], [ 120, 171, 49, 15 ], [ 179, 172, 10, 13 ], [ 189, 178, 4, 7 ], [ 205, 171, 15, 15 ], [ 231, 162, 16, 26 ], [ 247, 171, 21, 15 ], [ 270, 171, 7, 15 ], [ 278, 172, 9, 13 ], [ 287, 178, 4, 7 ], [ 299, 171, 15, 26 ], [ 320, 172, 9, 13 ], [ 330, 178, 8, 7 ], [ 339, 171, 490, 15 ], [ 838, 171, 6, 15 ], [ 845, 171, 5, 15 ], [ 867, 171, 33, 15 ], [ 120, 198, 267, 15 ], [ 397, 198, 13, 15 ], [ 412, 198, 7, 15 ], [ 420, 199, 9, 13 ], [ 429, 198, 250, 15 ], [ 690, 199, 10, 13 ], [ 710, 198, 191, 15 ], [ 120, 226, 240, 15 ], [ 368, 226, 14, 13 ], [ 390, 226, 31, 15 ], [ 430, 226, 17, 13 ], [ 456, 226, 103, 15 ], [ 573, 226, 268, 15 ], [ 849, 226, 17, 13 ], [ 875, 226, 26, 15 ], [ 120, 253, 7, 15 ], [ 128, 253, 10, 26 ], [ 138, 253, 12, 15 ], [ 151, 252, 7, 8 ], [ 150, 260, 4, 10 ], [ 159, 253, 10, 26 ], [ 169, 253, 15, 15 ], [ 191, 253, 32, 15 ], [ 224, 253, 5, 15 ], [ 233, 253, 9, 15 ], [ 243, 253, 15, 15 ], [ 261, 253, 515, 15 ], [ 784, 253, 23, 13 ], [ 808, 253, 7, 15 ], [ 816, 253, 9, 13 ], [ 825, 253, 76, 15 ], [ 120, 280, 235, 15 ], [ 370, 280, 147, 15 ], [ 526, 280, 9, 13 ], [ 536, 286, 8, 7 ], [ 553, 280, 348, 15 ], [ 120, 307, 351, 15 ], [ 479, 307, 13, 15 ], [ 495, 307, 7, 15 ], [ 502, 307, 14, 15 ], [ 517, 307, 180, 15 ], [ 705, 308, 14, 13 ], [ 726, 307, 70, 15 ], [ 804, 308, 17, 13 ], [ 829, 307, 72, 15 ], [ 120, 334, 493, 15 ], [ 631, 334, 269, 15 ], [ 120, 361, 82, 15 ], [ 209, 362, 9, 13 ], [ 225, 361, 239, 15 ], [ 471, 361, 7, 15 ], [ 485, 361, 240, 15 ], [ 732, 362, 9, 13 ], [ 742, 368, 8, 7 ], [ 757, 361, 62, 15 ], [ 827, 361, 14, 15 ], [ 841, 361, 59, 15 ], [ 120, 388, 190, 15 ], [ 319, 389, 9, 13 ], [ 328, 395, 8, 7 ], [ 345, 388, 454, 15 ], [ 807, 389, 14, 13 ], [ 829, 388, 71, 15 ], [ 120, 416, 17, 13 ], [ 145, 415, 755, 15 ], [ 120, 442, 639, 15 ], [ 775, 442, 125, 15 ], [ 120, 469, 211, 15 ], [ 339, 469, 7, 26 ], [ 346, 469, 9, 15 ], [ 358, 469, 7, 15 ], [ 366, 469, 12, 15 ], [ 379, 469, 7, 15 ], [ 387, 469, 7, 26 ], [ 394, 469, 116, 15 ], [ 383, 514, 9, 15 ], [ 395, 514, 7, 15 ], [ 403, 514, 12, 15 ], [ 416, 514, 28, 15 ], [ 450, 514, 7, 26 ], [ 468, 504, 9, 15 ], [ 460, 525, 9, 15 ], [ 469, 525, 15, 15 ], [ 497, 499, 7, 8 ], [ 504, 499, 11, 10 ], [ 492, 510, 28, 46 ], [ 495, 536, 4, 10 ], [ 500, 537, 18, 8 ], [ 525, 514, 8, 15 ], [ 534, 514, 7, 15 ], [ 542, 514, 12, 15 ], [ 559, 514, 15, 26 ], [ 579, 514, 17, 15 ], [ 597, 514, 7, 15 ], [ 605, 514, 7, 26 ], [ 612, 514, 5, 15 ], [ 876, 514, 25, 15 ], [ 120, 557, 780, 15 ], [ 120, 584, 455, 15 ], [ 424, 623, 30, 15 ], [ 461, 623, 15, 15 ], [ 481, 613, 11, 46 ], [ 492, 641, 17, 10 ], [ 514, 623, 9, 15 ], [ 526, 623, 7, 15 ], [ 534, 623, 12, 15 ], [ 547, 623, 7, 15 ], [ 554, 623, 22, 15 ], [ 876, 623, 25, 15 ], [ 120, 662, 168, 15 ], [ 296, 662, 18, 15 ], [ 321, 662, 579, 15 ], [ 120, 689, 360, 15 ], [ 434, 728, 19, 15 ], [ 459, 728, 15, 15 ], [ 480, 717, 11, 46 ], [ 491, 745, 6, 10 ], [ 504, 728, 9, 15 ], [ 516, 728, 7, 15 ], [ 524, 728, 12, 15 ], [ 537, 728, 7, 15 ], [ 545, 728, 22, 15 ], [ 876, 728, 25, 15 ], [ 120, 766, 169, 15 ], [ 297, 766, 8, 15 ], [ 314, 766, 586, 15 ], [ 120, 793, 366, 15 ], [ 494, 793, 22, 15 ], [ 518, 793, 83, 15 ], [ 427, 832, 12, 15 ], [ 440, 830, 7, 8 ], [ 439, 840, 10, 10 ], [ 461, 832, 15, 15 ], [ 486, 822, 11, 46 ], [ 510, 832, 12, 15 ], [ 523, 832, 17, 15 ], [ 543, 832, 7, 15 ], [ 551, 832, 12, 15 ], [ 564, 832, 7, 15 ], [ 571, 832, 22, 15 ], [ 461, 873, 15, 15 ], [ 507, 863, 7, 26 ], [ 515, 863, 23, 15 ], [ 539, 864, 17, 13 ], [ 556, 863, 7, 26 ], [ 488, 884, 17, 15 ], [ 505, 884, 17, 15 ], [ 523, 884, 15, 15 ], [ 545, 884, 15, 26 ], [ 565, 884, 17, 15 ], [ 866, 873, 34, 15 ], [ 120, 912, 451, 15 ], [ 578, 912, 7, 26 ], [ 586, 912, 23, 15 ], [ 609, 913, 17, 13 ], [ 627, 912, 7, 26 ], [ 640, 912, 260, 15 ], [ 120, 939, 231, 15 ], [ 496, 978, 9, 15 ] ]
[ 9, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 9, 9, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 9, 9, 9, 9, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 4 ]
[ "expose the rods to the image. This can be done by looking 5° ", "to 10° off center of the object to be seen. This can be tried in ", "a dim light in a darkened room. When looking directly at the ", "light, it dims or disappears altogether. When looking slightly ", "off center, it becomes clearer and brighter. ", "When looking directly at an object, the image is focused ", "mainly on the fovea, where detail is best seen. At night, the ", "ability to see an object in the center of the visual field is ", "reduced as the cones lose much of their sensitivity and the ", "rods become more sensitive. Looking off center can help ", "compensate for this night blind spot. Along with the loss of ", "Another way to check your blind spot is to do a similar test ", "outside at night when there is a full moon. Cover your left ", "eye, looking at the full moon with your right eye. Gradually ", "move your right eye to the left (and maybe slightly up or ", "down). Before long, all you will be able to see is the large ", "halo around the full moon; the entire moon itself will seem ", "to have disappeared. ", "Empty-field myopia is a condition that usually occurs when ", "flying above the clouds or in a haze layer that provides ", "nothing specific to focus on outside the aircraft. This causes ", "the eyes to relax and seek a comfortable focal distance that ", "may range from 10 to 30 feet. For the pilot, this means ", "looking without seeing, which is dangerous. Searching out ", "and focusing on distant light sources, no matter how dim, ", "helps prevent the onset of empty-field myopia. ", "There are many good reasons to fly at night, but pilots must ", "keep in mind that the risks of night flying are different than ", "during the day and often times higher. ", "[Figure 17-16]", " Pilots ", "who are cautious and educated on night-flying techniques ", "can mitigate those risks and become very comfortable and ", "proficient in the task. ", "It is estimated that once fully adapted to darkness, the rods are ", "10,000 times more sensitive to light than the cones, making ", "them the primary receptors for night vision. Since the cones ", "are concentrated near the fovea, the rods are also responsible ", "for much of the peripheral vision. The concentration of cones ", "in the fovea can make a night blind spot in the center of the ", "field of vision. To see an object clearly at night, the pilot must ", "17-22 ", "Night Vision ", "Night Blind Spot ", "Empty-Field Myopia ", "5.", "When the page is about 16–18 inches from you, the ", "black X should disappear completely because it has ", "been imaged onto the blind spot of your right eye. ", "(Resist the temptation to move your right eye while ", "the black X is gone or else it reappears. Keep staring ", "at the airplane.) ", "6.", "As you continue to look at the airplane, keep moving ", "the page closer to you a few more inches, and the black ", "X", "will come back into view. ", "7.", "There is an interval where you are able to move the ", "page a few inches backward and forward, and the black ", "X", "will be gone. This demonstrates to you the extent ", "of your blind spot. ", "8.", "You can try the same thing again, except this time with ", "your right eye covered stare at the black X with your ", "left eye. Move the page in closer and the airplane will ", "disappear. ", "Figure 17-16. ", "Night vision. ", "Figure 17-17. ", "Night blind spot. ", "Cones active ", "Rods active ", "Night blind spot ", "Pilots must look 5°–10° off center of the ", "object in order for the object to be seen. " ]
[ [ 491, 304, 412, 81 ], [ 491, 304, 412, 81 ], [ 491, 304, 412, 81 ], [ 491, 304, 412, 81 ], [ 491, 304, 412, 81 ], [ 491, 403, 415, 97 ], [ 491, 403, 415, 97 ], [ 491, 403, 415, 97 ], [ 491, 403, 415, 97 ], [ 491, 403, 415, 97 ], [ 491, 403, 415, 97 ], [ 62, 375, 414, 114 ], [ 62, 375, 414, 114 ], [ 62, 375, 414, 114 ], [ 62, 375, 414, 114 ], [ 62, 375, 414, 114 ], [ 62, 375, 414, 114 ], [ 62, 375, 414, 114 ], [ 62, 524, 415, 131 ], [ 62, 524, 415, 131 ], [ 62, 524, 415, 131 ], [ 62, 524, 415, 131 ], [ 62, 524, 415, 131 ], [ 62, 524, 415, 131 ], [ 62, 524, 415, 131 ], [ 62, 524, 415, 131 ], [ 62, 691, 414, 97 ], [ 62, 691, 414, 97 ], [ 62, 691, 414, 97 ], [ 62, 691, 414, 97 ], [ 62, 691, 414, 97 ], [ 62, 691, 414, 97 ], [ 62, 691, 414, 97 ], [ 62, 691, 414, 97 ], [ 62, 826, 413, 114 ], [ 62, 826, 413, 114 ], [ 62, 826, 413, 114 ], [ 62, 826, 413, 114 ], [ 62, 826, 413, 114 ], [ 62, 826, 413, 114 ], [ 62, 826, 413, 114 ], [ 62, 964, 48, 16 ], [ 62, 672, 105, 17 ], [ 62, 806, 136, 17 ], [ 62, 506, 167, 17 ], [ 77, 56, 399, 97 ], [ 77, 56, 399, 97 ], [ 77, 56, 399, 97 ], [ 77, 56, 399, 97 ], [ 77, 56, 399, 97 ], [ 77, 56, 399, 97 ], [ 77, 56, 399, 97 ], [ 77, 162, 397, 48 ], [ 77, 162, 397, 48 ], [ 77, 162, 397, 48 ], [ 77, 162, 397, 48 ], [ 77, 162, 397, 48 ], [ 77, 217, 398, 64 ], [ 77, 217, 398, 64 ], [ 77, 217, 398, 64 ], [ 77, 217, 398, 64 ], [ 77, 217, 398, 64 ], [ 77, 217, 398, 64 ], [ 77, 289, 397, 64 ], [ 77, 289, 397, 64 ], [ 77, 289, 397, 64 ], [ 77, 289, 397, 64 ], [ 77, 289, 397, 64 ], [ 491, 270, 172, 14 ], [ 491, 270, 172, 14 ], [ 491, 929, 197, 14 ], [ 491, 929, 197, 14 ], [ 491, 516, 406, 402 ], [ 491, 516, 406, 402 ], [ 491, 516, 406, 402 ], [ 491, 516, 406, 402 ], [ 491, 516, 406, 402 ] ]
[ [ 491, 304, 412, 15 ], [ 491, 321, 412, 15 ], [ 491, 337, 412, 15 ], [ 491, 354, 412, 15 ], [ 491, 370, 297, 15 ], [ 491, 403, 415, 15 ], [ 491, 420, 413, 15 ], [ 491, 436, 415, 15 ], [ 491, 453, 414, 15 ], [ 491, 469, 415, 15 ], [ 491, 486, 413, 15 ], [ 62, 375, 413, 15 ], [ 62, 391, 414, 15 ], [ 62, 408, 412, 15 ], [ 62, 424, 414, 15 ], [ 62, 441, 414, 15 ], [ 62, 458, 413, 15 ], [ 62, 474, 145, 15 ], [ 62, 524, 412, 15 ], [ 62, 541, 415, 15 ], [ 62, 558, 412, 15 ], [ 62, 574, 413, 15 ], [ 62, 591, 415, 15 ], [ 62, 607, 414, 15 ], [ 62, 624, 414, 15 ], [ 62, 640, 326, 15 ], [ 62, 691, 412, 15 ], [ 62, 707, 413, 15 ], [ 62, 724, 261, 15 ], [ 324, 724, 104, 15 ], [ 428, 724, 46, 15 ], [ 62, 740, 414, 15 ], [ 62, 757, 414, 15 ], [ 62, 773, 150, 15 ], [ 62, 826, 411, 15 ], [ 62, 843, 413, 15 ], [ 62, 859, 412, 15 ], [ 62, 876, 412, 15 ], [ 62, 893, 411, 15 ], [ 62, 909, 413, 15 ], [ 62, 926, 411, 15 ], [ 62, 964, 48, 16 ], [ 62, 672, 105, 17 ], [ 62, 806, 136, 17 ], [ 62, 506, 167, 17 ], [ 77, 56, 12, 15 ], [ 108, 56, 367, 15 ], [ 108, 73, 367, 15 ], [ 108, 90, 368, 15 ], [ 108, 106, 367, 15 ], [ 108, 123, 366, 15 ], [ 108, 139, 112, 15 ], [ 77, 162, 12, 15 ], [ 108, 162, 366, 15 ], [ 108, 178, 365, 15 ], [ 108, 195, 12, 15 ], [ 125, 195, 183, 15 ], [ 77, 217, 12, 15 ], [ 108, 217, 367, 15 ], [ 108, 234, 365, 15 ], [ 108, 250, 12, 15 ], [ 125, 250, 350, 15 ], [ 108, 267, 131, 15 ], [ 77, 289, 12, 15 ], [ 108, 289, 365, 15 ], [ 108, 306, 366, 15 ], [ 108, 323, 365, 15 ], [ 108, 339, 74, 15 ], [ 491, 270, 88, 13 ], [ 580, 270, 83, 13 ], [ 491, 929, 88, 13 ], [ 581, 929, 107, 13 ], [ 661, 666, 83, 13 ], [ 665, 848, 75, 13 ], [ 738, 782, 108, 13 ], [ 568, 876, 245, 13 ], [ 568, 889, 247, 13 ] ]
[ 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 4, 7, 7, 7, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6 ]
[ "3. ", "It", "is", "necessary", "to", "remove", "the", "Type-3", "binding", "tape ", "on the inside seam joining the main body to the ", "side", "flap.", "Depending", "on", "the", "container", "construction ", "configuration, there are two options how to do this:", "• ", "Option 1: salvage method. With this method, the ", "binding tape is left undamaged and sewn back in ", "place after replacing the flap. A slower method, ", "but good if the rigger does not have the necessary ", "replacement tape.", "• ", "Using a seam ripper, unpick the two rows of ", "stitching that holds the side flap to the main ", "container. ", "[Figure A]", " Start at the lower ", "corner and continue until approximately ", "2", "inches past where the side flap joins the ", "riser cover.", "2. ", "If option 1 was used, take the original binding tape, ", "fold over the seam and sew in place with two rows of ", "stitching. Note that there is a second row of stitching ", "sewn directly on top of the inside row of stitching for ", "reinforcement. ", "[Figure D]", " This is very important.", "3. ", "If option 2 was used, it is necessary to replace the ", "binding tape with new. Stitch down the loose end of ", "the binding tape at the top and then overlap the tape ", "by approximately 2 inches using the double needle ", "machine and tape binder. ", "[Figure E]", " Overstitch the ", "inside row for reinforcement.", "4. ", "Trim the bottom end of the binding tape at the corner.", "5. ", "Note that the junction of the side flap and riser cover ", "is overstitched and reinforced as needed.", " [Figure F]", "• ", "Remove the side flap.", "• ", "Option 2: replacement tape method. With this ", "method, the binding tape is destroyed during the ", "removal process and replaced with new. A faster ", "method, but new tape is required.", "• ", "Use a hot knife to melt the stitching that holds ", "the binding tape that attaches the side flap to ", "the main container. ", "[Figure B]", " When doing ", "this, have the side of the tape that faces the ", "damaged side flap facing up in case you slip ", "so the wrong flap is not damaged. Proceed ", "to the point where the side flap stops. Trim ", "the melted tape at this point.", "• ", "Using a seam ripper, unpick the tape ", "approximately 2 inches past the end of the ", "side flap. Remove the side flap.", "1. ", "Take the new flap and sew it in place on the main ", "container", "starting", "approximately", ".38", "inch", "from", "the ", "Reassembly", "corner. ", "[Figure C]", " On this design and others like it, ", "the lower end of the main riser cover is unstitched ", "during removal of the main flap. When sewing the ", "new flap in place, make sure that the side flap is sewn ", "to the main container first and then the riser cover on ", "top of it. Look at the opposite side to see which is on ", "top and duplicate.", "7-47" ]
[ [ 139, 58, 400, 64 ], [ 139, 58, 400, 64 ], [ 139, 58, 400, 64 ], [ 139, 58, 400, 64 ], [ 139, 58, 400, 64 ], [ 139, 58, 400, 64 ], [ 139, 58, 400, 64 ], [ 139, 58, 400, 64 ], [ 139, 58, 400, 64 ], [ 139, 58, 400, 64 ], [ 139, 58, 400, 64 ], [ 139, 58, 400, 64 ], [ 139, 58, 400, 64 ], [ 139, 58, 400, 64 ], [ 139, 58, 400, 64 ], [ 139, 58, 400, 64 ], [ 139, 58, 400, 64 ], [ 139, 58, 400, 64 ], [ 139, 58, 400, 64 ], [ 170, 130, 366, 81 ], [ 170, 130, 366, 81 ], [ 170, 130, 366, 81 ], [ 170, 130, 366, 81 ], [ 170, 130, 366, 81 ], [ 170, 130, 366, 81 ], [ 209, 218, 330, 97 ], [ 209, 218, 330, 97 ], [ 209, 218, 330, 97 ], [ 209, 218, 330, 97 ], [ 209, 218, 330, 97 ], [ 209, 218, 330, 97 ], [ 209, 218, 330, 97 ], [ 209, 218, 330, 97 ], [ 209, 218, 330, 97 ], [ 209, 218, 330, 97 ], [ 569, 673, 397, 81 ], [ 569, 673, 397, 81 ], [ 569, 673, 397, 81 ], [ 569, 673, 397, 81 ], [ 569, 673, 397, 81 ], [ 569, 673, 397, 81 ], [ 569, 673, 397, 81 ], [ 569, 673, 397, 81 ], [ 569, 762, 398, 97 ], [ 569, 762, 398, 97 ], [ 569, 762, 398, 97 ], [ 569, 762, 398, 97 ], [ 569, 762, 398, 97 ], [ 569, 762, 398, 97 ], [ 569, 762, 398, 97 ], [ 569, 762, 398, 97 ], [ 569, 762, 398, 97 ], [ 569, 867, 393, 15 ], [ 569, 867, 393, 15 ], [ 569, 890, 397, 31 ], [ 569, 890, 397, 31 ], [ 569, 890, 397, 31 ], [ 569, 890, 397, 31 ], [ 209, 572, 180, 15 ], [ 209, 572, 180, 15 ], [ 170, 595, 366, 64 ], [ 170, 595, 366, 64 ], [ 170, 595, 366, 64 ], [ 170, 595, 366, 64 ], [ 170, 595, 366, 64 ], [ 209, 667, 329, 131 ], [ 209, 667, 329, 131 ], [ 209, 667, 329, 131 ], [ 209, 667, 329, 131 ], [ 209, 667, 329, 131 ], [ 209, 667, 329, 131 ], [ 209, 667, 329, 131 ], [ 209, 667, 329, 131 ], [ 209, 667, 329, 131 ], [ 209, 667, 329, 131 ], [ 209, 667, 329, 131 ], [ 209, 805, 330, 48 ], [ 209, 805, 330, 48 ], [ 209, 805, 330, 48 ], [ 209, 805, 330, 48 ], [ 139, 896, 397, 31 ], [ 139, 896, 397, 31 ], [ 139, 896, 397, 31 ], [ 139, 896, 397, 31 ], [ 139, 896, 397, 31 ], [ 139, 896, 397, 31 ], [ 139, 896, 397, 31 ], [ 139, 896, 397, 31 ], [ 139, 896, 397, 31 ], [ 124, 872, 81, 15 ], [ 600, 303, 368, 114 ], [ 600, 303, 368, 114 ], [ 600, 303, 368, 114 ], [ 600, 303, 368, 114 ], [ 600, 303, 368, 114 ], [ 600, 303, 368, 114 ], [ 600, 303, 368, 114 ], [ 600, 303, 368, 114 ], [ 600, 303, 368, 114 ], [ 928, 964, 34, 16 ] ]
[ [ 139, 58, 17, 15 ], [ 170, 58, 9, 15 ], [ 193, 58, 13, 15 ], [ 220, 58, 59, 15 ], [ 292, 58, 13, 15 ], [ 318, 58, 36, 15 ], [ 367, 58, 19, 15 ], [ 400, 58, 31, 15 ], [ 445, 58, 45, 15 ], [ 504, 58, 32, 15 ], [ 170, 74, 369, 15 ], [ 170, 91, 26, 15 ], [ 210, 91, 30, 15 ], [ 254, 91, 56, 15 ], [ 323, 91, 13, 15 ], [ 349, 91, 19, 15 ], [ 382, 91, 59, 15 ], [ 455, 91, 81, 15 ], [ 170, 107, 353, 15 ], [ 170, 130, 10, 15 ], [ 201, 130, 335, 15 ], [ 201, 146, 334, 15 ], [ 201, 163, 335, 15 ], [ 201, 179, 334, 15 ], [ 201, 196, 121, 15 ], [ 209, 218, 9, 15 ], [ 240, 218, 295, 15 ], [ 240, 235, 296, 15 ], [ 240, 252, 75, 15 ], [ 318, 252, 79, 15 ], [ 397, 252, 142, 15 ], [ 240, 268, 299, 15 ], [ 240, 285, 3, 15 ], [ 251, 285, 286, 15 ], [ 240, 301, 77, 15 ], [ 569, 673, 17, 15 ], [ 600, 673, 366, 15 ], [ 600, 690, 366, 15 ], [ 600, 706, 366, 15 ], [ 600, 723, 366, 15 ], [ 600, 739, 105, 15 ], [ 705, 740, 77, 15 ], [ 783, 739, 161, 15 ], [ 569, 762, 17, 15 ], [ 600, 762, 366, 15 ], [ 600, 778, 366, 15 ], [ 600, 795, 367, 15 ], [ 600, 812, 366, 15 ], [ 600, 828, 181, 15 ], [ 782, 828, 76, 15 ], [ 859, 828, 108, 15 ], [ 600, 845, 202, 15 ], [ 569, 867, 17, 15 ], [ 600, 867, 362, 15 ], [ 569, 890, 17, 15 ], [ 600, 890, 366, 15 ], [ 600, 906, 280, 15 ], [ 881, 906, 79, 15 ], [ 209, 572, 10, 15 ], [ 240, 572, 149, 15 ], [ 170, 595, 10, 15 ], [ 201, 595, 335, 15 ], [ 201, 611, 335, 15 ], [ 201, 628, 335, 15 ], [ 201, 644, 230, 15 ], [ 209, 667, 8, 15 ], [ 240, 667, 295, 15 ], [ 240, 683, 298, 15 ], [ 240, 700, 133, 15 ], [ 373, 700, 73, 15 ], [ 446, 700, 91, 15 ], [ 240, 716, 297, 15 ], [ 240, 733, 298, 15 ], [ 240, 750, 298, 15 ], [ 240, 766, 298, 15 ], [ 240, 783, 191, 15 ], [ 209, 805, 13, 15 ], [ 240, 805, 299, 15 ], [ 240, 822, 296, 15 ], [ 240, 838, 216, 15 ], [ 139, 896, 17, 15 ], [ 170, 896, 366, 15 ], [ 170, 913, 58, 15 ], [ 242, 913, 52, 15 ], [ 308, 913, 84, 15 ], [ 406, 913, 13, 15 ], [ 432, 913, 26, 15 ], [ 471, 913, 26, 15 ], [ 510, 913, 26, 15 ], [ 124, 872, 81, 15 ], [ 600, 303, 52, 15 ], [ 653, 303, 76, 15 ], [ 730, 303, 236, 15 ], [ 600, 320, 368, 15 ], [ 600, 336, 366, 15 ], [ 600, 353, 366, 15 ], [ 600, 369, 366, 15 ], [ 600, 386, 366, 15 ], [ 600, 402, 123, 15 ], [ 928, 964, 34, 16 ] ]
[ 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 7, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 4 ]
[ "inelastic materials may include monofilament polymeric line or mesh.", "Such reinforced polymers", "are referred to herein as polymeric composites.", "A reinforcing, inelastic structural material is", "referred to in the art as “scrim”.", "Scrim may be a woven textile or polymer, a non-woven", "polymer, or any other structural material that acts to stabilize the substrate.", "Preferably, the", "scrim reinforced substrate will have a high degree of permeability (e.g., 1,000 to 8,000", "liters/sec/m", "$^{2}$).", "Additionally, non-reinforced polymers exhibiting a degree of elasticity (e.g., polyurethane", "or polyester) may be used in the production of adhesive-backed anchoring members for", "embodiments in which adhesive-backed anchoring members and elongated connectors are", "produced separately, and subsequently attached to one another (i.e., non-monolithic", "embodiments).", "A preferred polymer for the production of the adhesive-backed anchoring", "members is polyurethane having a thickness of 3-12 mils. Such a polymer is breathable and", "exhibits a degree of flexibility.", "If a non-reinforced elastic polymer is used to produce an", "adhesive-backed anchoring member, it will be preferable to reinforce the upper surface of the", "wound edge with an inelastic element so that the wound edge remains substantially straight", "across the incision site during the closure process. Such an element is referred to herein as a", "“woundedge bar”.One skilled in the art will recognize that a wide range of inelastic polymers,", "or even metals, can be utilized in the production of a wound edge bar for the purpose of", "providing rigidity to the wound edge. Vapor permeable polymeric materials that satisfy the other", "requirements for use in the manufacturing of the device offer improved comfort and are", "preferred. Transparent stock is also preferred so that the healing process and the entire wound", "site can be monitored easily. Therefore, at least the first and second adhesive-backed", "anchoring members are produced from transparent stock in preferred embodiments.", "As an", "alternative design choice, colored or opaque stock may be used in the production of at least the", "first and second adhesive-backed anchoring members when circumstances (e.g., cost", "considerations) dictate.", "In preferred embodiments, the adhesive-backed anchoring members, elongated", "connectors and pulling elements are produced from sheets or rolls of polymeric material or", "polymeric composite material (e.g., polyurethane or polyester).", "The sheet or roll stock is", "typically referred to as “film”", "as the thickness in preferred embodiments ranges from about 0.5", "mil to about 5 mil, and may vary depending upon application. Die cutting these elements from", "polymeric sheet stock to provide two monolithic components (i.e., having no seams or joints)", "which, when assembled/packaged comprise the two-component device, is a particularly cost-", "effective approach to manufacturing. Die cutting can be combined with other assembly steps," ]
[ [ 110, 121, 798, 127 ], [ 110, 121, 798, 127 ], [ 110, 121, 798, 127 ], [ 110, 121, 798, 127 ], [ 110, 121, 798, 127 ], [ 110, 121, 798, 127 ], [ 110, 121, 798, 127 ], [ 110, 121, 798, 127 ], [ 110, 121, 798, 127 ], [ 110, 121, 798, 127 ], [ 110, 121, 798, 127 ], [ 109, 259, 802, 450 ], [ 109, 259, 802, 450 ], [ 109, 259, 802, 450 ], [ 109, 259, 802, 450 ], [ 109, 259, 802, 450 ], [ 109, 259, 802, 450 ], [ 109, 259, 802, 450 ], [ 109, 259, 802, 450 ], [ 109, 259, 802, 450 ], [ 109, 259, 802, 450 ], [ 109, 259, 802, 450 ], [ 109, 259, 802, 450 ], [ 109, 259, 802, 450 ], [ 109, 259, 802, 450 ], [ 109, 259, 802, 450 ], [ 109, 259, 802, 450 ], [ 109, 259, 802, 450 ], [ 109, 259, 802, 450 ], [ 109, 259, 802, 450 ], [ 109, 259, 802, 450 ], [ 109, 259, 802, 450 ], [ 109, 259, 802, 450 ], [ 109, 259, 802, 450 ], [ 109, 722, 785, 172 ], [ 109, 722, 785, 172 ], [ 109, 722, 785, 172 ], [ 109, 722, 785, 172 ], [ 109, 722, 785, 172 ], [ 109, 722, 785, 172 ], [ 109, 722, 785, 172 ], [ 109, 722, 785, 172 ], [ 109, 722, 785, 172 ], [ 109, 722, 785, 172 ] ]
[ [ 110, 121, 573, 11 ], [ 697, 121, 212, 11 ], [ 110, 144, 392, 11 ], [ 515, 144, 359, 11 ], [ 110, 167, 286, 11 ], [ 380, 167, 457, 11 ], [ 110, 190, 623, 11 ], [ 748, 190, 120, 11 ], [ 110, 213, 718, 11 ], [ 110, 236, 92, 11 ], [ 205, 238, 18, 10 ], [ 156, 259, 736, 11 ], [ 110, 282, 732, 11 ], [ 110, 305, 763, 11 ], [ 110, 329, 702, 11 ], [ 110, 352, 120, 11 ], [ 245, 352, 607, 11 ], [ 110, 375, 773, 11 ], [ 110, 398, 244, 11 ], [ 369, 398, 470, 11 ], [ 110, 421, 779, 11 ], [ 109, 444, 765, 11 ], [ 110, 467, 786, 11 ], [ 110, 490, 786, 11 ], [ 110, 513, 732, 11 ], [ 110, 537, 801, 11 ], [ 110, 560, 726, 11 ], [ 110, 583, 795, 11 ], [ 110, 606, 718, 11 ], [ 110, 629, 700, 11 ], [ 824, 629, 49, 11 ], [ 110, 652, 797, 11 ], [ 109, 675, 719, 11 ], [ 110, 698, 192, 11 ], [ 173, 722, 664, 10 ], [ 110, 744, 757, 11 ], [ 110, 767, 521, 11 ], [ 645, 767, 204, 11 ], [ 109, 790, 261, 11 ], [ 348, 791, 546, 11 ], [ 110, 814, 779, 11 ], [ 110, 837, 768, 11 ], [ 109, 860, 779, 11 ], [ 110, 883, 777, 11 ] ]
[ 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9 ]
[ "0", "10", "20", "30", "40", "50", "60", "70", "0.0", "0.2", "0.4", "0.6", "0.8", "N=4", "N=8", "N=12", "N=16", "Fig. 4", "=10", "G/G$_{0}$", "ω", "$_{l}$=", "ε", "$_{d}$-", "ε", "F", "J", "0", "5", "10", "15", "20", "25", "30", "35", "0.0", "0.2", "0.4", "0.6", "0.8", "N=4", "N=8", "N=12", "N=16", "Fig. 4", "=5", "G/G$_{0}$", "ω", "$_{l}$=", "ε", "$_{d}$-", "ε", "F", "J", "0", "3", "6", "9", "12", "15", "18", "21", "0.0", "0.2", "0.4", "0.6", "0.8", "N=4", "N=8", "N=12", "N=16", "Fig. 4", "=3.33", "G/G$_{0}$", "ω", "$_{l}$=", "ε", "$_{d}$-", "ε", "F", "J", "0", "2", "4", "6", "8", "10", "12", "14", "0.0", "0.2", "0.4", "0.6", "0.8", "N=4", "N=8", "N=12", "N=16", "Fig. 4", "=2", "G/G$_{0}$", "ω", "$_{l}$=", "ε", "$_{d}$-", "ε", "F", "J", "FIG. 5: Normalized conductance", "G/G", "0", "plotted versus", "J/", "Γ for", "ξ", "= 10", ",", "5", ",", "3", ".", "33", ",", "2.", "All the curves", "were computed for the out-of-resonance situation", "|", "α", "−", "ε$_{F}$", "|", "= Γ", "/", "2, which corresponds to", "G/G", "0", "=", "0", ".", "8", "at", "J", "= 0.", "Notice that, the smaller the", "ξ", "-value, the stronger the size-dependence of thin", "curves computed from Eq. (24), and the larger the departure from the practically", "N", "-independent", "renormalized curves, depicted by thin lines.", "ˆ", "G", "|$_{DFT}$", "=", "(", "ˆ", "G", "$_{−}$1", "i", "|$_{DFT}$ −", "ˆ", "Σ", "0", ",L", "−", "ˆ", "Σ", "0", ",R", ")", "−", "1", "of the extended molecule coupled to electrodes,", "those approaches employ the bare self-energies", "ˆ", "Σ", "0", ",L", "and", "ˆ", "Σ", "0", "$_{,R}$. Because the isolated extended", "molecule is modeled by an effective Kohn-Sham effective Hamiltonian, the underlying picture", "is a one-particle picture, and therefore the Landauer-type formulae (16) and (24) with", "ˆ", "G", "r", "replaced by", "ˆ", "G", "$^{r}$|$_{DFT}$", "follow as “exact” results (i. e., without any other approximation as the", "DFT-approximation itself).", "We emphasize that Landauer-type expressions like those Eqs. (16) and (24) are", "not", "valid", "in general for correlated electron systems.", "As explained in Sect. II, they represent justi-", "fied approximations in the correlated case", "only", "when sufficiently large extended molecules", "are considered. The advantage of the approach based on this concept is its clear physical", "content.", "Eqs. (16) and (24) hold for electron correlations that can be strong within the", "molecule but are negligible at the ends of a sufficiently large extended molecule. This is the", "reason we employed in the Dyson equation (14) the bare self-energies", "ˆ", "Σ", "0", ",L", "and", "ˆ", "Σ", "0", "$_{,R}$, as in", "the NEGF-DFT approach. However, at variance with the latter, our approach accurately", "18" ]
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[ [ 278, 231, 4, 6 ], [ 303, 231, 9, 6 ], [ 330, 231, 9, 6 ], [ 357, 231, 9, 6 ], [ 385, 231, 9, 6 ], [ 412, 231, 9, 6 ], [ 439, 231, 9, 6 ], [ 467, 231, 9, 6 ], [ 262, 224, 12, 6 ], [ 262, 199, 12, 6 ], [ 263, 174, 12, 6 ], [ 263, 149, 12, 6 ], [ 263, 124, 12, 6 ], [ 435, 132, 14, 5 ], [ 435, 138, 14, 5 ], [ 435, 144, 19, 5 ], [ 435, 150, 19, 5 ], [ 372, 123, 19, 5 ], [ 386, 117, 14, 6 ], [ 257, 101, 19, 6 ], [ 469, 210, 5, 2 ], [ 475, 203, 2, 7 ], [ 481, 205, 3, 1 ], [ 486, 199, 1, 6 ], [ 489, 201, 3, 1 ], [ 495, 199, 0, 5 ], [ 483, 233, 4, 6 ], [ 537, 231, 4, 6 ], [ 564, 231, 4, 6 ], [ 589, 231, 9, 6 ], [ 616, 231, 9, 6 ], [ 643, 231, 9, 6 ], [ 671, 231, 9, 6 ], [ 698, 231, 9, 6 ], [ 726, 231, 9, 6 ], [ 521, 224, 12, 6 ], [ 521, 199, 12, 6 ], [ 521, 174, 12, 6 ], [ 521, 149, 12, 6 ], [ 521, 124, 12, 6 ], [ 567, 188, 14, 5 ], [ 567, 194, 14, 5 ], [ 567, 199, 19, 5 ], [ 567, 205, 19, 5 ], [ 631, 123, 19, 5 ], [ 703, 109, 10, 6 ], [ 516, 101, 19, 6 ], [ 728, 210, 5, 2 ], [ 734, 203, 2, 7 ], [ 739, 205, 3, 1 ], [ 745, 199, 1, 6 ], [ 748, 201, 3, 1 ], [ 754, 199, 0, 5 ], [ 742, 233, 4, 6 ], [ 278, 384, 4, 6 ], [ 305, 384, 4, 6 ], [ 333, 384, 4, 6 ], [ 360, 384, 4, 6 ], [ 385, 384, 9, 6 ], [ 412, 384, 9, 6 ], [ 440, 384, 9, 6 ], [ 467, 384, 9, 6 ], [ 262, 376, 12, 6 ], [ 262, 351, 12, 6 ], [ 263, 326, 12, 6 ], [ 263, 301, 12, 6 ], [ 263, 276, 12, 6 ], [ 335, 346, 14, 5 ], [ 335, 352, 14, 5 ], [ 335, 358, 19, 5 ], [ 335, 364, 19, 5 ], [ 372, 275, 19, 5 ], [ 445, 269, 21, 6 ], [ 257, 256, 20, 6 ], [ 469, 362, 5, 2 ], [ 475, 355, 2, 7 ], [ 481, 357, 3, 1 ], [ 486, 351, 1, 6 ], [ 489, 353, 3, 1 ], [ 495, 351, 0, 5 ], [ 483, 385, 4, 6 ], [ 537, 384, 4, 6 ], [ 564, 384, 4, 6 ], [ 591, 384, 4, 6 ], [ 619, 384, 4, 6 ], [ 646, 384, 4, 6 ], [ 671, 384, 9, 6 ], [ 698, 384, 9, 6 ], [ 725, 384, 9, 6 ], [ 521, 376, 12, 6 ], [ 521, 351, 12, 6 ], [ 521, 326, 12, 6 ], [ 521, 301, 12, 6 ], [ 521, 276, 12, 6 ], [ 594, 346, 14, 5 ], [ 594, 352, 14, 5 ], [ 594, 358, 19, 5 ], [ 594, 364, 19, 5 ], [ 631, 275, 19, 5 ], [ 645, 269, 10, 6 ], [ 516, 256, 20, 6 ], [ 728, 362, 5, 2 ], [ 734, 355, 2, 7 ], [ 739, 357, 3, 1 ], [ 745, 351, 1, 6 ], [ 748, 353, 3, 1 ], [ 754, 351, 0, 5 ], [ 742, 385, 4, 6 ], [ 120, 410, 267, 14 ], [ 395, 410, 37, 14 ], [ 433, 416, 7, 8 ], [ 448, 410, 113, 14 ], [ 569, 410, 19, 14 ], [ 589, 410, 40, 14 ], [ 638, 410, 7, 14 ], [ 654, 410, 39, 14 ], [ 694, 410, 5, 14 ], [ 702, 410, 9, 14 ], [ 711, 410, 5, 14 ], [ 719, 410, 9, 14 ], [ 728, 410, 5, 14 ], [ 733, 410, 18, 14 ], [ 751, 410, 5, 14 ], [ 759, 410, 14, 14 ], [ 787, 410, 114, 14 ], [ 120, 438, 396, 14 ], [ 523, 438, 5, 14 ], [ 528, 438, 11, 14 ], [ 545, 438, 14, 14 ], [ 563, 438, 17, 14 ], [ 584, 438, 5, 14 ], [ 595, 438, 31, 14 ], [ 627, 438, 9, 14 ], [ 636, 438, 191, 14 ], [ 835, 438, 37, 14 ], [ 872, 444, 7, 8 ], [ 887, 438, 14, 14 ], [ 120, 466, 9, 14 ], [ 129, 466, 5, 14 ], [ 134, 466, 7, 14 ], [ 156, 466, 12, 14 ], [ 177, 466, 10, 14 ], [ 199, 466, 38, 14 ], [ 254, 466, 233, 14 ], [ 496, 466, 7, 14 ], [ 505, 466, 395, 14 ], [ 120, 494, 653, 14 ], [ 781, 494, 14, 14 ], [ 797, 494, 103, 14 ], [ 120, 522, 347, 14 ], [ 125, 569, 11, 15 ], [ 120, 573, 17, 11 ], [ 138, 572, 36, 15 ], [ 188, 572, 15, 15 ], [ 214, 566, 11, 37 ], [ 231, 569, 11, 15 ], [ 226, 573, 17, 11 ], [ 244, 570, 20, 7 ], [ 244, 581, 5, 9 ], [ 265, 572, 59, 15 ], [ 332, 569, 11, 15 ], [ 330, 572, 16, 15 ], [ 346, 579, 8, 7 ], [ 354, 579, 15, 9 ], [ 375, 572, 15, 15 ], [ 397, 569, 11, 15 ], [ 395, 572, 16, 15 ], [ 411, 579, 8, 7 ], [ 419, 579, 16, 9 ], [ 437, 566, 11, 37 ], [ 449, 563, 11, 9 ], [ 460, 563, 7, 8 ], [ 477, 572, 423, 15 ], [ 120, 600, 388, 15 ], [ 516, 596, 11, 15 ], [ 513, 600, 16, 15 ], [ 529, 606, 8, 7 ], [ 538, 606, 15, 9 ], [ 558, 600, 31, 15 ], [ 597, 596, 11, 15 ], [ 594, 600, 16, 15 ], [ 610, 606, 8, 7 ], [ 619, 600, 281, 15 ], [ 120, 627, 780, 15 ], [ 120, 654, 747, 15 ], [ 880, 650, 11, 15 ], [ 874, 654, 17, 11 ], [ 892, 653, 7, 9 ], [ 120, 681, 97, 15 ], [ 229, 677, 11, 15 ], [ 224, 682, 17, 11 ], [ 242, 680, 45, 15 ], [ 296, 681, 604, 15 ], [ 120, 708, 234, 15 ], [ 145, 735, 673, 15 ], [ 825, 736, 27, 14 ], [ 860, 735, 40, 15 ], [ 120, 762, 366, 15 ], [ 501, 762, 399, 15 ], [ 120, 789, 362, 15 ], [ 490, 790, 35, 14 ], [ 535, 789, 365, 15 ], [ 120, 816, 780, 15 ], [ 120, 843, 68, 15 ], [ 203, 843, 697, 15 ], [ 120, 870, 780, 15 ], [ 120, 897, 594, 15 ], [ 724, 894, 11, 15 ], [ 721, 897, 16, 15 ], [ 737, 904, 8, 7 ], [ 746, 904, 15, 9 ], [ 768, 897, 31, 15 ], [ 809, 894, 11, 15 ], [ 806, 897, 16, 15 ], [ 823, 904, 8, 7 ], [ 831, 897, 69, 15 ], [ 120, 925, 780, 15 ], [ 491, 978, 19, 15 ] ]
[ 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 4 ]
[ "6.5.3", "Understanding the Trends view", "In the Trends view (Figure 6-14), the frequency of the selected time period is ", "shown as a bar chart. It is scaled accordingly from 0 to the maximum frequency ", "count along the vertical y-axis on the left side. ", "On the right side of the y-axis is a scale that represents the increase indicator. ", "The ", "increase indicator", ", also known as trend index, is a scale to measure the ", "increase ratio of the frequency for a given time interval as compared to the ", "expected average frequency that is calculated based on the changes in the past ", "time interval frequencies. This expected change in frequency is estimated by ", "using a modified Poisson distribution. The increase indicator is shown as a blue ", "line graph in the chart, as shown in Figure 6-14.", "The bar chart is in color (to highlight) whether the increase indicator is higher ", "than what was expected within reasonable limits. This result means that the ", "actual value is greater than the estimated value by a certain amount. Figure 6-14 ", "shows a brighter orange color for December 2008. As you can see from the blue ", "line in the graph, the increase indicator shows a sudden jump, which means that ", "you might want to conduct additional investigation and analysis for that time ", "period.", "Figure 6-14", "Trends view: Pine juice with frequency count and increase indicator", "180 ", "IBM Watson Content Analytics: Discovering Actionable Insight from Your Content", "Frequency count", "Increase indicator" ]
[ [ 154, 78, 381, 18 ], [ 154, 78, 381, 18 ], [ 274, 120, 592, 52 ], [ 274, 120, 592, 52 ], [ 274, 120, 592, 52 ], [ 274, 192, 595, 128 ], [ 274, 192, 595, 128 ], [ 274, 192, 595, 128 ], [ 274, 192, 595, 128 ], [ 274, 192, 595, 128 ], [ 274, 192, 595, 128 ], [ 274, 192, 595, 128 ], [ 274, 192, 595, 128 ], [ 274, 192, 595, 128 ], [ 274, 341, 595, 128 ], [ 274, 341, 595, 128 ], [ 274, 341, 595, 128 ], [ 274, 341, 595, 128 ], [ 274, 341, 595, 128 ], [ 274, 341, 595, 128 ], [ 274, 341, 595, 128 ], [ 154, 772, 535, 13 ], [ 154, 772, 535, 13 ], [ 154, 971, 594, 14 ], [ 154, 971, 594, 14 ], [ 154, 494, 716, 272 ], [ 154, 494, 716, 272 ] ]
[ [ 154, 78, 48, 18 ], [ 209, 78, 326, 18 ], [ 274, 120, 569, 14 ], [ 274, 139, 592, 14 ], [ 274, 158, 343, 14 ], [ 274, 192, 580, 14 ], [ 274, 211, 33, 14 ], [ 308, 210, 134, 15 ], [ 441, 211, 401, 14 ], [ 274, 230, 554, 14 ], [ 274, 249, 595, 14 ], [ 274, 268, 570, 14 ], [ 274, 287, 591, 14 ], [ 274, 306, 353, 14 ], [ 274, 341, 572, 14 ], [ 274, 360, 562, 14 ], [ 274, 379, 595, 14 ], [ 274, 398, 595, 14 ], [ 274, 417, 595, 14 ], [ 274, 436, 562, 14 ], [ 274, 455, 51, 14 ], [ 154, 772, 76, 13 ], [ 243, 772, 446, 13 ], [ 154, 971, 32, 14 ], [ 211, 973, 537, 13 ], [ 268, 657, 161, 21 ], [ 550, 643, 171, 21 ] ]
[ 7, 7, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 0, 0, 4, 4, 6, 6 ]
[ [ 430, 939, 163, 12 ], [ 399, 974, 227, 10 ], [ 23, 865, 16, 81 ], [ 23, 865, 16, 81 ] ]
[ [ 430, 939, 163, 12 ], [ 399, 974, 227, 10 ], [ 23, 889, 16, 57 ], [ 27, 865, 9, 14 ] ]
[ 9, 9, 5, 5 ]
[ "NDB Cluster Configuration Files", "Type or units", "integer", "Default", "UNDEFINED", "Range", "32", "- 4294967039 (0xFFFFFEFF)", "Deprecated", "NDB 8.0.19", "Restart Type", "N (NDB 8.0.13)", "By default, this parameter is calculated as 1.1 × ", "MaxNoOfConcurrentOperations", ". This fits systems", "with many simultaneous transactions, none of them being very large. If there is a need to handle one", "very large transaction at a time and there are many nodes, it is a good idea to override the default value", "by explicitly specifying this parameter.", "This parameter is deprecated as of NDB 8.0.19, and is subject to removal in a future NDB Cluster", "release. In addition, this parameter is incompatible with the ", "TransactionMemory", " parameter; if you try", "to set values for both parameters in the cluster configuration file (", "config.ini", "), the management server", "refuses to start.", "This parameter limits the size of a transaction. The transaction is aborted if it requires more than this", "many DML operations. The minimum number of operations per transaction is 32; however, you can set", "MaxDMLOperationsPerTransaction", " to 0 to disable any limitation on the number of DML operations", "per transaction. The maximum (and default) is 4294967295.", "Transaction temporary storage. ", " The next set of ", "[ndbd]", " parameters is used to determine temporary", "storage when executing a statement that is part of a Cluster transaction. All records are released when the", "statement is completed and the cluster is waiting for the commit or rollback.", "The value of this parameter cannot exceed that set for ", "MaxNoOfConcurrentOperations", ".", "The default values for these parameters are adequate for most situations. However, users with a need to", "support transactions involving large numbers of rows or operations may need to increase these values", "to enable better parallelism in the system, whereas users whose applications require relatively small", "transactions can decrease the values to save memory.", "•", "MaxDMLOperationsPerTransaction", "Version (or later)", "NDB 8.0.13", "Type or units", "operations (DML)", "Default", "4294967295", "Range", "32", "- 4294967295", "Restart Type", "N (NDB 8.0.13)", "Version (or later)", "NDB 8.0.13", "Type or units", "integer", "Default", "8K", "Range", "0", "- 4294967039 (0xFFFFFEFF)", "Deprecated", "NDB 8.0.19", "Restart Type", "N (NDB 8.0.13)", "•", "MaxNoOfConcurrentIndexOperations", "4081" ]
[ [ 408, 48, 237, 11 ], [ 184, 91, 781, 109 ], [ 184, 91, 781, 109 ], [ 184, 91, 781, 109 ], [ 184, 91, 781, 109 ], [ 184, 91, 781, 109 ], [ 184, 91, 781, 109 ], [ 184, 91, 781, 109 ], [ 184, 91, 781, 109 ], [ 184, 91, 781, 109 ], [ 184, 91, 781, 109 ], [ 184, 91, 781, 109 ], [ 187, 216, 767, 58 ], [ 187, 216, 767, 58 ], [ 187, 216, 767, 58 ], [ 187, 216, 767, 58 ], [ 187, 216, 767, 58 ], [ 187, 216, 767, 58 ], [ 187, 294, 773, 58 ], [ 187, 294, 773, 58 ], [ 187, 294, 773, 58 ], [ 187, 294, 773, 58 ], [ 187, 294, 773, 58 ], [ 187, 294, 773, 58 ], [ 187, 294, 773, 58 ], [ 187, 294, 773, 58 ], [ 187, 533, 766, 58 ], [ 187, 533, 766, 58 ], [ 187, 533, 766, 58 ], [ 187, 533, 766, 58 ], [ 187, 533, 766, 58 ], [ 170, 642, 787, 43 ], [ 170, 642, 787, 43 ], [ 170, 642, 787, 43 ], [ 170, 642, 787, 43 ], [ 170, 642, 787, 43 ], [ 170, 642, 787, 43 ], [ 187, 611, 681, 11 ], [ 187, 611, 681, 11 ], [ 187, 611, 681, 11 ], [ 170, 704, 774, 58 ], [ 170, 704, 774, 58 ], [ 170, 704, 774, 58 ], [ 170, 704, 774, 58 ], [ 170, 369, 318, 11 ], [ 170, 369, 318, 11 ], [ 183, 407, 782, 110 ], [ 183, 407, 782, 110 ], [ 183, 407, 782, 110 ], [ 183, 407, 782, 110 ], [ 183, 407, 782, 110 ], [ 183, 407, 782, 110 ], [ 183, 407, 782, 110 ], [ 183, 407, 782, 110 ], [ 183, 407, 782, 110 ], [ 183, 407, 782, 110 ], [ 183, 407, 782, 110 ], [ 185, 816, 781, 134 ], [ 185, 816, 781, 134 ], [ 185, 816, 781, 134 ], [ 185, 816, 781, 134 ], [ 185, 816, 781, 134 ], [ 185, 816, 781, 134 ], [ 185, 816, 781, 134 ], [ 185, 816, 781, 134 ], [ 185, 816, 781, 134 ], [ 185, 816, 781, 134 ], [ 185, 816, 781, 134 ], [ 185, 816, 781, 134 ], [ 185, 816, 781, 134 ], [ 170, 779, 338, 11 ], [ 170, 779, 338, 11 ], [ 927, 964, 37, 11 ] ]
[ [ 408, 48, 237, 11 ], [ 191, 97, 96, 11 ], [ 579, 97, 51, 11 ], [ 191, 118, 53, 11 ], [ 579, 118, 97, 11 ], [ 191, 140, 49, 11 ], [ 579, 140, 18, 11 ], [ 603, 140, 219, 11 ], [ 191, 161, 86, 11 ], [ 579, 161, 86, 11 ], [ 191, 182, 95, 11 ], [ 579, 182, 114, 11 ], [ 187, 216, 366, 11 ], [ 544, 218, 271, 10 ], [ 815, 216, 133, 11 ], [ 187, 232, 744, 11 ], [ 187, 247, 767, 11 ], [ 187, 263, 281, 11 ], [ 187, 294, 721, 11 ], [ 187, 310, 440, 11 ], [ 627, 311, 170, 10 ], [ 798, 310, 153, 11 ], [ 187, 325, 481, 11 ], [ 668, 326, 100, 10 ], [ 769, 325, 191, 11 ], [ 187, 341, 115, 11 ], [ 187, 533, 741, 11 ], [ 187, 548, 760, 11 ], [ 187, 565, 301, 10 ], [ 489, 564, 465, 11 ], [ 187, 579, 444, 11 ], [ 170, 642, 255, 11 ], [ 443, 642, 120, 11 ], [ 563, 643, 60, 10 ], [ 623, 642, 324, 11 ], [ 170, 657, 787, 11 ], [ 170, 673, 557, 11 ], [ 187, 611, 405, 11 ], [ 593, 612, 271, 10 ], [ 864, 611, 4, 11 ], [ 170, 704, 774, 11 ], [ 170, 719, 756, 11 ], [ 170, 735, 739, 11 ], [ 170, 750, 404, 11 ], [ 170, 369, 19, 11 ], [ 187, 370, 301, 10 ], [ 191, 413, 124, 11 ], [ 579, 413, 86, 11 ], [ 191, 435, 96, 11 ], [ 579, 435, 129, 11 ], [ 191, 456, 53, 11 ], [ 579, 456, 93, 11 ], [ 191, 478, 49, 11 ], [ 579, 478, 18, 11 ], [ 603, 478, 103, 11 ], [ 191, 499, 95, 11 ], [ 579, 499, 114, 11 ], [ 191, 823, 124, 11 ], [ 579, 823, 86, 11 ], [ 191, 844, 96, 11 ], [ 579, 844, 51, 11 ], [ 191, 866, 53, 11 ], [ 579, 866, 20, 11 ], [ 191, 887, 49, 11 ], [ 579, 887, 9, 11 ], [ 593, 887, 219, 11 ], [ 191, 909, 86, 11 ], [ 579, 909, 86, 11 ], [ 191, 930, 95, 11 ], [ 579, 930, 114, 11 ], [ 170, 779, 19, 11 ], [ 187, 780, 321, 10 ], [ 927, 964, 37, 11 ] ]
[ 5, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 3, 3, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 3, 3, 4 ]
[ "PART II ", "NOTE 7 Restructuring and Other Charges (Income)", "The decrease in the net property, plant and equipment balance during the year ended December 31, 2010, was primarily due to the shutdown ", "of the Huelva facility. See Note 7 for related information on the Huelva shutdown.", "NOTE 7 ", "Restructuring and Other Charges (Income)", "Our restructuring and other charges (income) are comprised of restructuring, asset disposals and other charges (income) as noted below:", "(in Millions)", "Year Ended December 31,", "2010", "2009", "2008", "Restructuring Charges and Asset Disposals", "$127.2", "$81.5", "$52.2", "Other Charges (Income), Net", "24.7", "51.3", "(2.6)", "TOTAL RESTRUCTURING AND OTHER CHARGES", "$151.9", "$132.8", "$49.6", "(in Millions)", "Severance and ", "Employee Benefi ts ", "(1)", "Asset Disposal ", "Charges ", "(2)", "Other Charges ", "(Income) ", "(3)", "Total", "Alginates Restructuring", "$(0.6)", "$1.6", "$6.2", "$7.2", "Bayport Butyllithium Shutdown", "(0.2)", "—", "(0.9)", "(1.1)", "Huelva Shutdown", "37.0", "69.4", "4.0", "110.4", "Barcelona Facility Shutdown", "(0.2)", "10.1", "(3.0)", "6.9", "Santa Clara Shutdown", "—", "—", "(1.0)", "(1.0)", "Other Items", "5.5", "—", "(0.7)", "4.8", "YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2010", "$41.5", "$81.1", "$4.6", "$127.2", "Baltimore Phase Out", "$ —", "$ —", "$1.8", "$1.8", "Alginates Restructuring", "3.9", "8.6", "0.8", "13.3", "Bayport Butyllithium Shutdown", "0.7", "6.8", "—", "7.5", "Bromborough Lithium Metal Production Shutdown", "1.8", "5.0", "0.6", "7.4", "Barcelona Facility Shutdown", "10.1", "15.2", "0.5", "25.8", "Santa Clara Shutdown", "1.5", "3.5", "1.7", "6.7", "Other Items", "12.4", "6.4", "0.2", "19.0", "YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009", "$30.4", "$45.5", "$5.6", "$81.5", "Baltimore Phase Out", "$1.4", "$27.0", "$3.1", "$31.5", "Jacksonville Phase Out", "1.0", "3.8", "0.8", "5.6", "Other Items", "8.1", "7.0", "—", "15.1", "YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2008", "$10.5", "$37.8", "$3.9", "$52.2", "(1)", "Represents severance and employee benefits charges. Income represents adjustments to previously recorded severance and employee benefit accruals.", "(2)", "Asset Disposal Charges primarily represent accelerated depreciation and impairment charges on plant and equipment, which were or are to be abandoned. Asset disposal charges also ", "included the acceleration effect of re-estimating settlement dates associated with asset retirement obligations due to facility shutdowns, see Note 8.", "(3)", "Other Charges primarily represent costs associated accrued lease payments, contract terminations, and other miscellaneous exit costs. Other Income primarily represents favorable ", "development on previously recorded exit costs as well as recoveries associated with restructurings.", "The restructuring charges and asset disposals noted above were the result of the following:", "In January 2009, we announced plans to realign our BioPolymer ", "alginates manufacturing operations in Norway and the United Kingdom ", "as we continued integration of the ISP alginates business acquired in ", "August 2008. A portion of the restructuring charges associated with ", "this realignment were recognized as liabilities in the purchase price ", "allocation described in Note 3.", "In June 2007, we made the decision to phase out operations of our ", "Baltimore, Maryland facility. Our decision was consistent with our ", "strategy to maintain globally cost-competitive manufacturing positions ", "by sourcing raw materials, intermediates and finished products in lower-", "cost manufacturing locations. We ceased production at this facility in ", "the second quarter of 2008.", "In May 2008, we made the decision to phase out operations of our ", "Jacksonville, Florida facility by the third quarter of 2008. Our decision ", "was consistent with our strategy to maintain globally cost-competitive ", "manufacturing positions.", "Specialty Chemicals", "Alginates Restructuring", "Agricultural Products", "Baltimore Phase Out", "Jacksonville Phase Out", "46", "FMC CORPORATION", "  ", "2010 Form 10K", "RESTRUCTURING CHARGES AND ASSET DISPOSALS" ]
[ [ 85, 25, 68, 12 ], [ 85, 40, 311, 11 ], [ 80, 83, 873, 26 ], [ 80, 83, 873, 26 ], [ 81, 141, 501, 18 ], [ 81, 141, 501, 18 ], [ 80, 175, 829, 12 ], [ 77, 197, 879, 79 ], [ 77, 197, 879, 79 ], [ 77, 197, 879, 79 ], [ 77, 197, 879, 79 ], [ 77, 197, 879, 79 ], [ 77, 197, 879, 79 ], [ 77, 197, 879, 79 ], [ 77, 197, 879, 79 ], [ 77, 197, 879, 79 ], [ 77, 197, 879, 79 ], [ 77, 197, 879, 79 ], [ 77, 197, 879, 79 ], [ 77, 197, 879, 79 ], [ 77, 197, 879, 79 ], [ 77, 197, 879, 79 ], [ 77, 197, 879, 79 ], [ 77, 197, 879, 79 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 79, 308, 875, 325 ], [ 84, 634, 693, 9 ], [ 84, 634, 693, 9 ], [ 84, 649, 865, 19 ], [ 84, 649, 865, 19 ], [ 84, 649, 865, 19 ], [ 84, 673, 866, 19 ], [ 84, 673, 866, 19 ], [ 84, 673, 866, 19 ], [ 80, 705, 545, 12 ], [ 532, 799, 422, 85 ], [ 532, 799, 422, 85 ], [ 532, 799, 422, 85 ], [ 532, 799, 422, 85 ], [ 532, 799, 422, 85 ], [ 532, 799, 422, 85 ], [ 80, 797, 422, 85 ], [ 80, 797, 422, 85 ], [ 80, 797, 422, 85 ], [ 80, 797, 422, 85 ], [ 80, 797, 422, 85 ], [ 80, 797, 422, 85 ], [ 80, 927, 422, 56 ], [ 80, 927, 422, 56 ], [ 80, 927, 422, 56 ], [ 80, 927, 422, 56 ], [ 532, 736, 167, 16 ], [ 532, 776, 178, 14 ], [ 80, 736, 180, 16 ], [ 80, 774, 158, 14 ], [ 80, 903, 172, 14 ], [ 55, 1000, 266, 11 ], [ 55, 1000, 266, 11 ], [ 55, 1000, 266, 11 ], [ 55, 1000, 266, 11 ], [ 81, 290, 360, 11 ] ]
[ [ 85, 25, 68, 12 ], [ 85, 40, 311, 11 ], [ 80, 83, 873, 12 ], [ 80, 97, 504, 12 ], [ 81, 141, 88, 18 ], [ 191, 141, 391, 18 ], [ 80, 175, 829, 12 ], [ 84, 219, 58, 8 ], [ 683, 202, 144, 10 ], [ 658, 217, 28, 10 ], [ 788, 217, 28, 10 ], [ 918, 217, 28, 10 ], [ 84, 233, 237, 10 ], [ 647, 233, 39, 10 ], [ 784, 233, 32, 10 ], [ 914, 233, 32, 10 ], [ 84, 248, 165, 10 ], [ 661, 248, 25, 10 ], [ 791, 248, 25, 10 ], [ 920, 248, 27, 10 ], [ 84, 263, 334, 10 ], [ 645, 263, 41, 10 ], [ 775, 263, 41, 10 ], [ 913, 263, 33, 10 ], [ 84, 326, 58, 8 ], [ 478, 312, 81, 10 ], [ 441, 324, 106, 10 ], [ 547, 324, 9, 6 ], [ 606, 312, 84, 10 ], [ 628, 324, 48, 10 ], [ 677, 324, 9, 6 ], [ 735, 312, 85, 10 ], [ 753, 324, 54, 10 ], [ 807, 324, 9, 6 ], [ 918, 324, 28, 10 ], [ 84, 340, 131, 10 ], [ 522, 340, 34, 10 ], [ 661, 340, 25, 10 ], [ 792, 340, 25, 10 ], [ 922, 340, 25, 10 ], [ 84, 356, 181, 10 ], [ 529, 356, 27, 10 ], [ 672, 356, 14, 10 ], [ 789, 356, 27, 10 ], [ 920, 356, 27, 10 ], [ 84, 371, 101, 10 ], [ 531, 371, 25, 10 ], [ 661, 371, 25, 10 ], [ 799, 371, 18, 10 ], [ 914, 371, 32, 10 ], [ 84, 387, 159, 10 ], [ 529, 387, 27, 10 ], [ 661, 387, 25, 10 ], [ 789, 387, 27, 10 ], [ 929, 387, 18, 10 ], [ 84, 402, 125, 10 ], [ 542, 402, 14, 10 ], [ 672, 402, 14, 10 ], [ 789, 402, 27, 10 ], [ 920, 402, 27, 10 ], [ 84, 417, 68, 10 ], [ 538, 417, 18, 10 ], [ 672, 417, 14, 10 ], [ 789, 417, 27, 10 ], [ 929, 417, 18, 10 ], [ 84, 433, 231, 10 ], [ 523, 433, 33, 10 ], [ 653, 433, 33, 10 ], [ 790, 433, 26, 10 ], [ 906, 433, 41, 10 ], [ 84, 448, 116, 10 ], [ 531, 448, 25, 10 ], [ 661, 448, 25, 10 ], [ 791, 448, 25, 10 ], [ 922, 448, 25, 10 ], [ 84, 464, 131, 10 ], [ 538, 464, 18, 10 ], [ 669, 464, 18, 10 ], [ 799, 464, 18, 10 ], [ 922, 464, 25, 10 ], [ 84, 479, 181, 10 ], [ 538, 479, 18, 10 ], [ 669, 479, 18, 10 ], [ 802, 479, 14, 10 ], [ 929, 479, 18, 10 ], [ 84, 495, 291, 10 ], [ 538, 495, 18, 10 ], [ 669, 495, 18, 10 ], [ 799, 495, 18, 10 ], [ 929, 495, 18, 10 ], [ 84, 510, 159, 10 ], [ 531, 510, 25, 10 ], [ 661, 510, 25, 10 ], [ 799, 510, 18, 10 ], [ 921, 510, 25, 10 ], [ 84, 526, 125, 10 ], [ 538, 526, 18, 10 ], [ 668, 526, 18, 10 ], [ 799, 526, 18, 10 ], [ 929, 526, 18, 10 ], [ 84, 541, 68, 10 ], [ 531, 541, 25, 10 ], [ 668, 541, 18, 10 ], [ 799, 541, 18, 10 ], [ 921, 541, 25, 10 ], [ 84, 557, 231, 10 ], [ 523, 557, 33, 10 ], [ 653, 557, 33, 10 ], [ 790, 557, 26, 10 ], [ 913, 557, 33, 10 ], [ 84, 572, 116, 10 ], [ 531, 572, 25, 10 ], [ 654, 572, 32, 10 ], [ 791, 572, 25, 10 ], [ 914, 572, 32, 10 ], [ 84, 588, 127, 10 ], [ 538, 588, 18, 10 ], [ 668, 588, 18, 10 ], [ 799, 588, 18, 10 ], [ 929, 588, 18, 10 ], [ 84, 603, 68, 10 ], [ 538, 603, 18, 10 ], [ 668, 603, 18, 10 ], [ 802, 603, 14, 10 ], [ 921, 603, 25, 10 ], [ 84, 619, 231, 10 ], [ 523, 619, 33, 10 ], [ 653, 619, 33, 10 ], [ 790, 619, 26, 10 ], [ 913, 619, 33, 10 ], [ 84, 634, 14, 9 ], [ 102, 634, 675, 9 ], [ 84, 649, 14, 9 ], [ 102, 649, 848, 9 ], [ 108, 659, 670, 9 ], [ 84, 673, 15, 9 ], [ 103, 673, 848, 9 ], [ 108, 684, 441, 9 ], [ 80, 705, 545, 12 ], [ 532, 799, 422, 12 ], [ 532, 814, 421, 12 ], [ 532, 829, 422, 12 ], [ 532, 843, 422, 12 ], [ 532, 858, 422, 12 ], [ 532, 873, 187, 12 ], [ 80, 797, 422, 12 ], [ 80, 812, 422, 12 ], [ 80, 827, 421, 12 ], [ 80, 841, 417, 12 ], [ 80, 856, 421, 12 ], [ 80, 871, 168, 12 ], [ 80, 927, 422, 12 ], [ 80, 941, 421, 12 ], [ 80, 956, 421, 12 ], [ 80, 970, 153, 12 ], [ 532, 736, 167, 16 ], [ 532, 776, 178, 14 ], [ 80, 736, 180, 16 ], [ 80, 774, 158, 14 ], [ 80, 903, 172, 14 ], [ 55, 1000, 14, 11 ], [ 85, 1000, 136, 10 ], [ 221, 1000, 11, 10 ], [ 232, 1000, 88, 10 ], [ 81, 290, 360, 11 ] ]
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[ "A.", "CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECT MATTER", "INV.", "H04L29/06", "G06F3/048", "ADD.", "According to International Patent Classification (IPC) or to both national classification and IPC", "B.", "FIELDS SEARCHED", "Minimum documentation searched (classification system followed by classification symbols)", "H04L", "G06F", "Documentation searched other than minimum documentation to the extent that such documents are included in the fields searched", "Electronic data base consulted during the international search (name of data base and, where practicable, search terms used)", "EPO-Internal", ", WPI", "Data", "Special categories of cited documents :", "\"T\" later document published after the international filing date or priority", "\"A\" document defining the general state of the art which is not considered", "date and not in conflict with the application but cited to understand", "to be of particular relevance", "the principle or theory underlying the invention", "Έ", "\"", "earlier application or patent but published on or after the international", "filing date", "\"X\" document of particular relevance; the claimed invention cannot be", "considered novel or cannot be considered to involve an inventive", "\"L\" document which may throw doubts on priority claim(s) orwhich is", "step when the document is taken alone", "rnational search report", "xel", "INTERNATIONAL SEARCH REPORT", "PCT/US2020/024350", "International application No", "Form PCT/ISA/210 (second sheet) (April 2005)" ]
[ [ 97, 69, 854, 899 ], [ 97, 69, 854, 899 ], [ 97, 69, 854, 899 ], [ 97, 69, 854, 899 ], [ 97, 69, 854, 899 ], [ 97, 69, 854, 899 ], [ 97, 69, 854, 899 ], [ 97, 69, 854, 899 ], [ 97, 69, 854, 899 ], [ 97, 69, 854, 899 ], [ 97, 69, 854, 899 ], [ 97, 69, 854, 899 ], [ 97, 69, 854, 899 ], [ 97, 69, 854, 899 ], [ 97, 69, 854, 899 ], [ 97, 69, 854, 899 ], [ 97, 69, 854, 899 ], [ 97, 69, 854, 899 ], [ 97, 69, 854, 899 ], [ 97, 69, 854, 899 ], [ 97, 69, 854, 899 ], [ 97, 69, 854, 899 ], [ 97, 69, 854, 899 ], [ 97, 69, 854, 899 ], [ 97, 69, 854, 899 ], [ 97, 69, 854, 899 ], [ 97, 69, 854, 899 ], [ 97, 69, 854, 899 ], [ 97, 69, 854, 899 ], [ 97, 69, 854, 899 ], [ 97, 69, 854, 899 ], [ 97, 69, 854, 899 ], [ 97, 69, 854, 899 ], [ 284, 25, 322, 12 ], [ 678, 53, 160, 11 ], [ 669, 36, 157, 7 ], [ 97, 972, 214, 6 ] ]
[ [ 107, 74, 14, 7 ], [ 128, 74, 229, 7 ], [ 109, 82, 32, 11 ], [ 170, 82, 83, 11 ], [ 315, 82, 84, 11 ], [ 107, 97, 38, 10 ], [ 107, 129, 494, 7 ], [ 107, 146, 14, 7 ], [ 129, 146, 107, 7 ], [ 107, 160, 486, 7 ], [ 108, 170, 40, 10 ], [ 170, 170, 40, 10 ], [ 108, 212, 692, 7 ], [ 108, 253, 671, 7 ], [ 109, 272, 102, 11 ], [ 234, 272, 45, 11 ], [ 294, 272, 36, 11 ], [ 121, 719, 209, 7 ], [ 537, 727, 378, 7 ], [ 107, 740, 389, 7 ], [ 566, 735, 348, 7 ], [ 136, 748, 147, 7 ], [ 566, 744, 244, 7 ], [ 107, 761, 7, 7 ], [ 119, 760, 4, 7 ], [ 129, 760, 363, 7 ], [ 136, 769, 50, 7 ], [ 537, 765, 370, 7 ], [ 566, 773, 342, 7 ], [ 107, 782, 368, 7 ], [ 566, 782, 206, 7 ], [ 697, 857, 119, 7 ], [ 697, 944, 26, 11 ], [ 284, 25, 322, 12 ], [ 678, 53, 160, 11 ], [ 669, 36, 157, 7 ], [ 97, 972, 214, 6 ] ]
[ 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 9, 9, 9 ]
[ "The second region occurs at", "x", "> x$_{c}$", ", when the holes penetrate into the outer B-bands.", "Here the O(8) Gross-Neveu model governing the B-bands undergoes a crossover into a", "O", "(6)", "×", "U", "(1)", "Gross-Neveu model. The B-Cooperon propagator at", "ω, k", "= 0 becomes more singular.", "At the same time the velocity of the phase fluctuations becomes small and these fluctuations", "can be treated as slow modes. Integrating over the nodal fermions one obtains the effective", "Lagrangian for the phase fluctuations:", "L", "=", "∑", "n", "[", "−", "J$_{c}$", "cos", "(", "1", "2", "(", "φ$_{n}$", "(", "x", ")", "−", "φ$_{n}$$_{+1}$", "(", "x", "))", ")", "+", "K", "(", "µ", ")", "8", "π", "(", "v$_{F}$", "(", "µ", ")(", "∂$_{x}$θ$_{n}$", "−", "4", "µ", ")", "2", "+", "v$_{F}$", "(", "µ", ")(", "∂$_{τ}$ θ$_{n}$", ")", "2", ")$_{−}$", "M", "2", "cos(", "θ", ")", ",", "(3.24)", "where", "n", "is a sum over ladders. As we have already noted the parameter", "K", "is renormalized", "by the Coulomb interaction to be slightly less than 1.", "v$_{F}$", "(", "µ", ") is more dramatically affected,", "taking the form", "v$_{F}$", "(", "µ", ")", "∼", "v$_{FB}$", "(", "2", "µ", "Δ$_{B}$", "−", "1)", "1", "/", "2", "so that it vanishes at", "x", "=", "x$_{c}$", "(or equivalently", "µ", "= Δ$_{B}$", "/", "2). As a side remark we note that there is an alternative way of presenting the", "effective Hamiltonian.", "The above Lagrangian (Eqn.", "3.24) is the continuum limit of the", "following model:", "H", "=", "∑", "$_{n,m}${", "−", "J", "(", "τ", "+", "n,m", "$_{+1}$τ", "−", "n,m", "+", "h.c.", ")", "−", "J$_{c}$", "(", "τ", "+", "n", "+1", "$_{,m}$τ", "−", "n,m", "+", "h.c.", ")+", "[(", "−", "1)", "$^{n}$M", "−", "2", "µ", "]", "τ", "3", "n,m", "}", ",", "(3.25)", "where", "τ", "a", "are Pauli matrix operators. In the continuum limit", "τ", "−", "becomes the order parameter", "field e", "i", "φ", "2", ".", "Here", "J", "∼", "M", ".", "The model presented above is a model of anisotropic spin-1/2", "magnet on a 2D lattice with a staggered (", "M", ") and uniform magnetic fields (2", "µ", "). This form", "of the Hamiltonian has been proven to be very convenient for numerical calculations yielding", "promising results for the transport.", "31", "We again estimate the transition temperature using an RPA argument. At", "T", "= 0 the", "doping of the entire system (both the A and the B bands) is", "x", "=", "µρ$_{A}$", "+", "c", "Δ$_{B}$", "v$_{FB}$a", "(", "2", "µ", "Δ$_{B}$", "−", "1)", "1", "/", "2", "(3.26)", "where", "c", "is a constant and", "ρ$_{A}$", "=", "2", "av$_{FA}$π", "The detailed form of the Cooperon propagator for", "a single chain at T=0 can be extracted from Ref 30.", "However to obtain an estimate for", "T$_{c}$", ", it is enough to use the finite temperature Luttinger liquid expression for the Cooperon", "15" ]
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[ [ 145, 94, 244, 15 ], [ 398, 94, 3, 15 ], [ 406, 94, 50, 15 ], [ 457, 94, 443, 15 ], [ 120, 121, 719, 15 ], [ 844, 121, 14, 15 ], [ 860, 121, 25, 15 ], [ 886, 121, 15, 26 ], [ 120, 148, 13, 15 ], [ 135, 148, 21, 15 ], [ 174, 148, 442, 15 ], [ 624, 148, 32, 15 ], [ 663, 148, 238, 15 ], [ 120, 175, 780, 15 ], [ 120, 202, 780, 15 ], [ 120, 229, 326, 15 ], [ 240, 271, 13, 26 ], [ 264, 271, 15, 15 ], [ 289, 267, 28, 37 ], [ 299, 293, 8, 10 ], [ 321, 265, 9, 37 ], [ 335, 271, 15, 26 ], [ 355, 271, 16, 15 ], [ 377, 271, 26, 15 ], [ 406, 260, 14, 37 ], [ 423, 260, 9, 15 ], [ 423, 282, 9, 15 ], [ 435, 271, 7, 15 ], [ 442, 271, 20, 15 ], [ 463, 271, 7, 15 ], [ 471, 271, 11, 15 ], [ 482, 271, 7, 15 ], [ 494, 271, 15, 26 ], [ 514, 271, 38, 15 ], [ 553, 271, 7, 15 ], [ 561, 271, 11, 15 ], [ 572, 271, 15, 15 ], [ 587, 260, 14, 37 ], [ 289, 325, 15, 15 ], [ 306, 315, 16, 15 ], [ 324, 315, 7, 15 ], [ 332, 315, 11, 15 ], [ 344, 315, 7, 15 ], [ 318, 336, 9, 15 ], [ 328, 336, 11, 15 ], [ 354, 314, 14, 37 ], [ 368, 325, 18, 15 ], [ 390, 325, 7, 15 ], [ 397, 325, 11, 15 ], [ 409, 325, 15, 15 ], [ 424, 325, 36, 15 ], [ 466, 325, 15, 26 ], [ 486, 325, 9, 15 ], [ 496, 325, 11, 15 ], [ 508, 325, 7, 15 ], [ 516, 323, 7, 10 ], [ 528, 325, 15, 15 ], [ 548, 325, 18, 15 ], [ 569, 325, 7, 15 ], [ 577, 325, 11, 15 ], [ 588, 325, 15, 15 ], [ 604, 325, 36, 15 ], [ 641, 325, 7, 15 ], [ 649, 323, 7, 10 ], [ 657, 314, 34, 37 ], [ 698, 315, 18, 15 ], [ 704, 336, 9, 15 ], [ 724, 325, 33, 15 ], [ 758, 325, 9, 15 ], [ 768, 325, 7, 15 ], [ 775, 325, 5, 15 ], [ 851, 325, 50, 15 ], [ 120, 367, 49, 15 ], [ 177, 367, 11, 15 ], [ 195, 367, 544, 15 ], [ 746, 367, 16, 15 ], [ 771, 367, 129, 15 ], [ 120, 394, 461, 15 ], [ 591, 394, 18, 15 ], [ 612, 394, 7, 15 ], [ 620, 394, 11, 15 ], [ 632, 394, 268, 15 ], [ 120, 421, 138, 15 ], [ 268, 421, 18, 15 ], [ 289, 421, 7, 15 ], [ 297, 421, 11, 15 ], [ 308, 421, 7, 15 ], [ 325, 421, 15, 26 ], [ 351, 421, 31, 15 ], [ 383, 421, 7, 15 ], [ 396, 418, 7, 10 ], [ 403, 418, 8, 10 ], [ 393, 430, 21, 10 ], [ 423, 421, 15, 26 ], [ 445, 421, 17, 15 ], [ 462, 419, 7, 10 ], [ 469, 419, 7, 10 ], [ 476, 419, 7, 10 ], [ 493, 421, 190, 15 ], [ 692, 421, 11, 15 ], [ 713, 421, 15, 15 ], [ 738, 421, 17, 15 ], [ 765, 421, 135, 15 ], [ 120, 448, 11, 15 ], [ 140, 448, 50, 15 ], [ 191, 448, 9, 15 ], [ 201, 448, 699, 15 ], [ 120, 475, 189, 15 ], [ 325, 475, 252, 15 ], [ 592, 475, 308, 15 ], [ 120, 502, 139, 15 ], [ 257, 544, 16, 15 ], [ 285, 544, 15, 15 ], [ 310, 540, 28, 37 ], [ 312, 537, 43, 37 ], [ 360, 544, 15, 26 ], [ 380, 544, 10, 15 ], [ 393, 544, 7, 15 ], [ 400, 544, 8, 15 ], [ 411, 541, 11, 10 ], [ 409, 551, 25, 10 ], [ 434, 544, 27, 15 ], [ 464, 541, 11, 10 ], [ 461, 551, 25, 10 ], [ 492, 544, 15, 15 ], [ 511, 544, 30, 15 ], [ 542, 544, 7, 15 ], [ 554, 544, 15, 26 ], [ 574, 544, 16, 15 ], [ 592, 544, 7, 15 ], [ 600, 544, 8, 15 ], [ 610, 541, 11, 10 ], [ 608, 551, 8, 10 ], [ 617, 551, 18, 10 ], [ 635, 544, 25, 15 ], [ 663, 541, 11, 10 ], [ 661, 551, 25, 10 ], [ 691, 544, 15, 15 ], [ 711, 544, 30, 15 ], [ 741, 544, 22, 15 ], [ 370, 598, 13, 15 ], [ 383, 598, 15, 26 ], [ 399, 598, 17, 15 ], [ 416, 598, 28, 15 ], [ 451, 598, 15, 26 ], [ 471, 598, 9, 15 ], [ 481, 598, 11, 15 ], [ 493, 598, 5, 15 ], [ 498, 598, 8, 15 ], [ 509, 595, 7, 10 ], [ 507, 606, 25, 10 ], [ 533, 592, 13, 37 ], [ 546, 598, 5, 15 ], [ 851, 598, 50, 15 ], [ 120, 639, 49, 15 ], [ 175, 639, 8, 15 ], [ 186, 638, 7, 10 ], [ 199, 639, 425, 15 ], [ 629, 639, 8, 15 ], [ 640, 638, 11, 10 ], [ 656, 639, 244, 15 ], [ 120, 666, 53, 15 ], [ 174, 665, 4, 10 ], [ 180, 662, 7, 7 ], [ 181, 671, 6, 5 ], [ 191, 666, 5, 15 ], [ 212, 666, 39, 15 ], [ 261, 666, 10, 15 ], [ 283, 666, 15, 26 ], [ 308, 666, 18, 15 ], [ 329, 666, 5, 15 ], [ 350, 666, 550, 15 ], [ 120, 694, 362, 15 ], [ 482, 694, 18, 15 ], [ 503, 694, 278, 15 ], [ 782, 694, 11, 15 ], [ 794, 694, 107, 15 ], [ 120, 721, 780, 15 ], [ 120, 748, 302, 15 ], [ 422, 746, 14, 10 ], [ 145, 775, 657, 15 ], [ 811, 775, 11, 15 ], [ 833, 775, 67, 15 ], [ 120, 802, 519, 15 ], [ 383, 843, 11, 15 ], [ 400, 843, 15, 15 ], [ 421, 843, 32, 15 ], [ 459, 843, 15, 15 ], [ 478, 843, 8, 15 ], [ 496, 833, 26, 15 ], [ 489, 854, 43, 15 ], [ 534, 843, 7, 15 ], [ 547, 833, 9, 15 ], [ 557, 833, 11, 15 ], [ 543, 854, 26, 15 ], [ 578, 843, 15, 26 ], [ 598, 843, 17, 15 ], [ 616, 841, 7, 10 ], [ 623, 841, 7, 10 ], [ 630, 841, 7, 10 ], [ 851, 843, 50, 15 ], [ 120, 885, 49, 15 ], [ 178, 885, 8, 15 ], [ 195, 885, 150, 15 ], [ 354, 885, 20, 15 ], [ 383, 885, 15, 15 ], [ 426, 883, 7, 10 ], [ 408, 894, 42, 10 ], [ 461, 885, 439, 15 ], [ 120, 912, 465, 15 ], [ 599, 912, 301, 15 ], [ 120, 939, 17, 15 ], [ 139, 939, 762, 15 ], [ 491, 978, 19, 15 ] ]
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[ "In Method 1 [17], we find first the conditional reference prior", "π$_{R}$", "(", "σ", "|", "ϵ, µ", ") and then multiply", "by the evidence-based prior", "π", "(", "ϵ, µ", ") to construct the full prior", "π", "(", "σ, ϵ, µ", "). As will be illustrated", "in Sec. IV, the single-count model is regular enough to warrant using Jeffreys’ rule in the", "first step of the calculation of", "π$_{R}$", "(", "σ", "|", "ϵ, µ", "). We therefore apply Eq. (15) to the", "σ", "dependence", "of the likelihood (16), while holding", "ϵ", "and", "µ", "constant; this yields:", "This prior is clearly improper with respect to", "σ", "and is therefore only defined up to a pro-", "portionality constant. However, this constant could very well depend on", "ϵ", "and", "µ", ", since we", "kept these parameters fixed in the calculation. It is important to obtain this dependence", "correctly, as examples have shown that otherwise inconsistent Bayes estimators may result.", "Reference [17] proposes a compact subset normalization procedure. One starts by choosing", "a nested sequence Θ$_{1}$", "⊂", "Θ$_{2}$", "⊂ · · ·", "of compact subsets of the parameter space Θ =", "{", "(", "σ, ϵ, µ", ")", "}", ",", "such that", "∪", "$_{ℓ}$Θ$_{ℓ}$", "= Θ and the integral", "K$_{ℓ}$", "(", "ϵ, µ", ") of", "π$_{J}$", "(", "σ", "|", "ϵ, µ", ") over Ω$_{ℓ}$", "≡ {", "σ", ": (", "σ, ϵ, µ", ")", "∈", "Θ$_{ℓ}$", "}", "is", "finite. The conditional reference prior for", "σ", "on Ω$_{ℓ}$ is then", "To obtain the conditional reference prior on the whole parameter space, one chooses a fixed", "point (", "σ$_{0}$, ϵ$_{0}$, µ$_{0}$", ") within that space and takes the limit of the ratio", "By taking the limit in this ratio form, one avoids problems arising from", "K$_{ℓ}$", "(", "ϵ, µ", ") becoming", "infinite as", "ℓ", "→ ∞", ".", "The theory of reference priors currently does not provide guidelines for choosing the", "compact sets Θ$_{ℓ}$, other than to require that the resulting posterior be proper.", "In most", "cases this choice makes no difference and one is free to base the choice of compact sets on", "considerations of simplicity and convenience.", "However, we have found that some care is", "required with the single-count model. Indeed, suppose we make the plausible choice", "where", "{", "u$_{ℓ}$", "}", ",", "{", "v$_{ℓ}$", "}", ", and", "{", "w$_{ℓ}$", "}", "are increasing sequences of positive constants. If we use these", "sets in applying Eqs. (20) and (21) to the prior (19), we obtain:", "π$_{J}$", "(", "σ", "|", "ϵ, µ", ")", "∝", "√", "E", "[", "−", "∂", "2", "∂σ", "2", "ln", "p", "(", "n", "|", "σ, ϵ, µ", ")", "]", "∝", "ϵ", "√", "ϵ σ", "+", "µ", ".", "(19)", "π$_{R,ℓ}$", "(", "σ", "|", "ϵ, µ", ") =", "π$_{J}$", "(", "σ", "|", "ϵ, µ", ")", "K$_{ℓ}$", "(", "ϵ, µ", ")", ".", "(20)", "π$_{R}$", "(", "σ", "|", "ϵ, µ", ")", "∝", "lim", "ℓ", "→∞", "π$_{R,ℓ}$", "(", "σ", "|", "ϵ, µ", ")", "π$_{R,ℓ}$", "(", "σ$_{0}$", "ϵ$_{0}$, µ$_{0}$", ")", ".", "(21)", "Θ$_{ℓ}$ =", "{", "(", "σ, ϵ, µ", ") :", "σ", "∈", "[0", ", u$_{ℓ}$", "]", ",", "ϵ", "∈", "[0", ", v$_{ℓ}$", "]", ",", "µ", "∈", "[0", ", w$_{ℓ}$", "]", "}", ",", "(22)", "π$_{R}$", "(", "σ", "|", "ϵ, µ", ")", "∝", "√", "ϵ", "ϵ σ", "+", "µ", ".", "(23)", "13" ]
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[ [ 145, 94, 505, 15 ], [ 655, 94, 21, 15 ], [ 678, 94, 7, 15 ], [ 685, 94, 11, 15 ], [ 700, 94, 5, 26 ], [ 709, 94, 28, 15 ], [ 738, 94, 162, 15 ], [ 120, 121, 231, 15 ], [ 357, 121, 11, 15 ], [ 369, 121, 7, 15 ], [ 376, 121, 28, 15 ], [ 405, 121, 226, 15 ], [ 637, 121, 11, 15 ], [ 648, 121, 7, 15 ], [ 656, 121, 47, 15 ], [ 704, 121, 196, 15 ], [ 120, 148, 780, 15 ], [ 120, 175, 251, 15 ], [ 378, 175, 21, 15 ], [ 400, 175, 7, 15 ], [ 408, 175, 11, 15 ], [ 423, 175, 5, 26 ], [ 432, 175, 28, 15 ], [ 461, 175, 317, 15 ], [ 784, 175, 11, 15 ], [ 802, 175, 98, 15 ], [ 120, 202, 306, 15 ], [ 433, 202, 7, 15 ], [ 448, 202, 31, 15 ], [ 486, 202, 11, 15 ], [ 504, 202, 176, 15 ], [ 120, 281, 394, 15 ], [ 521, 281, 11, 15 ], [ 541, 281, 360, 15 ], [ 120, 308, 625, 15 ], [ 752, 308, 7, 15 ], [ 767, 308, 31, 15 ], [ 806, 308, 11, 15 ], [ 818, 308, 83, 15 ], [ 120, 335, 780, 15 ], [ 120, 363, 780, 15 ], [ 120, 390, 780, 15 ], [ 120, 417, 177, 15 ], [ 304, 417, 15, 26 ], [ 325, 417, 22, 15 ], [ 354, 417, 44, 26 ], [ 407, 417, 399, 15 ], [ 812, 417, 10, 26 ], [ 822, 417, 7, 15 ], [ 830, 417, 47, 15 ], [ 878, 417, 7, 15 ], [ 886, 417, 10, 26 ], [ 896, 417, 5, 15 ], [ 120, 444, 80, 15 ], [ 207, 444, 13, 26 ], [ 220, 444, 27, 15 ], [ 255, 444, 179, 15 ], [ 441, 444, 22, 15 ], [ 464, 444, 7, 15 ], [ 472, 444, 28, 15 ], [ 501, 444, 29, 15 ], [ 537, 444, 18, 15 ], [ 558, 444, 7, 15 ], [ 566, 444, 11, 15 ], [ 581, 444, 5, 26 ], [ 590, 444, 28, 15 ], [ 619, 444, 75, 15 ], [ 701, 444, 31, 26 ], [ 732, 444, 11, 15 ], [ 750, 444, 18, 15 ], [ 769, 444, 47, 15 ], [ 817, 444, 7, 15 ], [ 830, 444, 13, 26 ], [ 849, 444, 21, 15 ], [ 871, 444, 10, 26 ], [ 888, 444, 13, 15 ], [ 120, 471, 352, 15 ], [ 479, 471, 11, 15 ], [ 498, 471, 112, 15 ], [ 120, 540, 780, 15 ], [ 120, 567, 58, 15 ], [ 179, 567, 71, 15 ], [ 251, 567, 435, 15 ], [ 120, 636, 618, 15 ], [ 746, 636, 22, 15 ], [ 769, 636, 7, 15 ], [ 777, 636, 28, 15 ], [ 805, 636, 95, 15 ], [ 120, 663, 84, 15 ], [ 211, 663, 8, 15 ], [ 224, 663, 45, 26 ], [ 270, 663, 5, 15 ], [ 145, 690, 755, 15 ], [ 120, 717, 695, 15 ], [ 832, 717, 68, 15 ], [ 120, 744, 780, 15 ], [ 120, 771, 391, 15 ], [ 527, 771, 374, 15 ], [ 120, 798, 719, 15 ], [ 120, 867, 49, 15 ], [ 178, 867, 10, 26 ], [ 188, 867, 17, 15 ], [ 205, 867, 10, 26 ], [ 215, 867, 5, 15 ], [ 228, 867, 10, 26 ], [ 238, 867, 15, 15 ], [ 254, 867, 10, 26 ], [ 264, 867, 44, 15 ], [ 316, 867, 10, 26 ], [ 326, 867, 19, 15 ], [ 347, 867, 10, 26 ], [ 364, 867, 536, 15 ], [ 120, 894, 546, 15 ], [ 275, 244, 18, 15 ], [ 296, 244, 7, 15 ], [ 303, 244, 11, 15 ], [ 318, 244, 5, 26 ], [ 328, 244, 28, 15 ], [ 356, 244, 7, 15 ], [ 375, 244, 15, 26 ], [ 401, 227, 20, 46 ], [ 421, 245, 13, 13 ], [ 438, 233, 10, 46 ], [ 448, 244, 15, 26 ], [ 472, 234, 10, 15 ], [ 483, 233, 7, 10 ], [ 466, 255, 22, 15 ], [ 489, 254, 7, 10 ], [ 503, 244, 16, 15 ], [ 522, 244, 9, 15 ], [ 532, 244, 7, 15 ], [ 540, 244, 11, 15 ], [ 552, 244, 5, 26 ], [ 557, 244, 47, 15 ], [ 605, 244, 7, 15 ], [ 613, 233, 10, 46 ], [ 634, 244, 15, 26 ], [ 697, 234, 7, 15 ], [ 663, 244, 16, 26 ], [ 680, 255, 22, 15 ], [ 707, 255, 15, 15 ], [ 727, 255, 11, 15 ], [ 741, 244, 5, 15 ], [ 866, 244, 34, 15 ], [ 392, 505, 31, 15 ], [ 425, 505, 7, 15 ], [ 433, 505, 11, 15 ], [ 448, 505, 5, 26 ], [ 457, 505, 28, 15 ], [ 485, 505, 33, 15 ], [ 532, 495, 18, 15 ], [ 553, 495, 7, 15 ], [ 561, 495, 11, 15 ], [ 576, 495, 5, 26 ], [ 585, 495, 28, 15 ], [ 614, 495, 7, 15 ], [ 543, 516, 22, 15 ], [ 566, 516, 7, 15 ], [ 574, 516, 28, 15 ], [ 603, 516, 7, 15 ], [ 623, 505, 5, 15 ], [ 866, 505, 34, 15 ], [ 361, 601, 21, 15 ], [ 384, 601, 7, 15 ], [ 392, 601, 11, 15 ], [ 407, 601, 5, 26 ], [ 416, 601, 28, 15 ], [ 444, 601, 7, 15 ], [ 463, 601, 15, 26 ], [ 493, 601, 27, 15 ], [ 489, 615, 5, 10 ], [ 495, 617, 28, 5 ], [ 541, 591, 31, 15 ], [ 573, 591, 7, 15 ], [ 581, 591, 11, 15 ], [ 596, 591, 5, 26 ], [ 605, 591, 28, 15 ], [ 633, 591, 7, 15 ], [ 529, 612, 31, 15 ], [ 561, 612, 7, 15 ], [ 569, 612, 18, 15 ], [ 601, 612, 43, 15 ], [ 645, 612, 7, 15 ], [ 654, 601, 5, 15 ], [ 866, 601, 34, 15 ], [ 284, 833, 48, 15 ], [ 343, 827, 13, 46 ], [ 356, 833, 7, 15 ], [ 364, 833, 47, 15 ], [ 412, 833, 18, 15 ], [ 442, 833, 11, 15 ], [ 459, 833, 13, 26 ], [ 478, 833, 15, 15 ], [ 494, 833, 25, 15 ], [ 520, 833, 5, 15 ], [ 525, 833, 5, 15 ], [ 540, 833, 7, 15 ], [ 553, 833, 13, 26 ], [ 572, 833, 15, 15 ], [ 588, 833, 24, 15 ], [ 612, 833, 5, 15 ], [ 618, 833, 5, 15 ], [ 632, 833, 11, 15 ], [ 649, 833, 13, 26 ], [ 668, 833, 15, 15 ], [ 684, 833, 28, 15 ], [ 713, 833, 5, 15 ], [ 719, 827, 13, 46 ], [ 732, 833, 5, 15 ], [ 866, 833, 34, 15 ], [ 402, 929, 21, 15 ], [ 425, 929, 7, 15 ], [ 432, 929, 11, 15 ], [ 448, 929, 5, 26 ], [ 457, 929, 28, 15 ], [ 485, 929, 7, 15 ], [ 504, 929, 15, 26 ], [ 530, 919, 20, 46 ], [ 578, 918, 7, 15 ], [ 552, 940, 22, 15 ], [ 580, 940, 15, 15 ], [ 600, 940, 11, 15 ], [ 613, 929, 5, 15 ], [ 866, 929, 34, 15 ], [ 491, 978, 19, 15 ] ]
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[ "Figure 8: Damascene process: 1 depositing a hard mask layer on a Si substance by photo", "lithography, 2 making trenches on the Si with plasma reactive ion etching, 3 removing the", "mask layer, 4 sputtering gadolinium onto the trenches, 5 removing excess gadolinium by", "chemical-mechanical polishing", "15" ]
[ [ 185, 611, 650, 82 ], [ 185, 611, 650, 82 ], [ 185, 611, 650, 82 ], [ 185, 611, 650, 82 ], [ 501, 897, 19, 15 ] ]
[ [ 185, 611, 650, 12 ], [ 185, 634, 650, 12 ], [ 185, 657, 650, 12 ], [ 185, 680, 219, 12 ], [ 501, 897, 19, 15 ] ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 4 ]
[ "19 ", "US 9,904,167 B2 ", "20 ", "Examples of the organic onium ion (countercation) which ", "is represented by M$_{1 }$", "+ ", "and M$_{2 }$", "+ ", "include onium ions such as ", "iodonium, sulfonium, phosphonium, diazonium, ammo›", "nium, pyridinium, quinolinium, acridinium, oxonium, sele›", "nonium, and arsonium, among which onium ions such as ", "iodonium, sulfonium, phosphonium, diazonium, quino›", "linium, and acridinium are preferable, and onium ions such ", "as iodonium and sulfonium are even more preferable. ", "In addition, examples thereof include cations such as ", "onium ions of onium salts of group 15 to 17 elements ", "described in JP1994-184170A (JP-H06-184170A), and the ", "like, diazonium ions of diazonium salts described in S. I. ", "Schlesinger, Photogr. Sci. Eng., 18, 387 (1974), T. S. Bal et ", "al., Polymer, 21, 423 (1980), and the like, ammonium ions ", "of ammonium salts described in U.S. Pat. No. 4,069,055A, ", "U.S. Pat. No. 4,069,056A, US RE27992E, JP1991-140140A ", "(JP-H03-140140A), and the like, phosphonium ions of phos›", "phonium salts described in D.C. Necker et al., Macromol›", "ecules, 17, 2468 (1984), C. S. Wen et al., Teh, Proc. Conf. ", "Rad. Curing ASIA, p. 478 Tokyo, October (1988), U.S. Pat. ", "No. 4,069,055A, U.S. Pat. No. 4,069,056A, JP1997-", "202873A (JP-H09-202873A), and the like, iodonium ions of ", "iodonium salts described in J. V. Crivello et al., Macromol›", "ecules, 10 (6), 1307 (1977), Chem. & Eng. News, November ", "28, p. 31 (1988), EP104143B, EP339049B, EP410201B, ", "JP1990-150848A ", "(JP-H02-150848A), ", "JP1990-296514A ", "(JP-H02-296514A), and the like, sulfonium ions of sulfo›", "nium salts described in J. V. Crivello et al., Polymer J. 17, ", "73", "(1985), J. ", "V.", "Crivello et al., J. Org. Chem., 43, 3055 ", "(1978), ", "W. ", "R.", "Watt et al., J. Polymer Sci., Polymer Chem. ", "Ed., 22, 1789 (1984), J. V. Crivello et al., Polymer Bull., 14, ", "279 (1985), J. V. Crivello et al., Macromolecules, 14(5), ", "1141 (1981), J. ", "V.", "Crivello et al., J. Polymer Sci., Polymer ", "Chem. Ed., 17, 2877 (1979), EP370693B, EP161811B, ", "EP410201B, ", "EP339049B, ", "EP233567B, ", "EP297443B, ", "EP297442B, U.S. Pat. No. 3,902,114A, U.S. Pat. No. 4,933, ", "377A, U.S. Pat. No. 4,760,013A, U.S. Pat. No. 4,734,444A, ", "U.S. Pat. No. 2,833,827A, DE2904626B, DE3604580B, ", "DE3604581B, JP! 995-28237 A (JP-807-28237 A), JP! 996-", "27102A (JP-H08-27102A), and the like, quinolinium ions of ", "quinolinium salts described in JP1997-221652A (JP-H09-", "221652A) and the like, selenonium ions of selenonium salts ", "described in J. ", "V.", "Crivello et al., Macromolecules, 10 (6), ", "1307 (1977), J. ", "V.", "Crivello et al., J. Polymer Sci., Polymer ", "Chem. Ed., 17, 1047 (1979), and the like, and arsonium ions ", "of arsonium salts described in C. S. Wen et al., Teh, Proc. ", "Conf. Rad. Curing ASIA, p. 478 Tokyo, October (1988), and ", "the like; however, the present invention is not limited ", "thereto. ", "In addition, preferable examples of the countercation ", "described above include cations having the structure repre-", "sented by any one of Formulae (II) to (VII) below. ", "R", "1", "-W::::N ", "+ ", "R", "2", "-I-R", "3 ", "R4 ", "I ", "s+ ", "Rs/ ’-R6 ", "R7 ", "I ", "RS-p+-RIO ", "I ", "R9 ", "(II) ", "(III) ", "(IV) ", "(V) ", "-continued ", "(VI) ", "(VII) ", "In Formulae (II) to (VII) above, R", "1 ", "to R", "3 ", "each indepen›", "dently represent an aryl group, R", "4 ", "to R", "6 ", "each independently ", "represent an alkyl group, an alkenyl group, an alkynyl group, ", "an aryl group, a cyclic hydrocarbon group, or a heterocyclic ", "group, R", "7 ", "to R", "11 ", "each independently represent an alkyl ", "group, an alkenyl group, an alkynyl group, an aryl group, a ", "cyclic hydrocarbon group, a heterocyclic group, an alkoxy ", "group, or an aryloxy group, and R$^{12 }$to R$^{17 }$each indepen›", "dently represent a hydrogen atom, a halogen atom, or a ", "monovalent organic group. ", "The alkyl groups denoted by R", "4 ", "to R$^{11 }$preferably have 1 ", "to 30 carbon atoms, more preferably 1 to 20 carbon atoms, ", "and particularly preferably 1 to 8 carbon atoms, and may be ", "straight-chain and may have a substituent group. ", "The alkenyl groups denoted by R", "$^{4 }$to R", "$^{11 }$preferably have ", "2", "to 30 carbon atoms, more preferably 2 to 20 carbon atoms, ", "and particularly preferably 2 to 8 carbon atoms, and may ", "further have a substituent group. ", "The alkynyl groups denoted by R", "$^{4 }$to R", "$^{11 }$preferably have ", "2", "to 30 carbon atoms, more preferably 2 to 20 carbon atoms, ", "and particularly preferably 2 to 8 carbon atoms, and may ", "further have a substituent group. ", "The aryl groups denoted by R $^{1 }$to R $^{11 }$preferably have 6 to ", "30", "carbon atoms, more preferably 6 to 20 carbon atoms, and ", "particularly preferably 6 to 10 carbon atoms, and may ", "further have a substituent group. ", "The cyclic hydrocarbon groups denoted by R", "4 ", "to R", "11 ", "preferably have 3 to 30 carbon atoms, more preferably 3 to ", "20", "carbon atoms, and particularly preferably 3 to 10 carbon ", "atoms, and may further have a substituent group. ", "The heterocyclic groups denoted by R", "4 ", "to R$^{11 }$preferably ", "have 4 to 30 carbon atoms, more preferably 4 to 20 carbon ", "atoms, and particularly preferably 4 to 10 carbon atoms, and ", "may further have a substituent group. In addition, the hetero ", "atom included in the heterocyclic group is preferably a ", "nitrogen atom, an oxygen atom, or a sulfur atom. ", "The alkoxy groups denoted by R", "$^{7 }$to R", "$^{11 }$preferably have ", "1", "to 30 carbon atoms, more preferably 1 to 20 carbon atoms, ", "and even more preferably 1 to 8 carbon atoms. In addition, ", "the alkoxy groups may have a substituent group described ", "below, and the alkyl moiety of the alkoxy groups may be an ", "alkenyl group, an alkynyl group, a cyclic hydrocarbon ", "group, or a heterocyclic group other than an aromatic group. ", "The aryloxy groups denoted by R", "$^{7 }$to R", "$^{11 }$preferably have ", "6", "to 30 carbon atoms, more preferably 6 to 20 carbon atoms, ", "and even more preferably 6 to 10 carbon atoms. In addition, ", "the aryloxy groups may have a substituent group described ", "below, and the aryl moiety of the aryloxy groups may be an ", "aromatic heterocyclic group. ", "In Formula (III), R", "2 ", "and R", "3 ", "may be bonded with each ", "other to form a ring if this is possible. ", "In Formula (IV), two or more ofR", "4 ", "to R$^{6 }$may be bonded ", "with each other to form a ring if this is possible. " ]
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[ [ 300, 92, 23, 13 ], [ 433, 73, 147, 13 ], [ 691, 92, 24, 13 ], [ 145, 109, 350, 9 ], [ 129, 121, 128, 9 ], [ 257, 124, 7, 6 ], [ 267, 121, 46, 9 ], [ 313, 124, 7, 6 ], [ 324, 121, 169, 9 ], [ 129, 134, 360, 9 ], [ 129, 146, 360, 9 ], [ 129, 159, 364, 9 ], [ 129, 171, 360, 9 ], [ 129, 183, 365, 9 ], [ 129, 195, 333, 9 ], [ 145, 208, 348, 9 ], [ 129, 220, 364, 9 ], [ 129, 232, 365, 9 ], [ 129, 244, 362, 9 ], [ 129, 257, 365, 9 ], [ 129, 269, 364, 9 ], [ 129, 281, 364, 9 ], [ 129, 293, 365, 9 ], [ 130, 306, 360, 9 ], [ 129, 318, 361, 9 ], [ 129, 330, 364, 9 ], [ 129, 342, 363, 9 ], [ 129, 355, 360, 9 ], [ 129, 367, 367, 9 ], [ 129, 379, 360, 9 ], [ 129, 392, 366, 9 ], [ 129, 404, 364, 9 ], [ 129, 416, 109, 9 ], [ 250, 416, 122, 9 ], [ 385, 416, 109, 9 ], [ 130, 428, 360, 9 ], [ 129, 441, 363, 9 ], [ 129, 454, 15, 9 ], [ 149, 454, 63, 9 ], [ 217, 454, 15, 10 ], [ 237, 454, 256, 10 ], [ 130, 467, 46, 9 ], [ 178, 467, 18, 9 ], [ 200, 467, 14, 9 ], [ 218, 467, 275, 9 ], [ 129, 480, 363, 9 ], [ 129, 493, 364, 9 ], [ 130, 506, 93, 9 ], [ 226, 506, 15, 10 ], [ 245, 506, 250, 10 ], [ 129, 519, 364, 9 ], [ 129, 532, 79, 9 ], [ 224, 532, 79, 9 ], [ 319, 532, 79, 9 ], [ 414, 532, 79, 9 ], [ 129, 545, 363, 9 ], [ 129, 557, 364, 9 ], [ 129, 570, 364, 9 ], [ 129, 583, 360, 9 ], [ 129, 596, 367, 9 ], [ 129, 609, 360, 9 ], [ 129, 622, 364, 9 ], [ 129, 635, 91, 9 ], [ 225, 635, 15, 10 ], [ 244, 635, 249, 10 ], [ 130, 648, 94, 9 ], [ 227, 648, 15, 10 ], [ 245, 648, 249, 10 ], [ 129, 661, 364, 9 ], [ 129, 674, 364, 9 ], [ 129, 687, 365, 9 ], [ 129, 700, 366, 9 ], [ 129, 712, 48, 9 ], [ 145, 725, 350, 9 ], [ 129, 738, 360, 9 ], [ 130, 751, 316, 9 ], [ 270, 800, 7, 7 ], [ 279, 798, 6, 7 ], [ 283, 800, 57, 7 ], [ 297, 825, 9, 7 ], [ 266, 833, 7, 7 ], [ 274, 831, 6, 7 ], [ 280, 833, 51, 7 ], [ 330, 831, 9, 7 ], [ 295, 854, 13, 7 ], [ 298, 863, 12, 15 ], [ 296, 875, 13, 7 ], [ 269, 884, 66, 7 ], [ 295, 907, 13, 7 ], [ 297, 915, 12, 15 ], [ 266, 927, 77, 7 ], [ 297, 937, 9, 12 ], [ 295, 948, 13, 7 ], [ 476, 791, 16, 7 ], [ 472, 812, 21, 7 ], [ 471, 845, 22, 7 ], [ 475, 898, 18, 7 ], [ 670, 112, 68, 9 ], [ 862, 124, 22, 7 ], [ 858, 197, 25, 7 ], [ 535, 269, 212, 9 ], [ 748, 267, 6, 5 ], [ 758, 269, 26, 9 ], [ 785, 267, 6, 5 ], [ 796, 269, 85, 9 ], [ 520, 282, 198, 9 ], [ 719, 280, 6, 5 ], [ 729, 282, 25, 9 ], [ 755, 280, 6, 5 ], [ 765, 282, 120, 9 ], [ 520, 296, 364, 9 ], [ 520, 310, 364, 9 ], [ 520, 323, 56, 9 ], [ 577, 321, 6, 5 ], [ 590, 323, 29, 9 ], [ 620, 321, 12, 5 ], [ 638, 323, 246, 9 ], [ 520, 337, 363, 9 ], [ 520, 350, 364, 9 ], [ 520, 364, 360, 9 ], [ 520, 377, 363, 9 ], [ 520, 391, 167, 9 ], [ 535, 405, 187, 9 ], [ 723, 402, 6, 5 ], [ 733, 405, 151, 9 ], [ 520, 418, 364, 9 ], [ 520, 432, 365, 9 ], [ 521, 445, 302, 9 ], [ 535, 459, 200, 9 ], [ 736, 459, 35, 9 ], [ 773, 459, 112, 9 ], [ 520, 472, 7, 9 ], [ 532, 472, 352, 9 ], [ 520, 486, 365, 9 ], [ 520, 499, 202, 9 ], [ 535, 513, 201, 9 ], [ 737, 513, 34, 9 ], [ 773, 513, 112, 9 ], [ 520, 527, 7, 9 ], [ 532, 527, 352, 9 ], [ 520, 540, 365, 9 ], [ 520, 554, 202, 9 ], [ 535, 567, 348, 9 ], [ 520, 581, 15, 9 ], [ 539, 581, 346, 9 ], [ 520, 594, 365, 9 ], [ 520, 608, 202, 9 ], [ 535, 621, 292, 9 ], [ 828, 620, 6, 5 ], [ 841, 621, 28, 9 ], [ 871, 620, 12, 5 ], [ 520, 635, 363, 9 ], [ 520, 649, 15, 9 ], [ 539, 649, 346, 9 ], [ 520, 662, 305, 9 ], [ 535, 676, 231, 9 ], [ 767, 674, 6, 5 ], [ 778, 676, 107, 9 ], [ 520, 689, 365, 9 ], [ 520, 703, 365, 9 ], [ 520, 716, 364, 9 ], [ 520, 729, 364, 9 ], [ 520, 742, 307, 9 ], [ 535, 755, 199, 9 ], [ 735, 755, 35, 9 ], [ 772, 755, 113, 9 ], [ 521, 768, 7, 9 ], [ 532, 768, 352, 9 ], [ 520, 781, 364, 9 ], [ 520, 794, 365, 9 ], [ 520, 807, 365, 9 ], [ 520, 820, 365, 9 ], [ 520, 833, 363, 9 ], [ 535, 846, 201, 9 ], [ 737, 846, 34, 9 ], [ 773, 846, 112, 9 ], [ 521, 858, 7, 9 ], [ 532, 858, 352, 9 ], [ 520, 871, 364, 9 ], [ 520, 884, 365, 9 ], [ 520, 897, 365, 9 ], [ 520, 910, 177, 9 ], [ 535, 923, 120, 9 ], [ 656, 921, 6, 5 ], [ 668, 923, 37, 9 ], [ 706, 921, 6, 5 ], [ 718, 923, 167, 9 ], [ 520, 936, 240, 9 ], [ 535, 949, 209, 9 ], [ 744, 947, 6, 5 ], [ 754, 949, 132, 9 ], [ 520, 962, 304, 9 ] ]
[ 5, 5, 5, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9 ]
[ "Accelerate", "Per formance", "Top performance means meeting—and ", "exceeding—our customers’ expectations.", "Our game-changing technologies and", "world-class products and services ensure", "that we deliver high customer value.", "08 ", "|", "UNITED TECHNOLOGIES CORPORATION" ]
[ [ 62, 581, 805, 174 ], [ 62, 581, 805, 174 ], [ 71, 769, 587, 122 ], [ 71, 769, 587, 122 ], [ 71, 769, 587, 122 ], [ 71, 769, 587, 122 ], [ 71, 769, 587, 122 ], [ 71, 47, 281, 12 ], [ 71, 47, 281, 12 ], [ 71, 47, 281, 12 ] ]
[ [ 67, 581, 348, 72 ], [ 62, 621, 805, 134 ], [ 71, 769, 560, 28 ], [ 71, 792, 587, 28 ], [ 71, 816, 528, 28 ], [ 71, 840, 585, 28 ], [ 71, 863, 501, 28 ], [ 71, 48, 17, 11 ], [ 88, 47, 2, 10 ], [ 121, 48, 231, 10 ] ]
[ 7, 7, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 5, 5, 5 ]
[ "SECTION 4 ", "Capital structure", "and equity", "4.4 ", "Borrowings", "TREASURY SHARES", "INTEREST RATE RISK", "Carlsberg Group Annual Report 2013", "Parent Company", "SECTION 4: CAPITAL STRUCTURE AND EQUITY", "149", "2012", " The fixed-rate mortgages comprised one mort-", "gage with a time to maturity of more than five years.", "Swaps were settled in 2012, so there were no fair value ", "adjustment in 2013 (2012: DKK -8m).", "2013", " The fixed-rate mortgage is one loan which has", "a fixed interest rate until 2017. ", "Non-current borrowing consists of employee bonds ", "that carry a fixed interest rate and one mortgage", "carrying a fixed interest.", "At 31 December 2013 the fair value of treasury shares amounted to DKK 14m (2012: DKK 1m).", "B shares", " carry two votes per DKK 20 share. A prefer-", "ential right to an 8% non-cumulative dividend is ", "attached to B shares. Apart from votes and dividends, ", "all shares rank equally.", "A shares", " carry 20 votes per DKK 20 share. ", "The fair value of borrowings in subsidiaries corresponds to the carrying amount in all material respects.", "Borrowings are measured at amortised cost.", "Other non-current borrowings include employee bonds of DKK 13m (2012: DKK 18m). No bonds have been issued ", "in 2013 or 2012.", "4.5 ", "Interest rate risk", "SHARE CAPITAL", "Class A shares", "Class B shares", "Total share capital", "Shares of ", "DKK 20", "Nominal ", "value, ", "DKK ’000", "Shares of ", "DKK 20", "Nominal ", "value, ", "DKK ’000", "Shares of ", "DKK 20", "Nominal ", "value, ", "DKK ’000", "1", "January 2012", "33,699,252", "673,985", "118,857,554", "2,377,151", "152,556,806", "3,051,136", "No change in 2012", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "31", "December 2012", "33,699,252", "673,985", "118,857,554", "2,377,151", "152,556,806", "3,051,136", "No change in 2013", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "31", "December 2013", "33,699,252", "673,985", "118,857,554", "2,377,151", "152,556,806", "3,051,136", "Shares of ", "DKK 20", "Nominal ", "value,", "DKKm", "Percentage", "of share", "capital", "1", "January 2012", "33,498", "-", "0.0%", "Acquisition of treasury shares", "141,000", "3", "0.1%", "Used to settle share options", "-172,911", "-3", "-0.1%", "31", "December 2012", "1,587", "-", "0.0%", "1", "January 2013", "1,587", "-", "0.0%", "Acquisition of treasury shares", "288,582", "6", "0.2%", "Used to settle share options", "-266,228", "-5", "-0.2%", "31", "December 2013", "23,941", "1", "0.0%", "DKK million", "Average", "effective ", "interest rate", "2013", "Interest", "rate ", "Fixed for", "Carrying", "amount", "Interest ", "rate risk", "Mortgages", "Fixed-rate", "Fixed", "3.12%", "2-3 years", "209", "Fair value", "Total mortgage", "3.12%", "209", "2012", "Mortgages", "Fixed-rate", "Fixed", "2.85%", "3-4 years", "209", "Fair value", "Total mortgages", "2.85%", "209", "DKK million", "2013", "2012", "Non-current borrowings", "Mortgages", "209", "209", "Other non-current borrowings", "13", "18", "Total", "222", "227", "Current borrowings", "Current portion of other non-current borrowings", "5", "-", "Borrowings from subsidiaries", "1,093", "740", "Total", "1,098", "740", "Total non-current and current borrowings", "1,320", "967", "Fair value", "1,327", "980" ]
[ [ 51, 67, 143, 40 ], [ 51, 67, 143, 40 ], [ 51, 67, 143, 40 ], [ 520, 63, 90, 25 ], [ 520, 63, 90, 25 ], [ 51, 607, 93, 17 ], [ 521, 545, 101, 17 ], [ 51, 965, 141, 15 ], [ 733, 964, 239, 15 ], [ 733, 964, 239, 15 ], [ 733, 964, 239, 15 ], [ 755, 824, 212, 31 ], [ 755, 824, 212, 31 ], [ 755, 824, 212, 31 ], [ 755, 871, 219, 31 ], [ 755, 871, 219, 31 ], [ 521, 824, 206, 31 ], [ 521, 824, 206, 31 ], [ 521, 824, 206, 31 ], [ 521, 871, 206, 47 ], [ 521, 871, 206, 47 ], [ 521, 871, 206, 47 ], [ 51, 881, 361, 16 ], [ 286, 493, 215, 62 ], [ 286, 493, 215, 62 ], [ 286, 493, 215, 62 ], [ 286, 493, 215, 62 ], [ 286, 493, 215, 62 ], [ 51, 493, 171, 16 ], [ 51, 493, 171, 16 ], [ 521, 447, 408, 16 ], [ 521, 416, 175, 16 ], [ 521, 370, 452, 31 ], [ 521, 370, 452, 31 ], [ 521, 492, 117, 25 ], [ 521, 492, 117, 25 ], [ 51, 255, 77, 17 ], [ 50, 274, 455, 207 ], [ 50, 274, 455, 207 ], [ 50, 274, 455, 207 ], [ 50, 274, 455, 207 ], [ 50, 274, 455, 207 ], [ 50, 274, 455, 207 ], [ 50, 274, 455, 207 ], [ 50, 274, 455, 207 ], [ 50, 274, 455, 207 ], [ 50, 274, 455, 207 ], [ 50, 274, 455, 207 ], [ 50, 274, 455, 207 ], [ 50, 274, 455, 207 ], [ 50, 274, 455, 207 ], [ 50, 274, 455, 207 ], [ 50, 274, 455, 207 ], [ 50, 274, 455, 207 ], [ 50, 274, 455, 207 ], [ 50, 274, 455, 207 ], [ 50, 274, 455, 207 ], [ 50, 274, 455, 207 ], [ 50, 274, 455, 207 ], [ 50, 274, 455, 207 ], [ 50, 274, 455, 207 ], [ 50, 274, 455, 207 ], [ 50, 274, 455, 207 ], [ 50, 274, 455, 207 ], [ 50, 274, 455, 207 ], [ 50, 274, 455, 207 ], [ 50, 274, 455, 207 ], [ 50, 274, 455, 207 ], [ 50, 274, 455, 207 ], [ 50, 274, 455, 207 ], [ 50, 274, 455, 207 ], [ 50, 274, 455, 207 ], [ 50, 274, 455, 207 ], [ 50, 274, 455, 207 ], [ 50, 274, 455, 207 ], [ 50, 274, 455, 207 ], [ 50, 274, 455, 207 ], [ 50, 274, 455, 207 ], [ 50, 274, 455, 207 ], [ 50, 274, 455, 207 ], [ 50, 274, 455, 207 ], [ 50, 274, 455, 207 ], [ 50, 274, 455, 207 ], [ 50, 274, 455, 207 ], [ 50, 274, 455, 207 ], [ 50, 274, 455, 207 ], [ 50, 274, 455, 207 ], [ 50, 274, 455, 207 ], [ 50, 274, 455, 207 ], [ 50, 274, 455, 207 ], [ 50, 274, 455, 207 ], [ 50, 274, 455, 207 ], [ 50, 274, 455, 207 ], [ 50, 624, 453, 250 ], [ 50, 624, 453, 250 ], [ 50, 624, 453, 250 ], [ 50, 624, 453, 250 ], [ 50, 624, 453, 250 ], [ 50, 624, 453, 250 ], [ 50, 624, 453, 250 ], [ 50, 624, 453, 250 ], [ 50, 624, 453, 250 ], [ 50, 624, 453, 250 ], [ 50, 624, 453, 250 ], [ 50, 624, 453, 250 ], [ 50, 624, 453, 250 ], [ 50, 624, 453, 250 ], [ 50, 624, 453, 250 ], [ 50, 624, 453, 250 ], [ 50, 624, 453, 250 ], [ 50, 624, 453, 250 ], [ 50, 624, 453, 250 ], [ 50, 624, 453, 250 ], [ 50, 624, 453, 250 ], [ 50, 624, 453, 250 ], [ 50, 624, 453, 250 ], [ 50, 624, 453, 250 ], [ 50, 624, 453, 250 ], [ 50, 624, 453, 250 ], [ 50, 624, 453, 250 ], [ 50, 624, 453, 250 ], [ 50, 624, 453, 250 ], [ 50, 624, 453, 250 ], [ 50, 624, 453, 250 ], [ 50, 624, 453, 250 ], [ 50, 624, 453, 250 ], [ 50, 624, 453, 250 ], [ 50, 624, 453, 250 ], [ 50, 624, 453, 250 ], [ 50, 624, 453, 250 ], [ 50, 624, 453, 250 ], [ 50, 624, 453, 250 ], [ 50, 624, 453, 250 ], [ 50, 624, 453, 250 ], [ 50, 624, 453, 250 ], [ 50, 624, 453, 250 ], [ 50, 624, 453, 250 ], [ 520, 563, 455, 250 ], [ 520, 563, 455, 250 ], [ 520, 563, 455, 250 ], [ 520, 563, 455, 250 ], [ 520, 563, 455, 250 ], [ 520, 563, 455, 250 ], [ 520, 563, 455, 250 ], [ 520, 563, 455, 250 ], [ 520, 563, 455, 250 ], [ 520, 563, 455, 250 ], [ 520, 563, 455, 250 ], [ 520, 563, 455, 250 ], [ 520, 563, 455, 250 ], [ 520, 563, 455, 250 ], [ 520, 563, 455, 250 ], [ 520, 563, 455, 250 ], [ 520, 563, 455, 250 ], [ 520, 563, 455, 250 ], [ 520, 563, 455, 250 ], [ 520, 563, 455, 250 ], [ 520, 563, 455, 250 ], [ 520, 563, 455, 250 ], [ 520, 563, 455, 250 ], [ 520, 563, 455, 250 ], [ 520, 563, 455, 250 ], [ 520, 563, 455, 250 ], [ 520, 563, 455, 250 ], [ 520, 563, 455, 250 ], [ 520, 563, 455, 250 ], [ 520, 563, 455, 250 ], [ 520, 563, 455, 250 ], [ 520, 563, 455, 250 ], [ 520, 563, 455, 250 ], [ 520, 101, 453, 257 ], [ 520, 101, 453, 257 ], [ 520, 101, 453, 257 ], [ 520, 101, 453, 257 ], [ 520, 101, 453, 257 ], [ 520, 101, 453, 257 ], [ 520, 101, 453, 257 ], [ 520, 101, 453, 257 ], [ 520, 101, 453, 257 ], [ 520, 101, 453, 257 ], [ 520, 101, 453, 257 ], [ 520, 101, 453, 257 ], [ 520, 101, 453, 257 ], [ 520, 101, 453, 257 ], [ 520, 101, 453, 257 ], [ 520, 101, 453, 257 ], [ 520, 101, 453, 257 ], [ 520, 101, 453, 257 ], [ 520, 101, 453, 257 ], [ 520, 101, 453, 257 ], [ 520, 101, 453, 257 ], [ 520, 101, 453, 257 ], [ 520, 101, 453, 257 ], [ 520, 101, 453, 257 ], [ 520, 101, 453, 257 ], [ 520, 101, 453, 257 ], [ 520, 101, 453, 257 ], [ 520, 101, 453, 257 ], [ 520, 101, 453, 257 ] ]
[ [ 51, 67, 64, 20 ], [ 116, 67, 78, 19 ], [ 51, 88, 51, 19 ], [ 520, 63, 23, 25 ], [ 544, 64, 66, 23 ], [ 51, 607, 93, 17 ], [ 521, 545, 101, 17 ], [ 51, 965, 141, 15 ], [ 733, 965, 64, 15 ], [ 803, 968, 135, 10 ], [ 960, 964, 13, 15 ], [ 755, 824, 18, 16 ], [ 774, 824, 189, 16 ], [ 755, 840, 212, 16 ], [ 755, 871, 219, 16 ], [ 755, 886, 146, 16 ], [ 521, 824, 18, 16 ], [ 540, 824, 188, 16 ], [ 521, 840, 120, 16 ], [ 521, 871, 206, 16 ], [ 521, 886, 194, 16 ], [ 521, 902, 94, 16 ], [ 51, 881, 361, 16 ], [ 286, 493, 34, 16 ], [ 321, 494, 175, 16 ], [ 286, 509, 194, 16 ], [ 286, 525, 215, 16 ], [ 286, 540, 91, 16 ], [ 51, 493, 35, 16 ], [ 86, 494, 136, 16 ], [ 521, 447, 408, 16 ], [ 521, 416, 175, 16 ], [ 521, 370, 452, 16 ], [ 521, 385, 61, 16 ], [ 521, 492, 23, 25 ], [ 545, 492, 93, 23 ], [ 51, 255, 77, 17 ], [ 195, 297, 57, 16 ], [ 320, 297, 57, 16 ], [ 431, 297, 72, 16 ], [ 154, 344, 39, 16 ], [ 160, 359, 31, 16 ], [ 218, 328, 36, 16 ], [ 229, 344, 25, 16 ], [ 213, 359, 39, 16 ], [ 280, 344, 39, 16 ], [ 286, 359, 31, 16 ], [ 343, 328, 36, 16 ], [ 355, 344, 25, 16 ], [ 338, 359, 39, 16 ], [ 405, 344, 39, 16 ], [ 411, 359, 31, 16 ], [ 469, 328, 36, 16 ], [ 480, 344, 25, 16 ], [ 464, 359, 39, 16 ], [ 51, 380, 3, 16 ], [ 57, 380, 58, 16 ], [ 144, 380, 47, 16 ], [ 218, 380, 34, 16 ], [ 264, 380, 52, 16 ], [ 335, 380, 42, 16 ], [ 389, 380, 52, 16 ], [ 461, 380, 42, 16 ], [ 51, 401, 77, 16 ], [ 186, 401, 5, 16 ], [ 247, 401, 5, 16 ], [ 312, 401, 5, 16 ], [ 373, 401, 5, 16 ], [ 437, 401, 5, 16 ], [ 498, 401, 5, 16 ], [ 51, 421, 8, 16 ], [ 62, 421, 66, 16 ], [ 144, 421, 47, 16 ], [ 218, 421, 34, 16 ], [ 264, 421, 52, 16 ], [ 335, 421, 42, 16 ], [ 389, 421, 52, 16 ], [ 461, 421, 42, 16 ], [ 51, 442, 77, 16 ], [ 186, 442, 5, 16 ], [ 247, 442, 5, 16 ], [ 312, 442, 5, 16 ], [ 372, 442, 5, 16 ], [ 437, 442, 5, 16 ], [ 498, 442, 5, 16 ], [ 51, 462, 8, 16 ], [ 62, 462, 66, 16 ], [ 144, 462, 47, 16 ], [ 218, 462, 34, 16 ], [ 264, 462, 52, 16 ], [ 335, 462, 42, 16 ], [ 389, 462, 52, 16 ], [ 461, 462, 42, 16 ], [ 338, 669, 42, 16 ], [ 346, 685, 31, 16 ], [ 408, 654, 37, 16 ], [ 418, 669, 23, 16 ], [ 416, 685, 26, 16 ], [ 459, 654, 44, 16 ], [ 471, 669, 32, 16 ], [ 477, 685, 26, 16 ], [ 51, 710, 3, 16 ], [ 57, 710, 58, 16 ], [ 349, 710, 29, 16 ], [ 437, 710, 5, 16 ], [ 485, 710, 18, 16 ], [ 51, 731, 117, 16 ], [ 343, 731, 34, 16 ], [ 437, 731, 5, 16 ], [ 485, 731, 18, 16 ], [ 51, 752, 111, 16 ], [ 338, 752, 39, 16 ], [ 432, 752, 10, 16 ], [ 480, 752, 23, 16 ], [ 51, 772, 8, 16 ], [ 62, 772, 66, 16 ], [ 354, 772, 23, 16 ], [ 437, 772, 5, 16 ], [ 485, 772, 18, 16 ], [ 51, 793, 3, 16 ], [ 57, 793, 58, 16 ], [ 354, 793, 23, 16 ], [ 437, 793, 5, 16 ], [ 485, 793, 18, 16 ], [ 51, 814, 117, 16 ], [ 343, 814, 34, 16 ], [ 437, 814, 5, 16 ], [ 485, 814, 18, 16 ], [ 51, 834, 111, 16 ], [ 338, 834, 39, 16 ], [ 432, 834, 10, 16 ], [ 479, 834, 23, 16 ], [ 51, 855, 8, 16 ], [ 62, 855, 66, 16 ], [ 349, 855, 29, 16 ], [ 437, 855, 5, 16 ], [ 485, 855, 18, 16 ], [ 521, 587, 47, 16 ], [ 706, 597, 30, 16 ], [ 705, 612, 35, 16 ], [ 691, 628, 47, 16 ], [ 521, 628, 21, 16 ], [ 630, 612, 27, 16 ], [ 644, 628, 17, 16 ], [ 782, 628, 34, 16 ], [ 861, 612, 31, 16 ], [ 863, 628, 31, 16 ], [ 943, 612, 31, 16 ], [ 941, 628, 31, 16 ], [ 521, 649, 43, 16 ], [ 521, 669, 39, 16 ], [ 639, 669, 21, 16 ], [ 714, 669, 23, 16 ], [ 776, 669, 40, 16 ], [ 879, 669, 15, 16 ], [ 934, 669, 39, 16 ], [ 521, 690, 62, 16 ], [ 714, 690, 23, 16 ], [ 879, 690, 15, 16 ], [ 521, 731, 21, 16 ], [ 521, 752, 43, 16 ], [ 521, 772, 39, 16 ], [ 639, 772, 21, 16 ], [ 714, 772, 23, 16 ], [ 776, 772, 40, 16 ], [ 879, 772, 15, 16 ], [ 934, 772, 39, 16 ], [ 521, 793, 66, 16 ], [ 714, 793, 23, 16 ], [ 879, 793, 15, 16 ], [ 521, 132, 47, 16 ], [ 876, 132, 21, 16 ], [ 951, 132, 21, 16 ], [ 521, 153, 95, 16 ], [ 521, 173, 43, 16 ], [ 881, 173, 15, 16 ], [ 956, 173, 15, 16 ], [ 521, 194, 118, 16 ], [ 887, 194, 10, 16 ], [ 962, 194, 10, 16 ], [ 521, 214, 20, 16 ], [ 881, 214, 15, 16 ], [ 956, 214, 15, 16 ], [ 521, 235, 75, 16 ], [ 521, 256, 190, 16 ], [ 892, 256, 5, 16 ], [ 967, 256, 5, 16 ], [ 521, 277, 114, 16 ], [ 874, 277, 23, 16 ], [ 956, 277, 15, 16 ], [ 521, 297, 20, 16 ], [ 874, 297, 23, 16 ], [ 956, 297, 15, 16 ], [ 521, 318, 167, 16 ], [ 874, 318, 23, 16 ], [ 956, 318, 15, 16 ], [ 521, 339, 38, 16 ], [ 874, 339, 23, 16 ], [ 956, 339, 15, 16 ] ]
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[ "TOTAL SHARE OWNER RETURN", "We again posted strong internal sales", "growth in 2003, driven by brand building", "and innovation across our portfolio.", "We were able to increase our operating profit in 2003", "while making substantial investments for the future.", "Cash flow again exceeded expectations, as we increased", "earnings, remained disciplined on capital expenditure,", "and improved our working capital efficiency.", "For the third straight year, our total share", "owner return well outpaced our peer group.", "In 2003, we earned our", "stripes by delivering", "solid results, while", "strengthening our", "organization and", "creating a future of", "dependable growth. ", "02", "01", "00", "99", "98", "$8,304", "03", "$8,812", "$6,110", "$6,157", "$6,087", "$7,548", "02", "01", "00", "99", "98", "$1,508", "03", "$1,544", "$895", "$829", "$990", "$1,168", "02", "01", "00", "99", "98", "$1,000", "$346", "$529", "$650", "$856", "$746", "03", "$961", "$924", "Voluntary ", "Benefit Plan ", "Contributions", "$1.75", "$1.23", "$0.83", "$1.45", "$1.16", "02", "$1.92", "03", "01", "00", "99", "98", "We again delivered better-than-expected", "earnings growth in 2003.", "02", "01", "00", "99", "98", "Kellogg", "S&P Packaged Foods Index", "17%", "8%", "-21%", "-29%", "-7%", "26%", "2%", "3%", "-11%", "19%", "03", "15%", "5%", "EARNINGS PER SHARE", "(diluted) ", "CASH FLOW", "(millions)", "OPERATING PROFIT", "(millions)", "NET SALES", "(millions)" ]
[ [ 124, 693, 317, 16 ], [ 154, 286, 259, 43 ], [ 154, 286, 259, 43 ], [ 154, 286, 259, 43 ], [ 577, 286, 341, 28 ], [ 577, 286, 341, 28 ], [ 573, 594, 356, 43 ], [ 573, 594, 356, 43 ], [ 573, 594, 356, 43 ], [ 146, 912, 276, 28 ], [ 146, 912, 276, 28 ], [ 573, 703, 321, 223 ], [ 573, 703, 321, 223 ], [ 573, 703, 321, 223 ], [ 573, 703, 321, 223 ], [ 573, 703, 321, 223 ], [ 573, 703, 321, 223 ], [ 573, 703, 321, 223 ], [ 143, 130, 278, 143 ], [ 143, 130, 278, 143 ], [ 143, 130, 278, 143 ], [ 143, 130, 278, 143 ], [ 143, 130, 278, 143 ], [ 143, 130, 278, 143 ], [ 143, 130, 278, 143 ], [ 143, 130, 278, 143 ], [ 143, 130, 278, 143 ], [ 143, 130, 278, 143 ], [ 143, 130, 278, 143 ], [ 143, 130, 278, 143 ], [ 611, 147, 278, 127 ], [ 611, 147, 278, 127 ], [ 611, 147, 278, 127 ], [ 611, 147, 278, 127 ], [ 611, 147, 278, 127 ], [ 611, 147, 278, 127 ], [ 611, 147, 278, 127 ], [ 611, 147, 278, 127 ], [ 611, 147, 278, 127 ], [ 611, 147, 278, 127 ], [ 611, 147, 278, 127 ], [ 611, 147, 278, 127 ], [ 567, 421, 356, 155 ], [ 567, 421, 356, 155 ], [ 567, 421, 356, 155 ], [ 567, 421, 356, 155 ], [ 567, 421, 356, 155 ], [ 567, 421, 356, 155 ], [ 567, 421, 356, 155 ], [ 567, 421, 356, 155 ], [ 567, 421, 356, 155 ], [ 567, 421, 356, 155 ], [ 567, 421, 356, 155 ], [ 567, 421, 356, 155 ], [ 567, 421, 356, 155 ], [ 567, 421, 356, 155 ], [ 567, 421, 356, 155 ], [ 567, 421, 356, 155 ], [ 567, 421, 356, 155 ], [ 150, 424, 281, 151 ], [ 150, 424, 281, 151 ], [ 150, 424, 281, 151 ], [ 150, 424, 281, 151 ], [ 150, 424, 281, 151 ], [ 150, 424, 281, 151 ], [ 150, 424, 281, 151 ], [ 150, 424, 281, 151 ], [ 150, 424, 281, 151 ], [ 150, 424, 281, 151 ], [ 150, 424, 281, 151 ], [ 150, 424, 281, 151 ], [ 156, 589, 256, 28 ], [ 156, 589, 256, 28 ], [ 147, 722, 287, 175 ], [ 147, 722, 287, 175 ], [ 147, 722, 287, 175 ], [ 147, 722, 287, 175 ], [ 147, 722, 287, 175 ], [ 147, 722, 287, 175 ], [ 147, 722, 287, 175 ], [ 147, 722, 287, 175 ], [ 147, 722, 287, 175 ], [ 147, 722, 287, 175 ], [ 147, 722, 287, 175 ], [ 147, 722, 287, 175 ], [ 147, 722, 287, 175 ], [ 147, 722, 287, 175 ], [ 147, 722, 287, 175 ], [ 147, 722, 287, 175 ], [ 147, 722, 287, 175 ], [ 147, 722, 287, 175 ], [ 147, 722, 287, 175 ], [ 147, 722, 287, 175 ], [ 124, 394, 321, 16 ], [ 124, 394, 321, 16 ], [ 644, 395, 211, 16 ], [ 644, 395, 211, 16 ], [ 606, 86, 291, 16 ], [ 606, 86, 291, 16 ], [ 179, 86, 200, 16 ], [ 179, 86, 200, 16 ] ]
[ [ 124, 693, 317, 16 ], [ 164, 286, 238, 12 ], [ 154, 301, 259, 12 ], [ 171, 317, 224, 12 ], [ 577, 286, 341, 12 ], [ 584, 301, 328, 12 ], [ 573, 594, 356, 12 ], [ 582, 609, 338, 12 ], [ 612, 625, 278, 12 ], [ 155, 912, 259, 12 ], [ 146, 928, 276, 12 ], [ 573, 703, 321, 21 ], [ 573, 736, 281, 21 ], [ 573, 770, 259, 21 ], [ 573, 804, 251, 21 ], [ 573, 837, 237, 21 ], [ 573, 871, 271, 21 ], [ 573, 904, 291, 21 ], [ 346, 261, 18, 12 ], [ 303, 261, 18, 12 ], [ 255, 261, 18, 12 ], [ 210, 261, 18, 12 ], [ 165, 261, 18, 12 ], [ 336, 139, 34, 8 ], [ 389, 261, 18, 12 ], [ 380, 132, 34, 8 ], [ 154, 171, 34, 8 ], [ 200, 170, 34, 8 ], [ 245, 171, 34, 8 ], [ 291, 153, 34, 8 ], [ 810, 260, 18, 12 ], [ 766, 260, 18, 12 ], [ 719, 260, 18, 12 ], [ 674, 260, 18, 12 ], [ 629, 260, 18, 12 ], [ 798, 150, 34, 8 ], [ 853, 260, 18, 12 ], [ 842, 147, 34, 8 ], [ 625, 189, 25, 8 ], [ 670, 193, 25, 8 ], [ 713, 183, 25, 8 ], [ 754, 171, 34, 8 ], [ 829, 563, 18, 12 ], [ 767, 563, 18, 12 ], [ 708, 563, 18, 12 ], [ 649, 563, 18, 12 ], [ 590, 563, 18, 12 ], [ 818, 424, 34, 8 ], [ 587, 495, 25, 8 ], [ 646, 475, 25, 8 ], [ 704, 463, 25, 8 ], [ 763, 441, 25, 8 ], [ 824, 506, 25, 8 ], [ 889, 563, 18, 12 ], [ 886, 428, 25, 8 ], [ 884, 506, 25, 8 ], [ 813, 439, 34, 7 ], [ 813, 446, 42, 7 ], [ 813, 453, 45, 7 ], [ 340, 436, 28, 8 ], [ 161, 465, 28, 8 ], [ 205, 495, 28, 8 ], [ 250, 455, 28, 8 ], [ 295, 473, 27, 8 ], [ 347, 563, 18, 12 ], [ 386, 425, 28, 8 ], [ 393, 563, 18, 12 ], [ 303, 563, 18, 12 ], [ 256, 563, 18, 12 ], [ 211, 563, 18, 12 ], [ 166, 563, 18, 12 ], [ 156, 589, 256, 12 ], [ 203, 605, 160, 12 ], [ 350, 881, 18, 12 ], [ 307, 881, 18, 12 ], [ 259, 881, 18, 12 ], [ 214, 881, 18, 12 ], [ 169, 881, 18, 12 ], [ 173, 726, 44, 9 ], [ 273, 726, 156, 9 ], [ 345, 767, 23, 8 ], [ 174, 793, 17, 8 ], [ 210, 863, 27, 8 ], [ 166, 866, 27, 8 ], [ 211, 824, 21, 8 ], [ 257, 752, 23, 8 ], [ 311, 802, 17, 8 ], [ 347, 799, 17, 8 ], [ 254, 853, 27, 8 ], [ 301, 762, 23, 8 ], [ 396, 881, 18, 12 ], [ 391, 773, 23, 8 ], [ 393, 794, 17, 8 ], [ 124, 394, 232, 16 ], [ 368, 394, 77, 16 ], [ 644, 395, 123, 16 ], [ 779, 395, 77, 16 ], [ 606, 86, 203, 16 ], [ 821, 86, 77, 16 ], [ 179, 86, 112, 16 ], [ 303, 86, 77, 16 ] ]
[ 7, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 9, 9, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7 ]
[ "(5)", "JP 2017-66269 A 2017.4.6", " 上記導電膜の平均膜厚は例えば5.0〜20.0μmである。その平均膜厚は以下のよう", "にして求めることができる。", "〔導電膜の平均膜厚の測定⽅法〕", " 厚さ⽅向に平⾏な導電膜断⾯のSEM(⾛査型電⼦顕微鏡)観察画像において、導電膜", "の厚さを、膜厚⽅向に対して直⾓⽅向に⻑さ100μm以上にわたって等間隔に20箇所", "以上で測定し、それらの測定値の相加平均値を平均膜厚とする。ロールプレス法で加熱プ", "レスを⾏った導電膜である場合は厚さ⽅向およびロールプレス時の材料進⾏⽅向に平⾏な", "導電膜断⾯を観察する。", " ここで、「紙」とは、JIS P0001:1998「紙・板紙及びパルプ⽤語」の番", "号4004に定義されている通り、植物繊維その他の繊維をこう着させて製造したものを", "意味し、素材として合成⾼分⼦物質を⽤いて製造した合成紙や、繊維状無機材料を配合し", "たものも含む。樹脂等により表⾯処理が施されているものであっても構わない。", "【発明の効果】", " 本発明によれば、耐熱温度が低い紙基材上に形成された銅の導電膜において、導電性お", "よび耐候性を顕著に改善することが可能となる。防錆剤を使⽤しなくても優れた耐候性を", "呈する。この導電膜は導電フィラーとして銀粉ではなく銅粉を使⽤しているので、原料コ", "ストが銀導電膜より安い。この導電膜の好適な⽤途の例として、破壊が容易な紙基材を使", "⽤したRFIDタグのアンテナ回路が挙げられる。特に、酒類の商品管理タグなど、湿気", "による性能劣化の抑制が重視される⽤途において、本発明の導電膜は極めて有⽤である。", "【図⾯の簡単な説明】", "【図1】実施例1で得られた加熱ロールプレス後の塗膜の断⾯SEM写真。", "【図2】図1の紙基材近傍付近(深部)についての拡⼤SEM写真。", "【図3】⽐較例1で得られた加熱ロールプレス後の塗膜の断⾯SEM写真。", "【図4】図3の紙基材近傍付近(深部)についての拡⼤SEM写真。", "【図5】⽐較例5で得られた加熱ロールプレス後の塗膜の断⾯SEM写真。", "【図6】⽐較例6で得られたロールプレス後の塗膜の断⾯SEM写真。", "【発明を実施するための形態】", " 本発明では紙基材上に形成された銅の導電膜において耐候性に優れるものを得る技術を", "提供する。紙基材は可撓性を有し、易破壊性にも優れる。その反⾯、ポリイミド樹脂など", "の従来多⽤されている可撓性基材と⽐較して、耐熱温度が低い。発明者らは、銅粉含有塗", "料(銅ペースト)を⽤いて光照射による発熱を利⽤して焼結を⽣じさせる⼿法(光焼成)", "により、紙基材上に導電膜を形成することが可能であることを確認し、その技術を特願2", "013−254606に開⽰した。また、その焼結導電膜を緻密化し、導電性や耐候性を", "改善する⼿法(加熱プレス)を特願2015−051888に開⽰した。本発明では、そ", "の光焼成および加熱プレスの技術を利⽤するとともに、塗料の配合組成に⼯夫を加え、耐", "候性の更なる向上を図る。", "《塗料》", " 銅粉含有塗料を構成する銅粉は、焼結しやすい性質を有していることが必要である。粒", "⼦径が100nm程度以下の銅ナノ粒⼦は焼結温度が低く、光焼成に適している。種々検", "討の結果、⼀次粒⼦の平均粒⼦径が10〜100nmの微細銅粉を塗料中に含有させる。", "この種の微細銅粉を本明細書では「微細銅粉A」と呼ぶ。微細銅粉Aの⼀次粒⼦の平均粒", "【0022】", "【0021】", "【0020】", "【0019】", "【0018】", "【0017】", "隙体積を減少させる⼯程である。加圧⽅法として、ロールプレスによりロール軸⽅向単位", "⻑さあたり90〜2000N/mmの荷重(以下これを「線圧」ということがある)を付", "与する⼿法を適⽤することが好ましい。" ]
[ [ 497, 42, 429, 11 ], [ 497, 42, 429, 11 ], [ 97, 148, 817, 135 ], [ 97, 148, 817, 135 ], [ 97, 148, 817, 135 ], [ 97, 148, 817, 135 ], [ 97, 148, 817, 135 ], [ 97, 148, 817, 135 ], [ 97, 148, 817, 135 ], [ 97, 148, 817, 135 ], [ 97, 307, 817, 82 ], [ 97, 307, 817, 82 ], [ 97, 307, 817, 82 ], [ 97, 307, 817, 82 ], [ 97, 307, 817, 82 ], [ 97, 414, 817, 117 ], [ 97, 414, 817, 117 ], [ 97, 414, 817, 117 ], [ 97, 414, 817, 117 ], [ 97, 414, 817, 117 ], [ 97, 414, 817, 117 ], [ 97, 414, 817, 117 ], [ 97, 556, 695, 117 ], [ 97, 556, 695, 117 ], [ 97, 556, 695, 117 ], [ 97, 556, 695, 117 ], [ 97, 556, 695, 117 ], [ 97, 556, 695, 117 ], [ 97, 556, 695, 117 ], [ 97, 698, 817, 153 ], [ 97, 698, 817, 153 ], [ 97, 698, 817, 153 ], [ 97, 698, 817, 153 ], [ 97, 698, 817, 153 ], [ 97, 698, 817, 153 ], [ 97, 698, 817, 153 ], [ 97, 698, 817, 153 ], [ 97, 698, 817, 153 ], [ 97, 875, 817, 82 ], [ 97, 875, 817, 82 ], [ 97, 875, 817, 82 ], [ 97, 875, 817, 82 ], [ 97, 875, 817, 82 ], [ 97, 857, 122, 11 ], [ 97, 680, 122, 11 ], [ 97, 538, 122, 11 ], [ 97, 396, 122, 11 ], [ 97, 290, 122, 11 ], [ 97, 130, 122, 11 ], [ 97, 77, 817, 46 ], [ 97, 77, 817, 46 ], [ 97, 77, 817, 46 ] ]
[ [ 497, 42, 29, 11 ], [ 689, 42, 237, 11 ], [ 97, 148, 817, 11 ], [ 97, 165, 265, 11 ], [ 97, 183, 306, 11 ], [ 97, 201, 817, 11 ], [ 97, 219, 817, 11 ], [ 97, 236, 817, 11 ], [ 97, 254, 817, 11 ], [ 97, 272, 224, 11 ], [ 97, 307, 817, 11 ], [ 97, 325, 817, 11 ], [ 97, 343, 817, 11 ], [ 97, 361, 736, 11 ], [ 97, 378, 143, 11 ], [ 97, 414, 817, 11 ], [ 97, 432, 817, 11 ], [ 97, 449, 817, 11 ], [ 97, 467, 817, 11 ], [ 97, 485, 817, 11 ], [ 97, 503, 817, 11 ], [ 97, 520, 204, 11 ], [ 97, 556, 695, 11 ], [ 97, 573, 633, 11 ], [ 97, 591, 695, 11 ], [ 97, 609, 633, 11 ], [ 97, 627, 695, 11 ], [ 97, 644, 654, 11 ], [ 97, 662, 286, 11 ], [ 97, 698, 817, 11 ], [ 97, 715, 817, 11 ], [ 97, 733, 817, 11 ], [ 97, 751, 817, 11 ], [ 97, 769, 817, 11 ], [ 97, 786, 817, 11 ], [ 97, 804, 817, 11 ], [ 97, 822, 817, 11 ], [ 97, 840, 245, 11 ], [ 97, 875, 81, 11 ], [ 97, 893, 817, 11 ], [ 97, 910, 817, 11 ], [ 97, 928, 817, 11 ], [ 97, 946, 817, 11 ], [ 97, 857, 122, 11 ], [ 97, 680, 122, 11 ], [ 97, 538, 122, 11 ], [ 97, 396, 122, 11 ], [ 97, 290, 122, 11 ], [ 97, 130, 122, 11 ], [ 97, 77, 817, 11 ], [ 97, 95, 817, 11 ], [ 97, 112, 368, 11 ] ]
[ 5, 5, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 9, 9, 9 ]
[ "4", "| P a g e", "GLYPH<head2right>", "Responsible, highly experienced management aiming on ", "DELIVERY", "The Company has built a strong management team at all levels and will continue to maintain its corporate ", "culture as be able to keep what has been promised to investors and be able to deliver.", "GLYPH<head2right>", "Resource expansion always ", "PLANNING AHEAD", "After fiscal year end, a twelve month extensive exploration program was announced targeted on doubling ", "gold resources at Selinsing and Buffalo Reef by converting inferred resources to indicated and measured; ", "the program will also further identify prospective targets on the newly acquired Famehub properties. ", "GLYPH<head2right>", "Productivity enhancement", "KEEPING COST LOW", "Monument is planning to use newly raised capital to expand current capacity of the gold processing plant ", "by adding an additional mill. ", "GLYPH<head2right>", "Positive return ", "RICH IN CASH RESERVES ", "Monument always exercises the best effort ensure positive cash flow to mitigate economic risk.", "2010 OPERARION AT A GALANCE ", "OUTLOOK – A GROWTH FOCUSED JUNIOR GOLD PRODUCER ", "Monument initiated mining in July 2009, and commenced ", "production at its gravity circuit in January 2010 following ", "the first gold pour in October 2009. The following charts ", "represent operating results from partial production ", "without the CIL circuit, which was fully commissioned in ", "August 2010 subsequent to fiscal 2010 and since has been ", "operating achieving 90% capacity with gold average ", "recovery 92%~95%. ", "The Company has generated gross proceeds to the end of fiscal 2010 of $17 million dollars at an average cash cost of $234 per ", "ounce.", "Monument has enjoyed high gold prices, but its success is not dependant on continued rising bullion prices. The ", "success excellences saw from Monument’s management can be summarized as: " ]
[ [ 832, 952, 67, 10 ], [ 832, 952, 67, 10 ], [ 150, 639, 757, 49 ], [ 150, 639, 757, 49 ], [ 150, 639, 757, 49 ], [ 150, 639, 757, 49 ], [ 150, 639, 757, 49 ], [ 150, 708, 757, 68 ], [ 150, 708, 757, 68 ], [ 150, 708, 757, 68 ], [ 150, 708, 757, 68 ], [ 150, 708, 757, 68 ], [ 150, 708, 757, 68 ], [ 150, 797, 757, 49 ], [ 150, 797, 757, 49 ], [ 150, 797, 757, 49 ], [ 150, 797, 757, 49 ], [ 150, 797, 757, 49 ], [ 150, 873, 680, 30 ], [ 150, 873, 680, 30 ], [ 150, 873, 680, 30 ], [ 150, 873, 680, 30 ], [ 120, 96, 232, 11 ], [ 120, 556, 419, 11 ], [ 120, 127, 365, 130 ], [ 120, 127, 365, 130 ], [ 120, 127, 365, 130 ], [ 120, 127, 365, 130 ], [ 120, 127, 365, 130 ], [ 120, 127, 365, 130 ], [ 120, 127, 365, 130 ], [ 120, 127, 365, 130 ], [ 120, 508, 787, 27 ], [ 120, 508, 787, 27 ], [ 120, 588, 787, 30 ], [ 120, 588, 787, 30 ] ]
[ [ 832, 952, 2, 10 ], [ 838, 952, 61, 10 ], [ 150, 639, 13, 12 ], [ 180, 639, 387, 11 ], [ 567, 639, 66, 11 ], [ 180, 658, 727, 11 ], [ 180, 677, 586, 11 ], [ 150, 708, 13, 12 ], [ 180, 709, 189, 11 ], [ 370, 709, 127, 11 ], [ 180, 727, 727, 11 ], [ 180, 746, 727, 11 ], [ 180, 765, 692, 11 ], [ 150, 797, 13, 12 ], [ 180, 797, 179, 11 ], [ 368, 797, 138, 11 ], [ 180, 816, 727, 11 ], [ 180, 835, 196, 11 ], [ 150, 874, 11, 10 ], [ 180, 873, 103, 11 ], [ 284, 873, 170, 11 ], [ 180, 892, 650, 11 ], [ 120, 96, 232, 11 ], [ 120, 556, 419, 11 ], [ 120, 127, 365, 10 ], [ 120, 144, 365, 10 ], [ 120, 161, 365, 10 ], [ 120, 178, 365, 10 ], [ 120, 196, 365, 10 ], [ 120, 213, 365, 10 ], [ 120, 230, 365, 10 ], [ 120, 247, 124, 10 ], [ 120, 508, 787, 10 ], [ 120, 526, 39, 10 ], [ 120, 588, 787, 11 ], [ 120, 607, 548, 11 ] ]
[ 4, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 7, 7, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9 ]
[ "To keep The Har tford’s par tnership with our customers ", "and agents working as efficiently and effortlessly as possible, ", "we expanded our web-based ", "Electronic Business Center", ". ", "This resource center makes it easier to provide small business", "customers with the fastest service, best pricing and most effec-", "tive coverage.", "The Electronic Business Center allows agents to view bill-", "ing, claims and policies online, as well as process endorsement", "requests on the spot.", "Through the Electronic Business Center, agents can access ", "a web-based tool, called “Icon 2.0,” which allows them to sub-", "mit business inquiries and obtain quotes quickly and efficiently", "Throughout its 115-year history,", "The Hartford Conservatory has ", "provided a nurturing environment", "for emerging performing artists", "such as, from left to right, ", "Mario", "Santos", ", ", "Jordan Bartucca", "and ", "David Hiestand", ".", "Located in the same Asylum ", "Hill neighborhood as The Hartford", "Financial Services Group, the", "Conservatory found its best insur-", "ance coverage with The Hartford.", "Pat Priest, an agent with the", "Webster Insurance Agency of", "Wallingford, CT, notes that as a", "non-profit organization, having ", "the right coverage at the right ", "cost is critical to the Conser-", "vatory. “The Hartford was able ", "to provide that,” Pat points out.", "Jackie Rowley, Director of", "Finance for the Conservatory, is", "pleased to “have everything with", "one company. It’s a lot easier for", "us and The Hartford has such a", "good reputation.”", "Pat notes that, from the", "agent’s point of view, “the ease of", "working with The Hartford’s online", "quote system is a plus. It offers", "immediate underwriting guidelines", "for quotes, is quick and precise,", "and includes broad coverages for", "each client’s needs.”", "", "", "reality from students’ dreams", "23", "21", "%", "premium growth", "in small business insurance, from 2003" ]
[ [ 80, 555, 393, 50 ], [ 80, 555, 393, 50 ], [ 80, 555, 393, 50 ], [ 80, 555, 393, 50 ], [ 80, 555, 393, 50 ], [ 80, 609, 418, 50 ], [ 80, 609, 418, 50 ], [ 80, 609, 418, 50 ], [ 80, 664, 403, 50 ], [ 80, 664, 403, 50 ], [ 80, 664, 403, 50 ], [ 80, 718, 411, 50 ], [ 80, 718, 411, 50 ], [ 80, 718, 411, 50 ], [ 669, 165, 200, 105 ], [ 669, 165, 200, 105 ], [ 669, 165, 200, 105 ], [ 669, 165, 200, 105 ], [ 669, 165, 200, 105 ], [ 669, 165, 200, 105 ], [ 669, 165, 200, 105 ], [ 669, 165, 200, 105 ], [ 669, 165, 200, 105 ], [ 669, 165, 200, 105 ], [ 669, 165, 200, 105 ], [ 669, 165, 200, 105 ], [ 669, 274, 205, 198 ], [ 669, 274, 205, 198 ], [ 669, 274, 205, 198 ], [ 669, 274, 205, 198 ], [ 669, 274, 205, 198 ], [ 669, 274, 205, 198 ], [ 669, 274, 205, 198 ], [ 669, 274, 205, 198 ], [ 669, 274, 205, 198 ], [ 669, 274, 205, 198 ], [ 669, 274, 205, 198 ], [ 669, 274, 205, 198 ], [ 669, 274, 205, 198 ], [ 669, 476, 200, 89 ], [ 669, 476, 200, 89 ], [ 669, 476, 200, 89 ], [ 669, 476, 200, 89 ], [ 669, 476, 200, 89 ], [ 669, 476, 200, 89 ], [ 669, 569, 209, 120 ], [ 669, 569, 209, 120 ], [ 669, 569, 209, 120 ], [ 669, 569, 209, 120 ], [ 669, 569, 209, 120 ], [ 669, 569, 209, 120 ], [ 669, 569, 209, 120 ], [ 669, 569, 209, 120 ], [ 669, 116, 244, 40 ], [ 669, 116, 244, 40 ], [ 669, 116, 244, 40 ], [ 955, 984, 14, 10 ], [ 356, 821, 611, 115 ], [ 356, 821, 611, 115 ], [ 356, 821, 611, 115 ], [ 356, 821, 611, 115 ] ]
[ [ 102, 555, 362, 14 ], [ 80, 573, 393, 14 ], [ 80, 591, 186, 14 ], [ 267, 591, 178, 14 ], [ 445, 591, 8, 14 ], [ 102, 609, 396, 14 ], [ 80, 627, 404, 14 ], [ 80, 646, 86, 14 ], [ 102, 664, 376, 14 ], [ 80, 682, 403, 14 ], [ 80, 700, 133, 14 ], [ 102, 718, 382, 14 ], [ 80, 736, 407, 14 ], [ 80, 754, 411, 14 ], [ 669, 165, 194, 12 ], [ 669, 181, 191, 12 ], [ 669, 196, 200, 12 ], [ 669, 212, 191, 12 ], [ 669, 227, 163, 12 ], [ 833, 227, 34, 12 ], [ 669, 243, 41, 12 ], [ 711, 243, 8, 12 ], [ 719, 243, 99, 12 ], [ 823, 243, 25, 12 ], [ 669, 258, 90, 12 ], [ 760, 258, 4, 12 ], [ 690, 274, 175, 12 ], [ 669, 290, 203, 12 ], [ 669, 305, 178, 12 ], [ 669, 321, 205, 12 ], [ 669, 336, 203, 12 ], [ 669, 352, 176, 12 ], [ 669, 367, 176, 12 ], [ 669, 383, 191, 12 ], [ 669, 398, 186, 12 ], [ 669, 414, 188, 12 ], [ 669, 429, 177, 12 ], [ 669, 445, 190, 12 ], [ 669, 460, 194, 12 ], [ 690, 476, 157, 12 ], [ 669, 491, 194, 12 ], [ 669, 507, 200, 12 ], [ 669, 522, 200, 12 ], [ 669, 538, 190, 12 ], [ 669, 554, 105, 12 ], [ 690, 569, 147, 12 ], [ 669, 585, 209, 12 ], [ 669, 600, 209, 12 ], [ 669, 616, 193, 12 ], [ 669, 631, 208, 12 ], [ 669, 647, 195, 12 ], [ 669, 662, 200, 12 ], [ 669, 678, 128, 12 ], [ 669, 116, 151, 19 ], [ 828, 116, 71, 19 ], [ 669, 136, 244, 20 ], [ 955, 984, 14, 10 ], [ 356, 821, 85, 104 ], [ 463, 821, 72, 104 ], [ 591, 860, 376, 52 ], [ 356, 915, 354, 20 ] ]
[ 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 7, 7, 7, 4, 9, 9, 9, 9 ]

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