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1d5x2ir | 100% exactly why this country Infuriates me. I have to pay for all these benefits cheats and their kids, and then they money they get they spend it on booze and tags instead of food. | 0 |
1bs5y53 | Someone walking past carrying a knife planning a random stabbing - thanks, yea I am awesome. | 1 |
1d5kmp9 | He doesn’t hate them. It’s worse than that, he doesn’t care at all. | 0 |
1d5jgvb | I'm sure they won't just pass this onto the consumer with the massive price rises they're planning... | 1 |
1bidjw1 | Ah the "alright mate" smile. | 1 |
1d1m9uz | lord farquaad the killer of the mother bear :( | 0 |
1cqh07s | Buying a cold coffee from the fresh food to go section feeling like a fashionista im my baggy faded joggy bottoms, oversized hoody and crackhead teeth.
Like yes darlings, look at me shopping in the reduced section.
What a yellow tag on that bad boy "can of tinned peas, for 5p you say, well this is elegant" | 1 |
1cu210j | They don’t need more tax. They need better management of the funds. Some absolute ridiculous wastes of money. NHS is so bloated with crap systems and middle managers. Needs a reboot from bottom up | 0 |
1d64og0 | >We all be fucking
I see you have forgotten you are posting on reddit where everyone is a virgin. | 0 |
1cmdx4t | I think it's our inerrant need to fit in and not seem better than everyone else.
So, saying England is a great place to live will trigger an almost primal reaction from people saying that you can't say that England is awful because of A,B,C.
I just ignore those kind of people, as I don't have the energy or want to interact with them. | 0 |
1d5or7g | We're really giving this toxic piece of shit attention? REALLY!? I thought her antics were known and the news stopped giving her what she wanted? | 0 |
1d45m83 | Reminder that 2 out of the 3 NEC members who were on her panel have been given safe seats (as has Starmer’s PA).
Pure corruption. | 0 |
1ciou7i | Can you? I ran a pub for years and government was *always* a hot topic. I can only assume you've never visited a pub before or are on your high horse about something. | 0 |
1d57y5r | What a load of horseshit. Meanwhile China sends out thick plumes of shite into the atmosphere 24/7 365 double time on a sunday, but Dennis and Mary need to not put 3 logs on. | 0 |
1blwc70 | Shameful. What do you mean a country’s flag is offensive? Get over yourself, absolute fucking zero. St George’s cross is the English flag, not this absolute bullshit. Even if it’s only for a football kit, that is not the English bloody flag, and it shouldn’t be on the England football team’s kit. Absolute disgrace, and Im not even a fan of football, more of a rugby girl. | 0 |
1axin0y | Drove from Milton Keynes to the Tunnel and down to the south of France yesterday. 15 hours of non-stop rain. Visibility was less than zero at times. Anyone know any good prayers I can offer to the sun god? | 1 |
1cn4u7j | Fishi Ballsak found the magic money tree didn’t he?
Edit… I can’t type | 1 |
1cqs8pn | Bullshit article. If you like it, watch it. If you don't like it, don't watch it. Your sex or sexuality doesn't mean you can't enjoy/watch shows that weren't made for your specific sex or sexuality (which is every TV programme). | 0 |
1bn6qcr | Nike will bring all the lawyers from the seven levels of hell down on you if you mess with the swoosh by even a milimetre.
Let's see them 'playfully update' it to like, a square for all their future products/marketing and see how important they think a symbol matching what its supposed to represent is then. | 0 |
1bbj3fp | Finally, we’re good at something | 0 |
1d4q7bh | > The water can still be used to wash or flush the toilet, the firm added.
Oh thank goodness, it’s clean enough to flush a toilet | 1 |
1d3c1qu | Wtf this is so disappointing as a Radiohead fan :( | 0 |
1cyq5o9 | There’s been a lot of people in her local community coming forward about the disgusting conditions those dogs were being kept in, I’m not disregarding that a life has been lost as it’s truly horrific but I can’t help but think if those dogs were walked, fed and cared for rather than spending their whole lives locked in cages without any stimulation or exercise this might not have happened. The world is in a sorry state at the moment, so much sadness. | 0 |
1d430lz | Dianne Abbot should fuck off. She's toxic to half of Labour voters and toxic to 100% of everyone else. It's like shes a fucking tory sabateur! | 0 |
1cecloh | Diversity is our greatest asset remember. /s | 1 |
1cc8cfj | UK needs to sue Morocco and the areas of North Africa for the Barbary Corsair slave raiding all along the Western Coast of the British Isles and other countries on the Western seaboard of Europe.
'According to Robert Davis, author of Christian Slaves, Muslim Masters, between 1 million and 1.2 million Europeans were captured by Barbary pirates and sold as slaves in North Africa and The Ottoman Empire between the 16th and 19th centuries.'
That doesn't include the Ottomans of course who enslaved millions of Europeans too.
Of course it's ludicrous to look at it this way. The whole history of human slavery needs to be taught. Conclusion: common in most societies throughout history. | 0 |
1bbnjwv | It’s Carmel Indiana… buncha rich kids there. I know someone from there and he’s one of the most stuck up people I’ve met. | 0 |
1b3dvld | Kill them all. | 0 |
1d38vhm | Good!!! Fucking remind the morons who are refusing to vote Labour in July or the GTTO candidate what life will be like if they vote Green or for the "gaza candidate"....genuinely fuck yourself if you facilitate a tory come back & then complain that your hospital has closed or that the NHS no longer does the surgery you need | 0 |
1cnn7zk | If you want that, the first bit of advice is not to vote Labour or conservatives, not that being on benefits is actually worth squat, but if you keep voting Labour/conservatives nothing changes. If you do change your vote, don't vote for any posh twit or Farage and the like.
Then you'll see real changes. | 0 |
1bl13y8 | Wrong map, the south east of the UK (around London) is heavily developed, it’s very hard to stand in the countryside and not hear a car, see a road or houses except for Surrey Hills and a couple of more spots, still those places are usually crowded by people in the weekends… | 0 |
1by6vom | I've only known one Brazilian personally and the guy was pretty awesome. Straight talking and honest, with the stereotypical open love of the female form.
Outside of that, I'm a Newcastle fan and we love Bruno and Big Joe! | 0 |
1d3lvmd | What a coward picking on women ! | 0 |
1cy7isi | So, you're basically saying there ARE plenty of 'English' things to do and see in london..... Just gotta avoid the brown people. Thanks for clarifying top lad | 1 |
1awow3r | Is there anything he could have done differently? Isn't the whole argument they have against him that it exposed the names of spies on active assignment? I'm wondering if he could have ever been a whistleblower without being branded an enemy of the state or if they'd always find some reason or other | 0 |
1d42rxt | He literally recorded himself raping her on his phone, and still has the audacity to try and act like it wasn't him?
Bold move cotton | 0 |
1d38bf7 | That’s Bleak. Some of these people spent a career working on rescue helicopters and that’s their retirement prize. The article states that fumes were exhausted into the cabin (wtf!) and that Germany rectified this issue on their aircraft. Makes you wonder about the countless other number of exposures happening in the military. | 0 |
1cnn7zk | The sooner we take control of our country again the better. My first bit of advice is to cut off their benefits, you can’t have five wives and 30 children as a man working one job. We’re paying for this, don’t forget it | 0 |
1btwk24 | People in the UK are afraid to criticise the NHS, it's garbage and that is because it has been underfunded and also because it is badly run.
It really worries me as I get older having to rely on the NHS. The staff are not all angels, like any organisation you have many who cannot do their jobs and are lazy. | 0 |
1cpkok5 | Just rub salt in the wounds why don’t you
(Spent hours trying to see it but clouds) | 1 |
1cfwkbf | Says the man whose recent tax changes with the loopholes in the non dom tax law could save his family £250 million in UK taxes.
| 1 |
1ciqmak | no no no no | 0 |
1bh394u | Never seems to be a hate crime or racially aggravated when it's the other way around. Never seems to make headlines either. I'm not defending the criminals by the way, there's never an excuse for 4v1 beating and humiliating someone, they're scum. Just tired of identity politics consuming all news and media | 0 |
1d0cxo0 | This assumes that in a world without Covid Boris wouldn't have found a different massive scandal to walk into. | 0 |
1d679qy | And it's not just outside, the air quality inside of the home is terrible if you open it a couple of times to put more wood on | 0 |
1d38o5c | yet my dad who lost job after 14 years could not even get JSA and when he did they only gave him 150 a week that only covered his fuel/lunch he prepared at home to go for a job they asked him miles away. lovely that UK Tax payers get barely much after they worked and paid taxes. | 0 |
1by8lcq | One of the issues with this is that the sort of poeple who would attack you are now going to up their game knowing that you could potentially harm them.
Instead of a mugging by threat where you get away unharmed, they'll just wallop you from behind, or just straight up stab you for your stuff. | 0 |
1d5k060 | Knock? Think they just post the card saying they tried and leave the parcel in the van. | 1 |
1c7chpv | Doesn't this just tell us they are ripping us off? They *could* charge 10p...they just don't. | 0 |
1d49haf | And Israel wonders why they are hated. | 1 |
1d38vhm | They have my full support and so will the GPs later this year. | 0 |
1ch1318 | Can we not all just collectively agree to leave the ireland borders the fuck alone??
Do people not realise that the IRA very well do still exist, they might not be publicly doing attacks anymore, but they are still around and waiting
And if an incident were to happen, i doubt our current government is competent enough to be able to pull of another good friday agreement | 0 |
1d5mbpl | Appeal to aspiration middle class?
Then why is he taxing private schools? It’s the aspirational middle class who are trying to send their children to private schools. Less children in private school = more people in tax funded public schools | 0 |
1cbea55 | Absolutely inhumane and nonsensical. No part of this bill makes any sense at all and won't stop people drowning in the channel. What you need is expanded safe routes for asylum seekers to enter the UK or to process asylum claims in France. The Tories blatantly don't give two fucks about human life. | 0 |
1d431mo | Reads like an American style drive by shooting. Incredibly sad for the child and her family. | 0 |
1d646l7 | You have a guy who is now a cirminal, and has proven before to be sexist and a racist. Yet people in the UK and US love him
Bizarre | 0 |
1bhqah3 | Isn’t it nice when u can go out and demonstrate at 1pm on a weekday because you’re all wasters | 1 |
1d3zxng | Just get rid of her already, she's way more trouble than she's worth and they just don't need the bad press. | 0 |
1bwk2tv | After listening to the Behind the Bastard's on Hank Ketcham, fuck him. | 0 |
1cnd2md | The internet has ruined everything. | 0 |
1csd34p | Quite frankly it is no surprise that the UK is a failing empire that is basically a vassal of it's former colony. [One day the UK will be American territory]( | 0 |
1ax7z8y | Is this another "dead cat" to distract us from whatever the tories have fucked up again and are trying to hide? | 0 |
1d01a3d | That was a slight misquote from Napoleon: never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake. Obviously he said it French. | 1 |
1cop1au | Non-jews think I'm a wasp on first sight, but jews know I'm Jewish. I always wondered why, but I look really similar to the lower right English guy, maybe with a twist of ashkenazi. Kind of freaky to see ngl | 0 |
1coreid | Out of those I only use mph, the others I have no understanding of in the slightest.
And I only use mph because all the speed limits use it | 0 |
1bn9s9s | The article says we live in the most cramped spaces comparative to the amount we pay compared to any advanced economy. That includes Japan where you can rent literal box rooms, but the point is that they won't cost you half your take home pay is the key point. It's very reasonable to rent a box room in Japan, where as it's extortionate in the UK. | 0 |
1d01a3d | While you are strong appear weak and... When you are weak appear weak and have a day at home. | 1 |
1d0cxo0 | That’s a tough wall. I reckon de pfeffel Johnson is probably the highest score because he was the most image obsessed, and therefore most recognisable to whoever lacks the cunning to avoid the people who do the surveys for Pointless | 1 |
1d48dmh | Rats and ships.
Of course remember that all the tory scum who have created the state of the country are more than welcome in the Labour Party, but long time left leaning members are not.
Says a lot to me. | 1 |
1d3zhcp | Bugger all information in the article, just seems like a bent copper | 0 |
1d5vktv | Both parties are fucking useless let's be honest, dismantle parliament. | 0 |
1bn9s9s | When our political class want more money for foreign aid or hotels for refugees they appeal to our need to uphold our "international reputation." Of course they'd laugh if you suggested our having the worst value housing in the developed world is also a part of that reputation. | 0 |
1d646l7 | Fucking loads of uk people down the conspiracy rabbit hole mate.
My dads one of them. To him donald trump is a genius. It’s fucking baffling. | 0 |
1d5or7g | Well I've always thought she's a right fucking witch so I guess this confirms it | 0 |
1boli15 | A soft underbelly where you can move here and claim benefits and drain the NHS. | 0 |
1d2hdo4 | Well, proudly becoming the United Poopdom wouldn't have happened under EU regulations for clean rivers, lakes, and beaches. But at least the sh... is "made in Britain." | 1 |
1cncsbd | Demand number 15:
*Ensure insurance quotes don't cost more for someone called "Muhammad"*
Statistically, I would imagine that insurance would cost more for a "Muhammad" because a "Muhammad" far more likely than a "Michael" to...
* Live in an urban area
* Live in a poor area
* Park on the street
When I moved from a village to a large town, my insurance nearly doubled. | 0 |
1d1pwwl | I love this template. | 0 |
1d37ehu | > mans just a civvy
As are, of course, the police. | 1 |
1d4zore | I swear they are actively trying to avoid fixing the real problems in this country…. | 0 |
1c5a4oh | This man is a fuxking hero | 0 |
1d627ck | It’s a family fun day man! | 0 |
1d5zbcu | Yes so this issue has been around for ages with doctors pensions. It’s not new. Doctors have been campaigning about this issue for a long time, for which the conservatives have been in power and done nothing about it.
More bollocks as usual from the traitorgraph | 0 |
1d5o3mj | Wow this is insanity. We are so fucked | 0 |
1c6hvsa | Sarcastic?! Not at all mate, truly. But I hope you you have thick skin after asking a question like that here; I suspect most of it will go over your head though. The weather's been a bit shit today. | 1 |
1d4uto8 | As with most Labour problems - JUST FUCKING TALK TO EACH OTHER. | 0 |
1bn9s9s | If government don’t take urgent action to fix this now it will literally destroy our economy. Cost of mortgage payments and rent will become so high any kind of sustained economic growth will become impossible. And yet Labour seem to be as complacent about it as the Tories have been. | 0 |
1d455oj | Give the guy a break. That's probably the cheapest bag he owns... | 1 |
1cu392q | Supremely cringe worthy | 0 |
1bilaoy | Saying it only takes 10 minutes is misleading; when you open the survey and it says it only takes 15 minutes! | 0 |
1ciemjb | Fuck sake, I'm bloody sick of this line. You've been told for over a year now about voting ID, you've had 3 months of adverts about voter ID, you've had blind/deaf friendly adverts about voter ID, the government provide acceptable ID posted to your front door FOR FUCKING FREE! If you still do not know how to obtain an acceptable ID for voting at this stage, you do not have the fucking intelligence and shouldn't be voting in the first place. Either that or you're deliberately being a contrarian because "grrr right wing bad!!!!" | 0 |
1c3molo | A straight Tory?! What is the world coming to? | 1 |
1btskvf | Not much out cry when your mates do the killing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ | 1 |
1clonsi | This is the state of international law. That US Senators are writing threatening letters to an international court to get what they want.
What an absolute shit show. Even countries at the top of the corruption index hide this shit better. | 0 |
1d5a8wa | As a traffic cop, he will be trained to drive that fast, issue here is that he was doing it for no good reason. | 0 |
1bokom5 | Don't think this is appropriate at all. | 0 |
1d455oj | "Do you like my hoodie guys? Am I cool yet?" | 1 |
1d4e1pp | I'm not the biggest Starmer supporter but in fairness to him, he's doing what he needs to to win. Another Corbyn would struggle.
I'm hoping he believes in a lot of what labour did then and that's he's just smart enough to keep it quiet. I know he wants to nationalise rail and energy, Iv heard him say he wants to abolish university fees but we can't afford it right now, I have no issues with this as long as I know they want this stuff and we'll get there eventually! | 0 |
1bd52ku | Big words Dave. No do something about it you pigfvcking cvnt. | 0 |
1czhxmd | Yeah it really is a sorry state of affairs when you can't buy anything in britain with $3 | 0 |
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