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1cjc4ta | >Zimbabwean Ashley Simbarashe Maparura, 34, was before Northampton Crown Court this week on weapons charges, where it was revealed that **he was recently granted leave to remain** in the UK despite the horrifying list of offences he has admitted to.
Clown country gonna clown.
Record legal/illegal migration under the so-called “far right” party and our only alternatives are Neo-Blairites or open border Greens. British “democracy” in a nutshell. | 0 |
1btwk24 | Can you imagine if any other party was in government overseeing the completely unnecessary deaths of thousands upon thousands of Brits for the sake of a sub-1% increase to the staffing budget so people stop fleeing the service in droves? If they just stood back knowing this was happening and refused to lift a finger for the better part of 2 years? | 0 |
1bnlwem | I wouldn't be surprised. However, what I mean is that they fail to do their jobs because of an external motive/incentive.
I don't know whether they're just ideologically-motivated, taking orders from the government which contradict their intended purpose, or taking monetary bribes. All I know is that they're acting as a ferry service for illegal immigrants when they should be keeping them out. That's corruption no matter how you slice it. | 0 |
1cq87o0 | Not sure what else they are supposed to do in the heat. U.K. houses are badly built, and air conditioning is prohibitively expensive. Masses of Lidos and council pools have been shut down along with libraries. We don’t build heat shelters like France did during their killer heat waves. As usual in the U.K. the govt don’t care if you live in misery or drop dead of heat stroke. So they have had to make do as best they can like a lot of people in grinding poverty in broke Britain. I won’t condemn them or sneer at them. | 0 |
1cgvk1o | \*Isreal/Palestine war exists\*
\*Countless anti-war protests around the world happen\*
America: zzzzz
"Excuse me Mr President, Dave from Slough, United Kingdom has suggested that we vote for a ceasefire in Gaza"
"HOLD THE PRESSES!! WE'LL STOP THIS WAR" - Joe Biden, 2024 | 0 |
1d5tdx5 | He turned number 10 into a fucking disco during the pandemic. Imagine if that news had got out during the pandemic, there would have been serious riots.
The level of irresponsibility to do something like that is mind boggling.
That alone should answer your question.
Also I was at Oxford at the same time as Johnson, Mogg, Cameron etc. Johnson was a celebrity there, everyone had heard of him. Not particularly unusual because public school kids all know each other before they get to Oxford. But I wasn't even in a University college and knew about him.
Do a google search for Johnson and the Bullingdon club to find out some of the stuff they got up to. Theres even a feature film based on it, I think Riot Club. | 0 |
1d5ls0c | Doesn't have to be the BBC. There are dozens of free to air TV channels these days. It's not 1982 anymore. | 0 |
1bprdy9 | This subs solution to everything is “be more right wing” when that is the cause of most of these behavioural issues, no third-spaces, parents having to be absent because nobody can fucking afford to live, teachers on minimum wage, no youth centers.
“What is happening to our young people? They disrespect their elders, they disobey their parents.” - plato | 0 |
1d42rxt | > I didn’t do it, I love you
Who did it then? Your twin? | 0 |
1bifwdp | 25 years I've been driving. Can't remember the roads being this bad. People will cry funding, and yes, there are issues there on council funding which is a bigger issue. But delivery vehicles are everywhere and heavy EVs are clearly taking their toll. | 0 |
1d38sr1 | Fucking shameful. Praying a Labour government stops it in its tracks. | 0 |
1bsywcn | Fuck Israel and fuck the international community for allowing them to get away with the evil shit they’ve been doing for years now. | 0 |
1cb8gcc | So you're taking that as she's been punished for doing nothing wrong? She wasn't allowed to be there at all, peaceful or not, broke the law and is facing the consequences of her own actions. | 0 |
1d0mrs9 | I wish that he'd been stood ever so slightly to his left, that would have been the perfect photo | 1 |
1cncsbd | We laugh at it today but this will all be set in stone given enough time. Not enough people are willing to stand up against nonsense due to cancel culture. The only small win will be the I told you so when it’s all too late. | 0 |
1bmlgoe | It's probably because you are used to picking on people that fold over which is exactly what you get in a lot of work places.
It's easy to get promoted and excel when you bully and snake out your peers at every opportunity.
I personally couldn't bully someone as I think psychologically they are cowards, but I have a strong character. Not all of us do. | 0 |
1bz87mw | Fairly sure that a massive portion of the price of tobacco is tax.
That means if everyone quit smoking the £11bn would just have to be extracted by applying additional tax to other products. Basically the money would still disappear from local communities and be tossed into the giant pit of incompetence that we call our government. | 0 |
1bu7ae5 | It’s from the IEA (institute of economic affairs) it’s the oldest UK right wing “think tank” - and that’s in a crowded field
It’s one of many such organisations that’s set up as a propaganda outlet to manufacture consent for horrible austerity & privatisation policies. | 0 |
1d1ndh0 | How can I absolutely make sure I have no chance of getting elected ?
Got it ! I’ll introduce a policy that everybody thinks as absolute madness, hang on I’ve already done that with Rwanda hmmm
Ah ha National service perfect | 0 |
1d3yn7z | the weather was pretty bad, rain showers etc, maybe they slipped as you say so sad. thoughts and condolences to family and friends | 0 |
1c2qi7x | Beans **ON** toast you utter muppet | 0 |
1bndxs7 | I hate them so much. Free Palestinians from these monsters | 0 |
1d4z7k4 | So what quack medicine do you think they'll promote instead? They've done bleach & horse medicine already ... | 0 |
1boli15 | There's a gaggle of 12 Albanian delivery drivers at my local McDonald's that seem to be having a whale of a time here, contributing next to diddly squit and aggressive to the staff every day. Might go ask what they think of this. | 0 |
1cb8gcc | Cheerful fellow aren’t you. | 0 |
1co1nxa | He's the only one who can bring back CEEFAX in all its glory, I'm in for Count Binface! | 1 |
1d691xq | I have never been more thankful that r/unitedkingdom doesn't represent the general populace. What a heartless, disgusting, racist fucking shithole this sub has become. | 0 |
1cpegjm | I love super nintendo chalmers! | 1 |
1csd34p | Quite frankly it is no surprise that the UK is a failing empire that is basically a vassal of it's former colony. [One day the UK will be American territory]( | 0 |
1d45m83 | Good. It's absolutely fucking absurd that Shaheen could get blocked over a series of entirely innocuous tweets, a number of them from before she was even a Labour member, while someone like Luke Akehurst (who only a couple of months ago was spreading conspiracy theories about Palestinian 'crisis actors' and claiming the entire UN was anti-semitic) could be parachuted into a safe seat. It's crystal clear this is an entirely ideological decision. | 0 |
1b27yrw | [Looks good]( | 1 |
1cu392q | Supremely cringe worthy | 0 |
1d679qy | Before all the inevitable "bUt cHiNA!" posts that always seem to turn up, this is about air pollution, not climate change. | 0 |
1d47cc5 | A good economic policy from Reform UK. Has Hell frozen over? | 0 |
1cx515f | ***Housebuilders:*** We've built these houses with excellent insulation for the winter.
***UK public:*** So they've got air-con for the summer?
***Housebuilders:*** ...... | 0 |
1bc6b1x | Basically trying to stop free speech and trying to do what's best for them | 0 |
1cnd2md | The internet has ruined everything. | 0 |
1ay5nyd | >Good for her, the British establishment is a fucking disgrace
True Words Never Been Spoken...
Lots of reasons why we are failing. Because our MPs... | 0 |
1box4bk | Imagine being such a fucking dumbass that you post yourself vandalising a mural on Instagram | 0 |
1d5vktv | The damage has already been done.
Just take a look at the ONS data on ethnicity of various places then take a look at school students with English as second language.
"But why is this a problem, are you just raciiiist?!?!"
Would anybody be this flippent if it was an ethnic minority this was happening to? In a couple of generations the English will no longer be a majority in their own nation.
I sometimes think that it's a kind of sick revenge against the British for empire, England and it's people must die for their great great grandfathers sins | 0 |
1d3a7po | TIL not wanting to waste money on transport, increase emissions by travelling and wanting a better work life balance means I need to grow up…
If you’re working a desk job it makes no difference whether you sit on your ass in an office building or in your home office. One saves people money and is better for the environment the other wastes hours a day commuting that you could be spending relaxing. | 0 |
1bbj3fp | At least we have the lowest drive & motivation to do whatever it was I was gonna write a sentence about. | 0 |
1d1twc4 | I do believe that the British military needs extra funding and more manpower incase of a potential war against Russia or China but conscription is a fucking stupid idea. We need to keep the military a purely professional and voluntary affair. | 0 |
1cp05gm | Every time Israel is held accountable or put in the spotlight for their actions towards Palestine, they throw tantrums like this.... it’s horribly childish… | 0 |
1d2o5zd | “Oh yeah it’s a safe zone, don’t worry about it..”
*proceeds to bomb said safe zone*
Can people stop preventing the ICC from sending Netanyahu a big “Stop it or get arrested” notice? | 0 |
1d5u00b | That's because they have closed so many units and places they went on to from hospital, not getting the mental health support in hospital but not getting the well enough to go home
Its way way worse than you can ever imagine,really ill people with no place to go with weeks wait for one place 200miles away | 0 |
1cqw49x | We need to have him out and sort the boarders ourselves and all the foreigners, stop giving them everything they want and boot them all out they should not be here and we don't want them here. | 0 |
1d37ath | Agrivoltaics is the answer. However, that land and soil is going to be preserved for another 50-100 years and saved from erosion.
If you don't know what I'm talking about, go and ask farmers in the Fens, how much black soil they have left. | 1 |
1bnn6h7 | gotta say mate, saying "Hitler wanted it as a capital" is not necessarily a positive. | 0 |
1bif54z | >What the fuck are they playing at?
Destroying the NHS and then say "you see? We told you it didn't work!". Then privatize healthcare for good. | 0 |
1cu210j | They don’t need more tax. They need better management of the funds. Some absolute ridiculous wastes of money. NHS is so bloated with crap systems and middle managers. Needs a reboot from bottom up | 0 |
1d5jgvb | What a morally bankrupt company they are. Probably giving themselves and their mates one last payout before they all get the boot.
There needs to be far stricter rules and higher accountability for executives who run these companies into the ground, then watch the sewage issues disappear over night. | 0 |
1d3xlr8 | So basically she has been barred from standing for liking a tweet stating the very obviously true fact that Israel has active and often professional lobbyists who work to drive vocal critics of Israel from positions of influence.
And this has happened on the same day that Labour parachute someone who is literally the director of pro-Israel lobbying group into a safe seat.
Extremely on the nose from Labour | 0 |
1cs59ou | Imagine cheating at eurovision and STILL LOSING that is so embarassing lol | 0 |
1cxvqxm | Low IQ….fail to understand what’s going on….blame Brexit…. or the immigrants! | 0 |
1d0cxo0 | This assumes that in a world without Covid Boris wouldn't have found a different massive scandal to walk into. | 0 |
1d4b2s4 | The most frustrating part is just the bare faced lying. Stop lying and just admit it and move on.
Admit it, you lose the voters who won’t accept it (I for one) and you’ll keep the voters that agree with what you’re doing. | 0 |
1bwgrlq | Yep. Not to mentions the privatised water companies pissing all their revenues out as dividends for pension funds in Canada and Dubai rather than reinvesting it in local infrastructure. Resulting in higher costs for customers. | 0 |
1cys01q | Charge higher fees then. I hate the argument that the foreign people paying more is why our country has universities. We had universities long before they were here, and it used to work. We generated world class thinkers, scientists, workers, and inventors. I feel like there is a middle ground between only Lords and higher class going to uni like in the past, and millions of people getting stupid degrees in useless shit that we all have to pay for.
Let's dial it back a bit towards teaching topics that require the university degree to perform. Then move out towards degrees that help with critical thinking and abstract thought, which can still help with generating ideas and new ways of working.
If money and spaces are so limited, we need to go back to using universities as a step into future work, not just a standard thing that everyone does before they get an unrelated job. That might get spending under control. | 0 |
1b9h8by | Nice! There’s a legendary chippy (Clayton Street Chippy) in Newcastle that used to sell cigs and painkillers. They know their customers. | 1 |
1d41r44 | Where do you get deliberate fraud? It's clearly her fault but no reason to believe it was deliberate | 0 |
1d430lz | Love how the pro-tory papers are flooding these kinds of stories now. The BBC is absolutely full of it today. | 0 |
1cntrsl | **She's still a predator who should face the same punishment a man would, a short stint in prison before the inmates get their hands on her** | 0 |
1cnn7zk | Yeah and it’s only going to get worse my friend. | 0 |
1bnfpur | I see a silly young Muslim girl who was brainwashed by radical Islam.
How many 15 year old girls do you know who are easily led?
It’s disgraceful that the UK has left her stateless.
Give her back her passport and if she has charges to face in the Uk then let her face them | 0 |
1d64og0 | >We all be fucking
I see you have forgotten you are posting on reddit where everyone is a virgin. | 0 |
1d5wzpn | "With UK airports missing the June deadline for scanners and others with awaiting regulatory approval, passenger confusion reigns"
The UK in a nutshell... | 0 |
1d35u3k | More homes in London basically translates to more ugly as sin high rise money laundering scams where 90% will be completely unaffordable to the average Joe anyway and owned by offshore companies wanting to hide money in the UK. Articles like this always talk about building more as though that's the only thing that matters. How about building afforable or decent houses that people actually want to live in? Houses in the last twenty years, for the overwhelming majority, look like they were designed by an architect who graduated with a first in Lego and hates everyone who lives in anything they build. | 0 |
1d3zfn4 | >The other one who said the commission- does he expect brokers to work for free?
No one expects the broker to work for free. But you don't need a PhD in behavioural economics to understand that, if a service is chosen by a party which not only doesn't pay the bill, but gets a cut, then the result will be inflated prices.
The problem here is not that the broker gets a commission - it is that insurance commissions are shared between brokers and managing agents/freeholders. But the bill is paid by the leaseholders.
This creates an incentive to choose the more expensive policy, if it pays a higher commission.
And what can the leaseholders do? Realistically, suck it up. | 0 |
1bn9s9s | Our housing is expensive and scarce. Our food security is dangerous. Our energy is teetering on the edge. We're massively overpopulated.
But don't bring up the fact that immigration is responsible for most of these problems. | 0 |
1coreid | I'm nearly 50, and I was taught in school kilos for weights and meters for lengths. Yes miles are on my car, but so are the signs so what can I do about it? For smaller sizes it's metric, and unlike the Yanks, I can use either.
I'm happy with metric though, it's so much easier to use. 100ml of water is also 100g in weight. How simple do you need it and dealing with fractions of it?
I don't criticise the Yanks though- I just pity them. | 0 |
1brcl81 | If you think it's bad now, wait until Labour get in. They have never been tough on crime | 0 |
1bd9wzg | More racist bollox from the tories | 0 |
1b2whi8 | Sick, evil people | 0 |
1bn9s9s | If government don’t take urgent action to fix this now it will literally destroy our economy. Cost of mortgage payments and rent will become so high any kind of sustained economic growth will become impossible. And yet Labour seem to be as complacent about it as the Tories have been. | 0 |
1ctc9uf | Exactly she is witholding information about serious crimes and broadcasting it. Either go to the police and let the victims be the ones to tell the police they dont want to persue it or step down. This is really scummy behaviour. Why the hell would she broadcast something like this? Is it for her own publicity? If so this isnt someone i want anywhere near a position of power. | 0 |
1d3awg5 | I was on a canal boat near a bridge just like that on a clear night. Moon was so bright I could read a book at near midnight & the water was mill pond, so the bridge was perfectly reflected, summertime too. | 1 |
1d38sr1 | Looking forward to the new revenue making opportunities now that the post is owned by a privately owned profit driven foreign entity. How about:
* Inserting advertisments into my letters so now I need to untangle everything from within a Domino's leaflet. Oops, I've been made redundant, but at least I'm getting 10% off my next extra large Hawaiian. | 0 |
1bsbf0r | Cunts. | 0 |
1c5re71 | Not anymore. If you want a controlled migration system or want woman to play against some in sports then your effectively far right these days. | 0 |
1d1ybzr | I doubt sunak’s kids are gonna go into military | 0 |
1d646l7 | Okay I was genuinely confused because the article conflates UK political terminology and USA terminology in weird ways.
UK Republicans (Oh hey fuck that's me I'm an anti-royalist... but I sure as hell don't support Donald trump why would other republicans do that usually were more socially progressive.)
UK conservatives (No that's the opposite of a republican here in the UK.) | 0 |
1d1c2rm | I don't fancy national service when the entire world is a powder casket, thanks tho Rishi | 0 |
1d5vktv | Anyone who believes this is living in cloud cuckoo land | 0 |
1d4b2s4 | These jokers aren’t even in power and already falling apart. | 0 |
1d1dypl | I broke out laughing at this, genuinely couldn't help myself.
I fix phones as a hobbie but fuck anything with moving parts, you go from 5 simple failure points to hundreds that become potential disaster if fixed wrong. | 1 |
1d06vir | Will she be going back to advocating for Paedophiles again ? ! | 0 |
1cyc5jr | I was lucky enough to have the sun come out for a couple hours, still very windy though! | 1 |
1d2ttox | Fuck off, Nimarata! | 0 |
1bka6ay | The main question is what's going on with the headline? It's like a toddler wrote it... Completely inappropriate emoji combined with 'scary' in quotes... I mean I'm sure it would be terrifying if that happened. | 0 |
1d5jecs | It depends on how you classify left and right.
We're had Tories so long that what classifies as left is so skewed.
Also, in these times we need a lot more 'left' policies. Controlling housing, making taking over private services like trains, supporting the people, taxing profiteering from corporations.
These kinds of things have gone out of control lately and need to be reigned in, so I'm that sense I think most people support this kind of stuff.
Starmers policies would be considered right wing years ago... | 0 |
1c02ewt | There’s a place in Kent called “Ugly”, and I always joked that they had an “Ugly Women’s Institute” (they didn’t: they let everyone down by calling it “Ugly Village Women’s Institute”).
I wonder if that village in Sussex went ahead and shamelessly had a “Loose Bottom Women’s Institute”? | 1 |
1cn4u7j | Fishi Ballsak found the magic money tree didn’t he?
Edit… I can’t type | 0 |
1d4z7k4 | I work in childhood cancer research and we've known for decades that this would be the way forward. Making such vaccines is very hard, however. What I'd be most interested in seeing the data of the short and long-term side effects of the vaccines. Current immunotherapies can be very lethal so hopefully this is a big kinder to the patient. | 0 |
1d5x3ph | Seems we’ve got the American brain rot where everyone sees themselves as becoming “the rich”.
No one wants to tax your piddling little salary. What needs taxing are the rich - the actual rich. The type of rich where your tax rate is 0% because your legal team gives you specific instructions about which loopholes to squeeze through and which offshore tax haven to use.
We don’t have a trickle down economy - we have a vacuum up economy. The rich get perpetually richer, the money isn’t being cycled, it’s being hoarded. Unless that stops then we can expect nothing but the poor becoming poorer and the rich getting richer. | 0 |
1by6vom | Honestly, I don't care where you are from as long as you're a good human. It's great when you have somebody who comes from a different life, has a different culture AND they are nice, you can learn so much from them. I always try to get people from different countries to teach me to cook something from their place.. I have so many dishes I can whip up from doing this for other English people who have never tried that sort of food and the majority of the time it goes down well. | 1 |
1d5r159 | I want off this timeline. This country is a fucking shambles. | 0 |
1bh394u | Yes, you are defending the criminals, you racist shitbag. You're trying to deflect from this incident by whining on about conveniently unspecified supposed incidents when "it's the other way round". Fuck off with that shit. | 0 |
1ct8tcj | thats a fucking hallway | 0 |
1bacu7m | 15 years of Tories and the sunlit uplands of brexit will do that. | 0 |
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