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1d0hcxd | Awesome thanks for explaining! | 1 |
1d5hgek | It would be hilarious if 8 mps defected to the lib dems if this happened, so the Tories aren't even the official opposition and get 5 years in timeout. | 1 |
1by6vom | I live with half a dozen Brazilians and my GF is Brazilian, so I must say I like your people a lot. I also worked in Sao Paulo state for 6 months and had the greatest time (mostly due to the people) I look forward to visiting again soon | 1 |
1brd5pn | Get rid of the lot. Parasites draining us of hundreds of millions while pensioners can't get their homes. | 0 |
1d4qqda | And this is *their* estimates. There's a good chance the real number is double or more, because they aren't exactly known for their accuracy when recording exactly how much environmental pollution they've caused... | 0 |
1d646l7 | They're the same type that say they live in London but really it's somewhere shit like Bromley. | 0 |
1csifgb | It's a month window for everyone to find their ideal day off and event.
There is zero irony in an out-group's intolerance of bigotry.
And you're the one moaning. | 0 |
1bemjda | If you say anything women don't like, they will have you thrown in prison. Must be nice to have the privelege to issue false accusations with impunity.
Who's the oppressed group? The ones with the power to imprison anyone who displeases you or the ones being silenced and imprisoned? | 0 |
1ckr51r | It’s just the shame that the first Asian got to be him and not someone elected by the masses. | 0 |
1d3z6i1 | Hahaha no. They will continue to fling shit. | 0 |
1d6ayh9 | This green peace campaign is what caused me to set up a regular donation.
Real direct action! | 1 |
1cuktsy | Suggestion: If you ever get over in N.I, you might as well go to Donegal as well (after visiting the Antrim coastline). It’s a stunning drive all the way up and around the north coast from Belfast and out west towards Donegal. Then head south. | 1 |
1b2ztw8 | That's basically the whole mentality. ''Yeah we do stuff of nightmares, but its a magical moment in our country'' | 0 |
1bly5zf | It's hair, who cares. | 0 |
1csfnv2 | You only have to speak to a police officer candidly for a few minutes to realise they are completely out of touch, hypocritical, prejudiced, and incapable of independent thought. I remember one copper telling me, I must be a criminal because I didn't want to talk to him, and another being adamant that cannabis is a gateway drug because every heroin addicts he had ever arrested also smoked cannabis. When I responded with "but did they also drink alcohol and breath oxygen?" He didn't get the point I was making. Wankers! | 0 |
1cntzlc | It's not Israel that's the problem. It's everyone that supports them because of the USa. | 0 |
1cv8hgk | Deranged and brainwashed | 0 |
1by2u4l | North east - the people are super friendly.
Also, the Northumberland countryside is stunning, we’ve got some lovely beaches and we’ve got pretty great access in to Scotland.
Just wish it was warmer. | 1 |
1d3gl60 | "We're not as bad as them, thus everything is ok" | 0 |
1cede54 | Insult to cunts, cunts are useful.
Never seen an actual cunt grind down the working class to enrich their wealthy friends. | 0 |
1d1j2s0 | Then the kids have nothing to worry about considering we can't send the illegal economic migrants there anyway | 0 |
1cmj90n | That pro-Israel lawyer was really grasping at straws lol | 0 |
1bkceki | Don't sheffield council have more to worry about than what grown adults eyeballs are allowed to look at?
Just another example of state overreach while the BBC and its champions cheer from the sidelines. It is ridiculous. Why aren't people allowed to decide things for themselves any more?
Edit: I guess i shoulsn't be surpised, especially after covid showed just how hard people like to be told what do do and really love to tell others just how stupid they are for wanting to be left alone. You're all lost. | 0 |
1d4doel | Its sad , obviously felt huge pressure and guilt after goods worth a huge amount were stolen ( millions!?) combined with the shock of a violent robbery. Shouldn't have been alone in that situation. rip. | 0 |
1d5h0ce | Mass migration is a disaster. We really need to get back to a sensible number of carefully selected migrants or the whole ruddy show is going to explode. | 0 |
1cmdx4t | I have a friend who left England to go to Greece and he's always saying England is a shit hole but it's like dude you've been telling me for years that Greece is so corrupt you can't even open the business you moved there to start. So what if it's sunny lol | 0 |
1bbj3fp | Finally, we’re good at something | 1 |
1b2whi8 | Scumbags. | 0 |
1chgol2 | The problem is that Europe isn’t willing to do what is necessary to stop them at the source. In fact, it was a thing that some in Europe were actively telling them to come whilst a few countries were saying the opposite.
Europe is divided on the issue. The tide is changing but it’s too little, too late and all we can do is look out for ourselves until they decide what exactly their position is. | 0 |
1cqw49x | Really? Oh really? Is it because Rishi still thinks the Tories can win the next GE? To be that bad? | 0 |
1d4h19p | So no more Covid jabs, hmmmm....
They found a way for you to take it again
Sheeple will follow.... | 0 |
1ch4w16 | This is exactly what I thought when I saw the headline. Yes, let's teach people in this country that Israel is a terrorist state who murdered Britain's (as well as a very large number of Palestinians and others) to create their extremely religious ethno state. That's a very good idea. Well done, that MP. | 0 |
1d5k060 | I was so fucking good at that | 1 |
1cpo73e | I did have a bottle of Pepsi the other day and it tasted exactly like coke zero. Is that why? It tasted rank. | 0 |
1d47cc5 | I’d like to point out that this party would disappear overnight if Labour or the Conservatives actually got immigration numbers down to sane levels and sorted the illegal immigration problem.
It only exists because of the mainstream parties ignoring the issue and letting it get worse.
The left has abandoned normal Brits on this issue, which is forcing them to look to the right for an answer.
The sole reason the right is growing in mainland Europe, Ireland, Canada and the US is because of the left’s insane immigration stance. | 0 |
1d69mzd | That’s the concern for me. If they can’t make a drastic cut then forget about it. They won’t be any different | 0 |
1d4edfh | I'm voting Green this election - sick of Starmer's factionalism. Don't know how anyone can describe themselves as left wing and vote for Labour in its current state. | 0 |
1d3a7po | (If any Manchester United staff see this, please do not make a [statutory flexible working request]( which MUFC must accept unless it is for [predetermined reasons]( and if they do not accept, do not give a satisfactory reason and/or fire you or treat you worse because of the request, then definitely do not [appeal ]( take them to an employment tribunal. Also, whatever you do, definitely do NOT look at the ACAS [Flexible Working Guidance]( or [Flexible Working Code of Practice]( | 0 |
1d1pqka | At least we agree on the important things :) | 1 |
1bcsw5d | That's prince Andrew right? Why would they photos...... OH I think I understand now | 0 |
1bfa63i | Just to counteract the gammons on here screaming about how yellow is being inappropriately placed - grey doesn’t equal “full to the brim concrete jungle”. If just one person lives in that 1x1km, it gets a grey spot. We have quite a bit of land left. Calm down. | 0 |
1ciqmak | no no no no | 0 |
1d3gl60 | No they are not . Look at prisons in places like Philippines then come back and tell me UK prisons are overcrowded. | 0 |
1c6hvsa | Sarcastic?! Not at all mate, truly. But I hope you you have thick skin after asking a question like that here; I suspect most of it will go over your head though. The weather's been a bit shit today. | 0 |
1cqw49x | Lol who would guess an unelected fraud would suck as prime minister!! | 0 |
1bvmp13 | That's like saying the Tet Offensive started the Vietnam War. | 0 |
1bdru52 | What a fucking cunt | 0 |
1byzy64 | She’s awesome. | 1 |
1cbgc15 | We're not at all! The streets of the town I live in are lined with the English flag put up by the chamber of commerce on most of the buildings. There will have been plenty of St George's day parades up and down the country yesterday and come Sunday there will be St George's day Sunday parades up and down the country. Most scout/guide, youth group, cadet group and many schools will have celebrated or will do so this week.
We are embarrassed about how a tiny minority of overweight, under educated yobs (for the want of a better word) get drunk and wave the flag and shout a lot and think that their display of faux patriotism is real patriotism. Patriotism is about wanting everyone to work together to make your country better for everyone. | 1 |
1bbbyv0 | As someone who would be sharing spaces with them, absolutely not.
They'd cause mayhem with farming too I suspect.
Everyone who is saying yes likely lives nowhere close to where these packs would be roaming. | 0 |
1d455oj | Give the guy a break. That's probably the cheapest bag he owns... | 0 |
1d68acz | Mate, he is not posh in the slightest.
Most of us don’t like the guy but let’s not tell half-truths. | 0 |
1blwc70 | Shameful. What do you mean a country’s flag is offensive? Get over yourself, absolute fucking zero. St George’s cross is the English flag, not this absolute bullshit. Even if it’s only for a football kit, that is not the English bloody flag, and it shouldn’t be on the England football team’s kit. Absolute disgrace, and Im not even a fan of football, more of a rugby girl. | 0 |
1d4rmlq | This is really about the reputation of the police.
I'd love to be able to assume that the police wouldn't set a dog on someone without good reason.
Unfortunately, that's not an assumption I'm confident making.
I think it's very plausible that a small proportion of police officers would be happy to set a dog on someone in an act of performative revenge. I think it's also plausible that a much larger proportion of police officers - probably most of them - would happily look the other way while that happened. I would expect this to be more likely if the guy had scorned the police officers involved, because they're extremely protective of their own hurt feelings, but that's another issue altogether.
I wish none of this was so. It's a tragedy. But police behaviour in the UK has not been wonderful for a long time and the result is a lack of confidence in their good behaviour.
The fact that this guy might be an absolute scumbag is irrelevant. It's the job of the courts to pass sentence, not the police. If they're shown to have acted properly, so be it. If not, they should be charged with crimes and imprisoned like anyone else would be, and the fact that they are usually shown to be (to all practical purposes) immune from the criminal law is a large part of the problem. | 0 |
1d6aqxo | As long as they contain the required imprint then it's not illegal. Arsey, yes. But not actually illegal. | 0 |
1d39k8g | He won’t…he’d be exposed as a racist crank | 0 |
1d5or7g | Could it be that the powers that be are promoting the sort of drivel which the likes of Cockpins spews out because it's a convenient distraction from the damage they're actually doing ? For example, why worry about bird numbers falling due to the effects of pesticides on insect populations, when you can blame it all on 5G ? | 0 |
1d2vpu1 | I got kicked out for saying "eat the rich" then I told the slimy, shit eating mod to stick his sub up his arse the snivelling little cunt.
I still smile when I think of his reaction | 0 |
1d5x3ph | A fixed wealth tax so in twenty years we all pay it. Why not concentrate on wealth creation? | 0 |
1b2xlw6 | We did similar things to the natives of America and Canada, even went as far as raping their children (well the catholic brits did). We know the british empire did awful things but us brits in today’s society mostly had nothing to do with colonialism. If you’re really passionate about what happened in Kenya then you’ll probably be better off trying to informing the department for education because none of us here can teach it in school, heck I’m still learning in school | 0 |
1d5jgvb | It’s the Tory way , sell public utilities to private companies ( school chums and relatives ) .
They run them into the ground like all private equity companies and pick every bit of fat off them , oversight over utilities and transport is dismal . Their mates probably run that too , bunch of parasites . | 0 |
1cxwfhs | It’s one of my biggest fears, losing the functionality of my bowels and I realised that this fear is mostly due to public perception. Hopefully stuff like this goes someways in changing that. | 1 |
1cb3wu7 | No you're wrong. Ukraine invaded Russia. Didn't you know, poor Russia is innocent and it is the Wrst who are war hungry animals | 0 |
1d3wfv4 | > A man who says he falsely confessed to stealing money from his mother's Post Office to protect her from going to prison is waiting to find out whether his conviction will be quashed.
If this country wants to lead the way in being just and fair, his conviction should be quashed. This story is absolutely harrowing. | 0 |
1awfvj5 | Prick. | 0 |
1bk8q8i | Yes yes we've heard it all before - if we pave over the entire country we could easily fit infinity migrants! | 0 |
1bndcm3 | Call the police, on a kid with a toy gun?
This is why we can't get proper response to genuine crimes, because of arse cracks like you wasting peoples time.
I don't agree with what the kids are doing, but ringing the police and hoping for armed response? Get a grip you absolute idiot. | 0 |
1d5376m | If only more people were like you. | 1 |
1czickv | BBC Headline:
# "Net migration to UK fell 10% last year, ONS says"
Does anybody else get the feeling they're trying to make us forget that we all thought net migration was too high even when it was in the 300,000s? | 0 |
1d48dmh | He's....he's already said he's not standing. He's joined Labour as a private member, since he's no longer an MP (there are no MPs while Parliament is dissolved).
So this is a 2019 intake Tory MP, after having served a 5-year term as MP, saying "I'm walking away from politics, but also, fuck the Tories".
This is another nightmare for Sunak. I'd expect more Tories to defect to Labour while not actually standing in the next election. Labour get the best of both worlds - former Tories coming out saying Labour are the sensible choice, but it's still lifelong Labour supporters who stand in that constituency.
lmao @ the Tory Party. They instructed their client press to go full throttle on Dianne Abbott, and then barely a day later, another Tory MP defects to Labour and THAT is now national news.
Give it a week and people will forget who Dianne Abbott is. | 0 |
1d5qeuo | It captures his personality perfectly. | 1 |
1cfwkbf | Fuck it we don’t need human rights, just don’t be disabled | 0 |
1d3i3mt | That's embarassing for the nob who kept posting memes against her. | 0 |
1cbusni | Snore | 0 |
1d57y5r | Nothing. It's great having one and I haven't got a care in the world about using it. | 1 |
1d569vw | A gay woman is stabbed to death & another woman seriously injured, & the attacker is called Nasen Saadi. Honestly, the chance that it was a random attack because they're 'women' & that is all there is to this is hard for me to believe.
But that's for the police & courts to prove. | 0 |
1cvwflz | Because of all the rain interspersed with decent sunshine our garden looks, feels and sounds like the bountiful garden of Eden, it's wondrous, deffinately makes the wet winter worth struggling through. | 1 |
1cb3vk3 | Ok, regardless of Femi's theory here, England categorically does *not* deserve a day off for St. Georges day and this is why:
Part of Jeremy Corbyn's manifesto in 2017 was explicitly to give the UK 4 additional bank Holidays, one for each nations patron saint.
Now, whatever your opinion on corbyn's various other policies, to my mind refusing to vote for 4 extra days off is the stupidest decision ever. Ergo, no, we don't deserve that day. | 0 |
1d5maxb | perfect, now we just need to get more people motivated to join the armed forces and make it a fulfilling career and something that people can take long learned skills back to civilian life.
and.... it doesn't involve the Tories conscripting teenagers.
I recently watched Amazon's Blue Angels series and was just blown away with the support of the US military. America i think has learned alot from their recent past wars and starting to really support members of their armed forces. | 1 |
1boli15 | Being pro immigration control has to stop being considered a racist position. I've always said it's a working class issue, not a race issue. It's an employment and housing issue. It's blindingly obvious. Immigration has benefited the nation over the last 60 years on the whole I'd say. But what the fk has happened over the last 10 years? | 0 |
1cdkst6 | Holocaust didn't teach them anything | 0 |
1cmdx4t | Of those two pictures I'd say the top one is far more representative of the "real England" that people actually experience day to day then the bottom one of Castle Coombe where a 3 bed semi will set you back nearly £700k and everyone who lives there has had a very different life experience from the average England dweller.
Also, that bottom photo has had a lot of processing to make it look far more idyllic than it really does. | 0 |
1d3gxc7 | Those poor children - no chance with a family like that. | 0 |
1d646l7 | Arent U.K. Republicans more concerned with the continued tenure of Charles Windsor as head of state? | 0 |
1cnn7zk | "Government is letting them"- the government is DOING this you bozo | 0 |
1cvmaaz | Everyone would love to be related to royalty. Only the wealthy kept family trees/heraldry. In the UK Civil Registration wasn't compulsory until 1837. So for me I'm always happy finding ancestors that were born before 1800, as they didn't have to keep any record. So my wife's family are old blood Londoners and I found out that one of them lived 2 doors down from where Jack the Ripper killed his 2nd victim. So finding things like that trumps some crusty lords life. | 0 |
1d4pv4f | Cancelling HS2 has been one of the most stupidest decisions this country has made in recent times. | 0 |
1c5ezyp | Y'all I never paid any attention to politics, I don't give a single fuck about it. Who is this? | 0 |
1d5r159 | And there's no way someone non-white or socialist/left have these facts conveniently ignored by our media.
The headline would be so different. | 0 |
1cbxn9t | Just sounds like you're either inexperienced or have got bad balance | 0 |
1bn9s9s | Anecdotal experience: in the UK you’re paying out the nose for a tiny miners place, which is often covered in mold, vs other countries I’ve spent time in where you can have a house with a two car garage and even a pool, for a reasonable amount | 0 |
1ctyga5 | What a difficult take on what they would have thought was a little raunchy weekend. That’s so bloody difficult to comprehend. Sex workshops (I don’t know like a meeting or something) could help spread the word on safe practices.
Condolences to them and their family, that’s a sad read. | 0 |
1bmlgoe | Alot of the guys who were known bullies at my school now doing time. Don't know anyone who would meet that criteria who has done remotely well. | 0 |
1avil8p | Is he out of mind, where are the ethics or values in the Israeli army thoughtlessly killing innocent Palestinian children. | 0 |
1d2ua2s | Given their odds they can promise everyone gets a bugatti and a blowjob. They can't deliver it nor will they be in a position to. They can just say they promised it and point the finger when reality sets in. | 0 |
1cuktsy | Yeah this is something that confuses me about people here. I love travelling around the UK and have done so since very young. It’s a surprisingly diverse country and has so much to offer. We travel to Japan for ancient culture and gardens and we travel to Australia for cliffy beaches but we have both of those things at home | 1 |
1bndcm3 | Someone is funding all of this and it isn't those children. Disgusts me as they have the potential to end up with criminal records whilst the racist fuck knuckles who taught these children to be this way are hiding away. No child is born racist. So much for land of the free. | 0 |
1boxsgn | Protest harder, go to water companies with a large group of men and women, demand they stop or they will be run out of the county through any means necessary. They’re killing our rivers, our ecosystem, the very thing that keeps us alive. Retaliate | 0 |
1d3hdw7 | Next election in my country is in 2 years and israeli government don't give a f*** of what my politicians will Say. The only one who can do something is Joe Biden. | 0 |
1d4dgk9 | Letting criminals die is not senseless. They will allow us to starve out here by making minimum wage too low and cost of living too high but I should care if some drug dealing heroin slinger who ruined the countless lives of others is starving to death or uncomfortable? | 0 |
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