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"Process Report export in a txt, pdf, \nand xlsx formats. Contact MONX Team Phone: (925) 302-6101 \nEmail: [email protected] ALFATEK \nP.O. Box 23273",
"MONX Device Monitoring \nand Alerting Platform Device Monitoring \nand Alerting",
"What is MONX? Key Benefits",
"There are many monitoring platforms \navailable on the market however none of \nthem provide cross platform compatibilities \nunder a single console.",
"MONX Operation MONX allows to set and initiate alert triggers \nbased on predefined condition changes such as \nuptime, process run, temperature, or pressure",
"MONX (Monitor for Operating Networks) \nplatform is designed to monitor IT Infrastructure, \nWeb, Lab, other manufacturing devices, and"
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"Collective Intention Recognition and Elder Care The Anh Han and Lu´ıs Moniz Pereira ´\nCentro de Inteligˆencia Artificial (CENTRIA)\nDepartamento de Inform´atica, Faculdade de Ciˆencias e Tecnologia Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 2829-516 Caparica, Portugal [email protected], [email protected] Abstract The contribution of this paper is twofold.\nFirst, we present a new method for collective intention recognition based on mainstream philosophical accounts. Second, we extend our previous Elder Care system with collective intention recognition ability for assisting a couple of elderly people. The previous system was just capable of individual intention recognition, and so it has now been enabled to deal with situations where the elders intend to do things together. Introduction In the last twenty years there has been a significant increase of the average age of the population in most western countries and the number of elderly people has been and will be constantly growing. For this reason there has been a strong development of supportive technologies for elderly people living independently in their own homes, for example, RoboCare Project (Cesta and Pecora 2004) – a project developing robots for assisting elderly people’s living, SINDI – a logic-based home monitoring system (Mileo,\nMerico, and Bisiani. 2008) and PHATT – a framework developed for addressing a number of desired features for Elder Care domain (Geib 2002).\nFor the Elder Care application domain, in order to proactively provide contextually appropriate help for elders, it is required that the assisting system has the ability to observe the actions of the elders, recognize their intentions, and then provide suggestions on how to achieve the recognized intentions on the basis of the conceived plans. In (Pereira and Han 2009a; 2010), we have presented a system focusing on the latter two steps in order to design and implement an Elder Care logic programming based assisting system. The first step of perceiving elders’ actions is taken for granted. For elders’ intention recognition based on their observable actions, we employ our work on Intention Recognition (IR) using Causal Bayes Networks and plan generation techniques,\ndescribed in (Pereira and Han 2009c). The IR component is indispensable for living-alone elders, in order to proactively provide them with timely suggestions. However, since this system is only capable of individual ,\ny y\np IR, it is unable to deal with the problem domain where a couple of elderly people live alone in their apartment. In this domain, there are cases where the elders intend to do things together, i.e. having a collective intention, and it is likely that individual intentions do not make sense or provide useful information. As most researchers in philosophy (Tuomela and Miller 1988; Searle 1990; Bratman 1992) and multi-agent systems (Kanno 2003) agree, collective intentions (or joint intentions; we-intentions; shared intentions) are not summative. A collective intention of a group of agents cannot be reduced to a mere summation of the individual intentions of the agents. It involves a sense of acting together and willing something cooperatively, thus some kind of “glue”, e.g. mutual beliefs or mutual expectations, must exist amongst the agents. We will present a new method for collective IR and ex- p tend our previous system with this ability to take care of the situation where there is a couple of elderly people staying alone in their apartment 1. In order to assist the couple prop- p p\np p erly, it is important to have in such cases the ability to detect whether they have some collective intention (and recognize it); otherwise, individual IR should be performed. It is important to stress that individual IR should not be performed unless collective intentionality is confirmed not to exist. Collective Intention and Recognition Collective intention is one of the active research issues generally discussed in philosophical and multi-agent system literature. Most researchers agree that collective intentions are not summative, i.e. cannot be reduced to a mere summation of individual intentions (Bratman 1992; Tuomela 2005;\nSearle 1990). Collective intentions involve a sense of acting and willing something together cooperatively.\nThere must be some kind of “glue” supplementing the separate individual intentions in order for agents to partake in a collective intention, e.g. mutual beliefs according to Tuomela and mutual awarenesses according to Searle. In (Tuomela and Miller 1988; Tuomela 2005), the collective intention (or 1There may be more than two elders living together, but the scenario of an elderly couple requiring care service is more usual.\nFurthermore, we shall see that our system can be naturally extended to the general case of multiple elderly users. 26 Copyright c⃝ 2010, Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence ( All rights reserved. we-intention as he used) of a group of agents is defined as individual intentions of the agents plus their mutual beliefs.\nBriefly, agent A and B intend to do some task X cooperatively if the following “glue” conditions for A (and the symmetrical conditions for B) hold (a) A intends to do his part of X\n(b) A believes that B will do his part of X\n(c) A believes that B believes that he will do his part of X Following Tuomela, Kanno et al. presented a bottomup approach to collective IR (Kanno 2003). To recognize the collective intention of a group of agents, the individual intentions and beliefs of the constituents are inferred first.\nThen, the collective intention is inferred by checking for consistencies amongst those inferred mental components.\nThe main disadvantage of this bottom-up approach is that it is confronted with a combinatorial problem of possible combinations of individual intentions and beliefs to form collective intentions. Given the situation at hand, each agent may have several conceivable intentions and beliefs, but there are not many combinations of them forming conceivable collective intentions.\nTo tackle this issue, we propose a top-down approach to collective IR. The recognition process starts by inferring the possible collective intentions assuming that they were had by a virtual plural agent representing the group and abreast of all group activity. Then, we figure out which of them is a genuine one by checking whether there is any activity\n“glue” information linking the agents’ individual intentions or activities. The above assumption is inspired and validated by Searle’s account of collective intention (Searle 1995;\n1990). According to him, collective intentionality is nonsummative, but remains individualistic. With the presupposition of mutual awarenesses—namely that each agent supposes the others are like himself and that they have similar awareness of him as an agent like themselves—it allows for the possibility of a single plural agent or “brain in a vat”\nhaving the collective intention of the group. Thus, if a group of agents had a collective intention, this intention could be recognized as if it was had by a single agent. For this we can use any existing individual IR methods.\nNow let us look at the second step of confirming which of the inferred collective intentions is the genuine one. For intention recognition’s sake, what we are interested in (and actually all what we can have) are the actions or their effects in the environment resulting from the “glue” mental attitudes (mutual beliefs or mutual awarenesses) amongst the agents. An intermediate stage between having such mental attitudes and actual activity is that the agents form some mutual expectations between each other which reflect their attitudes. Thus, if and when having a collective intention, each agent in the group should act according to his expectations to other constituents. Namely, when working together towards achieving a collective task (intention), an agent may expect from another agent (or a group of other agents) who is responsible for producing some result for his input. From the opposite side, the result-producer agents expect their resultconsumer agents to use the result as expected. In addition, if some agents are doing the same task (no one needs input result from other), then they expect from each other to commit to doing that task. If an agent wants to do something else\n(e.g. have a break), others would expect him to tell them about that. Otherwise, they would complain.\nIn this work we assume that a priori domain knowledge is specified in the form of a library containing the set of possible plans and expectation actions. Automatically learning these models from data is beyond its scope.\nBased on the above discussion, next we show in detail a top-down method for collective IR, employing the individual IR approach in (Pereira and Han 2009c) for illustration. Method for Collective Intention Recognition The method for recognizing collective intentions consists of two steps: 1. From the observations (actions or their effects in the environment of all agents in the group) infer the intentions as if these observations came from a plural agent; then 2. Figure out which of the recognized intentions is a genuine collective intention by checking if there are actions reflecting the mutual expectations between the agents, ignoring irrelevant actions for each considered intention. The first step of recognizing intention of a single agent is realized using our previous work on IR via Causal Bayes Nets (CBN) and a plan generator (or a given plan library)\n(Pereira and Han 2009c). The CBN is used to generate conceivable intentions of the intending agent and compute their likelihood conditional on the initially available observations,\nand so allow to filter out the much less likely ones. The plan generator thus only needs to deal with the remaining more relevant intentions, because more probable or credible, rather than all conceivable intentions. In the sequel the network structure for IR is recalled. We assume the readers are familiar with the basic concepts of CBNs, which can be obtained from (Pearl 2000; Pereira and Han 2010) . Network Structure for Intention Recognition The first phase of the IR system is to find out how likely each conceivable intention is, based on current observations such as observed actions of the intending agent or the effects its actions had in the environment. A conceivable intention is the one having causal relations to all current observations. It is brought out by using a CBN with nodes standing for binary random variables that represent causes, intentions, actions and effects.\nIntentions are represented by those nodes whose ancestor nodes stand for causes that give rise to intentions. Intuitively, we extend Heinze’s tri-level model (Heinze 2003;\nPereira and Han 2010) with a so-called pre-intentional level that describes the causes of intentions, used to estimate prior probabilities of the intentions. However, if these prior probabilities can be specified without considering the causes, intentions are represented by top nodes (i.e. nodes that have no parents). These reflect the problem context or the intending agent’s mental state. 27 Observed actions are represented as children of the intentions that causally affect them. Observable effects are represented as bottom nodes (having no children). They can be children of observed action nodes, of intention nodes, or of some unobserved actions that might cause the observable effects that are added as children of the intention nodes.\nThe causal relations among nodes of the CBNs (e.g.\nwhich causes give rise to an intention, which intentions trigger an action, which actions have an effect), as well as their Conditional Probability Distribution (CPD) tables and the distribution of the top nodes, are specified by domain experts. However, they might be learnt mechanically. Example 1 (Elder Care) A couple of elderly people stay alone in their apartment. The IR system observes that they are both now in the kitchen. The man is looking for something and the woman is holding a kettle. In order to assist them, the system needs to figure out what they intend to do,\nwhether cooperatively or individually. The possible collective intentions are: making a drink or cooking. The CBN with CPD tables is provided in Figure 1. In our work, the probabilistic inference in CBNs is automatically done with P-log – a probabilistic logic programming system (Baral, Gelfond, and Rushton 2009; Han,\nRamli, and Dam´asio 2008). The probabilities that the elders have the collective intentions of cooking (cook) and making a drink (mD) given the observations that the man is looking for something and the woman is holding a kettle, are computed with the following P-log queries, respectively: ? − pr(i(cook, t) | (obs(look(t) & obs(holdKettle)), V1).\n? − pr(i(mD, t) | (obs(look(t) & obs(holdKettle)), V2).\nThe result is: V1 = 0.478; V2 = 0.667. It means that the collective intention of making a drink is more likely and should be examined first. However, it is still necessary to look at the other collective intention since it is not much less likely. In this case, we used the general CBN default for the problem domain. In a given situation, more information may be available, and we should be able to render the CBN more specific to the situation. Situation-sensitive CBNs Undoubtedly, CBNs should be situation-sensitive since using a general CBN for all specific situations of a problem domain is unrealistic and most likely imprecise. For example, different elders will have different conditions and habits that need to be taken into account to recognize their intentions. Also, place, time of day, temperature, etc. need to be considered. However, consulting the domain expert to manually change the CBN w.r.t. each situation is also very costly or unfeasible.\nIn (Pereira and Han 2009c) is provided a way to construct situation-sensitive CBNs, i.e. ones that change according to the given situation. It uses Logic Programming techniques to compute situation specific probabilistic information that is then updated into a CBN—which is general for the problem domain.\nThe CBNs themselves are also encoded with P-log (Baral, Gelfond, and Rushton 2009;\nHan, Ramli, and Dam´asio 2008), which supports coherent updates. That is the main reason why P-log is used rather than the standard graphical model inference (besides its efficient implementation for multiple probabilistic querying). Example 2 (Elder Care (cont’d)) In the scenario provided in the previous example, the CBN may vary depending on some observed factors, for example, the time of day, of the elders’ last drink or last meal, etc. We design a logical component for the CBN to deal with those factors: pa_rule(pa(hg(t),d_(0,1)),[])\n:-time(T), eat(T1), T-T1 < 1.\n:-time(T), last_eating(T1), T-T1 > 3.\n:-time(T), drink(T1), T1-T < 1.\n:-time(T), last_drink(T1), T1-T > 3. Basically, probabilistic information is given by pa/2 rules.\nFor example, the rule (pa(hg(t), d (9, 10)) ←) means that p ,\n(p ( g( ),\n( ,\n) the probability of being hungry (i.e. hg(t)) is 9/10 uncondi- p y\ng g y (\ng( ))\n/ tionally (since the rule body, representing the precondition,\nis empty). We provide a reserved pa rule/2 predicate which p y)\np p\n/ p takes the head and body of some pa/2 rule as its first and y p / second arguments, respectively, and includes preconditions for its activation in its own body. Now, a situation is given by asserted facts representing it and, in order to find the probabilistic information specific to the given situation, we simply use the XSB Prolog built-in findall/3 predicate to find all g fi\np true pa/2 literals expressed by the pa rule/2 rules with true p /\np bodies in the situation. For example,\nsuppose that the current time is 18 p ,\npp (time(18)) and the last time the elders ate was half an hour (\n)) before (last eating(17.5)). But they did not have any drink (\ny y for 3 hours (e.g. last drink(14)). Those three facts are as- ( g\n)) serted. Hence, the following two pa rule/2 literals are true, ,\ng p and are updated into the general CBN pa_rule(pa(hg(t),d_(0,1)),[]).\npa_rule(pa(thty(t),d_(9,10)),[]). Now the result is: V1 = 0.0206; V2 = 0.9993. This time the single collective intention of making a drink should be sought for confirmation in the next stage, since the one of cooking is very unlikely. Confirming Collective Intention The next step is to confirm whether the recognized intention is actually a collective intention of the group of agents. This is done by checking if there are expectation actions between the agents which reflect their mutual expectations. g p Let {a1, ...., an} be the set of agents and A the plural { 1,\ng p agent representing these agents (i.e. having all their actions).\nSuppose W is an intention of A, recognized from the previ- pp\ng ous step, and L is the list of plans achieving p,\np g Let P = [p1, ..., pk] be a plan in L. We assume here for [p1,\n, pk]\np simplicity that plans are sequential. As we shall see later, the agents doing the same task are grouped. If there are agents in the group doing concurrent actions, the plural agent is assumed to do the work of one agent before the other. g Now we can determine the assigned subplan of each g p agent towards achieving the collective intention of the whole group, by looking at each agent’s actions. 28",
"Figure 1: Elders Collective Intentions CBN. There are two top nodes, Thirsty and Hungry, belonging to the pre-intentional level describing the causes that might give rise to the intentions nodes, i(MkDrink) and i(Cook). Two action nodes, Looking and HoldKettle, are observable. They are children of the intention nodes. Let si, 1 ≤ i ≤ n, be the first action of agent ai in P.\nDetermine indices di, 1 ≤ i ≤ n, such that pdi = si. Group the agents having the same first action, i.e. with the same index di. They are doing the same task or at least some part together. Intuitively, these agents have a joint parallel subplan. Suppose we obtain m groups g1, ..., gm, and gt is responsible for the subplan [pjt+1, ..., pjt+1] where 1 ≤ t ≤\nm and 0 = j1 < ... < jm+1 = k. It is easily seen that the grouping is unique for a given set of agents and a given plan.\nIn order to check if there are expectation actions that reflect agents’ mutual expectations, we consider two cases:\nmutual expectations between agents in a group and between agents in consecutive or subsequent subplans groups 2. This way, the number of interactions amongst the agents that need to be observed (e.g. by an activity recognition system) is considerably reduced. Furthermore, the number of possible expectation actions between two particular agents is reduced and being more specified. Expectations inside Group When some agents are assigned or intended to do something together, they expect from each other to do the task. Thus, the expectation actions can be a “complain” action when a group member “deviates”\nfrom the task without an “inform” action.\nAn example where two people have an intention to walk together (Tomasello 2008), if one of them changes his/her direction without informing the other, he/she obviously will be complained on by the other. This is to differentiate from the situation where those two people walk in step by chance.\nIn short, we say a group of agents having the same subplan (or part of it) actually work cooperatively if we observe expectation action “complain” if there is any agent deviating from the assigned task.\nWhen agents cooperatively work together, if some agent cannot manage his task, we usually observe some kind of\n“help” action. However, we believe that kind of action is mostly preceded by a “complain” action. Inability to do the assigned task is also one kind of deviation. The term “deviation” is used here as a general term, and should be specified for concrete application domains. For example, in spatial domain (Sukthankar 2007; Devaney and Ram 1998) an agent is said to deviate if he is not in his assigned position or does not move in the right direction or does so with wrong velocity. Expectations between Consecutive Groups When p p agents are in consecutive groups,\nsays gt and gt+1 g g\np ,\ny gt gt+1, responsible for the subplans\n[pjt+1, ..., pjt+1]\nand p p\n, pjt+1] +1+1, ..., pjt+2],\nagents from the first [pjt+1+1,\n, pjt+2],\np y,\ng would expect some result from the second, who in turn expect the agents from the first to use their result. If the agents from one of the groups “deviated” from their task or did not finish it as assigned, the agents from the other group would “complain”. For example, two people want to make coffee, one is assigned to boil water and other is assigned to look for the coffee. Having boiled the water, the first may have the “expect result” action “ask for the coffee”, or he may have “complain” action if the second person could not find the coffee after a while. Some “help” action may follow, but we could conclude the collective intentionality solely with the “complain” action. However, if the second found the coffee earlier, he has an “expect use” action, e.g.\n“this is the coffee, use it!”. Let resultt be the assigned result of group gt.\nUsu- g g\np g ally, this result comes from the last action, pjt+1, of the y pjt+1 group subplan. For IR, we assume that the set of possible actions reflecting the expectation of resultt of the action g p t+1, denoted by expect resultt, and the set of possible pjt+1 y\np p actions reflecting the expectation of using resultt, denoted g p by expect uset, are given. y p\ng Then, we say these two groups of agents are working to- ,\ny g\np g\ng wards achieving a collective intention if either agents in gt+1 g g\ngt+1 have some action belonging to expect resultt, or agents in 2It might be the case that one group interacts (produces or con- sumes results) with more than one other group, but that is not considered in this paper. g g p\ng have some action belonging to expect uset, or there are gt g g p\nt, “complain” actions from one of the groups. As long as the 29 collective intentionality inside each group is confirmed, a single expectation action observed between the two groups is enough to conclude that they have a collective intention.\nUsually, it is useful to identify one of the result-delivery and result-receiver agents. Elder Care with Intention Recognition We combine individual and collective IR to design an assistive system for the domain where a couple of elderly people live alone in their apartment. However, note that the presented collective IR method is applied for the general case of an arbitrary set of agents, the assistive system should be naturally generalized. In order to provide appropriate assistance, the system should be able to find out individual intentions when observing only individual activity (e.g. when the other is absent from the apartment) as well as detect whether there is collective intentionality when observing both elders’\nactivity. In the latter case, if there is no collective intentionality detected, the system should perform individual IR.\nWhen having recognized the intention of the elders,\nwhether individual or collective, the Evolution Prospection system described in (Pereira and Han 2009b; 2010) can be employed to provide appropriate suggestions to achieve the recognized intention, taking into account elders’ preferences, health reports, future scheduled events, etc. However,\nthat will not be discussed in this paper.\nWe continue the previous example for illustration. Example 3 (Confirming Collective Intention) Suppose\n“making a drink” was the collective intention recognized from prior step. We check if it is a genuine one. Let us consider a simple plan achieving that intention [take the kettle, fill it up with water, boil the water, look for tea or coffee, put it into the boiled water]. Hence, the woman’s subplan is [take the kettle, fill it up with water, boil the water] and the man’s is [look for tea or coffee, put it into the boiled water]. The assigned result of the woman is to provide some boiled water. The man’s expectation is that of boiled water from the woman, thus may have some “expect result” actions, e.g. ask whether the water is ready or get the water from the woman. Or, if after a while the woman could not boil the water or she was doing something else,\nthe man would complain. If such “expect result” or “complain” action occurs, we can conclude that they really have a collective intention of making a drink. Otherwise, e.g.,\nthe man does not show any expectation for the water that the woman has boiled, then we can conclude that that is not their genuine collective intention, even if later he might use the boiled water for his own purpose. We emphasize that there are necessary actions showing the mutual expectations of results and usage of results when the agents have a collective intention towards achieving some task. Our system also allows for expectations to be updated as a result of changing circumstances, new observations or, say, memory loss, or even of desisting from a common intention. Consequently,\nexpectations and counter-expectations can evolve, subject to preferences and degrees of commitment.\nNow suppose that the system has found out that there is no collective intention amongst the elders, and the man keeps looking for something. To assist him, the system should then figure out what is his individual intention. Example 4 (Man’s intentions) Suppose the possibilities are: book, drink, remote control, cook, make drink. The readers are referred to our previous work in (Pereira and Han 2010) for a similar example. We only want to make a note that the information obtained from the collective IR process should be updated into the individual IR process.\nFor example, if the woman made the drink for both, then the intention of “make a drink” and “look for a drink” should be excluded.\nRemarks on Complexity The first step of the collective IR system is that of from the observations to infer the intentions as if these observations came from a plural agent. This step can be done by any existing individual IR systems, hence we do not evaluate its complexity here.\nIn the second step of confirming collective intention, we suggested a grouping method based on the plan achieving the recognized intention. That method enables to reduce the number of interactions needed to be observed as well as to better focus on smaller groups of agents, with smaller sets of possible expectation actions.\nIn fact, for a set of n agents, the number of interactions to be observed is n(n−1) 2\n. Applying the grouping method, . Applying the grouping method, 2 pp y g g\np g suppose we obtain m groups of nj (1 ≤ nj ≤ n, agents, where =m\n=1 nj = n. In this case, the number j 1\nj of interactions to be observed is 1) 2 ) + m − 1 = n(n − 1) =1 2\n2 where = ( njnk) − m + 1 j<k≤m � is the number of interactions not needed to be observed,\ncompared with the case without grouping. When the groups are equally divided, we reduce approximately m times the q y\npp number of interactions to be observed. Furthermore, the grouping divides the big set of agents ,\ng p g g\ng into smaller groups, which we believe will enable them to be more easily observed (e.g. by an activity recognition system). Also, this approach allows specifying which are the expectation actions that need to be recognized between a particular pair of agents. Are they in the same group? Are they in consecutive groups? Or else? In the initial set of agents (without grouping), a bigger set of possible expectation actions needs to be put under consideration for any pair. Related Work We are not the first to suggest the use of the plural agent concept for collective intention or plan recognition. Indeed,\nmost of the works in multi-agent plan recognition rely on the assumption that the plan is carried out by a single entity\n(i.e. a plural agent) such as a team, a group, a troop, and so on, and use the same recognition methods of an individual agent; e.g. in (Devaney and Ram 1998) and (Sukthankar and 30 Sycara 2008), just to name a few. However, to the best of our knowledge, none of these works has addressed the necessary cognitive underpinnings amongst the constituents—such as mutual beliefs or mutual awarenesses—in order to confirm the existence of a collective intention, but just a coincidentally formed one instead. That mutual confirmation has actually been the main concern of the philosophical community regarding collective intentionality.\nAs a consequence, the work in multi-agent plan recognition has been restricted to considering only sets of agents with an initially assigned collective intention, such as football teams or army troops. They could recognize the collective intention of an arbitrary set of agents assuming that it existed; but they can not figure if it actually did so be designed. For the Elder Care domain concerning multiple users, there are often the cases where the elders’ actions accidentally form a plausible plan—which achieves a conceivable intention—but actually each of them is following his/her own intention.\nThus, the extant multi-agent plan recognition methods are not appropriate to tackle this issue.\nThe collective IR method we have presented—namely the part of confirming whether a given intention is a genuine collective intention of a given group of agents—supplements the existing multi-agent intention recognition methods to deal with arbitrary sets of agents, without an initially assigned collective task or intention. Conclusion and Future Work We have shown a top-down approach to collective intention recognition, which starts with the assumption that the intention is had by a plural agent that has all the activity of the group of agents being considered.\nThen, that intention is inferred using an individual intention recognition system.\nThe inferred intention undergoes a confirmation process that checks whether there are actions achieving the intentions and reflecting mutual expectations amongst the agents formed by having a collective intention. This topdown approach to collective intention overcomes the combinatoric issue confronted by bottom-up approaches.\nTo that effect, we have extended our previous Elder Care assistive system with this ability of collective intention recognition in order to deal with the problem domain where there is a couple of elderly people living alone, assisted by a helping intention recognition system.\nAlthough we have shown the applicability of our collective intention recognition method to an extended example in the Elder Care domain, there remains to apply it to other more complex domains where teamwork occurs, e.g. security, social networks and sport settings. References Baral, C.; Gelfond, M.; and Rushton, N. 2009. Probabilistic reasoning with answer sets. Theory and Practice of Logic Programming 9(1):57–144.\nBratman, M. E. 1992. Shared cooperative activity. The Philosophical Review 101(2):327–341.\nCesta, A., and Pecora, F. 2004. The robocare project: Intelligent systems for elder care. 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"Advances in Environmental Technology 4 (2019) 203-211",
"Advances in Environmental Technology journal homepage: Sorption of cd (II) ions by chitosan modified peanut shell biochar from \naqueous solution Hadiseh Shabani1, Mohammad Amir Delavar1*, Saeid Taghavi Fardood2 1Department of Soil Science, College of Agriculture, University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran \n2Department of Chemistry, College of Science, University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran A R T I C L E I N F O \nA B S T R A C T Article history: \nReceived 1 August 2020 \nReceived in revised form \n25 October 2020 \nAccepted 29 October 2020 Keywords: \nModified biochar \nPeanut shell . Introduction In this paper, biochar was prepared from peanut shells, and then the pristine biochar (PBc) \nwas modified by chitosan (CBc). The characteristics of the absorbents were investigated \nusing infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and Brunauer, \nEmmett and Teller analysis (BET). The effects of the biochars dosage, pH, initial cadmium \nconcentration, and contact time on cadmium removal were evaluated. Adsorption \nisotherms and kinetic models were used to explain the adsorption process. The results \nindicated that CBc could be used as a biosorbent for the removal of heavy metals from the \naqueous solution. The adsorption data conformed best to the Langmuir isotherm. Optimum \nconditions for the highest removal of Cd (II) were obtained at the biochar dosage of 0.6 g/L, \n30 mg/L initial concentration of Cd (II) solution, pH value of 6, and within 30 minutes. The \nmaximum adsorption capacities of pristine and modified biochar were found to be 40 mg/g \nand 58.823 mg/g, respectively. The kinetic data displayed that pseudo-second-order kinetic \nmodel can well fit the process of cadmium biosorption. The coatings of biochar with chitosan \ncan greatly improve the absorbent efficiency in the removal of heavy metals and the \nchitosan-modified biochar can be used as a, low-cost, effective and environmental-friendly \nadsorbent. and increases annually. The peanut shells are thrown away Cadmium is one of the most toxic heavy metals that often \nenters into the aquatic environment via various sources. \nSuch heavy metals easily accumulates in the environment \nand biosystems because they are mobile in soil or water, \nand they have a non-biodegradable nature [34]. Heavy \nmetals threaten the health of humans and animals by way \nof the food chain. Since humans are nearer the top of the \nfood chain, they are more at risk. That's why heavy metal \ncontamination has been a serious problem [20]. Recently, \ndifferent methods including precipitation [32], ion \n[5,28], membrane filtration [9], and adsorption [14,15] have been \napplied to remove heavy metals. Among these methods, \nadsorption is one of the most reputable approaches owing \nto its high-performance and affordability [26,36]. Iran \nproduces peanuts at the rate of 30 thousand tons per year or burned and causes pollution. Many researches have \nshown that biochar from peanut shell has great potential for \nheavy metals remediation from contaminated water [4,7]. \nNowadays, modification of biochar with chemical reagents \nhas been developed to further enhance the adsorption \nability of biochar in the removal of heavy metals [42-43]. \nnatural polysaccharides in the world that is obtained by \ndeacetylation of chitin. It is found in the exoskeletons of \ncrustaceans and is a non-toxic, inexpensive, widely \navailable, high binding capacity, and renewable product \n[19,31,35]. Chitosan, surface modification and remediation \nagent, has been used to modify surfaces of adsorbents \nbecause its functional groups have a strong bonding ability \nto various heavy metal ions [11]. Zhou, Zhou, Liu, Guo, Ren \nand Zhou [46] reported the modification of biochar using *Corresponding author. Tel: +98-2433052228 \nhydrogen peroxide and Fe3O4 nano-particles for the \nremoval of cadmium. Xiang, Lin, Cheng, Guo, Yao, Liu, Yin \nand Liu [40] found that the presence of MgO nanoparticles \non biochar surfaces can improve the adsorption \nvan Hullebusch, Lens and Guibaud [39] report that the \nactivation of biochar by potassium hydroxide or hydrogen \nperoxide enhanced the sorption ability to arsenic and \nchromium. Biochar produced from different feedstock has \nbeen widely researched, but the application of chitosan \nmodified peanut shell biochar for heavy metals removal has \nyet to be studied. The aim of this study is the preparation of \nbiochar from peanut shells and its modification using \nchitosan. The sorption ability of absorbents has been \nevaluated for the removal of Cd (II) ion from aqueous \nsolution. The obtained products have been characterized by \nFTIR, SEM, BET, adsorption isotherms, and kinetic models. 2. Materials and methods 2.1. Preparation of biochar and modified biochar using \nchitosan Peanut shells were collected from Astaneh Ashrafieh, a city \nin Gilan-Iran province. After washing and drying, these \nmaterials were crushed by electric mills into smaller pieces. \nFor the preparation of the biochar, the material was first \npassed through a 1 mm sieve; then, slow pyrolysis is carried \nout at 450 °C for four hours with a heating rate of 10 °C/min \nand 30 min residence time in a carbonization furnace. To \nmodify the biochar, three grams of chitosan (Sigma-Aldrich- \nmolecular weight is 190000 Da) was dissolved in 180 ml of \nacetic acid (Merck, Germany), and three grams of biochar \nwas added to it. The mixture was stirred for 30 minutes, and \nthe homogeneous suspension was added dropwise to 900 \nml sodium hydroxide (1.2% Merck, Germany) and placed for \n12 hours. The modified biochar was washed with deionized \nwater to remove the excess sodium hydroxide, and finally \ndried at 70 °C for 24 hours [47]. The elemental C, N, and H \ncontents of the samples were determined via a CHN \nelemental analyzer (PerkinElmer series II 2400). The surface \nmorphology of the biochar and the chitosan-modified \nbiochar was characterized by the scanning electron \nmicroscope (FESEM-MIRA III TESCAN). Functional groups of \nthe samples were determined by Fourier transform infrared \n(FTIR- Perkin Elmer). The specific surface area, pore-volume, \nand pore size of samples were calculated by Brunauer \nEmmett Teller (BET- BELSORP MINI II BEL) analysis. 2.2. Absorbent equilibrium studies The effect of contact time on the rate of adsorption of the \ncadmium from water was tested. To investigate the effect \nof the reaction time on the adsorption of cadmium from \nwater, 0.03 g of biochar was added to 50 ml of the solution \ncontaining 30 mg/L of cadmium. Then, the solution was \nplaced on a shaker at a speed of 110 rpm. After five to 35 \nminutes, the solution was centrifuged for 20 minutes at a rate of 4000 rpm and filtered. Finally, the cadmium \nconcentration in the solutions was read by the atomic \nadsorption device. The effect of the biochar dosage on the \nremoval of cadmium (30 mg/L) from the water was \ninvestigated by contacting 50 ml of cadmium solution (30 \nmg/L) at room temperature for 35 min., various amounts of \nbiochar (0.1- 1 g/L) were used. The effect of different pH \nvalues (2-8) on the removal of cadmium was studied. The \npH values of solutions were adjusted by hydrochloric acid \nand sodium hydroxide. The sample (0.6 g/L) was added to \n50 ml of cadmium solution (30 mg/L), and the concentration \nof cadmium present in the solution was read by atomic \nabsorption. The removal percentage of Cd (II) was \ncalculated according to the difference of the equilibrium \n(Ce) and initial concentration (Ci) of Cd (II) in solution (mg/L), \nper Eq. 1: 𝑅𝑒𝑚𝑜𝑣𝑎𝑙 100 \n(1) The adsorption capacities qt (mg/g) were determined from \nthe following, per Eq. 2: (Ci − Ct)V qt = W\n(2) where Ci and Ct (mg/L) are the initial and equilibrium \nconcentrations of Cd (II) in solution, respectively, V (L) is the \nvolume of the Cd (II)solution, and W (g) is the mass of the \nadsorbent [24]. 2.3. Isotherms study The \nFreundlich, and Temkin \nisothermal adsorption equations are applied to describe the adsorption \nmechanism between the surface properties and adsorbent \naffinities of Cd (II)on biochars [22]. \nThe Langmuir isotherm is expressed by Eq. 3: qmax max where Ce is the equilibrium concentration (mg/L), qe is the \nequilibrium adsorption amount (mg/g), b (L/mg) is the \nLangmuir constant, and qmax is the maximum adsorption \namount (mg/g). \nThe Freundlich isotherm is given as Eq. 4: logqe = log Kf + 1 n\n⁄ log Ce \n(4) In which, qe is the equilibrium adsorption amount (mg/g), n \nand Kf (L/mg) are the Freundlich constants correspond to \nthe biosorption capacity and surface heterogeneity, \nrespectively, and Ce is the equilibrium concentration (mg/L). \nThe Temkin isotherm is expressed by Eq. 5: RT LnKT + RT b LnCe \n(5) In Eq. (5), bT is the Temkin constant, KT is the constant of \nequilibrium of Temkin (L/g), qe (mg/g) and Ce (mg/L) are the \nadsorption capacity of biochars at the equilibrium and \nconcentration of Cd (II) at the equilibrium, respectively. The \nratio RT/bT is assigned to the adsorption heat (J/mol), R is \nphenolic –OH bending, CO32−), 1032 cm−1 (C–O stretching \nvibration in the ester group or phenol group), and 874 cm−1 \n(aromatic C–H) [21,33,45], 3415 cm−1 (–OH stretching), \n2925 cm−1 (–CH2), 1700 cm−1 (C=O stretching), 1577 cm−1 \n(the aromatic C=C and C=N stretching), 1420 cm-1 (C–O \nstretching vibration in the carboxylic acids group), 10001160 cm−1 (C-O stretching vibration in the ester group or \nphenol group) and 874 cm−1 (C–H bending) [8,13,37].",
"Fig.1. The FTIR spectra of pristine biochar and Chitosan-modified \nbiochar The microstructures were investigated by SEM imaging, \nFigure 3 a and b. According to Figure 3, compact and dense \nmicrostructure were observed in the pristine and chitosan \nmodified biochar. Furthermore, some pores can be viewed. \nTable 1 shows the results of the BET surface area and pore \nvolume of the samples and the CHN results. As specified in \nTable 1, the surface area of the biochar has increased with \na modification of biochar using chitosan. the perfect gas constant (8.314 J/mol K), and T is the \ntemperature in kelvin. 2.4. Adsorption kinetics Three kinetics models including pseudo-first-order, pseudosecond-order, and Elovich models were applied for \ndetermining the kinetics of Cd (II) adsorption on biochars. \nThe factors of each model were determined by Eqs. (6), (7), \nand (8), respectively, [16]: k1t 303 \n(6) (7) log(qe – qt) = log qt = 1 β Ln(αβ) + 1 β Lnt \n(8) where k1 (1/min) and k2 (mg/g.min) are the rate constants \nof the pseudo-first-order equation and pseudo-second \norder equation, respectively. In Eq., 8 α (mg/g.min) is \ndescribed as the initial Elovich adsorption rate and β (g/mg) \nis the Elovich desorption constant. qe and qt are the \nadsorption capacities (mg/g) at equilibrium and at time t \n(min), respectively. 3. Results and discussion 3.1. Characteristics of biochars The FTIR spectra of the biochar and chitosan-modified \nbiochar are shown in Figure 1. As shown in Figure 1, the \nspecific functional groups of biochars contain 3410 cm−1 \n(–OH), 2923 cm−1 (–CH2), 1799 cm−1 (C=O stretching), 1583 cm−1 (C=C and C=N, COO–), 1428 cm−1 (COOH and CHO, Table 1. BET surface area and pore volume of samples Samples \nSurface area (m2/g) \nPore volume (cm3/g) \nPore diameter (nm) \nC (%) \nH (%) \nN (%) PBc \n0.82 CBc \n3.38 Fig. 2. (a) Nitrogen adsorption-desorption isotherms of PBc and (b) Nitrogen adsorption-desorption isotherms of CBc",
"Fig. 3. SEM images of PBc (a) and CBc (b) 3.2. Effect of different parameters on Cd (II) adsorption 3.2.1. Effect of contact time The effect of contact time (5-35 min) on the adsorption of \nCd (II) by both biochars was assessed: constant biochar \ndosage (1 g/L), pH (7) and constant concentration (30 mg/L) \nof Cd (II). As seen in Figure 4, the percentage Cd (II) removal metal ions [47]. Many research articles have proposed the \nchemical mechanism of the chitosan–metal ion binding \nprocess. Gerente, Lee, Cloirec and McKay [11] and Yang and \nJiang [41] reported that metal adsorption by chitosan is \nprobably absorbed through chelation and the formation of \nchitosan-metal complexes. on the biochars increased with a rise in contact time up to \n30 min, after that, the removal efficiency of Cd remained \nconstant. The maximum removal of Cd (II) ions obtained at \n30 min was 95% and 49% for CBc and PBc, respectively. The \ncoating of the absorbents with chitosan and its combination \nwith biochar can greatly improve the absorbent efficiency \nin the removal of heavy metals because its functional \ngroups have the ability to form strong bonds with various increasing pH from 6 to 8. The low adsorption rate in acidic \npH is due to the adsorption of H+ on the biochar surface, \nwhich is competing with metal ions to adsorb on the biochar \nsurface, as well as electrostatic repulsive between the \nadsorbent surface charge and the positive charge of \nmetallic ions. This represents an ion exchange mechanism \nthat may be included in the adsorption of metal oxide by \nmetal ions. Similar results have been reported where \nbiochar is derived from different materials [6,10,12,24]. \nTherefore, most researchers have reported that a pH level \nranging from 5-6 is optimal for the adsorption of heavy \nmetals [7,8]. Electrostatic interactions between Cd (II) and \nbiochar is another possible adsorption mechanism at low \npH [1]. Fig. 4. Effect of contact time on the Cd (II) removal (at the reaction \npH of 7 and the adsorbent dosage of 1 g/L) 3.2.2. Effect of adsorbent dosage The effect of various amounts of biochars (ranging from 0.1 \nto 1 g/L) on Cd (II) removal was studied at 30 mg/L of initial \nCd (II) concentration. According to Figure 5, with an \nincreased amount of biochars beyond 0.6 g/L, the Cd (II) \nremoval efficiency remained stable. the obtained optimized \ndosage of biochars is 0.6 g/L. Increasing adsorption is \nassociated with the increase in the amount of adsorbent, \nand therefore, the capacity of ion exchange sites and also \nthe active sites [2,29]. Fig. 5. Effect of adsorbent dosage on the Cd (II) removal (at the \nreaction pH of 7 and the optimum contacts time of 30 min) 3.2.3. Effect of pH One more significant factor is pH, which also plays an \nimportant factor in Cd (II) adsorption on biochar. The \npercentage Cd (II) removal with the pH variation of (2-8) at \na constant biochar dosage, time, and constant Cd (II) \nconcentration is displayed in Figure 6. It is clear that the Cd \n(II) removal increased with increase in pH from 2 to 6, Fig 6. \nThe results indicate a trend of reduced Cd (II) removal with Fig. 6. Effect of pH on the Cd (II) removal (at the optimum \nadsorbent dosage of 0.6 g/L and the optimum contacts time of 30 \nmin) 3.3. Isotherms models The equilibrium isotherm of Cd (II) adsorption on biochars \nwas described by the Langmuir, Freundlich, and Temkin \nmodels. The value of qmax, K, and R2 in the Langmuir model \nwas calculated from the linear plot between Ce/qe versus \nCe. Also, the value of n, Kf, and R2 in the Freundlich model \nand bT, KT, and R2 in the Temkin model were determined \nfrom the linear plots of log qe versus log Ce and qe versus ln \nCe, respectively, Figure 7a, 7b, and 7c. These calculated \ncorrelation coefficients and adsorption parameters of the \nisotherm models are presented in Table 2. Based on the \nobtained results, the value of the correlation coefficient (R2) \nfor the Langmuir model (0.98 for PBc and 0.99 for CBc) was \nhigher than the Freundlich model (0.92 for PBc and 0.72 for \nCBc) and the Temkin model (0.95 for PBc and 0.83 for CBc) \nfor pristine and modified biochars, as shown in Table 2. \nHence, the Langmuir isotherm model is the best fit to Cd (II) \nadsorption data. In the current study, the highest \nadsorption capacity (qmax) of chitosan-modified biochar \ndetermined from the Langmuir isotherm was 58.82 as \ncompared to the pristine biochar. 100 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 PBc CBc 10 20 30 Time (min) 100 80 60 40 20 PBc CBc pH 100 80 60 40 20 PBc CBc 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Adsorbent (g/L) Fig. 7. Langmuir (a), Freundlich (b), and Temkin (c) isotherm plots for removal of Cd (II) Table 2. Isotherm model for biochar and chitosan-modified biochar Langmuir Isotherm \nFreundlich Isotherm \nTemkin Isotherm Adsorbents qmax (mg/g) \nB (L/mg) \nKf (L/mg) \nbT (J/mol) \nKT (L/mg) \nR2 PBc \n0.95 CBc \n0.83 3.4. Kinetic models The results of the kinetic data display the Cd (II) adsorption \nrate on the surface on biochars expressed by pseudo-firstorder, pseudo-second-order, and Elovich models. A \ncomparison of the three fitted kinetic data of the biochars \nshown in Figure 8a, 8b and 8c indicate that the correlation coefficient (R2) for the pseudo-second-order model (0.99 \nfor PBc and 0.99 for CBc) was greater than the pseudo-firstorder (0.98 for PBc and 0.91 for CBc) and Elovich model \n(0.98 for PBc and 0.98 for CBc). Thus, it can be concluded \nthat the kinetic model of Cd (II) adsorption by both biochars \nis described by the second-order kinetic model. The results \nof the kinetic model parameters are listed in Table 3. 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 (a) Langmuir adsorption isotherm y = 0.017x + 0.0127 R² = 0.9994 y = 0.025x + 0.2551 R² = 0.9829 PBc CBc 10 20 30 40 Ce (mg/L) 2.2 2 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 (b) Freundlich adsorption isotherm y = 0.2493x + 1.4703 R² = 0.7298 y = 0.495x + 0.7576 R² = 0.9227 CBc PBc -0.4 0.1 0.6 1.1 1.6 Log Ce (mg/L) Temkin adsorption isotherm 67 57 47 37 27 17 (c) y = 8.7735x + 32.923 R² = 0.8335 0 1\n2 ln Ce (mg/L) y = 9.5881x - 2.3897 R² = 0.9567 CBc PBc -1 Fig. 8. Linear plots of pseudo-first order (a), pseudo-second order (b), and Elovich (c) kinetic models for removal of Cd (II) Table 3. Kinetics fitting parameters of Cd (II) adsorption on biochars Biochars \nElovich qe \nR2 PBc \n0.98 CBc \n0.98 The maximum biosorption capacities of biochars with other \nadsorbents, including biochar for the Cd (II) removal, are \nlisted in Table 4. The results show that the chitosanmodified biochar is superior to some of the other \nadsorbents in terms of its availability, the cost-effectiveness \nof peanut shell biochar, and the maximum biosorption \ncapacity of cadmium ions. Table 4. List of the biochars with various adsorbents Adsorbents \nqmax (mg/g( \nReference Magnetic oak wood biochar \n[23] Blast furnace slag \n[26] Fly ash \n[26] Polyelectrolyte-coated fly ash \n[27] Magnetic oak bark biochar \n[23] Giant Miscanthus biochar \n[18] Unmodified nano-clay \n[25] Magnetic ChNTs \n[44] KMnO4 modified Biochar \n[38] Fe3O4 nanoparticles loaded 51 \n[17 4. Conclusions In this work, the maximum Cd (II) adsorption capacity \nbetween PBc and CBc was investigated. The results showed \nthat the biosorption of Cd (II) on the biochars was \ndependent on the biochar dosage, pH, and contact time. \nOptimum conditions for the highest removal of Cd (II) were \nobtained at a biochar dosage of 0.6 g/L, a 30 mg/L initial \nconcentration of Cd (II) solution, a pH value of 6, and within \n30 minutes. CBc is more competent in Cd (II) removal \ncompared with PBc, 95% and 49%, respectively. The \nLangmuir maximum adsorption capacity of PBc and CBc \nwere determined to be 40 and 58.82 mg/g, respectively. \nthe experimental data. Acknowledgements The authors gratefully thank the support of the University \nof Zanjan (ZNU). sawdust carbon \nMagnetic biochar \n[30] PBc \nThis study CBc \nThis study Pseudo-first-order a y = -0/038x + 1/374 R² = 0/988 y = -0.055x + 1.717 1.5 1 0.5 0 -0.5 0.9162 PBc CBc 15 25 35 Time (min) 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 Pseudo-second-order y = 0.0311x + 0.2865 R² = 0.9902 PBc y = 0.0168x + 0.1327 R² = 0.9992 CBc 15 25 35 Time (min) 60 50 40 30 20 10 Elovich model c y = 15.807x + 1.0905 R² = 0.9823 y = 30/79x + 2/046 R² = 0/988 PBc CBc 0.69 0.89 1.09 1.29 1.49 Log t (min) References [1] Ahmad, M., Rajapaksha, A. U., Lim, J. E., Zhang, M., Bolan, N., Mohan, D., Vithanage, M., Lee, S. S. and Ok, \nY. S. (2014). Biochar as a sorbent for contaminant \nreview. Chemosphere, 99, 19-33. [2] Akpomie, K. G., Dawodu, F. A., Adebowale, K. O. (2015). Mechanism on the sorption of heavy metals from \nbinary-solution by a low cost montmorillonite and its graphene oxides. 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"Iditarod National Historic Trail Historic Overview — Robert Kingi Introduction:",
"Today’s Iditarod Trail, a symbol of frontier travel and once an important artery of Alaska’s winter commerce, served a string of mining camps, trading posts, and other settlements founded between 1880 and 1920, during Alaska’s Gold Rush Era. Alaska’s gold rushes were an extension of the American mining frontier that dates from colonial America and moved west to California with the gold discovery there in 1848. In each new territory, gold strikes had caused a surge in population, the establishment of a territorial government, and the development of a transportation system linking the goldfields with the rest of the nation. Alaska, too, followed through these same general stages. With the increase in gold production particularly in the later 1890s and early 1900s, the non-Native population boomed from 430 people in 1880 to some 36,400 in 1910. In 1912, President Taft signed the act creating the Territory of Alaska. At that time, the region’s 1 Iditarod National Historic Trail: Historic Overview various cross-country trail including ones designed principally for winter time dogsled travel. Of the latter, the longest ran from Seward to Nome, and came to be called the Iditarod Trail. The Iditarod Trail today: The Iditarod trail, first commonly referred to as the Seward to Nome trail, was developed starting in 1908 in response to gold rush era needs. While marked off by an official government survey, in many places it followed preexisting Native trails of the Tanaina and Ingalik Indians in the Interior of Alaska. In parts of western Alaska east of Unalakleet and along the coast, it followed ancient routes traveled by the Inupiaq and Yupik Eskimos. Thus, Alaska Natives long used portions of what came to be today’s Iditarod Trail, and before the first non-natives came to Alaska had developed special winter modes of travel over it—the dogsled and snowshoe. Russian Connections: Our stereotyped image of the parka-clad musher behind a string of dogs reflects a mixture of Native technology and European adaptation. The native sled was built to carry all the owner’s possessions from camp to camp or from camp to village. The owner ran in front, guiding his dog team along unimproved trail. The Russian, Lt. Zagoskin, wrote in the 1840s that the Russians introduced the method of harnessing the dogs single file or in pairs in front of the sled. The Russians also introduced the lead dog or “leader”—the best trained dog that kept the others in line and recognized voice commands for direction. During the Russian era, guide-poles and later handlebars were attached to the rear of the sled to direct, push, and balance weight. The Russians also developed parts of what became today’s Iditarod Trail as a route of supply and provision for fur trading posts. The Russian American Company sent fur trading expeditions across the Kaltag Portage to Nulato on the Yukon River, along a section of trail later incorporated as part of the Iditarod Trail. Archaeological work along this segment of the Iditarod Trail east of Unalakleet has demonstrated it use and importance as a trade route connecting coastal and Interior peoples for thousands of years. When the American fur trading companies took over the Russian posts after the 1867 purchase of Alaska by the United States, they continued using the Kaltag Portage and extended it as part of the greater Yukon River trail, linking fur trading posts into Canada. From there came French-Canadian traders and trappers. Their voice commands in French to direct their dog teams changed to what we know today: “gee,” for “ye,” meaning go right; “haw,” for “cha,” meaning go left; and “mush” for “marche,” meaning go forward. Thus, the mode of travel and an emerging pattern of transportation were developed by the mid-19th century, aiding the movement north by the time of the first gold strikes that would soon follow. \n 2 Iditarod National Historic Trail: Historic Overview Most of Alaska’s gold rushes occurred after the frontier mining era in other Western states had passed. Yet the dream of finding riches in the earth remained, and new adventurers ventured north to prospect, while others came to trap or trade. These freebooters came from a variety of places including the industrializing mines in Montana, Idaho and Washington, the Black Hills of the Dakotas, from the deserts of Arizona and California, and the mountains of Colorado. Each was in search of an Eldorado or enough of a grubstake to continue the itinerant lifestyle. There were miners, after the California fashion, which had moved up the Pacific coast following a series of strikes. The trail north led the Stikine River finds in Canada near Wrangell, Alaska in the later 1860s, into the Cassiar Country of British Columbia in the 1870s, then to Juneau, Alaska starting in 1880. That same decade some crossed into the Yukon region with gold struck in 1886 in the Fortymile County of eastern central Alaska. There, the particular conditions of geography and the sub-Arctic climate changed the familiar patterns of the mining west. Dogs and sleds replaced the burro, sourdough replaced Johnny cakes, and cigars (with their mosquito deterrence) replaced the plug and chew. First Mining along what became the Iditarod Trail: The first mining area to develop along the future route of today’s Iditarod Trail was the Cook Inlet country. The glacial Kenai and Chugach ranges cut along the Inlet’s eastern shores creating numerous bays and arms. In a few of the streams pouring into the ocean, gold had been deposited into rich pockets. Russians and early traders and prospectors found traces of gold, but the first major find did not occur until the 1890s. In 1891, Al King, a veteran prospector from the interior, working with a gold pan and rocker, located gold on Resurrection Creek, a steep-graded stream flowing north into Turnagain Arm. A secretive sort, King kept his find quiet until 1893. That year the prospectors and traders followed the usual practice of establishing a mining district, creating rules for claim ownership, and electing a recorder. The Turnagain Arm Mining District boomed in 1895-1896. News of the rich finds on the tributaries of the Six- Mile, Resurrection, and Glacier Creeks drew a reported 3,000 people into Turnagain Arm. Most arrived by steamship or sailing vessel, precariously navigating the treacherous tides of the Arm in order to dock at the log cabin communities of Hope and Sunrise. Several hundred other miners took the Portage Glacier route. Steamers from Juneau and Sitka unloaded their passengers in winter at Portage Bay, where the miners had a 15-mile trek across a glacier, the frozen Place River, and the frozen Arm to Sunrise. Here miners were introduced to the hardships of Alaska winter travel. Some froze on the glacier, others starved while lost in “white-outs,” and a few drowned in the Arm. During the 1890s, Sunrise, Hope, and scattered trading posts at Resurrection Bay, Knik Arm, and the Susitna River were connected by roughly blazed trails. Miners and merchants combined to build a wagon road from Sunrise up Six-Mile Creek along the mining claims. Like their counterparts of the Yukon, miners in Southcentral Alaska were adapting to the northern climate. Prospecting followed the cycle of seasons. In the fall, after freeze-up, they hooked up their dogs and 3 Iditarod National Historic Trail: Historic Overview established camp at a promising location and spent the winter thawing ground and digging gravel. At the spring break-up, with plenty of water, they sluiced the hoped-for gold from pay dirt. At season’s end they built rafts and poling boats and floated back downstream to the trading posts or towns. In this way, the land was prospected. As goldfields were found to the north in the Talkeetna Mountains and the Yentna River drainage, the network of trails was extended. Klondike & Nome gold rushes bring thousands The greatest impetus to Alaska mining occurred, not in Alaska, but in the Klondike goldfields of northwestern Canada. After gold was discovered there in 1896, the stampede in 1897-1898 brought an estimated 50,000 people to the north. Many never reached the Klondike, but flowed over into the Cook Inlet country, the American part of the Yukon River system, and elsewhere.",
"During the summer of 1898, on the shores of the Bering Sea, a handful of inexperienced prospectors, in part brought to the region by an earlier silver strike, happened upon the gold of Anvil Creek. On September 20, 1898, Jafet Lindeberg, Eric Lindblom, and John Byrneson, the three “Lucky Swedes,” staked the richest creekbeds of the Cape Nome goldfields. Nome became an instant city. Word of even more gold discoveries in the beach sands caused one of the West’s and Alaska’s largest stampedes. By the summer of 1900, an estimated 20,000 to 30,000 people arrived by steamer to dig the “golden sands” of Nome. Miners’ tents spread for miles along the Bering Sea coast, and inland hydraulic plants were introduced to wash away gravel. Nome also gained national notoriety for its violence and its corrupt Federal officials, who were later exposed and imprisoned. These events were immortalized by the novels of Rex Beach. From October to June, the Bering Sea froze, isolating the people of Nome who had missed the last boat “Outside.” In order to break down this isolation, the people focused their concern on wintertime ties to the rest of the nation. A telegraph system was constructed from Valdez across Alaska to Nome via the Yukon River. Routes to Nome Between 1898 and 1908, four routes were used connecting ice-free ports with Nome. The first ran from Skagway to Dawson, Yukon Territory, then down the Yukon River to the Bering Sea coast and Nome. This 2,000-mile route, though used by express companies and the mail, was considered unsatisfactory because of its great distance and because it crossed Canadian territory. The search for an “All-American route” and the demand for a shorter haul to Nome brought into existence two aborted routes—the Valdez to Eagle Trail and the Iliamna Route. Each proved uneconomical. After the gold rush to Fairbanks in 1903, the Valdez route 4 Iditarod National Historic Trail: Historic Overview by way of Valdez and Fairbanks. Wintertime travelers to Nome, however, still believed the shortest route to Nome would be via the Cook Inlet country. Railroad promoters had already begun construction of the ill-fated Alaska Central Railway north of Seward. In 1907, because of the development of Seward on Resurrection Bay and recent gold discoveries in the Innoko District, the Army’s Alaska Road Commission took action. Walter L. Goodwin’s survey to Nome Major Wilds P. Richardson, head of the Alaska Road Commission, ordered Walter Goodwin and a crew of three to blaze a route from Seward through the Cook Inlet country and beyond to Nome. From January to April 1908, Goodwin and his crew blazed the first routing for what we call today the Iditarod Trail. In a report to Richardson, Goodwin concluded that the 800-mile proposed trunkline would be feasible only if mineral discoveries of value were developed, attracting additional traffic. Recent discoveries in the Ophir area were already encouraging, yet unknown to Goodwin, an even richer area was about to be found. Two prospectors, John Beaton and William Dikeman, had penetrated the virgin territory and uncovered paydirt in the area that soon would become the Iditarod Mining District. 1908 Iditarod gold discovery The Iditarod is called Alaska’s last major gold rush, though gold continued to be found in many areas afterwards. Iditarod, however, was the most productive strike in a vast area, loosely termed the Inland Empire, spreading from Ruby on the Yukon River, south along the Kuskokwim Mountains into the drainages of the Innoko and Upper Kuskokwim rivers. Prospectors had visited the area since the 1880s, and minor stampedes had occurred up to 1907 with strikes on Ganes Creek and near Ophir. The rush to Iditarod and Ruby, between 1910 and 1912, set 10,000 stampeders in motion, while each community reached peak populations of 3,000. Within two decades, $30 million work of gold was dug from these goldfields. Whereas Nome and the Cook Inlet country were easily accessible by ocean steamers, interior camps in the Inland Empire (the Iditarod, Innoko, and Ruby districts) were isolated. Stampeders bound for the mines took steamships to tidewater, then steamboats for as far as 1,000 miles up the meandering rivers—the Yukon, Innoko, or Kuskokwim. The majority of passenger and freight traffic used the river system from May to October. Freeze-up shifted traffic to the trails. Gold Rush trails to Interior Alaska Trails developed in the Inland Empire in direct response to gold discoveries. Prospectors took the natural land routes or Native routes to the Innoko mines in 1906 and 1907 and were followed the next year by Goodwin. With additional work into 1911, Goodwin’s blazed and cleared Seward-to-Nome winter trail became a winter access route to the Iditarod district. A loop trail left the main trail at Takotna and followed the creeks to the town of Iditarod, and from there north through Dikeman to rejoin the trunkline trail at Dishkaket. A trail from Ruby on the Yukon River ran south in response to strikes made on the tributaries of the Nowitna and 5 Iditarod National Historic Trail: Historic Overview via the gold camps of Cripple, Poorman, and Long. From Ruby the musher followed the Yukon River Trail east to Fairbanks or west to Nome. Alaska Road Commission These crude trails built by the mining camp residents were upgraded by the Alaska Road Commission. Congress established the Alaska Road Commission in 1905 as part of the Army’s road and trail building efforts connecting the military posts and the new mining camps with tidewater ports and navigable streams. Major Wilds P. Richardson headed the Commission and with the help of engineers set the standards for construction. The lowest level of transportation was the trail, a cleared and smoothed surface approximately eight feet wide and with no grades steeper than four percent. Along barren stretches or areas above timberline the trails were flagged. The Commission’s bobsled roads were similar to trails except they were wider and more attention was given to grade. The few early wagon roads built by the Alaska road Commission along the Iditarod Trail ran from communities to mining areas: from Nome to Solomon and Council, from Ruby to Long, Iditarod to Flat, Knik to Willow mines, and from Sunrise to Canyon and Six-Mile creeks. These roads were graded and drained, and corduroyed with logs or macadamed. In some areas further improvements enabled them to be used in the summer. Use of the Iditarod Trail Most travelers on the Iditarod Trail did not go from trailhead to trailhead—Seward to Nome—as they did on the other trails of settlement in the American West. Instead, they mushed from the ice-free harbor of Seward to the various mining districts midway to Nome, or used the Trail segments while traveling between mining camps and trade centers. Thus, little traffic actually went the full distance of the Iditarod Trail, and even the winter mail route connecting Nome and Seward only used the Iditarod Trail for a few years in the 1910s before being routed through",
"Fairbanks. In 1918, the last year mail followed the trail to Seward, carriers complained of the difficulties of travel. So little traffic was following the Trail from Iditarod to Seward by that time that they were constantly plagued with the hard and time-consuming task of breaking trail for the dogs. Over the few years of its use, an assortment of travelers used the Trail. The majority were prospectors, trappers, or Natives, who traveled—often without dogs or with one or two to help pull a sledload of supplies— to isolated cabins. A surprising number walked along the Trail. The hero of the Trail, however, was the dogsled and driver. 6 Iditarod National Historic Trail: Historic Overview oranges, mail or express, or shipments of gold. Among them were Frank Tondreau, known from Belfast to Point Barrow as the Malemute Kid; John “Iron Man” Johnson, the famous racer and his indefatigable Siberians; Captain Ulysses Grant Norton, the tireless Trojan of the trails; the Eskimo “Split-the-Wind”; and the wandering Japanese Jujira Wada, associated with the Fairbanks strike. All were welcomed in the camps and became often interviewed celebrities. Bob Griffis of Iditarod legend One such person and event glorified in the press was Bob Griffis and his annual Iditarod gold train. Griffis, who had once driven stages during the Black Hills rush in the Dakotas, ran the mail from Unalakleet to Nome for a decade before the Miners and Merchants Bank of Iditarod acquired his services. In November 1910, he started from Iditarod for Seward with a quarter million dollars worth of gold lashed to his dogsled. While the scene was set for a spectacular robbery, the 63-year-old Griffis knew that the Alaska winter was deterrent enough to",
"robbers. Consequently, 37 days later his three teams and their guards arrived unscathed in Seward. Until World War I, Griffis protected the Iditarod gold trains carrying up to one million dollars worth of gold on their annual trek to Seward. Popular postcard pictures were made for sale of such sled dog-hauled gold shipments arriving in Seward. It was to Griffis’s credit that the gold was never stolen. (Only later, in 1922, did such a theft occur. A shipment of $30,000 worth of gold was stolen by a roadhouse operator and his confederate, an Iditarod “lady of the evening.”) Roadhouses on the Iditarod Trail The relative ease of travel along the trails during this period was made possible by the maintenance provided by the Alaska Road Commission and by the many roadhouses, which for a few years lined the Trail and its branches. During stampedes to a new gold strike, numerous impromptu roadhouses vied for traveler patronage, but after business settled to a routine, roadhouses were naturally thinned to locations roughly a day’s journey apart—approximately 20 miles. Roadhouse operators might begin a business in a tent, then during the first winter build a log cabin, adding another story or an addition as business increased. Accommodations varied. Hudson Stuck reported stopping at a filthy roadhouse at Shaktoolik, where the proprietor continued his card games rather than serve patrons. In contrast, near Iditarod, Stuck and other travelers praised the Bonanza Creek Roadhouse as the best on the Trail. The fresh meat and roomy bunks were termed luxuries. 7 Iditarod National Historic Trail: Historic Overview An advertisement in the Ruby Record Citizen gives an image of Cox’s Roadhouse at Poorman, a better than average stop. Besides the 22-by-30 foot main roadhouse, Henry Cox had a lean-to kitchen with running water and a dining room plus an “outside white porcelain bathtub.” A cache and ice house were nearby. To entertain patrons, the roadhouse had a pool table, card tables, and a phonograph “with 40 records.” The nice single beds had springs and mattresses. Henry Cox’s Poorman Roadhouse was a place of relative comfort and leisure. Yet Cox and other roadhouse proprietors faced economic problems once the stampede days passed and travel on the trails declined. In part, it was related to the U.S. mail. Mail on the Iditarod Trail A major mainstay for a roadhouse on the Iditarod Trail was becoming a stop on the mail contractor’s run. The first mail contract to Iditarod ran from Nulato, a branch run of the Valdez-Fairbanks-Nome route. In 1914, “Colonel” Harry Revell received the first contract to carry the winter mail from Seward to Iditarod.",
"Revell had been one of the stampeders to the Cook Inlet country in 1896. With his brother-in-law, Alfred Lowell, he operated a winter mail service connecting Seward, Sunrise, Girdwood, Eklutna, Knik, and Susitna Station. With the development of the Seward-to-Nome route, he joined other Seward businessmen to boost the establishment of a mail route between the two places. Although travel between the two points was common, the mail route extended only to Iditarod. Connections with Nome were made via a short spur route from Takotna to Ruby, where the main mail run was joined. After 1918, Revell gave up the mail contract. The Iditarod Trail in the 1910s and beyond With the end of winter mail runs between Iditarod and Cook Inlet, the few remaining roadhouse also began closing. Consequently, the lack of roadhouses caused residents to demand protection for winter travel. Even before this, in the early 1910s, representatives of the voters along the Iditarod presented a strong voice in the Territorial legislature and secured legislation to aid travelers. All roadhouses were required to keep a list of travelers in order to help find the last known location of lost mushers. A territorial road commission was established to assist the federal Alaska Road Commission. Funds were set aside by the territory for staking trails and building shelter cabins in order to save the lives of travelers stranded by blizzards. The legislators also dealt with restrictive mining laws, moralistic change, prohibition, and other issues of the mining camps and trade centers. By World War I, the days of isolation were coming to an end. The activities “Outside” began to bear more and more on local events, especially the Great War. Young miners and workers enlisted and left the country, most 8 Iditarod National Historic Trail: Historic Overview federal government’s Alaska Railroad (not completed until 1923) and its anticipated aid to growth did little to stabilize the Inland Empire’s economy. Instead, many of its settlers moved to the railroad town of Anchorage or elsewhere. Further decline in use of the Iditarod Trail During the 1920s, the need for dogsled transportation was challenged by the airplane. On February 21, 1924, the first Alaskan airmail flew into McGrath and soon more airplanes followed. By the end of the decade airmail replaced the mail run to Nome. However, in early 1925, the dog team and driver captured the attention of the nation for a final episode involving a portion of the Iditarod Trail—a heroic attempt to bring much-need medical supplies to Nome. 1925 serum run to Nome In early 1925, a feared epidemic of diphtheria caught the town of Nome without enough serum to inoculate the community. A wire went out for help, but plans to send an airplane from Fairbanks were thwarted by weather. Instead, serum was rushed to Nenana by train, and then carried by a relay of dog teams down the Yukon River Trail to the Iditarod Trail, and into Nome. Twenty mushers carried the serum the 674 miles in just over 127 hours starting on January 27, 1925. The mushers along with some of their dogs became heroes. President Coolidge sent medals, and Balto, the dog leading the last team to Nome, was used as a model for statues of dogs in places as distant as New York City’s Central Park. In the minds of some, this episode brought a colorful end to era of use of the Iditarod Trail and dogsledding. Yet some parts of the Trail would continue to be used even to the present. Post-1920s Iditarod Trail use and evolution Despite the closure of most roadhouses along the Iditarod Trail starting a few years after the major rushes to the Iditarod Mining District dwindled, certain Trail portions remained in use and were even improved in some areas. Communities along the Trail and connecting trails that survived into the 1930s and beyond never stopped using trails in their vicinity. While virtually abandoned in some areas, near Seward and Nome, the Iditarod Trail was upgraded and in places hard surfaced illustrating the continuing evolution of some segments of the broad network of trails that collectively make up the Iditarod National Historic Trail System. The Iditarod Sled Dog Race spotlights the early winter trails Since the beginning in 1973 of the now internationally-known winter sporting event, the Iditarod Sled Dog Race, new life and fame has come to the old Iditarod Trail. This annual event, in part inspired to commemorate the use of this still most remarkable Alaskan trail, has perhaps misshaped the understanding of people today about how the Iditarod Trail was truly used during its heyday in the 1910s. Some may mistakenly think that it was a year-round trail, more like the Valdez Trail to Fairbanks.ii It wasn’t. It was foremost a trail designed for winter use. 9 Iditarod National Historic Trail: Historic Overview Alaska trails: ones of more limited use, with their decline and selective abandonment linked to the fate of the local and regional economy. Today, the once thriving city of Iditarod that gave a major impetus for the Trail to exist is a ghost town. And the terminus, Nome, is now solidly linked with the rest of Alaska and the world by airplanes and boats. Thus, the need for the Iditarod Trail passed into history, and it is for us today to celebrate its memory and the important place it holds in Alaska’s history. \ni While much of this history is a lightly edited version of what appears in “The Iditarod National Historic Trail: Seward to \nNome Route – A Comprehensive Management Plan,” published in 1986 by the Bureau of Land Management, it has also \nbeen expanded in places with new information and interpretations added by Robert E. King, Ph.D., State Archaeologist \nfor the Bureau of Land Management. \nii The Valdez Trail was used both in summer and winter, was never abandoned, and evolved into today’s Richardson \nHighway. The reason in large part was due to the continual growth and importance of Fairbanks as the largest city in \nInterior Alaska. 10 Iditarod National Historic Trail: Historic Overview"
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"Poly-Strong PC® DURAK Poly-strong (PC)® is a cotton coated continuous \nfilament polyester sewing thread offering thickness \nalternatives from 120 tex to 24 tex with wide range of color \noptions. Its continuous filament core structure provides \nhigh-tenacity while cotton surface prevents needle heating. \nperformance on every surface from fine fabrics to thick \ndenim fabrics provide a perfect sewing appearance with its \nregular structure, optimum hairiness level and various \nthicknesses according to different fabrics. DURAK \nPoly-Strong(PC)® threads increase your production \nefficiency even under the most demanding conditions. COTTON COATED POLYESTER CORESPUN SEWING THREAD Product Properties Provides superior sewing performance with its high-technology finishing processes and lubricants. Versatile thread that can be used on very fine fabric to denim, even for heavy work wear. Prevents needle heating thanks to its cotton surface. Ideal sewing thread for denim due to its high resistance against washing and chemical agents. Ensures a natural look without compromising from its strength due to its high-tenacity core. Poly-Strong PC Areas of Use Leather products Suits Furniture Quilting and Mattress Shirts Underwear",
"Home Textiles Workwear Physical Properties Melts at 260ºC and softens at 220 - 240ºC. Shrinkage is less than 1% at 150ºC. Chemical Properties Mineral acids: Resistant against most mineral acids. Alkalis: Unaffected by weak alkalis, moderately resistant to strong alkalis. Organic solvents: Unaffected by normal solvents, soluble in some phenolic compounds. Cotton swells in caustic, no significant loss of tenacity. Bleaching: Polyester part is unaffected while the cotton part bleaches with hypochlorite and peroxides. Microorganisms (Mildew/Rot): Unaffected. DURAK Poly-Strong(PC)® offers a wide range of \ncolors in a variety of meters size and thicknesses. Washing / Dry Cleaning: Unaffected. Moisture regain: %0.4 Must be stored away from heat,\nhumidity and direct sunlight. Presentation Color Fastness Storage Conditions Washing fastness at 60˚C Water fastness Friction fastness Hypochlorite fastness Dry cleaning fastness Perspiration fastness Artificial light fastness ISO 105 C06 Min. 4 ISO 105 E01 ISO 105 X12 ISO 105 N01 ISO 105 D01 ISO 105 E04 ISO 105 B02 Min. 4 Min. 4 Min. 4 Min. 4 Min. 4 Min. 4 Poly-Strong PC WR® Poly-Strong PC UV® Poly-Strong PC CFR Cotton coated polyester corespunsewingthreadwithwaterrepellent.\nIt has a PCF-freewaterrepellentsurfacecoating. Cotton coated polyester corespunsewingthread with UVresistance.\nPoly-Strong(PC)UV® minimizesUV destructions such as discoloration,\nlow abrasion resistance and loss of tenacity. Cotton coated polyester corespunsewingthread produced by adding flame-retardant characteristics.The thread surface is coated with flame retardant chemical in accordance with the standards of chemical coating method. Poly-Strong PC Thickness and Strength Chart Nominal \nTex Tkt No.\nStrength CN Elongation\nNeedle Size\n(Nm) 20 30 36 50 75 120 120 105 78 60 40 24 5.900 4.900 3.950 2.800 2.000 1.020 20 - 28 20 - 28 20 - 28 20 - 28 18 - 24 18 - 24 120 - 140 120 - 140 110 - 130 100 - 120 90 - 100 75 - 90 Other Poly-Strong PC Sub-Brands"
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"University of Dundee Special issue for early career researchers Stewart, Heather A.; Kirkbride, Martin P. Published in:\nScottish Journal of Geology DOI:\n10.1144/sjg2019-029 Publication date:\n2019 Document Version Peer reviewed version Link to publication in Discovery Research Portal Citation for published version (APA):\nStewart, H. A., & Kirkbride, M. P. (2019). Special issue for early career researchers: Editorial. Scottish Journal of Geology, 55(2), 73-74. General rights Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in Discovery Research Portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. Take down policy If you believe that this document breaches copyright please contact us providing details, and we will remove access to the work immediately and investigate your claim. Special Issue for Early Career Researchers: editorial Heather A. Stewart1*, Martin P. Kirkbride2 1British Geological Survey, Lyell Centre, Research Avenue South, Edinburgh, UK, EH14 4AP 2Geography and Environmental Science, Dundee University, Dundee, UK, DD1 4HN *Correspondence: [email protected]; ORCID Stewart, H.A. & Kirkbride, M.P. 2019. Special Issue for Early Career Researchers: Editorial. Scottish Journal of \nGeology, v. 55, 73-74. This Special Issue of the Scottish Journal of Geology examines the scientific contribution of Early Career Researchers exploring Scotland’s rich geology, geomorphology, geochemistry, hydrogeology, geothermal energy and decarbonisation both onshore and offshore (Fig. 1). The collected works will serve to highlight the often-overlooked contribution of research undertaken by Early Career Researchers from a range of career stages encompassing studies undertaken during undergraduate and Masters degrees, to those undertaken by doctoral candidates, and post-doctoral researchers. It is generally acknowledged that ‘young’ scientists face a harsher, increasingly competitive, and oftentimes more challenging working environment than previously experienced (e.g. as reported in a Nature Editorial (Anonymous 2016)). Although it is not within the scope of this online thematic collection to address all the factors impacting Early Career Researchers today, it is the aspiration of this collection that the contribution of Early Career Researchers to cutting-edge research is appropriately recognised, credited and the perceived barriers to publishing are removed. The vast reservoir of data, insight and understanding contained within unpublished academic theses has never been adequately represented in the published literature. There are many barriers for young researchers to overcome to get their thesis work into journals. There are the practical barriers of the temporary existence of being a postgraduate before post-doctoral opportunities, and gainful employment, diverts attention to other projects. Additionally, the mismatch between the timeframe of doing a one-year Masters by research and the lead time for writing, revising and publishing a journal paper results in key research conclusions remaining locked in unpublished works. There are less tangible barriers, not least the confidence to commit one’s earliest research to publication, developing the necessary presentational skills, having the resilience to cope with harsh reviews, and variable levels of supervisory encouragement. Conversely, many postgraduate researchers benefit from the pressure to publish that their supervisors face: probably more papers come from Early Career Researchers than has previously been the case because established scientists wish (or are required) to convert their supervisory efforts into measurable outputs. Paradoxically, academic publishers have been slow to adapt to the contribution from authors at early career stages. A quick online search reveals only a handful special journal issues devoted exclusively to early career research in the last few years, across all areas of publishing. Scientific publishing has transformed dramatically in the last twenty years. The number of journals and frequency of publication within Earth science has multiplied to accommodate the greater number more global spread of high-level scientific research. In many countries, there has been growing pressure on individuals to publish frequently and in the ‘best’ journals. All this has developed in tandem with centralization of journal publishing away from learned societies’ ‘house’ journals into a few large commercial publishers, a trend which has been extensively critiqued elsewhere. Early Career Researchers are particularly under pressure from these changes: completion of a high-quality thesis is no longer seen as the benchmark for measuring an individual’s potential. There has to output: and this is now measured largely by secondary metrics rather than by the inherent quality of the research. It is becoming the norm for a doctoral thesis to be submitted as a portfolio of peer-reviewed papers. It is even the case that applicants for some funded doctoral studentships must have already published research to be eligible for the studentship. Early Career Researchers are at the front line of these changes. The accepted works are distributed between more than one issue of the Scottish Journal of Geology, collected together as a virtual volume that aims to provide a platform to showcase early career research across Scottish geology. It is heartening, in a period of increasing focus on diversity within STEMM subjects, that an equal number of contributions were received from both sexes. The collection includes research from a Masters thesis with the author recently starting her doctoral research. Six of the contributions reflect doctoral research, with contributions submitted mid-way through their studies as well as those recently completed. One contribution is from a team of researchers who met during their doctoral studies and continued their collaborations during their first post-doctoral placement, evidence that networks constructed during the early stages of your profession can shape your research interests for many years. A better understanding of both ancient and modern fluvial systems are themes explored by McMahon & Davies (2019) who report on the fundamental underlying mechanisms of river behaviour and fluvial processes during the Proterozoic, and by a forthcoming article by Fieman et al. who use state-of-the-art models as part of a study into the 2015 ‘Storm Frank’ flood on the River Dee, one of the largest flood events in the last 100 years. A study of the foliated amphibolites and associated pseudotachylytes of the Gairloch Shear Zone by Campbell et al. (2019) describes evidence for ancient seismicity in the pseudotachylyte- bearing fault rocks and discusses the controls on earthquake rupture behaviour that these fault rocks represent. An improved understanding of the past cycles of glaciation, timing and extent, has far reaching implications for better understanding global climate change and ice-sheet behaviour. Two contributions to this collection explore Quaternary evolution of Scotland since the Last Glacial Maximum. The increasing availability of high-resolution marine geophysical data and cores has enabled Tarlati and co-workers, in an upcoming article, to more accurately reconstruct the extent and dynamics of the formerly glaciated margin of the Malin Sea during the final deglaciation of the British–Irish Ice Sheet. Abrook et al. (2019) explore the sedimentary and vegetative variability during the Last Glacial–Interglacial Transition, a study comparing two sites in Orkney. Three papers in this collection explore geothermal research and decarbonisation in the Midland Valley of Scotland, a region with a long history in coal and petroleum exploration. Heinemann et al. (2019) investigate the potential to use low-carbon geothermal energy and subsurface energy storage to decarbonise the Scottish economy and society. Watson et al. (2019) assesses the influence of historical mining on geothermal observations across Greater Glasgow and explore the implications on heat flow into surrounding, flooded mine workings. Todd et al. (2019) describe a method to assess the impacts of rising water on saturated pillar-and-stall workings using a coupled hydraulic and geomechanical model. We therefore hope that this virtual collection of the Scottish Journal of Geology will help to identify and acknowledge the essential contribution made by this cohort of scientists. Our editorial team and our invited reviewers have taken on roles of both referees (to maintain the usual high standards) and mentors to facilitate a positive publishing experience for these talented authors. Acknowledgements We would like to thank all the reviewers of this collection of papers for their insightful, supportive and prompt reviews. Funding This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors. Author contributions HAS: writing – original draft (equal), writing – review & editing (equal); MK: writing – original draft (equal), writing – review & editing (equal). References Abrook, A.M., Matthews, I.P., Milner, A.M., Candy, I., Palmer, A.P. & Timms, R.G.O. 2019. \nEnvironmental variability in response to abrupt climatic change during the Last Glacial–\nInterglacial Transition (16–8 cal ka BP): evidence from Mainland, Orkney. Scottish Journal of \nGeology, sjg2019-006 Anonymous 2016. Early-career researchers need fewer burdens and more support. Nature, \n538, 427, Campbell, L.R., Phillips, R.J., Walcott, R.C. & Lloyd, G.E. 2019. Rupture geometries in \nanisotropic amphibolite recorded by pseudotachylytes in the Gairloch Shear Zone, NW \nScotland. Scottish Journal of Geology, https://doi. org/10.1144/sjg2019-003 Heinemann, N., Alcalde, J., Johnson, G., Roberts, J.J., McCay, A.T. & Booth, M.G. 2019. Lowcarbon GeoEnergy resource options in the Midland Valley of Scotland, UK. Scottish Journal \nof Geology, McMahon, W.J. & Davies, N.S. 2019. Physical and biological functioning in Proterozoic rivers: \nevidence from the archetypal pre-vegetation alluvium of the Torridon Group, NW Scotland. \nScottish Journal of Geology, https://doi. org/10.1144/sjg2019-013 Todd, F., McDermott, C., Harris, A.F., Bond, A. & Gilfillan, S. 2019. Coupled hydraulic and \nmechanical model of surface uplift due to mine water rebound: implications for mine water \nheating and cooling schemes. Scottish Journal of Geology,",
"Watson, S.M., Westaway, R. & Burnside, N.M. 2019. Digging deeper: The influence of \nhistoric mining on Glasgow’s subsurface thermal state to inform geothermal research. \nScottish Journal of Geology, sjg2019-012 Fig. 1. Overview of study areas included in the Early Career Researcher thematic volume \npublished by the Scottish Journal of Geology. General bathymetry from EMODnet Digital \nTerrain Model for European Seas. Digital bathymetry courtesy of EMODnet Bathymetry \nConsortium (2018)"
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"Short Course Around The \nWorld in \nEighty Days Level 1 Specification for Junior Cycle Short Course Contents Short courses and Level 1 Learning Programmes \n3 Rationale \n5 Aim \n6 Overview: Links \n7 Overview: Course \n11 Expectations for students \n13 Learning outcomes \n13 The progression continuum for L1LPs \n13 Assessment and reporting \n21 Classroom-Based Assessment \n22 Classroom-Based Assessment: An excursion \n22 Features of Quality \n22 Inclusive assessment \n23 Appendix A: Level indicators for Level 1 of the National Framework of Qualifications \n24 Short courses and Level 1 Learning \nProgrammes In the new junior cycle, students taking this short course should be following a personalised Level 1 Learning Programme (L1LP) alongside other curriculum components (from Level 1 and possibly one or two from Level 2). The L1LPs are planned around a number of Priority Learning Units (PLUs) which focus on developing the personal, social and practical skills of students. In addition to the Priority Learning Units, students can study short courses with learning outcomes broadly aligned with the level indicators for Level 1 of the National Framework of Qualifications (Appendix A). The target group of students for whom L1LPs and Level 2 short courses have been developed are typically students presenting with significant learning needs. Some of them will have had a formal assessment by an educational psychologist which will have placed them in the low-moderate to severe-profound categories of learning disability and they will have had a personalised learning plan while in primary school. In this context, the L1LPs and short courses are designed for students who would benefit from opportunities to improve learning and skills in areas such as elementary literacy and numeracy, language and communication, mobility and leisure skills, motor co-ordination, and social and personal development. The L1LPs also offer the chance for students to improve the length of time they can concentrate on activities, along with their capacity to generalise and transfer knowledge and skills across situations, and to process information from more than one sensory channel. Introduction to junior cycle Junior cycle education places students at the centre of the educational experience, enabling them to actively participate in their communities and in society, and to be resourceful and confident learners in all aspects and stages of their lives. Junior cycle is inclusive of all students and contributes to equality of opportunity, participation and outcome for all. Junior cycle allows students to make a strong connection with learning by focusing on the quality of learning that takes place and by offering experiences that are engaging and enjoyable for them, and relevant to their lives. These experiences are of a high quality, contribute to the physical, mental and social wellbeing of learners, and where possible, provide opportunities for them to develop their abilities and talents in the areas of creativity and enterprise. The student's junior cycle programme builds on their learning in primary school. It supports their further progress in learning. It helps students to develop the learning skills that can assist them in meeting the challenges of life beyond school. Rationale This short course builds on and promotes the development of a range of personal, social and practical skills in the context of learning about the student’s place in their home, school and wider community. It helps the student gain an understanding and knowledge of other countries and cultures and looks at ways of accessing places in their locality and further afield. As well as content knowledge, students develop essential skills such as those of communication and language; thinking and reasoning; labelling; classifying; comparing and sequencing. This short course places the student and their locality at the centre of learning. It begins by developing skills and strategies for exploring places, people and amenities in the immediate environment. The student progresses in gaining knowledge and experience which will further develop their independence in relation to planning excursions. Aim This short course aims to develop the student’s experience of independence in relation to travel. It also develops knowledge, cognitive, social and practical skills. This is achieved in the context of learning about their home, school and wider community, and through developing knowledge of other cultures. Overview: Links Tables 1 and 2 on the following pages show how Around the world in eighty days may be linked to central features of learning and teaching in junior cycle. Around the world in eighty days and statements of learning Table 1: Links between Around the world in eighty days and the statements of learning Statements of learning (SOL) Statement \nExamples of related learning in the course SOL 1: The student communicates effectively using a variety of means in a range of contexts. SOL 6: The student appreciates and respects how diverse values, beliefs and traditions have contributed to the communities and culture in which he/she lives. SOL 7: The student values what it means to be an active citizen, with rights and responsibilities in local and wider contexts. SOL 23: The student brings an idea from conception to realisation. The student interacts and communicates with familiar and unfamiliar people in their home, school and wider community. The course provides opportunities for the student to make choices, name and identify people and objects and document their learning through a variety of means. In strands 1 and 2, the student is immersed in learning opportunities relating to the culture and traditions of Ireland and those of another country of their choice. In strand 1, the student will learn about their home, school and wider community. He/she will identify their family, peers and professionals who help them. The student will actively use amenities and facilities in their local community. In strand 4, the student will use the knowledge he/she has learned throughout the course to choose, plan and prepare a trip to a local landmark or area of interest. Around the world in eighty days and key skills and Priority Learning Units In addition to their specific content and knowledge, the subjects and short courses of junior cycle provide students with opportunities to develop a range of key skills. The junior cycle curriculum focuses on eight key skills.",
"Figure 1: Key skills of junior cycle There is an overlap between the learning in the PLUs with the key skills of junior cycle developed for all students. Table 2 below lists the PLUs, some elements of those PLUs and the sorts of associated learning activities that will support students in achieving the learning outcomes and elements of the PLUs. Teachers can also build many of the other elements of the key skills of junior cycle into their classroom planning. Table 2: Links between the Priority Learning Units (PLUs), elements of the PLUs and student learning activity PLU \nPLU element \nStudent learning activity Communication, language and literacy Personal care and wellbeing Being part of a community Developing communicative relationships Exploring and using Self-awareness Emotional wellbeing Using local facilities Transitioning between environments The student interacts with family, peers, staff and members of the local community. Choices about destinations, modes of transport and items to pack for the trip are made. All five senses are used to explore sights, sounds, tastes and textures of an unfamiliar country and culture. The student identifies their needs and personal requirements when planning a trip. The student learns their value in their family, school and community. They enjoy trips to local places or further afield with people familiar to them. Collecting data and taking photographic evidence of local amenities form part of the learning. The student enhances their learning about what their locality has to offer them. The student navigates routes within their home environs, school and classroom. The learning includes choosing methods of transport to access destinations as well as identifying road signs and markings. Classification of plants, animals and foods is a learning task for students of this course. The student sorts modes of transport and participates in packing a suitcase, taking into account shape and capacity. Identifying bus numbers, times of trains and costs of tickets are all opportunities afforded by the course. The student collects data and makes graphs on how they and their peers travel to school and the methods of transport they use. Creating structures and artwork of famous landmarks from the student’s locality are possible tasks, as is listening to traditional music from the student’s chosen country. The student role-plays the experience of travelling to a different country by various modes of transport. Transitioning to areas in the local community involve movement skills. The student performs simple traditional dance routines from their country of choice. Numeracy \nFoundational mathematical activity Developing number sense Measure and data The arts \nVisual art Music Drama Physical education \nMovement skills Creative movement Overview: Course The specification for this junior cycle short course Around the world in eighty days focuses on developing cognitive, social and practical skills through four inter-connected strands. The four strands presented here are: Home is where my heart is, A whole new world, Planes, trains and automobiles, and Bon voyage. At all times, students are encouraged to develop independent living skills to the greatest extent possible, which will serve them now and in the future. Strand 1: Home is where my heart is. In this strand, students examine their place in their immediate environment and local community. It involves identifying and recognising people in their environment who help them and encourages research into local amenities that are accessible and beneficial to the students. Strand 2: A whole new world. This strand broadens the student’s knowledge of other countries and cultures. Through cross-curricular learning they develop skills of listening, classifying and comparing their own cultures to those of a contrasting country. Strand 3: Planes, trains and automobiles. In this strand, students are introduced to the modes and methods of transportation. There are opportunities for classifying, researching and data collection of modes of transport of personal interest to the students. Strand 4: Bon voyage. This strand enables students to build further on skills of communication as well as those of thinking and reasoning. They learn about planning and preparing for trips outside of their home and school. It enables them to work from a concept to a reality. Practical, hands-on and problem-solving learning activities should be in evidence across all strands of the course. A trip to a race track, airport, train station or other place of interest to the student is a possibility, especially in either strand 3 or 4. Opportunities for reflection on learning should be offered throughout the course as should the use of digital technologies. The Classroom-Based Assessment outlined below reflects the learning students undertake in this NCCA short course. Schools have the flexibility to adapt any NCCA-developed short course to suit their particular needs and school context, with the exception of the Classroom-Based Assessment, which all students taking this short course will complete. Schools may also develop their own short course(s) and related Classroom-Based Assessment. Guidelines for schools who wish to develop their own short courses are available at The learning outcomes in this short course are broadly aligned with the level indicators for Level 1 of the National Framework of Qualifications (Appendix A). The course has been designed for approximately 100 hours of student engagement. Expectations for students Expectations for students is an umbrella term that links learning outcomes with annotated examples of student work. For NCCA-developed short courses, in some cases examples of work associated with a specific learning outcome or with a group of learning outcomes will be available. Schools who design their own short courses may wish to create a bank of examples of student work for discussion and for future reference. Learning outcomes Learning outcomes are statements that describe what knowledge, understanding, skills and values students should be able to demonstrate having completed this junior cycle short course Around the world in eighty days. The learning outcomes set out in the following tables apply to all students and represent outcomes for students at the end of their period of study (approximately 100 hours). The outcomes are numbered within each strand. The numbering is intended to support teacher planning in the first instance and does not imply any hierarchy of importance across the outcomes themselves. The progression continuum for L1LPs The pprogression continuum (below) consists of seven pathways, which describe, in broad terms, learning and development related to Level 1. The pathways are written to reflect an order of progression, though these students do not always develop intellectually or functionally in a linear fashion. Teachers can use the continuum to help them understand how a student is functioning in respect of their learning. Students may be on different pathways for different areas of learning or learning outcomes. The continuum supports teachers in identifying the next appropriate pathway for students in their learning journeys. The progression continuum PROGRESSION PATHWAYS The student… EXPERIENCING is present during a learning activity. S/he is awake and/or exposed to the learning environment. S/he is beginning to acclimatise to the learning environment such as objects, people, sounds and other sensory experiences. ATTENDING becomes attentive to and/or engaged with the learning activities presented by changing gesture, posture, vocalisation, eye gaze, movement etc. S/he is acclimatised to the learning environment. RESPONDING demonstrates capacity to actively or purposefully take an interest in the learning environment. S/he begins to indicate likes, dislikes or preferences. S/he actively responds to a learning activity with or without support. INITIATING shows curiosity about the learning environment. S/he actively and independently seeks opportunities to engage with and/or influence that environment. ACQUIRING demonstrates that knowledge, a concept or a skill is being learned. S/he explores and participates in the learning. BECOMING FLUENT moves towards fluency and accuracy in familiar learning contexts. S/he independently and consistently demonstrates recall mastery of the skill/concept/knowledge learned. GENERALISING transfers and applies learned skills, knowledge or concepts to familiar and unfamiliar contexts. My home and my family \nidentify members of their family, using any form of expression 1.2 \nrecognise and/or respond to photographs of their family as opposed to photographs of strangers 1.3 \nlist the rooms in their homes and link rooms in their home to activities that occur there 1.4 \nidentify familiar objects from their home 1.5 \nconstruct a 2D/3D image of the external features of their home My school \n list the different areas of the school/classroom and link them with activities that occur there 1.7 \nseparate activities that happen at home from those that happen at school 1.8 \nidentify familiar objects associated with the school 1.9 \nshow recognition of staff and students at school through any form of expression 1.10 \nnavigate the route to their classroom and other areas of the school, by any chosen means My community and local amenities Local places of interest/ \nfamous landmarks 1.11 \nshow recognition of places and people in the community 1.12 \ninvite a member of the local community to come and speak at their school 1.13 \nobserve and participate in the collection and recording of data of the amenities that students in their school use 1.14 \nidentify the local attractions and famous landmarks in their home county Strand 1: Home is where my heart is Students learn about Learning outcomes Students can 1.15 \nchoose an area of interest in the locality and participate in discussions about it and/or visit that area 1.16 \nparticipate in an artistic piece of work relating to the chosen landmark Climates, clothing and cuisines Sights, songs and sports 2.1 \nobserve and participate in a sensory experience of the climate of the chosen country, contrasting it to the climate of Ireland 2.2 \ndifferentiate between clothing that would be worn in hot and cold climates 2.3 \nparticipate in researching traditional clothing worn in the chosen country and discuss colours, textures and functions of the clothing 2.4 \ncreate a piece of artwork, using fabric and fibre, to represent the traditional clothing 2.5 \nidentify foods that are familiar to Ireland 2.6 \nexperience new tastes and flavours and record their preferences 2.7 \nparticipate in preparing a traditional meal from the chosen country 2.8 \nlisten/view and respond to traditional music/songs (or videos accompanying pop songs) from the chosen country, by creating a piece of artwork, dance or drama 2.9 \nlist the native landmarks of the chosen country, using any form of text1 2.10 \ncompare one or more of the landmarks of the chosen country with one or more chosen in strand 1 2.11 \nspecial occasions/sporting events from the chosen country Text to include all products of language use: oral, gesture, sign, written, visual, electronic and digital. Strand 2: A whole new world (For this strand students chose one country, with a contrasting culture to Ireland) Students learn about Learning outcomes Students can Plants and animals 2.12 \nexplore pictures of plants and trees native to the chosen country 2.13 \ncreate a piece of artwork depicting the terrain of the chosen country 2.14 \nrecognise and examine the characteristics of animals native to the chosen country 2.15 \nvisit a pet shop/farm/zoo and take photographic evidence of animals they might find in their chosen country Modes and methods of transport 3.1 \nlist a variety of modes of transport and examine the features and purpose of the vehicles 3.2 \ncollect and record data on which modes of transport the students use and have used in the past History of transport \nresearch and name animals that were used for transportation 3.4 \nfind pictures of old cars and trains to compare with more modern ones 3.5 \ncreate a timeline of the history of transportation 3.6 \ncreate a piece of artwork related to transport (a vehicle from recyclable materials, a picture collage of famous vehicles from movies) Accessibility of transport 3.7 \nrecord how they travel to school each day 3.8 \nparticipate in discussions about the safety features and adaptations in vehicles 3.9 \nbecome aware that some transport has cost involved and research the costs for local buses and trains 3.10 identify road signs and road markings, and take photographic evidence of them in the local community 3.11 travel on a public mode of transport with assistance Strand 3: Planes, trains and automobiles Students learn about Learning outcomes Students can Venturing further afield 4.1 choose a destination from strand 1 or 2 and identify what to expect when they arrive there 4.2 create a social story using any form of text in preparation for the excursion 4.3 participate in mapping routes and identifying modes of transport needed to reach the chosen destination 4.4 explore the costs involved in transport, tickets and food for the trip 4.5 identify suitable clothing and essential personal items required for the trip and participate in packing a bag 4.6 explore relevant travel documents required for local/foreign travel 4.7 participate in a real/virtual journey to a foreign country 4.8 participate in a sensory experience of that country Strand 4: Bon voyage Students learn about Learning outcomes Students can Assessment and reporting Essentially, the purpose of assessment and reporting at this stage of education is to support learning. This short course supports a wide variety of approaches to assessment. Some learning outcomes lend themselves to once-off assessment, others to assessment on an ongoing basis as students engage in different learning activities such as discussing, making choices, planning, taking action and, at an appropriate level, finding out information. In these contexts, students with their teachers and peers reflect upon and make judgements about their own and others’ learning by looking at the quality of particular pieces of work (according to their ability). They plan the next steps in their learning, based on feedback they give and receive. Ongoing assessment can support the student in their learning journey and in preparing for the Classroom-Based Assessment related to this short course. It is envisaged that students will provide evidence of their learning in a variety of ways, including digital media, audio recordings and written pieces. Assessment is most effective when it moves beyond marks and grades and reporting focuses not just on how the student has done in the past but on the next steps for further learning. Student progress and achievement in short courses, both in ongoing assessments and in the specific Classroom-Based Assessment relating to this short course will be communicated to parents in interim reporting and in the Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement (JCPA). To support teachers and schools, an Assessment Toolkit is available online. The Assessment Toolkit will include learning, teaching, assessment and reporting support material. Classroom-Based Assessment Classroom-Based Assessments are the occasions when the teacher assesses the students in the specific assessment(s) that are set out in the subject or short course specification. Junior cycle short courses will have one Classroom-Based Assessment. Classroom-Based Assessment: An excursion This Classroom-Based Assessment is the culmination of the work undertaken in the four strands of the Around the world in eighty days short course. The Classroom-Based Assessment should begin after work in the four strands has been completed. The planning and preparation for an actual trip to an area in the local or wider community will give the student the opportunity to use skills they have learned throughout the short course. The choice of destination will be an area of interest the student has chosen from strand 1. The student will research and decide on modes of transport, calculate the cost involved and identify essential items required for the excursion. It may require collaboration with others to research, find information, plan and organise the excursion. It builds confidence, develops independent living skills and encourages social interaction with others. It may also provide an opportunity to demonstrate skills in working with digital technology. • \n Features of Quality The Features of Quality support student and teacher judgement of the Classroom-Based Assessment and are the criteria that will be used by teachers to assess students’ Classroom-Based Assessments. More detailed material on assessment and reporting in this junior cycle short course, including Features of Quality and details of the practical arrangements related to assessment of this Classroom- Based Assessment, will be available in separate assessment guidelines for Around the world in eighty days. Inclusive assessment Inclusive assessment practices, whether as part of ongoing assessment or the Classroom-Based Assessments, are a key feature of teaching and learning in schools. Accommodations, e.g. the support provided by a special needs assistant or the support of assistive technologies, should be in line with the arrangements the school has put in place to support the student’s learning throughout the year. Where a school judges that a student has a specific physical or learning difficulty, reasonable accommodations may be put in place to remove, as far as possible, the impact of the disability on the student’s performance in the Classroom-Based Assessment. Accommodations which enable all students to access curriculum and assessment are based on specific needs. For example, a student who cannot physically type may use free dictation software to complete ongoing assessments and the Classroom-Based Assessment. Equally, a student who cannot speak may sign/draw/write/type/create visuals and subtitles to present and communicate ideas. A student with a specific learning difficulty may benefit from having learning tasks and activities presented in a different way. Comprehensive guidelines on inclusion in post-primary schools are available here and guidelines for teachers of students with general learning disabilities are available here. Appendix A: Level indicators for Level 1 of the National Framework of Qualifications",
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"The New Face of the Canadian Forest Industry The Emerging Bio-revolution The Bio-pathways Project February, 2011 About Bio-pathways The Future Bio-pathways Project is a comprehensive investigation of the opportunities to produce a wide range of bio-products from wood fibre. The first phase of the study, released in February 2010, examined the economic, social and environmental benefits of integrating these new bio-technologies within the traditional forest products industry and it considered how this approach will boost employment and strengthen Canada’s economy and rural communities. The project was led by the Forest Products Association of Canada (FPAC), with FPInnovations, Natural Resources Canada and scores of economic and scientific experts. The second phase of the Bio-pathways project, released in 2011, examined the market potential of emerging bio-energy,\nbio-chemical and bio-products, and it explored new approaches to managing value and building partnerships in this critical area.",
"Key findings of the Bio-pathways project: •\nNumerous viable options exist to convert forest biomass to bio-energy,\nbio-chemicals and bio-material. •\nThese options are best achieved by integrating their production with the traditional forest industry. •\nProducing these products at forest industry facilities improves the economic results for the bio-products and forest industry facilities. It increases the job potential by up to five times versus stand-alone bio-energy plants and is environmentally beneficial. •\nMarkets already exist and are dynamically growing for this broad range of innovative bio-products that can be produced by extracting maximum value out of the wood fibre from every tree. These new markets will reach an estimated $200 billion by 2015. •\nCanada’s forest sector is already producing a range of bio-products, but it is not maximizing their contribution to the industry’s bottom line. •\nIntegrating new bio-technologies into existing production will ensure a vibrant future and a Canadian advantage for the sector. THE BIO-FUTURE FOR CANADA’S FOREST INDUSTRY: IT’S ALREADY BEGUN The Bio-pathways project is a blueprint for an exciting future for Canada’s forest products industry―a blueprint that would see the industry lead the world in innovation and give Canada an advantage in world markets. It’s a future defined by new prospects for growth as the Canadian forest sector moves from an established, process-driven commodity industry to a nimble and “green”\nindustry serving wider markets and driven by opportunities emerging in the 21st century bio-age. Canada’s forest products industry is already starting to extract more value from wood fibre.\nYesterday’s waste stream is fast becoming tomorrow’s revenue stream. The Bio-pathways study identifies a potential global market opportunity of around $200 billion. ADDING VALUE The Bio-pathways project makes the case for integrating current operations with new add-on processes that create bio-energy, biochemicals and bio-materials that add value and jobs. Imagine a conventional forest industry operation. You would see piles of timber or wood chips waiting to be processed,\na building housing a sawmill or pulp mill and stacks of processed wood or pulp waiting to be shipped. This vision is becoming reality faster than most Canadians realize. For example,\nFPInnovations, Canada’s leading forest sector innovation centre and research and development institute, is already working with industry partners to verify and optimize the gasification of biomass at mills. In the near future, some of these traditional operations might include bio-refineries that produce renewable fuels, plastics and chemicals for the pharmaceutical and food industries while also generating electricity that can be added to the wider grid and used in people’s homes. The site would produce little, if any, waste while generating higher income. Th transformation is already taking hold in the Canadian s e c g transformation is already g forest products industry ulp & Paper Energy Shares, 2009 19% 14% 67% Renewables ■ Electricity (net)\n■ Fossil Fuels ■ Other (net) �����������\n�������� BIO-REFINERY ��������������������������������� BIO-FUELS A BIO-ENERGY BIO-FUEL TRADITIONAL \n� �������� ����������������\n�������� ��������������\n� �������\nBULLETPROOF VESTS AND AIRPLANE WINGS Products such as food additives, bulletproof vests and airplane wings may not come to mind when you think of a tree. Yet they’re some of the existing and future products that are making up the dynamic new face of the forest sector in Canada. Clothing: forest fashions Wood can be processed to produce fibres with qualities suitable for textiles such as rayon.\nThese traditional fibres could be combined with new technologies to compete with traditional synthetic textile fibres.",
"Market opportunity: Forest product textiles could take the pressure off the rapidly shrinking global cotton supply. Aerospace: forests are taking off Nanocrystalline cellulose composites being produced from wood fibres could be used in the aerospace industry to replace heavier more expensive non-renewable materials.",
"Market opportunity: Lighter materials mean lower fuel costs and fewer emissions for airplanes. Bio-plastics: Biodegradable forest products \nBio-plastic is derived from renewable biomass unlike traditional plastic, which is made from petroleum. Renewable and biodegradable bioplastic can directly replace or be blended with traditional plastics. Market opportunity: The market demand for bio-plastics continues to grow. Overall,\ncustomer needs for plastic will double in the next decade. Tires: forests are on the move Lignin, the organic substance that holds together the individual fibres of wood, is being considered as a replacement for carbon black,\na petroleum product used to manufacture rubber needed for products such as car tires.",
"Market opportunity: Substituting petroleum with lignin means greener tire products. Bio-oil: forest power Subjecting wood products to high pressure and temperature can produce renewable bio-oil in seconds.",
"Market opportunity: This petroleum substitute turns a forest waste stream into a revenue stream. Bio-active paper and packaging: smart forest products Emerging technology is pointing to new uses for paper: paper towels could indicate contamination on kitchen counters; strips of paper could remove pathogens from water and confirm the water is safe to drink; medical masks could actively remove viruses; and intelligent packaging could change colour to indicate freshness.",
"Market opportunity: Bio-active paper and packaging adds value and improves health. 3 Bio-pharmaceuticals: forest medicines Bio-active compounds in plants could lead to new and economically viable pharmaceuticals and other bio-products. Already, paclitaxel, a bio-active compound originally isolated from the bark of western yew, is a proven antitumour agent. Market opportunity: New drugs could help heal more people. Bio-buildings: reaching for the sky Wood has been used for centuries in buildings but new products and construction techniques are pushing wood construction into the sky.\nNew developments include the possibility of 10-storey (or higher) wood buildings. Market opportunity: One to three billion board feet could be used in non-residential construction each year. INVESTING FOR GROWTH Canada’s forest products industry is already moving down the road of the bio-revolution.\nThe industry has world-class environmental credentials, the expertise to thrive and the road map to combine traditional operations with leading-edge, value-added products. This adds up to a diversified revenue stream and attractive investment opportunities. Being part of the 21st century Canadian forest products industry gives investors the best of many worlds — an essential commodity with a global customer base, as well as innovative bio-technology products poised to revolutionize vast sectors of the global economy. And these “green” products sourced from a well-managed renewable resource can also form a Canadian advantage in the rapidly evolving global marketplace. The last decade saw brutal economic realities drive cost-cutting and efficiencies throughout the forestry supply chain. Today, the industry has a well-deserved reputation as a proven leader in process-driven improvements focused relentlessly on the bottom line.\nConsider that more than 600,000 Canadians are directly or indirectly employed by the forest products industry. Exports from the sector are worth $23.6 billion, which translates into a trade surplus of $14.4 billion — second only to the oil and gas industry.1 But Canada’s forest products industry is not content to maintain the status quo. A profound shift is underway. Industry will continue to optimize its core business, but it will also maximize shareholder value by allocating wood fibre to production processes with the highest possible profit and value added. For individual plants and mills, it means operations can channel production from basic materials to bio-products depending on market realities in the emerging bio-economy. This chart highlights dynamic growth in emerging markets compared to little or no growth in the conventional forest products sector. Products Annual Growth Global Market Rate (%)\nPotential 2009-2015 2015\n(US$ billion) Green chemicals 5.3 62.3 Alcohols 5.3 62.0 Bio-plastic and \n23.7 3.6 plastic resins Platform chemicals 12.6 4.0 Wood fibre \n10.0 35.0 composites Glass fibre market 6.3*\n8.4 Carbon fibre 9.5 18.6 Canadian forest neg. to O-2 50.0 products industry References:\nMarkets and Markets. 2009. Global Renewable Chemicals Market. The Freedonia Group. 2009. World Bioplastics. Industry Study 2548. Lucintel. 2009. Global Glass fibre Market 20102015: Supply, Demand and Opportunity Analysis. Acme Market Intelligence. 2010. World Carbon fibre Composite Market.\n* CAGR for 2010-2015 Source: Natural Resources Canada (NRCAN) and Industry Canada (IC) This phase of the Bio-pathway project assessed global markets for these new emerging products. The potential market sizes are staggering. Countries and companies with the right policy frame, the desire to foster innovation and the ability to deploy the resulting technology will be poised to grab market share in these areas and experience growth rates far above those being generated by the traditional forest product sector. This is where the action is! GROSS MARKET OPPORTUNITIES “This study identifies a global market opportunity of $200 billion. For example, the potential for bio-chemicals is $62 billion.” 1 All data is for the year 2009 unless otherwise indicated and is the most up-to-date annual information available from Statistics Canada. THE EVOLVING BIO-AGE Just as the industrial age gave way to the information age, the bio-age is being heralded as the next revolution to transform the globe economically, environmentally and socially.\nCanada’s forest sector is poised to thrive economically in this new bio-age while building on its reputation as a world leader in greening its operations and reducing its environmental footprint. Producing bio-energy, bio-chemicals and biomaterials from our vast forests — which are renewable and part of nature’s cycle —will mean replacing materials now made from rapidly depleting fossil fuels. This can be a tremendous competitive advantage for Canada in the emerging bio-age. A report from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development supports this view. OECD research points to a long-term increase in the cost of fossil fuels as supplies dwindle. It predicts that the expected increase in demand for energy combined with restrictions on the production of greenhouse gases will further stimulate the growing market for biomass from forests.2 Countries around the world are not waiting to exploit the new markets being ushered in by the bio-age. Already, Canada’s competitors are moving quickly to establish themselves as leaders and are heavily investing in their forest sectors in a quest to combat climate change,\ndeliver energy security, and provide greener products to the marketplace. Between 2005 and 2009, the European Union, the United States and China accounted for over three-quarters of all investment in biomass-derived energy.\nCanada was responsible for just 2 percent — a sign of the huge untapped potential of the Canadian market in the developing bio-age. Europe 44%\nEurope 44% Central & South America 7%\nAmerica 7%\nCentral & South America 7%\nCentral & South America 7%\nAmerica 7% United States 10%\nUnited States 10%\nUnited States 10% Canada 2% Canada 2% Rest of World 5%\nWorld 5%\nRest of 2The Bio-economy to 2030: designing a policy agenda, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2009. The Bio-economy will contribute 10―14 new drugs per year by 2015, and it will be responsible for 10 percent of chemical production by 2030. -The Bio-economy to 2030: designing a policy agenda, OECD GLOBAL BIOMASS EN\n005–2009 *)\n05–2009 China 2 China 22 China China *Bloomberg New Energy Finance\n*Bloomberg New Energy Finance\n*Bloomberg New Energy Finance BIO-PATHWAYS — LESSONS LEARNED The Bio-pathways project shows that markets will continue to exist for traditional forest products such as wood and pulp.\nMeanwhile, the new technologies will have smaller niche markets but generate a much higher price. Integrated plants could produce up to five times as many jobs as a stand-alone bio-energy plants. Combining the old and the new is the way forward for the nextgeneration forest industry. Biomass-derived \nCommodities Biomass-derived \nSpecialty Chemicals Biomass-derived \nPharmaceuticals 1012 1011 1010 109 108 107 106 105 104 103 102 101 101 1 10 102 103 104 105 Adapted from Esteban Chornet November 2005 arket Price (US$/kg) This graph shows how big volumes of biomass-derived commodities will generate lower prices, while lower volumes of bio-chemicals and bio-pharmaceuticals will generate higher prices. Bio-energy findings Combined heat and power production, also called cogeneration, is the simultaneous production of electric power and heat or steam from the same fuel source. The heat or steam that would otherwise be wasted can be used for industrial purposes or for heating or cooling.",
"Canada’s forest industry already uses cogeneration. The Bio-pathways findings suggest this is a good first step on the road to integrating traditional mill operations with bioenergy production. The project also showed that producing more heat and power — and even transportation fuels — is economically viable in bio-refineries where other high-value byproducts are also made. Synthetic hydrocarbons, such as bio-oil, were also shown to be economically viable. However, producing bio-energy on a commercially viable scale depends on the availability of biomass and creation of domestic markets. OVING TO HIGHER VALUE ADDED PRODUCTS Vanillin, Aldehydes Chiral drugs\n(ex. Ibuprofen) Cellulose-based fibre",
"Bio-chemical findings Bio-pathways identified opportunities for developing new cellulose-based products that can be converted into bio-chemicals and used in novel ways such as making bulletproof vests. Older, smaller-scale pulp mills can be converted to produce a range of bio-chemicals to serve niche markets. Producing bio-chemicals over the long term will continue to depend on integrated mill operations. Combining the extraction of lignin and hemi-cellulose with the operations of traditional pulp mills can add revenue. Lignin and hemi-cellulose can be used to produce new high-priced chemicals for niche markets.\nHemi-cellulose has a number of bio-chemical applications, such as additives for jet fuel. 7",
"Bio-material findings The demand is growing for forest products based on attributes over and above price. The industry must respond by finding innovative solutions to increase the quality and variety of speciality wood-based products. More focus should be placed on applying advanced and innovative technology to reduce production costs and improve methods of manufacturing.\nOpportunities identified in the Bio-pathways study include engineered wood, pre-fabricated wood construction, ultra-low density insulation and packaging, and repair and renovation systems. Along with product innovation, there should be business model innovations and a concerted move to offer building systems to existing markets and to new markets that are developing in Europe and Asia. Non-residential construction warrants special attention. There are already many small-market applications for bio-products — for example,\nreplacing glass or other fibres in fibrereinforced composites. The development of these products should be customer driven. THE WAY FORWARD The Canadian forest sector is ready and willing to play a central role in Canada’s economy as a dynamic contributor to the new bio-age while maintaining its reputation as a model producer of traditional forest products. The industry is already exploring opportunities and investing in these new opportunities. But industry can’t deliver on the promise by itself. Canadians need to collectively embrace a vision in which the country can be a world leader and build a true Canadian advantage in the new bioeconomy. The right policies to compete and win Other countries are already ahead of Canada on the policy front. The U.S., Europe and China are retooling their policies and making the necessary short-term investments to secure technology expertise, create employment, attract investments and capture fast-growing markets for bio-products.\nGlobalization is also allowing for a more specialized range of forest products. Here too,\ninnovation is crucial to being competitive. Industry needs policies that focus on closing the innovation gap, creating domestic market potential and encouraging first adoption of the most promising technologies. Canada’s policy framework must also support better infrastructure to facilitate the transportation and transmission of green electricity. Shared risks, shared rewards Success in the bio-age will come from coordinated investment linked to a vision of what governments want to achieve with their innovative and environmental agendas. The government of Canada has already invested in the transformation of the forest products industry. But more must be done so that the industry can produce long-term plans and share risks and rewards in a more vibrant,\ngreen, knowledge-intensive economy. Partnering for progress Industry must seek out new partnerships with innovative companies outside the forest sector and build networks to bring bio-technologies to market more quickly. Potential partners include the oil and gas, chemical, auto, aerospace and agricultural sectors as well as academia.\nGovernment policies should facilitate these partnerships by removing roadblocks based on dated 20th century economic models. Wood Wood W ner ner ner aper aper aper astics astics astics es es es Food additives es Food additives Food additives ood additives ood additives ood additives -chemicals Bio-fue\n-chemicals Bio-fue Bio-fue -chemica\n-chemica -chemicals Bio-fue\n-chemicals Bio-fue Bio-fue fue fue fue Learn more \nTo find out more about the Bio-pathways II project and how Canada’s forest industry is moving up the forestry value chain: FPAC would like to thank the dozens of researchers,\nacademics and provincial and federal government representatives who collaborated on this project, in particular the staff of FPInnovations, Natural Resources Canada, the NSERC Value Chain Optimization Network and Professor Sten Nilsson, Special Advisor to FPAC. It would have been impossible to complete this work without access to the data, skills and project leadership provided by such excellent collaborators. Forest Products Association of Canada The Forest Products Association of Canada (FPAC)\nprovides a voice for Canada’s wood, pulp and paper producers nationally and internationally in government,\ntrade and environmental affairs. The $54-billion-a-year forest products industry represents almost 2 percent of Canada’s GDP and is one of Canada’s largest employers,\noperating in hundreds of communities and providing hundreds of thousands of direct and indirect jobs across the country. All member companies are part of the landmark Canadian Boreal Forest Agreement. To learn more about FPAC and its members, please visit About FPInnovations FPInnovations is Canada’s leading forest sector innovation and R&D centre which performs research, technical services and technology transfer activities relating to wood harvesting, wood products, pulp and paper, nanotechnology,\nbio‐energy and chemical production. FPInnovations’ staff numbers approximately 550. Its research laboratories are located in Québec City, Montréal and Vancouver, and it has technology transfer offices across Canada. To learn more about FPInnovations and its members,\nplease visit"
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"Introduction ClickMeeting is an easy-to-use SaaS webinar platform used worldwide. It was built using highend technology, with data security as the highest priority. The platform meets stringent security requirements in the design, deployment, and maintenance of its network, platform, and applications. Businesses and government agencies can use ClickMeeting services routinely and effectively, secure in the knowledge that their sessions are safe and private. Role-based security features Each ClickMeeting user is assigned an application-defined role, so account owners can enforce company access policies related to service and feature use. Host privileges Hosts have the top level of webinar control and can grant and revoke various privi- leges for participants. Host capabilities include the following: Invite attendees before or during the webinar, so only authorized participants can join the webinar. View an attendee list showing current roles and privileges. Start and end the webinar, to prevent others from disrupting it. Make any attendee an active presenter. Allow or disallow the use of chat by attendees. Disconnect or log out attendees. \n01 SECURITY POLICY Transfer the host role to another attendee so the webinar can continue if the host must leave. (Once an attendee becomes a host, this privilege cannot be revoked.) Presenter privileges A presenter shares content with the attendees. Any webinar attendee may be granted the role of active presenter. Presenters have the following capabilities: Upload chosen documents to a webinar room and show them to attendees, without displaying all your files and folders from your computer. Grant or revoke remote keyboard and mouse control to another attendee, to facilitate efficient communication through desktop interaction. Designate an attendee as a presenter, allowing a flexible, dynamic flow. The difference between Host and Presenter is that the Host has the ultimate control over the account panel and webinar room. He can invite attendees, presenters, schedule and run webinars or online meetings, and control attendees data and billing details. Presenter, however, can only run an event (after being designated by a Host), with no access to the account panel or billing details. \n02 SECURITY POLICY Attendee privileges Users with the attendee role have the following privileges: Join any webinar they’ve been invited to. View the presentation content unless the presenter has paused or disabled it. If granted, remotely control the presenter’s keyboard and mouse. (Remote control privileges are automatically revoked whenever the presenter moves his mouse.) Use chat to send text messages to all other attendees. (Chat may be disabled or moderated by the host or presenter.) Leave a webinar at any time. With basic access rights and privileges on assigned roles, webinars have the flexibili- ty to facilitate interaction between attendees without compromising control or visi- bility. Hosts can easily add attendees or change the presenter as needed throughout the webinar. Presenters remain in complete control of their desktops, and hosts have everything required to manage the webinar effectively. Multi-user privileges The multi-user feature allows you to have multiple users on the same account. With the multi-user feature, the account owner can: Enable co-workers, employees, or contractors to log into the account using their own credentials. \n03 SECURITY POLICY Enable multiple users to create and host many events under one account. Grant access to selected employees while staying in control of the company account. Ensure the consistency of account credentials and avoid unexpected password changes. Control the brand consistency in all customizable elements created by other users. Retain sole control of billing decisions to get the company invoices under control. Multi-user limitations: Multiple users of the company webinar account are not allowed to host more than one event at the same time. To be able to do that, the account owner needs to purchase an Additional Room Session in the account add-ons. Multiple users cannot handle company invoices on their own. To empower a user with privacy and more independence, the account owner needs to purchase a subaccount (or multiple subaccounts). Each person gets their own storage space and recording time allowances. They can also keep their files and information private. \n04 SECURITY POLICY Secured Data Centers ClickMeeting offers a global infrastructure that includes: 1. 2. Data Centers (which store personal data given to us by clients acting as data administrators, as well as their files and recordings) located in DE, FR, PL and RU (in the latter case, exclusively within the scope of data and files entrusted to us by Russian customers). For a detailed list of subprocessors to whom CM entrusts the processing of personal data, visit: Other servers (access servers, not storing data) located in PL, DE, FR, NL, US, HG, SG, UK, BR, RU and CA. We have a number of independent server service providers in order to ensure the best possible performance and safety. These services are delivered from various regions of the world. We monitor our infrastructure and respond to emergencies 24/7. You can check the status at any given moment at At ClickMeeting we maintain security status consistent with industry standards. For detailed information regarding the applied safeguards, visit: https://www.ssl- We offer alternative procedures and server rooms in case of attacks and emergen- cies. In case of an emergency on any of the servers, customers from the defective server are directed to another server in order to ensure the continuity of platform operations. ClickMeeting periodically carries out automatic penetration tests and conducts a public program called BugBounty. \n05 SECURITY POLICY We also offer an SSO service. It is only available on Enterprise plans, upon contacting the Sales Department. For more information regarding technical and organizational security measures applied by ClickMeeting, visit: _.Measures.pdf Security Personnel We have a dedicated security department that recommends and implements secu- rity procedures for ClickMeeting services and business operations. Our dedicated security department recommends and implements security proce- dures for ClickMeeting services and business operations. Highly qualified security personnel receive ongoing training in all aspects of security to remain at the forefront of security innovation and meet the criteria for security accreditations. Management of security-related features covers: Account management User account-management actions Account creation Security policy Account passwords Strong account-password criteria Webinar passwords – a host can set a webinar password and optionally choose to include or exclude the password in the webinar invitation email. \n06 SECURITY POLICY Webinar room and account security \nfeatures Role-based authorization depends on the ability to correctly identify and authenticate every user. ClickMeeting uses robust account and webinar authentication features to verify the identity of each host, presenter, and attendee. Website account login To access an account on the ClickMeeting website, users must provide a valid email address and user account password. Passwords must consist of at least eight characters and include letters, numbers and non-alphanumeric characters. Passwords stored in the service database are encrypted with salted SHA1 and checked using a cryptographically secured verifier that is highly resistant to dictionary attacks. Authentication of webinar attendees ClickMeeting provides the following types of access to webinars: Password protected – one webinar password for all attendees. Token protected – 6-Character password (digits and/or letters) generated by ClickMeeting and unique for each participant. Registration with manual confirmation – Host approves or declines each regis- tration. Webinar link is sent only to approved participants. \n07 SECURITY POLICY Last update - 17.05.2022 Encryption Technologies/TCP layer \nsecurity Data is transported from the client to the cloud-based server using 256 bit Secure Socket Layer Secured by RSA 2048 bits certificate (SHA256withRSA). ClickMeeting provides the following encryption mechanisms: Protocols TLS 1.3 TLS 1.2 TLS 1.1 TLS 1.0 SSL 3 SSL 2 Yes Yes No No No No ClickMeeting holds compliance certificate PCI Data Security Standard \n08 SECURITY POLICY",
"ClickMeeting holds a certificate issued by Bureau Veritas Certification confirming compliance with GDPR and ISO/IEC 27701:2019 standards. ",
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"Accessing BoardDocs",
"You can access MSJC BoardDocs through the webpage or by clicking: \n Home \n A navigation link to back to the MSJC website. \n Governing Bodies / Committee List \nThe Governing Bodies / Committees list leads to access for all participatory governance committees, \naffinity implementation teams, and other ad hoc groups. \n You can access the Governing Bodies list from the Board & Committee Settings in the BoardDocs \n Information Tabs and Panels \nDocuments display on panels that are accessible from tabs near the top of the BoardDocs screen. In \nsome instances, additional navigation choices are available in menus accessed by clicking the arrow \nnext to tab label. \n Information is structured in a similar manner on each of the panels. Clicking on an item in the \nnavigation area displays its content in the viewing area. \n Many of the document tabs will contain expandable panels that organize agenda content by category, \nas shown below. Clicking on a panel's label displays the documents it contains. I. \nFeatured Panel The Featured panel displays after entering the site and each time you click on the Featured \ntab. On this panel, you can gain quick access to upcoming meeting agendas, \n search for documents contained in the agendas. II. \nMeetings Panel and Meeting Dashboard The Meetings panel provides access to all past and future meeting agendas. On this panel, you \ncan view upcoming meetings in the Featured area; \n create, modify, and delete meetings (publishers only – typically committee chairs \nand/or scribes); \n view draft meetings as they are being created (if enabled in the option settings); \n access agendas and minutes from all past meetings on a year-by-year basis; and / perform targeted searches for information contained in meeting agendas or \n The Meeting Dashboard displays after you click on a meeting. III. \nAgenda Panel The Agenda tab appears in the tab list when you select a meeting from the Meetings panel. \nOn the agenda panel, you can navigate within the agenda and view agenda item details; \n open and view supporting documents that are attached to agenda items; \n add, edit, and delete agenda item categories (publishers only – typically committee \nchairs and/or scribes); reorder agenda items and categories (publishers only – typically committee chairs \nand/or scribes); print the agenda; and \n initiate targeted searches for information contained in the agenda or its \nattachments. IV. \nPolicies Panel The Policies panel provides access to MSJC’s policy and procedure management features. \nOn this panel, you can access all approved and active district policies and procedures, \n view policies and procedures in the pending, up-for-revision, or newly proposed \nstatus initiate targeted searches for policy and procedure information using key \nLibrary Panel \nThe Library panel stores reference documents and information for institutional data and \nplans, participatory governance committees, Academic Senate and Senate committees, \nAccreditation, Bargaining Agreements, Board goals, and more. A tab menu provides \naccess to library categories. On this panel, you can view documents for board, administrative, and public reference; \n view strategic goals and plans and; \n perform targeted searches for library items. \nSearch Panel \nThe Search panel lets you perform global searches across documents stored \non BoardDocs. Clicking in BoardDocs Left Click \nLeft clicking is used for most actions, including selecting items, saving information, and \ncreating new documents. All mouse actions are performed with single clicks. Right Click \nRight clicking is used in navigation areas to display context menus with additional selections. \nOnce displayed, menu selections are made with left clicks. \n Commonly-Used Icons \nSeveral common icons are displayed throughout the BoardDocs interface. \n Menu (panel) \n Menu (tab) Edit an item \n Save an item \n Close an item without saving \n Advance to next item \n Return to previous item \n Share item Search \n Agenda item contains an attachment \n Agenda item is private (public viewers cannot see the item). \n NOTE: Please contact Jacqua Morrison at [email protected] or Kristen Grimes at [email protected] for \nfurther support."
"url": ""
} |
🍃 MINT-1T:
Scaling Open-Source Multimodal Data by 10x:
A Multimodal Dataset with One Trillion Tokens
🍃 MINT-1T is an open-source Multimodal INTerleaved dataset with 1 trillion text tokens and 3.4 billion images, a 10x scale-up from existing open-source datasets. Additionally, we include previously untapped sources such as PDFs and ArXiv papers. 🍃 MINT-1T is designed to facilitate research in multimodal pretraining. 🍃 MINT-1T is created by a team from the University of Washington in collaboration with Salesforce Research, other academic institutions including Stanford University, University of Texas at Austin, and University of California Berkeley.
You are currently viewing a subset of the PDF portion of 🍃 MINT-1T associated with CommonCrawl dump CC-2023-50
. For other PDF, HTML, and ArXiv subsets, refer to the 🍃 MINT-1T collection.
We have removed roughly 10% of the PDF samples as there was a mismatch between the frames in the TIFF images and the document metadata.
We have become aware that the image hashes in the PDF subset of MINT-1T do not match the images in the documents. We want to emphasize that the images for each document are correct, and only the image hashes in the documents' metadata are mislabeled.
Dataset Details
Dataset Sources
- Repository:
- Paper:
- Blog:
Direct Use
🍃 MINT-1T is designed to facilitate research in multimodal pretraining. The dataset can be used for training multimodal models that can reson about interleaved text and images sequences such as Idefics2, XGen-MM, and Chameleon.
Out-of-Scope Use
🍃 MINT-1T was built to make research into large multimodal models more accessible. Using the dataset to train models that ingest or generate personally identifying information (such as images of people’s faces and other sensitive content) as well as military applications are all inappropriate use cases of 🍃 MINT-1T.
Dataset Creation
Curation Rationale
🍃 MINT-1T was created to address a significant gap in the open-source domain by providing a large-scale multimodal interleaved dataset for pre-training large multimodal models. This dataset aims to be a valuable resource for the research community, facilitating open science in multimodal pretraining.
Source Data
The dataset is a comprehensive collection of multimodal documents from various sources:
- HTML documents: Filtered from CommonCrawl WARC dumps spanning from 2017 to 2024
- PDF documents: Extracted from CommonCrawl WAT dumps covering 2023 to 2024
- ArXiv documents: A subset of papers from the ArXiv repository
In total, 🍃 MINT-1T contains 1056.8 million documents, broken down as follows:
- 1029.4 million HTML documents
- 24.0 million PDF documents
- 0.6 million ArXiv documents
Data Collection and Processing
The data collection and processing involved several steps:
Document Extraction:
- HTML documents were parsed from CommonCrawl WARC files
- PDF documents were extracted from CommonCrawl WAT files
- ArXiv papers were directly sourced from ArXiv S3 buckets
Filtering Process:
- Applied text quality filters to ensure content relevance and readability
- Removed duplicate content at both paragraph and document levels
- Filtered out undesirable content based on predefined criteria
- Verified image availability and quality for HTML documents
- Limited PDF size to 50MB and 50 pages to manage dataset size and quality
Image Processing:
- Used NSFW image detection to remove pornographic or otherwise undesirable images
- Removed images smaller than 150 pixels or larger than 20,000 pixels
- Adjusted aspect ratio thresholds for HTML (2:1) and PDF (3:1) to preserve scientific figures
Text Processing:
- Used fasttext for language identification, focusing on English content
- Masked personally identifiable information such as email addresses and IP addresses
- Applied paragraph and document-level deduplication using Bloom filters
PDF Specific Processing:
- Used PyMuPDF for parsing PDFs and extracting reading order
- Clustered text blocks based on columns and ordered from top left to bottom right
ArXiv Specific Processing:
- Used TexSoup to parse LaTeX source code and interleave images with text
- Cleaned up LaTeX code by removing imports, bibliography, tables, and citation tags
Various open-source tools were utilized in this process, including fasttext, PyMuPDF, and DCLM and bff for deduplication and content filtering.
Personal and Sensitive Information
Despite sourcing from public web data, significant efforts were made to minimize the inclusion of personal and sensitive information:
- Email addresses and IP addresses were masked to protect privacy
- An NSFW image classifierto remove inappropriate visual content
- URLs containing substrings associated with undesirable or sensitive content were filtered out
However, users should be aware that as the data originates from the public web, it may still contain some sensitive or personal information. The dataset creators acknowledge this limitation and advise users to exercise caution and potentially apply additional filtering based on their specific use cases.
Bias, Risks, and Limitations
Several potential biases, risks, and limitations have been identified:
Data Bias: As the dataset is sourced from web crawls, it may inherit biases present in online content.
Content Risks: Despite extensive filtering, there's a possibility that some offensive, insensitive, or inappropriate content may remain in the dataset.
Image Availability: The dataset relies on external image URLs, which may become unavailable over time due to link rot, potentially affecting the dataset's long-term usability.
PDF Parsing Limitations: The current method for extracting reading order from PDFs may not always accurately capture the intended flow, especially for documents with complex layouts.
Potential Legal and Ethical Concerns: While efforts were made to respect robots.txt files and remove sensitive information, there may still be content that individuals did not explicitly consent to include.
Given these considerations, the following recommendations are provided:
Additional Filtering: Users are strongly encouraged to apply additional filtering based on their specific use case and ethical considerations.
Inappropriate Use Cases: The dataset is not recommended for applications involving the processing or generation of personally identifying information, nor for military applications.
Legal Compliance: Users should independently verify compliance with applicable laws before employing MINT-1T for commercial purposes.
Bias Awareness: Researchers and developers should be cognizant of potential biases in the dataset and consider their impact on model training and outputs.
We release 🍃 MINT-1T under a CC-BY-4.0 license, designating it primarily as a research artifact. While the dataset is freely available, users are responsible for ensuring its legal use in commercial settings. Users must independently verify compliance with applicable laws before employing MINT-1T for commercial purposes.
title={MINT-1T: Scaling Open-Source Multimodal Data by 10x: A Multimodal Dataset with One Trillion Tokens},
author={Anas Awadalla and Le Xue and Oscar Lo and Manli Shu and Hannah Lee and Etash Kumar Guha and Matt Jordan and Sheng Shen and Mohamed Awadalla and Silvio Savarese and Caiming Xiong and Ran Xu and Yejin Choi and Ludwig Schmidt},
- Downloads last month
- 5,963