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Requirements of Federal state educational standards on formation of competences of future work include the activation of educational-cognitive activity with the practical direction of professional training. In the study we proceed from the triune nature of the activity, as a holistic education, based on the ratio of such philosophical categories as "General" is "special" - "the unit", namely: the activity of the individual as a social being; educational-cognitive activity; cognitive-communicative activity in a particular subject area. As an effective means of fostering professional training of workers, we considered a set of question-response relations between participants of educational subject activities, combining convergent and divergent treatments. While a convergent question-answer relations are arranged concentrically and narrows the field of possible solutions, and divergent question-answer relationships, you can direct the activity of students to find alternative, non-standard, non-trivial and unconventional solutions. Thanks to the use of question-answer relations was able to increase the activity of students, and also to finish high outcomes of participation in creative competitions.
Course of infection associated with Human Herpes Virus, type 6, in children
High incidence of herpes virus infections in children's population, absence of universal established diagnostic algorithm of the infection stages necessitate further study of the conditions associated with recently discovered viruses belonging to this group, such as Human Herpes Virus, type 6 (HHV-6). Clinical course of the HHV-6-associated infection is described based on examination of 163 children, including 105 and 58 children examined in out-patient and hospital setting, respectively. Diagnosis of HHV-6-associated infection was based on PCR, cell culture, indirect immunofluorescence test, EIA. Infection characteristics depending of the patient's age and severity of the disease are compared. The contribution of HHV-6 to formation of febrile convulsions in children under 3 years is shown
This article aims to show the difficulties and problems which Russian person faces when translating or learning the Spanish language; it is shown how to analyze the grammatical structure of the Spanish sentence, to identify the model construction. The correctness of the analysis give us correct understanding of the sentence and the correctness of the translation. It is shown special features of Spanish language, which we cannot find themselves a direct parallel in Russian.
Function of polymorphisms locus 313GG of GST P1 gen in formation ecologically determined diseases in children who are living on polluted territories
Polymorphic locus 313GG of GSTP1 gen was investigated in children who are living in conditions of intensive polluted environment and in the zone o f radiation monitoring. Carriers o f genotype 313 GG are suppos ed to be p redis- posed to app earance, development and more sev ere cours e a number o f somatic diseases provoking by g enetoxic fac- tors.
Обґрунтування розробки опитувальника якості життя для дітей шкільного віку з гострими бронхо-легеневими захворюваннями
Purpose: to prove feasibility of developing a questionnaire to assess quality of life for school-age children with acute broncho-pulmonary diseases. Material and methods: analysis of scientific and methodological literature on the study of quality of life. Results: to assess quality of life using both general and specific questionnaires. The most of special are questionnaires designed for adults, and all pulmonary questionnaires designed for chronic diseases. There are of survey questionnaire for children with acute broncho-pulmonary diseases. Conclusions: the proposed of us a questionnaire for children with broncho-pulmonary diseases include questions to determine the effect impact of symptoms of diseasea on motor activity and quality of life. In future we plans to cheak effectiveness of the application of this questionnaire for determine quality of life of children with acute broncho-pulmonary diseases with goal to determine the effectiveness of the rehabilitation process.
Introduction: the central element of the agro-industrial complex is agriculture. Its effectiveness affects food security, the socio-economic development of the regions and the country. Among the many factors of sustainable growth of the agricultural sector, a special place is given to agricultural cooperation. Cooperation can increase labor productivity, financial stability of the enterprise, reduce transaction costs. It favorably affects the renewal and modernization of the material and technical base of the agro-industrial complex, the employment of the rural population, and contributes to the development of rural settlements. Materials and methods: the methodological basis of the study includes the analysis of statistical data and economic information, the method of graphical interpretation. The theoretical basis of the study consists of: regulatory acts governing the activities of agricultural cooperation; agricultural cooperation development programs; scientific works of domestic scientists in the field of cooperation; data from the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Samara Region. Results: in the course of the research, the current state of development of agricultural cooperation in the Russian Federation, the Volga Federal District and the Samara Region is analyzed. The prevailing types of agricultural consumer cooperatives established and actually operating in the country are identified. The main areas of support for agricultural consumer cooperatives at the federal and regional levels are considered. Discussion: the slow development of agricultural cooperation, both in the country as a whole and in the region, is associated with certain problems. As a result of the analysis, the authors identified these problems and also considered problems constraining the increase in the economic efficiency of agricultural cooperatives. Conclusion: the study, conducted by the authors, made it possible to determine the success factors for the development of agricultural consumer cooperation in the leading regions of the country and outline the prospects for the further development of agricultural consumer cooperatives.
Equipments to single photon registration. Part 2. Silicon photomultiplier signal preliminary processing. (Review)
Bias circuits, output signals and readout electronics of silicon photomultipliers are considered. Requirements to analog IC for SiPM signal preliminary processing are formulated. According to requirements the set of radiation hardened analog ICs including the comparator and transresistance amplifiers with different gain and speed is produced.
The post-soviet space. Dissolution or detention?
The article is focused upon the evolution of the Post-Soviet space during the period after the USSR dissolution. The author analyses the definition itself as well as the relevancy of its application in the studying of the former Soviet Union area. A special attention is paid to the interconnection between the foreign policy and the geopolitical processes in this mega-region with the particularities of the nation-building in the newly-independent countries established in 1991.
Prevention of violence against women and domestic violence
Based on the analysis of statistical data, judicial practice, the reaction of society and the state to cases of domestic violence against women, the authors conclude that it is advisable to amend the legislation in order to develop a systematic approach to responding to facts of discrimination and violence against women.
in the article the author considers the issues of theoretical definition and legal regulation of carrying out regime activities in correctional colonies, reveals the urgent ways of their realization for security and order protection. On the basis of statistic data and operational information the most urgent issues of operational activities in penal system are revealed
The article is devoted to the analysis of the committed theft and theft of passenger vehicles on the territory of the Russian Federation in 2017, as well as the most common methods of theft of vehicles. The chosen subject is actual as problems of search of the stolen and stolen vehicles by employees at implementation of the professional tasks connected with office activity were and remain in system of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia one of the major questions. In addition, the detection of this type of acquisitive crime remains at a low level.
Stress Redistribution in Deep Open Pit Mine Zhelezny at Kovdor Iron Ore Deposit
The full-scale measurements of initial stresses and numerical modeling of stresses in rock mass enclosing deep open pit mine Zhelezny under planning at Kovdor Mining-and-Processing Integrated Works are presented in the article. The authors have located hazardous areas in pit wall rock mass and validated stability conditions for pit walls with vertical benches.
The methodology for studying such complementary and reciprocal social processes as the formation and formalization of social culture is considered; the application of this methodology to the study of national values in Russia is shown. The proposed methodology also uses the principle of historicism which makes it possible to concretize the sociocultural approach. The system-forming role of the values of book culture is singled out and the contradictory nature of the values of the Russian person is considered. The author concludes that the results obtained can be used to study the complex modern problem of the identity of individual and social subjects in Russia, the problem of intercultural communication and other problems.
Coal ash is one of the mail indicators that characterize its quality and suitability for use. Consumers place high demands on an average ash content and limits and stability of its values in all batches delivered. Consumers impose high requirements to average and marginal parameters of ash and stability of its indexes in all delivered batches. Mineral impurities in the coal being mined has a significant impact on the processes of its further processing (refining, coking, burning). There is an objective need to develop deposits more and more complex in structure and inhomogeneous quality. Solving contradictions of between rigid demands of consumers to coal ash and its natural irregularity of distribution requires special coal quality control systems. Analysis of the design and operational decisions, practice of mining of the deposits in Southern Yakutia shows 171 that not always the contradictions of the existing systems are eliminated. This fact reduces the efficiency of the work of the total technological chain «georesurs - consumer» and its individual units. The introduction of additional technological operations related to the control of natural and technological components of the ash is one of the ways to improve this processes. Consideration of the layers and fields sections, open-pits and concentrating mill as a single technological space allows to form a new coal flow with more uniform quality characteristics. The control of these flows on the basis of suggested measures can and should improve the quality of coal being shipped to consumers, the level of processing and efficiency of the mining and processing productions.
Role of genes involved in immune response and inflammation and the pathogenesis of ovarian cancer
Ovarian cancer (OC) is one of the leading factor in mortality among the cancers of the female reproductive system. One of the important risk factors for ovarian cancer acts is a genetic predisposition. Recently in the study of the malignant neoplasms pathogenesis of ovary special attention was paid to the role of the immune system. This review presents the analysis of domestic and foreign literature devoted to the role of proinflammatory cytokines that mobilize inflammatory response, inflammatory cytokines limiting the development of inflammation, the transcription factors and other participants of the immune response in the ovarian carcinogenesis.
The aim of the study was development of new approaches to assessment of stress response level in medical students at different periods of educational activity based on complex analysis of psychophysiological and biochemical stress markers. Material and methods. With the help of psychophysiological and biochemical methods in the dynamics of the of the study year, an assessment of the level of stress in 29 medical students was made. At respondents estimated the level of anxiety, alarm, defined features of the endogenous account of time. The level of cortisol in saliva was determined by enzyme immunoassay. Results. The content of cortisol in saliva at the beginning of the semester was taken as a base line. At the end of the semester, the concentration of cortisol in saliva significantly decreased by more than an order of magnitude (p = 0.003). The level of situational anxiety at the beginning of the semester in the group of students corresponded to a moderate level. At the end of the semester, anxiety was significantly higher (p = 0.0002). Conclusion. They found a mirror picture between psychoemotional and biochemical markers of stress: the anxiety of respondents increased at the end of the semester, and the level of salivary cortisol was higher at the beginning of the study year.
In the present article authors systematized views of import substitution as the strategy of economic development. The main conclusion following from the analysis and generalization of world practice consists in that examples of successful application of strategy of import substitution were the countries which applied policy of both internal, and export protectionism, and, actually, import substitution presented as the development mechanism of export branches, expansion at foreign markets and the external economic integration. At the same time, the policy of import substitution directed to an autarchy (Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, etc.) showed the essential system defects connected with the institutional interests of a part of elite beneficiaries of policy of import substitution. Authors allocated four main models of import substitution: the Japanese model of 1950-1960, model which the group «Asian dragons» realized (strictly speaking, initially export and industrial with elements of import-substituting strategy), the Latin American model of the catching-up development (Mexico, Brazil, but Argentina most consistently implemented it) and the prototype which received the conditional name «post-globalist model» which prerequisites of realization are observed in recent years, first of all, in the USA and Russia. The key moment in the strategic choice are, first, differences between the Latin American model of import substitution and models of «Asian dragons». Secondly this is the choice between the next catching-up modernization and, considering unique historical conditions of the beginning of the XXI century, the strategy of the advancing development which bases, first of all, on the «closing» technologies that assumes also reformatting of the world market and creation of own zone of economic development with rather capacious and elastic domestic demand.
The Introduction of Information and Communication Technologies in the Dissemination of Scientific and Technical Information is a Priority in the Development of the National STI System of the Republic of Moldova
The relevance of the article is confirmed by the existing challenges currently facing scientists, research teams, communities and the National System of scientific and technical information in the dissemination of research results. The aim of this article is consideration of these problems and search of its solution. The results of this article are to determine the solution: the widespread introduction of information and communication technologies in the dissemination of scientific and technical information among specialists and the general public.
A review of modern mechanized longwall equipment used in the mines of Russia and its main characteristics. The problems and identify long-term objectives of automation control equipment.
The article is devoted to the analysis of the language representation of the concept DEMOKRASI (DEMOCRACY) in the Turkish political discourse of public statement. The analysis highlights the notional component of the concept, nominative field, figurative and value components. The topicality of the study lies in the fact that these theoretical provisions are considered for the first time by the material of the Turkish political discourse. The public statements of the Turkish political leaders serve as the material for the analysis.
This is an overview of existing methods for joint analysis and inversion of geophysical data, including conventional techniques and alternative options based on simultaneous and sequential inversion of different data sets and posterior analysis of separate inversion results. Advantages and disadvantages of different methods are compared using examples of typical cases, and the respective practical recommendations are provided for each method.
Features of teaching foreign language students with the manifestation of semantic and agrammatic dyslexia
The article is devoted to the problem of teaching foreign language to students of a non-linguistic university with manifestations of semantic and agrammatic dyslexia. Today, this problem is poorly understood, which does not indicate its irrelevance. The main content of the article is a description of the signs of dyslexia and its causes, starting from the early years of a child development; defects and retardation in writing and reading, a description of the errors made when reading; possible manifestations of dyslexia in a foreign language among students of non-linguistic universities. Considerable attention is paid to the methods of working with students of a technical university to overcome their difficulties in learning a foreign language (English). Methods for differentiating of a low degree of learning a foreign language and manifestations of dyslexia are proposed; the methodological techniques developed to overcome this disorder among students when they learn a foreign language are described; the practical experience of experimental work carried out in this direction in one of the universities of St. Petersburg is described. In conclusion, the article presents guidelines for working with students with manifestations of dyslexia. The approach described in the article may be of interest both to specialists in the field of dyslexia and to teachers of foreign languages in non-linguistic universities.
In modern conditions, the graduate of the university faces higher requirements. They determine the need to solve complex professional tasks. These requirements are aimed at developing skills to quickly adapt to changing information. The above requirements put forward the desire for self-determination and self-education of students. Before the teacher there is a problem of competent distribution of independent work within the framework of training courses. The students and teachers face the problem of finding a new form of independent work. This form should allow to realize the student's internal potential in solving practical-oriented problems. It can be assumed by the decision of a mass open online course (MOOK). The online course is characterized by the implementation of the principles of continuity and individualization of education. The structure of the online course to the full allows you to solve educational and professional tasks. MOOK provides the formation of the necessary cognitive environment. Experimental approbation of the MOOK on the training course for the organization of independent work of students showed high results. 1) It can be adapted to the educational objectives of the training course. 2) MOOK organically fit into the educational process. 3) MOOK does not contradict the requirements of the educational standard of various areas of training. The organization of independent work in the form of MOOK will allow to achieve high educational results and to diversify the learning content by the training course.
The paper seeks to uncover the process of discursive substitution of the traditional ‘journalistic composition’ paradigm by a new concept of the ‘media text’. The differences between the two are discussed. If a regular journalistic composition is expected to possess certain characteristics such as individual autonomy and a proper structure, a media text may not necessarily have them. The media text’s main function is facilitating communication, which is why it is oriented specifically towards the participants in the communication act, as well as the context in which communication occurs. The author argues that, unlike a “composition”, a media text is more open to the media process that defines and structures it. This means, the requirements of genre and composition are not as significant in media texts. This and other aspects of the media text concept testify to the conceptual shift from the ‘classical’ communication matrix to a ‘non-classical’ one. A review of recent literature on journalism theory corroborates the author’s thesis and points to the turn of the century as the time when this shift took place.
The Belarus-polish cultural interaction in system of mutual relations
In article the basic directions and forms of the Belarus-Polish cultural cooperation in a context of development of the interstate relations, taking place in 1991 - 2006. Undoubtedly are considered, the Republic Poland is for Republic Belarus the important partner on the western direction. The Belarus-Polish relations have great value within the limits of formation round Belarus so-called «good neighbourhood belts». Cultural interaction of Belarus with Poland created a favorable platform for development political and trade and economic relations of two countries, providing stability and a continuity of interstate relations.
A star-shaped geometric graph of four wires with one common vertex at zero is considered. Dead ends of the graph are grounded through the parallel-connected concentrated self-induction and concentrated capacitance of the capacitor. The positive direction of the axis on the wire is the direction from the common vertex of the graph (the point) to the dead end of the graph. The problem is to determine the unknown concentrated self-induction and concentrated capacitance from the first natural oscillation frequencies of the alternating current voltage in the accessible section of one of the wires. It is shown that if the lengths of the strings are the same, then the concentrated self-inductions and capacitances are up to permutations by their places (i.e., ambiguously). If the lengths of the strings are different, then the concentrated self-inductions and capacitances are uniquely determined. If the strings are of unequal length, it is necessary to use the number of natural frequencies greater than the number of unknown parameters for unique determination of these unknown parameters. It is shown that if the number of natural frequencies coincides with the number of unknown parameters, then the parameters are determined ambiguously. The given examples show that if four unknown parameters (one in each boundary condition) are reconstructed at four natural frequencies, then six solutions are obtained. The results of the study can be applied to diagnose the grounding conditions of wires in areas not accessible for visual inspection, according to the natural frequencies of AC voltage fluctuations in the wire section accessible for measurement.
The subject of the state system of ensuring safety of road traffic (historical and legal aspect)
The author conducted a retrospective analysis of the various measures implemented in the sphere of ensuring road safety. There are parallels between the situation time and the process of training specialists in the field of road safety at different stages of development of the Russian state. We prove a direct qualitative relationship between implemented measures aimed at reducing accident rates and ranks, the skills received by the security agents of the road
The article discusses the signs and criteria of activization of design and research activities of students in arts and crafts, defined on the basis of G.I. Shchukina' s integration approach to determine levels of the formation of cognitive activity of students (reproductive-imitative, search-and-perform, creative) and the approach of V.I. Andreeva to the isolation and criterial evaluation of the levels of development of abilities. The authors managed to compare three levels of activity with the corresponding levels of actualization of creative abilities structured in accordance with the adapted model of V.I. Andreeva in seven blocks: motivational and creative activity and personality orientation; intellectual and logical abilities of the individual; intellectually-heuristic abilities of the individual; reflective-creative abilities of a person; communicative and creative abilities of a person; aesthetic qualities of a person in creative activity; the effectiveness of design and research activities. Quantitative indicators of activity levels and corresponding indicators of the manifestation of abilities and qualities of personality are presented for each block in the article: reproductive and imitative activity, search and performance activity and creative activity. The table of comparison of activity levels with levels of involvement in the design and research activities of students in the classes of arts and crafts of their creative abilities proposed in the article is a new tool for organizing pedagogical monitoring that allows determining the effectiveness of forming professional competencies necessary for future teachers of art education.
Proverbs and Sayings in Modern Anglo-American Press: Authorial Use of Traditional Paremias
Creative use of proverbs and sayings is predominant in modern Anglo-American press. Traditional paremias frequently serve as the basis for creation of authorial expressions and aphorisms. They are coined with the help of multifarious devices, the use of which is indicative of journalists' mastery of the language and demonstrates their unconventional treatment of traditional social views.
Legal means of economy modernization: problem statement
The functional essence of the contract is not an abstract legal phenomenon, but an important mean of human labor, the quality of which is characterized by its economic efficiency. According to this thesis the article substantiates the position of the leading role of contract in the legal means of economic progress. The author concludes that the law of contract should be optimized by the criterion of ensuring high economic impact of contractual instruments to modernize the economy.
Characterization of Functions from Spaces Defined on Terms of p-Integrability of Mean Oscillation
The paper is devoted to continuation of the study of classes of functions with condition on mean oscillation, started in A.N. Karapetyanrs, F.D.Kodzoeva. (Izvestya Vuzov. Severo-Kavkazskii region. Estestvennye Nauki. 2012. № 4. S. 5 – 8). That is, the spaces of functions with p-integrable (with weight) mean oscillation are studied. Problems of connectedness and prolongation for such functions are studied, sufficient conditions for a function to be from such spaces are obtained. As an application, we study boundedness of convolution operator and operator with homogeneous (–1) kernel in mentioned spaces on real line and half line correspondingly.
The physicochemical study of the industrial precipitate, containing rare-earth elements, obtaining from the wet phosphoric acid
Physicochemical study of the industrial precipitate from the wet phosphoric acid, containing rare-earth elements was carried out by the X-ray diffraction, chemical, atomic-emission and weight-spectral analyses with the connected plasma.
Globalization complicates the survival conditions of the finno-ugric peoples of Russia. Ethnocultural designing technology is a new revitalization mechanism of traditional culture. On the whole, the article analyzes the activities of the finno-ugric community structures consolidated into the Youth association of finno-ugric peoples (MAFUN): Society «Finland-Russia», The union of mari youth «U Viy» («The new force»), Youth organization «Roza vetrov» («Rose winds») of Komi-Permian district, Public organization of udmurt youth «Shundy» («Sun»), Union of komi youth «Mi» («We»), Public organization «Nuori Karjala» («Young Karelia») and other organizations. Also in the article are considered the most characteristic areas of ethnic and cultural projects for the design of the finno-ugric youth. Main areas of project activities are detected.
Based on the methods of analytical geometry, a model has been developed that reflects the dynamics of movement of a complex object consisting of several groups of objects. The novelty of the developed model is that in it a group object is considered as separate local groups of single objects, and not as a point object when solving a variety of logistical problems. Due to this, it is possible to determine the coordinates of the location of each object of the group and the time it is in a given area at a given modeling time interval. The developed model can be used as a source of initial data for solving a wide range of applied tasks.
Russian information and technical reference books on the best available technologies as a subject of scientific research
The presented article describes modern information and technical reference books that exist on the territory of our country on the best available technologies as a subject of scientific interest, as well as a source of methodological recommendations and practical solutions in the field of greening production processes in leading sectors of the Russian economy. An overview of the publications devoted to the analysis of information and technical reference books on the best available technologies, on the history of appearance, general structure and types of information and technical reference books on the best available technologies is given, the drawbacks of the analysis of this problem are indicated. The article focuses on the fact that despite the importance and significance of information and technical reference books on the best available technologies in practice, in the scientific literature their concept, meaning and classification in the scientific literature is not properly covered, which is very difficult to evaluate from a positive point of view. As a result of the analysis, the author focuses on the fact that the current legislation in the considered area needs to be improved. In particular, it is proposed to consolidate the priority of the provisions of vertical"reference books, since this optimizes the search for the most correct and optimal solutions in the presence of any collisions or aspects that are difficult to reconcile with each other in the documents of the sectoral and inter-sectoral levels.
This article proposes a new approach to the processing of the active experiment results to determine the voltage steady-state load characteristics (SLC) with diverse loads in the node of the power system. The problem is that during the active experiment the composition of consumers and the desired SLC change, while the number of possible voltage control stages is limited by the operating parameters and electrical safety factors during the experiment, which significantly complicates the identification procedure of the real SLC. The paper considers the possibility of using optimization methods in solving this problem. To test the proposed method, an experiment was carried out at the laboratory installation and the efficiency of the modified method for determining the SLC is shown by its example.
It is known that if problems do not dare at that level where they have appeared - it is necessary to rise on level above, on higher step of morals. Arising problems of optimum control cannot be solved purely with the help of mathematics: the mathematics without physics -is silly, the physics without mathematics - is blind. It is offered to look at problems of a method of dynamic programming of R.Bellmana having methodological value, from outside the physical phenomena. It allows solving problems optimum on accuracy of a control system of the electric drive of a high order, in that count also nonlinear.
Declaration of love
In this article the author shows that L.A.Stepashko makes an important contribution to Pedagogic learning. Her life way, sides of gifted person are shown.
The Practice of “The Power of Folk Game” as a Component of the Project “Ecosystem of Childhood”
Folklore game practice is considered as an integral part of the project “Ecosystem of childhood...” aimed at “rebooting” relations in the centers for the promotion of family education. The project focuses on the problems of decision-making that determine the vital activity of the centers as a social system. The game practice is proposed as a special socio-cultural environment that promotes the establishment of friendly, trusting, joyful relationships of participants, whose experience children transfer to other life situations. It is shown that the semantic core of the participants’ stay in the game is the experience of community, manifested in a sense of happiness-joy. The correctional and preventive possibilities of game practice in relation to many types of deviant behavior are noted. Methodological recommendations are offered to the organizers of the game practice, paying attention to the peculiarities of the initiation and maintenance of the game, as a free activity of children and adolescents within the strict game rules.
Efficiency of mineral fertilizers on chernozems Stone Steppe with various security elements of a fооd
As a result of application of fertilizers of ground are capable to pass both to higher, and on lower levels of fertility. Now arable land ЦЧЗ equally widely is submitted почвами, as with average, so the raised(increased) and high maintenance(contents) of mobile phosphorus and exchange калия. Therefore, with the purpose of increase of efficiency of used fertilizers the big interest represents studying their efficiency on почвах with different classes of complex security elements of a mineral feed(meal). In stationary experience of the GNU Voronezh НИИСХ, lead(carried out) with 1991 on 2009 on three фонах security of chernozem ordinary elements of a mineral feed(meal): average; raised(increased) and high influence of saturation of a crop rotation by recommended dozes of fertilizers - 0 is investigated; 31,5; 99,5; 177,5 kg / úá д.в. NPK. It is established, that increase of a class of security of ground by elements of a feed(meal) from average up to raised(increased) and further high provides increase in efficiency of field cultures accordingly on 8,6 both 9,9 % and improvement of quality of their basic production. The greatest increases of a crop from direct entering recommended dozes of fertilizers reached(achieved) on an average level of security of ground elements of feed(meal) (УОПЭП) - 21,2 %. In process of improvement УОПЭП they were reduced: on the raised(increased) background up to 10,2, and on high - up to 2,3 %. At calculation of dozes of entering of mineral fertilizers under cultures of a crop rotation the new way of the account of a class of security почв is offered by elements of a mineral feed(meal). For this purpose the concept « a base level udobrennosti a crop rotation » is entered and digital sizes of this level for various classes of security are by practical consideration received. At middle class of security the base level удобренности should be within the limits of 100 kg / úá NРК, at the raised(increased) class - 30-40 kg / úá NРК and at a high class - 0. After maintenance of base levels, the further saturation of crop rotations by fertilizers can occur without taking into account initial УОПЭП.
This article is devoted to the constitutional and legal analysis of guarantees against the use of the institution of public control in order to undermine national security and the defense capability of the state. The article analyzes the role and importance of democratic principles in the formation and functioning of the apparatus of public power in the process of strengthening national security and defense capability of the Russian Federation as a condition for ensuring the preservation and development of national society and the state and countering any external and internal threats to these processes. The author substantiates the position according to which the institution of public control, despite the fact that it is the most important legal guarantee for the implementation, protection and protection of the constitutional principles of democracy and the participation of Russian citizens in the management of state affairs, can be used by both external and internal opponents of increasing democratic principles in public administration, as an instrument of destructive pressure on the apparatus the public authorities in the country in order to destabilize it, destroy the key principles of organization and activity. In this regard, the article formalizes and substantiates a system of recommendations and proposals for optimizing the system of guarantees, through which the risks of using the institute of public control in violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation, the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of its citizens in order to undermine national security and the defense capability of the state will be minimized.
Distribution of the Oriental Cuckoo gentes in Russia: a review of brood parasitism records by the host species
The article summarizes the available data on brood parasitism by Oriental Cuckoo Cuculus (saturatus) optatus across the territory of Russia and the adjacent territory of Kazakhstan. The data on egg morphology are split by the Oriental Cuckoo gentes. In the central part of the Oriental Cuckoo distribution area, all 4 of its gentes occurring in Russia have been registered. The southwestern periphery of the distribution area is occupied by the collybita gens whereas the southeastern part of the distribution area is occupied by the proregulus gens. For some zoogeographic areas, the ratio between used and available host species nests is given. In most regions, a more detailed study of Oriental Cuckoo's breeding biology is required to identify the gens on the basis of oological materials and to clarify the status of the host species.
The constitutional court of vnestatusnom status of some of the participants of criminal proceedings
In recent years, the subject of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation were a number of situations in which the detected nedostatochnost regulatory status of some participants in criminal proceedings. Moreover, these situations differ from those commonly found with gaps in the legislative regulation of the fact that they process the participant with a status (or at all without it) finds another process participant status the elements. In this is seen the emergence of a new instrument of legal regulation - vnestatusnogo definition of the status of individual participants in criminal proceedings. The paper marked the causes vnestatusnyh situations and prospects for further development of their legal registration.
Digitalization of intellectual activity in Russian regions
The article delves into the problems of the influence of digital technologies on intellectual performance. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that digital platforms underpin the innovative management mechanisms marked with a growing share of automation processes in the field of generation of knowledge and intellectual activity. One of such problems is the lack of unified methodological approaches to assessing the impact of digital technologies on intellectual performance. The methodological basis of the study includes strategic management theory and the principles of public and municipal governance. The research method is correlation analysis of the indicators of intellectual activity and the indicators of digital resources application. The information base of the research includes data on digital technologies application and the number of intellectual deliverables retrieved from the official website of the Federal State Statistics Service for the period of 2015-2017. Based on the theoretical analysis carried out, the authors conclude that the results of intellectual activity are the main tool for developing economic entities. We develop the weighted correlation coefficient of intellectual performance. This is an indicator that contains estimates of correlation coefficients of the results of intellectual activity and digital technologies, each of which has its own weighted coefficient. The study proves that digital technologies affect intellectual performance and their application increases the efficiency of intellectual activity.
In the article the approach to the definition of the optimal strategy of money resources investment (insurance and self-insurance) on scrambling with consequences of accidents on objects of oil and gas branch is submitted. The approach is grounded on a quantitative assessment of accidents hazard. In particular EP-curve and modification of the Houston method were used.
In the article the problem of the estimation of the safe labour state, arising while analyzing of labour conditions of various technological processes. The analysis of labour conditions establishes the reasons and regularities leading to the deterioration of health state, decreasing, the traumatism. There presented breaches classifier of the labour protection gives requirements the reason for the problem of an estimation of the labour protection state on workplaces as a whole.
The complex analysis and assessment of financial fullness of the salary fund in public health system by types and forms of ownership of health care organizations by section of financial sources is given. The need in complex approach to searching optimum methods of payment is proved by using as the basis financial data and indicators of quality of medical care provided to population.
The article contains a study of the structure of Russian publications in the Scopus information base for 1996-2018 in 27 scientific fields. The analysis of thematic directions is given on three of them. The article includes the comparison of Russian publications with the leading countries in the Scopus ranking - the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, France.
Long-term competitive advantages of Russian fisheries and fish industry: An essence, lines of development and formation, the role of the state
Taking into account the principal role of fisheries and fish industry in solving of the problems of provisions supply and security, the state authorities should provide high-priority conditions for their sustainable development. That is, a new, socially-oriented state policy is needed for the fish industry development, the one that would intend active and efficient state participation in implementation of long-term competitive advantages of Russian fisheries and fish industry.
Mentoring as a social technology for improving university-based entrepreneurship training
The article reveals the role of mentoring in the formation of entrepreneurial competencies. The idea of introducing coaching in university business education, using the experience of successful entrepreneurs in bachelor's and master's study programs is grounded. The foreign experience of research and implementation of various social technologies of mentoring in the process of teaching entrepreneurship at universities is analyzed. The results of a secondary analysis of a study by scientists from the Norwegian University of Natural Sciences E. Kubberod, S. Fosstenløkken, P.O. Erstad, dedicated to mentoring peers in entrepreneurial education, are presented. The author’s position on the possibility of using the model of entrepreneurship training presented by Norwegian colleagues and its inclusion in the educational design of Russian universities is substantiated.
Wall Ceramics on the Basis of Low-Grade Alumino-Silicate Raw Materials and Anthropogenic Additives
Currently, much attention is paid to the development of energy saving technologies, expansion of raw materials base of construction ceramics, creation of effective materials, issues of improving the product quality, compliance with environmental standards. The aim of the study is the preparation of ceramic brick on the basis of alumino-silicate raw materials and anthropogenic additives. As additives, drill cuttings and sludge from the station of deferrization are used. The physico-chemical, mineralogical compositions and firing properties of clays and slimes were studied. The content of coarse inclusions and granulometric composition of clayey rocks of the West of Orenburg Region was revealed. The basic properties of ceramics (strength, density, water absorption etc.) in the temperature range 900-1150 °С were determined. The expediency of the use of clay raw materials with addition of corrective additives when producing ceramic bricks was also determined. Implementation of measures of oil production waste treatment is primarily aimed at reducing the negative impact on the environment, and also are important socio-economic benefits for the enterprise: reduction in fees for waste disposal; the profit from the sale of products of disposal. Scientific novelty of the work is the substantiation of the possibility and prospectivity of the use of slime waste as technological additives when producing ceramic bricks. This confirmation is based on the fact that, as a result of high-temperature burning of samples on the basis of alumino-silicate raw materials, a new type of crystalline lattice is formed that contributes to improving the physical-mechanical properties of wall ceramics.
Assessing the technological development of the Tyva Republic economy
<b>Subject </b>The article addresses the technology development of the Tyva Republic economy. <br></br> <b>Objectives</b> The purpose of the study is to present an economic assessment of technological development of the Tyva Republic economy. <br></br> <b>Methods</b> I employ methods of comparison, dynamics, a composite index methodology, which is based on complex registration of macroeconomic indicators, a cluster analysis, including models of the mixture of distributions, analytical grouping, tabular and graphical methods of research result visualization. <br></br> <b>Results</b> The paper reviews the basic methods to assess the technological development of economy that rest on building composite indices, assesses the technological development of the Tyva Republic economy on the basis of methods involving integrated index, ranks major indicators of technological development of economy assessment in the Republic. A rough assessment showed a rather low level of development. The paper unveils major problems of low technological development, gives recommendations on how to improve it. <br></br> <b>Conclusions</b> The composite index enabled ranking the indicators of technological development of the region. The cluster analysis helped distinguish four groups of regions in the Siberian Federal District by the level of technological development.
The article discusses the results of the analysis of regional environmental management systems, implemented through the definition of environmental management functions and performers of functions. The similarities and differences in environmental management approaches in the regions were identified, and models of regional environmental management systems were identified.
Modern Tools and Methods of Service Quality Management in Health Tourism System
The article presents the results of studying consumer preferences and the quality of services provided by the Talkas sanatorium in the Baymak district of the Republic of Bashkortostan. Recommendations have also been developed to improve the quality of service in the Spa complex. The basic algorithm presented by American scientists in the form of 5 factors of low-quality service, which reveals the "degree of service quality", is reflected in the concept of SERVQUAL. The Republic of Bashkortostan has a rich potential of recreational and resort resources used for health tourism: picturesque landscapes, a variety of medicinal herbs, mineral waters and springs, therapeutic mud, as well as unique hot gases and medicinal kumys. At the same time, it is necessary to get a higher result in terms of quality of service as a strategic resource of the sanatorium and resort complex. Modern Spa complexes strive to confirm the expectations of vacationers; this is a kind of struggle for the long-term loyalty of the sanatorium vacationers. A positive image of a Spa product is based on the factors of service quality, based on the formula of three P (Rating + Reputation + Profitability) = Success, which is certainly interesting to consumers and partners, increases the number of services and sales, increases competitiveness, makes it possible to attract additional resources - financial, information, human, material and other resources, and contributes to the success of organizational, service and production processes. Making a survey of respondents, we relied on a factor model of the causes and contradictions of poor-quality service. As a result of the research, we have come to the conclusion that it is necessary to conduct a systematic production and service audit in Spa complexes and make efforts to form high standards of service quality and improve the quality of services offered. Special attention should be paid to wellness, animation and sightseeing programs, since these programs are crucial in terms of consumer demand. In the process of product formation, it is necessary to find the uniqueness of a specific Spa complex. This circumstance allowed us to determine the indicators of sustainable competitiveness and focused on the formation of a Spa product (program) for a specific target audience. The article presents the results of studying consumer preferences and the quality of services provided by the Talkas sanatorium.
Smart approaches in the digital financial ecosystem: fintech in the context of the use of digital platforms and smart control
International organizations in their reviews repeatedly state the possibility of using digital platform technologies for the development of the financial ecosystem (technology-centric and banking platforms). The article considers new platform and management approaches to FinTech projects. The paper analyses the reviews of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank in the development of FinTech and SupTech (smart digital financial control/supervision) directions. The author studies the financial and legal risks associated with the implementation of platform solutions.The paper carries out a brief analysis of the concept of digital money as one of the solutions of FinTech projects. The study considers various types of SupTech: the implementation of neuro-linguistic programming, monitoring of the Internet including social networks, information technology solutions for the formation of operational reporting of supervised organizations. The author considers the case of monopolies of the digital platform of a separate Internet company (antitrust case).Smart control in the digital-financial ecosystem can become a solution to the risk factors associated with the processes of digitalization of the financial sphere. It implies the creation of a digital platform that provides synchronization with the databases of state authorities, creates conditions for the user to communicate with the system operator in real time, a base for cooperation with the digital platforms of other Internet companies.
In the article the computer model of assimilation and forgetting of the logically connected information, which we can image as set of the large number of the information blocks including the learning material elements, is offered. The model allows: 1) to explain the sharp rise of understanding while training; 2) to receive the forgetting curve for the comprehended information. The computer modeling methods help to receive the graphs of the knowledge level dependence from time. It is explained, why assimilation and forgetting occur on the logistical law.
Export of Education in the Age of Innovation
This article is devoted to the study of the problem of export of educational services and its connection with innovative economy. The relevance of the article is determined by both the importance of education in the era of globalization, and the role that higher education plays in promoting the image of any country in the modern world. The article shows that many countries invest significant financial resources in promoting national vocational education systems in the global market for educational services, and higher professional educational institutions are actively promoting their training programs to attract foreign students. A set of measures aimed at attracting foreign students to Russia and creating favorable conditions for their stay and study, both at the state level and at the higher educational institution level leads to progress in the export of education. It can be seen from the dynamics of the number of foreign students enrolled in higher education programs in Russia. The article defines and analyzes the objectives of the export of education, considers groups of factors affecting the export of educational services (socio-demographic, geopolitical and economic-financial) and the problems that prevent its successful implementation in Russia. The authors conclude that the development of export potential must become one of the priority areas of Russian educational policy at all levels.
About gas-air mixture explosion within open volume of cylindrical form
It is shown that development of explosion of a gazo-air compound in volume is substantially defined it not by closure. Research was led by a method komp-juternogo explosion simulations in volume of the cylindrical form in which the window, about volume and atmosphere, is allocated at the right end face opposite to a place of ignition of a compound. It has been installed that process time is reduced in 5 times, pressure decreases approximately in 10 times. The share of the compound thrown out through a window can a dosti-corduroy road of 90 %.
Modern algorithm for diagnosis and treatment of the functional dyspepsia syndrome
The article tells about current diagnostic criteria for the syndrome of functional dyspepsia; major clinical variants of the disease and the process; modern algorithm revealing the main stages of diagnosis and treatment of patients with functional dyspepsia in clinical practice. The role of eradication of Helicobacter pylori infection in multimodal treatment of functional dyspepsia is highlighted.
Tax policy for the Medium-term Period: Benefits Optimization and Investments Stimulation
Priorities for socio-economic development of the country requires a change of the tax policy in order to increase tax incentives for innovation and investment processes. A large number of currently valid tax benefits determines significant shortfall in income budget system of the Russian Federation, while not all of the benefits are effective. Elimination of inefficient and the introduction of targeted tax incentives that promote the growth performance of the taxpayers - the primary task of reforming the country's tax system.
In the article there has been presented a study of the problem of present state of financial and economic activity and efficiency of agricultural production. In the course of the analysis the authors have used different methods of evaluating current state of activity and efficiency of production. There has been given the objective situation in the production of the main types of agricultural products, their cost, dynamics and reasons for growing. There have been reflected the main parameters for evaluating financial stability, liquidity and paying capacity. The parameters of liquidity and paying capacity testify critical situation in the financial state of the agricultural enterprises of Penza region, their insufficient supply with financial resources. In the system of the profitability characteristics the most general parameter is the profitability of all the capital reflecting the profit amount per the cost unit of the capital. During all the research period its level remains insufficient for the provision of extended reproduction in agriculture. The conducted research enables to make a conclusion that both the external factors and internal factors influence greatly the financial and economic activity. At the same time much attention should be paid to the deployment of the available reserves in order to raise the efficiency of agricultural production which in its turn is possible only provided that there should be sustainable financial state of economic entity.
One of the problems faced by Russian special and inclusive education is the need to define criteria for assessing the formation of personality traits of mentally retarded students, enabling teaching staff to identify the impact of activities in moral education. Definitions and formulations of moral qualities of mentally retarded students, despite the urgency, relatively little studied in Russian correctional pedagogy and special psychology. The authors found that the performance criteria of the process of moral education and their development is quite an urgent problem. The rating takes into account the individual level of intellectual, emotional and behavioral development of mentally retarded students, increases the intensity of formation of moral attitudes and performance mastery of practical skills and abilities, the accumulation of knowledge about socially significant behavior. The article presents the results of research aimed at the development and implementation of diagnostic moral education of mentally challenged students as valuation procedures aimed at detecting the dynamics of essential indicators of moral education of studying the factors and conditions that contribute to these changes.
Problems and trends in spread of drug addiction among young people
The article examines the underlying factors and developmental trends of drug addiction among young people. The classification of drug users is offered and the statistics of changes in addictive behaviour in Russia in recent years is provided in the paper.
Transition to the standard models of drug supply for patients with rare diseases
Provision of necessary medications for patients with orphan diseases is concidered. The problems of the current legislation in the subject area are stated. Conclusions are made on the need to rethink the situation of drug provision. Proposals are made to develop a State program "Dangerous Diseases of High Cost".
One of contemporary challenge at the educational system is a need to develop new methods and approaches enhancing quality of graduates. Transformations in our country towards market economy make us to compete with own products not only at the level of enterprises, but educational institutions as well. The article shows that the elements of the Theory of Automation are applicable to the quality analysis of the accomplishment of graduates. Issuing of latest regulation documents also supports this hypothesis and encourages the further development of mentioned methodology. In the article, special attention is paid to the funds of assessment tools because of their quality depends on the adequacy and accuracy of the information received further action of the education system. It is also shown that it is necessary to create a situation in which the student can demonstrate skills obtained, which can manifest itself not only in the classroom. Individual competence may appear in extracurricular activities, and evaluate their means can not only leading teachers, and supervisors in the dormitories, responsible for educational work, SRWS leaders, heads of educational and industrial practices, etc. The article describes the method of calculating the total level of formation of competence
In this article author considers about the theory of sources and forms of canon law as a special legal system ( sui iuris system). A distinction between the sources of ecclesiastical and canon law is made, the main groups of canon sources and forms of the Christian tradition are defined. An attempt to analyze the main stages of systematization of formal sources (forms) of canon law and to derive the bases of systematic (systemic nature) of these sources is made.
Problems of application of international conventions and lex mercatoria by international commercial arbitration
1) ) The author of the article allocates and analyzes application of international conventions and lex mercatoria by international commercial arbitration: 1) ) general principles governing choice of applicable law by arbitrators; 2) arbitrators' autonomy of will; 3) ) application of international conventions by arbitrators; 4) ) limits of arbitrators' discretion regarding application of international conventions.
Features of the criminal legal qualification of complicity in crimes of a terrorist nature
In the framework of the work we have presented, we have examined the current topic of considering the features of qualification of complicity in crimes of a terrorist nature. In this scientific work, special attention is paid to such a criminal legal institution as complicity in the commission of a crime, as well as the definition of the concept of a terrorist act and its main features. The author also analyzes the meaning of qualified features that directly affect the degree of criminal punishment for the commission of any crime.All possible qualification features are listed and the commission of a terrorist act as part of an organized group or a group by preliminary conspiracy is analyzed in more detail. In this article, the author comes to certain conclusions and touches on some legal gaps present in this topic. However, along with this, the article presents copyright proposals to overcome these problems.
Experimental data by intervarietal hybridization within the genus Hemerocallis L. was obtained. Research of initial parental forms, as well as hybrid and control plants was conducted on cytophisiological level. Results of the research allow to recommend varieties ‘Autumn Red’, ‘Bonanza’, ‘Agnes Shumate’ for further breeding work.
The article analyzes the provisions of tax legislation, changes to the Tax code, personal income tax, FIFA and UEFA events in Russia, and amendments to the Constitution. The role of personal income tax. Source of funds for the treatment of children with severe life-threatening and chronic diseases, including rare (orphan) diseases
The Study of Personality Predictors of Self-Destructive Behaviour in the form of Body Modifications
Inroduciton. The problem of studying psychological mechanisms of self-destructive behaviour is a relevant science and practical task as it is related to prevention of self-destructive forms of behaviour among both citizens and law enforcement officers. The paper examines psychological mechanisms of self-destructive behaviour in the form of body modifications basing on the study of interconnection between the vision of the body and self-attitude, disorders in motivation and needs, emotional and will, communicative spheres of a person. Materials and Methods. The research was conducted from February to April in 2019 with a group of 50 students (from Russian University of Transport) aged from 18 to 20 years old. 25 students had body modifications (tattoos, piercing, aesthetic surgery). The first group included 18 female and 7 male respondents, the second group consisted of 15 female and 10 male respondents. The following methods were applied: Buss-Durkee test on aggressiveness, D. A. Leontiev test of life meaningful orientations, V. V. Stolin test of self-attitude, Szondi projective method, V. V. Boyko method of diagnosing the dominant strategy of psychological defence in communication. The data was processed via correlation analysis according to G. Spearman rank correlation method and assessment of differences according to Mann-Whitney criteria. Results and Discussion. The authors managed to reveal and describe the differences between the groups with body modifications and without them according to the structure of life meaningful orientations, hostility level, self-aggressiveness, self-attitude level. The group of respondents with body modifications is characterized by dissatisfaction in realizing life meaningful orientations (statistically important differences between the groups were revealed according to the “Control Locus - Life” scale) and dominant coping strategies in communication: “aggression”, “avoidance”. The group of respondents without body modifications is characterized by the “peacefulness” dominant coping strategy. Unlike the respondents without body modifications, the respondents with self-destructions are characterized by negative self-attitude, depend on the assessment given by the people around (statistically important differences were revealed according to the criteria: “self-sympathy”, “expected success from others”). For the respondents with body modifications it was possible to receive the profile according to the Szondi test revealing “Self”-destruction, proneness to self-destructive behaviour, decreased ethic and moral self-control. Integrated “Self” is typical for the respondents without body modifications. The authors established statistically relevant correlations between hostility and self-aggressiveness according to the Buss-Durkee test and the factor of “Paroxysmal drive” according to Szondi test, which ensured the description of the mechanism of self-destructive behaviour. Conclusions. The authors revealed individual psychological features typical for the people prone to self-destruction and described the mechanism of building the self-destructive behaviour in respect to unconscious tendencies. The tendency to accumulate the negative affect is a prerequisite of displaying self-aggressiveness in case of destroyed life meaningful orientations and decreased self-attitude level.
Multiplex PCR for Detection of Bacterial Pathogens of Infectious Pneumonia
A multiplex PCR system has been developed and optimized for rapid detection of the five main pathogens of bacterial pneumonia. The system can be expanded to analyze viral pathogens of pneumonia (DNA- and RNA-containing viruses), as well as fungal nature.
Semantic volume of the word <i>Conviction</i> in the Words and Homilies of the Russian saints of the 20th century
For the first time the article analyzes the semantics of the word conviction in the words and teachings of Russian saints of the twentieth century. The material is extracted from symphonies in the works of saints and from collections of sayings of Russian elders of the twentieth century. The article analyzes the semantics of the use of this word in religious texts as the implementation of religious discourse in comparison with the codified meaning of modern dictionaries. It is shown that the lexeme conviction is included in the etymological-word formative nest of semantics of different words in the modern Russian language ( court, judge, condemn, reason, judgment, fate, judicial , etc.) of the Indo-European root *dhe- (: *-dh-o: *dh-i-) with the semantics of establishment, action, and in addition with the prefix su- , which means combining or mixing, has negative appraisal and is Church Slavism in the Russian language not only by phonetic and orthographic signs, but primarily by semantic signs. The semantic difference in the religious and non-religious use of this word in the Russian and Church Slavonic language element is in the significative side, since in the Orthodox concept-sphere and the Russian religious discourse, conviction is associated with a number of conceptual ideas about the inner life of a person. Conviction is semantized as a destructive state of a person, violating the integrity of his personality and alienating him from God (the article identifies at least three semantic-cognitive features). Such semantic content clearly differs from lexicographical data in modern language, therefore the meaning of a word in Church Slavonic text space is understood as basic, and modern usage is understood as a narrowing of the original semantics.
A Difficult Road after the Rubicon
February 24, 2022, the RF President announced the beginning of a special military operation on the territory of Ukraine, which entailed large-scale geopolitical changes and, among other things, became a Rubicon for the internal development of the Russian Federation. The article analyzes a number of complex implications that resulted from the events occurring after February 24, 2022, and which had a significant impact on the state of Russian society. We consider in detail the dynamics of the moral state of Russian society for the period from 1996 to 2020, which (as shown by the results of the conducted research) over the past almost 25 years were negative and were developing within the framework of the existing liberal model. Analyzing the data of official statistics and sociological surveys, we rely on the assessments of experts, who, in many respects, agree that after February 2022, a new, albeit difficult, road opens up before Russia; the country has to travel this path one way or another, in order to achieve full (internal and external) national sovereignty in the contours and rules of the new geopolitical reality that are forming before our eyes.
The article reveals the causes of special interest in the problem of communicative competence formation in the process of design and realization of individual educational trajectory. The author proves the applicability of the physical term “trajectory” to the pedagogical context as it presupposes the opportunity to use variable ways of communicative competence formation in the learners. Special attention is paid to the dependence of individual educational trajectory design and realization on the individual activity and communication style of the learner. In this regard, the author of the article recommends efficient ways of successful inclusion of learners into communication sphere, proceeding from the specific features of their individual style of activity. At the same time, considerable attention is paid by the author of the article to the use of interactive methods promoting the most productive inclusion of learners in the communicative activity by means of creating favorable conditions for full realization of their capabilities. The quality of design and realization of the individual educational trajectory is higher when the learners cooperate with each other as well as with their teachers. The learners acquire the skills of effective interaction, active listening, and the ability to establish feedback in the course of communicative activity. Besides, the author has revealed the significance of such organizational pedagogical resource regulating successful design and realization of individual educational trajectory as conscious search of the learners for individual sense in training through interaction between the subjects of education process and the search for the sense of communicative and collective creative activity. In this context, sense creating, according to the author, is the integral phenomenon of communicative activity. Based on the results of the study, the author suggests some variants of design and realization of individual educational trajectories promoting the formation of communicative competence of learners.
The paper gives data on possible age-related differences in the changes of the cytokine status of patients with chronic gastritis, particularly on differences in the level of anti-inflammatory and proinflammatory factors in chronic herpes-associated gastritis. These data are virtually of importance in objectively evaluating the symptomatology of chronic gastritis and in elaborating corrective measures in the therapy of chronic gastritis.
Colored illustrations in scientific texts - their meaning and impact on perception
The subject of this article is scientific illustrations and the role of color in them. Scientific illustration is determined as a part of the visual culture of society and as a factor influencing the perception of scientific papers containing visual images. The article is aimed at identifying the significance of scientific illustration in scientific texts, historical analysis of their development, as well as at figuring out the importance of using color in academic papers illustrations. Such aspects as the analysis of publications focusing on scientific illustrations, their history, the expansion of scientific areas where illustration is used, the roles of the illustration itself and important aspects of its application in scientific works are revealed. The influence of color on human perception and on the possibility of using color for a faster and more accessible way of presenting information and highlighting when visualizing data is emphasized.
The article describes the use of unmanned aircraft for airborne laser scanning of industrial areas, and other areas of medium size, previously only available at high cost and longer cycles.
Spatial end temporal parameters of various contoursof regulation heart rate and rhythm
Among physiological systems with a clear manifestation of the space-time unity a special place takes the relationship of the structural and chrono-physiological parameters of rhythm formation process of the heart. The aim of this study was to analyze the spatio-temporal relationship of mechanisms of regulation of heart rate and rhythm in relative functional rest. Space-time continuum of rhythmogenesis of heart was evaluated by heart rate variability. Heart rate and rhythm on one side, and the central and autonomous contours of regulatory mechanisms on other side, forms space-time continuum of regulatory system of rhythm-formation function of heart. Different types of heart rhythm regulation corresponds to a certain degree of correlation relationships between the spatial and temporal parameters of frequency shaping and heart rate. In terms of relative functional rest are closer correlation between the structural components are formed of cardiac rhythm, such as the total power of the high (r=0.7), low frequency (r=0.7), very low frequency (r=0.7) spectral components of variability heart rate in absolute terms and scatter maximum and minimum values of cardio. At rest, the most extensive and close relationship between temporal and spatial characteristics of the system of regulation of heart rate occur in subjects with marked predominance of central and independent regulation of cardiac rhythm loops.
Trained policy on financial unstable enterprises
In article considered question to organizations of efficient system of labour payment on domestic enterprises on base of optimization of organizing structure in accordance with number, categories and qualification of personnel.
Tests and calculations were carried out, shear characteristics of the dump mass were estimated, taking into account several variants of landslide formation. The research results allowing to optimize the design parameters of external dump formation with a significant economic benefit are presented.
I. Kant's approach to the problem of law and morality relations as a source of V. S. Solovyov's philosophical views
The article is aimed at the analysis of I. Kant's views on law and morality relations and their impact on V. S. Solovyov's philosophy. Law, in Kant's opinion, regulates only external human interrelations and differs in this respect from morality. Like Kant, Solovyov looks at law as rooted in human freedom. Kant interpreted the human mind as a source of morality and law. As a source of law and morality, it should possess, Solovyov claims, another highest capacity - religious belief.
The author emphasizes the value-sense basis of civic education as a means of socialization, discusses the main methodologically important mechanisms of the value approach to it, specifies the concept "civic consciousness" and attaches importance to the value approach to civic education of the personality.
Power Multi-Phase Pulse Converter for Hybrid Aircraft
A pulsed DC-DC converter for a hybrid power installation with a capacity of 10 kW was developed and created, which provides control of the battery charge current and stabilization of the output voltage at 150 V in the range of input values of 130–300 V. The converter works both in the mode of increasing and decreasing the voltage, that allows you to implement the optimal process of charging the battery in various flight conditions of an aircraft with a hybrid power installation.
Peritoneal commissures - an unsolved problem of abdominal surgery
The review presents unsolved aspects of peritoneal commissures. Peritoneal commissures have high health and social significance due to a wide range of surgical procedures causing peritoneal trauma and to a high frequency of adhesive process. It was shown that underestimate of extension and effect of commissures on the patients’ health leads to the low level of knowledge of this problem and correlates to more indeterminate indications for anti-adhesion drugs, which causes the fact that these drugs aren’t used at all. Prevention and decrease of postoperative commissures along with significance of medical problems and financial expenses are of great importance in the context of incidence of commissures and relapse of adhesive intestinal obstruction.
The Role of Consumers in Food Web Dynamics and Functioning of Aquatic Ecosystems
The review of the role of consumers in forming of the structure and functioning of water ecosystems is presented. The infl uence of fishes and other vertebrate predators on the structure and productivity of zooplankton and zoobenthos communities, the influence of planktonic and benthic animals on phytoplankton and epiphyte communities, and the role of consumers in microbial community has been considered. Modern achievements in application of the method of biomanipulation by food webs to prevent eutrophication have been discussed. It is shown that press of consumers can considerably affected biodiversity, structure, dynamics and productivity of organisms of lower trophic levels, and also productivity and matter cycle in the ecosystem as a whole. The method of biomanipulation could be recommended for the practice as relatively inexpensive method to improve water quality.
Application Properties of "Belarus"-Family Wheel Tractors
The paper considers application properties of «Belarus»-family wheel-tractors, their complex and individual indices. A systematic approach for determination of systematically important parameters of future tractors has been proposed in the paper.
The sanitary education and propaganda in struggle with drunkenness and alcoholism in the USSR in 1920s
The article considers the issue of sanitary education and anti-alcoholic propaganda in the USSR in 1920s and also forms and content of these activities.
The issues of formation of the market of accessible habitation, development and perfection of the industrial house-building depend to a large extent on the basis of embedding low expensive, high-end technologies. It provides a decrease in expenses both at the stage of manufacturing building materials, products and structures, and at the stage of building erection. To improve the quality of multilayered systems, three-layered wall and roofing elements in the form of blocks, panels and slabs with the use of concrete of low heat conductivity as a heat-insulation layer were developed. Layers of elements perform architectural, heat-insulating and structural functions, making the solution of a number of problems associated with heat insulation and wall finishing possible, in one processing cycle. Erection of external walls of three-layered structural components allows increasing a technological efficiency at the expense of decreasing a labour factor, completion dates of erection, and cost of works and gaining a structure matching modern operational requirements, at the same time possessing a rather high longevity (about 60 years).
The role of the judiciary in the system of ensuring constitutional order in Russia
The role of the judiciary in the system of ensuring constitutional order in Russia the article Discusses the constitutional framework, the role and importance of the judiciary in the system of ensuring constitutional order, noted a special role of bodies of the constitutional justice mechanism to establish constitutional law and order. Based on the analysis of constitutional legislation and judicial practice reveals the ratio of the constitutional legal and international legal regulation of law enforcement. Proven the priority and the fundamental values and meanings of the constitutional-legal bases of maintenance of law and order, formed with participation of the judiciary in Russia.
The situation on this market of goods and services for production purpose is stipulated by the search for new methods of acquiring and provision of information about the company's product from the distributor to the industrial consumer. The designing and balancing of the criteria of the performance evaluation with the application of the method of multilevel decomposition of the enterprise as an economic system are suggested for the comparison of the efficiency of goods and services in that sphere.
The boundary control problem for the vibration string equation
In the paper the boundary control problem for the vibration string equation with the boundary Sturm-Liouville's conditions is considered.
In reproduction of Caucasian mole there is no the phenomenon of latent period in the development of fertilized eggs, as for the Siberian mole. Moles’ rut lasts from February to May inclusive. Active growth of the embryo lasts about one month. The birth of young is at the end of March - beginning of May. Nesting period lasts about one month. In the litter, the number of young varies from 2 to 5, on average 3,5 per a pregnant female. The absence of diapause in Talpa Caucasica Satunin, 1909 unlike Asioscalops altaica Nikolsky, 1883 we consider as a specific option, formed in the process and adaptation to the more mild climate of the Caucasus compared with Siberia. Talpa Caucasica Satunin, 1908 is one of the important sections researching the biology of this species. Knowing the periods of mating, pregnancy, lactation, babies’ birth and their number for one litter, as well as the intensity of the growth and development of young, professionals can (correctly) organize the trade of this species. Reproduction of the Caucasian mole, as European one is stretched, but unlike the Northern regions, in the Caucasus, it begins much earlier. Great number of profitable females and males gain sexual maturity in the year of birth, soon after they begin their independent life but they don’t take part in the rut at the year of birth thus maturing at the age 1 year. Overwintered and given birth females bring litter earlier in late winter.
The purpose of this study is the question of the necessity of teaching foreign students to read aloud as a special kind of speech activity; a discussion of the situation requiring the reading of texts in which an important part is the communication recipient, analyzes the difficulty of reading foreign-language text, and in particular of pronunciation and rhythmical-intonational errors that distort the sound of the text and leading to misunderstanding - such errors create uncomfortable situation for someone who text is voiced, and also difficult relations with those who need the text to hear and understand. The article recommended ways of teaching the technique of reading, discusses the place of reading aloud in learning Russian as a foreign language.
The aim of the article is to provide a sociological analysis of the dynamics of statistical and actual patterns of social or- phanhood. Socio-anthropological approach to the consideration of the field of problems of social orphanhood has made it possible to reveal from a new perspective latently existing processes that hinder a significant improvement in the situation and the solution of the whole spectrum of problems of orphanhood. The data obtained from the application of qualitative methodology, the analysis of statistical indicators and the reflection of data obtained by other Russian researchers made it possible to formulate a number of conclusions: a set of social policy measures and the support of the foster family institute contribute to a decrease in the share of orphans in Russia; deinstitutionalization of orphanhood occurs, which is marked by stratification related to the age, ethnicity and state of health of children left without parental care. However, the problems of social orphanhood remain structural, related to the anomie of social institutions, the low quality of life of a significant part of our country's population, and these problems reach far beyond social policy and social fashion. The work was prepared with the financial support of the Russian Humanitarian Scientific Foundation (the project "Life trajectories of children and their biological parents restored in parental rights" No. 16-03-00057). The results and analytical data can be used to design and model social technologies, as well as measures to prevent and solve problems of social orphanhood.
The technique of design of systems of medical appointment for implementation of support of adoption of medical decisions in the conditions of incompleteness and an illegibility of aprioristic information for development of rec-ommendations according to current situations of medico-technological process in general on the basis of various sources of information is stated. The general scheme creation of medical expert systems of the mixed type for im-plementation of support of adoption of medical decisions in the conditions of uncertainty is provided in establish-ments of the medical direction. In article features of creation of medical knowledge bases are stated, the example of construction governed also implementation of a logical conclusion in such systems. The example of a choice of a course of treatment of the patient and submission of the ranged list of the recommendation is given. Stages of creation of the medical knowledge base, sequence of actions of the expert during the work with the medical knowledge base and the doctor user. For creation of system the semantic network was used. The offered approach-es can be adapted under different subject domains.
New hearing loss problem solutions of flight crews members in civil aviation
The flight crews members of Civil Aviation aircraft were object of study. The article discusses issues affecting the official indicators of occupational hearing loss among flight crews members of Russian Civil Aviation aircraft. We presented the main expert and diagnostic errors in addressing the correlation between the hearing organ diseases and the profession, showed new solutions to reduce hearing loss indicators, which consist in improving the methodology for assessing the acoustic load and improving the medical staff skills in the development of hearing impairment in persons of flight professions of Civil Aviation
The article discusses methodological approaches to the allocation of reservoirs and assessment of the nature of their saturation by a complex of geophysical, geological and technological studies in complex carbonate sections of the Mesozoic sediments of the Ciscaucasia (Upper Cretaceous and Upper Jurassic deposits in the East and Upper Jurassic deposits in the Western Ciscaucasia).
About some problems of innovation development in Russia
The authors justify the urgency of innovative processes management proceeding from the fact that innovations bring specific risk to the socio-economic development of the country.
This work is devoted to the assessment efficiency of application of orthopaedic tool. The article describes the methodology of experiments, the results of studies of changes of the parameters microcirculatory-tissue systems before and after use of orthopaedic tool and analyses of obtained data.
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