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In year 2013, month 06 and 24th for company T, the stock value is open in 34.310001 Adj close is 27.657076. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 34.459999, high value is 34.849998, low value is 34.130001 and volume is 71219500 | |
In year 2013, month 06 and 25th for company T, the stock value is open in 34.689999 Adj close is 28.11455. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 35.029999, high value is 35.209999, low value is 34.540001 and volume is 67155500 | |
In year 2013, month 06 and 26th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.419998 Adj close is 28.355328. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 35.330002, high value is 35.490002, low value is 35.09 and volume is 21911600 | |
In year 2013, month 06 and 27th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.529999 Adj close is 28.596106. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 35.630001, high value is 35.950001, low value is 35.5 and volume is 18251500 | |
In year 2013, month 06 and 28th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.549999 Adj close is 28.411509. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 35.400002, high value is 35.689999, low value is 35.310001 and volume is 23913900 | |
In year 2013, month 07 and 01th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.400002 Adj close is 28.331247. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 35.299999, high value is 35.68, low value is 35.189999 and volume is 19903400 | |
In year 2013, month 07 and 02th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.290001 Adj close is 28.515837. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 35.529999, high value is 35.799999, low value is 35.150002 and volume is 18634900 | |
In year 2013, month 07 and 03th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.470001 Adj close is 28.588078. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 35.619999, high value is 35.740002, low value is 35.200001 and volume is 11600000 | |
In year 2013, month 07 and 05th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.799999 Adj close is 28.756618. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 35.830002, high value is 35.900002, low value is 35.25 and volume is 17139100 | |
In year 2013, month 07 and 08th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.619999 Adj close is 28.919182. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 35.580002, high value is 35.689999, low value is 35.389999 and volume is 15853600 | |
In year 2013, month 07 and 09th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.77 Adj close is 28.935438. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 35.599998, high value is 35.830002, low value is 35.540001 and volume is 14487500 | |
In year 2013, month 07 and 10th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.59 Adj close is 28.764751. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 35.389999, high value is 35.68, low value is 35.25 and volume is 17837100 | |
In year 2013, month 07 and 11th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.75 Adj close is 29.154888. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 35.869999, high value is 36.009998, low value is 35.68 and volume is 23075400 | |
In year 2013, month 07 and 12th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.880001 Adj close is 29.106121. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 35.810001, high value is 35.91, low value is 35.560001 and volume is 19065700 | |
In year 2013, month 07 and 15th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.68 Adj close is 28.894789. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 35.549999, high value is 35.759998, low value is 35.259998 and volume is 17175600 | |
In year 2013, month 07 and 16th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.619999 Adj close is 29.163019. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 35.880001, high value is 35.900002, low value is 35.599998 and volume is 17601900 | |
In year 2013, month 07 and 17th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.959999 Adj close is 29.228039. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 35.959999, high value is 36.310001, low value is 35.900002 and volume is 16805500 | |
In year 2013, month 07 and 18th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.860001 Adj close is 29.049227. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 35.740002, high value is 35.990002, low value is 35.610001 and volume is 19576400 | |
In year 2013, month 07 and 19th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.830002 Adj close is 29.106121. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 35.810001, high value is 35.849998, low value is 35.52 and volume is 21153500 | |
In year 2013, month 07 and 22th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.77 Adj close is 28.919182. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 35.580002, high value is 35.889999, low value is 35.540001 and volume is 19201200 | |
In year 2013, month 07 and 23th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.75 Adj close is 29.106121. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 35.810001, high value is 35.950001, low value is 35.5 and volume is 22951700 | |
In year 2013, month 07 and 24th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.389999 Adj close is 28.772875. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 35.400002, high value is 35.5, low value is 34.93 and volume is 30938800 | |
In year 2013, month 07 and 25th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.18 Adj close is 28.82164. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 35.459999, high value is 35.57, low value is 35.16 and volume is 22083700 | |
In year 2013, month 07 and 26th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.41 Adj close is 28.935438. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 35.599998, high value is 35.700001, low value is 35.310001 and volume is 14157900 | |
In year 2013, month 07 and 29th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.639999 Adj close is 29.163019. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 35.880001, high value is 36.0, low value is 35.57 and volume is 16625400 | |
In year 2013, month 07 and 30th for company T, the stock value is open in 36.0 Adj close is 28.789135. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 35.419998, high value is 36.07, low value is 35.41 and volume is 19091300 | |
In year 2013, month 07 and 31th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.43 Adj close is 28.667212. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 35.27, high value is 35.580002, low value is 35.220001 and volume is 21326100 | |
In year 2013, month 08 and 01th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.650002 Adj close is 29.032965. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 35.720001, high value is 35.82, low value is 35.369999 and volume is 18436200 | |
In year 2013, month 08 and 02th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.599998 Adj close is 29.073608. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 35.77, high value is 35.779999, low value is 35.509998 and volume is 21751400 | |
In year 2013, month 08 and 05th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.700001 Adj close is 28.992319. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 35.669998, high value is 35.849998, low value is 35.57 and volume is 10239000 | |
In year 2013, month 08 and 06th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.619999 Adj close is 28.837898. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 35.48, high value is 35.66, low value is 35.41 and volume is 12804200 | |
In year 2013, month 08 and 07th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.419998 Adj close is 28.927307. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 35.59, high value is 35.73, low value is 35.419998 and volume is 13290600 | |
In year 2013, month 08 and 08th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.66 Adj close is 28.68347. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 35.290001, high value is 35.720001, low value is 35.119999 and volume is 17956300 | |
In year 2013, month 08 and 09th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.259998 Adj close is 28.2852. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 34.799999, high value is 35.310001, low value is 34.75 and volume is 21541600 | |
In year 2013, month 08 and 12th for company T, the stock value is open in 34.75 Adj close is 28.382736. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 34.919998, high value is 34.970001, low value is 34.73 and volume is 15988300 | |
In year 2013, month 08 and 13th for company T, the stock value is open in 34.950001 Adj close is 28.220179. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 34.720001, high value is 34.990002, low value is 34.57 and volume is 16207800 | |
In year 2013, month 08 and 14th for company T, the stock value is open in 34.759998 Adj close is 28.260817. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 34.77, high value is 34.790001, low value is 34.509998 and volume is 17403800 | |
In year 2013, month 08 and 15th for company T, the stock value is open in 34.599998 Adj close is 27.919443. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 34.349998, high value is 34.709999, low value is 34.349998 and volume is 17793700 | |
In year 2013, month 08 and 16th for company T, the stock value is open in 34.27 Adj close is 27.781267. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 34.18, high value is 34.380001, low value is 33.91 and volume is 24561800 | |
In year 2013, month 08 and 19th for company T, the stock value is open in 34.099998 Adj close is 27.464283. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 33.790001, high value is 34.18, low value is 33.630001 and volume is 21122800 | |
In year 2013, month 08 and 20th for company T, the stock value is open in 33.849998 Adj close is 27.529299. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 33.869999, high value is 34.09, low value is 33.779999 and volume is 16153300 | |
In year 2013, month 08 and 21th for company T, the stock value is open in 33.799999 Adj close is 27.212313. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 33.48, high value is 33.849998, low value is 33.459999 and volume is 20549500 | |
In year 2013, month 08 and 22th for company T, the stock value is open in 33.5 Adj close is 27.488661. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 33.82, high value is 34.0, low value is 33.189999 and volume is 25915800 | |
In year 2013, month 08 and 23th for company T, the stock value is open in 33.810001 Adj close is 27.870676. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 34.290001, high value is 34.330002, low value is 33.75 and volume is 29728700 | |
In year 2013, month 08 and 26th for company T, the stock value is open in 34.310001 Adj close is 27.488661. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 33.82, high value is 34.41, low value is 33.799999 and volume is 13925200 | |
In year 2013, month 08 and 27th for company T, the stock value is open in 33.57 Adj close is 27.383001. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 33.689999, high value is 34.060001, low value is 33.529999 and volume is 18669800 | |
In year 2013, month 08 and 28th for company T, the stock value is open in 33.700001 Adj close is 27.293594. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 33.580002, high value is 33.84, low value is 33.580002 and volume is 16659000 | |
In year 2013, month 08 and 29th for company T, the stock value is open in 33.639999 Adj close is 27.350491. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 33.650002, high value is 34.060001, low value is 33.610001 and volume is 22239100 | |
In year 2013, month 08 and 30th for company T, the stock value is open in 33.650002 Adj close is 27.496792. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 33.830002, high value is 33.889999, low value is 33.57 and volume is 20389100 | |
In year 2013, month 09 and 03th for company T, the stock value is open in 34.009998 Adj close is 27.082266. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 33.32, high value is 34.110001, low value is 33.240002 and volume is 30766900 | |
In year 2013, month 09 and 04th for company T, the stock value is open in 33.220001 Adj close is 27.423637. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 33.740002, high value is 33.75, low value is 33.209999 and volume is 18719300 | |
In year 2013, month 09 and 05th for company T, the stock value is open in 33.77 Adj close is 27.09852. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 33.34, high value is 33.919998, low value is 33.27 and volume is 19837600 | |
In year 2013, month 09 and 06th for company T, the stock value is open in 33.5 Adj close is 27.155418. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 33.41, high value is 33.580002, low value is 33.23 and volume is 19689900 | |
In year 2013, month 09 and 09th for company T, the stock value is open in 33.470001 Adj close is 27.334232. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 33.630001, high value is 33.720001, low value is 33.25 and volume is 18992500 | |
In year 2013, month 09 and 10th for company T, the stock value is open in 33.880001 Adj close is 27.610579. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 33.970001, high value is 34.099998, low value is 33.75 and volume is 27691300 | |
In year 2013, month 09 and 11th for company T, the stock value is open in 33.98 Adj close is 27.610579. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 33.970001, high value is 34.25, low value is 33.869999 and volume is 21088000 | |
In year 2013, month 09 and 12th for company T, the stock value is open in 33.939999 Adj close is 27.943827. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 34.380001, high value is 34.450001, low value is 33.939999 and volume is 24637200 | |
In year 2013, month 09 and 13th for company T, the stock value is open in 34.509998 Adj close is 27.895058. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 34.32, high value is 34.73, low value is 34.209999 and volume is 14228600 | |
In year 2013, month 09 and 16th for company T, the stock value is open in 34.57 Adj close is 28.098257. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 34.57, high value is 34.73, low value is 34.360001 and volume is 15869100 | |
In year 2013, month 09 and 17th for company T, the stock value is open in 34.59 Adj close is 28.244562. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 34.75, high value is 34.849998, low value is 34.549999 and volume is 17798800 | |
In year 2013, month 09 and 18th for company T, the stock value is open in 34.73 Adj close is 28.40712. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 34.950001, high value is 35.009998, low value is 34.310001 and volume is 22818400 | |
In year 2013, month 09 and 19th for company T, the stock value is open in 34.950001 Adj close is 28.293327. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 34.810001, high value is 34.950001, low value is 34.68 and volume is 15692200 | |
In year 2013, month 09 and 20th for company T, the stock value is open in 34.82 Adj close is 27.886932. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 34.310001, high value is 34.849998, low value is 34.200001 and volume is 36732100 | |
In year 2013, month 09 and 23th for company T, the stock value is open in 34.400002 Adj close is 27.81378. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 34.220001, high value is 34.400002, low value is 33.709999 and volume is 23220100 | |
In year 2013, month 09 and 24th for company T, the stock value is open in 34.099998 Adj close is 27.708117. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 34.09, high value is 34.290001, low value is 34.009998 and volume is 19233000 | |
In year 2013, month 09 and 25th for company T, the stock value is open in 34.110001 Adj close is 27.675606. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 34.049999, high value is 34.369999, low value is 33.950001 and volume is 19111300 | |
In year 2013, month 09 and 26th for company T, the stock value is open in 34.169998 Adj close is 27.821909. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 34.23, high value is 34.43, low value is 34.09 and volume is 16494200 | |
In year 2013, month 09 and 27th for company T, the stock value is open in 34.110001 Adj close is 27.618706. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 33.98, high value is 34.150002, low value is 33.82 and volume is 13997900 | |
In year 2013, month 09 and 30th for company T, the stock value is open in 33.779999 Adj close is 27.488661. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 33.82, high value is 33.889999, low value is 33.68 and volume is 20819700 | |
In year 2013, month 10 and 01th for company T, the stock value is open in 33.790001 Adj close is 27.683733. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 34.060001, high value is 34.240002, low value is 33.759998 and volume is 16759800 | |
In year 2013, month 10 and 02th for company T, the stock value is open in 33.970001 Adj close is 27.586195. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 33.939999, high value is 34.060001, low value is 33.75 and volume is 21510000 | |
In year 2013, month 10 and 03th for company T, the stock value is open in 33.91 Adj close is 27.34236. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 33.639999, high value is 33.93, low value is 33.630001 and volume is 22437300 | |
In year 2013, month 10 and 04th for company T, the stock value is open in 33.68 Adj close is 27.431765. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 33.75, high value is 33.790001, low value is 33.599998 and volume is 69721900 | |
In year 2013, month 10 and 07th for company T, the stock value is open in 33.68 Adj close is 27.634966. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 34.0, high value is 34.130001, low value is 33.630001 and volume is 63369000 | |
In year 2013, month 10 and 08th for company T, the stock value is open in 33.580002 Adj close is 27.272532. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 33.110001, high value is 33.650002, low value is 33.09 and volume is 32798400 | |
In year 2013, month 10 and 09th for company T, the stock value is open in 33.23 Adj close is 27.799704. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 33.75, high value is 34.099998, low value is 33.150002 and volume is 33431200 | |
In year 2013, month 10 and 10th for company T, the stock value is open in 34.09 Adj close is 28.129181. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 34.150002, high value is 34.150002, low value is 33.580002 and volume is 23818100 | |
In year 2013, month 10 and 11th for company T, the stock value is open in 34.130001 Adj close is 28.170361. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 34.200001, high value is 34.25, low value is 33.93 and volume is 23647400 | |
In year 2013, month 10 and 14th for company T, the stock value is open in 33.98 Adj close is 27.939732. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 33.919998, high value is 34.099998, low value is 33.869999 and volume is 18569600 | |
In year 2013, month 10 and 15th for company T, the stock value is open in 33.869999 Adj close is 27.76675. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 33.709999, high value is 34.119999, low value is 33.709999 and volume is 16352900 | |
In year 2013, month 10 and 16th for company T, the stock value is open in 33.900002 Adj close is 28.170361. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 34.200001, high value is 34.200001, low value is 33.889999 and volume is 18699800 | |
In year 2013, month 10 and 17th for company T, the stock value is open in 34.369999 Adj close is 28.368052. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 34.439999, high value is 34.439999, low value is 34.130001 and volume is 22249600 | |
In year 2013, month 10 and 18th for company T, the stock value is open in 34.52 Adj close is 28.50808. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 34.610001, high value is 34.880001, low value is 34.369999 and volume is 30466400 | |
In year 2013, month 10 and 21th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.02 Adj close is 29.010532. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 35.220001, high value is 35.299999, low value is 34.880001 and volume is 29449400 | |
In year 2013, month 10 and 22th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.349998 Adj close is 29.01877. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 35.23, high value is 35.380001, low value is 35.060001 and volume is 23986400 | |
In year 2013, month 10 and 23th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.07 Adj close is 29.059954. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 35.279999, high value is 35.34, low value is 34.91 and volume is 27257600 | |
In year 2013, month 10 and 24th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.009998 Adj close is 28.524559. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 34.630001, high value is 35.009998, low value is 34.23 and volume is 33911200 | |
In year 2013, month 10 and 25th for company T, the stock value is open in 34.650002 Adj close is 28.985823. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 35.189999, high value is 35.240002, low value is 34.650002 and volume is 21286500 | |
In year 2013, month 10 and 28th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.27 Adj close is 29.298832. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 35.57, high value is 35.57, low value is 35.240002 and volume is 23855600 | |
In year 2013, month 10 and 29th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.66 Adj close is 29.875412. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 36.27, high value is 36.470001, low value is 35.650002 and volume is 45250300 | |
In year 2013, month 10 and 30th for company T, the stock value is open in 36.32 Adj close is 29.867176. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 36.259998, high value is 36.400002, low value is 35.959999 and volume is 21847100 | |
In year 2013, month 10 and 31th for company T, the stock value is open in 36.25 Adj close is 29.817762. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 36.200001, high value is 36.490002, low value is 36.0 and volume is 28789000 | |
In year 2013, month 11 and 01th for company T, the stock value is open in 36.5 Adj close is 29.850708. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 36.240002, high value is 36.799999, low value is 36.16 and volume is 41488500 | |
In year 2013, month 11 and 04th for company T, the stock value is open in 36.450001 Adj close is 30.023672. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 36.450001, high value is 36.52, low value is 36.18 and volume is 20024000 | |
In year 2013, month 11 and 05th for company T, the stock value is open in 36.25 Adj close is 29.265881. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 35.529999, high value is 36.330002, low value is 35.52 and volume is 33641900 | |
In year 2013, month 11 and 06th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.77 Adj close is 29.504747. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 35.82, high value is 36.0, low value is 35.720001 and volume is 20856300 | |
In year 2013, month 11 and 07th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.82 Adj close is 28.919931. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 35.110001, high value is 35.82, low value is 35.029999 and volume is 29290300 | |
In year 2013, month 11 and 08th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.0 Adj close is 28.969347. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 35.169998, high value is 35.169998, low value is 34.560001 and volume is 29787300 | |
In year 2013, month 11 and 11th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.150002 Adj close is 28.854033. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 35.029999, high value is 35.25, low value is 34.970001 and volume is 12369600 | |
In year 2013, month 11 and 12th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.150002 Adj close is 28.969347. What is your expected close, high, low and volume? | With this information close value is 35.169998, high value is 35.32, low value is 34.970001 and volume is 19908700 |
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