is it possible to create a .deb for any generic tarball?
it takes a lot of patience
is there some 'right' way of checking whether a service is up? i was just going to pgrep, but i thought maybe init kept a running tally of what's running, and what's not.
service servicename status
is the bug fixed, that what made it possible to read the password in the password field in plain text?
with dapper, yes.
hi, i'm trying to make a debian package out of a source package but i'm facing some trouble... i've used dh_make to generate the debian but that doesn't seem to be enough... when the building reachs the make install, it tries to install the files to /usr directly instead of the directory it's supossed to isntall to (debian/building-something?), some help? where should i start checking?
edit the file debian/dirs so the rules-file is creating the directories before installing something into them
is there a command to type to get a listing of computers on network?? thanks inadvance
this may sound dumb ,but how to you find out file /dev/ is your dvd drive ? is as simple as being dvd. the reason i am asking is i am trying dvd with vlc
sudo lshw|grep -i dvd
is it possible to get a iso for 11.10? i'd like to give it a spin running form a usb drive
i hear it's a hybrid iso/usb - so you should be able to just cat/dd it to usb now.
hrm i am trying to install a .deb using dpkg -i, but get 'status database area is locked by another process', how do i find what that process is, and unlock it's grip on the db?
you have apt or synaptic or any other package manager open ?
any help removing crossplatformui?
dirty work around: boot from a live cd or usb, then go to the partition, delete crossplatformui
is it possible to resize windows partitions in the ubuntu installation process?
strongly suggest you defrag twice first though
how do i change my update sources to something closer to me?
system-administration-software sources, on the first tab
does ubuntu/kubuntu support software suspend?
its gnu/linux
is there a specific reason that my wifi card got the name eth0 instead of wlan0 after upgrading to jaunty?
you can change the name in /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules
which package provides tab completion for various utilities in the shell? vanilla debian doesn't do that
how can i reset/purge all bluetooth config from my machine? i cannot uninstall with purge because bluetooth is interwoven into gnome
keep it from starting via 'startup apps'
hello all, i have two computers and one backup hard drive. what is the best way to sync files between all of them. im looking for a gui (maybe based on rsync?)
the best solution i have found is to run rsync on a schedule. depends on your window and how much needs compared and transfered
okay... not getting any info on gtk... how about this - on the gimp website, it says that to obtain the latest version of gimp, i merely need to run apt-get install gimp, yet, when i do this, all i get is gimp 2.2.13, the one that comes with feisty. is there any way for me to correct this other than compiling and installing gimp manually (which i seem to be having considerable difficulty with)
- here you go http://www.davehayes.org/ (it's the second post down)
what is dbus exactly ?
what app is the best for music in linux? xmms?
i like audacious
hello, i'm in bitchx console right now:$ i used envy program to install latest nvidia drivers, and after restart x won't start says can't recognize screens, can i somehow install normal nvidia drivers with a sudo apt command and ill be able to get back in? thx^^
in your /etc/x11/xorg.conf file you can change 'nvidia' to 'nv' or 'mesa' and you'll be able to boot graphically again. or you could run 'dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' from where u are and follow instructions to reset your xorg.conf file to what u want. just make sure u pick 'nv' as ur video driver instead of nvidia
is there a graphical front-end to generating live ubuntu images?
yes, usb-creator, standard installed in your ubuntu
hello, whats the easiest way to run ubuntu in winows
the easiest way would be with a live cd
what do you guys recommend to use to listen to .flac and .mp3 best in ubuntu?
/msg ubottu players for a list
i'm using a ubuntu live-cd to try and salvage some files off my friend's dying windows xp laptop..i booted to ubuntu and mounted the ntfs drive, but when i try to access the drive i get 'permission denied'. any ideas?
get a shell with root permissions: 'sudo -i'