[ "paris" ]
[ "C4042370" ]
[ "Paris saponin VII" ]
[ [ "Organic Chemical", "commune of France", "city with millions of inhabitants", "capital_Q5119", "department of France", "episcopal see", "global city" ] ]
[ [ 9, 10 ] ]
The Porte Saint-Antoine was one of the gates of Paris .
[ "melancholic personality disorder" ]
[ "C3665457" ]
[ "Chronic depressive personality disorder" ]
[ [ "Mental or Behavioral Dysfunction", "personality disorder not otherwise specified", "dysthymic disorder" ] ]
[ [ 10, 13 ] ]
Recent studies however , have found that dysthymic disorder and depressive personality disorder are not as comorbid as previously thought .
[ "india" ]
[ "C3595802" ]
[ "Mungbean yellow mosaic India virus associated betasatellite [India: Faizabad: Cow Pea:2012]" ]
[ [ "Virus", "sovereign state", "country", "republic", "dominion of the British Empire" ] ]
[ [ 1, 2 ] ]
In India , the first generation i10 was available in nine variants , and with two different engine options which is a 11L gasoline engine with manual transmission gearbox .
[ "people s republic of china" ]
[ "C4243440" ]
[ "Skin of right side of chin" ]
[ [ "Body Location or Region", "sovereign state", "country", "socialist state", "secular state", "constitutional republic", "People's Republic" ] ]
[ [ 17, 22 ] ]
Until the 1970s , the military 's primary mission was to retake mainland China from the communist People 's Republic of China ( PRC ) through Project National Glory .
[ "baronet" ]
[ "C1671991" ]
[ "Eucoilinae genus G MB-2004" ]
[ [ "Eukaryote", "entomologist", "lepidopterist" ] ]
[ [ 10, 12 ] ]
Charles George Nurse 's interest deepened after Lord Walsingham and George Hampson published `` On Moths Collected at Aden and in Somaliland '' in the `` Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London `` in 1896 .
[ "werners river frog" ]
[ "C2804457" ]
[ "Phrynobatrachus werneri" ]
[ [ "Amphibian", "taxon" ] ]
[ [ 1, 3 ] ]
`` Phrynobatrachus werneri '' is a small species measuring in snout–vent length ; Blackburn and Rödel ( 2011 ) give range for adult males .
[ "queen victoria" ]
[ "C3635648" ]
[ "Bennelongia regina" ]
[ [ "Eukaryote", "painter", "monarch", "autobiographer", "diarist" ] ]
[ [ 14, 16 ] ]
It follows the stories of the occult investigator , Sir Edward , agent of Queen Victoria .
[ "becquerel", "antoine", "antoine" ]
[ "C0560038", "C0560038", "C0560038" ]
[ "Becquerel", "Becquerel", "Becquerel" ]
[ [ "Quantitative Concept", "university teacher", "engineer", "physicist", "chemist", "nuclear physicist" ], [ "Quantitative Concept", "university teacher", "engineer", "physicist", "chemist", "nuclear physicist" ], [ "Quantitative Concept", "university teacher", "engineer", "physicist", "chemist", "nuclear physicist" ] ]
[ [ 3, 4 ], [ 9, 11 ], [ 18, 19 ] ]
In 1900 , Becquerel won the Rumford Medal for Henri 's discovery of the radioactivity of uranium and Henri was made an Officer of the Legion of Honour .
[ "ctenotus inornatus", "northern territory", "queensland", "western australia" ]
[ "C1673336", "C0028416", "C0034391", "C0043128" ]
[ "Ctenotus inornatus", "Northern Territory", "Queensland", "Western Australia" ]
[ [ "Reptile", "taxon" ], [ "Geographic Area", "mainland territory of Australia" ], [ "Geographic Area", "colony_Q133156", "state of Australia" ], [ "Geographic Area", "state of Australia" ] ]
[ [ 5, 7 ], [ 17, 19 ], [ 20, 21 ], [ 23, 25 ] ]
The bar-shouldered ctenotus ( `` Ctenotus inornatus '' ) is a species of skink found in the Northern Territory , Queensland , and Western Australia .
[ "cincinnatus" ]
[ "C1066095" ]
[ "Restio cincinnatus" ]
[ [ "Plant", "farmer", "Ancient Roman politician", "Ancient Roman Military Personnel" ] ]
[ [ 6, 7 ] ]
The society gets its name from Cincinnatus , the Roman general and dictator , who saved the city of Rome from destruction and then quietly retired to his farm .
[ "belfast" ]
[ "C0454895" ]
[ "County Belfast" ]
[ [ "Geographic Area", "city", "big city", "district of Northern Ireland" ] ]
[ [ 17, 18 ] ]
The first of the class , `` Audacious '' was laid down at Harland & Wolff 's Belfast shipyard on 24 October 1942 .
[ "football" ]
[ "C4288385" ]
[ "Playing a Basketball or Soccer Game" ]
[ [ "Intellectual Product", "type of sport", "football_Q1081491", "spectator sport" ] ]
[ [ 6, 7 ] ]
Kenya Maeshiro is a former Japanese football player .
[ "paris" ]
[ "C4042370" ]
[ "Paris saponin VII" ]
[ [ "Organic Chemical", "commune of France", "city with millions of inhabitants", "capital_Q5119", "department of France", "episcopal see", "global city" ] ]
[ [ 15, 16 ] ]
Claude-François-Xavier Millot ( 5 March 1726 , Ornans , Doubs – 20 March 1785 , Paris ) was a French churchman and historian .
[ "ib" ]
[ "C0385382" ]
[ "trichokonin Ib" ]
[ [ "Amino Acid, Peptide, or Protein", "foundation", "high school diploma" ] ]
[ [ 11, 12 ] ]
Elizabeth Brackett , reporting on her own experience of studying the IB in Chicago , found that it made for a stressful school experience but subsequently eased the pressures of university study .
[ "tex" ]
[ "C0723307" ]
[ "Sil Tex" ]
[ [ "Organic Chemical", "Pharmacologic Substance", "file format", "open-source software", "markup language", "typesetting software‎" ] ]
[ [ 21, 22 ] ]
Because the font selection menus that CoolType provides display fewer details than ATM , there were some initial problems in editing TeX PostScript output in Adobe applications that used CoolType .
[ "latin" ]
[ "C0023121" ]
[ "Latin language" ]
[ [ "Language", "language", "dead language", "ancient language", "sacred language", "Southern European languages", "Latino-Faliscan languages" ] ]
[ [ 5, 6 ] ]
The tablets were written in Latin , and cursed people whom the writers felt had wronged them .
[ "deviation" ]
[ "C4024338" ]
[ "Deviation of the hand or of fingers of the hand" ]
[ [ "Anatomical Abnormality", "difference_Q29896155", "relation_Q203066", "descriptive statistic" ] ]
[ [ 14, 15 ] ]
While the mean of a set of values minimizes the sum of squares of deviations and the median minimizes the average absolute deviation , the midrange minimizes the maximum deviation ( defined as formula_6 ) : it is a solution to a variational problem .
[ "nottinghamshire" ]
[ "C0454870" ]
[ "Nottinghamshire" ]
[ [ "Geographic Area", "cricket team" ] ]
[ [ 20, 21 ] ]
From 1935 to 1938 , (cricketer) represented the county in 27 first-class matches , the last of which came against Nottinghamshire at Trent Bridge .
[ "world war ii" ]
[ "C0681710" ]
[ "World War II" ]
[ [ "Event", "pop de ñoño" ] ]
[ [ 1, 4 ] ]
During World War II , all whaling ceased .
[ "australian rules football" ]
[ "C1531722" ]
[ "Australian rules football" ]
[ [ "Activity", "type of sport", "football_Q1081491" ] ]
[ [ 13, 16 ] ]
Kevin Grose ( 18 June 1954 – 27 November 2012 ) was an Australian rules football er who played with Collingwood in the Victorian Football League ( VFL ) .
[ "lumbricus rubellus" ]
[ "C3363763" ]
[ "Lumbricus rubellus complex" ]
[ [ "Eukaryote", "taxon" ] ]
[ [ 7, 9 ] ]
Various abiotic factors are significant to `` Lumbricus rubellus '' .
[ "danish" ]
[ "C1277355" ]
[ "Born in Denmark" ]
[ [ "Finding", "sovereign state", "country", "state", "colonial power", "countries bordering the Baltic Sea", "autonomous country within the Kingdom of Denmark" ] ]
[ [ 16, 17 ] ]
Andreas Peter Berggreen ( March 2 , 1801 – November 8 , 1880 ) was a Danish composer , organist , and pedagogue .
[ "robeson" ]
[ "C3828315" ]
[ "Robeson County, NC" ]
[ [ "Geographic Area", "county of North Carolina" ] ]
[ [ 12, 17 ] ]
Maxton Historic District is a national historic district located at Maxton , Robeson County , North Carolina .
[ "texas", "usa" ]
[ "C3892903", "C4284713" ]
[ "NUTRITIONAL TX. GLUCOSE INTOLERANCE,LACTOSE-FREE,SOY/FIBER 0.07 gram-0.8 kcal/mL ORAL LIQUID (ML)", "Duration of stay outside the U.S." ]
[ [ "Food", "state of the United States" ], [ "Finding", "sovereign state", "country", "federal state", "constitutional republic", "democratic republic", "superpower_Q1489259" ] ]
[ [ 15, 16 ], [ 17, 18 ] ]
Northside School is a public high school located approximately 3 miles southeast of Vernon , Texas ( USA ) .
[ "south carolina", "bachelor of arts" ]
[ "C0037716", "C2825376" ]
[ "South Carolina", "Emulgin BA 10" ]
[ [ "Geographic Area", "state of the United States" ], [ "Organic Chemical", "Indicator, Reagent, or Diagnostic Aid", "academic degree", "bachelor's degree" ] ]
[ [ 4, 6 ], [ 10, 13 ] ]
Born in Charleston , South Carolina , Smith received a Bachelor of Arts degree from the College of Charleston in 1872 and read law to enter the bar in 1874 .
[ "oxford university" ]
[ "C4076345" ]
[ "Assessment using Oxford Cognitive Screen" ]
[ [ "Diagnostic Procedure", "open-access publisher", "higher education institution", "public university", "collegiate university", "exempt charity" ] ]
[ [ 20, 22 ] ]
Born in Madras , Chakravarthi was educated at St Joseph 's College , Tiruchi , the University of Madras and Oxford University .
[ "army" ]
[ "C1302217" ]
[ "West Point projection" ]
[ [ "Spatial Concept", "public educational institution of the United States", "military museum", "military academy" ] ]
[ [ 5, 9 ] ]
He was apparently expelled from West Point Military Academy due to an accusation by Arthur Trent , who was his roommate .
[ "lady" ]
[ "C2348513" ]
[ "Father - courtesy title" ]
[ [ "Conceptual Entity", "titre de courtoisie" ] ]
[ [ 12, 13 ] ]
Derreen , not being entailed , was inherited by his sister , Lady Katherine Evelyn Constance Petty-Fitzmaurice ( 1912–1995 ) , and is now owned and managed by her grandson , Charlie Bigham .
[ "steel cage" ]
[ "C2347149" ]
[ "Milliliter per Cage per Week" ]
[ [ "Quantitative Concept" ] ]
[ [ 15, 17 ] ]
On November 28 , Chikara announced that the match would be taking place inside a steel cage , making it only the second match in the promotion 's history to use the stipulation .
[ "malta" ]
[ "C1277372" ]
[ "Born in Malta" ]
[ [ "Finding", "sovereign state", "country", "island nation", "unitary state", "Mediterranean country" ] ]
[ [ 20, 21 ] ]
Gozo University Group , or simply GUG , is a student organization based in Gozo , the sister island of Malta .
[ "san francisco", "wake island" ]
[ "C4017137", "C0043011" ]
[ [ "Finding", "city of the United States", "city", "big city", "Zimbabwe", "consolidated city-county", "sanctuary city" ], [ "Geographic Area", "atoll", "insular area", "unincorporated territory" ] ]
[ [ 8, 12 ], [ 18, 20 ] ]
This departed from Travis Air Force Base near San Francisco , California , and passed through Honolulu and Wake Island before arriving in Tokyo ; the trip was and took 34 hours to complete .
[ "world trade center" ]
[ "C1449772" ]
[ "September 11 Terrorist Attacks" ]
[ [ "Activity", "terrorist attack", "mass murder", "suicide attack", "aircraft hijacking" ] ]
[ [ 11, 16 ] ]
However , in 2001 , the stock market drop following the September 11 , 2001 attacks , combined with historic pension underfunding , caused a severe pension and benefit fund crisis at GM and many other American companies and the value of their pension funds plummeted .
[ "yanan" ]
[ "C1296510" ]
[ "Yanan pig" ]
[ [ "Mammal", "big city", "city with millions of inhabitants", "prefecture-level city" ] ]
[ [ 11, 12 ] ]
Peng was later rescued by Peng 's grandmother and sent to Yan'an by Zhou Enlai .
[ "thailand" ]
[ "C1277439" ]
[ "Born in Thailand" ]
[ [ "Finding", "sovereign state", "country", "constitutional monarchy" ] ]
[ [ 15, 16 ] ]
A total of 10 teams located in Northern , Western , and Upper central of Thailand will compete in the league of the Northern region .
[ "birmingham" ]
[ "C4274769" ]
[ "Assessment using Birmingham Object Recognition Battery" ]
[ [ "Diagnostic Procedure", "city with millions of inhabitants", "metropolis_Q200250" ] ]
[ [ 17, 18 ] ]
From 1950 to 1957 , he was a curate at the English Martyrs Church in Sparkhill , Birmingham .
[ "american football" ]
[ "C2712412" ]
[ "Activity, american tackle football" ]
[ [ "Daily or Recreational Activity", "type of sport", "gridiron football" ] ]
[ [ 13, 15 ] ]
Mark W Messner ( born December 29 , 1965 ) is a former American football player .
[ "hydroelectric power" ]
[ "C3228108" ]
[ "Hydro Tussin HC Oral Product" ]
[ [ "Clinical Drug", "economic branch", "renewable energy", "electricity generation", "hydropower" ] ]
[ [ 26, 28 ] ]
The dam was completed in 1976 and was designed to store water from the Indus River for irrigation , flood control , and the generation of hydroelectric power .
[ "massachusetts" ]
[ "C1719845" ]
[ "Specimen from mass" ]
[ [ "Substance", "state of the United States" ] ]
[ [ 13, 14 ] ]
Joshua James was born on November 22 , 1826 , in Hull , Massachusetts .
[ "seaweed" ]
[ "C3714692" ]
[ "Marine algae" ]
[ [ "Eukaryote", "group", "algae" ] ]
[ [ 0, 1 ] ]
Seaweed and milkfish cultivation also play key roles in Kiribati 's economy .
[ "mindanao" ]
[ "C0454756" ]
[ "Mindanao" ]
[ [ "Geographic Area", "island" ] ]
[ [ 9, 10 ] ]
KBSI operates a number of stations across places in Mindanao under the Gold FM and Radyo Rapido brandings .
[ "digital" ]
[ "C3696567" ]
[ "Orasep Reformulated Dec 2013 Mucosal Product" ]
[ [ "Clinical Drug", "business", "enterprise" ] ]
[ [ 12, 15 ] ]
The VT100 is a video terminal , introduced in August 1978 by Digital Equipment Corporation ( DEC ) .
[ "swedish" ]
[ "C4019104" ]
[ "State notifiable condition case identifier" ]
[ [ "Intellectual Product", "sovereign state", "country", "unitary state", "countries bordering the Baltic Sea" ] ]
[ [ 13, 14 ] ]
Ryssberget is a hill in the municipality of Sölvesborg , in the southeastern Swedish province of Blekinge .
[ "professional wrestling matches" ]
[ "C2347149" ]
[ "Milliliter per Cage per Week" ]
[ [ "Quantitative Concept" ] ]
[ [ 5, 8 ] ]
In Your House 5 featured professional wrestling matches involving different wrestlers from pre-existing scripted feuds , plots , and storylines that were played out on `` Monday Night Raw `` and other World Wrestling Federation ( WWF ) television programs .
[ "taiwan" ]
[ "C3736161" ]
[ "Formosa sp. MBW" ]
[ [ "Bacterium", "state with limited recognition", "island nation", "democratic republic" ] ]
[ [ 21, 22 ] ]
Yongchun station is a station on the Bannan Line of the Taipei Metro , located in Xinyi District , Taipei , Taiwan .
[ "ed" ]
[ "C2735114" ]
[ "ED outcome" ]
[ [ "Finding", "researcher", "university teacher", "mathematician", "physicist", "theoretical physicist" ] ]
[ [ 5, 7 ] ]
Chern–Simons theory was used by Edward Witten to express the Jones polynomial , a knot invariant , in terms of the vacuum expectation value of a Wilson loop in formula_249 Chern–Simons theory on the three-sphere formula_412 .
[ "abc" ]
[ "C0651663" ]
[ "ABC primer" ]
[ [ "Biomedical or Dental Material", "television station" ] ]
[ [ 19, 22 ] ]
Filming took place throughout the spring of 2019 , and Weber was later revealed as a contestant by the American Broadcasting Company ( ABC ) on May 7 , 2019 .
[ "england and wales" ]
[ "C0553850" ]
[ "England and Wales partially sighted certification" ]
[ [ "Health Care Activity", "administrative territorial entity", "political territorial entity" ] ]
[ [ 10, 13 ] ]
The Licensing Act 1988 is a statute , applying to England and Wales , which among other things , extended permissible opening hours for public house s to 11am to 11pm .
[ "chile" ]
[ "C1277453" ]
[ "Born in Chile" ]
[ [ "Finding", "sovereign state", "country" ] ]
[ [ 11, 12 ] ]
In the 18th and 19th centuries , many Basques came to Chile where they integrated into the existing elites of Castilian origin .
[ "c", "ada" ]
[ "C4309768", "C1837064" ]
[ "ptilone C", "ADA, ARG156HIS" ]
[ [ "Organic Chemical", "programming language", "procedural programming language", "imperative programming language", "compiled language", "structured programming language" ], [ "Gene or Genome", "programming language", "object-based language", "multi-paradigm programming language", "imperative programming language", "wide-spectrum language" ] ]
[ [ 24, 25 ], [ 29, 30 ] ]
, structured programming – especially in the 1970s and 1980s – significantly influenced the birth of many modern programming languages such as Pascal , C , Modula-2 , and Ada .
[ "formation", "norway" ]
[ "C0417040", "C1855880" ]
[ "Fall from geological formation", "Prevalence in Norway is 1 in 80,000" ]
[ [ "Injury or Poisoning", "lithostratigraphic unit" ], [ "Finding", "sovereign state", "country", "constitutional monarchy" ] ]
[ [ 5, 7 ], [ 8, 9 ] ]
The Saelabonn Formation is a geologic formation in Norway .
[ "lpnc", "lpnc" ]
[ "C1417140", "C1417140" ]
[ "SCGB2A1 gene", "SCGB2A1 gene" ]
[ [ "Gene or Genome", "gene", "protein-coding gene" ], [ "Gene or Genome", "gene", "protein-coding gene" ] ]
[ [ 4, 9 ], [ 20, 21 ] ]
Mammaglobin-B also known as secretoglobin family 2A member 1 is a protein that in humans is encoded by the `` SCGB2A1 '' gene .
[ "india" ]
[ "C3595802" ]
[ "Mungbean yellow mosaic India virus associated betasatellite [India: Faizabad: Cow Pea:2012]" ]
[ [ "Virus", "sovereign state", "country", "republic", "dominion of the British Empire" ] ]
[ [ 43, 44 ] ]
The Prag Cine Awards 2013 ceremony , presented by the Prag Network , honored the actors , technical achievements , and films censored in 2012 from Assam and took place on April 14 , 2013 , at the GMCH Auditorium in Guwahati , India .
[ "gay" ]
[ "C1578634" ]
[ "Homosexuality (& [lesbianism])" ]
[ [ "Social Behavior", "sexual orientation", "homosexuality", "LGBT" ] ]
[ [ 6, 7 ] ]
Because of the Hays Code , lesbianism after 1930 was absent from most films , even those adapted with overt lesbian characters or plot devices .
[ "india" ]
[ "C3595802" ]
[ "Mungbean yellow mosaic India virus associated betasatellite [India: Faizabad: Cow Pea:2012]" ]
[ [ "Virus", "sovereign state", "country", "republic", "dominion of the British Empire" ] ]
[ [ 14, 15 ] ]
Hosatti is a village in Belgaum district in the southern state of Karnataka , India .
[ "american civil war" ]
[ "C1449762" ]
[ "American Civil War" ]
[ [ "Activity", "civil war" ] ]
[ [ 24, 27 ] ]
Compuware World Headquarters overlooks the reconstructed traffic circle surrounding Campus Martius Park with the historic Michigan Soldiers ' and Sailors ' Monument of the American Civil War by Randolph Rogers .
[ "paris" ]
[ "C4042370" ]
[ "Paris saponin VII" ]
[ [ "Organic Chemical", "commune of France", "city with millions of inhabitants", "capital_Q5119", "department of France", "episcopal see", "global city" ] ]
[ [ 5, 6 ] ]
It is located northeast of Paris , of Reims .
[ "eugenie" ]
[ "C3922382" ]
[ "Eugenia confusa" ]
[ [ "Plant", "empress consort" ] ]
[ [ 18, 19 ] ]
Nevertheless , two crowns was created for himself , the Crown of Napoleon III , and for Empress Eugénie , the Crown of Empress Eugénie .
[ "uday" ]
[ "C0456683" ]
[ "U/day" ]
[ [ "Quantitative Concept", "entrepreneur" ] ]
[ [ 0, 2 ] ]
Uday Kotak , Managing Director & CEO of Kotak Mahindra Bank Limited is the President ; T V Narendran , MD and CEO of Tata Steel is the President-Designate ; and Sanjiv Bajaj , Chairman and Managing Director of Bajaj Finserv is the Vice-President .
[ "livingston" ]
[ "C3829264" ]
[ "Livingston Parish, LA" ]
[ [ "Geographic Area", "parish of Louisiana" ] ]
[ [ 6, 10 ] ]
Daggett was born in Springfield , Livingston Parish , Louisiana , to Maria Louisa ( née Dolan ) and Blasingaim Spiller .
[ "world war i" ]
[ "C1449759" ]
[ "World War I" ]
[ [ "Activity", "pop de ñoño" ] ]
[ [ 4, 7 ] ]
Following the end of World War I , the Australian Government believed that an immediate evaluation of the RAN was necessary .
[ "unincorporated community", "clarendon county", "south carolina" ]
[ "C3150220", "C3831092", "C0037716" ]
[ "All cases from a remote village, Sabinas, in northern Mexico", "Clarendon County, SC", "South Carolina" ]
[ [ "Finding", "human settlement" ], [ "Geographic Area", "county of South Carolina" ], [ "Geographic Area", "state of the United States" ] ]
[ [ 3, 5 ], [ 6, 8 ], [ 9, 11 ] ]
Rimini is an unincorporated community in Clarendon County , South Carolina , United States .
[ "greek" ]
[ "C4315632" ]
[ "Based on one Greek family with 4 affected brothers" ]
[ [ "Finding", "ethnic group", "person" ] ]
[ [ 16, 17 ] ]
Theoni V Aldredge ( August 22 , 1922 – January 21 , 2011 ) was a Greek American stage and screen costume designer .
[ "atlanta" ]
[ "C1933757" ]
[ "Dicellarius atlanta" ]
[ [ "Eukaryote", "city of the United States", "big city", "municipality of Georgia", "county seat", "state or insular area capital in the United States" ] ]
[ [ 17, 18 ] ]
Brown began singing and playing on the streets of Americus in 1939 , and later `` from Atlanta to Thomasville `` .
[ "member of parliament" ]
[ "C0401765" ]
[ "Member of parliament" ]
[ [ "Professional or Occupational Group", "position", "occupation", "legislator", "member_Q9200127" ] ]
[ [ 12, 15 ] ]
Robert Pierpoint ( 8 June 1845 – 22 January 1932 ) was Member of Parliament for Warrington from 1892 to 1906 .
[ "bridge" ]
[ "C1301091" ]
[ "Height of tumor at cut edge, after sectioning" ]
[ [ "Clinical Attribute", "graph property", "edge" ] ]
[ [ 7, 8 ] ]
For a connected graph formula_4 , a bridge formula_31 can separate formula_4 into region formula_33 and region formula_34 , ie .
[ "bbc" ]
[ "C4275001" ]
[ "Assessment using BBCS (Bracken Basic Concept Scale)" ]
[ [ "Diagnostic Procedure", "business", "public broadcasting" ] ]
[ [ 16, 17 ] ]
The `` Hoffnung Music Festival `` played to a sell-out audience in the hall and to BBC viewers throughout Britain .
[ "museum of modern art" ]
[ "C3339384" ]
[ "Moma" ]
[ [ "Eukaryote", "art museum", "art institution" ] ]
[ [ 12, 16 ] ]
Works were lent from institutions such as the Metropolitan Museum , the Museum of Modern Art , Tate Modern , the Bacon Foundation , the Centre Georges Pompidou , the Albertina , the Beyeler Foundation , the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art , the Kunsthaus Zurich , and the Pearlman Foundation .
[ "gmp", "qms", "qms" ]
[ "C1273831", "C2984618", "C2984618" ]
[ "Other GMP premises", "Device Quality System Deficiency Evaluation Conclusion", "Device Quality System Deficiency Evaluation Conclusion" ]
[ [ "Health Care Related Organization", "rule", "best practice" ], [ "Functional Concept", "management system" ], [ "Functional Concept", "management system" ] ]
[ [ 3, 6 ], [ 23, 25 ], [ 32, 34 ] ]
According to current Good Manufacturing Practice ( GMP ) , medical device manufacturers have the responsibility to use good judgment when developing their quality system and apply those sections of the FDA Quality System ( QS ) Regulation that are applicable to their specific products and operations , in Part 820 of the QS regulation .
[ "biology" ]
[ "C1516750" ]
[ "Component of the Division of Cancer Biology" ]
[ [ "Professional or Occupational Group", "academic discipline", "branch of science", "natural science" ] ]
[ [ 30, 31 ] ]
By Pennsylvania State School Board regulations , beginning with the class of 2017 , public school students must demonstrate successful completion of secondary level course work in Algebra I , Biology , and English Literature by passing the respective Keystone Exams for each course .
[ "cd" ]
[ "C4244031" ]
[ "Synovial subintima cd" ]
[ [ "Tissue", "machine-readable medium", "computer data storage", "optical disc" ] ]
[ [ 5, 6 ] ]
The album was re-released on CD in 1997 .
[ "singles" ]
[ "C2347149" ]
[ "Milliliter per Cage per Week" ]
[ [ "Quantitative Concept" ] ]
[ [ 33, 36 ] ]
Smoothers now under the ring name Jessie Belle returned to OVW on the June 27 , 2012 edition of `` OVW episode 671 '' , where Jessie competed in a number one contenders fatal four–way match , but was unsuccessful in winning the match .
[ "square" ]
[ "C0205120" ]
[ "Square shape" ]
[ [ "Spatial Concept", "geometric shape", "constructible polygon", "hypercube", "regular convex polygon", "cross-polytope", "rectangle", "rhombus", "bicentric trapezoid", "midsquare trapezoid", "right kite", "right tangential trapezoid", "equidiagonal kite" ] ]
[ [ 3, 4 ] ]
There are one square , one decagon , and one dodecagon on each vertex .
[ "information and communication technologies" ]
[ "C2976554" ]
[ "ICT 2552" ]
[ [ "Amino Acid, Peptide, or Protein", "Biologically Active Substance", "technology", "industry", "economic branch", "information technology" ] ]
[ [ 21, 25 ] ]
A digital divide is an economic and social inequality with regard to access to , use of , or impact of information and communication technologies ( ICT ) .
[ "commune", "department", "region", "france" ]
[ "C0557146", "C1549615", "C4249897", "C1277359" ]
[ "Lives in a commune", "Department - No suggested values defined", "Head region of left masseter", "Born in France" ]
[ [ "Finding", "human settlement", "fourth-level administrative country subdivision", "constituency", "municipality", "commune", "type of business entity in France", "LAU 2", "type of French administrative division", "territorial collectivity of France", "fifth-level administrative country subdivision" ], [ "Idea or Concept", "second-level administrative country subdivision", "third-level administrative country subdivision", "type of business entity in France", "type of French administrative division", "territorial collectivity of France" ], [ "Body Location or Region", "constituency", "first-level administrative country subdivision", "administrative region", "type of business entity in France", "administrative territorial entity of France", "type of French administrative division", "territorial collectivity of France" ], [ "Finding", "sovereign state", "country", "republic", "Mediterranean country", "colonial power" ] ]
[ [ 3, 4 ], [ 7, 8 ], [ 10, 11 ], [ 13, 14 ] ]
Bloye is a commune in the Haute-Savoie department and Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region of eastern France .
[ "slaves" ]
[ "C3658278" ]
[ "Slavery" ]
[ [ "Social Behavior", "torture", "social relation" ] ]
[ [ 31, 32 ] ]
During the early 17th century , England 's relative naval power deteriorated , and there were increasing raids by Barbary corsairs on ships and English coastal communities to capture people as slaves , which the Navy had little success in countering .
[ "calamintha sylvatica" ]
[ "C1497927" ]
[ "Clinopodium menthifolium" ]
[ [ "Plant", "taxon" ] ]
[ [ 6, 8 ] ]
Three subspecies are accepted : `` Clinopodium menthifolium '' subsp .
[ "vntr" ]
[ "C3179163" ]
[ "Variable Number of Tandem Repeats" ]
[ [ "Nucleic Acid, Nucleoside, or Nucleotide", "Biologically Active Substance", "repeated sequence", "Tandem Repeat" ] ]
[ [ 5, 6 ] ]
Another noncoding polymorphism is a VNTR in the second intron ( STin2 ) .
[ "4" ]
[ "C1429817" ]
[ "PS4 protein, Oryctolagus cuniculus" ]
[ [ "Amino Acid, Peptide, or Protein", "Biologically Active Substance", "model_Q10929058", "home video game console" ] ]
[ [ 8, 10 ] ]
My advice is to stick to the stellar PlayStation 4 game '' .
[ "italy", "cr" ]
[ "C4228173", "C3229609" ]
[ "One large Italian kindred has been reported (last curated November 2015)", "Larafen CR Pill" ]
[ [ "Finding", "sovereign state", "country", "republic", "unitary state", "Mediterranean country", "social state" ], [ "Clinical Drug", "Q391009" ] ]
[ [ 7, 8 ], [ 18, 26 ] ]
Placido Scoppa was born in Messina , Italy on 10 October 1640 and ordained a priest in the Congregation of Clerics Regular of the Divine Providence on 12 October 1664 .
[ "stem cells" ]
[ "C4274055" ]
[ "Femoral stem end cap, bioabsorbable" ]
[ [ "Medical Device", "cell type", "somatic cell" ] ]
[ [ 0, 2 ] ]
Stem cells are characterized by their ability to self-renew for a prolonged time and still maintain the ability to differentiate along one or more cell lineages .
[ "liberia" ]
[ "C3405336" ]
[ "Automeris liberia" ]
[ [ "Eukaryote", "sovereign state", "country", "republic" ] ]
[ [ 10, 11 ] ]
The Lofa-Mano National Park is a proposed national park in Liberia .
[ "islam" ]
[ "C0574810" ]
[ "Sunni muslim religion" ]
[ [ "Idea or Concept", "religion", "Abrahamic religion", "major religious group" ] ]
[ [ 34, 35 ] ]
In May 2014 , Robinson was widely criticized after politician) told `` The Irish News `` that politician) supported Whitewell Metropolitan Tabernacle Pastor James McConnell 's right as a pastor to make remarks about Islam .
[ "australia", "queensland" ]
[ "C3340422", "C0034391" ]
[ "Aspidoscopulia australia", "Queensland" ]
[ [ "Eukaryote", "sovereign state", "country", "federal state", "Commonwealth realm", "dominion of the British Empire" ], [ "Geographic Area", "colony_Q133156", "state of Australia" ] ]
[ [ 17, 18 ], [ 21, 22 ] ]
The Queensland Police Service ( QPS ) is the principal law enforcement agency responsible for policing the Australia n state of Queensland .
[ "centrolene heloderma" ]
[ "C3584751" ]
[ "Centrolene heloderma" ]
[ [ "Amphibian", "taxon" ] ]
[ [ 1, 3 ] ]
`` Centrolene heloderma '' inhabits the upper elevations of cloud forest , and is only found in mature forest .
[ "tempo" ]
[ "C4310261" ]
[ "2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy" ]
[ [ "Organic Chemical", "chemical compound", "heterocyclic compound" ] ]
[ [ 0, 1 ] ]
TEMPO used in Nitroxide Mediated Radical Polymerization ) or an organometallic species .
[ "boston", "los angeles", "muhammad ali", "nfl" ]
[ "C4302284", "C0024015", "C3882164", "C2906052" ]
[ "Boston bowel preparation scale finding", "Los Angeles", "Lip herpes dressing", "Assault by strike by sport equipment" ]
[ [ "Finding", "city of the United States", "big city", "state or insular area capital in the United States" ], [ "Geographic Area", "city of the United States", "big city", "city with millions of inhabitants", "county seat", "Zimbabwe" ], [ "Medical Device", "author", "boxer", "activist", "autobiographer" ], [ "Injury or Poisoning", "trade union" ] ]
[ [ 12, 13 ], [ 19, 21 ], [ 37, 39 ], [ 61, 64 ] ]
Sheldon `` Shelly '' Arthur Saltman ( August 17 , 1931 in Boston – February 16 , 2019 in Los Angeles ) was a promoter of major sports and entertainment events including the worldwide promotion of the Muhammad Ali / Joe Frazier heavyweight championship boxing matches , creating the Andy Williams San Diego Golf Classic and helped to arrange the independent NFL Players Association games during the 1982 NFL season strike .
[ "praslin" ]
[ "C3588101" ]
[ "Sargocentron praslin" ]
[ [ "Fish", "island" ] ]
[ [ 6, 7 ] ]
No cases have been reported in Praslin , La Digue , Silhouette Island and Outer Islands .
[ "lutheran" ]
[ "C0682435" ]
[ "Lutherans" ]
[ [ "Population Group", "Christian denomination", "Protestantism", "evangelical church" ] ]
[ [ 4, 5 ] ]
Börje Church is a Lutheran church in the Archdiocese of Uppsala in Uppsala County , Sweden , located west of Uppsala .
[ "pennsylvania state university" ]
[ "C2959873" ]
[ "Assessment using Penn State worry questionnaire" ]
[ [ "Health Care Activity", "open-access publisher", "public research university" ] ]
[ [ 18, 21 ] ]
Mason Deeds ( born August 3 , 1998 ) is an American college soccer player who plays for Pennsylvania State University .
[ "homocarnosinosis" ]
[ "C3495558" ]
[ "Carnosinuria" ]
[ [ "Finding", "disease", "Congenital disorders of amino acid metabolism", "homocarnosinosis" ] ]
[ [ 3, 4 ] ]
The metabolic disorder Carnosinemia may be caused by mutations in this gene .
[ "carnation" ]
[ "C4115889" ]
[ "Caryophyllaceae sp. BOP010511" ]
[ [ "Plant", "taxon" ] ]
[ [ 33, 34 ] ]
Moenchia erecta , the erect chickweed or upright chickweed ( though the latter name may refer to any species of `` Moenchia `` ) , is a small annual plant in the family Caryophyllaceae .
[ "hera" ]
[ "C0323305" ]
[ "Pseudohazis hera" ]
[ [ "Eukaryote", "Greek deity", "fertility deity" ] ]
[ [ 17, 18 ] ]
Megara and their children are eventually killed by Hercules himself , having been driven to insanity by Hera , the wife of his unfaithful father Zeus .
[ "denver colorado" ]
[ "C4274728" ]
[ "Assessment using Denver Development Screening Test" ]
[ [ "Diagnostic Procedure", "city of the United States", "big city", "state or insular area capital in the United States", "consolidated city-county" ] ]
[ [ 3, 6 ] ]
They met in Denver , Colorado .
[ "africa", "nepal", "bangladesh" ]
[ "C2714295", "C1277423", "C2651110" ]
[ "antivipmyn Africa", "Born in Nepal", "Bangladesh Mikania phytoplasma" ]
[ [ "Pharmacologic Substance", "Immunologic Factor", "continent" ], [ "Finding", "geographic region", "sovereign state", "country", "landlocked country" ], [ "Bacterium", "sovereign state", "country", "People's Republic" ] ]
[ [ 19, 20 ], [ 21, 22 ], [ 23, 24 ] ]
India exported around 2 million metric tonnes of wheat and 21 million metric tonnes of rice in 2011 to Africa , Nepal , Bangladesh and other regions around the world .
[ "omono river" ]
[ "C3002943" ]
[ "Omono River virus" ]
[ [ "Virus", "river" ] ]
[ [ 32, 34 ] ]
Kubota Castle is a `` hirayama '' -style Japanese castle , built on a hill on the left bank of the Nibetsu River ( Asahi River ) , a tributary of the Omono River , incorporating the river and adjacent wetlands into its defenses .
[ "northeast corridor", "cemetery" ]
[ "C0555829", "C0007662" ]
[ "Joint NEC", "Cemeteries" ]
[ [ "Body Space or Junction", "railway line" ], [ "Geographic Area", "architectural ensemble", "location of burial", "place of worship", "sacred architecture" ] ]
[ [ 8, 10 ], [ 23, 24 ] ]
The freeway crosses Jefferson Boulevard and Amtrak 's Northeast Corridor railroad on twin-span bridges and passes to the north of the Lincoln Park Cemetery before interchanging with US 1 at exits 5A-B .
[ "muddy" ]
[ "C1532950" ]
[ "Waters' circuit" ]
[ [ "Medical Device", "singer", "singer-songwriter", "guitarist", "street artist" ] ]
[ [ 0, 1 ] ]
Muddy was dissatisfied by the results , due to the British musicians ' more rock-oriented sound .
[ "jeta" ]
[ "C3629666" ]
[ "bacterium JP6" ]
[ [ "Bacterium", "aviation fuel" ] ]
[ [ 7, 8 ] ]
Charles W Baker airport offers 100LL and Jet-A fuels from its FBO .
[ "unita" ]
[ "C2994620" ]
[ "Caladenia unita" ]
[ [ "Plant", "political party" ] ]
[ [ 23, 24 ] ]
Some military assistance turned out to be failures : After supporting Angola 's MPLA , the Chinese authorities switched sides and began supporting UNITA , which never managed to fully grasp power in the country .
[ "rapper", "fort bragg" ]
[ "C0681258", "C1535500" ]
[ "Rap Music", "(OS leptospiral infection NOS) or (fever: [Fort Bragg] or [swamp] or [pretibial])" ]
[ [ "Intellectual Product", "music genre", "popular music", "African-American music" ], [ "Disease or Syndrome", "census-designated place", "military base" ] ]
[ [ 2, 3 ], [ 4, 9 ] ]
is a rapper from Fort Bragg , North Carolina , and former member of the Justus League collective .