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doc-200 | The appropriate TTB officer shall notify the employer or other person subject to levy that no amount of the taxpayer's wages, salary or other income is exempt from levy.
(2) From wages, salary or other income subject to levy. If the taxpayer's income upon which the appropriate TTB officer does not levy is less than that amount to which the taxpayer is entitled as an exemption, then an amount determined pursuant to § 70.243 of this part is to be paid to the taxpayer from those wages, salary or other income which are subject to levy. The appropriate TTB officer will designate those wages, salary or other income subject to levy from which such amount will be paid to the taxpayer. |
doc-201 | [21 FR 1441, Mar. 6, 1956. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, and amended by T.D. ATF-199, 50 FR 9197, Mar. 6, 1985; T.D. ATF-374, 61 FR 29957, June 13, 1996]
Subpart E—Grounds for Citation
§ 71.45
Basic permits. |
doc-202 | The appropriate TTB officer who is authorized to approve the bond may, whenever he deems it necessary, require additional evidence of the authority of the agent or officer to execute the bond or extension of coverage of bond. The power of attorney shall be prepared on a form provided by the surety company and executed under the corporate seal of the company. If the power of attorney submitted is other than a manually signed document it shall be accompanied by a certificate of its validity. Limitations concerning corporate sureties are prescribed by the Secretary in Treasury Department Circular No. 570, as revised. The surety shall have no interest whatever in the business covered by the bond.
(b) Treasury Department Circular No. |
doc-203 | (4) Subsistence allowances. A subsistence allowance shall be paid to a summoned person (other than a summoned person who is incarcerated) when an overnight stay is required at the place of attendance because the place is so far removed from the residence of the summoned person as to prohibit return thereto from day to day. A subsistence allowance for a summoned person shall be paid in an amount not to exceed the maximum allowance prescribed by the Administrator of General Services, under 5 U.S.C. 5702(a), for official travel in the area of attendance by employees of the Federal Government. An alien who has been paroled into the United States by the Attorney General, under 8 U.S.C. |
doc-204 | 61(b); or
(3) The applicant (including, in the case of a corporation, any officer, director, or principal stockholder and, in the case of a partnership, a partner)—
(i) Is, by reason of his business experience, financial standing, or trade connections or by reason of previous or current legal proceedings involving a felony violation of any other provision of Federal criminal law relating to tobacco products, processed tobacco, cigarette paper, or cigarette tubes, not likely to maintain operations in compliance with this chapter;
(ii) Has been convicted of a felony violation of any provision of Federal or State criminal law relating to tobacco products, processed tobacco, cigarette paper, or cigarette tubes; |
doc-205 | Electronic fund transfer or EFT. Any transfer of funds effected by a taxpayer's commercial bank, either directly or through a correspondent banking relationship, via the Federal Reserve Communications System (FRCS) or Fedwire to the Treasury Account at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
Enforced collection. Collection of taxes when a taxpayer neglects or refuses to pay voluntarily. Includes such administrative measures as liens and levies.
IRC. IRC refers to the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (codified in 26 U.S.C.).
Levy. The taking of property by seizure and sale or by collection of money due to the debtor, such as wages.
Lien. A charge upon real or personal property for the satisfaction of some debt or performance of an obligation. |
doc-206 | The proposed successor shall, before commencing operations, qualify as a manufacturer of processed tobacco in accordance with this subpart. The manufacturer shall give notice of the transfer, and the proposed successor shall make application for permit, in ample time for examination and approval thereof before the desired date of such change. The predecessor shall make a concluding inventory and concluding report, in accordance with §§ 40.523 and 40.522, respectively, and surrender the permit with such inventory and report. The successor shall make a commencing inventory and first report, in accordance with §§ 40.523 and 40.522, respectively.
(c) Change in officers, directors, or stockholders of a corporation. |
doc-207 | chapter 52, or has been convicted of a felony violation of any provision of Federal or State criminal law relating to tobacco products, processed tobacco, cigarette paper, or cigarette tubes, the appropriate TTB officer shall issue an order, stating the facts charged, citing such person to show cause why his permit should not be suspended or revoked. Such citation shall be issued and opportunity for hearing afforded in accordance with part 71 of this chapter, which part is applicable to such proceedings. If, after hearing, the hearing examiner, or on appeal, the Administrator, finds that such person has not shown cause why his permit should not be suspended or revoked, such permit shall be suspended for such period as the appropriate TTB officer deems proper or shall be revoked.
[T.D. |
doc-208 | As used in this paragraph, the term “employer” means:
(A) The officer or employee of the United States, the District of Columbia, or of the agency or instrumentality of the United States or the District of Columbia, who has control of the payment of the wages, or
(B) Any other officer or employee designated by the head of the branch, department, or agency, or instrumentality of the United States or of the District of Columbia as the party upon whom service of the notice of levy may be made. |
doc-209 | The manufacturer shall also furnish a true copy of any new trade name certificate or document issued to him, or statement in lieu thereof, required by § 40.65.
(72 Stat. 1421; 26 U.S.C. 5712)
[T.D. 6840, 30 FR 9311, July 27, 1965. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975] |
doc-210 | Director. The Director, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, the Department of the Treasury, Washington, DC.
Equity. As used in administrative action on petitions for remission or mitigation of forfeitures, shall mean that interest which a petitioner has in the personal property or carrier petitioned for at the time of final administrative action on the petition, but such interest shall not be considered to include any unearned finance charges from the date of seizure or the date of default, if later; any amount rebatable on account of paid insurance premiums; attorney's fees for collection; any amount identified as dealer's reserve; or any amount in the nature of liquidated damages that may have been agreed upon by the buyer and the petitioner. |
doc-211 | (2) Request for return of property. A written request for the return of property wrongfully levied upon shall be addressed to the officer who authorized the levy. The written request shall contain the following information:
(i) The name and address of the person submitting the request,
(ii) A detailed description of the property levied upon,
(iii) A description of the claimant's basis for claiming an interest in the property levied upon, and
(iv) The name and address of the taxpayer, the originating TTB office, and the date of lien or levy as shown on the Notice of Tax Lien, Notice of Levy, or, in lieu thereof, a statement of the reasons why such information cannot be furnished.
(3) Inadequate request. |
doc-212 | (2) Fuel supplies, ships' stores, and legitimate equipment. The terms “fuel supplies”, “ships' stores”, and “legitimate equipment” include all articles, materials, supplies, and equipment necessary for the navigation, propulsion, and upkeep of vessels of war of the United States or of any foreign nation, vessels employed in the fisheries or in the whaling business, or vessels actually engaged in foreign trade or in trade between the Atlantic and Pacific ports of the United States or between the United States and any of its possessions, even though such vessels may make intermediate stops in the United States. |
doc-213 | 31, 1978; 44 FR 55846, Sept. 28, 1979]
§ 71.100
Unavailability of administrative law judge.
In the event that the administrative law judge designated to conduct a hearing becomes unavailable before the filing of his findings and decision or recommended decision, the Administrator may assign the case to another administrative law judge for the continuance of the proceeding, in accordance with the regulations in this part in the same manner as if he had been designated administrative law judge at the commencement of the proceeding.
[21 FR 1441, Mar. 6, 1956. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, and amended by T.D. |
doc-214 | § 46.208
Unmerchantable articles.
Articles that the dealer holds for return to a supplier because of some defect are not subject to the floor stocks tax. However, the dealer must segregate any such unmerchantable articles and include them in a separate section of the inventory record. The dealer cannot include as unmerchantable any items that may be held because of poor market demand or to reduce the dealer's inventory. If, for any reason, the tobacco products or cigarette papers or tubes that were determined to be unmerchantable are not subsequently returned or destroyed, the dealer must file an additional floor stocks tax return and pay tax on such products plus any applicable penalties and interest.
(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1513-0129) |
doc-215 | 15, 1975; T.D. ATF-480, 67 FR 30801, May 8, 2002]
§ 44.73
Emergency variations from requirements.
The appropriate TTB officer may approve methods of operation other than as specified in this part, where he finds that an emergency exists and the proposed variations from the specified requirements are necessary, and the proposed variations—
(a) Will afford the security and protection to the revenue intended by the prescribed specifications,
(b) Will not hinder the effective administration of this part, and
(c) Will not be contrary to any provision of law. Variations from requirements granted under this section are conditioned on compliance with the procedures, conditions, and limitations set forth in the approval of the application. |
doc-216 | (d) The premises on which the applicant proposes to conduct the business are not adequate to protect the revenue;
He may issue a citation for the contemplated disapproval of the application.
(72 Stat. 1349, 1370; 26 U.S.C. 5171, 5271)
[T.D. 6389, 24 FR 4791, June 12, 1959. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, and amended by T.D. ATF-48, 44 FR 55846, Sept. 28, 1979; T.D. ATF-199, 50 FR 9196, 9197, Mar. 6, 1985; T.D. ATF-374, 61 FR 29957, June 13, 1996] |
doc-217 | (2) Inability to collect price. A charge-off of an amount outstanding in an open account, due to inability to collect, is not a bona fide discount, rebate, or allowance and does not, in and of itself, give rise to a price readjustment within the meaning of this section.
(3) Loss or damage in transit. If title to an article has passed to the vendee, the subsequent loss, damage, or destruction of the article while in the possession of a carrier for delivery to the vendee does not, in and of itself, affect the price at which the article was sold. |
doc-218 | ATF-246, 52 FR 669, Jan. 8, 1987, as amended by T.D. ATF-251, 52 FR 19340, May 22, 1987; T.D. ATF-365, 60 FR 33675, June 28, 1995; T.D. ATF-444, 66 FR 13851, Mar. 8, 2001. Redesignated and amended by T.D. TTB-16, 69 FR 52424, 52425, Aug. 26, 2004; T.D. TTB-89, 76 FR 3515, Jan. 20, 2011] |
doc-219 | The appropriate TTB officer may assign an appropriate TTB officer to supervise destruction of the tobacco products or he may authorize the manufacturer to destroy such products without supervision by so stating on a copy of the manufacturer's notice returned to the manufacturer. When so authorized by the appropriate TTB officer, the manufacturer shall destroy the tobacco products by burning completely or by rendering them unfit for consumption. Upon completion of the destruction, the manufacturer shall make an entry of such destruction in his factory record, and where destruction without supervision is authorized, shall record the date and method of destruction on the notice returned to him by the appropriate TTB officer, which notice the manufacturer shall retain. |
doc-220 | § 45.33
Return of shipment to factory.
Tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes which have been removed, under this part, may be returned to the factory without internal revenue supervision.
(72 Stat. 1418, as amended; 26 U.S.C. 5704)
[T.D. 6871, 31 FR 57, as amended by T.D. ATF-243, 51 FR 28090, Aug. 5, 1986; 51 FR 43194, Dec. 1, 1986]
§ 45.34
Loss or shortage in shipment. |
doc-221 | (72 Stat. 1422; 26 U.S.C. 5722)
[T.D. 6871, 31 FR 51, Jan. 4, 1966. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975; T.D. ATF-232, 51 FR 28088, Aug. 5, 1986; T.D. ATF-243, 51 FR 43194, Dec. 1, 1986; T.D. ATF-421, 64 FR 71925, Dec. 22, 1999; T.D. ATF-424, 64 FR 71933, Dec. |
doc-222 | Although the total reimbursements for local advertising expenses attributable to contributions by the manufacturer ($3,000) does not exceed the unused portion of the overall 5 percent limitation ($3,500), the manufacturer, having taken, at the close of the first calendar quarter, a price readjustment in the amount of $2,000 in respect to his contributions, is entitled at the close of the second calendar quarter to claim credit or refund in respect of a price readjustment in the amount of $1,000 ($3,000−$2,000). |
doc-223 | (68A Stat. 791, 72 Stat. 9; 26 U.S.C. 6402, 6423)
[T.D. 6871, 31 FR 39, Jan. 4, 1966. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, and amended by T.D. ATF-48, 44 FR 55855, Sept. 28, 1979; T.D. ATF-232, 51 FR 28083, Aug. 5, 1986; T.D. ATF-243, 51 FR 43194, Dec. 1, 1986; T.D. |
doc-224 | § 40.396
Change in proprietorship.
Where there is to be any change in proprietorship (including a change in the identity of the members of a partnership or association, but excluding any change in stock ownership in a corporation) of the business of a manufacturer of cigarette papers and tubes, the proposed successor shall, before commencing operations, qualify as a manufacturer of cigarette papers and tubes, in accordance with this part. If such manufacturer promptly files the required documentation with the appropriate TTB officer, an administrator, executor, receiver, trustee, assignee, or other fiduciary successor may liquidate the business without qualifying as a manufacturer. |
doc-225 | However, where a fiduciary intends only to liquidate the business, qualification as a manufacturer of processed tobacco will not be required if such fiduciary promptly files with the appropriate TTB officer a written statement to that effect, in duplicate.
(b) Transfer of ownership. If a transfer in ownership of the business of a manufacturer of processed tobacco (including a change of any member of a partnership or association) is to be made, such manufacturer shall give notice, in writing, to the appropriate TTB officer, naming the proposed successor and the desired effective date of the transfer. The proposed successor shall, before commencing operations, qualify as a manufacturer of processed tobacco in accordance with this subpart. |
doc-226 | (4) Section 4216(b)(4) of the Code provides a special method for computing a constructive sale price for sales of taxable articles between affiliated corporations where the purchasing corporation sells only to retailers, and the normal method of selling within the industry is for manufacturers to sell to wholesale distributors.
(c) Definitions. For purposes of section 4216(b) of the Code and §§ 53.94-53.97 and unless otherwise indicated:
(1) Sale at retail. A “sale at retail,” or a “retail sale”, is a sale of an article to a purchaser who intends to use or lease the article rather than resell it. |
doc-227 | However, if the taxpayer does not file the amended return within 30 days, the taxpayer is required to pay a new special tax and obtain a new special tax stamp.
(2) Procedure. If the taxpayer's original return on TTB Form 5630.5t covered only one location, the taxpayer may deliver the amended return and the stamp at any TTB office, or to any TTB officer inspecting the business, in lieu of mailing them to TTB. If the taxpayer's original return covered multiple locations under the provisions of § 46.101(b), he or she must forward with the amended return an attachment showing both the old and new address of any place of business which has been relocated, and the special tax stamp covering the location from which the business was removed. |
doc-228 | § 70.22
Examination of books and witnesses.
(a) In general. |
doc-229 | However, see 26 U.S.C. 6323(i)(2) and § 70.144 of this part concerning the subrogation rights of certain transferees. Levy may be made by serving a Notice of Levy on any person in possession of, or obligated with respect to, property or rights to property subject to levy, including receivables, bank accounts, evidences of debt, securities, and salaries, wages, commissions, or other compensation. Except as provided in § 70.162(c) of this part with regard to a levy on salary or wages, a levy extends only to property possessed and obligations which exist at the time of the levy. |
doc-230 | On the other hand, a bonus paid by the manufacturer to a dealer's salesperson for negotiating the sale of a taxable article previously sold to the dealer by the manufacturer is considered to be a readjustment of the price on the original sale of the taxable article, regardless of whether the payment to the salesperson is made directly by the manufacturer or to the salesperson through the dealer. In such a case, the payment is related to the sale of a taxable article and is made for the benefit of the dealer because it is made to the dealer's salesperson to encourage the sale of a product owned by the dealer. |
doc-231 | § 44.102
Change in trade name.
Where there is a change in, or an addition or discontinuance of, a trade name used by an export warehouse proprietor in connection with operations authorized by his permit, the proprietor shall, within 30 days of such change, addition, or discontinuance, make application on Form 2098 (5200.16) for an amended permit to reflect such change. The proprietor shall also furnish a true copy of any new trade name certificate or document issued to him, or statement in lieu thereof, required by § 44.85.
(72 Stat. 1421; 26 U.S.C. 5712)
[T.D. |
doc-232 | ATF-447, 66 FR 19088, Apr. 13, 2001; T.D. TTB-44, 71 FR 16958, Apr. 4, 2006]
§ 53.158
Payment of tax by electronic fund transfer.
(a) In general. For return periods after September 30, 1992, any taxpayer liable for firearms and ammunition excise taxes incurred under this part may elect to remit payments and deposits of the taxes (taxpayments) by electronic fund transfer (EFT). A taxpayer who elects to make remittance by EFT must use that method of remitting excise taxes on firearms and ammunition for a minimum of four consecutive calendar quarters. |
doc-233 | 22, 1986, as amended by T.D. ATF-374, 61 FR 29957, June 13, 1996]
§ 71.116
Review by Administrator.
The Administrator, on appeal on petition for review, shall afford a reasonable opportunity for the submission of proposed findings, conclusions or exceptions with reasons in support thereof and an opportunity for oral argument. He may alter or modify any finding of the administrative law judge (or of the appropriate TTB officer in application proceedings) and may affirm, reverse, or modify the decision of the administrative law judge (or of the appropriate TTB officer in initial application proceedings), or he may remand the case for further hearing, but he shall not consider evidence which is not a part of the record. |
doc-234 | No deposit is required in the case of any taxes reportable on a one-time or occasional filing (as defined in § 53.151(a)(5)).
(c) Amount of deposit—(1) In general. Except as provided in paragraphs (c)(2), (c)(3) and (c)(6) of this section, the deposit of tax for each semimonthly period must be equal to the amount of tax liability incurred during that semimonthly period. Except as provided in paragraph (c)(3) of this section, no deposit is required for any semimonthly period in which no tax liability is incurred.
(2) De minimis exception. |
doc-235 | Any removal of processed tobacco other than those listed above requires the manufacturer to first obtain authorization to engage in another business within the factory under § 40.47 and to keep records and submit reports under §§ 40.521 and 40.522, unless the manufacturer can show to the satisfaction of the appropriate TTB officer that the removal is connected with the business of a manufacturer of tobacco products rather than with the business of a manufacturer of processed tobacco.
[T.D. TTB-78, 74 FR 29409, June 22, 2009, as amended by T.D. TTB-104, 77 FR 37302, June 21, 2012] |
doc-236 | The term “commercial financing security” does not include a mortgage when the taxpayer is the mortgagor of realty owned by the taxpayer. For purposes of this subparagraph, the term “inventory” includes raw materials and goods in process as well as property held by the taxpayer primarily for sale to customers in the ordinary course of the taxpayer's trade or business.
(2) Definitions. For purposes of §§ 70.143 and 70.146 of this part, and this section:
(i) A contract right is any right to payment under a contract not yet earned by performance and not evidenced by an instrument or chattel paper, and
(ii) An account receivable is any right to payment for goods sold or leased or for services rendered which is not evidenced by an instrument or chattel paper. |
doc-237 | The application shall specifically describe the proposed alternate method or procedure, and shall set forth the reasons therefor. Alternate methods or procedures shall not be employed until the application has been approved by the appropriate TTB officer. The manufacturer or proprietor shall, during the period of authorization of an alternate method or procedure, comply with the terms of the approved application. Authorization for any alternate method or procedure may be withdrawn whenever in the judgment of the appropriate TTB officer the revenue is jeopardized or the effective administration of this part is hindered. The manufacturer or proprietor shall retain, as part of his records, any authorization of the appropriate TTB officer under this section.
[T.D. 6871, 31 FR 49, Jan. 4, 1966. |
doc-238 | A person making such a machine available for consumer use shall be deemed the person making the removal with respect to any tobacco products manufactured by such machine. A person who sells a machine directly to a consumer at retail for a consumer's personal home use is not making a machine available for commercial purposes if such machine is not used at a retail premises and is designed to produce tobacco products only in personal use quantities. |
doc-239 | (2) If no return is filed, the claim for credit or refund of an overpayment must be filed by the taxpayer within 2 years from the time the tax was paid.
(b) In the case of any tax payable by means of a stamp, a claim for credit or refund of an overpayment of such tax must be filed by the taxpayer within 3 years from the time the tax was paid. For provisions relating to redemption of unused stamps, see section 6805 of the Internal Revenue Code.
(c) For limitations on allowance of credit or refund, special rules, and exceptions, see subsections (b) and (c) of section 6511 of the Internal Revenue Code. |
doc-240 | However, semimonthly deposits of tax are required beginning with the semimonthly period in which unpaid tax liability exceeds $2,000 and for every semimonthly period thereafter in which tax liability is incurred. The first deposit for the current quarter shall be equal to the unpaid tax liability; thereafter, deposits shall be equal to the amount of tax liability incurred during that semimonthly period.
(3) Amount of deposit; safe harbor rule based on look-back quarter liability; In general. Except as provided in paragraph (c)(6) of this section, any person who made a return of tax on TTB Form 5300.26 reporting taxes for the second preceding calendar quarter (the “look-back quarter”), |
doc-241 | The transfer of tobacco products in bond to the premises of an export warehouse proprietor shall be in accordance with the provisions of part 44 of this chapter. However, tobacco products are eligible for transfer in bond to a manufacturer of tobacco products or to an export warehouse only if they bear the required marks, labels, and notices.
(72 Stat. 1418, as amended; 26 U.S.C. 5704)
[T.D. 6871, 31 FR 37, Jan. 4, 1966. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, and amended by T.D. ATF-232, 51 FR 28082, Aug. 5, 1986; T.D. |
doc-242 | 5, 1986; T.D. ATF-243, 51 FR 43194, Dec. 1, 1986]
§ 44.193
To a Federal department or agency.
Where tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes are removed from a factory or an export warehouse and are destined for ultimate delivery in a noncontiguous foreign country, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, or a possession of the United States, but the shipment is to be delivered in the United States to a Federal department or agency, or to an authorized dispatch agent, transportation officer, or port director of such a department or agency for forwarding on to the place of destination of the shipment, the manufacturer or export warehouse proprietor shall consign the shipment to the Federal department or agency, or to the proper dispatch agent, transportation officer, or port director of such department or agency. |
doc-243 | ATF-243, 51 FR 43194, Dec. 1, 1986]
Exemption From Taxes on Tobacco Products
§ 40.231
Consumption by employees.
A manufacturer of tobacco products may gratuitously furnish tobacco products, without determination and payment of tax, for personal consumption by employees in the factory in such quantities as desired. Each employee may also be gratuitously furnished by the manufacturer, for off-factory personal consumption, not more than 5 large cigars or cigarettes, 20 small cigars or cigarettes, or one retail package of chewing tobacco, snuff, pipe tobacco or roll-your-own tobacco, or a proportionate quantity of each, without determination and payment of tax, on each day the employee is at work. |
doc-244 | Subpart A—Scope
Forms prescribed.
Delegations of the Administrator.
Subpart B—Definitions
Meaning of terms.
Subpart C—Discovery of Liability and Enforcement of Laws
Examination and Inspection
Canvass for taxable persons and objects.
Examination of books and witnesses.
Service of summonses.
Enforcement of summonses.
Special procedures for third-party summonses.
Third-party recordkeepers.
Right to intervene; right to institute a proceeding to quash. |
doc-245 | (d) The provisions of this section do not apply to any person who, when entering U.S. manufactured tobacco products labeled for export, claims and is granted an exemption from duty and tax for such products under chapter 98 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States. The quantity of tobacco products entered may not exceed the quantity limit imposed on such products under the applicable tariff provision. A traveler claiming an exemption under this subsection upon arrival at the border may voluntarily relinquish to the U. S. Customs Service at the time of entry any excess of such quantity without incurring the penalty under this section.
(e) For purposes of this section, references to exportation shall be treated as including a reference to shipment to the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.
[T.D. |
doc-246 | That section excepts summonses issued in aid of the collection of the liability of any person against whom an assessment has been made or judgment rendered or the liability at law or in equity of any transferee of such a person.
(2) Examples. Examples of summonses referred to in paragraph (a)(1) of this section are:
(i) Summonses issued to determine the amount held in a bank in the name of a person against whom an assessment has been made or judgment rendered;
(ii) Summonses issued to enforce transferee liability for a tax which has been assessed.
(b) Numbered account (or similar arrangement). Under 26 U.S.C. |
doc-247 | Any person who possesses tobacco products in violation of 26 U.S.C. 5751(a)(1) or (2), shall be liable for a tax equal to the tax on such products.
(Sec. 201, Pub. L. 85-859, 72 Stat 1415, as amended, 1424, as amended (26 U.S.C. 5703, 5751))
[T.D. 6871, 31 FR 32, Jan. 4, 1966. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, and amended by T.D. ATF-48, 44 FR 55854, Sept. 28, 1979; T.D. |
doc-248 | § 71.73
After citation.
If a respondent surrenders the permit after citation and prior to an initial decision, the appropriate TTB officer may accept the surrender of the permit and dismiss the proceeding as moot. If, however, in the opinion of the appropriate TTB officer, the evidence is such as to warrant suspension, revocation or annulment, as the case may be, the surrender of the permit shall be refused, and the proceeding shall continue.
[T.D. ATF-244, 51 FR 45764, Dec. 22, 1986, as amended by T.D. ATF-374, 61 FR 29957, June 13, 1996]
Motions |
doc-249 | (19 U.S.C. 1608).
(6) Any person claiming the personal property or carrier so seized, within the time specified in the notice, may file with the Director a claim stating the interest in the articles or carrier seized, and may execute a bond to the United States, conditioned that, in case of condemnation of the articles or carrier so seized, the obligators shall pay all the costs and expenses of the proceedings to obtain such condemnation. The amount of the cost bond is $2,500.00, unless the seized property is a vehicle, vessel, or aircraft seized for a violation of 49 U.S.C. |
doc-250 | If the claim is allowed, a check for the amount of the refund is forwarded to the claimant; except, that where there are any unpaid taxes outstanding against the claimant, the refund may be applied to the outstanding taxes and a check for the balance, if any, forwarded to the claimant. If the claim is rejected, a copy of the claim giving the reasons for rejection is forwarded to the claimant.
(d) Claims for allowance, credit, or relief. A qualified permittee, manufacturer, or proprietor may, subject to the conditions in the appropriate regulations, file claim on Form 5620.8 for allowance of loss, credit of tax, or relief from tax liability, as applicable, on
(1) Spirits returned to bonded premises, lost or destroyed on bonded premises, |
doc-251 | enforced and administered by the Bureau on the property which is the subject of such action or suit. The provisions of 28 U.S.C. 2410 (except subsection (b)) and of 28 U.S.C. 1444 shall apply in any case in which the United States intervenes as if the United States had originally been named a defendant in such action or suit. If the application of the United States to intervene is denied, the adjudication in such civil action or suit shall have no effect upon such lien.
(26 U.S.C. 7424)
§ 70.203
Discharge of liens; scope and application; judicial proceedings.
(a) In general. |
doc-252 | Such petitions shall be given careful consideration, and the petitioner shall be advised of the action taken thereon. Petitions must be addressed to the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, Washington, DC 20220. A petition to establish a new American viticultural area or to modify an existing American viticultural area is subject to the rules in part 9 of this chapter.
(d) Publication of rules and regulations—(1) General. All Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau regulations and amendments thereto are published as Treasury Decisions which appear in the Federal Register, the Code of Federal Regulations, and the quarterly Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) Bulletin. |
doc-253 | (2) Sale. The property shall be sold at public auction to the higher bidder.
(3) Terms. The purchase price shall be paid in full upon acceptance of the highest bid. The payment shall be made by cash, or by a certified, cashier's or treasurer's check drawn on any bank or trust company incorporated under the laws of the United States or under the laws of any State, Territory, or possession of the United States, or by a U.S. postal, bank, express, or telegraph money order.
(26 U.S.C. 6336)
§ 70.185
Certificate of sale; deed of real property.
(a) Certificate of sale. In the case of property sold as provided in 26 U.S.C. |
doc-254 | (d) Satisfaction by credits. If any portion of a tax is satisfied by credit of an overpayment, then no interest shall be imposed under section 6601 of the Internal Revenue Code on the portion of the tax so satisfied for any period during which, if the credit had not been made, interest would have been allowable with respect to such overpayment.
(e) Last date prescribed for payment. (1) In determining the last date prescribed for payment, any extension of time granted for payment of tax shall be disregarded. The granting of an extension of time for the payment of tax does not relieve the taxpayer from liability for the payment of interest thereon during the period of the extension. |
doc-255 | A container of processed tobacco, the contents of which weigh 10 pounds or less (including any added non-tobacco ingredients or constituents), that is removed within the meaning of this part for any purpose other than destruction, export, delivery as a sample to a manufacturer of processed tobacco or tobacco products for the purpose of soliciting orders of processed tobacco, or scientific testing or testing of equipment which results in the destruction of the processed tobacco or the return of the processed tobacco to the factory premises, is deemed to be a package offered for sale or delivery to the ultimate consumer. |
doc-256 | If the owner cannot be readily located, or has no dwelling or place of business within such region, the notice may be mailed to the owner's last known address. Such notice shall specify the sum demanded and shall contain, in the case of personal property, a list sufficient to identify the property seized and, in the case of real property, a description with reasonable certainty of the property seized.
(b) Notice of sale. (1) As soon as practicable after seizure of the property, the appropriate TTB officer shall give notice of sale in writing to the owner. Such notice shall be delivered to the owner or left at the owner's usual place of abode or business if located. |
doc-257 | § 40.76
Retention of permit and supporting documents.
The manufacturer shall retain his permit, together with the copy of the application and supporting documents returned to him with the permit, at the same place where the records required by this part are kept and they shall be made available for inspection by any appropriate TTB officer upon his request.
(72 Stat. 1421, 1423; 26 U.S.C. 5712, 5713, 5741)
Subpart F—Changes After Original Qualification of Manufacturers of Tobacco Products
Changes in Name
§ 40.91
Change in individual name. |
doc-258 | (f) The records required to be kept by licensees and permittees,
(g) The forfeiture and disposition of seized explosive material, under the provision of Title XI of the Organized Crime Control Act of 1970,
(h) Operations by licensees or permittees and hearings procedure after denial or revocation of license or permit, and also
(i) Restrictions regarding the receipt, possession, or transportation of explosives by certain persons under the provisions of Title XI of the Organized Crime Control Act of 1970.
[T.D. ATF-301, 55 FR 47616, Nov. 14, 1990, as amended by T.D. TTB-91, 76 FR 5482, Feb. 1, 2011] |
doc-259 | (6) A person who succeeds to the business of a manufacturer, producer, or importer of taxable articles, such as:
(i) A corporation which results from a consolidation, merger, or reorganization;
(ii) A corporation which acquires the business of an individual or partnership; or
(iii) A stockholder in a corporation who, after its dissolution, continues the business;
incurs liability for the tax on all taxable articles sold by such person. However, where a manufacturer, producer, or importer sells only his assets, rather than ownership of his business, he incurs liability for tax on the sale of any taxable articles included in such assets.
(b) Transfer of title to damaged articles. |
doc-260 | ATF-199, 50 FR 9197, Mar. 6, 1985; T.D. ATF-374, 61 FR 29957, June 13, 1996]
§ 71.107a
Appropriate TTB officer's decision.
(a) When the appropriate TTB officer issues an initial decision in accordance with § 71.79, the decision shall become a part of the record. The decision shall consist of
(1) A brief statement of the issues involved in the proceedings;
(2) The appropriate TTB officer's findings and conclusions, as well as the reasons therefor; and
(3) The appropriate TTB officer's determination on the record.
[T.D. ATF-244, 51 FR 45764, Dec. 22, 1986, as amended by T.D. ATF-374, 61 FR 29957, June 13, 1996] |
doc-261 | ATF-312, 56 FR 31085, July 9, 1991]
§ 53.183
Return of installment accounts causing overpayments of tax.
(a) In general. In the case of any payment of tax under section 4216(d)(1) of the Code in respect of the sale of any installment account that is determined to be an overpayment under section 6416(b)(5) of the Code and paragraph (b) of this section upon return of the installment account, the person who paid the tax may file a claim for refund of the overpayment or may claim credit for the overpayment on any return of tax under this subpart which that person subsequently files. |
doc-262 | § 40.409
Termination of liability of surety under bond.
The liability of a surety on any bond required by this subpart shall be terminated only as to operations on and after the effective date of a superseding bond, or the date of approval of the discontinuance of operations by the manufacturer of cigarette papers and tubes, or otherwise in accordance with the termination provisions of the bond. The surety shall remain bound in respect of any liability for unpaid taxes, penalties and interest, not in excess of the amount of the bond, incurred by the manufacturer while the bond is in force.
(72 Stat. 1421; 26 U.S.C. 5711)
§ 40.410
Release of pledged securities. |
doc-263 | § 53.142
§ 53.143
§ 53.151
1545-0023, 1545-0723
§ 53.152
§ 53.153
1545-0257, 1545-0723
§ 53.155
§ 53.157
§ 53.171
1545-0023, 1545-0723 |
doc-264 | (4) Under section 4216(b)(4) of the Code, the constructive sale price of such article shall be the median price at which the distributor, at the time of the sale by the manufacturer, resells the article to retail dealers, reduced by a percentage of such price equal to the percentage which:
(i) The difference between the median price for which comparable articles are sold to wholesale distributors, in the ordinary course of trade, by manufacturers of producers thereof, and the median price at which such wholesale distributors in arm's-length transactions sell such comparable articles to retailers, is of
(ii) The median price at which such wholesale distributors in arm's-length transactions sell such comparable articles to retailers. |
doc-265 | (c) Collection of installment accounts on behalf of the manufacturer. Where a manufacturer, producer, or importer retains title to an installment account but turns it over to another person for collection on a fee basis, no sale of such account (or other disposition as contemplated in section 4216(d) of the Code) has been made. The tax shall continue to be paid as provided by section 4216(c) of the Code.
(d) Returned installment accounts. |
doc-266 | (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1513-0068)
[T.D. TTB-104, 77 FR 37302, June 21, 2012] |
doc-267 | § 40.66
Every person, before commencing business as a manufacturer of tobacco products, shall file, in connection with his application for permit, a bond on TTB F 5200.25 or 5200.26, in duplicate, in accordance with the applicable provisions of subpart G of this part, conditioned upon compliance with the provisions of chapter 52, I.R.C. and regulations thereunder, including, but not limited to, the timely payment of taxes imposed by such chapter and penalties and interest in connection therewith for which he may become liable to the United States: Provided, That any person who, on the effective date of this part, October 1, 1961, has on file a valid and adequate bond, |
doc-268 | The deposits due on March 11, 1996, and March 25, 1996, would ordinarily be due on March 9, 1996, and March 24, 1996, respectively. However, because March 9, 1996, is a Saturday, and March 24, 1996, is a Sunday, under section 7503, D has until March 11, 1996, to make the deposit due on March 9, 1996, and until March 25, 1996, to make the deposit due on March 24, 1996.
(3) Filing requirement. |
doc-269 | The charges against such bond shall be subject to increase as withdrawals are made and decrease as required evidence of exportation is received by the appropriate TTB officer with respect to cigars withdrawn. When the limit of liability under a bond given in less than the maximum amount has been reached, further withdrawals shall not be made thereunder until a strengthening or superseding bond is filed as required by § 44.245 or § 44.246.
§ 44.245
Strengthening bond. |
doc-270 | (d) Procedure with respect to offers in compromise—(1) Submission of offers. (i) Offers in compromise under this section shall be submitted on TTB Form 5640.1, along with any additional information required by the officer authorized to accept or reject the offer. If the offer in compromise is based on inability to pay, the proponent must submit any financial statement required by such officer.
(ii) The offer should generally be accompanied by a remittance representing the amount of the compromise offer or a deposit if the offer provides for future installment payments. When final action has been taken, the proponent is notified of the acceptance or rejection of the offer.
(2) Stay of collection. The submission of an offer in compromise shall not automatically operate to stay the collection of any tax liability. |
doc-271 | (b) Articles regularly sold by manufacturer. If the manufacturer, producer, or importer of an article regularly sells such articles at wholesale in arm's length transactions, tax liability on his use of any such article shall be computed on his lowest established wholesale price for such articles in effect at the time of the taxable use. In establishing such price, there shall be included and excluded, as applicable, the charges and readjustments specified in sections 4216(a) and 6416(b)(1) of the Code, as in effect at the time tax liability on the use of the article is incurred, and the regulations thereunder contained in this subpart and subpart L (§§ 53.91-53.94 and 53.173-53.176). |
doc-272 | § 40.112
Change in address.
Whenever any change occurs in the address, but not the location, of the factory of a manufacturer of tobacco products, as a result of action of local authorities, the manufacturer shall, within 30 days of such change, make application on TTB F 5200.16 for an amended permit.
(72 Stat. 1421; 26 U.S.C. 5712)
§ 40.114
Extension or curtailment of factory. |
doc-273 | (1) If a claim is filed, the amount of the credit or refund shall not exceed the portion of the tax paid within the 3 years immediately preceding the filing of the claim.
(2) If no claim is filed, the amount of the credit or refund allowed or made shall not exceed the portion of the tax paid within the 3 years immediately preceding the allowance of the credit or refund. For provisions relating to redemption of unused stamps, see section 6805 of the Internal Revenue Code.
(26 U.S.C. 6511)
[T.D. ATF-251, 52 FR 19314, May 22, 1987. Redesignated and amended by T.D. ATF-301, 55 FR 47606, 47648, Nov. 14, 1990; T.D. ATF-450, 66 FR 29028, May 29, 2001] |
doc-274 | Redesignated and amended by T.D. TTB-16, 69 FR 52424, 52425, Aug. 26, 2004]
§ 41.162
Losses caused by disaster occurring after September 2, 1958.
Claims involving internal revenue tax paid or determined and customs duty paid on tobacco products and cigarette papers and tubes removed, which are lost, rendered unmarketable, or condemned by a duly authorized official by reason of a “major disaster” occurring in the United States after September 2, 1958, shall be filed in accordance with the provisions of subpart C of part 46 of this chapter.
(72 Stat. 1420; 26 U.S.C. 5708)
[T.D. |
doc-275 | Lien for Taxes
Sections 70.141 through 70.151 added by T.D. ATF-301, 55 FR 47616, Nov. 14, 1990, unless otherwise noted.
§ 70.141
Lien for taxes.
If any person liable to pay any tax under provisions of 26 U.S.C. enforced and administered by the Bureau neglects or refuses to pay the same after demand, the amount (including any interest, additional amount, addition to tax, or assessable penalty, together with any costs that may accrue in addition thereto) shall be a lien in favor of the United States upon all property and rights to property, whether real or personal, tangible or intangible, belonging to such person. |
doc-276 | 6501. The tax so assessed shall be in addition to the penalties imposed by law for failure to pay such tax when required. Except in cases where delay may jeopardize collection of the tax, or where the amount is nominal or the result of an evident mathematical error, no such assessment shall be made until and after notice has been afforded such person to show cause against assessment. The person will be allowed 45 days from the date of such notice to show cause, in writing, against such assessment.
(72 Stat. 1417; 26 U.S.C. 5703)
[T.D. 6871, 31 FR 41, Jan. 4, 1966. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. |
doc-277 | 926 (82 Stat. 959), and Sec. 38, Arms Export Control Act (22 U.S.C. 2778, 90 Stat. 744))
[21 FR 1441, Mar. 6, 1956. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, and amended by T.D. ATF-48, 43 FR 13531, Mar. 31, 1978; T.D. ATF-374, 61 FR 29957, June 13, 1996]
Representation at Hearings |
doc-278 | The evidence must comply with this part. Such evidence shall be furnished within 90 days of the date of removal of the tobacco products, or cigarette papers or tubes: Provided, That this period may be extended for good cause shown.
(72 Stat. 1417; 26 U.S.C. 5703)
[T.D. 6871, 31 FR 49, Jan. 4, 1966. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975; T.D. ATF-232, 51 FR 28088, Aug. 5, 1986; T.D. ATF-243, 51 FR 43194, Dec. 1, 1986; T.D. |
doc-279 | § 53.176
Supporting evidence required in case of price readjustments. |
doc-280 | ATF-48, 44 FR 55856, Sept. 28, 1979; T.D. ATF-232, 51 FR 28090, Aug. 5, 1986; T.D. ATF-243, 51 FR 43194, Dec. 1, 1986]
§ 45.36
Payment of tax. |
doc-281 | A payment of principal or interest to a senior lienor shall be taken into account. Generally, the portion, if any, of a payment which is to be held in escrow for the payment of an expense, such as hazard insurance or real property taxes, is not considered under this paragraph. However, a payment by the escrow agent of a real property tax or special assessment lien, which was senior to the lien foreclosed, shall be considered to be a payment made by the purchaser or the purchaser's successor in interest for purposes of this paragraph. With respect to real property taxes assessed after the foreclosure sale, see paragraph (b)(3)(i) of this section, relating to excess expenses incurred by the purchaser. |
doc-282 | Pub. L. 85-859, 72 Stat. 1421, as amended (26 U.S.C. 5711))
§ 40.403
Deposit of securities in lieu of corporate surety.
In lieu of corporate surety, the manufacturer of cigarette papers and tubes may pledge and deposit, as security for the bond, securities which are transferable and are guaranteed as to both interest and principal by the United States, in accordance with the provisions of 31 CFR Part 225—Acceptance of Bonds, Notes or Other Obligations Issued or Guaranteed by the United States as Security in Lieu of Surety or Sureties on Penal Bonds.
(61 Stat. 650, 72 Stat. 1421, 31 U.S.C. |
doc-283 | Section 4221(a) of the Code applies only in those cases where the exportation or use referred to is to occur before any other use, and where the seller, first purchaser, and second purchaser, as may be appropriate, have registered as required under section 4222 of the Code and paragraph (a) of § 53.140. See paragraph (c) of this section for provisions relating to evidence required in support of tax-free sales. See § 53.141 for exceptions to the requirement for registration. |
doc-284 | 26, 1973; 38 FR 33767, Dec. 7, 1973, as amended by T.D. ATF-450, 66 FR 29023, May 29, 2001]
§ 70.25
Special procedures for third-party summonses.
(a) When the Bureau summons the records of persons defined by 26 U.S.C. 7609(a)(3) as “third-party recordkeepers”, the person about whom information is being gathered must be notified in advance, except when:
(1) The summons is served on the person about whom information is being gathered, or any officer or employee of such person, or |
doc-285 | 21, 1984]
§ 72.64
Terms of sale.
The terms of sale shall be cash, cashier's check, certified check, or postal money order, in the amount of the accepted bid.
§ 72.65
Sale of forfeited tobacco products and cigarette papers and tubes.
All tobacco products and cigarette papers and tubes forfeited under the internal revenue laws shall be sold at a price which will include the tax due and payable on those forfeited articles. Written, timely notice shall be given by the Director or his delegate to the manufacturer of any such forfeited articles offered for sale.
[T.D. ATF-9, 39 FR 9954, Mar. 15, 1974, as amended by T.D. ATF-65, 45 FR 8593, Feb. 8, 1980; T.D. ATF-183, 49 FR 37061, Sept. 21, 1984] |
doc-286 | § 40.361
Execution and filing of Form SS-4.
The application on IRS form SS-4, together with any supplementary statement, shall be prepared in accordance with the applicable form, instructions, and regulations, and the data called for shall be set forth fully and clearly. The application shall be filed with the service center director serving the internal revenue district where the applicant is required to file returns under this subpart, except that hand-carried applications may be filed with the district director of any such district as provided for in 26 CFR § 301.6091-1. |
doc-287 | Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, as amended by T.D. ATF-480, 67 FR 30802, May 8, 2002]
§ 44.125
Superseding bond.
An export warehouse proprietor shall file a new bond to supersede his current bond, immediately when (a) the corporate surety on the current bond becomes insolvent, (b) the appropriate TTB officer approves a request from the surety on the current bond to terminate his liability under the bond, (c) payment of any liability under a bond is made by the surety thereon, or (d) the appropriate TTB officer considers such a superseding bond necessary for the protection of the revenue.
(72 Stat. 1421; 26 U.S.C. 5711) |
doc-288 | See section 4218(e) of the Code and § 53.115.
(c) Election. (1) Instead of computing the tax as described under paragraph (b) of this section, the purchasing manufacturer who has incurred liability for tax on its sale or use of an article as provided by paragraph (a) of this section may compute the tax incurred under chapter 32 of the Code by using as the tax base either the price for which the article was sold to it by the first purchaser, if any, or the price for which such article was sold by the actual manufacturer, producer, or importer of such article. The purchasing manufacturer must have in its possession information upon which to substantiate such basis for tax. |
doc-289 | At any time prior to the release of such securities, the appropriate TTB officer may extend the date of release for such additional length of time as is deemed necessary.
(61 Stat. 650, 72 Stat. 1421; 31 U.S.C. 9301, 9303; 26 U.S.C. 5711)
Operations By Manufacturers
§ 40.421
(a) Every manufacturer of cigarette papers and tubes must keep records of daily operations and transactions. |
doc-290 | § 40.166
Default, prepayment of tax required.
Where a check or money order tendered with any return, whether semi-monthly or prepayment, for payment of tax on tobacco products is not paid on presentment, where a manufacturer fails to remit with the return the full amount of tax due thereunder, or where a manufacturer is otherwise in default in payment of tax on tobacco products under the internal revenue laws or this chapter, during the period of such default and until the appropriate TTB officer finds that the revenue will not be jeopardized by the deferred payment of tax pursuant to the provisions of this part, no tobacco products shall be removed subject to tax until the tax thereon has first been paid as provided in § 40.167. |
doc-291 | If a manufacturer of tobacco products removes processed tobacco for purposes other than those specified in paragraph (b)(2) of this section, that manufacturer must obtain prior authorization from TTB in accordance with § 40.47 and must keep records and submit reports as prescribed in §§ 40.521 and 40.522.
(2) The following activities are considered to be activities related to the manufacture of tobacco products: Removal of samples of processed tobacco for the purpose of soliciting orders of tobacco products; removal of processed tobacco for destruction; removal of processed tobacco for scientific testing or testing of equipment which results in the destruction of the processed tobacco or the return of the processed tobacco to the factory premises; and transfer of processed tobacco between permitted premises of the same manufacturer. |
doc-292 | (d) Payment of amounts not exempt form levy to the appropriate TTB officer—(1) In General. Wages, Salary, or other income the subject of a levy are payable to the appropriate TTB officer on the date the payor is otherwise obligated to pay the taxpayer (see § 70.242(c) of this part).
(2) Delayed payment in certain cases. |
doc-293 | Subpart D—Taxes
Tax Rates
Pipe tobacco and roll-your-own tobacco tax rates.
Cigar tax rates.
Cigarette tax rates.
Smokeless tobacco tax rates.
Cigarette papers.
Cigarette tubes.
Classification of Large Cigars and Cigarettes
Determination of sale price of large cigars.
Liability for and Payment of Taxes
Persons liable for tax.
Determination and payment of tax.
Exemptions from Taxes and Permits
Exemptions. |
doc-294 | 7502.
(c) Required refiling period. For the purpose of this section, the term “required refiling period” means:
(1) The 1-year period ending 30 days after the expiration of 6 years after the date of the assessment of the tax, and
(2) The 1-year period ending with the expiration of 6 years after the close of the preceding required refiling period for such notice of lien.
(26 U.S.C. 6323)
§ 70.150
Release of lien or discharge of property.
(a) Release of lien. An appropriate TTB officer is charged with releasing liens or discharging property from liens. |
doc-295 | ATF-48, 43 FR 13531, Mar. 31, 1978; 44 FR 55846, Sept. 28, 1979]
§ 71.99
Conduct of hearing.
The administrative law judge is charged with the duty of conducting a fair and impartial hearing and of maintaining order in form and manner consistent with dignity. |
doc-296 | ATF-374, 61 FR 29957, June 13, 1996]
Action by the Appropriate TTB Officer
§ 71.107
Application proceedings.
If, upon receipt of the record and the recommended decision of the administrative law judge, the appropriate TTB officer decides that the permit should be issued, he shall thereupon approve the application briefly stating, for the record, his reasons therefor, but if he contemplates the disapproval of the application he shall serve a copy of the administrative law judge's recommended decision on the applicant, informing the applicant of his contemplated action and affording the applicant not more than 10 days in which to submit proposed findings and conclusions or exceptions to the recommended decision with reasons in support thereof. |
doc-297 | (68A Stat. 855; 26 U.S.C. 7212)
[T.D. 6573, 26 FR 8202, Aug. 31, 1961. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, as amended by T.D. ATF-472, Feb. 27, 2002]
§ 46.166
Dealing in tobacco products.
(a) All tobacco products purchased, received, possessed, offered for sale, sold or otherwise disposed of, by any dealer must be in proper packages which bear the mark or notice as prescribed in parts 40 and 41 of this chapter. |
doc-298 | Postal Service on the last date, or the last day of the period, prescribed for filing the document. However, in case the document is received after the time when a document so mailed and so postmarked by the U.S. Postal Service would ordinarily be received, such document will be treated as having been received at the time when a document so mailed and so postmarked would ordinarily be received, if the person who is required to file the document establishes that it was actually deposited in the mail before the last collection of the mail from the place of deposit which was postmarked (except for the metered mail) by the U.S. |
doc-299 | § 73.34
When is an electronically submitted form considered timely filed?
If you submit a form to our electronic document receiving system, the document will be considered filed on the date of the electronic postmark given by that system.
[68 FR 58601, Oct. 10, 2003, as amended at 79 FR 17034, Mar. 27, 2014] |
Subsets and Splits