stringlengths 12
| chat
list | split
stringclasses 2
values |
hit:9973_conv:19946 | [
"assistant": null,
"user": "I stole some candy from the store. I felt so bad about it."
"assistant": "Did this happen recently? Did you take it back and admit the error?",
"user": null
"assistant": null,
"user": "It did...I committed the heinous crime yesterday in a fit of gluttony. I haven't told anyone about it because the candy lies at the bottom of my thieving stomach. I don't know how I'll ever be able to sleep again."
"assistant": "Well, you may want to think about admitting it to the store manager and paying for it. Especially if it's bothering you this much, it's the ony way to resolve it.",
"user": null
] | train |
hit:9973_conv:19947 | [
"assistant": null,
"user": "We were supposed to go out of town for labor day but we had to cancel."
"assistant": "That really sucks. Is it because your mom was in the hospital? I am a psychic, so I tend to know these things.",
"user": null
"assistant": null,
"user": "No, our daughter fell off her horse. She needs to have surgery on her ankle and then she will be in a boot for 8 weeks after that."
"assistant": "I am so sorry for your loss. It seems that I have to re-calibrate my psychic abilities.",
"user": null
] | train |
hit:9975_conv:19950 | [
"assistant": null,
"user": "So I was finally convinced to try rock climbing this weekend for the first time. I do not like heights at all."
"assistant": "Are you nervous about it? Hope it goes well.",
"user": null
"assistant": null,
"user": "I am very scared I must admit. I am sure it will be fine, but I would rather be on the ground."
"assistant": "Well maybe you should start with a small slope and work your way up. Don't terrify yourself.",
"user": null
] | train |
hit:9975_conv:19951 | [
"assistant": null,
"user": "I was walking down the street and I saw a really creepy clown smiling at me. I got so scared."
"assistant": "Oh man. Now I am having images of the movie \"It\" in my head. What did you do?",
"user": null
"assistant": null,
"user": "I just ran home and hid underneath my bed. I looked out the window and it was on the street still staring at me. Now I can't leave my house!"
"assistant": "That is unusual behavior for a clown. I would say you might want to call the authorities. There has to be a law against a creepy clown stalker",
"user": null
] | train |
hit:9976_conv:19953 | [
"assistant": null,
"user": "I had some ice cream after a hard day's work today. It was so refreshing."
"assistant": "Yeah, ice cream really hits the spot when you're tired. Especially when it's hot in the summer time like this.",
"user": null
"assistant": null,
"user": "Yeah, I was sweating like bigfoot in the Sahara Desert. It really rejuvenated my life spirit."
"assistant": "When the sun is burning like this I'd like nothing more than to just lay under a soft serve machine and pull the handle. Good times!",
"user": null
] | train |
hit:9977_conv:19954 | [
"assistant": null,
"user": "My husband and I made the decision that I would stay home with our kids."
"assistant": "Nice! I bet your are excited about this",
"user": null
"assistant": null,
"user": "Well, we've been doing it awhile now. I'm so thankful that he works so hard and allows me to homeschool our girls and be home with them."
"assistant": "Nice. Its nice to know he is content with this decision. ",
"user": null
] | train |
hit:9978_conv:19957 | [
"assistant": null,
"user": "My wife is off to her mom's. I will be alone and lonely without her"
"assistant": "Oh no! How boring. Could you call up a few buddies to hang out?",
"user": null
"assistant": null,
"user": "Yeah , but the thought of not her being here makes me sad."
"assistant": "I can agree. Dont be too down. Im sure you can find someting to keep you busy. ",
"user": null
] | train |
hit:9979_conv:19959 | [
"assistant": null,
"user": "My dog pooped on the rug today. I was livid!"
"assistant": "That's horrible. Were you able to get it up before it stained?",
"user": null
"assistant": null,
"user": "I was, thankfully! I couldn't be mad at her for too long either. She is just a young pup after all."
"assistant": "Yeah, one look at a cute face like that and it's hard to be mad.",
"user": null
] | train |
hit:997_conv:1994 | [
"assistant": null,
"user": "I was impressed when my best friend graduated as valedictorian of our class"
"assistant": "You must have been so proud of their hard work.",
"user": null
"assistant": null,
"user": "I was, they tried their hardest and earned it"
"assistant": "Was it a large graduating class?",
"user": null
] | train |
hit:997_conv:1995 | [
"assistant": null,
"user": "I had a flat tire while driving on the interstate. A nice man stopped to help me"
"assistant": "Wow, I am glad you got help, that could have been a lot worse",
"user": null
"assistant": null,
"user": "You are so right. I offered to pay but he would not take it."
"assistant": "That is so sweet of him, those are the people we need more of in the world",
"user": null
] | train |
hit:9980_conv:19960 | [
"assistant": null,
"user": "I was livid when the pizza delivery guy showed up with only one of the pizzas we ordered for a party."
"assistant": "That sucks. Did you tell him to go back and get the other one?",
"user": null
"assistant": null,
"user": "Yeah, and he wasn't sorry about being over an hour late! We just cancelled the other part of the order."
"assistant": "I would've taken that pizza out of the box and smack him upside the head with it. What a lousy guy!",
"user": null
] | train |
hit:9980_conv:19961 | [
"assistant": null,
"user": "My dog pooped on the rug today. I was so mad!"
"assistant": "Oh no! Did your dog have to go really bad or what happened?",
"user": null
"assistant": null,
"user": "She's a mere puppy, so she is learning. But she was doing such a good job going outside then all of a sudden she goes inside! I was not happy."
"assistant": "Hopefully with enough training your puppy will let you know when she has to go. It takes time.",
"user": null
] | train |
hit:9981_conv:19962 | [
"assistant": null,
"user": "Man this weekend is gonna be AWESOME"
"assistant": "I feel ya! Do you have any big plans?",
"user": null
"assistant": null,
"user": "Oh heck yeah!!! We're going to Florida to the beach!!"
"assistant": "Nice! I've been in San Diego for the past two weeks hitting up the beach. I wish I could go with ya, since my vacation is coming to an end!",
"user": null
"assistant": null,
"user": "Oh nooo! I'm gonna be feeling those blues about a week from now. Come on with us!"
"assistant": "",
"user": null
] | train |
hit:9981_conv:19963 | [
"assistant": null,
"user": "I have my final math exam tomorrow. I have been studying all week!"
"assistant": "Are you ready for it?",
"user": null
"assistant": null,
"user": "I am indeed! I am going to kill this thing!"
"assistant": "Yeah I have faith in ya!! Tear it up!",
"user": null
] | train |
hit:9982_conv:19964 | [
"assistant": null,
"user": "My girlfriend got me a new puppy today!"
"assistant": "That is amazing. What a lovely and caring partner you have. You must be a happy person. Was it for any special occasion or just a surprise gift?",
"user": null
"assistant": null,
"user": "It was a surprise! I was so shocked and happy. I named him \"Yung Muney\"."
"assistant": "That is cute. You should also surprise your partner then with some adorable gift in return of this favor",
"user": null
] | train |
hit:9982_conv:19965 | [
"assistant": null,
"user": "For the last couple of month, I had been consistently paying off my credit card debts. I hope that my credit score would start going up again"
"assistant": "That's good to hear, friend! I've been trying to work off my debt as well. Once it's done, I'm going to chop those things up.",
"user": null
"assistant": null,
"user": "Mainly, i disciplined myself on cutting spending on unnecessary items which are just for fun or pleasure. That helped a lot"
"assistant": "I hear you. That really helped me out a bunch too. It'll be so nice when we're both debt free!",
"user": null
] | train |
hit:9983_conv:19966 | [
"assistant": null,
"user": "My son won the gold medal conducted in his school. I am so happy about it"
"assistant": "You must be so proud, but what was it for?",
"user": null
"assistant": null,
"user": "As a father, i couldn't be more proud. He won it for swimming competition. "
"assistant": "He must have worked really hard and it paid off. Good for him.",
"user": null
] | train |
hit:9983_conv:19967 | [
"assistant": null,
"user": "My niece made me a bouquet of flowers from her garden. I was not expecting it at all."
"assistant": "That would have been a pleasant surprise!!",
"user": null
"assistant": null,
"user": "It was even more special because she grew the flowers herself. "
"assistant": "you got a special niece. So talented and Kind.",
"user": null
] | train |
hit:9984_conv:19969 | [
"assistant": null,
"user": "My daugher will turn 16 next month and I cannot wait!!"
"assistant": "Oh wow! I bet she and you are so excited about it!",
"user": null
"assistant": null,
"user": "We've been working on a car for her for almost a year now, getting it ready and restoring it. Cannot wait to give it to her."
"assistant": "What a nice surprise that is! I bet you anticipate her to love it!",
"user": null
] | train |
hit:9985_conv:19970 | [
"assistant": null,
"user": "I let out a moist, hot, smelly, loud fart in front of all my co-workers today. I don't think I can ever show my face again."
"assistant": "That's awful. I hope you can find a new job.",
"user": null
"assistant": null,
"user": "Me too, considering I am bound to get fired, since two of my co-workers were rushed to the ER. I thought I was going to die myself."
"assistant": "That a fart can hospitalize anyone is pretty impressive. Did your story make the local news?",
"user": null
] | train |
hit:9987_conv:19975 | [
"assistant": null,
"user": "I cheated on my math exam today. I felt so bad about it."
"assistant": "Oh no, do you think your teacher will find out?",
"user": null
"assistant": null,
"user": "I don't know, but I don't know if I will ever get over it. I shouldn't have done it in the first place."
"assistant": "At least you have learned your lesson, I hope? ",
"user": null
] | train |
hit:9988_conv:19976 | [
"assistant": null,
"user": "I was so afraid to go on my first roller coaster this year. "
"assistant": "Did you have fun? It's always great to face your fears!",
"user": null
"assistant": null,
"user": "I did! But it was so hard overcoming my fear of heights. I thought I was going to die on the way up!"
"assistant": "Yay! I always find myself really nervous before the ride, but once I'm off of it, I want to go again! ",
"user": null
] | train |
hit:9988_conv:19977 | [
"assistant": null,
"user": "I tripped today while walking up the stairs and I know everyone behind me saw me."
"assistant": "That sounds so embarrassing! Are you okay?",
"user": null
"assistant": null,
"user": "Yeah, I'm fine. I laughed at myself and I think that's the best way to approach embarrassing moments sometimes. "
"assistant": "I am glad you're okay and you laughed it off. Just be careful the next time!",
"user": null
] | train |
hit:9989_conv:19978 | [
"assistant": null,
"user": "My son said his first word today!"
"assistant": "How exciting. What was it and did you cry?",
"user": null
"assistant": null,
"user": "I did cry! I was a sobbing wreck when I heard him say the word \"Alaska\"."
"assistant": "Now that is a very interesting first word.",
"user": null
] | train |
hit:9989_conv:19979 | [
"assistant": null,
"user": "I was getting ready for work when my boss called and said I could take the day off with pay. He made my heart sing I was so happy.,5|5|5_5|5|5,\nhit:9989_conv:19979,2,joyful,I was getting ready for work when my boss called and said I could take the day off with pay. He made my heart sing I was so happy.,209,How nice of him! How did you earn such an honorable gesture?,5|5|5_5|5|5,\nhit:9989_conv:19979,3,joyful,I was getting ready for work when my boss called and said I could take the day off with pay. He made my heart sing I was so happy.,548,They had been doing some remodeling over the weekend but didn't finish in time to open. ,5|5|5_5|5|5,\nhit:9989_conv:19979,4,joyful,I was getting ready for work when my boss called and said I could take the day off with pay. He made my heart sing I was so happy.,209,Ah, well, I hope you enjoyed it! I am sure that won't happen often.,5|5|5_5|5|5,\nhit:9990_conv:19981,1,excited,My birthday is tomorrow! I can't wait!,209,My birthday is tomorrow! I can't wait!,5|5|5_5|5|5,\nhit:9990_conv:19981,2,excited,My birthday is tomorrow! I can't wait!,147,Well Happy Birthday. Do you have any plans?,5|5|5_5|5|5,\nhit:9990_conv:19981,3,excited,My birthday is tomorrow! I can't wait!,209,Thanks! I am going to the bowling alley with my friend, Niko!,5|5|5_5|5|5,\nhit:9990_conv:19981,4,excited,My birthday is tomorrow! I can't wait!,147,Sounds like yall will have a blast! ,5|5|5_5|5|5,\nhit:9991_conv:19982,1,proud,My son said his first word today. I was filled with pride.,209,My son said his first word today!,5|5|5_5|5|5,\nhit:9991_conv:19982,2,proud,My son said his first word today. I was filled with pride.,389,Awesome!!! What was the word?,5|5|5_5|5|5,\nhit:9991_conv:19982,3,proud,My son said his first word today. I was filled with pride.,209,It was Donald Trump\"! I couldn't believe my liberal ears!"
"assistant": "",
"user": null
] | train |
hit:998_conv:1996 | [
"assistant": null,
"user": "Riding a big roller coaster for the first time while having a fear of heights, I was kind of worried how I would do"
"assistant": "how was the experience?",
"user": null
"assistant": null,
"user": "It was great in the end. A little nerve-wracking doing it, but eventually after it was over, I had a lot of adrenaline and pride in doing it"
"assistant": "It was good you got over the fear, do you ride roller coasters more now?",
"user": null
"assistant": null,
"user": "I do, yeah! I'm still nervous about them, but it usually ends up being okay."
"assistant": "",
"user": null
] | train |
hit:998_conv:1997 | [
"assistant": null,
"user": "I was almost in a nasty car crash earlier"
"assistant": "Oh my gosh, that's terrible. How did that happen",
"user": null
"assistant": null,
"user": "A truck was in the middle of the road on a tight country road"
"assistant": "That's one of my worst fears when I drive to my girlfriend's parents' house. So everything ended up being okay, though?",
"user": null
] | train |
hit:9991_conv:19982 | [
"assistant": null,
"user": "Holy cow! Why didn't he say Bernie Sanders \"match me\"!?"
"assistant": "",
"user": null
] | train |
hit:9991_conv:19983 | [
"assistant": null,
"user": "You know what really grinds my gears???"
"assistant": "What really grinds your gears, friend? Rotten potatoes? Beverly hillbillies?",
"user": null
"assistant": null,
"user": "The new printer we got at work!!!!!!!!! It's so frustrating!!"
"assistant": "I hate mine too! I want to smash that thing with a sledgehammer!",
"user": null
"assistant": null,
"user": "We should take it out in the field!!"
"assistant": "",
"user": null
] | train |
hit:9993_conv:19986 | [
"assistant": null,
"user": "My dog pooped in my neighbors law. It is becoming a habit for him"
"assistant": "Oh no! Was your neighbor upset about it.I bet your embarrassed.",
"user": null
"assistant": null,
"user": "Yeah. I am too embarrassed and angry on my dog. He should start to behave."
"assistant": "I agree. You must find a way to preventthis so you dont get embarrassed again. ",
"user": null
] | train |
hit:9994_conv:19988 | [
"assistant": null,
"user": "I saw my sister after a long time. Unknowingly i got tears in my eyes"
"assistant": "I am sure they were happy tears. How long had it been?",
"user": null
"assistant": null,
"user": "They were happy tears. It was 7 long years"
"assistant": "That is a long time. I am sure you have a lot of catching up to do",
"user": null
] | train |
hit:9994_conv:19989 | [
"assistant": null,
"user": "I was having a great day. That was until some jerk rear ended me on the way home."
"assistant": "omg. Driving skills are going down nowadays. You must very angry about it",
"user": null
"assistant": null,
"user": "I was not thrilled. The guy was on his phone at the time."
"assistant": "You should have chased him and must give your piece of mind",
"user": null
] | train |
hit:9995_conv:19990 | [
"assistant": null,
"user": "I was so gosh darn mad when my favorite show, the Beverly Hillbillies, got canceled!"
"assistant": "Oh me TOO!!!! That and Hee Haw both! How did you cope?",
"user": null
"assistant": null,
"user": "I cope by eating 10 gallons of Ben and Jerry's and watching reruns. I've been doing that for the past 20 years!"
"assistant": "Oh man. So the cancellation of Beverly Hillbillies took a toll on your health?",
"user": null
] | train |
hit:9995_conv:19991 | [
"assistant": null,
"user": "We're taking the kiddos to the amusement park this weekend"
"assistant": "Oh wow! Sounds like a wonderful time. Which one you taking them to?",
"user": null
"assistant": null,
"user": "We're going to six flags. I'm not sure if I want to ride the coasters or not. I saw one time on Beverly Hillbillies that they can be dangerous"
"assistant": "Whatever they preach on Beverly Hillbillies is the law of nature. If they were afraid of coasters, I would be too. Tread lightly, friend.",
"user": null
"assistant": null,
"user": "Yeah that's what I thought too. I will take your advice."
"assistant": "",
"user": null
] | train |
hit:9996_conv:19992 | [
"assistant": null,
"user": "I am going to bungee jumping this weekend. I could not wait for the weekend to come"
"assistant": "Nice! Where are you going to do it?",
"user": null
"assistant": null,
"user": "in gold coast. I think i will absolutely love it"
"assistant": "I am sure you will too. When I did, I thought I was on top of a mountain! (but I really wasn't because I was plummeting towards the earth)",
"user": null
] | train |
hit:9996_conv:19993 | [
"assistant": null,
"user": "My neighbor returned my treasured lawn gnome today. "
"assistant": "Wow you must be so happy about it. ",
"user": null
"assistant": null,
"user": "I am! I don't know how that thing ran away, but the mischievous little scamp always manages to do it. "
"assistant": "Anyway, you got it now. I so happy for it. Next you need take a precaution",
"user": null
] | train |
hit:9997_conv:19995 | [
"assistant": null,
"user": "My son cheated on his math exam today. I've never felt so let down."
"assistant": "Oh no! I bet your disappointed in his actions!",
"user": null
"assistant": null,
"user": "I was indeed! He never does that and he is a straight A student. Needless to say, I've grounded him until he graduates in 4 years."
"assistant": "Im sorry about that. Im sure hes embarrassed about. I would be furious!",
"user": null
] | train |
hit:9998_conv:19997 | [
"assistant": null,
"user": "At the school honor roll program my niece was given a special recognition award for being such a good helper to her teacher. I thought my heart would burst, I was really feeling it."
"assistant": "Good Job to her! I bet you were so proud of her!",
"user": null
"assistant": null,
"user": "She is such a good kid, I could not be happier."
"assistant": "Thats so good.I bet your overjoyed about it",
"user": null
] | train |
hit:9999_conv:19998 | [
"assistant": null,
"user": "Oh man. I heard something crash behind my house. "
"assistant": "That is never good. Did you go out and check on it?",
"user": null
"assistant": null,
"user": "I'm kind of afraid too! I think its the aliens coming for me."
"assistant": "At least you will have a fun story to tell at parties.",
"user": null
"assistant": null,
"user": "Yeah. wait.....something is knocking on my back door.......I guess I'll go check it right b..."
"assistant": "",
"user": null
] | train |
hit:9999_conv:19999 | [
"assistant": null,
"user": "So I went skydiving for the first time the other day. I froze right before getting ready to jump."
"assistant": "Oh nice! Did you have fun? Did you finally jump?",
"user": null
"assistant": null,
"user": "I did. Thankfully, I landed safely. Pretty sure I passed out a bit on the way down."
"assistant": "haha. I would've passed out and never woke up! Silly me!",
"user": null
] | train |
hit:999_conv:1998 | [
"assistant": null,
"user": "I believe I did rather well on my Law School Admissions Test."
"assistant": "what do you think your score was?",
"user": null
"assistant": null,
"user": "I am hoping for at least in the 150 range."
"assistant": "Ah thats a good score. When i took the LSATs about 15-16 years ago I received a 156 i believe. Where do you hope to go to school?",
"user": null
"assistant": null,
"user": "I am hoping to go to Mitchell Hamline in Minnesota or Syracuse"
"assistant": "Good luck!",
"user": null
"assistant": null,
"user": "Thank you, I should hear something in the next two weeks"
"assistant": "",
"user": null
] | train |
hit:999_conv:1999 | [
"assistant": null,
"user": "I was shocked when Lebron left the cavs again!"
"assistant": "I too was surprised. To leave the team again sort of upset me.",
"user": null
"assistant": null,
"user": "Yea, I didnt think he had it in him but I guess you can blame the cavs owner for that as well."
"assistant": "He is a legend in the making",
"user": null
] | train |
hit:99_conv:198 | [
"assistant": null,
"user": "I cheated on a test. I am very ashamed."
"assistant": "oh no :( maybe you should confess and i'm sure you will feel better",
"user": null
"assistant": null,
"user": "I would but I will get in trouble."
"assistant": "i understand. maybe next time you shouldn't cheay",
"user": null
] | train |
hit:9_conv:19 | [
"assistant": null,
"user": "Once when I was in preschool, my pants fell down in front of the whole class, I was so embarassed"
"assistant": "haha yeah that would be very bad !",
"user": null
"assistant": null,
"user": "It was, I almost cried cause everyone was laughing at me"
"assistant": "Oh no , sorry to hear that happened to you :(",
"user": null
] | train |
Subsets and Splits