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A + U-Architecture and Urbanism
First published in January 1971, a+u – Architecture & Urbanism – is an architectural magazine in Japanese and English that provides information on architecture around the globe to a global readership. As Japan’s only monthly periodical dedicated to disseminating information on architecture around the world, a+u has been widely and actively read by the architecture community since its inaugural issue. The magazine’s research network extends around the globe, covering more than 100 countries. It features direct reporting on individual architects in various countries, and each issue is edited from a unique perspective to efficiently deliver the latest trends to readers. In addition, essays penned by architects, critics and historians help guide thinking on tomorrow’s architecture, greatly influencing the industry inside and outside Japan. Join the conversation about this journal
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Acoustics Bulletin
The Bulletin is published by the IOA on a bi-monthly basis. Members can access all Bulletins. Non-members can access Bulletins from previous years, however they will need to become a Member to access the last 12 months. Join the conversation about this journal
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Acta Academiae Artium Vilnensis
Acta Academiae Artium Vilnensis (AAAV) is a peer-reviewed quarterly published since 1993 and intended for the study of art history and visual culture with an emphasis on the arts and their contexts. AAAV aims to promote scholarly research into European culture, to develop a shared perspective in art history, and encourage encounters, dialogues, and collaboration based on mutual awareness and the search for new approaches. The articles were reviewed by two experts. Join the conversation about this journal
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Acta Pediatrica Espanola
Cessation.Acta Pediátrica Española es una revista de pediatría general con especial dedicación a la nutrición e investigación. Se recibe en 22 países tanto de lengua castellana como inglesa y goza de gran prestigio científico entre todos los pediatras de habla hispana, especialmente cuando se busca información general muy actualizada. Desde hace 10 años también se publican artículos en inglés. Join the conversation about this journal
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02086050, 24506990
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Historica
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Advances in Textiles Technology
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Aerospace America
ScopeAerospace America provides you with the knowledge, ideas and inspiration that can help you shape your career and the future of aerospace. Join the conversation about this journal
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ScopeAgenda is one of the best known and most highly respected poetry journals in the world, having been founded in 1959 by Ezra Pound and William Cookson. Join the conversation about this journal
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AIMS Journal
ScopeThe AIMS Journal spearheads discussions about change and development in the maternity services. It is highly regarded both by parents - who find it an excellent source of information and support - and by workers in maternity care. Until the end of 2017 the journal was published for members only, with selected articles being available on our website. From the beginning of 2018 we are publishing our journal online, and making the articles available to all. We hope that this will ensure that they are read by more people, and are more easily shared amongst anyone with an interest in pregnancy and birth issues. Membership of AIMS continues to support and fund our ability to create the online journal, as well as supporting our other work, including campaiging and our helpline. Join the conversation about this journal
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American Book Review
ScopeThe American Book Review is an award-winning, internationally distributed publication that appears six times a year. It specializes in reviews of frequently neglected published works of fiction, poetry, and literary and cultural criticism from small, regional, university, ethnic, avant-garde, and women's presses. For over thirty years, ABR has been a staple of the literary world. Join the conversation about this journal
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American History
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00659142, 15272125
American Literary Scholarship
ScopeAmerican Literary Scholarship features bibliographic essays arranged by writer and time period, from pre-1800 to the present, and acts as a “systematic evaluative guide to current published studies of American literature” (ALA Booklist). Each volume of American Literary Scholarship covers content from two years previous to the volume. Join the conversation about this journal
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American Scholar
ScopeThe American Scholar is a quarterly magazine of essays, fiction, poetry, and articles covering public affairs, literature, science, history, and culture. Published since 1932 for the general reader by the Phi Beta Kappa Society, the Scholar considers nonfiction by known and unknown writers, but unsolicited fiction, poetry, and book reviews are not accepted. The magazine accepts fewer than two percent of all unsolicited manuscripts. Join the conversation about this journal
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Anales de la Literatura Espanola Contemporanea
ScopeAnales de la Literatura Española Contemporánea / Annals of Contemporary Spanish Literature publica artículos de investigación sobre cualquier aspecto de la literatura española de los siglos XX y XXI (desde el modernismo y la generación del 98 hasta el presente). Join the conversation about this journal
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2392862X, 23929472
ScopeAnastasis. Research in Medieval Culture and Art is an open access journal. We publish original articles in the areas of medieval art and medieval culture, the aim being that of stirring people’s interest for scientific research regarding the Middle Ages, thus trying to bring to light the appreciation of medieval art from a nowadays perspective, underlining the necessity of knowing the past and exploring it in order to preserve historical values, in order to better understand the present moment and to have a correct position regarding what is contemporary. Join the conversation about this journal
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Annales de Bourgogne
ScopeLes Annales de Bourgogne sont une revue historique trimestrielle fondée en 1929 par Henri Drouot (futur titulaire de la chaire d'histoire de la Bourgogne à l'université de Dijon) et René Durand (alors professeur d'histoire moderne à la faculté des lettres).Join the conversation about this journal
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Annee Balzacienne
ScopeFondée en 1959, L'Année balzacienne, publiée par le Groupe d'Études balzaciennes, paraît en livraisons annuelles depuis 1960. Sa troisième série s'est ouverte en 2000. Chaque volume contient, sur Balzac et autour de Balzac, sur son œuvre et le contexte dans lequel elle a été produite, des articles de recherches d'inspiration diverse : études générales, biographiques, génétiques, historiques, stylistiques... Join the conversation about this journal
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0003567X, 15882748
Antik Tanulmanyok
ScopeThis journal publishes original studies on the literature, language, history and material culture of Ancient Greece and Rome as well as articles concerning the Ancient East, medieval Latin language and literature, the history and culture of Byzantium and the reception of Graeco-Roman culture in Hungary. Join the conversation about this journal
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ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal
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ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal
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Archaologie der Schweiz
ScopeSwiss Archaeology is an association with approximately 2,000 members in all language areas of Switzerland, two thirds of which are archaeology enthusiasts, one third professionals. Swiss Archaeology aims to give archaeology enthusiasts an opportunity to become better informed while also promoting archaeological research in Switzerland. Swiss Archaeology as an organisation has the right - based on the nature and heritage protection laws - to object to planning and construction projects. Join the conversation about this journal
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11266236, 20386567
Archeologia dell'Architettura
ScopeARCHEOLOGIA DELL'ARCHITETTURA, is a journal that was founded in 1996 as a supplement to “Archeologia Medievale” with the intent of acting as a point of reference for the different schools of stratigraphic archeology that had been formed in some Italian Universities and research centers. The journal acted as a discussion forum for archeologists and restorers who had adopted the stratigraphic method which, at the time, was innovative. The journal is managed by an interdisciplinary board and an editing committee and publishes original articles on the theoretical and methodological forms which offer a new potential for knowledge both for the history of architecture in its various technical, economic, social, ideological and cultural aspects as well as those concerning the applications for the archaeological interpretations of buildings in the field of restoration and urban planning. The publication is divided into several sections; besides a selection of papers on a specific subject, usually the result of a symposium or seminar, there are also sections dedicated to articles on theory, opinions and reviews. Join the conversation about this journal
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Architectural Digest
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11240059, 2037688X
Archivio di Storia della Cultura
ScopeThe «Archivio di storia della cultura», founded and directed by Fulvio Tessitore, has been issued annually since 1988, and since 1997 has been published by Liguori Editore. The journal is one of the main expressions of the Italian neo-historicism. Its mission is a renewed “history of culture” in reply to the epistemological crisis of the traditional status of historiography and philosophical research. Therefore, in its many year long life, the “Archivio” has assumed the movable and permeable character of the borders that separate the numerous “particular histories”, carefully listening to all the voices that do not reject philological and documentary verification. Each issue is divided into three sections: Memoirs, Discussions and Reviews, Texts. Join the conversation about this journal
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03915646, 22822828
Archivio Giuridico Filippo Serafini
ScopeArchivio giuridico Filippo Serafini is an interdisciplinary Journal, which has been considered – both in Italy and abroad – as an authoritative and qualified point of reference for the progresses of legal studies since its origins in the early years of the Italian unification, following a concept that, though not refusing specialization in itself, aims to avoid any excess of it. Archivio giuridico Filippo Serafini is a double-blind peer-reviewed Journal. Join the conversation about this journal
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00040428, 19888511
Archivo Espanol de Arte
ScopeArchivo Español de Arte, a specialized quarterly journal publishing only original articles, was founded in 1925 by the “Council for the Furtherance of Scientific Studies and Research” (Junta para la Ampliación de Estudios e Investigaciones Científicas). Archivo Español de Arte is dedicated to research in all areas of the history of Spanish Art and foreign art in relation to Spain, from the Middle Ages to the present. This publication is oriented preferably to the research and university community, both national and international, as well as to all professionals in the art field.Join the conversation about this journal
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Art in America
ScopeSince 1913, Art in America has published groundbreaking critical insights about contemporary art and culture. Each monthly issue features exhibition reviews, interviews with leading artists, and in-depth essays by critics, curators, and scholars at the forefront of their fields. Recent thematic issues have examined topics ranging from digital technology in museums to contemporary Indigenous art. Join the conversation about this journal
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Arte Cristiana
ScopeLa rivista Arte Cristiana, fondata nel 1913 da Monsignor Celso Costantini e presto affidata alla Scuola Beato Angelico, è pubblicazione scientifica di ricerca, di approfondimento e di dibattito sulle arti per la liturgia. Join the conversation about this journal
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ScopeAssembly covers processes, technologies and strategies for assembling parts in industries like automotive, medical, aerospace and appliances. Join the conversation about this journal
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ScopeThe journal was established in 1913 as «an organ of the scientific life of Italian universities concerned with the literary and historical disciplines». Join the conversation about this journal
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AusIMM Bulletin
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13507532, 22224262
Austrian Studies
ScopeThe Journal of Austrian Studies is an interdisciplinary quarterly that publishes scholarly articles and book reviews on all aspects of the history and culture of Austria, Austro-Hungary, and the Habsburg territory. It is the flagship publication of the Austrian Studies Association and contains contributions in German and English from the world’s premiere scholars in the field of Austrian studies. The journal highlights scholarly work that draws on innovative methodologies and new ways of viewing Austrian history and culture. Join the conversation about this journal
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Avant Scene Opera
ScopeL’Avant-Scène Opéra est une revue bimestrielle qui consacre chaque édition à l"étude complète d"un opéra, avec : • Livret intégral bilingue • Commentaire musical et littéraire • Discographie et Vidéographie comparées • Etudes des sources et des personnages • Chronologie des grandes productions. Join the conversation about this journal
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20829701, 27200078
Bialostockie Studia Literaturoznawcze
ScopeBiałostockie Studia Literaturoznawcze serves as a discussion forum for presenting especially studies into history of Polish literature. The journal publishes articles on literary theory, methodology of literary studies as well as comparative studies and literary criticism. It also presents works on foreign literature and works that combine literary studies and other humanities, with special attention to manuscripts which concentrate on the broadly understood special studies, including such new strands within the humanities as geopoetics, ecopoetics, ecocriticism, geo-cultural studies. Join the conversation about this journal
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Bibel und Kirche
Scope„Bibel und Kirche“ ist eine Mitgliedszeitschrift der Bibelwerke in Deutschland, Österreich und Schweiz. Sie erscheint 4x im Jahr und informiert über aktuelle Diskussionen und spannende Entwicklungen zur Bibel in Universität, Kirche, Schule und Erwachsenenbildung. Join the conversation about this journal
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16407806, 25448900
Bibliotekarz Podlaski
Scope“Bibliotekarz Podlaski” is a peer-reviewed scientific journal, which, according to the latest Ministry of Education and Science list, received 70 points in 2023. In 2019-2020 journal participating in the “Support for scientific journals” program of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. Currently, "Bibliotekarz Podlaski" participates in the program "Magazines" of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage. The journal is published as part of the scientific activity of Książnica Podlaska. It was established on the basis of the popular scientific periodical published from 2000 to 2012: “Bibliotekarz Podlaski. Białystok – Łomża – Suwałki”. On this website (see tab: ISSUES), we share all volumes of "Bibliotekarz" as open access journals – from the moment the journal was transformed (i.e. from issue 26 [1/2013]) according to the standards set for scientific journals. All volumes of the original version are available on the platform of the Podlaska Digital Library at ( Join the conversation about this journal
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ScopeFounded in 1960 by Jerome Goldstein as the journal, Compost Science, BioCycle is the go-to resource on composting, organics recycling, anaerobic digestion and biogas, end product markets, policies and regulations, and community outreach and education. Join the conversation about this journal
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Biophotonics International
ScopeBioPhotonics is the global resource for research, business and product news and information for the biophotonics community and the industry's only stand-alone print and digital magazine. Join the conversation about this journal
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05249767, 18502563
Boletin del Instituto de Historia Argentina y Americana;Doctor Emilio Ravignani;
ScopeEl Boletín es una revista semestral de historia que intenta, a través de sus artículos, reflejar los mejores resultados de la labor de investigación en América Latina, así como de trabajos latinoamericanistas de otras regiones del mundo. Tiene el propósito de constituir un medio de comunicación entre los autores y el público académico especializado al que está dirigida; pero también aspira a llegar a un público más amplio, con la esperanza de contribuir a enriquecer los aportes y debates de la historiografía latinoamericana. El Boletín publica trabajos científicos inéditos originales, debates historiográficos y reseñas sobre diversos tópicos de historia argentina y americana, con un amplio criterio en cuanto a los tipos de abordaje o especialidad, con énfasis en la expresión de autores de diferentes disciplinas y de diversos medios académicos. Join the conversation about this journal
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Bollettino d'Arte
Scope Il BdA nasce nel 1907 con la guida di Corrado Ricci, allora Direttore Generale dell'Amministrazione di Antichità e Belle Arti, come organo mensile d'informazione del settore del patrimonio artistico nazionale, perlopiù a cura dei funzionari interni al settore dell'amministrazione, poi via via aperto a collaboratori esterni. L'informazione sulle attività, con prevalente funzione di rapida messa a conoscenza di acquisti, restauri e importanti ritrovamenti, una sorta di notiziario, venne ben presto riassorbita all'interno della più ampia fisionomia di rivista di arte antica e moderna. Join the conversation about this journal
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23835222, 26354829
Border Crossings
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Brukenthal. Acta Musei
ScopeThe Brukenthal. Acta Musei scientific journal receives contributions under the form of unpublished research papers, review papers written in English, in advance for the next three years of publishing. The fields of interest are: Archaeology, History, Art and Art History, Natural History, Restoration and Preservation of the Patrimony. The accuracy of the translation is author’s responsibility. Join the conversation about this journal
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Building Engineer
ScopeBuilding Engineer, the official journal of Chartered Association of Building Engineers, is a highly regarded journal and is read by professionals throughout the industry. The mix of technical articles and latest industry news and trends makes it an essential read for both building engineers and other professionals in the built environment. Each issue covers a range of topics, ensuring that readers are kept up to date with the latest legislative and technologically developments in the construction sector. Topics Include: -modern methods of construction -heritage and conservation -management and collaboration -fire safety -inclusive design -sustainability -health and well-being. Join the conversation about this journal
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Bulletin de Litterature Ecclesiastique
ScopeLe Bulletin de Littérature Ecclésiastique a été fondé en 1899 par l’Institut Catholique de Toulouse. Il a vocation à publier les travaux universitaires des enseignants-chercheurs des Facultés de Théologie, Philosophie, Droit Canonique et Lettres. Il publie également des contributions universitaires extérieures qui apportent un éclairage documenté sur des questions concernant aussi bien les sciences religieuses et la théologie que la philosophie et les sciences humaines. Join the conversation about this journal
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Bulletin des Bibliotheques de France
ScopeIl naît de la fusion de deux publications professionnelles : le Bulletin de documentation bibliographique (alors publié depuis 1934) et le Bulletin d’information de la Direction des Bibliothèques de France (alors publié depuis 1952). Comptant 12 numéros par an, la parution du BBF devient alors bimestrielle (6 numéros par an). Cette fréquence était notamment considérée plus en lien avec les articles de réflexion. Join the conversation about this journal
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00079731, 02408678
Cahiers de Civilisation Medievale
ScopeLes Cahiers de civilisation médiévale (ISSN 0007-9731) sont édités par le CESCM (Centre d’études supérieures de civilisation médiévale – UMR 7302) depuis 1958, résolument pluridisciplinaires, ils ouvrent leurs pages à des articles originaux de synthèse ou consacrés à des sujets plus ponctuels dans toutes les disciplines concourant à une meilleure connaissance du Moyen Âge central (période romane : Xe-XIIe siècle) : histoire, littérature, histoire de l’art, histoire du droit, musicologie, philologie, philosophie…, promouvant à la fois l’interdisciplinarité et la spécificité de chaque domaine. Join the conversation about this journal
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Cahiers du Musee National d'Art Moderne
ScopeEssais inédits d’auteurs confirmés, travaux de jeunes chercheurs, textes d’importance historique jusque-là inaccessibles : tous les trois mois Les Cahiers du Musée national d’art moderne donnent à lire en français le meilleur de ce qui s’élabore dans le domaine de l’histoire et de la théorie de l’art moderne et contemporain. Join the conversation about this journal
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Canadian Packaging
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Canadian Review of Comparative Literature
ScopeThe Canadian Review of Comparative Literature/Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée is a journal providing a forum for scholars engaged in the study of literature from both an international and an interdisciplinary point of view. The editors define comparative literature in its broadest sense. The journal publishes articles on the international history of literature, theory of literature, methods of literary scholarship, and the relation of literature with other areas of human expression. In addition, the journal publishes shorter reviews of individual books, particularly those published in Canada or published by scholars working at Canadian universities and, in the section “Notes, Documents and Review Articles,” review articles about important publications. Members of the Canadian Comparative Literature Association and our Canadian and foreign colleagues are invited to submit papers, notes and queries, reviews of scholarship, review articles, and suggestions about possible contributions to the editor. Join the conversation about this journal
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02148188, 23867159
ScopeCaplletra is an international journal of philology that publishes original research on all aspects related to languages and literature, with a special focus on Catalan Philology. It is addressed to all researchers in these areas. The journal has been published twice a year, in spring and autumn, since its first volume, in 1986. -Caplletra is edited and published by the Interuniversity Institute for Valencian Studies (Institut Interuniversitari de Filologia Valenciana, IIFV) and Publicacions de l’Abadia de Montserrat (PAM). Caplletra’s editorial team includes the Editorial Board of the journal and the Scientific Committee. Caplletra only accepts original research papers not previously published in any other way or in any other language. Papers received by Caplletra undergo a strictly anonymous double-blind peer review process. Reviewers are researchers from outside the Editorial Board and the Institut Interuniversitari de Filologia Valenciana (IIFV), the Research Institute that publishes the journal. More than 80% of papers published by Caplletra are by authors from outside IIFV and the journal Editorial Board. Each volume of a Caplletra consists of three sections, namely a miscellaneous section, a monographic section and reviews. Caplletra has been published regularly twice a year since it first appeared in 1986. The editorial team of Caplletra follows a series of technical and ethical protocols in its review and publication system and carefully monitors any suggestion of malpractice. Caplletra is indexed in platforms for the assessment, identification and/or impact of scientific journals, search engines for open access journals, journal directories, libraries and networks and collective catalogues. Join the conversation about this journal
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Caribbean Quarterly
ScopeCaribbean Quarterly (CQ) is one of the oldest periodicals in the English-speaking Caribbean. Regarded as the flagship publication of the University of the West Indies (UWI), it was launched by the then Department of Extra Mural Studies, UWI, in 1949, to be a platform from which research findings and general knowledge could be effectively disseminated within the campus and non-campus territories. Professor Rex Nettleford served as editor of CQ for forty years, until his death in February 2010. CQ is now produced under the umbrella of the Vice Chancellery. Join the conversation about this journal
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ScopeCarnets – electronic journal of French Studies is an e-journal created, implemented and edited by the APEF (the Portuguese Association of French Studies). The purpose of Carnets is to divulge the research papers produced within the of the APEF. Carnets publishes articles by its members, as well as by other researchers who wish to collaborate with this Association, and disseminate their research in the field of French and Francophone Studies. Join the conversation about this journal
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Ceramics - Art and Perception
ScopeMansfield Ceramics invites contributors to write about themselves or other ceramists in a way that engages the reader and provokes further thought, so that ideas, often ideas that can only be arrived at by ceramists, can be articulated to an ever-growing audience of enthusiasts and practitioners. We also welcome contributions from practicising artists and art critics. Join the conversation about this journal
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Cesky Casopis Historicky
ScopeThe Czech Historical Review is a leading historical journal which has been published since 1895 (founded on 17.11.1894). It mediates the most important research findings on Czech and world history, case studies, discussions, reviews and reports as well, alongside the surveys of both domestic and foreign historiographical production. Since its very beginnings it has been a peer-reviewed periodical in which individual contributions have been assessed by at least two reviewers. Join the conversation about this journal
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Chemical Processing
ScopeChemical Processing and focus exclusively on serving managers and engineers developing process technology and designing, operating and maintaining plants in the chemical industry. The publication provides authoritative, practical and impartial technical information as well as details on best practices, key trends, developments and successful applications. This unique editorial mix helps readers make plants as efficient, safe, environmentally friendly and economically competitive as possible. Chemical Processing seeks a variety of inputs from operating companies, engineering firms, vendors and others with expertise in the field: • bylined articles that provide practical, impartial and generic guidance; • case histories on applications of novel technology or services; • sources for round-up stories on trends and developments; • information on technical developments as well as new products and services; • product exclusives; • material for e-newsletters; • interviewees and topics for podcasts; • speakers who can cover technical topics in webinars; and • white papers. Join the conversation about this journal
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Chicago Review
ScopeIn the back issues room down the hall from Chicago Review’s offices on the third floor of Lillie House sit hundreds of unread magazines, yearning to see the light of day. These historic issues from the Chicago Review archives may now be ordered online with a credit card (via CCNow). Some of them are groundbreaking anthologies, others outstanding general issues. Join the conversation about this journal
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01483331, 20565666
Christianity and Literature
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18896855, 19893787
ScopeClaridades. Revista de Filosofía, published by FICUM, is an international philosophy journal aimed at professors, students and students of the discipline. It publishes original research articles written preferably in Spanish, although it admits originals in English and German. The magazine is interested in all areas of philosophy, is open to all currents of thought and does not discriminate between them. The works submitted for the consideration of the journal are evaluated anonymously by external specialists. FICUM organizes annually a symposium in which all the works published in the annual number of the journal are submitted to dialogue and debate. Each paper must be preceded by a complete summary in English that guarantees the understanding of the text to an international reader. Although in the early years of the journal this commitment has not been demanding in some sections such as OTHERS, over the time all the sections all the sections have been progressively subjected to the same demanding standards, and will consequently include summaries reviewed by external specialists in response to our growing commitment to the internationalization of the journal. Join the conversation about this journal
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Cleanroom Technology
ScopeThe publication brings you the latest industry and products news, updates on regulation and standards, technical articles and design and product innovations. Join the conversation about this journal
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ScopeColloquia, a periodical journal of the Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore devoted to literary issues, has been published since 2006. Fifteen thematic collections of papers appeared from 1999 to 2005, and the structure and the mission of the journal have not changed since Volume 16.The journal publishes the latest research (including interdisciplinary) into Lithuanian and Central and Eastern European literature of the twentieth and the twenty-first centuries, with special attention to the reflection of the literature of the Soviet period.The multi-dimensional literary picture is shaped in the journal by regular sections of book reviews and archival publications, interviews with scholars, and methodological discussions. The column ‘Nuomonių domino’ ('Dominoes of Opinions') responds to recent literary events. All the topics and call for articles for the upcoming issues are announced here. The journal brings together authors who are involved in analysis of literary history and contemporary processes and collaborate with researchers in other fields of the humanities (historians, culturologists, art historians, etc.).It reflects on modern literary theory, introduces it into contemporary research, and observes today’s academic issues in book reviews and discussions. The journal contributes to the expansion of the literary discipline, formation of cultural self-awareness, and propagation of Lithuanian literature and mature research into it in Lithuania and abroad. Join the conversation about this journal
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Colloquia Germanica
ScopeColloquia Germanica is an international, peer-reviewed journal in the field of German literary and cultural studies. It is published four times per year by the Narr/Francke/Attempto-Verlag. Its declared goal is to further the collaboration among scholars of German literature and culture from around the globe. In order to facilitate this dialogue, it regularly includes articles and book reviews, review essays and debates in both German and English. Join the conversation about this journal
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ScopeA revista Colóquio/Letras nasceu em 1971, bem como a revista Colóquio/Artes, resultantes da cisão da Colóquio, Revista de Artes e Letras. De carácter vincadamente ensaístico e admitindo uma grande pluralidade de pontos de vista, incluindo quer artigos de investigação quer leituras críticas da actualidade editorial, a Colóquio/Letras publica inéditos de poesia e ficção de autores contemporâneos, consagrados e jovens. Dedica-se quase em exclusivo às literaturas de língua portuguesa, o que abrange não só a nossa mas também a brasileira, as africanas de expressão portuguesa e a galega (tendo esta sido matéria de dois números publicados em 1996). Join the conversation about this journal
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Community Practitioner
ScopeCommunity Practitioner is published by Redactive Publishing Limited on behalf of Unite and CPHVA. Published monthly, the journal is mailed to members of the Unite and CPHVA. It is available on paid subscription to other interested parties.Join the conversation about this journal
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Connaissance des Arts
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Connecticut Medicine
ScopeThe CSMS flagship publication, Connecticut Medicine is a peer-reviewed scientific journal, published 10x/year (print and digital). Connecticut Medicine is provided to all CSMS members, as well as physicians and state medical associations in the New England states and across the country. Join the conversation about this journal
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Correspondances en MHND
ScopeCorrespondances en Métabolismes Hormones Diabètes & Nutrition est une revue bimestrielle destinée aux médecins spécialistes en endocrinologie, en diabétologie et en nutrition. Transversale, pluridisciplinaire et didactique, elle vise à rendre compte de l'actualité scientifique, de l' "état de l'art" à un moment donné et de l'expertise de spécialistes reconnus dans leur domaine à travers des articles de synthèse, illustrés et utiles à la pratique clinique. Join the conversation about this journal
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ScopeCOSSMA is THE multi-media platform targeted at the personal care and cosmetics manufacturing industry as well as manufactures of household + fabrice care worldwide. It carries regular reports on ingredients and their applications, research and development, packaging and design, aerosol and spray technology, machines and equipment, and service providers to the cosmetics industry. In addition the magazine covers major industry events and exhibitions. COSSMA’s editorial concept distils complex, detailed information down to the essentials and is essential reading for decision makers in the cosmetics industry. Join the conversation about this journal
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Cristianesimo nella Storia
ScopeCristianesimo nella Storia is published by the Fondazione per le scienze religiose in Bologna. It was founded by Giuseppe Alberigo. The director is now professor Giuseppe Ruggieri. This peer-reviewed journal publishes research of international importance by authoritative scholars on the history of Christianity. It focuses in particular on the contexts and cultures with which Christians have come into contact, from the Old Testament and Judaism to the secularised society of today. Issued three times a year, Cristianesimo nella Storia includes research articles, reports, shorter notices and reviews, which update the reader on new ideas emerging from international research in history, theology and exegetics. One issue a year is a special issue on a monographic theme and the first number each year includes an index for the preceding twelve months. Join the conversation about this journal
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11271140, 20365853
Critica del Testo
ScopeCritica del testo was founded in 1998 by Roberto Antonelli. It draws its scientific profile from the long and reknown tradition of studies in Italian and Romance Philology; it is also however sensitive to the new perspectives resulting from the current crisis of traditional humanistic culture, which has demanded since the beginning of the XXth century a thorough rethinking of the metodologies needed to approach our disciplines, and of our very perception of what we regard as textual criticism and indeed of how to define what a 'text' actually is. Join the conversation about this journal
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03900142, 20352638
Critica Letteraria
ScopeRivista trimestrale di critica e letteratura italiana. La rivista pubblica anche articoli di filologia italiana.In genere gli articoli sono scritti in lingua italiana, ma si accettano anche testi scritti in lingua inglese. La rivista si avvale di revisori anonimi.Join the conversation about this journal
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0247381X, 22729852
ScopeA journal published three times a year concerned with the history and literature of Golden Age Spain (from the time of the Catholic Monarchs until the arrival of the Bourbon dynasty). Contributions to the journal are exclusively in Spanish. Three numbers are published yearly, each of about 200 pages. Its main objectives are two-fold, but not binding: on the one hand, to publish the work of young researchers and, on the other hand, to recover the role once played by the Revue Hispanique, that is, to give a substantial place to erudite studies along the lines of what the Spanish called filología. There is generally speaking an alternation between monographic issues (1 or 2/3) and Varia. Join the conversation about this journal
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00111600, 19683901
Critique (France)
ScopeUne revue « générale ». Critique est une « revue générale des publications françaises et étrangères ». Elle propose chaque année à ses lecteurs neuf numéros, dont trois doubles. Elle entend rester fidèle à la mission que lui fixait Georges Bataille : « Critique publiera des études sur les livres et les articles paraissant en France et à l'étranger. Ces études dépassent l’importance de simples comptes rendus. A travers elles, Critique voudrait donner un aperçu, le moins incomplet qu’il se pourra, des diverses activités de l’esprit humain dans les domaines de la création littéraire, des recherches philosophiques, des connaissances historiques, scientifiques, politiques et économiques. Une revue de référence. Echappant tout à la fois à l’urgence inhérente au journalisme culturel et à l’inévitable spécialisation des revues savantes, Critique est un instrument d’information et un espace de réflexion plus indispensables que jamais. Les études qu’elle publie s’attachent à dégager, dans la masse des publications, le neuf et l’essentiel. Les sujets érudits ou spécialisés y sont traités sous une forme toujours accessible au non-spécialiste. Join the conversation about this journal
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11328304, 21730687
Cuadernos de Ilustracion y Romanticismo
ScopeAll works published in Cuadernos de Ilustración y Romanticismo are original and unpublished, and must not have been accepted for publication by any other journal. Articles on literature, art, history and philosophy from the period 1700-1850 in Spain, America and Europe can be found in this journal. To this end, it accepts original works of a general theoretical, critical, historical, erudite or documentary nature in any of the official languages of Spain, as well as in English, French, Italian and Portuguese. Scientific articles are submitted for review through a double-blind peer review system. Once they have successfully completed the evaluation process, they will be published in their original language. Cuadernos de Ilustración y Romanticismo allows free access to all its contents. Join the conversation about this journal
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Cuadernos LIRICO
ScopeCuadernos LIRICO is a biannual publication of the LIRICO Network (Inter-University Network of Contemporary Literature Studies of the Rio de la Plata in France). This group brings together tenured researchers, young researchers and doctoral students. Its objective is the dissemination and development of research, as well as the publication and organization of scientific events concerning Uruguayan and Argentinean literature. Each monographic issue of Cuadernos LIRICO seeks to construct a dialogue between recent production and new theoretical or critical issues, both French and Latin American. On the other hand, a section of critical reviews and another of translations of theoretical texts (mainly from French), complete each issue. Original literary texts or essays by writers are often published as well. Join the conversation about this journal
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Cuestiones de Fisioterapia
ScopeCuestiones de Fisioterapia es el órgano de divulgación científica de la Sociedad Andaluza de Fisioterapia “SOFIA” en colaboración con el Grupo de Investigación Área de Fisioterapia (CTS-305) de la Universidad de Sevilla y con la Universidad de Alcalá. Tiene una periodicidad cuatrimestral, configurando un volumen al año constituido por tres fascículos que se publican en los meses de enero, mayo y septiembre. Se imprime en papel libre de ácidos y se distribuye por la Editorial Médica JIMS. Join the conversation about this journal
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03931560, 26122391
ScopeFounded in 1881 by Ruggero Bonghi, La Cultura was suppressed by the Fascist Government in 1936 and it was finally republished in 1963 on the initiative of Guido Calogero and Gennaro Sasso. La Cultura was in the past as it is in the present a journal that allows to reconstruct important parts of Italian cultural history. Lately, it has been paying attention not only to Italian and European thought in the age of idealism, but also to other currents (from Marxism to Frankfurt School, from Habermas to Apel and, more recently, to bioethics-related issues), and then to phenomenology and Heidegger, who has been studied in relation to his “sources”, and to political events in Nazi Germany. The interest in Machiavelli’s work, and, recently, in Dante’s, who is present as a thinker as well as a poet, in Petrarch’s, Tasso’s, and in Leopardi’s work is a living testimony of the way in which La Cultura has been keeping together many fields of knowledge, which have always been investigated in a close relationship with history and historiography, with scientific exactitude to avoid eclecticism. La Cultura will continue to pay attention to such topics. Join the conversation about this journal
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Cutting Tool Engineering
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Dalhousie Review
ScopeThe Dalhousie Review has been published continuously since 1921, when it was founded by Herbert Stewart, professor of philosophy, to represent the intellectual life of the Maritimes while remaining open to scholarly writers from across Canada and around the world. Its design and direction have evolved over time and under the influence of different editors, and in the 1950s the Review began including the work of fiction writers and poets. The journal is now primarily a publisher of short stories and poetry, alongside creative non-fiction and book reviews. Current issues are available in Dalhousie University Libraries (and other university and public libraries across North America) or by subscription. Join the conversation about this journal
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Dance Magazine
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Dancing Times
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26306069, 26515083
Darulfunun Ilahiyat
Scopedarulfunun ilahiyat aims to publish articles dealing with different aspects of religion in independent and interdisciplinary fields and theoretical and applied sciences. darulfunun ilahiyat focuses on religion, faith and behaviors of its practitioners and religion as system of belief and society. The journal expects the articles to (i) Address human and social sciences; (ii) Develop original theoretical and conceptual advances; (iii) Examine different and new research methods; (iv) Present comparative studies using case studies. Within this range, the issues listed below are given particular priority: Islamic culture and civilization > The interpretation and education of religious and Islamic sciences in the contemporary world > The formation and transfer of religious identity > Public life in various faith groups, and religion in a multicultural environment > Interactions between the individual, religion, and society In addition to qualified, original, theoretical, and applied research, darulfunun ilahiyat also publishes book reviews, research notes, meeting abstracts and translatory-commentarial papers from classical languages. Join the conversation about this journal
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Das Argument
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Dental Press Endodontics
ScopeDental Press Endodontics (published every four months) publishes original research (e.g., clinical trials, basic science related to the biological aspects of endodontics, basic science related to endodontic techniques and case reports). Review articles only for invited authors. Authors of potential review articles are encouraged to first contact the editor during their preliminary development. Join the conversation about this journal
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ScopeThe Fellowship's journal, The Dickensian, founded in 1905, publishes a wide range of articles on the life and work of Charles Dickens, contributed by scholars from around the world. It also publishes edited and annotated transcriptions of newly discovered Dickens letters. In addition to its articles, each issue carries reviews of books, plays, films and TV productions, together with reports of Fellowship activities and other Dickens-related news. Join the conversation about this journal
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Didaskalia (Poland)
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Digital Textile
ScopeDigital Textile is the world’s only global magazine dedicated wholly to covering textile applications in the rapidly expanding field of inkjet printing. It is established as the leading source of intelligence for industry professionals. Delivering vital information for both users and suppliers in the digital textile printing industry’s three major segments - traditional textiles, soft signage and garments – its expanded editorial pages explore the issues that matter. Digital Textile covers company and product news, market analysis, technical features, business profiles, and relevant exhibitions and conferences.Join the conversation about this journal
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15919625, 22797343
Discipline Filosofiche
ScopeDiscipline Filosofiche was founded in 1991 by Enzo Melandri, and is currently published twice a year. Since 1995 it has been publishing temathic issues on several topics both in theoretical philosophy (logic, epistemology, philosophy of science, aesthetics and philosophy of language) and in practical philosophy. The vast range of topics addressed in these years has been covered through the publication of several international contributions and an intense work of translation of unpublished or hard to find sources, thus introducing into the Italian philosophical scene many texts previously unavailable in Italian. As from 2012, Discipline Filosofiche publishes papers written not only in Italian, but also in English, French and German. All papers, whether solicited by the editors or submitted in response to a call for papers, undergo a double-bind peer review process. Join the conversation about this journal
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Dix-Huitieme Siecle
ScopeLa revue Dix-Huitième Siècle consacrera le Dossier de son numéro 54 (2022), à « Climat et environnement », sous la direction de Laurent Brassart, Laurent Châtel, Emilie-Anne Pepy et Anouchka Vasak. Join the conversation about this journal
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03855023, 09115900
Dokkyo Journal of Medical Sciences
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Du: Zeitschrift Der Kultur
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eb - Elektrische Bahnen
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Education in Chemistry
ScopeThe only magazine in the UK aimed at teachers of chemistry at all levels. It is written by its readers for its readers, and covers the whole spectrum of chemistry teaching from balanced science in secondary courses to the final stages of undergraduate courses Join the conversation about this journal
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14785706, 14785714
Eighteenth-Century Music
ScopeEighteenth-Century Music is a well-established journal dedicated to all areas of eighteenth-century music research. Its generous breadth of coverage includes, alongside articles and essays by both leading and emerging scholars, a wide range of reviews and a communications section that reports on conferences and other items of interest from around the world Join the conversation about this journal
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ScopeFounded by Enzo Degani in 1990, the review «Eikasmós. Quaderni Bolognesi di Filologia Classica» is devoted to textual criticism and exegesis (the first section of each issue is dedicated to «Esegesi e critica testuale»), to the history of classical scholarship (the second section of each volume), and to a systematic and up-to-date survey of scholarly works in the fields of classical studies (the two last sections of each issue include reviews and a bibliographical supplement). Join the conversation about this journal
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Ekonomiska Samfundets Tidskrift
ScopeEkonomiska Samfundets tidskrift utkommer för närvarande två gånger per år. Den publicerar artiklar och översikter om aktuell ekonomisk politik och ekonomisk forskning. Populärvetenskapliga och vetenskapliga bidrag samt bokrecensioner ingår. Join the conversation about this journal
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Electronic Products
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ScopeEngineering magazine reports on the latest industry thinking, techniques and trends. Featuring the work of engineering teams worldwide, it is not only essential reading for those in the industry but also companies to maintain competitive advantage. As an editorially-led publication Engineering magazine offers a diverse and engaging mix of features in every issue that, whether written by our own editorial team or industry professionals, provides in-depth analysis and comment. As our core is technology innovation we feature articles on the tools, techniques and processes used by engineers to bring products to market. But we also take a multi-disciplinary approach and cover a range of relevant issues affecting all sectors of the industry. Join the conversation about this journal
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