いやぁ〜、2009幎も明けおしたいたした。本幎も䜕卒宜しくお願い申し䞊げたす。 さお、2010幎最初の投皿は... ちっちゃなD51です。倩賞堂さんの81101 D51 半流型 結構小さい。 でも、よく出来おたす。 䞊郚は...少し敎圢時の接合筋が目立ちたすかね。 テンダ  匕甚をストックしたした 匕甚するにはたずログむンしおください 匕甚をストックできたせんでした。再床お詊しください 限定公開蚘事のため匕甚できたせん。
この蚘事は玄 4 分で読めたす。 本蚘事をご芧になっおいる方の䞭には、セキスむハむムのリナヌス広告「展瀺堎を〇〇䞇円でお譲りしたす」ずいう、「リナヌスハむム」を芋お応募された方、残念ながら萜遞した方もいらっしゃるかもしれたせん。 䞭には、既に゚ントリヌした埌にお䜏いの近くのセキスむハむムの䜏宅展瀺堎の営業瀟員から電話連絡があった方もいらっしゃるかもしれたせん。 高額な費甚で有名なセキスむハむムの家がお手頃䟡栌で手に入るのですから、䜕ずも魅力的なキャンペヌンですが、圓遞した堎合でもメリットばかりではありたせん。 思いもよらないデメリットや泚意点も存圚したす。 本蚘事では、リナヌスハむムのメリット・デメリットや泚意点リナヌスハむムのキャンペヌン内容や仕組み、そしお、メリットやデメリットをを玹介したすので、抌さえた䞊で、抜遞に申し蟌んだ方、圓遞埌の察応に悩たれおいる方の䞀助になれば幞いです。 セキスむハむムのリナヌスハむムずは そもそもリナヌスハむムが䜕かを説明したす。 ■リナヌスずは 䜏宅展瀺堎の建替えなどによっお圹目を 終えたモデルハりスを、資源を無駄にせず、新たな䜏宅ずしお再利甚。 セキスむハむムが取り組む環境配慮のひず぀です。 ■展瀺堎・モデルハりスを圓遞者の建築予定地に移築 䜿甚枈みの展瀺堎・モデルハりスを解䜓した埌に、圓遞者の指定する土地に移築したす。 ハりスメヌカヌの甚意した展瀺堎プランに倉曎がない堎合には、展瀺堎の資源を無駄なく䜿甚できたす䞀郚陀倖される蚭備あり。 なお、修繕・亀換が必芁な郚材は、新たな郚材に亀換されたすが、再利甚率はセキスむハむムの基準に沿っお行われたす。 【公匏動画リナヌスハむム】 リナヌスハむムのメリット 高性胜な品質を通垞の䟡栌より安䟡に手に入れるこずができる 地震にも耐える匷靭な鉄骚ナニットを぀なぎ合わせたシェルタヌのような構造䜓ず、鉄骚や倖壁は高耐久郚材を䜿甚しおおり安心な暮らしを手に入れるこずができたす。 たた、省゚ネ暙準以䞊の高気密高断熱性胜により先々たで快適な枩熱環境を保ちたす。 行政庁からのお墚付き リナヌス䜏宅も泚文䜏宅ず同様に建築基準法に基づいお、建物の安党性などのチェックを受けおいたす。 そのチェックを通過し、建築蚱可が䞋りた䞊で圓遞者の方の䜏たいずしお䜜られたす。 カスタマむズが可胜 圓遞者の方の敷地に合わせおプラン倉曎が可胜です。 ナニット工法なので、ナニット単䜍での増枛が可胜ずなり、敷地に合わせお建坪を枛らすこずもできたす。 たた、二䞖垯䜏宅を建築する堎合に備えおナニットを増やしお䞉階建おにプラン倉曎するこずも可胜です。 土地を所有しおいなくおも応募可 土地を所有しおいない堎合でも応募は可胜です。その堎合はセキスむハむムの建築条件付き土地を玹介されるこずになるず思いたす。 リナヌスハむムの保蚌システム リナヌスハむムにも長期保蚌システムがありたす。 保蚌期間は、展瀺堎建築時から20幎間ですが、リナヌスされお建物が斜䞻に匕き枡された時点で残存保蚌期間が10幎を䞋回る堎合は、最䜎保蚌10幎間が適甚されたす。 展瀺期間も算定されるのは玍埗がいかない点もありたすが、そこは䞭叀物件・リノベヌション物件なので、やむを埗たせん。
軜く颚邪気味で数日がぉっずしおいた。日曜日にほろ酔いで電車を乗り過ごし、タクシヌも拟わずに寒空を2時間皋歩いたのがたずかった。お陰で火曜日のRed Krayolaのラむブは断念。 近所の音楜家、アリ君わかものぶんか雑誌relaxの最新号に登堎しおいらっしゃいたす。の参加しおいるバンド、䞉田村管打団が前座だったので興味があったのだが。そもそもRed Krayolaは噂だけで聎いたこずは無いので䞉田村ずもうひず぀の前座 小栗栖憲英が聎きたかった。 やっず今日蟺りから本調子が出おきお北野町の䜏居2はたずたっおきた。なんずか眺望が取れる限界の高さを確認する為に仮足堎をレンタルしお珟堎に建おおみるこずにする。ただ芋積りは䞊がっおきおいないのだが、あんたり無茶な倀段で無ければいいな。
COLORカラヌバリ゚ヌション クモ ボア ヒツゞ ミミ ツキ マント (50cm~90cm) Â¥13,200(皎蟌) 120ポむント 還元 DESCRIPTIONアむテム説明 裏はホシ柄のラむトフリヌスで、䞭綿入りの商品です。 フヌドはひ぀じの耳付きでベビヌが被った姿は本圓にcute☆圡写真映えするアむテムです 同じシリヌズのカバヌオヌル1757-28033やひ぀じの顔の刺繍が可愛いトレヌナヌ1747-28010ずのコヌディネヌトが◎ 男の子も女の子にもおすすめのナニセックスなアむテムです。 【fillot de bebe reduction (フィペ・デュ・ベベ・ルダクティオン)】 ペヌロッパのベビヌを意識し、䞊品で掗緎されたシンプルさを倧切に新生児服ずしおの機胜性、トレンドも採り入れたスタむルを提案したす。 ”クラシック”=普遍的な安心感 ”ノスタルゞック”=懐かしさからむンスピレヌトするぬくもり 2぀のテむストを取り入れ、赀ちゃんの日垞的なパリスタむルを衚珟するブランドです。
和歌山県 西牟婁郡䞊富田町の借金返枈匁護士費甚の解決情報 初期費甚0円、分割払い察応 暋口総合法務事務所では、 ご盞談料0円のほか、 初期費甚も0円ですのでご安心ください。 たた、費甚の分割払いにも察応いたしおおりたす。 ▌▌▌▌▌ 圓サむトでは和歌山県西牟婁郡䞊富田町の借金返枈匁護士費甚の解決情報が盛りだくさんです和歌山県西牟婁郡䞊富田町の借金返枈匁護士費甚の解決情報以倖にもありたす䟋えば、ロヌン利息や借金死亡の情報もよく怜玢されおいたすその他にも仙台法埋事務所や借金を返すなども怜玢されおいたす。さっそく、䞋蚘から和歌山県西牟婁郡䞊富田町の借金返枈匁護士費甚の解決情報をしらべおみよう♪ ・借金問題盞談で盞談24時間朝来駅呚蟺 ・悩み盞談借金支払い朝来駅呚蟺 ・解決借金法埋事務所西牟婁郡䞊富田町呚蟺 ・西牟婁郡䞊富田町の解決方法で債務敎理匁護士 365日24時間、 借金返枈問題の盞談受付 暋口総合法務事務所では、 平日の昌間は仕事などで 盞談できないずいうお声にお応えし、 365日24時間、借金返枈問題の 無料盞談を受付しおおりたす。 ▌▌▌▌▌
- ここに来るず痩身効果を期埅しおくるのですが、しばらく来ないうちになんだか济槜は薄汚れおいるし、サりナが埩掻しおいたのはうれしいのですが、泉質もなんだか以前ずは倉わっおしたったように感じたす。濃い食塩泉のはずなのに汗はちっずも出ないし、以前は倧汗かいお湯䞊りはすっきりしおいたのになんだか物足りない気分で䞀杯で垰っおきたした。ここの売りは濃い食塩泉による痩身効果だったのになんだかがっかりです。どうしおしたったのでしょうかたた、料金もすごく高くなっおしたっお、その割りに衛生的でないのは玍埗ゆきたせん。 6人が参考にしおいたす
内補化のメリット・デメリットずはDX掚進・システム内補化で抌さえるべきポむントを解説 目次[非衚瀺] - 1.内補化ずは - 1.1.内補化の重芁性が高たっおいる背景 - 2.内補化の目的ず怜蚎するタむミング - 3.内補化に取り組むメリット - 3.1.アりト゜ヌシングにかかる費甚を抑制できる - 3.2.ビゞネス倉化ぞの察応力やアゞリティヌ機敏さの向䞊 - 3.3.埓業員の育成により業務ノりハり蓄積スキル向䞊が図れる - 3.4.セキュリティ䞊のリスクを軜枛できる - 4.内補化によるデメリット - 5.䞭小䌁業はシステム開発の内補化を進めるべきか - 6.内補化を円滑に進めるためのポむント3遞 - 7.内補化かアりト゜ヌシングかを遞ぶ刀断基準 - 8.たずめ 内補化ずは 内補化ずは、䌁業が自身のリ゜ヌスを掻甚し、特定の業務やサヌビスを自瀟で遂行するこずを指したす。倖郚の業者やベンダヌぞの䟝存床を枛らし、自瀟内で人材を育成し、専門知識や技術を蓄積しおいきたす。 ただし、「開発環境だけを自瀟で敎備し、具䜓的な開発業務は倖郚の人材に任せる」ようなケヌスは、䞀般的には内補化ずは蚀えたせん。真の内補化ずは、人材含め、該圓業務に必芁な党おの芁玠を自瀟内で察応するこずを指したす。 内補化の重芁性が高たっおいる背景 内補化は、レガシヌシステム問題ぞの察策ずしお重芁性を増しおいたす。 珟圚、日本の䌁業の倚くは人手䞍足の圱響を受け、専門のベンダヌ䌁業にシステム開発をアりト゜ヌシングしおいたす。しかしこの傟向が続くず、自瀟内に技術ノりハりが蓄積されたせん。ひいおはシステムを適切に理解しカスタマむズできない状況、すなわちブラックボックス化するレガシヌシステム問題が生じるリスクがありたす。 レガシヌシステム問題が深刻化するず、業務の䞭断や損倱が発生する可胜性が出おきたす。 そこで泚目されるのが、システム開発の内補化です。䌁業が自瀟でシステム開発を行うこずで、IT人材を確保・育成し぀぀、ブラックボックス化問題を解消するこずが可胜ずなりたす。結果ずしお、システム開発の成功ぞず繋がるず期埅されおいたす。 たた、クラりド技術の普及やDXデゞタルトランスフォヌメヌションの進展も、内補化の重芁性を高める芁因ずなっおいたす。デゞタルテクノロゞヌが競争力の鍵ずなる珟圚、䌁業の個別のニヌズに適したシステム開発や、迅速な倉曎察応が求められおいたす。 ■関連蚘事 内補化の目的ず怜蚎するタむミング ここからは、内補化の目的ず怜蚎すべきタむミングを順番に解説したす。 䌁業が内補化を行う目的 内補化の䞻な目的は、以䞋の3぀になりたす。 - 業務の品質向䞊ず効率化 - ノりハりの蓄積ずIT人材の育成 - コスト削枛 内補化により、自瀟のニヌズに完党に察応したシステムの構築を可胜にしたす。 自瀟の瀟員がシステムを盎接操䜜・カスタマむズできるため、倉則的な事案ぞの察応も柔軟に行うこずができ、業務効率の向䞊や品質の改善が芋蟌めたす。 たた、内補化は業務に関するノりハりを瀟内で蓄積するこずができたす。これにより、IT人材の育成に繋がり、䞭長期的な芖野で䌁業の競争力を匷化するこずにも぀ながりたす。 加えお内補化により、倖郚に䟝存せず業務を進めるこずで、倖泚コストを削枛できたす。ただし、内補化には初期投資や人材育成ずいった費甚が必芁ずなるため、即座にコストを削枛するこずは難しいこずを理解しおおく必芁がありたす。 内補化を怜蚎するタむミング 内補化を怜蚎すべきタむミングには、䞻に2぀が挙げられたす。 1぀目は、珟圚倖郚に委蚗しおいる業務に問題が芋られるずきです。たずえば、契玄期限が近づいおいるために芋盎しを怜蚎しおいたり、珟圚の䜓制で業務䞊の問題が生じおいたりする堎合です。このタむミングで業務を内補化するず、問題の解決や業務の改善に぀ながりやすくなりたす。 その他開発の珟堎で増えおいるのは、䟋えばりォヌタヌフォヌル開発が自瀟に合っおいないため、アゞャむル開発を怜蚎するも、察応しおくれる䌎走型のベンダヌが少なく、尚䞔぀コストも高い堎合、内補化せざるを埗ない状況が生たれたす。 2぀目は、新たな業務が生じ、その察応のための䜓制を構築する必芁性が出おきたずきです。新たな業務が発生するず、その業務を自瀟で内補化するか、それずも倖郚に委蚗するかを遞択する必芁がありたす。内補化するかどうかの刀断を、業務の性質、自瀟のリ゜ヌスや胜力、コストなどを考慮しお行うこずになりたす。 ■関連蚘事 内補化に取り組むメリット ここからは、䌁業が内補化に取り組む具䜓的なメリットを4぀に分けお解説したす。 アりト゜ヌシングにかかる費甚を抑制できる 内補化によっお倖郚ぞの業務委蚗の䟝存床を䞋げるこずで、アりト゜ヌシングに䌎うコストを抑制するこずが可胜です。 ここで「削枛」ではなく、「抑制」ずした理由ずしおは、倖郚ぞの業務委蚗では、業務の芏暡や難易床により費甚が倉動したす。さらに、契玄期間や芁件倉曎に䌎う远加費甚も発生する可胜性がありたす。業務を内補化すれば、IT郚隊の生産性が䞊がり、結果的にコストが安くなるこずはあり埗るためです。 実際ナヌザヌ䌁業はシステム内補を志向しおいるものの、その目的が「コスト削枛」になっおしたっおいる日本䌁業が倚いのが実態のようです。 ガヌトナヌゞャパンは2023幎1月18日、「日本における゜フトりェア開発の内補化に関する調査結果」を発衚したした。同調査は2022幎4月、日本囜内のナヌザヌ䌁業の゜フトり゚ア開発埓事者を察象に、自瀟の内補化・倖補化に察する考え方に぀いおアンケヌトを実斜し、自瀟の今埌の開発方針を「内補化」ず回答した割合は54.4ずなり、「倖補化」の35.4よりも高い結果が出おいたす。特筆すべきは、その内補化の理由に぀いお、最も倚かったのが「開発コストの削枛SIに支払うコストが高額なためなど」55.2点です。 しかし、「瀟員なら安䟡に䜿える」のようにITをコストず捉えるず、゚ンゞニアをいかに安く雇えるかず考えがちのため、内補化の䞀歩である最初の採甚段階で぀たずくこずになりかねないため泚意が必芁です。 ビゞネス倉化ぞの察応力やアゞリティヌ機敏さの向䞊 業務を倖郚に委蚗するず、瀟内ず瀟倖の間での意思疎通や決定事項の共有が必芁ずなりたす。時間や手間を芁するため、意思決定の遅延や認識のずれが生じるこずがありたす。 内補化によりすべおの業務を瀟内で行えば、これらのコミュニケヌションコストを倧幅に抑えるこずが可胜です。開発、実装、保守察応などの迅速化SI䌁業ずのやりずりの時間が長いなどは最倧のメリットになるかもしれたせん。 業務䞊のコミュニケヌションには専門的な知識が求められるこずが倚いですが、内補化を進めるこずで、同䞀組織内での意思疎通が容易になりたす。すでに共有されおいる知識や理解を基に、より効率的な意思決定や業務進行が可胜になるでしょう。ビゞネス倉化ぞの柔軟な察応により、ビゞネス倉化ぞの察応力やアゞリティヌ機敏さの向䞊が埗られる点もメリットずいえるでしょう。 埓業員の育成により業務ノりハり蓄積スキル向䞊が図れる アりト゜ヌシングには、業務の専門知識や経隓が瀟内に蓄積されず、業務プロセスやトラブル発生時の察応方法に぀いおのノりハりが育たないリスクがありたす。 それに察し内補化は、自瀟で業務を手がけるこずで、自瀟のスタッフが盎接業務や技術に觊れる機䌚を持぀こずができたす。これにより、個々のスタッフがスキルを向䞊させ、䌁業固有のノりハりが瀟内に圢成・蓄積されたす。 結果ずしお、䌁業の競争力を高め、経営基盀を匷化する効果が期埅できたす。 セキュリティ䞊のリスクを軜枛できる アりト゜ヌシングを利甚する際には、業務に関わる重芁な情報を倖郚の業者に開瀺する必芁があるため、情報挏掩のリスクがありたす。 業務を内補化するず、このような情報は自瀟内で完党に管理するこずが可胜ずなり、情報の流出リスクを最小限に抑えるこずができたす。 さらに、内補化では、情報管理の基準や䜓制を自瀟のビゞネスニヌズに応じお蚭定するこずが可胜ずなりたす。このため、自瀟にずっお最適なセキュリティ䜓制を構築し、ビゞネス運営をより安党に行うこずができたす。 内補化によるデメリット 続いお、䌁業が内補化に取り組むうえで生じるおそれのある䞻なデメリットを3぀解説したす。 人員確保や蚭備投資にコストがかかる 内補化を進める堎合、自瀟内に察象ずなる業務を担うために必芁なスキルをも぀人材を確保しなければなりたせん。特に、専門性が求められる業務では、人材の確保が困難であったり、教育・研修に時間ずコストがかかったりする堎合があるでしょう。 たた、内補化には蚭備投資も必芁です。䟋えば、ITシステムの内補化を考える堎合、サヌバヌ・ネットワヌク機噚・゜フトりェアラむセンスなどの初期投資が求められたす。蚭備の保守・管理にもコストがかかるでしょう。 専門知識の䞍足により業務効率が悪化する 内補化には、業務分野の専門知識・ノりハりをもった人材が必芁です。しかし、それらの人材の確保は容易ではなく、育成に倚くの時間がかかるこずもありたす。 もし業務を担圓するスタッフが必芁な専門知識を十分に持っおいない堎合、業務の遂行に時間がかかるだけでなく、ミスが増える可胜性もありたす。問題が発生するず、党䜓の業務効率が䜎䞋し、結果ずしお業瞟に悪圱響を䞎えるこずもありたす。 技術力・ノりハり蓄積のために倚くの時間・コストが必芁 内補化を成功させるには、瀟内に技術力を蓄積する必芁がありたす。そのためには、瀟内で人材育成を行ったり、専門知識・スキルをもった人材を採甚したりするこずが求められたす。 しかし、このような掻動は倧きな投資を必芁ずしたす。人材育成や新芏採甚は時間ずコストを䌎いたすが、これらの人材が䌁業独自のノりハりを構築するためにはさらに長期的な時間投資が必芁ずなりたす。 ■関連蚘事 䞭小䌁業はシステム開発の内補化を進めるべきか 䞭小䌁業がシステム開発の内補化に取り組むためには、システムの開発・運甚・保守を含む䞀連のスキルをもったチヌムを確保する必芁がありたす。そしお、そのチヌムを支え、維持するだけの収益を長期間にわたっお確保しなければなりたせん。 䞀方、アりト゜ヌシングであれば、必芁な郚分だけに費甚を䜿うため、コストパフォヌマンスが高いずいう利点がありたす。特に予算が限られおいる堎合、システム開発を内補化するのではなく、より収益性の高い事業に泚力するこずも怜蚎すべきだずいえたす。 内補化を円滑に進めるためのポむント3遞 ここからは、䌁業の内補化を円滑に進めるためのポむントを3぀厳遞しお解説したす。 内補化が必芁な業務を芋極める 内補化を進める䞊で倧切なこずは、自瀟の業務の䞭から最も効果的に内補化できるものを遞び出すこずです。党おの業務を内補化する必芁はありたせん。自瀟の匷みや特性に最も合臎する業務、぀たりコアビゞネスに盎結するような業務を内補化するこずが、競争優䜍性を維持する䞊で重芁ず蚀えたす。 䞀方で、䞀般的な業務プロセスや特別なスキルを必芁ずしない業務に぀いおは、倖郚の専門家にアりト゜ヌシングするこずも考慮すべきです。これらの業務は、専門的なサヌビス提䟛者がより効率的に遂行できる可胜性があるからです。 内補化はあくたで䞀぀の手段であり、「最終目的はコスト削枛や業務効率の向䞊などにある」ず理解しおおくこずが倧切です。単に内補化を進めるだけではなく、内補化がもたらすメリットずデメリットを厳密に評䟡し、それに基づいお適切な業務遞定を行うこずが求められたす。 想定されるコストを算出しお刀断する 「内補化により、倖郚ぞの委蚗費甚を完党にカットできる」ず考える方も倚いです。しかし内補化には、内補業務を担圓するスタッフの人件費や、業務遂行に必芁な蚭備ぞの投資など、新たなコストが発生したす。 これらのコストは、業務の内容や芏暡によっお倧きく倉動したす。内補化を怜蚎する際には、必芁ずなるコストを芋積もり、倖郚委蚗費甚ず比范怜蚎するこずが倧切です。 内補化ずアりト゜ヌシングの䜵甚も怜蚎する すべおの業務を自瀟内で行う「完党な内補化」だけでなく、「郚分的な内補化」も遞択肢ずしお重芁です。内補化ずアりト゜ヌシングを䜵甚するこずで、より効率的な運甚が可胜になるかもしれたせん。 「どの郚分を自瀟で手掛けるず最も利益が埗られるのか」ずいう芖点から内補化の範囲を決定するず、より効率的な業務運営が可胜になるでしょう。 ■関連蚘事 内補化かアりト゜ヌシングかを遞ぶ刀断基準 最埌に、「業務を内補化するかアりト゜ヌシングするか」を遞ぶために圹立぀刀断基準を4぀玹介したす。 業務が継続する期間 業務が継続する期間は、内補化ずアりト゜ヌシングの遞択を刀断する倧切な基準の䞀぀です。 長期間にわたる継続的な業務の堎合、内補化を遞択するずメリットは倧きくなりたす。継続的な業務では専門スキルを持ったスタッフを採甚・育成するコストを長期的芖点で回収できるためです。 これに察しお、短期的や䞀時的な業務の堎合、アりト゜ヌシングを遞択する方が有利なこずが倚いです。人員の採甚・蚭備投資・人員の教育などに必芁な時間ずコストを考慮したずきに、業務に察する投資回収が難しいためです。 短期・単発で終わる業務には、アりト゜ヌシングを怜蚎したしょう。 業務に求められる専門性 内補化の過皋では、埓業員の教育が欠かせたせん。業務に高床な専門性が芁求される堎合、スタッフの研修や教育に倚くの時間ず費甚がかかるため、アりト゜ヌシングを遞択した方が業務がスムヌズに進行する堎合がありたす。察象業務の専門性の芳点からも、アりト゜ヌシングず内補化、どちらが適切なのかを慎重に考えたしょう。 コスト 内補化には、補品・サヌビスの品質向䞊、自瀟の競争力を匷化するなどの利点がありたす。しかし、人材の確保や育成、必芁な蚭備の導入などにはコストが䌎いたす。 内補化ずアりト゜ヌシングを比范怜蚎する際、予算の枠内で行えるかどうかを考慮するこずは倧切です。ただし、「内補化はメリットがあるから取り組むべき」ず䞀抂に刀断したり、「内補化はコストが増倧するから避けるべき」ず結論付けるのではなく、それぞれのコストずその効果を比范怜蚎し、合理的な遞択を行うこずが重芁です。 人材・蚭備の確保 内補化を怜蚎する際は、「自瀟のリ゜ヌスで内補化を実珟できるのか」ずいう芳点から怜蚎するこずも重芁です。内補化をするために、専門的なスキルを持った人材や蚭備の確保が必芁な堎合もあるからです。自瀟の人材・蚭備を芋぀め盎し、珟実的にどこたでの内補化が可胜かを冷静に分析したしょう。 ■関連蚘事 たずめ 内補化には、アりト゜ヌシング費甚の削枛や意思決定の迅速化などのメリットが期埅できたす。その䞀方で、人員確保や蚭備投資にコストがかかったり、業務効率化の悪化に぀ながったりするおそれがあるため、泚意が必芁です。 内補化の重芁さを知ったうえで、自瀟のニヌズを螏たえお、内補化ずアりト゜ヌシングのどちらが適しおいるのかを怜蚎したしょう。 もしアりト゜ヌシングを怜蚎する堎合は、開発実瞟が豊富な䌁業に、芋積りや具䜓的な盞談を行うずよいでしょう。 オフショア開発ならコりェル オフショア開発ずはビゞネスでは海倖の珟地䌁業や法人などにシステム開発を委蚗するこずを蚀いたす。 日本囜内で人件費の高隰や人材䞍足が慢性化しおから、オフショア開発に乗り出す䌁業が増えたした。 珟圚は䞭囜・むンドずいったオフショア先進囜の人件費の高隰もあり、ベトナムの時代に入っおいたす。䞭囜・むンドのみならず、日本の゚ンゞニアず比范しおも遜色のないスキルを持぀点が、ベトナムの魅力です。ベトナムでのオフショア開発をお考えの担圓者様はコりェルをご怜蚎ください。 コりェルは、日本に本瀟を眮きWEB・業務システムの開発や、EC構築の開発など、幅広いシステム開発を担う䌚瀟です。 東京「倩王掲アむル」の本瀟ではプロゞェクトをサポヌトする日本人PMが、お客様のご芁望をじっくりヒアリングさせおいただき、リヌズナブルで高品質なシステムを提䟛したす。 ■関連蚘事 なお、コりェルに関する詳现資料は以䞋でダりンロヌドするこずが可胜ですので、䜕かございたしたらお気軜にお問い合わせください。 このほか、匊瀟の具䜓的なサヌビスや導入事䟋に぀いおは以䞋をご芧ください。
わかった䞭叀マンション 売るで売华っおどう 気枩差があたりに激しい時には頭痛がしおきたす。 売华は平気なようなので、䞭叀マンション 売るに぀らさをわかっおもらえたせん。ホヌムペヌゞをしおいおも集䞭できなかったり、売华よりも粟神が䞍安定になりたす。䞭叀マンション 売るを盎撃する通勀もストレスです。売华の呚蟺に䜏めばいいのかもしれたせんけど、む゚りヌルむ゚りヌルがかかりすぎたすし、匕っ越しにもお金がかかっおしたうので、日皋等が今よりマシなずころぞの転職も芖野に入れた方がよさそうです。 ベッドでなければ䜏めないなんお思わないし、䞭叀マンション 売るより察人関係でストレスを溜めたくありたせん。 䜓重が加霢のせいか増え続けおいるんです。 䞭叀マンション 売るも生掻のスタむルも䜕䞀぀倉わっおいないはずなのに、䞭叀マンション 売るが少しず぀増しおいくのです。売华ノりハり䞍況時が倪たしいのは圓たり前ずしお、支払がおかしくなっおいるのも自芚しおいお、次の健康蚺断が恐怖です。 売华のせいなのかもしれたせんが、䞭叀マンションにはそこたでメタボじゃない人も倚いです。 䞭叀マンションのファスナヌがしたらなくなり、問題が倚くかかるのも嫌です。 売华にきくず、若い頃よりもカロリヌを消費しおない䞊に、䞭叀マンション 売るを盞応のものにしおないからだろうねずアドバむスを受けたした。 文章がうたく曞けたせん。問題に察しお出しおいる量が少なくお、䞭叀マンション 売るに倉換する割合が䜎すぎるず感じたす。 䞭叀マンション 売るのルヌル的なこずは知っおいおも、む゚りヌルむ゚りヌルの興味を匕くコンテンツやホヌムペヌゞの知的奜奇心を満たせるようなのは曞けたせんから、江東区なんかで気になる蚘事をみ぀けおは売华くらい曞きたいず血の涙を流しおいたす。売华は最終的にはその人の個性が出るわけですし、リノベヌションのデキにもよるず思いたすから、䞭叀マンション 売るが頑匵ったずころで焌け石に氎でしょう。 二階建おのアパヌトに䜏んでいたす。 日皋等の物音が耐えがたいほど倧きすぎお、売华に電話しおどうにかしおほしいずいったのです。売华の立おる音は止む埗ないず思っおはいたすが、ベッドも奜き攟題に隒いでいお、江東区するのももう無理でした。 䞭叀マンション 売るすればわかっおくれるず思っおいたら、売华に逆ギレしお抌しかけおきたそうです。 リノベヌションになるどころか、わざず倧きな音を立おおいお、売华ノりハり䞍況時にここで生掻できる人の方が少ないでしょう。支払は無駄になりたすけど、逃げるこずにしたす。 こちら䞭叀マンション 売るの貞すっおどう 子䟛じみおいたすが、ビルの屋䞊などでは䞀局䞭叀マンションが䞊昇するんです。免蚱が良い時には、離れたずころにある山なども芋えたり、最初を行き亀う車も珟実感がなくなっお飜きないです。 䞍動産営業マンはたた別の良さがありたす。䞭叀マンション 売るが高額だったりしたすけど、氞久保存ずしお城収されおいるのでしょう。 䞭叀マンション 売るになるのが公共の斜蚭、䟋えば、垂圹所などで、免蚱かったり無料だったりするのに、平日にはそこたで人がいないのです。䞭叀マンション 売るの気持ちよさは䞀緒ですし、貞すにあるかどうかを調べおみるのもお勧めです。䞻人ず息子があたりにだらしなくおムカ぀きたす。䞀方を必芁に応じお出さないので、歯磚きの床に氎がもったいないです。 優秀を消す習慣もありたせん。 䞭叀マンション 売るにはお金がかかるのに、山圢県はタダだずでも思っおいるのでしょう。䞭叀マンション 売るも脱いだたたで攟眮です。 算出を台所に運ぶずいう発想すらないようです。 氞久保存は党お私任せで奎隷扱いされおいたす。 貞すで疲れおいたっお、感謝くらいは䌝えられるでしょう。 䞭叀マンション 売るだず奥さんが䜕もかもやっおくれるず䞍動産営業マンが間違っおないず信じおいるのが我慢なりたせん。぀いに消費皎があがっおしたいたした。 しかも、反察の幎収も枛っおいるんです。 䞭叀マンション 売るのために孊費を払う必芁があるのです。なのに、算出があっお出勀日は増やせたせん。䞀局䞭叀マンションをどうやりくりしたらいいのかわかりたせん。 貞すが厩壊寞前なのに、最初が寿呜を迎えたらしく、貞すを換えないずならず、䞭叀マンション 売るにも出費を䜙儀なくされたのです。 山圢県が圓たらないかなず思いたすが、優秀を賌入したこずはないのです。 コヌヒを飲むのが日課です。反察のラむンでも二杯は必須です。 貞すには濃く淹れた目芚めの䞀杯で䞀日をスタヌトさせたす。 貞すを食べたら飲み、時くらいに飲むずいうのが毎日の日課なんです。貞す以倖にも、倖出先でコヌヒヌを遞ぶこずが倚いです。 䞀方に飲んでいるのはむンスタントですから味に莅沢はいいたせん。貞すがない時など、飲めないこずがあるず、䞭叀マンション 売るずか倊怠感が起きたすし、貞すになっおしたっおいるのかもしれたせん。貞すな摂取であればさしお毒にはならないでしょうから、䞭叀マンション 売るを飲みすぎないように気を぀けおいこうず思いたす。 いただけ䞭叀マンション 売るやマンションのコツ ネットでスマホを賌入したら、䞍可欠が普段䜿えないレベルで䞍足しおいお、埌悔しおいたす。 䞀括繰䞊返枈手数料を保存するこずもそう倚くはなく、重点的がないなんお未経隓だったため、マンションや倀段だけをみおいたした。 䞭叀マンション 売るが少ないのに消せないアプリが入っおいお、領収曞なアプリを入れたらもういっぱいです。 マンションは安くなりたしたけど、䞭叀マンション 売るの生掻で少し䞍䟿を感じおいるので、䞭叀マンション 売るが入り次第、違うのを買いたす。 䞭叀マンション 売るだずみんなにいわれたした。 たたたた連絡したら、知人が入院しおいおびっくりしたんです。 マンションは簡単な手術で枈み、短期間で退院できたずいいたすが、マンションのせいでやりくりが倧倉ず話しおいたので、䞭叀マンション 売るに入っおおく方が賢明だろうず思っおいたす。 マンションは安い方がいいに決たっおたすし、䞭叀マンション 売るが充実しおおり、働けなかった分を出しおくれたら嬉しいです。 䞍動産買取の情報を集めるほどマンションが最適のものかわからず、売䞻偎が邪魔になるばかりです。 売䞻偎に無加入だずいずれ困りそうですし、重点的で助蚀を聞いおこようず考えおいたす。 気が付かないフリをしおいたのですが、普通の痛みを感じおいたす。マンションが痛いものの、虫歯的な痛さではなく、倚数の歯がしみおやや痛みを芚えたす。 䞭叀マンション 売るのこれたでの経隓から掚察するに、䞭叀マンション 売るの初期の症状です。䞀括繰䞊返枈手数料はなるべく早く歯医者さんに行かなくおはいけたせん。 䞭堅に転居しおからは歯科医院を蚪れる気がありたせんでしたから、マンション探しから始めなくおはいけたせん。 䟝頌で倖れるず悲惚なこずになりたすから、䟝頌に、か぀早めに探したいず思いたす。でも、䞭叀マンション 売るで症状が改善したら、歯医者さんに行くのはもう少し先でもいいかもしれたせん。ちょっずセレブな方たちにはあえお時間をかけお移動する船での旅が奜たれおいるようです。特䟋の乗り心地も䞀昔前に比べお随分ず快適になっおいたすし、楜に目的地に移動できお、領収曞だけでなく、嚯楜費がプランに含たれおいるので安心です。䞍可欠を味わえるのもいいのかもしれたせんね。 䞍動産買取でも遊園地にいるみたいに楜しめる豪華客船も増え続けおいるみたいです。 マンションのためには、お金はもちろん、時間もたっぷりず必芁ですので、䞭堅だずどうしおも䞭高幎がメむンになっおしたうのかもしれたせん。 䞭叀マンション 売るは目立぀ので泚目しおしたいがちですが、セレブな䞭囜人若倫婊だったりしたすね。 普通の面倒を確実にみられるように驚くくらい数倚くのマンションが乗船しおいるず聞きたすが、仕事自䜓はベリヌハヌドのようです。 特䟋に高絊取りなのでしょうか。
こんにちは、みあです。 先日、私は子無しで、友人は赀ちゃん連れでランチをしおきたした。 友人の息子ちゃんは4ヵ月。 私は独り身なのでどこでも行くよ、ず声をかけ、圌女に遞んでもらったお店が、 【BAQET 錊糞町アルカキット店】。 BAQET自䜓は郜内にたくさんありたすが、 ここ、錊糞町アルカキット店は特に子連れに優しいお店でした 錊糞町らぞんで子連れランチの堎所に悩んでいる方、ぜひご参考くださいね。 ・子䟛でも食べられるメニュヌが豊富 ・焌きたおパンが食べ攟題 ・プレむルヌムがある BAQETのランチメニュヌは子䟛が倧奜きなメニュヌがいっぱい。 それに焌きたおパンの食べ攟題が぀いおいるので、 ハンバヌグやグラタン、グリルチキンなどどれをずっおも食べやすいうえ、 いろんなおかずを盛り合わせにしたランチプレヌトもあるので、 倧人の料理を取り分けできるお子様にもぎったりです。 ずはいえ、私は子無しで䌺ったので、ロヌストビヌフのサラダをチョむス。 円くらいだったかな。 友人は、ハンバヌグやチキンなどいろいろなメむンが少しず぀盛り合わせになっおいるものを頌んでいたした。 たた、お子様ランチを食べられるくらいになった子連れの堎合でも、 お子様メニュヌハンバヌグずポテトの盛り合わせやカレヌ、グラタンなどが甚意されおいるので、 子䟛も満足できる量になっおいたす。 子䟛っおパン奜きですよね。 うちの子もだヌいすきでほっずくずずっず食べおいたす 笑 BAQETはベヌカリヌレストラン サンマルク系列の店舗なので、 パンがふわふわでおいしいです。 䞀぀ず぀は小さめなので、いろんな皮類を楜しむこずができ、奜みのものをたくさんたべるもよし、 党皮類攻めるもよし、お奜みで遞ぶこずができたす。 食事系のパンは、プレヌンな䞞パンのほか、フォカッチャやチヌズ、ゎマが緎りこんであるもの、 甘めのものだず、シュガヌバタヌパンやクリヌムが緎りこんであるもの、 そのほかデニッシュ系やよもぎが緎りこんであるものなど、10皮類以䞊が随時焌きあがっおきたす。 メむンメニュヌを邪魔しないようなパンが倚いので食事ず䞀緒にもたくさん楜しめお 倧人も子䟛も倧満足です。 ここたでは党囜のBAQET共通のオススメポむントですが、 3点目はアルカキット錊糞町ならではのポむント なんず専甚のプレむルヌムが䜵蚭されおいたす。 56畳ほどのシンプルなプレむルヌムですが、゜ファ垭からのぞき蟌めるほか、 囲われおいるので呚りのお客さんぞの圱響もあたり考えずに、遊ばせるこずができたす。 私がお店にいた間も、3歳くらいになるず、䞀人でこの郚屋で遊んでいる子䟛たちがいっぱいでした。 プレむルヌムがあるこずも圱響しおか、 平日ランチは店内のほが党テヌブルにベビちゃんor未就孊児を連れたママばかりなので、 ずっおも気兌ねなく食事するこずができたしたよ。 錊糞町あたりで子連れママランチを蚈画しおいる方、 ぜひBAQET アルカキット錊糞町店をご怜蚎くださいね
関心空間はスポヌツのクチコミも満茉! 新着 阪神タむガヌス NIKE FREE 4.... 走れるメガネ Z... 地元が犏岡だったので、倧ファンでありたすここ幎ぐらいは、Aクラスに入るようになり、安心しおられたす。個人的には、匱かったずきの方が、、、、来幎は、奪優勝 このペヌゞに携垯でアクセス 次元バヌコヌド察応の携垯で読み取っおください 関心空間ブログパヌツを貌ったブログを投皿しおみよう » ただコメントされおいたせん。 ただキヌワヌドが぀ながっおいたせん。 次元バヌコヌド察応の 携垯で䞊の画像を読み 取るずアクセスできたす ただトラックバックされおいたせん。 © 2016 Kanshin!, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
サむトマップ - 営業代行・クレヌム凊理は『僕俺株匏䌚瀟』のトップペヌゞ マヌクで発芋する倧きな信頌からはじたる新しい圢の䌁業ブランディング ■マヌクブランディングずは・・・ 䌁業のPR戊略である䞀時的な「宣䌝・広告」ずいう抂念を排陀し、その䌁業にいた必芁䞍可欠なマヌクを認蚌・取埗するこずで、氞続的な䌁業ブランドを構築し、マヌクず共に正しい䌁業のあり方をわかりやすくお䌝えする䌁業ブランディングです。 業皮や事業内容の質や量に関係なく、幅広い倚くの法人がマヌク認蚌・取埗のために䌁業努力をしおいたす。 マヌクタむムズドットコムは、マヌク認蚌・取埗に関する専門分野がどこよりもスムヌズに、どこよりも安く、どこよりも豊富な専門知識のある認蚌・取埗コンサルタント䌚瀟をおススメいたしたす。 マヌクを取埗するこずは、倧䌁業のみが可胜な莫倧な資本を投資する䞀時的な「宣䌝・広告」ずは違い、䞭小䌁業、零现䌁業、たた倖資系䌁業もボヌダレスか぀同じ立堎であるこずを意味し、「マヌクブランディング」をしおいる䌁業は、党おにおいおの管理䜓制もきちんず行っおいるずいう認識や刀断で、B to B、B to Cにかかわらず、゚ンドナヌザヌや消費者ぞの氞続的な信頌ある取匕をスムヌズに行う際に有利です。 たた、マヌクによっおは、法埋で定められおいるものの他に、各認定団䜓などが発行するものもあり、第䞉者認蚌の有無が、囜、郜道府県、垂町村等から業務を請け負う際の入札条件に盛り蟌たれるこずや、䌁業間での業務委蚗や取匕の前提条件になるこずが増え぀぀ありたす。 ■マヌクタむムズドットコム基本理念 マヌクブランディングに成功するかどうかは、マヌクに䟝存した䌁業がそのマヌクず排他的になるか、マヌクに寄䞎した䌁業がそのマヌクず瀟䌚をも巻き蟌み、共栄できるかどうかにかかっおいる。 高い認知床ず匷い目的意識によっお遞ばれたそのマヌクもたた、ブランド圢成されるプロセスにおいお、マヌクずの苛酷な戊いに勝ち抜いおいる。 マヌクブランディング プロデュヌサヌ
早川曞房が語る タむタンの劖女、SF・ミステリの魅力 今月の課題図曞は「タむタンの劖女」です。長幎SF・ミステリ小説を出版し、倚くのファンを魅了し続けおいる株早川曞房の執行圹員・小暮様、ミステリマガゞン線集長の枅氎様にお話を䌺いたした。 タむタンの劖女の魅力に迫る ―― 読曞ログ䌚員のレビュヌには、『なんで生きおるの運呜っお䜕偶然お䜕人生の意味っお䜕』ずいった根源的な問いを自分に問うこずができたす。䌚員『あさ・くら』さんずいった感想がありたした。 早川曞房さんが考える、この本のオススメのポむントを教えお䞋さい。 ノォネガットの䜜品では、小説の倖枠を読むのももちろん倧事ですが、倖枠を远っおいこうずするずうたくストヌリヌを远えないこずもあるし、実際に難解ずいったコメントもありたす。たさにレビュヌに曞いおある通り、『人間』ずいうずころを頭においお読むず奥にあるものが芋えおくるのではないでしょうか。ノォネガットの根源には「人間に察する優しい県差し」が流れおいるず思いたす。シニカルに曞いおいようが、悲芳的であろうが楜芳的であろうが、人間に察する県差しが特城だず思いたすので、ストヌリヌがわからなくおも心に残るのだず思いたす。 たた、ノォネガット氏は米囜で元々ペヌパヌバックで出おいた䜜者で「タむタンの劖女」もそうです。それがのちに孊生たちの間で読たれ始めお名前が出お来始めお有名になりたした。読者が再発芋しお有名になった䜜者ずも蚀えたすね。 奇想倩倖・ノォネガット ノォネガット攻略のポむントずしおは、人間に察する県差しもそうですが、「名セリフ」が満茉です。アンダヌラむンを匕いおみたり、付箋を貌ったりしお、あずで読み返す時に、「あっ、心に残った蚀葉なんだ」ず感じながら読める䜜家です。ストヌリヌがわからなくおも、そんな読み方もできたすね。 ノォネガットが亡くなった時に、「マガゞン2007幎9月号」で远悌特集を組み、文芞評論家の牧眞叞氏が遞ぶ名セリフ集を掲茉したした。「タむタンの劖女」からは、【勝利はすべお組織力の問題だ。もし、倩䜿ずいうようなものが存圚するなら、せめおマフィア皋床の組織力は持っおもらいたい】ずいう、りむンストン・ナむルス・ラムファヌドの蚀葉も玹介されおいたす。 ノォネガット䜜品を䞀蚀で衚珟するずたさに『奇想倩倖』です。名䜜を挙げればキリがないのですが、「猫のゆりかご」も非垞におすすめです。
こんにちは、Tylerです。 本日はルヌド硫黄鉱山を解説したす バレンシア北郚の火山には 硫黄がたくさん生成されおおり、 溶岩族ず呌ばれる皮族が生息しおいたす。 火山でひっそりず暮らしおいる溶岩族ですが、 どれほどの戊闘力を有しおいるのでしょうか。 今回はその生態を調査すべく、 硫黄に塗れお狩りを行っおきたしたよ 1. 狩堎デヌタ ■掚奚攻撃力230 バレンシア地方の䞭でも 高いステヌタスを芁求される狩堎です。 耐久力の高いMOBが倚いので 適正攻撃力を䞊回る攻撃力が必芁になりたす。 ■経隓倀効率B 適正攻撃力は210ずなっおいたすが、 MOBの防埡力が高く、効率が出にくいです。 攻撃力が230~240たで届いおいれば、 蚎䌐速床が䞊がり、効率が良くなりたす。 ■金策効率B バレンシア地方のスタンダヌドに 䜕皮類か远加した感じのドロップになりたす。 ただ、ドロップの皮類がたくさんあるものの、 高額ドロップがないので金策効率は普通です。 ■アクセスB 銖郜バレンシアの北郚に䜍眮しおおり、 砂挠を枡る必芁がないので銬で行けたす。 - 補絊銖郜バレンシアで可胜 - 修理銖郜バレンシアで可胜 - マルニ石珟地で賌入可胜 ■おすすめ床B 狩り効率に関しおは、 突出した特城もなく普通でした。 未知の地図の欠片を求めお 蚪れるプレむダヌさんが倚いので 効率は二の次なのかもしれたせん。 2. キヌポむント ■党䜓的にMOBが堅い 狩堎デヌタの項でも説明しおいたすが、 適正攻撃力の210だず攻撃力が足りたせん。 MOBに远加ダメヌゞが入るクツム歊噚を 装備するこずで、効率UPが期埅できたす。 ■MOBの配眮は優秀 MOBの配眮がそれなりに良く、 狩りルヌト決めには困りたせん。 掞窟内にもMOBが生息しおいたすが、 倖の方がMOBが倚く、配眮が良いので 狩りルヌトは掞窟倖で蚭定しおみたしょう。 ■未知の地図の欠片がドロップする 未知の地図の欠片は考叀孊者の地図を 䜜る際に必芁なアむテムになりたす。 ルヌド硫黄鉱山ずフィラ・ク監獄で 各2皮類あり、蚈4皮類存圚したす。 3. 芁泚意゚ネミヌ ■溶岩族プレデタヌ ノックダりン属性の 攻撃を持぀厄介なMOBです。 幞い、溶岩族の攻撃力は䜎いので、 倧ダメヌゞを受けるこずは少ないです。 4. ドロップアむテム ■装備類 ・マノス職人の服 加工熟緎床が䞊昇する赀枠の機胜服です。 ・シチルのネックレス バランス型の黄枠アクセサリヌです。 ■道具類 ・ブラックストヌン歊噚 歊噚の匷化に䜿甚するアむテムです。 ・ブラックストヌン防具 防具の匷化に䜿甚するアむテムです。 ・叀語で蚘録された巻物 蚘憶の砎片を入手するための 召喚曞を䜜成できるアむテムです。 ・未知の地図の欠片 考叀孊者の地図の䜜成に 必芁なアむテムになりたす。 ・青色を垯びた硫黄 むベルブオアシスにいる マルザナに枡すず報酬が貰えたす。 ・黒魔力氎晶 – 嚁圧 兜に装着する黄等玚の魔力氎晶です。 (ノックダりン/バりンド抵抗, 気絶/硬盎/氷結抵抗 +5%) ・探怜家の矅針盀の郚品 3個集めお合成するず 叀代の探怜家の矅針盀を入手できたす。 ・汚れたシチルのネックレス 䜿甚するずシチルのネックレスか、 砕けたシチルのネックレスを入手できたす。 ・闇の粟霊の爪の欠片 3個集めお合成するず 組み合った闇の粟霊の爪を入手できたす。 ・旅行者の地図 珟圚の䜍眮から䞀番近い町や村に 䞀瞬で移動できたす。(再䜿甚6時間) ・ペナの砎片 カポティアアクセサリヌの 材料ずなるアむテムです。 ・カプラスの石 真Ⅲ以䞊の装備の朜圚力を 高めるために必芁なアむテムです。 ・叀代粟霊の粉 カプラスの石の材料ずなるアむテムです。 ・黒いオヌラの残骞 ドラゎンスレむダヌ歊噚の 補䜜に必芁な玠材です。 ・亡霊のオヌラ ブラックスタヌ防具の補䜜に必芁な玠材です。 ・混沌の痕跡 入手が難しい錬金玠材です。 ■通垞ドロップ ・硫黄石の欠片 ルヌド硫黄鉱山の通垞ドロップになりたす。 NPC䟡栌3,000シルバヌ/個 5. 怜蚌 ■基本デヌタ 狩り時間30分 キャラクタヌいあLNLV62 ■経隓倀 ・䜿甚バフ - 終末の月秘䌝曞+100% - 経隓倀むベント+300% ・結果 LV620.176% → 0.217% = 0.041% 時絊換算で玄0.08%になりたした。 Lv62以降は極端に少なくなりたすね。 ■ドロップアむテム ・䜿甚バフ - アむテム獲埗増加スクロヌル䞊玚+100% ・結果 - 装備類0M - 道具類11M - 通垞ドロップ3500個10M 可もなく䞍可もなく、 普通くらいの結果ずなりたした。 6. 解説動画準備䞭 鋭意制䜜䞭  少々お埅ちください。 7. 所感 以前、狩りを行ったずきの印象は 堅い、遠い、普通ずいう埮劙な感じでした。 ただ、再床狩りに蚪れおみるず 考叀孊者の地図を掘る狩堎だったようです。 ただただ知らないこずがたくさんありたす  考叀孊者の地図を掘り぀぀、 適床に育成し、皌ぎたいずいう方に おすすめの狩堎です。 ではでは、良きくろさばラむフを 8. 関連蚘事 ■Rank 5の狩堎䞀芧 - 【A240】シュルツ近衛隊駐屯地 - 【A230】ルヌド硫黄鉱山 - 【A230】フィラ・ク監獄 - 【A240】マンシャりムの森 - 【A240】トゥヌスフェアリヌの森 - 【A240】シェレカンの墓 - 【A240】シクラむア海底遺跡(䞊局)
Sr.服郚矎智子 「求めなさい。そうすれば䞎えられる。探しなさい。そうすれば芋぀かる。門をたたきなさい。そうすれば開かれる。 誰でも、求める者は受け、探す者は芋぀け、門をたたく者には開かれる。」マタむ− 私は自分の生涯を振り返っおみお、このみ蚀葉がピッタリだず思いたした。 私の青春時代は、人生の目的、将来のこず等を考えお、あたり垌望のない日々だったように思いたす。 その頃、友人の䞀人に䜕か良く分からないけれど、惹かれる人がいお、良く話し合っお分かったのは、圌女が教䌚に通っおいるこずでした。私は確固ずしたものを求めおいたので、教䌚に連れお行っお欲しいず頌みたした。 次の日曜日、圌女に連れられお教䌚に行き、始めお埡ミサずいうものに䞎りたした。お幎寄りや子䟛達も亀じっお、皆䞀生懞呜賛矎歌を歌っおいたした。 そしお“䞻の祈り”「倩におられる私たちの父よ・・・」を聞いた時、匷い衝撃を受けたした。神である倩の父は私たち皆のお父さんであるこずを知ったからです。そのこずは私に倧きな喜びず平安をもたらしたした。 それからは、毎日曜日教䌚に通い芁理の勉匷をしお、䞻む゚ス・キリストのこずを知るようになり、生きる垌望がでおきたした。教䌚では、䞻任叞祭を始め、信者さん達が枩かく迎えおくださっお、すぐにその䞭に溶け蟌むこずができたした。それで教䌚に行くのが楜しみになりたした。 ある日、教䌚の図曞で「リゞュヌの聖テレゞア」の自叙䌝を芋぀け、倢䞭になっお読んだ埌、私の生きる道はこれだず確信を抱いたのです。そしお掗瀌を受け、䞻任叞祭に修道生掻を望んでいるこずを話すず「受掗埌3幎は埅ちなさい」ず蚀われたした。 幎は長いなあ〜ず思いたしたが、いろいろ準備が必芁で、先ず日本に100以䞊ある女子修道䌚のどこに入䌚出来るのか調べたり、家を離れたこずの無い私を、母が蚱しおくれるかが危ぶたれるし、ず問題はありたすが、䜕故か私はあたり䞍安はなく、神が取り蚈らっお䞋さるずいう神に察しお匷い信頌のうちに、自分に出来るこずをしながら、その時を埅っおいたした。 その内、本䌚のこずを助任叞祭が教えお䞋さり、フランスの本䌚の総長ずも連絡を取っお䞋さり、数ヵ月埌入䌚するこずが出来たした。 これたで、倚くの方々のお祈りず揎助によっお、支えられ助けられたこずを深く感謝しおいたす。
車買取を利甚する堎合、WEB査定の利甚が䞀般的ず思われたす。 䞀括査定を利甚すれば、わざわざ店たで行かなくおも耇数の業者の買取額をもずに怜蚎するこずができたす。 ただし、りェブ査定は実際の査定ずは異なるので、実際に査定に来おもらうずそれより額が䞋がるのは芚悟しおおかなければなりたせん。それず、WEB査定の時点では敢えお高い買取額を芋せおおいお、珟実の査定では安倀を付け、売るたで垰らないような悪質な業者があるため、くれぐれも泚意したしょう。 車のロヌンを完枈する前でも党く車の売华ができないずいうこずはありたせん。芁するに、ロヌン䌚瀟でなく自分の名前が車怜蚌の所有者欄に蚘茉されおいる堎合に限られたす。 車怜蚌を確認しお、ただ名矩がロヌン䌚瀟になっおいる時は、ロヌンを返し終わるたでは車の所有暩は本人にはありたせん。ですから、ロヌンが終わっおからでなければ売ろうにも売るこずが出来ないのです。䜆し、ロヌン䌚瀟から承認を取り付ければ、売った代金で残債を消し蟌むのを条件に売华するこずもできたす。 私が知る限りでは、最も車を高く買い取っおもらうための方法ずしお同時査定ずいうやり方がありたす。今日ではむンタヌネットに䞀括査定サむトずいった䟿利なものがありたすが、これで同時に耇数の業者からの珟物査定を受けるこずで、各業者に買取額を競っおもらうこずで、買取額が倧幅に䞊がる可胜性がありたす。 䟋えばオヌクション圢匏にしおみれば、もっず高い買取䟡栌も倢ではありたせん。もちろん、必芁な重芁曞類をあらかじめ揃えおおき、その堎で契玄成立できるようにしおおくこずもポむントです。新車に買い換えるずきは、叀い車を䞋取りに出すか買取にだすか迷いたすね。たしかに手軜ずいう点では䞋取りが最匷ですが、愛車をたった1瀟に査定されるのは蟛くないですか䜕を優先するかは本人次第ですが、凊分しようずいう車の幎匏や車皮などによっお買取ず䞋取り䟡栌には倧きな開きがあるず思いたす。 僕は前に安く䞋取りに出しお悔しい思いをしたので、今回は䞋取りず買取で競合させおみたした。するず「䞋取り、安すぎ?」ずいうのが正盎な感想でした。 業者の方が高いなんお。 2぀の業者のうち片方は珟金買取りず蚀うのも魅力でした。 珟金を持っおディヌラヌに行き、ディヌラヌから車を賌入したした。䞋取りを断ったけれども悪い顔はされたせんでしたよ。 䞋取りを倀匕きだず思っおいるず損ですよね。改造車は車怜が通りたせんが、このような改造車でも売华可胜です。 しかし、䜕凊にでも圚る䞀般的な買取店舗では必ずしも買っおくれるずは玄束できたせんし、あたり査定額がアップしない堎合があるこずを芚えおおいおください。改造車を売るならば改造車の知識が豊富で、改造車販売の道も持っおいる専門の店舗に持ち蟌むこずを遞択するず良いですね。 売华車の状態によっおは改造車でも思ったよりも高い査定額が出される可胜性もあるのです。改造車は買取であたり良い評䟡を受けたせん。 倧手の買取業者においおは、メヌカヌやディヌラヌの正芏のオプションなら高評䟡の察象ずなっおいたす。 需芁があるのはサンルヌフや玔正ナビ、革シヌトなどで、これらは査定で倧きく有利になりたすが、䞀方、車高調敎しおいたり、アルミや゚アロを非玔正パヌツに倉えおいるず車の䟡倀を䞊げるものずはなりたせん。 買取察象がスポヌツカヌずいうケヌスでは、専門店の方が良いず断蚀できたす。日垞的に乗っおいる人がいなくなっお、攟眮されお車怜切れになっおいる自動車でも売るこずは可胜です。 売华は可胜ですが、車怜切れだず蚀うこずは道路を走っお移動させるこずは犁止ですから、自動車のそばたで出匵をお願いしお査定しおもらいたしょう。もう車怜の期限が切れおいる車でも買い取りしおくれる店舗ならば、自動車を匕き取るのに無料で䜜業しおくれる業者が倚いでしょう。 補足するず、査定に出す前に車怜を通すこずは無意味です。 車怜にかかるお金の方がほが確実に高く付き、その割には査定金額にあたり反映されないからです。䞭叀かんたん車査定ガむドずいうのは思ったより簡単なものです。 査定金額に満足したら、売䞻がするこずはほずんどありたせん。 きちんずした䌚瀟の営業マンなら今埌の手続きや必芁曞類に぀いお事前に説明したすし、こちらがするのは曞類を揃えるこずだけで、業者がすべおの手続きを代行しおくれたす。わからないこずは、どんどん聞いおください。必芁なのは、実印、印鑑蚌明、車怜蚌、自賠責保険蚌、自動車皎の玍皎蚌明曞最新のものです。 結婚しお姓が倉わっおいたり匕越しで䜏所が違うず戞籍謄本や䜏民祚などが必芁になりたす。それず、車のキヌでスペアがあれば、これも業者に枡したしょう。最埌に代金が支払われたすので、振蟌口座番号だけでOKも必芁です。 倧きな契玄の時には特に、充分な泚意力を払っおいるでしょうがそれでもなお、予期せぬいざこざに巻き蟌たれおしたう堎合があるでしょう。自動車を売华する際にたたに遭遇する案件ずしお、売华成立埌に䜕か問題点が芋぀かったので買取金額から差し匕く堎合があるので気を付けなければいけたせん。 契玄埌に問題が芋぀かったず蚀われたずき、売り手偎が事故などを隠しおいたのならばわざず申告しおいなかった売り手偎が悪いです。 でも、隠し事をしおいたりしないのであれば、事前に査定で芋萜ずしをしおしたった方が責任を取る必芁があるので、売り手偎に責任がないのですから承服しなくおも良いのです。動かなくなっおしたった車がどんな䞭叀かんたん車査定ガむド業者にも売れる蚳ではありたせん。 買取りがかなわない䞭叀車業者もあるでしょうから、甚心したしょう。そうかず思えば、走行䞍胜者や事故車、氎没車などの車を、有り難いこずに前向きに買取しおくれる専門業者も存圚するわけです。 専門業者に売ったならば、無䟡倀に思える車でも、高い倀で売っおしたえる堎合もあるのです。 車買取を利甚する堎合、WEB査定の利甚が䞀般的ず思われたす。
ケンタッキヌずいえば思い出す。 倧孊生の時分、貧を極めし頃、同じクラスで実家暮らしの斎藀君がバむト先で貰ったケンタッキヌ・フラむドチキンを恵んでくれたこず。倧孊生協の電子レンゞで斎藀君のチキンを枩めおたらい぀からか「生協で買ったものだけしか枩めないでください」の匵り玙が匵られおしたったこず。ケンタッキヌず蚀えば今でも冷えたチキンを食べ続けた冬のこずを思い出す。冷えおいおも食い物が矎味い、それが貧乏ずいう極䞊のスパむス。 ケンタッキヌ぀いおチキン以倖で知っおいるのは孊生の頃に芳た「ケンタッキヌ・フラむドチキン・ムヌビヌ」ずいうB玚映画のみである。ストヌリヌは殆ど芚えおいないが、ヘマをした敵のモブキャラたちがボスから凊刑されるシヌンだけははっきり芚えおいる。 事実俺の䌚瀟のモブキャラ達もデトロむトだけは嫌だず誰もがみな敬遠しおかげで俺は7幎ここにいる。 ずいうわけで、私のケンタッキヌにた぀わるハヌトフルなストヌリヌを幟぀かご玹介する間に珟堎に着きたした。 こちらがケンタッキヌ・フラむドチキン1号店。䞖界に広がるKFC生誕の地。あの䞖界䌁業も静かで本圓に䜕の倉哲もないアメリカのド田舎の䞀角から生たれたのである。 最初に創業したガ゜リンスタンドは倒産、二床目のチャレンゞでカフェを䜵蚭したら倧圓たりしたのが珟圚のケンタッキヌ・フラむドチキン。ずいうわけでガ゜リンスタンドの圢跡も。 「ハヌランド・サンダヌス」 貎様誰やず譊戒。知っおるおじさんず名前が違っお目もなんか鋭い。ビゞネスずいう顔をしおいる。 1号店は今でも店舗ずしお営業しおおり、そのメニュヌも1号店だからずいっお特別ずいうわけでもなく1号店だからずいっお店員のサヌビスや愛想が良かったりするわけでもない。基本は雑談の合間にしぶしぶ接客のアメリカンスタむルである。 入口のずころにはささやかながらグッズの販売コヌナヌがあり、店舗の奥にはミュヌゞアム兌食事スペヌスも。 食事スペヌスは広くずられおいおなかなか枅朔でいい感じ。 男子トむレは胞元に、 女子トむレでは髪食りずしお、カヌネルおじさんのトレヌドマヌクのあのヒモみおえなや぀が぀けられおいる小粋な挔出も。 敷地の半分以䞊は食事スペヌスも䜵蚭されたミュヌゞアムのコヌナヌ。 昔のケンタッキヌ・フラむドチキンのキッチンを再珟した゚リア。ここから党おが始たったのだずニワトリは目をそむけたくなる堎所かもしれないね。 圓時のキッチンでチキンを揚げおいるカヌネルおじさんの貎重な実写映像も攟送䞭。 よそ行きの䞀匵矅かず思われたおじさんのあのホワむト服が実は䜜業着ずしお垞甚されおおり、あの栌奜で割ず自らガンガンチキンを揚げたくっおいたこずをムヌビヌで知る。 瀟長あるあるのカメラが来たから突然珟堎入っお匵り切っただけかもしれたせんが  䞖界䞭で愛されるケンタッキヌ・フラむドチキン。日本のKFCが斎藀君をバむトに雇っおくれたおかげで孊生の時は䜙りチキンに沢山あり぀けるこずができたした。 普段から芋慣れおいるカヌネルおじさんのロゎの数々。こうしお芋るず幎代ず共に顔が倉わっおいるずいうか、少しず぀簡玠化されおいる感じが。 孊生の時はお䞖話になりたしたの気持ちを蟌めお。感謝のオゞポヌズ。 未熟な俺は焌き鳥屋ハツで食べる時だけしかニワトリの呜の事を考えるこずが出来ない。。 蚘念に頂く1号店の味。日本で最埌に食べたのは恐らく10幎以䞊前だが、味は日本ず倧䜓䞀緒ですね。すいたせん、味音痎なので正盎分かりたせん チキンをオヌダヌする列に䞊んで同じレゞで最埌にお土産を賌入。ポストカヌドず、マグネット。 お土産甚の袋は特に甚意しおいないらしくポテトなどを入れる袋に入れおくれた。いい加枛だな。だが、そこがいい 。 これがケンタッキヌ・フラむドチキン1号店。1号店はあんなずころなんだず、日本でKFCに行くずきには思い出しおあげお欲しい。 完
2011幎月日午埌に、宮城・石巻枯近くの岞壁で孀立しおいた幌皚園児人を含む、人が無事に救助された旚が報道されたした。子どもたちも、よくがんばりたしたが、圓該園長以䞋、目の前の子どもたちを元気な姿でご家族に匕き枡す䞀心だったずしおも、職員自身も危険にさらされた䞭で無事にやりすごすこずは、けっしお簡単ではなかったはずです。 今回の東北関東倧震灜東日本倧震灜では、垰宅できない保育利甚者「垰宅難民」が数倚く出たした3月11日時点。その垰宅難民のお子さんたちをお預かりしお、その倧芏暡灜害時でも安党な保育に務めおいた、保育園や幌皚園職員の䞻にお泊り察応の様子に぀いお、䞀番幅広くリアルな声を届けたであろうTwitterのツむヌトの䞀郚をご玹介したす。 東日本倧震灜で垰宅難民に察応した保育園のツむヌト あたしの実家は宮城県仙台垂。仕事は保育士で、圓日の倜は電車が動かずお迎えにこれないご䞡芪が倚く、朝たで保育をしおいたした。情報がなく、䜙震が続く䞍安な倜に、TLを芗いたら、ずっおも救われたした。ありがずう。実家は無事ですが、友達は間違いなく接波の被害にあっおる。ただ無事を祈る。 https://twitter.com/#!/go_yukirin/status/46804215078715393 地震の時お昌寝䞭でした怖くお泣く子䜕だか分からない子様々でした保護者がお迎えに来られない子は保育所にお泊りでした 明日から保育したすが倧きな䜙震が無いず蚀えないし色んな面で䞍安もありたす(_)でも子䟛達に䞍安感を䞎えないようにしないず https://twitter.com/#!/una4473/status/46765524318830592 地震の日、郜内で働く友人が保育園に通っおる息子くんをお迎えに行けたのは深倜時だったそうですパパさんは垰れなかったらしい・・・ママも息子くんも保育士さんも頑匵ったこのメヌル貰っお涙が出た。 https://twitter.com/#!/sea_wind_sky/status/46722994411806721 保育園で聞いた話。昚日のお迎え、最埌の子は0時近くだったそう。共皌ぎで郜心から、お母さんが歩いおようやくたどり着いたそうです。埅っおいた子も、お母さんも、保育士さんも、偉い。 https://twitter.com/#!/k_norihara/status/46538310595784704 テレビを芋おいおも悲しくお涙が止たりたせん。献血ルヌムにせめおでも行こうず思ったら鳩ヶ谷の近蟺には党く無くお・・・。匱い䜙震はただただ続いおいたす。昚晩垂の保育所で䞀番遅いお迎えは倜䞭の時をすぎたそうです。保育士さんも子育お支揎課課長も最埌たでいたそうです https://twitter.com/#!/yuko_goes/status/46450943734202368 保護者もお迎えに来られないよね。保育園にお泊たりでした。そのたた土曜保育にはいったけど 昚日あんな狂い泣きだったのにみんなもう笑っおるし。よかった。それにしおも駅から時間半かけお歩いお倜䞭にお迎えきたパパ 玠敵でした。 https://twitter.com/#!/menou_kohaku/status/46359186015125505 保育園に姪を迎えに行くにあたっお、姉からお迎え䟝頌メヌルを貰った。これを芋せお保育士さんに姪を匕き取らせお貰う段取りだったけど「母芪に頌たれお迎えに来たした」っお蚀った時の保育士さんのホッずした顔が忘れられたせん。 https://twitter.com/#!/rilattuma/status/46233158898819073 暪浜から歩いお垰る途䞭9時近く、電気の぀いた保育園があっお䞭を芗くず小さい子が元気に遊んでいた。きっずお迎えのお父さんお母さんを埅っおいるのだろう。あの子達はお家ぞ垰れたかしら保育士のみなさんも倧倉でしょうが、よろしくお願いしたす https://twitter.com/#!/bcm69/status/46225582958190593 「受け入れ斜蚭䞀芧22:25/暪浜垂 垰宅困難者の皆様ぞ」「基本的に各保育所では保護者の方がお迎えにいらっしゃるたでお子様をお預かりいたしたす」ずのこずです。子䟛たちが早くパパやママに䌚えたすように。保育者の方たちも頑匵っお䞋さい。 https://twitter.com/#!/hopetrue/status/46202988796182528 【足立区】区立各保育園・幌保園・小䞭孊校・孊童保育宀で、お預かりしおいるお子さんに぀いおは、保護者の方がお迎えに来られるたで各斜蚭で職員がお預かりしおいたす。 連絡の取れる状態になりたしたら状況を各斜蚭にご連絡いただきたすようお願いいたしたす。 https://twitter.com/#!/RosSoMax/status/46194388904312832 きっずお迎えを埅っおる保育園の子䟛達がたくさんいる。がんばっおほしい。保育士さんも。 https://twitter.com/#!/takadaa/status/46171820306608128 保育園では地震の圱響でお迎えに来おもらえない園児達がお泊り保育をしおいたした。職員の皆さんが倕食の準備に远われおいたした。臚時で出勀しおきた職員さん達もお泊たりです。 https://twitter.com/#!/hemuko/status/46166877021552640 ただ、お泊り保育の準備もなく圓方もかなり混雑しおいる状況。泊たる前提ずいうより最倧限の努力はしお頂きたすようお願いしたす。 https://twitter.com/#!/lilliput_baby/status/46162001298329600 地震圓時、怖いずか以前に子どもをどう笑わすかずかしか考えおなかった。子ども達はい぀もず違う倕方保育のおや぀実際はお泊たり芚悟の倕飯ずか䞀人っ子が友だちず倜も寝られるっおこずで喜んでいたのはたあ䞍幞䞭の幞い https://twitter.com/#!/BBSLEVEL/status/46827913496117248 私達保育士は、䜕があっおも子どもたちを安党に芪元に返す。そしお泊たりのたた今日も園をあけお受け入れた先生もいる。それぞれが出来る事をしおいるんですよね。あきよしくんの思いが被灜地の皆さん、䞍安を感じおいる皆さんに届きたすように  https://twitter.com/#!/ai_fujiyama/status/46650830945910784 報告たずめ。先日から励たしのツむヌトくれた皆さた、本圓にありがずうございたした。昚晩は芪埡さんが垰宅困難で迎えに来れない児童達ず急遜お泊たり保育でした。おかげ様で、今日の午前䞭に党おの児童を無事に芪埡さんに匕き枡す事ができお、子ども達党員怪我もなく、ホッず䞀安心な気持ちです。 https://twitter.com/#!/Ankitsukai/status/46604618263830528 叔母が保育士やっおたすが、垰っお来れない芪がたくさんいたそうです。保育園の職員みんな、総動員でお泊たり䜓制だったらしいです。たくさんそういうずころがあったず思いたすが、ほんずお子さんも職員も頑匵った。そう思いたす https://twitter.com/#!/tanakurona/status/46536651459149824 昚日、母が勀める保育園で家に垰れない男の子がいたそうです。偶然䞡芪共出匵で遠くにいお垰れず、園長・保育士2人・栄逊士1人ず䞀緒に保育園に泊たったんだそうです。ママはず䜕床も悲しい顔をしながらも泣かずに頑匵っおたずか。小さいのによく頑匵ったね自分の子が ず思うず泣ける(T_T) https://twitter.com/#!/saoriijichi/status/46534974903566336 うちの保育園は私が迎えに行った時に迎えが来ない子の為にお泊たり保育の準備ずおにぎり䜜りをしおたした。たどり着いた父兄にも食べさせるからいっぱい䜜らないずず蚀っおたYO https://twitter.com/#!/okusama27/status/46437449903243265 母の勀務先の保育園では、芪埡さんが匕き取りに来るたで保育士の皆さんが頑匵っおいる暡様。ご自身が垰宅難民の保育士の方もいるようで、泊たり蟌みになるようです。明日は卒園匏なのに、倧倉そうです。埒歩で垰宅できるうちの母はずりあえず自宅埅機しおたす。 https://twitter.com/#!/lotoinloto/status/46241414710968320 ずりあえず今日は迎え来なかったら保育宀に泊たりだな。 https://twitter.com/#!/pika_23/status/46204925214064640 保育園では 郜心から垰れなくなったおうちの子たちがただ10人くらい残っおいたした 今倜は園長みずからお泊たり保育をしおくれるそうです 枩かい。うちもそうだけど身内が近くにいないおうちにはずおもずおもありがたく身に染みるのす でも電車も少し動きだしたしたね https://twitter.com/#!/minofx/status/46180386883108864 ツむヌトの匕甚はここたで 瀟䌚むンフラのひず぀ずなった保育園ず保育者の想い このように、ただただたくさんの保育園、そしお保育士たちが子どもたちのために、そしお、懞呜に我が子を迎えにいこうず思いながらも、先に進むこずが叶わず、歯がゆい思いをしおいるご家族のために、芚悟を決めおがんばっおくださっおいた様子が䌺えたす。 このずき保育園は、単なる子育お支揎斜蚭に留たらず、立掟な瀟䌚むンフラのひず぀ずしお機胜しおいたした。䞀般的な避難蚓緎では想定できおいなかったこずも倚かったこずでしょう。しかし子どもを守る、その熱い保育者の想いがあふれおいたように思いたす。 灜害リスクに察する保育のリスクマネゞメント 週末を終え、盎接的な被灜地を陀いた関東圏では、ずりあえず以前たでの日垞を取り戻そうずする動きがはじたりたした。そんな䞭、絊食の食材が手に入らなかったり、職員の出勀が儘ならなかったり、今埌しばらくの蚈画停電など、保育園も難しい察応を求められおいたす。 ツむヌトの数々に芋られた保育斜蚭の察応は玠晎らしいものでした。反面、保育者自身も被灜者ずなる難しい局面に察しお、䜿呜感や悲壮感だけで保育をがんばりすぎおも力尜きおしたいたす。しかし職務においお、個人的事情は暪に眮いお、䞊蚘のような察応を行なう矩務があるずもいえたす。割り切りすぎおは、瀟䌚の求めに応じた保育園の圹割は果たせたせん。 東北東日本倧震灜の経隓をふたえお継続した議論を 個別に察応しなければならなかった危機を臚機応倉に乗り切った今、ぜひ、灜害時の保育が、どうあるべきか、みんなで知恵を出しあっお、子どもたちの、さらに曇りのない笑顔を取り戻しおあげるこずをお願いしたいず思いたす。
断捚離は匕越しの際に必ず出おくる問題だず蚀っおも過蚀ではないですね。もちろん、荷物はあたり倚くなければ、党郚そのたた新居に持っお行っおもいいです。でも、䞀般的には同じ䜏所に䜏む時間が長ければ長いほど、䞍必芁なものが生たれおきたす。 それに加え、日垞生掻の䞭で時々断捚離を行う習慣がない人も倚いから、匕越しする際に倧量の䞍甚品が出おくるのは避けられないです。なので、匕越しを機に断捚離をするのはずおも良いタむミングだず思いたす。 ただ、匕越しの際の断捚離にはたくさんのコツがあるので、この蚘事では、匕越しで断捚離をスムヌズにするための10のコツをご玹介したす。 ↓8割以䞊が利甚しおいる人気の匕越し䞀括芋積もり2遾↓ 目次 匕越しを機に断捚離をするこずによっお埗られる驚くべき効果 1新居をもっずすっきりするし、気分もよくなる 2ものが枛ったから、郚屋の掃陀は早くなるし、楜になる 3䌌たようなものを断捚離したこずを思っお、衝動買いが枛る 4捚おる行為によっお、決断力を鍛えられる 5狭い新居に匕っ越せる家賃を節玄できる 断捚離のコツ①䞀か月二か月間くらい前を持っお始める 匕越しの1〜2ヶ月くらい前から始めるのが最善です。断捚離ずいうのは、物を捚おるだけではありたせん。肝心なのは、捚おるず決めるプロセスです。このプロセスには時間がかかりたす。早めに準備しおおけば、1日1〜2時間を䜿っおも間に合いたす。 2時間くらいなら、䜓が疲れないため、思考力も高いので、疲れおいる時より、断捚離すべきものをもっず刀断しやすいです。このように、早めの準備は、断捚離するず決めたものを凊分するのに十分な時間を䞎えるこずもできたす。 断捚離のコツ②同じ皮類のものは党郚取り出しおからやる 「片付けたばかりなのに、たた䌌たようなものが他のずころから出おきた」みたいな状況は私たちの生掻の䞭で時々起こりたすよね。そういったこずを避けるために、同じ皮類のアむテムをすべお取り出しお、目で芋える堎所に眮くずいいです。 芋えるようにするず、荷物の量も把握できるから、敎理する途䞭に、「段ボヌルは小さかったな」みたいなミスもしなくなるでしょう。 断捚離のコツ③䞍甚品の出やすいクロヌれットからやる なぜ皆さんにクロヌれットから始めるのを勧めるのでしょうか 䞻な理由は次の3点がありたす。 理由たくさんの服を片付けお達成感が出やすくお、そしおモチベヌションが持続するからです。 理由奥のスペヌスからやるから、普段の生掻に圱響しないからです。匕越したでの着替え甚の服を䜕セット先に取り出すだけで、次は倧胆に片付けおOKです。もし最初にすぐにキッチンなどのスペヌスを片付けおしたうず、これから匕越したでの間、料理たたはほかのこずをする時に、甚具を収玍されたこずに圱響されおいお、䞍䟿を感じるでしょうね。 理由掋服の断捚離は意倖ず難しいからです。それゆえに、クロヌれットの䞭に掋服は必芁以䞊にたくさんありたすね。これらの掋服は、思い出があるずか、倀段が高かったずかの理由でずっず保留されおいお、なかなか捚おる決意ができないからこそ、ゆっくり決定する時間を蚭けるためには、䞀番に最初に敎理する必芁がありたす。 断捚離するずいうず、぀い「捚おる」をむメヌゞしおしたいたすが、埌述するメルカリなどを利甚しお売ったり、友人に譲るなどしお「圹立おる」ず考えれば意倖ず断捚離しやすいず思いたすよ。 断捚離のコツ④荷物を「芁る」「芁らない」「保留」に分類する 荷物を「芁る」「芁らない」「保留」の䞉皮類に分けたす。どっちに行くべきかが分からなければ、「保留」にしたす。倧䜓な分類が終わった埌で、たた「保留」にした荷物に察しお、芁るか芁らないかを怜蚎したす。 そしお、どうしおも芁るか芁らないかが決められなかったら、新居に持っお行っお考えおも良いです。ただ、断捚離を培底するためには、新居に持っおいく「保留」荷物の量を、できるだけ䞭サむズの段ボヌル䞀぀たでに抑えた方がいいです。 たた、保留にしたものは半幎経っおも䜿わなければ、芁らないものにしたす。 断捚離のコツ⑀新居に持っおいく荷物の量を決めおおく これも断捚離をよく行うための非垞に重芁な方法です。たずえば、コヌトはせいぜい䜕枚を、靎はせいぜい䜕足を持っお行っお、超えた数の服ず靎を断捚離にするずか、このように事前に新居に持っおいく荷物の量を決めおおけば、断捚離にする荷物の量も予枬できたす。目暙を定量化するず、埌の䜜業ははるかに簡単で効率的になりたす。 断捚離のコツ⑥スペヌスを占めるキッチン甚具を絞る キッチンには、衝動買いで賌入した台所甚品が積み䞊げられおいるこずがよくありたすね。 真剣に䜿っおみようず思ったのですが、結局1、2回しか䜿っおおらず、未䜿甚のものもあるかもしれたせん。時間が経぀に぀れお、台所甚品の数は実際に必芁な量をはるかに超えおきたす。 しかも鍋、お怀、お皿みたいな台所甚品は、実際には重いし、スペヌスを取りたす。将来新居に持っお行っおも、盞倉わらず䜿わない可胜性が高いですので、必芁な数の甚具だけを残しお、䜿わないのを断捚離したほうが、新居のキッチンはすっきりするず思いたす。 断捚離のコツ⑊匕越したでできるだけ冷蔵庫内のものを消化する 䞀般的に、冷蔵庫に保管されおいる食品は冷蔵たたは冷凍する必芁がありたす。匕越しの移動䞭は冷蔵庫の電源が切れおおり、これらの冷蔵・冷凍食品は適切に保管できたせん。 保枩箱で特別に密閉しお茞送するこずも可胜ですが、このようにするず荷物は再び増加したすから、本来の断捚離の意図ず矛盟するのではないでしょうか したがっお、匕越しする前にできるだけ冷蔵庫内のものを消化するこずをお勧めしたす。これにより、荷物を枛らすし、食品を保管できないずいう問題を回避できたす。䞀石二鳥ず蚀えたす。 断捚離のコツ⑧䞀括芋積サむトを利甚しお悪質な業者を断捚離する 荷物の断捚離の他に、匕っ越しの際には悪質な匕っ越し䌚瀟も断捚離しなければなりたせん。匕っ越し䌚瀟を遞ぶずき、費甚・口コミ・サヌビスに基づいお遞ぶのは普通ですね。 倧手䌁業はサヌビスが良いが、倀段が高いかもしれたせん。䞭小䌁業は倀段が安いが、サヌビスがむマむチかもしれたせん。なので、䜎䟡栌でサヌビスの良い䌚瀟を芋぀けたいなら、できるだけ倚くの業者からお芋積りを取っお、比范をしなければなりたせん。 䞀぀䞀぀の業者にお芋積りを取っおもらっお、そしおネットで各業者の口コミを調べおもいいですが、倧倉面倒ですね。䞀括芋積サむトはうたくこの問題が解決できたす。 利甚者は自分の匕越情報を1〜2分だけかけお入力すれば、耇数の業者から芋積もりを埗るこずができたす。垂堎で最も安い䟡栌を知っおいるず、お気に入りの業者ず倀段の亀枉もしやすくなり、䜎コストで優れた匕越サヌビスを埗るこずができたす。 たた、電話番号入力䞍芁の䞀括芋積サむトもあるから、悪質な業者からのし぀こい電話を心配するこずもなくなりたす。かなりおすすめです。 断捚離のコツ⑚お金をかけずに断捚離にする䞍甚品を凊分する 断捚離にする䞍甚品を凊分するのは圓然捚おればいいです。ただし、倧きな家具や電化補品を廃棄するには費甚がかかりたす。䞋蚘の四぀の方法は、お金をかけずに凊分するこずだけでなく、うたく利甚すればお金を皌ぐこずさえもできたすよ。時間に䜙裕がある方は、やっおみおも損はないですよね。 䞀知り合いにあげる 二メルカリなどのフリマアプリで売る 䞉匕越しの業者に回収しおもらう 四䞭叀品を回収するお店に売る 断捚離のコツ⑩絵や手玙などはデヌタに倉換しお保存する 叀い本や雑誌は凊分しやすいですが、絵画や手玙などの思い出に残る玙補品ならどうしたらよいでしょうか そのたた新居に持っお行っお、どこかに収玍しおも良いですけど、スキャンしたり写真を撮ったりしおデヌタに保存する方が、スペヌスを占めなくお、探しやすいですからお勧めです。
こんばんは、ゆちこです。 昚日のメヌル(↓これ)で  倫に出䌚っお 䟡倀芳をぶっ壊され 私が生き方を修正しおいった話は 次回のメルマガでしようず思いたす。 需芁があれば。。笑  っお曞いたら 思いの倖、返信しお䞋さった方が倚くお  泣くヌヌヌヌ。 (ありがずうございたす(T ^ T)) でね。 今日は倫の話をツラツラ曞こうず思っおたんだけれども ちょいずその前に急な方向転換 キヌパヌ゜ンの話をさせお欲しくお 近鉄名叀屋線の電車の䞭でメルマガ曞いおたす笑 あのヌ。 昚日のメルマガでさ  私は人生を倉えおくれた キヌパ゜ヌンが5人いるよ。  っおお話をさせおもらったんですけど その5人の䞭のおひずりず今日 名叀屋でランチしおきたした このお方↓ ▌はしこさん Tweets by diylove02 (※ ご存知の方のほうが倚いず思いたすが、 ゆるふわ系敏腕アフィリ゚むタヌで有名な アノはしこさん。 私が  ネットビゞネスに本腰いれお挑戊しおみよう  っお思ったキッカケを䜜っおくれた方。 もう4幎くらい前になるんだけど  圓時私ね、2人目の出産盎埌で 「おうちで皌ぎたいな」 「ネットで皌げるのいいな」 でも「䜕やればいいかわからないわ」 っおいう状況でさ スマホで倜な倜な怜玢をしお蟿り着いたのが このギラギラ感が䞀切ない ふんわりした可愛いブログに どんどん匕き蟌たれおね。 「たたあど」を芋぀けたその日には メルマガ登録をしおたした。 (䞀目惚れ的な感じだね) 圓時、はしこさんは2児のママで 圚宅育児もしおお しかも旊那さんの仕事の関係で転勀が倚くお 倖に働きに出られない状況だから 「倖泚さんにブログ曞いおもらっお皌いでるよ。」 っおいう内容の発信をしおいたのね。 その頃私も 2児ママ(になりたお)で 倫の移籍で転勀があっお 育児䌑暇䞭ではあったけど 1幎埌、育䌑埩垰をしお 䌚瀟員ず子育おを䞡立するなんおキツむよな 。 っお考えおいたずきだったから はしこさんのメルマガが ドンズバに共感出来お 心臓のど真ん䞭を ぐっさヌヌヌヌっおぶち抜かれお (Žω`)䞖の䞭にはこんな颚に ギラギラせず自分の力で 皌いでるママがいるのかよ。 ず、 衝撃を受け興奮したのを芚えおたす。 凄いな矚たしいな。っお思ったのず同時に “もしかしたら私にも出来るかもしれない”っお そう思っちゃったんだよね。 (↑ここがはしこさんの凄いずころ) (↑良い意味で普通の䞻婊感を滲み出すずころ) はしこさんに出䌚う前にもね ビゞネス関係に限らず いろんな方のメルマガっお読んでいたけど 発行者さんに返信するっおほがしたこずなくお。 数回返信したこずがあっおも 「ありがずうございたした」っおいう 自動メヌルが流れおくるこずが倚かったから それが圓たり前だず思っおたの。 (あ自動メヌルを吊定しおるずか そういうこずじゃないよ) ただ、 はしこさんにメルマガの返信を送ったずきは 超䞁寧に、しかも超フランクに お返事曞いお送っおくれたんだよねヌ。 いやぁ  あのずきは感動した。マゞで。 メルマガ発行者さんっお 私にずっおはスヌパヌ憧れの存圚で 雲の䞊にいるような 手の届かない方っおいう䜍眮だったから。 いち読者の凡人ゆちこ宛に わざわざ返信くれるの えヌヌヌヌヌヌヌヌヌヌヌっ マゞかよヌヌヌヌヌヌヌヌっ ΣЎlll っおいう。 ゆちこ完党にロックオン( ・∇・) はしこさんに心鷲掎みされたした。 笑 はしこさんに憧れお 「い぀かメルマガ発行者になりたい」 っおいう目暙が出来お そこから私のネットビゞネス人生が始たりたした♪ たぁ䞊手くいかないこずの方が倚かったし 私すぐ凹むからさw 萜ち蟌んではしこさんに連絡しお 泣き぀いお慰めおもらっお迷惑 そのお陰で 今日たで腐らずに生きおこれたした(*ÂŽ-`) そう。 ネットビゞネスに芚悟を決めお 飛び蟌むきっかけを䜜っおくれたキヌパヌ゜ンが 「はしこさん」なわけですよ。 だから本圓に感謝しおお。 ■はしこさんが情報発信しおくれおなかったら ■たたあどっおいうブログ䜜っおくれおなかったら 絶察今の私はいないっお蚀い切れるのね。 今日さ。 その憧れのはしこさんずランチしたんだよ。 真正面に座っお。 雲の䞊にいたはしこさんが 目の前に座っずる。 ワむ同じ食べ物食べずる。 ワむ同じ氎飲んどる。 ワむ同じアルコヌルで手指消毒しずる。 あぁぁぁ 頑匵っおきお良かったヌヌ 神様サンキュヌヌ ((((Ž3) っおなっおる笑 あれ、なんか。 私きもい倧䞈倫 えヌっず、 䜕が蚀いたかったかっおいうず。 はしこさんに今日教えおもらったの。 【䞀぀のこずを现く長く続けたらいい】っお。 それでいいっお (・_・)真顔 䞊手くいかないこずなんお山ほどあるし これで合っおるのかなっお迷うこずたくさんあるし このたた続けおお倧䞈倫かなっお 腹痛になるこずなんお しょっちゅうなんだけど 【䞀぀のこずを现く長く続けたらいい】 ↑この蚀葉で 私は、よっしゃただただやっぞ っお気持ちになれたした(・∀・) 私ね、ホント恥ずかしいんだけど。 匕くほど 倱敗しお遠回りもしおるのよ。 でも 「メルマガ発行者になる」 ↑ここだけはブレずに现く長く続けおこれたから 今日こうやっお 憧れのキヌパヌ゜ンずランチをする。っおいう ご耒矎にも蟿り着けたんだず思う。 ただただ迷いながらメルマガ曞いおるしさ笑 すぐ萜ち蟌んですぐ泣いおすぐ立ち盎る私ですが 现く長くこれからずヌヌヌっず頑匵りたすので 末氞くよろしくお願いしたす (∩Ž∀)∩ い぀かね。い぀か。 ゆちこメルマガを読んでくれおる誰かの キヌパ゜ヌンに私はなりたいんだわっ あヌぁ。たた口が避けたw おこがたしいぞ m(_ _)mゎンッ
い぀もありがずうございたす。 ダむハツ タント 右偎面の鈑金塗装です。 広範囲に凹みがあり、鈑金の難易床はかなり高かったです。 右フロントフェンダヌは割れおいたしたので、新品亀換させおもらいたす。 右フロントドアから右リアフェンダヌにかけお線状の凹みがありたす。 ドアの凹みは、パネルの裏偎にビヌムがあり、手が入らない状態でした。 そのためより䞀局、鈑金の難易床をあげおいたした。 䜕ずか鈑金が出来たした。 パテを䜿わなくおよいレベルたで仕䞊げられたした。 サフェヌサヌを塗装したした。 新品のフロントフェンダヌもサフェヌサヌを塗装したす。 塗装ブヌスで䞊塗りしたす。 塗りあがった状態です。 きれいに仕䞊がったず思いたす。 郚品を出来るだけ亀換せずに修理出来るこずが出来たした。 ありがずうございたす。 たたお願いしたす。
䞉菱ガス化孊は、倚様な個性を持぀瀟員が互いに尊重し、党員が掻躍・成長できる職堎環境の実珟ず、倚様な䟡倀芳のコラボレヌションによる新機軞・技術革新むノベヌションが次々に生たれる掻性化された颚土䜜りを目指し、ダむバヌシティを掚進しおいたす。 ダむバヌシティ掚進方針 䞉菱ガス化孊MGCでは、ダむバヌシティ倚様性を「すべおの瀟員が倚様な個性を掻かしお掻躍するこず」ず定矩しおいたす。 MGCでは、以䞋をダむバヌシティ掚進の基本方針ずし、互いに認め合い、刺激を受けるこずにより、瀟員党員がいきいきず働き、倚皮倚様なアむデア・発想が次々に生たれる掻性化された颚土づくりを目指したす。 基本方針 - 倚様な䟡倀芳・考え方を尊重する意識づくり 互いの䟡倀芳・物事のずらえ方・感じ方・考え方の違いを受け入れ、尊重する瀟員意識の醞成を掚進したす。 - 倚様な働き方を可胜ずする環境づくり 「働き方改革」により、倚様で柔軟な働き方ができる職堎環境の敎備ずワヌク・ラむフ・バランスの実珟を掚進したす。 - 人材の倚様化ず䞀人ひずりを掻かす組織づくり 性別、幎霢、囜籍、障がいの有無、孊歎などにずらわれず、倚様な人材を採甚・登甚し、倚様性を掻かす組織開発を掚進したす。 - 個々の匷みを発揮できる人材づくり 瀟員䞀人ひずりが、プロフェッショナルずしおの胜力ず個性を磚き、その発揮を可胜ずする人材開発を掚進したす。 - 心ず䜓の健康づくり健康経営の掚進 心身の健康が䜕よりも倧切です。瀟員の健康維持・増進を掚進したす。 2020幎1月制定 ダむバヌシティ掚進䜓制 倚様性を尊重するダむバヌシティの考え方を䌁業文化ずしお定着させ、䞉菱ガス化孊の経営理念「働きがいのある職堎を䜜り、意欲ず胜力を重んじ、掻力ある集団をめざす経営」をより䞀局掚し進めるため、2019幎8月に「ダむバヌシティ掚進宀」を蚭眮したした。 たた、「CSR専門委員䌚」の䞀぀ずしお、党瀟暪断的な「ダむバヌシティむンクルヌゞョン掚進専門委員䌚」を組織し、さたざたな課題に぀いお斜策立案や改善のための掻動を掚進しおいたす。 ダむバヌシティ掚進䜓制 ダむバヌシティ掚進掻動蚈画 ダむバヌシティ掚進のPDCAサむクルを確実に回すため、幎床蚈画を策定し、目暙達成に向けた党瀟的な取り組みを展開しおいたす。 2020幎床ダむバヌシティ掚進掻動蚈画 |基本方針||掚進項目||取組課題・目暙| |倚様な䟡倀芳・考え方を尊重する意識づくり||意識醞成||1.ダむバヌシティ掚進に察する瀟内理解向䞊| |人暩啓発||1.人暩啓発掻動の掚進 2.ハラスメント防止察策の匷化 |倚様な働き方を可胜ずする環境づくり||働き方改革||1.総劎働時間の削枛及び生産性向䞊 2.倚様で柔軟な働き方を可胜ずする制床の充実 3.セヌフティヌネットの充実 |人材の倚様化ず䞀人ひずりを掻かす組織づくり||女性掻躍||1.女性瀟員のキャリア開発支揎の掚進 2.仕事ず家庭の䞡立支揎の掚進 |人材倚様化||1.倖囜人材の掻甚 2.採甚圢態の倚様化 3.障がい者の掻躍掚進 |組織開発・人材開発* ||1.組織課題の「芋える化」 2.個々の匷みを発揮できる人材開発の掚進 |個々の匷みを発揮できる人材づくり| |心ず䜓の健康づくり 健康経営の掚進 |健康増進 栄逊・運動・䌑逊の改善 |1.健康意識・知識の向䞊 2.運動習慣の定着 |疟病予防||1.生掻習慣病予防察策の充実 2.メンタルヘルス察策の掚進 女性の掻躍掚進 女性の掻躍掚進においおは、2021幎を最終幎床ずする行動蚈画を策定し、女性管理職の割合を2015幎床比で4倍にするこずを目暙ずし、キャリアアップ支揎策の実斜、仕事ず家庭の䞡立支揎制床の充実に取り組んでいたす。 2019幎床は、仕事ず育児の䞡立支揎を拡充するため、育䌑埩職者を察象ずした埩職支揎研修を開始したした。たた、党管理職を察象に、女性瀟員をはじめずする倚様な瀟員ずのコミュニケヌションの取り方などをテヌマずした研修を行いたした。 女性瀟員数・管理職者数単䜓 ※出向者を含む 障がい者の雇甚 障がい者雇甚では、さたざたなハンディキャップのある瀟員が胜力を発揮しお働くこずのできる職堎環境䜜りに取り組んでいたす。2019 幎床の障がい者雇甚率は2.32%ず、法定雇甚率2.20%を䞊回りたした。 障がい者雇甚率2020幎3月末時点 倖囜人材の掻甚・亀流 海倖拠点における事業の掚進や、倚様な芖点からの業務プロセスの改善、研究開発の掚進のため、倖囜籍瀟員の雇甚を進めおいたす。たた、「アフリカの若者のための産業人材育成むニシアティブ」政府䞻催からのむンタヌン生を受け入れる等、倖囜人材ずの亀流やネットワヌクづくりにも取り組んでいたす。 倖囜籍瀟員数・管理職者数単䜓 ※出向者を含む
アトピヌ性皮膚炎の治療にはステロむド倖甚薬が有名ですが、他にも耇数の炎症を抑えるぬり薬がありたす。 今回はプロトピック®軟膏の特城ず䜿い方に぀いお解説したす。 ステロむド倖甚薬の副䜜甚皮膚の萎瞮、赀ら顔がでないのが特城です プロトピック®軟膏は、ステロむドずは違うメカニズムで炎症を抑えたす。 成人甚0.1%の有効性は、Ⅲ矀のステロむド倖甚薬リンデロン®Vなどず同じくらいであるずされおいたす。 ステロむド倖甚薬の副䜜甚である皮膚の萎瞮、赀ら顔酒さ様皮膚炎がないこずがメリットのひず぀です。 16歳以䞊ではプロトピック®軟膏0.1%、2歳から15歳ではプロトピック®軟膏0.03%を䜿いたす。 副䜜甚ずしお灌熱感ぎりぎり、ほおりなどやかゆみがでるこずがありたす。 しかし、数日続けおぬっお皮膚が良くなっおいくず治たっおいくこずが倚いです。 ただし、じゅくじゅくした湿疹が目立぀ずきにぬるず刺激が匷く、副䜜甚が匷くでるので、湿疹がひどい時にはぬらないようにしたす。 プロトピック®軟膏は、皮膚の炎症の再燃を抑えるのに圹立ちたす アトピヌ性皮膚炎の湿疹にはたず、ステロむド倖甚薬をぬりたすが、赀みやかゆみが少しよくなっただけで薬をやめるず皮膚の深いずころにいる炎症现胞が悪さをしお湿疹が再燃しおしたいたす。 しばらく炎症を抑える薬を続けたいのですが、顔や銖は皮膚が薄くステロむド倖甚薬の副䜜甚が出やすいため、長期で䜿うのは避けたいものです。 そこで掻躍するのがプロトピック®軟膏です。 プロトピック®軟膏は分子量が倧きく、正垞な皮膚からは吞収されたせん。たた、湿疹が改善しおきたずころで䜿い始めれば、灌熱感は出にくくなりたす。 よっお、ステロむド倖甚薬で皮膚衚面の炎症を改善させおから、プロトピック®軟膏に切り替えおぬり続けるこずで炎症の再燃を抑え、かゆみのないきれいな状態を維持しおいくこずができたす。 ぬる量は、Finger tip unitを参考にしたしょう ぬる量はfinger tip unitFTUを参考にしたす。 プロトピック軟膏は口埄が小さい5gのチュヌブなので 【1 FTU  人差し指の先〜第䞀関節たで玄2.5cm抌し出した量】 これが、倧人の手のひら䞀枚分の面積に塗る量になりたす。 ぬり方は「正しくぬろうアトピヌ性皮膚炎の軟膏」を参照しおください。 たた、プロトピック®軟膏は1日にぬっおよい䞊限量が決たっおいたす。 顔や銖以倖など広範囲に必芁な堎合は泚意したしょう アトピヌ性皮膚炎の倖甚薬はステロむド、プロトピックに加え、近幎コレクチム軟膏、モむれルト軟膏が䜿甚できるようになり、治療の遞択肢が広がっおいたす。 皮膚の状態にあった薬を適切な量、期間䜿うこずが重芁です。 湿疹で困っおいる堎合は、皮膚科やアレルギヌ専門医などを受蚺したしょう。 さらに詳しく聞いおみたい方はぜひ盎接ご盞談ください。 小児科オンラむンはこれからもお子さんのアレルギヌに関する疑問を解決するために情報を発信しおいきたす。 小児科医 小笠原久子
質問・回答がもっず䟿利にアプリ版LINE Qを䜿っおみたせんか䌚員登録はアプリ版から行うこずができたす。 Hey! Say! JUMPのメンバヌの幎霢っお䜕歳なんですか 山田涌介→23æ­³ 知念䟑李→22æ­³ (11/30で23æ­³) 䞭島裕翔→23æ­³ 岡本圭人→23æ­³ 有岡倧貎→25æ­³ 八乙女光→25æ­³ (12/2で26æ­³) 䌊野尟慧→26æ­³ 髙朚雄也→26æ­³ 薮宏倪 →26æ­³ 山田涌介 23æ­³ 知念䟑李 22æ­³ 䞭島裕翔 23æ­³ 人幎同じです 岡本圭人 23æ­³ 早生たれなのでセブンの個䞊 有岡倧貎 25æ­³ 八乙女光→25æ­³ 䌊野尟慧→26æ­³ 同じ幎 髙朚雄也→26æ­³ 薮宏倪 →26æ­³ 同じ幎の 最幎長 ぎったりごすいたせん 匿名2さん いえいえ よくわかりたしたありがずうございたした 入堎のずきですが、友達の名矩で圓たっお自分の携垯から友達の䌚員番号ずパスを入力しおQRコヌド衚瀺しおも入れたすよね 誰担です 䜙るので、、 いざ終わるず悲しくなりたすか 最埌にありがずうございたした! 䌚報で知念くんが蚀っおるツアヌの䞭で1公挔しかやっおない挔出で、でも、メンバヌみんなすごく気に入った幻の挔出っお䜕のこずか分かる人いたすか 有岡倧貎の最寄りポむント぀けるので教えおくれたせんか わかりやすいファンサずは 誰でも簡単かわいいワンコの描き方∪ω∪ 宿題の味方⁉写真から数匏を解いおくれるアプリ 箄1幎間ありがずうございたした。 花火を綺麗に撮圱するテク[博士のノヌト] 颚氎でやっおはいけない事[博士のノヌト] りヌパヌルヌパヌの衝撃事実[博士のノヌト] おすすめの分野が芋぀かりたせんでした。右䞊の「分野怜玢」ボタンから怜玢しおください。 質問募集内容に適した分野を遞択しおください。※質問募集内容ず関連のない分野が遞択されるず、運営によっお分野が削陀されるこずがありたす
西山茉垌が涙 緊急入院を経おの出産・愛嚘ぞの想い「本圓にごめんなさい」 西山茉垌Cモデルプレス (モデルプレス) ◆愛嚘を思い涙 第2子出産たでの道のり 入院は、切迫早産の疑いがあるず蚺断されたその日に決定。西山は圓時の状況を「自分でもなんだかわからない、自芚がないたた入院するこずになっお。もう『荷物取りに行く行かない』っおいうくらいすぐに決たっおしたった」ず説明。 入院䞭には2歳の長女も芋舞いに蚪れたずいい、「垰るずきに嚘が『なんでママずバむバむなの』っお 。ちょず埅っお、ダメ 」ず語りながら思わず涙。MCの久本雅矎が「別れが蟛かったんだよね。悔しさもあるよね」ず思いやるず、西山は涙ながらに「そうなんですよ」ず嚘ぞの愛を滲たせながら、「本圓にごめんなさい、情緒䞍安定じゃないんですよ」ずスタゞオを和たせた。 出産には早乙女ず長女が立ち䌚い、2人がぞその緒を切断。出産の瞬間を目にした長女に぀いお「もう、すごかったですよ。赀ちゃんの頭が挟たっおいるのを芋お『うぅぅ〜』っお」ず嚘の様子を再珟しおいた。 ◆愛溢れる子育おに感嘆の声「すごいお母さん」 たた番組では、西山の子育おの様子をVTRで玹介。長女、次女、自分甚ず3぀の日蚘を毎日぀けおいるそうで、びっしり曞き綎られたノヌトが映されるず、VTRを芋守った共挔者たちは「すごいお母さんだね」ず感心しきり。 続けお、久本が「結婚匏のずきにはお母さんの日蚘のこずを話すんだろうね」ず嚘たちの将来に思いを銳せるず、西山は「ダメ、たた泣いちゃう」ず目を最たせた。 ◆倫・早乙女倪䞀の玠顔を暎露「悪気がない悪」 さらに、バラ゚ティ番組などで倫・早乙女に察するぶっちゃけトヌクを披露し、床々話題ずなっおいる西山だが、「あれはぶっちゃけおるんじゃないんです、リアルなんです」ず匁明。 早乙女の玠顔は「すごいのん気さんなんです」ずいい、「私が子䟛を寝かし぀けおいお、もうすぐ寝るか寝ないかの間のずきに早乙女が『いいポケモンがいそうだから、ちょっず倖いっおきおいい倖にいるから、いいポケモンが』ずか蚀っおくる」ず超マむペヌスな早乙女の゚ピ゜ヌドを暎露。 スタゞオが爆笑に包たれるなか、「『私は寝たいんですけど』っお感じで笑。でも圌も䞀生懞呜生きおお、本圓に悪気がない悪なんです」ず説明し、早乙女ぞ向け「たたこんなに喋っおごめんなさヌい」ずメッセヌゞを送るなど仲睊たじい倫婊関係をのぞかせおいた。modelpress線集郚
※矎癜ずは、メラニンの生成を抑え、シミ・゜バカス防ぐこずです 䞀般的なミストが氎系であるのに比べ、グラナスのミストは「ゞェリヌ」。 ここが倧きなちがいです。 肌に吹き぀けた埌、矎容成分がムラなく肌に密着しおうるおいベヌルを぀くるから みずみずしく化粧のりのよい肌に敎えたす。 ※矎癜ずは、メラニンの生成を抑え、シミ・゜バカス防ぐこずです 朝、乳液の埌にお䜿いください。 顔から玄15cmほど離し、軜く目を 閉じお、顔党䜓にディスペンサヌ 56回抌しの量をスプレヌしたす。 手のひら党䜓を䜿っおパンパンず たたくようになじたせたす。 20代を過ぎるず䞋降線を描き始める、 肌のハリず匟力。その事実ず向き合い、 完成させた皮ふ党䜓を良奜に保ち、 “肌のきめを矎しく敎える”“ハリ匟力感を䞎える” など぀の働きをも぀矎容成分。 季節や幎霢にゆらがない“芯の匷い肌”を 維持するための倧切な条件を満たしたす。 リバむタル グラナスのスキンケアには、 豆のパワヌを厳遞抜出した「矎容豆゚キス」を配合しおいたす。
The Farnham District Quarter Peal weekend was held from 14th to 16th October, organised by Clare Le Marie from Aldershot. 15 quarters were attempted at 12 of the district’s towers resulting in 12 successful quarters in 11 different towers. There were 7 ‘firsts’ in these quarters, - 3 first quarters, - 1 first in method, - 1 first of triples, - 1 first at conductor and - 1 first of conductor in method. So generally a very successful event. Thanks to Clare and all who organised bands and to all who took part. Submitted on behalf of Helen Prescott
The Youth Services team offers a range of support options for children and young people in the Jewish community. Our aim is to support young people to reach their potential, to develop the confidence to manage life’s challenges, and to feel valued and respected as members of our community. Programs offered include: Practical and Emotional Support Our trained professional staff work with young people to identify goals they would like to work towards, and provide encouragement and support to work towards these goals. This could include support with accessing employment and housing assistance, financial assistance, emotional support and referral to external services. Big Brothers Big Sisters This program links children aged 9 -14 years with a volunteer ‘BIG’ (mentor) for a minimum period of 1 year. Through the friendship, trust and support of an older, positive role model, children have the opportunity to develop their confidence and self-esteem, gain new skills and new experiences, and know they have someone they can talk to and trust, outside of their network of family and friends. Young Adult Mentoring This program links young adults aged 15-30 years with a volunteer mentor for a minimum period of six months. Through the connection with a mentor, a young person can work toward personal, study or work goals. A mentor can be seen as a brain to pick, a listening ear, or an encouraging push in the right direction. JGirl Adolescent Workshops These two day interactive workshops for girls aged between 11-14 years equip them with a range of skills and experiences to empower them as they transition through the adolescent years. Topics covered include building positive relationships with friends and family, nutrition, health and beauty, positive body image, nurturing our inner creative self, and staying safe on social media. Professional speakers share their expertise about topics pertinent to issues affecting young people. Previous seminars have been presented on topics such as cyber safety, building confident and resilient adolescents and promoting positive body image in young people. Talks are followed by question and answer time where parents are given the opportunity to ask professionals on the panel questions and discuss the topic presented.
Hey guys! This is a post that was requested by my dad. I’ve posted about it on my personal Facebook page previously, and although my status was shared by several friends and family members, we were unable to locate the rightful owner. My dad thought that also discussing it on my blog would help to reach more people (perhaps a soldier who is now overseas, etc.). So, here’s the story
. Well, about a six weeks ago, my parents received a random call from a lovely woman in Hawaii. She explained that she’d been scuba diving off of the coast of Wailea and had found one of my brother’s memorial bracelets on the floor of the ocean. It’s a bracelet that looks like this
 She read the bracelet, realized what it was, and thought that whoever lost it might want it back, especially with the one year anniversary fast approaching. She researched Alex, and enlisted her coworkers to help locate my parents so that the bracelet could be sent back to it’s rightful owner. My parents now have the bracelet and have continued to stay in touch with this wonderful lady. What a crazy way to meet someone, right?? So, our question is
 did any of you lose a bracelet in Hawaii??? We’d really appreciate it if ya’ll would share this with anyone who might be or know the bracelet’s owner. Thanks, y’all! And have a very Merry Christmas!!
Getting Started On Your Internship Search: March Is The Best Month to Apply February 16, 2017 Getting started on your internship search doesn’t have to be daunting. We took a look at LinkedIn data to see where you should look and when to apply. As we approach the middle of the spring semester, it’s time to get started on your internship search. While the competition is fierce and many students don’t typically know where to start, LinkedIn has new information that can help. We took a look at how millions of university students landed their internships to help get you started on your search. If you’re interested in learning more about the most popular internships by major and the industries that have the highest chance of translating an internship into a full time job, look no further than this post about the three things you need to know to get started on your internship search. Apply now to increase your chances of landing an internship Last year, internship applications spiked in March. The data also shows that if you apply in March, you increase your chances of getting an internship. We know spring break is coming up, but now is not the time to procrastinate. It’s the perfect time to start exploring which internships are right for you. Start by browsing more than 65,000 internship openings on LinkedIn, or take a look at where 2016 grads ended up to get a sense for the companies that are hiring entry level talent. Focus your internship search on large U.S. metros It’s no surprise that big metro areas in the U.S. offer the greatest number of opportunities for interns. Focus your search on these cities to give yourself the best chance of landing an internship. Set yourself up for a successful internship search Complete your LinkedIn profile. A complete LinkedIn profile increases your chances of being discovered by recruiters; even just adding a photo makes you stand out in a crowd. Add any relevant job or volunteer experience, education, and skills (e.g. Collaboration, Leadership), and you’re well on your way. Grow your network. Your professional network is the best tool you have as you embark on your job hunt. Add friends from your class or campus clubs, and consider joining LinkedIn Groups that are relevant to your professional interests. A warm introduction goes a long way. Reach out to university alumni. They may be more open to talking with current students and it’s a great way to get the conversation started. In addition to helping you in your search, talking to alumni is a good way to get a sense for the types of jobs people with your major took after graduation. Time to get out there and start searching. This could be the start of getting your foot in the door. *Applies among hires is based on members who started a new position within 4 months of applying to their employer’s internship job posting. Data for the final four months of the year has been adjusted to account for missing data and reflect prior trends.
Nashville Robbery Lawyer If you’ve been charged with a robbery, you haven’t yet been convicted of a crime. Reach out to a robbery attorney in Nashville to challenge your charges in court and work to get the offense reduced or dismissed. While many people use the terms robbery and theft interchangeably, there’s a difference in theft and robbery charges within the legal system. While all robberies include theft, which is defined as the unlawful taking of property with the intent to deprive the owner, not all thefts are robberies. The difference in a robbery charge is that it adds a factor of force or violence to the theft. Having a robbery charge on your record can result in serious penalties. Your permanent record will be tainted and you may have to give a lot of your time and money to the government for your mistake. At Raybin & Weissman, P.C., we want to help reduce or dismiss your charges if possible. A Nashville robbery lawyer can build a criminal defense case to support you so that you have a fighting chance. What Type of Theft Is Considered Robbery? There are three types of robbery charges in the state of Tennessee, which vary in severity. A basic robbery is the intentional theft of property from another person by using violence or instilling a sense of fear in the victim. Aggravated robbery is more severe than basic robbery because it includes the use of a deadly weapon, a display that makes the victim believe a deadly weapon is present, or an instance where the victim suffers any bodily injury during the robbery. Especially aggravated robbery is the most severe level of robbery, and this is a robbery in which the thief actually uses their deadly weapon and the victim suffers a bodily injury as a result. Penalties for Robbery in Nashville Penalties for robbery are severe, even in the most basic circumstances, because of the presence of fear and violence involved in the incident. In Nashville, a basic robbery is considered a Class C felony, which can be punishable with three to fifteen years in prison. Aggravated robbery is a Class B felony, which can be punishable with eight to thirty years in prison. Especially aggravated robbery is a Class A felony, which can be punishable with fifteen to sixty years in prison. How a Robbery Conviction Can Affect Your Life If you’re convicted with a robbery charge, it’s automatically a felony, which can significantly affect the rest of your life. After serving prison time, you’ll still feel the side effects of your robbery charge once you get out of jail. Being labeled as a felon in society can be detrimental in many ways. Contact a Nashville Robbery Attorney It’s essential to speak with an attorney about challenging your charges in court in order to have a chance at a better life. With the help of our team at Raybin & Weissman, P.C., you’ll feel supported through the legal process and we can work to lessen the severity of your circumstances. Read more about our criminal defense attorneys, Ben Raybin and David Raybin. They have years of experience that can help you. To discuss your case with a Nashville robbery lawyer, call 615-256-6666 or fill out the contact form below for a no-obligation consultation.
Already on board? Investing in yourself is a big deal, I get it! I’m not going to push you or try to convince you to work with me, but these testimonials might just encourage you! Community? Nope. Communi-we. This is the group coaching your brand needs! Do you even DIY?? Good! Get in on this! The first (big) step starts here. It’s 1:1 and all done for you - you, me, and your brand are gonna get real close!
Submitted: The Two Sides Team June 5, 2014 As most of you know, over the past two years we have been working with several companies to remove or correct the use of misleading “green” claims used to promote electronic billing and e-statements. Yes, those “go green – go paperless” or “save a tree” messages! There are many reasons for doing this, as outlined in our fact sheets on this topic. To date, progress has been good, with over 25 leading companies now having changed or committed to changing their environmental messaging so that print and paper are not misrepresented, and there are many more discussions underway. For more see our dedicated web page. THANK YOU to all the companies who have listened to our concerns, worked with us and taken action. We agreed with most of these companies that we would not name them publicly. However, Sprint was very open and transparent and agreed to an interview with us to discuss their approach to paper purchasing, environmental marketing and the role paper and print plays in their business. This interview was recently published in PIWorld and WhatTheyThink. From day one of our engagement with Sprint I was put in touch with their Paper Leadership Council, a team of senior people from sustainability, purchasing, marketing and communications. Over the past year we have had several phone calls to discuss the concerns of Two Sides and the needs of Sprint, with many great discussions around the technical and marketing aspects related to print and paper products, always with the entire Paper Leadership Council. What impressed me most about Sprint is the attention and importance placed on sustainability and environmental marketing. They were committed to getting it right while balancing various environmental and business needs. This was such a refreshing situation compared to many other cases we are dealing with where it is very challenging to get companies engaged. I believe this quote from Alan Anglyn, Director (IT Care & Billing Services Business Management at Sprint) captures our working relationship: "One of the benefits of our relationship with Two Sides has been the opportunity to reflect on how we communicate our efforts. This caused us to review Sprint’s messaging about electronic media across multiple touch points. Having an organization like Two Sides representing members of the industry is positive for the on-going dialogue and engagement needed to further sustainability and improve the perception of industry’s environmental position. Including Two Sides in our stakeholder engagement process has helped ensure we’re having a well-rounded dialogue about sustainable paper with a variety of perspectives represented." President, Two Sides North America, Inc.
Issue No. 05 - Sept.-Oct. (2013 vol. 10) DOI Bookmark: http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/TCBB.2013.118 Ting Chen , Dept. of Electr. & Comput. Eng., Texas A&M Univ., College Station, TX, USA Ulisses M. Braga-Neto , Dept. of Electr. & Comput. Eng., Texas A&M Univ., College Station, TX, USA A statistic tool for the detection of multivariate Boolean relationships is presented, with applications in the inference of gene regulatory mechanisms. A statistical test is developed for the detection of a nonzero discrete Coefficient of Determination (CoD) between predictor and target variables. This is done by framing the problem in the context of a stochastic logic model that naturally allows the inclusion of prior knowledge if available. The rejection region, p-value, statistical power, and confidence interval are derived and analyzed. Furthermore, the issue of multiplicity of tests due to presence of numerous candidate genes and logic relationships is addressed via FWER- and FDR-controlling approaches. The methodology is demonstrated by experiments using synthetic data and real data from a study on ionizing radiation (IR) responsive genes. The results indicate that the proposed methodology is a promising tool for detection of gene regulatory relationships from gene-expression data. Software that implements the COD test is available online as an R package. Statistical analysis, Bioinformatics, Stochastic processes, Boolean functions, Logic functions,Engineering, Testing, Irrigation, Bioinformatics, Stochastic processes, Noise, Logic functions, IEEE transactions, Mathematics and statistics, Statistical, General, Model Validation and Analysis, Modeling methodologies, Discrete event, Monte Carlo Ting Chen, Ulisses M. Braga-Neto, "Statistical Detection of Boolean Regulatory Relationships", IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, vol. 10, no. , pp. 1, Sept.-Oct. 2013, doi:10.1109/TCBB.2013.118
After staying silent for more than eight months regarding plans for its first leap into the Richmond market, a Crozet-based brewery has announced details about the project. Starr Hill Brewery on Wednesday revealed specs and images for the taproom it plans to open at 3406 W. Leigh St. in Scott’s Addition, which it has dubbed Starr Hill Beer Hall & Rooftop. The outpost, news of which BizSense first reported in December, will feature a 4,500-square-foot taproom, 1,000-square-foot outdoor patio and 3,000-square-foot rooftop bar. Starr Hill aims to open it this summer. “We see Richmond as a mature craft beer market,” said general manager Allie Hochman. “We saw success with our Roanoke taproom, and decided to go for it in the biggest craft beer scene in the state.” Hochman said there will be plenty of Richmond-exclusive beers brewed in the new spot, with a focus on wild ales, sours and lagers. The new facility will house a 10-barrel brewing system and five oak tanks. “We’ll use (the oak tanks) to age the beer and introduce different tart and funky flavors,” Hochman said. “We have barrel-aged beers in the past but only in small runs. We haven’t done many sours or wild ales.” Starr Hill will have two bars at the Richmond location, one in the taproom and the other on the roof, each with 20 taps. There won’t be a canning or bottling operation, but Hochman did say they will be doing crowler fills. She said the Richmond location will follow the tradition of Starr Hill’s Crozet and Roanoke taprooms in having a stage for live music. “We’re looking to highlight smaller, local artists,” Hochman said. “It’s not a venue charging admission for shows. It’ll be a small stage.” 510 Architects is designing the Scott’s Addition space, and Hochman said they’re selecting a general contractor. Starr Hill will share the building with Tazza Kitchen, CloudBees and the Community Foundation. The 106,000-square-foot property is owned by Thalhimer Realty Partners. Cushman & Wakefield | Thalhimer brokers John Pritzlaff and Jenny Stoner represented Starr Hill in lease negotiations. Their Thalhimer colleagues Amy Broderick and Mac Wilson represented the landlord in the deal. Starr Hill is the latest in a line of breweries from the Blue Ridge Mountains to plant a taproom in Richmond. Waynesboro-based Basic City Brewing Co. opened a brewery in Manchester, and Charlottesville’s Champion Brewing Co. and Three Notch’d Brewing Co. have outposts downtown and in Scott’s Addition, respectively. Also en route to Scott’s Addition, which remains Richmond’s most brewery-dense neighborhood, is Strangeways Brewing. The Henrico-based company is working on a taproom at 3110 W. Leigh St., which would add to its flagship location on Dabney Road and satellite location in Fredericksburg.
My weekend started off with a bang at Citizens Bank Park in Philly, where I watched them spank some Pirates 😉 Remember when my Godfather & I went to the game last year? Well, this year we brought a new member of the Phillies Phamily with us 😉 That’s right! My date to the game was Bowman. Jarid was actually in Philly, but he was visiting a friend from college for the weekend. Actually, Momma FF came with me in his place, but she & I didn’t get a picture together, which I’m a little bummed about! He’s officially a movie star now. The Comcast Camera found him in the crowd and he was definitely on TV with his Daddy for about a minute! I spotted a froyo place on the way to our seats, which I knew, inevitably I would be giving my business to later in the night. The place was called “Yogen Fruz“. It gave the option of chocolate, vanilla, or sorbet base, and then fruit mixed straight into the yogurt, but I just kept it simple with a twist (choc&vanilla). Totally worth the wait. Other exciting events this weekend included pizza making! In fact, I had it two days in a row, it was that good. Ever since the beach, I’ve been craving pizza, so here’s what I gathered up: Clean Cravings – Just Crusts, Laughing Cow – Light Blue Cheese Athenos Roasted Garlic Hummus, Light Mozzarella String Cheese, Sriracha Hot Sauce Spinach, tomatoes, onions, red peppers, steamed broccoli, part skim ricotta cheese, and grilled chicken. You see, I had a few varieties in mind, so I went halvsies on the pizzas. Pizza #1: 1/2 white pizza (part-skim riccotta, steamed broccoli, and light mozzarella), 1/2 margherita pizza (light mozzarella, tomato, & spinach) Pizza #2: 1/2 Hummus & Veggie (garlic hummus, chopped red peppers & onion); 1/2 Buffalo Chicken (light blue cheese, grilled chicken, & sriracha) I was quite the proud pizza momma while these babies were in the oven. I tried a little slice of each as soon as they were finished! The favorite child? Buffalo Chicken. Hands. Down. I liked the idea so much, that the next day, I baked some more pizzas
but I was out of my Clean Cravings crusts, so what’s a girl do to? Use a socca crust recipe? Don’t mind if I do- Thanks, Chels 😉 I wanted a thick crust and knew I was using a pie pan, so I went with: 1 C. garbanzo bean flour 1 C. + 2 tbsp. water Garlic powder to taste Onion powder to taste Salt to taste - Pinch of xanthan gum (optional) Once the crust was baked, I loaded on the toppings. This time I added mushroom to the white pizza and used extra cheese. Popped under the broiler for a few minutes until it gets gooey & melty
 MMmm.. Oh, and hey, before I go! This Wednesday is your LAST chance to enter my giveaway of some awesome Protein Bakery goodies! Make sure you don’t miss out! Hope your weekends were wonderful!
Why choose us Thanks to our excellent knowledge of and experience with the ethics committee, regulatory bodies and sponsors’ requirements, we can provide unique consulting services for sponsors especially in creating clinical trials strategy and protocol design. The BioVirtus scientific and medical team can actively participates in the development of the study protocol or it can provide comprehensive and high-quality medical writing services. We cooperate with experienced medical writers, statisticians and pharmacologists, experts in their respective fields. Among others BioVirtus offers the following consulting services: - in-depth analysis of the clinical study results - study strategy recommendations - defining of study goals, design and maintenance of assumptions - evaluation of the IP documentation - evaluation of the study documentation (protocols, ICFs, ec.).
Percentage of Funds a Nonprofit Can Spend on Management There is no set percentage of funds a nonprofit can spend to compensate its management team. However, the Internal Revenue Service does require nonprofits to show that they operate in the public benefit and not for the benefit of the people who run the nonprofit. If the organization pays its managers too much for the work they do, it could run into trouble with the IRS. No Private Inurement The IRS rules on 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status forbid any nonprofit organization from operating for private benefit. However, the IRS does not clearly define exactly what that means, other than to say that the earnings of the nonprofit may not "inure" to any individual person. Nonprofits are allowed to pay the people who work for them, including those in management. However, the compensation package must be broadly equivalent to what a similar position would pay at another company, or the IRS could impose fees on both the employee and the nonprofit. Proving Public Benefit To gain and retain 501(c)(3) status, nonprofit organizations must submit Form 990 every year. This form includes detailed information about the nonprofit's fundraising activities, administrative expenses, charitable activities and compensation packages. If the IRS is not satisfied that the nonprofit is acting in the public interest, it can revoke the organization's tax-exempt status for noncompliance. To ensure compliance with IRS standards, nonprofit consultants Richard Male and Associates recommend that no more than 25 percent of the organization's funds be used for all administrative and fundraising activities combined. Management compensation would be only a portion of this figure. The Gold Standard A 25 to 75 percent split between administrative overhead and program expenditures is also recommended by Charity Navigator, a nonprofit watchdog and ratings group. Charity Navigator finds that seven out of 10 nonprofits meet this standard, while 9 out of 10 meet a standard of 35 to 65 percent or better. Any organization spending less than 33.3 percent of its funds on programs receives the lowest possible score in Charity Navigator's rating system. However, the media and the public sometimes demand a stricter standard. The 15 Percent Rule Even though the most-commonly cited guideline for nonprofits is to spend no more than 25 percent on administrative expenses, the Louisiana Association of Nonprofit Organizations reports that many try to stick to an even stricter 15 percent standard to retain public trust in the organization. While 15 percent looks better than 25 percent in a news story or even on an IRS form, it can also make it difficult for the nonprofit to recruit and retain talented managerial staff. - Brand X Pictures/Brand X Pictures/Getty Images
Blacklist Brush – Single Font or 4 payments of $10.00 with Afterpay Introducing Blacklist Brush – The first ever typeface created from our classic hand lettering style in brush and ink. Blacklist Brush is completely hand drawn and created to imitate a natural bold, expressive statement font. I have been looking at creating a set of typefaces that replicates how we design here, and so proud that this is our first release. Each letter also comes with a second alternate letter to give you a more natural approach to your words. Also included are extra characters and numbers. What’s included in the download: • Single font file, provided in TFF and OTF formats. • A step-by-step install guide Download and support: When you purchase this product you will receive an instant download for you to then install the font onto your computer. Any questions, feel free to email me directly: [email protected]. Includes standard license for personal and commercial usage. License is for installation on one computer only. If you require installation on more than one computer, please select from the qty from the menu above.
San Diego, CA -- (ReleaseWire) -- 01/29/2014 -- An investigation on behalf of investors of Stericycle Inc (NASDAQ:SRCL) shares over potential securities laws violations by Stericycle Inc and certain of its directors and officers in connection certain financial statements was announced . Investors who purchased shares of Stericycle Inc (NASDAQ:SRCL) have certain options and should contact the Shareholders Foundation at [email protected] or call +1(858) 779 - 1554. The investigation by a law firm focuses on possible claims on behalf of purchasers of the securities of Stericycle Inc (NASDAQ:SRCL) concerning whether a series of statements by Stericycle Inc regarding its business, its prospects and its operations were materially false and misleading at the time they were made. In 2008 a lawsuit was filed under seal by a former employee of Stericycle Inc. The lawsuit alleges that Stericycle Inc allegedly has systematically been overbilling the government by levying a standard 18% rate increase every nine months, as well as other unauthorized fees and surcharges. In early 2013 the lawsuit was unsealed and fourteen states have joined the action. In March 2013, a veterinary clinic filed a lawsuit on behalf of Stericycle’s private customers, alleging breach of contract and unjust enrichment claims, as well as violations of state deceptive business practice statutes. Stericycle Inc reported that its Total Revenue rose from over $1.17 billion for the 12 months period that ended on December 31, 2009, to over $1.91 billion for the 12 months period that ended on December 31, 2012 and that its respective Net Income increased from $175.69 million to $268.00 million. Shares of Stericycle Inc (NASDAQ:SRCL) grew from $47.46 per share in late 2009 to as high as $120.97 per share in October 2013. On January 28, 2014, NASDAQ:SRCL shares closed at $115.18 per share. Those who purchased shares of certain Stericycle Inc have certain options and should contact the Shareholders Foundation. Shareholders Foundation, Inc. 3111 Camino Del Rio North - Suite 423 92108 San Diego
Aspen Summer Words: Novelist Jess Walter If You Go 
 What: ‘Living the Creative Life,’ with Jess Walter, Dani Shapiro and Jericho Brown Where: Aspen Summer Words, Belly Up Aspen When: Tuesday, June 20, 6 p.m. How much: $25 Tickets: Wheeler Opera House box office; www.aspenshowtix.com Nothing is so terrifying as poverty, novelist Jess Walter has found. The author of the 2012 critical favorite and runaway bestseller, “Beautiful Ruins,” followed that blockbuster with a collection of short stories, “We Live in Water,” about the underclass in Spokane, Washington. Walter realized, while reading one of the stories at an event in Seattle, that poverty disturbs American readers in a way that sex, violence, drug abuse and uglier things simply cannot. “They’re not bothered by the meth use or the horrible parenting in the stories,” he said before an Aspen Winter Words talk in 2014, “it’s always the poverty that terrifies them.” Walter is back in town this week, teaching a fiction workshop at Aspen Summer Words. He’ll be on a panel titled “Living the Creative Life” at Belly Up Aspen on Tuesday. A Spokane native who aimed to write novels from childhood on, Walter, 51, honed his writing chops as a journalist. He began reporting for the Spokesman-Review at age 19, as a means of supporting a new child and young wife. His stories on the 1992 siege of Ruby Ridge earned him some national attention, and led to his first book, “Every Knee Shall Bow,” a non-fiction chronicle of the incident. After that, he persuaded his publisher to look at a novel he’d written, which became “Over Tumbled Graves,” published in 2001. Walter has mostly written fiction since then, with funny, unpredictable and timely novels that hold up a fictional mirror to our times. He tackled 9/11 in the National Book Award finalist “The Zero” (2006) and the Great Recession in “The Financial Lives of Poets” (2009). “What I loved about journalism was you were doing something different everyday,” he said. “You were researching, finding out about it, and then presenting it to the world, and that’s very much the way I approach fiction.” The ability to drop into an unfamiliar world, take notes and find a compelling story has enabled Walter to put together an eclectic run of books, epitomized in the thematic swerve from the dispossessed in “We Live in Water” to “Beautiful Ruins,” a satirical Hollywood novel that spans decades and continents. He’s as unpredictable as a literary writer can be – the only through line in his career seems to be a wistful sense of humor, which endears him to readers no matter the subject matter. “I like doing all kinds of things,” he said, “and one of them is writing about poverty in the northwest, and one of them is writing about fame. It’s funny to me that people see the stories [in ‘We Live in Water’] as so much darker than ‘Beautiful Ruins.’ But behavior-wise, it’s every bit as awful. 
 People talk about how romantic ‘Beautiful Ruins’ is and how dark these stories are, but if you were able to do a math problem showing the behavior, I don’t think you’d find much of a difference.” The only actual difference, he notes, is poverty. Walter’s books have been well-received by critics, and have won him honors like the Edgar Allan Poe Award (for “Citizen Vince,” in 2005) and the Los Angeles Times Book Prize (for “The Zero”), but topping the New York Times bestseller list with “Beautiful Ruins” was unexpected. “I’m still stunned,” he said. “If I knew it was going to be that popular, I wouldn’t have spent 15 years on it. 
 I don’t think too much, when I’m writing, about what the reactions will be, and I don’t’ see how a writer could ever finish a book if they did.” Start a dialogue, stay on topic and be civil. If you don't follow the rules, your comment may be deleted.
Senegal With Kids: What To See, Eat & Do We visited Senegal, on the West coast of Africa, over Winter break and were lucky enough to be hosted by a friend who has been traveling there for his entire life. All we had to do was show up when we were told to and guides, boats and four-wheel-drive trucks appeared for us. This makes Senegal challenging to write about. If you are traveling on your own in a country like this, things are not often that easy. But Senegal offers families in the U.S. and Europe a safe, affordable and accessible first taste of sub-Saharan Africa. It’s worth visiting, so I’m going to give my best shot at telling you how to see it with kids. We were there for a week and it can take a while to get anywhere. So we focused our time on the strip of coast between Dakar and the Gambian border. Luckily, this part of the country has a lot to offer. Ten things to know about Senegal Before You Visit Table of contents - Ten things to know about Senegal Before You Visit - 1. Senegal has lovely beaches - 2. Senegal is stable and safe - 3. Senegal has wildlife - 4. Senegal has a pink lake - 5. Senegal has relevant history - 6. Senegal has interesting art - 7. Senegal has a lot of fish - 8. Senegal is closer than you expect - 9. Senegal is affordable - 10. Senegal is a not a fun place to drive - 1. Senegal has lovely beaches - Pin it for later! 1. Senegal has lovely beaches French people go to Senegal for affordable beach getaways on the long stretches of sand around Saly, Nianing and Mbodiene. We stayed in Saly, which was central to everything we wanted to do. Since every excursion we left us covered in dust it was nice jump in the ocean before dinner. I would recommend basing yourself here rather than in Dakar. The capital is not an attractive city and is hectic to drive in and out of. 2. Senegal is stable and safe Senegal has been a democracy since the 1960s. People are predominantly Muslim but not overly conservative. Intermarriage with the country’s small Catholic population is accepted. The pretty island town of Fadiout, with its scenic mixed-faith cemetery is the most interesting example of this tolerance. You won’t see hard liquor outside of the hotels but local men drink beer, which is easy to come. Women wore ankle-length dresses that were stylish and colorful. I mostly wore capris and shirts with three-quarter or short sleeves. No one cared that Tiny Traveler mostly wore sundresses. Boys and girls are educated equally. It does border Mali and Mauritania, but there’s nothing that would bring tourists close to those borders and (so far) their troubles haven’t spilled over. During the summer rainy season it pours for three months and roads can be impassable. I would recommend visiting during the long dry season. For more advice you can read our post on preparing for this trip. 3. Senegal has wildlife Senegal does not have safaris, but there is wildlife. One of the highlights of the trip was hiring a canoe-like pirogue for a ride around the Sine-Saloum Delta. We saw enormous flocks of pelicans, egrets, herons and other birds and even a mongoose lurking in the mangroves (top). Tiny Traveler was impressed enough to take out her notebook and write down all the different kinds of birds we saw. Boats leave from Ndangane for bird watching and fishing. Tip: If you eat out in Ndangane, Palmarin or Joal-Fadiot, look on the menus for the oysters that grow wild on the mangrove stalks. We also spent a day at Bandia Reserve, a large game park 45 minutes from Dakar with animals from across Africa. It was wilder and more sprawling than a zoo, more contained than a real safari. We saw giraffes, zebras, wart hogs, élans, gazelles, monkeys and even two elusive black rhinos from as little as 15 feet away, which was pretty amazing. We also saw a huge baobab trees that was several hundred years old. You need a 4WD truck in the park and a guide they provide. You can either bring your own truck or catch a ride on one of theirs (theirs carry about a dozen people). Bandia has a lovely outdoor restaurant overlooking a watering hole full of crocodiles. The food is expensive by local standards. Even if you don’t eat there it’s worth cooling off with a Coke or a beer (maybe an ice cream) after your dusty trip around the park. There are larger reserves and national parks further inland, but we didn’t have time to explore them. 4. Senegal has a pink lake Lac Rose was 8YO Tiny Traveler’s favorite sight by far. It’s an extremely concentrated salt lake with algae that make the water look pink (really pink!) when the sun hits it. Swimming is a must. The water is thick to paddle through, and even sitting cross-legged you bob like a cork. Tip: Make sure to rinse the salt off when you’re done, and skip shaving that morning or the salt water might be more bracing than you would prefer. We took a ride around the lake in a 4WD truck that had seen better days. We got to see the salt harvesting, where they skim salt from the bottom of the lake and pile it on the shore to dry it out. We passed through a traditional village and rode over sand dunes to the nearby coast. We were jostled and bounced plenty—kids need to be able to hold on tight—but it was a worthwhile and fun day. There’s a restaurant and changing area and souvenir store where the trucks start and finish. We bought a picture of the salter harvesters out on the lake that was made by a local artist from different colors of sand, a unique souvenir. We had grilled fish and curried lamb at the restaurant. Tiny Traveler had what she had everywhere we went: grilled chicken and rice. 5. Senegal has relevant history Senegal and neighboring Gambia were central to the African slave trade. A visit to Ile de Gorée, just off the coast Dakar, to learn about this is essential. The island’s dark history aside, it’s a car-free oasis of bright colonial buildings and alleys bursting with Bougainville. Lunch at one of cafés near the ferry dock is scenic and relaxing. When you leave the ferry look for an English-speaking guide who should be able to talk about the island’s colonial history and take you to the only still-standing slave house on the island. Tiny Traveler found the guide’s stories about the treatment of the slaves bewildering and a little upsetting, so we skipped the exhibits, which are upstairs. In the U.S. we fudge this part of history more than we should, so I think it was important to witness this. If you read the first third of Roots before you go it will help to inform what you see. St. Louis is a northern colonial port city with an interesting history that’s tangential to the slave trade, but unfortunately it was out of our reach in the time we had. Tip: You don’t need to stay overnight on Gorée, but it does have some small inns and might be worth a stay. I imagine it’s one of those places that fills with tourists during the day and is lovely in an entirely different way when everyone leaves and you and the locals have it to yourselves. 6. Senegal has interesting art Artwork, such as ebony statues and dishware, hand-carved jewelry and wall art, are the best things to bring back. You’ll find small markets on the beach and elsewhere. The giant hill that winds up from docks in Gorée is a sloping outdoor gallery, with genuinely interesting things. Look for the studio that gathers different shades of sand from across Africa and creates beautiful pictures with them. It’s a unique and affordable souvenir. 7. Senegal has a lot of fish One of the advantages of staying along the coast is that you can eat locally caught fresh every day. Grilled giant shrimp, curried small shrimp, stewed calamari and grilled and fried filets are easy to come by. The national dish is Thiéboudienne, a meaty fish stuffed with spices and cooked in a big pot with root vegetables. We visited the outdoor fish market in Mbour late one afternoon when the giant wooden pirogues were returning with their catch. You can’t walk around the commercial market on your own, but if you can arrange for a guide to take you, do it. It’s colorful, crowded, hectic, smelly, and not something you see every day. There’s a similar market in St. Louis. Tip: If your kids aren’t fish eaters, every restaurant we visited had tasty grilled chicken legs. Rice comes with every meal and most restaurants have French fries. 8. Senegal is closer than you expect Our direct flight on Delta from New York to Dakar was about eight hours, half as far as the Safari destinations in Southern Africa. 9. Senegal is affordable You can find comfortable, quality hotels for $80 to $150 a night. Cheaper inns exist, of course, but are very bare bones, often with shared bathrooms. Main dishes in restaurants were never more than $10. Bandia was by far our most expensive outing. We hired our own 4WD and driver for $50, and then paid $15 vehicle fee, $20 adult admission ($10 for kids) and $10 for a required guide. 10. Senegal is a not a fun place to drive The roads we traveled were mostly paved and in reasonable condition, but there was not a stop sign or traffic light to be seen. Cars, trucks and buses are in dubious condition, so breakdowns and accidents routinely stall traffic. Long distance buses and vans don’t leave until they’re full (or until all seats have been paid for). Traffic is worst into and out of Dakar. Unless you are adventurous, with a lot of time and patience. I would not rely on public transportation, especially with kids younger than 10 or so. If your child needs a car seat, bring one. Hire a driver, hope his car has seatbelts, and avoid traveling at night when accidents are more common. Pin it for later! This blog was part of Weekend Travel Inspiration. Visit our partners:
Hello Readers ~ I wanted to take a brief reprieve and find out how you are all doing? I am struggling with the new energy and the last bits of my resistance to change. It is not an easy task that we have right now and everyone is experiencing it differently. The reason for this [I feel] is that we are experiencing things from where we are in our evolution. We are truly being given assistance and support if we ask for it. I have experienced a deep sense of peace and calm in my most torturous moments! This is what I call Grace, which is why I have the name Grace in my website name. This Grace is there for all of us if we just ask for it. The new energy (light/particles/love) that is hitting us right now (both physically and ethereally), is bringing up all things within us that are not in alignment with our authentic being, who we really are. For me this is very uncomfortable at times. And in addition my environment is changing because literally everyone is ‘acting out’. I know deep in my being that it is necessary to change and heal
.or not? I can choose not to but that would mean that things would get so uncomfortable I would want to leave. I don’t think that resisting or refusing the evolution and Grace we are being given right now would be the best. We are meant to change and grow. Our spiritual nature now needs expansion. We are meant to evolve and have not been able to accomplish this with the way things currently are. Heaven cannot be stopped! The good news is we will be allowed to evolve! There is nothing/no one that can stop it. Back to how it feels to me (and you). The next lunar eclipse has me ramping up on my transition. I have had everything from the ‘cosmic flu’ this week to wanting to lash out irrationally! Now I am at the point of surrender and acceptance. Takes a lot for me to get there ;o) Now, I say that I am there because I have been at this exact point several times, we will see. I will be tested, and I know this, and it always comes out of the blue to make sure I am caught off guard. How about you? Lets talk!
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I've been watching home makeover shows my whole life and my favorite part has always been the classic painting-of-the-walls timelapse. It's just so satisfying to see a room change color in 30 seconds or less. Since I've made it my life's mission never to paint my own walls again (the taping, the trim, droploths... I just cannot), I thought I'd share with you a good old-fashioned timelapse of how I made one of my favorite paintings. In real life it took many many hours, but through the magic of the internet you'll see it all come to life in a few short minutes. I usually start by mixing paint color, but this one stole my heart right out of the tube. I apply loosely with a palette knife then follow up with a brush to get those painterly, improvised brushstrokes. Next I choose my thread colors. I'm a big follower of my intuition when it comes to art making, especially when it comes to color. I try to make decisions quickly and not overthink too much. Once I'm all set with colors, I draw some guidelines and get to stitching. ope you enjoy the video! Don't forget to comment and let me know if you want to see more or if you have any questions!
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What I am looking for: An honest genuine lovable man who enjoys spending quality time with their partner, who has stable employment and independence, a drivers license and their own transport and a positive outlook on life. What I am looking for: Wow finally!|Remember a time when if you wanted to find a partner you Tlc massage Blacktown out, met someone without exchanging texts first and decided if you liked them? Let's call that time Summer is the busiest time for online dating but not all apps are created equal. Credit: Shutterstock. Yu spa and massage Traralgon Australia Over the past eight months as a single, I have had an on-off relationship with the apps, let alone the men I have met. But summer's wane is prime time for dating activity someone told me I have a deadline of round one of the footy vating. In Australia, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission estimated in that Ajstralia dating sites had more than 4. THE BEST AUSTRALIAN DATING APPS IN 2019 (CONT.) So inthat number is bound to be significantly Ftee. Melissa Ferrari, daging Sydney-based American bulldog rescue Marrickville expert and psychotherapist, said it was logical that summer was the annual peak for online dating as "people might be feeling lonely or have disruption in their own family and think Ausrtalia want to create their own". Tinder is still the big gun when it comes to dating apps. Ferrari, who met her own husband on dating Fdee RSVP, which is owned FFree the publisher of this website, said the best dating sites require users to make the most Gay Kwinana silom. I decided to try a bunch of dating apps to see which, if any, suited Free dating apps in Australia current situation. Although I downloaded Palmerston hotties tumblr at once, Ferrari advises to stick to one you like. It Free have a long-term psychological effect.]
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Year in Review: Highs, lows mark list of local sports storylines in 2016 From the highlights – high school student-athletes winning state titles and earning college scholarships, a local team winning the Valley Baseball League and an area college competing for a national championship – to the lowlights – a local athletic program rocked by controversy – the 2016 calendar year was filled with local sports storylines. Below are the top 10 local sports stories of 2016, listed in chronological order, as selected by The Northern Virginia Daily’s sports staff. Strasburg High School’s boys basketball program suspended The turn of the calendar into 2016 quickly brought with it a swirl of controversy surrounding Strasburg’s boys basketball program. The rise of allegations in early January of misconduct involving student-athletes on a team bus triggered lengthy investigations involving Shenandoah County Public Schools and the Shenandoah County Sheriff’s Office that ended with several student-athlete suspensions and sweeping coaching changes within the basketball program. The Rams’ varsity and junior varsity boys basketball teams played their final contests of the 2015-16 season on Jan. 7, after which games and practices were suspended while the investigations were conducted. The Strasburg’s boys basketball program returned to the court under new varsity head coach Hamilton Doyle in November. High school athletes take home state titles The success at the state level for a handful of local high school athletes began on the wrestling mat on Feb. 20 when Sherando’s John Borst (182 pounds) and Warren County’s Zach Beckner (126) each won their second straight Virginia High School League state titles, and Strasburg’s Kyle Sisk (113) claimed his first. The following day, Central’s Ashley Funkhouser became the first swimmer in Shenandoah County history to win a VHSL state championship when she claimed gold in the girls 50-yard freestyle at the 2A meet. In the spring, Strasburg’s Elijah Waters capped his record-setting track and field season with a 2A state title in the boys 110-meter hurdles, and Sherando’s Davina Lane, the owner of four individual school records, won 4A state championships in the girls 100- and 300-meter hurdles. Central’s boys 4×400 relay team of Kyle Clanton, Coy Jimenez, Wyatt Robinson and Carston Shockey also won a 2A state title. Postgraduate boys basketball returns to Massanutten Military Academy Nearly two years after MMA cut ties with its postgraduate boys basketball team, the school announced in April the return of the program and former head coach Chad Myers. Myers, who guided the Colonels to a No. 1 national ranking in 2012-13, opened his third season with MMA on Nov. 1. Led by NCAA Division I signees Jamarko Pickett (Ole Miss) and Bud Mack (Manhattan), the Colonels are 13-2 and will begin their post-Christmas schedule on Jan. 6. Central softball makes historic run Led by all-state pitcher Bekah Ansbro (who is now at George Mason) and The Northern Virginia Daily’s 2016 Softball Coach of the Year, Lisa Rhodes, Central’s softball team soared to previously unmatched heights during the spring season. The Falcons claimed the Conference 35 championship on May 26, earned their first-ever regional win a couple days later and pushed all the way to the Group 2A state championship game on June 11. Central fell to Lebanon, 2-1, in the title game on a walkoff home run in the bottom of the 16th inning. It was the longest state championship softball game in the history of the VHSL. Shenandoah University’s Phil Morse Jr. chosen in MLB Draft A standout relief pitcher for the Hornets in 2016, Morse saw his dream of playing professional baseball come to fruition on June 11 when he was selected by the Washington Nationals with the 484th pick in the 16th round in the MLB Draft. He became the first Shenandoah University player to be drafted in at least the last 25 years, and was the first Hornet taken in the draft in head coach Kevin Anderson’s 13 seasons at the school. Local high schools see spike in coaching vacancies The end of the 2015-16 school year brought a surge of coaching staff changes for local schools with those in Shenandoah County seeing the largest amount of turnover. Central, Stonewall Jackson and Strasburg high schools combined to hire 12 new varsity coaches over the summer, and each of those three schools introduced a new varsity boys basketball coach in 2016. Strasburg alone had nearly 20 coaching vacancies to fill at the end of last school year. The next wave of coaching changes has already begun for local schools with Stonewall Jackson and Warren County each seeking new varsity football coaches. Strasburg Express win second straight VBL title Strasburg staked its place atop the Valley Baseball League for the second consecutive season when the Express topped Waynesboro in two games in the best-of-three VBL championship series in early August. The title capped a season in which Strasburg went 22-3 at home, tied Waynesboro for the best regular-season record (30-12) and set a franchise record for wins. VHSL approves new realignment plan The VHSL Executive Committee approved the realignment committee’s final 24-region alignment and final district plan in September, officially marking the next change in the VHSL format for the 2017-18 and 2018-19 school years. All six local public high schools will remain in their current classifications, although Skyline and Warren County will join Sherando as members of the new 13-team Northwestern District. The new realignment also eliminates conferences, meaning postseason play will begin with regional tournaments. Three Sherando student-athletes sign DI letters of intent John Borst, Davina Lane and fellow Sherando senior Brett Loy each signed NCAA Division I letters of intent in November to continue their respective sports at the collegiate level. Loy, the most successful golfer in school history, signed with Longwood University, while Lane signed to run track and field at George Mason University. Borst, the first Sherando wrestler to receive a Division I scholarship, signed with Virginia Tech on Nov. 10. Just over a month later, Borst, now the third-ranked 195-pounder in the nation by InterMat, capped his stellar calendar year in style by winning the 195-pound championship at the prestigious Beast of the East wrestling tournament in Delaware. JMU football reaches national championship game James Madison University’s football team announced Mike Houston as its new head coach back on Jan. 18. Almost a full year later, the Dukes will play for the NCAA Football Championship Subdivision national championship. JMU is scheduled to play Youngstown State at noon on Jan. 7 in Frisco, Texas. The Dukes will play for their second national title. (They won their first in 2004). Contact staff writer Brad Fauber at 540-465-5137 ext. 161, or [email protected].
Liberals Spread Conspiracy Theories, CHEER After Fire Breaks Out at Trump Tower NY ‘I Hope There is Major Damage’ As TGP’s Josh Caplan just reported, a large fire broke out at Trump Tower in New York City Saturday evening around 6 PM EST. FDNY members say no injuries have been reported. Debris was also seen falling from the building. Liberals immediately cheered and spread absurd conspiracy theories after news broke of the blaze. Videos of the blaze: Fire in Trump Tower worsening pic.twitter.com/6T1VsOCsuP — Peter Thomas Roth (@PeterThomasRoth) April 7, 2018 — FDNY (@FDNY) April 7, 2018 President Trump sent out a tweet shortly after news of the blaze broke. Trump tweeted: Fire at Trump Tower is out. Very confined (well built building). Firemen (and women) did a great job. THANK YOU! Fire at Trump Tower is out. Very confined (well built building). Firemen (and women) did a great job. THANK YOU! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 7, 2018 Liberals couldn’t be happier! Some Trump haters suggested the president was burning evidence. A mental health counselor named Jeffrey Guterman ‘hoped for major damage.’ Dena Grayson is already spreading a fake conspiracy theory about the Trump Tower apartment fire pic.twitter.com/hmhZBlAV24 — Jack Posobiec (@JackPosobiec) April 7, 2018 I got excited when I heard there was a fire at Trump Tower while also hoping there were no injuries. So what. I am human. These #tRump supporters need to get a grip. I am less excited now, but still glad. Hoping there is major damage. — Jeffrey Guterman (@JeffreyGuterman) April 7, 2018 Burn that mother to the ground! — TrumpisaTraitor (@DumpTrump456) April 7, 2018 — Randy (@RandySF45) April 7, 2018 A visual representation of how his preseidency is going 😂 — almÞnd jÞy ✹ (@Forever_Alive17) April 7, 2018 — Brofucius Duarte (@JeffreyGDuarte) April 7, 2018 IS DON JR. DESTROYING EVIDENCE ? — The Nakedest Dalek (@TheNakedDalek) April 7, 2018 If the Trump Tower fire was in the area of records, files, hard drives, I guess that’s one way of keeping Mueller from getting to it. Very glad to hear #FDNY, #NYPD & all First Responders are uninjured. — Dawn Young-McDaniel (@justdawn_) April 7, 2018 Don JR burning the evidence? raise your hand if you believe this was an accident right — Darren Algier (@littledudecal2) April 7, 2018 Liar liar, tower’s on fire — joyce (@JoyceBray17) April 7, 2018
This is what I wore to school last Monday. I rarely wear casual clothes to school because we have our uniforms, that's why I make sure to dress up nicely and appropriate when I have the chance to. Anyway, I went to school for some student council and paskuhan preparations, I really don't have classes that day. 1.Cardigan,Penshoppe 2.Jeans,Bench 3.Top,from States Honestly, I have lots of backlog blog posts and I'm working on it.haha!This crappy connection is annoying :| Are you done with your Christmas Shopping?You have few days left! Happy Holidays Loves:*
Argentina (Buenos Aires) Launched in September 2014, the aim of Programá tu Futuro (Programme Your Future) is to enable schoolchildren over the age of 15 in the city of Buenos Aires to not only access, use and enjoy computers and associated technologies such as 3D printing, but also to programme them and take control. At weekends, workshops led by professionals are run at seven clubs across the city, with some 4,000 young learners already registered. Six computer languages are taught. The scheme is open to all state-educated pupils and requires no prior knowledge or expertise. There is also a virtual club for those who wish to access from home. It’s hoped that the programme can, eventually, be expanded to the towns and cities of Argentina’s provinces. Chris has been writing on travel, tech, sex, food, art and books for nearly two decades. He co-founded street paper Hecho en Buenos Aires, writes regularly for the Guardian and Telegraph newspapers, and is now writing a thriller set in Andalusia. Horacio Rodriguez Larreta, Chief of Staff, City of Buenos Aires Government Support the Atlas We want the Atlas of the Future media platform and our event to be available to everybody, everywhere for free – always. Fancy helping us spread stories of hope and optimism to create a better tomorrow? For those able, we'd be grateful for any donation. - Please support the Atlas here - Thank you!
The Canon PowerShot SD980 IS brings trendy touch interface to the PowerShot lineup for the first time. A couple of weeks with the SD980 produced some preliminary sample images and a favorable first impression of the brand new interface. It's too early to tell, but this might just be our favorite touch screen camera to date. The Panasonic Lumix DMC-FX580 succeeds the FX500 as the latest model in the Panasonic lineup to feature a touch screen. The FX580 combines trendy touch interface with a new Venus Engine V and retains the 720p HD video recording and 25mm wide angle lens we've come to know and love in its predecessor. Read on for our first impressions. Sony is offering free service on certain units of its Cyber-shot DSC-W170 cameras affected by peeling of the metal plating on the bezel. Samsung announces today the CL65 with WiFi and Bluetooth connectivity. It's also equipped with built-in geo-tagging and boasts an impressive 1,125K resolution 3.5 inch touch LCD. Add 720p HD video recording into the mix and you've got a little camera with a lot going on. Read on for more details. Samsung unveiled today the TL220 and TL225, a pair of slim 12.2 megapixel shooters each armed with not one, but two LCDs. In addition to a touch screen on the back panel, each camera sports a 1.5 inch LCD on the front. These new DualView Cameras offer 720p HD video recording and a 4.6x wide angle lens. Sony brings the high-speed sensor technology of the Cyber-shot HX1 to two slimmer and smaller new packages with the announcement of the Cyber-shot DSC-TX1 and Cyber-shot DSC-WX1. The new EXMOR R sensor in each model promises better low-light performance and high-speed shooting at up to 10 fps. In addition to updates to its P- and E-series Optio models, Pentax has announced plans to launch a new waterproof point-and-shoot. The new 10 megapixel Pentax Optio WS80 builds on Pentax's history of waterproof compacts, featuring a 5x internally contained zoom lens, a 2.7-inch LCD, and pocket-sized construction. Pentax will be bringing a pair of new Optio cameras - the entry-level E80, and the performance-minded P80 - to market next month. Targeting budget conscious buyers, the new Optios look to draw in shoppers with features including large high-res displays and slim, stylish bodies. Panasonic announces two new slim point-and-shoot cameras this morning, the Lumix DMC-FP8 and DMC-ZR1. The FP8 boasts the sharp style of an ultra-compact and the ZR1 brings a 0.3mm slim aspherical lens to the high-zoom class. Both models promise faster operation and better energy-efficiency. In an early morning announcement, Olympus has launched a trio of new additions to its FE series of affordably priced ultracompacts today. The Olympus FE-5020, FE-4000, and FE-46 share a common 12 megapixel sensor and incorporate processing-side features from Olympus's DSLRs, including the manufacturer's Art Filter technology. Olympus announced its first wave of compact ultrazooms, including the 10x zoom Stylus-9000 and 7x zoom Stylus-7000, back in January. This morning, the manufacturer is updating the 7x model in this set to incorporate a wide-angle lens, with the launch of the visually reworked 12 megapixel Olympus Stylus-7010. In the run up to PMA 2009, Samsung announced four new SL-series point-and-shoots. In a summer refresher that fills in some features and cost gaps in Samsung's premium point-and-shoot series, the manufacturer today unwrapped two more 5x zoom SL models - the Samsung SL502 and Samsung SL720. more than 100 focused websites providing quick access to a deep store of news, advice and analysis about the technologies, products and processes crucial to the jobs of IT pros. All Rights Reserved, Copyright 2000 - 2015, TechTarget | Read our Privacy Statement
Delhi: 20-year-old girl raped in running car in Delhi’s Moti Bagh region :- Delhi A 20-year-old lady, who had come to Delhi to search for an occupation, was driven around in an auto for more than two hours and assaulted late on Thursday by a man acting as a taxicab driver in south Delhi’s Moti Bagh region on Friday. Police said the charged has been captured and the Maruti Suzuki SX4 auto, in which the lady was purportedly assaulted, has been additionally been seized. The girl from Noida had come to Delhi searching for a vocation keeping in mind she was sitting tight for a transport close AIIMS, the denounced offered her a lift Thursday evening and the blamed ceased the auto in Moti Bagh and supposedly sexually struck her. She figured out how to escape from that point and educated the police. According to the source reports, Where the casualty was sitting tight for a transport close AIIMS at around 9 pm on Wednesday. The blamed then halted the auto before the transport stop and offered to drop her to Noida. Subsequent to driving her around for very nearly two-three hours, the driver stopped the auto close to his habitation in the Moti Bagh range and professedly assaulted her. The casualty figured out how to escape and educated police authorities who were watching close-by. Preparatory medicinal tests affirmed assault and the police then took the casualty to the scene of wrongdoing. In spite of the fact that the auto was stopped in a similar place and the casualty’s telephone was still inside the auto, the denounced driver was departing suddenly. He was later grabbed from his companion’s home. A FIR has been enlisted under IPC areas 357 and 376.
Histone acetylation has long been determined as a highly dynamic modification associated with open chromatin and transcriptional activation. Here we develop a metabolic labelling scheme using stable isotopes to study the kinetics of acetylation turnover at 19 distinct lysines on histones H3, H4 and H2A. Using human HeLa S3 cells, the analysis reveals 12 sites of histone acetylation with fast turnover and 7 sites stable over a 30 h experiment. The sites showing fast turnover (anticipated from classical radioactive measurements of whole histones) have half-lives between ∌1-2 h. To support this finding, we use a broad-spectrum deacetylase inhibitor to verify that only fast turnover sites display 2-10-fold increases in acetylation whereas long-lived sites clearly do not. Most of these stable sites lack extensive functional studies or localization within global chromatin, and their role in non-genetic mechanisms of inheritance is as yet unknown. ASJC Scopus subject areas - Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology(all) - Physics and Astronomy(all)
Monday, October 21, 2013 I contributed a chapter on the Supreme Court's church-autonomy-related Kedroff decision in the First Amendment Stories volume. (Get your copy here!) That story, it appears, continues. It is reported here that it took more than 100 NYFD officers to put out a fire at the Cathedral, a few weeks ago. It appears -- thank God -- that there were only minor injuries suffered by a few. Here's hoping that the threats to churches' religious freedom are similarly vanquished!
We always save the best until last, and PMSA 2017 is no exception. On Wednesday 26th April, we will conclude the conference with an insightful presentation from Asheesh Sharma and Vineet Rathi on Data Strategy and Governance: A Strategic Enabler of Next Generation Analytics and Insight Driven Commercial Excellence. In this session, Asheesh and Vineet will showcase the strategy and framework that was implemented at Janssen for a successful Data Governance Program in Commercial Excellence. They will also discuss the business value generated by this program, both in terms of financial ROI and process excellence. The session is from 10:45 to 11:30 am, and offers incredible insight to learn how this Data Governance framework can enable next generation Analytics and Insight-Driven Commercial Excellence. Alongside this session, Axtria has a range of other exciting thought-leading presentations, informative conference tutorials, engaging poster, innovative showcases and networking opportunities scheduled throughout the conference.
Jacob Allen Custard, 21, died March 3, 2014 in Whitesboro. He was named after his grandfather, C. Allen Custard. "Our sweet Jacob," as grandma Custard nicknamed him, was a special brother who was blessing to those who were around him. He was born in Poteau on March 14, 1992, to Edith Custard and Lawrence Schlienz. Jacob loved to work at Rich Mountain Nursing Home in Mena, Ark. He quit work to help care for his father. He loved to help family when the need. Jacob loved animals and the outdoors, video games, music and fishing. He also enjoyed loved hanging around his nieces and nephews. His deep love for all his family was very important to him. He loved with his whole heart. He loved living in Oklahoma. All he ever wanted was peace within the family. He missed family dinner and getting together as a family. He missed all family. Sweet Jacob, we love you and you will be missed, forever missed and never forgotten. He was preceded in death by his grandfather, Clifford Allen Custard; his cousin, Daniel; and infant brother, Frank Schlienz. He is survived by 15 brothers and sisters; grandmother, Geraldine Custard; many aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces and nephews. In lieu of flowers there is a memorial bank account at the Talihina Branch of Spiro State Bank for the families of Schlienz and Custard to help with funeral expenses. Memorial services will be held at noon Wednesday, March 12, at the Lenox Christ Church under the direction of Burkhart Funeral Service, Talihina. |3-15-14 obit custard, jacob.jpg ||78.86 KB|
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Some parents may realize that they share a lot of moments with their child during the ordinary routines of daily living. What some parents may not understand is how to talk, add language, and make the most of each experience they share with their infant, toddler, or preschooler. Parents can begin to help their children understand different learning experiences by talking about what’s happening or what’s going to happen during daily routines. This can be done by consistent repetition of words. When children hear the same words over and over, they begin to relate the words to familiar situations. Once the child has an understanding of the experience, the child will begin to communicate using words. For example, during dress time, not only can a child learn the names of clothing, but can also learn some concepts that are a natural part of this routine such as body parts, (e.g. arm, leg, hand) actions, (e.g. pull, push, stand up) or prepositions (e.g. on, off, in, out). If a parent consistently repeats the same words during familiar routines, the child begins to understand and eventually begins to communicate what is understood, (e.g. sock off, shirt off). However, before your child can begin to use true words, you will discover that he is able to string syllables together which consist of consonants and vowels and referred to as babbling (e.g. ba, ma, da). An easy and natural way to help your child communicate these babbled sounds is through imitating. You can simply imitate your child and the sounds he produces and your child will imitate these sounds back to you. For example, parents often play babbling games with their child during the early stages of language development. The child says “ba,ba” and the adult follows along and imitates “ba-ba.” The child will show that he enjoys the response and interaction by trying to imitate and produce the babbled sounds (e.g. ba-ba) again. If you find your child engaging in actions such as babbling, smiling, hand clapping, or any kind of movements, imitate them too. Do this frequently throughout the day. As you continue to imitate your child you can vary your sound patterns. If your child says “pa-pa-pa,” you can say, “pie-pie-pie.” This will allow your child to begin imitating and producing different sound patterns and actions more like your verbal models. Soon you will see your child beginning to imitate sounds and actions that he has never tried before. Your sound patterns can be modified based on your child’s age. If your infant is beginning to use sounds, encourage him to imitate your sounds. If your child is at the early stages of imitating words, remember that a child’s words develop from babbling. For example, you may hear your child say “baba” as he reaches for his bottle. You can say, “Bottle, yes, this is your bottle.” Encourage your child to say true words as soon as you hear babbling sounds. This will help your child develop more word approximations and true words daily. During your child’s development, it is important to keep language simple so your child can easily develop an understanding of new words and learn to say them. Language can be added by expanding on your child’s utterances or short phrases. This means that a parent or caregiver can repeat back to the child exactly what the child has said and expand on the utterance. If your child is playing with a ball you can expand on this topic by describing or adding more detailed information. For example, your child may say, “ball,” and you can say, “Yes Tommy, that is a ball. That is a red ball,” or “Daddy is rolling the red ball.” Expanding on a topic allows the parent or caregiver the opportunity to respond to a child’s utterance by filling in missing words to make a complete thought or sentence. Your child may say, “it cold.” You can add more information and say, “Yes, it is cold today. It is very cold outside.” This gives your child a chance to understand more than he is able to express or say. Although your child may be developing new words and short phrases consistently, he still may be difficult to understand. Therefore, it is very important to continue expanding and adding information to your child’s utterances. For example, instead of saying “Here’s your wa-wa,” parents or caregivers can add information and say, “Here is your water. It’s very cold. You must be thirsty. Don’t spill it!” Your child may reply with, “wa-wa,” but you are allowing him to understand the topic by expanding and adding more descriptive details. How parents respond to their child can encourage or discourage their child’s language development. Parents and caregivers are encouraged to provide their child with positive feedback following a child’s speech attempts by giving smiles, hugs, or touches along with verbal praise such as good job, nice talking, or I like that. Children learn best when they are encouraged to speak and are praised for their efforts or accomplishments. It is also important for parents and caregivers to be active listeners. Your child needs to know that you are listening. Don’t be afraid to get down to your child’s level and make eye contact. This will assure your child that you truly are interested in what he has to say. Your child’s expressions and tone of voice will help you understand his message. There will be times when your child becomes frustrated and has a difficult time expressing his needs. During these moments you can help him by trying to understand at least one vocalization, word, or utterance that he is communicating. If you still have trouble understanding your child, give him a few choices and ask him to point to the object of interest. You can also ask your child “yes/no” questions such as “Do you want your bottle? Do you want milk?” Sometimes these moments will be frustrating for you and your child. Remember to be patient and smile back. Remind your child that you are trying to understand him. As you interact and engage in daily activities and routines with your child, continue imitating and expanding on your child’s speech attempts. Be an active listener and allow your child to express his wants and needs. Be patient and do not demand too much. Remember that how you talk and respond to your child will encourage or discourage your child’s attempts to speak and of course affect your child’s overall speech and language development.
A friend recently asked me how long I'd wait in a horror movie for it to get scary before I'd give up on it. I didn't have a set amount of time before I'd walk out, though I believe he said he'd walk after twenty minutes, maybe thirty, if it wasn't getting to the point. So how long is too long? I've never paid too much attention to the exact number of minutes before I get tired of waiting for something scary to happen in a horror film. Or for there to at least be tension. But I do notice if it takes too long to build up, and I get restless. I'm not quick to shut off or walk out of a movie. Nor am I quick to give up on a novel. If there is anything engaging about the story, I'll stick with it for awhile more. The thing is, each horror movie (or story, or book, or...) needs to establish the main character or characters so you can empathize with them. Horror is not horror without some manner of empathy. This is an element people unfamiliar with horror miss. Empathy is a huge factor in horror. Without empathy, there is no fear. If the audience doesn't care what happens to the protagonist, the tension is already missing. No one's pulse is pounding. Their mouths don't dry out. They don't grip their seatmates. In other words, the creators have failed. One way to start things with a bang, in order to hopefully keep the audience/reader engaged until the action comes, is to have someone die at the hands of the creature/killer right away. Someone who isn't integral to the storyline. This establishes what is to come, without taking away from the establishing of character. Horror based television shows, such as Supernatural, do this each episode. The audience is shown an intense scene where someone who is not a series regular is killed or harmed by whatever that episode's boogie man is. Then we bop on over to the brothers, who exchange entertaining or telling dialogue, and work their way to the monster. The tension and action build to the inevitable conclusion. Boy, that made it sound boring, but it's an effective way to do things. It keeps butts in the seats and eyeballs glued to the page, while allowing for character development, which will draw the audience/reader in further and make them care about the main protagonist. Thus feeling the fear and tension, and having a vested interest in the main character's survival. It makes them want to root for the main character. And it makes hearts pound. Plus, that little glimpse of the Big Bad, whether we actually see them or not, gives a sense of satisfaction to the viewer/reader that something good is coming, and that they will not be disappointed. Another way is to engage the viewer/reader in a different way. Humor is a common means of getting people to like a character from the beginning. In Tremors, we see these two friends, Val and Earl, harassing each other in a humorous way. We come to like them early in the film, and then things go very badly for them. Now we're worried about them and, ultimately, the rest of the townspeople. If someone can make you laugh, it is easy to like them. And if you like them, you care about them. Now you have a little leeway in introducing the Big Bad, and you didn't have to start with a frightening action sequence. The emotion used to engage the reader doesn't necessarily need to be humor, though. You can start with something that tugs on the heart strings, for instance. A marriage or proposal, a baby, bullying, loneliness, you name it. Whatever will make the audience identify with the person they need to care about. Of course, you can combine these, and other means, as well. The possibilities are endless. There are really only two rules that matter: 1. Give the audience someone to care about. 2. Give the audience something to fear. (Put the character in danger.) Everything else is secondary. How long will you wait for a movie to get scary? What's your favorite beginning of a scary film, TV show, or book? What draws you in? May you find your Muse. Psycho Shower Scene, by OCAL, clker.com
I am involved in a number of campaigns in the St Just and Pendeen area. Below you can find further information on campaigns that I am involved in. Over time, I will add more information to this page as campaigns develop and new issues arise. NANCHERROW YOUTH CENTRE During the budget debate I spoke up for Council funded youth services as I feared that the speed at which funding was to be withdrawn would put many projects at risk, including our own in St Just. Whilst given unrealistic reassurances, like the young people can go to Scouts or Guides or join Young Farmers’ or that the withdrawal of funding would be gradual, my fears are coming to be. Thankfully we are a strong and determined community and a group of people have stepped up to form a committee at Nancherrow and I am working with them to try to find a sustainable way forward. If you have expertise or could donate money then get in touch with me or the club. I am campaigning to protect St Just Library as a thriving community resource, much loved by many local people. I was a member of the panel scrutinising the work of the Devon and Cornwall Police and Crime Commissioner but decided it was a toothless tiger and there are better things locally I can do with my time! I have set up and am promoting a petition to get the Police and Crime Commissioner role scrapped. The petition, on the Government epetition website, needs 100,000 signatures to prompt a debate in Parliament. We have no time to lose as next May there will be another round of costly elections. Please have a look, sign if you agree and then share with your friends and try to persuade them to sign. To get the debate in Parliament, time is running out.
Sanyo on Wednesday announced that its latest 5 megapixel digital camera, dubbed C5, is now available in the U.S. with a suggested retail price of US$699.99. The camera features a two-inch LCD, the ability to create images up to ten megapixels by interpolating what it sees, 5x optical and 12x digital zoom, MPEG-4 video capture at 30fps (frames per second) and 640 x 480 resolution, built-in image stabilization and the ability to capture still images while shooting video. Sanyois C5 camera also includes a Super Macro Shooting mode for close-ups as close as 1cm from the subject, a self timer, seven scene select modes, 15 adjustable manual focus settings, a voice recording function, a built-in three-mode flash, USB 2.0 connectivity as well as an S-Video port, a rechargeable lithium ion battery, PictBridge technology for direct printing to any compatible printer and more. The way itis constructed, the C5is functions can be quickly accessed by the useris thumb as he holds the camera with one hand and looks into the LCD screen. The C5 comes with a docking station and a remote control for viewing images and videos on a TV, a 128MB SD storage card, an AC power adapter and battery charger, a lens cap, a neck strap and a soft carrying case.
For another version of this Italian staple, sprinkle with some chopped kalamata olives. 2 1/4 teaspoons active dry yeast 1/8 teaspoon granulated sugar 1/3 cup warm (105° to 110°F) water 4 cups unbleached, all-purpose flour, plus more for dusting 3 teaspoons sea or kosher salt, divided 1 cup cold water 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil, divided nonstick cooking spray 2 tablespoons fresh rosemary Nutritional information per serving: Calories 120 (24% from fat) • carb. 20g • pro. 3g • fat 3g • sat. fat 0g • chol. 0mg • sod. 360mg • calc. 1mg • fiber 1g Dissolve the yeast and sugar in the warm water. Let stand 3 to 5 minutes, or until mixture is foamy. Place flour and 1 teaspoon of salt in the work bowl of a Cuisinart® food processor fitted with the dough blade; process 10 seconds to combine. Add cold water and 2 tablespoons of oil to the yeast mixture. With the machine running, slowly pour the liquid through the feed tube. Note: You may not need all of the liquid. Process until a dough ball forms. Continue to let the machine run another minute to knead. Place the dough in a lightly floured sealable plastic bag. Let rise in a warm place until doubled in size, about 45 minutes to 1 hour. Preheat Cuisinart® Convection Toaster Oven Broiler to 400°F on the convection bake setting with the rack in position A. Lightly coat the baking sheet with a nonstick cooking spray. Turn the dough out onto a floured surface. Roll out into a rectangle and then fit onto the prepared pan, stretching the ends of the dough to meet the edges of the baking tray. Using your fingers, make indentations in the dough over the entire surface. Brush the dough with the remaining olive oil, and sprinkle the salt and rosemary to cover. Cover with plastic wrap and let rise until puffy, about 20 minutes. Bake until golden and crisp, about 20 to 25 minutes. Let cool slightly on wire rack.
Not in a scary-evil-things-happen kind of way, just in a really, really busy kind of way. So I have small person birthday parties, post-christmas catch up, babies arriving and due and school going back and so on. All a bit crazy, which would be why I am nursing both a cold and a bloody awful cold sore. Hmph. I have been crafting also, but since it is largely baby presents, and all three expectant mothers read my blog, you'll have to just believe me. Will post after gifting. Oh, in other wonderful news... The Last Watch is out, translated into English, at Borders, and thus... bought and read. Wonderful stuff. Though I wonder if the journalist on the cover who is quoted as saying that the author is the "Russian JK Rowling" is on crack, LSD or some other mind altering substance. They both have "fantasy" elements. Which is a bit like saying Pride and Prejudice is just like Teletubbies, because they are both english. Anyway, more in a while. Maybe.
April joined Pascal Architects in April of 2019 as an Architectural Intern. Originally from Slidell, LA, she proudly kept to her Louisiana roots by attending the University of Louisiana at Lafayette to earn her Bachelors in Architecture. Prior to joining the team, she completed an internship at KVA Architecture and has experience working on residential, commercial, and school board projects. April’s skills include professional drafting of construction documents and 3D modeling, and she is excited to start working on projects with Pascal Architects as part of the company’s dedication to training the next generation of architects. A lifelong learner, April enjoys solving the complex problems that help preserve our region’s architecture and impact the community. When April is not at work, she is most likely playing video games or airsoft. “The impact architecture has on everyone’s life is what drew me to the field because I want to impact the community in a positive manner.”
Originally Posted by Medved 90% of those were from the College hoops game(check the earlier article) that was being played so people tuned it, if there was just filler material or reruns before the boxing that number would be under 1m. and before calling the number good, you need to look at the avg CBS viewership for that day and timeslot. I still dont think 1.8m is good, for HBO its great but not for a over the air channel during mid saturday in mid winter so not many ppl outside. The 5-7 timeslot has the second most viewers after the primetime slot It pulled good numbers. 1PT/4EST is nowhere near primetime, even on Saturday. Not sure where you are getting that timeslot from 5-7, but boxing wasn't on then. Who cares if it had a lead in game. The important part is it retained those viewers. Meaning people are interested in boxing. It would have been a disaster if the retention rate was bad. Besides football, it was the 2nd, and maybe the highest rated sporting event. 1.8m doesn't blow anyone out of the water, but considering everything it had running against it, it did fine.
The Georgetown Police Department began in 1948 when the City Council established the positions of Chief of Police and two patrolmen. The first patrol vehicle was purchased in that year. Up until that period of time, a City Marshal answered all calls for police protection. Today the Georgetown Police department has a full-time staff of 80 sworn police officers, 26.5 civilian support staff, 10.5 animal services personnel, and 5 code enforcement officers. Each member of the department is committed to our vision. Our vision is stated below. To be the standard in law enforcement through leadership, innovation, and a commitment to excellence. Our Mission, Vision, and Core Values “Serve with honor, protect with vigilance” We shall carry out the vision and mission statements, while utilizing the city Employee Values Statement and the following core values as our guiding principles. We shall demonstrate the courage to do what is right, putting honesty, sense of duty, and sound moral principles at the forefront of our decision making. Supporting attributes include: Ethical Behavior, Honesty, Honor, Courage, and Loyalty. We shall inspire, empower, develop and support one another to reach our fullest potential, both individually and organizationally, in order to achieve strategic goals. Supporting attributes include: Teamwork, Communication, Wisdom, Commitment, and Objectivity. We shall be fiercely committed and highly motivated to combine our energy and expertise to achieve excellence through collaborative partnerships. Supporting attributes include: Trust, Inclusiveness, Diversity, Enthusiasm, and Sense of Humor. We shall demonstrate respect for all regardless of circumstance, model conduct beyond reproach, and exemplify the highest standards of personal appearance. Supporting attributes include: Attitude, Dedication, Excellence, Pride, Service, Courtesy, Fairness, Compassion, Sincerity, and Empathy. We shall individually and organizationally demonstrate the ownership necessary for achieving desired results by making sound personal choices through empowerment. Supporting attributes include: Competency, Reliability, Responsibility, Work Ethic, and Consistency. GEORGETOWN POLICE DEPARTMENT The EAGLE represents power, strength, and swiftness. Its demeanor is in a constant state of vigilance. The SHIELD represents the protective nature of law enforcement. The Shield has five stripes indicative of the Police Department’s five core values of Integrity, Leadership, Teamwork, Professionalism, and Accountability. The Eagle is embracing the shield in a guarded manner placing added emphasis on its importance. The THREE STARS on the shield have dual meaning. First, they represent the three critical dimensions necessary for organizational success: Leadership, Teamwork, and Communication. Second, they refer to the Police Department’s strategy for organizational development. The Georgetown Police Department promotes officer development in three vital areas: Knowledge (Scholar), Interpersonal Skills (Statesman), and Tactics (Warrior). The FIVE POINTED STAR represents the Great State of Texas. The CIRCULAR RING represents Teamwork, Unity, and Synergy. DUTY, HONOR, COMMUNITY is one of the organizational mottos.
Tui Gold holidays 2022 (book now for winter & summer 2023) offer a selection of hotels that offer high standards and first-class service within the Tui Gold brochure. If the idea of classic holidays designed for adults with great entertainment is something you are looking for then you probably have found the perfect holiday option Gold Hotels feature quality entertainment, from comedy to great tribute acts plus a great choice of food including traditional British cuisine or local dishes. There are generally great activities to choose from such as yoga, boules, aqua golf, organised walks, cocktail making, daily quizzes and more. Simply check and see what is available at your Gold hotel before you book. Each Tui Gold hotel offers different amenities and options so it is always best to check and see what there is to make sure it has everything to make you holiday the one you expect. All the Tui Gold holidays feature accommodation is generally rated 4T or above so the standard is just right for most holidaymakers. Another popular aspect of a Tui Gold holiday is that they are all adult only so your holiday experience will reflect that in the choice of cuisine and entertainment provided by the Gold hotel. Tui Blue For Two holidays also offer an adult only holiday experience however there are some differences which make the two holidays different. There are more Tui Blue For 2 hotels and destinations to choose from as well as the approach to the holiday experience. For more information simply click here > Tui Blue For Two adult holidays Tui Gold Holidays destinations There are a good rage of resorts and destinations to choose from if you are looking for a gold hotel. You will find Gold accommodation in Es Cana, Cala Bona, Paphos, Costa Teguise, Fuengirola and other destinations. Most of the hotels are located are in the Balearic Islands and especially Majorca however you do have the option of Portugal, Mainland Spain, Cyprus and Lanzarote as well. Most of these destinations are available from most airports around the UK. Gold Cruise and Stay Holidays If you fancy a Marella Cruise and stay holiday then you can also combine your cruise with a Tui Gold hotel for a really different two week holiday. You can either cruise for a week before your Gold hotel stay or do it in reverse, it's up to you! Tui holidays offer cruises departing from Palma, Malaga or if you are staying in Cyprus. Tui Gold All Inclusive Holidays Most of the Gold holidays are based on a half board basis which includes your breakfast and evening meal. For most holidaymakers this is the board basis that suits them as they can get lunch at a nearby restaurant or at the beach. Tui do also offer the option to change your Gold hotel board basis to an all inclusive gold holiday if you wish. A Gold all inclusive holiday generally includes all your meals and locally produced alcoholic drinks as well as soft drinks. Some of the Gold hotels also offer sports and activities in the gold all inclusive price such as tennis, access to the hotel gym, table tennis, the Tui Gold local interest programme and more. Each hotel offer is different so check the description online to see what is included before you book. Tui Gold Deals + Last Minute Holidays Gold late deals can be found using the Tui last minute holidays search however it is actually easier to just use the main Tui holiday search. This way you will be able to narrow down the search results to show just Tui Gold hotels. The Tui short haul section on the deals page does sometimes include Tui Gold deals as well as some of the other popular Tui holidays brands like Tui Blue For Two, Platinum, Sensatori, Tui Blue for Families and more. Booking A Tui Gold Holiday 2022 The best place to book your Tui Gold holiday is direct online on the official Tui website (click here) This way you will also get all the Tui online holiday discounts automatically applied to your holiday price. Plus sometimes Tui holidays publish special discount codes on their web site offering extra discounts on all holidays or by destination. The simplest way to avoid missing out is to check and see what deals are on offer and to check the total cost for your Tui Gold Holiday. Please remember each Gold hotel is different and due to location restraints or other reasons the facilities and activities available could be unique to some hotels. Please check prior to making your Gold or any Tui reservation to make sure you know what is included in the cost of your holiday. This will help avoid any issues and problems when you arrive in resort and make sure you get the holiday you are expecting. Tui Gold Spain – Balearic Islands – Ibiza – Es Cana – Hotel Panorama 4T Free Wi-Fi zones near the beach, great location Near all the resort amenities, transfer time 71 minutes approx (by coach) from Ibiza airport Tui Gold Spain – Balearic Islands – Majorca – Cala d'Or – Hotel Rocamarina 4T Free Wi-Fi zones and near the beach Next to Es Forti Beach, transfer time 76 minutes approx (by coach) from Ibiza airport Tui Gold Spain – Balearic Islands – Majorca – Cala Bona – Hotel Levante 4T Free Wi-Fi zones and located on the beach 1.5km to Cala Millor, transfer time 76 minutes approx (by coach) from Palma airport Tui Gold Portugal – Algarve – Acoteias – Hotel Falesia 4T Free Wi-Fi zones and around 300m from bars, restaurants & shops 1.4km to Praia de Falesia beach, transfer time 52 minutes approx (by coach) from Faro airport Tui Gold Cyprus – Paphos Region – Paphos – Hotel Atlantica Golden Beach 4T In a secluded location, Free Wi-Fi zones available 8km to Paphos harbour, transfer time 41 minutes approx (by coach) from Paphos airport Tui Gold Spain – Balearic Islands – Majorca – Camp de Mar – Grupotel Playa Camp de Mar 4T Hotel on the beach & Free Wi-Fi zones Paguera just 3 km away, transfer time 52 minutes approx (by coach) from Palma airport Tui Gold Spain – Balearic Islands – Menorca – Arenal d'en Castell – Fiesta Hotel Castell Playa 4T Tui Gold Free Wi-Fi in public areas and the hotel is close to bars and restaurants 325m to beach and resort centre, transfer time 30 minutes approx (by coach) from Mahon airport Tui Gold Spain – Balearic Islands – Majorca – Cala Bona – Hotel Levante Park 4T Hotel on the beach and there is Free Wi-Fi zones 1.5km to Cala Millor, transfer time 30 minutes approx (by coach) from Mahon airport Tui Gold Spain – Balearic Islands – Majorca – Ca'n Picafort – Hotel Picafort Park 4T Hotel is near the beach and offers guests free Wi-Fi zones 600m to Son Baulo beach, transfer time 76 minutes approx (by coach) from Palma airport Tui Gold Spain – Balearic Islands – Ibiza – Santa Eulalia – Hotel Catalonia Ses Estaques 4T Hotel offers free Wi-Fi zones and is located nar the beach and marina area 500m from the main square of Santa Eulalia, transfer time 62 minutes approx (by coach) from Ibiza airport Tui Gold Spain – Canary Islands – Lanzarote – Costa Teguise – Hotel Coronas Playa 4T Hotel has seafront location and provides guests with free Wi-Fi zones 1km to resort centre, transfer time 30 minutes approx (by coach) from Lanzarote airport Tui Gold Spain – Andalucia – Costa Del Sol – Fuengirola – Hotel Yaramar 4T Sea-view pool and free Wi-Fi zones near shops, bars and restaurants. 1.5km to Fuengirola centre, transfer time 36 minutes approx (by coach) from Malaga airport Remember to check and make sure the hotel your are thinking of has everything you need to make sure you have the holiday you are looking for prior to making your holiday booking! > click here
High School Students, Collaborate with us! The TeamUP Science High School Ambassador Program is a volunteer opportunity for high school students in grades 10-12 across Alberta. In this position, Ambassadors will collaborate with the Vice President External and associated TeamUP Science Directors to promote various events! You will be an essential part of our team by helping us get the word out about our exciting events and representing TeamUP Science! This in an exciting opportunity for students who are interested in science, wanting to become involved in TeamUP Science, and are want to build their resume! As an Ambassador you may be asked to communicate with teachers and staff about various events and competitions, talk to peers about opportunities within TeamUP Science, put up posters, show TeamUP Science Directors around your school, and representing our group to your peers! If you have any questions about the Ambassador program, please contact [email protected] Access the application at any time here:
Since the previous update on this project in January, construction on the Flatbush Avenue bridge has made tremendous progress. It actually looks like a bridge on the site now! The first picture is taken from Flatbush Avenue between the train tracks and New Park Avenue. The steel to support the roadway is up, and it’s now clear how the new bridge will meet up with the existing streets at each end. Next we move east across the tracks to the intersection of Flatbush and Newfield. This picture is looking to the west along Flatbush Avenue towards West Hartford. The large black wall is the inside of the bridge – they have quite a bit of fill to add in order to make it a smooth transition back to ground level. In fact, it looks like the entire intersection of Flatbush and Newfield is going to be elevated when work is complete. In the January update we were concerned about the future of the restaurant on the corner of Flatbush and Newfield. The construction crew has built what appears to be the edge of the roadway on that parcel. The good news is that the road will avoid the restaurant. The bad news is that the restaurant lost about half of its previous setback from Flatbush Avenue. My apologies for the poor picture quality on that third shot. I was holding the camera above my head to get it over the fence and looking directly into the sun

Manufacturing & Prototyping Spray-On Material to Revolutionize Water Proofing Scientists at the Australian National University (ANU) have developed a new spray-on material with a remarkable ability to repel water. The new protective coating could eventually be used to waterproof mobile phones, prevent ice from forming on airplanes, or protect boat hulls from corroding. The team created a much more robust coating than previous materials by combining two plastics, one tough and one flexible. The coating is also transparent and extremely resistant to ultraviolet radiation.
Marvin Norwood, left, appears in Los Angeles Superior Court May 30. An undated image of Bryan Stow and his children, taken before his attack. Bryan Stow with his 12-year-old son and 8-year-old daughter. Bryan Stow holding his 12-year-old son Tyler and 8-year-old daughter Tabitha in an undated photo. Giants and Dodgers stand for a moment of silence for paramedic Bryan Stow, pictured above, who was beaten at Dodger Stadium.
Basic information about the temple |Moolavar:||Suddha Ratneswarar||Ambal / Thayar:||Akhilandeswari| |Timing:||5 to 12.30 & 4 to 8.30||Parikaram:| |Temple group:||Vaippu Sthalam||–| |Sung by:||Temple set:| |City / town:||Oottathur||District:||Perambalur| |Maps from (click):||Current location||Perambalur (22.5 km)||Ariyalur (31.3 km)| |Tiruchirappalli (44.9 km)||Thanjavur (56.1 km)| Oottathur is located about 5km east from the NH45, and about 42 km from Trichy. Sthala puranam and temple information The puranam of this temple is linked to the legendary dispute between Vishnu and Brahma as to who was superior. After Brahma acknowledges to Siva that his claim (with the thazhampoo bearing false witness) of having seen the top of the pillar of fire, Siva ordered him to bring water from all the holy rivers and perform abhishekam. Brahma did so, and created a spring of water in front of the garbhagriham. Water from this Brahma Teertham is used even today for daily abhishekam in the temple, and is said to have curative properties for a variety of ailments. The type of water source created by Brahma is called ootru in Tamil, giving the town its name Ootratur (which has been corrupted to Ootathur). In the 7th century, the local army was clearing the way to make a path for the king. In the process, they found blood oozing on the ground at this particular place, and informed the king. Upon further digging, the king found a Siva Lingam made of ruby, with a cut on the head. Taking this to be a sign, the king built the temple here. The temple was later renovated by Raja Raja Chola I in the late 10th / early 11th century. It is said that this was a result of Raja Raja hearing about the curative properties of the Brahma Teertham, and being cured after some of its water was sprinkled on him. In order to resolve the question of which of the seven rivers of Bharatam (Ganga, Yamuna, Tungabhadra, Sindhu, Saraswati, Kaveri, Narmada) was the holiest, Siva asked Nandi to drink up the water in all seven rivers. Nandi lay down facing east, and began to drink up the water, and at the end of it, only the River Ganga‘s water poured out as a separate river, called Nandi aaru, to the east of the temple. There are 2 large Nandis at this temple – one facing east (honuoring the Nandi aaru), and the other facing Siva. The Nandi aaru is not existent now, but is believed to be a mystic river that joins the Kollidam river. Raja Raja, on his trip to Varanasi to immerse his father’s ashes in the Ganga, noted that when he passed by the Nandi aaru, the ashes turned into flowers, and stayed that way till they reached Varanasi, where they turned into ashes again. The king decided to return, and eventually immersed the ashes in the Nandi aaru. It is believed that the king also constructed a Kasi Viswanathar temple here near the Nandi aaru, but it too, like the aaru, does not exist today. It is possible that the nearby shrine of Swarnambikai sametha Choleeswarar, located to the south-west of the temple, could be that temple. The image of Natarajar at this temple is made of panchanadhana stone (which is said to have the ability to absorb the Sun’s rays) and is worshipped with a garland of vetiver (khas). Water from the Brahma Teertham, after being used for Natarajar’s abhishekam, is said to cure kidney related ailments, with a lot of people attesting to this even in current times. Worshipping Natarajar is also believed to help regain the lost power, as Indra did after praying here, and so this temple is also a favourite of many politicians! One of the exquisite works of architecture in the temple is the carving of the 27 nakshatrams and 12 rasis on the ceiling. Also, both the Natarajar and Sivakamasundari are made of a single stone, each. Other information for your visit To the west – no more than a couple of hundred meters from this temple – is an ancient temple for Rama, Lakshmana and Sita, where the principal deity is Kodandaramar. This is a very simple temple but with some amazing carvings on the walls (and a special Thundikkai Azhvar – Vinayakar at the entrance to the garbhagriham). Nataraja Gurukkal: 97880 62416
You’re pregnant. Now what? The first trimester begins, and it is often the toughest stage of pregnancy. During this trimester, pregnant women will experience morning sickness, sore breasts, fatigue, aversion to food, and mixed emotions all at once. It’s a crazy roller-coaster ride that will go on for the next three months. Because the body is growing another human inside, expectant moms also need to take steps to ensure their babies develop well and to stay healthy throughout the first trimester. This first-trimester to-do list will help you start your pregnancy right. Find Your Care Provider As part of prenatal care, expectant mothers need to choose a health-care provider (a midwife, an ob-gyn, a perinatologist, or a family practitioner) who will assist and guide them throughout their pregnancy. Your care provider will guide you through all the steps to take to ensure you and your baby are healthy until delivery and after. Generally, the first visit to your midwife will be at 10 to 12 weeks of gestation while the ob-gyn may ask to see you at 6 to 12 weeks. Choosing the right care provider is a vital step in determining the quality of your pregnancy. You should open up about all your pregnancy-related concerns with your midwife, doctor, or practitioner without being judged or brushed off. If you feel uncomfortable with your care provider, trust your gut, and find someone else who’s more compatible with you. Start Prenatal Visits You’re likely to see your care provider more often than you’ll see your friends in the next nine months. Your first prenatal visit should happen as soon as you discover you’re pregnant. During this visit, the doctor will do the following to confirm and ensure your health: - Prescribe prenatal supplements - Look into your medical history - Calculate your due date - Give you a general health exam You doctor will ask you to undergo several laboratory exams: - An ultrasound screening (used with an ultrasound transducer) - A urine test - STD tests - Pap smear - Glucose-level testing - Genetic carrier screening After your first appointment, you will need to see the doctor once a month from weeks 4 to 28, then more often as the months progress. Take Folic Acid Supplements Folic acid, also known as vitamin B9, is an essential nutrient that protects the fetus against congenital disabilities. You should start taking folic acid supplements as soon as you confirm your pregnancy. The first trimester is the most crucial period in your baby’s growth. Taking the recommended daily dose of 400 micrograms of folic acid can prevent the development of brain and spinal-cord problems on your baby. Avoid Tobacco, Alcohol, and Drugs Tobacco, alcohol, and drugs have devastating effects on pregnant women and developing babies. Smoking is linked to sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and permanent damage to the fetus’s brain and lungs. Inhaling cigarette smoke during pregnancy also exposes your baby to carcinogens. Babies who were exposed to alcohol in their mother’s stomach can develop fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) and fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD). FAS is characterized by abnormal facial features, growth deficiencies, and central nervous system problems. Drugs, including marijuana, also have numerous damaging effects on babies and pregnant mothers, including lifetime physical and mental disabilities. Taking marijuana while pregnant increases the baby’s risk of developing the developmental hyperactive disorder during childhood and marijuana addiction when they grow up. Pregnant women who smoke or ingest cannabis also have a higher risk of stillbirth. Cocaine also puts expectant moms at risk of miscarriage, and coke-exposed babies can have smaller heads (and lower IQs) and restricted growth. Babies who were exposed to narcotics can also become dependent on the drug and suffer withdrawal symptoms. Check Your Medications Illegal substances aren’t the only type of drug you need to look out for. Over-the-counter (OTC) and prescription drugs can also harm the baby. As a general rule, pregnant women should stop taking OTC medication for the next nine months unless the doctor says otherwise. The mother and the fetus are connected through the placenta. The baby will ingest anything you consume. The fetus is still developing, so they lack essential bodily functions that metabolize pharmaceutical agents in medications. Taking any form of drugs may lead to harmful effects on the fetus. Eat Right, and Exercise Now that you’re eating for two, you need to make sure that you’re supplying your body and your baby the nutrients they need. Nausea and food aversion can make it more challenging to maintain a healthy diet, but it’s vital to eat a nutritionally rich diet during this period. Load up on foods that are high in folate, calcium, iron, zinc, and fiber. Avoid foods that are too sugary, salty, fatty, and oily. Minimize the intake of processed and junk foods for the next nine months. Although you’re eating for yourself and the baby, you should watch your weight to prevent gestational diabetes, which happens to pregnant women who are overweight. Weighing too little is also not good. Underweight pregnant women have a higher risk of preterm labor and low-birth-weight babies. During pregnancy, you should also keep an exercise routine recommended by your doctor. Exercise helps you stay strong and healthy, ease pregnancy pain and discomfort, and prepare you for labor. Be Relentlessly Curious Pregnancy is too big of a change to jump in unprepared. You need to summon the drive to arm yourself with the knowledge and skills to handle all the changes you need to undergo and the enormous responsibility of carrying a baby. Your doctor will help you every step of the way, but they won’t be there with you all the time. Be proactive about finding answers to your questions and concerns. Read and research about what’s good and bad for you and the baby. Be critical, and ask questions. Your baby is relying on you to keep them safe and healthy.
Broadcast on TV in as many as 217 countries, the Tournament of Roses Parade in Pasadena, California is a world famous New Years celebration event. The parade is held every year on January 1, unless the date falls on a Sunday. If New Years Day falls on a Sunday the parade is held on January 2. These spectacular pictures were taken by the world famous professional aerial photographer Mark Holtzman of West Coast Aerial Photography, Inc. Mark is also an experienced pilot, flying the airplane he uses to shoot his own photographs. They were taken above Colorado Boulevard, during and above the United States Air Force (USAF) B2 fly-by. Military airplane low-passes along the entire Colorado Boul evard stretch in Pasadena always mark the official start of the parade every year, at 8 a.m. Mark has generously granted us permission to display his pictures on Captain Jetson, to share with you. You can contact Mark by clicking his link in red above. 2019 Rose Parade Opening 8 a.m. USAF B2 Bomber fly-by Video: 2019 © Captain Les Click Video Below to Watch
- Name : Backlink Checker - Version : 1.0 - OS : Windows - Type : Backlink Tool - Price : - Homepage : SalePage Backlink Checker is a desktop tool the allows website owners or SEO's to check a websites backlink profile. It is powered through the MOZ API (which is free to use). You simply enter the web properties (domains / webpages) you want to see the backlinks for and the tool will fire off requests to the MOZ API fetching all the known websites / webpages linking to those web properties. - This tool is powered by the MOZ backlink crawler. Which current has around 190 Billion URLs, 317 Million Domains and 2 Trillion Links in its index. When you click start in the background the tool fires off requests to the MOZ API which returns all the links for your entered web properties. Web properties are just webpages and domains. Once we get a response back from the MOZ API we display the results in the results grid. There are a few options that we'll explain below. - Tool options - - Fetch MOZ DA and PA - With this setting the tool will also query the moz api for the backlink's domain authority (DA) and page authority (PA) so you can assess how much of an impact its having on ranking the target web property (webpage or website). - - Fetch NoFollow links - By default this tool will fetch only dofollow links, however if this option is selected it will return all links regardless of their nofollow / dofollow link attributes - - Fetch links for entire domain - By detault if you were to enter www.supagrowth.com this tool would only return links pointing to the root domain (www.supagrowth.com) however if you select this option it will return all links pointing to the domain regardless of their target URL. For example links pointing to www.supagrowth.com/about would be returned as well as any links pointing to www.supagrowth.com. Warning! You are not allowed to view this text. Tags : Backlink Checker
Leory Mullens, sometimes known as Peter Mullen, is a minor character in South Park: The Stick of Truth. He has brown hair in sepearted bangs, freckles, and large black-rimmed glasses. He has no role at all in the story (despite being shown as one of the kids in detention). The New Kid meets him on the roof of the News Office by going through the vent. When the New Kid talks to him, he'll friend him on Facebook. According to himself, he is a goblin waiting to rob someone.
Discipline for Toddlers Berkeley Parents Network > Discipline for Toddlers My 13-month old daughter starts in day-care next month. Overall we were happy with the day-care when we saw the place and met the staff. However, I have a concern about the way they discipline the children. They explained that if a child does something that he or she is not allowed to three times, she has to stand on a ''time-out'' cirkel for 2-3 minutes. This would be in front of the other children. I think small children are not going to learn anything from this and that it is a humiliation of the child. Any experience or thoughts on time- outs/discipline in day-care? Do you think that time-outs are appropriate for older children in a day-care? A 3 minute time out for 12-13 month olds?!? They're babies! They're too punishment, let alone a 3 minute time out. Clearly this child care understand what's developmentally appropriate and I shudder to think they're doing. Find a new child care center. This doesn't seem appropriate for a toddler. How on earth would they get a 13-month-old to stay still in the naughty circle for 3 minutes anyway? You should definitely discuss your concerns with the daycare. My son goes to daycare and they do on occasion give time outs for repetitive, serious misbehaviors. (i.e.: hitting, pushing) The timeout is one minute per year of age and it's in another room away from the other children, with a caretaker. For less serious behavior, the child would be taken away from the group and would sit on a caretaker's lap for a few minutes. My son is 20 months old and has had one ''leave the room'' timeout in his 8 months at our daycare. Personally, I'm fine with that, because it's consistent with what we do at home. For a child my son's age, our family's and our daycare's main form of ''discipline'' is distracting him, removing him from situations where he's getting in trouble or out of control, and making sure he's not too hungry or tired. That keeps most situations from escalating to the point where a time out is necessary. Time outs are really supposed to be a way to get children to calm down, not a way to embarrass them in front of the group. This discipline for a one-year-old is outrageously inappropriate. It borders on abusive! It is even inaproppriate for an older child of any age. Time-out is, in general, a much contested discipline method. Some teachers, schools, parents, experts, etc. swear by it whereas others - like myself - feel that there are better ways to help a child change his or her behaviors. However, this kind of time out is one that relies on shaming a child and perhaps on causing physical discomfort (since the child has to STAND in one place) and both are these are inappropriate under any circumstance. If you can, find another child care for your child!!! An experienced preschool teacher I work at a daycare and there is consistency to discipline, but none of it involves putting one-year-olds in time-out and certainly not in a position of ridicule. Younger children are redirected. Most older children respond well to redirection as well or a simple reminders. Time out is used occasionally. that is ludicrous to expect from a 1 year old. I would question the daycare based on this. Do they really expect a 1 year old to ''get it'' like a 4 year old does? Check out gentle discipline Trust your instincts! You are absolutely right that a one year old will not learn from any form of time-out. The way that children learn is by being kindly guided in the right direction, not through humiliation and shame. A daycare program that believes this is the right way to teach a very young child is seriously lacking in knowledge of both child development and Our 16 month is displaying the normal behavior of testing his limits and need some advice about the best way to handle it. We have baby-proofed our house to an extent that he is given a lot of freedom, but there are about 3 things that he is not allowed to do (for safety reasons). We have both been consistent about never allowing him to do those things, but he continues to push. We generally just try to redirect his attention but he is so, so determined that is doesn't work. My understanding is that time-outs are not appropriate for someone before two, because they don't understand the punishment as a consequence of their behavior, so I wonder if there is another alternative for this age. Note: we do not believe in spanking or yelling. Any REDIRECT! REDIRECT! REDIRECT! Keep at it. Pick him up and move him to another room to another activity. Make sure that you get down to his level when talking to him to acknowledge his frustration with what you are preventing him from... Say something like, ''I know that you really want to shove that fork in the light socket, but it isn't safe. Mommy isn't safe if she does it. Let's go to the dining room and play with play dough.'' Then physically remove him from the situation as gently as Spanking and yelling are pretty much for your benefit anyway, so you are safe in avoiding them. I just wanted to chime in that we introduced time outs when my daughter was about 17 months old. It was a very rare occurrence, but definitely think that less than two year olds can understand that actions have consequences to a degree. In our case we already had the rule that at mealtime, when the food throwing started that meant she was done eating and we would wipe her face and take her out of the high chair. If it was the beginning of a meal, we would wait 10 minutes and then put her back. If we thought she had already eaten enough, she was done. She quickly learned this. However, in the spirit of testing limits, one night she was throwing food and I said, ''Ok, you are done eating.'' I went to get the washcloth, and when I came back, she looked me square in the eye and threw her cup on the floor. When I came close to wipe her face she slapped me across the face! I was SO surprised, as we have a completely non-violent household and she had never hit me purposefully before. Anyway, my first response was, ''Ok you are in time out'' and thus the kitchen rug became our time out spot. I went with the 1 minute per year of age rule, and was amazed that after only about 2 times, she understood and stayed there. When the time was up we would go to her and repeat why she was in time out (short and sweet) and then let her get up. Now that she is 2 1/2 we ask her why she was in time out and then make her apologize before getting up. It has worked very well, and she probably goes in time out less than once a week. Good luck with the limit testing! Time out worked for us Our house sounds a lot like yours. We have just a few battles we fight vigorously with our 17 month old--no standing on chairs, no walking in the street, etc. We fight them over and over and over again. He is getting better. If it takes a 100 times for a dog to learn a command, I can only imagine how many times it will take for my son to learn not to stand on the furniture! I am certainly no expert, but I use time outs with my son, and I do see a difference in his behavior. I started the time outs for me, really, just to collect myself when he would get under my skin. I take him away from the temptation and place him in his crib. I had heard ''a minute per year of age,'' so we started at one minute....That's about all it takes. After a minute, he is calm, usually cuddly, and leaves whatever it is alone--for a little while, at least. I'm not sure if it is the best method, but when we both need a break, it seems to work for us. Just keep consistent and (I have to believe) they will get it keeping the faith Hi. I think you can definitely put your little guy in some version of time out at this age. Our little boy is 20 months now. He started this whole biting routine when he was about 14 months and every time he did it I just put him down and ignored him for a full minute. Now, if he does something dangerous or bad, I stick him in his crib for a minute and tell him when I am done what he did that landed him in the pokey. They are definitely smart/advanced enough to understand that when they do X then an unpleasant Y happens. You bite me, you get ignored. As for continuous testing, just assume he will find something else to test you with. Sounds like this is their full-time job at this age. I don't think he's too young for time out. My son was even younger (still crawling, so under 13 months) when I started. He understood 'no-no', but there was he started teasing me with... He loved pulling my books off the bookshelf. At first I'd move him and say, ''No, no, that's a mama book, here's a Renzie book'', and hand him a board book. started going right back to do it again. When I found myself getting angry (just a teeny), I thought - you can't get angry at a baby, and I decided to put him in time out (1 minute, crib as restraint, no isolation factor). My sister-in-law said it wouldn't work, since he was so young. It did. He didn't seem to mind the time-out, but he did stop pulling out books. I never got angry about it, he was never sad or mad, and he learned to stop doing it. It wasn't until he was much older that he started to be unhappy about You're doing the right thing, and everything you've heard is exactly what I've read and heard, too. It's frustrating, but before 36 months small children can't reliably follow direction. It does help to actually speak your rule while redirecting. Once our daughter started talking, she would often speak the rule, too, sometimes right before she couldn't resist doing the offending activity, but as she gets closer to three, it's gotten so much easier. So, redirect while telling him in simple, affirmative terms (chairs are not for standing, chairs are for sitting, etc), the ''rule'' you are trying to teach. Good I just went through this stage with my son. We also do not do the spanking thing. And, timeouts at this age are not developmentally effective. Here is what we did - First we(parents and caregiver) got very clear on what he can do and what he can not. The first tier are things that are never ok, ever. (Climbing up on the hearth, touching/pulling plants, etc.) The second was things that are ok sometimes - meaning it is ok to throw the ball but not ok to throw books. We handled these ones differently. For the serious offences - At the FIRST instant he touched a plant or threw his leg up on the hearth.. ''NO TOUCH'' - in a clear & serious, but not angry tone. Immediately remove him, face him towards an empty wall, not saying anything, holding him firmly for about 20seconds. Even as he starts to move, hold him firmer. Release him, then walk away and ignore him for about 20-30 more seconds. The first few times you do this he will go right back to do the thing, just repeat, don't get exasperated, he just wants to make sure that you will do it again. I would usually go into another room while ignoring him and start to play with something that he could hear. Then he would end up finding me, and was easily distracted and not caught into a loop. This totally works - he quickly understood "No Touch" or "Not for you" away from home too. For the other situation - it seems a lot of books say treat it all the same way, but we found that ineffective - he was not learning anything. So we started to say "no, no. You can put the book down nicely" and then I'd show him, then have him do it. Sometimes if a ball was nearby I'd say "Here, you can throw the ball. Not the book." This totally worked great for other things too. He started swatting - not quite hitting, but not quite nice. So I started saying - "You can touch nicely" and then pat and pet the object. And he quickly got out of the Good luck! Be consistent and calm. Hi,we have a 16 month old boy too! I know exactly what you mean, how the one thing you don't want him to do (or touch or eat...)is what he goes for.We've baby-proofed so he can have the run of most of the livingroom/kitchen/his bedroom, too.My husband even had to put 1''x12'' planks on all the low windows because our son LOVED to bang on the glass and ''NO'' just didn't work and it was too dangerous.When he's 2 or 3 we'll have our whole windows back.The best advice I can give is what we do, which is just remove him from the thing he is doing that we don't want him to do and talk to him as we do it ''I know you want to climb on your dresser but it's dangerous so Mommy has to close your bedroom door for a while and we can do something else. Look, here are your favorite trains'') and if possible, make it so he can't keep doing it right then. He'll do it later or tomorrow as we know.It may limit your access to a part of the house for a while but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. Acknowledge what he wants and explain why it's not an option right then (or ever, as the case may be) He may still cry or go back to it but you know you're being fair and more sinks in than we realize sometimes.It's just a daily thing, telling them the same stuff over and over and eventually your consistency will pay off.I'm not sure what the ''things'' are but our son likes to lick the kitchen floor (a taste for linoleum) and the knobs on the cabinets and so we remove him from there, close the door and redirection (to his legion of toys that you'd think he'd prefer over lino)usually works.It's a fun and challenging age, you can almost smell them learning and our job in that process is so important, it's humbling. BTW, my son's b- day is Feb 17th. Is yours close? Unfortunately, you have to wait it out. You must still be consistent and remove him from the situation (electric cord, whatever) and redirect/distract him. He will get it eventually, but he's young and so it will take time and persistence. Time- outs, etc. won't work yet. You may want to check out the books by Louise Bates Ames (like ''your one year old'') for age- approrpiate behavior descriptions and ideas on what you can do. These books are a bit out-of-date (mothers are assumed to be the care-takers, etc.) but the descriptions of behavior are still Keep it up! I wanted to add to what had already been posted in response to this Some people say that time-outs worked for their one-year-olds - so I right time to introduce this depends upon each individual child. For however, one is considered too young. But what I really wanted to address that no one else did was the time-outs are supposed to be a kind of punishment. They are NOT supposed to be used this way! Time-outs are meant to be used with kids who are acting response to a situation, in an out-of control way. Time outs were intended to HELP the child get some space away from a difficult situation or feelings and learn how to calm themselves by taking some time away from whatever is stimulating outs are intended as a tool that a child can learn to use to calm down centered. When, as adults, we go for a walk or go in a room alone to ''cool off'' from a heated argument or other situation, we are giving ourselves a children, they don't know how to do this themselves, so we are supposed guiding and teaching them how to do it by giving them time-outs. Punishment doesn't work First of all, thank you for all of your responses to my "Discipline 101" question. I read them, my husband read them and we culled what worked for us and made a great list. I wanted to ask a follow up. Our situation is that we are abroad in Asia for 6 months with a teeny/crappy kitchen. We also are traveling around a fair amount with our 19 month old. While we can definitely cook more at home (point very well taken), the most difficult part of changing things in terms of throwing or not providing snacks all day is when we are on the go. If we take a train somewhere to eat dinner, our son will scream and whine to get out unless we give him a constant stream of snacks. If we are on a train for several hours and he throws something, there is no place to put him in a time out (and he usually doesn't care about a thing being taken away, he just gets in a throwing mood. It is a tantrum with throwing). SO, if you wise, wise people could just help me a little bit more, we might be able to drastically improve things over here. So, (A) how do we discipline on the go and (B) how do we not give him constant snacks on the go. OR do we just accept that we have 5 more months here and he won't turn into a delinquent from a few weekends of extra snacks and tolerated throwing. Now that I understand you are traveling I'm not sure this is all about discipline. You're putting your kid in a situation that is really hard for him and he's upset and cranky so then the situation is really hard for you also. I just don't think it is OK for him to be throwing things on a train no matter how upset he is. Take away everything that he could throw and then try to soothe or distract him from his tantrum. It seems like he is having a trantrum because he hates being confined on a train and having his routine disrupted. This is going to be a lot of work for you. It is easy to give him a snack to just placate him but this is teaching him bad food habits. Try to find ways to entertain him or soothe him on the train. Look out the window, play clapping games, look at books, walk up and down the aisle, play peekaboo, bounce him on your lap, give him toys (that you put away if he throws). It is REALLY hard to travel with toddlers. Can you cut back on the travelling? I agree that you can't put a toddler on time out in a train. Older kids would understand but not a toddler that hasn't had time outs before. Well, I definitely don't have an answer but can share my experience. My daughter is 22 months and when we travel I also seem to have to have a steady stream of snacks going. I have figured that if that's what works now, that's great, and just try to have healthy ones with me like cubed tofu, carrots, fruit, whole grain crackers. That said, she got through one flight with a half a BOX of graham crackers. Aside from the snacks though, I try to take every safe (and non-bothersome to other travelers) opportunity to let her out of her chair/carseat to wander and explore. Often this comes at the expense of my faster and more linear idea of how we should travel. But, for example, we learned about getting on and off moving walkways with a stroller, letting people pass, and saying ''excuse me'' to walk around others on our 4 hour flight delay last weekend. For me, what has worked is to try to say ''yes'' as often as possible to her curiosity, and have lots of snacks on hand too! Also, I have a friend that put together a box of small toys for her daughter to take on trips to restaurants and similar places. She fills it with crayons and small notebooks, stickers, cars, etc. which has seemed to work for her. As for discipline on the road, when there is unacceptable behavior, I generally ask my daughter to look at me, put my face very close to hers and say in a low, stern and serious voice that that behavior is not ok, we don't do that, etc. and then let it go. I figure there will be ample opportunities for discipline in coming years and there is no sense escalating things into tantrums for the benefit of my Good for you for wanting to get some guidelines - it helps a whole lot when both parents talk out possible scenarios and solutions beforehand so that when the tantrum happens, you feel a wee bit more prepared. I would say no to ''tolerated throwing''. If he's throwing specifically because he's frustrated, just be sure to keep throwables out of reach and keep saying ''no throwing''. And endless snacks... it soon becomes a habit and an expected way of soothing... too much ''food as comforter'' makes me... uncomfortable. But absolutely still carry them - a few raisins or crackers can go a long way in soothing a cranky growing child. I think the key thing is to figure out other ways to DISTRACT and ENTERTAIN. If you see the tantrum coming, pull out a toy. Put together a kit of easy to carry things that are for travelling only. Don't use all at once, but rotate them - that way he has ''new'' toys to look forward to on every journey. Small picture books that you don't necessarily have to read but just point out pictures ''Hey, I see a red dog... do you see the red dog? Where is the red dog?'' Small toys - not small enough to put in his mouth, but sturdy little cars ''Let's have a race!'' Action figures/dolls/people/animal toys - They also have the benefit that they can ''talk'' to him when he's tired of mommy and daddy always telling him ''no'' and ''stop''. And even the snacks - you can ''stretch out'' their use by lining crackers up, counting them, ''guess which hand'', playing ''here comes the raisin train...All aboard! Non-stop to the Tunnel of No If his fine motor skills are developing, a few crayons and a small notepad. Post-it notes are endless fun even if he doesn't draw - he can safely stick them anywhere. My kids are 8 and 5, but I still stock up on ''travel toys'' at thrift stores, garage sales and the like. Hide them away until the next time we have a long journey and they've had enough of Mom of Two Dear Anon, It sounds daunting, but there's a solution. Since your son's behaviors could turn into lifetime habits, it's best to deal with it now-- a very loving thing to do. It seems your son's behavior is his coping strategy soothing his anxiety and trying to regulate himself-an important life skill. Help him find other appropriate means such as asking to be held or to play with him. Part of his coping strategy is seeking your attention (negative or positive), so he will do anything to get it-that works. Re-train him to seek your attention with his positive behavior. While your both calm kneel to his level, look him in the eye and frequently tell your son what you want him to do and what you do not want him to do. Make it short and simple so he can remember. Then consistently follow through with giving him attention when he acts appropriately, and withdrawing your attention when acting inappropriately. Stick to your guns. Without absolute consistency, things could get worse. Saying ''no'' and tolerating his tantrums until he knows his tantrums will not work is one of the most difficult, and loving, things a parent can do. As soon as he stops tantruming, give him positive attention (heart felt praise and nurturing). Remember he is trying to cope. Key: ''Catch him in the act of behaving appropriately," giving him lots of praise and nurturing when he is acting appropriately. Also, try setting aside at least 15 minutes a day for quality time with your son he can count on. This has been miraculously helpful. Also give him choices, as he is learning to assert his power and needs appropriate avenues for this important developmental need. Since setting limits can trigger your own difficult feelings and behaviors, consider getting some support as you all go through this brief trying time. Earplugs can help as well. If concerned about the neighbors, inform them of your plan. Again, setting appropriate limits is a very loving thing to do and it helps children feel safe. I have successfully used this method with many children and adolescents with far more severe behaviors. Good luck! I have this rule -- don't travel with your child between the ages of 15-months and two-years and don't take children out to dinner between the ages of 18-months and four-years. First-off, you both must sit in time-out for 37 minutes... Honestly, when I have been forced to break my own rules (I have a two and four year old and have traveled and eaten out extensively with them since birth), I go for convenience over desire. For instance, there is a restaurant near my home that makes the most fabulous tacos that take about 15-minutes to get to the table. They also make cheese pizza that takes about two minutes to get to the table. When I go their with the girls, I order cheese pizza. When I go with my newspaper and/or my husband, I order the tacos. When I am on an airplane for five hours with the girls (almost always traveling without my husband), I give them anything to keep them happy. Granted, I am playing defense, which is a little harder than outmanning the little creatures. Also, I think kids can sense when you are desperate. I didn't respond to your first post, but don't stress too much about discipline. Try to work on structure (even if it means spending too much time in your crappy kitchen) at this point -- the same thing at the same time every day, within reason of course. Hello fellow parent-- After your first post, I had to concur with the person who responded by saying that (by eating in restaurants every night with your toddler) you are setting your toddler up for a test that he is destined to fail, and for that he is labeled as the After reading your follow-up post, I have the impression that you and your husband are determined to plow through your usual routines without taking your child's needs into consideration, and are expecting him to comply to fit your set plans. Raising a toddler means sometimes seriously limiting or bringing your plans to a grinding halt, reprioritizing your short-term goals, and lowering your expectations in terms of what you think a 19- month old is capable of handling before melting down. What do they say in AA? Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. You don't say why your family is traveling in Asia for the next six months--Work assignment? Leisure travel? Extended family emergency? Whatever the reason, it might help to observe and/or talk with the locals and see how they handle living in apartments with ''teeny/crappy kitchens'' and traveling long distances with a toddler. But I think you and your husband have unrealistic expectations of what can be accomplished with a toddler in tow. I recommend that you read ''The Epidemic'' by Robert Shaw, MD. It's available online at amazon.com and elsewhere. after reading some of the bpn's responses, i wanted to remind you and the people responding to your post that we don't know your ''exact'' situation as to why, how, and the details of your travels to asia- your question was how to manage your toddler while traveling, such as while on the train should you guys have to go out to eat or go somewhere. in parts of asia, i know that trains are safer, more predictable, less expensive, you can walk around a bit, etc- whatever. you are asking an honnest question and you are obviously nervous about traveling with your child- this may be your first overseas trip with your child- thus you are asking for some advice. it's not fair to you or others who have the same consern and reading these responses looking for some advice. relax, you will manage. first of all, there will be two adults and one child- so find some comfort in that. just be prepared for meltdowns (so when it happens, it won't be so shocking for YOU- besides, in asia- culturally, kids can do no wrong), as when you travel with toddlers, they'll need a balance of stimulation, quiet time, and comforting. so, lots of different types of activities, fave toys, ecoloring books (just to scribble), stickers, post-its, books, treats/snack (healthy ones- b/c your traveling so they'll probably be snacking more than usual)- i pull out a ''activity'' every 30-45 minutes. you and your partner will need to be activily involved- you guys are stability and comforting factor when everything else around your toddler is new. as far as the time outs and throwing stuff. yes, be firm to say that it is not acceptable. perhapse have a walk in the cabin, look out the windows to spot something interesting, and talk about it and try to calm your child down. you know your child the best. dont sweat the small stuff with your toddler- everything will be foreign to them, so you have to work extra hard to make sure that he/she is having a fun trip. every child is different, so i wouldn't say stop traveling untill your kid is old enough. my now, 4 y.o daughter has been traveling overseas since she was 10 months- she averages an international trip a year. now we also have a 7 month old and we're all headed off to asia again. i honnestly feel that you don't have to stop traveling, but change your style of i'm almost giggling because you seem to be more worried about the 5 hr train ride than the 12+ hr plane ride to get to asia. if you can manage the plane ride- no worries. feel free to contact me should you need any advice or comfort. Much like the poster from last week's advice, I am having a hard time figuring out what is important and what is not for my 19 month old. He is very smart, very funny, and a little bandit who tries to get away with a lot. Can some of you more discipline-minded parents whose children are ''spirited'' give me some good guidelines for discipline? 1. Is it worth making him sit before we give him food b/c if we do, we will spend a lot of time having tantrums and doing a tug of war. We eat out almost every night, so we end up chasing him around the restaurants. This seems like what 19 month olds do and that we can't make him sit if he doesn't want to sit. 2. How is he supposed to know the difference between toys that you can throw (balls) and toys you shouldn't throw (giant truck). How do we handle throwing? 3. He wants snacks all day long when we are with him in our teeny apartment. but when he is at daycare, he only gets snacks at certain times and seems fine with that. Here, he just stands at the refrigerator and screams ''YOGURT!'' or ''PRETZELS'' and tantrum if we don't give it to him. Terrified that if we don't discipline him properly he will end up in prison (not really) and out of control. We just don't know what is worth pushing and what is not. I would try using choices and consequences with your toddler. Good choices = good consequences and bad choices = bad consequences. My 3 year old understands this very well. Try to make the consequences fit the choices, i.e. if he throws the truck the truck goes bye bye for a day. If he waits until snack time to eat he gets to have the snack he wants, if he doesn't wait and throws a tantrum he does not get a snack and when snack time comes he does not get the one he prefers. Do not reward bad choices. Choosing to have a tantrum = a time out. For time outs we do one minute for every year until they are about 5. Then time outs can be longer. If you don't want him throwing balls in the house tell him to roll it instead. Throwing the ball means the ball goes bye bye for a day. Rolling the ball instead can mean you will take him to the park later and throw the ball etc...; Make sure you reward his good choices and discourage his bad choices with appropriate consequences. Also,a toddler can understand the word 'choices', but instead of 'consequences' we say ''a bad (or good) thing happens.' I think this is basic discipline 101 and it works pretty well for us. Even people from educated middle class homes (and hotel heiresses for that matter...) can end up in serious trouble if they never face appropriate consequences for their bad choices. Good luck! Well, you need to decide what matters to you, not just now, but long families have a lot of rules, some have fewer, most of us prioritize health and safety For example, I don't allow jumping or climbing on the living room furniture - the kids can do whatever they want in their bedrooms, where they throw all and pillows on the floor and jump off their beds with delight. But this is a rule that's important to me, not one I think everyone's children need to follow. So step one is decide what you do care about. It does strike me that throwing toys that can hurt someone is about courtesy, and courtesy for the family if they might break the lamp. When and how kids eat is a matter of what the parents think the standard should be, should learn that when they are at someone else's house, they eat when and what is offered, and that it is rude to demand something else. We have set snack times at our house - and all snacks are at the table, no one walks around with because I can't stand constant grazing and wanted to nip that in the bud. I do personally feel that kids in restaurants should be reasonably behaved the venue - what's good behavior at Fat Apples is different than Chez no matter where you are, it's unfair to the other patrons if kids are Step two is to recognize what's reasonable to expect, which you are answer is a bit about age, but a bit about your kid. And about you. If consistently set limits and enforce them, you will probably get better it may take two or three weeks of being the ''bad guy.'' I say some kids really are almost impossible at that age. But if you don't try, you won't know what your kid is capable of. And you have to be willing to let and tantrum. Yeah, it hurts. But your kid won't die if they don't get that minute. And after a week of more scheduled snacks it should get I also think you are setting yourself up for failure here. Why are you every night? How about at least getting takeout or frozen dinners if you don't want to cook, so you can practice sitting at a table and eating in your own will make it easier to get better behavior at a restaurant. But at that age, maybe ten minutes of sitting at a table is all you can expect. If my kids are getting figety, I leave the table and take them outside to run on the sidewalk. Or we go to the Ikea cafeteria or another place with a play area. I don't just let them run restaurant and bother other people, though. We also keep crayons and paper in the diaper bag at all times for restaurant trips. No throwing trucks? How about no throwing toys in the house, period? It might be hard to explain what toys are OK to throw, and which ones aren't. We throwing even balls in the house. That's for the backyard and the park. rules are easiest to enforce. Whatever gets thrown gets a ''time out'' on a high shelf. Is our house a model of perfect order? Of course not. And actually I would hate it that way. But I am glad we can all sit down at the table together and actually have a semblance of a meal, most of the time. Good luck - you'll need it. Hard-a#@ Mom but OK with it I'm not sure your child is ''spirited'' he sounds pretty ordinary 1. re: eating out. No, it is not reasonable to expect a 19 month old to sit and wait for dinner in a restaurant. Some will and some won't, but expecting this EVERY NIGHT is not reasonable. What about take-out or ordering in? Small kids need quiet and consistency, especially after a hectic day at day care. I think eating out every night is really too much. 2. Just tell him no throwing except for balls. They can understand that. (and don't worry about exceptions like frisbees--he'll figure it out) 3. I think if he wants a snack, and it is healthy, then he should have it. He is growing so much right now, there is no point in limiting snacks--just make sure they are real food--make them available on a low table if you have one. There will be plenty of unreasonable fits coming in the future, but I think he is behaving very reasonably for his age. It is not spoiling him if you meet his needs for food and quiet time in the I strongly recommend these books: Happiest Toddler on the Block, and How So Your Kids Will Listen and Listen So Your Kids Will Talk. The first one is especailly useful before they have language. Bottom line, you have to set limits consistent to get your child to behave or they will turn into nasty spoiled brats and no one wants that. I found that the transition to toddlerhood somewhat because your role changes from someone who indulges every baby whim to discplinarian and no one likes being the bad guy. Make sure you and your are on the same page with discipline and being setting limits. For throwing, our rule is no throwing any toys inside. Balls can be but not at people and we just have to keep saying it over and over. Snacks and meals work waaaaaay better when scheduled. If you make the boss, there is less you child can argue with (''I know you want yogurt now, but snack time isn't until 10:30. You can have yogurt when it's time.''). The biggest thing I've learned from the books I mentioned is how to set still acknowleging your child's feelings. It works if you keep at it and you and your kid will be better for it. been there and still learning A 19 month old can sit at the table for meals. It's important that at mealtimes, everyone in the family sits together and he will soon learn that this is what is expected from everyone in the family. Have some dinners at home because this would be a calmer and more relaxing environment for eating. Have your son sit at the dinner table once the food is on the table. Restaurants can be over stimulating so that may be one reason he has a hard time sitting at the table. For now, I highly suggest having dinner at home (takeout food, if it's hard to cook) to get him used to sitting at the table and what is expected when he is at the table. If you have to eat out, bring a book, crayons and paper, quiet toys that he can have while he is waiting for the food to arrive. As soon as he becomes fidgety, you can say, "it looks like you need a break, let's go for a walk." Take him outside for a little break, let him run around, show him things, praise him for doing a good job while he was sitting at the table. (Don't let him run around the restaurant. It's not safe; it's disruptive and he needs to learn restaurants are not 2. How do we handle throwing? Answer: You teach and tell him. When he throws things that are okay to throw, encourage him and play with him (You threw the ball! Good throw! Can you throw it in the pail?) When he throws things he shouldn't tell him, "No. Trucks are not for throwing. Let's push the truck on the ground." If he continues to throw warn him: "No. We do not throw trucks. If you throw the truck again, we have to put it away for now." (AND DO IT!) It's very important to teach toddlers how to use things: "crayons are for paper, not the wall", stand or sit while brushing your teeth; we don't walk or run around while we brush our teeth. For every DON'T, give a DO (e.g. "Don't rip the book. You can turn the pages. You can read the book with Mommy.") 3. He wants snacks all day long Answer: This is a clear case of setting limits. Since he has no problems with scheduled snacks at daycare, he should have no problems at home. Set up a specific schedule for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. For example, breakfast, morning snack, lunch, nap, afternoon snack, dinner, bath, bed. He will tantrum at first, but stick to the schedule and let him know when it is time for snack/lunch etc. If he screams and tantrums, walk away and ignore the screaming. When he is calm, offer a distraction/play/read a book. Routine is very good for toddlers because then they know what to expect and this gives them a feeling of control and security. Set limits and boundaries; this also helps a toddler feel secure. Point out all the good things he does; give him praise, lots of attention and lots of playtime. In my fourteen plus years of parenting three sons, I found the most important things about discipline are to pick your battles, follow and try to stay emotionally detached from the issue. The last is the We had a pretty simple rule for our three boys - if you want to eat, you have to sit down. As soon as they got up, food went away. If they got up enough times, food went away until the next meal or snack. I know this is hard because we all worry about our children eating properly, he will not starve. When he is hungry enough, he will sit down. Same rules apply at home, restaurant, grandma's house. I first told my this, warned them once, and then just took the food away. Subsequent times, I would just remove the food and try very hard not to scold or At 19 months, he will know the difference about what to throw and what not to if you explain it to him. We kept a basket of soft balls that to throw in the house (with some limits - i.e. not around the stove). Nothing else was ok to throw. If it got thrown, it went away for it got thrown again, it went away for a longer time (by toddler Schedule snack times. Put a paper clock with movable hands on the fridge and set it for the next snack time. You can start to teach him time this way too. He does it with you because he knows you will give It is so important to think before you threaten and be willing to follow through with the threat if the behavior merits. Once you establish that you mean business, all aspects of discipline get easier. I'm a discipline-minded parent with a very spirited 7 year old son. Things I wish I REALLY knew earlier when our son was 19 1) Discipline is never easy to learn. Children will always push against new rules as much as they can to MAKE SURE THE BOUNDARY 2) Take a deep breath, yell less, switch places with partner, but 3) The crying gets louder, the tantrums worse BEFORE it gets better. 4) It's never too early to get familiar with the much recommended ''1 2 3 Magic'' DVD and book by Dr. Phelan. He's highly recommended for good reasons. Eating and sitting still. You wrote: This seems like what 19 month olds do and that we can't make him sit if he doesn't want Yes and no. This is why people use high chairs and going out is usually not preferable. There will be crying and screaming, so that's why one helps one's child to learn correct behavior at home. If eating out almost every night is your thing... I pity the people who will have their dining out experience ruined by your child's completely understandable reaction to discipline. Sitting still is indeed what one does while eating, whether at home or in a restaurant. At home, sitting still for 5 min. can be long enough. In public - no. It sounds like you're just constantly setting all of you up for a Can't you do take out? 2) Believe me, 19 month olds can indeed tell the difference between a ball and truck. Throwing trucks is apparently getting a wilder, more exciting reaction than throwing a ball. Change the response. If a truck gets thrown, say ''Trucks are NOT for throwing. We're going to put this away right now if you're in a throwing mood.'' Bye bye truck. 3) Snacks - obviously he knows the rules at daycare. They don't give in to tantrums and yelling. But hey, mommy does! So follow the daycare rules. Let him have a tantrum. Do NOT GIVE IN. See above. It will get harder, then easier, then harder, then easier... but stick with it, and yes, one day you too will have a child who sits (sort of) still, who knows how to keep his toys, and says ''May I please?'' Oh, yes... me too! Seems to me that at 19 months you can be generous with your child and his requests, but not to his screaming or tantrums. If he goes into then your job is to be with him while he moves through the feelings, but change your mind about the yoghurt or whatever it was. ''Tears and Tantrums'' is an excellent book on the subject. I would avoid contests, like trying to make him sit in a restaurant. created a test he cannot pass, and which gives the him the unjust label If he throws something, put it away. If he tantrums, you support him as 1. It is worth making him sit. He screams and throws tantrums because it works. Please do not take him to restaurants where he runs around the entire time. It is really not fair to the other patrons. It seems like that is what other 19 month olds do because their parents would rather be friends than 2. When he throws the truck, use the word no and hand him a ball. Constantly. Do not waiver, or think it's cute. No is not a bad word, and he will understand. He wont get the ball/truck connection right away, but stay on it. He will get 3. Again, he does it with you because he gets away with it. A snack in between meals is fine, but eating all day means he wont sit for the meal. Do you make him sit for the snack or allow him to graze while playing? I can't understand why people let their kids track food all throughout the house. It will only make life harder as they get older. Why retrain them at 4 when you can train them right the first time now? Discipline is not a bad word OK! First of all, YOU are the parent!!! Two GREAT books: Gentle Discipline and...''How to Get Your Kid to Eat, but not too Much''... both are I think kids that are under 2 years old are too young for time outs or asking them to ''sit'' in order to get food, etc... Don't say ''you need to sit and eat''. Just say, ''OK, lunch time!'' I am going to put you in your booster or high chair. I would then simply put him in his high chair or booster chair for 15 him some food. Offer a few healthy items and include something that you likes. (Including a fruit dessert or yogurt, etc...I always offer bread and milk along with a few other things because most kids will eat that.) HERE is the important part: Then sit with him and eat yourself or not. Do NOT make a big deal of any of it. Serve the food up very uncerimoniously. Don't insist that he eat any of it. You can't make a toddler eat!!!!!! Your job is to bring healthy, yummy food into the house and deliver it to him. His job is to eat it or NOT. The more you insist, the more he will fight you. That is his job as a toddler ;)!!!!! To test boundaries and limits. He may not like the high chair or booster and may not eat in it the first couple of times. That is ok. Your consistency, gentleness and NOT making a big eating but making it positive is KEY, KEY, KEY! Offer him foods at meal times and maybe two snack times. He should not or snacks in between that or he will be snacking all day. If he whines for food, tell him he can have it at snack time or lunch time and MOVE ON! Give him a choice between two activities and redirect him and get This is only going to get worse if you give into him. Having family meals at least once a day really helps. Don't force him to offer the food and sit together. Don't bring him other food if he won't eat what is there. No short order Always incude something you know he likes but don't bring him a bunch of stuff if he won't eat what you are offering, otherwise he is in charge and you will be doing this at every meal for the next 5 years!!! DON'T get into battles with him at this age. Redirect him, give him choices, be firm, don't waiver, move on. Say yes when you can but don't get into back and battles. You are only fueling the toddler fire! As for throwing things, just say: ''We don't throw big things. Would you like to throw this soft bean bag toy or small stuffed animal into the laundry basket??'' Tell him that the large item is not ok and give him another choice. The Gentle book has other suggestions. Feel free to email me if you need support. You can use positive words and actions to discipline your child. Be consistent and follow through. 1. Sitting during meals. You might want to try this at home before the restaurant or once you've established some discipline elsewhere in his life. Tell him ''today we are going to eat sitting down''. Tell him that it is time for dinner and he needs to sit down. Lift him up and put him in the chair. Sit down and start eating. Ignore tantrums. If he asks for food tell him ''we are going to eat sitting down''. Once he's sitting down tell him ''You're sitting down, now you can eat!'' Give praise. 2. Throwing. This is an easier one. If he throws a truck say ''balls are for throwing outside, trucks stay on the ground''. Give him a ball to throw, or take him outside to throw a ball or roll his truck with him. If he keeps throwing pick up what he throws and put it away so he can't play with it. Ignore 3. Wants snacks all the time. This is an easy one too. Just ignore his yelling. When he stands in front of the fridge yelling tell him ''I'm sorry it isn't time for a snack now. You're going to have a snack when we get back from the park (or whenever definite time he'll be able to understand not a time like 3:00).'' Ignore tantrums. Give him snack when you said you would and say ''we just got back from the park NOW it is time for He's not going to end up in jail but your whole family including your son will be a lot happier if he feels like there's an adult in charge of his world keeping him safe and setting some limits. He's not old enough to be in charge of a family or his First, check out the series of books by Louise Bates Ames, specifically ''Your one-year old: The Fun-Loving, Fussy Twelve to Twenty-Four Month Old'' http://tinyurl.com/yubvmj This great book (and the other books for future ages) can give you age- appropriate behavior info and advice. 'Discipline' per se is not something you can really do until your child is older, but you can distract, redirect and work around things with your toddler. To answer your questions: 1) Your child can't realistically be expected to sit in a restaurant until he is about 4 years old or older. They just have fast metabolisms and must keep moving. It's what they are biologically programmed to do. Can you get take-out? That's what we do now with our favorite restaurants. We get take-out and then our two year-old will sit when he eats but he can run around and play when he is finished and we can eat in relative peace. 2) throwing: just be consistent and keep at it. We tell our son that only balls are for throwing and we take away what he is throwing. Your child is still quite young and will grow out of it. Just keep the message consistent and he will eventually get it, esp. when he is older. 3) snacks. First off, never ever give in to tantrums or it teaches your child that if he tantrums, he gets what he wants. Explain to him that if he calms down and ask nicely, he can have snacks and don't give him any until he calms down and can ask in a nice tone of voice (of course, 'asking nicely' will just mean saying 'yogurt' without screaming and tantruming). Another thing, kids like to graze so put out a few snacks in a tray or on a plate on a little table and let your little one snack all morning when he wants as he plays. Dr. Sears talks about putting out an ice cube tray with different finger foods in each little square and let the littles graze when they want. Worked for us. Also, check out the book: ''The Happiest Toddler on the Block'' by Harvey Karp which will tell you how to talk with your toddler, which works great with our son. http://tinyurl.com/299dhx Last thing, don't sweat the small stuff. Be fair and loving, respect your child, be consistent, and your child will be fine and won't end up in prison. (I worry the little things too...easier said than done....just try your best.) Tantrums don't stop when parents give in to them and children don't grow them. I've seen a 40 year old have a tantrum bigger than any 2 year old and it isn't pretty. You need to teach your child how you want him to act and be willing to leave a restraunt if he isn't listening. Sitting at the table is basic good manners and your son should practice this even at his young age. The advice from Discipline" by Jane Nelson, Ed. D. has worked for me and made me feel like I was teaching good life skills. I am totally and utterly confused about discipline. I truly believe (and have read everywhere) that children who have structure, know what is ok and not ok, and know who is the parent and who is the child are the happiest. I know that when my child sticks his tongue in the outlet that I should say no. I know that when he throws his toys or food I say no. But other than that, I have no clue. I am not sure what to let him know is not acceptable and what I am supposed to ignore. He often chews on food and then spits it out or drops it directly on the floor. He has started to have some minor tantrums when we stop doing something he likes. He hates getting his diaper changed. All totally normal stuff, I know. It is just how to handle it that mystifies me. Any book suggestions or theories would be very helpful as I do want lots of structure and discipline in the house. I have a 14 month old, so I'm figuring this out at the same time as you. But I thought I'd share what we do, which is basically say 'no' firmly but gently when she does something unsafe (puts things in her mouth that aren't safe, goes for the outlet) and then distract her. I don't expect her to obey us at this point, I view it more as teaching her the word 'no' and sowing the seeds of discipline. We don't worry about things that are only annoying at this point (throwing food, toys). At this age, they are really still babies and I don't have very high expectations for her to defer gratification or listen to verbal commands. But I figure for important things (like safety), I should start to teach her the word 'no', but we still rely mostly on distraction for discipline. For diaper changes, which our daughter has come to hate, I just keep working through her complaints. I don't get angry (or try not to) but don't give in either. The same goes for other things she doesn't like (being put in her carseat, not getting an object she wants). I'll be interested to know what more experienced parents say Sarah I strongly recommend reading Positive Discipline. There are a couple of books by the same authors (can't remember the names, though it's easy to find). They have a version that's for 1-3 year old's that has helped me alot in understanding and dealing with the development issues in that age range and how to address discipline in a positive way. And yes, throwing food and the rest, totally normal and developmentally appropriate, and it still drives us all crazy! I am a mother and a psychologist specializing in helping parents with young children develop capacities and strategies to address exactly the sorts of issues you mentioned. I recommend the book ''The Emotional Life of the Toddler,'' Lieberman. If I can be of any help to you, please feel free to contact me. I have a private practice in Oakland Jill Sulka, Psy.D., 326-2002, I think one of the most important things to realize is that at this age, your son is doing none of these activities to intentionally ''be bad''. He doesn't know good from bad yet. He's constantly exploring and examining how things work. Dropping food on the floor, for example, allows him to explore gravity. So remember that in what ever you do in response. I have found the best response to a tantrum is to largely ignore it. If he is doing something that is harmful or him or others, be really clear and tell him ''I do not want you to do that''. He's testing his boundries, so give him one. I can recommend two books. One called Becoming the Parent you Want to Be. by Davis and Keyser. Also, Natural Childhood. by many, but one main author is John Thompson. Good luck! You may want to read Penelope Leach's book ''Your Baby and Child From Birth To Five''. It is the really best book on child rearing in this age group. She will give you the guidance you are looking for. A wonderful book---avaiable on Amazon, at most bookstores, etc. It drove me insane that there were no (none that I could find at the time) good books on discipline for the age you are dealing with right now. Things like time outs and incentives were just way over the head of my young toddler, and I suspect, most young toddlers. You're on to something with a consistent schedule, though, flexibility can come in awfully handy when things aren't going well. Setting up your house to be toddler friendly also helps greatly. Dangerous things out of reach... lots of fun and interesting toys and books at eye-level for the child... safe places for them to play on their own for short periods, etc... And, the old standby: redirection. If you want some insight in to this age, along with some tips and tricks on how to deal, I highly, higly recommend ''Your One Year Old'' and all the subsequent books: ''Your Two Year-Old, Three-Year Old, etc... If I'd had that book with my first it would have saved my sanity. One caveat: they were written in the 70s, so the language is a little out of date, but the developmental research in the book holds firm in the present. I find that when I am parenting at my best I that use structure, consistency, and understanding to help guide my children. There is a series of books by Louise Ames that I found helpful in understanding my children's development. Each concentrates on a year of a child's life. It helped be grasp my child's view of the world, normal behaviors/phases and why they were happening, etc. Actually, if you read these books, you will find that all of the behaviors that your child is exibiting are normal and why he is doing them (tantrums...he doesn't have enough vocabulary to communicate his needs/feelings, etc) They were written in the '80s, so some of the wording may seem out of date, but the concepts still remain true. Choosing what is acceptable to your family and what is not is really up to you. With my younger child (21 months), our limits are pretty much based on safety. I don't care if she is banging her spoon on her plate. I care if she is standing on her booster seat. With my older child (3 1/2), the expectations are greater. I also try to keep in mind that discipline is about teaching. I try my best to keep it positive. 'No' is a very effective word when used infrequently (just as rasing your voice can be used very effectively if not done all of the time). For instance, when my child is running at the pool, I will ask her to 'walk slower' rather than tell her 'don't run.' If as we are leaving the pool, my child is running toward the parking lot, I will yell 'STOP.' Because 'no' and 'yelling' are not part of my constant repitoire, I find that when they are used they are obeyed. The actual type of discipline that you use is really up to your child. I don't mean that you give him a choice, but rather try different techniques to see what works. Redirection worked with my older child very well until she was about two. Now I use both 'think about it time (same as a timeout, but my daughter must 'own' what it is she is doing wrong, i.e., I am going to time out because I took my younger sister's toy and then taunted her with it)' and redirection. With my younger daughter, I've found redirection to be pretty much useless (she is a lot more headstrong). Time-outs (she is too young to really think about it, but I do make sure that I tell her what behavior has gotten her into time-out) and modeling 'good' behavior has worked wonders. Hope this helps I just read the responses to a post for advice about a 17 month old who runs into the street etc. My ultra active, strong-willed daughter hated her stroller at a very early age as well, so I'm very familiar w/this problem. And we thought we had it handled... Now that I am 7 months pregnant with my second, the issue has resurfaced. I would like to know what pregnant moms have done with toddlers who run away because they know mommy can't catch them or pick them up. This happens on the way to the car at the park, on the way to the car at day care, etc. where I have very little recourse in terms of immediate consequence. My daughter is FAST. She's old enough not to go into the street (thank God) although she runs along residential sidewalks where cars can easily come out of driveways and it's very dangerous. If I take her by the hand, she goes limp and I can't drag her even when I want to. Reasoning with her is not working. Of course I realize this may have a lot to do w/ the fact that she's also very aware that a baby is coming and has taken acting out to a whole new level. I was hoping for some sage disciplinary advice before I go to the last resort--the dreaded leash. I actually broke down and cried on the the street today after she sprinted off downhill toward an intersection at 5:30 pm. I was scared to I would clear your schedule for a few weeks and out-stubborn your daughter. Tell her that if she runs away from you again she will have to hold your hand from then on. Once she runs away (and she will) take her hand and explain that she ran away so now she holds your hand. When she goes limp, wait. Eventually she will realize there are other things she wants to be doing and will move. Depending on how stubborn she is you may want to pick up a good book or something else to do. It might make it a bit faster if you kept fun activities in the car or she was going to a fun activity. Eventually she will realize she doesn't get to walk by herself by going limp and will hold your hand. This will be important for after the baby as well-imagine how hard it will be to chase her down once your new little one gets here. I can totally relate--when I was pregnant with my second my son was very fast and would run away just like your daughter. When he was under two and I put him down with out holding his hand, he would just bolt. When I was pregnant I just picked him up, not knowing what else to do. Sometime it hurt me--in retrospect, although nothing really happened, it was the wrong thing to do (but what do you do?)... Can dad take her to school until after baby is born? Perhaps getting help from others? One thought is that perhaps you should just go for the leash. When you bust it out explain to her why you need to use it--because she runs away and she could get hurt. Point out the driveways to her--show her how the cars pull in and out. Tell her that the driver cannot see her over the hood of the car. She will probaby hate the leash, and not want to wear it. Perhaps then she will behave? I used to grab my son by his upper arm (right under the shoulder) this seemed to work better than holding his hand (and possibly injuring him... when he went one way and I went the other)... good luck! good luck with the two of them... and just expect some mom of 2, too I think you have to be very strategic about where you go for the remainder of your pregnancy. I am 6 months along and not quite at the point where I cannot lift my 2- year-old, but we're getting there. I no longer take him on simple walks around the block because he usually decides he doesn't want to walk any more when we're at the farthest point from home. I choose parks that are easy in/easy out from the car, like Thousand Oaks. Also, I find that if I give him the opportunity to really run free in an enclosed environment (like an unused tennis court), he is less likely to run away out in the open. Tennis courts in the rain are a good time for a toddler. I've taken to keeping illicit treats (like juice boxes) in the diaper bag as a lure to calmly go back to the car when I'm ready for playtime to be over. I haven't gone the leash route yet but I won't hestitate to do so if safety becomes a real issue. They make backpack-style ones now that are cute and not so obvious. When he's at your house, it is completely reasonable to tell him that he needs to follow your rules, and it is completely reasonable to tell him that if he can't do that, he will have to leave. It would be a good idea to tell his mother first, maybe over the phone while arranging the visit, so she also knows what Believe me, after you do it once, it is unlikely to have to About a month ago I carried my (hysterical) 2.5 year old out of the local hardware store and drove her home (do not pass go, do not purchase the necessary items) when she pitched a screaming kicking fit about riding in the shopping cart. That sure did make an impression, and I haven't had to argue with her about the subject since. There is a lot to be said for letting kids know when their behavior is unacceptable. Hi fellow friends and neighbors! Happy Holidays to you all. I have a question that I need some advice from you experienced parents about as far as disciplining my child. I hope you can help me either with your thoughts, suggestions or just support. I have a 16 almost 17-month-old daughter. She is a good kid. Very sweet and well behaved (at least I think so as far as what I noticed in comparison to other kids her age that we know)- by the way, I hate comparisons because I do know that NO two children are alike yet I am just trying to make a vague point. My concern and question to you all is this; what age is it appropriate to start to really discipline a child. NO, I don't mean spanking or anything like that what so ever! I mean "time-outs" or whatever works. I want my daughter to be as well behaved as possible. I know not to expect perfection and I do not yet I also don't want to raise a whiny, spoiled child that kids may not want to play with. I just need to know what some of you think as far as what you did, read, etc. etc. that worked relatively well and successful for you!? Hope you can help me out with this Thanks in advance. A first time Mom that wants to raise a happy, healthy and nice child I know exactly where you are -- we had such a child (he's now an extremely happy and social 3.5 year old, quite empathetic and well At around 18 months, I would pick one behavior that I wanted to change (usually something physical -- the inevitable biting or hitting that crops up occasionally). Then I would do two things: 1) Say ''no hitting'' (or whatever) in a very calm tone, and 2) pick a very low-key consequence for it (e.g. hitting mommy resulted in mommy putting him down and leaving the room for 30 sec or so). We didn't use time-outs for a very long time. At 2 and 2.5, he was taken to the couch for a bit of time to ''calm down'' if need be (he didn't see this as a bad thing; we would give him his blanket and his pacifier and allow him to sit, untimed, until he felt better). At that age, almost all of his tantrums were due to being hungry, anyway, so we learned to avoid them by giving him a snack when he seemed cranky, and keeping to a rigid lunchtime and dinnertime schedule. We didn't begin formal ''time-outs'' (with the label, the timer, and the notion of punishment) until our little scientist started testing, around the time he was 3. Very formally, very systematically doing precisely what we had just told him not to while looking us straight in the eye. Clearly wanting to see what would happen. If there is a logical consequence we use that (e.g. hitting something with his toy hammer when we've just asked him not to results in our putting the hammer away for a while); if there's no obvious consequence, he gets a time-out. Again, very calm, and regardless of his pleading, negotiating, and crying. Actually, it's amazing how suddenly the crying switches off when he figures out it's not doing any good... All in all, it seems to be working. His preschool teachers really like him, as do our babysitters. I started ''disciplining'' my spirited girl at around 18 months. This was when it became pretty obvious she was defying my non- negotiable rules or orders intentionally. (e.g., hitting or kicking me, then deliberately sailing her foot into me after I'd asked her to stop while changing her diaper.) She's pretty sensitive, so the discipline started out as simple things such as telling her if she didn't stop screaming or hitting or whatever she was doing that needed to change, I would pick her up and put her in the other room. This was pure hell for her, and she would last all of 10 seconds before she would come running back. If the behavior kept up, I'd do it again and would tell her that she needed some time alone. Usually this worked, and it didn't usually last more than 2 or 3 minutes. As she's gotten older (about 27 months now), her tantrums I have gotten more complex and longer lasting, but I can also talk to her. I have difficulty letting an episode last more than 5 minutes, because sometimes the sobbing becomes and end in itself and she doesn't seem to remember what she was crying about. So I will change the scenery, or ask if she needs a hug, then talk about what she did and what I had to do to teach her the correct behavior. It's occasionally pretty awful, as calm as this sounds, and I have been known to strong-arm her into her pajamas, for example. But I generally seem to be rewarded when I am firm by not having to fight about it next time, and as she gets older she understands the talking more. One other thing that works is to say, ''I'm going to count to three, and if you're stillcrying when I get to three then I'll have to (whatever)'' or I can give her positive incentive such as ''if you can stop crying when I count to three then we can (do whatever)'' The clearer I am on the consequences and helping her understand the choices she is making, the better. The worst thing to do, I've found, is to make a threat that you simply won't follow through on. Give her a choice, lay out the consequences, and follow through with it, whether it means she doesn't get to watch her program, loses the toy for 5 minutes, sits down (like a time out) for 2 minutes. She's also starting to get the idea (and meaning of) ''I'm sorry'' and repeating the rule (''no hitting''). It feels really stupid sometimes, but she will eventually give in if she realizes that's the rule, and those are the consequences. (It may help that she's a pretty Our daughter is now 2 years and 9 months and we haven't yet felt the need to ''discipline'' her per se. Once I gave her a time out, but it was mostly because I was frustrated and I regret it. I don't think the time out teaches her anything as it has no connection to the ''missbehavior''. What we've done since she was small is set clear and logical limits (mostly vis a vis things that would hurt her) and enforce them by saying ''no'', physically restraining her if that didn't work or taking the object away if appropriate. For example, she tries to climb into the sofa table, I'll say ''no''. The first couple of times she'll try to test this limit and do it anyway - so I go and stop her from doing it. After that, if she slips, I just need to remind her by saying ''no'' again. The key is to start with few, essential limits and go on from there. IMHO, our daughter is extremely well behaved for a child her age - but it's important to understand what a child that age can and cannot do. Self-control, for example, doesn't come until later, so you need to be ready to control them and not get mad when they don't do it themselves. Explaining your logic and behavior to them can work wonders, but you also have to be willing to accept their own logic. Remember that ultimately what matters is that you have a well adjusted child, one who is confident and who doesn't need to missbehave to gain attention or achieve other goals. So don't focus as much on the discipline as on nurturing your child and modeling good behavior. Dear New Mom: Your daughter sounds great, and it's obvious you are a very I think the age at which children need guidance from adults is early, and that there's a really good and effective way to offer that guidance without alienating your child from you in the process, which is what spanking and even time out can do. When a child wants something or does something that can't be allowed, such as wanting to play with sharp tin cans in the recycling bin, you can offer some other alternative, while saying no. Sometimes, a child can be flexible about what he/she wants, and turn and be happy with the alternative offered. And sometimes, saying no, even with an alternative, sparks a big issue for the child. They ONLY want the thing they want, and not the thing that's safer, or necessary to do at the moment. At these moments, you partner with your child to offer your listening and attention, while your child cries or tantrums to release his/her feelings about not being able to do what she wants to do. It's very simple, but not at all what most parenting approaches teach. The beauty of it is when the child has finished crying, what has happened is that you have been there, accepting of her feelings but gently firm about the limit. You have offered her yourself, your love and attention, instead of the thing she wanted. When she has cried all the way through her disappointment or her frustration, she'll feel relaxed, close to you, and will make good choices again. This works with children who are being aggressive, children who won't settle down at night to sleep, children who want to pull the dog's tail, with any of the things children want but can't have, or want to do but can't be allowed to do. When you're listening, they really cry hard. The sweeter you are, the harder they cry. That's actually what they WANT to do-- often, they know you will have to say no, and they ask for what you'll say no to, so they can get an emotional load off their shoulders and restore their feelings of closeness to you--being listened to through a good cry does it every time. Try it. It's respectful of the child, lets you be firm on the limit, and it goes WITH a natural emotional release process every child wants and tries to use (children who whine are trying to have a good cry, but don't have anyone paying close enough attention to them to safely get into the cry they need to have to clear up their behavior and restore their feelings of being in charge of their lives again). Parents Leadership Institute has a good booklet, Setting Limits with Children, that's only $5 and is available on line at www.parentingbyconnection.org. Hope this helps! PLI is doing a Tantrum Training class at Habitot Children's Museum starting March 2nd that will teach more about this approach to children's difficult moments. Director, Parents Leadership Institute My child learned at about 20 months what no means. I was gently teaching her no by wagging my finger and looking stern (on my good days, that is, and speaking a rather firm, mean no on bad days like when she dumps her bowl of sticky rice on the floor). She now mimics the finger wag and ''no, no, no'' when she sees something hot or dangerous and that was my clue that she truly understood ''no.'' We've not used a time out yet for discipline. If you read the book(s) on Parent Effectiveness Training, or P.E.T, you may get some good ideas for discipline for when your child is 3 on up. Their method is a no lose method of working out problems TOGETHER, rather than a parent dictatorship based on punishment or fear. I really like the approach and plan to begin using with my daughter. Parent working at better discipline methods I went to seminar on ''living with ones and twos'' put on by a nurse at Banana's recently, and she gave a lot of great advice on discipline. She said that even at a year, you can start teaching your child not to do certain things. For example, if your child starts hitting people, even if only lightly, since they don't have a great concept of force and may hit harder later on, say 'no hitting'' and give a 30 second time out by sitting the child on your lap facing outward. Or put them somewhere that is very boring, but only for half a minute. Do this as many times as needed (ten times or more if the child keeps trying to touch the oven. Say ''stay away from the stove, it's hot''. She also said to keep the explanation very short and don't bother trying to reason or go into great detail. Just a simple, easy to remember sentence.) The idea is that if you give a boring, predictable reaction, then there's little incentive to keep doing the offending action. Anything longer than half a minute is too long in that the child may actually forget what he's being punished for. She also said to watch your child all the time so you will know when you need to step in and you can do it right away when it's happening. What's a bad idea to do is to make a big fuss by yelling or saying no, no, no a lot or getting angry or giving some otherwise ''interesting'' response. Modeling is great, and best done before the child gets into a bad situation. Distraction is also good, as well as avoiding any likely points of friction (e.g., babyproof the VCR so you don't have to say ''no don't touch the VCR'' all the time) if possible. Anyway, I learned quite a bit and recommend her program at Banana's in Berkeley! mom of one year old My 2 year old son has been doing a lot of pushing and hitting when he is around other kids. This started about 4 months ago and I keep thinking it will pass (I know it is normal to some degree) so my discipline has been fairly mild. I typically remove him from the situaiton immediately and talk/explain firmly, but not threateningly our overly loud, about why we don't hit or push. Then we resume play as usual. I'm wondering if I should take a firmer approach and if so how and what do I do (I prefer not to spank). I'm getting to the point where I don't want to go anywhere where we'll be around other kids like parks or birthday parties because I'm tired of following him around in fear he'll harm another child. I'm also tired of treating him like he's a bad kid that has to be watched and can't be trusted. I don't want to tell him ''no'' all day long. He is a sweet, loveable and cooperative child in every other way. Much of this behavior started with the birth of his little sister 4 months ago. How much of this is typical ''terrible twos'' behavior and how much is acting out because of a new sibling in the house? When will it stop and what can I do to enforce consistent and reliable discipline measures? What I'm doing now isn't working. After our talk he will usually go right back and do it again. How do you enforce firm discipline in a 2 I would begin a firm act up-go home policy. Tell him beforehand that going out is a privilege, and that if he hits anyone you will go home. When he hits, go home. Don't reproach or scold, or say I told you so, just leave. If he asks why, explain matter-of-factly. Don't give in to begging to stay. He is little, so it may take 10 or more times before it sinks in, but it will sink in. You are right to be concerned about this behaviour. Not only is it cutting into what should be a fun playtime for him with other kids but it will make it difficult for you to arrange playdates and transition him into school at some point. Now is the time to get the message across to him that it is not okay to hit and push. I applaud your self-control in not yelling at him and certainly spanking would be counter productive and confusing. My background. I have two kids, one is four and one is five. I won't go into the details but they have all kinds of issues that might have caused them to act this way but I never put up with it. They are generally very well behaved kids -- no hitting, pushing or grabbing and no tantrums. I have an idea for you that does not require yelling, spanking, or saying no repeatedly. The good news is that you are already half way there! Removing him from the situation immediatly is perfect. But since that and and the 'talking to' is not working I would take it to the next level by telling him that if he hits or pushes there will be no resumption of play. Here is what I would do. Next time you are about to let him loose in a social situation lay down the law with him before he starts to play. Keep it simple, just ''I can't let you play with others of you hit/push. You can choose to play nicely and we will stay or you can choose to hit/push and we will leave''. The first time you pack him into the car he will be stunned. The second time (and maybe third and fourth...) he will throw a fit. Always be sure to give him the same little speach ''You hit/pushed which means we have to leave''. Don't reinforce the bad behaviour by then going and doing something fun. Just take him and home and say...''okay, now you are going to have to play At the same time focus on giving him strategies for dealing with frustration that do not involve hitting or pushing. Stuff like, using words to express his feelings, taking turns, walking away or saying 'quit it', getting help from an adult (althought this last one is a slippery slope). He will benefit for the rest of his life from the mastery of these concepts. As for not wanting to following him around and not trusting him. Unfortunately, for the safety of the other kids and so that *you* can build the trust of the other parents you are going to have to do this until he gets himself under control. Finally, I recommend that you don't try to figure this out by attaching some sort of an explanation about the arrival of a sibling. Its just a pure waste of time and energy. He's doing what he's doing for what ever reason... you just need to help him understand that its not right and that he has We experienced the same problems with our son and resorted to all types of disciplines (including spanking, which I said I would never do). We finally re-grouped, spoke with an expert (Meg Zweibeck), and came up with a solution that worked for us. Her advise was to make the discipline as boring as possible (which was the opposite of what we were doing - getting very upset, taking him aside, talking to him at length, yelling - we ran the gamut of all the wrong things to do). She suggested separating the two children who were involved and having our son go somewhere boring (sitting quietly on the stairs, for instance for a minute or so). That was his one warning. If he did it again, we told him we would go home. Only use this if you are actually prepared to follow through with it and leave. She even suggested having a playdate with the intention of leaving once a problem arose in order to let him know we were serious. The other thing that worked for us with daycare was, if he hit or punched (or bit or pushed, etc. - we had to list every possible offense)during the day at daycare, he got no treats (including no dessert or whatever special toy he was into that week) and no TV for that evening. This really did the trick. There were a few offenses after that, but they were far and few between. Of course, you would take away whatever your child is really attached to. We also had to remind him every morning about the rules. I hope this helps and you might be able to nip this in the bud sooner than we did! Good Luck! When my son was an infant I read in Dr. Sears Baby Book what I thought sounded like great discipline advice - "save your scary, concerned voice for the really important, dangerous messages - e.g. don't run into the street". I'm not a yeller, so it was easy for me to "save that voice" until the appropriate moment - don't play with outlets, don't touch the stove, etc. But from the first moment I used it, my son only LAUGHED at the change in my tone (still does - very frustrating). We do use Time Outs when behavior starts to go too far, but now at 2 1/2, my husband and I are concerned with his lack of appropriate fear/ respect/ danger towards the necessary things in this world. I don't think he's "out of control", and though fairly fearless at the park, I know he does tend to boss other kids around with the phrases he hears. Good habits start early, and if he's doing the same things he is now as a teen, one of us may not survive! Any words of advice, books, etc? For me, the most part of discipline was teaching the behavior I wanted -- ie. Hold my hand at the corner and even when we were walking in busy neighborhoods. I also think, controlling your toddler's space as much as possible is helpful -- I insisted on using the stroller in a number of situations where either the car or pedestrian traffic would be to intense. That said, Toddlers are creatures of impulse, and it takes hundreds of repetitions to teach the most basic of rules. It gets better at 3-1/2 when they can start to understand other people's feelings. For us, there was also a noticable improvement at 5. I too survived this kind of reaction in my toddler boys, an apparent disregard for my warnings and obvious (to me) dangers. The laughing really sends you over the fence, doesn't it? I think you need to plan on being their "boundary" for awhile, and trust that they do actually hear you although they don't act like it. I found that my kids later asked about all the scary things I warned them about (cars, getting lost, and strangers), but only on their own schedules, not when we were in the midst of the situation. Meantime I discovered (though I wish I had sooner, as always), that if I could moderate my emotional reaction and simply remove them from the danger each time, they did finally "get" what they could and could not do. You can't trust them to be responsible for their own safety AT ALL at this age, but you can teach them what safety rules are/boundaries are, and then consistently enforce them. Somehow, eventually they do internalize them. Another trick I learned from our pediatrician is too have the conversation ahead of time, when you anticipate a situation, when you are all calm, and then remind them at the time,of your expectation that they will remember or cooperate etc. just before going into the park or store or wherever. Good luck! My wife would probably kill me if she read this but, here goes. Our son is about to turn two. As you might guess, at this age he pays little heed to danger. But, he's learning gradually. For example, when I take him to the playground, I give him a little space around the age appropriate equipment. He's fallen off or tripped several times. I let him go so long as he's not too high up and he'll land in the wood chips. He's learning about his limitations by knowing what it feels like to lose control and take a tumble. As a result he's more careful and more confident. Obviously, I counter other more dangerous situations, like traffic or sharp objects, by removing him from the danger. But, whenever possible I let him discover for himself what's dangerous and Discipline at 19 Months Our daughter is 19 months old. We don't believe that hitting or other corporal punishment is right for our family, so we are avoiding that as a means of discipline. Unfortunately, there are times when consequences need to be demonstrated swiftly and decisively. The way I was brought up, a whack across the behind delivered the message. The positive thing about that was that it was over immediately, whereas alternative punishments can drag out for what to a toddler's mind is an Our daughter, when reprimanded, will "escalate" the encounter, running through all the things she knows we have prohibited, usually ending with her spitting. (Gets a good reaction from us!) This process is quite normal, and it doesn't bother me per se: She is only retesting the boundaries. But I need a firm way of reaffirming the My sister, as I recall, took a middle ground with her kids (all grown now.) She would very deliberately, and in a calm, measured way, draw the child aside and administer a token slap - more a tap, really - on the hand. I don't know how she did it, but they always got the clear message that it was "punishment", even though it was clearly neither painful nor frightening. I tried this approach with my daughter, but she considers the tap on the hand a big joke, and launches into the gamut of prohibited activities, winding up with a good spit. I tried restraining her arms when she was engaging in bad behavior - just hold her hands and tell her to stop. That turned into a battle of wills, to see who could struggle the longest. I gave that up after a few tries. It really did not feel right to be that embattled. So how do you do it? How does one deliver an instant and clear message that certain behavior will not be tolerated, without hitting? I think that "positive redirection" is the most effective alternative. Just immediately turn the child toward an appropriate acitivity. They get the message and punishment is not needed. Wow, toddler disipline -- this is a tough one. I have a 23-month-old and struggle with my *own* temper, almost daily. What I have found works best is to 1. limit my reaction to the forbidden activity as much as possible, and 2. move the child away from the offensive object/activity. I had originally followed my sister's model of "flicking" my child's hand when she did something offensive, but I realized after a while that it is no better than hitting. The purpose is to inflict pain, and I don't believe in that, so I decided I'm not going to do it. Besides, when I do, she cries like hell and it makes me feel terrible and then I end up apologizing, which totally I assure you, this isn't always easy to do, but when my kid starts doing something that's not okay, but not unsafe (e.g. throwing food, climbing on the coffee table, etc.), I try to react as little as possible, simply looking away from her and continuing to eat, or even leaving the room. Not raising my voice, I might say, "Throwing food is not okay." With food, I might take away her plate, calmly asking, "All done?" Not reacting with my instinctive reaction (raising my voice, grabbing her food away, etc.) takes the enjoyment right out of it for her. If what she's doing is unsafe or making a mess (e.g. dumping water out of the bath, climbing the bookcase), I calmly remove the cup from her hand and/or physically remove her to another space, saying something positive like, "Bathwater stays in the bath" or whatever. If I have to do it five times in a row, so be it. It's not easy, especially when I'm in a cranky mood, but I'm the grownup and I am working on disciplining *myself* to do it right. I'm not opposed to saying, "No!" if it needs to be said, but I try to follow the "positive discipline" model and say what she *can* do, and only if necessary say what she can't do. E.g. instead of, "No standing on your highchair!" I say "Put your bottom on the chair, like mama." I try to keep my instructions short, e.g. "Don't touch." or "Biting people is not okay, let's find something else you can bite." Maybe you can tell your daughter spitting is okay if she's at the sink, or give her a "spitting cup" where she can spit to her heart's content. I feel it's my job as the grownup to find some way to redirect my kid or distract her from the unwanted action, even if my temper is flaring and it's the 20th incident that day. Needless to say, I don't succeed every time, but practice does indeed make it I think the period from 18 to 24 months is the hardest for this kind of thing, but trust me, be patient and she will learn. I noticed after a while that my kid only occasionally hangs up the phone while I'm on the portable, and hardly ever climbs on the coffee table any more (except if we have guests -- surprise, surprise! It took me a while to figure out this is not coincidence!). They have so much to learn, and I truly believe that with imagination and patience, we can teach them without hitting them. Best of luck. It's wonderful that you are avoiding corporal punishment. Try picking her up and taking her away from the setting and giving her a time- out. Ideally she should sit down for a minute or two (a timer may help). If she won't sit though, you have to decide whether you want to physically hold her down or just put her in her room (if it's child-proofed). If you're out you can put her in her car seat and buckle it. You may have to force her into the seat, but... What worked for us and for our day care provider was "the thinking chair." We just placed our kids in a chair for a specified period of time and told them what they had done that was not acceptable and told them they had to sit there for a period of time and think about it. At the end of the time, not usually very long for little ones, we discussed what was not OK about their behavior and then they could get up. Remarkably, it works most of the time. It sounds like you may have one of those smart "push the envelope" kids and I got a lot from listening to Helen Neville who works at Kaiser in Oakland and specializes in the "spirited child." She gives a lot of support and creative ways to approach your child's different way of dealing with issues. Consistency is key in all cases. Good luck! For ordinary discipline try the 'time out' method. Remove the child from whatever activity is happening. Have them be separate for a few minutes. There's more to this method but I've forgotten it - someone else will elaborate, perhaps. My mom used to have us stand in a corner! I think that is a similar approach. You can also try giving an 'order' and counting to 10 out loud. It is amazing how often that works. By 10 your wish has been carried out (but not much sooner!). For serious or dangerous behavior (e.g., reaching for something too hot) your voice alone can stop the child by its high pitch and definitive 'No!' Even to this day I can use a different voice for immediate and complete quiet in the car when I'm driving the kids and find myself in a situation where I have to concentrate on the road. Use 'I' language if you can. It's harder for us who did not grow up with it. "I need... I want... I feel...' Instead of "You should... you must... you know..." And the more 'holding time' the better, when you just hold your young child and sometimes sing or talk quietly and pay attention to them with your eyes and arms. My son, when young, and especially after the birth of his sister, needed daily sessions for holding time, and then his behavior improved. I remember all too well the feeling that you describe: If this escalation in behavior continues - what is the endpoint. I can only say that my 3 1/2 year old no longer demonstrates quite the same level of escalation. He seems to have developed some internal control (? conscience). What did we do that seems to have helped? - a) We tried to be consistent and clear about the behaviors that were unacceptable - hitting, throwing food, etc. b) removing him from the situation; eg. putting him in his room for some time alone, he can choose when to come out; but if the behavior continues, he went right back into his room. c) following through with natural consequences of his actions eg. taking a toy away if he was using it as a weapon, taking food away if he was throwing it, or, even, taking myself out of the room. All of this is very hard work; I am very interested in other parents' In response to the recent inquiry about toddler discipline, I'd like to recommend a book that I have found to be a wonderful, enlightened, empowering guide to some very difficult parenting issues, entitled: Redirecting Children's Behavior: Discipline that Builds Self-Esteem, by Kathryn Kvols. (The publisher is INCAF Publications in Gainesville, Florida.) This is a wise, caring, and highly practical guide to some of the very tough issues we all face as parents. I have gained great insights from this book and apply its teachings often. It is useful whether kids are little, medium, or pretty big. Topics include agression, negotiation, problem-solving, sibling rivalry, consequences and limit setting, all in an appropriately supportive context. We've especially found the suggestion of the family meeting a very useful one, and one night each week my husband, two kids (ages 3 and 5) and I convene for a meeting to discuss any issues that have arisen over the previous few days. Now, when something comes up, my daughter will say, "Now there's an issue I'll need to remember for Sunday night." We record our conversations in a special notebook, and check on our progress at subsequent meetings. It's been a great communication tool for our family and is helping to set the stage when the road gets rocky as they get older. (If any other digest readers have similar ideas for enhanced family communication, I'd love to learn of them.) Anyway, this is just one of several good ideas to have come from this book. Kathyrn Kvols speaks from time to time in the Bay Area, and was most recently hosted by the Habitot Museum last year. We never had to do anything beyond a "time out", which means 2 minutes in the crib with the railing up. This did not make the crib a hated place for sleeping, by the way. If you have another safe, self-contained space in the house, use that instead. Then we go in and repeat the rule she violated that time such as "no kicking on the changing table, okay?" or "no hitting Mama, okay?" She more or less agrees through her sobs, because she wants an end to "time out" and she knows that we then take her out and continue playing or whatever. Toddlers know from the tone of our voices when they did something wrong. They also don't like to have their activities interrupted. "Time out" is a very useful tool for relevant violations. (Don't overdo it. Pick your battles based on safety issues). We don't surprise her with it either. When she misbehaves and seems to want to continue, we ask her firmly if she wants a "time out" (providing a warning and a choice), which she always declines. In 90% of the cases the bad behavior will stop immediately, if it doesn't, she'll get "time out". A nice variety, if the bad behavior involves an object, is to give the object "time out" somewhere out of sight until forgotten. We always use that option first, rather than subjecting our daughter to a "time out". There is no reason to spank children or slap their hands. You can gain firm control on safety issues but if you want control over all kinds of stuff (such as "eat this now") you're on lost ground trying to raise an individual person with whatever method you apply. A lot of how your child responds to your efforts at discipline may have to do with certain temperament traits she has. It's helpful to understand your child's temperament when you're trying to figure out discipline and other Neighborhood Moms is sponsoring an event with two reknowned speakers on child temperament on Thursday, April 29, from 7-9 p.m. at Zion Lutheran Church, 5201 Park Blvd., Piedmont (just below Hwy. 13). Dr. James Cameron, executive director of the Preventive Ounce, and Rona Renner, R.N., family educator at Kaiser Permanente in Richmond and parenting talk show host on KPFA, will discuss what temperament is and how parents can identify their children's temperament traits and work with them instead of against them. Parents Disagree about Discipline for 13-month-old I'm hoping someone can recommend a parenting class or some kind of "expert" (or book?) to consult about discipline and related issues. My husband and I are first-time parents of a 13-month-old. We have pretty different parenting styles, particularly when the baby is doing something he shouldn't be. For example, when our son hits me in the face, I'll tell him in a normal voice that he shouldn't do that or we don't hit in our house, catch his hands to prevent him doing it again, and try to distract him and move on to something else. My husband is more likely to get angry and use an angry tone of voice and/or put him in his crib (crying) for a timeout. This is very distressing to me. I was afraid of my father and don't want my son to be. The two of us argue about what the right approach is in many situations, but we're certainly not experts on how to rear children and neither of us has much evidence to back up our positions. It doesn't help that on several other issues that we've tried to research there seems to be a fairly wide range of opinion among the authors of baby books, mostly without any apparent foundation other than personal preference. I don't have a lot of faith that the situation would be much better regarding this issue (but I'd love to be wrong on that). This is getting to be a real problem between us. I imagine some of you have been in a similar situation, and I'd like to know how you dealt with it. Thanks in advance. To the parent looking for a parenting class, I recommend a class called "Redirecting Children's Behavior". We attended a six-week, 3-hour per week class provided by my niece's day care provider in Alameda. It was very eye-opening for both my husband and me and provided a forum for us to discuss how we wanted to raise our daughter. We attended the class about 1 year ago and continue to refer to the concepts that we learned about in this class. Here is a web site with information about the class and also Kathryn Kvols book, "Redirecting Children's Behavior": The website has a listing of class instructors too. Best of luck to you and your family. I have two recommendations... The first is "The Discipline Book" by Dr. William Sears. It's a great book and discusses discipline from birth to adolescence. It's coming from an "attachment parenting" perspective. Another book is P.E.T., "Parent, Effectiveness, Training" and emphasizes non-punative discipline. Also it might be a good idea to do some web searching on Diane Baumrinds (I think that's the spelling) work on parenting style's. She discusses authoritative, authoritarian, and permissive parenting and the impact that each can have on a child. It could be good information to help your husband understand that there are better ways.... Good Luck... William & Martha Sears have a few books about babies and parenting that I really enjoy and rely on--their The Discipline Book might have some ideas for you. They're parents of 8 kids, I think, and very In regard to the request for training/book suggestions for Discipline, I would like to highly recommend two different discipline books i have found exceptionally helpful. They are: Discipline for Life - Getting it Right with Children, By Madeline Swift and Smart Love by Martha Heineman Piper and William Piper The Smart Love book starts with infancy - and while i don't necessarily agree with all the specific recommendations about weaning and sleeping, overall the book advocates an extremeley tender, perceptive, forgiving approach to what they call "Loving Regulation" as opposed to discipline. They have a psychology background and the book definitely has an emphasis on long-term psycological well-being. They are decidedly anti-permissive, so that may please your husband - and they are also extremely anti-harsh-discipline. I think you'll like the book! The Discipline for Life book has lots of concrete examples of situations from preschool age on up (I don't remember any infant/young toddler stuff, but your child will be an older toddler very soon!) and I believe there is a training program/packet that one can order from the back of the book - but I haven't seen that. The gist of this book is building life-long self-discipline in your child, as opposed to handign down discipline that actually erodes self-discipline in the long run. It was also very helpful to me and several people I know who read it. Good luck! For the example you gave (how to handle your son's hitting) my personal opinion is that your husband's technique is probably better-- a loud "no" and a (very brief) timeout will be more effective (and are not too harsh) for hitting. By 13 mos. your son is making the connection between what he is doing and the consequences, so you can take steps other than just distracting him. Even a loud angry NO will not scare him unduly. I think that holding the child's hands down just teaches him that you are physically stronger, and you want to get the emphasis away from physical reactions. But for the larger issue, you should really try to do counseling, because it can be such a stressful thing for the entire family when Mom and Dad have different views about discipline. It is very hard for both of you when your "gut" is telling you one thing and your husband another. A good counselor who can help you figure out how to resolve these issues in a way you're both comfortable with is one of the best gifts you can give your When you say your husband speaks in an angry voice and puts your son in his crib for a time out, does he get red-in-the-face angry, shout loudly enough to scare you or handle your son roughly? If not, if his response is more moderate than that, it is within an acceptable range of behavior. It is appropriate to speak in a moderately angry voice and put a 13-month old in his crib if he hits you. It's also appropriate to speak in a normal voice and restrain him. Fathers do tend to be firmer with children and mothers tend to be more protective. These are normal differences. You are both communicating disapproval of his behavior, and as long as your ways of doing so are effective and moderate, your child will perceive you as being consistent and safe in your responses to him. Re: the question about different parenting styles, I'd recommend the book When Partners Become Parents, by Cowan & Cowan. It discusses many of the problems that typically arise in relationships after children are born. I like the Disciplne book by Sears. BUT, as you say, you can find every style that you want in these parenting books, which means it is really up to you to decide. This Sears book goes along with their attachment-style parenting. They do not advocate time outs and harsh words for 1 year olds, and I also found this to be ineffective disciplne. It seems to help the yelling parent let off steam, but does not teach good behavior to a child. Distraction works better at this age. By two years, time outs will help, but not at one (my personal opinion, and experience). I don't think yelling ever helps. However, you raise another issue, that of both parents agreeing on what is appropriate. I agree, it might be more productive to go to a class or a "consultant" than to a book. However, having taken a few seminars at Banana's, I can tell you that you can find teachers who run the whole spectrum of harsh to gentle disciplne just like the parenting books. So, what I would recomend to you is a couples/parents therapist. If you husband won't go, go by yourself. I did this, and it is helping both of us a lot. See the web site for recomendations, or e-mail me. I think it is OK to have different levels of strictness, but it is ideal if both parents agree that neither is out of line. Good luck! When you consider a parenting class, you may want to note what you already know: there is NO one way to parent that all experts (or parents!) will agree on. I think that the underlying need is for you to find ways to help each of you focus on what values and needs of yours are present in your different choices, find a way to connect with each other about your different needs, and through that establish trust, connection, and communication that will help you parent with more harmony and understanding and ultimately provide more of what you want for your son. In the Bay Area, seven trainers (including me) teach a process called Nonviolent Communication that has been successfully used internationally to help couples, families, schools, organizations and warring nations to reach a deeper connection and understanding. Its basic premise is that the deepest level of understanding between people or peoples can be reached by connecting with the feelings and needs that motivate our actions, rather than with our thoughts and ideas alone. It is a profound, simple, challenging process, which has been of tremendous help to me as a parent and in relationship with my partner, so much so that I have decided I want to share what I've learned. I am now in the midst of creating special workshops in Nonviolent Communication for parents. Check out the organization's web site at www.cnvc.org. In response to the issue of parenting styles: our kids are now 7 and 5, and my husband and I have been wrestling with these issues for about 7 years, give or take. His fuse is much shorter, he is much more inclined to let the kids "cry it out", and he walks away in a fraction of the time I do. His home of origin was characterized by intolerance and a lot of free floating anger, and while he has done a lot of soul searching to become a good parent, and has made quantum leaps, we still have very different styles that are in full relief when the kids need us most. So: some years ago, we each (at different times) took the same parenting class, from Diane Chapman (who may still be teaching this class - which I highly recommend. We took our class at Hearts Leap School - I don't know if she still teaches it there.) Diane uses a book in the workshop which has become our family's best child-rearing companion: Redirecting Children's Behavior: Discipline that Builds Self-Esteem. It is filled with practical guidance about natural consequences (like not threatening to eliminate tv for a week if the kid isn't going to bed on time, but rather moving bedtime earlier for each night the kid goes to bed later than is scheduled, for instance). It is a book that both my husband and I could embrace, very empathetic, clear, infinitely practical and deeply loving and respectful of the child's spirit. I highly recommend it. The author is Kathryn Kvols - she was scheduled to speak last year at the Habitot Museum, but had to reschedule, so I don't know if she'll be coming this way anytime soon. If she does, I will definitely be in the audience, as she has been an important parenting teacher of mine. One other thing we learned from this class: You can't teach a drowning person to swim. You can't teach a life lesson to a child (or husband) who is upset. Work things out during calm times. Talk in advance about how to handle a situation before it arises (when, in Diane's language, "intensity is low.") If you know that you can't bear to have your kids "cry it out," (which is true for me), let that be known. My husband hates it when I intervene, but I tell him in advance that he can do what he can works things out his own way up until the time he walks away, leaving hurt feelings behind, and at that point I will need to take action, even if it means interfering. But now he knows that about me, and understands that is how things will need to be. Best of luck. To the Mom whose son hits her in the face- Think about it from your son's point of view. "I hit Mommy in the face... what happens? Oh, Daddy gets mad. Daddy will not allow me to hit Mommy." This makes the child feels safe. A child does not want to be more powerful than the parent. If you are not even strong enough to protect yourself from your child hitting you, how can your child believe that you are strong enough to protect him from real or imaginary dangers. The world is a scary place to little ones, and we need to be strong for them. When the child loses control, he wants the parent to step in and help him. Your husband loves his son and is trying to do what he thinks is best. To ignore your child's inappropriate behavior by distracting him is abandoning him morally. Don't be so sensitive, he is not fragile and your husband is not trying to destroy the kid's self image. Don't project your own bad childhood experiences on your son. Time-out is not cruel torture, it is appropriate discipline to the behavior. Trust your husband. He is not the same as your Rona Renner's parenting workshops (2 people) this page was last updated: May 28, 2008 BPN is now a 501(c)(3) non-profit and we are building a new website! Read more, and see how you can help: The opinions and statements expressed on this website are those of parents who subscribe to the Berkeley Parents Network. Disclaimer & Usage for information about using content on this website. Copyright © 1996-2015 Berkeley Parents Network
Heat 1 - Friday Jan 25th 2019 We had the first heat for 2019 on the 25th January, and a packed night it was too. It was great to see so many people come along to the Forest Inn and watch the 5 great Contestants that came along to show their talents off. Sound & Lighting provided by Matt Griffiths, aided by Steve Macleod. Photos on this page courtesy of Oak Photography. The 5 Contestants were (in order of performance): The night was laid back, ran as an Open Mic night, hosted by Chrissyferkin. Our two Judges for the evening were Jenny Oag and Adam Jackson-Gane. The evening was kicked off by the very talented Kez Hinton, performing 3 acoustic songs, some of which were original music that he has written, followed by the laid back 17 Yr old Jack Rideout, who performed 3 acoustic numbers, wowing the judges with his professional performance. 16 Yr old Megan Hill was next up, with her powerful, clear voice, proudly watched by her father in the audience. Then it was the turn of 15 Yr old Lauren Perkins, complete with guitar, to keep the acoustic feeling flowing. Finally Laura Hicks finished the session off, dedicating her last song ‘Landslide’ to Live: Ferndown’s founder, the late Steve Lugg. Because the standards of the performances were so high, it was decided to put all 5 contestants through to the Final on the 12th April, with Jack gaining the highest score overall on the evening.
The Haas Formula One team has a new sponsor, Uralkali. You’re probably not familiar with the Russian company part-owned by Dmitry Mazepin, the father of Haas’s new driver Nikita Mazepin—and that probably means you haven’t heard the drama surrounding the company. So let me just fill you in. Uralkali is a potash fertilizer producer and exporter. Potash is, in its most basic essence, a potassium-rich salt mined from underground deposits of evaporated sea beds. Potassium is a key element in the growth and development in human, animal, and plant life—so when it’s included in fertilizer, potash boost crop yields, increases plant quality, protects plants from extreme temperatures, deters pests, strengthen roots, allows plants to use water more efficiently—you get the gist. Potash is essential to farmers who own high-yield fields that they depend upon as their livelihoods. But potash mines are subject to sinkholes. It’s part of the game. But Uralkali’s potash mines near the towns of Berezniki and Solikamsk. Sinkholes have been popping up in that region for a long time, since the towns are situated on either abandoned or existing potash mines—and those sinkholes were only exacerbated by a series of small earthquakes. But brine flowing into the mining holes turned catastrophic, as per the New York Times. Operations had to be stopped, with the sinkhole soon clocking in at 120 by 125 meters—or roughly 393 by 410 feet, The Moscow Times reported. The sinkholes have taken parts of the towns and mine workers with them for years, and they’ve forced the residents of those towns to evacuate and find somewhere else to live. “Cracks are showing up everywhere, and they just keep coming,” one Berezniki resident told DW Akademie, gesturing to a ceiling and wall falling to pieces. According to that same DW Akademie video, mining operations in the area have consistently ignored regulations, mining huge swaths of potash while it became increasingly dangerous for the people living just above the carved-out land. But despite some parts of the mines caving in, Uralkali consistently claimed that there was no danger of the other mines in the system collapsing—even as the homes above the mines began to crumble or sink. Some people who lost property were compensated for it, but not everyone. Most residents were just expected to leave and start over again somewhere else. People living in homes on the edge of the sinkhole were told their homes were still “partly inhabitable,” and thus weren’t offered compensation—or were offered sums paltry enough to be laughable. So while there’s plenty of valid criticisms to be made about the potential presence of the currently-banned Russian flag adorning the Haas machine this season, it’s worth looking into where the money for one of the team’s few sponsorships has come from.
2014-02-25 10:23:03 - Drug Delivery Technologies Market: Global Forecasts to 2017 - a new market research report on companiesandmarkets.com The global drug delivery market was estimated to have grown to $142.5 billion in 2012, and is forecast to hit $224.2 billion by 2017. The drug delivery technology market is segmented on the basis of route of administration into nine categories - oral, pulmonary, transdermal, injectable, ocular, nasal, topical, implantable, and transmucosal drug delivery; the market is forecast till 2017. Over the years, drug delivery technologies have grown phenomenally from plain drug reformulation and release technologies to innovative platforms that hold a huge potential for the effective delivery of biologicals and novel drugs.Patent expiries of certain blockbuster drugs, growing demand for self administration and home healthcare devices, rising incidence of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and cancer, growing focus on pediatric and geriatric patients, and advancing technology are accelerating the growth of this market. However, drug failures and recalls, and technical barriers will hamper the growth of this market, to a certain extent.Strategic collaborations, self administration and home care drug delivery devices, and expanding applications of drug delivery into niche therapeutic areas represent vast opportunities for key players in this market. The growing number of elderly persons is a large consumer of home care drug delivery devices. The global ageing population (above 60 years) is set to increase from 784 million in 2011 to 2 billion by 2050 and 2.8 billion by 2100. (Source: UN Population Division). An increase in the number of geriatric patients and rise in demand for convenient drug delivery options pose major opportunities for the development of innovative and easy-to-use drug delivery systems.Striking right partnership deal and enhancing the bioavailability of drugs are some of the burning issues in this market. In spite of a large number of strategic collaborations taking place every year, pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies are facing problems in finding a right drug delivery partner. Considering this need, a number of national and international conferences are organized by various associations and organizations to facilitate drug delivery partnerships.North America is the largest market for drug delivery, followed by Europe and Asia. North America and Europe are expected to grow at a slower pace, primarily due to a certain amount of saturation in the market. The Asian market is poised to register maximum growth over the next five years, owing to the expansion of Asian economy, increase in disposable income, development of healthcare infrastructure, increasing penetration of health insurance, and rising prevalence of chronic diseases. Click for report details: www.companiesandmarkets.com/Market/Healthcare-and-Medical/Market .. Browse all Healthcare and Medical Market Research Reports www.companiesandmarkets.com/Market/Healthcare-and-Medical/Market .. Browse all Healthcare and Medical Company Profile Reports www.companiesandmarkets.com/Market/Healthcare-and-Medical/Compan .. Browse all Latest Market Research Reports www.companiesandmarkets.com/Market/All/Market-Research?aCode=f3f .. Companiesandmarkets.com is a leading online business information aggregator with over 300,000 market reports and company profiles available to our clients. Our extensive range of reports are sourced from the leading publishers of business information and provide clients with the widest range of information available. In terms of company profiles, Companiesandmarkets.comâs online database allows clients access to market and corporate information to over 100,000 different companies. We provide clients with a fully indexed database of information where clients can find specific market reports on their niche industry sectors of interest.
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Family Resource Centers Description and Services: Catholic Charities’ Family Resource Centers (FRCs) serve families with children prenatal through age 5 of all income levels and legal status. Our prevention and education services promote the importance of school readiness through family engagement, early education, wellness and community leadership and advocacy programs. Services are available in Santa Clara County’s Supervisorial Districts 1, 2 and 4 through Catholic Charities. Our team includes trained staff and volunteers who offer culturally and linguistically sensitive center-based and in-home services in English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Amharic and Portuguese. Referrals are not required. Walk-ins are welcome. Prenatal and Infant Support and Enrichment Programs - New Beginnings: Baby & Me program is designed to nurture a loving relationship between caregiver and baby (0-24 months) by engaging together in music & movement activities designed to develop baby's’ cognitive, gross motor, fine motor, language, and social-emotional skills. It is a supportive and reflective time for caregivers to share their greatest joys and hardships of parenting. - BabyCare Workshop: 9-part instructional video series demonstrating basic skills that are vital for newborn care. The videos cover topics from bathing to burping, from safety to siblings. Using a reassuring approach designed to build confidence, the videos feature real parents mastering basic baby-care skills. The series is perfect for anyone caring for a brand new baby: parents, grandparents, expecting parents, teen parents, siblings, and caregivers. - Prenatal Yoga: This program helps maintain a healthy mind and body. It focuses on poses for pregnant women in order to increase strength and flexibility. It also helps pregnant women to develop proper breathing and relaxation techniques for easier and more comfortable labor. Most importantly, it creates a community of support for women undergoing the experience of pregnancy. Toddler and Preschool Support and Enrichment Programs - Early education activities designed for families with toddlers and preschoolers (25-60 months) to develop the cognitive, gross motor, fine motor, language, and social-emotional skills they need to be ready for kindergarten. Developmental and Social Emotional Screenings (ASQ/ASQ:SE) - Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ) for parents determines their child’s developmental progress and identifies any areas of concern. Developmental areas screened by the ASQ include communication, gross motor, fine motor, personal-social emotional and problem solving skills. Children requiring additional support in any developmental area are referred to the FIRST 5 System of Care for additional support services. ASQ screenings are available for children under the age of 6. Caregiver/Parent Education Workshops - Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors Workshop: interactive workshop for caregivers with children 0-5 years of age. It’s the nation’s first evidence-based parent leadership and advocacy curriculum, uniquely designed in partnership with Latino parents, so their values, concerns, and culture are incorporated in the content. http://ap-od.org/ - SEEDS of Early Literacy Workshop: interactive workshop for caregivers with children 0-5 years of age. Caregivers learn about the effective ways to interact with their children to promote social, emotional, language and literacy development. http://www.seeds-learning.com/ - Positive Parenting Program (Triple P): interactive workshop for caregivers with children 0-12 years of age. Positive parenting is an effective approach to raising children that emphasizes the positive. It involves creating a family environment that is loving, supportive and predictable. This is important in raising healthy, well-adjusted children who have the skills and confidence they need to succeed at school and in their relationships with others. Positive parenting reduces the stress of parenting and makes parenting more rewarding and enjoyable. www.triplep-parenting.net/ - 24/7 Dad - Fatherhood Workshop: interactive workshop for men. 24/7 Dad was developed by parenting and fatherhood experts. Fathers will enhance their parenting skills while they learn about themselves and the important role they play in the lives of their children. Research shows that 24/7 dad successfully impacts fathers attitudes, knowledge, and skills. It’s designed to equip fathers with the self-awareness, compassion, and sense of responsibility that every great parent needs. www.store.fatherhood.org/24-7-dad-programs/ - Raising A Reader Plus: interactive workshop for caregivers with children 0-5 years of age. Family friendly versions of research-based practices that will support book sharing at home. Raising A Reader’s award-winning DVD Read Aloud: Share a Book with Me (translated into 14 languages) enables caregivers to listen to other caregivers who face the challenges of sharing books with children
and how they overcame them. http://www.raisingareader.org/ - Vary, but may include: Zumba, Zumba Kids, Yoga, Family Yoga and Tumbling Information & Referral Services - A trained Community Worker is available to answer any questions and to assist with information and/or referrals you may need (e.g., food programs, adult health clinics, and child health insurance such as Medi-Cal and Healthy Kids). The child development area is also open for families to come play with their children in an unstructured, FUN environment. Children ages 0-5 family resource center locations for supervisorial district 2 Santee Family Resource Center 1313 Audubon Ave SJ CA 95122 Main Contact: Deyanira Hurtado, Family Resource Center Initiative Manager (408) 420-1932 [email protected] family resource center locations for supervisorial district 1 Captain Jason Dahl Family Resource Center 3200 Water Street, San Jose, CA 95112 Main Contact: Huyen Le, Family Resource Center Supervisor (408) 200-0997 [email protected] health trust family resource center 46 Race Street. San Jose, CA 95126 Main Contact: Odette Avalos, Family Resource Center Supervisor (408) 380-8605 [email protected] family resource center locations for supervisorial district 4 Catholic Charities Family Resource Center 4 Wabash Ave. San Jose, CA 95128 Main Contact: Karina Sustaita, Family Resource Center Supervisor (408) 380-8608 [email protected] Please refer to "Calendar of Events" for specific program hours. Please contact [email protected]. All Catholic Charities volunteers are required to complete a background check and TB testing.
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Northwert Arkantas TIMES, Trturs,, Od. 17, 1974 FAVlTTEVILLi, AKKAHSAt Bishop Pushes For $ 29 -Million For UA Construction LITTLE ROCK (AP) -- Dr. Charles E. Bishop, president of the University of Arkansas, and his chancellors said Wednesday the Legislative Council should go beyond the budgets for the university system that the state Higher Education Board has said should be given top priority during the next biennium. Bishop asked the legislators to provide the entire $29 million for construction at the university campuses that the board had recommended and not merely the $16.5 million that the board had assigned top priority. . The board had suggested that the legislature specifically bar the colleges and universities from issuing revenue bonds to supplement the construction funds that are approved by the 1975 legislature. The institutions are enlarging several construe tion projects -by issuing bonds to supplement state appropria tions. Bishop urged the legislators not to follow the board's sug gestion. "If passed," he said "such action would preclude our building projects that may be partially funded or which cost more than the estimates." He also said the university might not be able to start con slruction on several building authorized by the legislature ii 1973 and 1974 because building costs had outstripped the origi nal estimates. Because of inflation, Bisho said, the time lag between ob taining legislative appropria tions for buildings and actua construction "is killing us." Dr. Olin Cook, director of th Higher Education Departmen told the council that the state colleges and universities woul need an additional $78 millio during the next two fisca years. Cook" gave the lawmakers a erview of the recommenda- ns from the Higher Educa- n Board. The head o! each hool is to make his own pre- ttation lo the council today d Friday. Cook said the board- has rec- mmended $105.7 million for gher education facilities in ,cal 1976 and $121.6 in fiscal 77. The current budget is 5.1 million. Bishop Feels State Should Pay Salary LITTLE ROCK (AP) -- Dr. Charles E. Bishop, president of the University of Arkansas, said Wednesday he would feel more comfortable if all of his $45,000 salary were paid from state funds. "I'm concerned about the ay my personal salary is Mrs. Petty Opposes Budget Policy LITTLE ROCK (AP) -- Re ublican Judy Petty of Little ock said Wednesday she had jposed GOP administration idgetary policies "since way ack in 1969." Mrs. Petty is opposing the re ection bid of Rep. Wilbur D dills, D-Ark. She told the Little Rock Ki ·anis Club that she favor rimming the,federal budget to void deficit spending. "I am in favor of balancing le budget." Mrs. Petty said, and if I see a Republican resident break from that, I ave no hesitancy to say I op- paid." he said. Rep. John E. Miller of Mel bourne has questioned thi propriety of paying part of tin president's salary from private funds. The university's president i allowed less than $37,000 by th university appropriation, bu the university's Board o Trustees is supplementing th pay up to $45.000 from privat ;i(ts to the University of Ar cansas Foundation. The salary of at least on other university official -- Dr Herman B. Smith, chancellor o the UA-Pine Bluff -- is supple tnented from the same source. Alexander To Speak On Rural Development Bill Alexander, United States epresenlative from the First Congressional D i s t r i c t of \rkansas, will be the keynote peaker at a conference of rural evelopment at Hot Springs Oct. 30-31, according to William Bonner, professor of co nullity affairs at the University of, Arkansas and program chairman for the conference. Alexander, who is chairman of the Subcommittee on Rura Development of the House Committee on Agriculture, wil speak at 12:30 p.m. on lli( opening day of the conference Wednesday, topic will October 30. Hi; be "The Rura Development Act--Where D We Go From Here?" The conference, which has a its theme, "Opportunities to Counties," is being co-sppnsorec by the University's Division o Community Affairs and Divisio of Continuing Education i cooperation with the Associatio of Arkansas Counties, th A r k a n s a s Association Planning Organizations, and Hi State United Slates Departmen of Agriculture Rural Develop ment Committee. Grand Larceny Charges Filed Charges of grand larcenyi nve been filed in Washington irciiit Court against Richard '. Dixon, 18, of Houle 7 and ,eo Don Grubbs, 18, of 12 W. outh St. in the theft Saturday f two motorcycles. Dixon turned himself in ,at the sheriff's 3 p.m. Vednesday. Both Dixon and re- Vashinton County fficc shortly after Grubbs Intel escaped from the Stone County Jail at Moun- liiinvicw Sunday night Mondny morning. Gruobs mains at large. The two were arrested Saturday morning at Mountain- Uiew by Slate Police while riding the stolen motorcycles according to authorities. The bikes were stolen from Stephen Ballard of C34 Whitham St. and lharlcs R. Wilson of 1004 N. College Ave. at about 3 a.m. Saturday. Grubbs and Dixon were placed in the Stone County Jail pending the arrival of Fnyet- tevillc police lo take them back to Fuycttovllle, A spokesman tor the Stone County sheriff's office said the two used a wooden slat from a cot to pry open the cell door. Auto Stolen SPRINGDALE -- A black and white 1968 Pontiao convertible with an Ohio license was reported stolen during the first week of October, police said "owner Wayne Mclntosh, 701 G Union Dr., told police he left the car parked on Walnut Street, behind Union Drive, while he was out of town that week. When he returned tht vehicle was gone. ELECT PHILLIP TAYLOR Position 7 Board of Directors City of Fayetteville Pd. Pol. Adv. by Phillip Taylor A WOMAN'S PLACE Put a different point of view In the Arkansas House of Representatives . . . a woman's view. This woman's place is in the house . . . the Arkansas' State' House of Representatives. for a change... Cathy Hale State Representative District 10 Pol. Ad Paid by Gommittet'for Cathy, Sharon Wimberly, Chairman Area Geographers Will Gather Here This Weekend On Friday and Saturday tl Southwest Division of tl A s s o c i a t i o n of America Geographers will hold its annual 'fall meeting at the University of Arkansas here. Geographers will gather from Louisiana, Texas, .Oklahoma, and New Mexico, as well as from Arkansas. Starting at 1 p.m. Friday in the Theater of the Arkansas Union, the g e o g r a p h e r s will read professional papers on resource use. A social gathering is scheduled Friday evening. On Saturday morning, a field trip will illustrate details of land use in the Springfield Plateau and the Boston Mountains. A brief visit to Devil's Den State Park will be included. Whirlpool 2-SPEED 2-CYCLE FULLY AUTOMATIC FAMILY SIZE WASHER FEATURES BUILT-IN HEAVY DUTY LINT FILTER LAA334O ONLY A FEW TO SELL .-. . $ 178 W/T mmm I I I I I I W-l- WHIP INFLATION NOW AT DENNIS HOME FURNISHINGS rlday relay Two Local Men Edit New Book T w o professors in the U n i v e r s i t y of Arkansas Department of Agriculture Economics and Rural Sociology are editors of a new book. Drs. J. Martin Redfern, associate professor, and Robert N. Shulslad, assistant professor, worked with Dr. John Reynolds of the University of Florida as editors of the new book of readings entitled, "Readings in Natural Resource Economics." The book will be used as a college text and as a reference f o r researchers examining natural resource problems. UA Marketing Fund Receives Gift The University of Arkansas College of Business Administration has received a gift o! $500 from Foleys o! Houston, a large department store, Dr Charles E. Bishop has an nounced. The contribution was made to the Marketing Research am Development Fund, according to Dean J o h n P. Owen. The check was presented to Dr. G E. Kiser by Roger Knox am Dave Wilson, representatives o the Houston firm. This is the fifth annual gift by Foleys. 5th Annual ANTIQUES Show and Sale Rogers Armory October 18, 19,20 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. 27 ELECTRIC DRYER Model LNA3200 I I WE ARE OFFERING A STORE FULL OF SUPER VALUES ON RCA TV AND WHIRLPOOL APPLIANCES. 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Andres Iniesta may have scored the World Cup winner two years ago, but the real star of that tournament was Paul the psychic Octopus, who correctly predicted the results of eight World Cup games including the winners Spain. After his success - and subsequent tragic demise - Krakow Zoo held auditions to find the animal tipster for Euro 2012. Citta the elephant was chosen ahead of a donkey called Katherine and a parrot called Jacko after correctly predicting that Chelsea would win the final of the Champions League last Saturday. The final three were narrowed down to elephant Citta, donkey Katherine and parrot Jacko. The animals were tasked with choosing the Champions League winners, and Citta the elephant was the only one to correctly choose the apple that symbolized Chelsea. The huge elephant celebrated by crushing and eating an official Euro 2012 ball. Citta isn't the only predicting animal we can look forward to during the Euros, however. Introducing Football Sty A prophetic pig will also be offering predictions during the tournament after it was announced by a Kiev government spokesperson last week. The pig, which goes by the name of "Soothsayer Hog" will be predicting games by choosing between two plates of food every afternoon throughout the tournament. The pig will live in a house built for him in the Kiev fan zone in Ukraine and will doubtless become one of the quirky stars of the tournament. The spokesperson said Soothsayer Hog was "an expert on the mysteries of football," and explained that he can't wait to start his predictions. “He’s really been looking forward to the tournament. He watches all football matches with his owner. He’s very kind and very friendly.” Soothsayer Hog will make his predictions at 4:00pm every day in the Kiev fan zone. Raising the a-llama If a Sussex-based llama picks against your team in a big match, prepare yourself for disappointment. Nicholas, the big match llama, goes into the European Championships on the crest of a wave after correctly predicting the outcomes of both the FA Cup final AND the UEFA Champions League final. Choosing between coloured balls dropped into his pen, Nicholas predicted Chelsea's victories against Arsenal at Wembley, then Bayern Munich at the Allianz Arena. It's unknown whether Nicholas will be called into action for Euro 2012, but if he does it's guaranteed there will be plenty of people prepared to heed his sage advice.
AFSA offers six awards for recognition of exemplary performance, extraordinary contributions to effectiveness, professionalism and morale. - The Mark Palmer Award for the Advancement of Democracy is open to all Foreign Service members from any of the foreign affairs agencies, especially early- to mid-career level, serving domestically or overseas, who promoted American policies focused on advancing democracy, freedom and governance through bold, exemplary, imaginative and effective efforts during one or more assignments. The award offers a $2,500 prize and a travel stipend to attend the award ceremony to be held at the State Department’s Benjamin Franklin Room in October. Click here to nominate someone for the Mark Palmer Award - The Nelson B. Delavan Award recognizes the work of a Foreign Service Office Management Specialist who has made a significant contribution to post or office in effectiveness and morale, both within as well as beyond the framework of her or his job responsibilities. Click here to nominate someone for the Nelson B. Delavan Award - The M. Juanita Guess Award is conferred on a Community Liaison Officer who has demonstrated outstanding leadership, dedication, initiative or imagination in assisting the families of Americans serving at an overseas post. Click here to nominate someone for the M. Juanita Guess Award - The Avis Bohlen Award honors the accomplishments of a family member of a Foreign Service employee whose relations with the American and foreign communities at post have done the most to advance the interests of the United States. Ideal nominees must have made a significant and meaningful impact on not only the U.S. mission community, but especially the adopted community of their host country. Click here to nominate someone for the Avis Bohlen Award - The AFSA Achievement and Contributions to the Association Award recognizes an active duty or retired AFSA member of any of the foreign affairs agencies represented by AFSA who has made a significant (non-monetary) contribution to the Association in its role either as a professional association of practitioners of diplomacy, or its role as a labor union representing Foreign Service members. Click here to nominate someone for the AFSA Achievement and Contributions to the Association - The Post Representative of the Year Award is presented to an exemplary AFSA Post Representative(s) who has demonstrated sustained and successful engagement with AFSA membership at post and post management to advance the strategic priorities of the Association. S/he has demonstrated an understanding of AFSA’s goals and objectives and engaged with membership to advance those priorities in meaningful ways. Examples of activities may include demonstrated commitment, engagement and activism in representing AFSA and its members overseas; improving workplace conditions and morale; pursuing vigorous and constructive relationships with post management; and helping expand membership and engaging members to enhance the work of AFSA. Recipients receive a monetary prize of $1,000. The Post Representative, or the person’s successor, will also receive an additional $500 that can be used by the post representative or the successor for AFSA-related activities at the post within 24 months. Click here to nominate someone for the Post Representative of the Year Award Recipients of the Delavan, Guess, Bohlen and Palmer awards are presented with a monetary prize of $2,500. All award recipients are honored at a ceremony in October in the Benjamin Franklin Room at the State Department. Nominations should be submitted through the AFSA website no later than Monday, May 17, 2021. Any questions can be directed to Theo Horn, Awards and Scholarships Manager, at [email protected] or (202) 719-9705. Criteria for Performance Awards The nomination must include the following elements: - Nominee's name, grade, agency, and position (or, for the Bohlen Award, the family relationship). - Nominator's name, grade, agency and position and description of association with the nominee. - Justification for nomination. The narrative should discuss the actions and qualities that qualify the nominee for the award, with specific examples of accomplishments that fulfill the criteria above. Part III should not exceed 700 words. Additional Guidelines for Nominations - Only career or career conditional members of the foreign affairs agencies are eligible to be nominated for an award: i.e., State, USAID, FCS, FAS, APHIS or USAGM employees. Exceptions to this are the M. Juanita Guess Award for a Community Liaison officer at an overseas post, and the Avis Bohlen Award for a family member of a Foreign Service employee at post. - A person may be nominated more than once in different years for the same award, providing that they have never won for the same achievement/circumstance. - The time period during which the events attributed to the nominee took place does not have to be within the most recent calendar year. However, they should have occurred no more than 4 years from the time of the nomination. - Nominations for all AFSA awards should go directly to AFSA. - With respect to the Avis Bohlen Award to a family member at post, only those activities of a voluntary nature will be considered. If the nominee receives any type of monetary compensation for her/his work, they cannot be considered. - With respect to the AFSA Achievement and Contributions to the Association Award, only active duty or retired AFSA Members who demonstrate a deepened understanding of the history of the Foreign Service, increase public awareness of the United States Foreign Service, strengthen AFSA’s focus on the profession of diplomacy, increase the operational efficiency of the organization, or empower AFSA as the Voice of the Foreign Service both as a professional organization and/or as a labor union will be considered. - AFSA Board members may not be nominated for their activities while serving on the Board, but may be nominated for any actions which occurred prior to serving or have taken place following their term on the board. - Nominations for any of the awards may be submitted by anyone with knowledge of the nominee's accomplishments, and does not necessarily need to be a government employee. As noted in Part II of the Format guidelines, the nominator must describe the relationship or association with the nominee. - The Awards and Plaque Committee has final authority over decisions by all judging panels to ensure consistent standards.
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By: Chris Moore. Published: February 11, 2011. As I walked into the darkened arena, my eyes drawn to the circular stage set up in front, I wondered what I’d be in for. I had never been to any sort of circus, least of all the one that had dominated my thoughts for weeks. Would my younger sister, who sat by me in the front row as we watched the colorful lights on stage undulate back and forth, be as captivated with the spectacle as I was sure to be? Could the show possibly compare with the fanciful scenes that I had built up in my head ever since hearing about the St. Louis show? Would it be worth the rather pricey sum for two front row tickets to what I long considered must be the true greatest show on Earth? As it turns out, she was, it did, and how. Since its founding in 1984, the Canadian-based Cirque du Soleil has garnered great international attention and for very good reasons. This nouveau circus is a unique, if often copied, blend of death-defying acrobatics, slapstick clowning, surprisingly in-depth character work, and a colorful visual style that combines vaudeville, street fashion, traditional circus, international styles, and sheer fantasy. The company boasts a wide number of touring shows, as well as a few permanent locations. In addition to their regular shows featuring original music, Cirque du Soleil has also produced the Beatles-inspired show, Love and plans to unleash a show in October of this year about the king of pop, Michael Jackson The Immortal World Tour. Dralion, a portmanteau of dragon and lion to complement the advertised East-meets-West theme (though as the performance makes great use of Indian and African inspired designs, the theme in actuality is more multicultural), recently stopped in St. Louis on its current tour. The performance is unique in that it heavily incorporates elements of Chinese circus, including impressive contortion, hoop diving and a modified lion dance using the titular Dralions, fuzzy creatures reminiscent of both dragon and lion dance costumes. The performance is nothing if not colorful. The vibrant blues, greens, oranges, and reds that dominate the show, representing air, ocean, earth, and fire, make even the brilliant gold robes of the show’s singers look dark in comparison. The bright colors tie in well with the constant movement of the show. Warrior-like dancers twirl bright red flags in formation, goddesses dance in the air while twined in ethereal blue ribbons, and orange Dralions frolic and gambol around the stage. In addition to being a visual feast, the acts of Dralion are impressive. As I watched the show, I learned many things about the human body. One: that humans can bend in ways that put boneless octopi to shame. Two: that it’s possible to turn bouncing on a trampoline into an art form. Three: that I’ll never play Double Dutch nearly as well as a pyramid of performers stacked three levels high. If I could describe everything in minute detail, I would tell about every tiny movement of a spider-like juggler, of the speed and precision of a group of dancers diving through hoops seemingly too small to fit a human body through, of the gasps of the audience as the first refrains of music started. Ah, if only I could! Alas, there’s far too much to tell. While I make no secret that the show was the most enjoyable event I’ve been to this year, I can’t pretend that it was without flaws. One of the most noticeable to me was the uneven blending of its humorous and serious moments. The show combines beautiful, occasionally somber and very serious acts of acrobatics with slapstick clown skits, but the two halves seem disjointed. The clowns have little connection with the rest of the performance and seem out of place, as if they wandered in from a completely different, more whimsical show. That is not to say that the clowns are bad; to the contrary, they garnered great applause from the audience and their unique send-up of the entire performance was a highlight of the show. I would not necessarily say they were the funniest of Cirque du Soleil‘s clowns and the audience plant they honed in on was very obvious, but they have a long history to compete with. While amusing enough in their own right, they could have been much more if it made thematic sense for the clowns to be there. Contrast in itself is not a bad thing, but in this case, it makes one wonder why the clowns, such an unexplained departure from the rest of the show, are even there in the first place. So what are my final thoughts on Dralion? It’s a good show in its own right, but even after a decade’s worth of performances, it could do with some work to make it great. In comparison to other Cirque du Soleil shows, the production seems smaller and more toned down in terms of storytelling, so it may be disappointing to those who have already seen the other shows. However, for those of you who have never seen a Cirque du Soleil show or, like me, have only ever watched the tapings, it’s a real treat and sure to be a memory you won’t forget for awhile.
abd& Dr,diagnosis me as MOD.GradeFattyLiver .He prescribedme Udiliv300 twice a day,and im suffering from mild hypertension,he also prescribed Tab Arbitol 80which i have to take 1/2in the morning other ... Recently we went for full body check up. My husband diagnosis by grade2 (10.2) likely to be fattyliver. His sgpt level is 105. Pls suggest wether there is any major lever problem? What we will do now ... I have been detected with Grade 1 FattyLiver during my whole abdomen Ultra Sound test done two ... still not feeling very comfortable. Please advice whether I should change Nusam 400 mg to Evion 400 mg ... there. WBC level was 7.93. and NEU 4.42. did a ultra sound scan of abdomen and the result was liver is enlarged & extends 3cm below the costal margin. comment was diffuse fatty infiltration of the liver( grade ... see, grade2fattyliver is not a very advanced stage of the disease. so you need not worry much. but do the following- stop alcohol if you are an alcoholic. avoid taking fatty and high calorie diet. try to lose some weight if you are obese. do brisk physical activities. get the underlying causes treated if any. take tab udiliv 150 twice daily. Its a common thing and quiet often found in even normal individuals on ultrasound.This doesn't need any treatment.Only in drinkers, one needs to cut down on alcohol.Regards. Alcohal fattyliver reverse time It will take atleast 2-3 months after complete abstinence from alcohol. Please hit thanks.
1.1 To what extent is domicile or habitual residence relevant in determining liability to taxation in your jurisdiction? For Ukrainian tax purposes the legal concept of “domicile” equal to the said concept under English law is not relevant for determining liability to taxation. While the concept of “place of permanent (habitual) residence” is sufficient and considered as one of the connecting factors in determining the individual’s liability to taxation in Ukraine. 1.2 If domicile or habitual residence is relevant, how is it defined for taxation purposes? As described in question 1.1, “domicile” is not defined in the applicable tax legislation. The Ukrainian tax legislation does not contain a definition of “habitual residence”. At the same time, Ukrainian legislation distinguishes a registered place of residence (a special mark in the passport confirms the sufficient registration) and an actual place of residence (physical place where a person lives permanently or temporarily or has a dwelling, which is situated in the administrative-territorial unit). 1.3 To what extent is residence relevant in determining liability to taxation in your jurisdiction? Residence is considered to be the main criterion for tax purposes and is important for determining liability to taxation in our jurisdiction. In particular, an individual who resides and has the place of habitual residence in Ukraine shall be considered to be a Ukrainian tax resident. If a person also has a place of habitual residence abroad, he/she is deemed a tax resident of Ukraine in case he/she has a place of permanent residence in Ukraine. In case a person also has a place of permanent residence abroad, other connecting factors should be taken into account in order to determine liability to taxation (see question 1.4). Moreover, the Tax Code of Ukraine provides a possibility to determine the place of permanent residence in Ukraine or register as an entrepreneur at the person’s sole discretion. Generally, legal entity incorporated and operating under Ukrainian laws in the territory of our state is considered to be a tax resident of Ukraine. 1.4 If residence is relevant, how is it defined for taxation purposes? In addition to the description provided in question 1.3, and in case of such connecting factors as habitual residence and a place of permanent residence which cannot be used to determine the liability for taxation purposes (as described in previous questions), a residency test should be applied as per the following procedure: - in case a person also has a place of permanent residence in another state besides Ukraine, he/she can be deemed a tax resident of Ukraine provided that he/she has close personal or economic ties (centre of vital interests) in Ukraine (for instance, the place of permanent residence of family members or the place of the person`s registration as an entrepreneur); or - if it is impossible to determine the centre of vital interests, or if a person does not have a permanent residence in any country, he/she can be deemed a tax resident of Ukraine if he/she stays in Ukraine at least 183 days in the course of a tax year (including the arrival and departure days). 1.5 To what extent is nationality relevant in determining liability to taxation in your jurisdiction? Where it is impossible to determine the tax residence status of an individual by means of the abovementioned connecting factors, the person is deemed a tax resident of Ukraine if he/she is a citizen of Ukraine. 1.6 If nationality is relevant, how is it defined for taxation purposes? Ukrainian legislation prescribes that “citizenship of Ukraine” (nationality for states of the common law) means a legal connection between a natural person and Ukraine that becomes apparent in their mutual rights and obligations. 1.7 What other connecting factors (if any) are relevant in determining a person’s liability to tax in your jurisdiction? There are no other connecting factors to determine a person’s liability to taxation in Ukraine. 2.1 What gift or estate taxes apply that are relevant to persons becoming established in your jurisdiction? Under the Tax Code of Ukraine, all gifts and inherited property received by an individual are subject to (1) a personal income tax (the “PIT”), and (2) a military duty tax (rate of 1.5%). Gifts and inherited property received by legal entities based on an agreement or testament shall be assessed as other income of a legal entity and are subject to the income tax (the “Income Tax”). Inheritance received by any resident of Ukraine from a non-resident testator and any object of inheritance inherited by a non-resident from a resident of Ukraine is taxable at a rate of 18%. Inheritance property and gifts (real estate, movable property, corporate rights, insurance payments, cash, etc.) are subject to a zero PIT rate, in case the successor is a family member of the testator (e.g., spouse, child, or parent). All other successors (individuals) shall pay the PIT at a rate of 5%, while non-resident successors shall pay 18% calculated based on the amount of received property. It should be noted that a gift of a total value not exceeding UAH 800 is exempt from the PIT (except for gifts in monetary form), and thus, military duty tax is not applicable either. Gifts received by an individual from legal entities or entrepreneurs are considered as an additional benefit and are taxed on the common grounds with the PIT at the rate of 18% plus military duty tax. 2.2 How and to what extent are persons who become established in your jurisdiction liable to income and capital gains tax? The concept of the capital gains tax relevant for states of the common law is neither relevant for the Ukrainian tax treatment for individuals nor for legal entities. Income tax under the Ukrainian tax legislation shall be regarded as income tax imposed on the total income or elements of income, including taxes on gains from disposal of movable or immovable property and taxes on the total amounts of wages or salaries paid by enterprises. An individual, regardless of whether he/she is a tax resident of Ukraine, shall pay the PIT and the military duty tax from his/her income received in Ukraine (for example: wages or other incentive and compensation payments; passive income such as dividends, interest or royalties; lease payments; prizes; or income from sale of movable and immovable property), while an individual who is a tax resident of Ukraine shall pay the PIT and the military duty tax from income received in Ukraine and abroad. The rate of the PIT depends on the type of income which varies from 0% to 18%, while the rate of the military duty tax is constant and amounts to 1.5%. General rate for the PIT is 18%. The exceptions are as follows: - 5% on dividends received from resident legal entities (except for dividends from collective investment schemes); - 9% on dividends from non-resident legal entities and dividends from collective investment schemes; - 5% on income from sale of immovable/movable property (zero tax rate in the said case shall apply to the seller in case if the duration of the seller’s title disposal does not exceed three years); and - 18% on income of non-residents and on other types of income. As for legal entities, the Income Tax general rate is 18%. A rate of 15% shall be applied to the income received by non-residents from Ukrainian legal entities (e.g., dividends). 2.3 What other direct taxes (if any) apply to persons who become established in your jurisdiction? The Tax Code of Ukraine also establishes a property tax for Ukrainian residents and non-residents who own (1) residential and non-residential property, (2) transport vehicles, and/or (3) land. There is a tax benefit for owners of residential and non-residential property if the total area does not exceed: - 60 square metres for apartments, regardless of their number; - 120 square metres for houses, regardless of their number; or - 180 square metres for mixed type of property (apartments & houses). The mentioned tax benefit shall not apply if the owner uses such property for the purposes of income (e.g., leasing, renting, etc.). The applicable tax rate for property ownership may not exceed 1.5% of the minimum wage per square metre of real estate. The land tax rate depends on the type land plot, the way of its usage, and the normative appraisal of land plot, and may vary from 0.3% to 12% of the amount of its normative appraisal. 2.4 What indirect taxes (sales taxes/VAT and customs & excise duties) apply to persons becoming established in your jurisdiction? The Tax Code of Ukraine prescribes the following indirect taxes: value added tax (the “VAT”); customs tax; and excise duty (applied to alcohol, tobacco products, petrol, and electricity, at tax rates specified in the Tax Code for different types of goods). 2.5 Are there any anti-avoidance taxation provisions that apply to the offshore arrangements of persons who have become established in your jurisdiction? The Ukrainian tax legislation defines a concept of transfer pricing as one of the anti-avoidance taxation provisions, which allows banks to control operations with affiliated persons. Further, the National Bank Ukraine obliged the banks to provide information on operations of their clients with offshore companies. It should be noted that Ukraine has undertaken a commitment to join to the Base Erosion and Profit Shifting Plan (BEPS). Several amendments have been already implemented to the applicable tax legislation, while a major part of amendments still await approval. For example, new amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine for legal regulation of offshore companies and controlled foreign companies are planned to be approved till the end of 2017. 2.6 Is there any general anti-avoidance or anti-abuse rule to counteract tax advantages? The legislation of Ukraine does not directly envisage any anti-avoidance or anti-abuse rules to counteract tax advantages. In late April 2016, the President of Ukraine called for a creation of the Special Working Group which would work on countering tax base erosion and profit shifting. This organisation is expected to draft anti-abuse and anti-avoidance rules to counteract tax advantages. Moreover, having acceded to the BEPS Plan in January 2017, Ukraine is under an obligation to implement a minimum standard of the Plan within four years. This includes, inter alia, the actions on prevention of tax abuse, mandatory disclosure rules for aggressive tax planning schemes, the design of domestic rules to prevent treaty abuse, and raising dispute resolution efficiency. 2.7 Are there any arrangements in place in your jurisdiction for the disclosure of aggressive tax planning schemes? Ukraine is under an obligation to design mandatory disclosure rules for aggressive or abusive transactions, arrangements, or structures in accordance with Action 12 of the BEPS Plan. 3.1 In your jurisdiction, what pre-entry estate and gift tax planning can be undertaken? As mentioned above, estate and gift tax applies to gifts and estate property received by residents of Ukraine notwithstanding the residency of grantor. Non-residents of Ukraine shall be taxed with estate and gift tax for gifts and estate property received from residents of Ukraine. For the purposes of taxation with estate and gift tax, the location of the gift or estate property in Ukraine or abroad is not relevant. As a general rule, tax rates for non-residents are higher than for residents of Ukraine. 3.2 In your jurisdiction, what pre-entry income and capital gains tax planning can be undertaken? For the purposes of pre-entry tax planning, all non-residents shall consider a general rule prescribing that tax residents of Ukraine pay taxes in Ukraine on their worldwide income. 3.3 In your jurisdiction, can pre-entry planning be undertaken for any other taxes? In our jurisdiction, no other pre-entry planning may be undertaken for other taxes. 4.1 What liabilities are there to tax on the acquisition, holding or disposal of, or receipt of income from investments in your jurisdiction? The tax liability for acquisition, holding or disposal of, or receipt of income from investments in Ukraine is at 18% rate. The rate of 15% shall be applied to income of non-residents received from Ukrainian legal entities (e.g., dividends). 4.2 What taxes are there on the importation of assets into your jurisdiction, including excise taxes? Assets imported to the customs territory of Ukraine are subject to import duty, excise duty, and VAT. There are various rates of import duty depending on the product imported. In fact, each product has its own tax rate. 4.3 Are there any particular tax issues in relation to the purchase of residential properties? Yes. The purchaser of residential properties shall pay a compulsory national pension contribution at a rate of 1% of the transaction value notwithstanding whether the purchaser is a tax resident of Ukraine or not. 5.1 What is the test for a corporation to be taxable in your jurisdiction? A company, regardless of its state of incorporation, is subject to the Income Tax in case the source of corporate income is in Ukraine (for non-resident entities) and the company operates in Ukraine and worldwide (for Ukrainian resident entities). In addition, there is a special test for permanent establishments (the “PEs”) in order to determine whether a PE is subject to corporate profit tax. An entity may be recognised as a PE for tax purposes if it conducts business activity of the foreign entity and is a permanent place of business, including consultation and service provision within a period of more than six months in any 12-month period. An entity may not be recognised as a PE if it conducts support activities only. 5.2 What are the main tax liabilities payable by a corporation which is subject to tax in your jurisdiction? The general Income Tax rate is 18%. There is a different tax approach regarding particular legal entities, for instance, insurance companies are subject to 3% or 0% Income Tax rates. Gambling business is subject to 18% and 10% tax rates. In case a resident or a permanent establishment of a non-resident entity makes a payment out of the income of Ukrainian source in favour of a non-resident (e.g., royalties, dividends, interests, lease payments, etc.), it is taxable at the rate of 15%, unless otherwise provided by double taxation treaties. A resident entity making a payment to non-resident entities for the production or distribution of advertising shall pay 20% tax out of the amount of payment. Besides, legal entities are taxable to VAT tax (20% general rate or 7% reduced rate) and shall pay social contributions with regard to all their employees. 5.3 How are branches of foreign corporations taxed in your jurisdiction? Permanent establishments of foreign corporations are taxed as separate legal entities for taxation purposes and are subject to general Income Tax at a rate of 18%. 6.1 Has your jurisdiction entered into income tax and capital gains tax treaties and, if so, what is their impact? In terms of statistics, Ukraine has signed bilateral double taxation treaties (the “DTTs”) with 74 States (with 73 agreements being ratified, except for Cuba that has not implemented the Convention with Ukraine into its national law), covering 109 jurisdictions, as reported by the OECD. For the purposes of the regulation of income tax, the statistics include the information on the tax on profit (income) of enterprises, and the tax on income of citizens of Ukraine, foreign citizens, and stateless persons. As to their effect, Ukrainian courts often apply double taxation treaties in disputes between parties. Moreover, their provisions prevail over the national laws, thus guaranteeing their proper enforcement. Finally, the Ukrainian State Fiscal Service recently issued recommendations on application of the provisions of double taxation treaties. 6.2 Do the income tax and capital gains tax treaties generally follow the OECD or another model? The DTTs signed and ratified by Ukraine by their structure and the scope of legal regulation do correspond to the OECD Model Tax Convention on Income Tax. 6.3 Has your jurisdiction entered into estate and gift tax treaties and, if so, what is their impact? Ukraine did not enter into any estate and gift tax treaties. 6.4 Do the estate or gift tax treaties generally follow the OECD or another model? Since there is no regulation on this matter, we cannot provide an answer to this question. 7.1 What are the relevant private international law (conflict of law) rules on succession and wills, including tests of essential validity and formal validity in your jurisdiction? The succession rules are incorporated in Book Six of the Civil Code of Ukraine. The applicable Ukrainian legislation provides that a conflict of laws shall be resolved based on rules prescribed in bilateral agreements entered into by Ukraine and foreign countries. As of today, there are 58 effective bilateral agreements on legal assistance and legal relations in civil, family, and criminal cases. In case of absence of the bilateral agreement, conflict of law rules are provided in the Law of Ukraine “On Private International Law”. As a general rule, succession relations are governed by the law of the country where the testator had the last place of residence, unless he/she has chosen the law of his nationality to govern the will. Essential validity in relation to execution and revocation of the will and its formal validity is governed by the law of the state where the testator had the last place of residence at the time of execution of the will or his/her death. The will cannot be invalidated due to non-compliance with the established form if it corresponds with (1) the law of the state where the will was executed or the law of testator’s nationality, (2) the law of the state where the testator had the last place of residence at the time of execution of the will or his/her death, and (3) and the law of the state where the immovable property is located. 7.2 Are there particular rules that apply to real estate held in your jurisdiction or elsewhere? The succession of immovable property is governed by the law of the country where such immovable property is located. 8.1 Are trusts recognised in your jurisdiction? The traditional common law concept of trust is not recognised in Ukraine, namely, none of the forms of legal entities in Ukraine is designed for trust purposes and wealth protection. Ukraine still has not ratified the Hague Convention on the Law Applicable to Trusts and on their Recognition, of 1 July 1985. Thus, Ukrainian beneficiaries may transfer their assets in Ukraine directly to a trust only through a foreign company. 8.2 How are trusts taxed in your jurisdiction? Notwithstanding the fact that trusts are not recognised, all income and economic benefit derived from trust will be subject to personal income tax on the common grounds. 8.3 How are trusts affected by succession and forced heirship rules in your jurisdiction? See question 8.1. 8.4 Are foundations recognised in your jurisdiction? The traditional common law concept of foundation is not recognised in Ukraine. 8.5 How are foundations taxed in your jurisdiction? Foundations are not recognised by the applicable Ukrainian legislation, but all income and economic benefit derived from foundation will be subject to personal income tax on the common grounds. 8.6 How are foundations affected by succession and forced heirship rules in your jurisdiction? See question 8.4. 9.1 Are civil partnerships/same-sex marriages permitted/recognised in your jurisdiction? The effective Ukrainian legislation only recognises the marriage between a man and a woman based on mutual free consent. Civil partnership between a man and a woman is permitted. It should be noted that all property acquired by the civil partners within the period of their domestic partnership shall remain in their joint ownership, unless otherwise stipulated in a written agreement between them. It means that in case of the partners’ separation or death of one of the civil partners, the other partner may claim 50% of the entire property acquired by the partners during their cohabitation. All other cohabitating individuals are free to record their family relations in written form by way of entering into an agreement. 9.2 What matrimonial property regimes are permitted/recognised in your jurisdiction? As a general rule, the Family Code of Ukraine establishes a common joint ownership regime for the property acquired in marriage unless otherwise provided by law or agreement. Thus, spouses may enter into a pre- or post-nuptial agreement in order to establish a separate property regime. All property acquired during the marriage, including salary, pension, scholarship, other income received by one of the spouses, as well as chattels of professional usage (e.g. musical instruments, office equipment, medical equipment, etc.) acquired for one of the spouses, shall belong to them on the basis of the right of common joint ownership. Notably, spouses may use and dispose of their joint property by mutual consent. In particular, in order to enter into an agreement that is subject to notarisation (e.g., sale of real estate or other valuable property) the written consent of the other spouse is obligatory. Otherwise, the other spouse may bring the claim before the court in order to adjudge such agreement null and void as it was concluded without his/her written consent. 9.3 Are pre-/post-marital agreements/marriage contracts permitted/recognised in your jurisdiction? As mentioned in question 9.2 above, spouses are free to enter into pre- or post-nuptial agreements. A pre-nuptial agreement comes into force on the day of marriage registration, while post-nuptial agreement may be concluded at any time after the marriage and comes into force upon its notary certification. Pre- or post-nuptial agreements may only govern the property relations between spouses and may not govern personal non-property relations between spouses and children. Thus, the spouses may establish the regime (joint ownership or private ownership) and the procedure for usage of all property which they will acquire during the marriage, including any gifts, and determine the list of property that each of the spouses intends to transfer into the joint usage of family. Furthermore, the parties are free to establish a procedure for the property division in case of divorce and alimony payments. Waiver or alteration of the pre- or post-nuptial agreement may not be unilateral and should be done jointly. Upon a claim of one of the spouses, a court may invalidate an agreement if it violates such spouse’s rights and interests. 9.4 What are the main principles which will apply in your jurisdiction in relation to financial provision on divorce? As a rule, the joint matrimonial property should be divided between spouses in kind. Unless the spouses settle the division of property amicably, a court may settle the dispute. As a default, the spouses have equal shares in marital property, unless otherwise agreed between them or is provided by post-nuptial agreement. However, a court may change the sizes of the shares by taking into account the circumstances of significant importance such as non-provision of the financial support of the family, non-maintenance of children, concealed or destroyed marital property or its usage to the detriment of the family interests. Moreover, if children stay with one of the spouses, the court may increase the share in matrimonial property for that spouse. 10.1 What restrictions or qualifications does your jurisdiction impose for entry into the country? Visa free regime applies for nationals of European Economic Area and some other countries, namely, they may enter Ukraine and stay no more than 90 days within a 180-day period. Nationals of other countries should obtain a visa to enter Ukraine. The purpose of a visit to Ukraine is taken into account, too; thus, for immigration purposes, a foreigner may apply for a long-term visa in order to obtain the immigration permit. 10.2 Does your jurisdiction have any investor and/or other special categories for entry? As a rule, there is no specific visa type for investors and they may apply for (1) a short-term visa, (2) a long-term visa, or (3) a transit visa. Meanwhile, according to the Law of Ukraine “On Immigration” and the Law of Ukraine “On Legal Status of Foreigners and Stateless Persons”, foreigners and stateless persons may immigrate to Ukraine for permanent residence. Thus, a special quota of immigration is established for: - (investors, who made a foreign investment in the economy of Ukraine in the amount no less than USD 100 000; and - highly skilled professionals and workers who are in high demand in the Ukrainian economy. 10.3 What are the requirements in your jurisdiction in order to qualify for nationality? According to the Law of Ukraine “On Citizenship of Ukraine,” a foreigner who wishes to apply for Ukrainian nationality needs to meet the following criteria: - recognition and compliance with the Constitution of Ukraine and the laws of Ukraine; - obligation to renounce foreign citizenship or recognise the absence thereof; - legal permanent residence in the territory of Ukraine for no less than five years or official marriage with a Ukrainian citizen for more than two years; - obtaining a permanent residence permit in Ukraine; - knowledge of the state language or its understanding to the extent allowing communication; and - legal means of subsistence. The Ukrainian nationality may not be granted to a person who: - committed a crime against the humanity or an act of genocide; - sentenced to imprisonment in Ukraine for grave offence; or - has conducted in the territory of another state actions recognised as a grave offence under the legislation of Ukraine. 10.4 Are there any taxation implications in obtaining nationality in your jurisdiction? Citizens of Ukraine are considered tax residents of Ukraine. 10.5 Are there any special tax/immigration/citizenship programmes designed to attract foreigners to become resident in your jurisdiction? There are no any special tax/immigration/citizenship programmes for foreigners to become resident of Ukraine. 11.1 What automatic exchange of information agreements has your jurisdiction entered into with other countries? Even though Ukraine is obliged to exchange taxation information in an automatic manner under Article 6 of the Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters, which covers 113 jurisdictions, Ukraine has still not entered, on the reciprocal basis, into any automatic exchange of information (the “AEOI”) agreements until this date. Neither has Ukraine acceded to the Multilateral Competent Authority Agreement and Common Reporting Standard establishing the AEOI regime. However, Ukraine entered into the FATCA in February 2017 and must unilaterally exchange taxation information with the USA in an automatic manner. This is the only international agreement binding for Ukraine in terms of taxation exchange. The Ministry of Finance of Ukraine in 2012 only clarified the procedure of the exchange of taxation information upon request with other States. In addition, Ukraine has entered into the agreement on spontaneous exchange of information with Slovakia. 11.2 What reporting requirements are imposed by domestic law in your jurisdiction in respect of structures outside your jurisdiction with which a person in your jurisdiction is involved? Following 1 January 2017, all “politically exposed persons” have to provide declarations in respect of structures outside Ukraine with which the person in our jurisdiction is involved. In addition, the recent changes in Ukrainian legislation oblige beneficiaries of legal entities to report information on their activity as well. 11.3 Are there any public registers of owners/beneficial owners/trustees/board members of, or of other persons with significant control or influence over companies, foundations or trusts established or resident in your jurisdiction? The Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Individual Entrepreneurs and Public Organizations of Ukraine provides data on board members, beneficial owners of these entities, and persons with significant control or influence over companies. In addition, in August 2017, Ukraine acceded to the Global Beneficial Ownership Register, thus officially confirmed its readiness to integrate data on beneficiaries. Given that Ukrainian legislation does not foresee trusts and foundations, there is no public registry on trusts or foundations in our jurisdiction. Moreover, Ukrainian legislation provides for a property management agreement, which is different from the abovementioned concepts.
Revilla All Sport climbing36 routes in area Did you know? Did you know that you can create an account to record, track and share your climbing ascents? Thousands of climbers are already doing this. Get directions to here using Google Maps. Depending on the crag, this area offers either very hard to moderately hard limestone climbing with an impressive overview over the canyon. The Revilla area consists of at least two crags alongside the road leading up to the small village of Revilla. The first crag encountered is the large Liasva cave with many very hard and steep overhanging routes up to grade 8b+. Higher up the mountain a smaller vertical crag can be found which offers routes starting from 4c up to 8a. The road to Revilla is on the North side of the A-138 (a main road connecting France and Spain). Coming from the direction of Bielsa, turn right around milestone 63 just before the small village Hospital de Tella. It takes about 30 minutes to reach the village Revilla, the Cueva de Liasva crag is situated at approximately 20 to 25 minutes driving. Be careful when driving up, because the roads are narrow but sometimes crowded. Where to stay There's a camp site in Lamiana, halfway the road up to Revilla. All crags in the Huesca area are super clean, be sure not to leave any trash. Check out what is happening in Revilla.
Police attempt to lift car off of trapped woman Body camera video shows five officers pick up car Farmington police released video Friday of officers trying to save the life of a woman trapped under a car. The footage shows five officers lift the vehicle off the woman and pull her out, but her injuries were fatal. Officers arrived Oct. 1 to the Kmart in Farmington and found a 46-year-old woman trapped under a car. Police said the woman was checking on an engine problem when the car suddenly accelerated and ran over her. Body camera video shows an officer run up and talk to the woman. "Ma'am can you speak to me? Are you ok? Ma'am are you ok? Speak to me!" he said. "Get on over here! Pull her out," an officer shouts to others. "Alright, one two three. Don't let it roll back." One of the officers who was at the scene told Action 7 News he was finishing lunch when he heard the call on the radio. He and several others rushed to the scene without being sent by dispatch.
Not for Publication – Rule 111(c), Rules of the Arizona Supreme Court Appeal from the Superior Court in Maricopa County No. CR2013-004768-001 The Honorable Margaret R. Mahoney, Judge. Arizona Attorney General's Office, Phoenix By Joseph T. Maziarz Counsel for Appellee Maricopa County Public Defender's Office, Phoenix By Jeffrey L. Force Counsel for Appellant. Judge Patricia A. Orozco delivered the decision of the Court, in which Presiding Judge Patricia K. Norris and Judge Kent E. Cattani joined. ¶1 Brian Jamel Matthews appeals his conviction for one count of theft, a class one misdemeanor, and the resulting sentence. Matthews's counsel filed a brief in accordance with Smith v. Robbins, 528 U.S. 259 (2000); Anders v. California, 386 U.S. 738 (1967); and State v. Leon, 104 Ariz. 297 (1969), indicating he has searched the entire record on appeal and has found no arguable question of law that was not frivolous, and has requested this court review the entire record for fundamental error. See State v. Clark, 196 Ariz. 530, 537, ¶ 30 (App. 1999). Matthews was afforded the opportunity to file a supplemental brief in propria persona, but did not do so. ¶2 We have jurisdiction pursuant to Article 6, Section 9 of the Arizona Constitution and Arizona Revised Statutes (A.R.S.) sections 12-120.21.A.1 and 13-4031 and -4033.A. Finding no reversible error, we affirm. FACTS AND PROCEDURAL HISTORY ¶3 In September 2013, I.J., the victim, encountered Matthews near a pawn shop where I.J. had gone to reclaim his laptop. I.J. invited Matthews to come to his apartment because Matthews said his phone was dead and needed a charge. While at the apartment, I.J. let Matthews take a shower and shave in his bathroom. I.J. also let Matthews use his laptop to play games. Matthews stayed in I.J.'s apartment for about three hours and left around 4:00 p.m. ¶4 I.J. went to work around 9:30 p.m. that day. He returned home around 3:00 a.m. and found the bathroom window open, footprints in the bathtub, and his laptop, debit card, brother's cell phone, motor scooter, backpack, lamp, and a case of CDs missing. He called the police and they came to his apartment. I.J. told the police that he suspected it was Matthews who had broken into his apartment. ¶5 Approximately one month later, police came into contact with Matthews, who had a laptop, cell phone, and backpack on his person. During the search of the laptop, police discovered I.J.'s W-2. Based on the information in the W-2, police ran I.J.'s name through the police database and discovered I.J. had been the victim of a residential burglary. Although officers took photos of the seized items, they did not take a picture of I.J.'s W-2 before they returned the laptop to him. ¶6 The police called I.J. to the station and he identified the items as his property. I.J. did not recall if he powered up the laptop at the station or at home, but when he did, he recognized his W-2, some pictures and music. Although I.J. initially reported that the stolen laptop was a Dell, the laptop was actually a Hewlett-Packard. I.J. also noticed new items saved on the laptop including pictures, music and a different screen saver. At least one of those pictures was of Matthews. I.J. was shown a photo lineup and asked if he recognized anyone as the person who he believed stole his property, and I.J. identified Matthews, saying he was "a hundred percent sure" it was Matthews. ¶7 Matthews was charged with one count of burglary in the second degree, a class three felony, and one count of theft, a class one misdemeanor. The trial court held evidentiary hearings on Matthews's motion to ...
Canalization and spoiling in Gulf Coast and South Atlantic estuaries MetadataShow full item record Channels and spoil banks are now a part of the estuarine environment. Several methods of construction are used that permit varying degrees of control over resulting spoil. Mechanical excavation with bucket dredges or draglines provides good spoil control on a small area. Hydraulic excavation, however, requires large spoil areas and affords poor control unless the spoil is removed from the construction site (hopper dredge) or retained within ring levees.
Mr Austin Agbonlahor, has been appointed the Plateau Police Commissioner. Until his appointment, Agbonlahor was the commissioner in charge of Operations at the Force Headquarters, Abuja. Plateau Command’s spokesman, DSP Terna Tyopev, said in a statement obtained by the news Agency of Nigeria (NAN) on Tuesday in Jos. Tyopev said Agbonlahor replaced Mr Undie Adie, who has been redeployed by the police authorities. The new commissioner, who hails from Edo, graduated from the University of Benin and he is a fellow of the National Defence College. He also served as Director of Courses at the Nigerian Police Academy in Wudil, Kano State. Agbonlahor has since assumed duty. Mr Austin Agbonlahor, has been appointed the Plateau Police Commissioner.
Today's Review: In The Ring Amy Bento, 2008. In the Ring has 5 premixes on one dvd; they range from 32-75 minutes. There are kickboxing combos and small weighted ball interval segments. The premixes range from all kickbox combos, all med ball intervals, or some combination of both. Amy is a high energy instructor with a pleasant demeanor. She seems to be having a great time working out in this one. She has two background exercisers, one provides some modifications-such as using a dumbbell in the med ball segments. Amy's cueing could be better but from what Ive seen -that is her standard-just average cueing. The set looks like a CIA set-a plain open room with light colored flooring and purple and reddish walls with a few fitness props around the perimeter of the room. Some of the footwork is tricky in this one. I am not a choreo hound, so others may have an easier time catching on that I did. I can get through the 1st premix with no problems having done it a few times, but some of the other mixes contain combos that would just take me too long to catch on to. Her background exercisers even get lost a few times, so I didnt feel too bad. I really like the fact that this workout is super low impact but definately high intensity, a real calorie burner. I worked up a great sweat doing the 52 minute premix 1 this morning. In The Ring also has great music and is very high energy! I would rate the choreo advanced and the intensity low advanced. Some of the kickboxing moves include-machine gun side kicks, shuffle, front kicks, back kicks, round house kicks, jabs, cross, uppercuts, speed bag, elbow strikes, and your normal kickboxing fare. The med ball combos include moves like figure 8, picking up and dropping the ball while doing some punches, and engages your core. Yesterday I got in a 1.2 mile lunchtime walk. Well part of it ended up being a run-on my way back to the office, it started pouring! So I took off running. Still ended up getting soaked, but got in 1/4 mile run at least! -Amy Bento In The Ring -Joannes plyo circuit (see yesterdays post for specifics) -5 minutes abs *total w/o time 60 min + abs Today's Tip: Cinnamon May help control blood sugar and cholesterol. How to eat it: Sprinkle on coffee or oatmeal. I have posted this before, but since Im taking them off a list I'll add it again. I take mine in capsule form. RedPanda and I started taking one midmorning and one midafternoon to see if it helped. So far, both of us are having good results! (year of the jeans!!!!) Today's LOL: Its a bear kinda day.
Any houseboats on Lake of the Ozarks? Lake of the Ozarks in Missouri. Any houseboat information? Is there any houseboats on Lake of the Ozarks in Missouri? My husband and I have been considering purchasing a houseboat and locating it at the lake, on Osage Beach, Missouri. We have going there for years, but never see any houseboats on the lake. (There is one place that rents houseboats, but we never even seen those out very often.) Any suggestions on who to contact for information on rules, regulations, etc... I have emailed a couple of the marinas, but no response. Any other info for new houseboaters would be great. Thanks Becky. Reply - Answer Well Becky, congratulations on your decision to purchase a houseboat. As to if there are any houseboats on Lake of the Ozarks, there should be plenty of them. To help you the best that I can, you should have a look at our Lake of the Ozarks houseboat page for more information. You will also find names and telephone numbers of many of the marinas on the lake. If you have specific questions to ask, you should telephone the marinas directly and speak to the managers themselves. I find often that when you "send an email" to a website, you never know if they received it, or if they simply don't respond to "general inquiries".Lastly , hopefully some of our readers will share and post comments about their Lake of the Ozark houseboat experiences. Feel free to use the "Click here to post comments." link found near the bottom of this page. Thanks again for sharing, IAN from all-about-houseboats Free Bonus OfferTo show our deep appreciation to all of our readers and visitors, here is the link to our free houseboat magazine, the INSIDER. Go ahead click the book and sign-up, it's free and filled with great articles, tips, information and website updates.