Unnamed: 0
class label
2 classes
return nodesService.execute(new TransportClientNodesService.NodeCallback<ActionFuture<Response>>() { @Override public ActionFuture<Response> doWithNode(DiscoveryNode node) throws ElasticsearchException { return proxy.execute(node, request); } });
1no label
public class ODeleteRecordTask extends OAbstractRecordReplicatedTask { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public ODeleteRecordTask() { } public ODeleteRecordTask(final ORecordId iRid, final ORecordVersion iVersion) { super(iRid, iVersion); } @Override public Object execute(final OServer iServer, ODistributedServerManager iManager, final ODatabaseDocumentTx database) throws Exception { ODistributedServerLog.debug(this, iManager.getLocalNodeName(), null, DIRECTION.IN, "delete record %s/%s v.%s", database.getName(), rid.toString(), version.toString()); final ORecordInternal<?> record = database.load(rid); final OBuffer buffer; if (record != null) { buffer = new OBuffer(record.toStream()); record.delete(); } else buffer = new OBuffer(); return buffer; } @Override public QUORUM_TYPE getQuorumType() { return QUORUM_TYPE.WRITE; } @Override public OFixDeleteRecordTask getFixTask(ODistributedRequest iRequest, ODistributedResponse iBadResponse, final ODistributedResponse iGoodResponse) { return new OFixDeleteRecordTask(rid, version); } @Override public void writeExternal(final ObjectOutput out) throws IOException { out.writeUTF(rid.toString()); if (version == null) version = OVersionFactory.instance().createUntrackedVersion(); version.getSerializer().writeTo(out, version); } @Override public void readExternal(final ObjectInput in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { rid = new ORecordId(in.readUTF()); if (version == null) version = OVersionFactory.instance().createUntrackedVersion(); version.getSerializer().readFrom(in, version); } @Override public String getName() { return "record_delete"; } }
display.timerExec(100, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { fCompleted= true; } });
public class IndexDeleteByQueryResponse extends ActionResponse { private String index; private int successfulShards; private int failedShards; private ShardOperationFailedException[] failures; IndexDeleteByQueryResponse(String index, int successfulShards, int failedShards, List<ShardOperationFailedException> failures) { this.index = index; this.successfulShards = successfulShards; this.failedShards = failedShards; if (failures == null || failures.isEmpty()) { this.failures = new DefaultShardOperationFailedException[0]; } else { this.failures = failures.toArray(new ShardOperationFailedException[failures.size()]); } } IndexDeleteByQueryResponse() { } /** * The index the delete by query operation was executed against. */ public String getIndex() { return this.index; } /** * The total number of shards the delete by query was executed on. */ public int getTotalShards() { return failedShards + successfulShards; } /** * The successful number of shards the delete by query was executed on. */ public int getSuccessfulShards() { return successfulShards; } /** * The failed number of shards the delete by query was executed on. */ public int getFailedShards() { return failedShards; } public ShardOperationFailedException[] getFailures() { return failures; } @Override public void readFrom(StreamInput in) throws IOException { super.readFrom(in); index = in.readString(); successfulShards = in.readVInt(); failedShards = in.readVInt(); int size = in.readVInt(); failures = new ShardOperationFailedException[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { failures[i] = DefaultShardOperationFailedException.readShardOperationFailed(in); } } @Override public void writeTo(StreamOutput out) throws IOException { super.writeTo(out); out.writeString(index); out.writeVInt(successfulShards); out.writeVInt(failedShards); out.writeVInt(failures.length); for (ShardOperationFailedException failure : failures) { failure.writeTo(out); } } }
public interface BroadleafCurrency extends Serializable { public String getCurrencyCode(); public void setCurrencyCode(String code); public String getFriendlyName(); public void setFriendlyName(String friendlyName); public boolean getDefaultFlag(); public void setDefaultFlag(boolean defaultFlag); }
public abstract class KeyBasedClientRequest extends PartitionClientRequest { protected abstract Object getKey(); protected final int getPartition() { Object key = getKey(); InternalPartitionService partitionService = clientEngine.getPartitionService(); if (key instanceof String) { return partitionService.getPartitionId(getPartitionKey((String) key)); } return partitionService.getPartitionId(key); } }
public class PaymentResponseImpl implements PaymentResponse { protected Map<PaymentInfo, PaymentResponseItem> responses = new HashMap<PaymentInfo, PaymentResponseItem>(); public void addPaymentResponseItem(PaymentInfo paymentInfo, PaymentResponseItem paymentResponseItem) { responses.put(paymentInfo, paymentResponseItem); } public PaymentResponseItem getPaymentResponseItem(PaymentInfo paymentInfo) { return responses.get(paymentInfo); } public Map<PaymentInfo, PaymentResponseItem> getResponseItems() { return responses; } }
public class ORecordTrackedIterator implements Iterator<OIdentifiable> { final private ORecord<?> sourceRecord; final private Iterator<?> underlying; public ORecordTrackedIterator(final ORecord<?> iSourceRecord, final Iterator<?> iIterator) { this.sourceRecord = iSourceRecord; this.underlying = iIterator; } public OIdentifiable next() { return (OIdentifiable) underlying.next(); } public boolean hasNext() { return underlying.hasNext(); } public void remove() { underlying.remove(); if (sourceRecord != null) sourceRecord.setDirty(); } }
public interface FilterCache extends IndexComponent, CloseableComponent { static class EntriesStats { public final long sizeInBytes; public final long count; public EntriesStats(long sizeInBytes, long count) { this.sizeInBytes = sizeInBytes; this.count = count; } } // we need to "inject" the index service to not create cyclic dep void setIndexService(IndexService indexService); String type(); Filter cache(Filter filterToCache); void clear(Object reader); void clear(String reason); void clear(String reason, String[] keys); }
@XmlRootElement(name = "orderItemAttribute") @XmlAccessorType(value = XmlAccessType.FIELD) public class OrderItemPriceDetailWrapper extends BaseWrapper implements APIWrapper<OrderItemPriceDetail> { @XmlElement protected Long id; @XmlElement protected Money totalAdjustmentValue; @XmlElement protected Money totalAdjustedPrice; @XmlElement protected Integer quantity; @XmlElement(name = "adjustment") @XmlElementWrapper(name = "adjustments") protected List<AdjustmentWrapper> orderItemPriceDetailAdjustments = new LinkedList<AdjustmentWrapper>(); @Override public void wrapDetails(OrderItemPriceDetail model, HttpServletRequest request) { this.id = model.getId(); this.quantity = model.getQuantity(); this.totalAdjustmentValue = model.getTotalAdjustmentValue(); this.totalAdjustedPrice = model.getTotalAdjustedPrice(); if (!model.getOrderItemPriceDetailAdjustments().isEmpty()) { this.orderItemPriceDetailAdjustments = new ArrayList<AdjustmentWrapper>(); for (OrderItemPriceDetailAdjustment orderItemPriceDetail : model.getOrderItemPriceDetailAdjustments()) { AdjustmentWrapper orderItemPriceDetailAdjustmentWrapper = (AdjustmentWrapper) context.getBean(AdjustmentWrapper.class.getName()); orderItemPriceDetailAdjustmentWrapper.wrapSummary(orderItemPriceDetail, request); this.orderItemPriceDetailAdjustments.add(orderItemPriceDetailAdjustmentWrapper); } } } @Override public void wrapSummary(OrderItemPriceDetail model, HttpServletRequest request) { wrapDetails(model, request); } }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public class OClassImpl extends ODocumentWrapperNoClass implements OClass { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; protected OSchemaShared owner; protected String name; protected Class<?> javaClass; protected final Map<String, OProperty> properties = new LinkedHashMap<String, OProperty>(); protected int[] clusterIds; protected int defaultClusterId = -1; protected OClassImpl superClass; protected int[] polymorphicClusterIds; protected List<OClass> baseClasses; protected float overSize = 0f; protected String shortName; protected boolean strictMode = false; // @SINCE v1.0rc8 protected boolean abstractClass = false; // @SINCE v1.2.0 protected Map<String, String> customFields; private static final Iterator<OClass> EMPTY_CLASSES = new ArrayList<OClass>().iterator(); /** * Constructor used in unmarshalling. */ public OClassImpl() { } /** * Constructor used in unmarshalling. */ protected OClassImpl(final OSchemaShared iOwner) { document = new ODocument(); owner = iOwner; } /** * Constructor used in unmarshalling. */ protected OClassImpl(final OSchemaShared iOwner, final ODocument iDocument) { document = iDocument; owner = iOwner; } protected OClassImpl(final OSchemaShared iOwner, final String iName, final int[] iClusterIds) { this(iOwner); name = iName; setClusterIds(iClusterIds); setPolymorphicClusterIds(iClusterIds); defaultClusterId = iClusterIds[0]; if (defaultClusterId == -1) abstractClass = true; } public <T> T newInstance() throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { if (javaClass == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot create an instance of class '" + name + "' since no Java class was specified"); return (T) javaClass.newInstance(); } @Override public <RET extends ODocumentWrapper> RET reload() { return (RET) owner.reload(); } public String getCustom(final String iName) { if (customFields == null) return null; return customFields.get(iName); } public void setCustomInternal(final String iName, final String iValue) { if (customFields == null) customFields = new HashMap<String, String>(); if (iValue == null || "null".equalsIgnoreCase(iValue)) customFields.remove(iName); else customFields.put(iName, iValue); } public OClassImpl setCustom(final String iName, final String iValue) { getDatabase().checkSecurity(ODatabaseSecurityResources.SCHEMA, ORole.PERMISSION_UPDATE); final String cmd = String.format("alter class %s custom %s=%s", getName(), iName, iValue); getDatabase().command(new OCommandSQL(cmd)).execute(); setCustomInternal(iName, iValue); return this; } public Map<String, String> getCustomInternal() { if (customFields != null) return Collections.unmodifiableMap(customFields); return null; } public void removeCustom(final String iName) { setCustom(iName, null); } public void clearCustom() { getDatabase().checkSecurity(ODatabaseSecurityResources.SCHEMA, ORole.PERMISSION_UPDATE); final String cmd = String.format("alter class %s custom clear", getName()); getDatabase().command(new OCommandSQL(cmd)).execute(); clearCustomInternal(); } public void clearCustomInternal() { customFields = null; } public Set<String> getCustomKeys() { if (customFields != null) return customFields.keySet(); return new HashSet<String>(); } @SuppressWarnings("resource") public void validateInstances() { ODatabaseComplex<?> current = getDatabase().getDatabaseOwner(); while (current != null && current.getUnderlying() instanceof ODatabaseComplex<?> && !(current instanceof ODatabaseDocumentTx)) current = current.getUnderlying(); if (current != null) for (ODocument d : ((ODatabaseDocumentTx) current).browseClass(name, true)) { d.validate(); } } public OClass getSuperClass() { return superClass; } /** * Set the super class. * * @param iSuperClass * Super class as OClass instance * @return the object itself. */ public OClass setSuperClass(final OClass iSuperClass) { getDatabase().checkSecurity(ODatabaseSecurityResources.SCHEMA, ORole.PERMISSION_UPDATE); final String cmd = String.format("alter class %s superclass %s", name, iSuperClass != null ? iSuperClass.getName() : null); getDatabase().command(new OCommandSQL(cmd)).execute(); setSuperClassInternal(iSuperClass); return this; } public void setSuperClassInternal(final OClass iSuperClass) { final OClassImpl cls = (OClassImpl) iSuperClass; if (cls != null) cls.addBaseClasses(this); else if (superClass != null) // REMOVE THE PREVIOUS ONE superClass.removeBaseClassInternal(this); this.superClass = cls; } public String getName() { return name; } public OClass setName(final String iName) { getDatabase().checkSecurity(ODatabaseSecurityResources.SCHEMA, ORole.PERMISSION_UPDATE); final String cmd = String.format("alter class %s name %s", name, iName); getDatabase().command(new OCommandSQL(cmd)).execute(); name = iName; return this; } public void setNameInternal(final String iName) { getDatabase().checkSecurity(ODatabaseSecurityResources.SCHEMA, ORole.PERMISSION_UPDATE); owner.changeClassName(name, iName); name = iName; } public long getSize() { long size = 0; for (int clusterId : clusterIds) size += getDatabase().getClusterRecordSizeById(clusterId); return size; } public String getShortName() { return shortName; } public OClass setShortName(String iShortName) { if (iShortName != null) { iShortName = iShortName.trim(); if (iShortName.isEmpty()) iShortName = null; } getDatabase().checkSecurity(ODatabaseSecurityResources.SCHEMA, ORole.PERMISSION_UPDATE); final String cmd = String.format("alter class %s shortname %s", name, iShortName); getDatabase().command(new OCommandSQL(cmd)).execute(); setShortNameInternal(iShortName); return this; } public void setShortNameInternal(final String iShortName) { getDatabase().checkSecurity(ODatabaseSecurityResources.SCHEMA, ORole.PERMISSION_UPDATE); if (this.shortName != null) // UNREGISTER ANY PREVIOUS SHORT NAME owner.classes.remove(this.shortName); this.shortName = iShortName; // REGISTER IT if (null != iShortName) owner.classes.put(iShortName.toLowerCase(), this); } public String getStreamableName() { return shortName != null ? shortName : name; } public Collection<OProperty> declaredProperties() { return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(properties.values()); } public Collection<OProperty> properties() { getDatabase().checkSecurity(ODatabaseSecurityResources.SCHEMA, ORole.PERMISSION_READ); Collection<OProperty> props = null; OClassImpl currentClass = this; do { if (currentClass.properties != null) { if (props == null) props = new ArrayList<OProperty>(); props.addAll(currentClass.properties.values()); } currentClass = (OClassImpl) currentClass.getSuperClass(); } while (currentClass != null); return (Collection<OProperty>) (props != null ? props : Collections.emptyList()); } public Collection<OProperty> getIndexedProperties() { getDatabase().checkSecurity(ODatabaseSecurityResources.SCHEMA, ORole.PERMISSION_READ); Collection<OProperty> indexedProps = null; OClassImpl currentClass = this; do { if (currentClass.properties != null) { for (OProperty p : currentClass.properties.values()) if (areIndexed(p.getName())) { if (indexedProps == null) indexedProps = new ArrayList<OProperty>(); indexedProps.add(p); } } currentClass = (OClassImpl) currentClass.getSuperClass(); } while (currentClass != null); return (Collection<OProperty>) (indexedProps != null ? indexedProps : Collections.emptyList()); } public OProperty getProperty(final String iPropertyName) { OClassImpl currentClass = this; OProperty p = null; do { if (currentClass.properties != null) p = currentClass.properties.get(iPropertyName.toLowerCase()); if (p != null) return p; currentClass = (OClassImpl) currentClass.getSuperClass(); } while (currentClass != null); return p; } public OProperty createProperty(final String iPropertyName, final OType iType) { return addProperty(iPropertyName, iType, null, null); } public OProperty createProperty(final String iPropertyName, final OType iType, final OClass iLinkedClass) { if (iLinkedClass == null) throw new OSchemaException("Missing linked class"); return addProperty(iPropertyName, iType, null, iLinkedClass); } public OProperty createProperty(final String iPropertyName, final OType iType, final OType iLinkedType) { return addProperty(iPropertyName, iType, iLinkedType, null); } public boolean existsProperty(final String iPropertyName) { return properties.containsKey(iPropertyName.toLowerCase()); } public void dropProperty(final String iPropertyName) { if (getDatabase().getTransaction().isActive()) throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot drop a property inside a transaction"); getDatabase().checkSecurity(ODatabaseSecurityResources.SCHEMA, ORole.PERMISSION_DELETE); final String lowerName = iPropertyName.toLowerCase(); if (!properties.containsKey(lowerName)) throw new OSchemaException("Property '" + iPropertyName + "' not found in class " + name + "'"); final StringBuilder cmd = new StringBuilder("drop property "); // CLASS.PROPERTY NAME cmd.append(name); cmd.append('.'); cmd.append(iPropertyName); getDatabase().command(new OCommandSQL(cmd.toString())).execute(); if (existsProperty(iPropertyName)) properties.remove(lowerName); } public void dropPropertyInternal(final String iPropertyName) { if (getDatabase().getTransaction().isActive()) throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot drop a property inside a transaction"); getDatabase().checkSecurity(ODatabaseSecurityResources.SCHEMA, ORole.PERMISSION_DELETE); final OProperty prop = properties.remove(iPropertyName.toLowerCase()); if (prop == null) throw new OSchemaException("Property '" + iPropertyName + "' not found in class " + name + "'"); } protected OProperty addProperty(final String iPropertyName, final OType iType, final OType iLinkedType, final OClass iLinkedClass) { if (getDatabase().getTransaction().isActive()) throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot create a new property inside a transaction"); getDatabase().checkSecurity(ODatabaseSecurityResources.SCHEMA, ORole.PERMISSION_UPDATE); final String lowerName = iPropertyName.toLowerCase(); if (properties.containsKey(lowerName)) throw new OSchemaException("Class " + name + " already has property '" + iPropertyName + "'"); if (iType == null) throw new OSchemaException("Property type not defined."); final StringBuilder cmd = new StringBuilder("create property "); // CLASS.PROPERTY NAME cmd.append(name); cmd.append('.'); cmd.append(iPropertyName); // TYPE cmd.append(' '); cmd.append(iType.name); if (iLinkedType != null) { // TYPE cmd.append(' '); cmd.append(iLinkedType.name); } else if (iLinkedClass != null) { // TYPE cmd.append(' '); cmd.append(iLinkedClass.getName()); } getDatabase().command(new OCommandSQL(cmd.toString())).execute(); if (existsProperty(iPropertyName)) return properties.get(lowerName); else // ADD IT LOCALLY AVOIDING TO RELOAD THE ENTIRE SCHEMA return addPropertyInternal(iPropertyName, iType, iLinkedType, iLinkedClass); } @Override public void fromStream() { name = document.field("name"); if (document.containsField("shortName")) shortName = document.field("shortName"); else shortName = null; defaultClusterId = (Integer) document.field("defaultClusterId"); if (document.containsField("strictMode")) strictMode = (Boolean) document.field("strictMode"); else strictMode = false; if (document.containsField("abstract")) abstractClass = (Boolean) document.field("abstract"); else abstractClass = false; if (document.field("overSize") != null) overSize = (Float) document.field("overSize"); else overSize = 0f; final Object cc = document.field("clusterIds"); if (cc instanceof Collection<?>) { final Collection<Integer> coll = document.field("clusterIds"); clusterIds = new int[coll.size()]; int i = 0; for (final Integer item : coll) clusterIds[i++] = item.intValue(); } else clusterIds = (int[]) cc; Arrays.sort(clusterIds); setPolymorphicClusterIds(clusterIds); // READ PROPERTIES OPropertyImpl prop; Collection<ODocument> storedProperties = document.field("properties"); if (storedProperties != null) for (ODocument p : storedProperties) { prop = new OPropertyImpl(this, p); prop.fromStream(); properties.put(prop.getName().toLowerCase(), prop); } customFields = document.field("customFields", OType.EMBEDDEDMAP); } @Override @OBeforeSerialization public ODocument toStream() { document.setInternalStatus(ORecordElement.STATUS.UNMARSHALLING); try { document.field("name", name); document.field("shortName", shortName); document.field("defaultClusterId", defaultClusterId); document.field("clusterIds", clusterIds); document.field("overSize", overSize); document.field("strictMode", strictMode); document.field("abstract", abstractClass); if (properties != null) { final Set<ODocument> props = new LinkedHashSet<ODocument>(); for (final OProperty p : properties.values()) { props.add(((OPropertyImpl) p).toStream()); } document.field("properties", props, OType.EMBEDDEDSET); } document.field("superClass", superClass != null ? superClass.getName() : null); document.field("customFields", customFields != null && customFields.size() > 0 ? customFields : null, OType.EMBEDDEDMAP); } finally { document.setInternalStatus(ORecordElement.STATUS.LOADED); } return document; } public Class<?> getJavaClass() { return javaClass; } public int getDefaultClusterId() { return defaultClusterId; } public void setDefaultClusterId(final int iDefaultClusterId) { this.defaultClusterId = iDefaultClusterId; setDirty(); } public int[] getClusterIds() { return clusterIds; } public int[] getPolymorphicClusterIds() { return polymorphicClusterIds; } public OClass addClusterId(final int iId) { getDatabase().checkSecurity(ODatabaseSecurityResources.SCHEMA, ORole.PERMISSION_UPDATE); final String cmd = String.format("alter class %s addcluster %d", name, iId); getDatabase().command(new OCommandSQL(cmd)).execute(); addClusterIdInternal(iId); return this; } private void addClusterIdToIndexes(int iId) { String clusterName = getDatabase().getClusterNameById(iId); for (OIndex<?> index : getIndexes()) { if (index.getInternal() != null) { index.getInternal().addCluster(clusterName); } } } public OClass addClusterIdInternal(final int iId) { for (int currId : clusterIds) if (currId == iId) // ALREADY ADDED return this; clusterIds = OArrays.copyOf(clusterIds, clusterIds.length + 1); clusterIds[clusterIds.length - 1] = iId; Arrays.sort(clusterIds); polymorphicClusterIds = OArrays.copyOf(polymorphicClusterIds, polymorphicClusterIds.length + 1); polymorphicClusterIds[polymorphicClusterIds.length - 1] = iId; Arrays.sort(polymorphicClusterIds); if (defaultClusterId == -1) defaultClusterId = iId; setDirty(); addClusterIdToIndexes(iId); return this; } public OClass removeClusterId(final int iId) { getDatabase().checkSecurity(ODatabaseSecurityResources.SCHEMA, ORole.PERMISSION_UPDATE); final String cmd = String.format("alter class %s removecluster %d", name, iId); getDatabase().command(new OCommandSQL(cmd)).execute(); removeClusterIdInternal(iId); return this; } public OClass removeClusterIdInternal(final int iId) { boolean found = false; for (int clusterId : clusterIds) { if (clusterId == iId) { found = true; break; } } if (found) { final int[] newClusterIds = new int[clusterIds.length - 1]; for (int i = 0, k = 0; i < clusterIds.length; ++i) { if (clusterIds[i] == iId) // JUMP IT continue; newClusterIds[k] = clusterIds[i]; k++; } clusterIds = newClusterIds; } if (defaultClusterId == iId) defaultClusterId = -1; return this; } public OClass setDirty() { document.setDirty(); if (owner != null) owner.setDirty(); return this; } public Iterator<OClass> getBaseClasses() { if (baseClasses == null || baseClasses.size() == 0) return EMPTY_CLASSES; return baseClasses.iterator(); } /** * Adds a base class to the current one. It adds also the base class cluster ids to the polymorphic cluster ids array. * * @param iBaseClass * The base class to add. */ private OClass addBaseClasses(final OClass iBaseClass) { if (baseClasses == null) baseClasses = new ArrayList<OClass>(); if (baseClasses.contains(iBaseClass)) return this; baseClasses.add(iBaseClass); // ADD CLUSTER IDS OF BASE CLASS TO THIS CLASS AND ALL SUPER-CLASSES OClassImpl currentClass = this; while (currentClass != null) { currentClass.addPolymorphicClusterIds((OClassImpl) iBaseClass); currentClass = (OClassImpl) currentClass.getSuperClass(); } return this; } public OClass removeBaseClassInternal(final OClass baseClass) { if (baseClasses == null) return this; if (baseClasses.remove(baseClass)) { OClassImpl currentClass = this; while (currentClass != null) { currentClass.removePolymorphicClusterIds((OClassImpl) baseClass); currentClass = (OClassImpl) currentClass.getSuperClass(); } } return this; } private void removePolymorphicClusterIds(final OClassImpl iBaseClass) { for (final int clusterId : iBaseClass.polymorphicClusterIds) { final int index = Arrays.binarySearch(polymorphicClusterIds, clusterId); if (index == -1) continue; if (index < polymorphicClusterIds.length - 1) System .arraycopy(polymorphicClusterIds, index + 1, polymorphicClusterIds, index, polymorphicClusterIds.length - (index + 1)); polymorphicClusterIds = Arrays.copyOf(polymorphicClusterIds, polymorphicClusterIds.length - 1); } } public float getOverSize() { if (overSize > 0) // CUSTOM OVERSIZE SETTED return overSize; if (superClass != null) // RETURN THE OVERSIZE OF THE SUPER CLASS return superClass.getOverSize(); // NO OVERSIZE return 0; } public OClass setOverSize(final float overSize) { getDatabase().checkSecurity(ODatabaseSecurityResources.SCHEMA, ORole.PERMISSION_UPDATE); final String cmd = String.format("alter class %s oversize %f", name, overSize); getDatabase().command(new OCommandSQL(cmd)).execute(); setOverSizeInternal(overSize); return this; } public void setOverSizeInternal(final float overSize) { getDatabase().checkSecurity(ODatabaseSecurityResources.SCHEMA, ORole.PERMISSION_UPDATE); this.overSize = overSize; } public float getOverSizeInternal() { return overSize; } public boolean isAbstract() { return abstractClass; } public OClass setAbstract(boolean iAbstract) { getDatabase().checkSecurity(ODatabaseSecurityResources.SCHEMA, ORole.PERMISSION_UPDATE); final String cmd = String.format("alter class %s abstract %s", name, iAbstract); getDatabase().command(new OCommandSQL(cmd)).execute(); setAbstractInternal(iAbstract); return this; } public void setAbstractInternal(final boolean iAbstract) { getDatabase().checkSecurity(ODatabaseSecurityResources.SCHEMA, ORole.PERMISSION_UPDATE); if (iAbstract) { // SWITCH TO ABSTRACT if (defaultClusterId > -1) { // CHECK final ODatabaseRecord db = ODatabaseRecordThreadLocal.INSTANCE.get(); if (count() > 0) throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot set the class as abstract because contains records."); if (name.toLowerCase().equals(db.getClusterNameById(defaultClusterId))) { // DROP THE DEFAULT CLUSTER CALLED WITH THE SAME NAME ONLY IF EMPTY if (ODatabaseRecordThreadLocal.INSTANCE.get().getClusterRecordSizeById(defaultClusterId) == 0) ODatabaseRecordThreadLocal.INSTANCE.get().dropCluster(defaultClusterId, true); } } } else { // SWITCH TO NOT ABSTRACT this.defaultClusterId = getDatabase().getDefaultClusterId(); this.clusterIds[0] = this.defaultClusterId; } this.abstractClass = iAbstract; } public boolean isStrictMode() { return strictMode; } public OClass setStrictMode(final boolean iStrict) { getDatabase().checkSecurity(ODatabaseSecurityResources.SCHEMA, ORole.PERMISSION_UPDATE); final String cmd = String.format("alter class %s strictmode %s", name, iStrict); getDatabase().command(new OCommandSQL(cmd)).execute(); setStrictModeInternal(iStrict); return this; } public void setStrictModeInternal(final boolean iStrict) { getDatabase().checkSecurity(ODatabaseSecurityResources.SCHEMA, ORole.PERMISSION_UPDATE); this.strictMode = iStrict; } @Override public String toString() { return name; } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = super.hashCode(); result = prime * result + ((owner == null) ? 0 : owner.hashCode()); return result; } @Override public boolean equals(final Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null) return false; if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; final OClassImpl other = (OClassImpl) obj; if (name == null) { if (other.name != null) return false; } else if (!name.equals(other.name)) return false; return true; } public int compareTo(final OClass o) { return name.compareTo(o.getName()); } public long count() { return count(true); } public long count(final boolean iPolymorphic) { if (iPolymorphic) return getDatabase().countClusterElements(readableClusters(getDatabase(), polymorphicClusterIds)); return getDatabase().countClusterElements(readableClusters(getDatabase(), clusterIds)); } public static int[] readableClusters(final ODatabaseRecord iDatabase, final int[] iClusterIds) { List<Integer> listOfReadableIds = new ArrayList<Integer>(); boolean all = true; for (int clusterId : iClusterIds) { try { String clusterName = iDatabase.getClusterNameById(clusterId); iDatabase.checkSecurity(ODatabaseSecurityResources.CLUSTER, ORole.PERMISSION_READ, clusterName); listOfReadableIds.add(clusterId); } catch (OSecurityAccessException securityException) { all = false; // if the cluster is inaccessible it's simply not processed in the list.add } } if (all) // JUST RETURN INPUT ARRAY (FASTER) return iClusterIds; int[] readableClusterIds = new int[listOfReadableIds.size()]; int index = 0; for (int clusterId : listOfReadableIds) { readableClusterIds[index++] = clusterId; } return readableClusterIds; } private ODatabaseRecord getDatabase() { return ODatabaseRecordThreadLocal.INSTANCE.get(); } /** * Truncates all the clusters the class uses. * * @throws IOException */ public void truncate() throws IOException { getDatabase().checkSecurity(ODatabaseSecurityResources.CLASS, ORole.PERMISSION_UPDATE); if (isSubClassOf(OSecurityShared.RESTRICTED_CLASSNAME)) throw new OSecurityException("Class " + getName() + " cannot be truncated because has record level security enabled (extends " + OSecurityShared.RESTRICTED_CLASSNAME + ")"); getDatabase().getStorage().callInLock(new Callable<Object>() { public Object call() throws Exception { for (int id : clusterIds) { final OStorage storage = getDatabase().getStorage(); storage.getClusterById(id).truncate(); storage.getLevel2Cache().freeCluster(id); } for (OIndex<?> index : getClassIndexes()) { index.clear(); } return null; } }, true); } /** * Returns true if the current instance extends the passed schema class (iClass). * * @param iClassName * @return * @see #isSuperClassOf(OClass) */ public boolean isSubClassOf(final String iClassName) { if (iClassName == null) return false; if (iClassName.equals(name) || iClassName.equals(shortName)) // SPEEDUP CHECK IF CLASS NAME ARE THE SAME return true; if (superClass == null) return false; return isSubClassOf(owner.getClass(iClassName)); } /** * Returns true if the current instance extends the passed schema class (iClass). * * @param iClass * @return * @see #isSuperClassOf(OClass) */ public boolean isSubClassOf(final OClass iClass) { if (iClass == null) return false; OClass cls = this; while (cls != null) { if (cls.equals(iClass)) return true; cls = cls.getSuperClass(); } return false; } /** * Returns true if the passed schema class (iClass) extends the current instance. * * @param iClass * @return Returns true if the passed schema class extends the current instance * @see #isSubClassOf(OClass) */ public boolean isSuperClassOf(final OClass iClass) { if (iClass == null) return false; return iClass.isSubClassOf(this); } public Object get(final ATTRIBUTES iAttribute) { if (iAttribute == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("attribute is null"); switch (iAttribute) { case NAME: return getName(); case SHORTNAME: return getShortName(); case SUPERCLASS: return getSuperClass(); case OVERSIZE: return getOverSize(); case STRICTMODE: return isStrictMode(); case ABSTRACT: return isAbstract(); case CUSTOM: return getCustomInternal(); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot find attribute '" + iAttribute + "'"); } public void setInternalAndSave(final ATTRIBUTES attribute, final Object iValue) { if (attribute == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("attribute is null"); final String stringValue = iValue != null ? iValue.toString() : null; final boolean isNull = stringValue == null || stringValue.equalsIgnoreCase("NULL"); switch (attribute) { case NAME: setNameInternal(stringValue); break; case SHORTNAME: setShortNameInternal(isNull ? null : stringValue); break; case SUPERCLASS: setSuperClassInternal(isNull ? null : getDatabase().getMetadata().getSchema().getClass(stringValue)); break; case OVERSIZE: setOverSizeInternal(Float.parseFloat(stringValue.replace(',', '.'))); break; case STRICTMODE: setStrictModeInternal(Boolean.parseBoolean(stringValue)); break; case ABSTRACT: setAbstractInternal(Boolean.parseBoolean(stringValue)); break; case ADDCLUSTER: { int clId = getClusterId(stringValue); if (clId == -1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cluster id '" + stringValue + "' cannot be added"); addClusterIdInternal(clId); break; } case REMOVECLUSTER: { int clId = getClusterId(stringValue); if (clId == -1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cluster id '" + stringValue + "' cannot be removed"); removeClusterIdInternal(clId); break; } case CUSTOM: if (iValue.toString().indexOf("=") == -1) { if (iValue.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("clear")) { clearCustomInternal(); } else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Syntax error: expected <name> = <value> or clear, instead found: " + iValue); } else { final List<String> words = OStringSerializerHelper.smartSplit(iValue.toString(), '='); setCustomInternal(words.get(0).trim(), words.get(1).trim()); } break; } saveInternal(); } protected int getClusterId(final String stringValue) { int clId; try { clId = Integer.parseInt(stringValue); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { clId = getDatabase().getClusterIdByName(stringValue); } return clId; } public OClass set(final ATTRIBUTES attribute, final Object iValue) { if (attribute == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("attribute is null"); final String stringValue = iValue != null ? iValue.toString() : null; switch (attribute) { case NAME: setName(stringValue); break; case SHORTNAME: setShortName(stringValue); break; case SUPERCLASS: setSuperClass(getDatabase().getMetadata().getSchema().getClass(stringValue)); break; case OVERSIZE: setOverSize(Float.parseFloat(stringValue)); break; case STRICTMODE: setStrictMode(Boolean.parseBoolean(stringValue)); break; case ABSTRACT: setAbstract(Boolean.parseBoolean(stringValue)); break; case ADDCLUSTER: { int clId = getClusterId(stringValue); if (clId == -1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cluster id '" + stringValue + "' cannot be added"); addClusterId(clId); break; } case REMOVECLUSTER: int clId = getClusterId(stringValue); if (clId == -1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cluster id '" + stringValue + "' cannot be added"); removeClusterId(clId); break; case CUSTOM: if (iValue.toString().indexOf("=") == -1) { if (iValue.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("clear")) { clearCustom(); } else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Syntax error: expected <name> = <value> or clear, instead found: " + iValue); } else { final List<String> words = OStringSerializerHelper.smartSplit(iValue.toString(), '='); setCustom(words.get(0).trim(), words.get(1).trim()); } break; } return this; } /** * Add different cluster id to the "polymorphic cluster ids" array. */ private void addPolymorphicClusterIds(final OClassImpl iBaseClass) { boolean found; for (int i : iBaseClass.polymorphicClusterIds) { found = false; for (int k : polymorphicClusterIds) { if (i == k) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { // ADD IT polymorphicClusterIds = OArrays.copyOf(polymorphicClusterIds, polymorphicClusterIds.length + 1); polymorphicClusterIds[polymorphicClusterIds.length - 1] = i; Arrays.sort(polymorphicClusterIds); } } } public OPropertyImpl addPropertyInternal(final String iName, final OType iType, final OType iLinkedType, final OClass iLinkedClass) { if (iName == null || iName.length() == 0) throw new OSchemaException("Found property name null"); final Character wrongCharacter = OSchemaShared.checkNameIfValid(iName); if (wrongCharacter != null) throw new OSchemaException("Invalid property name found. Character '" + wrongCharacter + "' cannot be used in property name."); final String lowerName = iName.toLowerCase(); if (properties.containsKey(lowerName)) throw new OSchemaException("Class " + name + " already has property '" + iName + "'"); final OPropertyImpl prop = new OPropertyImpl(this, iName, iType); properties.put(lowerName, prop); if (iLinkedType != null) prop.setLinkedTypeInternal(iLinkedType); else if (iLinkedClass != null) prop.setLinkedClassInternal(iLinkedClass); return prop; } public void saveInternal() { owner.saveInternal(); } public OIndex<?> createIndex(final String iName, final INDEX_TYPE iType, final String... fields) { return createIndex(iName, iType.name(), fields); } public OIndex<?> createIndex(final String iName, final String iType, final String... fields) { return createIndex(iName, iType, null, fields); } public OIndex<?> createIndex(final String iName, final INDEX_TYPE iType, final OProgressListener iProgressListener, final String... fields) { return createIndex(iName, iType.name(), iProgressListener, fields); } public OIndex<?> createIndex(final String iName, String iType, final OProgressListener iProgressListener, final String... fields) { if (iType == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Index type is null"); iType = iType.toUpperCase(); try { final INDEX_TYPE recognizedIdxType = INDEX_TYPE.valueOf(iType); if (!recognizedIdxType.isAutomaticIndexable()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Index type '" + iType + "' cannot be used as automatic index against properties"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // IGNORE IT } if (fields.length == 0) { throw new OIndexException("List of fields to index cannot be empty."); } final Set<String> existingFieldNames = new HashSet<String>(); OClassImpl currentClass = this; do { existingFieldNames.addAll(currentClass.properties.keySet()); currentClass = (OClassImpl) currentClass.getSuperClass(); } while (currentClass != null); for (final String fieldToIndex : fields) { final String fieldName = OIndexDefinitionFactory.extractFieldName(fieldToIndex); if (!existingFieldNames.contains(fieldName.toLowerCase())) throw new OIndexException("Index with name : '" + iName + "' cannot be created on class : '" + name + "' because field: '" + fieldName + "' is absent in class definition."); } final OIndexDefinition indexDefinition = OIndexDefinitionFactory.createIndexDefinition(this, Arrays.asList(fields), extractFieldTypes(fields)); if (fields.length == 1) { // TRY TO DETERMINE THE COLLATE IF ANY final OProperty p = getProperty(fields[0]); if (p != null) { indexDefinition.setCollate(p.getCollate()); } } return getDatabase().getMetadata().getIndexManager() .createIndex(iName, iType, indexDefinition, polymorphicClusterIds, iProgressListener); } private List<OType> extractFieldTypes(String[] fieldNames) { final List<OType> types = new ArrayList<OType>(fieldNames.length); for (String fieldName : fieldNames) { types.add(getProperty(OIndexDefinitionFactory.extractFieldName(fieldName).toLowerCase()).getType()); } return types; } public boolean areIndexed(final String... fields) { return areIndexed(Arrays.asList(fields)); } public boolean areIndexed(final Collection<String> fields) { final OIndexManager indexManager = getDatabase().getMetadata().getIndexManager(); final boolean currentClassResult = indexManager.areIndexed(name, fields); if (superClass != null) return currentClassResult || superClass.areIndexed(fields); return currentClassResult; } public Set<OIndex<?>> getInvolvedIndexes(final String... fields) { return getInvolvedIndexes(Arrays.asList(fields)); } public Set<OIndex<?>> getInvolvedIndexes(final Collection<String> fields) { final Set<OIndex<?>> result = new HashSet<OIndex<?>>(getClassInvolvedIndexes(fields)); if (superClass != null) result.addAll(superClass.getInvolvedIndexes(fields)); return result; } public Set<OIndex<?>> getClassInvolvedIndexes(final Collection<String> fields) { final OIndexManager indexManager = getDatabase().getMetadata().getIndexManager(); return indexManager.getClassInvolvedIndexes(name, fields); } public Set<OIndex<?>> getClassInvolvedIndexes(final String... fields) { return getClassInvolvedIndexes(Arrays.asList(fields)); } public OIndex<?> getClassIndex(final String iName) { final OIndexManager indexManager = getDatabase().getMetadata().getIndexManager(); return indexManager.getClassIndex(name, iName); } public Set<OIndex<?>> getClassIndexes() { final OIndexManager indexManager = getDatabase().getMetadata().getIndexManager(); return indexManager.getClassIndexes(name); } public Set<OIndex<?>> getIndexes() { final Set<OIndex<?>> indexes = getClassIndexes(); if (superClass == null) return indexes; final Set<OIndex<?>> result = new HashSet<OIndex<?>>(indexes); result.addAll(superClass.getIndexes()); return result; } private void setPolymorphicClusterIds(final int[] iClusterIds) { polymorphicClusterIds = iClusterIds; Arrays.sort(polymorphicClusterIds); } private OClass setClusterIds(final int[] iClusterIds) { clusterIds = iClusterIds; Arrays.sort(clusterIds); return this; } }
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public abstract class ClusterInfoRequest<T extends ClusterInfoRequest> extends MasterNodeReadOperationRequest<T> { private String[] indices = Strings.EMPTY_ARRAY; private String[] types = Strings.EMPTY_ARRAY; private IndicesOptions indicesOptions = IndicesOptions.strict(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public T indices(String... indices) { this.indices = indices; return (T) this; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public T types(String... types) { this.types = types; return (T) this; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public T indicesOptions(IndicesOptions indicesOptions) { this.indicesOptions = indicesOptions; return (T) this; } public String[] indices() { return indices; } public String[] types() { return types; } public IndicesOptions indicesOptions() { return indicesOptions; } @Override public void readFrom(StreamInput in) throws IOException { super.readFrom(in); indices = in.readStringArray(); types = in.readStringArray(); indicesOptions = IndicesOptions.readIndicesOptions(in); readLocal(in); } @Override public void writeTo(StreamOutput out) throws IOException { super.writeTo(out); out.writeStringArray(indices); out.writeStringArray(types); indicesOptions.writeIndicesOptions(out); writeLocal(out); } }
@BindingAnnotation @Target({FIELD, PARAMETER}) @Retention(RUNTIME) @Documented public @interface ClusterDynamicSettings { }
class ExecutionCallbackAdapterFactory { //Updates the ExecutionCallbackAdapterFactory.done field. An AtomicBoolean is simpler, but creates another unwanted //object. Using this approach, you don't create that object. private static final AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater<ExecutionCallbackAdapterFactory, Boolean> DONE_FIELD_UPDATER = AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater.newUpdater(ExecutionCallbackAdapterFactory.class, Boolean.class, "done"); private final MultiExecutionCallback multiExecutionCallback; private final ConcurrentMap<Member, ValueWrapper> responses; private final Collection<Member> members; private final ILogger logger; @SuppressWarnings("CanBeFinal") private volatile Boolean done = Boolean.FALSE; ExecutionCallbackAdapterFactory(NodeEngine nodeEngine, Collection<Member> members, MultiExecutionCallback multiExecutionCallback) { this.multiExecutionCallback = multiExecutionCallback; this.responses = new ConcurrentHashMap<Member, ValueWrapper>(members.size()); this.members = new HashSet<Member>(members); this.logger = nodeEngine.getLogger(ExecutionCallbackAdapterFactory.class); } private void onResponse(Member member, Object response) { assertNotDone(); assertIsMember(member); placeResponse(member, response); triggerOnResponse(member, response); triggerOnComplete(); } private void triggerOnComplete() { if (members.size() == responses.size() && setDone()) { Map<Member, Object> realResponses = new HashMap<Member, Object>(members.size()); for (Map.Entry<Member, ValueWrapper> entry : responses.entrySet()) { Member key = entry.getKey(); Object value = entry.getValue().value; realResponses.put(key, value); } multiExecutionCallback.onComplete(realResponses); } } private boolean setDone() { return DONE_FIELD_UPDATER.compareAndSet(this, Boolean.FALSE, Boolean.TRUE); } private void triggerOnResponse(Member member, Object response) { try { multiExecutionCallback.onResponse(member, response); } catch (Throwable e) { logger.warning(e.getMessage(), e); } } private void placeResponse(Member member, Object response) { ValueWrapper current = responses.put(member, new ValueWrapper(response)); if (current != null) { logger.warning("Replacing current callback value[" + current.value + " with value[" + response + "]."); } } private void assertIsMember(Member member) { if (!members.contains(member)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(member + " is not known by this callback!"); } } private void assertNotDone() { if (done) { throw new IllegalStateException("This callback is invalid!"); } } <V> ExecutionCallback<V> callbackFor(Member member) { return new InnerExecutionCallback<V>(member); } private static final class ValueWrapper { final Object value; private ValueWrapper(Object value) { this.value = value; } } private final class InnerExecutionCallback<V> implements ExecutionCallback<V> { private final Member member; private InnerExecutionCallback(Member member) { this.member = member; } @Override public void onResponse(V response) { ExecutionCallbackAdapterFactory.this.onResponse(member, response); } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable t) { ExecutionCallbackAdapterFactory.this.onResponse(member, t); } } }
@RunWith(HazelcastSerialClassRunner.class) @Category(QuickTest.class) public class ClientSetTest { static final String name = "test"; static HazelcastInstance hz; static HazelcastInstance server; static ISet set; @BeforeClass public static void init(){ Config config = new Config(); server = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance(config); hz = HazelcastClient.newHazelcastClient(null); set = hz.getSet(name); } @AfterClass public static void destroy() { hz.shutdown(); Hazelcast.shutdownAll(); } @Before @After public void clear() throws IOException { set.clear(); } @Test public void testAddAll() { List l = new ArrayList(); l.add("item1"); l.add("item2"); assertTrue(set.addAll(l)); assertEquals(2, set.size()); assertFalse(set.addAll(l)); assertEquals(2, set.size()); } @Test public void testAddRemove() { assertTrue(set.add("item1")); assertTrue(set.add("item2")); assertTrue(set.add("item3")); assertEquals(3, set.size()); assertFalse(set.add("item3")); assertEquals(3, set.size()); assertFalse(set.remove("item4")); assertTrue(set.remove("item3")); } @Test public void testIterator(){ assertTrue(set.add("item1")); assertTrue(set.add("item2")); assertTrue(set.add("item3")); assertTrue(set.add("item4")); Iterator iter = set.iterator(); assertTrue(((String)iter.next()).startsWith("item")); assertTrue(((String)iter.next()).startsWith("item")); assertTrue(((String)iter.next()).startsWith("item")); assertTrue(((String)iter.next()).startsWith("item")); assertFalse(iter.hasNext()); } @Test public void testContains(){ assertTrue(set.add("item1")); assertTrue(set.add("item2")); assertTrue(set.add("item3")); assertTrue(set.add("item4")); assertFalse(set.contains("item5")); assertTrue(set.contains("item2")); List l = new ArrayList(); l.add("item6"); l.add("item3"); assertFalse(set.containsAll(l)); assertTrue(set.add("item6")); assertTrue(set.containsAll(l)); } @Test public void removeRetainAll(){ assertTrue(set.add("item1")); assertTrue(set.add("item2")); assertTrue(set.add("item3")); assertTrue(set.add("item4")); List l = new ArrayList(); l.add("item4"); l.add("item3"); assertTrue(set.removeAll(l)); assertEquals(2, set.size()); assertFalse(set.removeAll(l)); assertEquals(2, set.size()); l.clear(); l.add("item1"); l.add("item2"); assertFalse(set.retainAll(l)); assertEquals(2, set.size()); l.clear(); assertTrue(set.retainAll(l)); assertEquals(0, set.size()); } @Test public void testListener() throws Exception { // final ISet tempSet = server.getSet(name); final ISet tempSet = set; final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(6); ItemListener listener = new ItemListener() { public void itemAdded(ItemEvent itemEvent) { latch.countDown(); } public void itemRemoved(ItemEvent item) { } }; String registrationId = tempSet.addItemListener(listener, true); new Thread(){ public void run() { for (int i=0; i<5; i++){ tempSet.add("item" + i); } tempSet.add("done"); } }.start(); assertTrue(latch.await(20, TimeUnit.SECONDS)); } }
public abstract class InvocationClientRequest extends ClientRequest { @Override final void process() throws Exception { invoke(); } protected abstract void invoke(); protected final InvocationBuilder createInvocationBuilder(String serviceName, Operation op, int partitionId) { return clientEngine.createInvocationBuilder(serviceName, op, partitionId); } protected final InvocationBuilder createInvocationBuilder(String serviceName, Operation op, Address target) { return clientEngine.createInvocationBuilder(serviceName, op, target); } }
@Component("blChildCategoriesCustomPersistenceHandler") public class ChildCategoriesCustomPersistenceHandler extends CustomPersistenceHandlerAdapter { @Override public Boolean canHandleAdd(PersistencePackage persistencePackage) { return (!ArrayUtils.isEmpty(persistencePackage.getCustomCriteria()) && persistencePackage.getCustomCriteria()[0].equals("blcAllParentCategories")); } @Override public Entity add(PersistencePackage persistencePackage, DynamicEntityDao dynamicEntityDao, RecordHelper helper) throws ServiceException { AdornedTargetList adornedTargetList = (AdornedTargetList) persistencePackage.getPersistencePerspective().getPersistencePerspectiveItems().get(PersistencePerspectiveItemType.ADORNEDTARGETLIST); String targetPath = adornedTargetList.getTargetObjectPath() + "." + adornedTargetList.getTargetIdProperty(); String linkedPath = adornedTargetList.getLinkedObjectPath() + "." + adornedTargetList.getLinkedIdProperty(); Long parentId = Long.parseLong(persistencePackage.getEntity().findProperty(linkedPath).getValue()); Long childId = Long.parseLong(persistencePackage.getEntity().findProperty(targetPath).getValue()); Category parent = (Category) dynamicEntityDao.retrieve(CategoryImpl.class, parentId); Category child = (Category) dynamicEntityDao.retrieve(CategoryImpl.class, childId); CategoryXref categoryXref = new CategoryXrefImpl(); categoryXref.setSubCategory(child); categoryXref.setCategory(parent); if (parent.getAllChildCategoryXrefs().contains(categoryXref)) { throw new ServiceException("Add unsuccessful. Cannot add a duplicate child category."); } checkParents(child, parent); return helper.getCompatibleModule(OperationType.ADORNEDTARGETLIST).add(persistencePackage); } protected void checkParents(Category child, Category parent) throws ServiceException { if (child.getId().equals(parent.getId())) { throw new ServiceException("Add unsuccessful. Cannot add a category to itself."); } for (CategoryXref category : parent.getAllParentCategoryXrefs()) { if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(category.getCategory().getAllParentCategoryXrefs())) { checkParents(child, category.getCategory()); } } } }
@Entity @Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.JOINED) @Table(name = "BLC_LOCALE") @Cache(usage= CacheConcurrencyStrategy.NONSTRICT_READ_WRITE, region="blCMSElements") @AdminPresentationClass(friendlyName = "LocaleImpl_baseLocale") public class LocaleImpl implements Locale { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Id @Column (name = "LOCALE_CODE") @AdminPresentation(friendlyName = "LocaleImpl_Locale_Code", order = 1, group = "LocaleImpl_Details", prominent = true, gridOrder = 2) protected String localeCode; @Column (name = "FRIENDLY_NAME") @AdminPresentation(friendlyName = "LocaleImpl_Name", order = 2, group = "LocaleImpl_Details", prominent = true, gridOrder = 1) protected String friendlyName; @Column (name = "DEFAULT_FLAG") @AdminPresentation(friendlyName = "LocaleImpl_Is_Default", order = 3, group = "LocaleImpl_Details", prominent = true, gridOrder = 3) protected Boolean defaultFlag = false; @ManyToOne(targetEntity = BroadleafCurrencyImpl.class) @JoinColumn(name = "CURRENCY_CODE") @AdminPresentation(friendlyName = "LocaleImpl_Currency", order = 4, group = "LocaleImpl_Details", prominent = true) protected BroadleafCurrency defaultCurrency; @Column (name = "USE_IN_SEARCH_INDEX") @AdminPresentation(friendlyName = "LocaleImpl_Use_In_Search_Index", order = 5, group = "LocaleImpl_Details", prominent = true, gridOrder = 3) protected Boolean useInSearchIndex = false; @Override public String getLocaleCode() { return localeCode; } @Override public void setLocaleCode(String localeCode) { this.localeCode = localeCode; } @Override public String getFriendlyName() { return friendlyName; } @Override public void setFriendlyName(String friendlyName) { this.friendlyName = friendlyName; } @Override public void setDefaultFlag(Boolean defaultFlag) { this.defaultFlag = defaultFlag; } @Override public Boolean getDefaultFlag() { if (defaultFlag == null) { return Boolean.FALSE; } else { return defaultFlag; } } @Override public BroadleafCurrency getDefaultCurrency() { return defaultCurrency; } @Override public void setDefaultCurrency(BroadleafCurrency defaultCurrency) { this.defaultCurrency = defaultCurrency; } @Override public Boolean getUseInSearchIndex() { return useInSearchIndex == null ? false : useInSearchIndex; } @Override public void setUseInSearchIndex(Boolean useInSearchIndex) { this.useInSearchIndex = useInSearchIndex; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (!(o instanceof Locale)) { return false; } LocaleImpl locale = (LocaleImpl) o; if (localeCode != null ? !localeCode.equals(locale.localeCode) : locale.localeCode != null) { return false; } if (friendlyName != null ? !friendlyName.equals(locale.friendlyName) : locale.friendlyName != null) { return false; } return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = localeCode != null ? localeCode.hashCode() : 0; result = 31 * result + (friendlyName != null ? friendlyName.hashCode() : 0); return result; } }
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private class RefactorQuickAccessAction extends QuickMenuAction { public RefactorQuickAccessAction() { super(REFACTOR_MENU_ID); } protected void fillMenu(IMenuManager menu) { IContributionItem[] cis = new RefactorMenuItems().getContributionItems(); for (IContributionItem ci: cis) { menu.add(ci); } } }
public interface URLHandlerDao { public URLHandler findURLHandlerByURI(String uri); /** * Gets all the URL handlers configured in the system * @return */ public List<URLHandler> findAllURLHandlers(); public URLHandler saveURLHandler(URLHandler handler); }
@Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Target({ElementType.FIELD}) public @interface AdminPresentationAdornedTargetCollection { /** * <p>Optional - field name will be used if not specified</p> * * <p>The friendly name to present to a user for this field in a GUI. If supporting i18N, * the friendly name may be a key to retrieve a localized friendly name using * the GWT support for i18N.</p> * * @return the friendly name */ String friendlyName() default ""; /** * <p>Optional - only required if you wish to apply security to this field</p> * * <p>If a security level is specified, it is registered with the SecurityManager. * The SecurityManager checks the permission of the current user to * determine if this field should be disabled based on the specified level.</p> * * @return the security level */ String securityLevel() default ""; /** * <p>Optional - fields are not excluded by default</p> * * <p>Specify if this field should be excluded from inclusion in the * admin presentation layer</p> * * @return whether or not the field should be excluded */ boolean excluded() default false; /** * <p>Optional - propertyName , only required if you want hide the field based on this property's value</p> * * <p>If the property is defined and found to be set to false, in the AppConfiguraionService, then this field will be excluded in the * admin presentation layer</p> * * @return name of the property */ String showIfProperty() default ""; /** * Optional - only required if you want to make the field immutable * * Explicityly specify whether or not this field is mutable. * * @return whether or not this field is read only */ boolean readOnly() default false; /** * <p>Optional - only required if you want to make the field ignore caching</p> * * <p>Explicitly specify whether or not this field will use server-side * caching during inspection</p> * * @return whether or not this field uses caching */ boolean useServerSideInspectionCache() default true; /** * <p>Optional - only required in the absence of a "mappedBy" property * on the JPA annotation</p> * * <p>This is the field in the adorned target entity that refers * back to the parent entity</p> * * @return the field that refers back to the parent entity */ String parentObjectProperty() default ""; /** * <p>Optional - only required if the primary key property of the * parent entity is called something other than "id"</p> * * <p>This is the field in the parent entity that represents * its primary key</p> * * @return primary key field of the parent entity */ String parentObjectIdProperty() default "id"; /** * <p>This is the field in the adorned target entity that refers * to the target entity</p> * * @return target entity field of the adorned target */ String targetObjectProperty() default ""; /** * <p>Optional - only required if the adorned target has fields * (other than the sort property) that should be populated * by the user</p> * * <p>List of fields to include in the add/update form * for the adorned target entity.</p> * * @return user populated fields on the adorned target */ String[] maintainedAdornedTargetFields() default {}; /** * <p>Optional - only required when it is desirable to override * the property prominence settings from the adorned target and the * target object</p> * * <p>List of fields visible in the adorned target grid UI in the * admin tool. Fields are referenced relative to the adorned target * entity, or the target entity. For example, in CrossSaleProductImpl, * to show the product name and promotionMesssage fields, the * gridVisibleFields value would be : {"defaultSku.name", "promotionMessage"}</p> * * * @return List of fields visible in the adorned target grid UI in the admin tool */ String[] gridVisibleFields() default {}; /** * <p>Optional - only required if the primary key property of the * target entity is called something other than "id"</p> * * <p>This is the field in the target entity that represents * its primary key</p> * * <p>Note that this should just be the property name, not the path to the property. * For example, if the target object is CountryImpl, then the value for the * targetObjectIdProperty should just be "abbreviation". * * @return primary key field of the target entity */ String targetObjectIdProperty() default "id"; /** * <p>Optional - only required if there is an entity that is responsible * for modeling the join table for this adorned collection.</p> * * <p>For example, consider the scenario that a product has many possible * parent categories. Also consider that you might want to sort the parent * categories in a specific way. The join entity in this case would hold a * link to both a category and a product as well as a sequence field. This * property provides the ability to specify that mapping.</p> * * @return the join entity class (if any) */ String joinEntityClass() default ""; /** * <p>Optional - only required if the adorned target has * a field used for sorting</p> * * <p>This is the field by which the adorned targets are sorted</p> * * @return the sort field in the adorned target entity */ String sortProperty() default ""; /** * <p>Optional - only required if the sort order should be * descending</p> * * <p>This is the sort direction for the adorned targets</p> * * @return the sort direction */ boolean sortAscending() default true; /** * <p>Optional - only required if the system should not query * the user for the adorned property values.</p> * * <p>Defines whether or not the system should prompt the user * for the adorned property values (if any) after searching * for the target entity. This is an advanced feature and is * rarely used.</p> * * @return whether to ignore the adorned properties */ boolean ignoreAdornedProperties() default false; /** * <p>Optional - only required if you want to specify ordering for this field</p> * * <p>The order in which this field will appear in a GUI relative to other collections from the same class</p> * * @return the display order */ int order() default 99999; /** * Optional - only required if you want the field to appear under a different tab * * Specify a GUI tab for this field * * @return the tab for this field */ String tab() default "General"; /** * Optional - only required if you want to order the appearance of the tabs in the UI * * Specify an order for this tab. Tabs will be sorted int he resulting form in * ascending order based on this parameter. * * The default tab will render with an order of 100. * * @return the order for this tab */ int tabOrder() default 100; /** * <p>Optional - only required if you need to specially handle crud operations for this * specific collection on the server</p> * * <p>Custom string values that will be passed to the server during CRUB operations on this * collection. These criteria values can be detected in a custom persistence handler * (@CustomPersistenceHandler) in order to engage special handling through custom server * side code for this collection.</p> * * @return the custom string array to pass to the server during CRUD operations */ String[] customCriteria() default {}; /** * <p>Optional - only required if a special operation type is required for a CRUD operation. This * setting is not normally changed and is an advanced setting</p> * * <p>The operation type for a CRUD operation</p> * * @return the operation type */ AdminPresentationOperationTypes operationTypes() default @AdminPresentationOperationTypes(addType = OperationType.ADORNEDTARGETLIST, fetchType = OperationType.ADORNEDTARGETLIST, inspectType = OperationType.BASIC, removeType = OperationType.ADORNEDTARGETLIST, updateType = OperationType.ADORNEDTARGETLIST); /** * Optional - If you have FieldType set to SupportedFieldType.MONEY, * * then you can specify a money currency property field. * * * @return the currency property field */ String currencyCodeField() default ""; }
final class Item { public final DocIdSetIterator iter; public int doc; public Item(DocIdSetIterator iter) { this.iter = iter; this.doc = -1; } }
public static class ValueAndBoost { private final String value; private final float boost; public ValueAndBoost(String value, float boost) { this.value = value; this.boost = boost; } /** * Value of string field. * @return value of string field */ public String value() { return value; } /** * Boost either parsed from the document or defaulted. * @return boost either parsed from the document or defaulted */ public float boost() { return boost; } }
@XmlRootElement(name = "category") @XmlAccessorType(value = XmlAccessType.FIELD) public class CategoryWrapper extends BaseWrapper implements APIWrapper<Category> { @XmlElement protected Long id; @XmlElement protected String name; @XmlElement protected String description; @XmlElement protected Boolean active; @XmlElement protected String url; @XmlElement protected String urlKey; @XmlElement @XmlJavaTypeAdapter(ISO8601DateAdapter.class) protected Date activeStartDate; @XmlElement @XmlJavaTypeAdapter(ISO8601DateAdapter.class) protected Date activeEndDate; @XmlElement(name = "category") @XmlElementWrapper(name = "subcategories") protected List<CategoryWrapper> subcategories; @XmlElement(name = "product") @XmlElementWrapper(name = "products") protected List<ProductWrapper> products; @XmlElement(name = "categoryAttribute") @XmlElementWrapper(name = "categoryAttributes") protected List<CategoryAttributeWrapper> categoryAttributes; @Override public void wrapDetails(Category category, HttpServletRequest request) { this.id = category.getId(); this.name = category.getName(); this.description = category.getDescription(); this.active = category.isActive(); this.activeStartDate = category.getActiveStartDate(); this.activeEndDate = category.getActiveEndDate(); this.url = category.getUrl(); this.urlKey = category.getUrlKey(); if (category.getCategoryAttributes() != null && !category.getCategoryAttributes().isEmpty()) { categoryAttributes = new ArrayList<CategoryAttributeWrapper>(); for (CategoryAttribute attribute : category.getCategoryAttributes()) { CategoryAttributeWrapper wrapper = (CategoryAttributeWrapper) context.getBean(CategoryAttributeWrapper.class.getName()); wrapper.wrapSummary(attribute, request); categoryAttributes.add(wrapper); } } Integer productLimit = (Integer) request.getAttribute("productLimit"); Integer productOffset = (Integer) request.getAttribute("productOffset"); Integer subcategoryLimit = (Integer) request.getAttribute("subcategoryLimit"); Integer subcategoryOffset = (Integer) request.getAttribute("subcategoryOffset"); if (productLimit != null && productOffset == null) { productOffset = 1; } if (subcategoryLimit != null && subcategoryOffset == null) { subcategoryOffset = 1; } if (productLimit != null && productOffset != null) { SearchService searchService = (SearchService) context.getBean("blSearchService"); ProductSearchCriteria searchCriteria = new ProductSearchCriteria(); searchCriteria.setPage(productOffset); searchCriteria.setPageSize(productLimit); searchCriteria.setFilterCriteria(new HashMap<String, String[]>()); try { ProductSearchResult result = searchService.findExplicitProductsByCategory(category, searchCriteria); List<Product> productList = result.getProducts(); if (productList != null && !productList.isEmpty()) { if (products == null) { products = new ArrayList<ProductWrapper>(); } for (Product p : productList) { ProductWrapper productSummaryWrapper = (ProductWrapper) context.getBean(ProductWrapper.class.getName()); productSummaryWrapper.wrapSummary(p, request); products.add(productSummaryWrapper); } } } catch (ServiceException e) { throw new WebApplicationException(Response.status(Response.Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) .type(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN).entity("An unexpected error occured " + e.getMessage()).build()); } } if (subcategoryLimit != null && subcategoryOffset != null) { subcategories = buildSubcategoryTree(subcategories, category, request); } } @Override public void wrapSummary(Category category, HttpServletRequest request) { this.id = category.getId(); this.name = category.getName(); this.description = category.getDescription(); this.active = category.isActive(); } protected List<CategoryWrapper> buildSubcategoryTree(List<CategoryWrapper> wrappers, Category root, HttpServletRequest request) { CatalogService catalogService = (CatalogService) context.getBean("blCatalogService"); Integer subcategoryLimit = (Integer) request.getAttribute("subcategoryLimit"); Integer subcategoryOffset = (Integer) request.getAttribute("subcategoryOffset"); List<Category> subcategories = catalogService.findActiveSubCategoriesByCategory(root, subcategoryLimit, subcategoryOffset); if (subcategories !=null && !subcategories.isEmpty() && wrappers == null) { wrappers = new ArrayList<CategoryWrapper>(); } for (Category c : subcategories) { CategoryWrapper subcategoryWrapper = (CategoryWrapper) context.getBean(CategoryWrapper.class.getName()); subcategoryWrapper.wrapSummary(c, request); wrappers.add(subcategoryWrapper); } return wrappers; } }
public class UidAndSourceFieldsVisitor extends FieldsVisitor { @Override public Status needsField(FieldInfo fieldInfo) throws IOException { if (SourceFieldMapper.NAME.equals(fieldInfo.name)) { return Status.YES; } else if (UidFieldMapper.NAME.equals(fieldInfo.name)) { return Status.YES; } return uid != null && source != null ? Status.STOP : Status.NO; } }
public class RecoverySettings extends AbstractComponent { public static final String INDICES_RECOVERY_FILE_CHUNK_SIZE = "indices.recovery.file_chunk_size"; public static final String INDICES_RECOVERY_TRANSLOG_OPS = "indices.recovery.translog_ops"; public static final String INDICES_RECOVERY_TRANSLOG_SIZE = "indices.recovery.translog_size"; public static final String INDICES_RECOVERY_COMPRESS = "indices.recovery.compress"; public static final String INDICES_RECOVERY_CONCURRENT_STREAMS = "indices.recovery.concurrent_streams"; public static final String INDICES_RECOVERY_CONCURRENT_SMALL_FILE_STREAMS = "indices.recovery.concurrent_small_file_streams"; public static final String INDICES_RECOVERY_MAX_BYTES_PER_SEC = "indices.recovery.max_bytes_per_sec"; public static final long SMALL_FILE_CUTOFF_BYTES = ByteSizeValue.parseBytesSizeValue("5mb").bytes(); /** * Use {@link #INDICES_RECOVERY_MAX_BYTES_PER_SEC} instead */ @Deprecated public static final String INDICES_RECOVERY_MAX_SIZE_PER_SEC = "indices.recovery.max_size_per_sec"; private volatile ByteSizeValue fileChunkSize; private volatile boolean compress; private volatile int translogOps; private volatile ByteSizeValue translogSize; private volatile int concurrentStreams; private volatile int concurrentSmallFileStreams; private final ThreadPoolExecutor concurrentStreamPool; private final ThreadPoolExecutor concurrentSmallFileStreamPool; private volatile ByteSizeValue maxBytesPerSec; private volatile SimpleRateLimiter rateLimiter; @Inject public RecoverySettings(Settings settings, NodeSettingsService nodeSettingsService) { super(settings); this.fileChunkSize = componentSettings.getAsBytesSize("file_chunk_size", settings.getAsBytesSize("index.shard.recovery.file_chunk_size", new ByteSizeValue(512, ByteSizeUnit.KB))); this.translogOps = componentSettings.getAsInt("translog_ops", settings.getAsInt("index.shard.recovery.translog_ops", 1000)); this.translogSize = componentSettings.getAsBytesSize("translog_size", settings.getAsBytesSize("index.shard.recovery.translog_size", new ByteSizeValue(512, ByteSizeUnit.KB))); this.compress = componentSettings.getAsBoolean("compress", true); this.concurrentStreams = componentSettings.getAsInt("concurrent_streams", settings.getAsInt("index.shard.recovery.concurrent_streams", 3)); this.concurrentStreamPool = EsExecutors.newScaling(0, concurrentStreams, 60, TimeUnit.SECONDS, EsExecutors.daemonThreadFactory(settings, "[recovery_stream]")); this.concurrentSmallFileStreams = componentSettings.getAsInt("concurrent_small_file_streams", settings.getAsInt("index.shard.recovery.concurrent_small_file_streams", 2)); this.concurrentSmallFileStreamPool = EsExecutors.newScaling(0, concurrentSmallFileStreams, 60, TimeUnit.SECONDS, EsExecutors.daemonThreadFactory(settings, "[small_file_recovery_stream]")); this.maxBytesPerSec = componentSettings.getAsBytesSize("max_bytes_per_sec", componentSettings.getAsBytesSize("max_size_per_sec", new ByteSizeValue(20, ByteSizeUnit.MB))); if (maxBytesPerSec.bytes() <= 0) { rateLimiter = null; } else { rateLimiter = new SimpleRateLimiter(maxBytesPerSec.mbFrac()); } logger.debug("using max_bytes_per_sec[{}], concurrent_streams [{}], file_chunk_size [{}], translog_size [{}], translog_ops [{}], and compress [{}]", maxBytesPerSec, concurrentStreams, fileChunkSize, translogSize, translogOps, compress); nodeSettingsService.addListener(new ApplySettings()); } public void close() { concurrentStreamPool.shutdown(); try { concurrentStreamPool.awaitTermination(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // that's fine... } concurrentStreamPool.shutdownNow(); } public ByteSizeValue fileChunkSize() { return fileChunkSize; } public boolean compress() { return compress; } public int translogOps() { return translogOps; } public ByteSizeValue translogSize() { return translogSize; } public int concurrentStreams() { return concurrentStreams; } public ThreadPoolExecutor concurrentStreamPool() { return concurrentStreamPool; } public ThreadPoolExecutor concurrentSmallFileStreamPool() { return concurrentSmallFileStreamPool; } public RateLimiter rateLimiter() { return rateLimiter; } class ApplySettings implements NodeSettingsService.Listener { @Override public void onRefreshSettings(Settings settings) { ByteSizeValue maxSizePerSec = settings.getAsBytesSize(INDICES_RECOVERY_MAX_BYTES_PER_SEC, settings.getAsBytesSize(INDICES_RECOVERY_MAX_SIZE_PER_SEC, RecoverySettings.this.maxBytesPerSec)); if (!Objects.equal(maxSizePerSec, RecoverySettings.this.maxBytesPerSec)) { logger.info("updating [{}] from [{}] to [{}]", INDICES_RECOVERY_MAX_BYTES_PER_SEC, RecoverySettings.this.maxBytesPerSec, maxSizePerSec); RecoverySettings.this.maxBytesPerSec = maxSizePerSec; if (maxSizePerSec.bytes() <= 0) { rateLimiter = null; } else if (rateLimiter != null) { rateLimiter.setMbPerSec(maxSizePerSec.mbFrac()); } else { rateLimiter = new SimpleRateLimiter(maxSizePerSec.mbFrac()); } } ByteSizeValue fileChunkSize = settings.getAsBytesSize(INDICES_RECOVERY_FILE_CHUNK_SIZE, RecoverySettings.this.fileChunkSize); if (!fileChunkSize.equals(RecoverySettings.this.fileChunkSize)) { logger.info("updating [indices.recovery.file_chunk_size] from [{}] to [{}]", RecoverySettings.this.fileChunkSize, fileChunkSize); RecoverySettings.this.fileChunkSize = fileChunkSize; } int translogOps = settings.getAsInt(INDICES_RECOVERY_TRANSLOG_OPS, RecoverySettings.this.translogOps); if (translogOps != RecoverySettings.this.translogOps) { logger.info("updating [indices.recovery.translog_ops] from [{}] to [{}]", RecoverySettings.this.translogOps, translogOps); RecoverySettings.this.translogOps = translogOps; } ByteSizeValue translogSize = settings.getAsBytesSize(INDICES_RECOVERY_TRANSLOG_SIZE, RecoverySettings.this.translogSize); if (!translogSize.equals(RecoverySettings.this.translogSize)) { logger.info("updating [indices.recovery.translog_size] from [{}] to [{}]", RecoverySettings.this.translogSize, translogSize); RecoverySettings.this.translogSize = translogSize; } boolean compress = settings.getAsBoolean(INDICES_RECOVERY_COMPRESS, RecoverySettings.this.compress); if (compress != RecoverySettings.this.compress) { logger.info("updating [indices.recovery.compress] from [{}] to [{}]", RecoverySettings.this.compress, compress); RecoverySettings.this.compress = compress; } int concurrentStreams = settings.getAsInt(INDICES_RECOVERY_CONCURRENT_STREAMS, RecoverySettings.this.concurrentStreams); if (concurrentStreams != RecoverySettings.this.concurrentStreams) { logger.info("updating [indices.recovery.concurrent_streams] from [{}] to [{}]", RecoverySettings.this.concurrentStreams, concurrentStreams); RecoverySettings.this.concurrentStreams = concurrentStreams; RecoverySettings.this.concurrentStreamPool.setMaximumPoolSize(concurrentStreams); } int concurrentSmallFileStreams = settings.getAsInt(INDICES_RECOVERY_CONCURRENT_SMALL_FILE_STREAMS, RecoverySettings.this.concurrentSmallFileStreams); if (concurrentSmallFileStreams != RecoverySettings.this.concurrentSmallFileStreams) { logger.info("updating [indices.recovery.concurrent_small_file_streams] from [{}] to [{}]", RecoverySettings.this.concurrentSmallFileStreams, concurrentSmallFileStreams); RecoverySettings.this.concurrentSmallFileStreams = concurrentSmallFileStreams; RecoverySettings.this.concurrentSmallFileStreamPool.setMaximumPoolSize(concurrentSmallFileStreams); } } } }
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public class TransportSearchDfsQueryAndFetchAction extends TransportSearchTypeAction { @Inject public TransportSearchDfsQueryAndFetchAction(Settings settings, ThreadPool threadPool, ClusterService clusterService, SearchServiceTransportAction searchService, SearchPhaseController searchPhaseController) { super(settings, threadPool, clusterService, searchService, searchPhaseController); } @Override protected void doExecute(SearchRequest searchRequest, ActionListener<SearchResponse> listener) { new AsyncAction(searchRequest, listener).start(); } private class AsyncAction extends BaseAsyncAction<DfsSearchResult> { private final AtomicArray<QueryFetchSearchResult> queryFetchResults; private AsyncAction(SearchRequest request, ActionListener<SearchResponse> listener) { super(request, listener); queryFetchResults = new AtomicArray<QueryFetchSearchResult>(firstResults.length()); } @Override protected String firstPhaseName() { return "dfs"; } @Override protected void sendExecuteFirstPhase(DiscoveryNode node, ShardSearchRequest request, SearchServiceListener<DfsSearchResult> listener) { searchService.sendExecuteDfs(node, request, listener); } @Override protected void moveToSecondPhase() { final AggregatedDfs dfs = searchPhaseController.aggregateDfs(firstResults); final AtomicInteger counter = new AtomicInteger(firstResults.asList().size()); int localOperations = 0; for (final AtomicArray.Entry<DfsSearchResult> entry : firstResults.asList()) { DfsSearchResult dfsResult = entry.value; DiscoveryNode node = nodes.get(dfsResult.shardTarget().nodeId()); if (node.id().equals(nodes.localNodeId())) { localOperations++; } else { QuerySearchRequest querySearchRequest = new QuerySearchRequest(request, dfsResult.id(), dfs); executeSecondPhase(entry.index, dfsResult, counter, node, querySearchRequest); } } if (localOperations > 0) { if (request.operationThreading() == SearchOperationThreading.SINGLE_THREAD) { threadPool.executor(ThreadPool.Names.SEARCH).execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { for (final AtomicArray.Entry<DfsSearchResult> entry : firstResults.asList()) { DfsSearchResult dfsResult = entry.value; DiscoveryNode node = nodes.get(dfsResult.shardTarget().nodeId()); if (node.id().equals(nodes.localNodeId())) { QuerySearchRequest querySearchRequest = new QuerySearchRequest(request, dfsResult.id(), dfs); executeSecondPhase(entry.index, dfsResult, counter, node, querySearchRequest); } } } }); } else { boolean localAsync = request.operationThreading() == SearchOperationThreading.THREAD_PER_SHARD; for (final AtomicArray.Entry<DfsSearchResult> entry : firstResults.asList()) { final DfsSearchResult dfsResult = entry.value; final DiscoveryNode node = nodes.get(dfsResult.shardTarget().nodeId()); if (node.id().equals(nodes.localNodeId())) { final QuerySearchRequest querySearchRequest = new QuerySearchRequest(request, dfsResult.id(), dfs); try { if (localAsync) { threadPool.executor(ThreadPool.Names.SEARCH).execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { executeSecondPhase(entry.index, dfsResult, counter, node, querySearchRequest); } }); } else { executeSecondPhase(entry.index, dfsResult, counter, node, querySearchRequest); } } catch (Throwable t) { onSecondPhaseFailure(t, querySearchRequest, entry.index, dfsResult, counter); } } } } } } void executeSecondPhase(final int shardIndex, final DfsSearchResult dfsResult, final AtomicInteger counter, DiscoveryNode node, final QuerySearchRequest querySearchRequest) { searchService.sendExecuteFetch(node, querySearchRequest, new SearchServiceListener<QueryFetchSearchResult>() { @Override public void onResult(QueryFetchSearchResult result) { result.shardTarget(dfsResult.shardTarget()); queryFetchResults.set(shardIndex, result); if (counter.decrementAndGet() == 0) { finishHim(); } } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable t) { onSecondPhaseFailure(t, querySearchRequest, shardIndex, dfsResult, counter); } }); } void onSecondPhaseFailure(Throwable t, QuerySearchRequest querySearchRequest, int shardIndex, DfsSearchResult dfsResult, AtomicInteger counter) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("[{}] Failed to execute query phase", t, querySearchRequest.id()); } this.addShardFailure(shardIndex, dfsResult.shardTarget(), t); successulOps.decrementAndGet(); if (counter.decrementAndGet() == 0) { finishHim(); } } void finishHim() { try { innerFinishHim(); } catch (Throwable e) { ReduceSearchPhaseException failure = new ReduceSearchPhaseException("query_fetch", "", e, buildShardFailures()); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("failed to reduce search", failure); } listener.onFailure(failure); } finally { // } } void innerFinishHim() throws Exception { sortedShardList = searchPhaseController.sortDocs(queryFetchResults); final InternalSearchResponse internalResponse = searchPhaseController.merge(sortedShardList, queryFetchResults, queryFetchResults); String scrollId = null; if (request.scroll() != null) { scrollId = TransportSearchHelper.buildScrollId(request.searchType(), firstResults, null); } listener.onResponse(new SearchResponse(internalResponse, scrollId, expectedSuccessfulOps, successulOps.get(), buildTookInMillis(), buildShardFailures())); } } }
public class ShardDeleteRequest extends ShardReplicationOperationRequest<ShardDeleteRequest> { private int shardId; private String type; private String id; private boolean refresh = false; private long version; ShardDeleteRequest(IndexDeleteRequest request, int shardId) { super(request); this.index = request.index(); this.shardId = shardId; this.type = request.type(); this.id = request.id(); replicationType(request.replicationType()); consistencyLevel(request.consistencyLevel()); timeout = request.timeout(); this.refresh = request.refresh(); this.version = request.version(); } ShardDeleteRequest() { } @Override public ActionRequestValidationException validate() { ActionRequestValidationException validationException = super.validate(); if (type == null) { addValidationError("type is missing", validationException); } if (id == null) { addValidationError("id is missing", validationException); } return validationException; } public int shardId() { return this.shardId; } public String type() { return this.type; } public String id() { return this.id; } public boolean refresh() { return this.refresh; } public void version(long version) { this.version = version; } public long version() { return this.version; } @Override public void readFrom(StreamInput in) throws IOException { super.readFrom(in); shardId = in.readVInt(); type = in.readString(); id = in.readString(); refresh = in.readBoolean(); version = in.readLong(); } @Override public void writeTo(StreamOutput out) throws IOException { super.writeTo(out); out.writeVInt(shardId); out.writeString(type); out.writeString(id); out.writeBoolean(refresh); out.writeLong(version); } }
public class AlterOperation extends AbstractAlterOperation { public AlterOperation() { } public AlterOperation(String name, IFunction<Long, Long> function) { super(name, function); } @Override public int getId() { return AtomicLongDataSerializerHook.ALTER; } @Override public void run() throws Exception { LongWrapper reference = getNumber(); long input = reference.get(); long output = function.apply(input); shouldBackup = input != output; if (shouldBackup) { backup = output; reference.set(backup); } } }
public class ContainsValueOperation extends AbstractMapOperation implements PartitionAwareOperation { private boolean contains = false; private Data testValue; public ContainsValueOperation(String name, Data testValue) { super(name); this.testValue = testValue; } public ContainsValueOperation() { } public void run() { MapService mapService = (MapService) getService(); RecordStore recordStore = mapService.getRecordStore(getPartitionId(), name); contains = recordStore.containsValue(testValue); if (mapContainer.getMapConfig().isStatisticsEnabled()) { ((MapService) getService()).getLocalMapStatsImpl(name).incrementOtherOperations(); } } @Override public Object getResponse() { return contains; } @Override protected void writeInternal(ObjectDataOutput out) throws IOException { super.writeInternal(out); IOUtil.writeNullableData(out, testValue); } @Override protected void readInternal(ObjectDataInput in) throws IOException { super.readInternal(in); testValue = IOUtil.readNullableData(in); } }
final NumericDocValues versionValues = new NumericDocValues() { @Override public long get(int index) { return versions.get(index); } };
public static class ExceptionThrowingMapper implements Mapper<Integer, Integer, String, Integer> { @Override public void map(Integer key, Integer value, Context<String, Integer> context) { throw new NullPointerException("BUMM!"); } }
public class ElasticsearchNullPointerException extends ElasticsearchException { public ElasticsearchNullPointerException() { super(null); } public ElasticsearchNullPointerException(String msg) { super(msg); } public ElasticsearchNullPointerException(String msg, Throwable cause) { super(msg, cause); } }
public class GeoUtils { /** Earth ellipsoid major axis defined by WGS 84 in meters */ public static final double EARTH_SEMI_MAJOR_AXIS = 6378137.0; // meters (WGS 84) /** Earth ellipsoid minor axis defined by WGS 84 in meters */ public static final double EARTH_SEMI_MINOR_AXIS = 6356752.314245; // meters (WGS 84) /** Earth mean radius defined by WGS 84 in meters */ public static final double EARTH_MEAN_RADIUS = 6371008.7714D; // meters (WGS 84) /** Earth axis ratio defined by WGS 84 (0.996647189335) */ public static final double EARTH_AXIS_RATIO = EARTH_SEMI_MINOR_AXIS / EARTH_SEMI_MAJOR_AXIS; /** Earth ellipsoid equator length in meters */ public static final double EARTH_EQUATOR = 2*Math.PI * EARTH_SEMI_MAJOR_AXIS; /** Earth ellipsoid polar distance in meters */ public static final double EARTH_POLAR_DISTANCE = Math.PI * EARTH_SEMI_MINOR_AXIS; /** * Calculate the width (in meters) of geohash cells at a specific level * @param level geohash level must be greater or equal to zero * @return the width of cells at level in meters */ public static double geoHashCellWidth(int level) { assert level>=0; // Geohash cells are split into 32 cells at each level. the grid // alternates at each level between a 8x4 and a 4x8 grid return EARTH_EQUATOR / (1L<<((((level+1)/2)*3) + ((level/2)*2))); } /** * Calculate the width (in meters) of quadtree cells at a specific level * @param level quadtree level must be greater or equal to zero * @return the width of cells at level in meters */ public static double quadTreeCellWidth(int level) { assert level >=0; return EARTH_EQUATOR / (1L<<level); } /** * Calculate the height (in meters) of geohash cells at a specific level * @param level geohash level must be greater or equal to zero * @return the height of cells at level in meters */ public static double geoHashCellHeight(int level) { assert level>=0; // Geohash cells are split into 32 cells at each level. the grid // alternates at each level between a 8x4 and a 4x8 grid return EARTH_POLAR_DISTANCE / (1L<<((((level+1)/2)*2) + ((level/2)*3))); } /** * Calculate the height (in meters) of quadtree cells at a specific level * @param level quadtree level must be greater or equal to zero * @return the height of cells at level in meters */ public static double quadTreeCellHeight(int level) { assert level>=0; return EARTH_POLAR_DISTANCE / (1L<<level); } /** * Calculate the size (in meters) of geohash cells at a specific level * @param level geohash level must be greater or equal to zero * @return the size of cells at level in meters */ public static double geoHashCellSize(int level) { assert level>=0; final double w = geoHashCellWidth(level); final double h = geoHashCellHeight(level); return Math.sqrt(w*w + h*h); } /** * Calculate the size (in meters) of quadtree cells at a specific level * @param level quadtree level must be greater or equal to zero * @return the size of cells at level in meters */ public static double quadTreeCellSize(int level) { assert level>=0; return Math.sqrt(EARTH_POLAR_DISTANCE*EARTH_POLAR_DISTANCE + EARTH_EQUATOR*EARTH_EQUATOR) / (1L<<level); } /** * Calculate the number of levels needed for a specific precision. Quadtree * cells will not exceed the specified size (diagonal) of the precision. * @param meters Maximum size of cells in meters (must greater than zero) * @return levels need to achieve precision */ public static int quadTreeLevelsForPrecision(double meters) { assert meters >= 0; if(meters == 0) { return QuadPrefixTree.MAX_LEVELS_POSSIBLE; } else { final double ratio = 1+(EARTH_POLAR_DISTANCE / EARTH_EQUATOR); // cell ratio final double width = Math.sqrt((meters*meters)/(ratio*ratio)); // convert to cell width final long part = Math.round(Math.ceil(EARTH_EQUATOR / width)); final int level = Long.SIZE - Long.numberOfLeadingZeros(part)-1; // (log_2) return (part<=(1l<<level)) ?level :(level+1); // adjust level } } /** * Calculate the number of levels needed for a specific precision. QuadTree * cells will not exceed the specified size (diagonal) of the precision. * @param distance Maximum size of cells as unit string (must greater or equal to zero) * @return levels need to achieve precision */ public static int quadTreeLevelsForPrecision(String distance) { return quadTreeLevelsForPrecision(DistanceUnit.METERS.parse(distance, DistanceUnit.DEFAULT)); } /** * Calculate the number of levels needed for a specific precision. GeoHash * cells will not exceed the specified size (diagonal) of the precision. * @param meters Maximum size of cells in meters (must greater or equal to zero) * @return levels need to achieve precision */ public static int geoHashLevelsForPrecision(double meters) { assert meters >= 0; if(meters == 0) { return GeohashPrefixTree.getMaxLevelsPossible(); } else { final double ratio = 1+(EARTH_POLAR_DISTANCE / EARTH_EQUATOR); // cell ratio final double width = Math.sqrt((meters*meters)/(ratio*ratio)); // convert to cell width final double part = Math.ceil(EARTH_EQUATOR / width); if(part == 1) return 1; final int bits = (int)Math.round(Math.ceil(Math.log(part) / Math.log(2))); final int full = bits / 5; // number of 5 bit subdivisions final int left = bits - full*5; // bit representing the last level final int even = full + (left>0?1:0); // number of even levels final int odd = full + (left>3?1:0); // number of odd levels return even+odd; } } /** * Calculate the number of levels needed for a specific precision. GeoHash * cells will not exceed the specified size (diagonal) of the precision. * @param distance Maximum size of cells as unit string (must greater or equal to zero) * @return levels need to achieve precision */ public static int geoHashLevelsForPrecision(String distance) { return geoHashLevelsForPrecision(DistanceUnit.METERS.parse(distance, DistanceUnit.DEFAULT)); } /** * Normalize longitude to lie within the -180 (exclusive) to 180 (inclusive) range. * * @param lon Longitude to normalize * @return The normalized longitude. */ public static double normalizeLon(double lon) { return centeredModulus(lon, 360); } /** * Normalize latitude to lie within the -90 to 90 (both inclusive) range. * <p/> * Note: You should not normalize longitude and latitude separately, * because when normalizing latitude it may be necessary to * add a shift of 180&deg; in the longitude. * For this purpose, you should call the * {@link #normalizePoint(GeoPoint)} function. * * @param lat Latitude to normalize * @return The normalized latitude. * @see #normalizePoint(GeoPoint) */ public static double normalizeLat(double lat) { lat = centeredModulus(lat, 360); if (lat < -90) { lat = -180 - lat; } else if (lat > 90) { lat = 180 - lat; } return lat; } /** * Normalize the geo {@code Point} for its coordinates to lie within their * respective normalized ranges. * <p/> * Note: A shift of 180&deg; is applied in the longitude if necessary, * in order to normalize properly the latitude. * * @param point The point to normalize in-place. */ public static void normalizePoint(GeoPoint point) { normalizePoint(point, true, true); } /** * Normalize the geo {@code Point} for the given coordinates to lie within * their respective normalized ranges. * <p/> * You can control which coordinate gets normalized with the two flags. * <p/> * Note: A shift of 180&deg; is applied in the longitude if necessary, * in order to normalize properly the latitude. * If normalizing latitude but not longitude, it is assumed that * the longitude is in the form x+k*360, with x in ]-180;180], * and k is meaningful to the application. * Therefore x will be adjusted while keeping k preserved. * * @param point The point to normalize in-place. * @param normLat Whether to normalize latitude or leave it as is. * @param normLon Whether to normalize longitude. */ public static void normalizePoint(GeoPoint point, boolean normLat, boolean normLon) { double lat = point.lat(); double lon = point.lon(); normLat = normLat && (lat>90 || lat <= -90); normLon = normLon && (lon>180 || lon <= -180); if (normLat) { lat = centeredModulus(lat, 360); boolean shift = true; if (lat < -90) { lat = -180 - lat; } else if (lat > 90) { lat = 180 - lat; } else { // No need to shift the longitude, and the latitude is normalized shift = false; } if (shift) { if (normLon) { lon += 180; } else { // Longitude won't be normalized, // keep it in the form x+k*360 (with x in ]-180;180]) // by only changing x, assuming k is meaningful for the user application. lon += normalizeLon(lon) > 0 ? -180 : 180; } } } if (normLon) { lon = centeredModulus(lon, 360); } point.reset(lat, lon); } private static double centeredModulus(double dividend, double divisor) { double rtn = dividend % divisor; if (rtn <= 0) { rtn += divisor; } if (rtn > divisor / 2) { rtn -= divisor; } return rtn; } }
1no label
public class TouchCommand extends AbstractTextCommand { String key; int expiration; boolean noreply; ByteBuffer response; public TouchCommand(TextCommandType type, String key, int expiration, boolean noReply) { super(type); this.key = key; this.expiration = expiration; this.noreply = noReply; } public boolean writeTo(ByteBuffer destination) { if (response == null) { response = ByteBuffer.wrap(STORED); } while (destination.hasRemaining() && response.hasRemaining()) { destination.put(response.get()); } return !response.hasRemaining(); } public boolean readFrom(ByteBuffer source) { return true; } public boolean shouldReply() { return !noreply; } public String getKey() { return key; } public int getExpiration() { return expiration; } public void setResponse(byte[] value) { this.response = ByteBuffer.wrap(value); } }
static class Refresh { private final String source; private boolean force = false; public Refresh(String source) { this.source = source; } /** * Forces calling refresh, overriding the check that dirty operations even happened. Defaults * to true (note, still lightweight if no refresh is needed). */ public Refresh force(boolean force) { this.force = force; return this; } public boolean force() { return this.force; } public String source() { return this.source; } @Override public String toString() { return "force[" + force + "], source [" + source + "]"; } }
static class Get { private final boolean realtime; private final Term uid; private boolean loadSource = true; private long version; private VersionType versionType; public Get(boolean realtime, Term uid) { this.realtime = realtime; this.uid = uid; } public boolean realtime() { return this.realtime; } public Term uid() { return uid; } public boolean loadSource() { return this.loadSource; } public Get loadSource(boolean loadSource) { this.loadSource = loadSource; return this; } public long version() { return version; } public Get version(long version) { this.version = version; return this; } public VersionType versionType() { return versionType; } public Get versionType(VersionType versionType) { this.versionType = versionType; return this; } }
static class Job extends PrioritizedRunnable { private final int result; private final List<Integer> results; private final CountDownLatch latch; Job(int result, Priority priority, List<Integer> results, CountDownLatch latch) { super(priority); this.result = result; this.results = results; this.latch = latch; } @Override public void run() { results.add(result); latch.countDown(); } }
exe.submit(new Runnable() { private final int number = atomicInt.incrementAndGet(); @Override public void run() { try { Thread.sleep(150); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } System.out.println(number); } });
@XmlRootElement(name = "entry") @XmlType(propOrder = { "value", "name" }) public class OServerEntryConfiguration { @XmlAttribute public String name; @XmlAttribute public String value; public OServerEntryConfiguration() { } public OServerEntryConfiguration(final String iName, final String iValue) { name = iName; value = iValue; } }
private class TxManagerDataSourceRegistrationListener implements DataSourceRegistrationListener { @Override public void registeredDataSource( XaDataSource ds ) { branches.put( new RecoveredBranchInfo( ds.getBranchId() ), true ); boolean everythingRegistered = true; for ( boolean dsRegistered : branches.values() ) { everythingRegistered &= dsRegistered; } if ( everythingRegistered ) { doRecovery(); } } @Override public void unregisteredDataSource( XaDataSource ds ) { branches.put( new RecoveredBranchInfo( ds.getBranchId() ), false ); boolean everythingUnregistered = true; for ( boolean dsRegistered : branches.values() ) { everythingUnregistered &= !dsRegistered; } if ( everythingUnregistered ) { closeLog(); } } }
public class CacheLayer implements StoreReadLayer { private static final Function<? super SchemaRule, IndexDescriptor> TO_INDEX_RULE = new Function<SchemaRule, IndexDescriptor>() { @Override public IndexDescriptor apply( SchemaRule from ) { IndexRule rule = (IndexRule) from; // We know that we only have int range of property key ids. return new IndexDescriptor( rule.getLabel(), rule.getPropertyKey() ); } }; private final CacheLoader<Iterator<DefinedProperty>> nodePropertyLoader = new CacheLoader<Iterator<DefinedProperty>>() { @Override public Iterator<DefinedProperty> load( long id ) throws EntityNotFoundException { return diskLayer.nodeGetAllProperties( id ); } }; private final CacheLoader<Iterator<DefinedProperty>> relationshipPropertyLoader = new CacheLoader<Iterator<DefinedProperty>>() { @Override public Iterator<DefinedProperty> load( long id ) throws EntityNotFoundException { return diskLayer.relationshipGetAllProperties( id ); } }; private final CacheLoader<Iterator<DefinedProperty>> graphPropertyLoader = new CacheLoader<Iterator<DefinedProperty>>() { @Override public Iterator<DefinedProperty> load( long id ) throws EntityNotFoundException { return diskLayer.graphGetAllProperties(); } }; private final CacheLoader<int[]> nodeLabelLoader = new CacheLoader<int[]>() { @Override public int[] load( long id ) throws EntityNotFoundException { return primitiveIntIteratorToIntArray( diskLayer.nodeGetLabels( id ) ); } }; private final PersistenceCache persistenceCache; private final SchemaCache schemaCache; private final DiskLayer diskLayer; private final IndexingService indexingService; public CacheLayer( DiskLayer diskLayer, PersistenceCache persistenceCache, IndexingService indexingService, SchemaCache schemaCache ) { this.diskLayer = diskLayer; this.persistenceCache = persistenceCache; this.indexingService = indexingService; this.schemaCache = schemaCache; } @Override public boolean nodeHasLabel( KernelStatement state, long nodeId, int labelId ) throws EntityNotFoundException { return persistenceCache.nodeHasLabel( state, nodeId, labelId, nodeLabelLoader ); } @Override public PrimitiveIntIterator nodeGetLabels( KernelStatement state, long nodeId ) throws EntityNotFoundException { return new PrimitiveIntIteratorForArray( persistenceCache.nodeGetLabels( state, nodeId, nodeLabelLoader ) ); } @Override public Iterator<IndexDescriptor> indexesGetForLabel( KernelStatement state, int labelId ) { return toIndexDescriptors( schemaCache.schemaRulesForLabel( labelId ), SchemaRule.Kind.INDEX_RULE ); } @Override public Iterator<IndexDescriptor> indexesGetAll( KernelStatement state ) { return toIndexDescriptors( schemaCache.schemaRules(), SchemaRule.Kind.INDEX_RULE ); } @Override public Iterator<IndexDescriptor> uniqueIndexesGetForLabel( KernelStatement state, int labelId ) { return toIndexDescriptors( schemaCache.schemaRulesForLabel( labelId ), SchemaRule.Kind.CONSTRAINT_INDEX_RULE ); } @Override public Iterator<IndexDescriptor> uniqueIndexesGetAll( KernelStatement state ) { return toIndexDescriptors( schemaCache.schemaRules(), SchemaRule.Kind.CONSTRAINT_INDEX_RULE ); } private static Iterator<IndexDescriptor> toIndexDescriptors( Iterable<SchemaRule> rules, final SchemaRule.Kind kind ) { Iterator<SchemaRule> filteredRules = filter( new Predicate<SchemaRule>() { @Override public boolean accept( SchemaRule item ) { return item.getKind() == kind; } }, rules.iterator() ); return map( TO_INDEX_RULE, filteredRules ); } @Override public Long indexGetOwningUniquenessConstraintId( KernelStatement state, IndexDescriptor index ) throws SchemaRuleNotFoundException { IndexRule rule = indexRule( index, SchemaStorage.IndexRuleKind.ALL ); if ( rule != null ) { return rule.getOwningConstraint(); } return diskLayer.indexGetOwningUniquenessConstraintId( index ); } @Override public long indexGetCommittedId( KernelStatement state, IndexDescriptor index, SchemaStorage.IndexRuleKind kind ) throws SchemaRuleNotFoundException { IndexRule rule = indexRule( index, kind ); if ( rule != null ) { return rule.getId(); } return diskLayer.indexGetCommittedId( index ); } @Override public IndexRule indexRule( IndexDescriptor index, SchemaStorage.IndexRuleKind kind ) { for ( SchemaRule rule : schemaCache.schemaRulesForLabel( index.getLabelId() ) ) { if ( rule instanceof IndexRule ) { IndexRule indexRule = (IndexRule) rule; if ( kind.isOfKind( indexRule ) && indexRule.getPropertyKey() == index.getPropertyKeyId() ) { return indexRule; } } } return null; } @Override public PrimitiveLongIterator nodeGetPropertyKeys( KernelStatement state, long nodeId ) throws EntityNotFoundException { return persistenceCache.nodeGetPropertyKeys( nodeId, nodePropertyLoader ); } @Override public Property nodeGetProperty( KernelStatement state, long nodeId, int propertyKeyId ) throws EntityNotFoundException { return persistenceCache.nodeGetProperty( nodeId, propertyKeyId, nodePropertyLoader ); } @Override public Iterator<DefinedProperty> nodeGetAllProperties( KernelStatement state, long nodeId ) throws EntityNotFoundException { return persistenceCache.nodeGetProperties( nodeId, nodePropertyLoader ); } @Override public PrimitiveLongIterator relationshipGetPropertyKeys( KernelStatement state, long relationshipId ) throws EntityNotFoundException { return new PropertyKeyIdIterator( relationshipGetAllProperties( state, relationshipId ) ); } @Override public Property relationshipGetProperty( KernelStatement state, long relationshipId, int propertyKeyId ) throws EntityNotFoundException { return persistenceCache.relationshipGetProperty( relationshipId, propertyKeyId, relationshipPropertyLoader ); } @Override public Iterator<DefinedProperty> relationshipGetAllProperties( KernelStatement state, long nodeId ) throws EntityNotFoundException { return persistenceCache.relationshipGetProperties( nodeId, relationshipPropertyLoader ); } @Override public PrimitiveLongIterator graphGetPropertyKeys( KernelStatement state ) { return persistenceCache.graphGetPropertyKeys( graphPropertyLoader ); } @Override public Property graphGetProperty( KernelStatement state, int propertyKeyId ) { return persistenceCache.graphGetProperty( graphPropertyLoader, propertyKeyId ); } @Override public Iterator<DefinedProperty> graphGetAllProperties( KernelStatement state ) { return persistenceCache.graphGetProperties( graphPropertyLoader ); } @Override public Iterator<UniquenessConstraint> constraintsGetForLabelAndPropertyKey( KernelStatement state, int labelId, int propertyKeyId ) { return schemaCache.constraintsForLabelAndProperty( labelId, propertyKeyId ); } @Override public Iterator<UniquenessConstraint> constraintsGetForLabel( KernelStatement state, int labelId ) { return schemaCache.constraintsForLabel( labelId ); } @Override public Iterator<UniquenessConstraint> constraintsGetAll( KernelStatement state ) { return schemaCache.constraints(); } @Override public PrimitiveLongIterator nodeGetUniqueFromIndexLookup( KernelStatement state, IndexDescriptor index, Object value ) throws IndexNotFoundKernelException, IndexBrokenKernelException { return diskLayer.nodeGetUniqueFromIndexLookup( state, schemaCache.indexId( index ), value ); } @Override public PrimitiveLongIterator nodesGetForLabel( KernelStatement state, int labelId ) { return diskLayer.nodesGetForLabel( state, labelId ); } @Override public PrimitiveLongIterator nodesGetFromIndexLookup( KernelStatement state, IndexDescriptor index, Object value ) throws IndexNotFoundKernelException { return diskLayer.nodesGetFromIndexLookup( state, schemaCache.indexId( index ), value ); } @Override public IndexDescriptor indexesGetForLabelAndPropertyKey( KernelStatement state, int labelId, int propertyKey ) throws SchemaRuleNotFoundException { return schemaCache.indexDescriptor( labelId, propertyKey ); } @Override public InternalIndexState indexGetState( KernelStatement state, IndexDescriptor descriptor ) throws IndexNotFoundKernelException { return indexingService.getProxyForRule( schemaCache.indexId( descriptor ) ).getState(); } @Override public String indexGetFailure( Statement state, IndexDescriptor descriptor ) throws IndexNotFoundKernelException { return diskLayer.indexGetFailure( descriptor ); } @Override public int labelGetForName( String labelName ) { return diskLayer.labelGetForName( labelName ); } @Override public String labelGetName( int labelId ) throws LabelNotFoundKernelException { return diskLayer.labelGetName( labelId ); } @Override public int propertyKeyGetForName( String propertyKeyName ) { return diskLayer.propertyKeyGetForName( propertyKeyName ); } @Override public int propertyKeyGetOrCreateForName( String propertyKeyName ) { return diskLayer.propertyKeyGetOrCreateForName( propertyKeyName ); } @Override public String propertyKeyGetName( int propertyKeyId ) throws PropertyKeyIdNotFoundKernelException { return diskLayer.propertyKeyGetName( propertyKeyId ); } @Override public Iterator<Token> propertyKeyGetAllTokens() { return diskLayer.propertyKeyGetAllTokens().iterator(); } @Override public Iterator<Token> labelsGetAllTokens() { return diskLayer.labelGetAllTokens().iterator(); } @Override public int relationshipTypeGetForName( String relationshipTypeName ) { return diskLayer.relationshipTypeGetForName( relationshipTypeName ); } @Override public String relationshipTypeGetName( int relationshipTypeId ) throws RelationshipTypeIdNotFoundKernelException { return diskLayer.relationshipTypeGetName( relationshipTypeId ); } @Override public int labelGetOrCreateForName( String labelName ) throws TooManyLabelsException { return diskLayer.labelGetOrCreateForName( labelName ); } @Override public int relationshipTypeGetOrCreateForName( String relationshipTypeName ) { return diskLayer.relationshipTypeGetOrCreateForName( relationshipTypeName ); } }
1no label
public interface PaymentResponseItem extends Serializable { public String getAuthorizationCode(); public void setAuthorizationCode(String authorizationCode); public String getMiddlewareResponseCode(); public void setMiddlewareResponseCode(String middlewareResponseCode); public String getMiddlewareResponseText(); public void setMiddlewareResponseText(String middlewareResponseText); public String getProcessorResponseCode(); public void setProcessorResponseCode(String processorResponseCode); public String getProcessorResponseText(); public void setProcessorResponseText(String processorResponseText); public String getReferenceNumber(); public void setReferenceNumber(String referenceNumber); /** * @deprecated * @see #getTransactionAmount() */ public Money getAmountPaid(); /** * @deprecated setTransactionAmount() instead. * @see #setTransactionAmount(org.broadleafcommerce.common.money.Money) */ public void setAmountPaid(Money amount); /** * The amount that the system processed. For example, when submitting an order, this would be the order.getTotal. * If refunding $10, this would be 10. * * @return */ public Money getTransactionAmount(); /** * Sets the transaction amount. * * @param amount */ public void setTransactionAmount(Money amount); public Boolean getTransactionSuccess(); public void setTransactionSuccess(Boolean transactionSuccess); public Date getTransactionTimestamp(); public void setTransactionTimestamp(Date transactionTimestamp); public String getImplementorResponseCode(); public void setImplementorResponseCode(String implementorResponseCode); public String getImplementorResponseText(); public void setImplementorResponseText(String implementorResponseText); public String getTransactionId(); public void setTransactionId(String transactionId); public String getAvsCode(); public void setAvsCode(String avsCode); public String getCvvCode(); public void setCvvCode(String cvvCode); // TODO: Rename to getRemainingTransactionAmount public Money getRemainingBalance(); public void setRemainingBalance(Money remainingBalance); public TransactionType getTransactionType(); public void setTransactionType(TransactionType transactionType); public Map<String, String> getAdditionalFields(); public void setAdditionalFields(Map<String, String> additionalFields); public Long getPaymentInfoId(); public void setPaymentInfoId(Long paymentInfoId); public String getUserName(); public void setUserName(String userName); public Customer getCustomer(); public void setCustomer(Customer customer); public String getPaymentInfoReferenceNumber(); public void setPaymentInfoReferenceNumber(String paymentInfoReferenceNumber); public void setCurrency(BroadleafCurrency currency); public BroadleafCurrency getCurrency(); public void setPaymentInfo(PaymentInfo paymentInfo); public PaymentInfo getPaymentInfo(); }
public static class Factory implements MetaData.Custom.Factory<RepositoriesMetaData> { /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public String type() { return TYPE; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public RepositoriesMetaData readFrom(StreamInput in) throws IOException { RepositoryMetaData[] repository = new RepositoryMetaData[in.readVInt()]; for (int i = 0; i < repository.length; i++) { repository[i] = RepositoryMetaData.readFrom(in); } return new RepositoriesMetaData(repository); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void writeTo(RepositoriesMetaData repositories, StreamOutput out) throws IOException { out.writeVInt(repositories.repositories().size()); for (RepositoryMetaData repository : repositories.repositories()) { repository.writeTo(out); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public RepositoriesMetaData fromXContent(XContentParser parser) throws IOException { XContentParser.Token token; List<RepositoryMetaData> repository = new ArrayList<RepositoryMetaData>(); while ((token = parser.nextToken()) != XContentParser.Token.END_OBJECT) { if (token == XContentParser.Token.FIELD_NAME) { String name = parser.currentName(); if (parser.nextToken() != XContentParser.Token.START_OBJECT) { throw new ElasticsearchParseException("failed to parse repository [" + name + "], expected object"); } String type = null; Settings settings = ImmutableSettings.EMPTY; while ((token = parser.nextToken()) != XContentParser.Token.END_OBJECT) { if (token == XContentParser.Token.FIELD_NAME) { String currentFieldName = parser.currentName(); if ("type".equals(currentFieldName)) { if (parser.nextToken() != XContentParser.Token.VALUE_STRING) { throw new ElasticsearchParseException("failed to parse repository [" + name + "], unknown type"); } type = parser.text(); } else if ("settings".equals(currentFieldName)) { if (parser.nextToken() != XContentParser.Token.START_OBJECT) { throw new ElasticsearchParseException("failed to parse repository [" + name + "], incompatible params"); } settings = ImmutableSettings.settingsBuilder().put(SettingsLoader.Helper.loadNestedFromMap(parser.mapOrdered())).build(); } else { throw new ElasticsearchParseException("failed to parse repository [" + name + "], unknown field [" + currentFieldName + "]"); } } else { throw new ElasticsearchParseException("failed to parse repository [" + name + "]"); } } if (type == null) { throw new ElasticsearchParseException("failed to parse repository [" + name + "], missing repository type"); } repository.add(new RepositoryMetaData(name, type, settings)); } else { throw new ElasticsearchParseException("failed to parse repositories"); } } return new RepositoriesMetaData(repository.toArray(new RepositoryMetaData[repository.size()])); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void toXContent(RepositoriesMetaData customIndexMetaData, XContentBuilder builder, ToXContent.Params params) throws IOException { for (RepositoryMetaData repository : customIndexMetaData.repositories()) { toXContent(repository, builder, params); } } /** * Serializes information about a single repository * * @param repository repository metadata * @param builder XContent builder * @param params serialization parameters * @throws IOException */ public void toXContent(RepositoryMetaData repository, XContentBuilder builder, ToXContent.Params params) throws IOException { builder.startObject(repository.name(), XContentBuilder.FieldCaseConversion.NONE); builder.field("type", repository.type()); builder.startObject("settings"); for (Map.Entry<String, String> settingEntry : repository.settings().getAsMap().entrySet()) { builder.field(settingEntry.getKey(), settingEntry.getValue()); } builder.endObject(); builder.endObject(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean isPersistent() { return true; } }
public class OCommandScriptException extends OException { private String text; private int position; private static final long serialVersionUID = -7430575036316163711L; public OCommandScriptException(String iMessage) { super(iMessage, null); } public OCommandScriptException(String iMessage, Throwable cause) { super(iMessage, cause); } public OCommandScriptException(String iMessage, String iText, int iPosition, Throwable cause) { super(iMessage, cause); text = iText; position = iPosition < 0 ? 0 : iPosition; } public OCommandScriptException(String iMessage, String iText, int iPosition) { super(iMessage); text = iText; position = iPosition < 0 ? 0 : iPosition; } @Override public String getMessage() { if (text == null) return super.getMessage(); final StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); buffer.append("Error on parsing script at position #"); buffer.append(position); buffer.append(": " + super.getMessage()); buffer.append("\nScript: "); buffer.append(text); buffer.append("\n------"); for (int i = 0; i < position - 1; ++i) buffer.append("-"); buffer.append("^"); return buffer.toString(); } }
@Component("blTimeDTOCustomPersistenceHandler") public class TimeDTOCustomPersistenceHandler extends CustomPersistenceHandlerAdapter { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(TimeDTOCustomPersistenceHandler.class); @Override public Boolean canHandleFetch(PersistencePackage persistencePackage) { return canHandleInspect(persistencePackage); } @Override public Boolean canHandleAdd(PersistencePackage persistencePackage) { return canHandleInspect(persistencePackage); } @Override public Boolean canHandleRemove(PersistencePackage persistencePackage) { return canHandleInspect(persistencePackage); } @Override public Boolean canHandleUpdate(PersistencePackage persistencePackage) { return canHandleInspect(persistencePackage); } @Override public Boolean canHandleInspect(PersistencePackage persistencePackage) { String ceilingEntityFullyQualifiedClassname = persistencePackage.getCeilingEntityFullyQualifiedClassname(); return TimeDTO.class.getName().equals(ceilingEntityFullyQualifiedClassname); } @Override public DynamicResultSet inspect(PersistencePackage persistencePackage, DynamicEntityDao dynamicEntityDao, InspectHelper helper) throws ServiceException { String ceilingEntityFullyQualifiedClassname = persistencePackage.getCeilingEntityFullyQualifiedClassname(); try { Map<MergedPropertyType, Map<String, FieldMetadata>> allMergedProperties = new HashMap<MergedPropertyType, Map<String, FieldMetadata>>(); Map<String, FieldMetadata> mergedProperties = dynamicEntityDao.getSimpleMergedProperties(ceilingEntityFullyQualifiedClassname, persistencePackage.getPersistencePerspective()); allMergedProperties.put(MergedPropertyType.PRIMARY, mergedProperties); ClassMetadata mergedMetadata = helper.getMergedClassMetadata(new Class<?>[]{Class.forName(ceilingEntityFullyQualifiedClassname)}, allMergedProperties); DynamicResultSet results = new DynamicResultSet(mergedMetadata); return results; } catch (Exception e) { ServiceException ex = new ServiceException("Unable to retrieve inspection results for " + persistencePackage.getCeilingEntityFullyQualifiedClassname(), e); throw ex; } } }
public static class Issue1764Data implements DataSerializable { public static AtomicInteger serializationCount = new AtomicInteger(); public static AtomicInteger deserializationCount = new AtomicInteger(); private String attr1; private String attr2; public Issue1764Data() { //For deserialization... } public Issue1764Data(String attr1, String attr2) { this.attr1 = attr1; this.attr2 = attr2; } public String getAttr1() { return attr1; } public void setAttr1(String attr1) { this.attr1 = attr1; } public String getAttr2() { return attr2; } public void setAttr2(String attr2) { this.attr2 = attr2; } @Override public String toString() { return "[" + attr1 + " " + attr2 + "]"; } public void writeData(ObjectDataOutput out) throws IOException { serializationCount.incrementAndGet(); out.writeObject(attr1); out.writeObject(attr2); } public void readData(ObjectDataInput in) throws IOException { attr1 = in.readObject(); attr2 = in.readObject(); deserializationCount.incrementAndGet(); } }
@Test public class FloatSerializerTest { private static final int FIELD_SIZE = 4; private static final Float OBJECT = 3.14f; private OFloatSerializer floatSerializer; byte[] stream = new byte[FIELD_SIZE]; @BeforeClass public void beforeClass() { floatSerializer = new OFloatSerializer(); } public void testFieldSize() { Assert.assertEquals(floatSerializer.getObjectSize(null), FIELD_SIZE); } public void testSerialize() { floatSerializer.serialize(OBJECT, stream, 0); Assert.assertEquals(floatSerializer.deserialize(stream, 0), OBJECT); } public void testSerializeNative() { floatSerializer.serializeNative(OBJECT, stream, 0); Assert.assertEquals(floatSerializer.deserializeNative(stream, 0), OBJECT); } public void testNativeDirectMemoryCompatibility() { floatSerializer.serializeNative(OBJECT, stream, 0); ODirectMemoryPointer pointer = new ODirectMemoryPointer(stream); try { Assert.assertEquals(floatSerializer.deserializeFromDirectMemory(pointer, 0), OBJECT); } finally { pointer.free(); } } }
constructors[LIST_ADD_ALL] = new ConstructorFunction<Integer, IdentifiedDataSerializable>() { public IdentifiedDataSerializable createNew(Integer arg) { return new ListAddAllOperation(); } };
@PreInitializeConfigOptions public abstract class AbstractCassandraStoreManager extends DistributedStoreManager implements KeyColumnValueStoreManager { public enum Partitioner { RANDOM, BYTEORDER; public static Partitioner getPartitioner(IPartitioner<?> partitioner) { return getPartitioner(partitioner.getClass().getSimpleName()); } public static Partitioner getPartitioner(String className) { if (className.endsWith("RandomPartitioner") || className.endsWith("Murmur3Partitioner")) return Partitioner.RANDOM; else if (className.endsWith("ByteOrderedPartitioner")) return Partitioner.BYTEORDER; else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported partitioner: " + className); } } //################### CASSANDRA SPECIFIC CONFIGURATION OPTIONS ###################### public static final ConfigNamespace CASSANDRA_NS = new ConfigNamespace(GraphDatabaseConfiguration.STORAGE_NS, "cassandra", "Cassandra storage backend options"); public static final ConfigOption<String> CASSANDRA_KEYSPACE = new ConfigOption<String>(CASSANDRA_NS, "keyspace", "The name of Titan's keyspace. It will be created if it does not exist.", ConfigOption.Type.LOCAL, "titan"); // Consistency Levels and Atomic Batch public static final ConfigOption<String> CASSANDRA_READ_CONSISTENCY = new ConfigOption<String>(CASSANDRA_NS, "read-consistency-level", "The consistency level of read operations against Cassandra", ConfigOption.Type.MASKABLE, "QUORUM"); public static final ConfigOption<String> CASSANDRA_WRITE_CONSISTENCY = new ConfigOption<String>(CASSANDRA_NS, "write-consistency-level", "The consistency level of write operations against Cassandra", ConfigOption.Type.MASKABLE, "QUORUM"); public static final ConfigOption<Boolean> ATOMIC_BATCH_MUTATE = new ConfigOption<Boolean>(CASSANDRA_NS, "atomic-batch-mutate", "True to use Cassandra atomic batch mutation, false to use non-atomic batches", ConfigOption.Type.MASKABLE, true); // Replication public static final ConfigOption<Integer> REPLICATION_FACTOR = new ConfigOption<Integer>(CASSANDRA_NS, "replication-factor", "The number of data replicas (including the original copy) that should be kept. " + "This is only meaningful for storage backends that natively support data replication.", ConfigOption.Type.GLOBAL_OFFLINE, 1); public static final ConfigOption<String> REPLICATION_STRATEGY = new ConfigOption<String>(CASSANDRA_NS, "replication-strategy-class", "The replication strategy to use for Titan keyspace", ConfigOption.Type.FIXED, "org.apache.cassandra.locator.SimpleStrategy"); public static final ConfigOption<String[]> REPLICATION_OPTIONS = new ConfigOption<String[]>(CASSANDRA_NS, "replication-strategy-options", "Replication strategy options, e.g. factor or replicas per datacenter. This list is interpreted as a " + "map. It must have an even number of elements in [key,val,key,val,...] form. A replication_factor set " + "here takes precedence over one set with " + ConfigElement.getPath(REPLICATION_FACTOR), ConfigOption.Type.FIXED, String[].class); // Compression public static final ConfigOption<Boolean> CF_COMPRESSION = new ConfigOption<Boolean>(CASSANDRA_NS, "compression", "Whether the storage backend should use compression when storing the data", ConfigOption.Type.FIXED, true); public static final ConfigOption<String> CF_COMPRESSION_TYPE = new ConfigOption<String>(CASSANDRA_NS, "compression-type", "The sstable_compression value Titan uses when creating column families. " + "This accepts any value allowed by Cassandra's sstable_compression option. " + "Leave this unset to disable sstable_compression on Titan-created CFs.", ConfigOption.Type.MASKABLE, "LZ4Compressor"); public static final ConfigOption<Integer> CF_COMPRESSION_BLOCK_SIZE = new ConfigOption<Integer>(CASSANDRA_NS, "compression-block-size", "The size of the compression blocks in kilobytes", ConfigOption.Type.FIXED, 64); // SSL public static final ConfigNamespace SSL_NS = new ConfigNamespace(CASSANDRA_NS, "ssl", "Configuration options for SSL"); public static final ConfigNamespace SSL_TRUSTSTORE_NS = new ConfigNamespace(SSL_NS, "truststore", "Configuration options for SSL Truststore."); public static final ConfigOption<Boolean> SSL_ENABLED = new ConfigOption<Boolean>(SSL_NS, "enabled", "Controls use of the SSL connection to Cassandra", ConfigOption.Type.LOCAL, false); public static final ConfigOption<String> SSL_TRUSTSTORE_LOCATION = new ConfigOption<String>(SSL_TRUSTSTORE_NS, "location", "Marks the location of the SSL Truststore.", ConfigOption.Type.LOCAL, ""); public static final ConfigOption<String> SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD = new ConfigOption<String>(SSL_TRUSTSTORE_NS, "password", "The password to access SSL Truststore.", ConfigOption.Type.LOCAL, ""); /** * The default Thrift port used by Cassandra. Set * {@link GraphDatabaseConfiguration#STORAGE_PORT} to override. * <p> * Value = {@value} */ public static final int PORT_DEFAULT = 9160; public static final String SYSTEM_KS = "system"; protected final String keySpaceName; protected final Map<String, String> strategyOptions; protected final boolean compressionEnabled; protected final int compressionChunkSizeKB; protected final String compressionClass; protected final boolean atomicBatch; private volatile StoreFeatures features = null; private Partitioner partitioner = null; private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AbstractCassandraStoreManager.class); public AbstractCassandraStoreManager(Configuration config) { super(config, PORT_DEFAULT); this.keySpaceName = config.get(CASSANDRA_KEYSPACE); this.compressionEnabled = config.get(CF_COMPRESSION); this.compressionChunkSizeKB = config.get(CF_COMPRESSION_BLOCK_SIZE); this.compressionClass = config.get(CF_COMPRESSION_TYPE); this.atomicBatch = config.get(ATOMIC_BATCH_MUTATE); // SSL truststore location sanity check if (config.get(SSL_ENABLED) && config.get(SSL_TRUSTSTORE_LOCATION).isEmpty()) throw new IllegalArgumentException(SSL_TRUSTSTORE_LOCATION.getName() + " could not be empty when SSL is enabled."); if (config.has(REPLICATION_OPTIONS)) { String[] options = config.get(REPLICATION_OPTIONS); if (options.length % 2 != 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException(REPLICATION_OPTIONS.getName() + " should have even number of elements."); Map<String, String> converted = new HashMap<String, String>(options.length / 2); for (int i = 0; i < options.length; i += 2) { converted.put(options[i], options[i + 1]); } this.strategyOptions = ImmutableMap.copyOf(converted); } else { this.strategyOptions = ImmutableMap.of("replication_factor", String.valueOf(config.get(REPLICATION_FACTOR))); } } public final Partitioner getPartitioner() { if (partitioner == null) { try { partitioner = Partitioner.getPartitioner(getCassandraPartitioner()); } catch (BackendException e) { throw new TitanException("Could not connect to Cassandra to read partitioner information. Please check the connection", e); } } assert partitioner != null; return partitioner; } public abstract IPartitioner<? extends Token<?>> getCassandraPartitioner() throws BackendException; @Override public StoreTransaction beginTransaction(final BaseTransactionConfig config) { return new CassandraTransaction(config); } @Override public String toString() { return "[" + keySpaceName + "@" + super.toString() + "]"; } @Override public StoreFeatures getFeatures() { if (features == null) { Configuration global = GraphDatabaseConfiguration.buildConfiguration() .set(CASSANDRA_READ_CONSISTENCY, "QUORUM") .set(CASSANDRA_WRITE_CONSISTENCY, "QUORUM") .set(METRICS_PREFIX, GraphDatabaseConfiguration.METRICS_SYSTEM_PREFIX_DEFAULT); Configuration local = GraphDatabaseConfiguration.buildConfiguration() .set(CASSANDRA_READ_CONSISTENCY, "LOCAL_QUORUM") .set(CASSANDRA_WRITE_CONSISTENCY, "LOCAL_QUORUM") .set(METRICS_PREFIX, GraphDatabaseConfiguration.METRICS_SYSTEM_PREFIX_DEFAULT); StandardStoreFeatures.Builder fb = new StandardStoreFeatures.Builder(); fb.batchMutation(true).distributed(true); fb.timestamps(true).cellTTL(true); fb.keyConsistent(global, local); boolean keyOrdered; switch (getPartitioner()) { case RANDOM: keyOrdered = false; fb.keyOrdered(keyOrdered).orderedScan(false).unorderedScan(true); break; case BYTEORDER: keyOrdered = true; fb.keyOrdered(keyOrdered).orderedScan(true).unorderedScan(false); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unrecognized partitioner: " + getPartitioner()); } switch (getDeployment()) { case REMOTE: fb.multiQuery(true); break; case LOCAL: fb.multiQuery(true).localKeyPartition(keyOrdered); break; case EMBEDDED: fb.multiQuery(false).localKeyPartition(keyOrdered); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unrecognized deployment mode: " + getDeployment()); } features = fb.build(); } return features; } /** * Returns a map of compression options for the column family {@code cf}. * The contents of the returned map must be identical to the contents of the * map returned by * {@link org.apache.cassandra.thrift.CfDef#getCompression_options()}, even * for implementations of this method that don't use Thrift. * * @param cf the name of the column family for which to return compression * options * @return map of compression option names to compression option values * @throws com.thinkaurelius.titan.diskstorage.BackendException if reading from Cassandra fails */ public abstract Map<String, String> getCompressionOptions(String cf) throws BackendException; public String getName() { return getClass().getSimpleName() + keySpaceName; } }
return new LongValues(values.isMultiValued()) { @Override public int setDocument(int docId) { return values.setDocument(docId); } @Override public long nextValue() { return (long) values.nextValue(); } };
public static class Name { public static final String Marketing = "ProductImpl_Marketing_Tab"; public static final String Media = "SkuImpl_Media_Tab"; public static final String ProductOptions = "ProductImpl_Product_Options_Tab"; public static final String Inventory = "ProductImpl_Inventory_Tab"; public static final String Shipping = "ProductImpl_Shipping_Tab"; public static final String Advanced = "ProductImpl_Advanced_Tab"; }
public class LogConfigurator { private static boolean loaded; private static ImmutableMap<String, String> replacements = new MapBuilder<String, String>() .put("console", "org.elasticsearch.common.logging.log4j.ConsoleAppender") .put("async", "org.apache.log4j.AsyncAppender") .put("dailyRollingFile", "org.apache.log4j.DailyRollingFileAppender") .put("externallyRolledFile", "org.apache.log4j.ExternallyRolledFileAppender") .put("file", "org.apache.log4j.FileAppender") .put("jdbc", "org.apache.log4j.jdbc.JDBCAppender") .put("jms", "org.apache.log4j.net.JMSAppender") .put("lf5", "org.apache.log4j.lf5.LF5Appender") .put("ntevent", "org.apache.log4j.nt.NTEventLogAppender") .put("null", "org.apache.log4j.NullAppender") .put("rollingFile", "org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender") .put("smtp", "org.apache.log4j.net.SMTPAppender") .put("socket", "org.apache.log4j.net.SocketAppender") .put("socketHub", "org.apache.log4j.net.SocketHubAppender") .put("syslog", "org.apache.log4j.net.SyslogAppender") .put("telnet", "org.apache.log4j.net.TelnetAppender") // layouts .put("simple", "org.apache.log4j.SimpleLayout") .put("html", "org.apache.log4j.HTMLLayout") .put("pattern", "org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout") .put("consolePattern", "org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout") .put("ttcc", "org.apache.log4j.TTCCLayout") .put("xml", "org.apache.log4j.XMLLayout") .immutableMap(); public static void configure(Settings settings) { if (loaded) { return; } loaded = true; Environment environment = new Environment(settings); ImmutableSettings.Builder settingsBuilder = settingsBuilder().put(settings); try { settingsBuilder.loadFromUrl(environment.resolveConfig("logging.yml")); } catch (FailedToResolveConfigException e) { // ignore } catch (NoClassDefFoundError e) { // ignore, no yaml } try { settingsBuilder.loadFromUrl(environment.resolveConfig("logging.json")); } catch (FailedToResolveConfigException e) { // ignore } try { settingsBuilder.loadFromUrl(environment.resolveConfig("logging.properties")); } catch (FailedToResolveConfigException e) { // ignore } settingsBuilder .putProperties("elasticsearch.", System.getProperties()) .putProperties("es.", System.getProperties()) .replacePropertyPlaceholders(); Properties props = new Properties(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : settingsBuilder.build().getAsMap().entrySet()) { String key = "log4j." + entry.getKey(); String value = entry.getValue(); if (replacements.containsKey(value)) { value = replacements.get(value); } if (key.endsWith(".value")) { props.setProperty(key.substring(0, key.length() - ".value".length()), value); } else if (key.endsWith(".type")) { props.setProperty(key.substring(0, key.length() - ".type".length()), value); } else { props.setProperty(key, value); } } PropertyConfigurator.configure(props); } }
@XmlRootElement(name = "parameter") @XmlType(propOrder = { "value", "name" }) public class OServerParameterConfiguration { @XmlAttribute public String name; @XmlAttribute public String value; public OServerParameterConfiguration() { } public OServerParameterConfiguration(final String iName, final String iValue) { name = iName; value = iValue; } @Override public String toString() { return name + "=" + value; } }
static final class ApplyToEither<T,U> extends Completion { final CompletableFuture<? extends T> src; final CompletableFuture<? extends T> snd; final Fun<? super T,? extends U> fn; final CompletableFuture<U> dst; final Executor executor; ApplyToEither(CompletableFuture<? extends T> src, CompletableFuture<? extends T> snd, Fun<? super T,? extends U> fn, CompletableFuture<U> dst, Executor executor) { this.src = src; this.snd = snd; this.fn = fn; this.dst = dst; this.executor = executor; } public final void run() { final CompletableFuture<? extends T> a; final CompletableFuture<? extends T> b; final Fun<? super T,? extends U> fn; final CompletableFuture<U> dst; Object r; T t; Throwable ex; if ((dst = this.dst) != null && (fn = this.fn) != null && (((a = this.src) != null && (r = a.result) != null) || ((b = this.snd) != null && (r = b.result) != null)) && compareAndSet(0, 1)) { if (r instanceof AltResult) { ex = ((AltResult)r).ex; t = null; } else { ex = null; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") T tr = (T) r; t = tr; } Executor e = executor; U u = null; if (ex == null) { try { if (e != null) e.execute(new AsyncApply<T,U>(t, fn, dst)); else u = fn.apply(t); } catch (Throwable rex) { ex = rex; } } if (e == null || ex != null) dst.internalComplete(u, ex); } } private static final long serialVersionUID = 5232453952276885070L; }
return executeRead(new Callable<KeyIterator>() { @Override public KeyIterator call() throws Exception { return (storeFeatures.isKeyOrdered()) ? edgeStore.getKeys(new KeyRangeQuery(EDGESTORE_MIN_KEY, EDGESTORE_MAX_KEY, sliceQuery), storeTx) : edgeStore.getKeys(sliceQuery, storeTx); } @Override public String toString() { return "EdgeStoreKeys"; } });
@Entity @Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.JOINED) @Table(name = "BLC_PHONE") @Cache(usage=CacheConcurrencyStrategy.NONSTRICT_READ_WRITE, region="blOrderElements") public class PhoneImpl implements Phone { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Id @GeneratedValue(generator = "PhoneId") @GenericGenerator( name="PhoneId", strategy="org.broadleafcommerce.common.persistence.IdOverrideTableGenerator", parameters = { @Parameter(name="segment_value", value="PhoneImpl"), @Parameter(name="entity_name", value="org.broadleafcommerce.profile.core.domain.PhoneImpl") } ) @Column(name = "PHONE_ID") protected Long id; @Column(name = "PHONE_NUMBER", nullable=false) @AdminPresentation(friendlyName = "PhoneImpl_Phone_Number", order=1, group = "PhoneImpl_Phone") protected String phoneNumber; @Column(name = "IS_DEFAULT") @AdminPresentation(friendlyName = "PhoneImpl_Default_Phone", order=2, group = "PhoneImpl_Phone") protected boolean isDefault = false; @Column(name = "IS_ACTIVE") @AdminPresentation(friendlyName = "PhoneImpl_Active_Phone", order=3, group = "PhoneImpl_Phone") protected boolean isActive = true; @Override public Long getId() { return id; } @Override public void setId(Long id) { this.id = id; } @Override public String getPhoneNumber() { return phoneNumber; } @Override public void setPhoneNumber(String phoneNumber) { this.phoneNumber = phoneNumber; } @Override public boolean isDefault() { return isDefault; } @Override public void setDefault(boolean isDefault) { this.isDefault = isDefault; } @Override public boolean isActive() { return isActive; } @Override public void setActive(boolean isActive) { this.isActive = isActive; } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + (isActive ? 1231 : 1237); result = prime * result + (isDefault ? 1231 : 1237); result = prime * result + ((phoneNumber == null) ? 0 : phoneNumber.hashCode()); return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null) return false; if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; PhoneImpl other = (PhoneImpl) obj; if (id != null && other.id != null) { return id.equals(other.id); } if (isActive != other.isActive) return false; if (isDefault != other.isDefault) return false; if (phoneNumber == null) { if (other.phoneNumber != null) return false; } else if (!phoneNumber.equals(other.phoneNumber)) return false; return true; } }
1no label
assertTrueEventually(new AssertTask() { @Override public void run() throws Exception { assertEquals(0, map.size()); } });
public final class ClientTypes { public static final String JAVA = "JVM"; public static final String CSHARP = "CSP"; public static final String CPP = "CPP"; public static final String PYTHON = "PHY"; public static final String RUBY = "RBY"; private ClientTypes() { } }
public class PersistencePackageRequest { protected Type type; protected String ceilingEntityClassname; protected String configKey; protected AdornedTargetList adornedList; protected MapStructure mapStructure; protected Entity entity; protected ForeignKey foreignKey; protected Integer startIndex; protected Integer maxIndex; protected Map<String, PersistencePackageRequest> subRequests = new LinkedHashMap<String, PersistencePackageRequest>(); protected boolean validateUnsubmittedProperties = true; protected OperationTypes operationTypesOverride = null; // These properties are accessed via getters and setters that operate on arrays. // We back them with a list so that we can have the convenience .add methods protected List<ForeignKey> additionalForeignKeys = new ArrayList<ForeignKey>(); protected List<String> customCriteria = new ArrayList<String>(); protected List<FilterAndSortCriteria> filterAndSortCriteria = new ArrayList<FilterAndSortCriteria>(); public enum Type { STANDARD, ADORNED, MAP } /* ******************* */ /* STATIC INITIALIZERS */ /* ******************* */ public static PersistencePackageRequest standard() { return new PersistencePackageRequest(Type.STANDARD); } public static PersistencePackageRequest adorned() { return new PersistencePackageRequest(Type.ADORNED); } public static PersistencePackageRequest map() { return new PersistencePackageRequest(Type.MAP); } /** * Creates a semi-populate PersistencePacakageRequest based on the specified FieldMetadata. This initializer * will copy over persistence perspective items from the metadata as well as set the appropriate OperationTypes * as specified in the annotation/xml configuration for the field. * * @param md * @return the newly created PersistencePackageRequest */ public static PersistencePackageRequest fromMetadata(FieldMetadata md) { final PersistencePackageRequest request = new PersistencePackageRequest(); md.accept(new MetadataVisitor() { @Override public void visit(BasicFieldMetadata fmd) { request.setType(Type.STANDARD); request.setCeilingEntityClassname(fmd.getForeignKeyClass()); } @Override public void visit(BasicCollectionMetadata fmd) { ForeignKey foreignKey = (ForeignKey) fmd.getPersistencePerspective() .getPersistencePerspectiveItems().get(PersistencePerspectiveItemType.FOREIGNKEY); request.setType(Type.STANDARD); request.setCeilingEntityClassname(fmd.getCollectionCeilingEntity()); request.setOperationTypesOverride(fmd.getPersistencePerspective().getOperationTypes()); request.setForeignKey(foreignKey); } @Override public void visit(AdornedTargetCollectionMetadata fmd) { AdornedTargetList adornedList = (AdornedTargetList) fmd.getPersistencePerspective() .getPersistencePerspectiveItems().get(PersistencePerspectiveItemType.ADORNEDTARGETLIST); request.setType(Type.ADORNED); request.setCeilingEntityClassname(fmd.getCollectionCeilingEntity()); request.setOperationTypesOverride(fmd.getPersistencePerspective().getOperationTypes()); request.setAdornedList(adornedList); } @Override public void visit(MapMetadata fmd) { MapStructure mapStructure = (MapStructure) fmd.getPersistencePerspective() .getPersistencePerspectiveItems().get(PersistencePerspectiveItemType.MAPSTRUCTURE); ForeignKey foreignKey = (ForeignKey) fmd.getPersistencePerspective(). getPersistencePerspectiveItems().get(PersistencePerspectiveItemType.FOREIGNKEY); request.setType(Type.MAP); request.setCeilingEntityClassname(foreignKey.getForeignKeyClass()); request.setOperationTypesOverride(fmd.getPersistencePerspective().getOperationTypes()); request.setMapStructure(mapStructure); request.setForeignKey(foreignKey); } }); if (md instanceof CollectionMetadata) { request.setCustomCriteria(((CollectionMetadata) md).getCustomCriteria()); } return request; } /* ************ */ /* CONSTRUCTORS */ /* ************ */ public PersistencePackageRequest() { } public PersistencePackageRequest(Type type) { this.type = type; } /* ************ */ /* WITH METHODS */ /* ************ */ public PersistencePackageRequest withType(Type type) { setType(type); return this; } public PersistencePackageRequest withCeilingEntityClassname(String className) { setCeilingEntityClassname(className); return this; } public PersistencePackageRequest withForeignKey(ForeignKey foreignKey) { setForeignKey(foreignKey); return this; } public PersistencePackageRequest withConfigKey(String configKey) { setConfigKey(configKey); return this; } public PersistencePackageRequest withFilterAndSortCriteria(FilterAndSortCriteria[] filterAndSortCriteria) { if (ArrayUtils.isNotEmpty(filterAndSortCriteria)) { setFilterAndSortCriteria(filterAndSortCriteria); } return this; } public PersistencePackageRequest withAdornedList(AdornedTargetList adornedList) { setAdornedList(adornedList); return this; } public PersistencePackageRequest withMapStructure(MapStructure mapStructure) { setMapStructure(mapStructure); return this; } public PersistencePackageRequest withCustomCriteria(String[] customCriteria) { if (ArrayUtils.isNotEmpty(customCriteria)) { setCustomCriteria(customCriteria); } return this; } public PersistencePackageRequest withEntity(Entity entity) { setEntity(entity); return this; } public PersistencePackageRequest withStartIndex(Integer startIndex) { setStartIndex(startIndex); return this; } public PersistencePackageRequest withMaxIndex(Integer maxIndex) { setMaxIndex(maxIndex); return this; } /* *********** */ /* ADD METHODS */ /* *********** */ public PersistencePackageRequest addAdditionalForeignKey(ForeignKey foreignKey) { additionalForeignKeys.add(foreignKey); return this; } public PersistencePackageRequest addSubRequest(String infoPropertyName, PersistencePackageRequest subRequest) { subRequests.put(infoPropertyName, subRequest); return this; } public PersistencePackageRequest addCustomCriteria(String customCriteria) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(customCriteria)) { this.customCriteria.add(customCriteria); } return this; } public PersistencePackageRequest addFilterAndSortCriteria(FilterAndSortCriteria filterAndSortCriteria) { this.filterAndSortCriteria.add(filterAndSortCriteria); return this; } public PersistencePackageRequest addFilterAndSortCriteria(FilterAndSortCriteria[] filterAndSortCriteria) { if (filterAndSortCriteria != null) { this.filterAndSortCriteria.addAll(Arrays.asList(filterAndSortCriteria)); } return this; } public PersistencePackageRequest addFilterAndSortCriteria(List<FilterAndSortCriteria> filterAndSortCriteria) { this.filterAndSortCriteria.addAll(filterAndSortCriteria); return this; } /* ************************ */ /* CUSTOM GETTERS / SETTERS */ /* ************************ */ public String[] getCustomCriteria() { String[] arr = new String[this.customCriteria.size()]; arr = this.customCriteria.toArray(arr); return arr; } public ForeignKey[] getAdditionalForeignKeys() { ForeignKey[] arr = new ForeignKey[this.additionalForeignKeys.size()]; arr = this.additionalForeignKeys.toArray(arr); return arr; } public void setAdditionalForeignKeys(ForeignKey[] additionalForeignKeys) { this.additionalForeignKeys = Arrays.asList(additionalForeignKeys); } public void setCustomCriteria(String[] customCriteria) { this.customCriteria = Arrays.asList(customCriteria); } public FilterAndSortCriteria[] getFilterAndSortCriteria() { FilterAndSortCriteria[] arr = new FilterAndSortCriteria[this.filterAndSortCriteria.size()]; arr = this.filterAndSortCriteria.toArray(arr); return arr; } public void setFilterAndSortCriteria(FilterAndSortCriteria[] filterAndSortCriteria) { this.filterAndSortCriteria.addAll(Arrays.asList(filterAndSortCriteria)); } /* ************************** */ /* STANDARD GETTERS / SETTERS */ /* ************************** */ public ForeignKey getForeignKey() { return foreignKey; } public void setForeignKey(ForeignKey foreignKey) { this.foreignKey = foreignKey; } public Type getType() { return type; } public void setType(Type type) { this.type = type; } public String getCeilingEntityClassname() { return ceilingEntityClassname; } public void setCeilingEntityClassname(String ceilingEntityClassname) { this.ceilingEntityClassname = ceilingEntityClassname; } public String getConfigKey() { return configKey; } public void setConfigKey(String configKey) { this.configKey = configKey; } public AdornedTargetList getAdornedList() { return adornedList; } public void setAdornedList(AdornedTargetList adornedList) { this.adornedList = adornedList; } public MapStructure getMapStructure() { return mapStructure; } public void setMapStructure(MapStructure mapStructure) { this.mapStructure = mapStructure; } public Entity getEntity() { return entity; } public void setEntity(Entity entity) { this.entity = entity; } public OperationTypes getOperationTypesOverride() { return operationTypesOverride; } public void setOperationTypesOverride(OperationTypes operationTypesOverride) { this.operationTypesOverride = operationTypesOverride; } public Integer getStartIndex() { return startIndex; } public void setStartIndex(Integer startIndex) { this.startIndex = startIndex; } public Integer getMaxIndex() { return maxIndex; } public void setMaxIndex(Integer maxIndex) { this.maxIndex = maxIndex; } public Map<String, PersistencePackageRequest> getSubRequests() { return subRequests; } public void setSubRequests(Map<String, PersistencePackageRequest> subRequests) { this.subRequests = subRequests; } public boolean isValidateUnsubmittedProperties() { return validateUnsubmittedProperties; } public void setValidateUnsubmittedProperties(boolean validateUnsubmittedProperties) { this.validateUnsubmittedProperties = validateUnsubmittedProperties; } }
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{ @Override public LabelScanReader newReader() { return LabelScanReader.EMPTY; } @Override public LabelScanWriter newWriter() { return LabelScanWriter.EMPTY; } @Override public void stop() { // Do nothing } @Override public void start() { // Do nothing } @Override public void shutdown() { // Do nothing } @Override public void recover( Iterator<NodeLabelUpdate> updates ) { // Do nothing } @Override public AllEntriesLabelScanReader newAllEntriesReader() { return null; } @Override public ResourceIterator<File> snapshotStoreFiles() { return emptyIterator(); } @Override public void init() { // Do nothing } @Override public void force() { // Do nothing } };
public class ORef<T> { public T value; public ORef() { } public ORef(final T object) { this.value = object; } public ORef<T> clear() { value = null; return this; } @Override public String toString() { return value != null ? value.toString() : "ORef<null>"; } }
class NullOutputException extends NullPointerException { public NullOutputException(String s) { super(s); } }
EventHandler<PortableItemEvent> eventHandler = new EventHandler<PortableItemEvent>() { public void handle(PortableItemEvent portableItemEvent) { E item = includeValue ? (E) getContext().getSerializationService().toObject(portableItemEvent.getItem()) : null; Member member = getContext().getClusterService().getMember(portableItemEvent.getUuid()); ItemEvent<E> itemEvent = new ItemEvent<E>(getName(), portableItemEvent.getEventType(), item, member); if (portableItemEvent.getEventType() == ItemEventType.ADDED) { listener.itemAdded(itemEvent); } else { listener.itemRemoved(itemEvent); } } @Override public void onListenerRegister() { } };
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public interface CacheRequest { public List<CacheItemRequest> getCacheItemRequests(); }
public class LockOperation extends BaseLockOperation implements WaitSupport, BackupAwareOperation { public LockOperation() { } public LockOperation(ObjectNamespace namespace, Data key, long threadId, long timeout) { super(namespace, key, threadId, timeout); } public LockOperation(ObjectNamespace namespace, Data key, long threadId, long ttl, long timeout) { super(namespace, key, threadId, ttl, timeout); } @Override public void run() throws Exception { response = getLockStore().lock(key, getCallerUuid(), threadId, ttl); } @Override public Operation getBackupOperation() { return new LockBackupOperation(namespace, key, threadId, getCallerUuid()); } @Override public boolean shouldBackup() { return Boolean.TRUE.equals(response); } @Override public final WaitNotifyKey getWaitKey() { return new LockWaitNotifyKey(namespace, key); } @Override public final boolean shouldWait() { return getWaitTimeout() != 0 && !getLockStore().canAcquireLock(key, getCallerUuid(), threadId); } @Override public int getId() { return LockDataSerializerHook.LOCK; } @Override public final void onWaitExpire() { Object response; long timeout = getWaitTimeout(); if (timeout < 0 || timeout == Long.MAX_VALUE) { response = new OperationTimeoutException(); } else { response = Boolean.FALSE; } getResponseHandler().sendResponse(response); } }
public class JsonSettingsLoaderTests extends ElasticsearchTestCase { @Test public void testSimpleJsonSettings() throws Exception { Settings settings = settingsBuilder() .loadFromClasspath("org/elasticsearch/common/settings/loader/test-settings.json") .build(); assertThat(settings.get("test1.value1"), equalTo("value1")); assertThat(settings.get("test1.test2.value2"), equalTo("value2")); assertThat(settings.getAsInt("test1.test2.value3", -1), equalTo(2)); // check array assertThat(settings.get("test1.test3.0"), equalTo("test3-1")); assertThat(settings.get("test1.test3.1"), equalTo("test3-2")); assertThat(settings.getAsArray("test1.test3").length, equalTo(2)); assertThat(settings.getAsArray("test1.test3")[0], equalTo("test3-1")); assertThat(settings.getAsArray("test1.test3")[1], equalTo("test3-2")); } }
public interface Provider<T> { /** * Provides an instance of {@code T}. Must never return {@code null}. * * @throws OutOfScopeException when an attempt is made to access a scoped object while the scope * in question is not currently active * @throws ProvisionException if an instance cannot be provided. Such exceptions include messages * and throwables to describe why provision failed. */ T get(); }
public class FastVectorHighlighter implements Highlighter { private static final SimpleBoundaryScanner DEFAULT_BOUNDARY_SCANNER = new SimpleBoundaryScanner(); private static final String CACHE_KEY = "highlight-fsv"; private final Boolean termVectorMultiValue; @Inject public FastVectorHighlighter(Settings settings) { this.termVectorMultiValue = settings.getAsBoolean("search.highlight.term_vector_multi_value", true); } @Override public String[] names() { return new String[]{"fvh", "fast-vector-highlighter"}; } @Override public HighlightField highlight(HighlighterContext highlighterContext) { SearchContextHighlight.Field field = highlighterContext.field; SearchContext context = highlighterContext.context; FetchSubPhase.HitContext hitContext = highlighterContext.hitContext; FieldMapper<?> mapper = highlighterContext.mapper; if (!(mapper.fieldType().storeTermVectors() && mapper.fieldType().storeTermVectorOffsets() && mapper.fieldType().storeTermVectorPositions())) { throw new ElasticsearchIllegalArgumentException("the field [" + field.field() + "] should be indexed with term vector with position offsets to be used with fast vector highlighter"); } Encoder encoder = field.encoder().equals("html") ? HighlightUtils.Encoders.HTML : HighlightUtils.Encoders.DEFAULT; if (!hitContext.cache().containsKey(CACHE_KEY)) { hitContext.cache().put(CACHE_KEY, new HighlighterEntry()); } HighlighterEntry cache = (HighlighterEntry) hitContext.cache().get(CACHE_KEY); try { FieldQuery fieldQuery; if (field.requireFieldMatch()) { if (cache.fieldMatchFieldQuery == null) { // we use top level reader to rewrite the query against all readers, with use caching it across hits (and across readers...) cache.fieldMatchFieldQuery = new CustomFieldQuery(highlighterContext.query.originalQuery(), hitContext.topLevelReader(), true, field.requireFieldMatch()); } fieldQuery = cache.fieldMatchFieldQuery; } else { if (cache.noFieldMatchFieldQuery == null) { // we use top level reader to rewrite the query against all readers, with use caching it across hits (and across readers...) cache.noFieldMatchFieldQuery = new CustomFieldQuery(highlighterContext.query.originalQuery(), hitContext.topLevelReader(), true, field.requireFieldMatch()); } fieldQuery = cache.noFieldMatchFieldQuery; } MapperHighlightEntry entry = cache.mappers.get(mapper); if (entry == null) { FragListBuilder fragListBuilder; BaseFragmentsBuilder fragmentsBuilder; BoundaryScanner boundaryScanner = DEFAULT_BOUNDARY_SCANNER; if (field.boundaryMaxScan() != SimpleBoundaryScanner.DEFAULT_MAX_SCAN || field.boundaryChars() != SimpleBoundaryScanner.DEFAULT_BOUNDARY_CHARS) { boundaryScanner = new SimpleBoundaryScanner(field.boundaryMaxScan(), field.boundaryChars()); } if (field.numberOfFragments() == 0) { fragListBuilder = new SingleFragListBuilder(); if (!field.forceSource() && mapper.fieldType().stored()) { fragmentsBuilder = new SimpleFragmentsBuilder(mapper, field.preTags(), field.postTags(), boundaryScanner); } else { fragmentsBuilder = new SourceSimpleFragmentsBuilder(mapper, context, field.preTags(), field.postTags(), boundaryScanner); } } else { fragListBuilder = field.fragmentOffset() == -1 ? new SimpleFragListBuilder() : new SimpleFragListBuilder(field.fragmentOffset()); if (field.scoreOrdered()) { if (!field.forceSource() && mapper.fieldType().stored()) { fragmentsBuilder = new ScoreOrderFragmentsBuilder(field.preTags(), field.postTags(), boundaryScanner); } else { fragmentsBuilder = new SourceScoreOrderFragmentsBuilder(mapper, context, field.preTags(), field.postTags(), boundaryScanner); } } else { if (!field.forceSource() && mapper.fieldType().stored()) { fragmentsBuilder = new SimpleFragmentsBuilder(mapper, field.preTags(), field.postTags(), boundaryScanner); } else { fragmentsBuilder = new SourceSimpleFragmentsBuilder(mapper, context, field.preTags(), field.postTags(), boundaryScanner); } } } fragmentsBuilder.setDiscreteMultiValueHighlighting(termVectorMultiValue); entry = new MapperHighlightEntry(); entry.fragListBuilder = fragListBuilder; entry.fragmentsBuilder = fragmentsBuilder; if (cache.fvh == null) { // parameters to FVH are not requires since: // first two booleans are not relevant since they are set on the CustomFieldQuery (phrase and fieldMatch) // fragment builders are used explicitly cache.fvh = new org.apache.lucene.search.vectorhighlight.FastVectorHighlighter(); } CustomFieldQuery.highlightFilters.set(field.highlightFilter()); cache.mappers.put(mapper, entry); } cache.fvh.setPhraseLimit(field.phraseLimit()); String[] fragments; // a HACK to make highlighter do highlighting, even though its using the single frag list builder int numberOfFragments = field.numberOfFragments() == 0 ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : field.numberOfFragments(); int fragmentCharSize = field.numberOfFragments() == 0 ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : field.fragmentCharSize(); // we highlight against the low level reader and docId, because if we load source, we want to reuse it if possible // Only send matched fields if they were requested to save time. if (field.matchedFields() != null && !field.matchedFields().isEmpty()) { fragments = cache.fvh.getBestFragments(fieldQuery, hitContext.reader(), hitContext.docId(), mapper.names().indexName(), field.matchedFields(), fragmentCharSize, numberOfFragments, entry.fragListBuilder, entry.fragmentsBuilder, field.preTags(), field.postTags(), encoder); } else { fragments = cache.fvh.getBestFragments(fieldQuery, hitContext.reader(), hitContext.docId(), mapper.names().indexName(), fragmentCharSize, numberOfFragments, entry.fragListBuilder, entry.fragmentsBuilder, field.preTags(), field.postTags(), encoder); } if (fragments != null && fragments.length > 0) { return new HighlightField(field.field(), StringText.convertFromStringArray(fragments)); } int noMatchSize = highlighterContext.field.noMatchSize(); if (noMatchSize > 0) { // Essentially we just request that a fragment is built from 0 to noMatchSize using the normal fragmentsBuilder FieldFragList fieldFragList = new SimpleFieldFragList(-1 /*ignored*/); fieldFragList.add(0, noMatchSize, Collections.<WeightedPhraseInfo>emptyList()); fragments = entry.fragmentsBuilder.createFragments(hitContext.reader(), hitContext.docId(), mapper.names().indexName(), fieldFragList, 1, field.preTags(), field.postTags(), encoder); if (fragments != null && fragments.length > 0) { return new HighlightField(field.field(), StringText.convertFromStringArray(fragments)); } } return null; } catch (Exception e) { throw new FetchPhaseExecutionException(context, "Failed to highlight field [" + highlighterContext.fieldName + "]", e); } } private class MapperHighlightEntry { public FragListBuilder fragListBuilder; public FragmentsBuilder fragmentsBuilder; public org.apache.lucene.search.highlight.Highlighter highlighter; } private class HighlighterEntry { public org.apache.lucene.search.vectorhighlight.FastVectorHighlighter fvh; public FieldQuery noFieldMatchFieldQuery; public FieldQuery fieldMatchFieldQuery; public Map<FieldMapper, MapperHighlightEntry> mappers = Maps.newHashMap(); } }
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@Service("blZipCodeService") public class ZipCodeServiceImpl implements ZipCodeService { @Resource(name="blZipCodeDao") private ZipCodeDao zipCodeDao; public ZipCode findZipCodeByZipCode(Integer zipCode) { return zipCodeDao.findZipCodeByZipCode(zipCode); } }
public class OStreamSerializerHelper { public static final String SEPARATOR = "|"; private static final char SHORT_FORM_PREFIX = '!'; public static StringBuilder writeRecordType(final Class<?> cls, final StringBuilder iBuffer) { // SEARCH INTO THE SERIALIZER REGISTER IF THE IMPLEMENTATION WAS REGISTERED TO GET THE SHORT FORM (AND OPTIMIZING IN SIZE AND // WRITE TIMES) Character c = OClassDictionary.instance().getCodeByClass(cls); if (c != null) { // FOUND: WRITE THE SHORT FORM iBuffer.append(SHORT_FORM_PREFIX); iBuffer.append(c); } else { // NOT FOUND: PROBABLY A CUSTOM IMPL: WRITE THE FULL CLASS NAME iBuffer.append(cls.getName()); iBuffer.append(SEPARATOR); } return iBuffer; } public static Class<?> readRecordType(final String iBuffer, final StringBuilder iContent) throws ClassNotFoundException { Class<?> cls; final int pos; if (iBuffer.charAt(0) == SHORT_FORM_PREFIX) { // SHORT FORM cls = OClassDictionary.instance().getClassByCode(iBuffer.charAt(1)); pos = 1; } else { // LONG FORM pos = iBuffer.indexOf(SEPARATOR); if (pos < 0) OLogManager.instance().error(null, "Class signature not found in the buffer: " + iBuffer, OSerializationException.class); final String className = iBuffer.substring(0, pos); cls = Class.forName(className); } // SET THE CONTENT iContent.append(iBuffer.substring(pos + 1)); return cls; } }
public interface EmailTarget extends Serializable { public String getEmailAddress(); public void setEmailAddress(String emailAddress); public String[] getCCAddresses(); public void setCCAddresses(String[] ccAddresses); public String[] getBCCAddresses(); public void setBCCAddresses(String[] BCCAddresses); }
public class ORuntimeResult { private final Object fieldValue; private final Map<String, Object> projections; private final ODocument value; private OCommandContext context; public ORuntimeResult(final Object iFieldValue, final Map<String, Object> iProjections, final int iProgressive, final OCommandContext iContext) { fieldValue = iFieldValue; projections = iProjections; context = iContext; value = createProjectionDocument(iProgressive); } public void applyRecord(final OIdentifiable iRecord) { applyRecord(value, projections, context, iRecord); } /** * Set a single value. This is useful in case of query optimization like with indexes * * @param iName * Field name * @param iValue * Field value */ public void applyValue(final String iName, final Object iValue) { value.field(iName, iValue); } public ODocument getResult() { return getResult(value, projections); } public static ODocument createProjectionDocument(final int iProgressive) { final ODocument doc = new ODocument().setOrdered(true); // ASSIGN A TEMPORARY RID TO ALLOW PAGINATION IF ANY ((ORecordId) doc.getIdentity()).clusterId = -2; ((ORecordId) doc.getIdentity()).clusterPosition = OClusterPositionFactory.INSTANCE.valueOf(iProgressive); return doc; } public static ODocument applyRecord(final ODocument iValue, final Map<String, Object> iProjections, final OCommandContext iContext, final OIdentifiable iRecord) { // APPLY PROJECTIONS final ODocument inputDocument = (ODocument) (iRecord != null ? iRecord.getRecord() : null); if (iProjections.isEmpty()) // SELECT * CASE inputDocument.copyTo(iValue); else { for (Entry<String, Object> projection : iProjections.entrySet()) { final Object v = projection.getValue(); if (v == null) continue; final Object projectionValue; if (v.equals("*")) { // COPY ALL inputDocument.copyTo(iValue); projectionValue = null; } else if (v instanceof OSQLFilterItemVariable) { // RETURN A VARIABLE FROM THE CONTEXT projectionValue = ((OSQLFilterItemVariable) v).getValue(inputDocument, iContext); } else if (v instanceof OSQLFilterItemField) projectionValue = ((OSQLFilterItemField) v).getValue(inputDocument, iContext); else if (v instanceof OSQLFunctionRuntime) { final OSQLFunctionRuntime f = (OSQLFunctionRuntime) v; projectionValue = f.execute(inputDocument, iValue, iContext); } else projectionValue = v; if (projectionValue != null) iValue.field(projection.getKey(), projectionValue); } } return iValue; } public static ODocument getResult(final ODocument iValue, final Map<String, Object> iProjections) { if (iValue != null) { boolean canExcludeResult = false; for (Entry<String, Object> projection : iProjections.entrySet()) { if (!iValue.containsField(projection.getKey())) { // ONLY IF NOT ALREADY CONTAINS A VALUE, OTHERWISE HAS BEEN SET MANUALLY (INDEX?) final Object v = projection.getValue(); if (v instanceof OSQLFunctionRuntime) { final OSQLFunctionRuntime f = (OSQLFunctionRuntime) v; canExcludeResult = f.filterResult(); Object fieldValue = f.getResult(); if (fieldValue != null) iValue.field(projection.getKey(), fieldValue); } } } if (canExcludeResult && iValue.isEmpty()) // RESULT EXCLUDED FOR EMPTY RECORD return null; // AVOID SAVING OF TEMP RECORD iValue.unsetDirty(); } return iValue; } public static ODocument getProjectionResult(final int iId, final Map<String, Object> iProjections, final OCommandContext iContext, final OIdentifiable iRecord) { return ORuntimeResult.getResult( ORuntimeResult.applyRecord(ORuntimeResult.createProjectionDocument(iId), iProjections, iContext, iRecord), iProjections); } public Object getFieldValue() { return fieldValue; } }
public class ClusterRerouteRequest extends AcknowledgedRequest<ClusterRerouteRequest> { AllocationCommands commands = new AllocationCommands(); boolean dryRun; public ClusterRerouteRequest() { } /** * Adds allocation commands to be applied to the cluster. Note, can be empty, in which case * will simply run a simple "reroute". */ public ClusterRerouteRequest add(AllocationCommand... commands) { this.commands.add(commands); return this; } /** * Sets a dry run flag (defaults to <tt>false</tt>) allowing to run the commands without * actually applying them to the cluster state, and getting the resulting cluster state back. */ public ClusterRerouteRequest dryRun(boolean dryRun) { this.dryRun = dryRun; return this; } /** * Returns the current dry run flag which allows to run the commands without actually applying them, * just to get back the resulting cluster state back. */ public boolean dryRun() { return this.dryRun; } /** * Sets the source for the request. */ public ClusterRerouteRequest source(BytesReference source) throws Exception { XContentParser parser = XContentHelper.createParser(source); try { XContentParser.Token token; String currentFieldName = null; while ((token = parser.nextToken()) != XContentParser.Token.END_OBJECT) { if (token == XContentParser.Token.FIELD_NAME) { currentFieldName = parser.currentName(); } else if (token == XContentParser.Token.START_ARRAY) { if ("commands".equals(currentFieldName)) { this.commands = AllocationCommands.fromXContent(parser); } else { throw new ElasticsearchParseException("failed to parse reroute request, got start array with wrong field name [" + currentFieldName + "]"); } } else if (token.isValue()) { if ("dry_run".equals(currentFieldName) || "dryRun".equals(currentFieldName)) { dryRun = parser.booleanValue(); } else { throw new ElasticsearchParseException("failed to parse reroute request, got value with wrong field name [" + currentFieldName + "]"); } } } } finally { parser.close(); } return this; } @Override public ActionRequestValidationException validate() { return null; } @Override public void readFrom(StreamInput in) throws IOException { super.readFrom(in); commands = AllocationCommands.readFrom(in); dryRun = in.readBoolean(); readTimeout(in); } @Override public void writeTo(StreamOutput out) throws IOException { super.writeTo(out); AllocationCommands.writeTo(commands, out); out.writeBoolean(dryRun); writeTimeout(out); } }
public class ProductDataProvider { /** * A basic product is actually a Product and a Sku */ @DataProvider(name="basicProduct") public static Object[][] provideBasicProduct() { Product ci = new ProductImpl(); Sku defaultSku = new SkuImpl(); defaultSku.setName("setOfAggieDominoes"); defaultSku.setDescription("a fine set of bones for 42"); ci.setDefaultSku(defaultSku); return new Object[][]{{ci}}; } @DataProvider(name="setupProducts") public static Object[][] createProducts() { Product p1 = getProduct(null); Product p2 = getProduct(null); Product p3 = getProduct(null); Product p4 = getProduct(null); Product p5 = getProduct(null); Product p6 = getProduct(null); Product p7 = getProduct(null); Object[][] objs = new Object[7][1]; objs[0] = new Object[]{p1}; objs[1] = new Object[]{p2}; objs[2] = new Object[]{p3}; objs[3] = new Object[]{p4}; objs[4] = new Object[]{p5}; objs[5] = new Object[]{p6}; objs[6] = new Object[]{p7}; return objs; } private static Product getProduct(Long id) { Calendar activeStartCal = Calendar.getInstance(); activeStartCal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, -2); Product product = new ProductImpl(); Sku defaultSku = new SkuImpl(); defaultSku.setRetailPrice(new Money(BigDecimal.valueOf(15.0))); defaultSku.setSalePrice(new Money(BigDecimal.valueOf(10.0))); defaultSku.setActiveStartDate(activeStartCal.getTime()); product.setDefaultSku(defaultSku); if (id == null) { defaultSku.setName("productNameTest"); return product; } product.setId(id); defaultSku.setName(id.toString()); defaultSku.setId(id); return product; } }
threadPool.executor(ThreadPool.Names.SEARCH).execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { executePhase(shardIndex, node, target.v2()); } });
public class OMultiValueChangeEvent<K, V> { /** * Operation that is performed on collection. */ public static enum OChangeType { ADD, UPDATE, REMOVE } /** * Operation that is performed on collection. */ private final OChangeType changeType; /** * Value that indicates position of item inside collection. */ private final K key; /** * New item value. */ private V value; /** * Previous item value. */ private V oldValue; public OMultiValueChangeEvent(final OChangeType changeType, final K key, final V value) { this.changeType = changeType; this.key = key; this.value = value; } public OMultiValueChangeEvent(final OChangeType changeType, final K key, final V value, final V oldValue) { this.changeType = changeType; this.key = key; this.value = value; this.oldValue = oldValue; } public K getKey() { return key; } public V getValue() { return value; } public OChangeType getChangeType() { return changeType; } public V getOldValue() { return oldValue; } @Override public boolean equals(final Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) { return false; } final OMultiValueChangeEvent<?, ?> that = (OMultiValueChangeEvent<?, ?>) o; if (changeType != that.changeType) { return false; } if (!key.equals(that.key)) { return false; } if (oldValue != null ? !oldValue.equals(that.oldValue) : that.oldValue != null) { return false; } if (value != null ? !value.equals(that.value) : that.value != null) { return false; } return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = changeType.hashCode(); result = 31 * result + key.hashCode(); result = 31 * result + (value != null ? value.hashCode() : 0); result = 31 * result + (oldValue != null ? oldValue.hashCode() : 0); return result; } @Override public String toString() { return "OMultiValueChangeEvent{" + "changeType=" + changeType + ", key=" + key + ", value=" + value + ", oldValue=" + oldValue + '}'; } }
public class PostJoinOperation extends AbstractOperation implements UrgentSystemOperation, JoinOperation { private Operation[] operations; public PostJoinOperation() { } public PostJoinOperation(final Operation... ops) { for (Operation op : ops) { if (op == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } if (op instanceof PartitionAwareOperation) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Post join operation can not be a PartitionAwareOperation!"); } } // we may need to do array copy! operations = ops; } @Override public void beforeRun() throws Exception { if (operations != null && operations.length > 0) { final NodeEngine nodeEngine = getNodeEngine(); final int len = operations.length; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { final Operation op = operations[i]; op.setNodeEngine(nodeEngine) .setResponseHandler(ResponseHandlerFactory.createEmptyResponseHandler()); OperationAccessor.setCallerAddress(op, getCallerAddress()); OperationAccessor.setConnection(op, getConnection()); operations[i] = op; } } } @Override public void run() throws Exception { if (operations != null && operations.length > 0) { final OperationService operationService = getNodeEngine().getOperationService(); for (final Operation op : operations) { operationService.runOperationOnCallingThread(op); } } } @Override public boolean returnsResponse() { return true; } @Override public boolean validatesTarget() { return false; } @Override protected void writeInternal(final ObjectDataOutput out) throws IOException { final int len = operations != null ? operations.length : 0; out.writeInt(len); if (len > 0) { for (Operation op : operations) { out.writeObject(op); } } } @Override protected void readInternal(final ObjectDataInput in) throws IOException { final int len = in.readInt(); operations = new Operation[len]; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { operations[i] = in.readObject(); } } @Override public String toString() { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("PostJoinOperation{"); sb.append("operations=").append(Arrays.toString(operations)); sb.append('}'); return sb.toString(); } }
@Service("blEmailService") public class EmailServiceImpl implements EmailService { @Resource(name = "blEmailTrackingManager") protected EmailTrackingManager emailTrackingManager; @Resource(name = "blServerInfo") protected ServerInfo serverInfo; protected EmailServiceProducer emailServiceProducer; @Resource(name = "blMessageCreator") protected MessageCreator messageCreator; @Resource(name = "blEmailReportingDao") protected EmailReportingDao emailReportingDao; public boolean sendTemplateEmail(EmailTarget emailTarget, EmailInfo emailInfo, HashMap<String, Object> props) { if (props == null) { props = new HashMap<String, Object>(); } if (emailInfo == null) { emailInfo = new EmailInfo(); } props.put(EmailPropertyType.INFO.getType(), emailInfo); props.put(EmailPropertyType.USER.getType(), emailTarget); Long emailId = emailTrackingManager.createTrackedEmail(emailTarget.getEmailAddress(), emailInfo.getEmailType(), null); props.put("emailTrackingId", emailId); return sendBasicEmail(emailInfo, emailTarget, props); } public boolean sendTemplateEmail(String emailAddress, EmailInfo emailInfo, HashMap<String, Object> props) { if (!(emailInfo instanceof NullEmailInfo)) { EmailTarget emailTarget = emailReportingDao.createTarget(); emailTarget.setEmailAddress(emailAddress); return sendTemplateEmail(emailTarget, emailInfo, props); } else { return true; } } public boolean sendBasicEmail(EmailInfo emailInfo, EmailTarget emailTarget, HashMap<String, Object> props) { if (props == null) { props = new HashMap<String, Object>(); } if (emailInfo == null) { emailInfo = new EmailInfo(); } props.put(EmailPropertyType.INFO.getType(), emailInfo); props.put(EmailPropertyType.USER.getType(), emailTarget); if (Boolean.parseBoolean(emailInfo.getSendEmailReliableAsync())) { if (emailServiceProducer == null) { throw new EmailException("The property sendEmailReliableAsync on EmailInfo is true, but the EmailService does not have an instance of JMSEmailServiceProducer set."); } emailServiceProducer.send(props); } else { messageCreator.sendMessage(props); } return true; } /** * @return the emailTrackingManager */ public EmailTrackingManager getEmailTrackingManager() { return emailTrackingManager; } /** * @param emailTrackingManager the emailTrackingManager to set */ public void setEmailTrackingManager(EmailTrackingManager emailTrackingManager) { this.emailTrackingManager = emailTrackingManager; } /** * @return the serverInfo */ public ServerInfo getServerInfo() { return serverInfo; } /** * @param serverInfo the serverInfo to set */ public void setServerInfo(ServerInfo serverInfo) { this.serverInfo = serverInfo; } /** * @return the emailServiceProducer */ public EmailServiceProducer getEmailServiceProducer() { return emailServiceProducer; } /** * @param emailServiceProducer the emailServiceProducer to set */ public void setEmailServiceProducer(EmailServiceProducer emailServiceProducer) { this.emailServiceProducer = emailServiceProducer; } /** * @return the messageCreator */ public MessageCreator getMessageCreator() { return messageCreator; } /** * @param messageCreator the messageCreator to set */ public void setMessageCreator(MessageCreator messageCreator) { this.messageCreator = messageCreator; } }
public class QueueService implements ManagedService, MigrationAwareService, TransactionalService, RemoteService, EventPublishingService<QueueEvent, ItemListener> { public static final String SERVICE_NAME = "hz:impl:queueService"; private final EntryTaskScheduler queueEvictionScheduler; private final NodeEngine nodeEngine; private final ConcurrentMap<String, QueueContainer> containerMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, QueueContainer>(); private final ConcurrentMap<String, LocalQueueStatsImpl> statsMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, LocalQueueStatsImpl>(1000); private final ConstructorFunction<String, LocalQueueStatsImpl> localQueueStatsConstructorFunction = new ConstructorFunction<String, LocalQueueStatsImpl>() { @Override public LocalQueueStatsImpl createNew(String key) { return new LocalQueueStatsImpl(); } }; public QueueService(NodeEngine nodeEngine) { this.nodeEngine = nodeEngine; ScheduledExecutorService defaultScheduledExecutor = nodeEngine.getExecutionService().getDefaultScheduledExecutor(); QueueEvictionProcessor entryProcessor = new QueueEvictionProcessor(nodeEngine, this); this.queueEvictionScheduler = EntryTaskSchedulerFactory.newScheduler( defaultScheduledExecutor, entryProcessor, ScheduleType.POSTPONE); } public void scheduleEviction(String name, long delay) { queueEvictionScheduler.schedule(delay, name, null); } public void cancelEviction(String name) { queueEvictionScheduler.cancel(name); } @Override public void init(NodeEngine nodeEngine, Properties properties) { } @Override public void reset() { containerMap.clear(); } @Override public void shutdown(boolean terminate) { reset(); } public QueueContainer getOrCreateContainer(final String name, boolean fromBackup) throws Exception { QueueContainer container = containerMap.get(name); if (container == null) { container = new QueueContainer(name, nodeEngine.getConfig().findQueueConfig(name), nodeEngine, this); QueueContainer existing = containerMap.putIfAbsent(name, container); if (existing != null) { container = existing; } else { container.init(fromBackup); } } return container; } public void addContainer(String name, QueueContainer container) { containerMap.put(name, container); } // need for testing.. public boolean containsQueue(String name) { return containerMap.containsKey(name); } @Override public void beforeMigration(PartitionMigrationEvent partitionMigrationEvent) { } @Override public Operation prepareReplicationOperation(PartitionReplicationEvent event) { Map<String, QueueContainer> migrationData = new HashMap<String, QueueContainer>(); InternalPartitionService partitionService = nodeEngine.getPartitionService(); for (Entry<String, QueueContainer> entry : containerMap.entrySet()) { String name = entry.getKey(); int partitionId = partitionService.getPartitionId(StringPartitioningStrategy.getPartitionKey(name)); QueueContainer container = entry.getValue(); if (partitionId == event.getPartitionId() && container.getConfig().getTotalBackupCount() >= event.getReplicaIndex()) { migrationData.put(name, container); } } if (migrationData.isEmpty()) { return null; } else { return new QueueReplicationOperation(migrationData, event.getPartitionId(), event.getReplicaIndex()); } } @Override public void commitMigration(PartitionMigrationEvent event) { if (event.getMigrationEndpoint() == MigrationEndpoint.SOURCE) { clearMigrationData(event.getPartitionId()); } } @Override public void rollbackMigration(PartitionMigrationEvent event) { if (event.getMigrationEndpoint() == MigrationEndpoint.DESTINATION) { clearMigrationData(event.getPartitionId()); } } private void clearMigrationData(int partitionId) { Iterator<Entry<String, QueueContainer>> iterator = containerMap.entrySet().iterator(); InternalPartitionService partitionService = nodeEngine.getPartitionService(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { final Entry<String, QueueContainer> entry = iterator.next(); final String name = entry.getKey(); final QueueContainer container = entry.getValue(); int containerPartitionId = partitionService.getPartitionId(StringPartitioningStrategy.getPartitionKey(name)); if (containerPartitionId == partitionId) { container.destroy(); iterator.remove(); } } } @Override public void clearPartitionReplica(int partitionId) { clearMigrationData(partitionId); } @Override public void dispatchEvent(QueueEvent event, ItemListener listener) { Object item = nodeEngine.toObject(event.data); ItemEvent itemEvent = new ItemEvent(event.name, event.eventType, item, nodeEngine.getClusterService().getMember(event.caller)); if (event.eventType.equals(ItemEventType.ADDED)) { listener.itemAdded(itemEvent); } else { listener.itemRemoved(itemEvent); } getLocalQueueStatsImpl(event.name).incrementReceivedEvents(); } @Override public QueueProxyImpl createDistributedObject(String objectId) { return new QueueProxyImpl(objectId, this, nodeEngine); } @Override public void destroyDistributedObject(String name) { containerMap.remove(name); nodeEngine.getEventService().deregisterAllListeners(SERVICE_NAME, name); } public String addItemListener(String name, ItemListener listener, boolean includeValue) { EventService eventService = nodeEngine.getEventService(); QueueEventFilter filter = new QueueEventFilter(includeValue); EventRegistration registration = eventService.registerListener( QueueService.SERVICE_NAME, name, filter, listener); return registration.getId(); } public boolean removeItemListener(String name, String registrationId) { EventService eventService = nodeEngine.getEventService(); return eventService.deregisterListener(SERVICE_NAME, name, registrationId); } public NodeEngine getNodeEngine() { return nodeEngine; } public LocalQueueStats createLocalQueueStats(String name, int partitionId) { LocalQueueStatsImpl stats = getLocalQueueStatsImpl(name); stats.setOwnedItemCount(0); stats.setBackupItemCount(0); QueueContainer container = containerMap.get(name); if (container == null) { return stats; } Address thisAddress = nodeEngine.getClusterService().getThisAddress(); InternalPartition partition = nodeEngine.getPartitionService().getPartition(partitionId); Address owner = partition.getOwnerOrNull(); if (thisAddress.equals(owner)) { stats.setOwnedItemCount(container.size()); } else if (owner != null) { stats.setBackupItemCount(container.backupSize()); } container.setStats(stats); return stats; } public LocalQueueStatsImpl getLocalQueueStatsImpl(String name) { return ConcurrencyUtil.getOrPutIfAbsent(statsMap, name, localQueueStatsConstructorFunction); } public TransactionalQueueProxy createTransactionalObject(String name, TransactionSupport transaction) { return new TransactionalQueueProxy(nodeEngine, this, name, transaction); } public void rollbackTransaction(String transactionId) { final Set<String> queueNames = containerMap.keySet(); InternalPartitionService partitionService = nodeEngine.getPartitionService(); OperationService operationService = nodeEngine.getOperationService(); for (String name : queueNames) { int partitionId = partitionService.getPartitionId(StringPartitioningStrategy.getPartitionKey(name)); Operation operation = new QueueTransactionRollbackOperation(name, transactionId) .setPartitionId(partitionId) .setService(this) .setNodeEngine(nodeEngine); operationService.executeOperation(operation); } } }
1no label
final class ConnectionFactoryMetaData implements ResourceAdapterMetaData { /** * JCA-Connector specific java packge to be used for all information retrieval */ private static final Package HZ_PACKAGE = ConnectionFactoryImpl.class.getPackage(); /** * @return the implementation title from Hazelast */ public String getAdapterName() { return HZ_PACKAGE.getImplementationTitle(); } /** * @return the specification title from Hazelast */ public String getAdapterShortDescription() { return HZ_PACKAGE.getSpecificationTitle(); } /** * @return Hazelcast's implementation vendor */ public String getAdapterVendorName() { return HZ_PACKAGE.getImplementationVendor(); } /** * @return Hazelcast's implementation version */ public String getAdapterVersion() { return HZ_PACKAGE.getImplementationVersion(); } /** * There is no real specification thus always an empty String array... */ public String[] getInteractionSpecsSupported() { return new String[]{}; } /** * @return Hazelcast's specification version */ public String getSpecVersion() { return HZ_PACKAGE.getSpecificationVersion(); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see javax.resource.cci.ResourceAdapterMetaData#supportsExecuteWithInputAndOutputRecord() */ public boolean supportsExecuteWithInputAndOutputRecord() { return false; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see javax.resource.cci.ResourceAdapterMetaData#supportsExecuteWithInputRecordOnly() */ public boolean supportsExecuteWithInputRecordOnly() { return false; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see javax.resource.cci.ResourceAdapterMetaData#supportsLocalTransactionDemarcation() */ public boolean supportsLocalTransactionDemarcation() { return false; } }
class ApplySettings implements NodeSettingsService.Listener { @Override public void onRefreshSettings(Settings settings) { boolean disableNewAllocation = settings.getAsBoolean(CLUSTER_ROUTING_ALLOCATION_DISABLE_NEW_ALLOCATION, DisableAllocationDecider.this.disableNewAllocation); if (disableNewAllocation != DisableAllocationDecider.this.disableNewAllocation) { logger.info("updating [cluster.routing.allocation.disable_new_allocation] from [{}] to [{}]", DisableAllocationDecider.this.disableNewAllocation, disableNewAllocation); DisableAllocationDecider.this.disableNewAllocation = disableNewAllocation; } boolean disableAllocation = settings.getAsBoolean(CLUSTER_ROUTING_ALLOCATION_DISABLE_ALLOCATION, DisableAllocationDecider.this.disableAllocation); if (disableAllocation != DisableAllocationDecider.this.disableAllocation) { logger.info("updating [cluster.routing.allocation.disable_allocation] from [{}] to [{}]", DisableAllocationDecider.this.disableAllocation, disableAllocation); DisableAllocationDecider.this.disableAllocation = disableAllocation; } boolean disableReplicaAllocation = settings.getAsBoolean(CLUSTER_ROUTING_ALLOCATION_DISABLE_REPLICA_ALLOCATION, DisableAllocationDecider.this.disableReplicaAllocation); if (disableReplicaAllocation != DisableAllocationDecider.this.disableReplicaAllocation) { logger.info("updating [cluster.routing.allocation.disable_replica_allocation] from [{}] to [{}]", DisableAllocationDecider.this.disableReplicaAllocation, disableReplicaAllocation); DisableAllocationDecider.this.disableReplicaAllocation = disableReplicaAllocation; } } }
public abstract class CountedCompleter<T> extends ForkJoinTask<T> { private static final long serialVersionUID = 5232453752276485070L; /** This task's completer, or null if none */ final CountedCompleter<?> completer; /** The number of pending tasks until completion */ volatile int pending; /** * Creates a new CountedCompleter with the given completer * and initial pending count. * * @param completer this task's completer, or {@code null} if none * @param initialPendingCount the initial pending count */ protected CountedCompleter(CountedCompleter<?> completer, int initialPendingCount) { this.completer = completer; this.pending = initialPendingCount; } /** * Creates a new CountedCompleter with the given completer * and an initial pending count of zero. * * @param completer this task's completer, or {@code null} if none */ protected CountedCompleter(CountedCompleter<?> completer) { this.completer = completer; } /** * Creates a new CountedCompleter with no completer * and an initial pending count of zero. */ protected CountedCompleter() { this.completer = null; } /** * The main computation performed by this task. */ public abstract void compute(); /** * Performs an action when method {@link #tryComplete} is invoked * and the pending count is zero, or when the unconditional * method {@link #complete} is invoked. By default, this method * does nothing. You can distinguish cases by checking the * identity of the given caller argument. If not equal to {@code * this}, then it is typically a subtask that may contain results * (and/or links to other results) to combine. * * @param caller the task invoking this method (which may * be this task itself) */ public void onCompletion(CountedCompleter<?> caller) { } /** * Performs an action when method {@link #completeExceptionally} * is invoked or method {@link #compute} throws an exception, and * this task has not otherwise already completed normally. On * entry to this method, this task {@link * ForkJoinTask#isCompletedAbnormally}. The return value of this * method controls further propagation: If {@code true} and this * task has a completer, then this completer is also completed * exceptionally. The default implementation of this method does * nothing except return {@code true}. * * @param ex the exception * @param caller the task invoking this method (which may * be this task itself) * @return true if this exception should be propagated to this * task's completer, if one exists */ public boolean onExceptionalCompletion(Throwable ex, CountedCompleter<?> caller) { return true; } /** * Returns the completer established in this task's constructor, * or {@code null} if none. * * @return the completer */ public final CountedCompleter<?> getCompleter() { return completer; } /** * Returns the current pending count. * * @return the current pending count */ public final int getPendingCount() { return pending; } /** * Sets the pending count to the given value. * * @param count the count */ public final void setPendingCount(int count) { pending = count; } /** * Adds (atomically) the given value to the pending count. * * @param delta the value to add */ public final void addToPendingCount(int delta) { int c; // note: can replace with intrinsic in jdk8 do {} while (!U.compareAndSwapInt(this, PENDING, c = pending, c+delta)); } /** * Sets (atomically) the pending count to the given count only if * it currently holds the given expected value. * * @param expected the expected value * @param count the new value * @return true if successful */ public final boolean compareAndSetPendingCount(int expected, int count) { return U.compareAndSwapInt(this, PENDING, expected, count); } /** * If the pending count is nonzero, (atomically) decrements it. * * @return the initial (undecremented) pending count holding on entry * to this method */ public final int decrementPendingCountUnlessZero() { int c; do {} while ((c = pending) != 0 && !U.compareAndSwapInt(this, PENDING, c, c - 1)); return c; } /** * Returns the root of the current computation; i.e., this * task if it has no completer, else its completer's root. * * @return the root of the current computation */ public final CountedCompleter<?> getRoot() { CountedCompleter<?> a = this, p; while ((p = a.completer) != null) a = p; return a; } /** * If the pending count is nonzero, decrements the count; * otherwise invokes {@link #onCompletion} and then similarly * tries to complete this task's completer, if one exists, * else marks this task as complete. */ public final void tryComplete() { CountedCompleter<?> a = this, s = a; for (int c;;) { if ((c = a.pending) == 0) { a.onCompletion(s); if ((a = (s = a).completer) == null) { s.quietlyComplete(); return; } } else if (U.compareAndSwapInt(a, PENDING, c, c - 1)) return; } } /** * Equivalent to {@link #tryComplete} but does not invoke {@link * #onCompletion} along the completion path: If the pending count * is nonzero, decrements the count; otherwise, similarly tries to * complete this task's completer, if one exists, else marks this * task as complete. This method may be useful in cases where * {@code onCompletion} should not, or need not, be invoked for * each completer in a computation. */ public final void propagateCompletion() { CountedCompleter<?> a = this, s = a; for (int c;;) { if ((c = a.pending) == 0) { if ((a = (s = a).completer) == null) { s.quietlyComplete(); return; } } else if (U.compareAndSwapInt(a, PENDING, c, c - 1)) return; } } /** * Regardless of pending count, invokes {@link #onCompletion}, * marks this task as complete and further triggers {@link * #tryComplete} on this task's completer, if one exists. The * given rawResult is used as an argument to {@link #setRawResult} * before invoking {@link #onCompletion} or marking this task as * complete; its value is meaningful only for classes overriding * {@code setRawResult}. * * <p>This method may be useful when forcing completion as soon as * any one (versus all) of several subtask results are obtained. * However, in the common (and recommended) case in which {@code * setRawResult} is not overridden, this effect can be obtained * more simply using {@code quietlyCompleteRoot();}. * * @param rawResult the raw result */ public void complete(T rawResult) { CountedCompleter<?> p; setRawResult(rawResult); onCompletion(this); quietlyComplete(); if ((p = completer) != null) p.tryComplete(); } /** * If this task's pending count is zero, returns this task; * otherwise decrements its pending count and returns {@code * null}. This method is designed to be used with {@link * #nextComplete} in completion traversal loops. * * @return this task, if pending count was zero, else {@code null} */ public final CountedCompleter<?> firstComplete() { for (int c;;) { if ((c = pending) == 0) return this; else if (U.compareAndSwapInt(this, PENDING, c, c - 1)) return null; } } /** * If this task does not have a completer, invokes {@link * ForkJoinTask#quietlyComplete} and returns {@code null}. Or, if * this task's pending count is non-zero, decrements its pending * count and returns {@code null}. Otherwise, returns the * completer. This method can be used as part of a completion * traversal loop for homogeneous task hierarchies: * * <pre> {@code * for (CountedCompleter<?> c = firstComplete(); * c != null; * c = c.nextComplete()) { * // ... process c ... * }}</pre> * * @return the completer, or {@code null} if none */ public final CountedCompleter<?> nextComplete() { CountedCompleter<?> p; if ((p = completer) != null) return p.firstComplete(); else { quietlyComplete(); return null; } } /** * Equivalent to {@code getRoot().quietlyComplete()}. */ public final void quietlyCompleteRoot() { for (CountedCompleter<?> a = this, p;;) { if ((p = a.completer) == null) { a.quietlyComplete(); return; } a = p; } } /** * Supports ForkJoinTask exception propagation. */ void internalPropagateException(Throwable ex) { CountedCompleter<?> a = this, s = a; while (a.onExceptionalCompletion(ex, s) && (a = (s = a).completer) != null && a.status >= 0) a.recordExceptionalCompletion(ex); } /** * Implements execution conventions for CountedCompleters. */ protected final boolean exec() { compute(); return false; } /** * Returns the result of the computation. By default, * returns {@code null}, which is appropriate for {@code Void} * actions, but in other cases should be overridden, almost * always to return a field or function of a field that * holds the result upon completion. * * @return the result of the computation */ public T getRawResult() { return null; } /** * A method that result-bearing CountedCompleters may optionally * use to help maintain result data. By default, does nothing. * Overrides are not recommended. However, if this method is * overridden to update existing objects or fields, then it must * in general be defined to be thread-safe. */ protected void setRawResult(T t) { } // Unsafe mechanics private static final sun.misc.Unsafe U; private static final long PENDING; static { try { U = getUnsafe(); PENDING = U.objectFieldOffset (CountedCompleter.class.getDeclaredField("pending")); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Error(e); } } /** * Returns a sun.misc.Unsafe. Suitable for use in a 3rd party package. * Replace with a simple call to Unsafe.getUnsafe when integrating * into a jdk. * * @return a sun.misc.Unsafe */ private static sun.misc.Unsafe getUnsafe() { try { return sun.misc.Unsafe.getUnsafe(); } catch (SecurityException tryReflectionInstead) {} try { return java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged (new java.security.PrivilegedExceptionAction<sun.misc.Unsafe>() { public sun.misc.Unsafe run() throws Exception { Class<sun.misc.Unsafe> k = sun.misc.Unsafe.class; for (java.lang.reflect.Field f : k.getDeclaredFields()) { f.setAccessible(true); Object x = f.get(null); if (k.isInstance(x)) return k.cast(x); } throw new NoSuchFieldError("the Unsafe"); }}); } catch (java.security.PrivilegedActionException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not initialize intrinsics", e.getCause()); } } }
public class OLocalHashTable<K, V> extends OSharedResourceAdaptive { private static final double MERGE_THRESHOLD = 0.2; private static final long HASH_CODE_MIN_VALUE = 0; private static final long HASH_CODE_MAX_VALUE = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFL; private long[][] hashTree; private OHashTreeNodeMetadata[] nodesMetadata; private int hashTreeSize; private long size; private int hashTreeTombstone = -1; private long bucketTombstonePointer = -1; private final String metadataConfigurationFileExtension; private final String treeStateFileExtension; private final String bucketFileExtension; public static final int HASH_CODE_SIZE = 64; public static final int MAX_LEVEL_DEPTH = 8; public static final int MAX_LEVEL_SIZE = 1 << MAX_LEVEL_DEPTH; public static final int LEVEL_MASK = Integer.MAX_VALUE >>> (31 - MAX_LEVEL_DEPTH); private OStorageLocalAbstract storage; private String name; private OHashIndexBufferStore metadataStore; private OHashIndexTreeStateStore treeStateStore; private ODiskCache diskCache; private final OHashFunction<K> keyHashFunction; private OBinarySerializer<K> keySerializer; private OBinarySerializer<V> valueSerializer; private OType[] keyTypes; private OHashIndexFileLevelMetadata[] filesMetadata = new OHashIndexFileLevelMetadata[HASH_CODE_SIZE]; private final long[] fileLevelIds = new long[HASH_CODE_SIZE]; private final KeyHashCodeComparator<K> comparator; public OLocalHashTable(String metadataConfigurationFileExtension, String treeStateFileExtension, String bucketFileExtension, OHashFunction<K> keyHashFunction) { super(OGlobalConfiguration.ENVIRONMENT_CONCURRENT.getValueAsBoolean()); this.metadataConfigurationFileExtension = metadataConfigurationFileExtension; this.treeStateFileExtension = treeStateFileExtension; this.bucketFileExtension = bucketFileExtension; this.keyHashFunction = keyHashFunction; this.comparator = new KeyHashCodeComparator<K>(this.keyHashFunction); } private void initStores(String metadataConfigurationFileExtension, String treeStateFileExtension) throws IOException { final OStorageFileConfiguration metadataConfiguration = new OStorageFileConfiguration(null, OStorageVariableParser.DB_PATH_VARIABLE + '/' + name + metadataConfigurationFileExtension, OFileFactory.CLASSIC, "0", "50%"); final OStorageFileConfiguration treeStateConfiguration = new OStorageFileConfiguration(null, OStorageVariableParser.DB_PATH_VARIABLE + '/' + name + treeStateFileExtension, OFileFactory.CLASSIC, "0", "50%"); metadataStore = new OHashIndexBufferStore(storage, metadataConfiguration); treeStateStore = new OHashIndexTreeStateStore(storage, treeStateConfiguration); } public void create(String name, OBinarySerializer<K> keySerializer, OBinarySerializer<V> valueSerializer, OType[] keyTypes, OStorageLocalAbstract storageLocal) { acquireExclusiveLock(); try { this.storage = storageLocal; this.keyTypes = keyTypes; this.diskCache = storage.getDiskCache(); if (this.diskCache == null) throw new IllegalStateException("Disk cache was not initialized on storage level"); this.name = name; this.keySerializer = keySerializer; this.valueSerializer = valueSerializer; initStores(metadataConfigurationFileExtension, treeStateFileExtension); metadataStore.create(-1); treeStateStore.create(-1); metadataStore.setRecordsCount(size); treeStateStore.setHashTreeSize(hashTreeSize); treeStateStore.setHashTreeTombstone(hashTreeTombstone); treeStateStore.setBucketTombstonePointer(bucketTombstonePointer); filesMetadata[0] = createFileMetadata(0); initHashTreeState(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new OIndexException("Error during local hash table creation.", e); } finally { releaseExclusiveLock(); } } public OBinarySerializer<K> getKeySerializer() { return keySerializer; } public void setKeySerializer(OBinarySerializer<K> keySerializer) { this.keySerializer = keySerializer; } public OBinarySerializer<V> getValueSerializer() { return valueSerializer; } public void setValueSerializer(OBinarySerializer<V> valueSerializer) { this.valueSerializer = valueSerializer; } private OHashIndexFileLevelMetadata createFileMetadata(int i) throws IOException { String fileName = name + i + bucketFileExtension; fileLevelIds[i] = diskCache.openFile(fileName); return new OHashIndexFileLevelMetadata(fileName, 0, -1); } public V get(K key) { if (key == null) return null; acquireSharedLock(); try { key = keySerializer.preprocess(key, (Object[]) keyTypes); final long hashCode = keyHashFunction.hashCode(key); BucketPath bucketPath = getBucket(hashCode); final long bucketPointer = hashTree[bucketPath.nodeIndex][bucketPath.itemIndex + bucketPath.hashMapOffset]; if (bucketPointer == 0) return null; long pageIndex = getPageIndex(bucketPointer); int fileLevel = getFileLevel(bucketPointer); OCacheEntry cacheEntry = loadPageEntry(pageIndex, fileLevel); OCachePointer dataPointer = cacheEntry.getCachePointer(); try { final OHashIndexBucket<K, V> bucket = new OHashIndexBucket<K, V>(dataPointer.getDataPointer(), keySerializer, valueSerializer, keyTypes); OHashIndexBucket.Entry<K, V> entry = bucket.find(key, hashCode); if (entry == null) return null; return entry.value; } finally { diskCache.release(cacheEntry); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new OIndexException("Exception during index value retrieval", e); } finally { releaseSharedLock(); } } public void put(K key, V value) { acquireExclusiveLock(); try { key = keySerializer.preprocess(key, (Object[]) keyTypes); doPut(key, value); } catch (OIndexMaximumLimitReachedException e) { OLogManager.instance().warn(this, "Key " + key + " is too large to fit in index and will be skipped", e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new OIndexException("Error during index update", e); } finally { releaseExclusiveLock(); } } public V remove(K key) { acquireExclusiveLock(); try { key = keySerializer.preprocess(key, (Object[]) keyTypes); final long hashCode = keyHashFunction.hashCode(key); final BucketPath nodePath = getBucket(hashCode); final long bucketPointer = hashTree[nodePath.nodeIndex][nodePath.itemIndex + nodePath.hashMapOffset]; final long pageIndex = getPageIndex(bucketPointer); final int fileLevel = getFileLevel(bucketPointer); final V removed; final OCacheEntry cacheEntry = loadPageEntry(pageIndex, fileLevel); final OCachePointer dataPointer = cacheEntry.getCachePointer(); dataPointer.acquireExclusiveLock(); try { final OHashIndexBucket<K, V> bucket = new OHashIndexBucket<K, V>(dataPointer.getDataPointer(), keySerializer, valueSerializer, keyTypes); final int positionIndex = bucket.getIndex(hashCode, key); if (positionIndex < 0) return null; removed = bucket.deleteEntry(positionIndex).value; size--; mergeBucketsAfterDeletion(nodePath, bucket); cacheEntry.markDirty(); } finally { dataPointer.releaseExclusiveLock(); diskCache.release(cacheEntry); } if (nodePath.parent != null) { final int hashMapSize = 1 << nodePath.nodeLocalDepth; final long[] node = hashTree[nodePath.nodeIndex]; final boolean allMapsContainSameBucket = checkAllMapsContainSameBucket(node, hashMapSize); if (allMapsContainSameBucket) mergeNodeToParent(node, nodePath); } return removed; } catch (IOException e) { throw new OIndexException("Error during index removal", e); } finally { releaseExclusiveLock(); } } public void clear() { acquireExclusiveLock(); try { for (int i = 0; i < filesMetadata.length; i++) { if (filesMetadata[i] != null) diskCache.truncateFile(fileLevelIds[i]); } bucketTombstonePointer = -1; metadataStore.truncate(); treeStateStore.truncate(); initHashTreeState(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new OIndexException("Error during hash table clear", e); } finally { releaseExclusiveLock(); } } public OHashIndexBucket.Entry<K, V>[] higherEntries(K key) { return higherEntries(key, -1); } public OHashIndexBucket.Entry<K, V>[] higherEntries(K key, int limit) { acquireSharedLock(); try { key = keySerializer.preprocess(key, (Object[]) keyTypes); final long hashCode = keyHashFunction.hashCode(key); BucketPath bucketPath = getBucket(hashCode); long bucketPointer = hashTree[bucketPath.nodeIndex][bucketPath.itemIndex + bucketPath.hashMapOffset]; int fileLevel = getFileLevel(bucketPointer); long pageIndex = getPageIndex(bucketPointer); OCacheEntry cacheEntry = loadPageEntry(pageIndex, fileLevel); OCachePointer pagePointer = cacheEntry.getCachePointer(); try { OHashIndexBucket<K, V> bucket = new OHashIndexBucket<K, V>(pagePointer.getDataPointer(), keySerializer, valueSerializer, keyTypes); while (bucket.size() == 0 || comparator.compare(bucket.getKey(bucket.size() - 1), key) <= 0) { bucketPath = nextBucketToFind(bucketPath, bucket.getDepth()); if (bucketPath == null) return new OHashIndexBucket.Entry[0]; diskCache.release(cacheEntry); final long nextPointer = hashTree[bucketPath.nodeIndex][bucketPath.itemIndex + bucketPath.hashMapOffset]; fileLevel = getFileLevel(nextPointer); pageIndex = getPageIndex(nextPointer); cacheEntry = loadPageEntry(pageIndex, fileLevel); pagePointer = cacheEntry.getCachePointer(); bucket = new OHashIndexBucket<K, V>(pagePointer.getDataPointer(), keySerializer, valueSerializer, keyTypes); } final int index = bucket.getIndex(hashCode, key); final int startIndex; if (index >= 0) startIndex = index + 1; else startIndex = -index - 1; final int endIndex; if (limit <= 0) endIndex = bucket.size(); else endIndex = Math.min(bucket.size(), startIndex + limit); return convertBucketToEntries(bucket, startIndex, endIndex); } finally { diskCache.release(cacheEntry); } } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new OIndexException("Exception during data retrieval", ioe); } finally { releaseSharedLock(); } } private void saveState() throws IOException { treeStateStore.setHashTreeSize(hashTreeSize); treeStateStore.setBucketTombstonePointer(bucketTombstonePointer); treeStateStore.setHashTreeTombstone(hashTreeTombstone); treeStateStore.storeTreeState(hashTree, nodesMetadata); metadataStore.setRecordsCount(size); metadataStore.setKeySerializerId(keySerializer.getId()); metadataStore.setValueSerializerId(valueSerializer.getId()); metadataStore.storeMetadata(filesMetadata); } public void load(String name, OType[] keyTypes, OStorageLocalAbstract storageLocal) { acquireExclusiveLock(); try { this.storage = storageLocal; this.keyTypes = keyTypes; diskCache = storage.getDiskCache(); this.name = name; initStores(metadataConfigurationFileExtension, treeStateFileExtension); metadataStore.open(); treeStateStore.open(); size = metadataStore.getRecordsCount(); hashTreeSize = (int) treeStateStore.getHashTreeSize(); hashTreeTombstone = (int) treeStateStore.getHashTreeTombstone(); bucketTombstonePointer = treeStateStore.getBucketTombstonePointer(); final int arraySize; int bitsCount = Integer.bitCount(hashTreeSize); if (bitsCount == 1) arraySize = hashTreeSize; else arraySize = Integer.highestOneBit(hashTreeSize) << 1; OHashIndexTreeStateStore.TreeState treeState = treeStateStore.loadTreeState(arraySize); hashTree = treeState.getHashTree(); nodesMetadata = treeState.getHashTreeNodeMetadata(); size = metadataStore.getRecordsCount(); keySerializer = (OBinarySerializer<K>) OBinarySerializerFactory.INSTANCE.getObjectSerializer(metadataStore .getKeySerializerId()); valueSerializer = (OBinarySerializer<V>) OBinarySerializerFactory.INSTANCE.getObjectSerializer(metadataStore .getValuerSerializerId()); filesMetadata = metadataStore.loadMetadata(); for (int i = 0; i < filesMetadata.length; i++) { OHashIndexFileLevelMetadata fileLevelMetadata = filesMetadata[i]; if (fileLevelMetadata != null) fileLevelIds[i] = diskCache.openFile(fileLevelMetadata.getFileName()); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new OIndexException("Exception during hash table loading", e); } finally { releaseExclusiveLock(); } } public void deleteWithoutLoad(String name, OStorageLocalAbstract storageLocal) { acquireExclusiveLock(); try { final ODiskCache diskCache = storageLocal.getDiskCache(); initStores(metadataConfigurationFileExtension, treeStateFileExtension); metadataStore.open(); treeStateStore.open(); filesMetadata = metadataStore.loadMetadata(); for (int i = 0; i < filesMetadata.length; i++) { OHashIndexFileLevelMetadata fileLevelMetadata = filesMetadata[i]; if (fileLevelMetadata != null) { fileLevelIds[i] = diskCache.openFile(fileLevelMetadata.getFileName()); diskCache.deleteFile(fileLevelIds[i]); } } metadataStore.delete(); treeStateStore.delete(); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new OIndexException("Can not delete hash table with name " + name, ioe); } finally { releaseExclusiveLock(); } } private OHashIndexBucket.Entry<K, V>[] convertBucketToEntries(final OHashIndexBucket<K, V> bucket, int startIndex, int endIndex) { final OHashIndexBucket.Entry<K, V>[] entries = new OHashIndexBucket.Entry[endIndex - startIndex]; final Iterator<OHashIndexBucket.Entry<K, V>> iterator = bucket.iterator(startIndex); for (int i = 0, k = startIndex; k < endIndex; i++, k++) entries[i] = iterator.next(); return entries; } private BucketPath nextBucketToFind(final BucketPath bucketPath, int bucketDepth) { int offset = bucketPath.nodeGlobalDepth - bucketDepth; BucketPath currentNode = bucketPath; int nodeLocalDepth = nodesMetadata[bucketPath.nodeIndex].getNodeLocalDepth(); assert nodesMetadata[bucketPath.nodeIndex].getNodeLocalDepth() == bucketPath.nodeLocalDepth; while (offset > 0) { offset -= nodeLocalDepth; if (offset > 0) { currentNode = bucketPath.parent; nodeLocalDepth = currentNode.nodeLocalDepth; assert nodesMetadata[currentNode.nodeIndex].getNodeLocalDepth() == currentNode.nodeLocalDepth; } } final int diff = bucketDepth - (currentNode.nodeGlobalDepth - nodeLocalDepth); final int interval = (1 << (nodeLocalDepth - diff)); final int firstStartIndex = currentNode.itemIndex & ((LEVEL_MASK << (nodeLocalDepth - diff)) & LEVEL_MASK); final BucketPath bucketPathToFind; final int globalIndex = firstStartIndex + interval + currentNode.hashMapOffset; if (globalIndex >= MAX_LEVEL_SIZE) bucketPathToFind = nextLevelUp(currentNode); else { final int hashMapSize = 1 << currentNode.nodeLocalDepth; final int hashMapOffset = globalIndex / hashMapSize * hashMapSize; final int startIndex = globalIndex - hashMapOffset; bucketPathToFind = new BucketPath(currentNode.parent, hashMapOffset, startIndex, currentNode.nodeIndex, currentNode.nodeLocalDepth, currentNode.nodeGlobalDepth); } return nextNonEmptyNode(bucketPathToFind); } private BucketPath nextNonEmptyNode(BucketPath bucketPath) { nextBucketLoop: while (bucketPath != null) { final long[] node = hashTree[bucketPath.nodeIndex]; final int startIndex = bucketPath.itemIndex + bucketPath.hashMapOffset; final int endIndex = MAX_LEVEL_SIZE; for (int i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++) { final long position = node[i]; if (position > 0) { final int hashMapSize = 1 << bucketPath.nodeLocalDepth; final int hashMapOffset = (i / hashMapSize) * hashMapSize; final int itemIndex = i - hashMapOffset; return new BucketPath(bucketPath.parent, hashMapOffset, itemIndex, bucketPath.nodeIndex, bucketPath.nodeLocalDepth, bucketPath.nodeGlobalDepth); } if (position < 0) { final int childNodeIndex = (int) ((position & Long.MAX_VALUE) >> 8); final int childItemOffset = (int) position & 0xFF; final BucketPath parent = new BucketPath(bucketPath.parent, 0, i, bucketPath.nodeIndex, bucketPath.nodeLocalDepth, bucketPath.nodeGlobalDepth); final int childLocalDepth = nodesMetadata[childNodeIndex].getNodeLocalDepth(); bucketPath = new BucketPath(parent, childItemOffset, 0, childNodeIndex, childLocalDepth, bucketPath.nodeGlobalDepth + childLocalDepth); continue nextBucketLoop; } } bucketPath = nextLevelUp(bucketPath); } return null; } private BucketPath nextLevelUp(BucketPath bucketPath) { if (bucketPath.parent == null) return null; final int nodeLocalDepth = bucketPath.nodeLocalDepth; assert nodesMetadata[bucketPath.nodeIndex].getNodeLocalDepth() == bucketPath.nodeLocalDepth; final int pointersSize = 1 << (MAX_LEVEL_DEPTH - nodeLocalDepth); final BucketPath parent = bucketPath.parent; if (parent.itemIndex < MAX_LEVEL_SIZE / 2) { final int nextParentIndex = (parent.itemIndex / pointersSize + 1) * pointersSize; return new BucketPath(parent.parent, 0, nextParentIndex, parent.nodeIndex, parent.nodeLocalDepth, parent.nodeGlobalDepth); } final int nextParentIndex = ((parent.itemIndex - MAX_LEVEL_SIZE / 2) / pointersSize + 1) * pointersSize + MAX_LEVEL_SIZE / 2; if (nextParentIndex < MAX_LEVEL_SIZE) return new BucketPath(parent.parent, 0, nextParentIndex, parent.nodeIndex, parent.nodeLocalDepth, parent.nodeGlobalDepth); return nextLevelUp(new BucketPath(parent.parent, 0, MAX_LEVEL_SIZE - 1, parent.nodeIndex, parent.nodeLocalDepth, parent.nodeGlobalDepth)); } public OHashIndexBucket.Entry<K, V>[] ceilingEntries(K key) { acquireSharedLock(); try { key = keySerializer.preprocess(key, (Object[]) keyTypes); final long hashCode = keyHashFunction.hashCode(key); BucketPath bucketPath = getBucket(hashCode); long bucketPointer = hashTree[bucketPath.nodeIndex][bucketPath.itemIndex + bucketPath.hashMapOffset]; int fileLevel = getFileLevel(bucketPointer); long pageIndex = getPageIndex(bucketPointer); OCacheEntry cacheEntry = loadPageEntry(pageIndex, fileLevel); OCachePointer pagePointer = cacheEntry.getCachePointer(); try { OHashIndexBucket<K, V> bucket = new OHashIndexBucket<K, V>(pagePointer.getDataPointer(), keySerializer, valueSerializer, keyTypes); while (bucket.size() == 0) { bucketPath = nextBucketToFind(bucketPath, bucket.getDepth()); if (bucketPath == null) return new OHashIndexBucket.Entry[0]; diskCache.release(cacheEntry); final long nextPointer = hashTree[bucketPath.nodeIndex][bucketPath.itemIndex + bucketPath.hashMapOffset]; fileLevel = getFileLevel(nextPointer); pageIndex = getPageIndex(nextPointer); cacheEntry = loadPageEntry(pageIndex, fileLevel); pagePointer = cacheEntry.getCachePointer(); bucket = new OHashIndexBucket<K, V>(pagePointer.getDataPointer(), keySerializer, valueSerializer, keyTypes); } final int index = bucket.getIndex(hashCode, key); final int startIndex; if (index >= 0) startIndex = index; else startIndex = -index - 1; final int endIndex = bucket.size(); return convertBucketToEntries(bucket, startIndex, endIndex); } finally { diskCache.release(cacheEntry); } } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new OIndexException("Error during data retrieval", ioe); } finally { releaseSharedLock(); } } public OHashIndexBucket.Entry<K, V> firstEntry() { acquireSharedLock(); try { BucketPath bucketPath = getBucket(HASH_CODE_MIN_VALUE); long bucketPointer = hashTree[bucketPath.nodeIndex][bucketPath.itemIndex]; int fileLevel = getFileLevel(bucketPointer); long pageIndex = getPageIndex(bucketPointer); OCacheEntry cacheEntry = loadPageEntry(pageIndex, fileLevel); OCachePointer pagePointer = cacheEntry.getCachePointer(); try { OHashIndexBucket<K, V> bucket = new OHashIndexBucket<K, V>(pagePointer.getDataPointer(), keySerializer, valueSerializer, keyTypes); while (bucket.size() == 0) { bucketPath = nextBucketToFind(bucketPath, bucket.getDepth()); if (bucketPath == null) return null; diskCache.release(cacheEntry); final long nextPointer = hashTree[bucketPath.nodeIndex][bucketPath.itemIndex + bucketPath.hashMapOffset]; fileLevel = getFileLevel(nextPointer); pageIndex = getPageIndex(nextPointer); cacheEntry = loadPageEntry(pageIndex, fileLevel); pagePointer = cacheEntry.getCachePointer(); bucket = new OHashIndexBucket<K, V>(pagePointer.getDataPointer(), keySerializer, valueSerializer, keyTypes); } return bucket.getEntry(0); } finally { diskCache.release(cacheEntry); } } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new OIndexException("Exception during data read", ioe); } finally { releaseSharedLock(); } } public OHashIndexBucket.Entry<K, V> lastEntry() { acquireSharedLock(); try { BucketPath bucketPath = getBucket(HASH_CODE_MAX_VALUE); long bucketPointer = hashTree[bucketPath.nodeIndex][bucketPath.itemIndex + bucketPath.hashMapOffset]; int fileLevel = getFileLevel(bucketPointer); long pageIndex = getPageIndex(bucketPointer); OCacheEntry cacheEntry = loadPageEntry(pageIndex, fileLevel); OCachePointer pagePointer = cacheEntry.getCachePointer(); try { OHashIndexBucket<K, V> bucket = new OHashIndexBucket<K, V>(pagePointer.getDataPointer(), keySerializer, valueSerializer, keyTypes); while (bucket.size() == 0) { final BucketPath prevBucketPath = prevBucketToFind(bucketPath, bucket.getDepth()); if (prevBucketPath == null) return null; diskCache.release(cacheEntry); final long prevPointer = hashTree[prevBucketPath.nodeIndex][prevBucketPath.itemIndex + prevBucketPath.hashMapOffset]; fileLevel = getFileLevel(prevPointer); pageIndex = getPageIndex(prevPointer); cacheEntry = loadPageEntry(pageIndex, fileLevel); pagePointer = cacheEntry.getCachePointer(); bucket = new OHashIndexBucket<K, V>(pagePointer.getDataPointer(), keySerializer, valueSerializer, keyTypes); bucketPath = prevBucketPath; } return bucket.getEntry(bucket.size() - 1); } finally { diskCache.release(cacheEntry); } } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new OIndexException("Exception during data read", ioe); } finally { releaseSharedLock(); } } public OHashIndexBucket.Entry<K, V>[] lowerEntries(K key) throws IOException { acquireSharedLock(); try { key = keySerializer.preprocess(key, (Object[]) keyTypes); final long hashCode = keyHashFunction.hashCode(key); BucketPath bucketPath = getBucket(hashCode); long bucketPointer = hashTree[bucketPath.nodeIndex][bucketPath.itemIndex + bucketPath.hashMapOffset]; int fileLevel = getFileLevel(bucketPointer); long pageIndex = getPageIndex(bucketPointer); OCacheEntry cacheEntry = loadPageEntry(pageIndex, fileLevel); OCachePointer pagePointer = cacheEntry.getCachePointer(); try { OHashIndexBucket<K, V> bucket = new OHashIndexBucket<K, V>(pagePointer.getDataPointer(), keySerializer, valueSerializer, keyTypes); while (bucket.size() == 0 || comparator.compare(bucket.getKey(0), key) >= 0) { final BucketPath prevBucketPath = prevBucketToFind(bucketPath, bucket.getDepth()); if (prevBucketPath == null) return new OHashIndexBucket.Entry[0]; diskCache.release(cacheEntry); final long prevPointer = hashTree[prevBucketPath.nodeIndex][prevBucketPath.itemIndex + prevBucketPath.hashMapOffset]; fileLevel = getFileLevel(prevPointer); pageIndex = getPageIndex(prevPointer); cacheEntry = loadPageEntry(pageIndex, fileLevel); pagePointer = cacheEntry.getCachePointer(); bucket = new OHashIndexBucket<K, V>(pagePointer.getDataPointer(), keySerializer, valueSerializer, keyTypes); bucketPath = prevBucketPath; } final int startIndex = 0; final int index = bucket.getIndex(hashCode, key); final int endIndex; if (index >= 0) endIndex = index; else endIndex = -index - 1; return convertBucketToEntries(bucket, startIndex, endIndex); } finally { diskCache.release(cacheEntry); } } finally { releaseSharedLock(); } } public OHashIndexBucket.Entry<K, V>[] floorEntries(K key) throws IOException { acquireSharedLock(); try { key = keySerializer.preprocess(key, (Object[]) keyTypes); final long hashCode = keyHashFunction.hashCode(key); BucketPath bucketPath = getBucket(hashCode); long bucketPointer = hashTree[bucketPath.nodeIndex][bucketPath.itemIndex + bucketPath.hashMapOffset]; int fileLevel = getFileLevel(bucketPointer); long pageIndex = getPageIndex(bucketPointer); OCacheEntry cacheEntry = loadPageEntry(pageIndex, fileLevel); OCachePointer pagePointer = cacheEntry.getCachePointer(); try { OHashIndexBucket<K, V> bucket = new OHashIndexBucket<K, V>(pagePointer.getDataPointer(), keySerializer, valueSerializer, keyTypes); while (bucket.size() == 0) { final BucketPath prevBucketPath = prevBucketToFind(bucketPath, bucket.getDepth()); if (prevBucketPath == null) return new OHashIndexBucket.Entry[0]; diskCache.release(cacheEntry); final long prevPointer = hashTree[prevBucketPath.nodeIndex][prevBucketPath.itemIndex + prevBucketPath.hashMapOffset]; fileLevel = getFileLevel(prevPointer); pageIndex = getPageIndex(prevPointer); cacheEntry = loadPageEntry(pageIndex, fileLevel); pagePointer = cacheEntry.getCachePointer(); bucket = new OHashIndexBucket<K, V>(pagePointer.getDataPointer(), keySerializer, valueSerializer, keyTypes); bucketPath = prevBucketPath; } final int startIndex = 0; final int index = bucket.getIndex(hashCode, key); final int endIndex; if (index >= 0) endIndex = index + 1; else endIndex = -index - 1; return convertBucketToEntries(bucket, startIndex, endIndex); } finally { diskCache.release(cacheEntry); } } finally { releaseSharedLock(); } } private BucketPath prevBucketToFind(final BucketPath bucketPath, int bucketDepth) { int offset = bucketPath.nodeGlobalDepth - bucketDepth; BucketPath currentBucket = bucketPath; int nodeLocalDepth = bucketPath.nodeLocalDepth; while (offset > 0) { offset -= nodeLocalDepth; if (offset > 0) { currentBucket = bucketPath.parent; nodeLocalDepth = currentBucket.nodeLocalDepth; } } final int diff = bucketDepth - (currentBucket.nodeGlobalDepth - nodeLocalDepth); final int firstStartIndex = currentBucket.itemIndex & ((LEVEL_MASK << (nodeLocalDepth - diff)) & LEVEL_MASK); final int globalIndex = firstStartIndex + currentBucket.hashMapOffset - 1; final BucketPath bucketPathToFind; if (globalIndex < 0) bucketPathToFind = prevLevelUp(bucketPath); else { final int hashMapSize = 1 << currentBucket.nodeLocalDepth; final int hashMapOffset = globalIndex / hashMapSize * hashMapSize; final int startIndex = globalIndex - hashMapOffset; bucketPathToFind = new BucketPath(currentBucket.parent, hashMapOffset, startIndex, currentBucket.nodeIndex, currentBucket.nodeLocalDepth, currentBucket.nodeGlobalDepth); } return prevNonEmptyNode(bucketPathToFind); } private BucketPath prevNonEmptyNode(BucketPath nodePath) { prevBucketLoop: while (nodePath != null) { final long[] node = hashTree[nodePath.nodeIndex]; final int startIndex = 0; final int endIndex = nodePath.itemIndex + nodePath.hashMapOffset; for (int i = endIndex; i >= startIndex; i--) { final long position = node[i]; if (position > 0) { final int hashMapSize = 1 << nodePath.nodeLocalDepth; final int hashMapOffset = (i / hashMapSize) * hashMapSize; final int itemIndex = i - hashMapOffset; return new BucketPath(nodePath.parent, hashMapOffset, itemIndex, nodePath.nodeIndex, nodePath.nodeLocalDepth, nodePath.nodeGlobalDepth); } if (position < 0) { final int childNodeIndex = (int) ((position & Long.MAX_VALUE) >> 8); final int childItemOffset = (int) position & 0xFF; final int nodeLocalDepth = nodesMetadata[childNodeIndex].getNodeLocalDepth(); final int endChildIndex = (1 << nodeLocalDepth) - 1; final BucketPath parent = new BucketPath(nodePath.parent, 0, i, nodePath.nodeIndex, nodePath.nodeLocalDepth, nodePath.nodeGlobalDepth); nodePath = new BucketPath(parent, childItemOffset, endChildIndex, childNodeIndex, nodeLocalDepth, parent.nodeGlobalDepth + nodeLocalDepth); continue prevBucketLoop; } } nodePath = prevLevelUp(nodePath); } return null; } private BucketPath prevLevelUp(BucketPath bucketPath) { if (bucketPath.parent == null) return null; final int nodeLocalDepth = bucketPath.nodeLocalDepth; final int pointersSize = 1 << (MAX_LEVEL_DEPTH - nodeLocalDepth); final BucketPath parent = bucketPath.parent; if (parent.itemIndex > MAX_LEVEL_SIZE / 2) { final int prevParentIndex = ((parent.itemIndex - MAX_LEVEL_SIZE / 2) / pointersSize) * pointersSize + MAX_LEVEL_SIZE / 2 - 1; return new BucketPath(parent.parent, 0, prevParentIndex, parent.nodeIndex, parent.nodeLocalDepth, parent.nodeGlobalDepth); } final int prevParentIndex = (parent.itemIndex / pointersSize) * pointersSize - 1; if (prevParentIndex >= 0) return new BucketPath(parent.parent, 0, prevParentIndex, parent.nodeIndex, parent.nodeLocalDepth, parent.nodeGlobalDepth); return prevLevelUp(new BucketPath(parent.parent, 0, 0, parent.nodeIndex, parent.nodeLocalDepth, -1)); } public long size() { acquireSharedLock(); try { return size; } finally { releaseSharedLock(); } } public void rename(String newName) { acquireExclusiveLock(); try { metadataStore.rename(name, newName); treeStateStore.rename(name, newName); for (long fileId : fileLevelIds) if (fileId > 0) diskCache.renameFile(fileId, newName, name); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new OIndexException("Attempt of rename of hash table was failed", ioe); } finally { releaseExclusiveLock(); } } public void close() { acquireExclusiveLock(); try { flush(); metadataStore.close(); treeStateStore.close(); for (int i = 0; i < filesMetadata.length; i++) if (filesMetadata[i] != null) diskCache.closeFile(fileLevelIds[i]); } catch (IOException e) { throw new OIndexException("Error during hash table close", e); } finally { releaseExclusiveLock(); } } public void delete() { acquireExclusiveLock(); try { for (int i = 0; i < filesMetadata.length; i++) { if (filesMetadata[i] != null) diskCache.deleteFile(fileLevelIds[i]); } metadataStore.delete(); treeStateStore.delete(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new OIndexException("Exception during index deletion", e); } finally { releaseExclusiveLock(); } } private void mergeNodeToParent(long[] node, BucketPath nodePath) { final int startIndex = findParentNodeStartIndex(nodePath); final int localNodeDepth = nodePath.nodeLocalDepth; final int hashMapSize = 1 << localNodeDepth; final long[] parentNode = hashTree[nodePath.parent.nodeIndex]; for (int i = 0, k = startIndex; i < node.length; i += hashMapSize, k++) { parentNode[k] = node[i]; } deleteNode(nodePath.nodeIndex); final OHashTreeNodeMetadata metadata = nodesMetadata[nodePath.parent.nodeIndex]; if (nodePath.parent.itemIndex < MAX_LEVEL_SIZE / 2) { final int maxChildDepth = metadata.getMaxLeftChildDepth(); if (maxChildDepth == localNodeDepth) metadata.setMaxLeftChildDepth(getMaxLevelDepth(parentNode, 0, parentNode.length / 2)); } else { final int maxChildDepth = metadata.getMaxRightChildDepth(); if (maxChildDepth == localNodeDepth) metadata.setMaxRightChildDepth(getMaxLevelDepth(parentNode, parentNode.length / 2, parentNode.length)); } } private void mergeBucketsAfterDeletion(BucketPath nodePath, OHashIndexBucket<K, V> bucket) throws IOException { final int bucketDepth = bucket.getDepth(); if (bucket.getContentSize() > OHashIndexBucket.MAX_BUCKET_SIZE_BYTES * MERGE_THRESHOLD) return; if (bucketDepth - MAX_LEVEL_DEPTH < 1) return; int offset = nodePath.nodeGlobalDepth - (bucketDepth - 1); BucketPath currentNode = nodePath; int nodeLocalDepth = nodePath.nodeLocalDepth; while (offset > 0) { offset -= nodeLocalDepth; if (offset > 0) { currentNode = nodePath.parent; nodeLocalDepth = currentNode.nodeLocalDepth; } } final int diff = bucketDepth - 1 - (currentNode.nodeGlobalDepth - nodeLocalDepth); final int interval = (1 << (nodeLocalDepth - diff - 1)); int firstStartIndex = currentNode.itemIndex & ((LEVEL_MASK << (nodeLocalDepth - diff)) & LEVEL_MASK); int firstEndIndex = firstStartIndex + interval; final int secondStartIndex = firstEndIndex; final int secondEndIndex = secondStartIndex + interval; final OHashIndexBucket<K, V> buddyBucket; int buddyLevel; long buddyIndex; long buddyPointer; final long[] node = hashTree[currentNode.nodeIndex]; if ((currentNode.itemIndex >>> (nodeLocalDepth - diff - 1) & 1) == 1) { buddyPointer = node[firstStartIndex + currentNode.hashMapOffset]; while (buddyPointer < 0) { final int nodeIndex = (int) ((buddyPointer & Long.MAX_VALUE) >> 8); final int itemOffset = (int) buddyPointer & 0xFF; buddyPointer = hashTree[nodeIndex][itemOffset]; } assert buddyPointer > 0; buddyLevel = getFileLevel(buddyPointer); buddyIndex = getPageIndex(buddyPointer); } else { buddyPointer = node[secondStartIndex + currentNode.hashMapOffset]; while (buddyPointer < 0) { final int nodeIndex = (int) ((buddyPointer & Long.MAX_VALUE) >> 8); final int itemOffset = (int) buddyPointer & 0xFF; buddyPointer = hashTree[nodeIndex][itemOffset]; } assert buddyPointer > 0; buddyLevel = getFileLevel(buddyPointer); buddyIndex = getPageIndex(buddyPointer); } OCacheEntry buddyCacheEntry = loadPageEntry(buddyIndex, buddyLevel); OCachePointer buddyPagePointer = buddyCacheEntry.getCachePointer(); buddyPagePointer.acquireExclusiveLock(); try { buddyBucket = new OHashIndexBucket<K, V>(buddyPagePointer.getDataPointer(), keySerializer, valueSerializer, keyTypes); if (buddyBucket.getDepth() != bucketDepth) return; if (bucket.mergedSize(buddyBucket) >= OHashIndexBucket.MAX_BUCKET_SIZE_BYTES) return; filesMetadata[buddyLevel].setBucketsCount(filesMetadata[buddyLevel].getBucketsCount() - 2); int newBuddyLevel = buddyLevel - 1; long newBuddyIndex = buddyBucket.getSplitHistory(newBuddyLevel); filesMetadata[buddyLevel].setBucketsCount(filesMetadata[buddyLevel].getBucketsCount() + 1); final OCacheEntry newBuddyCacheEntry = loadPageEntry(newBuddyIndex, newBuddyLevel); final OCachePointer newBuddyPagePointer = newBuddyCacheEntry.getCachePointer(); newBuddyPagePointer.acquireExclusiveLock(); try { final OHashIndexBucket<K, V> newBuddyBucket = new OHashIndexBucket<K, V>(bucketDepth - 1, newBuddyPagePointer.getDataPointer(), keySerializer, valueSerializer, keyTypes); for (OHashIndexBucket.Entry<K, V> entry : buddyBucket) newBuddyBucket.appendEntry(entry.hashCode, entry.key, entry.value); for (OHashIndexBucket.Entry<K, V> entry : bucket) newBuddyBucket.addEntry(entry.hashCode, entry.key, entry.value); } finally { newBuddyCacheEntry.markDirty(); newBuddyPagePointer.releaseExclusiveLock(); diskCache.release(newBuddyCacheEntry); } final long bucketPointer = hashTree[nodePath.nodeIndex][nodePath.itemIndex + nodePath.hashMapOffset]; final long bucketIndex = getPageIndex(bucketPointer); final long newBuddyPointer = createBucketPointer(buddyIndex, buddyLevel); for (int i = firstStartIndex; i < secondEndIndex; i++) updateBucket(currentNode.nodeIndex, i, currentNode.hashMapOffset, newBuddyPointer); final OHashIndexFileLevelMetadata oldBuddyFileMetadata = filesMetadata[buddyLevel]; if (oldBuddyFileMetadata.getBucketsCount() > 0) { final long newTombstoneIndex; if (bucketIndex < buddyIndex) { bucket.setNextRemovedBucketPair(oldBuddyFileMetadata.getTombstoneIndex()); newTombstoneIndex = bucketIndex; } else { buddyBucket.setNextRemovedBucketPair(oldBuddyFileMetadata.getTombstoneIndex()); buddyCacheEntry.markDirty(); newTombstoneIndex = buddyIndex; } oldBuddyFileMetadata.setTombstoneIndex(newTombstoneIndex); } else oldBuddyFileMetadata.setTombstoneIndex(-1); } finally { buddyPagePointer.releaseExclusiveLock(); diskCache.release(buddyCacheEntry); } } public void flush() { acquireExclusiveLock(); try { saveState(); metadataStore.synch(); treeStateStore.synch(); for (int i = 0; i < filesMetadata.length; i++) if (filesMetadata[i] != null) diskCache.flushFile(fileLevelIds[i]); } catch (IOException e) { throw new OIndexException("Error during hash table flush", e); } finally { releaseExclusiveLock(); } } public boolean wasSoftlyClosed() { acquireSharedLock(); try { if (!metadataStore.wasSoftlyClosedAtPreviousTime()) return false; if (!treeStateStore.wasSoftlyClosedAtPreviousTime()) return false; for (int i = 0; i < filesMetadata.length; i++) { if (filesMetadata[i] != null && !diskCache.wasSoftlyClosed(fileLevelIds[i])) return false; } return true; } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new OIndexException("Error during integrity check", ioe); } finally { releaseSharedLock(); } } public void setSoftlyClosed(boolean softlyClosed) { acquireSharedLock(); try { metadataStore.setSoftlyClosed(softlyClosed); treeStateStore.setSoftlyClosed(softlyClosed); for (int i = 0; i < filesMetadata.length; i++) { if (filesMetadata[i] != null) diskCache.setSoftlyClosed(fileLevelIds[i], softlyClosed); } } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new OIndexException("Error during integrity check", ioe); } finally { releaseSharedLock(); } } private void doPut(K key, V value) throws IOException { final long hashCode = keyHashFunction.hashCode(key); final BucketPath bucketPath = getBucket(hashCode); long[] node = hashTree[bucketPath.nodeIndex]; final long bucketPointer = node[bucketPath.itemIndex + bucketPath.hashMapOffset]; if (bucketPointer == 0) throw new IllegalStateException("In this version of hash table buckets are added through split only."); final long pageIndex = getPageIndex(bucketPointer); final int fileLevel = getFileLevel(bucketPointer); final OCacheEntry cacheEntry = loadPageEntry(pageIndex, fileLevel); final OCachePointer pagePointer = cacheEntry.getCachePointer(); pagePointer.acquireExclusiveLock(); try { final OHashIndexBucket<K, V> bucket = new OHashIndexBucket<K, V>(pagePointer.getDataPointer(), keySerializer, valueSerializer, keyTypes); final int index = bucket.getIndex(hashCode, key); if (index > -1) { final int updateResult = bucket.updateEntry(index, value); if (updateResult == 0) return; if (updateResult == 1) { cacheEntry.markDirty(); return; } assert updateResult == -1; bucket.deleteEntry(index); size--; } if (bucket.addEntry(hashCode, key, value)) { cacheEntry.markDirty(); size++; return; } final BucketSplitResult splitResult = splitBucket(bucket, fileLevel, pageIndex); final long updatedBucketPointer = splitResult.updatedBucketPointer; final long newBucketPointer = splitResult.newBucketPointer; final int bucketDepth = splitResult.newDepth; if (bucketDepth <= bucketPath.nodeGlobalDepth) { updateNodeAfterBucketSplit(bucketPath, bucketDepth, newBucketPointer, updatedBucketPointer); } else { if (bucketPath.nodeLocalDepth < MAX_LEVEL_DEPTH) { final NodeSplitResult nodeSplitResult = splitNode(bucketPath, node); assert !(nodeSplitResult.allLeftHashMapsEqual && nodeSplitResult.allRightHashMapsEqual); final long[] newNode = nodeSplitResult.newNode; final int nodeLocalDepth = bucketPath.nodeLocalDepth + 1; final int hashMapSize = 1 << nodeLocalDepth; assert nodeSplitResult.allRightHashMapsEqual == checkAllMapsContainSameBucket(newNode, hashMapSize); int newNodeIndex = -1; if (!nodeSplitResult.allRightHashMapsEqual || bucketPath.itemIndex >= MAX_LEVEL_SIZE / 2) newNodeIndex = addNewNode(newNode, nodeLocalDepth); final int updatedItemIndex = bucketPath.itemIndex << 1; final int updatedOffset = bucketPath.hashMapOffset << 1; final int updatedGlobalDepth = bucketPath.nodeGlobalDepth + 1; boolean allLeftHashMapsEqual = nodeSplitResult.allLeftHashMapsEqual; boolean allRightHashMapsEqual = nodeSplitResult.allRightHashMapsEqual; if (updatedOffset < MAX_LEVEL_SIZE) { allLeftHashMapsEqual = false; final BucketPath updatedBucketPath = new BucketPath(bucketPath.parent, updatedOffset, updatedItemIndex, bucketPath.nodeIndex, nodeLocalDepth, updatedGlobalDepth); updateNodeAfterBucketSplit(updatedBucketPath, bucketDepth, newBucketPointer, updatedBucketPointer); } else { allRightHashMapsEqual = false; final BucketPath newBucketPath = new BucketPath(bucketPath.parent, updatedOffset - MAX_LEVEL_SIZE, updatedItemIndex, newNodeIndex, nodeLocalDepth, updatedGlobalDepth); updateNodeAfterBucketSplit(newBucketPath, bucketDepth, newBucketPointer, updatedBucketPointer); } final long[] updatedNode = hashTree[bucketPath.nodeIndex]; updateNodesAfterSplit(bucketPath, updatedNode, newNode, nodeLocalDepth, hashMapSize, allLeftHashMapsEqual, allRightHashMapsEqual, newNodeIndex); if (allLeftHashMapsEqual) deleteNode(bucketPath.nodeIndex); } else { addNewLevelNode(bucketPath, node, newBucketPointer, updatedBucketPointer); } } } finally { pagePointer.releaseExclusiveLock(); diskCache.release(cacheEntry); } doPut(key, value); } private void updateNodesAfterSplit(BucketPath bucketPath, long[] node, long[] newNode, int nodeLocalDepth, int hashMapSize, boolean allLeftHashMapEquals, boolean allRightHashMapsEquals, int newNodeIndex) { final int startIndex = findParentNodeStartIndex(bucketPath); final long[] parentNode = hashTree[bucketPath.parent.nodeIndex]; assert assertParentNodeStartIndex(bucketPath, parentNode, startIndex); final int pointersSize = 1 << (MAX_LEVEL_DEPTH - nodeLocalDepth); if (allLeftHashMapEquals) { for (int i = 0; i < pointersSize; i++) { final long position = node[i * hashMapSize]; parentNode[startIndex + i] = position; } } else { for (int i = 0; i < pointersSize; i++) parentNode[startIndex + i] = (bucketPath.nodeIndex << 8) | (i * hashMapSize) | Long.MIN_VALUE; } if (allRightHashMapsEquals) { for (int i = 0; i < pointersSize; i++) { final long position = newNode[i * hashMapSize]; parentNode[startIndex + pointersSize + i] = position; } } else { for (int i = 0; i < pointersSize; i++) parentNode[startIndex + pointersSize + i] = (newNodeIndex << 8) | (i * hashMapSize) | Long.MIN_VALUE; } updateMaxChildDepth(bucketPath.parent, bucketPath.nodeLocalDepth + 1); } private void updateMaxChildDepth(BucketPath parentPath, int childDepth) { if (parentPath == null) return; final OHashTreeNodeMetadata metadata = nodesMetadata[parentPath.nodeIndex]; if (parentPath.itemIndex < MAX_LEVEL_SIZE / 2) { final int maxChildDepth = metadata.getMaxLeftChildDepth(); if (childDepth > maxChildDepth) metadata.setMaxLeftChildDepth(childDepth); } else { final int maxChildDepth = metadata.getMaxRightChildDepth(); if (childDepth + 1 > maxChildDepth) metadata.setMaxRightChildDepth(childDepth); } } private boolean assertParentNodeStartIndex(BucketPath bucketPath, long[] parentNode, int calculatedIndex) { int startIndex = -1; for (int i = 0; i < parentNode.length; i++) if (parentNode[i] < 0 && (parentNode[i] & Long.MAX_VALUE) >>> 8 == bucketPath.nodeIndex) { startIndex = i; break; } return startIndex == calculatedIndex; } private int findParentNodeStartIndex(BucketPath bucketPath) { final BucketPath parentBucketPath = bucketPath.parent; final int pointersSize = 1 << (MAX_LEVEL_DEPTH - bucketPath.nodeLocalDepth); if (parentBucketPath.itemIndex < MAX_LEVEL_SIZE / 2) return (parentBucketPath.itemIndex / pointersSize) * pointersSize; return ((parentBucketPath.itemIndex - MAX_LEVEL_SIZE / 2) / pointersSize) * pointersSize + MAX_LEVEL_SIZE / 2; } private void addNewLevelNode(BucketPath bucketPath, long[] node, long newBucketPointer, long updatedBucketPointer) { final long[] newNode = new long[MAX_LEVEL_SIZE]; final int newNodeDepth; final int newNodeStartIndex; final int mapInterval; if (bucketPath.itemIndex < node.length / 2) { final int maxDepth = nodesMetadata[bucketPath.nodeIndex].getMaxLeftChildDepth(); assert getMaxLevelDepth(node, 0, node.length / 2) == maxDepth; if (maxDepth > 0) newNodeDepth = maxDepth; else newNodeDepth = 1; mapInterval = 1 << (MAX_LEVEL_DEPTH - newNodeDepth); newNodeStartIndex = (bucketPath.itemIndex / mapInterval) * mapInterval; } else { final int maxDepth = nodesMetadata[bucketPath.nodeIndex].getMaxRightChildDepth(); assert getMaxLevelDepth(node, node.length / 2, node.length) == maxDepth; if (maxDepth > 0) newNodeDepth = maxDepth; else newNodeDepth = 1; mapInterval = 1 << (MAX_LEVEL_DEPTH - newNodeDepth); newNodeStartIndex = ((bucketPath.itemIndex - node.length / 2) / mapInterval) * mapInterval + node.length / 2; } final int newNodeIndex = addNewNode(newNode, newNodeDepth); final int mapSize = 1 << newNodeDepth; for (int i = 0; i < mapInterval; i++) { final int nodeOffset = i + newNodeStartIndex; final long bucketPointer = node[nodeOffset]; if (nodeOffset != bucketPath.itemIndex) { for (int n = i << newNodeDepth; n < (i + 1) << newNodeDepth; n++) newNode[n] = bucketPointer; } else { for (int n = i << newNodeDepth; n < (2 * i + 1) << (newNodeDepth - 1); n++) newNode[n] = updatedBucketPointer; for (int n = (2 * i + 1) << (newNodeDepth - 1); n < (i + 1) << newNodeDepth; n++) newNode[n] = newBucketPointer; } node[nodeOffset] = (newNodeIndex << 8) | (i * mapSize) | Long.MIN_VALUE; } updateMaxChildDepth(bucketPath, newNodeDepth); } private int getMaxLevelDepth(long node[], int start, int end) { int currentIndex = -1; int maxDepth = 0; for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { final long nodePosition = node[i]; if (nodePosition >= 0) continue; final int index = (int) ((nodePosition & Long.MAX_VALUE) >>> 8); if (index == currentIndex) continue; currentIndex = index; if (maxDepth < nodesMetadata[index].getNodeLocalDepth()) maxDepth = nodesMetadata[index].getNodeLocalDepth(); } return maxDepth; } private void updateNodeAfterBucketSplit(BucketPath bucketPath, int bucketDepth, long newBucketPointer, long updatedBucketPointer) { int offset = bucketPath.nodeGlobalDepth - (bucketDepth - 1); BucketPath currentNode = bucketPath; int nodeLocalDepth = bucketPath.nodeLocalDepth; while (offset > 0) { offset -= nodeLocalDepth; if (offset > 0) { currentNode = bucketPath.parent; nodeLocalDepth = currentNode.nodeLocalDepth; } } final int diff = bucketDepth - 1 - (currentNode.nodeGlobalDepth - nodeLocalDepth); final int interval = (1 << (nodeLocalDepth - diff - 1)); final int firstStartIndex = currentNode.itemIndex & ((LEVEL_MASK << (nodeLocalDepth - diff)) & LEVEL_MASK); final int firstEndIndex = firstStartIndex + interval; final int secondStartIndex = firstEndIndex; final int secondEndIndex = secondStartIndex + interval; for (int i = firstStartIndex; i < firstEndIndex; i++) updateBucket(currentNode.nodeIndex, i, currentNode.hashMapOffset, updatedBucketPointer); for (int i = secondStartIndex; i < secondEndIndex; i++) updateBucket(currentNode.nodeIndex, i, currentNode.hashMapOffset, newBucketPointer); } private int addNewNode(long[] newNode, int nodeLocalDepth) { if (hashTreeTombstone >= 0) { long[] tombstone = hashTree[hashTreeTombstone]; hashTree[hashTreeTombstone] = newNode; nodesMetadata[hashTreeTombstone] = new OHashTreeNodeMetadata((byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) nodeLocalDepth); final int nodeIndex = hashTreeTombstone; if (tombstone != null) hashTreeTombstone = (int) tombstone[0]; else hashTreeTombstone = -1; return nodeIndex; } if (hashTreeSize >= hashTree.length) { long[][] newHashTree = new long[hashTree.length << 1][]; System.arraycopy(hashTree, 0, newHashTree, 0, hashTree.length); hashTree = newHashTree; newHashTree = null; OHashTreeNodeMetadata[] newNodeMetadata = new OHashTreeNodeMetadata[nodesMetadata.length << 1]; System.arraycopy(nodesMetadata, 0, newNodeMetadata, 0, nodesMetadata.length); nodesMetadata = newNodeMetadata; newNodeMetadata = null; } hashTree[hashTreeSize] = newNode; nodesMetadata[hashTreeSize] = new OHashTreeNodeMetadata((byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) nodeLocalDepth); hashTreeSize++; return hashTreeSize - 1; } private boolean checkAllMapsContainSameBucket(long[] newNode, int hashMapSize) { int n = 0; boolean allHashMapsEquals = true; while (n < newNode.length) { boolean allHashBucketEquals = true; for (int i = 0; i < hashMapSize - 1; i++) { if (newNode[i + n] != newNode[i + n + 1]) { allHashBucketEquals = false; break; } } n += hashMapSize; if (!allHashBucketEquals) { allHashMapsEquals = false; break; } } assert assertAllNodesAreFilePointers(allHashMapsEquals, newNode, hashMapSize); return allHashMapsEquals; } private boolean assertAllNodesAreFilePointers(boolean allHashMapsEquals, long[] newNode, int hashMapSize) { if (allHashMapsEquals) { int n = 0; while (n < newNode.length) { for (int i = 0; i < hashMapSize; i++) { if (newNode[i] < 0) { return false; } } n += hashMapSize; } } return true; } private NodeSplitResult splitNode(BucketPath bucketPath, long[] node) { final long[] newNode = new long[MAX_LEVEL_SIZE]; final int hashMapSize = 1 << (bucketPath.nodeLocalDepth + 1); boolean hashMapItemsAreEqual = true; boolean allLeftItemsAreEqual; boolean allRightItemsAreEqual; int mapCounter = 0; long firstPosition = -1; for (int i = MAX_LEVEL_SIZE / 2; i < MAX_LEVEL_SIZE; i++) { final long position = node[i]; if (hashMapItemsAreEqual && mapCounter == 0) firstPosition = position; newNode[2 * (i - MAX_LEVEL_SIZE / 2)] = position; newNode[2 * (i - MAX_LEVEL_SIZE / 2) + 1] = position; if (hashMapItemsAreEqual) { hashMapItemsAreEqual = firstPosition == position; mapCounter += 2; if (mapCounter >= hashMapSize) mapCounter = 0; } } mapCounter = 0; allRightItemsAreEqual = hashMapItemsAreEqual; hashMapItemsAreEqual = true; final long[] updatedNode = new long[node.length]; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_LEVEL_SIZE / 2; i++) { final long position = node[i]; if (hashMapItemsAreEqual && mapCounter == 0) firstPosition = position; updatedNode[2 * i] = position; updatedNode[2 * i + 1] = position; if (hashMapItemsAreEqual) { hashMapItemsAreEqual = firstPosition == position; mapCounter += 2; if (mapCounter >= hashMapSize) mapCounter = 0; } } allLeftItemsAreEqual = hashMapItemsAreEqual; nodesMetadata[bucketPath.nodeIndex].incrementLocalNodeDepth(); hashTree[bucketPath.nodeIndex] = updatedNode; return new NodeSplitResult(newNode, allLeftItemsAreEqual, allRightItemsAreEqual); } private void deleteNode(int nodeIndex) { if (nodeIndex == hashTreeSize - 1) { hashTree[nodeIndex] = null; nodesMetadata[nodeIndex] = null; hashTreeSize--; return; } if (hashTreeTombstone > -1) { final long[] tombstone = new long[] { hashTreeTombstone }; hashTree[nodeIndex] = tombstone; hashTreeTombstone = nodeIndex; } else { hashTree[nodeIndex] = null; hashTreeTombstone = nodeIndex; } nodesMetadata[nodeIndex] = null; } private void splitBucketContent(OHashIndexBucket<K, V> bucket, OHashIndexBucket<K, V> updatedBucket, OHashIndexBucket<K, V> newBucket, int newBucketDepth) { assert checkBucketDepth(bucket); for (OHashIndexBucket.Entry<K, V> entry : bucket) { if (((keyHashFunction.hashCode(entry.key) >>> (HASH_CODE_SIZE - newBucketDepth)) & 1) == 0) updatedBucket.appendEntry(entry.hashCode, entry.key, entry.value); else newBucket.appendEntry(entry.hashCode, entry.key, entry.value); } updatedBucket.setDepth(newBucketDepth); newBucket.setDepth(newBucketDepth); assert checkBucketDepth(updatedBucket); assert checkBucketDepth(newBucket); } private BucketSplitResult splitBucket(OHashIndexBucket<K, V> bucket, int fileLevel, long pageIndex) throws IOException { int bucketDepth = bucket.getDepth(); int newBucketDepth = bucketDepth + 1; int newFileLevel = newBucketDepth - MAX_LEVEL_DEPTH; OHashIndexFileLevelMetadata newFileMetadata = filesMetadata[newFileLevel]; if (newFileMetadata == null) { newFileMetadata = createFileMetadata(newFileLevel); filesMetadata[newFileLevel] = newFileMetadata; } final long tombstoneIndex = newFileMetadata.getTombstoneIndex(); final long updatedBucketIndex; if (tombstoneIndex >= 0) { final OCacheEntry tombstoneCacheEntry = loadPageEntry(tombstoneIndex, newFileLevel); final OCachePointer tombstonePagePointer = tombstoneCacheEntry.getCachePointer(); try { final OHashIndexBucket<K, V> tombstone = new OHashIndexBucket<K, V>(tombstonePagePointer.getDataPointer(), keySerializer, valueSerializer, keyTypes); newFileMetadata.setTombstoneIndex(tombstone.getNextRemovedBucketPair()); updatedBucketIndex = tombstoneIndex; } finally { diskCache.release(tombstoneCacheEntry); } } else updatedBucketIndex = diskCache.getFilledUpTo(fileLevelIds[newFileLevel]); final long newBucketIndex = updatedBucketIndex + 1; final OCacheEntry updateBucketCacheEntry = loadPageEntry(updatedBucketIndex, newFileLevel); final OCachePointer updatedBucketDataPointer = updateBucketCacheEntry.getCachePointer(); updatedBucketDataPointer.acquireExclusiveLock(); try { final OCacheEntry newBucketCacheEntry = loadPageEntry(newBucketIndex, newFileLevel); final OCachePointer newBucketDataPointer = newBucketCacheEntry.getCachePointer(); newBucketDataPointer.acquireExclusiveLock(); try { final OHashIndexBucket<K, V> updatedBucket = new OHashIndexBucket<K, V>(newBucketDepth, updatedBucketDataPointer.getDataPointer(), keySerializer, valueSerializer, keyTypes); final OHashIndexBucket<K, V> newBucket = new OHashIndexBucket<K, V>(newBucketDepth, newBucketDataPointer.getDataPointer(), keySerializer, valueSerializer, keyTypes); splitBucketContent(bucket, updatedBucket, newBucket, newBucketDepth); assert bucket.getDepth() == bucketDepth; final OHashIndexFileLevelMetadata bufferMetadata = filesMetadata[fileLevel]; bufferMetadata.setBucketsCount(bufferMetadata.getBucketsCount() - 1); assert bufferMetadata.getBucketsCount() >= 0; updatedBucket.setSplitHistory(fileLevel, pageIndex); newBucket.setSplitHistory(fileLevel, pageIndex); newFileMetadata.setBucketsCount(newFileMetadata.getBucketsCount() + 2); final long updatedBucketPointer = createBucketPointer(updatedBucketIndex, newFileLevel); final long newBucketPointer = createBucketPointer(newBucketIndex, newFileLevel); return new BucketSplitResult(updatedBucketPointer, newBucketPointer, newBucketDepth); } finally { newBucketDataPointer.releaseExclusiveLock(); newBucketCacheEntry.markDirty(); diskCache.release(newBucketCacheEntry); } } finally { updatedBucketDataPointer.releaseExclusiveLock(); updateBucketCacheEntry.markDirty(); diskCache.release(updateBucketCacheEntry); } } private boolean checkBucketDepth(OHashIndexBucket<K, V> bucket) { int bucketDepth = bucket.getDepth(); if (bucket.size() == 0) return true; final Iterator<OHashIndexBucket.Entry<K, V>> positionIterator = bucket.iterator(); long firstValue = keyHashFunction.hashCode(positionIterator.next().key) >>> (HASH_CODE_SIZE - bucketDepth); while (positionIterator.hasNext()) { final long value = keyHashFunction.hashCode(positionIterator.next().key) >>> (HASH_CODE_SIZE - bucketDepth); if (value != firstValue) return false; } return true; } private void updateBucket(int nodeIndex, int itemIndex, int offset, long newBucketPointer) { final long node[] = hashTree[nodeIndex]; final long position = node[itemIndex + offset]; if (position >= 0) node[itemIndex + offset] = newBucketPointer; else { final int childNodeIndex = (int) ((position & Long.MAX_VALUE) >>> 8); final int childOffset = (int) (position & 0xFF); final int childNodeDepth = nodesMetadata[childNodeIndex].getNodeLocalDepth(); final int interval = 1 << childNodeDepth; for (int i = 0; i < interval; i++) { updateBucket(childNodeIndex, i, childOffset, newBucketPointer); } } } private void initHashTreeState() throws IOException { for (long pageIndex = 0; pageIndex < MAX_LEVEL_SIZE; pageIndex++) { final OCacheEntry cacheEntry = loadPageEntry(pageIndex, 0); final OCachePointer pagePointer = cacheEntry.getCachePointer(); pagePointer.acquireExclusiveLock(); try { final OHashIndexBucket<K, V> emptyBucket = new OHashIndexBucket<K, V>(MAX_LEVEL_DEPTH, pagePointer.getDataPointer(), keySerializer, valueSerializer, keyTypes); } finally { pagePointer.releaseExclusiveLock(); cacheEntry.markDirty(); diskCache.release(cacheEntry); } } final long[] rootTree = new long[MAX_LEVEL_SIZE]; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_LEVEL_SIZE; i++) rootTree[i] = createBucketPointer(i, 0); hashTree = new long[1][]; hashTree[0] = rootTree; nodesMetadata = new OHashTreeNodeMetadata[1]; nodesMetadata[0] = new OHashTreeNodeMetadata((byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) MAX_LEVEL_DEPTH); filesMetadata[0].setBucketsCount(MAX_LEVEL_SIZE); size = 0; hashTreeSize = 1; } private long createBucketPointer(long pageIndex, int fileLevel) { return ((pageIndex + 1) << 8) | fileLevel; } private long getPageIndex(long bucketPointer) { return (bucketPointer >>> 8) - 1; } private int getFileLevel(long bucketPointer) { return (int) (bucketPointer & 0xFF); } private OCacheEntry loadPageEntry(long pageIndex, int fileLevel) throws IOException { return diskCache.load(fileLevelIds[fileLevel], pageIndex, false); } private BucketPath getBucket(final long hashCode) { int localNodeDepth = nodesMetadata[0].getNodeLocalDepth(); int nodeDepth = localNodeDepth; BucketPath parentNode = null; int nodeIndex = 0; int offset = 0; int index = (int) ((hashCode >>> (HASH_CODE_SIZE - nodeDepth)) & (LEVEL_MASK >>> (MAX_LEVEL_DEPTH - localNodeDepth))); BucketPath currentNode = new BucketPath(parentNode, 0, index, 0, localNodeDepth, nodeDepth); do { final long position = hashTree[nodeIndex][index + offset]; if (position >= 0) return currentNode; nodeIndex = (int) ((position & Long.MAX_VALUE) >>> 8); offset = (int) (position & 0xFF); localNodeDepth = nodesMetadata[nodeIndex].getNodeLocalDepth(); nodeDepth += localNodeDepth; index = (int) ((hashCode >>> (HASH_CODE_SIZE - nodeDepth)) & (LEVEL_MASK >>> (MAX_LEVEL_DEPTH - localNodeDepth))); parentNode = currentNode; currentNode = new BucketPath(parentNode, offset, index, nodeIndex, localNodeDepth, nodeDepth); } while (nodeDepth <= HASH_CODE_SIZE); throw new IllegalStateException("Extendible hashing tree in corrupted state."); } private static final class BucketPath { private final BucketPath parent; private final int hashMapOffset; private final int itemIndex; private final int nodeIndex; private final int nodeGlobalDepth; private final int nodeLocalDepth; private BucketPath(BucketPath parent, int hashMapOffset, int itemIndex, int nodeIndex, int nodeLocalDepth, int nodeGlobalDepth) { this.parent = parent; this.hashMapOffset = hashMapOffset; this.itemIndex = itemIndex; this.nodeIndex = nodeIndex; this.nodeGlobalDepth = nodeGlobalDepth; this.nodeLocalDepth = nodeLocalDepth; } } private static final class BucketSplitResult { private final long updatedBucketPointer; private final long newBucketPointer; private final int newDepth; private BucketSplitResult(long updatedBucketPointer, long newBucketPointer, int newDepth) { this.updatedBucketPointer = updatedBucketPointer; this.newBucketPointer = newBucketPointer; this.newDepth = newDepth; } } private static final class NodeSplitResult { private final long[] newNode; private final boolean allLeftHashMapsEqual; private final boolean allRightHashMapsEqual; private NodeSplitResult(long[] newNode, boolean allLeftHashMapsEqual, boolean allRightHashMapsEqual) { this.newNode = newNode; this.allLeftHashMapsEqual = allLeftHashMapsEqual; this.allRightHashMapsEqual = allRightHashMapsEqual; } } private static final class KeyHashCodeComparator<K> implements Comparator<K> { private final Comparator<? super K> comparator = ODefaultComparator.INSTANCE; private final OHashFunction<K> keyHashFunction; public KeyHashCodeComparator(OHashFunction<K> keyHashFunction) { this.keyHashFunction = keyHashFunction; } @Override public int compare(K keyOne, K keyTwo) { final long hashCodeOne = keyHashFunction.hashCode(keyOne); final long hashCodeTwo = keyHashFunction.hashCode(keyTwo); if (hashCodeOne > hashCodeTwo) return 1; if (hashCodeOne < hashCodeTwo) return -1; return comparator.compare(keyOne, keyTwo); } } }
1no label
class ShardOptimizeRequest extends BroadcastShardOperationRequest { private boolean waitForMerge = OptimizeRequest.Defaults.WAIT_FOR_MERGE; private int maxNumSegments = OptimizeRequest.Defaults.MAX_NUM_SEGMENTS; private boolean onlyExpungeDeletes = OptimizeRequest.Defaults.ONLY_EXPUNGE_DELETES; private boolean flush = OptimizeRequest.Defaults.FLUSH; ShardOptimizeRequest() { } public ShardOptimizeRequest(String index, int shardId, OptimizeRequest request) { super(index, shardId, request); waitForMerge = request.waitForMerge(); maxNumSegments = request.maxNumSegments(); onlyExpungeDeletes = request.onlyExpungeDeletes(); flush = request.flush(); } boolean waitForMerge() { return waitForMerge; } int maxNumSegments() { return maxNumSegments; } public boolean onlyExpungeDeletes() { return onlyExpungeDeletes; } public boolean flush() { return flush; } @Override public void readFrom(StreamInput in) throws IOException { super.readFrom(in); waitForMerge = in.readBoolean(); maxNumSegments = in.readInt(); onlyExpungeDeletes = in.readBoolean(); flush = in.readBoolean(); } @Override public void writeTo(StreamOutput out) throws IOException { super.writeTo(out); out.writeBoolean(waitForMerge); out.writeInt(maxNumSegments); out.writeBoolean(onlyExpungeDeletes); out.writeBoolean(flush); } }
cls = getDatabase().getStorage().callInLock(new Callable<OClass>() { @Override public OClass call() throws Exception { OClass cls = classes.get(iClassName.toLowerCase()); if (cls == null) { // CHECK IF CAN AUTO-CREATE IT final ODatabase ownerDb = getDatabase().getDatabaseOwner(); if (ownerDb instanceof ODatabaseObject) { final Class<?> javaClass = ((ODatabaseObject) ownerDb).getEntityManager().getEntityClass(iClassName); if (javaClass != null) { // AUTO REGISTER THE CLASS AT FIRST USE cls = cascadeCreate(javaClass); } } } return cls; } }, true);
transportService.sendRequest(node, transportShardAction, new ShardSingleOperationRequest(request, shard.id()), new BaseTransportResponseHandler<Response>() { @Override public Response newInstance() { return newResponse(); } @Override public String executor() { return ThreadPool.Names.SAME; } @Override public void handleResponse(final Response response) { listener.onResponse(response); } @Override public void handleException(TransportException exp) { onFailure(shard, exp); } });
public class JustSourceFieldsVisitor extends FieldsVisitor { @Override public Status needsField(FieldInfo fieldInfo) throws IOException { if (SourceFieldMapper.NAME.equals(fieldInfo.name)) { return Status.YES; } return source != null ? Status.STOP : Status.NO; } }
ois = new java.io.ObjectInputStream(bais) { @Override public Class<?> resolveClass(java.io.ObjectStreamClass streamClass) throws java.io.IOException, ClassNotFoundException { Class<?> c = Class.forName(streamClass.getName(), false, loader); if (c == null) { return super.resolveClass(streamClass); } else { return c; // Class loader knows of this class. } // end else: not null } // end resolveClass }; // end ois
new Thread() { public void run() { if (!l.tryLock()) { latch.countDown(); } } }.start();
class InjectorImpl implements Injector, Lookups { final State state; final InjectorImpl parent; boolean readOnly; BindingsMultimap bindingsMultimap = new BindingsMultimap(); final Initializer initializer; /** * Just-in-time binding cache. Guarded by state.lock() */ Map<Key<?>, BindingImpl<?>> jitBindings = Maps.newHashMap(); Lookups lookups = new DeferredLookups(this); InjectorImpl(@Nullable InjectorImpl parent, State state, Initializer initializer) { this.parent = parent; this.state = state; this.initializer = initializer; if (parent != null) { localContext = parent.localContext; } else { localContext = new ThreadLocal<Object[]>() { protected Object[] initialValue() { return new Object[1]; } }; } } /** * Indexes bindings by type. */ void index() { for (Binding<?> binding : state.getExplicitBindingsThisLevel().values()) { index(binding); } } <T> void index(Binding<T> binding) { bindingsMultimap.put(binding.getKey().getTypeLiteral(), binding); } public <T> List<Binding<T>> findBindingsByType(TypeLiteral<T> type) { return bindingsMultimap.getAll(type); } /** * Returns the binding for {@code key} */ public <T> BindingImpl<T> getBinding(Key<T> key) { Errors errors = new Errors(key); try { BindingImpl<T> result = getBindingOrThrow(key, errors); errors.throwConfigurationExceptionIfErrorsExist(); return result; } catch (ErrorsException e) { throw new ConfigurationException(errors.merge(e.getErrors()).getMessages()); } } /** * Gets a binding implementation. First, it check to see if the parent has a binding. If the * parent has a binding and the binding is scoped, it will use that binding. Otherwise, this * checks for an explicit binding. If no explicit binding is found, it looks for a just-in-time * binding. */ public <T> BindingImpl<T> getBindingOrThrow(Key<T> key, Errors errors) throws ErrorsException { // Check explicit bindings, i.e. bindings created by modules. BindingImpl<T> binding = state.getExplicitBinding(key); if (binding != null) { return binding; } // Look for an on-demand binding. return getJustInTimeBinding(key, errors); } public <T> Binding<T> getBinding(Class<T> type) { return getBinding(Key.get(type)); } public Injector getParent() { return parent; } public Injector createChildInjector(Iterable<? extends Module> modules) { return new InjectorBuilder() .parentInjector(this) .addModules(modules) .build(); } public Injector createChildInjector(Module... modules) { return createChildInjector(ImmutableList.copyOf(modules)); } /** * Returns a just-in-time binding for {@code key}, creating it if necessary. * * @throws ErrorsException if the binding could not be created. */ private <T> BindingImpl<T> getJustInTimeBinding(Key<T> key, Errors errors) throws ErrorsException { synchronized (state.lock()) { // first try to find a JIT binding that we've already created for (InjectorImpl injector = this; injector != null; injector = injector.parent) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // we only store bindings that match their key BindingImpl<T> binding = (BindingImpl<T>) injector.jitBindings.get(key); if (binding != null) { return binding; } } return createJustInTimeBindingRecursive(key, errors); } } /** * Returns true if the key type is Provider (but not a subclass of Provider). */ static boolean isProvider(Key<?> key) { return key.getTypeLiteral().getRawType().equals(Provider.class); } /** * Returns true if the key type is MembersInjector (but not a subclass of MembersInjector). */ static boolean isMembersInjector(Key<?> key) { return key.getTypeLiteral().getRawType().equals(MembersInjector.class) && !key.hasAnnotationType(); } private <T> BindingImpl<MembersInjector<T>> createMembersInjectorBinding( Key<MembersInjector<T>> key, Errors errors) throws ErrorsException { Type membersInjectorType = key.getTypeLiteral().getType(); if (!(membersInjectorType instanceof ParameterizedType)) { throw errors.cannotInjectRawMembersInjector().toException(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // safe because T came from Key<MembersInjector<T>> TypeLiteral<T> instanceType = (TypeLiteral<T>) TypeLiteral.get( ((ParameterizedType) membersInjectorType).getActualTypeArguments()[0]); MembersInjector<T> membersInjector = membersInjectorStore.get(instanceType, errors); InternalFactory<MembersInjector<T>> factory = new ConstantFactory<MembersInjector<T>>( Initializables.of(membersInjector)); return new InstanceBindingImpl<MembersInjector<T>>(this, key, SourceProvider.UNKNOWN_SOURCE, factory, ImmutableSet.<InjectionPoint>of(), membersInjector); } /** * Creates a synthetic binding to {@code Provider<T>}, i.e. a binding to the provider from * {@code Binding<T>}. */ private <T> BindingImpl<Provider<T>> createProviderBinding(Key<Provider<T>> key, Errors errors) throws ErrorsException { Type providerType = key.getTypeLiteral().getType(); // If the Provider has no type parameter (raw Provider)... if (!(providerType instanceof ParameterizedType)) { throw errors.cannotInjectRawProvider().toException(); } Type entryType = ((ParameterizedType) providerType).getActualTypeArguments()[0]; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // safe because T came from Key<Provider<T>> Key<T> providedKey = (Key<T>) key.ofType(entryType); BindingImpl<T> delegate = getBindingOrThrow(providedKey, errors); return new ProviderBindingImpl<T>(this, key, delegate); } static class ProviderBindingImpl<T> extends BindingImpl<Provider<T>> implements ProviderBinding<Provider<T>> { final BindingImpl<T> providedBinding; ProviderBindingImpl(InjectorImpl injector, Key<Provider<T>> key, Binding<T> providedBinding) { super(injector, key, providedBinding.getSource(), createInternalFactory(providedBinding), Scoping.UNSCOPED); this.providedBinding = (BindingImpl<T>) providedBinding; } static <T> InternalFactory<Provider<T>> createInternalFactory(Binding<T> providedBinding) { final Provider<T> provider = providedBinding.getProvider(); return new InternalFactory<Provider<T>>() { public Provider<T> get(Errors errors, InternalContext context, Dependency dependency) { return provider; } }; } public Key<? extends T> getProvidedKey() { return providedBinding.getKey(); } public <V> V acceptTargetVisitor(BindingTargetVisitor<? super Provider<T>, V> visitor) { return visitor.visit(this); } public void applyTo(Binder binder) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This element represents a synthetic binding."); } @Override public String toString() { return new ToStringBuilder(ProviderKeyBinding.class) .add("key", getKey()) .add("providedKey", getProvidedKey()) .toString(); } } /** * Converts a constant string binding to the required type. * * @return the binding if it could be resolved, or null if the binding doesn't exist * @throws org.elasticsearch.common.inject.internal.ErrorsException * if there was an error resolving the binding */ private <T> BindingImpl<T> convertConstantStringBinding(Key<T> key, Errors errors) throws ErrorsException { // Find a constant string binding. Key<String> stringKey = key.ofType(String.class); BindingImpl<String> stringBinding = state.getExplicitBinding(stringKey); if (stringBinding == null || !stringBinding.isConstant()) { return null; } String stringValue = stringBinding.getProvider().get(); Object source = stringBinding.getSource(); // Find a matching type converter. TypeLiteral<T> type = key.getTypeLiteral(); MatcherAndConverter matchingConverter = state.getConverter(stringValue, type, errors, source); if (matchingConverter == null) { // No converter can handle the given type. return null; } // Try to convert the string. A failed conversion results in an error. try { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // This cast is safe because we double check below. T converted = (T) matchingConverter.getTypeConverter().convert(stringValue, type); if (converted == null) { throw errors.converterReturnedNull(stringValue, source, type, matchingConverter) .toException(); } if (!type.getRawType().isInstance(converted)) { throw errors.conversionTypeError(stringValue, source, type, matchingConverter, converted) .toException(); } return new ConvertedConstantBindingImpl<T>(this, key, converted, stringBinding); } catch (ErrorsException e) { throw e; } catch (RuntimeException e) { throw errors.conversionError(stringValue, source, type, matchingConverter, e) .toException(); } } private static class ConvertedConstantBindingImpl<T> extends BindingImpl<T> implements ConvertedConstantBinding<T> { final T value; final Provider<T> provider; final Binding<String> originalBinding; ConvertedConstantBindingImpl( Injector injector, Key<T> key, T value, Binding<String> originalBinding) { super(injector, key, originalBinding.getSource(), new ConstantFactory<T>(Initializables.of(value)), Scoping.UNSCOPED); this.value = value; provider = Providers.of(value); this.originalBinding = originalBinding; } @Override public Provider<T> getProvider() { return provider; } public <V> V acceptTargetVisitor(BindingTargetVisitor<? super T, V> visitor) { return visitor.visit(this); } public T getValue() { return value; } public Key<String> getSourceKey() { return originalBinding.getKey(); } public Set<Dependency<?>> getDependencies() { return ImmutableSet.<Dependency<?>>of(Dependency.get(getSourceKey())); } public void applyTo(Binder binder) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This element represents a synthetic binding."); } @Override public String toString() { return new ToStringBuilder(ConvertedConstantBinding.class) .add("key", getKey()) .add("sourceKey", getSourceKey()) .add("value", value) .toString(); } } <T> void initializeBinding(BindingImpl<T> binding, Errors errors) throws ErrorsException { // Put the partially constructed binding in the map a little early. This enables us to handle // circular dependencies. Example: FooImpl -> BarImpl -> FooImpl. // Note: We don't need to synchronize on state.lock() during injector creation. // TODO: for the above example, remove the binding for BarImpl if the binding for FooImpl fails if (binding instanceof ConstructorBindingImpl<?>) { Key<T> key = binding.getKey(); jitBindings.put(key, binding); boolean successful = false; try { ((ConstructorBindingImpl) binding).initialize(this, errors); successful = true; } finally { if (!successful) { jitBindings.remove(key); } } } } /** * Creates a binding for an injectable type with the given scope. Looks for a scope on the type if * none is specified. */ <T> BindingImpl<T> createUnitializedBinding(Key<T> key, Scoping scoping, Object source, Errors errors) throws ErrorsException { Class<?> rawType = key.getTypeLiteral().getRawType(); // Don't try to inject arrays, or enums. if (rawType.isArray() || rawType.isEnum()) { throw errors.missingImplementation(key).toException(); } // Handle TypeLiteral<T> by binding the inner type if (rawType == TypeLiteral.class) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // we have to fudge the inner type as Object BindingImpl<T> binding = (BindingImpl<T>) createTypeLiteralBinding( (Key<TypeLiteral<Object>>) key, errors); return binding; } // Handle @ImplementedBy ImplementedBy implementedBy = rawType.getAnnotation(ImplementedBy.class); if (implementedBy != null) { Annotations.checkForMisplacedScopeAnnotations(rawType, source, errors); return createImplementedByBinding(key, scoping, implementedBy, errors); } // Handle @ProvidedBy. ProvidedBy providedBy = rawType.getAnnotation(ProvidedBy.class); if (providedBy != null) { Annotations.checkForMisplacedScopeAnnotations(rawType, source, errors); return createProvidedByBinding(key, scoping, providedBy, errors); } // We can't inject abstract classes. // TODO: Method interceptors could actually enable us to implement // abstract types. Should we remove this restriction? if (Modifier.isAbstract(rawType.getModifiers())) { throw errors.missingImplementation(key).toException(); } // Error: Inner class. if (Classes.isInnerClass(rawType)) { throw errors.cannotInjectInnerClass(rawType).toException(); } if (!scoping.isExplicitlyScoped()) { Class<? extends Annotation> scopeAnnotation = findScopeAnnotation(errors, rawType); if (scopeAnnotation != null) { scoping = Scopes.makeInjectable(Scoping.forAnnotation(scopeAnnotation), this, errors.withSource(rawType)); } } return ConstructorBindingImpl.create(this, key, source, scoping); } /** * Converts a binding for a {@code Key<TypeLiteral<T>>} to the value {@code TypeLiteral<T>}. It's * a bit awkward because we have to pull out the inner type in the type literal. */ private <T> BindingImpl<TypeLiteral<T>> createTypeLiteralBinding( Key<TypeLiteral<T>> key, Errors errors) throws ErrorsException { Type typeLiteralType = key.getTypeLiteral().getType(); if (!(typeLiteralType instanceof ParameterizedType)) { throw errors.cannotInjectRawTypeLiteral().toException(); } ParameterizedType parameterizedType = (ParameterizedType) typeLiteralType; Type innerType = parameterizedType.getActualTypeArguments()[0]; // this is unforunate. We don't support building TypeLiterals for type variable like 'T'. If // this proves problematic, we can probably fix TypeLiteral to support type variables if (!(innerType instanceof Class) && !(innerType instanceof GenericArrayType) && !(innerType instanceof ParameterizedType)) { throw errors.cannotInjectTypeLiteralOf(innerType).toException(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // by definition, innerType == T, so this is safe TypeLiteral<T> value = (TypeLiteral<T>) TypeLiteral.get(innerType); InternalFactory<TypeLiteral<T>> factory = new ConstantFactory<TypeLiteral<T>>( Initializables.of(value)); return new InstanceBindingImpl<TypeLiteral<T>>(this, key, SourceProvider.UNKNOWN_SOURCE, factory, ImmutableSet.<InjectionPoint>of(), value); } /** * Creates a binding for a type annotated with @ProvidedBy. */ <T> BindingImpl<T> createProvidedByBinding(Key<T> key, Scoping scoping, ProvidedBy providedBy, Errors errors) throws ErrorsException { final Class<?> rawType = key.getTypeLiteral().getRawType(); final Class<? extends Provider<?>> providerType = providedBy.value(); // Make sure it's not the same type. TODO: Can we check for deeper loops? if (providerType == rawType) { throw errors.recursiveProviderType().toException(); } // Assume the provider provides an appropriate type. We double check at runtime. @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final Key<? extends Provider<T>> providerKey = (Key<? extends Provider<T>>) Key.get(providerType); final BindingImpl<? extends Provider<?>> providerBinding = getBindingOrThrow(providerKey, errors); InternalFactory<T> internalFactory = new InternalFactory<T>() { public T get(Errors errors, InternalContext context, Dependency dependency) throws ErrorsException { errors = errors.withSource(providerKey); Provider<?> provider = providerBinding.getInternalFactory().get( errors, context, dependency); try { Object o = provider.get(); if (o != null && !rawType.isInstance(o)) { throw errors.subtypeNotProvided(providerType, rawType).toException(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // protected by isInstance() check above T t = (T) o; return t; } catch (RuntimeException e) { throw errors.errorInProvider(e).toException(); } } }; return new LinkedProviderBindingImpl<T>( this, key, rawType /* source */, Scopes.<T>scope(key, this, internalFactory, scoping), scoping, providerKey); } /** * Creates a binding for a type annotated with @ImplementedBy. */ <T> BindingImpl<T> createImplementedByBinding(Key<T> key, Scoping scoping, ImplementedBy implementedBy, Errors errors) throws ErrorsException { Class<?> rawType = key.getTypeLiteral().getRawType(); Class<?> implementationType = implementedBy.value(); // Make sure it's not the same type. TODO: Can we check for deeper cycles? if (implementationType == rawType) { throw errors.recursiveImplementationType().toException(); } // Make sure implementationType extends type. if (!rawType.isAssignableFrom(implementationType)) { throw errors.notASubtype(implementationType, rawType).toException(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // After the preceding check, this cast is safe. Class<? extends T> subclass = (Class<? extends T>) implementationType; // Look up the target binding. final Key<? extends T> targetKey = Key.get(subclass); final BindingImpl<? extends T> targetBinding = getBindingOrThrow(targetKey, errors); InternalFactory<T> internalFactory = new InternalFactory<T>() { public T get(Errors errors, InternalContext context, Dependency<?> dependency) throws ErrorsException { return targetBinding.getInternalFactory().get( errors.withSource(targetKey), context, dependency); } }; return new LinkedBindingImpl<T>( this, key, rawType /* source */, Scopes.<T>scope(key, this, internalFactory, scoping), scoping, targetKey); } /** * Attempts to create a just-in-time binding for {@code key} in the root injector, falling back to * other ancestor injectors until this injector is tried. */ private <T> BindingImpl<T> createJustInTimeBindingRecursive(Key<T> key, Errors errors) throws ErrorsException { // ask the parent to create the JIT binding if (parent != null && !parent.readOnly /* ES: don't check on parent if its read only, its already created all the bindings it can*/) { try { return parent.createJustInTimeBindingRecursive(key, new Errors()); } catch (ErrorsException ignored) { } } if (state.isBlacklisted(key)) { throw errors.childBindingAlreadySet(key).toException(); } BindingImpl<T> binding = createJustInTimeBinding(key, errors); state.parent().blacklist(key); jitBindings.put(key, binding); return binding; } /** * Returns a new just-in-time binding created by resolving {@code key}. The strategies used to * create just-in-time bindings are: * <ol> * <li>Internalizing Providers. If the requested binding is for {@code Provider<T>}, we delegate * to the binding for {@code T}. * <li>Converting constants. * <li>ImplementedBy and ProvidedBy annotations. Only for unannotated keys. * <li>The constructor of the raw type. Only for unannotated keys. * </ol> * * @throws org.elasticsearch.common.inject.internal.ErrorsException * if the binding cannot be created. */ <T> BindingImpl<T> createJustInTimeBinding(Key<T> key, Errors errors) throws ErrorsException { if (state.isBlacklisted(key)) { throw errors.childBindingAlreadySet(key).toException(); } // Handle cases where T is a Provider<?>. if (isProvider(key)) { // These casts are safe. We know T extends Provider<X> and that given Key<Provider<X>>, // createProviderBinding() will return BindingImpl<Provider<X>>. @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") BindingImpl binding = createProviderBinding((Key) key, errors); return binding; } // Handle cases where T is a MembersInjector<?> if (isMembersInjector(key)) { // These casts are safe. T extends MembersInjector<X> and that given Key<MembersInjector<X>>, // createMembersInjectorBinding() will return BindingImpl<MembersInjector<X>>. @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") BindingImpl binding = createMembersInjectorBinding((Key) key, errors); return binding; } // Try to convert a constant string binding to the requested type. BindingImpl<T> convertedBinding = convertConstantStringBinding(key, errors); if (convertedBinding != null) { return convertedBinding; } // If the key has an annotation... if (key.hasAnnotationType()) { // Look for a binding without annotation attributes or return null. if (key.hasAttributes()) { try { Errors ignored = new Errors(); return getBindingOrThrow(key.withoutAttributes(), ignored); } catch (ErrorsException ignored) { // throw with a more appropriate message below } } throw errors.missingImplementation(key).toException(); } Object source = key.getTypeLiteral().getRawType(); BindingImpl<T> binding = createUnitializedBinding(key, Scoping.UNSCOPED, source, errors); initializeBinding(binding, errors); return binding; } <T> InternalFactory<? extends T> getInternalFactory(Key<T> key, Errors errors) throws ErrorsException { return getBindingOrThrow(key, errors).getInternalFactory(); } // not test-covered public Map<Key<?>, Binding<?>> getBindings() { return state.getExplicitBindingsThisLevel(); } private static class BindingsMultimap { final Map<TypeLiteral<?>, List<Binding<?>>> multimap = Maps.newHashMap(); <T> void put(TypeLiteral<T> type, Binding<T> binding) { List<Binding<?>> bindingsForType = multimap.get(type); if (bindingsForType == null) { bindingsForType = Lists.newArrayList(); multimap.put(type, bindingsForType); } bindingsForType.add(binding); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // safe because we only put matching entries into the map <T> List<Binding<T>> getAll(TypeLiteral<T> type) { List<Binding<?>> bindings = multimap.get(type); return bindings != null ? Collections.<Binding<T>>unmodifiableList((List) multimap.get(type)) : ImmutableList.<Binding<T>>of(); } } /** * Returns parameter injectors, or {@code null} if there are no parameters. */ SingleParameterInjector<?>[] getParametersInjectors( List<Dependency<?>> parameters, Errors errors) throws ErrorsException { if (parameters.isEmpty()) { return null; } int numErrorsBefore = errors.size(); SingleParameterInjector<?>[] result = new SingleParameterInjector<?>[parameters.size()]; int i = 0; for (Dependency<?> parameter : parameters) { try { result[i++] = createParameterInjector(parameter, errors.withSource(parameter)); } catch (ErrorsException rethrownBelow) { // rethrown below } } errors.throwIfNewErrors(numErrorsBefore); return result; } <T> SingleParameterInjector<T> createParameterInjector(final Dependency<T> dependency, final Errors errors) throws ErrorsException { InternalFactory<? extends T> factory = getInternalFactory(dependency.getKey(), errors); return new SingleParameterInjector<T>(dependency, factory); } /** * Invokes a method. */ interface MethodInvoker { Object invoke(Object target, Object... parameters) throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException; } /** * Cached constructor injectors for each type */ ConstructorInjectorStore constructors = new ConstructorInjectorStore(this); /** * Cached field and method injectors for each type. */ MembersInjectorStore membersInjectorStore; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // the members injector type is consistent with instance's type public void injectMembers(Object instance) { MembersInjector membersInjector = getMembersInjector(instance.getClass()); membersInjector.injectMembers(instance); } public <T> MembersInjector<T> getMembersInjector(TypeLiteral<T> typeLiteral) { Errors errors = new Errors(typeLiteral); try { return membersInjectorStore.get(typeLiteral, errors); } catch (ErrorsException e) { throw new ConfigurationException(errors.merge(e.getErrors()).getMessages()); } } public <T> MembersInjector<T> getMembersInjector(Class<T> type) { return getMembersInjector(TypeLiteral.get(type)); } public <T> Provider<T> getProvider(Class<T> type) { return getProvider(Key.get(type)); } <T> Provider<T> getProviderOrThrow(final Key<T> key, Errors errors) throws ErrorsException { final InternalFactory<? extends T> factory = getInternalFactory(key, errors); // ES: optimize for a common case of read only instance getting from the parent... if (factory instanceof InternalFactory.Instance) { return new Provider<T>() { @Override public T get() { try { return (T) ((InternalFactory.Instance) factory).get(null, null, null); } catch (ErrorsException e) { // ignore } // should never happen... assert false; return null; } }; } final Dependency<T> dependency = Dependency.get(key); return new Provider<T>() { public T get() { final Errors errors = new Errors(dependency); try { T t = callInContext(new ContextualCallable<T>() { public T call(InternalContext context) throws ErrorsException { context.setDependency(dependency); try { return factory.get(errors, context, dependency); } finally { context.setDependency(null); } } }); errors.throwIfNewErrors(0); return t; } catch (ErrorsException e) { throw new ProvisionException(errors.merge(e.getErrors()).getMessages()); } } @Override public String toString() { return factory.toString(); } }; } public <T> Provider<T> getProvider(final Key<T> key) { Errors errors = new Errors(key); try { Provider<T> result = getProviderOrThrow(key, errors); errors.throwIfNewErrors(0); return result; } catch (ErrorsException e) { throw new ConfigurationException(errors.merge(e.getErrors()).getMessages()); } } public <T> T getInstance(Key<T> key) { return getProvider(key).get(); } public <T> T getInstance(Class<T> type) { return getProvider(type).get(); } final ThreadLocal<Object[]> localContext; /** * Looks up thread local context. Creates (and removes) a new context if necessary. */ <T> T callInContext(ContextualCallable<T> callable) throws ErrorsException { Object[] reference = localContext.get(); if (reference[0] == null) { reference[0] = new InternalContext(); try { return callable.call((InternalContext) reference[0]); } finally { // Only clear the context if this call created it. reference[0] = null; } } else { // Someone else will clean up this context. return callable.call((InternalContext) reference[0]); } } public String toString() { return new ToStringBuilder(Injector.class) .add("bindings", state.getExplicitBindingsThisLevel().values()) .toString(); } // ES_GUICE: clear caches public void clearCache() { state.clearBlacklisted(); constructors = new ConstructorInjectorStore(this); membersInjectorStore = new MembersInjectorStore(this, state.getTypeListenerBindings()); jitBindings = Maps.newHashMap(); } // ES_GUICE: make all registered bindings act as eager singletons public void readOnlyAllSingletons() { readOnly = true; state.makeAllBindingsToEagerSingletons(this); bindingsMultimap = new BindingsMultimap(); // reindex the bindings index(); } }
private class TaskPollThread extends Thread { private final Map<Integer, Class<? extends ConsoleRequest>> consoleRequests = new HashMap<Integer, Class<? extends ConsoleRequest>>(); private final Random rand = new Random(); TaskPollThread() { super(instance.node.threadGroup, instance.node.getThreadNamePrefix("MC.Task.Poller")); register(new RuntimeStateRequest()); register(new ThreadDumpRequest()); register(new ExecuteScriptRequest()); register(new EvictLocalMapRequest()); register(new ConsoleCommandRequest()); register(new MapConfigRequest()); register(new MemberConfigRequest()); register(new ClusterPropsRequest()); register(new GetLogsRequest()); register(new RunGcRequest()); register(new GetMemberSystemPropertiesRequest()); register(new GetMapEntryRequest()); register(new VersionMismatchLogRequest()); register(new ShutdownMemberRequest()); register(new GetSystemWarningsRequest()); } public void register(ConsoleRequest consoleRequest) { consoleRequests.put(consoleRequest.getType(), consoleRequest.getClass()); } public void processTaskAndPostResponse(int taskId, ConsoleRequest task) { try { //todo: don't we need to close this connection? HttpURLConnection connection = openPostResponseConnection(); OutputStream outputStream = connection.getOutputStream(); try { identifier.write(outputStream); ObjectDataOutputStream out = serializationService.createObjectDataOutputStream(outputStream); out.writeInt(taskId); out.writeInt(task.getType()); task.writeResponse(ManagementCenterService.this, out); out.flush(); post(connection); } finally { closeResource(outputStream); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.warning("Failed process task:" + task, e); } } private HttpURLConnection openPostResponseConnection() throws IOException { URL url = newPostResponseUrl(); if (logger.isFinestEnabled()) { logger.finest("Opening sendResponse connection:" + url); } HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); connection.setDoOutput(true); connection.setRequestMethod("POST"); connection.setConnectTimeout(2000); connection.setReadTimeout(2000); return connection; } private URL newPostResponseUrl() throws MalformedURLException { return new URL(cleanupUrl(managementCenterUrl) + "putResponse.do"); } @Override public void run() { try { while (isRunning()) { sleepOnVersionMismatch(); processTask(); sleep(); } } catch (Throwable throwable) { inspectOutputMemoryError(throwable); logger.warning("Problem on Hazelcast Management Center Service while polling for a task.", throwable); } } private void sleep() throws InterruptedException { //todo: magic numbers are no good. //todo: why the random part //todo: we want configurable frequency for task polling Thread.sleep(700 + rand.nextInt(300)); } private void processTask() { ObjectDataInputStream inputStream = null; try { //todo: don't we need to close the connection? inputStream = openTaskInputStream(); int taskId = inputStream.readInt(); if (taskId <= 0) { return; } ConsoleRequest task = newTask(inputStream); processTaskAndPostResponse(taskId, task); } catch (Exception e) { //todo: even if there is an internal error with the task, we don't see it. That is kinda shitty logger.finest(e); } finally { IOUtil.closeResource(inputStream); } } private ObjectDataInputStream openTaskInputStream() throws IOException { URLConnection connection = openGetTaskConnection(); InputStream inputStream = connection.getInputStream(); return serializationService.createObjectDataInputStream(inputStream); } private ConsoleRequest newTask(ObjectDataInputStream inputStream) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, IOException { int requestType = inputStream.readInt(); Class<? extends ConsoleRequest> requestClass = consoleRequests.get(requestType); if (requestClass == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to find a request for requestType:" + requestType); } ConsoleRequest task = requestClass.newInstance(); task.readData(inputStream); return task; } private URLConnection openGetTaskConnection() throws IOException { URL url = newGetTaskUrl(); if (logger.isFinestEnabled()) { logger.finest("Opening getTask connection:" + url); } URLConnection connection = url.openConnection(); //todo: why do we set this property if the connection is not going to be re-used? connection.setRequestProperty("Connection", "keep-alive"); return connection; } private URL newGetTaskUrl() throws MalformedURLException { GroupConfig groupConfig = instance.getConfig().getGroupConfig(); Address localAddress = ((MemberImpl) instance.node.getClusterService().getLocalMember()).getAddress(); String urlString = cleanupUrl(managementCenterUrl) + "getTask.do?member=" + localAddress.getHost() + ":" + localAddress.getPort() + "&cluster=" + groupConfig.getName(); if (clusterId != null) { urlString += "&clusterid=" + clusterId; } if (securityToken != null) { urlString += "&securitytoken=" + securityToken; } return new URL(urlString); } }
1no label
class CustomBoostFactorWeight extends Weight { final Weight subQueryWeight; final Bits[] docSets; public CustomBoostFactorWeight(Weight subQueryWeight, int filterFunctionLength) throws IOException { this.subQueryWeight = subQueryWeight; this.docSets = new Bits[filterFunctionLength]; } public Query getQuery() { return FiltersFunctionScoreQuery.this; } @Override public float getValueForNormalization() throws IOException { float sum = subQueryWeight.getValueForNormalization(); sum *= getBoost() * getBoost(); return sum; } @Override public void normalize(float norm, float topLevelBoost) { subQueryWeight.normalize(norm, topLevelBoost * getBoost()); } @Override public Scorer scorer(AtomicReaderContext context, boolean scoreDocsInOrder, boolean topScorer, Bits acceptDocs) throws IOException { // we ignore scoreDocsInOrder parameter, because we need to score in // order if documents are scored with a script. The // ShardLookup depends on in order scoring. Scorer subQueryScorer = subQueryWeight.scorer(context, true, false, acceptDocs); if (subQueryScorer == null) { return null; } for (int i = 0; i < filterFunctions.length; i++) { FilterFunction filterFunction = filterFunctions[i]; filterFunction.function.setNextReader(context); docSets[i] = DocIdSets.toSafeBits(context.reader(), filterFunction.filter.getDocIdSet(context, acceptDocs)); } return new CustomBoostFactorScorer(this, subQueryScorer, scoreMode, filterFunctions, maxBoost, docSets, combineFunction); } @Override public Explanation explain(AtomicReaderContext context, int doc) throws IOException { Explanation subQueryExpl = subQueryWeight.explain(context, doc); if (!subQueryExpl.isMatch()) { return subQueryExpl; } // First: Gather explanations for all filters List<ComplexExplanation> filterExplanations = new ArrayList<ComplexExplanation>(); for (FilterFunction filterFunction : filterFunctions) { Bits docSet = DocIdSets.toSafeBits(context.reader(), filterFunction.filter.getDocIdSet(context, context.reader().getLiveDocs())); if (docSet.get(doc)) { filterFunction.function.setNextReader(context); Explanation functionExplanation = filterFunction.function.explainScore(doc, subQueryExpl); double factor = functionExplanation.getValue(); float sc = CombineFunction.toFloat(factor); ComplexExplanation filterExplanation = new ComplexExplanation(true, sc, "function score, product of:"); filterExplanation.addDetail(new Explanation(1.0f, "match filter: " + filterFunction.filter.toString())); filterExplanation.addDetail(functionExplanation); filterExplanations.add(filterExplanation); } } if (filterExplanations.size() == 0) { float sc = getBoost() * subQueryExpl.getValue(); Explanation res = new ComplexExplanation(true, sc, "function score, no filter match, product of:"); res.addDetail(subQueryExpl); res.addDetail(new Explanation(getBoost(), "queryBoost")); return res; } // Second: Compute the factor that would have been computed by the // filters double factor = 1.0; switch (scoreMode) { case First: factor = filterExplanations.get(0).getValue(); break; case Max: factor = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; for (int i = 0; i < filterExplanations.size(); i++) { factor = Math.max(filterExplanations.get(i).getValue(), factor); } break; case Min: factor = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; for (int i = 0; i < filterExplanations.size(); i++) { factor = Math.min(filterExplanations.get(i).getValue(), factor); } break; case Multiply: for (int i = 0; i < filterExplanations.size(); i++) { factor *= filterExplanations.get(i).getValue(); } break; default: // Avg / Total double totalFactor = 0.0f; int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < filterExplanations.size(); i++) { totalFactor += filterExplanations.get(i).getValue(); count++; } if (count != 0) { factor = totalFactor; if (scoreMode == ScoreMode.Avg) { factor /= count; } } } ComplexExplanation factorExplanaition = new ComplexExplanation(true, CombineFunction.toFloat(factor), "function score, score mode [" + scoreMode.toString().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT) + "]"); for (int i = 0; i < filterExplanations.size(); i++) { factorExplanaition.addDetail(filterExplanations.get(i)); } return combineFunction.explain(getBoost(), subQueryExpl, factorExplanaition, maxBoost); } }
1no label
@Component("blUrlRewriteProcessor") public class UrlRewriteProcessor extends AbstractAttributeModifierAttrProcessor { @Resource(name = "blStaticAssetService") protected StaticAssetService staticAssetService; /** * Sets the name of this processor to be used in Thymeleaf template */ public UrlRewriteProcessor() { super("src"); } @Override public int getPrecedence() { return 1000; } /** * @return true if the current request.scheme = HTTPS or if the request.isSecure value is true. */ protected boolean isRequestSecure(HttpServletRequest request) { return ("HTTPS".equalsIgnoreCase(request.getScheme()) || request.isSecure()); } @Override protected Map<String, String> getModifiedAttributeValues(Arguments arguments, Element element, String attributeName) { Map<String, String> attrs = new HashMap<String, String>(); HttpServletRequest request = BroadleafRequestContext.getBroadleafRequestContext().getRequest(); boolean secureRequest = isRequestSecure(request); String assetPath = (String) StandardExpressionProcessor.processExpression(arguments, element.getAttributeValue(attributeName)); //String assetPath = element.getAttributeValue(attributeName); assetPath = staticAssetService.convertAssetPath(assetPath, request.getContextPath(), secureRequest); attrs.put("src", assetPath); /* SearchFacetResultDTO result = (SearchFacetResultDTO) StandardExpressionProcessor.processExpression(arguments, element.getAttributeValue(attributeName)); String value = result.getFacet().getSearchFacet().getFieldName() + "[RESULT-VALUE]"; if (result.getValue() != null) { value = value.replace("RESULT-VALUE", result.getValue()); } else { value = value.replace("RESULT-VALUE", result.getMinValue() + "-" + result.getMaxValue()); } */ /* attrs.put("id", value); attrs.put("name", value); */ return attrs; } @Override protected ModificationType getModificationType(Arguments arguments, Element element, String attributeName, String newAttributeName) { return ModificationType.SUBSTITUTION; } @Override protected boolean removeAttributeIfEmpty(Arguments arguments, Element element, String attributeName, String newAttributeName) { return true; } @Override protected boolean recomputeProcessorsAfterExecution(Arguments arguments, Element element, String attributeName) { return false; } }
static class WithOrdinals extends GeoPointDoubleArrayAtomicFieldData { private final BigDoubleArrayList lon, lat; private final Ordinals ordinals; public WithOrdinals(BigDoubleArrayList lon, BigDoubleArrayList lat, int numDocs, Ordinals ordinals) { super(numDocs); this.lon = lon; this.lat = lat; this.ordinals = ordinals; } @Override public boolean isMultiValued() { return ordinals.isMultiValued(); } @Override public boolean isValuesOrdered() { return true; } @Override public long getNumberUniqueValues() { return ordinals.getNumOrds(); } @Override public long getMemorySizeInBytes() { if (size == -1) { size = RamUsageEstimator.NUM_BYTES_INT/*size*/ + RamUsageEstimator.NUM_BYTES_INT/*numDocs*/ + lon.sizeInBytes() + lat.sizeInBytes(); } return size; } @Override public GeoPointValues getGeoPointValues() { return new GeoPointValuesWithOrdinals(lon, lat, ordinals.ordinals()); } public static class GeoPointValuesWithOrdinals extends GeoPointValues { private final BigDoubleArrayList lon, lat; private final Ordinals.Docs ordinals; private final GeoPoint scratch = new GeoPoint(); GeoPointValuesWithOrdinals(BigDoubleArrayList lon, BigDoubleArrayList lat, Ordinals.Docs ordinals) { super(ordinals.isMultiValued()); this.lon = lon; this.lat = lat; this.ordinals = ordinals; } @Override public GeoPoint nextValue() { final long ord = ordinals.nextOrd(); assert ord > 0; return scratch.reset(lat.get(ord), lon.get(ord)); } @Override public int setDocument(int docId) { this.docId = docId; return ordinals.setDocument(docId); } } }
public static class Document implements Iterable<IndexableField> { private final List<IndexableField> fields; private ObjectObjectMap<Object, IndexableField> keyedFields; public Document() { fields = Lists.newArrayList(); } @Override public Iterator<IndexableField> iterator() { return fields.iterator(); } public List<IndexableField> getFields() { return fields; } public void add(IndexableField field) { fields.add(field); } /** Add fields so that they can later be fetched using {@link #getByKey(Object)}. */ public void addWithKey(Object key, IndexableField field) { if (keyedFields == null) { keyedFields = new ObjectObjectOpenHashMap<Object, IndexableField>(); } else if (keyedFields.containsKey(key)) { throw new ElasticsearchIllegalStateException("Only one field can be stored per key"); } keyedFields.put(key, field); add(field); } /** Get back fields that have been previously added with {@link #addWithKey(Object, IndexableField)}. */ public IndexableField getByKey(Object key) { return keyedFields == null ? null : keyedFields.get(key); } public IndexableField[] getFields(String name) { List<IndexableField> f = new ArrayList<IndexableField>(); for (IndexableField field : fields) { if (field.name().equals(name)) { f.add(field); } } return f.toArray(new IndexableField[f.size()]); } public IndexableField getField(String name) { for (IndexableField field : fields) { if (field.name().equals(name)) { return field; } } return null; } public String get(String name) { for (IndexableField f : fields) { if (f.name().equals(name) && f.stringValue() != null) { return f.stringValue(); } } return null; } public BytesRef getBinaryValue(String name) { for (IndexableField f : fields) { if (f.name().equals(name) && f.binaryValue() != null) { return f.binaryValue(); } } return null; } }
new Thread() { public void run() { try { map.lock(key); map.put(key, value); putWhileLocked.countDown(); checkingKeySet.await(); map.unlock(key); }catch(Exception e){} } }.start();
executor.scheduleWithFixedDelay(new Runnable() { public void run() { cache.cleanup(); } }, 60, 60, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
public enum OGlobalConfiguration { // ENVIRONMENT ENVIRONMENT_DUMP_CFG_AT_STARTUP("environment.dumpCfgAtStartup", "Dumps the configuration at application startup", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE), ENVIRONMENT_CONCURRENT("environment.concurrent", "Specifies if running in multi-thread environment. Setting this to false turns off the internal lock management", Boolean.class, Boolean.TRUE), // MEMORY MEMORY_USE_UNSAFE("memory.useUnsafe", "Indicates whether Unsafe will be used if it is present", Boolean.class, true), DIRECT_MEMORY_UNSAFE_MODE( "memory.directMemory.unsafeMode", "Indicates whether to do perform range check before each direct memory update, it is false by default, " + "but usually it can be safely put to true. It is needed to set to true only after dramatic changes in storage structures.", Boolean.class, false), JVM_GC_DELAY_FOR_OPTIMIZE("jvm.gc.delayForOptimize", "Minimal amount of time (seconds) since last System.gc() when called after tree optimization", Long.class, 600), // STORAGE DISK_CACHE_SIZE("storage.diskCache.bufferSize", "Size of disk buffer in megabytes", Integer.class, 4 * 1024), DISK_WRITE_CACHE_PART("storage.diskCache.writeCachePart", "Percent of disk cache which is use as write cache", Integer.class, 30), DISK_WRITE_CACHE_PAGE_TTL("storage.diskCache.writeCachePageTTL", "Max time till page will be flushed from write cache in seconds", Long.class, 24 * 60 * 60), DISK_WRITE_CACHE_PAGE_FLUSH_INTERVAL("storage.diskCache.writeCachePageFlushInterval", "Interval between flushing of pages from write cache in ms.", Integer.class, 100), DISK_WRITE_CACHE_FLUSH_LOCK_TIMEOUT("storage.diskCache.writeCacheFlushLockTimeout", "Maximum amount of time till write cache will be wait before page flush in ms.", Integer.class, -1), STORAGE_COMPRESSION_METHOD("storage.compressionMethod", "Record compression method is used in storage." + " Possible values : gzip, nothing, snappy, snappy-native. Default is snappy.", String.class, "snappy"), USE_WAL("storage.useWAL", "Whether WAL should be used in paginated storage", Boolean.class, true), WAL_CACHE_SIZE("storage.wal.cacheSize", "Maximum size of WAL cache (in amount of WAL pages, each page is 64k) <= 0 means that caching will be switched off.", Integer.class, 3000), WAL_MAX_SEGMENT_SIZE("storage.wal.maxSegmentSize", "Maximum size of single WAL segment in megabytes.", Integer.class, 256), WAL_MAX_SIZE("storage.wal.maxSize", "Maximum size of WAL on disk in megabytes.", Integer.class, 4 * 1024), WAL_COMMIT_TIMEOUT("storage.wal.commitTimeout", "Maximum interval between WAL commits (in ms.)", Integer.class, 1000), WAL_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT("storage.wal.shutdownTimeout", "Maximum wait interval between events when background flush thread" + " will receive shutdown command and when background flush will be stopped (in ms.)", Integer.class, 10000), WAL_FUZZY_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL("storage.wal.fuzzyCheckpointInterval", "Interval between fuzzy checkpoints (in seconds)", Integer.class, 2592000), WAL_FUZZY_CHECKPOINT_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT("storage.wal.fuzzyCheckpointShutdownWait", "Interval which we should wait till shutdown (in seconds)", Integer.class, 60 * 10), WAL_FULL_CHECKPOINT_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT("storage.wal.fullCheckpointShutdownTimeout", "Timeout till DB will wait that full checkpoint is finished during DB close (in seconds))", Integer.class, 60 * 10), WAL_LOCATION("storage.wal.path", "Path to the wal file on the disk, by default is placed in DB directory but" + " it is highly recomended to use separate disk to store log operations", String.class, null), STORAGE_MAKE_FULL_CHECKPOINT_AFTER_CREATE("storage.makeFullCheckpointAfterCreate", "Indicates whether full checkpoint should be performed if storage was opened.", Boolean.class, true), STORAGE_MAKE_FULL_CHECKPOINT_AFTER_CLUSTER_CREATE("storage.makeFullCheckpointAfterClusterCreate", "Indicates whether full checkpoint should be performed if storage was opened.", Boolean.class, true), DISK_CACHE_PAGE_SIZE("storage.diskCache.pageSize", "Size of page of disk buffer in kilobytes", Integer.class, 64), PAGINATED_STORAGE_LOWEST_FREELIST_BOUNDARY("storage.lowestFreeListBound", "The minimal amount of free space (in kb)" + " in page which is tracked in paginated storage", Integer.class, 16), USE_NODE_ID_CLUSTER_POSITION("storage.cluster.useNodeIdAsClusterPosition", "Indicates whether cluster position should be" + " treated as node id not as long value.", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE), STORAGE_KEEP_OPEN( "storage.keepOpen", "Tells to the engine to not close the storage when a database is closed. Storages will be closed when the process shuts down", Boolean.class, Boolean.TRUE), STORAGE_LOCK_TIMEOUT("storage.lockTimeout", "Maximum timeout in milliseconds to lock the storage", Integer.class, 600000), STORAGE_RECORD_LOCK_TIMEOUT("storage.record.lockTimeout", "Maximum timeout in milliseconds to lock a shared record", Integer.class, 5000), STORAGE_USE_TOMBSTONES("storage.useTombstones", "When record will be deleted its cluster" + " position will not be freed but tombstone will be placed instead", Boolean.class, false), // RECORDS RECORD_DOWNSIZING_ENABLED( "record.downsizing.enabled", "On updates if the record size is lower than before, reduces the space taken accordlying. If enabled this could increase defragmentation, but it reduces the used space", Boolean.class, true), // CACHE CACHE_LEVEL1_ENABLED("cache.level1.enabled", "Use the level-1 cache", Boolean.class, true), CACHE_LEVEL1_SIZE("cache.level1.size", "Size of the cache that keeps the record in memory", Integer.class, 1000), CACHE_LEVEL2_ENABLED("cache.level2.enabled", "Use the level-2 cache", Boolean.class, false), CACHE_LEVEL2_SIZE("cache.level2.size", "Size of the cache that keeps the record in memory", Integer.class, 0), CACHE_LEVEL2_IMPL("cache.level2.impl", "Actual implementation of secondary cache", String.class, ODefaultCache.class .getCanonicalName()), CACHE_LEVEL2_STRATEGY("cache.level2.strategy", "Strategy to use when a database requests a record: 0 = pop the record, 1 = copy the record", Integer.class, 0, new OConfigurationChangeCallback() { public void change(final Object iCurrentValue, final Object iNewValue) { // UPDATE ALL THE OPENED STORAGES SETTING THE NEW STRATEGY // for (OStorage s : com.orientechnologies.orient.core.Orient.instance().getStorages()) { // s.getCache().setStrategy((Integer) iNewValue); // } } }), // DATABASE OBJECT_SAVE_ONLY_DIRTY("object.saveOnlyDirty", "Object Database only saves objects bound to dirty records", Boolean.class, false), // DATABASE DB_POOL_MIN("db.pool.min", "Default database pool minimum size", Integer.class, 1), DB_POOL_MAX("db.pool.max", "Default database pool maximum size", Integer.class, 20), DB_POOL_IDLE_TIMEOUT("db.pool.idleTimeout", "Default database pool maximum size", Integer.class, 0), DB_POOL_IDLE_CHECK_DELAY("db.pool.idleCheckDelay", "Default database pool maximum size", Integer.class, 0), @Deprecated DB_MVCC("db.mvcc", "Enables or disables MVCC (Multi-Version Concurrency Control) even outside transactions", Boolean.class, true), DB_MVCC_THROWFAST( "db.mvcc.throwfast", "Use fast-thrown exceptions for MVCC OConcurrentModificationExceptions. No context information will be available, use where these exceptions are handled and the detail is not neccessary", Boolean.class, false), DB_VALIDATION("db.validation", "Enables or disables validation of records", Boolean.class, true), DB_USE_DISTRIBUTED_VERSION("db.use.distributedVersion", "Use extended version that is safe in distributed environment", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE), // SETTINGS OF NON-TRANSACTIONAL MODE NON_TX_RECORD_UPDATE_SYNCH("nonTX.recordUpdate.synch", "Executes a synch against the file-system at every record operation. This slows down records updates " + "but guarantee reliability on unreliable drives", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE), NON_TX_CLUSTERS_SYNC_IMMEDIATELY("nonTX.clusters.sync.immediately", "List of clusters to sync immediately after update separated by commas. Can be useful for manual index", String.class, OMetadataDefault.CLUSTER_MANUAL_INDEX_NAME), // TRANSACTIONS TX_USE_LOG("tx.useLog", "Transactions use log file to store temporary data to be rolled back in case of crash", Boolean.class, true), TX_AUTO_RETRY("tx.autoRetry", "Maximum number of automatic retry if some resource has been locked in the middle of the transaction (Timeout exception)", Integer.class, 1), TX_LOG_TYPE("tx.log.fileType", "File type to handle transaction logs: mmap or classic", String.class, "classic"), TX_LOG_SYNCH( "tx.log.synch", "Executes a synch against the file-system at every log entry. This slows down transactions but guarantee transaction reliability on unreliable drives", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE), TX_COMMIT_SYNCH("tx.commit.synch", "Synchronizes the storage after transaction commit", Boolean.class, false), // INDEX HASH_TABLE_SPLIT_BUCKETS_BUFFER_LENGTH("hashTable.slitBucketsBuffer.length", "Length of buffer (in pages) where buckets " + "that were splited but not flushed to the disk are kept. This buffer is used to minimize random IO overhead.", Integer.class, 1500), INDEX_AUTO_REBUILD_AFTER_NOTSOFTCLOSE("index.auto.rebuildAfterNotSoftClose", "Auto rebuild all automatic indexes after upon database open when wasn't closed properly", Boolean.class, true), INDEX_SYNCHRONOUS_AUTO_REBUILD("index.auto.synchronousAutoRebuild", "Synchronous execution of auto rebuilding of indexes in case of db crash.", Boolean.class, Boolean.TRUE), INDEX_AUTO_LAZY_UPDATES( "index.auto.lazyUpdates", "Configure the TreeMaps for automatic indexes as buffered or not. -1 means buffered until tx.commit() or db.close() are called", Integer.class, 10000), INDEX_MANUAL_LAZY_UPDATES("index.manual.lazyUpdates", "Configure the TreeMaps for manual indexes as buffered or not. -1 means buffered until tx.commit() or db.close() are called", Integer.class, 1), INDEX_DURABLE_IN_NON_TX_MODE("index.durableInNonTxMode", "Indicates whether index implementation for plocal storage will be durable in non-Tx mode, false by default", Boolean.class, false), INDEX_TX_MODE("index.txMode", "Indicates index durability level in TX mode. Can be ROLLBACK_ONLY or FULL (ROLLBACK_ONLY by default)", String.class, "ROLLBACK_ONLY"), INDEX_USE_SBTREE_BY_DEFAULT("index.useSBTreeByDefault", "Whether new SBTree index implementation should be used instead of old MVRB-Tree", Boolean.class, true), INDEX_NOTUNIQUE_USE_SBTREE_CONTAINER_BY_DEFAULT("index.notunique.useSBTreeContainerByDefault", "Prefer SBTree based algorithm instead MVRBTree for storing sets of RID", Boolean.class, true), // TREEMAP MVRBTREE_TIMEOUT("mvrbtree.timeout", "Maximum timeout to get lock against the OMVRB-Tree", Integer.class, 5000), MVRBTREE_NODE_PAGE_SIZE("mvrbtree.nodePageSize", "Page size of each node. 256 means that 256 entries can be stored inside each node", Integer.class, 256), MVRBTREE_LOAD_FACTOR("mvrbtree.loadFactor", "HashMap load factor", Float.class, 0.7f), MVRBTREE_OPTIMIZE_THRESHOLD( "mvrbtree.optimizeThreshold", "Auto optimize the TreeMap every X tree rotations. This forces the optimization of the tree after many changes to recompute entry points. -1 means never", Integer.class, 100000), MVRBTREE_ENTRYPOINTS("mvrbtree.entryPoints", "Number of entry points to start searching entries", Integer.class, 64), MVRBTREE_OPTIMIZE_ENTRYPOINTS_FACTOR("mvrbtree.optimizeEntryPointsFactor", "Multiplicand factor to apply to entry-points list (parameter mvrbtree.entrypoints) to determine optimization is needed", Float.class, 1.0f), MVRBTREE_ENTRY_KEYS_IN_MEMORY("mvrbtree.entryKeysInMemory", "Keep unserialized keys in memory", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE), MVRBTREE_ENTRY_VALUES_IN_MEMORY("mvrbtree.entryValuesInMemory", "Keep unserialized values in memory", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE), // TREEMAP OF RIDS MVRBTREE_RID_BINARY_THRESHOLD( "mvrbtree.ridBinaryThreshold", "Valid for set of rids. It's the threshold as number of entries to use the binary streaming instead of classic string streaming. -1 means never use binary streaming", Integer.class, 8), MVRBTREE_RID_NODE_PAGE_SIZE("mvrbtree.ridNodePageSize", "Page size of each treeset node. 16 means that 16 entries can be stored inside each node", Integer.class, 64), MVRBTREE_RID_NODE_SAVE_MEMORY("mvrbtree.ridNodeSaveMemory", "Save memory usage by avoid keeping RIDs in memory but creating them at every access", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE), // SBTREE SBTREE_MAX_KEY_SIZE("sbtree.maxKeySize", "Maximum size of key which can be put in SBTree in bytes (10240 by default)", Integer.class, 10240), SBTREE_MAX_EMBEDDED_VALUE_SIZE("sbtree.maxEmbeddedValueSize", "Maximum size of value which can be put in SBTree without creation link to standalone page in bytes (40960 by default)", Integer.class, 40960), SBTREEBONSAI_BUCKET_SIZE("sbtreebonsai.bucketSize", "Size of bucket in OSBTreeBonsai in kB. Contract: bucketSize < storagePageSize, storagePageSize % bucketSize == 0.", Integer.class, 2), // COLLECTIONS LAZYSET_WORK_ON_STREAM("lazyset.workOnStream", "Upon add avoid unmarshalling set", Boolean.class, true), PREFER_SBTREE_SET("collections.preferSBTreeSet", "This config is experimental.", Boolean.class, false), // FILE FILE_LOCK("file.lock", "Locks files when used. Default is false", boolean.class, true), FILE_DEFRAG_STRATEGY("file.defrag.strategy", "Strategy to recycle free space: 0 = synchronous defrag, 1 = asynchronous defrag, ", Integer.class, 0), FILE_DEFRAG_HOLE_MAX_DISTANCE( "file.defrag.holeMaxDistance", "Max distance in bytes between holes to cause their defrag. Set it to -1 to use dynamic size. Beware that if the db is huge moving blocks to defrag could be expensive", Integer.class, 32768), FILE_MMAP_USE_OLD_MANAGER("file.mmap.useOldManager", "Manager that will be used to handle mmap files. true = USE OLD MANAGER, false = USE NEW MANAGER", boolean.class, false), FILE_MMAP_AUTOFLUSH_TIMER("file.mmap.autoFlush.timer", "Auto flushes memory mapped blocks every X seconds. 0 = disabled", int.class, 30), FILE_MMAP_AUTOFLUSH_UNUSED_TIME("file.mmap.autoFlush.unusedTime", "Remove memory mapped blocks with unused time major than this value. Time is in seconds", int.class, 30), FILE_MMAP_LOCK_MEMORY("file.mmap.lockMemory", "When using new map manager this parameter specify prevent memory swap or not. true = LOCK MEMORY, false = NOT LOCK MEMORY", boolean.class, true), FILE_MMAP_STRATEGY( "file.mmap.strategy", "Strategy to use with memory mapped files. 0 = USE MMAP ALWAYS, 1 = USE MMAP ON WRITES OR ON READ JUST WHEN THE BLOCK POOL IS FREE, 2 = USE MMAP ON WRITES OR ON READ JUST WHEN THE BLOCK IS ALREADY AVAILABLE, 3 = USE MMAP ONLY IF BLOCK IS ALREADY AVAILABLE, 4 = NEVER USE MMAP", Integer.class, 0), FILE_MMAP_BLOCK_SIZE("file.mmap.blockSize", "Size of the memory mapped block, default is 1Mb", Integer.class, 1048576, new OConfigurationChangeCallback() { public void change(final Object iCurrentValue, final Object iNewValue) { OMMapManagerOld.setBlockSize(((Number) iNewValue).intValue()); } }), FILE_MMAP_BUFFER_SIZE("file.mmap.bufferSize", "Size of the buffer for direct access to the file through the channel", Integer.class, 8192), FILE_MMAP_MAX_MEMORY( "file.mmap.maxMemory", "Max memory allocatable by memory mapping manager. Note that on 32bit operating systems, the limit is 2Gb but will vary between operating systems", Long.class, 134217728, new OConfigurationChangeCallback() { public void change(final Object iCurrentValue, final Object iNewValue) { OMMapManagerOld.setMaxMemory(OFileUtils.getSizeAsNumber(iNewValue)); } }), FILE_MMAP_OVERLAP_STRATEGY( "file.mmap.overlapStrategy", "Strategy to use when a request overlaps in-memory buffers: 0 = Use the channel access, 1 = force the in-memory buffer and use the channel access, 2 = always create an overlapped in-memory buffer (default)", Integer.class, 2, new OConfigurationChangeCallback() { public void change(final Object iCurrentValue, final Object iNewValue) { OMMapManagerOld.setOverlapStrategy((Integer) iNewValue); } }), FILE_MMAP_FORCE_DELAY("file.mmap.forceDelay", "Delay time in ms to wait for another forced flush of the memory-mapped block to disk", Integer.class, 10), FILE_MMAP_FORCE_RETRY("file.mmap.forceRetry", "Number of times the memory-mapped block will try to flush to disk", Integer.class, 50), JNA_DISABLE_USE_SYSTEM_LIBRARY("jna.disable.system.library", "This property disable to using JNA installed in your system. And use JNA bundled with database.", boolean.class, true), // NETWORK NETWORK_MAX_CONCURRENT_SESSIONS("network.maxConcurrentSessions", "Maximum number of concurrent sessions", Integer.class, 1000), NETWORK_SOCKET_BUFFER_SIZE("network.socketBufferSize", "TCP/IP Socket buffer size", Integer.class, 32768), NETWORK_LOCK_TIMEOUT("network.lockTimeout", "Timeout in ms to acquire a lock against a channel", Integer.class, 15000), NETWORK_SOCKET_TIMEOUT("network.socketTimeout", "TCP/IP Socket timeout in ms", Integer.class, 15000), NETWORK_SOCKET_RETRY("network.retry", "Number of times the client retries its connection to the server on failure", Integer.class, 5), NETWORK_SOCKET_RETRY_DELAY("network.retryDelay", "Number of ms the client waits before reconnecting to the server on failure", Integer.class, 500), NETWORK_BINARY_DNS_LOADBALANCING_ENABLED("network.binary.loadBalancing.enabled", "Asks for DNS TXT record to determine if load balancing is supported", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE), NETWORK_BINARY_DNS_LOADBALANCING_TIMEOUT("network.binary.loadBalancing.timeout", "Maximum time (in ms) to wait for the answer from DNS about the TXT record for load balancing", Integer.class, 2000), NETWORK_BINARY_MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH("network.binary.maxLength", "TCP/IP max content length in bytes of BINARY requests", Integer.class, 32736), NETWORK_BINARY_READ_RESPONSE_MAX_TIMES("network.binary.readResponse.maxTimes", "Maximum times to wait until response will be read. Otherwise response will be dropped from chanel", Integer.class, 20), NETWORK_BINARY_DEBUG("network.binary.debug", "Debug mode: print all data incoming on the binary channel", Boolean.class, false), NETWORK_HTTP_MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH("network.http.maxLength", "TCP/IP max content length in bytes for HTTP requests", Integer.class, 1000000), NETWORK_HTTP_CONTENT_CHARSET("network.http.charset", "Http response charset", String.class, "utf-8"), NETWORK_HTTP_SESSION_EXPIRE_TIMEOUT("network.http.sessionExpireTimeout", "Timeout after which an http session is considered tp have expired (seconds)", Integer.class, 300), // PROFILER PROFILER_ENABLED("profiler.enabled", "Enable the recording of statistics and counters", Boolean.class, false, new OConfigurationChangeCallback() { public void change(final Object iCurrentValue, final Object iNewValue) { if ((Boolean) iNewValue) Orient.instance().getProfiler().startRecording(); else Orient.instance().getProfiler().stopRecording(); } }), PROFILER_CONFIG("profiler.config", "Configures the profiler as <seconds-for-snapshot>,<archive-snapshot-size>,<summary-size>", String.class, null, new OConfigurationChangeCallback() { public void change(final Object iCurrentValue, final Object iNewValue) { Orient.instance().getProfiler().configure(iNewValue.toString()); } }), PROFILER_AUTODUMP_INTERVAL("profiler.autoDump.interval", "Dumps the profiler values at regular intervals. Time is expressed in seconds", Integer.class, 0, new OConfigurationChangeCallback() { public void change(final Object iCurrentValue, final Object iNewValue) { Orient.instance().getProfiler().setAutoDump((Integer) iNewValue); } }), // LOG LOG_CONSOLE_LEVEL("log.console.level", "Console logging level", String.class, "info", new OConfigurationChangeCallback() { public void change(final Object iCurrentValue, final Object iNewValue) { OLogManager.instance().setLevel((String) iNewValue, ConsoleHandler.class); } }), LOG_FILE_LEVEL("log.file.level", "File logging level", String.class, "fine", new OConfigurationChangeCallback() { public void change(final Object iCurrentValue, final Object iNewValue) { OLogManager.instance().setLevel((String) iNewValue, FileHandler.class); } }), // COMMAND COMMAND_TIMEOUT("command.timeout", "Default timeout for commands expressed in milliseconds", Long.class, 0), // CLIENT CLIENT_CHANNEL_MIN_POOL("client.channel.minPool", "Minimum pool size", Integer.class, 1), CLIENT_CHANNEL_MAX_POOL("client.channel.maxPool", "Maximum channel pool size", Integer.class, 20), CLIENT_CONNECT_POOL_WAIT_TIMEOUT("client.connectionPool.waitTimeout", "Maximum time which client should wait connection from the pool", Integer.class, 5000), CLIENT_DB_RELEASE_WAIT_TIMEOUT("client.channel.dbReleaseWaitTimeout", "Delay in ms. after which data modification command will be resent if DB was frozen", Integer.class, 10000), // SERVER SERVER_CHANNEL_CLEAN_DELAY("server.channel.cleanDelay", "Time in ms of delay to check pending closed connections", Integer.class, 5000), SERVER_CACHE_FILE_STATIC("server.cache.staticFile", "Cache static resources loading", Boolean.class, false), SERVER_CACHE_INCREASE_ON_DEMAND("server.cache.2q.increaseOnDemand", "Increase 2q cache on demand", Boolean.class, true), SERVER_CACHE_INCREASE_STEP("server.cache.2q.increaseStep", "Increase 2q cache step in percent. Will only work if server.cache.2q.increaseOnDemand is true", Float.class, 0.1f), SERVER_LOG_DUMP_CLIENT_EXCEPTION_LEVEL( "server.log.dumpClientExceptionLevel", "Logs client exceptions. Use any level supported by Java java.util.logging.Level class: OFF, FINE, CONFIG, INFO, WARNING, SEVERE", Level.class, Level.FINE), SERVER_LOG_DUMP_CLIENT_EXCEPTION_FULLSTACKTRACE("server.log.dumpClientExceptionFullStackTrace", "Dumps the full stack trace of the exception to sent to the client", Level.class, Boolean.TRUE), // DISTRIBUTED DISTRIBUTED_THREAD_QUEUE_SIZE("distributed.threadQueueSize", "Size of the queue for internal thread dispatching", Integer.class, 10000), DISTRIBUTED_CRUD_TASK_SYNCH_TIMEOUT("distributed.crudTaskTimeout", "Maximum timeout in milliseconds to wait for CRUD remote tasks", Integer.class, 3000l), DISTRIBUTED_COMMAND_TASK_SYNCH_TIMEOUT("distributed.commandTaskTimeout", "Maximum timeout in milliseconds to wait for Command remote tasks", Integer.class, 5000l), DISTRIBUTED_QUEUE_TIMEOUT("distributed.queueTimeout", "Maximum timeout in milliseconds to wait for the response in replication", Integer.class, 5000l), DISTRIBUTED_ASYNCH_RESPONSES_TIMEOUT("distributed.asynchResponsesTimeout", "Maximum timeout in milliseconds to collect all the asynchronous responses from replication", Integer.class, 15000l), DISTRIBUTED_PURGE_RESPONSES_TIMER_DELAY("distributed.purgeResponsesTimerDelay", "Maximum timeout in milliseconds to collect all the asynchronous responses from replication", Integer.class, 15000l); private final String key; private final Object defValue; private final Class<?> type; private Object value = null; private String description; private OConfigurationChangeCallback changeCallback = null; // AT STARTUP AUTO-CONFIG static { readConfiguration(); autoConfig(); } OGlobalConfiguration(final String iKey, final String iDescription, final Class<?> iType, final Object iDefValue, final OConfigurationChangeCallback iChangeAction) { this(iKey, iDescription, iType, iDefValue); changeCallback = iChangeAction; } OGlobalConfiguration(final String iKey, final String iDescription, final Class<?> iType, final Object iDefValue) { key = iKey; description = iDescription; defValue = iDefValue; type = iType; } public void setValue(final Object iValue) { Object oldValue = value; if (iValue != null) if (type == Boolean.class) value = Boolean.parseBoolean(iValue.toString()); else if (type == Integer.class) value = Integer.parseInt(iValue.toString()); else if (type == Float.class) value = Float.parseFloat(iValue.toString()); else if (type == String.class) value = iValue.toString(); else value = iValue; if (changeCallback != null) changeCallback.change(oldValue, value); } public Object getValue() { return value != null ? value : defValue; } public boolean getValueAsBoolean() { final Object v = value != null ? value : defValue; return v instanceof Boolean ? ((Boolean) v).booleanValue() : Boolean.parseBoolean(v.toString()); } public String getValueAsString() { return value != null ? value.toString() : defValue != null ? defValue.toString() : null; } public int getValueAsInteger() { final Object v = value != null ? value : defValue; return (int) (v instanceof Number ? ((Number) v).intValue() : OFileUtils.getSizeAsNumber(v.toString())); } public long getValueAsLong() { final Object v = value != null ? value : defValue; return v instanceof Number ? ((Number) v).longValue() : OFileUtils.getSizeAsNumber(v.toString()); } public float getValueAsFloat() { final Object v = value != null ? value : defValue; return v instanceof Float ? ((Float) v).floatValue() : Float.parseFloat(v.toString()); } public String getKey() { return key; } public Class<?> getType() { return type; } public String getDescription() { return description; } public static void dumpConfiguration(final PrintStream out) { out.print("OrientDB "); out.print(OConstants.getVersion()); out.println(" configuration dump:"); String lastSection = ""; for (OGlobalConfiguration v : values()) { final String section = v.key.substring(0, v.key.indexOf('.')); if (!lastSection.equals(section)) { out.print("- "); out.println(section.toUpperCase()); lastSection = section; } out.print(" + "); out.print(v.key); out.print(" = "); out.println(v.getValue()); } } /** * Find the OGlobalConfiguration instance by the key. Key is case insensitive. * * @param iKey * Key to find. It's case insensitive. * @return OGlobalConfiguration instance if found, otherwise null */ public static OGlobalConfiguration findByKey(final String iKey) { for (OGlobalConfiguration v : values()) { if (v.getKey().equalsIgnoreCase(iKey)) return v; } return null; } /** * Changes the configuration values in one shot by passing a Map of values. Keys can be the Java ENUM names or the string * representation of configuration values */ public static void setConfiguration(final Map<String, Object> iConfig) { for (Entry<String, Object> config : iConfig.entrySet()) { for (OGlobalConfiguration v : values()) { if (v.getKey().equals(config.getKey())) { v.setValue(config.getValue()); break; } else if (v.name().equals(config.getKey())) { v.setValue(config.getValue()); break; } } } } /** * Assign configuration values by reading system properties. */ private static void readConfiguration() { String prop; for (OGlobalConfiguration config : values()) { prop = System.getProperty(config.key); if (prop != null) config.setValue(prop); } } private static void autoConfig() { if (System.getProperty("os.arch").indexOf("64") > -1) { // 64 BIT if (FILE_MMAP_MAX_MEMORY.getValueAsInteger() == 134217728) { final OperatingSystemMXBean bean = java.lang.management.ManagementFactory.getOperatingSystemMXBean(); try { final Class<?> cls = Class.forName("com.sun.management.OperatingSystemMXBean"); if (cls.isAssignableFrom(bean.getClass())) { final Long maxOsMemory = (Long) cls.getMethod("getTotalPhysicalMemorySize", new Class[] {}).invoke(bean); final long maxProcessMemory = Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory(); long mmapBestMemory = (maxOsMemory.longValue() - maxProcessMemory) / 2; FILE_MMAP_MAX_MEMORY.setValue(mmapBestMemory); } } catch (Exception e) { // SUN JMX CLASS NOT AVAILABLE: CAN'T AUTO TUNE THE ENGINE } } } else { // 32 BIT, USE THE DEFAULT CONFIGURATION } System.setProperty(MEMORY_USE_UNSAFE.getKey(), MEMORY_USE_UNSAFE.getValueAsString()); System.setProperty(DIRECT_MEMORY_UNSAFE_MODE.getKey(), DIRECT_MEMORY_UNSAFE_MODE.getValueAsString()); } }