Unnamed: 0
int64 0
| func
stringlengths 29
| target
class label 2
classes | project
stringlengths 36
1,274 | return nodesService.execute(new TransportClientNodesService.NodeCallback<ActionFuture<Response>>() {
public ActionFuture<Response> doWithNode(DiscoveryNode node) throws ElasticsearchException {
return proxy.execute(node, request);
}); | 1no label
| src_main_java_org_elasticsearch_client_transport_support_InternalTransportIndicesAdminClient.java |
1,611 | public class ODeleteRecordTask extends OAbstractRecordReplicatedTask {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public ODeleteRecordTask() {
public ODeleteRecordTask(final ORecordId iRid, final ORecordVersion iVersion) {
super(iRid, iVersion);
public Object execute(final OServer iServer, ODistributedServerManager iManager, final ODatabaseDocumentTx database)
throws Exception {
ODistributedServerLog.debug(this, iManager.getLocalNodeName(), null, DIRECTION.IN, "delete record %s/%s v.%s",
database.getName(), rid.toString(), version.toString());
final ORecordInternal<?> record = database.load(rid);
final OBuffer buffer;
if (record != null) {
buffer = new OBuffer(record.toStream());
} else
buffer = new OBuffer();
return buffer;
public QUORUM_TYPE getQuorumType() {
public OFixDeleteRecordTask getFixTask(ODistributedRequest iRequest, ODistributedResponse iBadResponse,
final ODistributedResponse iGoodResponse) {
return new OFixDeleteRecordTask(rid, version);
public void writeExternal(final ObjectOutput out) throws IOException {
if (version == null)
version = OVersionFactory.instance().createUntrackedVersion();
version.getSerializer().writeTo(out, version);
public void readExternal(final ObjectInput in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
rid = new ORecordId(in.readUTF());
if (version == null)
version = OVersionFactory.instance().createUntrackedVersion();
version.getSerializer().readFrom(in, version);
public String getName() {
return "record_delete";
} | 0true
| server_src_main_java_com_orientechnologies_orient_server_distributed_task_ODeleteRecordTask.java |
9 | display.timerExec(100, new Runnable() {
public void run() {
fCompleted= true;
}); | 0true
| plugins_com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.ui_src_com_redhat_ceylon_eclipse_code_browser_BrowserInformationControl.java |
736 | public class IndexDeleteByQueryResponse extends ActionResponse {
private String index;
private int successfulShards;
private int failedShards;
private ShardOperationFailedException[] failures;
IndexDeleteByQueryResponse(String index, int successfulShards, int failedShards, List<ShardOperationFailedException> failures) {
this.index = index;
this.successfulShards = successfulShards;
this.failedShards = failedShards;
if (failures == null || failures.isEmpty()) {
this.failures = new DefaultShardOperationFailedException[0];
} else {
this.failures = failures.toArray(new ShardOperationFailedException[failures.size()]);
IndexDeleteByQueryResponse() {
* The index the delete by query operation was executed against.
public String getIndex() {
return this.index;
* The total number of shards the delete by query was executed on.
public int getTotalShards() {
return failedShards + successfulShards;
* The successful number of shards the delete by query was executed on.
public int getSuccessfulShards() {
return successfulShards;
* The failed number of shards the delete by query was executed on.
public int getFailedShards() {
return failedShards;
public ShardOperationFailedException[] getFailures() {
return failures;
public void readFrom(StreamInput in) throws IOException {
index = in.readString();
successfulShards = in.readVInt();
failedShards = in.readVInt();
int size = in.readVInt();
failures = new ShardOperationFailedException[size];
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
failures[i] = DefaultShardOperationFailedException.readShardOperationFailed(in);
public void writeTo(StreamOutput out) throws IOException {
for (ShardOperationFailedException failure : failures) {
} | 0true
| src_main_java_org_elasticsearch_action_deletebyquery_IndexDeleteByQueryResponse.java |
244 | public interface BroadleafCurrency extends Serializable {
public String getCurrencyCode();
public void setCurrencyCode(String code);
public String getFriendlyName();
public void setFriendlyName(String friendlyName);
public boolean getDefaultFlag();
public void setDefaultFlag(boolean defaultFlag);
} | 0true
| common_src_main_java_org_broadleafcommerce_common_currency_domain_BroadleafCurrency.java |
149 | public abstract class KeyBasedClientRequest extends PartitionClientRequest {
protected abstract Object getKey();
protected final int getPartition() {
Object key = getKey();
InternalPartitionService partitionService = clientEngine.getPartitionService();
if (key instanceof String) {
return partitionService.getPartitionId(getPartitionKey((String) key));
return partitionService.getPartitionId(key);
} | 0true
| hazelcast_src_main_java_com_hazelcast_client_KeyBasedClientRequest.java |
1,210 | public class PaymentResponseImpl implements PaymentResponse {
protected Map<PaymentInfo, PaymentResponseItem> responses = new HashMap<PaymentInfo, PaymentResponseItem>();
public void addPaymentResponseItem(PaymentInfo paymentInfo, PaymentResponseItem paymentResponseItem) {
responses.put(paymentInfo, paymentResponseItem);
public PaymentResponseItem getPaymentResponseItem(PaymentInfo paymentInfo) {
return responses.get(paymentInfo);
public Map<PaymentInfo, PaymentResponseItem> getResponseItems() {
return responses;
} | 0true
| core_broadleaf-framework_src_main_java_org_broadleafcommerce_core_payment_service_module_PaymentResponseImpl.java |
400 | public class ORecordTrackedIterator implements Iterator<OIdentifiable> {
final private ORecord<?> sourceRecord;
final private Iterator<?> underlying;
public ORecordTrackedIterator(final ORecord<?> iSourceRecord, final Iterator<?> iIterator) {
this.sourceRecord = iSourceRecord;
this.underlying = iIterator;
public OIdentifiable next() {
return (OIdentifiable) underlying.next();
public boolean hasNext() {
return underlying.hasNext();
public void remove() {
if (sourceRecord != null)
} | 0true
| core_src_main_java_com_orientechnologies_orient_core_db_record_ORecordTrackedIterator.java |
2,981 | public interface FilterCache extends IndexComponent, CloseableComponent {
static class EntriesStats {
public final long sizeInBytes;
public final long count;
public EntriesStats(long sizeInBytes, long count) {
this.sizeInBytes = sizeInBytes;
this.count = count;
// we need to "inject" the index service to not create cyclic dep
void setIndexService(IndexService indexService);
String type();
Filter cache(Filter filterToCache);
void clear(Object reader);
void clear(String reason);
void clear(String reason, String[] keys);
} | 0true
| src_main_java_org_elasticsearch_index_cache_filter_FilterCache.java |
1,402 | @XmlRootElement(name = "orderItemAttribute")
@XmlAccessorType(value = XmlAccessType.FIELD)
public class OrderItemPriceDetailWrapper extends BaseWrapper implements
APIWrapper<OrderItemPriceDetail> {
protected Long id;
protected Money totalAdjustmentValue;
protected Money totalAdjustedPrice;
protected Integer quantity;
@XmlElement(name = "adjustment")
@XmlElementWrapper(name = "adjustments")
protected List<AdjustmentWrapper> orderItemPriceDetailAdjustments = new LinkedList<AdjustmentWrapper>();
public void wrapDetails(OrderItemPriceDetail model, HttpServletRequest request) {
this.id = model.getId();
this.quantity = model.getQuantity();
this.totalAdjustmentValue = model.getTotalAdjustmentValue();
this.totalAdjustedPrice = model.getTotalAdjustedPrice();
if (!model.getOrderItemPriceDetailAdjustments().isEmpty()) {
this.orderItemPriceDetailAdjustments = new ArrayList<AdjustmentWrapper>();
for (OrderItemPriceDetailAdjustment orderItemPriceDetail : model.getOrderItemPriceDetailAdjustments()) {
AdjustmentWrapper orderItemPriceDetailAdjustmentWrapper =
(AdjustmentWrapper) context.getBean(AdjustmentWrapper.class.getName());
orderItemPriceDetailAdjustmentWrapper.wrapSummary(orderItemPriceDetail, request);
public void wrapSummary(OrderItemPriceDetail model, HttpServletRequest request) {
wrapDetails(model, request);
} | 0true
| core_broadleaf-framework-web_src_main_java_org_broadleafcommerce_core_web_api_wrapper_OrderItemPriceDetailWrapper.java |
806 | @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
public class OClassImpl extends ODocumentWrapperNoClass implements OClass {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
protected OSchemaShared owner;
protected String name;
protected Class<?> javaClass;
protected final Map<String, OProperty> properties = new LinkedHashMap<String, OProperty>();
protected int[] clusterIds;
protected int defaultClusterId = -1;
protected OClassImpl superClass;
protected int[] polymorphicClusterIds;
protected List<OClass> baseClasses;
protected float overSize = 0f;
protected String shortName;
protected boolean strictMode = false; // @SINCE v1.0rc8
protected boolean abstractClass = false; // @SINCE v1.2.0
protected Map<String, String> customFields;
private static final Iterator<OClass> EMPTY_CLASSES = new ArrayList<OClass>().iterator();
* Constructor used in unmarshalling.
public OClassImpl() {
* Constructor used in unmarshalling.
protected OClassImpl(final OSchemaShared iOwner) {
document = new ODocument();
owner = iOwner;
* Constructor used in unmarshalling.
protected OClassImpl(final OSchemaShared iOwner, final ODocument iDocument) {
document = iDocument;
owner = iOwner;
protected OClassImpl(final OSchemaShared iOwner, final String iName, final int[] iClusterIds) {
name = iName;
defaultClusterId = iClusterIds[0];
if (defaultClusterId == -1)
abstractClass = true;
public <T> T newInstance() throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException {
if (javaClass == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot create an instance of class '" + name + "' since no Java class was specified");
return (T) javaClass.newInstance();
public <RET extends ODocumentWrapper> RET reload() {
return (RET) owner.reload();
public String getCustom(final String iName) {
if (customFields == null)
return null;
return customFields.get(iName);
public void setCustomInternal(final String iName, final String iValue) {
if (customFields == null)
customFields = new HashMap<String, String>();
if (iValue == null || "null".equalsIgnoreCase(iValue))
customFields.put(iName, iValue);
public OClassImpl setCustom(final String iName, final String iValue) {
getDatabase().checkSecurity(ODatabaseSecurityResources.SCHEMA, ORole.PERMISSION_UPDATE);
final String cmd = String.format("alter class %s custom %s=%s", getName(), iName, iValue);
getDatabase().command(new OCommandSQL(cmd)).execute();
setCustomInternal(iName, iValue);
return this;
public Map<String, String> getCustomInternal() {
if (customFields != null)
return Collections.unmodifiableMap(customFields);
return null;
public void removeCustom(final String iName) {
setCustom(iName, null);
public void clearCustom() {
getDatabase().checkSecurity(ODatabaseSecurityResources.SCHEMA, ORole.PERMISSION_UPDATE);
final String cmd = String.format("alter class %s custom clear", getName());
getDatabase().command(new OCommandSQL(cmd)).execute();
public void clearCustomInternal() {
customFields = null;
public Set<String> getCustomKeys() {
if (customFields != null)
return customFields.keySet();
return new HashSet<String>();
public void validateInstances() {
ODatabaseComplex<?> current = getDatabase().getDatabaseOwner();
while (current != null && current.getUnderlying() instanceof ODatabaseComplex<?> && !(current instanceof ODatabaseDocumentTx))
current = current.getUnderlying();
if (current != null)
for (ODocument d : ((ODatabaseDocumentTx) current).browseClass(name, true)) {
public OClass getSuperClass() {
return superClass;
* Set the super class.
* @param iSuperClass
* Super class as OClass instance
* @return the object itself.
public OClass setSuperClass(final OClass iSuperClass) {
getDatabase().checkSecurity(ODatabaseSecurityResources.SCHEMA, ORole.PERMISSION_UPDATE);
final String cmd = String.format("alter class %s superclass %s", name, iSuperClass != null ? iSuperClass.getName() : null);
getDatabase().command(new OCommandSQL(cmd)).execute();
return this;
public void setSuperClassInternal(final OClass iSuperClass) {
final OClassImpl cls = (OClassImpl) iSuperClass;
if (cls != null)
else if (superClass != null)
this.superClass = cls;
public String getName() {
return name;
public OClass setName(final String iName) {
getDatabase().checkSecurity(ODatabaseSecurityResources.SCHEMA, ORole.PERMISSION_UPDATE);
final String cmd = String.format("alter class %s name %s", name, iName);
getDatabase().command(new OCommandSQL(cmd)).execute();
name = iName;
return this;
public void setNameInternal(final String iName) {
getDatabase().checkSecurity(ODatabaseSecurityResources.SCHEMA, ORole.PERMISSION_UPDATE);
owner.changeClassName(name, iName);
name = iName;
public long getSize() {
long size = 0;
for (int clusterId : clusterIds)
size += getDatabase().getClusterRecordSizeById(clusterId);
return size;
public String getShortName() {
return shortName;
public OClass setShortName(String iShortName) {
if (iShortName != null) {
iShortName = iShortName.trim();
if (iShortName.isEmpty())
iShortName = null;
getDatabase().checkSecurity(ODatabaseSecurityResources.SCHEMA, ORole.PERMISSION_UPDATE);
final String cmd = String.format("alter class %s shortname %s", name, iShortName);
getDatabase().command(new OCommandSQL(cmd)).execute();
return this;
public void setShortNameInternal(final String iShortName) {
getDatabase().checkSecurity(ODatabaseSecurityResources.SCHEMA, ORole.PERMISSION_UPDATE);
if (this.shortName != null)
this.shortName = iShortName;
if (null != iShortName)
owner.classes.put(iShortName.toLowerCase(), this);
public String getStreamableName() {
return shortName != null ? shortName : name;
public Collection<OProperty> declaredProperties() {
return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(properties.values());
public Collection<OProperty> properties() {
getDatabase().checkSecurity(ODatabaseSecurityResources.SCHEMA, ORole.PERMISSION_READ);
Collection<OProperty> props = null;
OClassImpl currentClass = this;
do {
if (currentClass.properties != null) {
if (props == null)
props = new ArrayList<OProperty>();
currentClass = (OClassImpl) currentClass.getSuperClass();
} while (currentClass != null);
return (Collection<OProperty>) (props != null ? props : Collections.emptyList());
public Collection<OProperty> getIndexedProperties() {
getDatabase().checkSecurity(ODatabaseSecurityResources.SCHEMA, ORole.PERMISSION_READ);
Collection<OProperty> indexedProps = null;
OClassImpl currentClass = this;
do {
if (currentClass.properties != null) {
for (OProperty p : currentClass.properties.values())
if (areIndexed(p.getName())) {
if (indexedProps == null)
indexedProps = new ArrayList<OProperty>();
currentClass = (OClassImpl) currentClass.getSuperClass();
} while (currentClass != null);
return (Collection<OProperty>) (indexedProps != null ? indexedProps : Collections.emptyList());
public OProperty getProperty(final String iPropertyName) {
OClassImpl currentClass = this;
OProperty p = null;
do {
if (currentClass.properties != null)
p = currentClass.properties.get(iPropertyName.toLowerCase());
if (p != null)
return p;
currentClass = (OClassImpl) currentClass.getSuperClass();
} while (currentClass != null);
return p;
public OProperty createProperty(final String iPropertyName, final OType iType) {
return addProperty(iPropertyName, iType, null, null);
public OProperty createProperty(final String iPropertyName, final OType iType, final OClass iLinkedClass) {
if (iLinkedClass == null)
throw new OSchemaException("Missing linked class");
return addProperty(iPropertyName, iType, null, iLinkedClass);
public OProperty createProperty(final String iPropertyName, final OType iType, final OType iLinkedType) {
return addProperty(iPropertyName, iType, iLinkedType, null);
public boolean existsProperty(final String iPropertyName) {
return properties.containsKey(iPropertyName.toLowerCase());
public void dropProperty(final String iPropertyName) {
if (getDatabase().getTransaction().isActive())
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot drop a property inside a transaction");
getDatabase().checkSecurity(ODatabaseSecurityResources.SCHEMA, ORole.PERMISSION_DELETE);
final String lowerName = iPropertyName.toLowerCase();
if (!properties.containsKey(lowerName))
throw new OSchemaException("Property '" + iPropertyName + "' not found in class " + name + "'");
final StringBuilder cmd = new StringBuilder("drop property ");
getDatabase().command(new OCommandSQL(cmd.toString())).execute();
if (existsProperty(iPropertyName))
public void dropPropertyInternal(final String iPropertyName) {
if (getDatabase().getTransaction().isActive())
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot drop a property inside a transaction");
getDatabase().checkSecurity(ODatabaseSecurityResources.SCHEMA, ORole.PERMISSION_DELETE);
final OProperty prop = properties.remove(iPropertyName.toLowerCase());
if (prop == null)
throw new OSchemaException("Property '" + iPropertyName + "' not found in class " + name + "'");
protected OProperty addProperty(final String iPropertyName, final OType iType, final OType iLinkedType, final OClass iLinkedClass) {
if (getDatabase().getTransaction().isActive())
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot create a new property inside a transaction");
getDatabase().checkSecurity(ODatabaseSecurityResources.SCHEMA, ORole.PERMISSION_UPDATE);
final String lowerName = iPropertyName.toLowerCase();
if (properties.containsKey(lowerName))
throw new OSchemaException("Class " + name + " already has property '" + iPropertyName + "'");
if (iType == null)
throw new OSchemaException("Property type not defined.");
final StringBuilder cmd = new StringBuilder("create property ");
cmd.append(' ');
if (iLinkedType != null) {
cmd.append(' ');
} else if (iLinkedClass != null) {
cmd.append(' ');
getDatabase().command(new OCommandSQL(cmd.toString())).execute();
if (existsProperty(iPropertyName))
return properties.get(lowerName);
return addPropertyInternal(iPropertyName, iType, iLinkedType, iLinkedClass);
public void fromStream() {
name = document.field("name");
if (document.containsField("shortName"))
shortName = document.field("shortName");
shortName = null;
defaultClusterId = (Integer) document.field("defaultClusterId");
if (document.containsField("strictMode"))
strictMode = (Boolean) document.field("strictMode");
strictMode = false;
if (document.containsField("abstract"))
abstractClass = (Boolean) document.field("abstract");
abstractClass = false;
if (document.field("overSize") != null)
overSize = (Float) document.field("overSize");
overSize = 0f;
final Object cc = document.field("clusterIds");
if (cc instanceof Collection<?>) {
final Collection<Integer> coll = document.field("clusterIds");
clusterIds = new int[coll.size()];
int i = 0;
for (final Integer item : coll)
clusterIds[i++] = item.intValue();
} else
clusterIds = (int[]) cc;
OPropertyImpl prop;
Collection<ODocument> storedProperties = document.field("properties");
if (storedProperties != null)
for (ODocument p : storedProperties) {
prop = new OPropertyImpl(this, p);
properties.put(prop.getName().toLowerCase(), prop);
customFields = document.field("customFields", OType.EMBEDDEDMAP);
public ODocument toStream() {
try {
document.field("name", name);
document.field("shortName", shortName);
document.field("defaultClusterId", defaultClusterId);
document.field("clusterIds", clusterIds);
document.field("overSize", overSize);
document.field("strictMode", strictMode);
document.field("abstract", abstractClass);
if (properties != null) {
final Set<ODocument> props = new LinkedHashSet<ODocument>();
for (final OProperty p : properties.values()) {
props.add(((OPropertyImpl) p).toStream());
document.field("properties", props, OType.EMBEDDEDSET);
document.field("superClass", superClass != null ? superClass.getName() : null);
document.field("customFields", customFields != null && customFields.size() > 0 ? customFields : null, OType.EMBEDDEDMAP);
} finally {
return document;
public Class<?> getJavaClass() {
return javaClass;
public int getDefaultClusterId() {
return defaultClusterId;
public void setDefaultClusterId(final int iDefaultClusterId) {
this.defaultClusterId = iDefaultClusterId;
public int[] getClusterIds() {
return clusterIds;
public int[] getPolymorphicClusterIds() {
return polymorphicClusterIds;
public OClass addClusterId(final int iId) {
getDatabase().checkSecurity(ODatabaseSecurityResources.SCHEMA, ORole.PERMISSION_UPDATE);
final String cmd = String.format("alter class %s addcluster %d", name, iId);
getDatabase().command(new OCommandSQL(cmd)).execute();
return this;
private void addClusterIdToIndexes(int iId) {
String clusterName = getDatabase().getClusterNameById(iId);
for (OIndex<?> index : getIndexes()) {
if (index.getInternal() != null) {
public OClass addClusterIdInternal(final int iId) {
for (int currId : clusterIds)
if (currId == iId)
return this;
clusterIds = OArrays.copyOf(clusterIds, clusterIds.length + 1);
clusterIds[clusterIds.length - 1] = iId;
polymorphicClusterIds = OArrays.copyOf(polymorphicClusterIds, polymorphicClusterIds.length + 1);
polymorphicClusterIds[polymorphicClusterIds.length - 1] = iId;
if (defaultClusterId == -1)
defaultClusterId = iId;
return this;
public OClass removeClusterId(final int iId) {
getDatabase().checkSecurity(ODatabaseSecurityResources.SCHEMA, ORole.PERMISSION_UPDATE);
final String cmd = String.format("alter class %s removecluster %d", name, iId);
getDatabase().command(new OCommandSQL(cmd)).execute();
return this;
public OClass removeClusterIdInternal(final int iId) {
boolean found = false;
for (int clusterId : clusterIds) {
if (clusterId == iId) {
found = true;
if (found) {
final int[] newClusterIds = new int[clusterIds.length - 1];
for (int i = 0, k = 0; i < clusterIds.length; ++i) {
if (clusterIds[i] == iId)
newClusterIds[k] = clusterIds[i];
clusterIds = newClusterIds;
if (defaultClusterId == iId)
defaultClusterId = -1;
return this;
public OClass setDirty() {
if (owner != null)
return this;
public Iterator<OClass> getBaseClasses() {
if (baseClasses == null || baseClasses.size() == 0)
return baseClasses.iterator();
* Adds a base class to the current one. It adds also the base class cluster ids to the polymorphic cluster ids array.
* @param iBaseClass
* The base class to add.
private OClass addBaseClasses(final OClass iBaseClass) {
if (baseClasses == null)
baseClasses = new ArrayList<OClass>();
if (baseClasses.contains(iBaseClass))
return this;
OClassImpl currentClass = this;
while (currentClass != null) {
currentClass.addPolymorphicClusterIds((OClassImpl) iBaseClass);
currentClass = (OClassImpl) currentClass.getSuperClass();
return this;
public OClass removeBaseClassInternal(final OClass baseClass) {
if (baseClasses == null)
return this;
if (baseClasses.remove(baseClass)) {
OClassImpl currentClass = this;
while (currentClass != null) {
currentClass.removePolymorphicClusterIds((OClassImpl) baseClass);
currentClass = (OClassImpl) currentClass.getSuperClass();
return this;
private void removePolymorphicClusterIds(final OClassImpl iBaseClass) {
for (final int clusterId : iBaseClass.polymorphicClusterIds) {
final int index = Arrays.binarySearch(polymorphicClusterIds, clusterId);
if (index == -1)
if (index < polymorphicClusterIds.length - 1)
.arraycopy(polymorphicClusterIds, index + 1, polymorphicClusterIds, index, polymorphicClusterIds.length - (index + 1));
polymorphicClusterIds = Arrays.copyOf(polymorphicClusterIds, polymorphicClusterIds.length - 1);
public float getOverSize() {
if (overSize > 0)
return overSize;
if (superClass != null)
return superClass.getOverSize();
return 0;
public OClass setOverSize(final float overSize) {
getDatabase().checkSecurity(ODatabaseSecurityResources.SCHEMA, ORole.PERMISSION_UPDATE);
final String cmd = String.format("alter class %s oversize %f", name, overSize);
getDatabase().command(new OCommandSQL(cmd)).execute();
return this;
public void setOverSizeInternal(final float overSize) {
getDatabase().checkSecurity(ODatabaseSecurityResources.SCHEMA, ORole.PERMISSION_UPDATE);
this.overSize = overSize;
public float getOverSizeInternal() {
return overSize;
public boolean isAbstract() {
return abstractClass;
public OClass setAbstract(boolean iAbstract) {
getDatabase().checkSecurity(ODatabaseSecurityResources.SCHEMA, ORole.PERMISSION_UPDATE);
final String cmd = String.format("alter class %s abstract %s", name, iAbstract);
getDatabase().command(new OCommandSQL(cmd)).execute();
return this;
public void setAbstractInternal(final boolean iAbstract) {
getDatabase().checkSecurity(ODatabaseSecurityResources.SCHEMA, ORole.PERMISSION_UPDATE);
if (iAbstract) {
if (defaultClusterId > -1) {
final ODatabaseRecord db = ODatabaseRecordThreadLocal.INSTANCE.get();
if (count() > 0)
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot set the class as abstract because contains records.");
if (name.toLowerCase().equals(db.getClusterNameById(defaultClusterId))) {
if (ODatabaseRecordThreadLocal.INSTANCE.get().getClusterRecordSizeById(defaultClusterId) == 0)
ODatabaseRecordThreadLocal.INSTANCE.get().dropCluster(defaultClusterId, true);
} else {
this.defaultClusterId = getDatabase().getDefaultClusterId();
this.clusterIds[0] = this.defaultClusterId;
this.abstractClass = iAbstract;
public boolean isStrictMode() {
return strictMode;
public OClass setStrictMode(final boolean iStrict) {
getDatabase().checkSecurity(ODatabaseSecurityResources.SCHEMA, ORole.PERMISSION_UPDATE);
final String cmd = String.format("alter class %s strictmode %s", name, iStrict);
getDatabase().command(new OCommandSQL(cmd)).execute();
return this;
public void setStrictModeInternal(final boolean iStrict) {
getDatabase().checkSecurity(ODatabaseSecurityResources.SCHEMA, ORole.PERMISSION_UPDATE);
this.strictMode = iStrict;
public String toString() {
return name;
public int hashCode() {
final int prime = 31;
int result = super.hashCode();
result = prime * result + ((owner == null) ? 0 : owner.hashCode());
return result;
public boolean equals(final Object obj) {
if (this == obj)
return true;
if (obj == null)
return false;
if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
return false;
final OClassImpl other = (OClassImpl) obj;
if (name == null) {
if (other.name != null)
return false;
} else if (!name.equals(other.name))
return false;
return true;
public int compareTo(final OClass o) {
return name.compareTo(o.getName());
public long count() {
return count(true);
public long count(final boolean iPolymorphic) {
if (iPolymorphic)
return getDatabase().countClusterElements(readableClusters(getDatabase(), polymorphicClusterIds));
return getDatabase().countClusterElements(readableClusters(getDatabase(), clusterIds));
public static int[] readableClusters(final ODatabaseRecord iDatabase, final int[] iClusterIds) {
List<Integer> listOfReadableIds = new ArrayList<Integer>();
boolean all = true;
for (int clusterId : iClusterIds) {
try {
String clusterName = iDatabase.getClusterNameById(clusterId);
iDatabase.checkSecurity(ODatabaseSecurityResources.CLUSTER, ORole.PERMISSION_READ, clusterName);
} catch (OSecurityAccessException securityException) {
all = false;
// if the cluster is inaccessible it's simply not processed in the list.add
if (all)
return iClusterIds;
int[] readableClusterIds = new int[listOfReadableIds.size()];
int index = 0;
for (int clusterId : listOfReadableIds) {
readableClusterIds[index++] = clusterId;
return readableClusterIds;
private ODatabaseRecord getDatabase() {
return ODatabaseRecordThreadLocal.INSTANCE.get();
* Truncates all the clusters the class uses.
* @throws IOException
public void truncate() throws IOException {
getDatabase().checkSecurity(ODatabaseSecurityResources.CLASS, ORole.PERMISSION_UPDATE);
if (isSubClassOf(OSecurityShared.RESTRICTED_CLASSNAME))
throw new OSecurityException("Class " + getName()
+ " cannot be truncated because has record level security enabled (extends " + OSecurityShared.RESTRICTED_CLASSNAME + ")");
getDatabase().getStorage().callInLock(new Callable<Object>() {
public Object call() throws Exception {
for (int id : clusterIds) {
final OStorage storage = getDatabase().getStorage();
for (OIndex<?> index : getClassIndexes()) {
return null;
}, true);
* Returns true if the current instance extends the passed schema class (iClass).
* @param iClassName
* @return
* @see #isSuperClassOf(OClass)
public boolean isSubClassOf(final String iClassName) {
if (iClassName == null)
return false;
if (iClassName.equals(name) || iClassName.equals(shortName))
return true;
if (superClass == null)
return false;
return isSubClassOf(owner.getClass(iClassName));
* Returns true if the current instance extends the passed schema class (iClass).
* @param iClass
* @return
* @see #isSuperClassOf(OClass)
public boolean isSubClassOf(final OClass iClass) {
if (iClass == null)
return false;
OClass cls = this;
while (cls != null) {
if (cls.equals(iClass))
return true;
cls = cls.getSuperClass();
return false;
* Returns true if the passed schema class (iClass) extends the current instance.
* @param iClass
* @return Returns true if the passed schema class extends the current instance
* @see #isSubClassOf(OClass)
public boolean isSuperClassOf(final OClass iClass) {
if (iClass == null)
return false;
return iClass.isSubClassOf(this);
public Object get(final ATTRIBUTES iAttribute) {
if (iAttribute == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("attribute is null");
switch (iAttribute) {
case NAME:
return getName();
return getShortName();
return getSuperClass();
return getOverSize();
return isStrictMode();
return isAbstract();
case CUSTOM:
return getCustomInternal();
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot find attribute '" + iAttribute + "'");
public void setInternalAndSave(final ATTRIBUTES attribute, final Object iValue) {
if (attribute == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("attribute is null");
final String stringValue = iValue != null ? iValue.toString() : null;
final boolean isNull = stringValue == null || stringValue.equalsIgnoreCase("NULL");
switch (attribute) {
case NAME:
setShortNameInternal(isNull ? null : stringValue);
setSuperClassInternal(isNull ? null : getDatabase().getMetadata().getSchema().getClass(stringValue));
setOverSizeInternal(Float.parseFloat(stringValue.replace(',', '.')));
int clId = getClusterId(stringValue);
if (clId == -1)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cluster id '" + stringValue + "' cannot be added");
int clId = getClusterId(stringValue);
if (clId == -1)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cluster id '" + stringValue + "' cannot be removed");
case CUSTOM:
if (iValue.toString().indexOf("=") == -1) {
if (iValue.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("clear")) {
} else
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Syntax error: expected <name> = <value> or clear, instead found: " + iValue);
} else {
final List<String> words = OStringSerializerHelper.smartSplit(iValue.toString(), '=');
setCustomInternal(words.get(0).trim(), words.get(1).trim());
protected int getClusterId(final String stringValue) {
int clId;
try {
clId = Integer.parseInt(stringValue);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
clId = getDatabase().getClusterIdByName(stringValue);
return clId;
public OClass set(final ATTRIBUTES attribute, final Object iValue) {
if (attribute == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("attribute is null");
final String stringValue = iValue != null ? iValue.toString() : null;
switch (attribute) {
case NAME:
int clId = getClusterId(stringValue);
if (clId == -1)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cluster id '" + stringValue + "' cannot be added");
int clId = getClusterId(stringValue);
if (clId == -1)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cluster id '" + stringValue + "' cannot be added");
case CUSTOM:
if (iValue.toString().indexOf("=") == -1) {
if (iValue.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("clear")) {
} else
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Syntax error: expected <name> = <value> or clear, instead found: " + iValue);
} else {
final List<String> words = OStringSerializerHelper.smartSplit(iValue.toString(), '=');
setCustom(words.get(0).trim(), words.get(1).trim());
return this;
* Add different cluster id to the "polymorphic cluster ids" array.
private void addPolymorphicClusterIds(final OClassImpl iBaseClass) {
boolean found;
for (int i : iBaseClass.polymorphicClusterIds) {
found = false;
for (int k : polymorphicClusterIds) {
if (i == k) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
polymorphicClusterIds = OArrays.copyOf(polymorphicClusterIds, polymorphicClusterIds.length + 1);
polymorphicClusterIds[polymorphicClusterIds.length - 1] = i;
public OPropertyImpl addPropertyInternal(final String iName, final OType iType, final OType iLinkedType, final OClass iLinkedClass) {
if (iName == null || iName.length() == 0)
throw new OSchemaException("Found property name null");
final Character wrongCharacter = OSchemaShared.checkNameIfValid(iName);
if (wrongCharacter != null)
throw new OSchemaException("Invalid property name found. Character '" + wrongCharacter + "' cannot be used in property name.");
final String lowerName = iName.toLowerCase();
if (properties.containsKey(lowerName))
throw new OSchemaException("Class " + name + " already has property '" + iName + "'");
final OPropertyImpl prop = new OPropertyImpl(this, iName, iType);
properties.put(lowerName, prop);
if (iLinkedType != null)
else if (iLinkedClass != null)
return prop;
public void saveInternal() {
public OIndex<?> createIndex(final String iName, final INDEX_TYPE iType, final String... fields) {
return createIndex(iName, iType.name(), fields);
public OIndex<?> createIndex(final String iName, final String iType, final String... fields) {
return createIndex(iName, iType, null, fields);
public OIndex<?> createIndex(final String iName, final INDEX_TYPE iType, final OProgressListener iProgressListener,
final String... fields) {
return createIndex(iName, iType.name(), iProgressListener, fields);
public OIndex<?> createIndex(final String iName, String iType, final OProgressListener iProgressListener, final String... fields) {
if (iType == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Index type is null");
iType = iType.toUpperCase();
try {
final INDEX_TYPE recognizedIdxType = INDEX_TYPE.valueOf(iType);
if (!recognizedIdxType.isAutomaticIndexable())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Index type '" + iType + "' cannot be used as automatic index against properties");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
if (fields.length == 0) {
throw new OIndexException("List of fields to index cannot be empty.");
final Set<String> existingFieldNames = new HashSet<String>();
OClassImpl currentClass = this;
do {
currentClass = (OClassImpl) currentClass.getSuperClass();
} while (currentClass != null);
for (final String fieldToIndex : fields) {
final String fieldName = OIndexDefinitionFactory.extractFieldName(fieldToIndex);
if (!existingFieldNames.contains(fieldName.toLowerCase()))
throw new OIndexException("Index with name : '" + iName + "' cannot be created on class : '" + name + "' because field: '"
+ fieldName + "' is absent in class definition.");
final OIndexDefinition indexDefinition = OIndexDefinitionFactory.createIndexDefinition(this, Arrays.asList(fields),
if (fields.length == 1) {
final OProperty p = getProperty(fields[0]);
if (p != null) {
return getDatabase().getMetadata().getIndexManager()
.createIndex(iName, iType, indexDefinition, polymorphicClusterIds, iProgressListener);
private List<OType> extractFieldTypes(String[] fieldNames) {
final List<OType> types = new ArrayList<OType>(fieldNames.length);
for (String fieldName : fieldNames) {
return types;
public boolean areIndexed(final String... fields) {
return areIndexed(Arrays.asList(fields));
public boolean areIndexed(final Collection<String> fields) {
final OIndexManager indexManager = getDatabase().getMetadata().getIndexManager();
final boolean currentClassResult = indexManager.areIndexed(name, fields);
if (superClass != null)
return currentClassResult || superClass.areIndexed(fields);
return currentClassResult;
public Set<OIndex<?>> getInvolvedIndexes(final String... fields) {
return getInvolvedIndexes(Arrays.asList(fields));
public Set<OIndex<?>> getInvolvedIndexes(final Collection<String> fields) {
final Set<OIndex<?>> result = new HashSet<OIndex<?>>(getClassInvolvedIndexes(fields));
if (superClass != null)
return result;
public Set<OIndex<?>> getClassInvolvedIndexes(final Collection<String> fields) {
final OIndexManager indexManager = getDatabase().getMetadata().getIndexManager();
return indexManager.getClassInvolvedIndexes(name, fields);
public Set<OIndex<?>> getClassInvolvedIndexes(final String... fields) {
return getClassInvolvedIndexes(Arrays.asList(fields));
public OIndex<?> getClassIndex(final String iName) {
final OIndexManager indexManager = getDatabase().getMetadata().getIndexManager();
return indexManager.getClassIndex(name, iName);
public Set<OIndex<?>> getClassIndexes() {
final OIndexManager indexManager = getDatabase().getMetadata().getIndexManager();
return indexManager.getClassIndexes(name);
public Set<OIndex<?>> getIndexes() {
final Set<OIndex<?>> indexes = getClassIndexes();
if (superClass == null)
return indexes;
final Set<OIndex<?>> result = new HashSet<OIndex<?>>(indexes);
return result;
private void setPolymorphicClusterIds(final int[] iClusterIds) {
polymorphicClusterIds = iClusterIds;
private OClass setClusterIds(final int[] iClusterIds) {
clusterIds = iClusterIds;
return this;
} | 1no label
| core_src_main_java_com_orientechnologies_orient_core_metadata_schema_OClassImpl.java |
957 | public abstract class ClusterInfoRequest<T extends ClusterInfoRequest> extends MasterNodeReadOperationRequest<T> {
private String[] indices = Strings.EMPTY_ARRAY;
private String[] types = Strings.EMPTY_ARRAY;
private IndicesOptions indicesOptions = IndicesOptions.strict();
public T indices(String... indices) {
this.indices = indices;
return (T) this;
public T types(String... types) {
this.types = types;
return (T) this;
public T indicesOptions(IndicesOptions indicesOptions) {
this.indicesOptions = indicesOptions;
return (T) this;
public String[] indices() {
return indices;
public String[] types() {
return types;
public IndicesOptions indicesOptions() {
return indicesOptions;
public void readFrom(StreamInput in) throws IOException {
indices = in.readStringArray();
types = in.readStringArray();
indicesOptions = IndicesOptions.readIndicesOptions(in);
public void writeTo(StreamOutput out) throws IOException {
} | 0true
| src_main_java_org_elasticsearch_action_support_master_info_ClusterInfoRequest.java |
1,622 | @BindingAnnotation
public @interface ClusterDynamicSettings {
} | 0true
| src_main_java_org_elasticsearch_cluster_settings_ClusterDynamicSettings.java |
1,316 | class ExecutionCallbackAdapterFactory {
//Updates the ExecutionCallbackAdapterFactory.done field. An AtomicBoolean is simpler, but creates another unwanted
//object. Using this approach, you don't create that object.
private static final AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater<ExecutionCallbackAdapterFactory, Boolean> DONE_FIELD_UPDATER =
AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater.newUpdater(ExecutionCallbackAdapterFactory.class, Boolean.class, "done");
private final MultiExecutionCallback multiExecutionCallback;
private final ConcurrentMap<Member, ValueWrapper> responses;
private final Collection<Member> members;
private final ILogger logger;
private volatile Boolean done = Boolean.FALSE;
ExecutionCallbackAdapterFactory(NodeEngine nodeEngine, Collection<Member> members,
MultiExecutionCallback multiExecutionCallback) {
this.multiExecutionCallback = multiExecutionCallback;
this.responses = new ConcurrentHashMap<Member, ValueWrapper>(members.size());
this.members = new HashSet<Member>(members);
this.logger = nodeEngine.getLogger(ExecutionCallbackAdapterFactory.class);
private void onResponse(Member member, Object response) {
placeResponse(member, response);
triggerOnResponse(member, response);
private void triggerOnComplete() {
if (members.size() == responses.size() && setDone()) {
Map<Member, Object> realResponses = new HashMap<Member, Object>(members.size());
for (Map.Entry<Member, ValueWrapper> entry : responses.entrySet()) {
Member key = entry.getKey();
Object value = entry.getValue().value;
realResponses.put(key, value);
private boolean setDone() {
return DONE_FIELD_UPDATER.compareAndSet(this, Boolean.FALSE, Boolean.TRUE);
private void triggerOnResponse(Member member, Object response) {
try {
multiExecutionCallback.onResponse(member, response);
} catch (Throwable e) {
logger.warning(e.getMessage(), e);
private void placeResponse(Member member, Object response) {
ValueWrapper current = responses.put(member, new ValueWrapper(response));
if (current != null) {
logger.warning("Replacing current callback value[" + current.value
+ " with value[" + response + "].");
private void assertIsMember(Member member) {
if (!members.contains(member)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(member + " is not known by this callback!");
private void assertNotDone() {
if (done) {
throw new IllegalStateException("This callback is invalid!");
<V> ExecutionCallback<V> callbackFor(Member member) {
return new InnerExecutionCallback<V>(member);
private static final class ValueWrapper {
final Object value;
private ValueWrapper(Object value) {
this.value = value;
private final class InnerExecutionCallback<V> implements ExecutionCallback<V> {
private final Member member;
private InnerExecutionCallback(Member member) {
this.member = member;
public void onResponse(V response) {
ExecutionCallbackAdapterFactory.this.onResponse(member, response);
public void onFailure(Throwable t) {
ExecutionCallbackAdapterFactory.this.onResponse(member, t);
} | 0true
| hazelcast_src_main_java_com_hazelcast_executor_ExecutionCallbackAdapterFactory.java |
186 | @RunWith(HazelcastSerialClassRunner.class)
public class ClientSetTest {
static final String name = "test";
static HazelcastInstance hz;
static HazelcastInstance server;
static ISet set;
public static void init(){
Config config = new Config();
server = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance(config);
hz = HazelcastClient.newHazelcastClient(null);
set = hz.getSet(name);
public static void destroy() {
public void clear() throws IOException {
public void testAddAll() {
List l = new ArrayList();
assertEquals(2, set.size());
assertEquals(2, set.size());
public void testAddRemove() {
assertEquals(3, set.size());
assertEquals(3, set.size());
public void testIterator(){
Iterator iter = set.iterator();
public void testContains(){
List l = new ArrayList();
public void removeRetainAll(){
List l = new ArrayList();
assertEquals(2, set.size());
assertEquals(2, set.size());
assertEquals(2, set.size());
assertEquals(0, set.size());
public void testListener() throws Exception {
// final ISet tempSet = server.getSet(name);
final ISet tempSet = set;
final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(6);
ItemListener listener = new ItemListener() {
public void itemAdded(ItemEvent itemEvent) {
public void itemRemoved(ItemEvent item) {
String registrationId = tempSet.addItemListener(listener, true);
new Thread(){
public void run() {
for (int i=0; i<5; i++){
tempSet.add("item" + i);
assertTrue(latch.await(20, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
} | 0true
| hazelcast-client_src_test_java_com_hazelcast_client_collections_ClientSetTest.java |
147 | public abstract class InvocationClientRequest extends ClientRequest {
final void process() throws Exception {
protected abstract void invoke();
protected final InvocationBuilder createInvocationBuilder(String serviceName, Operation op, int partitionId) {
return clientEngine.createInvocationBuilder(serviceName, op, partitionId);
protected final InvocationBuilder createInvocationBuilder(String serviceName, Operation op, Address target) {
return clientEngine.createInvocationBuilder(serviceName, op, target);
} | 0true
| hazelcast_src_main_java_com_hazelcast_client_InvocationClientRequest.java |
5 | @Component("blChildCategoriesCustomPersistenceHandler")
public class ChildCategoriesCustomPersistenceHandler extends CustomPersistenceHandlerAdapter {
public Boolean canHandleAdd(PersistencePackage persistencePackage) {
return (!ArrayUtils.isEmpty(persistencePackage.getCustomCriteria()) && persistencePackage.getCustomCriteria()[0].equals("blcAllParentCategories"));
public Entity add(PersistencePackage persistencePackage, DynamicEntityDao dynamicEntityDao, RecordHelper helper) throws ServiceException {
AdornedTargetList adornedTargetList = (AdornedTargetList) persistencePackage.getPersistencePerspective().getPersistencePerspectiveItems().get(PersistencePerspectiveItemType.ADORNEDTARGETLIST);
String targetPath = adornedTargetList.getTargetObjectPath() + "." + adornedTargetList.getTargetIdProperty();
String linkedPath = adornedTargetList.getLinkedObjectPath() + "." + adornedTargetList.getLinkedIdProperty();
Long parentId = Long.parseLong(persistencePackage.getEntity().findProperty(linkedPath).getValue());
Long childId = Long.parseLong(persistencePackage.getEntity().findProperty(targetPath).getValue());
Category parent = (Category) dynamicEntityDao.retrieve(CategoryImpl.class, parentId);
Category child = (Category) dynamicEntityDao.retrieve(CategoryImpl.class, childId);
CategoryXref categoryXref = new CategoryXrefImpl();
if (parent.getAllChildCategoryXrefs().contains(categoryXref)) {
throw new ServiceException("Add unsuccessful. Cannot add a duplicate child category.");
checkParents(child, parent);
return helper.getCompatibleModule(OperationType.ADORNEDTARGETLIST).add(persistencePackage);
protected void checkParents(Category child, Category parent) throws ServiceException {
if (child.getId().equals(parent.getId())) {
throw new ServiceException("Add unsuccessful. Cannot add a category to itself.");
for (CategoryXref category : parent.getAllParentCategoryXrefs()) {
if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(category.getCategory().getAllParentCategoryXrefs())) {
checkParents(child, category.getCategory());
} | 0true
| admin_broadleaf-admin-module_src_main_java_org_broadleafcommerce_admin_server_service_handler_ChildCategoriesCustomPersistenceHandler.java |
380 | @Entity
@Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.JOINED)
@Table(name = "BLC_LOCALE")
@Cache(usage= CacheConcurrencyStrategy.NONSTRICT_READ_WRITE, region="blCMSElements")
@AdminPresentationClass(friendlyName = "LocaleImpl_baseLocale")
public class LocaleImpl implements Locale {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
@Column (name = "LOCALE_CODE")
@AdminPresentation(friendlyName = "LocaleImpl_Locale_Code", order = 1,
group = "LocaleImpl_Details",
prominent = true, gridOrder = 2)
protected String localeCode;
@Column (name = "FRIENDLY_NAME")
@AdminPresentation(friendlyName = "LocaleImpl_Name", order = 2,
group = "LocaleImpl_Details",
prominent = true, gridOrder = 1)
protected String friendlyName;
@Column (name = "DEFAULT_FLAG")
@AdminPresentation(friendlyName = "LocaleImpl_Is_Default", order = 3,
group = "LocaleImpl_Details",
prominent = true, gridOrder = 3)
protected Boolean defaultFlag = false;
@ManyToOne(targetEntity = BroadleafCurrencyImpl.class)
@JoinColumn(name = "CURRENCY_CODE")
@AdminPresentation(friendlyName = "LocaleImpl_Currency", order = 4,
group = "LocaleImpl_Details",
prominent = true)
protected BroadleafCurrency defaultCurrency;
@Column (name = "USE_IN_SEARCH_INDEX")
@AdminPresentation(friendlyName = "LocaleImpl_Use_In_Search_Index", order = 5,
group = "LocaleImpl_Details",
prominent = true, gridOrder = 3)
protected Boolean useInSearchIndex = false;
public String getLocaleCode() {
return localeCode;
public void setLocaleCode(String localeCode) {
this.localeCode = localeCode;
public String getFriendlyName() {
return friendlyName;
public void setFriendlyName(String friendlyName) {
this.friendlyName = friendlyName;
public void setDefaultFlag(Boolean defaultFlag) {
this.defaultFlag = defaultFlag;
public Boolean getDefaultFlag() {
if (defaultFlag == null) {
return Boolean.FALSE;
} else {
return defaultFlag;
public BroadleafCurrency getDefaultCurrency() {
return defaultCurrency;
public void setDefaultCurrency(BroadleafCurrency defaultCurrency) {
this.defaultCurrency = defaultCurrency;
public Boolean getUseInSearchIndex() {
return useInSearchIndex == null ? false : useInSearchIndex;
public void setUseInSearchIndex(Boolean useInSearchIndex) {
this.useInSearchIndex = useInSearchIndex;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) {
return true;
if (!(o instanceof Locale)) {
return false;
LocaleImpl locale = (LocaleImpl) o;
if (localeCode != null ? !localeCode.equals(locale.localeCode) : locale.localeCode != null) {
return false;
if (friendlyName != null ? !friendlyName.equals(locale.friendlyName) : locale.friendlyName != null) {
return false;
return true;
public int hashCode() {
int result = localeCode != null ? localeCode.hashCode() : 0;
result = 31 * result + (friendlyName != null ? friendlyName.hashCode() : 0);
return result;
} | 1no label
| common_src_main_java_org_broadleafcommerce_common_locale_domain_LocaleImpl.java |
545 | public enum TYPE {
} | 0true
| core_src_main_java_com_orientechnologies_orient_core_hook_ORecordHook.java |
216 | private class RefactorQuickAccessAction extends QuickMenuAction {
public RefactorQuickAccessAction() {
protected void fillMenu(IMenuManager menu) {
IContributionItem[] cis = new RefactorMenuItems().getContributionItems();
for (IContributionItem ci: cis) {
} | 0true
| plugins_com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.ui_src_com_redhat_ceylon_eclipse_code_editor_CeylonEditor.java |
163 | public interface URLHandlerDao {
public URLHandler findURLHandlerByURI(String uri);
* Gets all the URL handlers configured in the system
* @return
public List<URLHandler> findAllURLHandlers();
public URLHandler saveURLHandler(URLHandler handler);
} | 0true
| admin_broadleaf-contentmanagement-module_src_main_java_org_broadleafcommerce_cms_url_dao_URLHandlerDao.java |
412 | @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)
public @interface AdminPresentationAdornedTargetCollection {
* <p>Optional - field name will be used if not specified</p>
* <p>The friendly name to present to a user for this field in a GUI. If supporting i18N,
* the friendly name may be a key to retrieve a localized friendly name using
* the GWT support for i18N.</p>
* @return the friendly name
String friendlyName() default "";
* <p>Optional - only required if you wish to apply security to this field</p>
* <p>If a security level is specified, it is registered with the SecurityManager.
* The SecurityManager checks the permission of the current user to
* determine if this field should be disabled based on the specified level.</p>
* @return the security level
String securityLevel() default "";
* <p>Optional - fields are not excluded by default</p>
* <p>Specify if this field should be excluded from inclusion in the
* admin presentation layer</p>
* @return whether or not the field should be excluded
boolean excluded() default false;
* <p>Optional - propertyName , only required if you want hide the field based on this property's value</p>
* <p>If the property is defined and found to be set to false, in the AppConfiguraionService, then this field will be excluded in the
* admin presentation layer</p>
* @return name of the property
String showIfProperty() default "";
* Optional - only required if you want to make the field immutable
* Explicityly specify whether or not this field is mutable.
* @return whether or not this field is read only
boolean readOnly() default false;
* <p>Optional - only required if you want to make the field ignore caching</p>
* <p>Explicitly specify whether or not this field will use server-side
* caching during inspection</p>
* @return whether or not this field uses caching
boolean useServerSideInspectionCache() default true;
* <p>Optional - only required in the absence of a "mappedBy" property
* on the JPA annotation</p>
* <p>This is the field in the adorned target entity that refers
* back to the parent entity</p>
* @return the field that refers back to the parent entity
String parentObjectProperty() default "";
* <p>Optional - only required if the primary key property of the
* parent entity is called something other than "id"</p>
* <p>This is the field in the parent entity that represents
* its primary key</p>
* @return primary key field of the parent entity
String parentObjectIdProperty() default "id";
* <p>This is the field in the adorned target entity that refers
* to the target entity</p>
* @return target entity field of the adorned target
String targetObjectProperty() default "";
* <p>Optional - only required if the adorned target has fields
* (other than the sort property) that should be populated
* by the user</p>
* <p>List of fields to include in the add/update form
* for the adorned target entity.</p>
* @return user populated fields on the adorned target
String[] maintainedAdornedTargetFields() default {};
* <p>Optional - only required when it is desirable to override
* the property prominence settings from the adorned target and the
* target object</p>
* <p>List of fields visible in the adorned target grid UI in the
* admin tool. Fields are referenced relative to the adorned target
* entity, or the target entity. For example, in CrossSaleProductImpl,
* to show the product name and promotionMesssage fields, the
* gridVisibleFields value would be : {"defaultSku.name", "promotionMessage"}</p>
* @return List of fields visible in the adorned target grid UI in the admin tool
String[] gridVisibleFields() default {};
* <p>Optional - only required if the primary key property of the
* target entity is called something other than "id"</p>
* <p>This is the field in the target entity that represents
* its primary key</p>
* <p>Note that this should just be the property name, not the path to the property.
* For example, if the target object is CountryImpl, then the value for the
* targetObjectIdProperty should just be "abbreviation".
* @return primary key field of the target entity
String targetObjectIdProperty() default "id";
* <p>Optional - only required if there is an entity that is responsible
* for modeling the join table for this adorned collection.</p>
* <p>For example, consider the scenario that a product has many possible
* parent categories. Also consider that you might want to sort the parent
* categories in a specific way. The join entity in this case would hold a
* link to both a category and a product as well as a sequence field. This
* property provides the ability to specify that mapping.</p>
* @return the join entity class (if any)
String joinEntityClass() default "";
* <p>Optional - only required if the adorned target has
* a field used for sorting</p>
* <p>This is the field by which the adorned targets are sorted</p>
* @return the sort field in the adorned target entity
String sortProperty() default "";
* <p>Optional - only required if the sort order should be
* descending</p>
* <p>This is the sort direction for the adorned targets</p>
* @return the sort direction
boolean sortAscending() default true;
* <p>Optional - only required if the system should not query
* the user for the adorned property values.</p>
* <p>Defines whether or not the system should prompt the user
* for the adorned property values (if any) after searching
* for the target entity. This is an advanced feature and is
* rarely used.</p>
* @return whether to ignore the adorned properties
boolean ignoreAdornedProperties() default false;
* <p>Optional - only required if you want to specify ordering for this field</p>
* <p>The order in which this field will appear in a GUI relative to other collections from the same class</p>
* @return the display order
int order() default 99999;
* Optional - only required if you want the field to appear under a different tab
* Specify a GUI tab for this field
* @return the tab for this field
String tab() default "General";
* Optional - only required if you want to order the appearance of the tabs in the UI
* Specify an order for this tab. Tabs will be sorted int he resulting form in
* ascending order based on this parameter.
* The default tab will render with an order of 100.
* @return the order for this tab
int tabOrder() default 100;
* <p>Optional - only required if you need to specially handle crud operations for this
* specific collection on the server</p>
* <p>Custom string values that will be passed to the server during CRUB operations on this
* collection. These criteria values can be detected in a custom persistence handler
* (@CustomPersistenceHandler) in order to engage special handling through custom server
* side code for this collection.</p>
* @return the custom string array to pass to the server during CRUD operations
String[] customCriteria() default {};
* <p>Optional - only required if a special operation type is required for a CRUD operation. This
* setting is not normally changed and is an advanced setting</p>
* <p>The operation type for a CRUD operation</p>
* @return the operation type
AdminPresentationOperationTypes operationTypes() default @AdminPresentationOperationTypes(addType = OperationType.ADORNEDTARGETLIST, fetchType = OperationType.ADORNEDTARGETLIST, inspectType = OperationType.BASIC, removeType = OperationType.ADORNEDTARGETLIST, updateType = OperationType.ADORNEDTARGETLIST);
* Optional - If you have FieldType set to SupportedFieldType.MONEY, *
* then you can specify a money currency property field.
* @return the currency property field
String currencyCodeField() default "";
} | 0true
| common_src_main_java_org_broadleafcommerce_common_presentation_AdminPresentationAdornedTargetCollection.java |
2,174 | final class Item {
public final DocIdSetIterator iter;
public int doc;
public Item(DocIdSetIterator iter) {
this.iter = iter;
this.doc = -1;
} | 0true
| src_main_java_org_elasticsearch_common_lucene_docset_OrDocIdSet.java |
3,617 | public static class ValueAndBoost {
private final String value;
private final float boost;
public ValueAndBoost(String value, float boost) {
this.value = value;
this.boost = boost;
* Value of string field.
* @return value of string field
public String value() {
return value;
* Boost either parsed from the document or defaulted.
* @return boost either parsed from the document or defaulted
public float boost() {
return boost;
} | 0true
| src_main_java_org_elasticsearch_index_mapper_core_StringFieldMapper.java |
1,389 | @XmlRootElement(name = "category")
@XmlAccessorType(value = XmlAccessType.FIELD)
public class CategoryWrapper extends BaseWrapper implements APIWrapper<Category> {
protected Long id;
protected String name;
protected String description;
protected Boolean active;
protected String url;
protected String urlKey;
protected Date activeStartDate;
protected Date activeEndDate;
@XmlElement(name = "category")
@XmlElementWrapper(name = "subcategories")
protected List<CategoryWrapper> subcategories;
@XmlElement(name = "product")
@XmlElementWrapper(name = "products")
protected List<ProductWrapper> products;
@XmlElement(name = "categoryAttribute")
@XmlElementWrapper(name = "categoryAttributes")
protected List<CategoryAttributeWrapper> categoryAttributes;
public void wrapDetails(Category category, HttpServletRequest request) {
this.id = category.getId();
this.name = category.getName();
this.description = category.getDescription();
this.active = category.isActive();
this.activeStartDate = category.getActiveStartDate();
this.activeEndDate = category.getActiveEndDate();
this.url = category.getUrl();
this.urlKey = category.getUrlKey();
if (category.getCategoryAttributes() != null && !category.getCategoryAttributes().isEmpty()) {
categoryAttributes = new ArrayList<CategoryAttributeWrapper>();
for (CategoryAttribute attribute : category.getCategoryAttributes()) {
CategoryAttributeWrapper wrapper = (CategoryAttributeWrapper) context.getBean(CategoryAttributeWrapper.class.getName());
wrapper.wrapSummary(attribute, request);
Integer productLimit = (Integer) request.getAttribute("productLimit");
Integer productOffset = (Integer) request.getAttribute("productOffset");
Integer subcategoryLimit = (Integer) request.getAttribute("subcategoryLimit");
Integer subcategoryOffset = (Integer) request.getAttribute("subcategoryOffset");
if (productLimit != null && productOffset == null) {
productOffset = 1;
if (subcategoryLimit != null && subcategoryOffset == null) {
subcategoryOffset = 1;
if (productLimit != null && productOffset != null) {
SearchService searchService = (SearchService) context.getBean("blSearchService");
ProductSearchCriteria searchCriteria = new ProductSearchCriteria();
searchCriteria.setFilterCriteria(new HashMap<String, String[]>());
try {
ProductSearchResult result = searchService.findExplicitProductsByCategory(category, searchCriteria);
List<Product> productList = result.getProducts();
if (productList != null && !productList.isEmpty()) {
if (products == null) {
products = new ArrayList<ProductWrapper>();
for (Product p : productList) {
ProductWrapper productSummaryWrapper = (ProductWrapper) context.getBean(ProductWrapper.class.getName());
productSummaryWrapper.wrapSummary(p, request);
} catch (ServiceException e) {
throw new WebApplicationException(Response.status(Response.Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
.type(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN).entity("An unexpected error occured " + e.getMessage()).build());
if (subcategoryLimit != null && subcategoryOffset != null) {
subcategories = buildSubcategoryTree(subcategories, category, request);
public void wrapSummary(Category category, HttpServletRequest request) {
this.id = category.getId();
this.name = category.getName();
this.description = category.getDescription();
this.active = category.isActive();
protected List<CategoryWrapper> buildSubcategoryTree(List<CategoryWrapper> wrappers, Category root, HttpServletRequest request) {
CatalogService catalogService = (CatalogService) context.getBean("blCatalogService");
Integer subcategoryLimit = (Integer) request.getAttribute("subcategoryLimit");
Integer subcategoryOffset = (Integer) request.getAttribute("subcategoryOffset");
List<Category> subcategories = catalogService.findActiveSubCategoriesByCategory(root, subcategoryLimit, subcategoryOffset);
if (subcategories !=null && !subcategories.isEmpty() && wrappers == null) {
wrappers = new ArrayList<CategoryWrapper>();
for (Category c : subcategories) {
CategoryWrapper subcategoryWrapper = (CategoryWrapper) context.getBean(CategoryWrapper.class.getName());
subcategoryWrapper.wrapSummary(c, request);
return wrappers;
} | 0true
| core_broadleaf-framework-web_src_main_java_org_broadleafcommerce_core_web_api_wrapper_CategoryWrapper.java |
3,404 | public class UidAndSourceFieldsVisitor extends FieldsVisitor {
public Status needsField(FieldInfo fieldInfo) throws IOException {
if (SourceFieldMapper.NAME.equals(fieldInfo.name)) {
return Status.YES;
} else if (UidFieldMapper.NAME.equals(fieldInfo.name)) {
return Status.YES;
return uid != null && source != null ? Status.STOP : Status.NO;
} | 0true
| src_main_java_org_elasticsearch_index_fieldvisitor_UidAndSourceFieldsVisitor.java |
4,474 | public class RecoverySettings extends AbstractComponent {
public static final String INDICES_RECOVERY_FILE_CHUNK_SIZE = "indices.recovery.file_chunk_size";
public static final String INDICES_RECOVERY_TRANSLOG_OPS = "indices.recovery.translog_ops";
public static final String INDICES_RECOVERY_TRANSLOG_SIZE = "indices.recovery.translog_size";
public static final String INDICES_RECOVERY_COMPRESS = "indices.recovery.compress";
public static final String INDICES_RECOVERY_CONCURRENT_STREAMS = "indices.recovery.concurrent_streams";
public static final String INDICES_RECOVERY_CONCURRENT_SMALL_FILE_STREAMS = "indices.recovery.concurrent_small_file_streams";
public static final String INDICES_RECOVERY_MAX_BYTES_PER_SEC = "indices.recovery.max_bytes_per_sec";
public static final long SMALL_FILE_CUTOFF_BYTES = ByteSizeValue.parseBytesSizeValue("5mb").bytes();
public static final String INDICES_RECOVERY_MAX_SIZE_PER_SEC = "indices.recovery.max_size_per_sec";
private volatile ByteSizeValue fileChunkSize;
private volatile boolean compress;
private volatile int translogOps;
private volatile ByteSizeValue translogSize;
private volatile int concurrentStreams;
private volatile int concurrentSmallFileStreams;
private final ThreadPoolExecutor concurrentStreamPool;
private final ThreadPoolExecutor concurrentSmallFileStreamPool;
private volatile ByteSizeValue maxBytesPerSec;
private volatile SimpleRateLimiter rateLimiter;
public RecoverySettings(Settings settings, NodeSettingsService nodeSettingsService) {
this.fileChunkSize = componentSettings.getAsBytesSize("file_chunk_size", settings.getAsBytesSize("index.shard.recovery.file_chunk_size", new ByteSizeValue(512, ByteSizeUnit.KB)));
this.translogOps = componentSettings.getAsInt("translog_ops", settings.getAsInt("index.shard.recovery.translog_ops", 1000));
this.translogSize = componentSettings.getAsBytesSize("translog_size", settings.getAsBytesSize("index.shard.recovery.translog_size", new ByteSizeValue(512, ByteSizeUnit.KB)));
this.compress = componentSettings.getAsBoolean("compress", true);
this.concurrentStreams = componentSettings.getAsInt("concurrent_streams", settings.getAsInt("index.shard.recovery.concurrent_streams", 3));
this.concurrentStreamPool = EsExecutors.newScaling(0, concurrentStreams, 60, TimeUnit.SECONDS, EsExecutors.daemonThreadFactory(settings, "[recovery_stream]"));
this.concurrentSmallFileStreams = componentSettings.getAsInt("concurrent_small_file_streams", settings.getAsInt("index.shard.recovery.concurrent_small_file_streams", 2));
this.concurrentSmallFileStreamPool = EsExecutors.newScaling(0, concurrentSmallFileStreams, 60, TimeUnit.SECONDS, EsExecutors.daemonThreadFactory(settings, "[small_file_recovery_stream]"));
this.maxBytesPerSec = componentSettings.getAsBytesSize("max_bytes_per_sec", componentSettings.getAsBytesSize("max_size_per_sec", new ByteSizeValue(20, ByteSizeUnit.MB)));
if (maxBytesPerSec.bytes() <= 0) {
rateLimiter = null;
} else {
rateLimiter = new SimpleRateLimiter(maxBytesPerSec.mbFrac());
logger.debug("using max_bytes_per_sec[{}], concurrent_streams [{}], file_chunk_size [{}], translog_size [{}], translog_ops [{}], and compress [{}]",
maxBytesPerSec, concurrentStreams, fileChunkSize, translogSize, translogOps, compress);
nodeSettingsService.addListener(new ApplySettings());
public void close() {
try {
concurrentStreamPool.awaitTermination(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// that's fine...
public ByteSizeValue fileChunkSize() {
return fileChunkSize;
public boolean compress() {
return compress;
public int translogOps() {
return translogOps;
public ByteSizeValue translogSize() {
return translogSize;
public int concurrentStreams() {
return concurrentStreams;
public ThreadPoolExecutor concurrentStreamPool() {
return concurrentStreamPool;
public ThreadPoolExecutor concurrentSmallFileStreamPool() {
return concurrentSmallFileStreamPool;
public RateLimiter rateLimiter() {
return rateLimiter;
class ApplySettings implements NodeSettingsService.Listener {
public void onRefreshSettings(Settings settings) {
ByteSizeValue maxSizePerSec = settings.getAsBytesSize(INDICES_RECOVERY_MAX_BYTES_PER_SEC, settings.getAsBytesSize(INDICES_RECOVERY_MAX_SIZE_PER_SEC, RecoverySettings.this.maxBytesPerSec));
if (!Objects.equal(maxSizePerSec, RecoverySettings.this.maxBytesPerSec)) {
logger.info("updating [{}] from [{}] to [{}]", INDICES_RECOVERY_MAX_BYTES_PER_SEC, RecoverySettings.this.maxBytesPerSec, maxSizePerSec);
RecoverySettings.this.maxBytesPerSec = maxSizePerSec;
if (maxSizePerSec.bytes() <= 0) {
rateLimiter = null;
} else if (rateLimiter != null) {
} else {
rateLimiter = new SimpleRateLimiter(maxSizePerSec.mbFrac());
ByteSizeValue fileChunkSize = settings.getAsBytesSize(INDICES_RECOVERY_FILE_CHUNK_SIZE, RecoverySettings.this.fileChunkSize);
if (!fileChunkSize.equals(RecoverySettings.this.fileChunkSize)) {
logger.info("updating [indices.recovery.file_chunk_size] from [{}] to [{}]", RecoverySettings.this.fileChunkSize, fileChunkSize);
RecoverySettings.this.fileChunkSize = fileChunkSize;
int translogOps = settings.getAsInt(INDICES_RECOVERY_TRANSLOG_OPS, RecoverySettings.this.translogOps);
if (translogOps != RecoverySettings.this.translogOps) {
logger.info("updating [indices.recovery.translog_ops] from [{}] to [{}]", RecoverySettings.this.translogOps, translogOps);
RecoverySettings.this.translogOps = translogOps;
ByteSizeValue translogSize = settings.getAsBytesSize(INDICES_RECOVERY_TRANSLOG_SIZE, RecoverySettings.this.translogSize);
if (!translogSize.equals(RecoverySettings.this.translogSize)) {
logger.info("updating [indices.recovery.translog_size] from [{}] to [{}]", RecoverySettings.this.translogSize, translogSize);
RecoverySettings.this.translogSize = translogSize;
boolean compress = settings.getAsBoolean(INDICES_RECOVERY_COMPRESS, RecoverySettings.this.compress);
if (compress != RecoverySettings.this.compress) {
logger.info("updating [indices.recovery.compress] from [{}] to [{}]", RecoverySettings.this.compress, compress);
RecoverySettings.this.compress = compress;
int concurrentStreams = settings.getAsInt(INDICES_RECOVERY_CONCURRENT_STREAMS, RecoverySettings.this.concurrentStreams);
if (concurrentStreams != RecoverySettings.this.concurrentStreams) {
logger.info("updating [indices.recovery.concurrent_streams] from [{}] to [{}]", RecoverySettings.this.concurrentStreams, concurrentStreams);
RecoverySettings.this.concurrentStreams = concurrentStreams;
int concurrentSmallFileStreams = settings.getAsInt(INDICES_RECOVERY_CONCURRENT_SMALL_FILE_STREAMS, RecoverySettings.this.concurrentSmallFileStreams);
if (concurrentSmallFileStreams != RecoverySettings.this.concurrentSmallFileStreams) {
logger.info("updating [indices.recovery.concurrent_small_file_streams] from [{}] to [{}]", RecoverySettings.this.concurrentSmallFileStreams, concurrentSmallFileStreams);
RecoverySettings.this.concurrentSmallFileStreams = concurrentSmallFileStreams;
} | 1no label
| src_main_java_org_elasticsearch_indices_recovery_RecoverySettings.java |
858 | public class TransportSearchDfsQueryAndFetchAction extends TransportSearchTypeAction {
public TransportSearchDfsQueryAndFetchAction(Settings settings, ThreadPool threadPool, ClusterService clusterService,
SearchServiceTransportAction searchService, SearchPhaseController searchPhaseController) {
super(settings, threadPool, clusterService, searchService, searchPhaseController);
protected void doExecute(SearchRequest searchRequest, ActionListener<SearchResponse> listener) {
new AsyncAction(searchRequest, listener).start();
private class AsyncAction extends BaseAsyncAction<DfsSearchResult> {
private final AtomicArray<QueryFetchSearchResult> queryFetchResults;
private AsyncAction(SearchRequest request, ActionListener<SearchResponse> listener) {
super(request, listener);
queryFetchResults = new AtomicArray<QueryFetchSearchResult>(firstResults.length());
protected String firstPhaseName() {
return "dfs";
protected void sendExecuteFirstPhase(DiscoveryNode node, ShardSearchRequest request, SearchServiceListener<DfsSearchResult> listener) {
searchService.sendExecuteDfs(node, request, listener);
protected void moveToSecondPhase() {
final AggregatedDfs dfs = searchPhaseController.aggregateDfs(firstResults);
final AtomicInteger counter = new AtomicInteger(firstResults.asList().size());
int localOperations = 0;
for (final AtomicArray.Entry<DfsSearchResult> entry : firstResults.asList()) {
DfsSearchResult dfsResult = entry.value;
DiscoveryNode node = nodes.get(dfsResult.shardTarget().nodeId());
if (node.id().equals(nodes.localNodeId())) {
} else {
QuerySearchRequest querySearchRequest = new QuerySearchRequest(request, dfsResult.id(), dfs);
executeSecondPhase(entry.index, dfsResult, counter, node, querySearchRequest);
if (localOperations > 0) {
if (request.operationThreading() == SearchOperationThreading.SINGLE_THREAD) {
threadPool.executor(ThreadPool.Names.SEARCH).execute(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
for (final AtomicArray.Entry<DfsSearchResult> entry : firstResults.asList()) {
DfsSearchResult dfsResult = entry.value;
DiscoveryNode node = nodes.get(dfsResult.shardTarget().nodeId());
if (node.id().equals(nodes.localNodeId())) {
QuerySearchRequest querySearchRequest = new QuerySearchRequest(request, dfsResult.id(), dfs);
executeSecondPhase(entry.index, dfsResult, counter, node, querySearchRequest);
} else {
boolean localAsync = request.operationThreading() == SearchOperationThreading.THREAD_PER_SHARD;
for (final AtomicArray.Entry<DfsSearchResult> entry : firstResults.asList()) {
final DfsSearchResult dfsResult = entry.value;
final DiscoveryNode node = nodes.get(dfsResult.shardTarget().nodeId());
if (node.id().equals(nodes.localNodeId())) {
final QuerySearchRequest querySearchRequest = new QuerySearchRequest(request, dfsResult.id(), dfs);
try {
if (localAsync) {
threadPool.executor(ThreadPool.Names.SEARCH).execute(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
executeSecondPhase(entry.index, dfsResult, counter, node, querySearchRequest);
} else {
executeSecondPhase(entry.index, dfsResult, counter, node, querySearchRequest);
} catch (Throwable t) {
onSecondPhaseFailure(t, querySearchRequest, entry.index, dfsResult, counter);
void executeSecondPhase(final int shardIndex, final DfsSearchResult dfsResult, final AtomicInteger counter, DiscoveryNode node, final QuerySearchRequest querySearchRequest) {
searchService.sendExecuteFetch(node, querySearchRequest, new SearchServiceListener<QueryFetchSearchResult>() {
public void onResult(QueryFetchSearchResult result) {
queryFetchResults.set(shardIndex, result);
if (counter.decrementAndGet() == 0) {
public void onFailure(Throwable t) {
onSecondPhaseFailure(t, querySearchRequest, shardIndex, dfsResult, counter);
void onSecondPhaseFailure(Throwable t, QuerySearchRequest querySearchRequest, int shardIndex, DfsSearchResult dfsResult, AtomicInteger counter) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("[{}] Failed to execute query phase", t, querySearchRequest.id());
this.addShardFailure(shardIndex, dfsResult.shardTarget(), t);
if (counter.decrementAndGet() == 0) {
void finishHim() {
try {
} catch (Throwable e) {
ReduceSearchPhaseException failure = new ReduceSearchPhaseException("query_fetch", "", e, buildShardFailures());
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("failed to reduce search", failure);
} finally {
void innerFinishHim() throws Exception {
sortedShardList = searchPhaseController.sortDocs(queryFetchResults);
final InternalSearchResponse internalResponse = searchPhaseController.merge(sortedShardList, queryFetchResults, queryFetchResults);
String scrollId = null;
if (request.scroll() != null) {
scrollId = TransportSearchHelper.buildScrollId(request.searchType(), firstResults, null);
listener.onResponse(new SearchResponse(internalResponse, scrollId, expectedSuccessfulOps, successulOps.get(), buildTookInMillis(), buildShardFailures()));
} | 0true
| src_main_java_org_elasticsearch_action_search_type_TransportSearchDfsQueryAndFetchAction.java |
727 | public class ShardDeleteRequest extends ShardReplicationOperationRequest<ShardDeleteRequest> {
private int shardId;
private String type;
private String id;
private boolean refresh = false;
private long version;
ShardDeleteRequest(IndexDeleteRequest request, int shardId) {
this.index = request.index();
this.shardId = shardId;
this.type = request.type();
this.id = request.id();
timeout = request.timeout();
this.refresh = request.refresh();
this.version = request.version();
ShardDeleteRequest() {
public ActionRequestValidationException validate() {
ActionRequestValidationException validationException = super.validate();
if (type == null) {
addValidationError("type is missing", validationException);
if (id == null) {
addValidationError("id is missing", validationException);
return validationException;
public int shardId() {
return this.shardId;
public String type() {
return this.type;
public String id() {
return this.id;
public boolean refresh() {
return this.refresh;
public void version(long version) {
this.version = version;
public long version() {
return this.version;
public void readFrom(StreamInput in) throws IOException {
shardId = in.readVInt();
type = in.readString();
id = in.readString();
refresh = in.readBoolean();
version = in.readLong();
public void writeTo(StreamOutput out) throws IOException {
} | 0true
| src_main_java_org_elasticsearch_action_delete_index_ShardDeleteRequest.java |
816 | public class AlterOperation extends AbstractAlterOperation {
public AlterOperation() {
public AlterOperation(String name, IFunction<Long, Long> function) {
super(name, function);
public int getId() {
return AtomicLongDataSerializerHook.ALTER;
public void run() throws Exception {
LongWrapper reference = getNumber();
long input = reference.get();
long output = function.apply(input);
shouldBackup = input != output;
if (shouldBackup) {
backup = output;
} | 0true
| hazelcast_src_main_java_com_hazelcast_concurrent_atomiclong_operations_AlterOperation.java |
2,045 | public class ContainsValueOperation extends AbstractMapOperation implements PartitionAwareOperation {
private boolean contains = false;
private Data testValue;
public ContainsValueOperation(String name, Data testValue) {
this.testValue = testValue;
public ContainsValueOperation() {
public void run() {
MapService mapService = (MapService) getService();
RecordStore recordStore = mapService.getRecordStore(getPartitionId(), name);
contains = recordStore.containsValue(testValue);
if (mapContainer.getMapConfig().isStatisticsEnabled()) {
((MapService) getService()).getLocalMapStatsImpl(name).incrementOtherOperations();
public Object getResponse() {
return contains;
protected void writeInternal(ObjectDataOutput out) throws IOException {
IOUtil.writeNullableData(out, testValue);
protected void readInternal(ObjectDataInput in) throws IOException {
testValue = IOUtil.readNullableData(in);
} | 0true
| hazelcast_src_main_java_com_hazelcast_map_operation_ContainsValueOperation.java |
3,757 | final NumericDocValues versionValues = new NumericDocValues() {
public long get(int index) {
return versions.get(index);
}; | 0true
| src_main_java_org_elasticsearch_index_merge_policy_IndexUpgraderMergePolicy.java |
360 | public static class ExceptionThrowingMapper
implements Mapper<Integer, Integer, String, Integer> {
public void map(Integer key, Integer value, Context<String, Integer> context) {
throw new NullPointerException("BUMM!");
} | 0true
| hazelcast-client_src_test_java_com_hazelcast_client_mapreduce_ClientMapReduceTest.java |
270 | public class ElasticsearchNullPointerException extends ElasticsearchException {
public ElasticsearchNullPointerException() {
public ElasticsearchNullPointerException(String msg) {
public ElasticsearchNullPointerException(String msg, Throwable cause) {
super(msg, cause);
} | 0true
| src_main_java_org_elasticsearch_ElasticsearchNullPointerException.java |
1,766 | public class GeoUtils {
/** Earth ellipsoid major axis defined by WGS 84 in meters */
public static final double EARTH_SEMI_MAJOR_AXIS = 6378137.0; // meters (WGS 84)
/** Earth ellipsoid minor axis defined by WGS 84 in meters */
public static final double EARTH_SEMI_MINOR_AXIS = 6356752.314245; // meters (WGS 84)
/** Earth mean radius defined by WGS 84 in meters */
public static final double EARTH_MEAN_RADIUS = 6371008.7714D; // meters (WGS 84)
/** Earth axis ratio defined by WGS 84 (0.996647189335) */
/** Earth ellipsoid equator length in meters */
public static final double EARTH_EQUATOR = 2*Math.PI * EARTH_SEMI_MAJOR_AXIS;
/** Earth ellipsoid polar distance in meters */
public static final double EARTH_POLAR_DISTANCE = Math.PI * EARTH_SEMI_MINOR_AXIS;
* Calculate the width (in meters) of geohash cells at a specific level
* @param level geohash level must be greater or equal to zero
* @return the width of cells at level in meters
public static double geoHashCellWidth(int level) {
assert level>=0;
// Geohash cells are split into 32 cells at each level. the grid
// alternates at each level between a 8x4 and a 4x8 grid
return EARTH_EQUATOR / (1L<<((((level+1)/2)*3) + ((level/2)*2)));
* Calculate the width (in meters) of quadtree cells at a specific level
* @param level quadtree level must be greater or equal to zero
* @return the width of cells at level in meters
public static double quadTreeCellWidth(int level) {
assert level >=0;
return EARTH_EQUATOR / (1L<<level);
* Calculate the height (in meters) of geohash cells at a specific level
* @param level geohash level must be greater or equal to zero
* @return the height of cells at level in meters
public static double geoHashCellHeight(int level) {
assert level>=0;
// Geohash cells are split into 32 cells at each level. the grid
// alternates at each level between a 8x4 and a 4x8 grid
return EARTH_POLAR_DISTANCE / (1L<<((((level+1)/2)*2) + ((level/2)*3)));
* Calculate the height (in meters) of quadtree cells at a specific level
* @param level quadtree level must be greater or equal to zero
* @return the height of cells at level in meters
public static double quadTreeCellHeight(int level) {
assert level>=0;
return EARTH_POLAR_DISTANCE / (1L<<level);
* Calculate the size (in meters) of geohash cells at a specific level
* @param level geohash level must be greater or equal to zero
* @return the size of cells at level in meters
public static double geoHashCellSize(int level) {
assert level>=0;
final double w = geoHashCellWidth(level);
final double h = geoHashCellHeight(level);
return Math.sqrt(w*w + h*h);
* Calculate the size (in meters) of quadtree cells at a specific level
* @param level quadtree level must be greater or equal to zero
* @return the size of cells at level in meters
public static double quadTreeCellSize(int level) {
assert level>=0;
* Calculate the number of levels needed for a specific precision. Quadtree
* cells will not exceed the specified size (diagonal) of the precision.
* @param meters Maximum size of cells in meters (must greater than zero)
* @return levels need to achieve precision
public static int quadTreeLevelsForPrecision(double meters) {
assert meters >= 0;
if(meters == 0) {
return QuadPrefixTree.MAX_LEVELS_POSSIBLE;
} else {
final double ratio = 1+(EARTH_POLAR_DISTANCE / EARTH_EQUATOR); // cell ratio
final double width = Math.sqrt((meters*meters)/(ratio*ratio)); // convert to cell width
final long part = Math.round(Math.ceil(EARTH_EQUATOR / width));
final int level = Long.SIZE - Long.numberOfLeadingZeros(part)-1; // (log_2)
return (part<=(1l<<level)) ?level :(level+1); // adjust level
* Calculate the number of levels needed for a specific precision. QuadTree
* cells will not exceed the specified size (diagonal) of the precision.
* @param distance Maximum size of cells as unit string (must greater or equal to zero)
* @return levels need to achieve precision
public static int quadTreeLevelsForPrecision(String distance) {
return quadTreeLevelsForPrecision(DistanceUnit.METERS.parse(distance, DistanceUnit.DEFAULT));
* Calculate the number of levels needed for a specific precision. GeoHash
* cells will not exceed the specified size (diagonal) of the precision.
* @param meters Maximum size of cells in meters (must greater or equal to zero)
* @return levels need to achieve precision
public static int geoHashLevelsForPrecision(double meters) {
assert meters >= 0;
if(meters == 0) {
return GeohashPrefixTree.getMaxLevelsPossible();
} else {
final double ratio = 1+(EARTH_POLAR_DISTANCE / EARTH_EQUATOR); // cell ratio
final double width = Math.sqrt((meters*meters)/(ratio*ratio)); // convert to cell width
final double part = Math.ceil(EARTH_EQUATOR / width);
if(part == 1)
return 1;
final int bits = (int)Math.round(Math.ceil(Math.log(part) / Math.log(2)));
final int full = bits / 5; // number of 5 bit subdivisions
final int left = bits - full*5; // bit representing the last level
final int even = full + (left>0?1:0); // number of even levels
final int odd = full + (left>3?1:0); // number of odd levels
return even+odd;
* Calculate the number of levels needed for a specific precision. GeoHash
* cells will not exceed the specified size (diagonal) of the precision.
* @param distance Maximum size of cells as unit string (must greater or equal to zero)
* @return levels need to achieve precision
public static int geoHashLevelsForPrecision(String distance) {
return geoHashLevelsForPrecision(DistanceUnit.METERS.parse(distance, DistanceUnit.DEFAULT));
* Normalize longitude to lie within the -180 (exclusive) to 180 (inclusive) range.
* @param lon Longitude to normalize
* @return The normalized longitude.
public static double normalizeLon(double lon) {
return centeredModulus(lon, 360);
* Normalize latitude to lie within the -90 to 90 (both inclusive) range.
* <p/>
* Note: You should not normalize longitude and latitude separately,
* because when normalizing latitude it may be necessary to
* add a shift of 180° in the longitude.
* For this purpose, you should call the
* {@link #normalizePoint(GeoPoint)} function.
* @param lat Latitude to normalize
* @return The normalized latitude.
* @see #normalizePoint(GeoPoint)
public static double normalizeLat(double lat) {
lat = centeredModulus(lat, 360);
if (lat < -90) {
lat = -180 - lat;
} else if (lat > 90) {
lat = 180 - lat;
return lat;
* Normalize the geo {@code Point} for its coordinates to lie within their
* respective normalized ranges.
* <p/>
* Note: A shift of 180° is applied in the longitude if necessary,
* in order to normalize properly the latitude.
* @param point The point to normalize in-place.
public static void normalizePoint(GeoPoint point) {
normalizePoint(point, true, true);
* Normalize the geo {@code Point} for the given coordinates to lie within
* their respective normalized ranges.
* <p/>
* You can control which coordinate gets normalized with the two flags.
* <p/>
* Note: A shift of 180° is applied in the longitude if necessary,
* in order to normalize properly the latitude.
* If normalizing latitude but not longitude, it is assumed that
* the longitude is in the form x+k*360, with x in ]-180;180],
* and k is meaningful to the application.
* Therefore x will be adjusted while keeping k preserved.
* @param point The point to normalize in-place.
* @param normLat Whether to normalize latitude or leave it as is.
* @param normLon Whether to normalize longitude.
public static void normalizePoint(GeoPoint point, boolean normLat, boolean normLon) {
double lat = point.lat();
double lon = point.lon();
normLat = normLat && (lat>90 || lat <= -90);
normLon = normLon && (lon>180 || lon <= -180);
if (normLat) {
lat = centeredModulus(lat, 360);
boolean shift = true;
if (lat < -90) {
lat = -180 - lat;
} else if (lat > 90) {
lat = 180 - lat;
} else {
// No need to shift the longitude, and the latitude is normalized
shift = false;
if (shift) {
if (normLon) {
lon += 180;
} else {
// Longitude won't be normalized,
// keep it in the form x+k*360 (with x in ]-180;180])
// by only changing x, assuming k is meaningful for the user application.
lon += normalizeLon(lon) > 0 ? -180 : 180;
if (normLon) {
lon = centeredModulus(lon, 360);
point.reset(lat, lon);
private static double centeredModulus(double dividend, double divisor) {
double rtn = dividend % divisor;
if (rtn <= 0) {
rtn += divisor;
if (rtn > divisor / 2) {
rtn -= divisor;
return rtn;
} | 1no label
| src_main_java_org_elasticsearch_common_geo_GeoUtils.java |
44 | public class TouchCommand extends AbstractTextCommand {
String key;
int expiration;
boolean noreply;
ByteBuffer response;
public TouchCommand(TextCommandType type, String key, int expiration, boolean noReply) {
this.key = key;
this.expiration = expiration;
this.noreply = noReply;
public boolean writeTo(ByteBuffer destination) {
if (response == null) {
response = ByteBuffer.wrap(STORED);
while (destination.hasRemaining() && response.hasRemaining()) {
return !response.hasRemaining();
public boolean readFrom(ByteBuffer source) {
return true;
public boolean shouldReply() {
return !noreply;
public String getKey() {
return key;
public int getExpiration() {
return expiration;
public void setResponse(byte[] value) {
this.response = ByteBuffer.wrap(value);
} | 0true
| hazelcast_src_main_java_com_hazelcast_ascii_memcache_TouchCommand.java |
3,095 | static class Refresh {
private final String source;
private boolean force = false;
public Refresh(String source) {
this.source = source;
* Forces calling refresh, overriding the check that dirty operations even happened. Defaults
* to true (note, still lightweight if no refresh is needed).
public Refresh force(boolean force) {
this.force = force;
return this;
public boolean force() {
return this.force;
public String source() {
return this.source;
public String toString() {
return "force[" + force + "], source [" + source + "]";
} | 0true
| src_main_java_org_elasticsearch_index_engine_Engine.java |
3,086 | static class Get {
private final boolean realtime;
private final Term uid;
private boolean loadSource = true;
private long version;
private VersionType versionType;
public Get(boolean realtime, Term uid) {
this.realtime = realtime;
this.uid = uid;
public boolean realtime() {
return this.realtime;
public Term uid() {
return uid;
public boolean loadSource() {
return this.loadSource;
public Get loadSource(boolean loadSource) {
this.loadSource = loadSource;
return this;
public long version() {
return version;
public Get version(long version) {
this.version = version;
return this;
public VersionType versionType() {
return versionType;
public Get versionType(VersionType versionType) {
this.versionType = versionType;
return this;
} | 0true
| src_main_java_org_elasticsearch_index_engine_Engine.java |
2,474 | static class Job extends PrioritizedRunnable {
private final int result;
private final List<Integer> results;
private final CountDownLatch latch;
Job(int result, Priority priority, List<Integer> results, CountDownLatch latch) {
this.result = result;
this.results = results;
this.latch = latch;
public void run() {
} | 0true
| src_test_java_org_elasticsearch_common_util_concurrent_PrioritizedExecutorsTests.java |
15 | exe.submit(new Runnable() {
private final int number = atomicInt.incrementAndGet();
public void run() {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
}); | 0true
| titan-test_src_main_java_com_thinkaurelius_titan_TestBed.java |
1,558 | @XmlRootElement(name = "entry")
@XmlType(propOrder = { "value", "name" })
public class OServerEntryConfiguration {
public String name;
public String value;
public OServerEntryConfiguration() {
public OServerEntryConfiguration(final String iName, final String iValue) {
name = iName;
value = iValue;
} | 0true
| server_src_main_java_com_orientechnologies_orient_server_config_OServerEntryConfiguration.java |
171 | private class TxManagerDataSourceRegistrationListener implements DataSourceRegistrationListener
public void registeredDataSource( XaDataSource ds )
branches.put( new RecoveredBranchInfo( ds.getBranchId() ), true );
boolean everythingRegistered = true;
for ( boolean dsRegistered : branches.values() )
everythingRegistered &= dsRegistered;
if ( everythingRegistered )
public void unregisteredDataSource( XaDataSource ds )
branches.put( new RecoveredBranchInfo( ds.getBranchId() ), false );
boolean everythingUnregistered = true;
for ( boolean dsRegistered : branches.values() )
everythingUnregistered &= !dsRegistered;
if ( everythingUnregistered )
} | 0true
| community_kernel_src_main_java_org_neo4j_kernel_impl_transaction_TxManager.java |
26 | public class CacheLayer implements StoreReadLayer
private static final Function<? super SchemaRule, IndexDescriptor> TO_INDEX_RULE =
new Function<SchemaRule, IndexDescriptor>()
public IndexDescriptor apply( SchemaRule from )
IndexRule rule = (IndexRule) from;
// We know that we only have int range of property key ids.
return new IndexDescriptor( rule.getLabel(), rule.getPropertyKey() );
private final CacheLoader<Iterator<DefinedProperty>> nodePropertyLoader = new CacheLoader<Iterator<DefinedProperty>>()
public Iterator<DefinedProperty> load( long id ) throws EntityNotFoundException
return diskLayer.nodeGetAllProperties( id );
private final CacheLoader<Iterator<DefinedProperty>> relationshipPropertyLoader = new CacheLoader<Iterator<DefinedProperty>>()
public Iterator<DefinedProperty> load( long id ) throws EntityNotFoundException
return diskLayer.relationshipGetAllProperties( id );
private final CacheLoader<Iterator<DefinedProperty>> graphPropertyLoader = new CacheLoader<Iterator<DefinedProperty>>()
public Iterator<DefinedProperty> load( long id ) throws EntityNotFoundException
return diskLayer.graphGetAllProperties();
private final CacheLoader<int[]> nodeLabelLoader = new CacheLoader<int[]>()
public int[] load( long id ) throws EntityNotFoundException
return primitiveIntIteratorToIntArray( diskLayer.nodeGetLabels( id ) );
private final PersistenceCache persistenceCache;
private final SchemaCache schemaCache;
private final DiskLayer diskLayer;
private final IndexingService indexingService;
public CacheLayer(
DiskLayer diskLayer,
PersistenceCache persistenceCache,
IndexingService indexingService,
SchemaCache schemaCache )
this.diskLayer = diskLayer;
this.persistenceCache = persistenceCache;
this.indexingService = indexingService;
this.schemaCache = schemaCache;
public boolean nodeHasLabel( KernelStatement state, long nodeId, int labelId ) throws EntityNotFoundException
return persistenceCache.nodeHasLabel( state, nodeId, labelId, nodeLabelLoader );
public PrimitiveIntIterator nodeGetLabels( KernelStatement state, long nodeId ) throws EntityNotFoundException
return new PrimitiveIntIteratorForArray( persistenceCache.nodeGetLabels( state, nodeId, nodeLabelLoader ) );
public Iterator<IndexDescriptor> indexesGetForLabel( KernelStatement state, int labelId )
return toIndexDescriptors( schemaCache.schemaRulesForLabel( labelId ), SchemaRule.Kind.INDEX_RULE );
public Iterator<IndexDescriptor> indexesGetAll( KernelStatement state )
return toIndexDescriptors( schemaCache.schemaRules(), SchemaRule.Kind.INDEX_RULE );
public Iterator<IndexDescriptor> uniqueIndexesGetForLabel( KernelStatement state, int labelId )
return toIndexDescriptors( schemaCache.schemaRulesForLabel( labelId ),
public Iterator<IndexDescriptor> uniqueIndexesGetAll( KernelStatement state )
return toIndexDescriptors( schemaCache.schemaRules(), SchemaRule.Kind.CONSTRAINT_INDEX_RULE );
private static Iterator<IndexDescriptor> toIndexDescriptors( Iterable<SchemaRule> rules,
final SchemaRule.Kind kind )
Iterator<SchemaRule> filteredRules = filter( new Predicate<SchemaRule>()
public boolean accept( SchemaRule item )
return item.getKind() == kind;
}, rules.iterator() );
return map( TO_INDEX_RULE, filteredRules );
public Long indexGetOwningUniquenessConstraintId( KernelStatement state, IndexDescriptor index )
throws SchemaRuleNotFoundException
IndexRule rule = indexRule( index, SchemaStorage.IndexRuleKind.ALL );
if ( rule != null )
return rule.getOwningConstraint();
return diskLayer.indexGetOwningUniquenessConstraintId( index );
public long indexGetCommittedId( KernelStatement state, IndexDescriptor index, SchemaStorage.IndexRuleKind kind )
throws SchemaRuleNotFoundException
IndexRule rule = indexRule( index, kind );
if ( rule != null )
return rule.getId();
return diskLayer.indexGetCommittedId( index );
public IndexRule indexRule( IndexDescriptor index, SchemaStorage.IndexRuleKind kind )
for ( SchemaRule rule : schemaCache.schemaRulesForLabel( index.getLabelId() ) )
if ( rule instanceof IndexRule )
IndexRule indexRule = (IndexRule) rule;
if ( kind.isOfKind( indexRule ) && indexRule.getPropertyKey() == index.getPropertyKeyId() )
return indexRule;
return null;
public PrimitiveLongIterator nodeGetPropertyKeys( KernelStatement state, long nodeId ) throws EntityNotFoundException
return persistenceCache.nodeGetPropertyKeys( nodeId, nodePropertyLoader );
public Property nodeGetProperty( KernelStatement state, long nodeId, int propertyKeyId ) throws EntityNotFoundException
return persistenceCache.nodeGetProperty( nodeId, propertyKeyId, nodePropertyLoader );
public Iterator<DefinedProperty> nodeGetAllProperties( KernelStatement state, long nodeId ) throws EntityNotFoundException
return persistenceCache.nodeGetProperties( nodeId, nodePropertyLoader );
public PrimitiveLongIterator relationshipGetPropertyKeys( KernelStatement state, long relationshipId )
throws EntityNotFoundException
return new PropertyKeyIdIterator( relationshipGetAllProperties( state, relationshipId ) );
public Property relationshipGetProperty( KernelStatement state, long relationshipId, int propertyKeyId )
throws EntityNotFoundException
return persistenceCache.relationshipGetProperty( relationshipId, propertyKeyId,
relationshipPropertyLoader );
public Iterator<DefinedProperty> relationshipGetAllProperties( KernelStatement state, long nodeId )
throws EntityNotFoundException
return persistenceCache.relationshipGetProperties( nodeId, relationshipPropertyLoader );
public PrimitiveLongIterator graphGetPropertyKeys( KernelStatement state )
return persistenceCache.graphGetPropertyKeys( graphPropertyLoader );
public Property graphGetProperty( KernelStatement state, int propertyKeyId )
return persistenceCache.graphGetProperty( graphPropertyLoader, propertyKeyId );
public Iterator<DefinedProperty> graphGetAllProperties( KernelStatement state )
return persistenceCache.graphGetProperties( graphPropertyLoader );
public Iterator<UniquenessConstraint> constraintsGetForLabelAndPropertyKey(
KernelStatement state, int labelId, int propertyKeyId )
return schemaCache.constraintsForLabelAndProperty( labelId, propertyKeyId );
public Iterator<UniquenessConstraint> constraintsGetForLabel( KernelStatement state, int labelId )
return schemaCache.constraintsForLabel( labelId );
public Iterator<UniquenessConstraint> constraintsGetAll( KernelStatement state )
return schemaCache.constraints();
public PrimitiveLongIterator nodeGetUniqueFromIndexLookup(
KernelStatement state,
IndexDescriptor index,
Object value )
throws IndexNotFoundKernelException, IndexBrokenKernelException
return diskLayer.nodeGetUniqueFromIndexLookup( state, schemaCache.indexId( index ), value );
public PrimitiveLongIterator nodesGetForLabel( KernelStatement state, int labelId )
return diskLayer.nodesGetForLabel( state, labelId );
public PrimitiveLongIterator nodesGetFromIndexLookup( KernelStatement state, IndexDescriptor index, Object value )
throws IndexNotFoundKernelException
return diskLayer.nodesGetFromIndexLookup( state, schemaCache.indexId( index ), value );
public IndexDescriptor indexesGetForLabelAndPropertyKey( KernelStatement state, int labelId, int propertyKey )
throws SchemaRuleNotFoundException
return schemaCache.indexDescriptor( labelId, propertyKey );
public InternalIndexState indexGetState( KernelStatement state, IndexDescriptor descriptor )
throws IndexNotFoundKernelException
return indexingService.getProxyForRule( schemaCache.indexId( descriptor ) ).getState();
public String indexGetFailure( Statement state, IndexDescriptor descriptor ) throws IndexNotFoundKernelException
return diskLayer.indexGetFailure( descriptor );
public int labelGetForName( String labelName )
return diskLayer.labelGetForName( labelName );
public String labelGetName( int labelId ) throws LabelNotFoundKernelException
return diskLayer.labelGetName( labelId );
public int propertyKeyGetForName( String propertyKeyName )
return diskLayer.propertyKeyGetForName( propertyKeyName );
public int propertyKeyGetOrCreateForName( String propertyKeyName )
return diskLayer.propertyKeyGetOrCreateForName( propertyKeyName );
public String propertyKeyGetName( int propertyKeyId ) throws PropertyKeyIdNotFoundKernelException
return diskLayer.propertyKeyGetName( propertyKeyId );
public Iterator<Token> propertyKeyGetAllTokens()
return diskLayer.propertyKeyGetAllTokens().iterator();
public Iterator<Token> labelsGetAllTokens()
return diskLayer.labelGetAllTokens().iterator();
public int relationshipTypeGetForName( String relationshipTypeName )
return diskLayer.relationshipTypeGetForName( relationshipTypeName );
public String relationshipTypeGetName( int relationshipTypeId ) throws RelationshipTypeIdNotFoundKernelException
return diskLayer.relationshipTypeGetName( relationshipTypeId );
public int labelGetOrCreateForName( String labelName ) throws TooManyLabelsException
return diskLayer.labelGetOrCreateForName( labelName );
public int relationshipTypeGetOrCreateForName( String relationshipTypeName )
return diskLayer.relationshipTypeGetOrCreateForName( relationshipTypeName );
} | 1no label
| community_kernel_src_main_java_org_neo4j_kernel_impl_api_store_CacheLayer.java |
1,181 | public interface PaymentResponseItem extends Serializable {
public String getAuthorizationCode();
public void setAuthorizationCode(String authorizationCode);
public String getMiddlewareResponseCode();
public void setMiddlewareResponseCode(String middlewareResponseCode);
public String getMiddlewareResponseText();
public void setMiddlewareResponseText(String middlewareResponseText);
public String getProcessorResponseCode();
public void setProcessorResponseCode(String processorResponseCode);
public String getProcessorResponseText();
public void setProcessorResponseText(String processorResponseText);
public String getReferenceNumber();
public void setReferenceNumber(String referenceNumber);
* @deprecated
* @see #getTransactionAmount()
public Money getAmountPaid();
* @deprecated setTransactionAmount() instead.
* @see #setTransactionAmount(org.broadleafcommerce.common.money.Money)
public void setAmountPaid(Money amount);
* The amount that the system processed. For example, when submitting an order, this would be the order.getTotal.
* If refunding $10, this would be 10.
* @return
public Money getTransactionAmount();
* Sets the transaction amount.
* @param amount
public void setTransactionAmount(Money amount);
public Boolean getTransactionSuccess();
public void setTransactionSuccess(Boolean transactionSuccess);
public Date getTransactionTimestamp();
public void setTransactionTimestamp(Date transactionTimestamp);
public String getImplementorResponseCode();
public void setImplementorResponseCode(String implementorResponseCode);
public String getImplementorResponseText();
public void setImplementorResponseText(String implementorResponseText);
public String getTransactionId();
public void setTransactionId(String transactionId);
public String getAvsCode();
public void setAvsCode(String avsCode);
public String getCvvCode();
public void setCvvCode(String cvvCode);
// TODO: Rename to getRemainingTransactionAmount
public Money getRemainingBalance();
public void setRemainingBalance(Money remainingBalance);
public TransactionType getTransactionType();
public void setTransactionType(TransactionType transactionType);
public Map<String, String> getAdditionalFields();
public void setAdditionalFields(Map<String, String> additionalFields);
public Long getPaymentInfoId();
public void setPaymentInfoId(Long paymentInfoId);
public String getUserName();
public void setUserName(String userName);
public Customer getCustomer();
public void setCustomer(Customer customer);
public String getPaymentInfoReferenceNumber();
public void setPaymentInfoReferenceNumber(String paymentInfoReferenceNumber);
public void setCurrency(BroadleafCurrency currency);
public BroadleafCurrency getCurrency();
public void setPaymentInfo(PaymentInfo paymentInfo);
public PaymentInfo getPaymentInfo();
} | 0true
| core_broadleaf-framework_src_main_java_org_broadleafcommerce_core_payment_domain_PaymentResponseItem.java |
1,438 | public static class Factory implements MetaData.Custom.Factory<RepositoriesMetaData> {
* {@inheritDoc}
public String type() {
return TYPE;
* {@inheritDoc}
public RepositoriesMetaData readFrom(StreamInput in) throws IOException {
RepositoryMetaData[] repository = new RepositoryMetaData[in.readVInt()];
for (int i = 0; i < repository.length; i++) {
repository[i] = RepositoryMetaData.readFrom(in);
return new RepositoriesMetaData(repository);
* {@inheritDoc}
public void writeTo(RepositoriesMetaData repositories, StreamOutput out) throws IOException {
for (RepositoryMetaData repository : repositories.repositories()) {
* {@inheritDoc}
public RepositoriesMetaData fromXContent(XContentParser parser) throws IOException {
XContentParser.Token token;
List<RepositoryMetaData> repository = new ArrayList<RepositoryMetaData>();
while ((token = parser.nextToken()) != XContentParser.Token.END_OBJECT) {
if (token == XContentParser.Token.FIELD_NAME) {
String name = parser.currentName();
if (parser.nextToken() != XContentParser.Token.START_OBJECT) {
throw new ElasticsearchParseException("failed to parse repository [" + name + "], expected object");
String type = null;
Settings settings = ImmutableSettings.EMPTY;
while ((token = parser.nextToken()) != XContentParser.Token.END_OBJECT) {
if (token == XContentParser.Token.FIELD_NAME) {
String currentFieldName = parser.currentName();
if ("type".equals(currentFieldName)) {
if (parser.nextToken() != XContentParser.Token.VALUE_STRING) {
throw new ElasticsearchParseException("failed to parse repository [" + name + "], unknown type");
type = parser.text();
} else if ("settings".equals(currentFieldName)) {
if (parser.nextToken() != XContentParser.Token.START_OBJECT) {
throw new ElasticsearchParseException("failed to parse repository [" + name + "], incompatible params");
settings = ImmutableSettings.settingsBuilder().put(SettingsLoader.Helper.loadNestedFromMap(parser.mapOrdered())).build();
} else {
throw new ElasticsearchParseException("failed to parse repository [" + name + "], unknown field [" + currentFieldName + "]");
} else {
throw new ElasticsearchParseException("failed to parse repository [" + name + "]");
if (type == null) {
throw new ElasticsearchParseException("failed to parse repository [" + name + "], missing repository type");
repository.add(new RepositoryMetaData(name, type, settings));
} else {
throw new ElasticsearchParseException("failed to parse repositories");
return new RepositoriesMetaData(repository.toArray(new RepositoryMetaData[repository.size()]));
* {@inheritDoc}
public void toXContent(RepositoriesMetaData customIndexMetaData, XContentBuilder builder, ToXContent.Params params) throws IOException {
for (RepositoryMetaData repository : customIndexMetaData.repositories()) {
toXContent(repository, builder, params);
* Serializes information about a single repository
* @param repository repository metadata
* @param builder XContent builder
* @param params serialization parameters
* @throws IOException
public void toXContent(RepositoryMetaData repository, XContentBuilder builder, ToXContent.Params params) throws IOException {
builder.startObject(repository.name(), XContentBuilder.FieldCaseConversion.NONE);
builder.field("type", repository.type());
for (Map.Entry<String, String> settingEntry : repository.settings().getAsMap().entrySet()) {
builder.field(settingEntry.getKey(), settingEntry.getValue());
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean isPersistent() {
return true;
} | 0true
| src_main_java_org_elasticsearch_cluster_metadata_RepositoriesMetaData.java |
283 | public class OCommandScriptException extends OException {
private String text;
private int position;
private static final long serialVersionUID = -7430575036316163711L;
public OCommandScriptException(String iMessage) {
super(iMessage, null);
public OCommandScriptException(String iMessage, Throwable cause) {
super(iMessage, cause);
public OCommandScriptException(String iMessage, String iText, int iPosition, Throwable cause) {
super(iMessage, cause);
text = iText;
position = iPosition < 0 ? 0 : iPosition;
public OCommandScriptException(String iMessage, String iText, int iPosition) {
text = iText;
position = iPosition < 0 ? 0 : iPosition;
public String getMessage() {
if (text == null)
return super.getMessage();
final StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
buffer.append("Error on parsing script at position #");
buffer.append(": " + super.getMessage());
buffer.append("\nScript: ");
for (int i = 0; i < position - 1; ++i)
return buffer.toString();
} | 0true
| core_src_main_java_com_orientechnologies_orient_core_command_script_OCommandScriptException.java |
50 | @Component("blTimeDTOCustomPersistenceHandler")
public class TimeDTOCustomPersistenceHandler extends CustomPersistenceHandlerAdapter {
private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(TimeDTOCustomPersistenceHandler.class);
public Boolean canHandleFetch(PersistencePackage persistencePackage) {
return canHandleInspect(persistencePackage);
public Boolean canHandleAdd(PersistencePackage persistencePackage) {
return canHandleInspect(persistencePackage);
public Boolean canHandleRemove(PersistencePackage persistencePackage) {
return canHandleInspect(persistencePackage);
public Boolean canHandleUpdate(PersistencePackage persistencePackage) {
return canHandleInspect(persistencePackage);
public Boolean canHandleInspect(PersistencePackage persistencePackage) {
String ceilingEntityFullyQualifiedClassname = persistencePackage.getCeilingEntityFullyQualifiedClassname();
return TimeDTO.class.getName().equals(ceilingEntityFullyQualifiedClassname);
public DynamicResultSet inspect(PersistencePackage persistencePackage, DynamicEntityDao dynamicEntityDao, InspectHelper helper) throws ServiceException {
String ceilingEntityFullyQualifiedClassname = persistencePackage.getCeilingEntityFullyQualifiedClassname();
try {
Map<MergedPropertyType, Map<String, FieldMetadata>> allMergedProperties = new HashMap<MergedPropertyType, Map<String, FieldMetadata>>();
Map<String, FieldMetadata> mergedProperties = dynamicEntityDao.getSimpleMergedProperties(ceilingEntityFullyQualifiedClassname, persistencePackage.getPersistencePerspective());
allMergedProperties.put(MergedPropertyType.PRIMARY, mergedProperties);
ClassMetadata mergedMetadata = helper.getMergedClassMetadata(new Class<?>[]{Class.forName(ceilingEntityFullyQualifiedClassname)}, allMergedProperties);
DynamicResultSet results = new DynamicResultSet(mergedMetadata);
return results;
} catch (Exception e) {
ServiceException ex = new ServiceException("Unable to retrieve inspection results for " + persistencePackage.getCeilingEntityFullyQualifiedClassname(), e);
throw ex;
} | 0true
| admin_broadleaf-contentmanagement-module_src_main_java_org_broadleafcommerce_cms_admin_server_handler_TimeDTOCustomPersistenceHandler.java |
1,748 | public static class Issue1764Data implements DataSerializable {
public static AtomicInteger serializationCount = new AtomicInteger();
public static AtomicInteger deserializationCount = new AtomicInteger();
private String attr1;
private String attr2;
public Issue1764Data() {
//For deserialization...
public Issue1764Data(String attr1, String attr2) {
this.attr1 = attr1;
this.attr2 = attr2;
public String getAttr1() {
return attr1;
public void setAttr1(String attr1) {
this.attr1 = attr1;
public String getAttr2() {
return attr2;
public void setAttr2(String attr2) {
this.attr2 = attr2;
public String toString() {
return "[" + attr1 + " " + attr2 + "]";
public void writeData(ObjectDataOutput out) throws IOException {
public void readData(ObjectDataInput in) throws IOException {
attr1 = in.readObject();
attr2 = in.readObject();
} | 0true
| hazelcast_src_test_java_com_hazelcast_map_EntryProcessorTest.java |
143 | @Test
public class FloatSerializerTest {
private static final int FIELD_SIZE = 4;
private static final Float OBJECT = 3.14f;
private OFloatSerializer floatSerializer;
byte[] stream = new byte[FIELD_SIZE];
public void beforeClass() {
floatSerializer = new OFloatSerializer();
public void testFieldSize() {
Assert.assertEquals(floatSerializer.getObjectSize(null), FIELD_SIZE);
public void testSerialize() {
floatSerializer.serialize(OBJECT, stream, 0);
Assert.assertEquals(floatSerializer.deserialize(stream, 0), OBJECT);
public void testSerializeNative() {
floatSerializer.serializeNative(OBJECT, stream, 0);
Assert.assertEquals(floatSerializer.deserializeNative(stream, 0), OBJECT);
public void testNativeDirectMemoryCompatibility() {
floatSerializer.serializeNative(OBJECT, stream, 0);
ODirectMemoryPointer pointer = new ODirectMemoryPointer(stream);
try {
Assert.assertEquals(floatSerializer.deserializeFromDirectMemory(pointer, 0), OBJECT);
} finally {
} | 0true
| commons_src_test_java_com_orientechnologies_common_serialization_types_FloatSerializerTest.java |
658 | constructors[LIST_ADD_ALL] = new ConstructorFunction<Integer, IdentifiedDataSerializable>() {
public IdentifiedDataSerializable createNew(Integer arg) {
return new ListAddAllOperation();
}; | 0true
| hazelcast_src_main_java_com_hazelcast_collection_CollectionDataSerializerHook.java |
230 | @PreInitializeConfigOptions
public abstract class AbstractCassandraStoreManager extends DistributedStoreManager implements KeyColumnValueStoreManager {
public enum Partitioner {
public static Partitioner getPartitioner(IPartitioner<?> partitioner) {
return getPartitioner(partitioner.getClass().getSimpleName());
public static Partitioner getPartitioner(String className) {
if (className.endsWith("RandomPartitioner") || className.endsWith("Murmur3Partitioner"))
return Partitioner.RANDOM;
else if (className.endsWith("ByteOrderedPartitioner")) return Partitioner.BYTEORDER;
else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported partitioner: " + className);
//################### CASSANDRA SPECIFIC CONFIGURATION OPTIONS ######################
public static final ConfigNamespace CASSANDRA_NS =
new ConfigNamespace(GraphDatabaseConfiguration.STORAGE_NS, "cassandra", "Cassandra storage backend options");
public static final ConfigOption<String> CASSANDRA_KEYSPACE =
new ConfigOption<String>(CASSANDRA_NS, "keyspace",
"The name of Titan's keyspace. It will be created if it does not exist.",
ConfigOption.Type.LOCAL, "titan");
// Consistency Levels and Atomic Batch
public static final ConfigOption<String> CASSANDRA_READ_CONSISTENCY =
new ConfigOption<String>(CASSANDRA_NS, "read-consistency-level",
"The consistency level of read operations against Cassandra",
ConfigOption.Type.MASKABLE, "QUORUM");
public static final ConfigOption<String> CASSANDRA_WRITE_CONSISTENCY =
new ConfigOption<String>(CASSANDRA_NS, "write-consistency-level",
"The consistency level of write operations against Cassandra",
ConfigOption.Type.MASKABLE, "QUORUM");
public static final ConfigOption<Boolean> ATOMIC_BATCH_MUTATE =
new ConfigOption<Boolean>(CASSANDRA_NS, "atomic-batch-mutate",
"True to use Cassandra atomic batch mutation, false to use non-atomic batches",
ConfigOption.Type.MASKABLE, true);
// Replication
public static final ConfigOption<Integer> REPLICATION_FACTOR =
new ConfigOption<Integer>(CASSANDRA_NS, "replication-factor",
"The number of data replicas (including the original copy) that should be kept. " +
"This is only meaningful for storage backends that natively support data replication.",
ConfigOption.Type.GLOBAL_OFFLINE, 1);
public static final ConfigOption<String> REPLICATION_STRATEGY =
new ConfigOption<String>(CASSANDRA_NS, "replication-strategy-class",
"The replication strategy to use for Titan keyspace",
ConfigOption.Type.FIXED, "org.apache.cassandra.locator.SimpleStrategy");
public static final ConfigOption<String[]> REPLICATION_OPTIONS =
new ConfigOption<String[]>(CASSANDRA_NS, "replication-strategy-options",
"Replication strategy options, e.g. factor or replicas per datacenter. This list is interpreted as a " +
"map. It must have an even number of elements in [key,val,key,val,...] form. A replication_factor set " +
"here takes precedence over one set with " + ConfigElement.getPath(REPLICATION_FACTOR),
ConfigOption.Type.FIXED, String[].class);
// Compression
public static final ConfigOption<Boolean> CF_COMPRESSION =
new ConfigOption<Boolean>(CASSANDRA_NS, "compression",
"Whether the storage backend should use compression when storing the data", ConfigOption.Type.FIXED, true);
public static final ConfigOption<String> CF_COMPRESSION_TYPE =
new ConfigOption<String>(CASSANDRA_NS, "compression-type",
"The sstable_compression value Titan uses when creating column families. " +
"This accepts any value allowed by Cassandra's sstable_compression option. " +
"Leave this unset to disable sstable_compression on Titan-created CFs.",
ConfigOption.Type.MASKABLE, "LZ4Compressor");
public static final ConfigOption<Integer> CF_COMPRESSION_BLOCK_SIZE =
new ConfigOption<Integer>(CASSANDRA_NS, "compression-block-size",
"The size of the compression blocks in kilobytes", ConfigOption.Type.FIXED, 64);
// SSL
public static final ConfigNamespace SSL_NS =
new ConfigNamespace(CASSANDRA_NS, "ssl", "Configuration options for SSL");
public static final ConfigNamespace SSL_TRUSTSTORE_NS =
new ConfigNamespace(SSL_NS, "truststore", "Configuration options for SSL Truststore.");
public static final ConfigOption<Boolean> SSL_ENABLED =
new ConfigOption<Boolean>(SSL_NS, "enabled",
"Controls use of the SSL connection to Cassandra", ConfigOption.Type.LOCAL, false);
public static final ConfigOption<String> SSL_TRUSTSTORE_LOCATION =
new ConfigOption<String>(SSL_TRUSTSTORE_NS, "location",
"Marks the location of the SSL Truststore.", ConfigOption.Type.LOCAL, "");
public static final ConfigOption<String> SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD =
new ConfigOption<String>(SSL_TRUSTSTORE_NS, "password",
"The password to access SSL Truststore.", ConfigOption.Type.LOCAL, "");
* The default Thrift port used by Cassandra. Set
* {@link GraphDatabaseConfiguration#STORAGE_PORT} to override.
* <p>
* Value = {@value}
public static final int PORT_DEFAULT = 9160;
public static final String SYSTEM_KS = "system";
protected final String keySpaceName;
protected final Map<String, String> strategyOptions;
protected final boolean compressionEnabled;
protected final int compressionChunkSizeKB;
protected final String compressionClass;
protected final boolean atomicBatch;
private volatile StoreFeatures features = null;
private Partitioner partitioner = null;
private static final Logger log =
public AbstractCassandraStoreManager(Configuration config) {
super(config, PORT_DEFAULT);
this.keySpaceName = config.get(CASSANDRA_KEYSPACE);
this.compressionEnabled = config.get(CF_COMPRESSION);
this.compressionChunkSizeKB = config.get(CF_COMPRESSION_BLOCK_SIZE);
this.compressionClass = config.get(CF_COMPRESSION_TYPE);
this.atomicBatch = config.get(ATOMIC_BATCH_MUTATE);
// SSL truststore location sanity check
if (config.get(SSL_ENABLED) && config.get(SSL_TRUSTSTORE_LOCATION).isEmpty())
throw new IllegalArgumentException(SSL_TRUSTSTORE_LOCATION.getName() + " could not be empty when SSL is enabled.");
if (config.has(REPLICATION_OPTIONS)) {
String[] options = config.get(REPLICATION_OPTIONS);
if (options.length % 2 != 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(REPLICATION_OPTIONS.getName() + " should have even number of elements.");
Map<String, String> converted = new HashMap<String, String>(options.length / 2);
for (int i = 0; i < options.length; i += 2) {
converted.put(options[i], options[i + 1]);
this.strategyOptions = ImmutableMap.copyOf(converted);
} else {
this.strategyOptions = ImmutableMap.of("replication_factor", String.valueOf(config.get(REPLICATION_FACTOR)));
public final Partitioner getPartitioner() {
if (partitioner == null) {
try {
partitioner = Partitioner.getPartitioner(getCassandraPartitioner());
} catch (BackendException e) {
throw new TitanException("Could not connect to Cassandra to read partitioner information. Please check the connection", e);
assert partitioner != null;
return partitioner;
public abstract IPartitioner<? extends Token<?>> getCassandraPartitioner() throws BackendException;
public StoreTransaction beginTransaction(final BaseTransactionConfig config) {
return new CassandraTransaction(config);
public String toString() {
return "[" + keySpaceName + "@" + super.toString() + "]";
public StoreFeatures getFeatures() {
if (features == null) {
Configuration global = GraphDatabaseConfiguration.buildConfiguration()
Configuration local = GraphDatabaseConfiguration.buildConfiguration()
StandardStoreFeatures.Builder fb = new StandardStoreFeatures.Builder();
fb.keyConsistent(global, local);
boolean keyOrdered;
switch (getPartitioner()) {
case RANDOM:
keyOrdered = false;
keyOrdered = true;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unrecognized partitioner: " + getPartitioner());
switch (getDeployment()) {
case REMOTE:
case LOCAL:
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unrecognized deployment mode: " + getDeployment());
features = fb.build();
return features;
* Returns a map of compression options for the column family {@code cf}.
* The contents of the returned map must be identical to the contents of the
* map returned by
* {@link org.apache.cassandra.thrift.CfDef#getCompression_options()}, even
* for implementations of this method that don't use Thrift.
* @param cf the name of the column family for which to return compression
* options
* @return map of compression option names to compression option values
* @throws com.thinkaurelius.titan.diskstorage.BackendException if reading from Cassandra fails
public abstract Map<String, String> getCompressionOptions(String cf) throws BackendException;
public String getName() {
return getClass().getSimpleName() + keySpaceName;
} | 0true
| titan-cassandra_src_main_java_com_thinkaurelius_titan_diskstorage_cassandra_AbstractCassandraStoreManager.java |
3,221 | return new LongValues(values.isMultiValued()) {
public int setDocument(int docId) {
return values.setDocument(docId);
public long nextValue() {
return (long) values.nextValue();
}; | 0true
| src_main_java_org_elasticsearch_index_fielddata_LongValues.java |
708 | public static class Name {
public static final String Marketing = "ProductImpl_Marketing_Tab";
public static final String Media = "SkuImpl_Media_Tab";
public static final String ProductOptions = "ProductImpl_Product_Options_Tab";
public static final String Inventory = "ProductImpl_Inventory_Tab";
public static final String Shipping = "ProductImpl_Shipping_Tab";
public static final String Advanced = "ProductImpl_Advanced_Tab";
} | 0true
| core_broadleaf-framework_src_main_java_org_broadleafcommerce_core_catalog_domain_ProductImpl.java |
2,127 | public class LogConfigurator {
private static boolean loaded;
private static ImmutableMap<String, String> replacements = new MapBuilder<String, String>()
.put("console", "org.elasticsearch.common.logging.log4j.ConsoleAppender")
.put("async", "org.apache.log4j.AsyncAppender")
.put("dailyRollingFile", "org.apache.log4j.DailyRollingFileAppender")
.put("externallyRolledFile", "org.apache.log4j.ExternallyRolledFileAppender")
.put("file", "org.apache.log4j.FileAppender")
.put("jdbc", "org.apache.log4j.jdbc.JDBCAppender")
.put("jms", "org.apache.log4j.net.JMSAppender")
.put("lf5", "org.apache.log4j.lf5.LF5Appender")
.put("ntevent", "org.apache.log4j.nt.NTEventLogAppender")
.put("null", "org.apache.log4j.NullAppender")
.put("rollingFile", "org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender")
.put("smtp", "org.apache.log4j.net.SMTPAppender")
.put("socket", "org.apache.log4j.net.SocketAppender")
.put("socketHub", "org.apache.log4j.net.SocketHubAppender")
.put("syslog", "org.apache.log4j.net.SyslogAppender")
.put("telnet", "org.apache.log4j.net.TelnetAppender")
// layouts
.put("simple", "org.apache.log4j.SimpleLayout")
.put("html", "org.apache.log4j.HTMLLayout")
.put("pattern", "org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout")
.put("consolePattern", "org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout")
.put("ttcc", "org.apache.log4j.TTCCLayout")
.put("xml", "org.apache.log4j.XMLLayout")
public static void configure(Settings settings) {
if (loaded) {
loaded = true;
Environment environment = new Environment(settings);
ImmutableSettings.Builder settingsBuilder = settingsBuilder().put(settings);
try {
} catch (FailedToResolveConfigException e) {
// ignore
} catch (NoClassDefFoundError e) {
// ignore, no yaml
try {
} catch (FailedToResolveConfigException e) {
// ignore
try {
} catch (FailedToResolveConfigException e) {
// ignore
.putProperties("elasticsearch.", System.getProperties())
.putProperties("es.", System.getProperties())
Properties props = new Properties();
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : settingsBuilder.build().getAsMap().entrySet()) {
String key = "log4j." + entry.getKey();
String value = entry.getValue();
if (replacements.containsKey(value)) {
value = replacements.get(value);
if (key.endsWith(".value")) {
props.setProperty(key.substring(0, key.length() - ".value".length()), value);
} else if (key.endsWith(".type")) {
props.setProperty(key.substring(0, key.length() - ".type".length()), value);
} else {
props.setProperty(key, value);
} | 0true
| src_main_java_org_elasticsearch_common_logging_log4j_LogConfigurator.java |
1,564 | @XmlRootElement(name = "parameter")
@XmlType(propOrder = { "value", "name" })
public class OServerParameterConfiguration {
public String name;
public String value;
public OServerParameterConfiguration() {
public OServerParameterConfiguration(final String iName, final String iValue) {
name = iName;
value = iValue;
public String toString() {
return name + "=" + value;
} | 0true
| server_src_main_java_com_orientechnologies_orient_server_config_OServerParameterConfiguration.java |
7 | static final class ApplyToEither<T,U> extends Completion {
final CompletableFuture<? extends T> src;
final CompletableFuture<? extends T> snd;
final Fun<? super T,? extends U> fn;
final CompletableFuture<U> dst;
final Executor executor;
ApplyToEither(CompletableFuture<? extends T> src,
CompletableFuture<? extends T> snd,
Fun<? super T,? extends U> fn,
CompletableFuture<U> dst,
Executor executor) {
this.src = src; this.snd = snd;
this.fn = fn; this.dst = dst;
this.executor = executor;
public final void run() {
final CompletableFuture<? extends T> a;
final CompletableFuture<? extends T> b;
final Fun<? super T,? extends U> fn;
final CompletableFuture<U> dst;
Object r; T t; Throwable ex;
if ((dst = this.dst) != null &&
(fn = this.fn) != null &&
(((a = this.src) != null && (r = a.result) != null) ||
((b = this.snd) != null && (r = b.result) != null)) &&
compareAndSet(0, 1)) {
if (r instanceof AltResult) {
ex = ((AltResult)r).ex;
t = null;
else {
ex = null;
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") T tr = (T) r;
t = tr;
Executor e = executor;
U u = null;
if (ex == null) {
try {
if (e != null)
e.execute(new AsyncApply<T,U>(t, fn, dst));
u = fn.apply(t);
} catch (Throwable rex) {
ex = rex;
if (e == null || ex != null)
dst.internalComplete(u, ex);
private static final long serialVersionUID = 5232453952276885070L;
} | 0true
| src_main_java_jsr166e_CompletableFuture.java |
163 | return executeRead(new Callable<KeyIterator>() {
public KeyIterator call() throws Exception {
return (storeFeatures.isKeyOrdered())
? edgeStore.getKeys(new KeyRangeQuery(EDGESTORE_MIN_KEY, EDGESTORE_MAX_KEY, sliceQuery), storeTx)
: edgeStore.getKeys(sliceQuery, storeTx);
public String toString() {
return "EdgeStoreKeys";
}); | 0true
| titan-core_src_main_java_com_thinkaurelius_titan_diskstorage_BackendTransaction.java |
1,994 | @Entity
@Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.JOINED)
@Table(name = "BLC_PHONE")
@Cache(usage=CacheConcurrencyStrategy.NONSTRICT_READ_WRITE, region="blOrderElements")
public class PhoneImpl implements Phone {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
@GeneratedValue(generator = "PhoneId")
parameters = {
@Parameter(name="segment_value", value="PhoneImpl"),
@Parameter(name="entity_name", value="org.broadleafcommerce.profile.core.domain.PhoneImpl")
@Column(name = "PHONE_ID")
protected Long id;
@Column(name = "PHONE_NUMBER", nullable=false)
@AdminPresentation(friendlyName = "PhoneImpl_Phone_Number", order=1, group = "PhoneImpl_Phone")
protected String phoneNumber;
@Column(name = "IS_DEFAULT")
@AdminPresentation(friendlyName = "PhoneImpl_Default_Phone", order=2, group = "PhoneImpl_Phone")
protected boolean isDefault = false;
@Column(name = "IS_ACTIVE")
@AdminPresentation(friendlyName = "PhoneImpl_Active_Phone", order=3, group = "PhoneImpl_Phone")
protected boolean isActive = true;
public Long getId() {
return id;
public void setId(Long id) {
this.id = id;
public String getPhoneNumber() {
return phoneNumber;
public void setPhoneNumber(String phoneNumber) {
this.phoneNumber = phoneNumber;
public boolean isDefault() {
return isDefault;
public void setDefault(boolean isDefault) {
this.isDefault = isDefault;
public boolean isActive() {
return isActive;
public void setActive(boolean isActive) {
this.isActive = isActive;
public int hashCode() {
final int prime = 31;
int result = 1;
result = prime * result + (isActive ? 1231 : 1237);
result = prime * result + (isDefault ? 1231 : 1237);
result = prime * result + ((phoneNumber == null) ? 0 : phoneNumber.hashCode());
return result;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj)
return true;
if (obj == null)
return false;
if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
return false;
PhoneImpl other = (PhoneImpl) obj;
if (id != null && other.id != null) {
return id.equals(other.id);
if (isActive != other.isActive)
return false;
if (isDefault != other.isDefault)
return false;
if (phoneNumber == null) {
if (other.phoneNumber != null)
return false;
} else if (!phoneNumber.equals(other.phoneNumber))
return false;
return true;
} | 1no label
| core_broadleaf-profile_src_main_java_org_broadleafcommerce_profile_core_domain_PhoneImpl.java |
1,995 | assertTrueEventually(new AssertTask() {
public void run() throws Exception {
assertEquals(0, map.size());
}); | 0true
| hazelcast_src_test_java_com_hazelcast_map_mapstore_MapStoreTest.java |
137 | public final class ClientTypes {
public static final String JAVA = "JVM";
public static final String CSHARP = "CSP";
public static final String CPP = "CPP";
public static final String PYTHON = "PHY";
public static final String RUBY = "RBY";
private ClientTypes() {
} | 0true
| hazelcast_src_main_java_com_hazelcast_client_ClientTypes.java |
1,653 | public class PersistencePackageRequest {
protected Type type;
protected String ceilingEntityClassname;
protected String configKey;
protected AdornedTargetList adornedList;
protected MapStructure mapStructure;
protected Entity entity;
protected ForeignKey foreignKey;
protected Integer startIndex;
protected Integer maxIndex;
protected Map<String, PersistencePackageRequest> subRequests = new LinkedHashMap<String, PersistencePackageRequest>();
protected boolean validateUnsubmittedProperties = true;
protected OperationTypes operationTypesOverride = null;
// These properties are accessed via getters and setters that operate on arrays.
// We back them with a list so that we can have the convenience .add methods
protected List<ForeignKey> additionalForeignKeys = new ArrayList<ForeignKey>();
protected List<String> customCriteria = new ArrayList<String>();
protected List<FilterAndSortCriteria> filterAndSortCriteria = new ArrayList<FilterAndSortCriteria>();
public enum Type {
/* ******************* */
/* ******************* */
public static PersistencePackageRequest standard() {
return new PersistencePackageRequest(Type.STANDARD);
public static PersistencePackageRequest adorned() {
return new PersistencePackageRequest(Type.ADORNED);
public static PersistencePackageRequest map() {
return new PersistencePackageRequest(Type.MAP);
* Creates a semi-populate PersistencePacakageRequest based on the specified FieldMetadata. This initializer
* will copy over persistence perspective items from the metadata as well as set the appropriate OperationTypes
* as specified in the annotation/xml configuration for the field.
* @param md
* @return the newly created PersistencePackageRequest
public static PersistencePackageRequest fromMetadata(FieldMetadata md) {
final PersistencePackageRequest request = new PersistencePackageRequest();
md.accept(new MetadataVisitor() {
public void visit(BasicFieldMetadata fmd) {
public void visit(BasicCollectionMetadata fmd) {
ForeignKey foreignKey = (ForeignKey) fmd.getPersistencePerspective()
public void visit(AdornedTargetCollectionMetadata fmd) {
AdornedTargetList adornedList = (AdornedTargetList) fmd.getPersistencePerspective()
public void visit(MapMetadata fmd) {
MapStructure mapStructure = (MapStructure) fmd.getPersistencePerspective()
ForeignKey foreignKey = (ForeignKey) fmd.getPersistencePerspective().
if (md instanceof CollectionMetadata) {
request.setCustomCriteria(((CollectionMetadata) md).getCustomCriteria());
return request;
/* ************ */
/* ************ */
public PersistencePackageRequest() {
public PersistencePackageRequest(Type type) {
this.type = type;
/* ************ */
/* ************ */
public PersistencePackageRequest withType(Type type) {
return this;
public PersistencePackageRequest withCeilingEntityClassname(String className) {
return this;
public PersistencePackageRequest withForeignKey(ForeignKey foreignKey) {
return this;
public PersistencePackageRequest withConfigKey(String configKey) {
return this;
public PersistencePackageRequest withFilterAndSortCriteria(FilterAndSortCriteria[] filterAndSortCriteria) {
if (ArrayUtils.isNotEmpty(filterAndSortCriteria)) {
return this;
public PersistencePackageRequest withAdornedList(AdornedTargetList adornedList) {
return this;
public PersistencePackageRequest withMapStructure(MapStructure mapStructure) {
return this;
public PersistencePackageRequest withCustomCriteria(String[] customCriteria) {
if (ArrayUtils.isNotEmpty(customCriteria)) {
return this;
public PersistencePackageRequest withEntity(Entity entity) {
return this;
public PersistencePackageRequest withStartIndex(Integer startIndex) {
return this;
public PersistencePackageRequest withMaxIndex(Integer maxIndex) {
return this;
/* *********** */
/* *********** */
public PersistencePackageRequest addAdditionalForeignKey(ForeignKey foreignKey) {
return this;
public PersistencePackageRequest addSubRequest(String infoPropertyName, PersistencePackageRequest subRequest) {
subRequests.put(infoPropertyName, subRequest);
return this;
public PersistencePackageRequest addCustomCriteria(String customCriteria) {
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(customCriteria)) {
return this;
public PersistencePackageRequest addFilterAndSortCriteria(FilterAndSortCriteria filterAndSortCriteria) {
return this;
public PersistencePackageRequest addFilterAndSortCriteria(FilterAndSortCriteria[] filterAndSortCriteria) {
if (filterAndSortCriteria != null) {
return this;
public PersistencePackageRequest addFilterAndSortCriteria(List<FilterAndSortCriteria> filterAndSortCriteria) {
return this;
/* ************************ */
/* ************************ */
public String[] getCustomCriteria() {
String[] arr = new String[this.customCriteria.size()];
arr = this.customCriteria.toArray(arr);
return arr;
public ForeignKey[] getAdditionalForeignKeys() {
ForeignKey[] arr = new ForeignKey[this.additionalForeignKeys.size()];
arr = this.additionalForeignKeys.toArray(arr);
return arr;
public void setAdditionalForeignKeys(ForeignKey[] additionalForeignKeys) {
this.additionalForeignKeys = Arrays.asList(additionalForeignKeys);
public void setCustomCriteria(String[] customCriteria) {
this.customCriteria = Arrays.asList(customCriteria);
public FilterAndSortCriteria[] getFilterAndSortCriteria() {
FilterAndSortCriteria[] arr = new FilterAndSortCriteria[this.filterAndSortCriteria.size()];
arr = this.filterAndSortCriteria.toArray(arr);
return arr;
public void setFilterAndSortCriteria(FilterAndSortCriteria[] filterAndSortCriteria) {
/* ************************** */
/* ************************** */
public ForeignKey getForeignKey() {
return foreignKey;
public void setForeignKey(ForeignKey foreignKey) {
this.foreignKey = foreignKey;
public Type getType() {
return type;
public void setType(Type type) {
this.type = type;
public String getCeilingEntityClassname() {
return ceilingEntityClassname;
public void setCeilingEntityClassname(String ceilingEntityClassname) {
this.ceilingEntityClassname = ceilingEntityClassname;
public String getConfigKey() {
return configKey;
public void setConfigKey(String configKey) {
this.configKey = configKey;
public AdornedTargetList getAdornedList() {
return adornedList;
public void setAdornedList(AdornedTargetList adornedList) {
this.adornedList = adornedList;
public MapStructure getMapStructure() {
return mapStructure;
public void setMapStructure(MapStructure mapStructure) {
this.mapStructure = mapStructure;
public Entity getEntity() {
return entity;
public void setEntity(Entity entity) {
this.entity = entity;
public OperationTypes getOperationTypesOverride() {
return operationTypesOverride;
public void setOperationTypesOverride(OperationTypes operationTypesOverride) {
this.operationTypesOverride = operationTypesOverride;
public Integer getStartIndex() {
return startIndex;
public void setStartIndex(Integer startIndex) {
this.startIndex = startIndex;
public Integer getMaxIndex() {
return maxIndex;
public void setMaxIndex(Integer maxIndex) {
this.maxIndex = maxIndex;
public Map<String, PersistencePackageRequest> getSubRequests() {
return subRequests;
public void setSubRequests(Map<String, PersistencePackageRequest> subRequests) {
this.subRequests = subRequests;
public boolean isValidateUnsubmittedProperties() {
return validateUnsubmittedProperties;
public void setValidateUnsubmittedProperties(boolean validateUnsubmittedProperties) {
this.validateUnsubmittedProperties = validateUnsubmittedProperties;
} | 1no label
| admin_broadleaf-open-admin-platform_src_main_java_org_broadleafcommerce_openadmin_server_domain_PersistencePackageRequest.java |
255 | {
public LabelScanReader newReader()
return LabelScanReader.EMPTY;
public LabelScanWriter newWriter()
return LabelScanWriter.EMPTY;
public void stop()
{ // Do nothing
public void start()
{ // Do nothing
public void shutdown()
{ // Do nothing
public void recover( Iterator<NodeLabelUpdate> updates )
{ // Do nothing
public AllEntriesLabelScanReader newAllEntriesReader()
return null;
public ResourceIterator<File> snapshotStoreFiles()
return emptyIterator();
public void init()
{ // Do nothing
public void force()
{ // Do nothing
}; | 0true
| community_kernel_src_test_java_org_neo4j_kernel_impl_nioneo_xa_WriteTransactionTest.java |
175 | public class ORef<T> {
public T value;
public ORef() {
public ORef(final T object) {
this.value = object;
public ORef<T> clear() {
value = null;
return this;
public String toString() {
return value != null ? value.toString() : "ORef<null>";
} | 0true
| commons_src_main_java_com_orientechnologies_common_types_ORef.java |
1,968 | class NullOutputException extends NullPointerException {
public NullOutputException(String s) {
} | 0true
| src_main_java_org_elasticsearch_common_inject_internal_NullOutputException.java |
407 | EventHandler<PortableItemEvent> eventHandler = new EventHandler<PortableItemEvent>() {
public void handle(PortableItemEvent portableItemEvent) {
E item = includeValue ? (E) getContext().getSerializationService().toObject(portableItemEvent.getItem()) : null;
Member member = getContext().getClusterService().getMember(portableItemEvent.getUuid());
ItemEvent<E> itemEvent = new ItemEvent<E>(getName(), portableItemEvent.getEventType(), item, member);
if (portableItemEvent.getEventType() == ItemEventType.ADDED) {
} else {
public void onListenerRegister() {
}; | 1no label
| hazelcast-client_src_main_java_com_hazelcast_client_proxy_AbstractClientCollectionProxy.java |
576 | public interface CacheRequest {
public List<CacheItemRequest> getCacheItemRequests();
} | 0true
| common_src_main_java_org_broadleafcommerce_common_vendor_service_cache_CacheRequest.java |
979 | public class LockOperation extends BaseLockOperation implements WaitSupport, BackupAwareOperation {
public LockOperation() {
public LockOperation(ObjectNamespace namespace, Data key, long threadId, long timeout) {
super(namespace, key, threadId, timeout);
public LockOperation(ObjectNamespace namespace, Data key, long threadId, long ttl, long timeout) {
super(namespace, key, threadId, ttl, timeout);
public void run() throws Exception {
response = getLockStore().lock(key, getCallerUuid(), threadId, ttl);
public Operation getBackupOperation() {
return new LockBackupOperation(namespace, key, threadId, getCallerUuid());
public boolean shouldBackup() {
return Boolean.TRUE.equals(response);
public final WaitNotifyKey getWaitKey() {
return new LockWaitNotifyKey(namespace, key);
public final boolean shouldWait() {
return getWaitTimeout() != 0 && !getLockStore().canAcquireLock(key, getCallerUuid(), threadId);
public int getId() {
return LockDataSerializerHook.LOCK;
public final void onWaitExpire() {
Object response;
long timeout = getWaitTimeout();
if (timeout < 0 || timeout == Long.MAX_VALUE) {
response = new OperationTimeoutException();
} else {
response = Boolean.FALSE;
} | 0true
| hazelcast_src_main_java_com_hazelcast_concurrent_lock_operations_LockOperation.java |
2,337 | public class JsonSettingsLoaderTests extends ElasticsearchTestCase {
public void testSimpleJsonSettings() throws Exception {
Settings settings = settingsBuilder()
assertThat(settings.get("test1.value1"), equalTo("value1"));
assertThat(settings.get("test1.test2.value2"), equalTo("value2"));
assertThat(settings.getAsInt("test1.test2.value3", -1), equalTo(2));
// check array
assertThat(settings.get("test1.test3.0"), equalTo("test3-1"));
assertThat(settings.get("test1.test3.1"), equalTo("test3-2"));
assertThat(settings.getAsArray("test1.test3").length, equalTo(2));
assertThat(settings.getAsArray("test1.test3")[0], equalTo("test3-1"));
assertThat(settings.getAsArray("test1.test3")[1], equalTo("test3-2"));
} | 0true
| src_test_java_org_elasticsearch_common_settings_loader_JsonSettingsLoaderTests.java |
1,881 | public interface Provider<T> {
* Provides an instance of {@code T}. Must never return {@code null}.
* @throws OutOfScopeException when an attempt is made to access a scoped object while the scope
* in question is not currently active
* @throws ProvisionException if an instance cannot be provided. Such exceptions include messages
* and throwables to describe why provision failed.
T get();
} | 0true
| src_main_java_org_elasticsearch_common_inject_Provider.java |
5,808 | public class FastVectorHighlighter implements Highlighter {
private static final SimpleBoundaryScanner DEFAULT_BOUNDARY_SCANNER = new SimpleBoundaryScanner();
private static final String CACHE_KEY = "highlight-fsv";
private final Boolean termVectorMultiValue;
public FastVectorHighlighter(Settings settings) {
this.termVectorMultiValue = settings.getAsBoolean("search.highlight.term_vector_multi_value", true);
public String[] names() {
return new String[]{"fvh", "fast-vector-highlighter"};
public HighlightField highlight(HighlighterContext highlighterContext) {
SearchContextHighlight.Field field = highlighterContext.field;
SearchContext context = highlighterContext.context;
FetchSubPhase.HitContext hitContext = highlighterContext.hitContext;
FieldMapper<?> mapper = highlighterContext.mapper;
if (!(mapper.fieldType().storeTermVectors() && mapper.fieldType().storeTermVectorOffsets() && mapper.fieldType().storeTermVectorPositions())) {
throw new ElasticsearchIllegalArgumentException("the field [" + field.field() + "] should be indexed with term vector with position offsets to be used with fast vector highlighter");
Encoder encoder = field.encoder().equals("html") ? HighlightUtils.Encoders.HTML : HighlightUtils.Encoders.DEFAULT;
if (!hitContext.cache().containsKey(CACHE_KEY)) {
hitContext.cache().put(CACHE_KEY, new HighlighterEntry());
HighlighterEntry cache = (HighlighterEntry) hitContext.cache().get(CACHE_KEY);
try {
FieldQuery fieldQuery;
if (field.requireFieldMatch()) {
if (cache.fieldMatchFieldQuery == null) {
// we use top level reader to rewrite the query against all readers, with use caching it across hits (and across readers...)
cache.fieldMatchFieldQuery = new CustomFieldQuery(highlighterContext.query.originalQuery(), hitContext.topLevelReader(), true, field.requireFieldMatch());
fieldQuery = cache.fieldMatchFieldQuery;
} else {
if (cache.noFieldMatchFieldQuery == null) {
// we use top level reader to rewrite the query against all readers, with use caching it across hits (and across readers...)
cache.noFieldMatchFieldQuery = new CustomFieldQuery(highlighterContext.query.originalQuery(), hitContext.topLevelReader(), true, field.requireFieldMatch());
fieldQuery = cache.noFieldMatchFieldQuery;
MapperHighlightEntry entry = cache.mappers.get(mapper);
if (entry == null) {
FragListBuilder fragListBuilder;
BaseFragmentsBuilder fragmentsBuilder;
BoundaryScanner boundaryScanner = DEFAULT_BOUNDARY_SCANNER;
if (field.boundaryMaxScan() != SimpleBoundaryScanner.DEFAULT_MAX_SCAN || field.boundaryChars() != SimpleBoundaryScanner.DEFAULT_BOUNDARY_CHARS) {
boundaryScanner = new SimpleBoundaryScanner(field.boundaryMaxScan(), field.boundaryChars());
if (field.numberOfFragments() == 0) {
fragListBuilder = new SingleFragListBuilder();
if (!field.forceSource() && mapper.fieldType().stored()) {
fragmentsBuilder = new SimpleFragmentsBuilder(mapper, field.preTags(), field.postTags(), boundaryScanner);
} else {
fragmentsBuilder = new SourceSimpleFragmentsBuilder(mapper, context, field.preTags(), field.postTags(), boundaryScanner);
} else {
fragListBuilder = field.fragmentOffset() == -1 ? new SimpleFragListBuilder() : new SimpleFragListBuilder(field.fragmentOffset());
if (field.scoreOrdered()) {
if (!field.forceSource() && mapper.fieldType().stored()) {
fragmentsBuilder = new ScoreOrderFragmentsBuilder(field.preTags(), field.postTags(), boundaryScanner);
} else {
fragmentsBuilder = new SourceScoreOrderFragmentsBuilder(mapper, context, field.preTags(), field.postTags(), boundaryScanner);
} else {
if (!field.forceSource() && mapper.fieldType().stored()) {
fragmentsBuilder = new SimpleFragmentsBuilder(mapper, field.preTags(), field.postTags(), boundaryScanner);
} else {
fragmentsBuilder = new SourceSimpleFragmentsBuilder(mapper, context, field.preTags(), field.postTags(), boundaryScanner);
entry = new MapperHighlightEntry();
entry.fragListBuilder = fragListBuilder;
entry.fragmentsBuilder = fragmentsBuilder;
if (cache.fvh == null) {
// parameters to FVH are not requires since:
// first two booleans are not relevant since they are set on the CustomFieldQuery (phrase and fieldMatch)
// fragment builders are used explicitly
cache.fvh = new org.apache.lucene.search.vectorhighlight.FastVectorHighlighter();
cache.mappers.put(mapper, entry);
String[] fragments;
// a HACK to make highlighter do highlighting, even though its using the single frag list builder
int numberOfFragments = field.numberOfFragments() == 0 ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : field.numberOfFragments();
int fragmentCharSize = field.numberOfFragments() == 0 ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : field.fragmentCharSize();
// we highlight against the low level reader and docId, because if we load source, we want to reuse it if possible
// Only send matched fields if they were requested to save time.
if (field.matchedFields() != null && !field.matchedFields().isEmpty()) {
fragments = cache.fvh.getBestFragments(fieldQuery, hitContext.reader(), hitContext.docId(), mapper.names().indexName(), field.matchedFields(), fragmentCharSize,
numberOfFragments, entry.fragListBuilder, entry.fragmentsBuilder, field.preTags(), field.postTags(), encoder);
} else {
fragments = cache.fvh.getBestFragments(fieldQuery, hitContext.reader(), hitContext.docId(), mapper.names().indexName(), fragmentCharSize,
numberOfFragments, entry.fragListBuilder, entry.fragmentsBuilder, field.preTags(), field.postTags(), encoder);
if (fragments != null && fragments.length > 0) {
return new HighlightField(field.field(), StringText.convertFromStringArray(fragments));
int noMatchSize = highlighterContext.field.noMatchSize();
if (noMatchSize > 0) {
// Essentially we just request that a fragment is built from 0 to noMatchSize using the normal fragmentsBuilder
FieldFragList fieldFragList = new SimpleFieldFragList(-1 /*ignored*/);
fieldFragList.add(0, noMatchSize, Collections.<WeightedPhraseInfo>emptyList());
fragments = entry.fragmentsBuilder.createFragments(hitContext.reader(), hitContext.docId(), mapper.names().indexName(),
fieldFragList, 1, field.preTags(), field.postTags(), encoder);
if (fragments != null && fragments.length > 0) {
return new HighlightField(field.field(), StringText.convertFromStringArray(fragments));
return null;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new FetchPhaseExecutionException(context, "Failed to highlight field [" + highlighterContext.fieldName + "]", e);
private class MapperHighlightEntry {
public FragListBuilder fragListBuilder;
public FragmentsBuilder fragmentsBuilder;
public org.apache.lucene.search.highlight.Highlighter highlighter;
private class HighlighterEntry {
public org.apache.lucene.search.vectorhighlight.FastVectorHighlighter fvh;
public FieldQuery noFieldMatchFieldQuery;
public FieldQuery fieldMatchFieldQuery;
public Map<FieldMapper, MapperHighlightEntry> mappers = Maps.newHashMap();
} | 1no label
| src_main_java_org_elasticsearch_search_highlight_FastVectorHighlighter.java |
1,357 | @Service("blZipCodeService")
public class ZipCodeServiceImpl implements ZipCodeService {
private ZipCodeDao zipCodeDao;
public ZipCode findZipCodeByZipCode(Integer zipCode) {
return zipCodeDao.findZipCodeByZipCode(zipCode);
} | 0true
| core_broadleaf-framework_src_main_java_org_broadleafcommerce_core_store_service_ZipCodeServiceImpl.java |
1,000 | public class OStreamSerializerHelper {
public static final String SEPARATOR = "|";
private static final char SHORT_FORM_PREFIX = '!';
public static StringBuilder writeRecordType(final Class<?> cls, final StringBuilder iBuffer) {
Character c = OClassDictionary.instance().getCodeByClass(cls);
if (c != null) {
} else {
return iBuffer;
public static Class<?> readRecordType(final String iBuffer, final StringBuilder iContent) throws ClassNotFoundException {
Class<?> cls;
final int pos;
if (iBuffer.charAt(0) == SHORT_FORM_PREFIX) {
cls = OClassDictionary.instance().getClassByCode(iBuffer.charAt(1));
pos = 1;
} else {
pos = iBuffer.indexOf(SEPARATOR);
if (pos < 0)
OLogManager.instance().error(null, "Class signature not found in the buffer: " + iBuffer, OSerializationException.class);
final String className = iBuffer.substring(0, pos);
cls = Class.forName(className);
iContent.append(iBuffer.substring(pos + 1));
return cls;
} | 0true
| core_src_main_java_com_orientechnologies_orient_core_serialization_serializer_stream_OStreamSerializerHelper.java |
254 | public interface EmailTarget extends Serializable {
public String getEmailAddress();
public void setEmailAddress(String emailAddress);
public String[] getCCAddresses();
public void setCCAddresses(String[] ccAddresses);
public String[] getBCCAddresses();
public void setBCCAddresses(String[] BCCAddresses);
} | 0true
| common_src_main_java_org_broadleafcommerce_common_email_domain_EmailTarget.java |
1,071 | public class ORuntimeResult {
private final Object fieldValue;
private final Map<String, Object> projections;
private final ODocument value;
private OCommandContext context;
public ORuntimeResult(final Object iFieldValue, final Map<String, Object> iProjections, final int iProgressive,
final OCommandContext iContext) {
fieldValue = iFieldValue;
projections = iProjections;
context = iContext;
value = createProjectionDocument(iProgressive);
public void applyRecord(final OIdentifiable iRecord) {
applyRecord(value, projections, context, iRecord);
* Set a single value. This is useful in case of query optimization like with indexes
* @param iName
* Field name
* @param iValue
* Field value
public void applyValue(final String iName, final Object iValue) {
value.field(iName, iValue);
public ODocument getResult() {
return getResult(value, projections);
public static ODocument createProjectionDocument(final int iProgressive) {
final ODocument doc = new ODocument().setOrdered(true);
((ORecordId) doc.getIdentity()).clusterId = -2;
((ORecordId) doc.getIdentity()).clusterPosition = OClusterPositionFactory.INSTANCE.valueOf(iProgressive);
return doc;
public static ODocument applyRecord(final ODocument iValue, final Map<String, Object> iProjections,
final OCommandContext iContext, final OIdentifiable iRecord) {
final ODocument inputDocument = (ODocument) (iRecord != null ? iRecord.getRecord() : null);
if (iProjections.isEmpty())
else {
for (Entry<String, Object> projection : iProjections.entrySet()) {
final Object v = projection.getValue();
if (v == null)
final Object projectionValue;
if (v.equals("*")) {
projectionValue = null;
} else if (v instanceof OSQLFilterItemVariable) {
projectionValue = ((OSQLFilterItemVariable) v).getValue(inputDocument, iContext);
} else if (v instanceof OSQLFilterItemField)
projectionValue = ((OSQLFilterItemField) v).getValue(inputDocument, iContext);
else if (v instanceof OSQLFunctionRuntime) {
final OSQLFunctionRuntime f = (OSQLFunctionRuntime) v;
projectionValue = f.execute(inputDocument, iValue, iContext);
} else
projectionValue = v;
if (projectionValue != null)
iValue.field(projection.getKey(), projectionValue);
return iValue;
public static ODocument getResult(final ODocument iValue, final Map<String, Object> iProjections) {
if (iValue != null) {
boolean canExcludeResult = false;
for (Entry<String, Object> projection : iProjections.entrySet()) {
if (!iValue.containsField(projection.getKey())) {
final Object v = projection.getValue();
if (v instanceof OSQLFunctionRuntime) {
final OSQLFunctionRuntime f = (OSQLFunctionRuntime) v;
canExcludeResult = f.filterResult();
Object fieldValue = f.getResult();
if (fieldValue != null)
iValue.field(projection.getKey(), fieldValue);
if (canExcludeResult && iValue.isEmpty())
return null;
return iValue;
public static ODocument getProjectionResult(final int iId, final Map<String, Object> iProjections,
final OCommandContext iContext, final OIdentifiable iRecord) {
return ORuntimeResult.getResult(
ORuntimeResult.applyRecord(ORuntimeResult.createProjectionDocument(iId), iProjections, iContext, iRecord), iProjections);
public Object getFieldValue() {
return fieldValue;
} | 0true
| core_src_main_java_com_orientechnologies_orient_core_sql_ORuntimeResult.java |
380 | public class ClusterRerouteRequest extends AcknowledgedRequest<ClusterRerouteRequest> {
AllocationCommands commands = new AllocationCommands();
boolean dryRun;
public ClusterRerouteRequest() {
* Adds allocation commands to be applied to the cluster. Note, can be empty, in which case
* will simply run a simple "reroute".
public ClusterRerouteRequest add(AllocationCommand... commands) {
return this;
* Sets a dry run flag (defaults to <tt>false</tt>) allowing to run the commands without
* actually applying them to the cluster state, and getting the resulting cluster state back.
public ClusterRerouteRequest dryRun(boolean dryRun) {
this.dryRun = dryRun;
return this;
* Returns the current dry run flag which allows to run the commands without actually applying them,
* just to get back the resulting cluster state back.
public boolean dryRun() {
return this.dryRun;
* Sets the source for the request.
public ClusterRerouteRequest source(BytesReference source) throws Exception {
XContentParser parser = XContentHelper.createParser(source);
try {
XContentParser.Token token;
String currentFieldName = null;
while ((token = parser.nextToken()) != XContentParser.Token.END_OBJECT) {
if (token == XContentParser.Token.FIELD_NAME) {
currentFieldName = parser.currentName();
} else if (token == XContentParser.Token.START_ARRAY) {
if ("commands".equals(currentFieldName)) {
this.commands = AllocationCommands.fromXContent(parser);
} else {
throw new ElasticsearchParseException("failed to parse reroute request, got start array with wrong field name [" + currentFieldName + "]");
} else if (token.isValue()) {
if ("dry_run".equals(currentFieldName) || "dryRun".equals(currentFieldName)) {
dryRun = parser.booleanValue();
} else {
throw new ElasticsearchParseException("failed to parse reroute request, got value with wrong field name [" + currentFieldName + "]");
} finally {
return this;
public ActionRequestValidationException validate() {
return null;
public void readFrom(StreamInput in) throws IOException {
commands = AllocationCommands.readFrom(in);
dryRun = in.readBoolean();
public void writeTo(StreamOutput out) throws IOException {
AllocationCommands.writeTo(commands, out);
} | 0true
| src_main_java_org_elasticsearch_action_admin_cluster_reroute_ClusterRerouteRequest.java |
652 | public class ProductDataProvider {
* A basic product is actually a Product and a Sku
public static Object[][] provideBasicProduct() {
Product ci = new ProductImpl();
Sku defaultSku = new SkuImpl();
defaultSku.setDescription("a fine set of bones for 42");
return new Object[][]{{ci}};
public static Object[][] createProducts() {
Product p1 = getProduct(null);
Product p2 = getProduct(null);
Product p3 = getProduct(null);
Product p4 = getProduct(null);
Product p5 = getProduct(null);
Product p6 = getProduct(null);
Product p7 = getProduct(null);
Object[][] objs = new Object[7][1];
objs[0] = new Object[]{p1};
objs[1] = new Object[]{p2};
objs[2] = new Object[]{p3};
objs[3] = new Object[]{p4};
objs[4] = new Object[]{p5};
objs[5] = new Object[]{p6};
objs[6] = new Object[]{p7};
return objs;
private static Product getProduct(Long id) {
Calendar activeStartCal = Calendar.getInstance();
activeStartCal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, -2);
Product product = new ProductImpl();
Sku defaultSku = new SkuImpl();
defaultSku.setRetailPrice(new Money(BigDecimal.valueOf(15.0)));
defaultSku.setSalePrice(new Money(BigDecimal.valueOf(10.0)));
if (id == null) {
return product;
return product;
} | 0true
| integration_src_test_java_org_broadleafcommerce_core_catalog_ProductDataProvider.java |
895 | threadPool.executor(ThreadPool.Names.SEARCH).execute(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
executePhase(shardIndex, node, target.v2());
}); | 0true
| src_main_java_org_elasticsearch_action_search_type_TransportSearchScrollScanAction.java |
384 | public class OMultiValueChangeEvent<K, V> {
* Operation that is performed on collection.
public static enum OChangeType {
* Operation that is performed on collection.
private final OChangeType changeType;
* Value that indicates position of item inside collection.
private final K key;
* New item value.
private V value;
* Previous item value.
private V oldValue;
public OMultiValueChangeEvent(final OChangeType changeType, final K key, final V value) {
this.changeType = changeType;
this.key = key;
this.value = value;
public OMultiValueChangeEvent(final OChangeType changeType, final K key, final V value, final V oldValue) {
this.changeType = changeType;
this.key = key;
this.value = value;
this.oldValue = oldValue;
public K getKey() {
return key;
public V getValue() {
return value;
public OChangeType getChangeType() {
return changeType;
public V getOldValue() {
return oldValue;
public boolean equals(final Object o) {
if (this == o) {
return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) {
return false;
final OMultiValueChangeEvent<?, ?> that = (OMultiValueChangeEvent<?, ?>) o;
if (changeType != that.changeType) {
return false;
if (!key.equals(that.key)) {
return false;
if (oldValue != null ? !oldValue.equals(that.oldValue) : that.oldValue != null) {
return false;
if (value != null ? !value.equals(that.value) : that.value != null) {
return false;
return true;
public int hashCode() {
int result = changeType.hashCode();
result = 31 * result + key.hashCode();
result = 31 * result + (value != null ? value.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (oldValue != null ? oldValue.hashCode() : 0);
return result;
public String toString() {
return "OMultiValueChangeEvent{" + "changeType=" + changeType + ", key=" + key + ", value=" + value + ", oldValue=" + oldValue
+ '}';
} | 0true
| core_src_main_java_com_orientechnologies_orient_core_db_record_OMultiValueChangeEvent.java |
620 | public class PostJoinOperation extends AbstractOperation implements UrgentSystemOperation, JoinOperation {
private Operation[] operations;
public PostJoinOperation() {
public PostJoinOperation(final Operation... ops) {
for (Operation op : ops) {
if (op == null) {
throw new NullPointerException();
if (op instanceof PartitionAwareOperation) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Post join operation can not be a PartitionAwareOperation!");
// we may need to do array copy!
operations = ops;
public void beforeRun() throws Exception {
if (operations != null && operations.length > 0) {
final NodeEngine nodeEngine = getNodeEngine();
final int len = operations.length;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
final Operation op = operations[i];
OperationAccessor.setCallerAddress(op, getCallerAddress());
OperationAccessor.setConnection(op, getConnection());
operations[i] = op;
public void run() throws Exception {
if (operations != null && operations.length > 0) {
final OperationService operationService = getNodeEngine().getOperationService();
for (final Operation op : operations) {
public boolean returnsResponse() {
return true;
public boolean validatesTarget() {
return false;
protected void writeInternal(final ObjectDataOutput out) throws IOException {
final int len = operations != null ? operations.length : 0;
if (len > 0) {
for (Operation op : operations) {
protected void readInternal(final ObjectDataInput in) throws IOException {
final int len = in.readInt();
operations = new Operation[len];
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
operations[i] = in.readObject();
public String toString() {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("PostJoinOperation{");
return sb.toString();
} | 0true
| hazelcast_src_main_java_com_hazelcast_cluster_PostJoinOperation.java |
263 | @Service("blEmailService")
public class EmailServiceImpl implements EmailService {
@Resource(name = "blEmailTrackingManager")
protected EmailTrackingManager emailTrackingManager;
@Resource(name = "blServerInfo")
protected ServerInfo serverInfo;
protected EmailServiceProducer emailServiceProducer;
@Resource(name = "blMessageCreator")
protected MessageCreator messageCreator;
@Resource(name = "blEmailReportingDao")
protected EmailReportingDao emailReportingDao;
public boolean sendTemplateEmail(EmailTarget emailTarget, EmailInfo emailInfo, HashMap<String, Object> props) {
if (props == null) {
props = new HashMap<String, Object>();
if (emailInfo == null) {
emailInfo = new EmailInfo();
props.put(EmailPropertyType.INFO.getType(), emailInfo);
props.put(EmailPropertyType.USER.getType(), emailTarget);
Long emailId = emailTrackingManager.createTrackedEmail(emailTarget.getEmailAddress(), emailInfo.getEmailType(), null);
props.put("emailTrackingId", emailId);
return sendBasicEmail(emailInfo, emailTarget, props);
public boolean sendTemplateEmail(String emailAddress, EmailInfo emailInfo, HashMap<String, Object> props) {
if (!(emailInfo instanceof NullEmailInfo)) {
EmailTarget emailTarget = emailReportingDao.createTarget();
return sendTemplateEmail(emailTarget, emailInfo, props);
} else {
return true;
public boolean sendBasicEmail(EmailInfo emailInfo, EmailTarget emailTarget, HashMap<String, Object> props) {
if (props == null) {
props = new HashMap<String, Object>();
if (emailInfo == null) {
emailInfo = new EmailInfo();
props.put(EmailPropertyType.INFO.getType(), emailInfo);
props.put(EmailPropertyType.USER.getType(), emailTarget);
if (Boolean.parseBoolean(emailInfo.getSendEmailReliableAsync())) {
if (emailServiceProducer == null) {
throw new EmailException("The property sendEmailReliableAsync on EmailInfo is true, but the EmailService does not have an instance of JMSEmailServiceProducer set.");
} else {
return true;
* @return the emailTrackingManager
public EmailTrackingManager getEmailTrackingManager() {
return emailTrackingManager;
* @param emailTrackingManager the emailTrackingManager to set
public void setEmailTrackingManager(EmailTrackingManager emailTrackingManager) {
this.emailTrackingManager = emailTrackingManager;
* @return the serverInfo
public ServerInfo getServerInfo() {
return serverInfo;
* @param serverInfo the serverInfo to set
public void setServerInfo(ServerInfo serverInfo) {
this.serverInfo = serverInfo;
* @return the emailServiceProducer
public EmailServiceProducer getEmailServiceProducer() {
return emailServiceProducer;
* @param emailServiceProducer the emailServiceProducer to set
public void setEmailServiceProducer(EmailServiceProducer emailServiceProducer) {
this.emailServiceProducer = emailServiceProducer;
* @return the messageCreator
public MessageCreator getMessageCreator() {
return messageCreator;
* @param messageCreator the messageCreator to set
public void setMessageCreator(MessageCreator messageCreator) {
this.messageCreator = messageCreator;
} | 0true
| common_src_main_java_org_broadleafcommerce_common_email_service_EmailServiceImpl.java |
3,092 | public class QueueService implements ManagedService, MigrationAwareService, TransactionalService,
RemoteService, EventPublishingService<QueueEvent, ItemListener> {
public static final String SERVICE_NAME = "hz:impl:queueService";
private final EntryTaskScheduler queueEvictionScheduler;
private final NodeEngine nodeEngine;
private final ConcurrentMap<String, QueueContainer> containerMap
= new ConcurrentHashMap<String, QueueContainer>();
private final ConcurrentMap<String, LocalQueueStatsImpl> statsMap
= new ConcurrentHashMap<String, LocalQueueStatsImpl>(1000);
private final ConstructorFunction<String, LocalQueueStatsImpl> localQueueStatsConstructorFunction
= new ConstructorFunction<String, LocalQueueStatsImpl>() {
public LocalQueueStatsImpl createNew(String key) {
return new LocalQueueStatsImpl();
public QueueService(NodeEngine nodeEngine) {
this.nodeEngine = nodeEngine;
ScheduledExecutorService defaultScheduledExecutor
= nodeEngine.getExecutionService().getDefaultScheduledExecutor();
QueueEvictionProcessor entryProcessor = new QueueEvictionProcessor(nodeEngine, this);
this.queueEvictionScheduler = EntryTaskSchedulerFactory.newScheduler(
defaultScheduledExecutor, entryProcessor, ScheduleType.POSTPONE);
public void scheduleEviction(String name, long delay) {
queueEvictionScheduler.schedule(delay, name, null);
public void cancelEviction(String name) {
public void init(NodeEngine nodeEngine, Properties properties) {
public void reset() {
public void shutdown(boolean terminate) {
public QueueContainer getOrCreateContainer(final String name, boolean fromBackup) throws Exception {
QueueContainer container = containerMap.get(name);
if (container == null) {
container = new QueueContainer(name, nodeEngine.getConfig().findQueueConfig(name), nodeEngine, this);
QueueContainer existing = containerMap.putIfAbsent(name, container);
if (existing != null) {
container = existing;
} else {
return container;
public void addContainer(String name, QueueContainer container) {
containerMap.put(name, container);
// need for testing..
public boolean containsQueue(String name) {
return containerMap.containsKey(name);
public void beforeMigration(PartitionMigrationEvent partitionMigrationEvent) {
public Operation prepareReplicationOperation(PartitionReplicationEvent event) {
Map<String, QueueContainer> migrationData = new HashMap<String, QueueContainer>();
InternalPartitionService partitionService = nodeEngine.getPartitionService();
for (Entry<String, QueueContainer> entry : containerMap.entrySet()) {
String name = entry.getKey();
int partitionId = partitionService.getPartitionId(StringPartitioningStrategy.getPartitionKey(name));
QueueContainer container = entry.getValue();
if (partitionId == event.getPartitionId()
&& container.getConfig().getTotalBackupCount() >= event.getReplicaIndex()) {
migrationData.put(name, container);
if (migrationData.isEmpty()) {
return null;
} else {
return new QueueReplicationOperation(migrationData, event.getPartitionId(), event.getReplicaIndex());
public void commitMigration(PartitionMigrationEvent event) {
if (event.getMigrationEndpoint() == MigrationEndpoint.SOURCE) {
public void rollbackMigration(PartitionMigrationEvent event) {
if (event.getMigrationEndpoint() == MigrationEndpoint.DESTINATION) {
private void clearMigrationData(int partitionId) {
Iterator<Entry<String, QueueContainer>> iterator = containerMap.entrySet().iterator();
InternalPartitionService partitionService = nodeEngine.getPartitionService();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
final Entry<String, QueueContainer> entry = iterator.next();
final String name = entry.getKey();
final QueueContainer container = entry.getValue();
int containerPartitionId = partitionService.getPartitionId(StringPartitioningStrategy.getPartitionKey(name));
if (containerPartitionId == partitionId) {
public void clearPartitionReplica(int partitionId) {
public void dispatchEvent(QueueEvent event, ItemListener listener) {
Object item = nodeEngine.toObject(event.data);
ItemEvent itemEvent = new ItemEvent(event.name, event.eventType, item,
if (event.eventType.equals(ItemEventType.ADDED)) {
} else {
public QueueProxyImpl createDistributedObject(String objectId) {
return new QueueProxyImpl(objectId, this, nodeEngine);
public void destroyDistributedObject(String name) {
nodeEngine.getEventService().deregisterAllListeners(SERVICE_NAME, name);
public String addItemListener(String name, ItemListener listener, boolean includeValue) {
EventService eventService = nodeEngine.getEventService();
QueueEventFilter filter = new QueueEventFilter(includeValue);
EventRegistration registration = eventService.registerListener(
QueueService.SERVICE_NAME, name, filter, listener);
return registration.getId();
public boolean removeItemListener(String name, String registrationId) {
EventService eventService = nodeEngine.getEventService();
return eventService.deregisterListener(SERVICE_NAME, name, registrationId);
public NodeEngine getNodeEngine() {
return nodeEngine;
public LocalQueueStats createLocalQueueStats(String name, int partitionId) {
LocalQueueStatsImpl stats = getLocalQueueStatsImpl(name);
QueueContainer container = containerMap.get(name);
if (container == null) {
return stats;
Address thisAddress = nodeEngine.getClusterService().getThisAddress();
InternalPartition partition = nodeEngine.getPartitionService().getPartition(partitionId);
Address owner = partition.getOwnerOrNull();
if (thisAddress.equals(owner)) {
} else if (owner != null) {
return stats;
public LocalQueueStatsImpl getLocalQueueStatsImpl(String name) {
return ConcurrencyUtil.getOrPutIfAbsent(statsMap, name, localQueueStatsConstructorFunction);
public TransactionalQueueProxy createTransactionalObject(String name, TransactionSupport transaction) {
return new TransactionalQueueProxy(nodeEngine, this, name, transaction);
public void rollbackTransaction(String transactionId) {
final Set<String> queueNames = containerMap.keySet();
InternalPartitionService partitionService = nodeEngine.getPartitionService();
OperationService operationService = nodeEngine.getOperationService();
for (String name : queueNames) {
int partitionId = partitionService.getPartitionId(StringPartitioningStrategy.getPartitionKey(name));
Operation operation = new QueueTransactionRollbackOperation(name, transactionId)
} | 1no label
| hazelcast_src_main_java_com_hazelcast_queue_QueueService.java |
1,527 | final class ConnectionFactoryMetaData implements ResourceAdapterMetaData {
* JCA-Connector specific java packge to be used for all information retrieval
private static final Package HZ_PACKAGE = ConnectionFactoryImpl.class.getPackage();
* @return the implementation title from Hazelast
public String getAdapterName() {
return HZ_PACKAGE.getImplementationTitle();
* @return the specification title from Hazelast
public String getAdapterShortDescription() {
return HZ_PACKAGE.getSpecificationTitle();
* @return Hazelcast's implementation vendor
public String getAdapterVendorName() {
return HZ_PACKAGE.getImplementationVendor();
* @return Hazelcast's implementation version
public String getAdapterVersion() {
return HZ_PACKAGE.getImplementationVersion();
* There is no real specification thus always an empty String array...
public String[] getInteractionSpecsSupported() {
return new String[]{};
* @return Hazelcast's specification version
public String getSpecVersion() {
return HZ_PACKAGE.getSpecificationVersion();
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see javax.resource.cci.ResourceAdapterMetaData#supportsExecuteWithInputAndOutputRecord()
public boolean supportsExecuteWithInputAndOutputRecord() {
return false;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see javax.resource.cci.ResourceAdapterMetaData#supportsExecuteWithInputRecordOnly()
public boolean supportsExecuteWithInputRecordOnly() {
return false;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see javax.resource.cci.ResourceAdapterMetaData#supportsLocalTransactionDemarcation()
public boolean supportsLocalTransactionDemarcation() {
return false;
} | 0true
| hazelcast-ra_hazelcast-jca_src_main_java_com_hazelcast_jca_ConnectionFactoryMetaData.java |
1,575 | class ApplySettings implements NodeSettingsService.Listener {
public void onRefreshSettings(Settings settings) {
boolean disableNewAllocation = settings.getAsBoolean(CLUSTER_ROUTING_ALLOCATION_DISABLE_NEW_ALLOCATION, DisableAllocationDecider.this.disableNewAllocation);
if (disableNewAllocation != DisableAllocationDecider.this.disableNewAllocation) {
logger.info("updating [cluster.routing.allocation.disable_new_allocation] from [{}] to [{}]", DisableAllocationDecider.this.disableNewAllocation, disableNewAllocation);
DisableAllocationDecider.this.disableNewAllocation = disableNewAllocation;
boolean disableAllocation = settings.getAsBoolean(CLUSTER_ROUTING_ALLOCATION_DISABLE_ALLOCATION, DisableAllocationDecider.this.disableAllocation);
if (disableAllocation != DisableAllocationDecider.this.disableAllocation) {
logger.info("updating [cluster.routing.allocation.disable_allocation] from [{}] to [{}]", DisableAllocationDecider.this.disableAllocation, disableAllocation);
DisableAllocationDecider.this.disableAllocation = disableAllocation;
boolean disableReplicaAllocation = settings.getAsBoolean(CLUSTER_ROUTING_ALLOCATION_DISABLE_REPLICA_ALLOCATION, DisableAllocationDecider.this.disableReplicaAllocation);
if (disableReplicaAllocation != DisableAllocationDecider.this.disableReplicaAllocation) {
logger.info("updating [cluster.routing.allocation.disable_replica_allocation] from [{}] to [{}]", DisableAllocationDecider.this.disableReplicaAllocation, disableReplicaAllocation);
DisableAllocationDecider.this.disableReplicaAllocation = disableReplicaAllocation;
} | 0true
| src_main_java_org_elasticsearch_cluster_routing_allocation_decider_DisableAllocationDecider.java |
163 | public abstract class CountedCompleter<T> extends ForkJoinTask<T> {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 5232453752276485070L;
/** This task's completer, or null if none */
final CountedCompleter<?> completer;
/** The number of pending tasks until completion */
volatile int pending;
* Creates a new CountedCompleter with the given completer
* and initial pending count.
* @param completer this task's completer, or {@code null} if none
* @param initialPendingCount the initial pending count
protected CountedCompleter(CountedCompleter<?> completer,
int initialPendingCount) {
this.completer = completer;
this.pending = initialPendingCount;
* Creates a new CountedCompleter with the given completer
* and an initial pending count of zero.
* @param completer this task's completer, or {@code null} if none
protected CountedCompleter(CountedCompleter<?> completer) {
this.completer = completer;
* Creates a new CountedCompleter with no completer
* and an initial pending count of zero.
protected CountedCompleter() {
this.completer = null;
* The main computation performed by this task.
public abstract void compute();
* Performs an action when method {@link #tryComplete} is invoked
* and the pending count is zero, or when the unconditional
* method {@link #complete} is invoked. By default, this method
* does nothing. You can distinguish cases by checking the
* identity of the given caller argument. If not equal to {@code
* this}, then it is typically a subtask that may contain results
* (and/or links to other results) to combine.
* @param caller the task invoking this method (which may
* be this task itself)
public void onCompletion(CountedCompleter<?> caller) {
* Performs an action when method {@link #completeExceptionally}
* is invoked or method {@link #compute} throws an exception, and
* this task has not otherwise already completed normally. On
* entry to this method, this task {@link
* ForkJoinTask#isCompletedAbnormally}. The return value of this
* method controls further propagation: If {@code true} and this
* task has a completer, then this completer is also completed
* exceptionally. The default implementation of this method does
* nothing except return {@code true}.
* @param ex the exception
* @param caller the task invoking this method (which may
* be this task itself)
* @return true if this exception should be propagated to this
* task's completer, if one exists
public boolean onExceptionalCompletion(Throwable ex, CountedCompleter<?> caller) {
return true;
* Returns the completer established in this task's constructor,
* or {@code null} if none.
* @return the completer
public final CountedCompleter<?> getCompleter() {
return completer;
* Returns the current pending count.
* @return the current pending count
public final int getPendingCount() {
return pending;
* Sets the pending count to the given value.
* @param count the count
public final void setPendingCount(int count) {
pending = count;
* Adds (atomically) the given value to the pending count.
* @param delta the value to add
public final void addToPendingCount(int delta) {
int c; // note: can replace with intrinsic in jdk8
do {} while (!U.compareAndSwapInt(this, PENDING, c = pending, c+delta));
* Sets (atomically) the pending count to the given count only if
* it currently holds the given expected value.
* @param expected the expected value
* @param count the new value
* @return true if successful
public final boolean compareAndSetPendingCount(int expected, int count) {
return U.compareAndSwapInt(this, PENDING, expected, count);
* If the pending count is nonzero, (atomically) decrements it.
* @return the initial (undecremented) pending count holding on entry
* to this method
public final int decrementPendingCountUnlessZero() {
int c;
do {} while ((c = pending) != 0 &&
!U.compareAndSwapInt(this, PENDING, c, c - 1));
return c;
* Returns the root of the current computation; i.e., this
* task if it has no completer, else its completer's root.
* @return the root of the current computation
public final CountedCompleter<?> getRoot() {
CountedCompleter<?> a = this, p;
while ((p = a.completer) != null)
a = p;
return a;
* If the pending count is nonzero, decrements the count;
* otherwise invokes {@link #onCompletion} and then similarly
* tries to complete this task's completer, if one exists,
* else marks this task as complete.
public final void tryComplete() {
CountedCompleter<?> a = this, s = a;
for (int c;;) {
if ((c = a.pending) == 0) {
if ((a = (s = a).completer) == null) {
else if (U.compareAndSwapInt(a, PENDING, c, c - 1))
* Equivalent to {@link #tryComplete} but does not invoke {@link
* #onCompletion} along the completion path: If the pending count
* is nonzero, decrements the count; otherwise, similarly tries to
* complete this task's completer, if one exists, else marks this
* task as complete. This method may be useful in cases where
* {@code onCompletion} should not, or need not, be invoked for
* each completer in a computation.
public final void propagateCompletion() {
CountedCompleter<?> a = this, s = a;
for (int c;;) {
if ((c = a.pending) == 0) {
if ((a = (s = a).completer) == null) {
else if (U.compareAndSwapInt(a, PENDING, c, c - 1))
* Regardless of pending count, invokes {@link #onCompletion},
* marks this task as complete and further triggers {@link
* #tryComplete} on this task's completer, if one exists. The
* given rawResult is used as an argument to {@link #setRawResult}
* before invoking {@link #onCompletion} or marking this task as
* complete; its value is meaningful only for classes overriding
* {@code setRawResult}.
* <p>This method may be useful when forcing completion as soon as
* any one (versus all) of several subtask results are obtained.
* However, in the common (and recommended) case in which {@code
* setRawResult} is not overridden, this effect can be obtained
* more simply using {@code quietlyCompleteRoot();}.
* @param rawResult the raw result
public void complete(T rawResult) {
CountedCompleter<?> p;
if ((p = completer) != null)
* If this task's pending count is zero, returns this task;
* otherwise decrements its pending count and returns {@code
* null}. This method is designed to be used with {@link
* #nextComplete} in completion traversal loops.
* @return this task, if pending count was zero, else {@code null}
public final CountedCompleter<?> firstComplete() {
for (int c;;) {
if ((c = pending) == 0)
return this;
else if (U.compareAndSwapInt(this, PENDING, c, c - 1))
return null;
* If this task does not have a completer, invokes {@link
* ForkJoinTask#quietlyComplete} and returns {@code null}. Or, if
* this task's pending count is non-zero, decrements its pending
* count and returns {@code null}. Otherwise, returns the
* completer. This method can be used as part of a completion
* traversal loop for homogeneous task hierarchies:
* <pre> {@code
* for (CountedCompleter<?> c = firstComplete();
* c != null;
* c = c.nextComplete()) {
* // ... process c ...
* }}</pre>
* @return the completer, or {@code null} if none
public final CountedCompleter<?> nextComplete() {
CountedCompleter<?> p;
if ((p = completer) != null)
return p.firstComplete();
else {
return null;
* Equivalent to {@code getRoot().quietlyComplete()}.
public final void quietlyCompleteRoot() {
for (CountedCompleter<?> a = this, p;;) {
if ((p = a.completer) == null) {
a = p;
* Supports ForkJoinTask exception propagation.
void internalPropagateException(Throwable ex) {
CountedCompleter<?> a = this, s = a;
while (a.onExceptionalCompletion(ex, s) &&
(a = (s = a).completer) != null && a.status >= 0)
* Implements execution conventions for CountedCompleters.
protected final boolean exec() {
return false;
* Returns the result of the computation. By default,
* returns {@code null}, which is appropriate for {@code Void}
* actions, but in other cases should be overridden, almost
* always to return a field or function of a field that
* holds the result upon completion.
* @return the result of the computation
public T getRawResult() { return null; }
* A method that result-bearing CountedCompleters may optionally
* use to help maintain result data. By default, does nothing.
* Overrides are not recommended. However, if this method is
* overridden to update existing objects or fields, then it must
* in general be defined to be thread-safe.
protected void setRawResult(T t) { }
// Unsafe mechanics
private static final sun.misc.Unsafe U;
private static final long PENDING;
static {
try {
U = getUnsafe();
PENDING = U.objectFieldOffset
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new Error(e);
* Returns a sun.misc.Unsafe. Suitable for use in a 3rd party package.
* Replace with a simple call to Unsafe.getUnsafe when integrating
* into a jdk.
* @return a sun.misc.Unsafe
private static sun.misc.Unsafe getUnsafe() {
try {
return sun.misc.Unsafe.getUnsafe();
} catch (SecurityException tryReflectionInstead) {}
try {
return java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged
(new java.security.PrivilegedExceptionAction<sun.misc.Unsafe>() {
public sun.misc.Unsafe run() throws Exception {
Class<sun.misc.Unsafe> k = sun.misc.Unsafe.class;
for (java.lang.reflect.Field f : k.getDeclaredFields()) {
Object x = f.get(null);
if (k.isInstance(x))
return k.cast(x);
throw new NoSuchFieldError("the Unsafe");
} catch (java.security.PrivilegedActionException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Could not initialize intrinsics",
} | 0true
| src_main_java_jsr166y_CountedCompleter.java |
687 | public class OLocalHashTable<K, V> extends OSharedResourceAdaptive {
private static final double MERGE_THRESHOLD = 0.2;
private static final long HASH_CODE_MIN_VALUE = 0;
private static final long HASH_CODE_MAX_VALUE = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFL;
private long[][] hashTree;
private OHashTreeNodeMetadata[] nodesMetadata;
private int hashTreeSize;
private long size;
private int hashTreeTombstone = -1;
private long bucketTombstonePointer = -1;
private final String metadataConfigurationFileExtension;
private final String treeStateFileExtension;
private final String bucketFileExtension;
public static final int HASH_CODE_SIZE = 64;
public static final int MAX_LEVEL_DEPTH = 8;
public static final int MAX_LEVEL_SIZE = 1 << MAX_LEVEL_DEPTH;
public static final int LEVEL_MASK = Integer.MAX_VALUE >>> (31 - MAX_LEVEL_DEPTH);
private OStorageLocalAbstract storage;
private String name;
private OHashIndexBufferStore metadataStore;
private OHashIndexTreeStateStore treeStateStore;
private ODiskCache diskCache;
private final OHashFunction<K> keyHashFunction;
private OBinarySerializer<K> keySerializer;
private OBinarySerializer<V> valueSerializer;
private OType[] keyTypes;
private OHashIndexFileLevelMetadata[] filesMetadata = new OHashIndexFileLevelMetadata[HASH_CODE_SIZE];
private final long[] fileLevelIds = new long[HASH_CODE_SIZE];
private final KeyHashCodeComparator<K> comparator;
public OLocalHashTable(String metadataConfigurationFileExtension, String treeStateFileExtension, String bucketFileExtension,
OHashFunction<K> keyHashFunction) {
this.metadataConfigurationFileExtension = metadataConfigurationFileExtension;
this.treeStateFileExtension = treeStateFileExtension;
this.bucketFileExtension = bucketFileExtension;
this.keyHashFunction = keyHashFunction;
this.comparator = new KeyHashCodeComparator<K>(this.keyHashFunction);
private void initStores(String metadataConfigurationFileExtension, String treeStateFileExtension) throws IOException {
final OStorageFileConfiguration metadataConfiguration = new OStorageFileConfiguration(null,
OStorageVariableParser.DB_PATH_VARIABLE + '/' + name + metadataConfigurationFileExtension, OFileFactory.CLASSIC, "0", "50%");
final OStorageFileConfiguration treeStateConfiguration = new OStorageFileConfiguration(null,
OStorageVariableParser.DB_PATH_VARIABLE + '/' + name + treeStateFileExtension, OFileFactory.CLASSIC, "0", "50%");
metadataStore = new OHashIndexBufferStore(storage, metadataConfiguration);
treeStateStore = new OHashIndexTreeStateStore(storage, treeStateConfiguration);
public void create(String name, OBinarySerializer<K> keySerializer, OBinarySerializer<V> valueSerializer, OType[] keyTypes,
OStorageLocalAbstract storageLocal) {
try {
this.storage = storageLocal;
this.keyTypes = keyTypes;
this.diskCache = storage.getDiskCache();
if (this.diskCache == null)
throw new IllegalStateException("Disk cache was not initialized on storage level");
this.name = name;
this.keySerializer = keySerializer;
this.valueSerializer = valueSerializer;
initStores(metadataConfigurationFileExtension, treeStateFileExtension);
filesMetadata[0] = createFileMetadata(0);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new OIndexException("Error during local hash table creation.", e);
} finally {
public OBinarySerializer<K> getKeySerializer() {
return keySerializer;
public void setKeySerializer(OBinarySerializer<K> keySerializer) {
this.keySerializer = keySerializer;
public OBinarySerializer<V> getValueSerializer() {
return valueSerializer;
public void setValueSerializer(OBinarySerializer<V> valueSerializer) {
this.valueSerializer = valueSerializer;
private OHashIndexFileLevelMetadata createFileMetadata(int i) throws IOException {
String fileName = name + i + bucketFileExtension;
fileLevelIds[i] = diskCache.openFile(fileName);
return new OHashIndexFileLevelMetadata(fileName, 0, -1);
public V get(K key) {
if (key == null)
return null;
try {
key = keySerializer.preprocess(key, (Object[]) keyTypes);
final long hashCode = keyHashFunction.hashCode(key);
BucketPath bucketPath = getBucket(hashCode);
final long bucketPointer = hashTree[bucketPath.nodeIndex][bucketPath.itemIndex + bucketPath.hashMapOffset];
if (bucketPointer == 0)
return null;
long pageIndex = getPageIndex(bucketPointer);
int fileLevel = getFileLevel(bucketPointer);
OCacheEntry cacheEntry = loadPageEntry(pageIndex, fileLevel);
OCachePointer dataPointer = cacheEntry.getCachePointer();
try {
final OHashIndexBucket<K, V> bucket = new OHashIndexBucket<K, V>(dataPointer.getDataPointer(), keySerializer,
valueSerializer, keyTypes);
OHashIndexBucket.Entry<K, V> entry = bucket.find(key, hashCode);
if (entry == null)
return null;
return entry.value;
} finally {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new OIndexException("Exception during index value retrieval", e);
} finally {
public void put(K key, V value) {
try {
key = keySerializer.preprocess(key, (Object[]) keyTypes);
doPut(key, value);
} catch (OIndexMaximumLimitReachedException e) {
OLogManager.instance().warn(this, "Key " + key + " is too large to fit in index and will be skipped", e);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new OIndexException("Error during index update", e);
} finally {
public V remove(K key) {
try {
key = keySerializer.preprocess(key, (Object[]) keyTypes);
final long hashCode = keyHashFunction.hashCode(key);
final BucketPath nodePath = getBucket(hashCode);
final long bucketPointer = hashTree[nodePath.nodeIndex][nodePath.itemIndex + nodePath.hashMapOffset];
final long pageIndex = getPageIndex(bucketPointer);
final int fileLevel = getFileLevel(bucketPointer);
final V removed;
final OCacheEntry cacheEntry = loadPageEntry(pageIndex, fileLevel);
final OCachePointer dataPointer = cacheEntry.getCachePointer();
try {
final OHashIndexBucket<K, V> bucket = new OHashIndexBucket<K, V>(dataPointer.getDataPointer(), keySerializer,
valueSerializer, keyTypes);
final int positionIndex = bucket.getIndex(hashCode, key);
if (positionIndex < 0)
return null;
removed = bucket.deleteEntry(positionIndex).value;
mergeBucketsAfterDeletion(nodePath, bucket);
} finally {
if (nodePath.parent != null) {
final int hashMapSize = 1 << nodePath.nodeLocalDepth;
final long[] node = hashTree[nodePath.nodeIndex];
final boolean allMapsContainSameBucket = checkAllMapsContainSameBucket(node, hashMapSize);
if (allMapsContainSameBucket)
mergeNodeToParent(node, nodePath);
return removed;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new OIndexException("Error during index removal", e);
} finally {
public void clear() {
try {
for (int i = 0; i < filesMetadata.length; i++) {
if (filesMetadata[i] != null)
bucketTombstonePointer = -1;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new OIndexException("Error during hash table clear", e);
} finally {
public OHashIndexBucket.Entry<K, V>[] higherEntries(K key) {
return higherEntries(key, -1);
public OHashIndexBucket.Entry<K, V>[] higherEntries(K key, int limit) {
try {
key = keySerializer.preprocess(key, (Object[]) keyTypes);
final long hashCode = keyHashFunction.hashCode(key);
BucketPath bucketPath = getBucket(hashCode);
long bucketPointer = hashTree[bucketPath.nodeIndex][bucketPath.itemIndex + bucketPath.hashMapOffset];
int fileLevel = getFileLevel(bucketPointer);
long pageIndex = getPageIndex(bucketPointer);
OCacheEntry cacheEntry = loadPageEntry(pageIndex, fileLevel);
OCachePointer pagePointer = cacheEntry.getCachePointer();
try {
OHashIndexBucket<K, V> bucket = new OHashIndexBucket<K, V>(pagePointer.getDataPointer(), keySerializer, valueSerializer,
while (bucket.size() == 0 || comparator.compare(bucket.getKey(bucket.size() - 1), key) <= 0) {
bucketPath = nextBucketToFind(bucketPath, bucket.getDepth());
if (bucketPath == null)
return new OHashIndexBucket.Entry[0];
final long nextPointer = hashTree[bucketPath.nodeIndex][bucketPath.itemIndex + bucketPath.hashMapOffset];
fileLevel = getFileLevel(nextPointer);
pageIndex = getPageIndex(nextPointer);
cacheEntry = loadPageEntry(pageIndex, fileLevel);
pagePointer = cacheEntry.getCachePointer();
bucket = new OHashIndexBucket<K, V>(pagePointer.getDataPointer(), keySerializer, valueSerializer, keyTypes);
final int index = bucket.getIndex(hashCode, key);
final int startIndex;
if (index >= 0)
startIndex = index + 1;
startIndex = -index - 1;
final int endIndex;
if (limit <= 0)
endIndex = bucket.size();
endIndex = Math.min(bucket.size(), startIndex + limit);
return convertBucketToEntries(bucket, startIndex, endIndex);
} finally {
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw new OIndexException("Exception during data retrieval", ioe);
} finally {
private void saveState() throws IOException {
treeStateStore.storeTreeState(hashTree, nodesMetadata);
public void load(String name, OType[] keyTypes, OStorageLocalAbstract storageLocal) {
try {
this.storage = storageLocal;
this.keyTypes = keyTypes;
diskCache = storage.getDiskCache();
this.name = name;
initStores(metadataConfigurationFileExtension, treeStateFileExtension);
size = metadataStore.getRecordsCount();
hashTreeSize = (int) treeStateStore.getHashTreeSize();
hashTreeTombstone = (int) treeStateStore.getHashTreeTombstone();
bucketTombstonePointer = treeStateStore.getBucketTombstonePointer();
final int arraySize;
int bitsCount = Integer.bitCount(hashTreeSize);
if (bitsCount == 1)
arraySize = hashTreeSize;
arraySize = Integer.highestOneBit(hashTreeSize) << 1;
OHashIndexTreeStateStore.TreeState treeState = treeStateStore.loadTreeState(arraySize);
hashTree = treeState.getHashTree();
nodesMetadata = treeState.getHashTreeNodeMetadata();
size = metadataStore.getRecordsCount();
keySerializer = (OBinarySerializer<K>) OBinarySerializerFactory.INSTANCE.getObjectSerializer(metadataStore
valueSerializer = (OBinarySerializer<V>) OBinarySerializerFactory.INSTANCE.getObjectSerializer(metadataStore
filesMetadata = metadataStore.loadMetadata();
for (int i = 0; i < filesMetadata.length; i++) {
OHashIndexFileLevelMetadata fileLevelMetadata = filesMetadata[i];
if (fileLevelMetadata != null)
fileLevelIds[i] = diskCache.openFile(fileLevelMetadata.getFileName());
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new OIndexException("Exception during hash table loading", e);
} finally {
public void deleteWithoutLoad(String name, OStorageLocalAbstract storageLocal) {
try {
final ODiskCache diskCache = storageLocal.getDiskCache();
initStores(metadataConfigurationFileExtension, treeStateFileExtension);
filesMetadata = metadataStore.loadMetadata();
for (int i = 0; i < filesMetadata.length; i++) {
OHashIndexFileLevelMetadata fileLevelMetadata = filesMetadata[i];
if (fileLevelMetadata != null) {
fileLevelIds[i] = diskCache.openFile(fileLevelMetadata.getFileName());
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw new OIndexException("Can not delete hash table with name " + name, ioe);
} finally {
private OHashIndexBucket.Entry<K, V>[] convertBucketToEntries(final OHashIndexBucket<K, V> bucket, int startIndex, int endIndex) {
final OHashIndexBucket.Entry<K, V>[] entries = new OHashIndexBucket.Entry[endIndex - startIndex];
final Iterator<OHashIndexBucket.Entry<K, V>> iterator = bucket.iterator(startIndex);
for (int i = 0, k = startIndex; k < endIndex; i++, k++)
entries[i] = iterator.next();
return entries;
private BucketPath nextBucketToFind(final BucketPath bucketPath, int bucketDepth) {
int offset = bucketPath.nodeGlobalDepth - bucketDepth;
BucketPath currentNode = bucketPath;
int nodeLocalDepth = nodesMetadata[bucketPath.nodeIndex].getNodeLocalDepth();
assert nodesMetadata[bucketPath.nodeIndex].getNodeLocalDepth() == bucketPath.nodeLocalDepth;
while (offset > 0) {
offset -= nodeLocalDepth;
if (offset > 0) {
currentNode = bucketPath.parent;
nodeLocalDepth = currentNode.nodeLocalDepth;
assert nodesMetadata[currentNode.nodeIndex].getNodeLocalDepth() == currentNode.nodeLocalDepth;
final int diff = bucketDepth - (currentNode.nodeGlobalDepth - nodeLocalDepth);
final int interval = (1 << (nodeLocalDepth - diff));
final int firstStartIndex = currentNode.itemIndex & ((LEVEL_MASK << (nodeLocalDepth - diff)) & LEVEL_MASK);
final BucketPath bucketPathToFind;
final int globalIndex = firstStartIndex + interval + currentNode.hashMapOffset;
if (globalIndex >= MAX_LEVEL_SIZE)
bucketPathToFind = nextLevelUp(currentNode);
else {
final int hashMapSize = 1 << currentNode.nodeLocalDepth;
final int hashMapOffset = globalIndex / hashMapSize * hashMapSize;
final int startIndex = globalIndex - hashMapOffset;
bucketPathToFind = new BucketPath(currentNode.parent, hashMapOffset, startIndex, currentNode.nodeIndex,
currentNode.nodeLocalDepth, currentNode.nodeGlobalDepth);
return nextNonEmptyNode(bucketPathToFind);
private BucketPath nextNonEmptyNode(BucketPath bucketPath) {
nextBucketLoop: while (bucketPath != null) {
final long[] node = hashTree[bucketPath.nodeIndex];
final int startIndex = bucketPath.itemIndex + bucketPath.hashMapOffset;
final int endIndex = MAX_LEVEL_SIZE;
for (int i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++) {
final long position = node[i];
if (position > 0) {
final int hashMapSize = 1 << bucketPath.nodeLocalDepth;
final int hashMapOffset = (i / hashMapSize) * hashMapSize;
final int itemIndex = i - hashMapOffset;
return new BucketPath(bucketPath.parent, hashMapOffset, itemIndex, bucketPath.nodeIndex, bucketPath.nodeLocalDepth,
if (position < 0) {
final int childNodeIndex = (int) ((position & Long.MAX_VALUE) >> 8);
final int childItemOffset = (int) position & 0xFF;
final BucketPath parent = new BucketPath(bucketPath.parent, 0, i, bucketPath.nodeIndex, bucketPath.nodeLocalDepth,
final int childLocalDepth = nodesMetadata[childNodeIndex].getNodeLocalDepth();
bucketPath = new BucketPath(parent, childItemOffset, 0, childNodeIndex, childLocalDepth, bucketPath.nodeGlobalDepth
+ childLocalDepth);
continue nextBucketLoop;
bucketPath = nextLevelUp(bucketPath);
return null;
private BucketPath nextLevelUp(BucketPath bucketPath) {
if (bucketPath.parent == null)
return null;
final int nodeLocalDepth = bucketPath.nodeLocalDepth;
assert nodesMetadata[bucketPath.nodeIndex].getNodeLocalDepth() == bucketPath.nodeLocalDepth;
final int pointersSize = 1 << (MAX_LEVEL_DEPTH - nodeLocalDepth);
final BucketPath parent = bucketPath.parent;
if (parent.itemIndex < MAX_LEVEL_SIZE / 2) {
final int nextParentIndex = (parent.itemIndex / pointersSize + 1) * pointersSize;
return new BucketPath(parent.parent, 0, nextParentIndex, parent.nodeIndex, parent.nodeLocalDepth, parent.nodeGlobalDepth);
final int nextParentIndex = ((parent.itemIndex - MAX_LEVEL_SIZE / 2) / pointersSize + 1) * pointersSize + MAX_LEVEL_SIZE / 2;
if (nextParentIndex < MAX_LEVEL_SIZE)
return new BucketPath(parent.parent, 0, nextParentIndex, parent.nodeIndex, parent.nodeLocalDepth, parent.nodeGlobalDepth);
return nextLevelUp(new BucketPath(parent.parent, 0, MAX_LEVEL_SIZE - 1, parent.nodeIndex, parent.nodeLocalDepth,
public OHashIndexBucket.Entry<K, V>[] ceilingEntries(K key) {
try {
key = keySerializer.preprocess(key, (Object[]) keyTypes);
final long hashCode = keyHashFunction.hashCode(key);
BucketPath bucketPath = getBucket(hashCode);
long bucketPointer = hashTree[bucketPath.nodeIndex][bucketPath.itemIndex + bucketPath.hashMapOffset];
int fileLevel = getFileLevel(bucketPointer);
long pageIndex = getPageIndex(bucketPointer);
OCacheEntry cacheEntry = loadPageEntry(pageIndex, fileLevel);
OCachePointer pagePointer = cacheEntry.getCachePointer();
try {
OHashIndexBucket<K, V> bucket = new OHashIndexBucket<K, V>(pagePointer.getDataPointer(), keySerializer, valueSerializer,
while (bucket.size() == 0) {
bucketPath = nextBucketToFind(bucketPath, bucket.getDepth());
if (bucketPath == null)
return new OHashIndexBucket.Entry[0];
final long nextPointer = hashTree[bucketPath.nodeIndex][bucketPath.itemIndex + bucketPath.hashMapOffset];
fileLevel = getFileLevel(nextPointer);
pageIndex = getPageIndex(nextPointer);
cacheEntry = loadPageEntry(pageIndex, fileLevel);
pagePointer = cacheEntry.getCachePointer();
bucket = new OHashIndexBucket<K, V>(pagePointer.getDataPointer(), keySerializer, valueSerializer, keyTypes);
final int index = bucket.getIndex(hashCode, key);
final int startIndex;
if (index >= 0)
startIndex = index;
startIndex = -index - 1;
final int endIndex = bucket.size();
return convertBucketToEntries(bucket, startIndex, endIndex);
} finally {
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw new OIndexException("Error during data retrieval", ioe);
} finally {
public OHashIndexBucket.Entry<K, V> firstEntry() {
try {
BucketPath bucketPath = getBucket(HASH_CODE_MIN_VALUE);
long bucketPointer = hashTree[bucketPath.nodeIndex][bucketPath.itemIndex];
int fileLevel = getFileLevel(bucketPointer);
long pageIndex = getPageIndex(bucketPointer);
OCacheEntry cacheEntry = loadPageEntry(pageIndex, fileLevel);
OCachePointer pagePointer = cacheEntry.getCachePointer();
try {
OHashIndexBucket<K, V> bucket = new OHashIndexBucket<K, V>(pagePointer.getDataPointer(), keySerializer, valueSerializer,
while (bucket.size() == 0) {
bucketPath = nextBucketToFind(bucketPath, bucket.getDepth());
if (bucketPath == null)
return null;
final long nextPointer = hashTree[bucketPath.nodeIndex][bucketPath.itemIndex + bucketPath.hashMapOffset];
fileLevel = getFileLevel(nextPointer);
pageIndex = getPageIndex(nextPointer);
cacheEntry = loadPageEntry(pageIndex, fileLevel);
pagePointer = cacheEntry.getCachePointer();
bucket = new OHashIndexBucket<K, V>(pagePointer.getDataPointer(), keySerializer, valueSerializer, keyTypes);
return bucket.getEntry(0);
} finally {
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw new OIndexException("Exception during data read", ioe);
} finally {
public OHashIndexBucket.Entry<K, V> lastEntry() {
try {
BucketPath bucketPath = getBucket(HASH_CODE_MAX_VALUE);
long bucketPointer = hashTree[bucketPath.nodeIndex][bucketPath.itemIndex + bucketPath.hashMapOffset];
int fileLevel = getFileLevel(bucketPointer);
long pageIndex = getPageIndex(bucketPointer);
OCacheEntry cacheEntry = loadPageEntry(pageIndex, fileLevel);
OCachePointer pagePointer = cacheEntry.getCachePointer();
try {
OHashIndexBucket<K, V> bucket = new OHashIndexBucket<K, V>(pagePointer.getDataPointer(), keySerializer, valueSerializer,
while (bucket.size() == 0) {
final BucketPath prevBucketPath = prevBucketToFind(bucketPath, bucket.getDepth());
if (prevBucketPath == null)
return null;
final long prevPointer = hashTree[prevBucketPath.nodeIndex][prevBucketPath.itemIndex + prevBucketPath.hashMapOffset];
fileLevel = getFileLevel(prevPointer);
pageIndex = getPageIndex(prevPointer);
cacheEntry = loadPageEntry(pageIndex, fileLevel);
pagePointer = cacheEntry.getCachePointer();
bucket = new OHashIndexBucket<K, V>(pagePointer.getDataPointer(), keySerializer, valueSerializer, keyTypes);
bucketPath = prevBucketPath;
return bucket.getEntry(bucket.size() - 1);
} finally {
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw new OIndexException("Exception during data read", ioe);
} finally {
public OHashIndexBucket.Entry<K, V>[] lowerEntries(K key) throws IOException {
try {
key = keySerializer.preprocess(key, (Object[]) keyTypes);
final long hashCode = keyHashFunction.hashCode(key);
BucketPath bucketPath = getBucket(hashCode);
long bucketPointer = hashTree[bucketPath.nodeIndex][bucketPath.itemIndex + bucketPath.hashMapOffset];
int fileLevel = getFileLevel(bucketPointer);
long pageIndex = getPageIndex(bucketPointer);
OCacheEntry cacheEntry = loadPageEntry(pageIndex, fileLevel);
OCachePointer pagePointer = cacheEntry.getCachePointer();
try {
OHashIndexBucket<K, V> bucket = new OHashIndexBucket<K, V>(pagePointer.getDataPointer(), keySerializer, valueSerializer,
while (bucket.size() == 0 || comparator.compare(bucket.getKey(0), key) >= 0) {
final BucketPath prevBucketPath = prevBucketToFind(bucketPath, bucket.getDepth());
if (prevBucketPath == null)
return new OHashIndexBucket.Entry[0];
final long prevPointer = hashTree[prevBucketPath.nodeIndex][prevBucketPath.itemIndex + prevBucketPath.hashMapOffset];
fileLevel = getFileLevel(prevPointer);
pageIndex = getPageIndex(prevPointer);
cacheEntry = loadPageEntry(pageIndex, fileLevel);
pagePointer = cacheEntry.getCachePointer();
bucket = new OHashIndexBucket<K, V>(pagePointer.getDataPointer(), keySerializer, valueSerializer, keyTypes);
bucketPath = prevBucketPath;
final int startIndex = 0;
final int index = bucket.getIndex(hashCode, key);
final int endIndex;
if (index >= 0)
endIndex = index;
endIndex = -index - 1;
return convertBucketToEntries(bucket, startIndex, endIndex);
} finally {
} finally {
public OHashIndexBucket.Entry<K, V>[] floorEntries(K key) throws IOException {
try {
key = keySerializer.preprocess(key, (Object[]) keyTypes);
final long hashCode = keyHashFunction.hashCode(key);
BucketPath bucketPath = getBucket(hashCode);
long bucketPointer = hashTree[bucketPath.nodeIndex][bucketPath.itemIndex + bucketPath.hashMapOffset];
int fileLevel = getFileLevel(bucketPointer);
long pageIndex = getPageIndex(bucketPointer);
OCacheEntry cacheEntry = loadPageEntry(pageIndex, fileLevel);
OCachePointer pagePointer = cacheEntry.getCachePointer();
try {
OHashIndexBucket<K, V> bucket = new OHashIndexBucket<K, V>(pagePointer.getDataPointer(), keySerializer, valueSerializer,
while (bucket.size() == 0) {
final BucketPath prevBucketPath = prevBucketToFind(bucketPath, bucket.getDepth());
if (prevBucketPath == null)
return new OHashIndexBucket.Entry[0];
final long prevPointer = hashTree[prevBucketPath.nodeIndex][prevBucketPath.itemIndex + prevBucketPath.hashMapOffset];
fileLevel = getFileLevel(prevPointer);
pageIndex = getPageIndex(prevPointer);
cacheEntry = loadPageEntry(pageIndex, fileLevel);
pagePointer = cacheEntry.getCachePointer();
bucket = new OHashIndexBucket<K, V>(pagePointer.getDataPointer(), keySerializer, valueSerializer, keyTypes);
bucketPath = prevBucketPath;
final int startIndex = 0;
final int index = bucket.getIndex(hashCode, key);
final int endIndex;
if (index >= 0)
endIndex = index + 1;
endIndex = -index - 1;
return convertBucketToEntries(bucket, startIndex, endIndex);
} finally {
} finally {
private BucketPath prevBucketToFind(final BucketPath bucketPath, int bucketDepth) {
int offset = bucketPath.nodeGlobalDepth - bucketDepth;
BucketPath currentBucket = bucketPath;
int nodeLocalDepth = bucketPath.nodeLocalDepth;
while (offset > 0) {
offset -= nodeLocalDepth;
if (offset > 0) {
currentBucket = bucketPath.parent;
nodeLocalDepth = currentBucket.nodeLocalDepth;
final int diff = bucketDepth - (currentBucket.nodeGlobalDepth - nodeLocalDepth);
final int firstStartIndex = currentBucket.itemIndex & ((LEVEL_MASK << (nodeLocalDepth - diff)) & LEVEL_MASK);
final int globalIndex = firstStartIndex + currentBucket.hashMapOffset - 1;
final BucketPath bucketPathToFind;
if (globalIndex < 0)
bucketPathToFind = prevLevelUp(bucketPath);
else {
final int hashMapSize = 1 << currentBucket.nodeLocalDepth;
final int hashMapOffset = globalIndex / hashMapSize * hashMapSize;
final int startIndex = globalIndex - hashMapOffset;
bucketPathToFind = new BucketPath(currentBucket.parent, hashMapOffset, startIndex, currentBucket.nodeIndex,
currentBucket.nodeLocalDepth, currentBucket.nodeGlobalDepth);
return prevNonEmptyNode(bucketPathToFind);
private BucketPath prevNonEmptyNode(BucketPath nodePath) {
prevBucketLoop: while (nodePath != null) {
final long[] node = hashTree[nodePath.nodeIndex];
final int startIndex = 0;
final int endIndex = nodePath.itemIndex + nodePath.hashMapOffset;
for (int i = endIndex; i >= startIndex; i--) {
final long position = node[i];
if (position > 0) {
final int hashMapSize = 1 << nodePath.nodeLocalDepth;
final int hashMapOffset = (i / hashMapSize) * hashMapSize;
final int itemIndex = i - hashMapOffset;
return new BucketPath(nodePath.parent, hashMapOffset, itemIndex, nodePath.nodeIndex, nodePath.nodeLocalDepth,
if (position < 0) {
final int childNodeIndex = (int) ((position & Long.MAX_VALUE) >> 8);
final int childItemOffset = (int) position & 0xFF;
final int nodeLocalDepth = nodesMetadata[childNodeIndex].getNodeLocalDepth();
final int endChildIndex = (1 << nodeLocalDepth) - 1;
final BucketPath parent = new BucketPath(nodePath.parent, 0, i, nodePath.nodeIndex, nodePath.nodeLocalDepth,
nodePath = new BucketPath(parent, childItemOffset, endChildIndex, childNodeIndex, nodeLocalDepth, parent.nodeGlobalDepth
+ nodeLocalDepth);
continue prevBucketLoop;
nodePath = prevLevelUp(nodePath);
return null;
private BucketPath prevLevelUp(BucketPath bucketPath) {
if (bucketPath.parent == null)
return null;
final int nodeLocalDepth = bucketPath.nodeLocalDepth;
final int pointersSize = 1 << (MAX_LEVEL_DEPTH - nodeLocalDepth);
final BucketPath parent = bucketPath.parent;
if (parent.itemIndex > MAX_LEVEL_SIZE / 2) {
final int prevParentIndex = ((parent.itemIndex - MAX_LEVEL_SIZE / 2) / pointersSize) * pointersSize + MAX_LEVEL_SIZE / 2 - 1;
return new BucketPath(parent.parent, 0, prevParentIndex, parent.nodeIndex, parent.nodeLocalDepth, parent.nodeGlobalDepth);
final int prevParentIndex = (parent.itemIndex / pointersSize) * pointersSize - 1;
if (prevParentIndex >= 0)
return new BucketPath(parent.parent, 0, prevParentIndex, parent.nodeIndex, parent.nodeLocalDepth, parent.nodeGlobalDepth);
return prevLevelUp(new BucketPath(parent.parent, 0, 0, parent.nodeIndex, parent.nodeLocalDepth, -1));
public long size() {
try {
return size;
} finally {
public void rename(String newName) {
try {
metadataStore.rename(name, newName);
treeStateStore.rename(name, newName);
for (long fileId : fileLevelIds)
if (fileId > 0)
diskCache.renameFile(fileId, newName, name);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw new OIndexException("Attempt of rename of hash table was failed", ioe);
} finally {
public void close() {
try {
for (int i = 0; i < filesMetadata.length; i++)
if (filesMetadata[i] != null)
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new OIndexException("Error during hash table close", e);
} finally {
public void delete() {
try {
for (int i = 0; i < filesMetadata.length; i++) {
if (filesMetadata[i] != null)
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new OIndexException("Exception during index deletion", e);
} finally {
private void mergeNodeToParent(long[] node, BucketPath nodePath) {
final int startIndex = findParentNodeStartIndex(nodePath);
final int localNodeDepth = nodePath.nodeLocalDepth;
final int hashMapSize = 1 << localNodeDepth;
final long[] parentNode = hashTree[nodePath.parent.nodeIndex];
for (int i = 0, k = startIndex; i < node.length; i += hashMapSize, k++) {
parentNode[k] = node[i];
final OHashTreeNodeMetadata metadata = nodesMetadata[nodePath.parent.nodeIndex];
if (nodePath.parent.itemIndex < MAX_LEVEL_SIZE / 2) {
final int maxChildDepth = metadata.getMaxLeftChildDepth();
if (maxChildDepth == localNodeDepth)
metadata.setMaxLeftChildDepth(getMaxLevelDepth(parentNode, 0, parentNode.length / 2));
} else {
final int maxChildDepth = metadata.getMaxRightChildDepth();
if (maxChildDepth == localNodeDepth)
metadata.setMaxRightChildDepth(getMaxLevelDepth(parentNode, parentNode.length / 2, parentNode.length));
private void mergeBucketsAfterDeletion(BucketPath nodePath, OHashIndexBucket<K, V> bucket) throws IOException {
final int bucketDepth = bucket.getDepth();
if (bucket.getContentSize() > OHashIndexBucket.MAX_BUCKET_SIZE_BYTES * MERGE_THRESHOLD)
if (bucketDepth - MAX_LEVEL_DEPTH < 1)
int offset = nodePath.nodeGlobalDepth - (bucketDepth - 1);
BucketPath currentNode = nodePath;
int nodeLocalDepth = nodePath.nodeLocalDepth;
while (offset > 0) {
offset -= nodeLocalDepth;
if (offset > 0) {
currentNode = nodePath.parent;
nodeLocalDepth = currentNode.nodeLocalDepth;
final int diff = bucketDepth - 1 - (currentNode.nodeGlobalDepth - nodeLocalDepth);
final int interval = (1 << (nodeLocalDepth - diff - 1));
int firstStartIndex = currentNode.itemIndex & ((LEVEL_MASK << (nodeLocalDepth - diff)) & LEVEL_MASK);
int firstEndIndex = firstStartIndex + interval;
final int secondStartIndex = firstEndIndex;
final int secondEndIndex = secondStartIndex + interval;
final OHashIndexBucket<K, V> buddyBucket;
int buddyLevel;
long buddyIndex;
long buddyPointer;
final long[] node = hashTree[currentNode.nodeIndex];
if ((currentNode.itemIndex >>> (nodeLocalDepth - diff - 1) & 1) == 1) {
buddyPointer = node[firstStartIndex + currentNode.hashMapOffset];
while (buddyPointer < 0) {
final int nodeIndex = (int) ((buddyPointer & Long.MAX_VALUE) >> 8);
final int itemOffset = (int) buddyPointer & 0xFF;
buddyPointer = hashTree[nodeIndex][itemOffset];
assert buddyPointer > 0;
buddyLevel = getFileLevel(buddyPointer);
buddyIndex = getPageIndex(buddyPointer);
} else {
buddyPointer = node[secondStartIndex + currentNode.hashMapOffset];
while (buddyPointer < 0) {
final int nodeIndex = (int) ((buddyPointer & Long.MAX_VALUE) >> 8);
final int itemOffset = (int) buddyPointer & 0xFF;
buddyPointer = hashTree[nodeIndex][itemOffset];
assert buddyPointer > 0;
buddyLevel = getFileLevel(buddyPointer);
buddyIndex = getPageIndex(buddyPointer);
OCacheEntry buddyCacheEntry = loadPageEntry(buddyIndex, buddyLevel);
OCachePointer buddyPagePointer = buddyCacheEntry.getCachePointer();
try {
buddyBucket = new OHashIndexBucket<K, V>(buddyPagePointer.getDataPointer(), keySerializer, valueSerializer, keyTypes);
if (buddyBucket.getDepth() != bucketDepth)
if (bucket.mergedSize(buddyBucket) >= OHashIndexBucket.MAX_BUCKET_SIZE_BYTES)
filesMetadata[buddyLevel].setBucketsCount(filesMetadata[buddyLevel].getBucketsCount() - 2);
int newBuddyLevel = buddyLevel - 1;
long newBuddyIndex = buddyBucket.getSplitHistory(newBuddyLevel);
filesMetadata[buddyLevel].setBucketsCount(filesMetadata[buddyLevel].getBucketsCount() + 1);
final OCacheEntry newBuddyCacheEntry = loadPageEntry(newBuddyIndex, newBuddyLevel);
final OCachePointer newBuddyPagePointer = newBuddyCacheEntry.getCachePointer();
try {
final OHashIndexBucket<K, V> newBuddyBucket = new OHashIndexBucket<K, V>(bucketDepth - 1,
newBuddyPagePointer.getDataPointer(), keySerializer, valueSerializer, keyTypes);
for (OHashIndexBucket.Entry<K, V> entry : buddyBucket)
newBuddyBucket.appendEntry(entry.hashCode, entry.key, entry.value);
for (OHashIndexBucket.Entry<K, V> entry : bucket)
newBuddyBucket.addEntry(entry.hashCode, entry.key, entry.value);
} finally {
final long bucketPointer = hashTree[nodePath.nodeIndex][nodePath.itemIndex + nodePath.hashMapOffset];
final long bucketIndex = getPageIndex(bucketPointer);
final long newBuddyPointer = createBucketPointer(buddyIndex, buddyLevel);
for (int i = firstStartIndex; i < secondEndIndex; i++)
updateBucket(currentNode.nodeIndex, i, currentNode.hashMapOffset, newBuddyPointer);
final OHashIndexFileLevelMetadata oldBuddyFileMetadata = filesMetadata[buddyLevel];
if (oldBuddyFileMetadata.getBucketsCount() > 0) {
final long newTombstoneIndex;
if (bucketIndex < buddyIndex) {
newTombstoneIndex = bucketIndex;
} else {
newTombstoneIndex = buddyIndex;
} else
} finally {
public void flush() {
try {
for (int i = 0; i < filesMetadata.length; i++)
if (filesMetadata[i] != null)
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new OIndexException("Error during hash table flush", e);
} finally {
public boolean wasSoftlyClosed() {
try {
if (!metadataStore.wasSoftlyClosedAtPreviousTime())
return false;
if (!treeStateStore.wasSoftlyClosedAtPreviousTime())
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < filesMetadata.length; i++) {
if (filesMetadata[i] != null && !diskCache.wasSoftlyClosed(fileLevelIds[i]))
return false;
return true;
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw new OIndexException("Error during integrity check", ioe);
} finally {
public void setSoftlyClosed(boolean softlyClosed) {
try {
for (int i = 0; i < filesMetadata.length; i++) {
if (filesMetadata[i] != null)
diskCache.setSoftlyClosed(fileLevelIds[i], softlyClosed);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw new OIndexException("Error during integrity check", ioe);
} finally {
private void doPut(K key, V value) throws IOException {
final long hashCode = keyHashFunction.hashCode(key);
final BucketPath bucketPath = getBucket(hashCode);
long[] node = hashTree[bucketPath.nodeIndex];
final long bucketPointer = node[bucketPath.itemIndex + bucketPath.hashMapOffset];
if (bucketPointer == 0)
throw new IllegalStateException("In this version of hash table buckets are added through split only.");
final long pageIndex = getPageIndex(bucketPointer);
final int fileLevel = getFileLevel(bucketPointer);
final OCacheEntry cacheEntry = loadPageEntry(pageIndex, fileLevel);
final OCachePointer pagePointer = cacheEntry.getCachePointer();
try {
final OHashIndexBucket<K, V> bucket = new OHashIndexBucket<K, V>(pagePointer.getDataPointer(), keySerializer,
valueSerializer, keyTypes);
final int index = bucket.getIndex(hashCode, key);
if (index > -1) {
final int updateResult = bucket.updateEntry(index, value);
if (updateResult == 0)
if (updateResult == 1) {
assert updateResult == -1;
if (bucket.addEntry(hashCode, key, value)) {
final BucketSplitResult splitResult = splitBucket(bucket, fileLevel, pageIndex);
final long updatedBucketPointer = splitResult.updatedBucketPointer;
final long newBucketPointer = splitResult.newBucketPointer;
final int bucketDepth = splitResult.newDepth;
if (bucketDepth <= bucketPath.nodeGlobalDepth) {
updateNodeAfterBucketSplit(bucketPath, bucketDepth, newBucketPointer, updatedBucketPointer);
} else {
if (bucketPath.nodeLocalDepth < MAX_LEVEL_DEPTH) {
final NodeSplitResult nodeSplitResult = splitNode(bucketPath, node);
assert !(nodeSplitResult.allLeftHashMapsEqual && nodeSplitResult.allRightHashMapsEqual);
final long[] newNode = nodeSplitResult.newNode;
final int nodeLocalDepth = bucketPath.nodeLocalDepth + 1;
final int hashMapSize = 1 << nodeLocalDepth;
assert nodeSplitResult.allRightHashMapsEqual == checkAllMapsContainSameBucket(newNode, hashMapSize);
int newNodeIndex = -1;
if (!nodeSplitResult.allRightHashMapsEqual || bucketPath.itemIndex >= MAX_LEVEL_SIZE / 2)
newNodeIndex = addNewNode(newNode, nodeLocalDepth);
final int updatedItemIndex = bucketPath.itemIndex << 1;
final int updatedOffset = bucketPath.hashMapOffset << 1;
final int updatedGlobalDepth = bucketPath.nodeGlobalDepth + 1;
boolean allLeftHashMapsEqual = nodeSplitResult.allLeftHashMapsEqual;
boolean allRightHashMapsEqual = nodeSplitResult.allRightHashMapsEqual;
if (updatedOffset < MAX_LEVEL_SIZE) {
allLeftHashMapsEqual = false;
final BucketPath updatedBucketPath = new BucketPath(bucketPath.parent, updatedOffset, updatedItemIndex,
bucketPath.nodeIndex, nodeLocalDepth, updatedGlobalDepth);
updateNodeAfterBucketSplit(updatedBucketPath, bucketDepth, newBucketPointer, updatedBucketPointer);
} else {
allRightHashMapsEqual = false;
final BucketPath newBucketPath = new BucketPath(bucketPath.parent, updatedOffset - MAX_LEVEL_SIZE, updatedItemIndex,
newNodeIndex, nodeLocalDepth, updatedGlobalDepth);
updateNodeAfterBucketSplit(newBucketPath, bucketDepth, newBucketPointer, updatedBucketPointer);
final long[] updatedNode = hashTree[bucketPath.nodeIndex];
updateNodesAfterSplit(bucketPath, updatedNode, newNode, nodeLocalDepth, hashMapSize, allLeftHashMapsEqual,
allRightHashMapsEqual, newNodeIndex);
if (allLeftHashMapsEqual)
} else {
addNewLevelNode(bucketPath, node, newBucketPointer, updatedBucketPointer);
} finally {
doPut(key, value);
private void updateNodesAfterSplit(BucketPath bucketPath, long[] node, long[] newNode, int nodeLocalDepth, int hashMapSize,
boolean allLeftHashMapEquals, boolean allRightHashMapsEquals, int newNodeIndex) {
final int startIndex = findParentNodeStartIndex(bucketPath);
final long[] parentNode = hashTree[bucketPath.parent.nodeIndex];
assert assertParentNodeStartIndex(bucketPath, parentNode, startIndex);
final int pointersSize = 1 << (MAX_LEVEL_DEPTH - nodeLocalDepth);
if (allLeftHashMapEquals) {
for (int i = 0; i < pointersSize; i++) {
final long position = node[i * hashMapSize];
parentNode[startIndex + i] = position;
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < pointersSize; i++)
parentNode[startIndex + i] = (bucketPath.nodeIndex << 8) | (i * hashMapSize) | Long.MIN_VALUE;
if (allRightHashMapsEquals) {
for (int i = 0; i < pointersSize; i++) {
final long position = newNode[i * hashMapSize];
parentNode[startIndex + pointersSize + i] = position;
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < pointersSize; i++)
parentNode[startIndex + pointersSize + i] = (newNodeIndex << 8) | (i * hashMapSize) | Long.MIN_VALUE;
updateMaxChildDepth(bucketPath.parent, bucketPath.nodeLocalDepth + 1);
private void updateMaxChildDepth(BucketPath parentPath, int childDepth) {
if (parentPath == null)
final OHashTreeNodeMetadata metadata = nodesMetadata[parentPath.nodeIndex];
if (parentPath.itemIndex < MAX_LEVEL_SIZE / 2) {
final int maxChildDepth = metadata.getMaxLeftChildDepth();
if (childDepth > maxChildDepth)
} else {
final int maxChildDepth = metadata.getMaxRightChildDepth();
if (childDepth + 1 > maxChildDepth)
private boolean assertParentNodeStartIndex(BucketPath bucketPath, long[] parentNode, int calculatedIndex) {
int startIndex = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < parentNode.length; i++)
if (parentNode[i] < 0 && (parentNode[i] & Long.MAX_VALUE) >>> 8 == bucketPath.nodeIndex) {
startIndex = i;
return startIndex == calculatedIndex;
private int findParentNodeStartIndex(BucketPath bucketPath) {
final BucketPath parentBucketPath = bucketPath.parent;
final int pointersSize = 1 << (MAX_LEVEL_DEPTH - bucketPath.nodeLocalDepth);
if (parentBucketPath.itemIndex < MAX_LEVEL_SIZE / 2)
return (parentBucketPath.itemIndex / pointersSize) * pointersSize;
return ((parentBucketPath.itemIndex - MAX_LEVEL_SIZE / 2) / pointersSize) * pointersSize + MAX_LEVEL_SIZE / 2;
private void addNewLevelNode(BucketPath bucketPath, long[] node, long newBucketPointer, long updatedBucketPointer) {
final long[] newNode = new long[MAX_LEVEL_SIZE];
final int newNodeDepth;
final int newNodeStartIndex;
final int mapInterval;
if (bucketPath.itemIndex < node.length / 2) {
final int maxDepth = nodesMetadata[bucketPath.nodeIndex].getMaxLeftChildDepth();
assert getMaxLevelDepth(node, 0, node.length / 2) == maxDepth;
if (maxDepth > 0)
newNodeDepth = maxDepth;
newNodeDepth = 1;
mapInterval = 1 << (MAX_LEVEL_DEPTH - newNodeDepth);
newNodeStartIndex = (bucketPath.itemIndex / mapInterval) * mapInterval;
} else {
final int maxDepth = nodesMetadata[bucketPath.nodeIndex].getMaxRightChildDepth();
assert getMaxLevelDepth(node, node.length / 2, node.length) == maxDepth;
if (maxDepth > 0)
newNodeDepth = maxDepth;
newNodeDepth = 1;
mapInterval = 1 << (MAX_LEVEL_DEPTH - newNodeDepth);
newNodeStartIndex = ((bucketPath.itemIndex - node.length / 2) / mapInterval) * mapInterval + node.length / 2;
final int newNodeIndex = addNewNode(newNode, newNodeDepth);
final int mapSize = 1 << newNodeDepth;
for (int i = 0; i < mapInterval; i++) {
final int nodeOffset = i + newNodeStartIndex;
final long bucketPointer = node[nodeOffset];
if (nodeOffset != bucketPath.itemIndex) {
for (int n = i << newNodeDepth; n < (i + 1) << newNodeDepth; n++)
newNode[n] = bucketPointer;
} else {
for (int n = i << newNodeDepth; n < (2 * i + 1) << (newNodeDepth - 1); n++)
newNode[n] = updatedBucketPointer;
for (int n = (2 * i + 1) << (newNodeDepth - 1); n < (i + 1) << newNodeDepth; n++)
newNode[n] = newBucketPointer;
node[nodeOffset] = (newNodeIndex << 8) | (i * mapSize) | Long.MIN_VALUE;
updateMaxChildDepth(bucketPath, newNodeDepth);
private int getMaxLevelDepth(long node[], int start, int end) {
int currentIndex = -1;
int maxDepth = 0;
for (int i = start; i < end; i++) {
final long nodePosition = node[i];
if (nodePosition >= 0)
final int index = (int) ((nodePosition & Long.MAX_VALUE) >>> 8);
if (index == currentIndex)
currentIndex = index;
if (maxDepth < nodesMetadata[index].getNodeLocalDepth())
maxDepth = nodesMetadata[index].getNodeLocalDepth();
return maxDepth;
private void updateNodeAfterBucketSplit(BucketPath bucketPath, int bucketDepth, long newBucketPointer, long updatedBucketPointer) {
int offset = bucketPath.nodeGlobalDepth - (bucketDepth - 1);
BucketPath currentNode = bucketPath;
int nodeLocalDepth = bucketPath.nodeLocalDepth;
while (offset > 0) {
offset -= nodeLocalDepth;
if (offset > 0) {
currentNode = bucketPath.parent;
nodeLocalDepth = currentNode.nodeLocalDepth;
final int diff = bucketDepth - 1 - (currentNode.nodeGlobalDepth - nodeLocalDepth);
final int interval = (1 << (nodeLocalDepth - diff - 1));
final int firstStartIndex = currentNode.itemIndex & ((LEVEL_MASK << (nodeLocalDepth - diff)) & LEVEL_MASK);
final int firstEndIndex = firstStartIndex + interval;
final int secondStartIndex = firstEndIndex;
final int secondEndIndex = secondStartIndex + interval;
for (int i = firstStartIndex; i < firstEndIndex; i++)
updateBucket(currentNode.nodeIndex, i, currentNode.hashMapOffset, updatedBucketPointer);
for (int i = secondStartIndex; i < secondEndIndex; i++)
updateBucket(currentNode.nodeIndex, i, currentNode.hashMapOffset, newBucketPointer);
private int addNewNode(long[] newNode, int nodeLocalDepth) {
if (hashTreeTombstone >= 0) {
long[] tombstone = hashTree[hashTreeTombstone];
hashTree[hashTreeTombstone] = newNode;
nodesMetadata[hashTreeTombstone] = new OHashTreeNodeMetadata((byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) nodeLocalDepth);
final int nodeIndex = hashTreeTombstone;
if (tombstone != null)
hashTreeTombstone = (int) tombstone[0];
hashTreeTombstone = -1;
return nodeIndex;
if (hashTreeSize >= hashTree.length) {
long[][] newHashTree = new long[hashTree.length << 1][];
System.arraycopy(hashTree, 0, newHashTree, 0, hashTree.length);
hashTree = newHashTree;
newHashTree = null;
OHashTreeNodeMetadata[] newNodeMetadata = new OHashTreeNodeMetadata[nodesMetadata.length << 1];
System.arraycopy(nodesMetadata, 0, newNodeMetadata, 0, nodesMetadata.length);
nodesMetadata = newNodeMetadata;
newNodeMetadata = null;
hashTree[hashTreeSize] = newNode;
nodesMetadata[hashTreeSize] = new OHashTreeNodeMetadata((byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) nodeLocalDepth);
return hashTreeSize - 1;
private boolean checkAllMapsContainSameBucket(long[] newNode, int hashMapSize) {
int n = 0;
boolean allHashMapsEquals = true;
while (n < newNode.length) {
boolean allHashBucketEquals = true;
for (int i = 0; i < hashMapSize - 1; i++) {
if (newNode[i + n] != newNode[i + n + 1]) {
allHashBucketEquals = false;
n += hashMapSize;
if (!allHashBucketEquals) {
allHashMapsEquals = false;
assert assertAllNodesAreFilePointers(allHashMapsEquals, newNode, hashMapSize);
return allHashMapsEquals;
private boolean assertAllNodesAreFilePointers(boolean allHashMapsEquals, long[] newNode, int hashMapSize) {
if (allHashMapsEquals) {
int n = 0;
while (n < newNode.length) {
for (int i = 0; i < hashMapSize; i++) {
if (newNode[i] < 0) {
return false;
n += hashMapSize;
return true;
private NodeSplitResult splitNode(BucketPath bucketPath, long[] node) {
final long[] newNode = new long[MAX_LEVEL_SIZE];
final int hashMapSize = 1 << (bucketPath.nodeLocalDepth + 1);
boolean hashMapItemsAreEqual = true;
boolean allLeftItemsAreEqual;
boolean allRightItemsAreEqual;
int mapCounter = 0;
long firstPosition = -1;
for (int i = MAX_LEVEL_SIZE / 2; i < MAX_LEVEL_SIZE; i++) {
final long position = node[i];
if (hashMapItemsAreEqual && mapCounter == 0)
firstPosition = position;
newNode[2 * (i - MAX_LEVEL_SIZE / 2)] = position;
newNode[2 * (i - MAX_LEVEL_SIZE / 2) + 1] = position;
if (hashMapItemsAreEqual) {
hashMapItemsAreEqual = firstPosition == position;
mapCounter += 2;
if (mapCounter >= hashMapSize)
mapCounter = 0;
mapCounter = 0;
allRightItemsAreEqual = hashMapItemsAreEqual;
hashMapItemsAreEqual = true;
final long[] updatedNode = new long[node.length];
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_LEVEL_SIZE / 2; i++) {
final long position = node[i];
if (hashMapItemsAreEqual && mapCounter == 0)
firstPosition = position;
updatedNode[2 * i] = position;
updatedNode[2 * i + 1] = position;
if (hashMapItemsAreEqual) {
hashMapItemsAreEqual = firstPosition == position;
mapCounter += 2;
if (mapCounter >= hashMapSize)
mapCounter = 0;
allLeftItemsAreEqual = hashMapItemsAreEqual;
hashTree[bucketPath.nodeIndex] = updatedNode;
return new NodeSplitResult(newNode, allLeftItemsAreEqual, allRightItemsAreEqual);
private void deleteNode(int nodeIndex) {
if (nodeIndex == hashTreeSize - 1) {
hashTree[nodeIndex] = null;
nodesMetadata[nodeIndex] = null;
if (hashTreeTombstone > -1) {
final long[] tombstone = new long[] { hashTreeTombstone };
hashTree[nodeIndex] = tombstone;
hashTreeTombstone = nodeIndex;
} else {
hashTree[nodeIndex] = null;
hashTreeTombstone = nodeIndex;
nodesMetadata[nodeIndex] = null;
private void splitBucketContent(OHashIndexBucket<K, V> bucket, OHashIndexBucket<K, V> updatedBucket,
OHashIndexBucket<K, V> newBucket, int newBucketDepth) {
assert checkBucketDepth(bucket);
for (OHashIndexBucket.Entry<K, V> entry : bucket) {
if (((keyHashFunction.hashCode(entry.key) >>> (HASH_CODE_SIZE - newBucketDepth)) & 1) == 0)
updatedBucket.appendEntry(entry.hashCode, entry.key, entry.value);
newBucket.appendEntry(entry.hashCode, entry.key, entry.value);
assert checkBucketDepth(updatedBucket);
assert checkBucketDepth(newBucket);
private BucketSplitResult splitBucket(OHashIndexBucket<K, V> bucket, int fileLevel, long pageIndex) throws IOException {
int bucketDepth = bucket.getDepth();
int newBucketDepth = bucketDepth + 1;
int newFileLevel = newBucketDepth - MAX_LEVEL_DEPTH;
OHashIndexFileLevelMetadata newFileMetadata = filesMetadata[newFileLevel];
if (newFileMetadata == null) {
newFileMetadata = createFileMetadata(newFileLevel);
filesMetadata[newFileLevel] = newFileMetadata;
final long tombstoneIndex = newFileMetadata.getTombstoneIndex();
final long updatedBucketIndex;
if (tombstoneIndex >= 0) {
final OCacheEntry tombstoneCacheEntry = loadPageEntry(tombstoneIndex, newFileLevel);
final OCachePointer tombstonePagePointer = tombstoneCacheEntry.getCachePointer();
try {
final OHashIndexBucket<K, V> tombstone = new OHashIndexBucket<K, V>(tombstonePagePointer.getDataPointer(), keySerializer,
valueSerializer, keyTypes);
updatedBucketIndex = tombstoneIndex;
} finally {
} else
updatedBucketIndex = diskCache.getFilledUpTo(fileLevelIds[newFileLevel]);
final long newBucketIndex = updatedBucketIndex + 1;
final OCacheEntry updateBucketCacheEntry = loadPageEntry(updatedBucketIndex, newFileLevel);
final OCachePointer updatedBucketDataPointer = updateBucketCacheEntry.getCachePointer();
try {
final OCacheEntry newBucketCacheEntry = loadPageEntry(newBucketIndex, newFileLevel);
final OCachePointer newBucketDataPointer = newBucketCacheEntry.getCachePointer();
try {
final OHashIndexBucket<K, V> updatedBucket = new OHashIndexBucket<K, V>(newBucketDepth,
updatedBucketDataPointer.getDataPointer(), keySerializer, valueSerializer, keyTypes);
final OHashIndexBucket<K, V> newBucket = new OHashIndexBucket<K, V>(newBucketDepth, newBucketDataPointer.getDataPointer(),
keySerializer, valueSerializer, keyTypes);
splitBucketContent(bucket, updatedBucket, newBucket, newBucketDepth);
assert bucket.getDepth() == bucketDepth;
final OHashIndexFileLevelMetadata bufferMetadata = filesMetadata[fileLevel];
bufferMetadata.setBucketsCount(bufferMetadata.getBucketsCount() - 1);
assert bufferMetadata.getBucketsCount() >= 0;
updatedBucket.setSplitHistory(fileLevel, pageIndex);
newBucket.setSplitHistory(fileLevel, pageIndex);
newFileMetadata.setBucketsCount(newFileMetadata.getBucketsCount() + 2);
final long updatedBucketPointer = createBucketPointer(updatedBucketIndex, newFileLevel);
final long newBucketPointer = createBucketPointer(newBucketIndex, newFileLevel);
return new BucketSplitResult(updatedBucketPointer, newBucketPointer, newBucketDepth);
} finally {
} finally {
private boolean checkBucketDepth(OHashIndexBucket<K, V> bucket) {
int bucketDepth = bucket.getDepth();
if (bucket.size() == 0)
return true;
final Iterator<OHashIndexBucket.Entry<K, V>> positionIterator = bucket.iterator();
long firstValue = keyHashFunction.hashCode(positionIterator.next().key) >>> (HASH_CODE_SIZE - bucketDepth);
while (positionIterator.hasNext()) {
final long value = keyHashFunction.hashCode(positionIterator.next().key) >>> (HASH_CODE_SIZE - bucketDepth);
if (value != firstValue)
return false;
return true;
private void updateBucket(int nodeIndex, int itemIndex, int offset, long newBucketPointer) {
final long node[] = hashTree[nodeIndex];
final long position = node[itemIndex + offset];
if (position >= 0)
node[itemIndex + offset] = newBucketPointer;
else {
final int childNodeIndex = (int) ((position & Long.MAX_VALUE) >>> 8);
final int childOffset = (int) (position & 0xFF);
final int childNodeDepth = nodesMetadata[childNodeIndex].getNodeLocalDepth();
final int interval = 1 << childNodeDepth;
for (int i = 0; i < interval; i++) {
updateBucket(childNodeIndex, i, childOffset, newBucketPointer);
private void initHashTreeState() throws IOException {
for (long pageIndex = 0; pageIndex < MAX_LEVEL_SIZE; pageIndex++) {
final OCacheEntry cacheEntry = loadPageEntry(pageIndex, 0);
final OCachePointer pagePointer = cacheEntry.getCachePointer();
try {
final OHashIndexBucket<K, V> emptyBucket = new OHashIndexBucket<K, V>(MAX_LEVEL_DEPTH, pagePointer.getDataPointer(),
keySerializer, valueSerializer, keyTypes);
} finally {
final long[] rootTree = new long[MAX_LEVEL_SIZE];
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_LEVEL_SIZE; i++)
rootTree[i] = createBucketPointer(i, 0);
hashTree = new long[1][];
hashTree[0] = rootTree;
nodesMetadata = new OHashTreeNodeMetadata[1];
nodesMetadata[0] = new OHashTreeNodeMetadata((byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) MAX_LEVEL_DEPTH);
size = 0;
hashTreeSize = 1;
private long createBucketPointer(long pageIndex, int fileLevel) {
return ((pageIndex + 1) << 8) | fileLevel;
private long getPageIndex(long bucketPointer) {
return (bucketPointer >>> 8) - 1;
private int getFileLevel(long bucketPointer) {
return (int) (bucketPointer & 0xFF);
private OCacheEntry loadPageEntry(long pageIndex, int fileLevel) throws IOException {
return diskCache.load(fileLevelIds[fileLevel], pageIndex, false);
private BucketPath getBucket(final long hashCode) {
int localNodeDepth = nodesMetadata[0].getNodeLocalDepth();
int nodeDepth = localNodeDepth;
BucketPath parentNode = null;
int nodeIndex = 0;
int offset = 0;
int index = (int) ((hashCode >>> (HASH_CODE_SIZE - nodeDepth)) & (LEVEL_MASK >>> (MAX_LEVEL_DEPTH - localNodeDepth)));
BucketPath currentNode = new BucketPath(parentNode, 0, index, 0, localNodeDepth, nodeDepth);
do {
final long position = hashTree[nodeIndex][index + offset];
if (position >= 0)
return currentNode;
nodeIndex = (int) ((position & Long.MAX_VALUE) >>> 8);
offset = (int) (position & 0xFF);
localNodeDepth = nodesMetadata[nodeIndex].getNodeLocalDepth();
nodeDepth += localNodeDepth;
index = (int) ((hashCode >>> (HASH_CODE_SIZE - nodeDepth)) & (LEVEL_MASK >>> (MAX_LEVEL_DEPTH - localNodeDepth)));
parentNode = currentNode;
currentNode = new BucketPath(parentNode, offset, index, nodeIndex, localNodeDepth, nodeDepth);
} while (nodeDepth <= HASH_CODE_SIZE);
throw new IllegalStateException("Extendible hashing tree in corrupted state.");
private static final class BucketPath {
private final BucketPath parent;
private final int hashMapOffset;
private final int itemIndex;
private final int nodeIndex;
private final int nodeGlobalDepth;
private final int nodeLocalDepth;
private BucketPath(BucketPath parent, int hashMapOffset, int itemIndex, int nodeIndex, int nodeLocalDepth, int nodeGlobalDepth) {
this.parent = parent;
this.hashMapOffset = hashMapOffset;
this.itemIndex = itemIndex;
this.nodeIndex = nodeIndex;
this.nodeGlobalDepth = nodeGlobalDepth;
this.nodeLocalDepth = nodeLocalDepth;
private static final class BucketSplitResult {
private final long updatedBucketPointer;
private final long newBucketPointer;
private final int newDepth;
private BucketSplitResult(long updatedBucketPointer, long newBucketPointer, int newDepth) {
this.updatedBucketPointer = updatedBucketPointer;
this.newBucketPointer = newBucketPointer;
this.newDepth = newDepth;
private static final class NodeSplitResult {
private final long[] newNode;
private final boolean allLeftHashMapsEqual;
private final boolean allRightHashMapsEqual;
private NodeSplitResult(long[] newNode, boolean allLeftHashMapsEqual, boolean allRightHashMapsEqual) {
this.newNode = newNode;
this.allLeftHashMapsEqual = allLeftHashMapsEqual;
this.allRightHashMapsEqual = allRightHashMapsEqual;
private static final class KeyHashCodeComparator<K> implements Comparator<K> {
private final Comparator<? super K> comparator = ODefaultComparator.INSTANCE;
private final OHashFunction<K> keyHashFunction;
public KeyHashCodeComparator(OHashFunction<K> keyHashFunction) {
this.keyHashFunction = keyHashFunction;
public int compare(K keyOne, K keyTwo) {
final long hashCodeOne = keyHashFunction.hashCode(keyOne);
final long hashCodeTwo = keyHashFunction.hashCode(keyTwo);
if (hashCodeOne > hashCodeTwo)
return 1;
if (hashCodeOne < hashCodeTwo)
return -1;
return comparator.compare(keyOne, keyTwo);
} | 1no label
| core_src_main_java_com_orientechnologies_orient_core_index_hashindex_local_OLocalHashTable.java |
580 | class ShardOptimizeRequest extends BroadcastShardOperationRequest {
private boolean waitForMerge = OptimizeRequest.Defaults.WAIT_FOR_MERGE;
private int maxNumSegments = OptimizeRequest.Defaults.MAX_NUM_SEGMENTS;
private boolean onlyExpungeDeletes = OptimizeRequest.Defaults.ONLY_EXPUNGE_DELETES;
private boolean flush = OptimizeRequest.Defaults.FLUSH;
ShardOptimizeRequest() {
public ShardOptimizeRequest(String index, int shardId, OptimizeRequest request) {
super(index, shardId, request);
waitForMerge = request.waitForMerge();
maxNumSegments = request.maxNumSegments();
onlyExpungeDeletes = request.onlyExpungeDeletes();
flush = request.flush();
boolean waitForMerge() {
return waitForMerge;
int maxNumSegments() {
return maxNumSegments;
public boolean onlyExpungeDeletes() {
return onlyExpungeDeletes;
public boolean flush() {
return flush;
public void readFrom(StreamInput in) throws IOException {
waitForMerge = in.readBoolean();
maxNumSegments = in.readInt();
onlyExpungeDeletes = in.readBoolean();
flush = in.readBoolean();
public void writeTo(StreamOutput out) throws IOException {
} | 0true
| src_main_java_org_elasticsearch_action_admin_indices_optimize_ShardOptimizeRequest.java |
815 | cls = getDatabase().getStorage().callInLock(new Callable<OClass>() {
public OClass call() throws Exception {
OClass cls = classes.get(iClassName.toLowerCase());
if (cls == null) {
final ODatabase ownerDb = getDatabase().getDatabaseOwner();
if (ownerDb instanceof ODatabaseObject) {
final Class<?> javaClass = ((ODatabaseObject) ownerDb).getEntityManager().getEntityClass(iClassName);
if (javaClass != null) {
cls = cascadeCreate(javaClass);
return cls;
}, true); | 0true
| core_src_main_java_com_orientechnologies_orient_core_metadata_schema_OSchemaShared.java |
1,009 | transportService.sendRequest(node, transportShardAction, new ShardSingleOperationRequest(request, shard.id()), new BaseTransportResponseHandler<Response>() {
public Response newInstance() {
return newResponse();
public String executor() {
return ThreadPool.Names.SAME;
public void handleResponse(final Response response) {
public void handleException(TransportException exp) {
onFailure(shard, exp);
}); | 0true
| src_main_java_org_elasticsearch_action_support_single_custom_TransportSingleCustomOperationAction.java |
3,400 | public class JustSourceFieldsVisitor extends FieldsVisitor {
public Status needsField(FieldInfo fieldInfo) throws IOException {
if (SourceFieldMapper.NAME.equals(fieldInfo.name)) {
return Status.YES;
return source != null ? Status.STOP : Status.NO;
} | 0true
| src_main_java_org_elasticsearch_index_fieldvisitor_JustSourceFieldsVisitor.java |
1,646 | ois = new java.io.ObjectInputStream(bais) {
public Class<?> resolveClass(java.io.ObjectStreamClass streamClass)
throws java.io.IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
Class<?> c = Class.forName(streamClass.getName(), false, loader);
if (c == null) {
return super.resolveClass(streamClass);
} else {
return c; // Class loader knows of this class.
} // end else: not null
} // end resolveClass
}; // end ois | 0true
| src_main_java_org_elasticsearch_common_Base64.java |
294 | new Thread() {
public void run() {
if (!l.tryLock()) {
}.start(); | 0true
| hazelcast-client_src_test_java_com_hazelcast_client_lock_ClientLockTest.java |
1,840 | class InjectorImpl implements Injector, Lookups {
final State state;
final InjectorImpl parent;
boolean readOnly;
BindingsMultimap bindingsMultimap = new BindingsMultimap();
final Initializer initializer;
* Just-in-time binding cache. Guarded by state.lock()
Map<Key<?>, BindingImpl<?>> jitBindings = Maps.newHashMap();
Lookups lookups = new DeferredLookups(this);
InjectorImpl(@Nullable InjectorImpl parent, State state, Initializer initializer) {
this.parent = parent;
this.state = state;
this.initializer = initializer;
if (parent != null) {
localContext = parent.localContext;
} else {
localContext = new ThreadLocal<Object[]>() {
protected Object[] initialValue() {
return new Object[1];
* Indexes bindings by type.
void index() {
for (Binding<?> binding : state.getExplicitBindingsThisLevel().values()) {
<T> void index(Binding<T> binding) {
bindingsMultimap.put(binding.getKey().getTypeLiteral(), binding);
public <T> List<Binding<T>> findBindingsByType(TypeLiteral<T> type) {
return bindingsMultimap.getAll(type);
* Returns the binding for {@code key}
public <T> BindingImpl<T> getBinding(Key<T> key) {
Errors errors = new Errors(key);
try {
BindingImpl<T> result = getBindingOrThrow(key, errors);
return result;
} catch (ErrorsException e) {
throw new ConfigurationException(errors.merge(e.getErrors()).getMessages());
* Gets a binding implementation. First, it check to see if the parent has a binding. If the
* parent has a binding and the binding is scoped, it will use that binding. Otherwise, this
* checks for an explicit binding. If no explicit binding is found, it looks for a just-in-time
* binding.
public <T> BindingImpl<T> getBindingOrThrow(Key<T> key, Errors errors)
throws ErrorsException {
// Check explicit bindings, i.e. bindings created by modules.
BindingImpl<T> binding = state.getExplicitBinding(key);
if (binding != null) {
return binding;
// Look for an on-demand binding.
return getJustInTimeBinding(key, errors);
public <T> Binding<T> getBinding(Class<T> type) {
return getBinding(Key.get(type));
public Injector getParent() {
return parent;
public Injector createChildInjector(Iterable<? extends Module> modules) {
return new InjectorBuilder()
public Injector createChildInjector(Module... modules) {
return createChildInjector(ImmutableList.copyOf(modules));
* Returns a just-in-time binding for {@code key}, creating it if necessary.
* @throws ErrorsException if the binding could not be created.
private <T> BindingImpl<T> getJustInTimeBinding(Key<T> key, Errors errors)
throws ErrorsException {
synchronized (state.lock()) {
// first try to find a JIT binding that we've already created
for (InjectorImpl injector = this; injector != null; injector = injector.parent) {
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // we only store bindings that match their key
BindingImpl<T> binding = (BindingImpl<T>) injector.jitBindings.get(key);
if (binding != null) {
return binding;
return createJustInTimeBindingRecursive(key, errors);
* Returns true if the key type is Provider (but not a subclass of Provider).
static boolean isProvider(Key<?> key) {
return key.getTypeLiteral().getRawType().equals(Provider.class);
* Returns true if the key type is MembersInjector (but not a subclass of MembersInjector).
static boolean isMembersInjector(Key<?> key) {
return key.getTypeLiteral().getRawType().equals(MembersInjector.class)
&& !key.hasAnnotationType();
private <T> BindingImpl<MembersInjector<T>> createMembersInjectorBinding(
Key<MembersInjector<T>> key, Errors errors) throws ErrorsException {
Type membersInjectorType = key.getTypeLiteral().getType();
if (!(membersInjectorType instanceof ParameterizedType)) {
throw errors.cannotInjectRawMembersInjector().toException();
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // safe because T came from Key<MembersInjector<T>>
TypeLiteral<T> instanceType = (TypeLiteral<T>) TypeLiteral.get(
((ParameterizedType) membersInjectorType).getActualTypeArguments()[0]);
MembersInjector<T> membersInjector = membersInjectorStore.get(instanceType, errors);
InternalFactory<MembersInjector<T>> factory = new ConstantFactory<MembersInjector<T>>(
return new InstanceBindingImpl<MembersInjector<T>>(this, key, SourceProvider.UNKNOWN_SOURCE,
factory, ImmutableSet.<InjectionPoint>of(), membersInjector);
* Creates a synthetic binding to {@code Provider<T>}, i.e. a binding to the provider from
* {@code Binding<T>}.
private <T> BindingImpl<Provider<T>> createProviderBinding(Key<Provider<T>> key, Errors errors)
throws ErrorsException {
Type providerType = key.getTypeLiteral().getType();
// If the Provider has no type parameter (raw Provider)...
if (!(providerType instanceof ParameterizedType)) {
throw errors.cannotInjectRawProvider().toException();
Type entryType = ((ParameterizedType) providerType).getActualTypeArguments()[0];
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // safe because T came from Key<Provider<T>>
Key<T> providedKey = (Key<T>) key.ofType(entryType);
BindingImpl<T> delegate = getBindingOrThrow(providedKey, errors);
return new ProviderBindingImpl<T>(this, key, delegate);
static class ProviderBindingImpl<T> extends BindingImpl<Provider<T>>
implements ProviderBinding<Provider<T>> {
final BindingImpl<T> providedBinding;
ProviderBindingImpl(InjectorImpl injector, Key<Provider<T>> key, Binding<T> providedBinding) {
super(injector, key, providedBinding.getSource(), createInternalFactory(providedBinding),
this.providedBinding = (BindingImpl<T>) providedBinding;
static <T> InternalFactory<Provider<T>> createInternalFactory(Binding<T> providedBinding) {
final Provider<T> provider = providedBinding.getProvider();
return new InternalFactory<Provider<T>>() {
public Provider<T> get(Errors errors, InternalContext context, Dependency dependency) {
return provider;
public Key<? extends T> getProvidedKey() {
return providedBinding.getKey();
public <V> V acceptTargetVisitor(BindingTargetVisitor<? super Provider<T>, V> visitor) {
return visitor.visit(this);
public void applyTo(Binder binder) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This element represents a synthetic binding.");
public String toString() {
return new ToStringBuilder(ProviderKeyBinding.class)
.add("key", getKey())
.add("providedKey", getProvidedKey())
* Converts a constant string binding to the required type.
* @return the binding if it could be resolved, or null if the binding doesn't exist
* @throws org.elasticsearch.common.inject.internal.ErrorsException
* if there was an error resolving the binding
private <T> BindingImpl<T> convertConstantStringBinding(Key<T> key, Errors errors)
throws ErrorsException {
// Find a constant string binding.
Key<String> stringKey = key.ofType(String.class);
BindingImpl<String> stringBinding = state.getExplicitBinding(stringKey);
if (stringBinding == null || !stringBinding.isConstant()) {
return null;
String stringValue = stringBinding.getProvider().get();
Object source = stringBinding.getSource();
// Find a matching type converter.
TypeLiteral<T> type = key.getTypeLiteral();
MatcherAndConverter matchingConverter = state.getConverter(stringValue, type, errors, source);
if (matchingConverter == null) {
// No converter can handle the given type.
return null;
// Try to convert the string. A failed conversion results in an error.
try {
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // This cast is safe because we double check below.
T converted = (T) matchingConverter.getTypeConverter().convert(stringValue, type);
if (converted == null) {
throw errors.converterReturnedNull(stringValue, source, type, matchingConverter)
if (!type.getRawType().isInstance(converted)) {
throw errors.conversionTypeError(stringValue, source, type, matchingConverter, converted)
return new ConvertedConstantBindingImpl<T>(this, key, converted, stringBinding);
} catch (ErrorsException e) {
throw e;
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
throw errors.conversionError(stringValue, source, type, matchingConverter, e)
private static class ConvertedConstantBindingImpl<T>
extends BindingImpl<T> implements ConvertedConstantBinding<T> {
final T value;
final Provider<T> provider;
final Binding<String> originalBinding;
Injector injector, Key<T> key, T value, Binding<String> originalBinding) {
super(injector, key, originalBinding.getSource(),
new ConstantFactory<T>(Initializables.of(value)), Scoping.UNSCOPED);
this.value = value;
provider = Providers.of(value);
this.originalBinding = originalBinding;
public Provider<T> getProvider() {
return provider;
public <V> V acceptTargetVisitor(BindingTargetVisitor<? super T, V> visitor) {
return visitor.visit(this);
public T getValue() {
return value;
public Key<String> getSourceKey() {
return originalBinding.getKey();
public Set<Dependency<?>> getDependencies() {
return ImmutableSet.<Dependency<?>>of(Dependency.get(getSourceKey()));
public void applyTo(Binder binder) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This element represents a synthetic binding.");
public String toString() {
return new ToStringBuilder(ConvertedConstantBinding.class)
.add("key", getKey())
.add("sourceKey", getSourceKey())
.add("value", value)
<T> void initializeBinding(BindingImpl<T> binding, Errors errors) throws ErrorsException {
// Put the partially constructed binding in the map a little early. This enables us to handle
// circular dependencies. Example: FooImpl -> BarImpl -> FooImpl.
// Note: We don't need to synchronize on state.lock() during injector creation.
// TODO: for the above example, remove the binding for BarImpl if the binding for FooImpl fails
if (binding instanceof ConstructorBindingImpl<?>) {
Key<T> key = binding.getKey();
jitBindings.put(key, binding);
boolean successful = false;
try {
((ConstructorBindingImpl) binding).initialize(this, errors);
successful = true;
} finally {
if (!successful) {
* Creates a binding for an injectable type with the given scope. Looks for a scope on the type if
* none is specified.
<T> BindingImpl<T> createUnitializedBinding(Key<T> key, Scoping scoping, Object source,
Errors errors) throws ErrorsException {
Class<?> rawType = key.getTypeLiteral().getRawType();
// Don't try to inject arrays, or enums.
if (rawType.isArray() || rawType.isEnum()) {
throw errors.missingImplementation(key).toException();
// Handle TypeLiteral<T> by binding the inner type
if (rawType == TypeLiteral.class) {
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // we have to fudge the inner type as Object
BindingImpl<T> binding = (BindingImpl<T>) createTypeLiteralBinding(
(Key<TypeLiteral<Object>>) key, errors);
return binding;
// Handle @ImplementedBy
ImplementedBy implementedBy = rawType.getAnnotation(ImplementedBy.class);
if (implementedBy != null) {
Annotations.checkForMisplacedScopeAnnotations(rawType, source, errors);
return createImplementedByBinding(key, scoping, implementedBy, errors);
// Handle @ProvidedBy.
ProvidedBy providedBy = rawType.getAnnotation(ProvidedBy.class);
if (providedBy != null) {
Annotations.checkForMisplacedScopeAnnotations(rawType, source, errors);
return createProvidedByBinding(key, scoping, providedBy, errors);
// We can't inject abstract classes.
// TODO: Method interceptors could actually enable us to implement
// abstract types. Should we remove this restriction?
if (Modifier.isAbstract(rawType.getModifiers())) {
throw errors.missingImplementation(key).toException();
// Error: Inner class.
if (Classes.isInnerClass(rawType)) {
throw errors.cannotInjectInnerClass(rawType).toException();
if (!scoping.isExplicitlyScoped()) {
Class<? extends Annotation> scopeAnnotation = findScopeAnnotation(errors, rawType);
if (scopeAnnotation != null) {
scoping = Scopes.makeInjectable(Scoping.forAnnotation(scopeAnnotation),
this, errors.withSource(rawType));
return ConstructorBindingImpl.create(this, key, source, scoping);
* Converts a binding for a {@code Key<TypeLiteral<T>>} to the value {@code TypeLiteral<T>}. It's
* a bit awkward because we have to pull out the inner type in the type literal.
private <T> BindingImpl<TypeLiteral<T>> createTypeLiteralBinding(
Key<TypeLiteral<T>> key, Errors errors) throws ErrorsException {
Type typeLiteralType = key.getTypeLiteral().getType();
if (!(typeLiteralType instanceof ParameterizedType)) {
throw errors.cannotInjectRawTypeLiteral().toException();
ParameterizedType parameterizedType = (ParameterizedType) typeLiteralType;
Type innerType = parameterizedType.getActualTypeArguments()[0];
// this is unforunate. We don't support building TypeLiterals for type variable like 'T'. If
// this proves problematic, we can probably fix TypeLiteral to support type variables
if (!(innerType instanceof Class)
&& !(innerType instanceof GenericArrayType)
&& !(innerType instanceof ParameterizedType)) {
throw errors.cannotInjectTypeLiteralOf(innerType).toException();
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // by definition, innerType == T, so this is safe
TypeLiteral<T> value = (TypeLiteral<T>) TypeLiteral.get(innerType);
InternalFactory<TypeLiteral<T>> factory = new ConstantFactory<TypeLiteral<T>>(
return new InstanceBindingImpl<TypeLiteral<T>>(this, key, SourceProvider.UNKNOWN_SOURCE,
factory, ImmutableSet.<InjectionPoint>of(), value);
* Creates a binding for a type annotated with @ProvidedBy.
<T> BindingImpl<T> createProvidedByBinding(Key<T> key, Scoping scoping,
ProvidedBy providedBy, Errors errors) throws ErrorsException {
final Class<?> rawType = key.getTypeLiteral().getRawType();
final Class<? extends Provider<?>> providerType = providedBy.value();
// Make sure it's not the same type. TODO: Can we check for deeper loops?
if (providerType == rawType) {
throw errors.recursiveProviderType().toException();
// Assume the provider provides an appropriate type. We double check at runtime.
final Key<? extends Provider<T>> providerKey
= (Key<? extends Provider<T>>) Key.get(providerType);
final BindingImpl<? extends Provider<?>> providerBinding
= getBindingOrThrow(providerKey, errors);
InternalFactory<T> internalFactory = new InternalFactory<T>() {
public T get(Errors errors, InternalContext context, Dependency dependency)
throws ErrorsException {
errors = errors.withSource(providerKey);
Provider<?> provider = providerBinding.getInternalFactory().get(
errors, context, dependency);
try {
Object o = provider.get();
if (o != null && !rawType.isInstance(o)) {
throw errors.subtypeNotProvided(providerType, rawType).toException();
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // protected by isInstance() check above
T t = (T) o;
return t;
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
throw errors.errorInProvider(e).toException();
return new LinkedProviderBindingImpl<T>(
rawType /* source */,
Scopes.<T>scope(key, this, internalFactory, scoping),
* Creates a binding for a type annotated with @ImplementedBy.
<T> BindingImpl<T> createImplementedByBinding(Key<T> key, Scoping scoping,
ImplementedBy implementedBy, Errors errors)
throws ErrorsException {
Class<?> rawType = key.getTypeLiteral().getRawType();
Class<?> implementationType = implementedBy.value();
// Make sure it's not the same type. TODO: Can we check for deeper cycles?
if (implementationType == rawType) {
throw errors.recursiveImplementationType().toException();
// Make sure implementationType extends type.
if (!rawType.isAssignableFrom(implementationType)) {
throw errors.notASubtype(implementationType, rawType).toException();
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // After the preceding check, this cast is safe.
Class<? extends T> subclass = (Class<? extends T>) implementationType;
// Look up the target binding.
final Key<? extends T> targetKey = Key.get(subclass);
final BindingImpl<? extends T> targetBinding = getBindingOrThrow(targetKey, errors);
InternalFactory<T> internalFactory = new InternalFactory<T>() {
public T get(Errors errors, InternalContext context, Dependency<?> dependency)
throws ErrorsException {
return targetBinding.getInternalFactory().get(
errors.withSource(targetKey), context, dependency);
return new LinkedBindingImpl<T>(
rawType /* source */,
Scopes.<T>scope(key, this, internalFactory, scoping),
* Attempts to create a just-in-time binding for {@code key} in the root injector, falling back to
* other ancestor injectors until this injector is tried.
private <T> BindingImpl<T> createJustInTimeBindingRecursive(Key<T> key, Errors errors)
throws ErrorsException {
// ask the parent to create the JIT binding
if (parent != null && !parent.readOnly /* ES: don't check on parent if its read only, its already created all the bindings it can*/) {
try {
return parent.createJustInTimeBindingRecursive(key, new Errors());
} catch (ErrorsException ignored) {
if (state.isBlacklisted(key)) {
throw errors.childBindingAlreadySet(key).toException();
BindingImpl<T> binding = createJustInTimeBinding(key, errors);
jitBindings.put(key, binding);
return binding;
* Returns a new just-in-time binding created by resolving {@code key}. The strategies used to
* create just-in-time bindings are:
* <ol>
* <li>Internalizing Providers. If the requested binding is for {@code Provider<T>}, we delegate
* to the binding for {@code T}.
* <li>Converting constants.
* <li>ImplementedBy and ProvidedBy annotations. Only for unannotated keys.
* <li>The constructor of the raw type. Only for unannotated keys.
* </ol>
* @throws org.elasticsearch.common.inject.internal.ErrorsException
* if the binding cannot be created.
<T> BindingImpl<T> createJustInTimeBinding(Key<T> key, Errors errors) throws ErrorsException {
if (state.isBlacklisted(key)) {
throw errors.childBindingAlreadySet(key).toException();
// Handle cases where T is a Provider<?>.
if (isProvider(key)) {
// These casts are safe. We know T extends Provider<X> and that given Key<Provider<X>>,
// createProviderBinding() will return BindingImpl<Provider<X>>.
BindingImpl binding = createProviderBinding((Key) key, errors);
return binding;
// Handle cases where T is a MembersInjector<?>
if (isMembersInjector(key)) {
// These casts are safe. T extends MembersInjector<X> and that given Key<MembersInjector<X>>,
// createMembersInjectorBinding() will return BindingImpl<MembersInjector<X>>.
BindingImpl binding = createMembersInjectorBinding((Key) key, errors);
return binding;
// Try to convert a constant string binding to the requested type.
BindingImpl<T> convertedBinding = convertConstantStringBinding(key, errors);
if (convertedBinding != null) {
return convertedBinding;
// If the key has an annotation...
if (key.hasAnnotationType()) {
// Look for a binding without annotation attributes or return null.
if (key.hasAttributes()) {
try {
Errors ignored = new Errors();
return getBindingOrThrow(key.withoutAttributes(), ignored);
} catch (ErrorsException ignored) {
// throw with a more appropriate message below
throw errors.missingImplementation(key).toException();
Object source = key.getTypeLiteral().getRawType();
BindingImpl<T> binding = createUnitializedBinding(key, Scoping.UNSCOPED, source, errors);
initializeBinding(binding, errors);
return binding;
<T> InternalFactory<? extends T> getInternalFactory(Key<T> key, Errors errors)
throws ErrorsException {
return getBindingOrThrow(key, errors).getInternalFactory();
// not test-covered
public Map<Key<?>, Binding<?>> getBindings() {
return state.getExplicitBindingsThisLevel();
private static class BindingsMultimap {
final Map<TypeLiteral<?>, List<Binding<?>>> multimap = Maps.newHashMap();
<T> void put(TypeLiteral<T> type, Binding<T> binding) {
List<Binding<?>> bindingsForType = multimap.get(type);
if (bindingsForType == null) {
bindingsForType = Lists.newArrayList();
multimap.put(type, bindingsForType);
// safe because we only put matching entries into the map
<T> List<Binding<T>> getAll(TypeLiteral<T> type) {
List<Binding<?>> bindings = multimap.get(type);
return bindings != null
? Collections.<Binding<T>>unmodifiableList((List) multimap.get(type))
: ImmutableList.<Binding<T>>of();
* Returns parameter injectors, or {@code null} if there are no parameters.
SingleParameterInjector<?>[] getParametersInjectors(
List<Dependency<?>> parameters, Errors errors) throws ErrorsException {
if (parameters.isEmpty()) {
return null;
int numErrorsBefore = errors.size();
SingleParameterInjector<?>[] result = new SingleParameterInjector<?>[parameters.size()];
int i = 0;
for (Dependency<?> parameter : parameters) {
try {
result[i++] = createParameterInjector(parameter, errors.withSource(parameter));
} catch (ErrorsException rethrownBelow) {
// rethrown below
return result;
<T> SingleParameterInjector<T> createParameterInjector(final Dependency<T> dependency,
final Errors errors) throws ErrorsException {
InternalFactory<? extends T> factory = getInternalFactory(dependency.getKey(), errors);
return new SingleParameterInjector<T>(dependency, factory);
* Invokes a method.
interface MethodInvoker {
Object invoke(Object target, Object... parameters)
throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException;
* Cached constructor injectors for each type
ConstructorInjectorStore constructors = new ConstructorInjectorStore(this);
* Cached field and method injectors for each type.
MembersInjectorStore membersInjectorStore;
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // the members injector type is consistent with instance's type
public void injectMembers(Object instance) {
MembersInjector membersInjector = getMembersInjector(instance.getClass());
public <T> MembersInjector<T> getMembersInjector(TypeLiteral<T> typeLiteral) {
Errors errors = new Errors(typeLiteral);
try {
return membersInjectorStore.get(typeLiteral, errors);
} catch (ErrorsException e) {
throw new ConfigurationException(errors.merge(e.getErrors()).getMessages());
public <T> MembersInjector<T> getMembersInjector(Class<T> type) {
return getMembersInjector(TypeLiteral.get(type));
public <T> Provider<T> getProvider(Class<T> type) {
return getProvider(Key.get(type));
<T> Provider<T> getProviderOrThrow(final Key<T> key, Errors errors) throws ErrorsException {
final InternalFactory<? extends T> factory = getInternalFactory(key, errors);
// ES: optimize for a common case of read only instance getting from the parent...
if (factory instanceof InternalFactory.Instance) {
return new Provider<T>() {
public T get() {
try {
return (T) ((InternalFactory.Instance) factory).get(null, null, null);
} catch (ErrorsException e) {
// ignore
// should never happen...
assert false;
return null;
final Dependency<T> dependency = Dependency.get(key);
return new Provider<T>() {
public T get() {
final Errors errors = new Errors(dependency);
try {
T t = callInContext(new ContextualCallable<T>() {
public T call(InternalContext context) throws ErrorsException {
try {
return factory.get(errors, context, dependency);
} finally {
return t;
} catch (ErrorsException e) {
throw new ProvisionException(errors.merge(e.getErrors()).getMessages());
public String toString() {
return factory.toString();
public <T> Provider<T> getProvider(final Key<T> key) {
Errors errors = new Errors(key);
try {
Provider<T> result = getProviderOrThrow(key, errors);
return result;
} catch (ErrorsException e) {
throw new ConfigurationException(errors.merge(e.getErrors()).getMessages());
public <T> T getInstance(Key<T> key) {
return getProvider(key).get();
public <T> T getInstance(Class<T> type) {
return getProvider(type).get();
final ThreadLocal<Object[]> localContext;
* Looks up thread local context. Creates (and removes) a new context if necessary.
<T> T callInContext(ContextualCallable<T> callable) throws ErrorsException {
Object[] reference = localContext.get();
if (reference[0] == null) {
reference[0] = new InternalContext();
try {
return callable.call((InternalContext) reference[0]);
} finally {
// Only clear the context if this call created it.
reference[0] = null;
} else {
// Someone else will clean up this context.
return callable.call((InternalContext) reference[0]);
public String toString() {
return new ToStringBuilder(Injector.class)
.add("bindings", state.getExplicitBindingsThisLevel().values())
// ES_GUICE: clear caches
public void clearCache() {
constructors = new ConstructorInjectorStore(this);
membersInjectorStore = new MembersInjectorStore(this, state.getTypeListenerBindings());
jitBindings = Maps.newHashMap();
// ES_GUICE: make all registered bindings act as eager singletons
public void readOnlyAllSingletons() {
readOnly = true;
bindingsMultimap = new BindingsMultimap();
// reindex the bindings
} | 0true
| src_main_java_org_elasticsearch_common_inject_InjectorImpl.java |
1,616 | private class TaskPollThread extends Thread {
private final Map<Integer, Class<? extends ConsoleRequest>> consoleRequests =
new HashMap<Integer, Class<? extends ConsoleRequest>>();
private final Random rand = new Random();
TaskPollThread() {
super(instance.node.threadGroup, instance.node.getThreadNamePrefix("MC.Task.Poller"));
register(new RuntimeStateRequest());
register(new ThreadDumpRequest());
register(new ExecuteScriptRequest());
register(new EvictLocalMapRequest());
register(new ConsoleCommandRequest());
register(new MapConfigRequest());
register(new MemberConfigRequest());
register(new ClusterPropsRequest());
register(new GetLogsRequest());
register(new RunGcRequest());
register(new GetMemberSystemPropertiesRequest());
register(new GetMapEntryRequest());
register(new VersionMismatchLogRequest());
register(new ShutdownMemberRequest());
register(new GetSystemWarningsRequest());
public void register(ConsoleRequest consoleRequest) {
consoleRequests.put(consoleRequest.getType(), consoleRequest.getClass());
public void processTaskAndPostResponse(int taskId, ConsoleRequest task) {
try {
//todo: don't we need to close this connection?
HttpURLConnection connection = openPostResponseConnection();
OutputStream outputStream = connection.getOutputStream();
try {
ObjectDataOutputStream out = serializationService.createObjectDataOutputStream(outputStream);
task.writeResponse(ManagementCenterService.this, out);
} finally {
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.warning("Failed process task:" + task, e);
private HttpURLConnection openPostResponseConnection() throws IOException {
URL url = newPostResponseUrl();
if (logger.isFinestEnabled()) {
logger.finest("Opening sendResponse connection:" + url);
HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
return connection;
private URL newPostResponseUrl() throws MalformedURLException {
return new URL(cleanupUrl(managementCenterUrl) + "putResponse.do");
public void run() {
try {
while (isRunning()) {
} catch (Throwable throwable) {
logger.warning("Problem on Hazelcast Management Center Service while polling for a task.", throwable);
private void sleep() throws InterruptedException {
//todo: magic numbers are no good.
//todo: why the random part
//todo: we want configurable frequency for task polling
Thread.sleep(700 + rand.nextInt(300));
private void processTask() {
ObjectDataInputStream inputStream = null;
try {
//todo: don't we need to close the connection?
inputStream = openTaskInputStream();
int taskId = inputStream.readInt();
if (taskId <= 0) {
ConsoleRequest task = newTask(inputStream);
processTaskAndPostResponse(taskId, task);
} catch (Exception e) {
//todo: even if there is an internal error with the task, we don't see it. That is kinda shitty
} finally {
private ObjectDataInputStream openTaskInputStream() throws IOException {
URLConnection connection = openGetTaskConnection();
InputStream inputStream = connection.getInputStream();
return serializationService.createObjectDataInputStream(inputStream);
private ConsoleRequest newTask(ObjectDataInputStream inputStream)
throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, IOException {
int requestType = inputStream.readInt();
Class<? extends ConsoleRequest> requestClass = consoleRequests.get(requestType);
if (requestClass == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to find a request for requestType:" + requestType);
ConsoleRequest task = requestClass.newInstance();
return task;
private URLConnection openGetTaskConnection() throws IOException {
URL url = newGetTaskUrl();
if (logger.isFinestEnabled()) {
logger.finest("Opening getTask connection:" + url);
URLConnection connection = url.openConnection();
//todo: why do we set this property if the connection is not going to be re-used?
connection.setRequestProperty("Connection", "keep-alive");
return connection;
private URL newGetTaskUrl() throws MalformedURLException {
GroupConfig groupConfig = instance.getConfig().getGroupConfig();
Address localAddress = ((MemberImpl) instance.node.getClusterService().getLocalMember()).getAddress();
String urlString = cleanupUrl(managementCenterUrl) + "getTask.do?member=" + localAddress.getHost()
+ ":" + localAddress.getPort() + "&cluster=" + groupConfig.getName();
if (clusterId != null) {
urlString += "&clusterid=" + clusterId;
if (securityToken != null) {
urlString += "&securitytoken=" + securityToken;
return new URL(urlString);
} | 1no label
| hazelcast_src_main_java_com_hazelcast_management_ManagementCenterService.java |
2,229 | class CustomBoostFactorWeight extends Weight {
final Weight subQueryWeight;
final Bits[] docSets;
public CustomBoostFactorWeight(Weight subQueryWeight, int filterFunctionLength) throws IOException {
this.subQueryWeight = subQueryWeight;
this.docSets = new Bits[filterFunctionLength];
public Query getQuery() {
return FiltersFunctionScoreQuery.this;
public float getValueForNormalization() throws IOException {
float sum = subQueryWeight.getValueForNormalization();
sum *= getBoost() * getBoost();
return sum;
public void normalize(float norm, float topLevelBoost) {
subQueryWeight.normalize(norm, topLevelBoost * getBoost());
public Scorer scorer(AtomicReaderContext context, boolean scoreDocsInOrder, boolean topScorer, Bits acceptDocs) throws IOException {
// we ignore scoreDocsInOrder parameter, because we need to score in
// order if documents are scored with a script. The
// ShardLookup depends on in order scoring.
Scorer subQueryScorer = subQueryWeight.scorer(context, true, false, acceptDocs);
if (subQueryScorer == null) {
return null;
for (int i = 0; i < filterFunctions.length; i++) {
FilterFunction filterFunction = filterFunctions[i];
docSets[i] = DocIdSets.toSafeBits(context.reader(), filterFunction.filter.getDocIdSet(context, acceptDocs));
return new CustomBoostFactorScorer(this, subQueryScorer, scoreMode, filterFunctions, maxBoost, docSets, combineFunction);
public Explanation explain(AtomicReaderContext context, int doc) throws IOException {
Explanation subQueryExpl = subQueryWeight.explain(context, doc);
if (!subQueryExpl.isMatch()) {
return subQueryExpl;
// First: Gather explanations for all filters
List<ComplexExplanation> filterExplanations = new ArrayList<ComplexExplanation>();
for (FilterFunction filterFunction : filterFunctions) {
Bits docSet = DocIdSets.toSafeBits(context.reader(),
filterFunction.filter.getDocIdSet(context, context.reader().getLiveDocs()));
if (docSet.get(doc)) {
Explanation functionExplanation = filterFunction.function.explainScore(doc, subQueryExpl);
double factor = functionExplanation.getValue();
float sc = CombineFunction.toFloat(factor);
ComplexExplanation filterExplanation = new ComplexExplanation(true, sc, "function score, product of:");
filterExplanation.addDetail(new Explanation(1.0f, "match filter: " + filterFunction.filter.toString()));
if (filterExplanations.size() == 0) {
float sc = getBoost() * subQueryExpl.getValue();
Explanation res = new ComplexExplanation(true, sc, "function score, no filter match, product of:");
res.addDetail(new Explanation(getBoost(), "queryBoost"));
return res;
// Second: Compute the factor that would have been computed by the
// filters
double factor = 1.0;
switch (scoreMode) {
case First:
factor = filterExplanations.get(0).getValue();
case Max:
factor = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
for (int i = 0; i < filterExplanations.size(); i++) {
factor = Math.max(filterExplanations.get(i).getValue(), factor);
case Min:
factor = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
for (int i = 0; i < filterExplanations.size(); i++) {
factor = Math.min(filterExplanations.get(i).getValue(), factor);
case Multiply:
for (int i = 0; i < filterExplanations.size(); i++) {
factor *= filterExplanations.get(i).getValue();
default: // Avg / Total
double totalFactor = 0.0f;
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < filterExplanations.size(); i++) {
totalFactor += filterExplanations.get(i).getValue();
if (count != 0) {
factor = totalFactor;
if (scoreMode == ScoreMode.Avg) {
factor /= count;
ComplexExplanation factorExplanaition = new ComplexExplanation(true, CombineFunction.toFloat(factor),
"function score, score mode [" + scoreMode.toString().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT) + "]");
for (int i = 0; i < filterExplanations.size(); i++) {
return combineFunction.explain(getBoost(), subQueryExpl, factorExplanaition, maxBoost);
} | 1no label
| src_main_java_org_elasticsearch_common_lucene_search_function_FiltersFunctionScoreQuery.java |
1,530 | @Component("blUrlRewriteProcessor")
public class UrlRewriteProcessor extends AbstractAttributeModifierAttrProcessor {
@Resource(name = "blStaticAssetService")
protected StaticAssetService staticAssetService;
* Sets the name of this processor to be used in Thymeleaf template
public UrlRewriteProcessor() {
public int getPrecedence() {
return 1000;
* @return true if the current request.scheme = HTTPS or if the request.isSecure value is true.
protected boolean isRequestSecure(HttpServletRequest request) {
return ("HTTPS".equalsIgnoreCase(request.getScheme()) || request.isSecure());
protected Map<String, String> getModifiedAttributeValues(Arguments arguments, Element element, String attributeName) {
Map<String, String> attrs = new HashMap<String, String>();
HttpServletRequest request = BroadleafRequestContext.getBroadleafRequestContext().getRequest();
boolean secureRequest = isRequestSecure(request);
String assetPath = (String) StandardExpressionProcessor.processExpression(arguments, element.getAttributeValue(attributeName));
//String assetPath = element.getAttributeValue(attributeName);
assetPath = staticAssetService.convertAssetPath(assetPath, request.getContextPath(), secureRequest);
attrs.put("src", assetPath);
SearchFacetResultDTO result = (SearchFacetResultDTO) StandardExpressionProcessor.processExpression(arguments, element.getAttributeValue(attributeName));
String value = result.getFacet().getSearchFacet().getFieldName() + "[RESULT-VALUE]";
if (result.getValue() != null) {
value = value.replace("RESULT-VALUE", result.getValue());
} else {
value = value.replace("RESULT-VALUE", result.getMinValue() + "-" + result.getMaxValue());
attrs.put("id", value);
attrs.put("name", value);
return attrs;
protected ModificationType getModificationType(Arguments arguments, Element element, String attributeName, String newAttributeName) {
return ModificationType.SUBSTITUTION;
protected boolean removeAttributeIfEmpty(Arguments arguments, Element element, String attributeName, String newAttributeName) {
return true;
protected boolean recomputeProcessorsAfterExecution(Arguments arguments, Element element, String attributeName) {
return false;
} | 0true
| core_broadleaf-framework-web_src_main_java_org_broadleafcommerce_core_web_processor_UrlRewriteProcessor.java |
3,358 | static class WithOrdinals extends GeoPointDoubleArrayAtomicFieldData {
private final BigDoubleArrayList lon, lat;
private final Ordinals ordinals;
public WithOrdinals(BigDoubleArrayList lon, BigDoubleArrayList lat, int numDocs, Ordinals ordinals) {
this.lon = lon;
this.lat = lat;
this.ordinals = ordinals;
public boolean isMultiValued() {
return ordinals.isMultiValued();
public boolean isValuesOrdered() {
return true;
public long getNumberUniqueValues() {
return ordinals.getNumOrds();
public long getMemorySizeInBytes() {
if (size == -1) {
size = RamUsageEstimator.NUM_BYTES_INT/*size*/ + RamUsageEstimator.NUM_BYTES_INT/*numDocs*/ + lon.sizeInBytes() + lat.sizeInBytes();
return size;
public GeoPointValues getGeoPointValues() {
return new GeoPointValuesWithOrdinals(lon, lat, ordinals.ordinals());
public static class GeoPointValuesWithOrdinals extends GeoPointValues {
private final BigDoubleArrayList lon, lat;
private final Ordinals.Docs ordinals;
private final GeoPoint scratch = new GeoPoint();
GeoPointValuesWithOrdinals(BigDoubleArrayList lon, BigDoubleArrayList lat, Ordinals.Docs ordinals) {
this.lon = lon;
this.lat = lat;
this.ordinals = ordinals;
public GeoPoint nextValue() {
final long ord = ordinals.nextOrd();
assert ord > 0;
return scratch.reset(lat.get(ord), lon.get(ord));
public int setDocument(int docId) {
this.docId = docId;
return ordinals.setDocument(docId);
} | 0true
| src_main_java_org_elasticsearch_index_fielddata_plain_GeoPointDoubleArrayAtomicFieldData.java |
3,522 | public static class Document implements Iterable<IndexableField> {
private final List<IndexableField> fields;
private ObjectObjectMap<Object, IndexableField> keyedFields;
public Document() {
fields = Lists.newArrayList();
public Iterator<IndexableField> iterator() {
return fields.iterator();
public List<IndexableField> getFields() {
return fields;
public void add(IndexableField field) {
/** Add fields so that they can later be fetched using {@link #getByKey(Object)}. */
public void addWithKey(Object key, IndexableField field) {
if (keyedFields == null) {
keyedFields = new ObjectObjectOpenHashMap<Object, IndexableField>();
} else if (keyedFields.containsKey(key)) {
throw new ElasticsearchIllegalStateException("Only one field can be stored per key");
keyedFields.put(key, field);
/** Get back fields that have been previously added with {@link #addWithKey(Object, IndexableField)}. */
public IndexableField getByKey(Object key) {
return keyedFields == null ? null : keyedFields.get(key);
public IndexableField[] getFields(String name) {
List<IndexableField> f = new ArrayList<IndexableField>();
for (IndexableField field : fields) {
if (field.name().equals(name)) {
return f.toArray(new IndexableField[f.size()]);
public IndexableField getField(String name) {
for (IndexableField field : fields) {
if (field.name().equals(name)) {
return field;
return null;
public String get(String name) {
for (IndexableField f : fields) {
if (f.name().equals(name) && f.stringValue() != null) {
return f.stringValue();
return null;
public BytesRef getBinaryValue(String name) {
for (IndexableField f : fields) {
if (f.name().equals(name) && f.binaryValue() != null) {
return f.binaryValue();
return null;
} | 0true
| src_main_java_org_elasticsearch_index_mapper_ParseContext.java |
312 | new Thread() {
public void run() {
try {
map.put(key, value);
}catch(Exception e){}
}.start(); | 0true
| hazelcast-client_src_test_java_com_hazelcast_client_map_ClientMapLockTest.java |
1,432 | executor.scheduleWithFixedDelay(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
}, 60, 60, TimeUnit.SECONDS); | 0true
| hazelcast-hibernate_hazelcast-hibernate4_src_main_java_com_hazelcast_hibernate_local_CleanupService.java |
305 | public enum OGlobalConfiguration {
ENVIRONMENT_DUMP_CFG_AT_STARTUP("environment.dumpCfgAtStartup", "Dumps the configuration at application startup", Boolean.class,
"Specifies if running in multi-thread environment. Setting this to false turns off the internal lock management",
Boolean.class, Boolean.TRUE),
MEMORY_USE_UNSAFE("memory.useUnsafe", "Indicates whether Unsafe will be used if it is present", Boolean.class, true),
"Indicates whether to do perform range check before each direct memory update, it is false by default, "
+ "but usually it can be safely put to true. It is needed to set to true only after dramatic changes in storage structures.",
Boolean.class, false),
"Minimal amount of time (seconds) since last System.gc() when called after tree optimization", Long.class, 600),
DISK_CACHE_SIZE("storage.diskCache.bufferSize", "Size of disk buffer in megabytes", Integer.class, 4 * 1024),
DISK_WRITE_CACHE_PART("storage.diskCache.writeCachePart", "Percent of disk cache which is use as write cache", Integer.class, 30),
"Max time till page will be flushed from write cache in seconds", Long.class, 24 * 60 * 60),
"Interval between flushing of pages from write cache in ms.", Integer.class, 100),
"Maximum amount of time till write cache will be wait before page flush in ms.", Integer.class, -1),
STORAGE_COMPRESSION_METHOD("storage.compressionMethod", "Record compression method is used in storage."
+ " Possible values : gzip, nothing, snappy, snappy-native. Default is snappy.", String.class, "snappy"),
USE_WAL("storage.useWAL", "Whether WAL should be used in paginated storage", Boolean.class, true),
"Maximum size of WAL cache (in amount of WAL pages, each page is 64k) <= 0 means that caching will be switched off.",
Integer.class, 3000),
WAL_MAX_SEGMENT_SIZE("storage.wal.maxSegmentSize", "Maximum size of single WAL segment in megabytes.", Integer.class, 256),
WAL_MAX_SIZE("storage.wal.maxSize", "Maximum size of WAL on disk in megabytes.", Integer.class, 4 * 1024),
WAL_COMMIT_TIMEOUT("storage.wal.commitTimeout", "Maximum interval between WAL commits (in ms.)", Integer.class, 1000),
WAL_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT("storage.wal.shutdownTimeout", "Maximum wait interval between events when background flush thread"
+ " will receive shutdown command and when background flush will be stopped (in ms.)", Integer.class, 10000),
WAL_FUZZY_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL("storage.wal.fuzzyCheckpointInterval", "Interval between fuzzy checkpoints (in seconds)",
Integer.class, 2592000),
"Interval which we should wait till shutdown (in seconds)", Integer.class, 60 * 10),
"Timeout till DB will wait that full checkpoint is finished during DB close (in seconds))", Integer.class, 60 * 10),
WAL_LOCATION("storage.wal.path", "Path to the wal file on the disk, by default is placed in DB directory but"
+ " it is highly recomended to use separate disk to store log operations", String.class, null),
"Indicates whether full checkpoint should be performed if storage was opened.", Boolean.class, true),
"Indicates whether full checkpoint should be performed if storage was opened.", Boolean.class, true),
DISK_CACHE_PAGE_SIZE("storage.diskCache.pageSize", "Size of page of disk buffer in kilobytes", Integer.class, 64),
PAGINATED_STORAGE_LOWEST_FREELIST_BOUNDARY("storage.lowestFreeListBound", "The minimal amount of free space (in kb)"
+ " in page which is tracked in paginated storage", Integer.class, 16),
USE_NODE_ID_CLUSTER_POSITION("storage.cluster.useNodeIdAsClusterPosition", "Indicates whether cluster position should be"
+ " treated as node id not as long value.", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE),
"Tells to the engine to not close the storage when a database is closed. Storages will be closed when the process shuts down",
Boolean.class, Boolean.TRUE),
STORAGE_LOCK_TIMEOUT("storage.lockTimeout", "Maximum timeout in milliseconds to lock the storage", Integer.class, 600000),
STORAGE_RECORD_LOCK_TIMEOUT("storage.record.lockTimeout", "Maximum timeout in milliseconds to lock a shared record",
Integer.class, 5000),
STORAGE_USE_TOMBSTONES("storage.useTombstones", "When record will be deleted its cluster"
+ " position will not be freed but tombstone will be placed instead", Boolean.class, false),
"On updates if the record size is lower than before, reduces the space taken accordlying. If enabled this could increase defragmentation, but it reduces the used space",
Boolean.class, true),
CACHE_LEVEL1_ENABLED("cache.level1.enabled", "Use the level-1 cache", Boolean.class, true),
CACHE_LEVEL1_SIZE("cache.level1.size", "Size of the cache that keeps the record in memory", Integer.class, 1000),
CACHE_LEVEL2_ENABLED("cache.level2.enabled", "Use the level-2 cache", Boolean.class, false),
CACHE_LEVEL2_SIZE("cache.level2.size", "Size of the cache that keeps the record in memory", Integer.class, 0),
CACHE_LEVEL2_IMPL("cache.level2.impl", "Actual implementation of secondary cache", String.class, ODefaultCache.class
"Strategy to use when a database requests a record: 0 = pop the record, 1 = copy the record", Integer.class, 0,
new OConfigurationChangeCallback() {
public void change(final Object iCurrentValue, final Object iNewValue) {
// for (OStorage s : com.orientechnologies.orient.core.Orient.instance().getStorages()) {
// s.getCache().setStrategy((Integer) iNewValue);
// }
OBJECT_SAVE_ONLY_DIRTY("object.saveOnlyDirty", "Object Database only saves objects bound to dirty records", Boolean.class, false),
DB_POOL_MIN("db.pool.min", "Default database pool minimum size", Integer.class, 1),
DB_POOL_MAX("db.pool.max", "Default database pool maximum size", Integer.class, 20),
DB_POOL_IDLE_TIMEOUT("db.pool.idleTimeout", "Default database pool maximum size", Integer.class, 0),
DB_POOL_IDLE_CHECK_DELAY("db.pool.idleCheckDelay", "Default database pool maximum size", Integer.class, 0),
DB_MVCC("db.mvcc", "Enables or disables MVCC (Multi-Version Concurrency Control) even outside transactions", Boolean.class, true),
"Use fast-thrown exceptions for MVCC OConcurrentModificationExceptions. No context information will be available, use where these exceptions are handled and the detail is not neccessary",
Boolean.class, false),
DB_VALIDATION("db.validation", "Enables or disables validation of records", Boolean.class, true),
DB_USE_DISTRIBUTED_VERSION("db.use.distributedVersion", "Use extended version that is safe in distributed environment",
Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE),
"Executes a synch against the file-system at every record operation. This slows down records updates "
+ "but guarantee reliability on unreliable drives", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE),
"List of clusters to sync immediately after update separated by commas. Can be useful for manual index", String.class,
TX_USE_LOG("tx.useLog", "Transactions use log file to store temporary data to be rolled back in case of crash", Boolean.class,
"Maximum number of automatic retry if some resource has been locked in the middle of the transaction (Timeout exception)",
Integer.class, 1),
TX_LOG_TYPE("tx.log.fileType", "File type to handle transaction logs: mmap or classic", String.class, "classic"),
"Executes a synch against the file-system at every log entry. This slows down transactions but guarantee transaction reliability on unreliable drives",
Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE),
TX_COMMIT_SYNCH("tx.commit.synch", "Synchronizes the storage after transaction commit", Boolean.class, false),
HASH_TABLE_SPLIT_BUCKETS_BUFFER_LENGTH("hashTable.slitBucketsBuffer.length", "Length of buffer (in pages) where buckets "
+ "that were splited but not flushed to the disk are kept. This buffer is used to minimize random IO overhead.",
Integer.class, 1500),
"Auto rebuild all automatic indexes after upon database open when wasn't closed properly", Boolean.class, true),
"Synchronous execution of auto rebuilding of indexes in case of db crash.", Boolean.class, Boolean.TRUE),
"Configure the TreeMaps for automatic indexes as buffered or not. -1 means buffered until tx.commit() or db.close() are called",
Integer.class, 10000),
"Configure the TreeMaps for manual indexes as buffered or not. -1 means buffered until tx.commit() or db.close() are called",
Integer.class, 1),
"Indicates whether index implementation for plocal storage will be durable in non-Tx mode, false by default", Boolean.class,
"Indicates index durability level in TX mode. Can be ROLLBACK_ONLY or FULL (ROLLBACK_ONLY by default)", String.class,
"Whether new SBTree index implementation should be used instead of old MVRB-Tree", Boolean.class, true),
"Prefer SBTree based algorithm instead MVRBTree for storing sets of RID", Boolean.class, true),
MVRBTREE_TIMEOUT("mvrbtree.timeout", "Maximum timeout to get lock against the OMVRB-Tree", Integer.class, 5000),
"Page size of each node. 256 means that 256 entries can be stored inside each node", Integer.class, 256),
MVRBTREE_LOAD_FACTOR("mvrbtree.loadFactor", "HashMap load factor", Float.class, 0.7f),
"Auto optimize the TreeMap every X tree rotations. This forces the optimization of the tree after many changes to recompute entry points. -1 means never",
Integer.class, 100000),
MVRBTREE_ENTRYPOINTS("mvrbtree.entryPoints", "Number of entry points to start searching entries", Integer.class, 64),
"Multiplicand factor to apply to entry-points list (parameter mvrbtree.entrypoints) to determine optimization is needed",
Float.class, 1.0f),
MVRBTREE_ENTRY_KEYS_IN_MEMORY("mvrbtree.entryKeysInMemory", "Keep unserialized keys in memory", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE),
MVRBTREE_ENTRY_VALUES_IN_MEMORY("mvrbtree.entryValuesInMemory", "Keep unserialized values in memory", Boolean.class,
"Valid for set of rids. It's the threshold as number of entries to use the binary streaming instead of classic string streaming. -1 means never use binary streaming",
Integer.class, 8),
"Page size of each treeset node. 16 means that 16 entries can be stored inside each node", Integer.class, 64),
"Save memory usage by avoid keeping RIDs in memory but creating them at every access", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE),
SBTREE_MAX_KEY_SIZE("sbtree.maxKeySize", "Maximum size of key which can be put in SBTree in bytes (10240 by default)",
Integer.class, 10240),
"Maximum size of value which can be put in SBTree without creation link to standalone page in bytes (40960 by default)",
Integer.class, 40960),
"Size of bucket in OSBTreeBonsai in kB. Contract: bucketSize < storagePageSize, storagePageSize % bucketSize == 0.",
Integer.class, 2),
LAZYSET_WORK_ON_STREAM("lazyset.workOnStream", "Upon add avoid unmarshalling set", Boolean.class, true),
PREFER_SBTREE_SET("collections.preferSBTreeSet", "This config is experimental.", Boolean.class, false),
FILE_LOCK("file.lock", "Locks files when used. Default is false", boolean.class, true),
FILE_DEFRAG_STRATEGY("file.defrag.strategy", "Strategy to recycle free space: 0 = synchronous defrag, 1 = asynchronous defrag, ",
Integer.class, 0),
"Max distance in bytes between holes to cause their defrag. Set it to -1 to use dynamic size. Beware that if the db is huge moving blocks to defrag could be expensive",
Integer.class, 32768),
"Manager that will be used to handle mmap files. true = USE OLD MANAGER, false = USE NEW MANAGER", boolean.class, false),
FILE_MMAP_AUTOFLUSH_TIMER("file.mmap.autoFlush.timer", "Auto flushes memory mapped blocks every X seconds. 0 = disabled",
int.class, 30),
"Remove memory mapped blocks with unused time major than this value. Time is in seconds", int.class, 30),
"When using new map manager this parameter specify prevent memory swap or not. true = LOCK MEMORY, false = NOT LOCK MEMORY",
boolean.class, true),
Integer.class, 0),
FILE_MMAP_BLOCK_SIZE("file.mmap.blockSize", "Size of the memory mapped block, default is 1Mb", Integer.class, 1048576,
new OConfigurationChangeCallback() {
public void change(final Object iCurrentValue, final Object iNewValue) {
OMMapManagerOld.setBlockSize(((Number) iNewValue).intValue());
FILE_MMAP_BUFFER_SIZE("file.mmap.bufferSize", "Size of the buffer for direct access to the file through the channel",
Integer.class, 8192),
"Max memory allocatable by memory mapping manager. Note that on 32bit operating systems, the limit is 2Gb but will vary between operating systems",
Long.class, 134217728, new OConfigurationChangeCallback() {
public void change(final Object iCurrentValue, final Object iNewValue) {
"Strategy to use when a request overlaps in-memory buffers: 0 = Use the channel access, 1 = force the in-memory buffer and use the channel access, 2 = always create an overlapped in-memory buffer (default)",
Integer.class, 2, new OConfigurationChangeCallback() {
public void change(final Object iCurrentValue, final Object iNewValue) {
OMMapManagerOld.setOverlapStrategy((Integer) iNewValue);
"Delay time in ms to wait for another forced flush of the memory-mapped block to disk", Integer.class, 10),
FILE_MMAP_FORCE_RETRY("file.mmap.forceRetry", "Number of times the memory-mapped block will try to flush to disk", Integer.class,
"This property disable to using JNA installed in your system. And use JNA bundled with database.", boolean.class, true),
NETWORK_MAX_CONCURRENT_SESSIONS("network.maxConcurrentSessions", "Maximum number of concurrent sessions", Integer.class, 1000),
NETWORK_SOCKET_BUFFER_SIZE("network.socketBufferSize", "TCP/IP Socket buffer size", Integer.class, 32768),
NETWORK_LOCK_TIMEOUT("network.lockTimeout", "Timeout in ms to acquire a lock against a channel", Integer.class, 15000),
NETWORK_SOCKET_TIMEOUT("network.socketTimeout", "TCP/IP Socket timeout in ms", Integer.class, 15000),
NETWORK_SOCKET_RETRY("network.retry", "Number of times the client retries its connection to the server on failure",
Integer.class, 5),
NETWORK_SOCKET_RETRY_DELAY("network.retryDelay", "Number of ms the client waits before reconnecting to the server on failure",
Integer.class, 500),
"Asks for DNS TXT record to determine if load balancing is supported", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE),
"Maximum time (in ms) to wait for the answer from DNS about the TXT record for load balancing", Integer.class, 2000),
NETWORK_BINARY_MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH("network.binary.maxLength", "TCP/IP max content length in bytes of BINARY requests",
Integer.class, 32736),
"Maximum times to wait until response will be read. Otherwise response will be dropped from chanel", Integer.class, 20),
NETWORK_BINARY_DEBUG("network.binary.debug", "Debug mode: print all data incoming on the binary channel", Boolean.class, false),
NETWORK_HTTP_MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH("network.http.maxLength", "TCP/IP max content length in bytes for HTTP requests", Integer.class,
NETWORK_HTTP_CONTENT_CHARSET("network.http.charset", "Http response charset", String.class, "utf-8"),
"Timeout after which an http session is considered tp have expired (seconds)", Integer.class, 300),
PROFILER_ENABLED("profiler.enabled", "Enable the recording of statistics and counters", Boolean.class, false,
new OConfigurationChangeCallback() {
public void change(final Object iCurrentValue, final Object iNewValue) {
if ((Boolean) iNewValue)
PROFILER_CONFIG("profiler.config", "Configures the profiler as <seconds-for-snapshot>,<archive-snapshot-size>,<summary-size>",
String.class, null, new OConfigurationChangeCallback() {
public void change(final Object iCurrentValue, final Object iNewValue) {
"Dumps the profiler values at regular intervals. Time is expressed in seconds", Integer.class, 0,
new OConfigurationChangeCallback() {
public void change(final Object iCurrentValue, final Object iNewValue) {
Orient.instance().getProfiler().setAutoDump((Integer) iNewValue);
// LOG
LOG_CONSOLE_LEVEL("log.console.level", "Console logging level", String.class, "info", new OConfigurationChangeCallback() {
public void change(final Object iCurrentValue, final Object iNewValue) {
OLogManager.instance().setLevel((String) iNewValue, ConsoleHandler.class);
LOG_FILE_LEVEL("log.file.level", "File logging level", String.class, "fine", new OConfigurationChangeCallback() {
public void change(final Object iCurrentValue, final Object iNewValue) {
OLogManager.instance().setLevel((String) iNewValue, FileHandler.class);
COMMAND_TIMEOUT("command.timeout", "Default timeout for commands expressed in milliseconds", Long.class, 0),
CLIENT_CHANNEL_MIN_POOL("client.channel.minPool", "Minimum pool size", Integer.class, 1),
CLIENT_CHANNEL_MAX_POOL("client.channel.maxPool", "Maximum channel pool size", Integer.class, 20),
"Maximum time which client should wait connection from the pool", Integer.class, 5000),
"Delay in ms. after which data modification command will be resent if DB was frozen", Integer.class, 10000),
SERVER_CHANNEL_CLEAN_DELAY("server.channel.cleanDelay", "Time in ms of delay to check pending closed connections", Integer.class,
SERVER_CACHE_FILE_STATIC("server.cache.staticFile", "Cache static resources loading", Boolean.class, false),
SERVER_CACHE_INCREASE_ON_DEMAND("server.cache.2q.increaseOnDemand", "Increase 2q cache on demand", Boolean.class, true),
"Increase 2q cache step in percent. Will only work if server.cache.2q.increaseOnDemand is true", Float.class, 0.1f),
"Logs client exceptions. Use any level supported by Java java.util.logging.Level class: OFF, FINE, CONFIG, INFO, WARNING, SEVERE",
Level.class, Level.FINE),
"Dumps the full stack trace of the exception to sent to the client", Level.class, Boolean.TRUE),
DISTRIBUTED_THREAD_QUEUE_SIZE("distributed.threadQueueSize", "Size of the queue for internal thread dispatching", Integer.class,
"Maximum timeout in milliseconds to wait for CRUD remote tasks", Integer.class, 3000l),
"Maximum timeout in milliseconds to wait for Command remote tasks", Integer.class, 5000l),
DISTRIBUTED_QUEUE_TIMEOUT("distributed.queueTimeout", "Maximum timeout in milliseconds to wait for the response in replication",
Integer.class, 5000l),
"Maximum timeout in milliseconds to collect all the asynchronous responses from replication", Integer.class, 15000l),
"Maximum timeout in milliseconds to collect all the asynchronous responses from replication", Integer.class, 15000l);
private final String key;
private final Object defValue;
private final Class<?> type;
private Object value = null;
private String description;
private OConfigurationChangeCallback changeCallback = null;
static {
OGlobalConfiguration(final String iKey, final String iDescription, final Class<?> iType, final Object iDefValue,
final OConfigurationChangeCallback iChangeAction) {
this(iKey, iDescription, iType, iDefValue);
changeCallback = iChangeAction;
OGlobalConfiguration(final String iKey, final String iDescription, final Class<?> iType, final Object iDefValue) {
key = iKey;
description = iDescription;
defValue = iDefValue;
type = iType;
public void setValue(final Object iValue) {
Object oldValue = value;
if (iValue != null)
if (type == Boolean.class)
value = Boolean.parseBoolean(iValue.toString());
else if (type == Integer.class)
value = Integer.parseInt(iValue.toString());
else if (type == Float.class)
value = Float.parseFloat(iValue.toString());
else if (type == String.class)
value = iValue.toString();
value = iValue;
if (changeCallback != null)
changeCallback.change(oldValue, value);
public Object getValue() {
return value != null ? value : defValue;
public boolean getValueAsBoolean() {
final Object v = value != null ? value : defValue;
return v instanceof Boolean ? ((Boolean) v).booleanValue() : Boolean.parseBoolean(v.toString());
public String getValueAsString() {
return value != null ? value.toString() : defValue != null ? defValue.toString() : null;
public int getValueAsInteger() {
final Object v = value != null ? value : defValue;
return (int) (v instanceof Number ? ((Number) v).intValue() : OFileUtils.getSizeAsNumber(v.toString()));
public long getValueAsLong() {
final Object v = value != null ? value : defValue;
return v instanceof Number ? ((Number) v).longValue() : OFileUtils.getSizeAsNumber(v.toString());
public float getValueAsFloat() {
final Object v = value != null ? value : defValue;
return v instanceof Float ? ((Float) v).floatValue() : Float.parseFloat(v.toString());
public String getKey() {
return key;
public Class<?> getType() {
return type;
public String getDescription() {
return description;
public static void dumpConfiguration(final PrintStream out) {
out.print("OrientDB ");
out.println(" configuration dump:");
String lastSection = "";
for (OGlobalConfiguration v : values()) {
final String section = v.key.substring(0, v.key.indexOf('.'));
if (!lastSection.equals(section)) {
out.print("- ");
lastSection = section;
out.print(" + ");
out.print(" = ");
* Find the OGlobalConfiguration instance by the key. Key is case insensitive.
* @param iKey
* Key to find. It's case insensitive.
* @return OGlobalConfiguration instance if found, otherwise null
public static OGlobalConfiguration findByKey(final String iKey) {
for (OGlobalConfiguration v : values()) {
if (v.getKey().equalsIgnoreCase(iKey))
return v;
return null;
* Changes the configuration values in one shot by passing a Map of values. Keys can be the Java ENUM names or the string
* representation of configuration values
public static void setConfiguration(final Map<String, Object> iConfig) {
for (Entry<String, Object> config : iConfig.entrySet()) {
for (OGlobalConfiguration v : values()) {
if (v.getKey().equals(config.getKey())) {
} else if (v.name().equals(config.getKey())) {
* Assign configuration values by reading system properties.
private static void readConfiguration() {
String prop;
for (OGlobalConfiguration config : values()) {
prop = System.getProperty(config.key);
if (prop != null)
private static void autoConfig() {
if (System.getProperty("os.arch").indexOf("64") > -1) {
// 64 BIT
if (FILE_MMAP_MAX_MEMORY.getValueAsInteger() == 134217728) {
final OperatingSystemMXBean bean = java.lang.management.ManagementFactory.getOperatingSystemMXBean();
try {
final Class<?> cls = Class.forName("com.sun.management.OperatingSystemMXBean");
if (cls.isAssignableFrom(bean.getClass())) {
final Long maxOsMemory = (Long) cls.getMethod("getTotalPhysicalMemorySize", new Class[] {}).invoke(bean);
final long maxProcessMemory = Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory();
long mmapBestMemory = (maxOsMemory.longValue() - maxProcessMemory) / 2;
} catch (Exception e) {
} else {
System.setProperty(MEMORY_USE_UNSAFE.getKey(), MEMORY_USE_UNSAFE.getValueAsString());
System.setProperty(DIRECT_MEMORY_UNSAFE_MODE.getKey(), DIRECT_MEMORY_UNSAFE_MODE.getValueAsString());
} | 0true
| core_src_main_java_com_orientechnologies_orient_core_config_OGlobalConfiguration.java |
Subsets and Splits