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6493422 | The myeloid transcription factor KLF2 regulates the host response to polymicrobial infection and endotoxic shock. | Precise control of myeloid cell activation is required for optimal host defense. However, this activation process must be under exquisite control to prevent uncontrolled inflammation. Herein, we identify the Kruppel-like transcription factor 2 (KLF2) as a potent regulator of myeloid cell activation in vivo. Exposure of myeloid cells to hypoxia and/or bacterial products reduced KLF2 expression while inducing hypoxia inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α), findings that were recapitulated in human septic patients. Myeloid KLF2 was found to be a potent inhibitor of nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-κB)-dependent HIF-1α transcription and, consequently, a critical determinant of outcome in models of polymicrobial infection and endotoxemia. Collectively, these observations identify KLF2 as a tonic repressor of myeloid cell activation in vivo and an essential regulator of the innate immune system. | {"70464": 0.140380859375, "6226": 0.216796875, "7705": 0.1800537109375, "365": 0.1793212890625, "532": 0.168212890625, "38750": 0.177734375, "34704": 0.1927490234375, "1363": 0.0372314453125, "56065": 0.1285400390625, "24087": 0.1319580078125, "27980": 0.1734619140625, "165815": 0.1927490234375, "33306": 0.006839752197265625, "4": 0.008087158203125, "9433": 0.060943603515625, "8110": 0.032318115234375, "186": 0.007350921630859375, "1379": 0.0014162063598632812, "201602": 0.06939697265625, "13": 0.00818634033203125, "56282": 0.0999755859375, "81988": 0.1365966796875, "6259": 0.008453369140625, "203932": 0.1773681640625, "135812": 0.09185791015625, "70": 0.00919342041015625, "28160": 0.1312255859375, "36737": 0.255126953125, "5062": 0.135498046875, "30334": 0.12152099609375, "59478": 0.1529541015625, "31461": 0.2022705078125, "116": 0.1883544921875, "605": 0.0562744140625, "58545": 0.256591796875, "10461": 0.2354736328125, "237": 0.0080718994140625, "10": 0.018463134765625, "114680": 0.172119140625, "144314": 0.2734375, "111": 0.0179443359375, "23": 0.0187530517578125, "16622": 0.201904296875, "45434": 0.1175537109375, "7": 0.0081329345703125, "47": 0.15625, "75690": 0.147705078125, "30633": 0.1612548828125, "136": 0.007678985595703125, "748": 0.00749969482421875, "152818": 0.1351318359375, "141": 0.007965087890625, "38742": 0.12109375, "34390": 0.125, "71": 0.001220703125, "341": 0.0863037109375, "304": 0.223388671875, "125195": 0.1253662109375, "135989": 0.1083984375, "214": 0.0078887939453125, "28236": 0.0181427001953125, "5759": 0.0601806640625, "1445": 0.056793212890625, "15": 0.007354736328125, "21159": 0.06976318359375, "919": 0.11370849609375, "247": 0.005687713623046875, "90791": 0.002635955810546875, "450": 0.00792694091796875, "3542": 0.007343292236328125, "202": 0.008087158203125, "27686": 0.0081787109375, "14135": 0.0208892822265625, "40": 0.04461669921875, "112569": 0.1517333984375, "60264": 0.061248779296875, "2646": 0.11041259765625, "8242": 0.17724609375, "14037": 0.0848388671875, "173702": 0.2027587890625, "1290": 0.1229248046875, "72249": 0.12481689453125, "161": 0.0189208984375, "7495": 0.11370849609375, "571": 0.10614013671875, "73493": 0.1007080078125, "9": 0.00768280029296875, "16": 0.00749969482421875, "181063": 0.10357666015625, "572": 0.061431884765625, "29836": 0.191162109375, "538": 0.0083160400390625, "130306": 0.10406494140625, "27354": 0.1060791015625, "660": 0.00832366943359375, "184345": 0.1588134765625, "115774": 0.1312255859375, "35874": 0.11077880859375, "187840": 0.09405517578125, "289": 0.0080413818359375, "159634": 0.1483154296875, "22": 0.0307464599609375, "15464": 0.07452392578125, "17574": 0.14794921875, "32868": 0.08270263671875, "5844": 0.008331298828125, "150556": 0.04754638671875, "6402": 0.103515625, "86254": 0.1844482421875, "4970": 0.11907958984375, "142": 0.006824493408203125, "85590": 0.1263427734375, "2083": 0.12335205078125, "2182": 0.008148193359375, "43766": 0.1649169921875, "5426": 0.09356689453125} |
6501747 | PQBP1 Is a Proximal Sensor of the cGAS-Dependent Innate Response to HIV-1 | Dendritic cells (DCs) play a critical role in the immune response to viral infection through the facilitation of cell-intrinsic antiviral activity and the activation of adaptive immunity. HIV-1 infection of DCs triggers an IRF3-dependent innate immune response, which requires the activity of cyclic GAMP synthase (cGAS). We report the results of a targeted RNAi screen utilizing primary human monocyte-derived DCs (MDDCs) to identify immune regulators that directly interface with HIV-1-encoded features to initiate this innate response. Polyglutamine binding protein 1 (PQBP1) emerged as a strong candidate through this analysis. We found that PQBP1 directly binds to reverse-transcribed HIV-1 DNA and interacts with cGAS to initiate an IRF3-dependent innate response. MDDCs derived from Renpenning syndrome patients, who harbor mutations in the PQBP1 locus, possess a severely attenuated innate immune response to HIV-1 challenge, underscoring the role of PQBP1 as a proximal innate sensor of a HIV-1 infection. | {"262": 0.1453857421875, "29887": 0.2410888671875, "9523": 0.1585693359375, "38750": 0.231201171875, "7": 0.1802978515625, "21960": 0.249267578125, "11301": 0.081787109375, "130306": 0.1448974609375, "31486": 0.1727294921875, "43766": 0.245849609375, "13": 0.07525634765625, "57553": 0.2242431640625, "47": 0.0194854736328125, "88254": 0.15087890625, "159634": 0.198974609375, "8305": 0.002349853515625, "70": 0.0159912109375, "33493": 0.1583251953125, "1363": 0.0159912109375, "111": 0.0159454345703125, "73": 0.01309967041015625, "33310": 0.1168212890625, "2874": 0.024169921875, "7203": 0.0673828125, "289": 0.0152435302734375, "103488": 0.0645751953125, "34704": 0.0745849609375, "39908": 0.1328125, "5844": 0.01493072509765625, "2481": 0.01206207275390625, "38004": 0.288818359375, "5759": 0.169189453125, "31455": 0.202880859375, "185553": 0.1954345703125, "87": 0.050506591796875, "54612": 0.21484375, "27495": 0.1646728515625, "181063": 0.19091796875, "2083": 0.175048828125, "2182": 0.1304931640625, "4": 0.0159149169921875, "144570": 0.09637451171875, "187830": 0.1448974609375, "238": 0.035430908203125, "527": 0.0732421875, "81218": 0.2413330078125, "142518": 0.1632080078125, "6991": 0.12322998046875, "103924": 0.27294921875, "50339": 0.01056671142578125, "30388": 0.2135009765625, "297": 0.015777587890625, "6": 0.0140228271484375, "125499": 0.1649169921875, "14": 0.1331787109375, "49119": 0.20458984375, "19537": 0.049835205078125, "158978": 0.0738525390625, "14135": 0.08612060546875, "22460": 0.07293701171875, "2408": 0.05841064453125, "67": 0.014862060546875, "9": 0.015960693359375, "820": 0.0634765625, "4126": 0.01508331298828125, "44644": 0.113037109375, "16": 0.01439666748046875, "135812": 0.061431884765625, "144314": 0.26220703125, "450": 0.0029811859130859375, "105237": 0.06866455078125, "101758": 0.1500244140625, "678": 0.01499176025390625, "66332": 0.0904541015625, "48141": 0.01593017578125, "66139": 0.12017822265625, "173969": 0.1839599609375, "63306": 0.11871337890625, "39529": 0.1302490234375, "35409": 0.173095703125, "128239": 0.23583984375, "21308": 0.2342529296875, "106": 0.097412109375, "683": 0.055938720703125, "2737": 0.1324462890625, "56861": 0.22607421875, "17727": 0.102783203125, "74216": 0.0229034423828125, "71": 0.0158538818359375, "237": 0.0082550048828125, "10": 0.016021728515625, "37515": 0.07293701171875, "25469": 0.1458740234375, "114137": 0.0599365234375, "14037": 0.00045990943908691406, "436": 0.08441162109375, "418": 0.11505126953125, "68557": 0.193359375, "39531": 0.1300048828125, "184": 0.015472412109375, "50713": 0.015045166015625, "34601": 0.06573486328125, "27583": 0.1513671875, "136": 0.01445770263671875, "78974": 0.1224365234375, "501": 0.044342041015625, "25383": 0.150390625, "16406": 0.10400390625, "1295": 0.032562255859375, "15790": 0.0927734375, "2278": 0.2200927734375, "592": 0.1666259765625, "194923": 0.1397705078125, "60264": 0.08721923828125, "182": 0.0526123046875, "3422": 0.0616455078125, "199334": 0.171630859375, "23": 0.0121307373046875, "7001": 0.0899658203125, "223": 0.01496124267578125, "158566": 0.062225341796875, "141591": 0.0227203369140625, "538": 0.0163421630859375, "33": 0.05462646484375, "34": 0.01485443115234375, "27686": 0.015960693359375, "66801": 0.11676025390625, "235511": 0.1485595703125, "141": 0.016082763671875, "43111": 0.26025390625} |
6503185 | Malaria biology and disease pathogenesis: insights for new treatments | Plasmodium falciparum malaria, an infectious disease caused by a parasitic protozoan, claims the lives of nearly a million children each year in Africa alone and is a top public health concern. Evidence is accumulating that resistance to artemisinin derivatives, the frontline therapy for the asexual blood stage of the infection, is developing in southeast Asia. Renewed initiatives to eliminate malaria will benefit from an expanded repertoire of antimalarials, including new drugs that kill circulating P. falciparum gametocytes, thereby preventing transmission. Our current understanding of the biology of asexual blood-stage parasites and gametocytes and the ability to culture them in vitro lends optimism that high-throughput screenings of large chemical libraries will produce a new generation of antimalarial drugs. There is also a need for new therapies to reduce the high mortality of severe malaria. An understanding of the pathophysiology of severe disease may identify rational targets for drugs that improve survival. | {"128142": 0.1522216796875, "432": 0.171142578125, "28483": 0.128662109375, "11944": 0.18212890625, "25258": 0.1890869140625, "25759": 0.217529296875, "960": 0.2376708984375, "6232": 0.2998046875, "4": 0.0029354095458984375, "142": 0.05010986328125, "75622": 0.159423828125, "14": 0.02349853515625, "70997": 0.181396484375, "143434": 0.1904296875, "390": 0.033905029296875, "121": 0.157958984375, "172": 0.0721435546875, "9523": 0.04150390625, "22664": 0.185302734375, "1158": 0.150634765625, "66": 0.10296630859375, "140526": 0.1761474609375, "60742": 0.1578369140625, "110518": 0.0367431640625, "19879": 0.1585693359375, "20020": 0.2158203125, "12638": 0.089599609375, "6602": 0.15771484375, "23": 0.051544189453125, "36941": 0.2069091796875, "75447": 0.111572265625, "83": 0.023406982421875, "2663": 0.09356689453125, "3835": 0.04937744140625, "16227": 0.1444091796875, "50509": 0.1409912109375, "58557": 0.0867919921875, "183278": 0.0799560546875, "39746": 0.181884765625, "7154": 0.0982666015625, "10234": 0.12237548828125, "266": 0.1318359375, "8144": 0.185791015625, "30057": 0.163818359375, "42991": 0.07818603515625, "12912": 0.084228515625, "2256": 0.114013671875, "106864": 0.1724853515625, "10": 0.12646484375, "91153": 0.244873046875, "59714": 0.154296875, "36541": 0.131591796875, "159634": 0.1573486328125, "168698": 0.09893798828125, "127067": 0.0665283203125, "4438": 0.0191650390625, "14237": 0.1297607421875, "130238": 0.03338623046875, "99082": 0.08819580078125, "27169": 0.1429443359375, "67": 0.0362548828125, "1221": 0.0080413818359375, "68073": 0.13916015625, "71062": 0.06298828125, "28926": 0.044281005859375, "59843": 0.0244903564453125, "2874": 0.10064697265625, "40167": 0.1934814453125, "15403": 0.1611328125, "3525": 0.037261962890625, "125694": 0.220458984375, "67153": 0.16357421875, "41263": 0.1268310546875, "436": 0.08038330078125, "6712": 0.1307373046875, "188": 0.06549072265625, "2408": 0.08984375, "1636": 0.03814697265625, "56282": 0.1422119140625, "179965": 0.1328125, "43581": 0.036224365234375, "100094": 0.1368408203125, "333": 0.059478759765625, "25443": 0.06787109375, "16852": 0.131591796875, "26685": 0.205078125, "81273": 0.03497314453125, "29394": 0.09979248046875, "279": 0.0994873046875, "2955": 0.1329345703125, "3098": 0.016632080078125, "175837": 0.1358642578125, "11192": 0.0372314453125, "222521": 0.035430908203125, "180975": 0.1678466796875, "165045": 0.114501953125, "35773": 0.1368408203125, "27489": 0.061004638671875, "58093": 0.056304931640625, "3871": 0.07086181640625, "88562": 0.1510009765625, "34390": 0.07891845703125, "67573": 0.0723876953125, "141591": 0.12152099609375, "2340": 0.0123138427734375, "497": 0.0413818359375, "34053": 0.07879638671875, "1543": 0.031768798828125, "135812": 0.029083251953125, "168487": 0.11724853515625, "30388": 0.1263427734375, "52295": 0.11798095703125, "218018": 0.1390380859375} |
6503534 | Mutations among Italian mucopolysaccharidosis type I patients | A group of 27 Italian patients was screened for α-L-iduronidase mucopolysaccharidosis type I mutations. Mutations were found in 18 patients, with 28 alleles identified. The two most common mutations in northern Europeans (W402X and Q70X) accounted for 11% and 13% of the alleles, respectively. The R89Q mutation, uncommon in Europeans, was found only in one patient, accounting for 1 of 54 alleles (1.9%). The other mutations, P533R, A327P and G51D, accounted for 11%, 5.6% and 9.3% of the total alleles, respectively. Interestingly, the high frequency of the P533R mutation seems to be confined to Sicily and is higher than the 3% reported in a British/Australian study. | {"21115": 0.0655517578125, "1438": 0.147705078125, "89176": 0.2325439453125, "60264": 0.1683349609375, "49119": 0.1341552734375, "5961": 0.123046875, "866": 0.14892578125, "21937": 0.11199951171875, "1900": 0.13037109375, "14692": 0.09783935546875, "13": 0.037567138671875, "842": 0.119873046875, "587": 0.11175537109375, "135545": 0.1583251953125, "2263": 0.037109375, "9254": 0.10748291015625, "12207": 0.0677490234375, "164": 0.044921875, "10644": 0.11688232421875, "87": 0.130615234375, "199334": 0.261474609375, "7": 0.026580810546875, "118756": 0.2366943359375, "5256": 0.06365966796875, "14037": 0.0833740234375, "543": 0.1497802734375, "1372": 0.1640625, "747": 0.1915283203125, "1577": 0.150390625, "207487": 0.1312255859375, "6626": 0.08880615234375, "2684": 0.08843994140625, "39210": 0.164306640625, "144477": 0.134033203125, "9022": 0.09796142578125, "28811": 0.181884765625, "1456": 0.091552734375, "2839": 0.163818359375, "304": 0.11175537109375, "1542": 0.1689453125, "136": 0.0236663818359375, "2396": 0.114990234375, "5757": 0.1973876953125, "15426": 0.131103515625, "144611": 0.156494140625, "144530": 0.1307373046875, "627": 0.107421875, "18949": 0.2734375, "2737": 0.2254638671875, "51": 0.038299560546875, "277": 0.11590576171875, "3796": 0.1424560546875, "4734": 0.0693359375, "1632": 0.10223388671875, "37896": 0.1378173828125, "8983": 0.1632080078125, "12678": 0.1300048828125, "3789": 0.0134124755859375, "436": 0.06085205078125, "14226": 0.1661376953125, "363": 0.1448974609375, "1052": 0.1502685546875, "62": 0.029266357421875, "3768": 0.1563720703125, "683": 0.0640869140625, "527": 0.006313323974609375, "11703": 0.1658935546875, "397": 0.0804443359375, "12187": 0.0806884765625, "11587": 0.04254150390625, "3622": 0.0430908203125, "66348": 0.02569580078125, "11192": 0.061676025390625, "12478": 0.16015625, "27771": 0.06427001953125, "37202": 0.054840087890625, "17438": 0.111572265625, "14534": 0.02471923828125, "47": 0.01403045654296875, "63457": 0.1943359375, "20102": 0.1866455078125, "77546": 0.0904541015625, "52599": 0.1373291015625, "113771": 0.0283660888671875, "56101": 0.084228515625, "231833": 0.1640625, "35187": 0.05511474609375} |
6504953 | Radiation-Related Cancer Risks at Low Doses among Atomic Bomb Survivors | Abstract Pierce, D. A. and Preston, D. L. Radiation-Related Cancer Risks at Low Doses among Atomic Bomb Survivors. To clarify the information in the Radiation Effects Research Foundation data regarding cancer risks of low radiation doses, we focus on survivors with doses less than 0.5 Sv. For reasons indicated, we also restrict attention mainly to survivors within 3,000 m of the hypocenter of the bombs. Analysis is of solid cancer incidence from 1958–1994, involving 7,000 cancer cases among 50,000 survivors in that dose and distance range. The results provide useful risk estimates for doses as low as 0.05–0.1 Sv, which are not overestimated by linear risk estimates computed from the wider dose ranges 0–2 Sv or 0–4 Sv. There is a statistically significant risk in the range 0–0.1 Sv, and an upper confidence limit on any possible threshold is computed as 0.06 Sv. It is indicated that modification of the neutron dose estimates currently under consideration would not markedly change the conclusions. | {"233973": 0.1634521484375, "47231": 0.139892578125, "329": 0.129638671875, "391": 0.00516510009765625, "62": 0.0145263671875, "136": 0.01515960693359375, "20703": 0.08056640625, "1507": 0.11065673828125, "339": 0.01068115234375, "26368": 0.173583984375, "2320": 0.112060546875, "4332": 0.048614501953125, "143": 0.13232421875, "147146": 0.2470703125, "114588": 0.239990234375, "7": 0.03765869140625, "99": 0.060028076171875, "61187": 0.2059326171875, "31033": 0.166015625, "90": 0.01366424560546875, "54940": 0.0362548828125, "69728": 0.1783447265625, "1771": 0.0745849609375, "82514": 0.2371826171875, "187502": 0.244140625, "17306": 0.1041259765625, "70": 0.00994873046875, "4677": 0.041900634765625, "129297": 0.19189453125, "42477": 0.08941650390625, "32807": 0.1400146484375, "2053": 0.06475830078125, "27968": 0.228271484375, "10512": 0.25537109375, "27226": 0.1951904296875, "4567": 0.1705322265625, "655": 0.1851806640625, "32153": 0.09759521484375, "613": 0.1424560546875, "33328": 0.179931640625, "25251": 0.065673828125, "40715": 0.1151123046875, "3501": 0.0213775634765625, "81730": 0.22119140625, "33214": 0.2056884765625, "1326": 0.0098419189453125, "89397": 0.0030193328857421875, "71": 0.00994873046875, "4": 0.00989532470703125, "173072": 0.1363525390625, "35743": 0.10443115234375, "538": 0.0098724365234375, "47": 0.00981903076171875, "28032": 0.0528564453125, "63009": 0.1617431640625, "347": 0.1292724609375, "111": 0.0098724365234375, "75690": 0.1700439453125, "30090": 0.2181396484375, "54330": 0.23974609375, "114837": 0.1256103515625, "164": 0.00818634033203125, "18652": 0.1820068359375, "136667": 0.15966796875, "1295": 0.050567626953125, "42610": 0.199462890625, "1104": 0.041229248046875, "78972": 0.20361328125, "23": 0.010162353515625, "3784": 0.08343505859375, "6496": 0.01428985595703125, "6": 0.0094757080078125, "144274": 0.1566162109375, "50218": 0.1280517578125, "55577": 0.1595458984375, "39098": 0.19091796875, "62488": 0.17138671875, "37457": 0.1591796875, "581": 0.0023517608642578125, "50339": 0.0154876708984375, "80234": 0.10736083984375, "25902": 0.1456298828125, "1636": 0.01010894775390625, "237": 0.0154266357421875, "89678": 0.143310546875, "758": 0.128662109375, "102014": 0.2008056640625, "621": 0.0099639892578125, "959": 0.0234222412109375, "645": 0.0361328125, "72992": 0.10821533203125, "3674": 0.00998687744140625, "390": 0.009979248046875, "192617": 0.12017822265625, "7077": 0.0985107421875, "297": 0.01010894775390625, "91257": 0.07696533203125, "757": 0.11859130859375, "304": 0.056610107421875, "617": 0.0921630859375, "83": 0.01018524169921875, "10": 0.00994873046875, "80835": 0.08526611328125, "25958": 0.01007080078125, "88551": 0.08538818359375, "142": 0.009490966796875, "1407": 0.1011962890625, "56": 0.01000213623046875, "159454": 0.2320556640625, "17475": 0.15576171875, "98": 0.00984954833984375, "2499": 0.0343017578125, "7722": 0.127685546875, "159399": 0.1441650390625, "16200": 0.1275634765625, "910": 0.12335205078125, "117414": 0.0011234283447265625, "129344": 0.1424560546875, "183693": 0.193359375, "19": 0.1123046875, "82424": 0.015655517578125, "1379": 0.00971221923828125, "177229": 0.048980712890625, "15549": 0.032867431640625, "93192": 0.0322265625} |
6517267 | Barriers and facilitators to implement shared decision making in multidisciplinary sciatica care: a qualitative study | BACKGROUND The Dutch multidisciplinary sciatica guideline recommends that the team of professionals involved in sciatica care and the patient together decide on surgical or prolonged conservative treatment (shared decision making [SDM]). Despite this recommendation, SDM is not yet integrated in sciatica care. Existing literature concerning barriers and facilitators to SDM implementation mainly focuses on one discipline only, whereas multidisciplinary care may involve other barriers and facilitators, or make these more complex for both professionals and patients. Therefore, this qualitative study aims to identify barriers and facilitators perceived by patients and professionals for SDM implementation in multidisciplinary sciatica care. METHODS We conducted 40 semi-structured interviews with professionals involved in sciatica care (general practitioners, physical therapists, neurologists, neurosurgeons, and orthopedic surgeons) and three focus groups among patients (six to eight per group). The interviews and focus groups were audiotaped and transcribed in full. Reported barriers and facilitators were classified according to the framework of Grol and Wensing. The software package Atlas.ti 7.0 was used for analysis. RESULTS Professionals reported 53 barriers and 5 facilitators, and patients 35 barriers and 18 facilitators for SDM in sciatica care. Professionals perceived most barriers at the level of the organizational context, and facilitators at the level of the individual professional. Patients reported most barriers and facilitators at the level of the individual professional. Several barriers and facilitators correspond with barriers and facilitators found in the literature (e.g., lack of time, motivation) but also new barriers and facilitators were identified. Many of these new barriers mentioned by both professionals and patients were related to the multidisciplinary setting, such as lack of visibility, lack of trust in expertise of other disciplines, and lack of communication between disciplines. CONCLUSIONS This study identified barriers and facilitators for SDM in the multidisciplinary sciatica setting, by both professionals and patients. It is clear that more barriers than facilitators are perceived for implementation of SDM in sciatica care. Newly identified barriers and facilitators are related to the multidisciplinary care setting. Therefore, an effective implementation strategy of SDM in a multidisciplinary setting such as in sciatica care should focus on these barriers and facilitators. | {"8678": 0.06658935546875, "20572": 0.039581298828125, "136498": 0.09967041015625, "174705": 0.193603515625, "235561": 0.2578125, "1294": 0.07318115234375, "13047": 0.1617431640625, "11": 0.14697265625, "7636": 0.1934814453125, "17997": 0.1416015625, "2256": 0.1600341796875, "67330": 0.125, "450": 0.025390625, "70": 0.02532958984375, "7175": 0.10906982421875, "111": 0.0254669189453125, "50582": 0.2264404296875, "75412": 0.09869384765625, "517": 0.19775390625, "136": 0.08013916015625, "37896": 0.1214599609375, "25842": 0.1011962890625, "28288": 0.158935546875, "98": 0.0248870849609375, "613": 0.126220703125, "177": 0.0245361328125, "21533": 0.02459716796875, "707": 0.05078125, "85673": 0.1314697265625, "297": 0.02508544921875, "17467": 0.1717529296875, "4935": 0.024932861328125, "39734": 0.1741943359375, "67886": 0.13818359375, "71": 0.0251922607421875, "51957": 0.1773681640625, "20662": 0.09857177734375, "294": 0.112060546875, "31246": 0.269775390625, "268": 0.02459716796875, "262": 0.0246734619140625, "61518": 0.031280517578125, "2320": 0.0253753662109375, "4": 0.025543212890625, "159": 0.13671875, "959": 0.050537109375, "14373": 0.043060302734375, "78779": 0.126708984375, "5443": 0.0191650390625, "1419": 0.022125244140625, "214": 0.025054931640625, "163136": 0.1610107421875, "125861": 0.25244140625, "7": 0.0253143310546875, "33493": 0.270263671875, "22230": 0.1024169921875, "208124": 0.1944580078125, "5201": 0.0036449432373046875, "538": 0.025299072265625, "32153": 0.1884765625, "90": 0.025115966796875, "1632": 0.08477783203125, "80244": 0.1846923828125, "4734": 0.051361083984375, "7440": 0.02459716796875, "162": 0.02484130859375, "1543": 0.023895263671875, "83687": 0.01317596435546875, "3789": 0.0239105224609375, "3249": 0.0252685546875, "6097": 0.0243377685546875, "1286": 0.06890869140625, "27140": 0.1444091796875, "100": 0.0252532958984375, "15044": 0.02569580078125, "60264": 0.1756591796875, "150234": 0.16552734375, "13": 0.0252685546875, "35187": 0.123291015625, "131264": 0.0214996337890625, "47": 0.02545166015625, "135812": 0.061248779296875, "21778": 0.1751708984375, "1399": 0.0254058837890625, "4126": 0.0254974365234375, "390": 0.02545166015625, "6": 0.025238037109375, "33677": 0.10296630859375, "193792": 0.06317138671875, "55080": 0.049072265625, "1112": 0.12445068359375, "36137": 0.048797607421875, "9": 0.025482177734375, "137656": 0.046142578125, "33683": 0.1781005859375, "678": 0.025360107421875, "15": 0.025421142578125, "180300": 0.02197265625, "17823": 0.017913818359375, "118": 0.1478271484375, "23850": 0.025421142578125, "72761": 0.0250701904296875, "13631": 0.0248870849609375, "64370": 0.025360107421875, "171134": 0.052642822265625, "271": 0.0254974365234375, "37817": 0.003856658935546875, "7102": 0.02435302734375, "429": 0.0252838134765625, "5245": 0.02532958984375, "24948": 0.0245513916015625, "60867": 0.024566650390625, "238": 0.025146484375, "105806": 0.10845947265625, "16": 0.025421142578125, "17262": 0.06561279296875, "94407": 0.05316162109375, "54940": 0.02459716796875, "4084": 0.06585693359375, "136659": 0.0750732421875, "117": 0.025054931640625, "21115": 0.0662841796875, "581": 0.0247802734375, "3542": 0.025238037109375, "18215": 0.0899658203125, "102": 0.0244598388671875, "20051": 0.0252685546875, "30334": 0.0694580078125, "34601": 0.0246124267578125, "23": 0.0253753662109375, "4393": 0.00787353515625, "34798": 0.017059326171875, "18507": 0.1595458984375, "47314": 0.0251007080078125, "59499": 0.0245819091796875, "170846": 0.1068115234375, "14854": 0.10211181640625, "141": 0.024688720703125, "64676": 0.07110595703125, "6953": 0.17529296875, "10975": 0.190185546875, "98169": 0.1236572265625, "110588": 0.1656494140625, "5": 0.0265350341796875, "129884": 0.147216796875, "509": 0.0246429443359375, "11814": 0.01617431640625, "114137": 0.09112548828125, "218849": 0.08929443359375, "61928": 0.2093505859375, "113771": 0.07037353515625, "8934": 0.145263671875, "190": 0.0750732421875, "2273": 0.1280517578125, "543": 0.08404541015625, "2684": 0.052825927734375, "99": 0.025390625, "17366": 0.02386474609375, "53702": 0.13720703125, "289": 0.0252838134765625, "43701": 0.0253753662109375, "11651": 0.082275390625, "23182": 0.1407470703125, "135004": 0.1966552734375, "48752": 0.00421142578125, "42518": 0.0170440673828125, "14037": 0.02587890625, "92635": 0.119873046875, "98365": 0.0225982666015625, "1284": 0.0258331298828125, "2843": 0.0247344970703125, "3525": 0.0816650390625, "207487": 0.1396484375, "52455": 0.0230865478515625, "119056": 0.044921875, "62548": 0.06097412109375, "53550": 0.1466064453125, "6044": 0.025238037109375, "237": 0.0258026123046875, "108625": 0.11865234375, "939": 0.025177001953125, "63207": 0.11883544921875, "107963": 0.1307373046875, "36398": 0.124267578125, "17721": 0.0247955322265625, "37486": 0.08349609375, "85390": 0.0114898681640625, "1650": 0.025238037109375, "83": 0.02520751953125, "3501": 0.0204620361328125, "621": 0.0254974365234375, "2356": 0.0115814208984375, "142": 0.02239990234375, "60266": 0.10992431640625, "113857": 0.1690673828125, "10": 0.0246734619140625, "5608": 0.026519775390625} |
6517763 | Molecular characterization of long-term survivors of glioblastoma using genome- and transcriptome-wide profiling. | The prognosis of glioblastoma, the most malignant type of glioma, is still poor, with only a minority of patients showing long-term survival of more than three years after diagnosis. To elucidate the molecular aberrations in glioblastomas of long-term survivors, we performed genome- and/or transcriptome-wide molecular profiling of glioblastoma samples from 94 patients, including 28 long-term survivors with >36 months overall survival (OS), 20 short-term survivors with <12 months OS and 46 patients with intermediate OS. Integrative bioinformatic analyses were used to characterize molecular aberrations in the distinct survival groups considering established molecular markers such as isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 or 2 (IDH1/2) mutations, and O(6) -methylguanine DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) promoter methylation. Patients with long-term survival were younger and more often had IDH1/2-mutant and MGMT-methylated tumors. Gene expression profiling revealed over-representation of a distinct (proneural-like) expression signature in long-term survivors that was linked to IDH1/2 mutation. However, IDH1/2-wildtype glioblastomas from long-term survivors did not show distinct gene expression profiles and included proneural, classical and mesenchymal glioblastoma subtypes. Genomic imbalances also differed between IDH1/2-mutant and IDH1/2-wildtype tumors, but not between survival groups of IDH1/2-wildtype patients. Thus, our data support an important role for MGMT promoter methylation and IDH1/2 mutation in glioblastoma long-term survival and corroborate the association of IDH1/2 mutation with distinct genomic and transcriptional profiles. Importantly, however, IDH1/2-wildtype glioblastomas in our cohort of long-term survivors lacked distinctive DNA copy number changes and gene expression signatures, indicating that other factors might have been responsible for long survival in this particular subgroup of patients. | {"183509": 0.216552734375, "164": 0.1048583984375, "111": 0.040374755859375, "1978": 0.19287109375, "89533": 0.2418212890625, "7": 0.05377197265625, "63348": 0.1827392578125, "4": 0.0404052734375, "70": 0.04046630859375, "2684": 0.1611328125, "186470": 0.160888671875, "1236": 0.1239013671875, "10644": 0.1837158203125, "8945": 0.1981201171875, "83": 0.047760009765625, "7464": 0.110107421875, "70425": 0.1832275390625, "678": 0.0400390625, "4734": 0.0548095703125, "10": 0.040435791015625, "66320": 0.1376953125, "939": 0.0400390625, "60264": 0.1646728515625, "141377": 0.07257080078125, "4989": 0.12066650390625, "9": 0.04034423828125, "32166": 0.1778564453125, "218018": 0.22216796875, "1286": 0.0479736328125, "3501": 0.038787841796875, "17262": 0.114013671875, "5369": 0.1278076171875, "7103": 0.109130859375, "47099": 0.10150146484375, "717": 0.002407073974609375, "28": 0.00057220458984375, "71865": 0.123046875, "233239": 0.1734619140625, "2243": 0.2103271484375, "30494": 0.1861572265625, "23": 0.040283203125, "2785": 0.1419677734375, "1510": 0.1253662109375, "613": 0.1390380859375, "33328": 0.1683349609375, "25251": 0.06524658203125, "642": 0.01065826416015625, "51339": 0.06561279296875, "297": 0.040374755859375, "8584": 0.1402587890625, "13": 0.040069580078125, "136": 0.040313720703125, "64": 0.05047607421875, "748": 0.036468505859375, "30334": 0.033294677734375, "32032": 0.0307464599609375, "13450": 0.037384033203125, "113458": 0.09478759765625, "9468": 0.2288818359375, "214": 0.040283203125, "121413": 0.1142578125, "1295": 0.039947509765625, "16064": 0.1875, "26719": 0.005084991455078125, "1372": 0.1697998046875, "977": 0.01120758056640625, "8659": 0.1336669921875, "21775": 0.1556396484375, "128512": 0.12066650390625, "15": 0.040191650390625, "7285": 0.12225341796875, "247": 0.0401611328125, "387": 0.08367919921875, "16610": 0.1312255859375, "4426": 0.038970947265625, "1530": 0.1055908203125, "11787": 0.1212158203125, "7621": 0.1036376953125, "81814": 0.09869384765625, "2182": 0.040283203125, "91969": 0.09881591796875, "4935": 0.0396728515625, "3530": 0.06634521484375, "77033": 0.15966796875, "238": 0.03985595703125, "51422": 0.1512451171875, "3542": 0.039947509765625, "11814": 0.00751495361328125, "47": 0.03973388671875, "62816": 0.06793212890625, "20650": 0.04034423828125, "117781": 0.1810302734375, "94407": 0.12469482421875, "179635": 0.01374053955078125, "170920": 0.024017333984375, "71323": 0.12548828125, "6044": 0.040283203125, "237": 0.039764404296875, "13882": 0.057037353515625, "12645": 0.07269287109375, "17957": 0.03912353515625, "8": 0.10516357421875, "180220": 0.13916015625, "1409": 0.10955810546875, "106": 0.038970947265625, "707": 0.0026645660400390625, "116": 0.10821533203125, "151844": 0.167724609375, "118551": 0.2288818359375, "16": 0.040191650390625, "199334": 0.2144775390625, "180": 0.0965576171875, "169073": 0.1092529296875, "20": 0.034149169921875, "1928": 0.075927734375, "99346": 0.059722900390625, "1212": 0.040008544921875, "27583": 0.1717529296875, "435": 0.1397705078125, "65853": 0.2000732421875, "141325": 0.08929443359375, "6991": 0.03955078125, "34926": 0.08892822265625, "37290": 0.1776123046875, "125568": 0.1722412109375, "42": 0.03955078125, "2320": 0.039520263671875, "135004": 0.1776123046875, "27150": 0.10614013671875, "56": 0.039947509765625, "27983": 0.06353759765625, "1902": 0.0238800048828125, "6": 0.040252685546875, "561": 0.1676025390625, "18211": 0.0975341796875, "89624": 0.103515625, "27686": 0.04010009765625, "57412": 0.169189453125, "46980": 0.167724609375, "125195": 0.19091796875, "122273": 0.030181884765625, "645": 0.09808349609375, "205913": 0.06597900390625, "1363": 0.0401611328125, "3454": 0.0819091796875, "86": 0.0249176025390625, "82451": 0.06884765625, "5062": 0.03961181640625, "138256": 0.139892578125, "450": 0.040313720703125, "509": 0.039642333984375, "3126": 0.0985107421875, "33306": 0.00853729248046875, "41123": 0.1273193359375, "71": 0.0565185546875, "50986": 0.15869140625, "6777": 0.03839111328125, "959": 0.0572509765625, "7639": 0.039825439453125, "22293": 0.13134765625, "60641": 0.12237548828125, "502": 0.11395263671875, "54704": 0.10784912109375, "289": 0.04034423828125, "2409": 0.0792236328125, "33": 0.039947509765625, "7668": 0.1258544921875, "2749": 0.04022216796875, "1614": 0.1395263671875, "52597": 0.1402587890625, "1771": 0.040283203125, "566": 0.10235595703125, "173212": 0.245361328125, "129927": 0.1279296875, "17721": 0.037139892578125, "1284": 0.0340576171875, "2053": 0.0638427734375, "8060": 0.0816650390625, "142": 0.040252685546875, "5526": 0.066650390625, "31486": 0.0875244140625, "100": 0.040191650390625, "27651": 0.040313720703125, "67": 0.04022216796875, "125413": 0.09423828125, "59478": 0.040191650390625, "162054": 0.0311126708984375, "538": 0.040283203125, "552": 0.0399169921875, "5922": 0.0499267578125, "18": 0.040283203125, "21": 0.097412109375, "76622": 0.0125732421875, "5844": 0.040283203125, "43658": 0.00677490234375, "14012": 0.036773681640625, "65572": 0.031982421875, "3789": 0.03533935546875, "120103": 0.1439208984375, "13648": 0.1129150390625, "765": 0.040374755859375, "2809": 0.040283203125, "102778": 0.11822509765625, "903": 0.0021266937255859375, "17311": 0.006420135498046875, "51588": 0.10736083984375} |
6525844 | Impact of aortic stiffness on survival in end-stage renal disease. | BACKGROUND Damage to large arteries is a major factor in the high cardiovascular morbidity and mortality of patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD). Increased arterial stiffness and intima-media thickness, together with increased pulse pressure, are the principal arterial alterations. Whether increased aortic pulse-wave velocity (PWV), a classic marker of increased arterial stiffness, may predict all-cause and/or cardiovascular mortality has never been investigated. METHODS AND RESULTS A cohort of 241 patients with ESRD undergoing hemodialysis was studied between April 1987 and April 1998. The mean duration of follow-up was 72+/-41 months (mean+/-SD). Mean age at entry was 51.5+/-16.3 years. Seventy-three deaths occurred, including 48 cardiovascular and 25 noncardiovascular fatal events. At entry, together with standard clinical and biochemical analyses, patients underwent echocardiography and aortic PWV measured by Doppler ultrasonography. On the basis of Cox analyses, 2 factors emerged as predictors of all-cause and cardiovascular mortality: age and aortic PWV. Hemoglobin and low diastolic pressure interfered to a smaller extent. After adjustment for all the confounding factors, an OR for PWV >12. 0 versus <9.4 m/s was 5.4 (95% CI, 2.4 to 11.9) for all-cause mortality and 5.9 (95% CI, 2.3 to 15.5) for cardiovascular mortality. For each PWV increase of 1 m/s in our study population, all-cause mortality-adjusted OR was 1.39 (95% CI, 1.19 to 1.62). CONCLUSIONS These results provide the first direct evidence that in patients with ESRD, increased aortic stiffness determined by measurement of aortic PWV is a strong independent predictor of all-cause and mainly cardiovascular mortality. | {"8678": 0.076416015625, "20572": 0.059722900390625, "136498": 0.110107421875, "95001": 0.16015625, "429": 0.041595458984375, "47": 0.052703857421875, "21334": 0.12176513671875, "146027": 0.179443359375, "90": 0.07391357421875, "83": 0.0009222030639648438, "13036": 0.08636474609375, "31461": 0.1468505859375, "70": 0.018280029296875, "11192": 0.10687255859375, "207269": 0.2030029296875, "87131": 0.1527099609375, "2481": 0.09332275390625, "136": 0.0182342529296875, "67573": 0.1729736328125, "111": 0.0182342529296875, "60264": 0.16259765625, "3564": 0.138427734375, "9": 0.0184783935546875, "7": 0.0182952880859375, "16852": 0.1318359375, "218696": 0.231201171875, "70997": 0.10137939453125, "6706": 0.125732421875, "40756": 0.25048828125, "1283": 0.11114501953125, "5281": 0.017242431640625, "183918": 0.197021484375, "13629": 0.1710205078125, "4902": 0.1895751953125, "7432": 0.08038330078125, "24833": 0.1417236328125, "11": 0.017822265625, "12333": 0.10711669921875, "6117": 0.11480712890625, "4": 0.018280029296875, "678": 0.032684326171875, "124735": 0.189208984375, "55111": 0.1781005859375, "13": 0.0180816650390625, "81147": 0.169677734375, "7893": 0.11614990234375, "42068": 0.19580078125, "5256": 0.00762176513671875, "10": 0.042388916015625, "748": 0.17529296875, "9523": 0.10333251953125, "634": 0.169677734375, "272": 0.017730712890625, "191060": 0.1771240234375, "939": 0.07666015625, "683": 0.0687255859375, "1456": 0.1429443359375, "856": 0.2352294921875, "247": 0.017486572265625, "54704": 0.12286376953125, "71323": 0.2071533203125, "1543": 0.039886474609375, "92054": 0.197509765625, "756": 0.12451171875, "408": 0.12030029296875, "4032": 0.1307373046875, "8306": 0.095703125, "2809": 0.01739501953125, "32603": 0.127197265625, "3674": 0.018280029296875, "33677": 0.0258636474609375, "193792": 0.00719451904296875, "294": 0.018157958984375, "218849": 0.05902099609375, "5922": 0.1053466796875, "18": 0.0181427001953125, "744": 0.068115234375, "418": 0.08074951171875, "9764": 0.1336669921875, "214": 0.0182037353515625, "2360": 0.133544921875, "15663": 0.10302734375, "289": 0.10443115234375, "147852": 0.16455078125, "509": 0.01776123046875, "22282": 0.09649658203125, "71": 0.018218994140625, "7071": 0.07000732421875, "22059": 0.12359619140625, "82490": 0.1378173828125, "581": 1.430511474609375e-05, "29459": 0.1683349609375, "115": 0.116943359375, "30494": 0.018341064453125, "28960": 0.159912109375, "2037": 0.0179443359375, "9464": 0.0738525390625, "1328": 0.07366943359375, "64": 0.1131591796875, "8894": 0.100341796875, "21775": 0.1160888671875, "15": 0.018310546875, "282": 0.01132965087890625, "22916": 0.0499267578125, "1215": 0.05682373046875, "66": 0.134521484375, "32070": 0.146484375, "99": 0.01544189453125, "42805": 0.19677734375, "190": 0.05987548828125, "42876": 0.01151275634765625, "13528": 0.08453369140625, "5": 0.01806640625, "363": 0.0179443359375, "5369": 0.01800537109375, "132556": 0.064208984375, "927": 0.0179443359375, "107": 0.129638671875, "47219": 0.2174072265625, "74918": 0.11505126953125, "2822": 0.0181732177734375, "4572": 0.1573486328125, "714": 0.134033203125, "351": 0.0767822265625, "3284": 0.05584716796875, "4079": 0.0134735107421875, "25667": 0.017822265625, "85235": 0.1552734375, "47353": 0.10333251953125, "25842": 0.01523590087890625, "56465": 0.005840301513671875, "3530": 0.01129913330078125, "34610": 0.06536865234375, "21533": 0.0181732177734375, "51422": 0.04486083984375, "74797": 0.01593017578125, "3089": 0.032440185546875, "38931": 0.0775146484375, "14": 0.0178375244140625, "87168": 0.018310546875, "436": 0.04217529296875, "72350": 0.05426025390625, "390": 0.0180206298828125, "984": 0.00968170166015625, "6366": 0.107177734375, "603": 0.095458984375, "19914": 0.0303955078125, "1681": 0.049896240234375, "2161": 0.0180206298828125, "1311": 0.0614013671875, "425": 0.10577392578125, "116": 0.09332275390625, "120103": 0.18701171875, "237": 0.0178985595703125, "25251": 0.017974853515625, "14313": 0.0750732421875, "31": 0.01454925537109375, "54285": 0.12322998046875, "73": 0.01806640625, "27226": 0.051971435546875, "879": 0.00865936279296875, "2785": 0.08624267578125, "9120": 0.0180511474609375, "193943": 0.1524658203125, "164917": 0.068359375, "192961": 0.0175323486328125, "126596": 0.053802490234375, "674": 0.01824951171875, "100": 0.018096923828125, "158": 0.0166015625, "151645": 0.030242919921875, "33172": 0.1971435546875, "1530": 0.09033203125, "757": 0.06396484375, "119475": 0.030548095703125, "4426": 0.017852783203125, "1126": 0.035308837890625, "617": 0.066162109375, "347": 0.06365966796875, "1892": 0.052093505859375, "170509": 0.196044921875, "26550": 0.1500244140625, "66207": 0.1171875, "16": 0.0179595947265625, "6": 0.018157958984375, "201218": 0.1187744140625, "59811": 0.0477294921875, "43317": 0.00931549072265625, "1326": 0.01018524169921875, "12638": 0.031890869140625, "51312": 0.1640625, "106": 0.009063720703125, "23": 0.01812744140625, "35187": 0.005146026611328125, "43904": 0.01197052001953125, "712": 0.0175628662109375, "20314": 0.01334381103515625, "297": 0.018310546875, "615": 0.0181884765625, "9323": 0.0183868408203125, "2947": 0.017669677734375, "10461": 0.0179901123046875, "37486": 0.03399658203125, "50339": 0.043701171875, "5117": 0.0096893310546875, "8951": 0.0721435546875, "77950": 0.046875, "450": 0.017181396484375, "37515": 0.0626220703125, "41371": 0.10662841796875, "538": 0.018218994140625} |
6532806 | An integrated database of genes responsive to the Myc oncogenic transcription factor: identification of direct genomic targets | We report a database of genes responsive to the Myc oncogenic transcription factor. The database Myc Target Gene prioritizes candidate target genes according to experimental evidence and clusters responsive genes into functional groups. We coupled the prioritization of target genes with phylogenetic sequence comparisons to predict c-Myc target binding sites, which are in turn validated by chromatin immunoprecipitation assays. This database is essential for the understanding of the genetic regulatory networks underlying the genesis of cancers. | {"1401": 0.0096588134765625, "13416": 0.173583984375, "63399": 0.271484375, "111": 0.006023406982421875, "22293": 0.2286376953125, "7": 0.0684814453125, "226874": 0.253662109375, "47": 0.0198211669921875, "2646": 0.2176513671875, "238": 0.1981201171875, "98": 0.135986328125, "587": 0.062347412109375, "429": 0.07464599609375, "6402": 0.0059967041015625, "30334": 0.11224365234375, "59478": 0.1282958984375, "31461": 0.1627197265625, "160017": 0.280517578125, "46980": 0.2001953125, "25343": 0.1575927734375, "20650": 0.033477783203125, "25469": 0.1663818359375, "30388": 0.234619140625, "195935": 0.136962890625, "77950": 0.07763671875, "234737": 0.14013671875, "3934": 0.00995635986328125, "123309": 0.12384033203125, "94407": 0.11224365234375, "24941": 0.0653076171875, "70": 0.00484466552734375, "112537": 0.06781005859375, "13": 0.00403594970703125, "9523": 0.00482940673828125, "944": 0.0232086181640625, "3956": 0.004451751708984375, "225490": 0.09649658203125, "92054": 0.177490234375, "501": 0.06890869140625, "31852": 0.2178955078125, "128239": 0.189208984375, "15271": 0.140380859375, "4": 0.00490570068359375, "621": 0.004669189453125, "23": 0.005084991455078125, "15504": 0.0030269622802734375, "44622": 0.13916015625, "3674": 0.005123138427734375, "17656": 0.021759033203125, "38657": 0.0792236328125, "73": 0.08551025390625, "43766": 0.115234375, "51606": 0.07952880859375, "6295": 0.080810546875, "2320": 0.00392913818359375, "20347": 0.1087646484375, "3293": 0.0098114013671875, "85590": 0.1488037109375, "100094": 0.09967041015625, "101412": 0.165283203125, "144314": 0.1922607421875, "53": 0.004802703857421875, "33120": 0.127197265625, "1379": 0.10015869140625, "538": 0.088134765625, "6023": 0.07928466796875, "27968": 0.2039794921875} |
6535392 | siRNA specificity searching incorporating mismatch tolerance data. | UNLABELLED Artificially synthesized short interfering RNAs (siRNAs) are widely used in functional genomics to knock down specific target genes. One ongoing challenge is to guarantee that the siRNA does not elicit off-target effects. Initial reports suggested that siRNAs were highly sequence-specific; however, subsequent data indicates that this is not necessarily the case. It is still uncertain what level of similarity and other rules are required for an off-target effect to be observed, and scoring schemes have not been developed to look beyond simple measures such as the number of mismatches or the number of consecutive matching bases present. We created design rules for predicting the likelihood of a non-specific effect and present a web server that allows the user to check the specificity of a given siRNA in a flexible manner using a combination of methods. The server finds potential off-target matches in the corresponding RefSeq database and ranks them according to a scoring system based on experimental studies of specificity. AVAILABILITY The server is available at http://informatics-eskitis.griffith.edu.au/SpecificityServer. | {"8274": 0.153076171875, "89549": 0.1837158203125, "80020": 0.2252197265625, "397": 0.1429443359375, "231996": 0.1923828125, "142518": 0.12744140625, "90": 0.0293426513671875, "29367": 0.0164794921875, "16610": 0.17822265625, "1940": 0.12335205078125, "2875": 0.179931640625, "214": 0.07574462890625, "125499": 0.355712890625, "7": 0.1297607421875, "172": 0.1878662109375, "16": 0.00333404541015625, "621": 0.040374755859375, "38134": 0.11236572265625, "538": 0.005184173583984375, "11814": 0.19775390625, "23": 0.005329132080078125, "123309": 0.151123046875, "8584": 0.09625244140625, "28021": 0.0980224609375, "47": 0.0926513671875, "186015": 0.16552734375, "7565": 0.19091796875, "29458": 0.241455078125, "30388": 0.231689453125, "22293": 0.1766357421875, "221560": 0.07415771484375, "66801": 0.17431640625, "142027": 0.164306640625, "78": 0.19091796875, "14602": 0.054473876953125, "959": 0.07470703125, "28": 0.00720977783203125, "60923": 0.150634765625, "5773": 0.186767578125, "867": 0.1519775390625, "3794": 0.1751708984375, "93425": 0.178466796875, "1890": 0.0692138671875, "289": 0.005283355712890625, "117729": 0.082275390625, "42459": 0.0736083984375, "297": 0.0048828125, "103210": 0.10101318359375, "944": 0.0823974609375, "3956": 0.0026378631591796875, "9": 0.005001068115234375, "159975": 0.231201171875, "74": 0.0045318603515625, "4": 0.0051727294921875, "221419": 0.005863189697265625, "2053": 0.057647705078125, "450": 0.004970550537109375, "83": 0.005100250244140625, "204988": 0.1024169921875, "70": 0.005336761474609375, "7225": 0.09613037109375, "7464": 0.026458740234375, "106290": 0.142578125, "73": 0.005336761474609375, "17366": 0.01947021484375, "111": 0.005279541015625, "21373": 0.1717529296875, "2481": 0.10650634765625, "136": 0.004558563232421875, "91736": 0.17529296875, "56065": 0.0833740234375, "21543": 0.2183837890625, "186": 0.004589080810546875, "139999": 0.12060546875, "71": 0.00513458251953125, "28780": 0.1689453125, "150370": 0.09893798828125, "2809": 0.004970550537109375, "126809": 0.07513427734375, "6713": 0.0291595458984375, "8781": 0.03057861328125, "72350": 0.09210205078125, "6044": 0.00455474853515625, "237": 0.00482940673828125, "26137": 0.114990234375, "18": 0.019256591796875, "17007": 0.0052947998046875, "148390": 0.07275390625, "13": 0.005207061767578125, "14858": 0.1854248046875, "51039": 0.1265869140625, "13379": 0.0816650390625, "75935": 0.0804443359375, "4331": 0.2042236328125, "92054": 0.1995849609375, "1884": 0.146728515625, "150": 0.103759765625, "44462": 0.078125, "351": 0.12176513671875, "10": 0.005229949951171875, "1467": 0.142578125, "10723": 0.2086181640625, "114864": 0.07562255859375, "38937": 0.10089111328125, "12765": 0.217529296875, "34475": 0.041412353515625, "110677": 0.1763916015625, "162515": 0.10760498046875, "150624": 0.078857421875, "7413": 0.08990478515625, "38516": 0.1781005859375, "42518": 0.00699615478515625, "53295": 0.1982421875, "4233": 0.16748046875, "864": 0.1641845703125, "63399": 0.14111328125, "30648": 0.1708984375, "59499": 0.004581451416015625, "5426": 0.08697509765625, "98": 0.00513458251953125, "195935": 0.088623046875, "47688": 0.07220458984375, "16444": 0.054107666015625, "201526": 0.046844482421875, "19882": 0.1319580078125, "77033": 0.058013916015625, "1336": 0.08905029296875, "1814": 0.126708984375, "5": 0.005107879638671875, "71624": 0.035919189453125, "8962": 0.1114501953125, "15246": 0.0858154296875, "916": 0.15869140625, "47107": 0.1947021484375, "14486": 0.1693115234375, "193348": 0.185791015625} |
6536598 | The Ino80 chromatin-remodeling complex restores chromatin structure during UV DNA damage repair | Chromatin structure is modulated during deoxyribonucleic acid excision repair, but how this is achieved is unclear. Loss of the yeast Ino80 chromatin-remodeling complex (Ino80-C) moderately sensitizes cells to ultraviolet (UV) light. In this paper, we show that INO80 acts in the same genetic pathway as nucleotide excision repair (NER) and that the Ino80-C contributes to efficient UV photoproduct removal in a region of high nucleosome occupancy. Moreover, Ino80 interacts with the early NER damage recognition complex Rad4-Rad23 and is recruited to chromatin by Rad4 in a UV damage-dependent manner. Using a modified chromatin immunoprecipitation assay, we find that chromatin disruption during UV lesion repair is normal, whereas the restoration of nucleosome structure is defective in ino80 mutant cells. Collectively, our work suggests that Ino80 is recruited to sites of UV lesion repair through interactions with the NER apparatus and is required for the restoration of chromatin structure after repair. | {"70103": 0.138671875, "2227": 0.189453125, "73": 0.18359375, "45646": 0.2138671875, "17055": 0.1925048828125, "27686": 0.1011962890625, "20271": 0.086669921875, "8": 0.09136962890625, "76634": 0.0916748046875, "11049": 0.1175537109375, "34": 0.00019633769989013672, "11030": 0.0859375, "43840": 0.039520263671875, "1119": 0.058258056640625, "318": 0.1644287109375, "6889": 0.04510498046875, "121461": 0.210693359375, "4": 0.01100921630859375, "3642": 0.0218048095703125, "69307": 0.076416015625, "71": 0.01030731201171875, "51": 0.0198211669921875, "119488": 0.0828857421875, "3731": 0.1175537109375, "2422": 0.1385498046875, "4438": 0.09442138671875, "360": 0.1778564453125, "31": 0.1466064453125, "4836": 0.299072265625, "17656": 0.12420654296875, "38657": 0.20068359375, "26973": 0.13037109375, "45530": 0.1649169921875, "27140": 0.1693115234375, "568": 0.07513427734375, "157": 0.1546630859375, "441": 0.15625, "16": 0.009552001953125, "71644": 0.10931396484375, "64559": 0.14892578125, "118": 0.0845947265625, "38750": 0.15185546875, "7": 0.01103973388671875, "47": 0.03192138671875, "227899": 0.1717529296875, "83037": 0.1785888671875, "22729": 0.1483154296875, "53878": 0.236572265625, "27992": 0.0946044921875, "23": 0.09686279296875, "70": 0.01102447509765625, "5701": 0.0760498046875, "101412": 0.1956787109375, "60875": 0.11370849609375, "7514": 0.009246826171875, "241454": 0.130615234375, "52952": 0.19482421875, "9": 0.01081085205078125, "162466": 0.1346435546875, "93766": 0.11468505859375, "31812": 0.20361328125, "16186": 0.12396240234375, "57877": 0.1715087890625, "49146": 0.14697265625, "1405": 0.01013946533203125, "10": 0.01091766357421875, "10776": 0.06951904296875, "111": 0.01104736328125, "11192": 0.063720703125, "43452": 0.1417236328125, "45519": 0.158203125, "27771": 0.00988006591796875, "78974": 0.12548828125, "678": 0.0164947509765625, "39395": 0.0374755859375, "82649": 0.1429443359375, "230466": 0.1390380859375, "9552": 0.12286376953125, "35748": 0.1126708984375, "148545": 0.1265869140625, "3742": 0.156005859375, "172310": 0.1749267578125, "297": 0.0110015869140625, "390": 0.0036067962646484375, "617": 0.14306640625, "181063": 0.11846923828125, "73197": 0.10406494140625, "43766": 0.12078857421875, "51606": 0.0595703125, "2320": 0.0023746490478515625, "237": 0.0057525634765625, "20347": 0.08447265625, "226586": 0.215576171875, "199": 0.12213134765625, "1830": 0.041656494140625, "83": 0.00980377197265625, "3638": 0.1109619140625, "14359": 0.1270751953125, "72104": 0.1650390625, "5844": 0.011138916015625, "842": 0.07916259765625, "18211": 0.11309814453125, "538": 0.01103973388671875, "42459": 0.0177459716796875, "15271": 0.07562255859375, "182809": 0.0738525390625, "6": 0.0092620849609375, "20939": 0.04461669921875, "136": 0.00957489013671875, "56065": 0.05718994140625, "100": 0.007625579833984375, "7103": 0.0187530517578125} |
6540064 | Effects of PCSK9 Inhibition With Alirocumab on Lipoprotein Metabolism in Healthy Humans | BACKGROUND Alirocumab, a monoclonal antibody to proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 (PCSK9), lowers plasma low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and apolipoprotein B100 (apoB). Although studies in mice and cells have identified increased hepatic LDL receptors as the basis for LDL lowering by PCSK9 inhibitors, there have been no human studies characterizing the effects of PCSK9 inhibitors on lipoprotein metabolism. In particular, it is not known whether inhibition of PCSK9 has any effects on very low-density lipoprotein or intermediate-density lipoprotein (IDL) metabolism. Inhibition of PCSK9 also results in reductions of plasma lipoprotein (a) levels. The regulation of plasma Lp(a) levels, including the role of LDL receptors in the clearance of Lp(a), is poorly defined, and no mechanistic studies of the Lp(a) lowering by alirocumab in humans have been published to date. METHODS Eighteen (10 F, 8 mol/L) participants completed a placebo-controlled, 2-period study. They received 2 doses of placebo, 2 weeks apart, followed by 5 doses of 150 mg of alirocumab, 2 weeks apart. At the end of each period, fractional clearance rates (FCRs) and production rates (PRs) of apoB and apo(a) were determined. In 10 participants, postprandial triglycerides and apoB48 levels were measured. RESULTS Alirocumab reduced ultracentrifugally isolated LDL-C by 55.1%, LDL-apoB by 56.3%, and plasma Lp(a) by 18.7%. The fall in LDL-apoB was caused by an 80.4% increase in LDL-apoB FCR and a 23.9% reduction in LDL-apoB PR. The latter was due to a 46.1% increase in IDL-apoB FCR coupled with a 27.2% decrease in conversion of IDL to LDL. The FCR of apo(a) tended to increase (24.6%) without any change in apo(a) PR. Alirocumab had no effects on FCRs or PRs of very low-density lipoproteins-apoB and very low-density lipoproteins triglycerides or on postprandial plasma triglycerides or apoB48 concentrations. CONCLUSIONS Alirocumab decreased LDL-C and LDL-apoB by increasing IDL- and LDL-apoB FCRs and decreasing LDL-apoB PR. These results are consistent with increases in LDL receptors available to clear IDL and LDL from blood during PCSK9 inhibition. The increase in apo(a) FCR during alirocumab treatment suggests that increased LDL receptors may also play a role in the reduction of plasma Lp(a). CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION URL: http://www.clinicaltrials.gov. Unique identifier: NCT01959971. | {"8678": 0.069091796875, "20572": 0.034088134765625, "136498": 0.11737060546875, "2132": 0.2215576171875, "516": 0.2459716796875, "10591": 0.2822265625, "2055": 0.26025390625, "22460": 0.10821533203125, "63499": 0.1171875, "6236": 0.0394287109375, "2874": 0.156494140625, "37873": 0.137451171875, "502": 0.0997314453125, "80000": 0.176513671875, "73": 0.039520263671875, "96760": 0.115234375, "6991": 0.0157012939453125, "109002": 0.1412353515625, "9431": 0.1263427734375, "350": 0.030517578125, "35815": 0.1571044921875, "10644": 0.09173583984375, "483": 0.16845703125, "12233": 0.0750732421875, "10762": 0.1834716796875, "1126": 0.2001953125, "92319": 0.221923828125, "7": 0.039947509765625, "80796": 0.1787109375, "27226": 0.10516357421875, "9": 0.039825439453125, "34609": 0.11041259765625, "2481": 0.039794921875, "136327": 0.139892578125, "866": 0.0941162109375, "27502": 0.2181396484375, "16": 0.0399169921875, "150471": 0.1834716796875, "6885": 0.173095703125, "112114": 0.1343994140625, "3559": 0.1273193359375, "15": 0.039764404296875, "25395": 0.1461181640625, "571": 0.1517333984375, "96335": 0.073486328125, "23": 0.039825439453125, "324": 0.118896484375, "329": 0.03936767578125, "136": 0.039642333984375, "38750": 0.0701904296875, "765": 0.039520263671875, "124735": 0.121826171875, "764": 0.06549072265625, "10974": 0.0926513671875, "238": 0.039398193359375, "339": 0.04339599609375, "137376": 0.2030029296875, "237": 0.039520263671875, "70": 0.039794921875, "18231": 0.0210418701171875, "100": 0.039459228515625, "214": 0.03955078125, "390": 0.039764404296875, "6107": 0.1036376953125, "173702": 0.1944580078125, "22230": 0.07220458984375, "4": 0.039794921875, "2685": 0.039398193359375, "2809": 0.039703369140625, "110": 0.0232696533203125, "14135": 0.07000732421875, "62816": 0.0027008056640625, "84382": 0.039642333984375, "93425": 0.12408447265625, "111": 0.039764404296875, "98": 0.039764404296875, "159531": 0.12176513671875, "360": 0.039703369140625, "442": 0.0394287109375, "83": 0.03961181640625, "51529": 0.0019359588623046875, "1363": 0.039794921875, "4552": 0.03839111328125, "707": 0.039642333984375, "81814": 0.035125732421875, "2182": 0.03973388671875, "26036": 0.11541748046875, "14": 0.039764404296875, "2843": 0.0237884521484375, "50339": 0.05963134765625, "74906": 0.14306640625, "5256": 0.03955078125, "11": 0.1524658203125, "581": 0.039398193359375, "15913": 0.1549072265625, "254": 0.080322265625, "132": 0.039703369140625, "90926": 0.06549072265625, "26719": 0.0262603759765625, "31486": 0.095703125, "34735": 0.133544921875, "7154": 0.039703369140625, "247": 0.03973388671875, "70425": 0.08538818359375, "538": 0.03961181640625, "61924": 0.0721435546875, "71": 0.039825439453125, "74842": 0.1058349609375, "48242": 0.03961181640625, "923": 0.13916015625, "118103": 0.08770751953125, "91376": 0.0150909423828125, "47": 0.03985595703125, "5622": 0.0295257568359375, "294": 0.039581298828125, "241": 0.0396728515625, "6958": 0.038238525390625, "8927": 0.03948974609375, "563": 0.0537109375, "382": 0.018157958984375, "20467": 0.01439666748046875, "64": 0.021148681640625, "10": 0.039794921875, "3687": 0.047943115234375, "837": 0.039825439453125, "6259": 0.039703369140625, "131692": 0.022613525390625, "35187": 0.016448974609375, "5": 0.039764404296875, "75204": 0.039276123046875, "655": 0.01018524169921875, "90": 0.039764404296875, "116": 0.03948974609375, "40859": 0.07659912109375, "34955": 0.039459228515625, "134629": 0.039642333984375, "190": 0.039642333984375, "3252": 0.127685546875, "12010": 0.057586669921875, "1913": 0.039703369140625, "12638": 0.039642333984375, "175921": 0.09234619140625, "289": 0.03985595703125, "121297": 0.039581298828125, "22578": 0.15283203125, "36049": 0.0479736328125, "17255": 0.1082763671875, "3542": 0.03973388671875, "83324": 0.00980377197265625, "209": 0.038482666015625, "1305": 0.03826904296875, "94138": 0.09942626953125, "1927": 0.063232421875, "110608": 0.08306884765625, "53038": 0.08905029296875, "988": 0.03973388671875, "9285": 0.1400146484375, "218849": 0.08306884765625, "34390": 0.2044677734375, "19914": 0.0009417533874511719, "54957": 0.032196044921875, "25958": 0.039825439453125, "54015": 0.10662841796875, "3674": 0.03973388671875, "441": 0.10540771484375, "4859": 0.019134521484375, "13961": 0.039703369140625, "9103": 0.03753662109375, "11587": 0.039764404296875, "7744": 0.0369873046875, "14427": 0.03955078125, "6817": 0.1280517578125, "509": 0.0394287109375, "143434": 0.017059326171875, "142": 0.039581298828125, "2248": 0.09124755859375, "51312": 0.1676025390625, "9559": 0.01515960693359375, "12678": 0.039398193359375, "456": 0.0797119140625, "77391": 0.08123779296875, "10865": 0.1231689453125, "21": 0.0267486572265625, "3055": 0.0240631103515625, "24941": 0.0293121337890625, "678": 0.039764404296875, "12498": 0.037200927734375, "12807": 0.0396728515625, "227204": 0.2047119140625, "142477": 0.0181121826171875, "17660": 0.01136016845703125, "297": 0.039703369140625, "12187": 0.03955078125, "2499": 0.039764404296875, "15549": 0.031585693359375, "5425": 0.03955078125, "202104": 0.0305938720703125, "37486": 0.049896240234375, "118055": 0.09112548828125, "8": 0.038482666015625, "162": 0.039703369140625, "621": 0.03973388671875, "74729": 0.0045166015625, "19882": 0.0212860107421875, "1295": 0.03961181640625, "59714": 0.0416259765625, "39734": 0.1424560546875, "450": 0.039764404296875, "1543": 0.019439697265625, "46323": 0.055389404296875, "25019": 0.048828125, "141029": 0.034210205078125, "94536": 0.1580810546875, "7842": 0.046539306640625, "6": 0.0396728515625, "217674": 0.1627197265625, "84780": 0.039520263671875, "31862": 0.00482177734375, "696": 0.039398193359375, "92768": 0.0308837890625, "21533": 0.024749755859375, "3996": 0.12152099609375, "11789": 0.052978515625, "944": 0.039764404296875, "42485": 0.13037109375, "56": 0.039642333984375, "43379": 0.073974609375, "194540": 0.0245513916015625, "14773": 0.00467681884765625, "418": 0.031402587890625} |
6544701 | A more efficient method to generate integration-free human iPS cells | We report a simple method, using p53 suppression and nontransforming L-Myc, to generate human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) with episomal plasmid vectors. We generated human iPSCs from multiple donors, including two putative human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-homozygous donors who match ∼20% of the Japanese population at major HLA loci; most iPSCs are integrated transgene-free. This method may provide iPSCs suitable for autologous and allologous stem-cell therapy in the future. | {"13416": 0.110595703125, "8781": 0.189697265625, "55300": 0.171142578125, "17368": 0.08221435546875, "915": 0.08685302734375, "14226": 0.270263671875, "15811": 0.0997314453125, "48448": 0.17578125, "351": 0.091552734375, "215175": 0.111083984375, "339": 0.1143798828125, "31852": 0.1331787109375, "238": 0.07421875, "47": 0.028717041015625, "139392": 0.2176513671875, "14135": 0.15869140625, "135989": 0.1837158203125, "69795": 0.1751708984375, "114680": 0.1981201171875, "36418": 0.1927490234375, "38750": 0.215087890625, "14": 0.09136962890625, "9059": 0.1766357421875, "441": 0.21435546875, "7": 0.1212158203125, "678": 0.06591796875, "25277": 0.0799560546875, "5084": 0.1348876953125, "56033": 0.120361328125, "22000": 0.1690673828125, "22834": 0.1605224609375, "22230": 0.07293701171875, "17": 0.09710693359375, "1295": 0.0267791748046875, "48716": 0.09375, "164441": 0.1839599609375, "4": 0.01338958740234375, "6626": 0.041107177734375, "19983": 0.07928466796875, "4935": 0.0013637542724609375, "23482": 0.0831298828125, "2408": 0.0718994140625, "2874": 0.094970703125, "1409": 0.0982666015625, "841": 0.026458740234375, "8356": 0.1341552734375, "51610": 0.01457977294921875, "17454": 0.11322021484375, "14858": 0.1209716796875, "6": 0.0133819580078125, "51271": 0.11700439453125, "111": 0.01403045654296875, "70": 0.01332855224609375, "148926": 0.1806640625, "43904": 0.1026611328125, "99": 0.0191192626953125, "13036": 0.0202178955078125, "572": 0.038299560546875, "7001": 0.0736083984375, "2684": 0.047821044921875, "78779": 0.10394287109375, "297": 0.005157470703125, "3900": 0.033660888671875, "15292": 0.12335205078125, "32087": 0.09051513671875, "1543": 0.0723876953125, "22691": 0.05133056640625, "202319": 0.1102294921875, "1809": 0.1038818359375, "26989": 0.0699462890625, "223": 0.013763427734375, "756": 0.047515869140625, "14071": 0.09686279296875, "10821": 0.0139617919921875, "34680": 0.14501953125, "106864": 0.1402587890625, "23": 0.039215087890625, "22690": 0.034515380859375} |
6549091 | Permanent cardiac pacing versus medical treatment for the prevention of recurrent vasovagal syncope: a multicenter, randomized, controlled trial. | BACKGROUND This clinical investigation was performed to compare the effects of permanent dual-chamber cardiac pacing with pharmacological therapy in patients with recurrent vasovagal syncope. METHODS AND RESULTS Patients from 14 centers were randomized to receive either a DDD pacemaker provided with rate-drop response function or the beta-blocker atenolol at the dosage of 100 mg once a day. Inclusion criteria were age >35 years, >/=3 syncopal spells in the preceding 2 years, and positive response to tilt table testing with syncope occurring in association with relative bradycardia. The primary outcome was the first recurrence of syncope after randomization. Enrollment was started in December 1997, and the first formal interim analysis was performed on July 30, 2000. By that time, 93 patients (38 men and 55 women; mean age, 58.1+/-14.3 years) had been enrolled and randomized, although follow-up data were available for all patients (46 patients in the pacemaker arm, 47 patients in the pharmacological arm). The interim analysis showed a significant effect in favor of permanent cardiac pacing (recurrence of syncope in 2 patients [4.3%] after a median of 390 days) compared with medical treatment (recurrence of syncope in 12 patients [25.5%] after a median of 135 days; OR, 0.133; 95% CI, 0.028 to 0.632; P=0.004). Consequently, enrollment and follow-up were terminated. CONCLUSIONS DDD pacing with rate-drop response function is more effective than beta-blockade for the prevention of syncopal recurrences in highly symptomatic vasovagal fainters with relative bradycardia during tilt-induced syncope. | {"8678": 0.07958984375, "20572": 0.060516357421875, "136498": 0.108154296875, "3293": 0.0050506591796875, "56465": 0.10845947265625, "145456": 0.176025390625, "51339": 0.045806884765625, "297": 0.035003662109375, "69101": 0.156494140625, "70": 0.034912109375, "93425": 0.186767578125, "28123": 0.24365234375, "87758": 0.2060546875, "1436": 0.167724609375, "26278": 0.12420654296875, "165441": 0.209228515625, "249": 0.2086181640625, "21896": 0.1982421875, "678": 0.06512451171875, "163414": 0.1710205078125, "238": 0.09857177734375, "109622": 0.11083984375, "106864": 0.1885986328125, "60264": 0.18896484375, "456": 0.09014892578125, "163812": 0.182373046875, "4191": 0.1279296875, "2914": 0.1485595703125, "2870": 0.148681640625, "6002": 0.183837890625, "587": 0.202392578125, "1081": 0.165771484375, "33677": 0.044891357421875, "193792": 0.032318115234375, "294": 0.034912109375, "48762": 0.021728515625, "218849": 0.0821533203125, "135004": 0.141357421875, "7": 0.034820556640625, "1295": 0.01166534423828125, "616": 0.13037109375, "27585": 0.18212890625, "3542": 0.03497314453125, "96759": 0.157470703125, "29367": 0.03497314453125, "53299": 0.09234619140625, "40101": 0.029296875, "10": 0.0347900390625, "6": 0.034149169921875, "154988": 0.28466796875, "42632": 0.1796875, "55474": 0.160400390625, "62952": 0.03997802734375, "34515": 0.181640625, "9": 0.0347900390625, "138810": 0.2247314453125, "57553": 0.20458984375, "32354": 0.1605224609375, "707": 0.005435943603515625, "51703": 0.1776123046875, "81409": 0.2059326171875, "56": 0.0248565673828125, "99": 0.08721923828125, "21004": 0.1708984375, "55722": 0.195556640625, "655": 0.11444091796875, "4588": 0.03485107421875, "111": 0.03485107421875, "805": 0.129150390625, "12010": 0.11688232421875, "24145": 0.06048583984375, "5155": 0.10345458984375, "360": 0.033782958984375, "67158": 0.0305938720703125, "191": 0.034820556640625, "55738": 0.1290283203125, "11": 0.03485107421875, "32070": 0.111572265625, "5843": 0.123046875, "5369": 0.034820556640625, "4": 0.034912109375, "64": 0.0345458984375, "76067": 0.08929443359375, "5007": 0.1600341796875, "160093": 0.158203125, "23": 0.034881591796875, "107671": 0.039794921875, "214": 0.035064697265625, "116": 0.0794677734375, "136": 0.0347900390625, "24491": 0.08740234375, "47": 0.03485107421875, "139": 0.14794921875, "23180": 0.1300048828125, "134234": 0.128173828125, "2852": 0.03472900390625, "125413": 0.09588623046875, "35845": 0.1527099609375, "1620": 0.08221435546875, "1459": 0.035919189453125, "3284": 0.1292724609375, "3390": 0.08514404296875, "158978": 0.10272216796875, "184345": 0.1409912109375, "5117": 0.0859375, "64240": 0.1849365234375, "6620": 0.03497314453125, "7103": 0.09130859375, "47691": 0.034454345703125, "357": 0.094970703125, "27722": 0.2178955078125, "674": 0.0350341796875, "509": 0.033935546875, "26859": 0.08831787109375, "14487": 0.083984375, "10586": 0.159912109375, "23113": 0.12030029296875, "1940": 0.117919921875, "464": 0.1419677734375, "114137": 0.2105712890625, "98": 0.034454345703125, "20414": 0.051849365234375, "496": 0.0279541015625, "52489": 0.13671875, "3311": 0.034698486328125, "450": 0.03466796875, "1733": 0.03472900390625, "17461": 0.1441650390625, "15": 0.034698486328125, "10991": 0.10406494140625, "453": 0.0162506103515625, "4859": 0.1278076171875, "24793": 0.16064453125, "74": 0.034942626953125, "29459": 0.0631103515625, "190": 0.076416015625, "206730": 0.06298828125, "1328": 0.07452392578125, "16249": 0.09051513671875, "5": 0.034759521484375, "363": 0.03485107421875, "16": 0.034912109375, "1902": 0.0288543701171875, "2809": 0.034271240234375, "22": 0.10113525390625, "28960": 0.0955810546875, "2037": 0.03485107421875, "2053": 0.078369140625, "19882": 0.05792236328125, "100": 0.0347900390625, "756": 0.03375244140625, "9271": 0.10699462890625, "16294": 0.10101318359375, "7657": 0.11065673828125, "88551": 0.08331298828125, "21543": 0.1717529296875, "10862": 0.11846923828125, "107": 0.034698486328125, "378": 0.03466796875, "617": 0.0345458984375, "11587": 0.09796142578125, "268": 0.0347900390625, "2450": 0.1270751953125, "19": 0.035003662109375, "125409": 0.11358642578125, "13312": 0.105712890625, "154186": 0.034271240234375, "29874": 0.10198974609375, "39734": 0.1422119140625, "427": 0.1201171875, "2588": 0.07830810546875, "13465": 0.1158447265625, "35826": 0.1307373046875, "33172": 0.03826904296875, "107754": 0.0521240234375, "9185": 0.03485107421875, "59653": 0.141357421875, "26550": 0.09307861328125, "89678": 0.0718994140625, "3882": 0.1336669921875, "757": 0.050201416015625, "169771": 0.09222412109375, "436": 0.03460693359375, "1369": 0.034759521484375, "37509": 0.11907958984375, "29557": 0.029022216796875, "1657": 0.03460693359375, "26513": 0.034759521484375, "18": 0.034820556640625, "538": 0.034881591796875, "121011": 0.1407470703125, "37486": 0.04595947265625, "1286": 0.1180419921875, "60266": 0.1788330078125, "3501": 0.058380126953125, "2873": 0.1578369140625, "479": 0.1260986328125, "57241": 0.0765380859375, "69098": 0.033966064453125, "103210": 0.01117706298828125, "128668": 0.059783935546875, "9523": 0.03472900390625, "1071": 0.09259033203125, "10433": 0.1435546875, "20271": 0.022430419921875, "18442": 0.08575439453125, "37534": 0.03485107421875} |
6550579 | A central role for HER3 in HER2-amplified breast cancer: implications for targeted therapy. | Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and HER3 each form heterodimers with HER2 and have independently been implicated as key coreceptors that drive HER2-amplified breast cancer. Some studies suggest a dominant role for EGFR, a notion of renewed interest given the development of dual HER2/EGFR small-molecule inhibitors. Other studies point to HER3 as the primary coreceptor. To clarify the relative contributions of EGFR and HER3 to HER2 signaling, we studied receptor knockdown via small interfering RNA technology across a panel of six HER2-overexpressing cell lines. Interestingly, HER3 was as critical as HER2 for maintaining cell proliferation in most cell lines, whereas EGFR was dispensable. Induction of HER3 knockdown in the HER2-overexpressing BT474M1 cell line was found to inhibit growth in three-dimensional culture and induce rapid tumor regression of in vivo xenografts. Furthermore, preferential phosphorylation of HER3, but not EGFR, was observed in HER2-amplified breast cancer tissues. Given these data suggesting HER3 as an important therapeutic target, we examined the activity of pertuzumab, a HER2 antibody that inhibits HER3 signaling by blocking ligand-induced HER2/HER3 heterodimerization. Pertuzumab inhibited ligand-dependent morphogenesis in three-dimensional culture and induced tumor regression in the heregulin-dependent MDA-MB-175 xenograft model. Importantly, these activities of pertuzumab were distinct from those of trastuzumab, a monoclonal antibody currently used for treatment of HER2-amplified breast cancer patients. Our data suggest that inhibition of HER3 may be more clinically relevant than inhibition of EGFR in HER2-amplified breast cancer and also suggest that adding pertuzumab to trastuzumab may augment therapeutic benefit by blocking HER2/HER3 signaling. | {"56273": 0.0472412109375, "820": 0.1268310546875, "2749": 0.032073974609375, "75678": 0.16357421875, "31461": 0.183349609375, "137376": 0.2469482421875, "25176": 0.103759765625, "46290": 0.2479248046875, "136": 0.01039886474609375, "44714": 0.24169921875, "363": 0.2308349609375, "12638": 0.007015228271484375, "3173": 0.125, "77099": 0.1839599609375, "5771": 0.1468505859375, "1314": 0.0672607421875, "678": 0.01226806640625, "304": 0.1717529296875, "41371": 0.08831787109375, "17914": 0.0911865234375, "22799": 0.0977783203125, "552": 0.11358642578125, "153524": 0.1912841796875, "25251": 0.0885009765625, "22648": 0.1412353515625, "18504": 0.1605224609375, "2424": 0.1109619140625, "47314": 0.07305908203125, "57262": 0.172607421875, "27968": 0.1663818359375, "96335": 0.0284271240234375, "42459": 0.017181396484375, "73944": 0.1361083984375, "31486": 0.10284423828125, "75008": 0.090087890625, "110": 0.032257080078125, "75312": 0.0228118896484375, "33946": 0.08184814453125, "87758": 0.0819091796875, "45792": 0.09735107421875, "19336": 0.08697509765625, "133": 0.038482666015625, "173702": 0.1844482421875, "22230": 0.03759765625, "158978": 0.09613037109375, "748": 0.1240234375, "17306": 0.026763916015625, "35845": 0.0168914794921875, "127752": 0.1004638671875, "26073": 0.12939453125, "22282": 0.004306793212890625, "186015": 0.159423828125, "34695": 0.1444091796875, "1940": 0.03271484375, "2875": 0.07501220703125, "125499": 0.174072265625, "55556": 0.093017578125, "37195": 0.042694091796875, "5465": 0.09173583984375, "136091": 0.12017822265625, "38750": 0.1112060546875, "124519": 0.0924072265625, "237": 0.00588226318359375, "130306": 0.1444091796875, "76104": 0.08819580078125, "215447": 0.08624267578125, "144520": 0.09552001953125, "360": 0.029449462890625, "77391": 0.1492919921875, "66145": 0.0655517578125, "172725": 0.1478271484375, "594": 0.05670166015625, "418": 0.04461669921875, "13315": 0.10028076171875, "17262": 0.10638427734375, "157955": 0.13916015625, "29394": 0.1519775390625, "135989": 0.10888671875, "25545": 0.07952880859375, "57412": 0.1624755859375, "148448": 0.2069091796875, "16622": 0.173095703125, "80022": 0.07391357421875, "34815": 0.196044921875, "12601": 0.083984375, "134208": 0.05255126953125, "139006": 0.09393310546875, "139999": 0.0272369384765625, "108055": 0.0242767333984375, "5526": 0.0439453125, "126472": 0.1427001953125, "30388": 0.1553955078125, "103488": 0.0701904296875, "117": 0.08258056640625, "31342": 0.169189453125, "316": 0.137939453125, "2055": 0.1513671875, "2874": 0.10137939453125, "37873": 0.11077880859375, "46389": 0.1187744140625, "19881": 0.0736083984375, "56": 0.01517486572265625, "908": 0.09930419921875, "181063": 0.05950927734375, "2993": 0.0158843994140625, "15292": 0.09832763671875, "764": 2.0742416381835938e-05, "6538": 0.049652099609375, "12689": 0.03350830078125, "121670": 0.10882568359375, "3299": 0.057525634765625, "69924": 0.10546875, "117781": 0.054534912109375, "5848": 0.06512451171875, "22460": 0.0256805419921875, "63499": 0.008026123046875, "39734": 0.058319091796875, "2053": 0.01004791259765625, "1543": 0.0260162353515625, "1286": 0.0400390625, "56465": 0.0877685546875, "29191": 0.1165771484375, "154107": 0.09039306640625, "9620": 0.059112548828125, "68073": 0.06500244140625} |
6559201 | Mechanisms of astrocytogenesis in the mammalian brain. | In the mammalian central nervous system, astrocytes are the most abundant cell type and play crucial roles in brain development and function. Astrocytes are known to be produced from multipotent neural stem cells (NSCs) at the late gestational stage during brain development, and accumulating evidence indicates that this stage-dependent generation of astrocytes from NSCs is achieved by systematic cooperation between environmental cues and cell-intrinsic programs. Exemplifying the former is cytokine signaling through the gp130-Janus kinase/signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 pathway, and exemplifying the latter is epigenetic modification of astrocyte-specific genes. Here, we introduce recent advances in our understanding of the mechanisms that coordinate astrocytogenesis from NSCs by modulating signaling pathways and epigenetic programs, with a particular focus on the developing mammalian forebrain. | {"360": 0.006587982177734375, "21968": 0.163330078125, "38820": 0.150390625, "9879": 0.1051025390625, "11066": 0.1258544921875, "13048": 0.1624755859375, "5426": 0.12091064453125, "72513": 0.217529296875, "2408": 0.2294921875, "1636": 0.1746826171875, "621": 0.0257568359375, "2684": 0.092529296875, "130807": 0.138916015625, "660": 0.036041259765625, "38750": 0.1861572265625, "10644": 0.1773681640625, "11301": 0.041900634765625, "106157": 0.1190185546875, "31486": 0.1083984375, "78574": 0.20166015625, "34754": 0.15771484375, "136": 0.00699615478515625, "32354": 0.0740966796875, "85303": 0.23486328125, "51529": 0.0643310546875, "181653": 0.1591796875, "1295": 0.036834716796875, "6024": 0.07598876953125, "114680": 0.1767578125, "108": 0.02813720703125, "82451": 0.1263427734375, "36418": 0.14111328125, "22479": 0.114990234375, "441": 0.1639404296875, "72399": 0.09967041015625, "45066": 0.1309814453125, "36541": 0.093505859375, "20271": 0.0152740478515625, "183278": 0.005584716796875, "77950": 0.0214080810546875, "181063": 0.10198974609375, "58093": 0.152587890625, "541": 0.0784912109375, "14495": 0.173828125, "69307": 0.07403564453125, "242161": 0.11163330078125, "57476": 0.09075927734375, "156444": 0.114013671875, "314": 0.06585693359375, "33310": 0.10833740234375, "103391": 0.11004638671875, "195": 0.04107666015625, "2424": 0.054718017578125, "19932": 0.0271759033203125, "6448": 0.1748046875, "1212": 0.125244140625, "26073": 0.1585693359375, "78872": 0.09808349609375, "43955": 0.195068359375, "67884": 0.10235595703125, "24222": 0.10736083984375, "165992": 0.11236572265625, "39367": 0.07379150390625, "34704": 0.086669921875, "30334": 0.019866943359375, "59478": 0.108154296875, "138": 0.10577392578125, "60875": 0.07574462890625, "7514": 0.0697021484375, "218094": 0.02044677734375, "25277": 0.08209228515625, "15292": 0.1822509765625, "9523": 0.00267791748046875, "129344": 0.15771484375, "67": 0.10382080078125, "159975": 0.1260986328125, "22293": 0.10791015625, "65508": 0.01132965087890625, "17309": 0.02294921875, "129745": 0.0728759765625, "100094": 0.065185546875, "191619": 0.154296875, "176866": 0.18359375, "188": 0.077392578125, "6023": 0.007396697998046875, "17055": 0.151123046875, "102966": 0.017578125, "32153": 0.0731201171875, "168698": 0.10565185546875, "100": 0.058685302734375, "13": 0.0014600753784179688, "2844": 0.158447265625, "73": 0.0218353271484375} |
6559701 | Regulation of the latent-lytic switch in Epstein-Barr virus. | Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection contributes to the development of several different types of human malignancy, including Burkitt lymphoma, Hodgkin lymphoma, and nasopharyngeal carcinoma. As a herpesvirus, EBV can establish latent or lytic infection in cells. EBV-positive tumors are composed almost exclusively of cells with latent EBV infection. Strategies for inducing the lytic form of EBV infection in tumor cells are being investigated as a potential therapy for EBV-positive tumors. In this article, we review how cellular and viral proteins regulate the latent-lytic EBV switch in infected B cells and epithelial cells, and discuss how harnessing lytic viral reactivation might be used therapeutically. | {"43816": 0.1453857421875, "18055": 0.2337646484375, "9": 0.016815185546875, "25267": 0.1676025390625, "42": 0.1297607421875, "14994": 0.2132568359375, "24162": 0.186279296875, "856": 0.263671875, "159634": 0.220458984375, "162466": 0.1744384765625, "47": 0.045166015625, "34754": 0.1524658203125, "40368": 0.031646728515625, "12921": 0.0784912109375, "52895": 0.1519775390625, "14135": 0.0888671875, "186470": 0.1259765625, "66": 0.06634521484375, "2408": 0.03887939453125, "7362": 0.111572265625, "9488": 0.1439208984375, "18": 0.08050537109375, "238757": 0.0831298828125, "8945": 0.1134033203125, "93360": 0.07586669921875, "177": 0.04443359375, "875": 0.12371826171875, "24": 0.094970703125, "991": 0.0021419525146484375, "14612": 0.03192138671875, "44413": 0.08160400390625, "429": 0.0711669921875, "2258": 0.0300445556640625, "44924": 0.08734130859375, "1301": 0.0650634765625, "150381": 0.21240234375, "76912": 0.2264404296875, "241": 0.134033203125, "77394": 0.294677734375, "831": 0.06756591796875, "137633": 0.1265869140625, "19161": 0.1845703125, "707": 0.0017881393432617188, "16500": 0.1505126953125, "9523": 0.15283203125, "23": 0.02630615234375, "38750": 0.1796875, "67890": 0.16455078125, "57412": 0.22265625, "150350": 0.1409912109375, "39555": 0.0270538330078125, "97629": 0.06890869140625, "141075": 0.1473388671875, "135989": 0.1690673828125, "3173": 0.1414794921875, "32603": 0.06512451171875, "38516": 0.1268310546875, "106864": 0.19482421875, "100": 0.00824737548828125, "5582": 0.019256591796875, "8347": 0.060882568359375, "3642": 0.01317596435546875, "2927": 0.0733642578125, "120087": 0.13427734375, "136": 0.029266357421875, "88254": 0.17333984375, "21308": 0.1923828125, "15913": 0.23291015625, "67": 0.0200958251953125, "538": 0.152587890625, "101089": 0.2215576171875, "75622": 0.1700439453125, "335": 0.11199951171875, "25277": 0.0440673828125, "2347": 0.09039306640625, "182": 0.07977294921875, "7432": 0.12335205078125, "456": 0.08721923828125, "111438": 0.2197265625, "1363": 0.0117950439453125, "13648": 0.06561279296875, "11814": 0.1048583984375, "126472": 0.174072265625} |
6561200 | Efficacy of HPV DNA testing with cytology triage and/or repeat HPV DNA testing in primary cervical cancer screening. | BACKGROUND Primary cervical screening with both human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA testing and cytological examination of cervical cells with a Pap test (cytology) has been evaluated in randomized clinical trials. Because the vast majority of women with positive cytology are also HPV DNA positive, screening strategies that use HPV DNA testing as the primary screening test may be more effective. METHODS We used the database from the intervention arm (n = 6,257 women) of a population-based randomized trial of double screening with cytology and HPV DNA testing to evaluate the efficacy of 11 possible cervical screening strategies that are based on HPV DNA testing alone, cytology alone, and HPV DNA testing combined with cytology among women aged 32-38 years. The main outcome measures were sensitivity for detection of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 3 or worse (CIN3+) within 6 months of enrollment or at colposcopy for women with a persistent type-specific HPV infection and the number of screening tests and positive predictive value (PPV) for each screening strategy. All statistical tests were two-sided. RESULTS Compared with screening by cytology alone, double testing with cytology and for type-specific HPV persistence resulted in a 35% (95% confidence interval [CI] = 15% to 60%) increase in sensitivity to detect CIN3+, without a statistically significant reduction in the PPV (relative PPV = 0.76, 95% CI = 0.52 to 1.10), but with more than twice as many screening tests needed. Several strategies that incorporated screening for high-risk HPV subtypes were explored, but they resulted in reduced PPV compared with cytology. Compared with cytology, primary screening with HPV DNA testing followed by cytological triage and repeat HPV DNA testing of HPV DNA-positive women with normal cytology increased the CIN3+ sensitivity by 30% (95% CI = 9% to 54%), maintained a high PPV (relative PPV = 0.87, 95% CI = 0.60 to 1.26), and resulted in a mere 12% increase in the number of screening tests (from 6,257 to 7,019 tests). CONCLUSIONS Primary HPV DNA-based screening with cytology triage and repeat HPV DNA testing of cytology-negative women appears to be the most feasible cervical screening strategy. | {"8678": 0.0814208984375, "20572": 0.05535888671875, "136498": 0.08709716796875, "19012": 0.1502685546875, "6641": 0.1419677734375, "686": 0.1832275390625, "6827": 0.07537841796875, "180975": 0.2489013671875, "678": 0.0430908203125, "15044": 0.073486328125, "14135": 0.0209197998046875, "153688": 0.12646484375, "51081": 0.10028076171875, "76912": 0.1300048828125, "36599": 0.10650634765625, "856": 0.1873779296875, "16": 0.019989013671875, "27583": 0.2327880859375, "134234": 0.200439453125, "136": 0.0205841064453125, "19932": 0.129638671875, "18": 0.0970458984375, "109622": 0.11676025390625, "96730": 0.09967041015625, "1363": 0.0198516845703125, "111": 0.0199432373046875, "38750": 0.10546875, "7": 0.0199127197265625, "10": 0.019805908203125, "25766": 0.11956787109375, "3034": 0.1734619140625, "2408": 0.1280517578125, "25443": 0.15771484375, "1556": 0.0130157470703125, "2809": 0.0193328857421875, "151575": 0.09222412109375, "297": 0.0199432373046875, "23": 0.0198211669921875, "96759": 0.09783935546875, "29367": 0.019927978515625, "56465": 0.07293701171875, "289": 0.019866943359375, "110324": 0.1387939453125, "88949": 0.0113372802734375, "70": 0.0199127197265625, "18410": 0.018310546875, "144732": 0.06884765625, "24793": 0.1595458984375, "24491": 0.1280517578125, "621": 0.0199127197265625, "2843": 0.0182952880859375, "134167": 0.291259765625, "4": 0.019927978515625, "50531": 0.173828125, "450": 0.0198822021484375, "4527": 0.050628662109375, "158978": 0.19287109375, "1543": 0.09100341796875, "186": 0.019805908203125, "1286": 0.10418701171875, "60266": 0.1363525390625, "6": 0.0198516845703125, "33677": 0.08001708984375, "193792": 0.04888916015625, "11814": 0.006031036376953125, "63399": 0.12225341796875, "1295": 0.01995849609375, "113449": 0.1419677734375, "16294": 0.11651611328125, "15": 0.019775390625, "19": 0.01812744140625, "2203": 0.0198211669921875, "305": 0.05230712890625, "2588": 0.09332275390625, "966": 0.0199127197265625, "43904": 0.0416259765625, "9": 0.0199127197265625, "77007": 0.12286376953125, "41929": 0.1328125, "13": 0.0199737548828125, "9129": 0.0849609375, "22346": 0.040435791015625, "534": 0.0970458984375, "7722": 0.065673828125, "35509": 0.04998779296875, "98": 0.01983642578125, "75447": 0.08740234375, "70163": 0.0254669189453125, "71": 0.0199432373046875, "54940": 0.019775390625, "17704": 0.0008974075317382812, "2789": 0.10638427734375, "135750": 0.126953125, "5369": 0.019989013671875, "581": 0.0198211669921875, "5201": 0.0308074951171875, "184345": 0.12322998046875, "72350": 0.0574951171875, "3542": 0.019866943359375, "176302": 0.1851806640625, "2481": 0.019989013671875, "100": 0.0199432373046875, "149": 0.10467529296875, "58994": 0.0199127197265625, "18440": 0.074462890625, "6295": 0.0643310546875, "54140": 0.08935546875, "16169": 0.109130859375, "52033": 0.164306640625, "399": 0.019866943359375, "44000": 0.07623291015625, "138": 0.08306884765625, "707": 0.01971435546875, "124632": 0.1181640625, "115942": 0.12451171875, "363": 0.1214599609375, "102817": 0.0870361328125, "28032": 0.01995849609375, "21775": 0.019989013671875, "22": 0.0191192626953125, "27722": 0.04779052734375, "674": 0.019805908203125, "99": 0.019805908203125, "3365": 0.004241943359375, "7522": 0.0194244384765625, "137366": 0.019775390625, "70560": 0.1646728515625, "2517": 0.0199127197265625, "10644": 0.117919921875, "159975": 0.020050048828125, "159634": 0.1185302734375, "14012": 0.0196990966796875, "109921": 0.1431884765625, "92054": 0.07525634765625, "5844": 0.019744873046875, "17487": 0.07830810546875, "12638": 0.0150146484375, "113857": 0.174072265625, "80835": 0.07373046875, "6626": 0.054443359375, "8752": 0.0538330078125, "218849": 0.07977294921875, "294": 0.019775390625, "113307": 0.027557373046875, "390": 0.019927978515625, "6620": 0.0196685791015625, "16750": 0.019744873046875, "86475": 0.139892578125, "170509": 0.155029296875, "159454": 0.207763671875, "51514": 0.0199127197265625, "378": 0.0196380615234375, "17304": 0.059600830078125, "268": 0.019744873046875, "31140": 0.053924560546875, "47": 0.0199432373046875, "30584": 0.0296173095703125, "51312": 0.1190185546875, "96391": 0.13232421875, "1328": 0.1441650390625, "25958": 0.0199127197265625, "88551": 0.0197601318359375, "456": 0.01255035400390625, "77391": 0.019744873046875, "12211": 0.11083984375, "25653": 0.0198211669921875, "4935": 0.0200042724609375, "757": 0.019683837890625, "5": 0.0197906494140625, "11835": 0.01995849609375, "59653": 0.119873046875, "26550": 0.1068115234375, "81730": 0.0175933837890625, "304": 0.0198211669921875, "615": 0.019683837890625, "50258": 0.019866943359375, "1284": 0.0198822021484375, "3501": 0.0197601318359375, "186351": 0.0012035369873046875, "237": 0.0196075439453125, "5941": 0.0197906494140625, "44841": 0.0080718994140625, "49504": 0.0267181396484375, "3674": 0.0196533203125, "11192": 0.044921875, "57786": 0.1334228515625, "1614": 0.0322265625, "50986": 0.127197265625, "88898": 0.01568603515625, "1836": 0.0199737548828125, "34390": 0.114501953125, "154186": 0.0198974609375, "134629": 0.019561767578125, "1927": 0.16259765625, "4588": 0.0199432373046875, "119140": 0.146484375, "67890": 0.046600341796875, "3638": 0.09051513671875, "124735": 0.10467529296875, "16279": 0.09039306640625, "12678": 0.019775390625, "8983": 0.0196533203125, "26244": 0.0197906494140625, "76104": 0.0146484375, "19308": 0.0201416015625, "4598": 0.019866943359375, "85416": 0.0203857421875, "2563": 0.0196075439453125, "99385": 0.09942626953125, "161063": 0.0198822021484375, "361": 0.0196533203125, "6746": 0.0198822021484375, "1126": 0.0200042724609375, "37486": 0.05670166015625, "85390": 0.01416015625, "3331": 0.1175537109375, "135179": 0.0716552734375, "2684": 0.0947265625, "3820": 0.11309814453125, "11": 0.0196990966796875, "55356": 0.076416015625} |
6565037 | Extrasynaptic Glutamate Spillover in the Hippocampus: Dependence on Temperature and the Role of Active Glutamate Uptake | At excitatory synapses on CA1 pyramidal cells of the hippocampus, a larger quantal content is sensed by N-methyl-D-aspartic acid receptors (NMDARs) than by alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid receptors (AMPARs). A novel explanation for this discrepancy is that glutamate released from terminals presynaptic to one cell can diffuse to and activate NMDARs, but not AMPARs, on a neighboring cell. If this occurs in the living brain, it could invalidate the view that glutamatergic synapses function as private communication channels between neurons. Here, we show that the discrepancy in quantal content mediated by the two receptors is greatly decreased at physiological temperature, compared with conventional recording conditions. This effect of temperature is not due to changes in release probability or uncovering of latent AMPARs. It is, however, partially reversed by the glutamate uptake inhibitor dihydrokainate. The results suggest that glutamate transporters play a critical role in limiting the extrasynaptic diffusion of glutamate, thereby minimizing cross-talk between neighboring excitatory synapses. | {"1913": 0.015228271484375, "164101": 0.2127685546875, "31667": 0.1199951171875, "133600": 0.179931640625, "45616": 0.16650390625, "23687": 0.12237548828125, "418": 0.0673828125, "242810": 0.1690673828125, "289": 0.03753662109375, "38750": 0.160888671875, "196423": 0.139404296875, "31": 0.042510986328125, "27034": 0.1522216796875, "223": 0.05389404296875, "150679": 0.0999755859375, "2261": 0.14501953125, "1803": 0.1900634765625, "10941": 0.2276611328125, "10422": 0.179931640625, "541": 0.07098388671875, "1928": 0.09698486328125, "65853": 0.03021240234375, "397": 0.09307861328125, "162": 0.0654296875, "15866": 0.1854248046875, "43840": 0.1251220703125, "137376": 0.2431640625, "70480": 0.1539306640625, "57227": 0.27197265625, "3501": 0.0142822265625, "144": 0.004566192626953125, "14612": 0.0955810546875, "1191": 0.043060302734375, "8316": 0.0227203369140625, "180220": 0.12408447265625, "10342": 0.03466796875, "11565": 0.041961669921875, "147300": 0.092041015625, "132489": 0.06646728515625, "137918": 0.1710205078125, "1052": 0.1932373046875, "21261": 0.0108489990234375, "187136": 0.11883544921875, "17116": 0.08160400390625, "107": 0.1607666015625, "3180": 0.19189453125, "18743": 0.13330078125, "19092": 0.1925048828125, "67": 0.10302734375, "121447": 0.143310546875, "33949": 0.191650390625, "9498": 0.08685302734375, "29673": 0.111572265625, "112569": 0.1488037109375, "1632": 0.04693603515625, "831": 0.036163330078125, "194314": 0.183837890625, "34704": 0.112548828125, "9677": 0.09771728515625, "60436": 0.2427978515625, "208244": 0.135986328125, "38043": 0.13671875, "78574": 0.1536865234375, "56649": 0.03717041015625, "720": 0.103271484375, "735": 0.08404541015625, "32354": 0.05999755859375, "14375": 0.1435546875, "36398": 0.13330078125, "86723": 0.10333251953125, "17721": 0.0090179443359375, "184940": 0.14208984375, "2408": 0.045684814453125, "2450": 0.132568359375, "6626": 0.10552978515625, "227204": 0.1788330078125, "240877": 0.088623046875, "52768": 0.196044921875, "101805": 0.043212890625, "182304": 0.156005859375, "27289": 0.047515869140625, "21543": 0.0853271484375, "65572": 0.00466156005859375, "54452": 0.1085205078125, "37242": 0.0855712890625, "19161": 0.10394287109375, "39531": 0.06591796875, "1257": 0.0173797607421875, "78219": 0.004741668701171875, "173702": 0.11285400390625, "1290": 0.038238525390625, "45": 0.0565185546875, "73341": 0.1588134765625, "2182": 0.09967041015625, "165407": 0.243408203125, "11301": 0.002468109130859375, "130306": 0.07122802734375, "31486": 0.0762939453125, "17475": 0.1339111328125, "4173": 0.06646728515625, "12654": 0.07635498046875, "45755": 0.040435791015625, "92105": 0.07257080078125, "14786": 0.06011962890625, "41421": 0.03167724609375, "139109": 0.1480712890625} |
6580081 | Molecular mechanisms of hepatic ischemia-reperfusion injury and preconditioning. | Ischemia-reperfusion injury is, at least in part, responsible for the morbidity associated with liver surgery under total vascular exclusion or after liver transplantation. The pathophysiology of hepatic ischemia-reperfusion includes a number of mechanisms that contribute to various degrees in the overall injury. Some of the topics discussed in this review include cellular mechanisms of injury, formation of pro- and anti-inflammatory mediators, expression of adhesion molecules, and the role of oxidant stress during the inflammatory response. Furthermore, the roles of nitric oxide in preventing microcirculatory disturbances and as a substrate for peroxynitrite formation are reviewed. In addition, emerging mechanisms of protection by ischemic preconditioning are discussed. On the basis of current knowledge, preconditioning or pharmacological interventions that mimic these effects have the greatest potential to improve clinical outcome in liver surgery involving ischemic stress and reperfusion. | {"87": 0.07879638671875, "7560": 0.200927734375, "7605": 0.2454833984375, "107": 0.09783935546875, "1264": 0.156494140625, "92105": 0.25634765625, "182260": 0.2200927734375, "19713": 0.01385498046875, "2831": 0.060333251953125, "102778": 0.1688232421875, "87131": 0.1373291015625, "71": 0.0941162109375, "2481": 0.03143310546875, "137272": 0.04827880859375, "134148": 0.2242431640625, "54053": 0.172119140625, "3622": 0.060302734375, "4191": 0.0435791015625, "25667": 0.0168609619140625, "39041": 0.127197265625, "7103": 0.0631103515625, "116192": 0.119873046875, "2340": 0.064697265625, "497": 0.0833740234375, "34053": 0.09307861328125, "172": 0.091552734375, "25443": 0.10784912109375, "764": 0.12115478515625, "10974": 0.172607421875, "238": 0.036041259765625, "4986": 0.1832275390625, "9": 0.009796142578125, "96853": 0.0005230903625488281, "191619": 0.187255859375, "162466": 0.088623046875, "67842": 0.0631103515625, "79385": 0.03857421875, "128512": 0.062744140625, "28451": 0.12744140625, "45252": 0.060302734375, "8347": 0.1278076171875, "2927": 0.10760498046875, "120087": 0.138427734375, "27643": 0.1116943359375, "502": 0.0924072265625, "2874": 0.054656982421875, "170180": 0.10986328125, "2450": 0.1468505859375, "125195": 0.07537841796875, "10500": 0.13427734375, "49711": 0.048095703125, "31486": 0.11627197265625, "128713": 0.208984375, "11405": 0.20751953125, "41036": 0.1304931640625, "57553": 0.137451171875, "300": 0.08477783203125, "62233": 0.12890625, "13": 0.08642578125, "56282": 0.1707763671875, "11948": 0.05194091796875, "82063": 0.054656982421875, "129073": 0.0633544921875, "100898": 0.1529541015625, "218250": 0.170654296875, "117": 0.046966552734375, "76634": 0.1295166015625, "6773": 0.09783935546875, "18781": 0.157958984375, "50419": 0.017578125, "48431": 0.1728515625, "21068": 0.09637451171875, "479": 0.1295166015625, "126940": 0.22607421875, "214": 0.04364013671875, "51359": 0.041107177734375, "163414": 0.07952880859375, "113449": 0.09759521484375, "324": 0.0496826171875, "93425": 0.11297607421875, "158036": 0.07257080078125, "38516": 0.12939453125, "52295": 0.1339111328125, "56465": 0.042144775390625, "184345": 0.1153564453125, "136": 0.01557159423828125, "28926": 0.13427734375} |
6588614 | Characterization of a FGF19 Variant with Altered Receptor Specificity Revealed a Central Role for FGFR1c in the Regulation of Glucose Metabolism | Diabetes and associated metabolic conditions have reached pandemic proportions worldwide, and there is a clear unmet medical need for new therapies that are both effective and safe. FGF19 and FGF21 are distinctive members of the FGF family that function as endocrine hormones. Both have potent effects on normalizing glucose, lipid, and energy homeostasis, and therefore, represent attractive potential next generation therapies for combating the growing epidemics of type 2 diabetes and obesity. The mechanism responsible for these impressive metabolic effects remains unknown. While both FGF19 and FGF21 can activate FGFRs 1c, 2c, and 3c in the presence of co-receptor βKlotho in vitro, which receptor is responsible for the metabolic activities observed in vivo remains unknown. Here we have generated a variant of FGF19, FGF19-7, that has altered receptor specificity with a strong bias toward FGFR1c. We show that FGF19-7 is equally efficacious as wild type FGF19 in regulating glucose, lipid, and energy metabolism in both diet-induced obesity and leptin-deficient mouse models. These results are the first direct demonstration of the central role of the βKlotho/FGFR1c receptor complex in glucose and lipid regulation, and also strongly suggest that activation of this receptor complex alone might be sufficient to achieve all the metabolic functions of endocrine FGF molecules. | {"99290": 0.21435546875, "136": 0.07867431640625, "137272": 0.11029052734375, "93447": 0.2095947265625, "1771": 0.07330322265625, "27289": 0.09771728515625, "765": 0.0107879638671875, "157578": 0.037567138671875, "115203": 0.09686279296875, "21068": 0.080322265625, "123875": 0.061798095703125, "7": 0.0135040283203125, "214574": 0.07257080078125, "4": 0.013580322265625, "83": 0.0131988525390625, "34735": 0.01393890380859375, "29874": 0.062469482421875, "3871": 0.0439453125, "100": 0.0130462646484375, "3525": 0.021331787109375, "6": 0.01334381103515625, "88562": 0.13916015625, "450": 0.0135345458984375, "60266": 0.095703125, "46002": 0.12127685546875, "5": 0.0009427070617675781, "563": 0.130126953125, "79035": 0.2430419921875, "2947": 0.2337646484375, "3117": 0.198974609375, "621": 0.013427734375, "117781": 0.11761474609375, "5844": 0.0127105712890625, "43032": 0.0889892578125, "111": 0.013580322265625, "70": 0.01369476318359375, "14449": 0.110107421875, "32354": 0.1009521484375, "237": 0.0472412109375, "22": 0.044586181640625, "29713": 0.1123046875, "36186": 0.0633544921875, "133818": 0.192138671875, "149766": 0.055938720703125, "114680": 0.09332275390625, "93425": 0.11895751953125, "3638": 0.1328125, "84382": 0.07537841796875, "157935": 0.151611328125, "184": 0.0133514404296875, "202951": 0.1483154296875, "48302": 0.10748291015625, "5368": 0.05120849609375, "5964": 0.12152099609375, "6023": 0.0108489990234375, "33636": 0.021026611328125, "225530": 0.1346435546875, "38516": 0.12744140625, "11737": 0.03680419921875, "58093": 0.08349609375, "30641": 0.11065673828125, "214": 0.012664794921875, "105925": 0.06414794921875, "83063": 0.0650634765625, "4439": 0.01296234130859375, "10644": 0.10968017578125, "116": 0.09234619140625, "44019": 0.2059326171875, "150009": 0.1661376953125, "2481": 0.0694580078125, "191619": 0.1505126953125, "102778": 0.153076171875, "6097": 0.002712249755859375, "218898": 0.104248046875, "47143": 0.0469970703125, "51": 0.058319091796875, "69723": 0.1256103515625, "19": 0.0137939453125, "15044": 0.043548583984375, "831": 0.052581787109375, "34704": 0.123291015625, "67": 0.01033782958984375, "123254": 0.1424560546875, "46290": 0.1676025390625, "106": 0.0296783447265625, "238": 0.04290771484375, "138": 0.06488037109375, "23": 0.01372528076171875, "552": 0.081787109375, "9": 0.01361846923828125, "153524": 0.11517333984375, "748": 0.01131439208984375, "9269": 0.11334228515625, "12631": 0.09326171875, "497": 0.186279296875, "279": 0.08544921875, "2955": 0.12054443359375, "3129": 0.0054473876953125, "137376": 0.1907958984375, "69924": 0.077880859375, "139999": 0.08935546875, "71": 0.013824462890625, "16622": 0.1605224609375, "11853": 0.0149383544921875, "139392": 0.0972900390625, "10": 0.013427734375, "20117": 0.205322265625, "16709": 0.1263427734375, "1556": 0.01052093505859375, "37264": 0.09576416015625, "297": 0.0135955810546875, "29458": 0.09381103515625, "37515": 0.00372314453125, "333": 0.08270263671875, "154732": 0.0015077590942382812, "7639": 0.0016460418701171875, "105950": 0.08099365234375, "538": 0.01360321044921875, "199265": 0.11309814453125, "10821": 0.0128936767578125, "56409": 0.1240234375, "15913": 0.1513671875, "1916": 0.0127410888671875, "159531": 0.1357421875, "68": 0.068115234375, "18": 0.01343536376953125, "18442": 0.004291534423828125, "37534": 0.01372528076171875, "29963": 0.058868408203125, "2311": 0.01279449462890625, "110410": 0.072998046875, "114669": 0.119140625, "115774": 0.07928466796875, "8951": 0.0267486572265625, "32837": 0.0263824462890625, "1363": 0.01364898681640625, "9879": 0.07550048828125, "31486": 0.07562255859375, "64": 0.0004849433898925781, "418": 0.00827789306640625, "27140": 0.1005859375, "13648": 0.041412353515625, "186": 0.0135345458984375, "129980": 0.037078857421875, "47": 0.01184844970703125, "69307": 0.024200439453125, "49711": 0.0227203369140625} |
6599693 | Empirical verification of evolutionary theories of aging | We recently selected 3 long-lived mutant strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae by a lasting exposure to exogenous lithocholic acid. Each mutant strain can maintain the extended chronological lifespan after numerous passages in medium without lithocholic acid. In this study, we used these long-lived yeast mutants for empirical verification of evolutionary theories of aging. We provide evidence that the dominant polygenic trait extending longevity of each of these mutants 1) does not affect such key features of early-life fitness as the exponential growth rate, efficacy of post-exponential growth and fecundity; and 2) enhances such features of early-life fitness as susceptibility to chronic exogenous stresses, and the resistance to apoptotic and liponecrotic forms of programmed cell death. These findings validate evolutionary theories of programmed aging. We also demonstrate that under laboratory conditions that imitate the process of natural selection within an ecosystem, each of these long-lived mutant strains is forced out of the ecosystem by the parental wild-type strain exhibiting shorter lifespan. We therefore concluded that yeast cells have evolved some mechanisms for limiting their lifespan upon reaching a certain chronological age. These mechanisms drive the evolution of yeast longevity towards maintaining a finite yeast chronological lifespan within ecosystems. | {"78684": 0.0279693603515625, "133291": 0.1318359375, "138": 0.0980224609375, "4989": 0.10797119140625, "150": 0.161865234375, "4126": 0.044036865234375, "842": 0.20458984375, "18211": 0.164306640625, "177488": 0.2242431640625, "80085": 0.1162109375, "9254": 0.1937255859375, "306": 0.1336669921875, "53": 0.11444091796875, "5170": 0.06280517578125, "41424": 0.1336669921875, "1824": 0.207763671875, "29754": 0.1968994140625, "10": 0.002246856689453125, "6": 0.0018415451049804688, "120027": 0.08294677734375, "197826": 0.10894775390625, "47": 0.0034351348876953125, "1119": 0.06884765625, "62976": 0.146240234375, "10821": 0.00200653076171875, "16060": 0.12255859375, "497": 0.075927734375, "3089": 0.1600341796875, "9120": 0.01971435546875, "43840": 0.12646484375, "98423": 0.0274200439453125, "831": 0.050811767578125, "76104": 0.162353515625, "70": 0.0021343231201171875, "65042": 0.206787109375, "297": 0.0018339157104492188, "101966": 0.1307373046875, "109622": 0.0227203369140625, "6897": 0.136474609375, "19332": 0.181640625, "7103": 0.00653076171875, "183851": 0.052459716796875, "46692": 0.0745849609375, "7": 0.0031795501708984375, "23": 0.0019006729125976562, "57646": 0.0797119140625, "15490": 0.07232666015625, "360": 0.00278472900390625, "35187": 0.01079559326171875, "4": 0.0021190643310546875, "11814": 0.00759124755859375, "2422": 0.2086181640625, "4438": 0.148193359375, "21144": 0.228759765625, "10840": 0.1129150390625, "100": 0.0022563934326171875, "156002": 0.101806640625, "6827": 0.0017557144165039062, "493": 0.09173583984375, "41274": 0.004833221435546875, "111": 0.0033855438232421875, "28": 0.0305938720703125, "137089": 0.195556640625, "6635": 0.0023403167724609375, "3790": 0.148193359375, "10484": 0.0201873779296875, "66398": 0.2100830078125, "77950": 0.05145263671875, "73944": 0.1759033203125, "35874": 0.1837158203125, "429": 0.15625, "6402": 0.049041748046875, "110106": 0.19140625, "48360": 0.1778564453125, "3760": 0.1361083984375, "12638": 0.06591796875, "6097": 0.0038928985595703125, "14602": 0.032806396484375, "959": 0.07122802734375, "52490": 0.12451171875, "6044": 0.0089569091796875, "22799": 0.0677490234375, "66139": 0.1463623046875, "39395": 0.0877685546875, "24804": 0.1351318359375, "37667": 0.2032470703125, "78643": 0.0684814453125, "80973": 0.0020275115966796875, "75678": 0.10174560546875, "2408": 0.002147674560546875, "1305": 0.0181884765625, "9": 0.0019378662109375, "157034": 0.0689697265625, "19": 0.0019359588623046875, "145774": 0.09832763671875, "2481": 0.0021514892578125, "74": 0.0020961761474609375, "136": 0.0021076202392578125, "156856": 0.183349609375, "237": 0.0009708404541015625, "19462": 0.0518798828125, "14": 0.0020999908447265625, "83259": 0.0023479461669921875, "184843": 0.10174560546875, "11405": 0.1458740234375, "90": 0.002117156982421875, "39746": 0.1634521484375, "7154": 0.00194549560546875, "6885": 0.037017822265625, "9523": 0.0023899078369140625, "136327": 0.09088134765625, "15322": 0.08056640625, "3173": 0.041595458984375, "26693": 0.22509765625, "71": 0.051727294921875, "38750": 0.1669921875, "47219": 0.1224365234375, "90791": 0.00945281982421875, "44622": 0.07623291015625, "67": 0.0023517608642578125, "13": 0.0021114349365234375, "1379": 0.0022068023681640625, "139915": 0.10906982421875, "27289": 0.0721435546875, "450": 0.0018663406372070312, "566": 0.08935546875, "5743": 0.004039764404296875, "9433": 0.0240631103515625, "6083": 0.107421875, "132216": 0.1651611328125, "28032": 0.026031494140625, "142": 0.0020294189453125, "49347": 0.11474609375, "16751": 0.1402587890625, "83": 0.00289154052734375, "168861": 0.1429443359375, "1810": 0.0024738311767578125, "390": 0.0020751953125, "49129": 0.07977294921875, "289": 0.00193023681640625, "56409": 0.12408447265625, "50986": 0.0936279296875, "1916": 0.0019502639770507812, "16610": 0.11285400390625, "56": 0.0020847320556640625, "765": 0.022705078125, "216479": 0.1700439453125, "191619": 0.145751953125, "17475": 0.1646728515625, "214": 0.002117156982421875, "54799": 0.00276947021484375, "58359": 0.00926971435546875, "24233": 0.030670166015625, "32070": 0.068359375, "22648": 0.1121826171875, "98186": 0.01430511474609375, "94418": 0.134033203125} |
6609935 | Differential regulation of actin microfilaments by human MICAL proteins. | The Drosophila melanogaster MICAL protein is essential for the neuronal growth cone machinery that functions through plexin- and semaphorin-mediated axonal signaling. Drosophila MICAL is also involved in regulating myofilament organization and synaptic structures, and serves as an actin disassembly factor downstream of plexin-mediated axonal repulsion. In mammalian cells there are three known isoforms, MICAL1, MICAL2 and MICAL3, as well as the MICAL-like proteins MICAL-L1 and MICAL-L2, but little is known of their function, and information comes almost exclusively from neural cells. In this study we show that in non-neural cells human MICALs are required for normal actin organization, and all three MICALs regulate actin stress fibers. Moreover, we provide evidence that the generation of reactive oxygen species by MICAL proteins is crucial for their actin-regulatory function. However, although MICAL1 is auto-inhibited by its C-terminal coiled-coil region, MICAL2 remains constitutively active and affects stress fibers. These data suggest differential but complementary roles for MICAL1 and MICAL2 in actin microfilament regulation. | {"1773": 0.051666259765625, "6781": 0.1103515625, "66847": 0.2088623046875, "11": 0.1087646484375, "54159": 0.071533203125, "20382": 0.1483154296875, "1515": 0.1146240234375, "13763": 0.1751708984375, "141029": 0.288818359375, "21308": 0.2451171875, "85590": 0.190185546875, "100": 0.0435791015625, "184940": 0.1300048828125, "289": 0.09515380859375, "75678": 0.1395263671875, "158": 0.140625, "13": 0.036376953125, "36279": 0.1129150390625, "1294": 0.042877197265625, "32354": 0.1400146484375, "6221": 0.1043701171875, "35815": 0.1253662109375, "484": 0.00173187255859375, "139006": 0.1181640625, "12333": 0.080322265625, "10": 0.01306915283203125, "27012": 0.1097412109375, "26073": 0.07611083984375, "75412": 0.12115478515625, "15913": 0.2005615234375, "759": 0.0545654296875, "119948": 0.196533203125, "53702": 0.16455078125, "133600": 0.0462646484375, "112569": 0.08966064453125, "45646": 0.061920166015625, "21265": 0.050628662109375, "27992": 0.1234130859375, "73": 0.1412353515625, "6392": 0.0716552734375, "89845": 0.1083984375, "31461": 0.150146484375, "86429": 0.04730224609375, "10958": 0.03826904296875, "202": 0.1207275390625, "21968": 0.11041259765625, "38820": 0.09197998046875, "38750": 0.153076171875, "17262": 0.1121826171875, "51529": 0.11663818359375, "13882": 0.1055908203125, "5037": 0.25048828125, "418": 0.10009765625, "304": 0.1324462890625, "363": 0.11700439453125, "5062": 0.09417724609375, "866": 0.030242919921875, "10176": 0.03363037109375, "4677": 0.11175537109375, "97629": 0.046417236328125, "82451": 0.121337890625, "351": 0.04730224609375, "14135": 0.056976318359375, "56065": 0.1392822265625, "3638": 0.07269287109375, "11405": 0.160888671875, "109197": 0.13916015625, "58093": 0.059295654296875, "456": 0.0021209716796875, "71232": 0.10284423828125, "230044": 0.199951171875, "114149": 0.105224609375, "106157": 0.134765625, "144867": 0.1593017578125, "1809": 0.0833740234375, "979": 0.09405517578125, "30524": 0.09881591796875, "31789": 0.043121337890625, "587": 0.01904296875, "10776": 0.02783203125, "47143": 0.003238677978515625, "36457": 0.065185546875, "52490": 0.052642822265625, "99710": 0.051666259765625, "88066": 0.093017578125, "31486": 0.07574462890625, "11948": 0.041107177734375} |
6625693 | Suppression of inflammatory and neuropathic pain by uncoupling CRMP-2 from the presynaptic Ca2+ channel complex | The use of N-type voltage-gated calcium channel (CaV2.2) blockers to treat pain is limited by many physiological side effects. Here we report that inflammatory and neuropathic hypersensitivity can be suppressed by inhibiting the binding of collapsin response mediator protein 2 (CRMP-2) to CaV2.2 and thereby reducing channel function. A peptide of CRMP-2 fused to the HIV transactivator of transcription (TAT) protein (TAT-CBD3) decreased neuropeptide release from sensory neurons and excitatory synaptic transmission in dorsal horn neurons, reduced meningeal blood flow, reduced nocifensive behavior induced by formalin injection or corneal capsaicin application and reversed neuropathic hypersensitivity produced by an antiretroviral drug. TAT-CBD3 was mildly anxiolytic without affecting memory retrieval, sensorimotor function or depression. At doses tenfold higher than that required to reduce hypersensitivity in vivo, TAT-CBD3 caused a transient episode of tail kinking and body contortion. By preventing CRMP-2–mediated enhancement of CaV2.2 function, TAT-CBD3 alleviated inflammatory and neuropathic hypersensitivity, an approach that may prove useful in managing chronic pain. | {"4527": 0.0858154296875, "541": 0.0875244140625, "50986": 0.1611328125, "6599": 0.1673583984375, "429": 0.0131072998046875, "208": 0.11407470703125, "97377": 0.1688232421875, "316": 0.10186767578125, "86723": 0.1785888671875, "20370": 0.0927734375, "856": 0.1737060546875, "70147": 0.2340087890625, "46389": 0.2091064453125, "1314": 0.10113525390625, "85689": 0.1297607421875, "24503": 0.217041015625, "84046": 0.1365966796875, "5941": 0.0273895263671875, "240877": 0.054931640625, "137043": 0.0283203125, "5609": 0.11224365234375, "93425": 0.1455078125, "13416": 0.020843505859375, "41036": 0.1566162109375, "18023": 0.13330078125, "31667": 0.0572509765625, "136": 0.01103973388671875, "37817": 0.133544921875, "86132": 0.1170654296875, "59058": 0.1695556640625, "176302": 0.264892578125, "2481": 0.07843017578125, "831": 0.05279541015625, "15811": 0.12646484375, "11856": 0.1959228515625, "173702": 0.1806640625, "128239": 0.1761474609375, "65780": 0.0853271484375, "15759": 0.1346435546875, "19": 0.0072784423828125, "57553": 0.1309814453125, "2450": 0.1507568359375, "1290": 0.13232421875, "21308": 0.1871337890625, "116": 0.06585693359375, "22578": 0.08990478515625, "9088": 0.185302734375, "10461": 0.11981201171875, "2041": 0.11376953125, "241866": 0.1641845703125, "32354": 0.1240234375, "280": 0.055816650390625, "17332": 0.1588134765625, "111746": 0.16015625, "683": 0.1307373046875, "5428": 0.1304931640625, "57574": 0.14111328125, "38004": 0.256103515625, "3900": 0.0694580078125, "111438": 0.114013671875, "30334": 0.040863037109375, "59478": 0.03485107421875, "96481": 0.2032470703125, "47307": 0.1275634765625, "397": 0.0733642578125, "21320": 0.13818359375, "227204": 0.1392822265625, "1081": 0.02252197265625, "54452": 0.09515380859375, "43111": 0.1473388671875, "184940": 0.077880859375, "164101": 0.0885009765625, "133600": 0.01451873779296875, "179965": 0.038421630859375, "18972": 0.004058837890625, "3328": 0.07672119140625, "34390": 0.1380615234375, "26213": 0.06787109375, "59714": 0.030670166015625, "6211": 0.01038360595703125, "123166": 0.0218963623046875, "135989": 0.0026531219482421875, "23113": 0.1494140625, "73": 0.07879638671875, "115049": 0.11407470703125, "86": 0.0057830810546875, "3540": 0.06353759765625, "27305": 0.07666015625, "6333": 0.05712890625, "38415": 0.047149658203125, "39531": 0.07818603515625, "2874": 0.0091400146484375, "2264": 0.0253448486328125, "83220": 0.1361083984375, "48683": 0.1063232421875, "363": 0.161376953125, "126561": 0.07135009765625, "142": 0.0267486572265625, "78697": 0.111328125, "15490": 0.0033740997314453125, "52490": 0.0308990478515625, "98323": 0.09027099609375, "97351": 0.034088134765625, "26541": 0.01194000244140625, "105774": 0.10888671875, "655": 0.04364013671875, "77546": 0.061798095703125, "16622": 0.154052734375, "143434": 0.056884765625, "18750": 0.0228271484375, "50094": 0.08245849609375, "46741": 0.206298828125, "29842": 0.066162109375, "6048": 0.05908203125, "14361": 0.040374755859375, "56282": 0.12091064453125, "12333": 0.06964111328125, "156856": 0.106689453125, "747": 0.07843017578125, "3459": 0.06854248046875, "51515": 0.05352783203125, "1543": 0.00023376941680908203, "80234": 0.065185546875, "332": 0.046142578125, "66398": 0.02825927734375, "184843": 0.11517333984375} |
6636088 | Identification and characterization of a common set of complex I assembly intermediates in mitochondria from patients with complex I deficiency. | Deficiencies in the activity of complex I (NADH: ubiquinone oxidoreductase) are an important cause of human mitochondrial disease. Complex I is composed of at least 46 structural subunits that are encoded in both nuclear and mitochondrial DNA. Enzyme deficiency can result from either impaired catalytic efficiency or an inability to assemble the holoenzyme complex; however, the assembly process remains poorly understood. We have used two-dimensional Blue-Native/SDS gel electrophoresis and a panel of 11 antibodies directed against structural subunits of the enzyme to investigate complex I assembly in the muscle mitochondria from four patients with complex I deficiency caused by either mitochondrial or nuclear gene defects. Immunoblot analyses of second dimension denaturing gels identified seven distinct complex I subcomplexes in the patients studied, five of which could also be detected in nondenaturing gels in the first dimension. Although the abundance of these intermediates varied among the different patients, a common constellation of subcomplexes was observed in all cases. A similar profile of subcomplexes was present in a human/mouse hybrid fibroblast cell line with a severe complex I deficiency due to an almost complete lack of assembly of the holoenzyme complex. The finding that diverse causes of complex I deficiency produce a similar pattern of complex I subcomplexes suggests that these are intermediates in the assembly of the holoenzyme complex. We propose a possible assembly pathway for the complex, which differs significantly from that proposed for Neurospora, the current model for complex I assembly. | {"262": 0.133056640625, "11044": 0.2147216796875, "13": 0.08221435546875, "117538": 0.07330322265625, "103488": 0.10430908203125, "27140": 0.2568359375, "87": 0.263916015625, "839": 0.11651611328125, "135486": 0.2412109375, "12": 0.02777099609375, "17982": 0.12225341796875, "28272": 0.145263671875, "3630": 0.129150390625, "128713": 0.146728515625, "4524": 0.0036449432373046875, "77193": 0.0770263671875, "6991": 0.054107666015625, "621": 0.0101776123046875, "142": 0.01018524169921875, "5526": 0.11041259765625, "22304": 0.1500244140625, "14135": 0.11688232421875, "86467": 0.16064453125, "3089": 0.1165771484375, "29887": 0.13330078125, "289": 0.07427978515625, "70997": 0.14013671875, "113197": 0.29638671875, "83": 0.0008697509765625, "150350": 0.1788330078125, "71": 0.0104522705078125, "111": 0.0156707763671875, "99": 0.010009765625, "19713": 0.07745361328125, "7621": 0.1959228515625, "118990": 0.16552734375, "141": 0.01027679443359375, "1614": 0.21923828125, "309": 0.1705322265625, "14481": 0.06414794921875, "450": 0.00970458984375, "22": 0.051483154296875, "40899": 0.161865234375, "23": 0.02520751953125, "15044": 0.0394287109375, "72249": 0.11749267578125, "136": 0.042755126953125, "27583": 0.160888671875, "357": 0.038818359375, "3285": 0.170654296875, "282": 0.135498046875, "8": 0.1829833984375, "33": 0.07373046875, "2408": 0.0556640625, "831": 0.05413818359375, "16750": 0.08807373046875, "1295": 0.009979248046875, "40101": 0.021514892578125, "109637": 0.0928955078125, "297": 0.01036834716796875, "60199": 0.090087890625, "538": 0.0102691650390625, "9523": 0.01016998291015625, "227066": 0.098876953125, "41159": 0.06256103515625, "47": 0.010284423828125, "93457": 0.1640625, "136346": 0.2169189453125, "4": 0.01027679443359375, "70": 0.01043701171875, "10": 0.01035308837890625, "89845": 0.1798095703125, "38526": 0.01012420654296875, "9433": 0.06842041015625, "47143": 0.038055419921875, "7": 0.0102996826171875, "70425": 0.088623046875, "217064": 0.1336669921875, "11814": 0.03253173828125, "6626": 0.09234619140625, "9": 0.0102081298828125, "157955": 0.10296630859375, "22928": 0.128662109375, "4645": 0.1365966796875, "4935": 0.11138916015625, "64": 0.07244873046875, "294": 0.026763916015625, "13526": 0.1202392578125, "6434": 0.184814453125, "77556": 0.09552001953125, "139006": 0.08746337890625, "90": 0.010009765625, "164": 0.00959014892578125, "16138": 0.0550537109375, "534": 0.12005615234375, "2874": 0.10931396484375, "837": 0.06878662109375, "34204": 0.00963592529296875, "26548": 0.0081787109375, "193807": 0.1707763671875, "32603": 0.052642822265625, "67": 0.0100250244140625, "123635": 0.1788330078125, "11": 0.09442138671875, "22759": 0.0889892578125, "60264": 0.1253662109375, "143434": 0.044647216796875, "390": 0.00890350341796875, "707": 0.0026149749755859375, "22293": 0.103271484375, "72104": 0.2276611328125, "189940": 0.1376953125, "3522": 0.10699462890625, "12631": 0.1317138671875, "51422": 0.053863525390625, "17932": 0.0994873046875, "6": 0.01041412353515625, "91403": 0.1295166015625, "76": 0.15771484375, "109561": 0.11688232421875, "207487": 0.0254058837890625, "59671": 0.143798828125, "117781": 0.1343994140625, "277": 0.10516357421875, "44974": 0.150390625, "43606": 0.11083984375, "3129": 0.0089263916015625, "5809": 0.033111572265625, "186": 0.010162353515625, "96391": 0.11053466796875, "351": 0.1151123046875, "555": 0.07928466796875, "5117": 0.057098388671875, "130807": 0.0850830078125, "3956": 0.01035308837890625, "81814": 0.1668701171875, "63614": 0.0509033203125, "10861": 0.1065673828125, "54940": 0.0089569091796875, "12921": 0.00830841064453125, "39210": 0.07281494140625, "158": 0.0067291259765625, "37219": 0.08648681640625, "2320": 0.0102081298828125, "509": 0.0094757080078125, "139999": 0.0233001708984375, "756": 0.0009312629699707031, "21373": 0.1126708984375, "60641": 0.108642578125, "13379": 0.03533935546875, "432": 0.057861328125, "4032": 0.1051025390625, "113490": 0.1790771484375, "139940": 0.132080078125, "67301": 0.109375, "18": 0.0101165771484375, "38750": 0.10919189453125, "13315": 0.11859130859375, "141591": 0.08233642578125, "39555": 0.033782958984375, "28484": 0.069091796875, "92635": 0.11810302734375, "9789": 0.147705078125, "113660": 0.161376953125, "27489": 0.037750244140625, "103510": 0.11279296875, "42459": 0.03485107421875, "26171": 0.06719970703125, "7722": 0.059814453125, "60875": 0.09454345703125, "7514": 0.082275390625, "129927": 0.1597900390625, "207583": 0.09930419921875, "107481": 0.083251953125, "11946": 0.11279296875, "43581": 0.048675537109375, "3299": 0.15234375, "100": 0.0062255859375} |
6647414 | Leisure time physical activity and mortality: a detailed pooled analysis of the dose-response relationship. | IMPORTANCE The 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans recommended a minimum of 75 vigorous-intensity or 150 moderate-intensity minutes per week (7.5 metabolic-equivalent hours per week) of aerobic activity for substantial health benefit and suggested additional benefits by doing more than double this amount. However, the upper limit of longevity benefit or possible harm with more physical activity is unclear. OBJECTIVE To quantify the dose-response association between leisure time physical activity and mortality and define the upper limit of benefit or harm associated with increased levels of physical activity. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS We pooled data from 6 studies in the National Cancer Institute Cohort Consortium (baseline 1992-2003). Population-based prospective cohorts in the United States and Europe with self-reported physical activity were analyzed in 2014. A total of 661,137 men and women (median age, 62 years; range, 21-98 years) and 116,686 deaths were included. We used Cox proportional hazards regression with cohort stratification to generate multivariable-adjusted hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% CIs. Median follow-up time was 14.2 years. EXPOSURES Leisure time moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activity. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES The upper limit of mortality benefit from high levels of leisure time physical activity. RESULTS Compared with individuals reporting no leisure time physical activity, we observed a 20% lower mortality risk among those performing less than the recommended minimum of 7.5 metabolic-equivalent hours per week (HR, 0.80 [95% CI, 0.78-0.82]), a 31% lower risk at 1 to 2 times the recommended minimum (HR, 0.69 [95% CI, 0.67-0.70]), and a 37% lower risk at 2 to 3 times the minimum (HR, 0.63 [95% CI, 0.62-0.65]). An upper threshold for mortality benefit occurred at 3 to 5 times the physical activity recommendation (HR, 0.61 [95% CI, 0.59-0.62]); however, compared with the recommended minimum, the additional benefit was modest (31% vs 39%). There was no evidence of harm at 10 or more times the recommended minimum (HR, 0.69 [95% CI, 0.59-0.78]). A similar dose-response relationship was observed for mortality due to cardiovascular disease and to cancer. CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE Meeting the 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans minimum by either moderate- or vigorous-intensity activities was associated with nearly the maximum longevity benefit. We observed a benefit threshold at approximately 3 to 5 times the recommended leisure time physical activity minimum and no excess risk at 10 or more times the minimum. In regard to mortality, health care professionals should encourage inactive adults to perform leisure time physical activity and do not need to discourage adults who already participate in high-activity levels. | {"195798": 0.1102294921875, "113786": 0.04901123046875, "2021": 0.225830078125, "165712": 0.18603515625, "289": 0.07720947265625, "42902": 0.21142578125, "2481": 0.133544921875, "44583": 0.1578369140625, "59801": 0.1220703125, "100": 0.0276336669921875, "15672": 0.1510009765625, "7": 0.0233917236328125, "170198": 0.176513671875, "15440": 0.20849609375, "111": 0.0292205810546875, "4948": 0.20556640625, "62502": 0.2247314453125, "10821": 0.1458740234375, "9": 0.023284912109375, "29272": 0.222412109375, "707": 0.0230865478515625, "3252": 0.1470947265625, "71644": 0.1904296875, "13": 0.02349853515625, "14633": 0.2354736328125, "117": 0.023223876953125, "5895": 0.1871337890625, "136563": 0.168212890625, "93447": 0.1578369140625, "1771": 0.02325439453125, "3181": 0.039642333984375, "85540": 0.0235137939453125, "21974": 0.1636962890625, "16": 0.0230560302734375, "37511": 0.2015380859375, "45966": 0.11871337890625, "103488": 0.2239990234375, "193984": 0.077392578125, "16227": 0.1429443359375, "68073": 0.228759765625, "136": 0.050018310546875, "42459": 0.07818603515625, "297": 0.0231170654296875, "78301": 0.12548828125, "72382": 0.1602783203125, "390": 0.013580322265625, "3501": 0.023162841796875, "41929": 0.05523681640625, "903": 0.00974273681640625, "41170": 0.01377105712890625, "4": 0.036285400390625, "70": 0.0233612060546875, "1407": 0.1439208984375, "56": 0.0689697265625, "17475": 0.19970703125, "48360": 0.1671142578125, "3760": 0.121826171875, "53": 0.0255889892578125, "7722": 0.05499267578125, "182": 0.1363525390625, "39": 0.047271728515625, "678": 0.0233917236328125, "1286": 0.13134765625, "72761": 0.244873046875, "83": 0.0228118896484375, "51": 0.0135345458984375, "119488": 0.1055908203125, "35988": 0.0469970703125, "15301": 0.12005615234375, "441": 0.0225067138671875, "169813": 0.0031585693359375, "102134": 0.0199737548828125, "18929": 0.02264404296875, "39098": 0.13720703125, "134719": 0.18310546875, "125413": 0.158203125, "17721": 0.0367431640625, "5637": 0.1832275390625, "3408": 0.161865234375, "1733": 0.1600341796875, "67573": 0.1807861328125, "61924": 0.049102783203125, "137272": 0.09552001953125, "124735": 0.156982421875, "90926": 0.107666015625, "223188": 0.10064697265625, "180070": 0.0286865234375, "17304": 0.02056884765625, "34439": 0.119384765625, "71": 0.0233917236328125, "2053": 0.079345703125, "1295": 0.022918701171875, "305": 0.053192138671875, "96335": 0.07391357421875, "23": 0.05279541015625, "147146": 0.1656494140625, "43975": 0.043670654296875, "5922": 0.1483154296875, "18": 0.023284912109375, "1657": 0.019561767578125, "127639": 0.04840087890625, "316": 0.0230560302734375, "15": 0.023284912109375, "37382": 0.0185699462890625, "2256": 0.0233154296875, "12839": 0.07373046875, "34498": 0.07177734375, "157890": 0.12890625, "1363": 0.0231170654296875, "77007": 0.0222625732421875, "109736": 0.1300048828125, "5844": 0.0233306884765625, "552": 0.0296783447265625, "933": 0.023193359375, "14098": 0.02960205078125, "46684": 0.06591796875, "14713": 0.16162109375, "15970": 0.12371826171875, "79770": 0.1348876953125, "3542": 0.0230712890625, "7968": 0.06298828125, "64807": 0.0232391357421875, "8432": 0.1624755859375, "62": 0.02288818359375, "3622": 0.03497314453125, "6": 0.02313232421875, "178046": 0.12237548828125, "128780": 0.1361083984375, "453": 0.1370849609375, "24793": 0.1788330078125, "12333": 0.10528564453125, "19": 0.0231475830078125, "32070": 0.020538330078125, "10031": 0.1290283203125, "5369": 0.11627197265625, "74": 0.0230560302734375, "26928": 0.023529052734375, "16665": 0.12127685546875, "45773": 0.1309814453125, "178475": 0.1629638671875, "47219": 0.213134765625, "99201": 0.114501953125, "11814": 0.0489501953125, "1311": 0.08001708984375, "425": 0.112060546875, "123875": 0.0887451171875, "141033": 0.2222900390625, "148448": 0.1597900390625, "48358": 0.03204345703125, "41274": 0.023284912109375, "47": 0.0232696533203125, "139392": 0.0200653076171875, "6024": 0.018463134765625, "21690": 0.0211181640625, "2886": 0.023193359375, "712": 0.023193359375, "20314": 0.021820068359375, "70460": 0.0228424072265625, "29562": 0.136474609375, "59653": 0.142822265625, "26550": 0.07232666015625, "4794": 0.1273193359375, "28960": 0.147216796875, "2037": 0.0229034423828125, "509": 0.023101806640625, "6370": 0.038177490234375, "304": 0.0022602081298828125, "104165": 0.051910400390625, "7285": 0.0477294921875, "294": 0.023101806640625, "9335": 0.1717529296875, "56851": 0.075927734375, "276": 0.0009636878967285156, "48026": 0.059295654296875, "52001": 0.09210205078125, "16113": 0.037506103515625, "6706": 0.023101806640625, "48762": 0.0079803466796875, "11292": 0.042510986328125, "284": 0.04791259765625, "11192": 0.11474609375, "218849": 0.06298828125, "79165": 0.00946807861328125, "214": 0.0232696533203125, "110": 0.10601806640625, "139999": 0.0703125, "10": 0.0232086181640625, "12719": 0.0987548828125, "92319": 0.1558837890625, "10512": 0.188232421875, "54940": 0.023162841796875, "8382": 0.0231781005859375, "51339": 0.09796142578125, "40715": 0.004268646240234375, "121908": 0.1212158203125, "757": 0.0230865478515625, "5": 0.0232696533203125, "4836": 0.0227203369140625, "378": 0.023345947265625, "170509": 0.1829833984375, "19051": 0.02288818359375, "132208": 0.0221099853515625, "90173": 0.0233001708984375, "247": 0.0230560302734375, "13961": 0.06048583984375, "99": 0.0233001708984375, "106": 0.0229644775390625, "116": 0.02252197265625, "20028": 0.025146484375, "14212": 0.11004638671875, "18197": 0.0229644775390625, "23320": 0.022979736328125, "5757": 0.0232696533203125, "268": 0.0233154296875, "138": 0.038482666015625, "14427": 0.0231781005859375, "15748": 0.0197296142578125, "122887": 0.0219573974609375, "203808": 0.022705078125, "12424": 0.02301025390625, "893": 0.0198822021484375, "159399": 0.1455078125, "16200": 0.131591796875, "2822": 0.0231475830078125, "190": 0.062164306640625, "67330": 0.1365966796875, "2320": 0.02301025390625, "11540": 0.0232391357421875, "1126": 0.0229949951171875, "3142": 0.0230255126953125, "49903": 0.023193359375, "154186": 0.0231781005859375, "90097": 0.11895751953125, "20209": 0.01776123046875, "26244": 0.0227508544921875, "8622": 0.0214385986328125, "77950": 0.098388671875, "209": 0.0787353515625, "81730": 0.0211181640625, "21373": 0.023773193359375, "76755": 0.103759765625, "4743": 0.0350341796875, "207269": 0.08380126953125, "70997": 0.0194854736328125, "27968": 0.1185302734375, "37486": 0.042449951171875, "85742": 0.0229949951171875, "136534": 0.06585693359375, "163459": 0.09033203125, "40101": 0.0202178955078125, "69924": 0.04974365234375, "110518": 0.0295867919921875, "38132": 0.12127685546875, "189275": 0.02020263671875, "89978": 0.03143310546875, "360": 0.022735595703125, "28601": 0.006374359130859375, "517": 0.10858154296875, "50582": 0.10455322265625, "5608": 0.031158447265625, "65524": 0.0926513671875, "71232": 0.184814453125, "116127": 0.11297607421875, "54": 0.01407623291015625, "34": 0.023284912109375, "29838": 0.0233154296875, "2750": 0.0232391357421875, "21771": 0.031982421875, "42938": 0.10986328125, "71234": 0.14501953125} |
6650933 | Green tea polyphenol causes differential oxidative environments in tumor versus normal epithelial cells. | Green tea polyphenols (GTPPs) are considered beneficial to human health, especially as chemopreventive agents. Recently, cytotoxic reactive oxygen species (ROS) were identified in tumor and certain normal cell cultures incubated with high concentrations of the most abundant GTPP, (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG). If EGCG also provokes the production of ROS in normal epithelial cells, it may preclude the topical use of EGCG at higher doses. The current study examined the oxidative status of normal epithelial, normal salivary gland, and oral carcinoma cells treated with EGCG, using ROS measurement and catalase and superoxide dismutase activity assays. The results demonstrated that high concentrations of EGCG induced oxidative stress only in tumor cells. In contrast, EGCG reduced ROS in normal cells to background levels. 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide assay and 5-bromodeoxyuridine incorporation data were also compared between the two oral carcinoma cell lines treated by EGCG, which suggest that a difference in the levels of endogenous catalase activity may play an important role in reducing oxidative stress provoked by EGCG in tumor cells. It is concluded that pathways activated by GTPPs or EGCG in normal epithelial versus tumor cells create different oxidative environments, favoring either normal cell survival or tumor cell destruction. This finding may lead to applications of naturally occurring polyphenols to enhance the effectiveness of chemo/radiation therapy to promote cancer cell death while protecting normal cells. | {"15497": 0.1962890625, "26156": 0.27783203125, "35874": 0.1549072265625, "88322": 0.205322265625, "929": 0.174560546875, "7": 0.09954833984375, "724": 0.1229248046875, "184118": 0.295166015625, "621": 0.022430419921875, "90698": 0.1282958984375, "48588": 0.179931640625, "141": 0.0110015869140625, "47": 0.058807373046875, "14135": 0.0762939453125, "16227": 0.152587890625, "4": 0.020355224609375, "41866": 0.0136260986328125, "237": 0.01325225830078125, "290": 0.07708740234375, "432": 0.10015869140625, "214335": 0.1712646484375, "4935": 0.01776123046875, "97957": 0.11785888671875, "169549": 0.0182037353515625, "538": 0.0203857421875, "19932": 0.0297088623046875, "188": 0.034454345703125, "74735": 0.254638671875, "456": 0.05511474609375, "71232": 0.08978271484375, "230044": 0.2418212890625, "114149": 0.154052734375, "49877": 0.2578125, "16": 0.0201263427734375, "207487": 0.1126708984375, "23": 0.0202484130859375, "57412": 0.2059326171875, "24233": 0.01165771484375, "3638": 0.11517333984375, "38750": 0.1658935546875, "29394": 0.09661865234375, "90351": 0.1585693359375, "3674": 0.0205078125, "678": 0.022674560546875, "11192": 0.06304931640625, "202104": 0.10272216796875, "111": 0.02044677734375, "70": 0.0203857421875, "2684": 0.0311431884765625, "130807": 0.056488037109375, "660": 0.0172882080078125, "527": 0.11376953125, "15": 0.0175018310546875, "9": 0.02020263671875, "60726": 0.10235595703125, "9284": 0.09417724609375, "33478": 0.06781005859375, "66624": 0.132568359375, "8316": 0.1212158203125, "2870": 0.075927734375, "19309": 0.136962890625, "25176": 0.12384033203125, "56367": 0.210205078125, "4263": 0.008392333984375, "75008": 0.137451171875, "2843": 0.0027599334716796875, "80675": 0.1591796875, "90": 0.0203399658203125, "36049": 0.052642822265625, "25277": 0.0496826171875, "2347": 0.1163330078125, "150": 0.0643310546875, "289": 0.0203704833984375, "442": 0.0135345458984375, "1543": 0.047698974609375, "29786": 0.09375, "112": 0.0203094482421875, "28451": 0.11114501953125, "4527": 0.038177490234375, "99": 0.0200958251953125, "77546": 0.074951171875, "655": 0.059051513671875, "43581": 0.044036865234375, "35187": 0.08062744140625, "160477": 0.0560302734375, "71": 0.0203399658203125, "128713": 0.1973876953125, "45023": 0.020050048828125, "10778": 0.08001708984375, "57": 0.00368499755859375, "9617": 0.08612060546875, "6635": 0.0201568603515625, "1760": 0.06683349609375, "30202": 0.1600341796875, "2258": 0.0714111328125, "44924": 0.13720703125, "192": 0.0188446044921875, "191607": 0.1094970703125, "6": 0.0200958251953125, "72350": 0.09942626953125, "674": 0.0204010009765625, "136": 0.01934814453125, "60199": 0.0731201171875, "62061": 0.1314697265625, "1601": 0.025421142578125, "61942": 0.173095703125, "13": 0.0203704833984375, "561": 0.03729248046875, "81708": 0.01052093505859375, "103488": 0.053680419921875, "20347": 0.08660888671875, "581": 0.0199737548828125, "50339": 0.0002484321594238281, "106804": 0.01168060302734375, "297": 0.0205535888671875, "450": 0.02032470703125, "135989": 0.134521484375, "11405": 0.2154541015625, "4734": 0.06488037109375, "360": 0.020263671875, "69822": 0.04052734375, "34390": 0.14404296875, "76615": 0.09503173828125, "90926": 0.025299072265625, "5691": 0.05291748046875, "80389": 0.10101318359375, "4450": 0.0294036865234375, "11": 0.016357421875, "33319": 0.12030029296875, "71928": 0.031219482421875, "1517": 0.004974365234375, "1158": 0.0545654296875, "148778": 0.07464599609375, "2506": 0.0201263427734375, "8967": 0.0008845329284667969, "6369": 0.004337310791015625, "1162": 0.0255584716796875, "30833": 0.0183563232421875, "49504": 0.09619140625, "1363": 0.020416259765625, "3542": 0.020355224609375, "154186": 0.122802734375, "124519": 0.0740966796875, "390": 0.019683837890625, "3129": 0.0196075439453125, "42459": 0.00504302978515625, "10": 0.0203094482421875, "60212": 0.08648681640625, "62976": 0.01910400390625, "10821": 0.02032470703125, "11301": 0.02056884765625, "142": 0.020355224609375, "5526": 0.024627685546875, "241866": 0.10247802734375, "83": 0.0203094482421875, "103876": 0.0012712478637695312, "60875": 0.1103515625, "102966": 0.018463134765625, "34704": 0.07470703125, "119475": 0.0207977294921875, "28282": 0.0280609130859375, "12921": 0.08441162109375, "65998": 0.1253662109375, "10862": 0.1165771484375, "214": 0.020416259765625, "218018": 0.08648681640625, "219776": 0.08282470703125, "90791": 0.007396697998046875, "37105": 0.019561767578125, "86685": 0.0458984375, "6083": 0.07281494140625, "2852": 0.020599365234375, "156856": 0.11248779296875, "60266": 0.0438232421875, "7432": 0.01983642578125, "10541": 0.0221710205078125, "2320": 0.0202789306640625, "106864": 0.09649658203125, "125568": 0.1112060546875, "27968": 0.12249755859375, "47219": 0.10357666015625, "12960": 0.007068634033203125, "59959": 0.08135986328125} |
6669242 | Protein acetylation affects acetate metabolism, motility and acid stress response in Escherichia coli | Although protein acetylation is widely observed, it has been associated with few specific regulatory functions making it poorly understood. To interrogate its functionality, we analyzed the acetylome in Escherichia coli knockout mutants of cobB, the only known sirtuin-like deacetylase, and patZ, the best-known protein acetyltransferase. For four growth conditions, more than 2,000 unique acetylated peptides, belonging to 809 proteins, were identified and differentially quantified. Nearly 65% of these proteins are related to metabolism. The global activity of CobB contributes to the deacetylation of a large number of substrates and has a major impact on physiology. Apart from the regulation of acetyl-CoA synthetase, we found that CobB-controlled acetylation of isocitrate lyase contributes to the fine-tuning of the glyoxylate shunt. Acetylation of the transcription factor RcsB prevents DNA binding, activating flagella biosynthesis and motility, and increases acid stress susceptibility. Surprisingly, deletion of patZ increased acetylation in acetate cultures, which suggests that it regulates the levels of acetylating agents. The results presented offer new insights into functional roles of protein acetylation in metabolic fitness and global cell regulation. | {"106073": 0.039947509765625, "21308": 0.227783203125, "1030": 0.1114501953125, "36743": 0.22412109375, "57860": 0.185546875, "38134": 0.07086181640625, "139999": 0.09954833984375, "137272": 0.10394287109375, "10846": 0.07635498046875, "29458": 0.060028076171875, "144314": 0.2127685546875, "32354": 0.1422119140625, "70425": 0.050994873046875, "217064": 0.10894775390625, "101934": 0.057830810546875, "123309": 0.1790771484375, "7968": 0.052276611328125, "6511": 0.202392578125, "13": 0.0994873046875, "1184": 0.032501220703125, "5372": 0.0941162109375, "14": 0.01971435546875, "38459": 0.11865234375, "27443": 0.13037109375, "186015": 0.111083984375, "6056": 0.1033935546875, "21144": 0.146240234375, "10840": 0.032470703125, "552": 0.0758056640625, "275": 0.1436767578125, "571": 0.1688232421875, "4734": 0.043670654296875, "51529": 0.06475830078125, "14095": 0.040374755859375, "57054": 0.1719970703125, "5062": 0.0811767578125, "8": 0.1788330078125, "8509": 0.10546875, "939": 0.2025146484375, "62061": 0.1043701171875, "2340": 0.09918212890625, "1511": 0.166748046875, "2965": 0.056243896484375, "69723": 0.0872802734375, "10": 0.043243408203125, "329": 0.124755859375, "90535": 0.2022705078125, "141325": 0.1314697265625, "6991": 0.1195068359375, "22759": 0.10833740234375, "75678": 0.10137939453125, "27289": 0.14404296875, "131554": 0.113037109375, "36998": 0.1390380859375, "126": 0.1405029296875, "7809": 0.2203369140625, "280": 0.040283203125, "17332": 0.162109375, "66165": 0.044708251953125, "382": 0.033355712890625, "6463": 0.1414794921875, "207487": 0.0963134765625, "99710": 0.0836181640625, "55230": 0.12493896484375, "119675": 0.167236328125, "62548": 0.137939453125, "159531": 0.1680908203125, "7964": 0.07672119140625, "103488": 0.08233642578125, "1311": 0.111328125, "162466": 0.1351318359375, "218250": 0.1544189453125, "13036": 0.033599853515625, "24725": 0.1412353515625, "240877": 0.09637451171875, "4867": 0.044586181640625, "15913": 0.1988525390625, "10625": 0.09490966796875, "284": 0.07147216796875, "142518": 0.01505279541015625, "81988": 0.15087890625, "13882": 0.06634521484375, "12645": 0.10302734375, "17957": 0.1241455078125, "16500": 0.108154296875, "5885": 0.08367919921875, "458": 0.1015625, "100483": 0.0234222412109375, "76634": 0.08587646484375, "19309": 0.10455322265625, "8633": 0.08868408203125, "660": 0.0430908203125, "70280": 0.1307373046875, "30334": 0.0787353515625, "59478": 0.1390380859375, "31461": 0.12249755859375, "627": 0.02197265625, "4439": 0.080810546875, "56282": 0.1143798828125, "27583": 0.0950927734375, "128239": 0.087158203125, "34704": 0.01073455810546875, "49938": 0.05926513671875, "4523": 0.11822509765625, "2080": 0.05194091796875, "51312": 0.0028705596923828125, "43840": 0.053924560546875, "11405": 0.0892333984375, "19462": 0.006038665771484375, "24674": 0.10009765625, "124735": 0.08441162109375, "103727": 0.1549072265625, "29394": 0.07806396484375, "97957": 0.0760498046875, "149201": 0.036224365234375, "31486": 0.08978271484375, "93447": 0.1292724609375, "37667": 0.1759033203125, "38750": 0.085693359375} |
6670101 | Ribosome biogenesis: Achilles heel of cancer? | It is long been known that cancer and non-cancer cells can be distinguished on the basis of their nucleolar morphologies. As early as the 19th century, it was reported that cancer cells have larger and more irregularly shaped nucleoli. Since then, pathologists have used nucleolar morphology to predict the clinical outcome [1]. Nucleolar morphology is altered due to the up-regulation of ribosomal gene transcription. Within nucleoli, ribosomal genes (rDNA) are transcribed by RNA polymerase I (pol I). The pre-ribosomal RNA (pre-rRNA) transcripts are subsequently modified and processed into the mature 18S, 5.8S and 28S rRNAs. 5S rRNA is transcribed by RNA polymerase III in the nucleoplasm. Together with the ribosomal proteins, the 5S rRNA is imported into the nucleolus where 40S and 60S ribosomal subunits are assembled prior to export to the cytoplasm [1, 2]. Oncogenes such as c-Myc can both directly and indirectly upregulate rDNA transcription, while tumour suppressors like p53 and Rb suppress ribosome biogenesis. Mutations in these genes not only result in deregulated cell cycle control, but also upregulated ribosome biogenesis. In addition to ribosome biogenesis, the nucleolus is a key cellular stress sensor and plays a central role in p53 activation [1, 2]. The increased translational capacity of cancer cells enables them to maintain higher proliferation rates. As stated by Ruggero, “compared with normal cells, cancer cells may be addicted to increases in ribosome biogenesis and number” [1]. This provides new therapeutic opportunities. As it turns out many chemotherapeutic drugs used in cancer treatment already inhibit ribosome biogenesis. In one recent survey it was shown that 20 out of 36 drugs in clinical use inhibit ribosome biogenesis [3]. Most of these drugs were originally designed to target highly proliferating cells by damaging DNA, interfering with DNA synthesis or with mitosis. These targeting modalities of these drugs also lead to toxicity in normal highly proliferating tissues. An example is ActinomycinD (AMD), a DNA intercalator which has a preference for GC-rich DNA sequences. As rDNA has above average GC-richness and because of its open chromatin conformation, low concentrations of AMD preferentially inhibit RNA polymerase I transcription and upon prolonged exposure causes genome wide DNA damage. Alkylating drugs like cisplatin and oxaliplatin or topoisomerases poisons like camptothecin inhibit pol I transcription. The degree to which inhibition of ribosome biogenesis contributes to the efficacy of these drugs is difficult to establish [3]. This raises an important question. Can targeting ribosome biogenesis without DNA damage offer any therapeutic potential? Two recently described drugs CX-5461 and BMH-21 are now providing evidence that inhibition of ribosome biogenesis by targeting transcription of rDNA by pol I has promising therapeutic potential. CX-5461 was designed to specifically inhibit pol I transcription by disrupting pre-initiation complex formation at the rDNA promoter. CX-5461 has been shown to activate p53 via nucleolar stress. It induces autophagy as well as senescence in a multiple types of cancer cells in a p53-dependent manner. Especially in leukaemia and lymphoma cells, treatment with CX-5461 induces p53-dependent apoptosis, while normal cells tolerate it [4, 5]. Whether the drug also induces DNA damage was not fully addressed, but it was demonstrated that it could induce cell death in cells lacking ATM - a key mediator of DNA double strand break responses. However, more recently Laiho and colleagues have shown that at high concentrations, CX-5461 does induce a γH2AX response, raising concerns about DNA damage [6]. BMH-21 was identified in a screen performed by Laiho and colleagues aimed at identifying novel p53 activators. Like AMD, BMH-21 is a DNA intercalator with preference for GC rich sequences [7]. Continuing the parallel with AMD, BMH-21 is a potent and specific inhibitor rDNA transcription and induces nucleolar reorganisation often referred to as nucleolar capping. Interestingly, transcription inhibition was followed by the degradation of the main pol I subunit, RPA194, by the proteasome [6]. In contrast with AMD, initial indications were that BMH-21 did not appear to induce DNA damage as evidenced by the lack of a γH2AX response [7]. Inhibition of transcription by BMH-21 causes nucleolar stress, resulting in decreased proliferation and cell death. P53 is activated in BMH-21 treated cells but is not required for its anti-proliferative effects. Intriguingly, it appears that cancer cells with high demands for ribosome biogenesis are selectively targeted [6]. The current publication in Oncotarget now rules out any role for DNA damage signalling and repair pathways in the BMH-21 response. Moreover, BMH-21 derivatives that can induce DNA damage display lower efficiency in inducing nucleolar stress and inhibiting proliferation [8]. The central importance of this study is that it finally uncouples DNA damage and nucleolar stress and reveals an Achilles heel in cancer cells, their addiction to ribosome biogenesis. | {"1650": 0.05126953125, "83": 0.05145263671875, "4989": 0.10699462890625, "2809": 0.0867919921875, "51529": 0.1356201171875, "450": 0.0517578125, "27968": 0.2305908203125, "136": 0.0882568359375, "351": 0.16357421875, "9": 0.051361083984375, "184756": 0.1490478515625, "38750": 0.19091796875, "7": 0.05157470703125, "831": 0.0789794921875, "186": 0.05133056640625, "157167": 0.174072265625, "67175": 0.051177978515625, "98": 0.051239013671875, "70": 0.051513671875, "18231": 0.099853515625, "111": 0.051361083984375, "2363": 0.04534912109375, "241454": 0.20068359375, "320": 0.1788330078125, "6": 0.051422119140625, "178851": 0.185791015625, "18709": 0.10601806640625, "5": 0.052337646484375, "1301": 0.05126953125, "39395": 0.038726806640625, "237": 0.051483154296875, "953": 0.1116943359375, "927": 0.051300048828125, "142642": 0.0841064453125, "4": 0.051605224609375, "442": 0.05169677734375, "509": 0.051483154296875, "113771": 0.09649658203125, "765": 0.051483154296875, "150679": 0.1279296875, "1286": 0.05120849609375, "105843": 0.11669921875, "538": 0.05145263671875, "115700": 0.152099609375, "71": 0.051483154296875, "150": 0.1597900390625, "66016": 0.05120849609375, "7068": 0.02496337890625, "2340": 0.030731201171875, "497": 0.1798095703125, "106622": 0.09521484375, "11814": 0.0699462890625, "25443": 0.108642578125, "47": 0.05145263671875, "92054": 0.150634765625, "56465": 0.10595703125, "289": 0.0513916015625, "184345": 0.1317138671875, "17550": 0.025146484375, "1429": 0.10479736328125, "11030": 0.1431884765625, "31": 0.05096435546875, "37264": 0.17333984375, "297": 0.051483154296875, "4743": 0.05615234375, "1257": 0.08099365234375, "62881": 0.181640625, "2320": 0.0513916015625, "105598": 0.232666015625, "5084": 0.1590576171875, "22293": 0.1417236328125, "30334": 0.12164306640625, "59478": 0.13671875, "17106": 0.0528564453125, "73": 0.05133056640625, "15": 0.05126953125, "42": 0.1357421875, "125903": 0.253173828125, "16": 0.0513916015625, "621": 0.051422119140625, "34601": 0.11358642578125, "390": 0.051605224609375, "125499": 0.1995849609375, "35874": 0.0975341796875, "27160": 0.13330078125, "184": 0.051544189453125, "87": 0.126708984375, "5877": 0.1571044921875, "194": 0.03729248046875, "581": 0.051727294921875, "479": 0.11676025390625, "11049": 0.1229248046875, "6781": 0.1138916015625, "2749": 0.041473388671875, "4692": 0.048553466796875, "32032": 0.052001953125, "221419": 0.047821044921875, "73197": 0.1103515625, "9433": 0.05523681640625, "3934": 0.05133056640625, "90638": 0.081787109375, "543": 0.08209228515625, "294": 0.11572265625, "153451": 0.08392333984375, "1372": 0.11236572265625, "1690": 0.09161376953125, "190": 0.143798828125, "4830": 0.1104736328125, "23": 0.051788330078125, "52033": 0.1346435546875, "39": 0.05126953125, "717": 0.05145263671875, "429": 0.05120849609375, "9319": 0.05133056640625, "678": 0.051361083984375, "21308": 0.10858154296875, "76242": 0.08892822265625, "5782": 0.166015625, "7440": 0.0513916015625, "1112": 0.10040283203125, "1496": 0.1240234375, "1614": 0.066650390625, "309": 0.05120849609375, "14481": 0.051300048828125, "93457": 0.0928955078125, "41928": 0.044677734375, "31255": 0.08575439453125, "188": 0.05133056640625, "68252": 0.0186309814453125, "116": 0.05126953125, "268": 0.051483154296875, "2161": 0.14404296875, "587": 0.11370849609375, "15292": 0.208740234375, "6044": 0.05133056640625, "501": 0.05108642578125, "31852": 0.13671875, "238": 0.0511474609375, "15044": 0.047027587890625, "105237": 0.051239013671875, "116361": 0.050506591796875, "144867": 0.1708984375, "67": 0.0513916015625, "12960": 0.051361083984375, "10029": 0.0831298828125, "34639": 0.05120849609375, "15811": 0.0401611328125, "11856": 0.051239013671875, "25251": 0.05133056640625, "1884": 0.0518798828125, "915": 0.0914306640625, "14226": 0.252197265625, "627": 0.05133056640625, "275": 0.051177978515625, "43452": 0.2342529296875, "3530": 0.172607421875, "6023": 0.1153564453125, "118756": 0.17626953125, "5256": 0.051361083984375, "6097": 0.051239013671875, "959": 0.051361083984375, "4734": 0.051422119140625, "16750": 0.0513916015625, "8": 0.050048828125, "3674": 0.05145263671875, "105823": 0.045928955078125, "6226": 0.049957275390625, "1284": 0.051727294921875, "2843": 0.051483154296875, "360": 0.051361083984375, "66044": 0.0179443359375, "10": 0.05145263671875, "22799": 0.0750732421875, "2927": 0.05364990234375, "120087": 0.051116943359375, "11405": 0.1796875, "43111": 0.16650390625, "11301": 0.05157470703125, "9879": 0.08294677734375, "31486": 0.09521484375, "34704": 0.1339111328125, "1363": 0.051422119140625, "124735": 0.06964111328125, "153648": 0.1107177734375, "177399": 0.047882080078125, "22": 0.051239013671875, "19736": 0.05169677734375, "2856": 0.047943115234375, "76104": 0.05078125, "77546": 0.05059814453125, "215447": 0.163330078125, "121297": 0.0517578125, "11341": 0.051300048828125, "4518": 0.02691650390625, "21407": 0.1331787109375, "52": 0.0491943359375, "277": 0.05133056640625, "2500": 0.051483154296875, "3638": 0.10321044921875, "1543": 0.076171875, "181050": 0.2030029296875, "51312": 0.0287322998046875, "14012": 0.05047607421875, "63": 0.051116943359375, "3293": 0.0291595458984375, "87344": 0.05126953125, "3525": 0.06842041015625, "126472": 0.201416015625, "1771": 0.05145263671875, "107893": 0.1710205078125, "15504": 0.051239013671875, "1810": 0.05133056640625, "5941": 0.035125732421875, "290": 0.0689697265625, "432": 0.051177978515625, "125694": 0.25146484375, "39734": 0.142822265625, "21771": 0.0189971923828125, "173702": 0.1917724609375, "18": 0.051483154296875, "1632": 0.051361083984375, "17309": 0.05133056640625, "110297": 0.047882080078125, "127887": 0.0518798828125, "387": 0.078125, "4039": 0.12469482421875, "4527": 0.05120849609375, "50740": 0.0193939208984375, "17006": 0.0172576904296875, "3542": 0.05133056640625, "7311": 0.06671142578125, "82775": 0.119384765625, "30388": 0.22509765625, "103210": 0.050689697265625, "1916": 0.05145263671875, "51047": 0.038665771484375, "9966": 0.05126953125, "27583": 0.1834716796875, "1940": 0.061248779296875, "2875": 0.051422119140625, "214": 0.0615234375, "142518": 0.04962158203125, "90": 0.051513671875, "164": 0.051483154296875, "707": 0.051300048828125, "491": 0.048828125, "84125": 0.051177978515625, "32255": 0.05181884765625, "28020": 0.1116943359375, "31075": 0.051300048828125, "37105": 0.050445556640625, "74735": 0.1390380859375, "2481": 0.05133056640625, "108055": 0.05474853515625, "893": 0.051300048828125, "27781": 0.0443115234375, "25515": 0.041290283203125, "59918": 0.10369873046875, "53": 0.050018310546875, "6333": 0.08758544921875, "397": 0.1473388671875, "8922": 0.06829833984375, "247": 0.05133056640625, "6827": 0.060638427734375, "4597": 0.051422119140625, "3129": 0.051116943359375, "1556": 0.0516357421875, "205537": 0.050750732421875, "100": 0.05157470703125, "69657": 0.08026123046875, "26932": 0.052093505859375, "40": 0.051239013671875, "26513": 0.05133056640625, "5170": 0.05133056640625, "36917": 0.0511474609375, "83080": 0.0513916015625, "7432": 0.05120849609375, "6637": 0.051666259765625, "6863": 0.051300048828125, "9803": 0.051422119140625, "17656": 0.0509033203125, "38657": 0.051239013671875, "19911": 0.05133056640625, "27226": 0.051788330078125, "202104": 0.051544189453125, "87063": 0.162841796875, "12601": 0.05157470703125, "80973": 0.051483154296875, "54799": 0.051422119140625, "85673": 0.051788330078125, "197826": 0.050872802734375, "113660": 0.051727294921875, "8584": 0.041046142578125, "13": 0.051422119140625, "38134": 0.03619384765625, "82649": 0.1859130859375, "884": 0.011962890625, "129262": 0.151123046875, "26518": 0.051300048828125, "1059": 0.041259765625, "9189": 0.11712646484375, "36": 0.050750732421875, "3798": 0.051177978515625, "120178": 0.05096435546875, "306": 0.051116943359375, "18314": 0.051177978515625, "5737": 0.125244140625, "5245": 0.0513916015625, "11491": 0.0740966796875, "2347": 0.051300048828125, "3722": 0.1260986328125, "79385": 0.037139892578125, "162466": 0.051116943359375, "9129": 0.07073974609375, "22346": 0.051544189453125, "2408": 0.051239013671875, "34844": 0.11090087890625, "137633": 0.04461669921875, "138804": 0.033935546875, "142": 0.05120849609375, "5526": 0.06341552734375, "9655": 0.06573486328125, "4171": 0.1300048828125, "15490": 0.1500244140625, "18645": 0.1068115234375, "2499": 0.05120849609375, "38516": 0.1630859375, "32": 0.0097503662109375, "32964": 0.01605224609375, "78684": 0.04156494140625, "151552": 0.036376953125, "313": 0.060546875, "1542": 0.1595458984375, "10342": 0.08953857421875, "162044": 0.22998046875, "335": 0.071533203125, "108917": 0.2056884765625, "24589": 0.193115234375, "5036": 0.05633544921875, "101904": 0.048492431640625, "77950": 0.062408447265625, "64004": 0.1378173828125, "183037": 0.00445556640625, "226586": 0.051025390625, "943": 0.050048828125, "118": 0.05120849609375, "27140": 0.05120849609375, "27643": 0.05169677734375, "99": 0.051422119140625, "125568": 0.0513916015625, "1829": 0.048858642578125, "135989": 0.170166015625, "1809": 0.1365966796875, "14612": 0.11102294921875, "3432": 0.051422119140625, "5299": 0.051055908203125, "132300": 0.07244873046875, "6620": 0.051177978515625, "48716": 0.0513916015625, "52895": 0.05145263671875, "181063": 0.051544189453125, "144996": 0.051361083984375, "60975": 0.051300048828125, "23482": 0.06719970703125, "11": 0.051177978515625, "32868": 0.0513916015625, "238757": 0.04071044921875, "8945": 0.051727294921875, "6885": 0.094482421875, "40934": 0.0565185546875, "131145": 0.0511474609375, "378": 0.051605224609375, "617": 0.0513916015625, "156458": 0.01276397705078125, "48683": 0.1693115234375, "89554": 0.0511474609375, "29823": 0.0499267578125, "106804": 0.05120849609375, "5809": 0.04571533203125, "47219": 0.101318359375, "21": 0.05120849609375, "41324": 0.05126953125, "78045": 0.0972900390625, "20": 0.0513916015625, "2450": 0.051116943359375, "1290": 0.051300048828125, "41929": 0.049102783203125, "32594": 0.046905517578125, "36356": 0.050933837890625, "57553": 0.10406494140625, "33306": 0.044464111328125, "12460": 0.146728515625, "230331": 0.05126953125, "11192": 0.05133056640625, "14602": 0.03265380859375, "12770": 0.053070068359375, "841": 0.09405517578125, "304": 0.076171875, "72850": 0.14013671875, "40129": 0.0259552001953125, "50509": 0.10870361328125, "1672": 0.05126953125, "92347": 0.03802490234375, "207487": 0.0279541015625, "49119": 0.0511474609375, "51339": 0.051422119140625, "1300": 0.051300048828125, "4806": 0.051361083984375, "135812": 0.05120849609375, "21261": 0.050750732421875, "22230": 0.051483154296875, "18852": 0.025146484375, "98870": 0.051483154296875, "117221": 0.023529052734375, "100761": 0.0108795166015625, "95103": 0.04022216796875, "114680": 0.1243896484375, "29458": 0.051300048828125, "456": 0.038238525390625, "40098": 0.1468505859375, "27983": 0.0517578125, "15005": 0.051422119140625, "2822": 0.05133056640625, "377": 0.03839111328125, "26783": 0.05145263671875, "66348": 0.051300048828125, "134629": 0.051483154296875, "119542": 0.05084228515625, "5201": 0.051177978515625, "217": 0.051483154296875, "12236": 0.0511474609375, "2947": 0.051025390625, "13766": 0.042327880859375, "69822": 0.031829833984375, "61475": 0.051239013671875, "14585": 0.05126953125, "6777": 0.05126953125, "108975": 0.051300048828125, "92635": 0.051025390625, "26036": 0.151611328125, "14": 0.05120849609375, "227204": 0.051177978515625, "436": 0.1055908203125, "191607": 0.05120849609375, "56065": 0.103515625, "2874": 0.11968994140625, "3454": 0.0072784423828125, "45023": 0.05145263671875, "93425": 0.051361083984375, "101941": 0.022613525390625, "12282": 0.051422119140625, "135179": 0.03790283203125, "35968": 0.10205078125, "36849": 0.044830322265625, "5844": 0.051513671875, "43581": 0.04083251953125, "104345": 0.047027587890625, "867": 0.0931396484375, "3794": 0.135986328125, "91736": 0.12548828125, "26073": 0.04876708984375, "2069": 0.05133056640625, "121461": 0.0517578125, "60875": 0.05145263671875, "102966": 0.0513916015625, "5455": 0.05133056640625, "5465": 0.051361083984375, "30057": 0.137451171875, "42991": 0.05145263671875, "44116": 0.0513916015625, "92319": 0.11102294921875, "227066": 0.06268310546875, "120410": 0.0404052734375, "131011": 0.110595703125, "903": 0.019378662109375, "35187": 0.068603515625, "77681": 0.06982421875, "51": 0.039581298828125, "12600": 0.07855224609375, "99726": 0.051361083984375, "122273": 0.047760009765625, "17490": 0.07037353515625, "51432": 0.1138916015625, "8953": 0.1085205078125, "239414": 0.1513671875} |
6673421 | Cell and molecular mechanisms of insulin-induced angiogenesis | Angiogenesis, the development of new blood vessel from pre-existing vessels, is a key process in the formation of the granulation tissue during wound healing. The appropriate development of new blood vessels, along with their subsequent maturation and differentiation, establishes the foundation for functional wound neovasculature. We performed studies in vivo and used a variety of cellular and molecular approaches in vitro to show that insulin stimulates angiogenesis and to elucidate the signalling mechanisms by which this protein stimulates microvessel development. Mice skin injected with insulin shows longer vessels with more branches, along with increased numbers of associated alpha-smooth muscle actin-expressing cells, suggesting the appropriate differentiation and maturation of the new vessels. We also found that insulin stimulates human microvascular endothelial cell migration and tube formation, and that these effects occur independently of VEGF/VEGFR signalling, but are dependent upon the insulin receptor itself. Downstream signalling pathways involve PI3K, Akt, sterol regulatory element-binding protein 1 (SREBP-1) and Rac1; inhibition of these pathways results in elimination of endothelial cell migration and tube formation and significantly decreases the development of microvessels. Our findings strongly suggest that insulin is a good candidate for the treatment of ischaemic wounds and other conditions in which blood vessel development is impaired. | {"2393": 0.1856689453125, "846": 0.1898193359375, "15292": 0.290771484375, "6023": 0.1636962890625, "34754": 0.176025390625, "3525": 0.0718994140625, "59714": 0.1275634765625, "53678": 0.1917724609375, "1428": 0.1236572265625, "1295": 0.002788543701171875, "479": 0.06591796875, "54376": 0.11517333984375, "41204": 0.09405517578125, "83": 0.0677490234375, "22799": 0.11822509765625, "9433": 0.10345458984375, "27643": 0.1280517578125, "2855": 0.0986328125, "72403": 0.13623046875, "108055": 0.11181640625, "20271": 0.03424072265625, "4323": 0.10284423828125, "7030": 0.172607421875, "17305": 0.128173828125, "2069": 0.0728759765625, "95307": 0.11285400390625, "28206": 0.056976318359375, "99710": 0.1168212890625, "137633": 0.02569580078125, "137374": 0.09259033203125, "123309": 0.1080322265625, "16169": 0.072998046875, "4079": 0.10504150390625, "16735": 0.09295654296875, "6644": 0.006381988525390625, "96335": 0.05908203125, "16622": 0.159912109375, "2927": 0.028472900390625, "233239": 0.01070404052734375, "51515": 0.078125, "279": 0.10894775390625, "2955": 0.12939453125, "91598": 0.301025390625, "142405": 0.2178955078125, "1636": 0.08074951171875, "348": 0.185791015625, "71865": 0.022430419921875, "26073": 0.1751708984375, "191619": 0.1134033203125, "903": 0.01025390625, "21308": 0.2003173828125, "11948": 0.146484375, "3132": 0.2166748046875, "1208": 0.1470947265625, "329": 0.057586669921875, "21722": 0.1378173828125, "115049": 0.16796875, "678": 0.08087158203125, "45831": 0.03955078125, "51713": 0.1107177734375, "1286": 0.054840087890625, "90356": 0.08740234375, "124735": 0.0274200439453125, "144": 0.0186920166015625, "14612": 0.0914306640625, "123635": 0.12213134765625, "27992": 0.07244873046875, "136091": 0.05218505859375, "38750": 0.12646484375, "42459": 0.043060302734375, "14037": 0.0062103271484375, "14135": 0.07354736328125, "22": 0.0300750732421875, "15464": 0.0853271484375, "54140": 0.1407470703125, "212416": 0.170166015625, "43333": 0.17822265625, "93425": 0.118896484375, "41371": 0.0511474609375, "13668": 0.099853515625, "79035": 0.1270751953125, "64": 0.0192718505859375, "24878": 0.05865478515625, "46290": 0.142578125, "108750": 0.11053466796875, "137376": 0.1358642578125, "68034": 0.033966064453125, "49472": 0.1148681640625, "86429": 0.1328125, "60875": 0.07647705078125, "102966": 0.052215576171875, "83687": 0.0015478134155273438, "25645": 0.10809326171875, "363": 0.0692138671875, "605": 0.10888671875, "60301": 0.11785888671875, "28063": 0.033111572265625, "929": 0.05767822265625, "144314": 0.09124755859375, "12830": 0.0166778564453125, "128239": 0.039825439453125, "106": 0.004596710205078125, "11766": 0.0767822265625, "56861": 0.08648681640625, "81585": 0.078369140625, "418": 0.00754547119140625, "173702": 0.11932373046875, "27169": 0.06622314453125, "227204": 0.118896484375, "37515": 0.00594329833984375, "4127": 0.07879638671875, "25469": 0.112548828125, "39734": 0.1483154296875, "1436": 0.08697509765625, "13": 0.04974365234375, "21068": 0.029266357421875, "27289": 0.039764404296875, "109637": 0.08599853515625} |
6690087 | Inhibition of mammalian target of rapamycin potentiates thrombin-induced intercellular adhesion molecule-1 expression by accelerating and stabilizing NF-kappa B activation in endothelial cells. | We addressed the regulatory function of mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) in the mechanism of thrombin-induced ICAM-1 gene expression in endothelial cells. Pretreatment of HUVECs with rapamycin, an inhibitor of mTOR, augmented thrombin-induced ICAM-1 expression. Inhibition of mTOR by this approach promoted whereas over-expression of mTOR inhibited thrombin-induced transcriptional activity of NF-kappaB, an essential regulator of ICAM-1 transcription. Analysis of the NF-kappaB signaling pathway revealed that inhibition of mTOR potentiated IkappaB kinase activation resulting in a rapid and persistent phosphorylation of IkappaBalpha on Ser32 and Ser36, a requirement for IkappaBalpha degradation. Consistent with these data, we observed a more efficient and stable nuclear localization of RelA/p65 and, subsequently, the DNA binding activity of NF-kappaB by thrombin following mTOR inhibition. These data define a novel role of mTOR in down-regulating thrombin-induced ICAM-1 expression in endothelial cells by controlling a delayed and transient activation of NF-kappaB. | {"29823": 0.01226806640625, "144314": 0.22412109375, "32354": 0.1275634765625, "21968": 0.10943603515625, "38820": 0.09136962890625, "30388": 0.2105712890625, "29892": 0.135498046875, "35624": 0.13916015625, "6333": 0.1812744140625, "39": 0.08306884765625, "27010": 0.291748046875, "191619": 0.1265869140625, "42294": 0.10467529296875, "122432": 0.1444091796875, "18442": 0.0833740234375, "87": 0.10479736328125, "115182": 0.257080078125, "5759": 0.1348876953125, "22293": 0.10614013671875, "125195": 0.1552734375, "22": 0.033905029296875, "15464": 0.08154296875, "54140": 0.14599609375, "289": 0.00921630859375, "38750": 0.11614990234375, "1914": 0.03155517578125, "2921": 0.08941650390625, "257": 0.0247344970703125, "22438": 0.11187744140625, "24878": 0.1669921875, "441": 0.1514892578125, "7": 0.0146331787109375, "678": 0.04595947265625, "173702": 0.1964111328125, "1290": 0.11138916015625, "347": 0.11810302734375, "9620": 0.06939697265625, "360": 0.00881195068359375, "26036": 0.1513671875, "51515": 0.0638427734375, "125568": 0.0928955078125, "645": 0.03155517578125, "204629": 0.10528564453125, "30334": 0.072265625, "59478": 0.08917236328125, "103488": 0.059112548828125, "73493": 0.15869140625, "161": 0.10125732421875, "7495": 0.1485595703125, "571": 0.1092529296875, "85590": 0.11083984375, "26073": 0.040283203125, "60875": 0.033233642578125, "7514": 0.030487060546875, "139642": 0.1448974609375, "24222": 0.11627197265625, "184": 0.08172607421875, "34704": 0.1019287109375, "25545": 0.0218048095703125, "70560": 0.08843994140625, "134208": 0.0270843505859375, "139006": 0.08062744140625, "63641": 0.1239013671875, "14612": 0.1513671875, "5406": 0.08233642578125, "6460": 0.1534423828125, "8659": 0.1405029296875, "64209": 0.11676025390625, "119542": 0.156982421875, "1286": 0.037078857421875, "93766": 0.07452392578125, "144142": 0.098876953125, "72249": 0.09759521484375, "4000": 0.10357666015625, "853": 0.05145263671875, "141": 0.0380859375, "284": 0.06103515625, "64": 0.055572509765625, "12424": 0.203857421875, "27583": 0.101806640625, "128239": 0.140380859375, "2053": 0.0245361328125, "21261": 0.017120361328125, "31486": 0.0859375, "7565": 0.1278076171875, "144867": 0.190185546875, "6226": 0.09881591796875, "5259": 0.1361083984375, "3900": 0.031402587890625} |
6710699 | Homologous recombination resolution defect in werner syndrome. | Werner syndrome (WRN) is an uncommon autosomal recessive disease whose phenotype includes features of premature aging, genetic instability, and an elevated risk of cancer. We used three different experimental strategies to show that WRN cellular phenotypes of limited cell division potential, DNA damage hypersensitivity, and defective homologous recombination (HR) are interrelated. WRN cell survival and the generation of viable mitotic recombinant progeny could be rescued by expressing wild-type WRN protein or by expressing the bacterial resolvase protein RusA. The dependence of WRN cellular phenotypes on RAD51-dependent HR pathways was demonstrated by using a dominant-negative RAD51 protein to suppress mitotic recombination in WRN and control cells: the suppression of RAD51-dependent recombination led to significantly improved survival of WRN cells following DNA damage. These results define a physiological role for the WRN RecQ helicase protein in RAD51-dependent HR and identify a mechanistic link between defective recombination resolution and limited cell division potential, DNA damage hypersensitivity, and genetic instability in human somatic cells. | {"172794": 0.3642578125, "194923": 0.283447265625, "1456": 0.1685791015625, "50456": 0.317138671875, "83": 0.07073974609375, "142": 0.0208740234375, "51": 0.045623779296875, "277": 0.1263427734375, "3796": 0.1112060546875, "1809": 0.151123046875, "5084": 0.17431640625, "289": 0.0239715576171875, "179661": 0.16943359375, "5844": 0.12469482421875, "70997": 0.1845703125, "11521": 0.0716552734375, "21004": 0.08050537109375, "50986": 0.197265625, "96853": 0.061309814453125, "66139": 0.1302490234375, "170176": 0.1539306640625, "66398": 0.1143798828125, "101412": 0.1268310546875, "271": 0.106689453125, "41159": 0.03460693359375, "57849": 0.040924072265625, "10512": 0.1065673828125, "27968": 0.09375, "17262": 0.09991455078125, "12921": 0.062255859375, "195935": 0.118408203125, "50531": 0.11370849609375, "7639": 0.031158447265625, "601": 0.124267578125, "2927": 0.08135986328125, "120087": 0.1148681640625, "84046": 0.153564453125, "38750": 0.181396484375, "91853": 0.1517333984375, "38516": 0.1802978515625, "27583": 0.143798828125, "82649": 0.17236328125, "59058": 0.12237548828125, "176302": 0.19775390625, "72104": 0.1689453125, "12840": 0.1474609375, "26989": 0.12335205078125, "33844": 0.08013916015625, "122432": 0.1822509765625, "29562": 0.197998046875, "1940": 0.05462646484375, "174822": 0.16650390625, "218018": 0.157958984375, "58093": 0.0638427734375, "279": 0.06866455078125, "86467": 0.0987548828125, "9523": 0.05950927734375, "502": 0.0662841796875, "1409": 0.101806640625, "5809": 0.03778076171875, "114777": 0.1392822265625, "36510": 0.08673095703125, "56409": 0.11737060546875, "21308": 0.20947265625, "152818": 0.08209228515625, "64317": 0.051055908203125, "4079": 0.03564453125, "13832": 0.145751953125, "284": 0.13232421875, "215131": 0.157958984375, "144787": 0.1510009765625, "11703": 0.2315673828125, "181063": 0.1214599609375, "22439": 0.2095947265625, "60875": 0.0848388671875, "102966": 0.071044921875, "106804": 0.022186279296875, "73944": 0.07940673828125, "3331": 0.0833740234375, "15811": 0.054107666015625, "11856": 0.121826171875, "6226": 0.09051513671875, "48448": 0.044464111328125, "52295": 0.1156005859375, "25632": 0.00812530517578125, "61924": 0.0249176025390625, "240877": 0.0662841796875, "137043": 0.055450439453125, "31486": 0.0887451171875, "48224": 0.146728515625, "2737": 0.197021484375, "50651": 0.1502685546875, "58437": 0.1566162109375, "74842": 0.075439453125, "3126": 0.10968017578125, "17721": 0.0024280548095703125, "158839": 0.16259765625, "14135": 0.0194854736328125, "221": 0.113037109375, "47148": 0.0654296875} |
6710713 | Risk factors at medical school for subsequent professional misconduct: multicentre retrospective case-control study | OBJECTIVE To determine whether there are risk factors in a doctor's time at medical school that are associated with subsequent professional misconduct. DESIGN Matched case-control study. Setting Records from medical schools and the General Medical Council (GMC). PARTICIPANTS 59 doctors who had graduated from any one of eight medical schools in the United Kingdom in 1958-97 and had a proved finding of serious professional misconduct in GMC proceedings in 1999-2004 (cases); 236 controls (four for each case) were selected by systematic sampling from matching graduation cohorts. Case-control status was revealed by the GMC after completion of data entry. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE Odds ratios for being a "case," with multivariable conditional logistic regression of potential risk factors including pre-admission characteristics and progress during the course. These data were obtained from anonymised copies of the students' progress files held by their original medical schools. RESULTS Univariate conditional logistic regression analysis found that cases were more likely to be men, to be of lower estimated social class, and to have had academic difficulties during their medical course, especially in the early years. Multivariable analysis showed that male sex (odds ratio 9.80, 95% confidence interval 2.43 to 39.44, P=0.001), lower social class (4.28, 1.52 to 12.09, P=0.006), and failure of early or preclinical examinations (5.47, 2.17 to 13.79, P<0.001) were independently associated with being a case. CONCLUSIONS This small study suggests that male sex, a lower socioeconomic background, and early academic difficulties at medical school could be risk factors for subsequent professional misconduct. The findings are preliminary and should be interpreted with caution. Most doctors with risk factors will not come before the GMC's disciplinary panels. | {"35988": 0.08270263671875, "15301": 0.1329345703125, "441": 0.033905029296875, "169813": 0.0144500732421875, "83324": 0.06585693359375, "36766": 0.0018558502197265625, "2685": 0.0030975341796875, "10512": 0.2293701171875, "120103": 0.2200927734375, "22072": 0.224853515625, "25": 0.0238037109375, "7": 0.024078369140625, "1733": 0.10406494140625, "99": 0.08001708984375, "29874": 0.2001953125, "10696": 0.160888671875, "621": 0.0239410400390625, "137272": 0.166015625, "678": 0.082763671875, "221419": 0.1220703125, "23182": 0.1824951171875, "1239": 0.10052490234375, "2271": 0.146240234375, "77193": 0.1898193359375, "223188": 0.178955078125, "67407": 0.1629638671875, "297": 0.0276641845703125, "7225": 0.2056884765625, "81988": 0.2325439453125, "35187": 0.1365966796875, "503": 0.0162506103515625, "89916": 0.0943603515625, "1295": 0.02374267578125, "115215": 0.1673583984375, "136": 0.0345458984375, "70": 0.02386474609375, "9082": 0.0230712890625, "69292": 0.122314453125, "70615": 0.0908203125, "32557": 0.158935546875, "180070": 0.024078369140625, "17304": 0.060333251953125, "64731": 0.005016326904296875, "11156": 0.1925048828125, "2750": 0.017333984375, "1902": 0.06768798828125, "150180": 0.1900634765625, "71": 0.0240020751953125, "2499": 0.0159759521484375, "1632": 0.0238800048828125, "111": 0.023895263671875, "136659": 0.0982666015625, "23": 0.0242767333984375, "14098": 0.0584716796875, "117604": 0.1412353515625, "42610": 0.1844482421875, "9": 0.02374267578125, "14773": 0.1734619140625, "10": 0.0240631103515625, "77443": 0.0975341796875, "90791": 0.0791015625, "85583": 0.08905029296875, "527": 0.03607177734375, "172337": 0.07037353515625, "5180": 0.023834228515625, "8272": 0.13232421875, "30416": 0.159912109375, "15": 0.02374267578125, "58437": 0.207275390625, "1105": 0.050567626953125, "910": 0.09619140625, "6226": 0.2254638671875, "160018": 0.082763671875, "100": 0.0238189697265625, "12638": 0.023681640625, "16": 0.0236358642578125, "3542": 0.023956298828125, "133291": 0.08270263671875, "390": 0.0240478515625, "242161": 0.1378173828125, "57": 0.0308837890625, "2676": 0.1312255859375, "2069": 0.024017333984375, "14858": 0.1383056640625, "214": 0.023834228515625, "25975": 0.128662109375, "2320": 0.0236358642578125, "552": 0.0228118896484375, "5922": 0.056793212890625, "933": 0.02374267578125, "43731": 0.186767578125, "10778": 0.11376953125, "509": 0.0228424072265625, "122273": 0.05010986328125, "21721": 0.0251922607421875, "1830": 0.0239105224609375, "2053": 0.120361328125, "42805": 0.0516357421875, "276": 0.01212310791015625, "48026": 0.1036376953125, "45962": 0.080322265625, "91245": 0.130859375, "11292": 0.111328125, "9713": 0.130615234375, "67948": 0.224365234375, "70460": 0.169921875, "8035": 0.12255859375, "4": 0.023956298828125, "58": 0.023468017578125, "6024": 0.054443359375, "21690": 0.139892578125, "2886": 0.0238800048828125, "35431": 0.173583984375, "289": 0.0261077880859375, "150535": 0.2320556640625, "456": 0.04071044921875, "148448": 0.2275390625, "38516": 0.1292724609375, "26719": 0.02362060546875, "479": 0.10498046875, "712": 0.1075439453125, "21150": 0.1611328125, "62816": 0.09820556640625, "48242": 0.024078369140625, "42658": 0.160888671875, "20271": 0.0244598388671875, "15411": 0.11529541015625, "113054": 0.0183563232421875, "52184": 0.1397705078125, "52021": 0.023712158203125, "71200": 0.017425537109375, "25921": 0.162841796875, "102158": 0.11260986328125, "34658": 0.0197601318359375, "2363": 0.0121002197265625, "7311": 0.062164306640625, "218849": 0.046173095703125, "294": 0.023223876953125, "11789": 0.059600830078125, "124640": 0.1268310546875, "67": 0.0240631103515625, "114137": 0.1312255859375, "450": 0.0239715576171875, "50218": 0.226318359375, "1286": 0.11572265625, "47041": 0.2003173828125, "47": 0.023895263671875, "186": 0.023956298828125, "453": 0.172607421875, "92319": 0.1507568359375, "25902": 0.08935546875, "3674": 0.023773193359375, "2265": 0.1435546875, "18507": 0.1630859375, "765": 0.023681640625, "108858": 0.17333984375, "34844": 0.15771484375, "3387": 0.023956298828125, "41866": 0.0009698867797851562, "39395": 0.08447265625, "5369": 0.023773193359375, "19335": 0.058685302734375, "11280": 0.165283203125, "1100": 0.220947265625, "13606": 0.2152099609375, "3569": 0.0357666015625, "4836": 0.1060791015625, "59653": 0.20751953125, "159454": 0.268798828125, "51514": 0.023956298828125, "787": 0.024078369140625, "11548": 0.0238494873046875, "5606": 0.041412353515625, "5": 0.02374267578125, "12465": 0.0239410400390625, "436": 0.02392578125, "1369": 0.0238494873046875, "37509": 0.1019287109375, "17727": 0.023773193359375, "9451": 0.0235595703125, "3882": 0.0238494873046875, "22410": 0.0120391845703125, "304": 0.023773193359375, "5035": 0.0237274169921875, "6463": 0.0239410400390625, "59690": 0.0238800048828125, "137578": 0.1893310546875, "707": 0.0229339599609375, "92768": 0.1015625, "21533": 0.02398681640625, "96730": 0.184326171875, "5256": 0.0239715576171875, "13330": 0.0239105224609375, "2489": 0.0240478515625, "5847": 0.00574493408203125, "22377": 0.06805419921875, "16093": 0.0237274169921875, "41371": 0.11334228515625, "538": 0.0238189697265625, "37486": 0.050689697265625, "19336": 0.08453369140625, "42459": 0.020355224609375, "30355": 0.0308685302734375, "165439": 0.02398681640625, "76615": 0.11767578125, "5809": 0.0689697265625, "581": 0.0239715576171875, "118276": 0.10308837890625, "53": 0.023956298828125, "5608": 0.017852783203125, "29481": 0.10235595703125, "30843": 0.060150146484375, "1363": 0.023956298828125, "17006": 0.0692138671875, "1221": 0.026123046875, "959": 0.030792236328125, "1380": 0.055511474609375, "8108": 0.098388671875, "29127": 0.1441650390625, "1294": 0.0237884521484375, "16138": 0.07867431640625} |
6712836 | MiD49 and MiD51, new components of the mitochondrial fission machinery. | Mitochondria form intricate networks through fission and fusion events. Here, we identify mitochondrial dynamics proteins of 49 and 51 kDa (MiD49 and MiD51, respectively) anchored in the mitochondrial outer membrane. MiD49/51 form foci and rings around mitochondria similar to the fission mediator dynamin-related protein 1 (Drp1). MiD49/51 directly recruit Drp1 to the mitochondrial surface, whereas their knockdown reduces Drp1 association, leading to unopposed fusion. Overexpression of MiD49/51 seems to sequester Drp1 from functioning at mitochondria and cause fused tubules to associate with actin. Thus, MiD49/51 are new mediators of mitochondrial division affecting Drp1 action at mitochondria. | {"3574": 0.1510009765625, "31": 0.1063232421875, "3089": 0.1339111328125, "29887": 0.1766357421875, "11": 0.11456298828125, "3173": 0.182861328125, "23": 0.0279388427734375, "89319": 0.16552734375, "33120": 0.18310546875, "8305": 0.0245513916015625, "43894": 0.14892578125, "6889": 0.08245849609375, "136": 0.043365478515625, "119485": 0.164306640625, "47353": 0.098388671875, "135812": 0.12371826171875, "86467": 0.1688232421875, "289": 0.057830810546875, "84079": 0.208740234375, "21308": 0.234130859375, "7": 0.032684326171875, "7218": 0.2021484375, "8651": 0.19873046875, "472": 0.0592041015625, "11866": 0.1197509765625, "10581": 0.130615234375, "397": 0.12213134765625, "12977": 0.2890625, "1208": 0.16845703125, "11703": 0.2568359375, "142": 0.045867919921875, "2822": 0.006744384765625, "1810": 0.12353515625, "56": 0.039306640625, "107834": 0.132080078125, "64": 0.046417236328125, "25581": 0.1455078125, "14": 0.06463623046875, "46828": 0.10711669921875, "10932": 0.050506591796875, "21373": 0.043426513671875, "2450": 0.2098388671875, "1290": 0.07470703125, "68728": 0.11419677734375, "1249": 0.1285400390625, "174822": 0.0753173828125, "106": 0.0706787109375, "10681": 0.1358642578125, "17727": 0.1201171875, "105237": 0.060516357421875, "172310": 0.1739501953125, "1773": 0.0904541015625, "254": 0.1058349609375, "418": 0.09808349609375, "47": 0.0021839141845703125, "71579": 0.11846923828125, "186015": 0.0870361328125, "34695": 0.071044921875, "34390": 0.1065673828125, "125413": 0.0810546875, "2146": 0.055908203125, "144429": 0.046539306640625, "9578": 0.08270263671875, "204629": 0.12744140625, "944": 0.11737060546875, "32354": 0.038482666015625, "22304": 0.035308837890625, "57574": 0.12744140625, "69323": 0.08135986328125, "60291": 0.059967041015625, "30699": 0.08953857421875, "27992": 0.1064453125, "73": 0.1279296875, "3525": 0.056976318359375, "22230": 0.10772705078125, "91853": 0.157470703125, "52490": 0.09228515625, "22631": 0.0498046875, "99": 0.007030487060546875} |
6717533 | Maximal activation of transcription by statl and stat3 requires both tyrosine and serine phosphorylation | Stat1 and Stat3 are latent transcriptional factors activated initially through phosphorylation on single tyrosine residues induced by cytokine and growth factor occupation of cell surface receptors. Here we show that phosphorylation on a single serine (residue 727) in each protein is also required for maximal transcriptional activity. Both cytokines and growth factors are capable of inducing the serine phosphorylation of Stat1 and Stat3. These experiments show that gene activation by Stat1 and Stat3, which obligatorily require tyrosine phosphorylation to become active, also depends for maximal activation on one or more of the many serine kinases. | {"23888": 0.270263671875, "418": 0.160400390625, "136": 0.10992431640625, "363": 0.2469482421875, "621": 0.038604736328125, "19161": 0.199462890625, "18": 0.0633544921875, "30334": 0.14599609375, "59478": 0.18017578125, "120103": 0.1922607421875, "34704": 0.1898193359375, "61475": 0.1014404296875, "8305": 0.00030112266540527344, "134208": 0.13818359375, "139006": 0.160888671875, "53": 0.127197265625, "57860": 0.10430908203125, "11001": 0.1173095703125, "2281": 0.0772705078125, "3666": 0.1424560546875, "1212": 0.1575927734375, "99996": 0.163818359375, "135989": 0.1754150390625, "19932": 0.0211181640625, "6448": 0.1514892578125, "75678": 0.1177978515625, "31461": 0.1463623046875, "167618": 0.146240234375, "38750": 0.108154296875, "71579": 0.09918212890625, "137376": 0.1453857421875, "11853": 0.00783538818359375, "7639": 0.02728271484375, "520": 0.171875, "2109": 0.0426025390625, "21937": 0.1192626953125, "361": 0.009033203125, "80847": 0.15185546875, "12638": 0.06756591796875, "21308": 0.1817626953125, "56065": 0.1788330078125, "111340": 0.1610107421875, "103488": 0.13232421875, "149766": 0.020751953125, "12741": 0.1060791015625, "87709": 0.1043701171875, "214": 0.0071868896484375, "28007": 0.1265869140625, "22293": 0.150146484375, "1363": 0.0002409219741821289, "141476": 0.1370849609375, "64209": 0.10931396484375, "24209": 0.049591064453125, "36457": 0.1688232421875, "56566": 0.1239013671875, "5941": 0.0153961181640625, "24222": 0.1197509765625, "5908": 0.0560302734375} |
6718824 | Protein restriction during pregnancy affects maternal liver lipid metabolism and fetal brain lipid composition in the rat. | Suboptimal developmental environments program offspring to lifelong metabolic problems. The aim of this study was to determine the impact of protein restriction in pregnancy on maternal liver lipid metabolism at 19 days of gestation (dG) and its effect on fetal brain development. Control (C) and restricted (R) mothers were fed with isocaloric diets containing 20 and 10% of casein. At 19 dG, maternal blood and livers and fetal livers and brains were collected. Serum insulin and leptin levels were determinate in mothers. Maternal and fetal liver lipid and fetal brain lipid quantification were performed. Maternal liver and fetal brain fatty acids were quantified by gas chromatography. In mothers, liver desaturase and elongase mRNAs were measured by RT-PCR. Maternal body and liver weights were similar in both groups. However, fat body composition, including liver lipids, was lower in R mothers. A higher fasting insulin at 19 dG in the R group was observed (C = 0.2 +/- 0.04 vs. R = 0.9 +/- 0.16 ng/ml, P < 0.01) and was inversely related to early growth retardation. Serum leptin in R mothers was significantly higher than that observed in C rats (C = 5 +/- 0.1 vs. R = 7 +/- 0.7 ng/ml, P < 0.05). In addition, protein restriction significantly reduced gene expression in maternal liver of desaturases and elongases and the concentration of arachidonic (AA) and docosahexanoic (DHA) acids. In fetus from R mothers, a low body weight (C = 3 +/- 0.3 vs. R = 2 +/- 0.1 g, P < 0.05), as well as liver and brain lipids, including the content of DHA in the brain, was reduced. This study showed that protein restriction during pregnancy may negatively impact normal fetal brain development by changes in maternal lipid metabolism. | {"8273": 0.135498046875, "191244": 0.2509765625, "34754": 0.16259765625, "65998": 0.1700439453125, "1528": 0.146484375, "5773": 0.044677734375, "79832": 0.09014892578125, "47": 0.006988525390625, "6897": 0.0421142578125, "10617": 0.06488037109375, "93447": 0.180419921875, "44402": 0.1038818359375, "464": 0.11004638671875, "35187": 0.07757568359375, "83324": 0.017303466796875, "70": 0.0018253326416015625, "24725": 0.16796875, "21308": 0.26806640625, "185190": 0.289306640625, "479": 0.1595458984375, "7456": 0.193603515625, "27771": 0.099609375, "57988": 0.1690673828125, "289": 0.08221435546875, "6": 0.0018310546875, "134148": 0.232421875, "202951": 0.1888427734375, "159531": 0.190673828125, "953": 0.153564453125, "13312": 0.10662841796875, "111": 0.0018568038940429688, "700": 0.08746337890625, "41311": 0.1341552734375, "71": 0.002490997314453125, "724": 0.0653076171875, "16": 0.0019741058349609375, "21543": 0.09454345703125, "7647": 0.1473388671875, "78574": 0.1878662109375, "27131": 0.1553955078125, "441": 0.0309600830078125, "173072": 0.1695556640625, "297": 0.0019388198852539062, "1052": 0.07989501953125, "42732": 0.1658935546875, "7": 0.00193023681640625, "3542": 0.0018911361694335938, "51158": 0.1400146484375, "678": 0.001468658447265625, "83": 0.0445556640625, "1484": 0.11553955078125, "1771": 0.0018405914306640625, "68": 0.07928466796875, "933": 0.0018825531005859375, "70541": 0.0015048980712890625, "214": 0.0016193389892578125, "387": 0.0654296875, "136": 0.0016927719116210938, "10662": 0.06903076171875, "7225": 0.10992431640625, "73": 0.0013113021850585938, "104": 0.01454925537109375, "4": 0.0019369125366210938, "59714": 0.08428955078125, "400": 0.09100341796875, "7864": 0.00897216796875, "43799": 0.09808349609375, "1605": 0.10772705078125, "91598": 0.1925048828125, "29963": 0.1279296875, "2311": 0.1668701171875, "90926": 0.057647705078125, "66885": 0.08978271484375, "13": 0.0017099380493164062, "23": 0.0017185211181640625, "102524": 0.156494140625, "55230": 0.101318359375, "41274": 0.004238128662109375, "1071": 0.06805419921875, "15145": 0.0011720657348632812, "43840": 0.11614990234375, "47314": 0.0020618438720703125, "390": 0.0018758773803710938, "9060": 0.078857421875, "17656": 0.0113525390625, "38657": 0.031341552734375, "87168": 0.0019683837890625, "224": 0.121826171875, "26690": 0.1795654296875, "184": 0.0017538070678710938, "88": 0.04058837890625, "71955": 0.1754150390625, "125499": 0.13525390625, "72350": 0.0897216796875, "27389": 0.047088623046875, "9": 0.0017385482788085938, "12233": 0.037872314453125, "6236": 0.0015325546264648438, "14361": 0.0911865234375, "57888": 0.1553955078125, "21373": 0.09765625, "94407": 0.0714111328125, "5": 0.0018482208251953125, "19780": 0.1414794921875, "166577": 0.1519775390625, "92319": 0.1541748046875, "627": 0.050323486328125, "77546": 0.1319580078125, "4271": 0.09503173828125, "21115": 0.078857421875, "509": 0.001697540283203125, "139999": 0.041168212890625, "15": 0.0019178390502929688, "2203": 0.0019321441650390625, "126175": 0.0823974609375, "89678": 0.03839111328125, "617": 0.0018587112426757812, "194692": 0.0017833709716796875, "910": 0.0017528533935546875, "64": 0.0018672943115234375, "4426": 0.0018472671508789062, "182149": 0.08380126953125, "95029": 0.09716796875, "21286": 0.0018644332885742188, "62548": 0.036651611328125, "39395": 0.0596923828125, "75678": 0.09832763671875, "91010": 0.1771240234375, "2320": 0.0018177032470703125, "503": 0.0262603759765625, "207583": 0.01531219482421875, "3501": 0.00171661376953125, "450": 0.0016689300537109375, "313": 0.0200653076171875, "12540": 0.11883544921875, "190": 0.001255035400390625, "107754": 0.0016679763793945312, "361": 0.001171112060546875, "234": 0.001255035400390625, "436": 0.0014209747314453125, "360": 0.0018110275268554688, "34390": 0.161376953125, "22293": 0.1220703125, "125195": 0.09088134765625, "5908": 0.0017032623291015625, "934": 0.053619384765625, "3911": 4.684925079345703e-05, "6402": 0.0019855499267578125, "15467": 0.07110595703125, "140090": 0.0015201568603515625, "16020": 0.05450439453125, "31": 0.0016126632690429688, "134389": 0.09832763671875, "223": 0.0202789306640625, "10": 0.0018415451049804688, "27226": 0.10418701171875, "138": 0.0015382766723632812, "127089": 0.0010805130004882812, "20209": 0.0017108917236328125, "116": 0.0017271041870117188, "706": 0.0018224716186523438, "43317": 0.0016946792602539062, "237": 0.001689910888671875, "132023": 0.13330078125, "20271": 0.06036376953125, "1543": 0.05902099609375, "40907": 0.10186767578125, "538": 0.0018987655639648438, "3638": 0.073974609375, "65572": 0.059906005859375} |
6722522 | Heparan sulfate proteoglycans mediate internalization and propagation of specific proteopathic seeds. | Recent experimental evidence suggests that transcellular propagation of fibrillar protein aggregates drives the progression of neurodegenerative diseases in a prion-like manner. This phenomenon is now well described in cell and animal models and involves the release of protein aggregates into the extracellular space. Free aggregates then enter neighboring cells to seed further fibrillization. The mechanism by which aggregated extracellular proteins such as tau and α-synuclein bind and enter cells to trigger intracellular fibril formation is unknown. Prior work indicates that prion protein aggregates bind heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs) on the cell surface to transmit pathologic processes. Here, we find that tau fibril uptake also occurs via HSPG binding. This is blocked in cultured cells and primary neurons by heparin, chlorate, heparinase, and genetic knockdown of a key HSPG synthetic enzyme, Ext1. Interference with tau binding to HSPGs prevents recombinant tau fibrils from inducing intracellular aggregation and blocks transcellular aggregate propagation. In vivo, a heparin mimetic, F6, blocks neuronal uptake of stereotactically injected tau fibrils. Finally, uptake and seeding by α-synuclein fibrils, but not huntingtin fibrils, occurs by the same mechanism as tau. This work suggests a unifying mechanism of cell uptake and propagation for tauopathy and synucleinopathy. | {"169549": 0.04876708984375, "195935": 0.11651611328125, "77950": 0.114990234375, "42459": 0.0660400390625, "3900": 0.123291015625, "8969": 0.11700439453125, "120087": 0.06695556640625, "103807": 0.2034912109375, "809": 0.1590576171875, "74143": 0.256591796875, "320": 0.1317138671875, "21308": 0.2030029296875, "197564": 0.197021484375, "22648": 0.1629638671875, "187735": 0.1646728515625, "37817": 0.1434326171875, "112": 0.0955810546875, "48281": 0.1220703125, "70997": 0.1365966796875, "494": 0.193115234375, "191": 0.213623046875, "5062": 0.142333984375, "144996": 0.139404296875, "88322": 0.0728759765625, "13450": 0.03662109375, "5299": 0.00864410400390625, "151552": 0.09136962890625, "38750": 0.152587890625, "26249": 0.06951904296875, "115774": 0.100341796875, "83687": 0.0180511474609375, "54452": 0.08984375, "4173": 0.1180419921875, "32628": 0.09210205078125, "5153": 0.110107421875, "30957": 0.149658203125, "208244": 0.12646484375, "40": 0.09619140625, "297": 0.06658935546875, "53333": 0.030517578125, "7928": 0.1845703125, "1181": 0.0677490234375, "191619": 0.19091796875, "5705": 0.27734375, "5961": 0.1201171875, "12654": 0.08929443359375, "18190": 0.1070556640625, "68557": 0.1787109375, "185553": 0.1876220703125, "18440": 0.12109375, "27643": 0.145263671875, "51": 0.0919189453125, "69723": 0.156494140625, "135967": 0.061676025390625, "4488": 0.0107574462890625, "764": 0.0811767578125, "96899": 0.208251953125, "2906": 0.080322265625, "1021": 0.03057861328125, "13766": 0.072265625, "538": 0.064208984375, "4398": 0.0687255859375, "38131": 0.0660400390625, "52873": 0.2322998046875, "71579": 0.1292724609375, "71872": 0.1058349609375, "60875": 0.016265869140625, "60920": 0.025360107421875, "9433": 0.03338623046875, "1257": 0.1337890625, "78219": 0.156982421875, "2843": 0.0028705596923828125, "74918": 0.0843505859375, "1829": 0.054443359375, "39718": 0.10125732421875, "128239": 0.1956787109375, "46389": 0.19482421875, "29394": 0.06939697265625, "158978": 0.05828857421875, "184940": 0.12274169921875, "30368": 0.10101318359375, "41066": 0.1826171875, "170368": 0.11895751953125, "101412": 0.0770263671875, "186015": 0.0010471343994140625, "142518": 0.056549072265625, "193807": 0.1180419921875, "5443": 0.0750732421875, "18": 0.036651611328125, "418": 0.062255859375, "5337": 0.0191650390625, "56282": 0.105224609375, "33844": 0.005580902099609375, "122432": 0.1204833984375, "135989": 0.055633544921875, "16622": 0.13818359375, "324": 0.053375244140625, "563": 0.026214599609375, "910": 0.1295166015625, "135137": 0.07623291015625, "115049": 0.10400390625, "1957": 0.09320068359375, "38149": 0.1409912109375, "1926": 0.10247802734375, "2311": 0.11932373046875, "5701": 0.047393798828125, "151138": 0.06781005859375, "192592": 0.1192626953125, "6002": 0.040924072265625, "34": 0.00482177734375, "11030": 0.052642822265625, "4043": 0.016204833984375} |
6723450 | Effects of Bifidobacterium animalis administered during lactation on allergic and autoimmune responses in rodents. | Probiotics are promoted as being beneficial to health and positive effects on the immune system have been reported. Beneficial immune effects have been attributed to several mechanisms, including stimulating T helper 1 (Th1) immunity. To explore the effects of the probiotic Bifidobacterium animalis on Th1- and Th2-mediated immune responses, two different animal models representing either Th1- or Th2-mediated immune responses were used: a rat model for experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) (Th1) and a mouse model for respiratory allergy induced by ovalbumin (OVA) (Th2). B. animalis administration started when the mice or rats were 2 weeks old. Respiratory allergy or EAE were induced when the animals were 6-7 weeks old. In the allergy model, B. animalis modestly reduced the number of infiltrating eosinophils and lymphocytes in the lungs, but no effects on allergen-specific serum immunoglobulin E levels were found. Cytokine profiles assessed after culturing spleen cells with the mitogen concanvalin A (ConA) showed that B. animalis skewed the Th1/Th2 balance towards Th1 in females. However, allergen-induced cytokine production in females was not affected by B. animalis. In males, B. animalis significantly decreased ConA-induced interleukin-13 and a trend towards lower levels of OVA-induced Th2 cytokines. In the EAE model, B. animalis significantly reduced the duration of clinical symptoms by almost 2 days in males and improved the body weight gain during the experimental period compared with the control group. Our data show that B. animalis reduced several immune parameters in the allergy as well as in the autoimmunity model. | {"1250": 0.1676025390625, "8730": 0.2371826171875, "41637": 0.154541015625, "621": 0.02288818359375, "125568": 0.1927490234375, "71": 0.055694580078125, "237": 0.0679931640625, "8035": 0.02398681640625, "48588": 0.1649169921875, "141": 0.0261077880859375, "16227": 0.1339111328125, "24491": 0.0960693359375, "93425": 0.169677734375, "43766": 0.219970703125, "5426": 0.08660888671875, "765": 0.0277862548828125, "113771": 0.074462890625, "202719": 0.1558837890625, "150380": 0.0711669921875, "40368": 0.0211029052734375, "191619": 0.1414794921875, "142405": 0.143798828125, "384": 0.06402587890625, "4358": 0.169677734375, "56": 0.00507354736328125, "106": 0.040313720703125, "20800": 0.09149169921875, "17727": 0.0762939453125, "2481": 0.03912353515625, "88898": 0.08306884765625, "502": 0.1590576171875, "9523": 0.08062744140625, "1843": 0.07794189453125, "1029": 0.1322021484375, "12706": 0.07806396484375, "58967": 0.1502685546875, "16219": 0.09686279296875, "53473": 0.263671875, "7": 0.098876953125, "6003": 0.12457275390625, "20268": 0.11798095703125, "136": 0.02667236328125, "18504": 0.1507568359375, "12333": 0.1256103515625, "57553": 0.1619873046875, "6626": 0.006656646728515625, "12921": 0.0176544189453125, "26249": 0.1817626953125, "115774": 0.2056884765625, "33636": 0.0869140625, "12540": 0.118408203125, "3299": 0.2022705078125, "195935": 0.11724853515625, "1809": 0.089599609375, "464": 0.047637939453125, "561": 0.0780029296875, "16615": 0.046722412109375, "1176": 0.0038700103759765625, "6169": 0.0086212158203125, "24040": 0.08013916015625, "647": 0.0743408203125, "114669": 0.06915283203125, "143435": 0.139404296875, "10308": 0.190673828125, "135989": 0.146728515625, "515": 0.07159423828125, "54981": 0.1044921875, "57224": 0.1937255859375, "10461": 0.10150146484375, "335": 0.1434326171875, "86052": 0.1533203125, "26859": 0.0789794921875, "324": 0.08050537109375, "116": 0.05126953125, "40859": 0.0941162109375, "10332": 0.0665283203125, "54547": 0.1502685546875, "241": 0.07928466796875, "34014": 0.1436767578125, "85825": 0.16259765625, "88646": 0.07965087890625, "90097": 0.06866455078125, "34390": 0.12274169921875, "210751": 0.109130859375, "27364": 0.038055419921875, "66847": 0.0369873046875, "238757": 0.019500732421875, "32386": 0.10955810546875, "90926": 0.040313720703125, "6448": 0.129150390625, "1212": 0.05694580078125, "60641": 0.07177734375, "179565": 0.03900146484375, "27095": 0.05914306640625, "491": 0.038238525390625, "4398": 0.041168212890625, "11935": 0.09320068359375, "21177": 0.05621337890625, "50412": 0.0345458984375, "304": 0.08837890625, "40197": 0.10784912109375, "418": 0.03369140625, "117776": 0.09710693359375, "18442": 0.08929443359375, "19932": 0.0199737548828125, "36049": 0.0828857421875, "195052": 0.0304718017578125, "11280": 0.057708740234375, "227204": 0.12890625, "1657": 0.11724853515625, "284": 0.05908203125, "1940": 0.0021305084228515625, "133": 0.01047515869140625, "875": 0.034271240234375, "22820": 0.05572509765625, "207583": 0.027923583984375, "115": 0.0240478515625, "56465": 0.00379180908203125, "153698": 0.0635986328125, "13312": 0.03033447265625, "52295": 0.11822509765625, "57888": 0.07879638671875, "21647": 0.07879638671875, "2053": 0.035552978515625, "5": 0.003269195556640625, "171859": 0.073974609375, "3432": 0.0701904296875} |
6729465 | Planar Cell Polarity Signaling Pathway in Congenital Heart Diseases | Congenital heart disease (CHD) is a common cardiac disorder in humans. Despite many advances in the understanding of CHD and the identification of many associated genes, the fundamental etiology for the majority of cases remains unclear. The planar cell polarity (PCP) signaling pathway, responsible for tissue polarity in Drosophila and gastrulation movements and cardiogenesis in vertebrates, has been shown to play multiple roles during cardiac differentiation and development. The disrupted function of PCP signaling is connected to some CHDs. Here, we summarize our current understanding of how PCP factors affect the pathogenesis of CHD. | {"1657": 0.1116943359375, "33781": 0.246337890625, "1803": 0.15234375, "26498": 0.2265625, "70997": 0.1942138671875, "16999": 0.1822509765625, "397": 0.240478515625, "16": 0.052215576171875, "83": 0.09832763671875, "10": 0.043670654296875, "39210": 0.15478515625, "165441": 0.2208251953125, "171986": 0.1798095703125, "23": 0.052764892578125, "118103": 0.152587890625, "262": 0.002292633056640625, "61518": 0.00849151611328125, "5941": 0.0176239013671875, "129745": 0.0849609375, "100094": 0.125732421875, "111": 0.061004638671875, "313": 0.07403564453125, "16291": 0.276611328125, "221160": 0.061431884765625, "137272": 0.07391357421875, "22293": 0.10467529296875, "20531": 0.1304931640625, "82": 0.07098388671875, "14": 0.09991455078125, "25443": 0.0831298828125, "144732": 0.1322021484375, "50218": 0.088134765625, "47143": 0.072265625, "51": 0.07110595703125, "119488": 0.169189453125, "1774": 0.16162109375, "147": 0.10614013671875, "38750": 0.1748046875, "160": 0.154052734375, "320": 0.170166015625, "2481": 0.0723876953125, "12233": 0.13427734375, "683": 0.195556640625, "26073": 0.172119140625, "214": 0.0625, "60875": 0.11065673828125, "7514": 0.1419677734375, "102778": 0.1693115234375, "108055": 0.12255859375, "1773": 0.03936767578125, "6781": 0.08489990234375, "66847": 0.209228515625, "53496": 0.051544189453125, "42": 0.059478759765625, "112664": 0.1124267578125, "105392": 0.163330078125, "15292": 0.14990234375, "38715": 0.0860595703125, "2844": 0.11376953125, "127887": 0.047027587890625, "11301": 0.06689453125, "48716": 0.09033203125, "31486": 0.12744140625, "20271": 0.038665771484375, "99710": 0.1884765625, "34754": 0.12548828125, "226586": 0.157470703125, "32354": 0.11285400390625, "6107": 0.1429443359375, "162711": 0.11151123046875, "3060": 0.0196685791015625, "7": 0.0193023681640625, "11853": 0.0080413818359375, "29334": 0.064697265625, "14096": 0.0200958251953125, "43581": 0.06268310546875, "3642": 0.028350830078125, "120103": 0.1778564453125, "52490": 0.1422119140625, "62976": 0.1649169921875, "90": 0.07867431640625, "164": 0.044891357421875} |
6748318 | Cost-effectiveness of human papillomavirus vaccination and screening in Spain. | BACKGROUND In Spain, prophylactic vaccination against human papillomavirus (HPV) types 16 and 18 is being offered free-of-charge to one birth cohort of girls aged 11-14. Screening is opportunistic (annual/biannual) contributing to social and geographical disparities. METHODS A multi-HPV-type microsimulation model was calibrated to epidemiologic data from Spain utilising likelihood-based methods to assess the health and economic impact of adding HPV vaccination to cervical cancer screening. Strategies included (1) screening alone of women over age 25, varying frequency (every 1-5 years) and test (cytology, HPV DNA testing); (2) HPV vaccination of 11-year-old girls combined with screening. Outcomes included lifetime cancer risk, life expectancy, lifetime costs, number of clinical procedures and incremental cost-effectiveness ratios. RESULTS After the introduction of HPV vaccination, screening will need to continue, and strategies that incorporated HPV testing are more effective and cost-effective than those with cytology alone. For vaccinated girls, 5-year organised cytology with HPV testing as triage from ages 30 to 65 costs 24,350€ per year of life saved (YLS), assuming life-long vaccine immunity against HPV-16/18 by 3 doses with 90% coverage. Unvaccinated girls would benefit from organised cytology screening with HPV testing as triage; 5-year screening from ages 30 to 65 costs 16,060€/YLS and 4-year screening from ages 30 to 85 costs 38,250€/YLS. Interventions would be cost-effective depending on the cost-effectiveness threshold and the vaccine price. CONCLUSIONS In Spain, inequitable coverage and overuse of cytology make screening programmes inefficient. If high vaccination coverage among pre-adolescent girls is achieved, organised cytology screening with HPV triage starting at ages 30 to at least 65 every 4-5 years represents the best balance between costs and benefits. | {"8678": 0.09710693359375, "20572": 0.072265625, "136498": 0.10662841796875, "34384": 0.0178375244140625, "360": 0.05938720703125, "84740": 0.270263671875, "502": 0.10211181640625, "34053": 0.1610107421875, "143": 0.11181640625, "49086": 0.09991455078125, "51294": 0.1981201171875, "2320": 0.1317138671875, "26548": 0.1451416015625, "14135": 0.07037353515625, "153688": 0.1956787109375, "51081": 0.1444091796875, "76912": 0.1575927734375, "36599": 0.1580810546875, "856": 0.2008056640625, "52895": 0.198974609375, "611": 0.197509765625, "136": 0.082275390625, "543": 0.1776123046875, "83": 0.021728515625, "8035": 0.0408935546875, "122399": 0.156494140625, "4092": 0.115234375, "9": 0.0218963623046875, "4390": 0.0201263427734375, "69674": 0.153564453125, "47": 0.0217132568359375, "1632": 0.05230712890625, "127319": 0.12322998046875, "5922": 0.07830810546875, "18": 0.08270263671875, "111": 0.02178955078125, "29526": 0.22998046875, "10": 0.0258331298828125, "17704": 0.08380126953125, "534": 0.1304931640625, "16249": 0.166015625, "5": 0.01474761962890625, "94831": 0.21142578125, "214": 0.1319580078125, "125146": 0.189208984375, "48242": 0.02569580078125, "58218": 0.09228515625, "289": 0.021942138671875, "64": 0.02587890625, "62806": 0.0560302734375, "539": 0.08636474609375, "16": 0.02191162109375, "22231": 0.091552734375, "1916": 0.01367950439453125, "2265": 0.09295654296875, "20787": 0.0643310546875, "48461": 0.02197265625, "36373": 0.19384765625, "31075": 0.0218963623046875, "33677": 0.11785888671875, "193792": 0.08697509765625, "62": 0.0007543563842773438, "6024": 0.08697509765625, "50986": 0.162353515625, "11948": 0.1224365234375, "137003": 0.2314453125, "1363": 0.0217132568359375, "3299": 0.20849609375, "509": 0.00435638427734375, "72941": 0.12164306640625, "2844": 0.01427459716796875, "3674": 0.021820068359375, "83063": 0.0809326171875, "60920": 0.0174407958984375, "2053": 0.0950927734375, "1295": 0.0218353271484375, "6953": 0.021636962890625, "1884": 0.06268310546875, "150": 0.021392822265625, "44462": 0.0218963623046875, "77007": 0.021514892578125, "150624": 0.0675048828125, "202120": 0.053314208984375, "70": 0.021881103515625, "16227": 0.11785888671875, "25313": 0.1435546875, "24725": 0.020721435546875, "154107": 0.10382080078125, "134167": 0.283935546875, "6641": 0.0994873046875, "686": 0.1591796875, "6827": 0.021514892578125, "27968": 0.1685791015625, "180975": 0.23828125, "141075": 0.15869140625, "7": 0.02191162109375, "99201": 0.056640625, "75447": 0.09283447265625, "24793": 0.1578369140625, "32070": 0.084228515625, "714": 0.1419677734375, "4": 0.0218505859375, "285": 0.0021686553955078125, "38543": 0.021728515625, "12478": 0.08709716796875, "944": 0.02191162109375, "27771": 0.02178955078125, "15": 0.0218048095703125, "13": 0.03997802734375, "106": 0.0191650390625, "10342": 0.08648681640625, "5369": 0.0216522216796875, "3034": 0.108642578125, "2408": 0.0684814453125, "25443": 0.190673828125, "27583": 0.0562744140625, "134234": 0.2066650390625, "1737": 0.018310546875, "19586": 0.1597900390625, "46799": 0.1439208984375, "70163": 0.08001708984375, "71": 0.021820068359375, "678": 0.045257568359375, "13538": 0.07647705078125, "277": 0.08740234375, "90": 0.0218048095703125, "6897": 0.11737060546875, "6032": 0.0217742919921875, "10512": 0.1683349609375, "41206": 0.128173828125, "66": 0.0218048095703125, "84458": 0.189697265625, "14012": 0.0037384033203125, "56465": 0.035064697265625, "50491": 0.05902099609375, "145322": 0.056671142578125, "141": 0.02191162109375, "11034": 0.14208984375, "171760": 0.10174560546875, "5844": 0.021942138671875, "7432": 0.0217742919921875, "70460": 0.0214080810546875, "218849": 0.10028076171875, "294": 0.021728515625, "24372": 0.0760498046875, "39864": 0.112060546875, "1221": 0.03009033203125, "3871": 0.051605224609375, "21342": 0.0743408203125, "50531": 0.13623046875, "450": 0.0216064453125, "49504": 0.0516357421875, "621": 0.021728515625, "1286": 0.05462646484375, "60266": 0.1204833984375, "3501": 0.01453399658203125, "8382": 0.0210723876953125, "19932": 0.1190185546875, "1326": 0.00315093994140625, "27686": 0.0218048095703125, "8967": 0.129150390625, "131168": 0.17041015625, "237": 0.021270751953125, "1927": 0.197998046875, "4588": 0.021728515625, "4188": 0.020111083984375, "496": 0.1383056640625, "5684": 0.1834716796875, "744": 0.1295166015625, "363": 0.06719970703125, "152788": 0.1990966796875, "117": 0.021697998046875, "6602": 0.0173492431640625, "57": 0.0968017578125, "4126": 0.0218658447265625, "92898": 0.08038330078125, "247": 0.0218963623046875, "66596": 0.024688720703125, "10617": 0.002246856689453125, "43766": 0.1329345703125, "2481": 0.021728515625, "13528": 0.1951904296875, "45265": 0.2012939453125, "390": 0.0216064453125, "138": 0.0977783203125, "655": 0.037261962890625, "21020": 0.13720703125, "154271": 0.12384033203125, "992": 0.1064453125, "54818": 0.1258544921875, "15347": 0.11492919921875, "2806": 0.052001953125, "68073": 0.1640625, "9016": 0.0193328857421875, "58956": 0.12371826171875, "7306": 0.09576416015625, "9365": 0.06591796875, "4520": 0.09368896484375, "151931": 0.1253662109375, "5256": 0.0216522216796875, "186": 0.021728515625, "8": 0.021636962890625, "96819": 0.0023517608642578125, "98": 0.0217742919921875, "159399": 0.0213775634765625, "16200": 0.0218505859375, "27167": 0.05767822265625, "14452": 0.019195556640625, "37486": 0.07196044921875, "85390": 0.032501220703125, "85742": 0.002635955810546875, "23": 0.031524658203125, "3181": 0.1212158203125, "22819": 0.0220794677734375, "645": 0.05731201171875, "3249": 0.00907135009765625, "26693": 0.11700439453125, "24500": 0.12158203125, "45964": 0.021759033203125, "11192": 0.01049041748046875, "54940": 0.0197601318359375, "479": 0.046875, "123730": 0.1336669921875, "72134": 0.0216217041015625, "99": 0.02197265625, "19713": 0.0209197998046875, "11907": 0.01184844970703125, "39495": 0.10693359375, "33636": 0.022369384765625, "2965": 0.113037109375, "40197": 0.1737060546875, "17721": 0.031036376953125, "72382": 0.118896484375} |
6751418 | Dosimetry and risk estimates of radioiodine therapy for large, multinodular goiters. | UNLABELLED In patients with a large, multinodular goiter (> 100 g), radiation absorbed doses in the thyroid, surrounding tissues and remainder of the body were estimated after therapeutic administration of 131I(3.7 MBq or 100 microCi/g of thyroid tissue retained at 24 hr). METHODS Thermoluminescent dosimeter (TLD) measurements were performed on 23 patients (12 euthyroid and 1I hyperthyroid; thyroid weight 222 +/- 72 g; 2.1 +/- 0.9 GBq 131I) on the skin over the thyroid, over the submandibular gland and over the parotid gland. Thyroid radioactivity measurements were done daily in 6 euthyroid and 6 hyperthyroid patients (thyroid weight 204 +/- 69 g; 1.9 +/- 0.9 GBq 131I). An iodine biokinetic model and the MIRD methodology were used to estimate absorbed doses in organs. Cancer risks were calculated using ICRP Publication 60. RESULTS Cumulated absorbed doses on the skin (TLD measurements) were 4.2 +/- 1.4 Gy (thyroid), 1.2 +/- 0.6 Gy (submandibular) and 0.4 +/- 0.2 Gy (parotid). All these values were significantly correlated with the amount of radioiodine retained in the thyroid at 24 hr (euthyroid versus hyperthyroid not significant). Absorbed doses in the thyroid of 94 +/- 25 Gy for euthyroid and 93 +/- 17 Gy for hyperthyroid patients were calculated (thyroid radioactivity measurements). Extrathyroidal absorbed doses (means of 12 patients) were 0.88 Gy in the urinary bladder, 0.57 Gy in the small intestine, 0.38 Gy in the stomach, and ranged from 0.05 to 0.30 Gy in other organs (euthyroid versus hyperthyroid not significant). A 1.6% life-time risk of development of cancer outside the thyroid gland was calculated. When applied to people of 65 yr and older the estimated risk is approximately 0.5%. CONCLUSION These data may help in choosing the treatment regimen for individual patients with a large, multinodular goiter, who have to be treated for hyperthyroidism or compressive problems. In younger patients, surgery may be preferred. However, for elderly patients and patients with cardiopulmonary disease, the advantages of noninvasive radioiodine treatment will outweight the life-time risk of this mode of therapy. | {"8274": 0.1229248046875, "89549": 0.1453857421875, "80020": 0.18798828125, "397": 0.1456298828125, "60264": 0.1702880859375, "678": 0.01329803466796875, "21334": 0.143310546875, "6024": 0.1544189453125, "33995": 0.1209716796875, "35975": 0.1671142578125, "738": 0.16357421875, "16840": 0.28271484375, "15": 0.01390838623046875, "2740": 0.0175018310546875, "805": 0.1314697265625, "706": 0.1300048828125, "4567": 0.207763671875, "2320": 0.1324462890625, "57622": 0.2332763671875, "297": 0.01332855224609375, "655": 0.1693115234375, "90": 0.01348114013671875, "23": 0.01348114013671875, "96055": 0.1800537109375, "63964": 0.2337646484375, "4": 0.01360321044921875, "206990": 0.141845703125, "108055": 0.154052734375, "136": 0.01328277587890625, "47143": 0.10833740234375, "820": 0.048004150390625, "111": 0.01340484619140625, "70": 0.01343536376953125, "14361": 0.1282958984375, "3542": 0.01342010498046875, "25902": 0.161376953125, "3674": 0.0134735107421875, "6": 0.01369476318359375, "126472": 0.1485595703125, "1771": 0.01329803466796875, "86052": 0.126953125, "65451": 0.2154541015625, "568": 0.1407470703125, "109981": 0.075927734375, "12918": 0.019195556640625, "864": 0.06341552734375, "707": 0.012359619140625, "11948": 0.013031005859375, "64": 0.004547119140625, "177": 0.0064544677734375, "13": 0.0133056640625, "10267": 0.10614013671875, "122009": 0.01343536376953125, "99": 0.01324462890625, "744": 0.065673828125, "10979": 0.0789794921875, "33677": 0.083984375, "193792": 0.04150390625, "204611": 0.0816650390625, "4689": 0.06561279296875, "73": 0.0025615692138671875, "150506": 0.13623046875, "14": 0.0128936767578125, "29089": 0.1541748046875, "41445": 0.1314697265625, "16": 0.0135650634765625, "72350": 0.18408203125, "9035": 0.01348876953125, "51339": 0.03607177734375, "98": 0.01337432861328125, "1105": 0.09039306640625, "21204": 0.0572509765625, "1175": 0.07489013671875, "29178": 0.159423828125, "106": 0.00908660888671875, "59058": 0.153564453125, "74": 0.01340484619140625, "57888": 0.154541015625, "97400": 0.11572265625, "194692": 0.013946533203125, "9464": 0.0087738037109375, "34513": 0.043365478515625, "143161": 0.041656494140625, "20331": 0.024169921875, "21722": 0.1397705078125, "645": 0.0206298828125, "1614": 0.07550048828125, "115941": 0.061859130859375, "978": 0.05731201171875, "320": 0.01323699951171875, "1760": 0.09027099609375, "31090": 0.03216552734375, "8460": 0.08221435546875, "149559": 0.1822509765625, "5977": 0.1868896484375, "71234": 0.1334228515625, "2481": 0.013427734375, "31815": 0.09576416015625, "305": 0.06768798828125, "106281": 0.08831787109375, "99420": 0.0107269287109375, "893": 0.0131378173828125, "22995": 0.19677734375, "30833": 0.1998291015625, "3530": 0.03594970703125, "875": 0.093994140625, "9523": 0.013275146484375, "3299": 0.142578125, "13763": 0.070068359375, "40756": 0.1483154296875, "55300": 0.09698486328125, "25443": 0.0135040283203125, "11814": 0.00234222412109375, "47": 0.01329803466796875, "67": 0.01324462890625, "7484": 0.179931640625, "7": 0.0135040283203125, "147146": 0.2181396484375, "10512": 0.243896484375, "74481": 0.1590576171875, "38796": 0.1500244140625, "16934": 0.04888916015625, "1496": 0.10345458984375, "218849": 0.08587646484375, "294": 0.01336669921875, "7140": 0.08453369140625, "202": 0.0112457275390625, "27686": 0.01317596435546875, "63708": 0.075927734375, "48733": 0.07354736328125, "11998": 0.083740234375, "247": 0.01342010498046875, "34635": 0.061981201171875, "122887": 0.0684814453125, "22144": 0.0823974609375, "121254": 0.09130859375, "126175": 0.056396484375, "88777": 0.0093841552734375, "6097": 0.01311492919921875, "142424": 0.0474853515625, "207583": 0.0288543701171875, "8231": 0.01328277587890625, "174822": 0.013519287109375, "846": 0.211181640625, "4615": 0.043609619140625, "119475": 0.061279296875, "959": 0.04345703125, "88551": 0.06536865234375, "3157": 0.033111572265625, "4970": 0.162109375, "13482": 0.0133819580078125, "16064": 0.07708740234375, "714": 0.046661376953125, "100": 0.0133056640625, "17461": 0.0223236083984375, "729": 0.0130615234375, "31501": 0.09686279296875, "282": 0.01360321044921875, "10133": 0.01323699951171875, "427": 0.040679931640625, "5": 0.0134429931640625, "12772": 0.08697509765625, "55400": 0.06512451171875, "6635": 0.0134124755859375, "72679": 0.06829833984375, "81730": 0.042633056640625, "966": 0.013916015625, "19336": 0.0123748779296875, "892": 0.059722900390625, "10325": 0.013458251953125, "1019": 0.01383209228515625, "201957": 0.07794189453125, "71": 0.01340484619140625, "1295": 0.01332855224609375, "89678": 0.01416015625, "758": 0.0132904052734375, "757": 0.0136260986328125, "1197": 0.01361083984375, "3789": 0.0126190185546875, "62": 0.01088714599609375, "12187": 0.081298828125, "6897": 0.08074951171875, "9": 0.013671875, "6032": 0.038909912109375, "34754": 0.099853515625, "27968": 0.18115234375, "50782": 0.0855712890625, "509": 0.01290130615234375, "190659": 0.047119140625, "3395": 0.006763458251953125, "5684": 0.0992431640625, "2938": 0.024749755859375, "114210": 0.018646240234375, "83": 0.01325225830078125, "189275": 0.006259918212890625, "3949": 0.0134429931640625, "441": 0.0154571533203125, "22335": 0.040496826171875, "2053": 0.0394287109375, "1543": 0.03228759765625, "4358": 0.033966064453125, "218873": 0.040618896484375, "39734": 0.158203125, "63647": 0.0670166015625, "19": 0.01357269287109375, "10": 0.0133209228515625, "2750": 0.01261138916015625, "765": 0.013671875, "186": 0.0133209228515625, "191607": 0.05474853515625, "8780": 0.043670654296875, "46683": 0.11297607421875, "29888": 0.01336669921875, "44402": 0.01311492919921875, "27150": 0.0009522438049316406, "56": 0.01342010498046875, "54053": 0.1826171875, "12601": 0.057708740234375, "2822": 0.0133819580078125, "33306": 0.00272369384765625, "538": 0.0132293701171875, "6645": 0.01203155517578125, "70997": 0.0248565673828125, "92940": 0.12347412109375, "351": 0.040283203125, "330": 0.09649658203125, "1221": 0.0017948150634765625, "165598": 0.059417724609375, "13736": 0.08563232421875, "106864": 0.1192626953125} |
6766459 | RBM3 regulates temperature sensitive miR-142–5p and miR-143 (thermomiRs), which target immune genes and control fever | Fever is commonly used to diagnose disease and is consistently associated with increased mortality in critically ill patients. However, the molecular controls of elevated body temperature are poorly understood. We discovered that the expression of RNA-binding motif protein 3 (RBM3), known to respond to cold stress and to modulate microRNA (miRNA) expression, was reduced in 30 patients with fever, and in THP-1-derived macrophages maintained at a fever-like temperature (40 °C). Notably, RBM3 expression is reduced during fever whether or not infection is demonstrable. Reduced RBM3 expression resulted in increased expression of RBM3-targeted temperature-sensitive miRNAs, we termed thermomiRs. ThermomiRs such as miR-142-5p and miR-143 in turn target endogenous pyrogens including IL-6, IL6ST, TLR2, PGE2 and TNF to complete a negative feedback mechanism, which may be crucial to prevent pathological hyperthermia. Using normal PBMCs that were exogenously exposed to fever-like temperature (40 °C), we further demonstrate the trend by which decreased levels of RBM3 were associated with increased levels of miR-142-5p and miR-143 and vice versa over a 24 h time course. Collectively, our results indicate the existence of a negative feedback loop that regulates fever via reduced RBM3 levels and increased expression of miR-142-5p and miR-143. | {"4221": 0.1978759765625, "814": 0.2037353515625, "39210": 0.05303955078125, "11814": 0.0902099609375, "47": 0.0058441162109375, "99219": 0.135986328125, "70997": 0.059326171875, "74729": 0.07037353515625, "137272": 0.10833740234375, "124735": 0.11083984375, "67573": 0.06646728515625, "130306": 0.040863037109375, "99825": 0.047393798828125, "60264": 0.133056640625, "233239": 0.087890625, "6226": 0.193603515625, "57849": 0.1463623046875, "14361": 0.10565185546875, "52768": 0.2132568359375, "70425": 0.03302001953125, "217064": 0.08026123046875, "134053": 0.0657958984375, "125195": 0.19287109375, "125499": 0.216796875, "128239": 0.212158203125, "102908": 0.257080078125, "21308": 0.229736328125, "138": 0.1920166015625, "45176": 0.147216796875, "594": 0.1190185546875, "21320": 0.2210693359375, "51529": 0.0081939697265625, "35644": 0.181640625, "91097": 0.2225341796875, "11405": 0.2291259765625, "17055": 0.13232421875, "11948": 0.02484130859375, "266": 0.19189453125, "34390": 0.174560546875, "496": 0.10479736328125, "3820": 0.1763916015625, "12232": 0.0594482421875, "683": 0.06732177734375, "5759": 0.03558349609375, "111789": 0.02484130859375, "14612": 0.1181640625, "76104": 0.10064697265625, "5062": 0.09173583984375, "114354": 0.12127685546875, "16207": 0.05023193359375, "627": 0.09161376953125, "74965": 0.1876220703125, "363": 0.1986083984375, "20271": 0.08544921875, "159634": 0.1416015625, "32837": 0.0723876953125, "6096": 0.07147216796875, "34": 0.05328369140625, "27495": 0.09161376953125, "867": 0.034027099609375, "176302": 0.12481689453125, "324": 0.09271240234375, "182342": 0.21435546875, "1052": 0.21533203125, "7": 0.03570556640625, "204611": 0.2010498046875, "152837": 0.172607421875, "10342": 0.07745361328125, "254": 0.0594482421875, "139662": 0.2064208984375, "30388": 0.11737060546875, "3564": 0.02703857421875, "62976": 0.1015625, "17198": 0.07391357421875, "79556": 0.15771484375, "30219": 0.07421875, "13545": 0.0919189453125, "910": 0.0313720703125, "8545": 0.0406494140625, "20602": 0.007625579833984375, "304": 0.045196533203125, "11679": 0.112060546875, "73493": 0.1470947265625, "28484": 0.006603240966796875, "40907": 0.162109375, "58269": 0.2213134765625, "191619": 0.1104736328125, "1543": 0.005008697509765625, "106157": 0.0682373046875, "56282": 0.07562255859375, "109622": 0.00397491455078125, "59058": 0.08758544921875, "9319": 0.1727294921875, "7605": 0.037872314453125, "3638": 0.0165863037109375, "57842": 0.08966064453125, "32557": 0.13134765625, "172554": 0.02392578125, "12768": 0.05126953125, "227204": 0.110595703125, "90926": 0.044921875, "744": 0.053192138671875, "1096": 0.093505859375, "1733": 0.07720947265625, "15411": 0.07232666015625, "116311": 0.02288818359375, "40956": 0.1595458984375, "15913": 0.19677734375} |
6767133 | Patient preferences and expectations for care: determinants in patients with lumbar intervertebral disc herniation. | STUDY DESIGN Prospective observational cohort. OBJECTIVE To describe the baseline characteristics of patients with a diagnosis of intervertebral disc herniation who had different treatment preferences and the relationship of specific expectations with those preferences. SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA Data were gathered from the observational cohort of the Spine Patient Outcomes Research Trial (SPORT). Patients in the observational cohort met eligibility requirements identical to those of the randomized cohort, but declined randomization, receiving instead the treatment of their choice. METHODS Baseline preference and expectation data were acquired at the time of enrollment of the patient, before exposure to the informed consent process. Univariate analyses were performed using a t test for continuous variables and chi for categorical variables. Multivariate analyses were also performed with ANCOVA for continuous variables and logistic regression for categorical variables. Multiple logistic regression models were developed in a forward stepwise fashion using blocks of variables. RESULTS More patients preferred operative care: 67% preferred surgery, 28% preferred nonoperative treatment, and 6% were unsure; 53% of those preferring surgery stated a definite preference, whereas only 18% of those preferring nonoperative care had a definite preference. Patients preferring surgery were younger, had lower levels of education, and higher levels of unemployment/disability. This group also reported higher pain, worse physical and mental functioning, more back pain related disability, a longer duration of symptoms, and more opiate use. Gender, race, comorbidities, and use of other therapies did not differ significantly across preference groups. Patients' expectations regarding improvement with nonoperative care was the strongest predictor of preference. CONCLUSION Patient expectations, particularly regarding the benefit of nonoperative treatment, are the primary determinant of surgery preference among patients with lumbar intervertebral disc herniation. Demographic, functional status, and prior treatment experience had significant associations with patients' expectations and preferences. | {"94432": 0.065185546875, "223188": 0.2001953125, "16711": 0.18701171875, "150556": 0.1947021484375, "289": 0.032440185546875, "552": 0.0118255615234375, "5922": 0.12457275390625, "18": 0.01519012451171875, "35988": 0.0467529296875, "15301": 0.08868408203125, "98363": 0.03094482421875, "3647": 0.1624755859375, "2256": 0.1624755859375, "62816": 0.12066650390625, "48242": 0.05828857421875, "60264": 0.149169921875, "47099": 0.039794921875, "1940": 0.10888671875, "78867": 0.1549072265625, "51999": 0.1060791015625, "17116": 0.1434326171875, "604": 0.1943359375, "93": 0.1500244140625, "2320": 0.034271240234375, "12921": 0.12127685546875, "39734": 0.15087890625, "205537": 0.2261962890625, "76755": 0.00968170166015625, "202702": 0.2420654296875, "31766": 0.0132293701171875, "8678": 0.057220458984375, "20572": 0.03656005859375, "136498": 0.0770263671875, "391": 0.03240966796875, "17758": 0.04241943359375, "11809": 0.070068359375, "297": 0.0004467964172363281, "70": 0.00016999244689941406, "58383": 0.1539306640625, "13": 0.06256103515625, "135004": 0.18310546875, "13538": 0.04144287109375, "277": 0.049468994140625, "42477": 0.02447509765625, "4699": 0.06329345703125, "156715": 0.14453125, "7883": 0.0767822265625, "96679": 0.0989990234375, "31943": 0.040374755859375, "6827": 4.8160552978515625e-05, "96759": 0.08306884765625, "4": 0.0003566741943359375, "206398": 0.07183837890625, "71": 0.0003726482391357422, "44126": 0.10760498046875, "6": 0.0002493858337402344, "33677": 0.04754638671875, "193792": 0.02191162109375, "44978": 0.1600341796875, "41206": 0.1927490234375, "2053": 0.098876953125, "163629": 0.01218414306640625, "99": 0.0002903938293457031, "111": 0.00031566619873046875, "27722": 0.05377197265625, "674": 0.00030922889709472656, "37896": 0.08880615234375, "47": 0.00012564659118652344, "27257": 0.07928466796875, "149707": 0.1397705078125, "11789": 0.005584716796875, "124640": 0.11572265625, "67": 0.00019752979278564453, "51422": 0.12939453125, "7": 0.00028896331787109375, "3542": 6.097555160522461e-05, "10": 0.00024235248565673828, "808": 0.028472900390625, "3034": 0.147216796875, "100": 0.00014483928680419922, "62005": 0.060302734375, "223": 0.0002529621124267578, "77336": 0.148193359375, "1658": 0.118896484375, "149133": 0.1231689453125, "678": 0.000659942626953125, "85544": 0.016265869140625, "57224": 0.1778564453125, "150535": 0.1336669921875, "148448": 0.1361083984375, "115774": 0.1258544921875, "23": 0.0001347064971923828, "40225": 0.024139404296875, "29954": 0.0053558349609375, "54543": 0.05792236328125, "46389": 0.0638427734375, "218849": 0.03167724609375, "5455": 0.0237579345703125, "12601": 0.12396240234375, "41271": 0.156494140625, "517": 0.1121826171875, "305": 0.0019006729125976562, "14427": 0.10198974609375, "54053": 0.2083740234375, "11991": 0.08038330078125, "2822": 0.0002567768096923828, "351": 0.05224609375, "134364": 0.12481689453125, "91739": 0.0343017578125, "51646": 0.058197021484375, "8382": 0.00012028217315673828, "71496": 0.0714111328125, "7440": 0.00020837783813476562, "162": 0.0003247261047363281, "4734": 0.0001817941665649414, "134026": 0.0657958984375, "2852": 6.282329559326172e-05, "27150": 0.039947509765625, "56": 0.00035953521728515625, "92319": 0.1165771484375, "53019": 0.09161376953125, "136": 2.2232532501220703e-05, "77546": 0.1029052734375, "90926": 0.0001575946807861328, "109308": 0.047149658203125, "53": 0.0001366138458251953, "3827": 0.0204010009765625, "21115": 0.07781982421875, "113771": 0.032806396484375, "24503": 0.1593017578125, "124632": 0.0887451171875, "13893": 0.03857421875, "214": 0.00028061866760253906, "4420": 0.13525390625, "2837": 0.0244293212890625, "41159": 0.050933837890625, "30494": 0.00044798851013183594, "233": 0.077392578125, "101426": 0.06915283203125, "23894": 0.04034423828125, "45712": 0.039947509765625, "88562": 0.0682373046875, "129927": 0.0771484375, "36880": 0.00019562244415283203, "136912": 0.10791015625, "525": 0.0219268798828125, "92054": 0.1048583984375, "68073": 0.0706787109375, "158978": 0.0693359375, "27354": 0.10845947265625, "660": 0.0001900196075439453, "51494": 0.0843505859375, "1299": 0.08050537109375, "48461": 7.295608520507812e-05, "41928": 0.07220458984375, "16981": 0.04498291015625, "88551": 0.00885009765625, "151747": 0.06787109375} |
6767271 | Cord factor and peptidoglycan recapitulate the Th17-promoting adjuvant activity of mycobacteria through mincle/CARD9 signaling and the inflammasome. | Although adjuvants are critical vaccine components, their modes of action are poorly understood. In this study, we investigated the mechanisms by which the heat-killed mycobacteria in CFA promote Th17 CD4(+) T cell responses. We found that IL-17 secretion by CD4(+) T cells following CFA immunization requires MyD88 and IL-1β/IL-1R signaling. Through measurement of Ag-specific responses after adoptive transfer of OTII cells, we confirmed that MyD88-dependent signaling controls Th17 differentiation rather than simply production of IL-17. Additional experiments showed that CFA-induced Th17 differentiation involves IL-1β processing by the inflammasome, as mice lacking caspase-1, ASC, or NLRP3 exhibit partially defective responses after immunization. Biochemical fractionation studies further revealed that peptidoglycan is the major component of heat-killed mycobacteria responsible for inflammasome activation. By assaying Il1b transcripts in the injection site skin of CFA-immunized mice, we found that signaling through the adaptor molecule caspase activation and recruitment domain 9 (CARD9) plays a major role in triggering pro-IL-1β expression. Moreover, we demonstrated that recognition of the mycobacterial glycolipid trehalose dimycolate (cord factor) by the C-type lectin receptor mincle partially explains this CARD9 requirement. Importantly, purified peptidoglycan and cord factor administered in mineral oil synergized to recapitulate the Th17-promoting activity of CFA, and, as expected, this response was diminished in caspase-1- and CARD9-deficient mice. Taken together, these findings suggest a general strategy for the rational design of Th17-skewing adjuvants by combining agonists of the CARD9 pathway with inflammasome activators. | {"106073": 0.06982421875, "606": 0.11541748046875, "461": 0.2646484375, "30624": 0.2255859375, "7": 0.0357666015625, "621": 0.04302978515625, "130306": 0.143310546875, "51294": 0.1781005859375, "13": 0.08258056640625, "82761": 0.1961669921875, "4": 0.035736083984375, "2363": 0.013946533203125, "13736": 0.114501953125, "111": 0.03570556640625, "22631": 0.10626220703125, "70425": 0.098876953125, "538": 0.12213134765625, "217064": 0.1275634765625, "360": 0.036773681640625, "903": 0.0291748046875, "35187": 0.036285400390625, "32603": 0.02593994140625, "70": 0.0357666015625, "191619": 0.1859130859375, "80097": 0.2095947265625, "91699": 0.1846923828125, "71": 0.035919189453125, "759": 0.12164306640625, "587": 0.1441650390625, "49369": 0.1640625, "26206": 0.1527099609375, "23": 0.0357666015625, "313": 0.07684326171875, "14676": 0.268310546875, "125568": 0.2210693359375, "6003": 0.1591796875, "2489": 0.2467041015625, "7915": 0.1273193359375, "617": 0.1610107421875, "102817": 0.1605224609375, "384": 0.1112060546875, "38750": 0.19921875, "57553": 0.2230224609375, "5": 0.0037136077880859375, "1401": 0.002758026123046875, "14037": 0.03021240234375, "450": 0.0343017578125, "30219": 0.154296875, "13521": 0.2359619140625, "23410": 0.1907958984375, "1830": 0.035675048828125, "390": 0.03582763671875, "132": 0.00461578369140625, "25632": 0.07861328125, "43766": 0.172607421875, "47691": 0.11956787109375, "144570": 0.126953125, "2646": 0.11920166015625, "397": 0.07708740234375, "12772": 0.276123046875, "136": 0.035186767578125, "5759": 0.08819580078125, "5079": 0.1531982421875, "64": 0.0225677490234375, "16444": 0.1268310546875, "1052": 0.1085205078125, "26073": 0.2083740234375, "214": 0.035675048828125, "194397": 0.00353240966796875, "72350": 0.047821044921875, "674": 0.035736083984375, "12342": 0.0965576171875, "9": 0.035675048828125, "159975": 0.049896240234375, "7103": 0.10064697265625, "30666": 0.101806640625, "5844": 0.035675048828125, "12302": 0.0745849609375, "84023": 0.04486083984375, "10001": 0.1260986328125, "39563": 0.03192138671875, "297": 0.03570556640625, "181063": 0.1602783203125, "6226": 0.136474609375, "99710": 0.1912841796875, "2320": 0.03607177734375, "43257": 0.023162841796875, "3501": 0.0163116455078125, "42856": 0.0121917724609375, "36049": 0.0687255859375, "14": 0.035552978515625, "43315": 0.035614013671875, "28007": 0.10064697265625, "168360": 0.0220947265625, "18442": 0.11334228515625, "37534": 0.0364990234375, "83687": 0.050201416015625, "9433": 0.056396484375, "41036": 0.16796875, "18023": 0.1253662109375, "43452": 0.1837158203125, "237": 0.03570556640625, "324": 0.1429443359375, "329": 0.0357666015625, "21": 0.11376953125, "41324": 0.08782958984375, "4611": 0.080810546875, "3166": 0.1527099609375, "125429": 0.09405517578125, "6": 0.03558349609375, "39102": 0.0304718017578125, "38796": 0.1436767578125, "363": 0.0750732421875, "80788": 0.05352783203125, "18": 0.035736083984375, "2878": 0.10357666015625, "25958": 0.03564453125, "72104": 0.1614990234375, "10257": 0.0002570152282714844, "34610": 0.1119384765625, "21533": 0.03558349609375, "175921": 0.160888671875, "96335": 0.01340484619140625, "53333": 0.0079193115234375, "122273": 0.039276123046875, "280": 0.07232666015625, "17332": 0.1292724609375, "38507": 0.07818603515625, "4398": 0.1793212890625, "83": 0.0289459228515625, "13036": 0.09808349609375, "102778": 0.11956787109375, "100": 0.035797119140625, "34704": 0.1561279296875, "1363": 0.035736083984375, "10": 0.035491943359375, "38543": 0.03582763671875, "891": 0.0992431640625, "275": 0.08251953125, "30334": 0.075927734375, "32032": 0.034698486328125, "115049": 0.114013671875, "1764": 0.01055908203125, "21722": 0.1195068359375, "464": 0.032928466796875, "12303": 0.1319580078125, "29367": 0.03564453125, "642": 0.003009796142578125, "8305": 0.01526641845703125, "39908": 0.1275634765625, "748": 0.035614013671875, "49711": 0.03485107421875, "75449": 0.035552978515625, "172310": 0.11322021484375, "77758": 0.06591796875, "483": 0.1080322265625, "15": 0.03558349609375, "441": 0.0347900390625, "49444": 0.1697998046875, "1126": 0.155517578125, "16": 0.03558349609375, "11301": 0.04986572265625, "31486": 0.10760498046875, "185553": 0.1680908203125, "502": 0.10784912109375, "125195": 0.1514892578125, "5455": 0.035400390625, "106804": 0.012664794921875, "230466": 0.07391357421875, "127199": 0.05169677734375, "147617": 0.08209228515625, "15403": 0.035614013671875, "100483": 0.06884765625, "27443": 0.08648681640625, "45226": 0.08905029296875, "1360": 0.0853271484375, "113277": 0.160888671875, "184": 0.0355224609375, "45": 0.0399169921875, "1176": 0.0282745361328125, "21854": 0.1546630859375, "67": 0.035736083984375, "32271": 0.1488037109375, "31461": 0.129150390625, "50986": 0.13037109375, "44400": 0.0755615234375, "2311": 0.1373291015625, "137376": 0.1424560546875, "881": 0.1083984375, "11030": 0.136962890625, "73342": 0.0704345703125, "64209": 0.109619140625, "162054": 0.01445770263671875, "7398": 0.0251922607421875, "47314": 0.0361328125, "35485": 0.005435943603515625, "23911": 0.10675048828125, "29700": 0.12188720703125, "6002": 0.00019431114196777344, "56": 0.0092315673828125, "177": 0.035552978515625, "47": 0.033111572265625, "173915": 6.42538070678711e-05, "7587": 0.03558349609375, "19309": 0.03558349609375, "119204": 0.06207275390625, "1916": 0.03594970703125, "103488": 0.018890380859375, "84751": 0.042724609375, "509": 0.0355224609375, "65015": 0.07427978515625, "5252": 0.035614013671875, "110410": 0.115966796875, "2561": 0.0347900390625, "33": 0.035736083984375, "25842": 0.0162506103515625, "6097": 0.0007023811340332031, "90791": 0.0155029296875, "42459": 0.029937744140625, "4537": 0.045684814453125, "113857": 0.12030029296875, "168487": 0.09246826171875, "4331": 0.1136474609375, "1205": 0.1470947265625, "14775": 0.10736083984375, "375": 0.0010137557983398438, "964": 0.056793212890625, "592": 0.035552978515625, "6650": 0.095947265625, "42729": 0.034271240234375, "60875": 0.0843505859375, "7514": 0.03131103515625, "678": 0.033477783203125} |
6776834 | OPA1 gene therapy prevents retinal ganglion cell loss in a Dominant Optic Atrophy mouse model | Dominant optic atrophy (DOA) is a rare progressive and irreversible blinding disease which is one of the most frequent forms of hereditary optic neuropathy. DOA is mainly caused by dominant mutation in the OPA1 gene encoding a large mitochondrial GTPase with crucial roles in membrane dynamics and cell survival. Hereditary optic neuropathies are commonly characterized by the degeneration of retinal ganglion cells, leading to the optic nerve atrophy and the progressive loss of visual acuity. Up to now, despite increasing advances in the understanding of the pathological mechanisms, DOA remains intractable. Here, we tested the efficiency of gene therapy on a genetically-modified mouse model reproducing DOA vision loss. We performed intravitreal injections of an Adeno-Associated Virus carrying the human OPA1 cDNA under the control of the cytomegalovirus promotor. Our results provide the first evidence that gene therapy is efficient on a mouse model of DOA as the wild-type OPA1 expression is able to alleviate the OPA1-induced retinal ganglion cell degeneration, the hallmark of the disease. These results displayed encouraging effects of gene therapy for Dominant Optic Atrophy, fostering future investigations aiming at clinical trials in patients. | {"149355": 0.219970703125, "660": 0.1591796875, "233": 0.24462890625, "9523": 0.139892578125, "10": 0.06365966796875, "29813": 0.2159423828125, "3038": 0.1591796875, "13223": 0.249267578125, "284": 0.256591796875, "83": 0.0694580078125, "41207": 0.1492919921875, "161838": 0.130126953125, "136": 0.02667236328125, "66617": 0.0021991729736328125, "814": 0.0765380859375, "55356": 0.0418701171875, "44948": 0.1917724609375, "214": 0.074951171875, "70997": 0.1446533203125, "3129": 0.004428863525390625, "1632": 0.0101165771484375, "70": 0.014984130859375, "2684": 0.08782958984375, "103351": 0.155029296875, "3173": 0.11492919921875, "7": 0.01500701904296875, "111": 0.0150909423828125, "200729": 0.15673828125, "1294": 0.0043792724609375, "37817": 0.14013671875, "192592": 0.1434326171875, "6197": 0.247802734375, "5201": 0.04754638671875, "538": 0.0149688720703125, "143434": 0.1739501953125, "390": 0.01751708984375, "73944": 0.25390625, "199334": 0.1771240234375, "6": 0.014129638671875, "155981": 0.2281494140625, "418": 0.125, "22293": 0.201416015625, "587": 0.115966796875, "21334": 0.0186309814453125, "86467": 0.0562744140625, "3089": 0.03887939453125, "29887": 0.09814453125, "43448": 0.08770751953125, "65619": 0.131591796875, "13": 0.014190673828125, "678": 0.01290130615234375, "106157": 0.10699462890625, "31486": 0.0848388671875, "23": 0.01507568359375, "107834": 0.0775146484375, "84079": 0.103759765625, "38750": 0.139892578125, "218018": 0.11627197265625, "1840": 0.124755859375, "45082": 0.15576171875, "6635": 0.01012420654296875, "86132": 0.146484375, "90": 0.0133209228515625, "621": 0.01425933837890625, "39210": 0.0267333984375, "62816": 0.11199951171875, "29367": 0.01486968994140625, "8": 0.1033935546875, "48281": 0.1380615234375, "1363": 0.01456451416015625, "119256": 0.12646484375, "289": 0.0147857666015625, "4642": 0.06646728515625, "45486": 0.1395263671875, "4": 0.0147857666015625, "105207": 0.0294647216796875, "47": 0.01490020751953125, "24030": 0.116943359375, "86669": 0.11968994140625, "21176": 0.2220458984375, "11668": 0.12481689453125, "2481": 0.01229095458984375, "118055": 0.00576019287109375, "129745": 0.03375244140625, "60875": 0.0009026527404785156, "109622": 0.00643157958984375, "191619": 0.09033203125, "47143": 0.05792236328125, "39989": 0.071044921875, "22819": 0.0758056640625, "3034": 0.11474609375, "297": 0.01490020751953125, "227066": 0.1829833984375, "106864": 0.19580078125, "98": 0.01322174072265625, "101412": 0.141845703125, "25958": 0.0149688720703125, "9": 0.01486968994140625, "13415": 0.08599853515625, "47314": 0.015106201171875, "114669": 0.1544189453125, "3299": 0.1552734375, "42238": 0.11419677734375, "37831": 0.23388671875, "51339": 0.03558349609375, "18440": 0.10443115234375, "3760": 0.124267578125, "30544": 0.01026153564453125, "115049": 0.184326171875, "17514": 0.0140533447265625, "58242": 0.1591796875, "157": 0.1558837890625, "228214": 0.1529541015625, "71": 0.01493072509765625, "97064": 0.185791015625, "85358": 0.0799560546875, "14135": 0.046966552734375, "501": 0.00913238525390625, "125903": 0.1773681640625, "1379": 0.0123138427734375, "6226": 0.11773681640625, "188": 0.01462554931640625, "87849": 0.08795166015625, "365": 0.01355743408203125, "76912": 0.1429443359375, "113215": 0.1497802734375, "50339": 0.019134521484375, "5117": 0.036590576171875, "77950": 0.05584716796875, "93766": 0.171875, "56409": 0.11187744140625, "50986": 0.08856201171875, "125195": 0.12457275390625, "19048": 0.0014429092407226562, "747": 0.10009765625, "67": 0.01506805419921875, "20268": 0.06793212890625, "37534": 0.01477813720703125, "23664": 0.10430908203125, "10015": 0.1329345703125, "66398": 0.01507568359375, "93425": 0.0850830078125, "180": 0.1343994140625, "112569": 0.1785888671875, "62": 0.03271484375, "4209": 0.0042877197265625, "22690": 0.040435791015625, "145456": 0.042755126953125, "1300": 0.0007214546203613281, "14578": 0.01158905029296875, "99": 0.014892578125, "56465": 0.01326751708984375, "110324": 0.08538818359375, "60264": 0.04302978515625} |
6784372 | Multiple degradation pathways regulate versatile CIP/KIP CDK inhibitors. | The mammalian CIP/KIP family of cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) inhibitors (CKIs) comprises three proteins--p21(Cip1/WAF1), p27(Kip1), and p57(Kip2)--that bind and inhibit cyclin-CDK complexes, which are key regulators of the cell cycle. CIP/KIP CKIs have additional independent functions in regulating transcription, apoptosis and actin cytoskeletal dynamics. These divergent functions are performed in distinct cellular compartments and contribute to the seemingly contradictory observation that the CKIs can both suppress and promote cancer. Multiple ubiquitin ligases (E3s) direct the proteasome-mediated degradation of p21, p27 and p57. This review analyzes recent data highlighting our current understanding of how distinct E3 pathways regulate subpopulations of the CKIs to control their diverse functions. | {"21968": 0.146728515625, "38820": 0.133056640625, "313": 0.09722900390625, "10931": 0.2156982421875, "64": 0.09161376953125, "169000": 0.267333984375, "14449": 0.1712646484375, "187830": 0.156982421875, "19": 0.04833984375, "181063": 0.154541015625, "24222": 0.1400146484375, "184": 0.05364990234375, "16069": 0.1253662109375, "605": 0.1954345703125, "173702": 0.2255859375, "22230": 0.1240234375, "20572": 0.1954345703125, "29598": 0.23974609375, "48402": 0.123291015625, "90": 0.0034923553466796875, "17262": 0.1588134765625, "21308": 0.26513671875, "254": 0.075439453125, "3117": 0.20556640625, "441": 0.0394287109375, "3442": 0.1527099609375, "50412": 0.0955810546875, "11217": 0.0543212890625, "919": 0.03436279296875, "17727": 0.0804443359375, "915": 0.06488037109375, "3768": 0.226318359375, "12243": 0.237060546875, "10461": 0.07818603515625, "86673": 0.006931304931640625, "68557": 0.17431640625, "136": 0.0017080307006835938, "18": 0.0164337158203125, "99115": 0.17919921875, "22799": 0.140869140625, "144314": 0.240478515625, "38750": 0.143310546875, "105823": 0.197509765625, "17713": 0.278076171875, "7": 0.066162109375, "78301": 0.0560302734375, "41371": 0.1263427734375, "32354": 0.1707763671875, "15913": 0.1998291015625, "30334": 0.09674072265625, "59478": 0.1072998046875, "6885": 0.07684326171875, "40934": 0.1329345703125, "27992": 0.08154296875, "73": 0.06549072265625, "145482": 0.1346435546875, "84079": 0.1126708984375, "45": 0.03692626953125, "814": 0.1531982421875, "51339": 0.0693359375, "117781": 0.1732177734375, "2927": 0.0662841796875, "120087": 0.045684814453125, "37397": 0.06390380859375, "2304": 0.061859130859375, "18403": 0.074462890625, "150556": 0.034423828125, "831": 0.05218505859375, "15044": 0.00958251953125, "15811": 0.07366943359375, "11856": 0.16455078125, "125568": 0.1314697265625, "27968": 0.1971435546875, "19335": 0.03265380859375, "17982": 0.1177978515625, "3181": 0.09979248046875, "2311": 0.11993408203125, "19881": 0.166748046875, "5908": 0.07806396484375, "647": 0.08660888671875, "363": 0.181640625, "8951": 0.1475830078125, "13766": 0.107666015625, "43452": 0.157470703125, "12333": 0.1199951171875, "119542": 0.1934814453125, "8347": 0.07244873046875, "7968": 0.02545166015625, "17309": 0.00400543212890625, "2053": 0.0229644775390625, "127308": 0.0014619827270507812, "43581": 0.017303466796875, "100094": 0.05609130859375, "241": 0.1080322265625, "60875": 0.13623046875, "102966": 0.09613037109375, "1614": 0.1463623046875, "33554": 0.06329345703125, "6226": 0.16796875, "9789": 0.1319580078125} |
6788835 | Dislocation of a type I membrane protein requires interactions between membrane-spanning segments within the lipid bilayer. | The human cytomegalovirus gene product US11 causes rapid degradation of class I major histocompatibility complex (MHCI) heavy chains by inducing their dislocation from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and subsequent degradation by the proteasome. This set of reactions resembles the endogenous cellular quality control pathway that removes misfolded or unassembled proteins from the ER. We show that the transmembrane domain (TMD) of US11 is essential for MHCI heavy chain dislocation, but dispensable for MHCI binding. A Gln residue at position 192 in the US11 TMD is crucial for the ubiquitination and degradation of MHCI heavy chains. Cells that express US11 TMD mutants allow formation of MHCI-beta2m complexes, but their rate of egress from the ER is significantly impaired. Further mutagenesis data are consistent with the presence of an alpha-helical structure in the US11 TMD essential for MHCI heavy chain dislocation. The failure of US11 TMD mutants to catalyze dislocation is a unique instance in which a polar residue in the TMD of a type I membrane protein is required for that protein's function. Targeting of MHCI heavy chains for dislocation by US11 thus requires the formation of interhelical hydrogen bonds within the ER membrane. | {"14135": 0.111328125, "19932": 0.07244873046875, "188": 0.115478515625, "87849": 0.14794921875, "365": 0.10382080078125, "76912": 0.1605224609375, "22293": 0.1522216796875, "12996": 0.163330078125, "7082": 0.202392578125, "1662": 0.268798828125, "113660": 0.10498046875, "25545": 0.12176513671875, "119542": 0.207275390625, "1363": 0.039154052734375, "18507": 0.1295166015625, "87": 0.085205078125, "13036": 0.050018310546875, "1919": 0.090087890625, "277": 0.08062744140625, "10974": 0.154541015625, "83259": 0.007228851318359375, "27140": 0.10186767578125, "108917": 0.1510009765625, "17304": 0.200927734375, "99162": 0.1873779296875, "121293": 0.206298828125, "135989": 0.10552978515625, "214": 0.0018644332885742188, "2837": 0.069580078125, "87632": 0.1256103515625, "1295": 0.031524658203125, "70": 0.00208282470703125, "22": 0.0498046875, "246": 0.04400634765625, "52033": 0.07305908203125, "21068": 0.0016632080078125, "35425": 0.06890869140625, "68510": 0.1397705078125, "12501": 0.138916015625, "16": 0.0015211105346679688, "13766": 0.114501953125, "11": 0.004619598388671875, "43452": 0.1500244140625, "111": 0.0019779205322265625, "132539": 0.11798095703125, "7": 0.0019378662109375, "3332": 0.01448822021484375, "195": 0.06781005859375, "3564": 0.044647216796875, "62976": 0.059051513671875, "10821": 0.0019664764404296875, "2927": 0.060760498046875, "120087": 0.0251617431640625, "31897": 0.165771484375, "6226": 0.12103271484375, "60875": 0.072509765625, "87388": 0.0771484375, "1239": 0.056060791015625, "42822": 0.11846923828125, "297": 0.001964569091796875, "93457": 0.068359375, "71": 0.001773834228515625, "21308": 0.1717529296875, "28695": 0.1488037109375, "3900": 0.09332275390625, "282": 0.0975341796875, "12846": 0.1175537109375, "86": 0.0019445419311523438, "77758": 0.130615234375, "10111": 0.1453857421875, "397": 0.1470947265625, "83": 0.0022144317626953125, "85590": 0.2015380859375, "77591": 0.16064453125, "4": 0.001850128173828125, "144520": 0.11639404296875, "2661": 0.00738525390625, "128239": 0.1124267578125, "48130": 0.10113525390625, "19": 0.09185791015625, "99996": 0.1873779296875, "13": 0.0018711090087890625, "19069": 0.07171630859375, "90644": 0.1409912109375, "384": 0.07391357421875, "44644": 0.1927490234375, "106157": 0.1473388671875, "17982": 0.09173583984375, "3181": 0.0489501953125, "2311": 0.055084228515625, "2320": 0.001972198486328125, "80743": 0.1378173828125, "36510": 0.026458740234375, "21144": 0.1407470703125, "63769": 0.048431396484375, "27643": 0.0457763671875, "59865": 0.123779296875, "304": 0.08349609375, "39": 0.091552734375, "99115": 0.17431640625, "2363": 0.0015850067138671875, "19623": 0.08935546875, "207583": 0.04425048828125, "109637": 0.0855712890625, "9319": 0.0017271041870117188, "53664": 0.1427001953125, "15292": 0.0751953125, "621": 0.00222015380859375, "74729": 0.0263214111328125, "678": 0.001556396484375, "142": 0.0018644332885742188, "144": 0.0509033203125, "14612": 0.1480712890625, "9": 0.001766204833984375, "6865": 0.12396240234375, "21533": 0.0021572113037109375, "45646": 0.10845947265625, "137578": 0.126953125, "60199": 0.024749755859375, "731": 0.001171112060546875, "10": 0.0017862319946289062, "36998": 0.0931396484375, "110527": 0.0110015869140625, "23": 0.0017366409301757812, "3129": 0.001708984375, "160": 0.1253662109375, "320": 0.09161376953125, "10644": 0.034576416015625, "107834": 0.1485595703125, "56065": 0.128662109375, "100": 0.0010166168212890625, "32354": 0.044189453125, "160017": 0.133056640625, "144570": 0.03436279296875, "1940": 0.06427001953125, "64707": 0.10577392578125, "1409": 0.109130859375, "71052": 0.09393310546875, "28032": 0.0009579658508300781} |
6790197 | Prostate cancer-associated gene expression alterations determined from needle biopsies. | PURPOSE To accurately identify gene expression alterations that differentiate neoplastic from normal prostate epithelium using an approach that avoids contamination by unwanted cellular components and is not compromised by acute gene expression changes associated with tumor devascularization and resulting ischemia. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN Approximately 3,000 neoplastic and benign prostate epithelial cells were isolated using laser capture microdissection from snap-frozen prostate biopsy specimens provided by 31 patients who subsequently participated in a clinical trial of preoperative chemotherapy. cDNA synthesized from amplified total RNA was hybridized to custom-made microarrays composed of 6,200 clones derived from the Prostate Expression Database. Expression differences for selected genes were verified using quantitative reverse transcription-PCR. RESULTS Comparative analyses identified 954 transcript alterations associated with cancer (q < 0.01%), including 149 differentially expressed genes with no known functional roles. Gene expression changes associated with ischemia and surgical removal of the prostate gland were absent. Genes up-regulated in prostate cancer were statistically enriched in categories related to cellular metabolism, energy use, signal transduction, and molecular transport. Genes down-regulated in prostate cancers were enriched in categories related to immune response, cellular responses to pathogens, and apoptosis. A heterogeneous pattern of androgen receptor expression changes was noted. In exploratory analyses, androgen receptor down-regulation was associated with a lower probability of cancer relapse after neoadjuvant chemotherapy followed by radical prostatectomy. CONCLUSIONS Assessments of tumor phenotypes based on gene expression for treatment stratification and drug targeting of oncogenic alterations may best be ascertained using biopsy-based analyses where the effects of ischemia do not complicate interpretation. | {"68760": 0.155029296875, "91383": 0.14501953125, "152018": 0.1624755859375, "135812": 0.143798828125, "22293": 0.2169189453125, "125195": 0.24365234375, "42068": 0.2431640625, "5256": 0.03863525390625, "99710": 0.2012939453125, "16169": 0.158203125, "72325": 0.23193359375, "1771": 0.10418701171875, "1295": 0.09564208984375, "3638": 0.15380859375, "72725": 0.2242431640625, "13": 0.12646484375, "25277": 0.08837890625, "2347": 0.1171875, "52853": 0.170654296875, "142": 0.0223846435546875, "51515": 0.1212158203125, "450": 0.0228424072265625, "71864": 0.1319580078125, "7": 0.0246124267578125, "80252": 0.109375, "1363": 0.0245208740234375, "390": 0.024444580078125, "51": 0.061981201171875, "3206": 0.11669921875, "3674": 0.024627685546875, "2927": 0.0694580078125, "120087": 0.0467529296875, "82761": 0.1136474609375, "136": 0.1083984375, "83": 0.0220184326171875, "959": 0.030853271484375, "134454": 0.047271728515625, "297": 0.0246124267578125, "85691": 0.11590576171875, "65572": 0.2142333984375, "137272": 0.1922607421875, "678": 0.0246734619140625, "57412": 0.2109375, "38022": 0.109130859375, "25667": 0.06640625, "47691": 0.0255889892578125, "214": 0.0245513916015625, "6": 0.0246124267578125, "4986": 0.1474609375, "7605": 0.1669921875, "104165": 0.073974609375, "46565": 0.131103515625, "223188": 0.1673583984375, "1352": 0.0242767333984375, "37838": 0.0243377685546875, "63009": 0.1453857421875, "202019": 0.161865234375, "150": 0.07293701171875, "289": 0.0244903564453125, "38750": 0.155029296875, "3542": 0.024505615234375, "54015": 0.14892578125, "32030": 0.1146240234375, "141621": 0.09234619140625, "11948": 0.07513427734375, "156881": 0.140380859375, "10763": 0.022918701171875, "76685": 0.1109619140625, "9": 0.0245361328125, "420": 0.0215301513671875, "70463": 0.1541748046875, "3530": 0.09619140625, "51775": 0.156005859375, "40140": 0.07373046875, "18241": 0.024566650390625, "1936": 0.1307373046875, "60264": 0.10968017578125, "2750": 0.0242919921875, "538": 0.02435302734375, "42938": 0.03289794921875, "23": 0.0245513916015625, "10": 0.0245208740234375, "56465": 0.01971435546875, "110324": 0.1002197265625, "111": 0.024566650390625, "479": 0.0958251953125, "134364": 0.116943359375, "290": 0.09027099609375, "432": 0.0640869140625, "106864": 0.1514892578125, "501": 0.07427978515625, "125903": 0.2060546875, "142518": 0.07440185546875, "90": 0.0245208740234375, "29367": 0.024383544921875, "70827": 0.070068359375, "1029": 0.0246734619140625, "3622": 0.052276611328125, "125499": 0.170654296875, "509": 0.0242919921875, "113490": 0.1815185546875, "47": 0.0245513916015625, "114122": 0.08892822265625, "42424": 0.024566650390625, "19305": 0.07171630859375, "4778": 0.0247344970703125, "150350": 0.0003819465637207031, "71": 0.0246429443359375, "305": 0.07763671875, "5955": 0.1431884765625, "20450": 0.1556396484375, "1444": 0.0235748291015625, "16406": 0.0164642333984375, "4126": 0.02471923828125, "70": 0.02447509765625, "1250": 0.1353759765625, "61340": 0.173828125, "25129": 0.213134765625, "1830": 0.0197906494140625, "187781": 0.1505126953125, "60212": 0.2454833984375, "100": 0.023345947265625, "133291": 0.0394287109375, "493": 0.08551025390625, "47314": 0.0248260498046875, "17368": 0.0241851806640625, "88779": 0.0293731689453125, "5844": 0.0246734619140625, "39531": 0.15283203125, "184": 0.0246429443359375, "30334": 0.1396484375, "59478": 0.0240020751953125, "12233": 0.048675537109375, "1052": 0.022796630859375, "218849": 0.0880126953125, "113307": 0.10394287109375, "45023": 0.0245208740234375, "51422": 0.1444091796875, "207487": 0.10687255859375, "9199": 0.13037109375, "617": 0.1383056640625, "32032": 0.17333984375, "27968": 0.2315673828125, "15": 0.0244140625, "864": 0.00804901123046875, "4426": 0.0236663818359375, "89678": 0.0902099609375, "145116": 0.10076904296875, "4": 0.0247344970703125, "63902": 0.1708984375, "25958": 0.0245361328125, "36510": 0.2034912109375, "110": 0.091796875, "51529": 0.1265869140625, "123309": 0.15625, "31486": 0.156982421875, "46980": 0.2230224609375, "613": 0.059356689453125, "177": 0.0243988037109375, "21533": 0.0246734619140625, "49146": 0.11553955078125, "1405": 0.024444580078125, "706": 0.02587890625, "1760": 0.12744140625, "146291": 0.152099609375, "1257": 0.1533203125, "144867": 0.2325439453125, "80835": 0.0980224609375, "22": 0.023651123046875, "26932": 0.1416015625, "39283": 0.09429931640625, "62548": 0.021270751953125, "159531": 0.11761474609375, "48302": 0.0496826171875, "4527": 0.0243988037109375, "26073": 0.0207977294921875, "77391": 0.0234832763671875, "233239": 0.01183319091796875, "6181": 0.01070404052734375, "7565": 0.1903076171875, "43766": 0.07318115234375, "57553": 0.007312774658203125, "62976": 0.0229339599609375, "6885": 0.08526611328125, "40934": 0.0150146484375, "6023": 0.02447509765625, "62": 0.0238800048828125, "77099": 0.1197509765625, "15292": 0.0246734619140625, "10821": 0.024444580078125, "103510": 0.07977294921875, "79556": 0.20703125, "137376": 0.16943359375, "360": 0.0232391357421875, "64222": 0.039459228515625, "31667": 0.0245819091796875, "62881": 0.1995849609375, "2320": 0.024749755859375, "92319": 0.123046875, "37242": 0.1102294921875, "2481": 0.0246429443359375, "456": 0.03466796875, "127966": 0.1453857421875, "7103": 0.00916290283203125, "712": 0.005401611328125, "461": 0.004974365234375, "30624": 0.0237579345703125, "53560": 0.09375, "60751": 0.114501953125, "1176": 0.022216796875, "37486": 0.056304931640625, "85390": 0.001216888427734375, "233397": 0.1044921875, "11521": 0.07025146484375, "21004": 0.07452392578125, "50986": 0.1708984375, "35509": 0.08697509765625, "98": 0.06201171875, "39734": 0.125732421875, "48358": 0.1051025390625, "41274": 0.0242156982421875, "48683": 0.055328369140625, "30388": 0.10003662109375, "587": 0.0233306884765625, "429": 0.0775146484375, "1543": 0.05517578125, "2965": 0.014892578125, "186": 0.024444580078125, "237": 0.02130126953125, "84563": 0.0477294921875, "122009": 0.0245361328125, "77007": 0.024383544921875, "7440": 0.0124053955078125, "93425": 0.09814453125, "54": 0.02288818359375, "96704": 0.01009368896484375, "206019": 0.136962890625} |
6793674 | Circulating trimethylamine N‐oxide and the risk of cardiovascular diseases: a systematic review and meta‐analysis of 11 prospective cohort studies | Circulating trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO), a canonical metabolite from gut flora, has been related to the risk of cardiovascular disorders. However, the association between circulating TMAO and the risk of cardiovascular events has not been quantitatively evaluated. We performed a systematic review and meta-analysis of all available cohort studies regarding the association between baseline circulating TMAO and subsequent cardiovascular events. Embase and PubMed databases were searched for relevant cohort studies. The overall hazard ratios for the developing of cardiovascular events (CVEs) and mortality were extracted. Heterogeneity among the included studies was evaluated with Cochran's Q Test and I2 statistics. A random-effect model or a fixed-effect model was applied depending on the heterogeneity. Subgroup analysis and meta-regression were used to evaluate the source of heterogeneity. Among the 11 eligible studies, three reported both CVE and mortality outcome, one reported only CVEs and the other seven provided mortality data only. Higher circulating TMAO was associated with a 23% higher risk of CVEs (HR = 1.23, 95% CI: 1.07-1.42, I2 = 31.4%) and a 55% higher risk of all-cause mortality (HR = 1.55, 95% CI: 1.19-2.02, I2 = 80.8%). Notably, the latter association may be blunted by potential publication bias, although sensitivity analysis by omitting one study at a time did not significantly change the results. Further subgroup analysis and meta-regression did not support that the location of the study, follow-up duration, publication year, population characteristics or the samples of TMAO affect the results significantly. Higher circulating TMAO may independently predict the risk of subsequent cardiovascular events and mortality. | {"209449": 0.2081298828125, "1916": 0.12109375, "1927": 0.1724853515625, "1928": 0.11883544921875, "65853": 0.0906982421875, "55343": 0.1715087890625, "541": 0.146484375, "61942": 0.2344970703125, "13": 0.048583984375, "10111": 0.1790771484375, "38901": 0.288818359375, "74413": 0.1295166015625, "21533": 0.0272369384765625, "93447": 0.1998291015625, "1486": 0.11712646484375, "1295": 0.05096435546875, "5768": 0.1708984375, "99536": 0.21630859375, "4": 0.0281982421875, "1556": 0.029632568359375, "2809": 0.042205810546875, "62548": 0.12060546875, "47": 0.0281829833984375, "70": 0.0280609130859375, "10512": 0.224365234375, "207269": 0.193359375, "171986": 0.1434326171875, "7": 0.028076171875, "33306": 0.01064300537109375, "125413": 0.178466796875, "17721": 0.019195556640625, "41263": 0.2347412109375, "50523": 0.1861572265625, "136": 0.02728271484375, "47353": 0.165771484375, "959": 0.07183837890625, "88779": 0.076416015625, "5844": 0.0276031494140625, "538": 0.0280609130859375, "151575": 0.096435546875, "297": 0.02801513671875, "10": 0.0279693603515625, "242161": 0.10784912109375, "8347": 0.06085205078125, "23550": 0.1387939453125, "9": 0.028106689453125, "174976": 0.10919189453125, "164": 0.0279541015625, "111": 0.0280303955078125, "19882": 0.039703369140625, "552": 0.0178070068359375, "5922": 0.10040283203125, "18": 0.028045654296875, "96335": 0.11773681640625, "3647": 0.1773681640625, "2256": 0.188232421875, "221419": 0.0692138671875, "2775": 0.0172271728515625, "37382": 0.1502685546875, "105269": 0.0467529296875, "71721": 0.0933837890625, "63399": 0.06683349609375, "3542": 0.0278778076171875, "33938": 0.01422119140625, "100": 0.027587890625, "581": 0.02520751953125, "128512": 0.05267333984375, "141033": 0.2210693359375, "70460": 0.1328125, "168698": 0.09051513671875, "105553": 0.1395263671875, "16474": 0.153564453125, "16": 0.027862548828125, "67573": 0.1639404296875, "2481": 0.0699462890625, "125663": 0.058837890625, "1947": 0.0833740234375, "4036": 0.1094970703125, "15292": 0.193603515625, "99201": 0.0175323486328125, "509": 0.0272674560546875, "678": 0.0276641845703125, "1311": 0.003292083740234375, "206": 0.058746337890625, "1603": 0.1229248046875, "2396": 0.09429931640625, "8647": 0.1522216796875, "87": 0.048309326171875, "304": 0.140869140625, "80835": 0.0909423828125, "62": 0.0258331298828125, "96759": 0.1312255859375, "171760": 0.195556640625, "3299": 0.1798095703125, "707": 0.0256805419921875, "188347": 0.11212158203125, "190659": 0.025909423828125, "8": 0.0279693603515625, "96819": 0.0262908935546875, "98": 0.027618408203125, "77099": 0.1907958984375, "8273": 0.1158447265625, "51588": 0.14453125, "114137": 0.1114501953125, "107": 0.01424407958984375, "148448": 0.201171875, "31344": 0.128662109375, "2022": 0.027557373046875, "534": 0.11334228515625, "224943": 0.1142578125, "17262": 0.12359619140625, "113771": 0.0277252197265625, "15044": 0.0521240234375, "313": 0.0489501953125, "24878": 0.2236328125, "184345": 0.1175537109375, "1632": 0.0260162353515625, "4734": 0.06036376953125, "27479": 0.1859130859375, "59671": 0.09783935546875, "2053": 0.09820556640625, "19694": 0.1314697265625, "56": 0.07135009765625, "137272": 0.0926513671875, "165175": 0.151123046875, "77546": 0.13427734375, "15": 0.0275421142578125, "29562": 0.09490966796875, "2203": 0.0276031494140625, "3742": 0.0193328857421875, "59653": 0.12493896484375, "26550": 0.09722900390625, "12": 0.0279998779296875, "185678": 0.01708984375, "5": 0.0279083251953125, "13023": 0.0294647216796875, "15554": 0.01134490966796875, "11267": 0.0224151611328125, "160386": 0.1485595703125, "756": 0.090087890625, "408": 0.01383209228515625, "4032": 0.0279388427734375, "615": 0.027618408203125, "11663": 0.0276641845703125, "2947": 0.0278167724609375, "5428": 0.0235748291015625, "9550": 0.0270843505859375, "2248": 0.095458984375, "148437": 0.0262603759765625, "11205": 0.017822265625, "78458": 0.0279541015625, "3055": 0.00738525390625, "1543": 0.06103515625, "186": 0.028076171875, "19": 0.0276336669921875, "3674": 0.027679443359375, "390": 0.0281524658203125, "38516": 0.007709503173828125, "104345": 0.09210205078125, "333": 0.09149169921875, "162": 0.02227783203125, "102971": 0.014923095703125, "176302": 0.1351318359375, "14": 0.027801513671875, "19514": 0.0282440185546875, "35187": 0.05157470703125, "99": 0.0279388427734375, "1733": 0.027191162109375, "207583": 0.0206756591796875, "15549": 0.07794189453125, "50339": 0.0282745361328125, "27766": 0.0225067138671875, "9319": 0.028167724609375, "1614": 0.07171630859375, "6777": 0.0254669189453125, "8060": 0.054351806640625, "450": 0.027984619140625, "28960": 0.0180511474609375, "2037": 0.0280609130859375, "115": 0.021240234375, "30494": 0.0281524658203125, "6602": 0.02392578125, "43904": 0.037750244140625, "62816": 0.024749755859375, "48242": 0.0278472900390625, "121413": 0.0264892578125, "52490": 0.11029052734375, "41371": 0.06988525390625, "92054": 0.1380615234375} |
6796297 | PDGF-BB secreted by preosteoclasts induces angiogenesis during coupling with osteogenesis | Osteogenesis during bone modeling and remodeling is coupled with angiogenesis. A recent study showed that a specific vessel subtype, strongly positive for CD31 and endomucin (CD31hiEmcnhi), couples angiogenesis and osteogenesis. Here, we found that platelet-derived growth factor-BB (PDGF-BB) secreted by preosteoclasts induces CD31hiEmcnhi vessel formation during bone modeling and remodeling. Mice with depletion of PDGF-BB in the tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase–positive cell lineage show significantly lower trabecular and cortical bone mass, serum and bone marrow PDGF-BB concentrations, and fewer CD31hiEmcnhi vessels compared to wild-type mice. In the ovariectomy (OVX)-induced osteoporotic mouse model, serum and bone marrow levels of PDGF-BB and numbers of CD31hiEmcnhi vessels are significantly lower compared to sham-operated controls. Treatment with exogenous PDGF-BB or inhibition of cathepsin K to increase the number of preosteoclasts, and thus the endogenous levels of PDGF-BB, increases CD31hiEmcnhi vessel number and stimulates bone formation in OVX mice. Thus, pharmacotherapies that increase PDGF-BB secretion from preosteoclasts offer a new therapeutic target for treating osteoporosis by promoting angiogenesis and thus bone formation. | {"226535": 0.21435546875, "15292": 0.251708984375, "6023": 0.11102294921875, "20271": 0.11712646484375, "32881": 0.19580078125, "3299": 0.21826171875, "214": 0.049774169921875, "136": 0.03948974609375, "177580": 0.21240234375, "24941": 0.15185546875, "678": 0.035552978515625, "348": 0.12890625, "846": 0.14208984375, "17309": 0.0187225341796875, "35187": 0.05999755859375, "29458": 0.056243896484375, "53678": 0.209228515625, "1428": 0.11358642578125, "1614": 0.10614013671875, "50986": 0.189208984375, "37515": 0.03564453125, "24491": 0.115234375, "7915": 0.13720703125, "5016": 0.2340087890625, "22": 0.04730224609375, "3815": 0.10504150390625, "34": 0.057098388671875, "6333": 0.11395263671875, "16069": 0.0626220703125, "979": 0.1785888671875, "34139": 0.08062744140625, "27765": 0.08856201171875, "128204": 0.2320556640625, "37385": 0.1365966796875, "1974": 0.1331787109375, "820": 0.0870361328125, "75678": 0.133056640625, "31461": 0.1727294921875, "22312": 0.2108154296875, "34427": 0.10015869140625, "79035": 0.26025390625, "9": 0.040130615234375, "23410": 0.21826171875, "479": 0.12744140625, "232": 0.10601806640625, "67": 0.1497802734375, "6652": 0.00982666015625, "19777": 0.15380859375, "135989": 0.1953125, "27643": 0.190673828125, "1208": 0.1763916015625, "329": 0.06878662109375, "8": 0.0748291015625, "8705": 0.158447265625, "30490": 0.1134033203125, "15250": 0.07769775390625, "17957": 0.058990478515625, "172": 0.07489013671875, "43840": 0.07061767578125, "134208": 0.039520263671875, "81708": 0.07342529296875, "67890": 0.06646728515625, "38750": 0.09844970703125, "42592": 0.10693359375, "207583": 0.0182342529296875, "92319": 0.16162109375, "1152": 0.01073455810546875, "372": 0.05035400390625, "46889": 0.0177001953125, "1605": 0.093017578125, "1108": 0.0310211181640625, "15555": 0.09844970703125, "202104": 0.0504150390625, "10846": 0.0965576171875, "56409": 0.0880126953125, "324": 0.11962890625, "36": 0.0947265625, "21690": 0.1680908203125, "60751": 0.1331787109375, "31719": 0.1434326171875, "1542": 0.116943359375, "18442": 0.013275146484375, "70924": 0.16015625, "114669": 0.15625, "90926": 0.01145172119140625, "80358": 0.0904541015625, "21473": 0.06689453125, "6226": 0.097412109375, "183367": 0.11578369140625, "1119": 0.000438690185546875, "62976": 0.0101776123046875, "173702": 0.0941162109375, "2347": 0.05816650390625, "15759": 0.0836181640625, "341": 0.07403564453125, "51312": 0.1336669921875, "3564": 0.0208740234375, "142405": 0.1380615234375, "163414": 0.1597900390625, "88562": 0.1630859375, "126472": 0.09918212890625, "30388": 0.12109375, "85689": 0.07769775390625, "4680": 0.1712646484375, "84125": 0.08941650390625, "8891": 0.0902099609375} |
6807122 | Discovery of endothelial to mesenchymal transition as a source for carcinoma-associated fibroblasts. | Activated fibroblasts are associated with many different tumors. Myofibroblasts, activated fibroblasts, and perivascular mesenchymal cells such as pericytes play a role in cancer progression. Many studies suggest that myofibroblasts facilitate tumor growth and cancer progression. The source for myofibroblasts and other activated fibroblasts within the tumors is still debated. Although de novo activation of quiescent fibroblasts into alpha-smooth muscle actin (alpha SMA)-positive myofibroblasts is one likely source, epithelial to mesenchymal transition and bone marrow recruitment are also evolving as possible mechanisms for the emergence of a heterogeneous population of carcinoma-associated fibroblasts. Here, we show that transforming growth factor-beta1 could induce proliferating endothelial cells to undergo a phenotypic conversion into fibroblast-like cells. Such endothelial to mesenchymal transition (EndMT) is associated with the emergence of mesenchymal marker fibroblast-specific protein-1 (FSP1) and down-regulation of CD31/PECAM. Additionally, we show EndMT in tumors using the B16F10 melanoma model and the Rip-Tag2 spontaneous pancreatic carcinoma model. Crossing Tie2-Cre mice with R26Rosa-lox-Stop-lox-LacZ mice allows for irreversible tagging of endothelial cells. We provide unequivocal evidence for EndMT at the invasive front of the tumors in these transgenic mice. Collectively, our results show that EndMT is a unique mechanism for the accumulation of carcinoma-associated fibroblasts and suggest that antiangiogenic treatment of tumors may have a direct effect in decreasing activated fibroblasts that likely facilitate cancer progression. | {"42902": 0.2054443359375, "27686": 0.0946044921875, "139940": 0.239990234375, "67301": 0.2342529296875, "933": 0.1300048828125, "137272": 0.1796875, "678": 0.07293701171875, "5941": 0.0797119140625, "12921": 0.10882568359375, "57412": 0.2156982421875, "5": 0.002208709716796875, "2646": 0.1243896484375, "31": 0.1326904296875, "1029": 0.18408203125, "6369": 0.2015380859375, "34704": 0.220458984375, "3674": 0.006763458251953125, "136": 0.030426025390625, "117": 0.044830322265625, "29949": 0.1219482421875, "2409": 0.1328125, "33": 0.07220458984375, "7668": 0.1495361328125, "38750": 0.149658203125, "14": 0.0017538070678710938, "2408": 0.05059814453125, "1636": 0.0215911865234375, "11301": 0.05963134765625, "31486": 0.1510009765625, "23": 0.01280975341796875, "27968": 0.178466796875, "187735": 0.1998291015625, "52455": 0.0151824951171875, "96335": 0.011749267578125, "42459": 0.02655029296875, "759": 0.1474609375, "33493": 0.216064453125, "67": 0.04998779296875, "75678": 0.135986328125, "31344": 0.19970703125, "100": 0.057525634765625, "28032": 0.1396484375, "7464": 0.033477783203125, "29865": 0.10736083984375, "5474": 0.057861328125, "569": 0.080810546875, "150506": 0.1177978515625, "3934": 0.044891357421875, "144": 0.0221710205078125, "14612": 0.135498046875, "26634": 0.048675537109375, "123635": 0.140380859375, "27992": 0.0809326171875, "73": 0.1119384765625, "93932": 0.14599609375, "67890": 0.09674072265625, "1632": 0.005096435546875, "47041": 0.0848388671875, "25277": 0.036407470703125, "2347": 0.07586669921875, "150": 0.044921875, "47": 0.1201171875, "149307": 0.2020263671875, "32881": 0.05474853515625, "1108": 0.00585174560546875, "15555": 0.0975341796875, "172310": 0.1494140625, "3784": 0.0931396484375, "7722": 0.100341796875, "191619": 0.2047119140625, "74216": 0.1533203125, "77099": 0.130126953125, "43904": 0.06219482421875, "2258": 0.038909912109375, "44924": 0.080078125, "192": 0.048370361328125, "45388": 0.1522216796875, "7639": 0.03448486328125, "27198": 0.1842041015625, "31461": 0.182373046875, "59865": 0.1759033203125, "418": 0.0960693359375, "5809": 0.0914306640625, "135989": 0.1646728515625, "215447": 0.1605224609375, "22": 0.06768798828125, "15464": 0.12060546875, "54140": 0.1673583984375, "88322": 0.0198822021484375, "72057": 0.11798095703125, "142477": 0.12274169921875, "5062": 0.072509765625, "62771": 0.0018482208251953125, "152378": 0.1722412109375, "37290": 0.24609375, "71323": 0.162841796875, "159975": 0.0250244140625, "21308": 0.12371826171875, "5759": 0.06207275390625, "919": 0.0672607421875, "9434": 0.10791015625, "17727": 0.01558685302734375, "7565": 0.0273284912109375, "62881": 0.1318359375, "7915": 0.01343536376953125, "5016": 0.1190185546875, "21907": 0.038665771484375, "115182": 0.161376953125, "18878": 0.185546875, "17368": 0.03515625, "335": 0.05316162109375, "2485": 0.1661376953125, "963": 0.149169921875, "54159": 0.07470703125, "8945": 0.135498046875, "3299": 0.153076171875, "93986": 0.10906982421875, "66448": 0.17626953125, "304": 0.09368896484375, "150189": 0.111083984375, "129147": 0.09039306640625, "47832": 0.13671875, "17985": 0.15673828125, "18504": 0.09930419921875, "63784": 0.167724609375, "324": 0.14794921875, "627": 0.03802490234375, "4046": 0.1844482421875, "108278": 0.10955810546875, "365": 0.09588623046875, "425": 0.118896484375, "156095": 0.1611328125, "2729": 0.0341796875, "1511": 0.132080078125, "114864": 0.0665283203125, "66617": 0.0237884521484375, "814": 0.07708740234375, "308": 0.0960693359375, "36659": 0.01088714599609375, "145364": 0.05230712890625, "77950": 0.09307861328125, "116000": 0.12225341796875, "12912": 0.10943603515625, "3900": 0.050872802734375, "429": 0.079833984375, "36998": 0.13134765625, "183278": 0.14794921875, "2874": 0.08453369140625, "64542": 0.02764892578125, "62976": 0.11126708984375, "39734": 0.1375732421875, "1543": 0.033233642578125, "8951": 0.0013875961303710938, "21543": 0.037506103515625, "8": 0.035400390625, "7612": 0.09503173828125} |
6812319 | ERCC1 and MUS81–EME1 promote sister chromatid separation by processing late replication intermediates at common fragile sites during mitosis | Chromosomal instability (CIN) is a hallmark of tumour initiation and progression. Some genomic regions are particularly unstable under replication stress, notably common fragile sites (CFSs) whose rearrangements in tumour cells contribute to cancer development. Recent work has shown that the Fanconi anaemia (FANC) pathway plays a role in preventing defective chromosome segregation and CIN under conditions of replication stress. Strikingly, FANCD2 is recruited to regions hosting CFSs on metaphase chromosomes. To decipher the mechanisms protecting CFSs in G2/M, we searched for proteins that co-localize with FANCD2 on mitotic chromosomes, and identified XPF–ERCC1 and MUS81–EME1, two structure-specific endonucleases. We show that depletion of either ERCC1 or MUS81–EME1 affects accurate processing of replication intermediates or under-replicated DNA that persist at CFSs until mitosis. Depletion of these endonucleases also leads to an increase in the frequency of chromosome bridges during anaphase that, in turn, favours accumulation of DNA damage in the following G1 phase. | {"70103": 0.09124755859375, "840": 0.1512451171875, "306": 0.11279296875, "289": 0.0921630859375, "23": 0.12213134765625, "271": 0.2242431640625, "41159": 0.1729736328125, "115942": 0.28271484375, "83": 0.032958984375, "23664": 0.08624267578125, "10015": 0.11358642578125, "10029": 0.1650390625, "34639": 0.1531982421875, "173969": 0.1103515625, "1830": 0.022705078125, "136": 0.0692138671875, "187735": 0.0985107421875, "31384": 0.0188446044921875, "8584": 0.1165771484375, "1771": 0.004261016845703125, "10776": 0.1392822265625, "106480": 0.060577392578125, "2234": 0.137939453125, "22819": 0.2449951171875, "1379": 0.1053466796875, "456": 0.0938720703125, "182867": 0.193359375, "11405": 0.2020263671875, "4": 0.0033855438232421875, "78458": 0.003955841064453125, "39210": 0.10552978515625, "119371": 0.213623046875, "13": 0.0025730133056640625, "15271": 0.1397705078125, "441": 0.146240234375, "36381": 0.2034912109375, "7": 0.10675048828125, "225628": 0.1380615234375, "38750": 0.10931396484375, "162466": 0.118408203125, "27968": 0.164306640625, "34754": 0.09271240234375, "169549": 0.00859832763671875, "4488": 0.006221771240234375, "11213": 0.1500244140625, "2271": 0.1759033203125, "14": 0.1959228515625, "3877": 0.131591796875, "32868": 0.1844482421875, "99457": 0.1527099609375, "60875": 0.11419677734375, "7514": 0.1431884765625, "11301": 0.010589599609375, "10": 0.002079010009765625, "31486": 0.08270263671875, "56282": 0.1806640625, "214": 0.003082275390625, "72104": 0.19140625, "5844": 0.00142669677734375, "17656": 0.040557861328125, "31": 0.045074462890625, "13450": 0.083984375, "190407": 0.2138671875, "1363": 0.0115814208984375, "27289": 0.09039306640625, "111": 0.01548004150390625, "538": 0.0030956268310546875, "16069": 0.190185546875, "304": 0.1700439453125, "172310": 0.1297607421875, "297": 0.002685546875, "70496": 0.08660888671875, "313": 0.070556640625, "23550": 0.1322021484375, "153213": 0.1446533203125, "6781": 0.10906982421875, "3716": 0.037261962890625, "32380": 0.078857421875, "70": 0.0031681060791015625, "191619": 0.1451416015625, "59959": 0.18359375, "527": 0.09173583984375, "45792": 0.20556640625, "594": 0.126953125, "33938": 0.032318115234375, "100": 0.0025157928466796875, "21308": 0.195068359375, "552": 0.07550048828125, "9": 0.0030117034912109375, "98908": 0.124267578125, "20650": 0.00371551513671875, "678": 0.029388427734375, "6": 0.0030975341796875, "86467": 0.12188720703125, "9523": 0.02972412109375, "207487": 0.061431884765625, "45005": 0.135986328125, "919": 0.1712646484375, "1104": 0.04840087890625, "101917": 0.1695556640625, "418": 0.119873046875, "61749": 0.1488037109375, "13556": 0.243408203125, "121377": 0.1746826171875, "6626": 0.07366943359375, "45646": 0.11285400390625, "159975": 0.1260986328125, "22": 0.12359619140625, "246": 0.1285400390625, "539": 0.09771728515625, "11030": 0.12646484375, "162": 0.08148193359375, "90": 0.0032196044921875, "7639": 0.004917144775390625, "8": 0.1505126953125, "8705": 0.1724853515625, "28695": 0.1251220703125, "13709": 0.1871337890625, "707": 0.0225982666015625, "52490": 0.11285400390625, "152018": 0.1470947265625, "9433": 0.06494140625, "81814": 0.107177734375, "63614": 0.00316619873046875, "107": 0.00167083740234375, "52721": 0.10400390625, "3674": 0.003185272216796875, "27583": 0.1412353515625, "70560": 0.091796875, "99": 0.0214080810546875, "24189": 0.02618408203125, "491": 0.08062744140625, "84125": 0.0712890625, "262": 0.1038818359375, "37105": 0.031707763671875, "47": 0.0029315948486328125, "142": 0.002834320068359375, "51312": 0.069580078125, "12478": 0.07098388671875, "944": 0.003139495849609375, "27771": 0.0025539398193359375, "80728": 0.137451171875, "20271": 0.010589599609375, "15504": 0.0025424957275390625, "1238": 0.0029697418212890625, "141775": 0.10858154296875, "183278": 0.06610107421875, "82649": 0.1304931640625, "25632": 0.0047607421875, "93402": 0.11566162109375} |
6820680 | Engineered RNA viral synthesis of microRNAs. | MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are short noncoding RNAs that exert posttranscriptional gene silencing and regulate gene expression. In addition to the hundreds of conserved cellular miRNAs that have been identified, miRNAs of viral origin have been isolated and found to modulate both the viral life cycle and the cellular transcriptome. Thus far, detection of virus-derived miRNAs has been largely limited to DNA viruses, suggesting that RNA viruses may be unable to exploit this aspect of transcriptional regulation. Lack of RNA virus-produced miRNAs has been attributed to the replicative constraints that would incur following RNase III processing of a genomic hairpin. To ascertain whether the generation of viral miRNAs is limited to DNA viruses, we investigated whether influenza virus could be designed to deliver functional miRNAs without affecting replication. Here, we describe a modified influenza A virus that expresses cellular microRNA-124 (miR-124). Insertion of the miR-124 hairpin into an intron of the nuclear export protein transcript resulted in endogenous processing and functional miR-124. We demonstrate that a viral RNA genome incorporating a hairpin does not result in segment instability or miRNA-mediated genomic targeting, thereby permitting the virus to produce a miRNA without having a negative impact on viral replication. This work demonstrates that RNA viruses can produce functional miRNAs and suggests that this level of transcriptional regulation may extend beyond DNA viruses. | {"37992": 0.228271484375, "125499": 0.360595703125, "7": 0.1868896484375, "15": 0.005809783935546875, "266": 0.2264404296875, "16": 0.01110076904296875, "621": 0.1343994140625, "16610": 0.166259765625, "351": 0.1297607421875, "587": 0.11749267578125, "6238": 0.119873046875, "450": 0.059600830078125, "1119": 0.06744384765625, "2529": 0.1591796875, "1305": 0.1556396484375, "50713": 0.06158447265625, "59478": 0.1439208984375, "289": 0.0269775390625, "22293": 0.1297607421875, "154628": 0.20849609375, "449": 0.07781982421875, "136": 0.037139892578125, "15913": 0.220703125, "67": 0.0263519287109375, "125195": 0.164306640625, "360": 0.0259552001953125, "66044": 0.01480865478515625, "47": 0.0268402099609375, "70": 0.026824951171875, "75281": 0.087890625, "111": 0.0267791748046875, "118684": 0.122802734375, "71": 0.02606201171875, "2927": 0.0875244140625, "120087": 0.101318359375, "324": 0.2032470703125, "765": 0.0231475830078125, "2809": 0.026611328125, "207487": 0.0806884765625, "88254": 0.2064208984375, "59665": 0.168212890625, "54015": 0.108642578125, "3674": 0.026763916015625, "14037": 0.0694580078125, "17055": 0.1707763671875, "2182": 0.02679443359375, "6897": 0.12359619140625, "105823": 0.128173828125, "30334": 0.1009521484375, "32032": 0.1322021484375, "13450": 0.0894775390625, "12613": 0.0241241455078125, "2060": 0.04779052734375, "4": 0.02679443359375, "149": 0.12939453125, "58994": 0.09375, "14994": 0.2005615234375, "820": 0.08203125, "14": 0.0223388671875, "4126": 0.0248260498046875, "1556": 0.019195556640625, "21334": 0.037994384765625, "538": 0.026580810546875, "84046": 0.1153564453125, "27583": 0.1513671875, "90": 0.02685546875, "42459": 0.0240325927734375, "214": 0.026702880859375, "1543": 0.04052734375, "186": 0.0268707275390625, "2886": 0.043792724609375, "162471": 0.11669921875, "43585": 0.00717926025390625, "1363": 0.026702880859375, "239": 0.0955810546875, "2594": 0.0838623046875, "102446": 0.11614990234375, "297": 0.0268096923828125, "150380": 0.05682373046875, "143126": 0.1668701171875, "4935": 0.0235595703125, "2816": 0.12890625, "4288": 0.027069091796875, "2806": 0.035400390625, "73106": 0.0167694091796875, "25632": 0.00634765625, "627": 0.060699462890625, "4645": 0.175537109375, "184": 0.09039306640625, "4830": 0.142822265625, "9433": 0.05401611328125, "10": 0.0267486572265625, "8584": 0.1470947265625, "1771": 0.0265960693359375, "24887": 0.1790771484375, "5128": 0.181640625, "237": 0.0266571044921875, "106290": 0.05841064453125, "73": 0.026947021484375, "36766": 0.0101318359375, "58093": 0.1292724609375, "83": 0.026641845703125, "32603": 0.036956787109375, "132445": 0.2005615234375, "5809": 0.057525634765625, "82775": 0.1414794921875, "75060": 0.130126953125, "123309": 0.1685791015625, "15490": 0.06402587890625, "52490": 0.09771728515625, "456": 0.0465087890625, "182867": 0.18212890625, "11853": 0.017425537109375, "98363": 0.064453125, "73197": 0.169921875, "62": 0.106689453125, "36510": 0.10272216796875, "11948": 0.1861572265625, "109589": 0.226806640625, "1052": 0.1619873046875, "2189": 0.0694580078125, "3934": 0.0229949951171875, "142": 0.026763916015625, "23": 0.0269012451171875, "36867": 0.13623046875, "72249": 0.059906005859375, "31255": 0.11688232421875, "21308": 0.08197021484375, "16750": 0.003711700439453125, "3564": 0.00399017333984375, "62976": 0.024566650390625, "10821": 0.02691650390625, "106804": 0.0244140625, "13": 0.02679443359375, "49504": 0.10675048828125, "14602": 0.026397705078125, "959": 0.020263671875, "33180": 0.1014404296875, "271": 0.0904541015625, "41159": 0.0265655517578125, "707": 0.0182952880859375, "9": 0.0268402099609375, "12333": 0.024627685546875, "30388": 0.1278076171875, "2685": 0.026214599609375, "1272": 0.02685546875, "28897": 0.048919677734375, "1916": 0.0242156982421875, "27489": 0.10589599609375, "19441": 0.0268096923828125, "40907": 0.0018510818481445312, "24725": 0.0606689453125, "98": 0.026763916015625, "6": 0.0255126953125, "831": 0.05029296875, "17366": 0.00516510009765625, "65042": 0.07098388671875, "107314": 0.06689453125} |
6826100 | The developmental potential of iPSCs is greatly influenced by reprogramming factor selection. | Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) are commonly generated by transduction of Oct4, Sox2, Klf4, and Myc (OSKM) into cells. Although iPSCs are pluripotent, they frequently exhibit high variation in terms of quality, as measured in mice by chimera contribution and tetraploid complementation. Reliably high-quality iPSCs will be needed for future therapeutic applications. Here, we show that one major determinant of iPSC quality is the combination of reprogramming factors used. Based on tetraploid complementation, we found that ectopic expression of Sall4, Nanog, Esrrb, and Lin28 (SNEL) in mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) generated high-quality iPSCs more efficiently than other combinations of factors including OSKM. Although differentially methylated regions, transcript number of master regulators, establishment of specific superenhancers, and global aneuploidy were comparable between high- and low-quality lines, aberrant gene expression, trisomy of chromosome 8, and abnormal H2A.X deposition were distinguishing features that could potentially also be applicable to human. | {"360": 0.10650634765625, "106357": 0.2020263671875, "71": 0.015655517578125, "69795": 0.25341796875, "114680": 0.26806640625, "36418": 0.2025146484375, "38750": 0.224365234375, "7": 0.0880126953125, "14": 0.1025390625, "9059": 0.2115478515625, "441": 0.2410888671875, "621": 0.00909423828125, "39210": 0.0914306640625, "139392": 0.1964111328125, "390": 0.018035888671875, "3900": 0.09307861328125, "77391": 0.116455078125, "33649": 0.150634765625, "617": 0.2108154296875, "1061": 0.076171875, "425": 0.09442138671875, "304": 0.11553955078125, "17463": 0.1490478515625, "2646": 0.1112060546875, "238": 0.06951904296875, "7285": 0.125, "47848": 0.2015380859375, "3934": 0.10211181640625, "106073": 0.006805419921875, "17": 0.1168212890625, "195409": 0.067626953125, "80788": 0.043609619140625, "11192": 0.0667724609375, "143834": 0.21142578125, "31897": 0.2283935546875, "72350": 0.09039306640625, "324": 0.131591796875, "1658": 0.062103271484375, "27160": 0.174560546875, "127752": 0.1214599609375, "120": 0.06256103515625, "1517": 0.1439208984375, "13158": 0.15380859375, "532": 0.0372314453125, "110633": 0.1976318359375, "161789": 0.1861572265625, "44841": 0.0682373046875, "22690": 0.005565643310546875, "126472": 0.11334228515625, "86685": 0.07177734375, "13036": 0.06634521484375, "27354": 0.1368408203125, "660": 0.028076171875, "162515": 0.11126708984375, "456": 0.11279296875, "28966": 0.187744140625, "120103": 0.16064453125, "11814": 0.04217529296875, "50061": 0.047821044921875, "119499": 0.19775390625, "125195": 0.1790771484375, "159": 0.04571533203125, "5584": 0.18212890625, "353": 0.0618896484375, "2700": 0.2078857421875, "13471": 0.170166015625, "25497": 0.135009765625, "3882": 0.225830078125, "120320": 0.2095947265625, "114669": 0.1673583984375, "352": 0.00809478759765625, "21731": 0.10662841796875, "139940": 0.150390625, "67301": 0.1278076171875, "10611": 0.0667724609375, "919": 0.130859375, "1286": 0.08734130859375, "93766": 0.1651611328125, "11787": 0.1046142578125, "99710": 0.1220703125, "435": 0.07684326171875, "65853": 0.1632080078125, "10776": 0.08465576171875, "30334": 0.027679443359375, "32032": 0.0120086669921875, "31347": 0.07183837890625, "144314": 0.22509765625, "1601": 0.10565185546875, "1121": 0.1427001953125, "7964": 0.077392578125, "10": 0.034698486328125, "50901": 0.0450439453125, "1459": 0.046112060546875, "215667": 0.1220703125, "27226": 0.04766845703125, "124519": 0.0931396484375, "2243": 0.1063232421875, "22293": 0.09735107421875, "1927": 0.0948486328125, "5084": 0.1693115234375, "840": 0.08880615234375, "382": 0.11407470703125, "136": 0.018157958984375, "1563": 0.0182037353515625, "33176": 0.1107177734375, "572": 0.0295257568359375, "284": 0.02947998046875, "1542": 0.047576904296875, "8": 0.12261962890625, "40322": 0.089599609375, "157167": 0.11895751953125, "66139": 0.1202392578125, "5809": 0.0479736328125, "38516": 0.05364990234375, "152431": 0.11248779296875, "14135": 0.10784912109375} |
6826636 | GiardiaDB and TrichDB: integrated genomic resources for the eukaryotic protist pathogens Giardia lamblia and Trichomonas vaginalis | GiardiaDB (http://GiardiaDB.org) and TrichDB (http://TrichDB.org) house the genome databases for Giardia lamblia and Trichomonas vaginalis, respectively, and represent the latest additions to the EuPathDB (http://EuPathDB.org) family of functional genomic databases. GiardiaDB and TrichDB employ the same framework as other EuPathDB sites (CryptoDB, PlasmoDB and ToxoDB), supporting fully integrated and searchable databases. Genomic-scale data available via these resources may be queried based on BLAST searches, annotation keywords and gene ID searches, GO terms, sequence motifs and other protein characteristics. Functional queries may also be formulated, based on transcript and protein expression data from a variety of platforms. Phylogenetic relationships may also be interrogated. The ability to combine the results from independent queries, and to store queries and query results for future use facilitates complex, genome-wide mining of functional genomic data. | {"38090": 0.299560546875, "39463": 0.318115234375, "37735": 0.08673095703125, "40884": 0.175537109375, "11": 0.10345458984375, "1478": 0.171875, "16": 0.0085906982421875, "136": 0.1123046875, "4699": 0.1976318359375, "206": 0.1649169921875, "74257": 0.177490234375, "18276": 0.144287109375, "8584": 0.1773681640625, "13": 0.1097412109375, "63399": 0.2266845703125, "100": 0.0794677734375, "21": 0.04803466796875, "6492": 0.1815185546875, "7884": 0.1595458984375, "3089": 0.101318359375, "87039": 0.1756591796875, "7": 0.01132965087890625, "193277": 0.208984375, "164": 0.068359375, "4": 0.01111602783203125, "107013": 0.0310211181640625, "538": 0.01123046875, "33636": 0.065673828125, "70": 0.0111083984375, "42850": 0.0679931640625, "66044": 0.0841064453125, "5177": 0.1046142578125, "683": 0.053192138671875, "10519": 0.1776123046875, "52283": 0.07568359375, "14449": 0.07843017578125, "111": 0.01110076904296875, "123309": 0.1729736328125, "1771": 0.09332275390625, "187016": 0.10321044921875, "5701": 0.045684814453125, "170846": 0.161376953125, "237": 0.010467529296875, "15271": 0.1204833984375, "15": 0.00823211669921875, "239159": 0.09747314453125, "31": 0.009796142578125, "128142": 0.06396484375, "432": 0.107666015625, "717": 0.0804443359375, "5387": 0.138671875, "247": 0.0104827880859375, "8060": 0.1181640625, "214": 0.01085662841796875, "89554": 0.072265625, "78779": 0.09429931640625, "297": 0.01120758056640625, "33938": 0.128173828125, "2886": 0.01084136962890625, "52597": 0.173583984375, "9": 0.01080322265625, "57965": 0.186279296875, "2053": 0.1575927734375, "19882": 0.088134765625, "1829": 0.009307861328125, "65514": 0.1322021484375, "1543": 0.058197021484375, "186": 0.011199951171875, "41": 0.11944580078125, "35509": 0.04229736328125, "98": 0.0111236572265625, "335": 0.0017499923706054688, "172905": 0.18408203125, "90": 0.011383056640625, "8668": 0.07720947265625, "22062": 0.01131439208984375, "166117": 0.11395263671875, "22293": 0.1336669921875, "11338": 0.07989501953125, "25052": 0.1544189453125, "69407": 0.04296875, "3956": 0.01120758056640625, "102908": 0.1544189453125, "3789": 0.00916290283203125, "21308": 0.1820068359375, "62816": 0.088623046875, "48242": 0.01120758056640625, "28670": 0.1044921875, "10763": 0.0875244140625, "289": 0.01108551025390625, "26168": 0.10064697265625, "3674": 0.01139068603515625, "30334": 0.0146942138671875, "32032": 0.010711669921875, "125195": 0.079345703125, "1295": 0.0113067626953125, "10": 0.011016845703125, "13651": 0.10009765625, "112537": 0.10150146484375, "9523": 0.01114654541015625, "151618": 0.125732421875, "101934": 0.123046875, "81273": 0.06561279296875, "47": 0.0097503662109375, "70163": 0.09844970703125, "50339": 0.122314453125, "41371": 0.103271484375, "10484": 0.011322021484375, "4343": 0.03765869140625, "1294": 0.01117706298828125, "22690": 0.06573486328125, "33493": 0.1619873046875, "1636": 0.01100921630859375, "27140": 0.08953857421875, "113458": 0.040130615234375, "324": 0.1556396484375, "592": 0.02850341796875} |
6828370 | A coding-independent function of gene and pseudogene mRNAs regulates tumour biology | The canonical role of messenger RNA (mRNA) is to deliver protein-coding information to sites of protein synthesis. However, given that microRNAs bind to RNAs, we hypothesized that RNAs could possess a regulatory role that relies on their ability to compete for microRNA binding, independently of their protein-coding function. As a model for the protein-coding-independent role of RNAs, we describe the functional relationship between the mRNAs produced by the PTEN tumour suppressor gene and its pseudogene PTENP1 and the critical consequences of this interaction. We find that PTENP1 is biologically active as it can regulate cellular levels of PTEN and exert a growth-suppressive role. We also show that the PTENP1 locus is selectively lost in human cancer. We extended our analysis to other cancer-related genes that possess pseudogenes, such as oncogenic KRAS. We also demonstrate that the transcripts of protein-coding genes such as PTEN are biologically active. These findings attribute a novel biological role to expressed pseudogenes, as they can regulate coding gene expression, and reveal a non-coding function for mRNAs. | {"74413": 0.09527587890625, "21533": 0.12457275390625, "31486": 0.213623046875, "111": 0.047882080078125, "235446": 0.248291015625, "6": 0.0031223297119140625, "125499": 0.316650390625, "39": 0.09454345703125, "16": 0.0036869049072265625, "83": 0.108642578125, "47": 0.0936279296875, "75060": 0.1275634765625, "21308": 0.192138671875, "587": 0.172119140625, "6238": 0.052093505859375, "4677": 0.09429931640625, "15271": 0.06402587890625, "142518": 0.034454345703125, "4": 0.003627777099609375, "450": 0.002849578857421875, "11948": 0.11138916015625, "7": 0.10992431640625, "68557": 0.1463623046875, "170933": 0.08319091796875, "5809": 0.073486328125, "158566": 0.0950927734375, "144314": 0.2398681640625, "53": 0.00336456298828125, "28702": 0.040130615234375, "90": 0.0027675628662109375, "98": 0.01380157470703125, "81273": 0.04296875, "98438": 0.11962890625, "100": 0.0027618408203125, "128239": 0.11871337890625, "41371": 0.033935546875, "538": 0.003688812255859375, "32354": 0.10791015625, "10": 0.0037937164306640625, "3299": 0.1707763671875, "70": 0.0036067962646484375, "181063": 0.1258544921875, "98363": 0.00984954833984375, "123309": 0.1484375, "76755": 0.0933837890625, "17721": 0.0113983154296875, "347": 0.0831298828125, "181653": 0.0623779296875, "390": 0.0027294158935546875, "436": 0.08258056640625, "21170": 0.2454833984375, "10029": 0.1478271484375, "34639": 0.0992431640625, "15811": 0.09613037109375, "11856": 0.1744384765625, "748": 0.020660400390625, "22293": 0.167236328125, "74189": 0.184326171875, "15292": 0.2158203125, "683": 0.16943359375, "418": 0.114990234375, "130306": 0.07965087890625, "212678": 0.1109619140625, "182809": 0.0889892578125, "149242": 0.1405029296875, "71407": 0.0037937164306640625, "36457": 0.139892578125, "442": 0.00311279296875, "831": 0.0484619140625, "15913": 0.197265625, "67": 0.003753662109375, "2927": 0.05413818359375, "90926": 0.061279296875, "2529": 0.00472259521484375, "75678": 0.0968017578125, "9": 0.0034275054931640625, "67565": 0.0498046875, "2109": 0.09466552734375, "29888": 0.0035037994384765625, "7001": 0.08624267578125, "223": 0.0784912109375, "36849": 0.07733154296875, "5844": 0.003604888916015625, "72856": 0.124755859375, "23": 0.0039825439453125, "14135": 0.051422119140625, "27968": 0.2132568359375, "297": 0.0038299560546875, "174822": 0.07928466796875, "29129": 0.146240234375, "13": 0.0037689208984375, "30334": 0.0245513916015625, "32032": 0.0777587890625, "621": 0.0031070709228515625, "150380": 0.015777587890625, "21261": 0.044464111328125, "333": 0.07977294921875, "109622": 0.0291748046875, "36510": 0.06292724609375, "552": 0.1363525390625, "125195": 0.080322265625, "122273": 0.02069091796875, "351": 0.1121826171875} |
6836086 | Identification of a Multicomponent Complex Required for Outer Membrane Biogenesis in Escherichia coli | Gram-negative bacteria have an outer membrane (OM) that functions as a barrier to protect the cell from toxic compounds such as antibiotics and detergents. The OM is a highly asymmetric bilayer composed of phospholipids, glycolipids, and proteins. Assembly of this essential organelle occurs outside the cytoplasm in an environment that lacks obvious energy sources such as ATP, and the mechanisms involved are poorly understood. We describe the identification of a multiprotein complex required for the assembly of proteins in the OM of Escherichia coli. We also demonstrate genetic interactions between genes encoding components of this protein assembly complex and imp, which encodes a protein involved in the assembly of lipopolysaccharides (LPS) in the OM. These genetic interactions suggest a role for YfgL, one of the lipoprotein components of the protein assembly complex, in a homeostatic control mechanism that coordinates the overall OM assembly process. | {"48078": 0.1717529296875, "3331": 0.264404296875, "4935": 0.1097412109375, "152818": 0.26025390625, "765": 0.0845947265625, "142": 0.02984619140625, "1810": 0.2086181640625, "56": 0.146728515625, "107834": 0.2388916015625, "13": 0.0889892578125, "31626": 0.2744140625, "32354": 0.10089111328125, "125861": 0.199951171875, "59959": 0.178466796875, "38750": 0.149169921875, "1295": 0.03826904296875, "74735": 0.1722412109375, "217773": 0.1165771484375, "156774": 0.1903076171875, "217655": 0.183837890625, "581": 0.06451416015625, "34172": 0.27880859375, "83": 0.047271728515625, "103210": 0.073486328125, "10": 0.0767822265625, "230612": 0.19189453125, "2224": 0.167236328125, "8889": 0.2110595703125, "150350": 0.10931396484375, "134208": 0.040618896484375, "22014": 0.0262908935546875, "21392": 0.0760498046875, "30185": 0.01320648193359375, "100483": 0.042572021484375, "27443": 0.203857421875, "45226": 0.1248779296875, "21308": 0.2069091796875, "151169": 0.20361328125, "903": 0.02667236328125, "85590": 0.1505126953125, "7484": 0.1763916015625, "2118": 0.2138671875, "74918": 0.061676025390625, "50782": 0.1590576171875, "19932": 0.0250244140625, "188": 0.0204010009765625, "52033": 0.13623046875, "65998": 0.1156005859375, "21": 0.04833984375, "162520": 0.0684814453125, "48302": 0.11285400390625, "97264": 0.0452880859375, "127216": 0.1630859375, "191619": 0.1524658203125, "70425": 0.067626953125, "217064": 0.1123046875, "98363": 0.021209716796875, "221160": 0.12335205078125, "6024": 0.1077880859375, "80000": 0.187744140625, "73": 0.038116455078125, "27140": 0.1654052734375, "56065": 0.129638671875, "89845": 0.1553955078125, "1184": 0.091064453125, "5372": 0.1431884765625, "14": 0.09429931640625, "38459": 0.1837158203125, "101412": 0.1580810546875, "182809": 0.1357421875, "22293": 0.111572265625, "587": 0.1197509765625, "82761": 0.10931396484375, "21980": 0.11053466796875, "22": 0.028289794921875, "40899": 0.1285400390625, "136327": 0.1336669921875, "135545": 0.09588623046875, "9254": 0.08636474609375, "9059": 0.1864013671875, "42459": 0.01342010498046875, "31486": 0.0819091796875, "990": 0.037506103515625, "420": 0.034820556640625, "177": 0.043670654296875, "866": 0.09613037109375, "5368": 0.059783935546875, "201939": 0.1199951171875, "6226": 0.1341552734375, "176866": 0.10479736328125} |
6841927 | Transtheoretical model-based multiple behavior intervention for weight management: effectiveness on a population basis. | BACKGROUND The increasing prevalence of overweight and obesity underscores the need for evidence-based, easily disseminable interventions for weight management that can be delivered on a population basis. The Transtheoretical Model (TTM) offers a promising theoretical framework for multiple behavior weight management interventions. METHODS Overweight or obese adults (BMI 25-39.9; n=1277) were randomized to no-treatment control or home-based, stage-matched multiple behavior interventions for up to three behaviors related to weight management at 0, 3, 6, and 9 months. All participants were re-assessed at 6, 12, and 24 months. RESULTS Significant treatment effects were found for healthy eating (47.5% versus 34.3%), exercise (44.90% versus 38.10%), managing emotional distress (49.7% versus 30.30%), and untreated fruit and vegetable intake (48.5% versus 39.0%) progressing to Action/Maintenance at 24 months. The groups differed on weight lost at 24 months. Co-variation of behavior change occurred and was much more pronounced in the treatment group, where individuals progressing to Action/Maintenance for a single behavior were 2.5-5 times more likely to make progress on another behavior. The impact of the multiple behavior intervention was more than three times that of single behavior interventions. CONCLUSIONS This study demonstrates the ability of TTM-based tailored feedback to improve healthy eating, exercise, managing emotional distress, and weight on a population basis. The treatment produced a high level of population impact that future multiple behavior interventions can seek to surpass. | {"8678": 0.07110595703125, "20572": 0.0498046875, "136498": 0.09210205078125, "118055": 0.08795166015625, "151497": 0.117431640625, "645": 0.1470947265625, "165598": 0.29052734375, "136": 0.046905517578125, "150009": 0.2120361328125, "2481": 0.0584716796875, "1379": 0.00299072265625, "12064": 0.01070404052734375, "2109": 0.00012052059173583984, "3871": 0.05914306640625, "77950": 0.149169921875, "9": 0.01483154296875, "77007": 0.115966796875, "72546": 0.0792236328125, "4504": 0.0269317626953125, "1249": 0.058990478515625, "113449": 0.22265625, "57888": 0.2445068359375, "24365": 0.2103271484375, "831": 0.0389404296875, "75060": 0.08990478515625, "98": 0.01476287841796875, "43904": 0.11279296875, "18231": 0.171630859375, "11062": 0.154052734375, "2347": 0.161376953125, "4524": 0.1685791015625, "70760": 0.07647705078125, "13293": 0.2392578125, "618": 0.1337890625, "10111": 0.29931640625, "64600": 0.0625, "64004": 0.1385498046875, "70": 0.01486968994140625, "170846": 0.1571044921875, "48716": 0.2393798828125, "123166": 0.266845703125, "33677": 0.11700439453125, "193792": 0.07098388671875, "9578": 0.164794921875, "707": 0.0850830078125, "13": 0.01428985595703125, "116127": 0.1939697265625, "15": 0.01485443115234375, "571": 0.063232421875, "10101": 0.2344970703125, "714": 0.13720703125, "8316": 0.1007080078125, "176652": 0.1728515625, "74": 0.01477813720703125, "3768": 0.0916748046875, "36076": 0.0202178955078125, "96759": 0.119873046875, "29367": 0.01493072509765625, "110": 0.072509765625, "2921": 0.1610107421875, "257": 0.012603759765625, "674": 0.01483154296875, "6226": 0.0926513671875, "5368": 0.0765380859375, "4": 0.01488494873046875, "36541": 0.10888671875, "98753": 0.08734130859375, "297": 0.01508331298828125, "7": 0.01495361328125, "1257": 0.006244659423828125, "47": 0.025146484375, "17262": 0.1456298828125, "99": 0.01419830322265625, "757": 0.0849609375, "138": 0.0576171875, "305": 0.080078125, "483": 0.08355712890625, "21775": 0.1444091796875, "3164": 0.003055572509765625, "56480": 0.0924072265625, "3542": 0.01465606689453125, "456": 0.091552734375, "35055": 0.1630859375, "5281": 0.01502227783203125, "427": 0.06060791015625, "744": 0.1156005859375, "218849": 0.09600830078125, "294": 0.01419830322265625, "48838": 0.051055908203125, "14486": 0.01413726806640625, "1236": 0.01495361328125, "39734": 0.2225341796875, "93425": 0.2177734375, "14037": 0.063232421875, "100": 0.0836181640625, "87349": 0.1900634765625, "118992": 0.2147216796875, "13330": 0.08197021484375, "5": 0.01502227783203125, "13465": 0.1431884765625, "119475": 0.06744384765625, "86083": 0.033721923828125, "11587": 0.099853515625, "247": 0.01494598388671875, "81979": 0.25732421875, "12465": 0.052825927734375, "100432": 0.11224365234375, "4520": 0.045440673828125, "46751": 0.049530029296875, "332": 0.136962890625, "66398": 0.05267333984375, "88965": 0.236572265625, "45": 0.09930419921875, "95650": 0.25048828125, "12977": 0.059356689453125, "14427": 0.0137939453125, "496": 0.0144195556640625, "66409": 0.08831787109375, "51": 0.04901123046875, "27686": 0.01494598388671875, "41896": 0.1744384765625, "55670": 0.11468505859375, "2661": 0.0148162841796875, "23": 0.014984130859375, "78219": 0.003002166748046875, "9285": 0.023468017578125, "5606": 0.0139007568359375, "16": 0.014251708984375, "42658": 0.1597900390625, "214": 0.0149383544921875, "57945": 0.15478515625, "64": 0.0435791015625, "168793": 0.03692626953125, "510": 0.0731201171875, "7154": 0.01490020751953125, "94407": 0.130615234375, "129927": 0.12469482421875, "72856": 0.1346435546875, "1311": 0.09716796875, "21690": 0.1541748046875, "2320": 0.01490020751953125, "111": 0.0149078369140625, "15549": 0.148193359375, "74918": 0.0265350341796875, "2822": 0.0147857666015625, "509": 0.0128021240234375, "5045": 0.0034503936767578125, "1286": 0.059661865234375, "97160": 0.005847930908203125, "309": 0.01483154296875, "37534": 0.01499176025390625, "21115": 0.09576416015625, "79165": 0.049530029296875, "10": 0.01497650146484375, "11001": 0.10223388671875, "27804": 0.10113525390625, "10342": 0.0870361328125, "47041": 0.15478515625, "3249": 0.00885772705078125, "15700": 0.06805419921875, "581": 0.00949859619140625, "24725": 0.1903076171875, "3501": 0.0149688720703125, "20028": 0.0789794921875, "450": 0.034820556640625, "37486": 0.040985107421875, "35187": 0.05133056640625, "106804": 0.0136260986328125, "90": 0.01488494873046875, "81273": 0.10498046875, "384": 0.1317138671875, "3632": 0.1673583984375, "58269": 0.2332763671875, "52295": 0.18017578125, "181653": 0.031280517578125, "11192": 0.035552978515625, "17366": 0.0022830963134765625, "22690": 0.052703857421875, "343": 0.01165771484375, "613": 0.0219573974609375, "13409": 0.076171875} |
6847208 | Autoinduction and signal transduction in the regulation of staphylococcal virulence. | The accessory genes of Staphylococcus aureus, including those involved in pathogenesis, are controlled by a complex regulatory network that includes at least four two-component systems, one of which, agr, is a quorum sensor, an alternative sigma factor and a large set of transcription factors, including at least two of the superantigen genes, tst and seb. These regulatory genes are hypothesized to act in a time- and population density-dependent manner to integrate signals received from the external environment with the internal metabolic machinery of the cell, in order to achieve the production of particular subsets of accessory/virulence factors at the time and in quantities that are appropriate to the needs of the organism at any given location. From the standpoint of pathogenesis, the regulatory agenda is presumably tuned to particular sites in the host organism. To address this hypothesis, it will be necessary to understand in considerable detail the regulatory interactions among the organism's numerous controlling systems. This review is an attempt to integrate a large body of data into the beginnings of a model that will hopefully help to guide research towards a full-scale test. | {"97841": 0.24267578125, "1294": 0.1788330078125, "22293": 0.22607421875, "7": 0.0748291015625, "111": 0.0194854736328125, "6512": 0.1529541015625, "34053": 0.1676025390625, "55043": 0.0880126953125, "6652": 0.11248779296875, "11680": 0.1275634765625, "9090": 0.1502685546875, "19005": 0.19921875, "75412": 0.11688232421875, "60875": 0.14404296875, "62976": 0.1434326171875, "90": 0.1072998046875, "164": 0.07879638671875, "621": 0.03082275390625, "6226": 0.2197265625, "6259": 0.1258544921875, "27140": 0.1363525390625, "144314": 0.268798828125, "33120": 0.16455078125, "96853": 0.0191497802734375, "19713": 0.03460693359375, "22759": 0.1378173828125, "6626": 0.10577392578125, "277": 0.059722900390625, "54137": 0.16748046875, "76519": 0.1710205078125, "10": 0.08306884765625, "3964": 0.2333984375, "83": 0.018035888671875, "91659": 0.22021484375, "43111": 0.237548828125, "30700": 0.145751953125, "1144": 0.12261962890625, "192": 0.156005859375, "31461": 0.1512451171875, "30334": 0.037322998046875, "59478": 0.09295654296875, "120103": 0.131103515625, "1601": 0.11993408203125, "5772": 0.12237548828125, "1409": 0.125244140625, "808": 0.052490234375, "271": 0.1357421875, "136": 0.0169677734375, "40": 0.11968994140625, "275": 0.14013671875, "170933": 0.11968994140625, "27992": 0.08258056640625, "1733": 0.09051513671875, "43904": 0.10400390625, "168": 0.07757568359375, "181063": 0.10516357421875, "78779": 0.16357421875, "26073": 0.1624755859375, "75204": 0.032501220703125, "173591": 0.096923828125, "65998": 0.09234619140625, "678": 0.0013246536254882812, "70796": 0.09002685546875, "93447": 0.1365966796875, "36279": 0.0740966796875, "38750": 0.11627197265625, "69307": 0.0980224609375, "36049": 0.087646484375, "17311": 0.05010986328125, "1614": 0.022918701171875, "7203": 0.0036373138427734375, "202": 0.047149658203125, "102134": 0.06573486328125, "95307": 0.04107666015625, "27117": 0.100830078125, "25150": 0.1884765625, "31913": 0.063232421875, "29361": 0.197509765625, "44136": 0.0264434814453125, "8230": 0.1461181640625, "15271": 0.07781982421875, "27980": 0.131103515625, "29823": 0.05316162109375, "6023": 0.002712249755859375, "1221": 0.0020427703857421875, "63559": 0.0163116455078125, "28219": 0.054718017578125, "182809": 0.1229248046875, "183851": 0.07568359375, "2069": 0.09600830078125, "8347": 0.11798095703125, "81887": 0.050537109375, "2053": 0.047882080078125, "86595": 0.0394287109375, "3299": 0.1346435546875, "219736": 0.0257720947265625, "25188": 0.0249786376953125, "4393": 0.01512908935546875, "57965": 0.0545654296875, "3034": 0.1295166015625} |
6853699 | Macrophages in the Pathogenesis of Atherosclerosis | In atherosclerosis, the accumulation of apolipoprotein B-lipoproteins in the matrix beneath the endothelial cell layer of blood vessels leads to the recruitment of monocytes, the cells of the immune system that give rise to macrophages and dendritic cells. Macrophages derived from these recruited monocytes participate in a maladaptive, nonresolving inflammatory response that expands the subendothelial layer due to the accumulation of cells, lipid, and matrix. Some lesions subsequently form a necrotic core, triggering acute thrombotic vascular disease, including myocardial infarction, stroke, and sudden cardiac death. This Review discusses the central roles of macrophages in each of these stages of disease pathogenesis. | {"360": 0.09417724609375, "99": 0.1329345703125, "90865": 0.2061767578125, "10382": 0.136474609375, "603": 0.1661376953125, "84125": 0.238525390625, "183278": 0.1392822265625, "6885": 0.114013671875, "112114": 0.1708984375, "80000": 0.197021484375, "73": 0.046875, "335": 0.12042236328125, "5425": 0.041046142578125, "50944": 0.169921875, "425": 0.08935546875, "9149": 0.0266876220703125, "10519": 0.10101318359375, "22": 0.0435791015625, "15464": 0.0780029296875, "54140": 0.1851806640625, "289": 0.022064208984375, "38750": 0.213623046875, "135355": 0.17041015625, "59714": 0.1162109375, "53678": 0.1448974609375, "41204": 0.055511474609375, "37105": 0.1063232421875, "172310": 0.1943359375, "22460": 0.1744384765625, "2408": 0.198486328125, "1636": 0.163818359375, "43766": 0.178466796875, "5426": 0.13134765625, "8337": 0.0034236907958984375, "58944": 0.10260009765625, "111789": 0.208984375, "14612": 0.283203125, "4188": 0.2135009765625, "136": 0.0118865966796875, "8": 0.0992431640625, "29887": 0.1513671875, "9523": 0.1356201171875, "4727": 0.11212158203125, "28437": 0.1201171875, "126422": 0.241943359375, "16406": 0.0576171875, "42938": 0.1090087890625, "960": 0.06744384765625, "113235": 0.1871337890625, "351": 0.055450439453125, "132944": 0.0860595703125, "41036": 0.10809326171875, "18023": 0.07135009765625, "57553": 0.1048583984375, "71062": 0.1138916015625, "1614": 0.11126708984375, "4017": 0.06396484375, "2347": 0.1324462890625, "150": 0.11102294921875, "202951": 0.1278076171875, "199": 0.08782958984375, "17514": 0.0635986328125, "3173": 0.066162109375, "108": 0.07977294921875, "15322": 0.1710205078125, "56458": 0.1915283203125, "185553": 0.178955078125, "214": 0.0029544830322265625, "85691": 0.1436767578125, "42294": 0.10687255859375, "7567": 0.11322021484375, "4191": 0.1077880859375, "25667": 0.102294921875, "70997": 0.1397705078125, "26719": 0.004756927490234375, "759": 0.036773681640625, "38931": 0.15478515625, "23": 0.041961669921875, "3814": 0.169189453125, "120472": 0.1593017578125, "8932": 0.060821533203125, "165441": 0.17431640625, "47219": 0.151123046875, "3293": 0.032623291015625, "35881": 0.209716796875, "45252": 0.060699462890625, "9879": 0.188720703125, "31486": 0.1962890625, "111": 0.0241241455078125, "12638": 0.05145263671875, "6097": 0.07958984375, "36541": 0.1611328125, "60875": 0.1158447265625, "62976": 0.197265625, "90": 0.0966796875, "164": 0.01251220703125} |
6863070 | Three-dimensional superresolution colocalization of intracellular protein superstructures and the cell surface in live Caulobacter crescentus. | Recently, single-molecule imaging and photocontrol have enabled superresolution optical microscopy of cellular structures beyond Abbe's diffraction limit, extending the frontier of noninvasive imaging of structures within living cells. However, live-cell superresolution imaging has been challenged by the need to image three-dimensional (3D) structures relative to their biological context, such as the cellular membrane. We have developed a technique, termed superresolution by power-dependent active intermittency and points accumulation for imaging in nanoscale topography (SPRAIPAINT) that combines imaging of intracellular enhanced YFP (eYFP) fusions (SPRAI) with stochastic localization of the cell surface (PAINT) to image two different fluorophores sequentially with only one laser. Simple light-induced blinking of eYFP and collisional flux onto the cell surface by Nile red are used to achieve single-molecule localizations, without any antibody labeling, cell membrane permeabilization, or thiol-oxygen scavenger systems required. Here we demonstrate live-cell 3D superresolution imaging of Crescentin-eYFP, a cytoskeletal fluorescent protein fusion, colocalized with the surface of the bacterium Caulobacter crescentus using a double-helix point spread function microscope. Three-dimensional colocalization of intracellular protein structures and the cell surface with superresolution optical microscopy opens the door for the analysis of protein interactions in living cells with excellent precision (20-40 nm in 3D) over a large field of view (12 12 μm). | {"169549": 0.035003662109375, "538": 0.007549285888671875, "11001": 0.17724609375, "432": 0.042083740234375, "133": 0.127685546875, "75449": 0.10589599609375, "86898": 0.231689453125, "177": 0.055816650390625, "136": 0.007205963134765625, "16186": 0.044342041015625, "81988": 0.188720703125, "225081": 0.0792236328125, "1601": 0.171875, "107": 0.179443359375, "166589": 0.259033203125, "233": 0.145263671875, "70760": 0.00722503662109375, "11948": 0.118896484375, "7": 0.0335693359375, "137366": 0.12103271484375, "2927": 0.12127685546875, "120087": 0.1251220703125, "45646": 0.2039794921875, "107314": 0.0276336669921875, "3157": 0.1246337890625, "372": 0.169921875, "45755": 0.05084228515625, "175921": 0.12060546875, "17475": 0.155029296875, "65042": 0.03668212890625, "70": 0.007717132568359375, "12912": 0.0199127197265625, "111": 0.007671356201171875, "351": 0.0226287841796875, "330": 0.07916259765625, "29888": 0.007022857666015625, "28032": 0.05859375, "38043": 0.1297607421875, "38750": 0.1807861328125, "33306": 0.00949859619140625, "4": 0.007495880126953125, "6867": 0.1568603515625, "34680": 0.2120361328125, "2809": 0.006786346435546875, "66801": 0.1295166015625, "71": 0.00749969482421875, "3871": 0.0081024169921875, "29569": 0.1636962890625, "17262": 0.1256103515625, "9": 0.00750732421875, "157955": 0.1861572265625, "6896": 0.1290283203125, "397": 0.1734619140625, "16": 0.00746917724609375, "35845": 0.0004901885986328125, "47": 0.007183074951171875, "333": 0.01812744140625, "109622": 0.0149993896484375, "43701": 0.10418701171875, "6044": 0.00428009033203125, "237": 0.006317138671875, "107834": 0.166259765625, "13": 0.06744384765625, "1401": 0.003787994384765625, "126809": 0.09246826171875, "61353": 0.2021484375, "390": 0.042144775390625, "14537": 0.1441650390625, "181063": 0.174560546875, "36457": 0.11383056640625, "1940": 0.039947509765625, "116119": 0.1212158203125, "2408": 0.007343292236328125, "26847": 0.1412353515625, "183278": 0.14697265625, "1363": 0.0075225830078125, "100": 0.00750732421875, "23": 0.007335662841796875, "24": 0.0826416015625, "2245": 0.06646728515625, "57965": 0.1265869140625, "2663": 0.1097412109375, "87168": 0.07550048828125, "125757": 0.1622314453125, "82509": 0.154541015625, "59537": 0.2177734375, "70163": 0.08575439453125, "18440": 0.09454345703125, "8969": 0.1392822265625, "156856": 0.08502197265625, "990": 0.0723876953125, "51006": 0.239501953125, "1723": 0.09619140625, "119485": 0.236083984375, "9434": 0.0467529296875, "103735": 0.2237548828125, "3474": 0.0283050537109375, "1436": 0.1131591796875, "28692": 0.007373809814453125, "4000": 0.169921875, "47691": 0.08233642578125, "71579": 0.1500244140625, "12236": 0.11468505859375, "6626": 0.06402587890625, "12921": 8.07046890258789e-05, "127179": 0.1470947265625, "31": 0.00374603271484375, "139006": 0.1741943359375, "90": 0.00765228271484375, "243228": 0.045135498046875, "25958": 0.00771331787109375, "678": 0.006526947021484375, "4734": 0.03228759765625, "1632": 0.004852294921875, "32030": 0.1715087890625, "60552": 0.0750732421875, "22729": 0.124755859375, "18442": 0.07769775390625, "37534": 0.0074615478515625, "158927": 0.20166015625, "28": 0.06976318359375, "61770": 0.1387939453125, "30283": 0.00734710693359375, "85679": 0.15625, "98": 0.007221221923828125, "188": 0.007251739501953125, "1520": 0.135009765625, "4842": 0.128662109375, "621": 0.00638580322265625, "11814": 0.02081298828125, "69307": 0.05078125, "15490": 0.036102294921875, "2499": 0.007320404052734375, "2874": 0.052337646484375, "37873": 0.06591796875, "67967": 0.166748046875, "214": 0.007648468017578125, "282": 0.074951171875, "16144": 0.0268402099609375, "6117": 0.08099365234375, "929": 0.0196380615234375, "76634": 0.10626220703125, "1409": 0.00705718994140625, "8216": 0.1314697265625, "12060": 0.006465911865234375, "76519": 0.01187896728515625, "106804": 0.06103515625, "138": 0.1610107421875, "41802": 0.11138916015625, "150506": 0.17724609375, "73": 0.180419921875, "10": 0.007579803466796875, "145482": 0.1231689453125, "289": 0.0075836181640625, "21308": 0.21533203125, "48370": 0.1748046875, "141": 0.0830078125, "29367": 0.00711822509765625, "174855": 0.1781005859375, "60570": 0.12744140625, "365": 0.10650634765625, "49369": 0.143310546875, "100104": 0.1429443359375, "19": 0.0274658203125, "2143": 0.1375732421875, "41929": 0.02117919921875, "54140": 0.06103515625, "425": 0.005504608154296875, "6275": 0.11224365234375, "93403": 0.11358642578125, "32354": 0.09942626953125, "70820": 0.1104736328125, "129335": 0.1483154296875, "9803": 0.024871826171875, "1911": 0.082763671875, "114137": 0.10272216796875, "182809": 0.12152099609375, "40881": 0.058929443359375, "22619": 0.10870361328125, "1830": 0.00769805908203125, "28583": 0.004871368408203125, "41734": 0.061981201171875, "39": 0.041351318359375, "21455": 0.07550048828125, "427": 0.0021533966064453125, "15247": 0.0086669921875} |
6876224 | Overweight prevalence among youth in the United States: Why so many different numbers? | Several recent publications have presented different estimates for the prevalence of overweight among youth in the United States. Prevalence estimates range from 11–24%, despite describing the same results from the third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III). This paper discusses the variety and evolution of different overweight prevalence estimates. Issues of definition, measurements, criteria selection and comparison groups are considered and implications for estimates of the prevalence of overweight among youth are explored. Reference percentiles for body mass index (BMI) from several publications are compared. The differences in published estimates from NHANES III are noted and explained. | {"17309": 0.0279693603515625, "104345": 0.12396240234375, "8121": 0.00392913818359375, "71": 0.01348876953125, "12921": 0.1351318359375, "25902": 0.2166748046875, "1636": 0.072021484375, "151497": 0.2244873046875, "3956": 0.07220458984375, "111": 0.037353515625, "645": 0.2000732421875, "165598": 0.31787109375, "54940": 0.051300048828125, "156206": 0.263671875, "70": 0.01346588134765625, "14098": 0.08868408203125, "46684": 0.13720703125, "1914": 0.09991455078125, "1405": 0.1676025390625, "6620": 0.059326171875, "37457": 0.0755615234375, "1295": 0.01297760009765625, "534": 0.0814208984375, "1104": 0.038055419921875, "2357": 0.1337890625, "29094": 0.0022258758544921875, "8": 0.01335906982421875, "28852": 0.00971221923828125, "23709": 0.013671875, "5701": 0.027618408203125, "50339": 0.057098388671875, "50960": 0.12066650390625, "9907": 0.035064697265625, "19102": 0.10748291015625, "191699": 0.13427734375, "11": 0.03985595703125, "91407": 0.009552001953125, "181842": 0.09820556640625, "839": 0.0252685546875, "24338": 0.1497802734375, "6706": 0.172119140625, "4830": 0.166259765625, "15122": 0.078369140625, "45252": 0.027008056640625, "96551": 0.1981201171875, "28": 0.0545654296875, "137089": 0.18994140625, "223317": 0.0092315673828125, "7": 0.01351165771484375, "80934": 0.0970458984375, "72350": 0.1253662109375, "9035": 0.01355743408203125, "4": 0.0126190185546875, "55738": 0.081787109375, "132216": 0.09527587890625, "136": 0.01311492919921875, "225490": 0.06890869140625, "94407": 0.0631103515625, "621": 0.0134735107421875, "17914": 0.08349609375, "5256": 0.01342010498046875, "100": 0.0127105712890625, "88898": 0.024169921875, "215996": 0.11614990234375, "33297": 0.0933837890625, "1340": 0.085205078125, "14361": 0.10736083984375, "46889": 0.08819580078125, "63262": 0.1348876953125, "571": 0.07916259765625, "10101": 0.2081298828125, "16": 0.0132598876953125, "40368": 0.01259613037109375, "154186": 0.09991455078125, "60212": 0.1395263671875, "23": 0.0042266845703125, "91376": 0.1087646484375, "541": 0.0219573974609375, "959": 0.005290985107421875, "297": 0.01355743408203125, "189050": 0.0684814453125} |
6896063 | Senescence and aging: the critical roles of p53 | p53 functions as a transcription factor involved in cell-cycle control, DNA repair, apoptosis and cellular stress responses. However, besides inducing cell growth arrest and apoptosis, p53 activation also modulates cellular senescence and organismal aging. Senescence is an irreversible cell-cycle arrest that has a crucial role both in aging and as a robust physiological antitumor response, which counteracts oncogenic insults. Therefore, via the regulation of senescence, p53 contributes to tumor growth suppression, in a manner strictly dependent by its expression and cellular context. In this review, we focus on the recent advances on the contribution of p53 to cellular senescence and its implication for cancer therapy, and we will discuss p53’s impact on animal lifespan. Moreover, we describe p53-mediated regulation of several physiological pathways that could mediate its role in both senescence and aging. | {"915": 0.1741943359375, "14226": 0.35400390625, "32354": 0.18408203125, "7": 0.015228271484375, "237": 0.09136962890625, "30334": 0.1087646484375, "59478": 0.1702880859375, "31461": 0.1904296875, "75412": 0.099365234375, "38750": 0.1416015625, "75457": 0.1597900390625, "6226": 0.169677734375, "27583": 0.09942626953125, "121461": 0.1260986328125, "6885": 0.0679931640625, "40934": 0.1236572265625, "6023": 0.07843017578125, "2927": 0.1090087890625, "120087": 0.1456298828125, "11405": 0.12078857421875, "57553": 0.12646484375, "33306": 0.040374755859375, "135989": 0.1497802734375, "75678": 0.1572265625, "34784": 0.2159423828125, "136": 0.041595458984375, "34704": 0.1502685546875, "1363": 0.0199127197265625, "2843": 0.011260986328125, "17055": 0.1893310546875, "63614": 0.07757568359375, "40": 0.1602783203125, "132300": 0.2196044921875, "6620": 0.1444091796875, "25150": 0.078369140625, "66398": 0.193359375, "4311": 0.1895751953125, "6964": 0.17626953125, "83": 0.02435302734375, "66617": 0.02569580078125, "814": 0.0980224609375, "55356": 0.0771484375, "106157": 0.09942626953125, "31486": 0.1328125, "60627": 0.09649658203125, "240877": 0.09674072265625, "137043": 0.07244873046875, "2874": 0.0667724609375, "2555": 0.1337890625, "105416": 0.1085205078125, "47013": 0.05120849609375, "98": 0.06304931640625, "587": 0.0311279296875, "429": 0.066162109375, "100567": 0.1715087890625, "228072": 0.01349639892578125, "1829": 0.040130615234375, "15913": 0.2193603515625, "162466": 0.17431640625, "57412": 0.2113037109375, "15811": 0.10211181640625, "48448": 0.1875, "108750": 0.07415771484375, "125195": 0.1146240234375, "43701": 0.0259857177734375, "903": 0.022552490234375, "8347": 0.09259033203125, "32153": 0.07745361328125, "17309": 0.06060791015625, "129745": 0.103271484375, "127752": 0.14697265625, "111": 0.039703369140625, "47": 0.09844970703125, "17914": 0.0860595703125, "27968": 0.1973876953125, "106864": 0.1705322265625, "642": 0.01462554931640625, "1221": 0.0165863037109375, "45252": 0.016571044921875, "24725": 0.1661376953125, "26249": 0.2166748046875, "6897": 0.1287841796875, "19332": 0.1795654296875, "98363": 0.032073974609375, "12333": 0.1390380859375, "40368": 0.036041259765625, "60875": 0.10333251953125, "102966": 0.09619140625, "5809": 0.08013916015625, "2450": 0.163330078125, "6863": 0.03759765625, "15044": 0.024627685546875} |
6903077 | Asymmetric cryo-EM reconstruction of phage MS2 reveals genome structure in situ | In single-stranded ribonucleic acid (RNA) viruses, virus capsid assembly and genome packaging are intertwined processes. Using cryo-electron microscopy and single particle analysis we determined the asymmetric virion structure of bacteriophage MS2, which includes 178 copies of the coat protein, a single copy of the A-protein and the RNA genome. This reveals that in situ, the viral RNA genome can adopt a defined conformation. The RNA forms a branched network of stem-loops that almost all allocate near the capsid inner surface, while predominantly binding to coat protein dimers that are located in one-half of the capsid. This suggests that genomic RNA is highly involved in genome packaging and virion assembly. | {"360": 0.00530242919921875, "11001": 0.1475830078125, "58526": 0.1622314453125, "297": 0.01288604736328125, "105598": 0.129150390625, "539": 0.024932861328125, "11030": 0.0341796875, "43840": 0.06842041015625, "125499": 0.28759765625, "14994": 0.2001953125, "90": 0.0283355712890625, "3540": 0.166015625, "5151": 0.180419921875, "89845": 0.1688232421875, "38526": 0.03265380859375, "8584": 0.1923828125, "13": 0.1221923828125, "196163": 0.253662109375, "621": 0.0153656005859375, "1940": 0.040374755859375, "9494": 0.10284423828125, "9433": 0.103515625, "91190": 0.08392333984375, "100184": 0.0380859375, "1900": 0.062286376953125, "11948": 0.0090179443359375, "137366": 0.050933837890625, "136": 0.0217437744140625, "26147": 0.05914306640625, "114137": 0.044647216796875, "83324": 0.06732177734375, "70": 0.004611968994140625, "10": 0.0699462890625, "230612": 0.210205078125, "1017": 0.1331787109375, "1830": 0.164306640625, "45646": 0.1832275390625, "174855": 0.1304931640625, "2146": 0.07855224609375, "126422": 0.1732177734375, "16265": 0.1492919921875, "304": 0.1976318359375, "4": 0.00441741943359375, "96853": 0.085693359375, "68388": 0.207763671875, "71200": 0.1888427734375, "7": 0.004703521728515625, "111": 0.004741668701171875, "5798": 0.154052734375, "18": 0.059051513671875, "21308": 0.2105712890625, "43658": 0.0699462890625, "62": 0.09625244140625, "80000": 0.1695556640625, "73": 0.004215240478515625, "122273": 0.0265350341796875, "23": 0.0046234130859375, "24311": 0.06744384765625, "88254": 0.2010498046875, "831": 0.07244873046875, "30666": 0.08709716796875, "61924": 0.13330078125, "71": 0.004680633544921875, "19911": 0.2061767578125, "2320": 0.0045623779296875, "3173": 0.1298828125, "90356": 0.11859130859375, "33120": 0.1363525390625, "36418": 0.150390625, "28354": 0.1611328125, "450": 0.00447845458984375, "39555": 0.032867431640625, "24286": 0.1163330078125, "33478": 0.0027141571044921875, "43573": 0.01110076904296875, "75414": 0.10791015625, "71579": 0.10205078125, "156531": 0.06915283203125, "660": 0.00447845458984375, "538": 0.004543304443359375, "6": 0.004547119140625, "128239": 0.1671142578125, "47": 0.004016876220703125, "45": 0.11029052734375, "31648": 0.1468505859375, "105866": 0.055908203125, "9": 0.004180908203125, "4200": 0.06988525390625, "420": 0.004734039306640625, "42459": 0.047149658203125, "1771": 0.088623046875, "83": 0.004199981689453125, "103210": 0.107421875, "75412": 0.1630859375} |
6910577 | Harnessing transposons for cancer gene discovery | Recently, it has become possible to mobilize the Tc1/mariner transposon, Sleeping Beauty (SB), in mouse somatic cells at frequencies high enough to induce cancer. Tumours result from SB insertional mutagenesis of cancer genes, thus facilitating the identification of the genes and signalling pathways that drive tumour formation. A conditional SB transposition system has also been developed that makes it possible to limit where SB mutagenesis occurs, providing a means to selectively model many types of human cancer. SB mutagenesis has already identified a large collection of known cancer genes in addition to a plethora of new candidate cancer genes and potential drug targets. | {"169549": 0.07861328125, "1556": 0.027740478515625, "24209": 0.09356689453125, "7722": 0.17236328125, "47": 0.03045654296875, "37110": 0.1920166015625, "731": 0.104248046875, "70": 0.0178680419921875, "384": 0.0928955078125, "238": 0.1214599609375, "50412": 0.1490478515625, "44503": 0.169677734375, "56": 0.10992431640625, "3900": 0.1771240234375, "771": 0.1417236328125, "1681": 0.166748046875, "132140": 0.2259521484375, "214": 0.19970703125, "48882": 0.300048828125, "36474": 0.2430419921875, "23": 0.06036376953125, "114669": 0.217529296875, "221": 0.11749267578125, "47148": 0.1707763671875, "38750": 0.183837890625, "12478": 0.1328125, "944": 0.08026123046875, "11192": 0.11651611328125, "20174": 0.039459228515625, "135989": 0.2056884765625, "27968": 0.2548828125, "23596": 0.17822265625, "34639": 0.1895751953125, "7": 0.032196044921875, "16750": 0.172607421875, "1295": 0.06097412109375, "90944": 0.23291015625, "28046": 0.1292724609375, "43315": 0.020416259765625, "53664": 0.1907958984375, "15292": 0.181396484375, "6023": 0.08221435546875, "22293": 0.1907958984375, "33493": 0.1846923828125, "1916": 0.0017976760864257812, "221160": 0.1954345703125, "26073": 0.10223388671875, "60875": 0.0740966796875, "102966": 0.065673828125, "450": 0.00637054443359375, "22648": 0.1595458984375, "10029": 0.1754150390625, "27643": 0.1455078125, "35431": 0.176025390625, "289": 0.06414794921875, "40322": 0.1695556640625, "5426": 0.1673583984375, "126809": 0.1353759765625, "30482": 0.0192413330078125, "17475": 0.1591796875, "74918": 0.08612060546875, "101904": 0.0267181396484375, "26950": 0.0307159423828125, "36849": 0.0762939453125, "3299": 0.18798828125, "5941": 0.05633544921875, "52895": 0.1407470703125, "14135": 0.0909423828125, "21771": 0.09515380859375, "207487": 0.195556640625, "21334": 0.060546875, "42486": 0.1085205078125, "51529": 0.1561279296875, "66044": 0.01204681396484375, "54572": 0.02447509765625, "27102": 0.0201568603515625, "3525": 0.02490234375, "25469": 0.1397705078125, "38516": 0.0986328125, "48683": 0.11016845703125, "30388": 0.113525390625} |
6913227 | MicroRNA-Containing T-Regulatory-Cell-Derived Exosomes Suppress Pathogenic T Helper 1 Cells | Foxp3(+) T regulatory (Treg) cells prevent inflammatory disease but the mechanistic basis of suppression is not understood completely. Gene silencing by RNA interference can act in a cell-autonomous and non-cell-autonomous manner, providing mechanisms of intercellular regulation. Here, we demonstrate that non-cell-autonomous gene silencing, mediated by miRNA-containing exosomes, is a mechanism employed by Treg cells to suppress T-cell-mediated disease. Treg cells transferred microRNAs (miRNA) to various immune cells, including T helper 1 (Th1) cells, suppressing Th1 cell proliferation and cytokine secretion. Use of Dicer-deficient or Rab27a and Rab27b double-deficient Treg cells to disrupt miRNA biogenesis or the exosomal pathway, respectively, established a requirement for miRNAs and exosomes for Treg-cell-mediated suppression. Transcriptional analysis and miRNA inhibitor studies showed that exosome-mediated transfer of Let-7d from Treg cell to Th1 cells contributed to suppression and prevention of systemic disease. These studies reveal a mechanism of Treg-cell-mediated suppression mediated by miRNA-containing exosomes. | {"49049": 0.1258544921875, "254": 0.10723876953125, "363": 0.1533203125, "102817": 0.158203125, "384": 0.17431640625, "144314": 0.228515625, "618": 0.06640625, "10901": 0.2265625, "38750": 0.2037353515625, "56282": 0.1502685546875, "41036": 0.10687255859375, "18023": 0.09625244140625, "31667": 0.0212554931640625, "70997": 0.1585693359375, "1284": 0.00337982177734375, "74842": 0.1119384765625, "48242": 0.01494598388671875, "18231": 0.0732421875, "15811": 0.1474609375, "48448": 0.1846923828125, "217064": 0.042236328125, "46980": 0.200927734375, "154628": 0.2294921875, "449": 0.12060546875, "125499": 0.239990234375, "193943": 0.1536865234375, "3956": 0.005748748779296875, "831": 0.041351318359375, "27992": 0.0439453125, "8913": 0.08343505859375, "1687": 0.07037353515625, "351": 0.112548828125, "34680": 0.1488037109375, "101904": 0.042144775390625, "191619": 0.198486328125, "1940": 0.043487548828125, "8969": 0.07904052734375, "120087": 0.050262451171875, "15913": 0.219482421875, "106804": 0.0163421630859375, "22293": 0.200927734375, "2450": 0.1416015625, "324": 0.09716796875, "98102": 0.045379638671875, "1119": 0.0767822265625, "6781": 0.1461181640625, "212423": 0.06732177734375, "4804": 0.2154541015625, "177": 0.16650390625, "47": 0.00505828857421875, "11856": 0.1761474609375, "12333": 0.1455078125, "12302": 0.08575439453125, "11948": 0.060272216796875, "266": 0.07952880859375, "67842": 0.01184844970703125, "43766": 0.09588623046875, "4358": 0.1783447265625, "106": 0.0180206298828125, "20800": 0.061187744140625, "17727": 0.0740966796875, "6003": 0.09149169921875, "418": 0.05731201171875, "215447": 0.09063720703125, "6448": 0.0638427734375, "23410": 0.044769287109375, "803": 0.046966552734375, "3443": 0.1309814453125, "110410": 0.183349609375, "62171": 0.08990478515625, "3768": 0.1256103515625, "275": 0.0243072509765625, "41929": 0.021881103515625, "226586": 0.116943359375, "15292": 0.06781005859375, "60875": 0.021240234375, "64209": 0.06396484375, "173702": 0.09661865234375, "43452": 0.1427001953125, "10842": 0.0736083984375, "16709": 0.0699462890625, "71": 0.06561279296875, "162466": 0.03753662109375, "479": 0.036834716796875, "57241": 0.05340576171875, "5426": 0.045989990234375, "3716": 0.010589599609375} |
6917133 | Estimating risk curves for first-degree relatives of patients with Alzheimer’s disease: The REVEAL study | Purpose: The REVEAL study is a randomized, controlled study of the psychological and behavioral impact of APOE disclosure in a risk assessment protocol provided to first degree relatives of patients with Alzheimer’s disease. The protocol presents risk information as cumulative incidence curves. This article describes how these curves were estimated. Methods: Curves were calculated using Bayes’ rule to compute the posterior survival curves incorporating APOE information. Results: A combination of survival data from the MIRAGE study and gender- and age-specific APOE odds ratios were used to create risk curves for males and females within each of the 6 APOE genotypes. Conclusion: Utilizing comparative genotype relative risk information and survival data from family studies, estimates of gender-, age-, and genotype-specific risk can be generated for use in a risk assessment research study that features genotype disclosure. | {"16915": 0.1495361328125, "78381": 0.14794921875, "581": 0.0195770263671875, "627": 0.1455078125, "116751": 0.287841796875, "7842": 0.252197265625, "35187": 0.24853515625, "83": 0.0185699462890625, "96759": 0.09393310546875, "6226": 0.11419677734375, "6259": 0.024139404296875, "70": 0.0312347412109375, "55182": 0.1800537109375, "21533": 0.031280517578125, "136": 0.0305633544921875, "123166": 0.176025390625, "289": 0.031494140625, "24725": 0.19384765625, "62": 0.08807373046875, "9698": 0.20166015625, "647": 0.1920166015625, "2837": 0.1072998046875, "170224": 0.227783203125, "10512": 0.2626953125, "164031": 0.177001953125, "91363": 0.2017822265625, "62952": 0.046051025390625, "47": 0.030242919921875, "5117": 0.03448486328125, "79385": 0.04852294921875, "35845": 0.130859375, "7": 0.03155517578125, "111": 0.031463623046875, "60264": 0.087158203125, "678": 0.0222015380859375, "95587": 0.26513671875, "26": 0.10809326171875, "70997": 0.10748291015625, "13379": 0.051788330078125, "4677": 0.159912109375, "237": 0.043670654296875, "1452": 0.10723876953125, "202": 0.09869384765625, "45023": 0.0136260986328125, "136667": 0.1357421875, "9709": 0.1829833984375, "3132": 0.16064453125, "3293": 0.005504608154296875, "5582": 0.0438232421875, "98363": 0.064208984375, "3642": 0.046661376953125, "3542": 0.03143310546875, "25902": 0.1629638671875, "3674": 0.031646728515625, "74644": 0.1419677734375, "17065": 0.18798828125, "74481": 0.1585693359375, "9631": 0.12445068359375, "90": 0.093017578125, "79986": 0.151611328125, "9969": 0.07098388671875, "39225": 0.2236328125, "218018": 0.1951904296875, "49504": 0.10601806640625, "1916": 0.0186614990234375, "146104": 0.023468017578125, "162515": 0.0655517578125, "2053": 0.09912109375, "1295": 0.031341552734375, "150039": 0.1778564453125, "75930": 0.18212890625, "127501": 0.1767578125, "9": 0.03155517578125, "32070": 0.06610107421875, "159975": 0.1064453125, "103044": 0.2110595703125, "70460": 0.0986328125, "11814": 0.003841400146484375, "28282": 0.0758056640625, "11280": 0.06146240234375, "117776": 0.09228515625, "28032": 0.00406646728515625, "305": 0.1016845703125, "62614": 0.17431640625, "50986": 0.2376708984375, "135523": 0.03961181640625, "6889": 0.030120849609375, "73876": 0.067626953125, "151878": 0.1483154296875, "13": 0.031463623046875, "14449": 0.0325927734375, "4": 0.031494140625, "1636": 0.031646728515625, "831": 0.03436279296875, "186": 0.031646728515625, "139392": 0.0972900390625, "71": 0.031494140625, "100": 0.031463623046875, "4527": 0.068359375, "23": 0.0308074951171875, "10": 0.0237579345703125, "25188": 0.046722412109375, "66139": 0.0240020751953125} |
6923795 | Up-regulation of endothelial nitric-oxide synthase by endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor involves mitogen-activated protein kinase and protein kinase C signaling pathways. | Cytochrome P450 (P450)-dependent metabolites of arachidonic acid, the epoxyeicosatrienoic acids (EETs), are proposed to be endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factors (EDHF) that affect vascular tone; however, the effects of EDHF on endothelial-derived nitric oxide biosynthesis remain unknown. We examined the regulation of endothelial nitric-oxide synthase (eNOS) by EDHF and investigated the relevant signaling pathways involved. The P450 epoxygenases CYP102 F87V mutant, CYP2C11-CYPOR, and CYP2J2 were transfected into cultured bovine aortic endothelial cells, and the effects of endogenously formed or exogenously applied EETs on eNOS expression and activity were assessed. Transfection with the P450 epoxygenases led to increased eNOS protein expression, an effect that was attenuated by cotreatment with the P450 inhibitor 17-ODYA. Northern analysis demonstrated that P450 transfection led to increased eNOS mRNA levels consistent with an effect at the pretranslational level. P450 epoxygenase transfection resulted in increased eNOS activity as measured by the conversion of L-arginine to L-citrulline. Addition of synthetic EETs (50-200 nM) to the culture media also increased eNOS expression and activity. Treatment with mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK), MAPK kinase, and protein kinase C inhibitors apigenin, 2'-amino-3'-methoxyflavone (PD98059), and 1-(5-isoquinolinesulfonyl)-2-methylpiperazine (H-7), respectively, significantly inhibited the effects of P450 transfection on eNOS expression. Overexpression of P450 epoxygenases or addition of synthetic EETs increased Thr495 phosphorylation of eNOS, an effect that was inhibited by both apigenin and PD98059. Overexpression of P450 epoxygenases in rats resulted in increased aortic eNOS expression, providing direct evidence that EDHF can influence vascular eNOS levels in vivo. Based on this data, we conclude that EDHF up-regulates eNOS via activation of MAPK and protein kinase C signaling pathways. | {"27939": 0.034423828125, "188": 0.072998046875, "206": 0.051544189453125, "7761": 0.125, "436": 0.0975341796875, "60450": 0.326171875, "683": 0.09259033203125, "181063": 0.1583251953125, "93447": 0.1787109375, "52164": 0.049163818359375, "187": 0.01216888427734375, "934": 0.09149169921875, "3911": 0.0960693359375, "6402": 0.00711822509765625, "43840": 0.10601806640625, "28": 0.10833740234375, "254": 0.09844970703125, "76634": 0.169189453125, "22129": 0.051483154296875, "21347": 0.087158203125, "76771": 0.224365234375, "26171": 0.1253662109375, "22": 0.061614990234375, "246": 0.0374755859375, "2347": 0.10968017578125, "52853": 0.143310546875, "820": 0.0799560546875, "59058": 0.09039306640625, "771": 0.09979248046875, "320": 0.0997314453125, "120103": 0.151611328125, "17610": 0.14013671875, "66882": 0.285400390625, "52490": 0.1014404296875, "4191": 0.138671875, "25667": 0.079833984375, "70334": 0.1741943359375, "93425": 0.1639404296875, "44444": 0.138916015625, "15464": 0.0821533203125, "54140": 0.1522216796875, "300": 0.0953369140625, "128713": 0.169189453125, "3530": 0.08502197265625, "12654": 0.1151123046875, "47143": 0.0027408599853515625, "51": 0.0517578125, "69723": 0.14208984375, "160477": 0.005664825439453125, "15913": 0.19970703125, "62233": 0.1044921875, "61942": 0.1561279296875, "142518": 0.11993408203125, "6991": 0.0596923828125, "13": 0.09869384765625, "69145": 0.276611328125, "29191": 0.0137481689453125, "26073": 0.13037109375, "60875": 0.09747314453125, "102966": 0.085205078125, "75412": 0.009246826171875, "1409": 0.125244140625, "162": 0.0782470703125, "90": 0.0194091796875, "94588": 0.0751953125, "49150": 0.197265625, "563": 0.033538818359375, "19308": 0.1817626953125, "856": 0.1187744140625, "842": 0.1251220703125, "18211": 0.06866455078125, "1662": 0.06329345703125, "75298": 0.038360595703125, "102476": 0.1417236328125, "304": 0.05511474609375, "1375": 0.0819091796875, "161465": 0.15185546875, "29394": 0.118896484375, "337": 0.10003662109375, "34271": 0.083740234375, "748": 0.125, "38750": 0.11273193359375, "3564": 0.0357666015625, "190659": 0.00823211669921875, "125195": 0.149169921875, "103488": 0.09539794921875, "202120": 0.00440216064453125, "11062": 0.07574462890625, "420": 0.1065673828125, "678": 0.00685882568359375, "12441": 0.00789642333984375, "124735": 0.1632080078125, "21308": 0.16162109375, "21543": 0.061126708984375, "173702": 0.135009765625, "26879": 0.064453125, "181668": 0.0860595703125, "182688": 0.0689697265625, "114137": 0.022247314453125, "58994": 0.091552734375, "125499": 0.133544921875, "91723": 0.058929443359375, "13500": 0.060150146484375, "80260": 0.0009927749633789062, "2450": 0.0751953125, "183367": 0.035980224609375, "491": 0.01056671142578125, "24222": 0.07952880859375, "105748": 0.087158203125, "605": 0.10223388671875, "9267": 0.038177490234375, "47386": 0.111328125, "204629": 0.1431884765625, "127351": 0.1513671875, "1747": 0.0028896331787109375, "8402": 0.05413818359375, "12540": 0.097900390625, "9523": 0.01047515869140625, "831": 0.025054931640625, "79507": 0.1383056640625, "90926": 0.0653076171875, "16622": 0.1259765625, "1257": 0.10711669921875, "144867": 0.1903076171875, "1636": 0.0250244140625, "1829": 0.0111846923828125, "34704": 0.0474853515625, "184": 0.0145111083984375, "313": 0.015777587890625} |
6923961 | Prostaglandin E2 promotes intestinal tumor growth via DNA methylation | Although aberrant DNA methylation is considered to be one of the key ways by which tumor-suppressor and DNA-repair genes are silenced during tumor initiation and progression, the mechanisms underlying DNA methylation alterations in cancer remain unclear. Here we show that prostaglandin E(2) (PGE(2)) silences certain tumor-suppressor and DNA-repair genes through DNA methylation to promote tumor growth. These findings uncover a previously unrecognized role for PGE(2) in the promotion of tumor progression. | {"106073": 0.0474853515625, "2243": 0.152587890625, "15212": 0.1708984375, "27583": 0.22900390625, "435": 0.166015625, "65853": 0.242919921875, "2320": 0.0960693359375, "90698": 0.07147216796875, "70": 0.0021839141845703125, "22799": 0.10516357421875, "48322": 0.08428955078125, "57412": 0.2364501953125, "67565": 0.11279296875, "2109": 0.17822265625, "4970": 0.1552734375, "136": 0.041748046875, "107": 0.09295654296875, "109637": 0.2254638671875, "22293": 0.1837158203125, "7": 0.09649658203125, "156568": 0.238525390625, "20271": 0.08477783203125, "173969": 0.11273193359375, "1830": 0.0024967193603515625, "187735": 0.196044921875, "191619": 0.165771484375, "1379": 0.1134033203125, "538": 0.0899658203125, "42068": 0.1929931640625, "5256": 0.01800537109375, "23": 0.049957275390625, "27968": 0.2027587890625, "47143": 0.0985107421875, "51": 0.050445556640625, "119488": 0.1549072265625, "11853": 0.019866943359375, "7639": 0.05572509765625, "502": 0.10186767578125, "81325": 0.1378173828125, "1760": 0.1905517578125, "73": 0.098388671875, "241": 0.169921875, "40970": 0.21484375, "683": 0.0731201171875, "11679": 0.2220458984375, "24233": 0.057891845703125, "8305": 0.06622314453125, "47": 0.0628662109375, "125568": 0.21435546875, "75678": 0.175048828125, "90791": 0.040985107421875, "63127": 0.1131591796875, "198395": 0.060302734375, "115558": 0.094970703125, "64807": 0.0017175674438476562, "31486": 0.1490478515625, "436": 0.09564208984375, "82641": 0.2227783203125} |
6936141 | Nef is physically recruited into the immunological synapse and potentiates T cell activation early after TCR engagement. | The HIV-1 protein Nef enhances viral pathogenicity and accelerates disease progression in vivo. Nef potentiates T cell activation by an unknown mechanism, probably by optimizing the intracellular environment for HIV replication. Using a new T cell reporter system, we have found that Nef more than doubles the number of cells expressing the transcription factors NF-kappaB and NFAT after TCR stimulation. This Nef-induced priming of TCR signaling pathways occurred independently of calcium signaling and involved a very proximal step before protein kinase C activation. Engagement of the TCR by MHC-bound Ag triggers the formation of the immunological synapse by recruiting detergent-resistant membrane microdomains, termed lipid rafts. Approximately 5-10% of the total cellular pool of Nef is localized within lipid rafts. Using confocal and real-time microscopy, we found that Nef in lipid rafts was recruited into the immunological synapse within minutes after Ab engagement of the TCR/CD3 and CD28 receptors. This recruitment was dependent on the N-terminal domain of Nef encompassing its myristoylation. Nef did not increase the number of cell surface lipid rafts or immunological synapses. Recently, studies have shown a specific interaction of Nef with an active subpopulation of p21-activated kinase-2 found only in the lipid rafts. Thus, the corecruitment of Nef and key cellular partners (e.g., activated p21-activated kinase-2) into the immunological synapse may underlie the increased frequency of cells expressing transcriptionally active forms of NF-kappaB and NFAT and the resultant changes in T cell activation. | {"38004": 0.2822265625, "5759": 0.135009765625, "21308": 0.2403564453125, "799": 0.2340087890625, "420": 0.2646484375, "156856": 0.2069091796875, "7": 0.030914306640625, "88254": 0.142333984375, "2340": 0.06854248046875, "497": 0.0625, "33781": 0.1368408203125, "60089": 0.059844970703125, "197108": 0.182861328125, "90": 0.0068817138671875, "70997": 0.1070556640625, "187735": 0.126953125, "23": 0.0537109375, "16622": 0.1715087890625, "139642": 0.226318359375, "1636": 0.084228515625, "384": 0.142333984375, "38750": 0.2109375, "34704": 0.2054443359375, "1363": 0.0075531005859375, "390": 0.006481170654296875, "142": 0.00738525390625, "51": 0.037200927734375, "69723": 0.13671875, "19": 0.00748443603515625, "191619": 0.1373291015625, "4": 0.00771331787109375, "31895": 0.0270843505859375, "15572": 0.1351318359375, "84382": 0.005886077880859375, "70": 0.007595062255859375, "18440": 0.05206298828125, "8969": 0.07110595703125, "65998": 0.1290283203125, "456": 0.0230560302734375, "182867": 0.1392822265625, "10": 0.007656097412109375, "3525": 0.021453857421875, "105757": 0.182861328125, "5426": 0.104248046875, "14037": 0.048431396484375, "1286": 0.047698974609375, "3501": 0.0274810791015625, "41929": 0.1256103515625, "14012": 0.034515380859375, "111": 0.0076446533203125, "36510": 0.0794677734375, "214": 0.00800323486328125, "30334": 0.07415771484375, "59478": 0.00940704345703125, "120103": 0.09625244140625, "73493": 0.1337890625, "9": 0.0076141357421875, "161": 0.045867919921875, "7495": 0.13232421875, "571": 0.103271484375, "136": 0.007415771484375, "541": 0.01131439208984375, "116350": 0.1771240234375, "7103": 0.031280517578125, "22578": 0.1881103515625, "28029": 0.1439208984375, "2320": 0.007633209228515625, "18442": 0.083984375, "37534": 0.00754547119140625, "12117": 0.11920166015625, "26073": 0.113525390625, "60875": 0.08148193359375, "102966": 0.00688934326171875, "2822": 0.007106781005859375, "41371": 0.056976318359375, "538": 0.007678985595703125, "97377": 0.136474609375, "316": 0.0070343017578125, "75412": 0.01024627685546875, "4552": 0.0213165283203125, "235511": 0.1397705078125, "141": 0.00777435302734375, "29954": 0.0943603515625, "8108": 0.0211944580078125, "24222": 0.1490478515625, "184": 0.1097412109375, "313": 0.06939697265625, "149448": 0.16650390625, "73265": 0.10467529296875, "99091": 0.1044921875, "12342": 0.118408203125, "185553": 0.1712646484375, "27643": 0.0859375, "43766": 0.172607421875, "109622": 0.1427001953125, "133600": 0.1798095703125, "45616": 0.1905517578125, "172310": 0.1741943359375, "217655": 0.216552734375, "107": 0.005741119384765625, "172": 0.02557373046875, "42539": 0.006435394287109375, "107834": 0.0802001953125, "13": 0.00756072998046875, "11948": 0.056610107421875, "56206": 0.1343994140625, "5425": 0.00716400146484375, "24117": 0.0106353759765625, "71": 0.00753021240234375, "202951": 0.207763671875, "48466": 0.2294921875, "933": 0.11627197265625, "5787": 0.00759124755859375, "1352": 0.007801055908203125, "37838": 0.0076446533203125, "67710": 0.12469482421875, "3949": 0.0019083023071289062, "3622": 0.0308685302734375, "2927": 0.10028076171875, "120087": 0.130859375, "19361": 0.1253662109375, "83": 0.0069580078125, "4000": 0.139892578125, "29367": 0.007648468017578125, "28032": 0.072265625, "6953": 0.00604248046875, "158": 0.0003597736358642578, "3584": 0.099365234375, "6827": 0.0078277587890625, "2773": 0.047760009765625, "6032": 0.0076751708984375, "297": 0.007556915283203125, "3934": 0.044219970703125, "14633": 0.172119140625, "3157": 0.107666015625, "90364": 0.1177978515625, "363": 0.06890869140625, "3882": 0.149169921875, "3293": 0.0005364418029785156, "674": 0.007656097412109375, "509": 0.007537841796875, "108750": 0.10205078125, "98": 0.0076904296875, "30524": 0.1070556640625, "289": 0.00766754150390625, "77758": 0.08453369140625, "22": 0.0074005126953125, "277": 0.004726409912109375, "13409": 0.006732940673828125, "759": 0.004993438720703125, "57860": 0.0061492919921875, "959": 0.02764892578125, "51312": 0.1539306640625, "71579": 0.09161376953125, "96335": 0.01026153564453125, "765": 0.007686614990234375, "127887": 0.008087158203125, "182809": 0.11822509765625, "678": 0.001827239990234375, "36457": 0.08062744140625, "1614": 0.05291748046875, "33554": 0.05364990234375, "72403": 0.0076751708984375, "3117": 0.1387939453125, "111438": 0.11328125, "3674": 0.0075225830078125, "5428": 0.0667724609375, "56458": 0.0731201171875, "47913": 0.05120849609375, "217": 0.006687164306640625, "89543": 0.1580810546875, "15": 0.00742340087890625, "5": 0.0077056884765625, "177": 0.005031585693359375, "10461": 0.004894256591796875, "1543": 0.037506103515625, "6387": 0.005893707275390625, "124735": 0.10491943359375, "12478": 0.0171356201171875, "944": 0.00783538818359375, "27771": 0.007724761962890625, "25958": 0.00785064697265625, "3173": 0.00458526611328125, "6": 0.007537841796875, "660": 0.00769805908203125, "65572": 0.10400390625} |
6944800 | Microenvironmental regulation of tumor progression and metastasis | Cancers develop in complex tissue environments, which they depend on for sustained growth, invasion and metastasis. Unlike tumor cells, stromal cell types within the tumor microenvironment (TME) are genetically stable and thus represent an attractive therapeutic target with reduced risk of resistance and tumor recurrence. However, specifically disrupting the pro-tumorigenic TME is a challenging undertaking, as the TME has diverse capacities to induce both beneficial and adverse consequences for tumorigenesis. Furthermore, many studies have shown that the microenvironment is capable of normalizing tumor cells, suggesting that re-education of stromal cells, rather than targeted ablation per se, may be an effective strategy for treating cancer. Here we discuss the paradoxical roles of the TME during specific stages of cancer progression and metastasis, as well as recent therapeutic attempts to re-educate stromal cells within the TME to have anti-tumorigenic effects. | {"147146": 0.2447509765625, "7": 0.1346435546875, "85493": 0.208740234375, "23": 0.06634521484375, "27140": 0.152587890625, "108055": 0.1585693359375, "13": 0.003650665283203125, "65998": 0.208740234375, "4": 0.003692626953125, "56566": 0.145263671875, "98": 0.0034084320068359375, "100": 0.01104736328125, "205027": 0.11962890625, "297": 0.0037555694580078125, "75678": 0.08642578125, "116000": 0.0855712890625, "435": 0.06085205078125, "6131": 0.123779296875, "6023": 0.08001708984375, "992": 0.06640625, "5062": 0.1251220703125, "57412": 0.2239990234375, "38750": 0.2236328125, "59781": 0.211181640625, "289": 0.1923828125, "52895": 0.212890625, "28032": 0.1016845703125, "70": 0.0164642333984375, "11948": 0.18408203125, "153210": 0.26123046875, "674": 0.0743408203125, "618": 0.145751953125, "10611": 0.29443359375, "16": 0.0050811767578125, "101412": 0.1448974609375, "25958": 0.003711700439453125, "144142": 0.1763916015625, "136": 0.01409149169921875, "33636": 0.1070556640625, "142": 0.01073455810546875, "225530": 0.1558837890625, "126472": 0.15087890625, "1771": 0.0567626953125, "30388": 0.161865234375, "34390": 0.11212158203125, "71": 0.003589630126953125, "10512": 0.0933837890625, "111": 0.0037250518798828125, "39746": 0.07122802734375, "7154": 0.0037555694580078125, "64240": 0.06781005859375, "6620": 0.003719329833984375, "33306": 0.0179443359375, "183037": 0.01153564453125, "226586": 0.181884765625, "502": 0.11993408203125, "2555": 0.08673095703125, "180737": 0.11962890625, "384": 0.155029296875, "83": 0.01383209228515625, "10": 0.001827239990234375, "223920": 0.1416015625, "1379": 0.0166168212890625, "1865": 0.0253143310546875, "214": 0.065185546875, "1556": 0.0037250518798828125, "9789": 0.10394287109375, "139049": 0.14501953125, "31075": 0.003692626953125, "47": 0.0013227462768554688, "135989": 0.11871337890625, "48588": 0.1278076171875, "141": 0.0034351348876953125, "64406": 0.08544921875, "212678": 0.12176513671875, "8402": 0.08892822265625, "90": 0.0684814453125, "9319": 0.00391387939453125, "17678": 0.004039764404296875, "5941": 0.0294952392578125, "96335": 0.04364013671875, "765": 0.0038890838623046875, "127887": 0.0036792755126953125, "87709": 0.11810302734375, "3638": 0.146484375, "84382": 0.08905029296875, "42459": 0.019317626953125, "456": 0.1021728515625, "108343": 0.19287109375, "1363": 0.004306793212890625, "43257": 0.021881103515625, "3501": 0.005321502685546875, "1563": 0.11065673828125, "57860": 0.1322021484375, "117": 0.00359344482421875, "1543": 0.09698486328125, "186": 0.0386962890625, "60266": 0.1114501953125, "113857": 0.14404296875, "85689": 0.1343994140625, "27968": 0.2147216796875, "11853": 0.014129638671875, "45252": 0.050628662109375, "145358": 0.1610107421875, "21533": 0.07861328125, "31486": 0.13916015625, "20271": 0.004093170166015625, "29458": 0.05255126953125, "36541": 0.09307861328125, "187735": 0.14306640625, "237": 0.003246307373046875, "17309": 0.019012451171875, "6": 0.00360107421875, "81887": 0.0399169921875, "2874": 0.11224365234375, "93425": 0.12237548828125} |
6945285 | Bezafibrate in men with lower extremity arterial disease: randomised controlled trial. | OBJECTIVE To assess the effect of bezafibrate on the risk of coronary heart disease and stroke in men with lower extremity arterial disease. DESIGN Double blind placebo controlled randomised trial. SETTING 85 general practices and nine hospital vascular clinics. PARTICIPANTS 1568 men, mean age 68.2 years (range 35 to 92) at recruitment. INTERVENTIONS Bezafibrate 400 mg daily (783 men) or placebo (785 men). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES Combination of coronary heart disease and of stroke. All coronary events, fatal and non-fatal coronary events separately, and strokes alone (secondary end points). RESULTS Bezafibrate did not reduce the incidence of coronary heart disease and stroke. There were 150 and 160 events in the active and placebo groups respectively (relative risk 0.96, 95% confidence interval 0.76 to 1.21). There were 90 and 111 major coronary events in the active and placebo groups respectively (0.81, 0.60 to 1.08), of which 64 and 65 were fatal (0.95, 0.66 to 1.37) and 26 and 46 non-fatal (0.60, 0.36 to 0.99). Beneficial effects on non-fatal events were greatest in men aged <65 years at entry, in whom benefit was also seen for all coronary events (0.38, 0.20 to 0.72). There were no significant effects in older men. There were 60 strokes in those on active treatment and 49 in those on placebo (1.34, 0.80 to 2.01). There were 204 and 195 deaths from all causes in the two groups respectively (1.03, 0.83 to 1.26). Bezafibrate reduced the severity of intermittent claudication for up to three years. CONCLUSIONS Bezafibrate has no effect on the incidence of coronary heart disease and of stroke combined but may reduce the incidence of non-fatal coronary events, particularly in those aged <65 years at entry, in whom all coronary events may also be reduced. | {"35988": 0.0693359375, "15301": 0.13525390625, "441": 0.02203369140625, "169813": 0.00597381591796875, "202120": 0.082763671875, "21543": 0.2078857421875, "111": 0.052093505859375, "1209": 0.231201171875, "26539": 0.273681640625, "2844": 0.267578125, "67": 0.20458984375, "98": 0.0322265625, "10512": 0.231201171875, "109728": 0.1732177734375, "1294": 0.09197998046875, "26498": 0.168701171875, "70997": 0.1072998046875, "136": 0.0924072265625, "120472": 0.19580078125, "453": 0.181640625, "678": 0.034271240234375, "92319": 0.1883544921875, "21870": 0.1282958984375, "2481": 0.031982421875, "183918": 0.1151123046875, "223188": 0.1478271484375, "107172": 0.12359619140625, "44948": 0.20556640625, "3687": 0.195068359375, "837": 0.1619873046875, "6226": 0.1396484375, "96759": 0.10498046875, "110324": 0.1741943359375, "128565": 0.03717041015625, "9365": 0.1376953125, "4537": 0.09661865234375, "41361": 0.1571044921875, "7": 0.032318115234375, "300": 0.08306884765625, "17986": 0.08758544921875, "4191": 0.061187744140625, "25667": 0.0303802490234375, "56465": 0.0965576171875, "180070": 0.0251617431640625, "17304": 0.038421630859375, "64731": 0.0105743408203125, "12763": 0.02838134765625, "423": 0.036895751953125, "16028": 0.1431884765625, "4": 0.032318115234375, "29459": 0.0782470703125, "32070": 0.09722900390625, "305": 0.131103515625, "128423": 0.138671875, "5369": 0.09246826171875, "15": 0.03790283203125, "94250": 0.04595947265625, "2273": 0.1331787109375, "47": 0.032318115234375, "129524": 0.1610107421875, "99": 0.032257080078125, "172310": 0.1380615234375, "674": 0.032073974609375, "59692": 0.09521484375, "30223": 0.05572509765625, "15967": 0.2266845703125, "4082": 0.183837890625, "12010": 0.1798095703125, "31815": 0.1734619140625, "190384": 0.1268310546875, "16": 0.032196044921875, "707": 0.02703857421875, "164814": 0.129150390625, "276": 0.0224456787109375, "48026": 0.087646484375, "180": 0.031341552734375, "45962": 0.11834716796875, "91245": 0.0255889892578125, "11292": 0.113525390625, "284": 0.103271484375, "34465": 0.029876708984375, "106935": 0.085693359375, "19": 0.031890869140625, "2320": 0.031951904296875, "47353": 0.2086181640625, "85235": 0.2012939453125, "351": 0.1412353515625, "9": 0.032257080078125, "1021": 0.10333251953125, "1803": 0.08477783203125, "84797": 0.0228729248046875, "538": 0.03228759765625, "191633": 0.047027587890625, "6635": 0.032196044921875, "3564": 0.1072998046875, "218849": 0.10882568359375, "6777": 0.0831298828125, "959": 0.18017578125, "34390": 0.22509765625, "70": 0.032318115234375, "136667": 0.1787109375, "3956": 0.0333251953125, "8622": 0.032012939453125, "3542": 0.03228759765625, "3252": 0.1053466796875, "13442": 0.115234375, "23": 0.032440185546875, "36457": 0.1824951171875, "94407": 0.1806640625, "107013": 0.0321044921875, "25653": 0.0308074951171875, "4935": 0.03228759765625, "757": 0.0321044921875, "5": 0.032440185546875, "11648": 0.032623291015625, "59653": 0.17822265625, "159454": 0.223876953125, "51514": 0.085693359375, "11835": 0.0298614501953125, "615": 0.03192138671875, "69072": 0.0312042236328125, "2510": 0.11785888671875, "36682": 0.10382080078125, "13036": 0.0875244140625, "22085": 0.032257080078125, "13556": 0.0267486572265625, "4598": 0.0321044921875, "109168": 0.0302581787109375, "3129": 0.030609130859375, "7911": 0.0906982421875, "5684": 0.1463623046875, "8821": 0.0294189453125, "14604": 0.029998779296875, "118628": 0.032440185546875, "1381": 0.04339599609375, "7621": 0.0479736328125, "910": 0.03228759765625, "101655": 0.0267181396484375, "202719": 0.1846923828125, "289": 0.0322265625, "93425": 0.2083740234375, "158036": 0.0899658203125, "10": 0.031707763671875, "17704": 0.036712646484375, "12424": 0.187744140625, "42805": 0.1778564453125, "136565": 0.02874755859375, "68073": 0.171142578125, "509": 0.0323486328125, "2843": 0.0294647216796875, "51592": 0.031707763671875, "100": 0.03240966796875, "756": 0.0309906005859375, "10991": 0.04327392578125, "1549": 0.006893157958984375, "12825": 0.027130126953125, "110": 0.1314697265625, "88551": 0.04449462890625, "114210": 0.08026123046875, "1496": 0.1531982421875, "8382": 0.038726806640625, "39734": 0.1552734375, "7218": 0.124755859375, "2858": 0.024749755859375, "10289": 0.0309906005859375, "4836": 0.030120849609375, "787": 0.0302886962890625, "100991": 0.029693603515625, "106281": 0.16357421875, "91809": 0.1593017578125, "47219": 0.171142578125, "1295": 0.0323486328125, "113660": 0.06103515625, "6626": 0.06317138671875, "9513": 0.023040771484375, "17168": 0.031402587890625, "85416": 0.031585693359375, "71": 0.0323486328125, "27708": 0.0894775390625, "1940": 0.08050537109375, "116119": 0.06915283203125, "18": 0.032257080078125, "86735": 0.1585693359375, "18601": 0.1448974609375, "1363": 0.0322265625, "1257": 0.031768798828125, "17262": 0.0858154296875, "37486": 0.052703857421875, "85390": 0.0006098747253417969, "1556": 0.045989990234375, "70163": 0.08038330078125, "1543": 0.07696533203125, "186": 0.0322265625} |
6945691 | The modulation of human natural killer cell activity by prostaglandins. | Prostaglandins (PGs) have been implicated as a regulator of tumor growth in mice and humans. Since natural killer cell (NK) cytotoxicity may be an important component of immune surveillance against cancer, it is appropriate to study whether the amount of PGs produced by tumors may be sufficient to suppress NK activity. Accordingly, the effect of various PGs on the NK activity of human peripheral mononuclear cells was investigated. The percentage cytotoxicity was measured by the release of Cr51 from labeled K562 and other target cells. At very high concentrations of PG (10(-6) M), suppression was seen with PGE2, PGD2, PGA2, and PGF2 alpha. However, at concentrations of PG in the physiologic range (10(-8) M), significant suppression was seen with PGE2 and PGD2 only. The percentage suppression with PGE2 ranged from 77% to 9.5% over a range of concentrations from 10(-5) to 10(-9) M (45% at 10(-8) M). Significant suppression was observed at 10(-8) M PGE2 with 4 different targets and at effector:target ratios varying from 50:1 to 12.5:1. To assess whether the suppressive effect of PGE2 was directed at the effector and/or target cell, K562 cells or effector cells were pretreated with PGE2. Significant suppression was seen with effector cell pretreatment but not with target cell pretreatment. Finally, the suppressive effects of supernatants obtained from tumor cell lines (polyoma virus-transformed murine fibroblast cell line, PY3T3) was determined. The marked suppressive effect of the supernatant could be attributed to its content of PGE. Thus, it appears that the production of PGE by tumor cells may be an important modulator of human NK activity. | {"1250": 0.1309814453125, "81325": 0.1807861328125, "1760": 0.2044677734375, "5425": 0.11419677734375, "52873": 0.262451171875, "7": 0.128662109375, "17914": 0.0740966796875, "3674": 0.0115203857421875, "237": 0.0501708984375, "144314": 0.2218017578125, "57412": 0.2159423828125, "75678": 0.15234375, "324": 0.1248779296875, "329": 0.04449462890625, "136": 0.0268096923828125, "118103": 0.09088134765625, "6083": 0.139404296875, "200": 0.1068115234375, "14155": 0.11016845703125, "38750": 0.183349609375, "25035": 0.228759765625, "19932": 0.09637451171875, "188": 0.05596923828125, "74735": 0.23095703125, "2481": 0.006351470947265625, "1543": 0.0621337890625, "142": 0.0111541748046875, "5526": 0.072998046875, "82761": 0.0330810546875, "111": 0.01184844970703125, "43766": 0.119873046875, "13": 0.011383056640625, "613": 0.0092926025390625, "272": 0.07879638671875, "2298": 0.00995635986328125, "26548": 0.074951171875, "27968": 0.1474609375, "4": 0.01181793212890625, "83": 0.010986328125, "95307": 0.02301025390625, "35187": 0.031341552734375, "70": 0.01174163818359375, "41170": 0.0391845703125, "6": 0.01177978515625, "181653": 0.097412109375, "186": 0.01172637939453125, "129980": 0.105712890625, "15811": 0.1512451171875, "11856": 0.179931640625, "103488": 0.13623046875, "538": 0.011688232421875, "21543": 0.12420654296875, "67842": 0.01154327392578125, "14135": 0.07452392578125, "117": 0.00826263427734375, "94266": 0.07513427734375, "289": 0.01160430908203125, "22460": 0.0936279296875, "539": 0.056488037109375, "119488": 0.06805419921875, "32603": 0.07611083984375, "169209": 0.16943359375, "509": 0.01146697998046875, "72350": 0.1268310546875, "71": 0.0117645263671875, "390": 0.0109710693359375, "54452": 0.130126953125, "41802": 0.1114501953125, "11703": 0.225341796875, "1295": 0.01178741455078125, "67967": 0.09521484375, "297": 0.01202392578125, "341": 0.0791015625, "13683": 0.2008056640625, "304": 0.1676025390625, "30388": 0.1944580078125, "1913": 0.0085906982421875, "4552": 0.005367279052734375, "11192": 0.04986572265625, "202104": 0.1270751953125, "15094": 0.03167724609375, "13545": 0.0283203125, "16": 0.011810302734375, "276": 0.06396484375, "247": 0.01201629638671875, "48448": 0.1859130859375, "51592": 0.023834228515625, "678": 0.056610107421875, "436": 0.09564208984375, "11679": 0.2008056640625, "88668": 0.132568359375, "14849": 0.15966796875, "79035": 0.174560546875, "144": 0.024749755859375, "14612": 0.12841796875, "99": 0.01178741455078125, "23": 0.01177215576171875, "240877": 0.084716796875, "137043": 0.01148223876953125, "37457": 0.05670166015625, "132": 0.01172637939453125, "17376": 0.0653076171875, "88551": 0.0728759765625, "4734": 0.031982421875, "581": 0.00931549072265625, "361": 0.016693115234375, "14427": 0.01146697998046875, "47": 0.0118255615234375, "3569": 0.047027587890625, "13465": 0.055023193359375, "645": 0.01163482666015625, "10": 0.01172637939453125, "209": 0.05364990234375, "10342": 0.004192352294921875, "15205": 0.006862640380859375, "9451": 0.0079193115234375, "48838": 0.026458740234375, "14486": 0.01122283935546875, "1236": 0.0118560791015625, "139999": 0.05810546875, "201": 0.06427001953125, "12921": 0.0091094970703125, "748": 0.01177215576171875, "867": 0.047119140625, "3794": 0.01187896728515625, "70460": 0.02301025390625, "285": 0.00893402099609375, "38543": 0.01166534423828125, "19721": 0.01166534423828125, "5035": 0.007183074951171875, "758": 0.01168060302734375, "202120": 0.0340576171875, "5844": 0.011077880859375, "8951": 0.0107879638671875, "3542": 0.01131439208984375, "4589": 0.033294677734375, "107": 0.0167388916015625, "27686": 0.0118560791015625, "5442": 0.1165771484375, "18": 0.01198577880859375, "674": 0.0120849609375, "1284": 0.004116058349609375, "959": 0.01045989990234375, "1283": 0.00681304931640625, "93425": 0.10272216796875, "1601": 0.140625, "7695": 0.11541748046875, "10840": 0.10498046875, "124519": 0.0189361572265625, "15": 0.0114288330078125, "135545": 0.010894775390625, "14994": 0.07373046875, "9": 0.0119476318359375, "215175": 0.08135986328125, "1212": 0.01190185546875, "139940": 0.055267333984375, "13315": 0.01030731201171875, "618": 8.225440979003906e-06, "21320": 0.0079193115234375, "83324": 0.02392578125, "94419": 0.0609130859375, "76": 0.09063720703125, "18211": 0.1402587890625, "5809": 0.0260772705078125, "150380": 0.038848876953125, "10941": 0.00945281982421875, "442": 0.0093536376953125, "135179": 0.0266876220703125, "36049": 0.09002685546875, "17055": 0.158447265625, "4597": 0.09393310546875} |
6947286 | Association analysis between anterior-pharynx defective-1 genes polymorphisms and Alzheimer's disease. | Recent biological studies indicate the importance of anterior-pharynx defective-1 (APH-1) proteins in Alzheimer's disease (AD) pathogenesis. We scanned APH-1 genes for the presence of sequence variations by denaturing high performance liquid chromatography and analyzed their distribution in an Italian sample of 113 AD patients and 132 controls. We found six different polymorphisms: three of them, all in APH-1b, predict an aminoacid substitution (T27I, V199L and F217L); the others are either silent or in non-coding regions. None of them is significantly associated with the disease; data stratification by the apolipoprotein E epsilon4 carrier status show a trend for coexistence of the transversion c+651T>G (F217L) with the epsilon4 allele. Our data suggest that polymorphisms in APH-1a/b coding regions are not linked with higher risk for sporadic AD in our Italian population sample. | {"169549": 0.06402587890625, "333": 0.02532958984375, "109622": 0.05474853515625, "96335": 0.06585693359375, "117414": 0.050201416015625, "131011": 0.169189453125, "14798": 0.2003173828125, "14612": 0.05841064453125, "44413": 0.1875, "425": 0.0853271484375, "72104": 0.22607421875, "5844": 0.139404296875, "5759": 0.2025146484375, "15383": 0.1531982421875, "841": 0.2279052734375, "110218": 0.19287109375, "21308": 0.23291015625, "7": 0.020416259765625, "23": 0.0323486328125, "95587": 0.285888671875, "25": 0.08087158203125, "70997": 0.1436767578125, "12351": 0.205322265625, "60875": 0.09625244140625, "62976": 0.155029296875, "90": 0.07342529296875, "164": 0.01141357421875, "44954": 0.1512451171875, "62": 0.11474609375, "54259": 0.25732421875, "22293": 0.177001953125, "70": 0.018096923828125, "169424": 0.04315185546875, "111": 0.018280029296875, "944": 0.08428955078125, "143834": 0.211669921875, "8": 0.041107177734375, "76": 0.01427459716796875, "11192": 0.0007557868957519531, "23718": 0.092041015625, "41931": 0.09136962890625, "38657": 0.0270233154296875, "87168": 0.07464599609375, "7968": 0.0006170272827148438, "53": 0.0190887451171875, "64807": 0.012420654296875, "113068": 0.1064453125, "142": 0.01776123046875, "89176": 0.2286376953125, "121413": 0.137939453125, "49508": 0.1463623046875, "19831": 0.2021484375, "60264": 0.1519775390625, "136": 0.017547607421875, "59531": 0.062286376953125, "6226": 0.1221923828125, "14037": 0.0423583984375, "37195": 0.1488037109375, "12921": 0.1473388671875, "35874": 0.1868896484375, "178851": 0.253662109375, "8780": 0.125, "17262": 0.1014404296875, "4": 0.01910400390625, "275": 0.1314697265625, "92054": 0.1600341796875, "72657": 0.1524658203125, "11": 0.08868408203125, "55964": 0.09002685546875, "161740": 0.1685791015625, "1830": 0.0189208984375, "618": 0.0382080078125, "3768": 0.17578125, "568": 0.07391357421875, "310": 0.07379150390625, "165217": 0.2017822265625, "866": 0.07672119140625, "563": 0.048553466796875, "304": 0.06268310546875, "2489": 0.131591796875, "621": 0.0186309814453125, "103967": 0.14208984375, "707": 0.011993408203125, "351": 0.02386474609375, "9": 0.019195556640625, "587": 0.10546875, "10776": 0.15966796875, "438": 0.01145172119140625, "83": 0.0183258056640625, "207583": 0.04559326171875, "137272": 0.09954833984375, "2053": 0.1123046875, "48358": 0.08575439453125, "41274": 0.0278167724609375, "6885": 0.126708984375, "112114": 0.2000732421875, "80000": 0.187255859375, "73": 0.0207977294921875, "241": 0.1263427734375, "15759": 0.143310546875, "4759": 0.12457275390625, "617": 0.1358642578125, "2258": 0.09722900390625, "25388": 0.1090087890625, "10778": 0.1051025390625, "7639": 0.0165252685546875, "10": 0.01690673828125, "12768": 0.1292724609375, "116311": 0.0826416015625, "3900": 0.1090087890625, "46354": 0.192138671875, "1328": 0.03240966796875, "196819": 0.1680908203125, "724": 0.06817626953125, "919": 0.0216064453125, "16": 0.017669677734375, "678": 0.039215087890625, "747": 0.13330078125, "133": 0.005031585693359375, "42459": 0.04541015625, "64": 0.033935546875, "552": 0.15380859375, "6238": 0.06439208984375, "959": 0.06005859375, "3126": 0.09600830078125, "297": 0.01934814453125, "77546": 0.08001708984375, "10512": 0.1612548828125, "9683": 0.1690673828125, "18403": 0.013092041015625, "43904": 0.06988525390625} |
6948886 | Dynamic epigenetic regulation of glioblastoma tumorigenicity through LSD1 modulation of MYC expression. | The available evidence suggests that the lethality of glioblastoma is driven by small subpopulations of cells that self-renew and exhibit tumorigenicity. It remains unclear whether tumorigenicity exists as a static property of a few cells or as a dynamically acquired property. We used tumor-sphere and xenograft formation as assays for tumorigenicity and examined subclones isolated from established and primary glioblastoma lines. Our results indicate that glioblastoma tumorigenicity is largely deterministic, yet the property can be acquired spontaneously at low frequencies. Further, these dynamic transitions are governed by epigenetic reprogramming through the lysine-specific demethylase 1 (LSD1). LSD depletion increases trimethylation of histone 3 lysine 4 at the avian myelocytomatosis viral oncogene homolog (MYC) locus, which elevates MYC expression. MYC, in turn, regulates oligodendrocyte lineage transcription factor 2 (OLIG2), SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 2 (SOX2), and POU class 3 homeobox 2 (POU3F2), a core set of transcription factors required for reprogramming glioblastoma cells into stem-like states. Our model suggests epigenetic regulation of key transcription factors governs transitions between tumorigenic states and provides a framework for glioblastoma therapeutic development. | {"19882": 0.12152099609375, "77950": 0.1436767578125, "42459": 0.09326171875, "95": 0.1529541015625, "927": 0.20263671875, "134393": 0.184326171875, "111": 0.006694793701171875, "1978": 0.1976318359375, "89533": 0.253662109375, "7": 0.08233642578125, "63348": 0.2039794921875, "83": 0.0246124267578125, "22648": 0.1644287109375, "19": 0.00347137451171875, "390": 0.018707275390625, "19336": 0.12646484375, "1614": 0.1612548828125, "33554": 0.12432861328125, "72403": 0.0205230712890625, "38750": 0.17041015625, "15970": 0.11407470703125, "9": 0.00597381591796875, "107": 0.042755126953125, "54936": 0.133056640625, "80788": 0.057708740234375, "18": 0.006206512451171875, "57412": 0.238525390625, "8402": 0.2166748046875, "14": 0.1668701171875, "60089": 0.14990234375, "47143": 0.055511474609375, "51": 0.037261962890625, "119488": 0.142822265625, "32316": 0.0838623046875, "10": 0.006008148193359375, "6": 0.005718231201171875, "201939": 0.1514892578125, "57266": 0.1961669921875, "10846": 0.09820556640625, "84079": 0.216796875, "25958": 0.006023406982421875, "163629": 0.1737060546875, "71": 0.006134033203125, "11814": 0.0369873046875, "157695": 0.1700439453125, "80022": 0.0428466796875, "34815": 0.194091796875, "27643": 0.09368896484375, "237": 0.0274658203125, "20347": 0.152587890625, "100": 0.005825042724609375, "136": 0.00492095947265625, "160477": 0.022186279296875, "63499": 0.12286376953125, "1444": 0.006011962890625, "54015": 0.0653076171875, "3674": 0.00621795654296875, "1295": 0.0037994384765625, "170920": 0.0982666015625, "158978": 0.06646728515625, "124519": 0.09783935546875, "50339": 0.0294952392578125, "117414": 0.031402587890625, "21334": 0.086669921875, "538": 0.0062255859375, "72694": 0.177734375, "4": 0.006099700927734375, "14373": 0.0302276611328125, "70": 0.00591278076171875, "831": 0.085205078125, "186": 0.006069183349609375, "150189": 0.1639404296875, "79850": 0.006198883056640625, "99": 0.0060272216796875, "27226": 0.10906982421875, "12478": 0.117919921875, "944": 0.00595855712890625, "117538": 0.006145477294921875, "6097": 0.021209716796875, "149307": 0.21435546875, "621": 0.005359649658203125, "23131": 0.17431640625, "297": 0.00623321533203125, "25277": 0.134765625, "15292": 0.260498046875, "9523": 0.0291290283203125, "456": 0.1246337890625, "28966": 0.2279052734375, "214": 0.00623321533203125, "8305": 0.0131378173828125, "20592": 0.148193359375, "1212": 0.156005859375, "159975": 0.1317138671875, "8": 0.1710205078125, "1928": 0.119384765625, "3038": 0.158203125, "62061": 0.1578369140625, "106": 0.07318115234375, "19759": 0.12091064453125, "397": 0.1737060546875, "17727": 0.10174560546875, "339": 0.08612060546875, "22916": 0.2442626953125, "8705": 0.1715087890625, "1363": 0.006282806396484375, "51312": 0.1251220703125, "1927": 0.078125, "65853": 0.1533203125, "2320": 0.006137847900390625, "1274": 0.0955810546875, "34165": 0.11175537109375, "138": 0.10333251953125, "201": 0.120849609375, "185": 0.1583251953125, "3378": 0.03472900390625, "7705": 0.08184814453125, "70233": 0.06646728515625, "84125": 0.03485107421875, "88254": 0.0859375, "98": 0.0751953125, "587": 0.0204925537109375, "12840": 0.11260986328125, "4867": 0.057403564453125, "73543": 0.1290283203125, "441": 0.135986328125, "16": 0.00611114501953125, "7001": 0.07586669921875, "57849": 0.124267578125, "1636": 0.00519561767578125, "54133": 0.174560546875, "125195": 0.1483154296875, "23": 0.0060272216796875, "15913": 0.2027587890625, "1194": 0.049774169921875, "7803": 0.007259368896484375, "33": 0.045074462890625, "5814": 0.07647705078125, "2408": 0.033599853515625, "67": 0.0031585693359375, "42592": 0.1282958984375, "429": 0.005443572998046875, "30334": 0.1239013671875, "59478": 0.1556396484375, "31461": 0.10498046875, "116": 0.059326171875, "15": 0.00548553466796875, "670": 0.0215301513671875, "52786": 0.1484375, "10461": 0.046295166015625, "34388": 0.1334228515625, "13802": 0.148193359375, "10776": 0.0386962890625, "990": 0.060455322265625, "11728": 0.08251953125, "294": 0.0014677047729492188, "63588": 0.08489990234375, "8574": 0.0322265625, "1062": 0.093994140625, "18507": 0.11651611328125, "5368": 0.0124664306640625, "31": 0.00502777099609375, "363": 0.05047607421875, "56458": 0.0989990234375, "5423": 0.00553131103515625, "120103": 0.1524658203125, "56065": 0.053863525390625, "3934": 0.0040130615234375, "36418": 0.118896484375, "5062": 0.1539306640625, "117249": 0.11456298828125, "3299": 0.177001953125, "22799": 0.09808349609375, "17721": 0.106201171875, "1771": 0.035797119140625, "170846": 0.06719970703125, "126472": 0.15771484375, "34754": 0.0465087890625} |
6955746 | Auditory Cortex Tracks Both Auditory and Visual Stimulus Dynamics Using Low-Frequency Neuronal Phase Modulation | Integrating information across sensory domains to construct a unified representation of multi-sensory signals is a fundamental characteristic of perception in ecological contexts. One provocative hypothesis deriving from neurophysiology suggests that there exists early and direct cross-modal phase modulation. We provide evidence, based on magnetoencephalography (MEG) recordings from participants viewing audiovisual movies, that low-frequency neuronal information lies at the basis of the synergistic coordination of information across auditory and visual streams. In particular, the phase of the 2-7 Hz delta and theta band responses carries robust (in single trials) and usable information (for parsing the temporal structure) about stimulus dynamics in both sensory modalities concurrently. These experiments are the first to show in humans that a particular cortical mechanism, delta-theta phase modulation across early sensory areas, plays an important "active" role in continuously tracking naturalistic audio-visual streams, carrying dynamic multi-sensory information, and reflecting cross-sensory interaction in real time. | {"91969": 0.20556640625, "1916": 0.010528564453125, "4677": 0.18212890625, "36880": 0.1419677734375, "43111": 0.2232666015625, "53": 0.07708740234375, "77758": 0.14794921875, "64549": 0.1097412109375, "51": 0.12030029296875, "47314": 0.166259765625, "18811": 0.1591796875, "6024": 0.12322998046875, "163839": 0.229248046875, "26073": 0.195068359375, "83": 0.0006403923034667969, "20531": 0.12127685546875, "62816": 0.12237548828125, "48242": 0.056365966796875, "117": 0.09259033203125, "63928": 0.184326171875, "162145": 0.1812744140625, "43701": 0.1182861328125, "29416": 0.133056640625, "170933": 0.1746826171875, "6023": 0.05889892578125, "37817": 0.105224609375, "34053": 0.08050537109375, "25443": 0.047027587890625, "42459": 0.01363372802734375, "32316": 0.053131103515625, "39395": 0.1453857421875, "136": 0.04150390625, "8951": 0.15185546875, "41421": 0.147705078125, "432": 0.1275634765625, "2465": 0.0843505859375, "93402": 0.1846923828125, "17055": 0.2244873046875, "2320": 0.062286376953125, "77950": 0.08258056640625, "39411": 0.12890625, "6620": 0.04595947265625, "195994": 0.12396240234375, "87168": 0.038604736328125, "10611": 0.09893798828125, "724": 0.1436767578125, "182304": 0.11932373046875, "56480": 0.092529296875, "21455": 0.1240234375, "126990": 0.1553955078125, "72304": 0.106201171875, "27226": 0.1478271484375, "12176": 0.096923828125, "184940": 0.1434326171875, "400": 0.041961669921875, "18231": 0.002391815185546875, "6002": 0.047088623046875, "56": 0.10345458984375, "60505": 0.1854248046875, "133604": 0.1435546875, "21176": 0.1513671875, "75973": 0.11810302734375, "116": 0.07720947265625, "16709": 0.11920166015625, "50183": 0.1729736328125, "40703": 0.2039794921875, "70": 0.11151123046875, "102": 0.185302734375, "8753": 0.11993408203125, "57553": 0.155029296875, "2258": 0.01219940185546875, "60627": 0.1494140625, "11001": 0.07305908203125, "110324": 0.1290283203125, "1821": 0.0740966796875, "366": 0.100830078125, "58663": 0.1766357421875, "45646": 0.12744140625, "28029": 0.174072265625, "223": 0.07818603515625, "84079": 0.140625, "15044": 0.05963134765625, "28020": 0.1552734375, "133244": 0.10528564453125, "28007": 0.170166015625, "5117": 0.039794921875, "7639": 0.047821044921875, "118103": 0.145263671875, "17311": 0.046905517578125, "8231": 0.0794677734375, "70760": 0.1614990234375, "191619": 0.185302734375, "2347": 0.166259765625, "58555": 0.04913330078125, "11301": 0.05938720703125, "5526": 0.06658935546875, "71232": 0.14453125, "31486": 0.10894775390625, "19686": 0.0301513671875, "28560": 0.1495361328125, "6083": 0.1041259765625, "18215": 0.1324462890625, "1824": 0.090087890625, "85358": 0.03814697265625, "44961": 0.054718017578125, "182809": 0.08575439453125, "2773": 0.06243896484375, "1733": 0.02178955078125} |
6957332 | The diagnosis and management of gastro-oesophageal reflux in infants. | Gastro-oesophageal reflux (GOR) and gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD) occur frequently during the first months of life. Gastro-oesophageal reflux may be a primary gastro-intestinal motility disorder, but it may also be secondary to other conditions such as cow's milk protein allergy. Objective diagnosis can be difficult because there may be absence of correlation between history, results of pH monitoring and histology. Severe GORD may cause minor symptoms, and minor GOR may cause severe symptoms. Several different therapeutic interventions exist. Simply stated, thickened formula reduces regurgitation and alginates and proton pump inhibitors can be used to decrease acid GOR, depending on the severity of the GORD. Efficacy data of prokinetic drugs are either lacking or disappointing. Regarding side-effects, interest has been focused on cisapride, although other molecules have similar effects. Long-term side-effects such as the nutritional consequence of therapeutic management have been insufficiently studied, especially for the acid-reducing molecules. | {"156413": 0.230224609375, "9": 0.044403076171875, "31": 0.1669921875, "90": 0.0908203125, "2146": 0.1680908203125, "126422": 0.1663818359375, "289": 0.1416015625, "18831": 0.2384033203125, "56219": 0.2685546875, "143396": 0.334716796875, "16": 0.0157318115234375, "136": 0.09075927734375, "83647": 0.1942138671875, "70997": 0.177001953125, "724": 0.158447265625, "36639": 0.310546875, "74918": 0.142822265625, "195409": 0.1658935546875, "20271": 0.09686279296875, "70": 0.005725860595703125, "5117": 0.10467529296875, "21775": 0.1910400390625, "111": 0.005863189697265625, "6897": 0.1796875, "5": 0.01326751708984375, "1543": 0.06048583984375, "186": 0.0205230712890625, "10": 0.0218048095703125, "158978": 0.1260986328125, "6191": 0.09124755859375, "12729": 0.08123779296875, "2080": 0.1253662109375, "103133": 0.1475830078125, "171986": 0.17431640625, "4": 0.006011962890625, "442": 0.0438232421875, "37526": 0.09368896484375, "1294": 0.005157470703125, "47": 0.00547027587890625, "3789": 0.00493621826171875, "27289": 0.07440185546875, "6044": 0.00554656982421875, "552": 0.1541748046875, "434": 0.12286376953125, "25": 0.030303955078125, "7": 0.00579833984375, "124111": 0.2060546875, "21308": 0.2213134765625, "10308": 0.1959228515625, "3432": 0.0833740234375, "134549": 0.1197509765625, "5844": 0.005748748779296875, "47099": 0.1728515625, "164": 0.005550384521484375, "831": 0.04010009765625, "34844": 0.1260986328125, "2685": 0.00484466552734375, "112199": 0.07550048828125, "16106": 0.04962158203125, "57860": 0.005771636962890625, "17721": 0.00461578369140625, "32692": 0.06744384765625, "81630": 0.1678466796875, "97204": 0.10247802734375, "1919": 0.032806396484375, "18": 0.0040130615234375, "25443": 0.00494384765625, "48752": 0.1220703125, "13": 0.0277557373046875, "527": 0.1279296875, "22304": 0.04803466796875, "43967": 0.0972900390625, "153698": 0.12396240234375, "6": 0.005664825439453125, "141591": 0.1011962890625, "12921": 0.0557861328125, "126472": 0.1746826171875, "1771": 0.00574493408203125, "113449": 0.1488037109375, "32316": 0.03912353515625, "538": 0.00582122802734375, "71": 0.005889892578125, "6117": 0.10498046875, "11960": 0.10028076171875, "297": 0.0057525634765625, "26168": 0.1849365234375, "34390": 0.12493896484375, "456": 0.02410888671875, "6795": 0.11749267578125, "22062": 0.005992889404296875, "144": 0.08447265625, "14985": 0.18994140625, "1636": 0.00586700439453125, "22664": 0.1556396484375, "19": 0.003498077392578125, "42874": 0.1640625, "173702": 0.1859130859375, "22230": 0.04632568359375, "11814": 0.08404541015625, "227204": 0.1737060546875, "43840": 0.197265625, "8": 0.0058746337890625, "96819": 0.025421142578125, "98": 0.006072998046875, "27708": 0.0721435546875, "14467": 0.0312347412109375, "22346": 0.10858154296875, "2408": 0.0059661865234375, "2053": 0.0938720703125, "502": 0.09783935546875, "875": 0.184326171875, "9523": 0.0018167495727539062, "125694": 0.2110595703125, "621": 0.005878448486328125, "40101": 0.004764556884765625, "21": 0.0577392578125, "41324": 0.0921630859375, "140545": 0.107177734375, "214": 0.005947113037109375, "5609": 0.11590576171875, "171760": 0.1766357421875, "33946": 0.09930419921875, "1556": 0.004825592041015625, "2809": 0.005756378173828125, "162393": 0.07696533203125, "1059": 0.10662841796875, "433": 0.09466552734375, "5293": 0.22265625, "112": 0.15966796875, "49711": 0.0997314453125, "70838": 0.00589752197265625, "765": 0.00585174560546875, "21373": 0.0180206298828125, "93425": 0.0699462890625, "14407": 0.0298614501953125, "32166": 0.0657958984375, "237": 0.003986358642578125, "150017": 0.14990234375, "179804": 0.057220458984375, "6620": 0.005718231201171875, "24365": 0.12310791015625, "23": 0.0057220458984375, "129980": 0.045135498046875, "22282": 0.023956298828125, "100": 0.005809783935546875, "241866": 0.172119140625} |
6961811 | Increased sensitivity of antigen-experienced T cells through the enrichment of oligomeric T cell receptor complexes. | Although memory T cells respond more vigorously to stimulation and they are more sensitive to low doses of antigen than naive T cells, the molecular basis of this increased sensitivity remains unclear. We have previously shown that the T cell receptor (TCR) exists as different-sized oligomers on the surface of resting T cells and that large oligomers are preferentially activated in response to low antigen doses. Through biochemistry and electron microscopy, we now showed that previously stimulated and memory T cells have more and larger TCR oligomers at the cell surface than their naive counterparts. Reconstitution of cells and mice with a point mutant of the CD3ζ subunit, which impairs TCR oligomer formation, demonstrated that the increased size of TCR oligomers was directly responsible for the increased sensitivity of antigen-experienced T cells. Thus, we propose that an "avidity maturation" mechanism underlies T cell antigenic memory. | {"106073": 0.02020263671875, "98323": 0.260498046875, "384": 0.198486328125, "38750": 0.2161865234375, "7": 0.0270233154296875, "35644": 0.1650390625, "1286": 0.09832763671875, "62502": 0.13134765625, "28029": 0.2001953125, "2320": 0.0892333984375, "191125": 0.2047119140625, "27226": 0.15234375, "655": 0.09228515625, "2874": 0.1500244140625, "1409": 0.157470703125, "24": 0.067626953125, "5844": 0.11639404296875, "233239": 0.08660888671875, "18231": 0.12054443359375, "124735": 0.1427001953125, "176302": 0.2183837890625, "2481": 0.1053466796875, "47143": 0.0450439453125, "51": 0.04290771484375, "119488": 0.14013671875, "198395": 0.048583984375, "127887": 0.023956298828125, "137376": 0.25341796875, "618": 0.09051513671875, "22578": 0.246826171875, "32316": 0.09808349609375, "237": 0.0297393798828125, "12921": 0.0966796875, "29367": 0.023468017578125, "1194": 0.1329345703125, "519": 0.1763916015625, "31648": 0.16650390625, "71579": 0.16259765625, "10588": 0.1351318359375, "21334": 0.0406494140625, "12601": 0.0943603515625, "34704": 0.1341552734375, "57553": 0.09014892578125, "3530": 0.01593017578125, "1430": 0.0518798828125, "77556": 0.055755615234375, "11948": 0.044342041015625, "168360": 0.0142059326171875, "142405": 0.170166015625, "765": 0.01548004150390625, "150679": 0.105712890625, "3501": 0.0237274169921875, "105416": 0.0033283233642578125, "17365": 0.0345458984375, "154807": 0.065673828125, "13480": 0.057891845703125, "136": 0.00981903076171875, "324": 0.0909423828125, "678": 0.01348876953125, "6275": 0.08062744140625, "842": 0.0946044921875, "18211": 0.07147216796875, "7915": 0.038360595703125, "363": 0.0653076171875, "17270": 0.056884765625, "1614": 0.034881591796875, "309": 0.013580322265625, "566": 0.0130767822265625, "109637": 0.113037109375, "1991": 0.10491943359375, "27643": 0.03594970703125, "106804": 0.0033817291259765625, "13267": 0.037200927734375, "105237": 0.01332855224609375, "102778": 0.1270751953125, "83613": 0.044830322265625, "111468": 0.10382080078125, "26171": 0.10198974609375, "11": 0.02960205078125, "5518": 0.2137451171875, "28206": 0.1611328125, "191619": 0.17431640625, "1379": 0.0799560546875, "25720": 0.01568603515625, "429": 0.1083984375} |
6962472 | G*Power 3: a flexible statistical power analysis program for the social, behavioral, and biomedical sciences. | G*Power (Erdfelder, Faul, & Buchner, 1996) was designed as a general stand-alone power analysis program for statistical tests commonly used in social and behavioral research. G*Power 3 is a major extension of, and improvement over, the previous versions. It runs on widely used computer platforms (i.e., Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Mac OS X 10.4) and covers many different statistical tests of the t, F, and chi2 test families. In addition, it includes power analyses for z tests and some exact tests. G*Power 3 provides improved effect size calculators and graphic options, supports both distribution-based and design-based input modes, and offers all types of power analyses in which users might be interested. Like its predecessors, G*Power 3 is free. | {"527": 0.18359375, "1639": 0.1763916015625, "105022": 0.31884765625, "18468": 0.006931304931640625, "180800": 0.1671142578125, "3036": 0.020416259765625, "202": 0.045867919921875, "619": 0.039398193359375, "18363": 0.048004150390625, "1679": 0.0814208984375, "11891": 0.1236572265625, "16": 0.003711700439453125, "509": 0.0231475830078125, "82775": 0.1607666015625, "237": 0.055908203125, "4537": 0.08746337890625, "9157": 0.07025146484375, "51684": 0.108154296875, "14537": 0.204833984375, "114137": 0.18701171875, "1528": 0.1571044921875, "100": 0.02447509765625, "80835": 0.1630859375, "289": 0.04541015625, "109921": 0.210205078125, "39210": 0.0679931640625, "538": 0.0140838623046875, "11814": 0.097412109375, "23": 0.01471710205078125, "2265": 0.1302490234375, "136": 0.02838134765625, "123166": 0.1541748046875, "25188": 0.1351318359375, "5": 0.01395416259765625, "138": 0.2235107421875, "83": 0.06695556640625, "13036": 0.05145263671875, "111938": 0.1265869140625, "4": 0.0141754150390625, "136912": 0.11553955078125, "645": 0.0261688232421875, "70": 0.0115966796875, "96362": 0.0274200439453125, "11389": 0.10052490234375, "7": 0.01409912109375, "1650": 0.03460693359375, "127877": 0.1463623046875, "38134": 0.06658935546875, "13909": 0.1356201171875, "13651": 0.12164306640625, "15": 0.01317596435546875, "14": 0.0136871337890625, "13": 0.01386260986328125, "3773": 0.125732421875, "45005": 0.1324462890625, "49470": 0.138427734375, "4727": 0.06915283203125, "11787": 0.0894775390625, "1193": 0.042755126953125, "4068": 0.1270751953125, "29256": 0.1148681640625, "5941": 0.047607421875, "12921": 0.06939697265625, "111": 0.01406097412109375, "808": 0.07305908203125, "563": 0.09368896484375, "1658": 0.130859375, "304": 0.15625, "3034": 0.192626953125, "87143": 0.0811767578125, "360": 0.0138397216796875, "96853": 0.0623779296875, "51422": 0.215087890625, "97": 0.12139892578125, "24763": 0.09259033203125, "87344": 0.055389404296875, "52295": 0.11981201171875, "71": 0.01409149169921875, "21543": 0.160888671875, "13267": 0.0294647216796875, "154993": 0.12396240234375, "6": 0.01139068603515625, "48461": 0.10089111328125, "50717": 0.04248046875, "8060": 0.052642822265625, "15044": 0.01108551025390625, "113068": 0.08837890625, "9": 0.014190673828125, "77007": 0.01381683349609375, "4331": 0.12939453125, "107730": 0.099609375, "13736": 0.0655517578125, "64600": 0.06134033203125, "52895": 0.02838134765625, "3129": 0.0123138427734375, "72095": 0.100830078125, "13648": 0.0074920654296875, "186": 0.01412200927734375, "60892": 0.09027099609375, "18852": 0.0263824462890625, "1653": 0.0159149169921875, "26531": 0.03570556640625, "25251": 0.0138397216796875, "4092": 0.156982421875} |
6969753 | Dynamic interactions of cortactin and membrane type 1 matrix metalloproteinase at invadopodia: defining the stages of invadopodia formation and function. | Metastatic tumor cells that actively migrate and invade surrounding tissues rely on invadopodia to degrade extracellular matrix (ECM) barriers. Invadopodia are membrane protrusions that localize enzymes required for ECM degradation. Little is known about the formation, function, and regulation of invadopodia. Here, we show that invadopodia have two distinct aspects: (a) structural for organizing the cellular actin cytoskeleton to form membrane protrusions and (b) functional for using proteolytic enzyme(s) for ECM degradation. Small interfering RNA (siRNA) inhibition established that organization of invadopodia structure requires cortactin, whereas protease inhibitor studies identified membrane type 1 matrix metalloproteinase (MT1-MMP) as the key invadopodial enzyme responsible for gelatin matrix degradation in the breast carcinoma cell line MDA-MB-231. The inhibition of invadopodial structure assembly by cortactin depletion resulted in a block of matrix degradation due to failure of invadopodia formation. Either protease inhibition or MT1-MMP siRNA depletion moderately decreased the formation of invadopodial structures that were identified as actin-cortactin accumulations at the ventral cell membrane adherent to matrix. The invadopodia that were able to form upon MT1-MMP inhibition or depletion retained actin-cortactin accumulations but were unable to degrade matrix. Examination of cells at different time points as well as live-cell imaging revealed four distinct invadopodial stages: membrane cortactin aggregation at membranes adherent to matrix, MT1-MMP accumulation at the region of cortactin accumulation, matrix degradation at the invadopodia region, and subsequent cortactin dissociation from the area of continued MT1-MMP accumulation associated with foci of degraded matrix. Based on these results, we propose a stepwise model of invadopodia formation and function. | {"36939": 0.12457275390625, "201939": 0.216552734375, "57412": 0.2303466796875, "38750": 0.174560546875, "36457": 0.092041015625, "39666": 0.1444091796875, "205491": 0.1585693359375, "206990": 0.093505859375, "108055": 0.10577392578125, "538": 0.10528564453125, "23": 0.1795654296875, "34952": 0.2384033203125, "771": 0.202880859375, "3390": 0.2144775390625, "8": 0.142333984375, "44286": 0.179443359375, "4173": 0.08489990234375, "8969": 0.07635498046875, "120087": 0.037109375, "50944": 0.1761474609375, "425": 0.01514434814453125, "16546": 0.08038330078125, "594": 0.11578369140625, "125861": 0.1663818359375, "360": 0.168701171875, "621": 0.0257720947265625, "107834": 0.169921875, "502": 0.038543701171875, "9774": 0.160400390625, "63239": 0.01502227783203125, "39861": 0.10076904296875, "193807": 0.2125244140625, "56065": 0.09442138671875, "241": 0.059356689453125, "36498": 0.1761474609375, "119542": 0.2200927734375, "59784": 0.054351806640625, "51529": 0.08984375, "27643": 0.1417236328125, "32354": 0.1258544921875, "15913": 0.1353759765625, "6626": 0.054534912109375, "117781": 0.1302490234375, "128746": 0.114013671875, "118990": 0.11358642578125, "5808": 0.13037109375, "2927": 0.0804443359375, "27992": 0.110107421875, "73": 0.119873046875, "145482": 0.116943359375, "3173": 0.113525390625, "123309": 0.15234375, "13766": 0.150634765625, "48381": 0.06524658203125, "105508": 0.033203125, "1940": 0.028839111328125, "2875": 0.06048583984375, "125499": 0.185302734375, "172": 0.037384033203125, "173702": 0.183837890625, "53702": 0.12054443359375, "45646": 0.1357421875, "144570": 0.08270263671875, "92273": 0.1607666015625, "23835": 0.1583251953125, "19": 0.12646484375, "6991": 0.054595947265625, "10644": 0.050689697265625, "106": 0.048828125, "68259": 0.14599609375, "80000": 0.1627197265625, "37290": 0.09490966796875, "20268": 0.113037109375, "9088": 0.196533203125, "22799": 0.07958984375, "10299": 0.176025390625, "15403": 0.0806884765625, "102778": 0.0504150390625, "214743": 0.201416015625, "57262": 0.1650390625, "2258": 0.04833984375, "44924": 0.1136474609375, "13315": 0.0966796875, "276": 4.8160552978515625e-05, "6538": 0.0614013671875, "12689": 0.10748291015625, "37620": 0.09637451171875, "418": 0.07861328125, "8705": 0.06787109375, "46389": 0.09552001953125, "137578": 0.043060302734375, "36812": 0.11260986328125, "78": 0.042694091796875, "227204": 0.12744140625, "10517": 0.036163330078125, "102": 0.0275421142578125, "183278": 0.06689453125, "6272": 0.070556640625, "10500": 0.0667724609375, "6867": 0.04779052734375, "34680": 0.1063232421875, "86898": 0.0133209228515625, "22759": 0.11761474609375, "36541": 0.15576171875, "197564": 0.0777587890625, "8961": 0.1436767578125, "26171": 0.0312042236328125, "29954": 0.08685302734375, "90825": 0.10797119140625, "3299": 0.1636962890625, "136": 0.01279449462890625} |
6974477 | PEP-FOLD: an updated de novo structure prediction server for both linear and disulfide bonded cyclic peptides | In the context of the renewed interest of peptides as therapeutics, it is important to have an on-line resource for 3D structure prediction of peptides with well-defined structures in aqueous solution. We present an updated version of PEP-FOLD allowing the treatment of both linear and disulphide bonded cyclic peptides with 9-36 amino acids. The server makes possible to define disulphide bonds and any residue-residue proximity under the guidance of the biologists. Using a benchmark of 34 cyclic peptides with one, two and three disulphide bonds, the best PEP-FOLD models deviate by an average RMS of 2.75 Å from the full NMR structures. Using a benchmark of 37 linear peptides, PEP-FOLD locates lowest-energy conformations deviating by 3 Å RMS from the NMR rigid cores. The evolution of PEP-FOLD comes as a new on-line service to supersede the previous server. The server is available at: http://bioserv.rpbs.univ-paris-diderot.fr/PEP-FOLD. | {"70": 0.016326904296875, "43701": 0.0836181640625, "75312": 0.05511474609375, "24243": 0.034454345703125, "33946": 0.126220703125, "280": 0.1484375, "17332": 0.2254638671875, "988": 0.1966552734375, "237": 0.05950927734375, "6": 0.0159912109375, "126472": 0.1959228515625, "28021": 0.05413818359375, "5526": 0.08587646484375, "765": 0.00799560546875, "98": 0.1285400390625, "2256": 0.1534423828125, "177953": 0.1422119140625, "138": 0.1702880859375, "397": 0.2232666015625, "45646": 0.2095947265625, "92054": 0.23046875, "1830": 0.0770263671875, "678": 0.08380126953125, "5299": 0.05029296875, "9": 0.12176513671875, "112": 0.0653076171875, "5983": 0.1822509765625, "297": 0.016265869140625, "7": 0.0163421630859375, "10": 0.0667724609375, "944": 0.1766357421875, "29806": 0.1622314453125, "13379": 0.03485107421875, "150011": 0.14306640625, "11389": 0.131103515625, "436": 0.1624755859375, "21290": 0.267578125, "172155": 0.27734375, "190358": 0.08978271484375, "39734": 0.2281494140625, "111": 0.016204833984375, "15044": 0.0325927734375, "192617": 0.2117919921875, "136": 0.0149383544921875, "45": 0.1199951171875, "10178": 0.15966796875, "19379": 0.182861328125, "71052": 0.1865234375, "187830": 0.1953125, "483": 0.154052734375, "126884": 0.26220703125, "72657": 0.19677734375, "43840": 0.1478271484375, "10723": 0.2396240234375, "30482": 0.01371002197265625, "7722": 0.0614013671875, "61924": 0.1834716796875, "99996": 0.1572265625, "13": 0.0162811279296875, "2109": 0.0250396728515625, "21937": 0.07470703125, "241846": 0.1717529296875, "939": 0.01605224609375, "1379": 0.016204833984375, "196219": 0.0457763671875, "28387": 0.11395263671875, "271": 0.0273284912109375, "345": 0.056671142578125, "6953": 0.007232666015625, "240057": 0.2357177734375, "4442": 0.199462890625, "4": 0.0161590576171875, "6626": 0.007312774658203125, "17262": 0.017547607421875, "2965": 0.1259765625, "115774": 0.201416015625, "30170": 0.2314453125, "390": 0.016143798828125, "142": 0.0162811279296875, "83080": 0.1568603515625, "12174": 0.1494140625, "294": 0.0155029296875, "787": 0.01751708984375, "6873": 0.11614990234375, "8839": 0.132080078125, "4393": 0.0723876953125, "541": 0.01448822021484375, "52005": 0.19189453125, "4669": 0.1702880859375, "64040": 0.111572265625, "1636": 0.01558685302734375, "459": 0.11181640625, "25617": 0.1475830078125, "39060": 0.116943359375, "3432": 0.016204833984375, "19911": 0.214111328125, "21094": 0.01641845703125, "26518": 0.016021728515625, "128652": 0.1993408203125, "48052": 0.1246337890625, "28": 0.01230621337890625, "137089": 0.1630859375, "3525": 0.0165863037109375, "4516": 0.1549072265625, "47": 0.007781982421875, "1601": 0.044342041015625, "96362": 0.016357421875, "83": 0.0155181884765625, "19882": 0.111083984375, "99": 0.01100921630859375, "8730": 0.12164306640625, "62016": 0.2230224609375, "5": 0.0160369873046875, "10681": 0.052459716796875, "16145": 0.069580078125, "4371": 0.09869384765625, "24980": 0.05712890625, "428": 0.00490570068359375, "820": 0.11517333984375, "818": 0.10772705078125, "7079": 0.06414794921875, "683": 0.10540771484375} |
6985854 | Discrimination of speech stimuli based on neuronal response phase patterns depends on acoustics but not comprehension. | Speech stimuli give rise to neural activity in the listener that can be observed as waveforms using magnetoencephalography. Although waveforms vary greatly from trial to trial due to activity unrelated to the stimulus, it has been demonstrated that spoken sentences can be discriminated based on theta-band (3-7 Hz) phase patterns in single-trial response waveforms. Furthermore, manipulations of the speech signal envelope and fine structure that reduced intelligibility were found to produce correlated reductions in discrimination performance, suggesting a relationship between theta-band phase patterns and speech comprehension. This study investigates the nature of this relationship, hypothesizing that theta-band phase patterns primarily reflect cortical processing of low-frequency (<40 Hz) modulations present in the acoustic signal and required for intelligibility, rather than processing exclusively related to comprehension (e.g., lexical, syntactic, semantic). Using stimuli that are quite similar to normal spoken sentences in terms of low-frequency modulation characteristics but are unintelligible (i.e., their time-inverted counterparts), we find that discrimination performance based on theta-band phase patterns is equal for both types of stimuli. Consistent with earlier findings, we also observe that whereas theta-band phase patterns differ across stimuli, power patterns do not. We use a simulation model of the single-trial response to spoken sentence stimuli to demonstrate that phase-locked responses to low-frequency modulations of the acoustic signal can account not only for the phase but also for the power results. The simulation offers insight into the interpretation of the empirical results with respect to phase-resetting and power-enhancement models of the evoked response. | {"218532": 0.234375, "28029": 0.24560546875, "14": 0.154296875, "8337": 0.035614013671875, "58944": 0.080810546875, "108": 0.002658843994140625, "82451": 0.1470947265625, "103488": 0.1251220703125, "44632": 0.2005615234375, "56": 0.05615234375, "831": 0.0265350341796875, "139999": 0.1214599609375, "259": 0.1304931640625, "272": 0.11907958984375, "5037": 0.189697265625, "39411": 0.11553955078125, "6620": 0.035736083984375, "195994": 0.09033203125, "87168": 0.0924072265625, "285": 0.0970458984375, "6782": 0.0160369873046875, "110324": 0.148681640625, "174822": 0.0330810546875, "223": 0.06158447265625, "106804": 0.0196990966796875, "113091": 0.1988525390625, "19": 0.08746337890625, "149357": 0.2392578125, "55970": 0.2254638671875, "35509": 0.03460693359375, "70": 0.144775390625, "102": 0.2197265625, "8262": 0.1785888671875, "157406": 0.1292724609375, "50183": 0.1898193359375, "93402": 0.1932373046875, "103510": 0.2279052734375, "11001": 0.107421875, "18": 0.0826416015625, "51626": 0.170166015625, "57553": 0.1588134765625, "45258": 0.1722412109375, "116483": 0.220947265625, "26073": 0.1639404296875, "197118": 0.1337890625, "5885": 0.0694580078125, "45646": 0.062164306640625, "34390": 0.103271484375, "62449": 0.1197509765625, "7883": 0.152587890625, "83259": 0.036956787109375, "14037": 0.009674072265625, "27489": 0.003021240234375, "8231": 0.036285400390625, "74906": 0.11431884765625, "23718": 0.1533203125, "76755": 0.1160888671875, "136": 0.0129547119140625, "46683": 0.1690673828125, "3220": 0.1357421875, "35187": 0.02984619140625, "32603": 5.97834587097168e-05, "31425": 0.00777435302734375, "170933": 0.056549072265625, "44961": 0.10394287109375, "70760": 0.079833984375, "9433": 0.08465576171875, "27226": 0.10650634765625, "12176": 0.08160400390625, "16093": 0.022796630859375, "2839": 0.110107421875, "17055": 0.1668701171875, "13379": 0.0186920166015625, "10": 0.00144195556640625, "12600": 0.202392578125, "56065": 0.042572021484375, "62548": 0.0005197525024414062, "75675": 0.050750732421875, "484": 0.0291748046875, "345": 0.0096588134765625, "21373": 0.047607421875, "3638": 0.06591796875, "62816": 0.002117156982421875, "51": 0.016998291015625, "1708": 0.091552734375, "1733": 0.07232666015625, "814": 0.10418701171875, "1363": 0.011871337890625, "105950": 0.0992431640625, "15044": 0.033294677734375, "52895": 0.0732421875, "129927": 0.09332275390625, "36880": 0.054840087890625, "14537": 0.140869140625, "959": 0.0347900390625, "40226": 0.2117919921875, "3299": 0.1285400390625, "21135": 0.161865234375, "15426": 0.05535888671875, "50339": 0.03369140625, "149201": 0.038665771484375, "206019": 0.052703857421875, "156002": 0.06689453125, "107": 0.043670654296875, "89840": 0.08740234375, "1121": 0.06097412109375, "115774": 0.12445068359375, "113536": 0.10577392578125} |
6993046 | Breathing more with weaker respiratory muscles in pulmonary arterial hypertension. | Exertional fatigue and dyspnoea limit the daily activities of patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension 1. These symptoms are usually explained by the inability of the overloaded right ventricle to perfuse the lungs and to adapt systemic oxygen delivery to oxygen demand. Accordingly, pulmonary hypertension patients present with reductions in peak oxygen uptake, anaerobic threshold, oxygen pulse, ventilatory efficiency and 6-min walk distance 2–8. This ergospirometric profile is strikingly similar to that of congestive heart failure 8–12, further supporting the notion of impaired cardiac output adaptation to peripheral oxygen requirements as the main cause of decreased exercise capacity. However, in both pulmonary hypertension and heart failure, ergospirometric variables and walk distances are better correlated to functional class and prognosis than to haemodynamic function 3, 6, 7, 10–12. In addition, impaired skeletal muscle function has been repeatedly reported in heart failure, fuelling a “muscle hypothesis” relating dyspnoea and fatigue symptoms to skeletal muscle metaboreceptor and/or ergoreceptor reflexes 13. The muscle hypothesis implies a persistent sympathetic nervous system activation, which has indeed been shown to occur in heart failure 14 and also, more recently, in pulmonary hypertension 15. Until now, there have been no studies on skeletal muscle function in pulmonary arterial hypertension. In the present issue of the European Respiratory Journal , Meyer et al. 16 report data suggesting that respiratory muscle strength is decreased in pulmonary arterial hypertension. In a prospective study on 37 patients with idiopathic pulmonary hypertension, significant decreases in maximal inspiratory (MIP) and expiratory pressures (MEP) were measured, together with an increased mouth occlusion pressure within first 0.1 s of inspiration ( P 0.1), suggesting inadequate muscle … | {"5443": 0.070068359375, "56": 0.1407470703125, "43315": 0.029937744140625, "209358": 0.274169921875, "136": 0.02178955078125, "51634": 0.08184814453125, "254": 0.1436767578125, "157": 0.1385498046875, "13": 0.08355712890625, "17475": 0.176025390625, "31815": 0.0986328125, "69924": 0.11785888671875, "60264": 0.15869140625, "678": 0.05322265625, "236544": 0.1968994140625, "53": 0.0843505859375, "183918": 0.10919189453125, "59058": 0.1715087890625, "128872": 0.262451171875, "32255": 0.0031642913818359375, "153698": 0.144775390625, "56104": 0.03533935546875, "189050": 0.11181640625, "70": 0.0002892017364501953, "23": 0.005458831787109375, "41159": 0.08935546875, "645": 0.054931640625, "63033": 0.1357421875, "7108": 0.1033935546875, "30270": 0.0347900390625, "12259": 0.061798095703125, "3125": 0.1195068359375, "32386": 0.085205078125, "7": 0.0155181884765625, "39908": 0.1461181640625, "5426": 0.07196044921875, "230044": 0.220458984375, "117989": 0.0706787109375, "35968": 0.07769775390625, "538": 0.0004112720489501953, "4": 0.000461578369140625, "13379": 0.031524658203125, "74906": 0.1285400390625, "5256": 0.00029730796813964844, "280": 0.033935546875, "78219": 0.01084136962890625, "3877": 0.01194000244140625, "4036": 0.09234619140625, "45966": 0.00037097930908203125, "159399": 0.04107666015625, "16200": 1.430511474609375e-05, "55111": 0.09686279296875, "210317": 0.129150390625, "227066": 0.1240234375, "13007": 0.06512451171875, "1249": 0.1451416015625, "35691": 0.1575927734375, "62488": 0.1494140625, "116": 0.0257415771484375, "1019": 0.0670166015625, "37443": 0.1610107421875, "102444": 0.1712646484375, "186518": 0.169677734375, "60641": 0.171142578125, "83": 2.6226043701171875e-06, "21373": 0.08038330078125, "47": 0.0002880096435546875, "111": 0.00025773048400878906, "158": 0.01076507568359375, "4188": 0.11083984375, "26498": 0.11236572265625, "137578": 0.2003173828125, "382": 0.05487060546875, "1530": 0.09283447265625, "8060": 0.0185699462890625, "214": 0.00045180320739746094, "1363": 0.00039577484130859375, "109637": 0.131591796875, "297": 0.0004189014434814453, "165441": 0.04974365234375, "140992": 0.08953857421875, "202444": 0.1414794921875, "94266": 0.07159423828125, "289": 0.0210723876953125, "96679": 0.044281005859375, "5201": 0.054351806640625, "22304": 0.08074951171875, "227204": 0.148193359375, "71": 0.0004074573516845703, "81979": 0.211669921875, "177399": 0.15625, "15044": 0.0029125213623046875, "77336": 0.1365966796875, "621": 0.00023865699768066406, "11522": 0.11138916015625, "174822": 0.12054443359375, "123309": 0.12548828125, "18507": 0.10760498046875, "183509": 0.1563720703125, "164": 0.00039768218994140625, "3501": 0.0204315185546875, "256": 0.0384521484375, "23800": 0.09625244140625, "242554": 0.1429443359375, "32354": 0.1112060546875, "138": 0.032470703125, "305": 0.059783935546875, "361": 0.01360321044921875, "209": 0.043121337890625, "360": 6.151199340820312e-05, "182355": 0.17529296875, "123635": 0.1932373046875, "119140": 0.0865478515625, "113771": 0.056915283203125, "7755": 0.0160980224609375, "2647": 0.09857177734375, "170933": 0.1510009765625, "63": 2.980232238769531e-07, "11": 0.038421630859375, "435": 0.0055999755859375, "21552": 0.07806396484375, "153524": 0.055999755859375, "71181": 0.10467529296875, "5847": 0.023193359375, "35388": 0.0284576416015625, "90": 0.00019860267639160156, "10": 0.0001914501190185547, "70560": 0.09271240234375, "2517": 0.00037360191345214844, "52193": 0.08343505859375, "9523": 0.0002084970474243164, "13048": 0.06591796875, "34704": 0.07598876953125, "3129": 0.0006279945373535156, "1556": 0.0003402233123779297, "160463": 0.040496826171875, "2809": 0.00030732154846191406, "127887": 0.004161834716796875, "74918": 0.0298309326171875, "616": 0.06298828125, "1286": 0.00021851062774658203, "78684": 0.0007829666137695312, "6281": 0.041900634765625, "992": 0.00011092424392700195, "3675": 0.006847381591796875, "5036": 0.002628326416015625, "765": 4.851818084716797e-05, "110": 0.0430908203125, "96335": 0.063720703125, "28811": 0.031982421875, "54547": 0.0855712890625, "34419": 0.03155517578125, "6": 0.00024700164794921875, "134816": 0.171142578125, "611": 0.0423583984375, "2053": 0.006877899169921875, "143435": 0.1181640625, "90254": 0.13720703125, "109736": 0.0189361572265625, "5844": 0.000370025634765625, "98": 0.00025963783264160156, "4669": 0.0618896484375, "57840": 0.058013916015625, "238": 0.00010186433792114258, "88551": 0.00536346435546875, "111340": 0.05230712890625, "33437": 0.11102294921875, "10931": 0.051055908203125, "16": 0.0004839897155761719, "203286": 0.135009765625, "31667": 0.0001538991928100586, "81147": 0.10833740234375, "10611": 0.0380859375, "683": 0.055572509765625, "72350": 0.08660888671875, "142": 7.742643356323242e-05, "124735": 0.08917236328125, "113008": 0.06976318359375, "67158": 0.0594482421875, "191": 0.0003731250762939453, "5117": 0.01343536376953125, "107754": 0.126708984375, "91": 0.024261474609375, "46517": 0.1583251953125, "42459": 0.0148162841796875, "134588": 0.172119140625, "67": 0.00024580955505371094} |
7005276 | Acetic Acid Activates the AMP-Activated Protein Kinase Signaling Pathway to Regulate Lipid Metabolism in Bovine Hepatocytes | The effect of acetic acid on hepatic lipid metabolism in ruminants differs significantly from that in monogastric animals. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the regulation mechanism of acetic acid on the hepatic lipid metabolism in dairy cows. The AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) signaling pathway plays a key role in regulating hepatic lipid metabolism. In vitro, bovine hepatocytes were cultured and treated with different concentrations of sodium acetate (neutralized acetic acid) and BML-275 (an AMPKα inhibitor). Acetic acid consumed a large amount of ATP, resulting in an increase in AMPKα phosphorylation. The increase in AMPKα phosphorylation increased the expression and transcriptional activity of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor α, which upregulated the expression of lipid oxidation genes, thereby increasing lipid oxidation in bovine hepatocytes. Furthermore, elevated AMPKα phosphorylation reduced the expression and transcriptional activity of the sterol regulatory element-binding protein 1c and the carbohydrate responsive element-binding protein, which reduced the expression of lipogenic genes, thereby decreasing lipid biosynthesis in bovine hepatocytes. In addition, activated AMPKα inhibited the activity of acetyl-CoA carboxylase. Consequently, the triglyceride content in the acetate-treated hepatocytes was significantly decreased. These results indicate that acetic acid activates the AMPKα signaling pathway to increase lipid oxidation and decrease lipid synthesis in bovine hepatocytes, thereby reducing liver fat accumulation in dairy cows. | {"21543": 0.1650390625, "10": 0.12213134765625, "329": 0.2056884765625, "9523": 0.23974609375, "43840": 0.2210693359375, "98": 0.0224151611328125, "764": 0.1268310546875, "10974": 0.177734375, "238": 0.0517578125, "202951": 0.2286376953125, "159531": 0.2052001953125, "7853": 0.1605224609375, "73": 0.09429931640625, "10840": 0.12139892578125, "129927": 0.1273193359375, "207583": 0.0513916015625, "22460": 0.07550048828125, "3923": 0.11260986328125, "85825": 0.152099609375, "464": 0.09991455078125, "35187": 0.0479736328125, "32603": 0.00893402099609375, "15913": 0.19287109375, "191619": 0.1256103515625, "22886": 0.11505126953125, "53": 0.0897216796875, "552": 0.1453857421875, "19725": 0.146240234375, "81218": 0.210205078125, "111438": 0.1390380859375, "21308": 0.1695556640625, "24222": 0.151123046875, "184": 0.09820556640625, "605": 0.1929931640625, "26073": 0.1444091796875, "60875": 0.08404541015625, "7514": 0.10662841796875, "11301": 0.0073089599609375, "22799": 0.07275390625, "31486": 0.10980224609375, "279": 0.08331298828125, "337": 0.08282470703125, "34271": 0.157470703125, "110440": 0.1309814453125, "2408": 0.12005615234375, "1636": 0.02557373046875, "29394": 0.0826416015625, "191607": 0.06976318359375, "221": 0.06451416015625, "28483": 0.0809326171875, "1030": 0.09112548828125, "103727": 0.1746826171875, "218142": 0.1064453125, "39456": 0.1177978515625, "50994": 0.09429931640625, "758": 0.09600830078125, "9677": 0.08612060546875, "47386": 0.1793212890625, "1445": 0.142822265625, "173702": 0.1318359375, "70280": 0.1673583984375, "18588": 0.1153564453125, "127216": 0.1898193359375, "51312": 0.11865234375, "134208": 0.049713134765625, "139006": 0.103515625, "57860": 0.0133819580078125, "124735": 0.11334228515625, "125195": 0.0745849609375, "30334": 0.00698089599609375, "103488": 0.0191497802734375, "1788": 0.03472900390625, "5134": 0.0601806640625, "43452": 0.0797119140625, "215447": 0.06365966796875, "137376": 0.08502197265625, "5961": 0.07513427734375, "1257": 0.003345489501953125, "144867": 0.1455078125, "128713": 0.06927490234375, "22293": 0.057098388671875, "118055": 0.08428955078125, "57849": 0.092041015625, "34390": 0.0972900390625, "28063": 0.0253753662109375, "144314": 0.07000732421875, "12830": 0.0517578125, "2258": 0.01284027099609375, "226874": 0.11285400390625, "136327": 0.10595703125, "7612": 0.03814697265625, "34704": 0.1412353515625, "90535": 0.060089111328125, "10625": 0.0423583984375, "284": 0.0789794921875, "111758": 0.041778564453125, "76634": 0.02783203125, "62061": 0.0633544921875, "1927": 0.03936767578125, "110608": 0.043060302734375, "53038": 0.0914306640625, "10941": 0.018829345703125, "2921": 0.06378173828125, "227204": 0.11700439453125, "241866": 0.1044921875, "134148": 0.1121826171875, "19780": 0.07696533203125, "183278": 0.0496826171875} |
7011850 | Unawareness of hypoglycaemia and inadequate hypoglycaemic counterregulation: no causal relation with diabetic autonomic neuropathy. | OBJECTIVE To examine the traditional view that unawareness of hypoglycaemia and inadequate hypoglycaemic counterregulation in insulin dependent diabetes mellitus are manifestations of autonomic neuropathy. DESIGN Perspective assessment of unawareness of hypoglycaemia and detailed assessment of autonomic neuropathy in patients with insulin dependent diabetes according to the adequacy of their hypoglycaemic counterregulation. SETTING One routine diabetic unit in a university teaching hospital. PATIENTS 23 Patients aged 21-52 with insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (seven with symptoms suggesting autonomic neuropathy, nine with a serious clinical problem with hypoglycaemia, and seven without symptoms of autonomic neuropathy and without problems with hypoglycaemia) and 10 controls with a similar age distribution, without a personal or family history of diabetes. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES Presence of autonomic neuropathy as assessed with a test of the longest sympathetic fibres (acetylcholine sweatspot test), a pupil test, and a battery of seven cardiovascular autonomic function tests; adequacy of hypoglycaemic glucose counterregulation during a 40 mU/kg/h insulin infusion test; history of unawareness of hypoglycaemia; and response of plasma pancreatic polypeptide during hypoglycaemia, which depends on an intact and responding autonomic innervation of the pancreas. RESULTS There was little evidence of autonomic neuropathy in either the 12 diabetic patients with a history of unawareness of hypoglycaemia or the seven patients with inadequate hypoglycaemic counterregulation. By contrast, in all seven patients with clear evidence of autonomic neuropathy there was no history of unawareness of hypoglycaemia and in six out of seven there was adequate hypoglycaemic counterregulation. Unawareness of hypoglycaemia and inadequate hypoglycaemic counterregulation were significantly associated (p less than 0.01). The response of plasma pancreatic polypeptide in the diabetic patients with adequate counterregulation but without autonomic neuropathy was not significantly different from that of the controls (change in plasma pancreatic polypeptide 226.8 v 414 pmol/l). The patients with autonomic neuropathy had a negligible plasma pancreatic polypeptide response (3.7 pmol/l), but this response was also blunted in the patients with inadequate hypoglycaemic counterregulation (72.4 pmol/l) compared with that of the controls (p less than 0.05). CONCLUSIONS Unawareness of hypoglycaemia and inadequate glucose counterregulation during hypoglycaemia are related to each other but are not due to autonomic neuropathy. The blunted plasma pancreatic polypeptide responses of the patients with inadequate hypoglycaemic counterregulation may reflect diminished autonomic activity consequent upon reduced responsiveness of a central glucoregulatory centre, rather than classical autonomic neuropathy. | {"35988": 0.0780029296875, "15301": 0.14404296875, "441": 0.0279388427734375, "169813": 0.004108428955078125, "160477": 0.08331298828125, "70": 0.03302001953125, "89160": 0.121826171875, "21455": 0.111572265625, "220": 0.1138916015625, "15876": 0.20263671875, "7432": 0.055755615234375, "75690": 0.2327880859375, "110608": 0.2298583984375, "408": 0.1402587890625, "32868": 0.1552734375, "136": 0.0621337890625, "23": 0.0643310546875, "134588": 0.2242431640625, "13": 0.039459228515625, "21068": 0.047760009765625, "105416": 0.2333984375, "62881": 0.252197265625, "2320": 0.047882080078125, "91598": 0.176025390625, "108750": 0.2164306640625, "44019": 0.2120361328125, "65486": 0.123046875, "18031": 0.1331787109375, "155390": 0.12261962890625, "7": 0.032958984375, "160308": 0.279296875, "238": 0.09869384765625, "37817": 0.2125244140625, "192592": 0.2286376953125, "223188": 0.177490234375, "16711": 0.079833984375, "4935": 0.032958984375, "164031": 0.1322021484375, "111": 0.033111572265625, "185688": 0.01348114013671875, "60264": 0.1246337890625, "678": 0.03302001953125, "59499": 0.032928466796875, "47": 0.033111572265625, "6": 0.032806396484375, "2408": 0.03289794921875, "128565": 0.04034423828125, "6561": 0.0183563232421875, "124374": 0.11846923828125, "66151": 0.166259765625, "1771": 0.032958984375, "25072": 0.14013671875, "10": 0.032958984375, "152363": 0.11077880859375, "128169": 0.07110595703125, "17986": 0.135986328125, "100308": 0.08026123046875, "48057": 0.047119140625, "1105": 0.118896484375, "135004": 0.1302490234375, "17704": 0.05999755859375, "952": 0.085693359375, "120789": 0.173095703125, "15": 0.03302001953125, "26301": 0.03265380859375, "153698": 0.08135986328125, "42459": 0.03253173828125, "214": 0.0328369140625, "4": 0.03302001953125, "300": 0.10919189453125, "86": 0.03289794921875, "85583": 0.03826904296875, "56465": 0.0251312255859375, "289": 0.03302001953125, "2967": 0.0675048828125, "59671": 0.08221435546875, "15490": 0.049407958984375, "44402": 0.03265380859375, "16": 0.032928466796875, "209": 0.0906982421875, "6226": 0.1954345703125, "21373": 0.024505615234375, "32070": 0.09515380859375, "113068": 0.018890380859375, "3357": 0.00814056396484375, "707": 0.033050537109375, "14449": 0.0307464599609375, "32692": 0.037994384765625, "276": 0.0321044921875, "48026": 0.0673828125, "180": 0.0321044921875, "45962": 0.10430908203125, "11292": 0.08074951171875, "284": 0.093994140625, "16395": 0.032379150390625, "20703": 0.06488037109375, "6620": 0.029510498046875, "237": 0.032806396484375, "202120": 0.08404541015625, "297": 0.0328369140625, "3034": 0.09979248046875, "4989": 0.0399169921875, "525": 0.03289794921875, "52193": 0.0888671875, "2347": 0.03289794921875, "9523": 0.03289794921875, "122417": 0.115966796875, "8509": 0.032379150390625, "90535": 0.032806396484375, "3089": 0.08148193359375, "2256": 0.032867431640625, "157224": 0.08245849609375, "53370": 0.10809326171875, "247": 0.03289794921875, "166733": 0.08551025390625, "172714": 0.093017578125, "207269": 0.0657958984375, "32354": 0.021392822265625, "109921": 0.00323486328125, "157935": 0.1749267578125, "184": 0.032745361328125, "20271": 0.056640625, "347": 0.0306854248046875, "1062": 0.02197265625, "64": 0.032989501953125, "8517": 0.032867431640625, "127": 0.032958984375, "92105": 0.0246734619140625, "74": 0.03277587890625, "57553": 0.169921875, "80796": 0.1358642578125, "2652": 0.057647705078125, "129147": 0.1375732421875, "35874": 0.1551513671875, "1081": 0.1068115234375, "17332": 0.147216796875, "112": 0.032958984375, "3129": 0.0328369140625, "56566": 0.035614013671875, "98": 0.032806396484375, "142": 0.03277587890625, "202810": 0.0218658447265625, "35644": 0.044158935546875, "75414": 0.0765380859375, "330": 0.032623291015625, "1363": 0.03289794921875, "7612": 0.1121826171875, "162": 0.032470703125, "218849": 0.065185546875, "294": 0.032623291015625, "509": 0.032867431640625, "10176": 0.11163330078125, "77950": 0.06890869140625, "427": 0.10980224609375, "67": 0.033050537109375, "3311": 0.032867431640625, "69822": 0.004344940185546875, "756": 0.032745361328125, "34735": 0.0266265869140625, "2685": 0.03289794921875, "110": 0.0177001953125, "1810": 0.032989501953125, "160370": 0.0265350341796875, "4228": 0.120849609375, "3542": 0.032867431640625, "207583": 0.04461669921875, "137272": 0.133056640625, "254": 0.03302001953125, "40715": 0.07635498046875, "3501": 0.032958984375, "182149": 0.100830078125, "581": 0.0321044921875, "1284": 0.033050537109375, "959": 0.05499267578125, "12921": 0.0325927734375, "1295": 0.032867431640625, "450": 0.032928466796875, "152028": 0.02642822265625, "1039": 0.032684326171875, "166141": 0.03302001953125, "81": 0.032745361328125, "201": 0.032623291015625, "2592": 0.0328369140625, "3592": 0.02532958984375, "929": 0.0325927734375, "141": 0.03289794921875, "1902": 0.0118560791015625, "22024": 0.0736083984375, "735": 0.0328369140625, "2661": 0.032958984375, "109981": 0.0313720703125, "903": 0.02728271484375, "2843": 0.02471923828125, "41725": 0.1397705078125, "19": 0.032928466796875, "3674": 0.03314208984375, "19107": 0.03118896484375, "116591": 0.032928466796875, "154186": 0.032501220703125, "89678": 0.032501220703125, "43317": 0.032867431640625, "37486": 0.06512451171875, "85390": 0.01702880859375, "621": 0.03302001953125, "62548": 0.1463623046875, "12638": 0.0328369140625, "3789": 0.0268402099609375, "4743": 0.030548095703125, "1543": 0.0308837890625, "44961": 0.03265380859375, "45": 0.0043182373046875, "65015": 0.12158203125, "5252": 0.03314208984375, "103488": 0.060882568359375, "210435": 0.00217437744140625, "54799": 0.033203125, "34390": 0.037353515625, "71": 0.032989501953125, "226874": 0.083984375, "9879": 0.01568603515625, "144867": 0.12396240234375, "31667": 0.032958984375, "11698": 0.062347412109375, "43257": 0.0198822021484375, "54704": 0.0904541015625} |
7020505 | Genetic Abnormalities in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia: Where We Are and Where We Go | Chromosomal abnormalities in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) are detected in up to 80% of patients. Among them, deletions of 11q, 13q, 17p, and trisomy 12 have a known prognostic value and play an important role in CLL pathogenesis and evolution, determining patients outcome and therapeutic strategies. Standard methods used to identify these genomic aberrations include both conventional G-banding cytogenetics (CGC) and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Although FISH analyses have been implemented as the gold standard, CGC allows the identification of chromosomal translocations and complex karyotypes, the latest associated with poor outcome. Genomic arrays have a higher resolution that allows the detection of cryptic abnormalities, although these have not been fully implemented in routine laboratories. In the last years, next generation sequencing (NGS) methods have identified a wide range of gene mutations (e.g., TP53, NOTCH1, SF3B1, and BIRC3) which have improved our knowledge about CLL development, allowing us to refine both the prognostic subgroups and better therapeutic strategies. Clonal evolution has also recently arisen as a key point in CLL, integrating cytogenetic alterations and mutations in a dynamic model that improve our understanding about its clinical course and relapse. | {"70103": 0.13037109375, "840": 0.1724853515625, "306": 0.1444091796875, "289": 0.1121826171875, "1563": 0.172607421875, "33176": 0.27197265625, "31075": 0.1474609375, "23": 0.060577392578125, "184843": 0.19287109375, "238757": 0.1859130859375, "31": 0.05950927734375, "2408": 0.08978271484375, "9523": 0.027435302734375, "39983": 0.1710205078125, "7605": 0.1771240234375, "441": 0.12481689453125, "23708": 0.280517578125, "16": 0.01666259765625, "621": 0.01519012451171875, "96391": 0.2188720703125, "297": 0.01708984375, "1257": 0.058074951171875, "47": 0.046722412109375, "20668": 0.2183837890625, "111": 0.016876220703125, "60264": 0.1898193359375, "2022": 0.0157623291015625, "4021": 0.0110931396484375, "4": 0.0167999267578125, "24674": 0.2198486328125, "5256": 0.0170745849609375, "534": 0.1689453125, "864": 0.212158203125, "702": 0.15283203125, "729": 0.158935546875, "254": 0.1365966796875, "136": 0.032470703125, "1927": 0.1805419921875, "5084": 0.24267578125, "53": 0.11083984375, "427": 0.222412109375, "765": 0.043121337890625, "51529": 0.121337890625, "183509": 0.1844482421875, "34292": 0.1571044921875, "11301": 0.0281829833984375, "142": 0.016265869140625, "5526": 0.0997314453125, "31486": 0.1170654296875, "313": 0.10467529296875, "60875": 0.06414794921875, "62976": 0.1107177734375, "90": 0.0169677734375, "164": 0.0164337158203125, "28": 0.062286376953125, "137089": 0.222900390625, "72694": 0.06201171875, "214": 0.016265869140625, "184345": 0.1939697265625, "6": 0.0168914794921875, "126472": 0.156005859375, "1771": 0.11328125, "50531": 0.08782958984375, "7": 0.016998291015625, "20744": 0.2113037109375, "150624": 0.1959228515625, "11814": 0.087646484375, "135812": 0.1937255859375, "6097": 0.061614990234375, "8584": 0.17626953125, "2243": 0.2274169921875, "30494": 0.169189453125, "26698": 0.0104217529296875, "15044": 0.01363372802734375, "101805": 0.0865478515625, "527": 0.11041259765625, "9": 0.031280517578125, "125042": 0.2027587890625, "19932": 0.0841064453125, "188": 0.09521484375, "15292": 0.1683349609375, "41637": 0.0164337158203125, "15": 0.016510009765625, "56367": 0.113525390625, "127179": 0.1341552734375, "6964": 0.055908203125, "6620": 0.0164642333984375, "24311": 0.16650390625, "113490": 0.1656494140625, "47691": 0.06695556640625, "919": 0.1351318359375, "79909": 0.190185546875, "106073": 0.0182342529296875, "563": 0.142333984375, "51422": 0.1922607421875, "2809": 0.017120361328125, "29479": 0.1065673828125, "70": 0.016998291015625, "86761": 0.11285400390625, "5570": 0.1719970703125, "69657": 0.238037109375, "114864": 0.08062744140625, "221160": 0.1629638671875, "17656": 0.09100341796875, "6781": 0.1365966796875, "3900": 0.09820556640625, "87632": 0.141845703125, "27140": 0.10614013671875, "1185": 0.127197265625, "1410": 0.00843048095703125, "50986": 0.215576171875, "42850": 0.07904052734375, "137272": 0.0799560546875, "678": 0.016143798828125, "70425": 0.1689453125, "52597": 0.1793212890625, "10298": 0.1357421875, "4778": 0.112548828125, "10": 0.016815185546875, "77546": 0.1180419921875, "158839": 0.1630859375, "450": 0.016510009765625, "149": 0.1478271484375, "58994": 0.138671875, "91190": 0.1685791015625, "112569": 0.1502685546875, "124374": 0.1036376953125, "86755": 0.150634765625, "360": 0.0161285400390625, "4568": 0.043792724609375, "5369": 0.053497314453125, "11737": 0.09686279296875, "58093": 0.1458740234375, "40": 0.0472412109375, "944": 0.12091064453125, "60636": 0.0928955078125, "8066": 0.1385498046875, "294": 0.1278076171875, "207487": 0.144775390625, "38134": 0.04742431640625, "37457": 0.04510498046875, "22293": 0.1759033203125, "199334": 0.2255859375, "13": 0.016571044921875, "5": 0.0167388916015625, "18303": 0.1171875, "14226": 0.2244873046875, "86725": 0.1395263671875, "16999": 0.1302490234375, "418": 0.08447265625, "59215": 0.10089111328125, "363": 0.079345703125, "571": 0.06781005859375, "17234": 0.0447998046875, "25740": 0.0914306640625, "21320": 0.1285400390625, "52295": 0.1162109375, "71": 0.016937255859375, "51359": 0.04156494140625, "1672": 0.0163421630859375, "34754": 0.07025146484375, "1821": 0.0011873245239257812, "18831": 0.0826416015625, "1212": 0.0170745849609375, "1614": 0.09381103515625, "51588": 0.074462890625, "11522": 0.0015611648559570312, "51053": 0.1470947265625, "6236": 0.1470947265625, "1556": 0.00714874267578125, "2843": 0.003917694091796875, "78684": 0.05859375, "187": 0.046783447265625, "5824": 0.00437164306640625, "237": 0.0161590576171875, "22799": 0.09918212890625, "6275": 0.048583984375, "78779": 0.1083984375, "42068": 0.1719970703125, "84079": 0.127685546875, "3299": 0.165283203125, "2446": 0.0210418701171875, "100094": 0.046661376953125, "56465": 0.12139892578125, "15411": 0.07537841796875, "456": 0.0313720703125, "127966": 0.1563720703125} |
7028976 | Epidermal growth factor receptor expression identifies functionally and molecularly distinct tumor-initiating cells in human glioblastoma multiforme and is required for gliomagenesis. | Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is a known diagnostic and, although controversial, prognostic marker of human glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). However, its functional role and biological significance in GBM remain elusive. Here, we show that multiple GBM cell subpopulations could be purified from the specimens of patients with GBM and from cancer stem cell (CSC) lines based on the expression of EGFR and of other putative CSC markers. All these subpopulations are molecularly and functionally distinct, are tumorigenic, and need to express EGFR to promote experimental tumorigenesis. Among them, EGFR-expressing tumor-initiating cells (TIC) display the most malignant functional and molecular phenotype. Accordingly, modulation of EGFR expression by gain-of-function and loss-of-function strategies in GBM CSC lines enhances and reduces their tumorigenic ability, respectively, suggesting that EGFR plays a fundamental role in gliomagenesis. These findings open up the possibility of new therapeutically relevant scenarios, as the presence of functionally heterogeneous EGFR(pos) and EGFR(neg) TIC subpopulations within the same tumor might affect clinical response to treatment. | {"56273": 0.1239013671875, "820": 0.1873779296875, "2749": 0.1041259765625, "75678": 0.198486328125, "31461": 0.223388671875, "137376": 0.267822265625, "25176": 0.1611328125, "46290": 0.310791015625, "83": 0.0218658447265625, "51529": 0.1312255859375, "52070": 0.18994140625, "4": 0.0170745849609375, "102971": 0.03216552734375, "189353": 0.1734619140625, "141": 0.016693115234375, "183509": 0.2198486328125, "9523": 0.10009765625, "71323": 0.2215576171875, "14135": 0.0831298828125, "1978": 0.11822509765625, "89533": 0.1795654296875, "63348": 0.1728515625, "6024": 0.11395263671875, "48429": 0.216796875, "8359": 0.1314697265625, "594": 0.1912841796875, "33306": 0.00977325439453125, "6863": 0.02667236328125, "123309": 0.1690673828125, "31486": 0.1597900390625, "333": 0.046142578125, "109622": 0.019195556640625, "12330": 0.1033935546875, "23": 0.0002104043960571289, "20331": 0.15087890625, "47143": 0.0280303955078125, "19264": 0.079833984375, "29888": 0.105224609375, "7639": 0.039215087890625, "48716": 0.116455078125, "38750": 0.1929931640625, "1614": 0.169677734375, "33554": 0.159423828125, "72403": 0.1156005859375, "7": 0.017120361328125, "5809": 0.06573486328125, "186": 0.016357421875, "7398": 0.1871337890625, "47314": 0.09503173828125, "1295": 0.0806884765625, "70": 0.01708984375, "40140": 0.104248046875, "18241": 0.0166473388671875, "111": 0.0169525146484375, "60264": 0.1202392578125, "678": 0.0227508544921875, "27968": 0.1492919921875, "36418": 0.1268310546875, "15": 0.0162353515625, "441": 0.0206756591796875, "14495": 0.1883544921875, "16": 0.0167694091796875, "124519": 0.184814453125, "98": 0.016815185546875, "125195": 0.170166015625, "75008": 0.140869140625, "136": 0.016265869140625, "3789": 0.0157623291015625, "4935": 0.016845703125, "313": 0.049957275390625, "621": 0.0166168212890625, "233239": 0.08612060546875, "538": 0.01708984375, "117781": 0.1561279296875, "57412": 0.192626953125, "8402": 0.1488037109375, "1771": 0.07080078125, "3871": 0.031494140625, "47": 0.0162506103515625, "36510": 0.14794921875, "125568": 0.10223388671875, "195935": 0.1671142578125, "90": 0.05889892578125, "2022": 0.016571044921875, "136091": 0.141357421875, "214": 0.0164337158203125, "9": 0.0170440673828125, "943": 0.07568359375, "118": 0.08203125, "26518": 0.016510009765625, "98725": 0.1915283203125, "44116": 0.10736083984375, "2684": 0.095947265625, "186470": 0.11724853515625, "1236": 0.0169677734375, "11521": 0.047210693359375, "21004": 0.01189422607421875, "50986": 0.07293701171875, "17055": 0.191162109375, "2320": 0.015472412109375, "390": 0.0167236328125, "21647": 0.004119873046875, "4390": 0.0169525146484375, "137175": 0.153076171875, "86669": 0.0345458984375, "50531": 0.133544921875, "156856": 0.1563720703125, "34390": 0.1153564453125, "81273": 0.08428955078125, "42459": 0.0113525390625, "450": 0.004253387451171875, "11301": 0.0261993408203125, "10": 0.0164947509765625, "20531": 0.11419677734375, "8945": 0.15283203125, "15292": 0.131103515625, "6023": 0.01702880859375, "90791": 0.01004791259765625, "9803": 0.043701171875, "207116": 0.054840087890625, "3525": 0.01971435546875, "126472": 0.10906982421875, "71407": 0.016815185546875, "29191": 0.0899658203125, "106117": 0.06427001953125, "169424": 0.004161834716796875, "77099": 0.1259765625, "10821": 0.016815185546875, "7522": 0.1573486328125, "86": 0.024261474609375, "136854": 0.2042236328125, "28032": 0.03521728515625, "5701": 0.07073974609375, "13648": 0.05657958984375, "52490": 0.10888671875, "56465": 0.071044921875, "289": 0.01702880859375, "57553": 0.0863037109375, "39734": 0.1383056640625} |
7029990 | Stress-induced apoptosis associated with null mutation of ADAR1 RNA editing deaminase gene. | One type of RNA editing involves the conversion of adenosine residues into inosine in double-stranded RNA through the action of adenosine deaminases acting on RNA (ADAR). A-to-I RNA editing of the coding sequence could result in synthesis of proteins not directly encoded in the genome. ADAR edits also non-coding sequences of target RNAs, such as introns and 3'-untranslated regions, which may affect splicing, translation, and mRNA stability. Three mammalian ADAR gene family members (ADAR1-3) have been identified. Here we investigated phenotypes of mice homozygous for ADAR1 null mutation. Although live ADAR1-/- embryos with normal gross appearance could be recovered up to E11.5, widespread apoptosis was detected in many tissues. Fibroblasts derived from ADAR1-/- embryos were also prone to apoptosis induced by serum deprivation. Our results demonstrate an essential requirement for ADAR1 in embryogenesis and suggest that it functions to promote survival of numerous tissues by editing one or more double-stranded RNAs required for protection against stress-induced apoptosis. | {"6561": 0.062469482421875, "10644": 0.146484375, "125499": 0.251220703125, "27211": 0.2568359375, "214": 0.122314453125, "83687": 0.03387451171875, "142477": 0.1038818359375, "606": 0.08984375, "76131": 0.1781005859375, "1212": 0.12359619140625, "99996": 0.1676025390625, "3934": 0.04833984375, "23": 0.07611083984375, "232": 0.1485595703125, "41929": 0.09228515625, "58526": 0.158935546875, "22631": 0.0225067138671875, "8": 0.112060546875, "1191": 0.11163330078125, "2658": 0.081787109375, "1030": 0.01776123046875, "203334": 0.2900390625, "62": 0.12103271484375, "188": 0.1800537109375, "568": 0.1043701171875, "552": 0.1346435546875, "6238": 0.08233642578125, "944": 0.08331298828125, "5809": 0.055511474609375, "16750": 0.041046142578125, "142518": 0.06829833984375, "21308": 0.1514892578125, "959": 0.0791015625, "105237": 0.09381103515625, "22": 0.01136016845703125, "40899": 0.14794921875, "8584": 0.07403564453125, "351": 0.08099365234375, "587": 0.09912109375, "26513": 0.08099365234375, "30388": 0.1590576171875, "9407": 0.07733154296875, "138": 0.06463623046875, "25": 0.049041748046875, "30145": 0.0259857177734375, "10776": 0.0601806640625, "1543": 0.047760009765625, "52490": 0.09417724609375, "55992": 0.1343994140625, "153648": 0.0592041015625, "40780": 0.151123046875, "129335": 0.095703125, "21968": 0.10546875, "38820": 0.07427978515625, "22293": 0.1376953125, "14449": 0.07098388671875, "43032": 0.091796875, "133015": 0.1480712890625, "207487": 0.08856201171875, "11521": 0.035888671875, "21004": 0.0906982421875, "50986": 0.156005859375, "324": 0.1390380859375, "329": 0.06756591796875, "12840": 0.09222412109375, "3285": 0.0994873046875, "519": 0.09600830078125, "418": 0.1441650390625, "56574": 0.1640625, "199334": 0.1348876953125, "6867": 0.11572265625, "20268": 0.1611328125, "64": 0.0533447265625, "352": 0.044647216796875, "21731": 0.155517578125, "3638": 0.08941650390625, "55215": 0.07733154296875, "170894": 0.150390625, "192026": 0.1357421875, "241": 0.05731201171875, "42876": 0.115966796875, "21329": 0.03448486328125, "6885": 0.07916259765625, "40934": 0.11859130859375, "6023": 0.052642822265625, "96391": 0.042816162109375, "5941": 0.04473876953125, "108055": 0.1051025390625, "3698": 0.032501220703125, "6369": 0.0721435546875, "67301": 0.091552734375, "502": 0.09576416015625, "135989": 0.1300048828125, "1605": 0.094482421875, "158559": 0.1395263671875, "85590": 0.0909423828125, "64209": 0.10595703125, "62976": 0.050079345703125, "32354": 0.083251953125, "125568": 0.1376953125, "218018": 0.1329345703125, "183851": 0.093994140625, "1286": 0.00235748291015625, "56065": 0.0191802978515625, "48431": 0.0853271484375, "26548": 0.04547119140625, "11405": 0.1375732421875, "18442": 0.07574462890625} |
7034001 | Outcome of multipair donor kidney exchange by a web-based algorithm. | Donor kidney exchange is an established method to overcome incompatibility of donor-recipient pairs (DRP). A computerized algorithm was devised to exchange donor kidney and was tested in a multicenter setting. The algorithm was made according to the consensus of participating centers. It makes all possible exchange combinations not only between two incompatible DRP but also circularly among three DRP and selects an optimum set of exchange combinations, considering several factors that can affect the outcome of the exchanged transplant. The algorithm was implemented as a web-based program, and matching was performed five times. Fifty-three DRP were enrolled from five transplant centers. The numbers of DRP that were enrolled in each matching were 38 (25:13), 39 (34:5), 33 (31:2), 32 (28:4), and 34 (30:4) (carryover:newcomer). The numbers of generated exchange combinations were 4:11, 3:17, 2:12, 2:3, and 2:3 (two-pair exchange:three-pair exchange), and the numbers of DRP in selected exchange combinations were six, 12, six, five, and four in each matching. The numbers of DRP with blood type O recipient or AB donor were five and one, respectively, in selected exchange combinations. Six DRP of two-pair exchange combinations and six DRP of three-pair exchange combinations underwent transplantation successfully. Computerized algorithm of donor kidney exchange was tried not only between two incompatible DRP but also circularly among three DRP. It showed that the algorithm has potential to improve the outcome of donor kidney exchange, especially for disadvantaged DRP with blood type O recipients or AB donors. | {"7650": 0.2064208984375, "748": 0.2095947265625, "200": 0.1802978515625, "10952": 0.254150390625, "53": 0.1588134765625, "121122": 0.335693359375, "83": 0.0858154296875, "142": 0.025115966796875, "170920": 0.150390625, "55300": 0.17578125, "47": 0.042633056640625, "645": 0.13818359375, "45738": 0.173583984375, "240456": 0.2685546875, "2481": 0.1531982421875, "111": 0.02532958984375, "164441": 0.262451171875, "9": 0.0253753662109375, "107": 0.08770751953125, "25258": 0.10980224609375, "18750": 0.09893798828125, "80836": 0.22216796875, "7": 0.025360107421875, "397": 0.05487060546875, "38796": 0.267822265625, "194": 0.009246826171875, "13909": 0.1712646484375, "29367": 0.02435302734375, "234873": 0.281982421875, "509": 0.024566650390625, "97025": 0.11907958984375, "297": 0.025390625, "136": 0.0249176025390625, "3034": 0.1748046875, "23": 0.0254364013671875, "10": 0.0250396728515625, "6024": 0.09429931640625, "30090": 0.14453125, "53550": 0.0301055908203125, "7228": 0.021575927734375, "59499": 0.0014047622680664062, "70": 0.0252532958984375, "133238": 0.139404296875, "42938": 0.06640625, "214": 0.0254058837890625, "27585": 0.1231689453125, "30482": 0.0297088623046875, "756": 0.0323486328125, "7722": 0.104248046875, "162515": 0.2109375, "959": 0.025054931640625, "17721": 0.07147216796875, "6626": 0.0718994140625, "82940": 0.1619873046875, "1888": 0.170654296875, "2661": 0.024688720703125, "391": 0.038970947265625, "1284": 0.0246429443359375, "2843": 0.025146484375, "115339": 0.14892578125, "538": 0.0252532958984375, "54940": 0.0753173828125, "17262": 0.1319580078125, "36849": 0.10150146484375, "15572": 0.11846923828125, "316": 0.0251617431640625, "5423": 0.0238800048828125, "4": 0.025360107421875, "179635": 0.0002579689025878906, "40368": 0.0251617431640625, "120103": 0.08038330078125, "450": 0.025299072265625, "831": 0.0210418701171875, "52490": 0.11376953125, "184345": 0.146728515625, "71": 0.025238037109375, "116192": 0.2125244140625, "581": 0.024688720703125, "29479": 0.09222412109375, "237": 0.0239715576171875, "1467": 0.09466552734375, "77007": 0.0246734619140625, "1528": 0.1297607421875, "14858": 0.1708984375, "51339": 0.09521484375, "43606": 0.10931396484375, "20028": 0.0245513916015625, "3698": 0.04168701171875, "2480": 0.06256103515625, "927": 0.0252227783203125, "13": 0.0250244140625, "3542": 0.02508544921875, "22": 0.0860595703125, "27722": 0.1474609375, "1295": 0.01751708984375, "101935": 0.1727294921875, "12638": 0.0235443115234375, "4520": 0.1229248046875, "39695": 0.07806396484375, "22618": 0.11163330078125, "247": 0.025146484375, "5606": 0.09033203125, "15": 0.0254058837890625, "10289": 0.0645751953125, "12": 0.0253143310546875, "43317": 0.0191192626953125, "3912": 0.138671875, "104954": 0.02545166015625, "10461": 0.02545166015625, "2789": 0.0672607421875, "60191": 0.025360107421875, "29557": 0.025543212890625, "4442": 0.1357421875, "38774": 0.0247955322265625, "3284": 0.0096435546875, "1294": 0.02471923828125, "5465": 0.040740966796875, "54936": 0.037506103515625, "277": 0.10986328125, "56": 0.0247802734375, "139392": 0.1031494140625, "201": 0.09100341796875, "19993": 0.10418701171875, "138": 0.0249481201171875, "22950": 0.0253448486328125, "116": 0.0249481201171875, "20927": 0.11376953125, "15573": 0.06793212890625, "363": 0.0253143310546875, "55547": 0.09246826171875, "109637": 0.2061767578125, "37195": 0.10693359375, "427": 0.058013916015625, "22759": 0.01104736328125, "678": 0.024200439453125, "59714": 0.1533203125, "10644": 0.025543212890625, "180": 0.170166015625, "134003": 0.08819580078125, "11321": 0.14208984375, "1632": 0.0252838134765625, "107013": 0.025390625, "133291": 0.01424407958984375, "84247": 0.099853515625, "2320": 0.024932861328125, "65771": 0.129150390625, "40139": 0.153564453125, "37842": 0.11370849609375, "1650": 0.02386474609375, "1556": 0.02532958984375, "38516": 0.13623046875, "52295": 0.163330078125, "41866": 0.01548004150390625, "100": 0.0253753662109375, "6392": 0.0016832351684570312, "118237": 0.018951416015625, "17704": 0.0253143310546875, "707": 0.021942138671875} |
7036529 | Light Activation of Channelrhodopsin-2 in Excitable Cells of Caenorhabditis elegans Triggers Rapid Behavioral Responses | For studying the function of specific neurons in their native circuitry, it is desired to precisely control their activity. This often requires dissection to allow accurate electrical stimulation or neurotransmitter application , and it is thus inherently difficult in live animals, especially in small model organisms. Here, we employed channelrhodopsin-2 (ChR2), a directly light-gated cation channel from the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, in excitable cells of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, to trigger specific behaviors, simply by illumination. Channelrhodopsins are 7-transmembrane-helix proteins that resemble the light-driven proton pump bacteriorhodopsin , and they also utilize the chromophore all-trans retinal, but to open an intrinsic cation pore. In muscle cells, light-activated ChR2 evoked strong, simultaneous contractions, which were reduced in the background of mutated L-type, voltage-gated Ca2+-channels (VGCCs) and ryanodine receptors (RyRs). Electrophysiological analysis demonstrated rapid inward currents that persisted as long as the illumination. When ChR2 was expressed in mechanosensory neurons, light evoked withdrawal behaviors that are normally elicited by mechanical stimulation. Furthermore, ChR2 enabled activity of these neurons in mutants lacking the MEC-4/MEC-10 mechanosensory ion channel . Thus, specific neurons or muscles expressing ChR2 can be quickly and reversibly activated by light in live and behaving, as well as dissected, animals. | {"1326": 0.01335906982421875, "35187": 0.1258544921875, "214": 0.0252838134765625, "32354": 0.144775390625, "29458": 0.176513671875, "184940": 0.232177734375, "7": 0.0693359375, "24": 0.0816650390625, "4935": 0.069580078125, "61404": 0.10931396484375, "1294": 0.005908966064453125, "4": 0.006671905517578125, "104851": 0.102294921875, "71": 0.006397247314453125, "134995": 0.134521484375, "6226": 0.1944580078125, "103488": 0.12274169921875, "27983": 0.041961669921875, "144570": 0.0472412109375, "4504": 0.1668701171875, "10763": 0.091796875, "152018": 0.11090087890625, "39108": 0.08465576171875, "289": 0.006557464599609375, "28029": 0.17333984375, "2320": 0.0065155029296875, "37817": 0.10699462890625, "30145": 0.072021484375, "266": 0.01110076904296875, "3055": 0.028717041015625, "38415": 0.06787109375, "6": 0.006702423095703125, "83": 0.00563812255859375, "235529": 0.10552978515625, "538": 0.006496429443359375, "34844": 0.1138916015625, "6867": 0.1239013671875, "85825": 0.1881103515625, "23": 0.006496429443359375, "19336": 0.0545654296875, "3299": 0.15185546875, "25150": 0.1033935546875, "212423": 0.140869140625, "86723": 0.200439453125, "42": 0.057586669921875, "7352": 0.161376953125, "2146": 0.1822509765625, "1596": 0.1807861328125, "5428": 0.1888427734375, "15982": 0.073974609375, "1052": 0.1505126953125, "10461": 0.236083984375, "105237": 0.122314453125, "22729": 0.209716796875, "9": 0.0065765380859375, "208": 0.1522216796875, "3674": 0.00676727294921875, "120639": 0.216796875, "1295": 0.01276397705078125, "70": 0.006587982177734375, "50997": 0.10504150390625, "98220": 0.1962890625, "3751": 0.0701904296875, "143": 0.0298919677734375, "1176": 0.09912109375, "3815": 0.076171875, "75528": 0.1507568359375, "19574": 0.050537109375, "25612": 0.1402587890625, "6205": 0.1041259765625, "164101": 0.2069091796875, "2661": 0.006549835205078125, "38750": 0.169921875, "111": 0.006439208984375, "9997": 0.156005859375, "188": 0.1513671875, "112": 0.0270843505859375, "2041": 0.084716796875, "33": 0.03173828125, "748": 0.07025146484375, "24360": 0.13427734375, "46182": 0.13037109375, "69443": 0.173095703125, "47": 0.0261077880859375, "185553": 0.23095703125, "123166": 0.2322998046875, "42856": 0.031280517578125, "390": 0.0158843994140625, "166116": 0.2181396484375, "1363": 0.00640106201171875, "55969": 0.1844482421875, "6700": 0.166259765625, "621": 0.0066070556640625, "14104": 0.081298828125, "282": 0.033233642578125, "12846": 0.08843994140625, "86": 0.00504302978515625, "54140": 0.1236572265625, "425": 0.06787109375, "21308": 0.239013671875, "450": 0.006622314453125, "102337": 0.10113525390625, "40099": 0.00818634033203125, "33926": 0.1419677734375, "22664": 0.1602783203125, "19": 0.020172119140625, "42874": 0.1768798828125, "174855": 0.0928955078125, "136": 0.00640106201171875, "121876": 0.10809326171875, "17656": 0.061065673828125, "306": 0.0170745849609375, "94187": 0.1351318359375, "756": 0.0462646484375, "119256": 0.1102294921875, "9803": 0.1324462890625, "142": 0.006252288818359375, "9407": 0.07745361328125, "73": 0.006683349609375, "27744": 0.006458282470703125, "196": 0.1287841796875, "13": 0.006717681884765625, "123635": 0.1978759765625, "111438": 0.1138916015625, "304": 0.2008056640625, "113536": 0.1612548828125, "12225": 0.0049896240234375, "37515": 0.0677490234375, "134477": 0.07708740234375, "10821": 0.006801605224609375, "18264": 0.15185546875, "17514": 0.00540924072265625, "3129": 0.006267547607421875, "3542": 0.006504058837890625, "34390": 0.11767578125, "31158": 0.12548828125, "297": 0.00666046142578125, "339": 0.07037353515625, "50986": 0.05181884765625, "6599": 0.0745849609375, "429": 0.00658416748046875, "1328": 0.06854248046875, "17032": 0.09429931640625, "8876": 0.005809783935546875, "15": 0.005023956298828125, "79855": 0.03729248046875, "13709": 0.0784912109375, "16": 0.006557464599609375, "5535": 0.060577392578125, "3922": 0.0777587890625, "30833": 0.0596923828125, "137376": 0.07244873046875, "53": 0.00659942626953125, "93010": 0.043609619140625, "34053": 0.054962158203125, "114137": 0.06451416015625, "25545": 0.0947265625, "19364": 0.1214599609375, "43581": 0.105224609375, "70560": 0.0830078125, "237": 0.00655364990234375, "4989": 0.00982666015625, "509": 0.005512237548828125, "36510": 0.100830078125, "74842": 0.127197265625, "31": 0.004276275634765625, "163839": 0.1773681640625, "205850": 0.219970703125, "3638": 0.0560302734375, "28": 0.006328582763671875, "60923": 0.043243408203125, "135969": 0.1419677734375, "9319": 0.0066070556640625, "17678": 0.0048675537109375, "225081": 0.0699462890625, "21144": 0.12841796875, "10840": 0.03302001953125, "21": 0.010955810546875, "16546": 0.0445556640625, "77212": 0.07391357421875, "10611": 0.0222625732421875, "9193": 0.06024169921875, "45339": 0.04180908203125, "707": 0.01580810546875, "831": 0.037750244140625, "186": 0.00658416748046875, "69405": 0.0784912109375, "39531": 0.1343994140625, "172": 0.0066070556640625, "38526": 0.006664276123046875, "34704": 0.136962890625, "528": 0.08966064453125, "6496": 0.006500244140625, "89829": 0.006175994873046875} |
7039855 | Neuronal activity regulates remyelination via glutamate signalling to oligodendrocyte progenitors | Myelin regeneration can occur spontaneously in demyelinating diseases such as multiple sclerosis (MS). However, the underlying mechanisms and causes of its frequent failure remain incompletely understood. Here we show, using an in-vivo remyelination model, that demyelinated axons are electrically active and generate de novo synapses with recruited oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (OPCs), which, early after lesion induction, sense neuronal activity by expressing AMPA (α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid)/kainate receptors. Blocking neuronal activity, axonal vesicular release or AMPA receptors in demyelinated lesions results in reduced remyelination. In the absence of neuronal activity there is a ∼6-fold increase in OPC number within the lesions and a reduced proportion of differentiated oligodendrocytes. These findings reveal that neuronal activity and release of glutamate instruct OPCs to differentiate into new myelinating oligodendrocytes that recover lost function. Co-localization of OPCs with the presynaptic protein VGluT2 in MS lesions implies that this mechanism may provide novel targets to therapeutically enhance remyelination. | {"2646": 0.152587890625, "37755": 0.275634765625, "94410": 0.2451171875, "1363": 0.09503173828125, "831": 0.05859375, "74918": 0.08013916015625, "150189": 0.1617431640625, "8": 0.2027587890625, "1176": 0.1453857421875, "26518": 0.0740966796875, "70997": 0.1375732421875, "48716": 0.139404296875, "9023": 0.07086181640625, "603": 0.07965087890625, "84125": 0.083251953125, "13439": 0.1763916015625, "1379": 0.07440185546875, "538": 0.0260772705078125, "191619": 0.145751953125, "113660": 0.060760498046875, "103351": 0.127685546875, "137578": 0.1610107421875, "47143": 0.00872802734375, "82940": 0.0384521484375, "217064": 0.10772705078125, "7639": 0.05596923828125, "23": 0.06500244140625, "686": 0.1241455078125, "965": 0.1485595703125, "456": 0.159912109375, "2320": 0.0699462890625, "3299": 0.1793212890625, "27686": 0.09893798828125, "10": 0.1075439453125, "27012": 0.2447509765625, "7": 0.054351806640625, "39108": 0.18115234375, "36457": 0.182861328125, "136": 0.02362060546875, "139392": 0.172607421875, "5474": 0.1392822265625, "133600": 0.134765625, "45616": 0.171875, "678": 0.0215606689453125, "172310": 0.1749267578125, "1194": 0.1290283203125, "7803": 0.09063720703125, "33": 0.0760498046875, "5814": 0.1181640625, "2408": 0.088623046875, "67": 0.0135955810546875, "502": 0.1298828125, "1409": 0.1629638671875, "26111": 0.044708251953125, "38750": 0.1807861328125, "670": 0.108154296875, "12233": 0.2322998046875, "39395": 0.07568359375, "7103": 0.05718994140625, "199": 0.14794921875, "1830": 0.07232666015625, "77391": 0.14013671875, "10422": 0.1907958984375, "184940": 0.199462890625, "103488": 0.1646728515625, "36510": 0.11431884765625, "137918": 0.259033203125, "1445": 0.06646728515625, "1191": 0.06304931640625, "8316": 0.05865478515625, "180220": 0.023712158203125, "10342": 0.04217529296875, "11565": 0.043182373046875, "3798": 0.02154541015625, "147300": 0.058135986328125, "132489": 0.07049560546875, "43840": 0.08013916015625, "73341": 0.1407470703125, "2182": 0.0997314453125, "137376": 0.17529296875, "80231": 0.176025390625, "35882": 0.11163330078125, "54452": 0.133056640625, "17514": 0.08856201171875, "50339": 0.0426025390625, "34390": 0.164794921875, "112199": 0.1356201171875, "910": 0.075439453125, "42822": 0.10101318359375, "51312": 0.1251220703125, "180": 0.11102294921875, "99710": 0.1368408203125, "18743": 0.0430908203125, "19092": 0.10760498046875, "36716": 0.09130859375, "3525": 0.04296875, "7705": 0.175537109375, "10061": 0.17138671875, "192026": 0.127197265625, "72856": 0.060882568359375, "32354": 0.09478759765625, "1311": 0.05328369140625, "98908": 0.11334228515625, "9498": 0.076904296875, "29673": 0.0156402587890625, "112569": 0.08575439453125, "21308": 0.1304931640625, "81283": 0.088623046875, "822": 0.1168212890625, "618": 0.040191650390625, "304": 0.08642578125, "16265": 0.1591796875, "35388": 0.00156402587890625, "1543": 0.03253173828125, "21261": 0.0162200927734375, "30388": 0.08697509765625, "126472": 0.1055908203125, "156856": 0.150146484375} |
7042304 | The threshold for polyglutamine-expansion protein aggregation and cellular toxicity is dynamic and influenced by aging in Caenorhabditis elegans. | Studies of the mutant gene in Huntington's disease, and for eight related neurodegenerative disorders, have identified polyglutamine (polyQ) expansions as a basis for cellular toxicity. This finding has led to a disease hypothesis that protein aggregation and cellular dysfunction can occur at a threshold of approximately 40 glutamine residues. Here, we test this hypothesis by expression of fluorescently tagged polyQ proteins (Q29, Q33, Q35, Q40, and Q44) in the body wall muscle cells of Caenorhabditis elegans and show that young adults exhibit a sharp boundary at 35-40 glutamines associated with the appearance of protein aggregates and loss of motility. Surprisingly, genetically identical animals expressing near-threshold polyQ repeats exhibited a high degree of variation in the appearance of protein aggregates and cellular toxicity that was dependent on repeat length and exacerbated during aging. The role of genetically determined aging pathways in the progression of age-dependent polyQ-mediated aggregation and cellular toxicity was tested by expressing Q82 in the background of age-1 mutant animals that exhibit an extended lifespan. We observed a dramatic delay of polyQ toxicity and appearance of protein aggregates. These data provide experimental support for the threshold hypothesis of polyQ-mediated toxicity in an experimental organism and emphasize the importance of the threshold as a point at which genetic modifiers and aging influence biochemical environment and protein homeostasis in the cell. | {"132268": 0.07354736328125, "842": 0.16015625, "18211": 0.169921875, "22293": 0.1910400390625, "136392": 0.1822509765625, "42562": 0.2381591796875, "25": 0.0469970703125, "70997": 0.14111328125, "136659": 0.06512451171875, "37817": 0.09442138671875, "112": 0.00878143310546875, "48281": 0.09771728515625, "171986": 0.08538818359375, "207487": 0.0677490234375, "35874": 0.214599609375, "39529": 0.195556640625, "35409": 0.2371826171875, "135545": 0.2103271484375, "2737": 0.2459716796875, "14700": 0.09222412109375, "66": 0.1531982421875, "63239": 0.03692626953125, "18231": 0.1468505859375, "2927": 0.12060546875, "120087": 0.1611328125, "74735": 0.2474365234375, "2481": 0.07196044921875, "12441": 0.006557464599609375, "170933": 0.1568603515625, "6023": 0.038970947265625, "21308": 0.2447509765625, "197564": 0.198486328125, "1830": 0.0193328857421875, "136": 0.037445068359375, "51634": 0.06512451171875, "137175": 0.2080078125, "831": 0.05316162109375, "74918": 0.1051025390625, "159399": 0.1954345703125, "16200": 0.183837890625, "189275": 0.008758544921875, "1112": 0.18115234375, "18743": 0.205322265625, "99996": 0.2244873046875, "3034": 0.09478759765625, "125195": 0.1363525390625, "127179": 0.1346435546875, "150506": 0.07965087890625, "113005": 0.08489990234375, "4235": 0.2110595703125, "2396": 0.10009765625, "9185": 0.1895751953125, "5843": 0.15087890625, "2839": 0.156982421875, "116553": 0.1370849609375, "14361": 0.107421875, "58982": 0.1519775390625, "123635": 0.1824951171875, "38750": 0.164794921875, "2041": 0.08612060546875, "33": 0.0301971435546875, "748": 0.05914306640625, "24360": 0.1094970703125, "46182": 0.1527099609375, "7": 0.0621337890625, "69443": 0.170654296875, "27150": 0.11798095703125, "116127": 0.1527099609375, "80788": 0.11431884765625, "189173": 0.12176513671875, "99091": 0.17138671875, "2273": 0.12298583984375, "41734": 0.1544189453125, "137272": 0.049591064453125, "170894": 0.0643310546875, "86669": 0.09564208984375, "2080": 0.11907958984375, "103133": 0.0999755859375, "101412": 0.189453125, "31943": 0.140625, "85825": 0.205078125, "36510": 0.0833740234375, "43573": 0.1209716796875, "2109": 0.06719970703125, "119140": 0.2447509765625, "11192": 0.0238800048828125, "143834": 0.18017578125, "108750": 0.086669921875, "140909": 0.09033203125, "20271": 0.0439453125, "66398": 0.179931640625, "31486": 0.08953857421875, "83324": 0.09136962890625, "60875": 0.125732421875, "102966": 0.13037109375, "187735": 0.09442138671875, "32070": 0.08148193359375, "181063": 0.078857421875, "12333": 0.1357421875, "12012": 0.22802734375, "76615": 0.0350341796875, "5759": 0.10223388671875, "65042": 0.0792236328125, "6897": 0.0280914306640625, "19332": 0.052154541015625, "155034": 0.06646728515625, "8": 0.11114501953125, "5259": 0.1583251953125, "2053": 0.0143890380859375, "195935": 0.1512451171875, "8060": 0.0304107666015625, "25150": 0.11151123046875, "131011": 0.07672119140625, "158254": 0.1915283203125, "79507": 0.080810546875, "34610": 0.0242919921875, "65998": 0.038360595703125, "5368": 0.016265869140625, "5964": 0.052581787109375} |
7046487 | Inflammation meets cancer, with NF-κB as the matchmaker | Inflammation is a fundamental protective response that sometimes goes awry and becomes a major cofactor in the pathogenesis of many chronic human diseases, including cancer. Here we review the evolutionary relationship and opposing functions of the transcription factor NF-κB in inflammation and cancer. Although it seems to fulfill a distinctly tumor-promoting role in many types of cancer, NF-κB has a confounding role in certain tumors. Understanding the activity and function of NF-κB in the context of tumorigenesis is critical for its successful taming, an important challenge for modern cancer biology. | {"360": 0.1309814453125, "170180": 0.2646484375, "39": 0.2152099609375, "2320": 0.1650390625, "83": 0.08038330078125, "20531": 0.14697265625, "59959": 0.18798828125, "5844": 0.10919189453125, "57553": 0.1658935546875, "68018": 0.10052490234375, "60899": 0.06683349609375, "10": 0.00443267822265625, "5429": 0.1002197265625, "24209": 0.048614501953125, "13036": 0.08026123046875, "552": 0.1048583984375, "144810": 0.1785888671875, "60875": 0.061065673828125, "62976": 0.1112060546875, "90": 0.0716552734375, "164": 0.02978515625, "5941": 0.05877685546875, "184843": 0.14111328125, "14135": 0.06341552734375, "70997": 0.10845947265625, "27968": 0.2149658203125, "11853": 0.00217437744140625, "8347": 0.07489013671875, "28": 0.019744873046875, "137089": 0.1773681640625, "76755": 0.1263427734375, "2343": 0.1575927734375, "232": 0.1358642578125, "32354": 0.1488037109375, "30334": 0.1173095703125, "59478": 0.2039794921875, "31461": 0.202392578125, "73493": 0.25634765625, "9": 0.06121826171875, "4709": 0.125, "571": 0.2039794921875, "23": 0.0390625, "203932": 0.281982421875, "136": 0.09844970703125, "37202": 0.0467529296875, "211394": 0.0911865234375, "117781": 0.046722412109375, "57412": 0.1925048828125, "119204": 0.1444091796875, "31486": 0.1453857421875, "52895": 0.102294921875, "158": 0.0162200927734375, "151645": 0.10919189453125, "24233": 0.040740966796875, "9626": 0.042449951171875, "144057": 0.0092010498046875, "103488": 0.08184814453125, "43701": 0.06695556640625, "8402": 0.093505859375, "130306": 0.1142578125, "65771": 0.097900390625, "1481": 0.12017822265625, "214": 0.05804443359375, "5526": 0.046875, "66801": 0.10333251953125, "5744": 0.065673828125, "333": 0.033538818359375, "25443": 0.037017822265625} |
7059897 | IgBLAST: an immunoglobulin variable domain sequence analysis tool | The variable domain of an immunoglobulin (IG) sequence is encoded by multiple genes, including the variable (V) gene, the diversity (D) gene and the joining (J) gene. Analysis of IG sequences typically requires identification of each gene, as well as a comparison of sequence variations in the context of defined regions. General purpose tools, such as the BLAST program, have only limited use for such tasks, as the rearranged nature of an IG sequence and the variable length of each gene requires multiple rounds of BLAST searches for a single IG sequence. Additionally, manual assembly of different genes is difficult and error-prone. To address these issues and to facilitate other common tasks in analysing IG sequences, we have developed the sequence analysis tool IgBLAST (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/igblast/). With this tool, users can view the matches to the germline V, D and J genes, details at rearrangement junctions, the delineation of IG V domain framework regions and complementarity determining regions. IgBLAST has the capability to analyse nucleotide and protein sequences and can process sequences in batches. Furthermore, IgBLAST allows searches against the germline gene databases and other sequence databases simultaneously to minimize the chance of missing possibly the best matching germline V gene. | {"581": 0.0210113525390625, "77336": 0.30029296875, "77758": 0.2117919921875, "111": 0.0307769775390625, "142": 0.0255584716796875, "43766": 0.190185546875, "31": 0.08734130859375, "54285": 0.1378173828125, "53311": 0.1610107421875, "15": 0.0284423828125, "31343": 0.25537109375, "40": 0.1339111328125, "944": 0.19482421875, "3956": 0.1292724609375, "83": 0.076171875, "22": 0.111572265625, "40899": 0.219482421875, "71": 0.0306396484375, "390": 0.06292724609375, "48716": 0.1697998046875, "22293": 0.215087890625, "7": 0.03082275390625, "4": 0.0307159423828125, "26719": 0.0121307373046875, "70": 0.030670166015625, "856": 0.2261962890625, "16": 0.0301666259765625, "18595": 0.2078857421875, "939": 0.08258056640625, "397": 0.1324462890625, "136": 0.050201416015625, "33284": 0.1766357421875, "214": 0.08331298828125, "1375": 0.181640625, "5": 0.03070068359375, "114837": 0.2027587890625, "164": 0.032989501953125, "79883": 0.283935546875, "26513": 0.211669921875, "5170": 0.114013671875, "205794": 0.0565185546875, "144570": 0.0859375, "221160": 0.1441650390625, "12638": 0.05389404296875, "237": 0.030548095703125, "10": 0.030548095703125, "225490": 0.10137939453125, "143834": 0.2069091796875, "23": 0.030731201171875, "43701": 0.0251007080078125, "61924": 0.0633544921875, "10776": 0.1439208984375, "9082": 0.09930419921875, "60042": 0.14892578125, "72977": 0.231689453125, "6044": 0.0034198760986328125, "335": 0.103515625, "172905": 0.276123046875, "1528": 0.1636962890625, "765": 0.0357666015625, "4734": 0.00859832763671875, "84046": 0.08074951171875, "4527": 0.050140380859375, "100": 0.0304107666015625, "66211": 0.107666015625, "456": 0.05084228515625, "147": 0.00919342041015625, "5445": 0.10052490234375, "297": 0.0305633544921875, "31425": 0.028594970703125, "140909": 0.1002197265625, "68807": 0.0814208984375, "33938": 0.14013671875, "90": 0.0307159423828125, "11001": 0.1036376953125, "14": 0.0303802490234375, "43315": 0.028350830078125, "538": 0.0308074951171875, "23009": 0.132080078125, "89845": 0.114501953125, "12921": 0.124755859375, "34844": 0.09765625, "18499": 0.115966796875, "9": 0.028717041015625, "3454": 0.0321044921875, "86": 0.0299072265625, "717": 0.01123046875, "29823": 0.079345703125, "37348": 0.063232421875, "47": 0.03924560546875, "33493": 0.10821533203125, "67": 0.030731201171875, "39210": 0.0675048828125, "60822": 0.196044921875, "642": 0.0240936279296875, "126809": 0.0882568359375, "114137": 0.22900390625, "55516": 0.2266845703125, "59485": 0.19775390625, "571": 0.18115234375, "696": 0.030609130859375, "964": 0.10736083984375, "39": 0.0489501953125, "1306": 0.015777587890625, "12074": 0.0267486572265625, "64": 0.0294342041015625, "872": 0.153564453125, "67301": 0.2486572265625, "18": 0.1441650390625, "17106": 0.042144775390625, "903": 0.0323486328125, "72095": 0.1158447265625, "831": 0.042022705078125, "21455": 0.1519775390625, "14858": 0.1954345703125, "117979": 0.185546875, "2256": 0.1640625, "310": 0.247314453125, "391": 0.105712890625, "821": 0.1651611328125, "41653": 0.0172882080078125, "99": 0.0307464599609375, "225628": 0.139404296875, "27022": 0.08892822265625, "10763": 0.0307464599609375, "8": 0.0118865966796875, "2320": 0.0307769775390625, "170846": 0.09527587890625, "88066": 0.125244140625, "2481": 0.030517578125, "72694": 0.067138671875, "1556": 0.0185394287109375, "3540": 0.0843505859375, "41159": 0.012481689453125, "51422": 0.1610107421875, "241454": 0.10546875, "118": 0.061676025390625, "112": 0.030548095703125, "21308": 0.0816650390625, "9433": 0.03411865234375, "1777": 0.0831298828125, "17007": 0.03106689453125, "27766": 0.020050048828125, "9319": 0.030548095703125, "17678": 0.029632568359375, "114864": 0.06561279296875, "26548": 0.044647216796875, "63399": 0.08447265625, "134477": 0.0228729248046875, "13": 0.0303955078125, "79850": 0.030731201171875, "881": 0.058685302734375, "77651": 0.01305389404296875, "18227": 0.0153656005859375, "132283": 0.052337646484375, "144681": 0.0211029052734375, "2965": 0.1024169921875} |
7074001 | Evidence into practice. Application of psychological models of change in evidence-based implementation. | Psychiatrists have long recognised that routine clinical practice needs to be shaped and informed by external evidence (Lewis, 1958). Psychiatric researchers were among the first to utilise multi-centre randomised controlled trials (demonstrating the effectiveness of antipsychotics), and psychologists were among the first in the health field to develop techniques of meta-analysis. Social workers, too, point to their tradition with the publication of one of the earliest controlled trials (Lehrman, 1949). | {"113441": 0.14599609375, "38459": 0.1827392578125, "43291": 0.125732421875, "933": 0.07220458984375, "765": 0.003833770751953125, "4989": 0.0709228515625, "75530": 0.05615234375, "93": 0.00385284423828125, "124374": 0.1729736328125, "56465": 0.1390380859375, "289": 0.038604736328125, "41361": 0.141357421875, "27117": 0.08978271484375, "115700": 0.1478271484375, "136": 0.00482940673828125, "27257": 0.087890625, "173591": 0.11688232421875, "77950": 0.1888427734375, "5267": 0.0181884765625, "16196": 0.1673583984375, "42610": 0.1522216796875, "62233": 0.11749267578125, "25188": 0.1380615234375, "1314": 0.06732177734375, "54940": 0.011627197265625, "5117": 0.11895751953125, "95601": 0.1171875, "6024": 0.10174560546875, "115068": 0.14794921875, "96759": 0.132568359375, "52021": 0.076171875, "6226": 0.1839599609375, "6259": 0.092041015625, "110324": 0.2376708984375, "3796": 0.1070556640625, "60266": 0.09503173828125, "7432": 0.0016632080078125, "2874": 0.10833740234375, "51775": 0.120361328125, "3089": 0.0950927734375, "41637": 0.1075439453125, "55182": 0.159912109375, "64370": 0.10302734375, "16227": 0.158447265625, "44457": 0.09295654296875, "85493": 0.0802001953125, "53088": 0.1497802734375, "23550": 0.2039794921875, "9": 0.0171661376953125, "174976": 0.2095947265625, "164": 0.09698486328125, "7142": 0.13330078125, "133325": 0.1392822265625, "6275": 0.047119140625, "40250": 0.1136474609375, "104345": 0.09637451171875, "1632": 0.011077880859375, "67896": 0.04766845703125, "150": 0.0523681640625, "525": 0.02166748046875, "4097": 0.030975341796875, "669": 0.125244140625, "45604": 0.1546630859375} |
7093809 | Wnt signaling establishes anteroposterior neuronal polarity and requires retromer in C. elegans. | Secreted Wnt proteins influence neural connectivity by regulating axon guidance, dendritic morphogenesis and synapse formation. We report a new role for Wnt and Frizzled proteins in establishing the anteroposterior polarity of the mechanosensory neurons ALM and PLM in C. elegans. Disruption of Wnt signaling leads to a complete inversion of ALM and PLM polarity: the anterior process adopts the length, branching pattern and synaptic properties of the wild-type posterior process, and vice versa. Different but overlapping sets of Wnt proteins regulate neuronal polarity in different body regions. Wnts act directly on PLM via the Frizzled LIN-17. In addition, we show that they are needed for axon branching and anteriorly directed axon growth. We also find that the retromer, a conserved protein complex that mediates transcytosis and endosome-to-Golgi protein trafficking, plays a key role in Wnt signaling. Deletion mutations of retromer subunits cause ALM and PLM polarity, and other Wnt-related defects. We show that retromer protein VPS-35 is required in Wnt-expressing cells and propose that retromer activity is needed to generate a fully active Wnt signal. | {"39008": 0.2000732421875, "297": 0.07086181640625, "601": 0.143310546875, "660": 0.258056640625, "21308": 0.2265625, "7": 0.032867431640625, "79507": 0.1644287109375, "108": 0.054107666015625, "82451": 0.1822509765625, "37067": 0.1439208984375, "54613": 0.11676025390625, "15913": 0.2108154296875, "10": 0.046844482421875, "27012": 0.18994140625, "196219": 0.1776123046875, "8": 0.0014848709106445312, "29887": 0.06689453125, "22014": 0.00897979736328125, "15292": 0.06072998046875, "133600": 0.0609130859375, "45616": 0.1162109375, "27643": 0.059661865234375, "13416": 0.0103302001953125, "3525": 0.019561767578125, "31486": 0.1385498046875, "136": 0.0576171875, "9173": 0.10089111328125, "13894": 0.130615234375, "6259": 0.1605224609375, "137633": 0.073486328125, "4030": 0.0650634765625, "516": 0.030792236328125, "7522": 0.06146240234375, "56043": 0.1361083984375, "160": 0.147705078125, "320": 0.187255859375, "2481": 0.06207275390625, "74842": 0.090576171875, "163839": 0.1558837890625, "184940": 0.1873779296875, "62": 0.01036834716796875, "37150": 0.18115234375, "313": 0.0760498046875, "5": 0.01279449462890625, "69443": 0.177001953125, "9167": 0.07989501953125, "26073": 0.1680908203125, "214": 0.072265625, "37105": 0.03326416015625, "28484": 0.04888916015625, "46354": 0.13720703125, "14798": 0.1177978515625, "9433": 0.0692138671875, "30666": 0.025726318359375, "140909": 0.055633544921875, "32845": 0.08697509765625, "183871": 0.03643798828125, "56409": 0.12445068359375, "50986": 0.0999755859375, "39225": 0.154541015625, "242520": 0.061248779296875, "645": 0.0304718017578125, "143": 0.1131591796875, "5423": 0.03216552734375, "67": 0.0016031265258789062, "12921": 0.07806396484375, "14361": 0.0892333984375, "10776": 0.07171630859375, "16037": 0.2421875, "27992": 0.09423828125, "105237": 0.09808349609375, "98": 0.030426025390625, "436": 0.0203704833984375, "1829": 0.064453125, "70": 0.0201263427734375, "46610": 0.128173828125, "13521": 0.160400390625, "7639": 0.00144195556640625, "44841": 0.1317138671875, "59207": 0.005001068115234375, "8951": 0.00023615360260009766, "75678": 0.09429931640625, "24036": 0.1943359375, "1991": 0.2294921875, "118684": 0.1341552734375, "27140": 0.118896484375, "2450": 0.0809326171875, "3900": 0.01262664794921875, "1952": 0.04217529296875, "43452": 0.06658935546875, "17903": 0.027862548828125, "48679": 0.18408203125, "83629": 0.1341552734375, "11301": 0.0141754150390625, "22799": 0.063720703125, "133": 0.042236328125, "199334": 0.09112548828125, "1614": 0.0296630859375, "309": 0.03497314453125, "22304": 0.00640869140625, "72104": 0.1290283203125, "310": 0.03741455078125, "9059": 0.160888671875, "40176": 0.21875, "56065": 0.1346435546875, "136091": 0.047119140625, "38750": 0.09967041015625, "26171": 0.0011463165283203125, "103488": 0.0528564453125, "139392": 0.02099609375, "89554": 0.0168304443359375, "36457": 0.09234619140625} |
7098463 | Adjustable gastric banding and conventional therapy for type 2 diabetes: a randomized controlled trial. | CONTEXT Observational studies suggest that surgically induced loss of weight may be effective therapy for type 2 diabetes. OBJECTIVE To determine if surgically induced weight loss results in better glycemic control and less need for diabetes medications than conventional approaches to weight loss and diabetes control. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS Unblinded randomized controlled trial conducted from December 2002 through December 2006 at the University Obesity Research Center in Australia, with general community recruitment to established treatment programs. Participants were 60 obese patients (BMI >30 and <40) with recently diagnosed (<2 years) type 2 diabetes. INTERVENTIONS Conventional diabetes therapy with a focus on weight loss by lifestyle change vs laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding with conventional diabetes care. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES Remission of type 2 diabetes (fasting glucose level <126 mg/dL [7.0 mmol/L] and glycated hemoglobin [HbA1c] value <6.2% while taking no glycemic therapy). Secondary measures included weight and components of the metabolic syndrome. Analysis was by intention-to-treat. RESULTS Of the 60 patients enrolled, 55 (92%) completed the 2-year follow-up. Remission of type 2 diabetes was achieved by 22 (73%) in the surgical group and 4 (13%) in the conventional-therapy group. Relative risk of remission for the surgical group was 5.5 (95% confidence interval, 2.2-14.0). Surgical and conventional-therapy groups lost a mean (SD) of 20.7% (8.6%) and 1.7% (5.2%) of weight, respectively, at 2 years (P < .001). Remission of type 2 diabetes was related to weight loss (R2 = 0.46, P < .001) and lower baseline HbA1c levels (combined R2 = 0.52, P < .001). There were no serious complications in either group. CONCLUSIONS Participants randomized to surgical therapy were more likely to achieve remission of type 2 diabetes through greater weight loss. These results need to be confirmed in a larger, more diverse population and have long-term efficacy assessed. TRIAL REGISTRATION actr.org Identifier: ACTRN012605000159651. | {"14452": 0.0017576217651367188, "122691": 0.10260009765625, "87652": 0.11883544921875, "96335": 0.056396484375, "42459": 0.048004150390625, "613": 0.158203125, "177": 0.0987548828125, "71407": 0.0140838623046875, "135989": 0.2313232421875, "297": 0.055694580078125, "86669": 0.1884765625, "111": 0.0836181640625, "57888": 0.2271728515625, "1543": 0.06756591796875, "186": 0.014251708984375, "60266": 0.1259765625, "6": 0.01461029052734375, "106864": 0.203125, "100": 0.0140838623046875, "10644": 0.14453125, "116": 0.15673828125, "44019": 0.2049560546875, "35988": 0.05389404296875, "15301": 0.11492919921875, "441": 0.0116424560546875, "83324": 0.041595458984375, "50339": 0.06298828125, "23": 0.014434814453125, "11522": 0.1151123046875, "100483": 0.0946044921875, "329": 0.053802490234375, "21068": 0.034576416015625, "6226": 0.1458740234375, "40715": 0.1103515625, "3871": 0.0489501953125, "200112": 0.104736328125, "7": 0.0141448974609375, "101805": 0.139892578125, "289": 0.01457977294921875, "51515": 0.06341552734375, "90": 0.06719970703125, "136": 0.0380859375, "223188": 0.128662109375, "128565": 0.043365478515625, "68151": 0.0134429931640625, "4": 0.01441192626953125, "48762": 0.0111083984375, "17304": 0.0134735107421875, "64731": 0.01412200927734375, "12763": 0.01372528076171875, "992": 0.0137939453125, "210873": 0.139892578125, "96759": 0.06585693359375, "29367": 0.014190673828125, "110324": 0.1917724609375, "1295": 0.01399993896484375, "14487": 0.058929443359375, "5726": 0.178466796875, "8305": 0.01317596435546875, "3295": 0.1585693359375, "99": 0.01462554931640625, "70": 0.0142364501953125, "12535": 0.0665283203125, "3545": 0.0994873046875, "2481": 0.01381683349609375, "42477": 0.0306854248046875, "11588": 0.0120849609375, "28173": 0.1474609375, "678": 0.01396942138671875, "4537": 0.00113677978515625, "172310": 0.019927978515625, "674": 0.01413726806640625, "47": 0.01442718505859375, "170920": 0.00977325439453125, "39734": 0.10699462890625, "103391": 0.012481689453125, "72239": 0.055938720703125, "16037": 0.01422119140625, "3542": 0.01418304443359375, "1496": 0.1268310546875, "150009": 0.1903076171875, "13": 0.0142974853515625, "60264": 0.0782470703125, "15": 0.0146331787109375, "571": 0.0021190643310546875, "10101": 0.1273193359375, "977": 0.01348114013671875, "1197": 0.08447265625, "4426": 0.01482391357421875, "125136": 0.09124755859375, "78684": 0.0124053955078125, "99219": 0.0535888671875, "71": 0.01419830322265625, "16093": 0.02825927734375, "304": 0.06805419921875, "5369": 0.0628662109375, "16": 0.01439666748046875, "59692": 0.06268310546875, "155358": 0.130126953125, "10": 0.0142822265625, "32153": 0.0784912109375, "98": 0.01404571533203125, "390": 0.01430511474609375, "101906": 0.10357666015625, "15549": 0.08001708984375, "20209": 0.01556396484375, "21": 0.01309967041015625, "88777": 0.09661865234375, "12064": 0.06243896484375, "18695": 0.01459503173828125, "126596": 0.115966796875, "2886": 0.01451873779296875, "9060": 0.040313720703125, "62233": 0.0142822265625, "125042": 0.1619873046875, "517": 0.01165008544921875, "48026": 0.06927490234375, "45962": 0.06494140625, "91245": 0.05963134765625, "11292": 0.08392333984375, "284": 0.10009765625, "16395": 0.0533447265625, "853": 0.06365966796875, "21150": 0.14990234375, "39473": 0.1031494140625, "214": 0.01438140869140625, "157935": 0.138427734375, "184": 0.01433563232421875, "17366": 0.01390838623046875, "77344": 0.07574462890625, "12010": 0.0194091796875, "64": 0.0143280029296875, "866": 0.01418304443359375, "378": 0.01446533203125, "129884": 0.00955963134765625, "2866": 0.0035572052001953125, "929": 0.01218414306640625, "268": 0.01461029052734375, "4460": 0.014129638671875, "2360": 0.0016584396362304688, "31": 0.0137939453125, "54285": 0.06219482421875, "73": 0.01433563232421875, "841": 0.0136871337890625, "238": 0.013580322265625, "34292": 0.01885986328125, "5": 0.014739990234375, "12807": 0.046295166015625, "12960": 0.00031375885009765625, "110": 0.038848876953125, "77648": 0.0037994384765625, "6635": 0.01418304443359375, "72350": 0.09722900390625, "82761": 0.0220794677734375, "93447": 0.0894775390625, "1771": 0.0143890380859375, "194923": 0.05328369140625, "114837": 0.052581787109375, "164": 0.01424407958984375, "509": 0.01404571533203125, "91177": 0.049346923828125, "9": 0.01435089111328125, "188": 0.0103912353515625, "2921": 0.08673095703125, "257": 0.01434326171875, "218849": 0.045074462890625, "294": 0.01421356201171875, "22": 0.01305389404296875, "27722": 0.033111572265625, "4859": 0.0831298828125, "125478": 0.045440673828125, "140528": 0.029876708984375, "4720": 0.050628662109375, "46799": 0.01361846923828125, "28960": 0.01806640625, "2037": 0.01421356201171875, "69307": 0.099365234375, "1039": 0.0625, "19107": 0.0139923095703125, "11587": 0.01404571533203125, "21533": 0.014434814453125, "21115": 0.0694580078125, "201": 0.02587890625, "24462": 0.01430511474609375, "26244": 0.01465606689453125, "231839": 0.00376129150390625, "10512": 0.152587890625, "456": 0.054443359375, "82858": 0.1177978515625, "170509": 0.11822509765625, "159454": 0.1373291015625, "51514": 0.01458740234375, "41187": 0.00881195068359375, "16249": 0.00846099853515625, "77495": 0.01456451416015625, "8018": 0.09906005859375, "94407": 0.0439453125, "72856": 0.1427001953125, "29459": 0.1005859375, "22916": 0.0594482421875, "14427": 0.01465606689453125, "615": 0.01447296142578125, "11516": 0.01434326171875, "107013": 0.01393890380859375, "538": 0.01432037353515625, "683": 0.0090484619140625, "34479": 0.07373046875, "62548": 0.07916259765625, "1052": 0.0005583763122558594, "2203": 0.01458740234375, "757": 0.0141754150390625, "9271": 0.0126190185546875, "436": 0.01117706298828125, "92319": 0.07745361328125, "3647": 0.007366180419921875, "2256": 0.01430511474609375, "90926": 0.01396942138671875, "277": 0.01434326171875, "7568": 0.0214691162109375, "81730": 0.01122283935546875, "8622": 0.01100921630859375, "51455": 0.00989532470703125, "5256": 0.01438140869140625, "37486": 0.00856781005859375, "1286": 0.040191650390625, "47041": 0.0810546875, "117396": 0.0836181640625, "32255": 0.0129241943359375, "39563": 0.025665283203125, "150679": 0.01430511474609375, "9789": 0.0145111083984375, "43904": 0.02301025390625, "765": 0.01441192626953125, "32166": 0.0132293701171875, "9129": 0.0223388671875, "22346": 0.0128326416015625, "2408": 0.01428985595703125, "94536": 0.1431884765625, "7842": 0.032989501953125, "217674": 0.11138916015625, "42": 0.0270843505859375, "1478": 0.024810791015625, "189543": 0.061065673828125, "84161": 0.004978179931640625, "50456": 0.021026611328125, "196819": 0.008697509765625} |
7111021 | Integration of antiretroviral therapy with tuberculosis treatment. | BACKGROUND We previously reported that integrating antiretroviral therapy (ART) with tuberculosis treatment reduces mortality. However, the timing for the initiation of ART during tuberculosis treatment remains unresolved. METHODS We conducted a three-group, open-label, randomized, controlled trial in South Africa involving 642 ambulatory patients, all with tuberculosis (confirmed by a positive sputum smear for acid-fast bacilli), human immunodeficiency virus infection, and a CD4+ T-cell count of less than 500 per cubic millimeter. Findings in the earlier-ART group (ART initiated within 4 weeks after the start of tuberculosis treatment, 214 patients) and later-ART group (ART initiated during the first 4 weeks of the continuation phase of tuberculosis treatment, 215 patients) are presented here. RESULTS At baseline, the median CD4+ T-cell count was 150 per cubic millimeter, and the median viral load was 161,000 copies per milliliter, with no significant differences between the two groups. The incidence rate of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) or death was 6.9 cases per 100 person-years in the earlier-ART group (18 cases) as compared with 7.8 per 100 person-years in the later-ART group (19 cases) (incidence-rate ratio, 0.89; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.44 to 1.79; P=0.73). However, among patients with CD4+ T-cell counts of less than 50 per cubic millimeter, the incidence rates of AIDS or death were 8.5 and 26.3 cases per 100 person-years, respectively (incidence-rate ratio, 0.32; 95% CI, 0.07 to 1.13; P=0.06). The incidence rates of the immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS) were 20.1 and 7.7 cases per 100 person-years, respectively (incidence-rate ratio, 2.62; 95% CI, 1.48 to 4.82; P<0.001). Adverse events requiring a switching of antiretroviral drugs occurred in 10 patients in the earlier-ART group and 1 patient in the later-ART group (P=0.006). CONCLUSIONS Early initiation of ART in patients with CD4+ T-cell counts of less than 50 per cubic millimeter increased AIDS-free survival. Deferral of the initiation of ART to the first 4 weeks of the continuation phase of tuberculosis therapy in those with higher CD4+ T-cell counts reduced the risks of IRIS and other adverse events related to ART without increasing the risk of AIDS or death. (Funded by the U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief and others; SAPIT ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT00398996.). | {"8678": 0.07861328125, "20572": 0.048797607421875, "136498": 0.09698486328125, "198395": 0.03662109375, "113771": 0.023773193359375, "78779": 0.186767578125, "214": 0.0197296142578125, "2874": 0.0947265625, "2264": 0.110595703125, "83220": 0.183349609375, "7263": 0.10614013671875, "106864": 0.1951904296875, "47136": 0.291748046875, "678": 0.13330078125, "230916": 0.256591796875, "84125": 0.198974609375, "39734": 0.2109375, "34390": 0.1715087890625, "7": 0.02117919921875, "67573": 0.12030029296875, "2481": 0.055755615234375, "33306": 0.01332855224609375, "4": 0.0111846923828125, "70": 0.011260986328125, "5527": 0.171142578125, "173969": 0.1766357421875, "1830": 0.07720947265625, "111": 0.02679443359375, "57161": 0.287353515625, "20271": 0.1190185546875, "47143": 0.05084228515625, "51": 0.032867431640625, "86918": 0.1002197265625, "71": 0.0113067626953125, "33677": 0.06036376953125, "193792": 0.032684326171875, "55080": 0.048309326171875, "17262": 0.11407470703125, "9": 0.01123809814453125, "51588": 0.120849609375, "9803": 0.0704345703125, "152526": 0.113525390625, "96759": 0.04302978515625, "29367": 0.0108489990234375, "6226": 0.09375, "6259": 0.010406494140625, "110324": 0.1907958984375, "23": 0.011260986328125, "25134": 0.150390625, "36941": 0.20556640625, "6496": 0.0086517333984375, "6": 0.0111846923828125, "171701": 0.14208984375, "79381": 0.13720703125, "31667": 0.0109710693359375, "60264": 0.1390380859375, "15": 0.01129913330078125, "2271": 0.0109405517578125, "297": 0.0111083984375, "390": 0.01116180419921875, "10": 0.010894775390625, "65833": 0.09344482421875, "2555": 0.010223388671875, "147": 0.0938720703125, "100": 0.01096343994140625, "43840": 0.1024169921875, "39473": 0.0298004150390625, "144978": 0.08782958984375, "14135": 0.012542724609375, "43766": 0.15625, "31": 0.010772705078125, "11044": 0.1602783203125, "33": 0.01070404052734375, "2408": 0.011077880859375, "14994": 0.099365234375, "159634": 0.09197998046875, "7915": 0.178466796875, "617": 0.1943359375, "1328": 0.1986083984375, "384": 0.15869140625, "34680": 0.2125244140625, "54529": 0.17041015625, "40715": 0.097412109375, "3501": 0.0111846923828125, "2101": 0.0767822265625, "117": 0.01110076904296875, "314": 0.1357421875, "45966": 0.01153564453125, "8877": 0.08660888671875, "29089": 0.011505126953125, "26040": 0.032440185546875, "110680": 0.09283447265625, "21115": 0.1224365234375, "28032": 0.00867462158203125, "201": 0.1068115234375, "40859": 0.125732421875, "4034": 0.04901123046875, "110844": 0.09930419921875, "16": 0.011199951171875, "136": 0.010772705078125, "14432": 0.0679931640625, "5117": 0.032501220703125, "9454": 0.10699462890625, "1363": 0.01128387451171875, "93402": 0.0921630859375, "80338": 0.138916015625, "8121": 0.01424407958984375, "3688": 0.0281982421875, "218849": 0.09375, "1913": 0.00937652587890625, "3647": 0.11767578125, "2450": 0.1617431640625, "3252": 0.09765625, "19": 0.0108489990234375, "88254": 0.1878662109375, "72367": 0.1622314453125, "509": 0.01024627685546875, "611": 0.054779052734375, "93712": 0.07550048828125, "71200": 0.1612548828125, "39798": 0.06829833984375, "110": 0.0273284912109375, "88551": 0.020721435546875, "60212": 0.0863037109375, "17721": 0.0104522705078125, "6626": 0.0789794921875, "94407": 0.139404296875, "581": 0.0094451904296875, "136667": 0.185546875, "3956": 0.0110626220703125, "34515": 0.12310791015625, "163629": 0.1251220703125, "112": 0.177490234375, "194923": 0.136962890625, "181696": 0.2340087890625, "707": 0.03076171875, "47219": 0.141357421875, "165160": 0.1424560546875, "50218": 0.080078125, "805": 0.1483154296875, "3445": 0.055999755859375, "46799": 0.0117340087890625, "7435": 0.0281219482421875, "237": 0.01113128662109375, "154186": 0.01104736328125, "5173": 0.007205963134765625, "25767": 0.10919189453125, "555": 0.01116180419921875, "329": 0.01123046875, "17957": 0.0650634765625, "70460": 0.03961181640625, "757": 0.01100921630859375, "5": 0.01132965087890625, "18949": 0.004428863525390625, "74": 0.01116180419921875, "59653": 0.128662109375, "159454": 0.1873779296875, "51514": 0.0111846923828125, "378": 0.0109100341796875, "17304": 0.050140380859375, "268": 0.011444091796875, "12465": 0.011474609375, "47": 0.01104736328125, "615": 0.0111541748046875, "436": 0.0110626220703125, "836": 0.08050537109375, "121297": 0.1341552734375, "113511": 0.19482421875, "3542": 0.010772705078125, "107944": 0.09857177734375, "12490": 0.08428955078125, "363": 0.01141357421875, "107013": 0.01079559326171875, "538": 0.0193939208984375, "127089": 0.01161956787109375, "304": 0.01119232177734375, "26550": 0.0660400390625, "89678": 0.011688232421875, "966": 0.0113983154296875, "2681": 0.01157379150390625, "145407": 0.01090240478515625, "110156": 0.008026123046875, "13": 0.01126861572265625, "44188": 0.05523681640625, "13480": 0.026092529296875, "41036": 0.062744140625, "18023": 0.007633209228515625, "68401": 0.15185546875, "294": 0.1312255859375, "7085": 0.037353515625, "418": 0.01105499267578125, "196800": 0.08001708984375, "787": 0.01117706298828125, "10837": 0.007648468017578125, "9285": 0.01074981689453125, "1398": 0.0086822509765625, "12012": 0.00981903076171875, "16093": 0.010955810546875, "37509": 0.07025146484375, "17727": 0.0113525390625, "3145": 0.040863037109375, "37676": 0.1470947265625, "47353": 0.073974609375, "449": 0.01111602783203125, "101089": 0.0870361328125, "125694": 0.11065673828125, "74918": 0.00801849365234375, "2822": 0.01096343994140625, "209": 0.03533935546875, "106": 0.0110321044921875, "683": 0.01100921630859375, "1369": 0.01085662841796875, "59690": 0.006328582763671875, "37486": 0.057403564453125, "85390": 0.00849151611328125, "124735": 0.1424560546875, "32087": 0.11029052734375, "218018": 0.1292724609375, "262": 0.0067138671875, "2875": 0.125, "77546": 0.0052032470703125, "10512": 0.10772705078125, "87": 0.0141754150390625, "45956": 0.11419677734375, "3789": 0.01104736328125, "64406": 0.03289794921875, "62548": 0.008148193359375, "15490": 0.02288818359375, "118055": 0.0019969940185546875, "97249": 0.0213623046875, "48141": 0.01064300537109375, "34202": 0.0077667236328125, "25": 0.01093292236328125, "63636": 0.013458251953125, "1409": 0.0020694732666015625, "5586": 0.04425048828125, "51821": 0.07025146484375, "27060": 0.00980377197265625, "83268": 0.07904052734375, "6371": 0.085205078125, "95612": 0.035797119140625, "289": 0.01007080078125, "74257": 0.133056640625, "12074": 0.01397705078125, "43379": 0.0012140274047851562, "151616": 0.00879669189453125, "185245": 0.00865936279296875} |
7114092 | From bloodjournal.hematologylibrary.org at PENN STATE UNIVERSITY on February 23, 2013. For personal use only. | Megakaryocyte (MK) is the naturally polyploid cell that gives rise to platelets. Polyploidization occurs by endomitosis, which was a process considered to be an incomplete mitosis aborted in anaphase. Here, we used time-lapse confocal video microscopy to visualize the endomitotic process of primary human megakaryocytes. Our results show that the switch from mitosis to endomitosis corresponds to a late failure of cytokinesis accompanied by a backward movement of the 2 daughter cells. No abnormality was observed in the central spindle of endomitotic MKs. A furrow formation was present, but the contractile ring was abnormal because accumulation of nonmuscle myosin IIA was lacking. In addition, a defect in cell elongation was observed in dipolar endomitotic MKs during telophase. RhoA and F-actin were partially concentrated at the site of furrowing. Inhibition of the Rho/Rock pathway caused the disappearance of F-actin at midzone and increased MK ploidy level. This inhibition was associated with a more pronounced defect in furrow formation as well as in spindle elongation. Our results suggest that the late failure of cytokinesis responsible for the endomitotic process is related to a partial defect in the Rho/Rock pathway activation. | {"26842": 0.18359375, "1153": 0.1959228515625, "1410": 0.1358642578125, "2408": 0.1580810546875, "67": 0.1712646484375, "47859": 0.281982421875, "83": 0.08709716796875, "6083": 0.1422119140625, "538": 0.019195556640625, "35874": 0.1495361328125, "13158": 0.2529296875, "532": 0.10760498046875, "38750": 0.209228515625, "450": 0.01317596435546875, "76199": 0.1177978515625, "58944": 0.1873779296875, "47": 0.07049560546875, "37385": 0.1783447265625, "1974": 0.2144775390625, "63306": 0.206298828125, "47691": 0.09735107421875, "74918": 0.09906005859375, "390": 0.004505157470703125, "22": 0.109619140625, "3815": 0.1710205078125, "25425": 0.1710205078125, "164": 0.12078857421875, "9433": 0.11419677734375, "90698": 0.070068359375, "82940": 0.05133056640625, "46485": 0.09979248046875, "491": 0.151123046875, "84125": 0.166259765625, "64853": 0.1776123046875, "297": 0.078125, "3877": 0.09423828125, "153213": 0.162109375, "1733": 0.0322265625, "127966": 0.10906982421875, "158": 0.028961181640625, "3584": 0.09814453125, "1202": 0.12176513671875, "11948": 0.0306243896484375, "137366": 0.07421875, "21176": 0.10882568359375, "70176": 0.220458984375, "188": 0.141845703125, "9523": 0.1016845703125, "158978": 0.130615234375, "14135": 0.11737060546875, "31534": 0.1690673828125, "1636": 0.11114501953125, "50339": 0.02813720703125, "101089": 0.1968994140625, "1295": 0.0732421875, "42518": 0.038421630859375, "72399": 0.1365966796875, "137578": 0.174560546875, "19932": 0.06134033203125, "6448": 0.1414794921875, "12741": 0.1070556640625, "4420": 0.10333251953125, "19364": 0.09381103515625, "112664": 0.11651611328125, "116": 0.09674072265625, "76849": 0.1495361328125, "438": 0.027252197265625, "33176": 0.1346435546875, "139999": 0.0545654296875, "9879": 0.108642578125, "25927": 0.109130859375, "19298": 0.127197265625, "52262": 0.1951904296875, "16387": 0.060516357421875, "15555": 0.1600341796875, "27643": 0.0694580078125, "13379": 0.0265350341796875, "18264": 0.111572265625, "1340": 0.12213134765625, "15789": 0.1180419921875, "1563": 0.039764404296875, "183278": 0.0333251953125, "351": 0.041717529296875, "2647": 0.0469970703125, "232": 0.0487060546875, "73": 0.0902099609375, "1995": 0.073974609375, "284": 0.10931396484375, "21": 0.059967041015625, "41324": 0.10638427734375, "72104": 0.196044921875, "10617": 0.16015625, "45": 0.044403076171875, "771": 0.08380126953125, "320": 0.02197265625, "33217": 0.1553955078125, "119148": 0.1763916015625, "136": 0.033050537109375, "563": 0.069091796875, "47013": 0.06866455078125, "2878": 0.060577392578125, "142156": 0.08917236328125, "1764": 0.0290985107421875, "26036": 0.09381103515625, "64": 0.1011962890625, "122232": 0.1844482421875, "60875": 0.09832763671875, "7514": 0.138427734375, "143434": 0.0008349418640136719, "213566": 0.07012939453125, "4122": 0.0147247314453125, "18979": 0.0899658203125, "124735": 0.06475830078125, "17179": 0.09600830078125, "1459": 0.017242431640625, "17366": 0.053192138671875, "173702": 0.1485595703125, "137272": 0.016082763671875, "1286": 0.008056640625, "42459": 0.0020046234130859375, "102778": 0.13916015625, "62548": 0.0545654296875, "34704": 0.0916748046875} |
7115651 | Key role for IL-21 in experimental autoimmune uveitis. | IL-21 is a pleiotropic type 1 cytokine that shares the common cytokine receptor γ-chain, γ(c), with IL-2, IL-4, IL-7, IL-9, and IL-15. IL-21 is most homologous to IL-2. These cytokines are encoded by adjacent genes, but they are functionally distinct. Whereas IL-2 promotes development of regulatory T cells and confers protection from autoimmune disease, IL-21 promotes differentiation of Th17 cells and is implicated in several autoimmune diseases, including type 1 diabetes and systemic lupus erythematosus. However, the roles of IL-21 and IL-2 in CNS autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis and uveitis have been controversial. Here, we generated Il21-mCherry/Il2-emGFP dual-reporter transgenic mice and showed that development of experimental autoimmune uveitis (EAU) correlated with the presence of T cells coexpressing IL-21 and IL-2 into the retina. Furthermore, Il21r(-/-) mice were more resistant to EAU development than wild-type mice, and adoptive transfer of Il21r(-/-) T cells induced much less severe EAU, underscoring the need for IL-21 in the development of this disease and suggesting that blocking IL-21/γ(c)-signaling pathways may provide a means for controlling CNS auto-inflammatory diseases. | {"30219": 0.2374267578125, "24589": 0.3173828125, "83": 0.0758056640625, "10": 0.0226898193359375, "6221": 0.1187744140625, "133141": 0.1981201171875, "10644": 0.1328125, "106": 0.1051025390625, "19932": 0.048187255859375, "6448": 0.159423828125, "1212": 0.160888671875, "450": 0.004390716552734375, "12008": 0.12396240234375, "39210": 0.1024169921875, "137376": 0.160888671875, "12770": 0.1279296875, "115097": 0.15185546875, "238": 0.0506591796875, "678": 0.05938720703125, "5428": 0.2257080078125, "11565": 0.139892578125, "16709": 0.0693359375, "15205": 0.1278076171875, "13386": 0.161865234375, "2684": 0.0865478515625, "12840": 0.11553955078125, "26989": 0.126220703125, "47": 0.04510498046875, "32255": 0.029266357421875, "12741": 0.1300048828125, "22": 0.00872802734375, "40899": 0.1483154296875, "123594": 0.0731201171875, "22293": 0.11920166015625, "1284": 0.00521087646484375, "123309": 0.1593017578125, "117781": 0.1351318359375, "125568": 0.1707763671875, "34754": 0.10272216796875, "144314": 0.200927734375, "384": 0.10302734375, "38750": 0.140380859375, "73898": 0.06951904296875, "48431": 0.1390380859375, "1809": 0.15283203125, "464": 0.08612060546875, "561": 0.138671875, "70997": 0.1494140625, "99710": 0.1373291015625, "6003": 0.07781982421875, "2489": 0.17626953125, "17914": 0.123779296875, "40368": 0.01474761962890625, "44019": 0.1578369140625, "5426": 0.03948974609375, "61603": 0.06976318359375, "223": 0.0421142578125, "140363": 0.078125, "33306": 0.00290679931640625, "31486": 0.1378173828125, "136": 0.08172607421875, "23": 0.004802703857421875, "313": 0.0213623046875, "22479": 0.18505859375, "48716": 0.1285400390625, "84125": 0.0006532669067382812, "75": 0.080810546875, "272": 0.190673828125, "23240": 0.140625, "189353": 0.1549072265625, "11853": 0.016998291015625, "139392": 0.11798095703125, "891": 0.1943359375, "3117": 0.251953125, "98914": 0.1273193359375, "56216": 0.10333251953125, "64": 0.0341796875, "24687": 0.158447265625, "18504": 0.1331787109375, "195": 0.0194549560546875, "51006": 0.1302490234375, "87758": 0.0924072265625, "79770": 0.1123046875, "3900": 0.0784912109375, "429": 0.09381103515625, "324": 0.1485595703125, "168360": 0.00601959228515625, "195935": 0.11236572265625, "647": 0.0279693603515625, "20000": 0.2049560546875, "8231": 0.0574951171875, "174822": 0.064208984375, "169424": 0.0197601318359375, "552": 0.0667724609375, "136091": 0.09014892578125, "119256": 0.1317138671875, "42": 0.06939697265625, "1286": 0.06915283203125, "39746": 0.12115478515625, "241": 0.00960540771484375, "56409": 0.0968017578125, "50986": 0.129638671875, "30666": 0.0186767578125, "12302": 0.050872802734375, "135989": 0.046356201171875, "40715": 0.030059814453125, "141591": 0.0845947265625, "3871": 0.050506591796875, "42459": 0.002414703369140625, "46389": 0.115478515625, "4802": 0.05908203125, "165992": 0.056793212890625, "60875": 0.03253173828125, "1543": 0.052001953125, "26950": 0.010894775390625, "6226": 0.10455322265625, "170180": 0.047393798828125} |