Metformin Normalizes Type 2 Diabetes-Induced Decrease in Cell Proliferation and Neuroblast Differentiation in the Rat Dentate Gyrus
In this study, we observed the effects of metformin, one of the most widely prescribed drugs for the treatment of type 2 diabetes, on cell proliferation and neuroblast differentiation in the subgranular zone of the hippocampal dentate gyrus (SZDG) in Zucker diabetic fatty (ZDF) rats, which are a model for type 2 diabetes. For this, metformin was administered orally once a day to 14-week-old ZDF rats for 2 weeks and the animals were sacrificed at 16 weeks of age. During this period, blood glucose levels were higher in the vehicle-treated ZDF rats than in the Zucker lean control (ZLC) rats. Metformin treatment significantly decreased the blood glucose levels from 15.5 weeks of age. In the SZDG, Ki67 (a marker for cell proliferation)- and doublecortin (DCX, a marker for differentiated neuroblasts)-immunoreactive cells were much lower in the vehicle-treated ZDF rats than in the ZLC rats. In the metformin-treated ZDF group, Ki67- and DCX-immunoreactive cells were significantly increased in the SZDG compared to those in the vehicle-treated ZDF group. These results suggest that diabetes significantly reduces cell proliferation and neuroblast differentiation in the SZDG and that metformin treatment normalizes the reduction of cell proliferation and neuroblast differentiation in the SZDG in diabetic rats.
{"35187": 0.0826416015625, "4": 0.01157379150390625, "139999": 0.09356689453125, "93425": 0.1737060546875, "111": 0.0198516845703125, "435": 0.210205078125, "5037": 0.301513671875, "73": 0.18603515625, "1632": 0.01213836669921875, "70": 0.0117340087890625, "2684": 0.09454345703125, "38134": 0.07891845703125, "538": 0.011688232421875, "479": 0.08660888671875, "34601": 0.1514892578125, "71": 0.01172637939453125, "125694": 0.1959228515625, "39734": 0.1790771484375, "10644": 0.1566162109375, "116": 0.139404296875, "44019": 0.2342529296875, "98": 0.001033782958984375, "38750": 0.148193359375, "215447": 0.1968994140625, "1363": 0.0117645263671875, "37817": 0.122802734375, "67301": 0.1519775390625, "18": 0.01168060302734375, "99710": 0.1630859375, "2320": 0.011932373046875, "23": 0.01171112060546875, "1614": 0.1683349609375, "30962": 0.10400390625, "35975": 0.00989532470703125, "20288": 0.114501953125, "196423": 0.11572265625, "27034": 0.11004638671875, "289": 0.00861358642578125, "168": 0.134765625, "19888": 0.0843505859375, "8089": 0.051727294921875, "6563": 0.10955810546875, "19934": 0.1055908203125, "84324": 0.19189453125, "16": 0.01152801513671875, "190688": 0.1826171875, "66151": 0.1768798828125, "1071": 0.11236572265625, "15145": 0.0552978515625, "1511": 0.08673095703125, "38997": 0.2196044921875, "12540": 0.223876953125, "7": 0.01181793212890625, "621": 0.0103607177734375, "10": 0.01154327392578125, "3299": 0.20947265625, "606": 0.05450439453125, "35485": 0.13232421875, "297": 0.0117340087890625, "30202": 0.1588134765625, "24145": 0.08111572265625, "5155": 0.003772735595703125, "47": 0.0116729736328125, "25055": 0.09906005859375, "47477": 0.1102294921875, "9": 0.01168060302734375, "18345": 0.00665283203125, "567": 0.12548828125, "100": 0.0114898681640625, "40859": 0.1351318359375, "136": 0.01103973388671875, "85825": 0.1484375, "3542": 0.01142120361328125, "209201": 0.2196044921875, "99": 0.0116729736328125, "611": 0.1468505859375, "32070": 0.09149169921875, "903": 0.00386810302734375, "14922": 0.01503753662109375, "59714": 0.07965087890625, "157935": 0.1663818359375, "184": 0.0115203857421875, "90926": 0.09173583984375, "77546": 0.11346435546875, "80939": 0.2103271484375, "2921": 0.11285400390625, "27686": 0.01180267333984375, "65342": 0.1654052734375, "6226": 0.13818359375, "26943": 0.1334228515625, "4146": 0.2005615234375, "207583": 0.08734130859375, "227204": 0.167724609375, "1295": 0.01123046875, "6281": 0.07452392578125, "758": 0.08013916015625, "33838": 0.1204833984375, "1519": 0.1328125, "18197": 0.2237548828125, "15": 0.01153564453125, "11": 0.01166534423828125, "71323": 0.2142333984375, "41929": 0.06427001953125, "10517": 0.06158447265625, "2311": 0.1265869140625, "21960": 0.0377197265625, "1542": 0.1239013671875, "933": 0.01123809814453125, "464": 0.006809234619140625, "12303": 0.10357666015625, "4524": 0.0103912353515625, "71232": 0.0902099609375, "5045": 0.04083251953125, "92319": 0.1553955078125, "21115": 0.07305908203125, "31455": 0.034881591796875, "124735": 0.133544921875, "8382": 0.01128387451171875, "450": 0.0113983154296875, "34390": 0.1876220703125, "3638": 0.124267578125, "20650": 0.011444091796875, "77391": 0.08172607421875, "1771": 0.034027099609375}
Molecular mechanisms underlying tumor dormancy.
Evidence suggests that dormant, microscopic tumors are not only common, but are highly prevalent in otherwise healthy individuals. Due to their small size and non-invasive nature, these dormant tumors remain asymptomatic and, in most cases, undetected. With advances in diagnostic imaging and molecular biology, it is now becoming clear that such neoplasms can remain in an asymptomatic, dormant stage for considerable periods of time without expanding in size. Although a number of processes may play a role in thwarting the expansion of microscopic tumors, one critical mechanism behind tumor dormancy is the ability of the tumor population to induce angiogenesis. Although cancer can arise through multiple pathways, it is assumed that essentially most tumors begin as microscopic, non-angiogenic neoplasms which cannot expand in size until vasculature is established. It is now becoming clear that cancer does not progress through a continuous exponential growth and mass expansion. Clinical cancer is usually manifested only in late, unavoidably symptomatic stages of the disease when tumors are sufficiently large to be readily detected. While dormancy in primary tumors is best defined as the time between the carcinogenic transformation event and the onset of inexorable progressive growth, it can also occur as minimal residual or occult disease from treated tumors or as micro-metastases. The existence of dormant tumors has important implications for the early detection and treatment of cancer. Elucidating the regulatory machinery of these processes will be instrumental in identifying novel early cancer biomarkers and could provide a rationale for the development of dormancy-promoting tumor therapies. Despite the high prevalence of microscopic, dormant tumors in humans and the significant clinical implications of their early detection, this area in cancer research has, to date, been under-investigated. In this mini review observations, models and experimental approaches to study tumor dormancy are summarized. Additionally, analogies and distinctions between the concepts of "tumor dormancy" and that of the "cellular dormancy" of tumor cells, as well as between the "exit from tumor dormancy" and the "onset of the angiogenic switch" are discussed.
{"58557": 0.128173828125, "42459": 0.09698486328125, "104688": 0.2318115234375, "1236": 0.1829833984375, "4": 0.0137176513671875, "11948": 0.153076171875, "12064": 0.1597900390625, "18695": 0.09619140625, "57412": 0.2474365234375, "7": 0.10137939453125, "959": 0.10986328125, "4734": 0.039306640625, "39210": 0.1837158203125, "621": 0.006679534912109375, "103210": 0.1107177734375, "479": 0.0848388671875, "85540": 0.1859130859375, "23": 0.00681304931640625, "120262": 0.10858154296875, "87349": 0.144775390625, "79165": 0.106201171875, "786": 0.01082611083984375, "13": 0.00684356689453125, "47": 0.00679779052734375, "19336": 0.1044921875, "13267": 0.0921630859375, "136": 0.006687164306640625, "351": 0.1123046875, "9": 0.00675201416015625, "330": 0.059814453125, "29888": 0.006725311279296875, "31425": 0.0070953369140625, "6097": 0.0252838134765625, "47143": 0.1697998046875, "237": 0.03790283203125, "4650": 0.0714111328125, "40934": 0.11865234375, "47148": 0.08721923828125, "2684": 0.1431884765625, "50218": 0.006488800048828125, "9232": 0.07659912109375, "67": 0.160888671875, "89829": 0.0067138671875, "17106": 0.01300811767578125, "129745": 0.08203125, "52070": 0.044586181640625, "86898": 0.00780487060546875, "177": 0.00666046142578125, "25443": 0.00647735595703125, "83": 0.01043701171875, "5036": 0.0309295654296875, "141753": 0.031402587890625, "34735": 0.109619140625, "450": 0.007030487060546875, "6044": 0.04852294921875, "16169": 0.10015869140625, "52033": 0.1353759765625, "4432": 0.07745361328125, "831": 0.1239013671875, "142": 0.00591278076171875, "36541": 0.158203125, "100": 0.00685882568359375, "150675": 0.060211181640625, "14922": 0.0037174224853515625, "111": 0.00685882568359375, "15490": 0.08465576171875, "71062": 0.156982421875, "214": 0.006801605224609375, "106073": 0.03448486328125, "10": 0.0067901611328125, "14012": 0.01090240478515625, "9433": 0.12249755859375, "90": 0.00688934326171875, "1543": 0.03704833984375, "11301": 0.0021991729736328125, "31486": 0.0472412109375, "5675": 0.021697998046875, "35710": 0.178466796875, "70": 0.00678253173828125, "14700": 0.0623779296875, "66": 0.10943603515625, "6889": 0.006488800048828125, "1632": 0.0312347412109375, "130306": 0.13427734375, "191619": 0.1961669921875, "50155": 0.08038330078125, "54": 0.172607421875, "41527": 0.234619140625, "2408": 0.152099609375, "81273": 0.0950927734375, "43904": 0.12548828125, "135989": 0.1309814453125, "348": 0.119140625, "846": 0.07867431640625, "15292": 0.1539306640625, "6023": 0.006397247314453125, "27968": 0.225830078125, "58944": 0.136474609375, "8305": 0.004535675048828125, "48716": 0.133056640625, "60875": 0.134765625, "102966": 0.00641632080078125, "442": 0.006381988525390625, "41591": 0.0178070068359375, "71": 0.006832122802734375, "85590": 0.038848876953125, "538": 0.0067901611328125, "9842": 0.13623046875, "64542": 0.095458984375, "62976": 0.11260986328125, "1771": 0.012054443359375, "3129": 0.006649017333984375, "53418": 0.095458984375, "4191": 0.098388671875, "6644": 0.004024505615234375, "170920": 0.0279541015625, "14602": 0.044342041015625, "42658": 0.1568603515625, "62005": 0.0770263671875, "223": 0.00672149658203125, "78643": 0.0484619140625, "80973": 0.0066375732421875, "75678": 0.086669921875, "46889": 0.04278564453125, "95612": 0.154296875, "289": 0.006847381591796875, "56104": 0.06353759765625, "24874": 0.1856689453125, "297": 0.006877899169921875, "72399": 0.08721923828125, "220": 0.0022754669189453125, "965": 0.0021038055419921875, "532": 0.0068206787109375, "78458": 0.00678253173828125, "128668": 0.105224609375, "11": 0.006717681884765625, "9523": 0.0066986083984375, "70997": 0.07177734375, "3229": 0.00476837158203125, "6": 0.006755828857421875, "129980": 0.00601959228515625, "21334": 0.036895751953125, "186": 0.006862640380859375, "12301": 0.005077362060546875, "20102": 0.006862640380859375, "96391": 0.0859375, "51404": 0.01071929931640625, "158978": 0.155029296875, "2965": 0.0462646484375, "61924": 0.1588134765625, "1733": 0.04730224609375, "17721": 0.0098724365234375, "2258": 0.06646728515625, "44924": 0.0163421630859375, "6402": 0.006988525390625, "167201": 0.108154296875, "1260": 0.0362548828125, "126": 0.00687408447265625, "94240": 0.0160980224609375, "2886": 0.006877899169921875, "161838": 0.06890869140625, "74918": 0.037109375, "20187": 0.048126220703125, "707": 0.005352020263671875, "95699": 0.0924072265625, "7136": 0.006717681884765625, "1295": 0.07452392578125, "191607": 0.00560760498046875, "1928": 0.0207061767578125, "5908": 0.00688934326171875, "116311": 0.098388671875, "5526": 0.06939697265625, "17914": 0.1275634765625, "5256": 0.0068511962890625, "39395": 0.138427734375, "149": 0.158203125, "39734": 0.0902099609375, "241": 0.006618499755859375, "71865": 0.00727081298828125, "144314": 0.174560546875, "53": 0.00673675537109375, "36279": 0.11181640625, "1294": 0.00621795654296875, "1221": 0.019287109375, "150222": 0.0084381103515625, "135812": 0.0289764404296875, "21261": 0.01328277587890625, "3530": 0.04144287109375, "10015": 0.12200927734375, "1314": 0.0063323974609375, "22691": 0.005947113037109375, "168487": 0.07110595703125, "34754": 0.006046295166015625, "119204": 0.08343505859375, "1916": 0.006622314453125, "88562": 0.091552734375, "262": 0.00669097900390625, "61518": 0.0374755859375, "11192": 0.0728759765625, "151497": 0.11737060546875, "3956": 0.00682830810546875, "118103": 0.08538818359375, "88551": 0.00366973876953125, "56465": 0.078125, "16128": 0.017242431640625, "25188": 0.04180908203125, "1556": 0.008697509765625, "2809": 0.00475311279296875, "1379": 0.123291015625, "42232": 0.0740966796875, "1758": 0.006694793701171875, "3674": 0.006809234619140625, "360": 0.005336761474609375, "7665": 0.06439208984375, "8347": 0.03900146484375, "150556": 0.02032470703125, "115774": 0.056182861328125, "195935": 0.054656982421875, "51515": 0.0028896331787109375, "35187": 0.051605224609375, "29334": 0.0220947265625, "42": 0.006763458251953125, "29367": 0.006839752197265625, "14": 0.030181884765625, "43315": 0.00679779052734375, "165419": 0.145751953125, "149067": 0.11669921875, "1779": 0.006866455078125, "23755": 0.08856201171875, "2555": 0.135986328125, "748": 0.11468505859375, "58": 0.006862640380859375, "8969": 0.0775146484375, "120087": 0.0064544677734375, "38750": 0.10595703125, "23399": 0.1534423828125, "101089": 0.187744140625, "45252": 0.023834228515625}
The myeloid transcription factor GATA-2 regulates the viral UL144 gene during human cytomegalovirus latency in an isolate-specific manner.
It is generally accepted that, following primary infection, human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) establishes lifelong latency in CD34(+) progenitor cells and other derivative cells of the myeloid lineage. In this study, we show that the viral UL144 gene is expressed during latent infection in two cell types of the myeloid lineage, CD34(+) and CD14(+) monocytes, and that the UL144 protein is functional in latently infected monocytes. However, this latency-associated expression of UL144 occurs only in certain isolates of HCMV and depends on the presence of functional GATA-2 transcription factor binding sites in the UL144 promoter, in contrast to the viral latency-associated gene LUNA, which we also show is regulated by GATA-2 but expressed uniformly during latent infection independent of the virus isolate. Taken together, these data suggest that the HCMV latency-associated transcriptome may be virus isolate specific and dependent on the repertoire of transcription factor binding sites in the promoters of latency-associated genes.
{"83": 0.026458740234375, "137567": 0.08941650390625, "68186": 0.0770263671875, "71": 0.0266265869140625, "4": 0.0264739990234375, "25632": 0.10504150390625, "158978": 0.1312255859375, "159634": 0.22265625, "14135": 0.101318359375, "19932": 0.0762939453125, "188": 0.1285400390625, "87849": 0.1644287109375, "365": 0.144775390625, "76912": 0.19140625, "81213": 0.1390380859375, "856": 0.252685546875, "137633": 0.112060546875, "6897": 0.1328125, "10617": 0.1485595703125, "19161": 0.255615234375, "2408": 0.1517333984375, "7915": 0.134521484375, "10289": 0.2464599609375, "102817": 0.190185546875, "502": 0.106201171875, "1409": 0.1444091796875, "26111": 0.052001953125, "38750": 0.164794921875, "7": 0.0265350341796875, "30057": 0.058929443359375, "4935": 0.02642822265625, "7705": 0.1497802734375, "532": 0.08056640625, "42592": 0.16357421875, "429": 0.0501708984375, "35187": 0.0404052734375, "7639": 0.024658203125, "88254": 0.2108154296875, "80588": 0.188720703125, "131663": 0.3466796875, "22293": 0.24755859375, "36510": 0.16357421875, "297": 0.026641845703125, "20271": 0.117431640625, "18": 0.0265045166015625, "23": 0.0261993408203125, "6626": 0.1011962890625, "52895": 0.1451416015625, "111": 0.0264739990234375, "70": 0.026580810546875, "132": 0.0242767333984375, "136": 0.02618408203125, "2592": 0.2362060546875, "22460": 0.144775390625, "1636": 0.0259857177734375, "21308": 0.230224609375, "123309": 0.19482421875, "538": 0.02655029296875, "75622": 0.185791015625, "9": 0.0259857177734375, "45388": 0.14306640625, "27686": 0.0265045166015625, "125195": 0.16357421875, "74918": 0.04998779296875, "4734": 0.0226898193359375, "24233": 0.016143798828125, "54015": 0.173095703125, "111566": 0.1795654296875, "56566": 0.08221435546875, "98": 0.026611328125, "527": 0.089599609375, "17758": 0.1688232421875, "5428": 0.1474609375, "30334": 0.07611083984375, "59478": 0.08770751953125, "31461": 0.1326904296875, "128239": 0.112548828125, "15271": 0.06072998046875, "125568": 0.132080078125, "69822": 0.09490966796875, "47": 0.0252532958984375, "339": 0.0704345703125, "52014": 0.2476806640625, "3129": 0.025634765625, "15913": 0.1783447265625, "3674": 0.0265655517578125, "390": 0.0260162353515625, "1284": 0.0234527587890625, "61514": 0.1197509765625, "41371": 0.047271728515625, "14994": 0.164306640625, "67": 0.0257568359375, "2561": 0.0245208740234375, "33": 0.02655029296875, "25842": 0.0091094970703125, "2053": 0.01343536376953125, "42459": 0.015960693359375, "32032": 0.1158447265625, "13450": 0.141357421875, "1543": 0.0479736328125, "186": 0.0220947265625, "29458": 0.07318115234375, "108750": 0.10491943359375, "28926": 0.054534912109375, "59843": 0.0216217041015625, "6": 0.0259552001953125, "8891": 0.11474609375, "23962": 0.01168060302734375}
How to control residual cardiovascular risk despite statin treatment: focusing on HDL-cholesterol.
Lowering low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (LDL-C) is the primary target in the management of dyslipidemia in patients at high risk of cardiovascular disease. However, patients who have achieved LDL-C levels below the currently recommended targets may still experience cardiovascular events. This may result, in part, from elevated triglyceride (TG) levels and low levels of high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL-C). Low HDL-C and high TG levels are common and are recognized as independent risk factors for cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Furthermore, atherogenic dyslipidemia, characterized by low levels of HDL-C, high TG, and small, dense LDL particles, is a typical phenotype of dyslipidemia in subjects with insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome. Therefore, to reduce further the risk of coronary heart disease (CHD), raising HDL-C and lowering TG may be the secondary therapeutic target for patients who achieve LDL-C levels below the currently recommended targets but are still at risk of CHD. However, whether increasing HDL-C levels alone reduces CHD has not yet been confirmed in large randomized clinical trials, and whether functional HDL is more important than HDL-C in reducing CHD remains controversial. Large CHD endpoint trials that include many patients with diabetes are underway to compare combination treatments with statin and niacin, fibrates, or cholesteryl ester transfer protein inhibitors with statin alone treatments. In this review, we discuss the rationale and importance of increasing HDL-C levels with and without lowering TG levels in the treatment and prevention of cardiovascular events.
{"61187": 0.148681640625, "4209": 0.08349609375, "27226": 0.1287841796875, "34609": 0.1446533203125, "136327": 0.1553955078125, "80000": 0.1414794921875, "206": 0.0175018310546875, "162641": 0.218017578125, "866": 0.150390625, "27502": 0.2125244140625, "9": 0.07159423828125, "441": 0.1654052734375, "83": 0.01806640625, "158978": 0.140869140625, "30388": 0.20947265625, "70": 0.006103515625, "24365": 0.15966796875, "51634": 0.150390625, "150": 0.1500244140625, "26715": 0.1876220703125, "7605": 0.11248779296875, "23": 0.00616455078125, "60264": 0.1275634765625, "99": 0.00592041015625, "11192": 0.08251953125, "10512": 0.1600341796875, "111": 0.005889892578125, "207269": 0.1612548828125, "70997": 0.064697265625, "33306": 0.00737762451171875, "4": 0.00638580322265625, "69307": 0.07843017578125, "71": 0.006137847900390625, "339": 0.08306884765625, "90926": 0.1273193359375, "35064": 0.1273193359375, "82424": 0.045745849609375, "170198": 0.115478515625, "7": 0.0060882568359375, "1543": 0.0487060546875, "7464": 0.05279541015625, "16981": 0.0667724609375, "47353": 0.08056640625, "16750": 0.04852294921875, "1295": 0.0031986236572265625, "57849": 0.09521484375, "3674": 0.00592803955078125, "1927": 0.13525390625, "110608": 0.09765625, "53038": 0.146484375, "112": 0.0058135986328125, "113438": 0.184814453125, "16": 0.0058746337890625, "136": 0.0297698974609375, "2481": 0.005947113037109375, "15": 0.004688262939453125, "16291": 0.221435546875, "4732": 0.177001953125, "85307": 0.19921875, "621": 0.00589752197265625, "39210": 0.10845947265625, "125296": 0.01479339599609375, "237": 0.00592803955078125, "41371": 0.09295654296875, "120103": 0.09979248046875, "100": 0.00469970703125, "87131": 0.06396484375, "67573": 0.0723876953125, "9319": 0.0058746337890625, "10": 0.043548583984375, "2347": 0.120361328125, "79556": 0.2156982421875, "1771": 0.0296173095703125, "62816": 0.08697509765625, "29367": 0.006076812744140625, "390": 0.005279541015625, "19336": 0.01198577880859375, "168": 0.1405029296875, "184": 0.005992889404296875, "2878": 0.06463623046875, "66695": 0.006099700927734375, "222201": 0.1217041015625, "11521": 0.0435791015625, "21004": 0.05767822265625, "50986": 0.1357421875, "28368": 0.07574462890625, "678": 0.00582122802734375, "91598": 0.1859130859375, "39746": 0.135009765625, "7154": 0.00604248046875, "93447": 0.138916015625, "194923": 0.01532745361328125, "34390": 0.10699462890625, "53333": 0.0135040283203125, "109728": 0.0589599609375, "1294": 0.006069183349609375, "26498": 0.09503173828125, "16999": 0.034454345703125, "397": 0.01806640625, "40129": 0.1256103515625, "92319": 0.1011962890625, "37526": 0.06524658203125, "6": 0.006011962890625, "126472": 0.149658203125, "1284": 0.0025653839111328125, "118055": 0.1805419921875, "313": 0.036834716796875, "1556": 0.003570556640625, "2809": 0.005908966064453125, "39563": 0.07208251953125, "297": 0.006168365478515625, "21334": 0.0047760009765625, "96759": 0.0021991729736328125, "56465": 0.0106658935546875, "289": 0.006046295166015625, "110324": 0.134033203125, "123309": 0.1334228515625, "5526": 0.11834716796875, "3501": 0.00481414794921875, "241866": 0.1085205078125, "189353": 0.127685546875, "141": 0.006237030029296875, "3564": 0.068115234375, "38496": 0.00579071044921875, "450": 0.005828857421875, "5941": 0.00554656982421875, "44019": 0.1671142578125, "1379": 0.0057830810546875, "7514": 0.00177764892578125, "47": 0.006015777587890625, "69101": 0.09564208984375, "162515": 0.05718994140625, "39734": 0.1502685546875, "13321": 0.059417724609375, "19": 0.005832672119140625, "51322": 0.0845947265625, "6333": 0.005786895751953125, "94223": 0.08135986328125, "1636": 0.00608062744140625, "681": 0.0012197494506835938, "133": 0.040313720703125, "8613": 0.00579071044921875, "473": 0.04559326171875, "42": 0.005680084228515625, "12302": 0.0275726318359375, "21308": 0.09503173828125, "173702": 0.02899169921875, "22230": 0.00460052490234375, "75447": 0.00630950927734375, "360": 0.00518798828125, "8347": 0.06787109375, "45252": 0.0260009765625, "168487": 0.131103515625, "13": 0.00583648681640625, "131011": 0.11920166015625, "15490": 0.0361328125, "214": 0.005657196044921875, "479": 0.0204620361328125, "57241": 2.9027462005615234e-05}
The prevalence of congenital malformations is still higher in pregnant women with pregestational diabetes despite near-normal HbA1c: a literature review.
AIMS/HYPOTHESIS We assessed the association between congenital malformations and maternal hyperglycemia in pregnant women with pregestational (type 1 or type 2) diabetes and investigated if the rate of congenital malformations was similar in women with near-normal glycemic control compared to the background population. We also assessed the association between congenital malformations and maternal hyperglycemia in pregnant women with pregestational diabetes with special focus on women with near-normal HbA1c in early pregnancy. MATERIALS AND METHODS This is a literature review based on an electronic literature search of the databases PubMed, Cochrane, Embase and Web of Science conducted in July 2017 using the search terms diabetes, pregnancy, HbA1c or glycemic control and congenital anomaly or congenital anomaly. We included original papers in English published after 1997 with data on congenital malformations and HbA1c in at least 250 women with pregestational diabetes. RESULTS Nine papers with in total 6225 women with type 1 diabetes and 2334 women with type 2 diabetes were included. The prevalence of congenital malformations was 6.4% in women with type 1 diabetes and 4.3% in women with type 2 diabetes and for the combined group of women with pregestational diabetes, the relative risk compared to the background population was 3.2. In women with HbA1c < 53 mmol/mol (7.0%) in early pregnancy or HbA1c 53-64 mmol/mol (7.0-8.0%) the prevalence of congenital malformations was 4.3 and 3.7%, respectively, with a relative risk of 2.2 and 1.9, respectively. CONCLUSIONS In pregnant women with pregestational diabetes the prevalence of congenital abnormalities was threefold higher in women with pregestational diabetes compared to the background population. However, HbA1c below 53 mmol/mol (7.0%) in early pregnancy was also associated with a two times increased risk of congenital malformations compared to the background population.
{"38730": 0.10308837890625, "13439": 0.1383056640625, "64": 0.06500244140625, "92559": 0.07958984375, "9698": 0.11669921875, "120363": 0.11932373046875, "1401": 0.00440216064453125, "202120": 0.095458984375, "125413": 0.1722412109375, "17721": 0.0628662109375, "158": 0.1446533203125, "33781": 0.2178955078125, "1803": 0.07470703125, "960": 0.1700439453125, "5037": 0.2386474609375, "21094": 0.0218505859375, "136": 0.05108642578125, "57988": 0.1416015625, "289": 0.01181793212890625, "59058": 0.1783447265625, "110608": 0.1864013671875, "329": 0.1004638671875, "7605": 0.0307769775390625, "181036": 0.1746826171875, "24793": 0.1439208984375, "678": 0.03607177734375, "479": 0.1573486328125, "429": 0.1259765625, "41311": 0.13037109375, "15": 0.01004791259765625, "50986": 0.1337890625, "106": 0.07012939453125, "707": 0.03607177734375, "10644": 0.134033203125, "4958": 0.072021484375, "44019": 0.2296142578125, "32603": 0.0234832763671875, "3674": 0.00994873046875, "2174": 0.008514404296875, "70": 0.01013946533203125, "34515": 0.0947265625, "111": 0.01010894775390625, "509": 0.01000213623046875, "21373": 0.12322998046875, "23": 0.0100250244140625, "43573": 0.1407470703125, "9": 0.010040283203125, "33176": 0.13916015625, "100483": 0.1689453125, "21068": 0.01030731201171875, "6226": 0.164306640625, "154186": 0.0225677490234375, "47": 0.00995635986328125, "76615": 0.1370849609375, "43904": 0.0706787109375, "5361": 0.0004191398620605469, "32153": 0.0465087890625, "98": 0.01006317138671875, "572": 0.11993408203125, "275": 0.10235595703125, "284": 0.07244873046875, "418": 0.0726318359375, "238": 0.0772705078125, "39395": 0.09814453125, "7456": 0.13525390625, "27771": 0.06640625, "52136": 0.049163818359375, "110935": 0.07098388671875, "19759": 0.00989532470703125, "48762": 0.04583740234375, "33677": 0.045654296875, "193792": 0.03265380859375, "3293": 0.02197265625, "83": 0.0029964447021484375, "163136": 0.1004638671875, "8347": 0.107177734375, "35509": 0.0245208740234375, "65133": 0.0615234375, "33938": 0.09222412109375, "63399": 0.07733154296875, "7": 0.01003265380859375, "105269": 0.06494140625, "71721": 0.10394287109375, "206": 0.016876220703125, "60791": 0.062042236328125, "4": 0.01003265380859375, "2775": 0.00746917724609375, "37382": 0.0809326171875, "28745": 0.006847381591796875, "297": 0.01015472412109375, "20414": 0.04718017578125, "505": 0.126953125, "17368": 0.006397247314453125, "69407": 0.089599609375, "10": 0.0310821533203125, "31079": 0.1683349609375, "538": 0.01020050048828125, "99201": 0.082763671875, "7311": 0.07269287109375, "15122": 0.1019287109375, "14941": 0.0726318359375, "91376": 0.033447265625, "7103": 0.031951904296875, "10586": 0.1064453125, "2053": 0.07275390625, "99": 0.009979248046875, "19713": 0.01261138916015625, "5316": 0.1151123046875, "218849": 0.07421875, "294": 0.009002685546875, "1520": 0.067626953125, "86": 0.020599365234375, "3622": 0.0335693359375, "10031": 0.056884765625, "2588": 0.130859375, "1105": 0.064208984375, "10289": 0.0802001953125, "116": 0.052215576171875, "3542": 0.00998687744140625, "581": 0.00971221923828125, "151497": 0.1790771484375, "3956": 0.0102691650390625, "2289": 0.052276611328125, "11267": 0.0780029296875, "11587": 0.0103759765625, "100": 0.010009765625, "70163": 0.030914306640625, "71": 0.01004791259765625, "21115": 0.01027679443359375, "35845": 0.032318115234375, "10512": 0.197509765625, "55054": 0.11798095703125, "360": 0.01268768310546875, "4426": 0.009429931640625, "8934": 0.1502685546875, "2866": 0.0496826171875, "929": 0.08477783203125, "17965": 0.0980224609375, "129884": 0.056671142578125, "26244": 0.0100860595703125, "13307": 0.0091094970703125, "17376": 0.00955963134765625, "5": 0.01000213623046875, "65321": 0.01053619384765625, "16": 0.009979248046875, "80196": 0.1068115234375, "107013": 0.0093994140625, "41187": 0.01065826416015625, "99420": 0.01026153564453125, "14452": 0.00905609130859375, "37486": 0.04693603515625, "85390": 0.004375457763671875, "1563": 0.1131591796875, "31075": 0.009979248046875, "17262": 0.1092529296875, "42822": 0.08441162109375, "77546": 0.11798095703125, "33306": 0.0016260147094726562, "35064": 0.07861328125, "137272": 0.06634521484375, "6626": 0.051116943359375, "20028": 0.009735107421875, "124735": 0.0850830078125}
Local and systemic insulin resistance resulting from hepatic activation of IKK-beta and NF-kappaB.
We show that NF-kappaB and transcriptional targets are activated in liver by obesity and high-fat diet (HFD). We have matched this state of chronic, subacute 'inflammation' by low-level activation of NF-kappaB in the liver of transgenic mice, designated LIKK, by selectively expressing constitutively active IKK-b in hepatocytes. These mice exhibit a type 2 diabetes phenotype, characterized by hyperglycemia, profound hepatic insulin resistance, and moderate systemic insulin resistance, including effects in muscle. The hepatic production of proinflammatory cytokines, including IL-6, IL-1beta and TNF-alpha, was increased in LIKK mice to a similar extent as induced by HFD in in wild-type mice. Parallel increases were observed in cytokine signaling in liver and mucscle of LIKK mice. Insulin resistance was improved by systemic neutralization of IL-6 or salicylate inhibition of IKK-beta. Hepatic expression of the IkappaBalpha superrepressor (LISR) reversed the phenotype of both LIKK mice and wild-type mice fed an HFD. These findings indicate that lipid accumulation in the liver leads to subacute hepatic 'inflammation' through NF-kappaB activation and downstream cytokine production. This causes insulin resistance both locally in liver and systemically.
{"7639": 0.0243988037109375, "73493": 0.2108154296875, "9": 0.01123809814453125, "161": 0.1119384765625, "7495": 0.191162109375, "571": 0.17822265625, "136": 0.05328369140625, "30334": 0.107177734375, "59478": 0.1611328125, "289": 0.00457763671875, "30388": 0.25390625, "7": 0.0887451171875, "34704": 0.193359375, "3674": 0.04864501953125, "23": 0.056610107421875, "134148": 0.273193359375, "390": 0.052825927734375, "150009": 0.2464599609375, "2481": 0.09942626953125, "11192": 0.10540771484375, "7834": 0.144775390625, "68": 0.154296875, "66882": 0.1773681640625, "397": 0.16748046875, "14858": 0.09814453125, "11341": 0.03466796875, "111": 0.005222320556640625, "184843": 0.1309814453125, "1614": 0.1402587890625, "85691": 0.1436767578125, "203932": 0.2303466796875, "27226": 0.0897216796875, "67919": 0.03955078125, "1363": 0.0053863525390625, "70": 0.00518035888671875, "3900": 0.11151123046875, "429": 0.11688232421875, "6402": 0.0046844482421875, "324": 0.166748046875, "329": 0.054718017578125, "4": 0.00539398193359375, "27686": 0.004093170166015625, "339": 0.1373291015625, "128505": 0.2412109375, "36849": 0.060394287109375, "5844": 0.00550079345703125, "538": 0.005397796630859375, "36510": 0.0491943359375, "214": 0.00537872314453125, "11764": 0.007106781005859375, "4935": 0.0054473876953125, "36457": 0.11981201171875, "6": 0.00514984130859375, "275": 0.148193359375, "764": 0.11395263671875, "110440": 0.1304931640625, "2408": 0.0751953125, "1636": 0.004528045654296875, "80788": 0.0299530029296875, "18": 0.0030078887939453125, "10": 0.00536346435546875, "10644": 0.13525390625, "116": 0.11279296875, "44019": 0.1968994140625, "11521": 0.047271728515625, "21004": 0.04290771484375, "50986": 0.1337890625, "62816": 0.061676025390625, "29367": 0.005489349365234375, "59058": 0.0701904296875, "110608": 0.08251953125, "7605": 0.004085540771484375, "151645": 0.051544189453125, "10974": 0.1478271484375, "238": 0.00470733642578125, "91598": 0.2030029296875, "39746": 0.1932373046875, "7154": 0.0096435546875, "71644": 0.043487548828125, "13": 0.005275726318359375, "5426": 0.0968017578125, "1771": 0.005344390869140625, "93425": 0.0511474609375, "123635": 0.11041259765625, "36049": 0.0849609375, "502": 0.088134765625, "170180": 0.161865234375, "192": 0.00513458251953125, "31667": 0.004276275634765625, "19932": 0.0054168701171875, "6448": 0.1436767578125, "12741": 0.08758544921875, "30219": 0.0885009765625, "13545": 0.139404296875, "5759": 0.003940582275390625, "59865": 0.1397705078125, "14612": 0.125244140625, "124735": 0.1259765625, "47": 0.005313873291015625, "192961": 0.003047943115234375, "237": 0.00533294677734375, "135989": 0.10662841796875, "297": 0.005519866943359375, "572": 0.058349609375, "98553": 0.17431640625, "56409": 0.12445068359375, "211485": 0.052093505859375, "51312": 0.12371826171875, "3542": 0.00530242919921875, "71": 0.005367279052734375, "1212": 0.035247802734375, "26073": 0.048431396484375, "842": 0.012237548828125, "11030": 0.005039215087890625, "360": 0.0074462890625, "53311": 0.1365966796875, "52295": 0.1356201171875, "216989": 0.12158203125, "2320": 0.005390167236328125, "39260": 0.014678955078125, "19309": 0.0038852691650390625, "173702": 0.08477783203125, "1529": 0.07244873046875, "125195": 0.08697509765625, "87": 0.009002685546875, "63641": 0.09466552734375, "1601": 0.029052734375, "107": 0.05120849609375, "11856": 0.15185546875, "748": 0.019134521484375, "67616": 0.06976318359375, "1052": 0.10345458984375, "16": 0.00371551513671875, "39531": 0.09466552734375, "51158": 0.08935546875, "32255": 0.0037174224853515625, "450": 0.00482177734375, "202951": 0.205322265625, "183278": 0.1064453125, "37105": 0.0721435546875, "25": 0.003604888916015625, "7565": 0.042083740234375, "86429": 0.040802001953125, "113660": 0.067626953125, "4000": 0.0380859375, "71407": 0.005702972412109375}
Homelessness and health.
Homelessness affects tens of thousands of canadians and has important health implications. Homeless people are at increased risk of dying prematurely and suffer from a wide range of health problems, including seizures, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, musculoskeletal disorders, tuberculosis, and skin and foot problems. Homeless people also face significant barriers that impair their access to health care. More research is needed to identify better ways to deliver care to this population.
{"2005": 0.177490234375, "9393": 0.285400390625, "7432": 0.181640625, "52490": 0.2042236328125, "7": 0.04705810546875, "93396": 0.0792236328125, "137107": 0.12054443359375, "831": 0.182861328125, "3938": 0.16357421875, "10133": 0.1292724609375, "136": 0.0278167724609375, "1556": 0.06939697265625, "5526": 0.12152099609375, "16227": 0.2099609375, "17914": 0.185302734375, "5256": 0.09051513671875, "5": 0.0091552734375, "3395": 0.18310546875, "621": 0.049530029296875, "99": 0.0780029296875, "124735": 0.150146484375, "10512": 0.2125244140625, "111": 0.07196044921875, "2160": 0.129150390625, "214": 0.0765380859375, "170176": 0.16796875, "134729": 0.1575927734375, "38134": 0.06317138671875, "37457": 0.09521484375, "44402": 0.1612548828125, "26719": 0.04010009765625, "40": 0.06488037109375, "1418": 0.122314453125, "30891": 0.0841064453125, "184843": 0.1343994140625, "995": 0.08331298828125, "36716": 0.13525390625, "236544": 0.12017822265625, "70997": 0.10687255859375, "8014": 0.03204345703125, "42779": 0.0819091796875, "145482": 0.12030029296875, "171986": 0.13232421875, "230916": 0.146484375, "84125": 0.1378173828125, "21722": 0.09906005859375, "57616": 0.12347412109375, "2843": 0.0294189453125, "2577": 0.1231689453125, "88551": 0.0933837890625, "125861": 0.2005615234375, "566": 0.03680419921875, "109637": 0.1839599609375, "17203": 0.1292724609375, "47": 0.045745849609375, "517": 0.156494140625, "5455": 0.0787353515625, "25188": 0.133056640625, "44841": 0.11126708984375, "135812": 0.07122802734375, "11522": 0.09918212890625, "48322": 0.06182861328125, "75060": 0.12261962890625, "903": 0.07275390625, "43904": 0.116455078125}
Serum metabolomics in animal models and human disease.
PURPOSE OF REVIEW The aim of this study is to highlight some recent uses of serum metabolomics in human and animal studies. The main themes are the importance of understanding the underlying variation in human metabolism and the use of serum metabolomics in disease profiling. RECENT FINDINGS Several studies have attempted to use serum metabolomics to develop noninvasive biomarkers of disease and/or track the consequences of nutritional and genetic interventions. Many advances have been made with common changes being identified in ageing, the menopause and cancer but several problems of interpretation have emerged from these studies. These include the small sample sizes in most human studies and the differences between human and rodent metabolomes. However, a metabolic screen of over 1000 'healthy' humans (the Humsermet project) has highlighted many variables that may be used to refine the interpretation and design of previous and future human studies alike, in addition to data mining. SUMMARY Some common serum metabolome alterations have been identified but many inconsistencies remain. The construction of a human serum metabolome database should be informative in the design of future human and animal model studies.
{"68760": 0.13525390625, "91383": 0.1358642578125, "647": 0.06109619140625, "31766": 0.111083984375, "9069": 0.046783447265625, "204148": 0.1767578125, "10": 0.06591796875, "464": 0.20947265625, "903": 0.0361328125, "35187": 0.1466064453125, "83": 0.053497314453125, "127308": 0.126220703125, "17309": 0.10614013671875, "4527": 0.1689453125, "111": 0.0096588134765625, "40": 0.131591796875, "1605": 0.281005859375, "93447": 0.25390625, "31": 0.09393310546875, "114666": 0.204833984375, "23": 0.01947021484375, "14135": 0.140869140625, "136": 0.08441162109375, "26249": 0.1934814453125, "96335": 0.171875, "581": 0.0029888153076171875, "5201": 0.0872802734375, "2856": 0.158203125, "90": 0.00487518310546875, "70": 0.005443572998046875, "131011": 0.11407470703125, "100094": 0.11322021484375, "1379": 0.127685546875, "538": 0.0648193359375, "214": 0.0548095703125, "143834": 0.2091064453125, "159531": 0.2440185546875, "70997": 0.130615234375, "9468": 0.177001953125, "98166": 0.0201263427734375, "20157": 0.01953125, "67227": 0.06103515625, "156906": 0.01708984375, "48752": 0.017333984375, "289": 0.00537872314453125, "81887": 0.0908203125, "297": 0.00542449951171875, "47": 0.005260467529296875, "85493": 0.00559234619140625, "351": 0.06329345703125, "330": 0.08538818359375, "29888": 0.00528717041015625, "3530": 0.037872314453125, "10015": 0.1573486328125, "1314": 0.0053253173828125, "748": 0.005252838134765625, "28560": 0.0821533203125, "212678": 0.1070556640625, "150017": 0.134033203125, "101412": 0.0631103515625, "113449": 0.07159423828125, "7": 0.005382537841796875, "52455": 0.050201416015625, "129745": 0.156982421875, "765": 0.0053558349609375, "2809": 0.00545501708984375, "7228": 0.003795623779296875, "678": 0.0038967132568359375, "39210": 0.1444091796875, "65572": 0.1815185546875, "8035": 0.005401611328125, "207487": 0.1341552734375, "32070": 0.099609375, "4": 0.005413055419921875, "10224": 0.11419677734375, "149302": 0.166259765625, "27968": 0.10931396484375, "1284": 0.00384521484375, "40368": 0.03192138671875, "44402": 0.140625, "206019": 0.1861572265625, "74216": 0.052764892578125, "71": 0.005245208740234375, "6097": 0.0051422119140625, "19336": 0.059967041015625, "121413": 0.08673095703125, "13267": 0.0105133056640625, "2684": 0.0005397796630859375, "60212": 0.12176513671875, "17721": 0.00510406494140625, "66397": 0.1160888671875, "660": 0.107666015625, "306": 0.1553955078125, "1771": 0.005420684814453125, "49119": 0.181884765625, "645": 0.0469970703125, "4382": 0.11810302734375, "94005": 0.14697265625, "53": 0.00537109375, "25": 0.005199432373046875, "118103": 0.1326904296875, "2347": 0.005107879638671875, "19210": 0.132080078125, "2189": 0.126220703125, "1928": 0.206787109375, "13452": 0.118408203125, "16": 0.005100250244140625, "1556": 0.006885528564453125, "5941": 0.060455322265625, "77336": 0.1761474609375, "450": 0.005413055419921875, "1543": 0.045196533203125, "186": 0.0054168701171875, "11814": 0.0038509368896484375, "18831": 0.07415771484375, "1212": 0.00484466552734375, "4331": 0.095947265625, "96362": 0.01174163818359375, "22690": 0.059173583984375, "5062": 0.0023517608642578125, "2053": 0.059906005859375, "324": 0.11273193359375, "16817": 0.0034618377685546875, "88852": 0.02471923828125, "31384": 0.001983642578125, "13450": 0.175537109375, "42068": 0.1846923828125, "5256": 0.005290985107421875, "25553": 0.06494140625, "6892": 0.1263427734375, "58732": 0.0053558349609375, "47143": 0.04833984375, "50961": 0.04510498046875, "63399": 0.1873779296875, "5608": 0.04351806640625, "149584": 0.05950927734375, "3299": 0.11761474609375}
Differential Requirement of the Extracellular Domain in Activation of Class B G Protein-coupled Receptors.
G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) from the secretin-like (class B) family are key players in hormonal homeostasis and are important drug targets for the treatment of metabolic disorders and neuronal diseases. They consist of a large N-terminal extracellular domain (ECD) and a transmembrane domain (TMD) with the GPCR signature of seven transmembrane helices. Class B GPCRs are activated by peptide hormones with their C termini bound to the receptor ECD and their N termini bound to the TMD. It is thought that the ECD functions as an affinity trap to bind and localize the hormone to the receptor. This in turn would allow the hormone N terminus to insert into the TMD and induce conformational changes of the TMD to activate downstream signaling. In contrast to this prevailing model, we demonstrate that human class B GPCRs vary widely in their requirement of the ECD for activation. In one group, represented by corticotrophin-releasing factor receptor 1 (CRF1R), parathyroid hormone receptor (PTH1R), and pituitary adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide type 1 receptor (PAC1R), the ECD requirement for high affinity hormone binding can be bypassed by induced proximity and mass action effects, whereas in the other group, represented by glucagon receptor (GCGR) and glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor (GLP-1R), the ECD is required for signaling even when the hormone is covalently linked to the TMD. Furthermore, the activation of GLP-1R by small molecules that interact with the intracellular side of the receptor is dependent on the presence of its ECD, suggesting a direct role of the ECD in GLP-1R activation.
{"527": 0.1695556640625, "21308": 0.2158203125, "587": 0.0714111328125, "2037": 0.169677734375, "6259": 0.0450439453125, "137376": 0.26806640625, "7": 0.10565185546875, "32566": 0.1575927734375, "22578": 0.285400390625, "1295": 0.0303955078125, "23410": 0.23388671875, "73": 0.1240234375, "5062": 0.136474609375, "67413": 0.1591796875, "335": 0.2003173828125, "14449": 0.11187744140625, "621": 0.0205535888671875, "22799": 0.1051025390625, "92865": 0.1270751953125, "147198": 0.20947265625, "5368": 0.06512451171875, "5964": 0.14892578125, "6023": 0.0810546875, "5526": 0.09552001953125, "48683": 0.138671875, "30388": 0.1414794921875, "39734": 0.0999755859375, "93447": 0.11761474609375, "171986": 0.08245849609375, "184940": 0.06884765625, "70997": 0.05352783203125, "58055": 0.06756591796875, "21334": 0.0224151611328125, "541": 0.08709716796875, "30524": 0.1552734375, "4173": 0.06494140625, "8969": 0.06292724609375, "77758": 0.1368408203125, "16546": 0.08563232421875, "397": 0.12298583984375, "3900": 0.05535888671875, "282": 0.06494140625, "12846": 0.1146240234375, "10111": 0.1123046875, "54709": 0.1761474609375, "138256": 0.16552734375, "59671": 0.09197998046875, "50651": 0.1427001953125, "5170": 0.0595703125, "35014": 0.186767578125, "34704": 0.1712646484375, "280": 0.048858642578125, "17332": 0.1512451171875, "133818": 0.2200927734375, "313": 0.0615234375, "46576": 0.168212890625, "99091": 0.161376953125, "241": 0.0941162109375, "16069": 0.2509765625, "384": 0.0303802490234375, "44644": 0.1395263671875, "17569": 0.0732421875, "32354": 0.10382080078125, "58871": 0.222900390625, "63819": 0.250732421875, "68557": 0.1717529296875, "39861": 0.147705078125, "2806": 0.01446533203125, "63769": 0.0389404296875, "147914": 0.2052001953125, "183540": 0.10211181640625, "135989": 0.1029052734375, "19911": 0.1522216796875, "65572": 0.08685302734375, "7565": 0.1151123046875, "86429": 0.1451416015625, "26073": 0.165283203125, "214": 0.033172607421875, "69822": 0.05926513671875, "330": 0.01419830322265625, "3299": 0.151123046875, "14135": 0.10369873046875, "18507": 0.1683349609375, "285": 0.1336669921875, "38134": 0.091064453125, "64209": 0.1390380859375, "21115": 0.1123046875, "33636": 0.07293701171875, "102043": 0.07269287109375, "29813": 0.13330078125, "4505": 0.0667724609375, "14507": 0.089599609375, "31461": 0.0819091796875, "106": 0.044403076171875, "919": 0.01158905029296875, "418": 0.038116455078125, "1052": 0.116455078125, "121": 0.06927490234375, "29178": 0.074951171875, "63964": 0.10382080078125, "23415": 0.1212158203125, "13380": 0.033477783203125, "555": 0.10540771484375, "18347": 0.09814453125, "35874": 0.0853271484375, "1081": 0.049163818359375, "10644": 0.0209503173828125, "98701": 0.08648681640625, "11192": 0.048614501953125, "128239": 0.1490478515625, "831": 0.0189056396484375, "13409": 0.08575439453125, "241846": 0.160888671875, "46889": 0.05828857421875, "22631": 0.01137542724609375, "18743": 0.08074951171875, "408": 0.037994384765625, "6126": 0.10394287109375, "69657": 0.0263519287109375, "49741": 0.1402587890625, "5759": 0.060882568359375, "37352": 0.15869140625, "56065": 0.097412109375, "3126": 0.046630859375, "19336": 0.0546875, "18440": 0.033843994140625, "108750": 0.1142578125, "8951": 0.004833221435546875, "31486": 0.07708740234375}
Genome-wide maps of histone modifications unwind in vivo chromatin states of the hair follicle lineage.
Using mouse skin, where bountiful reservoirs of synchronized hair follicle stem cells (HF-SCs) fuel cycles of regeneration, we explore how adult SCs remodel chromatin in response to activating cues. By profiling global mRNA and chromatin changes in quiescent and activated HF-SCs and their committed, transit-amplifying (TA) progeny, we show that polycomb-group (PcG)-mediated H3K27-trimethylation features prominently in HF-lineage progression by mechanisms distinct from embryonic-SCs. In HF-SCs, PcG represses nonskin lineages and HF differentiation. In TA progeny, nonskin regulators remain PcG-repressed, HF-SC regulators acquire H3K27me3-marks, and HF-lineage regulators lose them. Interestingly, genes poised in embryonic stem cells, active in HF-SCs, and PcG-repressed in TA progeny encode not only key transcription factors, but also signaling regulators. We document their importance in balancing HF-SC quiescence, underscoring the power of chromatin mapping in dissecting SC behavior. Our findings explain how HF-SCs cycle through quiescent and activated states without losing stemness and define roles for PcG-mediated repression in governing a fate switch irreversibly.
{"345": 0.09124755859375, "6953": 0.0002484321594238281, "114669": 0.23974609375, "21722": 0.2041015625, "7440": 0.0024394989013671875, "62492": 0.0369873046875, "74336": 0.0914306640625, "17990": 0.03509521484375, "200470": 0.197021484375, "24887": 0.2330322265625, "18344": 0.059844970703125, "9120": 0.08599853515625, "36418": 0.164794921875, "38750": 0.15185546875, "66882": 0.271484375, "9": 0.05291748046875, "14495": 0.2186279296875, "7": 0.040740966796875, "160692": 0.15869140625, "105823": 0.1822509765625, "94410": 0.18896484375, "88898": 0.05413818359375, "3642": 0.017669677734375, "25171": 0.1990966796875, "17715": 0.202392578125, "177580": 0.27685546875, "17656": 0.105224609375, "38657": 0.158935546875, "73": 0.1429443359375, "57553": 0.130615234375, "34704": 0.1766357421875, "314": 0.14892578125, "9468": 0.09320068359375, "7964": 0.0947265625, "347": 0.01398468017578125, "125499": 0.1708984375, "65572": 0.100830078125, "569": 0.13134765625, "150506": 0.1563720703125, "174176": 0.1824951171875, "62621": 0.1978759765625, "2424": 0.1343994140625, "7783": 0.1756591796875, "502": 0.0933837890625, "1409": 0.1448974609375, "35874": 0.1348876953125, "277": 0.1876220703125, "275": 0.10589599609375, "51588": 0.1204833984375, "683": 0.019775390625, "238": 0.0772705078125, "724": 0.15771484375, "12333": 0.1494140625, "572": 0.0980224609375, "363": 0.11468505859375, "605": 0.10137939453125, "3768": 0.2381591796875, "3996": 0.1329345703125, "1928": 0.140869140625, "65853": 0.166748046875, "66139": 0.029632568359375, "197097": 0.0635986328125, "2256": 0.1689453125, "187735": 0.1458740234375, "191619": 0.1358642578125, "117781": 0.09796142578125, "352": 0.0261077880859375, "21731": 0.140625, "31": 0.0217742919921875, "6402": 0.0053558349609375, "6": 0.01221466064453125, "436": 0.0557861328125, "86254": 0.1995849609375, "351": 0.1011962890625, "875": 0.1668701171875, "42592": 0.169189453125, "99710": 0.1500244140625, "360": 0.0016412734985351562, "12998": 0.153564453125, "144314": 0.2486572265625, "47143": 0.04425048828125, "11856": 0.1453857421875, "163629": 0.039306640625, "282": 0.099365234375, "27495": 0.057647705078125, "88832": 0.09716796875, "388": 0.0621337890625, "22293": 0.1607666015625, "5737": 0.0916748046875, "36457": 0.06689453125, "107": 0.01690673828125, "40899": 0.09259033203125, "22799": 0.07977294921875, "30334": 0.048828125, "59478": 0.08013916015625, "120103": 0.07080078125, "26073": 0.08209228515625, "12937": 0.01224517822265625, "131011": 0.07080078125, "25168": 0.1407470703125, "6964": 0.060516357421875, "14537": 0.060089111328125, "291": 0.058746337890625, "4504": 0.07769775390625, "123166": 0.0999755859375, "73342": 0.0181732177734375, "8305": 0.07073974609375, "117249": 0.102294921875, "15490": 0.053863525390625, "7432": 0.0200653076171875, "31486": 0.083251953125, "456": 0.11700439453125, "48448": 0.2247314453125, "23131": 0.14794921875, "87714": 0.1744384765625, "101089": 0.196044921875, "39799": 0.063232421875}
Two classes of endogenous small RNAs in Tetrahymena thermophila.
Endogenous small RNAs function in RNA interference (RNAi) pathways to guide RNA cleavage, translational repression, or methylation of DNA or chromatin. In Tetrahymena thermophila, developmentally regulated DNA elimination is governed by an RNAi mechanism involving approximately 27-30-nucleotide (nt) RNAs. Here we characterize the sequence features of the approximately 27-30-nt RNAs and a approximately 23-24-nt RNA class representing a second RNAi pathway. The approximately 23-24-nt RNAs accumulate strain-specifically manner and map to the genome in clusters that are antisense to predicted genes. These findings reveal the existence of distinct endogenous RNAi pathways in the unicellular T. thermophila, a complexity previously demonstrated only in multicellular organisms.
{"18878": 0.1346435546875, "62976": 0.20654296875, "10821": 0.02642822265625, "19336": 0.1617431640625, "125499": 0.244384765625, "7": 0.07733154296875, "32354": 0.1680908203125, "193943": 0.1641845703125, "3956": 0.0175628662109375, "14": 0.1827392578125, "60875": 0.146728515625, "102966": 0.12286376953125, "47": 0.0227813720703125, "17997": 0.1678466796875, "81993": 0.05548095703125, "5528": 0.10955810546875, "153648": 0.08319091796875, "456": 0.055694580078125, "48448": 0.181640625, "435": 0.024261474609375, "65853": 0.11688232421875, "27583": 0.1734619140625, "707": 0.0015096664428710938, "38657": 0.04486083984375, "73": 0.0266876220703125, "1413": 0.0958251953125, "1517": 0.1671142578125, "3038": 0.1380615234375, "12470": 0.1475830078125, "182342": 0.1890869140625, "66847": 0.2012939453125, "11": 0.08392333984375, "34754": 0.0882568359375, "15913": 0.1817626953125, "27169": 0.1842041015625, "1363": 0.032196044921875, "23131": 0.1590576171875, "191619": 0.1680908203125, "3784": 0.06219482421875, "189275": 0.01560211181640625, "1438": 0.1290283203125, "27000": 0.142333984375, "539": 0.026763916015625, "11030": 0.0633544921875, "14981": 0.08819580078125, "112": 0.01264190673828125, "660": 0.152587890625, "62816": 0.08673095703125, "944": 0.0635986328125, "66139": 0.0909423828125, "1105": 0.11224365234375, "33503": 0.150146484375, "18507": 0.177734375, "33636": 0.0157623291015625, "17932": 0.08544921875, "7514": 0.1112060546875, "183278": 0.12939453125, "177488": 0.1326904296875, "159975": 0.07037353515625, "144996": 0.01439666748046875, "22288": 0.09100341796875, "8584": 0.0771484375, "234737": 0.14208984375, "2874": 0.1051025390625, "100033": 0.1546630859375, "92054": 0.1993408203125, "22293": 0.1097412109375, "90791": 0.0008921623229980469, "122273": 0.0152130126953125, "116311": 0.05352783203125, "117781": 0.11309814453125, "3564": 0.1380615234375, "19844": 0.09100341796875, "8969": 0.08270263671875, "120087": 0.056304931640625, "384": 0.1182861328125, "5": 0.01247406005859375, "27140": 0.1514892578125, "198395": 0.03338623046875, "106804": 0.0462646484375, "4734": 0.01451873779296875, "6024": 0.07891845703125, "25150": 0.11846923828125}
The binding of maize DHN1 to lipid vesicles. Gain of structure and lipid specificity.
Dehydrins (DHNs; late embryogenesis abundant D-11) are a family of plant proteins induced in response to abiotic stresses such as drought, low temperature, and salinity or during the late stages of embryogenesis. Spectral and thermal properties of these proteins in purified form suggest that they are "intrinsically unstructured. " However, DHNs contain at least one copy of a consensus 15-amino acid sequence, the "K segment," which resembles a class A2 amphipathic alpha-helical, lipid-binding domain found in other proteins such as apolipoproteins and alpha-synuclein. The presence of the K segment raises the question of whether DHNs bind lipids, bilayers, or phospholipid vesicles. Here, we show that maize (Zea mays) DHN DHN1 can bind to lipid vesicles that contain acidic phospholipids. We also observe that DHN1 binds more favorably to vesicles of smaller diameter than to larger vesicles, and that the association of DHN1 with vesicles results in an apparent increase of alpha-helicity of the protein. Therefore, DHNs, and presumably somewhat similar plant stress proteins in the late embryogenesis abundant and cold-regulated classes may undergo function-related conformational changes at the water/membrane interface, perhaps related to the stabilization of vesicles or other endomembrane structures under stress conditions.
{"262": 0.23779296875, "3038": 0.2281494140625, "66671": 0.30322265625, "7": 0.16455078125, "397": 0.1473388671875, "79059": 0.3095703125, "72399": 0.1739501953125, "352": 0.07281494140625, "21731": 0.1531982421875, "62976": 0.14306640625, "90": 0.0716552734375, "130807": 0.1663818359375, "660": 0.0284271240234375, "391": 0.1846923828125, "16675": 0.272705078125, "621": 0.049102783203125, "14449": 0.1400146484375, "111": 0.0020275115966796875, "18153": 0.1915283203125, "21308": 0.25244140625, "135989": 0.1768798828125, "297": 0.00157928466796875, "23": 0.0019817352294921875, "57553": 0.135986328125, "47": 0.07305908203125, "10": 0.0545654296875, "8730": 0.158935546875, "9523": 0.001064300537109375, "11405": 0.2335205078125, "6044": 0.0014200210571289062, "16810": 0.1533203125, "46526": 0.169677734375, "4": 0.0019779205322265625, "27226": 0.09912109375, "52768": 0.1484375, "136": 0.0005245208740234375, "1552": 0.109375, "2481": 0.0015735626220703125, "20271": 0.0145416259765625, "70": 0.00196075439453125, "36541": 0.055389404296875, "24990": 0.027435302734375, "42": 0.08013916015625, "2749": 0.0016326904296875, "183871": 0.0494384765625, "6097": 0.0012712478637695312, "7398": 0.08538818359375, "47314": 0.0018644332885742188, "3173": 0.08648681640625, "42459": 0.047882080078125, "450": 0.001705169677734375, "73": 0.0016164779663085938, "33310": 0.1151123046875, "71407": 0.0018100738525390625, "51": 0.0577392578125, "137656": 0.1585693359375, "71": 0.0017337799072265625, "70541": 0.07891845703125, "99": 0.0017948150634765625, "19713": 0.036895751953125, "43658": 0.066162109375, "133238": 0.1451416015625, "17659": 0.157470703125, "1191": 0.08074951171875, "157": 0.0347900390625, "43840": 0.1253662109375, "944": 0.03851318359375, "3956": 0.0016336441040039062, "605": 0.1700439453125, "33180": 0.2257080078125, "58": 0.0014858245849609375, "3332": 0.0017423629760742188, "195": 0.0592041015625, "13566": 0.0013647079467773438, "18507": 0.1343994140625, "62": 0.0926513671875, "304": 0.0816650390625, "19379": 0.09967041015625, "86132": 0.10955810546875, "238": 0.001556396484375, "144": 0.034088134765625, "14612": 0.1513671875, "9": 0.0018558502197265625, "6865": 0.09820556640625, "21533": 0.0014600753784179688, "202951": 0.2095947265625, "128239": 0.1319580078125, "77758": 0.10211181640625, "237": 0.0015611648559570312, "6885": 0.0755615234375, "112114": 0.1168212890625, "80000": 0.109619140625, "5425": 0.0019435882568359375, "38149": 0.08502197265625, "169424": 0.07635498046875, "341": 0.1453857421875, "138804": 0.0268402099609375, "9655": 0.058990478515625, "68557": 0.2193603515625, "2224": 0.11676025390625, "8889": 0.1783447265625, "53073": 0.036712646484375, "69810": 0.04815673828125, "45226": 0.06768798828125, "35882": 0.180908203125, "66695": 0.0718994140625, "7639": 0.009918212890625, "409": 0.1636962890625, "731": 0.1602783203125, "48320": 0.12939453125, "11": 0.1021728515625, "1543": 0.20947265625, "418": 0.0908203125, "831": 0.0684814453125, "1771": 0.0017404556274414062, "134208": 0.046539306640625, "21392": 0.04766845703125, "1286": 0.017578125, "10862": 0.0953369140625, "78458": 0.002033233642578125, "164917": 0.045745849609375, "148064": 0.041015625, "3501": 0.0007338523864746094, "125413": 0.11431884765625, "678": 0.0010328292846679688, "142": 0.0017824172973632812, "173676": 0.002288818359375, "51312": 0.1004638671875, "54140": 0.08331298828125, "60089": 0.01444244384765625, "39": 0.001964569091796875, "21373": 0.0190887451171875, "91097": 0.154052734375, "144867": 0.07684326171875, "3674": 0.002002716064453125, "61112": 0.1463623046875, "519": 0.0017538070678710938, "32354": 0.0770263671875, "19911": 0.1405029296875, "43315": 0.0018978118896484375, "65572": 0.11041259765625, "7401": 0.096435546875, "12846": 0.138671875, "86": 0.0020008087158203125, "101758": 0.11474609375, "9260": 0.135009765625, "47691": 0.0008025169372558594, "22": 0.0117340087890625, "45646": 0.0233154296875, "27289": 0.029876708984375}
Requirement of heterochromatin for cohesion at centromeres.
Centromeres are heterochromatic in many organisms, but the mitotic function of this silent chromatin remains unknown. During cell division, newly replicated sister chromatids must cohere until anaphase when Scc1/Rad21-mediated cohesion is destroyed. In metazoans, chromosome arm cohesins dissociate during prophase, leaving centromeres as the only linkage before anaphase. It is not known what distinguishes centromere cohesion from arm cohesion. Fission yeast Swi6 (a Heterochromatin protein 1 counterpart) is a component of silent heterochromatin. Here we show that this heterochromatin is specifically required for cohesion between sister centromeres. Swi6 is required for association of Rad21-cohesin with centromeres but not along chromosome arms and, thus, acts to distinguish centromere from arm cohesion. Therefore, one function of centromeric heterochromatin is to attract cohesin, thereby ensuring sister centromere cohesion and proper chromosome segregation.
{"13443": 0.242431640625, "27613": 0.27392578125, "7": 0.0567626953125, "77099": 0.1910400390625, "206": 0.12176513671875, "516": 0.1497802734375, "47148": 0.1265869140625, "5941": 0.08795166015625, "25150": 0.163818359375, "86467": 0.112548828125, "9523": 0.09063720703125, "32354": 0.1732177734375, "903": 0.00656890869140625, "103967": 0.253173828125, "17656": 0.105712890625, "38657": 0.1156005859375, "73": 0.09136962890625, "47143": 0.017364501953125, "51": 0.006439208984375, "69723": 0.10968017578125, "133698": 0.03338623046875, "38750": 0.122314453125, "91853": 0.1627197265625, "143126": 0.119140625, "114015": 0.1566162109375, "30185": 0.06207275390625, "8110": 0.0435791015625, "552": 0.07598876953125, "35593": 0.1689453125, "24189": 0.033172607421875, "3877": 0.061553955078125, "153213": 0.1724853515625, "10060": 0.047454833984375, "148545": 0.07763671875, "3117": 0.1365966796875, "12333": 0.056671142578125, "1106": 0.207763671875, "6889": 0.0941162109375, "163684": 0.14013671875, "435": 0.039642333984375, "42280": 0.126953125, "10133": 0.044830322265625, "840": 0.064697265625, "16294": 0.2037353515625, "6700": 0.08050537109375, "26725": 0.09039306640625, "20271": 0.0115814208984375, "502": 0.07843017578125, "5863": 0.2457275390625, "4734": 0.03912353515625, "3126": 0.10076904296875, "8108": 0.0361328125, "51529": 0.07086181640625, "157167": 0.1351318359375, "1295": 0.0177764892578125, "93966": 0.1259765625, "2422": 0.1259765625, "4438": 0.07818603515625, "105432": 0.1597900390625, "910": 0.17724609375, "1947": 0.01427459716796875, "50840": 0.1644287109375, "2311": 0.130859375, "21308": 0.1727294921875, "106": 0.006389617919921875, "105416": 0.07391357421875, "17365": 0.0855712890625, "82761": 0.156494140625, "183037": 0.0016031265258789062, "56065": 0.1580810546875, "17721": 0.036529541015625, "125413": 0.11077880859375, "9552": 0.1285400390625, "587": 0.003093719482421875, "1596": 0.08538818359375, "121641": 0.1395263671875, "282": 0.1878662109375, "12259": 0.04217529296875, "110281": 0.1773681640625, "190407": 0.1622314453125}
Gene expression in human skeletal muscle: alternative normalization method and effect of repeated biopsies
The reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) method has lately become widely used to determine transcription and mRNA content in rodent and human muscle samples. However, the common use of endogenous controls for correcting for variance in cDNA between samples is not optimal. Specifically, we investigated (1) a new normalization method based on determining the cDNA content by the flourophores PicoGreen and OliGreen, (2) effect of repeated muscle biopsies on mRNA gene expression, and (3) the spatial heterogeneity in mRNA expression across the muscle. Standard curves using oligo standards revealed a high degree of sensitivity and linearity (2.5–45 ng; R 2>0.99) with OliGreen reagent, as was the case for OliGreen analyses with standard curves constructed from serial dilutions of representative RT samples (R 2 >0.99 for a ten times dilution range of a representative reversed transcribed (RT) sample). Likewise, PicoGreen reagent detected the RNA:DNA hybrid content in RT samples with great sensitivity. Standard curves constructed from both double-stranded lambda DNA (1–10 ng) and from serial dilutions of representative RT samples consistently resulted in linearity with R 2 >0.99. The present determination of cDNA content in reversed transcribed human skeletal muscle RNA samples by both PicoGreen and OliGreen analyses suggests that these fluorophores provide a potential alternative normalization procedure for human gene expression studies. In addition, the present study shows that multiple muscle biopsies obtained from the same muscle do not influence the mRNA response induced by an acute exercise bout for any of the genes examined.
{"39531": 0.1981201171875, "184": 0.10247802734375, "30334": 0.14501953125, "32032": 0.12548828125, "135545": 0.0247802734375, "27160": 0.084716796875, "121293": 0.135009765625, "132539": 0.1654052734375, "20503": 0.1871337890625, "9": 0.0256195068359375, "12233": 0.10235595703125, "1052": 0.1650390625, "55300": 0.1563720703125, "37838": 0.005146026611328125, "24209": 0.0033283233642578125, "38134": 0.0297393798828125, "538": 0.01534271240234375, "11814": 0.0521240234375, "83324": 0.107421875, "59478": 0.184326171875, "136": 0.01512908935546875, "347": 0.0191497802734375, "125499": 0.224853515625, "10941": 0.194580078125, "23": 0.01544952392578125, "66397": 0.1253662109375, "660": 0.074462890625, "14135": 0.0916748046875, "123635": 0.234130859375, "121413": 0.13818359375, "7": 0.0155181884765625, "4": 0.015411376953125, "70": 0.01548004150390625, "39210": 0.045257568359375, "4527": 0.04376220703125, "111": 0.015472412109375, "3564": 0.0361328125, "62976": 0.11279296875, "10821": 0.01525115966796875, "6226": 0.1900634765625, "26785": 0.1234130859375, "100": 0.020477294921875, "16757": 0.174560546875, "3956": 0.03790283203125, "501": 0.062286376953125, "125903": 0.2412109375, "17721": 0.094482421875, "959": 0.0253753662109375, "24087": 0.138671875, "25958": 0.01535797119140625, "32603": 0.03619384765625, "10": 0.01540374755859375, "3525": 0.04241943359375, "3638": 0.20458984375, "47691": 0.12396240234375, "98": 0.0151824951171875, "72694": 0.12890625, "214": 0.01529693603515625, "390": 0.0153656005859375, "21917": 0.09393310546875, "11951": 0.04620361328125, "139006": 0.2117919921875, "27860": 0.10601806640625, "31": 0.08251953125, "152061": 0.2337646484375, "29169": 0.1295166015625, "119140": 0.1263427734375, "297": 0.0156402587890625, "3530": 0.10357666015625, "15759": 0.1517333984375, "90": 0.0155029296875, "22293": 0.1507568359375, "125195": 0.183837890625, "5623": 0.1168212890625, "118": 0.0152130126953125, "289": 0.0153961181640625, "77099": 0.1285400390625, "15292": 0.01537322998046875, "2481": 0.0154876708984375, "36880": 0.031585693359375, "20744": 0.1859130859375, "9709": 0.18505859375, "3132": 0.043182373046875, "1194": 0.11474609375, "519": 0.1802978515625, "5570": 0.182861328125, "11192": 0.032440185546875, "6": 0.0152740478515625, "176302": 0.1893310546875, "192617": 0.15380859375, "15": 0.01526641845703125, "48413": 0.10382080078125, "1104": 0.01531982421875, "4633": 0.1107177734375, "234": 0.07574462890625, "74": 0.0152130126953125, "627": 0.0723876953125, "2389": 0.0150299072265625, "5": 0.0152740478515625, "101655": 0.11907958984375, "456": 0.06060791015625, "83963": 0.173828125, "509": 0.01473236083984375, "51422": 0.08013916015625, "678": 0.01445770263671875, "64549": 0.09173583984375, "1295": 0.01544189453125, "35686": 0.0948486328125, "109971": 0.171142578125, "5256": 0.01546478271484375, "99638": 0.0816650390625, "13": 0.0153961181640625, "27389": 0.2064208984375, "977": 0.013336181640625, "143161": 0.0728759765625, "1126": 0.12066650390625, "1492": 0.0643310546875, "20028": 0.015045166015625, "1363": 0.01543426513671875, "37457": 0.01238250732421875, "5281": 0.01546478271484375, "34601": 0.08013916015625, "71": 0.0154571533203125, "16": 0.0155181884765625, "90825": 0.01470947265625, "96391": 0.040863037109375, "113490": 0.2275390625, "6782": 0.045440673828125, "41929": 0.0121612548828125, "58526": 0.0638427734375, "6492": 0.11480712890625, "85": 0.0156097412109375, "27583": 0.1441650390625, "2858": 0.01490020751953125, "963": 0.042236328125, "16750": 0.0145263671875, "116": 0.011077880859375, "581": 0.015838623046875, "27354": 0.11566162109375, "182355": 0.1302490234375, "450": 0.0143280029296875, "127179": 0.1385498046875, "38516": 0.05792236328125, "30700": 0.1148681640625, "50491": 0.08349609375, "96335": 0.051788330078125, "360": 0.01544189453125, "48716": 0.11529541015625, "5701": 0.0634765625, "54": 0.01244354248046875, "79507": 0.10205078125, "57553": 0.09033203125, "142": 0.015380859375, "85691": 0.054931640625, "81979": 0.1368408203125, "63623": 0.08343505859375, "2499": 0.01340484619140625, "160477": 0.004302978515625}
The Impact of Location of Progressive Visual Field Loss on Longitudinal Changes in Quality of Life of Patients with Glaucoma.
PURPOSE To evaluate the association between rates of progressive loss in different regions of the visual field and longitudinal changes in quality of life (QoL). DESIGN Prospective, observational cohort study. PARTICIPANTS The study included 236 patients with glaucomatous visual field loss followed for an average of 4.3±1.5 years. METHODS All subjects had the 25-item National Eye Institute Visual Functioning Questionnaire (NEI VFQ-25) performed annually and standard automated perimetry (SAP) at 6-month intervals. Subjects were included if they had a minimum of 2 NEI VFQ-25 and 5 SAP tests during follow-up. Evaluation of rates of visual field change was performed using 4 different regions (central inferior, central superior, peripheral inferior, and peripheral superior) of the integrated binocular visual field. The association between change in NEI VFQ-25 Rasch-calibrated scores and change in different regions of the visual field was investigated with a joint multivariable longitudinal linear mixed model. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES The relationship between change in QoL scores and change of mean sensitivity in different regions of the visual field. RESULTS There was a significant correlation between change in the NEI VFQ-25 Rasch scores during follow-up and change in different regions of the visual field. Each 1 decibel (dB)/year change in binocular mean sensitivity of the central inferior area was associated with a decline of 2.6 units/year in the NEI VFQ-25 scores (R(2) = 35%; P < 0.001). Corresponding associations with change in QoL scores for the peripheral inferior, central superior, and peripheral superior areas of the visual field had R(2) values of 30%, 24%, and 19%, respectively. The association for the central inferior visual field area was statistically significantly stronger than those of the central superior area (P = 0.011) and peripheral superior area (P = 0.001), but not the peripheral inferior area (P = 0.171). Greater declines in NEI VFQ-25 scores were also seen in patients who had worse visual field sensitivity at baseline. CONCLUSIONS Progressive decline in sensitivity in the central inferior area of the visual field had the strongest association with longitudinal decline in QoL of patients with glaucoma.
{"68760": 0.1298828125, "91383": 0.095458984375, "151575": 0.1043701171875, "125413": 0.20263671875, "17721": 0.07861328125, "121297": 0.1685791015625, "111": 0.0291900634765625, "161838": 0.2303466796875, "86669": 0.2108154296875, "23": 0.0243988037109375, "12921": 0.14306640625, "10776": 0.1898193359375, "7": 0.0245819091796875, "21176": 0.264892578125, "44457": 0.2425537109375, "152050": 0.168212890625, "73": 0.0714111328125, "289": 0.0244140625, "65572": 0.18701171875, "31897": 0.1826171875, "6897": 0.1624755859375, "124214": 0.19921875, "866": 0.18603515625, "223188": 0.1710205078125, "16711": 0.099853515625, "4935": 0.0236663818359375, "150556": 0.1292724609375, "5922": 0.07781982421875, "18": 0.023101806640625, "35187": 0.10638427734375, "180070": 0.041534423828125, "17304": 0.04791259765625, "64731": 0.0121612548828125, "99201": 0.047943115234375, "1105": 0.1068115234375, "910": 0.1124267578125, "60264": 0.178955078125, "678": 0.057861328125, "24682": 0.1500244140625, "34": 0.12213134765625, "277": 0.1749267578125, "2832": 0.084716796875, "223": 0.04119873046875, "134629": 0.08929443359375, "100": 0.0241851806640625, "142": 0.0242156982421875, "83080": 0.1524658203125, "80196": 0.1453857421875, "38405": 0.00717926025390625, "42876": 0.11175537109375, "5369": 0.15185546875, "6": 0.024200439453125, "33677": 0.09246826171875, "193792": 0.04205322265625, "294": 0.0241241455078125, "3164": 0.00562286376953125, "28368": 0.1259765625, "70": 0.0245513916015625, "22911": 0.1287841796875, "217": 0.0751953125, "195": 0.0224151611328125, "9907": 0.062286376953125, "65386": 0.1700439453125, "43975": 0.08599853515625, "73372": 0.2470703125, "28670": 0.10693359375, "10763": 0.0240631103515625, "214": 0.02410888671875, "68185": 0.1644287109375, "76070": 0.0241851806640625, "15": 0.0244903564453125, "8015": 0.1044921875, "568": 0.11505126953125, "310": 0.1539306640625, "919": 0.10943603515625, "2737": 0.186767578125, "28174": 0.236083984375, "16": 0.0243377685546875, "51339": 0.03863525390625, "297": 0.0244293212890625, "77253": 0.0992431640625, "538": 0.0244598388671875, "136": 0.0242767333984375, "5570": 0.036773681640625, "11408": 0.1444091796875, "117": 0.0234375, "10929": 0.08758544921875, "1294": 0.024322509765625, "166236": 0.1241455078125, "99": 0.024200439453125, "13007": 0.04718017578125, "15477": 0.06610107421875, "127": 0.0242919921875, "51514": 0.06085205078125, "94341": 0.0982666015625, "3542": 0.024169921875, "1836": 0.0240325927734375, "1902": 0.0220489501953125, "10": 0.024322509765625, "15440": 0.0548095703125, "116": 0.0031299591064453125, "9960": 0.1356201171875, "190": 0.056488037109375, "83268": 0.1517333984375, "109921": 0.09039306640625, "20271": 0.0243988037109375, "28960": 0.10406494140625, "9": 0.0243682861328125, "2037": 0.024505615234375, "151228": 0.11175537109375, "1363": 0.0241851806640625, "15549": 0.2164306640625, "509": 0.023956298828125, "17368": 0.0279083251953125, "201": 0.1094970703125, "58905": 0.1563720703125, "44157": 0.2108154296875, "4": 0.024505615234375, "9879": 0.158447265625, "14597": 0.1224365234375, "14": 0.0242156982421875, "94266": 0.0245819091796875, "78779": 0.115478515625, "333": 0.11962890625, "157": 0.15478515625, "25667": 0.0821533203125, "22071": 0.175048828125, "206": 0.17626953125, "52777": 0.0902099609375, "2844": 0.0235443115234375, "3674": 0.024322509765625, "47763": 0.165283203125, "32603": 0.0660400390625, "124416": 0.060028076171875, "6024": 0.0137176513671875, "21690": 0.009246826171875, "2886": 0.024261474609375, "192617": 0.084228515625, "17664": 0.0927734375, "3299": 0.1083984375, "48026": 0.0723876953125, "180": 0.0234527587890625, "45962": 0.10943603515625, "91245": 0.0863037109375, "11292": 0.09686279296875, "284": 0.08062744140625, "76755": 0.1376953125, "18443": 0.16455078125, "29459": 0.120849609375, "176302": 0.232177734375, "2481": 0.038787841796875, "218849": 0.0758056640625, "88551": 0.09033203125, "16106": 0.139404296875, "57860": 0.02423095703125, "98423": 0.02069091796875, "106": 0.05694580078125, "32380": 0.1466064453125, "4063": 0.02435302734375, "71": 0.024078369140625, "571": 0.06787109375, "64": 0.0245513916015625, "46799": 0.024078369140625, "16128": 0.07672119140625, "137272": 0.060089111328125, "206398": 0.1993408203125, "119326": 0.155517578125, "25072": 0.104736328125, "1052": 0.03973388671875, "40970": 0.10791015625, "2203": 0.0243377685546875, "86475": 0.10662841796875, "74": 0.0243988037109375, "436": 0.0247955322265625, "4426": 0.0243682861328125, "89678": 0.08349609375, "100991": 0.02447509765625, "6238": 0.0245208740234375, "151747": 0.1768798828125, "58555": 0.0223541259765625, "627": 0.059478759765625, "142424": 0.0192718505859375, "16279": 0.11907958984375, "744": 0.04888916015625, "29094": 0.0243682861328125, "169886": 0.10552978515625, "107013": 0.022918701171875, "581": 0.0220489501953125, "80835": 0.084228515625, "25958": 0.0244140625, "207583": 0.0161590576171875, "37515": 0.062225341796875, "56": 0.024322509765625, "3501": 0.0242767333984375, "8382": 0.024383544921875, "683": 0.024139404296875, "48105": 0.0246124267578125, "1284": 0.0214996337890625, "87905": 0.023681640625, "32774": 0.025604248046875, "51592": 0.02294921875, "2750": 0.024139404296875, "124632": 0.161865234375, "3647": 0.0926513671875, "2256": 0.0237884521484375, "37486": 0.06365966796875, "85390": 0.011810302734375, "109816": 0.1893310546875, "525": 0.041168212890625, "11": 0.07098388671875}
Use of thiazolidinediones and the risk of bladder cancer among people with type 2 diabetes: a meta-analysis.
BACKGROUND Patients with type 2 diabetes have a 40% increased risk of bladder cancer. Thiazolidinediones, especially pioglitazone, may increase the risk. We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis to evaluate the risk of bladder cancer among adults with type 2 diabetes taking thiazolidinediones. METHODS We searched key biomedical databases (including MEDLINE, Embase and Scopus) and sources of grey literature from inception through March 2012 for published and unpublished studies, without language restrictions. We included randomized controlled trials (RCTs), cohort studies and case-control studies that reported incident bladder cancer among people with type 2 diabetes who ever (v. never) were exposed to pioglitazone (main outcome), rosiglitazone or any thiazolidinedione. RESULTS Of the 1787 studies identified, we selected 4 RCTs, 5 cohort studies and 1 case-control study. The total number of patients was 2,657,365, of whom 3643 had newly diagnosed bladder cancer, for an overall incidence of 53.1 per 100,000 person-years. The one RCT that reported on pioglitazone use found no significant association with bladder cancer (risk ratio [RR] 2.36, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.91-6.13). The cohort studies of thiazolidinediones (pooled RR 1.15, 95% CI 1.04-1.26; I(2) = 0%) and of pioglitazone specifically (pooled RR 1.22, 95% CI 1.07-1.39; I(2) = 0%) showed significant associations with bladder cancer. No significant association with bladder cancer was observed in the two RCTs that evaluated rosiglitazone use (pooled RR 0.87, 95% CI 0.34-2.23; I(2) = 0%). INTERPRETATION The limited evidence available supports the hypothesis that thiazolidinediones, particularly pioglitazone, are associated with an increased risk of bladder cancer among adults with type 2 diabetes.
{"8678": 0.08038330078125, "20572": 0.058135986328125, "136498": 0.08343505859375, "135004": 0.137451171875, "678": 0.074462890625, "10644": 0.18017578125, "116": 0.1676025390625, "44019": 0.2352294921875, "765": 0.0309295654296875, "24051": 0.1429443359375, "124735": 0.1435546875, "10512": 0.1932373046875, "111": 0.025299072265625, "72679": 0.2200927734375, "820": 0.18701171875, "27968": 0.16650390625, "19669": 0.11724853515625, "42280": 0.17041015625, "150": 0.12548828125, "3035": 0.12493896484375, "297": 0.1278076171875, "55105": 0.2086181640625, "4": 0.056640625, "41866": 0.00972747802734375, "2147": 0.1219482421875, "1663": 0.114501953125, "29939": 0.156494140625, "18979": 0.1754150390625, "1543": 0.08099365234375, "51312": 0.132080078125, "70": 0.0252532958984375, "10": 0.0246124267578125, "242161": 0.0794677734375, "8347": 0.0703125, "23550": 0.11077880859375, "9": 0.02520751953125, "174976": 0.0863037109375, "164": 0.0239410400390625, "151575": 0.059661865234375, "13": 0.023406982421875, "116127": 0.1239013671875, "35971": 0.134033203125, "6117": 0.1180419921875, "6": 0.02520751953125, "33677": 0.0689697265625, "193792": 0.051116943359375, "33938": 0.048248291015625, "22799": 0.03204345703125, "3530": 0.006740570068359375, "167455": 0.10003662109375, "289": 0.025177001953125, "63399": 0.12322998046875, "7": 0.025360107421875, "48114": 0.0858154296875, "57339": 0.1319580078125, "2775": 0.0328369140625, "37382": 0.1502685546875, "136": 0.0248565673828125, "182783": 0.0283355712890625, "223": 0.0251007080078125, "16": 0.0252532958984375, "97264": 0.00858306884765625, "3514": 0.1212158203125, "53": 0.0250701904296875, "163136": 0.124755859375, "1295": 0.0251312255859375, "23": 0.0253753662109375, "63928": 0.0144805908203125, "8305": 0.02374267578125, "11994": 0.01953125, "1324": 0.10357666015625, "100": 0.0252227783203125, "51": 0.0218353271484375, "179193": 0.06488037109375, "96335": 0.1207275390625, "15490": 0.0018701553344726562, "46876": 0.095703125, "185190": 0.0092315673828125, "96759": 0.04046630859375, "29367": 0.0254364013671875, "6226": 0.0802001953125, "6259": 0.025299072265625, "110324": 0.1328125, "25740": 0.02374267578125, "618": 0.10565185546875, "552": 0.0236968994140625, "5922": 0.0806884765625, "18": 0.0253753662109375, "7225": 0.09912109375, "81988": 0.11920166015625, "450": 0.0253143310546875, "45559": 0.08990478515625, "54940": 0.0030117034912109375, "2750": 0.02459716796875, "17669": 0.0180816650390625, "15": 0.0252838134765625, "5": 0.0252838134765625, "8306": 0.078125, "3542": 0.0245361328125, "172554": 0.127197265625, "71": 0.0254058837890625, "47": 0.0210418701171875, "24931": 0.042266845703125, "184345": 0.1243896484375, "247": 0.0252685546875, "19429": 0.07806396484375, "872": 0.0814208984375, "30833": 0.1080322265625, "5670": 0.11798095703125, "86": 0.023590087890625, "218849": 0.06378173828125, "294": 0.0251617431640625, "729": 0.024627685546875, "19308": 0.09381103515625, "207487": 0.056640625, "133291": 0.035064697265625, "201": 0.10150146484375, "627": 0.0229339599609375, "43379": 0.11907958984375, "190": 0.07659912109375, "106": 0.01508331298828125, "35187": 0.0465087890625, "581": 0.0249786376953125, "3622": 0.02703857421875, "14012": 0.024871826171875, "60264": 0.158447265625, "509": 0.025238037109375, "115261": 0.07867431640625, "12243": 0.09149169921875, "34131": 0.1138916015625, "136565": 0.0203094482421875, "4039": 0.0240020751953125, "11548": 0.1016845703125, "1902": 0.004913330078125, "3525": 0.07281494140625, "538": 0.02532958984375, "99219": 0.1171875, "142": 0.0251922607421875, "128512": 0.0138397216796875, "136667": 0.10302734375, "3956": 0.025238037109375, "97109": 0.06512451171875, "117": 0.025238037109375, "805": 0.0611572265625, "9508": 0.065673828125, "3445": 0.052520751953125, "1632": 0.00013434886932373047, "113771": 0.012115478515625, "98": 0.0249481201171875, "4527": 0.1055908203125, "110": 0.0721435546875, "88551": 0.03662109375, "125413": 0.10406494140625, "57786": 0.1497802734375, "70460": 0.091796875, "378": 0.025146484375, "37703": 0.07684326171875, "268": 0.025390625, "787": 0.02496337890625, "8659": 0.0408935546875, "59653": 0.1358642578125, "159454": 0.163818359375, "51514": 0.0252532958984375, "17304": 0.031829833984375, "143161": 0.027801513671875, "130514": 0.0229339599609375, "63258": 0.0197296142578125, "20740": 0.06939697265625, "615": 0.02532958984375, "1837": 0.0254058837890625, "26550": 0.05645751953125, "115178": 0.0251312255859375, "4046": 0.043212890625, "74": 0.025238037109375, "87": 0.0352783203125, "40970": 0.031280517578125, "2203": 0.0252532958984375, "83137": 0.144775390625, "4015": 0.0257568359375, "53855": 0.0239105224609375, "185678": 0.0252227783203125, "9323": 0.0257568359375, "151747": 0.140625, "438": 0.05242919921875, "139999": 0.01146697998046875, "757": 0.0254974365234375, "127089": 0.0216522216796875, "35748": 0.0251922607421875, "70147": 0.023956298828125, "363": 0.0255126953125, "59692": 0.03173828125, "683": 0.034698486328125, "41116": 0.01561737060546875, "84046": 0.09326171875, "77950": 0.0635986328125, "19882": 0.005924224853515625, "8060": 0.0283660888671875, "170933": 0.09564208984375, "6023": 0.0252838134765625, "106480": 0.0248565673828125, "621": 0.0235748291015625, "137272": 0.1063232421875}
Immune signaling by RIG-I-like receptors.
The RIG-I-like receptors (RLRs) RIG-I, MDA5, and LGP2 play a major role in pathogen sensing of RNA virus infection to initiate and modulate antiviral immunity. The RLRs detect viral RNA ligands or processed self RNA in the cytoplasm to trigger innate immunity and inflammation and to impart gene expression that serves to control infection. Importantly, RLRs cooperate in signaling crosstalk networks with Toll-like receptors and other factors to impart innate immunity and to modulate the adaptive immune response. RLR regulation occurs at a variety of levels ranging from autoregulation to ligand and cofactor interactions and posttranslational modifications. Abberant RLR signaling or dysregulation of RLR expression is now implicated in the development of autoimmune diseases. Understanding the processes of RLR signaling and response will provide insights to guide RLR-targeted therapeutics for antiviral and immune-modifying applications.
{"581": 0.00862884521484375, "167177": 0.270751953125, "9": 0.0750732421875, "568": 0.209716796875, "5062": 0.220458984375, "137376": 0.257080078125, "7": 0.1607666015625, "30121": 0.193359375, "1052": 0.297607421875, "16": 0.009765625, "4": 0.01168060302734375, "276": 0.045196533203125, "6538": 0.1357421875, "758": 0.1661376953125, "136": 0.053741455078125, "339": 0.07440185546875, "32566": 0.2041015625, "304": 0.1563720703125, "11301": 0.09075927734375, "10": 0.01209259033203125, "13036": 0.0946044921875, "31486": 0.1732177734375, "23": 0.05682373046875, "60875": 0.08843994140625, "62976": 0.183349609375, "12006": 0.1873779296875, "214": 0.09893798828125, "111": 0.0121002197265625, "125499": 0.258544921875, "14994": 0.17626953125, "159634": 0.212890625, "47": 0.0188751220703125, "173969": 0.10675048828125, "13": 0.0117950439453125, "17055": 0.155517578125, "2874": 0.054931640625, "7203": 0.10693359375, "289": 0.0290679931640625, "43766": 0.214111328125, "2481": 0.05169677734375, "627": 0.173828125, "138535": 0.3369140625, "96391": 0.2020263671875, "88254": 0.1978759765625, "19881": 0.1627197265625, "2208": 0.13134765625, "707": 0.0182342529296875, "9433": 0.0750732421875, "297": 0.01195526123046875, "15970": 0.1448974609375, "70": 0.01186370849609375, "19932": 0.011871337890625, "188": 0.0528564453125, "52033": 0.1490478515625, "39": 0.01078033447265625, "185553": 0.1607666015625, "2083": 0.1270751953125, "2182": 0.01172637939453125, "203932": 0.1756591796875, "73313": 0.1199951171875, "18": 0.01187896728515625, "22293": 0.1256103515625, "125195": 0.169189453125, "450": 0.0115966796875, "21265": 0.054718017578125, "6226": 0.1383056640625, "162054": 0.032745361328125, "538": 0.01200103759765625, "57476": 0.1307373046875, "26073": 0.2208251953125, "41421": 0.038970947265625, "139109": 0.18359375, "33120": 0.0872802734375, "678": 0.05706787109375, "156105": 0.2313232421875, "3789": 0.01110076904296875, "120103": 0.082275390625, "39908": 0.09906005859375, "5844": 0.0115814208984375, "57553": 0.12469482421875, "15913": 0.2578125, "1363": 0.049591064453125, "74918": 0.0858154296875, "99": 0.0122528076171875, "96551": 0.09478759765625, "90926": 0.125244140625, "17163": 0.0260467529296875, "1295": 0.0119781494140625, "1809": 0.1524658203125, "62881": 0.206298828125, "2320": 0.01210784912109375, "552": 0.0170135498046875, "144810": 0.1278076171875, "182809": 0.06280517578125, "30145": 0.02813720703125, "143": 0.0111236572265625, "43315": 0.0121002197265625, "129344": 0.1290283203125, "3157": 0.0745849609375, "1297": 0.1080322265625, "1236": 0.0523681640625, "51634": 0.0279083251953125, "83": 0.01174163818359375, "5036": 0.0167083740234375, "17914": 0.120361328125, "3674": 0.01210784912109375, "34754": 0.056121826171875, "464": 0.10968017578125, "561": 0.1275634765625, "86": 0.01142120361328125, "70997": 0.114501953125, "9626": 0.027374267578125, "144057": 0.0146026611328125, "90": 0.011749267578125, "1221": 0.0234832763671875, "149201": 0.0706787109375, "17997": 0.047821044921875, "867": 0.0338134765625, "3794": 0.00962066650390625, "6": 0.01166534423828125, "126472": 0.1297607421875, "13415": 0.0648193359375, "151138": 0.018707275390625, "86685": 0.0904541015625}
Ionizing radiation-induced long-term expression of senescence markers in mice is independent of p53 and immune status.
Exposure to IR has been shown to induce the formation of senescence markers, a phenotype that coincides with lifelong delayed repair and regeneration of irradiated tissues. We hypothesized that IR-induced senescence markers could persist long-term in vivo, possibly contributing to the permanent reduction in tissue functionality. Here, we show that mouse tissues exposed to a sublethal dose of IR display persistent (up to 45 weeks, the maximum time analyzed) DNA damage foci and increased p16(INK4a) expression, two hallmarks of cellular senescence and aging. BrdU-labeling experiments revealed that IR-induced damaged cells are preferentially eliminated, at least partially, in a tissue-dependent manner. Unexpectedly, the accumulation of damaged cells was found to occur independent from the DNA damage response modulator p53, and from an intact immune system, as their levels were similar in wild-type and Rag2(-/-) gammaC(-/-) mice, the latter being deficient in T, B, and NK cells. Together, our results provide compelling evidence that exposure to IR induces long-term expression of senescence markers in vivo, an effect that may contribute to the reduced tissue functionality observed in cancer survivors.
{"45434": 0.17626953125, "56851": 0.0792236328125, "47": 0.08447265625, "32863": 0.265380859375, "2809": 0.01331329345703125, "127887": 0.10614013671875, "135989": 0.1990966796875, "13": 0.059600830078125, "27643": 0.11968994140625, "40": 0.138427734375, "132300": 0.1959228515625, "6620": 0.11456298828125, "71323": 0.2320556640625, "7": 0.0557861328125, "11521": 0.0195159912109375, "21004": 0.049835205078125, "50986": 0.156005859375, "450": 0.014251708984375, "60754": 0.085205078125, "90": 0.0129547119140625, "6897": 0.014617919921875, "10617": 0.0810546875, "8": 0.0775146484375, "5259": 0.1732177734375, "297": 0.01422882080078125, "121461": 0.145751953125, "94410": 0.114013671875, "1363": 0.013092041015625, "193": 0.054962158203125, "10541": 0.169921875, "108055": 0.21337890625, "170933": 0.095703125, "18442": 0.1534423828125, "5809": 0.07635498046875, "70560": 0.1851806640625, "4989": 0.064697265625, "9": 0.01432037353515625, "32166": 0.1385498046875, "23": 0.0145416259765625, "16622": 0.2086181640625, "4": 0.01451873779296875, "144681": 0.0209503173828125, "22231": 0.10882568359375, "70": 0.014312744140625, "28123": 0.10498046875, "456": 0.0770263671875, "77391": 0.1370849609375, "123309": 0.1275634765625, "2481": 0.013092041015625, "7639": 0.031036376953125, "114669": 0.2314453125, "172554": 0.1875, "10": 0.01424407958984375, "1614": 0.1256103515625, "133": 0.08160400390625, "56680": 0.138427734375, "39098": 0.156005859375, "111": 0.01432037353515625, "44116": 0.137939453125, "2517": 0.01335906982421875, "2037": 0.01409912109375, "2678": 0.1678466796875, "40859": 0.1387939453125, "38132": 0.10821533203125, "1733": 0.0119476318359375, "7968": 0.06854248046875, "53": 0.014495849609375, "64807": 0.0143585205078125, "27583": 0.167236328125, "82649": 0.197265625, "25581": 0.1358642578125, "124735": 0.135986328125, "915": 0.033905029296875, "2485": 0.20458984375, "154610": 0.146728515625, "617": 0.11480712890625, "11": 0.07086181640625, "16": 0.01448822021484375, "125195": 0.1732177734375, "6626": 0.037384033203125, "23664": 0.097412109375, "88832": 0.1314697265625, "2927": 0.0906982421875, "120087": 0.0753173828125, "66398": 0.147705078125, "13008": 0.01739501953125, "1062": 0.09771728515625, "152526": 0.1605224609375, "214": 0.0123138427734375, "28007": 0.1180419921875, "122273": 0.0038299560546875, "37534": 0.013153076171875, "71": 0.01442718505859375, "38750": 0.18310546875, "621": 0.01415252685546875, "12601": 0.08868408203125, "80973": 0.01467132568359375, "538": 0.01458740234375, "27169": 0.139404296875, "3674": 0.01433563232421875, "99": 0.01444244384765625, "2878": 0.031646728515625, "25958": 0.01456451416015625, "181063": 0.127685546875, "83613": 0.07110595703125, "89829": 0.01448822021484375, "183278": 0.12408447265625, "14037": 0.0765380859375, "74918": 0.069091796875, "41371": 0.1142578125, "1295": 0.01294708251953125, "57553": 0.09222412109375, "17055": 0.127685546875, "4597": 0.03021240234375, "14226": 0.2052001953125, "136": 0.01366424560546875, "142": 0.01432037353515625, "202810": 0.09600830078125, "43766": 0.1396484375, "5426": 0.0226287841796875, "90926": 0.12030029296875, "3542": 0.014404296875, "21373": 0.09002685546875, "56409": 0.12408447265625, "40741": 0.127685546875, "304": 0.0908203125, "132": 0.0130615234375, "87506": 0.12548828125, "441": 0.0257720947265625, "324": 0.1187744140625, "329": 0.01410675048828125, "21": 0.005474090576171875, "3055": 0.00820159912109375, "8035": 0.0096588134765625, "110410": 0.189697265625, "335": 0.03826904296875, "6": 0.01433563232421875, "25035": 0.06317138671875, "717": 0.01418304443359375, "50339": 0.01416778564453125, "9969": 0.0037784576416015625, "30319": 0.014434814453125, "77950": 0.05535888671875, "197826": 0.1993408203125, "21543": 0.1348876953125, "1543": 0.044677734375, "162466": 0.08135986328125, "34390": 0.1470947265625, "139999": 0.028106689453125, "27968": 0.159423828125, "613": 0.042510986328125, "33328": 0.0909423828125}
Cranial neural crest and the building of the vertebrate head
Head development in vertebrates involves a complex series of molecular and morphogenetic events that generate a coordinated pattern of cartilages, bones and nerves, and result in species-specific craniofacial morphologies. A specialized cell type of neural origin, the neural crest, is central to this process, as it provides the main source of craniofacial mesenchyme. The degree of patterning information that is intrinsic to the neural crest has been recently debated, and new advances have underscored the influence of environmental signalling on the transcriptional readout that coordinates craniofacial morphogenesis in space and time.
{"44816": 0.276123046875, "34754": 0.2203369140625, "23": 0.06793212890625, "38715": 0.1478271484375, "2844": 0.15869140625, "1636": 0.046844482421875, "83687": 0.1112060546875, "7": 0.0014820098876953125, "27140": 0.0732421875, "36549": 0.0338134765625, "233239": 0.08331298828125, "136": 0.0168914794921875, "2993": 0.0875244140625, "22014": 0.1173095703125, "15292": 0.2052001953125, "47353": 0.129638671875, "139392": 0.1312255859375, "176866": 0.1689453125, "103510": 0.202880859375, "89206": 0.06109619140625, "23573": 0.11767578125, "32881": 0.11810302734375, "24030": 0.1309814453125, "16750": 0.10089111328125, "114149": 0.10906982421875, "159975": 0.142822265625, "501": 0.0128326416015625, "26372": 0.189453125, "71258": 0.2071533203125, "26136": 0.10577392578125, "178851": 0.165283203125, "18709": 0.145263671875, "5361": 0.09686279296875, "29367": 0.033538818359375, "38750": 0.16845703125, "10644": 0.1513671875, "108": 0.0762939453125, "82451": 0.2215576171875, "59665": 0.21533203125, "70": 0.01038360595703125, "7359": 0.16943359375, "271": 0.1451416015625, "83": 0.026641845703125, "9879": 0.1640625, "903": 0.01097869873046875, "9433": 0.11248779296875, "87344": 0.06951904296875, "5201": 0.07476806640625, "31344": 0.1741943359375, "2409": 0.10247802734375, "33": 0.046661376953125, "7668": 0.1744384765625, "282": 0.09039306640625, "79385": 0.031341552734375, "214": 0.02734375, "4677": 0.145751953125, "9407": 0.08355712890625, "27744": 0.10723876953125, "47": 0.01361846923828125, "78684": 0.0081634521484375, "29865": 0.1099853515625, "129745": 0.041473388671875, "79507": 0.09393310546875, "156444": 0.1419677734375, "26073": 0.06640625, "2069": 0.0224761962890625, "30334": 0.0257110595703125, "59478": 0.06378173828125, "12301": 0.09088134765625, "6056": 0.1270751953125, "6023": 0.03839111328125, "32628": 0.0986328125, "1733": 0.06622314453125}
Tamoxifen resistance in MCF7 cells promotes EMT-like behaviour and involves modulation of beta-catenin phosphorylation.
We have previously demonstrated that, following acquisition of endocrine resistance, breast cancer cells display an altered growth rate together with increased aggressive behaviour in vitro. Since dysfunctional cell-cell adhesive interactions can promote an aggressive phenotype, we investigated the integrity of this protein complex in our breast cancer model of tamoxifen resistance. In culture, tamoxifen-resistant MCF7 (TamR) cells grew as loosely packed colonies with loss of cell-cell junctions and demonstrated altered morphology characteristic of cells undergoing epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT). Neutralising E-cadherin function promoted the invasion and inhibited the aggregation of endocrine-sensitive MCF7 cells, whilst having little effect on the behaviour of TamR cells. Additionally, TamR cells had increased levels of tyrosine-phosphorylated beta-catenin, whilst serine/threonine-phosphorylated beta-catenin was decreased. These cells also displayed loss of association between beta-catenin and E-cadherin, increased cytoplasmic and nuclear beta-catenin and elevated transcription of beta-catenin target genes known to be involved in tumour progression and EMT. Inhibition of EGFR kinase activity in TamR cells reduced beta-catenin tyrosine phosphorylation, increased beta-catenin-E-cadherin association and promoted cell-cell adhesion. In such treated cells, the association of beta-catenin with Lef-1 and the transcription of c-myc, cyclin-D1, CD44 and COX-2 were also reduced. These results suggest that homotypic adhesion in tamoxifen-resistant breast cancer cells is dysfunctional due to EGFR-driven modulation of the phosphorylation status of beta-catenin and may contribute to an enhanced aggressive phenotype and transition towards a mesenchymal phenotype in vitro.
{"198395": 0.070556640625, "106804": 0.0745849609375, "297": 0.00608062744140625, "25632": 0.101318359375, "6": 0.005970001220703125, "172482": 0.16845703125, "111": 0.00626373291015625, "22": 0.0296478271484375, "29713": 0.1080322265625, "36186": 0.0758056640625, "39746": 0.213623046875, "7154": 0.077392578125, "57262": 0.2132568359375, "27968": 0.189697265625, "38750": 0.214599609375, "44116": 0.0986328125, "142": 0.006023406982421875, "37264": 0.1549072265625, "75678": 0.1256103515625, "34515": 0.08642578125, "124735": 0.1396484375, "124030": 0.19921875, "13": 0.006191253662109375, "224833": 0.156982421875, "23": 0.006072998046875, "279": 0.12469482421875, "2955": 0.1663818359375, "51634": 0.0699462890625, "137175": 0.2191162109375, "289": 0.006160736083984375, "34680": 0.16015625, "10": 0.022003173828125, "10500": 0.2159423828125, "29888": 0.0985107421875, "182809": 0.1796875, "7": 0.0062255859375, "831": 0.0699462890625, "125568": 0.1627197265625, "11521": 0.044097900390625, "21004": 0.06915283203125, "50986": 0.17333984375, "4": 0.006160736083984375, "32603": 0.055023193359375, "70": 0.0062713623046875, "9114": 0.174560546875, "2481": 0.058441162109375, "21308": 0.185791015625, "27140": 0.14306640625, "3299": 0.184326171875, "63338": 0.20703125, "5134": 0.1456298828125, "6211": 0.2332763671875, "29394": 0.1162109375, "107": 0.08984375, "172": 0.1883544921875, "42539": 0.01387786865234375, "276": 0.04669189453125, "84683": 0.185791015625, "966": 0.1788330078125, "127415": 0.1785888671875, "1052": 0.2188720703125, "16": 0.004528045654296875, "434": 0.005218505859375, "5078": 0.08599853515625, "1428": 0.004459381103515625, "53": 0.00605010986328125, "43824": 0.123779296875, "46512": 0.1102294921875, "3387": 0.00594329833984375, "678": 0.00460052490234375, "86669": 0.09234619140625, "9": 0.00606536865234375, "27022": 0.0919189453125, "10763": 0.005962371826171875, "136": 0.00577545166015625, "178851": 0.1329345703125, "25443": 0.006107330322265625, "62816": 0.06878662109375, "48242": 0.005950927734375, "214": 0.00591278076171875, "25277": 0.035736083984375, "2347": 0.0721435546875, "188": 0.08001708984375, "3716": 0.08489990234375, "33": 0.059173583984375, "7668": 0.12939453125, "2749": 0.0060577392578125, "149307": 0.162353515625, "17513": 0.087158203125, "618": 0.15625, "11059": 0.0633544921875, "29088": 0.12249755859375, "72219": 0.0101318359375, "241": 0.1500244140625, "149713": 0.1558837890625, "31299": 0.16552734375, "32354": 0.1441650390625, "116000": 0.161865234375, "191": 0.0059967041015625, "173702": 0.170166015625, "3674": 0.00611114501953125, "197564": 0.08868408203125, "1830": 0.006069183349609375, "176302": 0.09014892578125, "19441": 0.00606536865234375, "10176": 0.0250701904296875, "98": 0.006084442138671875, "8801": 0.168701171875, "14": 0.00592803955078125, "43315": 0.005634307861328125, "538": 0.006069183349609375, "90926": 0.001979827880859375, "2281": 0.042755126953125, "3666": 0.08636474609375, "1212": 0.03759765625, "134208": 0.049041748046875, "139006": 0.08111572265625, "7809": 0.006023406982421875, "51703": 0.1468505859375, "33478": 0.151123046875, "694": 0.11590576171875, "520": 0.061614990234375, "927": 0.00572967529296875, "509": 0.005695343017578125, "227204": 0.11614990234375, "71": 0.006229400634765625, "125413": 0.11724853515625, "17721": 0.004253387451171875, "21068": 0.006237030029296875, "72249": 0.06787109375, "57849": 0.0225677490234375, "59478": 0.00628662109375, "30388": 0.060821533203125, "22293": 0.032684326171875, "51529": 0.005672454833984375, "47": 0.006092071533203125, "186": 0.00601959228515625, "75412": 0.0205230712890625, "10029": 0.07122802734375, "34639": 0.0057220458984375, "187735": 0.09173583984375, "37290": 0.11767578125, "26036": 0.1168212890625, "1363": 0.0059356689453125, "75008": 0.07940673828125, "46290": 0.1689453125, "24222": 0.101806640625, "184": 0.005733489990234375, "34390": 0.1614990234375, "57860": 0.00609588623046875, "647": 0.032440185546875, "6889": 0.0189971923828125, "360": 0.00588226318359375, "191607": 0.0760498046875, "636": 0.0183868408203125, "420": 0.080810546875, "5759": 0.0196533203125, "1176": 0.02154541015625, "238": 0.0030498504638671875, "187830": 0.0012531280517578125, "19": 0.005733489990234375, "397": 0.003963470458984375, "418": 0.00501251220703125, "12465": 0.0059051513671875, "1542": 0.004550933837890625, "5428": 0.0030765533447265625, "3542": 0.006328582763671875, "32255": 0.005584716796875, "42459": 0.03057861328125, "450": 0.00521087646484375, "12840": 0.12548828125, "939": 0.15869140625, "18695": 0.006191253662109375, "83": 0.005100250244140625, "33926": 0.02862548828125, "17055": 0.130126953125, "2320": 0.005939483642578125, "1543": 0.0224609375, "162466": 0.0226593017578125, "156856": 0.0950927734375, "2409": 0.0777587890625}
Expression profiles of Toll-like receptors in non-small cell lung cancer and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.
Patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) have a higher incidence of lung cancer. The role of Toll-like receptors (TLRs), a key component of the innate immunity, in interstitial lung diseases (ILDs) and lung cancer pathogenesis is not clarified. TLR2, TLR3, TLR4, TLR7, TLR8 and TLR9 mRNA expression was quantitatively measured by real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) of 16 IPF patients, 16 non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients and 9 control subjects. TLR2, TLR3, TLR4 and TLR9 protein expression was assessed on BALF T-lymphocytes using flow cytometry. TLR3 mRNA expression was significantly higher in NSCLC compared to IPF (p=0.023) and controls (p=0.001). TLR7 mRNA expression levels were significantly higher in both NSCLC and IPF groups compared to controls (p=0.029, p=0.009). TLR9 expression at the mRNA level was significantly higher in both NSCLC and IPF groups compared to controls (p=0.01, p=0.001). Finally, TLR2 mRNA expression was significantly higher in IPF patients compared to controls (p=0.042). Flow cytometry revealed decreased TLR3 and TLR9 expression in IPF patients compared to the NSCLC group (p=0.02, p=0.014) and decreased TLR9 expression in IPF compared with the controls (p=0.04). TLR2 protein expression was significantly higher in IPF patients compared to NSCLC (p=0.04). Increased expression of endosomal TLRs in NSCLC patients and elevated expression of TLR2 in pulmonary fibrosis are the main results of this study. These results do not provide support for a common TLR pathway hypothesis between NSCLC and IPF.
{"135004": 0.1756591796875, "678": 0.0115203857421875, "57840": 0.12310791015625, "86132": 0.1131591796875, "236544": 0.1781005859375, "53": 0.015899658203125, "139940": 0.2371826171875, "6023": 0.1025390625, "10931": 0.1273193359375, "919": 0.186279296875, "77546": 0.1588134765625, "136667": 0.1373291015625, "32386": 0.1854248046875, "27968": 0.2017822265625, "31486": 0.154541015625, "156105": 0.27783203125, "9": 0.01152801513671875, "5062": 0.223876953125, "137376": 0.28125, "7": 0.0977783203125, "41445": 0.1494140625, "1052": 0.2415771484375, "22799": 0.10382080078125, "82761": 0.1375732421875, "111": 0.011383056640625, "70": 0.011566162109375, "2083": 0.1590576171875, "2182": 0.0107421875, "43766": 0.18115234375, "2481": 0.005764007568359375, "4": 0.011505126953125, "1940": 0.08074951171875, "52501": 0.12103271484375, "289": 0.01070404052734375, "70997": 0.0947265625, "16444": 0.054840087890625, "397": 0.07403564453125, "16": 0.011016845703125, "60875": 0.10357666015625, "62976": 0.07940673828125, "90": 0.008758544921875, "164": 0.00572967529296875, "959": 0.052490234375, "17306": 0.10931396484375, "47314": 0.0119171142578125, "20602": 0.1695556640625, "304": 0.148681640625, "363": 0.140380859375, "617": 0.0799560546875, "966": 0.07269287109375, "1019": 0.114990234375, "1126": 0.1766357421875, "347": 0.003452301025390625, "125499": 0.23046875, "125195": 0.2109375, "88779": 0.1455078125, "5844": 0.01160430908203125, "538": 0.01152801513671875, "72350": 0.1614990234375, "71": 0.01152801513671875, "390": 0.011383056640625, "2773": 0.123779296875, "6032": 0.0107421875, "39531": 0.1434326171875, "184": 0.011566162109375, "30334": 0.02484130859375, "32032": 0.1256103515625, "6991": 0.0108642578125, "35874": 0.05810546875, "27160": 0.1600341796875, "121293": 0.1417236328125, "132539": 0.0947265625, "15": 0.011627197265625, "20503": 0.09405517578125, "12233": 0.08544921875, "23": 0.0115203857421875, "22508": 0.0897216796875, "272": 0.1441650390625, "31": 0.0108184814453125, "320": 0.01131439208984375, "60984": 0.197021484375, "429": 0.01094818115234375, "79552": 0.099609375, "94943": 0.123779296875, "611": 0.0986328125, "87": 0.07769775390625, "41265": 0.2476806640625, "60264": 0.1387939453125, "351": 0.0673828125, "69070": 0.072998046875, "38750": 0.12115478515625, "22479": 0.0292510986328125, "441": 0.03460693359375, "26943": 0.1685791015625, "6226": 0.20458984375, "21308": 0.205078125, "509": 0.01117706298828125, "202120": 0.0626220703125, "297": 0.01151275634765625, "98": 0.01055908203125, "85674": 0.132568359375, "384": 0.021697998046875, "22014": 0.07269287109375, "2408": 0.0225067138671875, "1636": 0.01105499267578125, "17368": 0.007251739501953125, "86608": 0.162353515625, "19932": 0.0017995834350585938, "18": 0.0092926025390625, "87739": 0.154541015625, "207583": 0.06298828125, "541": 0.01026153564453125, "14495": 0.1162109375, "47": 0.0117034912109375, "254": 0.01155853271484375, "1369": 0.01165008544921875, "99929": 0.0443115234375, "85520": 0.0094451904296875, "136": 0.01141357421875, "37509": 0.06463623046875, "17727": 0.011627197265625, "90926": 0.0355224609375, "3542": 0.01122283935546875, "15044": 0.00794219970703125, "94407": 0.00836181640625, "154186": 0.0113067626953125, "4235": 0.01123046875, "915": 0.0106658935546875, "145407": 0.01134490966796875, "5": 0.01148223876953125, "167713": 0.0098724365234375, "99": 0.0106964111328125, "17366": 0.0321044921875, "13023": 0.0479736328125, "17336": 0.1282958984375, "122273": 0.0021343231201171875, "227204": 0.1630859375, "21115": 0.042724609375, "9550": 0.011444091796875, "65283": 0.0117340087890625, "112072": 0.0110321044921875, "8942": 0.01410675048828125, "1283": 0.11761474609375, "5281": 0.01154327392578125, "3564": 0.0234832763671875, "6781": 0.09844970703125, "57849": 0.1260986328125, "3674": 0.01146697998046875, "5201": 0.01190948486328125, "50339": 0.0288848876953125, "35187": 0.0223541259765625, "54": 0.0113677978515625, "22691": 0.01140594482421875, "8060": 0.07318115234375, "100": 0.01140594482421875, "10": 0.011199951171875, "39210": 0.019775390625, "7514": 0.11669921875, "170933": 0.146484375}
A protein farnesyltransferase inhibitor ameliorates disease in a mouse model of progeria.
Progerias are rare genetic diseases characterized by premature aging. Several progeroid disorders are caused by mutations that lead to the accumulation of a lipid-modified (farnesylated) form of prelamin A, a protein that contributes to the structural scaffolding for the cell nucleus. In progeria, the accumulation of farnesyl-prelamin A disrupts this scaffolding, leading to misshapen nuclei. Previous studies have shown that farnesyltransferase inhibitors (FTIs) reverse this cellular abnormality. We tested the efficacy of an FTI (ABT-100) in Zmpste24-deficient mice, a mouse model of progeria. The FTI-treated mice exhibited improved body weight, grip strength, bone integrity, and percent survival at 20 weeks of age. These results suggest that FTIs may have beneficial effects in humans with progeria.
{"1250": 0.260986328125, "134431": 0.367919921875, "7": 0.134765625, "621": 0.066650390625, "41207": 0.1805419921875, "101412": 0.195068359375, "70997": 0.17578125, "62816": 0.110595703125, "29367": 0.0087890625, "170176": 0.187744140625, "13": 0.061248779296875, "66398": 0.158935546875, "48752": 0.045654296875, "502": 0.257568359375, "429": 0.163818359375, "63964": 0.2056884765625, "171986": 0.1719970703125, "143434": 0.1258544921875, "199334": 0.1741943359375, "37105": 0.0401611328125, "183278": 0.140869140625, "202951": 0.1732177734375, "13415": 0.0506591796875, "3814": 0.11907958984375, "1444": 0.154541015625, "7809": 0.12841796875, "3173": 0.08111572265625, "479": 0.1483154296875, "143": 0.109619140625, "1249": 0.1417236328125, "62": 0.1636962890625, "21308": 0.1842041015625, "162466": 0.11065673828125, "118990": 0.11669921875, "9023": 0.0270843505859375, "2407": 0.06695556640625, "42822": 0.1474609375, "38750": 0.11370849609375, "315": 0.08087158203125, "11030": 0.11279296875, "223": 0.0016241073608398438, "360": 0.0465087890625, "2060": 0.1448974609375, "8613": 0.1573486328125, "4692": 0.1397705078125, "226586": 0.1488037109375, "903": 0.0389404296875, "105207": 0.0296783447265625, "1239": 0.06494140625, "2420": 0.095947265625, "14": 0.0293426513671875, "6422": 0.042633056640625, "96335": 0.032135009765625, "141325": 0.1483154296875, "6991": 0.047088623046875, "173702": 0.20361328125, "22230": 0.1400146484375, "25217": 0.165283203125, "29598": 0.1651611328125, "39531": 0.1253662109375, "184": 0.0374755859375, "2927": 0.06304931640625, "120087": 0.052642822265625, "1563": 0.048736572265625, "33176": 0.1494140625, "3034": 0.1263427734375, "9129": 0.047393798828125, "22346": 0.10821533203125, "563": 0.1229248046875, "10738": 0.270263671875, "11040": 0.098876953125, "618": 0.09429931640625, "45881": 0.1837158203125, "567": 0.03997802734375, "2676": 0.0977783203125, "824": 0.1414794921875, "2357": 0.15234375, "110410": 0.2037353515625, "324": 0.1771240234375, "329": 0.04498291015625, "114669": 0.1395263671875, "3299": 0.142333984375, "2921": 0.1474609375, "80788": 0.053497314453125, "52295": 0.16259765625, "14361": 0.09600830078125, "57888": 0.12255859375, "40158": 0.11175537109375, "90254": 0.08087158203125, "32881": 0.12469482421875, "9114": 0.0760498046875, "33297": 0.07061767578125, "218018": 0.1484375, "387": 0.093017578125, "40859": 0.11248779296875, "32070": 0.06805419921875, "42459": 0.0258026123046875, "1543": 0.07354736328125, "48588": 0.1419677734375, "93425": 0.10101318359375, "118103": 0.09613037109375, "678": 0.06512451171875}
A rare mutation in UNC5C predisposes to late-onset Alzheimer's disease and increases neuronal cell death
We have identified a rare coding mutation, T835M (rs137875858), in the UNC5C netrin receptor gene that segregated with disease in an autosomal dominant pattern in two families enriched for late-onset Alzheimer's disease and that was associated with disease across four large case-control cohorts (odds ratio = 2.15, Pmeta = 0.0095). T835M alters a conserved residue in the hinge region of UNC5C, and in vitro studies demonstrate that this mutation leads to increased cell death in human HEK293T cells and in rodent neurons. Furthermore, neurons expressing T835M UNC5C are more susceptible to cell death from multiple neurotoxic stimuli, including β-amyloid (Aβ), glutamate and staurosporine. On the basis of these data and the enriched hippocampal expression of UNC5C in the adult nervous system, we propose that one possible mechanism in which T835M UNC5C contributes to the risk of Alzheimer's disease is by increasing susceptibility to neuronal cell death, particularly in vulnerable regions of the Alzheimer's disease brain.
{"207487": 0.1365966796875, "41207": 0.21142578125, "552": 0.1845703125, "6238": 0.12158203125, "199334": 0.249267578125, "384": 0.117431640625, "152177": 0.31005859375, "594": 0.194091796875, "4295": 0.07598876953125, "2681": 0.065673828125, "128341": 0.0997314453125, "10057": 0.0970458984375, "71716": 0.12420654296875, "175560": 0.1717529296875, "758": 0.1773681640625, "441": 0.153076171875, "108": 0.1290283203125, "33310": 0.2415771484375, "137376": 0.2205810546875, "22293": 0.1822509765625, "190407": 0.2244873046875, "678": 0.059661865234375, "70997": 0.1253662109375, "1809": 0.111328125, "5084": 0.14892578125, "289": 0.029449462890625, "73944": 0.175537109375, "103510": 0.1622314453125, "23": 0.007297515869140625, "6626": 0.09197998046875, "87143": 0.09600830078125, "26932": 0.15234375, "297": 0.007244110107421875, "72399": 0.142333984375, "5245": 0.07476806640625, "126": 0.0042877197265625, "95587": 0.25732421875, "25": 0.052581787109375, "137272": 0.1529541015625, "36880": 0.044830322265625, "22759": 0.10418701171875, "21334": 0.023956298828125, "7225": 0.07110595703125, "9": 0.007221221923828125, "81988": 0.1385498046875, "5922": 0.0863037109375, "933": 0.007450103759765625, "15": 0.00649261474609375, "13606": 0.180419921875, "7": 0.00738525390625, "70460": 0.1458740234375, "2203": 0.00699615478515625, "1837": 0.01143646240234375, "4": 0.00725555419921875, "35273": 0.129638671875, "37509": 0.00379180908203125, "37264": 0.185546875, "118684": 0.1400146484375, "71": 0.00731658935546875, "99996": 0.1697998046875, "13": 0.007297515869140625, "70": 0.016754150390625, "113633": 0.25146484375, "10776": 0.10552978515625, "136": 0.0025005340576171875, "279": 0.05999755859375, "2955": 0.08013916015625, "96335": 0.040496826171875, "106804": 0.004425048828125, "450": 0.00713348388671875, "37105": 0.10382080078125, "124735": 0.1483154296875, "38750": 0.1541748046875, "47219": 0.16796875, "14135": 0.03619384765625, "572": 0.0716552734375, "15567": 0.09954833984375, "4235": 0.155517578125, "363": 0.069091796875, "618": 0.06976318359375, "66397": 0.1302490234375, "660": 0.07244873046875, "184940": 0.2120361328125, "9319": 0.00734710693359375, "36510": 0.145263671875, "1286": 0.0938720703125, "168194": 0.187255859375, "47": 0.0060882568359375, "1295": 0.0230865478515625, "48716": 0.1109619140625, "37817": 0.0836181640625, "74735": 0.2083740234375, "28029": 0.16357421875, "14": 0.007251739501953125, "9269": 0.07965087890625, "35624": 0.057373046875, "365": 0.0882568359375, "532": 0.033416748046875, "284": 0.035430908203125, "5079": 0.1085205078125, "18743": 0.052947998046875, "19092": 0.106689453125, "67": 0.007274627685546875, "1924": 0.0276031494140625, "11951": 0.0243377685546875, "11946": 0.07952880859375, "1212": 0.015533447265625, "2161": 0.00704193115234375, "111": 0.007373809814453125, "6097": 0.006175994873046875, "2053": 0.0013828277587890625, "196423": 0.12744140625, "27034": 0.12152099609375, "125195": 0.141357421875, "6": 0.006839752197265625, "25171": 0.11090087890625, "11066": 0.04461669921875, "13048": 0.09906005859375, "5426": 0.03277587890625, "26171": 0.058624267578125, "1632": 0.0090789794921875, "7722": 0.091796875, "191619": 0.1494140625, "162466": 0.1395263671875, "10512": 0.1829833984375, "118055": 0.09552001953125, "19462": 0.0943603515625, "106480": 0.0007119178771972656, "166553": 0.197021484375, "78574": 0.134033203125}
Treatment of active tuberculosis in HIV-coinfected patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
BACKGROUND Patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection and tuberculosis have an increased risk of death, treatment failure, and relapse. METHODS A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized, controlled trials and cohort studies was conducted to evaluate the impact of duration and dosing schedule of rifamycin and use of antiretroviral therapy in the treatment of active tuberculosis in HIV-positive patients. In included studies, the initial tuberculosis diagnosis, failure, and/or relapse were microbiologically confirmed, and patients received standardized rifampin- or rifabutin-containing regimens. Pooled cumulative incidence of treatment failure, death during treatment, and relapse were calculated using random-effects models. Multivariable meta-regression was performed using negative binomial regression. RESULTS After screening 5158 citations, 6 randomized trials and 21 cohort studies were included. Relapse was more common with regimens using 2 months rifamycin (adjusted risk ratio, 3.6; 95% confidence interval, 1.1-11.7) than with regimens using rifamycin for at least 8 months. Compared with daily therapy in the initial phase (n=3352 patients from 35 study arms), thrice-weekly therapy (n=211 patients from 5 study arms) was associated with higher rates of failure (adjusted risk ratio, 4.0; 95% confidence interval, 1.5-10.4) and relapse [adjusted risk ratio, 4.8; 95% confidence interval, 1.8-12.8). There were trends toward higher relapse rates if rifamycins were used for only 6 months, compared with > or =8 months, or if antiretroviral therapy was not used. CONCLUSIONS This review raises serious concerns regarding current recommendations for treatment of HIV-tuberculosis coinfection. The data suggest that at least 8 months duration of rifamycin therapy, initial daily dosing, and concurrent antiretroviral therapy might be associated with better outcomes, but adequately powered randomized trials are urgently needed to confirm this.
{"8678": 0.06494140625, "20572": 0.036834716796875, "136498": 0.08673095703125, "135004": 0.17578125, "678": 0.05322265625, "14135": 0.08123779296875, "43766": 0.1529541015625, "31": 0.0206298828125, "112": 0.1478271484375, "11044": 0.1541748046875, "14994": 0.151123046875, "841": 0.1385498046875, "15583": 0.2366943359375, "159634": 0.1932373046875, "136": 0.0347900390625, "230916": 0.241943359375, "84125": 0.162841796875, "765": 0.00711822509765625, "124735": 0.138671875, "10512": 0.2069091796875, "111": 0.035400390625, "47219": 0.140625, "39734": 0.1878662109375, "137578": 0.1988525390625, "456": 0.126953125, "127966": 0.273681640625, "33677": 0.07818603515625, "193792": 0.02569580078125, "242161": 0.12060546875, "8347": 0.1412353515625, "23550": 0.1417236328125, "9": 0.03546142578125, "174976": 0.10272216796875, "164": 0.035247802734375, "96759": 0.1375732421875, "29367": 0.03509521484375, "4": 0.03570556640625, "6226": 0.072021484375, "6259": 0.035003662109375, "110324": 0.177978515625, "7": 0.035552978515625, "5922": 0.1104736328125, "18": 0.035430908203125, "96335": 0.0870361328125, "509": 0.035125732421875, "297": 0.035491943359375, "151575": 0.03265380859375, "13": 0.03533935546875, "70": 0.035400390625, "24725": 0.1202392578125, "115": 0.060577392578125, "30494": 0.03521728515625, "655": 0.11529541015625, "214": 0.03509521484375, "80889": 0.1478271484375, "66360": 0.19287109375, "35624": 0.1824951171875, "6333": 0.1865234375, "4527": 0.052642822265625, "2874": 0.08709716796875, "2264": 0.109375, "83220": 0.1959228515625, "7263": 0.0345458984375, "6": 0.035400390625, "106864": 0.213623046875, "23": 0.035430908203125, "36457": 0.141357421875, "38004": 0.27880859375, "67890": 0.09759521484375, "4935": 0.03509521484375, "60264": 0.1265869140625, "360": 0.03436279296875, "99201": 0.017181396484375, "61475": 0.058624267578125, "47099": 0.0955810546875, "748": 0.03521728515625, "3542": 0.03533935546875, "11948": 0.05859375, "964": 0.0528564453125, "109622": 0.035308837890625, "538": 0.035369873046875, "39563": 0.07464599609375, "75204": 0.00713348388671875, "5570": 0.0869140625, "45938": 0.1580810546875, "19": 0.0931396484375, "36744": 0.1328125, "2311": 0.1011962890625, "98102": 0.004764556884765625, "14653": 0.0347900390625, "63647": 0.177734375, "1779": 0.035064697265625, "56718": 0.0648193359375, "1452": 0.060760498046875, "202": 0.03472900390625, "45023": 0.03515625, "136667": 0.10150146484375, "3956": 0.034423828125, "20271": 0.0206756591796875, "74481": 0.1033935546875, "3674": 0.035430908203125, "17368": 0.09649658203125, "171760": 0.1768798828125, "115774": 0.12371826171875, "19335": 0.03179931640625, "21690": 0.07769775390625, "2886": 0.03515625, "107": 0.02752685546875, "148448": 0.1895751953125, "40907": 0.12841796875, "333": 0.031890869140625, "1687": 0.1060791015625, "15403": 0.035064697265625, "218849": 0.0595703125, "180975": 0.06390380859375, "137197": 0.0618896484375, "15869": 0.047821044921875, "5256": 0.035552978515625, "305": 0.07696533203125, "952": 0.05548095703125, "853": 0.144287109375, "1286": 0.056243896484375, "39210": 0.1614990234375, "116": 0.071533203125, "21775": 0.1654052734375, "15": 0.0355224609375, "712": 0.03533935546875, "20314": 0.1236572265625, "70460": 0.03509521484375, "102738": 0.033355712890625, "74": 0.035675048828125, "59653": 0.072998046875, "159454": 0.166748046875, "51514": 0.035400390625, "38245": 0.03411865234375, "16675": 0.03228759765625, "5": 0.035430908203125, "36076": 0.034393310546875, "3501": 0.03204345703125, "100": 0.035308837890625, "99": 0.035369873046875, "19713": 0.03472900390625, "382": 0.0816650390625, "113307": 0.0210113525390625, "31815": 0.12493896484375, "93402": 0.092041015625, "76067": 0.031768798828125, "5843": 0.026092529296875, "304": 0.0355224609375, "1295": 0.035186767578125, "2273": 0.0943603515625, "35187": 0.0369873046875, "121641": 0.1370849609375, "247": 0.035186767578125, "5675": 0.03521728515625, "32512": 0.08953857421875, "47477": 0.08416748046875, "55257": 0.03546142578125, "1662": 0.03533935546875, "190": 0.076171875, "16": 0.035430908203125, "137272": 0.049530029296875, "77546": 0.135009765625, "121297": 0.0970458984375, "40401": 0.11956787109375, "9193": 0.03533935546875, "1398": 0.032135009765625, "1019": 0.035614013671875, "79875": 0.033843994140625, "9955": 0.0311279296875, "50490": 0.032440185546875, "12768": 0.09002685546875, "11814": 0.12890625, "4734": 0.0237884521484375, "154186": 0.0312347412109375, "977": 0.034820556640625, "707": 0.035430908203125, "2203": 0.0357666015625, "2174": 0.033660888671875, "959": 0.031463623046875, "37486": 0.046875, "138804": 0.03558349609375, "85583": 0.046051025390625, "50509": 0.11639404296875, "43581": 0.01438140869140625, "209236": 0.1339111328125, "458": 0.10302734375, "1297": 0.134521484375, "42779": 0.12237548828125, "552": 0.1029052734375, "204228": 0.1766357421875, "1830": 0.035003662109375, "581": 0.03515625, "2053": 0.017547607421875, "42459": 0.00104522705078125, "450": 0.035003662109375, "133244": 0.061004638671875, "13648": 0.06573486328125, "186": 0.035552978515625, "11522": 0.0982666015625, "184345": 0.120849609375, "1284": 0.0164337158203125, "160370": 0.003635406494140625, "21286": 0.03564453125, "14537": 0.00183868408203125, "621": 0.03485107421875, "89014": 0.0408935546875, "44841": 0.034698486328125, "47": 0.0288848876953125, "903": 0.0122528076171875}
Crystal structure and association behaviour of the GluR2 amino-terminal domain.
Fast excitatory neurotransmission is mediated largely by ionotropic glutamate receptors (iGluRs), tetrameric, ligand-gated ion channel proteins comprised of three subfamilies, AMPA, kainate and NMDA receptors, with each subfamily sharing a common, modular-domain architecture. For all receptor subfamilies, active channels are exclusively formed by assemblages of subunits within the same subfamily, a molecular process principally encoded by the amino-terminal domain (ATD). However, the molecular basis by which the ATD guides subfamily-specific receptor assembly is not known. Here we show that AMPA receptor GluR1- and GluR2-ATDs form tightly associated dimers and, by the analysis of crystal structures of the GluR2-ATD, propose mechanisms by which the ATD guides subfamily-specific receptor assembly.
{"25290": 0.1763916015625, "164101": 0.214111328125, "31667": 0.11767578125, "37817": 0.1776123046875, "30145": 0.1600341796875, "21150": 0.136962890625, "2450": 0.202880859375, "3674": 0.09112548828125, "21334": 0.062744140625, "390": 0.005512237548828125, "17": 0.06292724609375, "5831": 0.0272216796875, "133141": 0.2132568359375, "18743": 0.11456298828125, "19092": 0.166015625, "67": 0.1585693359375, "137376": 0.263916015625, "7": 0.006481170654296875, "724": 0.010711669921875, "822": 0.12646484375, "1052": 0.1767578125, "120": 0.00797271728515625, "1517": 0.05010986328125, "282": 0.0989990234375, "12259": 0.034637451171875, "19881": 0.044158935546875, "2208": 0.0718994140625, "208": 0.07403564453125, "45339": 0.1390380859375, "86723": 0.1978759765625, "21308": 0.18603515625, "48402": 0.04638671875, "17262": 0.07598876953125, "1614": 0.1463623046875, "69128": 0.165283203125, "137918": 0.271240234375, "38981": 0.099365234375, "70480": 0.07904052734375, "6538": 0.11285400390625, "212122": 0.1470947265625, "53371": 0.0765380859375, "39210": 0.045623779296875, "17055": 0.12384033203125, "56206": 0.12841796875, "159958": 0.1658935546875, "756": 0.01525115966796875, "36457": 0.153076171875, "97629": 0.0797119140625, "100": 0.0458984375, "219822": 0.11822509765625, "309": 0.083984375, "5701": 0.06268310546875, "233239": 0.1087646484375, "9433": 0.055511474609375, "7893": 0.0046539306640625, "40899": 0.151123046875, "72657": 0.161376953125, "30524": 0.184814453125, "77758": 0.128173828125, "14609": 0.08807373046875, "397": 0.11712646484375, "18231": 0.1285400390625, "62": 0.07647705078125, "100045": 0.2413330078125, "17997": 0.185302734375, "159975": 0.1787109375, "89845": 0.1309814453125, "38526": 0.047454833984375, "959": 0.0205841064453125, "51529": 0.09576416015625, "80488": 0.1484375, "20268": 0.0958251953125, "136": 0.00870513916015625, "18504": 0.11773681640625, "3173": 0.1055908203125, "107137": 0.09796142578125, "137272": 0.14697265625, "45": 0.16015625, "31648": 0.1939697265625, "224128": 0.137451171875, "45646": 0.07769775390625, "26171": 0.07061767578125, "191619": 0.1439208984375}
Deficiency in l-serine deaminase results in abnormal growth and cell division of Escherichia coli K-12.
The loss of the ability to deaminate l-serine severely impairs growth and cell division in Escherichia coli K-12. A strain from which the three genes (sdaA, sdaB, tdcG) coding for this organism's three l-serine deaminases had been deleted grows well in glucose minimal medium but, on subculture into minimal medium with glucose and casamino acids, it makes very large, abnormally shaped cells, many of which lyse. When inoculated into Luria-Bertani (LB) broth with or without glucose, it makes very long filaments. Provision of S-adenosylmethionine restores cell division in LB broth with glucose, and repairs much of the difficulty in growth in medium with casamino acids. We suggest that replication of E. coli is regulated by methylation, that an unusually high intracellular l-serine concentration, in the presence of other amino acids, starves the cell for S-adenosylmethionine and that it is the absence of S-adenosylmethionine and/or of C1-tetrahydrofolate derivatives that prevents normal cell division.
{"86669": 0.12298583984375, "81273": 0.1273193359375, "8": 0.1314697265625, "42317": 0.1697998046875, "2182": 0.07855224609375, "96": 0.1617431640625, "2189": 0.2384033203125, "1212": 0.1724853515625, "141591": 0.0684814453125, "566": 0.0416259765625, "109637": 0.18115234375, "75678": 0.1614990234375, "136": 0.032684326171875, "38750": 0.1839599609375, "91853": 0.1976318359375, "1184": 0.059326171875, "5372": 0.1163330078125, "14": 0.07000732421875, "38459": 0.1463623046875, "27443": 0.2071533203125, "341": 0.1302490234375, "9955": 0.25, "177488": 0.1905517578125, "1295": 0.0038013458251953125, "17262": 0.1231689453125, "22293": 0.1837158203125, "7": 0.018768310546875, "85": 0.08758544921875, "284": 0.14013671875, "91": 0.025115966796875, "571": 0.08697509765625, "724": 0.063720703125, "552": 0.108154296875, "25150": 0.1409912109375, "1191": 0.1407470703125, "2658": 0.071533203125, "154109": 0.1495361328125, "55993": 0.1273193359375, "5299": 0.0814208984375, "157935": 0.180419921875, "20187": 0.1304931640625, "57646": 0.136474609375, "1614": 0.126708984375, "88528": 0.12744140625, "2349": 0.08319091796875, "68537": 0.1956787109375, "43840": 0.11285400390625, "30482": 0.0114593505859375, "21334": 0.035400390625, "1563": 0.024261474609375, "33176": 0.1102294921875, "115700": 0.12353515625, "70952": 0.1234130859375, "23": 0.0352783203125, "31": 0.1239013671875, "16735": 0.06744384765625, "3934": 0.038909912109375, "3350": 0.09857177734375, "1651": 0.1771240234375, "33189": 0.0914306640625, "18554": 0.197998046875, "48097": 0.128173828125, "7155": 0.14892578125, "927": 0.1221923828125, "4552": 0.00998687744140625, "4989": 0.055633544921875, "52770": 0.129150390625, "1250": 0.002681732177734375, "159": 0.1312255859375, "2873": 0.1212158203125, "2245": 0.09027099609375, "8613": 0.072265625, "282": 0.0704345703125, "4450": 0.14404296875, "191": 0.117919921875, "14359": 0.11724853515625, "2109": 0.0006661415100097656, "678": 0.049072265625, "121461": 0.122802734375, "34844": 0.065185546875, "42459": 0.0535888671875, "456": 0.050506591796875, "182867": 0.185546875, "241": 0.0948486328125, "5": 0.0160675048828125, "15913": 0.1787109375, "435": 0.09857177734375, "65853": 0.182861328125, "225073": 0.046295166015625, "11192": 0.037567138671875, "18440": 0.064697265625, "8969": 0.0721435546875, "202104": 0.07208251953125, "72657": 0.1741943359375, "6057": 0.1038818359375, "3132": 0.059844970703125, "112199": 0.059783935546875, "20268": 0.008697509765625, "1517": 0.02093505859375, "180220": 0.0294952392578125, "23789": 0.0689697265625, "30057": 0.047515869140625, "56282": 0.1282958984375, "3638": 0.097900390625}
Stem cell characteristics in prostate cancer cell lines.
BACKGROUND Recent studies indicate the presence of a small, stem-like cell population in several human cancers that is crucial for the tumour (re)population. OBJECTIVE Six established prostate cancer (PCa) cell lines-DU145, DuCaP, LAPC-4, 22Rv1, LNCaP, and PC-3-were examined for their stem cell properties in vitro. DESIGN, SETTINGS, AND PARTICIPANTS The colony-forming efficiency and self-renewal ability of morphologically distinguishable holoclones and paraclones were tested with low-density plating and serial passaging. Expression of the putative stem cell marker CD133 and breast cancer resistance protein (BCRP) was examined with flow cytometry, and immunohistochemical stainings were made for CD133, alpha2-integrin, nestin, BCRP, cytokeratin 5 (CK5), and cytokeratin 18 (CK18). RESULTS AND LIMITATIONS Five out of six cell lines formed clear holo-, mero-, and paraclones. Unlike paraclones, we can maintain DU145 holoclones in culture for several passages, which is indicative of self-renewal ability. Using fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) analysis only in DU145 cells, a small fraction (0.01%) of CD133(+) cells was detected. CD133(+) cells; however, like DU145 BCRP(+) (0.15%) cells, they were not more clonogenic, and they did not show more holoclone formation than the marker-negative cells or unselected cells. Immunohistochemistry revealed alpha2-integrin and BCRP as potential stem cell markers and CK5 with the combination of CK18 to distinguish transient amplifying cells. CONCLUSIONS These results indicate the possible presence of stem-like cells in several established PCa cell lines. CD133 selection does not enrich for stem-like cells in PCa cell lines.
{"8678": 0.0831298828125, "20572": 0.08807373046875, "136498": 0.09283447265625, "169549": 0.0276641845703125, "96335": 0.040802001953125, "117414": 0.00675201416015625, "70": 0.010955810546875, "169424": 0.08642578125, "19336": 0.114990234375, "36418": 0.2139892578125, "5062": 0.212646484375, "38750": 0.23388671875, "43904": 0.1256103515625, "40368": 0.04266357421875, "14135": 0.0775146484375, "27968": 0.1741943359375, "7": 0.01110076904296875, "83": 0.01067352294921875, "106157": 0.1480712890625, "100": 0.039825439453125, "10029": 0.10980224609375, "34639": 0.09490966796875, "107": 0.09429931640625, "33554": 0.04522705078125, "72403": 0.0223541259765625, "35988": 0.06427001953125, "15301": 0.10498046875, "84247": 0.1358642578125, "170920": 0.1654052734375, "72725": 0.1942138671875, "13": 0.0693359375, "12233": 0.12255859375, "11": 0.12310791015625, "124519": 0.18408203125, "18431": 0.1363525390625, "117444": 0.2548828125, "786": 0.1068115234375, "20370": 0.1083984375, "683": 0.0989990234375, "3358": 0.0246734619140625, "11565": 0.041839599609375, "4": 0.01107025146484375, "1039": 0.0498046875, "36253": 0.0229949951171875, "136": 0.041107177734375, "6107": 0.1417236328125, "8316": 0.12127685546875, "9": 0.0108642578125, "160477": 0.1302490234375, "71": 0.011138916015625, "183871": 0.08135986328125, "23": 0.0107574462890625, "279": 0.11785888671875, "2955": 0.1439208984375, "223188": 0.1368408203125, "159": 0.0025539398193359375, "85671": 0.018280029296875, "142766": 0.011016845703125, "48762": 0.02874755859375, "180070": 0.01087188720703125, "17304": 0.00637054443359375, "64731": 0.0108184814453125, "12763": 0.01094818115234375, "46512": 0.159912109375, "53": 0.01084136962890625, "5037": 0.103515625, "214": 0.01096343994140625, "227066": 0.1397705078125, "15970": 0.136474609375, "43994": 0.1142578125, "8202": 0.01079559326171875, "81273": 0.147705078125, "111": 0.01088714599609375, "178851": 0.10174560546875, "109622": 0.011077880859375, "538": 0.01094818115234375, "157167": 0.156005859375, "1495": 0.0108795166015625, "2886": 0.01068878173828125, "136346": 0.207275390625, "63499": 0.15673828125, "1444": 0.010711669921875, "121": 0.1729736328125, "3542": 0.01102447509765625, "3034": 0.08251953125, "297": 0.01093292236328125, "678": 0.010162353515625, "27226": 0.0733642578125, "34609": 0.021240234375, "2481": 0.0108795166015625, "7007": 0.05645751953125, "35686": 0.071044921875, "10434": 0.0633544921875, "9966": 0.01006317138671875, "25129": 0.05230712890625, "1830": 0.01096343994140625, "19983": 0.0882568359375, "4935": 0.010894775390625, "71323": 0.187255859375, "7915": 0.1463623046875, "125158": 0.24853515625, "57262": 0.1434326171875, "39746": 0.1436767578125, "7154": 0.0105743408203125, "21308": 0.1427001953125, "24318": 0.0306243896484375, "38796": 0.1844482421875, "16": 0.010894775390625, "86608": 0.09088134765625, "87739": 0.0235137939453125, "43766": 0.103759765625, "10597": 0.0750732421875, "5176": 0.057525634765625, "34610": 0.06292724609375, "21533": 0.01091766357421875, "75455": 0.116455078125, "6977": 0.006481170654296875, "7228": 0.01088714599609375, "144": 0.0104217529296875, "14612": 0.12176513671875, "131702": 0.1302490234375, "73": 0.0103607177734375, "108": 0.0809326171875, "12729": 0.1282958984375, "77269": 0.052459716796875, "13164": 0.05023193359375, "190": 0.08502197265625, "15": 0.0109100341796875, "43317": 0.136474609375, "19932": 0.006633758544921875, "543": 0.1082763671875, "56641": 0.1485595703125, "218849": 0.028106689453125, "294": 0.01087188720703125, "6": 0.010833740234375, "83318": 0.09954833984375, "19430": 0.006847381591796875, "156615": 0.1043701171875, "37195": 0.126953125, "34735": 0.1302490234375, "121919": 0.134765625, "992": 0.01068878173828125, "831": 0.0450439453125, "76104": 0.1314697265625, "14614": 0.138916015625, "29394": 0.0936279296875, "46692": 0.125732421875, "3129": 0.010833740234375, "111680": 0.0179901123046875, "272": 0.01094818115234375, "6953": 0.006793975830078125, "127179": 0.1103515625, "6964": 0.0106658935546875, "6620": 0.01090240478515625, "111438": 0.09576416015625, "3674": 0.0109405517578125, "12096": 0.1595458984375, "14676": 0.08734130859375, "19283": 0.00983428955078125, "114137": 0.10028076171875, "4734": 0.01248931884765625, "10": 0.01082611083984375, "175921": 0.006359100341796875, "26244": 0.01100921630859375, "132": 0.01058197021484375, "102817": 0.1446533203125, "509": 0.01068878173828125, "96391": 0.0733642578125, "74": 0.0108642578125, "22085": 0.00521087646484375, "5": 0.01082611083984375, "100806": 0.007282257080078125, "1836": 0.00762939453125, "959": 0.0670166015625, "1286": 0.0037784576416015625, "20450": 0.08740234375, "2700": 0.0091705322265625, "33": 0.0061798095703125, "1771": 0.01090240478515625, "6777": 0.0106964111328125, "7639": 0.01049041748046875, "86": 0.01064300537109375, "27643": 0.04425048828125, "3501": 0.008819580078125, "3331": 0.0069427490234375, "707": 0.0086822509765625, "2234": 0.0074310302734375, "100184": 0.0097198486328125, "189940": 0.08514404296875, "1430": 0.0242767333984375, "1294": 0.010345458984375, "122273": 0.001743316650390625, "18504": 0.0159454345703125, "237": 0.0107574462890625, "38516": 0.153564453125, "758": 0.1444091796875, "162515": 0.001857757568359375, "1819": 0.148681640625, "47": 0.007747650146484375, "3900": 0.13037109375, "18750": 0.033843994140625, "444": 0.03399658203125, "2424": 0.1300048828125, "151138": 0.010772705078125, "37486": 0.043304443359375, "50339": 0.005084991455078125, "7722": 0.054443359375, "132216": 0.12744140625, "14602": 0.002864837646484375, "22": 0.00980377197265625, "26932": 0.129638671875}
Resistance to antimicrobials in humans and animals.
Overusing antibiotics is not the only cause and reducing use is not the only solution W arning signs of antimicrobial resistance, chinks in the antimicrobial armour, began to appear in the middle of the last century, and by the 1990s various reports had signalled the dangers of excessive or inappropriate use of antibiotics in clinical medicine and of the use of antibiotics in animal feed as growth promoters.1–3 Overuse of antimicrobials emerged as the main culprit, and reducing their use was seen as the answer. But it may not be that simple. The idea that reducing antibiotic use would redress the problem formed part of a positive response on the part of the United Kingdom government to the House of Lords report,1 including a public information campaign, surveillance of resistance along the food chain, targets with respect to hospital acquired infections, and setting up of an overarching advisory body on all aspects of antibiotic use. However, the concept of overuse has proved too simplistic, for, although the evidence of overprescribing as the …
{"9578": 0.157958984375, "223": 0.2086181640625, "214": 0.07611083984375, "156774": 0.272705078125, "7": 0.16064453125, "959": 0.0633544921875, "4734": 0.047393798828125, "22304": 0.149658203125, "241866": 0.233154296875, "4527": 0.203125, "29806": 0.1396484375, "601": 0.033416748046875, "592": 0.048828125, "24092": 0.1409912109375, "2874": 0.12152099609375, "187840": 0.1824951171875, "964": 0.1376953125, "289": 0.07208251953125, "39746": 0.20263671875, "7154": 0.12939453125, "1658": 0.1263427734375, "19": 0.1302490234375, "1224": 0.153076171875, "23": 0.0305023193359375, "16294": 0.10638427734375, "34639": 0.14697265625, "80723": 0.040374755859375, "108975": 0.077392578125, "86991": 0.047607421875, "4568": 0.04620361328125, "142642": 0.12939453125, "11704": 0.1612548828125, "117729": 0.08642578125, "26073": 0.0855712890625, "77064": 0.147216796875, "218527": 0.1390380859375, "189958": 0.14404296875, "56465": 0.0887451171875, "54411": 0.1192626953125, "26249": 0.142333984375, "61590": 0.17626953125, "75678": 0.1317138671875, "8891": 0.1385498046875, "23962": 0.048126220703125, "4032": 0.22900390625, "16765": 0.1407470703125, "74216": 0.029998779296875, "5201": 0.08404541015625, "57940": 0.0869140625, "5293": 0.12841796875, "35166": 0.1419677734375, "1543": 0.030914306640625, "8781": 0.046417236328125, "6528": 0.10498046875, "456": 0.049468994140625, "107421": 0.160400390625, "2967": 0.1251220703125, "24491": 0.0916748046875, "57553": 0.09075927734375, "14098": 0.034576416015625, "117604": 0.1370849609375, "27759": 0.1378173828125, "13038": 0.0953369140625, "111": 0.062744140625, "47443": 0.1488037109375, "13416": 0.1846923828125, "3835": 0.06390380859375, "4677": 0.1263427734375, "80399": 0.11224365234375, "613": 0.022216796875, "15381": 0.1270751953125, "121293": 0.126953125, "30388": 0.1220703125, "17986": 0.12841796875, "163629": 0.0697021484375, "159634": 0.138916015625, "606": 0.04461669921875, "51858": 0.1024169921875, "14361": 0.1070556640625, "128746": 0.005626678466796875, "23755": 0.1336669921875, "645": 0.1715087890625, "77443": 0.00750732421875, "5792": 0.056640625, "112892": 0.084716796875, "28692": 0.036163330078125, "77950": 0.076416015625, "4692": 0.1324462890625, "61823": 0.18310546875}
Unmet needs and depressive symptoms among low--income older adults.
Previous studies have found that declining health, decreased social interaction, and inadequate financial resources were significant risk factors for late-life depression, and social support from families and friends and religiosity were significant protective factors. In this study, we examined if low-income older adults' perceived unmet need for home- and community-based services for many aging-associated problems would be independently associated with their depressive symptoms, controlling for these known risk and protective factors. We interviewed a total of 213 community-residing older adults to assess their depressive symptoms, using the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS), and unmet needs in the areas of personal assistance, instrumental and environmental support, emotional support, and other facilitative/enabling services. We found that the number of unmet needs was significantly positively associated with these older adults' depressive symptoms, although it explained only a small proportion of the variance of the GDS scores. Future research and practice implications are discussed.
{"6422": 0.04718017578125, "96335": 0.08111572265625, "765": 0.0013074874877929688, "14037": 0.0226287841796875, "8": 0.07177734375, "92768": 0.131591796875, "214": 0.01160430908203125, "16227": 0.1474609375, "227204": 0.07196044921875, "71": 0.013671875, "2265": 0.123046875, "182809": 0.10791015625, "4": 0.014862060546875, "134588": 0.0826416015625, "67": 0.0150146484375, "53477": 0.108642578125, "65514": 0.111572265625, "88551": 0.08148193359375, "10512": 0.1697998046875, "120103": 0.1478271484375, "100": 0.0183868408203125, "72399": 0.1522216796875, "24804": 0.116943359375, "105774": 0.28515625, "8060": 0.204833984375, "1295": 0.01480865478515625, "87143": 0.0306243896484375, "136": 0.01483154296875, "23902": 0.06341552734375, "63518": 0.1387939453125, "7": 0.01499176025390625, "2481": 0.01435089111328125, "3542": 0.0017852783203125, "59959": 0.1451416015625, "5844": 0.0723876953125, "35187": 0.084228515625, "160477": 0.01080322265625, "27226": 0.145263671875, "73": 0.0692138671875, "45738": 0.175537109375, "114210": 0.191650390625, "116127": 0.1964111328125, "21778": 0.10504150390625, "4126": 0.01436614990234375, "51": 0.14208984375, "1928": 0.175537109375, "3871": 0.1717529296875, "5368": 0.09979248046875, "9": 0.01464080810546875, "26908": 0.1385498046875, "77007": 0.01557159423828125, "11374": 0.2122802734375, "5941": 0.028045654296875, "66398": 0.1527099609375, "162": 0.01451873779296875, "45388": 0.091552734375, "27686": 0.01497650146484375, "44402": 0.1448974609375, "186": 0.01457977294921875, "41371": 0.10382080078125, "538": 0.01495361328125, "137272": 0.12188720703125, "678": 0.01560211181640625, "6": 0.01432037353515625, "226953": 0.280517578125, "13": 0.014984130859375, "153698": 0.1683349609375, "6226": 0.1142578125, "51529": 0.09417724609375, "33683": 0.11431884765625, "297": 0.0151519775390625, "10": 0.014892578125, "3622": 0.00749969482421875, "111": 0.01506805419921875, "112486": 0.161376953125, "202120": 0.138671875, "2363": 0.00585174560546875, "17368": 0.03912353515625, "70": 0.014923095703125, "99066": 0.11004638671875, "11": 0.01361846923828125, "62233": 0.0226898193359375, "262": 0.1922607421875, "48448": 0.2249755859375, "152653": 0.1715087890625, "15": 0.01456451416015625, "724": 0.105712890625, "13526": 0.2080078125, "247": 0.0147857666015625, "27117": 0.2265625, "23": 0.01482391357421875, "3357": 0.0423583984375, "127557": 0.10919189453125, "150222": 0.0229949951171875, "156444": 0.0980224609375, "88965": 0.09515380859375, "33493": 0.09796142578125, "4935": 0.01491546630859375, "79298": 0.0131683349609375, "14012": 0.07318115234375, "509": 0.015380859375, "207583": 0.0701904296875, "24491": 0.0960693359375, "442": 0.0148773193359375, "189050": 0.06744384765625, "19336": 0.050323486328125, "16757": 0.021514892578125, "3956": 0.01503753662109375, "527": 0.07904052734375, "47763": 0.11212158203125, "94724": 0.0328369140625, "25188": 0.02960205078125, "41361": 0.05859375, "17914": 0.046783447265625, "5256": 0.01509857177734375, "45252": 0.01580810546875}
A key role for Ctf4 in coupling the MCM2-7 helicase to DNA polymerase alpha within the eukaryotic replisome.
The eukaryotic replisome is a crucial determinant of genome stability, but its structure is still poorly understood. We found previously that many regulatory proteins assemble around the MCM2-7 helicase at yeast replication forks to form the replisome progression complex (RPC), which might link MCM2-7 to other replisome components. Here, we show that the RPC associates with DNA polymerase alpha that primes each Okazaki fragment during lagging strand synthesis. Our data indicate that a complex of the GINS and Ctf4 components of the RPC is crucial to couple MCM2-7 to DNA polymerase alpha. Others have found recently that the Mrc1 subunit of RPCs binds DNA polymerase epsilon, which synthesises the leading strand at DNA replication forks. We show that cells lacking both Ctf4 and Mrc1 experience chronic activation of the DNA damage checkpoint during chromosome replication and do not complete the cell cycle. These findings indicate that coupling MCM2-7 to replicative polymerases is an important feature of the regulation of chromosome replication in eukaryotes, and highlight a key role for Ctf4 in this process.
{"581": 0.004787445068359375, "1175": 0.10113525390625, "1153": 0.1414794921875, "1410": 0.150634765625, "9523": 0.03570556640625, "156405": 0.248046875, "43452": 0.255126953125, "83": 0.0347900390625, "10": 0.0156097412109375, "106157": 0.176513671875, "27354": 0.158935546875, "660": 0.10162353515625, "8584": 0.1297607421875, "13": 0.050537109375, "40780": 0.225341796875, "53": 0.09716796875, "1284": 0.0271148681640625, "6863": 0.0235137939453125, "45646": 0.176025390625, "7464": 0.053466796875, "70425": 0.09466552734375, "217064": 0.148681640625, "14037": 0.02783203125, "198395": 0.05316162109375, "5941": 0.04833984375, "144314": 0.2276611328125, "21308": 0.1976318359375, "7": 0.00858306884765625, "93457": 0.16064453125, "10932": 0.050689697265625, "276": 0.0305633544921875, "36498": 0.1934814453125, "304": 0.1036376953125, "16709": 0.1785888671875, "50651": 0.1617431640625, "58437": 0.1966552734375, "99": 0.03985595703125, "2422": 0.12060546875, "4438": 0.092041015625, "456": 0.089111328125, "182867": 0.2083740234375, "100": 0.1356201171875, "1224": 0.13525390625, "3173": 0.103515625, "187735": 0.200439453125, "27140": 0.185546875, "1052": 0.07342529296875, "12233": 0.246826171875, "13648": 0.0577392578125, "3126": 0.1260986328125, "3789": 0.0172271728515625, "82761": 0.1654052734375, "7639": 0.0006947517395019531, "627": 0.086181640625, "30699": 0.134521484375, "678": 0.046966552734375, "27583": 0.1650390625, "35874": 0.10382080078125, "27160": 0.18017578125, "184": 0.10955810546875, "144": 0.08270263671875, "14612": 0.18701171875, "20809": 0.14306640625, "12638": 0.035736083984375, "180": 0.06658935546875, "161": 0.05426025390625, "103080": 0.223876953125, "38551": 0.138916015625, "20271": 0.01534271240234375, "21": 0.12200927734375, "36659": 0.146240234375, "32594": 0.1627197265625, "142518": 0.0689697265625, "2053": 0.0082244873046875, "527": 0.037872314453125, "85717": 0.1671142578125, "136": 0.048370361328125, "18": 0.033203125, "420": 0.1304931640625, "617": 0.1783447265625, "24941": 0.140380859375, "47": 0.0262298583984375, "78684": 0.00611114501953125, "8414": 0.055572509765625, "238": 0.06817626953125, "418": 0.07562255859375, "1614": 0.07012939453125, "309": 0.08636474609375, "68557": 0.109130859375, "15759": 0.137451171875, "4759": 0.1494140625, "62093": 0.014404296875, "105207": 0.1094970703125, "38750": 0.15087890625, "41324": 0.0784912109375, "15044": 0.0218505859375, "16981": 0.0200347900390625, "184843": 0.12054443359375, "34704": 0.08843994140625, "82649": 0.173095703125, "12765": 0.12200927734375, "38496": 0.1119384765625, "840": 0.09881591796875, "13450": 0.0855712890625, "959": 0.00925445556640625, "28484": 0.08355712890625, "105823": 0.109130859375, "14974": 0.08514404296875, "143126": 0.1737060546875, "5908": 0.0765380859375, "5526": 0.0963134765625, "60213": 0.069580078125, "15913": 0.1876220703125, "1636": 0.003818511962890625, "22799": 0.09686279296875, "31486": 0.08929443359375, "9433": 0.055389404296875}
Data analysis methods for detection of differential protein expression in two-dimensional gel electrophoresis.
The recent development of microarray technology has led statisticians and bioinformaticians to develop new statistical methodologies for comparing different biological samples. The objective is to identify a small number of differentially expressed genes from among thousands. In quantitative proteomics, analysis of protein expression using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis shows some similarities with transcriptomic studies. Thus, the goal of this study was to evaluate different data analysis methodologies widely used in array analysis using different proteomic data sets of hundreds of proteins. Even with few replications, the significance analysis of microarrays method appeared to be more powerful than the Student's t test in truly declaring differentially expressed proteins. This procedure will avoid wasting time due to false positives and losing information with false negatives.
{"17309": 0.070556640625, "34754": 0.094970703125, "11948": 0.1953125, "19305": 0.25634765625, "53": 0.179931640625, "55556": 0.211669921875, "1556": 0.025238037109375, "12441": 0.06427001953125, "80835": 0.1927490234375, "72004": 0.04449462890625, "136": 0.0135040283203125, "77033": 0.0963134765625, "69438": 0.06805419921875, "7": 0.0074920654296875, "85493": 0.0545654296875, "3525": 0.0743408203125, "55300": 0.1588134765625, "18709": 0.1339111328125, "100": 0.0043487548828125, "37397": 0.1802978515625, "214": 0.007495880126953125, "12921": 0.12200927734375, "333": 0.07196044921875, "109622": 0.039306640625, "121413": 0.154296875, "151814": 0.206787109375, "83": 0.0306549072265625, "135812": 0.11517333984375, "10": 0.007266998291015625, "19336": 0.06500244140625, "14012": 0.024932861328125, "111": 0.007801055908203125, "99710": 0.1312255859375, "25958": 0.00762939453125, "36510": 0.1475830078125, "297": 0.00756072998046875, "22293": 0.1636962890625, "1295": 0.007526397705078125, "54940": 0.039093017578125, "137107": 0.087890625, "88779": 0.1646728515625, "5844": 0.007549285888671875, "13766": 0.211669921875, "31": 0.08538818359375, "114666": 0.1912841796875, "114137": 0.2027587890625, "21308": 0.240234375, "125195": 0.2303466796875, "6626": 0.11834716796875, "9": 0.00713348388671875, "157955": 0.146484375, "6434": 0.23681640625, "77556": 0.13330078125, "139006": 0.1541748046875, "90": 0.07244873046875, "164": 0.047607421875, "45831": 0.0202789306640625, "3060": 0.0207061767578125, "21373": 0.0955810546875, "31075": 0.007694244384765625, "678": 0.04327392578125, "30334": 0.048431396484375, "32032": 0.07965087890625, "306": 0.114013671875, "1771": 0.0714111328125, "96335": 0.10552978515625, "4": 0.007328033447265625, "69236": 0.180419921875, "35187": 0.023895263671875, "509": 0.0288848876953125, "151575": 0.03448486328125, "13": 0.007381439208984375, "2053": 0.12939453125, "38134": 0.0521240234375, "538": 0.007442474365234375, "11814": 0.03216552734375, "23": 0.00827789306640625, "10298": 0.1990966796875, "5423": 0.00748443603515625, "75281": 0.08782958984375, "31267": 0.0278778076171875, "10846": 0.078125, "143126": 0.11004638671875, "5256": 0.00746917724609375, "70": 0.006969451904296875, "12330": 0.060638427734375, "4778": 0.1824951171875, "118775": 0.0309600830078125, "47": 0.00782012939453125, "186": 0.00739288330078125, "1286": 0.08978271484375, "113138": 0.142578125, "3501": 0.0294036865234375, "26696": 0.2154541015625, "808": 0.1337890625, "3034": 0.202880859375, "87607": 0.069580078125, "18347": 0.08160400390625, "2852": 0.00775146484375, "3293": 0.021514892578125, "50491": 0.09246826171875, "1221": 0.04736328125, "71864": 0.1119384765625, "1733": 0.07550048828125, "4743": 0.0174407958984375, "98320": 0.11456298828125, "24491": 0.13916015625, "388": 0.0335693359375, "4677": 0.09552001953125, "40907": 0.111328125}
A clinical approach to circadian rhythm sleep disorders.
Circadian rhythm sleep disorders are characterized by complaints of insomnia and excessive sleepiness that are primarily due to alterations in the internal circadian timing system or a misalignment between the timing of sleep and the 24-h social and physical environment. In addition to physiological and environmental factors, maladaptive behaviors often play an important role in the development of many of the circadian rhythm sleep disorders. This review will focus on the clinical approach to the diagnosis and management of the various circadian rhythm sleep disorders, including delayed sleep phase disorder, advanced sleep phase disorder, non-entrained type, irregular sleep-wake rhythm, shift work sleep disorder and jet lag disorder. Diagnostic tools such as sleep diaries and wrist activity monitoring are often useful in confirming the diagnosis. Because behavioral and environmental factors often are involved in the development of these conditions, a multimodal approach is usually necessary. Interventions include sleep hygiene education, timed exposure to bright light as well as avoidance of bright light at the wrong time of the day and pharmacologic approaches, such as melatonin. However, it should be noted that the use of melatonin is not an FDA-approved indication for the treatment of circadian rhythm sleep disorders.
{"79512": 0.1383056640625, "11": 0.09881591796875, "27201": 0.1572265625, "239530": 0.280517578125, "60268": 0.248046875, "171986": 0.2330322265625, "7": 0.08880615234375, "62816": 0.157958984375, "29367": 0.0111236572265625, "390": 0.033905029296875, "180732": 0.1649169921875, "111": 0.01352691650390625, "228198": 0.186767578125, "136": 0.0248870849609375, "218527": 0.1534423828125, "12741": 0.12457275390625, "450": 0.01070404052734375, "102917": 0.0545654296875, "538": 0.0135345458984375, "4743": 0.051422119140625, "47": 0.01348876953125, "42068": 0.1072998046875, "5256": 0.0134735107421875, "23": 0.0135955810546875, "70": 0.01348876953125, "70796": 0.10040283203125, "13656": 0.2177734375, "5527": 0.187744140625, "214": 0.06353759765625, "5426": 0.09283447265625, "10": 0.0130157470703125, "1239": 0.048309326171875, "143420": 0.1622314453125, "674": 0.0135345458984375, "25240": 0.11614990234375, "127": 0.0628662109375, "2265": 0.044769287109375, "72761": 0.06365966796875, "65998": 0.08551025390625, "360": 0.0101318359375, "240877": 0.055694580078125, "289": 0.01346588134765625, "156444": 0.119873046875, "120103": 0.0992431640625, "4": 0.0135040283203125, "960": 0.0765380859375, "113235": 0.1986083984375, "5844": 0.0086822509765625, "123166": 0.1796875, "27983": 0.041717529296875, "142": 0.01322174072265625, "5526": 0.0477294921875, "31486": 0.07794189453125, "34754": 0.12481689453125, "5941": 0.039886474609375, "3293": 0.017181396484375, "8347": 0.1309814453125, "1221": 0.0231781005859375, "32153": 0.075927734375, "98": 0.01268768310546875, "56465": 0.09075927734375, "51515": 0.1466064453125, "47099": 0.142578125, "164": 0.013519287109375, "24365": 0.1553955078125, "67842": 0.060089111328125, "8": 0.059478759765625, "5259": 0.146728515625, "297": 0.01360321044921875, "93402": 0.128662109375, "175961": 0.1195068359375, "351": 0.05413818359375, "9": 0.01340484619140625, "53139": 0.0343017578125, "73": 0.01357269287109375, "10644": 0.04150390625, "105843": 0.11151123046875, "634": 0.05047607421875, "350": 0.01340484619140625, "6": 0.01354217529296875, "122925": 0.158203125, "4488": 0.083984375, "55": 0.105224609375, "18": 0.01232147216796875, "8475": 0.151123046875, "128198": 0.13671875, "9523": 0.01297760009765625, "72977": 0.1363525390625, "237": 0.013458251953125, "879": 0.0938720703125, "24816": 0.09722900390625, "103488": 0.0526123046875, "97204": 0.11187744140625, "621": 0.01348876953125, "80234": 0.05828857421875, "39563": 0.0806884765625, "75412": 0.004215240478515625, "27289": 0.0679931640625, "6024": 0.06927490234375, "432": 0.10400390625, "2465": 0.07470703125, "83": 0.0126495361328125, "56104": 0.0160369873046875, "63559": 0.062103271484375, "151931": 0.1400146484375, "99824": 0.1676025390625, "13": 0.0134429931640625, "53019": 0.09112548828125, "1733": 0.07720947265625, "71": 0.01358795166015625, "197826": 0.051666259765625, "124498": 0.0926513671875, "22729": 0.09375, "71864": 0.01230621337890625, "7154": 0.01355743408203125, "99": 0.01345062255859375, "44691": 0.06768798828125, "5155": 0.047607421875, "163414": 0.07464599609375, "238": 0.0133209228515625, "60920": 0.013458251953125, "90": 0.01357269287109375, "6044": 0.0118560791015625, "27363": 0.08807373046875, "188": 0.08685302734375, "694": 0.08831787109375, "186": 0.0135345458984375, "4527": 0.03778076171875, "959": 0.0297393798828125, "6538": 0.08734130859375, "2631": 0.0134735107421875, "66187": 0.06787109375, "14585": 0.051513671875, "1363": 0.0133209228515625, "100": 0.01224517822265625, "39734": 0.144775390625}
SIVrcm infection of macaques.
In a prior report, we described the isolation and characterization of SIVrcm, a distinct primate lentivirus found in a household pet Red-Capped Mangabey (RCM) in Gabon. SIVrcm is divergent from HIV-1 and HIV-2/SIV families of primate lentiviruses. In this report, additional in vitro replication studies and the results of SIVrcm infection in macaques are presented. SIVrcm causes little cytopathic effedct in Molt 4 Clone 8 cells and in rhesus and human PBMCs. In vivo, SIVrcm is non-pathogenic after 200 days in rhesus macaques and after one year in cynomolgous macaques, but does cause a chronic infection in both macaques.
{"41928": 0.022003173828125, "13416": 0.11053466796875, "151552": 0.028778076171875, "219488": 0.186279296875, "136": 0.00033283233642578125, "62816": 0.1143798828125, "159": 0.1495361328125, "15583": 0.2144775390625, "42": 0.140380859375, "3931": 0.292724609375, "117781": 0.1458740234375, "2829": 0.16015625, "67": 0.09814453125, "121469": 0.1910400390625, "76912": 0.2427978515625, "14037": 0.08868408203125, "197540": 0.1412353515625, "8093": 0.223876953125, "6096": 0.140625, "20370": 0.1328125, "48398": 0.1270751953125, "109958": 0.144775390625, "31804": 0.26513671875, "25740": 0.053619384765625, "594": 0.1429443359375, "23": 0.02801513671875, "176392": 0.2392578125, "83": 0.005985260009765625, "45": 0.03875732421875, "814": 0.14208984375, "46825": 0.09051513671875, "1295": 0.0277862548828125, "38004": 0.22607421875, "5759": 0.0799560546875, "45792": 0.08428955078125, "294": 0.10052490234375, "87143": 0.12646484375, "78301": 0.006343841552734375, "279": 0.090576171875, "2955": 0.10162353515625, "182867": 0.130615234375, "96335": 0.019073486328125, "50339": 0.020416259765625, "159634": 0.2099609375, "68857": 0.15283203125, "7162": 0.1998291015625, "8121": 0.01377105712890625, "113660": 0.120849609375, "10176": 0.12548828125, "19932": 0.00713348388671875, "86132": 0.11029052734375, "9129": 0.045196533203125, "44571": 0.113037109375, "15390": 0.065673828125, "67870": 0.163330078125, "201": 0.1590576171875, "51053": 0.127685546875, "382": 0.1719970703125, "38750": 0.173828125, "60971": 0.11883544921875, "7921": 0.1614990234375, "14135": 0.05255126953125, "57842": 0.0192718505859375, "32557": 0.091064453125, "16622": 0.16455078125, "351": 0.08563232421875, "62976": 0.09503173828125, "7103": 0.051422119140625, "1781": 0.1116943359375, "13312": 0.10675048828125, "6602": 0.0819091796875, "18986": 0.01371002197265625, "929": 0.033966064453125, "519": 0.06353759765625, "22304": 0.084716796875, "184843": 0.1512451171875, "15044": 0.028106689453125}
Integrating nutrition security with treatment of people living with HIV: lessons from Kenya.
BACKGROUND The increased caloric requirements of HIV-positive individuals, undesirable side effects of treatment that may be worsened by malnutrition (but alleviated by nutritional support), and associated declines in adherence and possible increased drug resistance are all justifications for developing better interventions to strengthen the nutrition security of individuals receiving antiretroviral treatment. OBJECTIVE To highlight key benefits and challenges relating to interventions aimed at strengthening the nutrition security of people living with HIV who are receiving antiretroviral treatment. METHODS Qualitative research was undertaken on a short-term nutrition intervention linked to the provision of free antiretroviral treatment for people living with HIV in western Kenya in late 2005 and early 2006. RESULTS Patients enrolled in the food program while on treatment regimens self-reported greater adherence to their medication, fewer side effects, and a greater ability to satisfy increased appetite. Most clients self-reported weight gain, recovery of physical strength, and the resumption of labor activities while enrolled in dual (food supplementation and treatment) programs. Such improvements were seen to catalyze increased support from family and community. CONCLUSIONS These findings provide further empirical support to calls for a more holistic and comprehensive response to the coexistence of AIDS epidemics with chronic nutrition insecurity. Future work is needed to clarify ways of bridging the gap between short-term nutritional support to individuals and longer-term livelihood security programming for communities affected by AIDS. Such interdisciplinary research will need to be matched by intersectoral action on the part of the agriculture and health sectors in such environments.
{"8678": 0.0931396484375, "20572": 0.06622314453125, "136498": 0.125244140625, "124735": 0.158203125, "30713": 0.1871337890625, "1771": 0.08795166015625, "96679": 0.1807861328125, "38004": 0.287353515625, "67890": 0.1361083984375, "4935": 0.0128326416015625, "79165": 0.1429443359375, "9232": 0.032012939453125, "12915": 0.09429931640625, "2886": 0.01279449462890625, "5609": 0.10015869140625, "93425": 0.1556396484375, "111": 0.012969970703125, "39734": 0.19482421875, "1543": 0.0872802734375, "186": 0.0130157470703125, "124632": 0.0921630859375, "14534": 0.01220703125, "390": 0.01305389404296875, "960": 0.09515380859375, "143674": 0.2244873046875, "1363": 0.01291656494140625, "8789": 0.028839111328125, "747": 0.060699462890625, "3459": 0.011199951171875, "3674": 0.012969970703125, "150017": 0.2666015625, "289": 0.01302337646484375, "8060": 0.2130126953125, "137272": 0.0479736328125, "206398": 0.128662109375, "7": 0.012969970703125, "23": 0.0259246826171875, "606": 0.02508544921875, "3334": 0.11285400390625, "6620": 0.0130767822265625, "7722": 0.0281219482421875, "48683": 0.126220703125, "39746": 0.13330078125, "756": 0.02423095703125, "58569": 0.1346435546875, "5256": 0.01021575927734375, "168698": 0.033599853515625, "11522": 0.107177734375, "113449": 0.2039794921875, "90254": 0.1412353515625, "33": 0.01284027099609375, "70": 0.01300811767578125, "48031": 0.1966552734375, "217063": 0.0718994140625, "2874": 0.088134765625, "2264": 0.1173095703125, "83220": 0.19482421875, "7263": 0.10858154296875, "35988": 0.070556640625, "15301": 0.1236572265625, "441": 0.0236053466796875, "169813": 0.005115509033203125, "127308": 0.070556640625, "22799": 0.0665283203125, "72382": 0.175537109375, "136": 0.012908935546875, "127125": 0.1492919921875, "214": 0.01267242431640625, "47": 0.013153076171875, "3395": 0.0257110595703125, "38043": 0.1300048828125, "678": 0.061767578125, "621": 0.0127105712890625, "6": 0.0129852294921875, "33677": 0.08673095703125, "193792": 0.050262451171875, "130221": 0.10980224609375, "102": 0.0116729736328125, "25188": 0.1131591796875, "98": 0.0130462646484375, "10": 0.01287841796875, "16610": 0.14111328125, "9": 0.01293182373046875, "32166": 0.1314697265625, "3126": 0.04400634765625, "297": 0.01309967041015625, "125034": 0.0958251953125, "4092": 0.1033935546875, "100": 0.01297760009765625, "171827": 0.09344482421875, "23357": 0.220703125, "4078": 0.154052734375, "30739": 0.12127685546875, "218849": 0.098388671875, "135004": 0.163818359375, "22": 0.034759521484375, "27722": 0.167724609375, "15381": 0.2464599609375, "1528": 0.161376953125, "12960": 0.030426025390625, "63647": 0.1234130859375, "1779": 0.0131072998046875, "15970": 0.071044921875, "79770": 0.0931396484375, "117396": 0.1375732421875, "2363": 0.01229095458984375, "200112": 0.1402587890625, "4": 0.01311492919921875, "10846": 0.07183837890625, "56": 0.01287078857421875, "81273": 0.0330810546875, "40407": 0.06634521484375, "53": 0.0130767822265625, "183898": 0.190673828125, "13": 0.01291656494140625, "17006": 0.07330322265625, "19802": 0.1544189453125, "57888": 0.1829833984375, "21647": 0.1573486328125, "145951": 0.09771728515625, "72761": 0.09564208984375, "68630": 0.055511474609375, "254": 0.01285552978515625, "18940": 0.11334228515625, "69924": 0.05029296875, "87758": 0.104736328125, "49558": 0.173583984375, "107506": 0.11041259765625, "2320": 0.0129547119140625, "16": 0.01274871826171875, "103391": 0.11749267578125, "136912": 0.1669921875, "3542": 0.012847900390625, "51592": 0.0186004638671875, "60199": 0.0770263671875, "538": 0.01161956787109375, "731": 0.0127105712890625, "1295": 0.0123443603515625, "14449": 0.04339599609375, "26908": 0.076171875, "37486": 0.055908203125, "85390": 0.01280975341796875, "90791": 0.018463134765625, "53333": 0.015625, "156002": 0.0755615234375, "6827": 0.01288604736328125, "11782": 0.0129852294921875, "1286": 0.04150390625, "14505": 0.062042236328125, "48242": 0.01287078857421875, "199083": 0.0469970703125, "57553": 0.0914306640625, "552": 0.00931549072265625, "116311": 0.06585693359375, "113511": 0.2061767578125, "83063": 0.086181640625, "4439": 0.012786865234375, "184843": 0.1280517578125, "224680": 0.20849609375, "94724": 0.07623291015625, "4488": 0.03692626953125, "83": 0.01282501220703125, "44841": 0.053619384765625, "17306": 0.06793212890625, "40383": 0.01279449462890625, "100269": 0.057952880859375, "43599": 0.1436767578125, "51713": 0.00891876220703125, "6867": 0.07354736328125, "150": 0.062744140625, "44462": 0.01318359375, "56037": 0.09735107421875, "449": 0.01314544677734375, "142080": 0.0919189453125, "195052": 0.053375244140625, "207098": 0.08074951171875, "1221": 0.014007568359375, "3871": 0.027557373046875, "14858": 0.05938720703125, "184": 0.0144195556640625, "18770": 0.012298583984375, "2831": 0.0034389495849609375, "177849": 0.1475830078125, "16227": 0.0123748779296875, "8916": 0.0006990432739257812, "65998": 0.0626220703125}
Acylated and desacyl ghrelin stimulate lipid accumulation in human visceral adipocytes
Objectives:The orexigenic hormone ghrelin circulates mainly in two forms, acylated and desacyl ghrelin. We evaluated the impact of obesity and obesity-associated type 2 diabetes (T2D) on ghrelin forms and the potential role of acylated and desacyl ghrelin in the control of adipogenesis in humans. Methods:Plasma concentrations of the different ghrelin forms were measured in 80 subjects. The expression of the ghrelin receptor (growth hormone secretagogue receptor, GHS-R) was analyzed in omental adipose tissue using western blot and immunohistochemistry, and the effect of acylated ghrelin and desacyl ghrelin (0.1–1000 pmol l−1) on adipogenesis was determined in vitro in omental adipocytes. Results:Circulating concentrations of acylated ghrelin were increased, whereas desacyl ghrelin levels were decreased, in obesity and obesity-associated T2D. Body mass index, waist circumference, insulin and HOMA (homeostasis model assessment) index were positively correlated with acylated ghrelin levels. Obese individuals showed a lower protein expression of GHS-R in omental adipose tissue. In differentiating omental adipocytes, incubation with both acylated and desacyl ghrelin significantly increased PPARγ (peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ) and SREBP1 (sterol-regulatory element binding protein-1) mRNA levels, as well as several fat storage-related proteins, including acetyl-CoA carboxylase, fatty acid synthase, lipoprotein lipase and perilipin. Consequently, both the ghrelin forms stimulated intracytoplasmatic lipid accumulation. Conclusions:Both acylated and desacyl ghrelin stimulate lipid accumulation in human visceral adipocytes. Given the lipogenic effect of acylated ghrelin on visceral adipocytes, the herein-reported elevation of its circulating concentrations in obese individuals may play a role in excessive fat accumulation in obesity.
{"134549": 0.143798828125, "60877": 0.01317596435546875, "707": 0.1444091796875, "3355": 0.11767578125, "8402": 0.1624755859375, "1771": 0.0323486328125, "133818": 0.25341796875, "31380": 0.1783447265625, "107": 0.21533203125, "2397": 0.266845703125, "41263": 0.215087890625, "1636": 0.042449951171875, "5201": 0.04205322265625, "538": 0.006595611572265625, "23": 0.006622314453125, "6626": 0.12646484375, "3173": 0.21435546875, "7": 0.00666046142578125, "4": 0.006633758544921875, "1030": 0.12158203125, "7809": 0.24853515625, "3674": 0.055877685546875, "136": 0.0631103515625, "224": 0.1671142578125, "2263": 0.149169921875, "8613": 0.1566162109375, "151575": 0.10150146484375, "70": 0.006534576416015625, "24725": 0.1988525390625, "150009": 0.261962890625, "2481": 0.1273193359375, "9": 0.031829833984375, "162": 0.00650787353515625, "45388": 0.11993408203125, "27686": 0.006710052490234375, "10644": 0.135986328125, "116": 0.1102294921875, "44019": 0.2158203125, "618": 0.0572509765625, "304": 0.1385498046875, "397": 0.1173095703125, "16": 0.006549835205078125, "98": 0.0284881591796875, "38516": 0.1063232421875, "31486": 0.1326904296875, "111": 0.006793975830078125, "6226": 0.1553955078125, "20655": 0.1640625, "771": 0.1575927734375, "15292": 0.1685791015625, "6023": 0.06829833984375, "118103": 0.08770751953125, "74644": 0.093994140625, "683": 0.005878448486328125, "2512": 0.099365234375, "192": 0.00592041015625, "202104": 0.17236328125, "12921": 0.0640869140625, "3542": 0.00672149658203125, "72350": 0.08270263671875, "71": 0.00667572021484375, "2248": 0.10870361328125, "28368": 0.057098388671875, "581": 0.0035800933837890625, "125195": 0.10205078125, "137376": 0.1611328125, "177": 0.006237030029296875, "15555": 0.1572265625, "927": 0.0064544677734375, "23410": 0.1639404296875, "13906": 0.09136962890625, "6261": 0.006710052490234375, "527": 0.04638671875, "38131": 0.1685791015625, "1052": 0.080078125, "7968": 0.040618896484375, "53": 0.006572723388671875, "64807": 0.006557464599609375, "36": 0.1336669921875, "52796": 0.2076416015625, "78381": 0.13671875, "108055": 0.09857177734375, "13": 0.0067291259765625, "17368": 0.00518035888671875, "171827": 0.07354736328125, "45299": 0.055328369140625, "43766": 0.026214599609375, "5176": 0.006504058837890625, "1430": 0.005367279052734375, "6133": 0.006465911865234375, "1294": 0.0068511962890625, "21543": 0.166015625, "15": 0.006473541259765625, "102014": 0.0955810546875, "1104": 0.004550933837890625, "14105": 0.0987548828125, "3592": 0.0169219970703125, "929": 0.00664520263671875, "96": 0.0038166046142578125, "17727": 0.006519317626953125, "509": 0.002498626708984375, "83324": 0.0626220703125, "279": 0.11627197265625, "2955": 0.0533447265625, "2408": 0.0908203125, "146104": 0.0308837890625, "441": 0.005916595458984375, "481": 0.11651611328125, "16735": 0.11529541015625, "1916": 0.00675201416015625, "124735": 0.155029296875, "7440": 0.004497528076171875, "90926": 0.0458984375, "227204": 0.136474609375, "384": 0.06207275390625, "43960": 0.05474853515625, "46889": 0.0030384063720703125, "63262": 0.038665771484375, "259": 0.08001708984375, "1419": 0.006595611572265625, "69988": 0.006427764892578125, "91598": 0.127197265625, "572": 0.0303955078125, "67177": 0.1275634765625, "29552": 0.010589599609375, "5964": 0.0041351318359375, "24491": 0.0552978515625, "8231": 0.00988006591796875, "174822": 0.05535888671875, "678": 0.006427764892578125, "3545": 0.180419921875, "7717": 0.00646209716796875, "79165": 0.1002197265625, "168360": 0.0062255859375, "10": 0.006549835205078125, "92319": 0.12109375, "21308": 0.1326904296875, "99710": 0.11761474609375, "26518": 0.00664520263671875, "90351": 0.226318359375, "1363": 0.006580352783203125, "207583": 0.0293731689453125, "60436": 0.1204833984375, "4802": 0.045806884765625, "42815": 0.019989013671875, "43452": 0.00647735595703125, "1290": 0.006748199462890625, "159": 0.0024166107177734375, "11766": 0.0848388671875, "56861": 0.057708740234375, "418": 0.005367279052734375, "144867": 0.004611968994140625, "31667": 0.006603240966796875, "128239": 0.006732940673828125, "110218": 0.006183624267578125, "125499": 0.0250091552734375, "237": 0.00652313232421875, "5299": 0.00388336181640625, "40368": 0.005748748779296875, "19780": 0.1109619140625, "26719": 0.006275177001953125, "90535": 0.005657196044921875, "10625": 0.044708251953125, "284": 0.00620269775390625, "111758": 0.0008130073547363281, "76634": 0.00567626953125, "62061": 0.005584716796875, "15145": 0.006626129150390625, "43840": 0.00649261474609375, "142518": 0.0030803680419921875, "6991": 0.006725311279296875, "136327": 0.1611328125, "80000": 0.005126953125, "73": 0.006328582763671875, "37538": 0.072265625, "117": 0.0038471221923828125, "5128": 0.0050506591796875, "1657": 0.006305694580078125, "26513": 0.006351470947265625, "18": 0.006439208984375, "15044": 0.035003662109375, "142405": 0.163330078125, "18440": 0.0657958984375, "188": 0.00616455078125, "162112": 0.0894775390625, "9523": 0.0066986083984375, "202951": 0.1739501953125, "183278": 0.12451171875, "135523": 0.0263671875, "63239": 0.00661468505859375, "67": 0.006473541259765625, "14135": 0.031402587890625, "4498": 0.10498046875, "3443": 0.0064697265625, "289": 0.006702423095703125, "19": 0.006534576416015625, "429": 0.06231689453125, "6402": 0.0028972625732421875, "297": 0.006561279296875, "57849": 0.11962890625, "1543": 0.064697265625, "11301": 0.06561279296875, "218527": 0.1258544921875}
Significant correlation between LKB1 and LGR5 gene expression and the association with poor recurrence-free survival in rectal cancer after preoperative chemoradiotherapy
The aim of the present study was to investigate whether the gene expression levels of LKB1 and LGR5 correlated with clinical outcome in patients with locally advanced rectal cancer treated with preoperative chemoradiotherapy (CRT). Residual cancer cells were obtained from 52 patients with locally advanced rectal cancer treated with preoperative CRT. Total RNA was then isolated from formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded specimens using microdissection. The expression levels of LKB1 and LGR5 genes were measured using real-time reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction and by immunohistochemistry. In addition, in vitro studies were performed using colon cancer cell lines to study the serial changes of LKB1, LGR5 and PRKAA1 (AMPK) gene expression levels after irradiation. Our data demonstrate that specimens obtained from patients with poor pathological response and tumor recurrence had significantly higher gene expression levels of LKB1 and LGR5 than those without them (P < 0.05), and there was a significant positive correlation between LKB1 and LGR5 gene expression after CRT (Spearman’s ρ: 0.429, P = 0.0023). The patients with high expression levels of both LKB1 and LGR5 had a significantly lower recurrence-free survival compared with the other group (P = 0.0055, 95 % confidence interval: 1.39–11.08). Lastly, in vitro studies demonstrated a similar pattern of serial gene expression among LKB1, LGR5 and PRKAA1 after irradiation. Our results suggest that LKB1 and LGR5 expression may be implicated in resistance to CRT, therefore contributing to tumor relapse in patients with locally advanced rectal cancer treated with preoperative CRT.
{"464": 0.134521484375, "13379": 0.015960693359375, "35187": 0.068359375, "32603": 0.032684326171875, "22293": 0.2467041015625, "125195": 0.256591796875, "90926": 0.2008056640625, "339": 0.1158447265625, "39709": 0.26416015625, "418": 0.144287109375, "136": 0.058441162109375, "49741": 0.231689453125, "758": 0.23046875, "8231": 0.070068359375, "174822": 0.10638427734375, "56465": 0.138427734375, "289": 0.019927978515625, "184345": 0.1961669921875, "23": 0.0200042724609375, "60264": 0.16943359375, "678": 0.0199432373046875, "4000": 0.1258544921875, "538": 0.0200653076171875, "175961": 0.1607666015625, "148734": 0.2095947265625, "141": 0.1141357421875, "27968": 0.2001953125, "191607": 0.1280517578125, "479": 0.1214599609375, "134364": 0.1806640625, "13": 0.0200347900390625, "290": 0.056915283203125, "432": 0.053070068359375, "38446": 0.107421875, "106864": 0.12396240234375, "441": 0.0012683868408203125, "20503": 0.2320556640625, "9624": 0.04718017578125, "21937": 0.1357421875, "38750": 0.1400146484375, "7": 0.0200958251953125, "113054": 0.05841064453125, "297": 0.020172119140625, "1295": 0.0199127197265625, "7221": 0.12841796875, "33867": 0.0289154052734375, "125499": 0.1904296875, "509": 0.0200347900390625, "54015": 0.10736083984375, "3674": 0.0201416015625, "23113": 0.11236572265625, "73": 0.018951416015625, "9": 0.02001953125, "55923": 0.0595703125, "4": 0.02001953125, "121": 0.0224609375, "58871": 0.131103515625, "55720": 0.036407470703125, "69819": 0.019927978515625, "40140": 0.08782958984375, "18241": 0.0200958251953125, "17368": 0.017730712890625, "11948": 0.047332763671875, "156881": 0.099609375, "10763": 0.0201416015625, "3542": 0.0200042724609375, "72350": 0.09716796875, "71": 0.019927978515625, "2773": 0.0592041015625, "6032": 0.020050048828125, "39531": 0.0838623046875, "184": 0.019989013671875, "59478": 0.0181884765625, "27160": 0.0875244140625, "121293": 0.0711669921875, "132539": 0.041656494140625, "390": 0.020050048828125, "43766": 0.037567138671875, "1430": 0.00920867919921875, "6133": 0.01922607421875, "1294": 0.0200042724609375, "360": 0.02001953125, "279": 0.07391357421875, "2955": 0.0283660888671875, "96335": 0.051483154296875, "46512": 0.170654296875, "124519": 0.08551025390625, "47": 0.019989013671875, "70": 0.02001953125, "35686": 0.1387939453125, "65572": 0.1278076171875, "10865": 0.051666259765625, "9425": 0.0833740234375, "284": 0.01194000244140625, "15": 0.0200347900390625, "81218": 0.053253173828125, "605": 0.0736083984375, "16": 0.01983642578125, "7103": 0.10675048828125, "193": 0.088134765625, "10541": 0.21435546875, "2320": 0.0201263427734375, "2053": 0.01003265380859375, "106804": 0.002780914306640625, "450": 0.02032470703125, "70425": 0.1484375, "60875": 0.0006623268127441406, "109622": 0.0201263427734375, "57553": 0.140869140625, "57412": 0.1822509765625, "456": 0.033233642578125, "64240": 0.1484375, "6620": 0.0201416015625, "1902": 0.0187225341796875, "207583": 0.057464599609375, "77546": 0.1390380859375, "111": 0.02001953125, "3501": 0.0198974609375, "8382": 0.0196075439453125, "15490": 0.076904296875, "2856": 0.018829345703125, "683": 0.0194091796875, "4426": 0.01922607421875, "89678": 0.05712890625, "43317": 0.106689453125, "10": 0.019927978515625, "88551": 0.043914794921875, "24491": 0.09564208984375, "16106": 0.0860595703125, "57860": 0.02001953125, "294": 0.0197906494140625, "29518": 0.0005121231079101562, "41527": 0.1314697265625, "26": 0.0272674560546875, "63863": 0.0255279541015625, "12": 0.02008056640625, "6": 0.02001953125, "121254": 0.030548095703125, "4235": 0.036956787109375, "2203": 0.0199737548828125, "37509": 0.06597900390625, "85520": 0.0205078125, "581": 0.018585205078125, "11192": 0.07867431640625, "15044": 0.0006241798400878906, "92319": 0.1312255859375, "32087": 0.10614013671875, "218018": 0.1947021484375, "154186": 0.0199432373046875, "3789": 0.019989013671875, "21115": 0.04498291015625, "171074": 0.08831787109375, "9199": 0.09112548828125, "1745": 0.0199737548828125, "159454": 0.1768798828125, "51514": 0.020111083984375, "615": 0.019775390625, "9323": 0.0179290771484375, "1104": 0.018798828125, "1662": 0.005336761474609375, "5": 0.0200347900390625, "109168": 0.03070068359375, "21373": 0.02655029296875, "103510": 0.0985107421875, "42459": 0.0171661376953125, "1543": 0.049530029296875, "186": 0.02001953125, "17914": 0.048675537109375, "39746": 0.11224365234375, "7154": 0.0199432373046875, "127298": 0.0142059326171875, "22231": 0.0855712890625, "1916": 0.02032470703125, "127966": 0.17626953125, "313": 0.0028705596923828125}
Evaluating the impact of pharmacists in mental health: a systematic review.
Efforts to improve the outcomes of patients with mental illness often have involved incorporating the skills of a variety of health care professionals into collaborative care models. For over 30 years, clinical pharmacists have contributed to these care models in capacities ranging from educator to consultant to provider. This systematic review evaluates the quantity and quality of medical literature examining the impact of pharmacists in mental health from 1972-2003. Although we identified approximately 35 publications describing the roles of clinical pharmacists in this regard, only 16 were of sufficient scientific rigor to permit evaluation and comparison. The 16 studies were divided equally between inpatient and outpatient settings and were conducted in a variety of health care organizations (e.g., Veterans Administration, health maintenance organizations, community mental health clinics, and nursing homes). Nine of the studies examined the role of pharmacists in providing treatment recommendations and patient education, five featured pharmacists as providers (with prescriptive authority), and the remaining two described the impact pharmacists have in delivering education to the psychiatric staff. Six of the 16 studies were prospective, but only three of these incorporated a randomization procedure for patients or facilities. Collectively, the results of the 16 studies were positive, demonstrating improvements in outcomes, prescribing practices, patient satisfaction, and resource use. Unfortunately, most of the investigations were small, and significant limitations in study design limited further comparison. Given the long history and anecdotal success of pharmacists in mental health care settings, additional multicenter cost-effectiveness trials are warranted to further support the role of the psychiatric pharmacist.
{"14467": 0.01560211181640625, "17883": 0.1009521484375, "47": 0.02264404296875, "52295": 0.1826171875, "184345": 0.204345703125, "7": 0.02203369140625, "60264": 0.1568603515625, "678": 0.0670166015625, "13893": 0.2568359375, "202711": 0.1551513671875, "27983": 0.0640869140625, "765": 0.0335693359375, "75412": 0.044830322265625, "49504": 0.11859130859375, "70": 0.02197265625, "59376": 0.1912841796875, "111": 0.03289794921875, "10": 0.0218505859375, "96551": 0.106201171875, "16227": 0.2330322265625, "517": 0.1787109375, "50582": 0.133544921875, "3934": 0.019317626953125, "57119": 0.1495361328125, "4935": 0.020904541015625, "115774": 0.216796875, "1326": 0.0254058837890625, "645": 0.03759765625, "496": 0.156982421875, "5369": 0.0823974609375, "4": 0.0220489501953125, "56465": 0.250732421875, "289": 0.0216522216796875, "6": 0.0220184326171875, "163414": 0.298583984375, "10794": 0.22607421875, "933": 0.154296875, "162466": 0.155517578125, "71": 0.0220489501953125, "6097": 0.0229034423828125, "23": 0.093505859375, "139049": 0.1571044921875, "31075": 0.021820068359375, "17163": 0.0197296142578125, "214": 0.022003173828125, "1295": 0.0210113525390625, "29574": 0.1416015625, "1290": 0.01983642578125, "129275": 0.1141357421875, "81450": 0.2054443359375, "3293": 0.006824493408203125, "242161": 0.161376953125, "8347": 0.136474609375, "151575": 0.114990234375, "90": 0.0220184326171875, "102134": 0.0777587890625, "939": 0.0218963623046875, "136": 0.021881103515625, "31897": 0.1630859375, "29874": 0.151611328125, "163136": 0.1837158203125, "42276": 0.06640625, "24725": 0.234619140625, "29172": 0.1741943359375, "9": 0.0218963623046875, "34498": 0.2127685546875, "106073": 0.0035228729248046875, "207487": 0.07708740234375, "189275": 0.0079498291015625, "2273": 0.14794921875, "104345": 0.18603515625, "28852": 0.15576171875, "23709": 0.022003173828125, "31486": 0.213623046875, "903": 0.0203399658203125, "4734": 0.02655029296875, "611": 0.176025390625, "3542": 0.02203369140625, "129980": 0.0853271484375, "57456": 0.11651611328125, "75992": 0.1268310546875, "28897": 0.06597900390625, "219836": 0.1644287109375, "225490": 0.1717529296875, "96335": 0.1961669921875, "101637": 0.06817626953125, "105950": 0.0194244384765625, "538": 0.0220947265625, "17721": 0.0202484130859375, "170250": 0.159912109375, "1810": 0.05810546875, "53550": 0.0233917236328125, "55080": 0.05706787109375, "297": 0.0220489501953125, "53702": 0.13916015625, "15": 0.02197265625, "13": 0.021820068359375, "5": 0.0221099853515625, "177": 0.0161895751953125, "165079": 0.139892578125, "141888": 0.02362060546875, "121097": 0.052154541015625, "26908": 0.00128936767578125, "1649": 0.0001838207244873047, "6953": 0.0220489501953125, "1520": 0.11639404296875, "86": 0.00850677490234375, "160477": 0.061737060546875, "101904": 0.068359375, "39734": 0.08734130859375, "209236": 0.146484375, "37896": 0.09918212890625, "53019": 0.1575927734375, "43606": 0.10186767578125, "60213": 0.054412841796875, "237": 0.021728515625, "76228": 0.0217742919921875, "479": 0.060150146484375, "32032": 0.157958984375, "5844": 0.022125244140625, "180210": 0.1590576171875, "247": 0.0218353271484375, "47143": 0.0030422210693359375, "6626": 0.01873779296875, "151552": 0.04058837890625, "75060": 0.0860595703125, "137784": 0.190673828125, "1771": 0.0218048095703125, "23082": 0.07763671875, "84247": 0.08892822265625, "109736": 0.1270751953125, "1284": 0.0032196044921875, "17262": 0.033782958984375, "3674": 0.0219879150390625, "96759": 0.124267578125, "47691": 0.0219268798828125, "50491": 0.03607177734375, "100": 0.021820068359375, "707": 0.01739501953125, "135094": 0.008941650390625, "138521": 0.01490020751953125, "50339": 0.035980224609375, "24491": 0.154541015625, "106804": 0.013641357421875, "136912": 0.1942138671875, "61823": 0.0258941650390625, "449": 0.021942138671875, "152796": 0.146728515625, "177953": 0.0885009765625, "4527": 0.0219879150390625, "185397": 0.028106689453125, "2684": 0.0125732421875, "145456": 0.10406494140625, "19336": 0.080322265625, "88551": 0.021820068359375, "205969": 0.1357421875, "35187": 0.0828857421875, "4331": 0.1513671875, "84046": 0.0176849365234375, "53333": 0.023284912109375, "19": 0.02197265625, "4989": 0.01904296875, "32692": 0.034088134765625, "246": 0.0219268798828125, "1803": 0.0220184326171875, "36272": 0.07916259765625, "78301": 0.061065673828125, "6024": 0.050506591796875, "30090": 0.108642578125, "11034": 0.08203125, "171760": 0.08575439453125, "7432": 0.0193328857421875, "110324": 0.1739501953125, "621": 0.0218963623046875, "183594": 0.07269287109375, "8060": 0.0821533203125, "318": 0.026611328125, "271": 0.0226287841796875}
Multicenter phase II study of lapatinib in patients with brain metastases from HER2-positive breast cancer.
PURPOSE Brain metastases develop in one third of patients with advanced HER2+ breast cancer. Effective therapy for patients with central nervous system (CNS) progression after cranial radiation is extremely limited and represents a major clinical challenge. Lapatinib, an epidermal growth factor receptor/HER2 inhibitor, was associated with regressions of CNS lesions in a small phase 2 trial. The current study was done to further evaluate the CNS activity of lapatinib. The study was later amended to allow patients who progressed on lapatinib the option of receiving lapatinib plus capecitabine. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN Eligible patients had HER2+ breast cancer, progressive brain metastases, prior trastuzumab, and cranial radiotherapy. The primary end point was CNS objective response, defined as >or=50% volumetric reduction of CNS lesion(s) in the absence of increasing steroid use, progressive neurologic signs and symptoms, or progressive extra-CNS disease. RESULTS Two-hundred and forty-two patients entered the study. CNS objective responses to lapatinib were observed in 6% of patients. In an exploratory analysis, 21% of patients experienced a >or=20% volumetric reduction in their CNS lesions. An association was observed between volumetric reduction and improvement in progression-free survival and neurologic signs and symptoms. Of the 50 evaluable patients who entered the lapatinib plus capecitabine extension, 20% experienced a CNS objective response and 40% experienced a >or=20% volumetric reduction in their CNS lesions. CONCLUSIONS This study confirms the modest CNS antitumor activity of lapatinib. Additional responses were observed with the combination of lapatinib and capecitabine. Further studies of lapatinib-based regimens for CNS metastases from HER2+ breast cancer are warranted.
{"68760": 0.099853515625, "91383": 0.08135986328125, "6163": 0.13720703125, "73": 0.05499267578125, "109156": 0.1439208984375, "1073": 0.12939453125, "90": 0.0211944580078125, "85493": 0.08935546875, "23": 0.02215576171875, "50960": 0.103271484375, "111": 0.0221405029296875, "60264": 0.1171875, "175961": 0.0892333984375, "44714": 0.1572265625, "304": 0.14990234375, "1328": 0.16259765625, "57262": 0.164306640625, "27968": 0.1387939453125, "216741": 0.0733642578125, "6": 0.0216217041015625, "106864": 0.14208984375, "100": 0.020477294921875, "9879": 0.09991455078125, "11066": 0.0684814453125, "13048": 0.113037109375, "5426": 0.08013916015625, "15": 0.01593017578125, "22479": 0.2255859375, "16": 0.02203369140625, "187735": 0.1207275390625, "7103": 0.021728515625, "26372": 0.1600341796875, "289": 0.0222320556640625, "4567": 0.1173095703125, "2320": 0.0214080810546875, "83": 0.0214691162109375, "111531": 0.04278564453125, "84046": 0.0880126953125, "136": 0.022186279296875, "33636": 0.023956298828125, "7": 0.022308349609375, "10": 0.0220489501953125, "13036": 0.049072265625, "56465": 0.0604248046875, "66801": 0.10711669921875, "239": 0.1326904296875, "10974": 0.205810546875, "93": 0.192138671875, "275": 0.18701171875, "142": 0.02203369140625, "25277": 0.0291595458984375, "820": 0.0794677734375, "2749": 0.0215911865234375, "75678": 0.120849609375, "31461": 0.087646484375, "137376": 0.1458740234375, "94940": 0.163330078125, "173702": 0.1666259765625, "1290": 0.0211944580078125, "4": 0.0223236083984375, "509": 0.0220489501953125, "137272": 0.07794189453125, "678": 0.021942138671875, "45167": 0.1312255859375, "63239": 0.0213470458984375, "313": 0.056182861328125, "199": 0.0814208984375, "17514": 0.051910400390625, "19336": 0.08587646484375, "93402": 0.069091796875, "116": 0.05657958984375, "110324": 0.11505126953125, "581": 0.0218963623046875, "43581": 0.010406494140625, "35187": 0.06805419921875, "16940": 0.02032470703125, "47": 0.0218048095703125, "151575": 0.02008056640625, "13": 0.022186279296875, "70": 0.0221099853515625, "103488": 0.09600830078125, "21": 0.09649658203125, "37938": 0.0679931640625, "48141": 0.02215576171875, "2750": 0.0213623046875, "42658": 0.0966796875, "297": 0.0222015380859375, "98": 0.016693115234375, "35829": 0.042266845703125, "217063": 0.060791015625, "1001": 0.0426025390625, "3540": 0.0919189453125, "30483": 0.1304931640625, "46187": 0.14599609375, "46565": 0.07342529296875, "33827": 0.022125244140625, "7842": 0.0221405029296875, "223188": 0.1263427734375, "7883": 0.09124755859375, "2661": 0.0222015380859375, "161838": 0.09796142578125, "78574": 0.19091796875, "41928": 0.035675048828125, "5848": 0.036468505859375, "31342": 0.0828857421875, "316": 0.0640869140625, "2055": 0.11224365234375, "5977": 0.11138916015625, "158978": 0.06903076171875, "3564": 0.11737060546875, "6275": 0.06695556640625, "151814": 0.24609375, "57553": 0.1595458984375, "61924": 0.039642333984375, "71": 0.02227783203125, "237": 0.0221710205078125, "748": 0.022064208984375, "1369": 0.02215576171875, "47501": 0.11798095703125, "21950": 0.12890625, "62233": 0.0222625732421875, "456": 0.08837890625, "77391": 0.131591796875, "1830": 0.03143310546875, "132": 0.01544189453125, "112199": 0.01078033447265625, "118055": 0.0217437744140625, "109049": 0.10699462890625, "4527": 0.0185089111328125, "171134": 0.1060791015625, "238": 0.022125244140625, "153698": 0.004932403564453125, "4173": 0.060546875, "9": 0.02227783203125, "441": 0.00586700439453125, "70997": 0.019927978515625, "218849": 0.026397705078125, "294": 0.021697998046875, "66456": 0.052093505859375, "2822": 0.022064208984375, "939": 0.021514892578125, "55547": 0.0596923828125, "30957": 0.05352783203125, "3542": 0.0220947265625, "139999": 0.03778076171875, "91739": 0.0845947265625, "360": 0.02191162109375, "64222": 0.01212310791015625, "31667": 0.0222320556640625, "114137": 0.021881103515625, "174128": 0.0999755859375, "122446": 0.01311492919921875, "51271": 0.07562255859375, "2363": 0.0201416015625, "5": 0.0220489501953125, "893": 0.022064208984375, "125413": 0.11236572265625, "136912": 0.10546875, "32087": 0.06829833984375, "218018": 0.076904296875, "24092": 0.01204681396484375, "6619": 0.0160369873046875, "836": 0.0869140625, "159258": 0.03131103515625, "111938": 0.1322021484375, "12719": 0.0751953125, "24051": 0.08514404296875, "977": 0.0210723876953125, "37486": 0.0207366943359375, "39563": 0.044708251953125, "90097": 0.09674072265625, "2874": 0.09039306640625, "2555": 0.10736083984375, "29117": 0.022125244140625, "14": 0.0221710205078125, "43315": 0.0222320556640625, "162515": 0.09600830078125, "9319": 0.0222015380859375, "96335": 0.01322174072265625, "77007": 0.030120849609375, "63647": 0.08978271484375, "1779": 0.0219879150390625, "621": 0.0206451416015625, "183594": 0.05377197265625}
Control of signaling-mediated clearance of apoptotic cells by the tumor suppressor p53
The inefficient clearance of dying cells can lead to abnormal immune responses, such as unresolved inflammation and autoimmune conditions. We show that tumor suppressor p53 controls signaling-mediated phagocytosis of apoptotic cells through its target, Death Domain1α (DD1α), which suggests that p53 promotes both the proapoptotic pathway and postapoptotic events. DD1α appears to function as an engulfment ligand or receptor that engages in homophilic intermolecular interaction at intercellular junctions of apoptotic cells and macrophages, unlike other typical scavenger receptors that recognize phosphatidylserine on the surface of dead cells. DD1α-deficient mice showed in vivo defects in clearing dying cells, which led to multiple organ damage indicative of immune dysfunction. p53-induced expression of DD1α thus prevents persistence of cell corpses and ensures efficient generation of precise immune responses.
{"23": 0.018768310546875, "24500": 0.1285400390625, "45964": 0.052734375, "34735": 0.2110595703125, "7154": 0.09185791015625, "2160": 0.1436767578125, "214": 0.10809326171875, "38750": 0.2012939453125, "7": 0.0277099609375, "831": 0.072998046875, "37105": 0.12030029296875, "1563": 0.0321044921875, "33176": 0.1483154296875, "43766": 0.206298828125, "13": 0.054412841796875, "57553": 0.165771484375, "86918": 0.0894775390625, "203932": 0.13623046875, "1809": 0.0966796875, "464": 0.08709716796875, "561": 0.11566162109375, "27289": 0.06939697265625, "7639": 0.0389404296875, "57412": 0.2091064453125, "15811": 0.140380859375, "11856": 0.2110595703125, "748": 0.11517333984375, "915": 0.14697265625, "14226": 0.340576171875, "6226": 0.225341796875, "26073": 0.14892578125, "12333": 0.114501953125, "40681": 0.1065673828125, "519": 0.057830810546875, "2408": 0.05657958984375, "1952": 0.067138671875, "164": 0.0312042236328125, "6885": 0.127685546875, "40934": 0.177001953125, "9523": 0.063720703125, "8305": 0.0232086181640625, "30388": 0.205078125, "96719": 0.18017578125, "93702": 0.210693359375, "418": 0.09649658203125, "1445": 0.144287109375, "24057": 0.1922607421875, "42459": 0.0236053466796875, "125568": 0.18701171875, "502": 0.0982666015625, "25395": 0.08544921875, "60875": 0.07952880859375, "7514": 0.07537841796875, "9738": 0.08197021484375, "33554": 0.06732177734375, "188": 0.0809326171875, "47353": 0.097900390625, "135179": 0.05242919921875, "32354": 0.1182861328125, "237": 0.008575439453125, "22": 0.03656005859375, "14306": 0.15576171875, "19881": 0.1441650390625, "2208": 0.09527587890625, "137376": 0.1778564453125, "81810": 0.0367431640625, "12840": 0.052825927734375, "66847": 0.080078125, "182809": 0.10113525390625, "1940": 0.01070404052734375, "8969": 0.05535888671875, "27022": 0.06536865234375, "111789": 0.0118255615234375, "14612": 0.11114501953125, "5062": 0.0175018310546875, "9023": 0.032623291015625, "8216": 0.12005615234375, "12060": 0.0771484375, "125296": 0.08331298828125, "53073": 0.05279541015625, "7008": 0.00521087646484375, "16392": 0.08441162109375, "1459": 0.01117706298828125, "50954": 0.06427001953125, "1212": 0.07501220703125, "71579": 0.09051513671875, "103494": 0.1495361328125, "110410": 0.17822265625, "324": 0.1480712890625, "329": 0.0162353515625, "168360": 0.005619049072265625, "16622": 0.1744384765625, "72104": 0.14990234375, "12441": 0.0129547119140625, "48716": 0.042236328125, "7484": 0.149658203125, "82649": 0.119873046875, "111680": 0.01812744140625, "51634": 0.0199737548828125, "137175": 0.11712646484375, "18442": 0.08966064453125, "125195": 0.1451416015625, "56282": 0.1612548828125, "70560": 0.11590576171875, "50686": 0.10223388671875, "63284": 0.0499267578125, "93766": 0.1397705078125, "58093": 0.0321044921875, "134995": 0.1048583984375}
Circulating tumor DNA as a non-invasive substitute to metastasis biopsy for tumor genotyping and personalized medicine in a prospective trial across all tumor types.
Cell-free tumor DNA (ctDNA) has the potential to enable non-invasive diagnostic tests for personalized medicine in providing similar molecular information as that derived from invasive tumor biopsies. The histology-independent phase II SHIVA trial matches patients with targeted therapeutics based on previous screening of multiple somatic mutations using metastatic biopsies. To evaluate the utility of ctDNA in this trial, as an ancillary study we performed de novo detection of somatic mutations using plasma DNA compared to metastasis biopsies in 34 patients covering 18 different tumor types, scanning 46 genes and more than 6800 COSMIC mutations with a multiplexed next-generation sequencing panel. In 27 patients, 28 of 29 mutations identified in metastasis biopsies (97%) were detected in matched ctDNA. Among these 27 patients, one additional mutation was found in ctDNA only. In the seven other patients, mutation detection from metastasis biopsy failed due to inadequate biopsy material, but was successful in all plasma DNA samples providing three more potential actionable mutations. These results suggest that ctDNA analysis is a potential alternative and/or replacement to analyses using costly, harmful and lengthy tissue biopsies of metastasis, irrespective of cancer type and metastatic site, for multiplexed mutation detection in selecting personalized therapies based on the patient's tumor genetic content.
{"80743": 0.1558837890625, "32087": 0.195068359375, "57412": 0.2374267578125, "27583": 0.28125, "15": 0.01181793212890625, "15390": 0.20263671875, "125903": 0.322021484375, "1556": 0.07708740234375, "70": 0.03057861328125, "38516": 0.2244873046875, "47": 0.03070068359375, "22": 0.08392333984375, "2886": 0.1260986328125, "351": 0.1346435546875, "9": 0.0308074951171875, "73": 0.033538818359375, "330": 0.11053466796875, "29888": 0.0298004150390625, "52070": 0.156494140625, "109921": 0.18994140625, "100": 0.02935791015625, "3357": 0.1484375, "29367": 0.0305023193359375, "54411": 0.1519775390625, "101904": 0.065673828125, "21373": 0.09808349609375, "233239": 0.07183837890625, "4677": 0.095458984375, "237": 0.028564453125, "450": 0.0286712646484375, "16406": 0.0084686279296875, "4126": 0.0305633544921875, "1295": 0.0193939208984375, "116000": 0.1278076171875, "272": 0.0288848876953125, "3530": 0.0872802734375, "15759": 0.1414794921875, "90": 0.0306854248046875, "1919": 0.06378173828125, "25443": 0.063720703125, "181063": 0.1529541015625, "93402": 0.1295166015625, "1995": 0.1871337890625, "18883": 0.16015625, "44089": 0.27880859375, "110324": 0.2283935546875, "14858": 0.16259765625, "60264": 0.1617431640625, "30388": 0.16796875, "297": 0.030975341796875, "6": 0.0305328369140625, "126472": 0.1600341796875, "35509": 0.0138397216796875, "98": 0.03057861328125, "96362": 0.0684814453125, "180975": 0.1405029296875, "111": 0.0307159423828125, "48716": 0.1353759765625, "221": 0.135986328125, "47148": 0.1522216796875, "199334": 0.256591796875, "7": 0.0307464599609375, "17368": 0.053802490234375, "23550": 0.10394287109375, "201939": 0.166259765625, "151575": 0.07098388671875, "13": 0.0307159423828125, "19537": 0.142822265625, "939": 0.030426025390625, "108963": 0.2322998046875, "23": 0.030609130859375, "4": 0.0306549072265625, "142": 0.0305633544921875, "121226": 0.10015869140625, "1294": 0.0305938720703125, "35187": 0.052581787109375, "51339": 0.042449951171875, "8": 0.048431396484375, "5474": 0.11175537109375, "149": 0.1470947265625, "58994": 0.04296875, "80796": 0.17138671875, "154186": 0.035858154296875, "435": 0.158935546875, "6131": 0.1767578125, "6023": 0.09674072265625, "4442": 0.1319580078125, "29256": 0.087158203125, "214": 0.030670166015625, "543": 0.126953125, "12921": 0.038116455078125, "52895": 0.1710205078125, "44954": 0.10601806640625, "592": 0.03076171875, "7621": 0.1358642578125, "22293": 0.1224365234375, "136": 0.0305328369140625, "1286": 0.048919677734375, "3501": 0.0307464599609375, "305": 0.03399658203125, "10253": 0.1661376953125, "95838": 0.1033935546875, "135775": 0.12060546875, "678": 0.02923583984375, "10": 0.0306396484375, "425": 0.0819091796875, "11737": 0.056304931640625, "48281": 0.0877685546875, "1363": 0.0306396484375, "60636": 0.0302734375, "16138": 0.11358642578125, "1438": 0.1900634765625, "1372": 0.1722412109375, "1702": 0.195068359375, "207487": 0.0947265625, "14427": 0.1619873046875, "16": 0.0306854248046875, "3542": 0.0307159423828125, "96391": 0.1761474609375, "2022": 0.0305633544921875, "4021": 0.0174560546875, "6097": 0.0211029052734375, "1632": 0.04266357421875, "78301": 0.09759521484375, "509": 0.030731201171875, "14037": 0.1090087890625, "4734": 0.0648193359375, "360": 0.0275421142578125, "59671": 0.08746337890625, "3789": 0.0221710205078125, "51775": 0.107177734375, "165523": 0.1363525390625, "134588": 0.091796875, "67": 0.030731201171875, "4912": 0.0362548828125, "65771": 0.12249755859375, "121413": 0.0283660888671875, "17262": 0.078857421875, "22631": 0.03448486328125, "42459": 0.0301361083984375, "114137": 0.1939697265625, "30700": 0.145751953125, "64": 0.00147247314453125, "748": 0.0298309326171875, "91995": 0.0850830078125, "674": 0.0306854248046875, "51422": 0.1431884765625, "11034": 0.04876708984375, "538": 0.03057861328125, "182": 0.072265625, "39": 0.0306854248046875, "7844": 0.0308074951171875, "140909": 0.01904296875, "53": 0.0305328369140625, "108055": 0.06268310546875, "193": 0.0301513671875, "5844": 0.0307159423828125, "27968": 0.11676025390625, "10644": 0.09405517578125, "1764": 0.0151214599609375, "36849": 0.04241943359375, "88562": 0.130859375, "37896": 0.06640625, "25": 0.03057861328125, "101412": 0.099365234375, "10941": 0.0467529296875}
TGF-beta suppresses tumor progression in colon cancer by inhibition of IL-6 trans-signaling.
Alterations of TGF-beta signaling have been described in colorectal cancer, although the molecular consequences are largely unknown. By using transgenic mice overexpressing TGF-beta or a dominant-negative TGF-betaRII, we demonstrate that TGF-beta signaling in tumor infiltrating T lymphocytes controls the growth of dysplastic epithelial cells in experimental colorectal cancer, as determined by histology and a novel system for high-resolution chromoendoscopy. At the molecular level, TGF-beta signaling in T cells regulated STAT-3 activation in tumor cells via IL-6. IL-6 signaling required tumor cell-derived soluble IL-6R rather than membrane bound IL-6R and suppression of such TGF-beta-dependent IL-6 trans-signaling prevented tumor progression in vivo. Taken together, our data provide novel insights into TGF-beta signaling in colorectal cancer and suggest novel therapeutic approaches for colorectal cancer based on inhibition of TGF-beta-dependent IL-6 trans-signaling.
{"39176": 0.1641845703125, "21094": 0.038177490234375, "384": 0.1781005859375, "79035": 0.30859375, "9": 0.021759033203125, "59865": 0.305908203125, "26073": 0.249755859375, "214": 0.14013671875, "151552": 0.08416748046875, "23": 0.014251708984375, "56343": 0.181396484375, "238": 0.1353759765625, "1803": 0.1285400390625, "27968": 0.1922607421875, "4": 0.01093292236328125, "233239": 0.10601806640625, "212678": 0.1485595703125, "621": 0.0102081298828125, "538": 0.0107574462890625, "51": 0.03564453125, "69723": 0.1220703125, "19": 0.0108489990234375, "3311": 0.006954193115234375, "17368": 0.10430908203125, "3900": 0.1539306640625, "429": 0.1385498046875, "6402": 0.0276031494140625, "324": 0.1568603515625, "329": 0.08001708984375, "645": 0.1263427734375, "136091": 0.1622314453125, "707": 0.0242156982421875, "73944": 0.1513671875, "3331": 0.1363525390625, "16625": 0.12152099609375, "568": 0.10797119140625, "106804": 0.06451416015625, "57412": 0.2335205078125, "210751": 0.207275390625, "1916": 0.05462646484375, "238757": 0.15234375, "31": 0.01003265380859375, "2408": 0.089111328125, "1636": 0.006336212158203125, "6226": 0.219970703125, "7": 0.01088714599609375, "70": 0.0108489990234375, "75678": 0.178466796875, "111": 0.01096343994140625, "51634": 0.07000732421875, "72325": 0.1302490234375, "1771": 0.01084136962890625, "25277": 0.044281005859375, "2347": 0.10003662109375, "289": 0.01058197021484375, "38750": 0.1649169921875, "195935": 0.1715087890625, "237": 0.0096588134765625, "83324": 0.01410675048828125, "71": 0.01088714599609375, "390": 0.0108184814453125, "1919": 0.076904296875, "18": 0.0106201171875, "25443": 0.01065826416015625, "136": 0.01021575927734375, "10": 0.01061248779296875, "21261": 0.08074951171875, "5426": 0.0927734375, "100": 0.01062774658203125, "11192": 0.0462646484375, "166589": 0.1409912109375, "17656": 0.0298004150390625, "306": 0.01953125, "4017": 0.10992431640625, "137366": 0.1392822265625, "1913": 0.00980377197265625, "17366": 0.053009033203125, "15913": 0.217529296875, "3674": 0.00498199462890625, "144792": 0.15234375, "8316": 0.1661376953125, "34704": 0.1397705078125, "1363": 0.01078033447265625, "1829": 0.07281494140625, "30219": 0.131103515625, "13545": 0.2159423828125, "56065": 0.11962890625, "820": 0.01204681396484375, "14": 0.01068115234375, "4126": 0.010833740234375, "31563": 0.13623046875, "2661": 0.010528564453125, "1052": 0.07611083984375, "43257": 0.04437255859375, "3501": 0.01009368896484375, "107834": 0.0772705078125, "13": 0.01099395751953125, "99091": 0.132080078125, "15811": 0.090087890625, "48448": 0.097412109375, "6044": 0.0029277801513671875, "181063": 0.1431884765625, "165992": 0.1778564453125, "56282": 0.1715087890625, "297": 0.0098724365234375, "187735": 0.1539306640625, "16622": 0.188720703125, "2561": 0.00959014892578125, "33": 0.01097869873046875, "25842": 0.0256500244140625, "2053": 0.057403564453125, "149201": 0.08544921875, "42459": 0.048553466796875, "6": 0.01091766357421875, "126472": 0.1190185546875, "51515": 0.083984375, "90": 0.01087188720703125, "35509": 0.0294189453125, "98": 0.010894775390625, "173702": 0.1446533203125}
New opportunities: the use of nanotechnologies to manipulate and track stem cells.
Nanotechnologies are emerging platforms that could be useful in measuring, understanding, and manipulating stem cells. Examples include magnetic nanoparticles and quantum dots for stem cell labeling and in vivo tracking; nanoparticles, carbon nanotubes, and polyplexes for the intracellular delivery of genes/oligonucleotides and protein/peptides; and engineered nanometer-scale scaffolds for stem cell differentiation and transplantation. This review examines the use of nanotechnologies for stem cell tracking, differentiation, and transplantation. We further discuss their utility and the potential concerns regarding their cytotoxicity.
{"101673": 0.25537109375, "166364": 0.303466796875, "7": 0.1322021484375, "621": 0.0506591796875, "50419": 0.1258544921875, "9966": 0.08135986328125, "13651": 0.208740234375, "450": 0.0015134811401367188, "5809": 0.125732421875, "80234": 0.171142578125, "23": 0.01093292236328125, "163": 0.10235595703125, "162": 0.12017822265625, "53089": 0.047821044921875, "100094": 0.120361328125, "136": 0.07666015625, "45258": 0.1666259765625, "1916": 0.01544189453125, "36418": 0.2093505859375, "38750": 0.2083740234375, "89536": 0.13525390625, "99726": 0.0501708984375, "26698": 0.02166748046875, "214706": 0.1622314453125, "71819": 0.25390625, "15866": 0.1602783203125, "66695": 0.096435546875, "110436": 0.1231689453125, "54": 0.131103515625, "933": 0.06329345703125, "100": 0.06707763671875, "67967": 0.1781005859375, "214": 0.0721435546875, "16622": 0.1702880859375, "28560": 0.2283935546875, "44603": 0.120849609375, "70485": 0.1956787109375, "4": 0.0081939697265625, "35874": 0.08575439453125, "44974": 0.1392822265625, "90": 0.00853729248046875, "70": 0.008209228515625, "18440": 0.050140380859375, "8969": 0.08782958984375, "117989": 0.09716796875, "111": 0.0082855224609375, "22293": 0.08172607421875, "64": 0.02789306640625, "5674": 0.0210418701171875, "6126": 0.004055023193359375, "34": 0.00010478496551513672, "11030": 0.0212249755859375, "17996": 0.0186004638671875, "21308": 0.04736328125, "17332": 0.06951904296875, "988": 0.00847625732421875, "185118": 0.062744140625, "297": 0.0081329345703125, "29089": 0.180908203125, "9": 0.007656097412109375, "57965": 0.1263427734375, "9023": 0.003849029541015625, "2407": 0.07281494140625, "42822": 0.10882568359375, "99710": 0.15673828125, "2320": 0.0079193115234375, "116192": 0.1611328125, "3293": 0.0306243896484375, "8347": 0.143310546875, "160477": 0.071533203125, "4527": 0.1309814453125, "53333": 0.02545166015625, "45252": 0.057281494140625, "2363": 0.042999267578125, "19537": 0.1607666015625, "38516": 0.08074951171875, "50509": 0.08892822265625, "118861": 0.0018453598022460938, "19932": 0.06292724609375, "188": 0.0634765625, "74735": 0.2310791015625, "2481": 0.0229644775390625}
The emergence of order in the Drosophila pupal retina.
During pupation, long-range order is imposed on the autonomously developing ommatidia which compose the Drosophila eye. To accomplish this, eight additional cell types arise: the primary, secondary, and tertiary pigment cells, and the four cells that form the bristle. These cells form an interweaving lattice between ommatidia. The lattice is refined when excess cells are removed to bring neighboring ommatidia into register. Recent evidence suggests that in larval development, local contacts direct cell fate. The same appears to be true during pupal development: the contacts a cell makes predict the cell type it will become. Cells which contact the anterior or posterior cone cells in an ommatidium invariably become primary pigment cells. Cells which contact primary pigment cells from different ommatidia become secondary and tertiary pigment cells. Bristle development is in several ways distinct from ommatidial development. The four cells of each bristle group appear to be immediate descendents of a single founder cell. During their early differentiation, they do not make stereotyped contacts with surrounding ommatidial cells, but do make particular contacts within the bristle group. And unlike the surrounding ommatidia, differentiation of the bristles radiates from the center of the eye to the edges. As cells are removed during two stages of programmed cell death, the bristles are brought into their final position. When all cells in the lattice have achieved their final position, a second stage of retinal development begins as structures specific to each cell type are produced. This paper follows these various stages of pupal development, and suggests how local cell-cell contacts may produce the cells needed for a functional retina.
{"133698": 0.144287109375, "58266": 0.239013671875, "2320": 0.148681640625, "4989": 0.0302734375, "94250": 0.156982421875, "12989": 0.1942138671875, "566": 0.048797607421875, "144429": 0.07366943359375, "58963": 0.137451171875, "168698": 0.1546630859375, "171": 0.1632080078125, "16476": 0.1810302734375, "3390": 0.164794921875, "150350": 0.1026611328125, "1773": 0.09136962890625, "6781": 0.131103515625, "66847": 0.25439453125, "11": 0.1241455078125, "36298": 0.2286376953125, "163846": 0.046875, "136659": 0.1492919921875, "78301": 0.1300048828125, "38750": 0.2325439453125, "52895": 0.249755859375, "58944": 0.0858154296875, "158978": 0.1669921875, "37526": 0.12158203125, "169152": 0.16064453125, "50981": 0.246337890625, "22759": 0.1331787109375, "3173": 0.1016845703125, "117181": 0.2049560546875, "133": 0.1776123046875, "1940": 0.07537841796875, "1177": 0.113037109375, "6496": 0.07611083984375, "10495": 0.123046875, "24494": 0.202392578125, "17721": 0.09527587890625, "18831": 0.12646484375, "89978": 0.1163330078125, "184750": 0.1396484375, "208244": 0.0936279296875, "68067": 0.11279296875, "77950": 0.005443572998046875, "42459": 0.005527496337890625, "320": 0.10015869140625, "1405": 0.1270751953125, "34754": 0.20263671875, "4000": 0.1494140625, "5470": 0.2174072265625, "8951": 0.144287109375, "87714": 0.166748046875, "135179": 0.0079498291015625, "29568": 0.0277557373046875, "20271": 0.0897216796875, "289": 0.158935546875, "30482": 0.006977081298828125, "92054": 0.167236328125, "10644": 0.2032470703125, "24209": 0.049530029296875, "80743": 0.1961669921875, "14798": 0.1094970703125, "707": 0.0061798095703125, "39225": 0.15966796875, "158": 0.10369873046875, "28483": 0.1334228515625, "21690": 0.057586669921875, "12921": 0.066650390625, "136": 0.005031585693359375, "15640": 0.129150390625, "271": 0.1278076171875, "40368": 0.006683349609375, "117781": 0.149169921875, "1295": 0.0298614501953125, "428": 0.07110595703125, "12638": 0.027099609375, "21115": 0.155029296875, "108975": 0.047576904296875, "168894": 0.08984375, "60887": 0.1024169921875, "11001": 0.080322265625, "14037": 0.10321044921875, "39395": 0.03411865234375, "99710": 0.1767578125, "174326": 0.1162109375, "206990": 0.0804443359375, "1577": 0.0982666015625, "4567": 0.107177734375, "27585": 0.10223388671875, "121303": 0.132080078125, "6626": 0.020111083984375, "36541": 0.147705078125, "26693": 0.13623046875, "47219": 0.1072998046875, "91048": 0.00856781005859375, "2704": 0.0823974609375, "19069": 0.0941162109375, "756": 0.0308837890625, "69307": 0.0096282958984375, "17932": 0.044677734375, "119256": 0.1669921875, "9842": 0.0022068023681640625, "45646": 0.0670166015625, "29458": 0.0362548828125, "181653": 0.0618896484375, "15122": 0.033203125, "67842": 0.0237884521484375, "34680": 0.0799560546875, "1543": 0.0139617919921875, "27489": 0.06561279296875, "44841": 0.07342529296875, "123309": 0.0850830078125}
Gene expression analysis by cDNA microarray in oral squamous cell carcinoma.
BACKGROUND Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is common type of human cancer, but little is known about the molecular mechanisms deciding on this malignancy. Comprehensive gene expression profiling is essential for understanding OSCC. METHODS cDNA microarray was used to analyze expression patterns of 16 617 genes in nine OSCC patients. RESULTS Forty-seven genes with altered expression among all cases were extracted. The ontology of these 47 genes was classified into 10 categories. To validate the microarray data, the expression of genes, including TGFBI, FADD and DUSP1 was analyzed by reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). By hierarchical clustering analysis, the nine cases were divided into two clusters. CONCLUSIONS The 47 genes are suggested as having a functional significance in oral squamous cell carcinogenesis. It is also suggested that the gene expression patterns by hierarchical clustering analysis can represent degrees of differentiation. The postoperative recovery was uneventful and patients free from tumor after surgery. In the future, on the occasion when the time comes that the number of cases accumulated for microarray increases and each case is observed more over a long-term, these data of 5-year survival rate will be added. Thereby, it will become possible to represent the malignancy of OSCC by these gene expression patterns.
{"8678": 0.0625, "20572": 0.044036865234375, "136498": 0.0880126953125, "145523": 0.25634765625, "91": 0.0760498046875, "20538": 0.2509765625, "10821": 0.0928955078125, "38750": 0.18896484375, "2258": 0.122802734375, "44924": 0.152587890625, "192": 0.0797119140625, "7285": 0.169921875, "13709": 0.264404296875, "83": 0.0003616809844970703, "39210": 0.1370849609375, "10644": 0.1314697265625, "14135": 0.07830810546875, "27968": 0.1744384765625, "10176": 0.06292724609375, "51529": 0.0994873046875, "233239": 0.07232666015625, "191619": 0.1126708984375, "37476": 0.11663818359375, "903": 0.04742431640625, "186470": 0.1317138671875, "66": 0.084716796875, "142158": 0.031463623046875, "3220": 0.04437255859375, "22293": 0.2042236328125, "125195": 0.2025146484375, "9468": 0.1920166015625, "214": 0.042938232421875, "85590": 0.1234130859375, "100094": 0.117431640625, "11787": 0.1673583984375, "33677": 0.077880859375, "193792": 0.059967041015625, "501": 0.07098388671875, "125903": 0.2252197265625, "11948": 0.128173828125, "19305": 0.1851806640625, "53": 0.1500244140625, "11814": 0.0391845703125, "7968": 0.1197509765625, "103510": 0.198974609375, "611": 0.11053466796875, "305": 0.11163330078125, "2489": 0.1728515625, "300": 0.15478515625, "60264": 0.135009765625, "218849": 0.0386962890625, "19953": 0.040374755859375, "26301": 0.13037109375, "37264": 0.15771484375, "50218": 0.12066650390625, "125663": 0.137939453125, "3283": 0.149169921875, "25443": 0.154296875, "7657": 0.214111328125, "18507": 0.1495361328125, "209": 0.1251220703125, "39283": 0.2257080078125, "44622": 0.08111572265625, "2053": 0.07452392578125, "384": 0.0012521743774414062, "79035": 0.10943603515625, "16312": 0.1585693359375, "15491": 0.09332275390625, "24057": 0.006496429443359375, "136": 0.0092315673828125, "14614": 0.0723876953125, "9434": 0.1275634765625, "418": 0.0670166015625, "39531": 0.099365234375, "32032": 0.05047607421875, "135545": 0.01837158203125, "121293": 0.0963134765625, "132539": 0.0888671875, "20503": 0.061553955078125, "12233": 0.0271148681640625, "1791": 0.09197998046875, "54689": 0.10211181640625, "234737": 0.188232421875, "114137": 0.10223388671875, "101637": 0.1600341796875, "6626": 0.0908203125, "37486": 0.045684814453125, "42459": 0.04815673828125, "19441": 0.027679443359375, "123309": 0.1553955078125, "12330": 0.11798095703125, "30202": 0.2783203125, "15292": 0.10986328125, "6023": 0.007068634033203125, "831": 0.055023193359375, "33636": 0.1629638671875, "79385": 0.051361083984375, "99710": 0.1607666015625, "1305": 0.06427001953125, "134364": 0.1435546875, "145951": 0.12017822265625, "90141": 0.07879638671875, "4092": 0.10040283203125, "57412": 0.156982421875, "7103": 0.069580078125, "54053": 0.1331787109375, "22690": 0.0628662109375, "183278": 0.00524139404296875, "51312": 0.04931640625, "7225": 0.038330078125, "139999": 0.04522705078125, "8967": 0.08343505859375, "46799": 0.083740234375, "218018": 0.13525390625, "34515": 0.08489990234375, "49814": 0.0953369140625, "1221": 0.01165771484375, "7722": 0.035552978515625, "2408": 0.0140838623046875, "390": 0.004611968994140625}
Risk factors associated with symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux.
BACKGROUND Although patients with gastroesophageal reflux are often instructed to change their lifestyle, population-based data on the risk factors for reflux in the United States are lacking. METHODS We performed a cross-sectional study in an age- and gender-stratified random sample of the population of Olmsted County, Minnesota. Residents aged 25 to 74 years were mailed a valid self-report questionnaire that measured reflux symptoms and potential risk factors. Logistic regression was used to estimate the odds ratios (OR) with 95% confidence intervals (CI) for reflux symptoms (heartburn or acid regurgitation) associated with potential risk factors. RESULTS Overall, 1,524 (72%) of 2,118 eligible subjects responded. A body mass index >30 kg/m2 (OR = 2.8; CI, 1.7 to 4.5), reporting an immediate family member with heartburn or disease of the esophagus or stomach (OR = 2.6; CI, 1.8 to 3.7), a past history of smoking (OR = 1.6; CI, 1.1 to 2.3), consuming more than seven drinks per week (OR = 1.9; Cl, 1.1 to 3.3), and a higher psychosomatic symptom checklist score (OR per 5 units = 1.4; CI, 1.3 to 1.6) were independently associated with frequent (at least weekly) reflux symptoms. CONCLUSION Obesity is a strong risk factor for gastroesophageal reflux, although the value of weight reduction remains to be proven. That family history was also a risk factor suggests that there may be a genetic component to the disorder.
{"8678": 0.066162109375, "20572": 0.04949951171875, "136498": 0.08447265625, "106073": 0.005825042724609375, "60264": 0.149658203125, "678": 0.03216552734375, "83647": 0.1904296875, "90": 0.1812744140625, "2146": 0.175048828125, "126422": 0.1324462890625, "289": 0.06683349609375, "18831": 0.2269287109375, "56219": 0.250732421875, "621": 0.0182647705078125, "27983": 0.0345458984375, "20819": 0.08111572265625, "89829": 0.0184783935546875, "15549": 0.11962890625, "101906": 0.12457275390625, "43904": 0.122314453125, "9": 0.018707275390625, "77007": 0.10498046875, "2053": 0.1357421875, "70": 0.0187835693359375, "10512": 0.24169921875, "120103": 0.206787109375, "100": 0.0191497802734375, "23": 0.0184478759765625, "14098": 0.041961669921875, "46684": 0.0927734375, "21": 0.06610107421875, "41324": 0.0992431640625, "33677": 0.072998046875, "193792": 0.07269287109375, "51339": 0.05072021484375, "10": 0.018768310546875, "41421": 0.0948486328125, "39797": 0.08221435546875, "43315": 0.018524169921875, "35187": 0.120361328125, "142": 0.0187530517578125, "32070": 0.08624267578125, "136": 0.0179443359375, "127501": 0.14453125, "2816": 0.06207275390625, "18": 0.0185089111328125, "47314": 0.018798828125, "96759": 0.0826416015625, "121413": 0.0916748046875, "111": 0.018829345703125, "9295": 0.1346435546875, "39": 0.07830810546875, "14437": 0.20703125, "47064": 0.1373291015625, "186672": 0.1895751953125, "175107": 0.1409912109375, "7": 0.019012451171875, "17704": 0.04705810546875, "714": 0.1561279296875, "47": 0.03436279296875, "15124": 0.1705322265625, "5369": 0.061737060546875, "3542": 0.0187835693359375, "6648": 0.04876708984375, "297": 0.0187225341796875, "35604": 0.06298828125, "15970": 0.1024169921875, "79770": 0.1375732421875, "9655": 0.052459716796875, "76070": 0.01336669921875, "450": 0.0184173583984375, "72350": 0.07421875, "71": 0.0189056396484375, "153698": 0.1265869140625, "38516": 0.1446533203125, "13146": 0.12548828125, "48242": 0.08880615234375, "456": 0.0814208984375, "148448": 0.2054443359375, "509": 0.0170135498046875, "25902": 0.05487060546875, "67": 0.0188751220703125, "103044": 0.2220458984375, "70460": 0.11248779296875, "24638": 0.1300048828125, "16": 0.0187530517578125, "59653": 0.1409912109375, "159454": 0.1627197265625, "51514": 0.07989501953125, "15": 0.018798828125, "17304": 0.037689208984375, "106013": 0.09478759765625, "105236": 0.2022705078125, "707": 0.050079345703125, "43840": 0.1689453125, "6795": 0.1165771484375, "735": 0.016876220703125, "22062": 0.018768310546875, "137272": 0.10015869140625, "218849": 0.06689453125, "294": 0.01678466796875, "9578": 0.01064300537109375, "5584": 0.034576416015625, "4": 0.018951416015625, "10285": 0.02032470703125, "2357": 0.13330078125, "125478": 0.1390380859375, "116538": 0.048736572265625, "1819": 0.11273193359375, "224943": 0.1580810546875, "28368": 0.159912109375, "45739": 0.11883544921875, "14361": 0.18505859375, "46889": 0.1739501953125, "63262": 0.1826171875, "977": 0.0570068359375, "1197": 0.1177978515625, "5279": 0.222412109375, "64": 0.0179443359375, "304": 0.0188140869140625, "2203": 0.01898193359375, "82295": 0.00899505615234375, "74": 0.018768310546875, "26550": 0.10821533203125, "100920": 0.0182342529296875, "60061": 0.016693115234375, "247": 0.0186920166015625, "13416": 0.1019287109375, "214": 0.018768310546875, "168894": 0.11669921875, "14449": 0.1319580078125, "32786": 0.0892333984375, "26498": 0.1292724609375, "70997": 0.05059814453125, "11007": 0.11053466796875, "14612": 0.1317138671875, "14336": 0.0740966796875, "201957": 0.1583251953125, "119326": 0.10595703125, "79875": 0.01593017578125, "36076": 0.010650634765625, "11015": 0.094482421875, "32692": 0.142822265625, "200166": 0.2047119140625, "51748": 0.0189971923828125, "38245": 0.003681182861328125, "59811": 0.01052093505859375, "18588": 0.1033935546875, "1286": 0.01873779296875, "3501": 0.0186614990234375, "59671": 0.06365966796875, "23417": 0.1390380859375, "117": 0.0186614990234375, "5895": 0.081298828125, "313": 0.0164947509765625, "141": 0.0233306884765625, "80308": 0.0091400146484375, "77546": 0.10516357421875, "69982": 0.11590576171875, "991": 0.001682281494140625, "47148": 0.0189208984375, "128668": 0.11199951171875, "6562": 0.0089874267578125, "25072": 0.017181396484375, "48733": 0.0175323486328125, "41491": 0.0184326171875, "41371": 0.0008134841918945312, "538": 0.018829345703125, "103351": 0.11395263671875, "257": 0.018890380859375, "19713": 0.0176239013671875, "22335": 0.02838134765625, "3545": 0.21728515625, "2481": 0.13525390625, "83": 0.053131103515625, "37515": 0.09735107421875, "31461": 0.154052734375, "57888": 0.203369140625, "77391": 0.12200927734375, "47143": 0.044219970703125, "186": 0.0189208984375, "60449": 0.053558349609375, "42459": 0.0194091796875, "2685": 0.0090484619140625, "1543": 0.04998779296875, "101412": 0.20361328125, "82761": 0.10870361328125, "171986": 0.150146484375}
A mathematical investigation of the effects of inhibitor therapy on three putative phosphorylation cascades governing the two-component system of the agr operon.
Two-component systems (TCSs) are widely employed by bacteria to sense specific external signals and conduct an appropriate response via a phosphorylation cascade within the cell. The TCS of the agr operon in the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus forms part of a regulatory process termed quorum sensing, a cell-to-cell communication mechanism used to assess population density. Since S. aureus manipulates this "knowledge" in order to co-ordinate production of its armoury of exotoxin virulence factors required to promote infection, it is important to understand fully how this process works. We present three models of the agr operon, each incorporating a different phosphorylation cascade for the TCS since the precise nature of the cascade is not fully understood. Using numerical and asymptotic techniques we examine the effects of inhibitor therapy, a novel approach to controlling bacterial infection through the attenuation of virulence, on each of these three cascades. We present results which, if evaluated against appropriate experimental data, provide insights into the potential effectiveness of such therapy. Moreover, the TCS models presented here are of broad relevance given that TCSs are widely conserved throughout the bacterial kingdom.
{"32964": 0.18017578125, "277": 0.12200927734375, "54137": 0.224365234375, "76519": 0.1646728515625, "20499": 0.1763916015625, "294": 0.1800537109375, "7": 0.16259765625, "38134": 0.09075927734375, "212423": 0.12030029296875, "152818": 0.2161865234375, "10422": 0.1798095703125, "29458": 0.0899658203125, "173591": 0.11407470703125, "26073": 0.1669921875, "55080": 0.047943115234375, "95307": 0.0823974609375, "57553": 0.11956787109375, "134208": 0.1378173828125, "139006": 0.1458740234375, "53": 0.07354736328125, "57860": 0.043792724609375, "130391": 0.1806640625, "112": 0.13720703125, "28032": 0.1026611328125, "38750": 0.12469482421875, "384": 0.1363525390625, "19283": 0.2384033203125, "10": 0.07318115234375, "3964": 0.199462890625, "17327": 0.248046875, "191": 0.1922607421875, "174855": 0.18310546875, "316": 0.032135009765625, "6512": 0.08380126953125, "34053": 0.113037109375, "55043": 0.02764892578125, "6652": 0.043487548828125, "11680": 0.039794921875, "9090": 0.11077880859375, "19005": 0.1695556640625, "3173": 0.03314208984375, "2831": 0.01451873779296875, "144314": 0.2139892578125, "9433": 0.09674072265625, "91659": 0.218994140625, "12006": 0.181884765625, "214": 0.0802001953125, "188": 0.0784912109375, "34680": 0.09576416015625, "36398": 0.13134765625, "191619": 0.1273193359375, "202120": 0.09320068359375, "43904": 0.12091064453125, "168": 0.1365966796875, "159": 0.061767578125, "45258": 0.1622314453125, "69723": 0.0977783203125, "181606": 0.08538818359375, "43297": 0.08642578125, "36049": 0.0214385986328125, "432": 0.0161590576171875, "1119": 0.036956787109375, "15894": 0.121826171875, "35815": 0.13818359375, "1017": 0.0063323974609375, "202": 0.050994873046875, "120103": 0.07305908203125, "125568": 0.11572265625, "159634": 0.175048828125, "5526": 0.00466156005859375, "28219": 0.03692626953125, "3642": 0.00605010986328125, "43240": 0.05908203125, "13379": 0.00042438507080078125, "17262": 0.141357421875, "115774": 0.2279052734375, "49504": 0.07586669921875, "12921": 0.062286376953125, "31425": 0.014495849609375, "217064": 0.027557373046875, "54744": 0.10272216796875, "4650": 0.031890869140625, "53088": 0.0684814453125, "93425": 0.11175537109375, "173702": 0.2237548828125, "1290": 0.12548828125, "106864": 0.1910400390625, "21261": 0.0207672119140625, "51515": 0.092529296875, "6226": 0.1552734375, "33": 0.04144287109375, "12638": 0.00826263427734375, "50339": 0.003978729248046875, "195935": 0.0513916015625, "149201": 0.048736572265625, "38516": 0.0638427734375, "60266": 0.060821533203125, "3688": 0.0103759765625, "89515": 0.056976318359375, "118684": 0.09356689453125, "87420": 0.0322265625, "60097": 0.04888916015625, "3815": 0.05389404296875}
Coregulators in nuclear estrogen receptor action: from concept to therapeutic targeting.
Estrogens are key regulators of growth, differentiation, and the physiological functions of a wide range of target tissues, including the male and female reproductive tracts, breast, and skeletal, nervous, cardiovascular, digestive and immune systems. The majority of these biological activities of estrogens are mediated through two genetically distinct receptors, ERalpha and ERbeta, which function as hormone-inducible transcription factors. Over the past decade, it has become increasingly clear that the recruitment of coregulatory proteins to ERs is required for ER-mediated transcriptional and biological activities. These "coactivator" complexes enable the ERs to respond appropriately: 1) to hormones or pharmacological ligands, 2) interpret extra- and intra-cellular signals, 3) catalyze the process of chromatin condensation and 4) to communicate with the general transcription apparatus at target gene promoters. In addition to activating proteins, the existence of corepressors, proteins that function as negative regulators of ER activity in either physiological or pharmacological contexts, provides an additional level of complexity in ER action. This review also describes current efforts aimed at developing pharmaceutical agents that target ER-cofactor interactions as therapeutics for estrogen-associated pathologies.
{"12566": 0.167724609375, "79556": 0.27880859375, "7": 0.1387939453125, "621": 0.08660888671875, "22799": 0.166259765625, "144314": 0.255126953125, "75678": 0.1693115234375, "99710": 0.159423828125, "2320": 0.04058837890625, "4": 0.0010471343994140625, "70": 0.0010900497436523438, "240877": 0.1085205078125, "137043": 0.07525634765625, "289": 0.09320068359375, "32354": 0.134765625, "111": 0.04034423828125, "10": 0.0003139972686767578, "38134": 0.025543212890625, "37457": 0.057769775390625, "30388": 0.165771484375, "108055": 0.1339111328125, "90": 0.0007724761962890625, "11280": 0.10205078125, "117776": 0.129150390625, "42238": 0.1715087890625, "4935": 0.0006604194641113281, "98687": 0.10528564453125, "57262": 0.11285400390625, "136": 0.05926513671875, "182355": 0.0662841796875, "207269": 0.09832763671875, "178705": 0.05975341796875, "13": 0.0008540153503417969, "43766": 0.033233642578125, "76519": 0.0330810546875, "144732": 0.12841796875, "6097": 0.0157470703125, "333": 0.09197998046875, "109622": 0.1275634765625, "69924": 0.1400146484375, "210279": 0.302001953125, "2450": 0.1748046875, "3674": 0.0008826255798339844, "8305": 0.023193359375, "6626": 0.07330322265625, "101412": 0.1678466796875, "25958": 0.00109100341796875, "117781": 0.119873046875, "137376": 0.2081298828125, "28695": 0.2305908203125, "14612": 0.193359375, "59865": 0.2349853515625, "237": 0.0007181167602539062, "133818": 0.2117919921875, "9": 0.0009369850158691406, "18442": 0.07354736328125, "318": 0.0006642341613769531, "2661": 0.0008158683776855469, "30334": 0.08575439453125, "59478": 0.129638671875, "120103": 0.09814453125, "11015": 0.0264892578125, "8": 0.00020360946655273438, "23662": 0.0750732421875, "538": 0.001010894775390625, "34735": 0.015777587890625, "172310": 0.10986328125, "674": 0.0007233619689941406, "552": 0.125244140625, "144867": 0.2227783203125, "21308": 0.2354736328125, "47": 0.0616455078125, "83": 0.00020623207092285156, "56065": 0.1187744140625, "12333": 0.11859130859375, "32255": 0.004680633544921875, "587": 0.1507568359375, "111438": 0.225341796875, "1290": 0.140380859375, "99115": 0.18896484375, "22": 0.0270233154296875, "2886": 0.031463623046875, "35644": 0.1455078125, "95307": 0.06280517578125, "707": 0.00586700439453125, "6": 0.0010204315185546875, "163414": 0.12457275390625, "238": 0.0007801055908203125, "19881": 0.060791015625, "2208": 0.0005574226379394531, "29481": 0.1240234375, "18440": 0.03326416015625, "8969": 0.01351165771484375, "120087": 0.0011014938354492188, "26073": 0.0634765625, "60199": 0.09625244140625, "731": 0.0010242462158203125, "17656": 0.01560211181640625, "38657": 0.08197021484375, "73": 0.0004146099090576172, "188171": 0.099365234375, "1363": 0.00096893310546875, "13956": 0.060943603515625, "127219": 0.0946044921875, "67": 0.0010004043579101562, "678": 0.0008611679077148438, "4537": 0.0284271240234375, "20939": 0.033905029296875, "19481": 0.0007572174072265625, "99": 0.0009183883666992188, "22293": 0.09521484375, "8891": 0.0789794921875, "360": 0.0008373260498046875, "34704": 0.1617431640625, "1916": 0.0008974075317382812, "116311": 0.032806396484375, "56458": 0.11859130859375, "11856": 0.2127685546875, "25251": 0.12042236328125, "40907": 0.1468505859375, "103488": 0.0870361328125, "23": 0.0010128021240234375, "43701": 0.0625, "87344": 0.003856658935546875, "142": 0.0007843971252441406, "78301": 0.029052734375, "27140": 0.109130859375, "22631": 0.08721923828125, "8347": 0.09332275390625, "43581": 0.0169219970703125, "79825": 0.0240478515625, "4806": 0.0007004737854003906, "168698": 0.00592041015625, "34": 0.0006656646728515625, "70760": 0.0010328292846679688, "97957": 0.06976318359375, "144810": 0.1865234375, "182809": 0.05194091796875, "126472": 0.1239013671875, "28021": 0.0010652542114257812, "45388": 0.09814453125, "27686": 0.0009379386901855469, "60875": 0.048919677734375, "18709": 0.048583984375}
Autophagy and mTORC1 regulate the stochastic phase of somatic cell reprogramming
We describe robust induction of autophagy during the reprogramming of mouse fibroblasts to induced pluripotent stem cells by four reprogramming factors (Sox2, Oct4, Klf4 and c-Myc), henceforth 4F. This process occurs independently of p53 activation, and is mediated by the synergistic downregulation of mechanistic target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) and the induction of autophagy-related genes. The 4F coordinately repress mTORC1, but bifurcate in their regulation of autophagy-related genes, with Klf4 and c-Myc inducing them but Sox2 and Oct4 inhibiting them. On one hand, inhibition of mTORC1 facilitates reprogramming by promoting cell reshaping (mitochondrial remodelling and cell size reduction). On the other hand, mTORC1 paradoxically impairs reprogramming by triggering autophagy. Autophagy does not participate in cell reshaping in reprogramming but instead degrades p62, whose accumulation in autophagy-deficient cells facilitates reprogramming. Our results thus reveal a complex signalling network involving mTORC1 inhibition and autophagy induction in the early phase of reprogramming, whose delicate balance ultimately determines reprogramming efficiency.
{"98363": 0.050628662109375, "60627": 0.185302734375, "23": 0.1064453125, "77391": 0.1807861328125, "1809": 0.1953125, "14612": 0.20556640625, "3432": 0.12420654296875, "20271": 0.0213775634765625, "456": 0.1729736328125, "28966": 0.22802734375, "214": 0.043975830078125, "114669": 0.183837890625, "139940": 0.1668701171875, "67301": 0.15087890625, "933": 0.0257568359375, "47": 0.0312042236328125, "135989": 0.1680908203125, "69795": 0.147216796875, "114680": 0.180419921875, "36418": 0.12939453125, "38750": 0.1529541015625, "390": 0.0017375946044921875, "22759": 0.1585693359375, "120103": 0.1929931640625, "8912": 0.021697998046875, "425": 0.054901123046875, "304": 0.09722900390625, "33649": 0.0787353515625, "617": 0.1453857421875, "17463": 0.12286376953125, "31852": 0.08184814453125, "238": 0.0294189453125, "201": 0.20849609375, "919": 0.2489013671875, "9433": 0.08746337890625, "74918": 0.0645751953125, "41371": 0.08709716796875, "915": 0.02105712890625, "14226": 0.224365234375, "34704": 0.11785888671875, "2450": 0.114013671875, "56": 0.0208282470703125, "7565": 0.06982421875, "62881": 0.1690673828125, "74842": 0.08074951171875, "30388": 0.142333984375, "111": 0.0005540847778320312, "29892": 0.09027099609375, "35624": 0.0931396484375, "6333": 0.10638427734375, "27140": 0.1265869140625, "106": 0.0239105224609375, "27010": 0.1502685546875, "441": 0.10595703125, "17727": 0.031524658203125, "174822": 0.048248291015625, "22293": 0.1298828125, "60505": 0.140869140625, "86254": 0.1617431640625, "347": 0.01953125, "418": 0.071533203125, "333": 0.02459716796875, "11443": 0.065673828125, "15913": 0.1358642578125, "136": 0.00791168212890625, "501": 0.017242431640625, "1061": 0.038238525390625, "173702": 0.180419921875, "33493": 0.161376953125, "8891": 0.101318359375, "2420": 0.13330078125, "3089": 0.0134429931640625, "29887": 0.041595458984375, "177580": 0.15625, "145358": 0.07733154296875, "566": 0.01137542724609375, "109637": 0.1529541015625, "185553": 0.151123046875, "4396": 0.1783447265625, "959": 0.038330078125, "42938": 0.08355712890625, "8": 0.05621337890625, "44286": 0.134521484375, "10837": 0.158447265625, "183278": 0.056976318359375, "110410": 0.168701171875, "122273": 0.007396697998046875, "26073": 0.11651611328125, "2069": 0.031036376953125, "33120": 0.1290283203125, "39395": 0.045135498046875, "93402": 0.0531005859375, "71110": 0.08270263671875, "40197": 0.1326904296875, "227066": 0.1419677734375}
Lithium Therapy Improves Neurological Function and Hippocampal Dendritic Arborization in a Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 1 Mouse Model
Background Spinocerebellar ataxia type 1 (SCA1) is a dominantly inherited neurodegenerative disorder characterized by progressive motor and cognitive dysfunction. Caused by an expanded polyglutamine tract in ataxin 1 (ATXN1), SCA1 pathogenesis involves a multifactorial process that likely begins with misfolding of ATXN1, which has functional consequences on its interactions, leading to transcriptional dysregulation. Because lithium has been shown to exert neuroprotective effects in a variety of conditions, possibly by affecting gene expression, we tested the efficacy of lithium treatment in a knock-in mouse model of SCA1 (Sca1154Q/2Q mice) that replicates many features of the human disease. Methods and Findings Sca1154Q/2Q mice and their wild-type littermates were fed either regular chow or chow that contained 0.2% lithium carbonate. Dietary lithium carbonate supplementation resulted in improvement of motor coordination, learning, and memory in Sca1154Q/2Q mice. Importantly, motor improvement was seen when treatment was initiated both presymptomatically and after symptom onset. Neuropathologically, lithium treatment attenuated the reduction of dendritic branching in mutant hippocampal pyramidal neurons. We also report that lithium treatment restored the levels of isoprenylcysteine carboxyl methyltransferase (Icmt; alternatively, Pccmt), down-regulation of which is an early marker of mutant ATXN1 toxicity. Conclusions The effect of lithium on a marker altered early in the course of SCA1 pathogenesis, coupled with its positive effect on multiple behavioral measures and hippocampal neuropathology in an authentic disease model, make it an excellent candidate treatment for human SCA1 patients.
{"26828": 0.060638427734375, "64330": 0.07061767578125, "58383": 0.1514892578125, "31": 0.062744140625, "34814": 0.142822265625, "4063": 0.11431884765625, "320": 0.07672119140625, "4522": 0.180908203125, "30633": 0.2080078125, "10644": 0.1500244140625, "106": 0.151611328125, "294": 0.0911865234375, "13133": 0.226806640625, "17727": 0.209716796875, "83": 0.0157928466796875, "73944": 0.141845703125, "23": 0.0305633544921875, "86151": 0.16796875, "37817": 0.1441650390625, "112": 0.08428955078125, "48281": 0.11126708984375, "4935": 0.0135040283203125, "171986": 0.1494140625, "62816": 0.06488037109375, "161838": 0.10235595703125, "2926": 0.1651611328125, "136": 0.0166015625, "241761": 0.146728515625, "51634": 0.0633544921875, "137175": 0.1434326171875, "2041": 0.082763671875, "71062": 0.1282958984375, "35874": 0.0950927734375, "39529": 0.12078857421875, "35409": 0.10919189453125, "98687": 0.1307373046875, "35815": 0.203125, "284": 0.010711669921875, "54047": 0.155029296875, "839": 0.11651611328125, "159": 0.11407470703125, "418": 0.183837890625, "60875": 0.09075927734375, "62976": 0.1351318359375, "90": 0.055145263671875, "83687": 0.01861572265625, "6024": 0.0297393798828125, "144810": 0.09649658203125, "9433": 0.051971435546875, "47041": 0.0259857177734375, "9842": 0.05975341796875, "1239": 0.060760498046875, "42822": 0.10052490234375, "62": 0.0477294921875, "123309": 0.10882568359375, "212678": 0.0899658203125, "182809": 0.0909423828125, "30334": 0.04937744140625, "59478": 0.101318359375, "62881": 0.1932373046875, "400": 0.1590576171875, "4450": 0.240234375, "316": 0.174560546875, "127887": 0.020355224609375, "2529": 0.0382080078125, "208202": 0.168701171875, "93425": 0.13427734375, "52490": 0.060302734375, "22293": 0.10809326171875, "125195": 0.11431884765625, "3034": 0.09649658203125, "9129": 0.072021484375, "22346": 0.1025390625, "39734": 0.20654296875, "186015": 0.1629638671875, "114669": 0.151611328125, "3299": 0.17919921875, "408": 0.0865478515625, "1662": 0.05841064453125, "12338": 0.1845703125, "2737": 0.116455078125, "12477": 0.09942626953125, "324": 0.1671142578125, "143126": 0.1407470703125, "66139": 0.0748291015625, "14135": 0.060516357421875, "70997": 0.1207275390625, "74644": 0.0888671875, "26040": 0.0176239013671875, "81543": 0.1217041015625, "56409": 0.1083984375, "5794": 0.1475830078125, "51158": 0.1751708984375, "20324": 0.03125, "50335": 0.1644287109375, "70541": 0.029876708984375, "126175": 0.1304931640625, "44603": 0.1781005859375, "91690": 0.09332275390625, "2182": 0.0160980224609375, "107506": 0.150146484375, "16750": 0.005374908447265625, "136912": 0.1566162109375, "60505": 0.1431884765625, "52080": 0.117919921875, "98323": 0.10723876953125, "173969": 0.03131103515625, "128668": 0.011383056640625, "107481": 0.1480712890625, "128405": 0.09613037109375, "33": 0.10443115234375, "77391": 0.0318603515625, "8": 0.051025390625, "29887": 0.055938720703125, "32845": 0.056121826171875, "842": 0.106689453125, "18211": 0.067626953125, "196423": 0.100341796875, "27034": 0.11956787109375, "242810": 0.09869384765625, "184940": 0.1016845703125, "13416": 0.0189361572265625, "14359": 0.1187744140625, "26344": 0.052337646484375, "18055": 0.0604248046875, "11728": 0.035736083984375, "435": 0.0217437744140625, "141325": 0.0328369140625, "3931": 0.02081298828125, "39395": 0.05633544921875, "71323": 0.1953125, "74735": 0.1607666015625, "135523": 0.039276123046875, "21543": 0.1707763671875, "37264": 0.1322021484375, "123166": 0.016571044921875, "195734": 0.1168212890625, "40881": 0.1103515625, "25469": 0.0997314453125, "60264": 0.0830078125}
The progression from hypertension to congestive heart failure.
OBJECTIVES - To study the relative and population-attributable risks of hypertension for the development of congestive heart failure (CHF), to assess the time course of progression from hypertension to CHF, and to identify risk factors that contribute to the development of overt heart failure in hypertensive subjects. DESIGN - Inception cohort study. SETTING - General community. PARTICIPANTS - Original Framingham Heart Study and Framingham Offspring Study participants aged 40 to 89 years and free of CHF. To reflect more contemporary experience, the starting point of this study was January 1, 1970. EXPOSURE MEASURES - Hypertension (blood pressure of at least 140 mm Hg systolic or 90 mm Hg diastolic or current use of medications for treatment of high blood pressure) and other potential CHF risk factors were assessed at periodic clinic examinations. OUTCOME MEASURE - The development of CHF. RESULTS - A total of 5143 eligible subjects contributed 72422 person-years of observation. During up to 20.1 years of follow-up (mean, 14.1 years), there were 392 new cases of heart failure; in 91% (357/392), hypertension antedated the development of heart failure. Adjusting for age and heart failure risk factors in proportional hazards regression models, the hazard for developing heart failure in hypertensive compared with normotensive subjects was about 2-fold in men and 3-fold in women. Multivariable analyses revealed that hypertension had a high population-attributable risk for CHF, accounting for 39% of cases in men and 59% in women. Among hypertensive subjects, myocardial infarction, diabetes, left ventricular hypertrophy, and valvular heart disease were predictive of increased risk for CHF in both sexes. Survival following the onset of hypertensive CHF was bleak; only 24% of men and 31% of women survived 5 years. CONCLUSIONS - Hypertension was the most common risk factor for CHF, and it contributed a large proportion of heart failure cases in this population-based sample. Preventive strategies directed toward earlier and more aggressive blood pressure control are likely to offer the greatest promise for reducing the incidence of CHF and its associated mortality.
{"35988": 0.134033203125, "15301": 0.14892578125, "441": 0.10162353515625, "169813": 0.07220458984375, "35187": 0.143310546875, "70": 0.02734375, "35845": 0.10528564453125, "136": 0.02728271484375, "43904": 0.136474609375, "9": 0.0272979736328125, "27639": 0.059326171875, "28177": 0.1519775390625, "22819": 0.0274505615234375, "10512": 0.2127685546875, "7": 0.057891845703125, "111": 0.0274200439453125, "59058": 0.204345703125, "128872": 0.288330078125, "100": 0.0272369384765625, "34754": 0.17578125, "158": 0.068359375, "4188": 0.176025390625, "4935": 0.06787109375, "26498": 0.14697265625, "137578": 0.221923828125, "16999": 0.15185546875, "919": 0.2052001953125, "247": 0.0272064208984375, "202120": 0.07574462890625, "1733": 0.135009765625, "15411": 0.07598876953125, "187735": 0.14306640625, "1295": 0.022796630859375, "47": 0.06329345703125, "190045": 0.299560546875, "4": 0.0273590087890625, "135812": 0.017120361328125, "120103": 0.146484375, "450": 0.0269622802734375, "162466": 0.166259765625, "645": 0.104736328125, "18": 0.040618896484375, "23": 0.027313232421875, "41745": 0.2042236328125, "272": 0.035858154296875, "28368": 0.158447265625, "223188": 0.185791015625, "360": 0.02703857421875, "63928": 0.1544189453125, "552": 0.005584716796875, "5922": 0.1109619140625, "128565": 0.07122802734375, "68151": 0.0273590087890625, "9082": 0.0870361328125, "26908": 0.09771728515625, "180070": 0.0263671875, "17304": 0.0243988037109375, "64731": 0.026885986328125, "12763": 0.02655029296875, "34525": 0.0809326171875, "42557": 0.11181640625, "214": 0.1072998046875, "3915": 0.1531982421875, "60861": 0.1624755859375, "148027": 0.15478515625, "9791": 0.10211181640625, "79832": 0.11065673828125, "56480": 0.0869140625, "10": 0.0271759033203125, "17704": 0.039276123046875, "1112": 0.10919189453125, "17853": 0.128662109375, "5369": 0.07452392578125, "4092": 0.09405517578125, "717": 0.01305389404296875, "44961": 0.05645751953125, "1286": 0.0269317626953125, "99736": 0.1290283203125, "6635": 0.0272216796875, "16981": 0.10394287109375, "72134": 0.11480712890625, "6275": 0.08880615234375, "509": 0.0271453857421875, "18982": 0.1181640625, "106": 0.03436279296875, "19340": 0.1571044921875, "104165": 0.10894775390625, "7285": 0.08026123046875, "66704": 0.024566650390625, "11292": 0.1083984375, "284": 0.11492919921875, "16395": 0.06683349609375, "92179": 0.1968994140625, "275": 0.0240478515625, "91841": 0.0897216796875, "81147": 0.157470703125, "99": 0.027252197265625, "19713": 0.026702880859375, "12664": 0.11077880859375, "2866": 0.06683349609375, "572": 0.02520751953125, "177": 0.027099609375, "954": 0.0153045654296875, "2785": 0.09942626953125, "9120": 0.0273895263671875, "707": 0.0272369384765625, "2510": 0.11737060546875, "43581": 0.0234527587890625, "4527": 0.02716064453125, "200112": 0.07183837890625, "39734": 0.021331787109375, "11192": 0.1029052734375, "59714": 0.05029296875, "16": 0.0274505615234375, "3789": 0.0273284912109375, "38516": 0.10162353515625, "3542": 0.0273590087890625, "297": 0.02734375, "120164": 0.018890380859375, "56465": 0.07989501953125, "96730": 0.05810546875, "5256": 0.027374267578125, "180": 0.0231781005859375, "45962": 0.0631103515625, "91245": 0.11566162109375, "9713": 0.1138916015625, "218849": 0.093017578125, "294": 0.0272216796875, "62": 0.0270843505859375, "3622": 0.051239013671875, "190": 0.1051025390625, "139662": 0.1650390625, "224943": 0.1722412109375, "71": 0.0272216796875, "361": 0.0288238525390625, "2357": 0.1134033203125, "4015": 0.12939453125, "3445": 0.0904541015625, "46799": 0.027130126953125, "150556": 0.213134765625, "133698": 0.0379638671875, "1257": 0.0271148681640625, "7085": 0.0716552734375, "418": 0.0271148681640625, "28960": 0.0921630859375, "2037": 0.027313232421875, "15": 0.0272064208984375, "282": 0.026885986328125, "66": 0.0270843505859375, "6370": 0.072998046875, "2685": 0.0269775390625, "6": 0.02716064453125, "131564": 0.1807861328125, "3525": 0.11053466796875, "50218": 0.1297607421875, "74": 0.0271759033203125, "483": 0.03741455078125, "13961": 0.057098388671875, "115021": 0.10614013671875, "129524": 0.0278778076171875, "4030": 0.10284423828125, "85": 0.026824951171875, "3674": 0.0266265869140625, "3145": 0.02630615234375, "20314": 0.128662109375, "32070": 0.057403564453125, "123875": 0.109619140625, "289": 0.0272064208984375, "141033": 0.2548828125, "456": 0.02447509765625, "148448": 0.154052734375, "115774": 0.0697021484375, "168698": 0.11322021484375, "154186": 0.024688720703125, "678": 0.027252197265625, "22599": 0.01554107666015625, "63290": 0.11541748046875, "29888": 0.0272216796875, "1672": 0.0271148681640625, "42822": 0.12237548828125, "453": 0.11492919921875, "5691": 0.0330810546875, "24793": 0.1710205078125, "21690": 0.011260986328125, "2886": 0.02703857421875, "51422": 0.046966552734375, "122273": 0.0035953521728515625, "1902": 0.0302734375, "15426": 0.015350341796875, "138": 0.052734375, "12678": 0.045318603515625, "2022": 0.027130126953125, "4021": 0.01861572265625, "759": 0.005706787109375, "31": 0.0270538330078125, "38931": 0.020263671875, "15403": 0.0273895263671875, "3814": 0.08795166015625, "10763": 0.0273590087890625, "44019": 0.09771728515625, "25737": 0.0248870849609375, "30270": 0.0197906494140625, "416": 0.0270843505859375, "25667": 0.027191162109375, "29813": 0.025909423828125, "3038": 0.0271453857421875, "1783": 0.014434814453125, "320": 0.0271148681640625, "70997": 0.0298309326171875, "92054": 0.11669921875, "5844": 0.02734375, "124735": 0.11016845703125, "15044": 0.06280517578125, "1100": 0.1317138671875, "90": 0.027252197265625, "8018": 0.10321044921875, "686": 0.0260467529296875, "1405": 0.0272216796875, "25632": 0.0206298828125, "1260": 0.03216552734375, "126": 0.0267486572265625, "2586": 0.0863037109375, "344": 0.0271759033203125, "4734": 0.0272369384765625, "116": 0.0268096923828125, "11267": 0.027099609375, "188545": 0.18310546875, "37486": 0.07305908203125, "85390": 0.021148681640625, "2684": 0.11865234375, "39210": 0.1724853515625, "31461": 0.1798095703125, "442": 0.0272369384765625, "21334": 0.027099609375, "903": 0.02716064453125, "77007": 0.027252197265625, "121413": 0.0204010009765625, "242506": 0.1649169921875, "13": 0.027191162109375, "50531": 0.11181640625, "8951": 0.00881195068359375, "154732": 0.0270538330078125, "110680": 0.036346435546875, "124030": 0.133056640625, "6226": 0.142578125, "621": 0.0272369384765625, "47041": 0.0909423828125, "18645": 0.01513671875, "158036": 0.11663818359375, "103036": 0.158203125, "241866": 0.1268310546875, "136667": 0.025421142578125, "3956": 0.027252197265625, "6863": 0.003643035888671875, "137272": 0.051177978515625, "67573": 0.10595703125, "2481": 0.0271148681640625}
Association of plasma resistin with glomerular filtration rate and albuminuria in hypertensive adults.
Resistin, a recently discovered proinflammatory cytokine, has been variably associated with insulin resistance, inflammation, and renal dysfunction. We investigated the association of plasma resistin with estimated glomerular filtration rate and albuminuria in 1575 hypertensive adults without known coronary heart disease or stroke (857 blacks and 718 non-Hispanic whites). Resistin was measured by a solid phase sandwich immunoassay, estimated glomerular filtration rate was estimated from serum creatinine, and albuminuria was expressed as urine albumin:creatinine ratio. After adjustment for coronary heart disease risk factors (age, sex, body mass index, smoking history, systolic blood pressure, diabetes, and total and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol) and use of renin-angiotensin blockers and statins, higher plasma resistin levels were associated with lower estimated glomerular filtration rate in both ethnic groups (each P<0.0001); the association remained significant after further adjustment for a marker of insulin resistance (homeostasis model assessment for insulin resistance) and a marker of inflammation (plasma C-reactive protein) and was seen in subjects with and without diabetes (each P<0.0001) in both ethnic groups. Higher plasma resistin levels were associated with a higher urine albumin:creatinine ratio in black subjects with diabetes (P<0.0001) and non-Hispanic white subjects with diabetes (P=0.032), independent of coronary heart disease risk factors, hypertension medication use, and statin use; the association remained significant after additional adjustment for homeostasis model assessment for insulin resistance and C-reactive protein. In adults with hypertension, higher circulating resistin levels were associated with a lower estimated glomerular filtration rate and with increased urine albumin:creatinine ratio in the presence of concomitant diabetes. This association was independent of coronary heart disease risk factors and markers of insulin resistance and inflammation.
{"9624": 0.253662109375, "103247": 0.324462890625, "78684": 0.043060302734375, "134053": 0.1744384765625, "502": 0.1488037109375, "73": 0.241943359375, "170180": 0.1707763671875, "192": 0.0950927734375, "31667": 0.0206146240234375, "19932": 0.071533203125, "6448": 0.165771484375, "1212": 0.141357421875, "16757": 0.09033203125, "38526": 0.025146484375, "137272": 0.1629638671875, "678": 0.0262908935546875, "91598": 0.2041015625, "39746": 0.27587890625, "7154": 0.04827880859375, "6": 0.0242156982421875, "203932": 0.17919921875, "218696": 0.1376953125, "51634": 0.007648468017578125, "137175": 0.1363525390625, "32603": 0.07025146484375, "70": 0.02581787109375, "125413": 0.1849365234375, "80796": 0.2242431640625, "25902": 0.10888671875, "3674": 0.0261688232421875, "16712": 0.11212158203125, "1991": 0.07708740234375, "35975": 0.11834716796875, "30359": 0.1890869140625, "2320": 0.025848388671875, "34515": 0.12091064453125, "7156": 0.182373046875, "48757": 0.2137451171875, "23": 0.0261383056640625, "423": 0.0293731689453125, "6873": 0.138916015625, "59058": 0.112060546875, "41745": 0.212890625, "272": 0.0255584716796875, "116127": 0.160888671875, "15490": 0.05230712890625, "51529": 0.07806396484375, "109728": 0.09173583984375, "1294": 0.021240234375, "26498": 0.11077880859375, "70997": 0.062255859375, "120472": 0.0589599609375, "12243": 0.0499267578125, "22556": 0.14404296875, "7": 0.0261077880859375, "136": 0.02587890625, "1819": 0.0054779052734375, "351": 0.0228271484375, "9": 0.026275634765625, "19332": 0.087158203125, "1771": 0.0259857177734375, "35011": 0.1328125, "509": 0.02557373046875, "72350": 0.1549072265625, "71": 0.025787353515625, "390": 0.02520751953125, "10": 0.026336669921875, "18652": 0.055877685546875, "93402": 0.08563232421875, "169717": 0.144287109375, "43766": 0.07025146484375, "31": 0.0252227783203125, "11124": 0.09454345703125, "53": 0.02557373046875, "4": 0.0264892578125, "1295": 0.025390625, "1605": 0.016815185546875, "75014": 0.0906982421875, "36510": 0.02178955078125, "297": 0.026214599609375, "55400": 0.143310546875, "13": 0.025970458984375, "129147": 0.10675048828125, "85963": 0.149169921875, "70460": 0.1622314453125, "126596": 0.1510009765625, "674": 0.0263214111328125, "100": 0.0263824462890625, "10512": 0.10443115234375, "120103": 0.076171875, "15": 0.02630615234375, "4588": 0.019927978515625, "1100": 0.073486328125, "46889": 0.025909423828125, "63262": 0.02545166015625, "200166": 0.0821533203125, "32692": 0.026458740234375, "2785": 0.0268402099609375, "9120": 0.025909423828125, "44019": 0.177490234375, "3622": 0.0266876220703125, "11192": 0.023651123046875, "34609": 0.01351165771484375, "2481": 0.02593994140625, "136327": 0.0736083984375, "80000": 0.0194549560546875, "150471": 0.078369140625, "16": 0.0263214111328125, "111": 0.0261077880859375, "456": 0.0740966796875, "694": 0.11480712890625, "63290": 0.025543212890625, "1596": 0.0239410400390625, "46389": 0.10589599609375, "1314": 0.0256500244140625, "13321": 0.080810546875, "1779": 0.0261077880859375, "77546": 0.11553955078125, "90926": 0.09075927734375, "3542": 0.02587890625, "92319": 0.1007080078125, "6402": 0.02618408203125, "41581": 0.025970458984375, "436": 0.0257415771484375, "16093": 0.02593994140625, "37509": 0.023040771484375, "100991": 0.0264434814453125, "47143": 0.00873565673828125, "88551": 0.061920166015625, "71323": 0.1234130859375, "5964": 0.0254974365234375, "6023": 0.02606201171875, "3299": 0.1180419921875, "162112": 0.1319580078125, "313": 0.0009360313415527344, "71232": 0.024749755859375, "21308": 0.1212158203125, "28368": 0.018035888671875, "15044": 0.0245208740234375, "82": 0.0251007080078125, "127": 0.0254669189453125, "94407": 0.02587890625, "19694": 0.1053466796875, "56": 0.0251922607421875, "683": 0.025970458984375, "20861": 0.0240631103515625, "1369": 0.02630615234375, "91887": 0.00655364990234375, "41371": 0.08282470703125, "128872": 0.170166015625, "200112": 0.01343536376953125, "4527": 0.025909423828125, "19": 0.0218658447265625, "7103": 0.01934814453125, "78301": 0.00894927978515625, "164031": 0.0243682861328125, "107": 0.0114288330078125, "360": 0.0135498046875, "41263": 0.11273193359375, "1916": 0.02642822265625, "169424": 0.0184478759765625, "158": 0.023651123046875, "277": 0.00688934326171875, "14": 0.025726318359375, "18211": 0.0258331298828125}
Large-scale candidate gene scan reveals the role of chemoreceptor genes in host plant specialization and speciation in the pea aphid.
Understanding the drivers of speciation is critical to interpreting patterns of biodiversity. The identification of the genetic changes underlying adaptation and reproductive isolation is necessary to link barriers to gene flow to the causal origins of divergence. Here, we present a novel approach to the genetics of speciation, which should complement the commonly used approaches of quantitative trait locus mapping and genome-wide scans for selection. We present a large-scale candidate gene approach by means of sequence capture, applied to identifying the genetic changes underlying reproductive isolation in the pea aphid, a model system for the study of ecological speciation. Targeted resequencing enabled us to scale up the candidate gene approach, specifically testing for the role of chemosensory gene families in host plant specialization. Screening for the signature of divergence under selection at 172 candidate and noncandidate loci, we revealed a handful of loci that show high levels of differentiation among host races, which almost all correspond to odorant and gustatory receptor genes. This study offers the first indication that some chemoreceptor genes, often tightly linked together in the genome, could play a key role in local adaptation and reproductive isolation in the pea aphid and potentially other phytophagous insects. Our approach opens a new route toward the functional genomics of ecological speciation.
{"9626": 0.10504150390625, "144057": 0.0704345703125, "27941": 0.21484375, "7": 0.05853271484375, "111": 0.0880126953125, "40140": 0.28955078125, "2320": 0.15478515625, "83": 0.0094451904296875, "130306": 0.11474609375, "29481": 0.1243896484375, "103510": 0.1444091796875, "179174": 0.169677734375, "939": 0.0264739990234375, "6": 0.006816864013671875, "221160": 0.144775390625, "101412": 0.21875, "65572": 0.181884765625, "1379": 0.1478271484375, "538": 0.006801605224609375, "214": 0.00690460205078125, "202444": 0.237548828125, "42238": 0.2059326171875, "4935": 0.006778717041015625, "219488": 0.2626953125, "63559": 0.12451171875, "3126": 0.1102294921875, "125861": 0.1793212890625, "22293": 0.227783203125, "86608": 0.1680908203125, "70": 0.00685882568359375, "7278": 0.133056640625, "141": 0.00641632080078125, "59665": 0.1175537109375, "45": 0.11907958984375, "814": 0.24072265625, "110343": 0.10504150390625, "11853": 0.0009899139404296875, "13379": 0.029296875, "21261": 0.090576171875, "51515": 0.21875, "4": 0.00707244873046875, "110633": 0.0985107421875, "39210": 0.030059814453125, "90": 0.006687164306640625, "88779": 0.07611083984375, "5844": 0.006649017333984375, "110106": 0.133544921875, "7001": 0.1673583984375, "291": 0.05877685546875, "26783": 0.00687408447265625, "136": 0.006679534912109375, "8584": 0.12841796875, "13": 0.050689697265625, "9": 0.0068206787109375, "113458": 0.002979278564453125, "44954": 0.161376953125, "100": 0.0068817138671875, "132216": 0.1536865234375, "21334": 0.033599853515625, "57965": 0.11163330078125, "25469": 0.2420654296875, "390": 0.006755828857421875, "40": 0.0223541259765625, "944": 0.10430908203125, "3956": 0.006671905517578125, "141621": 0.1925048828125, "47": 0.006847381591796875, "135812": 0.0767822265625, "23": 0.03851318359375, "16320": 0.25927734375, "1747": 0.1455078125, "15080": 0.210693359375, "10": 0.0068359375, "3299": 0.155517578125, "5426": 0.043914794921875, "35187": 0.033111572265625, "162145": 0.22412109375, "289": 0.0176239013671875, "160017": 0.2069091796875, "297": 0.00687408447265625, "102337": 0.11016845703125, "225081": 0.02081298828125, "105994": 0.12396240234375, "134234": 0.11859130859375, "31486": 0.09954833984375, "290": 0.11212158203125, "432": 0.09912109375, "163839": 0.18505859375, "53": 0.00677490234375, "87143": 0.08575439453125, "27980": 0.1746826171875, "18153": 0.1563720703125, "5361": 0.1334228515625, "47691": 0.006671905517578125, "94831": 0.10467529296875, "138256": 0.1539306640625, "99": 0.00678253173828125, "92111": 0.185791015625, "351": 0.08642578125, "79647": 0.0826416015625, "1683": 0.006809234619140625, "67": 0.006931304931640625, "14": 0.1265869140625, "122273": 0.0428466796875, "3535": 0.039642333984375, "7844": 0.00701904296875, "450": 0.006816864013671875, "7639": 0.0281524658203125, "11192": 0.08563232421875, "90926": 0.0244903564453125, "99710": 0.1890869140625, "54940": 0.03033447265625, "45712": 0.14697265625, "3129": 0.00624847412109375, "756": 0.006855010986328125, "42518": 0.10479736328125, "37531": 0.199462890625, "15212": 0.047943115234375, "16057": 0.18798828125, "31667": 0.0067596435546875, "137376": 0.1962890625, "5117": 0.03338623046875, "14585": 0.0367431640625, "1363": 0.006877899169921875, "3060": 0.00914764404296875, "153524": 0.1824951171875, "748": 0.00506591796875, "27983": 0.024566650390625, "107137": 0.08575439453125, "5809": 0.075927734375, "11301": 0.00556182861328125, "22799": 0.0772705078125, "4000": 0.089111328125, "38516": 0.01491546630859375, "3789": 0.006122589111328125, "34053": 0.05731201171875, "34001": 0.1171875, "10821": 0.00664520263671875, "103665": 0.1890869140625, "9803": 0.0394287109375, "3525": 0.028717041015625, "36439": 0.08349609375, "123309": 0.111083984375, "28021": 0.0108795166015625}
The cancer stem cell hypothesis: a guide to potential molecular targets.
Common cancer theories hold that tumor is an uncontrolled somatic cell proliferation caused by the progressive addition of random mutations in critical genes that control cell growth. Nevertheless, various contradictions related to the mutation theory have been reported previously. These events may be elucidated by the persistence of residual tumor cells, called Cancer Stem Cells (CSCs) responsible for tumorigenesis, tumor maintenance, tumor spread, and tumor relapse. Herein, we summarize the current understanding of CSCs, with a focus on the possibility to identify specific markers of CSCs, and discuss the clinical application of targeting CSCs for cancer treatment.
{"151301": 0.170654296875, "27968": 0.2432861328125, "3790": 0.2132568359375, "10484": 0.127685546875, "16401": 0.12200927734375, "450": 0.0853271484375, "57412": 0.318115234375, "83": 0.1646728515625, "142": 0.07843017578125, "51": 0.0701904296875, "81988": 0.171875, "6259": 0.051910400390625, "221": 0.0860595703125, "47148": 0.1500244140625, "38750": 0.2108154296875, "215447": 0.1368408203125, "1363": 0.002033233642578125, "143434": 0.130615234375, "390": 0.0305023193359375, "161838": 0.109375, "66044": 0.11102294921875, "96759": 0.1199951171875, "199334": 0.216796875, "130306": 0.1396484375, "22293": 0.1253662109375, "6226": 0.1817626953125, "75678": 0.127197265625, "67842": 0.0219879150390625, "2304": 0.09552001953125, "18403": 0.1275634765625, "62548": 0.013519287109375, "154453": 0.228271484375, "113771": 0.042999267578125, "198395": 0.0677490234375, "47353": 0.11956787109375, "1543": 0.0286102294921875, "19264": 0.0240936279296875, "24750": 0.1156005859375, "70560": 0.161376953125, "99996": 0.1826171875, "289": 0.06103515625, "35839": 0.0628662109375, "147146": 0.2222900390625, "8694": 0.1495361328125, "39": 0.123779296875, "80743": 0.260986328125, "441": 0.10125732421875, "14495": 0.259521484375, "102778": 0.18505859375, "8402": 0.11016845703125, "90": 0.066162109375, "121097": 0.1748046875, "93403": 0.0789794921875, "456": 0.01849365234375, "127966": 0.166015625, "29334": 0.08087158203125, "14096": 0.01435089111328125, "43581": 0.09234619140625, "100094": 0.1590576171875, "313": 0.13134765625, "7": 0.1409912109375, "32153": 0.060302734375, "207116": 0.0261688232421875, "135812": 0.09832763671875, "29458": 0.05682373046875, "71323": 0.1556396484375, "56465": 0.07196044921875, "38415": 0.115966796875, "30388": 0.187255859375, "214": 0.0084075927734375, "100": 0.047943115234375, "39734": 0.1650390625}
Serum amyloid A: An acute-phase protein involved in tumour pathogenesis
The synthesis of acute-phase protein serum amyloid A (SAA) is largely regulated by inflammation- associated cytokines and a high concentration of circulating SAA may represent an ideal marker for acute and chronic inflammatory diseases. However, SAA is also synthesized in extrahepatic tissues, e.g. human carcinoma metastases and cancer cell lines. An increasing body of in vitro data supports the concept of involvement of SAA in carcinogenesis and neoplastic diseases. Accumulating evidence suggests that SAA might be included in a group of biomarkers to detect a pattern of physiological events that reflect the growth of malignancy and host response. This review is meant to provide a broad overview of the many ways that SAA could contribute to tumour development, and accelerate tumour progression and metastasis, and to gain a better understanding of this acute-phase reactant as a possible link between chronic inflammation and neoplasia.
{"142518": 0.2095947265625, "90": 0.1522216796875, "164": 0.0794677734375, "10": 0.07470703125, "85691": 0.1798095703125, "153213": 0.2027587890625, "21308": 0.205810546875, "40": 0.10369873046875, "1605": 0.2152099609375, "1176": 0.1304931640625, "365": 0.15380859375, "532": 0.11181640625, "62": 0.2030029296875, "6703": 0.1912841796875, "284": 0.249267578125, "83": 0.0191192626953125, "21334": 0.07659912109375, "538": 0.0004680156707763672, "15913": 0.2366943359375, "390": 0.00823211669921875, "203932": 0.2410888671875, "137272": 0.10870361328125, "19932": 0.055938720703125, "6448": 0.1669921875, "12741": 0.1229248046875, "11192": 0.06988525390625, "202104": 0.1441650390625, "41263": 0.1265869140625, "5377": 0.237060546875, "1543": 0.085693359375, "33636": 0.12432861328125, "6397": 0.18115234375, "71323": 0.2244873046875, "100": 0.0126495361328125, "136": 0.0372314453125, "184843": 0.1805419921875, "41036": 0.1524658203125, "18023": 0.1427001953125, "31667": 0.032257080078125, "70997": 0.142333984375, "7": 0.00040984153747558594, "33306": 0.0201873779296875, "4": 0.0003592967987060547, "2843": 0.0168914794921875, "4173": 0.1302490234375, "1106": 0.0869140625, "10974": 0.106689453125, "108055": 0.172119140625, "5": 0.00025391578674316406, "14135": 0.057647705078125, "2258": 0.07989501953125, "44924": 0.127197265625, "109156": 0.1097412109375, "1073": 0.115966796875, "27968": 0.1329345703125, "38750": 0.10931396484375, "124519": 0.115234375, "118055": 0.0689697265625, "14361": 0.03106689453125, "111": 0.000560760498046875, "279": 0.1085205078125, "2955": 0.1268310546875, "2053": 0.08380126953125, "8060": 0.08984375, "70": 0.0003459453582763672, "23755": 0.0823974609375, "83687": 0.0797119140625, "674": 0.00016355514526367188, "15292": 0.1356201171875, "16169": 0.11572265625, "72325": 0.1654052734375, "77950": 0.05718994140625, "13648": 0.07305908203125, "186": 0.000347137451171875, "99201": 0.11053466796875, "23": 4.2557716369628906e-05, "21115": 0.071044921875, "3530": 0.08544921875, "10015": 0.2049560546875, "96391": 0.1485595703125, "103510": 0.163330078125, "240877": 0.05926513671875, "137043": 0.0059967041015625, "289": 0.00040793418884277344, "47353": 0.07781982421875, "450": 0.0005869865417480469, "44961": 0.11444091796875, "75678": 0.11279296875, "186470": 0.11590576171875, "2408": 0.00469970703125, "27980": 0.11322021484375, "57553": 0.1387939453125, "3293": 0.01152801513671875, "8347": 0.134765625, "131148": 0.0771484375, "134744": 0.0509033203125, "645": 0.012176513671875, "22751": 0.05267333984375, "5941": 0.047454833984375, "48322": 0.0826416015625, "5809": 0.131103515625, "162466": 0.1888427734375, "10029": 0.1820068359375, "34639": 0.1903076171875, "34754": 0.1519775390625, "197108": 0.1851806640625, "13": 0.00031876564025878906, "187735": 0.111572265625, "435": 0.04510498046875, "6131": 0.1083984375, "11522": 0.032379150390625, "100094": 0.05535888671875, "903": 0.025115966796875, "131300": 0.1593017578125, "1236": 0.08551025390625, "7722": 0.028411865234375, "3126": 0.10595703125, "17721": 0.0211639404296875, "52033": 0.1812744140625, "399": 0.0428466796875}
Body size and outcomes on peritoneal dialysis in the United States.
BACKGROUND Being overweight is often cited as a relative contraindication to peritoneal dialysis. Our primary objective was to determine whether actual mortality rates support this opinion. METHODS Retrospective cohort study of United States Medicare patients initiating dialysis between 1995 and 2000 (N = 418,021; 11% peritoneal dialysis). RESULTS Seven percent were underweight [body mass index (BMI) < 18.5 kg/m2], 27% were overweight (BMI 25.0 to 29.9 kg/m2), and 23% were obese (BMI> 29.9 kg/m2) at dialysis initiation. Compared to those with normal BMI, the adjusted odds of initiating peritoneal dialysis were 0.70 (P < 0.05) in underweight, 1.12 (P < 0.05) in overweight, and 0.87 (P < 0.05) in obese subjects. Among peritoneal dialysis patients, adjusted mortality hazard ratios in the first, second, and third year were 1.45 (P < 0.05), 1.28 (P < 0.05), and 1.17 for the underweight, respectively; 0.84 (P < 0.05), 0.89 (P < 0.05), and 0.98 for the overweight, respectively; and 0.89 (P < 0.05), 0.99, and 1.00 for the obese, respectively. Apart from higher third-year mortality in the obese, associations were similar after censoring at a switch to hemodialysis. For transplantation, the corresponding results were 0.76 (P < 0.05), 0.90 (P < 0.05), and 0.88 for the underweight, respectively; 0.95, 1.06, and 0.93 for the overweight, respectively; and 0.62 (P < 0.05), 0.68, and 0.71 for the obese, respectively. For switching to hemodialysis, hazards ratios were 0.92, 0.97, and 0.80 for the underweight, respectively; 1.07, 1.11 (P < 0.05), and 1.03 for the overweight, respectively; and 1.28 (P < 0.05), 1.29 (P < 0.05), and 1.36 (P < 0.05) for the obese, respectively. CONCLUSION Although less likely to initiate peritoneal dialysis, overweight and obese peritoneal dialysis patients have longer survival than those with lower BMI, not adequately explained by lower transplantation and technique survival rates.
{"8678": 0.07421875, "20572": 0.058319091796875, "136498": 0.09521484375, "34384": 0.0009918212890625, "873": 0.087890625, "214": 0.045623779296875, "645": 0.2020263671875, "165598": 0.278076171875, "27983": 0.0894775390625, "1059": 0.06939697265625, "3674": 0.0222625732421875, "237": 0.00894927978515625, "10": 0.024932861328125, "35845": 0.058990478515625, "2304": 0.13427734375, "69442": 0.1824951171875, "117": 0.12939453125, "2986": 0.207763671875, "86": 0.1317138671875, "289": 0.1666259765625, "45": 0.1317138671875, "147852": 0.2034912109375, "158978": 0.0908203125, "151814": 0.169677734375, "509": 0.00655364990234375, "83324": 0.05242919921875, "8561": 0.12017822265625, "67573": 0.166015625, "2481": 0.050567626953125, "121297": 0.1318359375, "8060": 0.10650634765625, "903": 0.0097808837890625, "33153": 0.06646728515625, "6": 0.025238037109375, "33677": 0.0750732421875, "193792": 0.047637939453125, "114441": 0.0404052734375, "16711": 0.078857421875, "4935": 0.0244903564453125, "5922": 0.06793212890625, "35187": 0.116943359375, "14098": 0.0303497314453125, "46684": 0.06182861328125, "142519": 0.107666015625, "107": 0.1275634765625, "60264": 0.1732177734375, "173969": 0.1488037109375, "17721": 0.0167999267578125, "11857": 0.166259765625, "136": 0.04168701171875, "3576": 0.12384033203125, "15": 0.0253448486328125, "2203": 0.0136871337890625, "6478": 0.0543212890625, "209069": 0.056427001953125, "3117": 0.099853515625, "74": 0.0256195068359375, "144611": 0.10382080078125, "218849": 0.0975341796875, "132556": 0.07733154296875, "33297": 0.12384033203125, "3542": 0.025390625, "1379": 0.1944580078125, "37873": 0.13427734375, "46889": 0.09161376953125, "63262": 0.1317138671875, "571": 0.092041015625, "10101": 0.2139892578125, "16": 0.0252227783203125, "4426": 0.025604248046875, "7744": 0.13427734375, "758": 0.0249786376953125, "5279": 0.1702880859375, "64": 0.0251922607421875, "39": 0.024993896484375, "90173": 0.0156097412109375, "4": 0.025634765625, "116": 0.037933349609375, "14427": 0.0254669189453125, "187461": 0.1436767578125, "47": 0.025390625, "13646": 0.130859375, "1126": 0.025238037109375, "10461": 0.0254974365234375, "165175": 0.1129150390625, "150009": 0.2381591796875, "13": 0.132080078125, "2740": 0.01001739501953125, "99": 0.0250701904296875, "1830": 0.025177001953125, "113307": 0.04443359375, "297": 0.02520751953125, "8382": 0.024658203125, "678": 0.0252227783203125, "3638": 0.1041259765625, "335": 0.07232666015625, "70": 0.0252838134765625, "126596": 0.1795654296875, "103044": 0.2344970703125, "111": 0.01332855224609375, "757": 0.046142578125, "5757": 0.08648681640625, "683": 0.046722412109375, "89678": 0.087158203125, "43317": 0.065673828125, "23": 0.02532958984375, "615": 0.0255279541015625, "1530": 0.036407470703125, "5": 0.025360107421875, "19308": 0.028778076171875, "28368": 0.04608154296875, "7": 0.0254364013671875, "2022": 0.0248870849609375, "141033": 0.2366943359375, "70460": 0.1556396484375, "5117": 0.031524658203125, "17932": 0.059844970703125, "50960": 0.1199951171875, "6602": 0.10888671875, "4633": 0.062042236328125, "3882": 0.10955810546875, "2489": 0.051239013671875, "100": 0.0258026123046875, "107013": 0.026031494140625, "538": 0.02532958984375, "13903": 0.0645751953125, "18949": 0.0830078125, "16665": 0.0216522216796875, "5046": 0.0242919921875, "146533": 0.0556640625, "78293": 0.0011472702026367188, "1295": 0.0249786376953125, "77546": 0.1297607421875, "9": 0.02520751953125, "46799": 0.11773681640625, "151747": 0.1292724609375, "21373": 0.07379150390625, "7103": 0.03057861328125, "182316": 0.1829833984375, "101089": 0.11566162109375, "2360": 0.080810546875, "15663": 0.07086181640625, "1326": 0.004810333251953125, "116192": 0.2200927734375, "2320": 0.06768798828125, "42518": 0.0103759765625, "50339": 0.0775146484375, "11835": 0.0240631103515625, "5039": 0.025177001953125, "12772": 0.0253753662109375, "8821": 0.025146484375, "9016": 0.0258636474609375, "11591": 0.024566650390625, "10837": 0.0252838134765625, "16028": 0.0259552001953125, "15770": 0.0253143310546875, "12231": 0.0236053466796875, "14773": 0.023101806640625, "4836": 0.0174713134765625, "8368": 0.0252838134765625, "1662": 0.02569580078125, "9513": 0.0257415771484375, "4235": 0.024810791015625, "8659": 0.025787353515625, "441": 0.0011301040649414062, "22335": 0.037567138671875, "106073": 0.0189056396484375, "40715": 0.10076904296875, "47041": 0.11126708984375, "765": 0.047210693359375, "51713": 0.156982421875, "218018": 0.22021484375, "3501": 0.043701171875, "92319": 0.1368408203125, "959": 0.0217742919921875, "160370": 0.0899658203125, "21286": 0.0251617431640625, "189050": 0.0946044921875, "61353": 0.1171875}
The anaphase promoting complex/cyclosome: a machine designed to destroy
The anaphase promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C) is a ubiquitin ligase that has essential functions in and outside the eukaryotic cell cycle. It is the most complex molecular machine that is known to catalyse ubiquitylation reactions, and it contains more than a dozen subunits that assemble into a large 1.5-MDa complex. Recent discoveries have revealed an unexpected multitude of mechanisms that control APC/C activity, and have provided a first insight into how this unusual ubiquitin ligase recognizes its substrates.
{"581": 0.047088623046875, "3877": 0.1949462890625, "153213": 0.26318359375, "8891": 0.2401123046875, "1916": 0.072998046875, "27140": 0.2481689453125, "64": 0.25146484375, "192876": 0.181396484375, "43452": 0.27392578125, "284": 0.1495361328125, "12233": 0.285400390625, "441": 0.2313232421875, "83": 0.11773681640625, "10": 0.03668212890625, "17982": 0.186767578125, "3181": 0.1634521484375, "2311": 0.1759033203125, "19881": 0.2095947265625, "184": 0.172607421875, "450": 0.0258941650390625, "1556": 0.07989501953125, "85590": 0.2147216796875, "32354": 0.2352294921875, "7": 0.01186370849609375, "23": 0.01242828369140625, "136": 0.04180908203125, "50782": 0.1907958984375, "70": 0.0088043212890625, "1175": 0.051177978515625, "1153": 0.148681640625, "1410": 0.09637451171875, "38750": 0.199951171875, "105823": 0.2054443359375, "2684": 0.1514892578125, "233239": 0.1422119140625, "36279": 0.2261962890625, "51529": 0.160400390625, "47": 0.03692626953125, "60199": 0.1644287109375, "70952": 0.18408203125, "939": 0.1136474609375, "57860": 0.09710693359375, "132539": 0.193359375, "4": 0.01207733154296875, "70541": 0.14501953125, "1286": 0.045928955078125, "3501": 0.01294708251953125, "54": 0.0450439453125, "3121": 0.07366943359375, "1614": 0.1324462890625, "309": 0.1553955078125, "14481": 0.0128326416015625, "93457": 0.1812744140625, "3934": 0.04205322265625, "21334": 0.039764404296875, "22410": 0.186279296875, "44644": 0.0592041015625, "11": 0.09967041015625, "169549": 0.06024169921875, "103882": 0.095703125, "3387": 0.0017461776733398438, "122273": 0.06951904296875, "297": 0.012054443359375, "241957": 0.10028076171875, "95937": 0.101806640625, "13": 0.01207733154296875, "111": 0.011871337890625, "191619": 0.1588134765625, "6226": 0.1844482421875, "123601": 0.293701171875, "103488": 0.1292724609375, "5117": 0.06231689453125, "149201": 0.09759521484375, "903": 0.006343841552734375, "225073": 0.1595458984375, "125296": 0.134521484375, "218250": 0.1917724609375, "90": 0.01235198974609375}
Regulation of the expression of alkaline phosphatase in a human breast-cancer cell line.
Treatment of the cultured human breast-cancer cells BC-M1 with dexamethasone induced a placental-type alkaline phosphatase (ALP). Both the ALP activity and the mRNA level in the cells were increased. The induction of ALP activity by dexamethasone was time- and dose-dependent. The accumulation of ALP mRNA was inhibited by both actinomycin D and cycloheximide, indicating that its induction is a complex event and may involve other regulatory proteins. Retinoic acid showed opposing effects with dexamethasone on the expression of alkaline phosphatase. Retinoic acid (RA) and phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate also substantially reduced the dexamethasone-induced expression of ALP. Studies on thermostability and sensitivity to various amino acid inhibitors indicated that the BC-M1 ALP is most similar to the placental form. Northern hybridization analysis also revealed that ALP mRNA transcripts in BC-M1 and term placenta are similar in size and are distinct from that of the placental-like mRNA transcript in choriocarcinoma cells. Analysis of the degradation of BC-M1 ALP mRNA showed a similar half-life of 27 h in the untreated and in dexamethasone- or RA-treated cells. These findings demonstrated that the induction of ALP in BC-M1 cells by dexamethasone is mainly due to the increase in the transcription of the ALP gene.
{"183367": 0.189697265625, "29394": 0.1595458984375, "71": 0.01552581787109375, "14135": 0.0772705078125, "57262": 0.2017822265625, "184756": 0.1778564453125, "38750": 0.1695556640625, "77269": 0.171875, "9": 0.039398193359375, "594": 0.127197265625, "418": 0.1297607421875, "8": 0.1617431640625, "3798": 0.178466796875, "1928": 0.1363525390625, "10557": 0.14453125, "3630": 0.1767578125, "135989": 0.1993408203125, "3687": 0.14892578125, "19": 0.063720703125, "1803": 0.130859375, "50986": 0.1304931640625, "144": 0.09942626953125, "161": 0.1805419921875, "2256": 0.0823974609375, "134208": 0.11529541015625, "14612": 0.088623046875, "81708": 0.15625, "7842": 0.15380859375, "683": 0.1756591796875, "62": 0.082763671875, "37352": 0.25537109375, "103488": 0.11798095703125, "70": 0.01551055908203125, "125499": 0.2020263671875, "17366": 0.096435546875, "7": 0.0155792236328125, "3542": 0.01474761962890625, "124735": 0.1435546875, "23": 0.10662841796875, "77391": 0.160400390625, "390": 0.01418304443359375, "1733": 0.079345703125, "136": 0.01531219482421875, "39098": 0.0106964111328125, "181063": 0.14892578125, "183278": 0.09930419921875, "1363": 0.01546478271484375, "173702": 0.164306640625, "3674": 0.01526641845703125, "1030": 0.0081939697265625, "23968": 0.18115234375, "1176": 0.008392333984375, "6333": 0.07281494140625, "391": 0.040069580078125, "192876": 0.04193115234375, "1106": 0.040924072265625, "53950": 0.1302490234375, "4": 0.0155487060546875, "214": 0.0154266357421875, "450": 0.01544189453125, "83": 0.01505279541015625, "10": 0.015533447265625, "27140": 0.10107421875, "19732": 0.06768798828125, "83687": 0.01467132568359375, "144314": 0.1676025390625, "53": 0.01544189453125, "21308": 0.1539306640625, "853": 0.052337646484375, "43840": 0.1219482421875, "2343": 0.11224365234375, "232": 0.002292633056640625, "93425": 0.09552001953125, "98": 0.0153961181640625, "125195": 0.07763671875, "111": 0.01555633544921875, "6": 0.01544189453125, "1771": 0.01517486572265625, "12280": 0.0780029296875, "16": 0.0152435302734375, "139006": 0.0296478271484375, "7296": 0.00787353515625, "77748": 0.01126861572265625, "67": 0.014739990234375, "25966": 0.01197052001953125, "19888": 0.01023101806640625, "193984": 0.0113983154296875, "538": 0.01558685302734375, "34390": 0.12841796875, "18442": 0.072509765625, "37534": 0.0154876708984375, "182342": 0.09149169921875, "271": 0.020172119140625, "41159": 0.01495361328125, "176302": 0.013763427734375, "2481": 0.0155792236328125, "47": 0.01549530029296875, "67842": 0.01435089111328125, "72657": 0.11419677734375, "22230": 0.01502227783203125, "2684": 0.028106689453125, "21373": 0.1309814453125, "3173": 0.10693359375, "182688": 0.08197021484375, "113490": 0.164794921875, "47691": 0.033233642578125, "114137": 0.07879638671875, "297": 0.01558685302734375, "30334": 0.03717041015625, "32032": 0.07666015625, "13579": 0.058990478515625, "4327": 0.13671875, "621": 0.015411376953125, "117781": 0.10186767578125, "1295": 0.0155487060546875, "5062": 0.013641357421875, "3284": 0.06304931640625, "44924": 0.06732177734375, "192": 0.01336669921875, "164": 0.01544189453125, "119542": 0.143310546875, "168360": 0.006404876708984375, "23552": 0.0618896484375, "24804": 0.1488037109375, "1438": 0.1068115234375, "1096": 0.09930419921875, "2921": 0.144775390625, "27686": 0.01557159423828125, "19400": 0.09832763671875, "51312": 0.07354736328125, "59478": 0.03778076171875, "22293": 0.07806396484375}
Declining tuberculosis notification trend associated with strengthened TB and expanded HIV care in Swaziland.
This retrospective observational review documents the efforts of the Swaziland National Tuberculosis (TB) Control Programme between 2004 and 2014. The objective is to describe the disparity between actual declines in case notification and increases in estimated incidence. The review of policies and practices shows the most influential factors associated with the decrease in TB case notification to be an increase in access to antiretroviral therapy for co-infected TB patients, the general success of TB and human immunodeficiency virus service integration in the country and improvements in implementation of all components of directly observed treatment, active case finding, and rapid diagnosis using new technologies.
{"3293": 0.018768310546875, "24036": 0.10723876953125, "16711": 0.11676025390625, "150556": 0.2105712890625, "8347": 0.2147216796875, "60525": 0.1070556640625, "79825": 0.11669921875, "159": 0.12347412109375, "76910": 0.27490234375, "1760": 0.2022705078125, "9907": 0.058349609375, "1371": 0.14208984375, "1297": 0.1661376953125, "42779": 0.1884765625, "164": 0.1112060546875, "28941": 0.231201171875, "27131": 0.2353515625, "91377": 0.1978759765625, "17721": 0.041595458984375, "4821": 0.207275390625, "136": 0.06890869140625, "8432": 0.1993408203125, "151814": 0.1876220703125, "83": 0.007717132568359375, "98363": 0.10382080078125, "36373": 0.16748046875, "2481": 0.044342041015625, "8561": 0.09869384765625, "206398": 0.198486328125, "7225": 0.18603515625, "185325": 0.23388671875, "51312": 0.14794921875, "25902": 0.12445068359375, "136667": 0.11114501953125, "102880": 0.1644287109375, "41361": 0.12548828125, "45831": 0.0009245872497558594, "2684": 0.089111328125, "26794": 0.13818359375, "120103": 0.187744140625, "137272": 0.09136962890625, "227204": 0.257568359375, "23": 0.02362060546875, "93753": 0.2578125, "17203": 0.09027099609375, "2874": 0.045623779296875, "2264": 0.04034423828125, "83220": 0.133544921875, "106864": 0.160888671875, "552": 0.109619140625, "204228": 0.1343994140625, "60264": 0.083740234375, "4537": 0.01068878173828125, "36272": 0.12158203125, "14135": 0.03985595703125, "43766": 0.0965576171875, "112": 0.0236358642578125, "11044": 0.11749267578125, "14994": 0.12078857421875, "4516": 0.089111328125, "157353": 0.10870361328125, "23295": 0.045623779296875, "136912": 0.1103515625, "208124": 0.0248870849609375, "82761": 0.06219482421875, "105237": 0.06005859375, "139999": 0.178955078125, "39734": 0.12005615234375, "36457": 0.07977294921875, "90791": 0.0640869140625, "25545": 0.07513427734375, "47099": 0.099609375, "118299": 0.103759765625}
Advances in techniques of testing mycobacterial drug sensitivity, and the use of sensitivity tests in tuberculosis control programmes.
In a paper arising out of an informal international consultation of specialists in the bacteriology of tuberculosis held in 1961, an attempt was made to formulate criteria, and specify technical procedures, for reliable tests of sensitivity (the absolute-concentration method, the resistance-ratio method and the proportion method) to the 3 main antituberculosis drugs (isoniazid, streptomycin and p-aminosalicylic acid). Seven years later, a further consultation was held to review the latest developments in the field and to suggest how sensitivity tests might be put to practical use in tuberculosis control programmes. The participants reached agreement on how to define drug sensitivity and resistance, and stressed the importance of using a discrimination approach to the calibration of sensitivity tests. Their views are contained in the present paper, which also includes descriptions of the sensitivity tests used by the Medical Research Council of Great Britain for first- and second-line drugs (minimal inhibitory concentration and resistance-ratio methods), the two main variants of the proportion method developed by the Institut Pasteur, Paris, and a method for calibrating sensitivity tests.
{"15122": 0.11328125, "187": 0.003753662109375, "152701": 0.1337890625, "21640": 0.0479736328125, "140217": 0.2025146484375, "17496": 0.1209716796875, "174855": 0.1571044921875, "25443": 0.045867919921875, "111": 0.00524139404296875, "230916": 0.2252197265625, "84125": 0.177001953125, "40418": 0.2030029296875, "81887": 0.10009765625, "26168": 0.03228759765625, "55738": 0.1292724609375, "40140": 0.0343017578125, "121392": 0.10540771484375, "50491": 0.06982421875, "215543": 0.150390625, "109921": 0.2381591796875, "176302": 0.278076171875, "2481": 0.1041259765625, "89931": 0.11138916015625, "46899": 0.1376953125, "55300": 0.1280517578125, "39746": 0.209716796875, "7154": 0.07122802734375, "17131": 0.1339111328125, "123875": 0.2257080078125, "47": 0.0110931396484375, "138": 0.10028076171875, "5201": 0.103271484375, "2874": 0.1158447265625, "458": 0.10552978515625, "1297": 0.1456298828125, "42779": 0.1419677734375, "164": 0.1026611328125, "125694": 0.19580078125, "43265": 0.1690673828125, "708": 0.10858154296875, "8082": 0.09735107421875, "40934": 0.1334228515625, "1176": 0.08355712890625, "915": 0.0794677734375, "1191": 0.041107177734375, "43840": 0.08636474609375, "132556": 0.045745849609375, "42850": 0.0177764892578125, "34754": 0.00949859619140625, "44457": 0.0269775390625, "13648": 0.0150299072265625, "138155": 0.1463623046875, "4527": 0.04541015625, "6226": 0.1363525390625, "26693": 0.08880615234375, "56480": 0.05096435546875, "106689": 0.0853271484375, "61924": 0.137451171875, "48683": 0.2120361328125, "136": 0.0168914794921875, "131011": 0.054290771484375, "55970": 0.20849609375, "51515": 0.0550537109375, "377": 0.053192138671875, "5612": 0.19287109375, "16912": 0.08624267578125, "70541": 0.0192413330078125, "13379": 0.032958984375, "76811": 0.0074462890625, "11814": 0.008880615234375, "69292": 0.052581787109375, "42477": 0.046417236328125, "70615": 0.10791015625, "32774": 0.038970947265625, "130891": 0.1357421875, "5117": 0.062103271484375, "17932": 0.07305908203125, "196691": 0.1348876953125, "173702": 0.1240234375, "202104": 0.11279296875, "150624": 0.0565185546875, "6626": 0.0211029052734375, "20117": 0.1669921875, "20048": 0.0816650390625, "3805": 0.09722900390625, "11685": 0.15771484375, "7270": 0.1116943359375, "98767": 0.04083251953125}
Time from finding abnormality on mass-screening to final diagnosis of lung cancer.
Mass-screening for lung cancer is rather a unique system in Japan. This study illustrates time from finding abnormality on mass-screening to final diagnosis of lung cancer. Among the 517 patients with lung cancer who were admitted to our hospital over a 10-year period up to December 2001, 83 (16.1%) were detected by mass-screening. We reviewed medical records of the 83 patients and determined the intervals from the mass-screening to the pathological diagnosis with clinical staging. Time from the mass-screening to the date of hospital visit was <2 months in 62 (74.7%) cases. Five (6.0%) patients visited hospital more than 6 months after the mass-screening. With respect to the interval, there was no statistical difference in gender (p=0.0680) and age (p=0.1532). Among 60 patients who were referred from outside, on average, patients visited our hospital 0.5 month after they first sought medical attention at nearby clinic, and at our hospital 0.5 month was required to make a pathological diagnosis of lung cancer with TNM staging. There was a statistical difference in survival between the patients who were diagnosed <4 months and the patients who were diagnosed >4 months from the screening (p=0.0487). The interval in most cases was acceptable. However, further improvements are still needed to minimize the delay and to maximize the benefits of early cancer detection.
{"74227": 0.223388671875, "9": 0.0070037841796875, "86667": 0.28076171875, "214": 0.131103515625, "100": 0.079833984375, "32386": 0.228759765625, "27968": 0.218505859375, "43257": 0.055023193359375, "36998": 0.1395263671875, "5426": 0.154541015625, "23": 0.036041259765625, "15758": 0.218505859375, "35187": 0.0848388671875, "58755": 0.1036376953125, "1733": 0.1580810546875, "1295": 0.06951904296875, "90791": 0.1053466796875, "1563": 0.076904296875, "33176": 0.1680908203125, "2481": 0.032379150390625, "46889": 0.224365234375, "47": 0.0179443359375, "2704": 0.1011962890625, "47099": 0.1641845703125, "164": 0.0124664306640625, "70": 0.0042724609375, "190": 0.046630859375, "2489": 0.1517333984375, "60264": 0.1502685546875, "678": 0.06231689453125, "3542": 0.00426483154296875, "36456": 0.1324462890625, "3674": 0.00406646728515625, "2446": 0.047088623046875, "17986": 0.1632080078125, "10": 0.004138946533203125, "12417": 0.10174560546875, "46799": 0.07672119140625, "14922": 0.06787109375, "14487": 0.10443115234375, "103844": 0.154052734375, "19251": 0.175048828125, "23175": 0.02655029296875, "5": 0.00438690185546875, "145116": 0.08575439453125, "96391": 0.204345703125, "297": 0.004199981689453125, "8347": 0.01050567626953125, "29874": 0.05828857421875, "115923": 0.0966796875, "111": 0.00412750244140625, "136": 0.004222869873046875, "71": 0.004108428955078125, "51514": 0.21630859375, "7": 0.0039520263671875, "60875": 0.069091796875, "109622": 0.077392578125, "6": 0.004058837890625, "56465": 0.10919189453125, "289": 0.0042877197265625, "1924": 0.1551513671875, "9966": 0.1337890625, "19055": 0.1722412109375, "5622": 0.035552978515625, "19922": 0.2088623046875, "4426": 0.044281005859375, "304": 0.03594970703125, "21775": 0.154296875, "10031": 0.12091064453125, "15": 0.00429534912109375, "16360": 0.057098388671875, "14427": 0.07427978515625, "16": 0.00426483154296875, "50218": 0.04022216796875, "156615": 0.06854248046875, "65321": 0.0576171875, "36997": 0.1829833984375, "1286": 0.003940582275390625, "3501": 0.004138946533203125, "305": 0.069091796875, "7103": 0.073974609375, "17106": 0.0020465850830078125, "4": 0.00418853759765625, "509": 0.00399017333984375, "110": 0.011871337890625, "80835": 0.130859375, "60212": 0.1651611328125, "127501": 0.157958984375, "32070": 0.07843017578125, "254": 0.00237274169921875, "2022": 0.0039825439453125, "1496": 0.11102294921875, "2750": 0.003917694091796875, "15005": 0.0821533203125, "2822": 0.004428863525390625, "50782": 0.1280517578125, "98": 0.004245758056640625, "83080": 0.1331787109375, "81730": 0.15673828125, "31150": 0.09051513671875, "1836": 0.004291534423828125, "5117": 0.042144775390625, "221": 0.0034656524658203125, "46526": 0.00429534912109375, "35743": 0.0537109375, "99": 0.00421905517578125, "1272": 0.004062652587890625, "56065": 0.06866455078125, "384": 0.041534423828125, "70480": 0.1922607421875, "218018": 0.1900634765625, "99219": 0.167724609375, "617": 0.01290130615234375, "180975": 0.251220703125, "1369": 0.003910064697265625, "183223": 0.0115203857421875, "2684": 0.0322265625, "213850": 0.1282958984375, "53333": 0.0423583984375, "136912": 0.1268310546875, "621": 0.00417327880859375, "7464": 0.0160980224609375, "44841": 0.06854248046875, "881": 0.0321044921875, "8": 0.10040283203125, "5259": 0.1510009765625, "39771": 0.0418701171875, "20650": 0.00421142578125, "72382": 0.07598876953125, "39395": 0.062744140625, "149": 0.1168212890625, "58994": 0.07220458984375}
Krüppel-like factor 2 (KLF2) regulates B-cell reactivity, subset differentiation, and trafficking molecule expression.
The transcription factor Krüppel-like factor 2 (KLF2) is critical for normal trafficking of T lymphocytes, but its role in B cells is unclear. We report that B cell-specific KLF2 deficiency leads to decreased expression of the trafficking molecules CD62L and β7-integrin, yet expression of sphingosine-1 phosphate receptor 1 (which is a critical target of KLF2 in T cells) was, unexpectedly, minimally altered. Unexpectedly, Klf2 deletion led to a drastic reduction in the B1 B-cell pool and a substantial increase in transitional and marginal zone B-cell numbers. In addition, we observed that KLF2-deficient B cells showed increased apoptosis and impaired proliferation after B-cell receptor cross-linking. Gene expression analysis indicated that KLF2-deficient follicular B cells display numerous characteristics shared by normal marginal zone B cells, including reduced expression of several signaling molecules that may contribute to defective activation of these cells. Hence, our data indicate that KLF2 plays a critical role in dictating normal subset differentiation and functional reactivity of mature B cells.
{"30334": 0.12469482421875, "59478": 0.130615234375, "31461": 0.2220458984375, "341": 0.10113525390625, "18687": 0.1590576171875, "36737": 0.259765625, "5062": 0.16015625, "116": 0.236328125, "605": 0.08447265625, "58545": 0.281005859375, "10461": 0.269287109375, "83": 0.02239990234375, "130306": 0.18994140625, "100": 0.028778076171875, "3638": 0.13330078125, "83629": 0.184326171875, "6048": 0.099853515625, "384": 0.132080078125, "238757": 0.158203125, "31": 0.00249481201171875, "2408": 0.06201171875, "1636": 0.009368896484375, "6863": 0.03485107421875, "31486": 0.135498046875, "23": 0.0606689453125, "335": 0.16650390625, "38750": 0.221923828125, "51": 0.034759521484375, "119488": 0.091552734375, "13416": 0.0119171142578125, "159975": 0.1131591796875, "304": 0.2435302734375, "8": 0.1240234375, "11044": 0.171142578125, "33": 0.03936767578125, "37105": 0.06195068359375, "227204": 0.1328125, "125195": 0.169921875, "49711": 0.07220458984375, "70838": 0.0222015380859375, "7915": 0.08074951171875, "10837": 0.1744384765625, "866": 0.0989990234375, "9269": 0.03631591796875, "50775": 0.08251953125, "131702": 0.100830078125, "5213": 0.073486328125, "33059": 0.10650634765625, "232": 0.11822509765625, "1212": 0.0867919921875, "5759": 0.057708740234375, "134208": 0.09649658203125, "14612": 0.1026611328125, "137376": 0.1763916015625, "106": 0.057037353515625, "30388": 0.1668701171875, "241957": 0.0460205078125, "20187": 0.046295166015625, "37264": 0.06964111328125, "17463": 0.24853515625, "24674": 0.1693115234375, "1363": 0.035308837890625, "12441": 0.01355743408203125, "211228": 0.046478271484375, "456": 0.0243682861328125, "77391": 0.11785888671875, "418": 0.056640625, "34680": 0.149658203125, "19361": 0.06756591796875, "193984": 0.005947113037109375, "51312": 0.0794677734375, "149307": 0.09002685546875, "116842": 0.191650390625, "20288": 0.094482421875, "18504": 0.197265625, "71": 0.044158935546875, "110410": 0.181640625, "124735": 0.0994873046875, "6885": 0.055511474609375, "40934": 0.10235595703125, "6023": 0.00858306884765625, "109637": 0.07177734375, "215447": 0.07403564453125, "41421": 0.059234619140625, "10187": 0.07672119140625, "46980": 0.09161376953125, "114137": 0.040008544921875, "18344": 0.058563232421875, "150": 0.0280914306640625, "25667": 0.0297393798828125, "44116": 0.0238189697265625, "183851": 0.02630615234375, "62816": 0.0888671875, "99764": 0.0268096923828125, "34390": 0.10546875, "26073": 0.07952880859375, "1543": 0.008331298828125, "162466": 0.022796630859375, "72104": 0.0960693359375, "34704": 0.061370849609375, "2053": 0.005084991455078125, "11301": 0.06451416015625, "28214": 0.092529296875, "1614": 0.11029052734375, "3509": 0.06927490234375, "99710": 0.1240234375, "123309": 0.071044921875, "71234": 0.0919189453125, "90638": 0.1092529296875}
Antibiotics and risk of subsequent first-time acute myocardial infarction.
CONTEXT Increasing evidence supports the hypothesis of a causal association between certain bacterial infections and increased risk of developing acute myocardial infarction. If such a causal association exists, subjects who used antibiotics active against the bacteria, regardless of indication, might be at lower risk of developing acute myocardial infarction than nonusers. OBJECTIVE To determine whether previous use of antibiotics decreases the risk of developing a first-time acute myocardial infarction. DESIGN Population-based case-control analysis. SETTING The United Kingdom-based General Practice Research Database comprising 350 general practices. PATIENTS A total of 3315 case patients aged 75 years or younger with a diagnosis of first-time acute myocardial infarction between 1992 and 1997 and 13139 controls without myocardial infarction matched to cases for age, sex, general practice attended, and calendar time. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES Use of antibiotics among those who did or did not have a first-time acute myocardial infarction. RESULTS Cases were significantly less likely to have used tetracycline antibiotics (adjusted odds ratio [OR], 0.70; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.55-0.90) or quinolones (adjusted OR, 0.45; 95% CI, 0.21-0.95). No effect was found for previous use of macrolides (primarily erythromycin), sulfonamides, penicillins, or cephalosporins. CONCLUSIONS The findings from this large case-control analysis provide further, albeit indirect, evidence for an association between bacterial infections with organisms susceptible to tetracycline or quinolone antibiotics and the risk of acute myocardial infarction. These results of preliminary nature should stimulate more research to further explore the role of infections in the etiology of acute myocardial infarction.
{"14452": 0.0154571533203125, "122691": 0.12115478515625, "8942": 0.02264404296875, "1283": 0.0902099609375, "77950": 0.1724853515625, "8060": 0.0953369140625, "70": 0.00859832763671875, "170933": 0.1263427734375, "6023": 0.003276824951171875, "10": 0.008697509765625, "7278": 0.1708984375, "141": 0.0081939697265625, "125413": 0.1973876953125, "17721": 0.033416748046875, "24233": 0.02789306640625, "152818": 0.2303466796875, "159634": 0.22021484375, "7": 0.1046142578125, "124735": 0.12841796875, "10512": 0.1781005859375, "168698": 0.09368896484375, "85691": 0.173828125, "759": 0.08294677734375, "31": 0.06365966796875, "38931": 0.161865234375, "15403": 0.081787109375, "23": 0.10516357421875, "3814": 0.22119140625, "10763": 0.10589599609375, "32316": 0.028778076171875, "4": 0.00870513916015625, "28368": 0.0880126953125, "11814": 0.1265869140625, "156774": 0.28369140625, "36457": 0.10076904296875, "26548": 0.132568359375, "211460": 0.06488037109375, "111": 0.008697509765625, "14585": 0.10821533203125, "1363": 0.00858306884765625, "13648": 0.047027587890625, "186": 0.0074005126953125, "92319": 0.11236572265625, "351": 0.07403564453125, "223": 0.12298583984375, "1314": 0.050323486328125, "15301": 0.12237548828125, "441": 0.006999969482421875, "83324": 0.04278564453125, "96362": 0.108154296875, "4527": 0.146484375, "227204": 0.1558837890625, "5117": 0.10247802734375, "9": 0.00859832763671875, "6032": 0.1451416015625, "223188": 0.11041259765625, "157890": 0.09442138671875, "77007": 0.06451416015625, "7225": 0.1505126953125, "81988": 0.191650390625, "114137": 0.159912109375, "128565": 0.01554107666015625, "581": 0.0274505615234375, "14098": 0.06939697265625, "117604": 0.125244140625, "9082": 0.102294921875, "109613": 0.187744140625, "13": 0.006778717041015625, "42477": 0.09228515625, "187781": 0.14794921875, "214": 0.007457733154296875, "14877": 0.126220703125, "4537": 0.1158447265625, "41361": 0.1771240234375, "100308": 0.1048583984375, "48057": 0.087646484375, "62": 0.00714111328125, "3622": 0.0697021484375, "3912": 0.07769775390625, "1837": 0.1553955078125, "60264": 0.14501953125, "17704": 0.04730224609375, "4948": 0.1820068359375, "5369": 0.00812530517578125, "707": 0.0239715576171875, "27150": 0.1025390625, "56": 0.00872802734375, "678": 0.00844573974609375, "6": 0.0084228515625, "47099": 0.1220703125, "164": 0.00879669189453125, "12839": 0.170654296875, "136": 0.008270263671875, "10586": 0.1781005859375, "702": 0.01342010498046875, "133826": 0.11431884765625, "6226": 0.2176513671875, "15490": 0.05206298828125, "14858": 0.08038330078125, "297": 0.00867462158203125, "47": 0.00875091552734375, "50218": 0.06634521484375, "100": 0.0087890625, "32070": 0.0484619140625, "1100": 0.140380859375, "29966": 0.04571533203125, "87939": 0.087158203125, "1733": 0.007556915283203125, "48026": 0.06280517578125, "45962": 0.07940673828125, "91245": 0.0743408203125, "11292": 0.08428955078125, "284": 0.10150146484375, "16395": 0.0153350830078125, "36836": 0.09918212890625, "2750": 0.00792694091796875, "959": 0.054962158203125, "765": 0.0021820068359375, "218849": 0.07366943359375, "294": 0.00803375244140625, "43731": 0.101318359375, "3542": 0.00829315185546875, "207583": 0.06072998046875, "40715": 0.106201171875, "47041": 0.139404296875, "120": 0.0732421875, "1517": 0.1572265625, "187830": 0.1746826171875, "86": 0.00870513916015625, "15": 0.00841522216796875, "712": 0.00844573974609375, "20314": 0.11920166015625, "103044": 0.2088623046875, "70460": 0.007476806640625, "378": 0.0084228515625, "268": 0.0086517333984375, "757": 0.00829315185546875, "5": 0.00846099853515625, "74": 0.00849151611328125, "59653": 0.1488037109375, "159454": 0.187255859375, "51514": 0.00879669189453125, "17304": 0.008270263671875, "81730": 0.103515625, "758": 0.0086517333984375, "23320": 0.008270263671875, "108504": 0.0077667236328125, "569": 0.096923828125, "23111": 0.09075927734375, "25749": 0.008392333984375, "4633": 0.008392333984375, "26550": 0.072265625, "126175": 0.00598907470703125, "180033": 0.005702972412109375, "108035": 0.00656890869140625, "438": 0.049652099609375, "21543": 0.1468505859375, "509": 0.008514404296875, "14037": 0.03912353515625, "111789": 0.10760498046875, "150": 0.1309814453125, "44526": 0.00913238525390625, "416": 0.0086822509765625, "538": 0.00852203369140625, "53": 0.01221466064453125, "42294": 0.130859375, "1176": 0.0860595703125, "6333": 0.11224365234375, "2906": 0.037445068359375, "11203": 0.1025390625, "1191": 0.007720947265625, "988": 0.00827789306640625, "280": 0.0183258056640625, "4158": 0.0960693359375, "52704": 0.12493896484375, "45346": 0.0005908012390136719, "113277": 0.0074462890625, "11946": 0.0841064453125, "5425": 0.0079193115234375, "37486": 0.04522705078125, "90791": 0.01335906982421875, "21334": 0.0227508544921875, "144": 0.00841522216796875, "372": 0.002918243408203125, "217": 0.00875091552734375, "116361": 0.032958984375, "142": 0.00867462158203125, "25150": 0.1531982421875, "168194": 0.0408935546875, "157": 0.00641632080078125, "51684": 0.00768280029296875, "50339": 0.01495361328125, "118276": 0.05291748046875, "31425": 0.003833770751953125, "67": 0.00875091552734375, "25188": 0.02752685546875, "31486": 0.04736328125, "82": 0.02777099609375, "14": 0.0256195068359375}
Thrombopoietin/MPL signaling regulates hematopoietic stem cell quiescence and interaction with the osteoblastic niche.
Maintenance of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) depends on interaction with their niche. Here we show that the long-term (LT)-HSCs expressing the thrombopoietin (THPO) receptor, MPL, are a quiescent population in adult bone marrow (BM) and are closely associated with THPO-producing osteoblastic cells. THPO/MPL signaling upregulated beta1-integrin and cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors in HSCs. Furthermore, inhibition and stimulation of THPO/MPL pathway by treatments with anti-MPL neutralizing antibody, AMM2, and with THPO showed reciprocal regulation of quiescence of LT-HSC. AMM2 treatment reduced the number of quiescent LT-HSCs and allowed exogenous HSC engraftment without irradiation. By contrast, exogenous THPO transiently increased quiescent HSC population and subsequently induced HSC proliferation in vivo. Altogether, these observations suggest that THPO/MPL signaling plays a critical role of LT-HSC regulation in the osteoblastic niche.
{"12321": 0.1368408203125, "510": 0.14794921875, "153838": 0.159423828125, "36400": 0.1324462890625, "478": 0.119873046875, "9523": 0.0110626220703125, "36418": 0.1483154296875, "38750": 0.174560546875, "841": 0.17431640625, "14495": 0.243896484375, "7": 0.047271728515625, "56566": 0.135498046875, "182809": 0.1439208984375, "678": 0.0162506103515625, "6445": 0.195068359375, "13": 0.10162353515625, "7639": 0.017547607421875, "4989": 0.09259033203125, "9": 0.035430908203125, "32166": 0.150390625, "27026": 0.2054443359375, "36510": 0.1578369140625, "6": 0.0004355907440185547, "42294": 0.1075439453125, "7567": 0.09405517578125, "771": 0.10736083984375, "14": 0.046661376953125, "35268": 0.1390380859375, "23415": 0.11773681640625, "9698": 0.239013671875, "137376": 0.22998046875, "276": 0.043914794921875, "21130": 0.24658203125, "621": 0.00447845458984375, "569": 0.1517333984375, "150506": 0.1986083984375, "43904": 0.1744384765625, "25171": 0.153564453125, "32881": 0.1536865234375, "1108": 0.08740234375, "15555": 0.1781005859375, "74965": 0.148681640625, "16": 0.00047326087951660156, "136": 0.00023293495178222656, "20903": 0.0648193359375, "538": 0.001270294189453125, "137272": 0.1710205078125, "12232": 0.1722412109375, "102446": 0.11376953125, "214": 0.0179443359375, "128204": 0.1749267578125, "7119": 0.168701171875, "28692": 0.044830322265625, "64": 0.05352783203125, "9088": 0.12408447265625, "866": 0.1632080078125, "26073": 0.16845703125, "1257": 0.0400390625, "144867": 0.168212890625, "3674": 0.0011014938354492188, "51703": 0.0914306640625, "131702": 0.1103515625, "187830": 0.089111328125, "19": 0.0010442733764648438, "181063": 0.1231689453125, "24222": 0.110107421875, "173702": 0.1805419921875, "572": 0.159912109375, "9319": 0.00113677978515625, "17678": 0.00024962425231933594, "4": 0.0010890960693359375, "28029": 0.10821533203125, "2320": 0.0011501312255859375, "60875": 0.055816650390625, "39734": 0.17138671875, "2874": 0.05450439453125, "216989": 0.1529541015625, "37873": 0.041229248046875, "25590": 0.127197265625, "304": 0.1630859375, "159826": 0.1146240234375, "289": 0.000911712646484375, "15913": 0.2188720703125, "1363": 0.0010995864868164062, "111": 0.0011548995971679688, "6964": 0.09368896484375, "64765": 0.2098388671875, "62": 0.03155517578125, "34390": 0.130859375, "71": 0.0006365776062011719, "70": 0.0010118484497070312, "107003": 0.048675537109375, "1119": 0.06634521484375, "62976": 0.1358642578125, "10821": 0.001064300537109375, "22": 0.034942626953125, "26583": 0.16650390625, "18": 0.0003726482391357422, "674": 0.0010738372802734375, "15490": 0.072998046875, "10541": 0.11016845703125, "3311": 0.0010280609130859375, "3900": 0.08197021484375, "124735": 0.056060791015625, "135989": 0.048858642578125, "297": 0.0003180503845214844, "215447": 0.12469482421875, "23": 0.00044035911560058594, "16622": 0.178955078125, "884": 0.0008578300476074219, "150556": 0.020233154296875, "11301": 0.01158905029296875, "10": 0.0012359619140625, "130306": 0.10076904296875, "31486": 0.07635498046875}
Interlaboratory reproducibility and proficiency testing within the human papillomavirus cervical cancer screening program in Catalonia, Spain.
In Catalonia, a screening protocol for cervical cancer, including human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA testing using the Digene Hybrid Capture 2 (HC2) assay, was implemented in 2006. In order to monitor interlaboratory reproducibility, a proficiency testing (PT) survey of the HPV samples was launched in 2008. The aim of this study was to explore the repeatability of the HC2 assay's performance. Participating laboratories provided 20 samples annually, 5 randomly chosen samples from each of the following relative light unit (RLU) intervals: <0.5, 0.5 to 0.99, 1 to 9.99, and ≥10. Kappa statistics were used to determine the agreement levels between the original and the PT readings. The nature and origin of the discrepant results were calculated by bootstrapping. A total of 946 specimens were retested. The kappa values were 0.91 for positive/negative categorical classification and 0.79 for the four RLU intervals studied. Sample retesting yielded systematically lower RLU values than the original test (P<0.005), independently of the time elapsed between the two determinations (median, 53 days), possibly due to freeze-thaw cycles. The probability for a sample to show clinically discrepant results upon retesting was a function of the RLU value; samples with RLU values in the 0.5 to 5 interval showed 10.80% probability to yield discrepant results (95% confidence interval [CI], 7.86 to 14.33) compared to 0.85% probability for samples outside this interval (95% CI, 0.17 to 1.69). Globally, the HC2 assay shows high interlaboratory concordance. We have identified differential confidence thresholds and suggested the guidelines for interlaboratory PT in the future, as analytical quality assessment of HPV DNA detection remains a central component of the screening program for cervical cancer prevention.
{"360": 0.032379150390625, "128342": 0.2008056640625, "43265": 0.205322265625, "180975": 0.2120361328125, "91363": 0.18505859375, "100": 0.0145111083984375, "6641": 0.1024169921875, "686": 0.184326171875, "6827": 0.10577392578125, "27968": 0.162841796875, "4": 0.0143585205078125, "14135": 0.0251007080078125, "153688": 0.1534423828125, "51081": 0.11810302734375, "76912": 0.1640625, "36599": 0.1268310546875, "856": 0.192626953125, "27583": 0.200927734375, "134234": 0.2203369140625, "803": 0.12274169921875, "15292": 0.261962890625, "175833": 0.2276611328125, "14304": 0.1597900390625, "6644": 0.1522216796875, "116": 0.1929931640625, "73265": 0.1309814453125, "10461": 0.241943359375, "237": 0.0858154296875, "20347": 0.2296142578125, "29479": 0.1192626953125, "297": 0.01458740234375, "30739": 0.1795654296875, "47": 0.01461029052734375, "12983": 0.1002197265625, "1940": 0.07110595703125, "26439": 0.1798095703125, "42238": 0.1519775390625, "14": 0.01416778564453125, "83259": 0.015655517578125, "10": 0.01433563232421875, "46902": 0.1932373046875, "1474": 0.11077880859375, "27771": 0.01392364501953125, "22693": 0.1888427734375, "16": 0.014312744140625, "110297": 0.1873779296875, "111": 0.01447296142578125, "134167": 0.279052734375, "121413": 0.1844482421875, "7": 0.11444091796875, "83184": 0.10491943359375, "20907": 0.1910400390625, "464": 0.1199951171875, "35187": 0.08740234375, "88898": 0.02362060546875, "70": 0.01457977294921875, "119140": 0.2100830078125, "41159": 0.0526123046875, "81118": 0.142333984375, "304": 0.2303466796875, "23718": 0.147705078125, "1916": 0.01441192626953125, "86755": 0.1630859375, "90": 0.0142669677734375, "387": 0.0938720703125, "77253": 0.09954833984375, "538": 0.01451873779296875, "190": 0.07513427734375, "96759": 0.06402587890625, "19667": 0.031768798828125, "19": 0.01448822021484375, "1295": 0.014556884765625, "12638": 0.00984954833984375, "25632": 0.01543426513671875, "35845": 0.1038818359375, "22729": 0.1517333984375, "25072": 0.133544921875, "22335": 0.1845703125, "51514": 0.190673828125, "12": 0.01385498046875, "93645": 0.1234130859375, "81730": 0.1541748046875, "5": 0.014404296875, "5046": 0.009765625, "6": 0.013153076171875, "177951": 0.1068115234375, "136": 0.0142669677734375, "963": 0.0438232421875, "215713": 0.170654296875, "11": 0.127685546875, "80835": 0.1339111328125, "3542": 0.0145721435546875, "83324": 0.0038604736328125, "106689": 0.185546875, "90926": 0.060028076171875, "17721": 0.01305389404296875, "7311": 0.0733642578125, "21357": 0.1640625, "16454": 0.09405517578125, "581": 0.01349639892578125, "31425": 0.099853515625, "59665": 0.11163330078125, "17116": 0.07196044921875, "107": 0.1680908203125, "95945": 0.155029296875, "50339": 0.08709716796875, "74481": 0.0726318359375, "3674": 0.014434814453125, "390": 0.0130615234375, "49935": 0.0712890625, "2816": 0.11700439453125, "26783": 0.00792694091796875, "62": 0.0143890380859375, "3622": 0.0027179718017578125, "483": 0.050384521484375, "9271": 0.1507568359375, "40140": 0.1295166015625, "18241": 0.01468658447265625, "36721": 0.171142578125, "14437": 0.0134429931640625, "156": 0.0986328125, "7495": 0.207275390625, "142424": 0.12548828125, "12183": 0.06591796875, "24491": 0.051300048828125, "3331": 0.0207672119140625, "4935": 0.01435089111328125, "149133": 0.1397705078125, "40865": 0.1375732421875, "1363": 0.01433563232421875, "22377": 0.0167236328125, "22759": 0.0648193359375, "627": 0.01073455810546875, "22282": 0.048553466796875, "71": 0.01438140869140625, "947": 0.049285888671875, "33209": 0.162109375, "11180": 0.0584716796875, "19388": 0.049774169921875, "242161": 0.0992431640625, "25958": 0.0142822265625, "92319": 0.14697265625, "3501": 0.0132598876953125, "3034": 0.18017578125, "15": 0.0145111083984375, "683": 0.014312744140625, "16093": 0.0141448974609375, "37509": 0.0114593505859375, "43317": 0.01403045654296875, "1733": 0.01445770263671875, "28": 0.014251708984375, "127966": 0.0028133392333984375, "27354": 0.06402587890625, "5256": 0.01439666748046875, "12333": 0.0134124755859375, "8934": 0.12017822265625, "13312": 0.04229736328125, "247": 0.01403045654296875, "4743": 0.00948333740234375, "4092": 0.0819091796875, "9": 0.01364898681640625, "3238": 0.0845947265625, "434": 0.0123291015625, "105823": 0.08514404296875, "37242": 0.1978759765625, "2481": 0.01445770263671875, "7639": 0.01422119140625, "56465": 0.054901123046875, "54799": 0.01392364501953125, "32354": 0.006755828857421875, "34292": 0.089111328125, "74": 0.0139923095703125, "678": 0.01447296142578125, "23": 0.01439666748046875, "168360": 0.01451873779296875, "4068": 0.01149749755859375, "72769": 0.1326904296875, "170509": 0.1790771484375, "159454": 0.19384765625, "378": 0.0139923095703125, "17304": 0.0286407470703125, "268": 0.014312744140625, "2861": 0.0095672607421875, "15276": 0.01434326171875, "6370": 0.00846099853515625, "119959": 0.01495361328125, "154186": 0.00974273681640625, "757": 0.0107879638671875, "205480": 0.006175994873046875, "903": 0.0146484375, "26550": 0.0303802490234375, "107754": 0.013092041015625, "966": 0.014739990234375, "615": 0.0117340087890625, "84772": 0.01399993896484375, "13453": 0.03338623046875, "11192": 0.036865234375, "31667": 0.01470947265625, "118555": 0.14404296875, "3956": 0.01456451416015625, "765": 0.01459503173828125, "99710": 0.10406494140625, "289": 0.01434326171875, "159399": 0.09576416015625, "16200": 0.129150390625, "42459": 0.0223236083984375, "226829": 0.10662841796875, "22690": 0.041534423828125, "140815": 0.06488037109375, "31897": 0.0877685546875, "164031": 0.072509765625, "149": 0.0943603515625, "9879": 0.05218505859375, "1528": 0.0723876953125, "479": 0.04986572265625, "57241": 0.0850830078125}
The role of regulatory variation in complex traits and disease
We are in a phase of unprecedented progress in identifying genetic loci that cause variation in traits ranging from growth and fitness in simple organisms to disease in humans. However, a mechanistic understanding of how these loci influence traits is lacking for the majority of loci. Studies of the genetics of gene expression have emerged as a key tool for linking DNA sequence variation to phenotypes. Here, we review recent insights into the molecular nature of regulatory variants and describe their influence on the transcriptome and the proteome. We discuss conceptual advances from studies in model organisms and present examples of complete chains of causality that link individual polymorphisms to changes in gene expression, which in turn result in physiological changes and, ultimately, disease risk.
{"1401": 0.01174163818359375, "93402": 0.07147216796875, "42658": 0.0975341796875, "135812": 0.09814453125, "101412": 0.2308349609375, "7001": 0.1553955078125, "14": 0.1378173828125, "22304": 0.1502685546875, "143834": 0.253173828125, "110106": 0.181884765625, "75678": 0.0845947265625, "37667": 0.126220703125, "8781": 0.06317138671875, "25150": 0.1580810546875, "47": 0.039764404296875, "70997": 0.1484375, "118103": 0.08984375, "74842": 0.08642578125, "100094": 0.099609375, "79507": 0.1842041015625, "21": 0.042266845703125, "41324": 0.0963134765625, "144732": 0.0894775390625, "132268": 0.13720703125, "7": 0.0675048828125, "111": 0.0458984375, "22293": 0.1982421875, "125195": 0.263916015625, "74216": 0.04296875, "237": 0.0119781494140625, "22799": 0.0958251953125, "55516": 0.134765625, "3126": 0.13671875, "27583": 0.1722412109375, "944": 0.062255859375, "11521": 0.054229736328125, "21004": 0.0867919921875, "50986": 0.2205810546875, "8347": 0.07342529296875, "17309": 0.03814697265625, "149201": 0.08660888671875, "233239": 0.1300048828125, "31425": 0.08978271484375, "144314": 0.255859375, "20117": 0.282958984375, "98363": 0.050567626953125, "30334": 0.0762939453125, "32032": 0.1318359375, "13450": 0.1650390625, "136": 0.029632568359375, "13766": 0.160888671875, "45252": 0.0178070068359375, "228113": 0.09173583984375, "129745": 0.1005859375, "96335": 0.05389404296875, "3299": 0.1602783203125, "27781": 0.0823974609375, "28484": 0.057464599609375, "121293": 0.151611328125, "7278": 0.16796875, "150": 0.0191497802734375, "939": 0.01346588134765625, "11651": 0.0841064453125, "35874": 0.13623046875, "178851": 0.216796875, "8780": 0.0999755859375, "65572": 0.1456298828125, "16750": 0.07830810546875, "240877": 0.062164306640625, "137043": 0.053497314453125, "20654": 0.0187530517578125, "10512": 0.163330078125}
Adhesion disengagement uncouples intrinsic and extrinsic forces to drive cytokinesis in epithelial tissues.
Cytokinesis entails cell invagination by a contractile actomyosin ring. In epithelia, E-cadherin-mediated adhesion connects the cortices of contacting cells; thus, it is unclear how invagination occurs, how the new junction forms, and how tissue integrity is preserved. Investigations in Drosophila embryos first show that apicobasal cleavage is polarized: invagination is faster from the basal than from the apical side. Ring contraction but not its polarized constriction is controlled by septin filaments and Anillin. Polarized cleavage is due instead to mechanical anchorage of the ring to E-cadherin complexes. Formation of the new junction requires local adhesion disengagement in the cleavage furrow, followed by new E-cadherin complex formation at the new interface. E-cadherin disengagement depends on the tension exerted by the cytokinetic ring and by neighboring cells. We uncover intrinsic and extrinsic forces necessary for cytokinesis and present a framework for understanding how tissue cohesion is preserved during epithelial division.
{"27939": 0.1407470703125, "6448": 0.248291015625, "12741": 0.2413330078125, "164": 0.140380859375, "46741": 0.12274169921875, "38750": 0.179443359375, "23": 0.1099853515625, "330": 0.1656494140625, "6820": 0.1888427734375, "2320": 0.035980224609375, "18264": 0.1182861328125, "1340": 0.06854248046875, "49930": 0.0950927734375, "1176": 0.069091796875, "232": 0.1160888671875, "73": 0.11572265625, "15789": 0.1444091796875, "25277": 0.09625244140625, "2347": 0.16552734375, "7884": 0.16064453125, "241": 0.1533203125, "9": 0.02276611328125, "149713": 0.1497802734375, "31299": 0.198486328125, "12333": 0.1317138671875, "10": 0.0452880859375, "10500": 0.200439453125, "6889": 0.084716796875, "37067": 0.139404296875, "102043": 0.095458984375, "5170": 0.08587646484375, "5470": 0.13818359375, "214": 0.0017299652099609375, "51": 0.006099700927734375, "119488": 0.1094970703125, "74918": 0.051910400390625, "3525": 0.0789794921875, "27022": 0.201416015625, "10763": 0.08563232421875, "3173": 0.07568359375, "108055": 0.171630859375, "9114": 0.083251953125, "2481": 0.0200042724609375, "9498": 0.09002685546875, "56": 0.122802734375, "125015": 0.045562744140625, "1773": 0.033294677734375, "6781": 0.082275390625, "66847": 0.1942138671875, "11": 0.06915283203125, "352": 0.041900634765625, "21731": 0.1463623046875, "5117": 0.02813720703125, "7639": 0.01099395751953125, "31470": 0.086669921875, "127199": 0.1734619140625, "2317": 0.1275634765625, "81993": 0.1326904296875, "5528": 0.206298828125, "429": 0.07513427734375, "160": 0.1097412109375, "320": 0.1572265625, "29367": 0.079833984375, "4271": 0.142822265625, "1295": 0.005908966064453125, "4950": 0.0743408203125, "1747": 0.08721923828125, "5609": 0.057586669921875, "21434": 0.150146484375, "117474": 0.1817626953125, "7655": 0.033416748046875, "6226": 0.1744384765625, "61433": 0.11407470703125, "52770": 0.09503173828125, "136": 0.00510406494140625, "32340": 0.07574462890625, "52704": 0.1556396484375, "135909": 0.1766357421875, "4743": 0.02423095703125, "135969": 0.08404541015625, "3089": 0.06622314453125, "99115": 0.10931396484375, "15236": 0.11297607421875, "144570": 0.024322509765625, "4000": 0.08038330078125, "2837": 0.037384033203125, "97673": 0.216552734375, "16387": 0.0645751953125, "15555": 0.1448974609375, "27140": 0.0845947265625, "27643": 0.01177215576171875, "101758": 0.13818359375, "56566": 0.0599365234375, "63672": 0.148193359375, "19932": 0.1412353515625, "1212": 0.1956787109375, "208244": 0.10443115234375, "63127": 0.057403564453125, "9407": 0.06121826171875, "33310": 0.09906005859375, "84616": 0.1302490234375, "63559": 0.07855224609375, "170846": 0.078857421875, "100094": 0.04730224609375, "3642": 0.00829315185546875, "13": 0.01107025146484375, "552": 0.0689697265625, "1106": 0.188232421875, "20271": 0.060394287109375, "150": 0.07147216796875, "91853": 0.1597900390625}
The epithelial inward rectifier channel Kir7.1 displays unusual K+ permeation properties.
Rat and human cDNAs were isolated that both encoded a 360 amino acid polypeptide with a tertiary structure typical of inwardly rectifying K+ channel (Kir) subunits. The new proteins, termed Kir7.1, were <37% identical to other Kir subunits and showed various unique residues at conserved sites, particularly near the pore region. High levels of Kir7.1 transcripts were detected in rat brain, lung, kidney, and testis. In situ hybridization of rat brain sections demonstrated that Kir7.1 mRNA was absent from neurons and glia but strongly expressed in the secretory epithelial cells of the choroid plexus (as confirmed by in situ patch-clamp measurements). In cRNA-injected Xenopus oocytes Kir7.1 generated macroscopic Kir currents that showed a very shallow dependence on external K+ ([K+]e), which is in marked contrast to all other Kir channels. At a holding potential of -100 mV, the inward current through Kir7.1 averaged -3.8 +/- 1.04 microA with 2 mM [K+]e and -4.82 +/- 1.87 microA with 96 mM [K+]e. Kir7.1 has a methionine at position 125 in the pore region where other Kir channels have an arginine. When this residue was replaced by the conserved arginine in mutant Kir7.1 channels, the pronounced dependence of K+ permeability on [K+]e, characteristic for other Kir channels, was restored and the Ba2+ sensitivity was increased by a factor of approximately 25 (Ki = 27 microM). These findings support the important role of this site in the regulation of K+ permeability in Kir channels by extracellular cations.
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"24117": 0.047149658203125, "14431": 0.2578125, "165830": 0.263427734375, "3542": 0.011199951171875, "21670": 0.028289794921875, "14427": 0.1251220703125, "31943": 0.1573486328125, "6827": 0.011138916015625, "47": 0.01143646240234375, "14481": 0.010467529296875, "67842": 0.01143646240234375, "36998": 0.163330078125, "99996": 0.178955078125, "90": 0.01123046875, "99": 0.011474609375, "118684": 0.154541015625, "15271": 0.0836181640625, "70": 0.011383056640625, "196": 0.1307373046875, "13": 0.05535888671875, "10776": 0.09307861328125, "19694": 0.11016845703125, "90926": 0.10205078125, "30334": 0.08575439453125, "32032": 0.0799560546875, "7": 0.011688232421875, "96391": 0.12152099609375, "297": 0.01154327392578125, "12540": 0.243896484375, "78574": 0.2056884765625, "32386": 0.13427734375, "10952": 0.10186767578125, "53": 0.01113128662109375, "29753": 0.1781005859375, "24311": 0.14697265625, "113490": 0.1947021484375, "47691": 0.0290374755859375, "40059": 0.09783935546875, "106804": 0.007198333740234375, "347": 0.003772735595703125, "125499": 0.22412109375, "509": 0.01141357421875, "146291": 0.1903076171875, "1295": 0.01018524169921875, "184940": 0.135009765625, "1978": 0.09796142578125, "11": 0.011444091796875, "37515": 0.003353118896484375, "36510": 0.0731201171875, "137558": 0.130126953125, "150": 0.01136016845703125, "289": 0.01125335693359375, "38750": 0.0556640625, "681": 0.01392364501953125, "63964": 0.089111328125, "6221": 0.048797607421875, "80140": 0.10858154296875, "15": 0.01148223876953125, "162": 0.011444091796875, "390": 0.011474609375, "110912": 0.0648193359375, "9": 0.01152801513671875, "60397": 0.0791015625, "254": 0.01168060302734375, "72350": 0.06884765625, "9035": 0.011566162109375, "236": 0.126708984375, "89829": 0.0099029541015625, "22742": 0.05322265625, "157": 0.0628662109375, "7332": 0.145263671875, "806": 0.0595703125, "2408": 0.0753173828125, "1636": 0.0132904052734375, "139392": 0.10589599609375, "111789": 0.0623779296875, "12064": 0.08770751953125, "18695": 0.0103912353515625, "43581": 0.2293701171875, "450": 0.01141357421875, "4552": 0.05584716796875, "35299": 0.08135986328125, "8770": 0.011505126953125, "6": 0.011474609375, "215131": 0.216552734375, "98": 0.01116180419921875, "173591": 0.095947265625, "605": 0.0108642578125, "268": 0.01171112060546875, "247": 0.011444091796875, "3129": 0.01113128662109375, "83": 0.0114593505859375, "69822": 0.1456298828125, "3789": 0.018157958984375, "1913": 0.00994110107421875, "104064": 0.1353759765625, "38516": 0.2127685546875, "45881": 0.08721923828125, "856": 0.08612060546875, "8305": 0.058319091796875, "83080": 0.045013427734375, "135527": 0.1175537109375, "194692": 0.0014476776123046875, "7709": 0.10498046875, "11948": 0.05841064453125, "284": 0.01221466064453125, "678": 0.01125335693359375, "594": 0.0211944580078125, "20": 0.010894775390625, "617": 0.011383056640625, "5": 0.011199951171875, "12012": 0.007171630859375, "615": 0.01125335693359375, "13549": 0.08056640625, "378": 0.0005669593811035156, "435": 0.08721923828125, "979": 0.0743408203125, "191": 0.08526611328125, "1212": 0.0098876953125, "19069": 0.1265869140625, "15732": 0.1392822265625, "7440": 0.0098419189453125, "765": 0.0113372802734375, "142": 0.01001739501953125, "37122": 0.10235595703125, "85963": 0.1324462890625, "91995": 0.10211181640625, "842": 0.12005615234375, "37534": 0.011566162109375, "117": 0.041839599609375, "282": 0.1688232421875, "41159": 0.0269012451171875, "62816": 0.007129669189453125, "48242": 0.0114898681640625, "100": 0.01146697998046875, "14359": 0.0909423828125, "2822": 0.011505126953125, "1853": 0.04107666015625, "304": 0.0703125, "176302": 0.144775390625, "2481": 0.01152801513671875, "124735": 0.09051513671875, "189275": 0.0115203857421875, "714": 0.07928466796875, "19717": 0.0634765625, "2203": 0.0108795166015625, "1438": 0.08050537109375, "90791": 0.017547607421875, "8060": 0.0190582275390625, "5526": 0.0511474609375, "31486": 0.059906005859375, "1764": 0.08721923828125, "15913": 0.147705078125, "1363": 0.0114898681640625, "4173": 0.040374755859375, "8969": 0.01178741455078125}
Oral fingolimod (FTY720) for relapsing multiple sclerosis.
BACKGROUND Fingolimod (FTY720) is a new oral immunomodulating agent under evaluation for the treatment of relapsing multiple sclerosis. METHODS We randomly assigned 281 patients to receive oral fingolimod, at a dose of 1.25 mg or 5.0 mg, or a placebo once daily, and we followed these patients for 6 months with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and clinical evaluations (core study, months 0 to 6). The primary end point was the total number of gadolinium-enhanced lesions recorded on T(1)-weighted MRI at monthly intervals for 6 months. In an extension study in which the investigators and patients remained unaware of the dose assignments (months 7 to 12), patients who received placebo underwent randomization again to one of the fingolimod doses. RESULTS A total of 255 patients completed the core study. The median total number of gadolinium-enhanced lesions on MRI was lower with 1.25 mg of fingolimod (1 lesion, P<0.001) and 5.0 mg of fingolimod (3 lesions, P=0.006) than with placebo (5 lesions). The annualized relapse rate was 0.77 in the placebo group, as compared with 0.35 in the group given 1.25 mg of fingolimod (P=0.009) and 0.36 in the group given 5.0 mg of fingolimod (P=0.01). For the 227 patients who completed the extension study, the number of gadolinium-enhanced lesions and relapse rates remained low in the groups that received continuous fingolimod, and both measures decreased in patients who switched from placebo to fingolimod. Adverse events included nasopharyngitis, dyspnea, headache, diarrhea, and nausea. Clinically asymptomatic elevations of alanine aminotransferase levels were more frequent with fingolimod (10 to 12%, vs. 1% in the placebo group). One case of the posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome occurred in the 5.0-mg group. Fingolimod was also associated with an initial reduction in the heart rate and a modest decrease in the forced expiratory volume in 1 second. CONCLUSIONS In this proof-of-concept study, fingolimod reduced the number of lesions detected on MRI and clinical disease activity in patients with multiple sclerosis. Evaluation in larger, longer-term studies is warranted. (Clinicaltrials.gov numbers, NCT00333138 [core study] and NCT00235430 [ClinicalTrials.gov] [extension].).
{"8678": 0.061798095703125, "20572": 0.036285400390625, "136498": 0.08282470703125, "563": 0.12310791015625, "214": 0.177978515625, "5674": 0.2393798828125, "13415": 0.314208984375, "919": 0.1112060546875, "27143": 0.184326171875, "114988": 0.27685546875, "83": 0.01546478271484375, "3525": 0.083740234375, "30202": 0.205322265625, "43766": 0.1475830078125, "31": 0.0010833740234375, "83279": 0.15673828125, "26518": 0.0576171875, "23882": 0.1748046875, "1379": 0.0345458984375, "219836": 0.1513671875, "70": 0.0157318115234375, "39734": 0.140625, "111": 0.015869140625, "456": 0.10333251953125, "96091": 0.184814453125, "48716": 0.1837158203125, "9023": 0.07666015625, "603": 0.1151123046875, "84125": 0.10675048828125, "33677": 0.059356689453125, "193792": 0.0535888671875, "96759": 0.10797119140625, "538": 0.01544189453125, "95486": 0.1485595703125, "1372": 0.1004638671875, "418": 0.11346435546875, "60264": 0.1488037109375, "53299": 0.10296630859375, "2270": 0.195068359375, "519": 0.218994140625, "150": 0.1629638671875, "4": 0.0160675048828125, "99": 0.015716552734375, "10": 0.015777587890625, "39098": 0.128173828125, "615": 0.0114898681640625, "2588": 0.14697265625, "12010": 0.1356201171875, "103932": 0.155029296875, "707": 0.01340484619140625, "3687": 0.12237548828125, "837": 0.01549530029296875, "24145": 0.01513671875, "31815": 0.09405517578125, "136": 0.01561737060546875, "134629": 0.04998779296875, "100": 0.0154266357421875, "305": 0.054351806640625, "21775": 0.1041259765625, "678": 0.0157928466796875, "214706": 0.06268310546875, "3332": 0.02520751953125, "191": 0.02783203125, "7154": 0.0153656005859375, "86898": 0.10272216796875, "177": 0.015594482421875, "15": 0.0155029296875, "16625": 0.1490478515625, "16": 0.0156402587890625, "56465": 0.07696533203125, "289": 0.0158233642578125, "7": 0.0158538818359375, "30854": 0.09161376953125, "35187": 0.10321044921875, "757": 0.037322998046875, "47": 0.01548004150390625, "35914": 0.0546875, "581": 0.01479339599609375, "158978": 0.058990478515625, "3564": 0.1300048828125, "6275": 0.07757568359375, "3622": 0.024383544921875, "6": 0.0154571533203125, "19130": 0.152099609375, "16146": 0.174560546875, "316": 0.128662109375, "9": 0.015960693359375, "33": 0.01493072509765625, "1121": 0.1373291015625, "37534": 0.0155029296875, "199": 0.1380615234375, "17514": 0.09942626953125, "17164": 0.028656005859375, "297": 0.01593017578125, "98": 0.0146636962890625, "27750": 0.051605224609375, "165598": 0.06890869140625, "176735": 0.0877685546875, "142": 0.015594482421875, "111938": 0.1771240234375, "23": 0.015838623046875, "3129": 0.0147552490234375, "22230": 0.01554107666015625, "47143": 0.0124969482421875, "220": 0.0264129638671875, "15876": 0.085205078125, "9035": 0.01544189453125, "15477": 0.038787841796875, "127": 0.015655517578125, "427": 0.0472412109375, "247": 0.01593017578125, "2750": 0.0151214599609375, "75204": 0.01500701904296875, "74797": 0.0157928466796875, "47691": 0.01531982421875, "13438": 0.037994384765625, "1632": 0.01513671875, "655": 0.12139892578125, "90": 0.01568603515625, "218849": 0.06304931640625, "294": 0.01548004150390625, "86565": 0.12939453125, "140528": 0.10333251953125, "56458": 0.11431884765625, "2450": 0.110107421875, "19": 0.015777587890625, "509": 0.01522064208984375, "92319": 0.18896484375, "1830": 0.014739990234375, "436": 0.014862060546875, "16093": 0.01399993896484375, "17727": 0.0157012939453125, "1369": 0.01568603515625, "37509": 0.05389404296875, "59690": 0.015716552734375, "3501": 0.01433563232421875, "11516": 0.022003173828125, "77253": 0.1103515625, "29367": 0.015380859375, "127966": 0.203125, "34515": 0.0859375, "5": 0.01560211181640625, "14546": 0.08441162109375, "21115": 0.06817626953125, "237": 0.0158233642578125, "154186": 0.01551055908203125, "758": 0.0157928466796875, "34475": 0.01523590087890625, "683": 0.0155181884765625, "99929": 0.0054473876953125, "88604": 0.0155792236328125, "910": 0.0156707763671875, "182149": 0.0772705078125, "130027": 0.09942626953125, "121297": 0.0157318115234375, "27226": 0.04119873046875, "450": 0.0157318115234375, "62005": 0.085693359375, "223": 0.0157623291015625, "15044": 0.0138397216796875, "227204": 0.1468505859375, "71": 0.015838623046875, "1295": 0.0152435302734375, "3145": 0.05877685546875, "37676": 0.1988525390625, "47353": 0.0989990234375, "99201": 0.009124755859375, "24": 0.0968017578125, "991": 0.0146484375, "14612": 0.002529144287109375, "1294": 0.0269622802734375, "449": 0.037689208984375, "23240": 0.0672607421875, "75031": 0.07586669921875, "11": 0.015655517578125, "10336": 0.07537841796875, "46994": 0.01556396484375, "147": 0.045257568359375, "42": 0.01471710205078125, "82463": 0.01529693603515625, "4032": 0.05950927734375, "95612": 0.1297607421875, "25958": 0.015655517578125, "4650": 0.0006842613220214844, "40934": 0.034576416015625, "47148": 0.01544189453125, "57849": 0.1170654296875, "5256": 0.0157470703125, "10905": 0.06591796875, "1212": 0.01206207275390625, "72657": 0.06591796875, "141325": 0.035797119140625, "6991": 0.01509857177734375, "90926": 0.01517486572265625, "3542": 0.01540374755859375, "1286": 0.0157012939453125, "103351": 0.127197265625, "15094": 0.012969970703125, "99385": 0.0116729736328125, "20209": 0.01422882080078125, "40186": 0.0156707763671875, "6561": 0.01250457763671875, "7225": 0.02008056640625, "39225": 0.11737060546875, "39531": 0.08514404296875, "55356": 0.01532745361328125, "16615": 0.047393798828125, "113277": 0.00720977783203125, "192592": 0.0634765625, "194923": 0.0826416015625, "74918": 0.0129852294921875, "2822": 0.015625, "10035": 0.1182861328125, "137272": 0.07177734375, "61475": 0.06640625, "77391": 0.01275634765625, "26498": 0.08203125, "168861": 0.1260986328125, "203286": 0.1448974609375, "31667": 0.0154571533203125, "21950": 0.035491943359375, "106": 0.01514434814453125, "17932": 0.09698486328125, "37486": 0.060882568359375, "85390": 0.007572174072265625, "98869": 0.09881591796875, "4390": 0.0155029296875, "2271": 0.0155181884765625, "19462": 0.09417724609375, "34390": 0.1632080078125, "96391": 0.07794189453125, "70997": 0.025177001953125, "151228": 0.08074951171875, "1363": 0.0159912109375, "32166": 0.0158843994140625, "96335": 0.04571533203125, "183594": 0.043792724609375, "441": 0.0153656005859375, "21533": 0.0157318115234375, "3996": 0.03662109375, "16765": 0.0159454345703125, "12074": 0.05609130859375, "101935": 0.0157012939453125, "541": 0.0099945068359375, "43379": 0.065673828125, "7049": 0.01430511474609375, "66000": 0.014556884765625, "141535": 0.015838623046875, "378": 0.0159912109375, "268": 0.0159454345703125, "97259": 0.01302337646484375, "5843": 0.015106201171875, "617": 0.0159912109375, "1197": 0.01629638671875, "2397": 0.038330078125, "74257": 0.08831787109375, "3355": 0.07025146484375, "128872": 0.133056640625}
Nonoverlapping functions of DNA polymerases mu, lambda, and terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase during immunoglobulin V(D)J recombination in vivo.
DNA polymerases mu (pol mu), lambda (pol lambda), and terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase (TdT) are enzymes of the pol X family that share homology in sequence and functional domain organization. We showed previously that pol mu participates in light chain but surprisingly not heavy chain gene rearrangement. We show here that immunoglobulin heavy chain junctions from pol lambda-deficient animals have shorter length with normal N-additions, thus indicating that pol lambda is recruited during heavy chain rearrangement at a step that precedes the action of TdT. In contrast to previous in vitro studies, analysis of animals with combined inactivation of these enzymes revealed no overlapping or compensatory activities for V(D)J recombination between pol mu, pol lambda, and TdT. This complex usage of polymerases with distinct catalytic specificities may correspond to the specific function that the third hypervariable region assumes for each immunoglobulin chain, with pol lambda maintaining a large heavy chain junctional heterogeneity and pol mu ensuring a restricted light chain junctional variability.
{"27583": 0.1920166015625, "35874": 0.19091796875, "27160": 0.255859375, "5908": 0.1207275390625, "842": 0.29248046875, "5877": 0.2418212890625, "247": 0.0292510986328125, "21": 0.104736328125, "6492": 0.2401123046875, "85": 0.1883544921875, "136": 0.022735595703125, "33949": 0.21630859375, "8": 0.1318359375, "76634": 0.08349609375, "539": 0.0458984375, "11030": 0.034881591796875, "8460": 0.0843505859375, "8613": 0.039154052734375, "141325": 0.1534423828125, "6991": 0.06640625, "618": 0.212646484375, "71": 0.12078857421875, "16": 0.01325225830078125, "621": 0.041046142578125, "193807": 0.2398681640625, "90": 0.0732421875, "3722": 0.2396240234375, "1193": 0.1883544921875, "14449": 0.137939453125, "12008": 0.1224365234375, "7622": 0.1365966796875, "25443": 0.15478515625, "23": 0.01412200927734375, "40": 0.041107177734375, "944": 0.10260009765625, "3956": 0.013580322265625, "123309": 0.1253662109375, "77758": 0.106689453125, "53702": 0.1597900390625, "168360": 0.0278472900390625, "198395": 0.0628662109375, "42938": 0.1591796875, "22729": 0.16259765625, "121293": 0.1942138671875, "1284": 0.0305328369140625, "212615": 0.07464599609375, "538": 0.0845947265625, "959": 0.044342041015625, "99162": 0.1580810546875, "22293": 0.1363525390625, "456": 0.06085205078125, "225628": 0.2142333984375, "7639": 0.0296173095703125, "43766": 0.1380615234375, "54285": 0.10137939453125, "53311": 0.09527587890625, "27022": 0.19384765625, "10763": 0.04400634765625, "7": 0.01436614990234375, "110410": 0.214599609375, "85825": 0.1864013671875, "16610": 0.1588134765625, "56": 0.01349639892578125, "140909": 0.16650390625, "678": 0.0130767822265625, "3638": 0.11456298828125, "541": 0.0682373046875, "12071": 0.144287109375, "5256": 0.0145263671875, "4": 0.01432037353515625, "214": 0.0135955810546875, "83": 0.01068878173828125, "172310": 0.18505859375, "297": 0.01415252685546875, "20271": 0.024993896484375, "99": 0.014068603515625, "10": 0.01406097412109375, "29954": 0.0947265625, "450": 0.0138397216796875, "107671": 0.10400390625, "70": 0.01434326171875, "22631": 0.0360107421875, "384": 0.0843505859375, "360": 0.0142822265625, "69822": 0.04791259765625, "47": 0.0144500732421875, "279": 0.0911865234375, "2955": 0.059722900390625, "114137": 0.00379180908203125, "111": 0.01425933837890625, "70163": 0.07965087890625, "111438": 0.1278076171875, "1363": 0.0142364501953125, "122273": 0.0008859634399414062, "110": 0.0517578125, "645": 0.030517578125, "143": 0.098388671875, "56381": 0.11968994140625, "31667": 0.0141754150390625, "69924": 0.05419921875, "310": 0.1142578125, "397": 0.04791259765625, "1375": 0.135986328125, "33844": 0.031890869140625, "122432": 0.163330078125, "2320": 0.01418304443359375, "17721": 0.0101776123046875, "27140": 0.1453857421875, "127689": 0.1353759765625, "117781": 0.09088134765625, "60199": 0.11834716796875, "9523": 0.01454925537109375, "29458": 0.1329345703125, "31075": 0.01407623291015625, "1543": 0.00634002685546875, "32354": 0.131103515625, "50960": 0.155029296875, "59058": 0.1295166015625, "21690": 0.1671142578125, "2886": 0.0144805908203125, "10776": 0.141845703125, "41591": 0.035247802734375, "100": 0.0133819580078125, "12638": 0.0269775390625, "31": 0.006603240966796875, "76104": 0.07293701171875, "289": 0.014190673828125, "77099": 0.09326171875, "15292": 0.01371002197265625, "2481": 0.0144500732421875, "22": 0.01267242431640625, "53089": 0.0136871337890625, "173072": 0.1285400390625, "141796": 0.1510009765625}
Moderate regular exercise increases basal production of nitric oxide in elderly women.
Vascular endothelial cells produce nitric oxide (NO), which is a potent vasodilator substance and is thought to have antiatherosclerotic properties. Therefore, it has also been proposed that NO may be useful to regulate vascular tonus and prevent progression of atherosclerosis. On the other hand, NO activity reduces with aging. We previously reported that the plasma nitrite/nitrate (NOx: the stable end product of NO) concentration was significantly increased by intense aerobic exercise training in healthy young humans. We hypothesized that lifestyle modification (e.g., even mild regular exercise training) can increase NO production in previously sedentary older humans. We measured the plasma NOx concentration before and after a mild aerobic exercise training regimen (cycling on a leg ergometer at 80% ventilatory threshold for 30 min, 5 days/week) for 3 months in elderly women. In addition, we assessed the plasma concentration of cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP), a second messenger of NO, in the same samples. The individual ventilatory threshold increased significantly after the 3-month exercise training. The blood pressure at rest significantly decreased after exercise training. These results suggest that the 3-month exercise training in the older women produced favorable physiological effects. The plasma concentration of NOx significantly increased by the exercise training, and the plasma concentration of cGMP also increased by the exercise training. The present study suggests that even a mild regular aerobic-endurance exercise increases NO production in previously sedentary older humans, which may have beneficial effects (i.e., antihypertensive and antiatherosclerotic effects by endogenous NO) on the cardiovascular system.
{"13769": 0.144287109375, "25667": 0.127685546875, "22": 0.0396728515625, "15464": 0.09185791015625, "54140": 0.1512451171875, "289": 0.019134521484375, "38750": 0.17919921875, "27489": 0.14453125, "300": 0.1427001953125, "62233": 0.169189453125, "128713": 0.210205078125, "13": 0.07745361328125, "8575": 0.262451171875, "114680": 0.1383056640625, "163895": 0.1380615234375, "42460": 0.17333984375, "1290": 0.09698486328125, "161451": 0.13720703125, "17569": 0.069580078125, "2874": 0.1334228515625, "10519": 0.07891845703125, "39804": 0.1058349609375, "11030": 0.11993408203125, "516": 0.104248046875, "9523": 0.013641357421875, "183871": 0.130126953125, "4": 0.00017642974853515625, "26171": 0.09454345703125, "71": 2.4557113647460938e-05, "9520": 0.27294921875, "1543": 0.049957275390625, "80234": 0.12420654296875, "15913": 0.1702880859375, "4191": 0.1417236328125, "47": 0.09912109375, "7851": 0.099365234375, "56282": 0.10858154296875, "187735": 0.06317138671875, "99": 0.060760498046875, "90865": 0.127197265625, "10382": 0.0153350830078125, "603": 0.0640869140625, "84125": 0.071044921875, "103488": 0.137939453125, "34390": 0.130859375, "678": 0.0592041015625, "66398": 0.1390380859375, "198395": 0.0745849609375, "113771": 0.01021575927734375, "80796": 0.191650390625, "31355": 0.11602783203125, "18781": 0.17138671875, "64": 0.054473876953125, "6773": 0.1282958984375, "17957": 0.13720703125, "425": 0.1929931640625, "144142": 0.182861328125, "3564": 0.143310546875, "12996": 0.1607666015625, "202104": 0.169921875, "207583": 0.037445068359375, "124735": 0.12286376953125, "108938": 0.10113525390625, "37511": 0.172607421875, "45966": 0.09130859375, "81979": 0.1866455078125, "23189": 0.163330078125, "87349": 0.0924072265625, "27150": 0.0775146484375, "118103": 0.08343505859375, "170933": 0.07415771484375, "101906": 0.1536865234375, "129344": 0.195068359375, "5": 0.00020563602447509766, "3853": 0.03778076171875, "126561": 0.1607666015625, "20324": 0.133544921875, "831": 0.048126220703125, "51312": 0.177978515625, "36049": 0.1414794921875, "40": 0.08514404296875, "37379": 0.1470947265625, "114210": 0.1446533203125, "72350": 0.0975341796875, "7103": 0.024383544921875, "63647": 0.0648193359375, "19": 0.00014889240264892578, "166871": 0.1771240234375, "6049": 0.10589599609375, "37443": 0.0675048828125, "20668": 0.03466796875, "210317": 0.214111328125, "53": 6.628036499023438e-05, "159399": 0.10650634765625, "7": 0.00016164779663085938, "100": 7.200241088867188e-05, "496": 0.0251922607421875, "881": 0.039794921875, "190": 0.031402587890625, "47477": 0.005970001220703125, "16": 0.0001468658447265625, "138": 0.035064697265625, "21775": 0.083251953125, "88": 0.09320068359375, "820": 0.1209716796875, "24793": 0.1463623046875, "360": 6.264448165893555e-05, "202120": 0.019866943359375, "70": 6.598234176635742e-05, "187830": 0.1322021484375, "42348": 0.09716796875, "157": 0.07672119140625, "14186": 0.0927734375, "22460": 0.063232421875, "134208": 0.086669921875, "67": 0.00010704994201660156, "724": 0.01226043701171875, "9088": 0.1424560546875, "247": 1.990795135498047e-05, "17932": 0.01073455810546875, "235446": 0.09722900390625, "23": 0.00010079145431518555, "121413": 0.01026153564453125, "11651": 0.0281829833984375, "16200": 0.09393310546875, "5691": 0.026641845703125, "15477": 0.08544921875, "127": 0.0001513957977294922, "59714": 0.05474853515625, "81147": 0.10308837890625, "10588": 0.12451171875, "227204": 0.112060546875, "110990": 0.0848388671875, "240877": 0.016204833984375, "93425": 0.09417724609375, "35187": 0.03851318359375, "42459": 0.0201873779296875, "38555": 0.1025390625, "6635": 0.00011485815048217773, "48588": 0.130859375, "15": 9.691715240478516e-05, "41745": 0.05517578125, "272": 0.00027823448181152344, "62976": 0.0682373046875, "207269": 0.10626220703125, "5426": 0.052490234375}
Competition between target sites of regulators shapes post-transcriptional gene regulation
Post-transcriptional gene regulation (PTGR) of mRNA turnover, localization and translation is mediated by microRNAs (miRNAs) and RNA-binding proteins (RBPs). These regulators exert their effects by binding to specific sequences within their target mRNAs. Increasing evidence suggests that competition for binding is a fundamental principle of PTGR. Not only can miRNAs be sequestered and neutralized by the targets with which they interact through a process termed 'sponging', but competition between binding sites on different RNAs may also lead to regulatory crosstalk between transcripts. Here, we quantitatively model competition effects under physiological conditions and review the role of endogenous sponges for PTGR in light of the key features that emerge.
{"2795": 0.1754150390625, "50713": 0.1395263671875, "59478": 0.145263671875, "289": 0.0209503173828125, "22293": 0.1768798828125, "15913": 0.2452392578125, "1363": 0.0716552734375, "22693": 0.1907958984375, "49741": 0.27490234375, "111": 0.037506103515625, "347": 0.06005859375, "125499": 0.259765625, "85511": 0.16259765625, "814": 0.1497802734375, "4000": 0.1368408203125, "47691": 0.05889892578125, "136": 0.06378173828125, "153648": 0.159912109375, "83": 0.032623291015625, "2450": 0.1893310546875, "390": 0.0692138671875, "11948": 0.1278076171875, "266": 0.11444091796875, "128239": 0.2064208984375, "21308": 0.1807861328125, "45176": 0.1181640625, "683": 0.148681640625, "32255": 0.01383209228515625, "144314": 0.26806640625, "1119": 0.003589630126953125, "2529": 0.08050537109375, "2363": 0.0032196044921875, "93425": 0.162109375, "29458": 0.049346923828125, "26513": 0.0968017578125, "28032": 0.01593017578125, "30388": 0.1650390625, "1283": 0.0101165771484375, "77950": 0.0556640625, "42459": 0.01079559326171875, "130412": 0.261962890625, "100": 0.0633544921875, "20531": 0.11614990234375, "24702": 0.127197265625, "21357": 0.2008056640625, "831": 0.06341552734375, "324": 0.12359619140625, "7": 0.05462646484375, "40": 0.0275726318359375, "944": 0.1231689453125, "1515": 0.00360870361328125, "216989": 0.1806640625, "78974": 0.1246337890625, "9433": 0.0682373046875, "24117": 0.0032196044921875, "18908": 0.1978759765625, "9966": 0.1575927734375, "17721": 0.0916748046875, "15271": 0.09918212890625, "12921": 0.06781005859375, "1543": 0.031829833984375, "37105": 0.0311279296875, "41421": 0.049957275390625, "139109": 0.184814453125, "30334": 0.1651611328125, "32032": 0.1751708984375, "88779": 0.06121826171875, "3299": 0.126953125, "1379": 0.03033447265625, "240877": 0.1151123046875, "137043": 0.060882568359375, "27289": 0.10882568359375, "8347": 0.00896453857421875, "31486": 0.0850830078125, "3564": 0.07708740234375, "62976": 0.150146484375, "10821": 0.0200347900390625, "4188": 0.17724609375, "22799": 0.0252685546875, "66139": 0.09466552734375, "74216": 0.03704833984375}
Primary prevention of ischemic stroke: A statement for healthcare professionals from the Stroke Council of the American Heart Association.
Stroke ranks as the third leading cause of death in the United States. It is now estimated that there are more than 700 000 incident strokes annually and 4.4 million stroke survivors.1 2 The economic burden of stroke was estimated by the American Heart Association to be $51 billion (direct and indirect costs) in 1999.3 Despite the advent of treatment of selected patients with acute ischemic stroke with tissue plasminogen activator and the promise of other experimental therapies, the best approach to reducing the burden of stroke remains prevention.4 5 High-risk or stroke-prone individuals can be identified and targeted for specific interventions.6 This is important because epidemiological data suggest a substantial leveling off of prior declines in stroke-related mortality and a possible increase in stroke incidence.7 8 The Stroke Council of the American Heart Association formed an ad hoc writing group to provide a clear and concise overview of the evidence regarding various established and potential stroke risk factors. The writing group was chosen based on expertise in specific subject areas, and it used literature review, reference to previously published guidelines, and expert opinion to summarize existing evidence and formulate recommendations (Table 1⇓). View this table: Table 1. Levels of Evidence and Grading of Recommendations As given in Tables 2 through 4⇓⇓⇓, risk factors or risk markers for a first stroke were classified according to potential for modification (nonmodifiable, modifiable, or potentially modifiable) and strength of evidence (well documented, less well documented).5 The tables give the estimated prevalence, population attributable risk, relative risk, and risk reduction with treatment for each factor when known. Population attributable risk reflects the proportion of ischemic strokes in the population that can be attributed to a particular risk factor and is given by the formula 100×[prevalence(relative risk−1)/prevalence(relative risk−1)+1]). …
{"46992": 0.28515625, "350": 0.2548828125, "30648": 0.18994140625, "7": 0.03564453125, "237": 0.09075927734375, "70": 0.09759521484375, "50960": 0.22119140625, "105207": 0.2037353515625, "22304": 0.2379150390625, "111": 0.1463623046875, "47219": 0.1846923828125, "14098": 0.133056640625, "46684": 0.1724853515625, "5": 0.0307159423828125, "1650": 0.0307464599609375, "83": 0.0357666015625, "5036": 0.10888671875, "25902": 0.1490478515625, "3674": 0.036041259765625, "450": 0.035552978515625, "2685": 0.10552978515625, "621": 0.03533935546875, "1286": 0.08673095703125, "3501": 0.038330078125, "10044": 0.10394287109375, "2445": 0.15380859375, "45559": 0.2467041015625, "120472": 0.307373046875, "77253": 0.1871337890625, "538": 0.035552978515625, "136": 0.0655517578125, "102692": 0.1405029296875, "19879": 0.152587890625, "613": 0.1322021484375, "33328": 0.17138671875, "25251": 0.035797119140625, "418": 0.031646728515625, "116": 0.064208984375, "581": 0.03515625, "25313": 0.228271484375, "53142": 0.232177734375, "19": 0.1240234375, "509": 0.047027587890625, "15672": 0.1114501953125, "60861": 0.2044677734375, "56187": 0.1767578125, "47": 0.0357666015625, "186": 0.035614013671875, "3650": 0.111572265625, "11703": 0.1697998046875, "96090": 0.1727294921875, "80581": 0.12451171875, "116361": 0.1307373046875, "84458": 0.2105712890625, "16": 0.035491943359375, "23": 0.03570556640625, "55482": 0.2049560546875, "363": 0.04217529296875, "262": 0.035125732421875, "61518": 0.07891845703125, "68451": 0.094482421875, "39734": 0.1993408203125, "133291": 0.0875244140625, "60264": 0.1416015625, "678": 0.03533935546875, "10": 0.035614013671875, "85691": 0.16845703125, "6": 0.03558349609375, "4986": 0.191162109375, "21068": 0.1387939453125, "108055": 0.140380859375, "13": 0.03558349609375, "56033": 0.130126953125, "1249": 0.11090087890625, "62976": 0.187744140625, "34704": 0.1571044921875, "1290": 0.03582763671875, "103036": 0.1402587890625, "3789": 0.03515625, "195935": 0.168212890625, "88562": 0.161865234375, "4": 0.03570556640625, "2965": 0.125732421875, "51515": 0.1610107421875, "241866": 0.1865234375, "47143": 0.08837890625, "479": 0.10791015625, "57241": 0.177490234375, "617": 0.036712646484375, "190": 0.042633056640625, "19694": 0.1241455078125, "9": 0.035430908203125, "57786": 0.22119140625, "707": 0.06451416015625, "3454": 0.1280517578125, "86": 0.03558349609375, "79165": 0.10443115234375, "831": 0.06048583984375, "207487": 0.1641845703125, "30388": 0.17529296875, "297": 0.03564453125, "100": 0.068603515625, "29458": 0.054840087890625, "113449": 0.1639404296875, "910": 0.040496826171875, "5526": 0.1102294921875, "6637": 0.0157012939453125, "83063": 0.13720703125, "109622": 0.0357666015625, "2053": 0.106689453125, "42459": 0.03204345703125, "193984": 0.0181121826171875, "17366": 0.15478515625, "214": 0.035552978515625, "5773": 0.03106689453125, "41928": 0.019622802734375, "206398": 0.1165771484375, "174822": 0.02703857421875, "67573": 0.1285400390625, "2481": 0.035675048828125, "7722": 0.025665283203125, "51312": 0.0426025390625, "136667": 0.097900390625, "3956": 0.03594970703125, "966": 0.04193115234375, "382": 0.06378173828125, "70615": 0.1690673828125, "4806": 0.0189971923828125, "142": 0.035552978515625, "606": 0.050994873046875, "8589": 0.1431884765625, "32562": 0.1793212890625, "21115": 0.1873779296875, "34735": 0.11395263671875, "318": 0.11590576171875, "184": 0.035552978515625, "645": 0.05517578125, "22751": 0.11724853515625, "77950": 0.1832275390625, "67842": 0.054595947265625, "170920": 0.1112060546875, "38516": 0.1417236328125, "10512": 0.2449951171875, "120103": 0.2098388671875, "19667": 0.1011962890625, "35509": 0.01126861572265625, "98": 0.035552978515625, "107963": 0.1361083984375, "28368": 0.0291290283203125, "58555": 0.03570556640625, "442": 0.035003662109375, "163136": 0.054962158203125, "8347": 0.029327392578125, "91067": 0.03192138671875, "198395": 0.0132293701171875, "226829": 0.1102294921875, "26808": 0.08587646484375, "33153": 0.055267333984375, "29334": 0.042449951171875, "14096": 0.0357666015625, "144573": 0.0546875, "26168": 0.1705322265625, "67": 0.035614013671875, "209236": 0.133056640625, "618": 0.075439453125, "2886": 0.1256103515625, "106": 0.00516510009765625, "246877": 0.09527587890625, "29805": 0.09368896484375, "903": 0.07269287109375, "23180": 0.1748046875, "12": 0.00394439697265625, "112997": 0.1849365234375, "615": 0.01296234130859375, "84136": 0.1796875, "58557": 0.183349609375, "329": 0.035675048828125, "22453": 0.1434326171875, "853": 0.03875732421875, "277": 0.11962890625, "25965": 0.13720703125, "21094": 0.035369873046875, "1301": 0.03546142578125, "34475": 0.035736083984375, "8305": 0.03515625, "201": 0.035186767578125, "71323": 0.156005859375, "5117": 0.15625, "3542": 0.035614013671875, "18507": 0.1561279296875, "47314": 0.035736083984375, "59499": 0.035736083984375, "129344": 0.140380859375, "15": 0.035552978515625, "6431": 0.0122833251953125, "133648": 0.037261962890625, "1029": 0.035552978515625, "73197": 0.02655029296875, "90254": 0.137451171875, "19256": 0.035552978515625, "12937": 0.0341796875, "40715": 0.005268096923828125, "5299": 0.0355224609375, "758": 0.039154052734375, "8337": 0.037139892578125, "151497": 0.1456298828125, "43904": 0.12188720703125, "150380": 0.1943359375, "35845": 0.087646484375, "456": 0.0955810546875, "77391": 0.054443359375, "31461": 0.139404296875, "3229": 0.03582763671875, "51529": 0.0209197998046875, "157890": 0.1304931640625, "1363": 0.03564453125, "44961": 0.11541748046875, "123875": 0.07977294921875, "17311": 0.0049591064453125, "390": 0.035675048828125, "805": 0.1175537109375, "17676": 0.05889892578125, "1065": 0.00021696090698242188, "4692": 0.07086181640625, "1405": 0.1300048828125, "6620": 0.03558349609375, "132": 0.0352783203125, "25653": 0.0309600830078125, "4935": 0.03570556640625, "17727": 0.034637451171875, "64": 0.035430908203125, "21748": 0.092041015625, "268": 0.0355224609375, "153": 0.031829833984375}
Chimeric live, attenuated vaccine against Japanese encephalitis (ChimeriVax-JE): phase 2 clinical trials for safety and immunogenicity, effect of vaccine dose and schedule, and memory response to challenge with inactivated Japanese encephalitis antigen.
ChimeriVax-JE is a live, attenuated vaccine against Japanese encephalitis, using yellow fever (YF) 17D vaccine as a vector. In a double-blind phase 2 trial, 99 adults received vaccine, placebo, or YF 17D vaccine (YF-VAX). ChimeriVax-JE was well tolerated, with no differences in adverse events between treatment groups. Viremias resulting from administration of ChimeriVax-JE and YF-VAX were of short duration and low titer; 82 (94%) of 87 subjects administered graded doses (1.8-5.8 log(10)) of ChimeriVax-JE developed neutralizing antibodies. A second dose, administered 30 days later, had no booster effect. Previous inoculation with YF did not interfere with ChimeriVax-JE, but there was a suggestion (not statistically significant) that ChimeriVax-JE interfered with YF-VAX administered 30 days later. A separate study explored immunological memory both in subjects who had received ChimeriVax-JE 9 months before and in ChimeriVax-JE-naive subjects challenged with inactivated mouse-brain vaccine (JE-VAX). Anamnestic responses were observed in preimmune individuals. ChimeriVax-JE appears to be a safe vaccine that provides protective levels of neutralizing antibody after a single dose.
{"5585": 0.2288818359375, "30547": 0.295166015625, "28563": 0.2420654296875, "425": 0.2044677734375, "9": 0.101318359375, "15301": 0.357177734375, "83": 0.1142578125, "10": 0.0667724609375, "6867": 0.1802978515625, "4": 0.02197265625, "243": 0.054229736328125, "33": 0.07208251953125, "34": 0.0819091796875, "27686": 0.02203369140625, "51294": 0.2135009765625, "13": 0.1458740234375, "26548": 0.1712646484375, "148926": 0.2369384765625, "22": 0.1123046875, "16615": 0.180908203125, "35224": 0.1649169921875, "1814": 0.1397705078125, "17368": 0.1373291015625, "205811": 0.1998291015625, "3820": 0.1302490234375, "814": 0.1527099609375, "1723": 0.1302490234375, "919": 0.15673828125, "16": 0.022003173828125, "729": 0.19775390625, "397": 0.1553955078125, "237": 0.087158203125, "173": 0.1497802734375, "18770": 0.1754150390625, "41929": 0.089111328125, "210873": 0.189697265625, "93402": 0.12353515625, "116": 0.10882568359375, "110324": 0.1865234375, "10078": 0.209716796875, "116127": 0.16259765625, "75204": 0.10504150390625, "3687": 0.1514892578125, "837": 0.10491943359375, "707": 0.002536773681640625, "990": 0.11431884765625, "16350": 0.220458984375, "1542": 0.184814453125, "509": 0.042144775390625, "5299": 0.10552978515625, "47": 0.06695556640625, "603": 0.148193359375, "110": 0.042633056640625, "60212": 0.095947265625, "7": 0.0221099853515625, "23": 0.08892822265625, "64406": 0.0767822265625, "47353": 0.00899505615234375, "17721": 0.020538330078125, "39734": 0.125, "94407": 0.10845947265625, "10421": 0.09930419921875, "32868": 0.2210693359375, "16750": 0.06500244140625, "214": 0.0216217041015625, "1295": 0.0208282470703125, "86052": 0.1522216796875, "111": 0.0220489501953125, "136": 0.029998779296875, "3542": 0.0221099853515625, "16610": 0.0975341796875, "115": 0.09161376953125, "30494": 0.0221405029296875, "27226": 0.06878662109375, "1053": 0.049835205078125, "720": 0.0220489501953125, "15751": 0.072998046875, "11267": 0.101318359375, "18825": 0.10772705078125, "28368": 0.10986328125, "606": 0.042724609375, "35485": 0.150146484375, "297": 0.02215576171875, "6671": 0.13720703125, "655": 0.1214599609375, "90": 0.0220794677734375, "15": 0.0214691162109375, "119044": 0.09918212890625, "153451": 0.1329345703125, "12684": 0.10211181640625, "90980": 0.04522705078125, "126809": 0.0626220703125, "216989": 0.2235107421875, "2874": 0.1307373046875, "34204": 0.020416259765625, "62": 0.0198211669921875, "17932": 0.09808349609375, "39098": 0.151123046875, "496": 0.131103515625, "13312": 0.072509765625, "14432": 0.06951904296875, "1902": 0.0253753662109375, "97551": 0.1181640625, "56": 0.019378662109375, "21543": 0.1324462890625, "6422": 0.082275390625, "6652": 0.07757568359375, "72403": 0.0192108154296875, "678": 0.0511474609375, "959": 0.0243377685546875, "193943": 0.176513671875, "199015": 0.09259033203125, "10869": 0.0176849365234375, "80835": 0.040863037109375, "25958": 0.022125244140625, "88551": 0.0201416015625, "71": 0.02215576171875, "84797": 0.0149383544921875, "35187": 0.09063720703125, "88898": 0.04693603515625, "43766": 0.1112060546875, "109622": 0.03961181640625, "98323": 0.19091796875, "2750": 0.021697998046875, "483": 0.073486328125, "21775": 0.08868408203125, "76": 0.053314208984375, "5844": 0.0220489501953125, "66801": 0.10369873046875, "111438": 0.1373291015625, "3674": 0.0220947265625, "114669": 0.1513671875, "2844": 0.132568359375, "73": 0.022064208984375, "5710": 0.042327880859375, "39": 0.090087890625, "86": 0.0220947265625, "28692": 0.0220794677734375, "57553": 0.103515625, "139999": 0.05572509765625, "479": 0.07891845703125, "464": 0.05706787109375, "561": 0.1107177734375, "79165": 0.0711669921875, "135179": 0.09417724609375, "186": 0.031768798828125, "46002": 0.171875, "450": 0.00664520263671875, "87344": 0.07568359375, "59959": 0.128173828125, "90926": 0.01410675048828125, "37873": 0.125, "7103": 0.0732421875, "11001": 0.12493896484375}
Global prevalence of anxiety disorders: a systematic review and meta-regression.
BACKGROUND The literature describing the global prevalence of anxiety disorders is highly variable. A systematic review and meta-regression were undertaken to estimate the prevalence of anxiety disorders and to identify factors that may influence these estimates. The findings will inform the new Global Burden of Disease study. Method A systematic review identified prevalence studies of anxiety disorders published between 1980 and 2009. Electronic databases, reference lists, review articles and monographs were searched and experts then contacted to identify missing studies. Substantive and methodological factors associated with inter-study variability were identified through meta-regression analyses and the global prevalence of anxiety disorders was calculated adjusting for study methodology. RESULTS The prevalence of anxiety disorders was obtained from 87 studies across 44 countries. Estimates of current prevalence ranged between 0.9% and 28.3% and past-year prevalence between 2.4% and 29.8%. Substantive factors including gender, age, culture, conflict and economic status, and urbanicity accounted for the greatest proportion of variability. Methodological factors in the final multivariate model (prevalence period, number of disorders and diagnostic instrument) explained an additional 13% of variance between studies. The global current prevalence of anxiety disorders adjusted for methodological differences was 7.3% (4.8-10.9%) and ranged from 5.3% (3.5-8.1%) in African cultures to 10.4% (7.0-15.5%) in Euro/Anglo cultures. CONCLUSIONS Anxiety disorders are common and the substantive and methodological factors identified here explain much of the variability in prevalence estimates. Specific attention should be paid to cultural differences in responses to survey instruments for anxiety disorders.
{"8678": 0.1142578125, "20572": 0.10211181640625, "136498": 0.1484375, "34384": 0.0221099853515625, "163136": 0.1689453125, "28852": 0.1033935546875, "7964": 0.181640625, "151497": 0.2454833984375, "3956": 0.1402587890625, "111": 0.143310546875, "216598": 0.271728515625, "171986": 0.25927734375, "7": 0.11700439453125, "83": 0.041839599609375, "103210": 0.12939453125, "77336": 0.26953125, "242161": 0.213623046875, "8347": 0.220703125, "136": 0.04876708984375, "23550": 0.1602783203125, "107": 0.0501708984375, "148448": 0.1845703125, "3542": 0.04638671875, "1379": 0.0027065277099609375, "33": 0.0458984375, "25902": 0.1611328125, "67": 0.0467529296875, "70": 0.046783447265625, "47": 0.046783447265625, "135812": 0.1131591796875, "120103": 0.1932373046875, "450": 0.046783447265625, "1543": 0.09368896484375, "79507": 0.1297607421875, "1636": 0.047088623046875, "90791": 0.0252838134765625, "1221": 0.0526123046875, "8180": 0.09619140625, "3525": 0.028839111328125, "13453": 0.1591796875, "7362": 0.18505859375, "555": 0.1458740234375, "229200": 0.1474609375, "35187": 0.111328125, "74644": 0.184814453125, "207487": 0.0924072265625, "96335": 0.188232421875, "91376": 0.102294921875, "17721": 0.047027587890625, "15643": 0.1798095703125, "20938": 0.185791015625, "87673": 0.1278076171875, "63399": 0.11962890625, "4": 0.0469970703125, "91067": 0.0289764404296875, "5303": 0.044586181640625, "38440": 0.045867919921875, "22460": 0.0088043212890625, "41382": 0.046142578125, "33938": 0.043975830078125, "297": 0.046966552734375, "78688": 0.1044921875, "7068": 0.04425048828125, "5470": 0.070556640625, "132283": 0.1776123046875, "8273": 0.0172119140625, "4384": 0.11328125, "4935": 0.046844482421875, "55300": 0.153564453125, "109622": 0.0927734375, "137272": 0.003139495849609375, "678": 0.046478271484375, "1940": 0.1280517578125, "9": 0.04718017578125, "4313": 0.09954833984375, "1459": 0.04620361328125, "141796": 0.25537109375, "2481": 0.04571533203125, "8305": 0.044403076171875, "51422": 0.053863525390625, "509": 0.045806884765625, "74481": 0.1041259765625, "3674": 0.046844482421875, "126596": 0.1636962890625, "214": 0.0457763671875, "100": 0.0467529296875, "25443": 0.01435089111328125, "218849": 0.1309814453125, "581": 0.04425048828125, "113054": 0.1207275390625, "1295": 0.04693603515625, "18825": 0.19091796875, "36880": 0.03216552734375, "5896": 0.2027587890625, "76726": 0.2266845703125, "5": 0.047210693359375, "60271": 0.1539306640625, "43581": 0.1533203125, "37457": 0.050384521484375, "71": 0.04681396484375, "757": 0.04669189453125, "12678": 0.04693603515625, "12511": 0.102783203125, "11587": 0.0841064453125, "11015": 0.140380859375, "46799": 0.046844482421875, "787": 0.018798828125, "11267": 0.11724853515625, "13646": 0.08416748046875, "11991": 0.052490234375, "26719": 0.01122283935546875, "127501": 0.1495361328125, "32070": 0.0789794921875, "29394": 0.1875, "79612": 0.175537109375, "25313": 0.11126708984375, "10778": 0.04766845703125, "27081": 0.08489990234375, "14": 0.04656982421875, "60089": 0.04534912109375, "15426": 0.0867919921875, "158036": 0.115234375, "123875": 0.095947265625, "23": 0.0469970703125, "2704": 0.0888671875, "6024": 0.0960693359375, "124640": 0.1424560546875, "3299": 0.0943603515625, "15": 0.04681396484375, "4692": 0.0457763671875, "1405": 0.12548828125, "6620": 0.04681396484375, "14922": 0.0194854736328125, "14012": 0.047119140625, "52070": 0.048828125, "13984": 0.15283203125, "16": 0.046905517578125, "189050": 0.1187744140625, "142": 0.046661376953125, "78301": 0.08233642578125, "144530": 0.12890625, "16757": 0.21875, "60212": 0.2291259765625, "2861": 0.045074462890625, "9451": 0.046783447265625, "1019": 0.046905517578125, "9193": 0.028717041015625, "1892": 0.050323486328125, "6896": 0.04693603515625, "138573": 0.031463623046875, "101334": 0.1845703125, "4068": 0.03936767578125, "129884": 0.0301513671875, "13386": 0.047119140625, "13465": 0.047119140625, "3939": 0.130859375, "64": 0.03924560546875, "53480": 0.091552734375, "365": 0.03460693359375, "14452": 0.01512908935546875, "37486": 0.06610107421875, "85390": 0.03472900390625, "893": 0.044708251953125, "111659": 0.1947021484375, "939": 0.150146484375, "621": 0.04608154296875, "39210": 0.1788330078125, "1614": 0.047027587890625, "3688": 0.0279083251953125, "73342": 0.10906982421875, "5045": 0.051910400390625, "209052": 0.026123046875, "35743": 0.042572021484375, "5608": 0.03143310546875, "186": 0.046875, "72090": 0.00801849365234375, "15380": 0.183349609375, "57553": 0.01369476318359375, "110297": 0.1719970703125}
Expression of optineurin, a glaucoma-linked gene, is influenced by elevated intraocular pressure.
Optineurin (optic neuropathy inducing protein; OPTN) was recently linked to 16.7% of families with primary open-angle glaucoma. The function of OPTN in the eye is not known, but is present in the trabecular meshwork, which is responsible for maintenance of intraocular pressure (IOP). To gain insight into the role of OPTN in the development of glaucoma we studied its expression in response to factors known to be associated with the disease: elevated IOP, tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNFalpha), and dexamethasone (DEX). We performed the treatments in human organ cultures under conditions mimicking physiological pressure. We find OPTN significantly upregulated after 2, 4, and 7 days of sustained elevated IOP. OPTN expression is also induced 2.3-fold by TNFalpha and 2.6-fold by prolonged DEX treatment. These results demonstrate that OPTN is part of the transcriptome responding to glaucomatous insults and support the protective role of this protein in the trabecular meshwork.
{"2331": 0.2420654296875, "10325": 0.220458984375, "1162": 0.2093505859375, "19": 0.173583984375, "31": 0.1754150390625, "112569": 0.2166748046875, "37817": 0.151611328125, "192592": 0.1715087890625, "135989": 0.2010498046875, "214": 0.0259857177734375, "21308": 0.240966796875, "28023": 0.26611328125, "38821": 0.32275390625, "78684": 0.0521240234375, "3126": 0.1422119140625, "6849": 0.08489990234375, "14427": 0.1337890625, "87143": 0.1005859375, "678": 0.01090240478515625, "158978": 0.09930419921875, "9803": 0.1597900390625, "109217": 0.182373046875, "24682": 0.1322021484375, "34": 0.1097412109375, "277": 0.1917724609375, "11": 0.0966796875, "32354": 0.19140625, "111": 0.06793212890625, "23": 0.1060791015625, "36298": 0.22509765625, "959": 0.06439208984375, "51529": 0.11956787109375, "13379": 0.1390380859375, "1152": 0.0660400390625, "372": 0.12286376953125, "25667": 0.1292724609375, "163": 0.07415771484375, "1495": 0.09393310546875, "18244": 0.1392822265625, "102778": 0.1719970703125, "121097": 0.1746826171875, "18440": 0.08917236328125, "81147": 0.212890625, "568": 0.06292724609375, "20880": 0.21630859375, "149201": 0.07122802734375, "31486": 0.143310546875, "34754": 0.1595458984375, "22282": 0.0210723876953125, "6863": 0.038299560546875, "125195": 0.206298828125, "57553": 0.0977783203125, "120103": 0.131103515625, "137272": 0.11187744140625, "70997": 0.07098388671875, "57849": 0.1295166015625, "87": 0.05999755859375, "57412": 0.1134033203125, "4272": 0.00785064697265625, "100816": 0.062042236328125, "31461": 0.1363525390625, "14612": 0.1812744140625, "919": 0.034332275390625, "289": 0.032440185546875, "8": 0.12017822265625, "3798": 0.08807373046875, "1928": 0.0682373046875, "10557": 0.06683349609375, "3630": 0.1197509765625, "397": 0.09869384765625, "26939": 0.159912109375, "51339": 0.0091094970703125, "39734": 0.1602783203125, "14135": 0.032806396484375, "7484": 0.1651611328125, "29394": 0.1099853515625, "27289": 0.0220489501953125, "37423": 0.08233642578125, "240877": 0.072265625, "7413": 0.00833892822265625, "207583": 0.06427001953125, "1257": 0.06158447265625, "144867": 0.21533203125, "7103": 0.055206298828125, "116": 0.03857421875, "201": 0.05645751953125, "361": 0.0223236083984375, "13312": 0.0843505859375, "205027": 0.0758056640625, "59811": 0.1395263671875, "42822": 0.1558837890625, "384": 0.03253173828125, "73493": 0.103271484375, "119326": 0.1375732421875, "85673": 0.0963134765625, "1514": 0.189453125, "1542": 0.1409912109375, "50339": 0.0033283233642578125, "2831": 0.059417724609375, "30334": 0.0689697265625, "32032": 0.1422119140625, "13450": 0.136474609375, "35644": 0.1390380859375, "2832": 0.030426025390625, "100567": 0.21728515625, "8060": 0.08123779296875, "59959": 0.1083984375, "903": 0.0284576416015625}
Prevention of malaria in long-term travelers.
CONTEXT Long-term travelers, defined here as those traveling for periods of 6 months or longer, face particular challenges regarding malaria prevention. Current guidelines for malaria prevention primarily address prevention of Plasmodium falciparum infections in short-term travelers. OBJECTIVES To examine the risk of malaria in long-term travelers, recent developments in personal protective measures, and the safety and tolerability of malaria chemoprophylaxis during long-term use and to consider prevention strategies including continuous chemoprophylaxis, stand-by emergency self-treatment, seasonal prophylaxis, and strategies to prevent primary infection and relapses from P vivax malaria. EVIDENCE ACQUISITION Comprehensive search of scientific publications including MEDLINE via both OVID and PubMED for relevant studies and articles with a cutoff date of July 2006, using the search terms long-term travel and malaria prevention, long-term malaria chemoprophylaxis, and insect repellent and malaria. Additional references were obtained from searching the bibliographies of the selected articles, from dissertations, and from the proceedings of relevant conferences on travel medicine. There were no language restrictions. EVIDENCE SYNTHESIS Long-term travelers have a higher risk of malaria than short-term travelers. Long-term travelers underuse personal protective measures and adhere poorly to continuous chemoprophylaxis regimens. A number of strategies are used during long-term stays: discontinuation of chemoprophylaxis after the initial period, sequential regimens with different medications for chemoprophylaxis, stand-by emergency self-treatment, and seasonal chemoprophylaxis targeting high-incidence periods or locations. All strategies have advantages and drawbacks. Counterfeit drugs sold in countries endemic for malaria pose serious concern for long-term travelers who purchase their medications overseas. Vivax malaria causes significant illness in travelers, but relapses of vivax malaria are not prevented with the current first-line chemoprophylaxis regimens. Consensus guidelines are needed for prevention of malaria in long-term travelers. CONCLUSIONS Prevention of malaria in long-term travelers is a complex issue and requires expert advice from travel medicine specialists. Recommendations for prevention of malaria in long-term travelers must be individualized.
{"14452": 0.022308349609375, "122691": 0.093505859375, "14407": 0.1759033203125, "32166": 0.25830078125, "26983": 0.302734375, "1314": 0.18408203125, "61924": 0.064453125, "71": 0.0055999755859375, "3688": 0.023406982421875, "8382": 0.032806396484375, "214": 0.0853271484375, "100": 0.005916595458984375, "14922": 0.1490478515625, "7": 0.006103515625, "111": 0.005859375, "305": 0.119384765625, "21775": 0.165283203125, "707": 0.01206207275390625, "51713": 0.119140625, "4": 0.006175994873046875, "2577": 0.08270263671875, "17311": 0.059112548828125, "127125": 0.130615234375, "960": 0.197021484375, "6232": 0.234619140625, "479": 0.1533203125, "57241": 0.177490234375, "114063": 0.053863525390625, "226829": 0.190673828125, "102917": 0.00766754150390625, "538": 0.00595855712890625, "29823": 0.0450439453125, "128142": 0.07635498046875, "432": 0.12286376953125, "28483": 0.0858154296875, "11944": 0.09600830078125, "25258": 0.1077880859375, "25759": 0.12249755859375, "159634": 0.1689453125, "23": 0.00592803955078125, "16610": 0.13525390625, "9": 0.006076812744140625, "35988": 0.05999755859375, "15301": 0.1053466796875, "441": 0.005859375, "169813": 0.032470703125, "160477": 0.052276611328125, "70": 0.0059051513671875, "10512": 0.20947265625, "4989": 0.1766357421875, "17309": 0.0153045654296875, "34754": 0.03326416015625, "3357": 0.1302490234375, "59959": 0.1400146484375, "5844": 0.00601959228515625, "72350": 0.098388671875, "81900": 0.11480712890625, "136": 0.005924224853515625, "47": 0.044586181640625, "603": 0.096435546875, "41159": 0.00530242919921875, "290": 0.1396484375, "36290": 0.107177734375, "3038": 0.11761474609375, "143": 0.11712646484375, "33102": 0.0880126953125, "20271": 0.005340576171875, "4527": 0.072998046875, "50531": 0.1903076171875, "62005": 0.1522216796875, "223": 0.005859375, "9157": 0.0660400390625, "1272": 0.006134033203125, "161203": 0.1165771484375, "15970": 0.09722900390625, "2921": 0.0848388671875, "257": 0.00600433349609375, "674": 0.006076812744140625, "34003": 0.1827392578125, "289": 0.00601959228515625, "502": 0.0130157470703125, "34053": 0.1041259765625, "56282": 0.144775390625, "158978": 0.072265625, "456": 0.0266265869140625, "127966": 0.1756591796875, "436": 0.049346923828125, "36097": 0.184814453125, "425": 0.1527099609375, "74116": 0.11700439453125, "139016": 0.00919342041015625, "68019": 0.08819580078125, "3220": 0.00322723388671875, "29888": 0.00597381591796875, "33938": 0.1082763671875, "57456": 0.068359375, "104345": 0.06976318359375, "48114": 0.104248046875, "57339": 0.1390380859375, "1829": 0.003925323486328125, "105269": 0.018524169921875, "104126": 0.12127685546875, "29191": 0.0297698974609375, "38440": 0.007598876953125, "678": 0.005825042724609375, "10": 0.006023406982421875, "59226": 0.0304412841796875, "16713": 0.005832672119140625, "5622": 0.00595855712890625, "20414": 0.005107879638671875, "65942": 0.07843017578125, "69407": 0.048187255859375, "103665": 0.126708984375, "10958": 0.1070556640625, "39366": 0.1224365234375, "18": 0.005992889404296875, "14": 0.005756378173828125, "43315": 0.00569915771484375, "91067": 0.064453125, "3542": 0.005889892578125, "297": 0.005931854248046875, "1295": 0.00598907470703125, "61314": 0.00240325927734375, "118392": 0.005893707275390625, "186533": 0.003437042236328125, "5256": 0.00589752197265625, "172337": 0.003936767578125, "5180": 0.00588226318359375, "108870": 0.036865234375, "98": 0.005519866943359375, "54411": 0.1353759765625, "8622": 0.005092620849609375, "110": 0.0158538818359375, "46876": 0.1422119140625, "185190": 0.1031494140625, "241": 0.0017757415771484375, "159": 0.0051422119140625, "58640": 0.0292510986328125, "120363": 0.034881591796875, "765": 0.005950927734375, "77546": 0.124755859375, "1379": 0.07122802734375, "4032": 0.00572967529296875, "606": 0.00548553466796875, "35593": 0.0033893585205078125, "70425": 0.09393310546875, "63647": 0.12115478515625, "1779": 0.005962371826171875, "62": 0.005786895751953125, "621": 0.005828857421875, "11814": 0.045166015625, "24765": 0.1854248046875, "133891": 0.06121826171875, "2320": 0.006134033203125, "7103": 0.005817413330078125, "61475": 0.006107330322265625, "243228": 0.002475738525390625, "12921": 0.00501251220703125, "200112": 0.166259765625, "30388": 0.020751953125, "11192": 0.0034694671630859375, "25767": 0.002017974853515625, "555": 0.005779266357421875, "329": 0.00598907470703125, "31913": 0.0058441162109375, "92940": 0.138671875, "79442": 0.0994873046875, "12620": 0.005985260009765625, "197956": 0.112548828125, "2242": 0.003925323486328125, "217": 0.00572967529296875, "125694": 0.194580078125, "54324": 0.0604248046875, "76726": 0.058746337890625, "28117": 0.077880859375, "21068": 0.005950927734375, "85583": 0.0035037994384765625, "50509": 0.105224609375, "2750": 0.005218505859375, "59038": 0.0016756057739257812, "2363": 0.00555419921875, "645": 0.004192352294921875, "184": 0.0850830078125, "162": 0.0057373046875, "81438": 0.2127685546875, "113660": 0.0682373046875, "88551": 0.041229248046875, "202711": 0.12176513671875, "959": 0.0173187255859375, "43581": 0.01378631591796875, "5117": 0.00534820556640625, "2256": 0.0897216796875, "39215": 0.058258056640625, "33": 0.117919921875, "7921": 0.005889892578125, "44841": 0.0458984375, "37486": 0.045654296875, "1914": 0.13623046875, "27140": 0.09124755859375, "31089": 0.058502197265625, "144570": 0.004619598388671875, "26808": 0.04974365234375, "67660": 0.06488037109375, "17496": 0.004207611083984375, "853": 0.00472259521484375, "277": 0.073486328125, "25965": 0.0953369140625, "21094": 0.005962371826171875, "8110": 0.034149169921875, "186": 0.005970001220703125, "11651": 0.09197998046875, "29367": 0.006252288818359375}
Activation of AMPKα2 in adipocytes is essential for nicotine-induced insulin resistance in vivo
Cigarette smoking promotes body weight reduction in humans while paradoxically also promoting insulin resistance (IR) and hyperinsulinemia. However, the mechanisms behind these effects are unclear. Here we show that nicotine, a major constituent of cigarette smoke, selectively activates AMP-activated protein kinase α2 (AMPKα2) in adipocytes, which in turn phosphorylates MAP kinase phosphatase-1 (MKP1) at serine 334, initiating its proteasome-dependent degradation. The nicotine-dependent reduction of MKP1 induces the aberrant activation of both p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase and c-Jun N-terminal kinase, leading to increased phosphorylation of insulin receptor substrate 1 (IRS1) at serine 307. Phosphorylation of IRS1 leads to its degradation, protein kinase B inhibition, and the loss of insulin-mediated inhibition of lipolysis. Consequently, nicotine increases lipolysis, which results in body weight reduction, but this increase also elevates the levels of circulating free fatty acids and thus causes IR in insulin-sensitive tissues. These results establish AMPKα2 as an essential mediator of nicotine-induced whole-body IR in spite of reductions in adiposity.
{"2079": 0.11773681640625, "208": 0.1893310546875, "53417": 0.185302734375, "200166": 0.268798828125, "125568": 0.1793212890625, "7": 0.011016845703125, "14361": 0.12054443359375, "57888": 0.2249755859375, "456": 0.12103271484375, "77391": 0.1612548828125, "118103": 0.10693359375, "145358": 0.10565185546875, "8891": 0.1588134765625, "91598": 0.1917724609375, "39746": 0.162841796875, "7154": 0.0232696533203125, "14688": 0.137451171875, "59058": 0.09210205078125, "99076": 0.1083984375, "2256": 0.07525634765625, "7605": 0.08758544921875, "191619": 0.125244140625, "50155": 0.08251953125, "93425": 0.1424560546875, "51": 0.02923583984375, "119488": 0.07470703125, "7639": 0.0184173583984375, "12150": 0.190673828125, "10325": 0.1986083984375, "13036": 0.11895751953125, "209716": 0.17626953125, "111": 0.04248046875, "194785": 0.27392578125, "2614": 0.1956787109375, "350": 0.1588134765625, "36849": 0.102783203125, "34704": 0.1375732421875, "1636": 0.010772705078125, "81218": 0.162353515625, "111438": 0.1005859375, "21308": 0.1727294921875, "24222": 0.1441650390625, "184": 0.06610107421875, "5961": 0.046112060546875, "304": 0.1434326171875, "605": 0.11138916015625, "1445": 0.095947265625, "10461": 0.11376953125, "20655": 0.1156005859375, "771": 0.08782958984375, "2408": 0.07672119140625, "134208": 0.0992431640625, "139006": 0.131103515625, "7809": 0.023345947265625, "105748": 0.11407470703125, "14612": 0.00296783447265625, "81708": 0.08966064453125, "5759": 0.055877685546875, "55770": 0.153564453125, "17727": 0.077392578125, "520": 0.126220703125, "1212": 0.055206298828125, "124618": 0.1575927734375, "173969": 0.043060302734375, "13766": 0.09375, "43452": 0.09814453125, "181063": 0.126953125, "119542": 0.1815185546875, "418": 0.068359375, "135989": 0.1185302734375, "2243": 0.08953857421875, "15212": 0.0285491943359375, "915": 0.00806427001953125, "10991": 0.17236328125, "491": 0.05218505859375, "62976": 0.060516357421875, "97866": 0.12127685546875, "30524": 0.08807373046875, "105207": 0.00440216064453125, "124735": 0.09356689453125, "137376": 0.083251953125, "218250": 0.069091796875, "106": 0.01358795166015625, "294": 0.03912353515625, "138": 0.0322265625, "15620": 0.0232696533203125, "66084": 0.038909912109375, "53": 0.04534912109375, "57860": 0.0025501251220703125, "87": 0.0213470458984375, "15396": 0.182861328125, "37105": 0.01094818115234375, "335": 0.0634765625, "173702": 0.0899658203125, "12333": 0.084716796875, "136327": 0.1536865234375, "14907": 0.11883544921875, "51312": 0.1278076171875, "164": 0.02166748046875, "50339": 0.0294036865234375, "57849": 0.073974609375, "41263": 0.033111572265625, "4092": 0.038421630859375, "1071": 0.048065185546875, "43840": 0.03558349609375, "113660": 0.0718994140625, "32863": 0.1614990234375, "176302": 0.1441650390625, "108055": 0.0721435546875, "9677": 0.057373046875, "47386": 0.1611328125, "85590": 0.08770751953125, "2450": 0.1630859375, "1290": 0.07421875, "18442": 0.0555419921875, "28271": 0.0462646484375, "37873": 0.10272216796875, "61518": 0.0231781005859375, "74906": 0.11395263671875, "77087": 0.034088134765625}
Availability of evidence of benefits on overall survival and quality of life of cancer drugs approved by European Medicines Agency: retrospective cohort study of drug approvals 2009-13
Objective To determine the availability of data on overall survival and quality of life benefits of cancer drugs approved in Europe. Design Retrospective cohort study. Setting Publicly accessible regulatory and scientific reports on cancer approvals by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) from 2009 to 2013.Main outcome measures Pivotal and postmarketing trials of cancer drugs according to their design features (randomisation, crossover, blinding), comparators, and endpoints. Availability and magnitude of benefit on overall survival or quality of life determined at time of approval and after market entry. Validated European Society for Medical Oncology Magnitude of Clinical Benefit Scale (ESMO-MCBS) used to assess the clinical value of the reported gains in published studies of cancer drugs. Results From 2009 to 2013, the EMA approved the use of 48 cancer drugs for 68 indications. Of these, eight indications (12%) were approved on the basis of a single arm study. At the time of market approval, there was significant prolongation of survival in 24 of the 68 (35%). The magnitude of the benefit on overall survival ranged from 1.0 to 5.8 months (median 2.7 months). At the time of market approval, there was an improvement in quality of life in seven of 68 indications (10%). Out of 44 indications for which there was no evidence of a survival gain at the time of market authorisation, in the subsequent postmarketing period there was evidence for extension of life in three (7%) and reported benefit on quality of life in five (11%). Of the 68 cancer indications with EMA approval, and with a median of 5.4 years' follow-up (minimum 3.3 years, maximum 8.1 years), only 35 (51%) had shown a significant improvement in survival or quality of life, while 33 (49%) remained uncertain. Of 23 indications associated with a survival benefit that could be scored with the ESMO-MCBS tool, the benefit was judged to be clinically meaningful in less than half (11/23, 48%).Conclusions This systematic evaluation of oncology approvals by the EMA in 2009-13 shows that most drugs entered the market without evidence of benefit on survival or quality of life. At a minimum of 3.3 years after market entry, there was still no conclusive evidence that these drugs either extended or improved life for most cancer indications. When there were survival gains over existing treatment options or placebo, they were often marginal.
{"134549": 0.1717529296875, "5844": 0.0364990234375, "83324": 0.06805419921875, "70": 0.0236663818359375, "185": 0.07171630859375, "25820": 0.08477783203125, "111": 0.0455322265625, "2053": 0.1502685546875, "128512": 0.1351318359375, "218018": 0.245361328125, "136": 0.0236053466796875, "31897": 0.19873046875, "6897": 0.15234375, "72382": 0.18701171875, "27968": 0.24755859375, "125694": 0.2734375, "190238": 0.1932373046875, "14713": 0.17822265625, "11724": 0.1923828125, "114441": 0.0843505859375, "16711": 0.1170654296875, "4935": 0.02288818359375, "552": 0.01438140869140625, "5922": 0.127685546875, "18": 0.0224151611328125, "35187": 0.08154296875, "16934": 0.03228759765625, "538": 0.02325439453125, "81522": 0.0836181640625, "144314": 0.1270751953125, "53": 0.0233001708984375, "57456": 0.0166778564453125, "117729": 0.0732421875, "98": 0.09600830078125, "35707": 0.135986328125, "1405": 0.0872802734375, "7": 0.0236663818359375, "390": 0.0225830078125, "28811": 0.1256103515625, "119210": 0.1068115234375, "103310": 0.083740234375, "45174": 0.2359619140625, "16": 0.023590087890625, "1877": 0.1990966796875, "47": 0.0235443115234375, "10520": 0.13525390625, "184345": 0.1822509765625, "72350": 0.10150146484375, "5777": 0.10009765625, "1803": 0.023529052734375, "1305": 0.11505126953125, "103662": 0.1923828125, "110324": 0.1109619140625, "59499": 0.0234222412109375, "2363": 0.02325439453125, "4331": 0.1571044921875, "66139": 0.0214080810546875, "15": 0.023651123046875, "46258": 0.09234619140625, "39": 0.0233917236328125, "15032": 0.0237579345703125, "4": 0.023681640625, "5465": 0.0235137939453125, "44948": 0.13232421875, "214": 0.0233306884765625, "247": 0.023773193359375, "31898": 0.103759765625, "22230": 0.023406982421875, "3564": 0.042449951171875, "38496": 0.0235443115234375, "57541": 0.0723876953125, "379": 0.0234222412109375, "41159": 0.0235137939453125, "101668": 0.128662109375, "13": 0.0235595703125, "68073": 0.2083740234375, "707": 0.020538330078125, "71": 0.023681640625, "99": 0.023590087890625, "1733": 0.0224761962890625, "7103": 0.02392578125, "16839": 0.1495361328125, "42805": 0.1697998046875, "85": 0.0236053466796875, "3674": 0.0229949951171875, "67081": 0.0007114410400390625, "100": 0.0235137939453125, "2161": 0.0821533203125, "5695": 0.01322174072265625, "6773": 0.0235137939453125, "9233": 0.0235748291015625, "95612": 0.061798095703125, "289": 0.0235137939453125, "30543": 0.0804443359375, "16086": 0.022064208984375, "152653": 0.10565185546875, "6706": 0.0877685546875, "12013": 0.21142578125, "9": 0.0235443115234375, "32557": 0.039947509765625, "20429": 0.15673828125, "202120": 0.01120758056640625, "56465": 0.12744140625, "34292": 0.0517578125, "21647": 0.1871337890625, "23": 0.023590087890625, "96335": 0.01119232177734375, "146104": 0.023834228515625, "24159": 0.1746826171875, "4527": 0.1337890625, "4572": 0.1734619140625, "12045": 0.205810546875, "14585": 0.21337890625, "5256": 0.0237579345703125, "5": 0.0231781005859375, "6619": 0.0234527587890625, "6097": 0.0236358642578125, "136659": 0.08941650390625, "125478": 0.110595703125, "3542": 0.0238189697265625, "18231": 0.0236358642578125, "10": 0.0235748291015625, "11001": 0.0850830078125, "16294": 0.1068115234375, "1913": 0.023468017578125, "2685": 0.02374267578125, "509": 0.0236358642578125, "88551": 0.031890869140625, "85673": 0.18505859375, "2320": 0.023284912109375, "744": 0.10400390625, "13465": 0.10394287109375, "581": 0.02227783203125, "1295": 0.023406982421875, "53855": 0.06097412109375, "153451": 0.10931396484375, "21775": 0.1256103515625, "12333": 0.013916015625, "19": 0.023529052734375, "966": 0.023468017578125, "142": 0.0234222412109375, "136912": 0.1810302734375, "59671": 0.00749969482421875, "46751": 0.074462890625, "194": 0.0233917236328125, "13538": 0.0234375, "5896": 0.118408203125, "3129": 0.0236053466796875, "110": 0.0714111328125, "77950": 0.11004638671875, "221419": 0.0232696533203125, "14922": 0.0232086181640625, "111938": 0.179443359375, "17262": 0.066650390625, "14427": 0.0236053466796875, "43606": 0.07305908203125, "145116": 0.071044921875, "678": 0.02374267578125, "2450": 0.0208587646484375, "617": 0.02386474609375, "5369": 0.023834228515625, "25": 0.02349853515625, "28960": 0.0926513671875, "2037": 0.023681640625, "9222": 0.017578125, "24105": 0.0236053466796875, "80308": 0.14404296875, "38132": 0.0220794677734375, "70885": 0.0205535888671875, "4734": 0.0233306884765625, "2273": 0.069091796875, "11516": 0.0196685791015625, "1902": 0.0215606689453125, "127887": 0.0207366943359375, "12960": 0.02374267578125, "3912": 0.099609375, "9451": 0.0236663818359375, "12678": 0.02392578125, "47143": 0.0236663818359375, "297": 0.023773193359375, "51": 0.023590087890625, "106290": 0.1546630859375, "73": 0.0235595703125, "1105": 0.10302734375, "450": 0.023529052734375, "186": 0.023468017578125, "47763": 0.0203857421875, "9764": 0.09619140625, "55516": 0.09912109375, "25958": 0.0233154296875, "91084": 0.091064453125, "7844": 0.0235748291015625, "40715": 0.0628662109375, "3501": 0.0235748291015625, "64": 0.023590087890625, "148437": 0.015716552734375, "11935": 0.0218658447265625, "67158": 0.0523681640625, "5245": 0.0162353515625, "242161": 0.102783203125, "219836": 0.08343505859375, "25443": 0.016815185546875, "22820": 0.1243896484375, "2684": 0.037139892578125, "30957": 0.1312255859375, "15490": 0.07281494140625, "15440": 0.03228759765625, "7464": 0.0283203125, "178376": 0.023284912109375, "272": 0.023406982421875, "65042": 0.1544189453125, "52295": 0.1402587890625, "645": 0.020721435546875, "144573": 0.02099609375, "39734": 0.055694580078125, "50717": 0.0209808349609375, "3687": 0.008575439453125, "837": 0.0236358642578125, "27983": 0.063720703125, "116842": 0.1412353515625}
A cluster randomized, controlled trial of breast and cervix cancer screening in Mumbai, India: methodology and interim results after three rounds of screening.
Cervix and Breast cancers are the most common cancers among women worldwide and extract a large toll in developing countries. In May 1998, supported by a grant from the NCI (US), the Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai, India, started a cluster-randomized, controlled, screening-trial for cervix and breast cancer using trained primary health workers to provide health-education, visual-inspection of cervix (with 4% acetic acid-VIA) and clinical breast examination (CBE) in the screening arm, and only health education in the control arm. Four rounds of screening at 2-year intervals will be followed by 8 years of monitoring for incidence and mortality from cervix and breast cancers. The methodology and interim results after three rounds of screening are presented here. Good randomization was achieved between the screening (n = 75360) and control arms (n = 76178). In the screening arm we see: High screening participation rates; Low attrition; Good compliance to diagnostic confirmation; Significant downstaging; Excellent treatment completion rate; Improving case fatality ratios. The ever-screened and never-screened participants in the screening arm show significant differences with reference to the variables religion, language, age, education, occupation, income and health-seeking behavior for gynecological and breast-related complaints. During the same period, in the control arm we see excellent participation rate for health education; Low attrition and a good number of symptomatic referrals for both cervix and breast.
{"8759": 0.1732177734375, "686": 0.255126953125, "425": 0.1934814453125, "136": 0.141357421875, "118779": 0.2275390625, "27968": 0.252197265625, "7": 0.07672119140625, "621": 0.046630859375, "70": 0.07501220703125, "2684": 0.162109375, "39210": 0.22607421875, "54940": 0.1259765625, "24793": 0.2198486328125, "214574": 0.156982421875, "125663": 0.1607666015625, "10": 0.019378662109375, "21334": 0.0419921875, "43584": 0.11181640625, "23": 0.0189666748046875, "168698": 0.1690673828125, "76726": 0.10125732421875, "4347": 0.1268310546875, "9571": 0.2115478515625, "4": 0.01953125, "8060": 0.1451416015625, "297": 0.019500732421875, "390": 0.019500732421875, "80731": 0.1806640625, "1295": 0.015167236328125, "541": 0.006465911865234375, "17304": 0.12152099609375, "8762": 0.08294677734375, "247": 0.0015745162963867188, "59527": 0.1622314453125, "139040": 0.1392822265625, "27123": 0.161865234375, "129828": 0.1600341796875, "5596": 0.1600341796875, "26859": 0.09918212890625, "234737": 0.20068359375, "9": 0.0194244384765625, "46258": 0.117919921875, "39": 0.015106201171875, "29367": 0.01861572265625, "6226": 0.191162109375, "180975": 0.2734375, "18": 0.06744384765625, "51626": 0.206787109375, "100": 0.06134033203125, "6641": 0.1968994140625, "57262": 0.24609375, "25550": 0.1025390625, "158978": 0.07183837890625, "16227": 0.13525390625, "133325": 0.08416748046875, "47": 0.01934814453125, "22691": 4.649162292480469e-06, "108343": 0.1656494140625, "1363": 0.019622802734375, "21176": 0.1512451171875, "73": 0.0192108154296875, "16711": 0.18115234375, "111": 0.019500732421875, "15": 0.01953125, "87611": 0.1724853515625, "329": 0.11859130859375, "9523": 0.0196685791015625, "43840": 0.18212890625, "159959": 0.20068359375, "16": 0.0194091796875, "289": 0.019378662109375, "96730": 0.1678466796875, "20090": 0.1910400390625, "16294": 0.208984375, "4734": 0.0027065277099609375, "53019": 0.1759033203125, "65056": 0.140380859375, "68807": 0.175537109375, "99": 0.01727294921875, "4720": 0.06884765625, "46799": 0.12744140625, "51514": 0.13525390625, "1221": 0.0006413459777832031, "186": 0.0194091796875, "134629": 0.05657958984375, "382": 0.1043701171875, "5369": 0.11328125, "97204": 0.192626953125, "136667": 0.09130859375, "3956": 0.01947021484375, "67573": 0.12384033203125, "2481": 0.019500732421875, "581": 0.019256591796875, "55300": 0.1392822265625, "25443": 0.0184173583984375, "1940": 0.06475830078125, "464": 0.01605224609375, "50339": 0.09423828125, "7103": 0.01470184326171875, "17262": 0.10784912109375, "8121": 0.00555419921875, "71": 0.019439697265625, "3688": 0.0390625, "18621": 0.1116943359375, "96759": 0.166015625, "47691": 0.0190887451171875, "509": 0.0175018310546875, "69307": 0.0892333984375, "17721": 0.02911376953125, "2203": 0.019500732421875, "4948": 0.0252838134765625, "38230": 0.16650390625, "121641": 0.18505859375, "19": 0.012451171875, "14810": 0.054107666015625, "139305": 0.12481689453125, "360": 0.0380859375, "642": 0.00299072265625, "1957": 0.05792236328125, "19694": 0.0657958984375, "105226": 0.1552734375, "121297": 0.01427459716796875, "61187": 0.09307861328125, "243": 0.01288604736328125, "416": 0.10345458984375, "74": 0.0189056396484375, "225932": 0.156494140625, "52070": 0.0577392578125, "169935": 0.043670654296875, "14486": 0.019622802734375, "1236": 0.019439697265625, "7565": 0.019561767578125, "9966": 0.0195770263671875, "185936": 0.11663818359375, "39734": 0.11712646484375, "21721": 0.061004638671875, "1830": 0.0195465087890625, "3370": 0.0191192626953125, "70628": 0.1414794921875, "214": 0.0193634033203125, "7225": 0.051849365234375, "85235": 0.08154296875, "70460": 0.0221405029296875, "17669": 0.083740234375, "86667": 0.196533203125, "8306": 0.16064453125, "56480": 0.12066650390625, "7639": 0.017486572265625, "88551": 0.035675048828125, "60212": 0.1787109375, "678": 0.01922607421875, "91067": 0.0307159423828125, "77336": 0.0545654296875, "42615": 0.1297607421875, "46876": 0.0440673828125, "167618": 0.0007023811340332031, "21231": 0.01763916015625, "6048": 0.019561767578125, "28202": 0.0633544921875, "3240": 0.04852294921875, "109622": 0.0187530517578125, "174822": 0.0191802978515625, "180732": 0.1834716796875, "14922": 0.0192718505859375, "40881": 0.0966796875, "14012": 0.0194549560546875, "128668": 0.06719970703125, "11": 0.0194549560546875, "7263": 0.0195770263671875}
Evidence for energy-dependent accumulation of paraquat into rat lung
THE herbicide paraquat (N,N′-dimethyl 4,4′-bipyridilium) can produce widespread oedema and fibrosis in the human lung after accidental ingestion1–3. In those cases where death occurs after several weeks, there are no apparent pulmonary changes during the first few days following ingestion. Animal experiments in a variety of species have shown the lung to be the major target organ4–6. After administration of paraquat to animals, the lung has a high initial concentration and retains paraquat7–9. This retention appears to be related to the development of lung damage7 (L. L. Smith and M. S. Rose, unpublished work). The mechanism of retention of paraquat by the lung is at present not understood.
{"23373": 0.0819091796875, "604": 0.15283203125, "121010": 0.2403564453125, "112": 0.1817626953125, "121": 0.22998046875, "90065": 0.323974609375, "839": 0.100341796875, "55673": 0.163330078125, "5771": 0.03326416015625, "126": 0.0799560546875, "65853": 0.1312255859375, "124093": 0.2119140625, "964": 0.112548828125, "89399": 0.1624755859375, "10955": 0.1614990234375, "52853": 0.2135009765625, "831": 0.1463623046875, "27489": 0.1971435546875, "38134": 0.03326416015625, "21329": 0.11090087890625, "53830": 0.145263671875, "11883": 0.213623046875, "136": 0.046783447265625, "139940": 0.225830078125, "6023": 0.14892578125, "23": 0.11480712890625, "14135": 0.1304931640625, "32386": 0.2490234375, "7103": 0.1304931640625, "27998": 0.2130126953125, "141933": 0.2322998046875, "363": 0.005313873291015625, "50218": 0.055694580078125, "47219": 0.166015625, "74918": 0.040618896484375, "40368": 0.058929443359375, "40859": 0.07305908203125, "110": 0.0853271484375, "173676": 0.11798095703125, "236544": 0.1700439453125, "65572": 0.096923828125, "20271": 0.0027523040771484375, "5117": 0.0283203125, "10846": 0.07159423828125, "13312": 0.048126220703125, "25632": 0.12188720703125, "82821": 0.1767578125, "28007": 0.1492919921875, "96551": 0.04168701171875, "114149": 0.08642578125, "127887": 0.0224151611328125, "70": 0.0528564453125, "47": 0.036895751953125, "186": 0.07275390625, "13036": 0.1280517578125, "30388": 0.230224609375, "7484": 0.2286376953125, "617": 0.0029277801513671875, "910": 0.02880859375, "24372": 0.08294677734375, "86052": 0.1676025390625, "85825": 0.2066650390625, "11192": 0.07196044921875, "61475": 0.11029052734375, "202104": 0.171142578125, "112033": 0.14892578125, "5425": 0.034454345703125, "1126": 0.043212890625, "456": 0.1300048828125, "62500": 0.2183837890625, "135179": 0.043914794921875, "62548": 0.10858154296875, "34754": 0.1002197265625, "82649": 0.1727294921875, "37700": 0.081298828125, "24009": 0.08154296875, "51": 0.0102996826171875, "179193": 0.06689453125, "4488": 0.023284912109375, "191619": 0.191650390625, "111": 0.049652099609375, "390": 0.062469482421875, "83": 0.035186767578125, "13379": 0.0953369140625, "959": 0.08563232421875, "217064": 0.1629638671875}
Role of gut commensal microflora in the development of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis.
Mucosal tolerance has been considered a potentially important pathway for the treatment of autoimmune disease, including human multiple sclerosis and experimental conditions such as experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). There is limited information on the capacity of commensal gut bacteria to induce and maintain peripheral immune tolerance. Inbred SJL and C57BL/6 mice were treated orally with a broad spectrum of antibiotics to reduce gut microflora. Reduction of gut commensal bacteria impaired the development of EAE. Intraperitoneal antibiotic-treated mice showed no significant decline in the gut microflora and developed EAE similar to untreated mice, suggesting that reduction in disease activity was related to alterations in the gut bacterial population. Protection was associated with a reduction of proinflammatory cytokines and increases in IL-10 and IL-13. Adoptive transfer of low numbers of IL-10-producing CD25(+)CD4(+) T cells (>75% FoxP3(+)) purified from cervical lymph nodes of commensal bacteria reduced mice and in vivo neutralization of CD25(+) cells suggested the role of regulatory T cells maintaining peripheral immune homeostasis. Our data demonstrate that antibiotic modification of gut commensal bacteria can modulate peripheral immune tolerance that can protect against EAE. This approach may offer a new therapeutic paradigm in the treatment of multiple sclerosis and perhaps other autoimmune conditions.
{"2758": 0.09735107421875, "587": 0.13818359375, "2317": 0.167236328125, "217784": 0.281005859375, "2809": 7.361173629760742e-05, "90698": 0.1072998046875, "38516": 0.12841796875, "538": 0.0083160400390625, "5526": 0.09039306640625, "60875": 0.06378173828125, "7514": 0.09197998046875, "39734": 0.164306640625, "1809": 0.1492919921875, "464": 0.11468505859375, "561": 0.14404296875, "70997": 0.10003662109375, "4": 0.00814056396484375, "14135": 0.0266571044921875, "48716": 0.1800537109375, "9023": 0.05059814453125, "603": 0.1435546875, "84125": 0.06781005859375, "195935": 0.1585693359375, "6044": 0.00811767578125, "237": 0.00681304931640625, "86": 0.00847625732421875, "16615": 0.0833740234375, "113277": 0.0496826171875, "1176": 0.00490570068359375, "6169": 0.0704345703125, "1814": 0.0170745849609375, "24040": 0.14501953125, "647": 0.14501953125, "83": 0.008087158203125, "84046": 0.1298828125, "4677": 0.06585693359375, "98": 0.007289886474609375, "70": 0.0083160400390625, "177399": 0.117919921875, "3739": 0.1419677734375, "19": 0.07537841796875, "5768": 0.1810302734375, "152818": 0.221435546875, "135989": 0.129150390625, "13": 0.00838470458984375, "76104": 0.082275390625, "117": 0.039825439453125, "94266": 0.1229248046875, "289": 0.00823974609375, "43766": 0.1983642578125, "6": 0.008331298828125, "56606": 0.15087890625, "159": 0.00852203369140625, "1375": 0.06365966796875, "866": 0.01511383056640625, "136": 0.019317626953125, "12243": 0.169921875, "38274": 0.1396484375, "20155": 0.1322021484375, "324": 0.1534423828125, "329": 0.025909423828125, "3542": 0.0080108642578125, "191607": 0.12286376953125, "30202": 0.15673828125, "678": 0.0082855224609375, "10": 0.008331298828125, "134744": 0.017669677734375, "235079": 0.048553466796875, "111": 0.008331298828125, "156774": 0.23876953125, "7": 0.00827789306640625, "34390": 0.1639404296875, "11948": 0.0643310546875, "76352": 0.1641845703125, "11": 0.006427764892578125, "853": 0.0703125, "77391": 0.1759033203125, "109637": 0.12841796875, "297": 0.00811767578125, "34754": 0.09429931640625, "241": 0.0865478515625, "34014": 0.2091064453125, "155036": 0.062408447265625, "40491": 0.060791015625, "2921": 0.12017822265625, "27686": 0.00847625732421875, "110": 0.01385498046875, "206398": 0.07403564453125, "23": 0.0083465576171875, "21373": 0.057373046875, "47": 0.00824737548828125, "51": 0.0179901123046875, "42459": 0.0283660888671875, "214": 0.00830841064453125, "450": 0.00801849365234375, "456": 0.105712890625, "103488": 0.0850830078125, "509": 0.0076446533203125, "62548": 0.0294342041015625, "42068": 0.1446533203125, "5256": 0.00815582275390625, "141": 0.0082550048828125, "43904": 0.084228515625, "124550": 0.17529296875, "137272": 0.046722412109375, "73": 0.00644683837890625, "170180": 0.060272216796875, "192": 0.00844573974609375, "31667": 0.00843048095703125, "6448": 0.034820556640625, "51312": 0.1021728515625, "30219": 0.08038330078125, "9193": 0.0908203125, "22820": 0.074462890625, "62": 0.0078887939453125, "59788": 0.0552978515625, "4935": 0.00835418701171875, "12302": 0.0989990234375, "27226": 0.10089111328125, "52486": 0.1661376953125, "102446": 0.048492431640625, "7915": 0.0726318359375, "2588": 0.1842041015625, "132": 0.00835418701171875, "102817": 0.0986328125, "16069": 0.01346588134765625, "617": 0.116943359375, "384": 0.07037353515625, "38750": 0.1346435546875, "15": 0.00811767578125, "160337": 0.1334228515625, "49049": 0.0997314453125, "683": 0.07342529296875, "363": 0.10247802734375, "16": 0.0081024169921875, "7398": 0.0687255859375, "1295": 0.00704193115234375, "6641": 0.0262603759765625, "686": 0.06268310546875, "6827": 0.00829315185546875, "238757": 0.07110595703125, "988": 0.0083465576171875, "71": 0.00811767578125, "16622": 0.118896484375, "216989": 0.1273193359375, "2320": 0.00827789306640625, "31486": 0.06414794921875, "144314": 0.1639404296875, "53": 0.008148193359375, "5368": 0.0224456787109375, "5964": 0.1334228515625, "2053": 0.042510986328125, "106804": 0.00630950927734375, "129344": 0.1962890625, "831": 0.0307464599609375, "17055": 0.1651611328125, "2182": 0.0079498291015625, "59959": 0.1363525390625, "26548": 0.0732421875, "51515": 0.071533203125, "1543": 0.06707763671875, "18645": 0.024505615234375, "3525": 0.01129150390625, "126472": 0.14306640625, "1771": 0.0084381103515625, "214709": 0.1302490234375, "95134": 0.0032787322998046875, "27289": 0.04620361328125}
Epidemiology of surgically managed pelvic organ prolapse and urinary incontinence.
OBJECTIVE To determine the incidence of surgically managed pelvic organ prolapse and urinary incontinence in a population-based cohort, and to describe their clinical characteristics. METHODS Our retrospective cohort study included all patients undergoing surgical treatment for prolapse and incontinence during 1995; all were members of Kaiser Permanente Northwest, which included 149,554 women age 20 or older. A standardized data-collection form was used to review all inpatient and outpatient charts of the 395 women identified. Variables examined included age, ethnicity, height, weight, vaginal parity, smoking history, medical history, and surgical history, including the preoperative evaluation, procedure performed, and details of all prior procedures. Analysis included calculation of age-specific and cumulative incidences and determination of the number of primary operations compared with repeat operations performed for prolapse or incontinence. RESULTS The age-specific incidence increased with advancing age. The lifetime risk of undergoing a single operation for prolapse or incontinence by age 80 was 11.1%. Most patients were older, postmenopausal, parous, and overweight. Nearly half were current or former smokers and one-fifth had chronic lung disease. Reoperation was common (29.2% of cases), and the time intervals between repeat procedures decreased with each successive repair. CONCLUSION Pelvic floor dysfunction is a major health issue for older women, as shown by the 11.1% lifetime risk of undergoing a single operation for pelvic organ prolapse and urinary incontinence, as well as the large proportion of reoperations. Our results warrant further epidemiologic research in order to determine the etiology, natural history, and long-term treatment outcomes of these conditions.
{"35988": 0.09429931640625, "15301": 0.147705078125, "441": 0.04949951171875, "83324": 0.09600830078125, "136667": 0.18994140625, "3956": 0.07391357421875, "613": 0.1121826171875, "177": 0.05401611328125, "145755": 0.16748046875, "4203": 0.180908203125, "21605": 0.2188720703125, "7484": 0.2098388671875, "502": 0.1744384765625, "127966": 0.211669921875, "136": 0.038604736328125, "55400": 0.1575927734375, "6635": 0.02655029296875, "23": 0.091796875, "2271": 0.1690673828125, "31847": 0.23876953125, "329": 0.016815185546875, "10": 0.01593017578125, "43904": 0.1019287109375, "9": 0.0158843994140625, "77007": 0.11151123046875, "552": 0.006931304931640625, "5922": 0.1470947265625, "18": 0.02410888671875, "4": 0.01605224609375, "98363": 0.055419921875, "56465": 0.062286376953125, "289": 0.01593017578125, "62816": 0.0802001953125, "48242": 0.0277099609375, "7": 0.015899658203125, "6": 0.0136260986328125, "33677": 0.0738525390625, "193792": 0.038177490234375, "24036": 0.0704345703125, "16711": 0.11822509765625, "4935": 0.01444244384765625, "35187": 0.10614013671875, "99201": 0.0027923583984375, "60264": 0.12841796875, "214": 0.0160064697265625, "21533": 0.0159912109375, "39734": 0.144775390625, "11857": 0.1910400390625, "3542": 0.015625, "43032": 0.09234619140625, "111": 0.0160369873046875, "138789": 0.120849609375, "161227": 0.1497802734375, "13": 0.057464599609375, "23924": 0.057342529296875, "25617": 0.131103515625, "3129": 0.01519775390625, "63902": 0.0843505859375, "163670": 0.1474609375, "24793": 0.19189453125, "32070": 0.12176513671875, "387": 0.11566162109375, "707": 0.0156707763671875, "114210": 0.2005615234375, "62": 0.0133819580078125, "5570": 0.11309814453125, "29367": 0.0158233642578125, "2053": 0.11724853515625, "196352": 0.120849609375, "1830": 0.015838623046875, "3173": 0.158203125, "509": 0.015655517578125, "47": 0.016143798828125, "8347": 0.05755615234375, "756": 0.01509857177734375, "170250": 0.0958251953125, "1810": 0.03753662109375, "116287": 0.155517578125, "70": 0.0159454345703125, "131715": 0.1297607421875, "207487": 0.048614501953125, "111477": 0.12493896484375, "160477": 0.050079345703125, "71": 0.01605224609375, "82": 0.02801513671875, "62937": 0.06964111328125, "60089": 0.0158538818359375, "155955": 0.051666259765625, "57888": 0.0007114410400390625, "193277": 0.199462890625, "366": 0.051849365234375, "2481": 0.0152435302734375, "200166": 0.19580078125, "32692": 0.0826416015625, "479": 0.055023193359375, "134364": 0.14306640625, "50491": 0.10443115234375, "51339": 0.01751708984375, "297": 0.016082763671875, "41653": 0.00138092041015625, "41928": 0.026763916015625, "114837": 0.092529296875, "164": 0.015899658203125, "74481": 0.058868408203125, "1363": 0.0159912109375, "159975": 0.2347412109375, "1452": 0.0266571044921875, "202": 0.0158538818359375, "45023": 0.015899658203125, "27354": 0.010345458984375, "158978": 0.12054443359375, "41018": 0.1949462890625, "154186": 0.01001739501953125, "678": 0.0158538818359375, "119140": 0.18896484375, "100": 0.01491546630859375, "218849": 0.07342529296875, "124735": 0.1595458984375, "606": 0.01165008544921875, "330": 0.08795166015625, "60636": 0.014739990234375, "581": 0.0158233642578125, "6897": 0.09686279296875, "6032": 0.113037109375, "10512": 0.2421875, "1379": 0.01275634765625, "519": 0.019134521484375, "11001": 0.1475830078125, "390": 0.0161895751953125, "2248": 0.2164306640625, "4541": 0.0850830078125, "13961": 0.08184814453125, "17006": 0.03997802734375, "1305": 0.057342529296875, "43483": 0.0648193359375, "51789": 0.11859130859375, "10821": 0.015655517578125, "645": 0.059417724609375, "165598": 0.1533203125, "5": 0.0157623291015625, "799": 0.0157928466796875, "147": 0.0157623291015625, "538": 0.0159759521484375, "23552": 0.059906005859375, "43581": 0.07196044921875, "36770": 0.09295654296875, "2614": 0.152099609375, "25306": 0.0159759521484375, "1632": 0.0151519775390625, "1029": 0.0157318115234375, "2480": 0.0159149169921875, "127": 0.015960693359375, "1902": 0.01514434814453125, "184843": 0.1019287109375, "32386": 0.1229248046875, "70997": 0.05804443359375, "853": 0.06658935546875, "21473": 0.1793212890625, "39210": 0.078369140625, "12807": 0.01374053955078125, "50218": 0.00665283203125, "247": 0.0158843994140625, "1733": 0.0144195556640625, "51514": 0.0160980224609375, "17721": 0.01428985595703125, "227204": 0.1322021484375, "12638": 0.01593017578125, "208479": 0.01457977294921875, "121461": 0.056793212890625, "22335": 0.035980224609375, "19460": 0.1962890625, "74912": 0.255859375, "51634": 0.1051025390625, "137175": 0.179931640625, "13036": 0.086181640625, "16227": 0.1397705078125, "31089": 0.124755859375, "237": 0.0160675048828125, "21334": 0.01422882080078125, "123875": 0.0161285400390625, "456": 0.00749969482421875, "5256": 0.0162200927734375, "50339": 0.007091522216796875, "183594": 0.0391845703125, "83063": 0.047271728515625, "60920": 0.0158538818359375, "25188": 0.00041103363037109375, "12989": 0.01458740234375, "25443": 0.0139007568359375, "6083": 0.058380126953125, "32166": 0.00601959228515625, "184345": 0.127685546875, "6097": 0.006587982177734375, "27289": 0.0467529296875}
Antihypertensive classes, cognitive decline and incidence of dementia: a network meta-analysis.
OBJECTIVES Prevention of cognitive decline and dementia with blood pressure lowering treatments has shown inconsistent results. We compared the effects of different classes of antihypertensive drugs on the incidence of dementia, and on cognitive function. METHODS We conducted a systematic review and included 19 randomized trials (18 515 individuals) and 11 studies (831 674 individuals) analysing the effects of antihypertensive treatment on cognition and on the incidence of dementia, respectively, in hypertensive patients without prior cerebrovascular disorders. Network meta-analysis was used for the comparison of antihypertensive classes. RESULTS Antihypertensive treatment, regardless of the drug class, had benefits on overall cognition [effect size 0.05, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.02-0.07] and all cognitive functions except language. Antihypertensive treatment reduced the risk of all-cause dementia by 9%, with reference to the control group (hazard ratio 0.91, 95% CI 0.89-0.94), when randomized trials and observationnal studies were combined (n = 15). Result was not significant with randomized trials alone (n = 4). Angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs) had larger benefits than placebo on overall cognition (adjusted effect size 0.60 ± 0.18, P = 0.02). ARBs were more effective than β-blockers (0.67 ± 0.18, P = 0.01), diuretics (0.54 ± 0.19, P = 0.04) and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (0.47 ± 0.17, P = 0.04) in rank. The mean change in blood pressure did not differ significantly between the different antihypertensive drug classes. CONCLUSION Our results support the notion that antihypertensive treatment has beneficial effects on cognitive decline and prevention of dementia, and indicate that these effects may differ between drug classes with ARBs possibly being the most effective.
{"35988": 0.10076904296875, "15301": 0.106689453125, "441": 0.07635498046875, "169813": 0.048828125, "1914": 0.1051025390625, "57241": 0.1171875, "241761": 0.2353515625, "206398": 0.1962890625, "136": 0.0292816162109375, "745": 0.1715087890625, "41437": 0.177001953125, "678": 0.02764892578125, "59714": 0.1029052734375, "81147": 0.199951171875, "92319": 0.172119140625, "214": 0.0225982666015625, "39734": 0.20458984375, "7": 0.017852783203125, "1556": 0.00292205810546875, "127887": 0.0237274169921875, "23": 0.067626953125, "25553": 0.11065673828125, "6892": 0.173828125, "18": 0.0175018310546875, "50339": 0.10479736328125, "154186": 0.1505126953125, "70": 0.0178070068359375, "93425": 0.1539306640625, "111": 0.0177001953125, "12921": 0.1043701171875, "61112": 0.1884765625, "2874": 0.1494140625, "3038": 0.112060546875, "1264": 0.12457275390625, "41745": 0.247802734375, "272": 0.06793212890625, "125694": 0.196533203125, "98": 0.03662109375, "136667": 0.1044921875, "4": 0.017822265625, "32354": 0.1514892578125, "33677": 0.07330322265625, "193792": 0.04083251953125, "55080": 0.0113067626953125, "10": 0.01317596435546875, "242161": 0.1220703125, "8347": 0.101806640625, "99201": 0.004283905029296875, "953": 0.10638427734375, "96759": 0.08941650390625, "29367": 0.0178985595703125, "110324": 0.17041015625, "7435": 0.0413818359375, "190": 0.07183837890625, "1837": 0.07037353515625, "79165": 0.06597900390625, "16": 0.017913818359375, "534": 0.072021484375, "96335": 0.07440185546875, "5016": 0.017486572265625, "305": 0.0175628662109375, "16360": 0.017547607421875, "60822": 0.051788330078125, "228550": 0.22265625, "19": 0.017822265625, "3956": 0.0163726806640625, "538": 0.017791748046875, "59058": 0.1312255859375, "60264": 0.051025390625, "15490": 0.032470703125, "41928": 0.01462554931640625, "145321": 0.040985107421875, "4079": 0.0369873046875, "25667": 0.0173187255859375, "28997": 0.08160400390625, "23550": 0.1131591796875, "9": 0.017730712890625, "174976": 0.128662109375, "164": 0.01505279541015625, "225490": 0.1436767578125, "218849": 0.121826171875, "8332": 0.154541015625, "211460": 0.07318115234375, "48683": 0.1693115234375, "18507": 0.1605224609375, "1902": 0.07470703125, "72382": 0.1611328125, "128512": 0.128173828125, "171760": 0.1715087890625, "13267": 0.01727294921875, "89678": 0.09295654296875, "758": 0.0177001953125, "59653": 0.1627197265625, "159454": 0.1956787109375, "51514": 0.0145721435546875, "15": 0.017822265625, "17304": 0.06134033203125, "203808": 0.01715087890625, "5": 0.0178680419921875, "8368": 0.0185699462890625, "268": 0.017913818359375, "756": 0.1131591796875, "40494": 0.0160064697265625, "46876": 0.17578125, "34390": 0.156982421875, "10512": 0.187255859375, "408": 0.052947998046875, "4032": 0.06378173828125, "390": 0.016937255859375, "6": 0.0177001953125, "12678": 0.1533203125, "47": 0.01763916015625, "6226": 0.1192626953125, "21115": 0.08453369140625, "51704": 0.09967041015625, "5861": 0.0177154541015625, "70460": 0.053985595703125, "757": 0.01763916015625, "12183": 0.016571044921875, "26550": 0.09136962890625, "18949": 0.0001589059829711914, "23320": 0.01558685302734375, "117942": 0.015869140625, "3229": 0.0170135498046875, "150556": 0.10333251953125, "6236": 0.0176544189453125, "3542": 0.0176544189453125, "71": 0.0176544189453125, "2203": 0.0178375244140625, "423": 0.01070404052734375, "126684": 0.049102783203125, "509": 0.017181396484375, "959": 0.044036865234375, "88551": 0.09521484375, "75447": 0.03424072265625, "13956": 0.10430908203125, "2393": 0.07708740234375, "846": 0.0294189453125, "510": 0.1546630859375, "1596": 0.11700439453125, "1995": 0.14208984375, "137376": 0.1436767578125, "46389": 0.172607421875, "1314": 0.015838623046875, "11909": 0.10858154296875, "571": 0.115966796875, "150679": 0.11236572265625, "3501": 0.017669677734375, "3687": 0.1114501953125, "837": 0.0151824951171875, "712": 0.0357666015625, "20314": 0.132080078125, "297": 0.017730712890625, "21543": 0.1470947265625, "4598": 0.0177001953125, "38405": 0.0176239013671875, "1819": 0.07159423828125, "436": 0.03216552734375, "10461": 0.017852783203125, "62": 0.046966552734375, "45176": 0.16650390625, "1286": 0.0631103515625, "60266": 0.13671875, "9269": 0.10333251953125, "81409": 0.17919921875, "22085": 0.01763916015625, "18197": 0.01800537109375, "182149": 0.131103515625, "247": 0.0175628662109375, "3408": 0.11883544921875, "41637": 0.0826416015625, "12338": 0.0172882080078125, "107754": 0.01464080810546875, "1126": 0.01788330078125, "29557": 0.01788330078125, "348": 0.0277252197265625, "2271": 0.01412200927734375, "814": 0.0521240234375, "1916": 0.0179595947265625, "193807": 0.072265625, "13": 0.0177764892578125, "173702": 0.110595703125, "22230": 0.016876220703125, "13330": 0.017974853515625, "966": 0.0178985595703125, "30648": 0.01183319091796875, "581": 0.01392364501953125, "29459": 0.0821533203125, "15549": 0.1136474609375, "6777": 0.013916015625, "129927": 0.126220703125, "207583": 0.0335693359375, "17721": 0.014495849609375, "22335": 0.0430908203125, "8060": 0.07232666015625, "110": 0.005512237548828125, "1363": 0.01763916015625, "48588": 0.138671875, "141": 0.017791748046875, "479": 0.08477783203125, "450": 0.0177154541015625, "1543": 0.031036376953125, "144681": 0.005733489990234375, "8035": 0.0157012939453125, "2684": 0.06512451171875}
Abnormal hemoglobins in a quarter million people.
Hemolysates of erythrocytes from more than a quarter million people in Alabama were electrophoresed on cellulose acetate, pH 8.4, and those samples exhibiting an abnormality were also electrophoresed in citrate agar, pH 6.0. The globin chains of mutants other than Hb S and C were electrophoresed in urea-mercaptoethanol buffers at both pH 8.9 and pH 6.0, and 60 of them were also analyzed structurally. Of about 6000 samples from whites, only three contained abnormal hemoglobins--Hb D Los Angeles, Hb J Baltimore, and one unidentified. Of 249,000 samples from blacks, about 29,000 contained electrophoretically detectable abnormalities, most of them associated with Hb S or C, present in a frequency of about 9% and 3%, respectively. About 1000 samples resolved into patterns of potential clinical significance. Twenty other mutant hemoglobins were detected, in various genetic combinations in 164 kindreds; four of these-Hb Alabama, Montgomery, Titusville, and Mobile--were previously unknown. The methods used are rapid, economical, and well suited for large scale surveys. They provide highly specific characterizations of many mutant hemoglobins, and no discrepancies were found between the presumptive identifications based on these characterizations and the definitive identifications obtained from structural analyses.
{"14313": 0.1624755859375, "48381": 0.18701171875, "7": 0.042236328125, "63614": 0.140869140625, "111": 0.0247650146484375, "72": 0.0645751953125, "53": 0.08221435546875, "42294": 0.1951904296875, "2408": 0.10174560546875, "1636": 0.0751953125, "128274": 0.0889892578125, "19879": 0.13818359375, "3395": 0.084716796875, "23": 0.0589599609375, "223660": 0.270751953125, "77556": 0.177001953125, "139006": 0.185791015625, "90": 0.08270263671875, "297": 0.0582275390625, "98": 0.046661376953125, "38750": 0.07427978515625, "202": 0.1177978515625, "8364": 0.05633544921875, "1030": 0.046539306640625, "103727": 0.1297607421875, "81630": 0.194091796875, "6": 0.0229034423828125, "163883": 0.12457275390625, "4": 0.0229034423828125, "136": 0.07830810546875, "121413": 0.2080078125, "80788": 0.0307159423828125, "1563": 0.1240234375, "33176": 0.228515625, "3542": 0.0242156982421875, "2843": 0.0018787384033203125, "17479": 0.07147216796875, "17957": 0.11968994140625, "6670": 0.150390625, "2289": 0.039459228515625, "2389": 0.054229736328125, "32363": 0.17138671875, "73": 0.096923828125, "121293": 0.187255859375, "21144": 0.208251953125, "10840": 0.10430908203125, "3789": 0.057769775390625, "3501": 0.004055023193359375, "572": 0.10394287109375, "275": 0.142333984375, "159": 0.151611328125, "313": 0.13037109375, "75": 0.068359375, "1283": 0.1871337890625, "9": 0.0227203369140625, "1991": 0.0307159423828125, "15644": 0.1278076171875, "21732": 0.123779296875, "373": 0.0802001953125, "18234": 0.168701171875, "99": 0.0228424072265625, "195049": 0.1397705078125, "1496": 0.13623046875, "7968": 0.115966796875, "64807": 0.0230255126953125, "118990": 0.14990234375, "12097": 0.022857666015625, "43877": 0.16015625, "1295": 0.06280517578125, "35011": 0.15966796875, "4734": 0.0765380859375, "17262": 0.1202392578125, "70541": 0.101318359375, "2360": 0.16943359375, "31": 0.06787109375, "54285": 0.1912841796875, "5425": 0.08905029296875, "841": 0.08447265625, "391": 0.1669921875, "3731": 0.10296630859375, "31754": 0.18798828125, "821": 0.137939453125, "230092": 0.1868896484375, "1632": 0.0421142578125, "51": 0.063720703125, "42485": 0.181396484375, "6619": 0.0263671875, "744": 0.08074951171875, "175663": 0.163330078125, "22556": 0.18798828125, "1672": 0.0234527587890625, "116": 0.03240966796875, "126": 0.052093505859375, "71407": 0.0229949951171875, "96391": 0.1693115234375, "2886": 0.0234222412109375, "31075": 0.081787109375, "2684": 0.0251617431640625, "2856": 0.01201629638671875, "137272": 0.09814453125, "678": 0.0230560302734375, "707": 0.0748291015625, "13379": 0.13037109375, "10": 0.022918701171875, "12478": 0.166015625, "944": 0.022705078125, "27771": 0.0228424072265625, "12678": 0.1163330078125, "52599": 0.1353759765625, "107013": 0.0184478759765625, "538": 0.0228424072265625, "56888": 0.01415252685546875, "4382": 0.1488037109375, "103608": 0.14794921875, "71": 0.0228271484375, "3934": 0.0248565673828125, "103510": 0.1668701171875, "38516": 0.1273193359375, "56465": 0.11260986328125, "289": 0.02294921875, "12330": 0.0897216796875, "3956": 0.02301025390625, "74797": 0.046905517578125, "842": 0.1885986328125, "18211": 0.1700439453125, "67842": 0.0292205810546875, "101412": 0.1658935546875, "162515": 0.12445068359375, "84900": 0.148193359375, "8562": 0.063720703125, "2822": 0.07769775390625, "22759": 0.09222412109375, "6097": 0.0223541259765625, "12982": 0.0214691162109375, "40766": 0.11712646484375, "2371": 0.0265655517578125, "2143": 0.09405517578125, "10745": 0.15576171875, "19745": 0.1705322265625, "6488": 0.01168060302734375, "13": 0.0227203369140625, "198395": 0.08453369140625, "69723": 0.1341552734375, "19": 0.0225677490234375, "150624": 0.1292724609375, "11814": 0.050567626953125, "621": 0.02288818359375, "25545": 0.101318359375, "25313": 0.132080078125, "5299": 0.0229339599609375, "14947": 0.0186767578125, "100": 0.0226287841796875, "21334": 0.003021240234375, "105994": 0.03515625, "110297": 0.16015625, "22691": 0.0016994476318359375, "103210": 0.05377197265625, "29458": 0.06793212890625, "62816": 0.1527099609375, "47691": 0.0229339599609375, "5941": 0.0667724609375, "110": 0.006633758544921875, "763": 0.0226287841796875, "117538": 0.0228118896484375, "17721": 0.01525115966796875, "70": 0.0228118896484375, "479": 0.0021038055419921875, "71836": 0.07330322265625, "4935": 0.0228118896484375, "221160": 0.1761474609375, "35509": 0.0218658447265625, "44836": 0.0994873046875, "113054": 0.016998291015625, "141": 0.0226898193359375, "51422": 0.07684326171875}
Cellular adaptation to mechanical stress: role of integrins, Rho, cytoskeletal tension and mechanosensitive ion channels.
To understand how cells sense and adapt to mechanical stress, we applied tensional forces to magnetic microbeads bound to cell-surface integrin receptors and measured changes in bead displacement with sub-micrometer resolution using optical microscopy. Cells exhibited four types of mechanical responses: (1) an immediate viscoelastic response; (2) early adaptive behavior characterized by pulse-to-pulse attenuation in response to oscillatory forces; (3) later adaptive cell stiffening with sustained (>15 second) static stresses; and (4) a large-scale repositioning response with prolonged (>1 minute) stress. Importantly, these adaptation responses differed biochemically. The immediate and early responses were affected by chemically dissipating cytoskeletal prestress (isometric tension), whereas the later adaptive response was not. The repositioning response was prevented by inhibiting tension through interference with Rho signaling, similar to the case of the immediate and early responses, but it was also prevented by blocking mechanosensitive ion channels or by inhibiting Src tyrosine kinases. All adaptive responses were suppressed by cooling cells to 4 degrees C to slow biochemical remodeling. Thus, cells use multiple mechanisms to sense and respond to static and dynamic changes in the level of mechanical stress applied to integrins.
{"28219": 0.09588623046875, "3642": 0.040771484375, "38750": 0.248046875, "7": 0.09967041015625, "10422": 0.1971435546875, "136": 0.032135009765625, "39908": 0.212890625, "47": 0.057403564453125, "135969": 0.239990234375, "289": 0.1307373046875, "11405": 0.2423095703125, "190659": 0.0748291015625, "63672": 0.23486328125, "84616": 0.1802978515625, "214706": 0.1573486328125, "11948": 0.115234375, "372": 0.11907958984375, "712": 0.1815185546875, "99091": 0.1143798828125, "7102": 0.049407958984375, "40404": 0.0880126953125, "9114": 0.20556640625, "73": 0.162353515625, "137376": 0.2071533203125, "72350": 0.11572265625, "65572": 0.1395263671875, "186": 0.08184814453125, "2837": 0.035736083984375, "23935": 0.115478515625, "1614": 0.050445556640625, "187840": 0.03717041015625, "29089": 0.0291748046875, "158839": 0.11175537109375, "233": 0.0728759765625, "137366": 0.08056640625, "80743": 0.2451171875, "80788": 0.10009765625, "22759": 0.1689453125, "52895": 0.1658935546875, "57553": 0.2213134765625, "168894": 0.1483154296875, "4498": 0.10626220703125, "587": 0.0316162109375, "3597": 0.09478759765625, "39395": 0.0928955078125, "123166": 0.1285400390625, "62816": 0.04248046875, "55111": 0.11077880859375, "188": 0.05096435546875, "69035": 0.09429931640625, "243": 0.014373779296875, "33": 0.043609619140625, "362": 0.0168914794921875, "121226": 0.11541748046875, "14432": 0.05291748046875, "13629": 0.09600830078125, "26042": 0.11669921875, "205027": 0.08782958984375, "1837": 0.09014892578125, "17932": 0.1444091796875, "201939": 0.140869140625, "3971": 0.056793212890625, "57965": 0.0323486328125, "456": 0.11529541015625, "40322": 0.1943359375, "85673": 0.043487548828125, "418": 0.0306243896484375, "15393": 0.1395263671875, "162054": 0.032928466796875, "202444": 0.192138671875, "129927": 0.1514892578125, "3530": 0.0645751953125, "34610": 0.1312255859375, "195052": 0.09423828125, "165045": 0.160888671875, "109091": 0.0958251953125, "19932": 0.020751953125, "1952": 0.050872802734375, "145482": 0.1690673828125, "479": 0.10491943359375, "95650": 0.2105712890625, "16369": 0.07586669921875, "186518": 0.14599609375, "5844": 0.040557861328125, "959": 0.033477783203125, "214": 0.01070404052734375, "56282": 0.1453857421875, "173702": 0.1273193359375, "193943": 0.0897216796875, "119148": 0.176513671875, "26073": 0.07904052734375, "46389": 0.09381103515625, "74842": 0.1556396484375, "176302": 0.00971221923828125, "45339": 0.08233642578125, "86723": 0.049163818359375, "19437": 0.081298828125, "2281": 0.0035266876220703125, "3666": 0.06817626953125, "1212": 0.05426025390625, "24222": 0.058563232421875, "3164": 0.0020618438720703125, "15811": 0.0762939453125, "11856": 0.12310791015625, "21185": 0.164794921875, "201": 0.096923828125, "79385": 0.0648193359375, "313": 0.05047607421875, "72803": 0.0899658203125, "177580": 0.140380859375, "4527": 0.0462646484375, "48716": 0.12939453125, "191619": 0.177734375, "35644": 0.1478271484375, "84079": 0.07269287109375, "17366": 0.032318115234375, "5425": 0.1544189453125}
Cutting edge: Candida albicans hyphae formation triggers activation of the Nlrp3 inflammasome.
The proinflammatory cytokine IL-1beta plays an important role in antifungal immunity; however, the mechanisms by which fungal pathogens trigger IL-1beta secretion are unclear. In this study we show that infection with Candida albicans is sensed by the Nlrp3 inflammasome, resulting in the subsequent release of IL-1beta. The ability of C. albicans to switch from a unicellular yeast form into a filamentous form is essential for activation of the Nlrp3 inflammasome, as C. albicans mutants incapable of forming hyphae were defective in their ability to induce macrophage IL- 1beta secretion. Nlrp3-deficient mice also demonstrated increased susceptibility to infection with C. albicans, which is consistent with a key role for Nlrp3 in innate immune responses to the pathogen C. albicans.
{"502": 0.12371826171875, "73": 0.032257080078125, "170180": 0.1829833984375, "192": 0.1173095703125, "31667": 0.0307769775390625, "19932": 0.03350830078125, "6448": 0.1761474609375, "1212": 0.12493896484375, "30219": 0.1756591796875, "5759": 0.129638671875, "59865": 0.28564453125, "11301": 0.07916259765625, "5526": 0.0965576171875, "31486": 0.11407470703125, "2874": 0.061004638671875, "34857": 0.183837890625, "289": 0.00933837890625, "43766": 0.1995849609375, "2481": 0.07147216796875, "191619": 0.1456298828125, "7477": 0.1268310546875, "2870": 0.127685546875, "60875": 0.0780029296875, "62976": 0.16796875, "185553": 0.177490234375, "23410": 0.193115234375, "1830": 0.0762939453125, "119488": 0.0982666015625, "360": 0.00875091552734375, "35187": 0.0233306884765625, "159634": 0.2166748046875, "678": 0.0721435546875, "154999": 0.19384765625, "85": 0.1287841796875, "144": 0.133544921875, "81820": 0.1666259765625, "1779": 0.12432861328125, "83": 0.003574371337890625, "10422": 0.1824951171875, "390": 0.00812530517578125, "541": 0.01544189453125, "141": 0.0268096923828125, "10681": 0.219482421875, "363": 0.1693115234375, "41036": 0.1640625, "18023": 0.08740234375, "43452": 0.16259765625, "16750": 0.0679931640625, "221419": 0.021484375, "54452": 0.1494140625, "111": 0.00572967529296875, "81273": 0.130859375, "313": 0.048065185546875, "101089": 0.141845703125, "1295": 0.022979736328125, "19844": 0.0693359375, "8969": 0.074951171875, "2422": 0.10595703125, "4438": 0.0987548828125, "3173": 0.1402587890625, "12879": 0.07989501953125, "6497": 0.12347412109375, "85590": 0.1600341796875, "34704": 0.13232421875, "21144": 0.136474609375, "10840": 0.001087188720703125, "15644": 0.098388671875, "2119": 0.00762939453125, "14612": 0.11041259765625, "13": 0.037109375, "72104": 0.1634521484375, "135989": 0.10638427734375, "106": 0.03631591796875, "27495": 0.12274169921875, "110410": 0.217041015625, "324": 0.1400146484375, "329": 0.04656982421875, "106804": 0.0246734619140625, "124735": 0.0885009765625, "1817": 0.00435638427734375, "19462": 0.11077880859375, "83259": 0.017333984375, "74729": 0.020782470703125, "22799": 0.072998046875, "2083": 0.12310791015625, "57553": 0.08233642578125}
Type 2 diabetes and subsequent incidence of breast cancer in the Nurses' Health Study.
OBJECTIVE Hyperinsulinemia may promote mammary carcinogenesis. Insulin resistance has been linked to an increased risk of breast cancer and is also characteristic of type 2 diabetes. We prospectively evaluated the association between type 2 diabetes and invasive breast cancer incidence in the Nurses' Health Study. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS A total of 116,488 female nurses who were 30-55 years old and free of cancer in 1976 were followed through 1996 for the occurrence of type 2 diabetes and through 1998 for incident invasive breast cancer, verified by medical records and pathology reports. RESULTS During 2.3 million person-years of follow-up, we identified 6,220 women with type 2 diabetes and 5,189 incident cases of invasive breast cancer. Women with type 2 diabetes had a modestly elevated incidence of breast cancer (hazard ratio [HR] = 1.17; 95% CI 1.01-1.35) compared with women without diabetes, independent of age, obesity, family history of breast cancer, history of benign breast disease, reproductive factors, physical activity, and alcohol consumption. This association was apparent among postmenopausal women (1.16; 0.98-1.62) but not premenopausal women (0.83; 0.48-1.42). The association was predominant among women with estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer (1.22; 1.01-1.47). CONCLUSIONS Women with type 2 diabetes may have a slightly increased risk of breast cancer.
{"35988": 0.06744384765625, "15301": 0.0770263671875, "441": 0.032318115234375, "169813": 0.01087188720703125, "92179": 0.1636962890625, "99076": 0.1697998046875, "2256": 0.1214599609375, "7605": 0.1915283203125, "1543": 0.0880126953125, "125568": 0.1666259765625, "21968": 0.1246337890625, "1294": 0.06976318359375, "2258": 0.06500244140625, "44924": 0.0853271484375, "15292": 0.09210205078125, "6023": 0.0152587890625, "360": 0.0718994140625, "7": 0.1500244140625, "53311": 0.1600341796875, "39746": 0.200439453125, "7154": 0.064208984375, "1556": 0.005401611328125, "2809": 0.0194091796875, "3126": 0.0740966796875, "297": 0.0207061767578125, "47": 0.0091705322265625, "124735": 0.139892578125, "10512": 0.185791015625, "57262": 0.1910400390625, "27968": 0.171875, "136": 0.05419921875, "83": 0.0200042724609375, "62816": 0.08685302734375, "48242": 0.0266265869140625, "111": 0.0207672119140625, "10644": 0.1968994140625, "116": 0.1873779296875, "44019": 0.24169921875, "109736": 0.1181640625, "5844": 0.0204315185546875, "538": 0.0207672119140625, "151575": 0.055450439453125, "70": 0.0205230712890625, "125413": 0.1671142578125, "17721": 0.0308990478515625, "116000": 0.1905517578125, "136667": 0.12335205078125, "3956": 0.0209808349609375, "10772": 0.1531982421875, "5908": 0.1304931640625, "25": 0.005619049072265625, "19102": 0.08953857421875, "148027": 0.04296875, "169243": 0.0117034912109375, "223188": 0.12066650390625, "48762": 0.01194000244140625, "33677": 0.035675048828125, "294": 0.0193939208984375, "3622": 0.037445068359375, "45773": 0.07757568359375, "4": 0.03179931640625, "161414": 0.13818359375, "117776": 0.1522216796875, "160020": 0.224365234375, "2750": 0.0060577392578125, "496": 0.038177490234375, "112930": 0.09442138671875, "5369": 0.0202484130859375, "10332": 0.0245208740234375, "4092": 0.09307861328125, "23": 0.0206146240234375, "28506": 0.09478759765625, "3542": 0.019500732421875, "134629": 0.09881591796875, "8305": 0.01451873779296875, "11891": 0.130615234375, "100": 0.0204315185546875, "42": 0.0207061767578125, "6620": 0.02069091796875, "9571": 0.11358642578125, "45559": 0.1512451171875, "272": 0.0190582275390625, "493": 0.0284576416015625, "47314": 0.0211029052734375, "390": 0.0206298828125, "29874": 0.0167083740234375, "115923": 0.0208892822265625, "25443": 0.0207672119140625, "117729": 0.020538330078125, "218849": 0.046295166015625, "59811": 0.057373046875, "19879": 0.11248779296875, "3445": 0.060546875, "9": 0.020721435546875, "46799": 0.05621337890625, "28960": 0.072021484375, "2037": 0.020904541015625, "207487": 0.07269287109375, "305": 0.0430908203125, "61107": 0.1282958984375, "24793": 0.15234375, "678": 0.0701904296875, "190": 0.0533447265625, "142180": 0.1011962890625, "50218": 0.09307861328125, "58373": 0.1746826171875, "1902": 0.005619049072265625, "10": 0.020416259765625, "90097": 0.0780029296875, "57849": 0.1405029296875, "3674": 0.02081298828125, "15": 0.0205230712890625, "51704": 0.06982421875, "5861": 0.020782470703125, "70460": 0.10870361328125, "378": 0.020660400390625, "29562": 0.041961669921875, "268": 0.0207672119140625, "2203": 0.02069091796875, "615": 0.004108428955078125, "2489": 0.0213775634765625, "74": 0.020538330078125, "59653": 0.155029296875, "26550": 0.040435791015625, "5": 0.0206298828125, "120840": 0.0218048095703125, "154186": 0.034881591796875, "15490": 0.0809326171875, "41371": 0.0237579345703125, "32070": 0.00634002685546875, "150009": 0.1318359375, "2481": 0.0208282470703125, "14449": 0.00453948974609375, "32692": 0.01172637939453125, "202019": 0.0673828125, "42238": 0.058380126953125, "4935": 0.0207977294921875, "120103": 0.018463134765625, "72761": 0.0130462646484375, "103488": 0.01319122314453125, "57913": 0.126220703125, "254": 0.020660400390625, "1363": 0.02081298828125, "509": 0.02044677734375, "173676": 0.05035400390625, "1305": 0.08056640625, "43483": 0.06292724609375, "51789": 0.0899658203125, "289": 0.0207977294921875, "2485": 0.060302734375, "757": 0.020233154296875, "16665": 0.0295867919921875, "122336": 0.01505279541015625, "10461": 0.0196075439453125, "959": 0.0262451171875, "479": 0.045501708984375, "22085": 0.0035839080810546875, "17168": 0.0177154541015625, "9285": 0.0189361572265625, "91977": 0.0168914794921875, "581": 0.00807952880859375, "156531": 0.06744384765625, "660": 0.0208282470703125, "54940": 0.0203094482421875, "210279": 0.1710205078125, "137376": 0.1365966796875, "67890": 0.07391357421875, "2858": 0.0191192626953125, "4015": 0.016265869140625, "53855": 0.025238037109375, "115727": 0.0203704833984375, "74329": 0.02398681640625, "37486": 0.03179931640625, "765": 0.02313232421875}
Virus-encoded microRNAs.
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are the subject of enormous interest. They are small non-coding RNAs that play a regulatory role in numerous and diverse cellular processes such as immune function, apoptosis and tumorigenesis. Several virus families have been shown to encode miRNAs, and an appreciation for their roles in the viral infectious cycle continues to grow. Despite the identification of numerous (>225) viral miRNAs, an in depth functional understanding of most virus-encoded miRNAs is lacking. Here we focus on a few viral miRNAs with well-defined functions. We use these examples to extrapolate general themes of viral miRNA activities including autoregulation of viral gene expression, avoidance of host defenses, and a likely important role in maintaining latent and persistent infections. We hypothesize that although the molecular mechanisms and machinery are similar, the majority of viral miRNAs may utilize a target strategy that differs from host miRNAs. That is, many viral miRNAs may have evolved to regulate viral-encoded transcripts or networks of host genes that are unique to viral miRNAs. Included in this latter category is a likely abundant class of viral miRNAs that may regulate only one or a few principal host genes. Key steps forward for the field are discussed, including the need for additional functional studies that utilize surgical viral miRNA mutants combined with relevant models of infection.
{"37992": 0.208251953125, "125499": 0.34326171875, "7": 0.1783447265625, "15": 0.023193359375, "266": 0.198486328125, "16": 0.006984710693359375, "621": 0.108154296875, "70": 0.0180511474609375, "28368": 0.12335205078125, "111": 0.0491943359375, "38040": 0.07208251953125, "10821": 0.044952392578125, "33946": 0.130126953125, "5": 0.0098419189453125, "10660": 0.075927734375, "19336": 0.142333984375, "351": 0.10760498046875, "587": 0.10906982421875, "6238": 0.10125732421875, "450": 0.01047515869140625, "11301": 0.1024169921875, "10": 0.00885772705078125, "144314": 0.2403564453125, "53": 0.00870513916015625, "31486": 0.1473388671875, "23": 0.00881195068359375, "183851": 0.0902099609375, "136": 0.0086212158203125, "9789": 0.11016845703125, "2927": 0.0809326171875, "120087": 0.086181640625, "9433": 0.09521484375, "90": 0.009124755859375, "6044": 0.00862884521484375, "237": 0.0085601806640625, "43766": 0.09320068359375, "13": 0.008697509765625, "32354": 0.1722412109375, "6885": 0.048065185546875, "40934": 0.08575439453125, "6023": 0.034698486328125, "57412": 0.07861328125, "8402": 0.04766845703125, "164": 0.00801849365234375, "48752": 0.047637939453125, "289": 0.0079345703125, "14994": 0.1688232421875, "87143": 0.1051025390625, "2809": 0.00865936279296875, "127887": 0.0616455078125, "47": 0.00763702392578125, "22": 0.096923828125, "40899": 0.22021484375, "324": 0.18115234375, "4": 0.00884246826171875, "142": 0.00860595703125, "51606": 0.04266357421875, "2320": 0.00897216796875, "100": 0.008819580078125, "2363": 0.0182037353515625, "88254": 0.26611328125, "75622": 0.10791015625, "14": 0.0081787109375, "105823": 0.135009765625, "136622": 0.037384033203125, "55993": 0.0294952392578125, "262": 0.0084686279296875, "61518": 0.012420654296875, "221160": 0.09613037109375, "2740": 0.025054931640625, "144025": 0.1256103515625, "168867": 0.030670166015625, "123309": 0.1336669921875, "100094": 0.10400390625, "2684": 0.06390380859375, "66332": 0.1624755859375, "48141": 0.0594482421875, "21": 0.055084228515625, "41324": 0.10528564453125, "11853": 0.005962371826171875, "32153": 0.08148193359375, "10846": 0.059600830078125, "678": 0.0172576904296875, "5299": 0.039276123046875, "9": 0.0087127685546875, "5983": 0.133056640625, "297": 0.0088958740234375, "27781": 0.1456298828125, "67": 0.009002685546875, "4537": 0.052276611328125, "2856": 0.11199951171875, "69924": 0.11614990234375, "1809": 0.122314453125, "62881": 0.1981201171875, "22293": 0.1197509765625, "125195": 0.0911865234375, "71864": 0.0635986328125, "7154": 0.0087127685546875, "27980": 0.147705078125, "165815": 0.1314697265625, "47041": 0.06292724609375, "5526": 0.0219879150390625, "76104": 0.078125, "214": 0.00878143310546875, "19161": 0.0716552734375, "18": 0.00901031494140625, "70560": 0.0704345703125, "2517": 0.00896453857421875, "159634": 0.1500244140625, "170933": 0.082275390625, "233239": 0.090087890625, "191619": 0.1431884765625, "36279": 0.115966796875, "1294": 0.0088043212890625, "21373": 0.0894775390625, "144732": 0.10858154296875, "1543": 0.050689697265625, "121876": 0.06640625, "30388": 0.18994140625, "113857": 0.147705078125, "129927": 0.155517578125, "1295": 0.02362060546875, "83": 0.00864410400390625, "5941": 0.07177734375, "765": 0.007049560546875, "216479": 0.1468505859375, "71": 0.00888824462890625, "15913": 0.203369140625, "30334": 0.03424072265625, "32032": 0.00836944580078125, "707": 0.0071868896484375, "33120": 0.03936767578125, "36998": 0.0897216796875, "31353": 0.00463104248046875, "903": 0.00424957275390625, "3055": 0.006134033203125, "95487": 0.08673095703125, "130807": 0.06878662109375, "660": 0.00882720947265625, "18507": 0.111328125, "1632": 0.0087738037109375, "7893": 0.055267333984375, "26824": 0.0604248046875, "98441": 0.09490966796875, "40225": 0.0960693359375, "44457": 0.054412841796875, "45252": 0.0174102783203125, "3871": 0.0199127197265625, "78301": 0.03912353515625, "96335": 0.03900146484375, "613": 0.057342529296875, "177": 0.0088958740234375, "21533": 0.0088348388671875, "21144": 0.1192626953125, "70163": 0.007305145263671875, "29191": 0.0084991455078125, "115774": 0.11004638671875}
Wolfram syndrome 1 and adenylyl cyclase 8 interact at the plasma membrane to regulate insulin production and secretion
Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress causes pancreatic β-cell dysfunction and contributes to β-cell loss and the progression of type 2 diabetes. Wolfram syndrome 1 (WFS1) has been shown to be an important regulator of the ER stress signalling pathway; however, its role in β-cell function remains unclear. Here we provide evidence that WFS1 is essential for glucose- and glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1)-stimulated cyclic AMP production and regulation of insulin biosynthesis and secretion. Stimulation with glucose causes WFS1 translocation from the ER to the plasma membrane, where it forms a complex with adenylyl cyclase 8 (AC8), an essential cAMP-generating enzyme in the β-cell that integrates glucose and GLP-1 signalling. ER stress and mutant WFS1 inhibit complex formation and activation of AC8, reducing cAMP synthesis and insulin secretion. These findings reveal that an ER-stress-related protein has a distinct role outside the ER regulating both insulin biosynthesis and secretion. The reduction of WFS1 protein on the plasma membrane during ER stress is a contributing factor for β-cell dysfunction and progression of type 2 diabetes.
{"357": 0.06915283203125, "246": 0.07659912109375, "52033": 0.14453125, "21068": 0.0256500244140625, "35425": 0.1298828125, "68510": 0.208984375, "12501": 0.1951904296875, "11405": 0.2529296875, "113660": 0.10162353515625, "2652": 0.048553466796875, "129147": 0.15087890625, "238": 0.01020050048828125, "9269": 0.1380615234375, "34680": 0.1641845703125, "51634": 0.034942626953125, "137175": 0.150390625, "162466": 0.1116943359375, "86669": 0.07574462890625, "70": 0.0119476318359375, "187735": 0.09527587890625, "111": 0.0115203857421875, "10644": 0.10662841796875, "116": 0.09136962890625, "44019": 0.180908203125, "45492": 0.1488037109375, "2198": 0.2646484375, "194923": 0.1943359375, "106": 0.1365966796875, "1456": 0.09869384765625, "36381": 0.2396240234375, "17727": 0.158203125, "2809": 0.009979248046875, "127887": 0.0343017578125, "5526": 0.0931396484375, "144314": 0.2200927734375, "28695": 0.2054443359375, "26073": 0.1282958984375, "2069": 0.046417236328125, "60875": 0.06256103515625, "7514": 0.11724853515625, "4": 0.012054443359375, "31486": 0.11358642578125, "23": 0.0091552734375, "32354": 0.0989990234375, "47143": 0.0096435546875, "7": 0.01204681396484375, "51": 0.022491455078125, "119488": 0.11907958984375, "77950": 0.05389404296875, "601": 0.1279296875, "418": 0.14990234375, "85590": 0.1885986328125, "157935": 0.164794921875, "184": 0.11029052734375, "9": 0.0117340087890625, "18743": 0.059906005859375, "6126": 0.1380615234375, "5062": 0.022186279296875, "280": 0.01372528076171875, "17332": 0.1229248046875, "112": 0.0106201171875, "15": 0.01055908203125, "37352": 0.1558837890625, "110218": 0.06829833984375, "143933": 0.1329345703125, "27686": 0.01157379150390625, "6": 0.01174163818359375, "187830": 0.07928466796875, "81218": 0.1851806640625, "36049": 0.0257415771484375, "15913": 0.1424560546875, "1363": 0.01204681396484375, "91598": 0.1702880859375, "3530": 0.040069580078125, "12654": 0.046295166015625, "2347": 0.041229248046875, "6023": 0.01119232177734375, "23410": 0.0849609375, "1830": 0.0120697021484375, "21654": 0.06634521484375, "39": 0.091796875, "72403": 0.012298583984375, "678": 0.06781005859375, "3900": 0.0202789306640625, "87632": 0.06353759765625, "80796": 0.1419677734375, "107834": 0.1531982421875, "13": 0.01202392578125, "442": 0.0005750656127929688, "3173": 0.040283203125, "10": 0.0119781494140625, "27140": 0.1912841796875, "555": 0.1195068359375, "8613": 0.0816650390625, "18347": 0.1376953125, "382": 0.15771484375, "15012": 0.03668212890625, "50490": 0.1907958984375, "48281": 0.0261688232421875, "1916": 0.0118560791015625, "193807": 0.1268310546875, "450": 0.01003265380859375, "78779": 0.07550048828125, "90": 0.0120086669921875, "136": 0.01081085205078125, "5759": 0.060333251953125, "842": 0.07403564453125, "18211": 0.065673828125, "173702": 0.12213134765625, "18": 0.01068115234375, "27643": 0.046295166015625, "34704": 0.0172271728515625, "12944": 0.011322021484375, "1019": 0.1513671875, "241866": 0.06964111328125, "164": 0.0120849609375, "95650": 0.236328125, "174822": 0.045623779296875, "21308": 0.177490234375, "117781": 0.03704833984375, "50782": 0.07916259765625, "15044": 0.00138092041015625, "456": 0.05670166015625, "77391": 0.10906982421875, "98": 0.00977325439453125, "20271": 0.0133209228515625, "22231": 0.116943359375, "31461": 0.0830078125}
Two Rice GRAS Family Genes Responsive to N-Acetylchitooligosaccharide Elicitor are Induced by Phytoactive Gibberellins: Evidence for Cross-Talk Between Elicitor and Gibberellin Signaling in Rice Cells
In this study, we present data showing that two members of the GRAS family of genes from rice, CIGR1 and CIGR2(chitin-inducible gibberellin-responsive), inducible by the potent elicitor N-acetylchitooligosaccharide (GN), are rapidly induced by exogenous gibberellins. The pattern of mRNA accumulation was dependent on the dose and biological activity of the gibberellins, suggesting that the induction of the genes by gibberellin is mediated by a biological receptor capable of specific recognition and signal transduction upon perception of the phytoactive compounds. Further pharmacological analysis revealed that the CIGR1 and CIGR2 mRNA accumulation by treatment with gibberellin is dependent upon protein phosphorylation/dephosphorylation events. In rice calli derived from slender rice 1, a constitutive gibberellin-responsive mutant, or d1, a mutant deficient in the α-subunit of the heterotrimeric G-protein, CIGR1 and CIGR2 were induced by a GN elicitor, yet not by gibberellin. Neither gibberellin nor GN showed related activities in defense or development, respectively. These results strongly suggested that the signal transduction cascade from gibberellin is independent of that from GN, and further implied that CIGR1 and CIGR2 have dual, distinct roles in defense and development.
{"35187": 0.060516357421875, "13379": 0.05206298828125, "2053": 0.11492919921875, "141377": 0.0159454345703125, "6626": 0.14599609375, "43032": 0.1309814453125, "70": 0.02410888671875, "527": 0.09722900390625, "29129": 0.27490234375, "14449": 0.12335205078125, "111": 0.023529052734375, "22293": 0.224853515625, "7": 0.023345947265625, "1295": 0.12060546875, "64827": 0.259765625, "164542": 0.1661376953125, "1052": 0.190673828125, "418": 0.1279296875, "136": 0.08135986328125, "304": 0.1905517578125, "1861": 0.09619140625, "2311": 0.16650390625, "18442": 0.09417724609375, "318": 0.0248260498046875, "91697": 0.15478515625, "18966": 0.21142578125, "52704": 0.21337890625, "134719": 0.14208984375, "5844": 0.05865478515625, "135989": 0.2042236328125, "28236": 0.048583984375, "390": 0.0218658447265625, "114680": 0.12103271484375, "88": 0.0567626953125, "2624": 0.1217041015625, "1290": 0.08685302734375, "541": 0.06280517578125, "8509": 0.005706787109375, "90535": 0.029541015625, "89110": 0.10809326171875, "94746": 0.043121337890625, "9254": 0.09246826171875, "2506": 0.0298919677734375, "88858": 0.1529541015625, "247": 0.015899658203125, "621": 0.02960205078125, "25545": 0.1478271484375, "538": 0.02349853515625, "297": 0.0234222412109375, "1119": 0.0897216796875, "62976": 0.1131591796875, "10821": 0.0207061767578125, "3016": 0.146728515625, "102459": 0.1864013671875, "6796": 0.1656494140625, "5425": 0.11865234375, "103510": 0.16357421875, "347": 0.026092529296875, "125499": 0.2296142578125, "183278": 0.1773681640625, "108750": 0.1717529296875, "98": 0.0219573974609375, "39098": 0.05694580078125, "333": 0.01031494140625, "109622": 0.022705078125, "103488": 0.0582275390625, "4": 0.02337646484375, "42459": 0.04144287109375, "214": 0.021240234375, "450": 0.0208587646484375, "23": 0.1331787109375, "77391": 0.162353515625, "83": 0.0203399658203125, "2450": 0.1588134765625, "3674": 0.0225830078125, "10": 0.0224761962890625, "137376": 0.1600341796875, "87709": 0.07763671875, "29458": 0.01403045654296875, "230466": 0.133056640625, "26073": 0.173095703125, "3900": 0.0887451171875, "54799": 0.0155487060546875, "63928": 0.0233917236328125, "6": 0.023345947265625, "34053": 0.092041015625, "188": 0.05877685546875, "71232": 0.09552001953125, "217773": 0.071044921875, "9319": 0.02252197265625, "163414": 0.1087646484375, "238": 0.0229949951171875, "114137": 0.036102294921875, "122273": 0.0116424560546875, "1363": 0.0201416015625, "39734": 0.1629638671875, "678": 0.036712646484375, "21308": 0.16845703125, "134208": 0.0718994140625, "139006": 0.074951171875, "53": 0.0217132568359375, "57860": 0.0230865478515625, "64": 0.04376220703125, "112": 0.1199951171875, "47353": 0.0897216796875, "360": 0.047760009765625, "11782": 0.17919921875, "14": 0.1558837890625, "16406": 0.06121826171875, "4126": 0.021881103515625, "91": 0.00368499755859375, "163089": 0.1629638671875, "106": 0.058868408203125, "11764": 0.032989501953125, "4935": 0.022979736328125, "9": 0.0234375, "842": 0.11566162109375, "18211": 0.1231689453125, "104": 0.079345703125, "110410": 0.1990966796875, "5961": 0.0609130859375, "217": 0.023040771484375, "77099": 0.083251953125, "18": 0.0170745849609375, "57751": 0.11309814453125, "12259": 0.0218505859375, "80000": 0.11285400390625, "73": 0.022705078125, "3542": 0.0215301513671875, "14373": 0.026092529296875, "959": 0.039031982421875, "30097": 0.038848876953125, "168360": 0.01495361328125, "62548": 0.0163421630859375, "69924": 0.09112548828125, "165815": 0.1512451171875, "34754": 0.0928955078125, "107013": 0.0018453598022460938, "37515": 0.028778076171875, "130391": 0.097900390625, "41371": 0.10723876953125, "35388": 0.0269622802734375, "765": 0.01226806640625, "87758": 0.136474609375, "117781": 0.10589599609375, "31486": 0.1131591796875}
Ghrelin's second life: from appetite stimulator to glucose regulator.
Ghrelin, a 28 amino acid peptide hormone produced by the stomach, was the first orexigenic hormone to be discovered from the periphery. The octanoyl modification at Ser³, mediated by ghrelin O-acyltransferase (GOAT), is essential for ghrelin's biological activity. Ghrelin stimulates food intake through binding to its receptor (GRLN-R) on neurons in the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus. Ghrelin is widely expressed throughout the body; accordingly, it is implicated in several other physiological functions, which include growth hormone release, gastric emptying, and body weight regulation. Ghrelin and GRLN-R expression are also found in the pancreas, suggesting a local physiological role. Accordingly, several recent studies now point towards an important role for ghrelin and its receptor in the regulation of blood glucose homeostasis, which is the main focus of this review. Several mechanisms of this regulation by ghrelin have been proposed, and one possibility is through the regulation of insulin secretion. Despite some controversy, most studies suggest that ghrelin exerts an inhibitory effect on insulin secretion, resulting in increased circulating glucose levels. Ghrelin may thus be a diabetogenic factor. Obesity-related type 2 diabetes has become an increasingly important health problem, almost reaching epidemic proportions in the world; therefore, antagonists of the ghrelin-GOAT signaling pathway, which will tackle both energy- and glucose homeostasis, may be considered as promising new therapies for this disease.
{"55112": 0.1959228515625, "107": 0.241455078125, "2397": 0.31640625, "4": 0.019287109375, "10": 0.03753662109375, "1372": 0.2462158203125, "72657": 0.147705078125, "43840": 0.1302490234375, "280": 0.08447265625, "17332": 0.17919921875, "112": 0.0645751953125, "133818": 0.29296875, "181653": 0.13623046875, "390": 0.043609619140625, "70": 0.0192413330078125, "201957": 0.235595703125, "509": 0.04718017578125, "5117": 0.1259765625, "707": 0.160888671875, "3355": 0.1552734375, "8402": 0.1622314453125, "1771": 0.034515380859375, "47": 0.0191192626953125, "186": 0.01922607421875, "134053": 0.1806640625, "1295": 0.08172607421875, "117": 0.06573486328125, "14": 0.0609130859375, "94266": 0.1624755859375, "53": 0.0192413330078125, "5": 0.0096435546875, "154447": 0.1534423828125, "157": 0.112060546875, "8613": 0.13134765625, "129344": 0.1978759765625, "99": 0.050079345703125, "5406": 0.127685546875, "363": 0.145751953125, "2450": 0.144775390625, "3674": 0.0194091796875, "31380": 0.178955078125, "180": 0.1514892578125, "2263": 0.04193115234375, "141325": 0.12445068359375, "6991": 0.0543212890625, "19930": 0.1802978515625, "14609": 0.1917724609375, "247": 0.0175933837890625, "83": 0.02178955078125, "85590": 0.1781005859375, "100": 0.02313232421875, "25": 0.01049041748046875, "7": 0.019287109375, "333": 0.07080078125, "109622": 0.07525634765625, "103488": 0.0994873046875, "142405": 0.1868896484375, "1636": 0.03948974609375, "15381": 0.222412109375, "23": 0.0193023681640625, "78219": 0.1123046875, "8305": 0.0147247314453125, "128239": 0.0684814453125, "137376": 0.17236328125, "15": 0.0164031982421875, "49741": 0.1318359375, "81795": 0.178955078125, "9": 0.0309600830078125, "1052": 0.1021728515625, "16": 0.0187835693359375, "98": 0.019317626953125, "184940": 0.1326904296875, "24676": 0.1175537109375, "2182": 0.0192108154296875, "315": 0.0281524658203125, "11030": 0.07635498046875, "223": 0.0190582275390625, "111": 0.0192108154296875, "75690": 0.1314697265625, "89625": 0.140625, "2647": 0.0838623046875, "38134": 0.0897216796875, "538": 0.019378662109375, "36510": 0.1641845703125, "297": 0.0192718505859375, "87420": 0.08367919921875, "14361": 0.127197265625, "74": 0.0189361572265625, "59499": 0.0189666748046875, "442": 0.0186004638671875, "17914": 0.14453125, "3789": 0.02685546875, "240877": 0.11114501953125, "137043": 0.0845947265625, "289": 0.0193023681640625, "32354": 0.1619873046875, "3129": 0.0190277099609375, "26698": 0.0092315673828125, "75678": 0.118896484375, "54452": 0.09814453125, "9060": 0.11163330078125, "62233": 0.019439697265625, "201505": 0.10589599609375, "214": 0.019287109375, "136": 0.07763671875, "57888": 0.12396240234375, "15913": 0.2049560546875, "1363": 0.019378662109375, "29971": 0.13916015625, "125195": 0.1868896484375, "621": 0.0191192626953125, "14037": 0.1175537109375, "2652": 0.060150146484375, "7612": 0.15966796875, "162": 0.07818603515625, "4000": 0.06829833984375, "31486": 0.1234130859375, "40368": 0.0183563232421875, "17309": 0.0084991455078125, "96335": 0.07489013671875, "5036": 0.0133514404296875, "142": 0.0191802978515625, "5526": 0.1048583984375, "6863": 0.012969970703125, "59714": 0.10406494140625, "157935": 0.1732177734375, "184": 0.06884765625, "5368": 0.07855224609375, "5964": 0.1693115234375, "6023": 0.06817626953125, "32153": 0.06182861328125, "8347": 0.06658935546875, "48752": 0.0003337860107421875, "191619": 0.1607666015625, "765": 0.016571044921875, "2809": 0.0190582275390625, "26171": 0.11419677734375, "71": 0.01922607421875, "207116": 0.036376953125, "91598": 0.167724609375, "23410": 0.09515380859375, "1830": 0.0191192626953125, "262": 0.01910400390625, "3060": 0.0081024169921875, "17340": 0.0877685546875, "7864": 0.01934814453125, "42459": 0.003910064697265625, "450": 0.01873779296875, "2529": 0.06231689453125, "173702": 0.1368408203125, "31667": 0.01922607421875, "21543": 0.0626220703125, "16750": 0.00655364990234375, "124735": 0.0712890625, "41263": 0.07733154296875, "1916": 0.0192108154296875, "90926": 0.0022296905517578125, "1543": 0.108154296875, "66151": 0.1602783203125, "62976": 0.1373291015625, "31461": 0.136962890625, "3545": 0.1649169921875, "90": 0.1395263671875, "2481": 0.05303955078125, "174822": 0.059478759765625, "10644": 0.16162109375, "116": 0.1181640625, "44019": 0.2086181640625, "1556": 0.00812530517578125, "24209": 0.0159759521484375, "118055": 0.04156494140625, "16227": 0.12646484375, "2967": 0.10693359375, "39555": 0.00841522216796875, "58359": 0.0191192626953125, "83063": 0.0684814453125, "238": 0.019256591796875, "123875": 0.042724609375, "8999": 0.0665283203125, "63212": 0.06170654296875, "6126": 0.1268310546875, "64370": 0.0169525146484375, "26073": 0.06842041015625, "60875": 0.0654296875, "7514": 0.044158935546875, "36461": 0.023773193359375, "133": 0.0193939208984375, "15044": 0.015838623046875, "48302": 0.035125732421875, "90698": 0.0016632080078125, "237": 0.01165008544921875, "64004": 0.129150390625, "3525": 0.02386474609375, "88562": 0.130859375, "903": 0.03363037109375, "70997": 0.1007080078125}
Histone acetylation and deacetylation in yeast
Histone acetylation and deacetylation in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae occur by targeting acetyltransferase and deacetylase enzymes to gene promoters and, in an untargeted and global manner, by affecting most nucleosomes. Recently, new roles for histone acetylation have been uncovered, not only in transcription but also in DNA replication, repair and heterochromatin formation. Interestingly, specific acetylatable lysines can function as binding sites for regulatory factors. Moreover, histone deacetylation is not only repressive but can be required for gene activity.
{"2673": 0.2021484375, "34165": 0.23193359375, "1030": 0.1114501953125, "36743": 0.179443359375, "57860": 0.1519775390625, "136": 0.07159423828125, "8": 0.192138671875, "8509": 0.117431640625, "939": 0.1650390625, "23": 0.04217529296875, "2422": 0.18603515625, "4438": 0.130859375, "80085": 0.09490966796875, "9254": 0.1531982421875, "306": 0.1085205078125, "53": 0.07830810546875, "5170": 0.04296875, "41424": 0.11566162109375, "1824": 0.171142578125, "29754": 0.1671142578125, "74918": 0.161376953125, "390": 0.023712158203125, "30388": 0.1668701171875, "10": 0.01467132568359375, "329": 0.083740234375, "90535": 0.12335205078125, "141325": 0.11639404296875, "6991": 0.002773284912109375, "62061": 0.0770263671875, "193807": 0.151611328125, "47": 0.0289306640625, "22293": 0.12396240234375, "8891": 0.12091064453125, "23962": 0.06396484375, "867": 0.05450439453125, "7964": 0.057281494140625, "52490": 0.1063232421875, "2684": 0.057525634765625, "241454": 0.09185791015625, "43452": 0.118408203125, "169549": 0.025146484375, "3525": 0.03814697265625, "31486": 0.1678466796875, "100": 0.0250091552734375, "1274": 0.1925048828125, "51": 0.003025054931640625, "63127": 0.11480712890625, "30334": 0.03662109375, "59478": 0.129150390625, "27583": 0.101806640625, "456": 0.0010538101196289062, "182867": 0.11212158203125, "121461": 0.09716796875, "77099": 0.07489013671875, "50840": 0.0209503173828125, "2311": 0.0604248046875, "27643": 0.0721435546875, "66348": 0.02227783203125, "29458": 0.0323486328125, "126": 0.081787109375, "7809": 0.1563720703125, "22819": 0.12261962890625, "20592": 0.11376953125, "12741": 0.11865234375, "831": 0.032806396484375, "32354": 0.09033203125, "237": 0.038665771484375, "128239": 0.14599609375, "15271": 0.1151123046875, "144314": 0.1810302734375, "120103": 0.12646484375, "86254": 0.182861328125, "29888": 0.09014892578125, "56065": 0.12396240234375, "103488": 0.10223388671875}
Neuroinflammation in spinal cord injury: therapeutic targets for neuroprotection and regeneration.
Traumatic spinal cord injury triggers a complex local inflammatory reaction capable of enhancing repair and exacerbating pathology. The composition and effector potential of the post-injury cellular and molecular immune cascade changes as a function of time and distance from the lesion. Production along this time-space continuum of cytokines, proteases, and growth factors establishes dynamic environments that lead to the death, damage, repair or growth of affected neurons and glia. Microenvironmental cues, therefore, generated by the cells therein, may determine these distinct fates of repair versus pathology. To harness repair, it is necessary to manipulate the assembly and phenotype of cells that comprise the neuroinflammatory response to injury. Here, the potential of the neuroinflammatory response to cause outcomes such as pain, regeneration, and functional recovery is reviewed.
{"4937": 0.11639404296875, "34": 0.09954833984375, "47148": 0.11083984375, "25927": 0.1982421875, "289": 0.09686279296875, "32271": 0.1968994140625, "182260": 0.22314453125, "185553": 0.1748046875, "7": 0.00914764404296875, "27140": 0.122802734375, "4000": 0.1036376953125, "41036": 0.1693115234375, "18023": 0.147705078125, "31667": 0.10443115234375, "132539": 0.1910400390625, "87709": 0.11328125, "1121": 0.1180419921875, "121461": 0.244384765625, "3443": 0.03271484375, "60875": 0.1025390625, "25443": 0.0970458984375, "166577": 0.1331787109375, "136": 0.034637451171875, "21543": 0.1015625, "748": 0.07635498046875, "38516": 0.210693359375, "1305": 0.15869140625, "73": 0.055206298828125, "461": 0.1610107421875, "1294": 0.0263214111328125, "2927": 0.09161376953125, "120087": 0.11236572265625, "233239": 0.058563232421875, "43766": 0.1566162109375, "130391": 0.09307861328125, "112": 0.054656982421875, "65572": 0.1392822265625, "32354": 0.031036376953125, "1733": 0.0772705078125, "62488": 0.12225341796875, "1295": 0.006618499755859375, "199": 0.09649658203125, "1830": 0.06951904296875, "118479": 0.12005615234375, "33233": 0.0143585205078125, "903": 0.0207977294921875, "65421": 0.09564208984375, "19686": 0.0826416015625, "19932": 0.0207672119140625, "6448": 0.1187744140625, "12741": 0.0648193359375, "13766": 0.142333984375, "162": 0.0511474609375, "75678": 0.10498046875, "120103": 0.1131591796875, "137633": 0.0216217041015625, "84079": 0.13134765625, "65998": 0.154052734375, "37105": 0.039947509765625, "47219": 0.096923828125, "82649": 0.08154296875, "195052": 0.07598876953125, "184940": 0.2001953125, "1978": 0.1348876953125, "11": 0.094482421875, "37992": 0.11346435546875, "153210": 0.1846923828125, "314": 0.13037109375, "139392": 0.08203125, "38750": 0.175048828125, "1543": 0.019287109375, "83324": 0.08978271484375, "117781": 0.086181640625, "87714": 0.094970703125, "119475": 0.037261962890625, "717": 0.03851318359375, "182": 0.12420654296875, "7432": 0.197998046875, "63559": 0.0462646484375, "45258": 0.17578125, "89845": 0.091796875, "11521": 0.02874755859375, "21004": 0.0115203857421875, "50986": 0.01323699951171875, "37817": 0.1981201171875, "170180": 0.2113037109375, "192": 0.10015869140625, "57553": 0.2066650390625, "47": 0.057159423828125, "11853": 0.025299072265625, "22304": 0.1094970703125, "184345": 0.18896484375, "24503": 0.1744384765625, "94410": 0.1446533203125, "123309": 0.120849609375, "145951": 0.1632080078125, "8347": 0.0789794921875}
Evaluation of systemic amyloidosis by scintigraphy with 123I-labeled serum amyloid P component.
BACKGROUND In systemic amyloidosis the distribution and progression of disease have been difficult to monitor, because they can be demonstrated only by biopsy. Serum amyloid P component (SAP) is a normal circulating plasma protein that is deposited on amyloid fibrils because of its specific binding affinity for them. We investigated whether labeled SAP could be used to locate amyloid deposits. METHODS Purified human SAP labeled with iodine-123 was given intravenously to 50 patients with biopsy-proved systemic amyloidosis--25 with the AL (primary) type and 25 with the AA (secondary) type--and to 26 control patients with disease and 10 healthy subjects. Whole-body images and regional views were obtained after 24 hours and read in a blinded fashion. RESULTS In the patients with amyloidosis the 123I-SAP was localized rapidly and specifically in amyloid deposits. The scintigraphic images obtained were characteristic and appeared to identify the extent of amyloid deposition in all 50 patients. There was no uptake of the 123I-SAP by the control patients and the healthy subjects. In all patients with AA amyloidosis the spleen was affected, whereas the scans showed uptake in the heart, skin, carpal region, and bone marrow only in patients with the AL type. Positive images were seen in six patients in whom biopsies had been negative or unsuccessful; in all six, amyloid was subsequently found on biopsy or at autopsy. Progressive amyloid deposition was observed in 9 of 11 patients studied serially. CONCLUSIONS Scintigraphy after the injection of 123I-SAP can be used for diagnosing, locating, and monitoring the extent of systemic amyloidosis.
{"8678": 0.056884765625, "20572": 0.03448486328125, "136498": 0.060943603515625, "5426": 0.172607421875, "1771": 0.05731201171875, "10": 0.1143798828125, "1176": 0.1947021484375, "365": 0.1744384765625, "12207": 0.1275634765625, "164": 0.0908203125, "113068": 0.1318359375, "136": 0.007781982421875, "187735": 0.1173095703125, "70997": 0.0704345703125, "34844": 0.087890625, "12983": 0.1859130859375, "106804": 0.103515625, "4734": 0.0079345703125, "3530": 0.07977294921875, "51775": 0.1663818359375, "503": 0.0447998046875, "1605": 0.173095703125, "532": 0.1455078125, "436": 0.1348876953125, "82761": 0.162353515625, "166236": 0.25830078125, "83": 0.010833740234375, "3638": 0.09002685546875, "41263": 0.1072998046875, "80796": 0.114013671875, "21308": 0.1654052734375, "40370": 0.2176513671875, "809": 0.06341552734375, "74143": 0.1802978515625, "128239": 0.11279296875, "58871": 0.1439208984375, "32603": 0.0005450248718261719, "67967": 0.2181396484375, "297": 0.0291748046875, "83268": 0.288818359375, "5809": 0.063720703125, "11814": 0.1226806640625, "47": 0.01210784912109375, "64040": 0.163330078125, "33677": 0.048370361328125, "16915": 0.10528564453125, "47314": 0.0192108154296875, "14135": 0.09033203125, "678": 0.02862548828125, "22995": 0.184326171875, "30833": 0.1834716796875, "9": 0.08453369140625, "48636": 0.237548828125, "34475": 0.07196044921875, "18440": 0.09478759765625, "1353": 0.1270751953125, "836": 0.1407470703125, "60264": 0.146484375, "66187": 0.011138916015625, "28174": 0.12261962890625, "9804": 0.14013671875, "44526": 0.0560302734375, "10644": 0.1380615234375, "714": 0.0721435546875, "56558": 0.17529296875, "191633": 0.0025787353515625, "1381": 0.11175537109375, "6226": 0.1378173828125, "209": 0.02288818359375, "87349": 0.112060546875, "28368": 0.044464111328125, "40469": 0.0215301513671875, "37873": 0.088623046875, "43079": 0.16455078125, "18150": 0.05584716796875, "16912": 0.154052734375, "113054": 0.0007863044738769531, "744": 0.057647705078125, "21974": 0.08026123046875, "12301": 0.11688232421875, "44948": 0.13916015625, "54543": 0.043304443359375, "218849": 0.0305328369140625, "70": 0.005218505859375, "37638": 0.2440185546875, "568": 0.1982421875, "4000": 0.142333984375, "25545": 0.09417724609375, "13047": 0.07159423828125, "3598": 0.12115478515625, "48461": 0.011566162109375, "62816": 0.07080078125, "135812": 0.0236358642578125, "192961": 0.0027408599853515625, "8": 0.148193359375, "40322": 0.1363525390625, "110": 0.07183837890625, "1257": 0.0235137939453125, "27095": 0.10546875, "5997": 0.10101318359375, "195052": 0.12548828125, "44954": 0.0985107421875, "26498": 0.055511474609375, "21722": 0.035003662109375, "2258": 0.03692626953125, "32881": 0.04412841796875, "1108": 0.0165863037109375, "156060": 0.08795166015625, "37195": 0.06689453125, "15759": 0.0914306640625, "40907": 0.0755615234375, "14037": 0.042510986328125, "109816": 0.1573486328125, "29888": 0.00461578369140625, "139999": 0.034912109375, "483": 0.05889892578125, "534": 0.039215087890625, "37486": 0.0172271728515625, "49628": 0.0692138671875, "41382": 0.1968994140625, "7103": 0.06439208984375, "115049": 0.168701171875, "111": 0.00032138824462890625, "831": 0.051055908203125, "47099": 0.1083984375, "97204": 0.1341552734375}
The Neurovascular Unit Coming of Age: A Journey through Neurovascular Coupling in Health and Disease
The concept of the neurovascular unit (NVU), formalized at the 2001 Stroke Progress Review Group meeting of the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, emphasizes the intimate relationship between the brain and its vessels. Since then, the NVU has attracted the interest of the neuroscience community, resulting in considerable advances in the field. Here the current state of knowledge of the NVU will be assessed, focusing on one of its most vital roles: the coupling between neural activity and blood flow. The evidence supports a conceptual shift in the mechanisms of neurovascular coupling, from a unidimensional process involving neuronal-astrocytic signaling to local blood vessels to a multidimensional one in which mediators released from multiple cells engage distinct signaling pathways and effector systems across the entire cerebrovascular network in a highly orchestrated manner. The recently appreciated NVU dysfunction in neurodegenerative diseases, although still poorly understood, supports emerging concepts that maintaining neurovascular health promotes brain health.
{"23755": 0.231201171875, "37817": 0.1854248046875, "4079": 0.226806640625, "25667": 0.201904296875, "25072": 0.267333984375, "839": 0.1317138671875, "51947": 0.33056640625, "23113": 0.1717529296875, "29367": 0.0196685791015625, "6789": 0.1937255859375, "46992": 0.1455078125, "350": 0.11566162109375, "109816": 0.1588134765625, "35881": 0.157470703125, "10760": 0.12188720703125, "41714": 0.1112060546875, "9907": 0.039886474609375, "43975": 0.03765869140625, "799": 0.00704193115234375, "474": 0.04046630859375, "109622": 0.0194549560546875, "80596": 0.06671142578125, "352": 0.01250457763671875, "14612": 0.151611328125, "62539": 0.05517578125, "24833": 0.153076171875, "76755": 0.18798828125, "17721": 0.11224365234375, "78574": 0.2220458984375, "136": 0.09356689453125, "6863": 0.080322265625, "53678": 0.18310546875, "41204": 0.161376953125, "66016": 0.00673675537109375, "7068": 0.015899658203125, "70": 0.05072021484375, "541": 0.1407470703125, "1556": 0.00775909423828125, "110281": 0.1533203125, "33946": 0.1441650390625, "175201": 0.1103515625, "26908": 0.094482421875, "150675": 0.06854248046875, "129745": 0.1439208984375, "44457": 0.09619140625, "11853": 0.0228271484375, "43581": 0.094482421875, "11341": 0.05560302734375, "51359": 0.1533203125, "1221": 0.01206207275390625, "202120": 0.10870361328125, "32153": 0.11883544921875, "2684": 0.095458984375, "30306": 0.154541015625, "31486": 0.1712646484375, "14974": 0.186767578125, "2069": 0.134033203125, "108": 0.053924560546875, "82451": 0.16845703125, "103488": 0.123291015625, "59714": 0.1590576171875, "86608": 0.1812744140625, "77950": 0.1260986328125, "8060": 0.148681640625, "228113": 0.1773681640625, "122925": 0.179443359375, "191619": 0.1807861328125, "19844": 0.061859130859375, "157955": 0.1412353515625, "184940": 0.162841796875, "103202": 0.124755859375, "2408": 0.05133056640625, "26073": 0.1263427734375, "4000": 0.03192138671875, "6024": 0.06201171875, "2450": 0.186279296875, "121447": 0.04254150390625, "48716": 0.057373046875, "38750": 0.1422119140625, "81810": 0.031341552734375, "64194": 0.005908966064453125, "145321": 0.11248779296875, "33120": 0.123046875, "178992": 0.1561279296875, "78684": 0.0216064453125, "77947": 0.11224365234375, "51634": 0.06500244140625, "137175": 0.2001953125, "112": 0.09564208984375, "48281": 0.1597900390625, "70997": 0.120361328125, "70425": 0.05523681640625, "217064": 0.1383056640625, "50419": 0.0345458984375, "76104": 0.1444091796875, "16227": 0.1854248046875, "125568": 0.160888671875}
Effects of MAL61 and MAL62 overexpression on maltose fermentation of baker's yeast in lean dough.
The predominant fermentable sugar in lean dough is maltose. To improve the leavening ability of baker's yeast in lean dough, maltose metabolism should be improved. Maltase (alpha-glucosidase, encoded by MAL62) and maltose permease (encoded by MAL61) are the major factors involved in maltose metabolism. The major rate-limiting factor in maltose metabolism and leavening ability of baker's yeast remains unclear. In this work, MAL61 and/or MAL62 overexpression strains were constructed to investigate the decisive factor for maltose metabolism of industrial baker's yeast in lean dough. Our results show that elevated maltose permease activity by MAL61 overexpression yielded less improvement in maltose fermentation compared to elevated maltase activity by MAL62 overexpression. Significant increase in maltase activity by MAL62 overexpression could result in a 44% increase in leavening ability of industrial baker's yeast in lean dough and a 39% increase in maltose metabolism in a medium containing glucose and maltose. Thus, maltase was the rate-limiting factor in maltose fermentation of industrial baker's yeast in lean dough. This study lays a foundation for breeding of industrial baker's yeast for quick dough leavening.
{"156531": 0.1456298828125, "660": 0.078125, "88487": 0.2120361328125, "2886": 0.1378173828125, "101087": 0.2449951171875, "23": 0.06939697265625, "65342": 0.2802734375, "54": 0.1566162109375, "58968": 0.2305908203125, "83": 0.0521240234375, "960": 0.2049560546875, "1952": 0.1990966796875, "13": 0.1763916015625, "52295": 0.166259765625, "70": 0.024444580078125, "31358": 0.19091796875, "592": 0.059600830078125, "81273": 0.1495361328125, "3472": 0.1884765625, "56": 0.12078857421875, "7": 0.0245513916015625, "2422": 0.167724609375, "4438": 0.14453125, "159531": 0.21533203125, "5608": 0.029541015625, "186": 0.0215301513671875, "71": 0.02447509765625, "85559": 0.218017578125, "184": 0.1568603515625, "14612": 0.1240234375, "39529": 0.07421875, "7840": 0.037384033203125, "14692": 0.07818603515625, "4": 0.0244903564453125, "40899": 0.15673828125, "390": 0.024322509765625, "88385": 0.1807861328125, "10837": 0.2325439453125, "16": 0.023406982421875, "136": 0.02105712890625, "117": 0.10162353515625, "282": 0.159912109375, "6991": 0.12548828125, "15": 0.0242156982421875, "66332": 0.08941650390625, "48141": 0.0245819091796875, "11540": 0.244140625, "13036": 0.10125732421875, "120103": 0.1787109375, "75412": 0.104248046875, "34515": 0.156005859375, "93343": 0.16259765625, "214": 0.0245208740234375, "31461": 0.1541748046875, "47143": 0.03216552734375, "51": 0.043121337890625, "119488": 0.12249755859375, "645": 0.11517333984375, "204629": 0.228759765625, "177488": 0.1776123046875, "3542": 0.022064208984375, "64549": 0.056243896484375, "297": 0.0244598388671875, "32603": 0.00647735595703125, "67": 0.024139404296875, "125189": 0.11932373046875, "25297": 0.1749267578125, "50339": 0.0148162841796875, "57849": 0.1373291015625, "103488": 0.0853271484375, "40715": 0.1339111328125, "136912": 0.1697998046875, "2320": 0.0245361328125, "47": 0.0245819091796875, "3674": 0.0245361328125, "81708": 0.2291259765625, "1236": 0.0245208740234375, "51312": 0.13525390625, "5809": 0.045989990234375, "16750": 0.00997161865234375, "10": 0.02447509765625, "201": 0.0004611015319824219, "11267": 0.1053466796875, "111": 0.024505615234375, "12678": 0.01058197021484375, "57646": 0.058349609375, "70541": 0.034454345703125, "157935": 0.15966796875, "9": 0.023895263671875, "35187": 0.0455322265625, "137374": 0.09027099609375, "100": 0.0209197998046875, "91566": 0.10870361328125, "63773": 0.1512451171875}
Human papillomavirus genotype 31 does not express detectable microRNA levels during latent or productive virus replication.
It has recently become clear that several pathogenic DNA viruses express virally encoded microRNAs in infected cells. In particular, numerous microRNAs have been identified in a range of human and animal herpesviruses, and individual microRNAs have also been identified in members of the polyoma- and adenovirus families. Although their functions remain largely unknown, it seems likely that these viral microRNAs play an important role in viral replication in vivo. Here we present an analysis of the microRNAs expressed in human cells during the latent and productive phases of the human papillomavirus genotype 31 (HPV31) replication cycle. Although over 500 cellular microRNAs were cloned and identified, not a single HPV31-specific microRNA was obtained. We therefore concluded that HPV31, and possibly human papillomaviruses in general, does not express viral microRNAs.
{"78684": 0.055145263671875, "24209": 0.021728515625, "34735": 0.10150146484375, "40368": 0.0562744140625, "60875": 0.05352783203125, "62976": 0.1343994140625, "27583": 0.1485595703125, "14994": 0.151123046875, "90": 0.00586700439453125, "36510": 0.1866455078125, "1017": 0.1148681640625, "25958": 0.04345703125, "22": 0.0819091796875, "40899": 0.1571044921875, "11948": 0.1949462890625, "125499": 0.264404296875, "7": 0.029815673828125, "23": 0.0259246826171875, "75622": 0.1385498046875, "38750": 0.1802978515625, "183851": 0.05865478515625, "207487": 0.1353759765625, "37457": 0.052032470703125, "14135": 0.12017822265625, "136": 0.0205535888671875, "26249": 0.086181640625, "150381": 0.1356201171875, "76912": 0.1844482421875, "11651": 0.0271759033203125, "43032": 0.07568359375, "35874": 0.09283447265625, "8945": 0.1236572265625, "44882": 0.10784912109375, "157": 0.0673828125, "87143": 0.07550048828125, "32354": 0.158935546875, "47143": 0.047027587890625, "51": 0.0382080078125, "69723": 0.12176513671875, "37202": 0.0205230712890625, "47041": 0.062347412109375, "88254": 0.22021484375, "11301": 0.079833984375, "5526": 0.10565185546875, "31486": 0.12261962890625, "456": 0.048492431640625, "182867": 0.1611328125, "16622": 0.15869140625, "114137": 0.112548828125, "20271": 0.055267333984375, "19161": 0.13232421875, "12996": 0.09869384765625, "93402": 0.11566162109375, "153688": 0.13623046875, "51081": 0.141845703125, "62614": 0.09619140625, "50986": 0.165283203125, "1936": 0.224609375, "36599": 0.06610107421875, "856": 0.1090087890625, "95787": 0.2061767578125, "105823": 0.1517333984375, "106073": 0.0057830810546875, "645": 0.053131103515625, "2101": 0.130859375, "2927": 0.0777587890625, "120087": 0.08465576171875, "20450": 0.10809326171875, "959": 0.1361083984375, "11001": 0.0667724609375, "134167": 0.2105712890625, "5016": 0.2423095703125, "159975": 0.14111328125, "113054": 0.06475830078125, "103876": 0.0102081298828125, "144681": 0.037261962890625, "4537": 0.0772705078125, "14602": 0.07562255859375}
Integrated genomic profiling of endometrial carcinoma associates aggressive tumors with indicators of PI3 kinase activation.
Although 75% of endometrial cancers are treated at an early stage, 15% to 20% of these recur. We performed an integrated analysis of genome-wide expression and copy-number data for primary endometrial carcinomas with extensive clinical and histopathological data to detect features predictive of recurrent disease. Unsupervised analysis of the expression data distinguished 2 major clusters with strikingly different phenotypes, including significant differences in disease-free survival. To identify possible mechanisms for these differences, we performed a global genomic survey of amplifications, deletions, and loss of heterozygosity, which identified 11 significantly amplified and 13 significantly deleted regions. Amplifications of 3q26.32 harboring the oncogene PIK3CA were associated with poor prognosis and segregated with the aggressive transcriptional cluster. Moreover, samples with PIK3CA amplification carried signatures associated with in vitro activation of PI3 kinase (PI3K), a signature that was shared by aggressive tumors without PIK3CA amplification. Tumors with loss of PTEN expression or PIK3CA overexpression that did not have PIK3CA amplification also shared the PI3K activation signature, high protein expression of the PI3K pathway member STMN1, and an aggressive phenotype in test and validation datasets. However, mutations of PTEN or PIK3CA were not associated with the same expression profile or aggressive phenotype. STMN1 expression had independent prognostic value. The results affirm the utility of systematic characterization of the cancer genome in clinically annotated specimens and suggest the particular importance of the PI3K pathway in patients who have aggressive endometrial cancer.
{"106073": 0.055877685546875, "62582": 0.1756591796875, "111": 0.03228759765625, "3564": 0.1351318359375, "58174": 0.250244140625, "289": 0.097900390625, "27968": 0.2064208984375, "7": 0.041961669921875, "621": 0.0025787353515625, "191607": 0.1597900390625, "99": 0.0035419464111328125, "142": 0.0035800933837890625, "39395": 0.1009521484375, "36541": 0.1348876953125, "31140": 0.12469482421875, "12719": 0.13818359375, "6097": 0.0241241455078125, "43852": 0.1851806640625, "42": 0.0823974609375, "297": 0.0037097930908203125, "78779": 0.0615234375, "114137": 0.08917236328125, "8584": 0.1634521484375, "13": 0.047393798828125, "9": 0.0034236907958984375, "113458": 0.109619140625, "125195": 0.2183837890625, "43658": 0.0235748291015625, "2606": 0.05157470703125, "1297": 0.0035457611083984375, "2053": 0.08697509765625, "100": 0.0028705596923828125, "158978": 0.121337890625, "2258": 0.083984375, "44924": 0.1165771484375, "1510": 0.043853759765625, "1119": 0.0035190582275390625, "272": 0.0037136077880859375, "136": 0.0037746429443359375, "188": 0.0030269622802734375, "109622": 0.00366973876953125, "96391": 0.0692138671875, "66139": 0.0914306640625, "92054": 0.1336669921875, "163812": 0.202392578125, "70997": 0.072509765625, "59104": 0.035675048828125, "1824": 0.0037174224853515625, "70": 0.0037593841552734375, "157167": 0.06219482421875, "67175": 0.00226593017578125, "116": 0.0682373046875, "13036": 0.06646728515625, "234737": 0.225341796875, "678": 0.00374603271484375, "22223": 0.0181121826171875, "6048": 0.0037899017333984375, "538": 0.0037078857421875, "12921": 0.1429443359375, "11521": 0.06439208984375, "21004": 0.09954833984375, "50986": 0.1854248046875, "4": 0.003749847412109375, "88551": 0.0428466796875, "60212": 0.16845703125, "23": 0.003810882568359375, "32087": 0.11444091796875, "218018": 0.155517578125, "7722": 0.07940673828125, "191619": 0.1396484375, "51339": 0.0108489990234375, "10": 0.003398895263671875, "7964": 0.0430908203125, "1771": 0.0033206939697265625, "110297": 0.10565185546875, "218955": 0.201171875, "5256": 0.0038242340087890625, "24674": 0.1439208984375, "86669": 0.08917236328125, "77099": 0.06640625, "3285": 0.014984130859375, "8797": 0.001697540283203125, "2481": 0.0034503936767578125, "3129": 0.0034503936767578125, "534": 0.073974609375, "207583": 0.083251953125, "70827": 0.1436767578125, "1029": 0.003726959228515625, "702": 0.0634765625, "154109": 0.16748046875, "71": 0.0036945343017578125, "10776": 0.1346435546875, "169799": 0.15087890625, "22346": 0.0960693359375, "138": 0.039947509765625, "864": 0.06866455078125, "4046": 0.121337890625, "6460": 0.11627197265625, "182": 0.032928466796875, "3422": 0.06884765625, "98": 0.11688232421875, "587": 0.05767822265625, "15292": 0.2037353515625, "436": 0.061126708984375, "17756": 0.1304931640625, "363": 0.1663818359375, "13133": 0.16650390625, "3542": 0.0037174224853515625, "137272": 0.07305908203125, "70425": 0.134033203125, "183509": 0.175537109375, "164": 0.0037899017333984375, "190407": 0.1363525390625, "3674": 0.0037250518798828125, "124030": 0.211669921875, "30334": 0.06951904296875, "59478": 0.08953857421875, "5455": 0.001262664794921875, "121413": 0.038482666015625, "1363": 0.0037479400634765625, "175100": 0.013214111328125, "138256": 0.1746826171875, "279": 0.08734130859375, "2955": 0.0235443115234375, "34704": 0.1092529296875, "25645": 0.151123046875, "24222": 0.1329345703125, "184": 0.09307861328125, "15185": 0.10943603515625, "605": 0.111083984375, "247": 0.0007176399230957031, "450": 0.0035858154296875, "509": 0.0034198760986328125, "99764": 0.0767822265625, "390": 0.0035762786865234375, "57412": 0.1689453125, "15490": 0.026611328125, "23596": 0.165283203125, "25251": 0.028411865234375, "21170": 0.192626953125, "645": 0.08154296875, "204629": 0.1995849609375, "959": 0.018218994140625, "765": 0.0029087066650390625, "21308": 0.08819580078125, "60875": 0.059295654296875, "7514": 0.0982666015625, "32786": 0.03582763671875, "16992": 0.037200927734375, "46720": 0.12103271484375, "418": 0.044036865234375, "3509": 0.0035915374755859375, "199334": 0.1856689453125, "5701": 0.007221221923828125, "60641": 0.1162109375, "1902": 0.0020694732666015625, "41371": 0.06787109375, "9523": 0.003589630126953125, "34292": 0.10009765625, "581": 0.0032863616943359375, "38949": 0.00485992431640625, "19537": 0.0491943359375, "939": 0.00370025634765625, "242161": 0.100341796875, "62816": 0.103271484375, "47691": 0.00374603271484375, "56465": 0.0085906982421875, "25958": 0.0037441253662109375, "8668": 0.037139892578125, "102": 0.00373077392578125, "40140": 0.01800537109375, "18241": 0.004024505615234375, "131011": 0.08880615234375, "60264": 0.07415771484375}
Alteration of the Antitumor Immune Response by Cancer-Associated Fibroblasts
Among cells present in the tumor microenvironment, activated fibroblasts termed cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs), play a critical role in the complex process of tumor-stroma interaction. CAFs, one of the prominent stromal cell populations in most types of human carcinomas, have been involved in tumor growth, angiogenesis, cancer stemness, extracellular matrix remodeling, tissue invasion, metastasis, and even chemoresistance. During the past decade, these activated tumor-associated fibroblasts have also been involved in the modulation of the anti-tumor immune response on various levels. In this review, we describe our current understanding of how CAFs accomplish this task as well as their potential therapeutic implications.
{"4021": 0.049407958984375, "38750": 0.176513671875, "7": 0.1572265625, "13379": 0.1343994140625, "23": 0.0255889892578125, "57412": 0.23046875, "11948": 0.136962890625, "153210": 0.1864013671875, "674": 0.0005159378051757812, "34704": 0.204345703125, "3674": 0.07733154296875, "139940": 0.24169921875, "67301": 0.2432861328125, "933": 0.10369873046875, "24117": 0.0367431640625, "27968": 0.1947021484375, "162": 0.10382080078125, "45388": 0.1981201171875, "166566": 0.29833984375, "11301": 0.09619140625, "130306": 0.1549072265625, "31486": 0.1575927734375, "70": 0.0025234222412109375, "27140": 0.14453125, "9433": 0.11016845703125, "111": 0.002490997314453125, "9": 0.05010986328125, "89697": 0.152587890625, "11": 0.13623046875, "182809": 0.17578125, "1632": 0.0019931793212890625, "197097": 0.11199951171875, "59781": 0.1881103515625, "289": 0.11376953125, "43904": 0.1435546875, "2684": 0.09637451171875, "52895": 0.121337890625, "14135": 0.07708740234375, "2258": 0.094482421875, "44924": 0.10455322265625, "1510": 0.054931640625, "4": 0.0024738311767578125, "765": 0.004253387451171875, "2809": 0.0015878677368164062, "75412": 0.16455078125, "75678": 0.1343994140625, "348": 0.0753173828125, "846": 0.0296173095703125, "15292": 0.09735107421875, "6023": 0.002223968505859375, "36418": 0.10284423828125, "4173": 0.079833984375, "8969": 0.04718017578125, "120087": 0.00249481201171875, "50944": 0.069091796875, "425": 0.0020809173583984375, "177580": 0.164794921875, "214": 0.002376556396484375, "108055": 0.049957275390625, "13": 0.0025691986083984375, "116000": 0.1168212890625, "191": 0.0026569366455078125, "435": 0.00799560546875, "6131": 0.0653076171875, "136": 0.0017404556274414062, "3853": 0.005809783935546875, "172": 0.101318359375, "116071": 0.0006275177001953125, "11015": 0.04473876953125, "23662": 0.078125, "27686": 0.0017271041870117188, "17055": 0.177978515625, "2320": 0.0011606216430664062, "2874": 0.1246337890625, "2555": 0.1370849609375, "748": 0.08807373046875, "43766": 0.1314697265625, "57553": 0.0948486328125, "98": 0.0024509429931640625, "67842": 0.0098724365234375, "90926": 0.05633544921875, "8347": 0.1290283203125, "98363": 0.09210205078125, "43581": 0.08575439453125, "100094": 0.1329345703125, "3642": 0.029205322265625, "163846": 0.1397705078125, "903": 0.005855560302734375, "66211": 0.1390380859375, "237": 0.0024280548095703125, "38516": 0.1318359375, "6": 0.0024166107177734375, "126472": 0.1629638671875, "1771": 0.002513885498046875, "17914": 0.130615234375, "5256": 0.00225067138671875}
Confusion and memory loss from capsular genu infarction: a thalamocortical disconnection syndrome?
We examined six patients with an abrupt change in behavior after infarction involving the inferior genu of the internal capsule. The acute syndrome featured fluctuating alertness, inattention, memory loss, apathy, abulia, and psychomotor retardation, suggesting frontal lobe dysfunction. Contralateral hemiparesis and dysarthria were generally mild, except when the infarct extended into the posterior limb. Neuropsychological testing in five patients with left-sided infarcts revealed severe verbal memory loss. Additional cognitive deficits consistent with dementia occurred in four patients. A right-sided infarct caused transient impairment in visuospatial memory. Functional brain imaging in three patients showed a focal reduction in hemispheric perfusion most prominent in the ipsilateral inferior and medial frontal cortex. We infer that the capsular genu infarct interrupted the inferior and anterior thalamic peduncles, resulting in functional deactivation of the ipsilateral frontal cortex. These observations suggest that one mechanism for cognitive deterioration from a lacunar infarct is thalamocortical disconnection of white-matter tracts, in some instances leading to "strategic-infarct dementia. "
{"160477": 0.087646484375, "37195": 0.1273193359375, "60264": 0.1585693359375, "219817": 0.11785888671875, "15549": 0.1650390625, "23": 0.1121826171875, "123166": 0.1983642578125, "7103": 0.1068115234375, "3814": 0.2398681640625, "10763": 0.1209716796875, "3784": 0.01067352294921875, "44157": 0.16796875, "125864": 0.229248046875, "70796": 0.1265869140625, "150143": 0.166259765625, "10": 0.01163482666015625, "85691": 0.14599609375, "194923": 0.1649169921875, "60213": 0.078857421875, "14838": 0.09442138671875, "41039": 0.07012939453125, "110342": 0.1474609375, "7432": 0.004787445068359375, "257": 0.045135498046875, "62500": 0.0870361328125, "98323": 0.1910400390625, "86669": 0.1251220703125, "192592": 0.11688232421875, "1563": 0.0172882080078125, "53588": 0.186279296875, "69982": 0.04888916015625, "26541": 0.074951171875, "91010": 0.181396484375, "42459": 0.04693603515625, "116619": 0.167236328125, "459": 0.05267333984375, "372": 0.103271484375, "51634": 0.0239105224609375, "137175": 0.150146484375, "45380": 0.06927490234375, "141636": 0.11590576171875, "2360": 0.0526123046875, "16082": 0.1026611328125, "6023": 0.04437255859375, "136": 0.0293731689453125, "90134": 0.09490966796875, "1651": 0.09906005859375, "137567": 0.030792236328125, "126561": 0.08599853515625, "15390": 0.12396240234375, "65042": 0.0261993408203125, "39225": 0.10858154296875, "400": 0.0187835693359375, "6492": 0.0382080078125, "107481": 0.05340576171875, "51775": 0.050567626953125, "206": 0.00992584228515625, "134234": 0.07452392578125, "43606": 0.092041015625, "25737": 0.108154296875, "8752": 0.1300048828125, "122273": 0.0010633468627929688, "141591": 0.054901123046875, "78975": 0.20849609375, "241761": 0.222900390625, "87024": 0.151611328125, "74729": 0.042236328125, "678": 0.005275726318359375, "745": 0.1756591796875, "41437": 0.18603515625, "22759": 0.0784912109375, "7108": 0.0946044921875, "143434": 0.04864501953125, "3900": 0.07318115234375, "18750": 0.0740966796875, "109637": 0.1328125, "13193": 0.108642578125, "10974": 0.050506591796875, "28670": 0.039215087890625, "78574": 0.12091064453125, "86898": 0.0845947265625, "17262": 0.060821533203125, "89716": 0.11029052734375, "456": 0.06451416015625, "77391": 0.09930419921875, "94266": 0.044952392578125, "92105": 0.1639404296875, "197097": 0.0501708984375, "74656": 0.1007080078125, "2450": 0.062408447265625, "59218": 0.1077880859375, "425": 0.058929443359375, "53498": 0.0615234375, "3540": 0.126220703125, "35975": 0.1422119140625, "206735": 0.1502685546875, "14798": 0.06622314453125, "89625": 0.096435546875, "280": 0.0245208740234375, "20380": 0.10333251953125, "66695": 0.038421630859375, "123309": 0.1427001953125, "8": 0.10516357421875, "111438": 0.1533203125, "150556": 0.051605224609375, "1632": 0.045989990234375, "191619": 0.1846923828125, "150844": 0.19677734375, "1295": 0.0276947021484375, "52879": 0.1002197265625, "23364": 0.220703125, "83": 0.00551605224609375, "432": 0.067138671875, "10517": 0.038970947265625, "2837": 0.02459716796875, "135457": 0.11151123046875, "35011": 0.09539794921875, "192": 0.05401611328125, "3055": 0.0214080810546875, "98687": 0.1331787109375, "3060": 0.007678985595703125, "105207": 0.019439697265625, "41062": 0.1905517578125, "73": 0.0772705078125}