DNA methylation in embryonic stem cells.
Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) are pluripotent, self-renewing cells. These cells can be used in applications such as cell therapy, drug development, disease modeling, and the study of cellular differentiation. Investigating the interplay of epigenetics, genetics, and gene expression in control of pluripotence and differentiation could give important insights on how these cells function. One of the best known epigenetic factors is DNA methylation, which is a major mechanism for regulation of gene expression. This phenomenon is mostly seen in imprinted genes and X-chromosome inactivation where DNA methylation of promoter regions leads to repression of gene expression. Differential DNA methylation of pluripotence-associated genes such as Nanog and Oct4/Pou5f1 has been observed between pluripotent and differentiated cells. It is clear that tight regulation of DNA methylation is necessary for normal development. As more associations between aberrant DNA methylation and disease are reported, the demand for high-throughput approaches for DNA methylation analysis has increased. In this article, we highlight these methods and discuss recent DNA methylation studies on ESCs.
{"2775": 0.06109619140625, "21731": 0.13916015625, "31": 0.06268310546875, "6402": 0.08935546875, "36418": 0.1771240234375, "38750": 0.2147216796875, "7": 0.1558837890625, "6706": 0.156982421875, "441": 0.2164306640625, "621": 0.0711669921875, "69795": 0.1932373046875, "114680": 0.198974609375, "15970": 0.1156005859375, "43994": 0.091552734375, "14775": 0.1036376953125, "32255": 0.0204010009765625, "831": 0.07635498046875, "186": 4.374980926513672e-05, "11814": 0.1500244140625, "23": 7.289648056030273e-05, "86685": 0.1502685546875, "6": 0.00014078617095947266, "106864": 0.1353759765625, "48683": 0.05743408203125, "34754": 0.1353759765625, "70997": 0.11700439453125, "3299": 0.07525634765625, "214": 0.0001283884048461914, "4": 0.00016772747039794922, "70": 0.00019681453704833984, "35187": 0.053863525390625, "2927": 0.054840087890625, "120087": 0.041595458984375, "99710": 0.20556640625, "125015": 0.06689453125, "1940": 0.039825439453125, "20706": 0.12005615234375, "25277": 0.114990234375, "15292": 0.16796875, "41637": 0.056854248046875, "101412": 0.09881591796875, "22293": 0.1640625, "125195": 0.23193359375, "6226": 0.1732177734375, "7804": 0.184326171875, "6620": 0.053436279296875, "136": 0.00980377197265625, "2320": 0.09283447265625, "5809": 0.021087646484375, "5526": 0.0247955322265625, "149201": 0.061065673828125, "6097": 0.0166778564453125, "32354": 0.1278076171875, "2965": 0.1209716796875, "51529": 0.1451416015625, "120103": 0.1806640625, "83": 0.008331298828125, "27583": 0.2041015625, "435": 0.16796875, "65853": 0.2369384765625, "13036": 0.07666015625, "191619": 0.1827392578125, "15913": 0.2340087890625, "1363": 0.0004019737243652344, "3293": 0.0071563720703125, "88322": 0.06622314453125, "13450": 0.054962158203125, "153161": 0.0192413330078125, "51592": 0.0716552734375, "566": 0.00689697265625, "35662": 0.1192626953125, "297": 0.0004096031188964844, "1193": 0.0980224609375, "9": 0.00023257732391357422, "840": 0.0523681640625, "111438": 0.13818359375, "125568": 0.16455078125, "10776": 0.07861328125, "37105": 0.039947509765625, "456": 0.0745849609375, "48448": 0.2108154296875, "242520": 0.153564453125, "15403": 0.018218994140625, "162": 9.632110595703125e-05, "45388": 0.108154296875, "27686": 0.0003273487091064453, "6044": 3.814697265625e-06, "353": 0.0767822265625, "2700": 0.1983642578125, "33649": 0.09466552734375, "77212": 0.08984375, "7192": 0.0285797119140625, "34": 0.022735595703125, "758": 0.0361328125, "420": 0.0120391845703125, "418": 0.0245361328125, "2809": 0.0002899169921875, "139999": 0.07757568359375, "71": 0.00042939186096191406, "17721": 0.0258331298828125, "107137": 0.1123046875, "63559": 0.09307861328125, "3638": 0.09234619140625, "1286": 0.0028820037841796875, "151747": 0.11236572265625, "2243": 0.094970703125, "15212": 0.0948486328125, "113771": 0.01226806640625, "35968": 0.10693359375, "11192": 0.00774383544921875, "222521": 0.03265380859375, "51515": 0.08221435546875, "90": 0.0002884864807128906, "114137": 0.126953125, "124735": 0.08477783203125, "903": 0.0031986236572265625, "5582": 0.0291595458984375, "127308": 0.060302734375, "150624": 0.09197998046875, "45252": 0.024017333984375, "17309": 0.0169677734375, "96335": 0.042694091796875, "177279": 0.234619140625}
Reserves, functional, immunoregulatory, and cytogenetic properties of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells in patients with myelodysplastic syndromes.
Defective hematopoiesis supporting capacity of bone marrow (BM) stroma has been implicated in the pathophysiology of myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS). The aim of this study is to explore whether the BM stroma progenitors, namely the mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), are primarily affected in MDS by evaluating the reserves, the functional properties, as well as the cytogenetic characteristics, in comparison to BM hematopoietic cells, in patients with de novo MDS (n = 13). The number, differentiation potential toward adipocytes/chondrocytes/osteoblasts and immunosuppressive function in terms of inhibition of mitogen-induced T-cell proliferation did not differ significantly between patient and normal (n = 20) MSCs. Patient MSCs did not show any aberrations in the production of proinflammatory or growth-promoting cytokines and did not harbor the cytogenetic abnormalities present in hematopoietic cells. Occasional patient and normal MSC cultures, however, developed irrelevant chromosomal alterations (trisomies 5 and 7) with uncertain pathophysiologic significance. Compared to controls, patient MSCs displayed impaired proliferative and clonogenic potential through passages that might represent a nonspecific abnormality associated with the chronic inflammatory process present in patients' BM. These data suggest that BM MSCs from MDS patients do not belong to the abnormal clone and do not represent the main cellular source contributing to the inflammatory marrow microenvironment.
{"85535": 0.1846923828125, "100034": 0.1590576171875, "153838": 0.2095947265625, "36400": 0.16064453125, "3387": 0.1480712890625, "164": 0.034393310546875, "8060": 0.1785888671875, "177399": 0.18505859375, "32881": 0.14697265625, "1108": 0.1153564453125, "15555": 0.1796875, "74965": 0.199951171875, "59781": 0.1876220703125, "11": 0.104736328125, "1556": 0.01006317138671875, "2809": 0.0065460205078125, "17914": 0.112548828125, "3674": 0.0022525787353515625, "2340": 0.035064697265625, "497": 0.048370361328125, "34053": 0.07965087890625, "172": 0.028564453125, "25443": 0.0465087890625, "7705": 0.1256103515625, "365": 0.1455078125, "71360": 0.08270263671875, "72325": 0.1920166015625, "1771": 0.031097412109375, "194923": 0.1717529296875, "7": 0.0020542144775390625, "594": 0.08978271484375, "13526": 0.21240234375, "464": 0.141845703125, "35187": 0.085693359375, "88898": 0.06854248046875, "36766": 0.0090179443359375, "90017": 0.2137451171875, "502": 0.11578369140625, "33781": 0.1829833984375, "22230": 0.05645751953125, "4": 0.0019083023071289062, "24": 0.0005688667297363281, "2409": 0.12744140625, "33": 0.049285888671875, "7668": 0.1929931640625, "36418": 0.157470703125, "38750": 0.2021484375, "13439": 0.11346435546875, "441": 0.147705078125, "247": 0.0010633468627929688, "621": 0.0012311935424804688, "102917": 0.0924072265625, "538": 0.0017881393432617188, "195052": 0.16748046875, "23": 0.0110626220703125, "276": 0.12310791015625, "390": 0.0010156631469726562, "151575": 0.06689453125, "214": 0.0016956329345703125, "70": 0.0018548965454101562, "76875": 0.172607421875, "123309": 0.1307373046875, "183871": 0.08697509765625, "237": 0.0016641616821289062, "19932": 0.0894775390625, "188": 0.11138916015625, "15292": 0.1898193359375, "9523": 0.0018529891967773438, "62816": 0.0799560546875, "48242": 0.000942230224609375, "225490": 0.044952392578125, "47": 0.0019369125366210938, "478": 0.10089111328125, "60264": 0.134033203125, "8": 0.09228515625, "5474": 0.09857177734375, "15": 0.001972198486328125, "2203": 0.0015735626220703125, "702": 0.09967041015625, "14012": 0.0645751953125, "99710": 0.16357421875, "2320": 0.0010585784912109375, "38516": 0.1968994140625, "154732": 0.0029697418212890625, "20655": 0.06927490234375, "771": 0.0848388671875, "2408": 0.06524658203125, "1636": 0.0017490386962890625, "271": 0.0019426345825195312, "43766": 0.07659912109375, "232": 0.0015649795532226562, "2037": 0.01091766357421875, "11856": 0.040771484375, "5844": 0.0019550323486328125, "32354": 0.0531005859375, "111": 0.00199127197265625, "173702": 0.1402587890625, "1363": 0.0019397735595703125, "491": 0.087646484375, "62976": 0.1495361328125, "9": 0.0019044876098632812, "18442": 0.00238800048828125, "37534": 0.00196075439453125, "384": 0.061492919921875, "34680": 0.1461181640625, "215447": 0.1475830078125, "959": 0.070556640625, "129927": 0.1148681640625, "207583": 0.0038356781005859375, "17721": 0.0015010833740234375, "37896": 0.152587890625, "136": 0.0018634796142578125, "3638": 0.101806640625, "387": 0.07135009765625, "16": 0.0017309188842773438, "14495": 0.18212890625, "135004": 0.1583251953125, "7639": 0.001171112060546875, "2243": 0.0193328857421875, "30494": 0.0018739700317382812, "36049": 0.034271240234375, "170180": 0.1300048828125, "192": 0.0018987655639648438, "31667": 0.0019664764404296875, "75678": 0.044097900390625, "119204": 0.01107025146484375, "1916": 0.0018777847290039062, "6448": 0.10003662109375, "12741": 0.0012493133544921875, "33176": 0.1448974609375, "31075": 0.0012369155883789062, "13379": 0.00461578369140625, "180": 5.0127506256103516e-05, "11210": 0.0770263671875, "30283": 0.0019969940185546875, "29394": 0.10845947265625, "126809": 0.038726806640625, "193": 0.032989501953125, "169429": 0.154052734375, "17656": 0.005435943603515625, "306": 0.040985107421875, "6781": 0.0677490234375, "2749": 0.0017137527465820312, "42068": 0.1435546875, "5256": 0.002056121826171875, "43291": 0.072998046875, "31": 0.071044921875, "32747": 0.0965576171875, "190": 0.078369140625, "49413": 0.048309326171875, "678": 0.0017576217651367188, "51": 0.0017442703247070312, "73": 0.0017881393432617188, "12330": 0.006137847900390625, "3956": 0.0018768310546875, "297": 0.0019435882568359375, "6226": 0.0858154296875, "44116": 0.0047454833984375, "566": 0.00597381591796875, "109637": 0.09918212890625, "4935": 0.0018873214721679688, "20450": 0.11273193359375, "8305": 0.0007219314575195312, "46692": 0.11572265625, "450": 0.0019426345825195312, "13648": 0.03546142578125, "33636": 0.026275634765625, "10": 0.0018463134765625, "351": 0.031097412109375, "159975": 0.0015354156494140625, "2481": 0.0017881393432617188, "184843": 0.1201171875, "41036": 0.1341552734375, "18023": 0.12103271484375, "9433": 0.047943115234375, "2053": 0.037811279296875, "42459": 0.01055145263671875, "186": 0.0018396377563476562, "10617": 0.03021240234375, "1563": 0.00481414794921875, "86": 0.00141143798828125, "54": 0.0018320083618164062, "5201": 0.0278472900390625, "2927": 0.04400634765625, "120087": 0.0006642341613769531, "31344": 0.0733642578125, "22231": 0.02557373046875, "11948": 0.05206298828125, "153210": 0.1256103515625, "674": 0.0017919540405273438}
Symmetric signalling within asymmetric dimers of the Staphylococcus aureus receptor histidine kinase AgrC.
Virulence in Staphylococcus aureus is largely under control of the accessory gene regulator (agr) quorum-sensing system. The AgrC receptor histidine kinase detects its autoinducing peptide (AIP) ligand and generates an intracellular signal resulting in secretion of virulence factors. Although agr is a well-studied quorum-sensing system, little is known about the mechanism of AgrC activation. By co-immunoprecipitation analysis and intermolecular complementation of receptor mutants, we showed that AgrC forms ligand-independent dimers that undergo trans-autophosphorylation upon interaction with AIP. Remarkably, addition of specific AIPs to AgrC mutant dimers with only one functional sensor domain caused symmetric activation of either kinase domain despite the sensor asymmetry. Furthermore, mutant dimers involving one constitutive protomer demonstrated ligand-independent activity, irrespective of which protomer was kinase deficient. These results demonstrate that signalling through either individual AgrC protomer causes symmetric activation of both kinase domains. We suggest that such signalling across the dimer interface may be an important mechanism for dimeric quorum-sensing receptors to rapidly elicit a response upon signal detection.
{"10421": 0.1099853515625, "202": 0.185546875, "6620": 0.13037109375, "23": 0.0458984375, "6512": 0.11199951171875, "34053": 0.1285400390625, "55043": 0.068359375, "6652": 0.10333251953125, "11680": 0.08221435546875, "9090": 0.145751953125, "19005": 0.156494140625, "21334": 0.027374267578125, "538": 0.0016689300537109375, "1379": 0.08502197265625, "6226": 0.1685791015625, "111": 0.0018205642700195312, "97841": 0.157470703125, "1294": 0.00022411346435546875, "22293": 0.135498046875, "144314": 0.2269287109375, "11": 0.0391845703125, "3964": 0.205078125, "91659": 0.236328125, "28290": 0.1953125, "214": 0.0211944580078125, "5426": 0.1268310546875, "62": 0.09686279296875, "441": 0.1790771484375, "137376": 0.2152099609375, "1919": 0.09454345703125, "118": 0.05133056640625, "30833": 0.1177978515625, "24222": 0.165771484375, "184": 0.12054443359375, "96391": 0.1229248046875, "1809": 0.1705322265625, "18442": 0.1241455078125, "21896": 0.00010418891906738281, "280": 0.0288238525390625, "17332": 0.12408447265625, "284": 0.060638427734375, "10931": 0.160888671875, "16": 0.0002624988555908203, "19881": 0.138671875, "2208": 0.0904541015625, "139392": 0.0858154296875, "7": 0.001598358154296875, "142": 0.0015058517456054688, "18440": 0.11505126953125, "8969": 0.10821533203125, "120087": 0.0006389617919921875, "26073": 0.1878662109375, "16750": 0.007724761962890625, "23410": 0.144287109375, "1830": 0.001422882080078125, "1017": 0.12384033203125, "120103": 0.14892578125, "10": 0.05889892578125, "83": 0.01328277587890625, "9": 0.0015964508056640625, "104410": 0.038909912109375, "71": 0.0015773773193359375, "4": 0.00165557861328125, "10176": 0.007450103759765625, "51529": 0.0271453857421875, "70": 0.0017290115356445312, "191619": 0.1617431640625, "34704": 0.1871337890625, "1363": 0.0016374588012695312, "552": 0.042144775390625, "561": 0.056793212890625, "157": 0.0011720657348632812, "51606": 0.0191802978515625, "6295": 0.00031113624572753906, "2320": 0.0015230178833007812, "114137": 0.001148223876953125, "136": 0.0012102127075195312, "25667": 0.00186920166015625, "110633": 0.068115234375, "21144": 0.12744140625, "3173": 0.04827880859375, "181063": 0.170166015625, "45": 0.1680908203125, "31648": 0.1826171875, "3900": 0.09112548828125, "8913": 0.1558837890625, "134208": 0.03204345703125, "139006": 0.0750732421875, "54799": 0.0016851425170898438, "182809": 0.09185791015625, "678": 0.00030231475830078125, "853": 0.0015621185302734375, "78458": 0.0019121170043945312, "66044": 0.045074462890625, "29458": 0.01335906982421875, "842": 0.11883544921875, "18211": 0.113037109375, "4734": 0.0005831718444824219, "1632": 0.0233306884765625, "123309": 0.130126953125, "43111": 0.2347412109375, "77758": 0.130615234375, "143434": 0.0262603759765625, "230612": 0.2283935546875, "238": 0.0017023086547851562, "40101": 0.0038776397705078125, "8": 0.001605987548828125, "61518": 0.034698486328125, "3019": 0.1533203125, "15123": 0.0017042160034179688, "9319": 0.0018911361694335938, "17678": 0.0008955001831054688, "6496": 0.0012712478637695312, "4935": 0.0018825531005859375, "22664": 0.13525390625, "1991": 0.15576171875, "297": 0.0016155242919921875, "103488": 0.058624267578125, "193": 0.0002956390380859375, "5844": 0.0018796920776367188, "110410": 0.1793212890625, "13": 0.0016851425170898438, "450": 0.0008258819580078125, "11651": 0.03173828125, "113660": 0.06256103515625, "6": 0.001476287841796875, "15044": 0.048309326171875, "42459": 0.0208740234375, "2069": 0.0278778076171875, "36880": 0.0197296142578125, "101758": 0.1451416015625, "1543": 0.0218048095703125, "186": 0.0013256072998046875, "5526": 0.04608154296875, "282": 0.0921630859375, "25545": 0.06494140625, "60923": 0.12054443359375, "57553": 0.0740966796875, "149": 0.08563232421875}
Attachment of the ubiquitin-related protein Urm1p to the antioxidant protein Ahp1p.
Urm1p is a ubiquitin-related protein that serves as a posttranslational modification of other proteins. Urm1p conjugation has been implicated in the budding process and in nutrient sensing. Here, we have identified the first in vivo target for the urmylation pathway as the antioxidant protein Ahp1p. The attachment of Urm1p to Ahp1p requires the E1 for the urmylation pathway, Uba4p. Loss of the urmylation pathway components results in sensitivity to a thiol-specific oxidant, as does loss of Ahp1p, implying that urmylation has a role in an oxidative-stress response. Moreover, treatment of cells with thiol-specific oxidants affects the abundance of Ahp1p-Urm1p conjugates. These results suggest that the conjugation of Urm1p to Ahp1p could regulate the function of Ahp1p in antioxidant stress response in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
{"4143": 0.2137451171875, "39": 0.2060546875, "418": 0.1461181640625, "254": 0.2371826171875, "83": 0.06341552734375, "17982": 0.1474609375, "3181": 0.106689453125, "2311": 0.1573486328125, "174822": 0.1541748046875, "21308": 0.25048828125, "21265": 0.1236572265625, "237": 0.01496124267578125, "1305": 0.1268310546875, "30145": 0.0762939453125, "143": 0.05352783203125, "129344": 0.200439453125, "3789": 0.0457763671875, "228186": 0.2120361328125, "1363": 0.0362548828125, "1556": 0.00826263427734375, "17914": 0.10516357421875, "373": 0.036346435546875, "59725": 0.08026123046875, "9433": 0.0266876220703125, "21650": 0.1182861328125, "2517": 0.024566650390625, "12006": 0.10723876953125, "214": 0.01910400390625, "207487": 0.06817626953125, "5117": 0.06353759765625, "23": 0.004169464111328125, "16622": 0.15234375, "30388": 0.2159423828125, "2780": 0.1339111328125, "1176": 0.1893310546875, "57860": 0.1802978515625, "60875": 0.1083984375, "7514": 0.14501953125, "119181": 0.222900390625, "8677": 0.12939453125, "235923": 0.1563720703125, "144570": 0.1275634765625, "241": 0.0955810546875, "345": 0.0595703125, "402": 0.11993408203125, "617": 0.12158203125, "3731": 0.093017578125, "82761": 0.11328125, "50339": 0.0222625732421875, "176302": 0.1531982421875, "6117": 0.1207275390625, "929": 0.1397705078125, "159975": 0.1226806640625, "128713": 0.180908203125, "1236": 0.1077880859375, "86669": 0.061370849609375, "31486": 0.088623046875, "45023": 0.059844970703125, "95650": 0.166015625, "57553": 0.11968994140625, "39734": 0.10394287109375, "38750": 0.1185302734375, "10840": 0.06781005859375, "52490": 0.09063720703125, "130807": 0.06756591796875, "48743": 0.11431884765625, "42459": 0.0284423828125, "47": 0.051055908203125, "5809": 0.052703857421875, "15913": 0.139404296875, "32354": 0.07537841796875, "11405": 0.1790771484375, "80085": 0.048583984375, "9254": 0.11053466796875, "306": 0.0679931640625, "53": 0.07659912109375, "5170": 0.0118560791015625, "41424": 0.07086181640625, "1824": 0.1390380859375, "29754": 0.146728515625}
Sulfasalazine in the treatment of spondylarthropathy. A randomized, multicenter, double-blind, placebo-controlled study.
OBJECTIVE To assess the efficacy and tolerability of sulfasalazine (SSZ) in the treatment of spondylarthropathy. METHODS We conducted a 6-month randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, multicenter study of patients with spondylarthropathy whose disease had remained active despite treatment with nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs. Patients were treated with SSZ (3 gm/day) or placebo. The primary efficacy variables were the physician's and patient's overall assessments, pain, and morning stiffness. End points were analyzed in the intent-to-treat and completer patient populations; the time course of effect was analyzed in the completer patient population. RESULTS Of the 351 patients enrolled, 263 (75%) completed the 6-month treatment period. The withdrawal rates were 35 (20%) and 53 (30%) in the placebo and SSZ groups, respectively. In the intent-to-treat analysis of end point efficacy, the between-treatment difference reached statistical significance only for 1 of the 4 primary outcome variables, the patient's overall assessment of disease activity, for which 60% of the patients taking SSZ improved by at least 1 point on a 5-point scale, in contrast to 44% of the patients taking placebo. Laboratory markers of inflammation also showed statistically significant change in favor of SSZ. In subgroup analysis, the most impressive effects were seen in patients with psoriatic arthritis, both for the 4 primary efficacy variables and for secondary efficacy variables such as the number of inflamed joints. Adverse events were more frequent in the SSZ group than the placebo group, but all were transient or reversible after cessation of treatment. CONCLUSION The results of this study show that SSZ had greater efficacy than placebo in the treatment of active spondylarthropathy, notably in patients with psoriatic arthritis.
{"35988": 0.062469482421875, "15301": 0.113037109375, "441": 0.0207672119140625, "202120": 0.07354736328125, "70": 0.019195556640625, "9129": 0.088623046875, "22346": 0.17724609375, "47": 0.0933837890625, "603": 0.1475830078125, "41159": 0.062347412109375, "2906": 0.1744384765625, "1021": 0.1678466796875, "20088": 0.1826171875, "708": 0.189453125, "86": 0.1280517578125, "294": 0.12548828125, "19934": 0.289306640625, "39734": 0.1971435546875, "18908": 0.1641845703125, "1459": 0.1295166015625, "320": 0.12127685546875, "42294": 0.189208984375, "192592": 0.16357421875, "6": 0.0192413330078125, "33677": 0.056304931640625, "193792": 0.00766754150390625, "55080": 0.0182037353515625, "13007": 0.078857421875, "15477": 0.1025390625, "127": 0.0188751220703125, "96759": 0.061767578125, "29367": 0.0189208984375, "3687": 0.1519775390625, "837": 0.1378173828125, "9": 0.019287109375, "81988": 0.0287322998046875, "6259": 0.0188140869140625, "4": 0.019256591796875, "41929": 0.008056640625, "210873": 0.10955810546875, "6024": 0.035308837890625, "30090": 0.08782958984375, "35187": 0.11090087890625, "111": 0.0191802978515625, "60264": 0.1611328125, "70997": 0.072509765625, "47143": 0.09649658203125, "297": 0.0189971923828125, "36457": 0.1572265625, "8": 0.0189666748046875, "61518": 0.0301361083984375, "678": 0.058074951171875, "351": 0.0394287109375, "139629": 0.07977294921875, "289": 0.0191192626953125, "2874": 0.034881591796875, "170180": 0.07513427734375, "192": 0.018218994140625, "31667": 0.018829345703125, "125694": 0.11749267578125, "135004": 0.1055908203125, "7": 0.0193634033203125, "3542": 0.0190582275390625, "191607": 0.12298583984375, "159": 0.1220703125, "6896": 0.069091796875, "706": 0.0599365234375, "39": 0.08660888671875, "64": 0.005619049072265625, "5636": 0.0863037109375, "16": 0.0189208984375, "581": 0.0183258056640625, "158978": 0.09814453125, "2408": 0.019134521484375, "77336": 0.1630859375, "219600": 0.0938720703125, "25": 0.0192108154296875, "37896": 0.07879638671875, "128512": 0.027130126953125, "164031": 0.09649658203125, "24503": 0.12158203125, "42141": 0.1304931640625, "13629": 0.0384521484375, "18878": 0.10504150390625, "26847": 0.09747314453125, "7968": 0.015716552734375, "53": 0.0194091796875, "64807": 0.019134521484375, "23": 0.0192108154296875, "78091": 0.1751708984375, "188": 0.03533935546875, "2921": 0.115234375, "257": 0.056396484375, "136": 0.01934814453125, "28484": 0.0751953125, "42": 0.0189208984375, "43904": 0.040863037109375, "1733": 0.052978515625, "21543": 0.1285400390625, "509": 0.0183258056640625, "218849": 0.07733154296875, "163151": 0.149169921875, "27722": 0.149658203125, "1381": 0.03424072265625, "363": 0.0753173828125, "15": 0.019012451171875, "160337": 0.1610107421875, "140528": 0.1392822265625, "14922": 0.054656982421875, "205850": 0.2164306640625, "121297": 0.125244140625, "2273": 0.06573486328125, "26244": 0.019012451171875, "8934": 0.038604736328125, "38774": 0.018768310546875, "94407": 0.06414794921875, "107013": 0.0176239013671875, "538": 0.0190887451171875, "3564": 0.10711669921875, "6275": 0.1390380859375, "17721": 0.08843994140625, "674": 0.018890380859375, "60212": 0.15966796875, "80835": 0.059722900390625, "12330": 0.0579833984375, "3956": 0.01898193359375, "100": 0.0193023681640625, "201": 0.07867431640625, "184345": 0.1689453125, "103488": 0.113037109375, "3129": 0.0191650390625, "30584": 0.13525390625, "35971": 0.0258026123046875, "52295": 0.1795654296875, "71": 0.01898193359375, "390": 0.0190887451171875, "99": 0.019012451171875, "19713": 0.0191650390625, "106": 0.0190277099609375, "98": 0.0190582275390625, "10": 0.0191650390625, "8967": 0.040283203125, "38496": 0.0186920166015625, "105994": 0.0162506103515625, "69822": 0.027587890625, "11267": 0.0350341796875, "54593": 0.06787109375, "4597": 0.018798828125, "71323": 0.09271240234375, "203932": 0.1572265625, "25958": 0.019287109375, "88551": 0.012725830078125, "15549": 0.11328125, "10862": 0.05157470703125, "360": 0.0185394287109375, "1614": 0.0350341796875, "51588": 0.110595703125, "2684": 0.0240478515625, "218898": 0.08697509765625, "93425": 0.1318359375, "24014": 0.039154052734375, "28957": 0.19140625, "9523": 0.0186614990234375, "187": 0.0693359375, "68332": 0.16357421875, "1814": 0.058746337890625, "37526": 0.017242431640625, "1294": 0.0191650390625, "6044": 0.0191497802734375, "237": 0.0193328857421875, "14012": 0.0176849365234375, "41036": 0.11956787109375, "4806": 0.018768310546875, "124416": 0.11993408203125, "3145": 0.029083251953125, "37676": 0.11834716796875, "47353": 0.0841064453125, "1286": 0.01934814453125, "103351": 0.10723876953125, "21115": 0.07489013671875, "3501": 0.018646240234375, "1284": 0.0181427001953125, "3900": 0.000293731689453125, "18750": 0.018951416015625, "707": 0.01849365234375, "39531": 0.004199981689453125, "55356": 0.018890380859375, "7103": 0.0186004638671875, "5422": 0.0226898193359375, "2320": 0.0190887451171875, "22335": 0.01238250732421875, "50339": 0.034393310546875, "1902": 0.0181732177734375, "117396": 0.12646484375, "78458": 0.018951416015625}
A randomized trial of aspirin to prevent colorectal adenomas in patients with previous colorectal cancer.
BACKGROUND Experimental studies in animals and observational studies in humans suggest that regular aspirin use may decrease the risk of colorectal adenomas, the precursors to most colorectal cancers. METHODS We conducted a randomized, double-blind trial to determine the effect of aspirin on the incidence of colorectal adenomas. We randomly assigned 635 patients with previous colorectal cancer to receive either 325 mg of aspirin per day or placebo. We determined the proportion of patients with adenomas, the number of recurrent adenomas, and the time to the development of adenoma between randomization and subsequent colonoscopic examinations. Relative risks were adjusted for age, sex, cancer stage, the number of colonoscopic examinations, and the time to a first colonoscopy. The study was terminated early by an independent data and safety monitoring board when statistically significant results were reported during a planned interim analysis. RESULTS A total of 517 randomized patients had at least one colonoscopic examination a median of 12.8 months after randomization. One or more adenomas were found in 17 percent of patients in the aspirin group and 27 percent of patients in the placebo group (P=0.004). The mean (+/-SD) number of adenomas was lower in the aspirin group than the placebo group (0.30+/-0.87 vs. 0.49+/-0.99, P=0.003 by the Wilcoxon test). The adjusted relative risk of any recurrent adenoma in the aspirin group, as compared with the placebo group, was 0.65 (95 percent confidence interval, 0.46 to 0.91). The time to the detection of a first adenoma was longer in the aspirin group than in the placebo group (hazard ratio for the detection of a new polyp, 0.64; 95 percent confidence interval, 0.43 to 0.94; P=0.022). CONCLUSIONS Daily use of aspirin is associated with a significant reduction in the incidence of colorectal adenomas in patients with previous colorectal cancer.
{"8678": 0.0845947265625, "20572": 0.055694580078125, "136498": 0.09356689453125, "146797": 0.103759765625, "289": 0.0301666259765625, "96335": 0.063720703125, "85825": 0.137939453125, "150556": 0.0293731689453125, "23": 0.0303802490234375, "118103": 0.0699462890625, "42459": 0.037750244140625, "20324": 0.1829833984375, "209057": 0.3203125, "4527": 0.180908203125, "1543": 0.0909423828125, "227204": 0.2093505859375, "70": 0.0303497314453125, "10512": 0.2164306640625, "111": 0.0826416015625, "56343": 0.1793212890625, "238": 0.12152099609375, "1803": 0.0958251953125, "44882": 0.185791015625, "31079": 0.223876953125, "7": 0.0924072265625, "479": 0.11993408203125, "86927": 0.180419921875, "4295": 0.0711669921875, "47": 0.0301513671875, "2684": 0.09906005859375, "27968": 0.1761474609375, "6": 0.03021240234375, "33677": 0.062042236328125, "193792": 0.027374267578125, "55080": 0.0248565673828125, "96759": 0.1300048828125, "29367": 0.0303497314453125, "41929": 0.061981201171875, "210873": 0.140625, "110324": 0.1514892578125, "83324": 0.038116455078125, "21543": 0.154541015625, "98": 0.0833740234375, "136667": 0.130615234375, "3956": 0.030303955078125, "538": 0.0302581787109375, "95486": 0.106689453125, "297": 0.0303192138671875, "166000": 0.1622314453125, "60264": 0.1463623046875, "678": 0.0302886962890625, "96362": 0.1463623046875, "53299": 0.09307861328125, "40101": 0.0230560302734375, "112467": 0.1749267578125, "12010": 0.1341552734375, "117": 0.030181884765625, "5155": 0.08966064453125, "707": 0.0291290283203125, "3687": 0.1531982421875, "837": 0.0298614501953125, "71": 0.0303497314453125, "123875": 0.08123779296875, "4": 0.0304107666015625, "163812": 0.1707763671875, "136": 0.0301361083984375, "1733": 0.1285400390625, "34754": 0.09539794921875, "17721": 0.021697998046875, "47691": 0.0303955078125, "221419": 0.0156707763671875, "46512": 0.1441650390625, "232": 0.065185546875, "587": 0.1260986328125, "18695": 0.030364990234375, "96730": 0.2081298828125, "5256": 0.03045654296875, "231839": 0.0277862548828125, "13": 0.0302734375, "3542": 0.0303497314453125, "126596": 0.1585693359375, "100": 0.03033447265625, "32070": 0.0305023193359375, "1100": 0.0933837890625, "36541": 0.081787109375, "10": 0.0302581787109375, "5117": 0.08807373046875, "137366": 0.11907958984375, "581": 0.0296630859375, "35187": 0.10198974609375, "509": 0.0301361083984375, "121011": 0.0970458984375, "39395": 0.059051513671875, "390": 0.03021240234375, "142": 0.0303192138671875, "41371": 0.013580322265625, "2053": 0.0304107666015625, "81900": 0.04693603515625, "97204": 0.01812744140625, "45443": 0.007556915283203125, "3229": 0.030242919921875, "80835": 0.051422119140625, "25958": 0.030059814453125, "88551": 0.045654296875, "50339": 0.034637451171875, "113771": 0.0204010009765625, "20271": 0.0303955078125, "203251": 0.02044677734375, "1940": 0.0743408203125, "464": 0.01690673828125, "114137": 0.0008058547973632812, "218849": 0.06365966796875, "294": 0.02984619140625, "62": 0.029693603515625, "3622": 0.02923583984375, "190": 0.0828857421875, "2489": 0.12371826171875, "1902": 0.013458251953125, "99": 0.0302734375, "19713": 0.06329345703125, "1632": 0.07940673828125, "1363": 0.030364990234375, "2450": 0.1015625, "19": 0.0302734375, "5035": 0.08306884765625, "21775": 0.1253662109375, "7103": 0.042266845703125, "1286": 0.0966796875, "14037": 0.06884765625, "729": 0.07745361328125, "33297": 0.030242919921875, "21115": 0.1221923828125, "1438": 0.052154541015625, "15": 0.0304107666015625, "683": 0.02691650390625, "1369": 0.0302734375, "37509": 0.064208984375, "29557": 0.022796630859375, "29459": 0.10589599609375, "22183": 0.04742431640625, "64": 0.030364990234375, "9": 0.0301361083984375, "22916": 0.03399658203125, "16": 0.030303955078125, "14012": 0.053985595703125, "92319": 0.171630859375, "3501": 0.030059814453125, "22085": 0.0298919677734375, "5": 0.0303802490234375, "1197": 0.0301666259765625, "1328": 0.0302886962890625, "23320": 0.0301361083984375, "19308": 0.0306243896484375, "20209": 0.0272674560546875, "757": 0.030609130859375, "12977": 0.030364990234375, "5046": 0.030242919921875, "436": 0.029937744140625, "363": 0.0304107666015625, "18899": 0.07977294921875, "27012": 0.1607666015625, "3034": 0.1270751953125, "35845": 0.05267333984375, "2499": 0.0018472671508789062, "237": 0.0302581787109375, "154186": 0.027008056640625, "12424": 0.005428314208984375, "8821": 0.11767578125, "159454": 0.161376953125, "51514": 0.0294647216796875, "9271": 0.02935791015625, "111885": 0.029510498046875, "149": 0.09210205078125, "51713": 0.1146240234375, "51704": 0.07086181640625, "5861": 0.030487060546875, "70460": 0.004669189453125, "58994": 0.0302886962890625, "3525": 0.0426025390625, "35874": 0.09930419921875, "254": 0.0282745361328125, "13307": 0.0296173095703125, "74": 0.030120849609375, "9199": 0.07952880859375, "11548": 0.0303497314453125, "14889": 0.0298919677734375, "99929": 0.0280609130859375, "89647": 0.0306396484375, "37486": 0.033233642578125, "23865": 0.1468505859375, "83": 0.02960205078125, "137272": 0.080810546875, "456": 0.09991455078125, "77391": 0.14697265625}
The Wilms tumour suppressor protein WT1 (+KTS isoform) binds alpha-actinin 1 mRNA via its zinc-finger domain.
Mutations in WT1 are associated with developmental syndromes that affect the urogenital system and neoplasms, including Wilms tumour, acute myeloid leukemia, and breast and prostate cancers. The WT1 protein belongs to the early growth response family of zinc-finger transcription factors. Uniquely to WT1, an evolutionarily conserved alternative splice event inserts the tripeptide KTS, between zinc fingers 3 and 4. Whereas -KTS isoforms bind DNA and activate or repress transcription, +KTS isoforms bind DNA less efficiently and interact with splice factors and RNA in vitro and in vivo. Although candidate DNA targets have been found, physiological mRNA targets are yet to be defined. We examined the distribution of WT1 in ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complexes in nuclear extract prepared from M15 cells, a mouse mesonephric fetal kidney cell line. WT1 cofractionated with the splice factor PSF in large RNP particles >or=2 MDa. We also found that PSF co-immunoprecipitated with WT1, suggesting a functional interaction between these 2 multifunctional proteins. Using yeast three-hybrid library constructed from the co-immunoprecipitated RNA we found that WT1 (+KTS) binds close to or at the start codon of alpha-actinin 1 (ACTN1) mRNA. A band shift assay confirmed the ability of the WT1 zinc-finger domain (+KTS) to bind this sequence in vitro. ACTN1 is the first likely physiological mRNA target of WT1.
{"118756": 0.2196044921875, "5256": 0.07818603515625, "156416": 0.277587890625, "418": 0.22607421875, "137272": 0.16748046875, "678": 0.01490020751953125, "34754": 0.154541015625, "289": 0.004993438720703125, "194923": 0.138671875, "7": 0.0049896240234375, "52490": 0.130859375, "70": 0.00505828857421875, "27882": 0.089599609375, "33781": 0.1590576171875, "1803": 0.0012769699096679688, "5426": 0.072509765625, "16169": 0.034271240234375, "52033": 0.078369140625, "4432": 0.138427734375, "4": 0.0050506591796875, "18899": 0.10382080078125, "10029": 0.058074951171875, "34639": 0.04730224609375, "85691": 0.0802001953125, "7705": 0.0416259765625, "365": 0.040313720703125, "39983": 0.0097503662109375, "7605": 0.0261383056640625, "57262": 0.10601806640625, "72725": 0.09405517578125, "13": 0.0259857177734375, "27968": 0.10137939453125, "21308": 0.2427978515625, "186": 0.003887176513671875, "10617": 0.110107421875, "47": 0.005092620849609375, "39395": 0.098388671875, "75678": 0.1859130859375, "57553": 0.1580810546875, "14449": 0.0830078125, "111": 0.005016326904296875, "97": 0.11175537109375, "38893": 0.177978515625, "176423": 0.1953125, "30334": 0.08599853515625, "59478": 0.08587646484375, "120103": 0.1583251953125, "11789": 0.108154296875, "944": 0.0186767578125, "538": 0.0048828125, "6": 0.0050811767578125, "137089": 0.1429443359375, "1686": 0.005001068115234375, "118684": 0.1429443359375, "71": 0.005107879638671875, "30700": 0.180419921875, "5213": 0.08892822265625, "13348": 0.160400390625, "19732": 0.11572265625, "183540": 0.162841796875, "24745": 0.11566162109375, "17332": 0.1790771484375, "112": 0.08154296875, "341": 0.07098388671875, "12763": 0.2132568359375, "17721": 0.1014404296875, "51287": 0.2237548828125, "138": 0.10040283203125, "136": 0.028564453125, "1398": 0.109130859375, "162": 0.0010223388671875, "605": 0.055816650390625, "13882": 0.06976318359375, "5037": 0.209228515625, "68557": 0.197021484375, "27583": 0.19384765625, "34704": 0.08575439453125, "67": 0.0050811767578125, "86254": 0.09954833984375, "997": 0.080322265625, "40715": 0.08209228515625, "93766": 0.11566162109375, "78974": 0.06719970703125, "125499": 0.2125244140625, "23": 0.00496673583984375, "279": 0.09344482421875, "2955": 0.10443115234375, "16622": 0.129638671875, "25469": 0.13916015625, "30388": 0.2366943359375, "765": 0.0023708343505859375, "2809": 0.004756927490234375, "240877": 0.1278076171875, "137043": 0.083984375, "347": 0.0010213851928710938, "14373": 0.04058837890625, "61924": 0.0823974609375, "113068": 0.1414794921875, "105598": 0.125244140625, "539": 0.02996826171875, "11030": 0.06549072265625, "31": 0.004608154296875, "80000": 0.16845703125, "73": 0.00363922119140625, "1052": 0.01255035400390625, "28814": 0.186279296875, "16": 0.0052642822265625, "99115": 0.11895751953125, "72249": 0.145751953125, "125663": 0.10498046875, "133888": 0.0133514404296875, "1295": 0.004199981689453125, "276": 0.0164947509765625, "1837": 0.159912109375, "38750": 0.1378173828125, "10": 0.0046234130859375, "114669": 0.1187744140625, "2409": 0.019927978515625, "11727": 0.04388427734375, "12259": 0.0043182373046875, "7647": 0.11212158203125, "10952": 0.1015625, "53": 0.004558563232421875, "13315": 0.1190185546875, "552": 0.0576171875, "175921": 0.1669921875, "31461": 0.131103515625, "7940": 0.06048583984375, "919": 0.124267578125, "2878": 0.044189453125, "66695": 0.00475311279296875, "11": 0.0020771026611328125, "9": 0.00496673583984375, "561": 0.08642578125, "51606": 0.045654296875, "42459": 0.00142669677734375, "214": 0.004856109619140625, "123309": 0.1087646484375, "182809": 0.1151123046875, "116": 0.0225067138671875, "137175": 0.147216796875, "6953": 0.0026836395263671875, "2422": 0.07232666015625, "4438": 0.0023326873779296875, "17262": 0.06207275390625, "100269": 0.00408935546875, "35773": 0.1712646484375, "1294": 0.005146026611328125, "64549": 0.01201629638671875, "297": 0.004909515380859375, "157": 0.0034313201904296875, "28533": 0.004489898681640625, "3674": 0.00467681884765625, "22183": 0.043548583984375, "20903": 0.0819091796875, "99": 0.004932403564453125, "4034": 0.040679931640625, "4445": 0.088623046875, "14612": 0.1068115234375, "47013": 0.0706787109375, "3266": 0.1131591796875, "106": 0.039154052734375, "15": 0.003170013427734375, "84161": 0.060943603515625, "839": 0.054840087890625, "17727": 0.12310791015625, "62": 0.0011272430419921875, "8753": 0.0830078125, "122925": 0.130615234375, "20347": 0.052764892578125, "39563": 0.0178070068359375, "81273": 0.04595947265625, "77758": 0.09368896484375, "3956": 0.005157470703125, "12944": 0.0164031982421875, "38821": 0.1368408203125, "5117": 0.06719970703125, "47041": 0.11517333984375}
How safe are psychiatric medications after a voluntary overdose?
PURPOSE This study assessed psychiatric medications and their potential lethality in a representative sample of suicide attempts. MATERIALS AND METHODS During 1996-98, 563 suicide attempts were studied in a general hospital in Madrid (Spain). Medication overdose was used in 456 suicide attempts (81%). The ratio between dose taken and maximum prescription dose recommended was used to evaluate the medication toxicity. RESULTS Benzodiazepines were the drugs most often used in self-poisoning (65% of overdoses), followed by new antidepressants (11%), tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) (10%), and antipsychotics (8%). An overdose with any of the three latter psychiatric medications was significantly more frequent in patients prescribed those medications. The overdoses for TCA were potentially lethal in 47% of the cases. However, all patients who overdosed on psychiatric medications recovered well and were discharged without any sequelae. DISCUSSION This study suggests that psychiatric medications, particularly benzodiazepines, new antidepressants and antipsychotics, are relatively safe when they are used for self-poisoning. If patients with mental illnesses are under treated, there is a clear and documented higher risk for suicide. CONCLUSION It is better to prescribe psychiatric medications, particularly the new ones, rather than withhold them due to an exaggerated fear of a lethal overdose
{"68760": 0.0894775390625, "91383": 0.086669921875, "3293": 0.0088348388671875, "35187": 0.136962890625, "202120": 0.087158203125, "137784": 0.2347412109375, "1771": 0.1513671875, "200112": 0.2491455078125, "7": 0.10546875, "38516": 0.140869140625, "95": 0.09454345703125, "927": 0.103759765625, "134393": 0.0758056640625, "23": 0.052642822265625, "10": 0.02667236328125, "99638": 0.060882568359375, "13": 0.085205078125, "121413": 0.060882568359375, "111": 0.0266571044921875, "193341": 0.274658203125, "81887": 0.2196044921875, "52136": 0.037078857421875, "110935": 0.07489013671875, "19759": 0.025634765625, "48762": 0.0171356201171875, "6": 0.0268402099609375, "33677": 0.0599365234375, "193792": 0.039398193359375, "133698": 0.0025005340576171875, "11891": 0.1646728515625, "9": 0.0265655517578125, "16665": 0.16943359375, "190": 0.0243682861328125, "15748": 0.1312255859375, "3542": 0.0301513671875, "22282": 0.10650634765625, "71": 0.0268707275390625, "4537": 0.059478759765625, "17986": 0.1429443359375, "8884": 0.16455078125, "141667": 0.14794921875, "73": 0.02667236328125, "142519": 0.1923828125, "1363": 0.131591796875, "645": 0.14794921875, "1140": 0.195068359375, "11814": 0.1719970703125, "121317": 0.17529296875, "17966": 0.0174102783203125, "145116": 0.1181640625, "581": 0.0251922607421875, "70460": 0.11981201171875, "17721": 0.0307769775390625, "39098": 0.107421875, "39958": 0.0265045166015625, "136": 0.0266571044921875, "38132": 0.0843505859375, "479": 0.0906982421875, "59478": 0.1590576171875, "170198": 0.10870361328125, "509": 0.025970458984375, "47": 0.0267791748046875, "151575": 0.103515625, "70": 0.02679443359375, "74735": 0.168212890625, "2481": 0.02642822265625, "218849": 0.0616455078125, "90273": 0.14501953125, "31": 0.14892578125, "3390": 0.07440185546875, "76318": 0.16455078125, "12741": 0.143310546875, "125694": 0.219970703125, "2684": 0.11767578125, "27983": 0.1630859375, "15970": 0.2076416015625, "120178": 0.1915283203125, "592": 0.08746337890625, "16156": 0.0191192626953125, "13465": 0.1759033203125, "90": 0.02679443359375, "247": 0.0267333984375, "134629": 0.00881195068359375, "390": 0.0268707275390625, "3525": 0.05645751953125, "2874": 0.0921630859375, "112": 0.127685546875, "11856": 0.17138671875, "10840": 0.02667236328125, "4": 0.027069091796875, "1927": 0.09918212890625, "187830": 0.11566162109375, "238": 0.0266265869140625, "15": 0.0268402099609375, "20499": 0.1092529296875, "19659": 0.032196044921875, "16": 0.026885986328125, "46751": 0.1011962890625, "51775": 0.08221435546875, "3089": 0.0267181396484375, "41637": 0.0268707275390625, "148437": 0.08282470703125, "678": 0.061279296875, "17262": 0.09490966796875, "207583": 0.06597900390625, "1286": 0.015167236328125, "103351": 0.1441650390625, "60264": 0.11566162109375, "34601": 0.1536865234375, "100": 0.066162109375, "384": 0.10546875, "13133": 0.1982421875, "538": 0.02685546875, "56680": 0.1572265625, "201": 0.021881103515625, "14427": 0.11846923828125, "50218": 0.0665283203125, "756": 0.040924072265625, "297": 0.02679443359375, "98": 0.0251617431640625, "192026": 0.091796875, "5299": 0.037109375, "69674": 0.1444091796875, "15490": 0.010009765625, "143": 0.02655029296875, "441": 0.00891876220703125, "42459": 0.0335693359375, "106480": 0.0184326171875, "1585": 0.10931396484375, "1158": 0.1304931640625, "621": 0.026947021484375, "35845": 0.07318115234375, "46002": 0.171630859375, "3229": 0.01995849609375, "1836": 0.026214599609375, "4263": 0.0094146728515625, "13893": 0.09283447265625, "202711": 0.08056640625, "1379": 0.026611328125, "191607": 0.0301971435546875, "2685": 0.0266571044921875, "83": 0.0266571044921875, "34735": 0.0012769699096679688, "12937": 0.005725860595703125, "77546": 0.0855712890625, "10512": 0.1280517578125, "22335": 0.0248870849609375, "11522": 0.1480712890625, "64333": 0.0264434814453125, "3501": 0.0267181396484375, "16200": 0.08612060546875, "2856": 0.0251617431640625, "142": 0.026702880859375, "11": 0.0234527587890625, "21407": 0.0081939697265625, "27686": 0.0268096923828125, "30783": 0.1107177734375}
Health benefits, costs, and cost-effectiveness of earlier eligibility for adult antiretroviral therapy and expanded treatment coverage: a combined analysis of 12 mathematical models.
BACKGROUND New WHO guidelines recommend ART initiation for HIV-positive persons with CD4 cell counts ≤500 cells/µL, a higher threshold than was previously recommended. Country decision makers must consider whether to further expand ART eligibility accordingly. METHODS We used multiple independent mathematical models in four settings-South Africa, Zambia, India, and Vietnam-to evaluate the potential health impact, costs, and cost-effectiveness of different adult ART eligibility criteria under scenarios of current and expanded treatment coverage, with results projected over 20 years. Analyses considered extending eligibility to include individuals with CD4 ≤500 cells/µL or all HIV-positive adults, compared to the previous recommendation of initiation with CD4 ≤350 cells/µL. We assessed costs from a health system perspective, and calculated the incremental cost per DALY averted ($/DALY) to compare competing strategies. Strategies were considered 'very cost-effective' if the $/DALY was less than the country's per capita gross domestic product (GDP; South Africa: $8040, Zambia: $1425, India: $1489, Vietnam: $1407) and 'cost-effective' if $/DALY was less than three times per capita GDP. FINDINGS In South Africa, the cost per DALY averted of extending ART eligibility to CD4 ≤500 cells/µL ranged from $237 to $1691/DALY compared to 2010 guidelines; in Zambia, expanded eligibility ranged from improving health outcomes while reducing costs (i.e. dominating current guidelines) to $749/DALY. Results were similar in scenarios with substantially expanded treatment access and for expanding eligibility to all HIV-positive adults. Expanding treatment coverage in the general population was therefore found to be cost-effective. In India, eligibility for all HIV-positive persons ranged from $131 to $241/DALY and in Vietnam eligibility for CD4 ≤500 cells/µL cost $290/DALY. In concentrated epidemics, expanded access among key populations was also cost-effective. INTERPRETATION Earlier ART eligibility is estimated to be very cost-effective in low- and middle-income settings, although these questions should be revisited as further information becomes available. Scaling-up ART should be considered among other high-priority health interventions competing for health budgets. FUNDING The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and World Health Organization.
{"8678": 0.080322265625, "20572": 0.0548095703125, "136498": 0.10113525390625, "2356": 0.05059814453125, "125253": 0.1798095703125, "226829": 0.2239990234375, "67330": 0.174560546875, "57161": 0.271484375, "173969": 0.175537109375, "1830": 0.0218658447265625, "38004": 0.279296875, "67890": 0.132080078125, "4935": 0.07086181640625, "3445": 0.101318359375, "7": 0.01418304443359375, "678": 0.07940673828125, "7915": 0.1365966796875, "617": 0.1905517578125, "38750": 0.1990966796875, "54529": 0.145263671875, "6": 0.01412200927734375, "237637": 0.10028076171875, "4283": 0.1976318359375, "64": 0.052459716796875, "2779": 0.04656982421875, "866": 0.0797119140625, "4": 0.049072265625, "10": 0.0138397216796875, "77546": 0.1259765625, "159399": 0.1326904296875, "16200": 0.01343536376953125, "3501": 0.013946533203125, "509": 0.0138092041015625, "198395": 0.0209808349609375, "170198": 0.1524658203125, "74831": 0.1072998046875, "51957": 0.1268310546875, "114014": 0.03607177734375, "8110": 0.0185546875, "16916": 0.0870361328125, "36766": 0.0011425018310546875, "53333": 0.08355712890625, "71062": 0.20703125, "28": 0.08203125, "7883": 0.1885986328125, "83259": 0.1322021484375, "538": 0.014007568359375, "33677": 0.102294921875, "193792": 0.07373046875, "11814": 0.0701904296875, "48716": 0.05126953125, "41371": 0.084228515625, "291": 0.0303192138671875, "140363": 0.11199951171875, "70760": 0.0138702392578125, "115774": 0.20361328125, "23": 0.01390838623046875, "22759": 0.11798095703125, "53550": 0.1484375, "218128": 0.10003662109375, "36941": 0.2037353515625, "567": 0.10382080078125, "61055": 0.2198486328125, "5596": 0.1461181640625, "136": 0.03656005859375, "39272": 0.186767578125, "9": 0.0142974853515625, "151575": 0.0914306640625, "13": 0.01436614990234375, "70": 0.0140228271484375, "38516": 0.045196533203125, "16227": 0.17529296875, "24725": 0.1453857421875, "84458": 0.2247314453125, "11034": 0.191162109375, "171760": 0.1644287109375, "5844": 0.0141143798828125, "7432": 0.013336181640625, "111": 0.01378631591796875, "12921": 0.10357666015625, "25171": 0.18212890625, "55738": 0.10748291015625, "11": 0.01416778564453125, "1379": 0.014007568359375, "106117": 0.1390380859375, "43581": 0.05609130859375, "297": 0.01407623291015625, "39734": 0.2218017578125, "154271": 0.144775390625, "50339": 0.12164306640625, "30378": 0.1134033203125, "71": 0.01389312744140625, "645": 0.0139923095703125, "387": 0.052093505859375, "5369": 0.01383209228515625, "105275": 0.1143798828125, "90698": 0.09906005859375, "65042": 0.19677734375, "214": 0.0139923095703125, "47": 0.01419830322265625, "79165": 0.07977294921875, "707": 0.00775909423828125, "756": 0.039031982421875, "116127": 0.145751953125, "2320": 0.01407623291015625, "45160": 0.144287109375, "202120": 0.10211181640625, "1295": 0.0140228271484375, "5426": 0.1512451171875, "80280": 0.067138671875, "74481": 0.0948486328125, "3674": 0.01403045654296875, "145322": 0.138671875, "141": 0.01392364501953125, "117": 0.01377105712890625, "6405": 0.0894775390625, "19917": 0.169189453125, "18405": 0.1390380859375, "15": 0.01430511474609375, "4369": 0.0909423828125, "63589": 0.10723876953125, "1723": 0.1298828125, "16": 0.01421356201171875, "69101": 0.08197021484375, "28813": 0.1461181640625, "449": 0.0138397216796875, "50531": 0.14013671875, "141075": 0.18310546875, "3542": 0.01383209228515625, "104643": 0.0892333984375, "25": 0.01393890380859375, "2174": 0.01409912109375, "3650": 0.12347412109375, "40715": 0.1202392578125, "23295": 0.05621337890625, "68236": 0.1500244140625, "55215": 0.00455474853515625, "85727": 0.0135040283203125, "12996": 0.01256561279296875, "69731": 0.1644287109375, "74": 0.01354217529296875, "25134": 0.136474609375, "12": 0.0138397216796875, "4836": 0.053436279296875, "2839": 0.111572265625, "2592": 0.046966552734375, "2588": 0.1519775390625, "158287": 0.07159423828125, "112834": 0.01287078857421875, "587": 0.035888671875, "271": 0.0138702392578125, "17262": 0.01398468017578125, "20028": 0.0139007568359375, "67227": 0.048248291015625, "294": 0.0135650634765625, "37457": 0.047027587890625, "78790": 0.085693359375, "10945": 0.1124267578125, "38629": 0.0282135009765625, "14212": 0.051513671875, "50412": 0.006198883056640625, "154186": 0.01318359375, "1532": 0.06768798828125, "224588": 0.0902099609375, "184345": 0.0086669921875, "12960": 0.01425933837890625, "14": 0.01434326171875, "5": 0.01422119140625, "35462": 0.010772705078125, "1916": 0.0139312744140625, "182434": 0.013916015625, "146104": 0.051422119140625, "193984": 0.012664794921875, "17203": 0.08935546875, "100": 0.01389312744140625, "60075": 0.1358642578125, "33770": 0.01202392578125, "4537": 0.042449951171875, "43904": 0.10125732421875, "14037": 0.01092529296875, "186": 0.0140380859375, "5016": 0.0145263671875, "8894": 0.0145721435546875, "5039": 0.013519287109375, "360": 0.0130615234375, "142156": 0.0841064453125, "83063": 0.134765625, "4439": 0.0140533447265625, "54940": 0.0140533447265625, "2843": 0.00970458984375, "59692": 0.054443359375, "683": 0.07122802734375, "41116": 0.028106689453125, "147": 0.0335693359375, "56786": 0.026214599609375, "83": 0.013427734375, "25902": 0.0765380859375, "4552": 0.05572509765625, "27226": 0.07818603515625, "86991": 0.0465087890625, "73": 0.0007276535034179688, "45738": 0.10498046875, "102971": 0.009918212890625, "6097": 0.0137786865234375, "15226": 0.06024169921875, "172": 0.01410675048828125, "237": 0.01373291015625, "24209": 0.01386260986328125, "152653": 0.149169921875, "2037": 0.117431640625, "5608": 0.02496337890625, "11192": 0.026824951171875, "207184": 0.0853271484375, "939": 0.013916015625, "113449": 0.13232421875, "20334": 0.09429931640625, "136258": 0.09918212890625, "156906": 0.01302337646484375, "19893": 0.07025146484375, "57942": 0.09381103515625, "126507": 0.1307373046875, "32807": 0.056854248046875, "19102": 0.0859375, "173101": 0.0736083984375}
Chronic daily headache: long-term prognosis following inpatient treatment with repetitive IV DHE.
We retrospectively studied the long-term (2-year) outcome of 50 consecutive patients admitted to our inpatient headache program because of chronic daily headache (CDH) associated with the overuse of analgesics, ergotamine, or both. They had been detoxified, given repetitive intravenous dihydroergotamine (IV DHE) and prophylactic medications as part of the program, and had become headache-free on this regimen. At the time of admission, 37 of the 50 patients had transformed migraine (TM), 12 had new daily persistent headache (NDPH), and 1 had chronic tension-type headache; 29 of the patients with TM, 7 of those with NDPH, and the single patient with chronic tension-type headache had coexistent migraine. Substances abused, alone or in combination, included: caffeine in 39 patients (av. 441 mg/d), acetaminophen in 32 (av. 2187 mg/d), aspirin in 24 (av. 1807 mg/d), ibuprofen in 9 (av. 1156 mg/d), narcotics in 7 (av. 10.1 mg morphine equivalents/d) and ergotamine in 11 (av. 2.3 mg/d). Twenty patients were using preventive medication at the time of admission. Follow-up evaluations were performed at 3, 6, 12, and 24 months after discharge. Forty-three patients were analyzed at 3 months. Of these, 44% had an excellent or good result and 28% a fair result; 3 were overusing analgesics. At 24 months, 39 patients were analyzed: 59% had a good or excellent result and 28% a fair result; 5 were overusing analgesics, 4 of whom were doing poorly.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
{"24036": 0.0697021484375, "16711": 0.08251953125, "4935": 0.0140228271484375, "538": 0.01398468017578125, "22282": 0.09222412109375, "4989": 0.057373046875, "9": 0.0133819580078125, "32166": 0.1319580078125, "4700": 0.047637939453125, "46799": 0.09136962890625, "184345": 0.1983642578125, "836": 0.16162109375, "148390": 0.14013671875, "60264": 0.1749267578125, "36456": 0.1300048828125, "2446": 0.006618499755859375, "23": 0.11260986328125, "170250": 0.214599609375, "10336": 0.17236328125, "46994": 0.2257080078125, "1528": 0.1533203125, "6637": 0.01140594482421875, "184843": 0.195068359375, "31815": 0.14794921875, "16069": 0.09454345703125, "841": 0.1915283203125, "16": 0.0137786865234375, "137272": 0.055328369140625, "70": 0.01377105712890625, "645": 0.1429443359375, "4032": 0.166259765625, "111": 0.01389312744140625, "7968": 0.12237548828125, "4188": 0.1778564453125, "28021": 0.124755859375, "37443": 0.150390625, "35409": 0.2491455078125, "4": 0.01374053955078125, "15044": 0.041656494140625, "1902": 0.0142974853515625, "162770": 0.1912841796875, "47314": 0.11962890625, "34475": 0.04620361328125, "57346": 0.1187744140625, "18440": 0.042266845703125, "1353": 0.10260009765625, "10821": 0.01377105712890625, "45": 0.047210693359375, "180220": 0.1258544921875, "56": 0.0086822509765625, "519": 0.057373046875, "15583": 0.1341552734375, "111615": 0.2119140625, "502": 0.038848876953125, "34053": 0.10235595703125, "143": 0.01351165771484375, "49086": 0.014007568359375, "200112": 0.199462890625, "7": 0.013702392578125, "237": 0.01369476318359375, "24209": 0.027740478515625, "32087": 0.1278076171875, "98": 0.0131072998046875, "63647": 0.0989990234375, "19": 0.0137481689453125, "1913": 0.01308441162109375, "1733": 0.00867462158203125, "606": 0.09185791015625, "21150": 0.12481689453125, "4669": 0.0992431640625, "27198": 0.202392578125, "297": 0.013702392578125, "39666": 0.218994140625, "1212": 0.140869140625, "10111": 0.12139892578125, "247": 0.0136566162109375, "427": 0.055419921875, "3525": 0.0252227783203125, "70560": 0.11663818359375, "2517": 0.01380157470703125, "25013": 0.012451171875, "54259": 0.185546875, "63672": 0.1988525390625, "50986": 0.1458740234375, "1702": 0.09832763671875, "50523": 0.126708984375, "8382": 0.01371002197265625, "678": 0.0086212158203125, "64633": 0.0213470458984375, "11001": 0.0063323974609375, "37896": 0.1258544921875, "552": 0.061492919921875, "201367": 0.1485595703125, "8273": 0.0909423828125, "116071": 0.175048828125, "128431": 0.20068359375, "71": 0.013946533203125, "75447": 0.1630859375, "707": 0.01367950439453125, "162515": 0.12164306640625, "99201": 0.05615234375, "16670": 0.2166748046875, "5606": 0.148193359375, "15": 0.013641357421875, "3818": 0.1312255859375, "5": 0.01396942138671875, "6": 0.01354217529296875, "167819": 0.1416015625, "12010": 0.07379150390625, "64": 0.0137481689453125, "1030": 0.006198883056640625, "4241": 0.038818359375, "68537": 0.1356201171875, "88322": 0.1871337890625, "2789": 0.094482421875, "952": 0.007656097412109375, "19308": 0.033905029296875, "209057": 0.240966796875, "744": 0.12744140625, "543": 0.0191802978515625, "8368": 0.061431884765625, "11493": 0.0216064453125, "69712": 0.175537109375, "483": 0.0511474609375, "13683": 0.0234375, "24": 0.0212554931640625, "42": 0.04949951171875, "587": 0.0125579833984375, "361": 0.040374755859375, "147546": 0.09710693359375, "178851": 0.11553955078125, "183234": 0.018341064453125, "534": 0.046600341796875, "59811": 0.01543426513671875, "74797": 0.035064697265625, "53": 0.0140228271484375, "17368": 0.046966552734375, "87823": 0.1783447265625, "13": 0.013641357421875, "99": 0.013641357421875, "77168": 0.06817626953125, "2037": 0.01343536376953125, "219836": 0.12078857421875, "3542": 0.01407623291015625, "138": 0.035675048828125, "136": 0.0134429931640625, "21775": 0.1087646484375, "7103": 0.0168304443359375, "2837": 0.0017871856689453125, "69674": 0.14794921875, "19953": 0.02276611328125, "927": 0.01348876953125, "107": 0.0025920867919921875, "64807": 0.01398468017578125, "11267": 0.09893798828125, "142": 0.01340484619140625, "40881": 0.1279296875, "4127": 0.1124267578125, "16750": 0.112060546875, "11991": 0.042816162109375, "10": 0.013580322265625, "44075": 0.11248779296875, "223": 0.105224609375, "214": 0.01389312744140625, "190": 0.040618896484375, "12678": 0.13427734375, "201": 0.07061767578125, "20594": 0.119384765625, "70425": 0.09429931640625, "59020": 0.035797119140625, "14107": 0.00870513916015625, "175560": 0.0811767578125, "35746": 0.0218048095703125, "17672": 0.0169677734375, "5316": 0.05938720703125, "36639": 0.0047149658203125, "294": 0.013641357421875}
Survival in a case of massive paraquat ingestion.
Serious exposure to the herbicide paraquat usually results in death, either due to gastrointestinal caustic lesions, shock, and acute respiratory distress syndrome or related to the progressive development of pulmonary fibrosis associated with refractory hypoxemia. We report a case of suicidal paraquat ingestion in a 59-year-old man. Most of the indicators of poor prognosis were encountered in this patient. Treatment consisted of early digestive decontamination and hemodialysis, followed by antioxidant therapy, including the administration of deferoxamine (100 mg/kg in 24 h) and a continuous infusion of acetylcysteine (300 mg/kg/d during 3 weeks). The patient only developed a nonoliguric acute renal failure, a mild alteration of liver tests, and an impairment of CO transfer factor without any respiratory complaint. Renal and hepatic disturbances completely resolved within 1 month, whereas CO transfer factor remained altered 14 months later. This observation suggests that early administration of an antioxidant therapy, including deferoxamine and acetylcysteine could be usefully associated with measures that prevent digestive absorption or enhance elimination to limit systemic toxicity in potentially fatal paraquat poisoning.
{"503": 0.0802001953125, "93905": 0.11810302734375, "197826": 0.197998046875, "47": 0.039703369140625, "70": 0.025054931640625, "604": 0.1395263671875, "121010": 0.2369384765625, "112": 0.16943359375, "121": 0.2115478515625, "90065": 0.2958984375, "56104": 0.0869140625, "50339": 0.126953125, "23": 0.1302490234375, "47219": 0.1923828125, "4743": 0.0258941650390625, "83647": 0.052520751953125, "6191": 0.03271484375, "12729": 0.006378173828125, "30843": 0.05615234375, "199": 0.004741668701171875, "129517": 0.082275390625, "85691": 0.10650634765625, "143435": 0.11712646484375, "95650": 0.09808349609375, "194923": 0.08172607421875, "62548": 0.0293121337890625, "161838": 0.0421142578125, "34754": 0.01006317138671875, "236544": 0.10406494140625, "139940": 0.1448974609375, "6023": 0.004734039306640625, "137272": 0.062255859375, "132076": 0.12347412109375, "31667": 0.036865234375, "75690": 0.1024169921875, "425": 0.0513916015625, "32868": 0.14111328125, "13416": 0.06768798828125, "7225": 0.1148681640625, "215612": 0.27294921875, "141": 0.0970458984375, "141933": 0.2242431640625, "11156": 0.2247314453125, "46799": 0.044769287109375, "18345": 0.052154541015625, "332": 0.09515380859375, "17006": 0.022247314453125, "172075": 0.1329345703125, "70425": 0.1265869140625, "183509": 0.1376953125, "190647": 0.045562744140625, "37896": 0.084228515625, "183367": 0.174072265625, "35060": 0.0092926025390625, "39395": 0.087890625, "178705": 0.14013671875, "8": 0.1597900390625, "98102": 0.12225341796875, "2360": 0.0230255126953125, "15663": 0.00949859619140625, "289": 0.052337646484375, "147852": 0.052764892578125, "119181": 0.195068359375, "106864": 0.1710205078125, "86052": 0.11712646484375, "87432": 0.1619873046875, "3798": 0.12066650390625, "2962": 0.11505126953125, "95083": 0.061431884765625, "12010": 0.04150390625, "8517": 0.08758544921875, "744": 0.0537109375, "1096": 0.06591796875, "62005": 0.066650390625, "92105": 0.1434326171875, "329": 0.0035495758056640625, "90535": 0.07781982421875, "2408": 0.011962890625, "18055": 0.1280517578125, "7739": 0.0938720703125, "138": 0.015869140625, "40859": 0.05426025390625, "4734": 0.07257080078125, "126809": 0.0245208740234375, "351": 0.0305023193359375, "6795": 0.06854248046875, "218696": 0.144287109375, "137578": 0.11456298828125, "126561": 0.07769775390625, "42068": 0.06256103515625, "134148": 0.10009765625, "109921": 0.035797119140625, "109637": 0.0692138671875, "8244": 0.126953125, "12302": 0.130615234375, "31461": 0.09954833984375, "180732": 0.017822265625, "15790": 0.10321044921875, "136": 0.00800323486328125, "764": 0.0633544921875, "10974": 0.08526611328125, "100898": 0.105224609375, "64557": 0.0841064453125, "103608": 0.12310791015625, "28032": 0.040985107421875, "106": 0.0239105224609375, "31150": 0.08563232421875, "47143": 0.031005859375, "37264": 0.0997314453125, "616": 0.0772705078125, "21775": 0.07598876953125, "14432": 0.032440185546875, "150556": 0.057952880859375, "42459": 0.030120849609375, "5809": 0.044281005859375, "80234": 0.07525634765625, "72350": 0.06390380859375, "56282": 0.0545654296875, "1563": 0.01983642578125, "4970": 0.0802001953125, "156856": 0.033905029296875, "27169": 0.0161590576171875, "17475": 0.038116455078125, "5426": 0.06683349609375, "74735": 0.125244140625, "38516": 0.0145416259765625, "85235": 0.1505126953125, "5737": 0.131591796875, "31": 0.0301055908203125}
Cyclic GMP-AMP synthase is a cytosolic DNA sensor that activates the type I interferon pathway.
The presence of DNA in the cytoplasm of mammalian cells is a danger signal that triggers host immune responses such as the production of type I interferons. Cytosolic DNA induces interferons through the production of cyclic guanosine monophosphate-adenosine monophosphate (cyclic GMP-AMP, or cGAMP), which binds to and activates the adaptor protein STING. Through biochemical fractionation and quantitative mass spectrometry, we identified a cGAMP synthase (cGAS), which belongs to the nucleotidyltransferase family. Overexpression of cGAS activated the transcription factor IRF3 and induced interferon-β in a STING-dependent manner. Knockdown of cGAS inhibited IRF3 activation and interferon-β induction by DNA transfection or DNA virus infection. cGAS bound to DNA in the cytoplasm and catalyzed cGAMP synthesis. These results indicate that cGAS is a cytosolic DNA sensor that induces interferons by producing the second messenger cGAMP.
{"169424": 0.1707763671875, "111": 0.0147552490234375, "27583": 0.245849609375, "23": 0.07696533203125, "19932": 0.08599853515625, "188": 0.082763671875, "52033": 0.1990966796875, "39": 0.09112548828125, "21968": 0.130126953125, "38820": 0.12274169921875, "38750": 0.156494140625, "83": 0.026885986328125, "77064": 0.186767578125, "26073": 0.1807861328125, "185553": 0.15673828125, "7": 0.0156707763671875, "27980": 0.1314697265625, "43766": 0.1507568359375, "13": 0.01508331298828125, "57553": 0.1273193359375, "6044": 0.014373779296875, "70": 0.01549530029296875, "36049": 0.1259765625, "10644": 0.1251220703125, "87": 0.09942626953125, "1940": 0.1767578125, "2875": 0.215087890625, "5245": 0.1671142578125, "27939": 0.07879638671875, "1952": 0.1044921875, "31": 0.1754150390625, "9120": 0.12322998046875, "135989": 0.2264404296875, "90": 0.056304931640625, "8305": 0.0240020751953125, "6": 0.0149688720703125, "187830": 0.0926513671875, "42348": 0.108154296875, "157": 0.11920166015625, "14186": 0.0855712890625, "22460": 0.045501708984375, "134208": 0.079833984375, "14612": 0.0147552490234375, "67": 0.0153045654296875, "9": 0.01532745361328125, "2873": 0.0791015625, "15": 0.01390838623046875, "238": 0.04608154296875, "527": 0.0113677978515625, "9088": 0.2320556640625, "81218": 0.298583984375, "4": 0.0157012939453125, "501": 0.092041015625, "724": 0.11810302734375, "247": 0.01526641845703125, "68557": 0.17626953125, "47": 0.0225372314453125, "34704": 0.1468505859375, "1636": 0.0143585205078125, "39908": 0.158935546875, "748": 0.08343505859375, "21308": 0.184326171875, "159": 0.039794921875, "68151": 0.281982421875, "34610": 0.04937744140625, "21533": 0.015869140625, "175921": 0.12066650390625, "2320": 0.0158233642578125, "136": 0.0151519775390625, "88779": 0.010345458984375, "5844": 0.0158233642578125, "2955": 0.0154571533203125, "1928": 0.01490020751953125, "1294": 0.0158233642578125, "207487": 0.0880126953125, "142518": 0.1688232421875, "6991": 0.124755859375, "103924": 0.30517578125, "186": 0.01557159423828125, "10617": 0.0830078125, "241454": 0.056121826171875, "8460": 0.09283447265625, "8613": 0.039215087890625, "141325": 0.114501953125, "14449": 0.08770751953125, "9578": 0.11676025390625, "204629": 0.1678466796875, "30334": 0.0204010009765625, "59478": 0.0908203125, "31461": 0.124267578125, "54612": 0.187744140625, "363": 0.1280517578125, "297": 0.01568603515625, "191": 0.08026123046875, "5079": 0.1414794921875, "10": 0.01474761962890625, "181063": 0.13623046875, "144996": 0.0131072998046875, "70344": 0.0648193359375, "34695": 0.1075439453125, "173702": 0.1634521484375, "1363": 0.0161285400390625, "77391": 0.047119140625, "390": 0.01534271240234375, "161465": 0.10858154296875, "58994": 0.01551055908203125, "14994": 0.079833984375, "159634": 0.126220703125, "99091": 0.1856689453125, "60199": 0.04229736328125, "538": 0.0139923095703125, "164": 0.01421356201171875, "50339": 0.002498626708984375, "117414": 0.0035305023193359375, "43111": 0.25927734375, "27024": 0.0909423828125, "214": 0.015655517578125, "17932": 0.11181640625, "235446": 0.1815185546875}
Eating pathology, emotion regulation, and emotional overeating in obese adults with Binge Eating Disorder.
OBJECTIVE The purpose of the current study was to examine the relationship among emotional regulation, emotional overeating, and general eating pathology in a treatment seeking sample of adults with Binge Eating Disorder (BED). METHOD The sample was composed of 326 adults (248 women, 78 men) who were obese and met DSM-IV-TR criteria for BED. Prior to treatment, participants completed the Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS), Emotional Overeating Questionnaire (EOQ), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), and Eating Disorder Examination-Questionnaire (EDE-Q) as part of a larger assessment battery. RESULTS A series of hierarchical regression analyses indicated that difficulties with emotion regulation accounted for unique variance in both emotional overeating and general eating pathology above and beyond sex and negative affect. DISCUSSION Emotion regulation may play a significant role in the maintenance of emotional overeating and eating pathology in obese adults with BED.
{"35988": 0.117919921875, "15301": 0.1270751953125, "441": 0.08538818359375, "169813": 0.0232391357421875, "60042": 0.16259765625, "43581": 0.0709228515625, "35187": 0.1072998046875, "160477": 0.05816650390625, "76755": 0.172607421875, "54940": 0.0706787109375, "88965": 0.2476806640625, "15913": 0.271240234375, "1363": 0.0828857421875, "4": 0.01019287109375, "645": 0.181640625, "13": 0.1951904296875, "26518": 0.14306640625, "136": 0.047821044921875, "4537": 0.1436767578125, "118992": 0.248291015625, "60875": 0.139404296875, "25443": 0.1322021484375, "39734": 0.1641845703125, "191618": 0.0179290771484375, "121413": 0.1617431640625, "116127": 0.16796875, "678": 0.056121826171875, "73751": 0.182373046875, "241": 0.1710205078125, "6206": 0.062255859375, "80596": 0.1470947265625, "20090": 0.1826171875, "397": 0.1583251953125, "33677": 0.08831787109375, "193792": 0.0259857177734375, "150350": 0.07940673828125, "138": 0.0175018310546875, "4046": 0.1474609375, "110763": 0.0946044921875, "24793": 0.1353759765625, "15111": 0.046630859375, "453": 0.03717041015625, "150009": 0.2347412109375, "435": 0.04681396484375, "18148": 0.125732421875, "15583": 0.1419677734375, "28981": 0.09564208984375, "55738": 0.11614990234375, "9622": 0.182373046875, "135967": 0.0684814453125, "56480": 0.080078125, "140528": 0.032501220703125, "191144": 0.0640869140625, "71333": 0.1119384765625, "105401": 0.2388916015625, "47881": 0.2254638671875, "152653": 0.1363525390625, "18044": 0.0850830078125, "77434": 0.1357421875, "9578": 0.1253662109375, "68185": 0.0887451171875, "70725": 0.05853271484375, "2737": 0.0841064453125, "75781": 0.13671875, "262": 0.059173583984375, "48448": 0.142333984375, "1353": 0.0970458984375, "17507": 0.06585693359375, "11": 0.052337646484375, "104739": 0.10321044921875, "150679": 0.01401519775390625, "164031": 0.11920166015625, "172714": 0.122802734375, "218849": 0.03973388671875, "1791": 0.059844970703125, "54689": 0.0369873046875, "148448": 0.1595458984375, "51422": 0.08056640625, "34844": 0.18310546875, "112019": 0.252197265625, "15426": 0.08599853515625, "36998": 0.1270751953125, "16757": 0.1907958984375, "15044": 0.01412200927734375, "36917": 0.06658935546875, "107314": 0.050018310546875, "1100": 0.200439453125, "40907": 0.08306884765625, "52490": 0.11907958984375, "1543": 0.066650390625, "11301": 0.06768798828125, "88551": 0.06768798828125, "31486": 0.11083984375, "121097": 0.16455078125}
Monoallelic expression and methylation of imprinted genes in human and mouse embryonic germ cell lineages.
Imprinting is an epigenetic modification leading to monoallelic expression of some genes, and disrupted imprinting is believed to be a barrier to human stem cell transplantation, based on studies that suggest that epigenetic marks are unstable in mouse embryonic germ (EG) and embryonic stem (ES) cells. However, stem cell imprinting has not previously been examined directly in humans. We found that three imprinted genes, TSSC5, H19, and SNRPN, show monoallelic expression in in vitro differentiated human EG-derived cells, and a fourth gene, IGF2, shows partially relaxed imprinting at a ratio from 4:1 to 5:1, comparable to that found in normal somatic cells. In addition, we found normal methylation of an imprinting control region (ICR) that regulates H19 and IGF2 imprinting, suggesting that imprinting may not be a significant epigenetic barrier to human EG cell transplantation. Finally, we were able to construct an in vitro mouse model of genomic imprinting, by generating EG cells from 8.5-day embryos of an interspecific cross, in which undifferentiated cells show biallelic expression and acquire preferential parental allele expression after differentiation. This model should allow experimental manipulation of epigenetic modifications of cultured EG cells that may not be possible in human stem cell studies.
{"3370": 0.2083740234375, "35662": 0.290771484375, "214": 0.2308349609375, "83": 0.12200927734375, "142": 0.051971435546875, "25277": 0.1246337890625, "15292": 0.190185546875, "9523": 0.0576171875, "129344": 0.20849609375, "105207": 0.10693359375, "22460": 0.1524658203125, "13474": 0.1495361328125, "9120": 0.13134765625, "125195": 0.17822265625, "3060": 0.03961181640625, "22293": 0.181640625, "226586": 0.2054443359375, "297": 0.0172882080078125, "566": 0.1705322265625, "18822": 0.06903076171875, "186": 0.035919189453125, "10": 0.004276275634765625, "125861": 0.2177734375, "14135": 0.10302734375, "36418": 0.1708984375, "38750": 0.179443359375, "116192": 0.143310546875, "2320": 0.039520263671875, "96335": 0.043182373046875, "16188": 0.131103515625, "2234": 0.0361328125, "22819": 0.1468505859375, "114669": 0.18310546875, "352": 0.01776123046875, "21731": 0.11981201171875, "117979": 0.1353759765625, "25176": 0.1197509765625, "6706": 0.045684814453125, "959": 0.00875091552734375, "198395": 0.02850341796875, "160477": 0.069091796875, "105237": 0.0105438232421875, "118103": 0.11273193359375, "17262": 0.0892333984375, "53800": 0.0745849609375, "14495": 0.1304931640625, "758": 0.133056640625, "572": 0.0701904296875, "2947": 0.181884765625, "83752": 0.09259033203125, "34440": 0.1522216796875, "7639": 0.050689697265625, "279": 0.11456298828125, "2955": 0.09857177734375, "99710": 0.132080078125, "75008": 0.1595458984375, "820": 0.01654052734375, "22759": 0.1607666015625, "87": 0.01238250732421875, "79035": 0.1591796875, "304": 0.12335205078125, "45831": 0.0242919921875, "2878": 0.07427978515625, "20648": 0.175537109375, "70460": 0.1038818359375, "201": 0.016448974609375, "19721": 0.0162200927734375, "215667": 0.0771484375, "3638": 0.07568359375, "221": 0.04693603515625, "47148": 0.08355712890625, "435": 0.048492431640625, "65853": 0.14501953125, "6226": 0.10797119140625, "10776": 0.055511474609375, "22578": 0.10076904296875, "15913": 0.1343994140625, "1543": 0.031890869140625, "64549": 0.062744140625, "3299": 0.17041015625, "8584": 0.078369140625, "12663": 0.0472412109375, "107944": 0.08697509765625, "5636": 0.10150146484375, "1940": 0.004039764404296875, "159975": 0.12139892578125, "41421": 0.09417724609375, "238778": 0.067626953125, "333": 0.06671142578125, "12601": 0.09515380859375, "49129": 0.08917236328125, "747": 0.1273193359375, "7103": 0.004039764404296875, "5608": 0.0081939697265625, "195935": 0.0853271484375, "45258": 0.10302734375, "29394": 0.074462890625, "7722": 0.0309906005859375}
Functional in vivo interactions between JNK1 and JNK2 isoforms in obesity and insulin resistance.
The c-Jun N-terminal kinases (JNKs) are key regulators of inflammation and interfere with insulin action in cultured cells and whole animals. Obesity increases total JNK activity, and JNK1, but not JNK2, deficiency results in reduced adiposity and improved insulin sensitivity. Interestingly, a higher-than-normal level of JNK activation is observed in Jnk2(-/-) mice, particularly in the liver, indicating an interaction between the isoforms that might have masked the metabolic activity of JNK2 in isolated mutant mice. To address the role of the JNK2 isoform in metabolic homeostasis, we intercrossed Jnk1(-/-) and Jnk2(-/-) mice and examined body weight and glucose metabolism in the resulting mutant allele combinations. Among all of the viable genotypes examined, we observed only reduced body weight and increased insulin sensitivity in Jnk1(-/-) and Jnk1(+/-)Jnk2(-/-) mice. These two groups of mice also exhibited reduced total JNK activity and cytokine expression in liver tissue compared with all other genotypes examined. These data indicate that the JNK2 isoform is also involved in metabolic regulation, but its function is not obvious when JNK1 is fully expressed because of regulatory crosstalk between the two isoforms.
{"501": 0.10546875, "9": 0.058685302734375, "97866": 0.27197265625, "541": 0.16748046875, "30524": 0.24072265625, "289": 0.08868408203125, "24222": 0.23681640625, "5908": 0.160400390625, "1375": 0.206298828125, "25035": 0.327392578125, "7": 0.14404296875, "621": 0.060394287109375, "22799": 0.17529296875, "144314": 0.25732421875, "111": 0.020721435546875, "203932": 0.2464599609375, "193943": 0.149169921875, "678": 0.0206146240234375, "91598": 0.216064453125, "22631": 0.0537109375, "23": 0.0207061767578125, "29394": 0.10125732421875, "71": 0.0209503173828125, "38750": 0.134765625, "28271": 0.07159423828125, "85825": 0.1822509765625, "3545": 0.19677734375, "90": 0.166259765625, "2481": 0.08612060546875, "51312": 0.1328125, "3622": 0.050048828125, "821": 0.2108154296875, "103488": 0.1143798828125, "4": 0.020660400390625, "136": 0.0203857421875, "418": 0.1583251953125, "1284": 0.006519317626953125, "959": 0.048431396484375, "304": 0.22021484375, "8": 0.07781982421875, "11044": 0.1954345703125, "33": 0.0172119140625, "50339": 0.057891845703125, "34390": 0.11761474609375, "20655": 0.083251953125, "77087": 0.09552001953125, "53": 0.0205841064453125, "52295": 0.12213134765625, "176302": 0.1573486328125, "66348": 0.022979736328125, "1916": 0.0206451416015625, "538": 0.020751953125, "10": 0.01641845703125, "77546": 0.10870361328125, "21732": 0.035675048828125, "33176": 0.089599609375, "17366": 0.07025146484375, "34704": 0.12164306640625, "1363": 0.020751953125, "139999": 0.07745361328125, "7570": 0.27197265625, "64": 0.022216796875, "16": 0.020721435546875, "324": 0.1785888671875, "329": 0.0987548828125, "70": 0.0207366943359375, "6": 0.020721435546875, "134148": 0.214599609375, "114141": 0.007080078125, "214": 0.0207366943359375, "142": 0.0204925537109375, "182809": 0.0819091796875, "13882": 0.131103515625, "5037": 0.255615234375, "450": 0.017333984375, "13648": 0.05413818359375, "765": 0.0189208984375, "7021": 0.10369873046875, "297": 0.0206756591796875, "93447": 0.2186279296875, "1771": 0.01959228515625, "54015": 0.1064453125, "3674": 0.020599365234375, "842": 0.14208984375, "18211": 0.153564453125, "29823": 0.033294677734375, "31486": 0.13916015625, "5368": 0.07244873046875, "5964": 0.161865234375, "6023": 0.063720703125, "1940": 0.027374267578125, "95665": 0.11627197265625, "132": 0.0205535888671875, "160477": 0.0256500244140625, "14361": 0.1025390625, "57888": 0.203125, "157935": 0.1495361328125, "184": 0.0206451416015625, "159531": 0.12335205078125, "747": 0.15185546875, "133": 0.0192413330078125, "162515": 0.08197021484375, "2022": 0.02032470703125, "279": 0.11517333984375, "2886": 0.020111083984375, "62614": 0.155029296875, "50986": 0.1925048828125, "4734": 0.0406494140625, "124735": 0.09051513671875, "6626": 0.051177978515625, "94407": 0.05950927734375, "19932": 0.0110015869140625, "6448": 0.1265869140625, "1212": 0.020477294921875, "125195": 0.06494140625, "108055": 0.06915283203125, "13": 0.0204925537109375, "154186": 0.0206756591796875, "756": 0.0207061767578125, "3789": 0.0199432373046875, "32255": 0.0078582763671875, "2053": 0.0099334716796875, "83": 0.0207977294921875, "75412": 0.1229248046875, "15913": 0.2152099609375, "32354": 0.160400390625, "162520": 0.11083984375, "89554": 0.0088958740234375, "36510": 0.11151123046875, "6637": 0.015777587890625, "41421": 0.044952392578125, "139109": 0.1683349609375}
The immunological synapse of CTL contains a secretory domain and membrane bridges.
Cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) rapidly destroy their targets. Here we show that although target cell death occurs within 5 min of CTL-target cell contact, an immunological synapse similar to that seen in CD4 cells rapidly forms in CTL, with a ring of adhesion proteins surrounding an inner signaling molecule domain. Lytic granule secretion occurs in a separate domain within the adhesion ring, maintaining signaling protein organization during exocytosis. Live and fixed cell studies show target cell plasma membrane markers are transferred to the CTL as the cells separate. Electron microscopy reveals continuities forming membrane bridges between the CTL and target cell membranes, suggesting a possible mechanism for this transfer.
{"27939": 0.07171630859375, "188": 0.07598876953125, "74735": 0.277587890625, "384": 0.187255859375, "238757": 0.173583984375, "31": 0.01087188720703125, "2408": 0.0889892578125, "1636": 0.113037109375, "441": 0.062408447265625, "41445": 0.309326171875, "25545": 0.12548828125, "538": 0.0153350830078125, "163684": 0.17822265625, "30388": 0.2626953125, "7639": 0.035888671875, "102971": 0.023651123046875, "38750": 0.219482421875, "47219": 0.21142578125, "74918": 0.073974609375, "28032": 0.097900390625, "190": 0.1170654296875, "881": 0.2091064453125, "313": 0.0816650390625, "867": 0.1396484375, "3794": 0.1669921875, "5470": 0.18017578125, "43766": 0.14306640625, "109622": 0.118408203125, "133600": 0.1453857421875, "45616": 0.1854248046875, "21373": 0.066162109375, "51592": 0.03741455078125, "7915": 0.08941650390625, "617": 0.1434326171875, "3173": 0.1151123046875, "23": 0.0325927734375, "15789": 0.1280517578125, "10500": 0.1517333984375, "21308": 0.19677734375, "206990": 0.08172607421875, "75414": 0.1436767578125, "26073": 0.16015625, "49711": 0.039764404296875, "77758": 0.1341552734375, "18118": 0.0968017578125, "9523": 0.09027099609375, "140885": 0.157470703125, "23410": 0.156494140625, "84797": 0.1397705078125, "76104": 0.09942626953125, "53702": 0.1517333984375, "1119": 0.059539794921875, "1952": 0.057525634765625, "9251": 0.0948486328125, "188347": 0.11962890625, "96335": 0.07000732421875, "80796": 0.143310546875, "107834": 0.1566162109375, "71323": 0.205810546875, "12302": 0.1407470703125, "47": 0.037506103515625, "93010": 0.0197296142578125, "1900": 0.0985107421875, "11948": 0.044647216796875, "7": 0.00412750244140625, "137366": 0.08599853515625, "122273": 0.055267333984375, "19686": 0.09490966796875, "80728": 0.1553955078125, "17721": 0.002262115478515625, "42459": 0.0193328857421875, "7722": 0.06341552734375, "191619": 0.152099609375}
Compromised intestinal epithelial barrier induces adaptive immune compensation that protects from colitis.
Mice lacking junctional adhesion molecule A (JAM-A, encoded by F11r) exhibit enhanced intestinal epithelial permeability, bacterial translocation, and elevated colonic lymphocyte numbers, yet do not develop colitis. To investigate the contribution of adaptive immune compensation in response to increased intestinal epithelial permeability, we examined the susceptibility of F11r(-/-)Rag1(-/-) mice to acute colitis. Although negligible contributions of adaptive immunity in F11r(+/+)Rag1(-/-) mice were observed, F11r(-/-)Rag1(-/-) mice exhibited increased microflora-dependent colitis. Elimination of T cell subsets and cytokine analyses revealed a protective role for TGF-β-producing CD4(+) T cells in F11r(-/-) mice. Additionally, loss of JAM-A resulted in elevated mucosal and serum IgA that was dependent upon CD4(+) T cells and TGF-β. Absence of IgA in F11r(+/+)Igha(-/-) mice did not affect disease, whereas F11r(-/-)Igha(-/-) mice displayed markedly increased susceptibility to acute injury-induced colitis. These data establish a role for adaptive immune-mediated protection from acute colitis under conditions of intestinal epithelial barrier compromise.
{"1208": 0.1903076171875, "329": 0.11114501953125, "21": 0.158447265625, "41324": 0.1785888671875, "27022": 0.19482421875, "10763": 0.07427978515625, "10": 0.052215576171875, "10500": 0.1993408203125, "6889": 0.048095703125, "49711": 0.09454345703125, "75449": 0.0274810791015625, "62": 0.1617431640625, "112354": 0.2115478515625, "9": 0.07415771484375, "284": 0.162841796875, "22": 0.01763916015625, "40899": 0.154541015625, "390": 0.005207061767578125, "563": 0.085693359375, "1662": 0.1624755859375, "42": 0.162353515625, "80788": 0.0933837890625, "156856": 0.13671875, "143232": 0.1595458984375, "25277": 0.0782470703125, "2347": 0.118408203125, "150": 0.05804443359375, "117": 0.06024169921875, "282": 0.1815185546875, "41159": 0.086669921875, "152818": 0.050750732421875, "87632": 0.03326416015625, "57849": 0.1038818359375, "46512": 0.07147216796875, "238757": 0.059967041015625, "14373": 0.033111572265625, "959": 0.0751953125, "85493": 0.049591064453125, "3365": 0.1837158203125, "23240": 0.1644287109375, "32603": 0.00431060791015625, "127752": 0.1307373046875, "39908": 0.204833984375, "5844": 0.09906005859375, "43766": 0.1925048828125, "56381": 0.222900390625, "57553": 0.05584716796875, "124735": 0.1412353515625, "1817": 0.01059722900390625, "19462": 0.09613037109375, "64": 0.014923095703125, "12248": 0.0526123046875, "177": 0.0977783203125, "418": 0.057281494140625, "324": 0.1895751953125, "85691": 0.116455078125, "22024": 0.045013427734375, "2481": 0.003513336181640625, "1328": 0.065185546875, "102817": 0.11175537109375, "11948": 0.054534912109375, "76352": 0.1307373046875, "181063": 0.134521484375, "203358": 0.10528564453125, "384": 0.09625244140625, "38750": 0.1640625, "1614": 0.0178070068359375, "6448": 0.073486328125, "51422": 0.033447265625, "59959": 0.1572265625, "31486": 0.106689453125, "79035": 0.186767578125, "5079": 0.11175537109375, "102446": 0.0731201171875, "7915": 0.118896484375, "617": 0.1307373046875, "86669": 0.09454345703125, "842": 0.039276123046875, "587": 0.01490020751953125, "1605": 0.047698974609375, "59485": 0.11083984375, "108750": 0.1302490234375, "27174": 0.10797119140625, "23": 0.0306854248046875, "49673": 0.1517333984375, "52490": 0.0648193359375, "70997": 0.04180908203125, "94419": 0.0020580291748046875, "182260": 0.1251220703125, "18442": 0.042022705078125, "2053": 0.0191650390625, "12333": 0.062164306640625, "48431": 0.1719970703125, "125861": 0.09130859375, "134454": 0.10626220703125}
Apoptosis and chemoresistance in transgenic cancer models
Multidrug resistance remains an unresolved problem in clinical oncology. Over a decade ago genes encoding cellular efflux pumps were shown to confer resistance to a broad spectrum of biochemically unrelated anticancer drugs even before the compounds reached their intracellular targets. More recently it has become apparent that many drugs induce a common apoptotic program, such that mutations in this program can also produce multidrug resistance. However, a thorough evaluation of the contribution of apoptotic defects to this "postdamage" drug resistant phenotype is technically complicated, and this has led to uncertainty about the overall significance of apoptosis in therapy-induced cell death. For example, correlative analyses using patient specimens are limited by unknown background mutations in the biopsy material, and assays using cancer cell lines can be biased by unphysiological conditions. We sought to circumvent these restrictions by utilizing a tractable transgenic cancer model to examine the impact of apoptosis on treatment outcome. Here we discuss potential caveats of cell culture based assays, highlight features of genetically engineered mice as potential model systems, and describe a tractable transgenic mouse model to study drug responses in a series of primary lymphomas with genetically defined lesions treated at their natural site.
{"19335": 0.15576171875, "131836": 0.2353515625, "39746": 0.2122802734375, "7154": 0.10479736328125, "47143": 0.06689453125, "51": 0.037445068359375, "107": 0.01336669921875, "86918": 0.11700439453125, "71": 0.00225067138671875, "2967": 0.1446533203125, "56465": 0.1064453125, "289": 0.00199127197265625, "98": 0.11993408203125, "25443": 0.070556640625, "8": 0.0220184326171875, "23662": 0.0626220703125, "6650": 0.01503753662109375, "22293": 0.162109375, "587": 0.128173828125, "2927": 0.072509765625, "120087": 0.07684326171875, "68053": 0.08233642578125, "56219": 0.173828125, "42874": 0.1737060546875, "3542": 6.091594696044922e-05, "127887": 0.03375244140625, "2875": 0.072021484375, "47": 0.002002716064453125, "10": 0.0021343231201171875, "134744": 0.027191162109375, "235079": 0.0579833984375, "111": 0.0021610260009765625, "34610": 0.030609130859375, "71407": 0.0020580291748046875, "174822": 0.09588623046875, "2874": 0.0333251953125, "184756": 0.1029052734375, "125694": 0.1861572265625, "8108": 0.042388916015625, "70": 0.002246856689453125, "217773": 0.052886962890625, "157578": 0.01446533203125, "18440": 0.01221466064453125, "8969": 0.03070068359375, "30388": 0.08282470703125, "7": 0.0022678375244140625, "78684": 0.02008056640625, "1556": 0.0020885467529296875, "173676": 0.0301666259765625, "5941": 0.039154052734375, "135989": 0.08935546875, "13": 0.002227783203125, "39210": 0.062225341796875, "6885": 0.1239013671875, "40934": 0.1610107421875, "9523": 0.006977081298828125, "1528": 0.09051513671875, "4": 0.0023193359375, "450": 0.0019283294677734375, "199334": 0.1864013671875, "23": 0.0023136138916015625, "831": 0.03387451171875, "27489": 0.05712890625, "6024": 0.1756591796875, "209183": 0.0071258544921875, "219836": 0.056182861328125, "127752": 0.056915283203125, "72104": 0.2086181640625, "4594": 0.09124755859375, "18898": 0.138916015625, "429": 0.155029296875, "48683": 0.1917724609375, "21004": 0.0273284912109375, "50986": 0.08831787109375, "83": 0.0007944107055664062, "121392": 0.073974609375, "538": 0.0021038055419921875, "96704": 0.06744384765625, "297": 0.00234222412109375, "106290": 0.10076904296875, "73": 0.0022258758544921875, "939": 0.00220489501953125, "128512": 0.0307769775390625, "12330": 0.08746337890625, "3956": 0.0018415451049804688, "6023": 0.10595703125, "6": 0.002132415771484375, "106864": 0.13037109375, "9": 0.00211334228515625, "18442": 0.07452392578125, "37534": 0.0022945404052734375, "38750": 0.1331787109375, "47219": 0.12384033203125, "1326": 0.0021514892578125, "16106": 0.053497314453125, "4935": 0.002132415771484375, "51422": 0.10565185546875, "37896": 0.06854248046875, "40140": 0.033233642578125, "621": 0.002193450927734375, "84046": 0.08734130859375, "390": 0.0023193359375, "69723": 0.0516357421875, "19": 0.002178192138671875, "76615": 0.07293701171875, "3530": 0.030853271484375, "51775": 0.04620361328125, "237": 0.012115478515625, "20347": 0.161865234375, "27968": 0.1685791015625, "124519": 0.0894775390625, "186": 0.00215911865234375, "96402": 0.12164306640625, "5281": 0.0022602081298828125, "34053": 0.03399658203125, "27289": 0.031768798828125, "221": 0.0019426345825195312, "75723": 0.0543212890625, "16274": 0.03265380859375, "185190": 0.1048583984375, "34333": 0.1781005859375, "2661": 0.099853515625, "3900": 0.10345458984375, "3299": 0.2025146484375, "160477": 0.02191162109375, "24725": 0.14111328125, "39734": 0.135498046875, "184345": 0.13037109375, "45252": 0.01323699951171875, "38516": 0.1080322265625, "143383": 0.1243896484375, "29394": 0.12353515625, "35509": 0.0792236328125, "127308": 0.006439208984375, "66139": 0.022613525390625, "101412": 0.1624755859375, "25958": 0.0022907257080078125, "185118": 0.08123779296875, "324": 0.12261962890625, "329": 0.0015163421630859375, "76519": 0.03607177734375, "114669": 0.177978515625, "35187": 0.03955078125, "57553": 0.08721923828125, "158978": 0.04150390625, "238757": 0.091796875, "306": 0.0697021484375, "678": 0.002079010009765625, "61924": 0.06451416015625, "199": 0.018096923828125, "17514": 3.2067298889160156e-05, "191607": 0.00943756103515625, "99": 0.0023441314697265625, "2363": 0.001262664794921875, "6083": 0.09027099609375, "1764": 0.06829833984375}
NC-100717: a versatile RGD peptide scaffold for angiogenesis imaging.
Targeting the molecular pathways associated with angiogenesis offers great potential in detecting disease pathology using in vivo imaging technologies. Initiation of angiogenesis requires activation and migration of endothelial cells in order for neovascularization to proceed. Endothelial cells associate with the extracellular matrix through specific interactions with a variety of cell adhesion receptors known as integrins. Peptides containing the tripeptide sequence RGD are known to bind with high affinity to the alphavbeta3 and alphavbeta5 integrins associated with angiogenesis. We present herein the synthesis and in vitro binding affinity of the RGD-containing peptide NC-100717 and a range of molecular probes derived from this intermediate.
{"160017": 0.2420654296875, "233239": 0.1416015625, "60875": 0.1357421875, "102966": 0.11614990234375, "137272": 0.1341552734375, "348": 0.1787109375, "846": 0.1787109375, "15292": 0.251953125, "6023": 0.131591796875, "64600": 0.0858154296875, "6782": 0.068603515625, "38516": 0.1356201171875, "96391": 0.1707763671875, "214": 0.0657958984375, "70997": 0.1036376953125, "25443": 0.087890625, "23": 0.041717529296875, "16622": 0.2271728515625, "86898": 0.1444091796875, "118299": 0.1263427734375, "360": 0.072021484375, "1890": 0.15576171875, "144570": 0.126953125, "34704": 0.1259765625, "212416": 0.142333984375, "111": 0.0001175999641418457, "22": 0.06268310546875, "15464": 0.1268310546875, "54140": 0.175537109375, "38750": 0.174072265625, "12989": 0.006687164306640625, "16169": 0.119873046875, "4079": 0.1282958984375, "25667": 0.09906005859375, "47691": 0.044036865234375, "172337": 0.0426025390625, "357": 0.06903076171875, "289": 0.06060791015625, "30699": 0.1451416015625, "4173": 0.12078857421875, "8969": 0.0772705078125, "120087": 0.031951904296875, "50944": 0.129150390625, "29458": 0.00189208984375, "182809": 0.11712646484375, "96551": 0.020294189453125, "10500": 0.15869140625, "137376": 0.17529296875, "9114": 0.223388671875, "5425": 0.1253662109375, "73025": 0.1405029296875, "118": 0.1417236328125, "988": 0.07208251953125, "70541": 0.10272216796875, "24745": 0.1416015625, "13": 0.0209808349609375, "17332": 0.2103271484375, "112": 0.11065673828125, "40": 0.004405975341796875, "944": 0.072265625, "627": 0.11749267578125, "88668": 0.26171875, "51529": 0.0684814453125, "68557": 0.205078125, "11192": 0.07708740234375, "10": 0.0301055908203125, "58871": 0.2398681640625, "144": 0.05780029296875, "14612": 0.1146240234375, "334": 0.12060546875, "59865": 0.1973876953125, "363": 0.1290283203125, "136": 0.0285797119140625, "758": 0.13818359375, "13379": 0.0210113525390625, "142518": 0.1348876953125, "90": 0.041748046875, "279": 0.155029296875, "2955": 0.152587890625, "128239": 0.19970703125, "98102": 0.12274169921875, "14653": 0.018218994140625, "280": 0.08721923828125, "68443": 0.1651611328125, "45881": 0.1636962890625, "966": 0.147705078125, "2489": 0.2291259765625, "37457": 0.07391357421875, "502": 0.1766357421875, "7438": 0.0584716796875, "16406": 0.03521728515625, "1295": 0.034088134765625, "903": 0.021453857421875, "81814": 0.1715087890625}
Dose-dependent effect of statins on the incidence of acute kidney injury after cardiac surgery.
BACKGROUND Acute kidney injury (AKI) after cardiac surgery is associated with increased morbidity and mortality. METHODS We assessed whether statin treatment is associated with a lower incidence of postoperative AKI in 2,104 consecutive patients who underwent coronary artery bypass graft or valve surgery at the Minneapolis Veterans Administration Medical Center. Acute kidney injury was defined as absolute increase greater than 0.3 mg/dL or relative increase greater than 50% in serum creatinine from baseline, within 48 hours after surgery or requiring postoperative hemodialysis per AKI network. Propensity scores were utilized to adjust for the differences between the statin and the no-statin treatment groups. All statins were converted to equivalent-dose simvastatin and divided at the median to construct high-dose (≥40 mg) and low-dose (<40 mg) statin groups. RESULTS Of the 2,104 patients, 1,435 (68%) were taking statins (638 high-dose) and 495 (24%) developed AKI (25% high-dose vs 40% low-dose vs 35% no-statin; p = 0.014). Estimated preoperative glomerular filtration rate (p = 0.003), diabetes mellitus (p=0.02), valve surgery with or without coronary artery bypass graft (p = 0.024), cardiopulmonary bypass time (p = 0.001), and intraaortic balloon pump (p = 0.055) were independent predictors of AKI. After propensity adjustment statin treatment was not associated with postoperative AKI (odds ratio 0.79; 95% confidence interval 0.59 to 1.06; p = 0.11 for high-dose v. no-statin). After full adjustment for all independent predictors of AKI, the results did not change. Statins also had no effect on the incidence of postoperative hemodialysis (0.8% high-dose vs 1.9% low-dose vs 1% no-statin; p = 0.15). CONCLUSIONS Statin treatment is not associated with a lower incidence of AKI after cardiac surgery.
{"8678": 0.0654296875, "20572": 0.04852294921875, "136498": 0.08404541015625, "62": 0.0316162109375, "85691": 0.220947265625, "200": 0.1378173828125, "10952": 0.214599609375, "53": 0.08740234375, "182260": 0.239990234375, "91293": 0.284423828125, "7103": 0.1468505859375, "165441": 0.1778564453125, "54053": 0.18310546875, "137272": 0.145751953125, "124735": 0.1448974609375, "87131": 0.1517333984375, "71": 0.05023193359375, "2481": 0.0104522705078125, "136": 0.0224609375, "67573": 0.0858154296875, "33677": 0.0572509765625, "193792": 0.0221710205078125, "202120": 0.04736328125, "13321": 0.251220703125, "19": 0.1998291015625, "39734": 0.20458984375, "83": 0.00965118408203125, "92319": 0.182861328125, "136667": 0.1448974609375, "3956": 0.00936126708984375, "111": 0.009002685546875, "1305": 0.185791015625, "134364": 0.1580810546875, "6": 0.009124755859375, "23": 0.00911712646484375, "66947": 0.1693115234375, "148390": 0.05767822265625, "13": 0.0091705322265625, "60264": 0.1376953125, "1379": 0.00782012939453125, "74797": 0.005741119384765625, "109728": 0.133056640625, "1294": 0.02215576171875, "143989": 0.11126708984375, "390": 0.08380126953125, "13409": 0.12481689453125, "26603": 0.1552734375, "18": 0.00894927978515625, "707": 0.0087738037109375, "3502": 0.1414794921875, "272": 0.00921630859375, "99": 0.0090179443359375, "70": 0.0091552734375, "4211": 0.1031494140625, "86": 0.08746337890625, "11": 0.008819580078125, "34740": 0.1265869140625, "165079": 0.154541015625, "7": 0.00923919677734375, "141888": 0.0882568359375, "69292": 0.037445068359375, "11588": 0.076416015625, "61924": 0.11810302734375, "237": 0.0085906982421875, "89931": 0.11981201171875, "51312": 0.1512451171875, "3501": 0.009185791015625, "127089": 0.11566162109375, "12010": 0.06689453125, "64": 0.007526397705078125, "866": 0.008453369140625, "35845": 0.00829315185546875, "117396": 0.007480621337890625, "9071": 0.0694580078125, "1605": 0.077880859375, "75014": 0.132568359375, "85963": 0.1280517578125, "1295": 0.009002685546875, "3647": 0.1083984375, "2256": 0.00907135009765625, "4": 0.00909423828125, "28032": 0.00870513916015625, "4572": 0.12042236328125, "21974": 0.0107574462890625, "449": 0.0089874267578125, "2360": 0.08135986328125, "15663": 0.04931640625, "289": 0.029815673828125, "147852": 0.03570556640625, "117": 0.00890350341796875, "33120": 0.07464599609375, "1250": 0.00763702392578125, "58102": 0.1695556640625, "47763": 0.1007080078125, "3542": 0.00910186767578125, "47": 0.009124755859375, "126596": 0.1524658203125, "100": 0.0091400146484375, "60212": 0.08294677734375, "110": 0.096435546875, "9": 0.00936126708984375, "17346": 0.1693115234375, "73": 0.00957489013671875, "94407": 0.1195068359375, "1779": 0.14599609375, "117176": 0.1221923828125, "183234": 0.054534912109375, "1140": 0.0860595703125, "10777": 0.1131591796875, "22347": 0.15185546875, "2311": 0.005950927734375, "101637": 0.1131591796875, "2450": 0.0911865234375, "64549": 0.1126708984375, "11192": 0.07135009765625, "15": 0.00957489013671875, "2839": 0.08050537109375, "16": 0.00927734375, "27226": 0.007312774658203125, "16093": 0.00835418701171875, "218849": 0.05914306640625, "294": 0.00879669189453125, "59084": 0.0136871337890625, "5843": 0.1092529296875, "148437": 0.06103515625, "35971": 0.09405517578125, "190076": 0.1112060546875, "127351": 0.10595703125, "26244": 0.00919342041015625, "126809": 0.058135986328125, "91021": 0.10675048828125, "24051": 0.048736572265625, "86475": 0.05908203125, "74": 0.00930023193359375, "915": 0.03631591796875, "2203": 0.0092620849609375, "89678": 0.041107177734375, "65283": 0.01071929931640625, "2227": 0.00913238525390625, "297": 0.009033203125, "479": 0.10162353515625, "16712": 0.0164031982421875, "35975": 0.0089569091796875, "30359": 0.1343994140625, "2320": 0.009124755859375, "34515": 0.0447998046875, "254": 0.009063720703125, "108591": 0.0230712890625, "44019": 0.1588134765625, "65486": 0.048248291015625, "18031": 0.05474853515625, "145407": 0.0087890625, "5": 0.00916290283203125, "101432": 0.0298614501953125, "678": 0.00888824462890625, "15490": 0.01422882080078125, "82839": 0.010650634765625, "105392": 0.08172607421875, "6635": 0.00916290283203125, "100991": 0.00955963134765625, "18440": 0.00611114501953125, "748": 0.0303497314453125, "9523": 0.008941650390625, "16446": 0.08074951171875, "16762": 0.0055999755859375, "42874": 0.0865478515625, "41371": 0.056854248046875, "92054": 0.1553955078125, "25251": 0.00894927978515625, "674": 0.0091705322265625, "509": 0.0089569091796875, "959": 0.09295654296875, "13606": 0.12451171875, "70460": 0.00894927978515625, "757": 0.0098114013671875, "22377": 0.00988006591796875, "59653": 0.004062652587890625, "159454": 0.1298828125, "51514": 0.00902557373046875, "81730": 0.0089263916015625, "1126": 0.009613037109375, "615": 0.00951385498046875, "9016": 0.0111846923828125, "107754": 0.00893402099609375, "418": 0.00930023193359375, "81": 0.054443359375, "756": 0.009490966796875, "50339": 0.037689208984375, "6777": 0.00849151611328125, "15549": 0.06024169921875, "71465": 0.2314453125, "21543": 0.0806884765625, "98": 0.00905609130859375, "11991": 0.009033203125, "20209": 0.00829315185546875, "12678": 0.0092315673828125, "40186": 0.00864410400390625, "62155": 0.01012420654296875, "37486": 0.0276031494140625, "10": 0.0088653564453125}
Comparison of allogeneic vs autologous bone marrow–derived mesenchymal stem cells delivered by transendocardial injection in patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy: the POSEIDON randomized trial.
CONTEXT Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are under evaluation as a therapy for ischemic cardiomyopathy (ICM). Both autologous and allogeneic MSC therapies are possible; however, their safety and efficacy have not been compared. OBJECTIVE To test whether allogeneic MSCs are as safe and effective as autologous MSCs in patients with left ventricular (LV) dysfunction due to ICM. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PATIENTS A phase 1/2 randomized comparison (POSEIDON study) in a US tertiary-care referral hospital of allogeneic and autologous MSCs in 30 patients with LV dysfunction due to ICM between April 2, 2010, and September 14, 2011, with 13-month follow-up. INTERVENTION Twenty million, 100 million, or 200 million cells (5 patients in each cell type per dose level) were delivered by transendocardial stem cell injection into 10 LV sites. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES Thirty-day postcatheterization incidence of predefined treatment-emergent serious adverse events (SAEs). Efficacy assessments included 6-minute walk test, exercise peak VO2, Minnesota Living with Heart Failure Questionnaire (MLHFQ), New York Heart Association class, LV volumes, ejection fraction (EF), early enhancement defect (EED; infarct size), and sphericity index. RESULTS Within 30 days, 1 patient in each group (treatment-emergent SAE rate, 6.7%) was hospitalized for heart failure, less than the prespecified stopping event rate of 25%. The 1-year incidence of SAEs was 33.3% (n = 5) in the allogeneic group and 53.3% (n = 8) in the autologous group (P = .46). At 1 year, there were no ventricular arrhythmia SAEs observed among allogeneic recipients compared with 4 patients (26.7%) in the autologous group (P = .10). Relative to baseline, autologous but not allogeneic MSC therapy was associated with an improvement in the 6-minute walk test and the MLHFQ score, but neither improved exercise VO2 max. Allogeneic and autologous MSCs reduced mean EED by −33.21% (95% CI, −43.61% to −22.81%; P < .001) and sphericity index but did not increase EF. Allogeneic MSCs reduced LV end-diastolic volumes. Low-dose concentration MSCs (20 million cells) produced greatest reductions in LV volumes and increased EF. Allogeneic MSCs did not stimulate significant donor-specific alloimmune reactions. CONCLUSIONS In this early-stage study of patients with ICM, transendocardial injection of allogeneic and autologous MSCs without a placebo control were both associated with low rates of treatment-emergent SAEs, including immunologic reactions. In aggregate, MSC injection favorably affected patient functional capacity, quality of life, and ventricular remodeling. TRIAL REGISTRATION clinicaltrials.gov Identifier: NCT01087996.
{"14452": 0.004123687744140625, "122691": 0.10888671875, "12021": 0.11376953125, "33": 0.060760498046875, "7668": 0.2032470703125, "2749": 0.061126708984375, "36418": 0.183349609375, "38750": 0.2265625, "7": 0.05694580078125, "13439": 0.1337890625, "441": 0.164306640625, "16": 0.031158447265625, "1379": 0.0400390625, "219836": 0.114990234375, "6": 0.0308074951171875, "106864": 0.1673583984375, "4986": 0.098388671875, "21068": 0.00836181640625, "105392": 0.125244140625, "1176": 0.07171630859375, "31": 0.0238189697265625, "192592": 0.08428955078125, "16259": 0.0733642578125, "594": 0.1319580078125, "1809": 0.216064453125, "26989": 0.189453125, "223": 0.030914306640625, "24286": 0.2481689453125, "15292": 0.304443359375, "1771": 0.0802001953125, "276": 0.133544921875, "14495": 0.2401123046875, "88562": 0.193115234375, "621": 0.030487060546875, "7722": 0.09796142578125, "4": 0.03106689453125, "81900": 0.12939453125, "136": 0.050323486328125, "9129": 0.0082244873046875, "22346": 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0.030914306640625, "117": 0.0308990478515625, "39098": 0.08880615234375, "17366": 0.0308685302734375, "3542": 0.030670166015625, "75060": 0.1290283203125, "297": 0.030853271484375, "390": 0.0308837890625, "3900": 0.104736328125, "4017": 0.09893798828125, "38931": 0.132080078125, "15403": 0.028411865234375, "115049": 0.184814453125, "1830": 0.0306243896484375, "3934": 0.030548095703125, "209": 0.087158203125, "15271": 0.12353515625, "48026": 0.0679931640625, "180": 0.0301055908203125, "45962": 0.07720947265625, "11292": 0.07830810546875, "284": 0.07568359375, "34465": 0.030242919921875, "19669": 0.026824951171875, "42": 0.0305023193359375, "939": 0.054351806640625, "5636": 0.061981201171875, "1305": 0.081787109375, "4460": 0.016204833984375, "38325": 0.1348876953125, "136667": 0.09906005859375, "3956": 0.030975341796875, "13": 0.0966796875, "5983": 0.0245513916015625, "39734": 0.149658203125, "195": 0.0300140380859375, "56": 0.07415771484375, "46825": 0.0310821533203125, "85583": 0.042572021484375, "64406": 0.06060791015625, "47353": 0.0582275390625, "6703": 0.07489013671875, "16474": 0.1168212890625, "14467": 0.042724609375, "164031": 0.10198974609375, "13007": 0.06683349609375, "67403": 0.18212890625, "35691": 0.18505859375, "81979": 0.16796875, "344": 0.030548095703125, "55104": 0.09381103515625, "304": 0.0869140625, "186672": 0.1719970703125, "43722": 0.0885009765625, "60861": 0.1243896484375, "190355": 0.08331298828125, "3408": 0.031005859375, "68185": 0.0196380615234375, "76070": 0.03094482421875, "39456": 0.028076171875, "66882": 0.08575439453125, "2737": 0.0762939453125, "247": 0.0308837890625, "5753": 0.062255859375, "56187": 0.07269287109375, "18507": 0.09686279296875, "21950": 0.10302734375, "28": 0.0302734375, "236": 0.09893798828125, "10763": 0.0306549072265625, "175921": 0.0145263671875, "28482": 0.1256103515625, "39395": 0.062744140625, "156856": 0.10247802734375, "674": 0.0306854248046875, "72104": 0.1441650390625, "138911": 0.1614990234375, "74": 0.0309906005859375, "3814": 0.085693359375, "15390": 0.0309600830078125, "13267": 0.03094482421875, "5213": 0.0478515625, "86151": 0.09515380859375, "60089": 0.0307769775390625, "63262": 0.1087646484375, "218849": 0.059478759765625, "294": 0.0309295654296875, "73": 0.03070068359375, "13312": 0.07928466796875, "106": 0.0169830322265625, "37896": 0.09442138671875, "21115": 0.0960693359375, "2921": 0.035430908203125, "257": 0.0310516357421875, "5377": 0.131103515625, "647": 0.029205322265625, "34515": 0.030975341796875, "2289": 0.027923583984375, "14427": 0.0310516357421875, "509": 0.0306396484375, "100": 0.03057861328125, "26498": 0.0975341796875, "137578": 0.1571044921875, "40715": 0.10101318359375, "3501": 0.0307464599609375, "70": 0.0308685302734375, "479": 0.0301971435546875, "16711": 0.029205322265625, "47314": 0.031036376953125, "10366": 0.0309906005859375, "581": 0.03057861328125, "4317": 0.033294677734375, "46799": 0.030670166015625, "89725": 0.0819091796875, "11587": 0.030975341796875, "19": 0.0307159423828125, "2203": 0.03082275390625, "21162": 0.0237274169921875, "8934": 0.02435302734375, "5": 0.0307159423828125, "65034": 0.0282440185546875, "683": 0.030731201171875, "117413": 0.0301513671875, "1913": 0.0306854248046875, "6602": 0.125732421875, "2685": 0.0306396484375, "110": 0.045074462890625, "239530": 0.177734375, "399": 0.0293731689453125, "71": 0.0310516357421875, "54940": 0.0305328369140625, "134003": 0.04803466796875, "201": 0.014373779296875, "59150": 0.0278472900390625, "50258": 0.02825927734375, "3647": 0.006900787353515625, "2256": 0.03082275390625, "1284": 0.029541015625, "137272": 0.025238037109375, "142": 0.0308380126953125, "136912": 0.137939453125, "47763": 0.031158447265625, "2725": 0.0288543701171875, "9319": 0.029693603515625, "52295": 0.056610107421875, "18389": 0.0206451416015625, "884": 0.05645751953125, "112537": 0.1932373046875, "34390": 0.16748046875, "29459": 0.101806640625, "48768": 0.029571533203125, "107033": 0.031158447265625, "13961": 0.031036376953125, "170509": 0.0782470703125, "26550": 0.050384521484375, "617": 0.030303955078125, "102738": 0.0307769775390625, "82295": 0.0305328369140625, "436": 0.030487060546875, "4426": 0.0304718017578125, "34479": 0.045806884765625, "6777": 0.05035400390625, "51312": 0.04205322265625, "51779": 0.104248046875, "3564": 0.036834716796875, "2785": 0.007610321044921875, "9120": 0.0301513671875, "61187": 0.1334228515625, "1140": 0.08050537109375, "202104": 0.07275390625, "181653": 0.0016736984252929688, "158036": 0.057464599609375, "74906": 0.1881103515625, "5256": 0.0310211181640625, "124735": 0.060699462890625, "142405": 0.10333251953125, "67": 0.0311126708984375, "164441": 0.09539794921875, "159975": 0.02593994140625, "464": 0.0184173583984375, "561": 0.087646484375, "86": 0.030914306640625, "132539": 0.0870361328125, "37486": 0.07269287109375, "16852": 0.08148193359375, "3687": 0.07110595703125, "837": 0.030975341796875, "6226": 0.036651611328125, "15044": 0.01483154296875, "27226": 0.11639404296875, "121297": 0.0308380126953125, "26719": 0.0291595458984375, "43766": 0.080322265625, "60920": 0.0188751220703125, "360": 0.0307769775390625, "197564": 0.0238494873046875, "10862": 0.10528564453125, "78458": 0.0310821533203125, "195052": 0.09844970703125, "123309": 0.10369873046875, "177399": 0.1187744140625, "31897": 0.103271484375, "6897": 0.06695556640625, "177580": 0.1697998046875, "94536": 0.135498046875, "7842": 0.021148681640625, "217674": 0.1578369140625, "7010": 0.0077362060546875, "51626": 0.046539306640625, "12074": 0.05419921875, "189543": 0.0899658203125, "43379": 0.06427001953125, "76327": 0.0828857421875, "206347": 0.0450439453125, "11648": 0.0057220458984375}
Periosteal bone formation--a neglected determinant of bone strength.
Life forms that have low body mass can hunt for food on the undersurface of branches or along shear cliff faces quite unperturbed by gravity. For larger animals, the hunt for dinner and the struggle to avoid becoming someone else's meal require rapid movement against gravity. This need is met by the lever function of long bones, three-dimensional masterpieces of biomechanical engineering that, by their material composition and structural design, achieve the contradictory properties of stiffness and flexibility, strength and lightness.1 Material stiffness results from the encrusting of the triple-helical structure of collagen type I with hydroxyapatite crystals, which confers . . .
{"16505": 0.160400390625, "3173": 0.222900390625, "7": 0.027923583984375, "450": 0.026824951171875, "765": 0.1005859375, "27226": 0.177978515625, "14361": 0.1710205078125, "46889": 0.1693115234375, "831": 0.093994140625, "1926": 0.19580078125, "18": 0.11181640625, "100": 0.0911865234375, "15381": 0.1864013671875, "1379": 0.123046875, "7102": 0.0611572265625, "40404": 0.1024169921875, "90356": 0.1534423828125, "707": 0.03582763671875, "33233": 0.05462646484375, "2412": 0.11590576171875, "147": 0.07794189453125, "195167": 0.1834716796875, "2577": 0.0985107421875, "32233": 0.0308380126953125, "51": 0.07476806640625, "987": 0.033599853515625, "390": 0.003925323486328125, "64002": 0.1864013671875, "939": 0.052276611328125, "1326": 0.029449462890625, "150679": 0.11962890625, "85825": 0.2288818359375, "94000": 0.1356201171875, "151994": 0.1285400390625, "71864": 0.11248779296875, "141753": 0.05572509765625, "22008": 0.006313323974609375, "37076": 0.04443359375, "109911": 0.11383056640625, "64209": 0.10784912109375, "25545": 0.141845703125, "112664": 0.15966796875, "26548": 0.13134765625, "3293": 0.00275421142578125, "3871": 0.123046875, "435": 0.09869384765625, "21962": 0.273681640625, "32354": 0.1622314453125, "4989": 0.1611328125, "32881": 0.27783203125, "17262": 0.115966796875, "157955": 0.11859130859375, "31347": 0.032745361328125, "152667": 0.080078125, "3530": 0.09454345703125, "17032": 0.1182861328125, "177907": 0.13330078125, "4912": 0.146240234375, "166577": 0.08062744140625, "118990": 0.10791015625, "4331": 0.12158203125, "69307": 0.08258056640625, "2304": 0.0828857421875, "18403": 0.12078857421875, "183871": 0.11248779296875, "13629": 0.184814453125, "4902": 0.26123046875, "7432": 0.144775390625, "71985": 0.15576171875, "90254": 0.132080078125, "22729": 0.1248779296875, "23994": 0.237548828125, "50339": 0.131591796875, "1295": 0.0168914794921875, "47913": 0.1658935546875, "162738": 0.1619873046875, "6865": 0.12841796875, "21533": 0.10101318359375, "45646": 0.1474609375, "167102": 0.205078125, "19": 0.08831787109375, "10644": 0.12457275390625, "87": 0.102783203125, "678": 0.0089263916015625, "64707": 0.06976318359375, "425": 0.054656982421875, "395": 0.0791015625, "10974": 0.1485595703125, "67": 0.03204345703125, "224128": 0.137939453125, "158": 0.03448486328125, "73898": 0.126220703125}
Triglyceride depletion of brown adipose tissue enables analysis of mitochondrial respiratory function in permeabilized biopsies.
The research on mitochondrial functions in adipocytes has increasingly evidenced that mitochondria plays an important role in the onset and/or progression of obesity and related pathologies. Mitochondrial function in brown adipose tissue (BAT) has been classically assessed by measuring either the levels/activity of mitochondrial enzymes, or the respiration in isolated mitochondria. Isolation of mitochondria is not advantageous because it demands significant time and amount of tissue and, as tissue homogenates, disrupts biochemical and physical connections of mitochondria within the cell. Here, we described a new and efficient protocol to analyze the mitochondrial respiratory states in BAT biopsies that relies on intracellular triglyceride depletion followed by tissue permeabilization. In addition to minimizing tissue requirements to ∼17 mg wet weight, the proposed protocol enabled analysis of all mitochondrial respiratory states, including phosphorylation (OXPHOS), no-phosphorylation (LEAK), and uncoupled (ETS) states, as well as the use of substrates for complex I, complex II, and cytochrome c; together, these features demonstrated mitochondrial integrity and validated the preparation efficacy. Therefore, the protocol described here increases the possibilities of answering physiological questions related to small BAT regions of human and animal models, which shall help to unravel the mechanisms that regulate mitochondrial function in health and disease.
{"25188": 0.0836181640625, "86467": 0.19921875, "3089": 0.152587890625, "29887": 0.205810546875, "289": 0.05621337890625, "32354": 0.191162109375, "20655": 0.1390380859375, "771": 0.0885009765625, "2408": 0.073974609375, "1636": 0.03558349609375, "118055": 0.029937744140625, "538": 0.004367828369140625, "77950": 0.0166778564453125, "71": 0.004451751708984375, "11": 0.10064697265625, "11301": 0.06903076171875, "5526": 0.07818603515625, "31486": 0.12939453125, "70": 0.00450897216796875, "1260": 0.04736328125, "126": 0.035430908203125, "136": 0.00429534912109375, "64": 0.001255035400390625, "187735": 0.11285400390625, "111": 0.00455474853515625, "150009": 0.214599609375, "2481": 0.08612060546875, "60875": 0.0134735107421875, "18709": 0.040496826171875, "7": 0.004528045654296875, "3574": 0.1536865234375, "31": 0.101806640625, "23": 0.031646728515625, "119455": 0.20458984375, "78381": 0.117919921875, "108055": 0.18017578125, "75999": 0.262451171875, "16": 0.00403594970703125, "1556": 0.005229949951171875, "18507": 0.1263427734375, "71407": 0.004604339599609375, "202120": 0.15087890625, "297": 0.004520416259765625, "390": 0.0045166015625, "163": 0.11529541015625, "162": 0.137939453125, "90926": 0.062408447265625, "71234": 0.060333251953125, "193807": 0.1025390625, "90": 0.004604339599609375, "4": 0.004566192626953125, "45746": 0.227294921875, "1363": 0.004486083984375, "54015": 0.1558837890625, "3674": 0.00452423095703125, "48922": 0.1353759765625, "57860": 0.0826416015625, "83": 0.0019683837890625, "959": 0.05767822265625, "92940": 0.146240234375, "10821": 0.004337310791015625, "442": 0.00444793701171875, "35968": 0.0360107421875, "1733": 0.00017642974853515625, "41170": 0.00128936767578125, "13": 0.004482269287109375, "12840": 0.1021728515625, "1409": 0.0016393661499023438, "63614": 0.003932952880859375, "226586": 0.13525390625, "34610": 0.0272674560546875, "21533": 0.00435638427734375, "72761": 0.004444122314453125, "94878": 0.07562255859375, "28032": 0.06219482421875, "38750": 0.11614990234375, "11853": 0.0010833740234375, "151552": 0.07427978515625, "10": 0.0026874542236328125, "3525": 0.053497314453125, "93766": 0.176025390625, "91363": 0.232421875, "7968": 0.162353515625, "53": 0.0252227783203125, "143435": 0.2474365234375, "117249": 0.1510009765625, "111233": 0.25439453125, "3530": 0.1038818359375, "15759": 0.15234375, "450": 0.0007300376892089844, "28702": 0.06591796875, "98": 0.00441741943359375, "18440": 0.061279296875, "8969": 0.07769775390625, "120087": 0.00469207763671875, "1927": 0.09356689453125, "110608": 0.098876953125, "53038": 0.124267578125, "112": 0.004474639892578125, "8": 0.12213134765625, "8705": 0.19384765625, "134629": 0.004650115966796875, "117": 0.034912109375, "282": 0.155029296875, "16144": 0.10382080078125, "47691": 0.0030345916748046875, "360": 0.0043792724609375, "47": 0.004486083984375, "14786": 0.12152099609375, "84382": 0.0019483566284179688, "96679": 0.11077880859375, "6": 0.004474639892578125, "166406": 0.0018167495727539062, "2489": 0.10107421875, "12010": 0.115966796875, "36311": 0.1580810546875, "57888": 0.1617431640625, "26171": 0.0723876953125, "225081": 0.031280517578125, "114137": 0.1507568359375, "756": 0.037506103515625, "134208": 0.064208984375, "139006": 0.1075439453125, "63588": 0.08990478515625, "54259": 0.1434326171875, "7285": 0.1458740234375, "247": 0.004558563232421875, "110": 0.072998046875, "9": 0.004119873046875, "110376": 0.1629638671875, "605": 0.08917236328125, "51": 0.0016145706176757812, "587": 0.00275421142578125, "6259": 0.004520416259765625, "83435": 0.09356689453125, "237": 0.00440216064453125, "218250": 0.08197021484375, "100": 0.003307342529296875, "27140": 0.10430908203125, "1995": 0.024810791015625, "7761": 0.0576171875, "501": 0.00966644287109375, "74": 0.004009246826171875, "25842": 0.0014858245849609375, "6097": 0.0039520263671875, "9114": 0.077392578125, "44622": 0.0281524658203125, "212485": 0.0860595703125, "9129": 0.01471710205078125, "22346": 0.020751953125, "3688": 0.031768798828125, "51312": 0.079345703125, "97370": 0.0250244140625, "2449": 0.0044097900390625, "35166": 0.048065185546875, "214": 0.0044708251953125, "240877": 0.0545654296875, "17582": 0.038177490234375, "19336": 0.068603515625, "10776": 0.0418701171875, "14135": 0.0239105224609375, "26249": 0.06634521484375, "115774": 0.140869140625, "191619": 0.047027587890625, "15913": 0.129150390625, "16227": 0.06719970703125, "70997": 0.04974365234375}
HES-1 preserves purified hematopoietic stem cells ex vivo and accumulates side population cells in vivo.
Mouse long-term hematopoietic reconstituting cells exist in the c-Kit+Sca-1+Lin- (KSL) cell population; among them, CD34(low/-) cells represent the most highly purified population of hematopoietic stem cells in the adult bone marrow. Here, we demonstrate that retrovirus-mediated transduction of CD34(low/-)c-Kit+Sca-1+Lin- (34-KSL) cells with the HES-1 gene, which encodes a basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor functioning downstream of the Notch receptor, and is a key molecule for the growth phase of neural stem cells in the embryo, preserves the long-term reconstituting activity of these cells in vitro. We also show that cells derived from the HES-1-transduced 34-KSL population produce progenies characterized by negative Hoechst dye staining, which defines the side population, and by CD34(low/-) profile in the bone marrow KSL population in each recipient mouse at ratios 3.5- and 7.8-fold those produced by nontransduced 34-KSL-derived competitor cells. We conclude that HES-1 preserves the long-term reconstituting hematopoietic activity of 34-KSL stem cells ex vivo. Up-regulation of HES-1 protein in the 34-KSL population before unnecessary cell division, that is, without retrovirus transduction, may represent a potent approach to absolute expansion of hematopoietic stem cells.
{"174799": 0.2113037109375, "4989": 0.07568359375, "32166": 0.17333984375, "153838": 0.18798828125, "36400": 0.11175537109375, "478": 0.135009765625, "9523": 0.03167724609375, "44188": 0.1402587890625, "13480": 0.171142578125, "1916": 0.031463623046875, "38750": 0.218505859375, "32316": 0.11419677734375, "501": 0.055511474609375, "605": 0.0936279296875, "217": 0.1453857421875, "1328": 0.0960693359375, "408": 0.11279296875, "5759": 0.20849609375, "866": 0.1917724609375, "73": 0.145751953125, "20113": 0.1263427734375, "16": 0.0172119140625, "43904": 0.1553955078125, "2856": 0.0132904052734375, "7915": 0.127685546875, "10289": 0.28515625, "17336": 0.12744140625, "64": 0.0158843994140625, "9": 0.03814697265625, "7": 0.0174560546875, "33636": 0.11932373046875, "70": 0.0174560546875, "2684": 0.083740234375, "103210": 0.07501220703125, "7398": 0.1358642578125, "47314": 0.01548004150390625, "111": 0.017333984375, "36418": 0.1710205078125, "25171": 0.1475830078125, "32881": 0.142822265625, "1108": 0.0634765625, "15555": 0.1756591796875, "4": 0.017578125, "106804": 0.045013427734375, "24036": 0.165771484375, "76912": 0.2152099609375, "12333": 0.1453857421875, "3674": 0.0139312744140625, "3900": 0.1412353515625, "77391": 0.139892578125, "238": 0.00014281272888183594, "294": 0.01568603515625, "15": 0.0150909423828125, "572": 0.1773681640625, "6706": 0.248779296875, "22293": 0.1893310546875, "22": 0.0276336669921875, "40899": 0.13427734375, "10": 0.01727294921875, "62822": 0.09918212890625, "50651": 0.138916015625, "425": 0.1278076171875, "28354": 0.1932373046875, "54140": 0.1383056640625, "30334": 0.0655517578125, "59478": 0.1097412109375, "31461": 0.12164306640625, "32354": 0.048309326171875, "214": 0.016357421875, "7565": 0.01338958740234375, "86429": 0.11358642578125, "11205": 0.1329345703125, "206": 0.15771484375, "137376": 0.1715087890625, "136": 0.0170135498046875, "83": 0.01535797119140625, "22799": 0.1414794921875, "49711": 0.0806884765625, "75449": 0.017791748046875, "100": 0.0136260986328125, "75678": 0.111083984375, "93402": 0.06634521484375, "108": 0.00836181640625, "82451": 0.11895751953125, "352": 0.0283203125, "21731": 0.1500244140625, "31": 0.0171966552734375, "479": 0.04248046875, "86687": 0.170166015625, "103488": 0.117919921875, "23": 0.017486572265625, "279": 0.10308837890625, "2955": 0.1512451171875, "450": 0.01360321044921875, "16406": 0.0445556640625, "4126": 0.017730712890625, "1295": 0.00421905517578125, "30145": 0.08636474609375, "106357": 0.051025390625, "71": 0.01739501953125, "4442": 0.2568359375, "27489": 0.09686279296875, "67973": 0.168212890625, "2597": 0.19189453125, "62816": 0.06414794921875, "29367": 0.0175018310546875, "390": 0.0175628662109375, "40907": 0.1470947265625, "15849": 0.0748291015625, "271": 0.12103271484375, "2160": 0.11444091796875, "13": 0.0166168212890625, "1924": 0.1385498046875, "14653": 0.128173828125, "3129": 0.0009350776672363281, "61924": 0.08917236328125, "5609": 0.1551513671875, "132": 0.00536346435546875, "60641": 0.0189056396484375, "341": 0.043701171875, "30508": 0.228759765625, "134003": 0.08648681640625, "114669": 0.2230224609375, "99": 0.0174102783203125, "70460": 0.04180908203125, "38704": 0.0057373046875, "6": 0.0172882080078125, "176391": 0.0157623291015625, "42822": 0.01346588134765625, "8382": 0.0174407958984375, "181653": 0.0294342041015625, "351": 0.037109375, "14": 0.0173187255859375, "28813": 0.1287841796875, "1290": 0.0172119140625, "1119": 0.04541015625, "16622": 0.18505859375, "10091": 0.03466796875, "62881": 0.1448974609375, "2320": 0.017120361328125, "21308": 0.1416015625, "8108": 0.00986480712890625, "86": 0.01702880859375, "26531": 0.05511474609375, "6635": 0.0175323486328125, "91853": 0.1453857421875, "1543": 0.0416259765625, "114680": 0.10455322265625, "51515": 0.0628662109375, "47": 0.0174102783203125, "89931": 0.08697509765625, "14700": 0.0257720947265625, "66": 0.0740966796875, "6889": 0.017578125}
Measuring Absolute RNA Copy Numbers at High Temporal Resolution Reveals Transcriptome Kinetics in Development.
Transcript regulation is essential for cell function, and misregulation can lead to disease. Despite technologies to survey the transcriptome, we lack a comprehensive understanding of transcript kinetics, which limits quantitative biology. This is an acute challenge in embryonic development, where rapid changes in gene expression dictate cell fate decisions. By ultra-high-frequency sampling of Xenopus embryos and absolute normalization of sequence reads, we present smooth gene expression trajectories in absolute transcript numbers. During a developmental period approximating the first 8 weeks of human gestation, transcript kinetics vary by eight orders of magnitude. Ordering genes by expression dynamics, we find that "temporal synexpression" predicts common gene function. Remarkably, a single parameter, the characteristic timescale, can classify transcript kinetics globally and distinguish genes regulating development from those involved in cellular metabolism. Overall, our analysis provides unprecedented insight into the reorganization of maternal and embryonic transcripts and redefines our ability to perform quantitative biology.
{"60532": 0.18408203125, "32032": 0.26416015625, "15913": 0.2529296875, "1363": 0.054168701171875, "83": 0.00930023193359375, "85590": 0.166015625, "100": 0.0276031494140625, "38750": 0.1451416015625, "32354": 0.1556396484375, "1239": 0.06219482421875, "62881": 0.2529296875, "2320": 0.061553955078125, "831": 0.06146240234375, "37105": 0.08941650390625, "70997": 0.1387939453125, "61518": 0.0011816024780273438, "118299": 0.10382080078125, "110297": 0.09393310546875, "30334": 0.1929931640625, "13450": 0.147216796875, "92635": 0.06524658203125, "199083": 0.06298828125, "100094": 0.10699462890625, "200": 0.1343994140625, "86": 0.1453857421875, "41637": 0.12176513671875, "17475": 0.11187744140625, "88779": 0.1676025390625, "5844": 0.034515380859375, "333": 0.0653076171875, "25443": 0.07794189453125, "85691": 0.070068359375, "66801": 0.12353515625, "352": 0.04833984375, "21731": 0.1507568359375, "31": 0.025787353515625, "6402": 0.01953125, "34754": 0.154052734375, "25545": 0.0916748046875, "65572": 0.09490966796875, "22293": 0.1549072265625, "125195": 0.173583984375, "28214": 0.06915283203125, "87714": 0.10791015625, "115299": 0.09698486328125, "19914": 0.0185394287109375, "12176": 0.058502197265625, "2676": 0.07781982421875, "22742": 0.06451416015625, "157": 0.08636474609375, "7332": 0.16259765625, "232": 0.0153961181640625, "89931": 0.1370849609375, "3638": 0.095458984375, "12301": 0.1466064453125, "13379": 0.048614501953125, "156100": 0.1871337890625, "182418": 0.107666015625, "101935": 0.09033203125, "133698": 0.01018524169921875, "14922": 0.06707763671875, "5117": 0.017822265625, "382": 0.09051513671875, "40859": 0.1195068359375, "14135": 0.054443359375, "700": 0.07781982421875, "41311": 0.136962890625, "285": 0.168212890625, "136659": 0.10986328125, "12989": 0.0965576171875, "101668": 0.038116455078125, "81206": 0.193359375, "390": 0.005504608154296875, "84079": 0.12451171875, "99736": 0.1640625, "6002": 0.11846923828125, "204629": 0.23388671875, "92054": 0.162109375, "39210": 0.1268310546875, "11001": 0.08270263671875, "171859": 0.139404296875, "62816": 0.12493896484375, "20028": 0.06732177734375, "57965": 0.15673828125, "18507": 0.1129150390625, "7964": 0.0694580078125, "157167": 0.103271484375, "75412": 0.006866455078125, "2927": 0.05572509765625, "120087": 0.00771331787109375, "159531": 0.1356201171875, "114137": 0.0687255859375, "149201": 0.0657958984375, "206431": 0.1612548828125, "57988": 0.111328125, "136": 0.0142974853515625, "15265": 0.01056671142578125, "64552": 0.03094482421875, "81273": 0.0408935546875, "51339": 0.0122833251953125}
Inflammasome activation by adenylate cyclase toxin directs Th17 responses and protection against Bordetella pertussis.
Inflammasome-mediated IL-1beta production is central to the innate immune defects that give rise to certain autoinflammatory diseases and may also be associated with the generation of IL-17-producing CD4(+) T (Th17) cells that mediate autoimmunity. However, the role of the inflammasome in driving adaptive immunity to infection has not been addressed. In this article, we demonstrate that inflammasome-mediated IL-1beta plays a critical role in promoting Ag-specific Th17 cells and in generating protective immunity against Bordetella pertussis infection. Using a murine respiratory challenge model, we demonstrated that the course of B. pertussis infection was significantly exacerbated in IL-1R type I-defective (IL-1RI(-/-)) mice. We found that adenylate cyclase toxin (CyaA), a key virulence factor secreted by B. pertussis, induced robust IL-1beta production by dendritic cells through activation of caspase-1 and the NALP3-containing inflammasome complex. Using mutant toxins, we demonstrate that CyaA-mediated activation of caspase-1 was not dependent on adenylate cyclase enzyme activity but was dependent on the pore-forming capacity of CyaA. In addition, CyaA promoted the induction of Ag-specific Th17 cells in wild-type but not IL-1RI(-/-) mice. Furthermore, the bacterial load was enhanced in IL-17-defective mice. Our findings demonstrate that CyaA, a virulence factor from B. pertussis, promotes innate IL-1beta production via activation of the NALP3 inflammasome and, thereby, polarizes T cell responses toward the Th17 subtype. In addition to its known role in subverting host immunity, our findings suggest that CyaA can promote IL-1beta-mediated Th17 cells, which promote clearance of the bacteria from the respiratory tract.
{"360": 0.0172119140625, "170180": 0.1600341796875, "192": 0.07781982421875, "43452": 0.2076416015625, "12333": 0.233154296875, "3674": 0.054901123046875, "30219": 0.20361328125, "5759": 0.168212890625, "59865": 0.305419921875, "36049": 0.1644287109375, "9879": 0.1259765625, "70": 0.0135040283203125, "2083": 0.130859375, "2182": 0.11126708984375, "43766": 0.209228515625, "72104": 0.2117919921875, "58944": 0.033111572265625, "47": 0.08013916015625, "1809": 0.1253662109375, "73": 0.000896453857421875, "31667": 0.01329803466796875, "70997": 0.066650390625, "7": 0.013214111328125, "136": 0.01276397705078125, "1543": 0.023162841796875, "186": 0.0129547119140625, "137272": 0.0875244140625, "678": 0.01324462890625, "58093": 0.045196533203125, "111": 0.01320648193359375, "13521": 0.17919921875, "9": 0.013153076171875, "102446": 0.10272216796875, "214": 0.013824462890625, "7915": 0.037261962890625, "617": 0.08758544921875, "102817": 0.08306884765625, "384": 0.025848388671875, "20800": 0.06390380859375, "59741": 0.15087890625, "38750": 0.1798095703125, "450": 0.00457000732421875, "2450": 0.1533203125, "67": 0.01342010498046875, "464": 0.06451416015625, "12303": 0.10870361328125, "4": 0.01313018798828125, "31486": 0.1585693359375, "41036": 0.2108154296875, "18023": 0.1746826171875, "132442": 0.152099609375, "39908": 0.1947021484375, "5844": 0.01316070556640625, "2481": 0.041259765625, "159634": 0.217529296875, "959": 0.035308837890625, "2809": 0.013275146484375, "29823": 0.0318603515625, "297": 0.013092041015625, "5582": 0.0013799667358398438, "106804": 0.03778076171875, "13": 0.1063232421875, "11301": 0.06768798828125, "10": 0.06072998046875, "130306": 0.12115478515625, "8891": 0.189697265625, "12342": 0.12158203125, "159975": 0.17431640625, "6003": 0.1175537109375, "2489": 0.21435546875, "23": 0.01343536376953125, "12663": 0.068359375, "1916": 0.0131072998046875, "59959": 0.12158203125, "26548": 0.0616455078125, "48606": 0.12890625, "36378": 0.2032470703125, "117": 0.1043701171875, "2143": 0.21142578125, "6023": 0.1546630859375, "7828": 0.049591064453125, "1212": 0.01300048828125, "143435": 0.2091064453125, "53": 0.0130767822265625, "66801": 0.1446533203125, "3299": 0.15185546875, "15411": 0.05364990234375, "335": 0.08892822265625, "509": 0.014007568359375, "207583": 0.054901123046875, "11": 0.01303863525390625, "3443": 0.086669921875, "2848": 0.01318359375, "1052": 0.077880859375, "10644": 0.10107421875, "87": 0.038482666015625, "112": 0.059661865234375, "420": 0.09149169921875, "100034": 0.048980712890625, "15": 0.01268768310546875, "16444": 0.092041015625, "16625": 0.10882568359375, "132": 0.01309967041015625, "64": 0.0081329345703125, "16": 0.0131072998046875, "324": 0.1424560546875, "329": 0.013153076171875, "555": 0.1448974609375, "7809": 0.167724609375, "19932": 0.063232421875, "18347": 0.1881103515625, "169577": 0.236572265625, "441": 0.031494140625, "395": 0.1824951171875, "284": 0.1685791015625, "247": 0.0122222900390625, "22799": 0.07769775390625, "1017": 0.034088134765625, "202": 0.1097412109375, "6620": 0.0132293701171875, "31461": 0.161376953125, "23410": 0.16162109375, "390": 0.0133209228515625, "135989": 0.1033935546875, "60627": 0.1300048828125, "8": 0.016510009765625, "29887": 0.0623779296875, "9523": 0.01314544677734375, "8305": 0.0072784423828125, "34704": 0.11041259765625, "1363": 0.01314544677734375, "4611": 0.0836181640625, "3166": 0.1422119140625, "3076": 0.050018310546875, "37352": 0.11663818359375, "27495": 0.061767578125, "98102": 0.0067901611328125, "14653": 0.0130157470703125, "842": 0.07647705078125, "18211": 0.015472412109375, "313": 0.05169677734375, "108750": 0.043121337890625, "98": 0.01305389404296875, "184": 0.013153076171875, "193807": 0.0968017578125, "1284": 0.013092041015625, "196": 0.0882568359375, "177399": 0.012664794921875, "125568": 0.165771484375, "71": 0.0132598876953125, "77391": 0.10260009765625, "56409": 0.11676025390625, "50986": 0.09320068359375, "27766": 0.00724029541015625, "9319": 0.01319122314453125, "17678": 0.01274871826171875, "152818": 0.1658935546875, "141": 0.01312255859375, "72367": 0.042236328125, "156856": 0.1141357421875, "1295": 0.00901031494140625, "1829": 0.0128173828125, "363": 0.0740966796875, "2685": 0.0129241943359375, "1272": 0.013153076171875, "1703": 0.007061004638671875, "13105": 0.01316070556640625, "57553": 0.010833740234375, "154732": 0.009979248046875, "66044": 0.006397247314453125, "51529": 0.009918212890625, "814": 0.07391357421875, "27980": 0.06610107421875, "831": 0.027069091796875, "34735": 0.1014404296875, "7154": 0.0131683349609375, "98687": 0.0704345703125}
Infection and apoptosis as a combined inflammatory trigger.
While inflammatory phagocytosis of microbial pathogens and non-inflammatory phagocytosis of apoptotic cells have each been studied extensively, the consequences of innate immune recognition of host cells undergoing apoptosis as a direct result of infection are unclear. In this situation, the innate immune system is confronted with mixed signals, those from apoptotic cells and those from the infecting pathogen. Nuclear receptor activation has been implicated downstream of apoptotic cell recognition while Toll-like receptors are the prototypical inflammatory receptors engaged during infection. When the two signals combine, a new set of events takes place beginning with transrepression of a subset of inflammatory-response genes and ending with the induction of a T helper-17 adaptive immune response. This response is best suited for clearing the infecting pathogen and repairing the damage that occurred to the host tissue during infection.
{"41036": 0.156494140625, "18023": 0.133544921875, "31667": 0.055419921875, "40681": 0.139892578125, "519": 0.102294921875, "2408": 0.100830078125, "1952": 0.0933837890625, "164": 0.08441162109375, "11948": 0.061614990234375, "964": 0.050628662109375, "60875": 0.0689697265625, "62976": 0.1661376953125, "351": 0.10662841796875, "170180": 0.151123046875, "192": 0.0721435546875, "6885": 0.12103271484375, "40934": 0.1934814453125, "9523": 0.049285888671875, "38750": 0.176513671875, "12638": 0.00922393798828125, "22282": 0.08685302734375, "212678": 0.1944580078125, "2083": 0.1632080078125, "2182": 0.12481689453125, "43766": 0.2078857421875, "13": 0.04388427734375, "230466": 0.1861572265625, "27980": 0.1658935546875, "1379": 0.0024566650390625, "6023": 0.1312255859375, "8951": 0.0924072265625, "16750": 0.11505126953125, "159634": 0.2083740234375, "51": 0.0333251953125, "119488": 0.133056640625, "16648": 0.040008544921875, "5426": 0.12548828125, "20549": 0.10406494140625, "17664": 0.157470703125, "26073": 0.1925048828125, "75622": 0.1409912109375, "1429": 0.0584716796875, "137376": 0.1959228515625, "34704": 0.12353515625, "17914": 0.0994873046875, "7565": 0.0572509765625, "86429": 0.1187744140625, "156105": 0.213623046875, "5062": 0.10577392578125, "160469": 0.154296875, "81810": 0.07745361328125, "20271": 0.055511474609375, "14847": 0.01079559326171875, "6626": 0.0592041015625, "70163": 0.143798828125, "3525": 0.0151824951171875, "5423": 0.0253448486328125, "47353": 0.0985107421875, "3900": 0.055267333984375, "107": 0.07330322265625, "48448": 0.1802978515625, "134719": 0.0999755859375, "22293": 0.10784912109375, "86658": 0.036163330078125, "77391": 0.109619140625, "384": 0.09368896484375, "4358": 0.193115234375, "56": 0.07537841796875, "13521": 0.1710205078125, "39908": 0.1456298828125, "57553": 0.1416015625, "2965": 0.050537109375, "14947": 0.0802001953125, "34735": 0.07452392578125, "121461": 0.0703125, "82649": 0.09674072265625, "108055": 0.0657958984375}
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia with t(14;19)(q32;q13) is characterized by atypical morphologic and immunophenotypic features and distinctive genetic features.
The t(14;19)(q32;q13) involving the IGH@ and BCL3 loci is an infrequent cytogenetic abnormality detected in B-cell malignancies. We describe the clinicopathologic, cytogenetic, and molecular genetic characteristics of 14 cases of chronic lymphocytic leukemia/small lymphocytic lymphoma (CLL/SLL) with t(14;19)(q32;q13). All patients (10 men and 4 women) had lymphocytosis; 10 had lymphadenopathy. Blood and bone marrow lymphocytes were predominantly small, but cytologically and immunophenotypically atypical. In all cases, t(14;19) was found in the neoplastic stem line; it was the sole abnormality in 4. Ten cases showed additional cytogenetic abnormalities, including trisomy 12 in 9 and complex karyotypes in 7. Fluorescence in situ hybridization demonstrated IGH@/BCL3 fusion gene in all cases. In all cases, the IGHV genes were unmutated, but only 7 expressed ZAP70. Seven cases preferentially used IGHV4-39. Our results indicate that t(14;19)(q32;q13) identifies a subset of CLL/SLL with distinctive clinicopathologic and genetic features. Furthermore, t(14;19) may represent an early, possibly primary, genetic event.
{"808": 0.1876220703125, "132": 0.03314208984375, "2592": 0.2607421875, "74": 0.1483154296875, "98864": 0.2474365234375, "864": 0.1309814453125, "6460": 0.251953125, "63258": 0.2169189453125, "3784": 0.10369873046875, "95954": 0.2332763671875, "981": 0.2113037109375, "136": 0.11322021484375, "335": 0.1507568359375, "37486": 0.16064453125, "363": 0.1865234375, "7001": 0.15478515625, "14": 0.116943359375, "83": 0.020294189453125, "23": 0.05657958984375, "12176": 0.143798828125, "26513": 0.11932373046875, "18": 0.005733489990234375, "19932": 0.09307861328125, "188": 0.11962890625, "15292": 0.2080078125, "9523": 0.005657196044921875, "1563": 0.125, "33176": 0.23388671875, "2481": 0.0246429443359375, "96391": 0.12890625, "9": 0.02667236328125, "34680": 0.16748046875, "186470": 0.1138916015625, "117538": 0.0029754638671875, "98363": 0.06695556640625, "56465": 0.12152099609375, "128405": 0.10760498046875, "60920": 0.048370361328125, "4": 0.00574493408203125, "233239": 0.0391845703125, "101412": 0.1937255859375, "62816": 0.1292724609375, "48242": 0.066162109375, "7": 0.005931854248046875, "616": 0.186767578125, "50218": 0.1383056640625, "111": 0.005962371826171875, "184843": 0.1871337890625, "238757": 0.1688232421875, "31": 0.016265869140625, "2408": 0.1185302734375, "39983": 0.151123046875, "7605": 0.1513671875, "64": 0.1292724609375, "69070": 0.1298828125, "8945": 0.1185302734375, "15": 0.005008697509765625, "441": 0.01947021484375, "23708": 0.20166015625, "294": 0.050079345703125, "16": 0.0055999755859375, "3164": 0.03436279296875, "60264": 0.11676025390625, "15094": 0.10235595703125, "453": 0.08917236328125, "201": 0.10968017578125, "24793": 0.138916015625, "1902": 0.041595458984375, "1952": 0.087890625, "164": 0.0792236328125, "209": 0.084716796875, "2873": 0.11163330078125, "157": 0.058197021484375, "192592": 0.1319580078125, "105591": 0.10491943359375, "32881": 0.10345458984375, "1108": 0.06243896484375, "15555": 0.1390380859375, "3542": 0.00551605224609375, "156531": 0.1138916015625, "660": 0.00598907470703125, "538": 0.005859375, "19336": 0.1273193359375, "109622": 0.00612640380859375, "43766": 0.10919189453125, "88322": 0.08856201171875, "46280": 0.135498046875, "71407": 0.006015777587890625, "10": 0.005741119384765625, "21533": 0.005916595458984375, "360": 0.00588226318359375, "756": 0.054840087890625, "14037": 0.08477783203125, "70": 0.005779266357421875, "16169": 0.1182861328125, "72325": 0.19873046875, "1771": 0.00499725341796875, "36418": 0.1630859375, "13315": 0.1844482421875, "442": 0.005237579345703125, "509": 0.03228759765625, "31247": 0.1405029296875, "1398": 0.1295166015625, "5531": 0.1485595703125, "78301": 0.111083984375, "31075": 0.00597381591796875, "1927": 0.134765625, "5084": 0.22021484375, "53": 0.004131317138671875, "427": 0.169677734375, "483": 0.182373046875, "27140": 0.13916015625, "1185": 0.12249755859375, "1410": 0.0450439453125, "50986": 0.21875, "2861": 0.0999755859375, "36157": 0.1109619140625, "80790": 0.10504150390625, "24311": 0.20361328125, "113490": 0.201171875, "47691": 0.042633056640625, "106804": 0.041229248046875, "571": 0.03875732421875, "119485": 0.2030029296875, "22293": 0.1593017578125, "6": 0.004009246826171875, "856": 0.23779296875, "51": 0.0249786376953125, "68754": 0.129638671875, "297": 0.005962371826171875, "4734": 0.041961669921875, "361": 0.095947265625, "36510": 0.08233642578125, "7450": 0.09234619140625, "683": 0.06268310546875, "5757": 0.18603515625, "132556": 0.092041015625, "12601": 0.10369873046875, "80973": 0.005832672119140625, "11814": 0.084228515625, "35748": 0.10614013671875, "9323": 0.197998046875, "42485": 0.111083984375, "90": 0.00519561767578125, "1614": 0.125732421875, "3509": 0.01111602783203125, "313": 0.039947509765625, "678": 0.0054168701171875, "117781": 0.148681640625, "5844": 0.00605010986328125, "66139": 0.08758544921875, "9319": 0.00585174560546875, "1543": 0.05999755859375, "33636": 0.089599609375, "142": 0.005512237548828125, "39395": 0.08038330078125, "144681": 0.057647705078125, "158978": 0.099609375, "19732": 0.08172607421875}
Risk factors for the development of gallstone recurrence following medical dissolution. The British-Italian Gallstone Study Group.
OBJECTIVE To assess risk factors for gallstone recurrence following non-surgical treatment. DESIGN A prospective follow-up of a multicentre cohort of post-dissolution gallstone patients. SETTING Six gastroenterology units in the UK and Italy. PARTICIPANTS One hundred and sixty-three patients with confirmed gallstone dissolution following non-surgical therapy (bile acids or lithotripsy plus bile acids), followed up by ultrasound scan and clinical assessment at 6-monthly intervals for up to 6 years (median, 25 months; range, 6-70 months). OUTCOME MEASURES Subject-related variables (sex, age, height, weight, body mass index), gallstone-related variables (number, diameter, presence of symptoms, months to complete stone clearance), treatment modalities (bile acid therapy, extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy) and follow-up related variables (weight change, use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents, statins, pregnancies and/or use of oestrogens) were assessed by univariate and multivariate analysis as putative risk factors for gallstone recurrence. RESULTS Forty-five gallstone recurrences were observed during the follow-up period. Multiple primary gallstones and length of time to achieve gallstone dissolution were the only variables associated with a significant increase in the recurrence rate. Appearance of biliary sludge during follow-up was also significantly related to development of gallstone recurrence. Use of statins or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents did not confer protection against recurrence. CONCLUSIONS Patients with primary single stones are the best candidates for non-surgical treatment of gallstones, because of a low risk of gallstone recurrence. The positive association of recurrence with biliary sludge formation and time to dissolution of primary stones may provide indirect confirmation for the role of impaired gallbladder motility in the pathogenesis of this condition.
{"35988": 0.0791015625, "15301": 0.1328125, "441": 0.0288848876953125, "169813": 0.0015649795532226562, "202120": 0.092529296875, "10512": 0.16455078125, "120103": 0.174072265625, "24810": 0.23046875, "34165": 0.2183837890625, "456": 0.10797119140625, "64240": 0.248779296875, "6620": 0.06695556640625, "25632": 0.04559326171875, "351": 0.1318359375, "36447": 0.0955810546875, "21533": 0.057830810546875, "39734": 0.175537109375, "223188": 0.1470947265625, "109736": 0.08544921875, "5844": 0.0181121826171875, "28960": 0.1278076171875, "2037": 0.087890625, "6024": 0.053192138671875, "115068": 0.1033935546875, "5922": 0.061920166015625, "111": 0.019134521484375, "1305": 0.1204833984375, "3827": 0.10174560546875, "166589": 0.2015380859375, "60264": 0.1435546875, "128565": 0.033538818359375, "84247": 0.114501953125, "83647": 0.10791015625, "36126": 0.088134765625, "25443": 0.0897216796875, "25072": 0.126708984375, "7": 0.022857666015625, "23": 0.01898193359375, "70": 0.0191192626953125, "17274": 0.08428955078125, "136": 0.0188140869140625, "98848": 0.11346435546875, "180070": 0.0218505859375, "17304": 0.04595947265625, "75281": 0.02166748046875, "37195": 0.03094482421875, "939": 0.017364501953125, "9": 0.019256591796875, "927": 0.01885986328125, "107": 0.0760498046875, "13": 0.0189361572265625, "39563": 0.1412353515625, "297": 0.01910400390625, "2837": 0.11279296875, "106864": 0.1331787109375, "15": 0.0189208984375, "5462": 0.16259765625, "43840": 0.151611328125, "707": 0.0184326171875, "16060": 0.062408447265625, "497": 0.018463134765625, "3996": 0.0560302734375, "51775": 0.0185699462890625, "9361": 0.1478271484375, "247": 0.0189971923828125, "134629": 0.08673095703125, "1257": 0.0188751220703125, "390": 0.0189971923828125, "19914": 0.07391357421875, "165207": 0.0177154541015625, "44954": 0.017333984375, "56465": 0.0293426513671875, "289": 0.0190582275390625, "164031": 0.1390380859375, "99": 0.0189666748046875, "13007": 0.09210205078125, "15477": 0.06878662109375, "127": 0.019073486328125, "538": 0.0189361572265625, "51514": 0.139892578125, "100": 0.0191650390625, "47": 0.01904296875, "305": 0.09197998046875, "5369": 0.018585205078125, "12333": 0.0675048828125, "19": 0.0191192626953125, "4": 0.01922607421875, "714": 0.06414794921875, "21775": 0.1158447265625, "74": 0.0186767578125, "37457": 0.042327880859375, "80598": 0.056060791015625, "45962": 0.03173828125, "91245": 0.07073974609375, "11292": 0.049560546875, "284": 0.06689453125, "94341": 0.12548828125, "174822": 0.0499267578125, "77336": 0.17236328125, "13802": 0.07171630859375, "32070": 0.020294189453125, "155955": 0.0086212158203125, "57888": 0.036224365234375, "1297": 0.01910400390625, "169424": 0.018463134765625, "28484": 0.0005345344543457031, "6": 0.0189666748046875, "34735": 0.0948486328125, "7154": 0.0191802978515625, "28020": 0.10821533203125, "31075": 0.019195556640625, "4173": 0.043609619140625, "86590": 0.0248260498046875, "31": 0.0187530517578125, "30544": 0.01898193359375, "129517": 0.097900390625, "259": 0.04473876953125, "272": 0.019073486328125, "16": 0.019012451171875, "62548": 0.0270538330078125, "165598": 0.079345703125, "4527": 0.01849365234375, "139629": 0.059783935546875, "73": 0.0186920166015625, "170180": 0.0262451171875, "192": 0.01910400390625, "31667": 0.0190277099609375, "97957": 0.04754638671875, "13321": 0.1090087890625, "1779": 0.0189361572265625, "479": 0.039306640625, "7456": 0.052154541015625, "117538": 0.0191802978515625, "64": 0.01190948486328125, "748": 0.0189208984375, "60451": 0.056915283203125, "20583": 0.006824493408203125, "3542": 0.0190582275390625, "124640": 0.019775390625, "67": 0.01922607421875, "114137": 0.017791748046875, "237": 0.016632080078125, "19983": 0.0118865966796875, "4935": 0.0189361572265625, "218849": 0.05633544921875, "19953": 0.02349853515625, "53": 0.016693115234375, "1029": 0.11737060546875, "69098": 0.0189361572265625, "139999": 0.0797119140625, "71": 0.0189208984375, "20271": 0.018707275390625, "14922": 0.05670166015625, "19335": 0.028839111328125, "8705": 0.018829345703125, "158978": 0.11871337890625, "140909": 0.050689697265625, "1733": 0.05914306640625, "69307": 0.0132598876953125, "4734": 0.023284912109375, "137272": 0.03973388671875, "678": 0.01898193359375, "10": 0.0189971923828125, "88551": 0.0247802734375, "51312": 0.111328125, "34515": 0.045074462890625, "7799": 0.138916015625, "6635": 0.08404541015625, "13584": 0.1180419921875, "61007": 0.08709716796875, "509": 0.0184173583984375, "207583": 0.0226898193359375, "34754": 0.03424072265625, "959": 0.0499267578125, "158": 0.0192718505859375, "48431": 0.0911865234375, "37486": 0.037139892578125, "135004": 0.125244140625, "11001": 0.1260986328125, "3474": 0.145263671875, "1444": 0.0284881591796875, "621": 0.01702880859375, "2965": 0.1234130859375, "25469": 0.13427734375, "90": 0.0192413330078125, "27226": 0.037841796875, "581": 0.01398468017578125, "24491": 0.08050537109375, "125413": 0.07904052734375, "1543": 0.007511138916015625, "22691": 0.018768310546875, "116361": 0.028350830078125, "169935": 0.03961181640625, "22877": 0.12054443359375, "2080": 0.0496826171875, "60875": 0.011688232421875, "62976": 0.0139007568359375, "164": 0.018951416015625, "903": 0.00864410400390625, "35431": 0.00836944580078125}
Deletion of the developmentally essential gene ATR in adult mice leads to age-related phenotypes and stem cell loss.
Developmental abnormalities, cancer, and premature aging each have been linked to defects in the DNA damage response (DDR). Mutations in the ATR checkpoint regulator cause developmental defects in mice (pregastrulation lethality) and humans (Seckel syndrome). Here we show that eliminating ATR in adult mice leads to defects in tissue homeostasis and the rapid appearance of age-related phenotypes, such as hair graying, alopecia, kyphosis, osteoporosis, thymic involution, fibrosis, and other abnormalities. Histological and genetic analyses indicate that ATR deletion causes acute cellular loss in tissues in which continuous cell proliferation is required for maintenance. Importantly, thymic involution, alopecia, and hair graying in ATR knockout mice were associated with dramatic reductions in tissue-specific stem and progenitor cells and exhaustion of tissue renewal and homeostatic capacity. In aggregate, these studies suggest that reduced regenerative capacity in adults via deletion of a developmentally essential DDR gene is sufficient to cause the premature appearance of age-related phenotypes.
{"55441": 0.1688232421875, "289": 0.04083251953125, "1563": 0.09912109375, "33176": 0.22216796875, "31075": 0.0733642578125, "27968": 0.1419677734375, "170176": 0.180908203125, "13": 0.00804901123046875, "66398": 0.1767578125, "12638": 0.0645751953125, "2809": 0.00870513916015625, "3126": 0.1534423828125, "297": 0.0080413818359375, "72104": 0.244384765625, "27583": 0.1573486328125, "82649": 0.2099609375, "57553": 0.177978515625, "397": 0.0237884521484375, "23498": 0.2244873046875, "118756": 0.1905517578125, "5256": 0.0211029052734375, "62": 0.10888671875, "28981": 0.290283203125, "12765": 0.1737060546875, "38496": 0.1915283203125, "144314": 0.27392578125, "22304": 0.10906982421875, "34754": 0.169921875, "7": 0.008209228515625, "324": 0.183349609375, "329": 0.11395263671875, "4692": 0.11395263671875, "208": 0.07305908203125, "10058": 0.1497802734375, "57860": 0.08074951171875, "95": 0.037445068359375, "927": 0.08868408203125, "134393": 0.0877685546875, "16": 0.007785797119140625, "118103": 0.12158203125, "4233": 0.11676025390625, "94558": 0.26708984375, "194923": 0.1834716796875, "7639": 0.02667236328125, "27169": 0.1842041015625, "1916": 0.0810546875, "23": 0.07159423828125, "25171": 0.1676025390625, "37105": 0.1116943359375, "108055": 0.1947021484375, "5368": 0.0858154296875, "5964": 0.18017578125, "6023": 0.06500244140625, "70": 0.00791168212890625, "25545": 0.11138916015625, "170894": 0.09490966796875, "111": 0.00812530517578125, "32070": 0.1510009765625, "9": 0.00777435302734375, "174822": 0.12841796875, "11521": 0.059173583984375, "21004": 0.068359375, "50986": 0.125732421875, "4": 0.00799560546875, "6044": 0.007663726806640625, "237": 0.007801055908203125, "24887": 0.253662109375, "4224": 0.16748046875, "38543": 0.1279296875, "10": 0.007572174072265625, "365": 0.1285400390625, "205973": 0.2152099609375, "5512": 0.02642822265625, "134208": 0.1397705078125, "164": 0.00817108154296875, "128204": 0.08905029296875, "4680": 0.132568359375, "84125": 0.008636474609375, "96055": 0.143798828125, "21068": 0.130615234375, "137089": 0.25439453125, "139940": 0.135986328125, "136": 0.007720947265625, "18763": 0.024810791015625, "109622": 0.00862884521484375, "101412": 0.06646728515625, "51422": 0.039581298828125, "117414": 0.00791168212890625, "24674": 0.2315673828125, "1363": 0.105712890625, "113660": 0.1141357421875, "85691": 0.163330078125, "2927": 0.0882568359375, "120087": 0.10491943359375, "86669": 0.09820556640625, "90": 0.00792694091796875, "62005": 0.11383056640625, "223": 0.007781982421875, "38750": 0.1221923828125, "215447": 0.12298583984375, "83": 0.00787353515625, "56065": 0.09295654296875, "100": 0.00701141357421875, "121097": 0.1202392578125, "162054": 0.01247406005859375, "538": 0.00811767578125, "186015": 0.1290283203125, "6056": 0.160888671875, "3542": 0.00806427001953125, "137272": 0.10394287109375, "678": 0.0081329345703125, "155034": 0.0836181640625, "74906": 0.1424560546875, "159975": 0.0587158203125, "36418": 0.1243896484375, "502": 0.0604248046875, "1409": 0.07867431640625, "26111": 0.00806427001953125, "146353": 0.10394287109375, "1830": 0.00804901123046875, "75312": 0.04180908203125, "8202": 0.00760650634765625, "31": 0.007106781005859375, "201939": 0.0213775634765625, "177399": 0.1302490234375, "360": 0.00804901123046875, "6": 0.0077056884765625, "197564": 0.04443359375, "96335": 0.034912109375, "42459": 0.01727294921875, "34390": 0.1146240234375, "71": 0.00820159912109375, "94410": 0.1334228515625, "4935": 0.00800323486328125, "116127": 0.135009765625, "1829": 0.0038890838623046875, "25958": 0.0081787109375, "85590": 0.1260986328125, "104621": 0.220458984375, "22293": 0.1915283203125, "129980": 0.10302734375}
Conventional and monocyte-derived CD11b(+) dendritic cells initiate and maintain T helper 2 cell-mediated immunity to house dust mite allergen.
Dendritic cells (DCs) are crucial for mounting allergic airway inflammation, but it is unclear which subset of DCs performs this task. By using CD64 and MAR-1 staining, we reliably separated CD11b(+) monocyte-derived DCs (moDCs) from conventional DCs (cDCs) and studied antigen uptake, migration, and presentation assays of lung and lymph node (LN) DCs in response to inhaled house dust mite (HDM). Mainly CD11b(+) cDCs but not CD103(+) cDCs induced T helper 2 (Th2) cell immunity in HDM-specific T cells in vitro and asthma in vivo. Studies in Flt3l(-/-) mice, lacking all cDCs, revealed that moDCs were also sufficient to induce Th2 cell-mediated immunity but only when high-dose HDM was given. The main function of moDCs was the production of proinflammatory chemokines and allergen presentation in the lung during challenge. Thus, we have identified migratory CD11b(+) cDCs as the principal subset inducing Th2 cell-mediated immunity in the LN, whereas moDCs orchestrate allergic inflammation in the lung.
{"262": 0.1363525390625, "29887": 0.2054443359375, "9523": 0.1348876953125, "38750": 0.2276611328125, "7": 0.1390380859375, "21960": 0.232177734375, "621": 0.0217132568359375, "106157": 0.196044921875, "100": 0.03564453125, "931": 0.11041259765625, "128396": 0.11883544921875, "46443": 0.238037109375, "238": 0.01142120361328125, "1831": 0.136962890625, "7514": 0.1741943359375, "203932": 0.214599609375, "51": 0.0214080810546875, "119488": 0.09027099609375, "1614": 0.11895751953125, "3509": 0.0875244140625, "31455": 0.19091796875, "51339": 0.114013671875, "903": 0.02545166015625, "66211": 0.1361083984375, "17368": 0.038665771484375, "7915": 0.1566162109375, "13307": 0.1904296875, "136": 0.01535797119140625, "29227": 0.09918212890625, "5759": 0.083740234375, "1924": 0.11688232421875, "14653": 0.079833984375, "28702": 0.0654296875, "84797": 0.1181640625, "1662": 0.2005615234375, "275": 0.1357421875, "102817": 0.1864013671875, "22460": 0.1175537109375, "2408": 0.08734130859375, "820": 0.0731201171875, "432": 0.12249755859375, "1295": 0.0197906494140625, "101805": 0.08172607421875, "22282": 0.00666046142578125, "2874": 0.1021728515625, "1409": 0.11785888671875, "1257": 0.064697265625, "78219": 0.005153656005859375, "212416": 0.11883544921875, "92252": 0.08392333984375, "20347": 0.003108978271484375, "32386": 0.1607666015625, "238757": 0.1009521484375, "110": 0.060882568359375, "81795": 0.1434326171875, "57553": 0.0723876953125, "23": 0.06793212890625, "4200": 0.157470703125, "18276": 0.1143798828125, "115": 0.144287109375, "271": 0.11602783203125, "491": 0.1368408203125, "16291": 0.1348876953125, "594": 0.1595458984375, "501": 0.041595458984375, "959": 0.0181121826171875, "63620": 0.1539306640625, "135989": 0.187744140625, "384": 0.08984375, "4358": 0.208984375, "56": 0.02532958984375, "116": 0.092041015625, "20800": 0.10845947265625, "10461": 0.1488037109375, "43766": 0.20947265625, "2481": 0.06488037109375, "4732": 0.13671875, "159975": 0.1573486328125, "279": 0.0968017578125, "2955": 0.07232666015625, "237": 0.0161590576171875, "927": 0.11419677734375, "16622": 0.1549072265625, "132268": 0.01116943359375, "1277": 0.04803466796875, "363": 0.03814697265625, "141": 0.0175018310546875, "324": 0.099365234375, "21": 0.033660888671875, "129980": 0.11669921875, "6003": 0.13037109375, "304": 0.177978515625, "12333": 0.1510009765625, "11192": 0.047698974609375, "1140": 0.05096435546875, "34475": 0.002685546875, "5201": 0.1318359375, "32354": 0.1947021484375, "509": 0.0172576904296875, "36049": 0.0789794921875, "502": 0.08013916015625, "170180": 0.1463623046875, "290": 0.0128326416015625, "31676": 0.09454345703125, "12741": 0.06744384765625, "10308": 0.189697265625, "66801": 0.1259765625, "207487": 0.07000732421875, "39666": 0.1551513671875, "31667": 0.04638671875, "7893": 0.1405029296875, "178992": 0.1846923828125, "2182": 0.03485107421875}
Interplay between the dividing cell and its neighbors regulates adherens junction formation during cytokinesis in epithelial tissue.
How adherens junctions (AJs) are formed upon cell division is largely unexplored. Here, we found that AJ formation is coordinated with cytokinesis and relies on an interplay between the dividing cell and its neighbors. During contraction of the cytokinetic ring, the neighboring cells locally accumulate Myosin II and produce the cortical tension necessary to set the initial geometry of the daughter cell interface. However, the neighboring cell membranes impede AJ formation. Upon midbody formation and concomitantly to neighboring cell withdrawal, Arp2/3-dependent actin polymerization oriented by the midbody maintains AJ geometry and regulates AJ final length and the epithelial cell arrangement upon division. We propose that cytokinesis in epithelia is a multicellular process, whereby the cooperative actions of the dividing cell and its neighbors define a two-tiered mechanism that spatially and temporally controls AJ formation while maintaining tissue cohesiveness.
{"11249": 0.050048828125, "606": 0.126708984375, "3334": 0.220703125, "1755": 0.1583251953125, "27022": 0.21435546875, "10763": 0.1634521484375, "7": 0.1163330078125, "25582": 0.2427978515625, "621": 0.0004413127899169922, "100": 0.13330078125, "4806": 0.087890625, "54799": 0.08673095703125, "38750": 0.202392578125, "91853": 0.20654296875, "51": 0.0242767333984375, "111118": 0.09381103515625, "2822": 0.028564453125, "14037": 0.019744873046875, "61179": 0.279296875, "27643": 0.2156982421875, "176866": 0.1724853515625, "678": 0.06866455078125, "19932": 0.1279296875, "6448": 0.2161865234375, "12741": 0.173828125, "164": 0.09246826171875, "28702": 0.0850830078125, "1940": 0.017364501953125, "20706": 0.09869384765625, "61998": 0.175048828125, "449": 0.055419921875, "208244": 0.18603515625, "133698": 0.030059814453125, "158": 0.0452880859375, "117474": 0.155029296875, "1212": 0.12347412109375, "15789": 0.125, "214": 0.0711669921875, "4000": 0.051971435546875, "183278": 0.09881591796875, "2646": 0.09259033203125, "232": 0.137451171875, "73": 0.1383056640625, "1995": 0.1468505859375, "27489": 0.042449951171875, "8231": 0.060760498046875, "63672": 0.208740234375, "63559": 0.07257080078125, "5423": 0.046905517578125, "61475": 0.026763916015625, "700": 0.07794189453125, "87739": 0.1407470703125, "76849": 0.1331787109375, "101758": 0.147705078125, "107834": 0.11737060546875, "48793": 0.136474609375, "112": 0.0330810546875, "5416": 0.018310546875, "4122": 0.12384033203125, "37873": 0.15771484375, "205850": 0.12432861328125, "1172": 0.0863037109375, "254": 0.0275421142578125, "45792": 0.07861328125, "27495": 0.08941650390625, "181063": 0.12371826171875, "27992": 0.10076904296875, "35874": 0.08477783203125, "1991": 0.0921630859375, "47691": 0.00763702392578125, "23509": 0.08685302734375, "76104": 0.13818359375, "15913": 0.1549072265625, "2704": 0.10687255859375, "140909": 0.1339111328125, "25277": 0.122314453125, "2347": 0.185546875, "150": 0.047760009765625, "70767": 0.0924072265625, "26171": 0.0965576171875, "23": 0.0933837890625, "7884": 0.181884765625, "83": 0.040985107421875, "6024": 0.10174560546875, "8969": 0.1070556640625, "120087": 0.06060791015625, "9433": 0.1099853515625, "57476": 0.10699462890625, "61972": 0.06402587890625, "61924": 0.09918212890625, "6626": 0.07489013671875, "2061": 0.13134765625, "191619": 0.1602783203125, "5623": 0.07049560546875, "58663": 0.11541748046875, "6226": 0.1748046875, "108055": 0.08135986328125, "552": 0.032196044921875, "1106": 0.089111328125}
Cancer stem cells in solid tumours: accumulating evidence and unresolved questions
Solid tumours are an enormous cancer burden and a major therapeutic challenge. The cancer stem cell (CSC) hypothesis provides an attractive cellular mechanism to account for the therapeutic refractoriness and dormant behaviour exhibited by many of these tumours. There is increasing evidence that diverse solid tumours are hierarchically organized and sustained by a distinct subpopulation of CSCs. Direct evidence for the CSC hypothesis has recently emerged from mouse models of epithelial tumorigenesis, although alternative models of heterogeneity also seem to apply. The clinical relevance of CSCs remains a fundamental issue but preliminary findings indicate that specific targeting may be possible.
{"95823": 0.243408203125, "370": 0.1634521484375, "432": 0.14208984375, "12824": 0.1485595703125, "621": 0.05029296875, "38040": 0.05450439453125, "10821": 0.0267791748046875, "27968": 0.210205078125, "53142": 0.1436767578125, "19": 0.0491943359375, "136": 0.004695892333984375, "13036": 0.038177490234375, "126472": 0.1551513671875, "66801": 0.1361083984375, "36418": 0.1939697265625, "38750": 0.2327880859375, "441": 0.11456298828125, "14495": 0.270751953125, "170933": 0.23095703125, "6023": 0.1444091796875, "87344": 0.1334228515625, "225530": 0.21044921875, "2927": 0.1043701171875, "120087": 0.0814208984375, "191619": 0.2012939453125, "15426": 0.143310546875, "456": 0.004848480224609375, "132076": 0.1307373046875, "3826": 0.05609130859375, "104688": 0.155029296875, "224833": 0.1668701171875, "80788": 0.035369873046875, "5941": 0.057464599609375, "118055": 0.06915283203125, "77950": 0.1470947265625, "9789": 0.12017822265625, "18652": 0.2275390625, "1791": 0.08843994140625, "59438": 0.12109375, "5808": 0.1845703125, "205027": 0.175537109375, "117781": 0.11865234375, "1614": 0.118896484375, "33554": 0.1051025390625, "313": 0.12469482421875, "42666": 0.0966796875, "78684": 0.0209197998046875, "74216": 0.035980224609375, "114669": 0.1708984375, "115774": 0.181396484375, "25277": 0.0361328125, "2347": 0.07476806640625, "150": 0.007171630859375, "57412": 0.1898193359375, "8402": 0.11041259765625, "90": 0.053009033203125, "30700": 0.07781982421875, "77099": 0.12451171875, "15292": 0.139404296875, "59911": 0.0175018310546875, "56465": 0.1109619140625, "89515": 0.1614990234375, "7": 0.0200958251953125, "47143": 0.0290069580078125, "20531": 0.0843505859375, "31089": 0.0197296142578125, "118276": 0.07415771484375, "90791": 0.0251007080078125, "29458": 0.05908203125, "30388": 0.172607421875, "214": 0.043365478515625, "1543": 0.0264739990234375, "7722": 0.1014404296875}
The structure of the follistatin:activin complex reveals antagonism of both type I and type II receptor binding.
TGF-beta ligands stimulate diverse cellular differentiation and growth responses by signaling through type I and II receptors. Ligand antagonists, such as follistatin, block signaling and are essential regulators of physiological responses. Here we report the structure of activin A, a TGF-beta ligand, bound to the high-affinity antagonist follistatin. Two follistatin molecules encircle activin, neutralizing the ligand by burying one-third of its residues and its receptor binding sites. Previous studies have suggested that type I receptor binding would not be blocked by follistatin, but the crystal structure reveals that the follistatin N-terminal domain has an unexpected fold that mimics a universal type I receptor motif and occupies this receptor binding site. The formation of follistatin:BMP:type I receptor complexes can be explained by the stoichiometric and geometric arrangement of the activin:follistatin complex. The mode of ligand binding by follistatin has important implications for its ability to neutralize homo- and heterodimeric ligands of this growth factor family.
{"384": 0.10809326171875, "79035": 0.267822265625, "59865": 0.2188720703125, "19881": 0.209228515625, "2208": 0.16943359375, "142405": 0.19091796875, "67": 0.0182037353515625, "9789": 0.1602783203125, "2927": 0.08587646484375, "120087": 0.087890625, "99710": 0.1363525390625, "136": 0.055389404296875, "75678": 0.1436767578125, "57553": 0.1593017578125, "26073": 0.1650390625, "8305": 0.01207733154296875, "10644": 0.143798828125, "87": 0.1195068359375, "1995": 0.102783203125, "137376": 0.2236328125, "17703": 0.1771240234375, "63212": 0.1292724609375, "6126": 0.18359375, "64370": 0.10736083984375, "5775": 0.148681640625, "27374": 0.169189453125, "2311": 0.1910400390625, "46389": 0.19775390625, "214": 0.0325927734375, "85590": 0.12841796875, "144314": 0.20947265625, "240877": 0.09710693359375, "137043": 0.048797607421875, "13416": 0.07794189453125, "45646": 0.2069091796875, "49980": 0.2265625, "73": 0.1536865234375, "62": 0.1820068359375, "9": 0.01416015625, "99091": 0.1900634765625, "47": 0.0035305023193359375, "11192": 0.07586669921875, "58871": 0.181640625, "1419": 0.0413818359375, "32964": 0.05126953125, "49711": 0.07379150390625, "22": 0.0142822265625, "82063": 0.138427734375, "216989": 0.2330322265625, "6818": 0.1279296875, "95037": 0.08880615234375, "99996": 0.1524658203125, "128239": 0.200927734375, "15271": 0.08251953125, "6422": 0.006359100341796875, "96335": 0.035400390625, "42459": 0.007717132568359375, "224128": 0.1573486328125, "122273": 0.001163482666015625, "541": 0.091064453125, "30524": 0.1654052734375, "77758": 0.1396484375, "1556": 0.0037860870361328125, "241957": 0.08477783203125, "42822": 0.14404296875, "324": 0.07330322265625, "32813": 0.10382080078125, "102908": 0.2100830078125, "143414": 0.034820556640625, "1764": 0.08258056640625, "27643": 0.140380859375, "9088": 0.21923828125, "50986": 0.1451416015625, "99115": 0.2037353515625, "189050": 0.12548828125, "3474": 0.05157470703125, "88148": 0.0738525390625, "186518": 0.10980224609375, "84183": 0.154541015625, "70767": 0.09747314453125, "3584": 0.089111328125, "27140": 0.1629638671875, "13736": 0.1268310546875, "5526": 0.047454833984375, "17914": 0.07611083984375, "81273": 0.030303955078125, "12840": 0.1309814453125, "77099": 0.09320068359375, "5771": 0.047088623046875, "903": 0.037567138671875, "31461": 0.133544921875, "14449": 0.10406494140625}
The activity of siRNA in mammalian cells is related to structural target accessibility: a comparison with antisense oligonucleotides.
The biological activity of siRNA seems to be influenced by local characteristics of the target RNA, including local RNA folding. Here, we investigated quantitatively the relationship between local target accessibility and the extent of inhibition of the target gene by siRNA. Target accessibility was assessed by a computational approach that had been shown earlier to be consistent with experimental probing of target RNA. Two sites of ICAM-1 mRNA predicted to serve as accessible motifs and one site predicted to adopt an inaccessible structure were chosen to test siRNA constructs for suppression of ICAM-1 gene expression in ECV304 cells. The local target-dependent effectiveness of siRNA was compared with antisense oligonucleotides (asON). The concentration dependency of siRNA-mediated suppression indicates a >1000-fold difference between active siRNAs (IC50 approximately 0.2-0.5 nM) versus an inactive siRNA (IC50 > or = 1 microM) which is consistent with the activity pattern of asON when relating target suppression to predicted local target accessibility. The extremely high activity of the siRNA si2B (IC50 = 0.24 nM) indicates that not all siRNAs shown to be active at the usual concentrations of >10-100 nM belong to this highly active species. The observations described here suggest an option to assess target accessibility for siRNA and, thus, support the design of active siRNA constructs. This approach can be automated, work at high throughput and is open to include additional parameters relevant to the biological activity of siRNA.
{"333": 0.0865478515625, "109622": 0.1396484375, "103488": 0.172119140625, "78": 0.1766357421875, "125499": 0.29052734375, "37202": 0.0809326171875, "47": 0.00934600830078125, "79507": 0.1292724609375, "71": 0.00756072998046875, "390": 0.01428985595703125, "4000": 0.147216796875, "62816": 0.1380615234375, "48242": 0.097412109375, "7": 0.00901031494140625, "30388": 0.26171875, "4": 0.00897216796875, "18344": 0.13134765625, "6238": 0.07403564453125, "11853": 0.0007214546203613281, "32603": 0.05255126953125, "88779": 0.08038330078125, "5844": 0.0087127685546875, "538": 0.0087738037109375, "70": 0.0089874267578125, "76755": 0.1151123046875, "17203": 0.2054443359375, "14": 0.11468505859375, "83259": 0.11590576171875, "192961": 0.040069580078125, "111": 0.0090789794921875, "173702": 0.18310546875, "1363": 0.00589752197265625, "22293": 0.1546630859375, "160017": 0.277587890625, "202120": 0.12646484375, "297": 0.00909423828125, "10": 0.0088958740234375, "181135": 0.131591796875, "43315": 0.00872039794921875, "51515": 0.10906982421875, "450": 0.0088348388671875, "2809": 0.0087738037109375, "110680": 0.052642822265625, "186": 0.00901031494140625, "74729": 0.111083984375, "678": 0.0087890625, "195935": 0.08465576171875, "43011": 0.0633544921875, "214": 0.00894927978515625, "32964": 0.043182373046875, "15271": 0.10272216796875, "87": 0.053924560546875, "115182": 0.2115478515625, "5759": 0.06451416015625, "92054": 0.11199951171875, "21265": 0.038848876953125, "237": 0.0084228515625, "81522": 0.2054443359375, "102908": 0.1787109375, "136": 0.00873565673828125, "1632": 0.007843017578125, "1764": 0.0792236328125, "30666": 0.039581298828125, "142": 0.008880615234375, "113041": 0.1602783203125, "28236": 0.00897979736328125, "45646": 0.1185302734375, "3542": 0.0081329345703125, "19667": 0.0253143310546875, "19": 0.0088958740234375, "3034": 0.1484375, "64549": 0.12109375, "100": 0.007076263427734375, "15811": 0.08160400390625, "48448": 0.1778564453125, "125195": 0.11834716796875, "23": 0.00769805908203125, "241": 0.0013551712036132812, "105553": 0.13525390625, "167555": 0.2073974609375, "38750": 0.1383056640625, "581": 0.0071868896484375, "9": 0.0089111328125, "181063": 0.1595458984375, "60266": 0.136962890625, "509": 0.007171630859375, "154186": 0.114501953125, "2874": 0.0955810546875, "100033": 0.167724609375, "1194": 0.0216217041015625, "11030": 0.04730224609375, "818": 0.008453369140625, "17996": 0.09613037109375, "162": 0.019805908203125, "15513": 0.1944580078125, "202104": 0.15673828125, "42548": 0.1680908203125, "27771": 0.005382537841796875, "12333": 0.11297607421875, "3674": 0.008026123046875, "117414": 0.03851318359375, "14105": 0.0994873046875, "42822": 0.156005859375, "60212": 0.1802978515625, "17721": 0.047210693359375, "36457": 0.1614990234375, "15": 0.008270263671875, "16259": 0.06072998046875, "2525": 0.2138671875, "189275": 0.00858306884765625, "126175": 0.096435546875, "93645": 0.113525390625, "594": 0.070068359375, "16": 0.00914764404296875, "119475": 0.04437255859375, "71232": 0.131103515625, "977": 0.0086822509765625, "707": 0.00876617431640625, "2203": 0.00945281982421875, "106": 0.00852203369140625, "11948": 0.070068359375, "3129": 0.00835418701171875, "83": 0.0087890625, "103510": 0.130126953125, "3229": 0.0113983154296875, "111531": 0.080078125, "11192": 0.108642578125, "304": 0.098388671875, "571": 0.11981201171875, "617": 0.08135986328125, "959": 0.047515869140625, "756": 0.06304931640625, "127887": 0.0026702880859375, "99": 0.00894927978515625, "115723": 0.047882080078125, "963": 0.04937744140625, "45881": 0.09124755859375, "10617": 0.0894775390625, "103210": 0.0706787109375, "114149": 0.0904541015625, "150556": 0.042938232421875, "151552": 0.006130218505859375, "3688": 0.036956787109375, "42459": 0.07135009765625, "35829": 0.1031494140625, "4911": 0.00855255126953125, "8060": 0.08526611328125, "4331": 0.07989501953125, "3293": 0.00258636474609375, "831": 0.060333251953125, "11408": 0.1422119140625, "4488": 0.0494384765625, "7077": 0.0090179443359375, "9803": 0.0645751953125, "26698": 0.00946807861328125, "171859": 0.0648193359375, "29191": 0.01181793212890625}
Rapid accumulation of mutations during seed-to-seed propagation of mismatch-repair-defective Arabidopsis.
During the many cell divisions that precede formation of plant gametes, their apical-meristem and floral antecedents are continually exposed to endogenous and environmental mutagenic threats. Although some deleterious recessive mutations may be eliminated during growth of haploid gametophytes and functionally haploid early embryos ("haplosufficiency quality-checking"), the multiplicity of plant genome-maintenance systems suggests aggressive quality control during prior diploid growth. To test in Arabidopsis a hypothesis that prior mismatch repair (MMR) is paramount in defense of plant genetic fidelity, we propagated in parallel 36 MMR-defective (Atmsh2-1) and 36 wild-type lines. The Atmsh2-1 lines rapidly accumulated a wide variety of mutations: fifth-generation (G5) plants showed abnormalities in morphology and development, fertility, germination efficiency, seed/silique development, and seed set. Only two Atmsh2-1, but all 36 wild-type lines, appeared normal at G5. Analyses of insertion/deletion mutation at six repeat-sequence (microsatellite) loci showed each Atmsh2-1 line to have evolved its own "fingerprint," the results of as many as 10 microsatellite mutations in a single line. Thus, MMR during diploid growth is essential for plant genomic integrity.
{"133698": 0.08392333984375, "5941": 0.09326171875, "38750": 0.1380615234375, "91853": 0.1580810546875, "7": 0.0028438568115234375, "107671": 0.151123046875, "27643": 0.07733154296875, "18153": 0.2113037109375, "6712": 0.170654296875, "1636": 0.1514892578125, "1747": 0.122802734375, "21533": 0.0877685546875, "30547": 0.07275390625, "48567": 0.1485595703125, "136": 0.0070343017578125, "180371": 0.1380615234375, "177047": 0.1346435546875, "621": 0.001140594482421875, "9454": 0.10418701171875, "12097": 0.0027904510498046875, "172554": 0.1405029296875, "71": 0.0027408599853515625, "47": 0.0192718505859375, "3564": 0.05328369140625, "62976": 0.0738525390625, "10821": 0.002681732177734375, "156444": 0.1402587890625, "842": 0.11627197265625, "16852": 0.1265869140625, "6402": 0.033294677734375, "120332": 0.170166015625, "106073": 0.00598907470703125, "3060": 0.0193328857421875, "154109": 0.11810302734375, "93905": 0.063232421875, "179661": 0.135009765625, "5844": 0.04443359375, "199334": 0.22900390625, "1543": 0.04949951171875, "186": 0.00220489501953125, "27169": 0.1358642578125, "3674": 0.002285003662109375, "20271": 0.1304931640625, "75678": 0.173828125, "111": 0.002895355224609375, "256": 0.04290771484375, "13158": 0.2269287109375, "532": 0.1185302734375, "188": 0.032012939453125, "34053": 0.1058349609375, "123309": 0.10052490234375, "538": 0.0028896331787109375, "39395": 0.06329345703125, "352": 0.042633056640625, "21731": 0.1302490234375, "232": 0.0015039443969726562, "29860": 0.055511474609375, "2400": 0.0130462646484375, "21493": 0.1385498046875, "2624": 0.01708984375, "33": 0.002227783203125, "2408": 0.0025310516357421875, "31897": 0.1798095703125, "9": 0.0028667449951171875, "78292": 0.1434326171875, "214": 0.002613067626953125, "118126": 0.1680908203125, "60089": 0.00030684471130371094, "8584": 0.12890625, "13": 0.0026607513427734375, "192": 0.057373046875, "29272": 0.11859130859375, "7154": 0.0026798248291015625, "76519": 0.10986328125, "42459": 0.061920166015625, "124030": 0.12432861328125, "6226": 0.177490234375, "41928": 0.2022705078125, "45": 0.0777587890625, "3034": 0.11090087890625, "129674": 0.19189453125, "246": 0.083251953125, "74988": 0.1871337890625, "170933": 0.134765625, "6023": 0.002521514892578125, "1239": 0.1329345703125, "98753": 0.259521484375, "121461": 0.22509765625, "25590": 0.124755859375, "1052": 0.2119140625, "121": 0.050079345703125, "121147": 0.13671875, "23": 0.0029449462890625, "165815": 0.146728515625, "101412": 0.1378173828125, "46735": 0.189208984375, "2481": 0.06427001953125, "4": 0.002712249755859375, "175648": 0.06585693359375, "95103": 0.16796875, "4039": 0.176513671875, "276": 0.0887451171875, "52005": 0.25732421875, "112": 0.07940673828125, "420": 0.160888671875, "100034": 0.050140380859375, "15": 0.001903533935546875, "28848": 0.0655517578125, "39": 0.0867919921875, "1495": 0.1578369140625, "146971": 0.2149658203125, "16": 0.002407073974609375, "56409": 0.15283203125, "50986": 0.15576171875, "124519": 0.1741943359375, "1913": 0.12274169921875, "25545": 0.10260009765625, "183278": 0.1021728515625, "10": 0.00298309326171875, "38134": 0.04449462890625, "96551": 0.07958984375, "809": 0.148193359375, "2480": 0.1585693359375, "127": 0.0031070709228515625, "48281": 0.1163330078125, "1363": 0.0029239654541015625, "724": 0.083984375, "43317": 0.165771484375, "168360": 0.029083251953125, "1563": 0.09552001953125, "33176": 0.186767578125, "31075": 0.002994537353515625, "6": 0.0029239654541015625, "178851": 0.1048583984375, "25443": 0.00325775146484375, "34754": 0.07366943359375, "92895": 0.12322998046875, "4155": 0.06256103515625, "227066": 0.1436767578125, "40": 0.06158447265625, "297": 0.0748291015625, "64": 0.0141143798828125, "172": 0.046142578125, "67367": 0.1607666015625, "87293": 0.0253753662109375, "6626": 0.0306396484375, "118775": 0.05255126953125, "3638": 0.142822265625, "99": 0.0302581787109375, "527": 0.051605224609375, "758": 0.11474609375, "105275": 0.04254150390625, "241860": 0.079345703125, "8520": 0.0977783203125, "37195": 0.10076904296875, "119140": 0.10919189453125, "944": 0.0231781005859375, "3956": 0.0028743743896484375, "187840": 0.06256103515625, "33049": 0.153564453125, "67": 0.002864837646484375, "7001": 0.07135009765625, "12638": 0.0175018310546875, "13315": 0.1612548828125, "765": 0.0018854141235351562, "216479": 0.132568359375, "6863": 0.0014181137084960938, "10002": 0.1080322265625, "176423": 0.13037109375, "35662": 0.1611328125, "58": 0.0021953582763671875, "70": 0.0027294158935546875, "50339": 0.01308441162109375, "237": 0.0027217864990234375, "209": 0.0858154296875, "11948": 0.10150146484375, "433": 0.044464111328125, "11001": 0.1141357421875, "83": 0.0211639404296875, "85590": 0.178466796875, "100": 0.01168060302734375, "1771": 0.0178680419921875, "9114": 0.1478271484375}
Archaeal chromatin and transcription.
Archaea contain a variety of sequence-independent DNA binding proteins consistent with the evolution of several different, sometimes overlapping and exchangeable solutions to the problem of genome compaction. Some of these proteins undergo residue-specific post-translational lysine acetylation or methylation, hinting at analogues of the histone modifications that regulate eukaryotic chromatin structure and transcription. Archaeal transcription initiation most closely resembles the eukaryotic RNA polymerase II (RNAPII) system, but Archaea do not appear to have homologues of the multisubunit complexes that remodel eukaryotic chromatin and activate RNAPII initiation. In contrast, they have sequence-specific regulators that repress and perhaps activate archaeal transcription by mechanisms superficially similar to the bacterial paradigm of regulating promoter binding by RNAP. Repressors compete with archaeal TATA-box binding protein (TBP) and TFB for the TATA-box and TFB-recognition elements (BRE) of the archaeal promoter, or with archaeal RNAP for the site of transcription initiation. Transcript-specific regulation by repressors binding to sites of transcript initiation is consistent with such sites having very little sequence conservation. However, most Archaea have only one TBP and/or TFB that presumably must therefore bind to similar TATA-box and BRE sequences upstream of most genes. Repressors that function by competing with TBP and/or TFB binding must therefore also make additional contacts with transcript-specific regulatory sites adjacent or remote from the TATA-box/BRE region. The fate of the archaeal TBP and TFB following transcription initiation remains to be determined. Based on functional homology with their eukaryotic RNAPII-system counterparts, archaeal TBP and possibly also TFB should remain bound to the TATA-box/BRE region after transcription initiation. However, this seems unlikely as it might limit repressor competition at this site to only the first round of transcription initiation.
{"63590": 0.2099609375, "11": 0.1917724609375, "13": 0.2447509765625, "70541": 0.14208984375, "10": 0.011993408203125, "96551": 0.1334228515625, "111": 0.03143310546875, "40": 0.0263214111328125, "944": 0.06475830078125, "9": 0.01300811767578125, "181063": 0.155517578125, "27583": 0.1517333984375, "6": 0.0130615234375, "128239": 0.208984375, "21308": 0.208984375, "7": 0.01296234130859375, "74729": 0.125732421875, "678": 0.04693603515625, "70": 0.0130157470703125, "137089": 0.11712646484375, "12921": 0.08270263671875, "4": 0.0129547119140625, "645": 0.054443359375, "143": 0.1268310546875, "26783": 0.01270294189453125, "136": 0.0229034423828125, "121122": 0.09906005859375, "2886": 0.01274871826171875, "51347": 0.136474609375, "47": 0.01277923583984375, "2967": 0.146484375, "8584": 0.0810546875, "94928": 0.197998046875, "1830": 0.07830810546875, "1379": 0.024261474609375, "99996": 0.1239013671875, "159975": 0.10638427734375, "1305": 0.031829833984375, "30145": 0.0186309814453125, "43315": 0.01236724853515625, "20592": 0.07855224609375, "1212": 0.1009521484375, "36743": 0.04937744140625, "57860": 0.01202392578125, "707": 0.013031005859375, "435": 0.032012939453125, "65853": 0.11981201171875, "2320": 0.0126190185546875, "5122": 0.06634521484375, "1916": 0.0121307373046875, "99": 0.0128936767578125, "60223": 0.04833984375, "21049": 0.012603759765625, "1274": 0.06768798828125, "34165": 0.1363525390625, "129344": 0.1500244140625, "450": 0.01297760009765625, "15913": 0.2225341796875, "67": 0.01293182373046875, "1175": 0.0109710693359375, "1153": 0.1639404296875, "1410": 0.09814453125, "9523": 0.017578125, "17656": 0.026519775390625, "38657": 0.0784912109375, "73": 0.0826416015625, "45646": 0.1209716796875, "30334": 0.1851806640625, "59478": 0.2139892578125, "289": 0.1131591796875, "173969": 0.18896484375, "2684": 0.042205810546875, "20903": 0.0611572265625, "538": 0.01294708251953125, "3332": 0.03863525390625, "195": 0.103515625, "125499": 0.1964111328125, "35874": 0.05096435546875, "27160": 0.14990234375, "184": 0.03778076171875, "1995": 0.1375732421875, "683": 0.1031494140625, "10001": 0.2078857421875, "16": 0.01255035400390625, "5426": 0.1700439453125, "959": 0.04266357421875, "108975": 0.051025390625, "765": 0.0118865966796875, "7622": 0.08642578125, "179554": 0.1463623046875, "6024": 0.0341796875, "22144": 0.061187744140625, "309": 0.07373046875, "217": 0.01192474365234375, "99115": 0.1298828125, "177580": 0.1513671875, "34704": 0.135009765625, "627": 0.023406982421875, "101306": 0.1920166015625, "360": 0.01287078857421875, "69822": 0.0279083251953125, "3956": 0.01267242431640625, "144314": 0.2281494140625, "86254": 0.26318359375, "95134": 0.00959014892578125, "227780": 0.258544921875, "390": 0.01305389404296875, "191619": 0.09088134765625, "152818": 0.15283203125, "141": 0.01256561279296875, "214709": 0.1424560546875, "125568": 0.1549072265625, "42": 0.01102447509765625, "853": 0.1549072265625, "11856": 0.273681640625, "25251": 0.140625, "98438": 0.2103271484375, "384": 0.05340576171875, "17758": 0.1630859375, "11728": 0.175048828125, "15": 0.012298583984375, "28941": 0.06964111328125, "101865": 0.1656494140625, "100": 0.01262664794921875, "107": 0.0121612548828125, "115558": 0.1229248046875, "1363": 0.012908935546875, "51722": 0.165771484375, "1764": 0.1036376953125, "60532": 0.130859375, "32032": 0.12744140625, "4970": 0.1749267578125, "15271": 0.107177734375, "83": 0.01232147216796875, "6044": 0.0112457275390625, "19441": 0.012786865234375, "4552": 0.00360107421875, "10176": 0.005756378173828125, "17467": 0.030731201171875, "4734": 0.00878143310546875, "1632": 0.0166473388671875, "56861": 0.1419677734375, "748": 0.01264190673828125, "44136": 0.0032672882080078125, "39": 0.0126953125, "78458": 0.01300811767578125, "127298": 0.004322052001953125, "68557": 0.165771484375, "21373": 0.0022430419921875, "26513": 0.01016998291015625, "5170": 0.0129547119140625, "1257": 0.0128631591796875, "86429": 0.01053619384765625, "22293": 0.0789794921875, "32354": 0.032196044921875, "28813": 0.1290283203125, "449": 0.01296234130859375, "64": 0.0102691650390625, "8110": 0.003326416015625, "3249": 0.01296234130859375, "78301": 0.004726409912109375, "5470": 0.08135986328125, "53": 0.01300811767578125, "123594": 0.01313018798828125, "16797": 0.01318359375, "148814": 0.00699615478515625, "1295": 0.01300048828125, "10776": 0.10211181640625, "87714": 0.0953369140625, "25632": 0.0027370452880859375, "47143": 0.03570556640625, "186": 0.01282501220703125, "83324": 0.08697509765625, "71": 0.01282501220703125, "98": 0.01276397705078125, "123309": 0.0845947265625, "25443": 0.0114288330078125, "16751": 0.087158203125, "105416": 0.0089874267578125, "17365": 0.01219940185546875, "144681": 0.00240325927734375, "2843": 0.00873565673828125, "5608": 0.00467681884765625, "99091": 0.114013671875, "903": 0.004940032958984375, "37202": 0.01220703125, "51": 0.0126190185546875, "5062": 0.018463134765625, "237": 0.01275634765625, "442": 0.01300811767578125, "13648": 0.00726318359375, "130412": 0.1629638671875, "5117": 0.0413818359375, "68807": 0.08905029296875}
Temporal segregation of 4-1BB versus CD28-mediated costimulation: 4-1BB ligand influences T cell numbers late in the primary response and regulates the size of the T cell memory response following influenza infection.
In this report, we demonstrate that CD28(-/-) mice are severely impaired in the initial expansion of D(b)/NP366-374-specific CD8 T cells in response to influenza virus infection, whereas 4-1BB ligand (4-1BBL)(-/-) mice show no defect in primary T cell expansion to influenza virus. In contrast, 4-1BBL(-/-) mice show a decrease in D(b)/NP366-374-specific T cells late in the primary response. Upon secondary challenge with influenza virus, 4-1BBL(-/-) mice show a decrease in the number of D(b)/NP366-374-specific T cells compared to wild-type mice such that the level of the CD8 T cell expansion during the in vivo secondary response is reduced to the level of a primary response, with concomitant reduction of CTL effector function. In contrast, Ab responses, as well as secondary CD4 T cell responses, to influenza are unaffected by 4-1BBL deficiency. Thus, CD28 is critical for initial T cell expansion, whereas 4-1BB/4-1BBL signaling affects T cell numbers much later in the response and is essential for the survival and/or responsiveness of the memory CD8 T cell pool.
{"13416": 0.08673095703125, "4": 0.005344390869140625, "106804": 0.06475830078125, "7915": 0.167236328125, "3882": 0.28173828125, "9": 0.08685302734375, "64": 0.0687255859375, "324": 0.1798095703125, "329": 0.138671875, "621": 0.006183624267578125, "141591": 0.10443115234375, "538": 0.005550384521484375, "566": 0.06011962890625, "109637": 0.219970703125, "70": 0.00550079345703125, "61475": 0.1363525390625, "14700": 0.08319091796875, "66": 0.14501953125, "6889": 0.054473876953125, "391": 0.0880126953125, "275": 0.10845947265625, "16": 0.00550079345703125, "28814": 0.0704345703125, "110144": 0.2484130859375, "147519": 0.249755859375, "159975": 0.1976318359375, "1019": 0.1927490234375, "384": 0.1453857421875, "38750": 0.2244873046875, "7": 0.005466461181640625, "23": 0.053802490234375, "57553": 0.19287109375, "47": 0.04644775390625, "132445": 0.24365234375, "14994": 0.1719970703125, "159634": 0.15771484375, "115178": 0.1693115234375, "22312": 0.221435546875, "19881": 0.16943359375, "2208": 0.1348876953125, "866": 0.13916015625, "7639": 0.046112060546875, "110": 0.0628662109375, "72104": 0.20654296875, "158978": 0.1263427734375, "360": 0.005435943603515625, "69822": 0.07342529296875, "227204": 0.1846923828125, "72399": 0.10693359375, "5416": 0.007457733154296875, "37526": 0.1024169921875, "1294": 0.005645751953125, "66801": 0.169921875, "678": 0.05865478515625, "6": 0.005161285400390625, "111": 0.005527496337890625, "154186": 0.041351318359375, "56409": 0.152099609375, "50986": 0.1400146484375, "17366": 0.0273590087890625, "16622": 0.205810546875, "83": 0.01666259765625, "34390": 0.12420654296875, "71": 0.005367279052734375, "158": 0.004978179931640625, "14": 0.005428314208984375, "18211": 0.00551605224609375, "77391": 0.058746337890625, "41445": 0.1439208984375, "21543": 0.11328125, "748": 0.004962921142578125, "32354": 0.1011962890625, "3157": 0.148193359375, "237": 0.00531005859375, "617": 0.12139892578125, "220": 0.019744873046875, "16670": 0.0626220703125, "89829": 0.005420684814453125, "8": 0.049468994140625, "11044": 0.1494140625, "33": 0.005481719970703125, "2408": 0.00545501708984375, "130306": 0.1865234375, "100": 0.0165252685546875, "26073": 0.10675048828125, "52490": 0.1104736328125, "101935": 0.0269317626953125, "5045": 0.005405426025390625, "14432": 0.07904052734375, "136": 0.005069732666015625, "85590": 0.160400390625, "218018": 0.13720703125, "226874": 0.1453857421875, "7432": 0.00537872314453125, "98323": 0.1466064453125, "19361": 0.07025146484375}
Functional role of high-affinity anandamide transport, as revealed by selective inhibition.
Anandamide, an endogenous ligand for central cannabinoid receptors, is released from neurons on depolarization and rapidly inactivated. Anandamide inactivation is not completely understood, but it may occur by transport into cells or by enzymatic hydrolysis. The compound N-(4-hydroxyphenyl)arachidonylamide (AM404) was shown to inhibit high-affinity anandamide accumulation in rat neurons and astrocytes in vitro, an indication that this accumulation resulted from carrier-mediated transport. Although AM404 did not activate cannabinoid receptors or inhibit anandamide hydrolysis, it enhanced receptor-mediated anandamide responses in vitro and in vivo. The data indicate that carrier-mediated transport may be essential for termination of the biological effects of anandamide, and may represent a potential drug target.
{"144207": 0.254638671875, "1191": 0.267578125, "112": 0.2479248046875, "3564": 0.11505126953125, "62976": 0.1761474609375, "19881": 0.17529296875, "2208": 0.177734375, "100": 0.0217437744140625, "9879": 0.12548828125, "831": 0.0819091796875, "76": 0.159912109375, "63885": 0.181396484375, "532": 0.0675048828125, "137376": 0.1903076171875, "83": 0.01020050048828125, "121447": 0.170166015625, "1295": 0.05804443359375, "184940": 0.198486328125, "98": 0.00759124755859375, "8": 0.115478515625, "771": 0.117431640625, "320": 0.10211181640625, "47691": 0.06817626953125, "25545": 0.09649658203125, "23": 0.10394287109375, "111438": 0.214599609375, "1363": 0.0802001953125, "64557": 0.029571533203125, "217064": 0.139892578125, "1543": 0.04766845703125, "74918": 0.065185546875, "6181": 0.2362060546875, "38750": 0.1259765625, "3285": 0.0926513671875, "47148": 0.012176513671875, "64707": 0.10906982421875, "14907": 0.09112548828125, "217773": 0.198974609375, "541": 0.078857421875, "105801": 0.099853515625, "180220": 0.047515869140625, "88322": 0.1033935546875, "8613": 0.03271484375, "147": 0.0238037109375, "934": 0.1278076171875, "3911": 0.060455322265625, "299": 0.048248291015625, "68065": 0.1768798828125, "8922": 0.1312255859375, "617": 0.17578125, "112072": 0.2139892578125, "127887": 0.0992431640625, "173702": 0.21240234375, "11192": 0.056243896484375, "58871": 0.1990966796875, "3877": 0.1480712890625, "46589": 0.2294921875, "2506": 0.232421875, "183278": 0.1614990234375, "12540": 0.178466796875, "72513": 0.08929443359375, "2408": 0.037261962890625, "279": 0.10205078125, "2955": 0.126708984375, "14585": 0.0380859375, "2258": 0.1165771484375, "25388": 0.208251953125, "12333": 0.1549072265625, "9677": 0.10626220703125, "2839": 0.1834716796875, "959": 0.058135986328125, "34704": 0.11016845703125, "156856": 0.1209716796875, "57553": 0.0869140625, "16622": 0.1190185546875, "2053": 0.03875732421875, "85590": 0.152099609375, "29527": 0.0933837890625, "333": 0.022308349609375, "93425": 0.09722900390625, "33636": 0.047027587890625, "38516": 0.1029052734375, "48683": 0.1192626953125, "30388": 0.1400146484375}
Silibinin inhibits the invasion of IL-6-stimulated colon cancer cells via selective JNK/AP-1/MMP-2 modulation in vitro.
Silibinin is a flavonoid with antihepatotoxic properties and pleiotropic anticancer capabilities. This study investigated silibinin inhibition of cell invasion by down-regulating matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) expression, via attenuation of activator protein-1 (AP-1) in IL-6-stimulated LoVo colon cancer cells. Western blot data showed that the expression of MMP-2 protein was reduced 1.6- or 1.7-fold over the control by treatment with silibinin or JNK inhibitor in the models. Similar results were revealed in zymography and confocal microscopy. Pretreatment with silibinin also abolished the binding activity of AP-1 and MMP-2 promoter activity via AP-1 binding, as observed by EMSA and luciferase assay. Finally, a [(3)H]-thymidine incorporation proliferation assay and cell migration assay demonstrated that silibinin inhibited IL-6-stimulated LoVo cell proliferation and invasion. Taken together, these data indicated that silibinin inhibits LoVo cell invasion with the reduction of MMP-2 presentation by attenuating AP-1 binding activity, suggesting a novel antimetastatic application for silibinin in colon cancer chemoprevention.
{"602": 0.2034912109375, "5612": 0.270751953125, "3266": 0.34130859375, "83": 0.0643310546875, "10": 0.039642333984375, "212921": 0.1331787109375, "5831": 0.1798095703125, "532": 0.1473388671875, "678": 0.03271484375, "2874": 0.0855712890625, "1106": 0.052093505859375, "110440": 0.1502685546875, "74735": 0.238037109375, "183871": 0.2042236328125, "136": 0.01085662841796875, "6221": 0.03985595703125, "133141": 0.1728515625, "184756": 0.1953125, "130732": 0.2164306640625, "31075": 0.05670166015625, "35187": 0.08782958984375, "32603": 0.08990478515625, "78": 0.17138671875, "173702": 0.263916015625, "1363": 0.0433349609375, "38750": 0.166259765625, "116000": 0.2152099609375, "191": 0.07391357421875, "7565": 0.095458984375, "144867": 0.16650390625, "50944": 0.10296630859375, "68259": 0.1383056640625, "80000": 0.1199951171875, "885": 0.06829833984375, "184": 0.057220458984375, "5428": 0.14453125, "9088": 0.1959228515625, "10461": 0.114013671875, "125195": 0.177978515625, "33": 0.05828857421875, "34": 0.011383056640625, "34704": 0.07257080078125, "21308": 0.1845703125, "5759": 0.0745849609375, "15383": 0.11285400390625, "110218": 0.07269287109375, "30219": 0.087890625, "13545": 0.1463623046875, "143933": 0.1624755859375, "2091": 0.11114501953125, "36635": 0.236328125, "46512": 0.1868896484375, "27968": 0.173095703125, "65925": 0.058380126953125, "45299": 0.1339111328125, "2053": 0.0728759765625, "34390": 0.145263671875, "51748": 0.10089111328125, "100920": 0.058685302734375, "42822": 0.09552001953125, "6226": 0.1268310546875, "39734": 0.130615234375, "821": 0.051971435546875, "25035": 0.2166748046875, "115774": 0.1146240234375, "50339": 0.026336669921875, "4650": 0.07086181640625, "87168": 0.0771484375, "3584": 0.10284423828125, "137366": 0.048187255859375, "1914": 0.01502227783203125, "2921": 0.10260009765625, "40285": 0.1192626953125, "128239": 0.1461181640625, "103488": 0.0810546875, "16885": 0.0938720703125, "125568": 0.09173583984375, "180445": 0.06085205078125, "284": 0.0254364013671875, "80516": 0.01148223876953125, "45271": 0.058563232421875, "841": 0.028076171875, "29178": 0.04644775390625, "62914": 0.131103515625, "86": 0.036102294921875, "49504": 0.08209228515625, "215447": 0.136962890625, "212416": 0.134033203125, "933": 0.0214691162109375, "77391": 0.028656005859375, "92252": 0.09234619140625, "35273": 0.04022216796875, "201939": 0.14404296875, "38415": 0.10797119140625, "290": 0.018463134765625, "4692": 0.075927734375, "57241": 0.0758056640625}
Immigration cohorts and residential overcrowding in southern California
To what degree do immigrants reduce their high rates of residential overcrowding with increasing length of residence in the United States? This question is addressed through the application of a “double cohort” method that nests birth cohorts within immigration cohorts. This method enables duration of immigration effects to be separated from aging effects as cohorts pass through life course phases, when family sizes may be growing or shrinking. The analysis finds that cohort trends differ sharply from the cross-sectional pattern observed at a single point in time. Cohorts’ growth in income is found to contribute substantially to the decline in overcrowding over time. Cohort trends among Hispanic immigrants, however, diverge from those among others, indicating much less decrease in overcrowding and even increases over certain age spans.
{"717": 0.016021728515625, "2367": 0.037689208984375, "79385": 0.1156005859375, "54": 0.03741455078125, "177705": 0.2330322265625, "7": 0.07464599609375, "34390": 0.237548828125, "11192": 0.11279296875, "121297": 0.1341552734375, "111": 0.03387451171875, "148205": 0.151611328125, "289": 0.03179931640625, "645": 0.1446533203125, "238": 0.08758544921875, "15555": 0.1849365234375, "6238": 0.0977783203125, "678": 0.033233642578125, "118055": 0.1431884765625, "140909": 0.1365966796875, "45606": 0.17138671875, "329": 0.042144775390625, "23": 0.0246429443359375, "14098": 0.09625244140625, "46684": 0.1380615234375, "3293": 0.012939453125, "9655": 0.0950927734375, "29823": 0.10687255859375, "8305": 0.0221405029296875, "38415": 0.11041259765625, "52": 0.00215911865234375, "21555": 0.1754150390625, "2661": 0.2139892578125, "552": 0.10906982421875, "5922": 0.2135009765625, "18": 0.1627197265625, "55300": 0.2205810546875, "91280": 0.162353515625, "127319": 0.166259765625, "933": 0.08837890625, "28032": 0.0797119140625, "199417": 0.2376708984375, "22": 0.042144775390625, "19736": 0.04119873046875, "115": 0.060333251953125, "30494": 0.0290374755859375, "93425": 0.181884765625, "84797": 0.140625, "1295": 0.045928955078125, "66398": 0.1585693359375, "27875": 0.05780029296875, "6897": 0.058380126953125, "15411": 0.08074951171875, "93402": 0.09942626953125, "14449": 0.0855712890625, "13267": 0.035400390625, "1543": 0.02972412109375, "105925": 0.077392578125, "707": 0.002979278564453125, "90978": 0.01428985595703125, "114137": 0.132568359375, "7413": 0.01195526123046875, "12768": 0.1864013671875, "129927": 0.1810302734375, "189173": 0.0638427734375, "41421": 0.07598876953125, "39797": 0.09564208984375, "103510": 0.1590576171875, "139999": 0.04730224609375, "11001": 0.05743408203125, "6275": 0.056640625, "1733": 0.125732421875, "1311": 0.06536865234375, "75678": 0.141845703125, "91763": 0.176025390625, "14037": 0.03472900390625, "162466": 0.129638671875, "193984": 0.043304443359375, "206398": 0.2061767578125, "54940": 0.0293121337890625, "18763": 0.06884765625, "763": 0.1409912109375, "6402": 0.042999267578125, "45": 0.045257568359375, "74789": 0.1934814453125, "27060": 0.0301513671875, "114141": 0.035888671875, "5045": 0.050048828125, "40715": 0.1246337890625, "227204": 0.1722412109375, "3853": 0.01126861572265625, "51312": 0.13671875, "24233": 0.045440673828125, "32070": 0.055419921875, "27734": 0.09625244140625}
Expression of green fluorescent protein in the ureteric bud of transgenic mice: a new tool for the analysis of ureteric bud morphogenesis.
The growth and branching of the ureteric bud is a complex process that is ultimately responsible for the organization of the collecting duct system as well as the number of nephrons in the metanephric kidney. While the genes involved in the regulation of this process have begun to be elucidated, our understanding of the cellular and molecular basis of ureteric bud morphogenesis remains rudimentary. Furthermore, the timing and sequence of branching and elongation that gives rise to the collecting system of the kidney can only be inferred from retrospective staining or microdissection of fixed preparations. To aid in the investigation of these issues, we developed strains of transgenic mice in which a green fluorescent protein (GFP) is expressed in the ureteric bud under the control of the Hoxb7 promoter. In these mice, GFP is expressed in every branch of the ureteric bud throughout renal development, and in its derivative epithelia in the adult kidney. As GFP fluorescence can be easily visualized in living tissue, this allows the dynamic pattern of ureteric bud growth and branching to be followed over several days when the kidneys are cultured in vitro. Using confocal microscopy, branching of the ureteric bud in all three dimensions can be analyzed. These mice represent an extremely powerful tool to characterize the normal patterns of ureteric bud morphogenesis and to investigate the response of the bud to growth factors, matrix elements, and other agents that regulate its growth and branching.
{"75678": 0.222412109375, "136": 0.0875244140625, "32845": 0.2410888671875, "59207": 0.151123046875, "34699": 0.1807861328125, "67": 0.1651611328125, "12259": 0.171875, "13245": 0.286376953125, "83": 0.032684326171875, "27140": 0.17822265625, "9433": 0.130859375, "20654": 0.07904052734375, "37838": 0.00887298583984375, "102778": 0.2015380859375, "100": 0.007526397705078125, "70": 0.00923919677734375, "53702": 0.1964111328125, "111": 0.00920867919921875, "43799": 0.19970703125, "214": 0.05816650390625, "6": 0.00899505615234375, "77193": 0.182861328125, "5426": 0.159423828125, "237": 0.0087127685546875, "14012": 0.058380126953125, "108": 0.0182037353515625, "11727": 0.12176513671875, "38281": 0.11767578125, "23550": 0.08514404296875, "86": 0.006183624267578125, "200": 0.10284423828125, "10952": 0.1881103515625, "53": 0.08551025390625, "22293": 0.2042236328125, "7": 0.0092010498046875, "75412": 0.0811767578125, "23": 0.00911712646484375, "15913": 0.20751953125, "1363": 0.008697509765625, "186": 0.00920867919921875, "6967": 0.032135009765625, "47": 0.00923919677734375, "19264": 0.06549072265625, "24750": 0.1287841796875, "3674": 0.008941650390625, "4": 0.00923919677734375, "100094": 0.12347412109375, "2927": 0.058319091796875, "120087": 0.0921630859375, "233239": 0.06744384765625, "18231": 0.12646484375, "2993": 0.126953125, "22014": 0.1473388671875, "15292": 0.1998291015625, "6023": 0.060455322265625, "47143": 0.0391845703125, "44720": 0.043487548828125, "9319": 0.00902557373046875, "5527": 0.1739501953125, "944": 0.057861328125, "3956": 0.00884246826171875, "10617": 0.13134765625, "2320": 0.00884246826171875, "450": 0.0093231201171875, "58944": 0.038970947265625, "831": 0.0287628173828125, "4734": 0.00449371337890625, "53498": 0.08270263671875, "2822": 0.00873565673828125, "1295": 0.0078887939453125, "24036": 0.042816162109375, "4935": 0.0091705322265625, "1924": 0.11279296875, "14653": 0.006435394287109375, "11948": 0.08270263671875, "156881": 0.07244873046875, "10763": 0.0092010498046875, "188347": 0.1375732421875, "212485": 0.1541748046875, "36442": 0.062103271484375, "145456": 0.06475830078125, "126809": 0.0511474609375, "177488": 0.154296875, "3900": 0.09503173828125, "429": 0.1661376953125, "324": 0.1968994140625, "329": 0.107177734375, "10": 0.00859832763671875, "50997": 0.2049560546875, "127179": 0.19140625, "150506": 0.11651611328125, "21308": 0.2330322265625, "724": 0.08050537109375, "51006": 0.2509765625, "16": 0.00855255126953125, "36510": 0.1488037109375, "297": 0.00923919677734375, "1379": 0.008697509765625, "6226": 0.10772705078125, "2291": 0.05633544921875, "425": 0.045196533203125, "275": 0.07318115234375, "966": 0.1390380859375, "125568": 0.1705322265625, "42": 0.005840301513671875, "527": 0.0892333984375, "11907": 0.05126953125, "206": 0.0090179443359375, "87420": 0.0271759033203125, "218696": 0.1483154296875, "34754": 0.09820556640625, "6863": 0.00894927978515625, "30057": 0.049530029296875, "25277": 0.00952911376953125, "2347": 0.005481719970703125, "7884": 0.00884246826171875, "25171": 0.10699462890625, "6964": 0.0526123046875, "6620": 0.007503509521484375, "72546": 0.02935791015625, "21176": 0.1673583984375, "29367": 0.00916290283203125, "38043": 0.114990234375, "108055": 0.08062744140625, "13": 0.009185791015625, "114864": 0.0220794677734375, "84079": 0.14111328125, "103510": 0.172607421875, "134629": 0.056732177734375, "645": 0.009185791015625, "40368": 0.0083160400390625, "13312": 0.060272216796875, "3229": 0.00787353515625, "621": 0.0090179443359375, "29394": 0.0980224609375, "71": 0.0090789794921875, "279": 0.071044921875, "2955": 0.1038818359375, "6953": 0.00814056396484375, "158": 0.007198333740234375, "3584": 0.1563720703125, "6827": 0.009124755859375, "137366": 0.05523681640625, "17262": 0.0955810546875, "158208": 0.148681640625, "7968": 0.156494140625, "64807": 0.00832366943359375, "33636": 0.005939483642578125, "142": 0.009033203125, "111531": 0.038299560546875, "113138": 0.07086181640625, "55516": 0.1224365234375, "62816": 0.07818603515625, "20650": 0.009307861328125, "3638": 0.1138916015625, "32603": 0.0552978515625, "57553": 0.06689453125, "120103": 0.049468994140625, "50944": 0.0574951171875, "3789": 0.0080413818359375, "97957": 0.137939453125}
Biological properties of herpes simplex virus 2 replication-defective mutant strains in a murine nasal infection model.
We used a mouse nasal model of herpes simplex virus 2 (HSV-2) infection to examine the biological properties of HSV-2 wild-type (wt), TK-negative, and replication-defective strains in vivo. Nasal septa tissue is the major site of wt viral replication post intranasal (i.n.) inoculation. The HSV-2 strain 186 syn(+)-1 wt virus caused lethal encephalitis at doses of 10(4) PFU and above per nostril, and at lower doses no neurons in the trigeminal ganglia were positive for the latency-associated transcript, indicating a lack of latent infection. The 186DeltaKpn TK-negative mutant virus replicated in nasal septa tissue but showed low-level replication in trigeminal ganglia at only one timepoint. In situ hybridization of trigeminal ganglia showed that the number of LAT-positive neurons was proportional to the inoculum dose from 10(3) to 10(6) PFU per nare. The replication-defective mutant virus 5BlacZ showed no replication in nasal septa tissue and no persistence of viral DNA at the inoculation site or the trigeminal ganglia. Nevertheless, inoculation of 5BlacZ or the double-mutant dl5-29 at distal sites reduced acute replication and latent infection of 186DeltaKpn following intranasal challenge. This infection model provides a biological system to test the properties of HSV-2 strains and shows that replication-defective mutant strains do not persist at sites of inoculation or in sensory ganglia but can induce immune protection that reduces the latent viral load of a challenge virus.
{"11814": 0.0299224853515625, "114669": 0.183349609375, "24": 0.16943359375, "2317": 0.1318359375, "3299": 0.2105712890625, "150381": 0.2293701171875, "8781": 0.141357421875, "425": 0.10247802734375, "14994": 0.1802978515625, "116": 0.09796142578125, "38131": 0.07635498046875, "856": 0.1878662109375, "10461": 0.11077880859375, "159634": 0.1845703125, "160477": 0.0721435546875, "333": 0.04876708984375, "109622": 0.06195068359375, "183871": 0.13720703125, "572": 0.11822509765625, "43486": 0.269287109375, "5428": 0.1761474609375, "56409": 0.172119140625, "50986": 0.14306640625, "434": 0.0489501953125, "18": 0.1424560546875, "108783": 0.191650390625, "3331": 0.1368408203125, "456": 0.1048583984375, "182867": 0.1962890625, "112": 0.0587158203125, "420": 0.1470947265625, "177488": 0.2083740234375, "16622": 0.1539306640625, "353": 0.176025390625, "61433": 0.1884765625, "11": 0.11505126953125, "108055": 0.1591796875, "13": 0.051666259765625, "13036": 0.0872802734375, "1764": 0.157470703125, "148": 0.0643310546875, "88254": 0.164306640625, "1305": 0.10870361328125, "18440": 0.09423828125, "76": 0.146240234375, "23": 0.10986328125, "6652": 0.1297607421875, "72403": 0.07977294921875, "118582": 0.264404296875, "6002": 0.1153564453125, "102817": 0.10699462890625, "5759": 0.041473388671875, "143434": 0.11968994140625, "95": 0.099609375, "56680": 0.1265869140625, "22": 0.05120849609375, "16615": 0.1290283203125, "35224": 0.1263427734375, "1814": 0.1148681640625, "655": 0.11798095703125, "209": 0.0460205078125, "99217": 0.12078857421875, "47744": 0.15673828125, "36917": 0.05560302734375, "11863": 0.14697265625, "92319": 0.09234619140625, "110": 0.057220458984375, "184940": 0.156005859375, "1927": 0.083984375, "429": 0.062286376953125, "1249": 0.072265625, "4642": 0.06182861328125, "7884": 0.140380859375, "24491": 0.11602783203125, "19161": 0.161865234375, "45388": 0.07659912109375, "30334": 0.0552978515625, "32032": 0.06085205078125, "92635": 0.0888671875, "58598": 0.1199951171875, "102": 0.04412841796875, "254": 0.0377197265625, "19": 0.04339599609375, "842": 0.1395263671875, "18211": 0.098876953125, "143126": 0.2109375, "27226": 0.075927734375, "67919": 0.0147705078125, "4734": 0.009033203125, "1733": 0.06524658203125, "24311": 0.040130615234375, "113490": 0.1793212890625, "38705": 0.139404296875, "67890": 0.0657958984375, "123875": 0.03607177734375, "31": 0.10821533203125, "68510": 0.145751953125, "39098": 0.09417724609375, "169073": 0.029632568359375, "581": 0.002777099609375, "190": 0.09796142578125, "571": 0.005451202392578125, "28549": 0.06390380859375, "1511": 0.125244140625, "70560": 0.1009521484375, "27583": 0.07952880859375, "41929": 0.04754638671875, "561": 0.10858154296875, "42734": 0.0242462158203125, "758": 0.07745361328125, "56989": 0.147705078125, "15271": 0.034393310546875, "34390": 0.1285400390625, "85691": 0.072265625, "66801": 0.174072265625, "5426": 0.073486328125, "3034": 0.09844970703125, "100034": 0.028656005859375, "959": 0.0083160400390625, "831": 0.0289154052734375, "43766": 0.026885986328125, "48431": 0.0928955078125, "72367": 0.062408447265625}
The sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor agonist FTY720 modulates dendritic cell trafficking in vivo.
The pro-drug FTY720 is undergoing phase III clinical trials for prevention of allograft rejection. After phosphorylation, FTY720 targets the G protein-coupled-sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor 1 (S1PR1) on lymphocytes, thereby inhibiting their egress from lymphoid organs and their recirculation to inflammatory sites. Potential effects on dendritic cell (DC) trafficking have not been evaluated. Here, we demonstrate the expression of all five S1PR subtypes (S1PR1-5) by murine DCs. Administration of FTY720 to C57BL/10 mice markedly reduced circulating T and B lymphocytes within 24 h, but not blood-borne DCs, which were enhanced significantly for up to 96 h, while DCs in lymph nodes and spleen were reduced. Numbers of adoptively transferred, fluorochrome-labeled syngeneic or allogeneic DCs in blood were increased significantly in FTY720-treated animals, while donor-derived DCs and allostimulatory activity for host naïve T cells within the spleen were reduced. Administration of the selective S1PR1 agonist SEW2871 significantly enhanced circulating DC numbers. Flow analysis revealed that CD11b, CD31/PECAM-1, CD54/ICAM-1 and CCR7 expression on blood-borne DCs was downregulated following FTY720 administration. Transendothelial migration of FTY720-P-treated immature DCs to the CCR7 ligand CCL19 was reduced. These novel data suggest that modulation of DC trafficking by FTY720 may contribute to its immunosuppressive effects.
{"502": 0.19873046875, "131836": 0.18505859375, "563": 0.12310791015625, "27143": 0.218017578125, "114988": 0.305419921875, "1379": 0.044158935546875, "519": 0.051177978515625, "93402": 0.09765625, "4830": 0.1348876953125, "56465": 0.08544921875, "289": 0.0041656494140625, "110324": 0.1795654296875, "7": 0.0080108642578125, "479": 0.11767578125, "57241": 0.1571044921875, "756": 0.1044921875, "34815": 0.2388916015625, "18": 0.06536865234375, "34590": 0.197021484375, "10763": 0.054168701171875, "24372": 0.0823974609375, "134208": 0.13818359375, "139006": 0.122314453125, "53": 0.04345703125, "57860": 0.07159423828125, "30388": 0.202880859375, "527": 0.1185302734375, "21308": 0.1754150390625, "2037": 0.058135986328125, "6259": 0.0034084320068359375, "19379": 0.050048828125, "19120": 0.11981201171875, "14186": 0.06201171875, "5759": 0.050506591796875, "9": 0.005237579345703125, "14612": 0.03521728515625, "67": 0.003940582275390625, "137376": 0.167236328125, "106": 0.06109619140625, "294": 0.0521240234375, "418": 0.057403564453125, "17255": 0.215087890625, "17727": 0.07354736328125, "238757": 0.1470947265625, "2408": 0.09906005859375, "1636": 0.003589630126953125, "4": 0.0052642822265625, "2685": 0.003971099853515625, "1272": 0.00505828857421875, "173702": 0.201171875, "1916": 0.005191802978515625, "28": 0.00458526611328125, "19623": 0.1573486328125, "1295": 0.00469207763671875, "7484": 0.1507568359375, "136": 0.0732421875, "82063": 0.10394287109375, "72403": 0.00518035888671875, "47": 0.06524658203125, "41036": 0.146728515625, "18023": 0.0035247802734375, "31667": 0.00494384765625, "15271": 0.049224853515625, "229677": 0.1190185546875, "93425": 0.1429443359375, "8": 0.11248779296875, "29887": 0.1778564453125, "9523": 0.00075531005859375, "38750": 0.1644287109375, "21960": 0.1591796875, "83629": 0.2066650390625, "6048": 0.12744140625, "959": 0.034027099609375, "2809": 0.0030155181884765625, "151575": 0.0703125, "297": 0.005062103271484375, "106804": 0.037506103515625, "13": 0.005157470703125, "70": 0.005252838134765625, "125195": 0.1453857421875, "111": 0.005016326904296875, "43606": 0.1463623046875, "159": 0.07122802734375, "1614": 0.1324462890625, "50986": 0.1728515625, "20268": 0.01462554931640625, "43317": 0.10943603515625, "7828": 0.1575927734375, "1212": 0.05560302734375, "31455": 0.16455078125, "141888": 0.165771484375, "313": 0.059600830078125, "12243": 0.208251953125, "38274": 0.1849365234375, "12988": 0.1424560546875, "324": 0.1142578125, "329": 0.004779815673828125, "94419": 0.044708251953125, "538": 0.00537109375, "34390": 0.1650390625, "71": 0.0053863525390625, "41263": 0.148681640625, "384": 0.04461669921875, "335": 0.0631103515625, "31": 0.0022125244140625, "28032": 0.05621337890625, "744": 0.10955810546875, "1096": 0.13427734375, "59714": 0.110107421875, "3422": 0.07818603515625, "86": 0.00508880615234375, "3129": 0.003704071044921875, "3542": 0.005161285400390625, "156856": 0.1827392578125, "207583": 0.05023193359375, "100": 0.0052490234375, "1257": 0.0034008026123046875, "13549": 0.187255859375, "23": 0.004795074462890625, "110": 0.04144287109375, "988": 0.00524139404296875, "27095": 0.1083984375, "5997": 0.0021610260009765625, "30666": 0.126708984375, "5844": 0.0052642822265625, "12302": 0.07666015625, "2822": 0.005069732666015625, "127179": 0.075439453125, "3581": 0.00213623046875, "7761": 0.054595947265625, "152526": 0.007579803466796875, "6002": 0.0616455078125, "15292": 0.0005121231079101562, "1771": 0.005153656005859375, "24286": 0.1058349609375, "124735": 0.12237548828125, "2921": 0.096923828125, "27686": 0.00542449951171875, "85825": 0.141357421875, "164441": 0.083740234375, "14": 0.004863739013671875, "4126": 0.00522613525390625, "143933": 0.0799560546875, "4597": 0.005275726318359375, "27980": 0.00864410400390625, "24": 0.026123046875, "9392": 0.01885986328125, "272": 0.0050811767578125, "36849": 0.06951904296875, "6650": 0.12158203125, "6755": 0.061920166015625, "1456": 0.07171630859375, "3882": 0.1082763671875, "15770": 0.12042236328125, "17336": 0.08026123046875, "114137": 0.004302978515625, "7915": 0.035797119140625, "1662": 0.07598876953125, "275": 0.04864501953125, "5016": 0.12420654296875, "64": 0.00475311279296875, "115182": 0.10174560546875, "12338": 0.06353759765625, "30941": 0.052001953125, "594": 0.004993438720703125, "22578": 0.06817626953125, "966": 0.07269287109375, "98": 0.00434112548828125, "7565": 0.0938720703125, "144867": 0.134521484375, "3674": 0.00530242919921875, "86052": 0.1473388671875, "11062": 0.0287017822265625, "4017": 0.0187225341796875, "2347": 0.055908203125, "212416": 0.09326171875, "683": 0.08062744140625, "67144": 0.08050537109375, "3408": 0.0052337646484375, "19881": 0.04638671875, "37486": 0.0189056396484375, "2947": 0.06292724609375, "21261": 0.0283355712890625, "2053": 0.05438232421875, "42459": 0.007244110107421875, "450": 0.005184173583984375, "17055": 0.157958984375, "2320": 0.0039825439453125, "1543": 0.0850830078125, "162466": 0.103271484375, "43766": 0.112548828125, "232": 0.004913330078125, "11856": 0.1190185546875}
Sustained survivin expression from OX40 costimulatory signals drives T cell clonal expansion.
Sustained signaling from the T cell receptor (TCR) and costimulatory molecules is thought necessary for generating high numbers of effector T cells. Here, we show that Survivin is controlled in peripheral T cells by OX40 cosignaling via sustained PI3k and PKB activation. Survivin is induced by OX40 independent of mitotic progression in late G1, and blocking Survivin suppresses S-phase transition and division of T cells and leads to apoptosis. Moreover, Survivin expression alone is sufficient to restore proliferation and to antagonize apoptosis in costimulation-deficient T cells and can rescue T cell expansion in vivo. Survivin allows effector T cells to accumulate in large numbers, but Bcl-2 family proteins are required for T cell survival after the phase of active division. Thus, sustained Survivin expression from costimulatory signaling maintains T cell division over time and regulates the extent of clonal expansion.
{"1832": 0.0609130859375, "271": 0.166748046875, "122009": 0.10260009765625, "26073": 0.2021484375, "214": 0.0804443359375, "1295": 0.0132598876953125, "384": 0.1485595703125, "38750": 0.2049560546875, "137376": 0.1807861328125, "22578": 0.1533203125, "136": 0.014801025390625, "54364": 0.125244140625, "19908": 0.178955078125, "31667": 0.051239013671875, "49711": 0.06884765625, "17569": 0.06646728515625, "63559": 0.16259765625, "12663": 0.0931396484375, "11192": 0.0565185546875, "101935": 0.0606689453125, "21543": 0.1168212890625, "748": 0.088134765625, "7639": 0.0178070068359375, "8018": 0.16357421875, "686": 0.2044677734375, "2082": 0.255126953125, "6226": 0.21337890625, "6259": 0.0933837890625, "117": 0.007434844970703125, "14": 0.0049285888671875, "94266": 0.1263427734375, "63588": 0.1689453125, "2839": 0.25, "552": 0.1219482421875, "165992": 0.2119140625, "1829": 0.005466461181640625, "205027": 0.232177734375, "25645": 0.1092529296875, "363": 0.10675048828125, "92": 0.0936279296875, "436": 0.02288818359375, "39709": 0.2027587890625, "34704": 0.119384765625, "135989": 0.160400390625, "41371": 0.09136962890625, "86467": 0.054412841796875, "187735": 0.08087158203125, "72399": 0.07867431640625, "527": 0.015655517578125, "418": 0.0199127197265625, "46389": 0.1502685546875, "15811": 0.067626953125, "11856": 0.095458984375, "159": 0.055816650390625, "153213": 0.1220703125, "149307": 0.08392333984375, "91853": 0.162353515625, "37105": 0.043853759765625, "6885": 0.10028076171875, "40934": 0.16748046875, "6023": 0.0699462890625, "125195": 0.18994140625, "75447": 0.08642578125, "129980": 0.12200927734375, "14359": 0.07275390625, "215447": 0.0906982421875, "63212": 0.01154327392578125, "519": 0.08148193359375, "39": 0.09844970703125, "110410": 0.136474609375, "831": 0.00867462158203125, "114777": 0.1195068359375, "14700": 0.0237579345703125, "66": 0.070556640625, "16622": 0.1468505859375, "114864": 0.10009765625, "183278": 0.089111328125, "335": 0.01366424560546875, "34937": 0.1531982421875, "5428": 0.1148681640625, "14449": 0.091064453125, "21308": 0.15380859375, "56065": 0.15576171875, "218018": 0.1995849609375, "7103": 0.007198333740234375, "93402": 0.0697021484375, "36457": 0.106689453125, "76104": 0.115478515625, "1733": 0.08544921875, "15913": 0.1387939453125, "192961": 0.0078277587890625, "20450": 0.09619140625, "6236": 0.042755126953125}
The Combination of Exercise and Respiratory Training Improves Respiratory Muscle Function in Pulmonary Hypertension
Increased dyspnea and reduced exercise capacity in pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) can be partly attributed to impaired respiratory muscle function. This prospective study was designed to assess the impact of exercise and respiratory training on respiratory muscle strength and 6-min walking distance (6MWD) in PAH patients. Patients with invasively confirmed PAH underwent 3 weeks of in-hospital exercise and respiratory training, which was continued at home for another 12 weeks. Medication remained constant during the study period. Blinded observers assessed efficacy parameters at baseline (I) and after 3 (II) and 15 weeks (III). Respiratory muscle function was assessed by twitch mouth pressure (TwPmo) during nonvolitional supramaximal magnetic phrenic nerve stimulation. Seven PAH patients (4 women; mean pulmonary artery pressure 45 ± 11 mmHg, median WHO functional class 3.1 ± 0.4, idiopathic/associated PAH n = 5/2) were included. The training program was feasible and well tolerated by all patients with excellent compliance. TwPmo was I: 0.86 ± 0.37 kPa, II: 1.04 ± 0.29 kPa, and III: 1.27 ± 0.44 kPa, respectively. 6MWD was I: 417 ± 51 m, II: 509 ± 39 m, and III: 498 ± 39 m, respectively. Both TwPmo (+0.41 ± 0.34 kPa, +56 ± 39 %) and 6MWD (+81 ± 30 m, +20 ± 9 %) increased significantly in the period between baseline and the final assessment (pairwise comparison: p = 0.012/<0.001; RM-ANOVA considering I, II, III: p = 0.037/<0.001). Exercise and respiratory training as an adjunct to medical therapy may be effective in patients with PAH to improve respiratory muscle strength and exercise capacity. Future, randomized, controlled trials should be carried out to further investigate these findings.
{"8942": 0.05682373046875, "1283": 0.1448974609375, "51634": 0.0819091796875, "75031": 0.2105712890625, "11": 0.097900390625, "34390": 0.098876953125, "71": 0.01861572265625, "81979": 0.248291015625, "177399": 0.1719970703125, "236544": 0.162109375, "183918": 0.10833740234375, "59058": 0.12158203125, "128872": 0.2264404296875, "12236": 0.1474609375, "841": 0.1978759765625, "16": 0.0246429443359375, "831": 0.0382080078125, "186": 0.0246124267578125, "2831": 0.044708251953125, "538": 0.024749755859375, "150380": 0.075927734375, "297": 0.0245361328125, "566": 0.01076507568359375, "109637": 0.1668701171875, "143435": 0.23828125, "53": 0.0640869140625, "123635": 0.22705078125, "32354": 0.175537109375, "109736": 0.09735107421875, "5844": 0.0233001708984375, "35187": 0.09857177734375, "82775": 0.0382080078125, "202120": 0.14501953125, "70": 0.024627685546875, "24725": 0.176513671875, "136": 0.103271484375, "23189": 0.23388671875, "98": 0.0154876708984375, "90254": 0.193359375, "13007": 0.128662109375, "1249": 0.190185546875, "122395": 0.1868896484375, "62488": 0.193115234375, "16156": 0.043975830078125, "87390": 0.140380859375, "436": 0.12225341796875, "21898": 0.253662109375, "60264": 0.163330078125, "135004": 0.1048583984375, "7": 0.02471923828125, "678": 0.024505615234375, "116000": 0.16064453125, "272": 0.0246429443359375, "39563": 0.09625244140625, "138": 0.055419921875, "40859": 0.123291015625, "111": 0.0243072509765625, "9": 0.0245208740234375, "139804": 0.164794921875, "4": 0.0247344970703125, "3129": 0.0204620361328125, "509": 0.0243682861328125, "136475": 0.07861328125, "99": 0.024566650390625, "5368": 0.12841796875, "100": 0.024627685546875, "15700": 0.034088134765625, "427": 0.052734375, "142519": 0.171875, "1363": 0.0152587890625, "47143": 0.0440673828125, "53697": 0.1390380859375, "20271": 0.030426025390625, "14922": 0.06634521484375, "141524": 0.1607666015625, "160073": 0.0994873046875, "9129": 0.048858642578125, "22346": 0.1220703125, "2408": 0.0244598388671875, "171859": 0.134765625, "3647": 0.13720703125, "2256": 0.1368408203125, "568": 0.00125885009765625, "7103": 0.0295867919921875, "15": 0.0247955322265625, "10001": 0.0399169921875, "423": 0.0643310546875, "33747": 0.054718017578125, "853": 0.0268096923828125, "54547": 0.192626953125, "390": 0.0247039794921875, "808": 0.04193115234375, "131519": 0.2138671875, "113008": 0.16552734375, "81147": 0.2093505859375, "434": 0.061981201171875, "683": 0.0345458984375, "432": 0.18701171875, "351": 0.05731201171875, "24829": 0.060699462890625, "43315": 0.0247344970703125, "18888": 0.051513671875, "24084": 0.022735595703125, "14": 0.024322509765625, "2749": 0.0244140625, "214706": 0.1304931640625, "69688": 0.09637451171875, "33": 0.0213165283203125, "1771": 0.0237579345703125, "24030": 0.08038330078125, "13": 0.0244598388671875, "28029": 0.11773681640625, "2320": 0.0247039794921875, "132556": 0.118896484375, "9451": 0.06500244140625, "24793": 0.1524658203125, "74": 0.0247802734375, "29459": 0.134033203125, "143989": 0.0943603515625, "2678": 0.1395263671875, "6": 0.0247802734375, "38405": 0.0247650146484375, "534": 0.036895751953125, "177": 0.0247039794921875, "2450": 0.14501953125, "19": 0.024749755859375, "125253": 0.11273193359375, "123309": 0.1744384765625, "18507": 0.1607666015625, "45151": 0.11737060546875, "121254": 0.1278076171875, "57840": 0.1004638671875, "86132": 0.023773193359375, "238": 0.0245513916015625, "162": 0.0245513916015625, "45388": 0.023406982421875, "27686": 0.024688720703125, "653": 0.0163421630859375, "2203": 0.0243682861328125, "190": 0.037689208984375, "12477": 0.110107421875, "3542": 0.02447509765625, "99201": 0.07098388671875, "1528": 0.11810302734375, "3820": 0.07147216796875, "55356": 0.0229034423828125, "5299": 0.0197296142578125, "47": 0.024871826171875, "603": 0.1065673828125, "756": 0.022796630859375, "40881": 0.05731201171875, "225932": 0.1668701171875, "384": 0.01189422607421875, "87": 0.02313232421875, "12": 0.0248565673828125, "5": 0.0248260498046875, "15276": 0.1009521484375, "127089": 0.060699462890625, "966": 0.024566650390625, "8335": 0.060394287109375, "1995": 0.057708740234375, "615": 0.024810791015625, "7709": 0.024169921875, "126175": 0.010589599609375, "1126": 0.024688720703125, "472": 0.02001953125, "4830": 0.0750732421875, "3768": 0.058563232421875, "757": 0.0246124267578125, "12465": 0.0261993408203125, "107013": 0.0250701904296875, "305": 0.09698486328125, "594": 0.0096435546875, "201": 0.0045623779296875, "2489": 0.0246734619140625, "8651": 0.11224365234375, "347": 0.14306640625, "836": 0.0300140380859375, "5606": 0.08660888671875, "165611": 0.06427001953125, "149766": 0.0028057098388671875, "418": 0.0248260498046875, "617": 0.02459716796875, "997": 0.0247650146484375, "13683": 0.0247344970703125, "65209": 0.024810791015625, "22183": 0.013275146484375, "13556": 0.038543701171875, "496": 0.02252197265625, "1549": 0.02484130859375, "483": 0.024658203125, "124735": 0.1558837890625, "207583": 0.06280517578125, "23": 0.0247802734375, "17721": 0.0213775634765625, "2704": 0.024993896484375, "164031": 0.0877685546875, "90825": 0.024688720703125, "225490": 0.01456451416015625, "915": 0.07733154296875, "89678": 0.05126953125, "1530": 0.0248260498046875, "64": 0.024566650390625, "16093": 0.024658203125, "37509": 0.0263519287109375, "12174": 0.08837890625, "284": 0.0215911865234375, "185769": 0.1988525390625, "179635": 0.0230560302734375, "10945": 0.0245819091796875, "17727": 0.02459716796875, "155534": 0.1839599609375, "184": 0.018585205078125, "237": 0.021514892578125, "142": 0.024627685546875, "606": 0.024688720703125, "17043": 0.084228515625, "15390": 0.024871826171875, "29874": 0.09765625, "106864": 0.09210205078125, "1543": 0.05609130859375, "60266": 0.1033935546875, "52295": 0.1390380859375, "94724": 0.0275115966796875, "29367": 0.0245513916015625, "6226": 0.00489044189453125, "6259": 0.024078369140625, "110324": 0.093994140625, "5608": 0.00679779052734375, "175100": 0.01062774658203125, "1810": 0.024810791015625, "53333": 0.011505126953125, "32603": 0.00455474853515625, "67": 0.024749755859375, "6097": 0.01251220703125}
Dual role of the IL-12/IFN-gamma axis in the development of autoimmune myocarditis: induction by IL-12 and protection by IFN-gamma.
IL-12 and IFN-gamma positively regulate each other and type 1 inflammatory responses, which are believed to cause tissue damage in autoimmune diseases. We investigated the role of the IL-12/IFN-gamma (Th1) axis in the development of autoimmune myocarditis. IL-12p40-deficient mice on a susceptible background resisted myocarditis. In the absence of IL-12, autospecific CD4(+) T cells proliferated poorly and showed increased Th2 cytokine responses. However, IFN-gamma-deficient mice developed fatal autoimmune disease, and blockade of IL-4R signaling did not confer susceptibility to myocarditis in IL-12p40-deficient mice, demonstrating that IL-12 triggers autoimmunity by a mechanism independent of the effector cytokines IFN-gamma and IL-4. In conclusion, our results suggest that the IL-12/IFN-gamma axis is a double-edged sword for the development of autoimmune myocarditis. Although IL-12 mediates disease by induction/expansion of Th1-type cells, IFN-gamma production from these cells limits disease progression.
{"30219": 0.218994140625, "9955": 0.30859375, "136": 0.061767578125, "55449": 0.21337890625, "839": 0.208984375, "17705": 0.209228515625, "192": 0.16015625, "24491": 0.141357421875, "538": 0.0142974853515625, "15913": 0.219482421875, "67": 0.0205841064453125, "12638": 0.0958251953125, "3789": 0.118896484375, "10644": 0.134521484375, "106": 0.09844970703125, "41036": 0.125244140625, "18023": 0.10748291015625, "57553": 0.1376953125, "7": 0.01442718505859375, "4": 0.014251708984375, "621": 0.01303863525390625, "18822": 0.08123779296875, "71": 0.0250091552734375, "22304": 0.08526611328125, "108055": 0.11572265625, "13": 0.012664794921875, "82649": 0.170654296875, "1809": 0.214111328125, "464": 0.1417236328125, "561": 0.173583984375, "70997": 0.11859130859375, "32603": 0.035980224609375, "31486": 0.134765625, "64": 0.08355712890625, "29836": 0.2052001953125, "20800": 0.1431884765625, "17727": 0.1845703125, "10": 0.1134033203125, "33102": 0.262451171875, "70": 0.0143280029296875, "34754": 0.1502685546875, "111": 0.01438140869140625, "759": 0.08514404296875, "31": 0.060577392578125, "38931": 0.209228515625, "23240": 0.1456298828125, "254": 0.0703125, "2839": 0.2059326171875, "110410": 0.219482421875, "324": 0.16015625, "329": 0.05157470703125, "168194": 0.158203125, "76615": 0.12164306640625, "39746": 0.1689453125, "112199": 0.1282958984375, "159975": 0.156005859375, "7915": 0.078369140625, "617": 0.14599609375, "102817": 0.128662109375, "384": 0.09552001953125, "38750": 0.1378173828125, "215447": 0.09930419921875, "3674": 0.01323699951171875, "70425": 0.10406494140625, "124735": 0.091064453125, "6003": 0.0958251953125, "304": 0.12841796875, "6448": 0.1221923828125, "1212": 0.045257568359375, "126809": 0.0377197265625, "85235": 0.10797119140625, "86": 0.01371002197265625, "46389": 0.1195068359375, "2873": 0.01335906982421875, "11565": 0.1546630859375, "1052": 0.0772705078125, "26073": 0.11065673828125, "214": 0.0233612060546875, "6777": 0.00910186767578125, "959": 0.07513427734375, "158": 0.01412200927734375, "2875": 0.0635986328125, "19462": 0.0660400390625, "14": 0.01406097412109375, "106804": 0.007843017578125, "185553": 0.2041015625, "12303": 0.184814453125, "2481": 0.0132293701171875, "390": 0.0144500732421875, "191619": 0.10833740234375, "41371": 0.078369140625, "21543": 0.06011962890625, "748": 0.01419830322265625, "12741": 0.00609588623046875, "9": 0.0142059326171875, "360": 0.01337432861328125, "93192": 0.007656097412109375, "50339": 0.0132598876953125, "42459": 0.059906005859375, "83": 0.032928466796875, "41929": 0.1407470703125, "297": 0.06298828125, "17704": 0.0135040283203125, "47416": 0.1806640625, "100": 0.033599853515625, "106073": 0.0243072509765625, "2450": 0.163818359375, "1636": 0.012664794921875, "77391": 0.10357666015625, "66": 0.0078582763671875, "6889": 0.01438140869140625, "20268": 0.06854248046875, "50986": 0.10382080078125, "36049": 0.0914306640625, "6097": 0.00928497314453125, "17475": 0.16015625, "187735": 0.10089111328125}
Somatic and Germline Diversification of a Putative Immunoreceptor within One Phylum: Dscam in Arthropods.
Arthropod Dscam, the homologue of the human Down Syndrome cell adhesion molecule, is a receptor used by the nervous and immune systems. Unlike in vertebrates, evolutionary pressure has selected and maintained a vast Dscam diversity of isoforms, known to specifying neuronal identity during the nervous system differentiation. This chapter examines the different modes of Dscam diversification in the context of arthropods' evolution and that of their immune system, where its role is controversial. In the single Dscam gene of insects and crustaceans, mutually exclusive alternative splicing affects three clusters of duplicated exons encoding the variable parts of the receptor. The Dscam gene produces over 10,000 isoforms. In the more basal arthropods such as centipedes, Dscam diversity results from a combination of many germline genes (over 80) with, in about half of those, the possibility of alternative splicing affecting only one exon cluster. In the even more basal arthropods, such as chelicerates, no splicing possibility is detected, but there exist dozens of germline Dscam genes. Compared to controlling the expression of multiple germline genes, the somatic mutually alternative splicing within a single gene may offer a simplified way of expressing a large Dscam repertoire. Expressed by hemocytes, Dscam is considered a phagocytic receptor but is also encountered in solution. More information is necessary about its binding to pathogens, its role in phagocytosis, its possible role in specifying hemocyte identity, its kinetics of expression, and the regulation of its RNA splicing to understand how its diversity is linked to immunity.
{"1172": 0.084716796875, "42294": 0.159912109375, "10299": 0.20703125, "391": 0.1680908203125, "7": 0.158203125, "9779": 0.391845703125, "7622": 0.1287841796875, "179554": 0.199462890625, "14135": 0.10150146484375, "49472": 0.242431640625, "19010": 0.1337890625, "102851": 0.1690673828125, "38750": 0.142822265625, "10": 0.035736083984375, "10500": 0.1834716796875, "6889": 0.0270233154296875, "49711": 0.099853515625, "75449": 0.0699462890625, "83": 0.058441162109375, "137376": 0.26123046875, "11814": 0.149658203125, "11066": 0.093994140625, "13048": 0.1541748046875, "136": 0.07415771484375, "43766": 0.178466796875, "13": 0.002101898193359375, "76519": 0.1370849609375, "5062": 0.0570068359375, "23": 0.0023345947265625, "38715": 0.06317138671875, "2844": 0.07269287109375, "1636": 0.0021953582763671875, "4": 0.0025997161865234375, "28": 0.03558349609375, "137089": 0.167724609375, "6635": 0.0018253326416015625, "81147": 0.1951904296875, "133291": 0.0816650390625, "76104": 0.03668212890625, "297": 0.0022983551025390625, "18410": 0.04327392578125, "18595": 0.147705078125, "13882": 0.06903076171875, "5037": 0.2176513671875, "47": 0.0020580291748046875, "48502": 0.127685546875, "151138": 0.00611114501953125, "184940": 0.128173828125, "289": 0.0019378662109375, "182324": 0.197265625, "70": 0.0023899078369140625, "5426": 0.10699462890625, "99710": 0.1619873046875, "2320": 0.0019083023071289062, "139539": 0.033050537109375, "12921": 0.055328369140625, "13736": 0.1151123046875, "134199": 0.2197265625, "111": 0.0022487640380859375, "187": 0.0643310546875, "31486": 0.1280517578125, "189353": 0.1260986328125, "141": 0.0022869110107421875, "11001": 0.1259765625, "22293": 0.17724609375, "103665": 0.164794921875, "22684": 0.01222991943359375, "590": 0.045928955078125, "329": 0.0225982666015625, "10133": 0.0017747879028320312, "199849": 0.1136474609375, "538": 0.00238800048828125, "97629": 0.07220458984375, "30700": 0.2030029296875, "91": 0.0404052734375, "55992": 0.22119140625, "214": 0.054046630859375, "52490": 0.136474609375, "17262": 0.10174560546875, "234737": 0.1748046875, "171763": 0.12042236328125, "3674": 0.0021419525146484375, "1119": 0.1253662109375, "5245": 0.125732421875, "22": 0.00203704833984375, "587": 0.08636474609375, "6238": 0.0018529891967773438, "77336": 0.170654296875, "63920": 0.044158935546875, "27489": 0.0906982421875, "84428": 0.1248779296875, "1286": 0.041717529296875, "4950": 0.11175537109375, "6044": 0.0014390945434570312, "237": 0.0021686553955078125, "135131": 0.0972900390625, "1081": 0.0016880035400390625, "988": 0.00019824504852294922, "939": 0.00669097900390625, "50339": 0.007236480712890625, "1295": 0.0020904541015625, "162515": 0.02239990234375, "5941": 0.0283660888671875, "117979": 0.12939453125, "2256": 0.1337890625, "15": 0.0004582405090332031, "2248": 0.12213134765625, "16": 0.002178192138671875, "1672": 0.002227783203125, "8382": 0.0019817352294921875, "207116": 0.1038818359375, "4734": 0.007396697998046875, "1632": 0.050689697265625, "191": 0.112060546875, "290": 0.0169677734375, "13348": 0.00946044921875, "17957": 0.0031642913818359375, "110": 0.006908416748046875, "96391": 0.04364013671875, "1755": 0.0021686553955078125, "6226": 0.09771728515625, "2069": 0.00041961669921875, "125195": 0.0517578125, "48716": 0.038238525390625, "221": 0.0848388671875, "47148": 0.07977294921875, "112892": 0.036102294921875, "1029": 0.002285003662109375, "36510": 0.058197021484375, "28926": 0.02044677734375, "59843": 0.0016460418701171875, "25129": 0.07098388671875, "390": 0.0019521713256835938, "2360": 0.08319091796875, "2408": 0.08843994140625, "90698": 0.01202392578125, "40681": 0.07586669921875, "519": 0.0345458984375, "190647": 0.03515625, "29806": 0.08294677734375, "128239": 0.1151123046875, "60875": 0.06427001953125, "62976": 0.1304931640625, "1952": 0.036895751953125, "67": 0.0016918182373046875, "6863": 0.0027370452880859375, "200": 0.0006279945373535156, "86": 0.0008358955383300781, "41637": 0.0023288726806640625, "15913": 0.001499176025390625, "1363": 0.002277374267578125, "6": 0.0019197463989257812, "125499": 0.10968017578125, "28219": 0.0046539306640625, "3642": 0.0012083053588867188, "3126": 0.0212554931640625}
Epidemiology, health-related quality of life and economic burden of binge eating disorder: a systematic literature review
PURPOSE To perform a systematic review on the epidemiology, the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) and economic burden of binge eating disorder (BED). METHODS A systematic literature search of English-language articles was conducted using Medline, Embase, PsycINFO, PsycARTICLES, Academic Search Complete, CINAHL Plus, Business Source Premier and Cochrane Library. Literature search on epidemiology was limited to studies published between 2009 and 2013. Cost data were inflated and converted to 2012 US$ purchasing power parities. All of the included studies were assessed for quality. RESULTS Forty-nine articles were included. Data on epidemiology were reported in 31, HRQoL burden in 16, and economic burden in 7 studies. Diagnosis of BED was made using 4th Edition of The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) criteria in 46 studies. Lifetime prevalence of BED was 1.1-1.9% in the general population (DSM-IV). BED was associated with significant impairment in aspects of HRQoL relating to both physical and mental health; the Short Form 36 Physical and Mental Component Summary mean scores varied between 31.1 to 47.3 and 32.0 to 49.8, respectively. Compared to individuals without eating disorder, BED was related to increased healthcare utilization and costs. Annual direct healthcare costs per BED patient ranged between $2,372 and $3,731. CONCLUSIONS BED is a serious eating disorder that impairs HRQoL and is related to increased healthcare utilization and healthcare costs. The limited literature warrants further research, especially to better understand the long-term HRQoL and economic burden of BED.
{"68760": 0.1405029296875, "91383": 0.1302490234375, "647": 0.01222991943359375, "717": 0.01509857177734375, "51339": 0.0293121337890625, "242161": 0.21728515625, "8347": 0.191162109375, "98": 0.02313232421875, "70": 0.031524658203125, "83063": 0.2197265625, "25443": 0.1568603515625, "16227": 0.1832275390625, "9": 0.031494140625, "174822": 0.1396484375, "31897": 0.1824951171875, "111": 0.08941650390625, "6897": 0.15625, "29562": 0.137939453125, "124214": 0.201416015625, "866": 0.1715087890625, "16": 0.031402587890625, "136": 0.039703369140625, "25313": 0.2119140625, "53142": 0.216796875, "19": 0.08599853515625, "2394": 0.19873046875, "429": 0.1842041015625, "118992": 0.2296142578125, "171986": 0.2054443359375, "20090": 0.23828125, "397": 0.215576171875, "33677": 0.11529541015625, "193792": 0.09820556640625, "163136": 0.189453125, "33938": 0.1680908203125, "14941": 0.08502197265625, "196651": 0.1353759765625, "38440": 0.15625, "55080": 0.0799560546875, "297": 0.0316162109375, "17368": 0.08349609375, "2888": 0.103759765625, "2256": 0.1490478515625, "2775": 0.06787109375, "37382": 0.1871337890625, "113441": 0.1304931640625, "157491": 0.152587890625, "238": 0.0305633544921875, "47136": 0.0916748046875, "16259": 0.0155029296875, "47138": 0.0316162109375, "198919": 0.067626953125, "33086": 0.1502685546875, "168318": 0.09716796875, "13933": 0.03857421875, "48599": 0.139892578125, "8183": 0.12286376953125, "4": 0.031646728515625, "14249": 0.09527587890625, "77641": 0.093994140625, "26521": 0.090576171875, "1311": 0.024658203125, "206": 0.0360107421875, "60791": 0.1253662109375, "103835": 0.135986328125, "95935": 0.192626953125, "13": 0.0313720703125, "509": 0.03131103515625, "84046": 0.154052734375, "47": 0.031829833984375, "96335": 0.11810302734375, "91376": 0.0267486572265625, "17721": 0.031707763671875, "1877": 0.1572265625, "10520": 0.138427734375, "63099": 0.17724609375, "2053": 0.112548828125, "3542": 0.031585693359375, "41036": 0.16455078125, "3674": 0.031494140625, "117176": 0.0777587890625, "71": 0.0316162109375, "1324": 0.1617431640625, "7082": 0.08892822265625, "4369": 0.126953125, "7398": 0.1485595703125, "28661": 0.0313720703125, "214": 0.03167724609375, "14537": 0.1622314453125, "366": 0.10748291015625, "31075": 0.0316162109375, "99201": 0.09490966796875, "202120": 0.051422119140625, "100": 0.031402587890625, "218849": 0.09197998046875, "294": 0.0170135498046875, "19953": 0.05816650390625, "53": 0.0295257568359375, "85963": 0.0955810546875, "11809": 0.12481689453125, "113771": 0.06768798828125, "23": 0.03155517578125, "48877": 0.1351318359375, "22439": 0.1529541015625, "611": 0.12841796875, "361": 0.092041015625, "128198": 0.1778564453125, "9622": 0.278076171875, "201": 0.12091064453125, "927": 0.023193359375, "44965": 0.0999755859375, "581": 0.031341552734375, "6": 0.031524658203125, "9523": 0.031768798828125, "126124": 0.06158447265625, "21533": 0.0316162109375, "111021": 0.1253662109375, "126260": 0.171142578125, "6206": 0.030670166015625, "80596": 0.1435546875, "7": 0.031707763671875, "15": 0.0311431884765625, "18148": 0.1571044921875, "15583": 0.175048828125, "55738": 0.1326904296875, "11": 0.031402587890625, "7621": 0.1551513671875, "16505": 0.13818359375, "6032": 0.031707763671875, "151497": 0.176513671875, "3956": 0.031463623046875, "615": 0.021453857421875, "115727": 0.0701904296875, "5": 0.031585693359375, "12678": 0.08282470703125, "4537": 0.10833740234375, "43904": 0.1103515625, "137272": 0.1107177734375, "678": 0.031463623046875, "88551": 0.0826416015625, "566": 0.0655517578125, "109637": 0.176513671875, "674": 0.031585693359375, "33444": 0.0011053085327148438, "15044": 0.0273590087890625, "72761": 0.11578369140625, "13893": 0.09759521484375, "82990": 0.10491943359375, "15236": 0.1812744140625, "4039": 0.13671875, "165712": 0.1763916015625, "289": 0.03155517578125, "3288": 0.0313720703125, "54137": 0.0269622802734375, "131150": 0.046966552734375, "1294": 0.031402587890625, "29459": 0.1578369140625, "47763": 0.1654052734375, "10861": 0.04290771484375, "15554": 0.07489013671875, "418": 0.03155517578125, "145515": 0.032623291015625, "73011": 0.0307159423828125, "7218": 0.056121826171875, "1019": 0.031280517578125, "107013": 0.006763458251953125, "538": 0.031494140625, "113307": 0.0102081298828125, "79165": 0.0728759765625, "15490": 0.09130859375, "62548": 0.09039306640625, "124735": 0.14404296875, "8804": 0.03173828125, "24514": 0.154541015625, "1363": 0.0316162109375, "84458": 0.1705322265625, "121129": 0.167724609375, "8951": 0.152099609375, "117": 0.0288238525390625, "37896": 0.1121826171875, "78790": 0.0498046875, "108265": 0.1334228515625, "124459": 0.0712890625, "966": 0.0306396484375, "5016": 0.136474609375, "14452": 0.00414276123046875, "37486": 0.06732177734375, "85390": 0.042083740234375, "83": 0.040679931640625, "10": 0.029388427734375, "85583": 0.1387939453125, "450": 0.0038471221923828125, "183594": 0.005283355712890625, "25188": 0.05352783203125, "41866": 0.0274505615234375, "28219": 0.0034732818603515625, "4989": 0.0237579345703125, "32166": 0.0211639404296875}
Subcellular steroid/nuclear receptor dynamics.
Steroid hormones, thyroid hormones, retinoic acids, and vitamin D bind to their receptors, which are now called steroid/nuclear receptors, and liganded receptors translocate either intracellularly or intranuclearly and form large protein complexes with cofactors to induce or repress gene transcription. Therefore, steroid/nuclear receptors are ligand-dependent transcription factors. With the advent of green fluorescent protein (GFP) and its color variants, the subcellular distribution of many steroid/nuclear receptors has been found to be much more dynamic than previously thought, with some of the receptors shuttling between the cytoplasm and nucleus. Steroid/nuclear receptors can be divided into three categories based on their unliganded distribution: those that are primarily in the nucleus, those in the cytoplasm, and those with mixed cytoplasmic and nuclear distributions. However, in all cases, the addition of a ligand leads to almost complete nuclear translocation of the receptors. Hormonal stimulation induces intranuclear receptor distribution from a homogeneous pattern to a heterogeneous dot-like image. Ligand binding to steroid/nuclear receptors leads to the recruitment of many proteins including cofactors to provoke the redistribution of receptor complexes in the nucleus. This focal organization could involve more complex events than simple DNA binding sites for transcription. Protein activities and interactions of steroid/nuclear receptors can be imaged and localized in a single cell.
{"8694": 0.1575927734375, "63964": 0.2440185546875, "133818": 0.26171875, "7": 0.1312255859375, "96055": 0.11907958984375, "119256": 0.08465576171875, "31": 0.0501708984375, "1771": 0.034271240234375, "43840": 0.08447265625, "4": 0.035888671875, "13864": 0.164306640625, "391": 0.1295166015625, "68557": 0.20068359375, "47": 0.083251953125, "2363": 0.0833740234375, "137376": 0.302734375, "3129": 0.034637451171875, "621": 0.03594970703125, "5036": 0.03338623046875, "35839": 0.03753662109375, "109049": 0.299560546875, "64": 0.134765625, "539": 0.17041015625, "119488": 0.2491455078125, "19881": 0.1805419921875, "1067": 0.16552734375, "71": 0.036041259765625, "3900": 0.10479736328125, "116292": 0.1280517578125, "13": 0.03594970703125, "40101": 0.018402099609375, "18440": 0.09332275390625, "8969": 0.1318359375, "120087": 0.08331298828125, "538": 0.036041259765625, "707": 0.0282745361328125, "136": 0.03564453125, "3173": 0.0670166015625, "21334": 0.034271240234375, "21308": 0.2086181640625, "99115": 0.115478515625, "678": 0.03564453125, "552": 0.09527587890625, "144810": 0.177734375, "135989": 0.1358642578125, "86254": 0.129638671875, "22293": 0.1490478515625, "30334": 0.133056640625, "59478": 0.164794921875, "5": 0.0207061767578125, "228072": 0.020263671875, "2208": 0.160888671875, "9": 0.035736083984375, "181063": 0.1851806640625, "120103": 0.163330078125, "17106": 0.01605224609375, "70": 0.0360107421875, "68451": 0.07305908203125, "111": 0.035888671875, "50997": 0.1513671875, "127179": 0.148193359375, "150506": 0.047119140625, "724": 0.043182373046875, "51006": 0.2044677734375, "16": 0.03582763671875, "6863": 0.0343017578125, "10576": 0.1474609375, "20117": 0.176025390625, "1614": 0.1619873046875, "113068": 0.194580078125, "5941": 0.056121826171875, "1556": 0.0142669677734375, "2809": 0.035430908203125, "14037": 0.07183837890625, "186": 0.035888671875, "5045": 0.06500244140625, "1286": 0.0821533203125, "84079": 0.1258544921875, "3501": 0.035369873046875, "198395": 0.04974365234375, "17569": 0.04718017578125, "3060": 0.00794219970703125, "8633": 0.0684814453125, "3062": 0.0242462158203125, "2069": 0.0279693603515625, "17721": 0.07452392578125, "19932": 0.045806884765625, "188": 0.09063720703125, "52033": 0.141845703125, "39": 0.06451416015625, "315": 0.10137939453125, "11030": 0.1668701171875, "223": 0.035919189453125, "831": 0.065185546875, "101637": 0.1903076171875, "3934": 0.035919189453125, "17262": 0.14453125, "39283": 0.2271728515625, "35509": 0.049041748046875, "98": 0.035919189453125, "51": 0.09942626953125, "4172": 0.187255859375, "8382": 0.035736083984375, "450": 0.035888671875, "102917": 0.06634521484375, "23": 0.035919189453125, "17664": 0.09942626953125, "297": 0.035919189453125, "21068": 0.035858154296875, "72249": 0.2119140625, "33306": 0.0014553070068359375, "756": 0.035614013671875, "50218": 0.035125732421875, "66044": 0.1436767578125, "10": 0.035858154296875, "37105": 0.051544189453125, "39555": 0.044158935546875, "28484": 0.054443359375, "87632": 0.1357421875, "180644": 0.21728515625, "289": 0.0340576171875, "28029": 0.1458740234375, "2320": 0.0132904052734375, "90": 0.03411865234375, "1295": 0.0357666015625, "12840": 0.09686279296875, "15292": 0.03607177734375, "10821": 0.036041259765625, "103510": 0.039764404296875, "77099": 0.1424560546875, "20633": 0.0526123046875, "5062": 0.03375244140625, "29569": 0.147216796875, "17703": 0.165771484375, "128239": 0.19873046875, "172310": 0.10882568359375, "674": 0.035888671875, "26719": 0.0357666015625, "80675": 0.0809326171875, "242564": 0.12841796875, "1363": 0.035858154296875, "89716": 0.1524658203125, "53702": 0.1749267578125, "5809": 0.06494140625, "83687": 0.019744873046875, "27140": 0.10943603515625, "47353": 0.10113525390625, "8781": 0.006267547607421875, "27583": 0.1070556640625, "15271": 0.050018310546875, "100": 0.035675048828125, "129228": 0.209228515625, "69924": 0.1217041015625, "182809": 0.119873046875, "4000": 0.12109375, "29367": 0.036041259765625, "11001": 0.11859130859375, "38750": 0.146484375}
EMT, the cytoskeleton, and cancer cell invasion
The metastatic process, i.e. the dissemination of cancer cells throughout the body to seed secondary tumors at distant sites, requires cancer cells to leave the primary tumor and to acquire migratory and invasive capabilities. In a process of epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT), besides changing their adhesive repertoire, cancer cells employ developmental processes to gain migratory and invasive properties that involve a dramatic reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton and the concomitant formation of membrane protrusions required for invasive growth. The molecular processes underlying such cellular changes are still only poorly understood, and the various migratory organelles, including lamellipodia, filopodia, invadopodia and podosomes, still require a better functional and molecular characterization. Notably, direct experimental evidence linking the formation of migratory membrane protrusions and the process of EMT and tumor metastasis is still lacking. In this review, we have summarized recent novel insights into the molecular processes and players underlying EMT on one side and the formation of invasive membrane protrusions on the other side.
{"23550": 0.1737060546875, "201939": 0.2919921875, "9433": 0.19580078125, "13": 0.07293701171875, "4504": 0.12249755859375, "91407": 0.15380859375, "27968": 0.2401123046875, "38750": 0.240966796875, "87420": 0.09503173828125, "14361": 0.14404296875, "47": 0.054901123046875, "40": 0.10308837890625, "297": 0.1253662109375, "37526": 0.1334228515625, "57412": 0.208251953125, "95534": 0.1656494140625, "15271": 0.09930419921875, "144570": 0.142578125, "7": 0.0498046875, "31358": 0.1607666015625, "158978": 0.11346435546875, "163629": 0.10064697265625, "39666": 0.2188720703125, "31667": 0.14599609375, "136": 0.01983642578125, "116000": 0.1976318359375, "130732": 0.1937255859375, "25277": 0.06976318359375, "2347": 0.1021728515625, "150": 0.06591796875, "289": 0.00696563720703125, "3716": 0.09552001953125, "33": 0.060760498046875, "7668": 0.16357421875, "2749": 0.0738525390625, "149307": 0.2095947265625, "17513": 0.164306640625, "618": 0.26220703125, "151134": 0.10430908203125, "10500": 0.119384765625, "28926": 0.06475830078125, "187016": 0.12237548828125, "34754": 0.148193359375, "21647": 0.1226806640625, "183871": 0.1556396484375, "155034": 0.0682373046875, "206431": 0.16455078125, "27992": 0.1400146484375, "73": 0.1519775390625, "19932": 0.00971221923828125, "1952": 0.04541015625, "145482": 0.1224365234375, "191": 0.09246826171875, "277": 0.032928466796875, "27643": 0.1273193359375, "107834": 0.2073974609375, "502": 0.0867919921875, "9774": 0.19775390625, "63239": 0.057159423828125, "56065": 0.12017822265625, "75678": 0.09625244140625, "233239": 0.1571044921875, "1379": 0.0814208984375, "538": 0.00250244140625, "2927": 0.1014404296875, "120087": 0.0811767578125, "65572": 0.154296875, "7464": 0.04766845703125, "70425": 0.061492919921875, "217064": 0.13330078125, "7484": 0.1522216796875, "16684": 0.17578125, "21": 0.05792236328125, "7603": 0.06976318359375, "112114": 0.1171875, "3390": 0.1474609375, "48084": 0.093505859375, "771": 0.1153564453125, "23": 0.0226287841796875, "34952": 0.10174560546875, "855": 0.10491943359375, "6781": 0.11175537109375, "64209": 0.060821533203125, "11522": 0.088134765625, "123309": 0.087646484375, "62816": 0.11181640625, "8951": 0.040924072265625, "195935": 0.08148193359375, "77950": 0.1309814453125, "3126": 0.0948486328125, "241": 0.06689453125, "37290": 0.2447509765625, "435": 0.1163330078125, "6131": 0.156982421875, "6023": 0.050384521484375, "41324": 0.09161376953125, "8347": 0.0799560546875, "29334": 0.05206298828125, "17309": 0.024505615234375, "21261": 0.0202789306640625, "149201": 0.0908203125, "92865": 0.130859375, "5609": 0.0809326171875, "3789": 0.02716064453125}
Different response of human glioma tumor-initiating cells to epidermal growth factor receptor kinase inhibitors.
Because a subpopulation of cancer stem cells (tumor-initiating cells, TICs) is believed to be responsible for the development, progression, and recurrence of many tumors, we evaluated the in vitro sensitivity of human glioma TICs to epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) kinase inhibitors (erlotinib and gefitinib) and possible molecular determinants for their effects. Cells isolated from seven glioblastomas (GBM 1-7) and grown using neural stem cell permissive conditions were characterized for in vivo tumorigenicity, expression of tumor stem cell markers (CD133, nestin), and multilineage differentiation properties, confirming that these cultures are enriched in TICs. TIC cultures were challenged with increasing concentrations of erlotinib and gefitinib, and their survival was evaluated after 1-4 days. In most cases, a time- and concentration-dependent cell death was observed, although GBM 2 was completely insensitive to both drugs, and GBM 7 was responsive only to the highest concentrations tested. Using a radioligand binding assay, we show that all GBM TICs express EGFR. Erlotinib and gefitinib inhibited EGFR and ERK1/2 phosphorylation/activation in all GBMs, irrespective of the antiproliferative response observed. However, under basal conditions GBM 2 showed a high Akt phosphorylation that was completely insensitive to both drugs, whereas GBM 7 was completely insensitive to gefitinib, and Akt inactivation occurred only for the highest erlotinib concentration tested, showing a precise relationship with the antiproliferative effects of the drug. Interestingly, in GBM 2, phosphatase and tensin homolog expression was significantly down-regulated, possibly accounting for the insensitivity to the drugs. In conclusion, glioma TICs are responsive to anti-EGFR drugs, but phosphatase and tensin homolog expression and Akt inhibition seem to be necessary for such effect.
{"88949": 0.019866943359375, "1614": 0.1383056640625, "33554": 0.10009765625, "72403": 0.07623291015625, "111": 0.0143890380859375, "27968": 0.1846923828125, "36418": 0.1632080078125, "38750": 0.17724609375, "2555": 0.10455322265625, "748": 0.04888916015625, "9": 0.01438140869140625, "943": 0.02239990234375, "118": 0.036865234375, "26518": 0.014007568359375, "7": 0.0648193359375, "136854": 0.28173828125, "16": 0.01444244384765625, "18822": 0.07891845703125, "71": 0.01451873779296875, "186": 0.0145721435546875, "102778": 0.2218017578125, "100": 0.02996826171875, "70": 0.01433563232421875, "34754": 0.11053466796875, "187735": 0.10723876953125, "4": 0.01450347900390625, "64240": 0.051910400390625, "6620": 0.0143585205078125, "5941": 0.10809326171875, "57412": 0.2109375, "151575": 0.103515625, "279": 0.122802734375, "2955": 0.1016845703125, "6": 0.01456451416015625, "176302": 0.2061767578125, "14135": 0.07891845703125, "1978": 0.1529541015625, "8945": 0.229248046875, "47": 0.01812744140625, "25277": 0.067138671875, "820": 0.1287841796875, "2749": 0.01430511474609375, "75678": 0.1209716796875, "31461": 0.124755859375, "137376": 0.1396484375, "25176": 0.09149169921875, "46290": 0.24853515625, "24222": 0.169189453125, "184": 0.0139007568359375, "173702": 0.2232666015625, "22230": 0.083740234375, "56": 0.05035400390625, "365": 0.1331787109375, "2311": 0.155029296875, "2566": 0.16259765625, "31119": 0.093994140625, "37032": 0.12164306640625, "136": 0.040069580078125, "7722": 0.0271453857421875, "233239": 0.06500244140625, "27354": 0.11126708984375, "16037": 0.01442718505859375, "93425": 0.1065673828125, "80743": 0.17626953125, "54015": 0.11773681640625, "3674": 0.0144500732421875, "1295": 0.008575439453125, "59671": 0.12066650390625, "89533": 0.1292724609375, "2785": 0.10748291015625, "15": 0.01421356201171875, "8359": 0.0726318359375, "594": 0.12200927734375, "4317": 0.037109375, "36076": 0.084716796875, "55993": 0.08685302734375, "19": 0.01462554931640625, "82451": 0.07330322265625, "39220": 0.05078125, "29888": 0.01444244384765625, "27289": 0.08099365234375, "3542": 0.01446533203125, "62816": 0.0272216796875, "29367": 0.0145721435546875, "23": 0.01436614990234375, "16622": 0.1375732421875, "8402": 0.07720947265625, "125195": 0.1334228515625, "71323": 0.044403076171875, "125158": 0.1455078125, "108": 0.0572509765625, "12729": 0.1353759765625, "247": 0.014373779296875, "6024": 0.020477294921875, "2256": 0.1048583984375, "4588": 0.01457977294921875, "99710": 0.11474609375, "2320": 0.014434814453125, "183871": 0.0018463134765625, "39563": 0.014923095703125, "214": 0.01470184326171875, "450": 0.0145263671875, "29394": 0.1622314453125, "621": 0.0143280029296875, "26932": 0.07891845703125, "297": 0.014434814453125, "66801": 0.1082763671875, "678": 0.01432037353515625, "118055": 0.0250701904296875, "202104": 0.164306640625, "72": 0.04254150390625, "218018": 0.1632080078125, "509": 0.0144805908203125, "7103": 0.0574951171875, "129285": 0.08087158203125, "13312": 0.07958984375, "360": 0.0143280029296875, "2684": 0.0206298828125, "10": 0.014434814453125, "1733": 0.11468505859375, "181063": 0.130126953125, "47219": 0.157470703125, "139999": 0.0457763671875, "20331": 0.09515380859375, "116": 0.107421875, "64557": 0.07098388671875, "13": 0.01459503173828125, "15044": 0.07513427734375, "125694": 0.198974609375, "361": 0.1328125, "226874": 0.20458984375, "167375": 0.06964111328125, "3034": 0.05059814453125, "5977": 0.010711669921875, "1746": 0.046051025390625, "2940": 0.08367919921875, "128239": 0.09228515625, "20347": 0.024688720703125, "756": 0.0205230712890625, "36510": 0.1336669921875, "75008": 0.07806396484375, "1004": 0.0706787109375, "241": 0.00054168701171875, "31875": 0.10577392578125, "118551": 0.09521484375, "134208": 0.07086181640625, "139006": 0.09283447265625, "53": 0.01454925537109375, "57860": 0.0145721435546875, "111438": 0.1138916015625, "1363": 0.014801025390625, "193": 0.0143890380859375, "5844": 0.0143890380859375, "2874": 0.0850830078125, "150": 0.0379638671875, "45023": 0.01490020751953125, "57553": 0.04022216796875, "1379": 0.01444244384765625, "289": 0.01450347900390625, "11192": 0.05255126953125, "60301": 0.13037109375, "162": 0.00839996337890625, "2822": 0.0145263671875, "141377": 0.0046539306640625, "134995": 0.01177978515625, "76755": 0.01432037353515625, "48683": 0.11962890625, "1916": 0.01477813720703125, "538": 0.0146331787109375, "14612": 0.07666015625, "81708": 0.146728515625, "1492": 0.12353515625, "1596": 0.1239013671875, "12840": 0.11016845703125, "4867": 0.097412109375, "207583": 0.03265380859375, "7565": 0.0850830078125, "144867": 0.14306640625, "2481": 0.014404296875, "48903": 0.0285491943359375, "63559": 0.15380859375, "21543": 0.06500244140625}
Structural features of the interaction of the 3'-untranslated region of mRNA containing exosomal RNA-specific motifs with YB-1, a potential mediator of mRNA sorting.
We have previously shown that YB-1 is the only protein of the HEK293 cell cytoplasmic (S100) extract that specifically interacts with RNA hairpins each containing one of the motifs ACCAGCCU (1), CAGUGAGC (2) and UAAUCCCA (3), which had been identified as often found in exosomal RNA and proposed as potential cis-acting elements targeting RNAs into exosomes. Here we explored the interactions of YB-1 with a fragment of the 3'-untranslated region (UTR) of septin 14 mRNA (SEPT14 RNA), which contains all three motifs. We demonstrated the occurrence of YB-1 among proteins pulled down from the HEK293 S100 extract using biotinylated SEPT14 RNA. With recombinant YB-1, it was found that SEPT14 RNA can bind up to 5 moles of protein per mole of RNA in a cooperative manner, which was shown to be mainly facilitated by the presence of the above motifs. RNA hairpins with motifs 1 and 2 competed with SEPT14 RNA for binding to the protein, whereas that with motif 3 was less competitive, in accordance with the affinity of YB-1 for these RNA hairpins. With YB-1-bound RNA, nucleotides protected from attack by hydroxyl radicals were revealed in all three motifs, although hairpins with motif 2 and especially with motif 1 contained many protected nucleotides outside the motifs, suggesting that the specific environments of these motifs contribute significantly to the YB-1 binding. An analysis of the environments of motifs 1-3 in the HEK293 cell mRNA 3' UTRs gained from RNA-seq data led us to conclude that the primary binding sites of YB-1 in the 3' UTRs are hairpins containing some part of the motif along with its specific surroundings; the consensus sequences of these hairpins were derived. Thus, our findings provide a new understanding of the structural basis of the interactions between YB-1 and mRNAs carrying the aforementioned motifs.
{"198395": 0.0618896484375, "127887": 0.0538330078125, "89104": 0.264892578125, "5759": 0.254638671875, "4734": 0.1552734375, "21308": 0.240966796875, "572": 0.08843994140625, "15567": 0.147216796875, "4235": 0.2137451171875, "363": 0.168701171875, "38750": 0.1370849609375, "19932": 0.06768798828125, "188": 0.076171875, "52033": 0.11126708984375, "21068": 0.01142120361328125, "294": 0.074951171875, "3559": 0.2239990234375, "125663": 0.1585693359375, "450": 0.02752685546875, "183037": 0.034759521484375, "78974": 0.1575927734375, "7": 0.0277099609375, "678": 0.042083740234375, "6": 0.0299224853515625, "125499": 0.2095947265625, "24887": 0.1915283203125, "5128": 0.2037353515625, "12638": 0.0267333984375, "70541": 0.09710693359375, "214": 0.027587890625, "111": 0.027740478515625, "70": 0.0276641845703125, "102908": 0.2452392578125, "12944": 0.0246734619140625, "13133": 0.0859375, "69657": 0.07086181640625, "48674": 0.1441650390625, "798": 0.00811767578125, "167020": 0.103759765625, "14849": 0.042327880859375, "1737": 0.01812744140625, "136": 0.0275421142578125, "20004": 0.040496826171875, "20000": 0.057830810546875, "134982": 0.05999755859375, "284": 0.0268707275390625, "2788": 0.07550048828125, "4": 0.0276336669921875, "3129": 0.027557373046875, "1902": 0.031524658203125, "2809": 0.02752685546875, "207487": 0.0657958984375, "237": 0.0274810791015625, "27983": 0.064453125, "14037": 0.0248870849609375, "23": 0.0276031494140625, "1119": 0.078125, "6781": 0.147705078125, "2749": 0.0244598388671875, "26171": 0.08795166015625, "71": 0.027435302734375, "38516": 0.0985107421875, "1059": 0.101806640625, "9": 0.0275115966796875, "2263": 0.080078125, "1916": 0.027557373046875, "80854": 0.10845947265625, "30388": 0.1390380859375, "3934": 0.024169921875, "11853": 4.380941390991211e-05, "88898": 0.0240936279296875, "182809": 0.1558837890625, "10": 0.02752685546875, "38551": 0.104248046875, "138": 0.1290283203125, "25": 0.09405517578125, "30145": 0.05810546875, "143": 0.02740478515625, "3674": 0.0276031494140625, "10776": 0.11614990234375, "17632": 0.106201171875, "1052": 0.1378173828125, "16": 0.027557373046875, "61433": 0.137939453125, "73": 0.059600830078125, "616": 0.1728515625, "347": 0.01226043701171875, "9127": 0.104736328125, "22693": 0.096923828125, "2592": 0.217529296875, "247": 0.0274810791015625, "756": 0.0262298583984375, "17262": 0.1199951171875, "106804": 0.00504302978515625, "297": 0.0276031494140625, "74918": 0.045257568359375, "42": 0.0275115966796875, "6620": 0.0274658203125, "198932": 0.0170440673828125, "7565": 0.026458740234375, "159": 0.0875244140625, "17368": 0.0020313262939453125, "3530": 0.050872802734375, "57278": 0.09417724609375, "141034": 0.1697998046875, "618": 0.103759765625, "33844": 0.06805419921875, "122432": 0.146484375, "1236": 0.0268402099609375, "442": 0.0249176025390625, "509": 0.0276336669921875, "831": 0.085693359375, "68557": 0.1981201171875, "1257": 0.0275115966796875, "47": 0.027587890625, "190": 0.136962890625, "49711": 0.12091064453125, "117": 0.0272064208984375, "57476": 0.150390625, "4935": 0.027557373046875, "144996": 0.027374267578125, "186": 0.02752685546875, "5201": 0.0260772705078125, "538": 0.0275115966796875, "33493": 0.10626220703125, "390": 0.027496337890625, "36917": 0.0238800048828125, "106": 0.04052734375, "116": 0.03167724609375, "98438": 0.11468505859375, "100": 0.029144287109375, "128239": 0.20849609375, "7440": 0.027099609375, "162": 0.027435302734375, "40715": 0.10345458984375, "168296": 0.143798828125, "213246": 0.0271148681640625, "58871": 0.1412353515625, "2481": 0.027587890625, "6097": 0.025543212890625, "17106": 0.0146942138671875, "99091": 0.1199951171875, "241454": 0.11175537109375, "118": 0.0899658203125, "988": 0.0273895263671875, "30312": 0.1517333984375, "1295": 0.02752685546875, "52875": 0.1239013671875, "64707": 0.078369140625, "425": 0.0406494140625, "8613": 0.027496337890625, "53560": 0.08721923828125, "3542": 0.027496337890625, "122273": 0.04541015625, "41866": 0.025543212890625, "5941": 0.0269012451171875, "50782": 0.0252227783203125, "29458": 0.0272369384765625, "65998": 0.1397705078125, "162466": 0.039031982421875, "207583": 0.030670166015625, "893": 0.02716064453125, "114137": 0.015899658203125, "54867": 0.03350830078125, "28981": 0.143310546875, "21647": 0.02618408203125, "184": 0.02264404296875, "864": 0.02362060546875, "2053": 0.0035114288330078125, "103876": 0.00330352783203125, "158978": 0.115478515625, "15271": 0.133056640625, "345": 0.034393310546875, "621": 0.0250091552734375, "3060": 0.027191162109375, "2831": 0.024932861328125, "33233": 0.0276031494140625, "6863": 0.0274200439453125, "206990": 0.0200347900390625, "133238": 0.07696533203125, "40": 0.02606201171875, "26513": 0.02392578125, "5170": 0.0275726318359375, "16406": 0.02447509765625, "4126": 0.0275726318359375, "90791": 0.0182342529296875, "3525": 0.02490234375, "100094": 0.071044921875, "118990": 0.11334228515625, "141": 0.02764892578125, "18231": 0.10760498046875, "17721": 0.02099609375, "85358": 0.05926513671875, "2472": 0.02252197265625, "5911": 0.027191162109375, "1830": 0.0276641845703125}
Periodic screening for breast cancer: the HIP Randomized Controlled Trial. Health Insurance Plan.
This paper summarizes the findings of the first breast cancer screening trial, which was initiated in December 1963 to explore the efficacy of screening. Women aged 40-64 years were selected from enrollees in the Health Insurance Plan (HIP) of Greater New York and were randomly assigned to study and control groups. Study group women were invited for screening, an initial examination, and three annual reexaminations. Screening consisted of film mammography (cephalocaudal and lateral views of each breast) and clinical examination of breasts. Breast cancer and mortality from breast cancer were examined by treatment group (study vs. control) and by entry-age subgroup. By the end of 18 years from entry, the study group had about a 25% lower breast cancer mortality among women aged 40-49 and 50-59 at time of entry than did the control group. However, to a large extent the difference among the 40-49-year-olds occurred in the subgroup with breast cancer diagnosed after these women had passed their 50th birthday, and utility of screening women in their forties is questionable.
{"3293": 0.0538330078125, "15122": 0.11883544921875, "29334": 0.14306640625, "14096": 0.103759765625, "90791": 0.1497802734375, "70": 0.021392822265625, "5117": 0.180419921875, "57262": 0.261962890625, "27968": 0.253662109375, "180975": 0.316650390625, "110324": 0.2413330078125, "173969": 0.12396240234375, "23": 0.00847625732421875, "14487": 0.12261962890625, "36102": 0.217041015625, "47": 0.00560760498046875, "88898": 0.1192626953125, "9129": 0.0770263671875, "22346": 0.1405029296875, "111": 0.01270294189453125, "58373": 0.1761474609375, "10": 0.01104736328125, "17704": 0.06201171875, "53804": 0.11376953125, "13307": 0.181640625, "5369": 0.0831298828125, "133291": 0.109375, "22": 0.0247344970703125, "141244": 0.09844970703125, "19102": 0.0615234375, "172255": 0.11785888671875, "5586": 0.1083984375, "841": 0.0452880859375, "10931": 0.120849609375, "32774": 0.003353118896484375, "2356": 0.047943115234375, "5753": 0.10565185546875, "96759": 0.09912109375, "95486": 0.08917236328125, "35187": 0.12451171875, "6226": 0.22412109375, "94407": 0.1488037109375, "148027": 0.0662841796875, "21115": 0.1651611328125, "24793": 0.16943359375, "77049": 0.08636474609375, "61475": 0.07733154296875, "96730": 0.1614990234375, "17262": 0.07275390625, "77253": 0.102294921875, "456": 0.046478271484375, "3355": 0.08221435546875, "11": 0.11944580078125, "94831": 0.255859375, "35060": 0.07476806640625, "1346": 0.0985107421875, "5568": 0.0521240234375, "87168": 0.1314697265625, "14612": 0.0028324127197265625, "80707": 0.0184173583984375, "16912": 0.1414794921875, "12638": 0.0171356201171875, "56465": 0.024139404296875, "118779": 0.2474365234375, "136": 0.062744140625, "67573": 0.16015625, "1295": 0.08172607421875, "160477": 0.1258544921875, "39734": 0.1234130859375, "4313": 0.014862060546875, "20209": 0.059783935546875, "42805": 0.1959228515625, "1614": 0.13916015625, "51588": 0.166015625, "3564": 0.08160400390625, "543": 0.1173095703125, "1902": 0.00861358642578125, "28602": 0.1500244140625, "92319": 0.1893310546875, "12977": 0.1649169921875, "35195": 0.07025146484375, "12975": 0.1458740234375, "1733": 0.017974853515625, "60212": 0.15771484375, "54940": 0.004428863525390625, "46799": 0.0389404296875, "18345": 0.07342529296875, "678": 0.00762939453125, "99219": 0.10198974609375, "7103": 0.0389404296875, "115081": 0.054412841796875, "836": 0.1170654296875, "101207": 0.09033203125, "19537": 0.11639404296875, "100": 0.07470703125, "2449": 0.061737060546875, "9655": 0.09716796875, "2886": 0.072021484375}
Staphylococcus aureus infections.
Micrococcus, which, when limited in its extent and activity, causes acute suppurative inflammation (phlegmon), produces, when more extensive and intense in its action on the human system, the most virulent forms of septicaemia and pyaemia.1 In an elegant series of clinical observations and laboratory studies published in 1880 and 1882, Ogston described staphylococcal disease and its role in sepsis and abscess formation.1,2 More than 100 years later, Staphylococcus aureus remains a versatile and dangerous pathogen in humans. The frequencies of both community-acquired and hospital-acquired staphylococcal infections have increased steadily, with little change in overall mortality. Treatment of these infections . . .
{"37992": 0.206298828125, "587": 0.2119140625, "10060": 0.20703125, "223": 0.1856689453125, "3129": 0.0243988037109375, "3229": 0.03607177734375, "84046": 0.1680908203125, "6863": 0.050628662109375, "192961": 0.05926513671875, "103488": 0.1083984375, "113660": 0.18115234375, "85691": 0.1544189453125, "15811": 0.09765625, "31237": 0.1910400390625, "4935": 0.0709228515625, "203932": 0.2061767578125, "11727": 0.052825927734375, "2828": 0.1767578125, "3796": 0.212646484375, "27489": 0.1417236328125, "1286": 0.0274810791015625, "41745": 0.021453857421875, "108938": 0.10162353515625, "22631": 0.0765380859375, "14135": 0.1278076171875, "5426": 0.126708984375, "2684": 0.10888671875, "1017": 0.08062744140625, "202": 0.108154296875, "2517": 0.007213592529296875, "3173": 0.1356201171875, "7": 0.027496337890625, "111": 0.028076171875, "40": 0.1680908203125, "127480": 0.2108154296875, "32868": 0.2303466796875, "136": 0.07049560546875, "17198": 0.1375732421875, "11": 0.10101318359375, "5": 0.0276947021484375, "418": 0.028472900390625, "27650": 0.1292724609375, "36549": 0.0259857177734375, "56465": 0.10736083984375, "150556": 0.1539306640625, "139915": 0.12188720703125, "96335": 0.1044921875, "91376": 0.1065673828125, "109969": 0.2117919921875, "156999": 0.2119140625, "4": 0.019195556640625, "3183": 0.1829833984375, "19386": 0.25634765625, "151552": 0.1639404296875, "1924": 0.175048828125, "34053": 0.2249755859375, "55043": 0.1502685546875, "6652": 0.1954345703125, "6827": 0.1756591796875, "70997": 0.1683349609375, "31486": 0.1661376953125, "74988": 0.285400390625, "43719": 0.1861572265625, "26531": 0.2041015625, "27643": 0.167724609375, "133063": 0.048614501953125, "5455": 0.01873779296875, "3501": 0.0020275115966796875, "805": 0.1749267578125, "5369": 0.003688812255859375, "14432": 0.06488037109375, "6512": 0.2078857421875, "11680": 0.190673828125, "9090": 0.195556640625, "19005": 0.2452392578125, "47143": 0.10821533203125, "10": 0.047149658203125, "153450": 0.217041015625, "169907": 0.212158203125, "60875": 0.1473388671875, "62976": 0.2391357421875, "118103": 0.1773681640625, "12478": 0.1419677734375, "944": 0.11761474609375, "117538": 0.017730712890625, "26908": 0.142333984375, "3181": 0.0811767578125, "17986": 0.12347412109375, "2822": 0.001323699951171875, "159634": 0.201904296875, "765": 0.0201416015625, "124735": 0.12115478515625, "2288": 0.041748046875, "3938": 0.08154296875, "10176": 0.08599853515625, "15549": 0.031768798828125, "128512": 0.07916259765625, "67573": 0.10601806640625, "2481": 0.034637451171875, "183367": 0.1981201171875, "6097": 0.07147216796875}
Structural overview of the nuclear receptor superfamily: insights into physiology and therapeutics.
As ligand-regulated transcription factors, the nuclear hormone receptors are nearly ideal drug targets, with internal pockets that bind to hydrophobic, drug-like molecules and well-characterized ligand-induced conformational changes that recruit transcriptional coregulators to promoter elements. Yet, due to the multitude of genes under the control of a single receptor, the major challenge has been the identification of ligands with gene-selective actions, impacting disease outcomes through a narrow subset of target genes and not across their entire gene-regulatory repertoire. Here, we summarize the concepts and work to date underlying the development of steroidal and nonsteroidal receptor ligands, including the use of crystal structures, high-throughput screens, and rational design approaches for finding useful therapeutic molecules. Difficulties in finding selective receptor modulators require a more complete understanding of receptor interdomain communications, posttranslational modifications, and receptor-protein interactions that could be exploited for target gene selectivity.
{"1301": 0.0223846435546875, "19881": 0.24560546875, "2208": 0.2471923828125, "144867": 0.2301025390625, "3674": 0.02923583984375, "30334": 0.136962890625, "59478": 0.1541748046875, "120103": 0.1824951171875, "72249": 0.22265625, "133818": 0.2449951171875, "137376": 0.28271484375, "7": 0.057647705078125, "621": 0.0318603515625, "110518": 0.10614013671875, "6397": 0.1573486328125, "48683": 0.181640625, "30388": 0.2105712890625, "4": 0.01134490966796875, "70796": 0.130615234375, "151002": 0.16845703125, "68557": 0.1414794921875, "47": 0.01131439208984375, "64707": 0.102783203125, "22014": 0.1651611328125, "9": 0.01148223876953125, "5062": 0.0513916015625, "49711": 0.09136962890625, "70838": 0.01107025146484375, "5299": 0.03948974609375, "720": 0.0115509033203125, "29367": 0.01149749755859375, "18442": 0.0772705078125, "37534": 0.01125335693359375, "19911": 0.1783447265625, "43315": 0.0117950439453125, "65572": 0.1512451171875, "172310": 0.1387939453125, "552": 0.074462890625, "22230": 0.10162353515625, "125568": 0.11578369140625, "42": 0.009521484375, "80854": 0.12408447265625, "63519": 0.0321044921875, "4743": 0.0151519775390625, "70": 0.0114288330078125, "95937": 0.10888671875, "13": 0.0112762451171875, "111": 0.01151275634765625, "22293": 0.184814453125, "1379": 0.14794921875, "6226": 0.149169921875, "10": 0.01154327392578125, "11001": 0.10968017578125, "13036": 0.0889892578125, "66801": 0.1968994140625, "2809": 0.0009341239929199219, "221160": 0.1666259765625, "678": 0.048370361328125, "1428": 0.1419677734375, "100034": 0.01160430908203125, "61972": 0.1204833984375, "24725": 0.1707763671875, "214": 0.01141357421875, "70997": 0.1334228515625, "184345": 0.150146484375, "118201": 0.10296630859375, "3509": 0.0113525390625, "136": 0.08050537109375, "959": 0.01380157470703125, "59843": 0.003170013427734375, "29334": 0.08905029296875, "14096": 0.0322265625, "23755": 0.1661376953125, "4488": 0.10064697265625, "5622": 0.134033203125, "538": 0.09576416015625, "34754": 0.1634521484375, "109049": 0.242919921875, "289": 0.01096343994140625, "351": 0.139404296875, "139629": 0.1671142578125, "4527": 0.012939453125, "224128": 0.14208984375, "45646": 0.098388671875, "11192": 0.0362548828125, "222521": 0.01540374755859375, "7077": 0.01149749755859375, "49119": 0.1375732421875, "168487": 0.10137939453125, "4331": 0.06396484375, "90": 0.011566162109375, "100": 0.010955810546875, "90791": 0.10321044921875, "80234": 0.1038818359375, "6": 0.01158905029296875, "126472": 0.193603515625, "1771": 0.01143646240234375, "191144": 0.1019287109375, "71333": 0.12152099609375, "2449": 0.01152801513671875, "36849": 0.156494140625, "5844": 0.01107025146484375, "17055": 0.1910400390625, "4597": 0.1787109375, "64209": 0.05938720703125, "1286": 0.0482177734375, "28484": 0.035064697265625, "100094": 0.08917236328125, "1940": 0.051361083984375, "56206": 0.10943603515625, "73": 0.01117706298828125, "36398": 0.07183837890625, "1305": 0.051727294921875, "30145": 0.082763671875, "129344": 0.1024169921875, "80000": 0.0853271484375, "182809": 0.07745361328125, "450": 0.0113067626953125, "5809": 0.0535888671875, "186": 0.01085662841796875, "162471": 0.12939453125, "297": 0.0109405517578125, "54613": 0.10150146484375}
Differential assembly of inwardly rectifying K+ channel subunits, Kir4.1 and Kir5.1, in brain astrocytes.
The inwardly rectifying K+ channel subunit Kir5.1 is expressed abundantly in the brain, but its precise distribution and function are still largely unknown. Because Kir5.1 is co-expressed with Kir4.1 in retinal glial Muller cells, we have compared the biochemical and immunological properties of Kir5.1 and Kir4.1 in the mouse brain. Immunoprecipitation experiments suggested that brain expressed at least two subsets of Kir channels, heteromeric Kir4.1/5.1 and homomeric Kir4.1. Immunolabeling using specific antibodies showed that channels comprising Kir4.1 and Kir5.1 subunits were assembled in a region-specific fashion. Heteromeric Kir4.1/5.1 was identified in the neocortex and in the glomeruli of the olfactory bulb. Homomeric Kir4.1 was confined to the hippocampus and the thalamus. Homomeric Kir5.1 was not identified. Kir4.1/5.1 and Kir4.1 expression appeared to occur only in astrocytes, specifically in the membrane domains facing the pia mater and blood vessels or in the processes surrounding synapses. Both Kir4.1/5.1 and Kir4.1 could be associated with PDZ domain-containing syntrophins, which might be involved in the subcellular targeting of these astrocyte Kir channels. Because heteromeric Kir4.1/5.1 and homomeric Kir4.1 have distinct ion channel properties (Tanemoto, M., Kittaka, N., Inanobe, A., and Kurachi, Y. (2000) J. Physiol. (Lond.) 525, 587-592 and Tucker, S. J., Imbrici, P., Salvatore, L., D'Adamo, M. C., and Pessia, M. (2000) J. Biol. Chem. 275, 16404-16407), it is plausible that these channels play differential physiological roles in the K+ -buffering action of brain astrocytes in a region-specific manner.
{"23": 0.1075439453125, "19364": 0.214599609375, "173247": 0.1944580078125, "151138": 0.1397705078125, "341": 0.113525390625, "1328": 0.25, "86723": 0.25927734375, "1614": 0.151611328125, "309": 0.1468505859375, "217": 0.08795166015625, "14431": 0.274658203125, "156627": 0.319580078125, "36510": 0.2115478515625, "130807": 0.1578369140625, "538": 0.0024776458740234375, "78574": 0.22802734375, "4": 0.0026092529296875, "134995": 0.0914306640625, "113068": 0.1842041015625, "136": 0.03875732421875, "32354": 0.1802978515625, "621": 0.0025463104248046875, "7464": 0.035614013671875, "51": 0.07415771484375, "69723": 0.1767578125, "19": 0.0023708343505859375, "552": 0.10125732421875, "136091": 0.2064208984375, "297": 0.002391815185546875, "678": 0.01113128662109375, "120518": 0.269287109375, "119256": 0.1134033203125, "289": 0.06549072265625, "1978": 0.11431884765625, "135394": 0.203125, "38750": 0.1563720703125, "7": 0.0025272369384765625, "154186": 0.14306640625, "70": 0.0025463104248046875, "3530": 0.032958984375, "34610": 0.102783203125, "21533": 0.0026264190673828125, "43766": 0.1605224609375, "183871": 0.173828125, "114669": 0.18603515625, "189940": 0.172119140625, "31": 0.002384185791015625, "51606": 0.09967041015625, "6295": 0.01611328125, "2320": 0.0026836395263671875, "28007": 0.1033935546875, "42459": 0.01375579833984375, "99": 0.0025272369384765625, "19713": 0.03662109375, "6626": 0.0767822265625, "3509": 0.0009646415710449219, "111": 0.0024662017822265625, "77099": 0.1453857421875, "282": 0.1641845703125, "12259": 0.09820556640625, "64": 0.032623291015625, "12840": 0.1116943359375, "152526": 0.208984375, "29458": 0.05572509765625, "2874": 0.12939453125, "837": 0.11676025390625, "34204": 0.0023860931396484375, "450": 0.0021114349365234375, "48402": 0.006511688232421875, "3542": 0.0022678375244140625, "93457": 0.1287841796875, "71": 0.0025272369384765625, "10": 0.0026645660400390625, "10776": 0.1304931640625, "9": 0.002513885498046875, "159975": 0.144775390625, "54543": 0.0250396728515625, "1947": 0.0634765625, "56": 0.0433349609375, "13450": 0.16552734375, "207487": 0.1634521484375, "16169": 0.07000732421875, "10517": 0.04290771484375, "24371": 0.1097412109375, "16712": 0.047943115234375, "1991": 0.0008559226989746094, "9316": 0.030303955078125, "4998": 0.1920166015625, "144810": 0.040802001953125, "53": 0.0025539398193359375, "11876": 0.1004638671875, "275": 0.0025882720947265625, "58479": 0.1265869140625, "17438": 0.16552734375, "14534": 0.00275421142578125, "47": 0.0025463104248046875, "196423": 0.10882568359375, "27034": 0.1739501953125, "223": 0.0024280548095703125, "6": 0.002559661865234375, "89625": 0.094482421875, "2647": 0.125732421875, "959": 0.03875732421875, "125195": 0.223388671875, "118775": 0.0149383544921875, "74918": 0.077880859375, "4734": 0.04248046875, "72513": 0.11273193359375, "2408": 0.10125732421875, "1636": 0.0020542144775390625, "183037": 0.00516510009765625, "107834": 0.102783203125, "13": 0.0023956298828125, "77758": 0.1038818359375, "214": 0.002521514892578125, "7416": 0.1478271484375, "41638": 0.088134765625, "59714": 0.0745849609375, "53678": 0.035736083984375, "41204": 0.0024814605712890625, "90": 0.002452850341796875, "206990": 0.0014667510986328125, "133600": 0.051422119140625, "45616": 0.0023670196533203125, "5809": 0.06561279296875, "186": 0.00250244140625, "137272": 0.1536865234375, "80633": 0.1474609375, "14653": 0.002468109130859375, "6002": 0.017822265625, "29813": 0.1319580078125, "3129": 0.0025634765625, "13648": 0.058074951171875, "75412": 0.01004791259765625, "8969": 0.06640625, "120087": 0.0023975372314453125, "30388": 0.1365966796875, "765": 0.00249481201171875, "117781": 0.1484375, "45339": 0.165771484375, "86": 0.00222015380859375, "49703": 0.202392578125, "5": 0.0026569366455078125, "23564": 0.0290679931640625, "6758": 0.1385498046875, "3922": 0.08660888671875, "372": 0.10406494140625, "88810": 0.043121337890625, "1861": 0.095458984375, "138660": 0.0408935546875, "15": 0.0021839141845703125, "2208": 0.002410888671875, "16": 0.00249481201171875, "1371": 0.0372314453125, "11050": 0.099365234375, "821": 0.0060882568359375, "73720": 0.056060791015625, "14": 0.0214080810546875, "391": 0.0172119140625, "1460": 0.053558349609375, "3478": 0.06951904296875, "5024": 0.033843994140625, "442": 0.0020008087158203125, "83": 0.0025177001953125, "65933": 0.06280517578125, "55356": 0.034698486328125, "11301": 0.0188140869140625, "99710": 0.15966796875, "240877": 0.10662841796875, "137043": 0.0855712890625, "31486": 0.11126708984375, "123759": 0.135009765625, "22631": 0.060821533203125}
Low-grade serous ovarian cancer: a unique disease.
Low-grade serous carcinomas represent approximately 10% of all serous ovarian carcinomas. A growing body of research has demonstrated several important differences between the clinical and molecular characteristics of these tumors and those of high-grade serous ovarian carcinomas. Patients with low-grade serous ovarian tumors are diagnosed at a younger age, have a longer overall survival, and have lower response rates to conventional chemotherapy. In addition, low-grade serous ovarian carcinomas have pathologic and molecular characteristics distinct from high-grade serous carcinomas, yet similar to serous tumors of low malignant potential. This suggests a common pathogenesis and a continuum of disease from serous tumors of low malignant potential to low-grade serous carcinomas. Further study, focusing specifically on low-grade serous carcinomas, is needed to determine the role of other chemotherapeutic agents, hormonal therapy, or targeted biologic agents in the treatment of this disease.
{"61187": 0.2076416015625, "44286": 0.214599609375, "520": 0.2095947265625, "10821": 0.0980224609375, "2258": 0.134765625, "44924": 0.1458740234375, "1510": 0.10711669921875, "33636": 0.1689453125, "189275": 0.05426025390625, "10662": 0.1878662109375, "111": 0.0293731689453125, "756": 0.05010986328125, "40354": 0.2437744140625, "9893": 0.12249755859375, "105925": 0.048858642578125, "14361": 0.0173187255859375, "25188": 0.0592041015625, "106804": 0.046417236328125, "5526": 0.0517578125, "60212": 0.166259765625, "17721": 0.06097412109375, "56465": 0.08740234375, "233239": 0.1077880859375, "62816": 0.1304931640625, "48242": 0.0300445556640625, "6097": 0.0244140625, "57412": 0.171875, "11192": 0.08795166015625, "135004": 0.1392822265625, "678": 0.0210418701171875, "27226": 0.2156982421875, "99219": 0.1475830078125, "27150": 0.10711669921875, "32070": 0.062164306640625, "51713": 0.105224609375, "128512": 0.09503173828125, "218018": 0.1531982421875, "92319": 0.1058349609375, "57553": 0.1156005859375, "101805": 0.0810546875, "290": 0.076171875, "432": 0.0408935546875, "106864": 0.130859375, "60875": 0.053131103515625, "117781": 0.1405029296875, "1295": 0.051116943359375, "21373": 0.0721435546875, "186470": 0.10565185546875, "38516": 0.191162109375, "42459": 0.0694580078125, "39210": 0.06488037109375, "62976": 0.1014404296875, "19686": 0.0911865234375, "70997": 0.0826416015625, "35187": 0.07568359375, "32153": 0.0670166015625, "44841": 0.060150146484375, "83324": 0.0159912109375, "31486": 0.0186614990234375, "126472": 0.1207275390625, "97957": 0.078857421875, "147198": 0.1097412109375, "30388": 0.07183837890625, "28387": 0.040496826171875, "39734": 0.1103515625, "903": 0.01641845703125}
Renal outcomes with different fixed-dose combination therapies in patients with hypertension at high risk for cardiovascular events (ACCOMPLISH): a prespecified secondary analysis of a randomised controlled trial.
BACKGROUND The Avoiding Cardiovascular Events through Combination Therapy in Patients Living with Systolic Hypertension (ACCOMPLISH) trial showed that initial antihypertensive therapy with benazepril plus amlodipine was superior to benazepril plus hydrochlorothiazide in reducing cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. We assessed the effects of these drug combinations on progression of chronic kidney disease. METHODS ACCOMPLISH was a double-blind, randomised trial undertaken in five countries (USA, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and Finland). 11 506 patients with hypertension who were at high risk for cardiovascular events were randomly assigned via a central, telephone-based interactive voice response system in a 1:1 ratio to receive benazepril (20 mg) plus amlodipine (5 mg; n=5744) or benazepril (20 mg) plus hydrochlorothiazide (12.5 mg; n=5762), orally once daily. Drug doses were force-titrated for patients to attain recommended blood pressure goals. Progression of chronic kidney disease, a prespecified endpoint, was defined as doubling of serum creatinine concentration or end-stage renal disease (estimated glomerular filtration rate <15 mL/min/1.73 m(2) or need for dialysis). Analysis was by intention to treat (ITT). This trial is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT00170950. FINDINGS The trial was terminated early (mean follow-up 2.9 years [SD 0.4]) because of superior efficacy of benazepril plus amlodipine compared with benazepril plus hydrochlorothiazide. At trial completion, vital status was not known for 143 (1%) patients who were lost to follow-up (benazepril plus amlodipine, n=70; benazepril plus hydrochlorothiazide, n=73). All randomised patients were included in the ITT analysis. There were 113 (2.0%) events of chronic kidney disease progression in the benazepril plus amlodipine group compared with 215 (3.7%) in the benazepril plus hydrochlorothiazide group (HR 0.52, 0.41-0.65, p<0.0001). The most frequent adverse event in patients with chronic kidney disease was peripheral oedema (benazepril plus amlodipine, 189 of 561, 33.7%; benazepril plus hydrochlorothiazide, 85 of 532, 16.0%). In patients with chronic kidney disease, angio-oedema was more frequent in the benazepril plus amlodipine group than in the benazepril plus hydrochlorothiazide group. In patients without chronic kidney disease, dizziness, hypokalaemia, and hypotension were more frequent in the benazepril plus hydrochlorothiazide group than in the benazepril plus amlodipine group. INTERPRETATION Initial antihypertensive treatment with benazepril plus amlodipine should be considered in preference to benazepril plus hydrochlorothiazide since it slows progression of nephropathy to a greater extent. FUNDING Novartis.
{"8678": 0.07830810546875, "20572": 0.060333251953125, "136498": 0.11773681640625, "84361": 0.1712646484375, "86675": 0.0518798828125, "23660": 0.07763671875, "846": 0.09222412109375, "4079": 0.08612060546875, "25667": 0.06695556640625, "123560": 0.1707763671875, "8305": 0.0083465576171875, "106935": 0.1866455078125, "19": 0.1221923828125, "2320": 0.032928466796875, "230656": 0.17236328125, "23": 0.033050537109375, "135004": 0.10955810546875, "43722": 0.098876953125, "678": 0.034271240234375, "4843": 0.053009033203125, "2785": 0.12158203125, "92179": 0.1527099609375, "128872": 0.2498779296875, "15012": 0.07183837890625, "16113": 0.1326904296875, "21130": 0.2025146484375, "79909": 0.206298828125, "16": 0.033111572265625, "110324": 0.205322265625, "168360": 0.01175689697265625, "61475": 0.154296875, "2874": 0.1220703125, "3038": 0.097412109375, "1264": 0.150390625, "41745": 0.2113037109375, "272": 0.0323486328125, "6": 0.033050537109375, "106864": 0.184326171875, "186": 0.12841796875, "76": 0.169189453125, "76318": 0.18994140625, "15601": 0.22998046875, "1001": 0.1658935546875, "444": 0.11175537109375, "365": 0.16650390625, "428": 0.157958984375, "80654": 0.1937255859375, "509": 0.03271484375, "14597": 0.197509765625, "47": 0.0438232421875, "64707": 0.1109619140625, "206": 0.0703125, "1484": 0.1365966796875, "31": 0.037689208984375, "4450": 0.1011962890625, "37854": 0.1278076171875, "112": 0.032684326171875, "241866": 0.151611328125, "207269": 0.1922607421875, "87131": 0.1563720703125, "71": 0.03289794921875, "2481": 0.032684326171875, "136": 0.032196044921875, "67573": 0.126220703125, "202120": 0.033843994140625, "297": 0.032958984375, "70": 0.032958984375, "93425": 0.1365966796875, "111": 0.032989501953125, "48683": 0.17431640625, "162515": 0.2208251953125, "7": 0.032867431640625, "98": 0.03271484375, "187735": 0.161376953125, "184843": 0.195556640625, "200": 0.130126953125, "10952": 0.1986083984375, "53": 0.10333251953125, "70997": 0.1077880859375, "33677": 0.05413818359375, "193792": 0.0821533203125, "294": 0.03271484375, "12944": 0.0143280029296875, "10": 0.0330810546875, "41929": 0.038818359375, "9": 0.033050537109375, "210873": 0.1485595703125, "4": 0.033050537109375, "96759": 0.08984375, "52021": 0.032318115234375, "1865": 0.03302001953125, "33": 0.03277587890625, "43606": 0.11077880859375, "76726": 0.1162109375, "15": 0.032989501953125, "42101": 0.03570556640625, "71006": 0.07342529296875, "65782": 0.065673828125, "146864": 0.048431396484375, "29774": 0.102783203125, "534": 0.032806396484375, "836": 0.0911865234375, "910": 0.06463623046875, "60264": 0.1441650390625, "59058": 0.1494140625, "2750": 0.032867431640625, "3542": 0.032867431640625, "99": 0.033111572265625, "11192": 0.041839599609375, "10512": 0.1513671875, "100": 0.03289794921875, "47353": 0.1363525390625, "538": 0.032928466796875, "95486": 0.101318359375, "1829": 0.0302276611328125, "9879": 0.030242919921875, "203599": 0.134765625, "77007": 0.032470703125, "212398": 0.095947265625, "54479": 0.153564453125, "57553": 0.10443115234375, "5426": 0.033111572265625, "58162": 0.0567626953125, "70460": 0.043792724609375, "53299": 0.0843505859375, "28583": 0.07452392578125, "12010": 0.057830810546875, "11516": 0.03271484375, "74": 0.03338623046875, "195953": 0.035736083984375, "707": 0.032989501953125, "2858": 0.0328369140625, "48413": 0.08807373046875, "177200": 0.04736328125, "247": 0.03302001953125, "30202": 0.1168212890625, "24145": 0.0196990966796875, "31815": 0.099853515625, "125183": 0.1378173828125, "655": 0.041748046875, "90": 0.032867431640625, "37772": 0.10870361328125, "118": 0.0489501953125, "1517": 0.031890869140625, "3674": 0.032958984375, "25500": 0.00572967529296875, "170198": 0.073486328125, "59714": 0.0289459228515625, "81147": 0.10809326171875, "109458": 0.09857177734375, "1250": 0.024017333984375, "148448": 0.1578369140625, "16711": 0.027313232421875, "47314": 0.032745361328125, "3564": 0.1318359375, "38496": 0.0310516357421875, "61924": 0.11419677734375, "237": 0.03271484375, "34": 0.01386260986328125, "79298": 0.03173828125, "1605": 0.041900634765625, "75014": 0.0511474609375, "85963": 0.03155517578125, "202104": 0.007709503173828125, "16852": 0.032257080078125, "218696": 0.044647216796875, "72992": 0.032196044921875, "16712": 0.0207061767578125, "1991": 0.031829833984375, "35975": 0.03271484375, "30359": 0.1378173828125, "34515": 0.0323486328125, "4426": 0.0328369140625, "1837": 0.032989501953125, "347": 0.033203125, "866": 0.0321044921875, "64": 0.032806396484375, "1249": 0.032623291015625, "11583": 0.03271484375, "5": 0.032989501953125, "13574": 0.03326416015625, "40970": 0.032562255859375, "3871": 0.032928466796875, "289": 0.032928466796875, "147852": 0.0316162109375, "114837": 0.0675048828125, "164": 0.032989501953125, "390": 0.032745361328125, "91177": 0.0821533203125, "85689": 0.08404541015625, "100922": 0.1158447265625, "83": 0.032867431640625, "189893": 0.12164306640625, "95612": 0.0199737548828125, "74257": 0.1251220703125, "16765": 0.032470703125, "12074": 0.04412841796875, "43379": 0.045074462890625, "181577": 0.02874755859375, "2525": 0.03192138671875, "67227": 0.024810791015625, "121011": 0.1273193359375, "39395": 0.0823974609375, "282": 0.03265380859375, "66": 0.03216552734375, "28960": 0.09765625, "2037": 0.032928466796875, "787": 0.0290069580078125, "1126": 0.032928466796875, "5369": 0.0311126708984375, "378": 0.03289794921875, "22916": 0.0232391357421875, "121254": 0.032745361328125, "268": 0.033233642578125, "6637": 0.033294677734375, "9129": 0.0177001953125, "22346": 0.03253173828125, "2408": 0.03289794921875, "154186": 0.0321044921875, "1913": 0.0330810546875, "21721": 0.056427001953125, "1830": 0.03302001953125, "30306": 0.1180419921875, "10778": 0.08184814453125, "959": 0.055419921875, "51529": 0.032867431640625, "66566": 0.10601806640625, "145116": 0.07232666015625, "72856": 0.08563232421875, "776": 0.0270538330078125, "11": 0.032012939453125, "653": 0.0308837890625, "1369": 0.03289794921875, "5757": 0.033416748046875, "3164": 0.0305328369140625, "99201": 0.031158447265625, "114137": 0.057220458984375, "8622": 0.0291900634765625, "49508": 0.0780029296875, "73011": 0.050750732421875, "21115": 0.1207275390625, "80338": 0.0587158203125, "109981": 0.033233642578125, "26244": 0.032623291015625, "29562": 0.022491455078125, "304": 0.03314208984375, "180033": 0.032745361328125, "12424": 0.033203125, "915": 0.0325927734375, "16093": 0.032928466796875, "37509": 0.0253448486328125, "100991": 0.033935546875, "581": 0.031646728515625, "2684": 0.024017333984375, "103351": 0.183837890625, "64406": 0.1563720703125, "13": 0.033111572265625, "19732": 0.1353759765625, "14": 0.032470703125, "94266": 0.0792236328125, "53830": 0.08599853515625, "11883": 0.12841796875, "104736": 0.0328369140625, "155128": 0.03314208984375, "89725": 0.032806396484375, "14427": 0.03302001953125, "9365": 0.027862548828125, "190": 0.027374267578125, "6460": 0.032989501953125, "6849": 0.0306854248046875, "65321": 0.0333251953125, "348": 0.07373046875, "4196": 0.1483154296875, "192": 0.07830810546875, "1286": 0.03692626953125, "3501": 0.0333251953125, "15490": 0.06463623046875, "45": 0.0294952392578125, "32929": 0.1204833984375, "75690": 0.11846923828125, "6498": 0.1097412109375, "32868": 0.032135009765625, "59692": 0.044769287109375, "683": 0.059814453125, "41116": 0.037445068359375, "360": 0.0026092529296875, "1890": 0.11651611328125, "39734": 0.1424560546875, "5608": 0.03564453125, "90698": 0.06243896484375, "205537": 0.1392822265625, "16792": 0.00670623779296875, "442": 0.03167724609375, "72803": 0.1370849609375, "53297": 0.0196380615234375, "48362": 0.085693359375, "192592": 0.08367919921875, "117396": 0.03216552734375, "192961": 0.034393310546875, "136258": 0.07373046875, "156906": 0.04547119140625, "10070": 0.08489990234375, "42": 0.08154296875, "1814": 0.10308837890625}
Effects of exercise training on health status in patients with chronic heart failure: HF-ACTION randomized controlled trial.
CONTEXT Findings from previous studies of the effects of exercise training on patient-reported health status have been inconsistent. OBJECTIVE To test the effects of exercise training on health status among patients with heart failure. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PATIENTS Multicenter, randomized controlled trial among 2331 medically stable outpatients with heart failure with left ventricular ejection fraction of 35% or less. Patients were randomized from April 2003 through February 2007. INTERVENTIONS Usual care plus aerobic exercise training (n = 1172), consisting of 36 supervised sessions followed by home-based training, vs usual care alone (n = 1159). Randomization was stratified by heart failure etiology, which was a covariate in all models. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES Kansas City Cardiomyopathy Questionnaire (KCCQ) overall summary scale and key subscales at baseline, every 3 months for 12 months, and annually thereafter for up to 4 years. The KCCQ is scored from 0 to 100 with higher scores corresponding to better health status. Treatment group effects were estimated using linear mixed models according to the intention-to-treat principle. RESULTS Median follow-up was 2.5 years. At 3 months, usual care plus exercise training led to greater improvement in the KCCQ overall summary score (mean, 5.21; 95% confidence interval, 4.42 to 6.00) compared with usual care alone (3.28; 95% confidence interval, 2.48 to 4.09). The additional 1.93-point increase (95% confidence interval, 0.84 to 3.01) in the exercise training group was statistically significant (P < .001). After 3 months, there were no further significant changes in KCCQ score for either group (P = .85 for the difference between slopes), resulting in a sustained, greater improvement overall for the exercise group (P < .001). Results were similar on the KCCQ subscales, and no subgroup interactions were detected. CONCLUSIONS Exercise training conferred modest but statistically significant improvements in self-reported health status compared with usual care without training. Improvements occurred early and persisted over time. TRIAL REGISTRATION clinicaltrials.gov Identifier: NCT00047437.
{"14452": 0.01056671142578125, "122691": 0.128173828125, "26040": 0.0241241455078125, "96362": 0.027191162109375, "96335": 0.061614990234375, "93425": 0.18994140625, "111": 0.02020263671875, "81979": 0.26171875, "23189": 0.2744140625, "98": 0.0225982666015625, "37896": 0.10906982421875, "79770": 0.13818359375, "297": 0.0200042724609375, "16227": 0.1748046875, "10778": 0.143798828125, "2809": 0.0221405029296875, "23": 0.03570556640625, "25553": 0.076416015625, "6892": 0.152099609375, "18": 0.0197296142578125, "35988": 0.0194091796875, "15301": 0.11700439453125, "441": 0.006458282470703125, "169813": 0.00365447998046875, "3034": 0.10943603515625, "60264": 0.1280517578125, "678": 0.0419921875, "26498": 0.1685791015625, "137578": 0.219482421875, "223188": 0.14111328125, "128565": 0.0849609375, "68151": 0.0109405517578125, "48762": 0.0006303787231445312, "100308": 0.02508544921875, "48057": 0.0177154541015625, "19335": 0.042266845703125, "30090": 0.11126708984375, "96759": 0.12445068359375, "6226": 0.09564208984375, "110324": 0.1888427734375, "1105": 0.032470703125, "5016": 0.15234375, "128": 0.047607421875, "71407": 0.0197601318359375, "144142": 0.1705322265625, "1810": 0.09686279296875, "170250": 0.142822265625, "7": 0.0203094482421875, "25737": 0.1231689453125, "30270": 0.039337158203125, "416": 0.04559326171875, "25667": 0.019775390625, "28": 0.00209808349609375, "236": 0.12091064453125, "10763": 0.0199737548828125, "175921": 0.1134033203125, "86475": 0.11236572265625, "707": 0.0196380615234375, "40715": 0.10504150390625, "135004": 0.128173828125, "3542": 0.02008056640625, "29367": 0.0181732177734375, "1295": 0.0195465087890625, "7071": 0.041046142578125, "6052": 0.1458740234375, "22482": 0.0394287109375, "25499": 0.07379150390625, "59692": 0.07232666015625, "30223": 0.005519866943359375, "62544": 0.1427001953125, "289": 0.0198974609375, "517": 0.16162109375, "1001": 0.08050537109375, "37511": 0.1558837890625, "45966": 0.094482421875, "15": 0.02020263671875, "53373": 0.0218505859375, "10461": 0.0196533203125, "4": 0.020050048828125, "58055": 0.01959228515625, "214": 0.020233154296875, "4039": 0.125, "1601": 0.07421875, "1824": 0.0198516845703125, "104227": 0.125732421875, "134629": 0.01477813720703125, "390": 0.019989013671875, "5368": 0.075927734375, "9": 0.020111083984375, "77007": 0.083251953125, "20209": 0.03594970703125, "115723": 0.178955078125, "75447": 0.03680419921875, "2203": 0.0201263427734375, "78255": 0.0242462158203125, "39643": 0.0992431640625, "306": 0.0745849609375, "47691": 0.0025577545166015625, "509": 0.01934814453125, "48358": 0.07110595703125, "47314": 0.018157958984375, "82": 0.03875732421875, "14": 0.050872802734375, "25443": 0.01708984375, "3129": 0.0187530517578125, "10": 0.0201873779296875, "552": 0.0221099853515625, "124640": 0.1683349609375, "67": 0.0200347900390625, "756": 0.01406097412109375, "115774": 0.1416015625, "48026": 0.07171630859375, "45962": 0.059295654296875, "91245": 0.029632568359375, "11292": 0.076171875, "284": 0.08544921875, "16395": 0.0015010833740234375, "195459": 0.1395263671875, "6406": 0.0662841796875, "23660": 0.0899658203125, "1410": 0.023345947265625, "192592": 0.08172607421875, "68185": 0.0902099609375, "76070": 0.08154296875, "13709": 0.0849609375, "2737": 0.1494140625, "16": 0.0200347900390625, "128512": 0.021820068359375, "177074": 0.119140625, "105994": 0.1419677734375, "136": 0.0198822021484375, "22799": 0.046051025390625, "1614": 0.121337890625, "16275": 0.1324462890625, "1577": 0.0184326171875, "99": 0.0199432373046875, "3647": 0.10247802734375, "2256": 0.01971435546875, "11907": 0.041839599609375, "138": 0.053924560546875, "21775": 0.1102294921875, "100": 0.0201416015625, "427": 0.049468994140625, "77253": 0.08502197265625, "538": 0.0200042724609375, "2685": 0.019622802734375, "11": 0.0199737548828125, "46327": 0.019683837890625, "1257": 0.020050048828125, "47": 0.0200653076171875, "201": 0.08636474609375, "5369": 0.11651611328125, "341": 0.0161895751953125, "83": 0.00461578369140625, "47763": 0.1361083984375, "71": 0.02008056640625, "757": 0.0303802490234375, "805": 0.08697509765625, "77546": 0.0908203125, "42518": 0.0117340087890625, "11522": 0.12548828125, "183367": 0.1519775390625, "21115": 0.1295166015625, "25902": 0.0235137939453125, "3674": 0.019989013671875, "17368": 0.0167236328125, "192617": 0.10821533203125, "17664": 0.07763671875, "59499": 0.019683837890625, "70": 0.020050048828125, "91177": 0.1591796875, "188": 0.006450653076171875, "2921": 0.08782958984375, "257": 0.020111083984375, "24702": 0.0804443359375, "133": 0.02020263671875, "218849": 0.0975341796875, "294": 0.01552581787109375, "4794": 0.129150390625, "19": 0.0198822021484375, "28960": 0.11834716796875, "2037": 0.0201416015625, "27804": 0.111572265625, "1913": 0.0196685791015625, "12441": 0.0170440673828125, "117396": 0.1199951171875, "136912": 0.1810302734375, "282": 0.0194091796875, "66": 0.01983642578125, "3117": 0.020172119140625, "74": 0.0200042724609375, "59653": 0.1390380859375, "159454": 0.217041015625, "51514": 0.1104736328125, "1398": 0.01995849609375, "13023": 0.0200042724609375, "146575": 0.111328125, "154186": 0.0196685791015625, "6896": 0.0200042724609375, "5": 0.02008056640625, "3882": 0.020233154296875, "9285": 0.0148162841796875, "88604": 0.0513916015625, "581": 0.019744873046875, "78301": 0.040283203125, "99420": 0.0217742919921875, "27495": 0.0024890899658203125, "38496": 0.06951904296875, "51312": 0.151123046875, "170509": 0.1478271484375, "13903": 0.021087646484375, "1031": 0.01528167724609375, "100991": 0.0196533203125, "80835": 0.07061767578125, "25958": 0.0201873779296875, "88551": 0.08648681640625, "683": 0.0201568603515625, "4426": 0.058624267578125, "6": 0.0200347900390625, "34479": 0.1295166015625, "24372": 0.0301513671875, "110": 0.033447265625, "65572": 0.03631591796875, "40101": 0.01128387451171875, "12951": 0.0192413330078125, "60212": 0.00768280029296875, "17721": 0.0192413330078125, "25193": 0.04095458984375, "13569": 0.0200347900390625, "247": 0.0200653076171875, "16750": 0.00498199462890625, "205027": 0.1094970703125, "146104": 0.0692138671875, "21373": 0.05706787109375, "51588": 0.129638671875, "182809": 0.1041259765625, "96391": 0.0938720703125, "37486": 0.04132080078125, "155534": 0.203857421875, "184": 0.108642578125, "158": 0.0197296142578125, "2875": 0.08087158203125, "2822": 0.0200042724609375, "90097": 0.106201171875, "1284": 0.0145263671875, "15970": 0.112060546875, "15490": 0.1051025390625, "3370": 0.0657958984375, "66187": 0.1734619140625, "9035": 0.0200042724609375, "74918": 0.0158843994140625, "39395": 0.077392578125, "70560": 0.0771484375, "645": 0.0197601318359375, "1733": 0.045318603515625, "94536": 0.1588134765625, "7842": 0.022430419921875, "217674": 0.14501953125, "84780": 0.01995849609375, "56465": 0.01522064208984375, "51626": 0.11822509765625, "12074": 0.0301361083984375, "189543": 0.10223388671875, "56": 0.019439697265625, "43379": 0.06805419921875, "9508": 0.0208282470703125, "13330": 0.0144500732421875, "152719": 0.1204833984375}
Acute respiratory failure in patients with severe community-acquired pneumonia: a prospective randomized evaluation of noninvasive ventilation.
In uncontrolled studies, noninvasive positive pressure ventilation (NPPV) was found useful in avoiding endotracheal intubation in patients with acute respiratory failure (ARF) caused by severe community-acquired pneumonia (CAP). We conducted a prospective, randomized study comparing standard treatment plus NPPV delivered through a face mask to standard treatment alone in patients with severe CAP and ARF. Patients fitting the American Thoracic Society criteria for severe CAP were included in presence of ARF (refractory hypoxemia and/or hypercapnia with acidosis). Exclusion criteria were: severe hemodynamic instability, requirement for emergent cardiopulmonary resuscitation, home mechanical ventilation or oxygen long-term supplementation, concomitant severe disease with a low expectation of life, inability to expectorate or contraindications to the use of the mask. Fifty-six consecutive patients (28 in each arm) were enrolled, and the two groups were similar at study entry. The use of NPPV was well tolerated, safe, and associated with a significant reduction in respiratory rate, need for endotracheal intubation (21% versus 50%; p = 0.03), and duration of intensive care unit (ICU) stay (1.8 ± 0.7 d versus 6 ± 1.8 d; p = 0.04). The two groups had a similar intensity of nursing care workload, time interval from study entry to endotracheal intubation, duration of hospitalization, and hospital mortality. Among patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), those randomized to NPPV had a lower intensity of nursing care workload (p = 0.04) and improved 2-mo survival (88.9% versus 37.5%; p = 0.05). We conclude that in selected patients with ARF caused by severe CAP, NPPV was associated with a significant reduction in the rate of endotracheal intubation and duration of ICU stay. A 2-mo survival advantage was seen in patients with COPD.
{"51": 0.04693603515625, "81988": 0.1549072265625, "6259": 0.00827789306640625, "96335": 0.0938720703125, "4": 0.0087738037109375, "351": 0.11944580078125, "73": 0.026458740234375, "330": 0.147216796875, "29888": 0.0167083740234375, "24491": 0.2001953125, "81147": 0.2177734375, "206419": 0.2841796875, "28814": 0.163330078125, "62655": 0.34814453125, "14037": 0.0533447265625, "80234": 0.175537109375, "71864": 0.2015380859375, "214": 0.015594482421875, "3564": 0.07379150390625, "50192": 0.12188720703125, "1430": 0.1409912109375, "23": 0.05389404296875, "46656": 0.208251953125, "60264": 0.12188720703125, "678": 0.0086212158203125, "85691": 0.14599609375, "143435": 0.1566162109375, "53": 0.0083770751953125, "137578": 0.164794921875, "11909": 0.0970458984375, "919": 0.1539306640625, "16": 0.0086822509765625, "143434": 0.025726318359375, "141591": 0.1619873046875, "26908": 0.1434326171875, "9": 0.00848388671875, "3181": 0.09814453125, "2822": 0.00661468505859375, "66764": 0.11517333984375, "59248": 0.12469482421875, "136629": 0.2105712890625, "297": 0.00855255126953125, "10": 0.00867462158203125, "109736": 0.0628662109375, "5844": 0.00856781005859375, "96759": 0.0782470703125, "29367": 0.0083770751953125, "35187": 0.058807373046875, "37397": 0.083251953125, "5570": 0.1380615234375, "39734": 0.1551513671875, "1001": 0.0684814453125, "75060": 0.049774169921875, "8305": 0.00424957275390625, "2577": 0.1566162109375, "7021": 0.1656494140625, "47": 0.00830841064453125, "75447": 0.06292724609375, "73066": 0.1695556640625, "54612": 0.2139892578125, "135004": 0.10247802734375, "7": 0.00823974609375, "809": 0.0134429931640625, "70": 0.0084991455078125, "15672": 0.004375457763671875, "38692": 0.0692138671875, "84229": 0.0780029296875, "67081": 0.086181640625, "55738": 0.1390380859375, "11": 0.008270263671875, "3542": 0.00839996337890625, "99201": 0.029388427734375, "169424": 0.0123138427734375, "111": 0.00853729248046875, "15": 0.0088348388671875, "107": 0.007579803466796875, "132076": 0.08880615234375, "31667": 0.0080108642578125, "75690": 0.08538818359375, "425": 0.013397216796875, "32868": 0.00679779052734375, "136": 0.00836181640625, "748": 0.00797271728515625, "59058": 0.03314208984375, "15644": 0.12420654296875, "1174": 0.005626678466796875, "43840": 0.09783935546875, "84125": 0.006622314453125, "5443": 0.032989501953125, "67158": 0.149169921875, "191": 0.0079498291015625, "2360": 0.00951385498046875, "242554": 0.0236358642578125, "271": 0.09173583984375, "41159": 0.0548095703125, "64209": 0.0076141357421875, "674": 0.008697509765625, "100": 0.00829315185546875, "74216": 0.043182373046875, "660": 0.0082244873046875, "105392": 0.0019388198852539062, "6645": 0.040069580078125, "6635": 0.00839996337890625, "99166": 0.0999755859375, "1363": 0.00856781005859375, "5368": 0.01641845703125, "135969": 0.023651123046875, "289": 0.0082244873046875, "707": 0.00762939453125, "230044": 0.1187744140625, "4989": 0.009796142578125, "32166": 0.0077056884765625, "107506": 0.0286102294921875, "2320": 0.0085906982421875, "158": 0.0080413818359375, "277": 0.08251953125, "14": 0.00836944580078125, "18211": 0.0085906982421875, "70997": 0.052764892578125, "27226": 0.08355712890625, "41206": 0.0841064453125, "6897": 0.06732177734375, "4341": 0.00705718994140625, "67": 0.008392333984375, "69442": 0.0149993896484375, "5256": 0.0085906982421875, "4527": 0.0972900390625, "2480": 0.049835205078125, "4084": 0.046783447265625, "148390": 0.07452392578125, "13": 0.008575439453125, "60191": 0.0926513671875, "12638": 0.01157379150390625, "16294": 0.1629638671875, "27722": 0.1297607421875, "6626": 0.0367431640625, "94407": 0.0977783203125, "21373": 0.09527587890625, "99": 0.0081939697265625, "42805": 0.0667724609375, "6": 0.00852203369140625, "509": 0.007965087890625, "5299": 0.0372314453125, "603": 0.098876953125, "27686": 0.00858306884765625, "46002": 0.132080078125, "137272": 0.0640869140625, "456": 0.089599609375, "77391": 0.132568359375, "34515": 0.0218353271484375, "3871": 0.08929443359375, "13961": 0.0533447265625, "119475": 0.006072998046875, "9071": 0.06396484375, "74": 0.008209228515625, "915": 0.0206451416015625, "2203": 0.00811004638671875, "89678": 0.05572509765625, "21320": 0.00931549072265625, "115": 0.025787353515625, "30494": 0.00867462158203125, "40894": 0.05975341796875, "517": 0.06561279296875, "25072": 0.053192138671875, "200764": 0.12353515625, "24765": 0.1212158203125, "119044": 0.039337158203125, "38405": 0.00832366943359375, "134926": 0.09130859375, "104": 0.007411956787109375, "305": 0.007678985595703125, "79875": 0.038726806640625, "29557": 0.0273590087890625, "581": 0.005733489990234375, "1902": 0.0023822784423828125, "20753": 0.09716796875, "2481": 0.0084686279296875, "1649": 0.064453125, "4488": 0.051361083984375, "63033": 0.097900390625, "1733": 0.00847625732421875, "51514": 0.034393310546875, "1295": 0.00817108154296875, "17986": 0.044708251953125, "47691": 0.00838470458984375, "67573": 0.05078125, "2022": 0.00809478759765625, "184843": 0.07958984375, "995": 0.0297088623046875, "36716": 0.09259033203125, "236544": 0.0830078125, "9688": 0.040496826171875, "34427": 0.12115478515625, "247": 0.0082855224609375, "92319": 0.0994873046875, "254": 0.00798797607421875, "52295": 0.1556396484375, "71": 0.00846099853515625, "4720": 0.0408935546875, "432": 0.10638427734375, "218018": 0.1531982421875, "12772": 0.0677490234375, "5": 0.008148193359375, "12678": 0.00833892822265625, "13465": 0.00823211669921875, "43317": 0.0242919921875, "390": 0.007320404052734375, "88551": 0.022430419921875, "92940": 0.1566162109375, "153003": 0.09771728515625, "397": 0.05413818359375}
Smallest angiosperm genomes found in lentibulariaceae, with chromosomes of bacterial size.
Nuclear holoploid genome sizes (C-values) have been estimated to vary about 800-fold in angiosperms, with the smallest established 1C-value of 157 Mbp recorded in Arabidopsis thaliana. In the highly specialized carnivorous family Lentibulariaceae now three taxa have been found that exhibit significantly lower values: Genlisea margaretae with 63 Mbp, G. aurea with 64 Mbp, and Utricularia gibba with 88 Mbp. The smallest mitotic anaphase chromatids in G. aurea have 2.1 Mbp and are thus of bacterial size (NB: E. coli has ca. 4 Mbp). Several Utricularia species range somewhat lower than A. thaliana or are similar in genome size. The highest 1C-value known from species of Lentibulariaceae was found in Genlisea hispidula with 1510 Mbp, and results in about 24-fold variation for Genlisea and the Lentibulariaceae. Taking into account these new measurements, genome size variation in angiosperms is now almost 2000-fold. Genlisea and Utricularia are plants with terminal positions in the phylogeny of the eudicots, so that the findings are relevant for the understanding of genome miniaturization. Moreover, the Genlisea-Utricularia clade exhibits one of the highest mutational rates in several genomic regions in angiosperms, what may be linked to specialized patterns of genome evolution. Ultrasmall genomes have not been found in Pinguicula, which is the sister group of the Genlisea-Utricularia clade, and which does not show accelerated mutational rates. C-values in Pinguicula varied only 1.7-fold from 487 to 829 Mbp.
{"1429": 0.1470947265625, "119488": 0.1644287109375, "136346": 0.198486328125, "13158": 0.2200927734375, "532": 0.1361083984375, "8584": 0.2279052734375, "13": 0.12200927734375, "13267": 0.2193603515625, "441": 0.1549072265625, "9": 0.06658935546875, "27494": 0.2646484375, "765": 0.01064300537109375, "25902": 0.13427734375, "285": 0.2069091796875, "53": 0.09698486328125, "1672": 0.0196075439453125, "7607": 0.1451416015625, "42822": 0.2275390625, "348": 0.147216796875, "5790": 0.12890625, "1264": 0.220703125, "4432": 0.1160888671875, "19336": 0.15478515625, "525": 0.1275634765625, "170920": 0.124755859375, "106": 0.1016845703125, "78600": 0.1600341796875, "42448": 0.105224609375, "254": 0.07366943359375, "17164": 0.1092529296875, "129674": 0.15673828125, "246": 0.0924072265625, "74988": 0.164306640625, "3319": 0.1005859375, "97232": 0.203857421875, "103210": 0.0789794921875, "5361": 0.134521484375, "2258": 0.084716796875, "93": 0.0498046875, "3104": 0.13427734375, "10821": 0.01253509521484375, "14449": 0.104248046875, "150926": 0.1422119140625, "25708": 0.2108154296875, "1703": 0.165283203125, "189956": 0.206787109375, "5036": 0.032745361328125, "17262": 0.11651611328125, "36235": 0.1708984375, "14037": 0.0968017578125, "80788": 0.0799560546875, "207583": 0.07373046875, "92319": 0.182373046875, "142424": 0.1607666015625, "15937": 0.1397705078125, "12811": 0.203125, "11": 0.1414794921875, "140735": 0.1024169921875, "4241": 0.1668701171875, "678": 0.01666259765625, "12069": 0.1295166015625, "531": 0.10614013671875, "7911": 0.1044921875, "345": 0.0985107421875, "3996": 0.1380615234375, "25667": 0.1824951171875, "3016": 0.103515625, "45391": 0.20166015625, "14073": 0.1025390625, "581": 0.0178375244140625, "86467": 0.11224365234375, "3877": 0.11370849609375, "153213": 0.17333984375, "17656": 0.06341552734375, "38657": 0.0947265625, "30185": 0.094970703125, "527": 0.0892333984375, "5": 0.01343536376953125, "1283": 0.1925048828125, "34513": 0.13671875, "152818": 0.16064453125, "49321": 0.01363372802734375, "241": 0.0654296875, "27443": 0.169189453125, "201": 0.0772705078125, "48752": 0.01448822021484375, "399": 0.1575927734375, "114149": 0.138916015625, "37457": 0.03497314453125, "208806": 0.0161895751953125, "62": 0.08404541015625, "21373": 0.050445556640625, "167375": 0.1466064453125, "51529": 0.09051513671875, "1919": 0.10382080078125, "1434": 0.13037109375, "63741": 0.1717529296875, "423": 0.082763671875, "963": 0.11572265625, "25240": 0.1175537109375, "143834": 0.2255859375, "72350": 0.0870361328125, "39555": 0.01617431640625, "58970": 0.13720703125, "136": 0.01300811767578125, "18153": 0.1978759765625, "33949": 0.1876220703125, "19069": 0.07391357421875, "34053": 0.0021820068359375, "112537": 0.07427978515625, "1175": 0.048583984375, "55455": 0.12054443359375, "29191": 0.046478271484375, "100094": 0.06549072265625, "139686": 0.1788330078125, "47691": 0.0882568359375, "1062": 0.054931640625, "26580": 0.11102294921875, "112": 0.053680419921875, "199334": 0.1912841796875, "121297": 0.1295166015625, "10776": 0.0596923828125, "1543": 0.014739990234375, "103510": 0.0902099609375, "137089": 0.07891845703125, "35958": 0.094970703125, "69070": 0.161376953125, "959": 0.03369140625, "12264": 0.09368896484375, "17086": 0.1448974609375, "16735": 0.1741943359375, "114015": 0.058349609375, "21115": 0.05615234375, "197108": 0.084228515625, "313": 0.09893798828125, "10861": 0.166015625, "4734": 0.0199127197265625, "100920": 0.03253173828125, "183223": 0.0386962890625}
Parasite multiplication potential and the severity of Falciparum malaria.
The multiplication rates and invasiveness of Plasmodium falciparum parasites isolated from adult Thai patients hospitalized with uncomplicated malaria (n=34) were compared with those from persons with severe malaria (n=42). To simulate severe malaria and control for host effects, the in vitro cultures were adjusted to 1% parasitemia and used the same red blood cell donor. P. falciparum isolates from persons with severe malaria had initial cycle multiplication rates in vitro that were 3-fold higher than those from uncomplicated malaria (median [95% confidence interval], 8.3 [7. 1-10.5] vs. 2.8 [1.7-3.9]; P=.001). Parasites causing severe malaria exhibited unrestricted red blood cell invasion, whereas those from uncomplicated malaria were restricted to a geometric mean of 40 (31%-53%) of red blood cells. P. falciparum parasites causing severe malaria were less selective and multiplied more at high parasitemias than those causing uncomplicated malaria.
{"127664": 0.2470703125, "1363": 0.02679443359375, "121297": 0.18505859375, "136": 0.01526641845703125, "116000": 0.177978515625, "272": 0.09454345703125, "7432": 0.0252227783203125, "128142": 0.106689453125, "432": 0.1292724609375, "28483": 0.09893798828125, "11944": 0.1614990234375, "25258": 0.1751708984375, "25759": 0.20068359375, "26685": 0.23583984375, "54015": 0.1815185546875, "25171": 0.1129150390625, "13322": 0.2353515625, "60264": 0.1256103515625, "17986": 0.1287841796875, "52721": 0.13232421875, "960": 0.17041015625, "6232": 0.193115234375, "121763": 0.07135009765625, "154186": 0.12890625, "1295": 0.01415252685546875, "3445": 0.07672119140625, "678": 0.04571533203125, "141591": 0.1971435546875, "10461": 0.0039825439453125, "40226": 0.2060546875, "6226": 0.146484375, "27980": 0.1234130859375, "93425": 0.1043701171875, "23": 0.03387451171875, "279": 0.10589599609375, "2955": 0.1424560546875, "29394": 0.142578125, "126596": 0.13525390625, "40186": 0.0826416015625, "121": 0.14208984375, "11090": 0.08477783203125, "7605": 0.11322021484375, "11814": 0.022308349609375, "5701": 0.0298614501953125, "4842": 0.113525390625, "59714": 0.1490478515625, "38750": 0.1644287109375, "164441": 0.1610107421875, "436": 0.0826416015625, "5": 0.02783203125, "61475": 0.0909423828125, "105823": 0.1878662109375, "5691": 0.022796630859375, "42822": 0.0911865234375, "77546": 0.11676025390625, "12333": 0.0811767578125, "170509": 0.1556396484375, "159454": 0.209228515625, "51514": 0.15185546875, "93645": 0.03369140625, "20209": 0.0167388916015625, "82295": 0.147216796875, "133760": 0.068115234375, "156611": 0.08551025390625, "34479": 0.0972900390625, "209299": 0.2464599609375, "216806": 0.16259765625, "80788": 0.08099365234375, "51": 0.002628326416015625, "144225": 0.11566162109375, "191": 0.01557159423828125, "173072": 0.1671142578125, "84183": 0.1414794921875, "29459": 0.1280517578125, "1112": 0.103271484375, "11587": 0.052459716796875, "40715": 0.11041259765625, "36849": 0.12890625, "118126": 0.2080078125, "1286": 0.07891845703125, "11192": 0.06597900390625, "266": 0.07867431640625}
PHD3-dependent hydroxylation of HCLK2 promotes the DNA damage response.
The DNA damage response (DDR) is a complex regulatory network that is critical for maintaining genome integrity. Posttranslational modifications are widely used to ensure strict spatiotemporal control of signal flow, but how the DDR responds to environmental cues, such as changes in ambient oxygen tension, remains poorly understood. We found that an essential component of the ATR/CHK1 signaling pathway, the human homolog of the Caenorhabditis elegans biological clock protein CLK-2 (HCLK2), associated with and was hydroxylated by prolyl hydroxylase domain protein 3 (PHD3). HCLK2 hydroxylation was necessary for its interaction with ATR and the subsequent activation of ATR/CHK1/p53. Inhibiting PHD3, either with the pan-hydroxylase inhibitor dimethyloxaloylglycine (DMOG) or through hypoxia, prevented activation of the ATR/CHK1/p53 pathway and decreased apoptosis induced by DNA damage. Consistent with these observations, we found that mice lacking PHD3 were resistant to the effects of ionizing radiation and had decreased thymic apoptosis, a biomarker of genomic integrity. Our identification of HCLK2 as a substrate of PHD3 reveals the mechanism through which hypoxia inhibits the DDR, suggesting hydroxylation of HCLK2 is a potential therapeutic target for regulating the ATR/CHK1/p53 pathway.
{"27583": 0.19287109375, "82649": 0.259033203125, "57553": 0.23974609375, "397": 0.062744140625, "23498": 0.26806640625, "83": 0.03753662109375, "27140": 0.13134765625, "144314": 0.22607421875, "33120": 0.145751953125, "130306": 0.141357421875, "100": 0.0291290283203125, "76104": 0.148681640625, "214": 0.029754638671875, "8584": 0.1358642578125, "13": 0.0299530029296875, "9114": 0.1722412109375, "2481": 0.0985107421875, "2795": 0.128173828125, "30145": 0.10369873046875, "143": 0.06671142578125, "43315": 0.0283050537109375, "129344": 0.1844482421875, "7": 0.052764892578125, "621": 0.0294342041015625, "38134": 0.050323486328125, "538": 0.03009033203125, "11814": 0.06640625, "47": 0.029266357421875, "63284": 0.01873779296875, "81113": 0.05230712890625, "5623": 0.07952880859375, "99736": 0.1015625, "289": 0.029754638671875, "6226": 0.1453857421875, "111": 0.0299072265625, "26073": 0.1759033203125, "86608": 0.1337890625, "4": 0.030120849609375, "1284": 0.00936126708984375, "3642": 0.0111236572265625, "104621": 0.265380859375, "35644": 0.160888671875, "156444": 0.1611328125, "314": 0.131103515625, "90": 0.029876708984375, "6044": 0.020050048828125, "237": 0.029266357421875, "65572": 0.07012939453125, "23": 0.0296630859375, "68663": 0.0889892578125, "230044": 0.201416015625, "63672": 0.1334228515625, "47143": 0.043304443359375, "70425": 0.09033203125, "217064": 0.139892578125, "14037": 0.0416259765625, "142": 0.0279541015625, "85590": 0.1312255859375, "82761": 0.133056640625, "62": 0.03240966796875, "28981": 0.2188720703125, "64": 0.053497314453125, "16999": 0.0792236328125, "605": 0.09375, "418": 0.07366943359375, "60875": 0.11224365234375, "7514": 0.1451416015625, "70": 0.03009033203125, "14135": 0.07550048828125, "12840": 0.1788330078125, "4867": 0.1422119140625, "2041": 0.076171875, "33": 0.0229034423828125, "748": 0.046630859375, "24360": 0.138916015625, "46182": 0.148193359375, "69443": 0.173095703125, "333": 0.05865478515625, "21135": 0.23388671875, "21308": 0.2196044921875, "313": 0.01372528076171875, "43238": 0.217041015625, "5428": 0.15478515625, "15": 0.028228759765625, "73265": 0.0823974609375, "10461": 0.1748046875, "137272": 0.06744384765625, "678": 0.034698486328125, "136": 0.0291748046875, "64707": 0.1500244140625, "425": 0.047515869140625, "7809": 0.1383056640625, "3674": 0.0300140380859375, "113200": 0.1455078125, "8613": 0.043670654296875, "50878": 0.2034912109375, "62061": 0.11932373046875, "77758": 0.09722900390625, "138": 0.11077880859375, "16291": 0.1640625, "21320": 0.1612548828125, "81118": 0.125244140625, "304": 0.1708984375, "57860": 0.1318359375, "509": 0.027984619140625, "63559": 0.121337890625, "182809": 0.08514404296875, "221419": 0.01136016845703125, "34704": 0.1312255859375, "1363": 0.030029296875, "50412": 0.030487060546875, "14226": 0.1932373046875, "360": 0.0248260498046875, "979": 0.153564453125, "3137": 0.1180419921875, "436": 0.031890869140625, "363": 0.169677734375, "40101": 0.03192138671875, "2652": 0.06689453125, "9": 0.029693603515625, "180220": 0.09100341796875, "173702": 0.1861572265625, "1290": 0.0299835205078125, "65853": 0.01000213623046875, "7779": 0.04449462890625, "110608": 0.045257568359375, "33647": 0.0294189453125, "42386": 0.12054443359375, "16": 0.02978515625, "707": 0.00415802001953125, "8305": 0.041656494140625, "75690": 0.176025390625, "30633": 0.1983642578125, "56282": 0.1072998046875, "297": 0.0301971435546875, "227204": 0.1424560546875, "71": 0.0299835205078125, "6885": 0.0577392578125, "40934": 0.146484375, "6023": 0.00916290283203125, "135989": 0.0849609375, "390": 0.00833892822265625, "39215": 0.028656005859375, "6892": 0.0196380615234375, "18": 0.0301666259765625, "150556": 0.03875732421875, "324": 0.161865234375, "329": 0.07061767578125, "21": 0.1033935546875, "41324": 0.08251953125, "3542": 0.028900146484375, "39746": 0.1602783203125, "1236": 0.0294952392578125, "93425": 0.06988525390625, "45339": 0.07183837890625, "84382": 0.013397216796875, "4567": 0.11468505859375, "2320": 0.030059814453125, "1902": 0.0139007568359375, "96055": 0.08203125, "21068": 0.0197296142578125, "10": 0.029754638671875, "3530": 0.0032939910888671875, "10015": 0.170166015625, "56": 0.0300750732421875, "221160": 0.050140380859375, "218250": 0.1634521484375, "122273": 0.0175628662109375, "191619": 0.117919921875, "933": 0.0292510986328125, "42459": 0.045257568359375, "38516": 0.133056640625, "126472": 0.1795654296875, "1771": 0.0301361083984375, "30388": 0.1458740234375, "15913": 0.2178955078125}
Economic implications of nighttime attending intensivist coverage in a medical intensive care unit.
OBJECTIVE Our objective was to assess the cost implications of changing the intensive care unit staffing model from on-demand presence to mandatory 24-hr in-house critical care specialist presence. DESIGN A pre-post comparison was undertaken among the prospectively assessed cohorts of patients admitted to our medical intensive care unit 1 yr before and 1 yr after the change. Our data were stratified by Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation III quartile and whether a patient was admitted during the day or at night. Costs were modeled using a generalized linear model with log-link and γ-distributed errors. SETTING A large academic center in the Midwest. PATIENTS All patients admitted to the adult medical intensive care unit on or after January 1, 2005 and discharged on or before December 31, 2006. Patients receiving care under both staffing models were excluded. INTERVENTION Changing the intensive care unit staffing model from on-demand presence to mandatory 24-hr in-house critical care specialist presence. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS Total cost estimates of hospitalization were calculated for each patient starting from the day of intensive care unit admission to the day of hospital discharge. Adjusted mean total cost estimates were 61% lower in the post period relative to the pre period for patients admitted during night hours (7 pm to 7 am) who were in the highest Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation III quartile. No significant differences were seen at other severity levels. The unadjusted intensive care unit length of stay fell in the post period relative to the pre period (3.5 vs. 4.8) with no change in non-intensive care unit length of stay. CONCLUSIONS We find that 24-hr intensive care unit intensivist staffing reduces lengths of stay and cost estimates for the sickest patients admitted at night. The costs of introducing such a staffing model need to be weighed against the potential total savings generated for such patients in smaller intensive care units, especially ones that predominantly care for lower-acuity patients.
{"35988": 0.07525634765625, "15301": 0.1103515625, "441": 0.036407470703125, "169813": 0.01276397705078125, "151814": 0.228515625, "202120": 0.1063232421875, "11034": 0.18798828125, "17914": 0.1900634765625, "5256": 0.010498046875, "151134": 0.1866455078125, "40894": 0.1956787109375, "13": 0.1192626953125, "517": 0.1473388671875, "25072": 0.1748046875, "23082": 0.19384765625, "214": 0.0899658203125, "3299": 0.2388916015625, "1295": 0.031982421875, "98": 0.1256103515625, "9": 0.013092041015625, "112": 0.11773681640625, "12018": 0.197998046875, "169424": 0.16357421875, "81678": 0.1690673828125, "25240": 0.208251953125, "4097": 0.18896484375, "23": 0.04571533203125, "23923": 0.1259765625, "130306": 0.1461181640625, "17496": 0.173095703125, "223188": 0.166748046875, "479": 0.082763671875, "4594": 0.10699462890625, "225490": 0.14794921875, "33": 0.01242828369140625, "70": 0.0128326416015625, "109736": 0.056610107421875, "5844": 0.01273345947265625, "538": 0.0128936767578125, "297": 0.01273345947265625, "5922": 0.06268310546875, "933": 0.0126190185546875, "111": 0.0131072998046875, "60264": 0.1424560546875, "36456": 0.1409912109375, "47": 0.01280975341796875, "29874": 0.0487060546875, "2938": 0.050445556640625, "8108": 0.040130615234375, "136": 0.0127716064453125, "7103": 0.0115203857421875, "15549": 0.1427001953125, "2053": 0.0826416015625, "3542": 0.0126800537109375, "48358": 0.085205078125, "47314": 0.0128021240234375, "85691": 0.1312255859375, "13000": 0.02386474609375, "53": 0.07098388671875, "172": 0.02899169921875, "25443": 0.01251983642578125, "70103": 0.058502197265625, "6402": 0.0128173828125, "19102": 0.09100341796875, "151228": 0.07861328125, "1363": 0.01258087158203125, "4830": 0.0750732421875, "70801": 0.115234375, "1340": 0.050140380859375, "10": 0.01274871826171875, "37896": 0.0975341796875, "509": 0.01258087158203125, "3674": 0.012847900390625, "20271": 0.0128021240234375, "5155": 0.062408447265625, "99": 0.0128021240234375, "17431": 0.143798828125, "63099": 0.1832275390625, "7": 0.0128021240234375, "4537": 0.05377197265625, "29367": 0.012908935546875, "192617": 0.1414794921875, "678": 0.01216888427734375, "12684": 0.057952880859375, "10187": 0.093017578125, "12770": 0.057525634765625, "3827": 0.01229095458984375, "191145": 0.045989990234375, "71": 0.0129547119140625, "18499": 0.1964111328125, "128565": 0.02398681640625, "21334": 0.01499176025390625, "108858": 0.1041259765625, "27585": 0.07720947265625, "23166": 0.040191650390625, "25617": 0.0721435546875, "100308": 0.07464599609375, "48057": 0.03302001953125, "25171": 0.08941650390625, "707": 0.012664794921875, "18982": 0.07403564453125, "4": 0.01296234130859375, "4078": 0.1800537109375, "2837": 0.00092315673828125, "69674": 0.1165771484375, "14487": 0.04559326171875, "30739": 0.1429443359375, "135004": 0.13037109375, "217063": 0.00604248046875, "1379": 0.01263427734375, "15044": 0.05279541015625, "115774": 0.2086181640625, "39041": 0.11859130859375, "48141": 0.01282501220703125, "59692": 0.06634521484375, "30223": 0.0213623046875, "108193": 0.1728515625, "1294": 0.0124969482421875, "11292": 0.0168304443359375, "9713": 0.0399169921875, "124661": 0.01258087158203125, "294": 0.0127716064453125, "218849": 0.051361083984375, "25902": 0.058197021484375, "1636": 0.01279449462890625, "17986": 0.09564208984375, "47691": 0.01256561279296875, "74481": 0.0278472900390625, "100": 0.01287841796875, "606": 0.051727294921875, "3145": 0.0111846923828125, "20314": 0.1240234375, "29459": 0.10162353515625, "3622": 0.01248931884765625, "305": 0.052398681640625, "13961": 0.079833984375, "92319": 0.1707763671875, "1305": 0.1201171875, "14922": 0.016815185546875, "35845": 0.01079559326171875, "21974": 0.01248931884765625, "3592": 0.04278564453125, "361": 0.0125274658203125, "444": 0.01218414306640625, "16": 0.01305389404296875, "2750": 0.0120391845703125, "167375": 0.0198974609375, "60212": 0.04620361328125, "27708": 0.02691650390625, "2481": 0.01255035400390625, "90926": 0.01165008544921875, "140909": 0.081298828125, "24765": 0.1363525390625, "77736": 0.12841796875, "15": 0.0128326416015625, "72516": 0.0655517578125, "5": 0.01294708251953125, "1398": 0.0274810791015625, "29272": 9.101629257202148e-05, "29888": 0.012908935546875, "37486": 0.03216552734375, "7413": 0.0039825439453125, "1419": 0.047821044921875, "34390": 0.15478515625, "133054": 0.042449951171875, "525": 0.0126800537109375, "581": 0.011932373046875, "84458": 0.1656494140625, "39864": 0.07354736328125, "186": 0.0125732421875, "38516": 0.002105712890625, "14880": 0.0653076171875, "5180": 0.01288604736328125, "139392": 0.00676727294921875, "164917": 0.0355224609375, "41866": 0.005290985107421875, "64333": 0.01297760009765625, "450": 0.01287078857421875, "156531": 0.0128326416015625, "660": 0.01268768310546875, "1010": 0.0313720703125}
Objective: To evaluate the frequency of α -gene, s-gene, and hemoglobin variant numbers in subjects with Microcytic hypochromic anemia. Methodology: In total out of 850, 340 subjects with microcytic hypochromic anemia [MCV<80fl; MCH<27pg] from Southwest part of Iran, were studied in Research Center of Thalassemia and Hemoglobinopathies (RCTH) which is the only center working on hematology and oncology in Southwest (Khuzestan) region of Iran. These include 325 individuals: 171 with Beta-thalassemia trait, 88 with Alpha-thalassemia trait, 13 with thalassemia major, 11 with hemoglobin variants (HbS, HbC, and HbD Punjab ) and 42 with iron-deficiency anemia. The rest 15 patients diagnosed with no definite etiology. Results: Genotyping for -α 3.7 , -α 4.2 , – α PA , - α 5NT and - - MED was done with gap-PCR. The overall frequency of - α 3.7 deletion in 325 individuals is 20%. Genotyping for 23 most known s-gene mutations was done with direct mutation analysis by Amplification Refractory Mutation System (ARMS). The most frequent mutations were CD 36/37, IVS II-I, and IVS I-110 with 9.7%, 11.7%, and 3.5% respected frequencies in 340 patients. There was statistically significant difference between Beta-thalassemia trait and Beta-thalassemia Major in case of MCV (p- value = 0.25) and MCH (P–value =0.23) indices, and also MCH index between Beta-thalassemia trait and Hb Variants (P-value = 0.04). Conclusion: The α -gene and s-gene mutation is quite common in the Southwest part of Iran. Molecular genotyping of α -thalassemia and s-thalassemia help to diagnose unexplained microcytosis, and thus prevent unnecessary iron supplementation.
{"134549": 0.1326904296875, "5844": 0.02496337890625, "151575": 0.10870361328125, "13": 0.0279541015625, "70": 0.02783203125, "12478": 0.1739501953125, "944": 0.12188720703125, "27771": 0.027862548828125, "5961": 0.1749267578125, "20": 0.0276031494140625, "15292": 0.2236328125, "91": 0.14208984375, "9": 0.043670654296875, "4": 0.02801513671875, "2360": 0.11846923828125, "54285": 0.1322021484375, "73": 0.027923583984375, "20117": 0.230224609375, "101935": 0.054107666015625, "23": 0.027984619140625, "28368": 0.1424560546875, "7": 0.02789306640625, "37992": 0.1331787109375, "2408": 0.109130859375, "9523": 0.0501708984375, "75690": 0.1854248046875, "206": 0.08599853515625, "516": 0.10174560546875, "21068": 0.0213623046875, "142": 0.126708984375, "32868": 0.1468505859375, "74644": 0.1029052734375, "25443": 0.06304931640625, "360": 0.027435302734375, "3622": 0.030609130859375, "111": 0.02789306640625, "71242": 0.13232421875, "84988": 0.15771484375, "678": 0.039794921875, "11948": 0.145263671875, "32557": 0.03582763671875, "856": 0.1605224609375, "4836": 0.09979248046875, "15991": 0.07958984375, "74": 0.027496337890625, "276": 0.028472900390625, "16999": 0.1324462890625, "16093": 0.00814056396484375, "3768": 0.078857421875, "254": 0.02459716796875, "177": 0.0364990234375, "268": 0.0278472900390625, "1295": 0.025482177734375, "25134": 0.08837890625, "25617": 0.1551513671875, "2831": 0.08642578125, "18721": 0.216552734375, "3542": 0.0213623046875, "22282": 0.1011962890625, "71": 0.0279693603515625, "42477": 0.04412841796875, "11588": 0.041168212890625, "167070": 0.134765625, "2619": 0.09283447265625, "7605": 0.07012939453125, "14313": 0.0301361083984375, "4043": 0.0257720947265625, "90": 0.02789306640625, "15": 0.0278472900390625, "25740": 0.0078277587890625, "23415": 0.1370849609375, "16": 0.027679443359375, "83": 0.02783203125, "4734": 0.09722900390625, "27585": 0.09027099609375, "20697": 0.024810791015625, "98": 0.02777099609375, "153838": 0.1060791015625, "238": 0.0273284912109375, "605": 0.02679443359375, "1132": 0.00920867919921875, "4384": 0.091796875, "10776": 0.032806396484375, "112467": 0.1746826171875, "79165": 0.11431884765625, "97596": 0.10406494140625, "48941": 0.1658935546875, "89625": 0.1475830078125, "110106": 0.1590576171875, "14073": 0.10113525390625, "76569": 0.1409912109375, "702": 0.0255584716796875, "3319": 0.054779052734375, "134647": 0.10870361328125, "13036": 0.1138916015625, "534": 0.043182373046875, "31": 0.00592803955078125, "841": 0.0132598876953125, "275": 0.07421875, "294": 0.03582763671875, "572": 0.051483154296875, "441": 0.026336669921875, "136": 0.06854248046875, "397": 0.00292205810546875, "79275": 0.179443359375, "1388": 0.0277557373046875, "4828": 0.10089111328125, "193": 0.18017578125, "191": 0.1468505859375, "11044": 0.1478271484375, "33": 0.0278472900390625, "581": 0.027679443359375, "10588": 0.0164337158203125, "423": 0.10943603515625, "60264": 0.12384033203125, "99219": 0.15234375, "110": 0.032501220703125, "71496": 0.109619140625, "82": 0.036651611328125, "14": 0.040435791015625, "146104": 0.01045989990234375, "129885": 0.177978515625, "46280": 0.2352294921875, "214": 0.0249481201171875, "100": 0.0176849365234375, "1445": 0.096435546875, "6": 0.02789306640625, "109981": 0.1683349609375, "63708": 0.1337890625, "11107": 0.06256103515625, "190": 0.04620361328125, "22879": 0.058502197265625, "48114": 0.1361083984375, "509": 0.027587890625, "16940": 0.026641845703125, "43599": 0.1412353515625, "12233": 0.0418701171875, "1052": 0.027557373046875, "128512": 0.01389312744140625, "24674": 0.1571044921875, "1363": 0.0278472900390625, "12719": 0.1158447265625, "1105": 0.07452392578125, "2684": 0.09881591796875, "51529": 0.14501953125, "199334": 0.2225341796875, "8951": 0.1033935546875, "114137": 0.01418304443359375, "390": 0.0276031494140625, "2424": 0.05877685546875, "41274": 0.0275726318359375, "132076": 0.098388671875, "31667": 0.0278778076171875, "2758": 0.115234375, "22062": 0.0277862548828125, "12353": 0.052825927734375, "11909": 0.0269317626953125, "13439": 0.0243072509765625, "103351": 0.205078125, "7915": 0.11083984375, "4039": 0.11669921875, "64": 0.02764892578125, "10945": 0.11248779296875, "7610": 0.1370849609375, "1995": 0.10968017578125, "568": 0.06207275390625, "87": 0.02996826171875, "36053": 0.1217041015625, "14427": 0.02813720703125, "1031": 0.0081024169921875, "13465": 0.10968017578125, "15072": 0.022613525390625, "297": 0.027984619140625, "117538": 0.02789306640625, "80835": 0.06622314453125, "25958": 0.0279998779296875, "88551": 0.0565185546875, "60212": 0.16552734375, "17721": 0.025665283203125, "49953": 0.118408203125, "105553": 0.1943359375, "34292": 0.01300048828125, "2203": 0.0279388427734375, "757": 0.0226287841796875, "5": 0.027740478515625, "88942": 0.0264434814453125, "683": 0.0256195068359375, "1104": 0.027099609375, "27494": 0.1260986328125, "145407": 0.026336669921875, "85520": 0.028839111328125, "136044": 0.01204681396484375, "2843": 0.0211334228515625, "63262": 0.0865478515625, "84572": 0.08404541015625, "10840": 0.027923583984375, "29557": 0.027587890625, "135523": 0.02020263671875, "6889": 0.02691650390625, "32233": 0.09808349609375, "39210": 0.1820068359375, "101828": 0.031402587890625, "25667": 0.0275421142578125, "62614": 0.1419677734375, "4358": 0.06689453125, "47": 0.025299072265625, "51": 0.0244293212890625, "83613": 0.07794189453125, "16442": 0.126953125, "1952": 0.0638427734375, "164": 0.047149658203125, "4911": 0.01457977294921875, "56282": 0.0687255859375, "86": 0.027191162109375, "26531": 0.0180511474609375, "6635": 0.0277862548828125, "107506": 0.138671875, "2320": 0.0277557373046875}
Systemic biomarkers in exacerbations of COPD: the evolving clinical challenge.
BACKGROUND Exacerbations of COPD (ECOPD) remain a major cause of mortality and morbidity. Despite advances in the understanding of their pathophysiology, their assessment relies primarily on clinical presentation, which can be variable and difficult to predict. A large number of biomarkers already have been assessed in this context, and some appear to be promising. METHODS An online search for articles published until December 2010 was conducted using three terms for ECOPD, five terms for biomarkers, and five terms for the sampling method. Biomarkers were evaluated for their potential role in the establishment and confirmation of the diagnosis of ECOPD, the evaluation of etiology and severity, the prediction of prognosis, and the guidance of treatment decisions. RESULTS Several systemic biomarkers have been measured in the context of ECOPD, and most have been found to increase at ECOPD onset and to subside during the course of exacerbations. Correlations have been reported among these biomarkers, but direct associations with clinical variables have been more difficult to establish. Although there are several limitations yet to be addressed, some of the biomarkers, most notably C-reactive protein for the identification of an ECOPD and procalcitonin for antibiotic guidance, may provide clinically relevant information. CONCLUSIONS So far , no single biomarker has been able to gain wide acceptance, but some provide clinically useful information. The evaluation of such biomarkers in large decision-making studies is expected to become an area of intense investigation in the near future.
{"8678": 0.0960693359375, "20572": 0.08001708984375, "136498": 0.10882568359375, "34384": 0.00696563720703125, "5443": 0.0650634765625, "8509": 0.108642578125, "13471": 0.16357421875, "21094": 0.04840087890625, "111": 0.049957275390625, "153003": 0.2232666015625, "397": 0.20361328125, "166979": 0.1812744140625, "34427": 0.27392578125, "47143": 0.1187744140625, "10": 0.0014362335205078125, "13036": 0.083251953125, "22304": 0.1510009765625, "67573": 0.16064453125, "2481": 0.08428955078125, "136": 0.07769775390625, "87131": 0.15673828125, "71": 0.027679443359375, "262": 0.017547607421875, "61518": 0.005313873291015625, "129745": 0.074951171875, "7": 0.018463134765625, "23": 0.0185546875, "70": 0.01849365234375, "100094": 0.051177978515625, "2340": 0.0263214111328125, "497": 0.014129638671875, "34053": 0.07763671875, "172": 6.568431854248047e-05, "4": 0.01849365234375, "164031": 0.1549072265625, "28702": 0.10089111328125, "90": 0.0174102783203125, "102917": 0.00736236572265625, "538": 0.018524169921875, "98": 0.0171966552734375, "56465": 0.14697265625, "289": 0.0184478759765625, "92252": 0.156005859375, "3129": 0.013153076171875, "831": 0.03399658203125, "186": 0.0182952880859375, "77336": 0.1837158203125, "34844": 0.1490478515625, "47": 0.01849365234375, "92054": 0.1715087890625, "62": 0.016815185546875, "21334": 0.03759765625, "14012": 0.0216827392578125, "3530": 0.17919921875, "10015": 0.2744140625, "1314": 0.212646484375, "21771": 0.0938720703125, "765": 0.0179595947265625, "2809": 0.0183258056640625, "202120": 0.164306640625, "297": 0.0184783935546875, "903": 0.007190704345703125, "43701": 0.130126953125, "3060": 0.0290374755859375, "108975": 0.09783935546875, "64004": 0.132080078125, "214": 0.0174560546875, "6": 0.0183258056640625, "33677": 0.12432861328125, "193792": 0.10992431640625, "1118": 0.1412353515625, "33938": 0.1412353515625, "100": 0.0182647705078125, "38440": 0.08245849609375, "91376": 0.06134033203125, "24189": 0.00829315185546875, "14487": 0.0931396484375, "1532": 0.1292724609375, "509": 0.0155792236328125, "55080": 0.0236968994140625, "17262": 0.07708740234375, "69407": 0.148681640625, "117931": 0.19677734375, "43606": 0.11236572265625, "57": 0.0552978515625, "2676": 0.16357421875, "2069": 0.0182952880859375, "55300": 0.11090087890625, "10257": 0.1986083984375, "3542": 0.0012578964233398438, "151575": 0.1107177734375, "38516": 0.0950927734375, "31486": 0.1021728515625, "137633": 0.07586669921875, "674": 0.0184326171875, "169935": 0.0830078125, "47099": 0.114501953125, "164": 0.0184478759765625, "219836": 0.162109375, "82": 0.044342041015625, "14": 0.014617919921875, "25443": 0.0160369873046875, "27708": 0.09100341796875, "1830": 0.0184783935546875, "183509": 0.1695556640625, "196219": 0.1881103515625, "39734": 0.12939453125, "115299": 0.1156005859375, "218849": 0.0836181640625, "48752": 0.0357666015625, "5426": 0.1494140625, "1771": 0.0162200927734375, "72350": 0.165771484375, "2684": 0.08172607421875, "14037": 0.0177154541015625, "51312": 0.178466796875, "99": 0.01776123046875, "1260": 0.1026611328125, "126": 0.0168304443359375, "8752": 0.01340484619140625, "20271": 0.01806640625, "15411": 0.06298828125, "1119": 0.0618896484375, "46348": 0.09979248046875, "57860": 0.08441162109375, "113771": 0.0235748291015625, "54940": 0.022186279296875, "8951": 0.0021038055419921875, "151747": 0.1121826171875, "678": 0.01806640625, "1286": 0.017913818359375, "2685": 0.0184326171875, "621": 0.0184173583984375, "40368": 0.01462554931640625, "205969": 0.14013671875, "14373": 0.04730224609375, "29823": 0.0044708251953125, "959": 0.017303466796875, "78458": 0.0181884765625, "313": 0.087158203125, "9": 0.018463134765625, "107": 0.07806396484375, "71232": 0.130126953125, "21308": 0.1846923828125, "221160": 0.099365234375, "142": 0.01837158203125, "10402": 0.09356689453125, "47664": 0.1724853515625, "694": 0.0032367706298828125, "156774": 0.200439453125, "1543": 0.05712890625, "22691": 0.018524169921875, "25958": 0.0184783935546875, "29191": 0.007289886474609375, "4677": 0.09820556640625, "37486": 0.06549072265625, "85390": 0.0191192626953125, "2060": 0.05712890625, "110": 0.08734130859375, "11001": 0.125732421875, "56": 0.0887451171875, "1556": 0.0026798248291015625, "19048": 0.036956787109375, "21647": 0.01220703125, "38134": 0.07366943359375, "26946": 0.1317138671875, "7154": 0.0183258056640625, "80234": 0.1090087890625, "6044": 0.0234375, "51957": 0.1334228515625, "83": 0.018280029296875, "84751": 0.0687255859375, "24209": 0.007022857666015625, "108938": 0.05108642578125, "145456": 0.085205078125, "43573": 0.01282501220703125, "22690": 0.042755126953125}
Preoperative Predictors of Weight Loss Following Bariatric Surgery: Systematic Review
Obesity affects 32% of adults in the USA. Surgery generates substantial weight loss, but 20–30% fails to achieve successful weight loss. Our objective was to identify preoperative psychosocial factors associated with weight loss following bariatric surgery. We performed a literature search of PubMed® and the Cochrane Database of Reviews of Effectiveness between 1988 and April 2010. Articles were screened for bariatric surgery and weight loss if they included a preoperative predictor of weight loss: body mass index (BMI), preoperative weight loss, eating disorders, or psychiatric disorder/substance abuse. One thousand seven titles were reviewed, 534 articles screened, and 115 included in the review. Factors that may be positively associated with weight loss after surgery include mandatory preoperative weight loss (7 of 14 studies with positive association). Factors that may be negatively associated with weight loss include preoperative BMI (37 out of 62 studies with negative association), super-obesity (24 out of 33 studies), and personality disorders (7 out of 14 studies). Meta-analysis revealed a decrease of 10.1% excess weight loss (EWL) for super-obese patients (95% confidence interval (CI) [3.7–16.5%]), though there was significant heterogeneity in the meta-analysis, and an increase of 5.9% EWL for patients with binge eating at 12 months after surgery (95% CI [1.9–9.8%]). Further studies are necessary to investigate whether preoperative factors can predict a clinically meaningful difference in weight loss after bariatric surgery. The identification of predictive factors may improve patient selection and help develop interventions targeting specific needs of patients.
{"3545": 0.20166015625, "90": 0.1763916015625, "2481": 0.1475830078125, "52490": 0.18212890625, "7": 0.0150299072265625, "138": 0.03204345703125, "12807": 0.1331787109375, "111": 0.01506805419921875, "116127": 0.1502685546875, "70": 0.01490020751953125, "4602": 0.1260986328125, "5": 0.01476287841796875, "8018": 0.11492919921875, "1505": 0.11468505859375, "139392": 0.1387939453125, "193984": 0.08477783203125, "57888": 0.2042236328125, "86669": 0.183349609375, "4": 0.014801025390625, "1284": 0.016326904296875, "387": 0.042938232421875, "1104": 0.019439697265625, "66409": 0.1175537109375, "35782": 0.1334228515625, "69307": 0.08978271484375, "65771": 0.12359619140625, "22929": 0.007183074951171875, "151814": 0.16943359375, "509": 0.01470947265625, "135812": 0.044921875, "479": 0.1546630859375, "134364": 0.206787109375, "13": 0.01512908935546875, "69982": 0.1485595703125, "57801": 0.16650390625, "120103": 0.193115234375, "137272": 0.1680908203125, "25632": 0.1478271484375, "27837": 0.146728515625, "11": 0.10321044921875, "62233": 0.1070556640625, "54053": 0.2587890625, "297": 0.01500701904296875, "10": 0.01497650146484375, "163136": 0.12152099609375, "33938": 0.08740234375, "105269": 0.1162109375, "71721": 0.16455078125, "7429": 0.0367431640625, "1311": 0.004840850830078125, "206": 0.04156494140625, "60791": 0.141357421875, "187781": 0.0894775390625, "35881": 0.170166015625, "216741": 0.12188720703125, "7432": 0.01444244384765625, "18592": 0.11669921875, "7071": 0.056793212890625, "15431": 0.10302734375, "24241": 0.1314697265625, "3542": 0.01473236083984375, "49119": 0.12841796875, "100": 0.0211181640625, "136": 0.0147857666015625, "2174": 0.001834869384765625, "1836": 0.0147857666015625, "92054": 0.1844482421875, "748": 0.01265716552734375, "14361": 0.0394287109375, "46889": 0.0171966552734375, "63262": 0.09490966796875, "15": 0.0149383544921875, "571": 0.0282135009765625, "10101": 0.1942138671875, "118992": 0.1431884765625, "171986": 0.1270751953125, "707": 0.00020563602447509766, "137784": 0.1138916015625, "1771": 0.0149078369140625, "64": 0.014892578125, "196842": 0.03509521484375, "7154": 0.01398468017578125, "128431": 0.161376953125, "199823": 0.094970703125, "59671": 0.05767822265625, "44759": 0.1318359375, "8347": 0.1407470703125, "190": 0.0231781005859375, "10289": 0.0814208984375, "38440": 0.1490478515625, "29187": 0.079833984375, "99201": 0.0204315185546875, "23": 0.01495361328125, "117969": 0.2093505859375, "450": 0.0266571044921875, "1543": 0.1436767578125, "186": 0.0149688720703125, "24491": 0.1546630859375, "538": 0.01490020751953125, "678": 0.01934814453125, "7103": 0.1666259765625, "26698": 0.022369384765625, "81678": 0.16796875, "1294": 0.01385498046875, "19107": 0.019775390625, "616": 0.073486328125, "96335": 0.1396484375, "125413": 0.179443359375, "40907": 0.199951171875, "335": 0.051849365234375, "10945": 0.105224609375, "1810": 0.01517486572265625, "10031": 0.09033203125, "247": 0.014862060546875, "1601": 0.188720703125, "9": 0.01479339599609375, "31": 0.1253662109375, "7438": 0.185302734375, "42389": 0.0304107666015625, "3912": 0.08770751953125, "3357": 0.1353759765625, "36939": 0.1036376953125, "174976": 0.0867919921875, "164": 0.01496124267578125, "122273": 0.0173797607421875, "227204": 0.1697998046875, "4068": 0.053009033203125, "13961": 0.07470703125, "89978": 0.1561279296875, "111351": 0.10406494140625, "866": 0.10870361328125, "16": 0.01483917236328125, "3522": 0.182373046875, "7717": 0.165771484375, "60264": 0.11279296875, "170509": 0.19189453125, "159454": 0.2108154296875, "51514": 0.09356689453125, "17304": 0.0955810546875, "378": 0.0143585205078125, "109981": 0.0126190185546875, "13465": 0.046844482421875, "268": 0.01476287841796875, "2685": 0.01476287841796875, "88551": 0.026153564453125, "77099": 0.165283203125, "15292": 0.0150299072265625, "23550": 0.10186767578125, "142": 0.0146026611328125, "51312": 0.126953125, "1892": 0.048065185546875, "12678": 0.07110595703125, "241": 0.006656646728515625, "181280": 0.146728515625, "2394": 0.1392822265625, "429": 0.01413726806640625, "99": 0.0148468017578125, "427": 0.117919921875, "21775": 0.1309814453125, "26550": 0.10565185546875, "158304": 0.0026149749755859375, "1126": 0.01462554931640625, "11991": 0.014984130859375, "9319": 0.01490020751953125, "621": 0.01479339599609375, "63559": 0.051544189453125, "47": 0.0144195556640625, "32603": 0.022674560546875, "67": 0.0147857666015625, "831": 0.0303497314453125, "56465": 0.069091796875, "25958": 0.01493072509765625, "91084": 0.05291748046875, "7844": 0.01508331298828125, "60212": 0.11083984375, "581": 0.00141143798828125, "221160": 0.0908203125, "5844": 0.0141754150390625, "52295": 0.10009765625, "37896": 0.0599365234375, "132216": 0.0780029296875, "85493": 0.004726409912109375, "113449": 0.049835205078125, "30388": 0.02288818359375, "214": 0.01494598388671875, "27117": 0.037078857421875}
The tumor necrosis factor receptor stalk regions define responsiveness to soluble versus membrane-bound ligand.
The family of tumor necrosis factor receptors (TNFRs) and their ligands form a regulatory signaling network that controls immune responses. Various members of this receptor family respond differently to the soluble and membrane-bound forms of their respective ligands. However, the determining factors and underlying molecular mechanisms of this diversity are not yet understood. Using an established system of chimeric TNFRs and novel ligand variants mimicking the bioactivity of membrane-bound TNF (mTNF), we demonstrate that the membrane-proximal extracellular stalk regions of TNFR1 and TNFR2 are crucial in controlling responsiveness to soluble TNF (sTNF). We show that the stalk region of TNFR2, in contrast to the corresponding part of TNFR1, efficiently inhibits both the receptor's enrichment/clustering in particular cell membrane regions and ligand-independent homotypic receptor preassembly, thereby preventing sTNF-induced, but not mTNF-induced, signaling. Thus, the stalk regions of the two TNFRs not only have implications for additional TNFR family members, but also provide potential targets for therapeutic intervention.
{"14449": 0.1510009765625, "57412": 0.2125244140625, "4272": 0.0963134765625, "100816": 0.173095703125, "31461": 0.1881103515625, "137376": 0.23583984375, "38821": 0.1805419921875, "46290": 0.279541015625, "7": 0.04296875, "136": 0.058013916015625, "2363": 0.0215606689453125, "19881": 0.169677734375, "2208": 0.1646728515625, "3173": 0.11761474609375, "144314": 0.21142578125, "26073": 0.1385498046875, "33120": 0.143798828125, "6226": 0.2010498046875, "43766": 0.1529541015625, "57553": 0.14111328125, "179117": 0.055511474609375, "43032": 0.1153564453125, "903": 0.003173828125, "35644": 0.146240234375, "12921": 0.1201171875, "31563": 0.1654052734375, "2661": 0.07562255859375, "107834": 0.1536865234375, "99091": 0.1846923828125, "72694": 0.0938720703125, "120103": 0.0992431640625, "233239": 0.08538818359375, "191619": 0.126708984375, "18595": 0.154296875, "959": 0.01229095458984375, "14373": 0.036773681640625, "217064": 0.10760498046875, "170920": 0.009552001953125, "5426": 0.10235595703125, "1658": 0.0278778076171875, "282": 0.10345458984375, "12259": 0.01422882080078125, "98300": 0.16455078125, "21261": 0.0095977783203125, "20117": 0.21630859375, "37423": 0.126953125, "3530": 0.027252197265625, "71234": 0.12188720703125, "384": 0.0892333984375, "73493": 0.2666015625, "919": 0.1756591796875, "64101": 0.1483154296875, "2749": 0.009033203125, "4173": 0.12322998046875, "8969": 0.08355712890625, "120087": 0.009918212890625, "20974": 0.2171630859375, "92": 0.1605224609375, "10776": 0.1785888671875, "418": 0.08831787109375, "304": 0.16650390625, "106157": 0.186767578125, "2069": 7.390975952148438e-05, "226874": 0.2056884765625, "69822": 0.11322021484375, "93766": 0.12548828125, "173702": 0.19384765625, "26932": 0.135498046875, "38750": 0.06561279296875, "181063": 0.056610107421875, "12840": 0.07159423828125, "939": 0.1451416015625, "19542": 0.038360595703125, "89845": 0.06768798828125, "56282": 0.11846923828125, "18442": 0.06536865234375, "6626": 0.1173095703125, "17914": 0.0523681640625, "78301": 0.0240478515625, "38516": 0.040435791015625, "30388": 0.07855224609375, "126472": 0.09027099609375, "113449": 0.041961669921875}
A bird's-eye view of sex chromosome dosage compensation.
Intensive study of a few genetically tractable species with XX/XY sex chromosomes has produced generalizations about the process of sex chromosome dosage compensation that do not fare well when applied to ZZ/ZW sex chromosome systems, such as those in birds. The inherent sexual imbalance in dose of sex chromosome genes has led to the evolution of sex-chromosome-wide mechanisms for balancing gene dosage between the sexes and relative to autosomal genes. Recent advances in our knowledge of avian genomes have led to a reexamination of sex-specific dosage compensation (SSDC) in birds, which is less effective than in known XX/XY systems. Insights about the mechanisms of SSDC in birds also suggest similarities to and differences from those in XX/XY species. Birds are thus offering new opportunities for studying dosage compensation in a ZZ/ZW system, which should shed light on the evolution of SSDC more broadly.
{"221149": 0.05072021484375, "35187": 0.1099853515625, "10846": 0.05322265625, "101412": 0.1331787109375, "34333": 0.15478515625, "2661": 0.13330078125, "114149": 0.15771484375, "678": 0.0064544677734375, "14214": 0.1748046875, "64": 0.11456298828125, "143907": 0.19287109375, "1100": 0.21728515625, "17656": 0.0936279296875, "306": 0.0775146484375, "6781": 0.10906982421875, "3716": 0.017333984375, "181653": 0.0307769775390625, "4537": 0.08038330078125, "47691": 0.00333404541015625, "9433": 0.09600830078125, "31": 0.0635986328125, "840": 0.12274169921875, "13450": 0.09063720703125, "655": 0.1903076171875, "4588": 0.1373291015625, "56381": 0.24462890625, "1363": 0.1024169921875, "54": 0.0026607513427734375, "959": 0.0787353515625, "4889": 0.07049560546875, "5299": 0.06903076171875, "190659": 0.11199951171875, "76362": 0.1807861328125, "1511": 0.09393310546875, "1456": 0.1422119140625, "76519": 0.1746826171875, "23": 0.03271484375, "263": 0.1920166015625, "6468": 0.1427001953125, "235529": 0.1651611328125, "17688": 0.2216796875, "566": 0.07159423828125, "173212": 0.230712890625, "39098": 0.1859130859375, "111": 0.0026378631591796875, "22293": 0.160400390625, "1556": 0.0094146728515625, "12441": 0.0521240234375, "28": 0.034912109375, "137089": 0.1944580078125, "516": 0.06695556640625, "113458": 0.08111572265625, "191619": 0.1868896484375, "25168": 0.179931640625, "60636": 0.11785888671875, "17721": 0.0325927734375, "1809": 0.0909423828125, "5084": 0.158203125, "169549": 0.0187835693359375, "129745": 0.08343505859375, "2446": 0.01110076904296875, "51359": 0.0509033203125, "185": 0.1541748046875, "3378": 0.0941162109375, "8584": 0.08758544921875, "456": 0.0771484375, "3355": 0.056427001953125, "11": 0.105224609375, "159975": 0.1759033203125, "15268": 0.16357421875, "21960": 0.2215576171875, "40715": 0.10052490234375, "60266": 0.09991455078125, "51529": 0.07666015625, "211018": 0.06781005859375, "83010": 0.1749267578125, "441": 0.1710205078125, "42459": 0.02801513671875, "21373": 0.09814453125, "60212": 0.1456298828125, "72607": 0.22509765625, "7": 0.0309600830078125, "126416": 0.0845947265625, "3525": 0.0244293212890625, "107893": 0.12469482421875, "5426": 0.173095703125, "5608": 0.002727508544921875, "22729": 0.037384033203125, "1286": 0.0018587112426757812, "134744": 0.0001423358917236328}
The role of CHMP2BIntron5 in autophagy and frontotemporal dementia.
Charged multivesicular body protein 2B (CHMP2B) - a component of the endosomal complex required for transport-III (ESCRT-III) - is responsible for the vital membrane deformation functions in autophagy and endolysosomal trafficking. A dominant mutation in CHMP2B (CHMP2BIntron5) is associated with a subset of heritable frontotemporal dementia - frontotemporal dementia linked to chromosome 3 (FTD-3). ESCRT-III recruits Vps4, an AAA-ATPase that abscises the membrane during various cellular processes including autophagy and intraluminal vesicle formation. CHMP2BIntron5 results in a C-terminus truncation removing an important Vps4 binding site as well as eliminating the normal autoinhibitory resting state of CHMP2B. CHMP2B is expressed in most cell types but seems to be especially vital for proper neuronal function. CHMP2BIntron5-mediated phenotypes include misregulation of transmembrane receptors, accumulation of multilamellar structures, abnormal lysosomal morphology, down regulation of a brain-specific micro RNA (miRNA-124), abnormal dendritic spine morphology, decrease in dendritic arborization, and cell death. Currently, transgenic-fly,-mouse, and -human cell lines are being used to better understand the diverse phenotypes and develop therapeutic approaches for the CHMP2BIntron5-induced FTD-3. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled SI:Autophagy.
{"195166": 0.1591796875, "6024": 0.04248046875, "67334": 0.1517333984375, "14361": 0.1551513671875, "21308": 0.233642578125, "116": 0.1607666015625, "571": 0.2073974609375, "16999": 0.07159423828125, "9088": 0.2197265625, "304": 0.1875, "82761": 0.1328125, "3564": 0.050323486328125, "6781": 0.09881591796875, "2749": 0.07244873046875, "27140": 0.08416748046875, "56065": 0.1317138671875, "6181": 0.179931640625, "33747": 0.1934814453125, "441": 0.02203369140625, "20503": 0.1861572265625, "16": 0.0031604766845703125, "102778": 0.214599609375, "100": 0.07196044921875, "30306": 0.1551513671875, "107834": 0.189208984375, "13": 0.0248870849609375, "8": 0.132080078125, "5037": 0.2255859375, "2320": 0.018768310546875, "32354": 0.1446533203125, "1809": 0.1427001953125, "14612": 0.1724853515625, "3432": 0.0806884765625, "83629": 0.14599609375, "6048": 0.06640625, "73944": 0.1312255859375, "199334": 0.1878662109375, "14045": 0.1019287109375, "16312": 0.040130615234375, "36867": 0.18408203125, "43317": 0.156494140625, "83": 0.0040130615234375, "137272": 0.109375, "678": 0.004241943359375, "10": 0.004474639892578125, "1614": 0.020355224609375, "111": 0.00457763671875, "604": 0.1044921875, "14": 0.00433349609375, "22819": 0.003818511962890625, "12912": 0.08856201171875, "99736": 0.1591796875, "289": 0.004322052001953125, "745": 0.1502685546875, "41437": 0.146484375, "3126": 0.08404541015625, "297": 0.00461578369140625, "47": 0.00445556640625, "840": 0.05267333984375, "13450": 0.0108184814453125, "138": 0.11822509765625, "25217": 0.06658935546875, "397": 0.060302734375, "8316": 0.138671875, "177279": 0.042755126953125, "172310": 0.1383056640625, "310": 0.050079345703125, "6423": 0.103271484375, "617": 0.161865234375, "155616": 0.1314697265625, "14609": 0.00762176513671875, "65619": 0.1044921875, "43719": 0.05059814453125, "10794": 0.07550048828125, "90": 0.004543304443359375, "70": 0.0046234130859375, "20271": 0.00429534912109375, "67842": 0.003879547119140625, "2927": 0.057220458984375, "120087": 0.00439453125, "9433": 0.025238037109375, "18440": 0.01526641845703125, "98523": 0.08843994140625, "141": 0.0045318603515625, "35882": 0.15478515625, "11030": 0.00011032819747924805, "27643": 0.049224853515625, "758": 0.1551513671875, "50339": 0.035247802734375, "23": 0.00466156005859375, "313": 0.00807952880859375, "9": 0.00445556640625, "30524": 0.123046875, "223": 0.0701904296875, "14617": 0.07476806640625, "120639": 0.054046630859375, "49146": 0.04486083984375, "142": 0.004558563232421875, "5526": 0.0240936279296875, "6": 0.0045013427734375, "128239": 0.08038330078125, "237": 0.004619598388671875, "27169": 0.035888671875, "1916": 0.004657745361328125, "3638": 0.0330810546875, "73": 0.00370025634765625, "26036": 0.02996826171875, "31667": 0.004375457763671875, "10588": 0.083251953125, "214": 0.004352569580078125, "11341": 0.0166778564453125, "36510": 0.0953369140625, "2684": 0.0660400390625, "38750": 0.14697265625, "52895": 0.1064453125, "37202": 0.0273590087890625, "186": 0.00447845458984375, "41866": 0.0209197998046875, "27798": 0.04241943359375, "184940": 0.09454345703125, "55426": 0.17529296875, "12333": 0.11126708984375, "3674": 0.00421142578125, "11521": 0.041290283203125, "21004": 0.0513916015625, "50986": 0.1278076171875, "7": 0.004482269287109375, "1239": 0.035614013671875, "62881": 0.1287841796875, "3900": 0.060394287109375, "282": 0.007480621337890625, "12846": 0.1304931640625, "86": 0.00458526611328125, "137376": 0.046875, "4": 0.00445556640625, "183278": 0.038543701171875, "1363": 0.00455474853515625, "7603": 0.038848876953125, "320": 0.004680633544921875, "1563": 0.00907135009765625, "33176": 0.10821533203125, "178851": 0.0640869140625, "25443": 0.004611968994140625, "7565": 0.06439208984375, "15913": 0.08587646484375, "78574": 0.10113525390625, "159975": 0.004413604736328125, "11948": 0.00727081298828125, "125499": 0.10235595703125, "15": 0.0045318603515625, "109589": 0.1031494140625, "247": 0.00452423095703125, "29887": 0.0513916015625, "9523": 0.00464630126953125, "25927": 0.0703125, "227204": 0.059478759765625, "135197": 0.08697509765625, "47691": 0.0033550262451171875, "136": 0.002231597900390625, "47219": 0.0216217041015625, "114063": 0.01316070556640625, "538": 0.004608154296875, "429": 0.09783935546875, "35121": 0.1495361328125, "432": 0.0092315673828125, "4032": 0.08233642578125, "69790": 0.08258056640625, "124519": 0.11187744140625, "621": 0.0030803680419921875, "11814": 0.0491943359375, "11522": 0.01910400390625, "28219": 0.03656005859375, "9789": 0.06622314453125, "85493": 0.0034732818603515625, "126472": 0.1185302734375, "1771": 0.004589080810546875, "18442": 0.0161895751953125, "100045": 0.1341552734375, "5582": 0.0033779144287109375, "223317": 0.0439453125, "10000": 0.08746337890625, "38115": 0.1021728515625}
Restless legs syndrome and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: a review of the literature.
STUDY OBJECTIVE To review evidence on the association between restless legs syndrome (RLS) and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), to discuss the hypothetical mechanisms underlying this association, and to consider the potential interest for common pharmacologic treatments of RLS and ADHD when co-occurring. METHOD A PubMed search. RESULTS In clinical samples, up to 44% of subjects with ADHD have been found to have RLS or RLS symptoms, and up to 26% of subjects with RLS have been found to have ADHD or ADHD symptoms. Several mechanisms may explain this association. Sleep disruption associated with RLS might lead to inattentiveness, moodiness, and paradoxical overactivity. Diurnal manifestations of RLS, such as restlessness and inattention, might mimic ADHD symptoms. Alternatively, RLS might be comorbid with idiopathic ADHD. Subjects with RLS and a subset of subjects with ADHD might share a common dopamine dysfunction. Limited evidence suggests that some dopaminergic agents, such as levodopa/carbidopa, pergolide, and ropinirole, may be effective in children with RLS associated with ADHD symptoms. CONCLUSIONS Although still limited, evidence from clinical studies demonstrates an association between RLS and ADHD or ADHD symptoms. Further clinical studies using standard criteria and procedures are needed to better estimate the degree of association. Epidemiologic studies are required to assess the relationship between ADHD and RLS symptoms in nonclinical samples. Further investigations should address the mechanisms underlying the relationship between RLS and ADHD. Several dopaminergic agents seem to be promising treatment for RLS associated with ADHD symptoms. To date, however, the absence of randomized and blinded controlled studies does not allow evidence-based recommendations.
{"94432": 0.086669921875, "43098": 0.031707763671875, "35988": 0.106201171875, "15301": 0.133544921875, "441": 0.0765380859375, "8347": 0.053680419921875, "77950": 0.1585693359375, "125413": 0.1905517578125, "17721": 0.0594482421875, "10588": 0.1820068359375, "9393": 0.1951904296875, "6049": 0.2130126953125, "7": 0.08197021484375, "194923": 0.15576171875, "30121": 0.169677734375, "294": 0.1513671875, "16": 0.0056915283203125, "136": 0.044952392578125, "35743": 0.1865234375, "9": 0.0078277587890625, "112": 0.0936279296875, "11044": 0.1634521484375, "18": 0.00768280029296875, "64": 0.031158447265625, "3038": 0.04864501953125, "1264": 0.0794677734375, "71234": 0.1962890625, "2481": 0.00795745849609375, "171986": 0.136962890625, "135486": 0.203125, "397": 0.1473388671875, "70": 0.0079345703125, "170933": 0.0782470703125, "70760": 0.004940032958984375, "191619": 0.1572265625, "1379": 0.032012939453125, "214": 0.00818634033203125, "4": 0.00800323486328125, "38516": 0.020965576171875, "33946": 0.0579833984375, "39210": 0.07373046875, "6": 0.0078582763671875, "163414": 0.14111328125, "39734": 0.14111328125, "627": 0.131103515625, "19759": 0.25244140625, "161940": 0.260498046875, "552": 0.042999267578125, "64240": 0.029815673828125, "33677": 0.08685302734375, "193792": 0.0218048095703125, "105269": 0.07830810546875, "71721": 0.1181640625, "33938": 0.09051513671875, "218849": 0.06683349609375, "56465": 0.0975341796875, "289": 0.0080413818359375, "121413": 0.09466552734375, "1257": 0.00782012939453125, "47": 0.0103607177734375, "201": 0.0164947509765625, "11267": 0.13525390625, "111": 0.0079498291015625, "28368": 0.148193359375, "678": 0.056793212890625, "765": 0.08990478515625, "2809": 0.0078277587890625, "14037": 0.07879638671875, "707": 0.043243408203125, "153698": 0.144287109375, "12187": 0.11962890625, "1543": 0.040130615234375, "73342": 0.0867919921875, "132140": 0.2080078125, "226586": 0.1710205078125, "1830": 0.0077362060546875, "137272": 0.08251953125, "13648": 0.09283447265625, "37105": 0.07281494140625, "12216": 0.10797119140625, "4935": 0.0080413818359375, "7432": 0.00799560546875, "105217": 0.1195068359375, "145358": 0.09161376953125, "21533": 0.00807952880859375, "645": 0.0770263671875, "803": 0.036407470703125, "474": 0.09698486328125, "6236": 0.00775909423828125, "155390": 0.127197265625, "6044": 0.007686614990234375, "237": 0.007720947265625, "23": 0.00795745849609375, "257": 0.00789642333984375, "62500": 0.00823211669921875, "324": 0.08453369140625, "21068": 0.1094970703125, "538": 0.007965087890625, "186": 0.00795745849609375, "533": 0.04425048828125, "42": 0.0172271728515625, "34833": 0.090087890625, "57840": 0.0831298828125, "86132": 0.01045989990234375, "238": 0.00769805908203125, "94341": 0.0689697265625, "10": 0.007843017578125, "1614": 0.006023406982421875, "3509": 0.0076141357421875, "12008": 0.044891357421875, "88903": 0.10546875, "55343": 0.15087890625, "137175": 0.128173828125, "80433": 0.06658935546875, "42459": 0.0012979507446289062, "450": 0.0072784423828125, "10566": 0.0897216796875, "1771": 0.00769805908203125, "97957": 0.16162109375, "136117": 0.1126708984375, "246": 0.0037288665771484375, "763": 0.050201416015625, "3284": 0.0309295654296875, "59017": 0.1614990234375, "117": 0.043212890625, "11490": 0.10430908203125, "2506": 0.0066986083984375, "87850": 0.09466552734375, "943": 0.033447265625, "516": 0.11480712890625, "133": 0.007572174072265625, "60266": 0.10296630859375, "20020": 0.14697265625, "37486": 0.045684814453125, "7464": 0.0075836181640625, "84046": 0.063232421875, "1295": 0.0068511962890625, "96335": 0.07000732421875, "90": 0.00783538818359375, "142": 0.00763702392578125, "9319": 0.008026123046875, "17368": 0.00799560546875, "5570": 0.06396484375, "11": 0.00807952880859375, "621": 0.00799560546875, "44841": 0.023223876953125, "11522": 0.0283355712890625, "67": 0.0081024169921875, "239094": 0.04205322265625, "60920": 0.00492095947265625, "56065": 0.0125885009765625, "76755": 0.07757568359375, "351": 0.0254058837890625, "92768": 0.0721435546875, "145456": 0.028289794921875, "5608": 0.0013113021850585938, "48903": 0.04547119140625, "64004": 0.1168212890625, "100": 0.007720947265625, "717": 0.007724761962890625, "5622": 0.0111846923828125, "112199": 0.051544189453125, "96759": 0.035858154296875, "29367": 0.00786590576171875, "44948": 0.09375, "297": 0.0078887939453125, "6226": 0.02630615234375, "6259": 0.007663726806640625, "959": 0.005817413330078125, "77007": 0.040985107421875, "209236": 0.087158203125}
Impact of the KU80 pathway on NHEJ-induced genome rearrangements in mammalian cells.
Using a substrate measuring deletion or inversion of an I-SceI-excised fragment and both accurate and inaccurate rejoining, we determined the impact of non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ) on mammalian chromosome rearrangements. Deletion is 2- to 8-fold more efficient than inversion, independent of the DNA ends structure. KU80 controls accurate rejoining, whereas in absence of KU mutagenic rejoining, particularly microhomology-mediated repair, occurs efficiently. In cells bearing both the NHEJ and a homologous recombination (HR) substrate containing a third I-SceI site, we show that NHEJ is at least 3.3-fold more efficient than HR, and translocation of the I-SceI fragment from the NHEJ substrate locus into the HR-I-SceI site can occur, but 50- to 100-fold less frequently than deletion. Deletions and translocations show both accurate and inaccurate rejoining, suggesting that they correspond to a mix of KU-dependent and KU-independent processes. Thus these processes should represent prominent pathways for DSB-induced genetic instability in mammalian cells.
{"345": 0.041595458984375, "218250": 0.276123046875, "13": 0.06378173828125, "163": 0.1470947265625, "162": 0.1697998046875, "24674": 0.2476806640625, "1363": 0.1224365234375, "707": 0.0283355712890625, "23": 0.10333251953125, "46354": 0.233154296875, "87": 0.1419677734375, "9": 0.030364990234375, "294": 0.02154541015625, "329": 0.1649169921875, "568": 0.159423828125, "3355": 0.0689697265625, "318": 0.1815185546875, "5281": 0.0272369384765625, "38551": 0.2259521484375, "152018": 0.210205078125, "136": 0.049835205078125, "2263": 0.0243682861328125, "27315": 0.119873046875, "67": 0.00177764892578125, "456": 0.134033203125, "513": 0.19482421875, "14653": 0.08782958984375, "4": 0.0015439987182617188, "83324": 0.034149169921875, "70": 0.0009632110595703125, "24725": 0.214111328125, "351": 0.174072265625, "29521": 0.132080078125, "14071": 0.16259765625, "10821": 0.0007162094116210938, "3564": 0.1844482421875, "27190": 0.1683349609375, "41114": 0.316650390625, "98": 0.01024627685546875, "21968": 0.1761474609375, "38820": 0.1368408203125, "17656": 0.0135650634765625, "31": 0.0290069580078125, "840": 0.119140625, "13450": 0.09637451171875, "225628": 0.223876953125, "7": 0.001556396484375, "262": 0.1683349609375, "133": 0.2490234375, "83": 0.0247344970703125, "4720": 0.057769775390625, "47": 0.052947998046875, "15045": 0.10552978515625, "42822": 0.1658935546875, "1286": 0.1336669921875, "93766": 0.255859375, "3501": 0.00537872314453125, "41371": 0.103515625, "111": 0.0016241073608398438, "27583": 0.1568603515625, "45646": 0.08770751953125, "8992": 0.1968994140625, "4836": 0.315185546875, "6226": 0.22412109375, "112199": 0.1165771484375, "842": 0.04742431640625, "16852": 0.09912109375, "6402": 0.01129913330078125, "106480": 0.0034923553466796875, "11948": 0.0275421142578125, "25443": 0.0404052734375, "12333": 0.068359375, "3674": 0.0015287399291992188, "121461": 0.1473388671875, "74918": 0.0699462890625, "538": 0.001728057861328125, "38750": 0.2049560546875, "81148": 0.05242919921875, "47052": 0.18115234375, "10": 0.0014276504516601562, "12840": 0.165771484375, "26989": 0.131103515625, "223": 0.0013561248779296875, "33844": 0.015533447265625, "122432": 0.13916015625, "2320": 0.0017938613891601562, "29562": 0.13916015625, "16": 0.000339508056640625, "70541": 0.0173187255859375, "50960": 0.1815185546875, "1764": 0.1455078125, "99": 0.0012378692626953125, "19713": 0.042816162109375, "80308": 0.173583984375, "22439": 0.1766357421875, "3900": 0.0931396484375, "87632": 0.1298828125, "7001": 0.0650634765625, "831": 0.048614501953125, "35195": 0.05035400390625, "37682": 0.0509033203125, "40715": 0.100830078125, "195409": 0.12109375, "5256": 0.0010547637939453125, "7639": 0.0153656005859375, "42459": 0.01502227783203125, "214": 0.0015649795532226562, "450": 0.001434326171875, "1836": 0.00027108192443847656, "42518": 0.038177490234375, "17664": 0.076416015625, "181063": 0.119384765625, "9433": 0.09649658203125, "90": 0.001613616943359375, "5608": 0.03338623046875, "33636": 0.054656982421875, "197097": 0.05706787109375, "60875": 0.10565185546875, "102966": 0.08087158203125, "391": 0.0313720703125, "36474": 0.2025146484375, "18442": 0.040618896484375, "37534": 0.001468658447265625, "101412": 0.126220703125, "271": 0.16015625, "41159": 0.050506591796875}
The multi-zinc finger protein ZNF217 contacts DNA through a two-finger domain.
Classical C2H2 zinc finger proteins are among the most abundant transcription factors found in eukaryotes, and the mechanisms through which they recognize their target genes have been extensively investigated. In general, a tandem array of three fingers separated by characteristic TGERP links is required for sequence-specific DNA recognition. Nevertheless, a significant number of zinc finger proteins do not contain a hallmark three-finger array of this type, raising the question of whether and how they contact DNA. We have examined the multi-finger protein ZNF217, which contains eight classical zinc fingers. ZNF217 is implicated as an oncogene and in repressing the E-cadherin gene. We show that two of its zinc fingers, 6 and 7, can mediate contacts with DNA. We examine its putative recognition site in the E-cadherin promoter and demonstrate that this is a suboptimal site. NMR analysis and mutagenesis is used to define the DNA binding surface of ZNF217, and we examine the specificity of the DNA binding activity using fluorescence anisotropy titrations. Finally, sequence analysis reveals that a variety of multi-finger proteins also contain two-finger units, and our data support the idea that these may constitute a distinct subclass of DNA recognition motif.
{"51062": 0.169921875, "289": 0.033660888671875, "313": 0.019622802734375, "304": 0.1680908203125, "841": 0.1046142578125, "97": 0.1451416015625, "38893": 0.2369384765625, "51287": 0.2958984375, "21308": 0.2269287109375, "7": 0.0241851806640625, "54940": 0.04534912109375, "70": 0.0242462158203125, "2684": 0.1104736328125, "130807": 0.1463623046875, "660": 0.0223541259765625, "30334": 0.0946044921875, "59478": 0.13916015625, "120103": 0.174072265625, "14037": 0.0921630859375, "1175": 0.07135009765625, "1153": 0.1151123046875, "1410": 0.1070556640625, "1636": 0.0135498046875, "4": 0.024078369140625, "191619": 0.10888671875, "8305": 0.0236053466796875, "3129": 0.022918701171875, "125296": 0.1441650390625, "30388": 0.203125, "22293": 0.1483154296875, "765": 0.0211029052734375, "2809": 0.0225830078125, "1119": 0.0233306884765625, "41745": 0.0225982666015625, "272": 0.0240325927734375, "538": 0.0240020751953125, "32603": 0.08447265625, "3674": 0.0241851806640625, "360": 0.02362060546875, "4537": 0.055267333984375, "153981": 0.17724609375, "10298": 0.123779296875, "53": 0.04010009765625, "17262": 0.15087890625, "84797": 0.1146240234375, "71": 0.0237274169921875, "390": 0.02362060546875, "62816": 0.0811767578125, "384": 0.046630859375, "56599": 0.171875, "683": 0.14794921875, "22317": 0.130126953125, "83": 0.02374267578125, "56065": 0.150634765625, "944": 0.0723876953125, "3956": 0.0240020751953125, "9": 0.02398681640625, "159975": 0.146240234375, "27583": 0.203369140625, "230466": 0.2049560546875, "2347": 0.023834228515625, "9393": 0.0029201507568359375, "10": 0.02410888671875, "88551": 0.0587158203125, "14012": 0.0274658203125, "111": 0.024688720703125, "54": 0.01404571533203125, "959": 0.1077880859375, "70541": 0.128173828125, "23664": 0.09344482421875, "10015": 0.1444091796875, "176423": 0.278564453125, "903": 0.0154266357421875, "10644": 0.09991455078125, "40129": 0.0211029052734375, "214": 0.02337646484375, "9655": 0.07012939453125, "36766": 0.015472412109375, "136": 0.03826904296875, "3642": 0.060302734375, "5470": 0.18115234375, "160477": 0.05999755859375, "6024": 0.1575927734375, "567": 0.12200927734375, "73493": 0.2318115234375, "2489": 0.2357177734375, "136659": 0.1990966796875, "54704": 0.18212890625, "17914": 0.1754150390625, "237": 0.01290130615234375, "142": 0.0224151611328125, "98": 0.1409912109375, "587": 0.09478759765625, "15292": 0.200439453125, "23": 0.0213775634765625, "86254": 0.2164306640625, "241": 0.158447265625, "149713": 0.1529541015625, "31299": 0.1875, "7639": 0.006618499755859375, "450": 0.02435302734375, "6626": 0.145263671875, "6863": 0.0139312744140625, "305": 0.149169921875, "361": 0.11395263671875, "831": 0.08477783203125, "2450": 0.1822509765625, "67": 0.024261474609375, "678": 0.0760498046875, "19983": 0.043212890625, "4935": 0.024200439453125, "1764": 0.11834716796875, "125568": 0.1456298828125, "42": 0.02294921875, "13": 0.0243072509765625, "1614": 0.1268310546875, "191244": 0.1971435546875, "52005": 0.1556396484375, "114137": 0.1201171875, "53664": 0.12286376953125, "6023": 0.0222625732421875, "11814": 0.00390625, "47": 0.02166748046875, "61924": 0.11419677734375, "128239": 0.11578369140625, "71579": 0.1085205078125, "29458": 0.02490234375, "2481": 0.0238494873046875, "6": 0.0236663818359375, "103488": 0.044921875, "17368": 0.021636962890625, "127179": 0.05780029296875, "6964": 0.00540924072265625, "6620": 0.0234527587890625, "1866": 0.037933349609375, "991": 0.00406646728515625, "29813": 0.0804443359375, "28463": 0.0234832763671875, "30494": 0.0240936279296875, "96551": 0.058685302734375, "2843": 0.005977630615234375, "25072": 0.1396484375, "2053": 0.0167694091796875, "8060": 0.036590576171875, "1543": 0.01364898681640625, "11764": 0.002170562744140625, "117781": 0.08441162109375, "67413": 0.1641845703125, "102908": 0.2127685546875}
Knowledge, attitudes, risk perception, and cancer screening behaviors among cancer survivors.
BACKGROUND Knowledge, attitudes, and risk perception in relation to second primary cancer (SPC) screening and their impact on screening practices in cancer survivors are largely unknown. METHODS A total of 326 cancer survivors who had completed primary treatment for cancer >1 year previously were recruited from 6 oncology care outpatient clinics in the Republic of Korea. Survivors' knowledge, attitudes, perceived risk, and screening practices were assessed along with sociodemographic, behavioral, and clinical characteristics. Multivariate logistic regression was used to examine behavioral factors associated with the completion of all appropriate SPC screening according to national guidelines. RESULTS Approximately 37.7% of survivors had undergone all appropriate SPC screening tests. Survivors were found to have a high perceived risk of SPC, high perceived benefits of screening, and positive attitudes toward cancer screening. However, they had limited knowledge regarding SPC screening tests and few had received a recommendation from a physician to undergo SPC screening. Although there was no association found between perceived risk and positive attitudes with screening behavior, higher knowledge was noted to be significantly associated with the completion of all appropriate SPC screening (adjusted odds ratio, 1.81; 95% confidence interval, 1.03-3.33). CONCLUSIONS In the current study, cancer survivors were found to have limited knowledge regarding second cancer screening tests, which may have resulted in lower rates of completion of screening practices in this population.
{"8678": 0.0755615234375, "20572": 0.049041748046875, "136498": 0.096435546875, "191428": 0.205322265625, "4": 0.0174102783203125, "130812": 0.1953125, "7": 0.0174102783203125, "136": 0.02825927734375, "10512": 0.2197265625, "117": 0.111083984375, "63928": 0.1668701171875, "23": 0.0175018310546875, "41911": 0.023712158203125, "47": 0.0173187255859375, "17932": 0.2227783203125, "158978": 0.1558837890625, "27968": 0.18505859375, "294": 0.068115234375, "12233": 0.2490234375, "180975": 0.251953125, "24725": 0.135986328125, "98": 0.0784912109375, "41361": 0.14013671875, "613": 0.140625, "33328": 0.1741943359375, "25251": 0.087646484375, "21334": 0.02508544921875, "538": 0.0169219970703125, "51": 0.043701171875, "69723": 0.1121826171875, "19": 0.01702880859375, "33677": 0.07672119140625, "193792": 0.0823974609375, "3622": 0.054046630859375, "111": 0.0172271728515625, "138": 0.0304107666015625, "4046": 0.1856689453125, "1902": 0.031890869140625, "140528": 0.1490478515625, "39734": 0.1448974609375, "100": 0.0018148422241210938, "977": 0.0253448486328125, "6602": 0.10003662109375, "198395": 0.1131591796875, "3542": 0.01715087890625, "172310": 0.14306640625, "297": 0.017547607421875, "305": 0.08599853515625, "238": 0.015625, "25443": 0.01348114013671875, "517": 0.01505279541015625, "170250": 0.10968017578125, "56465": 0.1446533203125, "70": 0.017181396484375, "47806": 0.039276123046875, "26320": 0.19287109375, "187502": 0.2347412109375, "51359": 0.2110595703125, "21778": 0.1478271484375, "1399": 0.0172119140625, "4126": 0.0174102783203125, "202120": 0.0654296875, "33233": 0.017181396484375, "678": 0.017364501953125, "30355": 0.0303802490234375, "80750": 0.01605224609375, "48461": 0.0172882080078125, "123166": 0.173583984375, "289": 0.0174407958984375, "62816": 0.07366943359375, "48242": 0.017303466796875, "19335": 0.047271728515625, "124640": 0.1212158203125, "67": 0.017059326171875, "150535": 0.17919921875, "456": 0.00835418701171875, "148448": 0.1944580078125, "509": 0.0169525146484375, "11814": 0.0050506591796875, "160477": 0.0114898681640625, "120103": 0.08282470703125, "21721": 0.1187744140625, "1830": 0.01739501953125, "95307": 0.1102294921875, "159": 0.0877685546875, "59499": 0.0162506103515625, "15889": 0.00399017333984375, "226829": 0.09942626953125, "218849": 0.08721923828125, "5787": 0.017364501953125, "1352": 0.017333984375, "37838": 0.0173492431640625, "4669": 0.08087158203125, "14427": 0.150390625, "1379": 0.08868408203125, "519": 0.091552734375, "86": 0.017303466796875, "756": 0.05322265625, "109921": 0.19091796875, "14037": 0.050872802734375, "765": 0.017547607421875, "10": 0.0172119140625, "11192": 0.138671875, "72382": 0.10491943359375, "24491": 0.1392822265625, "154732": 0.0202178955078125, "84046": 0.1363525390625, "10846": 0.1026611328125, "75204": 0.01555633544921875, "67330": 0.08636474609375, "2320": 0.0172882080078125, "1295": 0.0171966552734375, "219600": 0.0767822265625, "2685": 0.0170745849609375, "110": 0.039154052734375, "125413": 0.11358642578125, "17721": 0.0070343017578125, "77546": 0.14208984375, "186": 0.017364501953125, "207583": 0.051910400390625, "137272": 0.053070068359375, "15": 0.017120361328125, "712": 0.0173492431640625, "20314": 0.0105743408203125, "103044": 0.185546875, "70460": 0.015960693359375, "615": 0.01708984375, "13556": 0.0161590576171875, "74": 0.01739501953125, "59653": 0.141357421875, "159454": 0.1737060546875, "51514": 0.017364501953125, "163496": 0.03070068359375, "5": 0.01702880859375, "119959": 0.01375579833984375, "37486": 0.04815673828125, "35187": 0.03302001953125, "3129": 0.017486572265625, "1543": 0.043914794921875, "16750": 0.00846099853515625, "92319": 0.1302490234375, "121297": 0.0173492431640625, "903": 0.0073394775390625, "43904": 0.059722900390625}
Ria1p (Ynl163c), a protein similar to elongation factors 2, is involved in the biogenesis of the 60S subunit of the ribosome in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
RIA1 (YNL163c) is a quasi-essential gene that encodes a protein with strong similarities to elongation factors 2. Small C-terminal deletions in the protein lead to a severe growth defect. In the case of a 22-residue C-terminal deletion this can be suppressed by intragenic mutations in the RIA1 gene or dominant extragenic mutations in TIF6, which is thought to be involved in the biogenesis of the 60S subunit of the ribosome. The dominant TIF6 alleles can also suppress the phenotype associated with a complete deletion of the RIA1 gene. Depletion of Ria1p has a dramatic effect on the polysome profile: there is a severe reduction in the level of the 80S monosomes, an imbalance in the 40S/60S ratio, and halfmers appear. Dissociation of the monosomes and polysomes in the Ria1p depletion mutant revealed a specific reduction in the amount of 60S subunits. Localization experiments with HA-tagged derivatives of Ria1p did not detect any stable association of Ria1p with ribosome subunits, 80S monosomes or polysomes. Cell fractionation experiments show that Ria1p is found in both the cytoplasmic fraction and the nuclear fraction. Taken together, these data suggest that Ria1p is involved in the biogenesis of the 60S subunit of the ribosome.
{"32410": 0.31591796875, "418": 0.2310791015625, "58640": 0.15869140625, "866": 0.1297607421875, "138808": 0.25634765625, "238": 0.13623046875, "83": 0.090576171875, "10": 0.0150604248046875, "12404": 0.1976318359375, "90": 0.12310791015625, "7": 0.0714111328125, "80973": 0.1263427734375, "22293": 0.23828125, "450": 0.056610107421875, "22": 0.10089111328125, "40899": 0.205810546875, "21308": 0.2265625, "678": 0.056884765625, "37515": 0.11199951171875, "21373": 0.140625, "31075": 0.006256103515625, "47": 0.01470947265625, "28": 0.06396484375, "10617": 0.2274169921875, "2320": 0.006450653076171875, "120103": 0.1552734375, "787": 0.0870361328125, "105508": 0.10101318359375, "313": 0.1036376953125, "30524": 0.197265625, "289": 0.02911376953125, "24674": 0.2030029296875, "5256": 0.034088134765625, "70": 0.006420135498046875, "37105": 0.1177978515625, "141591": 0.1319580078125, "75678": 0.1622314453125, "72104": 0.195556640625, "7225": 0.0130767822265625, "111": 0.007228851318359375, "34108": 0.129638671875, "2109": 0.038330078125, "21937": 0.1146240234375, "13": 0.005641937255859375, "1363": 0.049560546875, "903": 0.00916290283203125, "831": 0.055267333984375, "186": 0.0064544677734375, "15811": 0.09503173828125, "11856": 0.1748046875, "297": 0.006366729736328125, "390": 0.00656890869140625, "23": 0.04534912109375, "112089": 0.13671875, "1771": 0.006168365478515625, "199334": 0.1728515625, "73944": 0.1751708984375, "4173": 0.06982421875, "429": 0.009521484375, "6402": 0.00640106201171875, "165423": 0.16552734375, "910": 0.163818359375, "4": 0.0061492919921875, "17569": 0.05047607421875, "75412": 0.1136474609375, "3530": 0.08416748046875, "15292": 0.1514892578125, "6023": 0.00762176513671875, "1496": 0.2091064453125, "294": 0.0963134765625, "1614": 0.11431884765625, "309": 0.10552978515625, "217": 0.02587890625, "105598": 0.1788330078125, "43452": 0.1715087890625, "6": 0.00630950927734375, "747": 0.1129150390625, "1577": 0.0546875, "11521": 0.0261993408203125, "21004": 0.0626220703125, "50986": 0.1339111328125, "137272": 0.0169525146484375, "28484": 0.0755615234375, "262": 0.10418701171875, "8705": 0.1763916015625, "2975": 0.2161865234375, "11": 0.1656494140625, "254": 0.175048828125, "1556": 0.0202484130859375, "155034": 0.09185791015625, "21543": 0.1619873046875, "98": 0.006011962890625, "35874": 0.1435546875, "60641": 0.1453857421875, "456": 0.08612060546875, "77391": 0.1357421875, "2248": 0.1768798828125, "22460": 0.08355712890625, "142": 0.00638580322265625, "566": 0.02325439453125, "173212": 0.1629638671875, "1112": 0.09979248046875, "64": 0.0047149658203125, "4598": 0.1776123046875, "70460": 0.032470703125, "136": 0.015899658203125, "23552": 0.0731201171875, "31648": 0.10626220703125, "108975": 0.003665924072265625, "45388": 0.08917236328125, "8": 0.0755615234375, "842": 0.102294921875, "18211": 0.093505859375, "122273": 0.0155792236328125, "14481": 0.006504058837890625, "24172": 0.09466552734375, "47691": 0.00661468505859375, "28007": 0.06353759765625, "11666": 0.09527587890625, "9": 0.00609588623046875, "134229": 0.006450653076171875, "30057": 0.08648681640625, "42991": 0.006252288818359375, "96391": 0.024261474609375, "144142": 0.1270751953125, "125413": 0.08941650390625, "80743": 0.050140380859375, "175921": 0.1385498046875, "14037": 0.08831787109375, "188": 0.005764007568359375, "52033": 0.045867919921875, "21068": 0.00623321533203125, "72249": 0.04412841796875, "2561": 0.005588531494140625, "33": 0.00611114501953125, "2053": 0.00655364990234375}
The Intestinal Immune System in Obesity and Insulin Resistance.
Obesity and insulin resistance are associated with chronic inflammation in metabolic tissues such as adipose tissue and the liver. Recently, growing evidence has implicated the intestinal immune system as an important contributor to metabolic disease. Obesity predisposes to altered intestinal immunity and is associated with changes to the gut microbiota, intestinal barrier function, gut-residing innate and adaptive immune cells, and oral tolerance to luminal antigens. Accordingly, the gut immune system may represent a novel therapeutic target for systemic inflammation in insulin resistance. This review discusses the emerging field of intestinal immunity in obesity-related insulin resistance and how it affects metabolic disease.
{"3545": 0.221923828125, "90": 0.206787109375, "2481": 0.15869140625, "136": 0.0635986328125, "91598": 0.2442626953125, "39746": 0.2318115234375, "7154": 0.1055908203125, "137272": 0.170166015625, "678": 0.00022530555725097656, "184843": 0.1436767578125, "203932": 0.21337890625, "93447": 0.2403564453125, "1771": 0.1004638671875, "108055": 0.1256103515625, "20655": 0.08819580078125, "78381": 0.112548828125, "134148": 0.1297607421875, "105925": 0.03009033203125, "77950": 0.06781005859375, "17914": 0.034332275390625, "143232": 0.207763671875, "43766": 0.2408447265625, "13": 0.044769287109375, "5426": 0.1484375, "5526": 0.04559326171875, "114142": 0.0999755859375, "70997": 0.1290283203125, "1653": 0.068359375, "164": 0.108642578125, "37264": 0.1241455078125, "65572": 0.10443115234375, "5768": 0.1851806640625, "11948": 0.0653076171875, "8730": 0.1173095703125, "125861": 0.0697021484375, "32354": 0.04486083984375, "2083": 0.0906982421875, "39908": 0.0958251953125, "38750": 0.037811279296875, "30202": 0.1119384765625, "217784": 0.1339111328125, "92587": 0.11859130859375, "2874": 0.0899658203125, "20583": 0.1112060546875, "1543": 0.04058837890625, "33636": 0.0682373046875, "21261": 0.0168914794921875, "126472": 0.1224365234375, "30388": 0.1396484375, "8347": 0.08837890625, "45252": 0.01016998291015625, "50419": 0.057464599609375, "44457": 0.0928955078125, "150009": 0.26953125, "174822": 0.11053466796875, "52490": 0.1390380859375}
Human placental lactogen and unconjugated estriol concentrations in twin pregnancy: monitoring of fetal development in intrauterine growth retardation and single intrauterine fetal death.
Human placental lactogen and unconjugated estriol concentrations in maternal serum were evaluated in 100 uneventful twin pregnancies, and these values were compared with those observed in 16 twin pregnancies associated with intrauterine growth retardation or single intrauterine fetal death. In pregnancies associated with intrauterine growth retardation (n = 8), human placental lactogen levels were at the lower limit of normal range for singleton pregnancies, whereas estriol levels were normal in most cases. When one of the fetuses had died before week 33 of pregnancy (n = 5), both human placental lactogen and estriol levels were low and they were almost at the levels in singleton pregnancy. When intrauterine fetal death occurred after week 36 of pregnancy (n = 3), both hormone levels remained normal until term. Thus human placental lactogen rather than estriol is a good indicator of intrauterine growth retardation in twin pregnancy. Both human placental lactogen and estriol are useful for the monitoring of the surviving fetus in the case of single intrauterine fetal death.
{"28076": 0.110595703125, "3687": 0.1514892578125, "19": 0.05810546875, "1803": 0.1116943359375, "21": 0.1044921875, "44150": 0.174072265625, "1409": 0.20556640625, "136": 0.036529541015625, "51": 0.058746337890625, "461": 0.08990478515625, "437": 0.1053466796875, "416": 0.14599609375, "929": 0.182373046875, "202104": 0.1661376953125, "57988": 0.1234130859375, "40": 0.0694580078125, "1605": 0.1851806640625, "151575": 0.098388671875, "805": 0.10882568359375, "90141": 0.1390380859375, "138241": 0.2247314453125, "479": 0.1043701171875, "7456": 0.1416015625, "117538": 0.041717529296875, "142424": 0.08843994140625, "154186": 0.10272216796875, "139999": 0.05950927734375, "611": 0.11236572265625, "137272": 0.07110595703125, "18440": 0.07952880859375, "25208": 0.1339111328125, "1212": 0.0423583984375, "75678": 0.1644287109375, "91010": 0.2437744140625, "2320": 0.048919677734375, "11001": 0.1373291015625, "7647": 0.125, "289": 0.05682373046875, "47219": 0.15673828125, "65034": 0.129150390625, "14135": 0.129150390625, "90926": 0.1485595703125, "92319": 0.099609375, "17475": 0.079833984375, "3638": 0.0948486328125, "37457": 0.00719451904296875, "1507": 0.1572265625, "2684": 0.0096435546875, "50218": 0.026275634765625, "1632": 0.004520416259765625, "29001": 0.0767822265625, "68": 0.1278076171875, "8108": 0.01849365234375, "5895": 0.0882568359375, "3912": 0.1654052734375, "21162": 0.08697509765625, "27226": 0.1097412109375, "39555": 0.0350341796875, "27771": 0.05047607421875, "7103": 0.0209503173828125, "4039": 0.1383056640625, "8439": 0.088134765625, "15044": 0.03179931640625, "133818": 0.19287109375, "47143": 0.037139892578125, "24189": 0.032196044921875, "13579": 0.083740234375, "43257": 0.01580810546875, "3501": 0.00074005126953125, "4127": 0.08251953125, "172075": 0.173095703125, "80234": 0.1236572265625, "97204": 0.1639404296875, "686": 0.099365234375, "223": 0.057098388671875}
Low antioxidant enzyme gene expression in pancreatic islets compared with various other mouse tissues.
Using a sensitive Northern blot hybridization technique, gene expression of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase, and glutathione peroxidase was studied in pancreatic islets and for comparison in various other mouse tissues (liver, kidney, brain, lung, skeletal muscle, heart muscle, adrenal gland, and pituitary gland). Gene expression of the antioxidant enzymes was usually in the range of +/- 50% of that in the liver. Only in pancreatic islets gene expression was substantially lower. The levels of the cytoplasmic Cu/Zn SOD and the mitochondrial Mn SOD gene expression were in the range of 30-40% of those in the liver. Glutathione peroxidase gene expression was 15%, and catalase gene expression was not at all detectable in pancreatic islets. These low levels of antioxidant enzyme gene expression may provide an explanation for the extraordinary sensitivity of pancreatic beta cells towards cytotoxic damage by diabetogenic compounds and during the development of human and animal diabetes.
{"191125": 0.1448974609375, "182688": 0.1939697265625, "45299": 0.223876953125, "113490": 0.193359375, "47691": 0.052520751953125, "61353": 0.1273193359375, "22293": 0.220458984375, "125195": 0.20751953125, "1601": 0.1319580078125, "61942": 0.220458984375, "2837": 0.03515625, "561": 0.1273193359375, "81708": 0.12322998046875, "13055": 0.1710205078125, "397": 0.1951904296875, "60199": 0.16455078125, "62061": 0.166259765625, "4": 0.007778167724609375, "167994": 0.09136962890625, "10519": 0.13623046875, "20493": 0.1468505859375, "117": 0.09149169921875, "6991": 0.0595703125, "22282": 0.093994140625, "71": 0.00691986083984375, "2652": 0.11865234375, "129147": 0.20263671875, "238": 0.07208251953125, "83": 0.11944580078125, "1974": 0.1805419921875, "7": 0.007781982421875, "100": 0.007965087890625, "225490": 0.068603515625, "23": 0.00803375244140625, "114669": 0.1795654296875, "108055": 0.1380615234375, "90": 0.00782012939453125, "134148": 0.2081298828125, "10952": 0.05908203125, "53": 0.00788116455078125, "78574": 0.0889892578125, "32386": 0.041046142578125, "182355": 0.02398681640625, "289": 0.0081024169921875, "123635": 0.07269287109375, "26498": 0.034210205078125, "982": 0.053070068359375, "1760": 0.060882568359375, "136": 0.0103759765625, "7143": 0.0221405029296875, "6635": 0.0080108642578125, "706": 0.004962921142578125, "46980": 0.2171630859375, "119181": 0.226318359375, "193807": 0.2093505859375, "509": 0.005970001220703125, "56104": 0.047027587890625, "70": 0.0079803466796875, "37457": 0.07611083984375, "111": 0.00807952880859375, "194692": 0.019317626953125, "9071": 0.096923828125, "87293": 0.0036449432373046875, "193984": 0.0269317626953125, "538": 0.00794219970703125, "92319": 0.151611328125, "90926": 0.10546875, "19932": 0.0333251953125, "188": 0.0226287841796875, "52033": 0.09954833984375, "3003": 0.1468505859375, "64": 0.06158447265625, "1511": 0.07476806640625, "19": 0.032318115234375, "15969": 0.1903076171875, "86467": 0.034912109375, "3089": 0.037628173828125, "29887": 0.037933349609375, "105593": 0.076416015625, "3949": 0.03338623046875, "6": 0.00760650634765625, "80488": 0.08154296875, "102": 0.058380126953125, "927": 0.12457275390625, "31140": 0.120849609375, "959": 0.047637939453125, "99": 0.0079498291015625, "756": 0.0273284912109375, "96391": 0.12115478515625, "2886": 0.00830841064453125, "27226": 0.1424560546875, "13": 0.00513458251953125, "1543": 0.031982421875, "142": 0.00659942626953125, "187136": 0.10693359375, "76134": 0.07098388671875, "176302": 0.193603515625, "51703": 0.1915283203125, "38750": 0.1690673828125, "98186": 0.058807373046875, "74735": 0.19921875, "82649": 0.1602783203125, "390": 0.006244659423828125, "66151": 0.13916015625, "62976": 0.07928466796875, "1771": 0.00787353515625, "217773": 0.0989990234375, "34754": 0.047332763671875, "14135": 0.0151519775390625, "26249": 0.11676025390625, "44019": 0.1949462890625}
Cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase isozymes expressed in mouse skeletal muscle.
To understand changes in cyclic nucleotide metabolism in muscle disease states, the expression of phosphodiesterase (PDE) isozymes in normal mouse leg muscle was examined. Four subcellular fractions were generated by differential centrifugation at 10,000 x g and 100,000 x g. cAMP PDE activity was found predominately in the soluble fractions, while cGMP PDE activity was more evenly distributed amongst soluble and particulate fractions. Pharmacological inhibitors demonstrate that PDE4 represents the major cAMP hydrolyzing activity and PDE2 represents the major cGMP hydrolyzing activity in mouse leg muscle. PDE1 is expressed at low levels, while PDE3 and PDE5 are intermediate. Between 20 and 40% of total PDE activity remained in the presence of inhibitors for PDE1-PDE5, indicating that other PDE families contribute to the total PDE pool. Reverse-transcription PCR with family-specific primers showed expression of mRNA for PDE7-PDE9, supporting this conclusion. Total PDE activity was found to be elevated in tissue extracts from a mouse model of Duchenne's muscular dystrophy.
{"28219": 0.07171630859375, "65572": 0.12298583984375, "187830": 0.16845703125, "241454": 0.1336669921875, "118": 0.1343994140625, "112": 0.050750732421875, "159531": 0.1806640625, "123635": 0.2142333984375, "70997": 0.1435546875, "117249": 0.11688232421875, "125195": 0.1507568359375, "134208": 0.134765625, "22014": 0.140869140625, "34204": 0.09503173828125, "8560": 0.16162109375, "184": 0.0523681640625, "683": 0.10479736328125, "8399": 0.29931640625, "13882": 0.08477783203125, "3285": 0.1416015625, "3716": 0.058013916015625, "3638": 0.1412353515625, "114669": 0.2088623046875, "6049": 0.2047119140625, "160477": 0.07037353515625, "65056": 0.10955810546875, "1614": 0.15234375, "8969": 0.11328125, "120087": 0.108154296875, "175921": 0.1884765625, "139392": 0.123779296875, "99710": 0.1357421875, "69514": 0.0975341796875, "54957": 0.1925048828125, "84428": 0.10406494140625, "1022": 0.0248870849609375, "706": 0.047576904296875, "805": 0.03851318359375, "9508": 0.0699462890625, "501": 0.031097412109375, "81218": 0.201171875, "436": 0.12432861328125, "103488": 0.1434326171875, "14037": 0.06134033203125, "156531": 0.093994140625, "31563": 0.167236328125, "724": 0.0760498046875, "9088": 0.19580078125, "1286": 0.0289459228515625, "3853": 0.07379150390625, "15917": 0.10943603515625, "2878": 0.049835205078125, "130480": 0.1331787109375, "173702": 0.2408447265625, "22230": 0.119384765625, "106804": 0.0018939971923828125, "617": 0.1724853515625, "33636": 0.1187744140625, "13036": 0.087646484375, "64707": 0.18408203125, "538": 0.1209716796875, "35401": 0.054656982421875, "304": 0.09912109375, "418": 0.06292724609375, "36510": 0.14990234375, "27226": 0.09967041015625, "363": 0.078125, "758": 0.142822265625, "81814": 0.10382080078125, "387": 0.062225341796875, "24051": 0.126953125, "3622": 0.052520751953125, "47143": 0.0300750732421875, "169424": 0.01108551025390625, "20268": 0.033447265625, "87143": 0.08642578125, "162466": 0.09014892578125, "19361": 0.104248046875, "37676": 0.103271484375, "50713": 0.0181121826171875, "59478": 0.0015077590942382812, "6107": 0.048858642578125, "1052": 0.050384521484375, "14449": 0.055450439453125, "4809": 0.1558837890625, "125499": 0.18017578125, "50775": 0.0928955078125, "1126": 0.1717529296875, "8060": 0.04931640625, "33867": 0.0714111328125, "57849": 0.1292724609375, "108055": 0.11700439453125, "125663": 0.1141357421875, "3299": 0.156982421875, "786": 0.07855224609375, "4834": 0.1688232421875, "86": 0.146728515625, "98692": 0.16259765625, "2160": 0.01116180419921875, "6639": 0.1444091796875, "34053": 0.058502197265625}
Exercise-induced asthma.
The effect of exercise on ventilatory function was studied in 7 patients with asthma. Three showed appreciable decrease in forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV 1) after exercise. The degree of hyperventilation produced by exercise correlated with the postexercise decrease in FEV 1. Voluntary hyperventilation at rest produced a decrease in FEV 1 in all patients with asthma. Breathing 5.6 per cent carbon dioxide during voluntary hyperventilation instead of room air induced a larger ventilation and greater decrease in FEV1. Neither exercise nor voluntary hyperventilation had any significant effect on the FEV 1 in normal subjects and patients with chronic bronchitis. Both exercise·induced and hyperventilation-induced decrease in FEV 1 were inhibited by prior administration of isoproterenol but not by atropine. It is postulated that exercise-induced asthma is probably hyperventilation-induced asthma. Several underlying mechanisms by which airway obstruction is produced are possible.
{"21543": 0.2001953125, "111": 0.07659912109375, "81979": 0.264892578125, "98": 0.08892822265625, "210317": 0.25830078125, "53": 0.10247802734375, "32354": 0.156494140625, "22282": 0.09466552734375, "361": 0.10150146484375, "60264": 0.148681640625, "678": 0.0390625, "237": 0.0853271484375, "927": 0.17578125, "192": 0.1597900390625, "129335": 0.06884765625, "168360": 0.00022459030151367188, "51606": 0.062744140625, "227204": 0.18212890625, "168861": 0.138427734375, "203286": 0.156494140625, "21950": 0.1702880859375, "1632": 0.0634765625, "17932": 0.179443359375, "30018": 0.10400390625, "856": 0.188720703125, "4879": 0.08221435546875, "7103": 0.110107421875, "79385": 0.0811767578125, "59058": 0.1455078125, "202934": 0.267333984375, "2320": 0.0721435546875, "181653": 0.137939453125, "390": 0.033782958984375, "8231": 0.051422119140625, "174822": 0.0970458984375, "16475": 0.095703125, "34058": 0.08740234375, "318": 0.10797119140625, "184": 0.08599853515625, "563": 0.079833984375, "40972": 0.2138671875, "615": 0.050018310546875, "5976": 0.08905029296875, "22278": 0.1060791015625, "99": 0.034881591796875, "10588": 0.167724609375, "106": 0.07928466796875, "756": 0.01708984375, "189483": 0.1702880859375, "214": 0.009796142578125, "124525": 0.1380615234375, "21126": 0.09002685546875, "44603": 0.169189453125, "143961": 0.1741943359375, "20271": 0.0074615478515625, "87093": 0.148193359375, "64457": 0.0853271484375, "17155": 0.11761474609375, "1831": 0.1529541015625, "135989": 0.1358642578125, "150679": 0.0703125, "206419": 0.240478515625, "117396": 0.03826904296875, "418": 0.0758056640625, "30097": 0.049835205078125, "9319": 0.0009555816650390625, "1902": 0.0059967041015625, "2499": 0.006999969482421875, "88551": 0.0263824462890625, "3638": 0.06890869140625, "28368": 0.03985595703125, "184843": 0.1337890625, "22508": 0.09698486328125, "1861": 0.06591796875, "1814": 0.0833740234375, "1280": 0.01348876953125, "18442": 0.12030029296875, "136": 0.00440216064453125, "173702": 0.164794921875, "41928": 0.04736328125, "86052": 0.10040283203125, "13882": 0.06005859375, "18606": 0.11077880859375, "3683": 0.1259765625, "929": 0.12646484375, "959": 0.022247314453125, "10": 0.005222320556640625, "133141": 0.157470703125, "86": 0.09503173828125, "49489": 0.0677490234375, "83": 0.03765869140625, "31895": 0.06475830078125, "48752": 0.0178070068359375, "1379": 0.12353515625, "538": 0.0975341796875, "191619": 0.1466064453125, "7514": 0.1258544921875, "995": 0.1270751953125, "36716": 0.1807861328125, "1830": 0.0797119140625, "621": 0.007312774658203125, "7722": 0.10125732421875}
An antimicrobial protein of the gut symbiont Bacteroides fragilis with a MACPF domain of host immune proteins.
Bacteroidales are the most abundant Gram-negative bacteria of the human intestinal microbiota comprising more than half of the bacteria in many individuals. Some of the factors that these bacteria use to establish and maintain themselves in this ecosystem are beginning to be identified. However, ecological competition, especially interference competition where one organism directly harms another, is largely unexplored. To begin to understand the relevance of this ecological principle as it applies to these abundant gut bacteria and factors that may promote such competition, we screened Bacteroides fragilis for the production of antimicrobial molecules. We found that the production of extracellularly secreted antimicrobial molecules is widespread in this species. The first identified molecule, described in this manuscript, contains a membrane attack complex/perforin (MACPF) domain present in host immune molecules that kill bacteria and virally infected cells by pore formation, and mutations affecting key residues of this domain abrogated its activity. This antimicrobial molecule, termed BSAP-1, is secreted from the cell in outer membrane vesicles and no additional proteins are required for its secretion, processing or immunity of the producing cell. This study provides the first insight into secreted molecules that promote competitive interference among Bacteroidales strains of the human gut.
{"86196": 0.1973876953125, "24444": 0.25, "1683": 0.2276611328125, "1577": 0.203369140625, "621": 0.12322998046875, "70": 0.032257080078125, "2684": 0.132080078125, "130807": 0.1591796875, "660": 0.061370849609375, "48078": 0.15673828125, "3331": 0.199462890625, "4935": 0.133544921875, "152818": 0.2364501953125, "14135": 0.10894775390625, "143232": 0.1988525390625, "11948": 0.0994873046875, "8730": 0.14453125, "102": 0.07958984375, "48402": 0.07666015625, "1286": 0.037261962890625, "3501": 0.02569580078125, "23552": 0.12152099609375, "111": 0.0258941650390625, "23": 0.0260772705078125, "5941": 0.08453369140625, "79165": 0.12548828125, "120103": 0.1478271484375, "6097": 0.01248931884765625, "4527": 0.0941162109375, "47": 0.0258026123046875, "137633": 0.07843017578125, "136": 0.02569580078125, "76104": 0.0875244140625, "61261": 0.09918212890625, "903": 0.03277587890625, "49347": 0.1317138671875, "16751": 0.1336669921875, "86595": 0.0595703125, "186": 0.0245513916015625, "207487": 0.198486328125, "33306": 0.01517486572265625, "4": 0.026092529296875, "162145": 0.1844482421875, "289": 0.04901123046875, "130412": 0.2257080078125, "41866": 0.0026073455810546875, "193943": 0.1982421875, "7440": 0.017852783203125, "25150": 0.1448974609375, "105237": 0.0601806640625, "182": 0.1090087890625, "4432": 0.02191162109375, "15700": 0.0987548828125, "21334": 0.006404876708984375, "538": 0.02606201171875, "51": 0.0313720703125, "111118": 0.09381103515625, "2822": 0.02593994140625, "9842": 0.0150299072265625, "28219": 0.045623779296875, "89515": 0.07275390625, "329": 0.0258636474609375, "24702": 0.11505126953125, "133": 0.0254364013671875, "442": 0.025146484375, "5768": 0.204345703125, "450": 0.02581787109375, "125568": 0.1336669921875, "49119": 0.1014404296875, "17996": 0.1864013671875, "119371": 0.283203125, "164": 0.1324462890625, "36049": 0.120849609375, "2874": 0.1396484375, "187840": 0.1593017578125, "964": 0.08697509765625, "49711": 0.126953125, "70838": 0.034515380859375, "4173": 0.10125732421875, "8969": 0.05572509765625, "120087": 0.024658203125, "23410": 0.2191162109375, "297": 0.026123046875, "83": 0.0258331298828125, "38134": 0.058807373046875, "21329": 0.08343505859375, "712": 0.026123046875, "114149": 0.10296630859375, "5117": 0.11572265625, "75449": 0.100341796875, "151552": 0.0309600830078125, "29053": 0.05853271484375, "32032": 0.0258026123046875, "70541": 0.09063720703125, "7": 0.0260772705078125, "10": 0.025726318359375, "107834": 0.1634521484375, "13": 0.0260467529296875, "52875": 0.1905517578125, "27140": 0.1025390625, "64": 0.029022216796875, "1264": 0.056671142578125, "2472": 0.1754150390625, "15": 0.024871826171875, "8218": 0.0950927734375, "17854": 0.132080078125, "919": 0.1773681640625, "16": 0.025848388671875, "77758": 0.1802978515625, "13379": 0.052520751953125, "27980": 0.1387939453125, "43766": 0.18359375, "67153": 0.1763916015625, "1017": 0.0501708984375, "25958": 0.02593994140625, "75622": 0.095947265625, "38750": 0.130126953125, "390": 0.0258331298828125, "196": 0.1072998046875, "27643": 0.017303466796875, "199334": 0.179931640625, "52490": 0.0193634033203125, "214": 0.0261077880859375, "22799": 0.037872314453125, "99996": 0.127685546875, "90": 0.0259552001953125, "1563": 0.0433349609375, "33003": 0.183349609375, "3674": 0.02545166015625, "6863": 0.023529052734375, "103488": 0.0845947265625, "3293": 0.0170745849609375, "24117": 0.0167694091796875, "71": 0.0258636474609375, "335": 0.109130859375, "166236": 0.267822265625, "5759": 0.1669921875, "1295": 0.02557373046875, "1810": 0.108154296875, "56": 0.026092529296875, "35882": 0.067626953125, "66695": 0.026275634765625, "110": 0.045135498046875, "78301": 0.0496826171875, "21308": 0.12042236328125, "56065": 0.08062744140625, "100": 0.0258636474609375, "1830": 0.0259857177734375, "9433": 0.0162200927734375, "707": 0.0201568603515625, "2481": 0.0258331298828125, "27024": 0.04498291015625, "35187": 0.031768798828125, "149201": 0.08477783203125, "3934": 0.0248565673828125, "168296": 0.2109375, "3956": 0.0238189697265625, "177488": 0.12200927734375}
Directional perception of distributed sound sources.
The perception of spatially distributed sound sources was investigated by conducting two listening experiments in anechoic conditions with 13 loudspeakers evenly distributed in the frontal horizontal plane emitting incoherent noise signals. In the first experiment, widely distributed sound sources with gaps in their distribution emitted pink noise. The results indicated that the exact loudspeaker distribution could not be perceived accurately and that the width of the distribution was perceived to be narrower than it was in reality. Up to three spatially distributed loudspeakers that were simultaneously emitting sound could be individually perceived. In addition, the number of loudspeakers that were indicated as emitting sound was smaller than the actual number. In the second experiment, a reference with 13 loudspeakers and test cases with fewer loudspeakers were presented and their perceived spatial difference was rated. The effect of the noise bandwidth was of particular interest. Noise with different bandwidths centered around 500 and 4000 Hz was used. The results indicated that when the number of loudspeakers was increased from four to seven, the perceived auditory event was very similar to that perceived with 13 loudspeakers at all bandwidths. The perceived differences were larger in wideband noise than in narrow-band noise.
{"117": 0.1268310546875, "63928": 0.202880859375, "5623": 0.1824951171875, "118": 0.1190185546875, "25958": 0.06988525390625, "15917": 0.2454833984375, "3674": 0.09124755859375, "45730": 0.218505859375, "97264": 0.2154541015625, "509": 0.00021791458129882812, "32603": 0.1278076171875, "55080": 0.0277557373046875, "6626": 0.11834716796875, "178463": 0.213134765625, "28007": 0.20068359375, "10": 0.0206451416015625, "86": 0.07073974609375, "3089": 0.1160888671875, "1771": 0.062255859375, "27289": 0.11871337890625, "702": 0.1680908203125, "459": 0.08355712890625, "1674": 0.1495361328125, "9217": 0.229248046875, "11": 0.1927490234375, "25306": 0.1395263671875, "3853": 0.10113525390625, "116619": 0.1312255859375, "124001": 0.120849609375, "47880": 0.1513671875, "53225": 0.1365966796875, "23": 0.018035888671875, "587": 0.0275726318359375, "3334": 0.10736083984375, "110": 0.15478515625, "3075": 0.1593017578125, "26073": 0.11297607421875, "5117": 0.060943603515625, "38134": 0.08367919921875, "43599": 0.161376953125, "113068": 0.2327880859375, "77233": 0.2181396484375, "50339": 0.0543212890625, "24763": 0.05889892578125, "1728": 0.12481689453125, "5809": 0.0450439453125, "959": 0.0653076171875, "21778": 0.1485595703125, "152018": 0.08636474609375, "146984": 0.210205078125, "18304": 0.1279296875, "6488": 0.08404541015625, "3501": 0.022247314453125, "50081": 0.15380859375, "17262": 0.130615234375, "134477": 0.080078125, "11651": 0.08575439453125, "1399": 0.1353759765625, "14012": 0.0382080078125, "117414": 0.047210693359375, "164917": 0.10748291015625, "8561": 0.09197998046875, "17932": 0.0889892578125, "91067": 0.0013132095336914062, "3034": 0.07403564453125, "50218": 0.0165252685546875, "10846": 0.09796142578125, "60212": 0.19677734375, "673": 0.09124755859375, "21543": 0.128173828125, "8753": 0.11077880859375, "33946": 0.07366943359375, "438": 0.1490478515625, "678": 0.00787353515625, "12921": 0.09100341796875, "27585": 0.09814453125, "2101": 0.12359619140625, "34042": 0.14599609375, "50183": 0.11749267578125, "11814": 0.0712890625, "124735": 0.1378173828125, "22759": 0.08599853515625, "59671": 0.097900390625, "133604": 0.1885986328125, "19732": 0.1336669921875, "4552": 0.0360107421875, "21373": 0.0921630859375, "756": 0.038665771484375, "150679": 0.09088134765625, "8262": 0.158447265625, "118201": 0.1319580078125}
Adoptive T cell transfer for cancer immunotherapy in the era of synthetic biology.
Adoptive T cell transfer for cancer and chronic infection is an emerging field that shows promise in recent trials. Synthetic-biology-based engineering of T lymphocytes to express high-affinity antigen receptors can overcome immune tolerance, which has been a major limitation of immunotherapy-based strategies. Advances in cell engineering and culture approaches to enable efficient gene transfer and ex vivo cell expansion have facilitated broader evaluation of this technology, moving adoptive transfer from a "boutique" application to the cusp of a mainstream technology. The major challenge currently facing the field is to increase the specificity of engineered T cells for tumors, because targeting shared antigens has the potential to lead to on-target off-tumor toxicities, as observed in recent trials. As the field of adoptive transfer technology matures, the major engineering challenge is the development of automated cell culture systems, so that the approach can extend beyond specialized academic centers and become widely available.
{"62": 0.038238525390625, "59788": 0.2109375, "4935": 0.1912841796875, "384": 0.2279052734375, "38750": 0.2352294921875, "12302": 0.255615234375, "100": 0.120849609375, "27968": 0.216552734375, "136": 0.09613037109375, "184843": 0.1788330078125, "159634": 0.223388671875, "83": 0.01247406005859375, "50419": 0.1268310546875, "9966": 0.08135986328125, "44457": 0.1956787109375, "45831": 0.11358642578125, "103036": 0.1900634765625, "23": 0.0081634521484375, "17309": 0.10113525390625, "110324": 0.1607666015625, "7": 0.00829315185546875, "19010": 0.0975341796875, "2347": 0.1495361328125, "964": 0.06280517578125, "25443": 0.0234527587890625, "9": 0.0081024169921875, "77007": 0.1190185546875, "177907": 0.2232666015625, "238757": 0.156005859375, "31": 0.0239105224609375, "2408": 0.09698486328125, "1636": 0.049835205078125, "36510": 0.1053466796875, "11192": 0.06964111328125, "58871": 0.1796875, "2481": 0.007167816162109375, "2874": 0.14892578125, "1409": 0.138916015625, "137376": 0.166748046875, "831": 0.050201416015625, "645": 0.08642578125, "45738": 0.126953125, "43766": 0.1453857421875, "13": 0.00817108154296875, "217784": 0.1829833984375, "4": 0.00807952880859375, "1556": 0.00836181640625, "2809": 0.04351806640625, "10": 0.0081024169921875, "13036": 0.1192626953125, "205969": 0.2010498046875, "111": 0.008209228515625, "106864": 0.1466064453125, "50531": 0.119384765625, "223438": 0.11279296875, "29394": 0.1943359375, "51515": 0.1214599609375, "90": 0.0080718994140625, "47": 0.0083160400390625, "22": 0.0270843505859375, "93766": 0.141845703125, "22293": 0.14013671875, "1119": 0.04193115234375, "16622": 0.1793212890625, "66": 0.035369873046875, "6889": 0.007602691650390625, "33493": 0.12255859375, "3674": 0.008056640625, "134744": 0.03863525390625, "56": 0.00821685791015625, "219836": 0.10821533203125, "55556": 0.187744140625, "98567": 0.027618408203125, "30666": 0.232177734375, "5844": 0.17333984375, "1295": 0.007152557373046875, "12630": 0.113037109375, "20873": 0.1590576171875, "58": 0.00801849365234375, "38415": 0.08648681640625, "70": 0.00836181640625, "314": 0.055572509765625, "7008": 0.0965576171875, "154909": 0.107666015625, "66801": 0.2247314453125, "82424": 0.07550048828125, "7808": 0.1507568359375, "51312": 0.12481689453125, "29458": 0.1397705078125, "185118": 0.1651611328125, "57412": 0.2122802734375, "6637": 0.00792694091796875, "30388": 0.1600341796875, "214": 0.008331298828125, "99764": 0.18359375, "20583": 0.1710205078125, "38516": 0.1387939453125, "37105": 0.123291015625, "867": 0.08782958984375, "3794": 0.00830841064453125, "5773": 0.10064697265625, "2555": 0.10791015625, "748": 0.040069580078125, "6": 0.00826263427734375, "74735": 0.1873779296875, "31075": 0.0030994415283203125, "139999": 0.0196533203125, "71": 0.00817108154296875, "1301": 0.009765625, "90638": 0.11077880859375, "34754": 0.042236328125, "11408": 0.1824951171875, "297": 0.007030487060546875, "76519": 0.13037109375, "65042": 0.03192138671875, "107314": 0.0147247314453125, "5361": 0.0543212890625, "29367": 0.0082855224609375, "108858": 0.08526611328125, "27585": 0.07855224609375, "38134": 0.0321044921875, "538": 0.00815582275390625, "19882": 0.1060791015625}
Bruce treadmill test in children: normal values in a clinic population.
The Bruce treadmill protocol is suitable for children as young as age 4 years. Maximal endurance time may be used as the sole criterion of exercise capacity, and normal values were established with 327 children having an innocent heart murmur. Mean endurance time in boys increased from 10.4 minutes at age 4 to 5 years, to 14.1 minutes at age 13 to 15 years. Mean endurance time in girls increased from 9.5 minutes at age 4 to 5 years to 12.3 minutes at age 10 to 12 years. Mean maximal heart rate ranged from 193 to 206 beats/min. Age differences in mean maximal and submaximal heart rates were small. There were negative correlations between endurance time and the ratio of weight to height. There were negative correlations between heart rates at treadmill stages 1 to 3 and the endurance times. The correlation coefficient of endurance time with maximal oxygen uptake was 0.88, but for clinical purposes endurance time alone is a satisfactory indicator of exercise performance.
{"581": 0.06207275390625, "112297": 0.275634765625, "1360": 0.1722412109375, "712": 0.165771484375, "39": 0.1614990234375, "5713": 0.211181640625, "91363": 0.25439453125, "83": 0.04766845703125, "202319": 0.2100830078125, "100": 0.09039306640625, "20020": 0.224609375, "237": 0.0445556640625, "27150": 0.13623046875, "32070": 0.11151123046875, "201": 0.16845703125, "5369": 0.1590576171875, "46540": 0.133544921875, "289": 0.031982421875, "28927": 0.2220458984375, "7154": 0.156005859375, "1733": 0.1781005859375, "1543": 0.035247802734375, "11814": 0.0479736328125, "31247": 0.0693359375, "166220": 0.1396484375, "19": 0.0188140869140625, "81979": 0.1832275390625, "177399": 0.18505859375, "3638": 0.1258544921875, "142424": 0.106689453125, "170920": 0.0472412109375, "138": 0.08154296875, "3768": 0.1280517578125, "19441": 0.0352783203125, "149548": 0.168212890625, "26498": 0.192138671875, "7828": 0.10113525390625, "5130": 0.143310546875, "1215": 0.09930419921875, "66": 0.1358642578125, "115982": 0.195556640625, "124735": 0.1358642578125, "1295": 0.00655364990234375, "4068": 0.04339599609375, "617": 0.040313720703125, "14633": 0.1727294921875, "190": 0.08453369140625, "6370": 0.0379638671875, "702": 0.105224609375, "423": 0.1085205078125, "29526": 0.18701171875, "117878": 0.08709716796875, "5035": 0.0191192626953125, "209": 0.07525634765625, "427": 0.091552734375, "111340": 0.1788330078125, "34515": 0.15576171875, "37457": 0.040802001953125, "113543": 0.10296630859375, "101912": 0.11346435546875, "42659": 0.11383056640625, "1249": 0.09930419921875, "72944": 0.1090087890625, "60212": 0.11114501953125, "29459": 0.11444091796875, "1614": 0.07794189453125, "24084": 0.0645751953125, "121297": 0.111572265625, "40907": 0.1365966796875, "16106": 0.1441650390625, "57860": 0.09356689453125, "136": 0.0098419189453125, "70460": 0.068115234375, "57888": 0.1048583984375, "155955": 0.1378173828125, "17721": 0.007671356201171875, "36541": 0.136474609375, "106": 0.0168304443359375, "20028": 0.070068359375, "552": 0.058319091796875, "24500": 0.07440185546875, "45964": 0.038787841796875, "678": 0.00432586669921875, "230044": 0.226806640625, "1257": 0.0968017578125, "78219": 0.05804443359375, "757": 0.0004734992980957031, "12772": 0.087646484375, "56465": 0.0985107421875, "60042": 0.052703857421875, "75447": 0.019012451171875, "64561": 0.09466552734375, "172075": 0.133056640625, "23718": 0.1348876953125}
Immunoproteasome and LMP2 polymorphism in aged and Alzheimer's disease brains.
In this study, we investigated the presence and role of immunoproteasome and its LMP2 subunit polymorphism at codon 60 in Alzheimer's disease (AD). Immunoproteasome was present in brain areas such as hippocampus and cerebellum and localized in neurons, astrocytes and endothelial cells. A higher expression of immunoproteasome was found in brain of AD patients than in brain of non-demented elderly, being its expression in young brain negligible or absent. Furthermore, AD affected regions showed a partial decrease in proteasome trypsin-like activity. The study of LMP2 polymorphism (R/H) showed that it does not influence LMP2 expression (neither the mRNA nor mature protein) in brain tissue. However, control brain areas of AD patients carrying the RR genotype showed an increased proteasome activity in comparison with RH carriers. To test whether this effect of the genotype might be related to AD onset we performed a genetic study, which allowed us to exclude an association of LMP2 codon 60 polymorphism with AD onset, despite its influence on the proteasome activity in human brain.
{"35187": 0.07568359375, "4": 0.0142364501953125, "32603": 0.07427978515625, "169424": 0.10711669921875, "31486": 0.1248779296875, "43766": 0.204833984375, "31": 0.10443115234375, "80000": 0.2529296875, "11": 0.11328125, "43452": 0.2496337890625, "339": 0.08575439453125, "9088": 0.2298583984375, "304": 0.1949462890625, "1614": 0.1317138671875, "309": 0.11029052734375, "35874": 0.18896484375, "178851": 0.22509765625, "8780": 0.059326171875, "99": 0.0218963623046875, "552": 0.11236572265625, "4445": 0.161865234375, "1496": 0.2318115234375, "23": 0.018890380859375, "95587": 0.271240234375, "25": 0.06787109375, "7": 0.0143280029296875, "70997": 0.134765625, "12351": 0.2037353515625, "189940": 0.195556640625, "13379": 0.14013671875, "78574": 0.170166015625, "58555": 0.1058349609375, "6044": 0.0038585662841796875, "237": 0.01219940185546875, "196423": 0.1197509765625, "27034": 0.127197265625, "223": 0.01355743408203125, "372": 0.01097869873046875, "53071": 0.10516357421875, "136": 0.01413726806640625, "4000": 0.08428955078125, "29367": 0.01438140869140625, "184940": 0.08148193359375, "72513": 0.054656982421875, "2408": 0.0103759765625, "1636": 0.0143890380859375, "15464": 0.04522705078125, "54140": 0.0138397216796875, "289": 0.01444244384765625, "38750": 0.00495147705078125, "77546": 0.12890625, "125195": 0.173828125, "111": 0.01433563232421875, "14037": 0.0460205078125, "19831": 0.2001953125, "60264": 0.0941162109375, "3501": 0.01232147216796875, "351": 0.032257080078125, "9": 0.01398468017578125, "112": 0.0167236328125, "1183": 0.12359619140625, "71": 0.0140838623046875, "88": 0.037109375, "820": 0.047027587890625, "538": 0.014312744140625, "6863": 0.0026950836181640625, "27150": 0.060546875, "22024": 0.046478271484375, "735": 0.01442718505859375, "2661": 0.0143890380859375, "707": 0.00946044921875, "146291": 0.0240631103515625, "9319": 0.01427459716796875, "17678": 0.01267242431640625, "195052": 0.07928466796875, "10776": 0.08935546875, "2878": 0.04833984375, "227204": 0.127685546875, "13766": 0.2034912109375, "9790": 0.05352783203125, "15759": 0.08258056640625, "19": 0.04608154296875, "5062": 0.0858154296875, "103488": 0.10906982421875, "581": 0.01305389404296875, "15": 0.0121917724609375, "1052": 0.041778564453125, "64": 0.1046142578125, "841": 0.0968017578125, "16": 0.014190673828125, "14602": 0.036834716796875, "959": 0.07977294921875, "79507": 0.156005859375, "70": 0.0143585205078125, "125499": 0.135009765625, "90638": 0.08392333984375, "21308": 0.1434326171875, "108055": 0.082763671875, "13": 0.01430511474609375, "6226": 0.1314697265625, "85358": 0.053192138671875, "214": 0.014373779296875, "6": 0.01425933837890625, "37703": 0.18408203125, "62614": 0.1309814453125, "50986": 0.197265625, "142": 0.01409149169921875, "124735": 0.10986328125, "225490": 0.018890380859375, "678": 0.01427459716796875, "68416": 0.09149169921875, "2258": 0.06854248046875, "25388": 0.0657958984375, "3034": 0.0302886962890625, "21543": 0.11224365234375, "13648": 0.049468994140625, "186": 0.0142822265625, "62548": 0.041595458984375, "47": 0.0140838623046875, "1260": 0.09661865234375, "126": 0.0633544921875, "297": 0.01422882080078125, "10": 0.01381683349609375, "101412": 0.1065673828125, "39041": 0.08612060546875, "125413": 0.0433349609375, "8": 0.01406097412109375, "61518": 0.0172576904296875, "98": 0.01157379150390625}
The centrosome and its mode of inheritance: the reduction of the centrosome during gametogenesis and its restoration during fertilization.
Neither the restoration of the centrosome during fertilization nor its reduction during gametogenesis is fully understood, but both are pivotal events in development. During each somatic cell cycle, the chromosomes, cytoplasm, and centrosomes duplicate in interphase, and all three split in two during each cell division. While it has long been recognized that both the sperm and the egg contribute equal haploid genomes during fertilization and that the vast majority of the cytoplasm is contributed by the egg, the relative contributions of the centrosome by each gamete are still in question. This article explores centrosome inheritance patterns and considers nine integral and secondarily derived activities of the centrosome. Boveri once hypothesized that "The ripe egg possesses all of the elements necessary for development save an active division-center. The sperm, on the other hand, possesses such a center but lacks the protoplasmic substratum in which to operate. In this respect the egg and sperm are complementary structures; their union in syngamy thus restores to each the missing element necessary to further development. " This article reviews the evidence gathered from 11 experimental strategies used to test this theory. While the majority of these approaches supports the hypothesis that the sperm introduces the centrosome at fertilization, the pattern did not reveal itself as universal, since parthenogenesis occurs in nature and can be induced artificially, since centrosome and centriole form de novo in extracts from unfertilized eggs and since the centrosome is derived from maternal sources during fertilization in some systems--notably, in mice. Models of the centrosome are proposed, along with speculative mechanisms which might lead to the cloaking of the reproducing element of the maternal centrosome during oogenesis and the retention of this structure by the paternal centrosome during spermatogenesis. Proteins essential for microtubule nucleation, like gamma-tubulin, are retained in the cytoplasm during oogenesis, but are largely lost during spermatogenesis. It is further postulated that the restoration of the zygotic centrosome at fertilization requires the attraction of maternal centrosomal components (in particular, gamma-tubulin and the 25S "gamma-some" particle) to the paternal reproducing element; this, along with post-translational modifications (including phosphorylation, disulfide reduction, and calcium ion binding), creates a functional zygote centrosome by blending both maternal and paternal constituents.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)
{"30097": 0.0665283203125, "9319": 0.023590087890625, "70": 0.0238494873046875, "14359": 0.1636962890625, "30494": 0.07257080078125, "5863": 0.257568359375, "43452": 0.28369140625, "20271": 0.09661865234375, "92895": 0.2095947265625, "47691": 0.1226806640625, "12488": 0.02294921875, "456": 0.10205078125, "77391": 0.138427734375, "6712": 0.1219482421875, "188": 0.125244140625, "15292": 0.1842041015625, "6023": 0.085693359375, "83": 0.023895263671875, "89554": 0.06256103515625, "217064": 0.1424560546875, "4": 0.024078369140625, "1284": 0.02288818359375, "15044": 0.0535888671875, "621": 0.023773193359375, "80953": 0.0792236328125, "1803": 0.0233612060546875, "47353": 0.11279296875, "23": 0.041961669921875, "34754": 0.1864013671875, "133698": 0.0489501953125, "12638": 0.1029052734375, "221": 0.10235595703125, "47148": 0.08038330078125, "38750": 0.129150390625, "105823": 0.1490478515625, "17656": 0.01334381103515625, "306": 0.1806640625, "6781": 0.1353759765625, "3716": 0.020751953125, "19932": 0.055572509765625, "52033": 0.126220703125, "39": 0.0307769775390625, "136": 0.10125732421875, "38838": 0.210693359375, "90": 0.0238494873046875, "171763": 0.1456298828125, "67": 0.1527099609375, "1940": 0.04052734375, "153213": 0.156982421875, "756": 0.09991455078125, "17262": 0.11187744140625, "65450": 0.147216796875, "6626": 0.1279296875, "91853": 0.1485595703125, "442": 0.02349853515625, "1556": 0.0236358642578125, "4989": 0.04644775390625, "2809": 0.0233917236328125, "125296": 0.06536865234375, "71": 0.02374267578125, "450": 0.023590087890625, "106217": 0.247802734375, "56125": 0.253173828125, "162466": 0.153076171875, "105950": 0.1334228515625, "256": 0.0280303955078125, "13158": 0.1324462890625, "532": 0.0228271484375, "8584": 0.120361328125, "18410": 0.0226287841796875, "144732": 0.08770751953125, "111": 0.0238189697265625, "390": 0.0235137939453125, "35845": 0.07861328125, "127752": 0.154541015625, "7": 0.023895263671875, "7464": 0.048828125, "9655": 0.107177734375, "5582": 0.036834716796875, "88898": 0.038116455078125, "3334": 0.1925048828125, "217": 0.02374267578125, "7154": 0.0226898193359375, "103510": 0.2039794921875, "16916": 0.015167236328125, "300": 0.1431884765625, "86": 0.0919189453125, "28970": 0.129150390625, "37526": 0.12274169921875, "416": 0.0238800048828125, "538": 0.0237884521484375, "16406": 0.10772705078125, "4126": 0.0239410400390625, "69924": 0.155517578125, "2460": 0.09814453125, "20628": 0.2333984375, "24145": 0.050079345703125, "170933": 0.1259765625, "29367": 0.023834228515625, "3957": 0.05303955078125, "26759": 0.11944580078125, "13": 0.1265869140625, "158566": 0.16552734375, "80854": 0.168701171875, "63559": 0.13818359375, "100": 0.0239410400390625, "30098": 0.1339111328125, "142": 0.0236663818359375, "36457": 0.0751953125, "9": 0.02392578125, "30090": 0.1644287109375, "581": 0.022735595703125, "98": 0.0236663818359375, "3789": 0.023681640625, "3535": 0.0235595703125, "6044": 0.0150604248046875, "10": 0.0235748291015625, "27585": 0.21875, "21": 0.110595703125, "22824": 0.0194244384765625, "22664": 0.0924072265625, "21068": 0.0234222412109375, "218250": 0.13232421875, "316": 0.0239105224609375, "3129": 0.02398681640625, "47": 0.0242156982421875, "160404": 0.086181640625, "360": 0.02349853515625, "903": 0.023681640625, "88066": 0.170654296875, "53": 0.054168701171875, "45646": 0.1409912109375, "69941": 0.138916015625, "6002": 0.061065673828125, "208": 0.11041259765625, "1176": 0.02325439453125, "132283": 0.1588134765625, "12830": 0.1746826171875, "53333": 0.034912109375, "98865": 0.01654052734375, "77950": 0.07928466796875, "914": 0.0235137939453125, "297": 0.0236663818359375, "1295": 0.0239715576171875, "534": 0.12005615234375, "195935": 0.11737060546875, "50531": 0.1292724609375, "11814": 0.0122528076171875, "3034": 0.10015869140625, "154453": 0.142578125, "51515": 0.0859375, "8060": 0.058563232421875, "65508": 0.1317138671875, "99": 0.0623779296875, "6777": 0.0223388671875, "959": 0.069580078125, "122273": 0.068603515625, "68034": 0.0223846435546875, "237": 0.0237884521484375, "32813": 0.12249755859375, "2831": 0.02447509765625, "3220": 0.0782470703125, "62976": 0.1129150390625, "164": 0.0237579345703125, "74918": 0.0228118896484375, "831": 0.0236358642578125, "186": 0.0235748291015625, "135989": 0.143798828125, "66733": 0.1436767578125, "16792": 0.020843505859375, "69514": 0.09521484375, "16836": 0.136474609375, "3173": 0.0276947021484375, "8": 0.0236053466796875, "5474": 0.08074951171875, "51": 0.09002685546875, "2875": 0.0784912109375, "3675": 0.057830810546875, "57988": 0.11492919921875, "289": 0.0239715576171875, "97264": 0.021148681640625, "3060": 0.023956298828125, "76519": 0.1068115234375, "10869": 0.02392578125, "78458": 0.0238800048828125, "324": 0.0897216796875, "329": 0.0238800048828125, "13293": 0.1507568359375, "26171": 0.0714111328125, "33233": 0.0230560302734375, "678": 0.0238189697265625, "149575": 0.07342529296875, "4935": 0.0237579345703125, "191619": 0.060272216796875, "13648": 0.028533935546875, "37105": 0.02154541015625, "20450": 0.096435546875, "11": 0.02386474609375, "6048": 0.023773193359375, "42238": 0.1383056640625, "214": 0.0242767333984375, "806": 0.1251220703125, "62500": 0.0215301513671875, "78840": 0.11798095703125, "6236": 0.02386474609375, "52547": 0.1224365234375, "129228": 0.1951904296875, "85590": 0.1385498046875, "11948": 0.03326416015625, "458": 0.061431884765625, "120957": 0.039947509765625, "315": 0.019561767578125, "11030": 0.005496978759765625, "2320": 0.0236053466796875, "1884": 0.0113372802734375, "87506": 0.1466064453125, "46656": 0.04998779296875, "53311": 0.1385498046875, "10267": 0.01361846923828125, "122009": 0.0238494873046875, "21334": 0.0227203369140625, "72856": 0.09661865234375, "49489": 0.06927490234375, "27686": 0.0237884521484375, "97": 0.05474853515625, "519": 0.1312255859375, "144570": 0.04058837890625, "117474": 0.11309814453125, "82761": 0.08197021484375, "15": 0.0240020751953125, "73": 0.0236968994140625, "17311": 0.02203369140625, "714": 0.1268310546875, "294": 0.04705810546875, "44": 0.0218048095703125, "17705": 0.04669189453125, "192": 0.0232696533203125, "58": 0.02386474609375, "915": 0.0230255126953125, "26147": 0.0233917236328125, "16": 0.023895263671875, "1305": 0.0214080810546875, "30145": 0.0147857666015625, "143": 0.023956298828125, "43315": 0.02392578125, "129344": 0.11456298828125, "216561": 0.023162841796875, "6": 0.023712158203125, "139006": 0.022003173828125, "57860": 0.02392578125, "45": 0.02001953125, "1029": 0.0234222412109375, "112": 0.0238189697265625, "97377": 0.05303955078125, "45339": 0.04547119140625, "128239": 0.0240325927734375, "247": 0.0176239013671875, "28282": 0.0736083984375, "123309": 0.11083984375, "171759": 0.11041259765625, "209716": 0.1041259765625, "59020": 0.0838623046875, "43379": 0.0239105224609375, "14107": 0.00833892822265625, "175560": 0.0814208984375, "35746": 0.02337646484375, "397": 0.02349853515625, "17672": 0.033721923828125, "4082": 0.076904296875, "36639": 0.08050537109375}
Aggregation of vascular risk factors and risk of incident Alzheimer disease.
BACKGROUND The prevalence of Alzheimer disease (AD) is increasing in the elderly, and vascular risk factors may increase its risk. OBJECTIVE To explore the association of the aggregation of vascular risk factors with AD. METHODS The authors followed 1,138 individuals without dementia at baseline (mean age 76.2) for a mean of 5.5 years. The presence of vascular risk factors was related to incident possible and probable AD. RESULTS Four risk factors (diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, and current smoking) were associated with a higher risk of AD (p < 0.10) when analyzed individually. The risk of AD increased with the number of risk factors (diabetes + hypertension + heart disease + current smoking). The adjusted hazards ratio of probable AD for the presence of three or more risk factors was 3.4 (95% CI: 1.8, 6.3; p for trend < 0.0001) compared with no risk factors. Diabetes and current smoking were the strongest risk factors in isolation or in clusters, but hypertension and heart disease were also related to a higher risk of AD when clustered with diabetes, smoking, or each other. CONCLUSIONS The risk of Alzheimer disease (AD) increased with the number of vascular risk factors. Diabetes and current smoking were the strongest risk factors, but clusters including hypertension and heart disease also increased the risk of AD. These associations are unlikely to be explained by misclassification of the outcome, given strong associations when only probable AD is considered.
{"8678": 0.09625244140625, "20572": 0.071044921875, "136498": 0.09979248046875, "34384": 0.0125885009765625, "151497": 0.1732177734375, "3956": 0.045989990234375, "111": 0.04779052734375, "95587": 0.28564453125, "70997": 0.157470703125, "15": 0.0208892822265625, "12351": 0.232666015625, "83": 0.04638671875, "118055": 0.16796875, "23": 0.07330322265625, "70": 0.020965576171875, "88": 0.1370849609375, "820": 0.1656494140625, "538": 0.12042236328125, "4": 0.0208892822265625, "136": 0.0341796875, "4191": 0.17333984375, "25667": 0.1754150390625, "10512": 0.231689453125, "120103": 0.2410888671875, "1543": 0.100341796875, "51312": 0.151611328125, "35988": 0.070068359375, "15301": 0.1322021484375, "441": 0.032623291015625, "169813": 0.024169921875, "88898": 0.0740966796875, "125413": 0.162109375, "197564": 0.17529296875, "678": 0.06024169921875, "19831": 0.243896484375, "33677": 0.08111572265625, "193792": 0.06683349609375, "42179": 0.045745849609375, "134629": 0.1158447265625, "69276": 0.0634765625, "10991": 0.14208984375, "79165": 0.1312255859375, "15490": 0.1505126953125, "745": 0.1600341796875, "41437": 0.1602783203125, "99": 0.0208587646484375, "3647": 0.1531982421875, "2256": 0.0182952880859375, "282": 0.018951416015625, "66": 0.0015211105346679688, "32070": 0.1416015625, "14810": 0.1717529296875, "5": 0.01953125, "10461": 0.00965118408203125, "100": 0.023956298828125, "10": 0.02081298828125, "29459": 0.149169921875, "82858": 0.1610107421875, "5369": 0.0206146240234375, "169424": 0.12359619140625, "509": 0.0288848876953125, "62548": 0.146240234375, "47": 0.0208740234375, "45559": 0.15771484375, "7722": 0.11785888671875, "101421": 0.2041015625, "218849": 0.08404541015625, "65056": 0.19921875, "3390": 0.10919189453125, "47212": 0.1810302734375, "7": 0.0210418701171875, "59058": 0.1173095703125, "128872": 0.1865234375, "26498": 0.11676025390625, "43581": 0.1712646484375, "200166": 0.2381591796875, "16": 0.020721435546875, "3542": 0.0205841064453125, "137272": 0.14697265625, "77546": 0.1689453125, "254": 0.0205841064453125, "4426": 0.036865234375, "757": 0.0146636962890625, "50258": 0.0589599609375, "3229": 0.0123291015625, "7968": 0.045135498046875, "53": 0.020843505859375, "64807": 0.0205841064453125, "11651": 0.08428955078125, "581": 0.035675048828125, "124735": 0.1724853515625, "14012": 0.046875, "997": 0.042999267578125, "126596": 0.172119140625, "297": 0.0210113525390625, "141033": 0.251953125, "70460": 0.1602783203125, "17262": 0.169921875, "707": 0.018096923828125, "1286": 0.121337890625, "104271": 0.1502685546875, "170509": 0.1356201171875, "26550": 0.08587646484375, "12": 0.0210113525390625, "79875": 0.01544952392578125, "137116": 0.0272216796875, "74": 0.020721435546875, "915": 0.047821044921875, "12768": 0.155517578125, "6": 0.0209808349609375, "37509": 0.005863189697265625, "100991": 0.01568603515625, "154186": 0.0149688720703125, "110": 0.0760498046875, "99290": 0.2191162109375, "37515": 0.10888671875, "525": 0.091552734375, "219488": 0.198486328125, "234737": 0.2056884765625, "44019": 0.2076416015625, "12638": 0.02069091796875, "3789": 0.0186920166015625, "14452": 0.00421142578125, "37486": 0.062286376953125, "85390": 0.0028324127197265625, "26719": 0.0200042724609375, "151747": 0.1807861328125, "621": 0.0204925537109375, "51": 0.0171966552734375, "5062": 0.041351318359375, "186": 0.0208282470703125, "189050": 0.08416748046875, "390": 0.0203094482421875, "1239": 0.053863525390625, "67413": 0.17431640625, "41274": 0.020843505859375, "184345": 0.10394287109375, "34475": 0.0146636962890625, "90698": 0.016998291015625}
Hotspot mutations in H3F3A and IDH1 define distinct epigenetic and biological subgroups of glioblastoma.
Glioblastoma (GBM) is a brain tumor that carries a dismal prognosis and displays considerable heterogeneity. We have recently identified recurrent H3F3A mutations affecting two critical amino acids (K27 and G34) of histone H3.3 in one-third of pediatric GBM. Here, we show that each H3F3A mutation defines an epigenetic subgroup of GBM with a distinct global methylation pattern, and that they are mutually exclusive with IDH1 mutations, which characterize a third mutation-defined subgroup. Three further epigenetic subgroups were enriched for hallmark genetic events of adult GBM and/or established transcriptomic signatures. We also demonstrate that the two H3F3A mutations give rise to GBMs in separate anatomic compartments, with differential regulation of transcription factors OLIG1, OLIG2, and FOXG1, possibly reflecting different cellular origins.
{"19059": 0.17333984375, "89533": 0.2039794921875, "7": 0.0504150390625, "63348": 0.22021484375, "8359": 0.192626953125, "594": 0.247314453125, "83": 0.11309814453125, "10": 0.052337646484375, "78574": 0.201171875, "57412": 0.22412109375, "450": 0.035247802734375, "2258": 0.06292724609375, "10484": 0.0251617431640625, "2837": 0.08148193359375, "2749": 0.1715087890625, "183509": 0.1781005859375, "164": 0.033111572265625, "136": 0.041290283203125, "44116": 0.07818603515625, "150675": 0.095458984375, "77099": 0.154296875, "15292": 0.18408203125, "2481": 0.06256103515625, "78684": 0.05914306640625, "207487": 0.09906005859375, "456": 0.0780029296875, "163812": 0.1787109375, "572": 0.114990234375, "363": 0.1812744140625, "919": 0.11474609375, "284": 0.1343994140625, "199334": 0.2354736328125, "52490": 0.1329345703125, "6626": 0.0909423828125, "130306": 0.184814453125, "72657": 0.1873779296875, "43840": 0.1387939453125, "605": 0.04351806640625, "3768": 0.197265625, "527": 0.049896240234375, "121763": 0.1846923828125, "1274": 0.1142578125, "34165": 0.16650390625, "134693": 0.26611328125, "1632": 0.0224151611328125, "9": 0.005367279052734375, "95037": 0.1065673828125, "71": 0.005504608154296875, "111": 0.005672454833984375, "131316": 0.187744140625, "1771": 0.0242462158203125, "20331": 0.197998046875, "11853": 0.0263671875, "7639": 0.0433349609375, "12638": 0.061431884765625, "61924": 0.137939453125, "25277": 0.1212158203125, "9523": 0.0052490234375, "1614": 0.136962890625, "51588": 0.1527099609375, "117781": 0.09991455078125, "7964": 0.09185791015625, "435": 0.079833984375, "65853": 0.176025390625, "2320": 0.00461578369140625, "103510": 0.14501953125, "4": 0.00531005859375, "1836": 0.0048370361328125, "621": 0.005542755126953125, "199849": 0.08038330078125, "538": 0.0055694580078125, "97629": 0.1539306640625, "678": 0.01367950439453125, "6": 0.005279541015625, "151844": 0.12060546875, "418": 0.07391357421875, "62816": 0.0618896484375, "20650": 0.004894256591796875, "50960": 0.1800537109375, "5983": 0.10491943359375, "297": 0.0055084228515625, "129335": 0.06939697265625, "53333": 0.036163330078125, "26932": 0.0849609375, "23664": 0.07733154296875, "10015": 0.09454345703125, "101412": 0.130615234375, "47353": 0.069580078125, "25171": 0.1158447265625, "170920": 0.0021305084228515625, "30334": 0.0682373046875, "32032": 0.06378173828125, "306": 0.046051025390625, "138256": 0.10076904296875, "106804": 0.04052734375, "13": 0.005435943603515625, "8337": 0.0282745361328125, "58944": 0.0892333984375, "23": 0.00543212890625, "84797": 0.08111572265625, "126687": 0.1480712890625, "238": 0.00550079345703125, "37397": 0.082275390625, "18": 0.005420684814453125, "9035": 0.00571441650390625, "99710": 0.1156005859375, "289": 0.0053558349609375, "15913": 0.1650390625, "1363": 0.0053863525390625, "59478": 0.08001708984375, "120103": 0.1033935546875, "180": 0.064208984375, "52786": 0.1629638671875, "304": 0.033721923828125, "563": 0.004207611083984375, "63588": 0.10968017578125, "724": 0.0706787109375, "144681": 0.056915283203125, "44961": 0.11578369140625, "214": 0.00504302978515625, "12921": 0.09423828125, "2927": 0.0645751953125, "120087": 0.046966552734375, "59665": 0.1314697265625}
Glucocorticoid with cyclophosphamide for paraquat-induced lung fibrosis.
BACKGROUND Paraquat is an effective and widely used herbicide but is also a lethal poison. In many developing countries paraquat is widely available and inexpensive, making poisoning prevention difficult. However most of the people who become poisoned from paraquat have taken it as a means of suicide. Standard treatment for paraquat poisoning both prevents further absorption and reduces the load of paraquat in the blood through haemoperfusion or haemodialysis. The effectiveness of standard treatments is extremely limited. The immune system plays an important role in exacerbating paraquat-induced lung fibrosis. Immunosuppressive treatment using glucocorticoid and cyclophosphamide in combination is being developed and studied. OBJECTIVES To assess the effects of glucocorticoid with cyclophosphamide on mortality in patients with paraquat-induced lung fibrosis. SEARCH METHODS To identify randomised controlled trials (RCTs) on this topic, we searched the Cochrane Injuries Group's Specialised Register (searched 1 February 2012), the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) (The Cochrane Library 2012, Issue 1), MEDLINE (Ovid SP) (1946 January Week 3 2012), EMBASE (Ovid SP) (1947 to Week 4 2012), ISI Web of Science: Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-EXPANDED) (1970 to January 2012), ISI Web of Science: Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Science (CPCI-S) (1990 to January 2012), Chinese Biomedical Literature and Retrieval System (CBM) (1978 to April 2012), Chinese Medical Current Contents (CMCC) (1995 to April 2012), and Chinese Medical Academic Conference (CMAC) (1994 to April 2012). Searches were completed on English language databases on 1 February 2012 and on Chinese language databases on 12 April 2012. SELECTION CRITERIA RCTs were included in this review. All patients were to receive standard care, plus the intervention or control. The intervention was glucocorticoid with cyclophosphamide in combination versus a control of a placebo, standard care alone or any other therapy in addition to standard care. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS The mortality risk ratio (RR) and 95% confidence interval (CI) was calculated for each study on an intention-to-treat basis. Data for all-cause mortality at final follow-up were summarised in a meta-analysis using a fixed-effect model. MAIN RESULTS This systematic review includes three trials with a combined total of 164 participants who had moderate to severe paraquat poisoning. Patients who received glucocorticoid with cyclophosphamide in addition to standard care had a lower risk of death at final follow-up than those receiving standard care only (RR 0.72; 95% CI 0.59 to 0.89). AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS Based on the findings of three small RCTs of moderate to severely poisoned patients, glucocorticoid with cyclophosphamide in addition to standard care may be a beneficial treatment for patients with paraquat-induced lung fibrosis. To enable further study of the effects of glucocorticoid with cyclophosphamide for patients with moderate to severe paraquat poisoning, hospitals may provide this treatment as part of an RCT with allocation concealment.
{"8678": 0.08538818359375, "20572": 0.052825927734375, "136498": 0.1361083984375, "1720": 0.2252197265625, "90065": 0.359130859375, "83": 0.039520263671875, "142": 0.02008056640625, "60266": 0.150634765625, "136": 0.020050048828125, "38134": 0.08001708984375, "538": 0.0201263427734375, "11814": 0.132568359375, "604": 0.1138916015625, "121010": 0.207275390625, "112": 0.1690673828125, "1284": 0.057586669921875, "2843": 0.05987548828125, "10": 0.032379150390625, "95": 0.07861328125, "56680": 0.1424560546875, "5737": 0.1951904296875, "191": 0.1651611328125, "360": 0.019927978515625, "5941": 0.01529693603515625, "168698": 0.1444091796875, "76726": 0.073486328125, "121": 0.2095947265625, "19882": 0.11407470703125, "23": 0.0201873779296875, "83613": 0.0841064453125, "33": 0.0823974609375, "29888": 0.0201416015625, "4": 0.0201873779296875, "31": 0.142333984375, "592": 0.1114501953125, "479": 0.0614013671875, "57241": 0.0968017578125, "34844": 0.10498046875, "2684": 0.03857421875, "111": 0.0203399658203125, "70": 0.020263671875, "3395": 0.03094482421875, "2750": 0.020111083984375, "24209": 0.034149169921875, "297": 0.020263671875, "1295": 0.038909912109375, "765": 0.0182342529296875, "26950": 0.08154296875, "193341": 0.2030029296875, "20744": 0.2105712890625, "39734": 0.2144775390625, "100": 0.03125, "56282": 0.09814453125, "7": 0.020263671875, "53333": 0.0261383056640625, "4970": 0.10675048828125, "254": 0.02020263671875, "1363": 0.01995849609375, "34390": 0.065673828125, "72367": 0.071044921875, "59714": 0.06671142578125, "8305": 0.019866943359375, "256": 0.028656005859375, "42227": 0.018951416015625, "92105": 0.019256591796875, "707": 0.02008056640625, "13": 0.0202789306640625, "289": 0.0201568603515625, "147852": 0.020172119140625, "581": 0.019775390625, "7432": 0.0175323486328125, "5570": 0.1787109375, "111531": 0.0396728515625, "84046": 0.10992431640625, "43766": 0.1302490234375, "5426": 0.1080322265625, "5526": 0.057952880859375, "31486": 0.052642822265625, "1119": 0.018096923828125, "11": 0.020111083984375, "3443": 0.015869140625, "2848": 0.020111083984375, "214": 0.0199737548828125, "9": 0.02020263671875, "18442": 0.10906982421875, "37534": 0.020263671875, "32386": 0.1751708984375, "139940": 0.247314453125, "6023": 0.06207275390625, "189940": 0.141845703125, "232": 0.02001953125, "2037": 0.10260009765625, "11856": 0.189697265625, "5844": 0.02020263671875, "17368": 0.11016845703125, "157935": 0.18701171875, "10517": 0.173828125, "13886": 0.191650390625, "532": 0.1639404296875, "6": 0.0202484130859375, "192876": 0.173828125, "134208": 0.1773681640625, "14612": 0.192626953125, "266": 0.184814453125, "162515": 0.163818359375, "8035": 0.00279998779296875, "126809": 0.09161376953125, "22282": 0.10101318359375, "71": 0.0201568603515625, "35988": 0.00461578369140625, "15301": 0.105224609375, "441": 0.020111083984375, "169813": 0.020233154296875, "294": 0.0202484130859375, "202120": 0.10174560546875, "93425": 0.1719970703125, "678": 0.1053466796875, "98": 0.0202484130859375, "67573": 0.2099609375, "2481": 0.067626953125, "60264": 0.1092529296875, "169243": 0.07550048828125, "33677": 0.058990478515625, "193792": 0.0199432373046875, "96759": 0.0697021484375, "52021": 0.036285400390625, "6226": 0.1307373046875, "6259": 0.0201568603515625, "110324": 0.1973876953125, "25740": 0.0855712890625, "618": 0.1455078125, "16": 0.020294189453125, "206": 0.041168212890625, "60791": 0.1585693359375, "461": 0.08380126953125, "10484": 0.019561767578125, "10760": 0.055389404296875, "25": 0.02001953125, "25132": 0.026519775390625, "131423": 0.07330322265625, "15": 0.0201568603515625, "86250": 0.0184173583984375, "106": 0.0197906494140625, "22482": 0.0325927734375, "98946": 0.1036376953125, "15881": 0.005321502685546875, "27131": 0.0977783203125, "4699": 0.10443115234375, "16765": 0.0201416015625, "119292": 0.042236328125, "7842": 0.02008056640625, "3957": 0.0199432373046875, "103835": 0.085205078125, "27997": 0.1060791015625, "48114": 0.08502197265625, "57339": 0.11212158203125, "670": 0.0194091796875, "5518": 0.09759521484375, "12047": 0.065185546875, "199352": 0.0833740234375, "18982": 0.05670166015625, "58417": 0.052886962890625, "138": 0.0199737548828125, "140783": 0.0999755859375, "9127": 0.020111083984375, "190944": 0.0836181640625, "47": 0.020263671875, "201": 0.0200653076171875, "32938": 0.06964111328125, "4002": 0.026641845703125, "28745": 0.06591796875, "12": 0.020050048828125, "2079": 0.06964111328125, "22062": 0.0201416015625, "31471": 0.072509765625, "4431": 0.0202484130859375, "134165": 0.07037353515625, "26939": 0.018768310546875, "683": 0.0202178955078125, "135492": 0.020111083984375, "397": 0.02008056640625, "106438": 0.045318603515625, "114732": 0.051177978515625, "84607": 0.0198822021484375, "26420": 0.0201568603515625, "5180": 0.0200958251953125, "20": 0.0199737548828125, "17854": 0.0150146484375, "17304": 0.0836181640625, "70779": 0.020050048828125, "76438": 0.11810302734375, "167455": 0.07470703125, "853": 0.0200347900390625, "97351": 0.0197296142578125, "1405": 0.019989013671875, "12353": 0.0201416015625, "594": 0.01995849609375, "142413": 0.019805908203125, "7071": 0.047760009765625, "69292": 0.11376953125, "114063": 0.020233154296875, "70870": 0.0197906494140625, "36498": 0.01520538330078125, "13709": 0.0303497314453125, "69606": 0.055999755859375, "198919": 0.058868408203125, "15012": 0.0069122314453125, "78972": 0.051666259765625, "33086": 0.0533447265625, "90": 0.0201416015625, "3542": 0.0202178955078125, "14941": 0.047515869140625, "46876": 0.1285400390625, "63399": 0.049163818359375, "1324": 0.09423828125, "12453": 0.0650634765625, "6755": 0.01129913330078125, "151567": 0.046661376953125, "35213": 0.020111083984375, "313": 0.0201263427734375, "88504": 0.0276336669921875, "110935": 0.0190582275390625, "627": 0.052398681640625, "43379": 0.148193359375, "8347": 0.0970458984375, "5": 0.0202178955078125, "3164": 0.02001953125, "53299": 0.0189971923828125, "517": 0.1524658203125, "1001": 0.0193634033203125, "113449": 0.1485595703125, "119475": 0.0198974609375, "3687": 0.06671142578125, "837": 0.0200958251953125, "75447": 0.0200653076171875, "2499": 0.019927978515625, "3789": 0.0200653076171875, "106864": 0.1405029296875, "66044": 0.0718994140625, "17758": 0.061370849609375, "87569": 0.027008056640625, "173671": 0.06719970703125, "1723": 0.0200653076171875, "10512": 0.1759033203125, "70460": 0.0736083984375, "37703": 0.10980224609375, "59653": 0.197021484375, "159454": 0.194580078125, "51514": 0.02032470703125, "509": 0.0201263427734375, "74481": 0.002838134765625, "3674": 0.020111083984375, "12638": 0.01983642578125, "35187": 0.06512451171875, "91177": 0.09393310546875, "188": 0.0194854736328125, "2921": 0.11260986328125, "257": 0.02020263671875, "18231": 0.0202178955078125, "756": 0.06695556640625, "408": 0.06182861328125, "4032": 0.0201263427734375, "99": 0.02008056640625, "2704": 0.10345458984375, "28960": 0.09716796875, "3679": 0.020172119140625, "23550": 0.10101318359375, "174976": 0.09405517578125, "164": 0.0201568603515625, "188347": 0.06732177734375, "171760": 0.12939453125, "3299": 0.09967041015625, "218849": 0.04119873046875, "242161": 0.10650634765625, "17262": 0.058868408203125, "70163": 0.01546478271484375, "3622": 0.020355224609375, "84900": 0.09124755859375, "56480": 0.08856201171875, "1902": 0.020111083984375, "71644": 0.1015625, "141591": 0.09405517578125, "135004": 0.09405517578125, "75204": 0.09124755859375, "92319": 0.1195068359375, "47219": 0.12127685546875, "3501": 0.0200653076171875, "8382": 0.02020263671875, "217063": 0.01372528076171875, "4734": 0.0186614990234375, "757": 0.019927978515625, "12825": 0.018157958984375, "74": 0.0200347900390625, "26550": 0.090576171875, "81730": 0.01715087890625, "1126": 0.0198516845703125, "122705": 0.019927978515625, "37486": 0.054290771484375, "19336": 0.06201171875, "1543": 0.045654296875, "186": 0.020050048828125, "48588": 0.150634765625, "141": 0.020172119140625, "22": 0.0200347900390625, "2886": 0.0201568603515625, "17986": 0.10064697265625, "22691": 0.00013124942779541016, "237": 0.0201263427734375, "87632": 0.026123046875, "29024": 0.107177734375, "674": 0.0202789306640625}
Hydroxyethyl starch (HES) versus other fluid therapies: effects on kidney function.
BACKGROUND Hydroxyethyl starches (HES) are synthetic colloids commonly used for fluid resuscitation, yet controversy exists about their impact on kidney function. OBJECTIVES To examine the effects of HES on kidney function compared to other fluid resuscitation therapies in different patient populations. SEARCH STRATEGY We searched the Cochrane Renal Group's specialised register, the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL, in The Cochrane Library), MEDLINE, EMBASE, MetaRegister and reference lists of articles. SELECTION CRITERIA Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) and quasi-RCTs in which HES was compared to an alternate fluid therapy for the prevention or treatment of effective intravascular volume depletion. Primary outcomes were renal replacement therapy (RRT), author-defined kidney failure and acute kidney injury (AKI) as defined by the RIFLE criteria. Secondary outcomes included serum creatinine and creatinine clearance. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS Screening, selection, data extraction and quality assessments for each retrieved article were carried out by two authors using standardised forms. Authors were contacted when published data were incomplete. Preplanned sensitivity and subgroup analyses were performed after data were analysed with a random effects model. MAIN RESULTS The review included 34 studies (2607 patients). Overall, the RR of author-defined kidney failure was 1.50 (95% CI 1.20 to 1.87; n = 1199) and 1.38 for requiring RRT (95% CI 0.89 to 2.16; n = 1236) in HES treated individuals compared with other fluid therapies. Subgroup analyses suggested increased risk in septic patients compared to non-septic (surgical/trauma) patients. Non-septic patient studies were smaller and had lower event rates, so subgroup differences may have been due to lack of statistical power in these studies. Only limited data was obtained for analysis of kidney outcomes by the RIFLE criteria. Overall, methodological quality of studies was good but subjective outcomes were potentially biased because most studies were unblinded. AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS Potential for increased risk of AKI should be considered when weighing the risks and benefits of HES for volume resuscitation, particularly in septic patients. Large studies with adequate follow-up are required to evaluate the renal safety of HES products in non-septic patient populations. RIFLE criteria should be applied to evaluate kidney function in future studies of HES and, where data is available, to re-analyse those studies already published. There is inadequate clinical data to address the claim that safety differences exist between different HES products.
{"8678": 0.05255126953125, "20572": 0.03863525390625, "136498": 0.08209228515625, "126442": 0.155029296875, "50878": 0.1470947265625, "126": 0.1356201171875, "65853": 0.2149658203125, "6057": 0.202392578125, "17007": 0.182373046875, "19412": 0.25341796875, "294": 0.23876953125, "16": 0.035797119140625, "621": 0.0357666015625, "142518": 0.130126953125, "13": 0.0360107421875, "9523": 0.032440185546875, "166158": 0.1605224609375, "30185": 0.11480712890625, "39210": 0.08587646484375, "538": 0.035888671875, "11814": 0.0791015625, "79552": 0.165771484375, "3332": 0.078369140625, "99166": 0.185302734375, "4": 0.035888671875, "14373": 0.02349853515625, "17340": 0.062042236328125, "7864": 0.07122802734375, "53": 0.12432861328125, "32316": 0.049102783203125, "7": 0.03607177734375, "24725": 0.1436767578125, "98": 0.077392578125, "200": 0.1334228515625, "10952": 0.191650390625, "32354": 0.203369140625, "15301": 0.0992431640625, "441": 0.003963470458984375, "169813": 0.021087646484375, "160477": 0.047332763671875, "70": 0.03582763671875, "93425": 0.166259765625, "111": 0.045379638671875, "572": 0.1993408203125, "6706": 0.27783203125, "154186": 0.1292724609375, "47": 0.036224365234375, "3789": 0.0557861328125, "1363": 0.035797119140625, "6": 0.03582763671875, "88562": 0.1683349609375, "23": 0.0538330078125, "12921": 0.1121826171875, "37896": 0.0841064453125, "43904": 0.09979248046875, "6755": 0.036956787109375, "169243": 0.082763671875, "46549": 0.07122802734375, "35746": 0.055572509765625, "33938": 0.044189453125, "297": 0.03582763671875, "1311": 0.016387939453125, "206": 0.041259765625, "60791": 0.1573486328125, "15790": 0.1298828125, "289": 0.07928466796875, "10760": 0.06695556640625, "25": 0.035247802734375, "26341": 0.044525146484375, "5281": 0.035919189453125, "68067": 0.1412353515625, "15881": 0.025360107421875, "131423": 0.03936767578125, "27131": 0.053619384765625, "6259": 0.035675048828125, "4699": 0.0809326171875, "16765": 0.032928466796875, "15": 0.0360107421875, "119292": 0.035369873046875, "7842": 0.035400390625, "581": 0.030670166015625, "103835": 0.099853515625, "48114": 0.033355712890625, "57339": 0.0859375, "140783": 0.059356689453125, "9127": 0.034759521484375, "36939": 0.038421630859375, "54601": 0.02899169921875, "19656": 0.035125732421875, "136": 0.03558349609375, "91067": 0.0350341796875, "5303": 0.033782958984375, "38440": 0.02691650390625, "151567": 0.0775146484375, "35213": 0.035552978515625, "313": 0.03448486328125, "88504": 0.06768798828125, "39643": 0.05120849609375, "31": 0.035247802734375, "96463": 0.03509521484375, "6226": 0.015045166015625, "110324": 0.09893798828125, "25740": 0.0008540153503417969, "618": 0.0350341796875, "12404": 0.03643798828125, "9": 0.0361328125, "3129": 0.034332275390625, "509": 0.03564453125, "142": 0.034027099609375, "75939": 0.08349609375, "106864": 0.15478515625, "100": 0.03582763671875, "479": 0.031463623046875, "57241": 0.03228759765625, "707": 0.0304107666015625, "39734": 0.003589630126953125, "60266": 0.0142974853515625, "18440": 0.05828857421875, "4079": 0.0360107421875, "25667": 0.03564453125, "21950": 0.15478515625, "8": 0.034576416015625, "8705": 0.105712890625, "19012": 0.07763671875, "1294": 0.03564453125, "184345": 0.170654296875, "218696": 0.190185546875, "91995": 0.178466796875, "674": 0.03558349609375, "1052": 0.0286865234375, "20503": 0.182861328125, "247": 0.03582763671875, "42179": 0.10882568359375, "112": 0.03521728515625, "5983": 0.057037353515625, "137578": 0.1690673828125, "10": 0.035736083984375, "85691": 0.07696533203125, "182260": 0.148193359375, "91293": 0.228759765625, "237": 0.0352783203125, "61924": 0.021820068359375, "71": 0.035888671875, "390": 0.035858154296875, "627": 0.1031494140625, "29836": 0.1947021484375, "15300": 0.20263671875, "55738": 0.1505126953125, "11": 0.035888671875, "77648": 0.010650634765625, "6635": 0.03558349609375, "99201": 0.01495361328125, "1605": 0.0233001708984375, "75014": 0.070556640625, "85963": 0.09185791015625, "7154": 0.035369873046875, "391": 0.0182952880859375, "17758": 0.08807373046875, "87569": 0.036224365234375, "48762": 0.005603790283203125, "173671": 0.042236328125, "1723": 0.0357666015625, "69522": 0.03570556640625, "94831": 0.0460205078125, "214": 0.036224365234375, "132216": 0.036285400390625, "2053": 0.08740234375, "10763": 0.0357666015625, "31897": 0.144287109375, "164031": 0.035491943359375, "12638": 0.032379150390625, "456": 0.03564453125, "4126": 0.03594970703125, "5582": 0.048980712890625, "3542": 0.035797119140625, "175100": 0.026763916015625, "1810": 0.035980224609375, "6626": 0.03424072265625, "17368": 0.035491943359375, "5570": 0.03515625, "52021": 0.035675048828125, "3173": 0.036346435546875, "5": 0.036102294921875, "61804": 0.0286865234375, "5470": 0.0165863037109375, "3229": 0.035675048828125, "91376": 0.035369873046875, "82940": 0.0887451171875, "46485": 0.035919189453125, "5868": 0.0246429443359375, "14534": 0.035797119140625, "176302": 0.12646484375, "2481": 0.03564453125, "1614": 0.0787353515625, "51588": 0.12255859375, "51422": 0.09161376953125, "51339": 0.03607177734375, "7103": 0.035797119140625, "678": 0.0357666015625, "96759": 0.0543212890625, "3299": 0.035491943359375, "276": 0.03533935546875, "48026": 0.038604736328125, "218849": 0.052337646484375, "8347": 0.1160888671875, "4442": 0.103759765625, "96335": 0.1024169921875, "59150": 0.01009368896484375, "8368": 0.09814453125, "60264": 0.10125732421875, "9578": 0.03564453125, "5584": 0.01172637939453125, "37703": 0.1898193359375, "2525": 0.11614990234375, "170509": 0.127685546875, "26550": 0.0723876953125, "615": 0.03619384765625, "1549": 0.036163330078125, "19308": 0.032867431640625, "74": 0.035858154296875, "653": 0.03631591796875, "2203": 0.035552978515625, "534": 0.0357666015625, "101655": 0.035552978515625, "10991": 0.03460693359375, "186607": 0.031524658203125, "449": 0.0360107421875, "757": 0.035858154296875, "18949": 0.03643798828125, "787": 0.036102294921875, "2485": 0.03607177734375, "427": 0.033599853515625, "101807": 0.03668212890625, "191607": 0.036041259765625, "79165": 0.03521728515625, "8273": 0.10205078125, "124735": 0.1392822265625, "10512": 0.2242431640625, "40": 0.09307861328125, "112569": 0.173095703125, "351": 0.054656982421875, "184": 0.059722900390625, "36447": 0.034698486328125, "21533": 0.03570556640625, "64": 0.03179931640625, "1517": 0.01103973388671875, "4665": 0.0343017578125, "3775": 0.052978515625, "164917": 0.033050537109375, "1902": 0.035797119140625, "92319": 0.0357666015625, "19732": 0.03472900390625, "121297": 0.035675048828125, "221": 0.033599853515625, "60212": 0.165283203125, "1543": 0.01027679443359375, "765": 0.03558349609375, "2809": 0.0357666015625, "4743": 0.036376953125, "92635": 0.034149169921875, "80835": 0.035369873046875, "14537": 0.035308837890625, "6097": 0.035430908203125, "87293": 0.00803375244140625, "84046": 0.01294708251953125, "113054": 0.01084136962890625, "114137": 0.0316162109375, "55300": 0.0950927734375, "109622": 0.035614013671875, "4127": 0.04608154296875, "1284": 0.0360107421875, "28368": 0.03387451171875, "5844": 0.0360107421875, "38516": 0.03546142578125, "96402": 0.11444091796875, "6637": 0.03643798828125, "2684": 0.0361328125, "51": 0.0262451171875, "210873": 0.10614013671875, "37486": 0.048309326171875, "229677": 0.0806884765625, "5608": 0.0292510986328125, "186": 0.035919189453125, "90698": 0.020721435546875, "642": 0.033203125, "6958": 0.032470703125, "72382": 0.0699462890625, "106480": 0.0361328125, "181268": 0.0098419189453125, "160370": 0.034088134765625, "28960": 0.02923583984375, "2037": 0.0361328125, "56065": 0.034088134765625, "151575": 0.0631103515625, "81900": 0.1414794921875, "38742": 0.161865234375, "190659": 0.03472900390625, "22690": 0.0298309326171875, "7440": 0.035736083984375, "83": 0.0357666015625, "19882": 0.03521728515625, "58345": 0.028533935546875, "8382": 0.035858154296875, "21771": 0.034637451171875, "134588": 0.1480712890625, "67": 0.035858154296875, "56465": 0.0280303955078125, "29823": 0.006069183349609375, "63043": 0.0239715576171875, "450": 0.031036376953125, "17721": 0.0154876708984375}
Dietary fat and obesity: evidence from epidemiology.
The epidemiological evidence that a high-fat diet promotes the development of obesity is considered suggestive but not definitive. The purpose of this paper is to provide a review of various epidemiological methods that have been used to address this issue as well as an updated summary of the existing evidence. Ecological studies describing dietary fat intake and obesity at the population level provide mixed results and are likely to be biased by both confounding and unknown data quality factors that differ systematically across the populations studied. Cross-sectional studies are generally in agreement that the concentration of fat in the diet is positively associated with relative weight. Prospective studies of diet in relation to subsequent weight change give inconsistent results. This may be due to behavioural factors such as dieting in response to weight gain; in addition, this type of study rarely takes into account the possible interaction between genetic predisposition and dietary fat in promoting weight gain. Finally, intervention studies in free-living subjects are considered, providing evidence of a consistent but short-lived period of active weight loss on low-fat diets. The experimental evidence on this relationship is more conclusive than the epidemiological evidence, although biological mechanisms remain controversial. Some areas for future epidemiological research involve: longitudinal studies of dietary fat intake as a predictor of growth in children; observational studies relating total dietary fat and specific types of fat to overall as well as regional adiposity; and randomized intervention studies of the effect of low-fat diets with particular emphasis on and familial predisposition to obesity and other possible modifying factors.
{"83063": 0.200927734375, "109622": 0.13525390625, "77950": 0.2218017578125, "11192": 0.20068359375, "7834": 0.24462890625, "68": 0.1910400390625, "18": 0.1451416015625, "125568": 0.218505859375, "7": 0.04400634765625, "34754": 0.16796875, "111": 0.01275634765625, "150009": 0.268310546875, "2481": 0.184814453125, "90698": 0.09661865234375, "42459": 0.1273193359375, "5844": 0.098388671875, "1284": 0.059967041015625, "959": 0.06201171875, "44836": 0.107421875, "60042": 0.1436767578125, "903": 0.0303955078125, "15122": 0.09808349609375, "83": 0.026458740234375, "8347": 0.0985107421875, "67842": 0.035186767578125, "150624": 0.145751953125, "11814": 0.061737060546875, "29823": 0.0787353515625, "31089": 0.051422119140625, "150011": 0.048095703125, "177074": 0.053955078125, "144573": 0.1064453125, "74242": 0.126953125, "96335": 0.153564453125, "28852": 0.0228729248046875, "25969": 0.1605224609375, "1294": 0.1129150390625, "19780": 0.2381591796875, "23": 0.0753173828125, "78219": 0.09637451171875, "136": 0.0860595703125, "43904": 0.07989501953125, "17366": 0.11578369140625, "17664": 0.1600341796875, "50339": 0.09552001953125, "47041": 0.10650634765625, "96402": 0.143798828125, "151645": 0.0821533203125, "51": 0.018310546875, "69723": 0.1192626953125, "2053": 0.09259033203125, "31897": 0.1380615234375, "120103": 0.1304931640625, "242161": 0.11102294921875, "22282": 0.0628662109375, "47832": 0.05804443359375, "39797": 0.039581298828125, "137567": 0.037445068359375, "106689": 0.1036376953125, "202104": 0.162109375, "24491": 0.1529541015625, "137272": 0.15283203125, "35845": 0.12408447265625, "57888": 0.211669921875, "16711": 0.1085205078125, "221419": 0.07574462890625, "15549": 0.15576171875, "6892": 0.170166015625, "1543": 0.0333251953125, "224833": 0.11419677734375, "1916": 0.0014295578002929688, "57553": 0.07049560546875, "21647": 0.1632080078125, "10644": 0.0136260986328125, "35187": 0.1495361328125, "41207": 0.09393310546875, "15426": 0.0053253173828125, "7722": 0.01399993896484375, "182809": 0.06793212890625, "101412": 0.1817626953125, "1653": 0.1064453125, "164": 0.1099853515625, "8891": 0.17529296875, "113449": 0.1824951171875, "4092": 0.11065673828125, "150": 0.064697265625, "6496": 0.045379638671875, "28368": 0.1019287109375, "74729": 0.1473388671875, "16610": 0.09466552734375, "14922": 0.08673095703125, "36457": 0.1217041015625, "86669": 0.1290283203125, "27226": 0.1783447265625, "933": 0.04193115234375, "195935": 0.167724609375, "76755": 0.11944580078125, "1286": 0.051971435546875, "178376": 0.042449951171875, "333": 0.06427001953125, "191619": 0.1427001953125, "47143": 0.022247314453125, "189353": 0.11102294921875, "58555": 0.05908203125, "22690": 0.08367919921875, "25188": 0.1265869140625, "152050": 0.06884765625, "92054": 0.10955810546875, "75678": 0.129150390625, "20020": 0.114501953125, "150556": 0.06842041015625, "18150": 0.046966552734375, "96759": 0.038848876953125, "21543": 0.06695556640625, "8650": 0.052459716796875, "2811": 0.068359375}
Uncoupling of leading- and lagging-strand DNA replication during lesion bypass in vivo.
Numerous agents attack DNA, forming lesions that impair normal replication. Specialized DNA polymerases transiently replace the replicative polymerase and copy past lesions, thus generating mutations, the major initiating cause of cancer. We monitored, in Escherichia coli, the kinetics of replication of both strands of DNA molecules containing a single replication block in either the leading or lagging strand. Despite a block in the leading strand, lagging-strand synthesis proceeded further, implying transient uncoupling of concurrent strand synthesis. Replication through the lesion requires specialized DNA polymerases and is achieved with similar kinetics and efficiencies in both strands.
{"93511": 0.0970458984375, "10821": 0.045013427734375, "97957": 0.1827392578125, "52875": 0.193603515625, "27583": 0.238037109375, "3173": 0.09405517578125, "199": 0.160888671875, "17514": 0.1666259765625, "566": 0.037109375, "109637": 0.159423828125, "3638": 0.1064453125, "456": 0.10809326171875, "182867": 0.255615234375, "25132": 0.1336669921875, "29367": 0.07183837890625, "35874": 0.1507568359375, "27160": 0.2066650390625, "5908": 0.1282958984375, "3900": 0.1175537109375, "18750": 0.10791015625, "91995": 0.1510009765625, "143126": 0.205810546875, "4935": 0.0948486328125, "184": 0.10382080078125, "43658": 0.1376953125, "11015": 0.0965576171875, "4911": 0.0008325576782226562, "12663": 0.11724853515625, "199334": 0.2066650390625, "13036": 0.1124267578125, "173969": 0.12158203125, "214": 0.0836181640625, "22304": 0.1661376953125, "111": 0.04925537109375, "27968": 0.196533203125, "1401": 0.0174560546875, "12983": 0.144287109375, "297": 0.0458984375, "23": 0.024444580078125, "1184": 0.09033203125, "5372": 0.11871337890625, "14": 0.0802001953125, "38459": 0.1827392578125, "27443": 0.1712646484375, "200": 0.06396484375, "86": 0.0887451171875, "41637": 0.036895751953125, "15044": 0.11456298828125, "32594": 0.180419921875, "49711": 0.06610107421875, "70541": 0.0701904296875, "11001": 0.10772705078125, "46389": 0.1497802734375, "105207": 0.11907958984375, "707": 0.036834716796875, "21": 0.09661865234375, "36659": 0.1671142578125, "61518": 0.0787353515625, "58526": 0.172119140625, "142518": 0.0972900390625, "90": 0.044281005859375, "164": 0.0225830078125, "172337": 0.014129638671875, "53333": 0.0257110595703125, "21980": 0.0186309814453125, "51": 0.03680419921875, "587": 0.00771331787109375, "2037": 0.04083251953125, "133244": 0.1370849609375, "853": 0.1331787109375, "8305": 0.101806640625, "1830": 0.143798828125, "144570": 0.1153564453125, "5361": 0.1474609375, "69307": 0.10821533203125, "21373": 0.0491943359375, "196728": 0.123046875}
Phosphoinositide 3-kinase signalling--which way to target?
Abstract Phosphoinositide 3-kinases (PI3Ks) are central to the control of cell growth, proliferation and survival, and drive the progression of tumours by activating phosphoinositide-dependent kinase, protein kinase B and the target of rapamycin. Other downstream effectors link PI3K to cell motility and the control of cardiovascular parameters. Current knowledge indicates that PI3Ks might qualify as drug targets for the treatment of cancer, chronic inflammation, allergy and cardiovascular failure. However, PI3Ks also modulate vital processes such as metabolic control and nutrient uptake. Here, mechanistic data and mouse phenotypic analyses are summarised, and the possible success of therapeutic inhibition of distinct PI3K isoforms is discussed.
{"233973": 0.1385498046875, "66084": 0.1214599609375, "7": 0.07281494140625, "22014": 0.1585693359375, "41331": 0.10076904296875, "1890": 0.1455078125, "112": 0.10272216796875, "5691": 0.1888427734375, "26658": 0.2149658203125, "5908": 0.135498046875, "15185": 0.18896484375, "363": 0.210693359375, "605": 0.22607421875, "621": 0.04864501953125, "9879": 0.1807861328125, "47": 0.0706787109375, "6226": 0.21728515625, "38750": 0.1727294921875, "75678": 0.1375732421875, "215447": 0.11529541015625, "1363": 0.06365966796875, "218018": 0.139404296875, "4": 0.0028972625732421875, "136": 0.00835418701171875, "22648": 0.162841796875, "70": 0.002971649169921875, "187735": 0.152587890625, "111": 0.004039764404296875, "370": 0.1380615234375, "432": 0.14208984375, "12824": 0.1051025390625, "390": 0.005062103271484375, "34704": 0.1279296875, "1916": 0.00046634674072265625, "6": 0.00354766845703125, "134208": 0.1285400390625, "181063": 0.1292724609375, "24222": 0.153564453125, "184": 0.0543212890625, "21308": 0.10479736328125, "335": 0.1151123046875, "30388": 0.1771240234375, "29892": 0.095458984375, "35624": 0.08441162109375, "6333": 0.11175537109375, "64511": 0.003520965576171875, "7565": 0.07086181640625, "86429": 0.1348876953125, "21543": 0.09027099609375, "3126": 0.1004638671875, "25645": 0.196044921875, "2080": 0.06781005859375, "103133": 0.08673095703125, "207269": 0.130615234375, "171859": 0.0743408203125, "114063": 0.03302001953125, "51359": 0.07867431640625, "117414": 0.0235748291015625, "13648": 0.09686279296875, "14768": 0.07574462890625, "18929": 0.004955291748046875, "48683": 0.15380859375, "100": 0.002338409423828125, "39734": 0.145263671875, "27968": 0.1746826171875, "184843": 0.060211181640625, "203932": 0.1573486328125, "10308": 0.093017578125, "3432": 0.00267791748046875, "137578": 0.1253662109375, "17055": 0.16064453125, "30306": 0.10968017578125, "9433": 0.04888916015625, "90": 0.00281524658203125, "6044": 0.0037479400634765625, "93447": 0.1146240234375, "1771": 0.0029163360595703125, "21650": 0.050140380859375, "2517": 0.0030765533447265625, "11853": 0.013214111328125, "74842": 0.09185791015625, "2053": 0.057647705078125, "114669": 0.135498046875, "88322": 0.0191802978515625, "72057": 0.09515380859375, "18695": 0.0034008026123046875, "51422": 0.09820556640625, "29334": 0.07550048828125, "297": 0.0034656524658203125, "7722": 0.046722412109375, "36272": 0.130859375, "126472": 0.1494140625, "173702": 0.1832275390625, "117781": 0.11785888671875, "13882": 0.08148193359375, "5037": 0.2103271484375, "45252": 0.05078125}
Determination of the time course of capacitation in mouse spermatozoa using a chlortetracycline fluorescence assay.
The heads of mouse spermatozoa obtained 5 min after release from the excised caudae epididymides showed a characteristic fluorescence pattern in the presence of the fluorophore chlortetracycline (CTC). There was uniform fluorescence over the entire head with about half the sperm population showing a brighter line of fluorescence across the equatorial segment; this fluorescence pattern was designated "F". After 90-min incubation in culture medium (CM) containing 2% (w/v) bovine serum albumin, most of the sperm heads showed a dark band of nonfluorescence over the equatorial and postequatorial segment, while the anterior portion of the head showed bright fluorescence. This fluorescence pattern was designated "B." The time course for the disappearance of pattern F matched the time course of the appearance of pattern B, with a half-time of 30 min. The transformation was complete in 90 min. At longer times of incubation in CM, the percentage of spermatozoa showing pattern B declined; fluorescence over the entire head was lost, characteristic of the pattern for acrosome-reacted sperm (P. M. Saling and B. T. Storey (1979). J. Cell Biol. 83, 544-555). Mouse sperm showing pattern B were able to undergo the acrosome reaction, either spontaneously or by induction with acid-solubilized zonae pellucidae from mouse eggs (H.M. Florman and B. T. Storey (1982). Dev. Biol. 91, 121-130). The latter reaction was blocked by its specific inhibitor 3-quinuclidinyl benzilate (QNB). Mouse sperm showing pattern F could not be induced to undergo the acrosome reaction by exposure to solubilized zonae. This implies that the change from fluorescence pattern F to fluorescence pattern B corresponds with changes in the sperm which make them susceptible to undergo the acrosome reaction. This change occurs during the time interval previously determined to be needed for capacitation of mouse sperm in vitro in CM (M. Inoue and D. P. Wolf (1975). Biol. Reprod. 13, 340-346). These results imply that spermatozoa showing CTC fluorescence pattern B can be considered to be capacitated and that a functional definition for capacitation is the acquired ability to undergo the acrosome reaction rapidly when treated with acid-solubilized zonae pellucidae. The CTC fluorescence assay provides for the first time a means to monitor the time course of epididymal mouse sperm capacitation in vitro.
{"10336": 0.2076416015625, "114669": 0.2423095703125, "52547": 0.206787109375, "188": 0.08251953125, "1158": 0.1492919921875, "11": 0.0728759765625, "113054": 0.126220703125, "190": 0.1173095703125, "881": 0.1790771484375, "7103": 0.0316162109375, "54452": 0.1162109375, "1295": 0.01525115966796875, "70": 0.014984130859375, "1119": 0.037017822265625, "318": 0.07769775390625, "5281": 0.01296234130859375, "6874": 0.12841796875, "13": 0.01502227783203125, "25277": 0.06982421875, "32141": 0.051727294921875, "30740": 0.12890625, "988": 0.031097412109375, "168360": 0.04638671875, "10": 0.0272674560546875, "62816": 0.1436767578125, "48242": 0.01425933837890625, "127179": 0.2462158203125, "6964": 0.1300048828125, "6620": 0.039215087890625, "103510": 0.2064208984375, "23": 0.01486968994140625, "169424": 0.06591796875, "111": 0.0149078369140625, "2146": 0.023040771484375, "94187": 0.1524658203125, "170368": 0.09844970703125, "67": 0.0821533203125, "1517": 0.10174560546875, "187830": 0.14794921875, "86": 0.01409912109375, "441": 0.048858642578125, "20499": 0.226806640625, "509": 0.01458740234375, "61514": 0.1337890625, "645": 0.004993438720703125, "64194": 0.0677490234375, "678": 0.014862060546875, "1672": 0.01425933837890625, "23552": 0.07550048828125, "106217": 0.25048828125, "43904": 0.053955078125, "124498": 0.10003662109375, "56": 0.01479339599609375, "13315": 0.00482940673828125, "36880": 0.0300445556640625, "28": 0.0142974853515625, "13722": 0.08416748046875, "77275": 0.0149993896484375, "33180": 0.11517333984375, "4331": 0.10272216796875, "27686": 0.01464080810546875, "919": 0.158935546875, "24372": 0.01873779296875, "33862": 0.1298828125, "1249": 0.15869140625, "90351": 0.2208251953125, "1363": 0.01494598388671875, "29394": 0.11676025390625, "57646": 0.11883544921875, "15": 0.0147552490234375, "36498": 0.141845703125, "16": 0.01482391357421875, "70541": 0.01375579833984375, "214": 0.01488494873046875, "41516": 0.0654296875, "434": 0.014801025390625, "64": 0.0014219284057617188, "334": 0.0115509033203125, "337": 0.0189208984375, "34271": 0.0755615234375, "40": 0.0166473388671875, "1605": 0.10174560546875, "7156": 0.10009765625, "73": 0.0142059326171875, "4": 0.014892578125, "2684": 0.006175994873046875, "7": 0.0148162841796875, "43334": 0.0936279296875, "8753": 0.07470703125, "351": 0.0736083984375, "18026": 0.0863037109375, "80790": 0.07598876953125, "136": 0.01438140869140625, "16475": 0.0064849853515625, "14798": 0.06005859375, "571": 0.154052734375, "1733": 0.1387939453125, "15411": 0.143798828125, "213566": 0.133544921875, "7154": 0.0127410888671875, "563": 0.162353515625, "14858": 0.07550048828125, "297": 0.0152435302734375, "170894": 0.0931396484375, "335": 0.1441650390625, "9": 0.0147705078125, "6032": 0.0144195556640625, "496": 0.10296630859375, "167201": 0.187255859375, "28484": 0.06494140625, "2510": 0.1671142578125, "1913": 0.01451873779296875, "51713": 0.04412841796875, "20028": 0.01235198974609375, "44932": 0.1536865234375, "169209": 0.07745361328125, "141377": 0.0654296875, "206398": 0.09625244140625, "71": 0.01491546630859375, "72856": 0.07720947265625, "100": 0.01483917236328125, "15322": 0.142333984375, "43452": 0.1917724609375, "1283": 0.064453125, "89829": 0.01480865478515625, "683": 0.01433563232421875, "5": 0.01490020751953125, "276": 0.003871917724609375, "6565": 0.01549530029296875, "384": 0.0140380859375, "14934": 0.0565185546875, "53": 0.01470184326171875, "125936": 0.0369873046875, "80743": 0.08343505859375, "10257": 0.034820556640625, "19251": 0.0085601806640625, "8983": 0.013458251953125, "175101": 0.0142059326171875, "70265": 0.015350341796875, "174799": 0.2310791015625, "3542": 0.01433563232421875, "19048": 0.007701873779296875, "47": 0.01496124267578125, "519": 0.0149383544921875, "132539": 0.14892578125, "150189": 0.058807373046875, "79850": 0.01483154296875, "707": 0.0148162841796875, "390": 0.0150146484375, "77391": 0.0134429931640625, "43840": 0.139404296875, "62630": 0.120361328125, "2721": 0.06689453125, "29367": 0.0148773193359375, "4540": 0.09765625, "4203": 0.04278564453125, "71865": 0.118408203125, "85": 0.0147247314453125, "56125": 0.1644287109375, "841": 0.01416778564453125, "594": 0.0140380859375, "49506": 0.075439453125, "669": 0.08465576171875, "226861": 0.046661376953125, "40317": 0.00872039794921875, "20031": 0.01438140869140625, "427": 0.0142822265625, "115727": 0.014373779296875, "62946": 0.0152435302734375, "581": 0.0145721435546875, "3055": 0.0128631591796875, "46389": 0.12274169921875, "6863": 0.01470184326171875, "29458": 0.01491546630859375, "173702": 0.10919189453125, "1290": 0.0147705078125, "1585": 0.0008764266967773438, "120203": 0.0079345703125, "49321": 0.06988525390625, "5809": 0.030181884765625, "959": 0.0438232421875, "186": 0.0150299072265625, "135989": 0.06884765625, "31563": 0.09832763671875, "90": 0.01476287841796875, "450": 0.0147552490234375, "15549": 0.11138916015625, "65572": 0.1014404296875, "3129": 0.01491546630859375, "3249": 0.01477813720703125, "2856": 0.0147705078125, "168194": 0.0263214111328125, "20271": 0.01503753662109375, "51514": 0.01485443115234375, "198395": 0.00839996337890625, "83324": 0.01480865478515625, "79184": 0.2176513671875, "279": 0.1185302734375, "2955": 0.127685546875, "360": 0.0006136894226074219, "796": 0.07342529296875, "391": 0.013580322265625, "436": 0.014892578125, "45492": 0.10418701171875, "134420": 0.07952880859375, "141": 0.0168914794921875, "853": 0.01415252685546875, "112348": 0.032470703125, "17480": 0.01042938232421875, "84988": 0.01041412353515625, "8316": 0.01288604736328125, "117413": 0.015716552734375, "538": 0.01503753662109375, "313": 0.060577392578125, "90698": 0.0024204254150390625, "123309": 0.1290283203125, "80934": 0.116455078125, "1830": 0.08880615234375, "83": 0.01287078857421875, "163629": 0.00011789798736572266, "81273": 0.035980224609375, "1379": 0.00994110107421875, "3229": 0.0150909423828125, "191607": 0.055694580078125, "237": 0.02392578125, "20347": 0.1265869140625, "5117": 0.02691650390625, "12983": 0.11962890625, "106107": 0.038665771484375, "1459": 0.01338958740234375, "2749": 0.01702880859375}
[Detection of CRISPR and its relationship to drug resistance in Shigella].
OBJECTIVE To detect clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR) in Shigella, and to analyze its relationship to drug resistance. METHODS Four pairs of primers were used for the detection of convincing CRISPR structures CRISPR-S2 and CRISPR-S4, questionable CRISPR structures CRISPR-S1 and CRISPR-S3 in 60 Shigella strains. All primers were designed using sequences in CRISPR database. CRISPR Finder was used to analyze CRISPR and susceptibilities of Shigella strains were tested by agar diffusion method. Furthermore, we analyzed the relationship between drug resistance and CRISPR-S4. RESULTS The positive rate of convincing CRISPR structures was 95%. The four CRISPR loci formed 12 spectral patterns (A-L), all of which contained convincing CRISPR structures except type K. We found one new repeat and 12 new spacers. The multi-drug resistance rate was 53. 33% . We found no significant difference between CRISPR-S4 and drug resistant. However, the repeat sequence of CRISPR-S4 in multi- or TE-resistance strains was mainly R4.1 with AC deletions in the 3' end, and the spacer sequences of CRISPR-S4 in multi-drug resistance strains were mainly Sp5.1, Sp6.1 and Sp7. CONCLUSION CRISPR was common in Shigella. Variations df repeat sequences and diversities of spacer sequences might be related to drug resistance in Shigella.
{"35988": 0.0687255859375, "15301": 0.11944580078125, "441": 0.02484130859375, "96391": 0.150146484375, "234737": 0.1995849609375, "297": 0.028472900390625, "186085": 0.1541748046875, "1940": 0.08447265625, "65421": 0.1885986328125, "71": 0.01364898681640625, "16610": 0.1527099609375, "17923": 0.06146240234375, "39670": 0.148193359375, "21068": 0.02490234375, "119140": 0.27685546875, "7": 0.029327392578125, "45956": 0.13037109375, "17255": 0.29443359375, "16": 0.01068115234375, "23": 0.06829833984375, "8294": 0.138916015625, "2679": 0.2196044921875, "143": 0.19775390625, "4": 0.01428985595703125, "7968": 0.0718994140625, "731": 0.01415252685546875, "76755": 0.1361083984375, "48683": 0.2049560546875, "39746": 0.20361328125, "7154": 0.0909423828125, "33677": 0.06915283203125, "193792": 0.039459228515625, "65056": 0.12274169921875, "80836": 0.12060546875, "111": 0.0142364501953125, "4809": 0.1964111328125, "11814": 0.0509033203125, "70": 0.01422882080078125, "149": 0.1126708984375, "58994": 0.020050048828125, "686": 0.15478515625, "215575": 0.19970703125, "45646": 0.197265625, "9": 0.04119873046875, "294": 0.1048583984375, "304": 0.10211181640625, "136": 0.01317596435546875, "617": 0.2239990234375, "9655": 0.12481689453125, "2886": 0.01410675048828125, "418": 0.048583984375, "363": 0.10992431640625, "1496": 0.16162109375, "177488": 0.1854248046875, "3542": 0.01415252685546875, "82775": 0.09027099609375, "17368": 0.00862884521484375, "26513": 0.08782958984375, "5170": 0.01436614990234375, "63399": 0.0970458984375, "26040": 0.152099609375, "56": 0.10760498046875, "47": 0.01430511474609375, "53": 0.014068603515625, "1817": 0.01198577880859375, "19462": 0.06597900390625, "36584": 0.01418304443359375, "2449": 0.0143280029296875, "3034": 0.125, "390": 0.01410675048828125, "6670": 0.1357421875, "45755": 0.030792236328125, "92105": 0.0823974609375, "55300": 0.0482177734375, "9319": 0.0143890380859375, "17678": 0.01384735107421875, "17721": 0.0214080810546875, "218849": 0.05224609375, "24491": 0.14208984375, "34515": 0.140869140625, "158": 0.0777587890625, "60636": 0.061370849609375, "509": 0.032623291015625, "59653": 0.1878662109375, "22759": 0.166015625, "7001": 0.10736083984375, "14": 0.09454345703125, "100": 0.05889892578125, "4806": 0.0140533447265625, "427": 0.123291015625, "48502": 0.06231689453125, "29088": 0.01421356201171875, "103510": 0.1915283203125, "284": 0.0567626953125, "866": 0.061309814453125, "247": 0.01416015625, "756": 0.01092529296875, "3129": 0.014129638671875, "70541": 0.02923583984375, "40494": 0.014251708984375, "10644": 0.09881591796875, "341": 0.0738525390625, "14037": 0.05474853515625, "1632": 0.021240234375, "3525": 0.057952880859375, "150557": 0.2076416015625, "581": 0.0133056640625, "6024": 0.1456298828125, "131836": 0.1627197265625, "8934": 0.0657958984375, "171506": 0.07098388671875, "110": 0.0139923095703125, "60212": 0.10101318359375, "1236": 0.0137481689453125, "40": 0.00733184814453125, "944": 0.0888671875, "3956": 0.0139617919921875, "13018": 0.09783935546875, "107": 0.011383056640625, "172": 0.037933349609375, "116071": 0.010650634765625, "5201": 0.006610870361328125, "538": 0.01421356201171875, "627": 0.032958984375, "120518": 0.11541748046875, "678": 0.0139923095703125, "12944": 0.055694580078125, "24674": 0.1080322265625, "5256": 0.01412200927734375, "138": 0.05047607421875, "25": 0.037628173828125, "3564": 0.052734375, "8019": 0.033233642578125, "156627": 0.1258544921875, "173245": 0.08056640625, "966": 0.059783935546875, "22335": 0.02655029296875, "39210": 0.1741943359375, "111477": 0.1268310546875, "420": 0.09490966796875, "18595": 0.045684814453125, "13648": 0.0606689453125, "186": 0.0143890380859375, "62548": 0.041107177734375}
The helicase DDX41 senses intracellular DNA mediated by the adaptor STING in dendritic cells
The recognition of pathogenic DNA is important to the initiation of antiviral responses. Here we report the identification of DDX41, a member of the DEXDc family of helicases, as an intracellular DNA sensor in myeloid dendritic cells (mDCs). Knockdown of DDX41 expression by short hairpin RNA blocked the ability of mDCs to mount type I interferon and cytokine responses to DNA and DNA viruses. Overexpression of both DDX41 and the membrane-associated adaptor STING together had a synergistic effect in promoting Ifnb promoter activity. DDX41 bound both DNA and STING and localized together with STING in the cytosol. Knockdown of DDX41 expression blocked activation of the mitogen-activated protein kinase TBK1 and the transcription factors NF-κB and IRF3 by B-form DNA. Our results suggest that DDX41 is an additional DNA sensor that depends on STING to sense pathogenic DNA.
{"230466": 0.1485595703125, "60875": 0.11236572265625, "62976": 0.1842041015625, "1771": 0.0478515625, "27583": 0.20654296875, "5526": 0.11456298828125, "173969": 0.0665283203125, "2874": 0.050933837890625, "7203": 0.07781982421875, "57553": 0.1285400390625, "13416": 0.038360595703125, "221160": 0.134033203125, "24057": 0.1617431640625, "1542": 0.2261962890625, "8894": 0.27783203125, "32786": 0.1011962890625, "1514": 0.1744384765625, "92837": 0.1553955078125, "238": 0.11407470703125, "14449": 0.0924072265625, "50651": 0.1417236328125, "58437": 0.201171875, "18440": 0.09478759765625, "8969": 0.076171875, "43111": 0.260009765625, "7705": 0.099609375, "365": 0.1077880859375, "532": 0.054595947265625, "8": 0.056671142578125, "29887": 0.10101318359375, "38750": 0.11181640625, "39": 0.0193634033203125, "21960": 0.14453125, "70344": 0.0687255859375, "2594": 0.0016689300537109375, "34695": 0.1387939453125, "125195": 0.1573486328125, "390": 0.01016998291015625, "16610": 0.1290283203125, "24887": 0.1346435546875, "5128": 0.1390380859375, "125499": 0.1492919921875, "46389": 0.1605224609375, "81273": 0.04541015625, "347": 0.024261474609375, "121147": 0.12115478515625, "10644": 0.07281494140625, "87": 0.03509521484375, "1940": 0.0224609375, "2875": 0.105224609375, "6448": 0.0911865234375, "136": 0.032470703125, "14994": 0.11199951171875, "204629": 0.1605224609375, "107834": 0.0701904296875, "45388": 0.07611083984375, "39908": 0.12066650390625, "159": 0.017059326171875, "68151": 0.2315673828125, "25842": 0.044891357421875, "56": 0.03759765625, "21543": 0.088134765625, "8891": 0.07940673828125, "4263": 0.049896240234375, "275": 0.08349609375, "125568": 0.1092529296875, "103488": 0.048248291015625, "99091": 0.1759033203125, "4000": 0.09405517578125, "188": 0.028472900390625, "8748": 0.148193359375, "34704": 0.077880859375, "491": 0.09521484375, "111438": 0.08154296875, "21308": 0.1168212890625, "24222": 0.08624267578125, "184": 0.0384521484375, "76460": 0.157470703125, "418": 0.038299560546875, "120103": 0.065185546875, "73493": 0.0928955078125, "571": 0.0621337890625, "54612": 0.126220703125, "363": 0.08209228515625, "335": 0.04632568359375, "5037": 0.12109375, "42459": 0.01526641845703125, "78301": 0.08624267578125, "56566": 0.1383056640625, "10422": 0.1392822265625}
Radiotherapy plus concomitant and adjuvant temozolomide for glioblastoma.
BACKGROUND Glioblastoma, the most common primary brain tumor in adults, is usually rapidly fatal. The current standard of care for newly diagnosed glioblastoma is surgical resection to the extent feasible, followed by adjuvant radiotherapy. In this trial we compared radiotherapy alone with radiotherapy plus temozolomide, given concomitantly with and after radiotherapy, in terms of efficacy and safety. METHODS Patients with newly diagnosed, histologically confirmed glioblastoma were randomly assigned to receive radiotherapy alone (fractionated focal irradiation in daily fractions of 2 Gy given 5 days per week for 6 weeks, for a total of 60 Gy) or radiotherapy plus continuous daily temozolomide (75 mg per square meter of body-surface area per day, 7 days per week from the first to the last day of radiotherapy), followed by six cycles of adjuvant temozolomide (150 to 200 mg per square meter for 5 days during each 28-day cycle). The primary end point was overall survival. RESULTS A total of 573 patients from 85 centers underwent randomization. The median age was 56 years, and 84 percent of patients had undergone debulking surgery. At a median follow-up of 28 months, the median survival was 14.6 months with radiotherapy plus temozolomide and 12.1 months with radiotherapy alone. The unadjusted hazard ratio for death in the radiotherapy-plus-temozolomide group was 0.63 (95 percent confidence interval, 0.52 to 0.75; P<0.001 by the log-rank test). The two-year survival rate was 26.5 percent with radiotherapy plus temozolomide and 10.4 percent with radiotherapy alone. Concomitant treatment with radiotherapy plus temozolomide resulted in grade 3 or 4 hematologic toxic effects in 7 percent of patients. CONCLUSIONS The addition of temozolomide to radiotherapy for newly diagnosed glioblastoma resulted in a clinically meaningful and statistically significant survival benefit with minimal additional toxicity.
{"8678": 0.060333251953125, "20572": 0.040924072265625, "136498": 0.06365966796875, "19059": 0.1331787109375, "89533": 0.2021484375, "7": 0.05072021484375, "63348": 0.179931640625, "2684": 0.1107177734375, "39210": 0.15869140625, "158978": 0.13330078125, "78574": 0.1805419921875, "57412": 0.172607421875, "23": 0.0272216796875, "116127": 0.1483154296875, "4": 0.026824951171875, "83": 0.0149993896484375, "56104": 0.076904296875, "25545": 0.11004638671875, "538": 0.02691650390625, "85235": 0.1258544921875, "43581": 0.06805419921875, "5570": 0.1414794921875, "111": 0.026763916015625, "517": 0.12890625, "3525": 0.0419921875, "99219": 0.1302490234375, "1978": 0.144287109375, "613": 0.05682373046875, "177": 0.025390625, "21533": 0.02581787109375, "3332": 0.06719970703125, "58994": 0.10418701171875, "47": 0.026519775390625, "70": 0.0266571044921875, "192961": 0.01404571533203125, "3820": 0.0538330078125, "11": 0.0247955322265625, "55356": 0.025390625, "390": 0.0265960693359375, "606": 0.046783447265625, "461": 0.162353515625, "30624": 0.08056640625, "5977": 0.19091796875, "106864": 0.1954345703125, "110324": 0.1510009765625, "154186": 0.1312255859375, "75447": 0.1531982421875, "678": 0.0258026123046875, "1001": 0.1488037109375, "75197": 0.19091796875, "1158": 0.171630859375, "6511": 0.1995849609375, "2506": 0.17919921875, "158": 0.0262603759765625, "277": 0.059417724609375, "14": 0.026641845703125, "18211": 0.0266571044921875, "136": 0.026641845703125, "7103": 0.06378173828125, "69407": 0.0159759521484375, "9129": 0.00788116455078125, "22346": 0.05291748046875, "2408": 0.0266265869140625, "81900": 0.0892333984375, "33677": 0.05963134765625, "193792": 0.016510009765625, "135004": 0.07073974609375, "71": 0.0264434814453125, "1919": 0.05621337890625, "18": 0.024749755859375, "109622": 0.025726318359375, "39563": 0.1126708984375, "297": 0.0266876220703125, "3542": 0.023284912109375, "96759": 0.125, "95486": 0.047698974609375, "53299": 0.046966552734375, "175921": 0.09942626953125, "27686": 0.026641845703125, "89716": 0.1248779296875, "193": 0.0133514404296875, "10541": 0.1158447265625, "2320": 0.0263824462890625, "31815": 0.07562255859375, "6": 0.026763916015625, "116": 0.037628173828125, "11998": 0.053985595703125, "34475": 0.0274200439453125, "190": 0.062408447265625, "13312": 0.026275634765625, "117": 0.02655029296875, "5895": 0.04864501953125, "100": 0.026580810546875, "305": 0.045135498046875, "40859": 0.023590087890625, "10": 0.02679443359375, "3622": 0.016937255859375, "1496": 0.11865234375, "16": 0.02398681640625, "707": 0.0257720947265625, "62005": 0.08905029296875, "223": 0.02679443359375, "15": 0.0268707275390625, "6873": 0.104248046875, "12010": 0.1083984375, "108047": 0.0259246826171875, "11903": 0.0255584716796875, "14361": 0.05535888671875, "9": 0.026641845703125, "7102": 0.0278778076171875, "40404": 0.026702880859375, "16128": 0.026031494140625, "5155": 0.0251007080078125, "361": 0.02667236328125, "1295": 0.0262603759765625, "5117": 0.00128936767578125, "4568": 0.02667236328125, "247": 0.0266876220703125, "134629": 0.00019752979278564453, "37195": 0.059326171875, "105823": 0.1236572265625, "19236": 0.0246734619140625, "1781": 0.06878662109375, "20271": 0.025390625, "12638": 0.025360107421875, "37805": 0.061248779296875, "5636": 0.0239715576171875, "3564": 0.1180419921875, "6275": 0.095947265625, "128512": 0.12939453125, "218018": 0.20263671875, "218849": 0.05230712890625, "294": 0.0235137939453125, "62": 0.0223236083984375, "198938": 0.1468505859375, "60264": 0.1153564453125, "9365": 0.10369873046875, "27585": 0.10888671875, "1379": 0.0099334716796875, "47691": 0.0258636474609375, "581": 0.0254058837890625, "2450": 0.1297607421875, "19": 0.0267181396484375, "32070": 0.1024169921875, "509": 0.025543212890625, "9103": 0.09173583984375, "5369": 0.0264739990234375, "14885": 0.07659912109375, "33297": 0.04510498046875, "519": 0.0220794677734375, "86": 0.0266265869140625, "8": 0.1424560546875, "8516": 0.1541748046875, "6048": 0.0244903564453125, "54053": 0.1439208984375, "1913": 0.026214599609375, "28960": 0.0732421875, "2037": 0.026824951171875, "1372": 0.06915283203125, "21775": 0.12213134765625, "6370": 0.04571533203125, "910": 0.026397705078125, "5035": 0.030670166015625, "418": 0.0265655517578125, "20314": 0.04705810546875, "141033": 0.1988525390625, "70460": 0.11419677734375, "47219": 0.1463623046875, "32108": 0.172119140625, "2982": 0.1143798828125, "82471": 0.1346435546875, "21115": 0.10516357421875, "5": 0.0267181396484375, "15748": 0.01055145263671875, "8821": 0.06787109375, "159454": 0.154541015625, "51514": 0.0250091552734375, "81730": 0.0234222412109375, "304": 0.0269317626953125, "757": 0.026947021484375, "74": 0.0267333984375, "436": 0.0265045166015625, "16093": 0.0266571044921875, "12684": 0.0167694091796875, "36467": 0.0211639404296875, "3034": 0.019866943359375, "6626": 0.0478515625, "46799": 0.08648681640625, "34515": 0.0726318359375, "12490": 0.058258056640625, "758": 0.026763916015625, "4068": 0.0249176025390625, "617": 0.026885986328125, "1657": 0.0220489501953125, "39734": 0.123046875, "16750": 0.0028858184814453125, "44000": 0.041534423828125, "138": 0.0241241455078125, "201": 0.0224151611328125, "153838": 0.0596923828125, "60920": 0.021575927734375, "74735": 0.19384765625, "93425": 0.0633544921875, "37486": 0.0233001708984375, "66044": 0.114013671875, "56465": 0.01399993896484375, "25958": 0.02667236328125, "91084": 0.0229339599609375, "7844": 0.02679443359375, "80835": 0.03485107421875, "88551": 0.026031494140625, "68073": 0.09088134765625, "20187": 0.10089111328125, "78301": 0.0282135009765625, "2481": 0.0263214111328125}
Drug interactions between oral contraceptives and antibiotics.
OBJECTIVE To evaluate the evidence on possible drug interactions between antibiotics and oral contraceptives (OCs) that may lead to OC failure. DATA SOURCES MEDLINE and Lexis/Nexis Medical Library searches for 1966-1999 using the key word "oral contraceptives," cross-indexed with the terms "antibiotics," "adverse effects," and "pregnancy," and MEDLINE search using the additional MeSH term "drug interactions. " No language restrictions were used. METHODS OF STUDY SELECTION A total of 167 articles were retrieved for analysis. Another 32 articles were identified by review of the references cited in these publications. Articles were selected based on their ability to provide information on the relationship between antibiotic therapy and OC efficacy in otherwise compliant users (defined as women with unplanned pregnancies who reported compliance with their OC regimen). Additionally, studies that either directly measured the effects of antibiotics on the pharmacokinetics of OC components, or that analyzed the effects of antibiotics on measures of ovulation in OC users were accepted. TABULATION, INTEGRATION, AND RESULTS At least 30 cases have been reported of pregnancies occurring in women taking OCs and antibiotics, particularly rifampin. Approximately 20% of pregnant women reporting to family planning or abortion clinics reported concomitant OC and antibiotic use. Information from adverse event reporting databases generally mirrors the types of information gleaned from these case reports and clinical surveys and accounts for approximately one-third of reported cases. Retrospective surveys, primarily from dermatology-based practices, also have reported 24 pregnancies in OC users who concomitantly received therapy with antibiotics, most commonly tetracyclines and penicillins. Apparent OC failure rates in clinical surveys were within the usual range expected for patterns of typical use. In pooled results obtained from relatively small populations, oral antibiotics, with the exception of rifampin, have not significantly affected the pharmacokinetics of ethinyl estradiol, levonorgestrel, and norethindrone or reduced the serum concentrations of gonadotropins. However, individual patients have been identified who experienced significant decreases in the plasma concentration of these components of OCs and who appeared to ovulate. CONCLUSION Rifampin impairs the effectiveness of OCs. Pharmacokinetic studies of other antibiotics have not shown any systematic interaction between antibiotics and OC steroids. However, individual patients do show large decreases in the plasma concentrations of ethinyl estradiol when they take certain other antibiotics, notably tetracycline and penicillin derivatives. Because it is not possible to identify these women in advance, a cautious approach is advised.
{"35988": 0.06475830078125, "15301": 0.1275634765625, "441": 0.01512908935546875, "151575": 0.0677490234375, "77950": 0.12005615234375, "7722": 0.0303955078125, "48683": 0.182373046875, "182809": 0.2159423828125, "7": 0.1092529296875, "17721": 0.0517578125, "156774": 0.273681640625, "136": 0.0902099609375, "30202": 0.193603515625, "2304": 0.1998291015625, "16615": 0.2138671875, "42991": 0.11590576171875, "29065": 0.210693359375, "16": 0.00823211669921875, "1543": 0.0288238525390625, "37105": 0.0016222000122070312, "91888": 0.2152099609375, "137578": 0.2159423828125, "17758": 0.06048583984375, "76234": 0.04827880859375, "48114": 0.11492919921875, "57339": 0.1512451171875, "172522": 0.060882568359375, "64": 0.0034351348876953125, "33102": 0.0931396484375, "69292": 0.07421875, "103835": 0.132568359375, "33938": 0.07958984375, "90": 0.007335662841796875, "36236": 0.1527099609375, "55157": 0.138427734375, "70": 0.009429931640625, "22799": 0.030364990234375, "2565": 0.052825927734375, "116235": 0.1829833984375, "4": 0.0094757080078125, "58": 0.00919342041015625, "41421": 0.0545654296875, "9": 0.00928497314453125, "4711": 0.07269287109375, "297": 0.0094146728515625, "678": 0.00926971435546875, "69407": 0.03472900390625, "5772": 0.0718994140625, "8730": 0.1788330078125, "41637": 0.00849151611328125, "44": 0.008880615234375, "712": 0.007904052734375, "37676": 0.171875, "93425": 0.1549072265625, "4692": 0.115234375, "7456": 0.1986083984375, "27771": 0.00864410400390625, "17368": 0.006023406982421875, "78301": 0.01763916015625, "1215": 0.0899658203125, "12927": 0.1553955078125, "13579": 0.024658203125, "131836": 0.171875, "438": 0.00042629241943359375, "46876": 0.11962890625, "185190": 0.05950927734375, "3542": 0.00942230224609375, "33677": 0.0064849853515625, "193792": 0.0194244384765625, "294": 0.00930023193359375, "31766": 0.0092315673828125, "6": 0.00931549072265625, "94432": 0.054718017578125, "43098": 0.00835418701171875, "6755": 0.02520751953125, "151567": 0.03924560546875, "35213": 0.009307861328125, "111": 0.00954437255859375, "87010": 0.1300048828125, "38440": 0.1322021484375, "456": 0.00896453857421875, "97351": 0.03997802734375, "4126": 0.00942230224609375, "100": 0.0094146728515625, "114137": 0.06524658203125, "2789": 0.056396484375, "207487": 0.033660888671875, "390": 0.009246826171875, "91067": 0.12322998046875, "3674": 0.0094757080078125, "23": 0.0095367431640625, "6097": 0.00849151611328125, "104345": 0.05731201171875, "24241": 0.1268310546875, "133291": 0.0484619140625, "98": 0.009368896484375, "2363": 0.0092010498046875, "47": 0.00937652587890625, "22691": 0.00931549072265625, "76755": 0.07244873046875, "106864": 0.166748046875, "9129": 0.054534912109375, "2408": 0.0093231201171875, "9969": 0.0168609619140625, "150": 0.00928497314453125, "1236": 0.009307861328125, "72095": 0.11431884765625, "15": 0.00927734375, "112": 0.009246826171875, "5983": 0.00885009765625, "237": 0.00914764404296875, "24793": 0.1484375, "51": 0.0065765380859375, "5868": 0.119384765625, "14534": 0.0094451904296875, "479": 0.170166015625, "117538": 0.00940704345703125, "2750": 0.00931549072265625, "113771": 0.047821044921875, "225932": 0.1331787109375, "63647": 0.07470703125, "19": 0.1474609375, "14": 0.00931549072265625, "43315": 0.00921630859375, "538": 0.00933837890625, "96335": 0.07550048828125, "450": 0.00916290283203125, "40101": 0.003734588623046875, "105237": 0.00875091552734375, "71": 0.009429931640625, "163414": 0.1180419921875, "100090": 0.039825439453125, "1212": 0.11236572265625, "82761": 0.1435546875, "707": 0.00829315185546875, "7968": 0.0012664794921875, "53": 0.00943756103515625, "64807": 0.00887298583984375, "45371": 0.2254638671875, "57860": 0.0830078125, "131545": 0.1346435546875, "84780": 0.007724761962890625, "102686": 0.1268310546875, "218849": 0.0260467529296875, "1913": 0.00933837890625, "19713": 0.0080413818359375, "496": 0.12445068359375, "50218": 0.0841064453125, "765": 0.0093231201171875, "2809": 0.0093841552734375, "74918": 0.0003185272216796875, "2852": 0.0093536376953125, "35971": 0.111572265625, "106480": 0.0204620361328125, "66360": 0.151611328125, "45938": 0.200439453125, "5787": 0.00933074951171875, "1352": 0.00927734375, "37838": 0.00931549072265625, "12719": 0.0987548828125, "181036": 0.2100830078125, "13416": 0.04693603515625, "214": 0.00936126708984375, "14449": 0.00473785400390625, "58136": 0.10302734375, "64853": 0.1846923828125, "1830": 0.00922393798828125, "56465": 0.0706787109375, "277": 0.0438232421875, "18211": 0.009368896484375, "4527": 0.07464599609375, "1295": 0.00930023193359375, "64406": 0.1033935546875, "13": 0.0092926025390625, "19732": 0.06878662109375, "63399": 0.07794189453125, "191551": 0.0250091552734375, "52895": 0.007843017578125, "67830": 0.007709503173828125, "66": 0.0093536376953125, "7225": 0.0087890625, "117729": 0.00902557373046875, "289": 0.00946807861328125, "110297": 0.08984375, "15426": 0.00827789306640625, "189275": 0.00937652587890625, "1632": 0.0091400146484375, "16711": 0.00798797607421875, "4935": 0.009307861328125, "102917": 0.008331298828125, "156859": 0.08319091796875, "77007": 0.00848388671875, "41361": 0.00839996337890625, "744": 0.09295654296875, "158": 0.0091552734375, "75204": 0.008544921875, "2684": 0.0094146728515625, "39210": 0.0077667236328125, "120": 0.03167724609375, "1517": 0.08306884765625, "187830": 0.11627197265625, "1444": 0.0086669921875, "280": 0.0185546875, "4158": 0.08697509765625, "52704": 0.0122833251953125, "121297": 0.01421356201171875, "28032": 0.00917816162109375, "115723": 0.00927734375, "37457": 0.00943756103515625, "84751": 0.023681640625, "222201": 0.007610321044921875, "360": 0.00832366943359375, "113054": 0.00925445556640625, "35845": 0.0092010498046875, "19336": 0.00902557373046875, "959": 0.049560546875, "207583": 0.028411865234375, "195052": 0.0997314453125, "82": 0.061553955078125, "4505": 0.1243896484375, "8613": 0.0728759765625, "437": 0.07232666015625, "38446": 0.205810546875, "141": 0.0082550048828125, "1478": 0.035736083984375, "525": 0.00926971435546875, "7962": 0.00848388671875, "2264": 0.0090484619140625, "55380": 0.00702667236328125, "86345": 0.00860595703125, "40": 0.0061798095703125, "1605": 0.00765228271484375, "89045": 0.047454833984375, "29813": 0.08819580078125, "33306": 0.003002166748046875, "60264": 0.08349609375, "122446": 0.00323486328125, "88551": 0.009246826171875, "227204": 0.1597900390625, "80796": 0.10833740234375, "118775": 0.030181884765625, "19309": 0.0256500244140625, "22335": 0.0229034423828125, "115965": 0.12384033203125, "566": 0.08160400390625, "109637": 0.146240234375, "60266": 0.092529296875, "130480": 0.05413818359375, "9523": 0.0094146728515625, "127887": 0.0081787109375, "2499": 0.00928497314453125, "242161": 0.00911712646484375, "109049": 0.12030029296875, "5": 0.00925445556640625, "11651": 0.00919342041015625, "54": 0.00931549072265625, "7639": 0.0093536376953125, "21334": 0.00928497314453125, "202104": 0.04541015625, "3229": 0.00855255126953125, "1836": 0.009429931640625, "5646": 0.0090789794921875, "24233": 0.00872039794921875, "78458": 0.0088043212890625, "86": 0.0088348388671875, "30057": 0.04852294921875, "442": 0.00948333740234375, "83": 0.00946044921875, "135812": 0.1416015625, "129745": 0.07342529296875, "377": 0.00894927978515625, "7130": 0.075439453125, "10821": 0.00942230224609375, "51515": 0.051605224609375, "115992": 0.06939697265625}
Male Japanese quails with female brains do not show male sexual behaviors.
During embryonic development, gonadal steroid hormones (androgens and estrogens) are thought to organize the sexual differentiation of the brain in the heterogametic sexes of higher vertebrates (males in mammals, females in birds). Brain differentiation of the homogametic sexes is thought to proceed by default, not requiring sex hormones for sex-specific organization. In gallinaceous birds such as the Japanese quail, female brain organization is thought to develop via estrogen-dependent demasculinization of a default male brain phenotype. We performed male donor-to-female host (MF), female-to-male (FM), male-to-male (MM), and female-to-female (FF) isotopic, isochronic transplantation of the forebrain primordium in Japanese quail embryos before gonadal differentiation had occurred; brain chimeras had a forebrain (including the hypothalamus) originating exclusively from donor cells. MM, FF, and MF chimeras all showed sexual behavior governed by the genetic sex of the host. In contrast, FM chimeras (genetically female forebrain, all other tissues genetically male) showed no mounting and only rudimentary crowing behavior. Although MM, FF, MF, and FM chimeras all showed host-typical production of steroid hormones during embryonic life, only FM chimeras were hypogonadal, had atypical low levels of circulating testosterone in adulthood, and showed reduction (crowing) or absence (mounting) of reproductive behaviors. Morphological features of the medial preoptic nucleus (a sexually dimorphic brain area) also were not male-like in FM males. These data demonstrate a brain-intrinsic, genetically determined component that organizes the sex-typical production of gonadal hormones in adulthood and call for a reevaluation of the mechanisms underlying brain sexual differentiation in other higher-vertebrate species.
{"133698": 0.0718994140625, "352": 0.07763671875, "21731": 0.19775390625, "31": 0.09613037109375, "6402": 0.08709716796875, "34754": 0.1478271484375, "738": 0.086181640625, "76": 0.1304931640625, "2465": 0.18212890625, "109049": 0.208740234375, "133818": 0.2237548828125, "7": 0.035736083984375, "51796": 0.1302490234375, "20583": 0.1783447265625, "136": 0.06451416015625, "210279": 0.21044921875, "16": 0.0293121337890625, "17569": 0.1331787109375, "47": 0.025482177734375, "5808": 0.2025146484375, "13": 0.07269287109375, "70": 0.0291900634765625, "17688": 0.237060546875, "99710": 0.22900390625, "2320": 0.0462646484375, "78574": 0.2366943359375, "23": 0.0290069580078125, "77099": 0.1273193359375, "35311": 0.2091064453125, "9523": 0.055938720703125, "1100": 0.2154541015625, "90": 0.029296875, "111": 0.02911376953125, "77546": 0.144775390625, "38715": 0.09259033203125, "2844": 0.210205078125, "1636": 0.028717041015625, "49100": 0.1207275390625, "21968": 0.11981201171875, "8080": 0.021881103515625, "4": 0.029327392578125, "117776": 0.197998046875, "263": 0.1807861328125, "6468": 0.07647705078125, "6163": 0.1829833984375, "73": 0.11285400390625, "12840": 0.1260986328125, "83": 0.0263214111328125, "172337": 0.0882568359375, "390": 0.02862548828125, "114977": 0.23046875, "959": 0.07550048828125, "186607": 0.052459716796875, "449": 0.02728271484375, "100": 0.088134765625, "9": 0.0291900634765625, "159975": 0.1490478515625, "53702": 0.2247314453125, "24810": 0.08074951171875, "885": 0.089599609375, "329": 0.036712646484375, "10821": 0.028900146484375, "237": 0.024627685546875, "148926": 0.172119140625, "2799": 0.197998046875, "379": 0.18017578125, "85493": 0.11444091796875, "1829": 0.015533447265625, "181063": 0.09332275390625, "78517": 0.13720703125, "76153": 0.127685546875, "47691": 0.021209716796875, "10": 0.0291595458984375, "11280": 0.144287109375, "11521": 0.033477783203125, "21004": 0.08233642578125, "50986": 0.18408203125, "51339": 0.0728759765625, "297": 0.0290679931640625, "164441": 0.2235107421875, "188": 0.1416015625, "2242": 0.15869140625, "27980": 0.228515625, "65692": 0.163330078125, "15": 0.0293121337890625, "59370": 0.18017578125, "247": 0.0293426513671875, "25590": 0.1287841796875, "30110": 0.1549072265625, "13882": 0.042510986328125, "119499": 0.09747314453125, "101966": 0.07843017578125, "1771": 0.0291900634765625, "116192": 0.1990966796875, "10014": 0.0870361328125, "42": 0.048675537109375, "28483": 0.1317138671875, "232": 0.0280609130859375, "8108": 0.046234130859375, "1902": 0.0307159423828125, "74918": 0.0276947021484375, "2822": 0.029144287109375, "1658": 0.147216796875, "27160": 0.251220703125, "216561": 0.0140228271484375, "75690": 0.12469482421875, "89625": 0.109375, "2647": 0.0281219482421875, "62038": 0.0997314453125, "1916": 0.028411865234375, "97629": 0.025177001953125, "538": 0.0291290283203125, "1295": 0.0282135009765625, "38750": 0.12939453125, "41646": 0.1392822265625, "106076": 0.1461181640625, "99234": 0.1492919921875, "756": 0.026153564453125, "168360": 0.0272674560546875, "123166": 0.191650390625, "23131": 0.1605224609375, "101412": 0.144287109375, "360": 0.029052734375, "69822": 0.032684326171875, "21855": 0.18212890625, "1409": 0.09930419921875, "126": 0.0291748046875, "71407": 0.0291748046875, "3789": 0.02520751953125, "108055": 0.091064453125, "25958": 0.02923583984375, "110": 0.05615234375, "931": 0.052001953125, "128396": 0.0162200927734375, "4734": 0.018707275390625, "6": 0.02886962890625, "44720": 0.0023651123046875, "53470": 0.0293426513671875, "53": 0.02923583984375, "13081": 0.14013671875, "14775": 0.0291900634765625, "46280": 0.1474609375, "21533": 0.0291290283203125, "36049": 0.08184814453125, "20271": 0.01568603515625, "6897": 0.07049560546875, "3542": 0.0281219482421875, "58108": 0.1385498046875, "27226": 0.111572265625, "90926": 0.0254058837890625, "41263": 0.07586669921875, "95129": 0.1270751953125, "25171": 0.09515380859375, "44462": 0.026947021484375, "456": 0.00180816650390625, "707": 0.0257568359375, "112199": 0.0360107421875, "121147": 0.022308349609375, "214": 0.029266357421875, "42238": 0.0872802734375, "4935": 0.02923583984375, "5919": 0.0247650146484375, "11727": 0.02044677734375, "109622": 0.0277099609375, "66139": 0.0897216796875, "2450": 0.0872802734375, "141": 0.02911376953125, "479": 0.05950927734375, "112569": 0.101806640625, "11030": 0.050994873046875, "223": 0.029266357421875, "11": 0.02911376953125, "45": 0.02569580078125, "178851": 0.0240478515625, "16128": 0.0144500732421875, "5062": 0.1290283203125, "2053": 0.04046630859375, "33310": 0.1175537109375, "27744": 0.0293121337890625, "83324": 0.05902099609375, "71": 0.0290985107421875, "82761": 0.1075439453125, "450": 0.010772705078125, "159258": 0.04742431640625, "1363": 0.0290679931640625, "191619": 0.1177978515625, "1379": 0.01033782958984375, "78867": 0.0771484375, "67": 0.028564453125, "114149": 0.07232666015625}